Учебник Английский язык 6 класс Афанасьева Михеева

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 6 класс Афанасьева Михеева - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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I • < 4 J Общеобразовательная школа ^11 О. в. Афанасьева И. В. Михеева УДК 373.167Л:811Л11 ББК 81.2 Англ-922 А94 Афанасьева, О. В. Л94 Новый курс английского языка для российских школ : 2-й год обучения, 6 кл.: учеб, для общеобразоват. учреждений / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева. — 3-е изд., стереотип. — М. : Дрофа, 2005. — 252, [4] с. : ил. ISBN 5-7107-9141-5 Учебник, созданный нзвестнымл специалистами в области преподавания английского языка О. В. Афанас1»евой н И. В. Михеевой, предназначен для учащихся общеобразовательных школ и является основным коыпоиеятом учебно-методического комплекта для второго года обучения, в который также входят две рабочие тетради, книга для чтения, книга дяя учителя и набор аудиокассет. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2ЛЫГ.1-922 ISBN 5-7107-9141-5 С ООО «Дрофа*, 2003 UNIT ONE My Name Is John Step One Do It Together 1. Ты уже знаешь мальчика по имени John Barker. Послушай, как John рассказывает о себе (/), и скажи, в каком поряд ке следуют его фразы. 2. 3. Представь себе, что ты разговариваешь с Джоном. Что он ответит тебе, если ты задашь ему с.чедующи^ вопросы. Разыграйте эту беседу в парах. Повторите диалог за дикторо.ч. И You: What’s your name? JOHN: • • • • You: How old are you? John: • • • • You: Where are you from? John: • • « ♦ You: What’s your address? John: • • • • You: What’s your telephone number? John: • • • • You: Are you a pupil? John: ♦ • • • You: Is your mum a doctor? John: 9 • Л • You: Is your dad a teacher? John: • • • • Прочитай текст и скажи, какие фразы после текста соответствуют его содержанию, а какие — нет. Используй слова “Yes” и “No”. Проверь себя, (3.) Образец: John Barker has two pets. — Yes. .JOHN BARKER AND HIS PETS John Barker has two pets. They are a dog. Chase [ijciz] and a cat, Sinokey ['smaukij. Chase is five. He is a big collie ['knii] dog. He is red and white with a long tail. His nose is black. He is very nice and strong. Sniokey is three. She is little, grey and fat. Sinokey likes milk and toy mice. She plays in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. 4. 5. Chase and Smokey sleep in the hall. Chase sleeps at the door and Smokey sleeps in a pink box under the window. John likes his pets and is very happy. 1. His pets are a bird and a cat. 2. Chase is big and Smokey is little. 3. Chase is grey and Smokey is red and white. 4. Chase has a long tail. 5. Chase is very weak. 6. Smokey likes toy mice. 7. Chase sleeps under the window. 8. Smokey sleeps in a box. Прочитай текст “John Barker and Ilis Pet.s” еще раз за диктором, [«ij (4). Выбери из текста “John Barker and His Pets” и прочитай вслух те предложения, в которых говорится: 1) о том, как John относится к своим любимцам; 2) о возрасте его питомцев; 3) об их внешнем виде; 4) о том, что любит кошка; 5) о месте, где они спят; 6) о породе собаки. 6. Прочитай эти слова. Проверь себя. (5). 7. [ж] тар cat cap lamp sad [эи] rose nose stone bone no [с] реп bed pet step well [1] Ир fish dish ship milk [ail fine kite nine five like Ы cup mug jug bus run [ц] park farm star car dark Прочитай незнакомые тебе слова по аналогии со знакомым Проверь себя, ы] (6). man — can Jim — swim bell - - well по — piano bus — but • five - — drive 8. 9. Познакомься с новыми словами. Повтори их, а также словосочетания и пред.южения с ними за диктором, (7). А. but [Ьл1] — а, но сап [кжп] — могу, умею can’t [ka:nt] — не умею, не могу drive [draiv] — ехать, управлять машиной piano [pi'icnau] — пианино, фортепиано swim [swim] — плавать well [wcl] — хорошо В. but: small but strong, little but good, big but weak, nice but sad can: I can read. He can sing. You can ride, can’t: You can’t jump. They can’t speak English. She can’t cook. drive — drives: drive a car, drive a jeep, drive a bus. John can’t drive a car, he is young. piano — pianos: a big black piano, three brown pianos; play the piano. Nick can play the piano but John can’t, swim — swims: swim in the lake, swim in the pond. Emma can’t swim. well: very well, not very well, sing well, swim well. You can speak English, but not very well. Закончи предложения. испо.аьзуя новые слова. Проверь себя, (8). 1. Bob has а ..., а big black ... . 2. Joe is from London ... not from Paris. 3. Hens can’t ... but frogs can. 4. Little John is two, he ... count. 5. My mum and dad have a car and they ... their car. 6. Natasha speaks English .... Do It on Your Own 10. Напиши новые слова, вставляя в них пропущенные буквы. с-п, s-i-, --11, pia--, d--ve, --t, --n’t 11. Напиши буквами следующие слова: [pi'aenau] [wel] [b,\t] [swim] [kien] [ka;nt] [draiv] Step Two Do It Together 1. A. Mr Strong очень хороший спортсмен. Скажи, какие виды спорта ему даются лучше других. Проверь себя, [Sg (9). Образец: Мг Strong rides а horse well. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. Скажи, в какие игры ты хорошо играешь и в каких видах спорта ты силен. Образец: I swim well. 7 МЕАЛО 1 Для того чтобы сказать, что человек умеет или может что-то делать, используется английский глагол сап, а если нужно сказать, что мы не умеем или не можем выполнить что-то, мы употребляем структуру can't {ku;nl].’1 can read. (Я умею читать.) Не сапЧ ride а horse. (Он не может ездить верхом.) 2. Послушай, что умеет и чего не умеет делать John Barker. Повтори фразы за диктором, 1«Д (Ю). 1. John сап play football, but he can’t play volleyball. 2. John can play tennis, but he can’t play ping-pong. 3. John can ride a bike, but he can’t ride a horse. 4. John can be a pupil, but he can’t be a teacher. 5. John can feed his pets, but he can’t cook. 3. Послишай и повтори оиф.човки за диктором. I«»J (II), затем Послушай и повтори риф.човку за диктором, ра.}учи её. CAN AM) CAN’T I can swim. What about Mr Hook? What about Jim? No, he can’t. Jim can ride. Mr Hook can’t swim. What about Clyde? Mr Hook can’t ride. Clyde can sing. Mr Hook can’t sing. What about Mr King? Mr Hook can’t cook. Mr King can cook. But he can play the piano! Пос.чотри на рисунки и скажи, что эти люди могут, а чего не могут делать. Проверь себя. ^5 (^2). Образец: Mr White can cook, but he can’t fly a plane. Mr White 8 1.Jack 2. Cely * 3. Mrs Biggs 4. Mrs Brown 5. Sam 6. Polly 7. Willy 8. Nick 5. Посмотри на картинки и скажи, что Bob умеет делать очень хорошо, а что не очень хорошо. Проверь себя, |[^ (13). Образец: 1, Bob сап play tennis very well. 2. Bob can play football but not very well. 1. 2. i. I I 6. 7. Посмотри на картинки и скажи, как эти люди играют на пианино. Проверь себя, (14). Образец: Mr Ross can play the piano very’ well. ® Betty can play the piano but not very well. © Tom can’t play the piano. Q © 2. Betty © 3. Tom © 4. Jane 5. Jeff 6, Hob 8. Mrs Jane Carter 7. Robin 7. Скажи, что ты умеешь делать хорошо, не очень хорошо, а что совсем не умеешь. Образец: I сап swim very well. I can ride a bike but not very well. I can’t fly a plane. cook, count, jump, play the piano, play tennis, play football, play volleyball, play ping-pong, speak English, read, run, fly a plane, drive a car, ride a horse, ride a bike 10 Do It on Your Own 8. Перепиши этот миленький рассказ, вставляя вместо карта нок нужные слова. Don is 20 . Не сап - well. Не сап play very well but he can’t play the He can a car but he can’t a horse, 9. Напиши шесть предложений о том. что ты умеешь и не уме ешь делить. Step Three 'Г~Т г? ■ -t . 1. Do It Together Послушай, что говорит о себе папа Джона. Мг Barker, и назови пять вещей, которые он умеет делать, и три. кото рые не умеет. (15). Образец: Mr Barker can play football. He can’t play volleyball. © 11 2. А. Посмотри на картинки и скажи, что ты умеешь и чего не умеешь делать. Образец: I сап ride а bike. I сапЧ ride а horse. В. А теперь скажи, что ты умеешь делать хорошо, а что не очень хорошо. Образец: I сап count well. I can speak English but not very well. 12 4. Прочитай эти слова. Проверь себя. tr*j (16). [x] can hat hand ant map [nu] window narrow Moscow piano no [«] shop clock pond hot pot [>] swim chick little film big [u:l spoon roof boot room too [e] pen ten bell red hen Прочитай незнакомые тебе слова по ана.югии со знакомыми. Проверь себя. (17). fat — family no — go pot — lot room — school can’t — class Познакомься c новыми c.noea.vu. Повтори их. словосочетания и предложения с ними за диктором, (18). А. class [kla:s] — урок, занятие family [ТжтэИ] — семья friend [frend] — друг go (to) [уэи] — идти, ехать, направляться live [liv] — жить а lot (of) [Int] — много school [sku:l] — школа sister ['sjsta] — сестра week [wi;k] — неделя В. class — classes: my English class, a lot of classes, I have five classes on Monday. family — families: a big family, a good family. My family is not very big. friend — friends: good friends, old friends, family and friends. Little Polly has no friends. go to — goes to: go to the park, go to the lake, go to the pond, go to school. John goes to school: he is a pupil. live — lives: I live in Moscow. She lives in London. They live in Madrid. a lot of: a lot of pets, a lot of friends, a lot of boys and girls, a lot of milk, play a lot, read a lot, like a lot. 1 see a lot of 13 birds in the tree. Dan plays the piano a lot. He likes tennis a lot. week — weeks: a long week, a good week. A week has seven days. We go to school five days a week, school — schools: a lot of schools, my old school, a good school, go to school, at school. We go to school six days a week. I’m at school in the afternoon, sister — sisters: my little sister, his big sister. Our little sister is five. Her sister is a student. 7. Прочитай текст и скажи, какие фразы после текста соответствуют его содержанию, а какие — нет. Используй слова “Yes” и “No”. Проверь себя, pj (19). Образец: John is а doctor. — No. Не is а pupil. John lives in London, — Yes. He lives in London. MEET JOHN BARKER Hi! My name is John Barker. I’m twelve. I live in London. I’m a pupil. I go to school five days a week. I have classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I have a lot of friends at school. I like my school, my friends and my teachers. My family is not very big: my mum, dad and my sister Sally, I have two pets — a dog. Chase, and a cat, Smokey. I like my pets a lot. 1. John Barker is ten. 2. John Barker lives in London. 3. John Barker goes to school. 4. John has classes on Sunday. 5. He has a lot of friends at school. 6. John likes his friends, 7. John likes his teachers too. 8. His family is big. 9. John has two sisters. 10. He likes his pets. 14 8. Прочитай текст “Meet John Barker” еще раз за диктором, ^ (20). 9. Выбери из текста “Meet John Barker” и прочитай вслух те предложения, в которых говорится о: 1) возрасте мальчика; 2) том, чем он занимается; 3) том, сколько времени он проводит в школе; 4) его отношении к школе, друзьям и учителям; 5) его семье; 6) его питомцах. Do It on Your Own 10. Напиши новые слова, вставляя в них пропущенные буквы. SC---I f - m -1 - - - st - - — ss - о - - о - - ve f г - - - d 11. Напиши буквами следующие слова. [klu;s] [livj [Ticmali] [trend] [Ini] ['sista] [gou ] [wi:k] 12. Прочитай текст “Meet John Barker” еще раз, a затем закон чи и напиши следующие предложения. /. John lives in ... . 2. John is a pupil, he goes...... 3. John goes to school.........week. 4. John likes his school, his ... and his ... . 5. His ... is not very big: his mum, dad and his ... Sally. 15 2. Step Four Do It Together 1. Прочитай слова и словосочетания, помещенные в рамке, и скажи, что мы можем, а чего не можем делать а) в парке; б) в школе. Проверь себя, (21). Образец: We сап run in the park. We can’t ride a bike at school. ride a bike, play football, cook, play the piano, read books, drive a car, play ping-pong, have classes, ride a horse, fly a kite A. Послушай, как Kate спрашивает у своей новой подруги, что та умеет де.пать. Скажи, как строятся подобные вопро сы и ответы на них, (22). 1. — Can you swim? 4. — Can you play the piano? — Yes, I can. — No, I can’t. 2. — Can you cook? 5. — Can you play tennis? — Yes, I can. — No, I can’t. 3, — Can you speak English? 6. — Can you sing? — Yes, I can. — No, I can’t. 3. В. Спросите друг у друга, что каждый из вас умеет делать, и ответьте на эти вопросы. Разучи рифмовку: послушай и повтори ее за диктором, («»] (23). CAN YOU? Can you run well? Yes, I can. Can you jump well? Yes, I can. Can you swim well? Yes, I can. But I can’t play tennis. Can you drive a car? No, I can’t. Can you ride a horse? No, I can’t. Can you fly a kite? No, I can’t. But I can speak English, 16 4. Посмотри на картинки и скажи: 1. 2. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3. Tuesday Thursday 5. 6. 7. 1) сколько друзей у мальчика по имени Fred; 2) по каким дням Fred учится в школе; 3) по каким дням у него занятия английским языком; 4) сколько лет его сестре Jane; 5) где живет Fred; 6) большая ли у него семья; 7) много ли у него книг. Проверь себя, (24). 5. Прочитай, эти слова. Проверь себя. (25). [>] big ship milk swim sister [А] bus cup mug jug but [jii;] you tulip student pupil tube [ei] lake cake name date plate [е] bed belt egg shell desk [п] fox clock pot вопя cock С- Прочитай незнакомые тебе слова по аналогии со знакомыми. Проверь себя. (26). plate — hate sister — listen belt — help you — new music — computer 7. Познакомься c новыми словами. Повтори их. с.повосочетания и предложения с ними за диктором. (27). Л. computer [kom'pjuita] — компьютер hate [heit] — ненавидеть help [help] — помогать listen ['lisanj — слушать love [Iav] — любить music [’mju;zik] — музыка new [nju:] — новый son [SAn] — сын wash [wnj] — мыть, стирать В. computer — computers: a big computer, a good computer, a lot of computers, to play on the computer. We have a lot of computers at school. hate — hates: I hate eggs. Dogs hate cats. Little Jimmy hates hot milk. help — helps: Help! Help your mum. John helps his mum and dad. listen — listens: listen to the teacher, listen to the tune, listen to the bird, listen to the song. Listen to your sister, Sam! love — loves: love roses, love tulips a lot. I love my family and my friends a lot. music: bad music, good music, pop music, rock music. Nick loves rock music. He listens to music in the evening. new: new music, a new car, a new friend, her new piano, his new school. My new school is in my street. My sister has a lot of new friends now. 18 son — sons: my little son, a good son. Mrs Biggs has five sons. Where is your son, John? wash — washes: wash the floor, wash the plates. Help your granny and wash the plates. John washes his hands and face in the morning. 8. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы после текста. Проверь себя, (28). MY SON JOfIN Hi! Гт Harry Barker. My family and I live in London. I have a son. His name is John. He is a pupil and goes to school five days a week. My son is a very nice boy. He is twelve but he can play football and tennis very well and he can ride his new bike too. John likes books, cars and computers. He likes music and listens to music in the evening. He can play the piano, but not very well. John helps his mum, he washes the plates and goes to the shops. But he hates shops. I love my son a lot. 1. Is John a pupil? 2. How old is he? 3. Is he from London? 4. Can John play football? 5. Can John play tennis well? 6. Can John ride a bike? 7. Is his bike old? 8. Can John play the piano? 9. Can John play the piano very well? 9. Прочитай текст “My Son John” еще раз за диктором. (29). 10. Выбери из текста “Му Son John” u прочитай вслух предложения, в которых говорится о том, что любит и чего не любит делать John. 19 Do It on Your Own 11. Напиши буквами следующие слова. [ks'mpjurts] [hell] ['mju:zik] [&\n] [lison] [Iav] [nju:] [help] 12. Перепиши текст. Заполни пропуски, используя слова в рамочке. piano, lives, school, helps, son (2), loves, computers, listens, goes, washes, new Harry Barker ... in London. He has a ... John. His ... goes to ..., he is a pupil. John can ride his ... bike. He likes books, music and ... . John ... to music in the evening. He can play the ..., but not very well. John ... his mum, he ... the plates and ... to the shop. Harry ... his son. Step Five Do It Together !• Посмотри на картинки^ послушай, что говорят о себе эти люди, и скажи, как зовут каждого из них, (30). 1. Polly Robins 2. Adam 3. Nick Sheldon 4. Mrs Parker 5. John 20 2. Опшешь на эти вопросы. Образец: Сап hens fly? - Can hens run? No, they can’t. - Yes, they can. 20 1. Can frogs swim? 2. Can horses swim? 3. Can fish’ jump? 4. Can ants fly? 5. Can dogs like cats? 6. Can cats like mice? 7. Can bees^ sing? 8. Can cows run? 9. Can dogs count? 10. Can English dogs speak English? ’ a fish — рыба bee — пчела 21 3. Ответь на вопросы этой анкеты. Цель анкеты — выяснить^ получится ли из тебя хороший путешественник. 9 • Yes, I can. No, 1 can’t. 1. Can you help your friends? • 2. Can you cook? 3. Can you sing? 4. Can you wash the plates? 5. Can you fish^? в. Can you swim? 7. Can you run? 8. Can you jump? 9. Can you ride a bike? 10. Can you ride a horse? 11. Can you drive a car? 12. Can you read a map? 13. Can you speak English? Если ты ответил на 9 вопросов утвердительно, из тебя получится хороший путешественник! 4. Л. Посмотри на таблицу и расскажи о вкусах этих .пюдей. Проверь себя, (31). Образец: Kim and Jim love rock music. Linda hates rock music. Bob likes rock music. * to fish — ловить рыбу 22 Kim and Jim Linda Bob 9 Ф 1. love hates likes computers 2. hate loves hates old films 3. hate loves likes sad songs 4. like hates loves football 5. like likes hates hot milk 6. hate likes hates weak tea в, А теперь расскажи о своих вкусах. Образец: I like computers. I love football. I hate hot milk. 5. Прочитай эти слова и словосочетания. Проверь себя, (*'i2) I) а lot of \ IsJ И books computers str€>ets pianos J tulips a , a lot of J cups sisters chicks families pets schools —* V [и] buses boxes benches houses classes roses 2) king long ring song sing morning evening 23 6. I. Robin hates Послушай, как диктор рассказывает о вкусах мальчика по имени Robin. Понял ли ты. что значит каждая из этих фраз? Проверь себя, [«J (33). running in the morning, playing the piano, washing the plates, going to the shops. playing football, driving a car. flying a kite, listening to rock music. 2. Robin likes 3. Robin loves meeting new boys and girls, going to school, reading books, speaking English. 7. Скажи, ЧС.И тебе нравится, очень нравится и совсем не нравится заниматься. Образец: I like playing tennis. I love playing football. I hate jumping. reading books cooking washing the plates going to the shops speaking English playing volleyball swimming washing the floor helping mum about the house going to school listening to music playing the piano 8. Прочитай текст “John Barker and His Friends" и скажи, как ребята относятся к книга.м и поп .музыке. JOHN BARKER AND HIS FRIENDS Hello! I’m John Barker from London. I love going to school. I have a lot of friends at school. We like playing football, ping-pong and tennis. We like reading books and 24 listening to pop music. We like going to the park too. In the park we love running and riding our bikes. We like feeding birds in the park. Do It on Your Own 9, Закончи jmu предложения и напиши, что John и его друлья любят (очень любят) делать. Текст из задания 8 поможет тебе. 1. John ... going to school. 2. He and his friends ... playing football, ping-pong and tennis. 3. They ... reading books and listening to pop music. 4. They ... going to the park. 5. In the park they ... running and riding bikes. 6. John and his friends ... feeding birds in the park. 10. Здесь зашифрованы 15 новых слов, которые встречаются в первом уроке (Unit I, Steps 1—5). Напиши их правильно и рас ставь в алфавитном порядке. wne hlpe stersi nos wsha msicu paion frenid ilev ovel htea soolch imsw cassl rdive 11. Подготовься к диктанту. Д.пя этого тебе нужно уметь писать эти словосочетания и пред.чожения. Dictation^ N 1 Му piano, his school, her computer, your family, new friends, English classes. They can’t drive. We сат» swim. Can you wash the plates? Listen to your teacher. Help your little sister. YOUR WORD- BOX i but, can/can’t, class (classes), computer, drive, family, friend, go, hate, help, listen (to), live, a lot (of), music, new piano, play the piano, school, go to school, be at school, sister, son, swim w-ell ‘ a dictation (dik'tei/onj — диктант * a word [w^;dJ — слово 25 UNIT TWO Meet My Family Step One Do It Together 1. Используй слова в рамке и скажи, что говорит Nina своей собаке, когда дрессирует ее. Проверь себя, (34). Sit! Jump! Help! Kiss! Count! Sing! 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 26 Ты уже знаешь, как могут зв>*^ать строгие приказания на английском языке. Однако люди редко обращаются друг к другу в такой форме. Обычно любая просьба сопровождается английским словом please Ipli z] — пожалуйста: Speak English, please. Или Please speak English. В отличие от русского пожалуйста английское please никогда не используется в ответ на Thank you / Thanks. Что же говорят в этом случае? Англичане могут ничего не ответить, а американцы чаще всего скажут You are welcome [Velkom]. 2. Nina обращается с несколькими просьбами к своей старшей сестре. Скажи, как звучат ее просьбы по английски. Проверь себя, та (35). ^ Образец: go to the shop Please go to the shop. / Go to the shop, please. read this book wash the plates play the piano listen to the music cook this fish speak English go to the bank 27 3. 4. Л. Послушай, как Emma благодарит своих друзей и родных за подарки ко дню рождения. Повтори диалоги за диктором, (36). В. Поработайте в парах и составьте похожие диалоги. Образец: — I love the book. Thank you. (Thanks.) — You’re welcome. — I like the book a lot. Thank you (very much)!* — You’re welcome. A. i Прочитай эти слова. Проверь себя. (87). [u:J spoon room boot school too [э:] four door floor ball horse [Л] son love bus but mug [»I lot clock wash sock song [a:J farm dark car can’t class [>] swim sister listen ship chick B. Послушай, как звучит no английски слово с новым зву-1зЬ Попробуй догадаться, что оно значит, ЕЗ (38). * Thank you very much (raMf)! — Большое спасибо! 28 5. По.шокомься с новыми словами. Повтори их, с.човосочетания и пред.чожения с ними за диктором. [Д (39). А. cinema [Чтэтэ] — кино daughter ['d3;la] — дочь swimming bath ['swmiir) btuG] — бассейн watch [wnt^ — с.мотреть children ['tjildron] — дети husband ['hAzband] — муж television ['teli,vi3on] — me левизор zoo [zu;] — зоопарк В. cinema — cinemas: an old cinema, a big new cinema, go to the cinema. I like going to the cinema very much. children: good children, big children, little children. Mrs Biggs has a lot of children in the family. Hello, children! Thanks a lot, children. daughter — daughters: a big daughter, a good daughter, four daughters. Mrs Brown has no daughters in her family. She has three sons. husband — husbands: an old husband, a good husband. My husband is a music teacher. swimming bath — swimming baths: an old swimming bath, a new swimming bath. We like our new swimming bath. My friends go to the swimming bath on Thursdays and Sundays. television: an old television, a new television, a colour television, a black-and-white television, on television. My family has two colour televisions. I have no television in my roonu watch — watches: watch films, watch films on television, watch television. My children watch television a lot. I like watching old films on television. zoo — zoos: a new zoo, go to the zoo. We have an old zoo in Mo.scow. 29 6. 7. 8. Прочитай текст и скажи, какие фразы после текста соот ветствуют его содержанию, и какие — нет. Используй слона “Yes ’• и “ No”. МЕСТ MY FAMILY Hello, my name is Margaret ['murganij Barker. 1 have a husband and two children — John, my son, and Sally, my daughter. My husband Harry is a doctor. I’m a teacher, a school teacher. I teach music to very young pupils. I teach Sally too. Now she can play the piano, but not very well. Sally sings very well and loves singing. I teach at school two days a week, on Tuesday and Thursday. On Saturday and Sunday my family and I like going to the cinema, to the park, to the zoo or to the swimming bath. In the evening we watch television, read books or listen to music. We are very good friends. 1. Margaret Barker has a husband and three children. 2. Her husband is a doctor. 3. Margaret is a school teacher. 4. Sally can play the piano very well. .5. Sally loves singing and sings very well. 6. Margaret teaches at school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 7. On Saturday and Sunday Margaret and her family like going to the lake. 8. They are very good friends. Прочитай текст “Meet My Family” еще раз за диктором, (40). Разучи рифмовку. Прос.пушай и повтори ее за диктора.», Ё (41). THANKS VERY .MUCH Read the text. Blah-blah-blah. 30 Thanks very much. You’re welcome. Sing the song. La-la-la. Thanks very much. You’re welcome. Kiss your granny. XX X* Thanks very much. You’re welcome. Say^: “I love you.” I love you. I love you. Thanks very much. You’re welcome. Do It on Your Own 9. Напиши буквами слова, данные в транскрипции. [’teli,vi3on] ['Ьл/Ьэпс1] ['tjildrnn] ['swimioba;0] ['smomaj [ziu] ['<1э:!э] 10. Прочитай все, что говорится о .мальчике по имени Тот, и на пиши похожие фразы о себе. Образец: Тот likes music. I like music. 1. Tom Finn lives in Boston. 2. He is a pupil. 3. Tom goes to school 5 days a week. 4. He has English classes on Monday and Thursday. 5. Tom has a small family. 6. He has a sister. 7. He has three pets. 1. I 2. I 3. I 4. I 5. I 6. I 7. I *x = kiss (так на письме обычно изображают поцелуй) to say (sci] — говорить, сказать 31 Step Two Do It Together Послушай фралы и подумай, как можно на них ответить. Проверь себя, 1^ (42). 1. — Thank you very much. —............. 2. — Hi! —.............. 3. — Good evening. —.............. 4. — Bye! —............. 5. — I like this book. Thanks a lot. —........ 6. — Nice to meet you. —............ 7. — Meet my friend Jane. —............ 8. — Hello! Where are you from? —............. Вежливо попроси своего воображаемого собеседника выполнить некоторые действия. Проверь себя и повтори фра.ш за диктором. ЕЗ (43). Тебе нужно, чтобы этот человек: 6) сыграл на пианино; 7) пошел в парк; 8) вел машину; 9) прочитал свою книгу; J0) пересчитал цыплят. /) говорил по-английски; 2) сходил в магазин; 3) накормил собаку; 4) помыл посуду; 5) спел песню; Закончи пред.южения, испо.чьзуя притяжате.чьные .местои.че-ния, которые соответствуют русским местоимениям свой, своя. свои. Проверь себя. L**J (44). Образец: I like reading ... books. I like reading my books. your, her, his, my, their, our 1. We like singing ... songs. 2. John hates washing ... bike. 3. She hates driving ... car. 4. They like feeding ... pets, 5.1 love playing ... piano. 6. He loves watching ... films, 7. You hate washing ... cups and mugs. 32 [МЕМд Для того чтобы сказать, кому принадлежит та или иная вещь, мы употребляем притяжательные местоимения (ту. his. her н т. д.) или называем человека^ которому эта вещь принадлежит, например: Катина ручка/ручка Кати; папина машина/машина папы. В этом случае в английском языке используется притяжательный падеж существительных: Kate's реп, ту dad's саг, Charles’ dog. Этот значок Г) называется апостроф. 4. Посмотри на словосочетания, послушай, как диктор читает их, (45). Скажи, как образуется притяжательный падеж имен существительных в единственном и множественном чис.пе. Еиинственное число Paul — саг Betty — cat Muin — house [Zl Paul’s car Betty’s cat Mum’s house Pat — cup Mike — bike the stuclen t — room -> [s] Pat’s cup Mike’s bike the student’s room Denis — books Max — plane the fox — tail [iz] Denis’s books Max’s plane the fox’s tail Множественное число the boys — dog the students — bags -> the foxes — tails Ho: the children — toys the boys’ the students’ the foxes’ [z] dog (s) bags [iz] tails the children’s toys 2—12372 ЛфанАсмм. в нл- 33 5. Скажи, кому из этих людей принадлежат изображенные на картинке предметы и животные. Проверь себя, (46). Образец: This is Jane’s cat. These are Jane’s birds. Tom Mr Ross Melissa Liz Brown Billy Justine Kathie Mrs Robertson 34 6. 7. Прочитай эти предложения и измени их по образцу. Проверь себя, (47). Образец: Mark has а dog. — Mark’s dog. The cats have milk. — The cats' milk. 1. The girls have dolls. 2. The dog has a ball. 3. The children have toys. 4. The horse has a tail. 5. The man has a room. 6. The cat has a bed. 7. The boys have bikes. 8. The doctors have cars. 9. The pupils have books. 10. The student has pens. По.}накомься c новыми словами. Повтори их. с.ювосочетания и предложения с ними за диктором, (48). А. brother [Ъглдэ] — брат child [tfaild] — ребенок cousin ['кл2эп] — двоюрод ный брат, двоюродная сестра В. father [Та;дэ] — отец, папа mother ['тлбо] — мать, мама parent ['реэгэш] — родитель wife [waif] — жена brother — brothers: my big brother, our little brother, Kate’s brother. Kathie has three brothers, child — children: a good child, a small child. Willy is a nice child. A young girl is a child, a little boy is a child too. How old is your child? cousin — cousins: their young cousins. Sally and Andy are my cousins. I like my cousins’ dog. father — fathers: my father, his old father, her father’s car. Where is your father? Hello, father! mother — mothers: our mother, the children’s mother, a very good mother. What’s your mother’s name? Kiss your mother goodnight. Meet my mother and father, parent — parents: good parents, young parents, old parents, my parents’ room. My mother and father are my parents. I love my parents very much. They are very good parents. 2* 35 8. wife — wives: his wife, his young wife, my brother’s wife, husband and wife. Harry and Margaret are husband and wife. Jack has a young wife. Where is your wife, Ed? Ed’s wife is a nurse. Посмотри на схему и расскажи о родственных отношениях в этой семье. Проверь себя, (49). JOHN BARKER’S FAMILY TREE Harry Barker Margaret Barker John Barker Sally Barker /. John is Harry’s son, he is ... son too. 2. Harry is ... husband. 3. John is ... brother. 4. Sally is ... daughter, .she is ... daughter too. 5. Harry and Margaret are ... parents, they are ... parents too. 6. Sally is ... sister. 7. Margaret is ... wife. 8. Sally and John are ... children, they are ... children too. Do It on Your Own 9. Перепиши словосочетания u.i правой колонки в том порядке, в каком даны их русские соответствия в левой колонке. 1) книги студентов 2) книги студента 3) портфели учеников 4) портфели ученика 5) собака моих сестер 6) собака моей сестры 7) машины докторов 8) машина доктора the student’s books the doctor’s car my sisters’ dog the pupil’s bags the students’ books the doctors’ cars my sister’s dog the pupils’ bags 36 10. Напиши несколько предложений о родственных отношениях в этой семье. 1 It 1 Ted Williams Emma Williams Jack Rose Polly I. Emma is Ted’s ... . 2. Ted is Emma’s ... and the children’s ... . 3. Rose and Polly are Ted and Emma’s ... . 4. Polly is Rose’s ... . 5. Polly and Rose are ... . 6. Ted and Emma are the children’s .... Step Three Do It Together 1. Скажи^ какого цвета игрушки детей. Проверь себя. (50). Образец: Ed’s mouse is dark blue. 1. Ed 2. Nick 4. Lizzy 5. Max 6. Rose 7. Kate 8. Don 9. Melissa 10. The children 37 2. А. Прочитай имена членов британской королевской семьи,. Проверь себя. (51). Andrew ['a*ndru:J Anne Ian] Beatrice ['biatns] Charles ['ija:lz] Edward ['cdwad] Elizabeth [I'lizabaO] Eugenie [ju;'cfei:m] Henry I'henn] Margaret ['mcrgarit] Mark [ma:k] Peter I'pi;t3] Philip I'fihp] William ['wiljomj Zara ['za;ra] B. Посмотри на родословную семьи Виндзоров и скажи, как зовут некоторых членов этой семьи. Queen Elizabeth II Henry Philip I Peter Zara Beatrice Eugenie • • ♦ • 1. The Queen’s name is ... . 2. Her husband’s name is 3, Their daughter’s name is ... . 4. Their sons’ names are ..., ... and .... 5. Charles has a sister and two brothers. His sister’s name is .... в. His brothers’ names are ... and .... 7. Charles has two sons. Their names are ... and ... . 8. Their cousins’ names are ...» .... and .... 9. Anne’s parents’ names are ... and ... . Как ты знаешь, в Великобритании главой государства является монарх (король или королева). Сейчас на британском престоле находится королева Елизавета II. Она царствует с 1952 года. Муж королевы, принц Филип, граф Эдинбургский, королем не является, его титул — принц-консорт. Дело в том, что престол в этой стране в первую очередь наследуется старшим сыном, а если его нет, то старшей дочерью. Таким образом, после Елизаветы II престол должен унаследовать ее старший сын, Чарльз, принц Уэльский, а после него — его старший сын, принц Уильям. 3. А. Скажи, где живут эти люди, и подумай, чем отличаются предложения 3 и 4 от всех оста.чьных. 1.1 live in ... . 5. We live in ... . 2. You live in .... you live in ... . juiftiS . 3. He/She lives in ... 4. It lives in ... . 7. They live in 39 в. Посмотри на таблицу, где те же самые предложения даны в вопросительной форме, и скажи, как англичане задают по-добные вопросы. Послушай, как звучат эти вопросы. (52): Do I live in Moscow? Do you live in Rome? Does he/she live in Africa? Does it live in Africa? Do we live in Paris? Do you live in Rome? Do they live in London? 40 4. Bom какие ответы дают на вопросы, начинающиеся с Do/Does... ? Послушай и повтори вопросы и ответы за диктором, (53). 1. — Do you like football? — Yes, I do. 2. — Do you like football? — No, I don’t. 3. — Does he like football? — 4. — Does she like football? — Yes, he does No, she doesn 5. — Do we like football? — Yes, we do. \riT 6, — Do I like football? — Yes, I do. > 7. — Do they like football? — No, they don’t. 8. — Do you like football? — No, we don’t. 9. — Does it like football? — Yes, it does. ^ 10. — Do you like football? —.................... 5 A. Составь вопросы с помощью этой таблицы и задай их учи телю. Выслушай и запомни ответы учителя. Your teacher Do you Yes, I do. No. I don’t, You live in Africa? ride a bike? play football? like music? speak English? read English books? play tennis? have pets? go to school? teacli English? drive a car? play the piano? B. A теперь спроси у своих одноклассников, что учитель сказал о себе. Испо.чьзуй краткие ответы Yes, he/she does или No, he/she doesn't. Does he/she You live in Africa? ride a bike? play football? like music? speak English? read English books? play tennis? have pets? go to school? teach English? drive a car? play the piano? Your friend Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t. 41 6. Послушай эти вопросы и ответь на них, (54). 1. Do you have a big family? 2. Do you live in Moscow? 3. Do you have a sister or a brother? 4. Do you go to school on Saturday? 5. Do you have friends at school? 6. Do you like reading books? 7. Do you ride a bike? 8. Do you have pets? 9. Do you play the piano? 10. Do you like English? Do It on Your Own 7. Перепиши вопросы, используя нужную форму глагола, и от веть на них. 1. Во/Does your friends go to school on Sunday? 2. Do/Does you live in London? 3. Do/Does your father drive a car? 4. Do/Does your mother cook in your family? 5. Do/Does you have cousins? 6. Do/Does you like swimming? 8. Составь шесть пред.южений и напиши их. 1. 2. ? like he does good music tennis in the park play they 3. 4. 5. 6. goes on Saturday to school my friend they do good English speak • does in Kiev your cousin live a lot of read books I • 42 step Four Do It Together 1. 2. Послушай щие слова. Sam: ANDRKW: Sam: Andrew: Sam: Andrew: Sam: Andrew: Sam: Andrew: разговор этих мальчиков и добавь в него недостаю-(55). Разыграйте этот диалог в парах. Hi! Гт Sam. (1)... . Гш Andrew. Do you go to this school? I do. Are you a new (2)...? Yes, I am. Is it (3)...? It is. I like it a lot. We have (4)... and a very good (5)... . That’s nice! Do you have a (6)... too? No, we don’t. Do you like swimming? Oh, yes. I love swinmiing but I (7) ... playing (8) ... . Do you like volleyball? No, I don’t. I like playing tennis. I play tennis on Mondays and (9).... I don’t play tennis. I play football. (10) ... and I play football on Sundays. Л. У маленького Billy появился новый друг Charles. Послушай, а затем прочитай вопросы, которые Billy однажды е.му зада.п, (56). 1. Сап you speak English? 2. Can your mother speak English? 3. Can you play the piano? 4. Can your sister play the piano? 5. Can you swim well? 6. Can you drive a car? 7. Can your granny drive a car? 8. Can you jump well? 9. Can your friend jump well? ^0. Can you play volleyball? 43 3. и. Can your cousin play volleyball? 12. Can you sing English songs? 13. Can your parents sing English songs? B. Попробуй задать эти же вопросы своему другу и.пи учителю. но начни их со слов do/does. Проверь себя. (57). Образец: Сап you count well? — Do you count well? Can your grandad count well? — Does your grandad count well? Ответь ни вопросы анкеты, которая называется «Спорт в твоей жизни». SPORT IN YOUR LIFE 1. Do you like sport? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 2. Do you play tennis? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 3. Can you ride a horse? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. 4. Can your parents ride a horse? Yes, they can. No, they can’t. 5. Do you run well? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 6. Do you have a bike? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 7. Can your brother ride a bike? Yes, he can. No, he can’t. 8. Does your sister play football? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. 9. Can you play ping-pong? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. JO. Can your sister play ping-pong? Yes, she can. No, she can’t. 44 4 Ралучи рифмовну. послушай и повтори ее, CAN VOUR DOG SWIM? {after Carolyn Graham) (58). Can your dog swim? Yes, he can. Dot'S he like swimming? Yes, he does. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, he does. Can your horse swim? Yes, she can. Does she like swimming? No, she doesn’t. No, no, no. No, she doesn’t. Can your bird fly? Yes, he can. Does he like flying? Yes, he does. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, he does. Can your hen fly? Yes, she can. Does she like flying? No, she doesn’t. No, no, no. No, she doesn’t, 5. В знакомых тебе словах where, their, parents есть один и тот же .тук [сз]. Прочитай эти и другие слова с этим .туком за диктором. fSJi (59). [со] where parents their hair [hca] hear Ibcal chair [tjca] airport['cap.TiJ Mary [’mean] teddy bear ['tedibeo] 45 Mary’s parents. Mary’s parents live in Boston. Mary’s chair. Mary’s chair is in the room. Mary’s hair. Mary’s hair is dark. — Where is Mary’s teddy bear? — It is on the small brown chair. 6. A. Прочитай текст и заполни таблицу после него. THE BARKERS The Barkers live in London. They are not a very big family — a mother, a father, their two children and their pets. Mr Barker’s name is Harry. His wife’s name is Margaret. His son’s name is John. His daughter’s name is Sally. Their pets — Chase, a big collie dog, and Smokey, a little grey cat, — live in their house. John feeds Chase and Sally feeds Smokey. The little cat likes milk. Chase likes bones. The children and their pets play in the park in the afternoon or in the evening. John likes riding his bike and playing football. He can ride his bike and play football very well. John and Sally have a cousin. Her name is Mary. She is not from London. She lives in Scotland. The Barkers like to go to Scotland and see Mary and her parents. 1. Do the Barkers live in Scotland? H • ft ft ft 2 "> 2. Yes, they do. 3. ...? 3. Yes, he does. 4. Does Sally feed Chase? 4* • •. 5, ...? 5. Yes, he can. 6....? 6. Yes, it does. 7. Does Smokey like bones? 7. ... 8. Do John and Sally have a cousin? 8, ... 9 9. Her name is Mary. 10 A V/ ft ft • ft • to. No, she is not. B. Прочитай текст еще раз вслух за диктором, ЁУ (60) 46 Послушай, как диктор читает эти отрицательные предложения, и попробуй объяснить, как они построены, fSTS] (6J). I don’t play football. You don’t live in London. He/She doesn’t like milk. This is a cat. It doesn’t like dogs. We don’t swim in this pond, You don’t sing this song. They don’t have a dog or a cat. 8. Выбери один из двух вариантов в скобках, чтобы закончить эти отрицательные предложения. Проверь себя, n»J (62). 1. Му friend (don’t/doesn’t) play the piano. 2.We (don’t/ doesn’t) play football in the gym. 3. I (don'll/doesn’t) have brothers or sisters. 4. These children (ddn’t/doesn’t) go to school. They are young. 5. Mary (don’t/doesn’t) run in the park in the morning. 6. Chicks (don’t/doesn’t) fly. 7. Mum (don’t/doesn’t) speak English. 8. Dad (don’t/doesn’t) sing well. 9. Cows (don’t/doesn’t) swim very well. 10. Tim (don’t/ doesn’t) live in Paris. He lives in Leeds. Do It on Your Own 9. . Посмотри на рисунки (стр. 48) и перепиши предложения. вставив в них нужные имена. !ЛО si к 47 © I___likes birds but doesn’t like cats. 2.... doesn’t like music. She likes sport. 3.... doesn’t like dogs and cats but she likes cars and bikes. 4.... doesn’t like music but she likes cars and bikes. 10. Выполни задание 6A письменно. 11. Напиши .imu слова буквами. [Ьсэ] ['tcdi Ьеэ] [t/еэ] [heoj ['еэрэ:1] ['pesmnts] ['тсэп] [йсэ] Step Five Do It Together 1. Посмотри на картинки, прочитай тексты и скажи, чьи это дома. Образец: One is Lucy’s house. 1. 2. 3. 4. 48 THE HOUSES Lucy lives in Italy in a big house. Its walls are yellow. The house is modern. Lucy’s father has a car. It is a dark blue Ford. Mrs Green lives in Glasgow in a small house. Its walls are grey, its roof is brown. The house is ver>' old. Mrs Green loves cats and has a lot of cats in her house. Charles’ house is in London. It’s big, new and very good. The house is in a green street. You can see a shop and a cinema in this street. Denis loves cars and sport. He lives in a small town in Scotland. The house is not very big but it has big windows. Denis likes his house a lot. Kathie lives at the lake. She loves the lake and the trees. She and her pets are very happy. Kathie’s house has white walls and a red roof. You can see a lot of roses at the door and under the window. 2. A. Составь вопросы, которые можно было бы ладить людям, чьи дома были описаны в тексте “The Houses". Mrs Green 1. ... dogs? 2. Do you have ...? 3. Can you ...? 4. ... your cats’ names? Denis 1. ... brothers or sisters? 2. Do you like ...? 3. Can you ...? 4. ... to school? CharX^ 1. ... a car? 2. ... to the cinema? 3. Do you have ...? 4. What colour ...? Kathie 1. How old ...? 2. ... play the piano? 3. ... reading books? 4. Do you ...? 49 в. Поработайте в парах. Выберите одного из этих героев и поговорите с ним а семье и привычках. а. Ь. с. d. 3. Познакомься с новыми словами. Повтори их, словосочетания и пред.аожения с ними за диктором, (63). А. always ['Dilweiz] — всегда never f'neva] — никогда often ['ofn] — часто sometimes ['sAmtarmz] — иногда usually ['ju:3uoli] — обычно В. always: We always go to the park on Sunday. Mike always listens to music in his car. They always go to school at eight o’clock. never: You never play tennis. These children never go to the swimming bath. Mary never plays with her dolls, she plays with her teddy bear. often: Do you often go to the cinema? I don’t often play the piano. Does Lizzy often sing? sometimes: Fred sometimes drives to the park. Sometimes they play football on Sundays. Sam sometimes runs in the park. usually: Do you usually speak English in class? Sally doesn’t usually read books in the morning, I usually help my mother in the house. 50 в отличие от русского языка в английском языке несколько настоящих времен. Если надо рассказать о том, что происходит в жизни обычно (usually), часто (often), всегда (always), иногда (sometimes) или же не происходит никогда (never), используется настоящее простое время (The Simple Present Tense). 4. A. Ты уже знаешь, как построить утверждения, вопросы и отрицания в этом времени. Посмотри на таблицу и сравни эти формы. The Simple Present Tense <+> <—> I dogs. I dogs. We like birds. We don’t birds. You sport. You like sport. They cars. They cars. Не horses. He doesn’t like horse. She likes cats. She cats. It milk. It milk. I dogs? Do we like birds? you sport? they cars? he horses? Does she like cats? it milk? В. Составь по этой таблице несколько пред.южений и про изнеси их. 51 5. Скажи, что из перечисленного ниже ты де.ааешь всегда, часто. иногда, обычно и.пи чего никогда не делаешь. 6. 1.1.. . play tennis. 2. I ... go to the park with my dog. 3. I ... read books. 4.1... play the piano. 5.1... run in the park in the morning. 6.1... feed my pet(s). 7.1... help my Mum and Dad. S. I... listen to music in the evening. 9.1 ... watch television. 10.1.. . ride a bike. II. I... wash my hair on Saturday. Fred и Ed братья, но они совсем разные. То. что любит и умеет делать Fred, не свойственно его брату. Прочитай о привычках брата по и.мени Fred и скажи о привычках брата по и.чени Ed. Проверь себя, [5^1 (64). Fred Ed 1. Fred likes sport. 2. Fred goes to the park on Saturday. 3. Fred plays football very well 4. Fred drives his car very well, 5. Fred likes music. 6. Fred has friends in his town. 7. Fred has a family. 8. Fred likes pets. 9. Fred washes plates in the evening. 10. Fred cooks very well. I. Ed doesn’t like sport, 2 • • • • 3.. . 4. .. 5 • • • 6, 7. ... 8» •• 9.. .. 10.... 52 Послушай, что рассказывает о себе Маг>- Barker. (65), и расскажи о себе, использум историю Магу в качестве об разца. MARY Му name is Магу Barker. Гт thirteen. Гш а pupil. I go to school. I have classes five days a week. I like my school and my friends. I live in Glasgow. I have a big family: a mother, a father, a granny, a grandad, two brothers and a sister. My mother’s name is Beatrice. She is not old. My father’s name is William. My parents and I are verj' good friends. We have two pets — two big dogs. My brothers and I like sport. We like swimming, riding a bike, playing tennis. In the evening I usually help my parents, read books and watch television. On Sundays my family and I sometimes go to the cinema or to the zoo. YOU My name is ... I’m ... . 8. В жизни часто приходится рассказывать о себе. Представь себе, что ты рассказываешь о себе своим новым английским друзьям. Как ты это сделаешь? Do It on Your Own 9. Подготовься к диктанту. Dictation N 2 Му parents, our chairs, their school, a little teddy bear, Sally’s hair. My sisters and brothers often go to the cinema. We always watch television in the evening. Mr Brown’s daughter never goes to the swimming bath. I like my cousins. John is Mary’s husband and she is his wife. 53 10. Напиши по порядку все новые слова, которые должны быть на этой шкале. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% A A never 9 • 9 • ? W always 11. Приготовь и принеси на следующее занятие фотографии чле-нов своей семьи, YOLR WORD BOX airport, always, bear, brother, chair, child, cinema, cousin, daughter, father, hair, husband, mother, never, often, parent, swimming bath, sometimes, teddy bear, television, watch, wife, zoo UNIT THREE My Day t.*- k 1 — A Ф ; nl Step One Do It Together 1. A, Посмотри HQ картинки и скажи^ что муж и жена по имени Мг Davis и Mrs Davis обычно делают в свой выходной день. Проверь себя, pJ (66), Образец: Mrs Davis usually feeds the cat on Sunday. Mr Davis usually swims on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Davis usually go to the cinema on Sunday. Mrs Davis Mr and Mrs Davis 1Л Mr Davis 55 п в. Поработайте в парах. Задайте друг другу вопросы о выхода ном дне Мг и Mrs Davis и ответьте на них, (67), Образец: 1. — Does Mr Davis usually feed the dog on Sunday? — Yes, he does. 2. — Does Mrs Davis usually feed the dog on Sunday? — No, she doesn’t. 3. — Do Mr and Mrs Davis usually read books? — Yes, they do. C- Скажи, a что ты де,7аешь и чего не делаешь по воскресенья^. Образец: I usually ride а bike on Sunday. I usually don’t cook on Sunday. ride a bike, cook, sing, run in the park, play the piano, ' play football, feed the dog, play tennis, feed the cat, drive a car, go to the shops, watch television, swim, read books, go to the cinema 2. Это страничка из записной книжки молодого человека по имени Jeff. Поработайте в парах, задайте друг другу вопросы о том, в какие дни недели Jeff занимается гвоими обычными делами, и ответьте на них. Образец: — Does Jeff go to the cinema on Sunday or on Monday? — He goes lo the cinema on Sunday. алтл Thursday hoib/dl Tuesday/ Saturday Wednesday , / * a bank (Ыепк] банк 56 ^ознакомься с новыми словами, повтори их и предложения с ними за диктором, [м] (68). А. what [wot] — что. какой { ая. ое, -ие) why [wai] — почему where [wea] — где, куда who [hu:] — кто, (кого) when [wen] — когда В. what: What is it? What colour? What books? What school? What music? Wliat town? w’here: Where is Mary? Where are the children? Where are you? Where is your teacher? when: When is your birthday? When are you at school? When is the big day? why: Why is he not at school today? Why are your toys under the bed? Why are they happy? who: Who is he? Who are your friends? Who is your teacher? Вопросы, которые начинаются со слов what, where, who, why. when называются специальными. Послушай, как эти люди ра.ггониривают друг с друга.», и скажи, как построить специальный вопрос, (69). А. е What do you see? What do you like? Where do you go in the morning? When do you play football? Where do you play football? Why do you speak English? I like sweets. I go to school. In the afternoon. I play football in the afternoon. 1 play football in the park. I like it. 57 в. Wliat does he like? Wljere does Nick play football? When does he go to school? Why does he speak English? He likes cars and he likes sport. In the park. He plays football in the park. Four days a week. He goes' to school on Monday, Tues' day, Thursday and Friday. He likes it. > Two times* 5. Разучи рифмовку: послушай и повтори ее за диктором, (70). WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? Who? What? When? Where? Why? Why? What do you see? What do you like? Where do you go on Sunday? What does he see? What does he like? Where does he go on Sunday? When do you play? When do you swim? When do you listen to music? time [taim] — здесь: раз 58 When does she play? When does she swim? When does she listen to music? Why are we here?^ Why do we come?^ Why do we read and speak English? 6. Составь вопросы no этой таблице, с помощью которых можно узнать о привычках двух приятелей. read? go in the evening? like swimming? cook on Sunday? play on Saturday? run? ride a bike? watch on television? What When Where do does Sam Peter they usually often 7. Закончи мини диалоги. Проверь себя, ^3 (71). 1. Кате: Jill: Кате: Jill: 2. John: Mark: John: Mark: John: Mark: 3. Harry: Andrew: Harry: ..„Jill? I live in a small English town. ? « • • • Yes, I do. I am a pupil. Do you like swimming, Mark? ... I swim a lot. • • • • I swim on Tuesday and Thursday. • • • • I swim in the swimming bath. I like it. Do you like watching television? ... I watch television a lot. or ^ ^here [hiD] — здесь, сюда to come [k\m) — приходить 59 Andrew: I like new films. They are very good. Harry: And...? Andrew: I usually watch television in the evening. Do It on Your Own 8. Составь из букв вопросительные слова и напиши их. nhwe reehw twha yhw hwo 9. Составь из этих с.чое вопросы и напиши их. ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. you like why do this school when your sister play the piano does ! your brother play football does where ? ; j do like what in the evening they watchingl? _ she kiss good night who does "> ff ■ 1. 60 Step Two Do It Together fl Поработайте e парах и узнайте, когда Jeff а Pam тнимают-ся своими привычными делами. Используйте слова и выраже* ния в рамке. Проверьте себя^ (72), ^ Образец: — Wlien does Jeff sleep? — He sleeps at 5 oVlock a.m. — When do Jeff and Pam go to school? — They go to school at 8 o'clock in the morning j sleep, go to school, have an English class, have a music class, ride a bike, go to the shop, run, cook ] do you like libb ? 2. Закончи вопросы с помощью вопросительных слов. Проверь себя, рд (73). L- 1. — 2. — 3. — 4. - where when why whal ...do the children read in English? Books. ... do the chidren go in the morning? To school. ... does Rex play in the park? In the afternoon. ... do the boys ride bikes? In the street. 61 4. 5. 5. — 6. — 7. — 8. — ... does little Johnny go to the shops? He helps his mother. ... films does your mum like? She likes old black-and-white films. ... does he speak English? He likes it. ... colours do you like? — I like blue and purple. 3. Прочитай эти слова. Проверь себя, (gj (74). [е] help well friend step television 1л] mother brother love cup cousin [ои] go no nose stone rose [•] swim sister children live in [аиа] our Прочитай незнакомые тебе слова по аналогии со .юкомыми, Проверь себя. [-Н (75). in — begin Bess — dress cup — lunch pet — get stone — home fish — finish our — shower Познакомься c новыми словами и словосочетаниями. Повтори их и предложения с ними за диктором. pJ (76). * А. begin [bi'gin] — начинать, начинаться breakfast [ЪгекГэя!] — завтрак dress [dres] — одеваться finish ['fmij] — .оканчивать, заканчиваться get up ['get лр] — вставать, подниматься с постели home [hpum] — дом, домашний очаг lunch [UntJ] — еда, трапеза в середине дня (обычно с 13.00 до 14.00) shower ['/аиэ] — душ be on time — прийти (быть) вовремя, не опаздывать 62 в. bejjin — begins: begin classes, begin the day, begin the book. His school begins at nine. The film begins at eight. When do children usually begin helping their parents? breakfast — breakfasts: a good breakfast, a hot breakfast, cook breakfast, have breakfast, for breakfast. Tom always has breakfast at eight o’clock in the morning. When do you usually have breakfast? What does Sally have for breakfast? dre.ss — dre.sses: dress in the morning, dress well. Jane dresses in her room. Betty is little, she can’t dress, finish — finishes: finish the book, finish the text. Finish your breakfast, Ann! When do your classes usually finish? I finish watching television at eleven o’clock in the evening. get up — gets up: get up in the morning, get up and dress well. Jane doesn’t get up at 6. She gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning. home: my home, go home, be at home. Where is your home? My home is in London. When are you at home in the evening? It’s 8 o’clock. Go home! lunch — lunches: a big lunch, a cold lunch, cook lunch, have lunch, for lunch. Rob never has lunch. Where do you usually have lunch? They often have lunch at school. What do you have for lunch, Tom? shower — showers: a cold shower, a hot shower, have a shower in the morning. Do you always have a shower in the morning? Andrew often has a hot shower in the evening. Does your mother have a cold shower in the morning? be on time: Please, be on time! He is never on time. You are always on time. 6. Прочитай текст о Джоне про себя. Найди в нем предложения с новыми словами из задания 5 и прочитай их вслух. JOHN’S MORNING AND AFTERN(K)N John’s day begins at 7 o’clock in the morning when he gets up. Sometimes it is dark in the street. John doesn’t like 63 it. He has a shower, sometimes a cold shower, dresses and has breakfast. He often has tea or milk and eggs for breakfast. At 8 o’clock he goes to school. John is a good pupil. He is always on time. At 1 o’clock he has lunch at school. At 4 o’clock his classes finish. But John doesn’t go home. He and his friends play football or tennis. They finish playing at 5 and go home. 7. Сравни, как проходит утро и день у Джона и у тебя. 1. John’s day begins at 7 o’clock. My day .... 2. John gets up at 7 o’clock. 1 get up ... . 3. John has a shower in the morning. He doesn’t have a shower in the evening. I... . 4. John dresses in his room. I... . 5. John has breakfast and goes to school. I ... and .... 6. John is a good pupil. He is always on time. I am (not) ... . I • • * • 7. John has lunch at school. I... . 8. His classes finish in the afternoon. My classes .... Возможно, вы заметили, что в английском языке русскому слову <^дом» соответствуют два слова: house и home. Английское home — это место^ где ,пюди живут (квартира, особняк, хижина н т. д.), а также все его обитатели (домочадцы). House — это здание^ чаще всего двухэтажное, в котором живет одна семья. Англичане не называют аповом house многоэтажные или одноэтажные городские дома. Обычно английские дома выглядят вот так. 64 8. Скажи, приблизительно в каком возрасте дети начинают выполнять следующие действия. They usually begin speaking walking and running counting reading swimmimg riding a bike driving a car at two 9. A. Посмотри на картинки и скажи, что Sally Barker делает всегда и чего она не делает никогда. Проверь себя, (77). Образец: Sally always plays the piano in the evening. Sally never plays volleyball. Tr. 3*t23?2 Афам«сь#«в. 6 IC1. 65 в. Переведи предложения на русский язык, обрати внимание на одно отрицание в английском и два отрицания в русском варианте, 1. Sally never runs in the morning. 2. Sally never sleeps in the afternoon. 3. Sally never plays football. Do It on Your Own 10. Сделай пЫЫиси к этим картинкам. 1 2. 3. т I 0 т 4. 5. 6. 1. Sally ... at 7 o’clock in the morning. 2. Sally always has ... . 3. She ... in her room. 4. Her school... at 9 o’clock. 5. Sally.....at 1 o’clock. 6. Her school... at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, 66 Step Three U «I Do It Together Послушай, как Tom рассказывает о своем дне. и выбери правильные ответы на следующие вопросы. Проверь себя, (78). I. When does Tom get up in the morning? a) at 5 o’clock b) at 6 o’clock 2. When does Tom have breakfast? a) at 7 o’clock b) at 8 o’clock 3. When do Tom’s classes begin? a) at 7 o’clock b) at 8 o’clock 4. When does Tom have lunch? a) at 12 o’clock b) at 1 o’clock 5. When does Tom go home? a) at 3 o’clock b) at 4 o’clock c) at 7 o’clock c) at 9 o’clock c) at 9 o’clock c) at 2 o’clock c) at 5 o’clock A. Прочитай открытку, которую послал своей бабушке John Barker, когда отдыхал в Озерно.у Крае. Dear Огяппу, I'm in the Lake District nowand I love it? We get up at eight and have breakfast at nine. We often have breakfast in our hotel room. We don't have lunch in the hotel. In the afternoon we go to the lake. when the lake is not cold we swim a lot. I can swim ver^ well now. 5а11д^ can’t swim well and she doesn't like it. We always have lunch in town. At five o'clock we often play tennis. In the eveninij we watch television. Sometimes we play chess. We never go to bed at ten. We go to bed at twelve o'clock and our da^s are ver^ lonij. Mum and Dad are ver^ happy. They sometimes go to the shops. Dad plays ftu’tball but not very often. Love, . , John PS. Mum, Dad and Sally send their love’ too. 1 send their love — передают привет 3* 67 b) in the garden b) when it is not cold B. Закончи следующие предложения, выбрав правильный вари ант. 1. John has breakfast.... а) in his hotel room 2. John swims a lot... . a) when it is hot 3. ... swims well, a) John 4. John always has lunch ... . a) in town 5. John and Sally never go to bed at... . a) twelve o’clock b) ten o’clock b) Sally b) in his hotel В Великобритании есть несколько излк^ленных мест для отдыха: Брайтон (Brighton) на южном побережье, Блэкпул (Blackpool) на западном. Шотландские горы (the Highlands) и т. д. В их число входит также Озерный Край (the Lake District), одно из самых красивых мест в стране, где горы и холмы соседствуют с озерами и долинами. Озерный Край всегда привлекал внимание туристов и поэтов. В памяти людей он прочно связан с именем Уильяма Вордсворта (William Wordsworth), поэта-романтнка, который жил в XVIII—XIX вв. и очень любил Озерный Край. Он часто писал о нем в своих стихах. 68 3. Посмотри на картинки и расскажи о том, как проводит свой день David Barker. Проверь себя. (79). Подписи под кар танками помогут тебе. Образец: David Barker gets up at 6 o’clock in the morning. 1. gets up 4. swims in the lake 2. milks his cow ье— 5, has breakfast 3. rides a horse 6. watches television/ reads a book 7- plays football/volleyball/tennis/ping-pong 69 4. Прочитай ,*ти слова. Проверь себя. (80). 6. [d:] port sport door floor or [з:] her girl bird nurse purple [ei] cake lake Kate date plate [аиэ] our shower • [u;] are park dark father class [CHJ] go low slow window yellow [1] sit sister lips kiss film Прочитай незнакомые тебе слова по аналогии со знакомыми. Проверь себя, (81). purple — early plate — late our — hour' sport — quarter class milk class low — — past — minute — half show A. Познакомься c новыми словами. Повтори их и предложения с ними за диктором. (82). early ['з:1|] — рано, ранний minute ['mmit] — минута quarter ['kwait?] — четверть half [hu:f] — по.аовина past [pa:st] late [leu] — HUU show [Гзо] -hour ['auo] — после поздно, позд- ’ — показывать — час 1 В. W1IAT IS THE TIME NOW? It’s five o’clock a.m. It’s five o’clock in the morning. It’s early. ' В слове hour буква h не читается, It’s eleven o’clock p.ni It’s eleven o’clock in the evening. It’s late. 70 То Past It’s one minute to twelve. It’s one to twelve. It’s five minutes to three. It’s five to three. 4 It’s a quarter to four. It’s half past two. The clock shows half past two. It’s one minute past twelve. It’s one past twelve. It’s five minutes past three, It’s five past three. It’s a quarter past four. It’s half past six. The clock shows half past six. 71 7. Л Посмотри на циферблаты и ответь на вопросы. Проверь себ^ц [«] (83). 1. 2. 3. 4. о. 6. 7. 8. 1. Is it 2. Is it 3. Is it 4. Is it 5. Is it 6. Is it 7. Is it 8. Is it twenty to ten or twenty past ten? half past five or is it half past three? a quarter to four or a quarter past four? six minutes to seven or six minutes past seven? seventeen minutes to nine or seventeen minutes past nine? half past two or half past eight? a quarter past one or a quarter past three? eight to six or eight to seven? 8. Посмотри на часы и скажи, который час. Проверь себя, (84). 72 9. Цвета на планете Марс не всегда совпадают с земными. Знакомый тебе марсианин Мах просит землянина показать ему различные предметы/животных того или иного цвета. Сыграй роль маленького марсианина. Слова в рамке помогут тебе. green frog, grey computer, brown piano, red dog, white cat, black bag, blue bed, purple pen, yellow chair, dark blue ship, pink blouse Образец: Show me^ the green frog, please. Do It on Your Own 10. Напиши словами, который сейчас час. Образец; 1.30 — It’s half past one now. Г 1.30 2.55 3.45 2.15 4.50 [ 7.13 8.45 9.30 7.20 6.53 11. Закончи эти предложения, написав, какие действия ты вы полняешь рано (early), а какие поздно (late). 1-1 usually get up .... 2.1 usually have breakfast.... *Show me - Покажи мне 73 1. 3.1 usually go to school.... 4.1 usually have lunch .... 5.1 usually watch television .... 6.1 usually read books ... in the evening. 7.1 usually play in the afternoon .... 8.1 usually go to the shops ... in the morning. Step Four .n - X Do It Together Посмотри на картинки и скажи, что показывают эг^ компьютеры. Проверь себя, pj (85). Образец: Computer one shows three green trees. 74 Rob — известный спортсмен. Сейчас он готовится к соревнованиям и очень много тренируется, чтобы быть в хорошей фор ^е. Посмотри, как выглядит листок из его записной книжки, и расскажи о распорядке дня этого спортсмена. Проверь себя, Г=51 (86). Образец: Rob gets up very early, at lialf past five. J---1__I___t 1 --1--- Ф Gef u|). Run in the рлгк. Have a shower. Have breakfast. Ride a bike. 11.^5 ■ piay football, iiio . Have lunch. Ш5 i Sleep. 15.50 ; Play tennis. 17.55 Swim In the swimming bath. 19.15 • Have tea. ibiib • Watch television. ii.95 ■ Sleep. —i—Г r 3- C помощью таблицы составь предложения о себе. V Л' I always often visually sometimes never get up watch television take a shower road books play on the computer have breakfast have lunch have tea early in the morning late in the evening 75 МЕАЛО --^ Чтобы спросить по-английски «Сколько?» о предметах, которые можно сосчитать (pens, books, buses и т. д.), говорят: How many? How many books? How many birds? Само слово many (много) используется практически всегда в вопросах и отрицательных предложениях, а в утвердителйЗ ных используется знакомое тебе словосочетание а lot (of): Do you have many friends? I don’t have many friends. I have a lot of friends. 4. A. Jim и Tim не виделись много лет. Когда они встретились, у них было много вопросов друг к другу. Прочитай ответы Tu-j ма и скажи, какие вопросы задавал ему Джим. Проверь себя, (87). /Do you have many\ / children? dm Tim TiM: Yes, I do. I have a lot of children: three sons and four, daughters. Jim: ...? Tim: No, we don’t. We have only five rooms in the house. Jim: ...? Tim: No, I don’t. I have one car. But I have three bikes. Jim: ...? , Tim: Yes, we do. We have a lot of pets: two dogs, three cats and a lot of white mice. Jim: ...? Tim: Yes, I do. I have a lot of good friends. Jim: ...? Tim: Yes, I do. I have a lot of books and I like them. 76 в. Поработайте в парах. Представьте себя на месте Тима и Джима и спросите друг у друга, что у вас есть и в каком {{ояичестве. Вы можете воспользоваться следующими словами. houses, horses, cats, computers, televisions, dogs, pets, rooms, cars, clocks, books, friends, cows Образец: — Do you have many bikes? — Yes, 1 do, I have a lot of bikes. (No, I don’t. I don’t have many bikes.) Прочитай вопросы и ответь на них. Образец: А. — How many pens do yon have? — I liave four pens. (I have a lot of pens. I have no pens.) B. — How many clouds do you see? — I see two clouds. (I see no clouds.) A. /.How many do you have? 2. How many do you have? 3. How many do you have? 4. How many do you have? 5. How many p do you have? 6. How many do you have? 77 в. 7. How many П DD do you see? 8. How many 9. How many do you see? do you see? 10. How many do you see? II. How many do you see? 12. How many do you see? 6. A. Посмотри, как в английском языке образуются числителы^ ные от 20 до 100, и повтори их за диктором, Г«| (88). 20 — twenty 30 — thirty 40 — forty 50 — fifty 60 — sixty 70 — seventy 80 — eighty 90 — ninety 100 — a hundred B. Повтори эти числите.чьные за диктором, ши их цифрами в тетради. (89). Напи- 1. twenty-three 2. twenty-eight 3. thirty-four 4. thirty-one 5. forty-four 6. forty-eight 7. fifty-six 8. fifty-seven 9. sixty-five 10. sixty-nine 11. seventy-two 12. seventy-eight 13. eighty-three 14. eighty-five 15. ninety-four 16. ninety-nine 17. Bi hundred and ten 18. two hundred and twenty 78 г 7. 8. А. За свою долгую жизнь Captain Hook нашел немало сокогу вшц- Скажи, сколько золотых монет находится в каждом т его сундуков. Проверь себя^ га (90). Образец: Captain ['кжр1эп] Hook has twetJty-two coins ш his yellow chest'. B. Сосчитай, сколько всего золотых монет имеет Captain Hook, и скажи, какой из этих ответов правильный. Проверь себя, ГД (91). 1. Three hundred and ninety-three. 2. Four hundred and ninety-three. 3. Five hundred and ninety-three. Do It on Your Own Составь вопросы и напиши их. Ответь на вопросы, написав цифры слова.ни. /. How many Val have does books rm 79 2. Bess how many little does dolls have ? 23 3. fMr Brown 1 does how many horses have ? |98| HI 4-1 How 1 many the queen towns have does 31 5. [Bob Green have cars how many does T\ 44 б* I Granny does how many chicks have 1 ?1 52 а chest [l/csi] — сундук 79 9. Напиши предложения, выбрав правильный вариант. 1. Do they have (тапу/а lot of) roses at their house? 2. friend sees {manyfa lot of) cars at his house in the mornii 3. These children don’t have {manyfa lot of) books in thel^ school. 4. Do you see (many fa lot of) friends in this room?' 5. I don’t have {manyfa lot of) pets in my house. Step Five Do It Together 1. Fred — ужасный лентяй, поэтому на уроках он часто «счита ет ворона вместо того, чтобы слушать учителя. Посмотри на картинки и скажи, сколько ворон он может насчитать в каждый из дней недели и за всю неделю в целом. Образец: Fred сап count... crows4 Fred counts seventeen crows on Monday. 49 s Tuesday Thursday Together: ? 24 , V. Гг' Wednesday Friday crows (krsuz] — вороны (a crow — ворона) 80 с появлением электрюнных часов люди стали часто использовать иное обозначение времени, особенно если речь идет о таких вещах, как вылет самолета или прибытие поезда. Они называют время так, как видят его на электронном циферблате. Например: It’s six thirty. * It’s half past six. При этом в английском языке не принято говорить, например, <^eoceм надцать чосов*>, когда речь идет о шести часах вечера. Поэтому, чтобы назвать вр>емя 18:30^ обычно говорят It’s six thirty р. m. или It’s six thirty in the evening. 2. 3. Послушай, как диктор называет время, указанное на первых пяти электронных часах, двумя способами, (92) а затем HOJoeu время на часах Л? 6—10 тоже двумя способами. Про верь себя. 1. It’s а quarter to one. 12.45 It’s twelve forty-five 2. It’s twenty to three. 3. It’s half past five. 14.40 5.30 It’s two forty. It’s five thirty. 4. It’s fourteen to eleven. 10.46 It’s ten forty-six. 5. It’s six to ten. 6. ...?... 21.54 It’s nine fifty-four. 1.27 7. ...? 8. ...?. 9. ...?. 10....?. 19.38 22.12 24.00 ? 9 6.50 Закончи эти пред.южения и скажи, что ты обычно (всегда, иногда, часто, никогда) не делаешь в указанное вре.чя. 1- At half past six I usually .... 2. At a quarter to three I sometimes .... 3. At ten past seven I always .... At a quarter to nine I often .... 5. At two to twelve I never ... . 81 4. А. Посмотри на картинки и прочитай заглавие тг/сс/па,^] О чем. на твой взгляд, пойдет речь в тексте? 5. WHAT’S THE TIME? These are clocks and these are watches. A clock has a face [fcis] and two hands: a long hand and a short hand. The short hand shows hours. It’s the hour hand. The long hand shows minutes. It’s the minute hand. Sometimes clocks have three hands and they can show seconds ['sckandz]. Clocks are usually big. They are on the wall, on the desk or on the shelf. Some clocks are very big: Big Ben in London or the Kremlin Clock in Moscow. Watches are small but they have faces and hands too and they can show hours, minutes and sometimes seconds. Clocks and watches show time. A day has 24 hours. An hour has 60 minutes, a minute has 60 seconds. What’s the time now? B. Прочитай текст за диктором, (93), а затем самостоятельно и скажи: I) что в тексте значат слова а hand, а face, а watch, а second и 2) какие слова соответствуют рус скому слову «часы»? В чем отличие между зтими словами? Ответь на вопросы о часах. Задание 4 поможет тебе. 1. Does а clock have two faces? 2. How many faces does a clock have? 3. How many hands do clocks usually have? 4. What does the long hand show? 5. What does the short hand show? 82 6. Can a clock show minutes? Hours? Seconds? 7. Are clocks usually big or small? 8. What do clocks show? 9. How many hours does a day have? 10. How many minutes does an hour have? 11. How many seconds does a minute have? тйс В отличие от русского слова «часы* английские слова watch и clock имеют {(юрмы и единственного (а clock, а watch) и множественного (clocks, watches) числа. Они могут употребляться с глаголом и в единственном и во множественном числе: Where is your watch? It is on the table. (Где твои часы? Они на столе.) These are watches. (Это ручные часы.) 6. Посмотрите на картинки и разыграйте диа.чоги, закончив вопросы и дав необходимые ответы. 2. 3. 1. Where ... the green clock? It is on the chair. 83 2. Where ... the black clock and the brown clock? They are on the floor. 3. Where ... Bob’s watch? « • • 4. Where ... the pink and yellow watches? 7. A. Посмотри на картинки и скажи, что обычно делает Bill в указанное время. Проверь себя, Гшй1 (94). Образец: Bill usually gets up at half past six. a. g- h. 1. )■ 1) have breakfast; 2) sleep; 3) have a music class; 4) go to school; 5) dress; 6) swim in the swimming bath; 7) have lunch; 8) have a shower; 9) have an English class; 10) get up. B. A теперь скажи то же са.мое, испо.аьзуя второй способ обо значения времени. Проверь себя, (95). Образец: Bill usually gets up at six thirty. 84 8. Послушай, что рассказывает о Jackson, а затем рас- скажи о себе, используя историю Билла в качестве образца, (96). Bill Jackson Му паше is Bill Jackson. I’m from Wilton. Wilton is a small town. I live at 24, Main Street. My town is very green. My street is green too. I live with my parents and my granny. I’m a pupil. I get up early in the morning. I take a shower and dress. I have breakfast at seven thirty and go to school. We usually have six or seven classes. I always have lunch at school. At school we often play football and tennis. At four o’clock I meet my friend John Barker and we go home. At a quarter past five John and I often run in the park or ride bikes. Sometimes we go to the cinema or play on the computer. In the evening I watch television or read books. My day finishes late at half past eleven or at a quarter to twelve. You My name is .... I’m ... . • • • I live ... . My... . ... street I live... . • • I have ... . We usually ... X ♦ • • • At school we.. ...go home. Sometimes ... . In the evening My day ... . 85 Do It on Your Own HI 9. Напиши словами то. на что указывают стрелки на этих кар. тинках. 10. Подготовься к диктанту. Dictation N 3 Half past three, forty-five seconds, a quarter to one, sixty minutes, twenty-eight minutes past seven, twelve o’clock. Clocks and watches show time. They have a face and two or, three hands. The hour hand shows hours. The minute hand shows minutes. The second hand shows seconds. What’s the time now? YOUR WORD BOX breakfast, dress, early, face, finish, get up, half, hand, home, hour, late, lunch, many, minute, past, quarter, second, show (me), shower, watch, what, when, where, how many, be on time UNIT FOUR At Home Step One I 1. Do It Together Посмотри на картинку и скажи, кому принадлежат Образец: It’s Emma’s bell. They are Nick’s bears. эти вещи. Emma Kathie 87 2. Послушай, как диктор читает эти предложения с яичнымц местоимениями, и найди им место в таблице, (97). 1 2. 5. 1.1 see Tom. Гт happy to see him. 2.1 see Kate. I’m happy to see her. 3. And you, Kate? Are you happy to see me? 4.1 see Tom and Kate. I’m happy to see them. 5. Hi, Jack. I’m happy to see you. 6. Where is Jack’s car? I can’t see it. 7. Good evening. Are you happy to see us? 1 9 • he 9 • we she 9 you it • 9 they 9 ? 9 88 Английские личные местоимения имеют две формы. Одну из них ты уже знаешь, ее можно сравнить с русскими личными местоимениями в именительном падеже (he, she, il, we, you, they). Вторая же форма соответствует личным местоимениям русского языка во всех остальных падежах, I — те {меня, мне, мной, обо мне) you — you {тебя, тебе, тобой, о тебе: вас, вам, вами, о вас) he — him {его, ему, им, о нем) she — her {ее, ей, ею, о ней) it — it {eeojee, ему1ей, им/ею, о нем/о ней) we — us {нас, нам, нами, о нас) they — them {их, им, ими, о них) 3. Посмотри на картинки и скажи, что кричат те, кто попал в беду, и те, кто стоит на берегу. 4. Л/атуш/са Jenkins привела все свое семейство в мага.шн по-дарков (^GifО Shop”). Продавец растерялся от такого количества покупателей. Менеджеру пришлось помочь ему. Скажи, ч/по говорит менеджер продавцу. 'а Ц\({ [gifij — подарок 89 1. Show me that red mug, please. 5- Please show my sister that big pink doll. ii f / 2. Please show us the green clock. 3- Show us this ЬаИд*;^ please. 6. Please show my children those littlC] toys. 4. Show me that teddy l>ear, please. ( 1. Show ... the red mug. 2. Show ... the green clock 3. Show ... the ball 7, Show me the purple pen, please. i>. » 90 6. Show'... the toys! 7. Show ... the purple ffpoHumau эти слова. Проверь себя [ei] plane lake cake [>1 [el [a:] sit pen car fish bed star dish when dark (98). day finish step park Spain children Teddy father 5 Прочитай незнакомые тебе слова по аналогии со знакомыми. Проверь себя, ^ (99). Spain — again lake — take Teddy — ready children — kitchen finish — dinner father — after 7. Познакомься c новыми с.повами. Повтори их, словосочетания и предложения с ни.ни за диктором, (100). A. after ['о;1\э] — пос.пе again [э'дет] — снова, еще раз dinner ['dma] — обед kitchen ['kil/in] — кухня ready ['redi] — готов, готовый B. after; after breakfast, after school, after classes. I meet my friends after school. again: play again, read again. Count again! Sing again! dinner — dinners: have dinner, after dinner, a late dinner. When do you usually have dinner? kitchen — kitchens: a small kitchen, a big kitchen. Our kitchen is not very big. ready: Breakfast is ready. Dinner is ready. Lunch is not ready. Are you ready? — Yes, I am. take — takes: take the book, take a pen. Take the big box! Take the dog out! Take the children to the cinema. take [teik] — брать, вести take the dog out — вывес mu собаку на прогулку together [ta'gedo] — вместе go to bed — ложиться спать at home — дома 91 together: play together, wash the plates together. We often have dinner together. go to bed: Mike goes to bed at half past ten. It’s time to go to bed. at home: When are you at home? — We are at home after seven. 8. A. Прочитай текст “At Horae” и скажи, кто из членов семьи Баркеров выводит собаку гулять по вечерам. ЛТ НОМЕ Hi! It’s Margaret Barker again. It’s five o’clock now. I’m at home and ready to cook dinner. I often do it in the kitchen and my children help me a lot. They are always at home at five o’clock. Their classes finish at four. My husband Harry is at home at six o’clock and we have dinner together. After dinner we watch television, read books or listen to music. Sometimes Sally plays the piano and we listen to her. My children do not often watch video*. We like going to the cinema and we often do it on Sundays. Harry and John take our dog Chase out at eight o’clock. John and Sally have their milk at half past nine and at a quarter past ten they go to bed. B. Выбери из текста предложения с новы.ьш словами и прочитай их вслух. с. Прочитай текст еще раз вслух за диктора.^, («J (101). Do It on Your Own 9. Прочитай ответы Margaret о своей семье и напиши вопросы. 1.. ..? — Гт at home. 2.. ..? — In the kitchen. 3.. ..? — They finish at four. 4. ...? — Harry is at home at six. 5. ...? — We watch television after dinner. 6. ...? — No, my children do not often watch videos? ‘ a vidcK) ['vidi.’u] — видео<1)нльм 92 10. Из букв, которые находятся в конвертах, можно составить семь слов. Напиши, какие новые слова находятся в каждом конверте. Step Two Do It Together 1. A. Однажды, проснувшись рано утром, Kevin ['kevin] обнару жил. что он совсем один, а все его домочадцы куда то исчезли. Скажи, что кричал Kevin, разыскивая в доме своих родных и свои вещи. Миш, where are you? I can’t see you. Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where • • • is dad? I is my brother? I.. is my sister? I... are my pets? I ... is my breakfast? I are my cousins? I , are my toys? I... is my football? I .. 4^ her him it us you them 93 в. А в это время родные Кевина искали его в парижском аэропорту. Скажи, что они говори.чи. C. Проверь, правильно ли ты воспроизвел слова мальчика и вопрос его родителей. (102). D. Прочитай название домашнего любилща Кевина. SPIDER 2. Скажи, что сейчас готов делать John Barker. Проверь себя, ^ (ЮЗ). Образец: It’s 7 o’clock in the morning. John is ready to get up. 1. to take a shower 2. to go to school 17 y 3. to have lunch 4. to go home 5. to have dinner 6. to help in the kitchen 7. to feed Smokey 8. to take Chase out 9. to go to bed 94 3. А. Посмотри на план дома Баркерон и прочитай названия комнат. Проверь себя, fSS] (104). 11 1 Jolm*s Л bedroom / bathroom Sally’s bedroom the parents’ bedroom ь 3 В. Понял ли ты, каково назначение всех этих комнат в доме? Проверь себя. bedroom — спальня bathroon — ванная living room — гостиная 4. 5. С. Скажи, какие из этих комнат есть в твоем доме. Образец: We have two bedrooms. We have a kitchen. Прочитай эти с.юва. Проверь себя, [аиэ] shower hour [ic] map cap [о;] park after [ju;] new student (105). our lamp father music Прочитай незнакомые тебе слова по ана.чогии со .знако.мы.чи Проверь себя, (106). shower — flower ant — apple bath — grass new — beautiful park — garden 95 6. Познакомься с новыми словами. Повтори их. с.човосочетания и прсд.чожения с ни.чш за диктором, (107). Л. apple ['ivpl] — яблоко garden ['yo;dn] — сад beautiful ['bju;tifal] — краси- garage ['джпф] гара.ис вый. красивая grass [gras] — трава flower ['flauoj — цветок 7. В. apple — apples: a green apple, a red apple, a small apple, a good apple. Take the apple. Where arc the apples? I see a lot of apples in that tree. An apple-tree, a tall apple-tree, an old apple-tree. Look at my apple-trees. beautiful: a beautifid house, a beautiful park, a beautiful apple-tree. Your mother is very beautiful. They have a beautifid new car. flower — flowers: a beautifid pink flower, flowers on the desk, flowers in the park. Show me your flowers, please. What colour are your flowers? garden — gardens: a beautiful green garden, parks and gardens, her little garden. Are the children in the garden? We have no garden. garage — garages: a new garage, a big garage, a small garage. Is his car in the garage? Where is their garage? Our garage is not big. grass: green grass, on the grass, the grass under the window. Sit on the grass. Do cows eat grass? Посмотри на картинку и назови по английски то. что обозначено цифрами. roof kitchen apple-tree bedroom flowers living room grass garage 96 8. Послушай, как John Barker рассказывает о своем доме, и скажи. какой информации не хватает в этом тексте, f«1 (108). Оик HOUSE Hi! This is our house in Green Street. Our hou.se is not very big. We have seven rooms in it: (1) ..., a living room, a bathroom, a hall and a (2) ... . My parents’ bedroom is big and always (3) ... . Sally’s room is not very big and my bedroom is (4) ... and never clean. I have a bed, a desk and two chairs in my bedroom. I have no (5) .. I have a (6)... on my desk and a lot of books on the shelf my room very much. .., but . 1 like 4 12372 Аф«и*сь«м. e КЛ. 97 We have a beautiful little garden, two apple-trees and (7) — tulips and roses. My father has a car. The car is in our (8)... garage. • • • 9. Разучи рифмовку: послушай и повтори ее за диктором, (109). WHERE IS THE BED? {after Carolyn Graham) Where’s the bed? It’s in the bedroom. Is this the bedroom? Yes, it is. Where’s the shower? It’s in the bathroom. Is this the bathroom? Yes, it is. Where are the plates? They are in the kitchen. Is this the kitchen? Yes, it is. Where’s the telly?* It’s in the living room. Is this the living room? Yes, it is. Do It on Your Own 10. Угадай названия этих мест по их описаниям и напиши эти названия. 1. We cook in it. 2. We sleep in it. 3. We watch television in it. 4. We take a shower in it. 5. Our dogs and cats often sleep in it. 6. It has trees, grass and flowers. ' a telly = television 98 11. Напиши шесть предложений о том, что есть в твоем доме, квартире или комнате. L We have а kitchen 9 м • • • # • • • 4 • • • • 5^ • •« 6... 7. •• Step Three Do It Together 1. Послушай, как рассказывают о своих новых домах Don и Jerry, и скажи, к кому из них относятся следующие утверждения, fa] (ПО). Don or Jerry? 1. Не has а family. 2. Не has no family. 3. His new house is small. 4. His new house is big. 5. He has six bedrooms. 6. He has two bedrooms. 7. He has one bathroom. 8. He has two bathrooms. 9. He has a garden. 10. He has no garden. 2. Разучи рифмовку: послушай и повтори ее за диктором, DO YOU LIKE THEM? (П1). Do you like flowers? Yes, I do. I like them. Do you like trees? Yes, I do. I like them. Do you like cars? No, I don’t. I don’t like them. I don’t like cars. Do you like birds? Yes, I do. I like them. Do you like fish? Yes, I do. I like them. Do you like bikes? No, I don’t. I don’t like them. I don’t like bikes. 4* 99 fwaiioj Теперь ты знаешь почти все ()>ормы английских местоимений. Почаще смотри на эту таблицу, чтобы запомнить их. Местоимения Личные Притяжательные в именительном падеже BO всех других падежах I me my he him his she her her it it its we US our you you your they them their Закончи эти предложения с помощью местоимений в нужной форме. Проверь себя, (112). I. Тош doesn’t like Jerry. Jerry doesn’t like Tom. ... are not friends. 2. Please, take this apple — I don’t like ... . 3. Sam’s father is forty-four. ... father is a bus driver.... drives buses. 4. Hello! Where are you? 1 don’t see ...! 5. We see Mary. We see ... in the garden but she doesn’t see .... 6. Where is ... new house, Dan? 7. Sam likes computers. Show ... your new computer, please. 8. We have a new pupil in ... class. ... name is Liza. We like ... . 9. Mrs Wilson has three children. ... often takes ... to the zoo. 10. Happy birthday, mum. I love ... . II. Our father sometimes takes ... to the cinema. 12. Emma! Do ... like music? — Yes, I do. I like ... very much. Прочитай эти слова. Проверь себя, (■ [с] step them shelf [л] bus under cup [ai] like bike nine [i] milk film kiss 5J (113). ready mother night sit together son child mill 100 Прочитай нелшкомые тебе слова по аналогии со знакомыми. Проверь себя, (114). text — next night — right shelf — left son — front child — behind milk — middle Познакомься c новыми словами. Повтори их. с.ювосочетания и предложения с ними за диктором, pj (115). А. Здесь ты встретишься с незнакомым тебе звуком [ю]. here [1пз] — здесь near [шз] — поблизости, недалеко В. behind [bi'haind] — за. по.шди in front (of) [т'ГглШ (ov)] — перед (чем либо) left [left] — левый on the left [nn dn 'left] — слева middle [midl] — середина in the middle (oO [m do'midi (ov)] — в середине next to ['nekst ta] — рядом (c) right [ran] — правый on the right [nn do 'ran] — справа C. behind; behind the door, behind the tree, behind the house. Where is little Polly? — She is behind the car. front: on the front, a book with a picture on the front, a front door, a front room, on the front, in front of: in front of the house, in front of the bank, in front of the shop. 1 don’t see your car in front of the house, left: on my left hand; his left arm. on the left: my left, on his left, on her left. The piano is on the left. What can you see on your left? John is on my left, middle: the middle of the book. in the middle of: in the middle of the street, in the middle of the room, in the middle of the kitchen, in the middle of the living room. My dog likes sleeping in the middle of the hall, near: near the shop, near the door, near the window. Is your house near your school? next to: next to my house, next to John, next to you. Where is your house? Is it next to the school? Can I sit next to you? 101 right: my right arm, his right hand, on the right: on my right, on their right, on your right Where is Jeff? He is on Willy’s right. Is your house on the' left or on the right? 7. Посмотри на картинку и закончи следующие фразы. Проверку, себя, (116). 1. Kevin is ... the garden. 2. His dog Socks is ... him. 3. Kevin’s house is ... them. 4. Kevin and Socks are ... the house. 5. Kevin’s bike is ... his ... . 6. Kevin’s chair is ... his ... . 7. The garage is ... the house. 8. The car is ... the garage. 9. Kevin’s books are ... the tree. JO. And what can you see ... the tree? 8. Посмотри на план этой улицы и скажи, что где находится. Образец: The hospital* is on the left. The bank is next to the hospital. The Smiths’ house is in front of the garage, HOSPITAL BANK L-U THt SMITHSi HOliSt THt BARKERS’ HOUSE SlvetT SHOP CINEMA jn •“GREEN STREET (BUS STOF ' a hospital ('hospitl] — больница 102 Do It on Your Own Kate CO своими друзьями играет в игру «Найди мою игрушку». Напиши вопросы, которые задает Kate своим друзьям, пытаясь угадать, где медвежонок. 1. Is ту teddy bear near the chair? 2. Is it...? 3.. ..? в 4 • • • • 5.. ..? 6.. .Л 10. Mr Finn, школьный учитель, каждое утро проводит переклич ку. Напиши вопросы учителя и ответы учеников. 1. — Is Jack here? — Yes, he is. 2. — Is Anne here? 4. 5. — No, she isn’t. Ч V • • • • • 6. • • • • 103 Step Four Do It Together 1. Найди восемь ребятишек, играющих в прятки в саду. Образец: One boy is in the tree. Two girls are behind the tree. 2. Разучи рифмовку: послушай и повтори ее за диктором, га WHERE DO YOU LIVE? (after Carolyn Graham) Where do you live? 1 live in a liouse in Queen Street. Where do you live? I live in a house in Green Street. Where is your house? It’s next to the school. Where is the school? In front of the trees. Where are the trees? Behind the school. Behind the school in Green Street. 104 3, А. Mark заблудился в чужом городе и звонит своему приятелю, чтобы выяснить, где он находится. Скажи, что говорит Mark своему приятелю. Проверь себя, fw] (118). in front оГГ^ near, next to, beliind, on my right / on my left ! t ■ — I’m in the middle of a street. — The bank is (1)... me. — I see a hospital (2)... . — (3)... the hospital is a beautiful new cinema, — I see a swimming bath (4)... . — A big school is (5)... the swimming bath. — The flower shop is (6)... me. — The bus stop is (7)... the shop. — Where am I? Ain I (8)... you? B. Опиши картинку, не глядя в текст. 105 Прочитай эти слова. Проверь себя^ (119). [Cl] lake eight take again hate [ЭО] go window yellow show home [э;] or quarter daughter water always [л1 one mother husband son sometimes [о:] half past garden after grass [ael apple granny thanks family piano [аи] down out how now house [еэ] chair where bear their parent flat [flaet] — квартира sofa ['soufo] — диван table ['teibl] — стол upstairs [.Ap'steaz] — вверх, наверху 5. Познакомься с новыми словами. Повтори их, словосочетания и предложения с ни.чи за диктором, gJ (120). A. armchair ('amtjea] — кресло bookcase ['bukkcis] — книжный шкаф cupboard ['kAbod] — шкаф с полками downstairs [.daun'steaz] — вниз, внизу B. armchair — armchairs: а big armchair, an old armchair, granny’s armchair, in the armchair. Sit down in the armchair. I like this big armchair. The armchair is in front of the television. bookcase — bookcases: a new bookcase, a tall bookcase, in my bookcase. My father has a lot of books in his bookcase. Show me your new bookcase, please, cupboard — cupboards: on the cupboard, in the cupboard, next to the cupboard. Where is the cupboard? The cups are not in the cupboard. downstairs: go downstairs, play downstairs. Their kitchen is downstairs. We always have breakfast dowstairs. flat — flats: his flat, my sister’s flat, a very big flat, a beautiful flat. We live in a flat, we don’t live in a house. How many rooms do you have in your flat? 106 6. sofa — sofas: on the sofa, sit on the sofa, sleep on the sofa. Is the sofa near the window? Sit on the sofa and watch television. table — tables: a big table, a dinner table, on the table, under the table, at the table. We often have dinner at the big table. Children! Sit down at the table: dinner is ready, upstairs: sleep upstairs, rooms upstairs. They have two bedrooms upstairs. The bathroom is not downstairs, it’s upstairs. Do you sleep upstairs? Посмотри на картинку и скажи, что в этом доме находится наверху, а что внизу. Образец: The kitchen is downstairs. 107 7. Прочитай текст и выбери правильный вариант из двух предложен ных. AN ENGLISHMAN’S HOUSE А lot of houses in England have two floors'. They usually have a living room, a kitchen and a hall downstairs. You can see two or three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. In England they like gardens and a lot of houses have little gardens on the front and behind. You can see beautiful flowers in the gardens, often they are roses. Sometimes you can see a garage near the house. In England the streets are often narrow and the houses are small. They say, “My house is my castle^.” /. Houses in England often have ____floors. a) two b) three 2. The kitchens are usually_______. a) upstairs b) downstairs 3. The bedrooms are usually________. a) upstairs b) downstairs 4. In England they________gardens. a) like b) hate 5. You can see beautiful______in the gardens. a) ponds b) flowers 6. In England houses are often____. a) big b) small 7. In England streets are often ___. a) wide b) narrow 8. They say, “My_____is my castle.” a) house b) bathroom 8. Прочитай письмо, которое написала своей бабушке девочка по имени Маг>', заменяя картинки словами. Проверь себя, ’а floor (По:] — здесы этаж castle ['kasolj — крепость 108 9. Dear Granny, I like our new I have a and my bedroom. It’s a big room, I have no big , and a , but I have a small in my room near the Й and next to it an old .My is next to the and my is next to the . The is at the 0 too. 1 have two BB in my bedroom. My , old and new, are in the . You can see a and a on the wall. My old are on the Q— and my new children’s are in the К . I have no X E or in my bedroom. They are in our living room. Love, Mary Расскажи, что есть, a чего нет в твоей комнате. Образец: In my room I liave a big brown sofa. I have no piano in my room. 109 Do It on Your Own 10. Напиши me слова, вместо которых в письме Магу даются картинки (задание 8). 11. Составь из этих слов и напиши шесть вопросов. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. а 1S cupboard you have do ? 9 what colour table your bookcase your is where upstairs or downstairs is your parents’ bedroom ? does like his sofa your brother ? you live in a flat or do in a house ? Step Five Do It Together 1. Послушай, как Sally рассказывает о гостиной в до.че Барке ров. и скажи, какие предметы стоят в комнате там. где на плане ты видишь номера, fSJ) (122). 110 2. Поработайте в парах. Расспросите друг друга, есть ли у вас в комнатах предметы, названия которых перечислены в рамочке, сколько их, какого они цвета и где находятся. Образец: l.Do you have an armchair/armchairs? — Yes, I do. (No, I don’t). 2. How many armchairs do you have? — One. (Two.) 3. What colour is it? (What colour are they?) — It’s green. (They are green.) 4. Where is it? (Where are they?) — It’s next to the window. (They are near the wall, on the left.) piano, table, desk, chair, cupboard, bookcase, armchair, television, computer, bed, sofa 3. Разучи рифмовку: (123). послушай и повтори ее за диктором. LOOK, LOOK!' 1. Look, look! I see a bird in the tree. I like birds and they like me. 2. Look, look! I see a cat behind the tree. I like cats and they like me. 3. Look, look! I see a dog in front of the tree, I like dogs and they like me. 4. Look, look! I see a bear near the tree. I like bears and they like me. 4. Прочитай эти слова. Проверь себя. И (124). [ai] drive mice night right time [эи] home stone go sofa rose [i] minute finish swim cinema children [c] second never get left breakfast ' Look! — Посмотри! Ill 5. Прочитай незнакомые тебе слова по аналогии со знакомыми. Проверь себя, (125). night — light mice — nice dress — messy rose — cosy 6. Познакомься c новы.ии словами. Повтори их. словосочетания и предложения с ни.'ии за диктором, fwl (126). А. cosy [’ksuzi] — уютный light [laitj — светлый messy ['mcsi] — неприбран-ный, в беспорядке nice [nais] — славный, милый picture ['pik^aj — картина. картинка with [wi6] — с В. cosy: а cosy room, а cosy flat, а cosy house. I like sitting in my cosy old armchair. Is your room cosy? light: a light living room, light walls, light desks and chairs. The room is not light, I don’t like it. Is this classroom light? Are the desks here light? messy: a messy room, a messy bedroom, a messy classroom. John’s room is often messy, but Sally’s room is usually clean. Is your bedroom messy or clean? nice: a nice garden, a nice boy, a nice house. Is their family nice? She has a lot of nice pupils in her class. Is Liza a nice girl? picture — pictures: a nice picture, an old picture, in the picture. Do you see a cat in the picture? What do you see in the picture? I have two nice pictures in my room, with: with me, with her, with us, with my mother, a bookcase with books, a cupboard with cups and plates. I have a cupboard with toys and books in my room. I usually go to the cinema with my mother or with my father. 112 1^^ Постарайся запомнить, как используется предлог in со следующими словами: in the tree — на дереве in the street — на улице in the sky — на небе in the picture — на картинке 7. Ответь на вопросы по картинке, используя предлоги on или in. Проверь себя, (127). 1. Where are the boys? — 2. Where are the girls? — 3. Where is the plane? — , 4. Where are the buses? — 5. Where are the flowers? 6. Where is the book? — 7. Where is the mouse? — 8. Where is the ship? — .. 9. Where are the birds? — 10. Where are the apples? ■ « • • « » « the tree, the grass. .. the sky. -... the street. — ... the mug. . the table. ... the grass. . the picture, the sky. . the bench • « • 113 8. Придумай, как можно закончить следующие предложения. Образец: I see а street with а lot of houses. 1. I see a garden with ... 2. I see a town with .... 3. I see a garage with ... 4.1 see a house with 5.1 see a room with • • • • 6.1 see a classroom with 7.1 see a bookcase with . * 8.1 see a cupboard with , 9.1 see a desk with .... 10.1 see a wall with • • « • Do It on Your Own 9. Подбери подписи к этим картинкам и напиши их в том по-рядке, в котором следуют картинки. 2. 4. a) а messy room b) а light room c) a clean room 5. d) a nice and cosy room e) a dark room 114 m У мальчика по имени Тот разбежались белые мышки. Посмот-^ ‘ рц на картинку и напиши в восьми предложениях, где они спрята.пись. Образец: 1) One mouse is on the lamp. 2) Two mice are .... 11. Подготовься к диктанту. Dictation N 4 ANN’S HOUSE Ann’s house is not very big. She has three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs and four rooms downstairs. Ann usually has dinner in the living room. She has breakfast in the kitchen. She has a lot of flowers in her little garden. Her new car is in the garage. Ann likes her house a lot. YOUR WORD BOX after, again, apple, armchair, beautitul, behind, bookcase, cosy, cupboard, dinner, downstairs, flat, flower, garden, garage, grass, here, kitchen, light, messy, near, nice, picture, ready, sofa, table, take, together, upstairs, with; go to bed, at home, take the dog out, in front of, on the left, on the right, in the middle, next to 115 UNIT FIVE I Go to School Step One Do It Together! 1. Посмотри на рисунок классной комнаты, в которой учится John Barker, и назови как можно больше предметов и людей по английски. Если постараешься, у тебя получится 17 слов. ,V / ппп NJ . г 2, Скажи, где находятся некоторые предметы и люди по опт ношению к учителю (см. рисунок задания 1). Проверь себя. ЕЗ 028). 1. The door is on the teacher’s right. 2. The window is on his left. 3. The pupils ... him. 116 The map ... . 5. The clock .... 6. The pictures .... 7. The cupboard .... 8. The teacher’s table .... g. The television .... lO. John Barker ... the teacher. 3 A. Прочитай текст и скажи, чем John Barker занимается в школе по понедельникам. JOHN GOES ТО SCHOOL On Monday John Barker gets up at a quarter to seven. He goes to the bathroom, takes a shower, dresses and goes to the kitchen to have breakfast. He doesn’t usually have milk in the morning. He ofteii has an egg and drinks tea. At ten to eight John is ready to go to school. The bus stops in front of his house. John meets his friend Tom at the bus stop. They go to school together. The boys usually have five classes on Monday. At school they read books, count, sing songs, run and jump. In the afternoon, at half past twelve they have lunch. John sometimes has an apple, a cake and milk. They go home at a quarter past four. B. Прочитай вслух только me предложения, которые соответствуют тексту. 1. John doesn’t go to school on Monday. 2. John and Tom go to school together. 3. John has milk in the morning. 4. John never has eggs in the morning. 5. The bus doesn’t stop behind John’s house. John meets his friend in the garden. 7. The boys usually have five classes on Monday. 3. John and Tom read books and count at school. The boys don’t go home at three. ^0. They don’t have six classes on Monday. 117 4. Прочитай эти слова, а затем проверь себя по аудиозаписи. 5. ml (129). [31] always daughter morning quarter floor [Ш] apple thanks family flat garage [ei] table again take hate late [n] what often watch sock lot [■] cinema children listen picture minute [u] book good look cook hook [Л] lunch sometimes upstairs does cupboard Познакомься с новыми словами. Повтори новые слова, словосочетания и предложения с ни.чи за диктором, (130). А. plant [plaint] — растение put [put] — класть, положить tape recorder [’teipn.koida] — магнитофон video recorder ['vidioun,ko:do] — видеомагнитофон windowsill ['windousil] — подо конник blackboard ['blcckboidj — классная доска classroom ['kluisrum] — классная комната, класс come [клт] — приходить. приезжать give [giv] — давать В. blackboard: а green blackboard, а long blackboard, on the blackboard, at the blackboard. John, go to the blackboard, please. The map is next to the blackboard. I see a picture on the blackboard. classroom: in the classroom, go to the classroom, our new classroom. Is this your classroom? Our classroom is big and light. We meet in our classroom in the morning, come: come home, come to school, come to the blackboard, come here. When does your father come home? John doesn’t come to school at nine o’clock. He comes to school at a quarter to nine. give: give me, give him, give us. Mum gives us milk in the evening. Please, give me five apple.s. Give these flowers to your teacher. 118 6. plant: a beautiful green plant, plants in pots, plants on the window. We have a lot of plants in our classroom. Do you like plants? Do you have many plants in your house? put: put down, put on the table, put on the shelf, put on the floor. Please, put down your books. Put this plant in the hall, tape recorder: a new tape recorder, a good tape recorder, my friend’s new tape recorder. Do you have a tape recorder? My sister doesn’t listen to the tape recorder, video recorder: the Barkers’ video recorder, an old video recorder. We have a new video recorder in our classroom. Is their video recorder in their bedroom? windowsill: a large windowsill, on the windowsill. We have a lot of plants on the windowsill in the kitchen. Put the pot on the windowsill. Посоветуй дизайнеру, как разместить вещи в этой классной комнате. Используй предлоги, данные в рамке. Образец: Put the teacher’s table at the yellow wall. Put the desks in the middle of the room. in front of, behind, at, near, next to, in the middle of, on, under 119 Вы уже знаете два английских глагола, которые обозначают движение, — соте и go. Они довольно часто переводятся на русский язык одинаково — идти, ехать. Здесь важно иметь в виду, где находится говорящий. Движение от него передается глаголом go, а движение к говорящему глаголом соте. Вот почему русское «Иди к доске» может звучать и как **Go to the blackboard** (учитель находится, например, у парты одного из учеников), и как “Соте to the blackboard*’ (если у^штель стоит у доски). С этими глаголами часто употребляются предлоги in (Come in! — Входите!); out (Go out!— Выйдите!); to (Go to..., come to...— Идите к...) 7. A. Посмотри ни рисунки и скажи, куда ходит Jane в каждый UJ дней недели. On Monday On Saturday On Friday On Wednesday a club [к1лЬ] — клуб 120 Б. Подбери подписи к этим рисункам. 1. 3. 4. 8. Послушайте аудиозапись ^3 (131) и спойте песню все вместе. HERE WE GO LOOPTY-LOO Chorus: Here we go loopty-loo! Here we go loopty-lie! Here we go loopty-loo! All on a Saturday night! 121 You put your right hand in. You put your right hand out. You give your left hand a shake, shake, shake And turn yourself about. Chorus: You put your right hand in. You put your right hand out. You give your left hand a shake, shake, shake And turn yourself about. You put your right foot in. You put your right foot out. You give your right foot a shake, shake, shake And turn yourself about. Chorus: You put your left foot in. You put your left foot out. You give your left foot a shake, shake, shake And turn yourself about. Do It on Your Own 9. Закончи и перепиши эти предложения, глаголы соте, put, give. 1. ... the book on the table. 2. He never ... late. 3. ... me an apple, please. 4. She never ... her sons sweets. 5. Don’t... this box on the floor. используя no смыслу 10. Побдери подписи к этим рисункам и напиши их. 'ШШ ш 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 122 11. Перепиши вопросы о том. что Тога и John делают по понедельникам, используя формы do и does. Задание 3 поможет тебе. 1.. .. John get up at seven o’clock? 2.. .. the bus stop in front of John’s house? 3.. .. John meet his friend at the bus stop? 4.. .. the boys go to school together? 5.. .. John and Tom usually have five classes on Monday? 6.. .. the boys go home at a quarter past three? Step Two ал Do It Together! 1. Послушай^ как Sally Barker вспоминает о своей классной ком-нате, \^^(132), посмотри на рисунок и скажи, какие неточ ности были в ее рассказе. 123 2. А. Ответь на вопросы о своей классной комнате, [«■j(IЯЯ). 1. Is your classroom big or small? 2. Is it light or dark? 3. What colour is the floor? 4. What colour are the desks? 5. How many desks do you have in your classroom? 6. What colour are they? 7. Where is the blackboard? What colour is it? 8. Do you have a television, a tape recorder and a video recorder in your classroom? Where are they? 9. Where is the teacher’s table (chair)? What colour is the table (chair)? 10. Do you have a clock in the classroom? Where is it? 11. Oo you have pictures on the walls? flow many? 12. Do you have plants on the windowsills? Are they in the pots? 13. Is your classroom nice? Cosy? 14. Do you like your classroom? B. Опиши свою классную комнату. Ты можешь начать так: Hi! Му name is ... . I go to school in ... . This is my classroom. It is ... . 3. John Barker часто дрессирует своего пса по кличке Chase. На этих рисунках ты видишь, что умеет делать Chase, выполняя команды хоэяииа. Скажи, какие ко.нанды использовал John в каждом случае. a) Go upstairs! b) Come here! c) Jump! d) Give me the ball! e) Play! f) Sit! g) Run! h) Go to bed! i) Go down! j) Give! k) Come downstairs! l) Go up! m) Kiss me! n) Go home! o) Put it down! 124 1. о. 9. 6 10. т- 3. 7. 11. 4. 8. 12. 13. 14 15. МЕЛЮ Для того чтобы попросить не делать что-то (запретить) по-английски, обычно говорят так: Don’t run! {Не бегай! Не бегайте!) Don’t sing! {Не пой! Не пойте!) Don’t play the piano! {He играй/не играйте на пианино!) 125 4. Посмотри на рисунки и скажи, что бы ты посоветовал людяЩ не делать в этих ситуациях. 1. 4. 7. 2. 5. 8. a) Don’t play the piano, please! b) Don’t sing! c) Don’t read, please! d) Don’t watch television! e) Don’t go out! f) Don’t sit on the grass, please! g) Don’t have a shower! Have a bath! h) Don’t play on the computer, please! i) Don’t ride this horse! 3. 126 5. 6. 8. Преврати эти приказания в запреты. Проверь себя по аудио записи и повтори фразы еще раз за диктором. (134). Образец: Drive the car! — Don4 drive the car! 6. Take the dog out! 7. Put the toys in the box! 8. Give John the apple! 9. Come in! 10. Read this English book! 1. Cook the fish! 2. Go upstairs! 3. Go to the bank! 4. Play the piano! 5. Show Kate our flat! Повтори эту рифмовку за диктором, IfJ (135). BESS, BESS, DON’T MAKE A MESS'! (after Carolyn Graham) Bess, Bess, Lee, Lee, Don’t make a mess. Don’t watch TV. Please, Bess, Please, Lee, Don’t make a mess. Don’t watch TV. Clean up your room. Please, read your book. Right now^, now, now, now. Right now, now, now, now. 7. Прочитай эти слова и проверь себя. (136). [ai] [ei] [oul [с] [л] my again home next come time bookcase cosy friend husband nice table sofa left brother like tape recorder rose together does behind play stone never love Прочитай знакомые и незнакомые тебе слова по аналогии. Проверь себя, (137). «О*, реп — open по — know play — say Nell — spell right — write rose — close cake — take to, day — today under, stand — understand ' Don’t make a mess! — He создавай беспорядка! ^Right now! — Прямо сейчас! (Сейчас же! Сию минуту!) 127 9. Полнакомься с новыми словами. Повтори новые слова, словосочетания и предложения с ни.ми за диктором, (138). А. write [гаи] — писать, написать open ['эироп] — откры вать close [kbuz] — закрывать know [пои] — .знать take [tcik] — брить, в.зять say [sei] — ска.зать. говорить spell [spd] — писать {по буквам) today [ta'dei] — сегодня understand [,.Mido's(icnd] — понимать В. write — writes: write to your friend, write to mum, write in English, write on the blackboard. Write your name and your address, please. open — opens: open the door, open the book. Don’t open the window, please: I’m cold. Open the door and come in! close — closes: close the door, close the bag. Please, close the window. The shop closes at 5 p.m. know — knows: know English, know the film, know the book. I don’t know his telephone number. Do you know Andrew’s address? take — takes: take an apple, take a pen, take a book. Please take my hand. Don’t take the cake! When do you take your dog out? say — says’ [sez|: say again. Say, “Come again! You’re welcome”. Say this in English. He says, “Come in.” spell — spells: spell the name. How do you .spell “know”? — K-n-o-w. Spell your name, please. today: Today is Sunday. What day is it today? — It’s Thursday. understand — understands: I don’t understand it. Do you understand? — No, I don’t. I understand that he knows English and can write in English. ' saj-s [чс/] — говорит (Обратите внимание на проианошение этой ()юрмы слова.) 128 lO- в классе и учителя и ученики часто повторяют одни и те же фразы. Посмотри на рисунки и попробуй угадать, что говорят эти люди. Послушай аудиозапись (139) и проверь себя. 1. 2. 5. } 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. a) Today is Monday. b) I don’t understand. c) Goodbye! d) Hello! e) I know. f) Please, open your books, g) I don’t know. h) Close your books, please. i) Hi! j) Spell “cat”, please. k) Good morning. l) Come in. S'* 12372. Аф«||»смм. e ка. 129 Do It On Your Own 11. Из данных слов составь и напиши 12 новых слов. сир down stand room up day foot bed stairs room bath stairs black arm book class ball room case board board chair under to 12. Сделай письменно задание 5, Step Three Do It Together 1. В некоторых школах есть правила поведения для учеников. Составь несколько правил для одной из таких школ. Словосочетания в рамке помогут тебе. о Соте to school on time. О Don’t write on your desks, play on the computer, run in the classroom, read a lot of books, put the bags on the floor, play with a ball in the classroom, sleep in class 2. A. Скажи, что говорит no английски учитель, если он хочет, чтобы ученики: f) открыли книги; 2) закрыли окно; 3) сказали по буквам слово реп; 4) взяли свои сумки; 5) положили ручки на стол; 6) сказали ♦ До свидания ♦; 7) сосчитали книги на столе; 8) вошли в класс; 9) пошли домой. 130 в. Скажи, что говорят по-английски ученики, если они хотят сказать: 1) «Я не знаю*. 2) «Я не понимаю*. 3) «Я знаю*. 4) *Я понимаю*. 5) «Данте мне книгу, пожалуйста*. 6) «Возьмите мою ручку, пожалуйста*. 7) «Помогите мне, пожалуйста*. С. Проверь себя. Повтори фразы за диктором, fSSI (140). fMEMOj В английском языке существует несколько способов попросить о чем-либо вежливо. Один из них, со словом please, ты знаешь: Give mo а реп, please. Please give me a pen. Ho to же самое можно сказать иначе: Сап you give me а pen? 3. 5* A. Скажи то же самое иначе. Проверь себя. Повтори фразы за диктором, (141). Образец: Close the window, please. Can you close the window? 1. Put the pen in the bag, please. 2. Play the piano, please. 3. Feed the cat, please. 4. Give me an apple, please. 5. Put the cups in the cupboard, please. 6. Cook lunch, please. 7. Take Rex out, please. 8. Read the text, please. 9. Come on time, please. 10. Write “one” on the blackboard. 11. Open the door, please. B. Поду.май и скажи, о че.» бы ты .мог попросить своего соседа по парте. 131 4. 5. Закончи этот текст, выбрав правильную форму глагола, и прочитай его вслух. Проверь себя, |«| (142). Look at the picture. This (am/is/are) me, Jeff Colins, I (am/ is/are) a doctor. This (am/is/are) my room. I (am/is/are) at my desk. Jane and Jill (am/is/are) my nurses. They (am/is/ are) in my room near the cupboard. The desk (am/is/are) near the wall, next to the door. We (am/is/are) always on time. Now it (am/is/are) 12 o’clock and we (am/is/are) ready to have lunch. A. Послушай, как диктор jadaem вопросы о том, чем занимаются сейчас разные люди, и то. как они на эти вопросы отвечают. (143). 1. What are you doing, Andy? — I’m reading. 2. What are you doing, Alice? — I’m writing. 3. What are you doing, Jill and Kate? — We are running. 4. What are you doing, Ben and Tom? — We are swimming. 5. What is Andy doing? — He is eating. 6. What is Helen doing? — She is jumping. 7. What is the dog doing? — It is sleeping. 8. What are James and Teddy doing? — They are playing football. 9. What are Polly and Dolly doing? — They are playing volleyball. 132 6. 7. В. Посмотри на табличку и постарайся вывести правило, по которому строится предложение, рассказывающее о том, что происходит в момент речи. I am read + ing = reading He is cook + ing = cooking She jump + ing = jumping It play + ing = playing We are write + ing = writing You swim + ing = sw'imming They run + ing = running Прочитай эти слова за диктором, [0] (144). king ring spring coming running singing reading riding feeding swimming spelling playing writing taking jumping Посмотри на рисунки и скажи, что делают в данный момент зти люди и животные. Проверь себя, (145). Образец: Не is running. What are they doing? 4. 8. 133 [м^ 8. В английском языке, в отличие от русского, для описания обычных, постоянных, повторяющихся действий используется известная тебе форма настоящего времени (I go -school. Не goes to school). A вот чтобы рассказать о том, что происходит сейчас, в данный момент, используется совсем другая форма настоящего времени, которая строится так: 1) вспомогательный глагол be (am, is, are) и 2) глагол, называющий действие, с -ing на конце (Ving). Например: русское Я читаю сейчас. =* Гш reading now. Он читает сейчас. ~ Не is reading now. Они читают сейчас. *= They are reading now. Как видишь, само слово Ье в таких фразах вос)бще не употребляется- В них вспомогательный глагол be (am, is, are) не имеет собственного значения, а используется лишь как необходимый «строительный материал*. Так же как вспомогательный глагол do ничего не значит в вопросе Do you go to school? A. Bee сказанное выше можно изобразить в виде простых формул. Посмотри на них и скажи, какая из формул изображает давно известное, а какая — новое для тебя настоящее вре.мя. (Значок V = глагол) В. Прочитай следующие фризы и скажи, какие из них соот ветствуют первой формуле, а какие — второй. 1. Магу and Ann are swimming now. 2. The boy is opening the door. 3. Nick gets up at 7. 4. The shops close at 5. 5. Ted is feeding his pets. 6. He goes to the bank on Friday. 7.1 am going to the park. 8, The children play football here. 134 Do It On Your Own 9. Перепиши предложения из задания 8 в тетрадь в таком порядке: 1) все предложения, которые соответствуют первой формуле: 2) все предложения, которые соответствуют второй формуле. 10. Перепиши предложения, выбрав правильную форму глагола be. /. Jane (am/is/are) putting a book in the bag. 2. Bob (am/is/ are) writing “five” on the blackboard. 3. We {am/is/are) sitting on the bench. 4. My parents (am/is/are) watching television now. 5. I (am/is/are) swimming. 6. My friend (am/is/ are) taking his dog out. Step Four 1. Do It Together Посмотри на эти незавершенные рисунки и угадай^ что дела ют изображенные на них люди. Образец: She is playing the piano. Я 2, 4. 9 f 8. 135 2. Послушай эти диалоги недостает. (146) и скажи, каких слов в них 1. — Hi, Jeff! How are you? — I’m fine, thanks. And how are you? — (1)... (2)... How are your children? — They are OK. They are playing (3)... in the park now. — Good! My children play a lot of (4)... too. 2. — Good afternoon. Bob! — (5).... Jane. — Where’s Nick? — He is in the (6)... . He’s riding a horse. — Is he OK? — Oh, (7).... he is (8)... . 3. — Hi, Jack! Is it your son? — Yes. This is my (9)... boy. His (10)... is Rob. — Hi, Rob! (11)... . — Nice (12)... too. — (13)... are you, Rob? — (14)... ten. — And how old is (15)..., Jack? — Oh, she is very young, she is (16)... . 4. — Why are you sad, son? What’s (17)...? — Oh, Dad, you know Rex is not in the house. — Where is he? Is he in the (18)...? — Yes, he is. Can you drive me to the park. Dad? — Yes, (19)... . The car is at the door. 5. — Can you give me your new (20)... number, Liz? What is it? — It’s 929-6144. — Oh, thank you. I’m going to the (21)... now. — Good-bye then. 3. Прочитай текст “My New School” и скажи, поче.ну Мэри нравится школьный сад и где находится ее класс. MY NEW SCHOOL It’s Mary Barker again. You are looking at the picture of my new' school. 1 like it very much. Do you? We have fifteen 136 classrooms and a hall. The rooms are big. Eight rooms are upstairs. The hall and seven rooms are downstairs. Our school garden is very beautiful. We have a lot of flowers and green trees in it. We like to sit on the green grass under the trees when our classes finish. At twelve o’clock we always have lunch together, sometimes we have it in the garden. My classroom is downstairs near the gym*. We have a lot of cupboards in our classroom. We have a big green blackboard, a video recorder, a tape recorder, and a television. You can see green plants on the windowsills. Our classroom is very cosy. Today is Thursday. My classes finish at four. Bye-bye, I am going home. 4. Послушай, как Магу Barker рассказывает о своей школе, (147), и расскажи о своей, используя рассказ Магу в качестве образца. Му name is Mary Barker. My school is new. I like my school. We have 15 classrooms, a hall and a gym. Our classrooms are big and light. Our garden is small but beautiful. We have a lot of flowers and green trees in it. Sometimes I have lunch in the garden. My classroom is downstairs. We have a lot of cupboards in our classrooms. My name .... My school... . • • • • We have... . Our classrooms Our garden ... . ...in the garden. My classroom ... We have ... . *a gym (фт] — спортивный зал 137 We have a tape recorder, a video recorder and a television in our classroom. You can see a lot of plants on the windowsills. My classroom is very cosy. • • • You can see My classroom 5, Послушай, как звучат полные и краткие формы глагола be в этих предложениях, и повтори их за диктором, (148). I am playing. = I’m playing. He is playing. = He’s playing. She is playing. = She’s playing. It is playing. = It’s playing. We are playing. = We’re playing. You are playing. = You’re playing. They are playing. = They’re playing. 6. Послушай (149). a затем прочитай диалоги (1—4) и постарайся объяснить, как образуются вопросительные и отри нательные предложения, описывающие то. что происходит сейчас, в данный момент. 1. — Hi, son, are you sleeping? — No, I am not sleeping. Dad. I’m reading. 2. — Is Mrs Rogers going to the shops? — No, she is not. She is going to the bank. 138 3. — Are your friends having lunch now? — No, they are not. They are playing ping-pong. 4. — What are you doing in the kitchen, Mary? Are you cooking? — No, I’m washing the plates. Come and help me. Шло Итак, чтобы задать вопрос о том, что происходит в данный момент, нужно начать предложение с глагола be в одной из его форм (am, is или are), на второе место поставить подлежащее, а дальше — смысловой глагол с -ing на конце. Is he reading? А чтобы сказать, что что-то не происходит в данный момент, нужно добавить к глаголу be (am, is, are) отрицание not. He is not reading. Кратко структуры утвердительных, вопросительных и отрицательных предложений можно изобразить вот так: + подлежащее am is + Ving are I am reading. He is reading. We are reading. — подлежащее am not is not + Ving are not I am not reading. He is not reading. We are not reading. ? аш is are подле- жащее + Ving Am I reading? Is he reading? Are you reading? 139 7. Посмотри на картинки и скажи^ что в данный момент дела ют и чего не делают дети. 8. В этом доме живет Мг Wilson. Попробуй угадать, чем он сей час занимается. (Ответ ты найдешь в конце задания). 1. Is Mr Wilson taking a shower? Ч r 2. ... having ...? 3. ... dressing ? 4. ... reading ...? 5. ... watching...? 140 6. ... feeding ...? 7.. .. cooking ...? 8. ... listening ...? 9.. .. playing ...? 10. ... washing ...? (Mr Wilson is listening to music.) Do It On Your Own ). Закончи описания действий героев, и.юбраженных на картинке. и напиши полученные предложения. I. He’s reading 2. She ... . 3. ... а hath* 4. ... the door. 5. They’re ... their bikes, 141 6. ... in the park 7. They... . t • • • 10. Сделай .шдания 7 и 8 письменно. Step Five 1. Do It Together Послушай пять телефонных разговоров, (150), и скажи, чем сейчас заняты эти дети. Подбери правильный вариант в табличке. Образец: Mark is washing the plates. Mark playing on the computer. Alice cooking. Rose is washing the plates. Ted playing the piano. Willy watching television. 2. Ted очень скучает вдали от дома. Сейчас он звонит домой и разговаривает с младшим брато.м. Он хочет знать: — читает ли брат сейчас книгу; — играет ли он на компьютере; 142 — спит ли бабушка; — готовит ли мама ланч; — смотрит ли дедушка телевизор; — читает ли папа; — играет ли Кейт на пианино; — слушает ли брат музыку; — сидит ли Рекс рядом с ним. Скажи, какие вопросы он задает брату о нем самом и других членах семьи. Проверь себя, (I5I). 3. Прочитай текст про себя, а затем выбери и прочитай вслух только те предложения из текста, в которых говорится о том, что Willy сейчас не делает. WILLY BARTON Hi! I’m Willy Barton. Usually I go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Today is Friday but I’m at home. All my friends are at school now. They are reading, writing or counting. I’m not reading. I’m not writing and I’m not counting. I’m in bed. I sleep a lot and drink hot milk. My friend Mark is going to the swimming bath now. But I’m not going to the swimming bath. I’m not running, I’m not playing football and I’m not riding my new bike. I’m ill! 4. Послушай диалоги. L*'j (152), и постарайся понять, что означает английское слово think [GiqK]. 1. —Where is Kevin? — I don’t know, but I think he’s in the garden. 2. — Is mother in the kitchen? — I think so. I think she is cooking. 3. — Is Ben’s car blue? — I don’t think so. He hates the blue colour. 143 — What colour is it? — I think it’s white. 4. — Is the shop open now? — 1 think so. It opens at 9. 5. — Is our teacher thirty-five? — I don’t think so. I think he is forty. 6. — Is Tom at home now? — I don’t know. I think he is taking the dog out. Tom always takes the dog out in the afternoon. 5. Двое друзей нашли альбом со старыми фотографиями. К сожалению. некоторые фотографии оказались испорченными, и им приходится гадать, что де.гают изображенные на них люди. Что говорят друзья друг другу? Проверь себя, rssi (153). 1.1 think Jim ... а bike. I think he ... a horse. 2.1 think Bill... a book, I think Bill ...a book. 3.1 think Alice I think Alice 4.1 think Dan . I think Dan . puter. • • . milk. . tea. the piano, on the corn- 144 6. в этих диалогах не хватает одной из фраз — “I think so" или “1 don’t think so”. Заполни пропуски, проверь себя, (154). 1. — Is Mark sleeping? — ... It’s eleven o’clock in the evening. 2. — Is Andrew playing football in the park? — ... I can see him in the kitchen. He’s helping his granny. 3. — Are Bob and Ted reading books? — ... I can see them in the garden. They are playing. 4. — Is Dick listening to music? — ... His mum is playing the piano. 5. — Is little Willy counting his toys? — ... He can’t count. 6. — Are Harry and Lizzy taking their dogs out? — ... I can see them in the street. Одно из самых необходимых в жизни слов — это слово «извините». В английском языке чаще всего используют выражения “Excuse me” и “I’m sorry", причем используют их по-разному. “Excuse me” говорят тогда, когда обращаются с вопросом или просьбой к незнакомому человеку (Excuse me, are you Ben?). “I’m sorry” (“Sorry”) говорят тогда, когда извиняются за какой-либо проступок или когда не могут что-либо сделать (Гт sorry 1 can’t help you). Ты, наверное, знаешь, что в США английский язык немного отличается от того языка, на котором говорят в Британии. Хороший пример этому — то, как американцы говорят «извините»: они говорят “Excuse me” во всех случаях жизни и почти не говорят “Гт sorry”. 7. А. Послушай диа.чоги и повтори их за диктором. (155). 1. — Сап you help me? — I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m cooking. 2. — Excuse me, what time is it? — It’s a quarter past two. — Thank you. 145 3. — Excuse me, where is the bus stop? — Sorry, I don’t know. 4. — Can you wash the plates, please? — Sorrj’, I can’t. I’m feeding the dog. 5. — Can you go to the shops now? — Sorry, I’m going to school. 6. — Excuse me, can I have your pen for a second? — I’m sorry. I’m writing. B. Закончите и разыграйте в парах следующие диалоги, пользуйте фразы “Excuse me” и “Гт sorry”. 1. — Сап you take the dog out? — ..., I’m reading. 2. — ..., can you help me, please? — ..., I can’t. I’m helping Liz. 3. — Can you wash the car? — ..., I am cooking dinner. 4. — ... where is the Zoo? — It’s in Queen Street. Ht Do It on Your Own 8. Напиши шесть предложений о том, что делают эти люди. Образец: Hc/play/football Не is playing football. 1. They/sing 2. She/wash/the plates 146 3. They/watch/television 4. He/have/milk 5. She/go/to the cinema 6. He/open/the door Подготовься написать диктант 5. Dictation N 5 After classes; beautiful flowers, green grass; in front of the blackboard. I think my school is very good and my classroom is very cosy. We have twenty desks in the room and our teacher’s table. The green blackboard is behind the table. You can see a lot of plants on the windowsills and a lot of books in our cupboards. YOUR WORD BOX blackboard, classroom, close, come, give, go, know, open, plant, put, say, spell, take, tape recorder, think, today, understand, video recorder, windowsill, write I am sorry. Excuse me. I think so. I don’t think so. UNIT SIX I Love Food Step One Do it together 1. Послушай диктора (156), и скажи, чем сейчас .шняты члены семьи Баркеров и где они находятся. John is washing the plates in the bedroom 1 Sally is reading a book in the kitchen J Margaret is watching television in the living room | Harry is playing with a ball in the living room ] George is listening to music in the kitchen Chase is sleeping in his room Smokey is cooking in the hall 2. А. Спроси у учителя, выполняют ли герои задания 1 те или иные действия. Послушай, как он отвечает тебе <^Дa», ^Нет». 1. Is Harry cooking? 5 2. ... Margaret 6 3.... Sally ...? 7. 4. ... John ...? В. Прочитай предложения и скажи, как строятся краткие от^ веты в настоящем продолженном времени (present proj^ressive). Are you reading? — Yes, I am. (No, I am not.) Is he playing? — Yes, he is. (No, he is not.) Is she playing? — Yes, she is. (No, she is not.) Are you singing? — Yes, we are. (No we are not.) Are they counting? — Yes, they are. (No, they are not.) 148 j Посмотри на картинку и кратко ответь на вопросы. 1. Is the old man standing? 2. Is he sitting on the sofa? 3. Is he sitting on the chair? 4. Is he sitting in the armchair? 5. Is the old man watching television? 6. Is the dog sleeping? 7. Is the girl reading a book? 8. Are the boys writing? 9. Are they playing? to. Are they playing on the computer? 4. Прочитай эти слова и проверь себя, (157). 1'] he see me read sleep [и:] father after garden grass armchair [и:] zoo boot spoon school room 1о1 pink sing think king song 1л;] horse door port quarter blackboard [з:] 1э|] her boy nurse toy purse coin girl bird 149 5. Прочитай эти слова по аналогии. meet — eat all — walk toy — enjoy think — drink her — work grass — dance 6. Познакомься c новыми словами. Повтори новые слова, словосф ^ четания и предложения за диктором, f«1 (158). А. clean [kli:nl — чистить, прибирать dance [da:ns] — танцевать do [du;] — 1) делать; 2) изучать (предмет в школе); 3) приводить в по рядок (комнату, квар тиру) drink [drir)k] — пить eat [i:t] — есть enjoy [in'cfeoi] — получать удовольствие от чего л. walk [wo;k] — идти пешком, гулять work [W3:k] — работать В clean: clean the windows, clean the desk.Clean your room. Can you clean the classroom, please? Is mum cleaning the floor in the living room? dance: dance well, dance a lot, dance together. Can you dance well? Mike can’t dance. Do you dance? do: do the room, do English, do it together. Do you do English at school? Please, do it again. Can you do this classroom, please? I never do it. drink: drink milk, drink tea. Does he drink tea or milk in the morning? It’s five o’clock, time to drink tea. Cows drink a lot. eat: eat sweets, eat cakes, eat fish. Do little children eat fish? What does your dog eat? Ben doesn’t eat sweets. enjoy: enjoy tea, enjoy the class, enjoy the song, enjoy the~ film. I always enjoy good music. My friend enjoys video films. Are you enjoying your breakfast? 150 I walk: walk in the park, walk in the street, walk together, walk in the evening. Do you walk with your cat? She likes walking in the park. Don’t walk late at night, work: work late, work in the school garden, work in the afternoon. Where does your brother work? She doesn’t work: she is young. Where is grandad? — He is working. Прочитай эти словосочетания за диктором, обращая внимание на различие в произношении слов, rss] (159). [э:] walk walk а lot walk in the park walk together walk with me walk here walk at night walk in the street [з:] work work a lot work in the park work together work with me work here work at night work in the street Скажи, что говорят эти люди в ответ на вопросы. Проверь себя. (160). ген 1. Are you dancing? — No, I’m not. I’m reading. 2. Are you eating? — Yes, I am 3. Are you drinking? — ... . 4. Are you walking? — ... . 5. Are you cleaning your room? — 151 6. Are you working? — ... . 7. Are you doing English? — ... . 8. Are you enjoying your lunch? — ... . 9. Поработайте в пирах. Закончи вопросы и задай их соседу по парте. Пусть он ответит на них. Образец: (Is/are) the cat sleeping or eating? Is the cat sleeping or eating? 1. (Is/are) Mr and Mrs Brown sitting in the street or in the room? 2. (Is/are) Mr Brown sitting in the armchair or on the sofa? 3. (Is/are) Mrs Brown watching television or taking a shower? 4. (Is/are) Mr Brown watching television or reading a book? 5. (Is/are) Mr Brown reading or writing? 6. (Is/are) Mr Brown eating an apple or a pie? 7. (Is/are) Mrs Brown drinking tea or eating a pie? 8. (Is/are) the cat drinking milk or tea? 9. (Is/are) Mr and Mrs Brown working or enjoying the evening at home? 152 Do It on Your Own 10. Задай Mr и Mrs Brown (ynp. 9) вопросы и запиши их. Образец: read/text or а book Are you reading a text or a book? 1. sit/in the armchair or on the chair; 2. eat/an apple or a pie; 3. drink/tea or milk; 4. watch/a film on television or a video film; 5. work/enjoy your evening at home. 11. Напиши шесть вопросов и ответов на них. Образец: — Is your mother cooking or watching television now? — She is cooking, I think. Step Two Do It Together 1. Выбери и прочитай только верные предложения. Проверь себя. та (161). This is Mr Jeff Green. I. He is a He is an He is the general. 153 2. It’s It’s It’s 3. Jeff Green is 4. Jane is saying to Mr Green, “Is “Is “Is 5. The general is saying, “No, “No, “No, 6. Mr Jeff Green is 7. He is looking at 8. He is listening to .9. Jane is saying. 10. Jeff Green is saying. half past eight, half past seven, a quarter to eight, • on the bus. on the plane, in the car. this my bag? this her bag?’’ this your bag?’’ I’m not.” it’s not.” they’re not.” drinking. eating. dancing. the window. Jane, the clock. music, a song. Jane. “Are you fine?” “Are you beautiful? “Are you good?” “I’m OK, thank you. “You’re welcome.” “I understand.” ff 154 2. Закончи предложения, вставляя в них необходимые по смыслу вопросительные слови из рамки. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. what, when, where, what colour, why, who is the teddy bear? — It’s on the sofa. .. does Rob get up? — At 7 o’clock, I think. .. do you come here? — I like this family and their house. .. is the blackboard in your classroom? — It’s green. .. is your teacher? — Mr Sam Richards. .. do you see in the picture? — A beautiful garden with a lot of flowers. 3. Посмотри на картинку и ответь на вопросы, (162) 1. Where is Rose standing? — She is standing near the piano. 2. Where are Ann and Dan sitting? — .... 3. Where is Tim going? — .... 4. Who is dancing? — .... 5. Who is singing? — .... 6. Who is playing the piano? — .... 7. What are Liz and Andy drinking? — .... 8. What are they eating? — .... 9. What are Ann and Dan watching? — .... 155 4. Составь вопросы и подбери к ним правильные ответы. Проверь себя. ["Ч (163), eating They are dancing in the park. Ron saying He is reading a book. walking She is eating her lunch. Ron о n /1 dancing They are drinking tea in the What is/ drinking 7 kitchen. Where are miu Kate drinking tea • She’s saying, “Thank you.” working They are doing English. Kate doing He is swimming in the lake. reading They are working in the garden. swimming She*s walking in the street. 5. Повтори эту рифмовку за диктором. WHAT ARE THEY DOING? (after Carolyn Graham) (164). What is he doing? He’s playing a game. What is she doing? She’s writing her name. What are they doing? They are opening the door, What are you doing? I am cleaning the floor. What is Bill doing? He is reading a book. What is Rex doing? He is watching the cook. What are you doing? I am kissing my Dad. What is Dad doing? He is going to bed. Aon У 156 6. Подумай и скажи, что в этот момент делают разные члены твоей семьи и твои друзья. Образец: I think my mother (mum) is going to the shop. WHAT ARE THEY DOING? Playing football? Going home? Working? Walking in the park? Cooking? Eating lunch? Walking with the dog? Reading a book? Playing on the computer? Watching television? Drinking tea? Listening to music? Washing the plates? 7. A. Выбери из этих слов только те, значения которых тебе известны. Проверь себя, (165). Plum, cherry, cake, egg, berry, apple, rice, tea, beef, milk, bun, sweet, crisps, oil, wine, fish, chicken. B. Среди слов, обозначающих еду и напитки, много таких, которые звучат почти одинаково на разных языках. Послушай, как диктор произносит следующие слова, и попробуй угадать, что они значат, (166). Coffee, pizza, hamburger, salad, coke, yogurt, sandwich, soup, mineral water, banana, orange, chocolate. 8. A. Пос.чотри на картинки и назови эту еду и напитки. Проверь себя. Повтори с.юва еще раз за диктором, pig (167). Drinks 157 Food О « 1. 2. 3. О ш 5. 6. ' 7. 8. 9. 10, 12. 13. 14 Do It on Your Own 9. Построй предложения из этих частей и напиши их. 1. Mark/where/standing/is? 2. is/playing/who/the piano? 3. аге/swimming/running/or/the girls? 4. Ben/watching/is/what film? 5. you/cooking/are/or/eating? 6. drinking/Sam/is/what? 10. Выбери и выпиши me слова, которые являются лишними для каждого ряда. 11. 1) apple banana soup orange 2)соке tea coffee egg 3) table pizza chair sofa 4) desk pen blackboard kitchen 5) room yogurt flat house 6) ball doll port sofa 7) write read salad like Напиши правильно названия напитков и еды. окес oups sawindch dalsa oraegn burghamer eeffoc zzapi cholacote 158 Step Three Do It Together 1. Послушай диалоги, (168). и вставь в них пропущенные слова и словосочетания. 1. — (1)... сап you help me? — Yes. (2)... the matter? — I’m reading a text and I don’t (3)... it. — OK. I think I can help you. Where’s the text? 2. — Hil What are you doing? — I am washing the plates. — Can I help you with it? — Oh, (4)... very much. 3. — Are you enjoying (5)...? — Yes, it’s very good. I like (6)... . And you? — I like fish. I don’t eat (7)... . — What are you eating? — I’m eating (8).... I like (9)... . 4. —Where are you (10)...? — I’m taking (II)... out. — Do you always take him out (12)...? — No. But I’m taking him out (13) ... . I’m going for a walk in the park. — (14) ... go with you? — (15)... you can’t. Not today. MEMCj Итак, ты уже знаешь, что описывать действия в настоящем времени в английском языке можно по-разному. Если говорящему важно то, что происходит в данный момент, он использует настоящее продолженное время (present progressive Ъе + Ving D. Если для него важно описать обычные, повторяющиеся^це11ствия, он употребляет простое настоящее вре- мя (present simple V/Vs ). 159 Present Proi^ressive (now) Present Simple (always, often, usually, sometimes, never) © I am playing. He (she, it) is playing. We (you, they) are playing. 1 play. He (she, it) plays. We (you, they) play. 0 I am not playing. He (she, it) is not playing. We (you, they) are not playing. I do not/don’t play. He (she, it) does not /doesn’t play. We (you, they) do not/don’t play. 0 Am I playing? Is he (she, it) playing? Are we (you, they) playing? Do I play? Does he (she, it) play? Do we (you, they) play? 2. Совмести рисунки с текстами. а. Ь. с. d. 1. I am а driver. I usually drive my car five days a week. Today is Sunday. I am not driving my car. I’m playing the piano now. 2. I like music and often play the piano. But I’m not playing the piano now. I’m driving a car. 160 3. It is seven o’clock in the evening. Mary is in the kitclien. She is cooking dinner. Her mother usually cooks dinner for the family. But today Marj'’s mother is not at home. 4. It is seven o’clock in the evening. Mary’s mother is usually at home at seven and cooks dinner in the kitchen. But she is not cooking dinner now. She is walking in the street. Закончи предложения, выбрав нужную форму глагола. Проверь себя, (169). Образец: What is John doing? He (is reading/reads) now. — He is reading now. f. It is seven in the evening. Mum (/s cooking/cooks) dinner in the kitchen. 2. Nelly never {is eating/eats) apples. She doesn’t like them. 3. — Is Jane drinking tea? — No, she {is drinking/ drinks) coffee. She always {is drinking/drinks) coffee in the morning. 4. — Is John driving the car now? — No, his father {is driving/drives). John never (i.s driving/drives) in Moscow. 5. — Mum, granny! Are you cooking dinner? — Yes, we {are/ do). I {am cooking/cook) fish and granny {is cooking/cooks) a cake. 6. Who {is cooking/cooks) in your family? 7. Where {are/is) the children? They {are playing/play) in the garden. 8. We sometimes {are riding/ride) bikes in the morning. Прочитай эти с.пова и проверь себя, [j [c] spell [л] lunch [i:] clean [n:] daughter [aej sandwich [u:] room [d] what left cupboard eat always hamburger do sorry ready upstairs please quarter salad soup coffee (170). together cousin green water understand who chocolate when come feed walk blackboard two yogurt 5. Прочитай эти с.юва no аналогии. ready bread Sam — ham pot — porridge but — butter soup — juice please — cheese put — sugar 6 * 12372. Лфяялс‘Ь,й|. e КЯ 161 6. Познакомься с новыми словами. Повтори новые слова, словосочетания и предложения с ними за диктором, (рЗ (1^^) А. bread [bred] — хлеб butter ['Ьл1э] — масло cheese [tjl:/] — сыр cornflakes ['koinflciks] — кукурузные хлопья ham [Ьжт] — ветчина juice [cfeurs] — сок porridge ['poricfej — овся ная каша I sugar ['Jugs] — сахар Would you like...? — He хочешь ли!He хотите ли...? for breakfast — на завтрак for lunch — на ланч for dinner — на обед for tea — к чаю В. bread: white bread, brown bread. Put the bread on the plate, please. Where is the bread? Do you have bread with your soup? butter: yellow butter, good butter. Put this butter on your bread. Do you eat butter for breakfast? cheese: bread and cheese, a cheeseburger, cheese pizza. My little brother hates cheese. The cheese is on the table. Do we have cheese in the house? cornflakes: cornflakes with milk, nice cornflakes. Do you often eat cornflakes? Little children usually like cornflakes. Do English children eat cornflakes in the morning or in the evening? ham: a ham sandwich, a hamburger, ham and eggs. Are you eating a ham sandwich or a cheese sandwich? Can I have this ham, please? juice: orange juice, apple juice. Do you drink juice or water for lunch? Drink some orange juice, please. She doesn’t like apple juice and never drinks it. porridge: hot porridge, cold porridge, porridge with milk. Please eat this porridge. Do you like ^юrridge? I like my porridge hot. 162 sugar: a lot of sugar, brown sugar. Put the sugar in your coffee. Do you put sugar on your porridge? Would you like...?: Would you like tea or coffee? Would you like juice or water? have for breakfast (lunch, etc.): What do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? And what do you usually have for tea? 7. Пофантазируй и составь названия своих собственных блюд. Образец: banana, orange | juice banana and-orange juice ham, cheese apple, orange milk, chocolate apple, sugar banana, sugar banana, orange ham, egg cheese, butter sandwich pizza jelly cornflakes cake yogurt salad jam AAEMO s Если тебя чем-то угощают и спрашивают Would you like...?, ты можешь ответить «да» (Yes, please или Thank you) или «нет» (No, thank you). Обрати внимание, что по-английски неверно будет ответить Yes, thank you или Thank you, no. 8. Используя картинки, составь вопросы и ответы на них. 1. Would you like а 4 О 2. Would you like an 3. Would you like an 4. Would you like a 9 №7 No, thank you Yes, please. 6* 163 5. Would you like a 6. Would you like an . 7. Would you like a 8. Would you like a I ^ + 9. A. Прочитай текст “Breakfast” и ответь на вопрос Margaret. BREAKFAST Hi! I’m Margaret Barker. I work in a school. I’m a music teacher. I don’t have time to cook in the morning. So we usually have juice, cornflakes, tea and coffee. With tea and coffee I always have two cheese sandwiches. My husband, Harry, likes ham sandwiches. Sally, our daughter, likes bread and butter. And John, our son eats cornflakes with milk and sugar. We all drink apple juice and orange juice. We don’t eat pizza, fish or salad for breakfast, we have them for dinner. On Sunday I cook porridge and we all have it with milk. And what do you have for breakfast? B. Прочитай текст ja диктором, (172), a затем выбери me фразы, которые соответствуют тексту. 1. The Barkers have juice apples oranges in the morning. 2. Margaret eats cheese sandwiches ham chicken in the morning, 3. Harry likes eggs salad ham sandwiches for breakfast, 164 4. Sally eats bread and 5. John eats cornflakes with 6. On Sunday Margaret cooks milk. yogurt. butter. bananas, milk and sugar, chocolate milk. fish salad porridge for breakfast. Do It On Your Own 10. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму и перепиши предложения. 1. а) We {clean) our flat on Saturday, b) Mary is in her room. She {clean) the window. 2. a) This shop {open) at 10 o’clock in the morning, b) Mr Green is at the door. He {open) his shop. 3. It is eight o’clock. We {have) breakfast. Mother {put) butter on Willy’s porridge. Father {drink) coffee, he never {drink) tea in the morning. I {eat) cornflakes. 4. a) Where are the children? They {have) lunch in the living room, b) They always {have) lunch at twelve o’clock. 5. a) I don’t like mineral water, but when I’m hot I {drink) it. b) Look! John {drink) mineral water. 11. Выбери из предложенного списка и напиши на.шания того, что бы ты хотел съесть на завтрак, обед и ужин. Не забудь про напитки. soup, porridge, an egg, bread, cheese, cornflakes, ham, sugar, an apple, an orange, juice, yogurt, a sweet, chocolate, fish, a banana, a sandwich, pizza, a hamburger, a cheeseburger I would like for breakfast, for lunch. I would like 165 Step Four Do It Together 1. Colin u Alice остановились в гостинице. Скажи, что они обычно едят на завтрак и ланч, что они едят сегодня. Проверь себя, (173). Образец: usually For breakfast Alice and Colin usually have porridge, But today they are having ham and eggs. now 166 в Великобритании утреннюю, обычно домашнюю, трапезу называют словом breakfast. С 12 до 13 часов у большинства работающих и учащихся наступает обеденный перерыв. В это время они едят lunch. Более основательная трапеза в середине дня или ближе к вечеру называется dinner. Если британцы обедают днем, вечером они едят ужин, который некоторые называют supper, а некоторые — tea. Кстати, пить чай — любимое занятие британцев. Часто они пьют его с молоком и печеньем- Обычный английский завтрак — стакан сока, кукурузные, пшеничные или рисовые хлопья с молоком, чай или кофе. То, что они едят во время ланча, зависит от того, где они находятся и сколько у них времени. Это может быть пара бутербродов, а может быть мясо или рыба и овощи. В школьной столовой детям обычно предлагают несколько горячих блюд на выбор, какой-нибудь напиток и что-то сладкое. Обед по традиции состоит из закуски, основного блюда и десерта. Впрочем, у разных людей — разные вкусы. 2. Послушай, о чем говорят эти люди, и скажи, кто из них зав-тракает, обедает, ужинает, а кто пьет чаи, gg (174). 1) They are having dinner. 3>... . 2) ... . 4)... . 3. Закончи предложения, используя an или a, где это необходимо. Проверь себя, (175). L I like... apples and bananas. I don’t like... oranges. 2. — Would you like... apple? — Yes, please. 1 like., apples a lot. 3. I would like... apple or two. I would like to cook an apple pie. 4.— Do you like... ham? 5.— Would you like... orange? Would you like... sweet? Would you like... chocolate? 4. Прочитай эти слова и проверь себя, [«] (176). [е] bread breakfast ready friend text [i:] please clean cheese eat tea [а;] plant class dance banana grass [ju:] beautiful music usually student pupil [ai] like write wife time why [i] pizza dinner drink think give 167 5. Познакомься с новыми словами. Повтори новые с.аова, словосо четания и предложения с ними за диктором. LggJ (177). А. chicken ['tjikan] — цыпленок, курятина cucumber ['kju:kAmbo] — огурец ice-cream [ ais'krkm] — ,нор<)же-ное rice [rais] — рис tomato [1э 'matou] — помидор vegetable f'veifetobl] — овощ В. cucumber — cucumbers: little cucumbers, green cucumbers. I’d like a cucumber, please. Where are the cucumbers? Are they on the plate? chicken: 1) a chicken = a chick; a little chicken, three yellow chickens. I see ten small chickens in the box. Who feeds the chickens on the farm? 2) cold chicken, chicken salad, a chicken sandwich. Do you like chicken? — Yes, very much. Would you like chicken or fish? — Chicken, please. ice-cream: chocolate ice-cream, banana ice-cream, vanilla icecream. Two ice-creams, please. I like ice-cream. — What ice-cream would you like? — Chocolate ice-cream, please... tomato — tomatoes: red tomatoes, to cook tomatoes. Put a tomato in the soup. I don’t like tomatoes. I would like a glass of tomato juice. vegetable — vegetables: a lot of vegetables, green vegetables, to cook vegetables. Do you like vegetables? I always eat vegetables for supper. rice: hot rice, cold rice, brown rice. I would like chicken and rice, please. 6. A. Посмотри на картинки и назови то. что на них изображено Образец: tea with sugar. 168 2. 3. 4. • • • • 5. В. Скажи, как ты объединяешь эти продукты, когда ешь. Образец: I eat fish with vegetables. chicken fish pizza soup porridge coffee tea ham cheese vegetables rice salad tomatoes cucumbers bread butter sugar milk ice-cream sandwiches MEMO 3 Те, кто учит aHr.nuifCKitfli язык, часто путают сочетания I like... и I would like... . После сочетания I like... следуют названия продуктов и напитков, которые нравятся говорящему. Они могут выражаться как неисчис..пяемыми именами существительными (I like fish. She likes yogurt), так и исчисляемыми существительными, обычно во множественном числе (I like apples. Не likes vegetables). Те же имена существительные могут следовать после сочетания I would like... {имне хотелось бы...»), однако перед ними, как правило, ставится слово some [s.\ni], которое означает ^текоторое колине-ство», «несколько», (I would like some juice, please. She would like some согпПакев). To же происходит и с вопросами. Would you like some tea? Would you like some butter? Перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе употребляется неопредатенный арттсть а/ал. Would you like an apple? 169 7. Выбери правильный вариант и закончи предложения. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Would you like/Do you like) tea? — Yes, I do. I drink tea a lot. — (Would you like /Do you like) an orange? — No, thank you. Can I have an apple? — (Would you like/Do you like) porridge for breakfast? — Yes, I always eat porridge for breakfast. — (Would you like/Do you like) a cake? — Yes, please-1 like them very much. — (Would you like/Do you like) an orange? — No, thank you. I don’t eat oranges. — (Would you like/Do you like) fish? — Yes, I like it very much. I often eat fish. 8. A. Посмотри на это меню, послушай и прочитай диалоги, в которых посетители кафе заказывают себе еду, gJ (178). Разыграйте один из диалогов в парах. Ham and eggs..............2.80 Chicken....................3.15 Pizza......................6.50 Fish......................4.20 Rice..................... 1.25 Vegetables................0.60 Tomato-and-cucumber salad.,.1.70 Cheese salade.............1.80 Chicken salad.............2.00 Green salad...............1.76 Fish salad................2.30 Chocolate cake............2.60 Vanilla Ice-cream.........2.00 Banana ice-cream.........2.15 Chocolate ice-cream.......2.10 Apples...................2.30 Oranges..................2.20 Bananas...................1-80 Mineral water............0.40 Apple Juice..............0-80 Orange Juice.............0.90 Tomato Juice.............0.75 Coffee...................2.36 Tea......................1.70 170 IN THE CAFE* 1. — Can I have chicken and rice, green salad and chocolate ice-cream? — Yes, please. We have very good chicken today. — Oh, and I’d like black coffee with sugar. — Yes, sir. 2. — I’d like some pizza with a lot of vegetables and tomato- and-cucumber salad. — Very good. What would you like to drink? — Some mineral water, please. Oh no, sorry, some tomato juice. — Thank you. 3. — I’d like chicken salad and fish with vegetables. — OK. Drinks? — No, thanks. Can I have some ice-cream? — Chocolate ice-cream or vanilla ice-cream? — Chocolate, please. — Very good. B. Составьте свои диалоги и разыграйте их. Do It On Your Own 9. Сделай задание 8В письменно. 10. Закончи и перепиши эти диалоги. 1. — What would you like for dinner today? — Can I have ..., please? — Very good. Would you like some ice-cream too? — ... I like ice-cream. 2. — What’s for supper today? — Chicken and ... — And what salad would you like with them? — ...» please. *a саГё ['kaefei] — кафе 171 Step Five Do It Together 1. Посмотри на картинку и скажи, что едят и пьют эти школьники в столовой и чего бы им сейчас хотелось. Образец: Магу is eating soup, but she would like some cornflakes. 2. A. Послушай, как звучат сочетания типа 1 would like... в полной и краткой формах, и повтори их за диктором, рД (179), I would like some coffee. I’d like some coffee. He would like an orange. He’d like an orange. She would like some cornflakes. She’d like some cornflakes. We would like some vegetables. We’d like some vegetables. You would like a sandwich. You’d like a sandwich. They would like some hot tea. They’d like some hot tea. 172 в. Скажи, что бы ты сейчас съел или выпил. Образец: I’d like some orange juice. I’d like a banana. 3. Повтори эту рифмовку за диктором. (180). WE ARE HUNGRY I’d like some chicken-and-rice, I think it’s very nice. He’d like some bread-and-cheese, Can he have it, please? She’d like some tea and cakes. She likes the cakes mum makes. We’d like some veg* and fish. The fish from that big dish. They’d like some porridge and some jam. They live on them^. 4. 5. A. Вспомни как можно больше английских слов, чтобы продолжить эти ряды. Drinks: tea, ... Cold food: cheese, ... Vegetables: tomatoes,... Hot food: fish, ... Fruit’"’: apples,... Sweet food: pie, ... B. Скажи. I) что ты любишь есть и пить на завтрак, обед и ужин и 2) чего бы тебе хотелось сейчас. Образец (1):1 like porridge for breakfast. Образец (2): I’d like some orange juice now. Скажи, какие вопросы .тдает .чюбопытный Jeff своим знака мым. Проверь себя. fSJl (181). Образец: Cornflakes/9.00 — Are you eating cornflakes today? — Do you always have cornflakes for breakfast? Coffee/9.30 — Are you drinking coffee today? — Do you always drink coffee for breakfast? ’ veg [vcd3] “ vegetables {ра.^г.) ^They live on them. — Они только ими н питаются. ®frnit (fm:t] — фрукты 173 ham and eggs mineral water fish yogurt cucumber-and-tomato salad bananas and oranges tea with milk chicken- and-rice vegetables apple juice МЕЛЮ 1 Чтобы сказать, что в каком-то месте (на кухне, на столе, на полке и т. д.) находится один или несколько предметов, используется структура there is (об одном предмете) и there are (о нескольких предметах). a) There is а cloud in the sky. {Ha небе облако.) There are (some) clouds in the sky. {Ha небе облака.) b) There is a cup on the table. {Ha столе чашка.) There are (some) cups on the table. {Ha столе чашки.) There are a lot of pupils there. (7aJK много учеников.) При этом конструкция there is/there are не имеет самостоятельного значения. С неисчисляемыми существительными можно использовать только струтстуру there is. после которой обычно следует слово some. c) There is some milk in the cup. {B чашке молоко.) There is some water in the jug. (B кувшине вода.) 174 Чтобы сказать, что в определенном месте отсутствует предмет (предметы) или вещество, в эту структуру вводится местоимение по. d) There is no table in the room. (Б комнате нет стола,) There are no chairs in the kitchen. {Ila кухне нет стульев,) There is no milk in the mug. (B кружке нет молока,) 6. Послушай текст, (182), и прочитай из него только фра зы, в которых говорится о том, что находится на кухне у Баркеров, ТИЕ BARKERS* KITCHEN There is a big table and some cupboards in the Barkers’ kitchen. There are cups, plates and dishes in the cupboards. There are bright mugs on the shelves. On the big table there are some vegetables. There is some bread and milk in the middle of the table. There are some apples but there are no oranges or bananas on the table. The kitchen is very nice. There are some beautiful green plants on the windowsills. 175 7. Скажи по-английски, что есть или чего нет в различных местах. у4. Образец: а banana — on the dish There is a banana on the dish, no sweet — in the box There is no sweet in the box. an egg — in the egg-cup a sandwich — on the plate a hamburger — on the dish no orange — on the cupboard^ no apple — on the bench no pie — on the plate B. О 6 p a 3 e ц: some oranges — in the tree There are some oranges in the tree, no apples — on the shelf There are no apples on the shelf. some cucumbers — on the table some tomatoes — on the plate no vegetables — in the house no bananas — in the shop C. О 6 p a 3 e ц: some water — in the mug There is some water in the mug. no jam — on the plate There is no jam on the plate. bread — on the bread plate no coffee — in the cup juice — in the jug no fish — on the dish 8. Скажи, какие из изображенных на картинке предметов при сутствуют или отсутствуют на кухне. 176 Do it on Your Own 9 Напиши, что с удовольствием едят пришедшие в ресторан Баркеры. Harry Barker is enjoying his fish and vegetables. Margaret Barker ... (chicken salad). John Barker ... (chicken-and-rice). Sally Barker ... (green salad and ham). Mary Barker ... (pizza). 10. Напиши в 6—7 пред.пожениях. что есть и чего нет в твоей комнате. 11. Подготовься писать диктант Л'* 6. Dictation N 6 For lunch, for breakfast, for dinner, some juice, a lot of cornflakes, porridge with sugar. Pat is having a tea party. Her friend Jane and her two cousins are in the living room now. They are drinking tea and eating a nice chocolate cake. They are having a good time and enjoying their tea. YOUR WORD BOX banana, bread, butter, cheese, chicken, chocolate, clean, coffee, coke, cornflakes, cucumber, do, drink, eat, enjoy, ham. hamburger, ice-cream, juice, nuneral water, nice, orange, pizza, porridge, rice, .salad, sandwich, soup, sugar, toniato(es), vegetables, walk, water, work, yogurt Would you like? What would you like? I’d like... — for breakfast, for lunch, for supper, for tea. There is.../there are... UNIT SEVEN At the Weekend^ Step One Do It Together 1. Послушай диктора, (183). Посмотри на рисунок и скажи,: какие из этих продуктов есть, а каких нет сегодня вечером в магазине. Образец: There are some tomatoes. There are no cucumbers. Food Yes No Food Yes tomatoes cornflakes cucumbers cheese oranges milk *a weekend [,wi:k'end] — конец недели, выходные дни 178 orange juice tea sugar coffee butter mineral water ham yogurt eggs bananas coke apples 2. Посмотри на картинку и скажи, что есть в холодильнике и чего там нет. There is а pizza in the fridge*. There is a ... in the fridge. There is a .... There is a ... . There is some milk in the fridge. There is some ... in the fridge. There is some There is some • • There are some ice-creams in the fridge. There are some ... in the fridge. There are some .... There are some .... There is no coke in the fridge. There are no bananas in the fridge. There is no ... . There are no ... . 'a fridge [fncfe] — холодильник 179 MEMO Чтобы задать вопросы с оборотом there is/there are, глагол| to be (is, are) надо поставить перед словом there. Is there an orange on the plate? (Ila тарелке естьмпель син?) Are there books on the table? (//a столе есть книги?) Очень часто в таких вопросах перед существительным во мно? жественном числе ставится местоимение any, kotoi означает ^некоторое количество>^. Are there any beds in the room? {B комнате есть крова/nu^)^^] Are there an}* flowers in the garden? (B саду есть цветы?)^ Ответить на подобные вопросы можно да пли нет, что по-анг-^ лнйски будет Yes, there is/No, there isn’t (об одном предмете) или Yes, there are some/No, there aren’t (any) (o несколы-ких). a) — Are there any boxes on the floor? — No, there aren’t any. b) - Are there any pianos in the room? Yes, there are (two). c) — Is there any bread in the kitchen? Yes, there is (some). d) — Is there any butter in the fridge? — No, there isn’t (any). e) — Is there a chair near the table? — Yes, there is. f) — Is there a teddy-bear on the chair? — No, there isn’t. 180 Mr Barker собирается идти за покупками и задаст жене вопросы о том, какие из продуктов есть в доме. Вернись к картинке (упр. 2) и скажи, какие ответы дала ему Mrs Barker. 1. Are there any apples in the house? — Yes, there are (someh 2. Is there any orange juice at home? — No. there isn’t (anvh 3. Are there any tomatoes at home? — .... ... . 4. Is there any chicken in the house? — ..., ... . 5. Is tliere any fish in the house? — .... ... . 6. Are there any eggs at home? — .... ... . 7. Is there any coke in the house? — .... ... . 8. Are there any cakes in the house? — ..., ... . 9. Is there any bread at home? — .... ... . 10. Is there any milk at home? — .... ... . Вернись к заданию I. Пос.нотри на рисунок и задай несколько вопросов о том. что есть на полках в .магазине вечером. Поработайте в парах, отвечая на эти вопросы. Образец: Is there any sugar in the shop? — Yes, there is. Are there any oranges in the shop? — No, there aren’t. A. Посмотри на фотографию, изображающую комнату .Магу Barker. Послушай, как Магу задают вопросы о том. что и.чи кто находится в комнате, и как она на них отвечает. Повтори вопросы и ее ответы за диктором, [■■j (184). 181 WHAT IS THERE...? L — What is there in the middle of your room? — There is a piano there. 2. — What is there on the piano? — There are some flowers there. 3. — What is there on your desk? — There is a computer. 4. — What is there next to the computer? — There is a television and a video recorder. 5. — What is there on the shelves? — There are some new books there. B. Послушай, как Mary задают вопросы о том, сколько разных предметов у нее в комнате, и что она отвечает. Повтори вопросы и ее ответы за диктором, (185). 1. — 2. — 3. — HOW MANY... ARE THERE...? How many pianos are there in your room? There is one. How many armchairs are there? There are two. How many flowers are there on the piano? — There are five. 4. — How many shelves are there on the wall? — There are three. 5. — How many books are there on the shelves? — There are nine. 6. Поработайте в парах. Нарисуй план комнаты с те.ми предметами, которые ты можешь на.шать по английски, и дай их список своему собеседнику. Он должен задать тебе вопросы, чтобы узнать, как ты расставил предметы в комнате, и про вильно нарисовать ее план. Проделав это один раз, поменяй тесь ро.чями. Образец: What is there near the window? What is there next to the sofa? 182 7. 8. 9. Соедини вопросы и ответы на них. 1. How many days are there in a week? 2. How many quarters are there in an hour? 3. How many minutes are there in a quarter? 4. How many seconds are there in a minute? 5. How many letters' are there in the word “computer”? 6. How many days are there in May? 7. How many numbers are there on the face of a clock? 8. How many colours are there in the rainbow^? 9. How many copecks^ are there in a rouble? Do It on Your Own Закончи и напиши эти вопросы анкеты о городе, г вешь. 1. What is ... in the middle of your town? 2. How many ... are there in your town? 3. What is there ...? 4___next to your school? 5. Are there any ... in your town? 6. Is there a ... in your town? 7. Do you like ...? Прочитай письмо, которое William написал своему приятелю. Составь вопросы к уже написанным ответам. a) 60 b) 7 c) 12 d) 4 e) 7 f) 8 g) 31 h) 100 i) 15 ? ты жи- Hi Jeff, I’d like to write to you about my new house. It b not bi^ but it is very nice. There ire two bedrooms upstairs and there is a kitchen, a livinj^ room and a hill downstairs. There is a television and a sofa in the living room but there is no table and there are no chairs. * a letter ['lela] — буква rainbow [’rcinbau] — радуга a copeck ['koupck] — копейка 183 There is a and a little garden near the house * There are three apple-trees in the garden. I like ni^ new house and little garden ver^ much. Come and look at them in May. Will. 1. It’s new. 2. There are two bedrooms upstairs. 3. The kitchen is downstairs. 4. Yes, there is. 5. No, there isn’t. 6‘. There is a garage and a garden. 7. Three. 8. Yes, he does. 1. Step Two Do It Together Посмотри на картинку, послушай аудиозапись, (186), и ответь на вопросы диктора о том, что находится в комнате,' 184 2. Посмотри на эти предложения и скажи, от чего зависит выбор между there is и there are. a) There is an apple and three oranges on the table. There is a desk and three chairs at the blackboard. b) There are three oranges and an apple on the table. There are three chairs and a desk at the blackboard. Если в предложении с there is/there are имеются два подлежащих. то форма глагола (is или are) .зависит от того, в каком числе стоит первое подлежащее. There is а son and two daughters in her family. Ho: There are two daughters and a son in her family. 3. 4. 5. Выбери правильную форму глаголи, чтобы закончить эти предложения. 1. There {is/are) two schools and a hotel in Apple Street. 2. There {is/are) a garage and a zoo in my street. 3. There (is/ are) three hotels and an airport in our town. 4. There {is/are) a park and a lot of gardens in this old town. 5. There {is/are) a lot of shops and a swimming bath in Green Street. 6. There {is/are) two cinemas and a cafe in John’s street. 7. There {is/are) a bus stop and a pet shop in front of Jane’s house. Причи таи правильно эти слова. Проверь себя, (187) [a;] banana classroom bathroom garden [y.] cornflakes quarter walk water lA] up upstairs mother cupboard [Dj pot a lot orange porridge [>] video give listen kitchen [з:] her birthday work hamburger Прочитай эти новые слова по ана.1огии с уже известными тебе. yes, day — yesterday past — last go — ago Monday — month 185 6. Познакомься с новыми словами. Повтори новые слова, словосочетания и предложения за диктором, (188) 7. then [den] — тогда month [тлп0] — .месяц spring fspno] — весна summer ['ялтз] — лето autumn [’э;1эт] — осень winter ['winta] — зима A. was [wDz] — был, бы.п.а were [w3:] — бы.яи yesterday ['jestadi] — вчера ago [э'дэи] — тому назад last [lu;slj — прошлый (-ая, -ое), последний {-яя, -ее) B. was: was sick, was happy, was tired. John was sad and Jane was happy. were: were sad, were hungry, were thirsty. Bob and Jack were in the park. yesterday: yesterday morning, yesterday evening. Bess was in the zoo yesterday. She was happy yesterday, ago: two days ago, three years ago. Tom was in London five years ago. last: last Monday, last Tuesday, last year. I was in Paris last year. then: I was in Florida last year. Mary was in Scotland then, month: three months, four months ago, last month. May is a nice month. There are 12 months in a year, spring: early spring, late spring, in spring. My mother likes spring. summer: in summer, last summer. We were in Scotland last summer. autumn: in autumn, last autumn. My friends always spend autumn in Italy. winter: early winter, last winter, in winter. We like winter, it is white and cold. Jeff и John провели сегодняшний день гораздо удачнее вчерашнего. Скажи, что происходило с ними вчера. 1. Today Jeff and John are happy. But yesterday they were sad. 186 8. 2. Today Jeff is not tired. But yesterday .... 3. Today Jeff and John are not hungry. But yesterday .... 4. Today John is not thirsty. But yesterday .... 5. Today John is not hot. But yesterday .... 6. Today Jeff is not cold. But yesterday .... 7. Today Jeff and John are not ill. But... . Послушай и повтори это четверостишие вслед за диктором, 3 (189), а потом самостоятельно, не глядя в текст. Spring is green. Summer is bright. Autumn is yellow. Winter is white. 9. A. Скажи, в какое время года родились эти известные люди. Образец: Queen Elizabeth’s birthday is in spring. She was born in spring. 1. Yuri Gagarin 2. Alexander Pushkin 3. Mikhail Glinka 4. Lev Tolstoy 5. Qxieen Elizabeth II 6. William Shakespeare 7. Charles Dickens 8. Winston S. Churchill 9.03.1934 6.06.1799 1.06.1804 9.09.1828 21. 04.1926 23.04.1564 07.02.1812 30.11.1874 В Скажи, в какое время года родился ты и члены твоей семьи. 187 10. Скажи, где были Баркеры в указанное время. Образец: Магу Barker was at school three days ago. Margaret Barker Sally Barker Mary Barker Tom and Meg Barker Harry and Margaret The Barkers Chase in the park in Scotland in France on the farm in Italy at the cinema at school last Wodnej yesterday last yeari last month yesterdi night. three days ago last autumn- 188 Do It Together 11. yjnou у пяти своих одноклассников, когда они родились, и напиши. в какое время года это произошло. Образец: Natasha was born in autumn. 12. Перепиши эти предложения, выбрав нужную форму глагола to be (am, is, are, was, were). 1. Last Monday Tom ... at the cinema, 2. Where ... Jane now? 3. My friends and I ...in the garden two days ago. 4. Yesterday I ... in a cafe with my parents. 5. Bob and Ted ... from India, 6. There ... a lot of sweets in the shop now. 7. There ... a lot of vegetables in the shop yesterday. 8.1... a pupil, I go to school. Step Three 1. Mr Barker отправился вчера вечером в ближайший продоволь' ствеиный магазин с этим списком необходимых продуктов. Скажи, что было и чего не было вчера в магазине. Проверь се-бя, ^ (190). Образец: There was milk. There were no tomatoes. Рйг.гаг(£ 2.50) Иаж (£€) ToniAtoei (£ 0.50) МИЫ(£ 1.25) Yogurt (£0.4) Fish (£ 3) Juic^^£ 2) (£ 1.50)^ Есе^сгелт (£ 0.8) CkocoUtt^ caJc&s (£ 2.5) Coke. (£4.5)^ A^^U^^£ 1.5) 189 2. Вспомни числительные, найди в этих примерах на сложение правильный вариант и прочитай его. Проверь себя, (^91)_ Образец: Fifteen and four is nineteen. 1) 7 + 14 = 20 7+ 14 = 21 4) 8 + 19 = 27 8 + 19 = 26 2) 40 + 20 = 60 40 + 20 = 62 5) 3 + 78 = 82 3 + 78 = 81 3) 37 + 5 = 42 37 + 5 = 43 6) 53 + 15 = 67 53 + 15 = 68 MEAAO j Для того чтобы назвать год по-английски (например, 1998), нужно прючитать первые две цифры (19 — nineteen), а затем последние две (98 — ninety-ei^ht). Такой год, как 1901, следует читать [,nain4i:n, au'wAii] (вместо нуля произносится название английской буквы о). А вот если год заканчивается двумя нулями (например, 1900)^ то вместо этих нулей следует произносить слово hundred. т. е. nineteen-hundred. Называть годы третьего тысячелетия следует так: 2000 — (the year) two thousand*; 2001 — (the year) two thousand (and) one; 2002 — (the year) two thousand (and) two; 2003 — (the year) two thousand (and) three. 3. Л, Послушай, как диктор произносит эти зна-'^енательные даты, и повтори их, (192), 1147, 1400, 1945, 1799, 1957, 1961, 1812, 1901, 1492, 2000 В. Выбери правильную дату из пункта А и, назвав год по-английски, скажи, в каком году произошли эти события. Проверь себя. (193). a) родился Александр Сергеевич Пушкин; b) закончилась Великая Отечественная война; c) произошло Бородинское сражение; ' а thousand ['Gauzand] — тысяча 190 6. d) человек впервые полетел в космос; e) появилось первое упоминание в летописях о Москве; f) Христофор Колумб открыл Америку; g) умерла английская королева Виктория; Ь) был запущен первый искусственный спутник Земли; i) умер великий английский поэт Джефри Чосер; j) В. В- Путин стал Президентом России. 4. Скажи, когда родились эти люди. Проверь себя, (194) Образец: Mark (1835) Mark was born in 1835. Liz and Alice (1987) Liz and Alice were born in 1987. Ken and Harry (1883) Bill (1949) Jane(2001) Polly and Dan (1900) Roy and John (1716) Mrs Brown (1959) David and his cousin (1999) Mr Turner (1803) Ron and Richard (1613) K?) Послушай, как звучат по английски названия месяцев, и повтори их за дикторо.п, (195). Spring months: March, April, May June, July, August September, October, November December, January, February Summer months: Autumn months: Winter months: A. Скажи, в каком месяце день рождения этих ребят. Проверь себя. (196). Образец: Roy was born in January. nujaary amy berseptem • •• Roy Jane Rob 191 7. ryfrbrua ujen toocber .John Ann .James inchra jylu nobervem Alice Colin Dick prali gaustii debercem Dolly Fred B. Скажи, в какое время года они рог)илисы Образец: Roy’s birthday is in winter, he was born in January. Jane и ее брат Roy очень любят путешествовать. Каждый ' месяц они уезжают в какой нибудь новый уголок земного шара. Посмотри на план их поездок и скажи, когда они побывали в' этих местах. Образец: Jane was in Africa in Januarj'. Jane and Roy were in Rome in February. Jane Africa January Jane, Roy Rome Februar>’ Jane, Roy Moscow March Roy Madrid April 192 Jane Boston May ^ane, Roy Florida June Jane Scotland July Roy Paris August Jane, Roy India September Jane, Roy Glasgow October Roy Italy November Jane London December 8. Закончи это стихотворение, используя нужные названия ме сяцев, и повтори, не глядя в текст. Проверь себя, (197). Thirty days has September, A..., June and N... . All the rest^ have ...-one And February (with me it’s fine) Has twenty-eight or ... . Do It on Your Own 9. Напиши, в какп.’ч месяце родился каждый из ч.ченов твоей семьи. Step Four 1. Do It Together Послушай диктора и запиши годы, когда родились эти извест ные люди, |«] (198), L Mark Twain was born in 18 ... • 2. William Shakespeare was born in ... 4. ^all the rest — все остальные КЛ. 193 2. 3. Elvis Presley was born in .... 4. Salvador Dali was born in ... . 5. Charlie Chaplin was born in 18 ... . 6. Jeoffrey Chaucer was born in ... 40. 7. Abraham Lincoln was born in ... . 8. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 14 ... . 9. Feodor M. Dostoevsky was born in ... . 10. Peotr Tchaikovsky was born in ... . В прошлом году Roy путешествовал no Европе. Пос.мотри на карту и скажи, в каких городах он побывал в течение года. Образец: Last January Roy was in Moscow. 1. January 2. March 3. June 4. July 5. August 6. October 194 3 А. Сравни две части таблицы и скажи, как образуются вопросы с глаголом to be в прошедшем времени. Jane was in the park last Monday. Was Jane in the park last Monday? — Yes, she was. Was she at school last Monday? — No, she wasn’t. Bill w’as in the zoo three days ago. Was Bill in the zoo three days ago? — Yes, he was. Was he in the cinema? — No, he wasn’t. Don and Robin were in Florida last August. Were Don and Robin in Florida? — Yes, they were. Were they in Scotland? — No, they weren’t. I was in Italy in 1998. Were you in Italy in 1998? — Yes, I was. Were you in America in 1998? — No, I wasn’t. В. Закончи вопросы, которые приятель задал Рою (упр. 2), расспрашивая его о путешествии по Европе. 1. Were you_____in January? — Yes, I was. 2. ____in March? — No, I wasn’t. 5.______in Paris___? — Yes, I was. 4. __ 5. in July? — Yes, I was. in Berlin ? — No, I wasn’t. 6. Were__ __ in London October? — Yes, I was. ? — No, I wasn’t. 195 to be быть, являться, находиться Прошедшее время MEMO Единственное число Множественное число j + 1 Полная форма Краткая (|)орма Полная (|юрма Краткая || форма i| I was you were he was she was it was we were you were they were — 1 i I was not you were not he was not she was not it was not 1 wasn’t you weren’t he wasn’t she wasn’t it wasn’t we were not you were not they were not we weren’t you weren’t they werem’t 9 Was I? Were you? Was he? Was she? Was it? * — Were we? Were you? Were they? — 4. В прошлые выходные у соседей Баркеров произошло несчастье: пока Mr and Mrs Green были в отъезде, их дом ограбили. Следствие ведет Detective Jones. Послютри на рисунок и скажи, какие вопросы он задает гостивше.чу у Баркеров в тот .момент дяде Уильяму и что тот ему отвечает. Проверь себя, (199). 1. Were yon at home last weekend?— Yes, 1 was. 2. Was she at home last weekend? — No, she wasn’t. 196 3.. ..? 4.. ..? 5.. ..? 9 __ Yes, . No, .. No, .. 6 __? — Yes, 7 __? — Yes, Л 9 ______ V •••• 1. 2. 3. -6/ 7 й 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5. //a прошлой неделе в комнате Джона сделали ремонт и частично поменяли мебель. А. Скажи, что находится в комнате Джона сейчас. Образец: There is а big desk at the window. There are two chairs (in his room). 197 6. 7. B. Скажи, какие вопросы можно было бы задать Джону, чтобы узнать, какие вещи были в его комнате до ремонта. Образец: Was there а desk in your room? Were there (two) chairs in your room? C. Поработайте в парах и разыграйте разговор с Джоном о том, как выглядела его комната до ремонта. Образец: — Was there а desk in your room last week? — Yes, there was. — Were there chairs in your room last week? — No, there were not. : Описать погоду нам помогают прилагательные. Послушай ' и повтори ja диктором некоторые из них. (200). 1) cloudy ['klaudi] — облачный 2) windy ['wmdi] — ветреный 3) sunny ['sAni] — солнечный 4) dry [drai] — сухой 5) foggy ['fnyi] — туманный 6) rainy ['reini] — дождливый 7) snowy ['snaui] 8) warm [w3:m] - - снежный теплый Посмотри ни рисунки и. используя с.юва из задания 6, скажи, какая была погода на прошлой неделе в Шотландии. Проверь себя. И (201). / • \ Ь) Tuesday... - с)... . d)... . а) Monday was warm. e) w f • • • • f).... б) ••• • 198 g, л. Посмотри, как можно иначе описать погоду, Monday was rainy. = It was rainy on Monday. Tuesday was foggy. »= It was foggy on Tuesday. Wednesday was dry. = It was dry on Wednesday. Thursday was warm. = It was warm on Thursday. B. Посмотри на рисунок на стр, 201 и, используя образец, скажи, какая была погода в разных городах мира в прошлую субботу. Проверь себя, (202). Образец: It was sunny in Rome last Saturday. ¥r0\ Итак, чтобы сказать по-английски «дголойко», <^жарко»>, <*хо рошо*>. <*славно»>, нужно начать предложение с “И is” и добавить необходимое по смыслу прилагательное. Такие предложения называются безличными. Например. “It is nice.” Говоря о прошлом, ты скажешь “It was nice.” (Было славно.) It is (it*s) + Adj. (прилагательное)/!! was + Adj. 9. A. Прочитай эти предложения и скажи, что они значат по русски. 1. It is hot. 2, It was not cold. 3. It is not good. 4. It was not bad. 5. It is early. 6. It was late. B. Прочитай эти предложения еще раз, используя краткие формы it’s, it isn't или wasn’t. Do It on Your Own 10. Прочитай, как семейство Баркеров провело прошлое воскре сенье. а затем выпо,чни задания пос.че текста по образцу. LAST SUNDAY Last Sunday was very nice. It was not cold and it was not hot. It was warm, sunny and dry. There were some white clouds in the blue sky. The Barkers were not at home. John 199 was in the zoo with his friends. His sister Sally was not with him. She was in the park with her dog Chase. Sally was iiappy but Chase was not. He was sad. There was no bone and there were no toys. The Barkers were not in the park with their daughter. Mrs Barker was in the swimming bath And Mr Barker was in his garage. In the evening the Barkers were at home. They were tired but happy. A. Ответь на вопросы письменно. 1. Was last Sunday warm? 2. Were there any clouds in the sky? 3. Was John in the zoo? 4. Were the Barkers at home in the evening? 5. Were they in the park in the evening? B. Напиши вопросы к этим ответам. 1. ...? — Yes, Sally was happy. 2.. ..? — No, there was no bone in the park. 3.. ..? — No, there were no toys. 4. ...7 — No, the Barkers were not with their daughter. 5.. ..? — Yes, the Barkers were tired but happy in the evening. 11. Соедини английские и соответствующие им русские фра.ш. 1. Холодно 2. Было сухо. 3. Было хорошо. 4. Тепло. 5. Рано. 6. Было рано. 7. Сухо. 8. Плохо. 9. Было поздно. 10. Славно, мило. a) It is nice. b) It was dry. * c) It is early. d) It was late. e) It was early, .f) It is cold. g) It was good. h) It is warm. i) It is bad. • j) It is dry. 200 Step Five 1. L Do It Together Послушай, как диктор рассказывает о погоде, которая были в разных городах, и скажи, в какой последовательности он это делает, (203). Glasgo'^ •• -10' Ь. Moscow с. Paris е. imu •5*: 14 London f. 2. А. Выгляни в окно и ответу на эти вопросы. 1. Is it hot today? 2. Is it warm today? 3. Is it foggy today? 4. Is it windy today? 5. Is it sunny today? 6. Is it rainy today? 7. Is it cloudy today? B. Скажи, какая обычно бывает погода I) зимой: 2) весной: 3) летом: 4) осенью. Образец: It is usually cold in winter. C. Опиши сегодняшнюю погоду бо.чее подробно. Образец: It is not rainy, it is dry today. 201 3. Послушайте аудиозапись {■ вместе. (204) и спойте песенку все WHAT’S THE WEATHER LIKE TODAY?’ Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. ’ Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. What’s the weather like today? Is it sunny? What’s the weather like today? Is it rainy? What’s the weather like today? Is it cloudy? Is it warm? We don’t want a storm.^ Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Yesterday the day was windy. Yesterday the sky was cloudy, Yesterday the park was muddy^, No walks, no play; What a day! What a nasty^ day.. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. ’ W'hat’s the weather [Veda] like today? — Какая сегодня погода? * We don’t want a storm [stoim]. — Нам не нужна гроза. ® muddy [’m.^dI] — грязный ^ nasty ['naisti] — здесь: пасмурный 202 5- В прошлые выходные General Green никуда не торопился, пользуя глаголы в рамке, расскажи, что он делал в прошд{ воскресенье. Проверь себя, pj (208). walked, washed, played, listened, dressed, helped 3. 5. 6. 6. Пользуясь данными словосочетаниями, расскажи о том, что ты делал в прошлые выходные дни. Образец: Last weekend I played with my friends. play with my friends walk with my dog wash cups and plates clean my room play on the computer help my mother (father) about the house play the piano cook a nice dinner (lunch) work in the garden (in the garage) walk in the park listen to music watch a new film in the cinema (on television) enjoy a good book 204 в русском языке глаголы в прошедшем времени имеют специальныГ! суффикс -л-: прыгал, играла, гуляли. Такой же приметой для многих английских глаголов в прошедшем времени является окончание -ed, которое может п^юпзносить-ся по-разному. Все зависит от того, какой звук ему предшествует. 1. Если это гласный звук или звонкий согласный (кроме [d]), окончание ed читается как [d]: played, enjoyed, show^, called open^, joined. 2. После глухих согласных звуков (кроме [t]) -ed произносится как [tj: watched, jumped, looked, walked, dressed, finished. worked. 3. После звуков [t] и [d] -ed произносится как [id]: counted, hated, m (205). 4, A. Послушай, как диктор произносит знакомые тебе глаголы в прошедшем времени, и повтори их за ним. (206). [d] called played joined enjoyed opened closed cleaned lived loved showed [t] watched jumped looked walked dressed liked finished thanked [Id] counted hated В. А теперь сам прочитай эти глаголы в прошедше.м вре.мени и проверь себя, (207), Closed opened looked jumped walked played showed dressed watched loved joined cleaned counted liked hated. 203 в англоязычных странах словом weekend называют субботу и воскресенье, а иногда и вторую половину пятницы, другими словами, это свободное время в конце недели, когда люди не работают и не ходят в школу. В русском языке обычно употребляют словосочетание выходные дни, хотя в последние годы можно встретить и слово уикэнд. 7. Прочитай текст о том. как the Barkers провели выходные дни. и 1) выбери из него все глаголы в прошедшем времени (кроме глагола to be [was/were]); 2) подбери подходящее на.та ние к каждой части текста. a) The Barkers in the park. b) Tlie Barkers at home. c) The weather at the weekend. THE B/VRKERS’ WEEKEND I. Last weekend was nice. Tlie weather was fine. There were no clouds in the sky. The sky was blue. It was not windy. The day was sunny and warm. It was nice in the park. The trees and the grass were green and there were a lot of beautiful flowers there. II. The Barkers were in the park that weekend. They usually go there in spring. The childen like playing in the park. That 205 day Sally and John played with their ball. Chase joined them. He jumped high. Mr and Mrs Barker walked near the lake up. der the tall trees and watched the water birds. When Mr and Mrs Barker joined their children they all played volleybalJi They often play volleyball together. III. At five o’clock the Barkers were at home. It was early. They played lotto and after that watched a new film on televi-sion. They enjoyed their weekend. 8. Прочитай текст из задания 7 еще раз и закончи эти предложения. 1. Last weekend .... 2.... Sally and John . 3. Chase • • • • 4. Mr and Mrs Barker .... 5. At five o’clock .... 6. In the evening the Barkers ... Do It On Your Own 9. Распредели эти глаголы в прошедшем времени на три колонки. в зависимости от того, как произносится (читается) окончание -ed. Listened, walked, opened, loved, looked, hated, enjoyed, cleaned, smiled, played, cooked, joined, thanked, watched, worked, counted, lived, kissed, helped. [d] 9 [t] 8 [Id] 2 10. Выполни задание 6 письменно. 11. Подготовься написать диктант 7, Dictation N 7 Some, any, last month, four years ago, autumn, winter, in spring, January, August, March, July, November. There are twelve months in a year. There was no television in шУ room. How many days are there in a week? Yesterday 206 morning I washed my face and dressed. My breakfast was on the table. I liked it. After it I walked to school. YOUR WORD BOX ago, autumn, cloudy, dry, foggy, last, month, rainy, snowy, spring, summer, sunny, then, thousand, warm, was/were, weather, weekend, windy, winter, yesterday January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December There is/there are (there was/there were) What is there...? How many...are there? What’s the weather like today? It’s hot. It’s early. It’s nice. UNIT EIGHT Holidays and Travelling Step One 1. 2. Do It Together Послушай диктора, ers кчера утром. 1. John 2. Sally 3. Margaret 4. Harry 5. George 6. Chase 7. Smokev ^ (209), и скажи, что делали the Bark- a) enjoyed his morning sleep b) listened to music c) watched the News’ on television d) washed the plates after breakfast e) worked in the garage f) played football with some friends g) joined Sally in the kitchen Поработайте в парах и поговорите друг с другом о том, что было и чего не было на этом праздничном столе, когда его накрыли для гостей. Образец: Was there any pizza? — Yes, there was. Were there any eggs? — No, there weren’t. ' the News — Программа новостей 208 Помимо тех глаголов, которые образуют прошедшее время при помощи -ed (их по традиции называют правильными), в английском языке есть целый ряд так называемых неправильных глаголов, ({юрму которых в прошедшем времени надо заучивать. Вот некоторые из них, (210): go — went see — saw have — had run — ran take — took meet — met 3. Послушай, что делали ученики St. Mary’s school после уроков в прошлую пятницу, и повтори пред.пожения за диктором, (211). ^ 1. Andrew went to the cinema. Alice went to the park. John went to the zoo. Harry went to the lake. 2. Andrew had soup for dinner. Alice had vegetables. John had chicken and rice. Harry had pizza and an ice-cream. 3. Andrew took his dog to the park. Alice took her little kitten to the garden. John took his pet to the pond. Harry took his pet out into the street. 4. Andrew and his dog ran in the park. Alice and her kitten ran in the garden. John and his pet ran near the pond. Harry and his pet ran in the street. 5. Andrew saw a lot of birds in the park. Alice saw a lot of flowers in the garden. John saw a lot of fish near the pond. Harry saw a lot of cars in the street. 6. Andrew met his parents in the park. Alice met her sister in the garden. John met his friends near the pond. Harry met his teacher in the street. 4. Посмотри на картинки и скажи: а) куда ходи.'1и дети в прошлый четверг; ^ РШ Lissy/zoo Ron/park Betty/shop Roy/garage 209 b) что они видели; some birds some flowers some sweets some cars c) кого они встретили; her friends his granny cousin Rachel d) где они бегали; zoo park e) что они ели на ланч. fish salad chicken salad street vegetables garden ij pizza Проверь себя, (■■j (212). 210 5. Выбери нужное, чтобы рассказать о своих выходных. I. Му last weekend was 2. On Saturday morning I went to 3. I had lunch 4. For lunch I had 5. Then I 6. In the evening I 7. On Sunday I went to 8. I saw very good, not very good, very bad. school. the shop(s). sports school. at home, at school, at the cafe. soup. fish. meat. met my friends. went out with my parents, helped my mum (dad). watched TV. took a good book, played on the computer. the park, the shop(s). the cinema. my friends, some nice clothes, a new (good) film. 9. I usually always sometimes like mv weekends. 211 6. Прочитай jmu слова и проверь себя, (213). [Cl] face say hate again table [>] ill video middle picture live [гг] ham ran apple had salad [0] pink sing English stocking think [ai] driver rice child spider right [Л] lunch cupboard upstairs understand butter [ill] Tuesday you tulip student music Познакомься с новы.ми с.повами. Повтори новые слова, словосочетания и предложения .ш диктором. ^3 (214). А. place [picis] — .щесто train [trem] — noe.id travel ['tnevol] — путешествовать visit ['vizit] — посещать, наносить визит; посещение, визит decide [di'said| — решать interestiiijf ['mtrostio] — интересный wonderful [’wAndofol] — удивительный. чудесный museum [mjii;'zi:3m] — музей В. place: a lot of places, good places, to see some places. Moscow is a good place: it is big and beautiful. Put the book in its place. train: an old train, two trains, to go by train, to take a train to London. The Barkers went to Scotland by train, travel: travelled; to travel to London, to travel a lot, to travel by train, to travel by car, to travel by bus, to travel by plane. Last autumn we travelled to Florida and had a good time. visit: visited; to visit interesting places, to visit Glasgow. Three years ago my family visited Finland, visit: visits; a visit to London, a visit to Moscow, decide: decided; to decide to go by plane, to decide to travel. Last weekend my mother decided to take me to the zoo. We decided to go to Madrid by train. 212 interesting: an interesting film, an interesting book, interesting places. We went to Moscow last summer and saw a lot of interesting places. wonderful: a wonderful day, a wonderful song, a wonderful lunch, wonderful weather. What wonderful weather we are having today! museum: museums; an interesting museum, an old museum, to visit museums. Last Thursday we visited the London Museum. 8. Послушай текст, И (215), и скажи, хороию ли провели свой weekend Баркеры. А VISIT ТО SCOTLAND Last weekend the Barkers decided to visit William and Beatrice and their children — Ann, Mary, Jim and Charley. On Friday they took the four o’clock train from London and travelled to Glasgow. William met them at the station in Glasgow and helped the Barkers with their bags. They all took a bus to the Barkers’ house near Glasgow. Beatrice cooked a lot of nice things and they had a wonderful supper. John and Sally were tired and went to bed early. On Saturday morning the weather was warm and sunny, and they decided to see Glasgow. William took them to Glasgow in his car and showed them a lot of interesting places. John and Sully loved Glasgow. In the afternoon they all went to a cafe and then watched television and played chess. On Sunday they visited the Glasgow Museum and walked in the park. Late in the afternoon Harry, Margaret, Sally and John thanked William and Beatrice and went home by train. The Barkers had a wonderful weekend. Прочитай текст “A Visit to Scotland" (задание 8) и скажи, какие из следующих утверждений верны, а какие — нет. 1. The Barkers went to Glasgow on Friday. Yes. No. 2. They went to Glasgow at two o’clock. Yes. No. 213 3. Beatrice met them at the station. Yes. 4. Beatrice cooked a wonderful supper. Yes. No. 5. The weather on Saturday morning was cold and rainy. Yes. , No. 6. They travelled in Glasgow by bus. Yes. No. 7. On Sunday they went to a museum. Yes. No. 8. The Barkers went home by car. Yes. NoT" Do It on Your Own 10. Выпиши uj текста глаголы в прошедшем времени, ралделщ их на правильные и неправильные. I (правильные) 1) decided 2) ... II (неправильные) 1) took 2) ... 11. Закончи эти предложения, используя в них новые слова. 1. Sally watched а very i... film yesterday. 2. John Barker often t...s to Scotland by t... . 3. Smokey always sleeps in the hall. It’s her p... . 4. David d...d to v... Italy in spring. 5. What w... weather we are having today! Step Two 1. Do It Together Послушай диктора, (216). и скажи, идет ли в этих зах речь о прошлом или о настоящем. 1. Harry Barker always (watches/watched) the News on television. 214 2. Chase and Smokey (play/played) and (run/ran) in the garden. 3. Sally (watches/watched) television in the evening. 4. John (has/had) chicken and vegetables for lunch. 5. The Barkers (visit/visited) their friends in America. 6. They (decide/decided) to thank their mum and dad. 7. The children (travel/travelled) to school by bus. В английском языке, так же как и в русском, глаголы могут использоваться в своей неопределенной ({юрме. Но если в русском языке на неопределенную форму глагола указывают такие суф(1)иксы, как -ать, -ять, -ить, -еть, то в английском языке на нее указывает частица to перед глаголом. Сравни: видеть — to see показать — to show брать — to take бежать — to run Oh решил брать уроки французского. Не decided to take French lessons. 2. Посмотри на картинки и скажи, что эти люди решили де лать в конце недели. Проверь себя, (217). Образец: Mark decided to go to the park at the weekend. 1. Mark 2. Fred 3. Jim and Mary 4. Polly 5. Emma and Kate 6. The Browns 7. General Green 8. Liz 215 3. Придулай как можно больше сочетаний с выделенными слOfS and girls Now / have some verg good friends. ^esPerdag we wenP Po an old Pown near Moscow and visiPed Pwo museums / saw a bP of inPeresPing Phings Phere... LETTER FOUR (from Polly) .. fi/fi и»п/./У14д lo ^vm. г/>ггг/Агу fj //rtrfen /j dif//r. are /to t/t J^y. '/fa^ a rut//jer d/vy t/t/rrejri/ty... 'other ['\(Ъ] — другой (-ая, -oe, -ив) 220 Do It on Your Own jO. Используя глаголы в скобках в прошедшем времени, напиши, как провел Teddy Ross свои прошлые каникулы. Teddy’s last holidays (to be) very interesting. He (to go) to Russia. He (to travel) there by plane, by train and by car. He (to walk) a lot and (to see) a lot. He (fo like) Moscow very much. He (to visit) a lot of museums, parks, cinemas and theatres. He (/o begin) to understand Russian and (to decide) to learn* it. 11. Строчки из двух писем перепутались в компьютере. Напиши эти два письма, как они были задуманы. Проверь себя, rail (225). Last summer I visited Italy. It was very cold in Helsinki, windy and rainy. I decided to go to Italy next summer again. I can’t say I liked the country very much. It was very hot there but I liked Rome very much. Last summer 1 visited Finland. Step Three Do It Together 1. Послушай диктора и скажи, куда е.гдили в отпуск .ути люди и как они туда добрались. Проверь себя, [g.^ (226). Образец: Polly went to Moscow for holidays. She went there by plane, Jane? Miss Spark? Larry? Liz? Mr Smith? * to learn [1з;п) — >^ить(ся) 221 2. Расскажи о привычках англичан, сравнив их с привычками жителей России. In England they 1) drink a lot of tea. In Russia they 1) drink a lot of '^ lea too. 2) go to hot places for their holidays. 3) often have cornflakes for breakfast, 4) don’t like living in flats. 5) love gardens and flowers. 6) often eat porridge for breakfast. 7) love playing and watching football. 8) usually have two or three children in a family. 9) like having pets at home. 10) work on computers a lot. 11) travel by car a lot. 12) have school holidays in winter, spring and summer. 13) don’t often speak Russian. МЕАЛО Запомни прошедшее время следующих неправильных глшю-н лов, (227): ■ таке — made send — sent speak — spoke do — did come — came understand — understood % 3. Послушай, что дела.чи вчера Fred и Pam, и повтори предложи-ния за диктором. (228). 1. Fred made porridge for breakfast. Pam made coffee and sandwiches for breakfast. 222 2. Fred did his room. Pam did her room too. 3. Fred sent a letter to his parents. Pam sent a letter to her granny. 4. After school Fred came home at four. Pam came home at three. 5. At school Pam spoke English and Russian. Fred spoke English and Russian too. 6. Pam understood her Russian friends at the party. Fred understood his Russian friends too. 4. Посмотри на картинки и, употребив прошедшее время глаголов таке, do, send, come, speak, understand, скажи, что в про шлую субботу делала Ann. Образец: Last Saturday Ann made chicken for lunch. 1 2. 5. 3. I can uiiderstan Russian. 6. Проверь себя. (229). 223 Прочитай эти сяова и проверь себя. ^ (230). 1 [еэ] air hair their there 1 [i] me clean meet teach weekend I [п] watch coffee water chocolate was 1 [e] them ready together messy vegetable [ж] hand apple garage had January ^ [I] dinner kitclien gym ill live [u:j soup too June room Познакомься с новыми словами. Повтори новые слова, словоа четиния и предложения с ними за диктором, (231). А. hotel [hnu'tel] — оте.чь, гостиница capital ['кэри1] — столица city ['siti] — крупный город soon [su:n] — вскоре square [skwco] — площадь sea [si:] — море abroad [a'bn:d] — за границу, за границей want [wont] — хотеть В. square — squares: а big square, a square in a town. Red Square, in the square. When my parents were in Moscow they visited Red Square. sea — seas: in the sea, the Black Sea, the Red Sea. Fish swim in the sea. We went to the sea last Sunday, abroad: to go abroad, to live abroad, to have holidays abroad. My cousin had wonderful holidays abroad last year, want — wanted: to want to go to the country. I want to go travelling. Mother wanted to go to Moscow by train, hotel — hotels: a big hotel, in/at the hotel, to have a room in a hotel. When we were in London we had a room in a big London hotel. city — cities: Moscow is a city. London is a city too. There are a lot of cars and buses in big cities. To do the city: When we visited Russia we went to Moscow and did the city, capital — capitals: the capital of a country. Moscow is the capital of Russia. London is the capital of England, make friends: Last summer little Bob lived in the country and made friends with Tom and Jack. 224 7. Послушай, t* j (232), a затем прочитай текст "Summer Holidays”. SUMMER HOLIDAYS Summer is coming and the Barkers are thinking about their holidays. Harry and Margaret Barker would like to go to Blackpool, to the sea, or to the Lake District. But the children want to go to France: they would like to visit Paris and to see Disneyland. Last year John and Sally had wonderful holidays abroad too. They visited Russia and travelled to Moscow, the capital of the country, and then to St. Petersburg [,scmt 'pi;t3zb3:g]. In Moscow they lived at the Smirnovs’ place but in St. Petersburg they had a room in a hotel. They loved Moscow and they enjoyed St. Petersburg very much. the Russian Museum the Summer Gardens the Kremlin the Bolshoi Theatre 8-123T2 Аф,н*г,^м. e 225 In the two cities they saw a lot of wonderful places — streets, houses, museums and tlieatres. They met some Russian boys and girls and made friends with them. John spoke some Russian, and often understood his friends when they spoke it. They did the capital and saw the Kremlin and Red Square and visited the Bolshoi Theatre. In St. Petersburg they walked in the Sumnjer Gardens and went to the Russian Museum. John and Sally enjoyed their Russian holidays a lot. They sent a letter to the Smirnovs and thanked them. They wrote they would like to see the Smirnovs in London soon. 8. Скажи, какие u.i утверждений в тексте “Summer Holidays" верны, a какие — нет. Statements: 1. Blackpool is at the sea. Yes?/No? 2. Harry and Margaret Barker would like to go to Paris this summer. Yes?/No? 3. Last summer the Barker children had wonderful holidays in' Scotland. Yes?/No? 4. Last summer they visited three cities in Russia. Yes?/No? 226 5. In St. Petersburg they lived in a hotel. Yes?/No? 6. In Russia Sally spoke some Russian. Yes?/No? 7. They walked in the Summer Gardens in Moscow. Yes?/No? 8. They sent a thank-you letter to the Smirnovs. Yes?/No? Do It on Your Own 9. Закончи и перепиши таблицу глаголов. Настоящее время 1 show showed 8 begin 2 have 9 give 3 sent 10 met 4 take 11 read 5 spoke 12 come 6 run 13 made 7 wrote 14 do 10. Напиши, столицами каких стран являются эти города. Образец: Rome is .... Rome is the capital of Italy. I. Moscow is ... . 2. Paris is ... . 3. Madrid is ... . 4. London is ... . 5. Helsinki is ... . 11- Напиши^ куда хотели поехать и что хотели увидеть или по сетить члены семьи Баркеров летам, используя прошедшее время глагола to want. Образец: The Barker children (John and Sally) wanted to see Disneyland. 8* 227 Step Four Do It Together Послушай диктора. (233). и скажи, в этих фразах речь идет о прошлом или о настоящем. 1. In England they (have/had) tea at 5 o’clock. 2. Boris usually (comes/came) home at 3 o’clock. 3. Boris (comes/came) home at 4 o’clock. 4. We (do/did) a lot of things in the garden. 5. Sasha (speaks/spoke) English well. 6. We (want/wanted) to go to Scotland in summer. Расскажи о том, куда и как ты ездил на каникулы в прошлом году, и о том, куда, как и почему ты хочешь отправиться во время каникул в этом году. Last year I went to I went there by This year I’d like to go to I’d like to travel by Moscow St. Petersburg bus. plane. train. car. the country England bus. plane. train. ship. for my holidays. for my holidays I can see interesting do a lot of nice places eat good things new there. 228 Для того чтобы рассказать о каком-то действии в будущем, в английском языке часто используется оборот to be going to, который напоминает типичное для русского языка выражение «собираться сделать что-то», (234). I аш/Гш Не is/He’s She is/She’s It is/It’s We are/We’re You are/You’re They are/They’re going to read, going to play, going to write, going to close. going to cook, going to jump. going to swim. Я собираюсь читать. Он собирается играть. Она собирается писать. Он (магазин) собирается закрываться. Мы собираемся готовить. Вы собираетесь (Ты собираешься) прыгать. Они собираются плавать. 3. Посмотри на картинки и скажи, что собираются делать люди и животные, изображенные на них. Образец: The boy is going to take his dog out. 4. 3. 229 4. Посмотри на таблицу и скажи, как образуются вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с Ьс going to. 9 • — Am I going to read? I am not (I’m not) i going to read. Is he going to play? He is not (isn’t) going , to play. Is she going to write? She is not (isn’t) going to write. Is it going to close? It is not (isn’t) going to close. Are you going to jump? You are not (aren’t) going to jump. Are we going to cook? We are not (aren’t) going to cook. Are they going to swim? They are not (aren’t) going to swim. 5. Выбери нужный ответ к этим вопросам о том, как ты собираешься провести лето. 1. Are you going to swim in the summer? — Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. 2. Are not. — Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. Are you going to play games with your friends? — Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. 3. Are you going to sleep a lot? — Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. 4. Are you going to watch a lot of films on television? — Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. 230 J 5. Are you going to read good books? — Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. 6. Are you going to visit your granny and grandad? — Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. 7. Are you going to write to your friends? — Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. 8. Are you going to eat a lot of ice-cream? — Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. 9. Are you going to travel by plane? — Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. 10. Are you going to speak English? — Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. 6. Пос.чушай, как диктор читает текст “Jane Comes to Moscow”, Г»»] (235), прочитай его самостояте.чьно и выбери пра-ви.чьный ответ к с.педующим ja текстом вопросам. JANE COMES ТО MOSCOW Jane is from Glasgow. But now she is living with her friend’s family in Moscow. Her friend’s name is Lena. Jane came to Moscow two days ago. She came to the capital of Russia for holidays. Jane is going to be in Moscow a w'eek. Lena is going to take Jane to see the Kremlin, Red Square, Gorky Park. The girls are going to walk the streets of Moscow and visit some Moscow museums and shops. Jane would like to see some Russian films. She speaks some Russian and understands it a bit.* Lena is going to take her friend to the cinema. They are going to have a very good time. *a bit немного 231 1. Is Jane from London? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 1 2. Is she living in London now? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. | 3. Is she living in a hotel? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 4. Is her friend’s name Lena? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 5. Is Lena going to take Jane to Red Square? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 6. Are the two girls going to the shops? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 7. Are they going to visit Moscow museums? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 8. Are they going to see some Russian films? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 9. Are the friends going to have a good time? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 7. Скажи, что собираются делать подруги в каждый день пребывания Jane в Москве. Проверь себя, (236). Образец: On Monday Jane is going to visit Red Square, Monday Red Square Jane Tuesday The Kremlin Jane and Lena Wednesday The Bolshoi Theatre Jane and Lena Thursday The “Rossia” Cinema Jane Friday Gorky Park Jane and Lena 232 Saturday Moscow shops Jane Sunday Moscow streets and the Moscow Metro Jane and Lena 8. Скажи, что Jane не собирается делать во время своего пребы вания в Москве. Проверь себя. (237). Образец: Jane is not going to visit Moscow Zoo. to visit Moscow Zoo, to write a letter to her parents, to drive a car, to cook dinners, to speak English, to travel to St. Petersburg, to meet her English friends, to swim in the swimming bath 9. A. Повтори эту рифмовку за диктором, (238). Г.М GOING ТО HAVE Гп1 going to have some salad. What salad are you going to have? Cheese salad, cheese salad. I’m going to have some salad. When are you going to have it? In the evening, in the evening. I’m going to have it in the evening. Where are you going to have it? In a cafe, in a cafe. I’m going to have it in a cafe. I’m going to have some cake. What cake are you going to have? Chocolate cake, chocolate cake. I’m going to have some cake. When are you going to have it? In the morning, in the morning. I’m going to have it in the morning. Where are you going to have it? At home, at home. I’m going to have it at home. I’m going to have some pie. What pie are you going to have? 233 Apple pie, apple pie. I’m going to have some apj)le pie. When are you going to have it? At five, at five. I’m going to have it at five. Where are you going to have it? At MacDonalds, at MacDonalds. I’m going to have it at MacDonalds. B. Попробуйте вместе дописать рифмовку, добавив к ней еще два три куплета. (Возможные варианты: I) soup: 2) icecream: 3) juice). Do It on Your Own 10. Заменив инфинитивы г.паголов нужной фор.мой в прошедшем времени, напиши, как Вера и Саша провели каникулы за рубежом. HOLIDAYS IN SCOTLAND Last year Vera and her brother Sasha (to have) a wonderful holiday abroad. They (to visit) Glasgow, a big city in Scotland. They (to travel) by plane from Moscow to London and then they (to go) to Scotland by train. Vera and Sasha (fo like) the city very much. They (to walk) the streets of Glasgow, (to see) its parks, streets and museums. They (to make) friends with a lot of boys and girls and (to decide) to go to Scotland again. 11. Закончи и напиши предложения о том, что братья Steve и Rick собираются/не собираются делать на следующей неделе. 1. Steve (am, is, are) going to drive his new car on Tuesday. 2. Steve and Rick (am, is, are) going to the cinema on Friday. 3. (Am, Is, Are) you going to the park on Sunday, Rick? 4. We (am, is, are) not going to the shops on Thursday. 5. Rick and Steve (am, is, are) going to Westminster Abbey on Saturday. 234 Step Five 1 Г’ Do It Together 1. A. Послушай, как диктор читает jmu три открытки, при-сланные из разных городов мира, и заполни пропуски в текс max. (239). Dear Mark iiO I’m wripiag from e^lasgow. / hve iP here ejlasgow is venf... . I'm going Po live in a small and... hope! The weaPher is fine: ... and... See non in London. ' Cohn // /Лг Mrrewi^ ши/ />/ /Аг u/Areurei пл//.. и/ А'//А •J^/J ^ Arrr /л А*/г лгг/шгФЛ А/ф/ /фа/,, , ААг /Aix.. . ,c/X/j л^//УФгг/Ф ч////ф ушл^ /г> г^А/тлгг .у А/ФГФГ У //Ф . г/ ///^ Af*e^ /г /ш/лф шфУ^/шф- %г»А Оелг Раж, S-08 FLor 'uia, и iwry beauti^ bat.... We^ кал/t no cloudy days at all. Жг sumw cc Lot. Tke smter U uery... . Itv the morniug ше haue... Lk> tke hotel. In, tke... it's uery hot and we donit eat, but Uv tke... we go to a, nice Little ca^ to hawe our.... We... it here. Qive our Love to wUliaue. See you, in, Leeds. , ' Rose and Sam, B. Скажи, из каких стран прис.чаны эти открытки. К. cool [kii;l] — прохладно 235 2. Посмотри на картинку и скажи, что собираются заказать члены семьи Баркеров в кафе. Проверь себя. (240). Образец: John is going to have a glass of apple juice. 3. Представьте себе, что вы в ресторане или в кафе. Работая в парах, расскажите друг другу, что бы вы выбрали. 1. А: What are you going to have? B: I’m going to have some soup. A: What soup? B: I’d like chicken soup. And you? A: I’d like some vegetable soup. 2. A:(l)...........? B: I’m going to have some salad. A: (2)..........? B: (3)... (fish, cheese, green, chicken, toinato-and-cuciun-ber) salad. And you? A: (4).......... 3. A: (5)..........? B: I’m going to have some ice-cream. 236 А: (6)..........? В: (7)... (chocolate, vanilla, banana) ice-cream. And you? A:(8)............ 4. A: (9)..........? B: I’m going to have some juice. A: (10)..........? B: (11) ...(orange, apple, grape) juice. And you? 4. Выбери из этих предложений и прочитай только те, которые соответствуют действительности. MY SUNDAY 1. On Sunday Гш going to get up late. 2. I’m going to have a nice breakfast. 3. I’m not going to clean my room. 4. I’m going to walk in the park in the afternoon. 5. I’m not going to play with my friends. 6. I’m not going to watch a lot of television. 7. I’m going to go to the cinema or to the theatre with my mum and dad. 8. I’m going to read a nice book. 9. I’m not going to my friend’s party. 5. Посмотри, как выглядят omu известные места в Лондоне, и повтори их названия за диктором, Г«] (241). 1. The Tower of London 2. The White Tower 237 3. Westminster Abbey 4. The Houses of Parliament I Гч Лондонский Тауэр (The Tower of London) — одна из главных достопримечательностей Лондона. Это большая крепость, за прочными стенами которой находятся дворцы, башни и другие здания. За свою многовековую историю Тауэр был не только укреплением, но и дворцом, местом храпения оружия и драгоценностей королевской семьи, и даже тюрьмой. На многих фотографиях Тауэра вы можете увидеть большое четырехугольное здание с зубчатыми стенами и четырьмя башенками, три из которых квадратные и одна — круглая. Это здание называется по-английски The White Tower, и его легко узнать на фотографиях и рисунках. Об истории Тауэра можно было бы написать сотни томов. Вестминстерское аббатство (Westminster Abbey) — один из старейших кафедральных соборов Великобритании. Здание построите в готическом стиле. По традиции здесь проходит церемония коронации британских монархов. Некоторые из них похоронены здесь же. Кроме монархов здесь похоронены и другие известные люди. Расположено Вестминстерское аббатство недалеко от здания Парламента (The Houses of Parliament), где заседает английский парламент — Палата лордов и Палата общин. По обе стороны здания Парламента находятся высокие башни. На одной из них установлены знаменитые часы с колоколом Big Ben, на другой - британский флаг Union Jack. В здании Парламента проводятся экскурсии, а желающие могут даже послушать парламентские дебаты. 238 6. А. Прочитай текст и скажи, куда Юра Смирнов и его сестра собираются поехать летом. YURA'S SUMMER HOLIDAYS In Russia we have school holidays in spring, in summer, in autumn and in winter. Our summer holidays are long. They usually begin in June or July and finish in August. School begins in September. Russian schoolchildren say that they like their summer holidays very much. Some boys and girls travel in Russia a lot. They travel by car, by bus, by train or by plane. Russia is a big country and it has a lot of interesting places and a lot of interesting things. This summer I’m going abroad for holidays. My sister and I are going to London, the capital of England, by plane. We 1. The White Tower 2. Hyde Park, in the Tower Tlie Speaker’s Corner of London 3. The Lake District 4. The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben 239 would like to see a lot of places in London — the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament and Hyde Park. We would like to see London Zoo. My English friends say they are going to take us to Scotland and to the Lake District. They say we are going to have a very good time there. B. Послушай, как читает этот текст диктор, (242). С. Выбери из следующих предложений только те, которые соответствуют содержанию текста “Yura’s Summer Holidaye”. 1. In Russia winter school holidays are long. 2. Summer school holidays begin in June or in July. 3. All schoolchildren in Russia travel a lot. 4. Russia is a very big country. 5. Russia has a lot of interesting places and interesting things. 6. Yura is going to England in summer. 7. Yura is going to England with his parents. 8. Yura and his sister are going to visit Scotland. They are not going to visit the Lake District. 7. Послушай, как диктор задает вопросы о твоих каникулах, и ответь на них, (243). 1. Where do you usually go for your holidays? 2. Do you enjoy going there? 3. When do you usually go to the country? 4. Do you go to the country by train, by bus or by car? 5. Do you like travelling by train? 6‘. Where can you go by train? 7. What can you do on the train? 8. Where can you go by plane? 9. What can you do on the plane? 10. Do you sometimes travel by ship? Where to? 11.1s your town an interesting place? 12. What can you do in your town in summer? 240 13. What are the three things you like doing in summer? 14. Do you like summer holidays? Why? 8. Прочитай, что Юра говорит о своих летних каникулах, и расскажи о своих, используя Юрин рассказ в качестве образца. I usually go to the country for my summer holidays and I enjoy it there. Last summer I went to the sea with my parents. We travelled there by train. I liked the sea very much. This summer I’m going to England. My sister and I are going to live at our friends’ place. We are going to see some interesting places in England and Scotland. Some day* I would like to go abroad to the USA and have my holidays in Florida. 9. Послушай и повтори за диктором. (244). SUMMER IS COMING Look, look — summer is coming. Summer is coming soon. Flowers are opening. Grass is growing^. Summer is coming soon. Cows are mooing. Cats are mewing. Summer is coming soon. Dogs are barking. Hens are clucking. Summer is coming soon. Horses are neighing. Boys and girls are playing. Look, look — summer is coming. Summer is coming soon. 'some day — когда-нибудь ^to yrow |цг.')и] — расти 211 Do It on Your Own 10. Напиши эти предложения, употребив глаголы в скобках в прошедшем времени. 1. When I was in London I (speak) English and (understand) it. 2. In the afternoon John (write) a letter to his friend Yura and (send) it. 3. At lunch we (eat) chicken and rice and (drink) tea. 4. Alice (go) to Hyde Park and (meet) her friend Sally there. 5. When mum (come) home she (begin) making supper. 6’. The Smiths (have) three little children and (take) them to the Zoo on Sundays. 11. Напиши открытку о своих планах на лето, которую ты смог бы послать Джону или Сэлли Баркер. Dear John, Sally, Summer is coming and I’m thinking about my holidays. cold and rainy, hot and sunny. The weather is the country June I’d like to go to the sea • • • in July August with my parents, with my sister, with my brother, with my friends. I’d like to go there by car. bus. train. plane. ship. I can swim play games see a lot of interesting things there. Enjoy your holidays! Love 242 12. Подготовься писать диктант М 8. Dictation N 8 Wonderful weather, to travel by train, to go to the country, the capital of Russia, Red Square, a hotel at the sea. Yura went to England and visited a lot of places there. He saw interesting museums in London. He is going abroad again soon. YOUR WORD BOX abroad, capital, city, country, decide, England, holidays, hotel, interesting, letter, museum, place, Russia, Russian, sea. soon, square, there, thing, train, travel, visit, want, wonderful; be going to, put smth in its place, go/travel by train (bus, etc.), take a train (bus, etc.), in the country, go to the country, for holidays, speak Russian (English), here and there, write a letter to smb, in the square, go abroad the Houses of Parliament the Tower (of London) the London Museum the Russian Museum the Black Sea the Kremlin the Lake District the Suinnier Gardens Red Square St. Petersburg Brighton Westminster Abbey Hyde Park Disneyland Англо-русский словарь I Аа abroad [o'brad] за границей; за границу to go abroad поехать за границу after ['айэ] после again [o'gein] снова, опять ago [э'дзи] тому назад ап airport ['езрэп] аэропорт all* [э:1] весь, вся, все all the rest* все остальное ап alphabet* ['idfobcl] always ['o:lwei/] всегда an apple яблоко an apple-tree яблоня April ['С1ргэ1] апрель an armchair [^ат'^еэ] кресло August I'o:gDst] август autumn ['э;ют] осень in (the) autumn осенью Bb a banana [Ьэ'по;по] банан a bathroom ['bo:0rum] ванная комната to be {am, is, are) [bi:J быть, находиться, являться a bee* [bi:| пчела be born родиться be going to do smth собираться сделать что-либо a bear [Ьсэ] медведь beautiful (Ъ)и:пГз1] прекрасный bedroom ['bcdnjmJ спальня . a bedroom window окно спальни to begin (began) [ЬГдт] начинать behind [bi'haind] за, сзади, позади a bit* [bit] немного a blackboard ['bl;ckb3;d] доска (школьния) Blackpool [Ъкскри:!] г. Блэкпул (BejiuKo6pumaHUJi) the Black Sea ['bkck'si:] Черное море the Bolshoi Theatre [ЬоГ/о] '0i3to] Большой театр a bookcase ('bukkeis] книжный шкаф bread [bred) хлеб brown bread черный хлеб white bread белый хлеб a bread plate хлебница breakfast ['brckfoslj завтрак after breakfast после завтрака to have breakfast завтракаты) for breakfast на завтрак a brother ['Ьглбэ] брат a bus-stop [Ълччшр] автобусная остановка at the bus-stop на остановке автобуса but [Ьл(] но butter (Ъл1э] масло 244 Сс а саГё f kicfei] кафе сап (сап*0 [кл'п] мочь; уметь (пе мочь* не уметь) а capital f'k;cpill] столица а captain ['k;cplon] капитан а castle ['ka:sol| крепость а chair [ifc?] стул cheese [Ijl-Z] сыр а cheeseburger ['tflrz^birgoj чизбургер а chest* [l/esi] сундук (а) chicken ('ifikan] цыпленок а child [Uaild] ребенок children ['tj'ildnn] дети chocolate ['ifnkoblj шоколад a city ['siti] город {крупный) cinema ['sinonio] кино go to the cinema ходить в кино a class [kla:s] класс* занятие, урок after classes после занятий to have classes заниматься a classroom ['klirsrum] класс, классная комната, комната для занятий clean [kli:n] чистый cloudy ['klaudij облачный а club [к1лЬ] клуб **offce ['knfi] ко(1>е Соке [каик] ♦кока-кола», ♦кола» to come {came) [клт] приходить to come home приходить домой to come to school приходить в школу computer (kom'pjuT?) компьютер cool [kai] прохладный a copeck* ['koupek] копейка cornflakes ['k.TnflciksJ корнфлекс, кукурузные хлопья cosy ['kouzi] уютный a country ['клп1г|] 1) страна; 2) сельская местность* деревня to go to the country поехать за город in the country за городом, па даче а cousin ('кл/зп] двоюродный брат, двоюродная сестра а crow* [кгзо] ворона а cube* [kju:b] куб а cucumber ('к]и;клтЬз) огурец а cupboard ['клЬх1) бу(1>ет, шкафчик Dd daughter ['do:l3] дочь December Idi'scmboj декабрь to decide (dt's;iid] решать a dictation* Idik'lcij3n| диктант dinner ['dmo] обед {ужин) after dinner после обеда to have dinner обедать for dinner на обед Disneyland ['dizni^la^nd] Диснейленд to do (du:] делать to do English* изучать английский язык to do the room* убирать комнату to do the city осматривать город 245 downblairs [^daun'steaz] вниз, внизу to }(o downstairs идти вниз, спускаться to dress [drcs] одеваться to drink (dronft) (dnr)k] пить to drive {drove) Idraiv] eecTtf машину; ехать в машине dry [drai] сухой forty сорок a fridge* [fnd^] холодильник a friend [Trend] друг front [Гглш] 1) фронт; 2) передний; 3) передняя сторона; фасад in front of [1пТглп1 3v] перед {чем либо) fruit* [fru:l] фрукты Ее early [*3:li] рано to eat [i:t(ci)J есть eighty ['em] восемьдесят to enjoy {doing smth) [m'cfeoi] наслаждаться; делать что-то с удовольствием England ['lOQh^nd] Англия Ff а face [feis] 1) лицо; 2) ди^юрблат а family с(^мья family and friends* родные и друзья а family tree* родословное дерево February ['Icbrupn] февраль fifty ['fifii] пятьдесят to finish {doing smth) [*Г|тЛ заканчивать {делать что либо) а fish* [fi/1 рыба (йен. ч. — fish или fishes) to fish* ловить рыбу а flat [fl^el] квартира а floor [1Ъ:| 1) пол; 2) этаж а flower [Паш] цветок [Togi] туманный It’s foggy. Туманно Gg garage ['gicnd)] гараж a garden [yu:dn] сад the Summer Garden Летний сад to get up ['get лр] вставать (с no стели) give (gaue)[giv] давать to go [дзи] идти to go to bed ложиться спать to go by bus {train) ехать автобусом {поездом) to go to the cinema ходить в кино to go home идти домой to go to school ходить в школу, учиться to go to the shop(s) ходить в магазин to grow' {grew) [grDu/gru:] расти a gym* спортивный зал Hh hair [hc3] волосы half [beef] половина at half past eight в половине девятого 246 ham [ha;ni] ветчина, окорок ham and eggs яичница c ветчиной a hamburger ['ha:mb3:go| гамбургер a hand [hccnd] рука {кисть) to hate [hcil] ненавидеть to have (had) [h;cv] иметь to help [help] помогать her (h3:J ее, ей here [hi3j здесь here and there здесь и там, повсюду him [him] его, ему holidays ['holidi/] каникулы, отпуск, отдых for holida>*s на каникулы, в отпуск, на отдых home [houm] дом at home дома а hotel [hou'lel] гостиница in/at the hotel в гостинице an hour ['аиэ] час (60 минут) а house (Aouscs) [haus/'hair/uj дом the Houses of Parliament палаты Парламента (британского) a hundred ['hAiidrod] сто, сотня husband ['hAZbpndj муж husband and wife муж и жена li (an) ice-cream [^ais'kri:m] мороженое chocolate ice-cream* шоколадное мороженое vanilla ice-cream* ванильное мороженое ill [il] больной to be ill болеть interesting ['inirostin] интересный Jj January I'ct^cnjuari] январь juice [cfeas] сок apple juice яблочный сок orange juice апельсиновый сок tomato juice томатный сок July [cfeir'lai] июль June [фи:п] июнь Кк a kitchen ['kiljm] кухня (помещение) to know* (frnrir) [nou] знать the Kremlin ['krcmim] Кремль LI the Lake District (4cik'disinki] Озерный Кран late [Icit] поздний, поздно last flu:.st] последний, прошлый last spring прошлой весной last Monday в прошлый понедельник last month в прошлом месяце to learn (learnt) (1з:пЛз:Ш] >^1ИТЬ(СЯ) left (leflj левый on the left слева on snib’s left слева от кого- либо 247 а letter* ['1с1э] 1) буква; 2) письмо write а letter to smb написать кому-либо письмо light (lailj светлый, легкий to listen (to) ['lis«^nj слушать кого-либо to live [liv] жить to live in the counti*y жить за городом a living-room [1ivir)n3ni) жилая комната to look (aO [luk] смотреть (на) lotto ['Imoo] лото to play lotto играть в лото a lot (of) [Int(3v)] много to love [Iav] любить lunch (1лп1Я ланч, еда в середине дня after lunch после ланча (обе да) to have lunch обедать for lunch на ланч (на обед) Мш таке (made) [mcik] делать (сделал) таке friends подружиться many ['meni) много (об исчисл, в вопросах и отрицаниях) how many сколько March [mu:lf] март May (mci] май me [mi:] меня; мне, MHoii to meet (met) [mi;i] 1) встретить; 2) познакомиться messy ['mesi] грязный, неубранный middle ['midlj середина in the middle (of) посередине a minute ['minit] мин>та a month [тлпО] месяц much [niAtj] много muddy['mAdi| грязный a museum [mju:'zi:3m] музей the London Museum Лондонский музей the Russian Museum Русский музей music ['mjirzikj музыка pop music* популярная музыка rock music* рок-музыка Nn nasty* ['na:sli) 1) плохой; 2) пасмурный (о погоде) near [П1з] около, рядом never ('nevo] никогда new [nju;] новый the news новости next (/о) [ncksl] рядом с nice [nnis] приятный, милый ninety I'lKiimi] девяносто November [поиЧетЬз] ноябрь Оо October [пк'юоЬз] октябрь often ('оГп] часто to open ['oupon] открывать an orange ['оптЫ апельсин other* [Чдз] другой (-ая, -ое, -ие) рр а parent ['резглш] родитель а party ['pa;li] вечеринка past [past I после 248 lt*s ten past two. Десять минут третьего a piano [рГгеп.х1| пианино a picture ['piktfd] картина in the picture* на картине pizza [*pi:ts3] пицца a place [pleis] место at smb’s place у кого-либо дома put smth in its place положить что-либо на место а plant |plo:nt] растение please [pli:z] пожалуйста porridge f'pnncbl каша {овсяная) to put (put) [pul] положить Qq a quarter ['kwo:i3] четверть Rr a rainbow* ['reinbw] радуга rainy ['reinij дождливый It’s rainy. Дождливо, to read {read) [ri;d] читать ready ['redi] готовый rice frais] рис right [rait] правый on the right справа on srab’s right справа от кого-либо Russia ['гл/э] Россия Russian ['гл/оп] русский to run {ran) [глп] бегать Ss salad ['sicl;>dl салат {блюдо) sandwich ['sxnwic^l сэндвич to say (sups) [sci/scz] сказать to say in English сказать по-английски a school [skull] школа to be at school учиться в школе a driving school школа вождения a school teacher школьный учитель a sea [si: ] море second ['sekond] секунда to see (suu?) [si;] видеть to send (senO [send] посылать to send one’s love to smb* передать привет кому-либо September [scp'lemb?] сентябрь seventy ['sevnti] семьдесят a shop [Jbp] магазин a gift shop магазин подарков a flower shop цветочный магазин a sweet shop магазин сладостей, кондитерская to show [fauj показывать a shower ['/аиэ] душ to have a shower принимать душ a sister ['sisis] сестра sixty ['sik-sli] шестьдесят a sky [skar] небо in the sky в небе snowy [\n3ui] снежный a sofa ['S3ufb] диван, софа sometimes [4\miaimz] иногда a son [s.\n] сын soon [su;n] вскоре soup fsuip] суп to speak {spoke) [spiik] говорить 249 to scpeak English говорить по-англнпгкн to apeak Russian говорить по-русски to spell [spell произносить no буквам {писать no буквам) How do you spell—? Как пишется...? a spider ('spaid.*>] паук spring [sprii}] весна in (the) spring весной a square [skweo) площадь in the square на площади in Red Square на FIpacHofi площади St. Petersburg [scim'piiiozbirg] r. Санкт-Петербург a storm [st.Tm] шторм, буря sugar сахар summer [Члтп) лето in (the) summer летом sunny [4\niJ солнечный to sw'ini (яц»от) |swim] плавать a swimming bath ['swimig bu;0] бассейн Tt a table ['leiblj стол at the table за столом to take (took) [teik] брать to take a dog out выводить собаку to take a train {plane) ехать поездохМ {лететь самолетом) а (аре recorder f'ieipn,kD:d3] маг- НПТО(1)ОН tea (ti ] чай have tea пить чай to teach* [li;in учить, преподавать to teach music tosmb учить кого-либо музыке a teddy bear [4cdi Ьез] плюшевый медвежонок television ['icli^vtpnj телевизор, телевидение on television no телевизору them [dem] их; им, ими, (о) них then [den] тогда, затем there [(Icol там а thousand* ['Oacr/ondl тысяча time [taim] время to have a good time xopouio провести время It’s time to do snith. Пора де- JlflTbt»* • to be on time не опоздать, быть вовремя What time is it? Который час? a thing (Oil)] вещь to think [OiQk] думать Uu to understand (understood) [^AndD'sUend] понимать upstairs [^Ap'siC3/] наверх to go upstairs идти наверх us [as] нам, нас, нами usually ['ju^uoli] обычно Vv a vegetable ['vecfetobl] опощь a vidco(s) ['vidiou] видео(0ильл) a video recorder [4'idi3un^kr>:d3] видеомагнитофон i 4^ 1 I 250 ыП гь ||»(|^ :ы гблюдятъ vMtm гмптрсп. г м||||р|тлмшм ПП1Лй *‘и1Ьег like (о* itiuoHii 1К1П)дя7 rful wcar wc xUy! Какая re-яя типдп! •ля грк пятк дней н’Ьгп|м«п|нпглл whtrr («га] ГДР. куля irho |tnt I кто «by {«Я1|т>чс>му « »-1Ге(«мГ] мсгня я windowNiil ('«||нкяк|1| ннк wlnd> ('«iniiil nerpetio winter I'Htiila) jiimk In (the) winter aiiMi with |wi^)r(npfd.iuf> wundrrful (VAndai'al) Ky a word'' (w"i:d) cxoao to w4irk Iwvkl ((мОнтять to work late |яИУпй ПОЯДПЯ to write ((rro/r) (ran] nr to write in (liittliah по-англиЛскл tn write to *>mb utin Anfln сломри