Учебник Английский язык 7 класс Афанасьева Михеева

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 7 класс Афанасьева Михеева - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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^ D р о ф а ДК 373.167.1:811.111 Ш 81.2АВГЛ-922 А94 Афанасьева, О. В. А94 Английский язык. Серия «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ» : 3-й год обучения. 7 кл. : учеб, для обще* образоват. учреждений / О. В. Афанасьева. И. В. Михеева. — 4-е изд.. стереотип. — М. : Дрофа, 2007. — 269, [3] с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-358-02779-3 Учебник, СОЗДАННЫЙ известными саециали<ггнмн в об.ЗАСТ» нрекодввання английского языка О. В. Афанасьевой н И. В. Михеевой, предназначен для >-4auxHXCJl общеч>браэовательных шко.! и является основным ко.мпокектом учебно-методического коип.текта для третьего года обучения, в который также входят две рабо-чке тетради, книга для учителя и набор аудиокассет. УДК 378.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2 Лнгл-92г IBN 978-5-358-02779-3 «ООО «Дрофа>. 2004 «ООО «Дрофа». 2005,сиэм*кевв»в UNIT ONE Travelling in Russia and Abroad^ Step One Do It Together 1. Listen to the tape^ (1). Who visited these places last summer? Example: Mary was in St. Petersburg. Peter and Bob were in Blackpool. 2) Betty and Polly a) Moscow b) Canada c) the Lake District jL 6) Jim ^ abroad is1>n>;d] — за границей ^ a tape [top] — аудиозапись, пленка d) Russia e) England f) Rome 7) Bob and Andren g) Spain 8) Dolly h) Brighton 9) Cathie and her brother i) Florida, USA Natasha and her family j) France Британский музей (The British Museum) — один из самых известных музеев Лондона. В музее можно увидеть произведения искусства древности, коллекции монет, рисунков, рукописей и даже древнеегипетские мумии в саркофагах. Музей был открыт в 1759 году, современное здание музея было построено к 1852 году по проекту Роберта Смирка (Robert Smirke ($тз:к]). Британская библиотека долгое время была частью музея. Во время посещения музея можно попасть в знаменитый читальный зал. где когда-то работали известные ученые и писатели, например Диккенс, Теккерей и Бернард Шоу. Трафа.тьгарская площадь (Trafalgar [tra'fselgs] Square) расположена в самом центре Лондона. Она была так названа в память об адмирале лорде Нельсоне и его блистательной победе над наполеоновской эскадрой у мыса Трафальгар в 1805 году. Пятидесятимет-ровая колонна с фиг>'рой Нельсона наверху в центре площади — памятник великому флотоводцу. Площадь играет важную роль в жизни города. Здесь проводят- I ся политические демонстрации, сюда к новогодней елке приходят встречать праздник лондонцы. Сити (the City) — деловая часть Лондона. Она занимает площадь в одну квадратную милю (около двух с половиной квадратных километров). В этой части города мало жителей, но каждое утро сюда приезжают многочисленные служащие, работающие в сотнях банков и офисов, расположенных в Сити. 2. Say what places Olga and Vera visited in London i Example: They visited the British Museum. 3. This is Olga's letter to her mother. What regular and irregular verbs in the past tense did she use in it? A LETTER Li>ndon 15 wonderful! Yesterday )лпе toak me to the City and theiJ Tower of London. 5he showed me Trafalgar Scjuare. I enjoyed all those places. We had lunch In a small cafe near the Houses of* Parliament. I wrote and sent ’ you a po^tCArd^ with a picture of Trafalgar Square. In the evening we watche^^^ i television and spoke about London. We arc going to visit Oxford and Cda^o>vf j soon. I'm very happy. I'm writing this letter in English to practbe^ it. j Lotsoflove, Olga ■ 4. Listen to the tape, (2). These are some verb forms'^, can — could drive — drove swim — swam! get(up) — got(up) put — put say — said 5. Say what the English schoolchildren could see and visit in Moscow. « 1. the Kremlin * regular and irregular verbs — правильные и неправильные глаголы * а postcard ['pdustkad] — почтовая открытка * to practise I'pricktis] — практиковаться (правильный глагол) ■* verb forms — глагольные формы Sam is a painter. These are the things he usually does. Say what he did yesterday. Check and repeat*, (3). Example: Sam goes to Hyde Park every day. Sam went to Hyde Park yesterday. /) Sam gets up at seven o’clock in the morning. 2) Sam puts his lunch in his bag. 3) Sam says goodbye to his wife Jane, 4) Sam drives to the city swimming bath. 5) Sam swims in the swimming bath. 6) Sam drives to Hyde Park to paint pictures. 7) At four o'clock Sam puts his paints in his bag. 8) Sam drives his car home. 3) Sam says hello to his wife Jane. 20) Sam enjoys his evening at home. Say what Sam and Jane did last Saturday. Check and repeat, 5Э met. drove, drank, said, made, listened, s had, read, got up, came, took, came, took, had, wrote, watched Example: Sam and Jane got up very late, at П o’clock. /) They... their breakfast in a small cafe'. 2) They ... their friends, Kate and Jim, near the cinema. 3) They all... a new interesting film. 4) They ... to the Italian Pizza House to have dinner. 5) After dinner Sam and Jane ... goodbye to their friends. 6) Sam and Jane ... home at six o’clock. 7) At home they ... tea and ... it with some chocolate cake. 8) In the evening Sam and Jane ... to music and ... books. .9) Jane ... a letter to her mother in Briglitoii. 10) Sam ... a shower and Jane a bath. /i) Sam and Jane ... television late at night. What are Robert and Jim going to do on Saturday? Example: Robert is going to get up early. Robert and Jim are going to fly to Glasgow. to get up early, to have coffee, to wash up after breakfast, to do his room. Robert and Jim Check and repeat. — Проверьте себя ii повторите. to take a shower. to help his brother in the kitchen. to drive to the airport. to fly to Glasgow, to do Glasgow, to visit Glasgow museums, to come to London. 9. А. Say what Robert and Jim were going to do in Glasgow. Example: Jim was going to enjoy Glasgow parks. Robert and Jim ^ Robert and Jim в going to meet their cousins. to see a lot of places, to enjoy Glasgow parks, to visit Glasgow museums, to walk in the streets of the city, to have lunch in a cafe, to go to the cinema, to take a bus to the city park, to meet their coxisins. to send a postcard to their mum. to write to his friend. r B. Say what the brothers were not going to do in Glasgow. Example: Jim was not going to run in the park. i not going to fly a kite in Glasgow. ! to go to the theatre. The brothers v Robert Jim Robert and Jiml wasn’t weren’t to play football with some friends, to see his old friends, to run in the park, to sit on the bench in the park. ' to ride bicycles in the street, to listen to music. ' to watch The News on television, to fly a kite, to swim in the lake. 10. Say what you were going to do last summer and what yot Example: I was going to swim a lot. 1 often swam last summer. Do It on Your Own 11. Complete the sentences*. Example: My classes (begin) at 9 o’clock yesterday. My classes began at 9 o’clock yesterday. 1) My sister (speak) English when she was in London. 2) When Jane was a little girl, she (can) read very well. 1 did. Complete the sentences. — Закоичите иредложения. 3) Yesterday evening we (see) our friends. 4) Mum and dad (give) me this bike for my birthday. 5) Lwam a lot and stayed in the >un. My father taught me to boat, and we often went boating and fbhing early in the morning. In July we cante back to M05C0w. My parents began working and I made a trip to St. Petersburg to visit my grandfather who lives there. My sister Lena went to Yaroslavl to stay with our cousin Marina. Lena and I c.u»ie back home in the middle of the month. After that we made day tript to some interesting places in and near Moscow. We were in the Kremlin museums, die Pushkin Museum and in Arclungelskoye. Wc were go* ing to go to Vladi?>ur too but couldn't. The weather was terrible that day, it I rained and it was very windy and cold. I In the middle of August Lena and I went to London to visit the Barkers I and we had a wonderfid time there. Now Tm back at school and happy to see [ my friends again. In summer I made a lot of pictures*’. I'm going to send s ' to London, to my friend John Barker. B. Read the text after the tape. (10). ' a page [peids] from... — страница s ^ a picture — здл фотография L 9. Read Yura’s diary again. Say true or false4 Example: Yura is writing his diary in August. It's false. He is writing it in September. 1) Summer is beg^inning. 2) Yura liked his summer holidays a lot. 3) His family went to the sea in June. 4) The weather was hot but rainy. 5) Yura couldn’t stay in the sun. 6) Yura’s father taught him to fish. 7) They went fishing in the morning. 8) In August Yura stayed in Moscow. 9) Lena visited her cousin in summer. 10) Yura and Lena couldn’t go to Vladimir. 11) Yura and Lena couldn’t go to the Kremlin. 12) Now Yura goes to school again. 13) Yura is going to send some books to his friend John. 14) Yura visited the Barkers in Glasgow. 15) Yura had fun at the Barkers’place. IT Do It on Your Own 10. Complete these sentences with the i 1) We had a lot of f... at Mike’s party yesterday. 2) My t... from London to Brighton wasn’t long. 3) I hated my summer holidays. I think they were t... . 4) When do English pupils go b... to school after holidays? 5) The weather is bad and I’d like to s... at home. 6) Look, it is r...ing again! 7) Who t... you to play chess? 8) I like playing with a ball on the b... . 9) I th... about you when I was in London. 10)1 have ad... and write in it about my family, school and friends, ff) I can’t walk, there’s s... in my shoes. 11. Say what you could do in summer but couldn’t do in winter. In summer In winter 1) I could swim in summer. /) I couldn’t swim in winter. 2)_____. 2). * true (iruj or fal.se [fals] — верно л f f step Three Do It Together X. Looh at the picture and say what they are doing on the beach. Check and repeat. (11). Example: The old woman is coming into the hotel. 1) The boys... 2) The dog... 3) The father... 4) The children on the sand... 2. Match the words’. Example: make a sandcastle do make leave go on write play on swim in stay in have 5) The boy at the hotel... 6) The girls... 7) The birds... 3) They are all having fun. the beach in a diary the city the hotel fun a sandcastle a trip the sea ‘ Match the words. — Объедините слова. 3. Choose the rijfht answer*. /) Do children play volleyball in summer? 2) Does it often rain in autumn? 3) Do children often ride horses in towns and cities? 4) Do you have pets at home? 5) Do you have holidays in summer? 6) Does your father work on Sunday? 7) Does your mother work on Sunday? Yes, they do./No, they don’t. Yes, it does./No, it doesn’t. Yes, they do./No, they don’t. Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Yes, we do./No, we don’t. Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t. Вы уже знаете, как построить вопросы в настоящем временя (present simple) и как кратко ответить на них. Если речь идет о прошлом, в вопросах и ответах вместо вспомогательного глагола^ do/doe.s употребляется did, (12). Did the children play volleyball yesterday? — Yes, they did. Did they travel a lot last winter? — No, they didn’t. Did he sleep well last night? — Yes, he did. Did he swim in the sea last summer? — No, he didn’t. Did she go to the shops yesterday? — Yes, she did. 4. Listen to the tape. ^5) (13). Look at the pictures and answer the questions^. Example: Did Liz go to the sea? — No, she didn’t. Did Liz gel up early? — Yes, she did. ‘ Choose the right answer ('anso). — Выберите правильный ответ. ' Answer the questions ['kv^esi/onz). — Ответьте на вопросы. i г LAST WEEKEND /) Did Liz have coffee for breakfast? 2) Did Liz ride a bike with her friends? 3) Did Liz play tennis in the park? 4) Did Liz have dinner at home? 5) Did Liz watch television? 6) Did Liz visit her grandmother? 7) Did Liz go to the shops? 5) Did Liz meet her friend Harry? L г 0 Answer the questions about last Sunday. P) Did Liz cook supper? 10) Did Liz go to a party in the evening? 5. Ask questions about Ann and Peter. What did they do last week? Then answer the questions. Example: 1) Did Ann swim in the sea? — Yes, she did. 2) Did Ann and Peter go to the swimming bath? — No, they didn’t. 3) Did Peter ride his bike? — Yes, he did. LAST WEEK Ann Ann and Peter Peter 1 swim in the sea Ч- swim in the swimming bath - ride his bike 2 go to school - play on the beach go to the skating rink - 3 travel in France * stay at home - play football + 4 speak English - have fun + go to the cafd i- 5 play on the beach + do lessons - watch television 1+ 6 go to the zoo - write letters + go to bed early - 7 go on a trip -f- do Moscow - meet his friends 8 write a diary drive cars - do his room /) Did you go on a trip? 2) Did you go to school? 3) Did you make sandcastles? 4) Did you stay at a hotel? 5) Did you meet your friends? 6) Did you help your parents? 7) Did you go to the shops? 8) Did you do your room? 9) Did you write in your diary? 10) Did you have fun? 7, A. Listen to the tape, (14). Did Peter have good holidays last summer? PETER’S HOLIDAYS Ben: Did you stay in the city in summer, Peter? Peter: No, I didn’t. I went abroad for my holidays. Ben: Abroad? Did you go to Spain? Peter: No, I didn’t. I went to Italy, to Rome. Ben: Did you stay in a hotel? Peter: Yes, I did. The hotel was very good. My room was comfortable and the food was wonderful. Ben: Did you travel in Italy? Peter: Yes, I did. I visited some very nice places. BEN: Was the weather good? Pei'ER: The weather was sunny and hot. I can say I enjoyed my Italian holidays. B. Act out the dialogue. C. W’ork in pairs* and speak about your summer holidays. 8. Listen to the tape, (15). Say how to make negative sentences^ in past simple. Present Simple Past Simple 1 Children do not (don’t) go to school in July in Russia. 1 Last July the children ^ not (didn’t) go to school. 2 Alice does not (doesn’t) swim in the swimming bath on Sunday. 2 Last Sunday Alice did not (didn’t) swim in the swimming bath. 3 John does not (doesn’t) live on the farm in winter. 3 Last winter John did not (didn’t) live on the farm. * W’ork in pairs [pe:>z]. — Поработайте в парах. ^ to make negative sentences — составлять orpmjaTevibHbie предложения Present Simple Fast Simple 4 Jane does not (doesn’t) make tea for breakfast. 4 did not (didn’t) makg tea for breakfast yesterdayrj 5 Little Bobby does not (doesn’t) go to the shops. 5 Little Bobby did not (didn’t) go to the shops. 6 Old James does not (doesn’t) write a diary. 6 Yesterday old James did nol^ (didn’t) write in his diary. 7 Lizzy does not (doesn’t) take her dog out on Sunday. Her sister does. 7 Lizzy did not (didn’t) take ^ her dog o\Jt last Sunday, Her sister did. 8 The Taylors do not (don’t) drive their car in winter. 8 The Taylors did not (didn’t) drive their car last winter. 1 Say what you didn’t do yesterday. Example: I didn’t teach little children to swim yesterday. swim in the sea read French books play on the beach visit Trafalgar Square go on a trip to the sea go to the British Museum do London go boating stay at a hotel stay at home all day make sandcastles teach little children to swim Do It on Your Own 10. Complete the sentences. 1) I (did/do/does) not usually go to bed late last winter. 2)I>a8t summer my brotlier (did/do/does) not go to Italy. 5) My little sister (did/do/does) not like i>orridge. She likes cornflakes. 4) We (did/ do/does) not write a dictation last Thursday. 5) They (did/do/doee) not go to school, they are very young, d) The boys (did/do/does) not go fishing yesterday. 22 Ц bool< at the pictures and write what the children did yesterday. Example: The children swam in the sea yesterday. 4. play on the beach I Step Four 5. ride their bikes 6. teach Billy to play football » Do It Together 1. Listen to the tape. (16), and say what the boys’ Say what you did and what you didn’t do last summer. Example: I played football last summer. I didn’t go to the skating-rink last summer. lot get up early go to school watch television stay at home a lot go to the sea eat a lot of ice cream play volleyball go to the country go to bed late stay in the sun drink a lot of Coke ride a bike work in the garden play tennis go on a trip with my parents go to museums walk in the park swim in the swimming bath 3. A. Speak about the weather last week. Saturday B. Say what weather you had last week. Sally: Kate: sally: Kate: Read the text and answer the questions about Kate's holidays. KATE’S SUMMER HOLIDAYS Hi, Kate. It’s good to see you again. Hi! It’s good to see you. Where did you go for your holidays? Oh, I had a lot of fun last summer. My parents and I went on a wonderful trip to France and stayed at a hotel near the sea. Sally: What was the hotel like? Kate: It was a big modern hotel with a swimming bath. We had a cosy room and I could see the sea from my window! And the food in the hotel was very good. Sally: That's wonderful! Did you stay in the sun a lot? You are very brown. Kate: I did. There was a beautiful beach near the hotel. And I swam in the sea too. The weather was sunny and hot and it never rained. And what about you? What did you do? Sally: 1 didn’t go abroad last summer. My family and I went to Scotland in July and stayed in London in August. We had a boy and a girl from Russia, w ho stayed with us. Kate: Russian children? How interesting! Who are they? Are they your friends? I’d like to know all about them. /) What was the trip like? 2) What was the hotel like? 3) What was the hotel room like? 4) What was the hotel food like? 5) What w'as the beach like? 3) What was the weather like? 7) What were Kate’s holidays like? 5. Listen to the song and then sing along', (17). WHAT CAN I DO TODAY? What can I do today? Can you help me? Can you say? Why don’t you read a book? I read it yesterday. Why don’t you write a song? L sing along fo'loji] — пойте вместе, подпевайте I wrote it yesterday. Why don’t you ride your bike? I rode it yesterday. Why don’t you watch TV? I watched it yesterday. Why don’t you drink your Coke? I drank it yesterday. Why don’t you swim, my boy? Oh. I swam yesterday. What can I do today? Can you help me? Can you say? T 6. Read the words, mouse — south eat — east 7. Learn some new words. Listen to the tape, [gugj (18). and repeat. north [no:0] — север south [sau0] — ЮГ east [l:sl] — восток west (west] — запад famous (Teimaa] — известный mountain ['maunian] — гора river ['nva] — река forest (Tonsl] — лес people ('pi:pl] — люди resort [ri'zo:t] — курорт be situated ['si^ueiid] — располагаться north: in the north, in the north of England. Murmansk is in the north of our country. North America. North France, North England, the North Sea, the North Pole, south: in the south, in the south of Russia, in the south of Moscow. Is Florida in the south of the USA? South Africa, South America, the South Pole. east: in the east, in the south-east, in the north-east. I live in the north-east of Moscow. west: in the west, in the north-west, in the south-west. Is St. Petersburg in the north-west of Russia? famous: a famous city, a famous song, a famous film, a famous filn^ star. be famous for: St. Petersburg is famous for its museums. Moscow is famous for ist theatres. What are they famous for? He is fa' mous for his books, she is famous for her pictures. mountain: a high mountain, in the mountains, the Urai mountains (the Urals). I spent my holidays in the Alps and had a wonderful time there. The Andes ('sendlz) are in South America. river: a long river, a short river, the Volga river. The Thames [temz] is a river. There are a lot of small rivers in the north-west of Russia. forest: a big forest, in the forest. Bears and foxes live in the forests. Kangaroos do not live in the forests. There is a forest near my country house. resort: a wonderful resort, a summer resort. Blackpool is a famous resort in England. Do you know any summer resorts in Russia? people: good people, nice people, terrible people, people of Russia, people of Britain, all the people. There are a lot of people in the square. be situated; is situated, are situated. Where is Paris situated? It is situated on the Seine [sein]. Look at the maps and say where the cities are situated. Example: London is situated in the south-east of Great Britain. Archangelsk is situated in the north of Russia. A. Great Britain Example: Omsk is the Volga Everest ['evordst] India the Baikal Paris the Thames the Urals the Moskva Ben Nevis [ben'nevis] the Andes ['aendiiz] city. The Appalachians are mountains. the Caspian the Ob and the Angara Holland the Alps the Seine Volgograd Italy and Spain Scotland Leeds and Oxford the Ontario and the Huron ['hjwranj 10. What are they famous for? Check. (19), and repeat. London the Bolshoi Theatre Paris films and film stars Moscow coffee Italy the Summer Gardens Hollywood Holland is famous for tulips resorts The north of Africa tea , South America pizza 1 China the Pyramids ['piromidz] The south of France the Eiffel Tower St. Petersburg Big Ben Do It on Your Own 11. Answer the questions about last Saturday and last Sunday. I j~ cloudy. muddy, terrible, sad. nasty, cold, strong, beautiful, happy, weak, blue, dry, wonderful, warm 1) What was the weather like? 2) What were the streets like? 5) What was the sky like? 4) What was the wind like? 5) What was the sea (river/ lake) like? What was the day like? 7) What were the people like? 12. Where are they situated? Example: Hollywood is situated in the USA. 1) Hollywood? 4) the Andes? 7) the Thames? 2) The Volga? 5) Rome? 8) the Angara? 3) Murmansk? 6) the Urals? 9) Brighton? Step Five Do It Todether 1. Where was Yura in (20). in the north? in the north-west? in the south? in the north-east? in the west? in the south-west? in the east? in the south-east? Great Britain? 3. What do you think? Example: Pishing is wonderful. Swimming in the sea Skiing in the mountains Travelling on foot Walking in the forest Doing a museum Boating wonderful terrible Going to the shops Seeing new places Making pictures Making new friends Travelling by air Staying at a hotel is/isn’t pleasant* interesting very good boring^ Visiting old castles Going abroad ‘ pleasant ('pleznt] — приятный * boring ['bano] — скучный Do you know Kussiait towns well? Match the places with their names and their descriptions*. Vladivostok, Tiksi, St. Petersburg, Astrakhan, Sochi, Vladimir. Yaroslavl 1) It’s a big city in the north-west of Russia. It is situated on the Neva River. It’s a very beautiful place famous for its museums and parks. 2) It’s a town at the Black sea. It’s very green and nice. There are a lot of hotels there. People come to this place for holidays. It’s a famous resort. 3) It’s a town on the Volga River near the Caspian Sea. It is famous for fishing. The place is very hot in summer. 4) It’s a town near the Lena River at the I^aptev Sea. It’s a port but ships don’t come to this port in winter. They come in July, August and September. The weather in winter is very cold and there is ice on the sea and on the river. 5) It’s a very old town on the Klazma River. This town is about 900 years old. It is famous for its history^. * description [di'sknpjon] — описание * history ['hisiorij — история 6) It’s a big port in the east of Russia. People who live there do of fishing and make ships. 7) It’s a port on the Volga River and a very old and beautiful place. It’s about 900 years old. The place is famous for its history and for a very old theatre situated in it. T I. Определенный артикль the употребляется с именами существн-.' тельными, обозначающими: юры (горные цени или массивы): the Urals, the Alps, the Andes'; моря: the Black Sea. the North Sea\ реки: the Thames, the Volga, the Mississippi Riven озера: the Baikal, the Sevan, the Seliger, the Ontario. Однако если перед названием озера стоит само слово lake, артикль^ отс>тствует: Lake Baikal. II. Вез артикля употребляются названия: континентов: Africa, America, North America. South America; стран: Russia. England. Spain, Italy (но: the USA); городов: Paris. London, Rome. Moscow. St. Petersburg; площадей: Red Srjuare. Trafalgar Square; улиц: Tverskaya Street. Oxford Street, Fleet Street; парков: Hyde Park. Central Park; горных пиков: Everest. Ben Nevis. Article the or no article? I)... Black Sea 9).. . North America 2).. ,. Urals 10).. .. Trafalgar Square 3)., .. Volga II).. .. Baikal 4).. .. Alps 12). .. Lake Baikal 5).. .. Andes 13). .. Ben Nevis 6). .. Thames 14). .. Red Square 7). .. Brighton IS).. .. Ontario S). .. London Специальные вопросы в прошедшем времени (past simple) строятся почти так же, как и в настоящем (present simple), только в лрощед-шем времени после вопросительных слов how, what, when, where, why. who используется вспомогательный глагол did. What did you see? — We saw an old film. When did you write the letter? — I wrote it yesterday. Where did he play? — He played on the beach. Why did she go to Hollywood? — She wanted to meet famous people there. Who did they meet? — They met their friends. How did he travel? — He travelled by car. В вопросах к подлежащему вспомогате.11ьный глагол не ставится. Who saw an old film? — We did. Who wrote the letter yesterday? — I did. Who travelled in France? — He did. Who wanted to meet famous people? — She did. 3. What word is missing? 1 ... did Peter go for his holidays? — He went to France. 2 ... did he travel? — He travelled by train. 3 ... did he visit his friends? — In August. 4 ... did he go abroad? — He wanted to see his friends. 5 ... did he see in Paris? — He saw the Eiffel Tower. 6 ... did he come back home? — He came back in September, 7 ... did he stay in September? — He stayed at a hotel. 8 At... hotel did he stay? — It was the Old Ship hotel. 9 ... days did he stay there? — Ten days. 10 ... was Peter happy? — He had very good holidays. * What word is missing? — Kaxoix) слова не хватает? 7. What was your trip like? Answer the questions. \/V. 1 /) When did you travel? 2) Where did you go? 5) How did you travel: by car, by sea, by plane, by train? 4) Wlio travelled with you? .5) Why did you go to that place? d) What did you see there? 7) Who did you meet there? 5) What was the place like? 9) Did you enjoy your trip? W) Would you like to go there again? 8. Listen to the tape. (21), read the text and say why people travel. WHERE AND WHY PEOPLE TRAVEL These days people travel a lot. They travel at home and abroad. They want to see new places and to meet new people. Sometimes they travel on business*, but often they go to places for holidays. In summer a lot of people like to go to the sea or stay at the lake or near the river. There they can enjoy swimming, boating and fishing and stay in the sun. In winter people sometimes go to the mountains to ski^. It is always nice to be in the forest. Forests, lakes, seas and mountains are very beautiful places. People often make pictures of the places they visit and show them to their friends. When people go abroad they usually visit interesting places, castles, old towns, and museums. People travel by plane, by train, by car or by sea. Travelling can be very pleasant or not very pleasant but it is usually interesting. 9. Say where, when and how people usually travel these days. on business [Ъг2по$1 — no делам to ski fski:] — кататься на лыжах Do It on Your Own 10. John and Sally were in Scotland last spring. What was their trip like? Ask them 7 questions. Begin with When. What. Why, How. Who, With whom. Where. Example: Where did you stay in Scotland? 11. Article the or no article? /)... Mississippi is a long river. ... Thames is not. 2)... Bolshoi Theatre is situated in Moscow. 3)... Russia is a country,... USA is a country too. 4) Last summer my friends were in ... England, the weather was warm and they swam in ... North Sea. 5) Where are ... Andes situated? 6) Paris is on ... Seine. 7)... Everest is a very high mountain. 8)... Huron is a lake, ... Ontario is a lake too. 9)... Oxford is an English city. UNIT TWO Visiting Britain Step One Do It Together In Auguat Yura and his sister Lena went abroad. What did Yura say about his summer holidays? (22). 1) Did you go to England last summer, Yura? a) Yes, I did. b) No, I didn’t. 2) Did you enjoy your trip? a) Very much. b) Not much. 3) Was the weather good? a) It rained a lot. b) It didn Ч rain at all. 4) Did you sec many places in England? a) Two or three cities. b) Three or four cities. 5) Did you stay in a hotel? a) We stayed with our cousins. b) We stayed with our friends, d) Where do they live in England? a) They live in Glasgow. b) They live in London. 7) What is London like? a) Oh, it*8 very big and interesting. b) Oh, it’s very interesting. Did you take any pictures^? a) A lot. Would you like to look at them? b) A lot. Would you like to see them? ' to take pictures fpikt/oz) — делать фотосннмк j г $) Yes. thank you. What’s in this picture? a) It’s Trafalgar square and a red bus in it. b) It’s Trafalgar square and some people in 10) And who is this? a) It’s my friend’s mother. b) It’s my friend’s father. 2. What was Nick going to do on holidays? Example: Nick was going to do museums. Если нужно предложить кому>то сделать что-то вместе, часто используется оборот let's (let us) do (давайте сделаем). Let’s go there. — Давай(те) пойдем туда. Обратите внимание на то, что после let's инфинитив глагола употребляется без частицы to. Let’s feed Кех. <— Давай накормим Рекса. Отрицательные предложения с let’s .мог^'т образовываться без вспомогательного глагола do. Let’s not go there. — Давайте не пойдем туда. Однако возможно в этих случаях и употребление вспомогательного do. Don’t let’s go there. — Давайте не пойдем туда. 3. Alice has a lot of idias. What are they? Example: Let's have a party. Let’s not fly. © 0 ® 4. Match the sentences. /) There’s a good film on television today. 2) It’s raining again! 3) That’s very nice music. 4) Look. I’m very hungry. 5) It’s a very hot day today. 6) He doesn’t have a telephone. 7) Here’s my new football. 8) I’m thirsty. 9) I can’t wash all these plates. W) I’m tired. //) 1 don’t speak Russian. 12) We have no food in the house. 38 a) Let’s drink some mineral water. b) Let’s send him a letter. c) Let’s speak English. d) Let’s stay at home. e) Let’s go to the shop. f) Let’s go to bed early. g) Let’s watch it. h) Let’s dance. i) Let’s play a game. j) I^et’s make some sandwiches. k) Let’s go to the beach. l) Let’s do it together. Complete these dialogues. Act them out. Example: — ... go to the shop. I’d like some cakes for tea. — Yes...I'd like some ice cream and sweets too. — Let's go to the shop. I’d like some cakes for tea. — Yes. let’s go. I’d like some ice cream and sweets too. (— No, let’s not. I’m tired.) ;) — ... to the beach. The weather is wonderful. — Yes..I’d like to .... 2) — ... to the cinema. I’d like to see the new film. — No, .... The film is not very interesting. 3) — ... to the museum. I’d like to see the old coins. — Yes,.... They say the coins come from Greece and Rome. 4) — ... to the zoo. I’d like ..., No.....I don’t like zoos. 5) — ... to the park.... a game of tennis. — No,.... I’m tired. 6) — ... to the cafe. I’d like ... . — Yes,... . I’m hungry too. have got/has got В Великобритании (в отличие от США) очень часто вместо глагола have/ha$ употребляется оборот have got/has got. I have got a car. • I have a car. (У меня есть машина.) They haven’t got a car. • They don’t have a car. (У них нет машины.) Nick has got a bike. - Nick has a bike. (У Ника есть велосипед.) Jane hasn’t got a bike. •• Jane doesn’t have a bike. <У Джейн нет велосипеда.) 6. Listen to the tape and repeat, (23). I have got • I’ve got We have got * We’ve got You have got “ You’ve got They have got - They’ve got He has got - He’s got She has got« She’s got It has got • It’s got My mother has got - My mother’s got Mary has got - Mary’s got 7. What do they have and what don’t they have? Use have got (haven't got), ka.4 got (hasn't got). Example: Pussy has got two balls. It hasn’t got toy mice. have got/has got I. В вопросительной (^орме оборот have got/has got употребляется следуюи^им образом, (24). Have you got a pen? Have they got a house? Has he got a computer? Has Jane got a mobile’? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Yes, they have. No, they haven’t. Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t. Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t. U. В прошедшем времени оборот have got употребляется редко. Обычно используются формы had. didn't have, did ... have? Cp.. [=g (25); I had a birthday party last week. We didn’t have a car and couldn’t go to the beach. Did you have nice teachers last year? Yes, we did. 1 9. King .John is rich. King .James is rich too. Complete their talk. boats, castles, horses^ cars, planes, computers, mobiles, bikes, airports, hotels, garages King John: I’ve got fifteen cities. How many cities have you got? King James: I’ve got twenty and I’ve got forty ships. How many ships have you got? KiN'G John: ... and .... 10. A. What did they have in the Middle Ages? Exar p I e: Did they have tape-recorders? ~ No, they didn’t. Did they have ships? — Yes, they did. 1) Did they have televisions? 2) Did they have big castles? 3) Did they have gardens? 4) Did they have books? 5) Did they have clocks? 6) Did they have cars? 7) Did they have lamps? 5) Did they have boats? 9) Did they have computers? JO) Did they have schools? IJ) Did they have teachers? 12) Did they have doctors? 13) Did they have planes? 14) Did they have mobiles? 15) Did they have theatres? B. Say what they had and didn’t have in the Middle Ages. 1 pic They had big castles. They didn’t have televisions. Do It on Your Own 11. Complete the sentences with have got or has got. 1) We ... seven apple-trees near our country house. 2) Bess ... two aj-mchairs in lier sitting room. 3) Their new house ... three bathrooms. 4) The Browns ... four bedrooms in their house. 5) My parents ... three daughters. (?) My cousin Polly ... four cats in her flat. 7) I... two fridges in the house. 8) Pete ... three hamburgers on his plate. 9)1 know you ... a very good sweet shop near your house. lO) The school... a large gym. 12 What haven’t you got but would like to have? Write ten sentences. Example: I Iiaven’t got a mobile. I would like to have a mobile. Step Two Do It Together A. What have these cities got? Check, (26). Example: London has got some’ beautiful parks and gardens. gardens B. What are these places famous for? Example: London is famous for beautiful parks and gardens. Complete the sentences. 1) The weather is sunny and hot. Let’s.... 2) The music is beautiful. Let’s .... 3) The film is boring. Let’s not.... 4) The book is very interesting. Let’s .... 5) The day is cold and rainy. Let’s not.... 6) There are a lot of dirty plates in the kitchen. Let’s .... 7) I don’t speak French. Let’s ... . ’ some [SAm] — некоторое количество, несколько ^ a court [ko:l] — корт i) London a) 2) Newcastle upon Tyne b) 3) York c) 4) Wimbledon d) 5) Batli e) 3) Brighton 7) Stratford-on- f) Avon g) 3) Bristol h) 5) Гт very hungry. Let’s ... . 9) It’s Mike’s birthday today. Let’s ... . 10) This place is a famous resort. I.,et’s.... > разные слова, чтобы сообщить о количеств В английском языке е ве,^(2Т). много — а lot of. many, much мало — little, few немного (некоторое количество) — а little, а few. some (any) + I’ve got a lot of friends, and John has few. - They haven’t got many boys in the class. ? Have you got much food in the fridge? ^ _______Yes, we have some. ?/± Have we got any apples? « ----- - No, we haven’t any. Обратите вни.мание на то, что выбор того или иного слова зависит от цели высказывания (вопрос, отрицание, утверждение), а также от того, является ли сочетающееся с этими с.ювами существительное исчисляемым или яеисчисляемым. (Например: street, house, girl_ исчис.чяемые; water, milk, coffee — неисчисляемые.) a lot of 3. Listen to the tape. (28). and repeat. © I ve got a lot of books. Mrs Johnson has got a lot of grandchildren. We have got a lot of juice in the fridge. The cook has got a lot of milk. There is a lot of coffee in the cup. There were a lot of apples on the dish. 0 I haven’t got many pencils. Jack hasn’t got many books. We haven’t got much milk. Jane hasn’t got much tea in her cup. There is not much bread on the plate. There are not many tulips in the garden. © Have we got much time? — Yes, we have. We’ve got a lot of time. Has Jim got much lime? — Oh, no, he hasn’t. His classes begin at nine. Have you got many friends? — Oh, yes. I’ve got a lot. Has Jemma got many friends? — No, she hasn’t. She’s got few. Are there many beaches in the south of England? — Yes, there are. A lot of them are very good. Is there much juice in the fridge? — Yes, there is. Drink some. Look at the picture. Listen to the questions, <29). and answer them. Use* some, a few. a lot. Example: Has Bob got any toy ships? — Yes, he has some/a few. /) Has Jane Grimes got any cats? 2) Has Bob got any cars? 3) Has Jane got any birds? 4) Have the Smiths got any trees in their garden? 5) Have the Smiths got any roses in their garden? 6) Has Bob got any pencils? 7) Has Jane got any dogs? 5) Have the Smiths got any tulips? 9) Has Bob got any books? 5. How many... have you got? (30). Uae »ome, a few, few, a lot. Example: How many pictures have you got? I have some (a few). I have very few. I have a lot. I have no pictures. 1) How many pets have you got? 2) How many books have you got? 3) How many rooms have you got in your flat? 4) How many friends have you got? 5) How many computer games have you got? 6) How many pens have you got? 7) How many pencils have you got? S) How many chairs have you got in your flat? 6. What has Mr Cook got in his fridge? (31). Example: — Has Mr Cook got much Coke in his fridge? — No, he hasn’t. He has got little. — Has Mr Cook got much juice in his fridge? — Yes, he has. He has got a lot. f) Has Mr Cook got much butter in his ✓------------ fridge? 2) Has Mr Cook got much juice in his fridge? 3) Has Mr Cook got much mineral water in his fridge? 4) Has Mr Cook got much cheese in his fridge? 5) Has Mr Cook got much milk in his fridge? 3) Has Mr Cook got much food in his fridge? г <7 What’s your dream house’ like? I’d like to have ft house with some a few a lot of garage. garden. flowers in the garden, small fish pond, fruit trees near it. cosy rooms, light bedrooms, big kitchen. beautiful pictures on the walls, nice food in the fridge, armchairs in the living-room, books in the bookcases. computer(s). 8. Choose the right word and complete the text. THE STEWARTS VISIT THE LAKE DISTRICT Last spring the Stewarts visited a small town in the north-west of England, in the Lake District. Old Mrs Stewart, Henry’s mother, lives there. The place is very nice with (^a lot of, much) forests and (^some, a little) low mountains. The town is clean and cosy with (®a lot of, much) green streets. There are (^a few, a little) shops there. The shops are usually small and very (^little, few) people work there. “Are there (®some, any) cinemas here, dad?” Henry’s daughter wanted to know. Her father said there were (^some, any) cinemas and lliere were (*some, any) theatres too. Old Mrs Stewart lives near the river. There’s (®little, few) water in the river in summer, but there are (^®alot of, much) beautiful lakes with (“a lot of, many) water in the forest. Old Mrs Stewart’s house is not big. It’s got only (*% few, a little) rooms in it. There are very (’®few, little) big houses in the town. They are usually hotels. In June, July and August (^■‘a lot of, much) people come here to spend their holidays in this wonderful place. * your dream house — дом твоей .мечты в английском языке, помимо известного вам способа образования 1 новых слов при noMouiH суффиксов (read + ^ - reader, rain + ^ ^ т -- rainyi usual + ly • usually), существует возможность создать но- 1 вое слово, не меняя его форму. I. N->Adj chocolate -> chocolate cake apple apple pie orange -> orange juice summer summer holidays II. work — place -plant -water - to work * to place to plant * to water 9. Say the .чате’ in Russian. Example: Can you cook fish? (Ты умеешь готовить рыбу?) Where do you usually fish? (Где ты обычно рыбачишь?) /) Would you like a little butter on your bread? Butter your bread, dear. 2) We had a nice party last Saturday. Today is Tom’s birthday. Let’s party! 3) Please say what you think. I want to have my s^ too. 4) I saw a very good show on television. Please show me your homework. 5) Was your visit to Scotland interesting? When are you going to visit Scotland? 6) Is it a long walk from here to the theatre? Would you like to go by bus or walk? 7) I usually take a warm shower in the evening. You shower me with presents. 5) Does it often rain here? We usually have a lot of rain in autumn. j p I e: There’s an old tower in our town. (B нашем городе есть старая башня.) Big Ben is a tower clock. {Биг Бен башенные часы.) 1) Do you like bananas? Is this banana ice cream? I’d like some. 2) Moscow is a big city. Where is the city park? L г 3) Do you have any tomatoes and cucumbers? Do you like tomato-and-cucuinber salad? 4) The Smirnovs are a big family. This is the Smirnovs’ family tree. 5) There are some cosy benches in the garden. These are garden benches. 6) There’s little ham and no cheese on the table. Would you like ham sandwiches or cheese sandwiches? 7) Where do you usually go for holidays? Blackpool is a holiday resort. 8) Is dad at home now? St. Petersburg is Olga’s home town. Do It on Your Own 10. Choose the right word. i) Have you got (some/any) friends in your class? 2) There is not (much/many) snow this year. 3) Do you read (much/many) books? 4) I saw (some/any) very good pictures in this gallery. 5) (Few/ A few) people know the names of all capitals in the world. 3) Are there (.some/any) churches in your town? 7) I have very (little/a little) time today. 8) Kate has (some/any) very interesting English books. 9) I can speak French (Uttle/a little). /0) We learn (many/ a lot of) English words. Л) There are (few/Iittle) restaurants in this town. 12) Are there (a lot/many) teachers in your school? 11. Make some new words. Use them in the sentences. I) I N + er (write, paint, swim) j a) Joanne Rowling is a famous British .... a lot of people read her Harry Potter books. b) Ilya Repin is a famous Russian .... c) Do you know any famous ...s? Yes, Dmitry Popov is one of them. 2) 1N + у (sand, wind, cloud) i a) There are a lot of ... beaches in the south of England. b) The weather is hot but it is ... . c) The .sky is not blue. It is ... . 3) I Adj + ly (warm, cold, usual) a) Jane ... gets up early, but yesterday she got up late. b) Mr Frost came into the room and looked at us .... We understood that he was not a pleasant man. c) Our new teacher greeted us . . We liked him very much. J) N -> Adj (tomato, fish, milk) a) There is some ... juice on the table. b) My little cousin doesn’t like ... soup. c) Johnny ate a lot of ... chocolate yesterday. 5) I N -» V (place, water, plant) [ a) I would like to ... the dishes on the table. b) Who usually ...s the flowers in your garden? c) My mother and I ...ed some apple-trees yesterday. Step Three Do It Together Clo.se is a very small place. Bill wants to go to Close, but he doesn’t know much about it. Look at the picture (page 51) and help him. 1) Are there any mountains near Close? 2) Is there a river or a lake near Close? 3) Are there any forests near the place? 4) Are there many streets in Close? 5) And squares? Are there any squares? в) Are there any shops? Any hotels? 7) Are there many schools in Close? 8) Are there many big houses in Close? 9) Are there any cinemas or theatres in Close? 10) Is there a park in Close? If) Are there any airports near Close? 12) Are there any swimming baths? 13) Are there many people in Close? Listen to the tape. (32). Which sentence did you hear? 1) a) There are few new houses in this street, b) There are a few new houses in this street. 2) a) There is little juice on the table, b) There is a little juice on the table. 3) a) I have little time this evening, b) I have a little time this evening. 4) a) There are few good shops in this town, b) There are a few good shops in this town. 5) a) There is little water in our river in summer, b) There is a little water in our river in summer. 6) a) Have you got little milk? b) Have you got a little milk? 7) a) The city has got few theatres, b) The city has got a few theatres. 8) а) Jack watches few films on television, b) Jack watches a few films on television. 9) a) We eat little bread, b) We eat a little bread. 10) a) I know few places at the sea. b) I know a few places at the sea. 3. Learn some new words. Listen to the tape. (33). and repeat. centre ['senio] — центр market ['ma:k5t] — рынок lour [too] — тур, поездка, экскурсия souvenir [^u;vo'ni3) — сувенир tourist ['icjDnstJ — турист restaurant {'rcsiaronl] — ресторан monument ['monjurngm] — памятник buy [bai] — покупать world [w3:ldj — мир, вселен-ная church — церковь centre: in the centre of the table, the city centre, a shopping centre. Let’s put the flowers in the centre of the table. Arc there many shops in the city centre? lour: a bus tour, a walking tour, a tour of the country, a tour of the museum, to make a tour. The Queen is making a tour of C'anada»^ Let's make a tour of the Tower of London, tourist: You can see a lot of tourists in Trafalgar Square, monument: a monument to A.S. Pushkin, a monument to the queen. There were not any monuments in the stjuare. world: in the world, all over the world, the world of sport. There are many countries in the world. People all over the world know that Russia is a big country'. market: a small market, a fish market, a flower market, a street market. We saw beautiful flowers in the market, supermarket ['su:pj>,mo:k3i): We can buy food in supermarkets. Are there many supermarkets in your city? souvenir: a good souvenir, small souvenirs. He had a large map of London in his room as a souvenir of his holiday, restaurant: a good restaurant, a cosy restaurant, to go to a restaurant. We don’t often have dinner in a restaurant. buy — bought [bo:t]: to buy food, to buy flowers, to buy books. We bo\ight a lot of vegetables yesterday. Are you going to buy any milk, Alice? We’ve got very little milk at home, church: a small church, an old church. There are no churches in the place where I live. To go to church: On Sundays my granny always goes to church. Answer the questions. /) What souvenirs do you like to give to your friends? 2) Do you know any good restaurants in your town? 3) What colour are London buses? 4) What would you like to make: a tour of Moscow or a tour of St. Petersburg? 5) What monuments do you know in your town? 6) Are supermarkets usually big or small? 7) Where do people usually buy vegetables and flowers? 8) Where do people go when they want to look at good pictures? 9) What is there in the centre of your town? 10) To what places do tourists usually go? 11) Would you like to goon a world tour? 12) What are you going to do tomorrow? i ! Downing Street — одна из боковых улиц, примыкающая к проспекту Whitehall. Адрес 10, Downing Street известен во всем .мире, так как здесь находится резиденция премьер-министра Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и СеверноГ) Ирланд((и. Double-decker (bus) ~ одна из достопримечательностей Лоидо-I и один из его символов — красный двухэтажный автобус. Такие автобусы, особенно с открытым верхом, часто используют для экскурсий по городу. Whitehall — imtpoKiifi и шумный проспект в Лондоне, соеди-няюищй Трафальгарскую и Вестминстерскую площади. Когда-то на этом проспекте находился коро.чевскнй дворец, построенный из белого камня. Он-то и дал название проспекту. На этой улице располагаются многие правительственные учреждения, например Министерство обороны. Министерство иностранных дел. Министерство финансов и Адмиралтейство. 5. These are four famous places in London. Liston to the tape. (;i4j 1 and iearn the new words. 1. The Houses of Parliament: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. 2. Trafalgar Square. The Monument to Admiral Nelson. The National Gallery. 3. Downing Street, 10 (The Prime Minister’s house). 4. Whitehall. A double-decker bus. g Read this page from Yura’s diary. What places did Yu yesterday and what is he going to see on Sunday? lOAu^uit Hooray^ I’m in Londoni The Barkers are very pleaiant people. Yejter* • day we drove to the city centre. I .ndon is nearly' 88 old as the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. 2) The Thames (334 km) I . The Moskva River (473 km) | * The Thames is not as long as the Moskva River. 1} Moscow (• 9 min. people) big London (» 8 min. people) 2) Moscow (1147 A.D.^) old London (»I century B.C.^) 3) Russia (« 17,075,400 km^) smali Great Britain (.• 244,088 km*) 4) France (543,965 km*) big Spain (504,782 km*) 5) Vatican City (0.4 km*) small Monaco (2 km*) 6) Mount Everest (8,848 m) bigh Mount Elbrus (5,642 m) 7) The Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow (1,776) old The Covent Garden Opera House in London (1,732) 8) The Wall Tower of New York (290 m) high The Eiffel Tower in Paris (300 m) 9) January in Moscow (» -10,8* C) cold December in Moscow (■* -7,5* C) fO) June in Moscow (" +16® C) warm July in Moscow (* +18,3'’ C) * nearly ('niali] — почти ^ A.D. [^ci'di:) (Anno Domini) I^jenau'dommaiJ — нашей эры ® I century ['$епфп) B.C. l,bi'si:l (Before Christ) (kraisil — первый век до нашей эры 59 3. Look at the pictures, listen to the tape, (39), and repeat. 1) The red book is not as thick as the green book. 2) The green book is thicker. 3) The red book is thinner. 4) The brown book is the thickest. ЛКп ArvJnaw У U 7) John is not as tall as Andrew. 2) Andrew is taller. 5) John is shorter. 4) Bryan is the tallest. III. 7) Jane is not as young as Alice. 2) Alice is younger than* Jane. 3) Jane is old^ than Alice. 4) Kate is the oldest (of them). Ste«e Jbek 01 (Ver 7) Jack is not as strong as Steve. 2) Steve is stronger than Jack. 3) Jack is weaker than Steve. 4) Oliver is the strongest (of them). Сравнивать предметы можно, употребляя прилагательные в сравни-^ тельной н превосходной степени. Если в слове один слог или два слога, которые заканчиваются на -у, -ow, -ег, то степени сравнения | образуются при помощи суффиксов -ег. -est, (40). С прилога*; тельными в превосходной степени используется артикль the small — smaller — (the) smallest cold — colder — (the) coldest narrow — narrower — (the) narrowest clever^ — cleverer — (the) cleverest * than (Озп) — чем 2 clever I'klevD) — умный Обратите внимание на изменения на письме: — angrier — (the) angriest cosy — cosier — (the) cosiest happy — happier — (the) happiest early — earlier — (the) earliest big — bigger — (the) biggest fat — fatter — (the) fattest hot — hotter — (the) hottest sad — sadder — (the) .saddest Match the sentences and the pictures. a) The boy is taller than the girl. b) The teacher is the tallest of them. c) The bank is higher than the shop. d) The TV Tower is the highest of them. e) The north of the USA is colder than the north of England. f) The north of Russia is the coldest. g) My mother is younger than my father. h) I am the youngest in the family. i) Tuesday was windier than Monday. j) Wednesday was the windiest day. k) Cars are slower than planes. l) Bikes are the slowest. 5. Can you say it differently’? Check, (Д (41). iplc Glasgow is not as big as London, (big/small) Glasgow is smaller than London. London is bigger than Glasgow. 1) The weather today is not as warm as yesterday, (cold/warm) 2) The dinner table is not as low as the coffee table, (high/low) 3) A collie dog is not as weak as a poodle, (strong/weak) 4) Autumn is not as dry as summer, (dry/rainy) 5) A park is not as big as a forest, (big/small) 6) My sister is not as old as my brother, (old/young) 7) The cinema is not as old as the theatre, (old/new) 8) The coffee is not as hot as the tea. (hot/cold) ’ differently ('difromli] — иначе, по-другому Если прилагательные состоят из двух, трех и более слогов (pleasant, beautiful, interesting) (кроме тех случаев, когда слово заканчивается на -у. -ег. -OW). они образуют сравнительную и превосходную степени при помощи слов тоге (более) и most (самый), (42). pleasant — more pleasant — (the) most pleasant beautiful — more beautiful — (the) most beautiful interesting — more interesting — (the) most interesting The old square is more beautiful than the new square. The book I am reading now is the most interesting book. 6. Put the words in two columns’. sweet, pleasant, cold, sunny, low. narrow, strong, hot, big. beautiful, interesting, young, clever, boring, famous, terrible 7. Complete the sentences with as or than. Check and repeat. ЁЗ (43). 1) The Moskva River is shorter ... the Volga. 2) Ben is ... strong as his brother. 3) In summer it is hotter in the south ... in the north. ^)The film is ... interesting as the book. 5) My car is not... old as your car. 6) The weather in spring is more pleasant... in late autumn. 7) The days are longer in summer ... in winter. 3)Thc museum is as old ... the theatre. The bedroom is cosier ... the living-room. 10) Leo Tolstoy is ... famous in Russia as Alexander Pushkin. ’ a column ('kobnij — колонка Запомните, как образуются степени сравнения от прилагательвыЯ good и bad, (44). good — better — (the) best bad — worse — (the) worst Tom's test was better than John’s, but Alice’s test was the best. The weather today is worse than it was yesterday. ; Jane’s picture was the worst of all. I the north of England. What Example s (big) than his place, s bigger than his place. The houses in London are (high) than in his place. The streets are (long) than in his place. The hotels are (cosy) than in his place. The cars are (good) than in his small town. The shop windows in London are (beautiful) than in his place. The museums in London are (inter* esting) than in his small town. The weather in London is (sunny) than in the north. In the restatirants he could eat (good) food than in his place. But soon he understood that the people in his town are (pleasant). When Ben came home from London he was (happy) than in London. 9. Do you know it? Check, (45). 1) What is the longest river in the world? 2) What is the highest mountain in the world? 3) What is the biggest city in the world? 4) What is the hottest place in the world? 5) What is the coldest place in the world? в) What is the biggest country in the world? 7) What is the smallest country in the world? 3) What is the biggest lake in the world? Do It on Your Own 10. (Compare them. 1) Bill is ten. Polly is eight, (old) 2) Sarah is three. Alice is ten. (young) 3) Green Street is 500 m long. Apple street is 600 m long. 4) Tim's room is 26 m^. Jane’s room is 20 m^. (big) 5) It is cold in Moscow in winter. It is very cold in Murmansk in winter. 6) James is happy. George is very happy. 7) Bess is tall. Helen is very tall. 6?) Bob is angry. Andrew is very angry. 9) Lizzy’s room is cosy. Margaret’s room is very cosy. tO) Rex is a clever dog. Spot is very clever. Jl. Choose the right word. 1) My story is (more interesting/most interesting) than Peter’s story. 2) The market in the east of the city is as (big, bigger) as the market in the west. 3) Harold’s souvenir is (better, best) than my souvenir. 4) A double-decker is (higher, highest) than a usual bus. 5) The Ural Mountains are (lower, lowest) than the Alps. 6) Jack is the (worse, worst) runner and Boris is the (better, best). 7) My trip to Suzdal was (more, the most) pleasant of all. 8) High Street is (narrower, the narrowest) in the city. 9) Little Billy is (weaker, the weakest) than his brother. 10) Ann is the (happier, happiest) of all her friends. Step Five Do It Together !• A. Listen to the song, 53 (46). What words are missing? SHORTER, TALLER by Carolyn Graham Shorter,____, bigger,_____, Bigger,_____, shorter,____, Shorter . weaker,_____, Weaker,_____, shorter,____, This desk is small. That desk is smaller. This teacher’s____. That teacher’s___ This class is big. That class is_. That teacher’s very tall. Sing along. /) Mary’s bike is bike is But Kate*? 2) Alice’s car is . Kate’s car is * ^^ary’s car is • 3) Kate’s house is Gary’s house is Alice’s house 4) Kate is a cook. Alice is a cook. But Mary is ’ 5) Alice is a tennis player. Mary is a tennis player. Kate is tennis player. в) Kate is a driver. Mary is a driver. Alice is driver. 7) Mary is a wife. Alice is a wife. Kate is wife. 8) Alice is a chess player. Mary is a chess player. Kate is chess player. 9) Kate is a very friend. Mary is a friend. Alice : friend. beautiful Green Square 4. Central Square 7. The Clock Tower 11. St. Mary-at-thc-River 12. St. Margaret-in-the-Forest (1273) (1984) р X^arn some new words. Listen to the tape and repeat. (48). get to добираться до from — из, от, с far — далекий, далеко bridge (bridal — мост post office ('pousi.nfisj — iiomtj road fraud] до1>ога railway ['reilwei] — железная дорога underground [.Ando'graund] — .метро, подземка paiace ['prelas] — дворец straight [sircil] — прямой, прямо mi.ss — пропускать turn [1з:п] — проворачивать get — got: to get to school, to get to work, to get home. I usually get to school at a quarter to eight. How do you get to the airport? — I usually get tliere by bus. from: a letter from Jane, from London to Leeds, from nine to eleven, from Monday to Friday. We travelled to London from Glasgow. Peter works from nine to five, far (farther, farthest): a far street, a far country, far from here, far from tlie centre. Sue lives far from school. Is the supermarket far from here? far away: My cousin went far away, as far as: Walk as far as the church. bridge: a narrow bridge, a long bridge, under the bridge. There are a lot of beautiful bridges in London, post office: a small post office. Is there a post office not far from your house? There are two post offices in iny street, road: a big road, the road to the castle. Is this the road to York? railway: an old railway. They are building a new railway in the city, railway station: Where is the nearest railway station? How can I get to the railway station, please? There are a lot of railw'ay stations in Moscow. underground: to go by underground, an underground station, the London Underground, the Moscow Underground (Metro). We went from Trafalgar Sестраивался и стал официальной королевской резиденцией, когда на трон вст>'пила королева Виктория. В знак присутствия королевы во дворце нал зданием поднимается королевский флаг. Перед зданием на плоптли расположен Мемориал коро.тсвы Виктории (Queen Victoria Memorial). Сады и дворец закрыты для п>'блики, для посещения открыты только королевские конюшни (the Royal Mews) и Га.1ерея королевы (the Queen’s Gallery), в которой выстав.1ены картины из королевской коллекции. 9. Speak about а place you visited. What is it? a city, a town, a small place Where is it? in Russia, abroad, in the north, in the south, in the east, in the west, in the centre (of Russia) What is it like? big, small, beautiful, boring, interesting, wonderful Where did you stay? in a hotel, with friends, in a camp What did you do? did museums, walked in the city, looked at the monuments, took pictures... ^hat did you see? interesting museums, picture galleries, castles and palaces, beautiful places... What did you buy? souvenirs, postcards, books... How did you travel? by plane, by bus, by train, by car, by sea Do It on Your Own 10. Article the or no article? /)(?) 2)(?) 3) (?) 4) a) 5) (?) 6) 0) 7) 0) 8) 0) 9) 0) 10) 0) Buckingham Palace Tower Bridge British Museum Thames London Paddington Station London Underground Post Office Tower Moscow Metro Odeon Cinema //)(?) Hyde Park 12) (?) Trafalgar Square 13) (?) Bolshoi Theatre 14) (?) National Gallery 15) (?) Central Station 16) (?) Winter Palace /7) (?) River Road 18) (?) New York 19) (?) London Zoo 20) (?) Great Britain 11. Complete the sentences. 1) Go as far as C^vent Garden Underground Station. 2) Walk to the post office and turn • 3) Walk as far as the supermarket and turn . 4) Take 18 to Central Square. 5) Is the far from here? 6) Take a to the railway station. 7) The London This is a bus and this is a 9) The Queen of Britain lives in i /0) There are a lot of on the Thames. II) The City of York has a beautiful old 1 'to UNIT THREE Biography ^ Step One Do It Together 1. Listen to the tape, (52). What words are missing? A. Yesterday I decided to go to the new . It is not from my house, but I didn’t know the way^ very well. I walked down the and turned . After that I walked as far as the . _ and turned right at the . I walked up Garden Road to the station. Tl\e was behind it. B. — *** . how do I get to the ? — Oh, it’s not far from here. You can buses 15 or 83. — And where’s the ? — It’s near the station down this road. — Thank you very much. — You’re . ! английском языке используются Обратите внимание на ч некоторые предлоги. цр the river — по реке (против ее течения) down the river по реке (по течению) down the street (road) — вдоль по улице (в направленн!! от говорящего) biography (bai'ogroftl — биография way (wcij — njTb, дорога 2. Complete the sentences. Check. ЁЗ (53). from, by, to, down, /) How can I get... the nearest bank? — Walk straight... and turn left. 2) How do you get... the post office? — I go... metro. 3) I often get letters ... my good friends. 4) The shop is open ... nine ... six. 5) My house is ... this street, ... the left. 6) Meet my friend Denis. He is ... Leeds. 7) We had little time and got... the railway station ... taxi. 5) I go to school... Monday ... Friday. 9) Is the town museum far... here? . 10) I can’t swim up this river. — OK, swim ... the river then. , 3. Has the town got them? p I e; The town has got a square. The town hasn’t got a museum. post office castle school railway station cinema hospital underground theatre zoo opera house park bus stop picture gallery bank museum li church ;Выразить отрицание в английском языке можно по-разному. not f not г I haven’t got any pets. There is not any coffee here. There are not any apples here. I I i I haven’t I have no dog. got a dog. There is no coffee here. There are no apples here. No указывает на полное отсутствие чего-либо и непосредственно примыкает к последующему имени существительному или словосо-^четанию с ним: по friends, по good friends, no apples, no red apples, no rooms, no cosy rooms. Do you have them? Example: I have (no) good friends at school. — good friends at school? — good friends in your street? — pets in the house? — (a) diary? — interesting books? ~ English books at home? “ (a) computer? — (a) tape recorder and good tapes? — (a) CD* player and good CDs? •“ (a) piano? — any hobbies? - any talents? 1 CD compact disc are some things that you don’t have. Would you like to hav 1 p 1 e: I haven’t got a CD player at home but I would like to have it. I haven’t got any pets but I would like to have them. Listen to the tape, (54), (the) l*^ first [f3:sl] (the) 2"^* second ('sekond] (the) 3"^ third [6b;d| (the) 4^^‘ fourtli [fo:G] (the) 5^^ fifth [ftfG] (the) sixth [ssksO] (the) 7‘^ seventh ("sevonG] (the) eightli [citG] (the) 9*^ ninth [namG] (the) 10‘^ tenth [tenG] and repeat, (the) XV*' (the) 12»»» (the) 13»»* (the) 14»»» (the) 15»»> (the) 16“» (the)17‘»» (the) 18'»» (the) 19'»» (the) 20'^ eleventh (I'lcvonGJ twelfth [twelfB] thirteenth [,03:'ii:nG] fourteenth (/o/liinG) fifteenth [.fiHiinG] sixteenth [^sik'sii:n0] seventeenth [,sevon'ii:n0] eighteenth [^ei'ti;n0] nineteenth [,nain'ii:n0) twentieth ['iwcntuG] Порядковые числительные в английском языке можно образовать от количественных числительных, если к ним прибавить суффикс' •th. например: fourth, tenth, twentieth. Порядковые чис;(итель8ые first, second и third надо запомнить. Обратите внимание на дефЦ0 при написании сложных числительных. (the) twenty-first the first lesson (the) twenty-second the fourth letter (the) sixty-fifth the seventh day (the) seventy-sixth the twentieth book (the) eighty-seventh (the) hundredth Однако если речь не идет о порядке следования, в английском язь ке употребляются количественные числительные, которые обыч!^ стоят после имени существительного (например, page 3). Оба слова могут быть написаны с -заглавной буквы. Room Five lesson 11» Page Forty Letter 1 7. Say the numbers. Check. и (55). A. 1. 12, 5, 30, 40, 84, 98, 100. B. 21«. 22'“', 33^"', 44"', 55'\ 66'\ 77"', 88<>', 99"', 100"'. » a lesson {'Icsn) — урок Шт ш ■ Щ Постарайтесь запомнить написание следующих числительных: four — fourteen — forty — (the) fortieth — (the) forty-fourth five — fifteen — fifty — (the) fiftieth — (the) fifty-fifth twelve — (the) twelfth g When were they bom? Check, S (56). Denis: 21.03.1985 Charles: 14.07.1994 Ruth: 06.01.2001 Anthony: 17.08.1996 Roger: 29.12.2002 Lizzy: 13.09.1986 Helen: 04.11.1953 John: 01.02.1948 Chris: 30.04.1973 Alice: 28.06.1980 9. Where are they? Example: Barry and Jane Nelson are on the ground floor. They are in Room Nine. 10. А. LUten to the text, ^3 (^7). and read it. What do the JOHN’S BIOGRAPHY John Barker was born in London on 12 October, 1990. He has a mother, Margaret Barker (born in 1968), a father, Harry Barker (born in 1965) and a younger sister Sally (Ы>гп in 1992). Harry Barker is a children’s doctor and Margaret Barker teaches music at school. The family live in London. Their address is 19, Green Street. John went to school when he was five (all cliil-dren in Great Britain do*). Now he is in the second form^. At school he does English, mathematics, French and Russian. He would like to speak Russian well. He has some very good friends in Russia. John wants to be a journalist ['d53:nalist] and travel all over the world and meet a lot of interesting people. He would like to work for television. Л good journalist speaks two or three languages and John is learning f'b:mo] French and Russian. He would like to 1еагц Spanish too. John isn’t always a good pupil. He has too many things to do. He loves sport and photography [fa'iD^rafi]. He takes pictures of the places he visits. He has some very good pictures of the Lake District and Scotland. This year John is working a lot. He wants to be one of the best students in his class and go to university (Ju:ni'v3:sml after school, he has very little time but he rides a bike and plays football with his friends. B. This is John’s form®. And what is your form like? Name John Barker Date of birth 12 October. 1990 Place of birth London Address 19, Green Street, London Family______father, mother, sister Occupation 2"^ form pupil Interests photosraphi/, sport l./anguage(s) French, Russian Occupation of your choice___iournalist Глагол do здесь заменяет глагол go. in the second form — во втором классе a form — анкета i A Name ________ Date of birth place of birth Address _____ Family ______ Occupation___ Interests ___ Language(s) _ Occupation of your choice Английские слова form н class обычно переводят русским •класс». Form используется для обозначения параллели в школе (!•* form — первый класс, первая ступень обучения; 2"^* form — втором класс и т. д.>. Важно запомнить, что в России нумерация классов в школе сквозная (с 1-го по 10-й). в Великобритании по окончании начальной школы дети ид>т в 1 класс средней школы, где они учатся 5 или 7 лет: в 6 классе средней школы (куда поступают не все. кто окончил 5 классов) обучение длится два года. Такн.м образом. первокласснику в России обычно 6—7 лет, возраст того, кого называют first former в Англин, — 11—12 лет. российские шести-(сласеннки обычно не старше 12 лет, а в Англии это семпадцати-восемнадцатилетние .молодые люди. 1^0 It on Your Own 11. Look at the plan of Ipsen. Write what Ipsen hasn't got. Example: Ipsen has no port. There is no port in Ipsen. theatre, airjwrt. port, hotels, shop, school, cinema, church. Square.s, swimming bath, bus stops, museum, bank, restaurant I p 12. Can you write the numbers in words? 1) Michac) lives on the 9**' floor. 2) Today is the 50*^ day of the year and the 12**' day of the month. 3) This is my 2''** bike. 4) There are 43 people on the bus. You are the d*!**'. ! 5) Jane was my !•* friend in London. \j 6) What is the 12*** ntonth of the year? iJ \ 7) That was Mr Clark's 76‘*' birthday. S) The Odeon is the 8‘*' cinema in our town. Step Two Do It Together A. What forms are they in (58a). /) Sofia is in the ... form. 2) Bernard is in the ... form, he is 14 years old. 3) Linda is in the ... form too. 4) Mark is in the ... form. 5) Polly is very young, she doesn’t go to school. 3) Sam is in the ... form. He is finishing school. 7) Ruth is in the ... form, she is eleven. 3) And what form are you in? г в. When were they born? (58b). /) Sofia was born on the ... of January. 2) Bernard was born on the ... of July. 3) Linda was bom on the ... of April. 4) Mark was born on the ... of September. 5) Polly was born on the ... of May. B) Sam was born on the ... of December. 7) Ruth was born on the ... of November. B) And when were you born? 2. A. How are they coming to the finishing tape*? Example: Ben Ross is going to be the first. Ben Ross is a black runner in red and white. Donald Grey is from Canada. * finishing tape — финишная лента Moris La Roches has blue trainers^ and red socks. Paul Sedov is the youngest of all runners. Me is from Russia. Kim Lee is the shortest of the runners. A1 Brodie is a black runner in green and yellow. Rob Berton is the tallest runner. B. Where are they living? ^ и t Щ’ t Example: Ben Ross is in Room 10. Ben Ross has a big room with two windows. Donald Grey has a Jacuzzi^. Moris la Roches has the biggest television. Pavel Sedov’s window looks onto the sea. Kim Lee has a lot of green plants in his room. A1 Brodie’s room has a lot of photographs on the walls. Rob Berton*s room has a small kitchen. * trainers ('treinazj — кроссовки ^ a Jacuzzi (d53'ku:zij — ванная c подачей воды под большим давлеякбм и 1^ Известные вам вопросительные слова how, where, when, why, who, what, which* могут соединять главное н придаточные предложе* ния, ^ (59). 1) I don’t know where John lives. — Я не знаю, где Джон живет. 2) Do you know why he is here? — Ты знаешь, почему он здесь? $) I know who is in Room Five. — Я знаю, кто в пятой комнате. 4) Say where you are going. — Скажи, куда ты идешь. 5) Say what she gave mum. — Скажи, что она подарила .маме. 6) Say which is your pen. — Скажи, какая ручка твоя. Так как придаточные предложения вопросами не являются, в них прямой порядок следования слов — подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение, обстоятельство. Вспомогательные глаголы do/doe«/did не у потреб л я ются. Сравните: Where is Kate? I don’t know where Kate is. Where does Kate live? I know where Kate lives. 3. Complete the sentences. 1) a) Do you know where ...? b) James asked^ me, “Where ...?” 2) a) I want to know when ... . b) “When ...?” I want to know this. 3) a) We would like to see what.... b) “What...?” Bob asked. 4) a) Ask Alice why .... b) “Why ...?” Peter asked. 5) a) I don’t know which book ..., Jane, b) “Which book ..., Jane?” /) does he live 2) he lives /) he is going to Moscow 2) is he going to Moscow /) is he doing now 2) he is doing now 1) Is Betty at home 2) Betty is at home /) are you reading 2) you are reading Listen to the tape, (60). and repeat. What do these words mean? journalist ['d53:n3lisl]: I’d like to be a journalist, career [ko'rio]: What career would you like to make? ^ which — который, какой ^ asked [a:skt) — спросил profession [ргпТс/эп]: Tlie profession of a teacher. What do уоц know about the profession of a teacher? medicine ['medsmj: Medicine helps people. Where did your father do medicine? medical ('medikol]: Jake made a career in the medical profession, hospital ['hospitl]: Jill works in a London hospital, university yu:ni'v3:sitij: My brother does English in Moscow Univer-sity. patient ['pcijont]: There are a hundred patients in the hospital, photography [tVlngroft]: Photography is my hobby, I enjoy photog. raphy. photograph [Tootogncf] (photo): Who is in the photograph? 5. Learn some new words. Listen to the tape. (61), and repeat. interest ['inirosl] — интерес job [d5ob] — работа, занятие leave [Ил') — покидать, уезжать marry (ma;n] — выходить замуж, жениться question ['kwcstjbnj — вопрос animal ('а;ттэ1] — животное answer ['а:п$з] — 1) л ответ; 2) V отвечать ask [a;sk] — спрашивать because [bi'koz] — потому что dream [dri:m] — 1) л мечта; 2)V мечтать В. animal: а small animal.Cats, dogs and birds are all animals. Were there nmny animals on the farm? an.swer: a clever answer, a bad answer, to get an answer (to a letter). The teacher said he liked my answer, ask: Jane asked me how to get to the market. Did you ask Bob about his career? because: Why is Edward at home? — Because he is ill. Why are you going to Leeds? — Because I live there, because of: 1 was late because of my little brother, dream: wonderful dreams. Alice’s dream was to become a journalist, dream — dreamed (dreamt) [dremij: I dreamed that I was in a beautiful palace. She dreams to be a painter, interest: Football and pop music are Alan’s two interests. To be interested in planes (cars, computers, music). Little Stewart is interested in taking pictures. job: an interesting job, a terrible job, a boring job. Douglas {'dAglosJ finished school and began his first job. What’s your job? — I’m a journalist. — left: to leave school, to leave the house. What time are you going to leave home to go to the station? Colin left his job in May. Did you leave the window open? leave for: to leave for London, to leave Moscow for St. Petersburg. We are going to leave London for Glasgow on 19'^ June, marry — married: to marry a girl, to marry a doctor. Samuel is going to marry my sister. She and Mike married last month, be married: Now they are married. question: an unusual question, to answer a question. Little Tony didn’t answer my question. L 6. .Match them. a) to ask b) to leave c) to answer d) to marry e) to be interested 1) a beautiful woman 2) the house 3) in animals 4) questions 5) the telephone f 7. Which is true* about you? /) I love animals. 2) I hate animals. 3) I dream to be a teacher. 4) I’d like to make a career in medicine. 5) I’m interested in photography. 6) I enjoy meeting people. 7) I don’t like sport- 3) I’ni not interested in English. 9) I’d like to have a good job after I leave school. W) I’d like to go to university. f f} 1 enjoy asking questions but I don’t like answering them. J2) I always know how to answer a question, f 3) My dream is to travel a lot. true Itru;J — верно 14) Му dream is to marry and have a family. 15) I’m happy when I’m with my friends. 16) I enjoy going to scliool. 17) I’m not thinking about my career now. 18) 1 think school is boring. 19) I would like to work abroad. 20) I think the place where I live is the best in the world. 8. Read the (ext and complete the sentences after it. HARRY B.ARKER Harry Barker was 1югп on 16‘*' September 1965 in a farmer’s family. He spent his early years on his father’s farm. They always had a lot of animals. Harry usually helped his parents and worked on the farm. He fed the cows, sheep ai»d horses, watered the plants in the garden. He often asked ins father questions about his animals and got answers. Harry was interested in medicine. He wanted to know how to help the animal But his dream was how to help people: he wanted to become a doc^ tor, a children’s doctor. When Harry was eighteen, he left his home for London and began doing medicine. His university years were the happiest years of his life. He did what he liked doing. When Harry was 23 he met Margaret. They married and had two children — a boy and a girl. They are a happy family. Now Harry is working in a new hospital in the so\ith*west of London. He loves his job and is making a wonderful career. His liH tie patients and their parents like him very much because he is a very good doctor. 1) Harry’s father was a ... . 2) When a young boy, Harry was interested in . 3) Harry’s dream was to be a ... . ■f) When Harry was 18, he went to ... . 5) Now Harry is a children’s doctor in a ... . 6) His patients like Harry Barker because .... Притяжательные местоимения в английском языке имеют еще одну, так называемую абсолютную форму. (62). Притяжательные местоимения Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимсиий my mine his his her hers its its your yours their theirs После притяжательных местоимений в абсолютной форме существительные не употребляются. Is it your pen, Ann? Yes. it is. It is mine. Is it Ben’s book? No, it isn’t his, it is yours. Jane gave us her address and we gave her ours. I know your telephone number, I don’t know theirs. 9. Complete the sentences. 1) It is his souvenir. The souvenir is ... . 2) They are her flowers. The flowers are .... 3) It is their castle. The castle is ... . 4) It is my diary. The diary is .... 5) They are our boats. The boats are .... 6) They are your postcards. The postcards are ... Do It on Your Own 10. Complete the sentences. 1) I gave him my address and he gave me his. 2) She gave me ... address and I gave her .... 3) They gave us ... address and we gave them ... 4) We gave her ... address and she gave us .... 5) You gave them ... address and they gave you . в) He gave you ... address and you gave him .... Б> /) When are they leaving Moscow? I’d like to know it. 2) Why is he happy? I’d like to know it. 5) Who is coming by the 9 o’clock train? I’d like to know it. 4) Where does he do medicine? I’d like to know it. 5) How can they answer this question? I’d like to know it. 6) What do you enjoy doing? I’d like to know. 7) Which do you speak — English or French? I’d like to know. Step Three Do It Together Listen to the tape, (вЗ), and complete the sentences. Check and repeal. SELFISH* (after Carolyn Graham) This is mine! That’s...! Don’t touch^ mine! Get... own. This is mine. That’s .... That’s.... Hey! What are you doing? What are you doing with that? That’s .... Hey! What are you doing? What are you doing with that? That’s.... Hey! What are you doing? What are you doing with that? That’s hers. * selfish ['scjfi/J — эгоистичный ^ to touch [ыЛ — трогать, дотрагиваться г What’s... is... What’s. What’s... is... What’s., What’s... is... What’s . What doe.s Bob ask? Chock, (64). Example: Where does John live? - - He asks where John lives 1) He asks why.... 2) He ask.s who Ruth .... 3) He asks how many maps .... 4) He asks what countries Tony .... 5) He asks how well Bob .... 6) He asks what pets .... 7) He asks when Rob .... Complete (he sentences. /) This is (my/mine) university. 2) Doctor Smith, is this (your, yours) patient? — Yes, Polly is (my/mine) patient. 2) (Their/ theirs) friend Douglas is a journalist. 4) I am going to answer all (her/hers) questions. 5)(0ur/ours) dream was to travel in Spain. 6) We gave tliem (our/ours) address and they gave us (their/theirs). 7) Which bag is (her/hers)? 8) Is photography (your/yours) hobby? 9) Sharon i»as no answer to (her/hers) question. /0) Ekldy and Mike are not at school because (their/theirs) little sister is ill. Общие вопросы типа Does she play tennis? Can Jack drive a car? Has Andy got any pets at home? легко переделать в придаточные предложения при помощи небольшого слова if (л«, если), начав предложение со с.1едующих структур: I want to know... 1 don’t know... ' We would like to know... Сравните: 1. Does she play tennis? 2. CJan Jack drive? 8. Has Andy got any pets? Was Boris at home? 1. I’d like to know if she plays tennis. 2. We are interested if Jack can drive. 3. They don’t know if Andy has got any pets. 4. Clair asks if Boris was at home. 4. This is what Jerry is thinking about. Say what he would like to know! Check, (65). 1) Is mum at home? 2) Is she cooking now? 3) Was she at the shop in the morning? 4) Is father going to come home early? 5) Does he go to the bank on Fridays? 0) Can father take us to the cinema today? 7) Do they show a James Bond film in the cinema? 5) Does mum like James Bond films? 9) Can she go with us? lO) Are we going to enjoy the film? 5. Answer the question.s if you can. Example; Do fish jump high? I don’t know if fish jump high./I know fish jump high. /) Do people live high in the mountains? 2) Is painting pictures an interesting occupation? 3) Can dogs play the piano? 4) Is January a winter month in Australia? 5) Is the weather warm or cold in Great Britain now? 6) Do tliey speak English in South America? 7) Does the new year begin on 1 January in all the countries? 8) Were the first films made in Russia? .9) Were the first cars big or small? JO) Does the British Queen like travelling abroad? 6. Listen to the tape. [5З (^)> ^ud repeat. What do these mean? college ['kolids]: a medical college, a good college. Paul is going to college in September. Alice is a college student, stop [stop]; The car stopped near the college. Stop playing football. Rosie stopped her teacher and asked her a question, talent ['tjeloni]: a talent for music, a talent for sport. Ted has a tal-^ entfor painting. Learn some new words. (J3 (67). choose — выбирать die — умирать difficult ['difrkoll] — трудный easy — легкий money — деньги success [sak'scs] — успех successful [sok'sesfal] — успеш- talk [tc:k] — разговаривать woman ['wumon] — женщина become [Ь|'клт] — становить- go out — выйти, сходить куда-то look after — заботиться В. choose — chose: to choose a career, to choose a book. Did you choose a doll, Olga? Ben chose two balloons. die — died: Mrs Witson died in 1999. Barry West was born in September 1934 and died in July 2002. difficult: a difficult text, a difficult job. This sentence is very difficult. I can’t read it. easy: an easy plan, an easy job. Mary’s job is easier than yours. Yours is more difficult. money: to have a lot of money, to have little money. Take the money and go to the shop. There is no money in the money-box. success: to have success, to be a success. The new film had a lot of success. Her new book is a success. John’s career as a journalist is a success. successful: a successful teacher, a successful writer. Margaret Barker is a successful music teacher. talk — talked: to talk a lot, to talk to a friend. They are all talking together. Can their little son talk? Alice is teaching her bird to talk. woman — women ['wjmin]: a beautiful woman, a tall woman, a young woman. Three women, ten women, fifteen women. There were some women in the room. become — became: to become a writer. He went to university to become a doctor. After school my granny became a nurse. go out: Let’s go out to eat this night. I often go out with my friends. look after: My cousin has got three pets and looks after all of them. When my granny is ill, I always look after her. 97 8. Complete the sentences. after, at, for. out. 1 /) Jane is in Leeds. I’m looking ... her flowers. 2) Let’s go ... to the disco this evening. 3) Peter has a talent ... music. 4) Tony is goings ... school and his sister is going ... college In the autumn. 5) I like animals and my brother is interested ... cars and computers. 6)ls John ... home? - No, he is ... school. 7) What can you see ... this picture? 3) We left St. Petersburg ... Moscow. Now we are living in the capital of our country. 9) I would like to go ... with my friends tonight. 10) The teacher asked Margaret to talk ... her son. Listen to the text, 1*^ (68), and then read it. Complete the sentences after the text. .MARGARET BARKER Margaret Barker was born on S*** August 1968. Her father was a pilot but he died young. There were two children in the family and Margaret’s mother began working at the post office. Their life was not easy, because the family had little money. After school Margaret didn’t go to university. She went to college. She had a talent for music, could sing and play the piano. Soon Margaret became a school teacher of music. She chose this difficult profession and was never sorry about it. Her career is very successful and she loves working with children. When Margaret met Harry Barker, married him and had children, she didn’t stop working. She works at a school in the south of London two days a week and spends a lot of time with John and Sally, her children. She looks after the house, goes to the shops and cooks. Her husband and children help her. Margaret enjoys going out with her husband, playing gamee with her children and talking to them. She has some friends and meets them at weekends. She thinks she is a very happy woman. /) Margaret’s parents were ... richL 2) When Margaret was very young, she w’as interested in . rich (nlf] — богатый 5) Now Margaret teaches music at.... 4) Margaret... her profession. 5) Margaret’s helpers in the house are .... $) On Saturdays and Sundays Margaret goes out with her .... lO. What questions and answers are missing? ^^When was Margaret Barker born? On August 1968. ”2) What was her father? "з) She worked at the post office. 4) Where did Margaret go after school? 5) She had a talent for music. 6) What’s Margaret’s profession now? 7) Yes, her career is very successful. S) What’s her husband’s name? 9) Their names are John and Sally. fO)What does Margaret enjoy doing? Ко.1леджи и университеты (Colleges and Universities) в Великобритании предлагают курсы обучения после школы. Колледжи дают в ОСНОВНО.Ч знания по конкретному предмету неакадемического толка, т. е. то, что учащимся пригодится на практике (а medical college, а secretarial (.sckn'tcansl] college). Университеты предлагают классическое образование, часто теоретического характера и более глубокое, чем образование в колледжах. Самые известные и самые старые университеты Англин Oxford (основан в XIII веке) и Cambridge ['kcimbnds] (основан в начале XIII века). Эти университеты, в отличие от всех остальных, сами состоят из отдельных колледжей (colleges), однако ато не колледжи в обычном значении слова. Они скорее похожи на маленькие уввверситеты. 99 Do It on Your Own 11. What words arc missing? 1) When my friend goes away, I often ... after her cat. 2) 1 thinic' you ... too much on the telephone. 5) My grandad was born in 1930 and ... in 1999. 4) The party we had on Saturday was a.... we all enjoyed it. 5) Is English easy or ... for you? 6) Ail people — men,... and children like good films. 7) I’ve got some CDs. Please ... anyone you like. 8) I have got a little ...»I’d like to buy souvenirs for my family. 9) My sister is a university student but I’d like to go to ... after school. 10) My friend has a ... for music, he can sing and play the piano. Step Four Do It Together Listen to the tape, (69). and complete the sentences. /) Jill has a .... 2) His name is ... . 3) He is... . B. /) May's grandad is a .... 2) He is a ... journalist. 3) May went out.... 4) May’s grandad lives .... 4) He is finishing school in ... . 5) He is interested in .... 6) He wants to become a.... 5) May’s grandad writes about.... d) May’s grandad ... birds, he knows... about them. 2. Sam is a young Journalist. He is going to interview' Martin Hunt, a British Minister. W'hat questions is he going to ask? Check, gg (70). Example: Where were you born? MR MARTIN HUNT I’d like to know: — where he was born — his parents’ occupations to interview ['intavju;J — брать интервью ___tio what school he went ^ if school was easy or difficult for him ^ if he went to college or university after school — how he chose his career — what his first job was like — when he married Mrs Hunt — if they have any children and grandchildren — if he likes being a minister — if he likes working with the Prime Minister _____if he is going to speak on television on Friday — what he would like to say to people 3. Look at the pictures and say when they were born and when they died. 1. William Shakespeare 2. Queen Victoria ['/cik5.pJ0l 1819-1901 1564-1616 4. Queen Elizabeth 1533—1603 _. Ludwig van Beethoven (bcithomnj 1770—1827 4. Complete the sentences. Check, Ш (71). 7) A.S. Pushkin b... popular when he was young. He was a s... poet who had a real t... . 2) Where is the m...? I’m going to the shops^^ 3) Valentina Tereshkova was the first w... astronaut t^®streno:i] in the world. 4) What are you t... about? I don’t understand you. 5) A new Harry Potter book b... a real s... . d)Is it d... or e... U> learn English? 7) When did Charlie Chaplin d...? He d... in 1977. 8) Always ch... a book carefully. 9) The train doesn’t s... at this sta* tion. 10) When are you going to your medical c...? 11)1 hear your brother has a t... for painting. ‘.C.V.0 В английском языке пе все имена существительные образу жественяое число при помощи окончания -s (journalists, questioi answers). Множественное число некоторых слов надо aanoMBKi Часть из них вы уже знаете, man — men tooth — teeth foot — feet woman — women ['wrmmj child — children goose — geese mouse — mice A некоторые существительные числе: one sheep — ten sheep — twenty .sheep one deer — two deer — eighty deer - eight fish ~ a hundred fish ‘ изменяются во множественном one fish - Имена существительные hair* (волосы), money (деньги), news (новость, новости) в английском языке не имеют формы множестве|^ ного числа. Эти слова согласуются с глаголом в единственном числе и заменяются местоимением it. Неопределенный артикль с ними не употребляется. Where is the money? It is on the table. I had a lot of money yesterday, but I spent it. Jack, was your money in the bag? John's hair is dark. It is short too. What’s the news? There is no news today. Ck>mplete the sentences. Check, E3 (73). /) Where (is/are) the money? (It/They) (is/are) on the shelf. 2) Where (is/are) the coins? (It/They) (is/are) on the table. 3) What colour (is/are) Jane's hair? (It/They) (is/are) black. 4) What colour (is/are) Mrs Armstrong’s hair? (It/They) (is/are) grey. 5) The news (is/are) interesting. I didn’t know (it/them). Вы уже знаете, что множественное число существительных образу-. class — classes box — boxes bench — benches wish^ wishes wife — wives: shelf — shelves body — bodies: country — countries ется.I <ак правило. N + s (zj day — t Is] cat — c. .4s Nx Nch Nsh Nf N согласная + у ^ hair имеет также * wish (wij) чение «волосок* (cp.: a hair, few hairs) желание, пожелание Listen to the text. (74), then read it. Put these .sentences i right order'. a) Britney Spears lived in New York. b) Britney Spears went to school in Kentwood. c) Britney Spears has got a house in Beverly Hills. d) Britney Spears was a success in a television show. BRITNEY SPEARS Britney Spears is one of the world’s famous pop princesses [,prin'scsizj. But how did she become famous? Britney was born in Kentwood, Louisiana (lu:,i:zi'ieni»], the USA. The girl was born on 2"^ December 1981. Even when she was very young, she loved music and singing. She sang popular songs at home and at school, and people said, she had a real talent for singing. The first person who asked Britney to sing for other^ people was her mum. And that was a success. Britney travelled a lot when she was a little girl but it was difficult for her because she missed® her friends who were at school in Kentwood. For a year she lived in New York. She studied drama and singing at a school for talented children. When Britney was eleven, she was in a television show the “Mickey Mouse Club” and that was a success too. After the “Mickey Mouse Club,” Britney went to Kentwood to go to high school"*. After high school, Britney started working on her first album “Baby One More Time.” She recorded® it when she was sixteen. It became popular all over the world and in 2000, Britney recorded her second album “Oops! I Did It Again.” In 2001, Britney acted in the film “Crossroads” and recorded her third album. Now she has got a big house in Beverly Hills and a restaurant in New York. She opened it in June 2002. Britney always says, “Follow® your dreams! Don’t listen to anyone. who says you can’t be successful!” ‘ in the right order I'ordo] — в правильном порядке other 1'лОэ] — другой, другие to miss — зО.: скучать high school — средняя шко.*1а to record Jn'koid] — записывать (на пленку, пластинку, диск) to follow [То1зо] — следовать за 9. Complete the chart. 1981 Britney Spears was bom. 1992 ? ? Britney Spears recorded her first album. 2000 7 2001 ? 2002 9 10. Complete the sentences. Speak about Britney Spears. Britney Spears is a famous American pop . Britney was bom in Louisiana. She was born on 1981. When she was a little girl she had a talent for .!. . She sang for her mother and other people and was a .®. . Britney travelled in the country and lived in ,®. for a year. In New York she went to a school for . When Britney was eleven. “the Mickey Mouse Club”. After Britney left high school, she started . It became popular ]?. . The name of the second album was “}}." In 2001 Britney acted in a film and recorded !?. . Now Britney lives in . She opened a in New York. Britney likes to say, “Follow !” She knows every person can be !?. . Do It on Your Own 11. Write the words in the plural* to complete the sentences. /) There are three new (college) in our town. 2) How many (university) are there in St. Petersburg? 5) Those two (woman) are my aunts. 4) I like (animal) and want to become a vet, an animal doctor. 5) A lot of (child) want to leave school and go to university- 6) These are the new (photo). 7) There are three nice (sheep) in the picture. 8) In autumn (goose) fly to warm countries. 9) A lot of zoos have (deer). 10) Moscow is famous for its old (church). 12) My little brother has three white (mouse). 12) If you want to have good I the plural ['р1и9гэ1] — во множественном числе А (tooth), eat a lot of vegetables and drink a lot of milk. 13) Who are those (man)? I don’t know them. 14) (Prince) and (princess) usually live in (palace). 15) Look at those beautiful (fish)! Aren’t they nice? 16) My (foot) were so tired after the long walk. Write the sentences differently. Example; This Is my new bike. — This new bike is mine. ;)This is her money. 2) These are his books. 3)Those are our rooms. 4) This is your dinner. 5) These are my pets. 6) It’s their television show. Step Five Do It Together Listen to the te.xt about Roald Dahl, (75). Complete the form. Date of birth ____ . _________ Place of birth _______________ Died in ______________________ Places of living Wales. Began to write for children in Married in ___________________ His wife’s occupation _______ The number of children Dahl had Choose the word. Complete the sentences. Check, Э (76). Yesterday my mum (gives/gave) me some money. I (want/wanted) to buy a new disc. But when I (come/came) to the shop, I (can’t/ couldn’t) see the money in my bag. It (was/were) not there. “Where (is/are) the money?” I (think/thought). “Where did I put it?” Then I (understand/understood). “I know where the money (is/are). It (is/was) on the kitchen table.” 107 Say the same differently. Check. Example: The news he told me was terrible. It was terrible news. /) The news they told me was interesting. 3) The news they told me was funny. 3) The news they told me was boring. 4) The news they told me was pleasant. 5) The news they told me was wonderful. ALICE JACK hair ia. Check, В английском языке гфидаточные определительные пред/южения . могут вводиться относительными местоимениями who (whom), ^ whose, which. J Tlie woman who is standing near my mother is my teacher. | The man who/whom I met yesterday was my uncle. The boy whose name is Jack Hibbs is our best student. J Mr Brown lives in the cottage whose name is “Sunny Garden”. The book which I’m reading now i Обратите внимание. ' 3 very interesting. когда речь идет о людях. используютсД .местоимения who (whom), когда речь идет о неодушевленных предметах и животных — which. При атом очень часто which и who ^ опускаются. This is the book (which) yon wanted to read. This is the man (who) you wanted to see. Bo многих сл^'чаях вместо who и which можно использовать that This is the book that you wanted to read. This is the man that you wanted to see. Say the same i j) This is the car Jack bought. 3) This is the man I know very well. 3) This is the film my mother likes very much. 4) Tins is the game I can’t play. .5) This is the writer I saw on television yesterday. ff) This is the girl we often play with. 7) This is the school J go to. Choose the right word to complete the sentences. Check. E=1 (79). /)I don’t like people (wlio/which) hate animals. 2) The question (who/ which) you are asking me is very difficult. 3)The children (who'which) are playing in the garden are my brother’s friends. 4) The jobs (who/which) he did in his young years were all very interesting. 5) The mice (who/which) live under the floor get out at night, в) The man (who/which) married my sister is my good friend now. 7) The place (who/which) we visited last summer was very beautiful. 3)The career (who/which) I chose is not easy. 9) The deer (who/which) live in the forest come to our house, and we feed them. f(?)The university (who/which) is in the city centre is the best. Complete the sentences with who, which, whose, that. 1) The boy ... is playing on the computer is my friend. 2) The story ... I read yesterday was very interesting. 3) The plant... flowers are red is a rose. 4) Tlie man ... car is in the garden is my cousin. 5) The room ... walls are yellow is the best in the house. 6) The children ... are sitting at their desks are my pupils. 7) The women ... are dancing now are our school teachers. 8) The dog ... is playing with a ball is Chase. 9) The house ... roof is high is my grandfather’s. 10) People ... like music often come to this place to listen to it. 8. An.swer the journali.st's questions. Act the dialogue out. J: You: What’s your name? J: You: How old are you? J: You: Do you go to school? J: You: What’s your school number? J: You: What form are you in? You: J: You: J: You: J: You: J: You: J: You: You: J: How many pupils are there in your class? What do they want to do after school? And you? What career would you like to choose? What do your parents think about it? Would you like to go to university or college? In what place would you like to live? Why? I’d like to know if you’re happy. Thank you very much for the interview. 9. Speak about Korney Chukovsky. Pen name — Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky Real* name — Nickolai Vasilievich Korneychukov 1882 — born 1901 — chose the career of a writer and critic ['kntikj, wrote some very good books for children (children’s classics)» did translations [tr»ns1ei/9nsj from English into Russian 1957 — became Doctor of Philology [fi'lolodsi], had two children (his son and his daughter later became writers) 1969 —died 10. Speak about one of your parents ( When was he/she born? Where was he/she born? What was his/her family like? Where did he/she go to school? * real {nolj — настоящий t man/a woman ^ г What career did he/she choose? * Did he/she go to college or university? jDoes he/she like his/her work? Is he/she successful in his/her work? What is he/she interested in? What does he/she do in his/her free time? 11. What is your biography like? My name.... I was born .... I’m... years old. I live... . I have a ... family:... and me. My parents.... I go to school.... Hike.... I’m interested in .... I don’t like .... I want to go to .... I’d like to be ... . I dream of .... Do It on Your Own 12. Write these sentences differently. Use who or which. I) I like the video that I bought yesterday. 2) The boy that wrote this poem is my best friend. 3) The dog that is running to the house is Rex. 4) Where is the picture that Uncle Fred painted? 5) Mr Jones is my friend, that lives in Canada. d)The children that live next door are my friends. 7) This is the cake that I made. 8) The girls that are here go to my school. 13. Write these words in the singular*. f)mice, 2) teeth. 3) sheep, 4) women, 5) geese, 3) men, 7) deer, S) fish, 9) children, W) feet * in the singular f'sincuubr] — в единственном числе UNIT FOUR Traditions, Holidays, Festivals^ Step One Do It Together 1. Listen to the tape. (80). and 1) Do you know the boy 2) Can you see the tall man 3) I like little animals 4) She lives in the house 6) I like the park My brother has a bike 7) Mother often tells me stories Dahl is the writer P) Please, tell me 10) Lewis Carroll is the writer complete the sentences. a) which make good pets. b) that is not far from my house. I c) who is speaking to our teacher. J d) who is coming to dinner. e) who is standing at the window.! f) whose books are very interesUj ing. g) whose garden is beautiful. h) which is new and bright yellow.! i) that make me smile. j) whose books I enjoy reading. ^ 2. Who is who in the pictures? Listen to the tape, («Э (81). * Traditions, Holidays, Festivals —* традиции, праздники. {>олнгиоэвИ(! i праздники и фестивали A’ords. Listen to the tape and repeat. (82). celebrate (ЧеЬЬгси!— праздновать. отмечать present I'prczsntl — подарок neighbour ('neiboj — сосед midnight I'nudnait) — полночь strike Isiraikj — 1) ударять, бить; 2) бить (о часах) shout IJauil — кричать quiet (kwaidtl — тихий, спокойный В. celebrate: to celebrate a holiday, to celebrate a birthday. Jane is celebrating her tenth birthday today, present: a lot of presents, a birthday present, to give as a present. My mother gave me some money as a birthday present. ® neighbour: my new neighbours, my parents* neighbours. Mr Nelson is our neighbour, he lives in the house next to ours, midnight: at midnight. Twelve o’clock at night is midnight or the middle of the night. My grandma usually goes to bed at midnight. strilie — struck: 1) to strike in the face. Why did you strike Nick? 2) (about the clock) Listen! The clock is striking midnight. When does the Kremlin Clock strike? shout: to shout at a child. Why are you shouting? I understand you well. I hate people who shout at children, old people and animals, quiet: a quiet evening, a quiet life. Be quiet! Ann is sleeping! Jack is I a quiet person, he never shouts. I live a very quiet life. : Look at the pictures and say: a) when the children celebrated their birthdays; 113 Помимо известного вам прошедшего времени past simple (opened, liked, translated, came, saw), в английском языке есть еще одно прошедшее время — past progressive (прошедшее продолженное). Эта форма образуется при помощи 1) форм was, were (глагол to be в past simple) и 2) глагола, называющего действие, с -ing на конце (Ving). was/were + Ving Pred was playing on the beach at 5 o’clock yesterday. ‘ talking when mother came in. While* I was working. Tom was cooking. Past progressive часто используется для того, чтобы описать ка-кое-.тибо действие, которое происходило в определенное время в прошлом. I past simple and which in pa^ Read the sentences. Which of them t progressive? /) While I was speaking on the phone, Don was looking at father' photographs. 2) Mr Ross lived in France three years ago. 3) I saw Nina last Friday. 4) You were sleeping when John came. 5) While Bob was feeding the cow, Emma was feeding the chicks. 6) Mr Green married Betty five years ago. 7) Alan was answering the teacher’s question when his parents opened the door. 8) Bryan was leaving for London at 5 p.m. yesterday. Listen to the tape, (83), and then read the dialogues (1—3). Mow can we form questions and negations* in past progressive? /) — Was Lizzy sleeping when you came into her room, Melissa? — No. пшт. She was not sleeping. She was plying with her doll, 2) Were John and Tom going to school when you met them? — No, they were not going to school, they were going to the gym. 3) — Ann, was Nick playing on the computer at 8 p.m. yesterday? — No, granny. He wasn't playing on the computer. He was watching television. Past Progressive © подлежащее was/were + Ving I was reading. They were reading. 0 подлежащее was/were not + Ving wasn’t/weren’t + Ving He was not (wasn’t) reading. We were not (weren’t) reading. © was/were подлежащее Ving Was she reading? Were they reading? ' to form questions and negations fm 'gci/sn] — образовать вопрюситеяв' ные и отриаательлыс предложения g Look at the pictures and say what the children were doing i thev were not doing at 11 o’clock a.m. yesterday. What were they doing last Sunday evening? Ask 3 Example: Were you playing on the coniputer? to w’atch television, to write a diary, to stay at home, to talk to your parents, to go by underground, to make a tour of Moscow*, to buy a souvenir, to speak on the mobile, to have a quiet evening Do It on Your Own 10. Make up sentences. 1) I was I I not I I he 11 football | |with| | us | | yesterda^ I playing 2) |book| fat] fY| I o'clock | |you| | reading | fT~| fwerej 3) I they! I visiting 11 their 11 grandad | |were| flii] | the | | eveningl. 4) I singing I I the I | birds | |were| | early) | in | | the | 5) I Ben I I what I | yesterday evening | | doing | | was | fT] S) I sleeping~| | wasn’t) ) at) ) midnighf] ) she ). 7) I the I I teacher I | to | (me| | speaking | was | [~T] 11. Complete the aentence«. Write about your day. /) At seven o’clock yesterday I... . 2) At seven o’clock yesterday it... raining. 3) When 1 was coming home from school yesterday, I met... 4) I was watching television yesterday evening while ... . 5) When the dock struck midnight, my family ... . 6) While I was doing my homework yesterday, my friends ... Step Two Do It Together Listen to the tape. What do you hear? (84). /) a) Is Ben playing tennis? b) Was Ben playing tennis? 2) a) Are you talking to your neighbour? b) Were you talking to your neighbour? 3) a) Liza isn’t shouting at me. b) Liza wasn’t shouting at me. 4) a) The shop is closing, b) The shop was closing. J f 5) a) What are they celebrating? b) What were they celebrating? в) a) What present is Sarah buying? b) What present was Sarah buying? 7) a) The clock is striking midnight, b) The clock was striking midnight. 8) a) Who is driving the doubledecker? b) Who was driving tlie double-decker? 9) a) His granny is living a quiet life, b) His granny was living a quiet life. 10) a) The Smiths are choosing a new house, b) The Smiths were choosing a new house. 2. Mrs Ford went shopping. What were her children and her pets doing when she came home? Check, EH (85). Example: Tim was standing on the television. stand, play, jump, eat (2), fly, sleep, paint, water, wash, sit very bad day yesterday. What did he say to his friend I Example: I was taking a shower when my mother called. 1) At seven o’clock Ken was in the shower. His mother wanted to speak to him on the phone. He spoke to his mother and to the bedroom to dress. ^ 2) He began to dress. His neighbour came. The neighbour asked some questions about Ken’s garden. The neighbour left. 3) Ken went to the kitchen to have a cup of tea. His friend came. He asked for some money. Ken gave him the money. 4) Ken went to the garage to get out the car. Л policeman’ stopped him. The policeman asked Ken if the neighbour’s dog was any problem. Ken said that it wasn’t. 5) Ken drove to Lizzy’s house. His car stopped in the middle of the road. Ken left the car at the service station^ and took a bus. 6) He was on the bus. It began raining. The bus stopped. Ken got out. He stood at the bus stop because he didn’t have an umbrella®. When Ken came to Lizzy’s place, he was very late and Lizzy was angry. Целый ряд глаголов в английском языке обычно не употребляют в продолженном времени (present или past progressive). Это глаголы like, love, understand, see. hear* want, know. hate, think (в значении «полагать*), have (в значении «иметь») и др. John likes winter. Pete loves his mum. I don’t understand French. We don’t know these people. They see us. I hear you. I want a new blouse. They have a good old friend. Однако сравни: What are you doing? — I am thinking. I think they are having fun at the party now. * a policeman (po 'IbmonJ — полицейскиГ5 ® a service station fs3:vis ^tetfonj — станция технического обслуживания ® an umbrella [лтЪгсЬ] — зонт ■* to hear [hio] — heard [h3:d) — слышать ^ Choose the right form to complete the sentences. Check. из (86). /) (Do you love/Are you loving) your home town? 2) Howard says he (doesn’t understand/isn’t understanding) me. d)Jack didn’t answer my question, he (thought/was thinking). 4) When I met Tom, he (walked/was walking) to the supermarket. .5) My brother (hated/ was hating) milk when he was little. 6) We (had/were having) dinner when you called. 7) She (thinks/is thinking) that she is the best pupil in her class. S) What present (do you want/are you wanting) for your birthday? 9) What television programme (did you watch/ were you watching) at 9 o’clock yesterday night? i9)(Did you know/Were you knowing) that Tim was my neighbour? / i) (Did you hear/'Were you hearing) when Tom came back? 12) “Think, Jane, thinkr — “Oh, mum. I (am thinking/think).’’ 5. W’hat do the words mean? traditional (trd"di/dn^|: Football is a traditional British game, special rspe/alj: My little sister goes to bed late on special days — 31 December, 8 March and her birthday, public I'pAbiik]: I go to the public library on Sundays. I use public transport when I go to school. club |к1лЬ1: We have a lot of sports clubs at school: a tennis club, a chess club, a football club. disco I'diskou): Disco is a place where people dance to popular music. Do you often go to a disco? symbol (’simbolj: A red rose is a symbol of England. What Russian .symbols do you know? start IsloitJ: We start at five tomorrow. To start means to begin. Let’s make a new start. Learn how to pronounce and use the new word.s, IP] (87). mean |mi:nl — значить, иметь в виду wish V {wifl — желать wish n — желание gather Гдждэ! — собирать(ся) hug и |Ьлд1 — обни.мать hug п — объятие each — каждый card (koidj — карточка, открытка sweetheart ("swirihcrtl — 1) воз-любленный(ая): 2) любовь .моя, душа моя {при обращении) hear (hisj — слышать mean — meant |menl); What does this word m^an? What did Bob I mean when he said it? He meant that you were ri^ht. wish: I wish you a happy birthday. We wish you a good trip, a wish: a strong wish. My wish to become a doctor gets stronger every day. make a wish: Look at the star and make a wish, gather: to gather fruit in the garden. All my friends gathered near the school. hug — hugged: to hug your parents, to hug your friends. I hugged my grandparents because I was so glad to see them, a hug: a big hug. I gave my dog a big hug when I got home, each: each player, each pupil, each girl, each of us, each of them. Each house in the street has a garden. Each girl has a book. They each have a book. Each of the boys has a book, each other: to see each other, to like each other. The twins love each other. card: a postcard, a greeting card, a playing card, a birthday card, a bank card, to play cards. Beatrice sent me a beautiful card on my birthday. sweetheart: Goodbye, sweetheart. Don’t cry, sweetheart. They were sweethearts for three years and then they married, hear — heard (h3:d|: Can your hear me? I heard a nice new song yesterday. I can hear the neighbour’s television. 7, An.4wer the questions. 1) When is your birthday? 2) Do you celebrate your birthday every year? 3) Wliat do you wish to get for your birthday? 4) Do your friends gather at your place on your birthday? 5) Do your friends hug or kiss you when they come to say “Happy birthday”? 6) What else does each of your friends say? 7) Do you get many birthday cards? 8) Do you have any special things to eat on your birthday? 5) Do you usually stay at home or go to a club or a disco or another public place? 10) Do you enjoy your birthdays? 11) When was your best birthdav? What was it like? i f д Listen to the tape. The.se are the names of some Briti.4h holidays. ° Read them. ГД (88). Do vou know when people celebrate them? Check, gg (89). ^ fear i y^liniine'' I Guy Fawkes'Night I 31 25 t October \ ' 9. Listen to the text. [*^ (90). Complete the sentences after it. HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS IN BRITAIN (1) Who doesn’t like holidays? Holidays usually mean not going to school or to work, they also mean nice food, presents and a lot of fun. British people like them too. Here are some of the traditional holidays and festivals they celebrate: 1 January — New Year’s Day 14 February ■— St Valentine’s Day March or April — Easter Festival 31 October— Halloween 5 November — Guy Fawkes’ Night 25 December — Christmas Festival The beginning of a new year is a time for celebrating and for making a new start. People wish each other “Happy New Year" and send special greeting cards. On New Year’s Eve’ (December 31*’) шапу people go to parties with their families, neighbours and friends. They go to bed after midnight to “see the New Year in" at 12 o’clock. In London people gather to celebrate in Trafalgar * eve [i:v) — канун Square. From there they can hear Big Ben, the large clock at the Houses of Parliament. When Big Ben strikes, they all hug and kiss each other and shout “Happy New Year”. January 1*' is a public holiday in Britain and the US. For older people it’s a quiet day in front of the television. But young people go out and meet their friends at parties, discos and different clubs. On St Valentine’s Day people send a special greeting card (Valentine) to those who they love. It’s a tradi4 tion not to give the name of the sender. Some people buy presentel for their sweethearts or give them red roses, a symbol of love. /) Holidays usually mean .... 2) Some of the traditional holidays and festivals that British реЯ pie celebrate are .... 3) The beginning of a year is a time for ... . 4) People wish each other ... and send special.... r5) Many people get together with .... 6) In London people gather to celebrate in ... . 7) When Big Ben strikes, people .... в) For older people 1 January is a quiet day .... But young people go out and .... JO) On St Valentine’s Day people send .... //) Some people buy presents for their ... or give them .... 10. Choose the answer. 1)1 a) like holidays. b) love holidays. c) don’t like holidays very much d) ... c) write greeting cards. d) ... 2) On New Year’s Eve I a) do a lot of cooking. b) buy presents for my family and friends. 3) Late at night on 31 December I a) go to a party. c) go to bed early. b) gather my friends at d)... my place. Step Three Do It Together Listen to the traditional English song **Jingle, Bells!”, Isl (91). i sing it along. JINGLE, BELLS! CAorus: Jingle, bells! Jingle, bells! Звените, бубенчики Jingle all the way! Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh! Dashing through the snow In a one>horse open sleigh, 0*er the fields we go Laughing all the wav. Chorus: Bells on bob-tail ring. Making spirits bright. What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight! Chorus: 2. What were they doing? Check. ЁЗ (92). В открытых, запряженных одной лошадью саа проносясь сквозь снегопад по полям смеясь всю дорогу на коротко подстриженном > поднимая настроение 1 р 1 е: While Charles was reading books. Sam was watching television. Ask Peter questions and listen to his answers. Check, (93). Example: We were gathering near my house. (Why) Wliy were you gathering near your house? /) I was writing my wishes. (Where) 2) I was making a birthday card for Helen. (When) 3) We were playing with each other. (Where) 4) We were staying at a hotel. (Why) 5) I was talking to my teacher. (When) 6) I was visiting my granny. (When) 7) We were buying a souvenir. (To whom) 3) I was meeting Mr Green. (Why) 9) We were swimming. (Where) 4. Match the words with the pictures. a) a postcard b) a greeting card c) a bank card d) a playing card e) a birthday card 5. What has each of them got? Example: Each doctor has got a watch. Each of the doctors has got a watch. 6. I.rearn how to pronounce and use the new words, ЁЗ (94). blow |blw) — 1) дуть; 2) взры-^ вать kill |kil) — убивать catch (kiclJl — хватать, л овить ~] burn |Ьз:п1 — жечь, гореть 1 A. return (п'1з:п1 — 1) и возвра* щать(ся); 2) п возвращение life [iaifj — жизнь death (deG) — смерть knock (nnkj — стучать B. return: to return to a city, to return books. When does he return' from work? When are you going to return the money? return; a return to work, his return to school, life — lives: to have a quiet life, all your life. Did James I Scotland all his life? ^ death: a terrible death. What do you know about the King’s death*^ knock: to knock on the door. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. blow — blew [blu:j: 1) to blow on the hands. A warm wind is blowing. 2) to blow a bridge, to blow a tower. When they came to the city wall, they blew it. kill: to kill animals for food, to kill time. Andy went to the park to kill time. catch — caught Iko:i|: to catch a ball, to catch fish, to catch a cold (colds), to catch a bus (train, plane). John can catch a ball with one hand. My dad caught four fish yesterday. In winter she often catches a cold. Did Tony catch the plane? burn — burnt (b3:ntj; to burn leaves, to burn a fire, to burn (the) meat. Jack burnt the fish. I burnt my hand. People often burn yellow, red and brown leaves in autumn. 7. Complete the text. What end can this story have? On a cold winter night Harris was r... home. The weather was terrible and a strong wind was b... and it was very dark. Harris was coming to his house when he saw a tall man who was k... on Harris’s door. “Hello,” said Harris. “My name is Harris Porter. I live here. And who are you?” “My name is John Perry. I’m tired and cold. And I'm hungry too. The King’s men are after me. They are trying toe... me and k... me. It’s the question of 1... and d...“I see,” said Harris. “Let’s come into my house. It is warm there. A fire is b... in the fireplace. I think 1 can help you.” gave John his clothes, put a chair for him at the fireplace, made tea, came into the house, told them that John was his brother, left the house, made good friends Listen to the text “Holidays and Festivals in Britain”, 1^ (95). Read the text and match its parts with the names. There are four names but three parts! a) The Day of Dark Spirits b) The Day of Bonfires and Fireworks c) The Day of New Life d) The Day of Wonderful Presents 129 HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS IN BRITAIN (2) Easter Sunday is the day when Christians I'kns^onzj celebrate Christ’s (kratsis) return to life and victory over death. On this day many people go to church. Children get presents of chocolate Easter eggs. Easter always means spring, new life after winter, flowers, green trees and young animals, especially lambs |temzl and chicks. Some time ago it was a tradition [tra'di/dn] to make new clothes and hats for Easter. 2)... Celebrating Halloween is a very old tradition. U)ng ago people thought that on 31 October spirits of the dead came back. That’s why now some people dress up as witches I'wit/izj and ghosts (gausis]. They make lamps of pumpkins. Son\etimes children go out in groups, knock on people’s doors and say “Trick or treat”. They usually get a treat, some sweets or nuts. People also l'o:)sou) have Halloween parties where they often play games. 3)... Guy Fawkes’ Night is on November. That day in 1605 some conspirators Iksn'spirotazj wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I and his ministers. Guy Fawkes was one of them. But they couldn’t do that because the King’s men caught Guy Fawkes and killed him. Not many people think about those events ji'vents) now but they enjoy celebrating the day with their friends and families. On November when Пасха, пасхалы христиане у победа над ч особенно ягнята духи, души мертвых вот почему привидения тыквы ааговорщнки взорвать it gets dark, people go out into the streets and watch beautiful fireworks. In the country they often make big bonfires and gather near them. Read the text “Holidays and Festivals i the sentences. i Britain” again and complete 1) At Easter Christians celebrate Christ’s ... and victory over . 2) On this day many people go to .... 3) Children get presents of.... 4) Easter means.... 5) Some time ago it was a tradition to .... II. 1) Long ago people thought that on 31 October .... 2) Some people dress up as .... 3) They make lamps of.... 4) Sometimes children knock on people’s doors and say, .” 5) People also have Halloween parties where .... 1) Guy Fawkes’ Night is on ... . 2) That day in 1605 some conspirators ... 3) The King’s men ... . 4) People enjoy celebrating the day with . 5) When it gets dark, people .... 3) In the country they often make .... ri Do It on Your Own 10, Use when or while. 1) ... mother returned home from work, I was doing my lessons. 2) ... I was doing my lessons, my little sister was playing with the ^ys. 3) I was having breakfast ... it began raining. 4) ... granny was cooking, she was talking to her neighbour. 5)... I was watch television, my brother was reading in his room. 5) ... I came bac^ from the skating-rink, my family were having tea. 7) Sue was gath. I ering apples in the garden ... her friend knocked on the door I John kissed his sweetheart... she was not looking. 9)... my dad was fishing, I was making a bonfire. 10)\ was dressing ... my sister was making breakfast. 11. Answer the questions. 1) When do you usually return home froni school? When does your mother (father) return from work? 2) Wliy don’t people often knock on doors these days? When did you do it last? 3) How long is a man’s (woman’s) life in Russia? 4) When did the last Russian tsar (царь) die? What is the date of his death? 5) In what season do strong winds usually blow in the place where you live? 6) Do you often kill time? When did you do that last? 7) Can you catch a ball with one hand? в) Do you often catch colds in autumn? In winter? 9) Do you sometimes burn hands when you cook? Step Four Do It Together 1. a) Put the lines rightb Then listen to them and check. (5З (96). I. 1. Roses are red ___Sugar is sweet ___And so are you ___Violets are blue Put the lines right. — Расположите строчки в нужном порядке. I, Lilies are white Youare my queen ^ When I am a king ^ Rosemary’s green ^ b) When do people say these rhymes'; — on the New Year’s Day — on the Guy Fawkes’ Night — on 31 October, Halloween — on Saint Valentine’s Day — at Easter? Listen to the dialogues, ED (97), read them. Find sentences i progressive. A: Did you enjoy the New Year’s Day? B: Oh. yes. We had a lot of fun. A: Really? What did you do? B: We had a party. All my friends gathered in my flat. And you know what? A: What? B: I had the biggest surprise jso'prajzl of my life. A: What surprise? B: When we were dancing, there was a knock on the door and... Father Frost^ came in to wish us Happy New Year. A: Father Frost? Don’t be a baby. It couldn’t be Father Frost. B: Of course not. It was my father with a big box of souvenirs. II. A: Last November I was staying with some friends in England and we celebrated Guy Fawkes’ Night. B; Oh! How did you do it? A: We drove to a place near London. There were a lot of people there, they were making a big bonfire. They all were very happy. B: How interesting! Were there any children? ‘ a rhyme [raim) — стишок, рифмовка Father Frost — Дед Мороз (frost — мороз) А: Yes, there, were. The children were watching fireworks, ing games and eating nice things. B: I like it. I think you had a lot of fun. A: We did! 3. In what seasons do people do these things? Example: They usually go away on holiday in summer, go skiing? burn old leaves? buy warm clothes? gather round the Christmas tree? choose Easter presents? stay out in the open air? catch cold? dream of warm sunny days? give each other Valentine cards? wish each other a successful school year? When do they Сравните формы past simple и past progressive. Обратите виимавяе на раэ.чичия в их употреблении. i Past Simple Past Progressive Употребляется, чтобы расска* зать о событиях, которые про* нзош.ти (завершились) в прошлом. Говорящему важно, когда (when) произошло действие Употребляется, когда 1х>ворящв^ му важно подчеркн>ть длнтель-: ность действия, а часто его незавершенность Указания на время; ago, 3 days ago, last, last month, last year, yesterday, in 2002, then... Указания на время: at 7 o’clock yesterday, when he came, while I was reading... He drove a lot last summer. He was driving his car at 7 o’clock last Sunday. It didn't rain in July. It wasn't raining when we arrived. When did you go there? Where were you going when I you? _ Choose the right form to complete the sentences. ЁЗ (98)- 1) Last year my friend (left/was leaving) for St. Petersburg. 2) When my neighbour returned home, I (stood/was standing) at his door. 3) We didn’t go out yesterday because it (rained/was raining). 4) In the evening I (phoned/was phoning) my cousin to wish him a happy holiday. 5) Last summer we (left/were leaving) for the Black Sea. d)When (did you catch/were you catching) a cold? 7) Wliile Jane (wrote/was writing) Christmas cards, her mother (cleanetl/was cleaning) the flat. 8) When Don got up, the birds (sang/were singing) in the trees. 9) I met Ann when we (travelled/ were travelling) in the North of Russia. JO) The child (hugged/was hugging) his grandfather goodbye. L Правильно написать формы глаголов в past simple и past progressive вам помогут следующие советы. Past Simple 1. Добавляя ed к корню (основе) глагола, помните, что если в глаголе за ударной гласной следует одна согласная, то она удваивается: hug — hugge People in Britain celebrate Christmas on December. They believe Jesus Christ on that day. People their homes and Christmas trees. They prepare for each other and write special I Christmas . Children often hang Christmas stockings near the Ц and write letters to 1!* with their wishes. They know that Fa- H ther Christmas is a kind old man with . He puts sweets and r ever>one ['evriw,\nj — каждый, i a turkey ['isiktj — индюшка 145 On Christmas Day families sit down to have ..Л Families usu; ally have V.V with vegetables. After dinner they gather in the Uv. ing-room to listen to on television, b) Say how people celebrate Christmas in Britain. Speak about the New Year’s Eve and the New Year’s Day i and in Russia. Use these: ‘ England a time for celebrating and for making a new start, wish each other “Happy New Year’’, send special greeting cards, go to parties, discos, clubs, go to bed after midnight, “see the New year in”, listen to / hear the Kremlin clock, listen to / hear Big Ben, celebrate with families, friends or neighbours, hug and kiss each other, shout “Happy New Year”, sit down to have a big dinner Do It on Your Own 10. Complete the sentences. I) When my mum was a little girl, their family decorated their Christmas tree ... nuts, sweets and apples. 2) ... a busy morning of 31 December my mum was preparing a goose ... the party. 3) Alice always meets me near the school garden ... classes. 4) “Good evening, Boris. Come ..., take ... your coat and hang it... the hook.” 5) ... the New Year’s Day people are usually very busy. 6)... midnight, when the clock strikes twelve, we celebrate the New Year. 7) Don’t shout... your little neighbour, be nice to him. 3) Little Sue looked ... her granny and gave her a big hug. 11. What did you do? W'rite true sentences. /)... during the day. 2) ... during my English class today. 3) ... during my winter holidays. 4) ... during the school year. 5) ... during lunch. 6) ... during my first lesson today. 146 к 12. Complete the sentences. _____—' men who .... /) I know .—^ places which ... . 2) I’d like to see = 3) I like 4) I want to have 5) I hate • children who. . films which ... men who.... cities which .... • friends who . . books which. teachers who... dogs which.... UNIT FIVE It’s a Beautiful World Step One Do It Together A. Listen to the tape. (106). Match the texts and the names, a) 25 December Text 1 — ? Text 2 — ? Text 3 ~ ? Text 4 — ? b) Easter Sunday c) Guy Fawkes’ Night d) Queen’s Official Birthday (the second i urday in June) B. How much do you know about these holidays? 2. A. Listen to the text, (107). Read it. What do the r THE QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY Queen Elizabeth II was born on 21 April 1926. But beginning with 1805 all British kings and queens celebrate their official (э'Л/э!) birthday on the second Saturday in June. The weather on this day is usually nice and sunny. The royal ('nnolj family watch the Birthday Parade (po'reid) from the balcony [Ъгс1кэп1] of Buckingham Palace in London. The soldiers ('souldsos] in beautiful uniforms ['jurmfoimz) ridel and march (moitf) along The Mall [mgel) — a street in central ('sentralj I London. You can see the queen too. She rides in front of the sol-f diers. You can hear music and see bright flags, which fly high i“ the air. The parade is very beautiful and a lot of people from all < the world come to watch it. The parade has a name. The name i ^ “Trooping the Colour” because “trooping” means “walking together” and “a colour” means a flag. 148 в. Answer the questions. /) When is the queen’s real birthday? 2) When is her official birthday? S) Where do the soldiens ride and march? 4) Where are the royal family? 5) Where is the queen? $) Why is the parade beautiful? 7) What is the name of the parade? S) Why do they call the Birthday Parade “Trooping the Colour” Щ Запомните неопределенные местоимения some someone 1 .. . . V — кто-нибудь, кто-то somebody j something —- что-нибудь, что-то (в утвердительных предложениях) I met someone you know. Somebody came in. There is something on the chair. anj^y }--<™-»и6УДь anything — что-нибудь ^ (?) (b воиросительиых и отрицательных предложениях) Does anyone know it? I didn’t see anybody in the garden. We don’t understand anything. no one 1 — ВИКТО nobody J nothing ('luGioJ ■— ничто {b отрицательных предложениях) No one was there at 5. Nobody came on time. There is nothing in the box. у— каждый, всякий everyone everybody everything — всё Everyone knows this. Everybody came to see me. Do you think you know everything? nybody)t 1. Обратите внимание, что местоимения any (anyone, гут обозначать «любой, всякий». Any child can understand it. Anybody knows it. 2. Местоимения some, somebody (someone) н something могут упот* ребляться и в вопросах, когда вопросы по сути являются просьбой или предложение.м. Would you like sonje juice? Can I have something to eat? Do you want something hot or something cold? Can someone help me, please? Complete the sentences. Use nobody, anybody, something, anything, nothing. I) Do you want ... to eat? 2) ... wants to go to the party with me. 3) I didn’t understand ... .4) Was there ... w'hom I know? 5) There is ... in the garden. You can’t see Tom there. 6) Open the box! There is ... in it. Do you like it? 7) I’ve got ... to do this evening. 3)The party was not a success. ... liked it. 9) Does ... know where you live? 10) There is ... interesting in the book. Read it! Speak about your class. Use (not) everyone, no IN MY CLASS ... knows the name of Charlie Chaplin. ... speaks Italian. ... learns to play tennis. ... likes pop music. ... is a good football player. ... can sing or dance. ... plays golf. ... has a pet. ... wants to be a computer programmer. ... goes to the mountains for their holidays. ...is late for the lessons. ... is a good pupil. . anyone. J Обратите внимание, что в английском языке в предложении может быть только одно отрицание. Ко one knows it. — Никто этого не знает. I don’t know anybody here. - I know nobody here. — Я никого здесь s anything. — Мы ничего не видим. 5. Say the same differently. Check. [5З (108). Example: We don’t hear anybody here. — We hear nobody here. /) I don’t know anybody here. 2) I don’t think anybody can help us. 3)1 can’t see anything. -#)We don’t understand anything. 5) We can’t buy anything. 3) We haven’t got any money. 7) Don’t ask anybody to come into the room. 3) Don’t talk to anybody here. 3) He doesn’t like anything on the menu. Simple Future* В английском языке будущее время образуется при помощи вспо* могательных глаголов shall/will и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to. I will/shall We wilt/shall He She It will do it You They wUI do it It will rain .soon. Jane will be 5 in June. В современном английском языке вспомогательный глагол обычно сокращается до формы ’И. I’ll see. We’ll come. They’ll hear. Simple Future — простое будущее время о I’l [waunl], shall 1 i Will you come? Will they hear? Отрицательная форма will not сокращается до not — до shan’t tfantj. I won’t (shan’t) see. He/she won’t come. W'e won’t (shan’t) come. It won’t rain. You won’t come. They won’t come. © I В общих вопросах вспомогательный глагол стоит на первом мест«^ — Yes, I will. Г No, we won't. Yes, they will. Й No, they won’t. ;7 Yes, she will. Ч No, he won’t. 'I' Yes, it will. No, it won’t. f n и специальных вопросах перед вспомогательным глаголом ставится вопросительное слово. я When will you come? ■£ Why will she go? A What will he see? £ Who will do it? , Where will they meet? Will she/he see? Will it rain? 6. How old will they be next* year? Ask and answer the ciuestions. Example — How old will Tim be next year? — Tim will be 15. TIM-1990 ANDRtW-1985 SARAH-гООЗ KATE -1950 ‘ next [ncksi] — следующий i.,eussA-19?6 coun-1992 Bob-1989 Roy-гооо 7. Say what cities and when Bob will visit. Check. (Ю9). Ex 1 p 1 e: Bob will come to London on 15 April. 15 April — London 28 May — Leeds 3 June — Paris 14 July — Rome 23 August — Moscow 22 September — Madrid 31 October — Kiev 5 November — Glasgow A. Ask Bob when he will go to these places. Example: When will you go to Blackpool? Blackpool the Lake District Bisneyland St. Petersburg Florida Wales Poland Finland в. Say what the weather wiii be like in these places. Example: It will be sunny and dr>' in Blackpool. .. SI. I t'l The Lake District Disneyland Wales Poland 9. What questions did Miss Simpson ask the fortune-teller*? Chec^ И (UO). 1) /Larry/I/when/marry/will/? 2) /we/will/marry/where/? 3) /come to/will/who/the party/? 4) /present/Larry/me/will/what/give/? 5) /we/have/how many/will/children/? 6) /be/will/they/girls/boys/or/? 7) /where/we/will/live/? 8) /how/many/I/have/will/husbands/? 9) /die/when/will/I/? 10) /I/happy/be/will/? 10. Say what you will do and what you won’t do next Sunday. — write a postcard to your granny — go abroad “ stay in a hotel — go boating — go to school — go to the forest — buy a mobile * fortune-teller [Тофп ,1с1э] — предсказательница будущего, гадалке ^ go to the north/south ski have a tour of the Houses of Parliament — buy souvenirs for your friends _ have lunch in a restaurant _ go to church talk to your friends on the phone _ celebrate your birthday ___drive a car _ cook Sunday lunch Do It on Your Own 11. Charles is going to Moscow n't he нее? August. What will he see there and what г rt ^jse anybody! anyone, anything, nobody/no one, nothing, somebody/ someone, something, everything to complete the sentences. /) There is ... in the garden. Everybody is in the house. 2) Is there in the bag? No, there isn’t. 5) Is there ... in the classroom? No, there isn’t. Everybody is in the hall. 4) There is ... here. I hear that ... is opening the door. 5) Is there ... here who can speak English? в) I see ... I want to buy. 7) She says she knows ... about him. She doesn’t know his address or where he works. 8)... told me about the party on Saturday night. 9)... will be O.K. You'll see. 10) ... will come to Jane’s birthday party.... likes her. Step Two Do It Together 1. Listen to the text and complete it. ;si (111). In Australia, Christmas is different! The weather is... and sunny — there’s no ... . On ... Day, Australians go to the beach and have ... there. They eat cold turkey, ... and ... . Father Christmas goes to the beach and......to children. Father Christmas in Australia ... on a surfboard. Use до оде. everybody or everything in these sentences. ^)... is green and beautiful in spring. ... likes cold and rainy days in autumn. 3)... likes to stay at home on cold winter days. ... likes to go to the beach when it is hot and sunny. .. is yellow, green and red in an autumn forest. .. goes to school in August. .. plays games out of doors in rainy weather. .. was wet and cold in the rain. .. enjoyed the first warm and pleasant day of the year. Вы уже знаете, что по-английски о будущих событиях можно ска- ^ зать по-разному: Ann will be fourteen on Monday. Ann is going to be fourteen on Monday. Однако, если решение сделать что-то в будущем прини.чается в мо- > мент речи, употребляется только future simple: 'i This Is a very good book. I think Г11 buy it. Оборот to be going to употребляется в том случае, если а) решение сделать что-то принято заранее или если б) налицо есть явные признаки того, что какое-то событие обязательно произойдет в буду- . щем. ' a) There is no bread at home. I am going to buy it after school. b) Look at the clouds! It’s going to rain. Очень часто в таких случаях (особенно с глаголами движения to come, to go, to travel) используется время present progressive: What time are you meeting Ann? What time are you going to meet Ann? I’m travelling to France on Tuesday. I’m going to travel to France on Tuesday. Look at the pictures and say what is going to happen*. Example: He is going to fall. 1) to be ill 2) to be rich^ 3) to be late 4) to be happy 5) to be tired 6) to rain 7) to have wonderful weather S) to become a doctor to happen {’haepanj — случаться ' rich [п(Л — богатый Ask and answer questions about Sam. Example: — When is Sam going to Paris? — He is going to Paris on 15 June. MONTHLY PLANNER June 1 — 9 weekend at Brighten 2 meet Tom Kelly 10 restaurant with Polly 3 bank 11 -12 a. m. 11 — 4 Jim’s birthday, phone 12 business lunch at the Savoy 5 Manchester, 10 o'clock train 13 — 6 — 14 baseball match 7 p.m. Richmond Jane's party 15 Paris. Flight AF 1589 7 p. m. 8 weekend at Brighton 16 — 5. Complete these sentences. Use will < Example /) I’m very hungry. I think ... . 2) I’m thirsty. I think ... . 3) All my friends are going to the cinema. 1 think ... . 4) I know the party will be boring. I.... 5) My birthday is coming. I ... . 6) If there is no tea and no coffee, I.... 7) If I can’t go to London, I.... 3) If the weather is bad, I.... 9) I don’t like this song, I.... 10) If you have vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream, I.... //) I’ll be busy in the evening, I... . 12) It's going to rain, I... . 6. What do these words mean. (112)? temperature rtemp^roljb): What’s the temperature today? Is it very cold? snowman ('snoumaen] — snowmen: In winter children like to make snowmen. I made a snowman with a long nose. It was very funny. 7. Learn some new words, (113). Listen to the tape and repeat. hill |hil| — холм, невысокая горка shine jjainj — светить(ся) sunshine |'«лп/ат| — солнечный свет be over I'ouvoj — .заканчивать- degree (di'gri:) — градус snow [snwl i; — идти (о снеге) spend (spend] — проводить (время) skate (skeill — 1) n конек; 2) о кататься на коньках tomorrow jio'mnr^ul — завтра В. degree: five degrees of frost, ten degrees hotter, at the temperature of five degrees. They say the temperature will be ten degrees colder on Sunday. snow: Look! It is snowing. It often snows in winter. Do you think it will snow on Saturday? It was snowing when John was leaving for London. spend — spent (spcnij: to spend money on books, to spend ! spend the weekend. The Browns spent a week in Spain. Where d you usually spend your holidays? skate: skates, roller-skates. Mum bought me roller-skates last Friday. skate: to skate well, to skate badly, to roller-skate. Can you skate? go skating: In Russia people often go skiing and skating in winter. skateboard: to ride on a skateboard. I’d like to have a good skate-boar' ('kroskAniriJ skiing — катание на лыжах по равнинной местности (норвежский стиль) 9. what is the temperature? a) +23“ 0“ -19° -44° -2“ +27“ ?8 Температуру можно измерять, используя разные шкалы. В большинстве европейских стран и Великобритании температуру измеряют по шкале Цеутьсия (Celcius {'sclsiss) или Centigrade ['scnugreid] (на письме часто С). (Согласно этой шкале, вода замерзает при О® и закипает при 100®. В США используют шкалу Фаренгейта (Fahrenheit (ТжгэпНаИ] (яа письме F). По шкале Фаренгейта вода замерзает при 32® и закипает; при 212®. Нормальная температура тела по шкале Фаренгейта приблизительно 98 ®F. 10. Answer the questions. A. Where will Nick spend his holidays? June — sea camp July — abroad August — granny’s country house. B. Where will you spend your spring and summer holidays? J с How will Jane spend her money tomorrow? jg X a m p 1 e; Jane will spend her money on cinema tickets tomorrow. г D. What will the children do when their classes are over? Example: When the classes are over, Rob will go skiing. £. Where will they go next Sunday? Example: Jane likes animals. She’ll go to the zoo. 1) Jim likes new films. ... 2) Sarah likes good food.... 3) Nina likes meeting friends. ... 4) Kate likes flowers.... 5) Ron likes swimming.... 6) Don likes skating. ... 7) Grace likes shopping. 5) I like... f. How much sunshine do these people have in November and in March? Moscow People in Murmansk Sidney (Australia) London Miami Helsinki Delhi а lot of little not very have much nearly* no very little very much sunshine in November in March 11. Read the text and complete the sentences after it. CHATTING ONLINE2 ' nearly ('nioli] — почтя, практически ■ Chatting online — интерактивное общение (разговор в Интернете; J HI. Yura. It’s good to hear that you are enjoying your Russian winter. Winter in London is warmer than in Moscow. For ua five degrees of frost is very cold weather. We are happy when we have white Christmas (when there is snow). In January we do not have a lot of sun* shine. Coid winds blow and it often rains. I don’t like winter because it is wet and nasty. In February days will become longer, and I’ll ride a bike and roller-skate with my friends. We are going to Scotland next weekend. ■7^ I III nil J) Winter in Moscow is ... . 2) Winter in London is .... 3) It is snowing .... 4) .made a big snowman. 5) ... enjoys winter. 6) ... five degrees of frost is a cold winter. 7) It often rains in winter in .... 8) It often snows in winter.... 9) ... doesn’t like winter. 10)... days will become longer. Do It on Your Own ^2. Write an e-mail about winter i Snows much? fains much? Cold days? usual temperature? much sunshine? cold winds? time out of doors? go skating? go skiing? do cross-country skiing? ski downhill? make snowmen? 13. Write about tomorrow. 1) Tomorrow morning I will.... 2) Tomorrow afternoon I am going.... 3) When the classes are over I will.... 4) Tomorrow evening 1 am going .... 5) Tomorrow night^ I will.... Step Three Do It Together 1. What are they doing tomorrow. (115). 1) Jeff is skiing. 2) Margo is playing basketball. 3) Chris is going abroad. 4) Sam is roller-skating with his friends. 5) Charly is going to a birthday party. 3) Samantha is going to the museum. 7) Don is working in the garden. 8) Mr Norris is returning to Oxford. P) Mrs Norris is staying in London. W) Michael is spending the day with his parents. 2. A. What is the weather like in these places i ing...; It is raining...: The sun is shining... night — jd.: вечер Yes? Yes? Yes? Yes? Yes? Yes? Yes? Yes? Yes? No? No? No? No? No? No? No? No? No? No? V? Use these: It is snow- i 3. Sing a song. Ю (116). YOU’RE MY SUNSHINE You’re my sunshine, My only sunshine. You make me happy. When the skies are grey. You’ll never know, dear, How much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away! Существует правило, что в придаточных предложениях времени в условия будущее время с will не употребляется. Вместо него используются формы настоящего вре.мени. Сравните: Когда Джейн придет домой, я позвоню тебе. — When Jane coroee home. Г!1 call you. Если ты поедешь в Лондон, сходи в Британский музей. — If you go to I^ndon, visit the British Museum. Если не пойдет дождь, мы будем кататься на лодке. — If it doesn’t rain, we’ll go boating. 4. Match the parts' of the sentences. 1) When we have a party 2) If you come to Moscow 3) If the weather is good 4) When summer comes 5) If it rains again 6) When we go skating У) When the sun shines S) If you like his story 9) When the lesson is over /0) If they are hungry //) If it doesn't snow ' a part [po:t) — часть a) the sun shines brightly. b) people feel happier. c) they’ll spend the day at home. d) he will tell you one more. e) they’ll sunbathe. f) we’ll dance a lot. g) the children will play games. h) give them something to eat. i) we will take you with us. j) you can stay with us. k) they won’t have white Christma%y Complete the sentences. Use if or when. 1) Г11 phone you ... (come to Petersburg). 2) You’ll be tired ... (don’t go to bed now). 3) I’ll stay with the baby ... (go to the cinema). 4) We’ll have dinner together ... (come home). 5) The friends will go to the dancing club ... (have money). 6) We can ski... (snow). 7) You can watch television ... (have time in the evening), g) She will sing for you ... (ask her). g) I’ll sunbathe ... (be sunny). 10) It’ll be warm ... (shine). ^ What will they do? Example: If it snows, they will make a snowman. 1) If it snows, they .... 2) If it rains,... 3) If it'scold,... 4) If it’s hot, ... . 5) If the weather changes,. 3) If the wind changes.. 7) If it’s not foggy... 3) If the sun shines brightly. ... 7. Learn some new words, (117). Listen to the tape and repeat. cross Ikros) — пересекать (улицу» мост и т. д.) sunbathe I'sAnbcid] — загорать real (пэ!| — настоящий, действительный really — действительно heavy ['hevi] — тяжелый heavily ['heviH} — сильно hope Ihoupl — 1) у надеяться;] 2) п надежда * * change Itfemcfe] — менять, \ меняться win (win) — выигрывать В. cross: to cross the bridge, to cross the river, to cross the street.. How can we get to the post office? — Cross the bridge and you’ll see it. sunbathe: to sunbathe on the sand, to sunbathe on the beach. It is better to sunbathe in the morning before twelve, real: real winter, real friend. We spent August in the mountain»:^ That was a real holiday. really: a) It is really difficult to learn to skate, b) I came home at five. — Really? heavy: a heavy stone, a heavy box. Your bag is heavy, but mine is heavier. heavily: to rain heavily, to snow heavily. It snowed heavily yesterday. It was raining heavily when we left the house, hope: to hope for good holidays, to hope to go abroad, to hope for the best. I hoped to come back at seven, change: to change a flat, to change money, to change trains. We’re going to change our hotel. When did they change their car? win — won (wAnl: to win a game, to win a match^ Do you think we’ll win the game? A. What did you do? a) last winter holidays? b) last summer holidays? B. What was the weather like when you were leaving home this mom- mg? a) to shine brightly b) to rain heavily c) to snow heavily d) ... a match (тэе1Л — матч J g What do they hope for? Example: Alan hopes to win the game. to visit Italy in summer MSTcj to know to travel about English well England in spring OLGA Наречие so [sou] в английском языке часто употребляется для усиления: 1 am so happy. — Я так счастлив. It was so frosty yesterday. — Вчера было так морозно. 10. Use 80 in these sentences. 1 p 1 e: Jim has got many friends. Jim has got so many friends. /) Bees are small. 2) It was beautiful last autumn. 3) My bedroom will be cosy. 4) Last summer was dry. 3) Jane is ill. 6) Bobby’s room was messy. 7) Last August was rainy. 3) Our classroom will be light. 9) The winter is wonderful. 10) Alice’s bag was heavy. 171 11. Listen to the tape, (118) and read. Show these places ( Belgium ['bcltfeam] — (1) Brussels I'brasolzl France — (2) Paris — the Louvre llu;vro| 12. .4. John Barker is on a school trip to Europe. He is sending cards to his friend Yura. Read his cards and show the places he visits on the map. JOHN’S EASTER HOLIDAYS Hello! 15 April jl- aaster holitia^s are here anti I am join^ on a tour with my da». TMOpi I row we are crossing the English Clunnei by the Channel Tunnel and going to Paris by bus. We are going to stay in Paris for a day and visit the Louvre.' If the weatiter is fine and it does not rain, well go to the city of Versailles to look at the palace and the gardens. I’ll write you a card from France. 8ye jja, b) Luxemburg'Vllle ?S April Hit Yun. I лт writing fror>i Luxemburg. Paris was warents ... 3) Boris will ski downhill if it... 6) The weather will be warm if the sun ... 7) Polly will spend a lot of time outdoors if the weather... to be good, not to rain, to snow. to buy a computer, not to snow heavily, to shine brightly, not to be rainy. Придаточные времени и условия не следует путать с придаточнымн изъяснительными. В придаточных времени и условия глаголы в форме future simple не употребляются, а в изъяснительных при* даточных будущее время часто встречается. Сравните: 1. Я позвоню тебе (когда?), когда папа вернется, (придаточное вре* мени) Г11 call you when father comes back. Я ice знаю (чего?), когда папа вернется, (изъяснительное придаточ^ кое) I don’t know when father will come back. 2. Они купят новую машину (при каком условии?), если у них бу‘ дут деньги, (придаточное условия) They’ll buy а new car if they have money. Я не знаю (чего?), будут ли у них деньги, (придаточное изъясвв* тельное) I don’t know if they will have money. I what condition (ksn'di/n] — при каком условии Complete the sentences. /) rd like to know when (we go/we’ll go) to the sea next summer. 2) I’ll come to your party if (I ат/ГП be) in town tomorrow. 5) Do you know if next Sunday (is/will be) warm? 4) What will you do when summer (comes/will come)? 5) Jane says that she will take bus when she (goes/will go) to Oxford. 6) If they (like/will like) it at the hotel, they will tell us about it in a letter. 7) Please call me when the film (is/will be) over. 8) If the child (hears/will hear) your bedtime story, he will sleep better. 9) I’d like to know if they (stay/will stay) in Moscow or (go/will go) to St. Petersburg. 5. Learn some new words, (120). Listen to the (ape and repeat. A. season |'si:zn) — время года favourite ['feivorot) — люби.мый leaf |!i:f| — лист tasty Itcisli) — вкусный B. season: a cold season, a warm season. There are four seasons in a year. Which season do you like more than summer? favourite: a favourite season, a favourite song, a favourite sport. Jack likes hockey very much. It’s his favourite sport. Autumn was A. Pushkin’s favourite season, leaf — leaves: a green leaf, yellow leaves. There are a lot of red and yellow leaves in autumn. tasty: a tasty pie, a tasty orange, tasty fruit. Mum bought some tasty cakes yesterday. rtpe: a ripe apple, ripe vegetables. I like oranges when they are ripe. juicy: ripe, juicy fruit, juicy apples. We all like juicy fruit, different: a different answer, a different hat, to be different. Jim is different from Bob. I would like to read a different book. 177 ripe (raip) — зрелый juicy rtfea'sij — сочный different I'djfnmij— другой, разный, различный 6. А, Listen to the tape. (121), and read the words. csr (5) cz) a plum — plums a mushroom — mushrooms a potato — potato^^ a cabbage — cabbages i pear ~ pears a grape — grapee;i Example: We can see apples in August and September. C. Give the name of your /) favourite fruit; 2) favourite vegetable; 3) favourite colour; 7, What is not right here? /) Mushrooms grow on the trees. 2) Potatoes came from Italy. 3) Pears can’t grow in hot countries. 4) Grapes are never juicy. 5) Plums can be of different colours. 6) You can’t make a salad from fruit. 178 f 7) plums have stones*, apples do not. g) Cabbages are always green, p) Plums are green when they are ripe. A Match the parts of the text with their names. There are three parts but four names. /) Autumn, the Terrible. 3) Autumn, the Beautiful. 2) The Season of Fruit and Vegetables. 4) A Day in Autumn. AUTUMN a) My favourite season is autumn. By the way^, in ^ America they call it “fall”. I like it because autumn has a Й* lot of colours. Red, yellow, orange, and brown leaves fall ^ down from the trees. The weather is usually pleasant with a warm nice breeze blowing and a few white clouds in the blue sky. The sun is not hot any more^. (I hate it when the weather is hot!) С-Д b) Early autumn is a “tasty” season too. People gath- j er vegetables and fruit. In the shops and markets there ^ are ripe apples and peans, juicy grapes and plums, red tomatoes and green cucumbers, you can see a lot of potatoes and cabbages too. Everyl^y tries to spend more time out of doors. They often go to the forest and gather nuts and mushrooms there. c) But early autumn is different from late autumn. The days in October and November are usually grey, rainy, and cold. They become shorter and the nights longer. Birds fly to the south to spend the cold winter months there. A lot of people hate this time. But I don’t. I know that after white winter, green spring and summer, which is bright, my favourite season with its Indian summer^ will come again. Listen to the text “Autumn”, (122). and then read it. ^ ‘ stone — jd.: косточка by the way — между прочим any more — больше не Indian summer — бабье лето 9. Say why autumn /) is a “tasty” season; 2) has a lot of colours; 3) can be a very pleasant season; 4) can be a nasty season. 1 10. Say why you like (dislike) autumn. Do It on Your Own 11. Write the names of these fruit and vegetalles. 12. Match the parts of the sentences and write them down. /) I don’t know' if 2) They will go to the beach if 3) Nick will buy some potatoes when 4) Ask Alice when 5) If the sky is grey 6) When autumn comes a) it doesn’t rain. b) he goes to the supermarket. c) he will go to France. d) they will stay at home. e) she will go to the skating-rink. f) the leaves will fall down. г Si Ш Пп Step Five Do It Together 1 Read the poem and complete it with the names of seasons. Check, (123). Read the poem aloud, WHO LOVES THE TREES BEST? Who loves the trees best? “I,” said.... “Green leaves so beautiful To them I bring*.” Who loves the trees best? “I,” ... said, “I give them flowers, White, yellow and red.” Who loves the trees best? “1,” ... said, “I give them ripe fruits, Golden^ and red.” tWho loves the trees best? “I love them best,” Ck>ld... answered, “I give them a rest®.” 2. A. Each season is wonderful. Can you say why? Spring is wonderful because... Summer... Winter... Autumn... B. And what makes them not pleasant? Spring is unpleasant because... Summer... Winter... Autumn... ’ to bring [bnol — приносить golden [gdulddnj — золотой rest (rest) — отдых, покой . Listen to the dialogue and act it out. ^5 GOING AWAY FOR HOLIDAYS • You know what? I’m going away tomorrow. • Really? Where are you going? ■ I’m going to Spain for holidays. I hate late autumn with its and winds. I always go away to where it’s warm. ■ I am glad for you. I hope you’ll enjoy the sunshine in Spain Where are you going to stay? • At a seaside hotel in Malaga Гта;199э]. I’m going to sunbathe and swim in the sea, get much sleep and walk a lot. • It's wonderful! Enjoy it and have fun. Г11 see you later, when you return. ■ I’ll send you a postcard from Spain. • Thank you. .Make up one more dialogue about going away to Finland in winter. Speak about your favourite season. What sea.son is it? Wliat makes it beautiful? What makes it pleasant? What can you do in this season? What can you enjoy in this season? What holidays do people celebrate in this season? Listen to the song, (125). and sing it along. She’ll be coming round the mountain when she comes, She’ll be coming round the mountain when she comes, Siie’ll be coming round the mountain. She’ll be coming round the mountain, She’ll be coming round the mountain when she comes. She’ll be driving six white horses when she comes, She’ll be driving six white horses when she comes, Oh, we’ll all go out to meet her when she comes. Oh, we’ll all go out to meet her when she comes. And we'll all have sweets and pudding when she comes. T= -a raia Ц Кроме слова when, придаточные предложения времени могут вводиться и другими наречиями, например before, after, until (до тех пор, пока) или as soon as (как только). Правило при этом остается неизменным: будущее время в таких придаточных предложениях не используется. Например: Г11 call you before you go to the shops. We’ll meet after the classes are over. They’ll stay at the hotel until autumn begins. She’ll go for a walk as soon as it stops raining. Ask and answer the question.^. the school is over What will you do after before until as soon as May? your parents return home from work today? you are 16? you finish school? you have money to spend? Some of these sentences aren’t right. Correct’ them. 1) I don’t know if Mike will stay with us or not. 2) H she will play the game, she will win. She’s very good at tennis. 3) These children will be seven when September comes. 4) We won't go skating if it will be very cold. 5) Г11 call you as soon as the film will be over. 6) I’d like to know if you’ll come to the party. 7) After they’ll buy the food, they’ll begin cooking. 3) Write to me if you come to Moscow next summer. 9) Stay here until I return from the bank. 10) Before summer will come, we won’t leave the city for the sea. If) Don’t go out if it rains. f2) When autumn will begin, the leaves will start falling from the trees. to correct (кз'гек!) — исправить Do It on Your Own 10. Write about spring, summer, autumn and winter in twenty sentences. 11. Write the sentences differently. Use before, after, as soon as, in them. 1) ГИ go to university when I finish school. I’ll stay at a hotel when 1 come to Sochi. 3) When Гт twenty-five, Г11 have a family of my own. When I buy the vegetables, ГП prepare some tasty soup. 3) When autumn comes, weUl gather mushrooms in the forest. 3) When summer comes. weMl sunbathe a lot. UNIT SIX The Way We Looki Step One Do It Together 1. A. Listen to the poem, (126). and say what the girl could do different times. Example: When she was one, she could do nothing. WHEN I WAS ONE {by Carolyn Graham) When I was one, It wasn’t much fun. What did you do When you were two? When I was two, I learned to ski. What did you do When you were three? When I was three, I danced on the floor. What did you do When you were four? When I was four, I learned to dive. What did you do When you were five? The way we look. — To, i новые проказы ) было божественно When I was five. I learned new tricks. What did you do When you were six? When I was six. It was really heaven. What did you do When you were seven? When I was seven, I learned to skate. What did you do When you were eight? When I was eight. It was really great. But when I was one. It wasn’t much fun. B. Say what you could do when you were 1. 2. 3, 4, 5. 6, 7 and 8. Для того чтобы сказать ♦могу» или «может», помимо так называемого модального глагола сап (I сап sing. Нс can’t skate.), используется конструкция to be able to (I am able to sing. He isn’t able to skate and they are not able to ski.). В прошедшем времени соответственно; I was able to sing well. > He was able to skate when he was six. ' They weren’t able to ski when they were young. Формы будущего времени у глагола сап нет. Если необходимо сказать, что кто-то сможет что-то сделать в будущем, используется только to be able to: Soon I will be able to drive a car. Next summer we’ll be able to go to the sea. to be able to can Present Simple am (is, are) able to can Past Simple was (were) able to could Future Simple will/shall be able to - 2. Say what John was (not) able to do when he was a young child what he is able to do now. Example: John was not able to play basketball when he was four John is able to ride a bicycle now. — read picture bool« — play with hia toya — rollerakate John lives in Great Britain and Yura lives in Kus.4ia. In these countries young people can do the same things at different ages. When will John and Yura be able to do these things? Check. (127). /) John/Yura will be able to drive a car when he is (16/17/18). 2) John/Yura will be able to drive a minibus when he is (17/18/21). 3) John/Yura will be able to go to university when he is (16/17/18). 4) John/Yura will be able to marry when he Is (18/19/20). 5) John/ Yura will be able to go to the army when he is (16/17/18). 6) John/Yura will be able to have a passport (at any age/when he is 14/16). 7) John/Yura will be able to buy alcohol when he is (16/17/18). S) John/Yura will be able to buy cigarettes when he is (16/17/18). ff) John/Yura will be able to buy a house when he is (18/19/21). iO) John/Yura will be able to vote^ when he is (16/18/21). Answer your friend’s questions. /) Who shall I invite to the party? 2) Where shall we go on Sunday? 3) What shall I give you for your birthday? 4) What shall we do this evening? 5) What film shall we see? 6) What Juice shall I buy for you? 7) When shall we go to the beach? S) What food shall I take to the beach? 9) How shall we get to the metro station? 10) Where shall we go after classes? 1^ В анг.лийском языке, в от.шчие от русского, существуют разные слова, чтобы обозначить моги, руки и пальцы. Пальцы на руках — fingers [Yio9^z], а на ногах — toes [tauz], Рука по-английски может быть hand (кисть) и arm (от плеча до запястья). Нога также имеет два наименования: foot (ступня) и leg — нога от бедра до ступни. to vote — голосовать 5. Look at the picture and repeat the words after the tape, [gj (128) face nose neck tooth (teeth) body Match these Example: words. a big body, a big face, long hair... big brown body mouth small blue face lips strong pink hair arms long white neck hands short grey head fingers straight pleasant eyes feet dark soft ears toes bright red tall nose legs What are they like? Имена прилагательные в английском языке часто образуются при помощи префикса un- (unhappy, unpleasant). Un- придает слову противоположное значеине: able — способный; unable — неспособный; born — рожденный; unborn — нерожденный. Суффикс -ful используется для образования имен прилагательных от существительных: wonder (чудо) + ful wonderful (чудесный, удивительный): beauty (красота) + ful = beautiful (красивый); colour (цвет) + ful ■ < colourful (красочный). в. What do the new words mean? f) The job was uneasy and we finished it only late in the evening. 2) The house was old and unclean. I didn’t like it. 3) Why are you unhappy today? 4) If you are unwell, go to see your doctor. 5) The children were uninterested in their mother’s story. 6) The meeting was unofficial but a lot of people came to it. 7) Jane wanted to go to university b\it was unsuccessful. S) The day was unpleasant — wet and cold. 1) The trees in autumn are really colourful. 2) Young animals are usually playful. 3) I think that Sam is a good friend and very helpful too. 1 Do It on Your Own 9. Write the same differently. Example: Everyone can learn English. Everyone is able to learn English. /) Everyone can gather a lot of mushrooms in autumn. 2) Jill couldn’t skate well when she was little. 3) We can’t ski downhill here. 4) They couldn’t change their plan. 5) People can sunbathe in summer. 6) We could watch the royal parade from the balcony. 10. Bob can’t do these things now. Write what he will be able to do when he is older. 7)Bob can’t answer difficult questions now but when he is older 2) Bob can’t become an astronaut now but.... 3) Bob can’t fly on business now but... . 4) Bob can’t go to college now but... . .5) Bob can’t work on the computer now but.... 6) Bob can’t have a bank card now but.... 11. What are they? Write their names. } to take and touch things, work or write because' /) We are able to have them. 2) We are able to 1 3) We are able to J 4) We are able to 1 5) We are able to \ 6) We are able to i 7) We are able to: S) We are able to 1 9) We are able to' 10) We are able to i Step Two Do It Together 1. Listen to the tape. ЁЗ (^29). and say who is who in the picture. Wlio is Alice? Who is Linda? Who is Jane? 2. When will Sally be able to do these? Example: Sally will be able to watch a basketball game when she goes to the stadium. 1) to watch a basketball game? 2) to drive a car? 3) to send a postcard to her granny? 4) to go boating? 5) to ski in the mountains? 6) to learn to swim? 7) to buy souvenirs? 8) to visit the National Gallery? 9) to leave for Moscow? 10) to chat online? * to smell — нюхать to be seventeen to have a computer to go to Russia to go to the Alps to buy a boat to go to the centre of London to visit a gift shop to spend some time near the se to go to the post office to go to the stadium А. Listen to the tape, (130). and learn these helpful words. PeoDle's faces can be (круглый). People s faces can be People's bodies can be slim [sl.ml (стройный). Stout Isiaui) (полный). People’s hair can be curly ('k3:lil (вьющийся), fair [fed] (светлый). People's noses can be turned-up ('t3:nd\pj (вздернутый). People’s legs and arms can be shapely (’/eipli) (красивой формы). Some people are good looking [^ud 'lokiol (приятной наружности);-^ В. What are their oppositesL a round face — an oval face, a narrow face a thin body — a ... body, a ... body long hair — ... hair curly hair — ... hair dark hair — ... hair,... hair a straight nose — a... nose a big mouth —- a ... mouth, a... mouth a stout body — a ... body, a... body 4. What i a) • they like? William Stanley is a journalist. Soon he’ll be 40. He is tall and big and a little stout. His hair is dark and curly. It’s short. He has a round pleasant face. His eyes are dark grey. His mouth is big, his teeth are white and good. He has a big nose, b) Allan Smith is an astronaut. He is nearly 35. He is.... His hair.... He has a ... face. His eyes.... His mouth.... He has a ... nose. opposite I'dp9zh] — противоположность с) Margo Perry is a photographer. She is 27. She is .... Her hair.... She has a ... face. Her eyes.... Her mouth.... She has a ... nose. Complete the dialogue and act it out. WHAT ARE YOU LIKE? X: Hello! I’d like to speak to... You: Speaking. X: It’s ... here. I have a letter and a little present for you from your friend Nick. Can we meet this afternoon? You know, I’m leaving for London tonight. You: X: You: Let’s meet at the Post Office at 3 o’clock. Is it OK with you? What are you like? And what are you like? Very well. See you at 3 o’clock near the Post Office. Модальные глаголы Уже известный вам глагол сап (could) относится к группе модальных. Большеаство этих глаголов имеют ряд особенностей: 1) перед модальными глаголами и после них не употребляется частица to: сап speak, сап go; 2) в 3-м лице единственного числа настоящего времени у них не используется окончание -s: he can, she can; 3) вопросы и отрицания они образуют без вспомогательных глаголов: Сап you sing? I can’t skate. К группе модальных глаголов относятся глаголы must (mAStJ и should [fud). Глагол must часто переводится как «должен, должны» или «обязан, обязаны* и употребляется, если хотят отдать указание, заставить человека сделать что-то. You must come home at five. John must not eat ice cream. He is ill. Must I wash the floor? 195 Глагол should звучит менее категорично. Его употребляют, ног хотят дать совет, порекомендовать сделать что-то. Обычный пет^ вод — *следует (сделать)*. You should go and see this film. It’s very good. You should not come home so late. Should we come back later? В отрицательной фор.ме оба глаюла чаще нспользуютч^ i щенной форме: mustn’t ['niASni], shouldn’t [fudnij. I COKpft. A. Use must or mustn't. /) You ... go out. It is raining heavily. 2) Your room is messy. You ... do your room and wash the floor. 3) Jane, you’re Ш. You ... stay in bed. 4) Bob has a high temperature. He ... go to school. 5) It’s eleven o’clock. Betty ... go to bed. 6) Jill has a bad tooth. She... eat much chocolate. 7) You ... play in the street. It’s dangerous’. B. Use should or shouldn't. 1) If you want to come to school at 8, you ... get up at 7. 2) The Harry Potter books are interesting. You ... read them. 3) Children ... eat more fruit and vegetables. 4) Little ciiildren ... spend much time before the television. .5) Young people ... read more. d) You ... shout at animals. What will you say to them? Use must or should to complete the sentences. Sometimes you can use must and should but not aIwa>'S. 1) Your mother is very tired after work. You: ... go to bed early. 2) Your little brother crosses the street running. You: ... cross the street walking. 3) Your friend doesn't eat fruit and vegetables. You: ... fruit and vegetables. 4) Your little sister doesn’t look where she goes. You: ... where you are going. ’ It’s dangerous ['dcind.^oros]. — Это опасно. Your friend can’t swim. You: ... iearn to swim as soon as you can. You are a teacher. One of your pupils doesn’t do his homework. You: ... your homework every day. You are a father. Your teenager daughter stays out late. You: ... home earlier. You are a doctor. Your young patient is too stout. You: ... spend more time running, jumping, and playing games. You are a mother. Your daughter doesn’t like reading books. You: ... more. Your father wants to buy a new car. You: ... a sports car. Do It on Your Own 8. Write what Ted must or mustn’t do. a) walk on the grass in the park b) help his granny c) listen to the radio in class d) take photos in the museum e) take his dog out f) feed his pets g) go sliopping h) go to bed late i) talk with his friend at the lesson 9. Write about your mum, dad, brother or sister. What are they like? Step Three Do It Together Listen to the tape, (131). and say which sentences you heard, f) I think you should/shouldn’t get up late. 2) The children must/mustn’t spend their holidays here. 3) These people must/mustn’t think about their future. 4) They should/shouldn’t go boating in this weather. 5) Charles and Dan should/shouldn’t spend all day < 6) You should/shouldn’t buy this book for Alice. 7) A lot of people think that they must/mustn’t go to university or college. 5) I know I should/shouldn’t dream of becoming a writer. 9) Paul must/mustn’t stay in hospital now. 10) Everyone shouid/shouldn’t have an interesting job. 2. Match the parts of the sentences. Complete them with shouldn’t. 1) If you want to be a successful journalist, you ... 2) If you want to be slim ... 3) If you want to travel aboxit England by car... 4) If you want to cook well... 5) If you want to become a good skier... 6) If you want to have a pleasant trip... 7) If you don’t want to stay at a hotel... a) buy a cook book. b) eat many sweets and chocolates. c) stay at you friends’. d) be able to do cross-coun-try and downhill skiing. e) be able to read a map. f) read a lot. g) have a lot of money. Чтобы получить разрешение сделать что-то, часто используется мо- i дальный глагол may. В подобных вопросах may звучит вежливо и уважительно. May I use your bike? — Можно взять твой велосипед? J Обычными ответами на подобные вопросы являются: 1) Yes, you may. / Yes, please. / Do, please. — Да. 2) No, you may not. / No, you mustn’t. — Пет. (KaTei-орическиЙ от-, каз, запрет.) 3) I’m afraid not. — Боюсь, что нет. (Мягкий отказ.) В разговорах с близкими людьми, друзьями в подобных вопросах чаще употребляется глагол сап. I — Сап 1 use your bike? — Yes, you can. 4 — No, you can’t. J — I’m afraid not. ^ Can or may? Sometimes you can use may and can. 1) You are talking to your teacher: ... I go out? 2) You are talking to your brother: ... I play on your computer? 3) You are talking to you parent: ... I go to the cinema, mum? 4) You are sitting in a restaurant a) talking to a man at the next table: ... I have the ketchup, please? b) talking to your friend; ... I have the ketchup and oil, please? Answer yes or no. Use can/can't, may/may not, must/musn't. 1) — May I go out? — .... It’s raining heavily outdoors. 2) — May I read this book, Miss Cambell? — .... It is not for children. 5) — Can I visit Victoria at the hospital? — . She is very ill and wants to see you. 4) — Can I go to bed later tonight? — .... You have no school tomorrow and 5) — Can I use your mobile, Jack? — .... Here it is. d) — May I come in, Miss Bell? — .... but don’t be late next time. 7) — May we stay here a little longer? — .... It’s getting dark and it’s time to go to bed, Read the text. Match its parts and pictures. NOW AND THEN i) Now Mr James Ford is an old man. He has very little hair and all his hair is white. His smiling eyes are light-blue. His Ups are thin and his face is white but his arms are still strong and shapely. He is very thin. When he was a child, he was very plump and had a lot of curly dark hair. His face was often pink and his lips were red. His teeth were white and good. He had a lot of friends and loved playing games with them. i get up later. 2) Mr Peter Jenkins is nearly sixty now. He is a stout tall man with a round face. His hair was brown but now it is grey. His eyes are dark-brown. His nose is big. His hands and feet are big too. He likes a good joke* and has a lot of friends. They like to play cards together. When he was a child, he wa.s very thin and weak. His brown eyes were often sad, and his mouth seldom smiled. He didn’t like playing with children. He liked reading books. 3) Jane O’Connor is thin and very tall for a woman. Her short light-brown hair is curly. Jane’s eyes are big. Now they are grey but when she was young, they were more blue than grey. In tliose days she was slim. Her legs and arms were shapely and her oval face was very nice. Her hair was fair and soft. She was a very g<^-looking girl. 4) Jill Parker is not young. She is nearly seventy. She is short and a little stout. She has a nice oval face with dark eyes and a small turned-up nose. Now her hair is grey but when she was a young girl, it was dark and beautiful. She was slim and active^ and her friends called her “Our Jilly”. * a joke [тцествительные с глаголами во множественном числе, и вместо них употребляются местои.мения they/them (они/ Английские слова clothes, pyjamas попадают в эту же группу: The clothes are on the sofa. They are dry. My pyjamas are blue. 1 like them. Сравните: Одежда лежит на диване. Она сухая. Моя пижама голубая. Мне она нравится. Complete the sentences. 1) Your clothes (is/are) always nice. Who buys (it/them) for you? 2) Alice’s purple shorts (was/were) too good for the beach. 3) Peter’s uniform (was/were) rather new. He bought (it/them) only a week ago. 4) The black trainers (was/were) under the bed, that’s why 1 couldn’t see (it/them). 5) Where (is/are) your pink blouse, Liz? I’m going to wash (it/ them) together with my clothes. I like (this/these) green and white socks. May I have (it/them)? 7) My new red pyjamas (is/are) very warm and cosy. 8) My black sweater (is/are) too small for me now. I’m so sorry! 9) (Is/Are) your new jeans dark or light? Mine (is/are) very dark blue. JO) His warm jacket (was/were) on the hook in the hall. He went there and took (it/them). 7. A. Learn some new words. Listen to the tape, jgS (135), and repeat. look — выглядеть wear |wc3] — носить (быть одетым в) put on —- надевать (одежду) take off — снимать (одежду) fashion ('fcc/nj — мода fashionable {'Гж/эпэЫ) — модный old-fashioned (,3u!d Тге/ond) — старомодный neat |ni:tj — аккуратный, опрятный important (im'p^:l9nl) — важный 207 look; to look old, to look wonderful, to look terrible. Jane always looks nice. What does Bob look like? He is tall and dark, wear — wore {wd:|: to wear jeans, to wear hats. What is Alice wear-ing today? She is wearing black leggings and a purple sweater When I saw John, he w-as wearing a light green jacket. When Helen was small, she wore pyjamas when she went to bed. put on: to put on clothes, to put on a cap, to put on boots. In winter Jill usually wears boots but now she is putting on her trainers. Put on your warm scarf, the weather is nasty, take off: to take off clothes, to take off a jacket. Take off your jacket and scarf, please. fashion: to be in fashion, to be out of fashion. To read the Harry Potter books is in fashion now. Platform boots are out of fashion now. Black and white colours are always in fashion, fashionable: fashionable clothes, a fasliionable restaurant, old-fashioned: old-fashioned clothes, old-fashioned people, neat: a neat girl, a neat sweater. Jane’s clothes are always neat. My cousin is neater than I am, his bedroom is never messy, important: an important job, important people; to be important to you, to be important for you to go there. It is important to have neat clothes. Music is important to us. It is important for you to read more. Complete the sentences. Use the new words. /) This is my present. It’s a new warm ... . Put it round* your neck. 2) My mum always asks me to ... my boots when I come home. 3) It’s a cold day today and I’m going to ... my warmest jacket. J)Are jeans stilF in .,.? — Yes, they are and will always be. 5) Are you wearing your new dress? You ... wonderful in it. 6) Please ... your jacket in the hall and come into the room. 7) What would you like to ... to your birthday party? 3) Things that were ... only two years ago are ... now. Nobody wears them. 9) My brother is not a very ... boy. His clothes are often messy. 10) It’s ... for everybody to wear clean clothes. round — вокруг still — Bcc еще Modal Verbs I can eki. We could swim well. He must stay here, She can’t sing. They couldn’t drive. You mustn’t be afraid. 10. Complete the disjunctive questions. 1) White socks are out of fashion,...? 2) You are not afraid, child,...? 3) Tim is rather brave,...? 4) This scarf is not good for winter,...? 5) I am your friend,...? 6) They have got a lot of warm clothes,...? 7) We haven’t got any time to go shopping today,...? 3) You can’t put on your sandals in this cold weather,...? 9) There are not any trainers in the shop,...? JO) Your clothes must always look nice,...? ff) Sarah will put on her new dress to the party, ...? J2) We shan’t look good in jeans and sweaters in the theatre, /3) The children mustn’t w’car uniforms in Russian schools,. J4) Your children may choose their own clothes,...? /5) Jim was a good-looking man, ...? 16) His clothes were old-fashioned and boring,...? 17) There were some boots under the bed, ...? 18) You must wear clean and neat clothes, children, ...? 19) It is impK>rtant to buy warm clothes for winter,...? Do It on Your Own 11. Complete the disjunctive questions. 1) , isn’t he? 7) 2) , aren’t I? 8) 3) , can you? 9) 4) , must we? 10) 5) , weren’t thev? II) 6) , will he? 12) , couldn’t she? have you? haven’t we? , won’t he? , is it? , wasn’t it? Step Five Do It Together 1. Listen to the tape, ;~] (137). Say who is who in the picture у 2. What is important to Ray and what is important to May? i 1 pets riding school music family books friends flow'ers roller skating clothes cars singing computer parents 3, Say the same differently. Example: I’d very much like to finish reading this book. It’s important for me to finish reading this book. /) John would very much like to meet his Russian friends again. 2) Mary would very much like to go travelling. 3) I’d very' much like to be a good pupil. . 4) We’d very much like to know English well. 5) People would very much like to be happy. d) The children would very much like to spend more time together. 7) The teachers would very much like to have more free^ time. 8) My friend would very much like to go to university. 9) They would very much like to be good friends. 1. Вторая часть разделительных вопросов в present simple и past simple строится при помощи форм глагола to do (do, does, did), если в первой использован любой глагол, кроме модальных глаголов. глагола to be и оборота have got/has got. Му school begins at 8.30, doesn’t it? He came late, didn’t he? Many children don’t like porridge, do they? They didn’t stop, did they? 2. Предложения c оборотами to have breakfast (brunch, lunch, dinner, tea, supper), to have fun, to have a good time также образуют разделительные вопросы при помощи вспомогательного глагола do (does. did). We don’t have early breakfast, do we? They had a lot of fun yesterday, didn’t they? 3. Если в первой части вопроса употреблены местоимения по/ nobody/nothing или наречие never, во второй части не используется отрицание (отрицательная частица not). Alice never wears hats, does she? Nobody wears shoes when swimming, do they?^ John has got no suit, has he? There is nothing on the table, is there? * free ffri;) — свободный ^ Обратите внимание, что nobody (no one), everybody (everyone), somebody (someone), anybody (anyone) во второй части вопроса заменяются местои.мением they. 213 4. Complete the sentences with tags. 1) Jane never visits fashion shows,...? a) does she b) doesn’t she 2) Matilda bought nothing in this shop yesterday,...? a) did she b) didn’t she 3) Alice has no winter boots....? a) hasn’t she b) has she 4) We can’t buy swimming suits in supermarkets,...? a) can we b) can’t we 5) Janies showed me a lot of his fashionable suits,...? a) did he b) didn’t he 6) They won’t go to the country tomorrow,...? a) will they b) won’t they 7) Young people like wearing jeans and other fashionable things, a) do they b) don’t they 1 5. Listen to the tape. (13d), and learn these helpful words: г 1) trousers I'lrauzszl — брюки 2) suit [su:lj — костюм 3) dress (dres) — платье 4) skirt (sk3:ll — юбка 5) shirt (J3:l| — рубашка 6) T-shirt (,ti: — футболка 7) sweat shirt (,swei 'J3:ll — толстовка 8) coat (kauil — пальто 9) raincoat Ггешкэт) — плащ 10) fur coat 1,Гз: 'кэт) — шуба Ц) shoes [fuizl — туфли 12) gloves [glAvz] — перчатки 13) mittens ['milnz] — варежки I twi as but they always we » Bob. different clothes. Say a) Mike is wearing long black trousers, a green jacket, and a white shirt. He has brown shoes and brown socks on. He is not wearing his coat. His coat is on the hook. He has his gloves in his left hand. b) Bob is not wearing a suit. He is wearing a green sweat shirt and dark green long trousers. He has a T-shirt under his sweat shirt. It is yellow. His boots are green. They are light green. He has his gloves in his right hand and his jacket in his left hand. 7. Look at the pictures (page 216) and answer the questions, Example: It is a narrow red skirt, isn’t it? — f) It is a long blue raincoat, isn’t it? 2) They are short brown trousers, are 3) It is a short grey fur coal, isn’t it? 4) They are high purple boots, aren’t they? 5) This is a short red T-shirt, isn’t it? d) They are narrow pink pyjamas, aren’t they? 7) This is a long orange sweater shirt, isn’t it? 8) It is a neat green dress, isn’t it? 9) They are old brown shoes, aren’t they? Read the text and match the parts with their names. There are three parts and four names. /) What do children wear today? 2) What do we wear in cold and warm weather? 3) Do we always know what to put on? 4) Why are our clothes important? CLOTHES a) Our clothes lielp us to stay warm and dry in any weather. They help us to look good too. That’s why clothes are so important to us. Clothes are very different. Uniforms can look boring but they s**® good for wearing at school. Jeans, sweaters, and sweat shirte are good for after-school wear. Your parents wear formal suits to work and put on evening clothes when they go out. Some people often change their clothes, some people don’t, but if they want to look nice, their clothes must be clean and neat. b) We buy different clothes for different seasons. In Russia we must have warm clothes for winter wear: coats or fur coats, thick jackets, hats, scarves, boots, gloves and mittens. In spring we change into raincoats and thin jackets. In summer we like wearing light* skirts and dresses, sliorts and T-shirts of bright colours, trainers and sandals. English people say, “There is no bad weather there are bad clothes”. c) It’s very important to wear the right clothes to the right places. You will look wrong if you wear a suit to a disco or if you put on old jeans and a T-sliirt to a good restaurant. Some people have a talent for choosing and wearing clothes. They always look wonderful in their trousers, shirts, skirts and dresses. Their clothes are not always fashionable but they are just right^ for them. The best thing is to have your style® in clothes. Can you say more on these? f) “Clothes are very different.” ... 2) “We buy clothes for different seasons.” ... 3) “It’s very important to wear the right clothes to the right places." ... 10. These people are models. Speak about their clothes at the fashion show. The words in the box can be helpful, (139). light, dark. long, short, straight, narrow. wonderful. beautiful, fashionable, stylish Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our fashion show! Today we are presenting a new collection of clothes and we hope that you’ll like them. light — jd.: легкий just right — как раз то, что нужно а style [siatl] — стиль This is Jake. He is wearing... These are Mark and Dennis. They... a) arent* they? Meet Jennifer. She... Do It on Your Own 11. Use the right verb form in these tag questions. t) All people like presents, ...7 b)don’t they? c) do they? 2) Nobody knows French in your class,...? a) don’t they? b) do they? c) doesn’t they? 3) They saw a good film yesterday,...? a) do they? b) didn’t they? c) did they? 4) You are watching football, ...? a) aren’t you? b) are you? c) don’t you? 5) We wash our clothes every week,...? a) do we? b) don’t we? c) didn’t we? 6) Tomorrow will be warm and sunny,...? a) will it? b) isn’t it? c) won’t it? 7) Mother cooks very well,...? a) doesn’t she? b)isn’t she? c) wasn’t she? 8) The children really enjoyed swimming,...? a) did they? b) didn’t they? c) they did? 9) We had breakfast early,...? a) had we? b) did we? c) didn’t we? 10) No one is hungry,...? a) are they? b) aren’t they? c) do they? 12. Write 10 sentences about what you i I different seasons. 218 UNIT SEVEN In and Out of School Step One Do It Together Answer these questions. /) What do you like to wear to school? 2) What do you like to put on to a party? 3) In what clothes do you look really good? 4) What are the best clothes for winter, as you see it? 5) What are the best clothes for summer? 6) What clothes and colours are in fashion now? 7) What clothes are boring? 8) What are your favourite colours in clothes? 9) Do you have your style in clothes? Are your clothes formal not formal? 10) Do you make your clothes or buy them? Listen to the tape, ЁИ (140). I.« Repeat after the tape, textbook I'tekstbuk) — учеб- exercise book I'cksasaiZ/bukj — тетрадь daybook ('deibukl — школьный дневник dictionary ['dik/onsrij — словарь brush (ЬглЛ — кисточка paint (pcmt] — краска 2. What I Why? ‘ these school uniforms like? Which of them do you like more' n some words we often use at school. ruler l'ru:la) — линейка rubber 1"глЬ9) — ластик pencil case ('pensi ,keis) — пенал pencil sharpener ('pensi Jaipno) — точилка felt-tip pen [,feli tip 'pen] — фломастер paper ('peipj>| — бумага chalk 11/о;к[ — мел glue [glu:] — клей What are they? Example: This is a blackboard (board). Имена существительные в английском языке бывают исчисляемые — countable (а реп — а lot of pens, а book — а few books) и не-исчисляемые — uncountable (water, juice, porridge). Неисчисляо-мые сущест8}1тельные: — не имеют формы множественного числе (butler, milk); — сочетаются с глаголом в едннствевном числе (Snow is white.); — не употребляются с неопределенным артиклем (I want some soup. I don’t want any soup. There is not much* soup in the pot. Have you got any money?). В некоторых случаях неисчис.’тяемые имена существительные переходят в разряд исчисляемых, но при этом меняют свое значение: glass — стекло -4 а glass — стакан glasses — очки; coffee —■ кофе -»а coffee — порция кофе; television — телевидение а television — телевизор; paper — бумага а paper — газета. Complete the sentence. Use a/an, some, any or no article. 1) There are ... desks in our classroom. 2) Have you got... English-Russian dictionary at home? 5) I’d like to buy ... paper and ... brush. 4) I see ... pencil-case. There is ... felt-tip pen and ... pencil sharpener in it. 5) There is no ... glue in the bottle. 6) There are ... rulers and rubbers on the teacher’s table, 7) I couldn’t see ... paints on Nick’s desk. 8) Is there ... chalk at the blackboard? 9) Where are your ... daybooks, children? I0)You can buy ... very good textbooks and dictionaries in this shop. Ask yoiir friends questions. Say how many pupils have got these things in their schoolbags today. rulers rubbers exercise-books dictionaries chalk calculators (,kencll8 there. a) your desk at home b) your desk in the classroom before (after) the lesson c) your desk at an English lesson d) your teacher’s table e) your school bag before going to school f) your pencil case g) your English classroom h) your shelf (or bookcase) at home Do It on Your Own 10. Countables or uncountables? chalk, water, a paint, a ruler, a rubber, a dress, a brush, glue, cheese, glass, a glass, a pencil sharpener, paper, salt, bread, a felt tip, a dictionary countables a paint uncountables chalk 11. Write answers. 5 word only. 1) What can we write with? 2) What can we paint with? 3) Where can we look up English words we don’t know? 4) What books do we use at an English lesson? 5) Wliere do we write our homework? 6) What do we write on the blackboard with? 7) Where do teachers write down your mark.s*? a mark (mark] — оценка, отметка Step Two Do It Together Listen to the tape, 55 and say whose bags they i Which bag is Julia’s and which bag is Lisa’s? 2. Article a/an or no article? /) 1 haven’t got ... mobile. 2) Do you like ... orange juice? 3) Boris never wears ... uniform. 4) What do we use ... glue for? 5) Fanny doesn’t drink ... milk. 6‘)There is littie ... paper in my desk. 7) 1 haven't got... warm pyjamas, 3) There is no ... water in the jug. 9) Is there any ... chalk in the classroom? !0) Linda, you should buy ... English-Russian dictionary. JJ) Please buy ... mineral water for dinner. 12) We eat ... a lot of vegetables in summer and autumn. /3)1 like summer because I like ... sunshine. /-^) Jackie had ... nice face with ... turned-up nose and ... beautiful dark eyes. /5) We sometimes water the house plants with ... rain water. Complete the answers to these questions. /) This school is new, isn’t it? — it is. 2) The classroom in the picture is not small, is it? .... it isn’t. 3) You can’t see any desks in the picture, can you? — .... I can. 4) There are a lot of pupils in the classroom, aren’t there? - ..., there aren’t. 5) There is no teacher in the classroom, is there? — there is. 6) The pupils are silting at their desks, aren’t they? — they aren’t. ™ 7) The teacher is not writing on the blackboard, is he? — isn’t. The teacher and the pupils are not talking, are they? — they are. При ответе на разделительные вопросы в английском языке не нс* пользуют ^утверждение и отрицание одновре.менно, что типично для русского языка. Сравните: Русский Английский Английский — Ты ведь I -Да(+), ш е любишь кофе, верно? (-) люблю. — You don’t like coffee, do you? •— No(-), Idon’t(-). — Она не умеет петь, не так ли? — Нег(-), умеет <+). — She can’t aing, can she? — Yes (+), she can (+). (But she can). Learn some i A'ords. Listen to the tape. (^5 end repeat. drawing I'droiiol — рисунок carry ('кжп| — носить, нести borrow I'boroul — 1) взять на время: 2) брать взаймы, одалживать draw |dro:| — рисовать find |famd] — находить learn |1з:п) — учить learn by heart (ho:i| — учить наизусть tell ltd] — сказать, рассказать d,.aw — drew |dru:l: to draw an animal, to draw with a pencil. To draw means to make a picture with a pencil, drawing I'dronol* John’s drawing of a house was really good, carry: to carry a bag, to carry books. Where is Sarah carrying my cup of coffee? Jane carried the bag back to her desk, borrow: 1) to borrow a pen (a bike). Can I borrow your calculator? 2) to borrow a dictionaty from a teacher. I borrowed sonie money from Alex, ГИ give it back on Friday, find — found (faund): to find a job, to find an old drawing, to find a hotel. It is very difficult for young people to find a job in this city. Jill found a fashionable scarf in the shop, learn — learnt: to learn English (French), to learn to swim. What did you learn at .school today? I want to learn to drive a car. learn by heart: Is it easy to learn loi\g texts by heart? tell — told (iduldi: to tell your friend about your holidays. Tell me about your day. Will you tell your mother about the trip? Peter told me the news, and then told it all to Janet. Запомните сочетания с глаголом tell: to tell the lime — сказать, который час to tell a story (a fairy tale) (Теэп tcil) — рассказать историю (сказку) to tell a lie (lies) — говорить неправду to tell the truth ршгв) — говорить правду Are you telling the truth? Jane never tells lies. Can you tell me the time? My granny always tells my little sister a fairy tale before she goes to bed. 5. What are they doing? 6. David doesn't know where his school bag friends for? W'hat does he ask his Example: David asks Polly for her mobile. — Polly, can I borrow your mobile, please? 1) David asks Steve for his textbook. 2) David asks Rob for his pencil. 5) David asks Tony for his pencil sharpener. 4) David asks Tom for his paints. 5) David asks Alice for her dictionary. 6) David asks Jane for her brush. 7) David asks Max for his rubber. 8) David asks Ron for his ruler. Peter never puts his things in the right place. It always difficult for him to find his books, clothe etc*. Where did Peter find them yesterday morning'] Example: Peter found his schoolbag under the piano. * etc (et cetera) |,ei 'sciarol — и так далее 1^6 у fn L 1 Ш P - \тщ То say. to tell, to speak, to talk - известные вам глаголы «говорения*. Tell и say часто переводят как «сказать, говорить*. Если известно. к кому обращена речь, используется глагол tell. Сравните: Bob says he likes swimming. Bob tells me (us. John) he likes swimming. Say вводит прямую речь: Bob said, “I like swimmmg.” Глаголы speak и talk похожи, но speak обычно подразумевает, что говорит один. William didn’t look at me when I was speaking. Если же в беседе участвуют несколько человек, то обычно используется глагол talk. James and Ann often talk about music. 229 Звоня по телефону н спрашивая, можно х пользуют глагол apeak, так же как если странным языком. Hello. Could I speak to Sue. please? She doesn't speak English ver>' well. I поговорить c кем-то, кс-ечь идет о владении нно- Say, tell, speak or talkl Check, (144). 1) — Jane can ... French very well, can't she? — No, she can’t. She began learning French last month. 2) — Can you ... me where Max lives? — Sorry, I can’t. I don't know his address. 3) (on the phone) — Morning. Can I... to Anna, please? — ...iiig. Is that you. Harry? 4) — Why are you ... me lies? — But 1 am not. I am ...ing you the truth. 5) — What’s the matter? What does Philip...? — He ... little Lizzie is ill. 6) — What did you and Alice do in the kitchen? — We sat drinking tea and ...ing. 7) — What are you ...ing? — I am ...ing that I’m leaving for Moscow soon. 8) — Can you ... me the time, please? — It's a quarter to five. 9. Kead the text and say which of the sentences after the text are true. 8СН(ЮЬ8 IN ENGLAND AND WALES (1) In England and Wales children start school when they are five. A lot of ti\em leave school wlien they become sixteen. Some stay for two more years and then go to universities or to colleges. The school year in England begins in September. It never begins on Monday. The English don’t think it is good to start a new thing on Monday, so school usually begins on the first Tuesday of September. Little children who are five, go to primary school* and stay there for six years. ‘ primary {'praimsn] school — начальная шко.та They do a lot of things in class. They learn to read, to write, to count, and to draw. Their teachers often read to them interesting books and tell them fairy tales. Pupils play a lot and spend much time outdoors. They often visit museums and make trips to city centres. When they are eleven, primary school pupils go to secondary school*. /) Pupils spend six years in primary school in England. 2) For many children school is over when they are sixteen. 3) The school year in England begins on 1 September. 4) When pupils are eleven, they start primary school. .5) Pupils play a lot in primary school. 3) Teachers often take primary school children to museums. 7) Primary school children must be able to read, write, count, and draw. 3) Secondary school begins when pupils become eleven. rio закону образование в Англии является обязательным для всех детей в возрасте от 5 до 16 лет. Большинство из них посещают бесплатные ('осударственные школы (state schools), но некоторые родители посылают детей в частные школы, самыми престижными из которых являются так называемые public schools. К старейшим школам такого типа относятся Eton, Harrow и Rugby. Обучаться в них достаточно дорого. Учащиеся государственных школ проводят в нача.1ькой школе (primary school) семь лет. В возрасте 5 лет они поступают в подготовительный класс (reception class) школы для малышей (infant school) и учатся здесь два года до 7 лет. Затем они переходят в собственно начальную школу (junior fchjirnid} school), где обучаются еще пять лет. В 12 лет начинается обучение в средней школе. Do It on Your Own Give answers to these questions. /) — Sam is not a university student, is he? — (Да, OH не студент.) 2) — He goes to school, doesn’t he? — (Да, ходит.) * secondary ['sck^ndrij school — средняя школа 5) 0) 3) — It never rains here in winter, does it? — (Да, не идет.) — You didn’t live in the country last summer, did you? — (Да, не жил.) • You are not going to the cinema, are you? — (Нет, иду.) - Mary hasn’t got a mobile, has she? — (Да, у нее нет мобильного телефона.) 7) — Harris left for Kiev last Monday, did he? — (Да нет. не уехал.) — Boris won’t send her a letter, will he? - (Да нет, пошлет.) — We know nobody here, do we? — (Нет, знаем.) /0) — Jane couldn’t skate last winter, could she? — (Да, не умела.) S) 9) 11. Use say or tell to complete the sentences. /)Can you ... it again, please? 2) “Please stop talking,” ... the teacher. 3) Do you think Colin is ...ing us the truth? 4) Jane ... she likes horses. .5) What story will you ... us today? 6) Everyone ... that the weather is going to change soon. 7) Never ... lies, my boy. 8) When you meet new people, first... them your name. 5) Mother ... I have a talent for ...ing fairy tales. 10) Will you ... me your telephone number. Step Three Do It Together Listen to the questions. Choose the right answer, 1Й) (i«). b) No. they don’t. /) a) Yes, they do. 2) a) Yes. they do. 3) a) Yes, they do. 4) a) Yes, they are. .5) a) Yes. they must b) No, they don’t, b) No, they don’t, b) No, they aren’t, b) No, they mustn’t. i 6) a) Yes, it is. 7) a) Yes, you can. ^) a) Yes, it is. b) No, it isn’t, b) No, you can’t, b) No, it isn’t Listen to the tape. 53 (146). Which is right? 1) Sharon goes to ... school, a) primary .2) Sharon ... her school, a) likes 3) She ... classes on Saturdays, a) has 4) Sharon must be at school at. a) 8.40 .5) Sharon’s uniform is ... . b) secondary b) doesn’t like b) doesn’t have b)8.50 b) like this 6) After school Sharon plays .... a) grass hockey 7) She likes... . a) listening to music and roller skating b) listening to music and skating b) ice hockey 3. Complete the sentences. draw, carry, borrow, find, learn, tell /) Where’s 2) May I .. aibum^ ny red felt tip? I can’t... it. your glue, please? I want to put this photo in my an album I'albom) — альбом 3) Do you ... many words at your English lessons? 4) I*m very happy and want to ... everyone about it. 5) He didn’t have a school bag and ... his textbook under his arm. 6) Will you ... me a dog, please? Here is a pencil. 7) If you don’t... me the truth, I’ll be very angry. 3) Could you help me to ... these books upstairs to the English room? 9) All these pictures are my father’s. He can ... very well. 10) Alice ... my ruler yesterday and didn’t give it back to me. //) Mary ... to play the piano when she was seven. 12) It is raining and all people are ... umbrellas. 1 В английских словосочетаниях со словами school, university, col* lege, work, hospital, bed. church не используется артикль в случа* ях, когда их смысл несколько .меняется и, употребляя их. мы гово* ри.ч не о здании или помещении (школы, университета и т. д.), а о происходящей в них деятельности: to go to school •— ходить в школу, учиться 8 школе to be at school — учиться в школе to go to university — учиться в университете to be at university — быть студентом университета to go to work — ходить на работу to be at work — быть на работе to go to hospital — лечь в больницу to be in hospital — лежать в больнице to go to bed — ложиться спать to be in bed — лежать в постели to go to church — ходить в церковь Complete the sentences. Use the words from the “MEMO”. /) If you are tired you should .... 2) All English children ..., when they are five. 3) My brother is a student, he is .... 4) Cathy is ill and must... . 5) At w'hat time does your father ...? — His work begins at 9, i leaves home at 8. 6) Do you always ... on Sundays? — Yes. ! do. Tliere is a nice little church near my house. 7) It’s 12 o’clock at night! Why are you not...? 8) Are you a university student or ...? A. Learn some new words. Listen to the tape, ^5 repeat. education |,cdju'kci/nl — образование form (foim) — класс, группа учащихся form teacher — классный руководитель age leufcl — возраст free (frii) — 1) свободный, незанятый; 2) бесплатный subject |'s.\bситет и кого школа считала достойным продолжить обучение. 235 в английском языке, как и в других языках мира, есть синонимы •• CvioBa, сходные по своему значению, например: start — ijoffin*,"* stop — finish, class — lesson, pleasant —• nice. Слова class и form to* \ же ЯВ.ЧЯЮТСЯ синонимами в значении «группа учеников». Вы може* » те сказать: Му class is big или Му form is big. Но если вы говорит» об ‘1 этапе обучения, употребляйте слово year: Гт in the seventh year. (Я учусь в седьмом классе.) Гт а year seven student. (Я ученик ; седьмого класса.) Next year I’ll be a year eight student. {Ha следующий год я буду учиться в восьмом классе.) 6. А. Which of these words can come together? Example: short term. easy, difficult, free, short, long, early, lunch, coffee, first education, term, break, age, subject. form B. Look at this timetable of an English school. How different is it from your own? MON TUBS WED THURS FRI Lesson 1 Religious Education Maths Social Education English Art (break) Lesson 2 History Science Music Science Geography Lesson 3 English French Physical Education (PE) Matha (break) Lesson 4 .Maths History Information Technology Maths Physical EklucatitMi Les.son 5 Geography Art French English Большинство учащихся Англин и Уэльса (=- 95®/<.) полу'чают среднее образование в общедоступных государственных школах (state comprehensive schools), куда принимают всех детей без экзаменов. В средней ШК0.16 учащиеся проводят пять лет. нумерация параллелей сквозная. Так. учащиеся начальной школы, в зависимости от года обучения, называются year one students — year six students, a учащиеся средней школы, соответственно: year seven sludeiita — year eleven students. Обязательное среднее образование завершается в возрасте 16 лет в конце 11 класса, когда все учащиеся сдают экзамен на аттестат (General Certificate of Secondary Education Exam or GCSK exam). Если учащиеся хотят продолжить свое образование н подготовиться к поступлению в университет, они идут либо в технические колледжи (technical colleges), либо в так называемые колледжи 6-го класса (sixth form colleges). либо продолжают обучение в 6-ом классе (sixth form) своей с^ждней школы, cc.ni таковой имеется. 7. Listen to the tape. (148), and repeat. School Subjects history ('hisi3ri| — история geography 1ф>'пдгэП1 — география matiiematic.s (.majOo'niicUks) -- математика maths (mtCOs) — .математика science ('saians) — естественнонаучный предмет, включает физи ку. химию, биологию physics i'fi^iksj — физика biology- Ibai'nlacfeil — биология chemistry I'kemisirij — химия literature I'litroyb] — литература art |o:il — изобразительное искусство information technology |,ш1Утс1/п (ск'пп1эф1) — нн(|юрматика religious In'lKfeosj education — религиозное образование physical rfi/.iklj education — физкультура social I'sDOJll education — обществоведение 8. ' different from the Russian .SCHOOLS IN ENGLAND AND WALES (2) Secondary education begins in the country at the age of 12. Most* pupils go to state comprehensive schools. Parents do not pay for their education. It is free. Pupils usually have five lessons five • most — батьшинство days a week. They go to school from Monday to Friday. There are no classes on Saturdays or Sundays. Secondary school pupils do eleven subjects a week and physicBl education (PE) too. Every morning they have a twenty minute break after the first lesson and they have a longer lunch break in the afternoon after the third lesson. At four o’clock classes are usu-ally over and pupils go home. The English school year has three terms. When the term is over, schoolchildren have holidays. Their Christmas holidays and Easter holidays are shorter than summer holidays which liegin in July and are usually over in September. 9. Answer these questions about English schools. I) Most children begin their secondary education at the age of 12 don't thev? ’ 2) Are comprehensive schools free, or do parents pay for their children? 3) How many lessons do pupils usually have a week? 4) They don’t go to school on Saturdays and Sundays, do they? 5) When do they have a twenty minute break? 6) They have a long break for lunch, don’t they? 7) At w'hat time are pupils usually free and can go liome? 5) How many terms a year do British pupils have? .9) Which are the longest holidays: Easter, Christmas or Summer? 10) When does the school year begin and end? Do It on Your Own 10. Complete the sentence.s. school, church, university, hospital, bed, work f) Joan didn’t go to ... after school. She worked. 2) At what age can you leave ..., at 14 or 1(>? 3) Jessica was very tired and went to ... early. 4) Hers was a religious school, so they went to ... a lot. .5) James should go to ..., he is very ill. 6) Mum goes to ... on Saturday. She works in a shop and they are open at weekends. 11. When do pupils in Russia begin doing these subjects: English, physics, chemistry. PE. Ru.ssian. geography? Example: In Russia pupils usually begin doing PE at the age of 7 (in the first form). 238 J Step Four Do It Together 1. What subjects are missing here? Listen to the tape, (149), and complete the table. MON TCES WED THURS FRI Lesson 1 Religious Education Information Technology (break) Lesson 2 French Maths Lesson 3 English Maths (break) Lesson 4 Maths Social Education Geography Lesson 5 Art Physical Education Music 2. Complete the text with the i bvords. RUSSIAN SCHOOLS In Russia secondary e... usually begins at the a... of ten. In most schools parents do not pay for their children, these schools are f... . Secondary school pupils do different s...s: Russian, maths, Russian literature, chemistry, physics, art and others. They usually go to school five days a week from half past eight in the morning to two or three in the afternoon. They have ten or fifteen minute b...s after every lesson and a longer lunch b... . The R\>ssian school year usually has four t...s and four school holidays in autumn, winter, spring, and summer. The summer holidays are the longest. 239 3. Look at the table and complete the sentences after it. England and Wales Age Russia ^ school class/year year school 1 1 II Reseption class 5-6 1 j IJ year one 6-7 year one fl year two 7-8 year two year three 8-9 year three year four 9-10 year four year five 10-11 year five Exams year six 1M2 year six 1 1 1 Exams year seven 12-13 year seven year eight 13-14 year eight year nine 14-15 year nine year ten 15-16 year ten Exams ip. year eleven 16-17 year eleven 111! i Exams year twelve 17-18 'form thirteen 18-19 1) In England children go to school when they are .... but in Russia they usually begin their school education at the age of.... 2) In England they stay in ... school longer than in Russia. 3) In England primary school has two steps: ... and .... but in Rus sia it doesn’t. 4) In England children go to secondary school when they are ... bu in Russia they go to secondary school at the... ten or eleven. 5) In England pupils stay in secondary school ... years, but in Russia they stay in secondary school... years, d) In England they take exams after ... and .... but in Russia .... 7) English schools have the sixth form for those who want to go to .... but in Russia they get ready for ... in tlie tenth and eleventh ... . По традиции в большинстве английских школ успехи учащихся оцениваются по пятибалльной шкале А, В, С, D, Б. Высший балл — А (отлично), низший — Е (очень слабо). Иногда учителя добавляют знаки + (plus) или - (minus) к этим оценкам. Например, В+ илиС-. 4. book at Don’s and Emma’s end-of-term reports' and speak about their resulU^. Example: In English Don is better than Emma. or: In English Emma is worse than Don. Don Emma English B+ English В Maths A Maths D French c French A+ History B- History A Social Education A Social Education В Religious Education B+ Religious Education В Geography в Geography с Information Technology A+ Information Technology с Music D Music в Art В Art в+ Physical Education A Physical Education в- ' a report In'paiJ — jd.: отчет об успеваемости ^ a result (n'zAhJ — результат 5. Listen to the tape. (X50). Learn to use these. 1) to be afraid of something — бояться чего-л. Are you afraid of dogs? 2) to be sure of something — быть уверенным » чем-л. Mike is sure of his friends. 3) to be fond of something — очень любить что-л. My sister is fond of art. 4) to be surprised at something — удивиться (удивляться) чему.д. The English pupils were surprised at some Russian traditions. 5) to be good at something — быть способным к чему-л. А lot of pupils in my class are very good at English. |MiM^ В таких словосочетаниях, как те, с которыми вы только что иозна> комились, очень важно запомнить, какой именно предлог исполь< ауется после того или иного глагола. Заучивайте глаголы в.месте со следующими за ними предлогами. 6. Complete the questions. Answer them. 1) What school subjects are you fond ...? 2) And what school subjects are you good ...? 3) Who in your class is very good ... English? 4) Are you afraid ... tests and exams? 5) Are you interested... Russian literature? 6‘) Are you surprised ... the fact that in English schools there are no subjects like biology, physics and chemisto'? 7) School years are the best time in one’s life. Are you sure ... it? 7. A. Learn some new words. Listen to the tape, (151), and repeat. T rule (ru:ll — правило group [giup] — группа classmate ('kioismcit] — одно* классник language (laeogwicfej — язык foreign ('form) иностранный modern ('mordnj — современный mark (mcrk) — оценка, отметка В. language: a difficult language, an easy language. What languages can he speak? foreign: a foreign language, a foreign country. How many foreign languages do you know? modern: modern history, modern languages, modern clothes. What do you think of modern art? mark: a good mark, to give a mark, to put a mark, to get a mark, a mark for an answer, a mark in a subject. What mark did you get in geography yesterday? rule: an easy rule, a difficult rule. English spelling rules are difficult, aren’t they? group: a group of people, a group of pupils, a group of tall trees. A group of us is going to Moscow for a day. How many English groups are there in your form? classmate: A classmate is a pupil of the same class in a school or college. We were classmates four years ago. What do they mean? Give the Russian for these words. /) school mate - schoolmate Ann is my schoolmate, we go to school together. 2) school + day » schoolday How many schooldays a week do you have? 3) school + days schooldays My mother thinks that her schooldays were a very happy time. 4) school + age • school age Is Jenny a school age child? 5) school + year - school year When does the school year begin in England? 6) school + leaver “ school leaver My brother Peter is 18, he is a school leaver. He is thinking of going to university. 7) school + house - schoolhouse We saw the roof of the schoolhouse behind the trees. Listen to the dialogues, (152). Act them out. I say Ben, what do you think of our English class? It was very interesting. I’m surprised. Your friends speak English really well. How many English classes do you have a week? 243 Three. This year we have English on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And what foreign languages do you learn at school? In the first and in the second forms all my schoolmates do one modern language — French. Then we can choose. If you’re good at it, you can learn it longer, but if you want, you can stop doing it. Do you mean that in your scliooi pupils can learn a foreign language only for two years? Yes. But if they like modern languages, they can learn not only French but take German or Spanish for three more years. How interesting and how different from our school. Pupils in Russia learn foreign languages much longer. A-NDRew: Meg: Andrew: Meg: Andrew: Hi, Meg! Why are you so sad? I got a bad mark in history. Really? I’m surprised. Isn’t history your favourite subject? It is. I’m rather fond of history but my answer was really very poor. I was not ready for the lesson. Cheer up!^ You’ll learn everything and will get good marks. It’s easy for you, isn’t it? My problem is much worse. What is it? What’s the matter? I’m very bad at mathematics. I hate doing sums^. I don’t understand many rules. I think I can’t learn the subject. There, there...® I’m sure things aren’t as bad as you say. Let’s work together. I enjoy maths and I think I can help you. Cheer up! — He грусти! {разг.) to do sums [s\mz] — решать примеры There, there... — Ну-ну... Do It on Your Own 10. Write more words which cai a) foreign language, book, b) modern school, world,.. c) new, interesting....... d) good,...,....... group. 11. Complete the sentences. afraid. fond, surprised, good, interested 1) My younger brother is ... in modern languages. 2) Little Jim is ... of music. He can play the piano for hours. 3) Is Ann ... at French or German? — I think her German is better. 4) When Willy was small, he was ... of dogs. 5) I’m not... of his address. Let’s call him. 6) My mother was ... at my good marks this term. Step Five Do It Together 1. Listen to the tape, [gaj (153). Which is right? /) In the interview' Yura is speaking about his .... a) town b) school c) home 2) Yura’s school is about... years old. a) 40—50 b) 50—60 c)60—70 3) Yura’s school is big, nearly ... pupils. a) 10,000 b)100 c) 1,000 4) English primary and secondary schools are usually situated in . a) different places b) one place »5) Yura is in form .... a) 7“A” b) 7“B” c) 7“C” ' an interview ['imavjuj — интервью 6) There are ... pupila in Yura’s form, a) 34 b)35 c)36 7) Yura’s best friends are his ... . a) classmates b) schoolmates Answer the que.stions. /) Wltat modern languages do you know? 2) What foreign languages do pupils learn in Russian schools? 3) How many groups are there in your form when you leam English? 4) What marks do you usually get in Russian, PE, and maths? 5) Which of your classmates can speak English well? 6) English spelling rules are difficult, aren’t they? 7) Which is more difficult: to learn a rule or to understand it? Обратите внимание на то, как образуются вопросы к пол.пежащему и как строятся краткие ответы к ним. т Who comes to school at nine? Who is going to university? Who has got a pet at home? Who will tell me a story? What was over last Friday? What opened two hours ago? Who gave you the book? Who should go shopping? I do. (Jim does). We are. (I am). They have. (She has). Dad will. Our holidays were. The gift shop did. My sister did. You should. How much do you know about your classmates? f) W'ho usually comes to school earlier than the others’? 2) Who is often late for classes? 3) Who is very good at sciences? 4) Who is very good at foreign languages? 5) Who can work on the computer? 6) Who can sing or play a musical instrument? 7) Who lias a talent for drawing or painting? 8) Who was born in another town? the others (‘'лдэ7| — другие, все остальные 9) Who came to tliis school only not long ago? 10) Who is going to university after school? 11) Who is spending the coming summer in the country? 12) Who will finish this school year with very good marks? В английском языке для усиления прилагательных употребляются слова such {sAtfl — mateoU, такая, такое и so [sdu] — так. Ср.: Магу is such а happy girl. Магу is so happy. Как видно из примеров, после such употребляется сочетавие прилагательного с существительным (such а good саг, such а terrible day), а после so используется только прилагательное (so nice, so wonderful). Обратите внимание на употребление артиклей в подобных предложениях: It was such а cold day. (исчисляемое существительное в ед. числе) They were such cold days, (исчисляемое существительное во мн, числе) It was such cold weather, (неисчисляемое существительное) Complete the sentences. Use such or eo. /) Last Thursday our teacher gave us ... difficult texts. 2) English is ... a difficult foreign language. — I don’t think so. I find English ... easy. 3)The film we saw last week was ... boring. 4) Paul McCartney is ... a famous British singer. 5) James’ books are ... interesting. 6) My granny tells me ... wonderful stories before I go to bed. 7) My grandad lives ... a quiet life. 5) Roses are ... beautiful flowers. 5)Your daughter is ... beautiful. IO)S&m is ... selfish but his sister is ... a pleasant girl. II) Bob is a journalist. He is ... a successful journalist. i2)Our trip was ... terrible because of the weather. Listen to the dialogue. (154). Read and act it out. TELEPHONE TALK Hello! Hello! Is that you, Yura? It’s John speaking. Oh, hi, John! It’s good to hear you. How are you? John: Yura: John: Yura: John: Yura; John: Yura: John: Fine, thank you. And how are you? How are your parents and Lena? We are all fine, thank you. Lena and I are going to country tomorrow to stay there for two weeks. Are you? Is your school over? We still have classes. My summer holidays begin on 20 July. Гш sorry for you. We are free now. And I can say that I’m really happy that the school is over. I can understand you. What are you going to do when you come back from the country? We are all going to the Black Sea, to the place where we spent our holidays last summer. Oh, good. You said you liked it there. I did. And you? Are you going anywhere in August? Father is going to the USA on business and he is taking us there. Isn’t it wonderful? We are going to stay there for a month. I can’t wait^ to go there! The USA? Lucky you^i Will you send me a postcard? Г11 send you postcards from all the places we are going to visit. And Г11 call you when I return to London. Thank you. Enjoy your summer! I will. Say hello to Lena, your mum, and dad. Sure. Bye for now. Bye! Have a good time! the I ] 6. Speak about your school and your form. /) type and number of school 2) size, location®, garden 3) classrooms, halls 4) gym, swimming bath 5) form you are in 6) subjects, favourite subjects 7) classmates 8) free time d) school year (terms) and holidays I can’t wait (weilj... — He могу дождаться... ' Lucky you! — Везет тебе! ' location {b'kejn] —- местоположение 7. How much do your friend.s know about English schools? Ask them. /) when the school year usually starts; 2) Iww many terms there are in a school year; 3) what holidays pupils usually have; 4) how many forms there are in a secondary school; 5) at what age children usually start and leave school; 8) what subjects secondary school pupils usually have; 7) how many classes a day they usually have; 8) if all schools in the country are state schools; 9) what exams schoolchildren have when they leave school at 16; JO) to what school most children go when they are 11 and older. 8. Listen. О (155). and repeat. School, family and friends. School, family and friends Help me to have a happy day. I always do remember them помню When I’m far away. далеко School, family and friends Are always in my heart. сердце And I’m never sad Even when we are apart. даже, разлучены Next year we shall have A new successful start. Do It on Your Own Article a or no article? I)This is such ... clever answer! 2) Bob and Ray are such ... good friends. 3) It’s such ... sunny weather we are having today! 4) Such ... cold days are very unusual here. 5) It’s such ... long and boring story. 6) The party was such ... fun. I loved it. 7) A million roubles is such ... big money. 3) Such ... people as Don always tell the truth. 9) I rather like such ... quiet music. JO) The British Musuem is such ... place where you can learn a lot about the world history. 249 10. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions. LONG BREAK /) Who is reading a book? 4) Who is practising long jumps? 2) Who is watering the plants? .5) Who is playing football? 3) Who is sitting on the bench? 6) Who is talking to the teacher? Jenny /) Who was drawing pictures? 4) Who was drinking coke? 2} Who was eating an ice cream? 5) Who was running a race? 3) Who was playing chess? 6) Who was singing? с. Usually /) Who usually talks? 2) Who usually sits in the sun? 3) Who usually eats sandwiches? 4) Who usually plays basketball? 5) Who usually listens to music? 6) Who usually does sums? Torn DeniS Kate Jenny Ber\ Tracy S«e Формулировки заданий Act out the dialogue. — Разыграйте диалог. Answer the questions. — Ответьте на вопросы. Article “a/an". “the" or no article. — Поставьте артикль “a/an", “the”, где это необходн.мо. Ask questions. — Задайте вопросы. Can you say it differently? — Выразите это иначе. Check. — Проверьте (по аудиозаписи). Check and repeat. — Проверьте (по аудиозаписи) и повторите. Choose the right answer (word). — Выберите правильный ответ (слово). Compare them. — Сравните их. Complete the dialogues. — Закончите диалоги. Complete (the form, the table). — Заполните анкету, таблицу. Complete the sentences (with new words). — Закончите предложения (используя новые слова). Correct the sentences. Исправьте предложения. Count the regular and irregular verbs. — Сосчитайте «правильные» и «неправильные» г.лаголы. Do it on your own. — Учимся самостоятельно. Do it together. — Учи.мся вместе. Form negations (questions). — Переделайте предложения в отрицательные (в вопросы). 1..еагп some new words. — Выучите новые слова. Listen to the questions. — Послушайте вопросы. Listen to the tape and repeat. — Послушайте аудиозапись и повторите. Make up (negative) sentences. — Составьте (отрицательные) предложения. Match the sentences (the words, the parts of the sentences). — Соедините предложения (слова, части предложений). Match ... and their descriptions. — Соедините ... и их описания. Put the lines right. — Расположите строчки по порядку. Put the sentences in the right order. — Расположите предложения по порядку. Put the words in two columns. — Распределите слова в две колонки. Read the text after the tape. — Прочитайте текст за дикторо.ч. Say the same differently. — Скажите то же самое иначе. Say the same in Russian. — Выразите то же самое по-русски. Say “True" or “False". — Скажите, какие утверждения верны, а какие нет. 252 Sing along! — Спойте песню. These are some verb forms. — Познакомьтесь c форма.ми глаголов. Use “some", “a few", “few", “a lot”... — Употребите слова... What are their opposites? — Подберите слова, противоположные по смыслу. What do the (new) words mean? — Скажите, что значат эти (новые) слова. W'hat word is missing? — Скажите, какого слова не хватает. Which is true about you? — Скажите, что верно в отношении вас самих. Work in pairs. — Поработайте в парах. Write the words in the plural. — Напишите эти слова во множественном числе. Write the words in the singular. — Напишите эти слова в единственном числе.