Учебник Английский язык 6 класс Комарова Ларионова Макбет

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 6 класс Комарова Ларионова Макбет - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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. КОМАРОВА ЛАРИОНОВА . МАКБЕТ «РУССКОЕ: ^ СЛОВО» ^ MACMILLAN^^ I ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ШКОЛА Ю. А. Комарова И. В. Ларионова К. Макбет АНГЛИИСКИИ язык Учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений З-е издание Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации Экспертное заключение № 10106-5215/257 от 12.10.2011 г. (научная экспертиза) Экспертное заключение № 001442 от 25.01.2014 г. (педагогическая экспертиза) Экспертное заключение № 746 от 10.02.2014 г. (общественная экспертиза) Учебник соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту Москва «Русское слово» MACMILLAN 2014 Student's Book contents Starter unit page 6 Unit 1 Let's Communicate! page 9 Unit 2 Meet the Family page 21 Unit 3 Free Time page 33 REVISION 1 page 45 Unit 4 Learning for Life page 49 Unit 5 Wonderful Wildlife page 61 Unit 6 Days Out page 73 REVISION 2 page 85 Unit 7 Look into the Past page 89 Unit 8Team Spirit page 101 Unit 9 It's Summer! page 113 REVISION 3 page 125 ^Jj|^ Across the curriculum page 129 Dictionary page 148 Irregular verbs page 160 Unit Starter Page 6 Vocabuiary ♦ Classroom objects ♦ Colours ♦ Times, days, dates Grammar Reading & Listening Let^s ♦ Languages, ♦ be: affirmative and negative, questions ♦ R: World Languages Communicate! Page 9 countries and nationalities ♦ Adjectives and short answers ♦ Possessive adjectives and subject pronouns, possessive's ♦ Question words ♦ L: Learning languages Meet the ♦ Family ♦ have got: affirmative and negative, ♦ R: The Boehmer Family Page 21 ♦ Describing people questions and short answers * How many ...7 Family Jugglers ♦ L: Describing the family Free Time Page 33 ♦ Free time activities ♦ Daily routines ♦ Present simple: affirmative and negative, questions and short answers ♦ Word order ♦ Time expressions: at, on, in ♦ Adverbs of frequency ♦ R: Turn Your Free Time into Cash! ♦ L: The weekend REVISION 1 Page 45 Review your progress ^6^ Learning for Life Page 49 ♦ School subjects ♦ Skills and abilities ♦ love, hate, (don’t) like +-ing ♦ Object pronouns ♦ Review of question forms: word order ♦ VWiy ...71 Because ... ♦ R: Send my friend to school ♦ L: A radio interview with a blind athlete Wonderful Wildlife Page 61 ♦ Endangered animals ♦ Adverbs of manner ♦ Present continuous: affirmative and negative, questions and short answers ♦ Present simple and continuous ♦ Time expressions ♦ R: The World Wide Fund for Nature ♦ L: A talk about animals Days Out Page 73 ♦ Places to visit ♦ Food and drink ♦ there is / there are: affirmative and negative, questions and short answers ♦ Prepositions of place ♦ Countable and uncountable nouns ♦ a / an, some and any ♦ R: Welcome to London! ♦ L: Conversations in shops and restaurants REVISION 2 Page 85 Review your progress Look into ♦ History makers ♦ Past simple: affirmative, regular and ♦ R: Wonders of the the Past ♦ Irregular verbs irregular verbs Ancient World ♦ there was 1 there were ♦ L: An audio guide Page 89 from the Titanic Museum Team Spirit ♦ Olympic sports ♦ Past simple: negative, questions and ♦ R: The Olympic ♦ Clothes and short answers Games Page 101 accessories ♦ Past time expressions ♦ L: A tour of Wembley Stadium It's Summer! ♦ The weather and ♦ be going to ♦ R: Camp Active seasons ♦ Future time expressions web page Page 113 ♦ Landscape ♦ How.. .7 questions ♦ L: Holiday plans features ♦ must / mustn't REVISIONS Page 125 Review your progress Culture Britain ♦ Multilingual Britain The USA ♦ The Red Earth Festival Ireland ♦ Ireland’s Young Musicians Scotland ♦ Going to School on a Scottish Island Australia ♦ Australia’s Weird and Wonderful Wildlife England ♦ A Day Out at the Summer Show Wales ♦ Castles and Dragons New Zealand ♦ Sports Mad in New Zealand! Canada ♦ Welcome to Canada! Speaking & Pronunciation Writing Dialogue builder Across the curriculum ♦ Greetings and introductions ♦ The alphabet and spelling ♦ English in the classroom ♦ Exchanging personal information ♦ A personal profile ♦ Capital letters ♦ Giving personal information Whafs your name? What’s your email address? (c^ Language Page 130 ♦ Talking about your family ♦ Silent / pronounced [h] ♦ A description ♦ Apostrophes ♦ Talking about shopping Can 1 help you? Have you got...? (^Art Page 132 ♦ Talking about your daily routine ♦ [s] [z] [iz] ♦ An email ♦ and, but ♦ Giving instructions Can you give me a hand? Don’t forget to ... @ICT Page 134 ♦ Talking about likes and dislikes ♦ can / can’t ♦ A questionnaire ♦ so ♦ Making suggestions Lefs ... How about...? (c^ Maths Page 136 ♦ Describing an animal ♦ verb + -ing ♦ A web project ♦ Using adjectives ♦ Making arrangements What are you doing tomorrow? What time are you going? (c^ Science Page 138 ♦ Placing locations on a map ♦ Syllable stress ♦ A guide for tourists ♦ a/so ♦ Ordering food Can 1 have...? How much is a ...? Geograph) Page 140 ♦ Talking about an excursion ♦ [t] [d] [Id] ♦ A biography ♦ Time connectors ♦ Asking for information Where’s the...? Is there a ...? (c^ History Page 142 ♦ Talking about sports ♦ Sentence stress ♦ A class survey ♦ Question forms ♦ Talking about past events Did you have a good weekend? What did you do? (^PE Page 144 ♦ Talking about holiday plans ♦ must f mustn’t ♦ A letter ♦ Prepositions of place and time ♦ Expressing quantity How much does it cost to send a letter to ...? Is there a postbox near here? (С1Д ) Geography Page 146 © Starter unit Hello. My name's Megan. What's your name? 0 Recycle Greetings 1 C^fo^ Read and listen. What are the people’s names? L 2 Ask and answer with your classmates. ^ Hello! What's your name? ^ My name's Sergey. Recycle Introductions 3 Look at the box. Which pronouns are singular and which are plural? Demonstrative pronouns this that these those This is my dog. These are my friends. 4 Introduce your partner to the class. ^This is Sergey. He's my classmate. Recycle Classroom objects 5 Match objects 1-10 in the picture with these words. What are they in your ianguage? board chair book desk notebook bag pencil pen computer map 6 is your ciassroom similar or different? What other things are in your classroom? О Recycle CoiOUrS 7 What colour are objects 1-10? Write sentences. red blue green brown black grey orange pink purple wsfeffl© The board is white. 8 What colour are these things in your classroom? о Recycle Tim0S 9 Put these times in order. Start with one o’clock. nine o’clock twenty to five one o’clock a quarter past three ten past two a quarter to six ten to seven half past four five to eight 10 Work in pairs. Ask and answer. What time is it? m It's... Recycle Days and dates SEPTEMBER SUPffiJir MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNSDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 П U 11 14 ^ IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 10 j 1 11 Look at the calendar. What day of the week are these dates? first eleventh twenty-second third fourteenth twenty-fifth sixth seventeenth 12 Work in pairs. Ask and answer. When's your birthday? It's on .. о Recycle The alphabet and spelling 13(^03] Listen and repeat. abcdefgh i j к I m n о p q rstuvwxyz 14(^fo4l Listen to the two dialogues. Write the names. О Recycle English in the classroom 15 (5^ Read and listen. What object is it? © A What’s this in English? В It’s a pencil sharpener. A Sorry, can you repeat that? В Yes, it’s a pencil sharpener. A Can you spell that, please? В Yes. It’s P-E-N-C-l-L S-H-A-R-P-E-N-E-R. A Thanks! 16 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the objects on page 7. What's this in English? 9^ It's a ... liet%gommunicate!l Unit contents: Vocabulary Languages, countries and nationalities; adjectives and opposites Grammar be; possessive adjectives; possessive's; question words Skills Read about world languages Listen to people talking about learning languages Write a personal profile Give personal information Across the curriculum Language Culture Multilingual Britain ^та^оир\/£\* Laxourqh\Q ® я Ac eithro beic gan feic Except bicycles bybicycUs П PUNTO D1 RACCOLTAI 1 Match the signs above with these languages. Chinese Welsh German Greek English Italian 2 Can you say ‘Hello’ in any of these languages? J. Museu am Baden r In my class, people speak six different languages. How many languages are there in your class? Vocabulary 1 Kt Recycle Are these expressions for saying Hello or Goodbye? Hi! See you! Good morning. Goodnight. Bye! Languages, countries and nationalities 1 Match the flags with the countries. Which three flags aren’t in the picture? Russia Spain Scotland France Canada Australia Ireland Britain Poland Wales The USA Mexico China England Argentina 2 Match all the countries in exercise 1 with these nationalities. Canadian Spanish Australian British French Scottish Argentinian Welsh Russian Polish Chinese American Irish Mexican English 5 Your voice Where are you from? Teii your classmates. •• I'm from Vladimir. 6 Listen to your classmates and write sentences. Igor is from Vladimir. Katin is from Ufa. 3 Match the countries with these languages. Chinese French Welsh English Russian Polish Gaelic Spanish 4 iT Listen and repeat. Vocabulary plus Workbook pi 16 > ! ч i Peoole speak English in Britain, Ireland the JSA Canada, Australia and Ze^ and ^nalish is the first language for 322 m ion ^eode t's a second language for 600 million ГеооГе: English is an internati i : -.Dout 332 million people speak Danish in Spain and some Latin -merican countries. It isn't the first language for Brazilians. Their language is Portuguese. ^ China rnany people speak Mandarin jhmese. Chinese is the first language for 937 million people in the world. It's very different from European languages. It's a difficult language for European people Hola! I'm Carlos, and 'mfrom Buenos Aires. My first language Is Spanish. I'm good at English, but 'm not bilingual. Read and listen. Complete the sentences with numbers. 1 Chinese is the first language for ... people. 2 ... people speak Spanish. 3 English is the first language for... people. Find these words in the text. Are they similar in your language? different difficult international bilingual 3 Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. 1 Chinese and English are very different languages. 2 Spanish is the first language in Brazil. 3 English is a second language for 600 million people. 4 Carlos is bilingual. 5 Anna and John are from Russia. 6 Kim is Japanese. Across the curriculum Language-» pi 30 Grammar 1 be: affirmative and negative 1 Match these full forms with the bold words in the table. is am are am not are not is not affirmative negative ^ I’m from Russia. Russian. bilingual. Polish. I’m not from China. English, bilingual. American. You’re You aren’t He’s She’s it’s He isn’t She isn’t It isn’t We’re You’re ^ They’re We aren’t You aren’t They aren’t 2 Complete the text with the correct affirmative form of be. Hi! My name’s Jack and (1) ... 11. My mum (2) ... from India, but we (3) ... in London now. Our house (4) ... near the Arsenal stadium. That’s great because I (5)... a football fan. Of course, my favourite team (6) ... Arsenal. They (7) ... fantastic! 3 Correct the sentences. Use the negative and affirmative form of be. Jack is 12. Jack isn't 12. He's 11. © 1 2 3 4 5 His mum is from the USA. Jack is in Manchester now. Jack is a rugby fan. His favourite team is Chelsea. Arsenal are terrible. Possessive adjectives 4 Look at the possessive adjectives. What are they in your language? subject pronouns -S, 1 you he she it we you they my your his her its our your their possessive adjectives 5 Choose the correct words. Hello! I’m Emma, and these are (1) my / her classmates’7 (2) His / Their names are Roberto and Nyasha] We’re in a Spanish class now. Roberto is good Spanish - (3) her / his father is from Mexico! Tha^ (4) our / your Spanish teacher. j 4^5) His / Her name’s Maite and she’s from Buenc^ Aires. Argentina is a very big country. (6) Its / His flag is blue and white. Possessive’s We use’s after a name or singular noun. Roberto and Nyasha are Emma’s classmates. We use ’ after a plural word. Her classmates’ names are Roberto and Nyasha. 6 Your voice Add’s or s’to the bold words. Then complete the sentences for you. 1 My teacher name is ... 2 My friend names are ... 3 My country flag is ... 4 My parent names are ... гОЭ~ Language guide pi 8 > Vocabulary 2 Adjectives 1 Match the pictures with these adjectives. small difficult old happy boring horrible far wrong 5 Listen to John, Anna, Kim and Carlos talking about learning languages. Match the pictures with the correct person. 2 Write pairs of opposites. Use the adjectives in exercise 1 and these words. easy sad big new near nice right interesting small - big 3 C^oe] Listen, check and repeat. 4 Your voice Complete the sentences for you. Use adjectives. 1 I think English is ... 2 Myschootis... 3 My house is ... 4 These books are ... 5 Our teacher is ... 6 This exercise is ... I I r- I П I I ■ m ттвш Я ■ % 6 Listen again and choose the correct words. 1 John’s teacher is / isn’t from France. 2 John’s class on Thursdays is interesting / boring. 3 Anna’s parents / friends are from Russia. 4 Speaking Russian is easy / difficult for Anna. 5 Kim’s calligraphy class is big / small. 6 Kim is / isn’t happy in Spain. 7 Carlos’s English teacher is / isn’t nice. 8 Carlos’s friends’ house is near Washington / New York. @ Culture ... Britain Britain = England, Wales and Scotland Languages: English, Welsh and Gaelic i ......... S e oileanach a th'annam 1 This says ‘I am a student’ in Gaelic. Where is Gaelic from? a) Scotland b) Wales Cymraeg yw fy iaith gyntaf. Siaradaf Gymraeg bob dydd. 2 Look at these phrases. Are they in English? a) Yes, they are. b) No, they aren’t. They’re Welsh. 4 English is an Anglo-Saxon language. How old is it? a) 1500 years old b) 15 000 years old 5 Scottish and Welsh people speak English with different accents. Are the accents different in the north and south of England too? a) Yes, they are. b) No, they aren’t. Welcome to London Over 7u7o of шё population in Llyn speaks Welsh Why not join them!___ г Cell the Learn Welsh НоШпе |П871 2300017 Мае dros 70% о boblogaeth Ре»,' lyn yn siarad Cymraeg 3 600000 people speak Welsh. Is it obligatory in schools in Wales? a) Yes, it is. b) No, it isn’t. 6 London is a multicultural city. What is the total number of languages In London? a) 30 b)100 c)300 1 Look at the map. What are the capital cities of England, Wales and Scotland? 2 Do the quiz. Then listen and check. @ 3 Your voice Answer the questions. 1 What are the different languages in your country? 2 Are the accents different in the north, south, east and west? learn more! Britain Workbook p Grammar 2 be: questions and short answers 1 Look at the table. Which is the correct form for questions, a or b? a verb be subject other words ? b subject verb be other words ? 6 Compiete the questionnaire with question words. 1 questions short answers ^ Am I in Wales? Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. Are you Welsh? Yes, \ am. / No, I’m not. Is he Scottish? is she Welsh? Is it in Gaelic? Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isn’t. Are we in London? Are you from Cardiff? Are they in Edinburgh? Yes, we / you / they are. No, we / you / they aren’t. 2 Write questions with be. you / from the USA? Are you from the USA? 1 Glasgow / the capital of Scotland? 2 you / interested in football? 3 Rihanna / from England? 4 you/13? 5 your parents / Welsh? 3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 2. ^ Are you from the USA? No^ I'm not. Question words 4 Translate the question words into your language. When...? Where...? What...? Who...? How...? How are you? I’m fine, thanks. How old are you? I’m 12. 1 2 3 4 > 5 У Order the words to make questions. your / Who / classmates / are? is / Where / from / Gaelic? is / What / your / name / teacher’s? are / When / English / your / classes? your / is / How / family? Questionnaire 1 what's your name? .Ш. .h e'.s .Л/1 eg a.n. JP.h.eS: 2 ... old are you? Ш.ШУ.Ш5 0Ш.-.............................. 3 ...’s your birthday? It's on 1 pth Septem her,................. 4 ... are your best friends? My best friends III .ey.’. !/£ i.h. Ш. .b.(g.?5, gt sc hpgl, 5 ... are you from? Scotland. 6 ... are you interested in? 1'Ш. .i.h terested. in mu sic, My fgypu rite bands are Scissor Sisters g n d The Wh ite Stri^jes, Speaking 7 Write a questionnaire like the one In exercise 6. Ask and answer in pairs. 8 Compiete the questionnaire with your partner’s answers. Language guide p18 > Writing dossier A personal profile Hello! My name's Pascal and I'm from (1) ... I'm (2) ... years old, and my birthday is on 2nd (3) ... In my country, the official languages are French and English. My first language is (4)..., and my second language is English. I'm interested in sports and (5) ... My favourite bands are Foo Fighters and Metaliica. 1 (SII] Complete the personal profile with these words. Then listen and check. October Canada music French 12 2 Look at the Language focus. Find examples for 3-6 in the personal profile. Language focus: capital letters We use capital letters for... 1 the beginning of a sentence 2 the subject pronoun T 3 names 4 countries and cities 5 months and days 6 languages and nationalities Hello! I'm 12 years old. Correct the sentences. Use capital letters. i’m 12 years old. Л I'm 12 years old. 1 my name’s david. X 2 i’m from london, in britain. X 3 my birthday is on 15th november. X 4 my first language is english. X 5 my favourite films are madagascar and star wars. X Writing plan Ф Plan your personal profile. Use these ideas. Name / age / nationality Birthday Languages of your country First / second language Interests Favourite bands (2) Write a first version. Include this information. •f name / age / birthday 4- country / language 4- interests / favourite bands (3) Check your writing. ✓ Check days and dates on page 8. ✓ Check countries, nationalities and languages on page 10. ✓ Use the verb be correctly. ✓ Use capital letters correctly. @ Write the final version and put It in your Dossier. Dialogue builder Giving personal information 1 5h] Jack is joining a school club. Listen and complete the dialogue. 3 f 1^ " tzs Join the music club Try new instruments, discover your singing voice and learn about music from other countries Every Friday at 3.30 pm in the music room Ч Hello. OK. What’s your name? Can you spell that, please? Thanks. What’s your address? OK. How old are you? And what’s your phone number? What’s your email address? Thanks! That’s all. Here’s your card. Hello. Music club please. My first name’s Jack, and my surname’s Procter. Yes, It’s P-R-O-C-T-E-R. It’s 43, Western Road, (1) ..., N6 1DP. I’m (2) ... It’s (3)... It’s [email protected]. Thanks! 2 (5И] Listen again and repeat. Practise your intonation. 3 Prepare a new dialogue for joining one of these clubs. Copy the school club registration form. Football club Every Tuesday 2.00 pm at the swimming pool Wednesday and Friday afternoons 4.30 pm in the sports hall North London High School School club registration form First name __________________ Surname _____________________ Age _______________ Nationality _________________ Address _______________ Postcode ____________________ Phone number ________________ Mobile number _______________ Email address _________ 1 pxpressionsj 4 Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue and complete the registration form with your partner’s information. ^ What's your name? My first name's Anna and my surname's... What's your name? My name's ... Can you spel! that, please? What's your address / phone number / email address? It's... How old are you? I'm ... (years old). Language Guide Vocabulary Countries, languages and nationalities Britain Spain France Russia Other languages Welsh Gaelic Arabic The USA Mexico British Ireland Spanish French Russian American Mexican Poland Canada Argentina China Australia Irish Adjectives small / big Polish Canadian Argentinian Chinese difficult / easy far / near boring / interesting Dictionary extra! accent (n) ★ ★ bilingual (adj) city (n) ★ ★ ★ European (adj) Brazilian (adj) friend (n) ★ ★ ★ million (n) ★ ★ New Zealand (n) parent (n) ★ ★ ★ people (n) ★ ★ ★ Portuguese (adj) school (n)*** South Africa (n) student (n) ★ ★ ★ Australian old / new happy / sad wrong / right horrible / nice useful expresS222J What's your name? My name's ... Can you spell that, please? What's your address / phone number / email address? It's ... How old are you? I'm ... (years old). I « I I I I I Grammar Subject pronouns singular plural 1 we you you he / she / it they In English a subject or subject pronoun is always necessary. David is French. / He is French. / Is French. X You is singular and plural. He is for a man / boy, she is for a woman / girl and it is for an object / animal. be: present simple affirmative I’m (am) You’re (are) He / She / It’s (is) We’re (are) You’re (are) They’re (are) American, from Spain. 12. negative I’m not (am not) You aren’t (are not) He / She / It isn’t (is not) We aren’t (are not) You aren’t (are not) They aren’t (are not) British. from England. 11. questions Am 1 Are you Is he / she / it Are we / you / they Russian? from Canada? short answers Yes, 1 am. / No, I’m not. Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn’t. Yes, we/you/they are. / No, we/you/they aren’t. We use the verb be to describe a person’s nationality, age, etc. We usually use short forms in conversation. The word order is different in affirmative sentences and questions. They are Polish. Are they Polish? Question words What'syour name? Where areyou from? When's your birthday? How are you? How old areyou? Who's she? л/iy name's Maria. I'm from Russia. It's in August. I'm fine. I'm 12. She's my teacher. Possessive adjectives and possessive ’s singular plural my our your your his/her/its their His name is Anton. Her name is Rita, о We use his for boys / men and her for girls / women. о Your is singular and plural. My teacher's name is Ms Smith. My friends' names are Emma and jack. о We use's after a singular noun / name, о We use s' after a plural noun / names. ®r Progress check Languages, countries and nationalities 1 Match the countries and the flags. Then write the languages and nationalities. Щ13В The USA Spain Russia China Ireland France Adjectives 2 Find five pairs. Then transiate the words into your language. old sad new difficult interesting happy small boring easy big be 3 Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of be. Write true sentences. 1 I ... a student. 2 Australia and New Zealand ... in Europe. 3 Sevilie ... the capitai of Spain. 4 New York ... in the USA. 5 I... from Scotland. 6 Polish people ... from Poland. Possessive adjectives and’s 4 Choose the correct words. 1 Johnny Depp is from the USA. His / Her first ianguage is English. 2 My mums’ / mum’s birthday is in June. 3 We study English. Our / Their teacher is called Ms Smith. 4 My cousins’ / cousin’s names are Julie and Jill. 5 Ireland is in Europe. Its / It’s flag is green, white and orange. 6 Shakira is from Colombia. She / Her first language is Spanish. @ be: questions and question words 5 Match 1-5 with a-e. Then answer the questions. 1 Where a) old are you? 2 How b) is your favourite actor? 3 When c) are you from? 4 What d) is your birthday? 5 Who e) is your teacher’s name? Cumulative grammar 11>2>3>4>5>6>7>8>9 6 Complete the conversation with these words. how 'm are who is what your | it’s isn’t my very f Boy Hello! Where (1)... you from? Man I (2) ... from California in the USA. Boy What’s (3) ... first language? Man (4)... first language is Miwok. (5)... a Native American language. Boy (6)... it very common? Man No, if (7) ... . Only three people speak Miwok now. Boy Really? (8) ... are they? Man Me, my father and my grandfather. Boy Your grandfather?! (9)... old is he? Man Oh, he’s (10)... old now! Boy (11) ...’s ‘goodbye’ in Miwok? Man ‘Eyya manay kanni’. Boy OK. Eyya manay kanni! Man Goodbye! ~h.. Unit contents: Vocabulary Family, describing people Grammar have got; How many ...? Skills Read about a circus family Listen to Emma describing her cousins Write a description Talk about shopping Across the curriculum Art Culture The USA: The Red Earth Festival i lUlZb.'j 1 Twins are two brothers or sisters that have got the same] date of birth. Find the twins in the picture. 2 What’s the word for six brothers or sisters with the same date of birth? a) triplets b) quadruplets c) sextuplets 3 In which country can families only have one child? a) the USA b) China c) Russia 4 What’s the average number of children in British families? a) 1.2 b) 1.8 c) 2.6 I’ve got one sister and one brother. Have you got any brothers or sisters? 21 Vocabulary 1 Family 1 Copy and complete Megan’s family tree. grandma aunt mum dad uncle grandad sister cousin brother Recycle Where do you find these parts of the body? Can you add more words? eyes ears nose hair mouth teeth Tom, 2 (5И] Listen and repeat. 3 Copy and complete the table with the correct family words. Check the meaning of these words. wife (4)... son granddaughter (5)... (2),.. stepdad sister-in-law (6)... (3)... nephew mum + dad = parents grandma + grandad = grandparents son + daughter = children 4 Write sentences with the possessive’s. Rob / Megan Rob is Megan's dad. 1 Pete / Megan 2 Julia/Tom 3 Tom / Sophie 4 Rob / Lisa 5 Julia/Greg 5 Your voice Write about the people in your family. My mum's name is Alla. My cousins' names are inna and Sasha. Vocabulary plus ^ Workbook p117 Larry and Judy Boehmer have got 11 children, and they're all part of the Boehmer Family Jugglers. Their circus show is fantastic - it's got juggling, unicycles and gymnastics. It's at theme parks and festivals around the USA. The Boehmers have got four sons and seven daughters. Their names are Adam, Casey, Holly, Sarah, Keri, Jonathan, Melissa, Austin, Rebecca, Elizabeth and Margaret. Casey Boehmer is a fantastic Juggler. He's got a gold medal from the International Juggling Association. It's amazing because Casey has only got one arm, but he can Juggle five balls with one hand. The Boehmers have also got a dog called Bosco. Sometimes, Bosco is their assistant at the circus show! 1 Read and listen. Who can you see in the pictures? 2 Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. 1 The Boehmers have got 15 children. 2 The Boehmers’ circus show has got juggling and gymnastics. 3 Larry and Judy have got seven sons. 4 Casey hasn’t got two arms. 5 Casey has got a gold medal for juggling. 6 The Boehmers have got a cat called Bosco. 3 Find these words and check their meaning. circus juggling unicycles theme park assistant 4 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 What is Larry’s wife’s name? 2 Where is the Boehmer family’s circus show? 3 What has their circus show got? 4 Is Casey a good juggler? 5 How many balls can he juggle with one hand? 6 What is the name of the family’s pet? Across the curriculum Art-»pi32 @ Grammar 1 have got: affirmative and negative 1 Look at the table. Which form is different? affirmative negative ^ 1 You ’ve got a brother. 1 You 1 haven’t got a sister, i 5 He She It ’s got a gold medal. He She It hasn’t got five brothers. We You They ’ve got a dog. We You They haven’t got a cat. ® 've got = have got 's got = has got 2 Look at the information about the members of the band McFiy. Then complete the sentences. family 1 brother, 1 sister 1 sister 1 sister 1 sister pets 2 dogs, 1 cat, 4 chickens 1 dog, 1 cat 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 hamster 2 dogs Danny hasn't got a hamster. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Harry, Tom, Dougie and Danny Harry... a brother. Tom, Dougie and Danny . Harry, Dougie and Danny Danny ... a cat. Harry ... four chickens. All the boys ... pets. Dougie ... a hamster. one sister. a brother. . two dogs. 3 Write true sentences. My teacher / a Porsche My teacher hasn't got a Porsche. 1 / a mobile phone My best friend / a sister We / house in the USA My classmates / English books My teacher / a CD player I / ten brothers and sisters Pronunciation: [h] a (°LL1I Listen and repeat. have husband hair hamster horrible b (5ll] Listen. Do you hear a) or b)? 1 a) hear b) ear 2 a) has b) as 3 a) hand b) and 4 a) his b) is Complete the texts with the correct affirmative or negative form of have got. I've got one sister and one brother. My sister’s name is Helen. She’s 17 and she (1) ... a boyfriend called Oliver. My brother’s name is Paul. He’s got a lot of friends, but he (2)... a girlfriend. We (3) ... a house on Western Road in north London. I (4)... any brothers or sisters, but I’ve got three cousins. My aunt (5) ... a son and a daughter anc my aunt and uncle in Australia (6)... a daughter. Charlie. They (7) ... a fantastic house near the beach. Charlie (8) ... a dog, too. Its name is Max. Speaking Write three true and three false sentences about your family. Use has got or have got. I've got 20 cousins. My sister has got a famous boyfriend. Work in pairs. Listen to your partner’s sentences. Are they true or false? I've got 20 cousins. ^ False? ^ No, it's true! Language guide p30 ive Vocabulary 2 Describing people 1 Check the meaning of these words. tall short slim attractive short / long hair fair / brown / red / dark hair blue / green / brown eyes glasses / sunglasses Adjectives be + adjective Her hair is short. adjective + noun She's got short hair. 2 Look at the pictures and choose the correct words. Write two sentences with be and have got. Paul / hair (brown) Paul's hair is hrown. Paul's got brown hair. 1 Cathy / eyes (blue) 2 Emma / hair (fair) 3 Paul / eyes (brown) 4 Jack / hair (short) 5 Emma’s / sunglasses (black) Your voice Write a description of the people in your family. My mum is tall and slim. She's got red hair. Her eyes are green and she's got glasses. Л/1у brother... in Friends gallery I 'ее and ter, 'le lax. Cathy Paul Listening 6 (5ж] Listen to Emma describing her three cousins. Which people are they? Emma and Jack 1 Cathy’s got fair / dark hair. 2 Paul’s got long / short hair. 3 Cathy’s got blue / brown eyes. 4 Paul’s got brown / blue eyes. 5 Emma’s got long / short hair. 6 Jack’s glasses / sunglasses are black. ^ 3 (£Iz] Listen, check and repeat. (^jH Listen again. Answer the questions. 1 Has Sam got green eyes? 2 Is Sam tali? 3 What colour are Chris’s eyes? 4 Has Chris got long hair? 5 Are Charlie’s eyes green? 6 What colour is Charlie’s hair? t.\ Г--Т ••• : '.'.И-;?? И Culture ... The USA Capital: Washington DC Population: 300 million A Native American Festival Red Earth is a Native American festival in Oklahoma, USA. There are more than a hundred different tribes of Native Americans, including the Apache, Cherokee and Sioux. Every year, in June, thousands of families celebrate their traditions together at Red Earth. Mothers and Daughters The Festival has got a special activity for mothers and their daughters: the Mother and Daughter dance competition. Ayita and Dyani are very good at dancing - they've got three prizes in the competition. Ayita hasn't got any sisters, so she and her mum are in the competition every year. They've got special costumes with colourful feathers. A Musical Procession The Red Earth Festival has also got a procession through the streets of Oklahoma. Ayita's brother Len is in the procession with his friends. They've got instruments called rattles and water drums. It's a fantastic day! Jl 1 1 (^Wl Read and listen. Who are the people in the picture? 2 Choose the correct answers. 1 How many prizes have Ayita and Dyani got? a) two b) three 2 How many brothers and sisters has Ayita got? a) one brother and one sister b) one brother and no sisters 3 Have Ayita and her mum got feathers in their costumes? a) Yes, they have, b) No, they haven’t. 4 Has the Red Earth Festival got a procession? a) Yes, it has. b) No, it hasn’t. 5 Have Ayita’s brother and his friends got instruments called guitars? a) Yes, they have, b) No, they haven’t. ... learn more! <0 3 Your voice Answer the questions. What are the special celebrations in' your country? Have people got traditional costumet What are the activities at these celebrations? The USA Workbook pi I Згаттаг 2 “л'/е got: questions and short answers ' Look at the table. Then put the puzzle in the correct order. questions short answers '' Have 1 got a prize? Yes, 1 have. No,! haven’t. Has he / she / it got long hair? Yes, he / she / it has. No, he / she / it hasn’t. Have we / you / they got special costumes? Ч. Yes, we / you / they have. No, we / you / they haven’t. (J) Л Yes, I have. / got noun have / has ? subject Complete the questions. Then write true answers. Have you got a brother? No, I haven't. 1 ... your teacher... dark hair? 2 ... you ... brown eyes? 3 ... your best friend ... a sister? 4 ... you ... a dog? 5 ... your friends ... mobile phones? Lois Write questions about the picture. Then write short answers. Mimi / brown eyes? Has Mimi got brown eyes? Yes, she has. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Betty / a brother? Lois and Hal / four children? Lois / fair hair? the girls / long hair? Betty / glasses? Mimi / dark hair? How many...? 4 Look at the examples. Translate the questions into your language. How many prizes have they got? They’ve got three prizes. How many brothers and sisters has Ayita got? She’s got one brother. 5 Write questions with How many...? candies How mafny candles has she got? 1 birthday cards 3 birthday presents 2 4 CDs cats : 6 Look at the picture and write answers to the questions in exercise 5. She's got 13 candies. Speaking 7 Ask and answer. Find the classmate with the most... brothers sisters cousins aunts uncles Щ How many brothers have you got? I've got two brothers. 8 Write the results. Tanya has got eight uncles, Boris has got four sisters. гШ Language guide p30 > Writing dossier A description of a band My Favourite Band My favourite band is Tokio Hotel. The band's got four members. They're from Magdeburg in Germany. Bill's the singer and Tom's the guitarist They're twin brothers. Their birthday is on 1st September. At the moment, Bill's got black hair and Tom's hair is fair. They've both got brown eyes. Tokio Hotel is great. I've got all their CDs! bykathrin (Berlin) Tom and Bill are cool! 1 (°T^ Read and listen to the description and answer the questions. 1 Where are Bill and Tom from? 2 When is their birthday? 3 What colour eyes have they got? 2 Look at the Language focus. Translate the sentences into your language. Language focus: 's = /s / has / possessive 's = is Bill's the singer. 's = has Bill's got black hair. 's = possessive Tom's hair is fair. Look at the’s in these sentences. Is it is, has or possessive? My favourite band’s Good Charlotte, is 1 The band’s got five members. 2 The singer’s name is Joel. 3 Ivan’s twin brother’s called Anton. 4 Billy’s the guitarist. 5 Joel’s got a BMW. @ Writing plan (T) Plan a description of your favourite band. Use these ideas. How many members has the band got? Where are they from? When are their birthdays? What colour hair have they got? What colour eyes have they got? (2) Write a first version. Include this information. > information about the band personal description @ Check your writing. ✓ Check words for describing people on page 25. ✓ Check's - is it is, has or possessive. (4) Write the final version and put it in your Dossier. Dialogue builder Shopping я 211 Megan is shopping for gifts. Listen and complete the dialogue with these short answers. Yes, we have. No, we haven’t. Shop assistant Megan Hello. Can I help you? (1)... Sorry! (2) ... It’s in the pop section, it’s over there, near the exit. (3) ... They’re over there, near the caf6. Yes. Have you got the new Tokio Hotel CD? What about ‘19’ by Adele? Have you got that? Where’s that? Thanks. Oh, have you got birthday cards? Great. Thanks! > 2 Listen again and repeat. Practise your intonation. 3 Write a list of your family and friends and their birthdays. Write ideas for presents. 4 Prepare a new dialogue. Use your notes from exercise 3. Mum-21 St May-a book? cosha-14th July-CD Sveta-13th September-? Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue. ^ Hello. Can I help you? ^ Yes, have you got... Grammar tiave got: present simple affirmative ■ -e got (have got) • :<- ve got (have got) -e She / It’s got (has got) You / They’ve got (have 5ot) blue eyes, long hair. "negative "aven’t got (have not got) • so haven’t got (have not got) -a She / It hasn’t got (has -ot got) We use How many before plural nouns. > We don’t use How many to ask questions about age. How old are you? / I low many years have you got? Л questions -ave 1 got -ave you got a brother? -as he/she/it got -ave we / you / they got a sister? short answers ■es, 1 have. / No, I haven’t. Ves, you have. / No, you haven’t. •'ss, he / she / it has. / No, he / she / it "asn’t. '^es, we / you / they have. / No, we / you / :ney haven’t. : We use have got to talk about possession In short answers, we don’t use got. Yes, I have. / Yes, I have got. X Progress check Family 1 Complete the sentences with family words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Your father’s brother is your... Your... is your mother’s mother. Your aunt and uncle’s children are your... Your father’s sister is your... Your... is your mother’s father. Have you got any brothers or...? Describing people 2 Complete the words. 3 Look at the Information. Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative or negative form of have got. Ann Bob Carl brothers sisters cousins 2 1 Л X X 4 Ann and Carl... two brothers. Ann ... one sister. Bob ... a brother. Bob and Carl... sisters. Bob and Carl... cousins. Ann ... a cousin. I 4 Write questions. Then look at the pictures in exercise 3 and write short answers. Ann / brown hair? Bob and Carl / glasses? Carl / green eyes? Ann and Bob / long hair? Carl / fair hair? How many 5 Order the words to make questions. Then wri true answers. 1 cousins / How / have / many / got / you ? 2 got / you / many / How / grandparents / have 3 many / your / classroom / desks / How / has / got? 4 regions / Russia / got / has / How / many ? . 5 How / students / class / your / got / many / hasf Cumulative grammar i 2"'зУ4У5УбУ7УвУ|_ 6 Choose the correct words. Then do the quiz шг Try our quiz.. 1 How / What many fingers have the Simpsons got? a) three b) six 2 What colour hair have / has Marge got? a) yeliow b) blue 3 When/Where are the Simpsons from? a) Springfield b) New York 4 What are Bart's sister's / sisters' names? a) Louise and May b) Lisa and Maggie 5 Have/Has the Simpsons got a pet? a) Yes, they have. b) No, they haven't. 32 Freettime^uizr; I go shopping and listen to music in my free time. What do you do in your 1 For how many hours do British teenagers watch TV every day? a) one b) two c) three 2 How many British teenagers have got a computer in their bedroom? a) 32% b) 55% c) 86% 3 How much pocket money do 11-12 year olds get every week? a) £3.50 b) £5 c) £8.50 Vocabulary 1 Free time 1 Match the activities with the pictures. Which activities are not in the pictures? О Recycle Which activities do you do at the weekend? play football watch TV listen to music read go shopping meet friends play basketball watch a DVD read a comic listen to the radio go to the beach play computer games watch a football match listen to an МРЗ player read magazines go to the cinema 2 (5^ Listen and repeat. Verb collocations You can use the same verb with different expressions. play football / computer games When you learn a new verb, think about the expressions you can use. 3 Copy and complete the table with words from exercise 1. Your voice Complete the sentences with true information for you. 1 In my free time I read ... and ... I listen to ... and ... I watch ... and ... At the weekend I go to ... or... At school I play ... and ... 5 Compare your answers with a partner. Do you like the same things? watch read listen to play goto a DVD, TV, a football match Vocabulary plusWorkbook pllS I АО О 'f ШвтШп? йкээтатэ йвОэ ^BGfi Are you under 16? Do you want to make some extra cash? Click here to find out more about each job... Games testing 1 Film extras TV quiz shows If you like computer games, why not be a games tester? That’s what Alex Potts does. Alex (15) is a student and he lives in Northern Ireland with his family. He goes to Belfast High School on Mondays to Fridays, but in his free time he’s a games tester. This is perfect for me,’ says Alex. 1 don’t make a lot of money, but I keep all the games! I’ve got about 80 now. My favourites are Zone and urban Quest.’ So what do games testers actually do? Alex explains: The company sends the games, and I play them at home at the weekend. Then I complete an online questionnaire. I write about my favourite things in the game, and about the problems. I also answer questions about the design, sound effects and instructions. It isn’t difficult!’ Alex thinks that games testing is good experience for his future job. When he finishes school he wants to be a games designer. That’s what my stepbrother does, and I think it’s a fantastic job! But for now, testing games is fun. I recommend it to everyone!’ 1 Look at the four different ideas for making money in your free time. Which is your favourite? 2 3 Jurmyour phone on! 4 TypeYqarmejsage. — ^ Look in the Phonebook, Language Guide Vocabulary Free time watch a football match watch a DVD listen to an MP3 player / the radio Daily routines play computer games read magazines / a comic go to the beach go to the cinema play basketball get up have a shower get dressed have breakfast clean your teeth go to school have lunch come home have dinner do homework tidy your room go to bed Dictionary extra! dance (v)*** money (n)*** free time (n) fun {n)*^ games tester (n) instruction + job {n)^ ★ ★ meet (v) ★ ★ ★ musician (n)^^ play (an instrument) (v) ★ ★ ★ singer (n) weekend (n)^^^ winner (n)**^ young (adj)^Tinfc- Useful expression^ Can you give me a hand? I don’t know what to do. First / Then / Finally ... Remember to ... Don’t forget to ... Is that all? i i Grammar Present simple affirmative Olay 'ou play -9 / She / It plays .Ve / You / They play football. negative don’t play -'ou don’t play -^e / She 1 It doesn’t play .Ve / You / They don’t play basketball. questions Do 1 play Do you play computer Does he / she / it play Do we / you / they play games? short answers Yes, 1 do. / No, 1 don’t. Yes, you do. / No, you don’t. Yes, he/she/it does. / No, he / she / it doesn’t. Yes, we/you/they do, / No, we / you / they don’t. t We use the present simple to talk about habits and routines. 0 in the third person singular (he / she / it), we add -s to the verb, о In the negative, we use doesn't with the third person singular, c We always need a subject, she lives in the USA. Time expressions at+ time: the weekend, night, one o’clock on + day: Monday, Tuesday, Sundays, Saturday afternoon in + part of the day: the morning, the evening, the afternoon every: week, Thursday, day, month, night о We don’t use a plural with every. Third person spelling rules о We usually add -s to the verb. play -» plays like likes о With verbs that end in a consonant + y, we omit the у and add ies. study-»studies tidytidies о With verbs that end in ch, sh, ss, x, or o, we add es. watch -»watches go -»goes wash “» washes pass •* passes о Irregular verbs change spelling, have •* has be •* is Adverbs of frequency 0% 100% never sometimes often usually always о We use adverbs of frequency to say how often we do something, о Adverbs of frequency usually go before the verb. We never have lunch at school, о Adverbs of frequency go after be. Our teacher is never late. Imperatives affirmative Press the green button. Listen. negative Don’t press the red button. Don’t shout! о We use the imperative to give instructions and orders. о In the negative we use don't, о The form is the same in the singular and plural. Grammar exercises-» Workbook pi03 У @ er Progress check Free time 1 Complete the sentences with these words. read go watch piay listen 1 My parents ... to classical music. 2 Do you ... music magazines? 3 We ... to the beach every weekend. 4 I often ... DVDs on Saturdays. 5 My brother and I ... computer games. Daily routines 2 Join words from box A and В to make six routines. A clean tidy have get do go В to school your homework breakfast your teeth your room dressed 3 Match the routines from exercise 2 with the pictures. Present simple 4 Complete the sentences with the affirmati^ form of the verbs in brackets. 1 My mum ... (study) English. 2 I ... (go) shopping every weekend. 3 My sister ... (have) lunch at home. 4 My friends ... (watch) TV in the evening. 5 The class ... (finish) at ten o’clock. 5 Make the sentences in exercise 4 negative 6 Complete the questions with Do or Does. Then write short answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. your friends read comics? (X) .. Homer watch TV? (/) .. your parents go to the cinema? (X) .. Bart go to school? (/) .. your classmates speak English? (/) .. Lisa play basketball? (X) Adverbs of frequency 7 Put the adverbs in the correct place in the sentences. 1 I get up at six o’clock, (never) 2 Our English class starts at nine o’clock, (always) 3 My grandparents visit at the weekend, (ofte' 4 My friends and I piay football in the park, (sometimes) 5 We don’t have lunch at school, (usually) Cumulative grammar 11>2>3>4>5>6^ 8 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. о -0^'' Jason is Jack’s cousin. He (1).,. (be) 15 years ой He’s British, but now he (2) ... (live) in Austral with his family. They (3) ... (have got) a big hous near the beach. Jason (4) ... (have got) a lot new friends in Australia. They (5)... (be) very goc at surfing, but Jason (6) ... (not be) an expert! (7) ... (prefer) volleyball ~ he (8) ... (play) the school team. He (9) ... (not play) football Australia, but he still (10) ... (love) Arsenal! PENELOPE CRUZ ^ MONICA CRUZ TOM CRUISE MARY-KATE OLSEN @ KATIE HOLMES © ASHLEY OLSEN ANDRE! CHADOV ® ALEXEI CHADOV 3 Match the films with the descriptions. 4 points aninconvenienttruth | © VERTIGO This is an old film about a big ship. The star of the film is Leonardo DiCaprio. T HaPpy FEET This an interesting film about global warming. This film is about a small penguin called Mumble. Choose the correct answers. 4 points This is a very old film by Alfred Hitchcock. It's a thriller. Lara Croft is a character from. a) a TV programme. b) a computer game. c) a novel. Bend it like Beckham is a film about... a) golf. b) football. c) aerobics. 1 Oh dear. You aren’t a cinema expert! '’ЯМРЯНН1МШМЯЯЦН 5-1 Air Bud is a film about. a) music. b) shopping. c) basketball. The actor in The Dark Knight is... a) Tom Cruise. b) Christian Bale. c) Elijah Wood. You’re interested in cinema, but you need to watch more films! 11-16 Congratulations - you’re definitely a film fan! Г Reading 1 Read the text and complete the questions with these words. How Who Where Are What Do О О CD The Walk of Fame Frequently Asked Questions 1 ... is the Walk of Fame? The Walk of Fame is in Hollywood, in California, USA. The stars are on the pavement, in the street. 2 ... many stars has the Walk of Fame got? Ifs got more than 2000 stars. The walk is more than five kilometres long! ... all the stars for actors? No, they aren’t. The stars are for real people or fictional characters in five categories: film, music, theatre, television and radio. All the stars are in a Walk of Fame’ directory. 4 ... fictional characters have got stars? Lots of fictional characters have got stars, including Mickey Mouse, the Simpsons and Godzilla. Disneyland has also got a star. 5 ... the famous people visit their stars? Yes, they do. They always go to the presentation ceremony of their star. The ceremonies are open to the public, so you can go and see your favourite stars! 6 ... are the recent stars for? Every year, the Walk of Fame gets about 15 new stars. Some of the recent stars are for Christina Aguilera, Ricky Martin and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. 2 Answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 Listening 31 Listen to the radio competition and answer the questions. Mystery actor 1 1 What colour are his eyes? 2 Where is his wife from? Mystery actor 2 3 Has she got any brothers or sisters? 4 How many children has she got? Mystery actor 3 5 Where’s he from? 6 Which sports does he like? Speaking 5 6 Which American state is Hollywood in? Is the Walk of Fame very long? Do musicians get stars too? Have the Simpsons got a star in the Walk of Fame? When do famous people visit their stars? Has Ricky Martin got a star? Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Who are your favourite actors? Have you got a favourite film? How often do you go to the cinema? Do you watch films in English? Do you watch films on TV? Project Make a poster about stars on the Walk of Fame. Listen to your teacher's instructions. 1 Grammar be and have got 1 Complete the text with the correct form of be or have got. I (1)... a fan of the actor Dakota Fanning. Her famous films (2)... War of the Worlds and charlotte's web. Dakota (3)... a very exdting life.i Her parents (4) ... from Georgia, USA. Dakota (5) ... a sister called File. Dakota and Elle (6) ... both actors. They (7)... fair hair and blue eyes. Dakota's hobbies (8) ... reading, ballet and swimming. Present simple 2 Complete the text with the present simple form of these verbs. not go get study play want travel listen work not have Josh is a student and an actor. He usually (1) ... up early, but he (2) ... to school. He (3) ... at home with a private tutor. After lunch Josh (4)... to the film studio with his mum. He (5) ... for about four hours in the afternoon. Josh (6) ... much free time, but he (7) ... the guitar and he often (8) ... to rock music. He (9) ... to be a famous actor or a pop star! Adverbs of frequency 3 Order the words to make sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 go / sometimes /1 / cinema / the / to meet /1 / usually / my / there / friends new / We / watch / films / often horror / films /1 / watch / never home / go / We / usually / late Question forms Complete the questions for these answers. Use the present simple or the correct form of be or have got. О (A «НМ > ф CC Who ... actors? My favourite actors are Johnny Depp and Daniel Radcliffe. Where ... live? Daniel Radcliffe lives in London and Johnny Depp lives in France. ... Daniel’s new film on DVD? Yes, I have. It’s great! Where ... from? Johnny is from the USA. ... fair hair? No, he hasn’t. He’s got dark hair. How often ...? 1 go to the cinema about once a month. 5 Choose the correct words. Where are / is you from? He haven’t / hasn’t got a brother. You have / Have you got any brothers or sisters? How old are / is he? Dakota Fanning don’t / doesn’t live in England. Daniel Radcliffe plays / play the guitar. How often you watch / do you watch DVDs? I watch usually / usually watch films at the weekend. (Cm Listen and read. Then act out the sketch in groups. Characters Girls Roxy, Lily Boys Matt, Cal Girl or boy Nicky On the first day of the school year Roxy Cal Roxy Cal Roxy Matt Roxy Matt Cal Lily Roxy Lily Cal Roxy Cal Matt Lily Cal Lily Roxy Lily Roxy Cal Lily Roxy Hey, look! There are two new kids. Where? Over there. Let’s talk to them ... [a minute later] Hi. You’re new. Hi. Yes, I am. Urn ... we are. I’m .. Where are you from? I’m from New Fareham ... And you? I’m from Parkgate. Hi, I’m ... I’ve got friends in New Fareham and Parkgate, they’re nice places. You can be my friends. How old are you? I’m 13. But wait a moment - who are you? What are your names? Sorry. My name’s Callum. My friends call me Cal. This is my sister, MR, or Roxy. Roxy, please. I prefer ‘Roxy’. And what are your names? I’m Matt, Matthew. Ana Lilia. But I’m usually Lily. Ana Lilia? Are you Spanish? No, I’m not. I’m British but my mum’s Mexican. My brother’s name is Amancio. How do you spell that? A-M-A-N-C-l-0. Why? Hmm. It’s a funny name. Roxy! Ana Lilia’s a nice name. Thank you. Listen! [school bell] It’s nine o’clock and Mr Green’s never late. Roxy Lily Nicky Roxy Lily Nicky Here’s my sister. And there’s Matt. See you. [Roxy arrives with Nicky. Cal goes.] Nicky, this is Lily. Her mother’s Mexican, but Lily’s British. Hi, Nicky. Hello! Welcome! Do you like computer games? Where do you live? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Ana Lilia? Can you speak Spanish? Nicky always asks a million questions! Nicky, don’t be boring. Yes, I can. It’s my second language. Oh, Spanish is difficult! You can help me with my homework! Fantastic! At morning break Cal Do you live near school? Lily Yes. I live on Stanton Road, in a house with a red door. Do you know it? Cal Yes, I do! It’s a new house, I think. Lily Yes, it is. Cal Great! it’s near my house. Do you play basketball? Lily No, not often ... but I sometimes play football... Cal Brilliant! We can play at the weekend. Do you watch DVDs? Lily Yes, of course I do [laughs]. Cal Do you want to come and watch a film? What’s your phone number? ... Uh-oh. In the corridor Matt Why has your sister got two different names? MR and Roxy ... Cal Her real name’s Marjory Rose. Matt Ahhhhh! I see! That’s very long! Cal It’s our grandmother’s name, but MR doesn’t like it. She prefers Roxy. It’s a filmstar’s name, I {h\nk [they laugh]. Hey, we usually do our homework at Nicky’s house on Wednesdays, and then we go to the cinema. Do you want to come? Matt OK, yes, thanks. Who’s Nicky? Cal Hey, Nicky! Can Matt come to the cinema with us? Matt’s new. Matt Hi. Nicky Hello! Two new guys! Two interesting people! It’s a fantastic day! YES you can come! I’ve got a million comics from different countries - you can read them. And I’ve got music and computer game magazines. [Nicky passes Matt an mp3 player] Listen to this - do you like it? They’re my favourite. Matt [to Cal] Is Nicky OK? Is (s)he always like this? Cal Yeah, (s)he’s always happy. (S)He’s fun. Matt Where do you have lunch? Do you eat here in school? Nicky Oh no! We never eat at school! We have lunch in the sun! Look, there’s MR. Cal And there’s Lily. She’s very nice. Nicky Hey! Lunch! New friends! I love new friends. Oh wonderful day! к - "it contents: -:-:2bulary School subjects; skills and abilities b^-mar love, hote, (don't) like + -ing; object pronouns; review of question forms: word order; why...? / Because... s Read about schools around the world listen to a radio interview with a blind athlete Write a questionnaire iMake suggestions Across the curriculum Maths Culture Going to School on a Scottish Island Ш 'IP': ®SSdisSui£ • • •] My favourite subjects are Science and Geography. What are your favourite subjects? 1 Where are the students in the picture above? 2 How many subjects do 12-year-old British students usually study? a) 8 b)12 c)16 3 How many 12-year-oids in Britain learn a foreign language? a) 80% b)100% c)60% 4 How many weeks’ holiday do students usually have in the summer? a) four b) six c) eight 49. о Recycle Write the expressions in order for your school day. What time do you do ths things? have lunch walk / go to school do my homev>^ start classes go home have a break Vocabulary 1 School subjects 1 Match the school subjects with the pictures 2 Listen and repeat. English Maths Science French Music Art and Design History Geography Drama PE (Physical Education) ICT (Information and Communication Technology) 3 Your voice Invent your ideal timetable. Copy the timetable and write the subjects Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9-10 History 10-n 11-12 4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your ideal timetable. Щ What have you got on Monday morning? I've got History and ... Vocabulary plus Workbook pi 19 34 Л UK EDUCATION N Read the article. What do students learn at The BRIT School? : :s lunch break at The BRIT School, in South East -ondon, and there's an hour before lessons begin again. However, at this school, the students want to study during their lunch break. Some students jsually play the guitar together and write songs. Other students practise dance exercises. The BRIT School students like doing their homework in the iorary and talking about their dreams and plans for the future. Freya thinks that she will be a singer and star in famous musicals in the West End of London. Sill thinks he'll be a soap star and Tania hopes she'll oe a successful actress. He likes playing the guitar and she really likes singing. Would you like to study Music? The BRIT School is a special performing arts school for 14-19 year olds who want to work in music, theatre, dance or design. The school is state funded. This means that the students don't pay any money to go to the school. The students work very hard at The BRIT School. 'People think that we have a lot of fun here and sing and dance all day,'says 16-year-old Tania, 'but there are a lot of things to learn. We also study the normal school subjects: History, Science, English, Maths and IT. By Friday afternoon. I'm always tired!' The BRIT School opened in 1991 and it now has some very famous old students. Adele, Katie Melua, The Kooks and Athlete, all went to The BRIT School. 2 Find these words in the article. Can you guess what they mean? soap star musicals successful state funded performing arts design 3 Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 Where is The BRIT School? 2 How long is the lunch break? 3 How old are the students at the school? 4 What subjects do students study? 5 When did the school open? ■РЧР 51 Grammar 1 love, hate, (don’t) like + -ing 1 Translate the example sentences. What are the bold verbs in your language? love, hate, (don’t) like + -ing form Sheila loves playing with her friends. She hates staying at home all day. Tony doesn’t like studying outside. He likes going to class. Look at the information. Then write sentences with like, love, don’t like or hate and the correct verbs. Your favourites... Love it? Like it? Don't like it? Hate it? TV {^@Hollyoaks ^The Simpsons @Eastenders Music McFly rap music Free time [^shopping with friends (^computer games Emma, 12, from London Emma loves watching 'Hollyoaks'. She likes... 3 Copy and complete the list in exercise 2 for you. Then write sentences. I like watching... Speaking 4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Use these expressions. getting up early playing football going to school reading comics | watching The Simpsons’ playing computer games Do you like getting up early? ^ No, i don't. I hate getting up early! 52. Object pronouns subject pronouns I you he she it we you they me you him her it us you them object pronouns 5 Choose the correct words. 1 Freya likes singing. Her friends like listening to her / him. Tania studies performing arts at The BRIT School. Her friends study with her / him. Freya’s favourite subject is Music. She loves it / them. Bill's friends play the guitar during their lunch break. Bill plays with us / them. We want to go to The BRIT School. Can you send we / us some information? 6 Complete the sentences with a subject or object pronoun. 1 Music and Art are my favourite subjects. I love ...! 2 ... don’t like Maths, but I love ICT. 3 Our English teacher gives ... homework every day. 4 My sister goes to my school, but... isn’t in my class. 5 My brother wants to be a pop star. ... love; music. 6 My mum sometimes helps ... with my homework. 7 Your voice Complete the sentences wii your own words and these object pronoun us them him her it me 1 2 3 4 5 6 love. and ... are my favourite subjects, is a horrible subject. I hate ... is my favourite singer. I like ... is a terrible singer. I don’t like ... is a great teacher. He / She is kind to is my classmate. He / She sits next to гШ Language guide p58 Vocabulary 2 Skills and abilities 1 Match the skills and abilities with the pictures. © % sing skate draw ride a bike fly swim use a computer dance play an instrument download music speak a foreign language drive 2 (£1±] Listen and repeat. Your voice Can you do the skills and abilities in the pictures? Write four sentences. I can ride a bike. I can't drive. Pronunciation: can/ccm't a (ЛЮ Listen to the sentences. I can use a computer. I can’t play the guitar, b (ЛЮ Listen. Do you hear can or can’t? c (ЛЮ Listen again and repeat. Speaking Look at the example sentences. What form is the verb after can? I can sing. she со n't fly. He can jump. We can't dance. 4 Make sentences. 1 play/the guitar/can /1. 2 can / at home / you / music / download ? 3 Spiderman / can’t / can / fly / but / climb / he . 4 English / she / can / speak ? 5 can / skate / you ? 6 use / my parents / a computer / can’t. 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer using these expressions or your ideas. swim roller-skate ride a bike sing an English song play the violin speak English draw cartoons W Can you swim? No, I can't. W Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can, 6 Tell the class. W Vera can't swim, but she can ride. Culture ... Going|tO|/S;qhptol on a Scottish Island Scotland Population: 5.1 million Total number of islanca 787 (95 inhabited) Smallest secondary school: Out Skerries (six students) 1 Look at the map. Where is Out Skerries? (ЛЗ Read and listen to the interview. Then complete the sentences. 1 2 3 4 Duncan’s school is in the ... Islands. There are ... students at the school. The teacher’s name is ... Duncan studies Music, Art and ... with different teachers. He goes to the sports centre in ... Duncan Gray tells us about his unusual school... Q Hi Duncan. Where is your schooi? A it's on the island of Out Skerries. Q And how many students has your school got? A It's got six students, and one teacher -Mrs Smith. Q Does Mrs Smith teach aii the ciasses? A No, she doesn't. Different teachers fly to the island for some classes. Q So, can you study all the subjects there? A Yes, we can. We study Music, Art and French with different teachers. Q Do you use computers at school? A Yes, we do. We often use the Internet. Q Do you do PE on the island? A No, we don't. We go to the sports centre in Lerwick. Q Do you like going to a small school? A Yes, I do. I love it! Q Why? A Because the teacher always helps you. 3 Your voice Answer the questions. 1 3 4 How many students and teachers has your school got? Can you study all the subjects at your school? Do you use computers at school? Do you like your school? Why? ... learn more! Scotland Workbook pi 2S 29 Grammar 2 Review of question forms: word order * Add one question from the interview on page 54 to each table. be questions question am / is/ subject other word are words - Are you from Spain? //here is the teacher? - have got questions question word have/ has subject got other words - Has your teacher got a car? t*/hat have you got? - other present simple questions question word do / does subject verb other words - Does Chris go to school? /that time do you get up? - Order the words to make questions. ' do/go/you/What time/to bed ? your teacher’s / When / birthday / is ? finish / this ciass / When / does ? got / your school / a computer room / Has ? play / How often / do / sport / you ? Where / your parents / are / from ? 3 Answer the questions in exercise 2. Why...?/ Because... 4 Translate the sentences. Are the bold words different in your language? Why do you like going to a small school? Because the teacher always helps you. 5 Match 1-4 with a)-d) to make questions. ' Why are there a) 50 stars on the American fiag? 2 Why is b) they use Euros in Northern Ireland? 3 Why does c) Ireland green? 4 Why don’t d) the American president live in Washington DC? 6 Match these answers to the questions in exercise 5. 1 Because it’s the capital of the USA. 2 Because there are 50 states in the USA. 3 Because it’s part of the United Kingdom. 4 Because it often rains. Listening 7 Listen to part of a radio interview. Which five topics does Susan talk about? school her favourite subjects her teachers athletics her howtidays her family her free time football 8 (5Ц] Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Where does Susan go to school? 2 What’s her favourite subject? 3 Does Susan run alone or with someone? 4 What does she like doing in her free time? 5 How many brothers and sisters has she got? 6 What does Susan want to do in the future? I~Q[^ Language guide p58 3 Writing dossier A questionnaire e Your English Class Name: Л/lette Pind School: Brcinshoj School, Denmark 1 How often do you study English? English is my first foreign language, so I have three hours a week. What do you usually do in your English class? We usually practise speaking or study grammar. We love listening to music, so our teacher often plays English songs. Do you watch English films? N0, we don't. We never watch films. Yes, it has. I love playing English games! No, she isn't. She's Donish, so English isn't her first language. Does your teacher give you lots of homework? Yes, she does. She usually gives us homework after every class. How often do you do exams? We always do an exam at the end of each term. 8 Yes, I do. I want to travel in the future, so languages are important. 1 (£1£| Complete the questionnaire with these sentences. Then listen and check. a Do you like studying English? b Is your teacher from Britain? c Has your school got computers? Look at the Language focus. Find two more sentences with so in the questionnaire. Language focus: so English is my first foreign language, so ) have three hours a week. We love listening to music, so our teacher often plays English songs. Match 1-5 with a)-e). Then join them with so. 1 b) I love films, so I often go to the cinema. i love films. Simon doesn’t like sport. ! don’t go to school on Sundays. We don’t study French at school. Kay’s parents are from China. a) b) usually get up late. c) He never plays football. d) She can speak Chinese. e) I can’t speak French. Writing plan (D Write a questionnaire for your classmates about their English class. Write 6-8 questions. Use the model to help you. ! Give the questionnaire to a classmate and get the answers. (з) Check your writing. ✓ Use question forms correctly, ✓ Use like + -ing correctly. ✓ Use so. (4) Write a final version and put it in your Dossier. Dialogue builder Making suggestions ’ Megan and Jack are looking at after-school clubs. Listen and complete the dialogue. Megan Jack Let’s sign up for after-school dubs! How about (1) ...? Oh, OK. Let’s do drama, then. Why don’t we go (2) ...? _____________________It’s on Thursday at (3) ... ^ 2 Listen again and repeat. Practise your intonation. 3 Look at the timetable and answer the questions. 1 Where is the computer club? 2 What time does the homework club start? 3 Which sports can students do after school? 4 When can students do drama? 5 Where is the photography club? OK. What shall we do? Sorry, I can’t It’s on Friday - I’m busy on Fridays. Drama? No way! i hate drama! OK. Good idea! When’s that? Great. Shall we do something else as well? _ 4 Prepare a new dialogue. Use the activities in the timetable and change the words in bold in the dialogue. 5 Work in pairs. Practise your dialogue. Let's sign up for after-school dubs! OK. What shall we do? Useful expressions Let’s ... What shall we do? How about...? Sorry, I can’t I’m busy on No way! i hate ... Why don’t we ...? Good idea! > Language Guide Vocabulary School subjects History Skills and abilities АМтШ Geography Drama Art and Design j PE {Physical ICT (Information and Education) Communication Technology) <ёР'‘ skate drive ride a bike fly sing use a computer play an instrument download music ( Guten Tag! speak a foreign language Dictionary extra! children (n) class (n)*^* fly (v)**^ help (v)^^* island (n)*it ★ play (v)^ ★★ study (v) ★ ★ ★ tell (v)^ ★ ★ unusual (adj)-*-^* want (v) ★ ★ ★ world (n)^^^ Usefulexpress^i^ Let’s ... What shall we do? How about...? Why don’t we...? Sorry, 1 can’t. I’m busy on No way! 1 hate ... Good idea! -.1 rammar we, hate, (don’t) like + -ing I love listening to music. I like going to the cinema. I don’t like going shopping. Э I hate getting up early. fc We use the -ing form of the verb after love, like, don’t like and hate. Object pronouns sijbject pronouns 1 you he she it we you they ne you him her it us you them object pronouns go to school with them. ~ney go to school with me. can affirmative l/You/He/She/lt/We/ They can sing. negative I / You / He / She / It / We / They can’t fly. questions Can 1 / you / he / she / it / we / they dance? short answers Yes, 1 / you / he / she / it / we / they can. No, can’t. 0 We use can to talk about abilities, о After can we use the infinitive without to. Can you ride a bike? / Review of question forms: word order be questions question word am/is/are subject other words Where Are is you the teacher? from Russia? have got questions question word have/ has subject got other words What Has have your teacher you got got? a car? other present simple questions question word do/ does subject verb other words What time Does do Chris you go get up? to school? Why...?/Because... why do you like school? Because I see my friends here. о We use why in questions and because in answers. о After why, use the usual present simple question word order. о After because, use the usual present simple affirmative word order. Grammar exercises-» Workbook pi05 ^ @ Progress check School subjects 1 Write the school subjects. Skills and abilities 2 Complete the sentences with these words. Use can and can’t. speak play drive use sing ride 1 I ... a car. X 2 I ... a bike. / 3 My grandfather... a computer. / 4 He ... a foreign language. X 5 We ... English songs. X 6 ... you ... an instrument? / love, hate, (don’t) like + -ing 3 Match the words and symbols. like 2 I / @@ / get up / early 3 My mum/©/drive 4 I / / listen / to music 5 My brother / / tidy / his room Object pronouns 5 Match the subject and object pronouns. don’t like hate love 4 Write sentences. 1 I / ^ / study / English I you he she it we you they @ you us them her it me him you 6 Complete the sentences with subject or object pronouns. 1 My brother plays football. I sometimes go with .... 2 My aunt lives in Mexico. ...’s a teacher. 3 Art and Drama are my favourite subjects. ...Ye great. 4 We live in a big house, and our grandfather lives with .... 5 My brother and I are twins. ... go to the same school. 6 I don’t understand this. Can you explain it to ...? Review of question forms 7 Write the questions for these answers. I’m fine, thanks. Yes, I have. I’ve got one sister and two brothers. I go to bed at half past ten. He’s from Spain. She lives in London. No, I don’t. I hate dancing! Cumulative grammar I 1>2>з>4>5>бУ^ 8 Choose the correct words. A (1) How / How many old are you? В I (2) have got / am 12. A And where (3) you study / do you study? В At Edinburgh University! A That’s amazing! What’s your (4) favourite subject / subject favourite? В French. I love (5) learn / learning languages. A How many foreign languages (6) can you speak / you can speak? В Oh ... about ten. A Ten languages? (7) Do you travel / You travel a lot then? В Oh, no. I (8) never travel / travel never. I just read books! Unit contents: Vocabulary Endangered animals; adverbs of manner Grammar Present continuous; present simple and continuous Skills Read about the World Wide Fund for Nature Listen to a talk about animals Write about an animal for a web project Make arrangements Across the curriculum Science Culture Australia’s Weird and Wonderful Wildlife © © BEAR ^S^ROSSING Jquiz^ ;r 1 Look at the signs. What animals are there? 2 Which countries are the signs from? 3 Name three farm animals. 4 How many animals can you write In one minute? ant, bear, cow, dog, ... © I'•,1: I've got a dog called Bon« and two guinea pigs. Have you got any pets? ЛГУ*-..’- '-‘y.’r.L t:::k . Vocabulary 1 Endangered animals 1 Match the animals with the pictures. Which four animals aren’t in the pictures? turtle eagle gorilla whale rhino wolf polar bear tiger frog owl panda orang-utan rattlesnake elephant snow leopard shark Recycle Copy the picture and label the dog with the body parts. leg head back tail nose © 2 C^4i I Listen and repeat. 3 (3^ Listen to the ringtones. Can you identify the six animals? 4 Yourvoice Choose an animalfrom exercise ‘ Write a description. This is a very big animal. It lives in the sea. it can' walk, but it can swim. 5 Work in pairs. Listen to your partner’s description. Can you guess the animal? ^ Is it a whale? I» Yes, it is. Vocabulary plus ^Workbook pi 20 Man'orjbthooiMoos№ wwF 10Ж|к6Наг11ШРДНЖёа1^ 1 Look at the WWF logo. Does this organisation work in your country? il3j Read and listen. Write a list of all the animals in the text. Read the text again. Answer the questions. What is WWF? Why are some animals in danger of extinction? Why are the students at Manor School doing sponsored events? What kind of sharks live in the sea around Scotiand? What are Year 10 students doing to help WWF? How can people find out more information about WWF? This year we're trying to raise £10000 for our 'charity of the year' - WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). WWF is an international organisation that protects wildlife around the world. It's trying to help endangered animals like rhinos, dolphins and pandas. A lot of these animals are disappearing because their habitats are changing, or because hunters are killing them. Many of them are also suffering because of pollution. Flere at Manor School we're doing a lot of sponsored events this year to raise money. The students in class 3E are doing a sponsored swim with sharks. But don't worry ~ they aren't swimming with dangerous sharks! The swim is part of a WWF campaign to protect sharks in the sea around Scotland, These sharks are called 'basking sharks' and they aren't dangerous to humans. We're also doing lots ofotherthingstoheIpWWFthisyear. For example, Year 10 students are adopting endangered animals like tigers and elephants. Unfortunately they can't take them home with them, but they have got photos. So, what are YOU doing to save endangered animals? If you want to know more, go to the WWF website (www.wwf.org). And if you want to help, contact our biology teacher, Mr Wright. Across the curriculum Science-»pi38 Grammar 1 Present continuous: affirmative and negative 1 Look at the table. What are the full forms of the bold words? affirmative negative | I ’m I ’m not He He She ’s Studying. She isn’t working. It working. It studying. We swimming. We walking. You ’re You aren’t They They 2 Read the spelling rules in the Language guide on page 71. Then copy and complete the table with the -ing form of these verbs. have sleep swim ride fly run eat dance sit + -ing 0^ + -ing double consonant + -ing ^ sleeping Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 4 We ... (not dance) at the moment. We ... (study) grammar. Our teacher... (not watch) TV now. She ... (write) on the board. My parents ... (not play) tennis today. They... (work). I ... (not ride) my bike at the moment. 1 ... (sit) in the classroom. It... (not rain) today. The sun ... (shine). Pronunciation: ■ing a Listen and repeat. studying walking working listening b C^4s] Listen. Do you hear a) or b)? 1 a) work b) working 2 a) swim b) swimming 3 a) wear b) wearing 4 a) live b) living 4 Complete the text with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. I'm standing (stand) here next to the River Thames in London. An enormous whale (1) ... (swim) in the river! The whale (2)... (not go) to the sea-it (3)... (move) in the direction of the city centre. It's incredible! Hundreds of tourists (4)... (take) photos. Experts (5)... (try) to help the whale, but it's very difficult. All around the world, people (6) ... (watch) the whale on TV. Here in London, everyone is amazed. Present continuous: questions and short answers 5 Look at the examples. Then put the puzzle ' the correct order. \Nhatareyou doing? what is he saying? ? be question word subject -ing form 6 Look at the table. Then order the words to make questions and write short answers. questions short answers Yes, 1 am. Are Is Are you he / she / it we / they listening? moving? watching? No, I’m not. : I Yes, he / she / it is. ^ No, he / she / it isn': ? Yes, we / they are. ; No, we / they aren’t j you / sleeping / are? Are you sleeping? No, I'm not. засг 1 2 3 4 5 6 working / Is / mum / your? English / Are / writing / in / you? your / studying / Are / grammar / classmates? your / Are / playing / friends / football? you / Are / to / music / listening? your / Is / writing / teacher? I rOO' Language guide p71 Vocabulary 2 Adverbs of manner Read the rules. How do you form adverbs in your language? adverbs of manner We use adverbs of manner to describe an action. | Stick insects are slow. They move slowly. f t adjective t adverb We usually form adverbs with the adjective + -ly. si.cw ^ slowly TYie adjecfwe доой Vias got an \ттедп\ат айметЪ. good -> goodly Л well / The words fast and high are both adjectives and adverbs. fast fastly)(fast / 2 Check the meaning of these adverbs. What are the adjectives? badly well quietly loudly quickly slowly safely dangerously fast high badly-bad 3 Listen, check and repeat. 4 Choose the correct words. and crawlies Srick insects can’t run fly. They move very slow / slowly. 2 Cockroaches run very fast / quick. They can run 5km an hour. i^ce's have got eyes, but they • see good / Mosquitoes are dangerous / dangerously for human^ They kill lots of people every year. I"ckets sing loud / cudly. You can hear Tern 1 km away! Fleas are very quiet / quietly. You can’t hear them. Speaking ,S, 5 Work in pairs. Do the questionnaire. ■fj You’re sitting in your ciassroom and suddenfif you see a cockroach. What do you do? a) I leave it - I’m not afraid of cockroaches. b) I run out of the classroom ... as quickly as possible! c) I kill it. Cockroaches are horrible! g You’re in your bedroom and you see a big spider. What’s your reaction? a) Fantastic! I can catch it and put it in my sisters bed! b) No reaction - spiders aren’t dangerous, are they? c) I scream. Loudly! © You’re walking in the mountains and you see a snake. Do you ... a) move away, quietly and slowly? b) feel paralysed with fear? c) take it home and keep it as a pet? ^ Your best friend has got a tarantula at home. What’s your opinion? a) No problem. Tarantulas are good pets if you look after them well. b) Hmm. The tarantula is OK if it stays quietly in its box! c) Aaagh! Small spiders are bad but tarantulas =r= terrible! Scores 1 a)1 b)3 2 a) 2 b) 1 c) 2 c) 3 a) 1 a) 1 b)3 b)2 c)2 c) 3 4-5 You aren’t afraid and you respect all kinds of anim^E-For you, all creatures are good - even creepy-crawlies' 6-9 Be careful with creepy-crawlies - they’ve got feetrsgs too, you know! 10-12 Oh dear. Are you afraid to leave the house?! 6 Calculate your scores. Are you afraid of creepy-crawlies? Australia Population: 20 million f people and 130 million i sheep! t Capital: Canberra I Other main cities; | Sydney, Melbourne, Pe^ i Anteaters aren't reptiles - they're mammals.This anteater is eating hundreds of ants with its 60-cm long tongue. They eat 30 000 ants every day! The platypus usually lives on land. It can swim well, but can't breathe under water. This pla is looking for food in the water. Wallabies are small kangaroos. These animals are called marsupials. This wallaby is carrying its joey (baby) in its pouch. The joey develops slowly, and it stays in the pouch for nine months. Emus are very tall birds ~ they're about 1.5 metres tall. They can't fly but they can run quickly. These emus are running about 60 km per hour. This creature is called a glider. It lives in the trees, but it can't fly. It's jumping 40 metres from tree to tree. Gliders eat the pollen from flowers. Be careful - don't swim here! This great white shark is swimming veq near the beach. It's four metres lo and it's got 2800 teeth. What animals can you see in the pictures? Do you know any other Australian animals? Guess the correct words. 3 (^W\ Read and listen. Check your answers. 4 Your voice Answer the questions. 1 2 3 Anteaters are mammals / reptiles. A platypus can / can’t swim. Baby wallabies grow / don’t grow very fast. Emus can / can’t fly. Gliders eat birds / pollen. Great white sharks are / aren’t dangerous. 1 2 3 Which animals are typical in your country? Are there any dangerous animals? Which animals do people have as pets? @ learn more! Australia Workbook pi Grammar 2 ^^ent simple and continuous * Copy and complete the table with sentences 1^. present simple: present continuous:^ habitual actions actions in progress -"teaters eat 30000 ants This anteater is eating a^ery day. hundreds of ants. The platypus usually lives on land. I This platypus is looking for food at the moment. I- These emus are running quickly. - Gliders eat pollen from flowers. --------------;-------------------------- ~ie expressions :h the present simple we use: ^.erbs of frequency (always, never, usually, etc) : fry day / week once / twice a week :n the present continuous we use: at the moment 2 Choose the correct words. ' I watch /’m watching TV every day. I i don’t watch /’m not watching TV at the moment. 3 We study / ’re studying now. - We study / ’re studying English three times a week. 5 My teacher works / is working today, z She never works / is never working on Saturdays. I =ead about Britain’s Top pets. Then complete the texts with the present simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 4 Complete the questions with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Where ... the cat... (relax) in the photo? 2 How many hours ... cats ... (sleep)? 3 Where ... the fish ... (swim) in the photo? 4 ... pet rabbits ... (like) eating carrots? 5 Answer the questions in exercise 4. Language guide p71 > Listening 6 (°T^ Listen to the talk. Which words do you hear? snake owl stick insect turtle frog parrot spider scorpion whale 7 (^48] Listen again. Answer the questions. 1 How many people are giving the talk? 2 Is the snake dangerous? 3 What are the stick insects doing? 4 How old are the turtles? 5 What is the parrot saying? 6 Are the animals staying at the school all week? ■ this photo, Sally's cat (1)... sleep) in her favourite place! British people love their pets. There are seven million cats and six million dogs in Britain! Here are our favourites this week... i usually -- sleep) 13 rs a day. (mss Goldfish usually (3)... (live) for 5-10 years. Emma's rabbit (5)... (eat) its favourite food in this great photo. Jill's goldfish are perfectly happy -here they (4)... (swim) in their new aquarium. Wild rabbits (6)... (not eat) carrots! Writing dossier A web project ;©0' ' Q.- Wildlife in My Country: Puffins Puffins live on the Scottish islands in summer. These birds are (1) black / blue and white, and they've got colourful bills.Their feet are yellow in winter and (2) orange / black in summer. Puffins can swim very well. (3) Fish / Insects are their favourite food. They can carry (4) three / 30 fish! Puffins are friendly birds. In this picture they're walking near the tourists. People are taking photos of them. by Jamie (Scotland) 1 (ЗНИ Read the web project and guess the correct words. Then listen and check. 2 Look at the Language focus. Choose the correct words to complete the rules. Language focus: using adjectives a) Puffins live on the Scottish islands in summer. b) Fish are their favourite food. c) Their feet are yellow in winter. 1 Nationality adjectives have / haven’t got a capital letter. 2 Adjectives go before / after the noun. 3 Adjectives have / haven’t got a plural form in English. 3 Correct the errors in these sentences. 1 Bulls are typical Spanish animals. X 2 They are usually browns or blacks. X 3 The golden eagle is a bird big. X 4 It eats smalls mammals. X 5 Dogs are my animals favourite. X Writing pian Ф Plan a web project about a typical animal from your country. Find a picture on thf Internet and answer these questions. 1 Where does this animal live' 2 What colour is it? 3 What can / can’t it do? 4 What does it usually eat? 5 What is the animal doing in your picture? (2) Write a first version. Include tsv information. ^ habitat and description of the animal ^ the animal’s abilities description of your picture (3) Check your writing. ✓ Use the present simple tor habitual actions. ✓ Use the present continuous describe your picture. ✓ Check the adjectives. (4) Write the final version and pur, your Dossier. Dialogue builder Making arrangements 5 501 Listen to the dialogue. What are Megan and Emma doing tomorrow? Emma Megan Hi Megan! I got your text. What are you doing tomorrow? I’m going to the aquarium with my cousins. Do you want to come? We’re leaving home at ten o’clock. Yes - there’s a cafd there. "_________Yeah - ten o’clock at my house, OK? Listen again and repeat. Practise your donation. IkssPi' ^’resent continuous for future .Ve can also use the present continuous to talk about definite future plans. *’.e're leaving home at ten o'clock. What do the text messages mean? Complete the words. *®*''‘at are you doing -'V arrow? Do ... want... come? Nothing special. Why? What time are you going? Great! Are you having lunch there? OK. See you tomorrow then. Right. See you later!_______________________ 4 Prepare a new dialogue. Use these places or your own ideas. Change the bold words in the dialogue. the London Eye the zoo the cinema 5 Work in pairs. Practise your dialogue. ^ Hi! What are you doing tomorrow? ^I'm ... Usefutexgigssiona What are you doing tomorrow? Nothing special. What time are you going? We’re leaving home at... See you tomorrow. / See you later. e ... going ... the IMAX ... Do ... want... go ... the zoo on ... ? 'Л Language Guide Vocabulary Endangered animals frog owl panda Adverbs of manner orang-utan rattlesnake elephant snow leopard shark Adjective Adverb good bad quiet loud slow quick dangerous safe fast high well badly quietly loudly slowly quickly dangerously safely fast high Dictionary extra! breathe (v)** kill(v)**^ charity (n)^^vr dangerous (adj) ★ ★ ★ disappear (v) ★ ★ ★ dolphin (n)^ flower (n)**^ food (n)vr ★ hunter (n)^ pollution (n)^^ + protect (v) ★ ★ ★ sponsor (v)iir* swim (v)vr ★ tongue (n)^ ★ tree (n) ★ water (n) ★ ★ ★ wonderful (adj)*-*-★ Usefulexpi^ssionsj What are you doing tomorrow? Nothing special. What time are you going? We’re leaving home at... See you tomorrow. / See you later. Grammar / ?^esent continuous i'Tirmative (am) ■ 3ti’re (are) She / It’s (is) •‘■5 / You / They're (are) studying. running. -egative ~ not (am not) • oe aren’t (are not) -e She / It isn’t (is not) You / They aren’t (are not) working. swimming. : jestions -m 1 -'6 you s ne / she / it -'Э we/you / they sleeping? eating? s^nort answers •es, I am. / No, I’m not. “ 63, you are. / No, you aren’t. “'53, he / she / it is. / No, he / she / it isn’t. -53, we / you / they are. / No, we / you / they 6'8n’t. »Ve use the present continuous to talk about actions in progress at the moment. We form the present continuous with: subject + be + verb + -ing In questions, the order is: be + subject + verb + -ing In short answers, we don’t repeat the verb - -ing. is it eating? Yes, it is. / Yes, it is eating-. Л Spelling: verb + -ing о We form the present participle of most verbs with the infinitive + -ing. sleep -♦ sleeping eat eating о When the verb ends in -e, we omit the -e and add -ing. have-»having make-> making о When a verb has only one syllable and ends with one vowel and one consonant (except w, X or y), we double the consonant and add -ing. swim swimming stop -*■ stopping Present simple and continuous Cats sleep forT3 hoars a day. (routine) This cat is sleeping, (at the moment) о We use the present simple for routines and habits. о We use the present continuous to describe what is happening at the moment. Present continuous for future о We also use the present continuous for definite plans in the future. We're going to the cinema tomorrow. what are you doing next weekend? о When we use the present continuous to talk about the future, we usually use a future time expression, tomorrow, next weekend, next week, next month, next year Grammar exercises -» Workbook pi07 У Progress check Endangered animals 1 Write the animal words. Adverbs of manner 2 Choose the correct words. Tigers can run quick / fast. Please be quiet / quietly! Elephants can swim good / well, is this snake safe / safely? Cats aren’t good swimmers. They swim bad / badly. Some frogs are very loud / loudly. You can hear them at night. Present continuous Complete the sentences with the present continuous affirmative form of the verbs in brackets. We ... (sit) in the park. David ... (study) Chinese. I ... (work) at the moment. The dogs ... (eat) in the kitchen. Sarah ... (have) breakfast. 4 Make the sentences in exercise 3 negative. Write present continuous questions. Then write short answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 you / do / a test? / your teacher / sleep? X your friends / study? / it / rain / today? Л your classmates / sing? X your dad / work? / J2 Present simple and continuous 6 Choose the correct answers. 1 Thousands of people ... the zoo every wee- a) are visiting b) visit 2 At the moment the monkeys ... lunch, a) have b) are having 3 They ... at two o’clock in the afternoon, a) usually eat b) are usually eating 4 The wolves ... now. a) sleep b) are sleeping 5 Wolves ... at night. a) aren’t sleeping b) don’t sleep 6 What... at the moment? a) do the tigers do b) are the tigers doing Cumulative grammar | i>2>3>4>5>6>7>si 7 Complete the text with these words. be live about swimming eat are die g< Ч Great white sharks (1) ... near the coast southern Australia. They (2) ... usually abou: four metres long and they’ve (3) ... a lot cf teeth. They normally (4)... fish and seals, but they can (5) ... very dangerous for human too. Every year, about 30 people (6) ... in shark attacks. So, if you like (7) ... in the sea be careful! How (8) ... going to a swimming pool instead? Unit contents: Vocabulary Places to visit; food and drink Grammar there is / there are; prepositions of place; countable and uncountable nouns; a / an, some and any Skills Read a travel brochure for London Listen to conversations in shops and restaurants Write a guide for tourists Order food Across the curriculum Geography Vocabulary 1 Places to visit 1 Match these places with the pictures. Recycle Do you have these places in your i park restaurant amusement park . shopping centre cinema station market department store stadium cathedral castle square gallery museum palace theatre garden statue © Мйтп V 2 (5Ц] Listen and repeat. 3 Read about four places. Which pictures are they? Are they in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland? Edinburgh Castle is about a thousand years old. It's on a big rock, above the city. @ The Millennium Stadium (the'Stadiwm у Mileniwm' in Welsh) is in the city of Cardiff. It's for rugby, football and other sports. There are also music concerts here. St Peter's Cathedral in Belfast is about 150 years old. It's got two tall towers and a statue of Saint Peter above the door. 0 The National Gallery in London has got 2300 paintings. More than four million people visit the gallery every year. <4? И ' Pronunciation: syllable stress a (ЛИ Listen and repeat. Stress the correct syllable. mar-ket mus-e-um ca-stle sta-di-um sta-t b (ЛЕ Listen. Have these words got two or three syllables? Which syllable is stressed?! 1 cathedral 4 theatre 2 garden 5 gallery 3 palace 4 Your voice Which places from exercise 1 has your town got? Write sentences. My town has got a square. It's called the Palace Square. My town hasn'tgota stadium. I Vocabulary plus-» Workbook p121 \Welcome;to London! Here are some ideas of places to visit on your day out... 6 I ^1 V 7y / / \ Museums At the British Museum, there are some amazing Egyptian mummies. But if you want to see dinosaurs, go to the Natural History Museum. There's a big dinosaur gallery there. I The Globe The Globe is a modern version of Shakespeare's theatre. It's similar to the original theatre from 1599. It's next to the River Thames. Ш В Buckingham Palace The Queen sometimes lives at Buckingham Palace, opposite St James' Park. There are 775 rooms in the Palace, but you can't visit all of them! 1 Look at the map. Which places can you see in the pictures? 2 Read and listen. Choose the correct words. 1 Harrods is a department store / market. 2 There are / aren’t Egyptian mummies at the British Museum. 3 Shakespeare’s Globe is a theatre / cathedral. There are 77 / 775 rooms in Buckingham Palace. Trafalgar Square In the middle of Trafalgar Square, there's a statue of Admiral Nelson. It's called 'Nelson's Column'and it's 56 metres tall. The National Gallery is next to Trafalgar Square. Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 How many departments has Harrods got? Where can you see dinosaurs in London? Where is the Globe? Which park is opposite Buckingham Palace? How tall is Nelson’s Column? What can you do at Covent Garden? Where is Nelson’s Column? Where can you buy presents in London? Across the curriculum Geography-» pi 40 Grammar 1 there is / there are\ affirmative and negative 1 Translate the example sentences. Are the expressions There is and There are the same or different in your language? singular + There’s a big market. - There isn’t a garden. plural + There are Egyptian mummies. - There aren’t dinosaurs. 2 Complete the sentences. Use There is / isn't or There are / aren’t. There are old houses. / 1 ... a castle. / 2 ... interesting shops. / 3 ... a cathedral. Л 4 ... an old church. / 5 ... department stores. / 6 ... a theatre. X 3 Your voice Write true sentences about your town. Use words from A, В and C. Prepositions of place 4 Match the prepositions with the pictures. Then translate the prepositions into your language. What is the difference between in front of and opposite? in on next to under above behind between in front of opposite near ® a 1 ® J 1 1 ® ® P Look at the picture and choose the correct prepositions.| 1 The theatre is opposite / next to the cathedral. 2 The caf6 is opposite / between the restaurant and the department store. 3 The museum is next to / in front of the cathedral. 4 The beach is in / near the city. 5 The statue is in front of / in the park. i There is a / an There isn’t a / an There are There aren’t shops volcanoes restaurants palace cathedral beach castle caf§s In my town there are good shops. I». Speaking 6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer three questions about the n picture. •• Where's the cafe? ^ It's... гШ Language guide p83 Vocabulary 2 and drink S Match these words with the items in the sictures. egg chips mushrooms toast grapes bacon sugar butter meat potatoes tea ice cream vegetables fish cheese juice - ^ i Listen and repeat. I Copy and complete the food pyramid with words from exercise 1 and your own ideas. Listening 5 (ЛЗ Listen to six short conversations in shops and restaurants. Which speaker orders these things? Write the conversation number. 1 ice cream 5 cola 2 cheeseburger 6 hot chocolate 3 carrots 7 apples 4 fish and chips 8 steak voice Work in pairs. Ask and answer acout food and drink. ^ Do you like meat? ^ No, I don't! (Л!] Listen again and choose the correct words. 1 The customer orders small / large chips. 2 The customer buys red / green apples. 3 The customer buys two / three ice creams. 4 The customers are sitting next to the window / door. 5 The woman orders steak / salmon. 6 The customer wants / doesn’t want salt and vinegar. @ ' Every year there are summer shows in thousands of villages around England. There are lots of things to do at the shows! There are competitions for all kinds of animals, with trophies for the winning horses, cows and sheep. There are also competitions called 'sheepdog trials'. The dogs move the sheep from the field into an enclosure. They're very fast - they've only got nine minutes to do it. (^At the summer shows there are also competitions for flowers, vegetables and other food. There are some amazing vegetables - look at the enormous beans in the picture! There are prizes for cakes, bread, jam and marmalade, and for eggs and honey from the farm. But don't forget - the prizes are only for home-made things. You can't win if you buy them in a shop! (c^There are also rallies of classic cars and motorbikes and competitions for vintage tractors. And there are big markets with lots of stalls, where you can buy delicious food and local crafts. Every year about 8000 people visit the shows - it's a great day out for all the family! 1 (£57] Read and listen. Match pictures 1-3 with paragraphs a-c. 2 Read the text again and choose the correct answers. Where are the shows? a) in cities. b) In villages. Are there competitions for dogs at the show? a) Yes, there are. b) No, there aren’t. Is there a competition for vegetables? a) Yes, there is. b) No, there isn’t. Are there prizes for vegetables from a supermarket? a) Yes, there are. b) No, there aren’t. Is there a tractor competition at the show? a) Yes, there is. b) No, there isn’t. How many people visit the shows every year' a) 800 b) 8000 3 Talk about summer shows in England. Which competitions do you like best? Are there am village shows where you live? learn more! Щ EnglandWorkbook pi2: Grammar 2 )untable and uncountable nouns Look at the table. Then choose the correct word in sentences 1 and 2. countable nouns We can count countable nouns, one trophy / two trophies / Л uncountable nouns We can’t count uncountable nouns, one jam X two jams X jam / * Countable / Uncountable nouns haven’t got I plural forms. i 2 Countable / Uncountable nouns have got i singular and plural forms. [2 Copy and complete the table with these [ words. [ meat leeks vegetables fruit marmalade eggs water cakes potatoes honey countable nouns uncountable nouns ^ •eeks 1 .-ook at the food and drink words on page 77. ■^en, add more food and drink words to the *3ble in exercise 2. s an, some and any : We use a j an or numbers with singular countable nouns. : We use some in affirmative sentences. : We use any in negative sentences. : We use any in questions. & ' ad the rules, look at the picture then noose the correct words. There’s a / some fruit. There isn’t any / some chocolate. There are some / any sandwiches. There aren’t any / an burgers. Is there a / any juice? Are there any / a crisps? There is a / some water. There’s a / some banana and an orange. 5 Complete the sentences with a/an, some or any. There’s some cheese. 1 Is there ... cola? 2 There’s ... apple. 3 There isn’t... lemonade. 4 There are ... biscuits. 5 Is there ... cake? 6 There aren’t... pizzas. Is there ...? I Are there ...? 6 Look at the examples. How do you say the bold words in your language? singular Is there a competition? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. plural Are there any market stalls? Yes. there are. / No, there aren’t. Your voice Complete the questions. Then write short answers. Are there any fish and chip shops in your country? Yes, there are. j No, there aren't. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... Japanese restaurant in your town? ... shops near your school? ... supermarket near your house? ... statues of famous people in your town? ... royal palace in your city? ... interesting museums in your town? гШ Language guide p83 Writing dossier A guide for tourists Welcome to Dobli'n! I live in Dublin - it's the capital city of Ireland. It's a great place to visit and there are also some good (l) ... here if you wont to learn English. There are lots of interesting places to visit. You can take a ghost tour from Dublin Castle, or you can go to the star wars exhibition. Dublin has also got (2) ..., in Phoenix Park. There are some great places to eat in Dublin. In the city centre, there are lots of international restaurants. The pubs also serve (3}. If you've got time, you can also go on (4) ... to Killiney. It's about 10 km from Dublin, and it's got a fantastic beach. by Brdnagh, 13 1 (£5^ Complete the guide for tourists with these words. Then listen and check. a zoo traditional Irish food language schools a day trip 2 Look at the Language focus. How do you say also in your language? Language focus: also We use also to give additional information. It can go before, after or between different verbs, there is / are + also There are also some good restaurants, can + also You can also go to the beach, also + other verbs The pubs also serve food, has + also + got Dublin has also got a zoo. Add also to these sentences. I like fish and chips. I also like pizza. 1 We often go to the beach. We go to the mountains. 2 I’ve got two sisters. I’ve got a brother. 3 They eat healthy food. They play sport. 4 There’s a market here. There’s a supermarket. 5 Tourists can eat here. They can drink Guinness! (1) Plan a guide for tourists about your town or city. Answer these questions. 1 Where is your town / city? 2 Why do tourists go there? 3 What’s the best place to visit? 4 Are there any other places to go? 5 Where can visitors eat? 6 Where can tourists go on a day trip? (2) Write a first version. Include this information. ■f introduction to your town / city 4- places to visit 4" eating and drinking > day trips (3) Check your writing. Use there is / there are. / Use also. v'' Use the places vocabulary from page 74. (4) Write the final version and put it in your Dossier. I ш i I m Dialogue builder i >dering food Jack is ordering some food. Read the dialogue and complete the cost of the meal. Assistant Jack Hello, can I help you? It’s £2.80. Anything else? OK. Anything to drink? That’s £ ..., please. Here’s your change. Enjoy your meal! How much is a baked potato with cheese, please? OK, can I have a baked potato, please? Yes - a cheese and tomato sandwich for my friend. Yes, I’d like a milkshake and some orange juice, please. Here you are. Thank you. - Listen, check and repeat. Practise your intonation. oney and prices r 0 = seventy-five pence ■ 99 = one ninety-nine £12.00 = twelve pounds wook at the menu and answer the questions. How much is a pizza? 2 How much are the chips? 3 How much is a salad? - How much is a baked potato and a mineral water? Yrite your own dialogue. Use the menu and change the bold words in the dialogue. «‘•'ork in pairs. Practise your dialogue. • Hello, can I help you? How much is a ... Language Guide Vocabulary Places to visit market Ш department store stadium cathedral castle square gallery Food and drink bacon-mushrooms' egg fish- palace theatre garden toast tea % juice butter Q sugar mea: chips'' o ice cream ■ vegetab Dictionary extra! bread (n) ★ ★ ★ horse (n) ★ ★ ★ cheese potatoes grapes cake (n)-Ar^'*' competition (n) ★ * ★ cow (n) ★ ★ department store (n) ★ ★ farm (n) ★ ★ ★ field (n)^Tk-^ jam (n)^ lunch (n)*^* river (n) ★ ★ ★ sheep {n)^iir^ shop (n)*^^ summer {n)**^ village (n)**^ Useful Can I have a/an/some please? I’d like a/an/some please. How much is a ...? Anything else? Anything to drink? Enjoy your meal! Grammar L Siere is / there are affirmative ~~ere's (is) a museum. ~":ere are two restaurants. -egative ~~ere isn't (is not) a castle. “"ere aren't (are not) any shops. ruestions 5 there a palace? -'e there any cafes? short answers • es, there is. / No, there isn't. •es, there are. / No, there aren't. Prepositions of piace on under next to between J 0 ^ Я Щ near opposite in front of above г We use prepositions of place to say where things are. The museum is opposite the Italian restaurant. Countable and uncountable nouns countable uncountable a potato sugar an egg water three carrots meat о Countable nouns have singular and plural forms. potato - potatoes vegetable - vegetables о It isn't possible to count sugar, water or meat - they don't have plural forms. sugar / sugars X water/ watersX о We can count packets of sugar, bottles of water or pieces of meat. a / an, some and any о We use a/an with singular countable nouns. о We use a before consonant sounds. a potato a tomato a bottle о We use an before vowel sounds. an egg an apple an orange О We use some and any with uncountable nouns and with plural countable nouns. о We use some in affirmative sentences, and any in negative sentences and questions. Grammar exercises -» Workbook pi 09 ^ ©г. Progress check Places 1 Complete the names of these places. ^ к жЛ щ 1 s 2 с I rfOi f 3 t 5 g______ Food and drink 6 s 2 Match the boxes to find seven more words for food and drinks. potato TTKTC gr vege me su ch e /тН/-у (И LL> room ape at eese mush but gg table ter gar Countable and uncountable nouns 3 Are the words in exercise 2 countable or uncountable? countable uncountable ^ potato a / an, some and any 4 Complete the dialogue with a / an, some or any. A What have you got in your lunchbox? В I’ve got (1) ... sandwich, (2) ... orange and (3) ... water. A Have you got (4) ... crisps? В No, I haven’t. What about you? A No, I haven’t got (5) ... crisps or sweets. But I’ve got (6) ... biscuits! Do you want one? there is / there are 5 Look at the picture and write sentences. Use there is / there are or there isn’t / there aren’t a cathedral There isn't a cathedral. 4 two people any department stores a statue 1 an aeroplane 4 2 some shops 5 3 a theatre 6 I Prepositions of place 6 f Look at the picture again. Complete the sentences with these words. in front of in on above between 2 3 4 5 There’s a clothes shop ... the sports shop and the shoe shop. The people are sitting ... the caf§. The aeroplane is flying ... the shops. The boy is ... the sports shop. The bird is ... the statue’s head. Cumulative grammar I 1>2>з>4>5>бУ7у 7 Choose the correct words. Waiter Yes, Madam. Can I (1) to help / help you? Woman Yes, I’d like (2) some / any tomato soup, please. Waiter Woman Later... Woman I’m sorry, we haven’t got (3) some / an tomato soup today. We (4) ’ve got /’s got some delicious chicken soup. OK, then. Chicken soup is fine. Waiter Woman Waiter Waiter, (5) there’s / there are a fly in soup! Really? What (6) ’s it doing / does it da (7) Is / It’s swimming in my bowl! Don’t worry, madam. It (8) don’t / does cost extra. Reading Listening 1 Read the text quickly. Is the author enjoying the festival? It's that time of year again! It's the last weekend in July and our festival fan Jessie Hayes is at Charlton Parkin the south of England. Here she tells us all about the Wonderful World of WOMAD... Every year, the WOMAD Festival (World of Music and Dance) brings us a great selection of music and culture from around the world, with shows from Europe, Africa, Asia, the USA and Australia. There are more than 50 bands, so it isn't always easy to choose! At the moment I'm trying to decide between the Spanish flamenco band Chambao and the Tanzanian acrobats The Black Eagles. Or shall I go to a samba class? In addition to the concerts, there are lots of different activities including film shows, art and drarria workshops, drumming and circus skills. There's a big amusement park too, and there are lots of places to eat everything from curry to vegeburgers. This is a fantastic summer festival and I definitely recommend it. That flamenco band is starting now so I'm going! Don't forget, if you miss the festival here in the UK, there are more WOMADs in Spain, Australia, Italy, and New Zealand! 3 (515 Listen to a TV report from the WOMAD festival in C^ceres, Spain. Choose the correct answers. 1 When is the festival in Caceres? a) March b) May c) August 2 Where does the festival take place? a) in a park b) at a stadium c) in the city centre 3 How much does it cost to go to the festival? a) It’s free, b) It isn’t expensive. c) It’s very expensive. 4 How many bands are there? a) 12 b) 25 c) 50 5 What is Paul waiting to see? a) a singer from Cuba b) dancers from India c) a band from Africa 6 When does the festival finish? a) on Friday evening b) on Saturday afternoon c) on Sunday morning Speaking 2 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 Where does the WOMAD festival take place in Britain? 2 What does WOMAD mean? 3 In addition to concerts, what other activities are there? 4 Are there places to eat at the festival? 5 Does the author decide to watch Chambao or The Black Eagles? 6 In which other countries are there WOMAD festivals? Work in pairs. Ask and answer. — Do you ever go to concerts? Щ How often do you listen to music? — What are your favourite bands? Щ Do you know any world music? J* Do you download music from the Internet? Mrnrnmmmmmm Project You’re going to plan a music festival for your school or your town. Listen to your teacher's instructions. Grammar ^sent simple and continuous * Complete the conversation with the r^esent simple or continuous form r* the verbs in brackets. Ben Hi Sarah! Where are you? Sarah I’m at the WOMAD festival with my aunt and uncle. They (1) ... (come) here every year. It’s great! Ben Fantastic! What (2) ... (you / do) at the moment? Sarah I (3) ... (listen) to a band called Latino Funk. They (4) ... (play) a great song! In fact, I can’t hear you very well ... Ben (5) ... (you / want) to call me later? Sarah Yeah, OK. I (6) ... (think) this band (7) ... (finish) at half past seven. Shall I call you then? Ben Great. I (8) ... (not go) out this evening. Have fun! Sarah Thanks! Talk to you later. Question forms 2 Write questions for these answers. ' Where ... tonight? Lily Allen is playing in Manchester tonight. 2 Where ... live? She lives in London. * ... an instrument? Yes, I can. 1 can play the flute. - ... in your town? Yes, there is. There’s a music festival in August. 5 ... in your English class? Yes, we do. We sometimes listen to English songs. 5 What... at the moment? At the moment we’re doing a grammar exercise. there is / there are; a, some and any 3 Look at the picture. Write sentences using there is / there are and a, some or any. musicians / There are some musicians. 1 2 3 4 5 6 market / caf6s / department store Л animal / concert / people / Choose the correct words. 1 I love listen / listening to music. 2 Shakira is my favourite singer. Do you like her /she? 3 My sister can to play / play the violin. 4 At the moment we isn’t / aren’t listening to a song. 5 My best friend can sing very well / good. 6 She sings / is singing in a band every weekend. 7 Are / is there a concert here tonight? 8 There aren’t some / any restaurants in my village. (N I c О ui > ! Ф I t “ юкежШи Tjf - (^611 Listen and read. Then act out the sketch in groups. Characters Girls Roxy, Lily Boys Matt, Cal The start of the school day Roxy Matt Lily Roxy Nicky Matt Roxy Cal Roxy Lily Cal Lily Cal Nicky Roxy Lily Roxy Cal Nicky Matt Hey guys, we’re going on a school trip. What? An excursion? Where are we going? Mr Green says we can choose! There’s the park... The park! Oh, can we get some ice cream! Yes, let’s go to the park! I love playing football, and there’s a little train, and ... Nicky, the park is too near school. Let’s go on a big school trip. We can take our lunch and spend the day there. Oh no, I hate sandwiches ... What about going to the city? Mmm. I’d like to go to the fashion museum. Good idea! Good idea? Do you really want to go to a fashion museum? It’s opposite the science museum and next to the natural history museum. Ahh! I vote for Regent’s Park. There’s a zoo, and a canal and boats and there’s ... Hey, woah! This is a school trip! Our parents are paying for it, Mr Green is organizing it, I’m responsible for Ideas ... and we’re not millionaires. But the zoo’s a good idea. There are some beautiful animals - they’ve got pandas! I love pandas ... Do you? Why? They’re just big, Chinese teddy bears ... Because they eat slowly, they move calmly ... they’re totally peaceful. Hmm. I prefer snow leopards. They’re ... ... similar to you, MR. They dress well, but they’re cold and dangerous ... Hahaha! Mr Green’s here! Let’s talk later. On the bus Nicky [singing loudly] We’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo, how about you, you, you; You can come too, too, too ... Cal Typical Nicky! (S)He always sings on the bus! Lily Ohh. Well, why don’t we sing together? Do you know any songs by Rihanna, Nicky? Or McFly? Cal Roxy Nicky Roxy Matt Cai Liiy Cal Nicky Giri or boy Nlcky^^ What are we doing when we get to the zoo, MR? First, we’re going to a science class about the animals and their diet. What do tigers eat in a zoo? Tourists? No, Nicky! Then we're watching the animals have their lunch. We’re helping with the eagles and owls! My favourite animals! 1 love owls, they’re intelligent and mysterious. [to himself] That’s a good idea. I can buy Lily an owl in the shop; she’s like a beautiful owl. [to Matt] I hate owls. They eat other animals. They fly silently and eat baby rabbits, mice... [to himself] Oh well. No owl then. Look, we’re here! Let’s go! At the picnic area Cal Where shall we sit? Over here? Matt Yes. The others are coming in a minute. Nicky’s buying some ice cream. Lily Is (s)he only having ice cream? Matt No, look, (s)he’s carrying a plastic box of salad too. Cal My sister’s got Mexican food! And a mange for pudding! Matt Roxy, can I try some of your lunch, please? Roxy Mm. Haven’t you got your own? Matt Cheese and ketchup sandwiches - my brother’s favourite. He’s got my sandwiches today and I’ve got his. Roxy Yeuch! You can’t eat those] Let’s give them to the gorillas. Matt Thanks, Roxy. You’re a star. Nicky Hm-hm! Roxy’s giving Matt some of her lunch! [laughs] Liiy Can you see my lunch bag? I can’t find it. Cal Is it in the shop? What’s in it? Lily Egg sandwiches, juice, some fruit... Roxy Grapes and bananas? Lily Yes, there are ... Roxy And some chocolate? Lily Yeeesss. There is ... Why? Roxy Look. Your bag’s over there ... Lily The orang-utans are eating my lunch! Oh no! -гV?I'.>.'■ 5-'u^r'? . >. ■-. .'* *—••• • Unit contents: Vocabulary History makers; irregular verbs Grammar be; past simple; there was / there were; past simple affirmative Skills Read about the wonders of the Ancient World Listen to an audio guide Write a biography Ask for information Across the curriculum History Culture Wales: Castles and Dragons ..sS L'v V listory^uiSiS 1 like visiting museums. Are there any museums in your town? 1 Who was Tutankhamun? a) a Greek god b) a Roman soldier c) an Egyptian king 2 Where is Stonehenge? a) Scotland b) England c) Wales 3 When was Shakespeare born? a) 1066 b)1564 c)1823 4 When did an astronaut first walk on the moon? a) 1890 b)1969 c)2001 Л Г89. .V Vocabulary 1 History makers 1 Match these words with the pictures. Which two words are not in the pictures? writer painter explorer astronaut politician scientist inventor sculptor director architect king and queen composer О Recycle Write the dates and years. 1/4/08 the first of April two thousand and eig*^ 1 1992 2 12/12/02 3 1763 4 5/9/99 2 C°Te^ Listen and repeat. 3 Do the quiz. Famous Europeans 1 Pedro Duque is a Spanish ... He's from Madrid. a) architect b) astronaut c) director 2 JK Rowling is a British ... Harry Potter is her creation. a) politician b) explorer c) writer 3 Nicolas Sarkozy is a French___ a) politician b) painter c) king 4 Mozart was an Austrian ... His operas are famous. a) sculptor b) composer c) scientist 5 Christopher Colombus was an Italian ... Fernando and Isabella were his patrons. a) inventor b) composer c) explorer 6 Albert Einstein was a German ... He was a Nobel Prize winner. a) architect b) scientist c) politician 1*7? Word families We often use the suffixes -er or -or to describe a person’s job. write -> writer act actor 5 Copy and complete the table with words from exercise 1. verb person 4 (4 631 Listen and check your answers. write writer invent explore direct 6 Your voice Imagine you are a famous perso Work in pairs. Ask and answer to guess the person. ^ Are you a writer? ^ No, I'm not. ^ Are you from France? ^ Yes, I am. Are you ...? Vocabulary plus •* Workbook pi 22____________ Wonders of the The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge is near Salisbury in the south of England. Stone Age people started to build the stone circle in 3100 BC, and they used it for religious ceremonies. The enormous stones were originally from Wales, and people carried them 400 km. How? Nobody knows. There weren't any vehicles in those days - perhaps people carried them down the river on boats! Tutankhamun was a very young king - they called him the 'boy king'. He was only 18 when he died, and the Ancient Egyptians buried his mummy in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings. His tomb was full of gold and treasure. In it, there were also clothes, shoes, and 32 model boats-the Ancient Egyptians believed that people needed boats to travel to the afterlife. @ In Ancient Greece, there were lots of temples for all the different gods, such as Zeus, Aphrodite and Apollo. The Parthenon in Athens was a temple for Athena. She was the goddess of war and the patron of Athens. Today the Parthenon is in ruins, because an enormous explosion destroyed the original temple in 1687. Now it is still in danger-from the effects of traffic pollution! 1 G£^ Read and listen. Match paragraphs 1-3 with the places on the map. 2 Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. 1 Stonehenge was a religious monument. 2 They started building Stonehenge in the eighteenth century. 3 The pyramids were Egyptian tombs. 4 There were model aeroplanes in Tutankhamun’s tomb. 5 Athena was the goddess of love. 6 There were a lot of gods in Ancient Greece. 1 t- 3 Answer the questions. 1 Where is Stonehenge? 2 Where are the stones from originally? 3 Who was Tutankhamun? 4 Why were boats important in Ancient Egypt? 5 Where is the Parthenon? 6 Why is the Parthenon in danger now? 4 Check the meaning of these verbs. Then find the past forms in the text. start use carry bury believe need destroy start - started Across the curriculum History-» pt42 Grammar 1 be: past simple Look at the tables. Then complete the sentences with was or were. affirmative negative I was I wasn’t He / She / it was He / She / It wasn’t We/You/They were We / You / They weren’t questions Was I ...? Were you ...? Was he/she/it...? Were you / they...? short answers Yes, I was. / No,! wasn’t. Yes, you were. / No, you weren't. Yes, he was. / No, she wasn’t. Yes, we were. / No, they weren't. 1 Tutankhamun ... an Egyptian king. 2 Zeus and Apollo ... Greek gods. 2 Write two sentences using was / were and wasn’t / weren’t. Think carefully about your answers. Elizabeth I Spanish / English queen Elizabeth I wasn't a Spanish queen, she was an English queen. 1 Cervantes writer / director 2 Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great Polish / Russian tsars 3 Walt Disney director / actor 4 Marco Polo and Vasco da Gama astronauts / explorers 5 Michelangelo sculptor / politician 3 Complete the questions with was or were. The Ancient World expert? are you an Wh-aX ... S\ov\ehev\gel Where ... Queen Nefertiti and King Amenhotep from? What... the capital of Ancient Greece? Who ... Pythagoras and Socrates? Where ... the first Olympic Games? Who ... Julius Caesar? 4 (ЛЕ! Guess the answers, then listen and check. there was / there were 5 Translate the sentences. Are the singt and plural forms the same or different in yc language? singular There was a lot of treasure in Tutankhamun’s torn There wasn’t a real boat. plurai There were 32 model boats. There weren’t any model aeroplanes! 6 Complete the sentences with there was / were (/) or there wasn’t I weren’t (Л). In a typical Roman house, there were usuz two or three rooms. (1) ... {/) a bathroom, (2) ... (/) public baths in every town. (3) ... usually a garden next to the house and (4)... vegetables and fruit trees there. Some Rorca houses were also shops or offices, but (5)... I any computers in Roman times! 7 Look at the questions and answers. How‘s the word order different? questions and short answers Was there treasure in Tutankhamun’s tomb' Yes, there was. / No, there wasn’t. Were there mummies in the Pyramids? Yes, there were. / No, there weren’t. 8 Complete the questions with was there or were there. Then write true answers. In the last century ... were there any World Wars? Yes, there were. 1 2 3 4 5 a nuclear bomb? .. any great inventions? .. a Roman invasion? any dinosaurs in the world? .. a civil war in Russia? rOQ- Language guide p99 Vocabulary 2 ^regular verbs t Check the meaning of these verbs. Then find the past forms in the timeline below. Which two verbs are not in the timeiine? fly lose win become have do go wear take make write build 2 Цб] Listen, check and repeat. - flew Find the past form of these verbs. swim eat find drink leave see Look at the 20th century timeiine. Read and find the names of ... two inventors two explorers two astronauts a writer Read the information in the timeline again. Answer the questions. 1 Who were Orville and Wilbur Wright? 2 What disaster was there in 1912? 3 Who were the Allies? 4 Were there any CDs in 1960? 5 How many Harry Potter books are there? 1903 The American inventors Orville and Wilbur Wright flew the first aeroplane. They were in the air for 12 seconds! The Allies won the Second World War. The Allies were Britain, France, the United States and the Soviet Union. Listening (ЛЗ Listen to the audioguide from the Titanic Museum. Compiete the sentences with these numbers and dates. 2,223 3rd 4 1912 1985 1,517 1 The Titanic began her journey to New York on 10th April, ... 2 There were ... people on board. 3 The poor people travelled in ... class. 4 They found the Titanic under the sea in ... 5 Now, the ship is ... km under the surface of the ocean. 6 ... people died in the disaster. C^TeTj Listen again and choose the correct answers. Lucy Rothes was a first / second class passenger. They built the Titanic in Belfast / Dublin. The Titanic hit an iceberg on 14th Aprii / May. The ship broke into two / three parts. The ship had 20 / 50 lifeboats. Lucy Rothes survived / died. 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin went to the moon. They wore special clothes and they took photographs. 1997 The British writer JK Rowling wrote the first of seven Harry Potter books. 1900s )) 191 Os ))) 1920s )}) 1930s ))) 1940s)))1950s |) 1960s 1970s 1980s )| 1990s 1912 1,500 people lost their lives on the Titanic. 1953 Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing became the first explorers to climb Mount Everest. 1979 Sony and Philips made the first CDs. 1997 ^ American scientists built the Pathfinder robot. It went to Mars. I'T^ ,U Culture ... S'5vi,-, m '■ *^ ^V\ ■у^К^З S^^'?:'oS8ic*e*^^ J. ШШ 1 (ЛИ Read and listen. Answer the questions. 1 How many castles are there in Wales? 2 What is the name of the Welsh flag? 3 Which countries have a dragon on their flag? Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. King Edward invaded Wales in 1292. King Edward built 500 castles. In Medieval Wales, people painted the castles red. King Arthur carried a flag with a white dragon. Merlin made a prophecy about a battle between two dragons. 3 Your voice Answer the questions. What colour is your country's flag? Are there any castles in your country? Are they similar to the Welsh castles? Are there any myths about dragons in your country? Wales Population: 3 million Si Capital: Cardiff '-'f. -...... я f-' ■ CASTLES AND DRAGONS There are more than 500 castles in Wales. English king, Edward I, invaded Wales ir He built 12 castles between 1282 anc \ Caernarfon Castle became King Edwards palace. He lived there with his family. In M?" times, people painted the castles white. Bu / the castles aren't white and lots of them s ruins - some arejust a wall! I The Welsh flag is green and white with ; dragon, called'YDdraig Goch'in Welsh. Wa m Bhutan are the only countries in the wor: / a dragon on the flag! There are lots of Welsh about dragons. In one myth, King Arthur a flag with a red dragon. Merlin made a proc about a battle between a red dragon (Walei^ a white dragon (England).The red dragon 1 I .94, learn more! Wales Workbook Grammar 2 Past simple affirmative: regular verbs T Look at the sentences. What is the past simple ending for regular verbs? a) He lived there with his family. b) People painted the castles white. [2 Look at the spelling rules on page 99. Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in brackets. n Medieval times ... 1 rich people ... (live) in castles and palaces. 2 servants ... (tidy) their houses for them. 3 they ... (shop) for food at the market. - sometimes, enemies ... (attack) the castles. 5 a lot of soldiers ... (die) in the attacks. 3 the rich people usually ... (survive). Past simple affirmative: regular and irregular verbs Check the meaning of these verbs. Are they build paint invade become live carry have win see start regular or irregular? Complete the table. regular irregular point - pointed build - built 4 Listen and check. 5 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. _ast weekend we visited Castell Coch in •Vales. I (1) ... (get up) very early and I (2) ... travel) there in the car with my family. We (3) ... (arrive) at about half past ten, and we (4) ... explore) all the rooms in the castle. Then we 5) ... (have) lunch in the caf§ and i (6) ... (buy) some postcards and souvenirs in the shop. After that we (7) ... (go) to the city of Cardiff. It 8) ... (be) a great day! 6 Choose the correct answers. The Legend of King Arthur Arthur became king when he (1) were / was / had 15 years old. His friend Merlin, a wizard, (2) give / gives / gave him a magic sword cailed Excalibur. With Excalibur, Arthur (3) won / lose / win many battles and he (4) were / is / was a good king. He (5) build / builds / built a palace at Camelot, and later he married Princess Guinevere. For many years, Arthur and Guinevere (6) were / is / was very happy together. At the palace there was a round table, and all Arthur’s knights met there. People (7) cal! / called / calls them ‘the Knights of the Round Table’, and they (8) have / do / had a lot of adventures. They fought dragons, and they (9) look / looks / looked for treasure cailed the ‘Holy Grail’. In the end, Arthur’s evil nephew Mordred (10) killed / kill / kills the king. The legend says that Arthur died on the Isle of Avalon. Pronunciation: w [d] [id] a Listen and repeat. [t] or [d] [Id] watched wanted played shouted b (ЛЗ Listen. Add these verbs to the table. visited arrived started lived iiked waited Speaking 7 Think of an excursion you went on. Write sentences using these verbs. Last month ! went to Rostov. I... go get up have lunch see buy like 8 Listen to your partner. Then tell the class. Grisha went to Rostov. He ... ГОО" Language guide p99 :> ss Writing dossier A biography л/iichelangelo Michelangelo was a sculptor, painter and architect. He was born in Tuscany in 1475. /\/lidie(ange(o became a painter at the age of 13. when he was 21, he went to Rome and made his first sculpture, the Rieta . After that he came to Florence and made the famous statue David. Later, he painted the Sistine chapel in Rome. You can see Michelangelo's works in Florence and in Rome. My favourite is the Sistine Chapel. It's very popular with tourists! by Sabina (Florence] 1 (^TtJI Read and listen to the biography and answer the questions. 1 Where was Michelangelo born? 2 What were his famous works? 3 What is the writer’s favourite work? 2 Look at the Language focus. Translate the time connectors into your language. Language focus: time connectors Michelangelo was born in 1475. He became a painter af the age of 13. When he was 21, he went to Rome. After that he came to Florence. Later, he painted the Sistine Chapel. Read about Leonardo da Vinci. Choose the correct time CQCinectors^ Leonardo da Vinci was born (1) when / in 1452. He was an artist, scientist and inventor. (2) At the age of / After that 15 he went to Florence. (3) When / Later, he lived in Milan. (4) At the age of / When he was 50, he painted the Mona Lisa. (5) After that / In he went to France and lived at the King’s palace. Writing pian Ф Plan a biography of a famoi artist from history. Use the Internet or an encyclopaedia find answers to these quest* What was his / her job? Where was he / she born? Where did he / she live? What were his / her famous works? Where can you see his / he works now? What is your favourite wo."‘ 1 6 @ Write a first version. Include i Information. introduction, date and place birth ♦ life and famous works ■f places or things you can se^ related to this person (3) Check your writing. / Use time connectors. / Check the past tense verbs^' / Use the vocabulary from page 93. ® Write the final version and in your Dossier. 1 I Dialogue builder I Asking for information ■ Megan is at a museum. Listen and complete the dialogue. Assistant Megan Hello. Can I help you? Ifs over there, (1)... the Greek room. Have you got a gallery plan? It’s (2)... Here you are. Yes, there is. Look, it’s here. At(3) ... You’re welcome. Enjoy your visit! Yes, where’s the Egyptian Gallery, please? No, I haven’t. How much is it? Oh, thanks. Is there a shop here? Great, thanks. What time does the museum close? OK. Thanks for your help. I ' 73] Listen again and repeat. Practise your intonation. I magine you are visiting the British Museum. Look at the information and prepare a new dialogue. Change the bold words in the dialogue. BRITISH MUSEUM London Free entry 10:00- 17:30 (Sat-Wed) 10:00-20:30 (Thur-Fri) shop • caf6 • restaurant Useful expressions Gallery 18: The Parthenon * iVork in pairs. Practise your dialogue. • Hello, can I help you? Yes, where's ... Where’s the ..., please? Is there a ... here? Here you are. Thanks for your help. You’re welcome. Language Guide Vocabulary History makers Si writer sculptor director Irregular verbs king and queen become - became build - built do - did drink - drank eat - ate find - found fly - flew go - went have - had leave - left lose - lost make - made see - saw swim - swam take - took wear - wore win - won write - wrote politician composer scientist inventor astronaut The Ming Dynasty built the Great Wall of China. I Dictionary extra! ^ ancient (n)-A'^* god (n) ★ battle (n) ★ ★ ★ goddess (n) believe (v)**^ gold (n)^ikr* boat (n) ★ ★ ★ mummy (n) bury (v)** ruin (n)* destroy (v) ★ ★ ★ war (n)^^-A- explosion (n)** Usefulexgressionsj Where’s the please? Is there a ... here? Here you are. Thanks for your help. You’re welcome. Grammar be: past simple affirmative l/He/She/lt was We/You/They were negative 1/He/She/lt wasn’t We/You/They weren’t questions Was l/he/she/it...? Were we/you/they...? short answers Yes, 1 / he / she / it was No, we / you / they weren’t. о We use was / wasn't with I, he, she and it. We use were / weren't with you, we and they. there was/there were singular There was / wasn’t a castle. Was there a castle? Yes, there was. / No, there wasn’t. plural There were / weren’t two castles. Were there two castles? Yes, there were. / No, there weren’t. Past simple affirmative о We use the past simple to talk about events in the past, о All persons are the same. I / You / He / she / It / we / They studied English lastyear. spelling rules most regular verbs: add -ed started started regular verbs ending in -e. add -d like -> (iked regular verbs ending in consonant + -y: change -y to -i and add -ed carry -> carried regular verbs ending in consonant, vowel, consonant: double the final consonant stop stopped For irregular verbs, see Irregular verbs list, Student’s Book page 160. The pronunciation of the past simple of regular verbs changes, depending on the spelling of the verb: [t] when the verb ends in an unvoiced sound, the past simple is pronounced [t]: watch watched [d] when the verb ends in a voiced sound, the past simple is pronounced [d]; play-* played [id] when the verb ends in t or d, the past simple is pronounced [id]: want -♦ wanted Grammar exercises -» Workbook pill ^ Progress check History makers 1 Complete the sentences with these words. architect explorer astronauts composers director painter 1 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were American .... They went to the moon in 1969. 2 Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese .... He was the first to sail directly to India. 3 The ... Santiago Calatrava designed the airport in Bilbao. 4 Leonid Gaidai is a famous Russian .... Yuri Nikulin often acted in his films. 5 Goya was a Spanish .... You can see some of his work at the Prado Museum. 6 Beethoven and Bach were German .... They wrote and played classical music. Irregular verbs 2 Find six irregular past forms in the wordsquare. What are the infinitives? E в E C A M E P F A Y T E R W L T W A w E N T 1 1 R E 0 T A . E G К О T R U H A D 0 T R E A R Y 0 H E A T M A D E Past simple: be; there was / were 3 Complete the dialogue with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t. A (1) ... Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Great Pyramid of Giza? В No, it (2) ... it (3) ... in a smaller pyramid in the Valley of the Kings. A (4) ... there a lot of mummies inside the tomb? В No, there (5) ... Just Tutankhamun’s mummy. But there (6) ... a lot of treasure. A What kind of treasure? В There (7) ... sculptures and clothes and a lot of jewellery. A (8)... there a death mask? В Yes, there (9)... You can see it in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Past simple affirmative 4 Complete the text with the past simple forrr of the verbs in brackets. Neil Armstong (1) ... (be) the first man to on the moon. He (2) ... (travel) there on Apollo 11 spaceship in July 1969. Armstrc (3) ... (wear) special clothes and a helmet £“h he (4) ... (take) photographs of the moon, (5) ... (speak) to the American President ax he (6) ... (leave) an American flag on the me:, у He (7) ... (stay) there for about three ho-j:^ and then he (8) ... (return) to Earth. About ' million people (9) ... (watch) the moon land on television. Cumulative grammar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 Choose the correct words. There (1) is / are stories about dragons in all cultures, but (2) isn’t / there isn’t any evidence of real dragons. So, where (3) are/do dragons comefrom? Some people (4) say I says that dinosaurs (5) was were probably the origin. Perhaps people (6) found / find dinosaur bones or fossils, and made stories about the imaginary creatures. Pictures usually show that dragons (7) is / are similar to large reptiles (8) They’ve / Have also got wings, and they (9) breathe usually / usually breathe fire (10) England’s / Englands’ famous dragon story (11) is / are Saint George and the Dragon. Perhaps Saint George’s dragon (12) were / was a distant relative of Tyrannosaurus Rex! i;.; . Unit contents: Vocabulary Olympic sports; clothes and accessories Grammar Past simple: negative and questions; past time expressions Skills Read about the Olympic Games Listen to a tour of Wembley Stadium Write a class survey Talk about past events Across the curriculum PE Culture Sports Mad in New Zealand! 1 What sports are they playing in these pictures? 2 Where were the Olympics in 1980? a) Beijing b) Sydney c) Moscow 3 Where are the Ail Blacks from? a) England b) France c) New Zealand At school we play football, tennis and cricket. What sports do you do in PE? ^ Vocabulary 1 Olympic sports Recycle Which sports do you like? football rugby tennis basketball cricket runr i 1 Match these sports with the pictures. Which two sports are not in the pictures? badminton canoeing athletics judo skiing volleyball table tennis archery baseball gymnastics cycling swimming 2 Listen and repeat. 3 (ЗЖ1 Listen to the sounds. Which sports do you hear? 4 Read the rules for play, go and do in the Language guide on page 110. Copy and complete the table with the sports in exercise 1. play go do tennis swimming judo 5 Can you add any more sports to the table? Speaking 7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the question-in exercise 6. 6 Order the words to make questions. 1 you / Do / playing / like / football ? 2 do / often / swimming / go / How / you ? 3 you / sport / Do / on / TV / watch ? 4 are / sports / favourite / What / your ? Do you like playing football? NOr I don't. I prefer volleyball. Vocabulary plus Workbook p123 102 У 0§) The Olympic Games Did you know...? The Olympic flag symbolizes the five continents. The athletes in Ancient Greece didn't wear clothes! len didn't participate in lympic Games until 1900. r there are 97 events for jen and 163 events for Historical facts and figures Olympic winners Olympic sports 2012 Olympics KA \ I ■ 'r The first Olympic Games were in Ancient Greece in 776 BC. These Games were only for Greek athletes -international athletes didn't participate. There were events like running and the pentathlon, but there weren't any team sports. The modern Olympics started in Athens in 1896. Now they take place every four years. The only exceptions t’Were 1916, 1940 and 1944. They didn't take place in those years because of the two world wars. The Winter Olympics began in 1924. Now 80 countries participate in the Winter Games.There are seven winter sports, including skiing and ice hockey. The Paralympics didn't exist until 1960. At the first Paralympics in Rome, there were 400 athletes. Now, nearly 4000 athletes participate in the Paralympics. Before 1960, people didn't watch the Olympics on television. But in 2008, about one billion people around the world watched the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony! 4^' 4- Look at the information. What does the Olympic flag symbolize? 76 Read and listen. Choose the correct words. 1 International athletes participated / didn’t participate in the ancient Olympic Games. 2 There were / weren’t team sports in the ancient Olympics. 3 The Olympic Games took place / didn’t take place in 1940. 4 The Winter Olympics began / didn’t begin in 1925. 5 The Paralympics existed / didn’t exist in 1961. 6 People watched / didn’t watch the Beijing Olympics on television. Find these words in the text. Are they verbs or nouns? participate events take place wars athletes exist Read the information again. Answer the questions. 1 When were the first ancient Olympic Games? 2 Where were the first modern Olympic Games? 3 How many Olympic winter sports are there? 4 When were the first Paralympics? 5 Where were the Olympic Games in 2008? 6 How many Olympic events are there for men and women now? Across the curriculum PE-^pi44 Grammar 1 Past simple negative; regular and irregular verbs 1 Look at the example sentences. What form of the verb is after didn’t? Is the form the same for regular and irregular verbs? past simple: negative International athletes didn’t participate in the ancient Olympics. The athletes in Ancient Greece didn’t wear clothes! 2 Read the information, then correct the sentences. Did you know...? Yevgeniya Kanayeva won an Olympic gold medal for gymnastics when she was 18 years old. Americans started playing baseball in i 846. Beach volleyball became an Olympic sport in 1996. Wayne Rooney played his first England match at the age of 17. Taekwondo became an Olympic sport in 2000. . Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France seven times. Americans started playing baseball in 1946. They didn't start playing baseball in 1946. They started playing baseball in 1846. 1 Taekwondo became an Olympic sport in 1980. 2 Beach volleyball became an Olympic sport in 1956. 3 Wayne Rooney played for France when he was 17. 4 Yevgeniya Kanayeva won an Olympic gold medal for archery. 5 Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France ten times. Complete the text with the past simple of these verbs. write not take not drink walk not tell not sleep escape not see On Saturday 26th April, 2003, Aron Ralston went climbing in the Utah National Park, USA. He didn't tell his friends or family, and he (1) ... a mobile phone. Later, there was a terrible accident. An enormous rock trapped Aron's arm. He was therefor six days. He (2)... at night because it was very cold. He (3)... any fresh water, and there wasn't any food. He (4) ... any other people. But Aron didn't die. On the sixth day, he (5) .... He amputated his trapped arm with a small knife.Then he (6) ... six miles. Finally, a helicopter rescued him. Aron (7) ... a book about his experience. Now he climbs with an artificial arm. 4 Your voice What sports did you do last wea Write true sentences with piay, go or cfo. football skiing volleyball judo canoeing athletics swimming yoga I played football. I didn’t go skiing. 5 Compare your sentences with a partner. Who did more sport last week? rQ2 Language guide pill /п 1900, cyclists didn't wear helmets. They wore hats. 4 Put these words in alphabetical order. S Now find the words in a dictionary. How do you say them in your language? 5 Complete the sentences. Use a dictionary if you don’t know the words. 1 Today I’m wearing ... 2 When I do sport, I usually wear... 3 My favourite clothes are ... 4 I don’t like wearing ... dress shoes gloves skirt trainers cap trousers hat glasses shorts T-shirt socks Pronunciatfon: sentence stress a (ЗИ] Listen to the stress in this sentence. They didn’t wear jeans. They wore trousers. b Listen and repeat. Make sure you stress the correct words. 1 He didn’t go out. He stayed in. 2 She hasn’t got a blue bag. She’s got a r^ bag. 3 I didn’t see James. I saw Tim. 7 Your voice Think of a person in your class. What is he / she wearing today? Write a description, but don’t write his / her name. She's wearing ... 8 Work in pairs. Listen to your partner’s description. Who is it? She's wearing a red T-shirt and jeans. She's wearing trainers and she's got a blue bag. Is it Maria? Culture Sports MacMn Ne^ Zealaijd! Q A People in New Zealand are mad about sport. What are their favourite sports? Rugby is New Zealand's top sport. People also enjoy golf, horse-riding and skiing. The Maori are New Zealand's native people. Which sports did they introduce? The Maori arrived in New Zealand about a thousand years ago. They introduced water sports like surfing and canoeing. Why is the New Zealand rugtt^ team called the All Blacks? Because they w^ black T-shirts and blaci, shorts. HRiSirCHUr^Hj A A The All Blacks always do a Maori danc: called a haka. Originally it was a war dance. Cricket is New Zeaiand's second favourite sport. When did it become popular? Cricket was a popular British sport ar: New Zealand was part of the British Empire. It became popular about a hundred years ago. Bungee jumping is very popular in -Zealand. Did they invent it there? No, they didn't. Bungee Jumping was originally a Polynesian ritual. But a Nei Zealander called AJ Hackett made it popular about 30 years ago. What do you know about New Zealand? Are the sentences true or false? 1 New Zealand’s favourite sport is cricket. 2 The original people of New Zealand are called Aborigines. 3 New Zealand’s rugby team are called The Kiwis. 4 The New Zealand rugby team sing before a match. 5 In the past, New Zealand was part of the British Empire. 6 They invented bungee jumping in New Zealand. Read and listen. Check your answers and correct the false sentences. Your voice Answer the questions. In your country ... 1 Which sports are popular? 2 Do people play rugby and cricket? 3 Does bungee jumping exist? 4 Are there any famous sports people? learn more! New Zealand -» Workbook pi 33 Grammar 2 Past simple: questions and short answers * Look at the table and answer the questions, past simple: questions and short answers Did they invent bungee jumping in New Zealand? Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t. Did Edmund Hillary climb Everest? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. 1 What form is the verb after Did? 2 Is it possible to translate Did into your language? 2 Order the words to make questions about the Welsh rugby player, Gavin Henson. Did / play / at / school / Gavin / rugby ? Did Gavin play rugby at school? 1 did / Where / go / he / to / school ? 2 his / rugby / father / Did / play ? 3 for / Gavin / 2000 / Did / in / play / Wales ? 4 When / he / meet / Charlotte / did ? 5 write / Gavin / book / Did / a ? 3 Read the text and answer the questions in exercise 2. Did Gavin play rugby at school? Yes, he did. Rugby star Gavin Henson is a Welsh rugby player. He started playing rugby at Brynteg School in South Wales. His father was also a rugby player. Gavin played his first match for Wales in 2001, He was 'Young Player of the Year' 2005 was a good year for Gavin. Wales won the Six Nations Rugby Championship, Gavin's team The Ospreys'won the Celtic League and he met his girlfriend, Charlotte Church. She's a famous singer and TV presenter. Gavin also wrote his autobiography in 2005, Past time expressions 4 Translate the example sentences. Is the order of the bold words the same in your language? past time expressions___________ We played rugby yesterday. They won the League last year. I went to Australia a year ago. 1 saw him in July. Write questions with When. Then write answers with fast, ago or in. this class / start? when did this class start? This class started 40 minutes ago. 1 you / go on holiday? 2 your teacher / start working here? 3 you / celebrate your birthday? 4 your parents / meet? 5 you / finish primary school? ГШ Language guide pi 11 Listening 6 (SHI Listen to a tour of Wembley stadium. Choose the correct facts. THE NEW WEMBLEY STADIUM Opened in (1)2005/2007 i Pitch size: 105 x (2) 48 / 68 metres (3) 60 000 / 90 000 seats! , 7 (51lI Listen again and answer the questions. 1 How many toilets are there at the Wembiey stadium? 2 When did they demolish the old Wembley stadium? 3 Who did England play in their first match at the new stadium? 4 Which teams played in the first FA Cup Final at the new stadium? 5 When was the Live Earth concert at Wembley? 'jdissoQ jnoA uj ind pue uo[SJ3A [eu[| эщ ajiJM (|) SOL sBed Luoji AjBinqBOOA syods эщ 9sn /* •SLUJOj uojjsenb Uj AjBiiixne pejjoo эц^ esn / qsed JO juesojd - esuai pejjoo eq} asp / 'BujijjM jnoA }|ЭЭ1|0 (g) sujeej liBqpoj jeindod ^ >1ээм i.sB| psAB|d syods ^ 0Sioj0X9 op 9|d09d иэцо Moq 4 syods ajunoABi -f 'uojtEmjoiuj s|L{; apnpui ’S)|ns3J ЭЩ 3}UM иэщ SJSMSUB jnoA 0JBdLUOO(D *noA Aayuns $SB|3 s.onqj u; suoipanb эщ jaMsuB ‘isj| j -sijods inoqe AaAjns SSE|0 e ajBdajd (X) ue|d 6u;iuy\/v © Answers: 1 basketball 2 Rafael Nadal and Venus Williams 3 Spain 4 St Petersburg 5 every 4 years |Bi so[dLuA|o эщ op uaip moh 9 1IU0Z LUB0i 0Ljl Sj 0J0dM V LQOQZ u! djqsuojdujByo IIBqpoj uB0dojri3 0qt uom Ajpnoo 40NM S о800г ui uopejqLUjM \o sj0uuim эщ 0J0m оцм Z fue|U[>i pjpuv ssop yods уощм I- e,sJ3MSUB ац} ssanB noA ubq ^^uasajd jo pad suoitsanb эвэщ ajv Z i>|00M }SB| Aeid noA PIP syods qotqAA illBqpoi AB|d noA OQ sqj9A jaqjo (j,jB0A }SB| soidujAio ЭЦ13J3M ejapM i,SyodS LUB9t 01UnOABi jnoA 3JD 1ВЧЛЛ 3q ised luasajd suijo^ uoiisenb isnDoj эбепбиеп IPia pue OQ J9ue qj3A 34) |o lujo^ aqi s; )вцм 'snao^^ эбепбивп aqj )b >|00~] z ■siBuuoXq snbjdmAio pUB UjBUJJ9£)-JUIB5 sued smeaj lieqiooj jB(ndod 941 'ssejo Alu u| lieqjooj pue iieqja^seq 'siuuai paABjd ssjeujssep Alu >[99m jseq ■>1ээлл esoLuyjnojjo 09jqj jnoqe 9spj0X9 opAiiensn ssep Аш u| 9[do9d ЭЦХ 'soiqojee pue SIUU91 'iieqjoo^ 9JB syods aijjnoABj .sajBLUssep А[д| siin^ pip JBMM У9Ц0 MOH S| '>|ээчэ puB U3}sj| uaqi 'spjoM asaqi ц\т AaAjns aqi u! t?-i. suousanb aiaidujoo •S[JBd 01 рэлош 1 9Jopq ajam рэлп | asneoaq '9||!0sje!/\| s! Lueei neqaoo^ эцрполе^ Aiai ^ujeai iieqiooj aiynoABj.jnoA ■” leqM P •spuBU^ Alu qiiM neqiooi paAeid 1 pue '[ooqos le siuuai pue церАэпол psAeid i 1У\ээм. isej AB|d noA * •' sjjods 4014М £ •>|00M e sauJi.i 9At| JO jnoj aspjaxa op Ацепзп | ^aspjaxa op noA op •" Z •0ouejd эр jnox 041ЭЛ011 ■buipAo pue iieqioo^ 0je syods ajunoAei Aw isyods aiijnoABj. jnoA bje ‘ ■ i esiBqoBi onq :эшвм syods :Аэллп5 ssBp AdAjns ssep V jajssop Bupuyvv Dialogue builder '^aiking about past events ' Megan and Jack are talking about the weekend. Listen and choose the correct words. Megan Jack Did you have a good weekend? What did you do? Did Arsenal win? Was it a good game? ! went to a museum. - Yes, it was amazing. I saw lots of (3) mummies ___________________________________/ statues! 2 Listen again and repeat. Practise your intonation. 3 Look at part of the match report and answer the questions. Yes, I did. It was fantastic! I went to a football match. Arsenal v (1) Liverpool / Newcastle. Yes, they did. They won two (2) nil / one. Yes - it was great. Anyway, what about you? What did you do at the weekend? Was it good? That sounds amazing! Si Arsenal 2 0 Liverpool Theo Walcott Cesc Fabregas Date; 20th May Match rating **** Stadium: Emirates (Arsenal) Referee: James Davies Attendance: 52 000 Star player; Cesc Fabregas Did Liverpool win? Did Theo Walcott score a goal? Did Arsenal play at home or away? How many spectators were there? Who was the star player? ' CHELSEA V MANCHESTER UNITED SATURDAY 15.00 STAMFORD BRIDGE ®Cineplex THE DARK KNIGHT ! ' 5 Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue. ^ Did you have a good weekend? ^ Yes, ] did. Useful expriisionsj Did you have a good weekend? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. What did you do? I went to ... 4 Prepare a new dialogue. Use the tickets below or your own ideas. > Language Guide Vocabulary Olympic sports play ! go ! do play + ball sports: play football / tennis / baseba. go + -ing: go swimming / running do: do judo / archery badminton canoeing athletics skiing volleyball archery - A ■ baseball gymnastics cycling swimming judo tennis Clothes and accessories cap shoes trousers dress skirt T-shirt glasses trainers socks gic.s^i Dictionary extra! ^ Ancient Greece (n) Paralympics (n) arrive (v}^*^ participate (v)^* athlete (n)-A- take place (v) bungee team sport (n) jumping (n) water sport (n) event (n) ★ ★ ★ wear (v)**^ invent (v) ★ ★ winter (happening Maori (n) in winter)-A:^^ Useful expressions Did you have a good weekend? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. What did you do? I went to ... Was it good? Yes, it was amazing. (l^ Grammar Past simple negative negative ! / You He/She/It We / You / They didn’t (did not) play yesterday. о We make negative sentences in the past with didn't and the infinitive. I didn't play football. / Past simple questions and short answers questions Did 1 / you he / she / it we / you / they swim yesterday? short answers Yes, 1 / you he / she / it we / you / they did. No, didn’t. We make questions in the past with Did and the infinitive. Did you swim yostoxdayl / Л In short answers in the past simple we don’t repeat the main verb. Did you play tennis? Yes, I did. / X Past time expressions о We use time expressions with the past simple to say when something happened or when we did something. last night / weekend / week / month / year three hours / days / months / years ago in October /1998 I went to the cinema last weekend. My team won a week ago. I visited my grandparents in September. ^ Grammar exercises Workbook p113 ^ Progress check Olympic sports 1 Write the sports. Clothes and accessories 2 Write the words for clothes and accessories a-e. Past simple: negative 3 Correct the sentences. Write one negative and one affirmative sentence. Use the information in brackets. 1 David Beckham played for Real Betis. Л (Real Madrid /) 2 Spain won the 2006 World Cup. X (Italy У) 3 The Tour de France started in 1800. X (1903 У) 4 Taekwondo became an Olympic sport in 1998.x (2000 /) 5 Cyclists started wearing lycra shorts in the 19th century. X (20th century /) Past simple: questions and answers Write past simple questions. Then write short answers. 1 2 3 4 5 you / go on holiday last summer? (/) Serena Williams / win Wimbledon in 2007? (Xl your parents / meet in England? (X) lhaki Urdangarin / marry a princess? (/) you / drive to school? (X) Past time expressions 5 Look at the information and answer the questions. Use as many time expressions м you can. World Cup Finals Year Place Final 2006 Germany Italy (5) - France (3) 2002 Korea and Japan Brazil (2) - Germany 3f 1998 France France (3) - Brazil (0 1994 USA Brazil (3) - Italy (2) 1 2 3 4 5 When was the World Cup in the USA? When did France win the World Cup? When was the final between Brazil and Germany? When did Italy win the World Cup? When was the World Cup in Germany? Cumulative grammar I 1>2>з>4>5>б>7>« 6 Choose the correct words. In 2014 Sochi (1) hosts / hosted the XXI Olympic Winter Games. A total of 98 ever3 (2) were / was held during the Games. events (3) took / take place in fantastic ne*i venues. (4) Do / Did you know how та"ч people in Russia watched the Olympics? 0\э 63 million! There (5) is / are three mascots, a logo and a slogan for the Olympics. The mascots (6) Is / are the Polar Bear, the Hare and the Leopard. The logo (7) features / is featuring a web address. The Games' official slogan is Hot. Cool. Yours. What (8) does / do it represent? sochiof 20140G 112 твпшпшИ Unit contents: Vocabulary The weather and seasons; landscape features Grammar be going to; How...? questions; must/mustn't Skills Read about holiday camps Listen to the weather forecast; people talking about holiday plans Write a letter Express quantity Across the curriculum Geography Culture Welcome to Canada! ■ - ^Holida^quiz^ Last summer I went to Spain with my family. Where did you go on holiday last year? 1 Look at the pictures. Did you go to any places like these last year? 2 Which is the most popular holiday destination for British tourists? a) France b) Spain c) The USA 3 Where is the world’s longest beach? a) Brazil b) Scotland c) Wales 4 In Australia, what season is it in August? a) summer b) winter c) spring S % 113 Vocabulary 1 The weather and seasons 1 Match the weather words with the pictures. sunny warm windy hot cloudy foggy rainy snowy stormy wet cold dry ^ i^spring... n Recycle Look at the activities. What do you like doing on holiday? go swimming sunbathe go camping take photos make new friends go shopping ^ ssummer... ^winter... 2 (3§i] Listen and repeat. 3 Look at the months. Then close your book and write them in the correct order. Are they in spring, summer, autumn or winter? May Fe'.ruary September Aprii December October January November March 4 (^UlI Listen to the weather forecast. Which season is it? Vocabulary plus -» Workbook p124 > e Ш 5 (£И] Listen again. Put the symbols in the correct places on the map. 6 Yourvoi^ What’s the weather like in different seasons in your town? Ask and answer. What's the weather like in spring? ^It's warm and sunny. Home About T Holidays From Hannah Date posted 23 July, 16:00 Is there anyone there? Hi! I'm going to be at Camp Active next week, from 30th July to 8th August, is anyone else going to be there? Please write back if you are. I don't want to be all alone! Also, what is it going to be like? It's going to be my first time there ... From William Date posted 23 July, 16:20 Camp Active is the best! Hey, Hannah. Which holiday are you going to do? I did Multi Activity last year and it was the best holiday ever!! This year I'm going with my brother Nathan. I'm going to do Extreme Adventure this time and he's going to do Multi Activity, it's his first time too! We aren't going to stay in the indoor accommodation, though. They've got tents there, so we're going to stay on the campsite. It's going to be hot next week so I think we're going to be OK! By the way, Multi Activity is things like cycling, football, zip wires, etc. On Extreme Adventure we're going to do zorbing as well! From Jessica Date posted 23 July, 17:15 Only one week to go! Hi there. Don't worry, Hannah - you aren't going to be all alone! My friend Amy and I are going to be there too. We're going to do Water Sports (kayaking and windsurfing), but we're staying in the indoor accommodation. No camping - it's going to rain all day on Saturday! William, you are going to get very wet!! Camp Active is fantastic. The instructors are really nice. One of them (David) was so cool but he isn't going to be there this year. From Hannah Date posted 23 July, 18:00 I am going to do Extreme Adventure too.The zorbing looks amazing!! I can't wait!! (SH Read and listen. Then answer the question. Which of the three types of holiday are Hannah, William and Jessica going to do? Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. 1 This is William’s first time at Camp Active. 2 Everyone does the same activities at Camp Active. 3 There are two types of accommodation at Camp Active. 4 Jessica is going to Camp Active alone. 5 Hannah is going to try zorbing. 3 Answer the questions. 1 When is Hannah going to arrive at Camp Active? 2 Did Hannah go there last year? 3 Did William go to Camp Active last year? 4 Does William like camping? 5 Which holiday are Jessica and Amy going to do? 6 Who was Jessica’s favourite instructor? 4 Would you like to go on a Camp Active holiday? Why? / Why not? Across the curriculum Geographypi46 Grammar 1 be going to 1 Look at the examples. What form is the verb after be going to7 affirmative I’m going to be at Camp Active next week. It’s going to rain all day on Saturday! We’re going to stay on the campsite. negative I’m not going to do Multi Activity this year. David isn’t going to be there this year. We aren’t going to stay in a tent. Future time expressions tonight tomorrow next week next month next year 2 Compiete the sentences with the be going to form of the verbs in brackets. It’s going to rain (rain) tonight. 1 ! ... (study) tomorrow morning. 2 My cousins ... (come) for dinner tomorrow evening. 3 I ... (buy) some new clothes next weekend. 4 My sister... (visit) London next month. 5 We ... (go) skiing next winter. 6 Spain ... (win) the World Cup next time. 3 Make the sentences in exercise 2 negative. 4 Complete the email. Use the affirmative or negative form of be going to. Hi Katy, It’s nearly the holidays! I’m not going to go (not go) on holiday with my parents this summer. I (1) ... (spend) two weeks at a summer camp! My brother (2) ... (come) too. We (3) ... (stay) in the forest, but we (4)... (not camp). There are cabins for eight people. It (5) ... (be) great! I hope it (6) ... (not rain). We (7)... (do) lots of different sports like climbing and canoeing. Don’t worry - I (8) ... (send) you lots of photos! Have a great holiday! Love, Sarah Look at the questions. How is the word order different from the affirmative? questions and answers Are you going to try zorbing? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Is it going to rain? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Which holiday are you going to do? I’m going to do the Watersports holiday. Write questions about plans for the summe* holiday. Use be going to. What / do this summer? whdtareyou going to do this summer? 1 Where / go? 2 Who / go with? 3 What/read? 4 you / study this summer? 5 What sports / play? 6 you / speak English? Speaking Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questiont in exercise 6. Can you think of any more questions? ^ What are you going to do this summer? ^ I'm going to go on holiday. Language guide p123 4S9JO^u|BJ ещ (о s||Bj bjb6b!n Эф (q 'SureiunoiAi Л>10оу eqi (в ■■■ BBS 01 6ию6 sj ив6в|Л| g pu8!4U0d (о puBU^IJjB {q uisnoo (в uopuoq MS'A 016uio6 SI s,>iOBp f ■вшоц JB (o SpUBU^ ЦЦМ (b ■ ■ ■ AbJS 01 6uj06 S,>jOBp 0 ■SBABO 0LUOS (o ■|[ВрВ|ВМ в (в ■ llSjA 01 6ию6 S^BUUUUy Z ■|0ЮЧ (о ‘0ЛВО (в • • • в U| AbIS 01 биюб 8JB AjjUJBl J0L1 pUB ВШШЗ 1. ’SJSMsue loejjoo ЭЩ asooqo pue u|b6b uaisn g clISIA 01 6uio6 ЦОВЭ Лэц) ajB Ajiunoo ч^!ЧМ 'suB|d Аврпоц jjaip inoqe fiujiiBqo >|оер pue вшшз ‘ивбэуу oj U3}sn i? ■oiisduiBO в uo (q ■1S8J01UIBJ 8Щ (q ■В1ЦЛ (q Answers: 1 the Thames 2 for example, the Volga, the Oka, the Don 3 the Alps 4 for example, the Sahara Desert, the Na-Desert, the Kalahari Desert 5 Niagara Falls 6 any from: Spa;-France, Monaco, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia Flerzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece,Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Eg ^ Libya,Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco l^эs ueauBJJBiipBp. sq; punojE sBuiunoo jnoi blueu noA ue^ iVSn puB врвивз UBBMiaq s[ nB^jaieM snotuBj qajqA* iBopiv ijssap в BLueu noA ue^ iAiBii puB aauBj; uasMiaq ajB sujBiunouj цэщлг iBjSSnij L sjaAU OMj SLUBU noA ub^ iuopuoq ui Sj JBAU L|Djq/y ‘Эбвс1 Эф lO LUOllOq ЭЦ1 1B SJ3MSUB jnoA 3|O04O ‘zinb AqdBj6o36 эщ Aji г 6u|ua)sn 'IBdddJ puE uaisn r^gp ? 6fflMWTiuH>tltof)iliitfinHUTnHmHtihmmHTtiHMiimimHtornn»mni\\mnyirtirawnnroTT)nnTTimnTpmnitHii puBjS! qoB0q ^ ijosop isajoiuiBi isojoi IIB1J01BM 0ЛВО 0>jB| J0AU UIBlUnOUU BBS 6 dBm aqi uo saoB|d aqi qiiM spjOM asaqi чэ)В|/\| „ 8эл1)еэ| adeospuen Z AjBinqeaoA Culture... Canada Population: 33 million Capital: Ottawa Other cities: Toronto, Vancouver Languages: English and French Here are the answers t0-SQme ofyour Frequently Asked Questions.. INiow high are the Niagara Falls? The Niagara Falls are only 52 metres high. The world's highest waterfall is the Angel Falls in Venezuela -that's 979 metres high! How big are Canada's Great Lakes? There are five Great Lakes; Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario. Lake Superior is 82 000 km^.That's bigger than Scotland! How many national parks are there in Canada? There are 36 national parks, including the Banff National Park.That's where the Rocky Mountains are. How high are the Rocky Mountains? Is it safe to go walking there? The Rocky Mountains are more than 4000 metres high. It's a great place to go walking, but be careful - there are bears in summer. Remember that you mustn't feed them! Can we visit the Arctic Circle? How cold is it there? Yes, you can visit the Canadian province of Nunavut. You can see polar bears there - it's -50 degrees winter so you must take some wa'-clothes! We want to travel from east to west. How far is it? Canada is an enormous country. It 4466 km from Toronto to Vancou'. on the train.The journey takes thn days and three nights ~ but you se some wonderful landscapes on the way! 1 Look at the pictures. Do you know the names of these places? 2 d[li] Read and listen. Complete the sentences with these numbers. 36 82 000 4000 52 4466 1 The Niagara Falls are ... metres high. 2 Lake Superior is ... km^. 3 There are ... national parks in Canada. 4 The Rocky Mountains are ... metres high. 5 It’s ... km from Toronto to Vancouver. Your voice Answer the questions. In your country... 1 Which places do tourists visit? 2 Are there any high mountains? 3 Are there any big lakes? 4 How cold is it in winter? 5 How hot is it in summer? learn more! Canada Workbook p' Srammar 2 How...? questions ' Translate the questions into your language. How...? questions How big is Lake Superior? How high are the Niagara Falls? How far is it from the east to the west of Canada? How cold is it in Nunavut in winter? 2 Match the questions with the answers. 1 How old is your school? 2 How fast can a cheetah run? 3 How tall are you? 4 How long is an Olympic swimming pool? 5 How hot is it here in summer? a) About 1 metre 70 centimetres. b) About 20 years old. c) 35 degrees. d) About 100 kph. e) 50 metres. 3 Write questions about the two amusement parks. Use these words. How far How old How high How fast How far is Port Aventura from Barcelona? Port Aventura 80 km from Barceiona opened in 1995 Star ride: Hurakan Condor height: 100 metres speed: 110 kph must / mustn’t 5 How do you say these words in your ianguage? must / mustn’t We use must for obligation. We use mustn'tfor prohibition. 6 Look at the signs and match the rules with the pictures. ROCKY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK RULES 1 You must respect the plants and flowers. 2 You mustn't camp. . 3 You must use the litter bins. 4 You mustn't make a fire. 5 You must close the gates. 6 You mustn'Heed the bears. Write rules for this ride. Use must or mustn’t. buy a ticket / You must buy a ticket. 1 be more than 1 m tall / 2 take photos л 3 sit down / 4 eat or drink Л 5 carry a bag on the ride X pjsRQUE W ^RNEF( 25 km from Madrid opened in 2002 Star ride: Superman roliercoaster height: 50 metres speed: 100 kph 4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer. How far is Port Aventura from Barcelona? J» It's 80 km. Pronunciation: must/ mustn't a C°T^ Listen and repeat. You must have a passport. You mustn’t use a mobile on the plane. b (5И] Listen. Do you hear must or mustn’t? 8 Yourvoi^ Write rules for your classroom. You mustn't use mobile phones. Language guide pi23 Writing dossier A letter Dear Rafael, You're going to be here soon! I'm going to meet you with my parents at the airport, on Saturday 23rd August at half past three. Later in the evening we're going to go to a party at my friend's house, so you can practise your English! On Sunday we're going to watch an Arsenal match, is that OK? Then we're going to visit some places with the other exchange students. I think we're going to go to Oxford on Tuesday and to Bath on Friday. You must bring some warm clothes because it often rains here in summer. There's a big carnival in London at the weekend. We're going to have fun! See you soon, Jack (ЗШ Jack’s Spanish penfriend is going to visit London. Read and listen to Jack’s letter and answer the questions. 1 When is Rafael going to arrive in London? 2 What are they going to do on Sunday? 3 Which other places are they going to visit? 4 When is the carnival? Look at the Language focus. Copy and complete the table with these words and phrases. summer Saturday the airport half past three the evening 23rd August Language focus; prepositions of place and time towns and cities in parts of the day months / seasons on at days dates times places London (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 3 Complete the sentences with at, in or on. 1 I’m going to arrive ... 15th July. 2 It’s usually hot here ... August. 3 The party starts ... eight o’clock. 4 There’s a medieval castle ... Warwick. @ Writing plan (D Plan a letter. Imagine a British student is going to stay with you this summer. Answer these questions. 1 When / Where are you going to meet? 2 What are you going to do on the first day? 3 What other places are you going to visit? 4 What’s the weather going to be like? 5 What clothes must he / she bring? (2) Write a first version. Include this information. > arrangements for meeting ■f plans for the first day 4- plans for the rest of the week -f weather / clothes to bring (3) Check your writing. / Use the correct forms of be going to. / Use at, in and on correctly. 0 Write the final version and put it in your Dossier. г Dialogue builder Expressing quantity 1 (Jil] Jack is at the post office. Listen and complete the dialogue. i Assistant Jack r Hello. Can [ help you? It’s 50 pence for all European countries. Certainly. Here you are. That’s (3) please. Thanks. Yes - it’s just outside, on the corner. Yes - how much does it cost to send a letter to (1)...? Oh, OK. And can I have five (2) ... class stamps as well, please? Thanks. How much is that? Here you are. Is there a postbox near here? Thanks. Bye. 2 Listen again and repeat. Practise your intonation. 3 Look at the envelope. Put the parts of the address in order. □ street name П surname Ш first name □ house number □ postcode □ city 5 Imagine you’re on holiday in London, and you want to send postcards to your friends. Prepare a new dialogue. 6 Work In pairs. Practise your dialogue. Hello. Can I help you? Yes - how much does it cost... П Sarah Hirst, 45 church Road, Oxford, 0X1 5 PR - Write this address in the correct order. South Street NG5 2BN Nottingham 32 Mr Richard Brown Useful'expressions; How much does it cost to send a letter to...? Can I have ... first / second class stamps, please? Is there a postbox near here? Language Vocabulary The weather and seasons Spring Summer I 's f warm cloudy rainy Autumn sunny dry wet windy foggy cold snowy stormy Dictionary extra! ^ accommodation (n)-*^ national park (n)^ adventure (n)^^ tent (n)** camping (n)^ train (n)^** campsite (n) travel (v)**^ east (n)^^* west (n)^T*r^ high (adj)^^^ windsurfing (n) journey (n)*^^ zorbing (n) How much does it cost to send a letter to ...? Can I have ... first / second class stamps, please? How much is that? Is there a postbox near here? Grammar be going to affirmative I'm (am) going to visit Canada. You're (are) He / She / It's (is) We / You / They're (are) negative I'm not (am not) going to visit Canada. You aren't (are not) He / She / It isn't (is not) We / You /They aren't (are not) questions Ami going to travel tomorrow? Are you Is he/she/it Are we / you / they short answers Yes,lam./No, I'm not. Yes, you are. / No, you aren't. Yes, he / she / it is. / No, he / she / it isn't. Yes, we / you / they are. / No, we / you / they aren't. о We use be going to to talk about plans and intentions for the future. 0 To form sentences we use: subject + be + going to + verb She + is + going to + arrive Future time expressions о We use future time expressions to say when we are going to do something. tonight tomorrow next week next month next year How...? questions How + adjective + be + ...1 How + big + is + your city? How + adverb + can/do +...? How + fast + can + you run ? must / mustn’t 1 You must sit down. He/She/It mustn't eat here. We / You / They о We use must for rules, regulations and obligations. о We use mustn't for prohibition, о The form is the same for all persons. ^ Grammar exercises -» Workbook p115 ^ @r Progress check Weather and seasons 1 Write sentences to describe the weather. 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 2 Which season are these festivals in? Write sentences. Halloween (October) Halloween is in autumn. 1 Christmas (December) 2 The Notting Hill Carnival (August) 3 Easter (March or April) 4 Thanksgiving (November) 5 Independence Day (July) Landscape features 3 Complete the text with these words. Ocean forests Islands volcanoes Sea The Kuril (1)... are in Far Eastern Russia. They separate the (2) ... of Okhotsk and the Pacific (3) ... . This chain of islands is about 1200 kilometres long. The biggest island is Shikotan. It’s 225 square kilometres. The climate on the islands is harsh, with long cold winters and short foggy summers. In summer the temperature does not usually rise above 19 degrees. There are about 100 (4) ... on the islands. The biggest one is Alaid. It’s 2339 metres high. There are a lot of (5) ... in the south with lots of different species of plants and animals. Spruce and larch trees are dominant there. How...?questions 4 Write questions. Use How and these adjectives. high many long warm big 1 ... is Shikotan Island? It’s 225 square kilometres. 2 ... is Alaid volcano? It’s 2339 metres. 3 ... volcanoes are there on the Kuril Islands? There are about 100. 4 ... is it on the islands in summer? It’s about 19 degrees. 5 ... is the chain of the islands? It’s 1200 kilometres. be going to 5 Write sentences or questions with be going tz. 1 What/you / do / in August (?) 2 I / visit / a friend in Galicia (/) 3 We / not go / abroad (Л) 4 My cousin / travel to Mexico (/) 5 Where / she / stay (?) 6 She / not speak / English (X) must / mustn’t 6 Write sentences with must / mustn’t and these phrases. buy a ticket run have a shower dive bring glass bottles wear a swimming hat Cumulative grammar Г^2>з>4>5>6 ? 7 Choose the correct words. A Excuse me! (1) Do you live / You live he e В Yes, I do. Can I (2) help / to help you? A Yes. How (3) high / far is it to the top of th= (4) river / mountain? В Oh, it’s about ten miles. (5) You have got Have you got an umbrella? A Er, no. I (6) didn’t bring / not brought ore (7) Is / It’s a beautiful day! В Well, you (8) must / must to walk (9) quid quickly. It’s (10) raining / going to rain aa Name the four seasons. The Book Name three places in Canada and three places to visit in your country. Name six Olympic sports. What's the I weather like in your town today? What was it like yesterday? What are the past simple forms of these verbs? write read buy find see Can you name one Egyptian king, one Austrian composer, one German scientist and one English queen? Finish Reading 1 Read the book reviews. Which three types of books are they? comedy music adventure horror novel sport Holiday Reading Ош* s^igiis ii@ga!B@!i!!i spirit of the Mountain by Shelley Davidow This novel is based in South Africa and it’s about a girl called Emily. Emily is anorexic and she says she isn’t going to eat again. But then she goes to stay with her uncle on his farm and she meets two new friends: a boy called Joey and a woman called Anna. Slowly, her life begins to change ... I really enjoyed reading this book. I found it in my school library, and I definitely recommend it! Cathy (13) Big Match Manager by Tom Sheldon This book is a football adventure! The reader must play imaginary football games and try to solve a mystery. If you’re a football fan, it’s a perfect book for your summer holiday because it’s great fun. My mum and dad gave me this book on the last day of school and I really enjoyed it because it’s so interactive. Tom (11) THE ALEX RiDER SERIES by Anthony Horowitz This is a series of books about a teenage spy called Alex Rider. I read the first book (Stormbreaker) last summer and this summer Гт going to шаЬ the seventh one, catted Smkehead. Alt the books are. great because the stories are really exciting. Alex Rider has lots of adventures in different places around the world. I recommend this series to anyone who likes adventure books. Jamie (12) Read the reviews again and answer the questions. 1 Where does Emily live in Spirit of the Л/lou ' 2 Where did Cathy find the book? 3 What must the reader do with Big Match Manager? 4 Why did Tom enjoy the book? 5 When did Jamie read stormbreaker? 6 What is Jamie going to read this summe'" Listening Listen to Ann and Rob talking about summer reading. Choose the correct ans> 1 Which book did Ann read last summer? a) the last Harry Potter book b) The Lord of the Rings c) Pride and Prejudice 2 Which book is she going to read this sum" a) Wuthering Heights b) Pride and Prejudic c) stormbreaker 3 How long is her new book? a) 250 pages b) 380 pages c) 420 pac^ 4 How many books does Rob usually read summer holidays? a) one b) two c) three 5 What’s he going to read this summer? a) a book about Australia b) Snakehead c) The Lord of the Rings 6 What was the last book he read? a) Snakehead b) Stormbreaker c) a book about sport Speaking 4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer. ■ what was the last book you read? ■ What was it about? which book are you going to read this summer: How many books do you usuaWy read in the holidays? Do you read English books? What are your favourite books? Project You are going to prepare a ‘Summer Reading’ section for your school magazine Listen to your teacher’s instructions. ж ж Grammar Past simple 1 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Last August I (1)... (go) to a summer camp, and this is the book I (2)... {read} there. Ifs called Howto Survive Summer Camp ar\d it's byjacgueline Wilson. I (3)... (not buy) the book - ray sister (4)... (give) it to rae for ray birthdoy. The book is about a girl called Stella at the Evergreen Saramer Carap. Atfrst Stella (5)... (not be) happy, but in the end she (6)... (enjoy) her holiday. The people (7)... (be) nice, and she (8) ... (notwant) to go home! i really (9)... (like) this book. It (10)... (be) very funny, and i recoraraend it to anyone who is going to go to summer camp this year! be going to Correct the sentences. Write one negative and one affirmative sentence with be going to. JK Rowling is going to write a new Harry Potter book, (go on holiday) JK Rowling isn't going to write a new Harry Potter book. She's going to go on holiday. 1 They are going to make ten Harry Potter films, (eight) Johnny Depp is going to be Harry Potter in the next film. (Daniel Radcliffe) I’m going to read seven Harry Potter books this summer, (one) We’re going to see the new film on Friday. (Saturday) Harry Potter is going to die in the last film, (live) Question forms 3 Complete the questions for these answers. 1 When ...? JRR Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings in 1954. 2 Where ...? They made the films in New Zealand. 3 What...? The director’s going to make a new film next year. 4 ... in English? No, I'm not. I’m going to read the book in Russian. 5 How...? There are three The Lord of the Rings books, 6 How ...? The hobbits are about one metre tall. 4 Choose the correct words. 1 Ron and Hermione was / were Harry’s friends. 2 There was / were a new Jacqueline Wilson book last year. 3 We studied / will study that book at school last year. 4 1 didn’t read / read The Lord of the Rings books, but I saw the films. 5 I buy / bought a new book yesterday. 6 Did you finish / You finished alt the Harry Potter books? 7 What you are / are you going to read this summer? 8 You must read / to read this book - it’s fantastic! m s: о W) • ■SI > €> I ; no: n., new document italics highlight paste open a file copy cut save underline print zoom bold centre undo strikethrough 6 Use a word processing program to copy the following text so it looks exactly the same. I have a computer 3t hoiTI0 that 1 share with the rest of my family and I go on the computer nearly every day. Sometimes I play games but 1 also talk to friends with instant messaging and about once a week I use the computer to do my hofnework My mum travels a lot and she buys all her aeroplane tickets online. Project Write a short text and use word processing tools to edit it. Plan Write a short text about the computers you use. Answer these questions: • Do you use a computer at home or at school? • How often do you use the computer? • What do you use the computer for? Research Use the Internet to find tips on using a word processing program. Try this link: www.jegsworks. com/Lessons/words/basics/index.html Prepare Now use the word processing tools to make the text look as good as possible. For example: • use different fonts and sizes • put some words in bold or italics • use underline • include some colour. Present your material Print out your document and show it to your teacher and classmates. Data We can collect data by observation, by experiment or by questionnaires. Once we have the data we can show it in different ways. 1 Complete the diagram descriptions with these words, histogram line graph pie chart ba* swimming A ... to show favourite sports of 30 students in class 10BJ. A ... to show number of students from classes 10BJ and 10XF who had school dinners between October and June. 14- 12 10- 3 2- o4 I ■ I I c Ф "D Ф .Q £ D C brown blue green eye colour hazel 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2- 1- 0 140-145 145-150 ' 150-155 ' 155-160 160-165 height A ... to show eye colour of students in class 10BJ. A ... to show height of students in class 10BJ. 2 Look at the diagrams in exercise 1. Say if the statements are true or false. 1 The favourite sport of students in class 10BJ is swimming. 2 More students in class 10BJ enjoy tennis more than basketball. 3 No one in class 10XF is less than 145 cm tall. 4 Most students are between 155-160 cm tall. 5 Fewer students had school dinner in October than in June. 6 The number of students having school dinner decreased through the year. 7 Most students in class 10BJ have brown eyes. 8 The total number of students in class 10BJ is 33. 1ШСМ Drawing pie charts A pie chart is a circie divided into different sectors and it is a good way to make quick comparisons. We can make two pie charts to compare preferences of boys and giris from the foilowing data. 3 Copy and complete the table with the total number of boys and girls in class 9CT. favourite sport girls boys football 4 9 swimming 7 6 tennis 7 3 ... (girls) ... (boys) Before we can draw the pie charts we need to calculate the ANGLE of the sector representing each sport. To find this, we need to know the FRACTiON of the students who prefer each sport and then multiply the fraction by 360 degrees. 4 Copy and complete the table with the angles. a) Draw a circle and a radius. favourite sport girls ANGLE boys ANGLE football 4/18 X 360 9/18 X 360 ... swimming 7/18 X 360 140 6/18x360 120 tennis 7/18 X 360 140 3/18x360 ... b) Measure the angles carefully with a protractor. c) The completed pie chart for girls looks like this. 5 Draw the two pie charts in your notebook. Project Write a questionnaire for your class to find out what they think about school. Show the data using different kinds of diagrams. Research Put the data into a table like this. 1 Which school subject do you like best? Plan Write a questionnaire for your classmates. You could include questions like these: Which school subject do you like best? a) Maths b) English c) PE How much time do you spend each week doing homework? a) less than one hour b) between one hour and three hours c) more than three hours but less than six hours Which school subject do you find most difficult? a) Maths b) English c) Science Maths English PE boys 7 5 11 girls 5 6 12 Prepare Decide on the best way to show your data using different kinds of diagrams. Draw the diagrams. Present your material Put your graphs on a poster and write a short text to explain what you found. I 3 W U 01 V) О u < ^ Шт tytiriityilLyiiiiii) Animals 1 Match the words with the pictures. fur wings hair gills feathers eggs scales lungs © ^ ~ <>> \-;v/ ^ 2 Complete the sentences with the words from exercise 1. 1 An eagle has two ... and is covered with .... 2 A cat is covered with ... but a gorilla has .... 3 A salmon is covered with ... and uses ... to breathe. 4 An orang-utan breathes through two .... 5 Some baby animals (for example eagles) come from .... Vertebrates 3 Complete the texts with these words. Reptiles Amphibians Mammals Fish Birds Animals are either vertebrates - with a backbone, or invertebrates - without a backbone. There are five groups of vertebrates. 1 ... use lungs to breathe. They have dry skin 4 with scales and they lay eggs. They are coldblooded. Turtles belong in this group. 2 ... use lungs to breathe. They are warmblooded and they have hair or fur. They give 5 birth to live young. Humans belong in this group. 3 ... are warm-blooded. They have feathers. They lay eggs with hard shells. They have wings and breathe through lungs. Eagles belong in this group. Copy the table and write the names of these animals in ... are cold-blooded. Their skin is wet. The young have gills but adults have lungs. They lay their eggs in water. Frogs belong in this group. ... are cold-blooded too. They have gills and live in water. They lay their eggs in water and they have wet scales. Sardines belong in this group. / эас the correct column. reptiles amphibians fish birds mammals 5 Read these fascinating facts about animals. Say if the statements are true or false. '”►-1 о 1 A chameleon’s tongue is four times as long as its body. 2 A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror. 3 A female mackerel lays about 500 000 eggs at one time. 4 A baby kangaroo is about 20 cm long. 5 An albatross can sleep while it flies. 6 An iguana can stay under water for 40 minutes. 7 Salamanders have four toes on each foot. 8 A cow gives nearly 200 000 glasses of milk in its lifetime. 6 Add the names of the animals from exercise 5 to the groups In exercise 4. Then add one more animal to each group. Project Do a project about an animal. Plan Choose an animal from your completed table in exercise 4. Research Use the Internet to find out information about this animal. Make notes about these things: • What animal group does it belong to? (mammals, reptiles, etc) • What does it look like? (scales, fur, etc) • Does it lay eggs? • Where does it live? (on land, in the water, etc) • Are there any interesting facts about this animal? Prepare Make a poster about your animal. Include a picture and all of the information you found on the Internet. Don't write one long text — use sub-headings to organize the information into different sections. Present your material Show your completed poster to your classmates and teacher. 3 31 iO? Ip' Ф Where we live 1 Copy the diagram and label it with these words. village town city rural urban | number of houses a I I ■air a в g a> _______________________________ - -4^' 2 Complete the text with these words. commute farm services shop | One in four people in the United Kingdom live in rural areas. Some people live in single houses, for example a (1)... , and others live in villages where there are a few houses and small number of (2) ... , for example a (3) ... and post office. Many villages near towns are growing because people can (4) ... to work. This means that they regularly travel a long way from their homes to get to work. Urbanisation 3 Read the text and answer the questions. People all over the world are moving from rural homes to cities. Urbanisation is when the percentage of people living in cities goes up. This is happening very rapidly in the world today because many people are moving from rural areas to the cities. In 1800, only about 3% of the total world population lived in cities, but now almost half of the people in the world live in cities. In 1900 only two cities had more than 1 million inhabitants (millionaire cities). Today there are more than 300 millionaire cities in the world. Megacities have more than 10 million people living there. In 2015 experts think that the world will have 27 megacities. 1 What percentage of the world’s population today live in cities? 2 What is a millionaire city? 3 How many millionaire cities were there in 1900? 4 How many millionaire cities are there today? 5 What is a megacity? 4 Look at the information about the world’s urban population. 1 is the biggest. Say if the statements are true or false. World's urban population t 1950 730 million 1970 1,350 million 1990 2,380 million ttl North-South divide World's ten biggest cities 1970 1990 ® %) % @ 1 In 1950 the world’s urban population was about 730 million people. 2 The world’s urban population is getting smaller. 3 In 1990 most of the world’s ten biggest cities were south of the North-South divide. 4 In 1970 the world’s biggest city was New York. 5 In 1990 the world’s biggest city was Mumbai in India. 6 In 1990 the world’s urban population was 1,350 million people. Project Find some facts about the population in your country and describe where you live. Plan Think about the place where you live. Do you live in a rural or urban home? Are there many services where you live? Choose the four biggest cities in your country. Prepare to make a graph to show the changes in population of the cities (use an appropriate scale). Research Find out about the population of the biggest cities in your country in 1950 and 2000. Prepare Put the information about the cities on the graph and write a short text to describe the place where you live and the biggest cities in your country. Present your material Put the information on a poster and compare with your classmates. city 1 city 2 city 3 city 4 |>4- J И Prehistoric times 1 Match the words with the pictures. 1 hut 2 axes and knives 3 bow and arrows 4 spear 5 cave painting 6 bones 7 shells 8 jewellery Cro-Magnons 2 Read the text and answer the questions. When and where they lived The Cro-Magnons were prehistoric people. They lived in Europe from between 35 000 to 10 000 years ago. Home life They lived together in small groups and made their homes in caves or huts. Sometimes their huts were long and had separate rooms with a fire in each one. Tools and weapons The Cro-Magnons made a lot of different tools. They used stone and animal bones to make axes, knives, bows and arrows. They invented the first spears for hunting animals. Cro-Magnons hunted alone and also in small groups. Culture The Cro-Magnons painted on the walls of their caves and they made simple sculptures. They also made flutes from bones and were probably the first musicians. They made clothes from animal skins and in hot weather they wore clothes made from dried grass. Some Cro-Magnons made jewellery from shells, feathers and flowers. Some decorated their bodies with tattoos. © Food The Cro-Magnons had a healthy diet.They ate meat cereals and root vegetables. They also caught fish. 1 When did the Cro-Magnons live? 4 What did they invent? 2 Where did they live? 5 What did they wear when it was hot? 3 What were their houses like? 6 What did they eat? @ 1 Cave paintings There are cave paintings in many places in Europe, for example Altamira in Spain and Kapova in Russia. Some of the most famous are at Lascaux in France. Fourteenagers discovered the cave paintings at Lascaux in 1940. Experts believe that the paintings are 17000 years old. There are paintings of animals that lived in the area, for example bulls and bears, as well as humans. Thousands of people wanted to see the marvellous cave paintings and more than 1200 people visited the caves every day. However, this number of visitors was not good for the paintings and in 1963 the authorities closed the caves. In 1983, Lascaux II opened. It’s a cave with exact copies of the original cave paintings and everybody can visit it. 3 Choose the correct answers. 1 Lascaux is in ... a) Spain. b) France. c) Russia. 2 There are ... in Lascaux. a) animals b) cave paintings c) humans 3 Lascaux had over... visitors every day. a) 17 000 b) 1963 c) 1200 4 Lascaux closed in ... a) 1983. b) 1940. c) 1963. 5 There are ... in Lascaux 11. a) copies of the original paintings b) real animals c) dangerous tourists Project Do a project about another group of prehistoric people called Homo Habilis. Plan Decide what information you want to find out. Prepare Make some notes about when and where they lived, tools and weapons, culture, food. Research Find some information about Homo Habilis. Try this link; https://earlyhumans.mrdonn.org/tools.html Present your material Write a text about Homo Habilis and draw some pictures to illustrate your text. Take your project to class and show it to your teacher and your classmates. 3 u U Ф «Л 1Л о \J < Sports equipment 1 Match the objects with the pictures. 1 a cricket ball 2 a cricket bat 3 a baseball bat 4 a baseball glove 5 a wicket 6 a mallet Sports from around the world 2 Read the descriptions and match them with the pictures Sport Cricket Where is this sport most popular? England, Australia, Pakistan, India, the West Indies. What do you need to play? A cricket bat, a cricket ball, wickets. Brief description Two teams of 11 players each play on grass. Teams earn points when they hit the ball and run between the wickets. Read the descriptions again and answer the questions. 1 Which sport do you play with a mallet? 2 Which sport uses wickets? 3 In which sports do you use a bat? 4 Which sport has the most players in a team? 5 In which sport do you wear gloves? 6 How many players are there in a game of baseball? 7 Which sport do you play on a horse? 4 Read the text and answer the questions. Heart rate When we do sports or any exercise, our muscles need more oxygen. Oxygen travels around the body in the blood and it is the heart which pumps blood round the body - it needs to be strong to do this. The heart muscle contracts or beats automatically and this is your heart rate. In adults this heart rate is normally about 70 beats per minute. For children, the heart rate is about 100 beats per minute. When we do exercise our heart rate goes up because the heart beats faster, so that more oxygen can travel to the muscles that need it. 1 How does oxygen travel around the body? 2 What is the normal heart rate for adults? 3 What is the normal heart rate in children? 4 What happens to the heart rate when we exercise? Project Test your heart rate when you exercise and show your results to your classmates and teacher. Plan Copy this table in your notebook. Heartbeat experiment Number of heartbeats per minute when relaxed Number of heartbeats per minute after doing some activity Number of heartbeats per minute after doing a lot of activity Research Find your normal heart rate: 1 Find your pulse on your wrist. Count how many times your heart beats in 30 seconds. 2 Multiply the number by two to find your normal heart rate. 3 Make a note of this number in the table. Prepare 1 Walk around the room for one minute. Take your pulse again and make a note of your heart rate. 2 Now run as fast as you can for two minutes. 3 Take your pulse again and make a note of your heart rate. 4 Fill in the table with your heart rate results. Present your material Make a graph to show the changes in your heart rate with activity. Write a description of the experiment and compare with your classmates. E 3 3 u u Ф (/I SA О u < Climate zones 1 Match the words with the pictures. 2 3 4 South Pole 5 Tropic of North Pole Capricorn Equator 6 The tropics Tropic of 7 Storm Cancer 8 Hurricanes ©- Different climates 2 Read the descriptions and match them with the pictures. (1) Tropical climates have high temperatures all year and high rainfall.Tropical areas are usually near the Equator. There are often storms and hurricanes in these areas. (2) Monsoon climates have two seasons - wet and dry - but it is always warm. South east Asia, India and parts of Africa and South America have this type of climate. (3) Dry climates have very low rainfall. The temperatures can be very hot or very cold. Deserts have this climate. A desert is any place with less than 250 mm of rain per year. (4) In most of Europe and North America we have a warm climate - it isn't too cold in winter or too hot in summer and it rains moderately. Parts of China and Australia also have this climate. This is the best climate for agriculture. 3 Choose the correct answers. 1 Tropical climates have ... a) high rainfall, b) low rainfall, c) no rainfall. 2 The North Pole has got a ... climate, a) coo! b) tropical c) cold 3 Monsoon climates have ... seasons, a) two b) three c) four (5) Cool climates are in the far north of Europe and North America and the far south of South America and New Zealand. Here, the winters are longer and colder than in the warm climate areas. (6) Cold climates have an average temperature of 0°C and are frozen all year round. The rainfall is low in these areas. Cold climate zones are situated at the Poles (North and South) and at the top of very high mountains. A desert has less than ... mm of rainfall per year. a) 100 b)50 c)250 The best climate for agriculture is a ... a) monsoon climate. b) warm climate. c) cold climate. Climate graphs 4 Look at the climate graphs. Say if the statements are true or false. KEY temperature I 1 2 3 "vil ir ir py « ^ 1 I 1 g I s monihs I i Singapore Johannesbura г г It rains a lot in Montreal in the summer. It is never above 40°C in Seville. The temperature changes every month in Singapore. It is always between and 20°C in Johannesburg. 5 March is the rainiest month in Seville. 6 In Singapore it rains a lot every month. 7 In Montreal, the winters are cold but the summers are hot. 8 The driest month in Johannesburg is May. Project You are going to make two climate graphs, one for your home city and one for a city in another climate zone. Plan 1 Make two copies of the climate graph below. 2 Write the name of your city on one graph. Write the name of another city on the second graph. KEY temperature ■ rainfall- 50• 45 40-P 35-"g 30-I 25- Q. 20- E a; 15-10-5-0 a < c — i: 3 months tj О ■300 -250 1-200 s qT ■150 = 3 ■100 ^ ■50 Ф Q Research Find the information about rainfall and temperature in the two cities from newspapers, on the radio or TV or on the Internet, for example: www.meto.gov.uk/index.html www.worldclimate.com www.bbc.co.uk/weather Prepare Complete the graphs for each month. 1 Record the rainfall by marking with a point in the appropriate places. 2 Shade in the monthly temperature. Don't forget to draw a line between all the rainfall points. Present your material Write a short text about the rainfall and temperature in the two cities and show it to your classmates and teacher. Условные обозначения: adj = adjective [прилагательное] adv = adverb [наречие] conj = conjunction [союз] deter = determiner [определяющее слово] inteij = interjection [междометие] n = noun [существительное] phr V = phrasal verb [фразовый глагол] prep = preposition [предлог] pron = pronoun [местоимение] V = verb [глагол] Aa about [a'baut] 1. (adv) приблизительно, около, почти; 2. (prep) о, насчёт above [э'Ьлу] 1. (adv) наверху, вверху; 2. (prep) 1) над: 2) больше чем, свыше accent (п) ['aeksant] акцент, произношение accommodation (п) [a.knma'deijn] жильё, помещение accordion (п) [a'koidian] аккордеон acrobat (п) ['aekrebaet] акробат act (v) [eekt] театр, играть, исполнять роль activity (п) [sek'tivati] действие; деятельность; мероприятие actor (п) ['aekta] актёр (in) addition (to) [(in) e'dijn (tu:)] в добавление address (n) [a’dres] адрес adopt (v) [a'clopt] взять на воспитание [животное) adventure (n) [ad'ventfs] приключение aerobics (n) [ee'raubiks] аэробика afraid (adj) [a'frerd] испуганный, напуганный; боящийся afterlife (n) [’aiftalaif] загробная жизнь afternoon (n) [.aifta'nuin] дневное время age (n) [eid^] возраст alone (adj) [эЧэип] 1) один, одинокий; 2) в одиночку always (adv) [bilweiz] всегда amazed (adj) [a'meizd] изумлённый, поражённый amazing (adj) [e'meizit]] изумительный, поразительный, удивительный American [э'тепкэп] 1. (adj) американский; 2. (n) американец; американка amputate (v) ['aempjuteit] ампутировать, отнимать amusement park (n) [a'mjuizment paik] луна-парк ancient (adj) ['einjent] древний Anglo-Saxon (adj) [.sepgiau'saeksn] англосаксонский animal (n) ['aenimij животное anorexic (adj) [,3en0'reksik] страдающий анорексией answer (v) ['arnsaj ответ ant (n) [aent] муравей anteater (n) ['aent.iits] муравьед apple (n) ['aeplj яблоко April (n) ['eiprai] апрель aquarium (n) [ek'weariBm] аквариум Arabic (n) ['аегэЬтк] арабский язык archery (п) [’aiij'sri] стрельба из лука architect (n) [‘aikitektj архитектор Argentina (n) [,aid30n'ti:n9] Аргентина Argentinian [,a:d39n'tinien] 1. (adj) аргентинский; 2. (n) аргентинец; аргентинка arm (n) [aim] рука [от кисти до плеча) around (adv) [a'raund] вокруг, кругом; повсюду Art and Design (п) [,a:t en di'zain] Искусство и дизайн [учебный предмет) artificial arm (adj) [,aiti,fi|! ’aim] протез руки; искусственная рука assistant (n) [a'sistant] 1) помощник; 2) ассистент. сотрудник; 3) продавец astronaut (n) ['sestrsnoit] астронавт athlete (n) ['seOIiit] атлет athletics (n) [s9'letiks] лёгкая атлетика attack (v) [s'taek] атаковать, нападать, штурмовать attractive (adj) [a'traektiv] привлекательный, приятный August (n) ['oigsst] август aunt (n) [amt] тётя Australia (n) [os'treilie] Австралия Australian [us’treilian] 1, (adj) австралийский; 2. (n) австралиец; австралийка Austrian (adj) ['ostrisn] 1. (adj) австрийский; 2.(n) австриец; австрийка autumn (n) [bitsm] осень average (adj) [’sevarid^] 1) средний; 2) обычный Bb back (n) [baek] спина bacon (n) ['beiken] бекон, копчёная свиная грудинка bad (adj) [bad] t) дурной, плохой; 2) неприятный; зловещий badly (adv) ['baedli] плохо badminton (n) ['baedmintan] бадминтон bag (n) [baeg] сумка; пакет baked potato (n) [,beikt ps'teitsu] печёный картофель ball (n) [boil] мяч band (n) [baend] группа музыкантов, оркестр baseball (n) ['beisboil] бейсбол base (v) [beis] основывать, размещать /the novel is based in - действие романа происходит в/ basketball (n) ['baiskitbo:!] баскетбол battle (n) ['basti] 1) битва, сражение, бой; 2) поединок, схватка beach (n) [biitH 1) (морской) берег; 2) пляж bear (n) [Ьеэ] медведь because (conj) [bi'koz] потому что, так как, поскольку become (v) [Ьх'клт] становиться, делаться bedroom (п) ['bed,ru;m] спальня behind (prep) [bi'haind] сзади, позади believe (v) [bi'liiv] 1) верить; 2) думать, полагать best [best] 1. (adj) лучший; 2. (adv) больше всего between (prep) [bi'twiin] между big (adj) [big] большой, крупный biiinguai (adj) [bai'lingwal] говорящий на двух языках bill (n) [bil] клюв bird (n) [b3idj птица birthday (n) ['b3i0dei] день рождения birthday card (n) ['b3:6dei ,ka:d] открытка ко дню рождения birthday present (n) ['bsiBdei, prezant] подарок ко дню рождения black (adj) [blaek] чёрный blue (adj) [blur] синий; голубой board (n) [bold] 1) (классная) доска/message board - доска объявлений {на интернет-сайте)1\ 2) борт {морского или воздушного судна) /оп board - на борту/ boat (п) [baut] лодка; судно, корабль bone (п) [Ьэип] кость book (п) [Ьик] книга boot (п) [buit] ботинок; сапог boring (adj) ['borriQ] неинтересный, скучный born (adj) [born] родившийся, появившийся на свет /Ье born - рождаться/ box (п) [boks] 1) коробка, ящик; 2) коробочка; 3) рамка boyfriend (п) ['boi.frend] бойфренд Brazil (п) [bra'zil] Бразилия Brazilian (п) [bra'zilian] бразилец; бразильянка bread (п) [bred] хлеб break (п) [breik] перерыв; перемена (е школе) breathe (v) [brirS] дышать; вдыхать, выдыхать bring (v) [brig] приносить, привозить Britain (n) ['britnj Британия {неофициальное название Великобритании) British (adj) [ЪпиЯ британский brother (п) [Ъглбэ] брат brother-in-law (п) ['Ьгл5эпп,1о:] зять {муж сестры)] шурин {братжены)] свояк {муж свояченицы)] деверь {брат мужа) brown (adj) [braun] коричневый build (v) [bild] строить; возводить bull (n) [bul] бык; буйвол bungee jumping (n) ['Ьлпбз! ,d3Ampinl банджи-джампинг {прыжок с большой высоты на эластичном тросе, обвязанном вокруг щиколотки) bury (v) ['berij хоронить butter (n) ['Ьл1э] масло buy (v) [bai] покупать Cc cabin (n) ['kaebinj хижина cake (n) [keik] торт; пирожное; кекс camp (v) [kasmp] лагерь {спортивный, детский, учебный) /до camping - жить в палатках/ campsite (п) ['kaemp.sait] палаточный лагерь Canada (п) ['kaenadaj Канада Canadian [ka'neidian] 1. (adj) канадский; 2. (n) канадец; канадка candle (n) ['kaendlj свеча canoeing (n) [ka'nurir]] гребля на байдарках и каноэ cap (n) [кзер] кепка capital city (n) [.kaepitl 'siti] столица card (n) [kflid] членский билет (be) careful [(,bi) 'keaflj быть осторожным carnival (n) ['kainivlj карнавал carry (v) ['keerij нести, носить cash (n) [каеЯ (наличные) деньги castle (n) ['kaisl] зймок cat (n) [kaet] кот, кошка catch (v) [kaelj] ловить; поймать category (n) ['kaetagarij 1) вид; 2) номинация cathedral (n) [ka'0i:dral] собор cave (n) [keiv] пещера CD player (n) [sir'dii ,pleia] CD-плеер celebrate (v) [‘sela.breit] праздновать chain (n) [tjein] цепь chair (n) [tfea] стул change [^eind5] 1. (n) 1) изменение; 2) сдача; 2. (v) менять(ся), изменять(ся) character (п) ['kaenkta] персонаж charity (n) ['tfaeratij благотворительная организация cheese (n) [tfi:z] сыр cheeseburger (n) ['^iz.bsiga] чизбургер chicken (n) (['^ikin] цыплёнок /chicken soup -куриный суп/ China (n) ['фата] Китай Chinese [tfai'niiz] 1. (adj) китайский; 2. (n) 1) китайский язык; 2) китаец; китаянка chips (п) [tfips] жаренный брусочками картофель chocolate (п) ['^uklat] шоколад /hot chocolate -горячий шоколад/ Christmas (п) ['krismas] Рождество (Христово) {праздник) cinema (п) [‘sinamaj кино /до to the cinema - идти в кино/ circus show (n) ['ssikas Jau] цирковое шоу civil war (n) [,sivl 'wdi] гражданская война class (n) [klais] 1) группа, класс (в школе)] 2) занятие, урок; 3) класс, категория classmate (n) ['klaismeit] одноклассник; одноклассница classroom (n) ['k!a:sru:m] класс, классная комната clean (v) [kliin] чистить /clean your teeth -(по)чистить зубы/ cliff (n) [klif] отвесная скала; утёс climate (n) [’klaimst] климат climb (v) [klaim] взбираться, подниматься close (v) [kiaoz] 1) закрывать; 2) закрываться cloudy (adj) ['klaudi] облачно club (n) [к1лЬ] клуб coast (n) [kaust] морское побережье cockroach (n) ['кок,гэи^ таракан cola (n) ['kaula] кола {напиток) cold (adj) [kauld] холодный Colombia (n) [кэ'ктЫэ] Колумбия colourful (adj) [’kAlafl] яркий; красочный comedy (n) ['kumadi] комедия comic (n) [’komik] комикс committee (n) [ka'miti] комитет competition (n) [.kDmpa'ti/n] соревнование, состязание complete (v) [kam'pliit] 1) заполнять; 2) завершать, заканчивать composer (n) [kam'pauza] композитор computer (n) [kam'pjuita] компьютер computer game (n) [kam'pjuita ,geim] компьютерная игра concert (n) [‘konset] концерт contact (v) [’kont^kt] связываться costume (n) ['kustjuimj костюм, одежда, платье country (n) [‘kAntri] страна cousin (n) [kAzn] двоюродный брат, кузен; двоюродная сестра, кузина cow (п) [каи] корова craft (п) [kraift] изделие ручной работы creation (п) [kri'eijn] создание; творение creature (п) ['kri:^e] создание, существо creepy-crawly (п) [.kriipi'krodi] гадкая букашка, ползучая тварь cricket (п) j'krikit] 1) сверчок; 2) крикет {спортивная игра) crisps (п) [krisps] чипсы culture (п) ['kAltfej культура cycling (п) 1‘saiklif]] велосипедный спорт Dd dad (n) [daed] папа dance [dams] 1. (n) танец; 2. (v) танцевать danger (n) ['deindje] угроза, опасность dangerous (adj) ['deind33ras] опасный dangerously (adv) [‘deinc^erasli] опасно dark (adj) [daik] тёмный date (n) [deit] 1) дата; 2) данные daughter (n) j'doita] дочь day (n) [dei] день day out (n) [,dei 'aot] выходной день, проведённый вне дома day trip (n) ['del ,trip] однодневная поездка; однодневная экскурсия death mask (n) ['de9 ,ma:sk] посмертная маска December (n) [di'sembe] декабрь decide (v) [di'said] решать, делать выбор definitely (adv) ['defenatlij определённо, точно, явнс degree (n) [di'gri:] градус {мера температуры) delicious (adj) [di'lijes] очень вкусный demolish (v) [di'mclij] разрушать department (n) [di'paitmant] отдел department store (n) [di'paitmant stoi] универмаг desert (n) ['dezstj пустыня design [di' zain] 1. (n) дизайн; 2. (v) проектировать designer (n) [di'zaine] дизайнер desk (n) [desk] парта destination (n) [,desti'nei|n] цель {путешествия, поездки) destroy (v) [di'stroi] разрушать develop (v) [di'velep] развиваться, расти die (v) [dai] умирать different (adj) ['difrentj 1) другой, отличный; 2) разный difficult (adj) ['difikltj труднь1й, сложный; тяжёлый dinosaur (п) ['dainesoi] динозавр direct (v) [dai'rekt] управлять direction (n) [dai'rekjn] направление directly (adv) [dai'rektli] прямо director (n) [dai'rekta] руководитель, начальник directory (n) [dai'rekteri] справочник disappear (v) [.disa'pia] исчезнуть {перестать существовать) disaster (n) [di'zaiste] беда, бедствие, несчастье dish (n) [dijl блюдо, кушанье distant relative (n) [.distent 'reletiv] дальний родственник do (v) [dui] 1.1) выполнять, делать; 2) заниматься {какой-либо деятельностью или делом) 2. {вспомогательный глагол) doctor (п) [‘doktej доктор, врач dog (п) [dog] собака dolphin (п) ['dolfin] дельфин dominant (adj) [’dominent] доминирующий, преобладающий download (v) [.daun'Iaud] скачивать dragon (n) ['draegsn] дракон drama (n) ['draime] драматическое искусство {учебный предмет) draw (v) [droi] рисовать; чертить dress (n) [dres] платье drive (v) [draiv] водить, управлять {автомобилем) drum (n) [dtAm] барабан dry (adj) [drai] 1) сухой; 2) засушливый during (prep) ['djuerigj во время Ее eagle (n) ['iigl] орёл ear (n) [is] yxo early ['Bill] 1. (adj) древний; 2. (adv) рано; заблаговременно Easter (n) [‘iistaj Пасха {праздник) easy (adj) ['iizi] лёгкий, нетрудный eat (v) [i:t] есть, кушать education (n) [.edju'keijn] образование effect (n) [I'fekt] эффект egg (n) [eg] яйцо Egyptian (adj) [I'd^ipjen] египетский eight (number) [eit] восемь elephant (n) ['elifent] слон email address (n) ['irmeil a.dres] адрес электронной почты emu (n) ['iimju:] эму enclosure (n) [1п'к1эизэ] загон endangered (adj) [in'deindsad] находящийся под угрозой исчезновения enemy (n) ['ensmi] враг English ['inglijl 1. (adj) английский; 2. (n) английский язык England (n) ['igglsndj Англия enjoy (v) [in'd30i] получать удовольствие {от чего-л.у, наслаждаться enormous (adj) [I'noimas] огромный; чудовищный equipment (n) [I'kwipmant] снаряжение European (adj) [juara'plisn] европейский event (n) [I'vent] 1) событие; 2) мероприятие; 3)соревнование every (deter) [‘evrij каждый everyone (pron) [‘evri.wMi] каждый, всякий человек evidence (n) ['evidans] доказательство, подтверждение evil (adj) ['iivlj злой exam (n) [ig'zaem] экзамен exception (n) [ik'sepjn] исключение exchange student (n) [iks'tfeind3 ,stju:d(a)nt] студент, приехавший по обмену excited (adj) [ik'saitid] взволнованный exciting (adj) [ik'saitig] волнующий; захватывающий exercise (n) ['eksasaizj 1) упражнение, задание; 2)тренировка exhibition (n) [,eksi'bijn] выставка exist (v) [ig'zist] существовать exit (n) ['eksitj выход experience (n) [ik'spisrians] 1) (жизненный) опыт; 2) впечатление, переживание expert (n) ['ekspsit] зкспёрт; специалист explain (v) [ik'splein] объяснять explore (v) [ik'spbi] исследовать, изучать explorer (n) [ik'spb:r3] исследователь explosion (n) [ik'splausn] взрыв extinction (n) [ik'stigkjn] вымирание {вида животных) extra ['ekstrBj 1. (adj) добавочный, дополнительный; 2. (n) 1) статист; 2) доплата eye (n) [ai] глаз Ff facilities (n pi) [fa'sibtiz] объекты; сооружения fair (adj) [fea] светлый, белокурый family (n) [Taemli] семья famous (adj) ['feimssj известный fan (n) [faen] болельщик, фанат fantastic (adj) [faen'taestik] фантастический, превосходный, классный far [fai] 1. (adj) далёкий, дальний; 2. (adv) далеко Far Eastern (adj) [,fai 'iistsn] дальневосточный farm (n) [fa: m] ферма farm animal (n) ['farm ,aeniml] сельскохозяйственное животное favourite (adj) ['feivrat] любимый fear (n) [fia] страх feather (n) [‘fe6a] перо (у птиц) feature ['firtja] 1. (n) характерная черта; 2. (v) содержать в себе отличительный, особенный элемент February (п) ['februari] февраль feed (v) [fi:d] кормить feeling (n) ['fiilit]] чувство festival (n) ['festivlj фестиваль fictional (adj) ['fikjnsl] вымышленный fight (v) [fait] сражаться, воевать finally (adv) [ТашэИ] 1) в заключение; 2) в конце концов finger (п) [’figga] палец finish (v) ['finijl заканчивать(ся) fire (n) [faia] огонь first (deter) [fsist] первый first name (n) ['fstst ,neim] имя (в отличие от фамилии) fish (п) [fij] рыба fish and chips (n) [,fij эп 'tfips] рыба c жареным картофелем five (number) [faiv] пять flag (n) [flaeg] флаг flea (n) [fli:] блоха flower (n) ['flauB] цветок flute (n) [flutt] флейта fly (v) [flai] летать foggy (adj) ['foglj туманный food (n) [fu:d] еда, пища football match (n) ['futboil тэеф] футбольный матч foreign language (n) [.form 'Iast3gwid3] иностранный язык forest (n) ['forist] лес forget (v) [fa'get] забывать (о чём-л.) fossil (n) ['fosl] окаменелость four (number) [for] четыре France (n) [frains] Франция free time (n) [,fri: 'taim] личное время French [fren^ 1. (adj) французский; 2. (n) французский язык fresh (adj) [frej] свежий friend (n) [frend] друг; подруга friendly (adj) ['frendII] дружелюбный frog (n) [frog] лягушка from (prep) [from] из, от (in) front of (prep) [(in) 'frAnt bv] перед fruit (n) [fruit] фрукты fun (n) [fAn] веселье, забава future (adj) ['fjui^B] будущий Gg Gaelic (n) [‘geilik] гэльский (гаэльский) язык gallery (n) [’gaelsri] галерея game (n) [geim] игра games designer (n) ['geims di.zaine] разработчик компьютерных игр games tester (n) ['geims .testa] лицо, проводящее тестирование компьютерных игр garden (n) ['gaidnj сад gate (п) [geit] ворота geography (n) [dsii'ografi] география German (n) ['d^aiman] немецкий язык get dressed [.get 'drest] одеться get up (phr v) [.get 4p] подниматься, вставать {после сна) girlfriend (п) [‘gsil.ftendj любимая девушка glasses (n pi) ['giaisizj очки glider (n) ['glaide] летяга global warming (n) [.gieubl 'woimig] глобальное потепление glove (n) [glAv] перчатка go to bed [,gau te 'bed] ложиться спать god (n) [god] бог, божество goddess (n) ['godesj богиня gold (n) [geuld] золото gold medal (n) [.geuld 'medi] золотая медаль golden eagle (n) [.gaulden 'i;gl] беркут goldfish (n) ['geuldfij] золотая рыбка {аквариумная рыбка) good (adj) [gud] хороший (be) good at [(bi) 'gud aet] хорошо уметь делать что-л. Good morning! [,gud 'moinig] Доброе утро! Goodnight! [.gud'nait] Спокойной ночи! gorilla (n) [дэ'п!э] горилла grammar (п) ['дгэетэ] грамматика grandad (n) [’graen.daed] дедушка grandaughter (n) ['дгзеп.doits] внучка grandma (n) ['graen.mai] бабушка grandparents (n) ['grsen.pesrsnts] дедушка и бабушка grandson (n) [‘graen.sAnj внук grapes (n) [greips] виноград great (adj) [greit] 1) прекрасный, удивительный, замечательный; 2) великий /That’s great! -Прекрасно! Здорово! Вот здорово!/ green (adj) [grim] зелёный grey (adj) [grei] серый guinea pig (n) ['gini pig] морская свинка guitar (n) [gi'tai] гитара guitarist (n) [gi'tairist] гитарист gymnastics (n) [d^im'naestiks] гимнастика Hh habitat (n) ['habitaet] ареал hair (n) ihes] волосы hamster (n) ['haemsts] хомяк hand (n) [haend] рука {кисть) happy (adj) ['haepi] счастливый, довольный, весёлый hare (n) [hes] заяц harsh (adj) [haijl жёсткий, суровый (о климате) hat (n) [haet] шапка, шляпа; головной убор hate (v) [heit] ненавидеть have breakfast/lunch/dinner [,haev 'brekfsst/'lAn^/ 'dins] завтракать/обедать/ужи нать head (n) [bed] голова hear (v) [his] слышать, услышать height (n) [hait] 1) высота; 2) рост helicopter (n) ['helikopts] вертолёт Heiio! [hs'isu] Привет! helmet (n) ['helmit] шлем help (v) [help] помогать Hi! [hai] Здорово! Привет! high (adj) [hai] высокий history Ф) ['histri] история/history museum -исторический музей/ holiday (n) ['holidei] отпуск; каникулы home-made (adj) [.hsum'meid] домашнего приготовления honey (n) ['hAnij мёд horrible (adj) [‘horsbl] ужасный, жуткий, страшный horror (n) [’hors] хбррор {жанр литературы и кино, имеющий целью вызвать у читателя и зрителя чувство страха) horse (п) [hois] конь, лошадь horse-riding (п) ['hois,raidinI верховая езда; катание на лошадях hot (adj) [hot] жаркий; горячий hot dog (п) [.hot 'dog] хот-дог hour (n) [aus] час (60 минут) house (n) [haus] дом; здание How? [hau] Как? How old ...? [,hau 'sold] Сколько ... лет? hunter (n) ['hAnts] охотник husband (n) ['hAzbsnd] муж, супруг И ice cream (n) [,ais 'kriim] мороженое ice hockey (n) [‘ais .hoki] хоккей (на льду) iceberg (n) ['ais.baig] айсберг ICT {сокр. от information and communication technology) (n) [.aisii'tii] ИКТ {сокр. от информационно-коммуникационные технологии) ill (adj) [il] больной, нездоровый imaginary (adj) [I'maed^insri] воображаемый; нереальный important (adj) [im'paitnt] важный, существенный in (prep) [in] внутри, в, на incredible (adj) [in'kredsbl] неслыханный, невообразимый, потрясающий Independence Day (n) [.indi'pendsns dei] День независимости (4 июля - национальный праздник США) indoor (adj) [.in'doi] находящийся или происходящий в помещении information (п) [.infs'mei/n] информация instructions (п р!) [in'strAkJsns] указание, указания instructor (n) [in'strAkta] инструктор, тренер instrument (n) ['instrument] музыкальный инструмент interactive (adj) [.inter'aektiv] интерактивный interested (in) (adj) ['intrestid (in)j интересующийся, увлечённый [чем-л.) interesting (adj) ['intrsstir)] интересный, занятный, любопытный internationai (adj) [.inte'naejnl] интернациональный, международный introduce (v) [.intre'djuis] 1) вводить, открывать; 2) знакомить, представлять invade (v) [in'veid] вторгаться; захватывать invasion (n) [in‘vei3n] военное вторжение invent (v) [in'vent] изобретать; создавать invention (n) [in'venjn] изобретение inventor (n) [in'vente] изобретатель Ireiand (n) ['ailsnd] Ирландия irish ['airijl 1. (adj) ирландский; 2. (n) ирландский язык island (n) [’ailand] остров Jj jacket (n) ['d3aakit] куртка; пиджак jam (n) [d33sm] варенье; джем January (n) ['d3aenjueri] январь Japanese [,d3aep9'ni:z] 1. (adj) японский; 2. (n) 1) японец; японка; 2) японский язык Jeans (n) [dsiinz] джинсы job (n) [d3Db] работа joey (n) ['d^eui] детёныш {обычно кенгуру, ещё живущий в сумке матери) journey (п) ['d53;ni] 1) путешествие, поездка; 2) рейс, маршрут judo (п) ['d3u;dau] дзюдо {боевое искусство) juggler (п) ['с(злд1э] жонглёр juice (п) [d5u:s] сок July (п) [d3u'lai] июль jump (v) [d3Amp] прыгать, скакать June (n) [d3uin] июнь Кк kangaroo (n) [,кавг]дэ'ги:] кенгуру kayaking (n) ['kaiaekig] каякинг {сплав по рекам на каяках, экстремальный вид спорта) keep (v) [kiip] иметь, содержать keyboard (n) ['kii.boid] клавиатура kill (v) [kil] убивать, лишать жизни kind [kaind] 1. (adj) добрый; 2. (n) вид, класс king (п) [kig] король; царь knife (п) [naif] нож knight (n) [nait] рыцарь know (v) [пэи] знать Kuril (Islands) [ku'ri;l (.ailandz)] Курильские острова LI lake (n) [leik] озеро land [laend] 1. (n) земля, суша; 2. (v) приземляться, совершать посадку landscape (n) ['laend,skeip] ландшафт; пейзаж language (n) ['Iaet],gwid3] язык; речь larch (n) [la:tj] лиственница Latin American (adj) [.laetin э'тепкэп] латиноамериканский leave (v) [li;v] 1) уходить, покидать; 2) оставить {после себя)', 3) оставлять в каком-л. положении или состоянии leek (п) [И:к] лук-порей leg (п) [leg] нога {от бедра до ступни) leopard (п) ['lepad] леопард library (п) ['laibrari] библиотека lifeboat (п) ['laifbaut] спасательная шлюпка like (v) [laik] 1) любить, нравиться; 2) хотеть, желать listen (v) ['lisn] слушать /listen to music - слушать музыку; listen to the radio - слушать радио/ litter bin (n) ['lita ,bin] урна для мусора live (v) [liv] жить; обитать local (adj) ['lauki] местный logo (n) i'laugau] лого, логотип long [1ог|] 1.1) (adj) длинный; высокий; обладающий определённой протяжённостью; 2) долгий; продолжительный; 2. (п) долгое время, долгий срок look after (phr v) [,luk 'aifta] заботиться, ухаживать lose (v) [lu:z] 1) терять (чго-л.); лишаться {чего-л. / кого-л.) lots of (pron) ['lots ,av] много loud (adj) [laud] 1) громкий; 2) шумный loudly (adv) ['laudIi] громко love (v) [Iav] любить Wlm (be) mad about [(bi) ‘maed a.baut] обожать; (быть) без ума {от чего-л.) magazine (п) [.maega'ziin] (периодический) журнал magic (adj) ['maedjik] волшебный make (v) [meik] 1) делать, изготавливать; 2) создавать; 3) составлять, образовывать; 4) зарабатывать {деньги) mammal (п) [‘maemlj млекопитающее Mandarin Chinese (n) [.maenderin tfai'niiz] севернокитайский язык {основная диалектная группа китайского языка) тар (п) [тавр] карта March (п) [maitj] март market (п) ['maikit] базар, рынок marmalade (п) ['maimeleid] конфитюр, повидло marry (v) ['maerij жениться {на ком-л.)\ выходить замуж (за кого-л.) marsupial (п) [ma:'su;piel] сумчатое (животное) mascot (п) [’maeskot] талисман match (п) [maetj] матч maths (п) [тжЭз] математика May (п) [mei] май meat (п) [mitt] мясо medieval (adj) [medi'iivl] средневековый meet (v) [mirt] 1) встречать(ся); 2) познакомиться member (n) ['memba] участник, член {чего-л.) Metallica (n) [ma’taelika] Металлика [американская мётал-группа) Mexican ['meksiksn] 1. (adj) мексиканский; 2. (n) мексиканец; мексиканка Mexico (n) ['meksiksu] Мексика microphone (n) ['maikrafaun] микрофон milkshake (n) [’miikjeik] молочный коктейль mineral water (n) ['minrel .waits] минеральная вода mobile number (n) ['msubail .плтЬэ] номер мобильного (телефона) mobile phone (n) [.msubail 'fsun] мобильный (телефон) model aeroplane/boat (n) [.modi 'esrspiein/'bautj авиамодель/модель лодки moment (n) [’maumsnt] минута, момент /at the moment - сейчас, в данный момент/ money (n) ['тлп1] деньги monkey (n) ['тлрк!] обезьяна monument (n) ['monjumantj монумент; памятник (the) moon (n) [(6a) mum] луна morning (n) [’mainir]] утро mosquito (n) [mDs'kiiteo] комар mountain (n) ['mauntin] гора mouth (n) [mau0] рот move away (phr v) [,mu:v s'wei] отодвигаться, отходить MP3 player (n) [,empii'0ri: pleis] МРЗ-плеер multicultural (adj) [.mAlti'kAltfrsI] многонациональный multilingual (adj) [.mAlti'lingwslj многоязычный mum (n) [mAm] мама mummy (n) ['mAmij мумия museum (n) [mjui'ziism] музей mushroom (n) ['mAjruimj гриб music (n) [‘mjuizikj музыка musician (n) [mju'zijn] музыкант mystery (n) ['mistrij тайна, загадка myth (n) [mi0] миф mythology (n) [mi'0ol3d3i] мифология Nn name (n) [neim] 1) имя; кличка (животного)] 2) название, наименование national park (n) [.nsjnsi 'paikj национальный парк nationality (n) [.nseja'naeletij 1) национальность; 2) гражданство Native American (n) [.neitiv e'merikenj представитель коренного населения Америки near (prep) [me] около, поблизости, рядом need (v) [nhd] 1) нуждаться (в чём-л.)\ иметь надобность, потребность; 2) требоваться, быть необходимым nephew (п) ['nefju:; ’nevju:] племянник never (adv) ['nevaj никогда new (adj) [njuij новый New Zealand (n) [,nju: 'ziitendj Новая Зеландия next to (prep) ['nekst ,tu:j рядом c nice (adj) [nais] хороший, приятный, милый, славный niece (n) [niisj племянница nine (number) [nain] девять Nobel Prize (n) [nsu.bel 'praizj Нобелевская премия nose (n) [neuzj hoc notebook (n) ['nautbukj тетрадь novel (n) ['novlj роман [литературный жанр) November (n) [neu'vembsj ноябрь nuclear bomb (n) [.njuiklia 'born] ядерная бомба Oo obligatory (adj) [a'biigatsrij обязательный October (n) [ok'tsoba] октябрь office (n) ['ofisj офис official (adj) [a'fijl] официальный often (adv) ['ofn] часто, много раз old (adj) [su!d] 1) старый; 2) старинный Olympic Games (n) [s.limpik 'geimzj Олимпийские игры on (prep) [on] на; в one (number) [wAn] один online (adj) [.on'lain] онлайн [осуществляемый через Интернет) online questionnaire (n) [.onlain kwestfa'neej онлайн-анкета opposite (prep) ['Dpezitj напротив; c другой стороны orange (adj) ['orind3] оранжевый orang-utan (n) [э:'ггедэгэ0п] орангутан organisation (n) [.oigsnai'zeijn] организация original (adj) [e'ridgne!] начальный, первоначальный, исходный originally (adv) [e'ridsneiij первоначально, изначально; сначала over there [.auva '5eaj (вон) там owl (n) [aul] сова; филин Pp Pacific Ocean (n) [pa.sifik 'aujnj Тихий океан painter (n) ['peinta] художник painting (n) ['peintipj 1) живопись; 2) картина palace (n) ['pselasj дворец panda (n) ['paendaj панда Paralympics (n) [.pcera'Iimpiksj Паралимпийские игры paralysed (adj) ['paeralaizdj парализованный parent (n) [’peersnt] родитель park (n)[park] парк parrot (n) ['paerstj попугай part (n) [pa It] доля, часть participate (v) [pai'tisipeit] участвовать, принимать участие passenger (п) ['paesind^sj пассажир patron (n) rpeitrsn] покровитель, патрон pavement (n) Ppeivmant] тротуар PE [coKp. or physical education) (n) [pii'iij физическое воспитание pen (n) [pen] ручка pencil (n) ['penslj карандаш pencil sharpener (n) ['pensl ,Ja:pna] точилка для карандашей penfriend (n) ['pen.frend] друг no переписке penguin (n) ['pengwin] пингвин people (n) ['piipl] 1) нация, народ; 2) люди; население; жители perfect (adj) [’paifikt] идеальный, совершенный /This is perifect for me. - Мне это нравится/ подходит./ (in) person [(,in) ’psisn] лично pet (n) [pet] любимое домашнее животное pharmacy (n) ['faimesi] аптека phone number (n) ['feun ,плтЬэ] номер телефона pink (ad]) [piok] розовый plant (n) [plaint] растение platypus (n) ['pisetipas] утконос play football/basketball [,plei 'futboil/'baiskitboil] играть в футбол/баскетбол Pleased to meet you. [.pliizd ta 'miitjui] Приятно познакомиться. pocket money (n) ['pokit ,тлп1] деньги на карманные расходы Poland (n) ['paoland] Польша polar bear (n) [,paula 'bea] белый медведь Polish ['paulijl 1. (adj) польский; 2. (n) польский язык poiitician (n) [,pDla‘tiJn] политик, государственный деятель pollen (n) ['pnlan] пыльца pollution (n) [pa'luijn] загрязнение {окружающей среды) pop music (n) ['pop .mjuizik] поп-музыка {популярная, общедоступная музыка) pop star (n) ['pop ,stai] поп-звезда {известный исполнитель поп-музыки) popular (adj) ['popjula] популярный; любимый population (n) [.pnpju'leijn] (народо)население Portuguese (n) [.poi^u'giiz] 1) португальский язык; 2) португалец; португалка postbox (n) ['paustboks] почтовый ящик postcode (n) ['paustkaud] почтовый индекс potato (n) [pa'teitau] картофель pouch (n) [pau^ сумка {у животного) practise (v) ['prsektis] практиковать, упражняться; тренироваться prehistoric (adj) [,pri;hi'stDrik] доисторический prepare (v) [pri'pea] готовить(ся), подготавливать(ся) presentation ceremony (n) [prezn'teijn ,seramani] здесь: церемония открытия press (v) [pres] жать, нажимать, надавливать primary education (n) ['praimari edju,kei/n] начальное образование primary school (n) ['praimeri ,skuil] начальная школа private tutor (n) [.praivet 'tjuita] домашний учитель prize (n) [praiz] награда, премия problem (n) ['problem] проблема procession (n) [pre'sejn] процессия, шествие prophecy (n) ['profesi] предсказание, пророчество protect (v) [pre'tekt] защищать; охранять province (n) ['prnvins] провинция {единица администра тивно-территориального деления государства) public (п) ['рлЫгк] публика; общественность public baths (n pi) [.pAblik 'ba:0s] общественные бани puffin (n) ['pAfin] тупик {птица) purple (adj) ['рз:р1] фиолетовый pyramid (n) ['piremid] пирамида Qq quadruplet (n) ['kwodruplat] один из четырёх близнецов, «четверняшка» queen (n) [kwiin] королева question (n) ['kwestfn] вопрос quick (adj) [kwik] быстрый, скорый quickly (adv) ['kwikli] быстро, скоро quiet (adj) ['kwaist] тихий, бесшумный quietly (adv) ['kwaietli] тихо, бесшумно Rr rabbit (n) ['raebit] кролик rain (v) [rein] идти, литься {о дожде) rainforest (n) ['rein.forist] тропический лес rainy (adj) [‘reini] дождливый raise (v) [reiz] собирать (о финансовых средствах) rally (n) ['raeli] ралли, авторалли rattle (n)['rsetl] рэттл (ударный музыкальный инструмент) rattlesnake (n) ['raetl.sneik] гремучая змея reaction (n) [rii'aekjn] реакция, реагирование reading (n) ['riidig] чтение real (adj) ['пэ1] реальный, реально существующий recommend (v) [.reks'mend] рекомендовать, советовать red (adj) [red] красный /red hair - рыжие волосы/ region (n) ['ri:d3an] регион registration form (n) [,red3i'streijn .foim] регистрационная картойка/форма relax (v) [ri'laeks] расслабляться; отдыхать; успокаиваться religious (adj) [re'lid33s] религиозный repeat (v) [ri'piit] повторять reptile (n) ['reptail] пресмыкающееся, рептилия rescue (v) ['reskjui] спасать respect (v) [ri'spekt] уважать restaurant (n) ['restaront; 'restarant] ресторан rhino (n) ['rainau] носорог ride (v) [raid] ехать {на велосипеде, мотоцикле)] ехать верхом right [rait] 1. (adj) правильный, верный; 2. (interj) да, хорошо, согласен rise (v) [raiz] подниматься ritual (n) ['ritfual] обряд, церемония river (n) ['riva] река robot (n) ['raubot] робот rock (n) [rok] скала, утёс rock band (n) ['rok ,baend] рок-группа rock music (n) ['rok ,mju:zik] рок-музыка roller coaster (n) ['raula .kausta] американские горки (аттракцион) room (n) [ruitn] комната round (adj) [raund] круглый rugby (n) I'rAgbi] регби ruins (n) ['ruiinz] развалины; руины run (v) [глп] бежать, бегать running (л) ['глшд] бег (дисциплина лёгкой атлетики) Russia (п) ['гл/э] Россия Russian [’гл/п] 1. (adj) русский; российский; 2. (п) 1) русский язык; 2) русский, русская; россиянин, росссиянка Ss sad (adj) [s^d] грустный, печальный safe (adj) [seif] безопасный safely (adv) ['seiflij безопасно sail (v) [sell] плавать, совершать плавание salad (л) ['sseledj салат sandwich (n) ['saendwidsl сэндвич save (v) [seiv] спасать; охранять, защищать school (п) [skull] школа school uniform (n) [,skuil ‘juinifDim] школьная форма science (n) ['saiens] наука scientist (n) ['saiantist] учёный scorpion (n) ['skDipisn] скорпион Scotland (n) i'skotland] Шотландия Scottish (adj) ['skotij] шотландский/Scottish people-жители Шотландии, шотландцы/ scream (v) [skriim] пронзительно кричать, вопить, визжать sculptor (n) ['skAlptaj скульптор sculpture (n) ['skAiptfa] скульптура sea (n) [si:] море seal (n) [si:l] тюлень season (n) ['siizn] время года second (adj) ['seksnd] второй secondary school (n) ['sekandari ,sku:l] средняя или основная школа section (n) [‘sek|n] секция See you! ['si: ju] Увидимся! selection (n) [sa'iekjn] подбор; набор send (v) [send] посьшать, отправлять September (n) [sep'temba] сентябрь series (n) ['siariizj серия (книжная) serve (v) [sbiv] подавать (о пище) seven (number) ['sevn] семь sextuplet (n) [‘sekstjuplatj один из шестерых близнецов shark (n) [fa:к] акула shark attack (n) ['fa;k a,taek] нападение акулы sheep (n) [flip] овца; баран sheepdog trial (n) ['Jiipdog ,traial] соревнование пастушьих собак shine (v) [fain] светить, сиять, озарять ship (n) [fip] корабль; судно shoes (n) [fu:z] обувь shopping (n) ['Jopir]] посещение магазина с целью покупки /до shopping - ходить за покупками, ходить по магазинам/ shopping centre (n) ['fnpir] ,senta] торговый центр short (adj) [fart] низкий, невысокий (о человеке); короткий, недлинный shorts (п р1) [fo:ts] шорты summer show (n) [Члтэ fau] здесь: летний фестиваль shower (п) ['faua] душ /have а shower - принимать душ/ sign (п) [sain] знак sign up for (phras v) [,sain 'лр fa;] записываться he ЧТО-Л. similar (to) (adj) ['simila (tu:)] подобный; похожий, сходный sing (v) [sir]] петь singer (n) ['sir]3] певец, певица sister (n) [‘sista] сестра sister-in-law (n) [‘sisterin,lD:] невестка (жена брата); золовка (сестра мужа); свояченица (сестра жены) six (number) [siks] шесть skate (v) [skeit] кататься, бегать на коньках skiing (n) ['skint]] катание на лыжах; лыжи, лыжные виды спорта skill (п) [skil] навык; умение; искусство, мастерство skirt (п) [sk3:t] юбка sleep (v) [sli:p] засыпать, спать slim (adj) [slim] стройный slow (adj) [slau] медленный slowly (adv) ['sleuli] медленно small (adj) [sma:!] маленький; небольшой , (по размеру) snake (n) [sneik] змея snow leopard (n) ['snau ,lepad] снежный барс snowy (adj) ['snaoij 1) снежный, со снегом (о погоде); 2) снежный, из снега; 3) заснеженный, покрытый снегом social club (n) ['sauJI ,к!лЬ] клуб, в котором люди встречаются для отдыха sock (п) [soks] носок soldier (п) ['sauld^aj солдат solve (v) [sdIv] решать, разрешать (проблему и т. п.) sometimes (adv) ['sAmtaimzj иногда, время от времени son (п) [sAn] сын song (п) [sD(]] песня soon (adv) [su:n] скоро, вскоре; в ближайшее время sound (п) [saund] звук; шум; звук речи South Africa (n) [,sau0 'aefrika] Южная Африка souvenir (n) [,su:v9'nia] сувенир spaceship ф) ['speisfip] космический корабль Spain (n) [spein] Испания Spanish ['spaenijl 1. (adj) испанский; 2. (n) 1) испанский язык; 2) испанец, испанка speak (v) [spiik] говорить; сказать; произнести; разговаривать speaker (n) ['spi:ke] 1) говорящий; 2) динамик персонального компьютера special (adJ) ['speji] 1) особый, особенный, специальный; 2) специальный {относящийся к отдельной отрасли чего-л.) /nothing special -ничего особенного! species (п) ['spi;/iiz] вид {биологический) speed (п) [spiid] скорость spell (v) [spel] писйть или произносить (слово) по буквам spider (п) ['spaida] паук sponsored event (adj) ['spcnsed ,ivent] мероприятие по сбору средств sports hall (n) ['spoits ho:I] спортзал spring (n) [sprit]] весна spruce (n) [spruisj хвойное дерево spy (n) [spai] шпион square (n) [skwee] 1. (adj) квадратный; 2. (n) площадь (в городе) stadium (n) ['steidiemj стадион stall (n) [sto:!] палатка; прилавок stamp (n) [staemp] (почтовая) марка star (n) [sta:] 1) звезда; светило; 2) звезда, знаменитость start (v) [sta:t] начинать; браться (за что-л.)\ начинаться station (п) [‘steijnj железнодорожная станция statue (п) ['stetfui] изваяние, статуя stay (v) [stei] останавливаться, жить; оставаться steak (п) [steik] стейк, бифштекс stepbrother (п) ['step.brASe] сводный брат stepdad (п) [’step.daed] отчим stepmum (п) ['step,mAm] мачеха stick insect (n) ['stik .insekt] палочник (насекомое) stone circle (n) [,steun 's3:kl] круг из камней stormy (adj) ['stoimij штормовой street (n) [striit] улица student (n) ['stjuidnt] студент, студентка; учащийся study (v) ['sudi] изучать; заниматься, учиться subject (п) [’5лЬс|зекГ] 1) дисциплина, предмет; 2) подлежащее suffer (v) ['sAfa] страдать sugar (n) ['/идэ] сахар summer (n) [Члтэ] лето summer camp (n) ['sAtne ,кжтр] летний лагерь sunbathe (v) ['злпЬехб] загорать sunglasses (n pi) I'sAn.glaisiz] солнцезащитные очки sunny (adj) ['sAnij солнечный surface (n) [’saifis] поверхность surfing (n) [‘s3:fit]j сёрфинг surname (n) ['S3;neimj фамилия survive (v) [se'vaiv] выживать sweater (n) ['swetej свитер, пуловер sweatshirt (n) ['swetjsitj толстовка; спортивный свитер swim (v) [swim] плавать swimming (n) ['swimir]] плавание, купание (в водоёме)] плавание (спортивная дисциплина) swimming pool (n) ['swimig puil] плавательный бассейн sword (n) [said] меч Tt table tennis (n) ['teibl ,tenis] настольный теннис tail (n) [terl] хвост take photos [,teik 'feuteuz] фотографировать, снимать take place [,teik 'pleis] происходить talk (v) [toik] говорить, разговаривать, вести беседу tall (adj) [toil] высокий tarantula (n) [te'raentjule] тарантул tea (n) [ti:] чай teacher (n) ['tiitfaj учитель, учительница; преподаватель, преподавательница team (n) [ti:m] команда, группа team sport (n) ['ti:m ,spo:t] командные виды спорта teenage (adj) ['ti:n,eid3l находящийся в возрасте подростка teenager (n) ['ti:n,eid3aj тинейджер, подросток teeth (n pi) [ti:9] зубы temple (n) ['tempi] храм; церковь ten (number) [ten] десять tennis (n) ['tenisj теннис tent (n) [tent] палатка terrible (adj) [‘tereblj 1) ужасный, отвратительный, очень плохой; 2) внушающий страх, ужас Thanks! [баедкз] Спасибо! Thanksgiving (п) ['9aer)ks,givii]] День благодарения (государственный праздник в США и Канаде) that (ргоп) [6aet] 1) тот, та, то; 2) (тот) который theatre (п) ['Grata] театр theme park (n) ['9i:m pa:k] парк отдь!ха с аттракционами these (pron) [6i:z] эти think (v) [9ir]k] думать; размышлять this (pron) [6is] этот, эта, это those (pron) [5auz] те thousand (number) ['Bauzand] тысяча three (number) [9ri:] три thriller (n) ['9nla] триллер tidy your room [,taidi ja 'ru:m] убирать свою комнату, наводить в комнате порядок tiger (п) ['taiga] тигр toast (п) [taust] тост (подрумяненный ломтик хлеба) today (adv) [ta'dei] сегодня together (adv) [ta'geSa] вместе, совместно, сообща toilet (n) ['toilat] туалет, уборная tomb (n) [tu:m] гробница tongue (n) [tAt]] язык top (n) [top] 1) вершина; 2) верхняя часть total number (n) ['tauti ,плтЬа] общее число; общая численность tourism (n) ['tuarizml туризм tourist (n) I'tosnst] путешественник, турист tower (n) ['taus] башня town (n) [taun] город; городок tracksuit (n) ['traeksuit] спортивный костюм tractor (n) ['traekto] трактор tradition (n) [trs'dijn] традиция; старый обь!чай traditional (adj) [tra'dijnal] традиционный trainers (n) ['treinaz] кеды, кроссовки trap (v) [tr^p] ловить в ловушку, капкан travel (v) ['traevi] путешествовать treasure (n) ['trega] сокровище tree (n) [tri:] дерево tribe (n) [traib] племя triplet (n) ['triplat] тройняшка, близнец {из тройни) trophy (n) I’traufi] трофей, добыча trousers (n) ['trauzaz] брюки try (v) [trai] пытаться; стараться T-shirt (n) ['ti:|3:t] футболка turn into (phrv) [,t3:n 'intu:] превращать turn on (phrv) [,t3:n ’on] включать turtle (n) ['tBitl] морская черепаха twin (n) [twin] близнец; двойняшка two (number) [tu:] два Uu umbrella (n) [лт'Ьге1э] зонт uncle (n) ['лг]к1] дядя under (prep) ['лпбэ] под unfortunately (adv) [лп'Ь:фпэгП] к сожалению unicycle (n) ['jurni.saikl] одноколёсный велосипед (the) United States (n) [(бэ) jui.naitid ‘steits] Соединённые Штать: unusual (adj) [An'juigual] необычный, странный USA (n) [jures'ei] США use (v) [ju'z] использовать, пользоваться, употреблять user name (n) [ju;za 'neimj имя пользователя, регистрационное имя usually (adv) ['jui3uali] обычно, как правило Vv vegetable (n) [Ved^tebl] овощ vehicle (n) [Viiikl] транспортное средство version (n) ['v3ijnj версия; вариант village (n) ['vilidsj деревня, селение vintage tractor (n) [.vintid^ 'traektaj ретротрактор voice (n) [vDis] голос volcano (n) [voTkeinau] вулкан volleyball (n) ['vniibo:!] волейбол Ww Wales (n) [weilz] Уэльс walk (v) [walk] идти, ходить {пешком)] гулять, прогуливаться wall (n) [wad] стена wallaby (n) [’woiabi] валлаби {сумчатое из семейства кенгуровых) war (n) [wo:] война warm (adj) [wo:m] тёплый watch TV/a DVD [,wo^ ti:'vi:/a diivii'di:] смотреть телевизор/фильм на DVD water drum (n) ['woits бглт] водяной барабан {при изготовлении инструмента плод растения калабас разрезают пополам, очищают от сердцевины и тщательно высушивают; большую из половинок наполняют водой, в которую помещают перевёрнутую вторую половину) waterfall (п) ['woitafoilj водопад wear (v) [wea] носить {одежду и т. п.) website (п) ['websaitj веб-сайт, интернет-сайт weird (adj) [wiad] странный, чудной well [wel] 1. (adv) хорошо; 2. (interj) ну, итак Welsh [welj] 1. (adj) валлийский, уэльский; 2. (n) валлийский язык/Welsh people - жители Уэльса, валлийцы/ wet (adj) [wet] мокрый, влажный whale (n) [well] кит What? [wDt] Что? When? [wen] Когда? Where? [wee] Где? white (adj) [wait] белый Who? [hu:] Кто? wife (n) [waif] жена, супруга wildlife (n) ['waiidlaif] дикая/живая природа win (v) [win] победить, выиграть windsurfing (n) ['windsBifip] виндсёрфинг windy (adj) ['windij ветреный wing (n) [wip] крыло winner (n) ['wina] победитель winter (n) [‘wintsj зима Winter Olympics (n) [.winte'^e'limpiks] зимние Олимпийские игры, зимняя Олимпиада winter sport (n) [,winte 'spoitj зимний вид спорта wizard (n) ['wizadj колдун, чародей wolf (n) [wu!f] волк wonderful (adj) ['wAndafl] замечательный, изумительный, удивительный, поразительный work of art (n) [,w3ik av 'a:tj произведение искусства work (v) [w3ik] работать workshop (n) ['w3;k|Dpj семинар world (n) [w3:ld] мир, свет world war (n) [,w3:ld 'wo:] мировая война write (v) [rait] писёть, записывать write back (phr v) [,rait 'baek] ответить письменно; ответить на письмо writer (n) ['raita] писатель wrong (adj) [гор] неправильный, неверный Yy yellow (adj) ['jelauj жёлтый young (adj) []лп] молодой, юный youth club (n) [‘ju:0 ,к!лЬ] молодёжный клуб Zz zoo (n) [zu:j зоопарк ^■^lS^ш^l^f^^S^^тшr^a^s^^^^^rш■s^'^^■'-■i^r .:'.ч^7.':чЛ‘-г.*г3-;^r,v1 Infinitive Past simple Past participle Infinitive Past simple Past participle be was / were been keep kept kept beat beat beaten know knew known become became become learn learnt / learned learnt / learned begin began begun leave left left break broke broken lose lost lost bring brought brought make made made build built built meet met met buy bought bought pay paid paid catch caught caught put put put choose chose chosen read read read come came come run ran run do did done say said said draw drew drawn see saw seen drink drank drunk sell sold sold drive drove driven send sent sent eat ate eaten sing sang sung fall fell fallen sit sat sat feed fed fed sleep slept slept feel felt felt speak spoke spoken fight fought fought spell spelt spelt find found found spend spent spent fly flew flown steal stole stolen forget forgot forgotten swim swam swum get got got take took taken give gave given teach taught taught go went gone tell told told have had had think thought thought hear heard heard understand understood understood hit hit hit wear wore worn hurt hurt hurt win won won write wrote written ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ШКОЛА t ^«РУССКОЕ СЛОВО» MACMILLAN .. '; ■ ri^.r“ -ij; ■ #;A'- . .' 'r. V *1 I ' ■I-'IЧ •'>,*] r ,-v^ ■■ - ■ ■■ :4} X" '■Ч'-' -urc ■ »■., _>.'"?авед-,|,г ■vii\ \v!„