Учебник Английский язык 5 класс Комарова Ларионова Гренджер

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 5 класс Комарова Ларионова Гренджер - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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ЮВДиИОННАЯ ЭЛА ФГОС Ю.А. КОМАРОВА И.В. ЛАРИОНОВА К. ГРЕНДЖЕР АНГЛИИСКИИ класс в : Ы ш ■iLW % (1 ^ f- Ш' ^ Ж «РУССКОЕ СЛОВО- MACMILLAN udent's Book contents Unrt Vocabulary Grammar My World Page 5 All about School Page 19 Work and Play Page 30 ♦ Numbers ♦ Family ♦ Classroom objects ♦ Places in a town / city ♦ School subjects ♦ Everyday objects ♦ Food ♦ Everyday and classroom activities ♦ Transport ♦ Possessive adjectives ♦ Possessive's ♦ Plural nouns ♦ any, a / an; the ♦ Prepositions of place ♦ there is / there are ♦ Prepositions of time ♦ have / has got ♦ a / an; some, any ♦ Countable and uncountable nouns ♦ Present simple ♦ Prepositions of time (at, in) ♦ Adverbs of frequency ♦ Imperative Speaking ♦ Talking about family relationships ♦ Saying where things are ♦ Describing places in a town / city ♦ Telling theJime ♦ Talking about a school timetable ♦ Talking about things we’ve got ♦ Talking about food ♦ Talking about quantity ♦ Talking about daily routine ♦ Talking about being a good friend ♦ Giving instructions REVISION Units 1-3 Page 47 My Tidy World Page 49 Comparing People, Animals or Things Page 63 Rules Page 77 REVISION Life in th Past Page 93 Telling a Story Page 107 Looking into the Future Page 121 REVISION ♦ Everyday objects and activities ♦ Materials ♦ Containers ♦ Adjectives ♦ Animals ♦ Present continuous ♦ Present simple ♦ Expressions of frequency ♦ Adverbs of frequency ♦ Object pronouns ♦ Comparative and superlative adjectives ♦ Object pronouns ♦ Talking about things we are doing now ♦ Talking about how often we do things ♦ Talking about materials ♦ Comparing two people, animals or things ♦ Comparing three or more people, animals or things ♦ Clothes ♦ have to (obligation) ♦ Talking about things we have to ♦ Sports ♦ can (permission) do at home and at school actions ♦ must (obligation) ♦ Talking about sports and traffic ♦ Traffic rules Units 4-6 Page 91 Q ♦ Occupations ♦ Past simple (to be) ♦ Talking about the past ♦ Everyday/ ♦ Past simple questions ♦ Asking questions about what free-time ♦ Past simple (regular and people did in the past activities irregular verbs) ♦ Everyday ♦ Past simple ♦ Talking about what we did in the activities ♦ Phrasal verbs past ♦ Seaside ♦ Past time expressions activities ♦ Wh-questions ♦ Free-time ♦ going to (plans and ♦ Talking about plans and intentions activities intentions) ♦ Talking about future predictions ♦ Show objects ♦ will (future predictions) ♦ Making suggestions and activities ♦ want / let’s ♦ Saying what we want and don’t ♦ Holiday want to do activities Units 7-9 Page 135 Listening Reading Writing Cuiture Across the curricuium ♦ Listening to a conversation and a description ♦ Reading a play ♦ Writing an essay ‘Where I Live’ ♦ Fact file; Wales Geography; English-speaking countries around the world «V c Э Listening to a description, a play and an interview ♦ Reading an article ♦ Writing an essay ‘About My School’ ♦ Fact file; Schools in England ♦ Language; Where do words come from? ICO ♦ Listening to a story, ♦ Reading ^ an interview and a story c a rap ♦ Writing an essay ‘My Journey to School’ ♦ Fact file; Children’s hobbies in Ireland ♦ Arts & Crafts; Origami Listening to a description, an interview and a story ♦ Reading an interview ♦ Writing a list of household chores ♦ Fact file; Children’s household chores in Britain ♦ Science; Things made from recycled materials ^ ♦ Listening to survey «Л questions, a description and Э a quiz ♦ Reading an entry from a reference book ♦ Writing an essay about city or country life ♦ Fact file; Natural wonders in Northern Ireland ♦ Science; National flowers ^ ♦ Listening to ♦ Reading ^ a description and a recipe Э aquiz ♦ Writing about sports, school or traffic rules ♦ Fact file; School rules in Scotland ♦ Health & Safety; Safety rules ♦ Listening to a fact ♦ Reading a tale ♦ Writing a diary ♦ Fact file; ♦ ICT; j file, a story and of a school trip A history of Information and j a diary trainers in the communication USA technologies ♦ Listening to ♦ Reading ♦ Writing an ♦ Fact file; ♦ Art; a conversation. a story autobiography Ecology in New Famous figures in ;; a story and an Zealand Russian art and autobiography culture i ♦ Listening to survey ♦ Reading ♦ Writing about ♦ Fact file; ♦ 1 Language; ? questions, a diary an email a perfect holiday Tourist The future of and a conversation centre attractions in English | Canada 1 lUfoir^Ud Unit contents; Vocabulary Numbers; family; classroom objects; places in a town / city Grammar Possessive adjectives, possessive's; plural nouns; the (definite article); prepositions of place; any, a/an; there is / there are Skills Talk about family relationships Say where things are Describe places in a town / city Listen to a conversation and a description Read a play Write an essay ‘Where I Live’ Across the curriculum Geography Culture spot Wales tj'; V =f!i 1 Which of these people are male and which are female? My sister is four months old. Who is the youngest person in your family? brother sister aunt uncle grandfather grandmother niece nephew 2 What do we call two brothers or sisters who were born at the same time? 3 My mother’s brother has got a son cailed Mark. Mark’s sister is called Julia. Julia is my .... a) aunt b) cousin c) niece Г5 © 1 Му Family Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 0dD Listen and practise saying these words. brother aunt grandmother pet father cousin grandfather sister uncle mother twins niece nephew 2 Look at the picture. Guess who is who in Mandy’s family. Use the words in exercise 1. Rudolph - Mandy's brother Listening and reading 3 dOZ) Listen and read. What are the missing words? Mandy This is a photo of my family. Kate Oh, right. Who are Gordon and Vera? Mandy They’re my grandparents. Gordon’s my grandfather and Vera’s my (1) Kate Wow! How old are they? Mandy Gordon’s a hundred and one and Vera’s ninety-nine. Kate And Martha and Vincent are your parents, right? Mandy That’s right. Martha’s my (2)... and Vincent’s my (3)... . Kate Great. And who’s Bernard? Mandy He’s my (4)... and Cynthia’s my (5)... . Kate And who are Sam and Pam? Mandy They’re my (6).... Kate Cool. Are they twins? Mandy Yes, they are. And they’re four years old. Kate And Bernard and Cynthia are their parents. Mandy That’s right. And Rudolph’s my (7)... and Helga’s my (8).... Kate And Bonehead and Cactus are your (9) .... Mandy Yes, that’s right. 4 Work with a classmate. Look at the picture and ask and answer about Mandy’s family. Who’s Gordon? ^ He’s Mandy’s grandfather. How old is he? He’s a hundred and one. Wow! 5 (T ) Listen to the dialogue again. Then read it in pairs. ^ Real English Great. Wow! Cool. Right. © 2 Му Desk Is a Mess Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 (°CzZ) Listen and practise the -s (-es) endings. [Z] pens rubbers magazines bags posters chairs [S] books desks sweets socks T-shirts [IZ] pencil cases hairbrushes boxes 2 (Я 8 ) Listen to the words and find them in the picture. Listen again and practise saying these words. rubber sweets magazine homework chair desk hand books pencil case bag posters hairbrush ruler pencil sharpener chocolate Listening and reading 3 (°i 9 ) Look at the picture and complete the dialogue. Then listen and check. Della Molly Della Molly Della Molly Della Molly Della Molly What’s the matter, Molly? My desk is a mess! Where are my They’re under the (2) ... . Look, they’re next to your bag. Oh, yes. Thanks, Della. And where’s my (3) ... ? Look. It’s on the (4) ... . Oh, yes. Oh, dear. Where are my (5)...? Look. They’re in your (6) ... . Great. Oh, no! Where’s my (7) ... ? Don’t worry, Molly. It’s in your (8) ... . Oh, yes. Thanks a lot, Della. Real English Oh, yes. Thanks (a lot). Look. Oh, dear. 9 1 4 s 7 1 1 W 121 144 Ш 1» 2S 2B Ш N1 K1 m 441 414 sa a I2S m m nt m W 1K4 m ttB la ON Ш m U14 tfil m Wt 1П4 1W m 2BS 21M m Ж 2Ж 2Ш rm 2М» 21» Ж5 H3I 6 Ж 1Г21 m m m US 4M W1 im sa ws SOS i |UN Bit fm fffi mt 722S 9 GSt m *• Kt N2S s LMNOf QRSTU 4 Answer these questions. 1 Her books. 1 2 3 4 5 What’s under the desk? What’s in Molly’s hand? What’s in the pencil case? What’s on the chair? What’s next to the bag? 5 9 ) Listen to the dialogue again. Tt read it in pairs. Remember! Singular Where is the pen? It is on the desk. Plural Where are the pens? They are on the desk Speaking 6 Act out the dialogue in exercise 3. 7 Write the names of some people in your family and show the list to a classmate. Then ask and answer: ^ Who’s Sasha? ^ He’s my nephew. How old is he? He’s only one. 6 Speak about your classmate’s family. 9 Sasha is Olga’s nephew. He's only one. Vocabulary 9 (°CListen to the numbers and read them. I 21 twenty-one 31 thirty-one 22 twenty-two 40 forty 23 twenty-three 50 fifty 24 twenty-four 60 sixty 25 twenty-five 70 seventy 26 twenty-six 80 eighty 27 twenty-seven 90 ninety 28 twenty-eight 100 a hundred 29 twenty-nine 101 a hundred and 30 thirty one 0 Do the sums. 1 Twenty-three plus sixty-eight equals ninety-one. 1 23 -i- 68 = ? 4 80 - 31 = 7 2 47 - 37 = ? 5 305 + 160 = ? 3 19-1-46 = ? 6 117-17 = ? Grammar 11 Look at the picture of Mandy’s family. Complete with their, my, his, her, our, its and the names. 1 My name's Rudolph. 1 5 Now listen and check. Grammar spot Possessive's Gordon is Mandy s grandfather. Martha is Heiga's mother. Language guide p17 D 12 Make true sentences about Mandy’s family. 1 Bernard is Rudolph's uncle. 1 Bernard is ... uncle. 2 Mandy is ... niece. 3 Rudolph is ... nephew. 4 Mandy, Heiga and Rudolph are ... cousins. 5 Gordon and Vera are ... grandparents. Check your English 13 C~6~ Look at the picture of Mandy’s family and listen to the questions. Answer with; Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn't. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 14 Make six true sentences about you and your classmates with Viiis is ;ny/yoi;i7 ... and things in the classroom. This is our desk. Speaking 6 Act out the dialogue in exercise 3. 7 Work with a classmate. Take it in turns to ask questions about Molly’s desk. Where are the sweets? ^ They’re in the pencil case. Where’s the rubber? ^ It’s on the chair. 8 Now ask and answer about your desks. Use in, on, under, next to. ^ Where are the pencils? They're on the desk. 1 Where are the pencils? 2 Where’s the rubber? 3 Where's the pencil case? 4 Where’s the homework? 5 Where are the books? 6 Where’s the pencil sharpener? 7 Where are the pens? 8 Where’s the bag? b) Now read your sentences to the class. Can your classmates guess? 9 They're in my bag. Your books? ^ It’s under Marina’s desk. Her bag? It’s under the box. It’s next to the box. 11 ГЮ ^ The song‘My Sister Jessie’ p137~~^ Grammar Grammar spot the {definite article) Where’s the red T-shirt? Where are the books? 9 Look at the picture of Molly’s desk. Complete the questions. 1 Where are the books? They're under the desk. 1 Where are ,,.? They're under the desk. 2 Where is...? It's on the chair. 3 Where are ...? They're in the pencil case. 4 Where is ...? It’s next to the chair. 10 a) Write four sentences about things in your classroom. Don’t show your classmates. They're in my bag. It's under Marina's desk. They're on the wall. It's next to the teacher's desk. Check your English 12 (ЗСЮ Copy this drawing onto a piece of paper. Then listen and draw. 13 Now work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about your drawing. Use Where’s / Where are ... ? and It’s / They're .... Are your drawings the same? roa Language guide p17 © 3 Му Dream Town Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 01 Listen to the words. How many of these places can you find in Dream Town in exercise 2? Listen again and practise saying the words. irs% beach castle cinema supermarket swimming pool bus station a park bridge river railway station restaurant Listening and reading 2 '13 Listen to the text about Dream Town and read it. ' Say if these sentences are true or false. 1 There is a river. There isn't a beach. There are a lot of shops. There is a bus station. There aren’t any cinemas. speaking 4 a) What is your favourite place in Dream Town? Write it down on a piece of paper. b) Compare the results with your classmates. What’s the class’ favourite place? 5 Speak about Dream Town. Grammar Grammar spot any, a/ап Negatives There aren't any cinemas. {BUT There isn’t a beach.) Questions Are there any shops? (BUT Is there a river?) Language guide p17 a) Complete the sentences about Dream Town. Use a/any. 1 Are there any bridges? 1 Are there ... bridges? 2 Is there ... swimming pool? 3 Is there ... restaurant? 4 Are there ... bus stations? 5 Are there ... houses? 6 Are there ... supermarkets? b) Complete the sentences about Dream Town. Use: There is/There isn’t/There are/There aren't/ls there/Are there. 1 There isn't a beach. 2 Is there a castle? 1 2 3 4 5 6 a beach, a castle? a lot of shops, any supermarkets? a railway station, any supermarkets. Now write short answers about the place where you live using the questions from exercise 6 a). Use: Yes, there is./Yes, there are. No, there isn’t./No, there aren’t. Vocabulary 8 Read the words and guess their meanings. Ф cafe museum stadium sports centre Use the words from exercise 8 to complete the sentences. 1 There are a lot of pictures in a ... . 2 There are two swimming pools in the .... 3 There is a big ... .We play football there. 4 There are a lot of snacks and drinks in my favourite .... Study skills How can you remember new words? Draw a picture and write the initial tetters. r... 10 Draw a map of your dream town. Let your classmate guess what there is in your map. Is there a swimming pool? ^ Yes, there is. ^ Are there any schools? ^ No, there aren't. Writing 11 Now write a description of your dream town. A\y Drsam Town In my drsam fown thsre are ... Check your English 12 _ Listen to Rosie describing her dream town. Write a list of the places in her town. 13 Write eight true sentences about the place where you live. Use: There is a ... There isn't a ... There are a lot of ...There aren’t any ... Now tell your classmates about it. 4 The Place Where I Live Reading 1 Read John’s answers to the questionnaire. Skills 1 Where is your home? My home is ... in a city in a town in a village v" in the country 2 How many of these places are near your home? park cinema swimming pool shops castle bus stop railway station supermarket school са!ё/restaurant 3 What is good about the place where you live? It's very beautiful and there is a park. 4 What is bad about the place where you live? There are only two shops in the village and my school is a long way from my home. John Connolly, 11, Ballycarry, Northern Ireland 5 What is your dream place to live? My dream place to live is ... in the country in the mountains on an island by the sea 2 Tell the class about the place where John lives. Listening 3 (ЁСЮ Listen to Olga’s answers to the questionnaire. Then read the answers choosing the correct words. 1 My home is in a city/a town/a village/the country. 2 There’s a park/a cinema/a bus stop/a school and there are two shops/two supermarkets/two restaurants near my home. 3 My school is near my home./My friends live near my home./The place where I live is very beautiful. 4 There isn’t a park/a swimming pool/a cinema/a shop/ a bus stop/a cafd/a school where I live. 5 My dream place to live is in a big city/in the country/in the mountains/by the sea/on an island. 4 Tell the class about the place where Olga lives. Speaking 5 Answer the questions of the questionnaire from exercise 1. Work with a classmate asking and answering the questions. 6 Tell the class about the place where you live. $ Study skills Look up new words in a dictionary! Writing 7 Write about where you live with: My home’s in a city/town/viilage/the country. 1 , There is a/an and a/an 1 There are two/three ... / a lot of... two/three ... /a lot of... There isn’t a/an ... but there is a/an ... There aren’t any ... there are two/three ... / a lot of... Whers I Live /Лу horns is in a smalt town. There are a lot of shops and two supermarkets. There is an old castle and there are two schools. There isn't a theatre but there is „ Writing tip 1 and, but 4- + There are a lot of shops and two supermarkets. “ + There isn’t a cinema but there is a sports centre. Use adjectives like big, small, old, new, nice. I live in a small town. Culture spot Fact file: Wales Country: Capital city: Population: Size: Wales Cardiff Three million 20 779 sq km Wales is a small country in Britain. There are lots of castles in Wales. The main cities are Cardiff, Swansea and Newport. There are two official languages: English and Welsh. There is a national holiday on 1st March to celebrate St David’s Day. Discussion In pairs, compare Wales with your country. Wales is smaller than Russia. Your country fact file Prepare a similar fact file about your country '^5 Reading 1 Read the dialogue quickly. Find out who is coming to visit. Mum Katie Mum Katie Mum Katie Mum Katie Mum Katie Mum Dad Katie Dad Katie Dad Katie Dad Katie Dad Katie Dad Katie Dad Katie Dad Katie is in her bedroom. Her mum knocks on the door. Tidy Your Bedroom! Katie? Is your bedroom tidy? Erm ... Katie? Well... Oh, Katie! What a mess! Your grandmother is visiting and she’s sleeping in here tonight. That's OK. What’s the problem? There isn’t any space for her to put her things. Yes, there is. There’s an empty cupboard next to the window. That cupboard is too small. It's tiny. But Granny’s small too, and she doesn’t bring many things. Katie, stop reading that book and tidy your bedroom. Five minutes later Katie? Yes? Can! come in? Yes. Katie, your mum isn't very happy. Oh, dear. Why not? Because your bedroom is messy and your grandmother is sleeping here tonight. But Mum’s never happy with my room, Dad. That isn’t true. Your room is very messy. Put your books on your desk. They’re all over the floor. But I like sitting on the floor and reading. Where’s your chair? It’s there. Where? It’s next to the desk. 1 can’t see it. Is it under all those clothes? Katie Yes, it is. Dad Put the clothes away, Katie. Look, your wardrobe is empty. Katie But I’m reading now, Dad. Later... Dad No, Katie. You always say ‘later’ and then you don’t do it. You’ve got fifteen minutes to tidy your room. Katie But... Dad No ‘buts’ ~ fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes later in the kitchen. Katie Hi, Mum. Mum Is your bedroom tidy? Katie Yes, it is. Dad Are your clothes in the wardrobe? Kate Yes, they are. Dad Are your books on your desk? Kate Yes, they are. Dad I don’t believe iti Her bedroom is perfect. Everything is in the right place. Mum Hm ... that’s strange. Why ... Katie Mum? Mum Yes? Katie Can 1 have some money? I want to buy a ticket for a pop concert. Mum & Dad Ha ha ha. 2 Read the dialogue again and choose the correct words. 4 Katie likes sitting on her bed / the floor. 5 Katie is reading / listening to music. 6 Katie tidies / doesn’t tidy her room in the end. 1 The empty cupboard is too small / messy for Katie’s grandmother. 2 Katie thinks her bedroom is all right / messy. 3 There are clothes / books on the floor. 3 Speak with a partner. Describe your bedroom and say what you do to keep it tidy. @ 1 (°ПЮ Listen and repeat. peninsula mild temperate climate moderate temperatures English-speaking countries around the world English is an official language in many countries around the world. There are English-speaking countries on every continent. Let’s look at some of them. 2 Point and name countries 1-5. Match the capital cities in the box with the countries. Pretoria Ottawa New Delhi Valletta Canberra What colour are these continents on the map? Africa Europe Asia America Oceania 4 Read the texts. Malta Malta is a group of islands in the Mediterranean Sea. It is on a peninsula - like an island attached to a piece of land. The capital of Malta is Valletta. Valletta is an old city by the sea. The islands lie 93 km south of the Italian island of Sicily. Valletta has got a Mediterranean climate. This means there are very warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. 5 Say if these statements are true or false. 1 New Zealand is one big island. 2 New Zealand is in the Mediterranean Sea. 3 Valletta is an island. New Zealand New Zealand is an island country in the Pacific Ocean, There are two main islands - North Island and South Island - and lots of smaller islands. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. It is on the south-western end of North Island by the sea. Wellington has got a temperate climate. This means there are moderate temperatures all year. The city is also windy all year and there is a lot of rain. 4 Wellington is by the sea. 5 The climate in Valletta changes in the winter, 6 It often rains in Wellington. PROJECT Plan Find some facts about another English-speaking country and about your own country. Prepare Write two short texts (similar to the texts in exercise 4). Ask your teacher to correct your texts. Make these headings in your notebook: Country 1: continent, location, capital, climate. Country 2: continent, location, capital, climate. Research Find out information about the two countries and make notes under the headings. Present your material Copy the corrected texts onto a piece of paper and make a classroom display. Add some pictures if you like! Language Guide Vocabulary Family ^ aunt brother cousin father grandfather grandmother mother sister uncle Numbers 21 twenty-one 28 twenty-eight 70 seventy 22 twenty-two 29 twenty-nine 80 eighty 23 twenty-three 30 thirty 90 ninety 24 twenty-four 31 thirty-one 100 a hundred 25 twenty-five 40 forty 101 a hundred and one 26 twenty-six 50 fifty 27 twenty-seven 60 sixty Classroom objects [ bag book chair desk homework magazine pencil case poster rubber Places in a town / city beach castle cinema park river railway station supermarket swimming pool bus station caf6 museum stadium sports centre /щ home is... in a city / town in the country / a village in the mountains on an island by the sea restaurant Dictionary extra! cupboard (n)i»r^ dirty (adj)^^ empty (adj)^*^ ticket (n) ★ ★ ★ tidy (v) ★ tiny (adj) ★ ★ ★ wardrobe (n) ★ Real English Great. Wow! Cool. Right. Oh, yes. Thanks (a lot). Look. Oh, dear. Grammar тяжательные местоимения Личное местоимение Притяжательное местоимение 1 my you your he his she her it its 1 we our you your they their 1жательныи падеж I существительных “'эитяжательный падеж указывает принад-'ежность предмета или лица кому-либо. ~-итяжательный падеж существительных 5 единственном числе образуется путём "оибавления к существительным оконча---‘Я -'s (т. е. знака апострофа и буквы s). --Г IS Mandy's grandfather. “з^тяжательный падеж существитель--э.* во множественном числе образуется путём прибавления к ним одного толь-sc апострофа. S is the Glows' pet. ~с»*тяжательный падеж существительных, сеоазующих множественное число не по “сазилам, формируется путём прибавле---«р к ним окончания -'s. ~"=se are the children's bags. Если необходимо указать на принадлеж--ос'э одного и того же предмета двум и бо-"ее лицам, то окончание -'s прибавляется ~."ько к последнему существительному. S s Della and Molly's desk. елённый артикль ^■oвo the — определённый артикль, '"оеделённый артикль ставится перед .—ествительными как в единственном, =-. и во множественном числе. о Определённый артикль употребляется с существительным, обозначающим уже известный, повторно упомянутый, предмет. This is а book. The book is on the table. о Определённый артикль употребляется, когда понятно, исходя из ситуации, о чём или о ком идёт речь. Where's the rubber? It's on the desk. о Определённый артикль употребляется с существительным, обозначающим единственный в своём роде предмет. The Sun is beautiful. Предлоги места Where’s the hairbrush? It’s in the bag. It’s on the table. It’s under the chair. It’s next to the bag. any, a / an о Местоимение any употребляется в отрицательных предложениях в значении «нисколько» и вопросительных предложениях в значении «несколько», «немного». There aren't any cinemas. Are there any shops? о Местоимение any никогда не употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе. В этом случае с существительными употребляется неопределённый артикль а/ап. There isn't а cinema. / Progress check Check you can do these things. 1 I know the names of nine family relationship words. Unscramble the words. 1 grandfather 1 gfrndatareh 6 streis 2 theraf 7 gmorahdntre 3 tuna 8 cnelu 4 hrobetr 9 unicos 5 thmoer I can talk about family relationships using the possessive’s and possessive adjectives. Look at Tom’s family tree. Answer the questions. 1 She's Justin's mother. She's his mother. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Who is Susan? (Justin) Who is Tom? (Jane) Who are Justin and Linda? (Tom) Who are Howard and Faith? (Linda) Who is Richard? (Justin) Who is Graham? (Linda) 3 I can say where things are. Answer the questions about your desk with It is / They are and the prepositions in / on / under / next to. 1 Where are your pens? 4 Where is your dictionary? 2 Where is your rubber? 5 Where are your pencils? 3 Where are your books? 6 Where is your pencil case? I can talk about places in a town or city. Look at the map. Make sentences with There’s / There isn’t a ... and There are ... / There aren’t any .... There are two supermarkets. ... supermarket caf6 beach castle hotel museum park railway station cinema swimming pool bus station ADII abourtK Unit contents: I; Vocabulary School subjects; everyday objects; food ' Grammar Prepositions of time; have / has got; a / an (indefinite article); some, any; countable and uncountable nouns I; Skills Tell the time Talk about a school timetable Talk about things we’ve got Talk about food Talk about quantity Listen to a description, a play and an interview Read an article Write an essay ‘About My School’ Across the curriculum Language J Culture spot Schools in England Hi! My name's Charlie! - 0 love Art. What's your favourite subject? Can you name the subjects? 1 You learn about countries, mountains and rivers. 2 You learn about the past. 3 You do sport and get lots of exercise. 4 You learn how to use a computer. 5 You learn how to speak to people from the UK and the USA. GD 7 А Really Busy Day Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 (2OZZ) Look at the clocks. Listen and practise saying the time. Now work with a classmate. Ask and answer about the time. What time is it? lt‘s two o’clock. 2 0ЛЮ Listen and practise saying these words. French English Art History PE (Physical Education) Science Geography Music Maths IT (Information Technology) basketball meeting chess club Listening and reading 3 (Я 19 ~) Listen to Rosie telling about her school day. Use the pictures below to help you understand. 4 (Я 19 ) Listen again and point to the pictures. 5 Read the text about Rosie’s day. Say if sentences 1—5 are true or false. It's Monday and I've got a really busy day. I've got Geography at nine o'clock. Then I've got a basketball meeting at ten o'clock. After that, I've got Science at twenty past ten. Then I've got Maths at half past eleven. And that’s just the morning. At lunchtime I've got chess club at half past twelve and then in the afternoon, I've got Art at quarter past one and PE at ten to three. Then after school, I've got basketball at quarter to four. And that's the end of my school day. Phew! 1 She’s got Geography at 9 am. 2 She’s got Science at 9.40 am. 3 She’s got Maths after chess club. 4 She’s got Art at 2,50 pm, 5 She’s got basketball at 3.45 pm. Speaking 6 Look at the pictures in exercise 3 and speak about Rosie’s schooi day. ^ On Monday Rosie’s got a really busy day. ... 7 0ИЮ Listen to Rosie’s timetable and read it. 9.00-10.00 10.00- 10.20 10.20-11.20 11.30-12.30 12.30- 1.15 1.15-2.30 2.30- 2.50 2.50-3.45 ,da'f ,daV fddaV ( Heil(^) 8»3=24 ( Hellt^) В R E A К 8 >'3=24 C HeMo^') (^Bonjour!) 8«3=24 L U N C H 8«3=24 & 8 R E A К (^BonjouiTj Now work with a classmate. Ask and answer about Rosie’s timetable. What time’s Geography on Wednesday? it‘s at quarter past one. 8 Choose a day of the week and say your timetable. Let your classmates guess what day of the week you’re speaking about. Writing 9 Make up your dream timetable and write about it. My Dream Timetable On FrUay, IVe got English at nine o'clock. Then I've got Ocience ... r-QJ Language guide p31 Check your English 10 Draw clocks showing these times. 1 it’s ten to two. 2 It’s quarter past six. 3 It’s five past nine. 4 It’s twenty to three. 5 It’s half past twelve. 11 Write down four true and four false sentences about your timetable. Read them to your classmates and let them guess which ones are true. @ 8 Му Big School Bag Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 (°CiD Listen and match these words with the pictures in the survey. Listen again and practise saying the words, sweets - 8 sweets sandwich keys money hairbrush mobile phone tissues rubbish purse teddy bear CgCEW) What have YOU got in your school bag today? How many of these things have you got with you today?____________________ 10 2 a) (5СЖ) Listen to the questions. Think about your answers. b) 0С1Ю Listen again. Put your hand up to show which things you’ve got. Count the votes and write the results on the board. 1 mobile phone-5 pupils 2 money - 4 pupils Gj Grammar spot have got + a /an, some, any a/ап some, any I’ve got a sweet. I've got some sweets. Have you got a sweet? Have you got any sweets? I haven't got any sweets. Language guide p31 :> @ 3 Choose the correct word. 1 Have you got a/any tissues? 2 Have you go| an/any orange? 3 Have you got a/any key? 4 I’ve got a/some sweets. 5 I’ve got an/some apple. 6 I've got a/some hairbrush. 7 I haven’t got a/any mobile phone. 8 I haven’t got a/any money. 9 I haven’t got a/any purse. Listening 4 ЗИЦ) Listen and say what things Zola and Boris have got. Use the pictures in exercise 1. 5 (ЗОЕ) Listen again. Make a list of aii the things Boris and Zoia have got. 9 a) Make a list of the things you’ve got in ^ yourschooi bag. ^ tissues, an MP3 player, headphones,... b) Teli your ciassmate about the things you’ve got in your schooi bag. In my school bag I’ve got a lot of things. I’ve got some tissues. Also, I’ve got... Check your English 10 Put the words in the correct order. 1 got a mobile phone I've 2 you any sweets got have ? 3 haven’t we got any money . Boris сшо( ZoCck -tissues keys 6 Make sentences with They've got a/some ... or They haven’t got a/any... They've got a mobile phone. They haven't got any sandwiches. 7 (КЮ ^ The song ‘It’s the Weekend’ pi 38 ^ Speaking 8 Work with your classmates. Look at the pictures in exercise 1. Ask and answer. ^ Have you got a teddy bear? ^ No, i haven’t. ^ Have you got any tissues? 9 Yes, I have. 4 we've sandwiches some got 11 What has Stacey got in her school bag? Write five sentences. Btacey has got a tot of things in her school bag. She's got... 9 Му Lunchbox Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 0CHD Listen to these words and find them in the pictures in exercise 2. Listen again and practise saying the words. orange ham sandwich yoghurt biscuits chicken salad chocolate bar cheese sandwich cake apple crisps orange - picture 3 Listening and reading 2 (ЗИЮ Listen and read. Guess the winner of the competition. Healthy Lunchbox Competition Real English I see. Great. Right. Molly What have you got in your lunchbox today, Ben? Ben I’ve got a ham sandwich and some biscuits. Molly Have you got any salad? Ben No, I haven’t, but I've got a yoghurt. Molly Umm. Thank you. Molly Ben Molly Ben Molly Ben And lastly, what has Craig got? He’s got some chicken and some salad. Has he got any fruit? Yes, he has. He’s got an apple and an orange. Great. And has he got any chocolate bars or cake? No, he hasn’t. 3 (Я 27 ) Listen to the play again and check your guess. Then read the play with your classmate. Molly And Ben, what’s Della got in her lunchbox? Ben She’s got a chocolate bar, a cheese sandwich and some crisps. Molly Has she got an apple? Ben No, she hasn't, but she’s got some cake. Molly I see. Thank you. Mrs Wood Right. Thank you. The winner of our healthy lunchbox competition IS ... 4 Answer the questions. 1 Ben has. 1 Who’s got a ham sandwich? 2 Who’s got a cheese sandwich? 3 Who’s got a chocolate bar? 4 Who’s got an apple? 5 Who’s got a yoghurt? speaking 5 Act out the play in exercise 2 with your classmates. 6 a) Draw and label your perfect lunchbox. sandwich b) Then work with a classmate. Show your drawings and describe your lunchboxes. ^ I’ve got a sandwich. c) Now answer questions from the class about your classmate’s lunchbox. Answer with Yes, he/she has. No, he/she hasn’t. Has Nikita got any salad? ^ No, he hasn’t. 7 Work in groups of three or four. Hold a competition, using your perfect lunchboxes. Choose the winner. Grammar spot Countable nouns + -s (-es): I've got some/l haven’t got any biscuits. Are there any sandwiches? Uncountable nouns {no plural): I’ve got some/l haven’t got any salad. Is there any fruit/cake? rOO Language guide p31 Writing 8 Write a description of your and your classmate’s lunchboxes. Listening 9 (ЗтЗ Listen and say what Nancy has got in her lunchbox. 10 (=OE) Listen again. Write lists of the things Nancy has got and hasn’t got. She hasn't got any chocolate bars She's got a chicken sandwich What do you think? Has Nancy got a healthy lunchbox? Check your English 11 Complete with have, ’ve, haven’t, has, ’s, hasn't. Ben What... you got in your lunchbox today? Molly 1... got a chicken sandwich. Ben ... you got any cake? Molly No, I ..., but I... got a yoghurt. Ben What... Craig got? Molly He ... got some salad and some crisps. Ben ... he got a chocolate bar? Molly No, he .... 12 Play the Memory game. [ In my lunchbox I've got a cheese sandwich. In my lunchbox I've got a cheese sandwich and a yoghurt. Our Lunchbox&s have got ... Olga has got Writing tip Headings ^-----------capital letter Our Lunchboxes ^ no full stop ' In my lunchbox I've got a cheese sandwich, a yoghurt and some cake. 10 Му School Listening and reading Skills ] 1 QUID Read and listen to the interview with Severin What is your school called? My school's called Steinegg Primary School. Where is your school? It's in Appenzell in the east of Switzerland. What year are you in? I'm in year 5. How many students are there in your class? There are nineteen students. How many boys are there and how many girls? There are eight boys and eleven girls. Who are your best friends in your class? My best friends are Fabian and Andrej. How many school subjects have you got? We've got twelve school subjects. What are your favourite school subjects? My favourite school subjects are Music, Sport, English, Art and Maths. What are your favourite things in your classroom? My favourite things are the sofa, the TV, the computer and the door! Read the interview again and complete the following sentences. 1 Severin’s school is called .... 2 He’s in year.... 3 He’s got... school subjects. 4 His favourite school subjects are .... 3 Now make sentences about you and your school. I study at school. My school number is ... It is in... Listening 4 (°CHD Listen to Sandrine talking about her school in Cameroon in Africa. Then answer the questions. 1 How old is she? 2 What year is she in? 3 How many school subjects has she got? 4 What are her favourite subjects? 5 How many girls are there in her class? 6 What are her favourite things in the classroom? @ Speaking 5 a) (ЗЗГ) liamil goes to school in Agra in india. Match the answers with the questions. Then iisten and check. A 1 2 3 4 5 What is his school called? What is the name of his teacher? How many students are there in his class? Who are his best friends? What are his favourite school subjects? В Omar and Sabar English, PE and Science Mr Das 28 boys The Rainbow Public School b) Now ask and answer the questions with a ciassmate. What’s his school called? ^ The Rainbow Public School. Writing 6 Write about your school. Use the questions in exercise 1 as an outline. A\y School I go fo school N^ 101. If is in Sciinf 'Psfsrsburg. I'm in year 5. Writing tip Capital letters names (Fox Primary School) places (London) school subjects (English) Culture spot Fact file: Schools in England Education Age Primary school 5-11 Secondary school 11-16 Sixth form college 16-18 Higher education (university, etc) 18+ Children at secondary schools in England usually study between eight and ten subjects. Everybody studies Maths, English, PE and a foreign language like French, German or Spanish. Other subjects are ICT, Geography, Music, History and the sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics). Students take official state exams called GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) at the age of 16. Discussion In pairs, compare schools in England with schools in Russia. 9 In England children start school at five, but in Russia we start school at seven. Your country fact file Prepare a similar fact file about schools in your country. ^ 11 Reading 1 Read the article. Find out the name of the English Language teacher. My Favourite School Subject My favourite school subject is English. I like it because it is interesting and also because I am quite good at it! We have English Language classes three times a week, on Mondays at 10 o’clock, on Wednesdays at II o’clock and on Thursday afternoons at 3 o’clock. Each class lasts 50 minutes. I never get bored. At the moment we’re learning about synonyms and antonyms. A synonym is a word that means the same as another word, for example ‘little’ and ‘small’. Antonyms are opposites, like ‘old’ and ‘young’. It’s not difficult. Sometimes spelling is difficult. We have a spelling test every Monday. We have to write ten words. Sometimes the words are quite easy but this week one of the words was ‘brilliant’. That’s a difficult one! Most of the class (including me) wrote ‘briliant’ with one ‘Г! My English Language teacher is called Mr Thornton. He can speak four foreign languages. He can speak French, German, Spanish and Russian. He says that it’s very important to understand your own language first. When you understand how verbs change in one language, it’s much easier to learn another language. I think that’s true. I learn French at school and I think it’s quite easy. Mr Thornton’s friendly and kind, but he gives us lots of homework. This week I’ve got to write a composition. I like writing so I don’t mind. We’ve got an exam next week, so I have to study too. I think I’m a good student. I always do my homework. I pass most of my exams but I’m not very good at Maths! 2 Read the article again and say if the sentences are true or false. 1 The writer is good at English. 2 The writer sometimes gets bored in the English Language classes. 3 The students have a grammar test every Monday. 4 The writer can speak four foreign languages. 5 The writer gets lots of homework. 6 The writer is very good at Maths. 3 Speak with a partner. What are your favourite subjects? Why? Where do words come from? All languages have got words that originally come from other languages. Sometimes these words, such as taxi, stop or sandwich, are used in nearly every language. The English language has got words from dozens of other languages. Spaghetti comes from Italian, pyjamas comes from Hindi and hand comes from German, 1 Match these words with their languages of origin. 1 robot a) Turkish 2 shampoo b) Persian 3 caviar c) Japanese 4 yoghurt d) Serbo-Croat 5 coffee e) Hindi 6 tsunami f) Arabic 7 vampire g) Czech 3 Some English words come from Russian. Match these words with the pictures. 1 balaclava 2 cosmonaut 3 borsch 4 mammoth 2 Which English words related to education come from these old Greek and Latin words? Can you guess? Latin scientia [meaning ‘knowledge’] littera [meaning ‘letter’] artem [meaning ‘work of art’] lingua [meaning ‘tongue’] Greek geographia [meaning ‘earth - describe’] historia [meaning ‘learning by asking'] bioslogia [meaning ‘life - study of] tekhnelogia [meaning ‘system - study of] b) Project Find some facts about Russian ICT words that come from English. Plan Make a list of twelve Russian words related to technology and communication. For example, компьютер, перезагрузка, принтер ... Research Find out which of the words are the same or similar in English. Prepare Write a list of the words that come from English. Present your material Copy the words onto a piece of paper and draw a picture to show what each word means. @ Language Guide Vocabulary School subjects Art English French Geography History IT (Information Technology) Maths Music PE (Physical Education) Science Everyday objects hairbrush keys sandwich tissues mobile phone money sweets purse rubbish teddy bear Food apple crisps biscuit cake cheese sandwich chicken chocolate bar ham sandwich orange salad yoghurt Dictionary extra! antonym (n) composition (n) ★ ★ difficult (adj) ★ ★ ★ exam (n) ★ ★ foreign (adj) ★ ★ ★ get bored (v) important (adj) ★ ★ ★ spelling (n) ★ synonym (n) ^ Real English see. Great. Right. Grammar iBve got some, any, a / an, two / three /..., a lot of Единственное число Множественное число riave got We have got have got You have got -r; has got has got ■ -as got They have got Т1вердительные предложения Полная форма Краткая форма ‘ou/We/They have gat a biscuit. l/You/We/ They've got a biscuit. She/It has got 2 C SCUit. He/She/lt's got a biscuit. 1кркцательные предложения 1 Полная Краткая ' форма i форма *cj' We/They have яси got a biscuit. I/You/We/They haven't got a biscuit. She/It has not 9Dt a biscuit. He/She/lt hasn't got a biscuit. Вопросы 7 ' Утвердительное „ 1 Вопрос I предложение . nave got a biscuit. Have you got a biscuit? has got a biscuit. Has she got a biscuit? Саоткие ответы Вопрос Краткий ответ ftove l/you/we/they got a biscuit? Yes, l/you/we/they have. No, l/you/we/they haven't. Has he/she/it got z Z SCUit? Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn't. I've got some biscuits. There's a biscuit. There are two biscuits. Have I got any biscuits? There are some biscuits. I haven't got any biscuits There are a lot of biscuits. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существител ьн ые Исчисляемые существительные обозначают предметы, которые можно сосчитать. There's а biscuit. There are some biscuits. Неисчисляемые существительные обозначают вещества, которые нельзя пересчитать. Они имеют только форму единственного числа и согласуются только с глаголами в единственном числе. Her hair is curled. Предлоги времени I've got English on Monday. My birthday is in September. I wake up at half past seven. on on Monday, Tuesday и т. д. in in the morning/afternoon/evening in September, October и т. д. at at night / midnight at one o'clock / half past seven и т. д. ✓ Progress check Check you can do these things. 1 I can tell the time. Tell the time in each picture. 19 •—^31 2 I know the names of some school subjects. In your notebook, write the names of these school subjects. 1 A... 2 S... 3 G... 4 P a 5 H... 6 M... 8x3=24 7 M... 8 I... T... I can talk about my school timetable. Choose a day of the week and describe your timetable. On Monday I’ve got Maths at eight o’clock. Then I’ve got Music at ten past nine. After that, I’ve got Art at half past ten. I can make sentences with ‘have got’. Make true sentences with: 1 I’ve got... 3 My best friend has got... 2 I haven’t got ... 4 My best friend hasn’t got... I can talk about quantity. Complete with a / an, two, some, any. Jack Have you got (1)... sw/eets? Fiona No, I haven’t got (2)J. sweets but I’ve got (3)... chocolate bar. Jack Have you got (4)... sandwiches? Fiona Yes, I've got (5)... sandwiches and I've got (6)... drink. Jack Have you got (7)... mobile phone? Fiona No, I haven’t got (8)... mobile phone. Jack What else have you got? Fiona I’ve got (9)... apple and (10)... keys. Jack What about rubbish? Have you got (11)... rubbish? Fiona No, I haven’t got (12)... rubbish but I've got (13)... tissues. @ Wmk anidl Щщ 1 Match the words from A with the words from В to find у six typical activities. go to bed at half past ten. What about you? A В 1) do a) the Internet 2) have b) to school 3) surf c) teeth 4) go d) homework 5) brush e) with friends 6) hang out n breakfast 2 What order do you do these activities in? 13 А Day with the Glow Family Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 ' 32 Listen and match the word combinations in A with their explanations in B. Listen again and practise saying these word combinations. 1 -c A 1 wake up 5 have a snack a have a meal in the morning b put your 2 get dressed 6 do homework I clothes on c stop sleeping d study at . 3 have breakfast 7 get home home e have a meal in the afternoon I 4 leave home 8 have dinner f eat between meals g go away from home h come back home Listening and reading 2 ( 33 Listen to the story about a day with the Glow family and say how long their usual day is. Use the pictures in exercise 3 to help you understand the story. 3 Read about the Glow family’s day. Say if sentences 1—5 are true or false. In the morning, we wake up at ten to seven. We get up and get dressed. Then we have breakfast at half past seven. We leave home at quarter to eight and go to school. The twins go by car and I walk. Rudolph rides his bike and Helga skateboards to school. In the afternoon, v)e get home at quarter past three. Then we have a snack and do our homework. 1 The Glows have breakfast at 7.30 am. 2 The twins walk to school. 3 Rudolph goes to school by car. 4 They get home at 2.45 pm. 5 The Glows have dinner at 8 pm. In the evening, we have dinner at eight o'clock and then we all go to the living room. And at midnight, we all goto bed. Grammar spot Prepositions of time In the morning/afternoon/evening At quarter past six At midnight I QQ Language guide p45 :> 34 speaking 4 Look at the pictures in exercise 3 and speak about the Glow family’s day. 5 Is your day similar? Speak about it. My usual day begins early. In the morning, ! wake up at... Vocabulary 6 Make phrases. 1 surf the Internet A ~ 1 surf 2 make 3 sleep 4 piay 5 read 6 look at 7 watch 8 paint В a TV b the Internet c the stars d chess e books about inventions f model skyscrapers g pictures of animals h on the rug 7 R 34 ) Listen to Mandy speaking about what her family usually does in the evening. 8 Work with a classmate. Take it in turns to speak about the Glow family’s evenings. ^ Gordon and Vera watch TV. Speaking 9 In your family, what do you usually do in the evening? Speak about it. 9 In the evening, my brother surfs the Internet. ... 10 a) Write a questionnaire with four questions. Whof do you do in fhe evening? Yes J Do you watch TV? □ Z Po you surf the Internet? П 3 Po you ... No □ □ b) Then exchange questionnaires with a classmate. Answer your classmate’s questionnaire. Tick (^) the boxes. c) Return the questionnaire. Report to the rest of the class about your classmate. Natalia doesn’t watch TV. She surfs the Internet. ... Remember! Sam surfs the Internet. Dan plays tennis. Pam watches TV. Check your English 11 Read about Alice’s day. Fill in the gaps and put the sentences in the correct order. 1 2 3 4 Then I ... home and ... to school. I ... up at quarter to seven in the morning, ... dressed and ... breakfast. In the evening, I... dinner at eight o’clock. In the afternoon, I ... home at quarter past three. Then I ... a snack and ... my homework. 12 Write down four true and four false sentences about your usual weekday. Read them to your classmates and let them say if they are true or false. 14 Are You a Good Friend? Pronunciation 1 Listen and practise saying the proverb. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Listening and reading 2 36 Listen and read. Look at the pictures to heip you understand. Think about your answers. Answer the questions. Choose A, B, C, D or E. ,1 Are you friendly? A always В usually C often D sometimes E never 4 Are you on time? A always В usually C often D sometimes E never 2 Are you a good listener? A always В usually C often D sometimes E never 5 Do you tell the truth? A always В usually C often D sometimes E never 3 Do you remember your friends' birthdays? A always В usually C often D sometimes E never 6 Do you help your friends? A always В usually C often D sometimes E never Key y. r\ s;u|od 0 = 3 lUjod L =Q sjU!od2 = D s;u!odt7-0 siu!0d6-S sjuiodt'L-OL stujodeL-SL siujod 1^3-03 siu!od£ = g sjU!odi7 = V 3 : 36 Listen again. Write your answers. 1 В 4 Look at the key. How many points have you got? Are you a good friend? Answer with: Yes, i am./No, i’m not. I (3Q Language guide Grammar spot Frequency adverbs always usually often sometimes never (100%) (85%) (70%) (30%) (0%) Grammar 5 Write true sentences about you with; I always usually often ^ sometimes never 1 Гт usually friendly. 1 I’m ... friendly. 2 I’m ... a good listener. 3 I... remember my friends' birthdays. 4 I’m ... on time. 5 I... tell the truth. 6 I... help my friends. Г 6 speak about yourself. Use the sentences from exercise 5 to help you. Are you a good friend? Listening and speaking 7 a) 37 Listen to the interview. Does the boy get the job? J Wanted Good Friends b) dz3 Listen again. Then act out the interview with a classmate. Ask the questions in exercise 2 and answer with Yes, ! am./No, I’m not./Yes. I do./No. I don't. End the interview with You’ve got the pb. or You haven't got the job. “38 ^^he song ‘My Best Friend’ p139 ^ Study skills 9 39 Listen and think about your answers to the questions. Are you a good student of English? 1 Do you usually write new words in your exercise book? n 2 Do you always do your English homework? 3 Do you sometimes listen to songs in English? 4 Do you often ask and answer questions in class? 5 Do you always listen to your teacher and classmates? 6 Do you sometimes look up new words in a dictionary? 10 Now ask and answer the questions with a classmate. Use Yes, I do. or No, I don’t. Check your English 11 Complete the sentences about Peter. friendly listener time remembers the truth helps Peter is a perfect friend. 1 He always ... his friends’ birthdays. 2 He is always on .... 3 He is always .... 4 He always tells .... 5 He is always a good ... . 6 He always ... his friends. ж 12 Are these sentences true or false about you? 1 false 1 I usually write new words in my exercise book. 2 I always do my English homework, 3 I sometimes listen to songs in English. 4 I often ask and answer questions in class. 5 I never listen to my teacher and classmates. 6 I usually look up new words in a dictionary. 15 Classroom Rap Pronunciation 1 03Ю Listen and practise saying the words from the box. » get key cheese friend read three never tea tell sleep help feet ten red leave 2 (R 40 ) Listen again. Put the words in the correct list. 1 [e]get, ... 2 [i:]key, ... Listening and reading 3 <33l) Listen. Look at the picture to help you understand the words. Corns info fhe classroom. Йпс1 say your name. Hand in your homework. Don't play a gamel Open fhe window. Close fhe door. Look af fhe teacher Stand on fhe floor. Now clean fhe blackboard. Don't sit over there! Work with your classmate. Don't brush your hair! "Read your English book. f)nd count to eight. Pick up your pencil. Don't talk to your mate! 4 (Я 41 ) Listen again. Match each line of the rap with a boy or girl in the picture. Come into the classroom - d 5 Read the rap in chorus with your classmates. 6 Work in small groups. Take it in turns to act out the rap. ^ Come into the classroom. Vocabulary 7 Read. Which of these classroom jobs do you and your classmates usually do? write the day and date on the board clean the blackboard hand out homework water the class plants air the classroom during the break switch the light on 8 Work with a classmate. Roleplay a dialogue between ‘a teacher’ and ‘a pupil’: one gives instructions from exercise 7, the other acts them out. Then swap your roles. Polite tip When you make a request, always say ’please’. Please sit on your chair. Sit on your chair, please. Q ЯЗИ) Play the Please game. Make sure you’ve paper _ ] and a book . Then listen and do the instructions when you hear ‘please’. got a pen a piece of act out the instructions. Only Check your English 1" Match the verbs in A with the words in B. A В 1 count a 2 pickup b 3 clean c 4 come into d 5 brush e 6 dose f 7 say g 8 hand in h 9 air i 10 switch j n water к the classroom your homework your name to ten the door the blackboard your hair your pen the classroom during the break the class plants the lighten 11 Write down a list of dos and don’ts of your English class life and compare it with your classmates. dos work with your c/assmoies listen to CDs don't& f run roa Language guide p45 Тб Му Journey to School Reading 1 a) You’ve got three minutes to read the texts on this web page. How bad is your journey to school? 1 I love my journey to school. I go by bus and the bus driver always puts on a CD, We all sing to the music. It’s amazing! Claire, 11, Cardiff, Wales 2 There aren't any buses where I live and I walk to school. My journey is okay when it’s sunny but it’s horrible when it’s rainy. Amanda, 12, Fife, Scotland 3 I cycle to school. I get very tired because there is a huge hill. But it’s great coming home because it’s all downhill. Sam, 11, Plymouth, England 4 My home is 10 kilometres from school. 1 go to school by car with my dad. 1 hate the journey. There's always a lot of traffic and my journey sometimes takes an hour. I’m often late for school. Jade, 10, Fermoy, Ireland 5 I hate my journey to school. I go to school on the underground. There are always a tot of people on the trains and there aren’t any seats. Brett, 11, London, England b) Now match the texts with the photos. Listening 2 a) 43 Listen. Where does Alex live? b) 43 Listen again. Choose the correct words. 1 Alex lives in Holland/England. 2 She cycles/walks to school. 3 Her journey takes 30/20 minutes. 4 35%/45% of children cycle to school in Holland. 5 There are/aren’t a lot of bike racks at her school. 6 Cycling is/isn’t easy in Holland. Speaking 3 a) Complete this questionnaire about you. Don’t show your classmates. 1 My home is a kilometre from school. b) Ask and answer the questions with a classmate. Write classmate’s answers. notes of name of pupil Masha how far 7 km how bus with friend how long 20 mins like no Writing Write about your journey to school. Use the texts in exercise 1 as a model and the questionnaire in exercise 3 to heip you. MY JOURNEY TO SCHOOL 1 How far is your home from school? My home .., 2 How do you go to school? I go to school by bus/carArain. I go to school on the underground. I walk/cycle to school. 3 Do you go to school on your own? Yes, I do./No, I go to school with my .. 4 How long does your journey take? It takes ,.. 5 Do you like your journey to school? ’'^es. I do. /No. I don’t. Л\у Journey fo School /Лу home is ftvo kiiofnefres from school. I wo/k to school With my friends 1?oma and Dima ... Writing tip Use texts in the book as a model to help your writing. My home is 10 kilometres from school. I go to school by car with my dad. I hate the journey ... Jade, 10, Fermoy, Ireland c) Report back to the rest of the class about your classmate. ^ Masha’s home is seven kilometres from school. Culture spot Fact file: Children's hobbies in Ireland Collecting things Some children collect picture cards of football or other sports. Others collect stamps. They stick the cards or stamps into a special book called an album. Children also collect coins, postcards and Barbie dolls. Discussion In pairs, compare children’s hobbies in Ireland with children’s hobbies in Russia. Children in Ireland and Russia like collecting things... Making models Lots of children make models. Some use pieces of plastic to make cars, boats or planes. Others use pieces of wood to build models of famous buildings. You can buy model 'kits’ in toy shops. /\ Flying kites One popular outdoor hobby in Ireland is kite-flying. There are kite clubs in all parts of the country. Some kites are small and basic. Others look like dragons, birds or^ other animals. Your country fact file Prepare a similar fact file about hobbies in your country. %17 Reading 1 Read the text and answer the questions. a) What did Huck never do? b) What do the ghosts take away at midnight? Huckleberry Firm Tom Sawyer had two special friends. Their names were Joe Harper and Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry is a long name. Everybody called the boy ‘Huck’. Aunt Polly said to Tom, ‘You must be a good boy, Tom’ and Joe’s mother said to Joe ‘You must be a good boy, Joe’. They wanted the boys to behave well. Huck Finn did not live with anybody. He had no mother or brothers and sisters. And he had no uncles and no aunts. His father lived a long way from him. He was a bad man and he did not like Huck. In good weather, Huck slept outside by the river. In bad weather, he slept inside a barn. He never went to church and he never went to school. Huck wore very old clothes and he never wore shoes. He never washed. The other boys liked Huck. They wanted to be Huck. They did not want to go to church. They did not want to go to school. The mothers of the other boys did not like Huck. Their sons had to go to church and they had to go to school. On Monday morning, Tom was walking to school. Near the school, he met Huck. Tom was not happy. He did not like Monday mornings. Huck was very happy. He was carrying a dead cat. ‘Hello, Huck,’ said Tom. ‘Hello, Tom,’ said Huck. ‘What have you got?’ asked Tom. ‘A dead cat!’ said Huck. ‘Why?’ asked Tom. ‘A dead cat cures warts,’ said Huck. Tom looked at his hands and he looked at Huck’s hands. ‘We’ve both got warts,’ said Tom. He pointed to the little hard bumps on Huck’s fingers. He looked at his own fingers. ‘How does a dead cat cure warts?’ asked Tom. ‘A bad man dies,’ Huck replied. ‘People take him to the graveyard. They bury him in the ground. That night, you take the dead cat to the graveyard. At midnight, ghosts come. They take away the dead man. The dead man has to follow the ghosts. The cat follows the dead man. And the warts follow the cat. So the cat cures your warts. It’s easy!’ 2 Read the text again and choose the correct word. 1 Tom had two / three good friends. 2 Tom’s mother / aunt is called Polly. 3 Huck sometimes / always slept outside. 4 Huck wore old clothes / shoes. 5 The other boys liked / didn’t like Huck. 6 Aunt Polly / Huck believes a dead cat can cure warts. 3 Speak with a partner. Describe your best friend(s). Origami 1 Match the words with the pictures. 1 draw 2 fold 3 cut 4 cut off 2 Match these instructions with the pictures. Then make an origami whale. 1 Fold one corner of a piece of paper over to the opposite side. 2 Cut off the rectangle from the folded paper. 3 Fold two opposite sides towards the centre until they meet. 4 Fold the tip over until it meets the other folds. 5 Fold the paper in half along the centre. 6 Fold the tail up. 7 Cut through the end of the fold in the tail. 8 Fold the edges of the tail outwards. 9 Draw eyes and fins to finish your origami whale. Project Make another origami animal. Plan Choose one of these animals: a bird, a dog, a frog, a butterfly, a tortoise. Research Go to https://www.oriQami-fun.com/origami-animals.html. Find instructions to make your origami animal. Prepare Get everything you need to make your origami animal, then follow the instructions step by step. Present your material Make a classroom display of your origami animals. Language Guide Vocabulary Everyday activities do homework get dressed get home have breakfast / dinner / a snack leave home look at the stars make model skyscrapers Classroom activities air the classroom during the break clean the blackboard hand in your homework hand out homework switch the light on paint pictures of animals play chess read books about inventions skateboard surf the Internet wake up watch TV switch the light off talk to your classmate water the class plants work with a classmate write the day and date on the board Transport cycle go by bus / car / train go on the underground walk Dictionary extra! amazing (adi)^^ barn (n) ★ ★ behave (v) ★ ★ bump (n) cure (v) ★ downhill (adv) hate (v) ★ ★ ★ journey (n) ★ ★ ★ wart (n) ^ Polite English Please, sit on your chair. Sit on your chair, please. Grammar грамматическое время рг : pie о Время present simple употребляется для выражения действий, которые происходят часто, регулярно, обычно. I never go to school on Saturday, о Время present simple употребляется также для выражения общеизвестных фактов. Cats like mice. Утвердительные предложения 1 Единственное число Множественное число 1 play football. We play football. You play football. You play football. He/She/It plays football. They play football. Отрицательные предложения ^ Полная форма Краткая форма 1 do not play tennis. 1 don't play tennis. You do not play You don't play tennis. tennis. He / She / It does not He / She / It doesn't play tennis. play tennis. We/You / They do We / You / They don't not play tennis. play tennis. Вопросы и краткие ответы Вопрос Краткий ответ Do 1 play tennis? Yes, 1 do. No, I don't. Do you play tennis? Yes,! do. No, 1 don't. Does he Yes, he / she / it does. Does she play tennis? No, he/she/it Does it doesn't. Do we Do you play tennis? Do they Yes, we /1 / they do. No, we/!/they don't. Наречия частотности I always have breakfast in the morning. I usually wake up at 7 am. I often help my friends. I'm never late for school. I'm sometimes late for dinner. always usually often sometimes never (100%) (85%) (70%) (30%) (0%) Повелительное наклонение Please don't go. Выражение вежливой просьбы Please don't go. или Don't go, please. Предлоги времени I've got English on Monday and Wednesday. My birthday is in September. I wake up at half past seven. Утвердительная Отрицательная форма форма Open your books. Don't open your books. Go. Don't go. on on Monday, Tuesday и т. д. in in the morning / afternoon / evening in September, October и т. д. at at night at midnight at one o'clock / half past seven и т. д. 45 / Progress check Check you can do these things. 1 I know these words. Write the words in the order that you do them every day. do homework go to bed go to school get up wake up have breakfast get dressed leave home have dinner get home have a snack 2 I can talk about daily routine. Can you remember the Glow family’s daily routine? Tell the story. In the morning, we wake up at ten to seven.... In the morning, we (1) ... up at ten to seven. We (2) ... up and (3) ... dressed. Then we (4) ... breakfast at half past seven. We (5) ... home at quarter to eight and (6) ... to school. The twins (7) ... by car and I (8) ... . Rudolph (9) ... his bike and Helga (10) ... to school. In the afternoon, we (11) ... home at quarter past three. Then we (12) ... a snack and (13) ... our homework. In the evening, we (14) ... dinner and then we all (15) ... to the living room. And at midnight we all (16)... to bed. 3 I can use adverbs of frequency. Make true sentences about you. 1 I never eat... 2 I sometimes go ... 3 I often play ... 4 I usually wake up at... 5 I always watch ... 4 I can answer present simple questions. Answer the questions. 1 Are you eleven years old? 2 Do you like spinach? 3 Are you from England? 4 Do you go to school? 5 Are you happy? 6 Are you always on time for lessons? 7 Do you play football? 8 Do you make models? 5 I can answer questions about my journey to school. Answer the questions. 1 How far is your home from school? 2 How do you go to school? 3 Do you go to school on your own? 4 How long does your journey take? 5 Do you like your journey to school? I can understand instructions. Please do these things. 1 Stand up. 6 2 Sit down. 7 3 Open your book. 8 4 Read your book. 9 5 Close your book. 10 Look at your teacher. Pick up your pen. Write your name. Put your pen on the desk. Count to 10 in English. Revision 1 1 Complete with 'my', your', 'his', her', its', 'our', your', their 1 This is... sandwich. This is... sandwich. ] ; These are... sandwiches. 2 Point to these things in your classroom. Use 'This is / These are'That is Those are 1 books 2 pen 3 pencil case 4 posters 5 homework 6 dictionaries 7 bag 8 chair 9 desk 10 rubber 3 Complete the conversation with 'there is', 'there isn’t', ‘there are', 'there aren’t', 'Is there', 'Are there'. A ... a beach in the town? В No,.......a castle and a beautiful river. A ... any good shops here? В Yes.......And ... also two supermarkets. A ... any cinemas? В No, ... any cinemas. A ... a railway station? В No,... a railway station but... a bus station. 4 Join ideas in a sentence with ‘and’ or 'but'. 1 two cinemas there are a caf§ and 2 but any supermarkets there aren't a lot of shops there are 3 a beach a river there is but there isn’t 4 and a bus station there is a railway station 5 two parks there isn’t there are a beach but 5 Say the days of the week. 6 Work with a classmate. Can you remember the names of ten school subjects? 7 Name these eleven things to eat using 'a' / 'an' or 'some'. О 8 Make questions with these words. 1 you - any sweets; havei got- ? 2 any money ' got i your best friend ' has! ?; ..„.f J 3 any sandwiches \ your classmates; got ! have ; ? ; Ш -Л. 10 Vv 11 4 a key I have | you | got | ^ 5 has I an MP3 player j your teacher | got 1 '> 9 Match the adverbs with the numbers. j' A often В always C never D sometimes E usually j (100%) (85%) 3 (70%: (30%) (0%) 10 Make questions with these words. Then answer the questions about you. 1 Do you always get up early? No, I don't. I usually get up late on Saturday. 1 Do you / early / get up / always / ? 2 Are you usually / in the morning / tired / ? 3 Do you / every weekend / shopping / go / ? 4 Do you / often / to the cinema / go / ? 5 Are you / at home / usually / at the weekends /? 6 Do you / your friends / every day / meet / ? Hdw WeHd Unit contents: Vocabulary Everyday objects and activities; types of materials, containers Grammar Present continuous, present simple; expressions of frequency, adverbs of frequency; object pronouns Skills Talk about things we are doing now Talk about how often we do things Talk about what things are made of Listen to a description, an interview and a story Read an interview Write a list of household chores Across the curriculum Science Culture spot Children’s household chores in Britain 19 Saturday Morning Chores Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 (Я 44) Listen and match the word combinations in A with their expianations in B. Listen again and practise saying the word combinations. 1 - e A 1 do the chores 2 tidy the room 3 make the bed 4 do the washing up 5 empty the bin 6 feed the cat 7 vacuum the carpet 8 take the dog for a walk 9 go food shopping 10 wash the car В Listening 2 R 45 ) Look at the picture and say what the Giows are doing. Then iisten and check. 0 a make the room neat b clean the car using water c wash the dishes d make the bed neat e do little jobs round the house f go outside with the s dog g throw the rubbish out h give food to the cat i clean the carpet using a vacuum cleaner j buy food in shops >ттп JUL Si 45 ) Listen again. Then answer the questions with Yes or No. 1 - Yes. 2 - No. 1 Are Sam and Pam tidying their room? 2 Is Mandy going food shopping? 3 Is Martha emptying the bin? 4 Is Bernard vacuuming the carpet? 5 Are Gordon and Vera doing the washing up? 6 Is Vincent going food shopping? 7 Is Cynthia making the bed? 8 Is Rudolph doing the washing up? 9 Is Helga feeding Cactus? Grammar spot Present continuous Mandy is taking the dog for a walk. Gordon and Vera are making the bed. Language guide p61 Speaking 4 Describe your family’s chores. Use the present continuous. Begin with the following: Today is Saturday. At the moment I am .... My mother is ... , Vocabulary 5 a) Find these things in the picture on page 50. raincoat rubber gloves toothbrush fish roller skates toys b) R 46 ) Listen to the questions. Think about the answers. 1 What's Bernard washing with his toothbrush? What are Sam and Pam doing? What’s Cactus eating? What's Martha wearing on her hands? What's Rudolph wearing? What's Vincent wearing on his feet? c) Work with a classmate. Ask and answer. What’s Bernard washing with his toothbrush? His car. Speaking 6 Carry out a class survey about chores. a) Write a list of your chores in the family. Look after my little brother/sister Wash the clothes b) Work in a group of three or four. Find out how many classmates in your group do these chores. Write the results on a sheet of paper. c) Now report to the class. ^ Two of us look after little brothers and sisters. All of us do the washing up.... Grammar 7 Complete the sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets. 1 They are riding their bikes. 1 They ... their bikes, (ride) 2 She ... the window, (close) 3 He ... a shower, (have) 4 She ... her hair, (brush) 5 He ... the door, (open) 6 They ... their teeth, (clean) 8 QUO Listen and match the sentences in exercise 7 with the pictures. He is having a shower, - e 4 9 Work with a classmate. Ask and answer about the pictures in exercise 8. What’s she doing? She’s brushing her hair. Check your English 10 Complete the dialogues with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets. A What... you ... ? (do) В I ... my room, (tidy) A Where ... she ... ? (go) В She ... to school, (go) 11 Do you remember the Glows’ household chores? Write three questions with What...? Then work in a group of four: close your books and ask and answer the questions. What’s Cynthia vacuuming? 4» The carpet. 20 Work and Play Pronunciation 1 C°t 48 3 Listen and practise saying word combinations 1-8. WORK j 1 tidy your room 2 do the washing up 3 go food shopping 4 lay the table PLAY ; 5 go swimming 6 play computer games 7 surf the Internet 8 hang out with friends Listening SURVEY How often do you ...? 2 a) CR 49 ) Listen to the survey questions and Ian answering them, b) 49 ) Listen again and complete the sentences with the words from the box. twice three four every never morning day Sunday week weekend month 1 He tidies his room once or twice a week. 1 He tidies his room ... or... a ... . 2 3 4 5 6 7 He does the washing up ... or... times a ... . He ... goes food shopping. He lays the table for dinner every ... . He goes swimming ... Saturday .... He piays computer games every ... . He surfs the Internet... day. 8 He hangs out with his friends ... day after school. Speaking 3 speak about Ian. Begin with the following: ^ Ian is a schoolboy. He often helps about the house. He tidies ... c) (Я^ 49 j Listen again and check. @ Vocabulary 4 a) Read these words. Make combinations with them, once a week up word once twice three times four times a day a week a month a year every month every day week weekend month Saturday b) C°t so'J Look at the pictures in exercise 1. Listen to the survey questions and answer them. 9 How often do you tidy your room? i tidy it twice a week, c) Work with a classmate. Ask and answer the same questions. Compare your answers and report the results to the class. I tidy my room twice a week, but Misha tidies his room once a week. Grammar spot Expressions of frequency How often does he tidy his room? He tidies his room once or twice a week. How often does he go food shopping? He goes shopping every Saturday morning. Write questions about Ian beginning with How often. Then ask a classmate to answer your questions. How often does tan tidy his room? a) Write six sentences about what you do after school with; do my homework tidy my room do the washing up have a snack go swimming surf the Internet watch TV hang out with friends every once a twice a three times a day. week. weekend. month. Monday. Tuesday. 1 I do fhs washing up every day. b) Now tell a classmate how often you 4) do these things after school. 7 ,=OD The song ‘Rock Star’ p140 c Writing 8 Write a story about Tidy Ted. Begin with the following: ifitmmttADUKJfHHd A\y English File Tidy Ted This is Ted. He is eleven. Ted is a tidy boy He always does his homework. He never makes a mess ... Check your English >2^' Listen. Find out what Nyree does: once or twice a week always sometimes often every Saturday afternoon three or four times a week 10 (Я 52 T Listen again. All these sentences are false. Correct them. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nyree sometimes tidies her room. She never looks after her little sister. She does the washing up every day. She goes swimming three or four times a month. She goes to the cinema every day. She sometimes hangs out with her friends after school. 11 Work with a classmate. Ask and answer the questions about Nyree. |~Q& Language guide p61 21 Saving the World Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 (Я 53 ) Listen to these words and find them in the pictures in exercise 2. Listen and practise saying these words and word combinations. plastic bottles - picture 2 plastic bottles metal cans glass jars paper cardboard boxes lorry rubbish Listening and reading 2 (^54) Listen to the story and read it. Say how many recycling boxes there are In the school. Recycle^ ______ s made of plastic ai recycling box. ^ _ \ntO tne '^e all recvri^ *e's putting green r ^ ц oi ^.-d(uuua.^J. ---------------- ^^^y^ling box. I boxes at our school and recycle them. And that's our school cook. Those jars and bottles are made of glass and he's recycling them.That box is made of cardboard. We collect all cardboard A big lorry comes tothescl- every Friday and collects al Papetcatdb„a,t,,3tef„f, plastic for recycling. 3 Now read the story again and answer the questions. What are the children holding in picture 1? What’s the bottle made of in picture 2? Is the girl throwing away the cans in picture 3? Where is the secretary putting the paper? Is the cook recycling the glass? How often does the lorry come to the school? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Grammar spot it/them This bottle’s made of plastic. I’m recycling it. Those jars are made of glass and he’s recycling them. @ Speaking 4 Act out the story from exercise 2. 5 Look at the pictures in exercise 2 again and speak about the ways the schooichiidren recycie rubbish. Begin with the foliowing; The children do not throw away rubbish. They recycie it and put the rubbish into the correct recycling box. ... Vocabulary 6 Read these words and remember them. 6 I. % bottle wrappers ' l| can \l pots ^ jar 7 Work with a classmate. Ask and answer. What's the bottle made of? It’s made of glass. ^ What are the wrappers made of? ^They’re made of... ^ ss ) Listen and check. 8 Now match the things with the correct recycling box. Ask and answer. • Where does the bottle go? ^ It goes in the green box. Where do the wrappers go? САгбЬоЛГЛ I f i шт Grammar Grammar spot Present simple/ present continuous Present simple We always recycie rubbish. Present continuous We’re recycling these bottles. 9 Look at the picture. Read about the girl's habits choosing the correct words. 1 2 3 4 5 She plays tennis/football. She likes sweets/chocolate. She goes swimming/ice-skating. She wears jeans/skirts. She reads books/magazines. 10 What's the girl doing? She's sitting on her bed. She's ... Check your English 11 a) Describe your habits using the verbs like, wear, play, read. b) Make four sentences describing what you’re doing right now. 12 In your classroom, what’s made of glass, plastic, cardboard, metal or paper? Find and say. rOQ Language guide p61 © 22 Helping at Home Listening and reading 1 R 56 ) Listen and read. Find out what this sign means. My home’s a В & В or a Bed and Breakfast. A В & В is a house with one or two bedrooms for paying guests. In my house there are five bedrooms: two are for guests and three are for my family. We’ve also got two bathrooms: one for the guests and the other for us. Skills In the school holidays, my sister Ruth and I help our parents at our В & B. I help my mum make the beds and vacuum the guests’ bedrooms. My sister’s good at cooking so she helps our dad cook breakfast. Breakfast is very important in a В & В and our guests usually want a full English breakfast with eggs, bacon, sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms and beans. We also help our parents with another important job: talking to the guests and answering their questions. Read again, then answer the questions. 1 They live in a В & B. 1 Where do Billy and his family live? 2 What is a В & B? 3 How does Billy help at the В & B? 4 How does Ruth help at the В & B? 5 What are Billy and Ruth doing in picture 1? 6 Can you name the different kinds of food in picture 2? Listening 3 0dL) Listen to Adila. How does she help her mother? Adila, 11, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 4 57;) Listen again. Match these phrases with the pictures. fetch water from the well cook dinner collect wood for the fire shake out the rugs sweep the floor Speaking 5 Work with two or three classmates. Take it in turns to ask and answer these questions. Where do Billy and Ruth live? 49 They live in a В & B. 1 Where do ВШу and Ruth live? 2 How many bedrooms has their house got? 3 How do Billy and Ruth help their parents? 4 What’s a full English breakfast? 5 Where does Adila live? 6 How does Adila help her mum? 7 Why does Adila like going to the well? Writing 6 How do you help at home? Write a list of things you do and things you help do. Use exercises 1,4 to help you. uSWftllu help With the WA3h‘»nn up •SornetYmes lock after mu иЙе si< aj'ter mj help rmijdod inthe ^rden. sister. irt^ room. •» Culture spot Fact file; Children's household chores in Britain In Britain, children often help do household chores. Boys and girls often help their parents after school or at the weekend. These are the chores that they usually do. bedroom kitchen living room outside / dining make the bed, tidy the room, put away clothes wash the dishes, dry the dishes, put the dishes away, feed the dog vacuum the carpet, lay the table, dear the table wash the car, go shopping, take the dog for a walk, take out the rubbish Discussion In pairs, compare children’s chores in Britain with children’s chores in Russia. 9 Both in Britain and Russia, children usually tidy their bedrooms: they make the bed, Your country fact file Prepare a similar fact file about children’s chores in your country. *^ 23 Reading 1 Read the interview with a member of Greenpeace Russia quickly. Find out what is happening to freshwater seals in Lake Baikal. Interview with a Member of Greenpeace Russia Kate Hello Sergei. Sergei Hello. Kate Can you tell me something about your organisation? Sergei Yes, of course. I’m a member of Greenpeace Russia. We’ve got thousands members in all parts of the country. Kate Greenpeace is famous all over the world. What does Greenpeace do in Russia? Sergei We’ve got many different projects. Kate Tell me about one of them. Sergei We're trying to restore the Russian forests. Most people don't understand the importance of forests. Forests produce clean air and water. They Kate are home to thousands of plants and Sergei animals. They also give work to one and a half million people in Russia. Kate What problems have the forests got? Sergei We are cutting down too many trees to make wood, but we aren't planting enough new trees. Years ago there was more control of this. These days there Kate is less control. We are working with the Sergei Ministry of Natural Resources. One day things will be better. Every time we cut down a tree, we need to plant a tree. It's very simple. Kate Kate What other projects have you got? Sergei One project that I am involved with is Sergei Lake Baikal. Kate What's the problem with Lake Baikal? Sergei Pollution! At the moment the problem isn’t too big, but we have to make sure it Kate doesn't grow. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. It’s also very clear. Lake Baikal is home to many different animals. For example, the number of freshwater seals in Lake Baikal is going down. We have to protect them. Why are there fewer seals now? Because of the pollution in the lake. There is a paper factory that puts its waste directly into the lake. These chemicals are dangerous for the plants and animals. We’re trying to stop them. Greenpeace is asking for ‘zero pollution’. How can people help? They can donate money to Greenpeace Russia. They can tell their friends and family about the problems. They can join the organisation. How can people find out more about Greenpeace Russia? That’s easy. Go to www. green peace, org/russia. There’s information about the organisation, the work we do and how to join. Thank you very much, Sergei, and good luck with your projects. 2 Read the interview again and answer the questions. 1 Where is Greenpeace famous? 2 How many people in Russia because of the forests? 3 What is special about Lake Baikal? 4 What is killing the freshwater seals in Lake have work Baikal? 5 What causes the pollution of Lake Baikal? 6 Where can you find information about Greenpeace? Speak with a partner. What are the most serious environmental problems in your area? How can you help? Things made from recycled materials 1 C°C 58 j Listen and repeat. 2 Match the words with the pictures. 1 paper 2 plastic 3 metal 4 fabric 5 glass a] stick together throwaway weave keep safe dry tie together C) Read about the creative ideas. Which idea do you like best? We can recycle paper and cardboard, metal, plastic, wood, fabric and glass. Bottle factories usually collect old bottles to recycle into new bottles and paper factories often turn old paper into new paper. But sometimes designers think of very creative ideas to make new things out of old things. Look at these! 1 Use old magazines to make this pretty wastepaper bin. Make rolls of paper and then stick the rolls together with strong glue. When there isn’t any ink in your pen, don’t throw it away. Keep it safe until you have a collection. Then, when you’ve got lots, you can make a unique chandelier to decorate and light up any room in the house. Don’t throw your sweet wrappers in the bin! Spend a few hours on a rainy afternoon making this colourful bracelet. 4 If you’ve got lots of old coloured plastic bags, weave them together to make a useful basket for the house or garden. 5 Collect old clothes from your family and friends. Wash and dry them, and then tie them together to make a comfortable fabric chair for your bedroom! Project Find another recycling idea. Plan Choose a material from the list in exercise 2. Research Go to https://www.makinafriends.cQm/recycle.htm and look at the ideas for making things from the recycled material you chose. Prepare Choose one of the ideas, read the instructions and collect the things you need. Present your material Make your recycled thing and take it into class to show your teacher and classmates. Language Guide Vocabulary Everyday activities Work collect wood for the fire cook dinner do the chores do the washing up empty the bin feed the cat fetch water from the well go food shopping lay the table make the bed shake out the rug sweep the floor take the dog for a walk tidy the room vacuum the carpet wash the car Play go swimming hang out with friends play computer games surf the Internet Everyday objects raincoat rubber gloves toothbrush roller skates toys Types of materials cardboard ■ ftOrTki); metal glass paper plastic Dictionary extra! В & В (Bed and Breakfast) (n) cut down (v) forest (n) ★ ★ ★ freshwater (adj) generation (n) ★ ★ ★ lorry (n) ★ ★ member (n) ★★★ m) pollution (n) ★ ★ ★ produce (v) ★ protect (v) ★ ★ ★ recycle (v) ★ restore (v) ★ ★ ★ rubbish (n) ★ ★ seal (n) ★ ★ Grammar грамматическое время present continuous Утвердительные предложения present simple или present continuous ^ Полная форма Краткая форма 1 am eating. I'm eating. You are eating. You're eating. He is He's She is eating. She's eating. it is It's We are We're You are eating. You're eating. They are They're Отрицательные предложения Вопросы и краткие ответы Полная форма Краткая форма 1 am not eating. I'm not eating. You are not eating. You aren't eating. He is not He isn't She is not eating. She isn't eating. It is not It isn't We are not We aren't You are not eating. You aren't eating. They are not They aren't Вопрос Краткий ответ Am 1 eating? Yes, 1 am. No, I'm not. Are you Yes, 1 am. No, I'm not. is he Is she eating? Is it Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn't. Are we Are you eating? Are they Yes, we / you / they are. No, we/you/they aren't. о Время present continuous употребляется для выражения действий, которые длятся сейчас, в момент речи. Указатели времени; место в предложении Выражения частотности We go shopping two or three times a month. Do you watch TV every day? Наречия частотности наречие чггстотности^ глагол I never drink milk, глагол be наречие частотности ч / Му friend is often late for school. Объектные местоимения You're fitter than me. ^ ^ Do you like it? Единственное Множественное число ЧИСЛО me US you you him them her it 61 / Progress check !heck you can do these things. I can use the present simple and the present continuous. Choose the correct words to complete the postcard. write/’m writing listen/’m listening come/’m coming play/’m playing go/’m going doesn’t like/isn’t liking sits/’s sitting Hi £ric. j I (I) ... -this postcard on the beach, j It's a beautiful day and I (Z) ... to I music. I (3) ... to the beach euery | day. I usually W ■■ beach football and (5) ... swimming in j fhe sea with my dad. /Пу mum (6) ... sitting in the sun. She (7) ... under a beach umbrella now. See you soon. "Rich £iric Jones i I know the names of some chores. What chores are the children doing? Make sentences with He’s / She’s / They’re. 1 She's laying the table. ) I can use expressions of frequency. Make four true sentences about youself with: 1 every day 2 once or twice a week 3 every afternoon 4 two or three times a month 1 I watch TV every day. I I can say what things are made of. Make sentences with It’s / They’re made of... Use the initial letters to help you. 1 It's made of glass. C... m... p... * » p... fitm' g... Unit contents: Vocabulary Adjectives to describe and compare people, animals or things; animals Grammar Comparative and superlative adjectives; object pronouns ' Skills Compare two people, animals or things; compare three or more people, animals or things Listen to survey questions, a description and a quiz Read an entry from a reference book Write an essay about city or country life Across the curriculum Science Culture spot Natural wonders in Northern Ireland f: 1 Look at the pictures and say who is: tall, short, talkative, silent, lazy, hard-working, friendly, unfriendly, young, old. 2 Can you name a television character who is 1 ...funny? ' 2 ...friendly? 3 ... lazy? 4 ... hard-working? 3 Can you name a television character who is 1 ...tall? 2 ... short? 3 ...young? 4 ...old? 25 Friends Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 (2Ж) Listen to the words and match them with the pictures in exercise 3. Listen again and practise saying the words. talkative - picture 3 2 Find opposites and remember them, talkative - silent talkative tall good at sport friendly hard-working funny 1 talkative tall good friendly hard-working funny lazy serious short bad silent unfriendly Listening 3 (Я 60 ) Look at the survey and listen to Nyree. What are Nyree’s answers? Л c Compare yourself with a friend. Choose the correct answer. 1 Are you older than your friend? ★ Yes, I am. ★ No, I’m not. ★ We’re the same. 2 Are you better at sport than your friend? ★ Yes, I am. ★ No, I’m not. ★ We’re the same. © 0 3 Are you more talkative than your friend? ★ Yes, I am. ★ No, I’m not. ★ We’re the same. 4 Are you funnier than your friend? ★ Yes, I am. ★ No, I’m not. ★ We’re the same. 5 Are you more hard-working than your friend? ★ Yes, I am. ★ No, I’m not. ★ We’re the same. 6 Are you friendlier than your friend? ★ Yes, I am. ★ No, I’m not. ★ We’re the same. 7 Are you taller than your friend? ★ Yes, I am. ★ No, I’m not. ★ We’re the same. Сбо~) Listen to Nyree again and compiete the sentences. 1 Nyree ... the same age as Tamsin. 2 They are both ... at sport. 3 ... is more taikative than .... 4 The girls are ... funny. 5 ... is more hard-working than .... 6 But... is friendlier than ... . 7 Nyree ... taller than her friend. Grammar spot Comparative adjectives Nyree is taller than Tamsin. Tamsin is more talkative than me. Are you better at sport than your friend? ГОД Language guide p75 :> Speaking 5 Tell your classmates about Nyree and Tamsin. ^ Nyree and Tamsin are friends. They're both 12. ... 6 a) Complete the survey about you and a friend. Don’t show your classmates, b) Work with a classmate. Ask and answer. 7 Speak about your classmate and his/her friend. My classmate Ann has got a friend. Her name's Lena. Ann is ... Listening 8 a) >( 6T ) Listen. Look at the picture. Who are the sentences about - Pete or Ben? b) (°CIl) Listen again and write your answers - Ben or Pete. 1 Ben Grammar 9 Make sentences about Ben and Pete with: Pete/Ben is ... than Ben/Pete. Pete’s/Ben’s ... is ... than Ben’s/Pete’s .... more comfortable younger better bigger smaller longer older more hard-working 9 Ben’s bag is smaller than Pete's bag. Writing 10 Compare yourself with a friend or someone in your family. Write seven or eight sentences. My English File My brother and I My brother's name is Finton. ! am younger than him. He is taller than me. ... Spelling tip big — bigger funny — funnier Check your English 11 Write a list of comparative adjectives from these words. talkative tall good friendly hard-working funny old young comfortable long short big small talkative more talkative tall 12 Compare two of your favourite singers, actors or sportsmen/women using some of these words: young, tall, beautiful, strong, popular, good at. ^ Beyoncb is younger than Shakira. 26 Му Family Pronunciation 1 ( 62 ) Practise saying these adjectives. the oldest the best the fittest the youngest the friendliest the most beautiful the most generous the most talkative the most handsome Listening and reading 2 СШ) Listen to Wayne talking about his family. Say how many sisters he has got. 3 Now read about Wayne’s family. Find the people and things Wayne talks about in the picture. Sally’s my grandmother and today’s her 70th birthday. What’s special about Gran? Well, she’s the oldest person in my family and she’s holding the youngest person, Gina. Gina’s my baby cousin and she’s only nine months old. I think Gina’s the most beautiful person in my family! That’s Uncle Tony behind the sofa. Look at the present he’s giving Gran. It’s so big! Tony’s the most generous person in our family. He always gives us great presents. And that’s my sister, Tina. Tina’s the fittest person in my family and she’s also the best at sport. She’s crazy about exercise and loves going to the gym. And that’s my mum, Linda. She’s the friendliest person in my family and she’s also the most talkative. She loves parties and chatting to people. And me. Well, umm, I’m the most handsome person in my family! 4 Copy the chart about Wayne’s family and complete it. I Name Sally Gina Tony Tina Linda Relationship grandmother Special thing oldest (^ Real English Gran chatting crazy about Grammar Grammar spot Superlative adjectives She's the oldest person in my family. Tony is the most generous person in my family. She’s the best at sport. rQg Language guide p75 5 In your notebook, write the superlative adjectives from these words. Mind the spelling. 1 messy - the messiest 1 messy 7 beautiful 2 good 8 small 3 young 9 funny 4 fit 10 far 5 friendly 11 generous 6 big 12 bad 6 Look at the picture on page 66. Make sentences about Wayne's family with; the most talkative the most generous the fittest the most beautiful the most handsome the oldest the friendliest the youngest Sally's the oldest person in Wayne's family. 7 ' jdD c The song ‘Our Family’ p141 J Speaking 8 Speak about Wayne’s family. Use exercise 4 as an outline. Begin with the following: 49 Wayne’s got a big family. Sally’s his grandmother. She's ... 9 a) Write five questions to ask a classmate with Who is the ... person in your family? Use the words in the box in exercise 6. Who is the oldest person in your family? b) Work with a classmate. Take it in turns to ask and answer. ^ Who is the oldest person in your family? 49 My grandfather. He’s 67 years old. Writing 10 Write about your classmate’s family. A\y F~riend's Family Nina has got a big -family. Her grandfather is the oldest in the family. He is 61 years old. ... Check your English 11 Complete the questions with the superlative. Then answer the questions. 1 Who is the tallest student in your class? 1 Who is the ... student in your class? (tall) 2 Who is the ... student in your class? (hard-working) 3 Who is the ... at sport in your class? (good) 4 Who is the ... student in your class? (friendly) 5 Who is the ... student in your class? (talkative) 6 Who has got the ... hair in your class? (long) 12 Make true sentences about your family with: r talkative hard-working beautiful generous funny friendly My grandfather is the most talkative in our family. 27 Which Is Faster? Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 o( 65 Listen and find these animais in the ‘Animal quiz’. Listen again and practise saying the words. deer -d deer tortoise cheetah camel owl dolphin cobra scorpion fly mosquito chimpanzee bear buffalo elephant snail ant Listening and reading 2 66 Listen to the animal quiz and read it. Think about your answers to the questions. Animal quiz Can you guess the answers to these questions? Fast 1 Which is faster; intelligent 5 Which is more intelligent: Ш or a a snail b a tortoise? 2 Which is the fastest animal: or к a dog I a mouse? 6 Which is the most intelligent animal: c a cheetah d a deer e a horse? Dangerous 3 Which is more dangerous: or f a cobra g a scorpion? 4 Which is the most dangerous insect; m an owl n a chimpanzee о a dolphin? Strong 7 Which is stronger: or p a horse q a camel? 8 Which is the strongest animal: r a bear s a buffalo t an elephant? 3 67 Work with a classmate. Write your answers. Then listen and check. 1 A tortoise is faster than a snail. @ Grammar Grammar spot Comparative / superlative Comparative A tortoise is taster it'an a snail. A cobra is more dangeroi‘s man a scorpion. Superlative A cheetah is the fastest animal. A mosquito is the most insect. urn Language guide p75 Л 4 Look at the animals in exercise 2. Read the sentences using the comparative or superlative of the adjectives in brackets. t A tortoise is faster than a snail. 1 A tortoise is ... than a snail, (fast) 2 A cheetah is the ... animal, (fast) 3 A cobra is ... than a scorpion, (dangerous) 4 A mosquito is the ... insect, (dangerous) 5 A dog is ... than a mouse, (intelligent) 6 A chimpanzee is ... animal, (intelligent) 7 A camel is ... than a horse, (strong) 8 An elephant is the ... animal, (strong) Speaking 5 Make three true and three false statements about any animals. Let your classmate agree or disagree with you. A tiger is bigger than a hippo. I don’t think so, A hippo is bigger than a tiger. 6 68 Listen to Annie and her classmate Billy. Act out their dialogue. Oh, I'm nicer than him. In fact, I'm the nicest boy in ^ the school. And Mary's really intelligent. Oh, I'm more intelligent than her. In fact. I'm the most intelligent student in the school. Work with a classmate. Continue the dialogue using the words in the box. nice strong friendly polite good at sport funny handsome kind beautiful friendly Annie Tom’s really polite. Billy Oh, I’m more polite than him. In fact, I’m the most polite boy in the school. Annie And Mary’s really ... Writir.y я Write a quiz about animals, people and things. Use exercise 2 to help you. My English Fils Quiz I Which are more expensive, cars or bicycles'} Z Which do you think is the best -foothall team: W\anchester United. Harcelona or Juvenfus? 3 ... 9 Exchange the quizzes with a classmate. bAi^i lai lyС ulc wmi c Answer your classmate’s quiz. Study skills 10 In your notebook, write a list of comparative and superlative adjectives you know. Adjective Comparative Superlative big bigger biggest good better Check your English 11 Read the questions using the correct words. Then answer the questions. 1 2 3 5 6 Are you the ta I lei / tallest in your class? Are you taller/tallest than your friend? Is your friend aetter/best at Maths than you? Who is the better/best at Maths in your class? Are you the older/oldest in your class? Is your friend oldest/older than you? Work in a group. Make seven or eight statements about your group. Then report to the class. Misha is the tallest in our group. Sveta is better at English than Pavel. 69 28 City or Country? Skills n§j(^3=«3iifeB35iQ Listening and reading 1 (Я 69 ) Steve lives in Bristoi, a city in England. Read and listen to Steve and say if he wants to iive in the country. There are some good things about living in a village in the country. It's quieter than the city. Also, it's more beautiful and it's cleaner because there aren't many cars and buses. However, there are a lot of bad things about living in the country. It's more boring than living in the city. Cinemas, cafes and swimming pools are a long way from your home. Also, it's more difficult to go shopping in the country because there aren't many shops. But the worst thing about living in the country is that it's more difficult to find friends there. It's easier to find friends in a city because there are more kids the same age as you. I live in Bristol and I like living in the city because it's more exciting and more interesting than living in the country. 2 Now read the text again. What are three good things about living in the country? What are three bad things? Write notes. Good things: c^^uieter, more ... Bad things: more boring,... Listening 3 0С2Ю Listen to Helen. She lives in Charfield, a village 20 miles from Bristol. Does she think it is better to live in the city? 4 (Ч 70 ) Listen again. What does Helen say? Read the statements using the correct words. There are some good things about living in a city. 1 There are lots of/some good things about living in a city. 2 Cities are boring/exciting. 3 Most kids have got/haven’t got the money to go to cinemas or cafds. 4 It’s easier/more difficult to meet friends in a city. 5 Friends live close to/a long way from my house. Ipeaking ' a) "KZL) Listen to the questions. Think about your answers. 1 Which is quieter: a city or the country? 2 Which is more beautiful? 3 Which is cleaner? 4 Where are there more cars and buses? 5 Which is more exciting? 6 Where are there more things to do? 7 Where is shopping more difficult? 8 Where is it easier to find friends? 9 Where is it easier to hang out and play with friends? b) Work with a classmate. Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions. Which is quieter: a city or the country? ^ The country. Writing 6 Write about where you live. What are the good things and what are the bad things? The Country There are some good things and some bad things about living In the country. I think a good thing is that there are tots ot trees ... I think a hod thing is Writing tip Connecting words it is quieter than the city. Also, it is more beautiful ... However, there are lots of bad things about living in the country. ... И t-l h The Giant’s Causeway County Antrim, Northern Ireland Giant columns of hard basalt rock formed in the sea millions of years ago after a volcano erupted. Description: The tops of the columns are like steps and visitors walk across them. Most of the columns are hexagonal. That means they’ve got six sides. Facts & figures: There are 40 000 giant columns. The tallest ones are about 12 metres high. Discussion In pairs, talk about a natural wonder that you know. 9 I know a natural wonder. It’s called ... Your country fact file Prepare a similar fact file about a natural wonder in your country. @ ^ 29 Reading 1 Read these entries from a reference book. Find out how heavy the Russian sturgeon is. SAIGA ANTELOPE Endangered Species in Russia The saiga lives on the steppes of the North-West Precaspian region of Russia. It has got a longer nose than other antelopes. It can run fast and it can swim well too. The saiga lives in open spaces. It travels from place to place in big groups. The saiga eats grass and other plants. The number of Saiga antelopes is falling because people hunt them for their horns. Today the saiga population is only 1500 and each year this number gets smaller. . STELLER SEA LION The Steller sea lion lives in the north of the Pacific Ocean. It is the biggest sea lion in the world. Adult males are more than three metres long. They live for twenty years. Females are smaller than males but they live ten years longer. The Steller sea lion lives on land and in the sea. It likes cold water and it eats all kinds of fish. The number of Steller sea lions is falling because fishermen catch them by accident. JAPANESE CRESTED IBIS The Japanese, or crested, ibis lives in parts of Russia, Japan, Korea and China. It is a big white bird with long pink feathers. It lives near water or on high areas of land. It eats fish, frogs and insects. The Japanese crested ibis is nearly extinct. This is because farming chemicals destroyed most of its habitat. RUSSIAN STURGEON The Russian sturgeon lives in Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran and a few other countries. It is a big fish. It can grow as long as two metres and it weighs more than a hundred kilos. The Russian sturgeon lives in salt water. It is an endangered species because people catch it for its meat and eggs. People make caviar from its eggs. They sell it to shops all around the world. 2 Read the texts again and answer the questions. Which animal ... 1 ... do fisherman catch by accident? 4 2 ... do people catch to make caviar? 5 3 ... eats frogs? 6 ... has a population of only 1500? ... has got pink feathers? ... travels around in large groups? 3 Speak with a partner. Take turns. Choose one of the endangered species above, read about it a few times and then see how much information you can remember. @ National flowers Lots of countries around the world have got national flowers. We often see pictures of them on souvenirs or postcards from their countries. 1 ■■°C 72 ) Listen and repeat. daffodil thistle lotus chamomile kowhai 2 Match the fact files with the pictures. a) [T| Flower: daffodil Country: Wales Colour: yellow Interesting facts: Sometimes called ‘narcissus’. Used to produce a medicine to help people with Alzheimer’s disease. [Y] Flower: thistle Country: Scotland Colour: pink Interesting fact: Leaves have got sharp prickles to protect them from plant-eating animals. Flower: lotus Country; India Colour: pink and white Interesting facts: Grows in water (an aquatic plant). Used in Chinese medicine and cooking. 0 [4] Flower; chamomile Country: Russia Colour: white and yellow Interesting fact: Flowers are dried and used to make a herbal tea. Flower: kowhai Country; New Zealand Colour: golden yellow Interesting fact: Flowers are poisonous! Project Write a fact file for another national flower. Plan Choose a country from the ones below: the USA, England, Ireland, Malta, South Africa, Canada. Research Do an Internet search using the name of the country and ‘national flower’. Prepare Make notes under each of these headings; Flower, Country, Colour, Interesting fact. Present your material Write the fact file and draw a picture of the flower. Make a classroom display of your fact files. Language Guide Vocabulary Adjectives to describe and compare people, animals or things bad friendly nice beautiful funny old boring generous polite clean good (at) quiet dangerous handsome serious difficult hard-working short easy intelligent silent exciting interesting strong expensive kind talkative far lazy tall fast long unfriendly fit messy young Animals ant dog mosquito bear dolphin owl buffalo elephant scorpion camel fly snail cheetah fox tiger chimpanzee giraffe tortoise cobra hippo wolf deer lion Dictionary extra! antelope (n) chemical destroy (v) ★ ★ ★ extinct (adj) ★ feather (n) ★ female (n) ★ ★ ★ fisherman (n) ★ grass (n) ★ ★ ★ habitat (n) ★ horn (n) ★★ hunt (v) ★ ibis (n) male (n) ★ ★ ★ population (n) ★ ★ ★ sea lion (n) sturgeon (n) ^ Real English Gran chatting crazy about You’re right. I don’t think so. In fact, ... Grammar Степени сравнения прилагательных Правила образования сравнительной и превосходной степеней прилагательных: Односложные прилагательные Прилага- тельное Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень tall taller tallest old older oldest Односложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на согласную букву, перед которой стоит одна гласная буква Прилага- тельное Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень big bigger biggest fit fitter fittest Двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на согласную букву + -у Прилага- тельное Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень funny funnier funniest happy happier happiest Многосложные прилагательные Прилага- тельное Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень comfortable more comfortable most comfortable talkative more talkative most talkative Исключения Прилага- тельное Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень good better best bad worse worst many / much more most little less least Для сравнения двух одушевлённых или неодушевлённых предметов употребляются прилагательные в сравнительной степени и союз than. А cobra is more dangerous than a scorpion. Иногда, чтобы сравнить два предмета, достаточно употребить только прилагательное в сравнительной степени, А scorpion is dangerous but a cobra is more dangerous. Для сравнения трёх и более одушевлённых или неодушевлённых предметов употребляются прилагательные в превосходной степени. А cheetah is the fastest animal (in the world). В предложениях с прилагательными в превосходной степени часто употребляются такие выражения, как of all, in the world, in my family, in the school, (that) I know. Перед прилагательными в превосходной степени употребляется определённый артикль the. ^ Progress check Check you can do these things. 1 I know when to use the comparative and the superlative. Complete the dialogue with: old older oldest good better best A В A В A В A В A В Who’s the (1) ... boy in your class? Tony. How (2) ... is he? He’s nearly twelve. Is he (3)... than Susan? No, he isn’t. Susan’s 12. And who’s the (4) ... at sport in your class? Becky. She’s in the school netball team. Is she (5)... than you? Yes, she is. I’m not very (6) ... at sport. 2 I know how to write comparative and superlative adjectives. Copy and complete the table. Adjective Comparative Superlative Г big bigger biggest I good intelligent funny dangerous fit friendly bad 3 I can use object pronouns. What is the boy saying? Make sentences with He’s taller than... and the pronouns: me you him her us them 1 He's taller than us. mill Unit contents: Vocabulary School clothes; sports actions; traffic Grammar Have to (obligation), can (permission), must (obligation) Skills Talk about things we have to do at home and at school Talk about things we can or can't do Talk about traffic rules Listen to a description and a quiz Read a recipe Write about sports, school or traffic rules Across the curriculum Health & Safety Culture spot School rules in Scotland Answer these questions about schools. 1 Japanese schoolchildren wear... in the classroom. a) shoes b) slippers c) sandals 2 Eton is a famous school in England for.... a) girls b) boys c) girls and boys 3 In Spain children can leave school when they are .. a) fourteen b) fifteen c) sixteen Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 1 We have to be at school at... in the morning. 2 We have to take our... to school. 3 We mustn’t... in the classroom. have to wear a school uniform. What do you wear to school? 31 We Have to Wear a School Uniform Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 (Я 73) Listen to the words and find them in the pictures in exercise 2. Listen again and practise saying these words. Listening and reading 2 74 ) Listen and read about rules in Masami’s school. Do you have to do the same things in your school? jackets ties trousers shirts skirts slippers school bags MY SCHOOL IN JAPAN Masami, 11 We have to wear a uniform at our school. Our uniform’s dark blue and grey. We wear jackets, ties, and white shirts. Boys wear trousers and girls wear skirts. We have to be at school at 8.30. Our lessons start at 8.40. When we get to school we have to change our shoes. We always wear slippers inside the school. At the beginning of a lesson, we have to stand up and greet our teacher with a bow. We have to put our hand up to ask questions. Then we have to stand up when we answer our teacher’s questions. Our school bags are really heavy. That’s because we have to study ten school subjects! At the end of the day we have to clean and tidy our classroom. 3 Read choosing the correct words. 1 Japanese pupils have to wear a uniform. 1 Japanese pupils have/don’t have to wear a uniform. 2 They have to be at school at half past nine/eight. 3 They have to change their shoes/clothes at school. 4 They have/don't have to greet their teacher with a bow. 5 They have to study ten/twenty subjects. 6 They have/don’t have to tidy their classroom. Speaking 4 Imagine you are Masami. Tell your classmates about your school. I’m Masami. I’m from Japan. I’m 11 years old. In my school we have to ... 5 What’s the most difficult thing Masami and his classmates have to do? Vote. Grammar Grammar spot have to (obligation) Do we have to wear a uniform? Yes, we do./No, we don’t. We have to ^vear a uniform. We don’t have to Does he/she have to wear a uniform? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t. He/She has to g uniform. He/She doesn’t have to 6 Make questions with have to. Then answer the questions. 1 Do girls in your school have to wear trousers? No, they don't. 1 girls in your school / wear trousers? 2 your friend / change shoes in his or her schoel? 3 you / wear slippers inside the school? 4 you / stand up when you answer? 5 you and your classmates / clean and tidy your classroom at the end of the day? 6 your friend / study more than ten subjects? Speaking 7 (Я 75 ) Look at the pictures in exercise 2 and listen to the questions. Think about your answers. 8 Work with a classmate. Ask and answer. Do you have to wear a school uniform? ^ No, we don’t. 9 Make two lists about things you have to and don’t have to do at your school. Tetl your classmates about them. We have to... 1 switch off our mobile phones. We don't have to ... 1 go to school on Sunday. 2 ... Listening 10 76 ) Listen to Ian. Say why he likes Sundays. 11 76 ) Listen again. What does Ian have to do on Sunday? Make sentences with; He has to or He doesn’t have to. 1 He doesn't have to get up early. get up early do some chores wear a school uniform get ready tor school do homework go to bed early Check your English 12 Write two questions with these words. Then answer the questions. 1 have to | doesj do any chores | your | friend I 2 a| tie ( you | have to j do | wear j 7^ 13 Write eight true sentences about the things you have to and don’t have to do today. Language guide p89 > @ 32 Rules of Sport Pronunciation and vocabulary "I (Я! 77 ) Listen to these verbs and match them with the pictures. Listen again and practise saying the verbs. catch - c catch kick carry head throw hit roii hoid Listening and reading 2 78 ) Listen to the quiz questions and read them. Think about your answers. rules of SPORT! Answer these questions. 1 Basketbail 2 Bowiing a) Can you carry the baii? b) Do you have to throw the baii? c) Can you catch the ball? a) Can you throw the ball? b) Do you have to roll the ball? c) Can you stand on the line? 3 Tennis 4 Football a) Do you have to hit the ball with your hand? b) Do you have to wear special shoes? c) Can you head the ball? a) Can only the goalkeeper catch the ball? b) Do the two teams have to wear different colours? c) Can you carry the ball? a) (Я 78 ) Work with a classmate. Listen to the questions again and answer them with: Yes, you can./No, you can’t./Yes, you do./ No, you don’t. b) (Я 79 ) Listen and check. Language guide p89 5 Can (permission) Can we carry the ball? Yes, you can./No, you can’t. You can carry the ball. You can’t carry the ball. Grammar 4 a) Work with a classmate. Write three questions about a popular sport with Can you ... ? Use your dictionaries to help with new vocabulary. Football Can you kick the ball? Can you hit the ball with your hand? Can you roll the ball? b) Take it in turns to ask your classmates your questions. In football, can you kick the ball? Yes, you can. c) Make sentences with You can You can’t.... or In bowling, you can’t throw the ball. к 1 Bowling 4 Football \v 5 Bowling Speaking 5 Think of a sport and tell your classmates about its rules. Let your classmates guess this sport. It is a sport with a ball. You can/You can’t .... You have to/You don’t have to ... . 6 a) Look and answer the questions. 1 What things can you do there? 2 What things can’t you do? 3 What things do you have to do? b swimming pool b) Write some ideas. You can writa in your notebooks. You can't eat or drink. You have to pay attention. c) Now read your ideas to your classmates. Can they guess the place? You can’t eat or drink. ^ Is it a classroom? Yes, it is, (ЗЖ) The song ‘Dream Park’ p142 Writing 8 Make up a new sport and write its rules. щтштшштт Л\у English Fite Headbatl ^ team can ha\/e 10 players. Headhallers can't kick khe ball, but they can head it over the net. They have to wear special helmets. ... Check your English 9 basketball Make true sentences about using the correct words, 1 You can/can’t kick the ball. 2 You can/can’t catch the ball. 3 You have to/don’t have to throw the ball. 10 Find information about volleyball and write five or six sentences about its rules. Use reference books or online resources. (?) 33 Traffic Rules Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 (Я 80 Listen to the words and find them in the picture in exercise 2. Which word is missing? Listen and practise saying these words. f parking meter cycle lane pavement traffic lights crash helmet motorbike traffic warden crossroads pedestrian crossing road sign Listening and reading Traffic rules a) (3ZHD Listen and read. Match the traffic rules with the Glows. 1 -f 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 You mustn’t drive more than 30 mph. You must stop when the traffic light is red. You mustn’t enter this street. You must keep straight on. You mustn’t turn left. You mustn’t park here. You must cycle in the cycle lane. You mustn’t cycle on the pavement. You must wear a crash helmet when you ride a motorbike. You mustn’t cross the road. You must wait for the green man. b) 82 ) Listen again and check your answers. Then point to the Glows and say the traffic rules. a - You mustn’t cross the road. You must wait for the green man. Grammar spot must, mustn't (obligation) You must walk on the pavement. You mustn’t turn left. Language guide p89 Grammar 3 Look at the traffic signs. Make sentences with You must/mustn't and these words. turn left stop wear a crash helmet cross the road park keep straight on 1 You must keep straight on. О ® ® ® О 4 Change the sentences. Use must or mustn’t. 1 You must switch off your phone when you drive. Switch off your phone when you drive. Don’t cross the road when the light is red. Be careful when you cross the road. Walk on the pavement. Don’t cycle on the pavement. Fasten your seat belt. Don't drive more than 60 kph. Cycle in the cycle lane. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Speaking 5 Speak about traffic rules in your country. Drivers must stop when the traffic light is red. 6 ■V» У — * swimming pool 9 « ♦ train ^tion bank % emu a e a 9 m Ч * 1 post o№ce hotel 3^ * л 6 a) Look at the map. Find You are here and follow the instructions. What are the missing words? - Excuse me, where is the ..., please? - Turn left at the crossroads. Keep straight on until the traffic lights and turn right. Then keep straight on until the pedestrian crossing. Cross the road. Keep straight on. The ... is on the right. b)' 83 ) Listen and check. school a a. c) Work with a classmate. Take it in turns to give directions to the different places on the map. Use the phrases in the box to help you. ^ *■ 9 mf 9 zr You ere herev park ■* 9 Ш 9 9 9 * turn left/right keep straight on (until) cross the road it's on the left/right walk along (the road) J Excuse me, where is the bank, please? 19 Walk along the road and turn left at the ... Check your English 7 a) Complete sentences 1—4 with must or mustn’t and an appropriate verb. In my country ... b) Look at the map in exercise 6 and write the instructions from You are here to the train station. Walk along the road ... 1 You . .. a crash helmet when you ride a motorbike. 2 You . in the cycle lane. 3 You . .. at more than 60 kph in a city. 4 You . .. when the traffic light is red. 34 Rules, Rules, Rules Reading 1 a) Read and match the rules with the pictures. Skills Beach Volleyball Beach volleyball is a very popular game all over the world but especially on the beaches of Brazil, America and Australia. These are the rules. You play beach volleyball with bare feet. You can’t wear shoes or trainers. You serve the ball by throwing the ball into the air with one hand and hitting it with your other hand. The ball has to go over the net. You have to hit the ball back over the net with your hand or arm. The ball can’t touch the ground. You can pass the ball twice to your teammates. Then you have to hit it back over the net. You can’t touch the net with your hands and arms. b) Read again. Find these words in the text and guess their meanings. 1 bare feet 2 serve 3 hit back 4 pass 5 touch Listening 2 a) (Я 84 ) Ian goes to school in Shetland and has a very strict French teacher. Listen. Do you have the same rules in your English classes? b) 84 ) Listen again. What are the missing verbs? 1 We can’t... with our friends in her lessons. 2 We have to ... to our classmates. 3 We have to ... new words in our notebooks. 4 We have to ... our French textbooks to every lesson. 5 We don’t have to ... French all the time. 6 We can ... questions in English. 7 We have to ... 70% in tests. Qu C'?. - ._e cue. ■ :’,ie . Speaking 3 a) (ЯСЮ Listen to the questions. Think about your answers. Weekends 1 Can you stay in bed all morning? 2 Do you have to tidy your room? 3 Can you hang out with your triends? 4 Do you have to do homework? 5 Can you watch a lot of TV? 6 Do you have to go to bed early? 7 Do you have to go for a walk? b) Work with a classmate. Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions. ^ Can you stay in bed all morning? Yes, I can. c) Tell the rest of the class about your classmate. ^ Anna can stay in bed all morning. Writing 4 Work with a classmate. Choose one of the subjects to write about. Use can/can't, have to/don’t have to, must/mustn’t. 1 sport Write a list of rules for a sport or game you know. Write the name of the sport, but don't show a classmate. Then read your rules to your classmate. Can he/she guess the name of the sport? 2 School Write a list of rules for your school and classroom. Then exchange lists with a classmate. Are your rules the same as your classmate's? 3 Traffic Write a list of traffic rules either for a pedestrian or a driver. Then exchange lists with your classmate. Are your rules the same as your classmate's? о 35 Reading 1 Read the recipe. Find out how much flour and butter you need to make apple crumble. A Typical English Dessert Ingredients 500 g apples 200 g sugar 150 g flour 75 g butter Ч, Instructions 1 Peel, core and slice the apples. 2 Put a layer of apples into an oven dish. 3 Sprinkle with sugar. 4 Repeat steps 2 and 3. Use 150 g of the sugar. 5 Put the flour into a bowl. 6 Cut small pieces of butter and add it to the flour. 7 Blend the butter and flour together. 8 Add 50 g of sugar to the bowl. 9 Mix the sugar with the flour and butter. 10 Sprinkle the ‘crumble’ over the apples. 11 Preheat the oven to 190°C and bake for 15 minutes. 12 Reduce the temperature to 180°C and bake for another 45 minutes or until the crumble is golden brown. 13 Eat hot or cold. Serve with cream or ice cream. 2 Read the recipe again and answer the questions. 1 How many apples do you need to make apple crumble? 2 How much sugar do you need? 3 Which recipe steps do you need to repeat? 4 Which three ingredients do you use for the ‘crumble’? 5 How long do you bake the crumble for in total? 6 Which two ways can you eat apple crumble? 3 Speak with a partner. What’s your favourite dessert? How do you make it? Safety rules It is important to know, understand and follow safety rules. 1 Match these UK safety rules with the signs. 1 You must wear a seat belt. 2 You can cross the road. 3 You mustn’t eat or drink. 4 You mustn’t cross the road. 5 You must use a baby seat. 6 You mustn’t speak to the driver. a) d) f) 2 Which of the safety ruies in exercise 1 are the same in your country? Project Write some safety rules for your school. Plan Make a list of the different areas around the school (the classroom, the corridor, etc). Research In pairs or small groups, think of one or two safety rules for each area. Prepare Write your school safely rules and ask your teacher to check your spelling. Present your material Make a poster with the safety rules and illustrate it with signs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.1 @ 1; •к Language Guide Vocabulary Clothes jacket shirt skirt slippers tie trousers Playing sport j I head carry Traffic crash helmet crossroads cycle lane motorbike parking meter pavement pedestrian crossing road sign traffic lights traffic warden hold cross the road fasten your seat belt keep straight on park stop turn left / right wear a crash helmet bake (v)^ bowl (n)^ ★ butter (n) ★ ★ core (v) crumble (n) cut (v) ★ ★ ★ flour (n) ★ layer (n) ★ ★ ★ mix (v) ★ ★ ★ oven (n) ★ ★ peel (v) ★ rub (v) ★ ★ ★ slice (v) ★ sprinkle (v) ★ sugar (n) ★★★ (88) Grammar Модальный глагол have to Утвердительные предложения Отрицательные предложения Единственное число Множественное число 1 / You have to go. He / She / It has to go. We / You / They have to go. Отрицательные предложения Полная форма Краткая форма 1/You do not have to go. 1 / You don't have to go. He / She / It does not have to go. He/She/It doesn't have to go. We / You / They do not have to go. We / You / They don't have to go. Вопросы и краткие ответы 1 Вопрос Краткий ответ Do 1 . . , have to go? Do you Yes, 1 do. No, 1 don't. Does he Does she have to go? Does it Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn't. Do we Yes, we/you/they do. Do you have to go? No, we/you/they Do they don't. о Модальный глагол have to передаёт необходимость совершить действие, так как этого требуют обстоятельства или кто-либо. I have to go shopping, {потому что в доме закончились продукты) о Для выражения отсутствия необходимости совершить какое-либо действие употребляется don't have to. I don't have to go to school on Sunday, (потому что по воскресеньям мы не учимся) Модальный глагол сап Утвердительные предложения — Единственное число Множественное число 1/You/Не/She/It 1 can ski. We / You / They can ski. Полная форма Краткая форма 1 / You / He/ She/ It / We / You / They cannot ski. l/You/He/She/lt/ We / You / They can't ski. Вопросы и краткие ответы Вопрос Краткий ответ Can 1/you/he/ she / it / we / you / they ski? Yes, 1 / you / he / she / it /we/ you / they can. No, 1 / you / he / she / it / we / you / they can't. о Модальный глагол сап употребляется для выражения способности совершать действия. I сап ski. о Модальный глагол сап также употребляется для выражения разрешения или позволения. Сап we go to the park, please? Yes, you can. Модальный глагол must Утвердительные предложения Единственное число Множествен Hoe число l/You/He/She/lt must work. We / You / They must work. Отрицательные предложения Полная форма Краткая форма 1 / You / Не / She / It / We / You / They must not work. 1/You/He/She/ It / We / You / They mustn't work. Модальный глагол must употребляется для выражения необходимости, обязанности совершать действия. You must fasten your seatbelt. Для выражения запрета употребляется must not/mustn't. You mustn't be late for school. ✓ Progress check Check you can do these things. 1 I can ask questions about rules. a) Complete the questions with Can you or Do you have to. 1 ... wear slippers in the classroom? 2 ... hang out with your friends any time you like? 3 ... eat food you don’t like? 4 ... sit with your friends in class? b) Now answer the questions about you. 2 I can understand rules. Match the swimming pool rules with the pictures. 1 You can’t jump into the water. 2 You have to use the steps. 3 You have to shower. 4 You can’t throw balls. 5 You can’t wear shoes. c) a) b) e) 3 I can talk about traffic rules. Choose must or mustn’t to complete these rules. 1 You must / mustn’t wear a helmet on a motorbike. You must / mustn’t turn left here. You must / mustn’t cross when you see the red man at a pedestrian crossing. 4 3 You must / mustn’t cycle in a cycle lane. You must / mustn’t wait for the green man at a pedestrian crossing. You must / mustn't enter a street with this sign. Revision 1 Complete the dialogue with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets. 4)15Ж A Hi, Kim. What... you ... ? (do) В I... TV. (watch) A What... you ... ? (watch) В A quiz show. ... you ... your homework? (do) A No, I’m not. I... a book, (read) В What... your brother... ? (do) A He ... computer games, (play) В ... he ... Magic Mountain? (play) A I don’t know. 2 Write four true sentences about yourself with ‘aiways’, ‘often’, ‘usuaiiy’, ‘sometimes’ or ‘never’. 1 I walk to school. 2 I hang out with my friends after school. 3 Think of a friend and make sentences. old good at sport talkative funny hard-working friendly tall 3 I surf the Internet. 4 I get up early. than him / her. than me. 4 Write four questions. 1 chair is comfortable your more ? 3 you than taller me are ? 2 bigger than my bag your bag is ? 4 me younger than you are ? 5 Complete the text with ‘me’, ‘him’, ‘her’, ‘it’, ‘us’, ‘them’. My name is Steve. I have got one brother and one sister. My sister’s name is Liza and my brother’s name is Edward. Liza is 15 and I’m 12. She is older than (1) ... . She is very nice and I like (2)... a lot. Edward is ten. I’m older than (3).... My grandmother also lives at home with (4) ... . I like music very much and play the piano but I can’t play (5)... very well. My top two sports are basketball and football and I like (6)... very much. (22) 6 Choose the correct words. © 1 It’s raining / rains. 3 I usually go /’m going to bed at 10.30. 2 Yes, I play /’m playing tennis. 4 I go /’m going to bed. Good night. 7 Complete the sentences about Wayne’s family using superlative adjectives. Use the initial letters to help you. Sally’s the o... person ( in Wayne’s family. f Gina’s the y... and the m... b... person in Wayne’s family. ^ ^ 4 N. Linda’s the f... person in Wayne’s family and she’ s also the m... t.... 4 Tony’s the m... g... person in Wayne’s family. 5 Tina’s the f... person in Wayne’s family and she’s also the b... at sport. 8 Write two rules about each sport using ‘can’ / ‘can’t’ and ‘have to’ / ‘don’t have to’ Vr'.y basketball bowling tennis football 9 Find the names of five different types of road features in this word snake. par\cmgr^etertrafficlightspaverr,e^,f^^^ ^^cross/ngtrafficwarden 10 Match the words with the signs. Then write six traffic rules using ‘must’ / ‘mustn’t’. turn left stop wear a crash helmet cross the road park keep straight on П Lit® in Ш® Ра®Ш Unit contents: i Vocabulary Occupations; everyday / free-time activities Grammar Past simple: to be, questions, regular and irregular verbs Skills Talk about the past Ask questions about what people did in the past Talk about what you did in the past Listen to a fact file, a story and a diary Read a tale Write a diary of a school trip 1 Across the curriculum ICT (Information and communication technologies) j Culture spot A history of trainers in the USA Famou^Rgo^ tRejEsl^uiz 1 Look at the pictures and guess the people’s jobs. 2 Match the famous people with their jobs. 1) Pablo Picasso a) dancer 2) Marie Curie b) writer 3) Anna Pavlova c) scientist 4) Arthur Conan Doyle d) athlete 5) Jesse Owens e) painter I H My hero from the past is Christopher Columbus. Who is yours? @ 37 Famous People Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 (Я 86 ) Listen to the words and match them with the pictures in exercise 2. Listen again and practise saying these words. artist'2 artist dancer inventor writer scientist Listening and reading 2 GdzD Listen to the fact file about famous people and read it. Say who these people were. ^ Anna Pavlova was a famous dancer. "I Who was Anna Pavlova? She was a dancer. She was Russian. She was born in 1881. She is one of the greatest dancers of all time. Who was Leonardo da Vinci? He was an artist, an inventor and a scientist. He was Italian. He was born in 1452. His most popular painting is the Mona Lisa. Who were Marie and Pierre Curie? They were scientists. Marie Curie was Polish. Pierre Curie was French. She was born in Poland in 1867. He was born in France in 1859. They are famous for the discovery of radium. 4 Who were the Bronte sisters? They were writers. They were English. Their names were Anne, Charlotte, and Emily. Charlotte Bronte’s most popular book is ‘Jane Eyre’. 3 (Я 87 ) Copy the table. Then listen to the fact file again and complete the table. Name Occupation Nationality Anna Pavlova dancer Leonardo da Vinci I Marie Curie Pierre Curie The Bronte sisters Grammar spot Past tense of verb be Who was Anna Pavlova? Was she Russian? Language guide p105 She was a dancer. Yes, she was. Who were Marie and Pierre Curie? They were scientists. Were they Russian? No, they weren’t. Speaking 4 Speak about any of the people in the fact file. Ask and answer about: 1 Galina Ulanova 3 2 Isaac Levitan 4 Mikhail Lomonosov Leo Tolstoy Who was Galina Ulanova? 9 She was a dancer. Vocabulary 6 a)C^Ci8D Listen and repeat. Then match the words with the famous people in the pictures. singer teacher astronomer athlete queen Ш Cleopatra, Egyptian, 69 BC-30 BC Jesse Owens, American, 1913-1980 Maria Montessori, Italian, 1870-1952 Luciano Pavarotti, Italian, 1935-2007 Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish, 1473-1543 b) Listen and check. c) Speak about one of the people in the pictures. Study tip How to say and write dates ► Nineteen thirteen ► Fifteen oh six * Two thousand and nine ► Sixteen hundred 1913 1506 2009 1600 Listening 7 a) 90 Look and listen. b) 90 Listen again. Choose the correct words. 1 He was an artist/a singer/a musician. He was French/Spantsh/German. His name was Pablo Picasso. 2 They were musicians/film stars/ artists. They were American/Engtish/Polish. Their names were Chico, Harpo and Groucho Marx. Speaking 8 a) Think of a famous person. Write the name, occupation and nationality. Ivan Shishkin, arfisf, T?.ussian b) Take it in turns to ask and answer. Use Was he/she...? Was he a scientist? 9 No, he wasn’t. Writing 9 Find out about a famous person and write about him/her. Л\у English File Modest Mussorgsky Mussorgsky was a composer He u/as 'Russian and he was born in /53?. He wos most tomous for ... Check your English 10 Complete the dialogue with was, wasn't, were, weren't. A Who ... Pierre and Marie Curie? В They ... scientists. A ... they American? В No. He ... French. She ... Polish. A ... she born in France? В No, she ... . She ... born in Poland. 11 Say the dates. 1- eighteen twelve 1 1812 2 2047 3 1906 4 1900 38 Nineteen Hundred Pronunciation 1 (“CUD Listen and practise saying these verbs. played used listened travelled skied cycled phoned watched Listening 2 СЗСЖЗ) Look at the pictures and listen. What three activities didn’t people do in 1900? 1 Did people play football in 1900? Yes, they did./No, they didn’t. ч”"’" V' 3 Did they travel in space? Yes, they did./No, they didn’t. 5 Did they cycle to work? Yes, they did./No, they didn’t. 3 C? 93 ) Listen and check. Then ask and answer the questions. Did they play football in 1900? Yes, they did. 2 Did they use computers? Yes, they did./No, they didn’t. 4 Did people ski in the mountains? Yes, they did./No, they didn’t. 6 Did they watch TV? Yes, they did,/No, they didn’t. Grammar spot Past simple questions Yes, they did. Did people play football? No, they didn’t. J Language guide p105 > Grammar 4 a) Choose the correct word to make true sentences about people in 1900. 1 People played football. 1 2 3 4 5 6 People played/didn’t play football. They used/didn’t use computers. They travelled/didn’t travel in space. They skied/didn't ski in the mountains. They cycled/didn’t cycle to work. They watched/didn’t watch TV. b) C ^4 Listen and check. Grammar spot Past simple (regular verbs) They played football. They didn’t play football. They watched TV. They didn’t watch TV. да Language guide p105 _y Make questions. Then answer them. 1 Did you play football yesterday? No, I didn't. I played football last weekend. 1 you/play football/yesterday? л last weekend 2 3 4 they/ski in the mountains/last year? -she/travel abroad/last month? .a last year you/use a computer/when you were five? X when I was eight he/cycle to school/last Tuesday? Speaking 6 a) What was life tike when your teacher was your age? Write three questions to ask your teacher. Did p€X5pit have mobile phonas^ Did people, play comput'er ^ames 1 \ Did people, wear troimers? : b) Ask your questions. Did people have mobile phones? No, they didn't. 7 a) Look at the questionnaire and read. Think about your answers. (f\ Last weekend How many of these activities did you do last weekend? Did you phone your friends? Did you listen to music? Did you watch TV? Did you use a computer? Did you travel by bus? Did you hang out with your friends? b) Work with a classmate. Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions. Did you phone your friends? No, I didn't. c) Report back to the class about your classmate. ^ Masha didn’t phone her friends. She listened to music. ... Writing 8 Find out what your parents or teacher did and didn’t do when they were your age and write about it. /'Ay English File Life in the "Past When my parents ware my age. they didn't use jbile phones. ... Check your English 9 Make six sentences about what you did last weekend. Use any of these verbs and a dictionary to help you with new vocabulary. 1 played 2 used 3 listened 4 travelled 5 skied 6 cycled 7 phoned 8 watched 1 I played computer games. 2 I used a microwave. /97; 39 Every Word Is True Pronunciation 1 ^ 95 Listen and practise saying these word pairs. L take - took have - had sit - sat read - read leave - left go - went buy-bought see - saw get-got Listening 2 a) °( 96 Look at the pictures and listen. Use the pictures to help you understand. Is Professor Moriarty telling Sherlock Holmes the truth? In ilie ггшГпгп^ i twL л taxi i\r ffyJe фгг(с. Г И55 ir) ilve hark . i ilre hark At л garter hr anJ year! r de I Sat an a maaazjrte. L h. ЛПЯ lueni hr'^ccadill^ uruter^crun L [jnci luYuSi tn an Italian r^staayant. In tire L Уаиу(г1 iame пеш slurcs. In tkc ‘ ^ ^ ^ (latcl at liaff- hasi Ю. ^ e-iSar^J\j\^iariy b) 96 Listen again. Make notes of all the differences between Moriarty’s statement and the pictures. 1 by bus not by taxi ( No, Moriarty. Your statement isn't true. It's full of lies. (98) Reading and speaking 3 Read Moriarty’s statement in exercise 2. Imagine you are the professor. Speak about your day. Grammar Grammar spot Past simple (irregular verbs) I took a taxi to Hyde Park. I sat on the grass and read a magazine. rtjg Language guide p105 У 4 a) What did Professor Moriarty do yesterday? Write true statements. Use these words: took sat read left had went saw bought got a bus a newspaper on a bench by taxi at a quarter past twelve at twelve o'clock a film a Chinese restaurant a new shirt In the morning hs took a bus to ... b) (Я 97 ) Now listen and check. Speaking 5 а)(Я 98 ) Listen to Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty. V Holmes Did you take a taxi to Hyde Park? Moriarty Yes, I did. Hoimes No, you didn't take a taxi. You took a bus. b) Work with a ciassmate. Play Hoimes and Moriarty. Ask and answer. 9 Did you take a taxi to Hyde Park? I^Yes, I did. No, you didn't... 6 Ptay Holmes and speak about Moharty’s day. Begin with the following: ^ Professor Moriarty’s statement is full of lies. In the morning he didn’t take a taxi to Hyde Park. He took a bus. ... 7 a) How many of these things did you do iast weekend? Write a iist. Don’t show your classmates. l had a shower. v I played computer games. I sat in the park. ' watched TV. 'I read a magazine. I bought sweets. llistened to music. l got up late. I took a bus. I cycled to a friend's house ' swimming I a film. ' Phoned a b) Work with two or three ciassmates. Ask questions with Did you ... ? Answer with Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. Did you buy sweets? No, I didn’t. 0 8 99 c The song 'Last Summer’ p143 ) Check your English 9 Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in brackets. 1 (go) A ... you ... swimming iast weekend? В No, I.....swimming. I ... to the cinema. 2 (read) A ... you В No, I ... 3 (get up) A ... you.....late last Saturday? В No, I........late. I....very early. 10 Now work with a classmate. Make other dialogues with: a newspaper yesterday? a newspaper. I ... a book. have/had buy/bought take/took | watch/watched listen/listened @ 40 School Trip Skills J / Reading 1 a) Read Calum’s diary. Where was his trip to? How many places did he visit? My School Trip { 06:00 got up early and went to school. A Calum (11), Leicester, England 07:00 1 sat next to Mick on the coach and we had sandwiches for breakfast. The traffic I was really bad and it took 3 hours to get to London. 1 10:00-13:30 The first thing we did was go to the Natural History Museum. We saw a lot of interesting things but the thing 1 liked most was the dinosaur - it was enormous! ' 13:30-14:30 We got back on the coach and went to the Tower of London. On the way we had more sandwiches for lunch! 14:30-16:00 The Tower of London was fantastic. We saw the Beefeaters and the Crown Jewels. 16:00-17:30 Then we walked to the London Eye. It was a long walk and we weren’t very happy. 1 was hungry and had another sandwich. 18:00-18:40 The London Eye was brilliant. At the top we were 135 m above London. The views were amazing and we saw Big Ben. ■ f 19:00-22:00 We stopped on the way back home and had fish and chips in a restaurant. It was really nice to have fish and chips after all those sandwiches! b) Find these words in the diary. Can you guess what they mean? 1 coach 2 traffic 3 enormous 4 on the way 5 the top 6 view c) Match the pictures with places in Caium’s diary. a Crown Jewels Listening and speaking 2 a) ОЗЮ Look at Calum’s diary and listen, b) Work with a classmate. Ask and answer. ^ What time did he get up? At six. What time did he get up? Who did he sit next to on the coach? Where did he go first? What did he like best there? Where did he go next? What did he see there? What did he see at the top of the London Eye? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Listening 3 a) J01 Listen to Anne talking about her school trip. What did she see first? Writing (7. 4 Write a diary of a school trip. Use Calum’s diary as a model. Use dictionaries to help you with new vocabulary. A\y School Trip to Disneyland /Monday 8.30 We wenf to Disneyland Ports by coach. If took IH hours/ On the iA'oy we song songs, Tuesday 8.00 We arrived in Disneyland and the first thing we did wos hove breakfast. We had .. Writing tip Useful expressions I The first thing we did was go to the Science Museum. Eiffel Tower River Seine ■ b) 10^ Listen again. Can you guess the meaning of these words? 1 paintings 2 boat trip 3 steps 4 lift 5 view It took three hours to get to London. The thing I liked most was the dinosaur. On the way we had more sandwiches. It was fantastic/brilliant/amazing. Culture spot Fact file: A history of trainers in the USA When the first trainers appeared in the USA, they weren’t fashion wear. They were practical sports shoes, worn by sportsmen and sportswomen. These days everybody wears trainers -to do sport but also to go to school, to go shopping, to go dancing and to do just about anything. 1907 The first trainers appeared. American basketball players wore them. Early 1900s Bicycle tyre factories started making trainers. Converse™ made All Star™ basketball trainers and US Rubber™ made Keds™. 1930s Young people started wearing trainers as a fashion item. 1936 The first canvas tennis shoes appeared. 1970 Every sport had its own trainers. 1971 The American company Nike™ began making trainers. 1985 Nike^'^ brought out Air Jordans™ trainers. 1990s Trainers became a fashion statement. Today More and more trainers are sold every year. Discussion In pairs, describe a pair of trainers you like. The trainers are white and blue. They’ve got some letters on the side. They are comfortable. Your class fact file Copy the fact file. Then ask your classmates questions and complete the information. Class; TRAINERS FACT FILE Number of students Number of pairs of trainers Average number of pairs of trainers per student Most popular colours of trainers Most popular brands of trainers 41 Reading 1 Read the taie about King Arthur quickly. Find out the name of King Arthur’s foster brother. King Arthur Many centuries ago, King Uther and Queen Igraine had a son named Arthur. He was born at Tintagel Castle. The King wanted to protect his son from an attack by the Saxons. He decided to give Arthur to his wizard, Merlin. Merlin sent Arthur away to the countryside. He grew up with Sir Ector and with his foster brother, Kay. He never knew who his real parents were. Years later King Uther died. Nobody knew he had a son. Everybody was arguing about who would be the new King of Britain. Suddenly a mysterious stone appeared in the churchyard of St Paul's Cathedral in London. There was a big sword stuck in it. There was a message on the sword. It said The person who pulls the sword from the stone is the King of Britain’. Everybody was excited. Lots of knights and princes tried to pull the sword out of the stone, but nobody was strong enough to do it. It was completely stuck. It was impossible to move the sword. Years later, when Arthur was fifteen years old, his older brother Kay was learning to be a knight. He went to his first tournament in London. He was going to learn to use his sword. He told Arthur to bring his sword. Arthur looked everywhere, but he couldn’t find Kay’s sword. Arthur went to look for another sword. He went to St Paul’s Cathedral and in the churchyard he saw the sword in the stone. He tried to pull it out and it came out easily. He gave the sword to his brother. Everybody wanted to know who had pulled the sword from the stone. At first, no one believed that Arthur had done it. But he repeated what he had done. Everybody was amazed. Finally, Arthur became King Arthur, the new King of Britain. 2 Read the story again and answer the questions. 1 Why did King Uther give his son to Merlin? 2 Who did Arthur grow up with? 3 Where was the message? 4 Who tried to pull the sword from the stone? 5 How old was Arthur when he pulled the sword from the stone? 6 Who did Arthur give the sword to? 3 Speak with a partner. What other stories do you know about famous people in history? 42 ICT (z: Information and communication technologies These days news travels fast. When an earthquake hits a country on one side of the world, we see photographs of the damage almost immediately on the opposite side of the world. Mass media and communication technology is changing all the time. 1 ( (102 ] Listen and repeat. ^ printing press typewriter photocopier mobile phone laptop newspaper 2 Can you name these means of communication? What order were they invented in? 3 Look at the timeiine and check your answers. Communication timeline 1450 1605 1714 1835 1876 1895 Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. Newspapers first appeared in Europe. Henry Mill invented the typewriter. Samuel Morse invented Morse code. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Alexander Popov invented the radio. 1933 1938 1972 1979 1981 1994 Vladimir Zvorykin invented electronic television. Chester Carlson invented the photocopier. The first personal computer appeared. The first mobile phones appeared. The first laptops appeared. The Internet was born. Project Make a fact file about an invention. Plan Choose one of the inventions in the timeline. Prepare Draw or download a picture of the invention. Research Go to the Internet and find out more information. Make notes about the inventor and the invention. Present your material Write the information on a piece of paper or card. Add the picture. Make a classroom display of communication inventions. Language Guide Vocabulary Occupations inventor astronomer scientist athlete ^ v_/ stnger composer teacher dancer writer Everyday activities cycle to work have a shower take a taxi / bus use a microwave use computers Free-time activities Qet up late piay football sit on a bench ski in the mountains travel abroad Dictionary extra! amazed (adj) argue (v) ★ ★ ★ believe (v) ★ ★ ★ century (n) ★ ★ ★ foster (adj) impossible (adj) ★ ★ ★ knight (n) message (n)^^^ mysterious (adj)^ ★ stone (n) ★ ★ ★ sword (п)т*г ★ wizard (n) 04 Grammar Грамматическое время past si.Tiple с глаголом to be Утвердительные предложения Утвердительные предложения Единственное Множественное число число 1 was at home. We were at home. You were at home. You were at home. He / She / It was at home. They were at home. Отрицательные предложения Полная форма Краткая форма 1 was not at home. 1 wasn't at home. You were not at home. You weren't at home. He / She / It was not at He/She/It wasn't at home. home. We / You / They were We / You / They not at home. J weren't at home. Вопросы и краткие ответы Вопрос ' Краткий ответ Was I at home? Were you at home? Was he / she / it at home? I Were we / you / ' they at home? Yes, I was. No, I wasn't Yes, he / she / it was. No, he / she / it wasn't. Yes, we / you / they were. No, we / you / they weren't. Грамматическое время past simple: правильные и неправильные глаголы Правильные глаголы Неправильные глаголы play > played go > went [ watch > watched sit > sat cycle > cycled read > read Единственное ' Множественное число число 1 played football. We played football. You played football. You played football. He / She / It played football. They played football. Отрицательные предложения Полная форма Краткая форма 1 did not go home. 1 didn't go home. You did not go home. You didn't go home. He / She / It did not go He / She / It didn't go home. home. We / You / They did We / You / They not go home. didn't go home. Вопросы и краткие ответы Вопрос Краткий ответ Did 1 play football? Did you play football? Yes, 1 did. No, 1 didn't. Did he / she / it play football? Yes, he / she / it did. No, he/she/it didn't. Did we / you / they play football? Yes, we / you / they did. No, we / you / they didn't. Время past simple употребляется для выражения событий, ситуаций или состояний, которые имели место в прошлом. Часто в предложениях в past simple употребляются указатели времени: last week/month/year/Saturday, ten years ago, on Tuesday, in the morning, at ten o'clock, yesterday и др. В вопросительных предложениях в past simple часто употребляется вопросительное слово When. When did you paint this picture? I painted it last year. (lOS) / Progress check Check you can do these things. 1 I can use the past simple of ‘be’ and occupations. Write about the famous people choosing the correct words. dancer athlete astronomer artist writer scientist queen 1 Anna Pavlova was a dancer. 1 Anna Pavlova 2 The Вгоп!ё sisters 3 Leonardo da Vinci 4 Cleopatra 5 Marie and Pierre Curie 6 Jesse Owens 7 Nicolaus Copernicus 2 I can talk about nationalities. Match the nationalities with the famous people in exercise 1. 1 The ВгоШё sisters were English. 1 English 2 Russian 3 Italian 4 Polish 5 American 6 French 7 Egyptian 3 I can ask and answer past simple questions. Ask and answer questions about life in 1900. Use the words in the box. travel in space play football cycle to work use computers ski in the mountains watch TV Did people travel in space? ^ No, they didn’t. 4 I can describe activities in the past simple. What did Ian do last Saturday? Use the initial letters to help you. 1 In the morning he got up early and had a shower. 1 In the morning he ... up early and ... a s... 2 He...T... and he ... to m... and ... f... 3 Then he ... a b... to town and ... some new j... 4 In the afternoon he ... to the p... 5 Then he ... on the g... and ...am... 6 In the evening he ... his f... and they ... to the c... 7 They ... a comedy f... c, 1 ^ e. CK I jBM^ Unit contents; Vocabulary Everyday activities; seaside objects and activities Grammar Past simple (regular and irregular verbs); phrasal verbs; past time expressions; Wh-questions Skills Talk about what we did in the past Listen to a conversation, a story and an autobiography Read a story Write an autobiography Across the curriculum Art Culture spot The yellow-eyed penguins of New Zealand V Choose the correct date. 1 Leonardo da Vinci finished the Mona Lisa between a) 1503-1506 b) 1603-1606 c) 1703-1706 2 Charlotte Bronte wrote ‘Jane Eyre’ in ... , a) 1747 b) 1847 c) 1947 3 They built the Eiffel Tower in Paris in .... a) 1689 b) 1789 c) 1889 4 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in . a) 1776 b)1876 c)1976 , think Leonardo da Vinci was amazing. Who do you think was amazing? 43 А Bad Start to the Day Pronunciation 1 (Я[ 103) Listen and practise saying these word pairs. have-had wake up - woke up close-closed arrive - arrived switch off - switched off Listening and reading 2 (^104) Listen to the diaiogue and read it. Say what happened to Wayne in the morning. 09-30 Sue Are you OK, Wayne? Wayne No, not really. Sue Why? What’s the matter? Wayne Oh, I had a really bad start to the day. 1 woke up late. Sue Were you late for school? Wayne No, I arrived on time, but I left my Science homework at home. Sue Oh, dear. Wayne Yes, and I didn’t close my bedroom window or switch off the lights. 3 (Я104) Listen to the dialogue again. Then read it with a classmate. 4 Look at the pictures in exercise 2. Read the sentences, choosing the correct words. 1 He didn't make his bed. 1 He made/didn’t make his bed. 2 He fed/didn’t feed his fish. 3 He drank/didn’t drink his orange juice. 4 He ate/didn’t eat his sandwich. ^ Real English Are you OK? Oh, dear. 5 He switched off/didn’t switch off the TV. 6 He closed/didn’t close the window. 7 He cleaned/didn’t clean his teeth. 8 He picked up/didn’t pick up his clothes. (^105) Listen and check. speaking 5 Think of a possible ending to the dialogue in exercise 2. Act out the dialogue with a classmate. 6 imagine you are Wayne. Speak about your morning. Oh, I had a really bad start to the day,... Grannmar 7 Copy and complete these lists. Irregular verbs Regular verbs close closed clean switch off open pick up arrive eat leave put on make feed drink wake up ate 8 Make sentences in the past simple. 1 I switched off the light. I / switch off the light, you / wake up early? he / not feed the pet. 4 you / leave your English homework at home? I / put on my gloves, they / arrive on time? she / not clean her teeth. Listening 9 a) R TQ6 j Listen. How many of these things did you do this morning? 1 wake up 6 eat 2 put on 7 switch off 3 make 8 leave 4 feed 9 clean 5 drink 10 pickup b) Work with your classmates. Ask and answer: Did you wake up late? Yes, 1 did. / No, I didn’t. Remember! Phrasal verbs switch off put on pick up wake up 10 Play the Memory game with your classmates. Mime the actions. I woke up this morning and cleaned my teeth. Then 1 combed my hair, r woke up this morning, cleaned my teeth and combed my hair. Then I got dressed ... wake up switch off clean close ' pickup leave put on make open feed drink eat "Philip woke up early this morning. He ... 8 Check your English 11 Ask a classmate what he or she did this morning. Use these verbs: ^ Did you wake up early this morning? ^ Yes, I did. Make notes of his / her answers, wake up early - yes 12 Now write about what your friend did or didn’t do this morning. 44 А Day Out at the Seaside Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 (Я107) Listen to the words and find them in the picture in exercise 3. Listen and practise saying the words. postcards sandcastle donkey shade beach fishermen wetsuit cafe' sea 2 Match the verbs, have - had have swim build read write hang out speak ride run wear throw built had wore hung out swam rode read ran threw wrote spoke Listening and reading 3 (Я108) Listen and point to the Glows in the picture. 4 Read and complete the text. 1 - swam read rode spoke swam built wrote wore threw hung out ran Last summer the Glows had a day out at the seaside. Martha (1)... in the sea and Sam and Pam (2) ... a huge sandcastle. Vera (3) ... in the shade and Mandy (4) ... a lot of postcards. Rudolph (5) ... in a caf6 and Helga (6) ... to two fishermen. Gordon (7)... a donkey and Vincent (8) ... along the beach. Cynthia (9) ... a wetsuit and Bernard (10) ... balls for Bonehead. (Я^108) Listen and check. speaking 5 Look at the picture in exercise 3. What did the Giows do at the seaside? Ask and answer with What did ... do? He / She .... What did Vincent do? 9 He ran along the beach. Grammar spot Past simple — Wh-questions When did the Glows travel to the seaside? What did Vera read? a) (ЗЗЮ Rudolph Glow is talking to a friend about last Saturday. Listen and finish the questions. 1 I woke up late. What time did you wake up? 1 I woke up late. What time ...? I phoned a friend. Who ...? We met in town. Where ...? We had a snack. What...? We went to the park. How ...? We saw some classmates. Who ...? We talked. What...? Ы (Я^109) Listen again. Then act out the conversation with a classmate. c) Now talk to your classmate about what you did last Saturday. I played computer games. What game did you play? I played... Grammar Past time expressions I went shopping last weekend. Did you go out yesterday? Language guide p119 > 7 Make true sentences about yourself with these past time expressions. yesterday last night last weekend last summer last Saturday afternoon I saw a film yesterday. 1 played a computer game fast night. Check your English 8 a) Write three questions with these words. Then answer the questions about you. 1 What time did you wake up this morning? I got up at 7.30. 1 this morning did what time you wake up ? 2 hang out with did last weekend who you ? 3 you go where last summer did ? b) Make sentences about what you did in the past. Use these verbs. sat rode spoke swam built wrote wore threw hung out ran 1 I sat next to my friend. I rode a horse. 45 Gulliver in Liiliput Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 (Я no) Listen and practise saying these word pairs. hit-hit swim-swam wake up - woke up have-had shoot-shot understand - understood feed-fed sleep-slept take-took 2 ®Ж) Listen to these words and find them in the pictures in exercise 3. Listen again and practise saying the words. storm waves ship rock bow soldier arrow horses wagon Listening and reading 3 (Я112) Listen and read. Use the pictures to help you understand. My name is Lemuel Gulliver and I’m a ship’s doctor. On 5th November, 1699 there was a terrible storm. There were huge waves and my ship hit a rock. Then I swam to an island. The next morning I woke up on the beach. There was a very small man a few centimetres from my nose. He was a soldier and had a bow and arrow and he was scared. There were hundreds of soldiers and they all had bows and arrows. I tried to stand up but the soldiers shot arrows at me. The arrows were very small but I didn’t try to stand up again. I was very hungry. I asked for food but the soldiers didn’t understand. They didn’t speak English. I pointed to my mouth and they understood. Then, the soldiers fed me. I was very tired after my meal and slept. That night the soldiers took me to their city. A thousand horses pulled the wagon. @ Match the beginnings with the endings. 1 Guiiiver's ship hit a rock. 1 Gulliver’s ship a woke up on the beach. 2 He swam b arrows at him. 3 The next morning he c for food. 4 Gulliver tried d hit a rock. 5 The soldiers shot e took him to their city. 6 Gulliver asked f to stand up. 7 That night the soldiers g to an island. Speaking 5 Use the sentences in exercise 4 as an outiine and teii your classmates about Gulliver. Gulliver was a ship's doctor. On the 5th of November, 1699 ... Speaking tip Telling a story — time expressions On 5th November, 1699 there was ... The next morning I woke up ... Then I swam ... That night the soldiers took ... Pronunciation a) 113) Listen and practise saying these verbs. bring brought run ran build built say said drink drank sit sat feed fed swim swam forget forgot take took hang hung throw threw make made understand understood meet met wake woke read read wear wore ride rode write wrote b) R 114) Listen. Can you hear the infinitive or the past tense? Say the answer. bring - infinitive c) Now test your classmate. Read the infinitive or the past tense. Grammar 7 Complete the questions with the past simple of the verbs. Then answer the questions. 1 Where did Gulliver swim? — He swam to an island. 1 Where ... Gulliver...? (swim) 2 Where ... Gulliver...? (wake up) 3 ... Gulliver hungry? (be) 4 ... the soldiers ... Gulliver? (feed) 5 What... Gulliver... after his meal? (do) 6 Where ... the soldiers ... Gulliver? (take) 8 115 ) c The song ‘Gulliver’s Story’ pi 44 J Check your English 9 Study the table and make sentences about Sue’s last holiday. swim wear in the swimming pool Л in the sea trousers and a jumper л shorts and a T-shirt Sue Wj go eat drink play to school / pizza or cola Л tennis X to the chips Л juice ^ beach seaside fruit and vegetables volleyball Sue didn't swim in the swimming pool. She swam in the sea. 10 Think of somewhere you went. For example, a party or the zoo. Write seven or eight sentences about it using the past simple. Last week I went to the zoo.... 46 Му Life Skills Listening and reading 1 П6) Listen to Anka’s autobiography. Where did Anka live? Where does she live now? 2 Read the autobiography. Match the phrases in the text with the pictures. 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 My autobiography I was born on 26th February in Poland. 1 took my first steps and said my first words. My first word was kot (cat in English). I got my first pet, a dog. My brother Kuba was born on 7th May. I went to nursery school. I had an operation in hospital. I got my first bike for my birthday. I learnt how to ride my bike. I started primary school and met my friends Magda and Sonia. I learnt how to swim. I began guitar lessons and I went skiing for the first time. We went on holiday to the Baltic coast and I saw the sea for the first time. I went on my first skiing holiday with my class. 1 won a music competition. My family moved to Peterborough in England. I made a new friend. Dana is from the Czech Republic and I had my first conversation in English with her. I started secondary school. I wore a school uniform for the first time and made my first English friends. My grandmother visited us in the summer and we went to a theme park called Alton Towers. At Christmas we went back to Poland for two weeks and I was very excited and happy because I saw my friends Magda and Sonia again. 3 When did Anka do these things? 1 1998 1 take first steps 2 say first word 3 ride a bike 4 go to primary school 5 learn to swim 6 play the guitar 7 go on first skiing holiday 8 see the sea 9 win a music competition 10 speak English 11 wear a school uniform Speaking 4 a) (ЗЛЮ Listen to the questions. Look at exercise 2 and think about your answers. 1 When was Anka born? 2 What was her first word? 3 When did she learn how to ride a bike? 4 Who did she meet in 2003? 5 Where did her family move to in 2007? 6 Who did she meet there? 7 What did she wear for the first time in 2008? 8 Who visited Anka's family in England? Э Where did Anka and her family go at Christmas? b) (3HD Listen again. Then work with a classmate. Take it in turns to ask and answer. When was Anka born? m In 1997. Listening 5 QUID Listen. Where does Jess live now? Where did she live? 6 QjIL) Listen again. Find the missing information. 1 Jess was born in ... . 2 Jess’ family moved to Kenya when she was ... years old. 3 They lived there for... years. 4 Jess went to ... and ... school in Kenya. 5 She spoke ... and Swahili in Kenya. 6 Her family moved back to Cardiff in .... 7 She liked life in ... more than life in .... Writing 7 Write your autobiography. Use Anka’s autobiography as a model. Culture spot At у autobiography ZOOO I was born in Tomsk. 'Russio. 2001 i took my first sfeps and said my first word. ZOOZ Fact file; The yellow-eyed penguins of New Zealand The yellow-eyed penguin lives in New Zealand. It is one of the most endangered penguin species on the planet. It almost disappeared but now it is being protected by the Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust. 1980s Research showed that the yellow-eyed penguin population was in danger of disappearing. 1987 1989 Conservationists formed the Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust. They wanted to protect these penguins. The Trust started a plant nursery to grow plants and trees for the penguins’ habitats. 1989- The Trust built fences to protect the 2009 penguins' habitats. They also planted lots of trees and bought land to make more penguin reserves. Today The penguin population is increasing all the time because of the hard work of the Yelloweyed Penguin Trust. There are now 486 pairs of penguins on the New Zealand mainland. Discussion In pairs, talk about why it is important to protect endangered species. ^ I think it’s important because if a species dies, other species lose their food. Your country fact file Prepare a similar fact file about an endangered species or an environmental organisation in your country. 47 Reading 1 Read the extract from ‘Gulliver in Lilliput’. Find out which country wanted to attack Lilliput. C Gulliver in Lilliput I woke up inside a beautiful old temple. It was one of the biggest buildings in the whole of Lilliput. Later that day I met the Emperor. He spoke to me but I didn’t understand him. He used mysterious words that I didn’t know. The Emperor couldn’t understand me either! It was a problem of languages. The Emperor sent six of his best teachers to me and I learnt their language. I learnt the country’s name was Lilliput and the people were called Lilliputians. The Lilliputians called me Man-Mountain and they were still afraid of me because I was so big. The Emperor gave his soldiers an order and they looked in my pockets. They found my comb, my watch, my diary and my pistol. They took away my things, but they didn’t know what they were! The Lilliputians were now my friends. I visited the city and played with the children in the streets. One day the Emperor asked for my help. A country called Blefuscu planned to attack Lilliput. The Emperor explained why the Lilliputians and Blefuscudians were enemies. It was a long story. I didn’t want Blefuscu to attack Lilliput. I swam to Blefuscu and took all their ships back to Lilliput. The Emperor was very happy and welcomed me back to Lilliput. But not all Lilliputians were happy. Some important Lilliputians didn’t like me. I left Lilliput and went to Blefuscu. The Emperor of Blefuscu was kind to me, but I wanted to go home. Finally I left Blefuscu on a boat. An English ship found me at sea and took me home. 2 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 Where was Gulliver when he woke up? 2 Why didn’t Gulliver understand the Emperor? 3 Why do you think the Lilliputians called Gulliver ‘Man-Mountain’? Which personal objects did the Lilliputians take from Gulliver? What did Gulliver take back to Lilliput from Blefuscu? How did Gulliver finally travel home? 3 Speak with a partner. How do you iike traveiling? Why? @ Famous figures in Russian art and culture It is important to remember key figures in the art and culture of your country. 1 (3HE) Listen and repeat. actor singer musician director art collector founder 2 Match the words with the definitions. the clothes an actor wears a person who starts a museum or a business a person who tells actors what they must do make or invent a name an actor uses a person who collects things the words an actor speaks Read about two famous figures in Russian art and culture. Match the pictures with the texts. 1 stage name a) 2 tines b) 3 costume c) 4 director d) 6 founder e) 6 create f) 7 collector g) 1 Konstantin Stanislavski was a famous actor and director. He was born Konstantin Sergeievich Alexeiev, in Russia in 1863. Stanislavski was his stage name. When he started acting, plays were boring because the actors spoke their lines without emotions and they didn’t wear interesting costumes. Stanislavski changed this. He invented a more exciting style of acting and introduced costumes too. In 1898, Stanislavski helped to found the Moscow Art Theatre and became its director. He died in 1938. Today we remember him for his ‘system’ - a method for actors to create realistic characters on stage. 2 Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov was a famous art collector. He was born in Russia in 1832. Tretyakov was a businessman and the founder of the Moscow Merchant Bank, He loved art and he started to collect paintings when he was 24. He decided to create a national art gallery for his country. At first, he kept the paintings in a gallery in his home. In 1893, he opened the ‘Pavel and Sergey Tretyakov City Art Gallery’ with his brother. Today it is the State Tretyakov Gallery and it is one of the greatest museums in the world. Tretyakov died in 1898. Project Plan Make a fact file about a famous figure in art and culture. Prepare Choose a famous artist from one of these groups: music, art, theatre, literature or architecture. Research Go to the Internet or the library and read about his / her life. Make notes. Write a short paragraph about him / her. Present your material Illustrate the text with some pictures. Make a classroom display of famous figures in art and culture. (iT^ Language Guide Vocabulary Everyday activities arrive on time clean (my) teeth comb (my) hair eat cereal / a sandwich feed the pet / fish get dressed make the bed pick up clothes put on (my) school uniform switch off the TV Seaside activities build a sandcastle have a day out at the seaside lie in the shade / sun ride a donkey swim in the sea walk along the beach wear a wetsuit write a postcard boat rock ship storm waves — Dictionary extra! diary (n)^^ emperor (n)^ enemy (n)^^^ pocket (n)^ ★ ★ soldier (n)^^^ temple (n)^ ★ welcome (v)^^^ Real English Are you OK? Oh, dear. Grammar « грамматическое время past simple: специальные вопросы (Wh-questions) о Специальные вопросы задаются с целью получения уточняющей информации и начинаются с вопросительного слова. Специальные вопросы в английском языке часто называют ‘Wh-questions’, т. к. большинство вопросительных слов начинается с буквосочетания ‘Wh'. о Специальный вопрос (кроме вопроса к подлежащему) начинается с вопросительного слова, за которым следуют вспомогательный или модальный глагол, подлежащее и смысловой глагол. What? Что? What did you read? When? Когда? When did he come? Where? Где? Where did she play? Which? Который? Какой? Which poem did you like best? Who? Кто? Who (Кому) did Becky call? Whom? Кого? Кому? Whom did they meet there? Whose? Чей? Whose pen did Sheila use? Why? Почему? Why did she cry? How? Как? How did you find me? How long? Как долго? Сколько? How long did Harry wait? How many / much? Сколько? How many did you count? How much did they pay? о В специальных вопросах к подлежащему соблюдается прямой порядок слов. What? Что? What happened to you yesterday? Who? Кто? Who called him? Грамматическое время past simple: указатели времени о Часто в предложениях в past simple мы употребляем указатели времени; last week / month/year/Saturday, ten years ago, on Tuesday, in the morning, at ten o’clock, yesterday и др. I woke up at eight o'clock. My family moved here ten years ago. / Progress check Check you can do these things. 1 I can use irregular verbs to describe activities in the past. a) Make sentences about the Glows 1 Martha swam in the sea. A в 1 Martha swam a) 2 Sam and Pam built b) 3 Vera read c) 4 Mandy wrote d) 5 Rudolph hung out e) 6 Helga spoke f) 7 Gordon rode g) 8 Vincent ran h) 9 Cynthia wore i) 10 Bernard threw j) a wetsuit, a donkey, in a cafd. along the beach, in the sea. a lot of postcards, a huge sandcastle. in the shade, bails for Bonehead. to two fishermen. b) Describe from memory what the Glows did at the seaside. I can answer past simple questions. Answer the questions. Write full sentences. 1 I went to bed at half past nine. 1 2 3 What time did you go to bed last night? Where did you go last weekend? How did you travel to school this morning? 4 5 6 What did you have for breakfast? When did you do your homework? What time did you get up this morning? I can tell the story of Gulliver arriving in Lilliput. Work with a classmate. How quickly can you complete the story with the words in the box? Tell the story. - small waves morning arrows took thirsty meal English bow horses island food soldiers stand up wagon water centimetres hit storm hungry mouth 1 storm My name is Lemuel Gulliver and I'm a ship's doctor. On November 5th, 1699 there was a terrible (1).... There were huge (2)... and my ship (3) ... a rock. I swam to an (4).... The next (5) ... I woke up on the beach. There was a very (6) ... man a few (7)... from my nose. He was a soldier and had a (8)... and arrow. There were hundreds of (9)... and they all had bows and arrows. I tried to (10)... but the soldiers shot arrows at me. The (11)... were very small but I didn't try to stand up again. I was very (12)... and (13).... I asked for (14)... and (15)... but the soldiers didn't understand. They didn't speak (16).... I pointed to my (17)... and they understood. The soldiers fed me. I was very tired after my (18)... and slept. That night the soldiers (19)... me to their city. A thousand (20)... pulled the (21).... И Looking infco Unit contents: [■ Vocabulary Everyday activities; show objects and activities; future predictions: holiday activities \i Grammar Going to {plans and intentions), will (future predictions), want / let’s I' Skills Talk about plans and intentions ' Talk about future predictions Make suggestions Say what we want and don’t want to do Listen to survey questions, a diary and a conversation Read an email Write about a perfect holiday centre Across the curriculum Language Culture spot Tourist attractions in Canada iiii II ■ 1 My dream holiday is New York. What’s your dream holiday? I Choose the correct answer. 1 Which European country is the most popular holiday destination?' a) France b) Spain c) Italy 2 How many people visit Paris each year? a) 10 million b) 20 million c) 30 million 3 How long are the summer holidays for schools in Britain? a) four weeks b) six weeks c) eight weeks 4 Which of these European holiday destinations hasn’t got a beach? a) Brighton, UK b) Trieste, Italy c) Amsterdam, Holland 49 Holiday Plans Pronunciation 1 (o( 120) Listen and practise this tongue twister. We’re going to go to the 200 to see a kangaroo ... and a panda eating bamboo, too! Listening and reading 2 :°t 121) Listen and read. Match the pictures with the questions. 1 Are you 2 Are you 3 Are you 4 Are you 5 Are you 6 Are you 7 Are you 8 Are you going to get up late?............. going to visit your relatives?.... going to play a lot of sport?..... going to surf the Web?............ going to read a lot of books?..... going to learn something new?..... going to hang out with your friends?, going to do any schoolwork?....... Yes, Yes, 4,^ 1 am. / No, I’m not. 1 am. / No. I'm not. 1 am. / No, I'm not. 1 am. / No, I'm not. 1 1 am. / No, I’m not. 1 am, / No, I'm not. 1 am. / No, I'm not. 1 am. / No, I’m not. 3 (^121) Listen to the survey questions again. Write your answers in your notebook. Speaking 4 Carry out a class survey. a) Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions. ^ Are you going to get up late? Yes, 1 am, / No, I'm not. b) What are your classmates going to do in the holidays? Report the results to the class. Three of us are going to get up late.... Grammar 5 Make questions and answers. 1 ts she going to swim? No, she isn't. She’s going to lie in the sun. 1 she / swim? 2 you / get up late? 3 they / surf the Web? 4 he / hang out with his friends? 5 she / stay at home? 6 you / play the whole day? Study skills You can took, up new vocabulary in a monolingual dictionary. 6 Study this dictionary entry and answer the questions. lie in the sun get up early play a lot of sport visit his relatives travel abroad help my parents about the house surf [s3:f] verb -k 1 to ride on waves in the sea on a SURF BOARD; go surfing Do you want to go surfing tomorrow? 2 to look at various places on the Internet or on television; she spends hours every day just surfing the Net. 1 What part of speech is the word? 2 How many meanings has the word got? 3 Are there examples of how to use the word? Are they helpful? 4 What’s the English for ‘заниматься сёрфингом’? Writing 7 What are your plans for next week? a) Write a list of six or seven things you are going to do next week. Look up any new vocabulary in a dictionary. Help parents Visit ^mnc^parentS Point ГСОПЛ b) Write about your plans for next week. щщщтшт /Лу English File Aty "Plans for Next Weak I'm going +o help my parents in the garden. I m going fo visit my grandparents. I'm going to help my aunt paint her room. ... Grammar spot Going to Ipians and \nter\tior>sl Are you going to get up late? Yes, 1 am./No, I’m not. I’m going to/I’m not going to get up late. Language guide p133 Speaking and listening я a) Two friends are going to have a sleepover tonight. What are they going to do? Make sentences with going to and these words: ^watch eat drink listen play phone take^ sweets cola their friends a computer game a film some photos to music They're going to watch a film, b) Cl22) Listen and check. Check your English 2 Make questions with these words. Then answer the questions about you. 1 tonight/watch/are/TV/you/going to ? 2 you/on Saturday/meet/going to/ are/your friends ? 3 do/are/this evening/your homework/going to/you ? 10 Give three answers to each question. 1 What are you going to do this summer? 2 What aren’t you going to do tomorrow? 50 The Talent Show Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 T23 Listen to the words and find them in the pictures in exercise 3. Listen again and practise saying the words. costume - d costume audience judge stage microphone guitar Listening and reading 2 - 124 Listen to Phoebe and Oscar, What do they think wiil happen at the taient show? 3 Read Oscar’s and Phoebe’s diaries and answer the questions. 15+h February it's the school fo/ent shovv fomorrou^ and I'm dreadtns it Will I remember fhe wards fo my song? Will the audience tall as/eep? / think it'll be a disaster ni fall off the stage and I'll drop my guitar. The microphone won t work and my friends will laugh at me. 1 The microphone. 1 What won't work? 2 Who will fall off the stage? 3 Who will have an amazing costume? 16th February @ 2pm The School Talent Show Sing! Act! Dance! Entertain! ★ & & 6 1 St prize: Gold medal 2nd prize; Silver medal 3rd prize: Bronze medal tsth February I cart t wait for the show tomorrow! I think it'll he great! i'll dance brilliantly and i won't make any mistakes. My costume will look amazing. iVIy friends will all cheer for me. The judges will love me and Til win the first prize. Then my picture will be in the local newspaperand Til be famous. Real English I can’t wait for... I’m dreading it. 4 Who won’t make any mistakes? 5 Who will laugh at Oscar? 6 Who will love Phoebe? Speaking 4 Imagine you are Phoebe or Oscar. Tell your classmate what will happen to you tomorrow. Grammar Grammar spot Future predictions with 'wiii' I'll fall off the stage. My friends lyill laugh at me. 1 won’t make any mistakes. Will I remember the words to the song? Yes, I will./No, I won’t. r(3Q' Language guide p133 D Phoebe and Oscar are talking about the talent show. Use will/ 'll or won 't to complete the dialogue. 1 will be 2 won’t remember Oscar Oh Phoebe, I’m really worried about the talent show. I'm sure it ’ ... (be) a disaster. \^... (not remember) the words to my song and the judges ^... (hate) me. Phoebe Don’t be silty, Oscar! You ^... (sing) really well and you ®... (play) your guitar brilliantly. You ®... (not forget) the words to your song, and the judges ^... (give) you the silver medal. Oscar The silver medal! Who ®... (get) the gold medal? Phoebe I will, of course! 125 Listen and check your answers. Speaking 6 Act out the dialogue from exercise 5. 7 Imagine you’re going to take part in a school talent show. Speak about your predictions with a classmate. Use exercise 5 as a model. a) Write three predictions about your future. Use the ideas in the box. / think I'll be a teacher I'll travel to another | country and ril speak six languages. ... ] be a pop star be piioi be a teacher marry a famous person have ten children meet an important person travel to another country win an amazing prize help other people design :in amazing invention b) Work in pairs. Can you guess your partner's predictions? Will you be a teacher? Yes, I will! ^ Will you have ... c) Speak about your classmate’s predictions. ^ Misha will be a teacher. ... Writing 9 Write next week’s horoscope for a classmate. A\y English File Atisfio s Horoscope Next vveek you will get some good marks. You will go to the zoo. ... Check your English 10 Complete these predictions with will or won t and the correct verb from the box. become cheer forget dance give fall over 1 Phoebe ... well at the Talent Show. 2 The judges ... Phoebe the gold medal, 3 Phoebe ... a famous dancer. 4 Oscar... at the Talent Show. 5 He ... the words to his song. 6 The audience ... loudly. 1 Write four or five predictions about your future. Use your own ideas. (1И1 51 Let's Go Rafting Pronunciation and vocabulary 1 (Я126) Listen and match these attractions with the pictures on the Funland map. Listen again and practise saying these words. horse-riding - c horse-riding rafting rollercoaster Haunted Castle picnic go-karting Listening and reading 2 (Я127) Listen to the conversation. Say what Amy, Dan and Jim want to do at Funland. 3 Now read the conversation and answer the questions. Dan Great! Let’s go rafting. Amy Yes, I want to go rafting. Dan How about you, Jim? Do you want to go rafting? Jim No, I don’t want to go rafting. It’s too cold. Amy I know. Let’s ride the roller coaster. Yes, that’s a good idea. How about you, Amy? Do you want to ride the roller coaster? No, I don’t. It’s too scary. Amy I know. Let’s go horse-riding. Dan No, I don't want to go horse-riding. I’m afraid of falling off. Jim Amy/Dan know. Let’s have a picnic. Yes, that’s a great idea. Let’s do that. 1 2 3 4 ^ Real English How about you? It’s too cold/too scary. I know. That’s a great idea. Who wants to go rafting? Who doesn’t want to ride the roller coaster? Who doesn’t want to go horse-riding? Who wants to have a picnic? Speaking 4 Work in groups of three. Act out the conversation in exercise 3. Grammar Grammar spot Want to/Let's + infinitive Want to Do you want to go rafting? Yes, I do./No, . I don’t. I want to go rafting. , I don’t want to go rafting. i Let's Let’s ride the roiler coaster. a) What do you want to do at Funiand? Make suggestions with Let’s or Do you want to ... 1 Let's go rafting./Do you want to go rafting? 1 go rafting 2 ride the roller coaster 3 go horse-riding 4 have a picnic 5 visit the Haunted Castle 6 go go-karting b) Listen to your classmate’s suggestions. Then answer with: Yes, that’s a good idea. Let’s do that. Or No, I don’t want to do that. It’s too ... Let’s go rafting. Yes, that’s a good idea. Let’s do that. 6 (351D c The song ‘Let’s Go to Funiand’ pi45 ) В Speaking 7 Work with a classmate. Speak about your plans for a day out. Use: A Let’s... No, I don’t want to ... It’s too cold/scary/difficult/boring/... What do you want to do? I want to ... That’s a good idea! Yes, let’s ... Let’s go to the park. 9 No, I don’t want to ... A В A Listening 8 129;) Listen to Amy, Jim and Dan talking after their picnic. What place do all the children want to visit? (Listen again and answer these questions. 1 What do Amy and Dan want to do? 2 Why doesn’t Jim want to do that? 3 What does Jim want to do? 4 Do Amy and Dan want to do that too? Pronunciation 10 (°(Тзо ^ Listen and practise the tongue twister. Ronald rode a scary red roller coaster after riding horses with Rosie. Now say the tongue twister really fast. Check your English 11 Choose the correct words. 1 Let’s go/to go to the cinema. Do you want watch/to watch TV? Let’s play/to play tennis. I don’t want have/to have breakfast. 2 3 4 12 Match the beginnings and the endings of the phrases. Write if you like or don’t like these attractions. 1 visit the Haunted Castle 1 2 3 visit go have 4 ride a b c the roller coaster the Haunted Castle horse-riding / go-karting / rafting a picnic / like visiting the Haunted Castle. It's fun. (127) 52 Loch Ness Holiday Listening and reading 1 a) 0j1D Listen and read. Where is Nessie House? e^o Nessie House is on the famous Loch Ness in Scotland and it's the perfect place for an exciting holiday. When you come, you will stay in rooms for four, eight or twelve people. During the day you will learn three new activities with expert teachers or instructors. And in the evenings you will go to the Monster Cafe and play table tennis, video games, board games or watch films in our cinema room. b) Imagine you are going to visit Nessie House with three classmates. Complete the booking form. eoo Booking form 1 How are you going to travel to Nessie House? By train By coach By car 2 Which room do you want to book? Room for 4 people Room for 8 people Room for 12 people 3 What activities do you want to do during the day? Tick three boxes. Acting Arts and Crafts Horse-riding Canoeing Rock climbing Water skiing □ □ □ □ □ □ 4 Which is your favourite evening activity? Tick one box. Table tennis Board games □ □ Video games Films □ □ 5 What meals do you want to have at Nessie House? Breakfast Lunch Dinner You can also order packed lunches. Tick this box to order packed lunches. Speaking Listening 2 a) Ti^ Look at the booking form. Listen 3 a) and practise asking the questions. 1 How are you going to travel to Nessie b) House? 2 Which room do you want to book? 3 What activities do you want to do during the day? 4 Which is your favourite evening activity? 1 5 What meals do you want to have at Nessie House? 2 6 Do you want a packed lunch? b) Work with a classmate. Ask and answer 3 the questions. Л ► How are you going to travel to Nessie Ч House? 5 ^ By car. Culture spot Fact file: Tourist attractions in Canada Canada is a wonderful country with plenty of things to see and do. There are lots of exciting tourist attractions for all the family. Read about a 133 Look at the booking form and listen to Joanna. 133 Listen again. Are these sentences true or false? Scotland. They travelled to Loch Ness by plane and coach. Joanna chose canoeing, rock climbing and acting for her activities. They had three meals a day in Nessie House. They saw the Loch Ness Monster, Writing 4 Write a description of your perfect holiday centre. Use the description in exercise 1 as a model. Lake House Holiday Centre Lake House is on the shore of Lake Como in Italy. It's a perfect place for an excifinp wafer sporfs holiday few. Name: The Rocky Mountain Rail Tour Company The Quebec Winter Carnival Native American village Aurora Borealis Where? The Canadian Rockies, British Columbia Quebec SGang Gwaay, British Columbia Coast Yukon What? A train ride through the Yoho National Park Dog sled rides, concerts, skating, parades Ancient totem poles Colourful lights in the northern sky Discussion In pairs, talk about which of these places you’d like to visit. Give reasons. I’d like to go to the carnival in Quebec because I love watching parades. Your country fact file Prepare a similar fact file about some tourist attractions in your country. ^ 53 Reading 1 Read the email quickly. Find out which type of transport Carl’s father hates. Wish You Were Here! ■ Hi Sasha, ; Thanks for your email. Your camping holiday in Ireland sounds fantastic. Take lots of photos! ; I’m going to leave for Spain in an hour so I haven’t got much time right now. Dad said there’s : going to be Internet in the hotel so let’s chat tomorrow! It’s going to take nearly a whole day to get there. First Uncle Tony is going to take us to the ' train station in his car. Then we’re going to catch a train to London, We’re going to take the , tube across London to the airport. It’s underground railway, but everyone calls it ‘the tube’. I’m a bit nervous about flying. It's going to be my first time in an aeroplane. Mum thinks I'm going to enjoy it but I’m not sure! We're going to stay in a hotel and Dad told me there's going to be a special club there for kids. I don’t know what they are going to do in this club, but I want to learn some Spanish so I hope the other children are not all English like me! I’m going to take my sister’s digital camera. Let’s compare holiday photos! It’s nearly time to go. I don't want to be late or Mum will be in a bad mood all day! She isn’t very happy with Dad because she wanted to get a bus to the airport. Dad hates travelling by bus! Speak soon, Car! Send j Cancel Read the email again and choose the correct words. 1 Sasha / Carl is on holiday in Ireland. 4 2 There’s going to be Internet on the train / in the hotel. 5 3 Carl is excited / nervous about travelling by aeroplane. 6 Carl wants to meet children from England / Spain. Carl’s going to take his mother’s / sister’s camera on holiday. Carl’s mother wanted to catch a train / bus to the airport. 3 Speak with a partner. Which transport do you normally use when you go on holiday? 130; The future of English 1 Match the words with the definitions. 1 native speaker a) from another country 2 non-native speaker b) able to speak three languages 3 foreign c) able to speak many languages 4 basic skill d) a person who speaks a language they learnt at school something you need to know how to do in order to live (eg, reading or writing) a person who speaks the language of their parents It is impossible to know what is going to happen in the future, but language experts have lots of ideas about what is going to happen to English. 2 Read these predictions about the future of English and answer the questions that follow. native speaker a) non-native speaker b) foreign c) basic skill d) trilingual e) multilingual f) Today there are more non-native speakers than native speakers. Experts say that their number will grow in the future even faster. One of the reasons is that more and more people around the world need English for business and communication. English is also the language of economics, technology, advertising and tourism. Another reason is effective teaching techniques. Today you can even study English online! More and more schools around the world will start teaching school subjects like Maths and Science in English. This means that Maths and Science teachers will need to have a good level of English themselves. Experts predict that, in the future, the type of English that we learn at school will change. There will be less focus on grammar and accuracy. Teachers will concentrate more on speaking and writing skills, making sure that students learn how to communicate well. Experts also believe that children will soon start learning English from an earlier age. This is already happening in some countries, where pupils as young as two years old have an hour or two of English each week. In the future English will change from being a ‘foreign language’ to a ‘basic skill’. At the same time, people will learn other foreign languages. More people will be bilingual, trilingual and multilingual. 1 What are the two types of English speakers? 2 Which skills will English teachers focus on in the future? 3 What will happen to the age of English students in the future? 4 Which of the experts’ predictions do you think will come true? Why? 5 Do you think studying English online is effective? Why? Project Make an English language poster. Plan Prepare Choose a subject from these; Economics, Technology, Communication, Advertising, Tourism. Research Work in a group. Brainstorm a list of words and phrases related to your topic. Check the spelling in a dictionary. Present your material Make a poster with the topic in the middle and the words around the outside. Use different coloured pens for each word. I I 131 Language Guide Vocabulary Free-time activities get up late hang out with friends help parents about the house learn something new listen to music play a lot of sport Show audience costume guitar judge microphone stage Future predictions be a pilot be a pop star be a teacher design an amazing invention have ten children help other people read a lot of books stay at one’s house for a sleepover surf the Web take some photos travel abroad visit relatives cheer for somebody win the first prize / the gold medal live in a big house marry a famous person meet an important stranger speak six languages travel to another country win an amazing prize Holiday activities go-karting horse-riding rafting canoeing water skiing rock climbing playing board games / table tennis / video games having a picnic riding the roller coaster visiting the Haunted Castle Dictionary extra! chat (v)^^ digital (adj)^^ nearly (adv)^^^ nervous (adi)^ ★ tube (n)^^ Real English I can’t wait for... I’m dreading it. How about you? It’s too cold / too scary. I know. That’s a great idea. Grammar Грамматическое время future simple Вопросы и краткие ответы Вопрос Краткий ответ Am 1 going to sleep? Are you going to sleep? Is he/she / it going to sleep? Yes, 1 am. No, 1 am not. Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isn't. Are we / you / they going to sleep? Yes, we / you / they are. No, we/you/they aren't. Конструкция be going to употребляется для описания планов или выражения намерения совершить какое-либо действие, I am going to visit my aunt next week. Время future simple употребляется для выражения действий, которые, как предполагает говорящий, произойдут в будущем. I think ГИ be ап artist. Время future simple также употребляется для выражения предположения о том, какая будет погода. It will be windy tomorrow. Время future simple также употребляется для выражения спонтанно принятых решений. Гт hungry. I'll make а sandwich. Время future simple также употребляется в тех случаях, когда даётся обещание выполнить какое-либо действие. I'll do my homework. / Progress check Check you can do these things. 1 I can talk about plans and intentions. Match the activities with the pictures. Make true sentences about your pians for this summer using going to / not going to and the activities. visit relatives do school work stay in bed all morning hang out with friends play a lot of sport 1 I шт з . 1 I'm going to hang out with my friends. 2 I can make suggestions. a) Name the activities. Use the initial letters to help you. b) Make suggestions with Let’s ... for each picture. 1 Let's go horse-riding. i can write about what i want to do. Write five sentences about what you want to do this weekend. I want to go to the cinema.... i can write about what i don’t want to do. Fill In the gaps to make true sentences about you. 1 I don't want to go rock climbing. It's too scary. w... s... 1 I don’t want to ... It’s too scary. 2 I don’t want to ... It’s too difficult. 3 I don’t want to ... It’s too boring. 4 I don't want to ... It's too cold. 5 I can make predictions about the future. Make questions. Then ask and answer with a classmate. 1 live in another country? 2 get married? 3 be famous? 4 be rich? 5 be happy? 9 Will you live in another country? No, I won’t. @ Revision 1 Complete the dialogue with ‘was’, ‘wasn’t’, ‘were’ or ‘weren’t’. 1 A В A В A В ... you late for school this morning? No, I.... 1... on time. ... all the students there? No, they ... . Two students ... late. ... your teacher happy? No, she .... She ... very sad. 2 Choose the correct word. A Did you go / went to the park yesterday? В Yes, we do / did. We go / went in the afternoon. Did you play / played handball? No, we don’t / didn’t play handball. We piay / played tennis. A В 3 Sam always does the same things every day. Read the text then write what he did yesterday. He got up at half past seven and he had a shower.... He gets up at half past seven and he has a shower. Then he has breakfast. He leaves home at twenty past eight and walks to school. He arrives at school at a quarter to eight. He meets his friends after school. They play football. Then he goes home and watches TV. Then he does his homework. Then he reads a book and listens to music. Then he goes to bed. 4 Make phrasal verbs. Then match the verbs with the pictures. 1 switch a up 2 put b up 3 pick c on 4 wake d off 5 Make questions. Then answer about yourself. 1 2 3 4 5 What time / yesterday / wake up / you / ? Who / you / last holiday / make friends with / ? your classes / When / last Tuesday / finish / ? you / Where / travel / two years ago / ? last week / What book / you / read / ? /135) 6 How many of these things are you going to do tonight? Make sentences with ‘I’m going to’ / ‘I’m not going to’. 1 watch TV 4 go to bed early 2 do some homework 5 tidy my room 3 read a book 6 play computer games 7 Make suggestions with ‘Let’s’ and ‘Do you want to‘. 1 Let's go rafting. Do you want to go rafting? 1 go rafting 2 go rock climbing 3 go go-karting 4 have a picnic 5 ride the roller coaster 6 go horse-riding 8 Use ‘will’ and the phrases in brackets to make sentences about the future. 1 It's very cold. I think it'll snow tomorrow. 1 It’s very cold, (snow tomorrow) 2 I like pop music, (buy a CD) 3 The school’s netball team is good, (win the match) 4 My mum’s birthday is on Friday, (make a cake) 5 I like Chemistry, (be a scientist) 9 Write Oscar’s and Phoebe’s predictions about the School Talent Show. 1 I will drop my guitar. 1 I / drop my guitar. 2 The microphone / not work. 3 My friends / laugh at me. 4 I / dance really well. 5 I / not make any mistakes. 6 My costume / look amazing. 10 Write these people’s jobs. 11 1 Marie Curie 5 Anna Pavlova 2 Charlotte Вготё 6 Jesse Owens 3 Leonardo da Vinci 7 Maria Montessori 4 Alexander Popov 8 Nicolaus Copernicus Make phrases to describe a day out at the seaside. 1 build a a postcard 2 have b in the shade 3 lie c along the beach 4 ride d a wetsuit 5 swim e in the sea 6 walk f a day out 7 wear g a donkey 8 write h a sandcastle (136) Song л л u ^ 1 (ЗлЮ Read the song. Guess the missing prepositions. Then listen and check. on in under next to My Sister Jessie Chorus My sister, Jessie, Is messy, messy, messy. Monday through to Friday, Her bedroom is untidy. 4 She says ... Where's my T-shirt? It’s over there! Where's my homework? It’s (1) ... the chair! Where are my trainers? They’re (2) ... the fioor! Where are my books? They're (3)... the door! Chorus She says... Where are my sweets? They're (4)... the box. Where's my hairbrush? It’s (5)... your socks! Where’s my magazine? It’s (6)... your bed! Where’s my favourite hat? It’s (7)... your head! Chorus 2 Role play the dialogue between Jessie and her brother. Where’s my T-shirt? ^ It’s over there, Jessie. 3 ОИЮ Listen again and sing along. Mini project 1 Read David’s profiles of his heroes. Can you add any information about the two people? IVly Heroes Ronaldinho Occupation He is a footballer. Name Ronaldo de Assts Moreira Date of birth 21 March, 1980 Place of birth Porto Alegre, Brazil National Team Brazil Number 10 Eddie Murphy Occupation He is a film star. Name Edward Regan Murphy Date of birth 3 April, 1961 Place of birth Brooklyn, New York Films The Nutty Professor Beverley Hills Cop Shrek (he is the donkey!) My favourite Eddie Murphy film Daddy Day Care ©avi^ 2 Write profiles of two famous people. 3 Show your profiles to your classmates. Answer any questions. (137) Song 1 (Я^ 24 ) Listen to the song. What has the singer got? Choose the things from the box. mobile phone sweets books keys apple chocolate bar sandwiches car teddy bear It's the Weekend I've got some books and a mobile phone My bag is packed, I’m ready to go. I’ve got an apple and a chocolate bar. My mum, dad and brother are In the car. Chorus Yeah, yeah, it’s a beautiful day. It’s the weekend. Yeah, yeah, everything’s OK, It’s the weekend. Yeah, yeah, we're on our way, It's the weekend. HURRAY! I’ve got some sweets and my brother’s got a teddy bear. My bag is packed, are we almost there? We’ve got a ball for the beach and a magazine. The sky is blue and the grass is green. Chorus 2 Tell your classmates what the singer has got for the weekend. 3 (ЗСЮ Listen again and sing along. Mini project % 1 Read Andrea’s interview. Can you guess the name of her character? Fantasy Interview Interview with X A What’s your name? В My name’s X. A Where are you from? В I’m from Duckberg in the USA. A Have you got a girlfriend? В Yes, I have. A What’s her name? В Her name’s Daisy. A Have you got any nephews? В Yes, I have. Their names are Huey, Dewey and Louie. Choose a character from a cartoon, film or TV programme. Find more information about your character on the Internet or in books. A What’s your favourite food? В Pancakes. A What’s your favourite sport? В My favourite sport is swimming. A Who’s your best friend? В Mickey. A What colour are your feet? В Crange. A Thank you, Mr X. And goodbye, в Quack. - Write an interview with your character. Don’t write the name or show your classmates! Read out your interview to the rest of the class. Can your classmates guess who the famous character is? J Song 1 (°ПЮ Read the song and guess the missing words. Then listen and check. always often som^ti en sometimes never You’re on time, you’re (2) if. late, You don’t ^t up before half past eight. You’re (3)2 happy and you’re (4) i.. sad, But you’re my best friend, and that’s not bad. Chorus Oh yes, you're my best friend. You know it’s true, You’re my best friend. Oh yes, you’re cool. You have biscuits for breakfast and you (5)... eat fruit, You don’t remember birthdays but you (6)'^. tell the truth. You’re (7)... sweet and you’re (8)... mad. But you’re my best friend, and that's not bad. Chorus You get up at midnight and look at the stars, You (9)eat your friends’ chocolate bars. You sleep under your bed and you skateboard to school, But you’re my best friend, and that’s pretty cool. Chorus You like bananas on your pizza and ham in your cake. You put crazy stickers on your pencil case. You wear a purple hoody, a red hat and orange shoes, But you’re my best friend, and that’s the truth. Chorus 2 Tell your classmates what the singer’s best friend is like. Tell the class about your best friend. 3 (Я 38 ') Listen again and sing aiong. Mini project 1 Read Julia’s description. What do you like about her weekend? Mv Dream Weekend j Do you like my dream weekend? Saturday in the morning ... I sleep a long time and wake up at half past ten. Then I get up and have a big breakfast. In the afternoon ... I haven’t got any homework and my mum says don't clean your room today! I meet my friends in town and we go shopping, i buy new jeans and a top. In the evening ... We go to a pizza restaurant and have a big pizza. Then we go to the cinema. I go to bed at midnight! Sunday In the morning... I sleep a long time and get up at half past ten. I have a healthy breakfast of orange juice and cereal. In the afternoon... It’s a beautiful day and I go cycling with my brother and sister. We go to the forest and swim in the lake. In the evening ... I have dinner with my family and we watch TV. I’m tired and I go to bed at nine o'clock, it’s the end of my dream weekend! ■Jo-'-'®' V Write about your dream weekend. Draw pictures or cut out photos from magazines. Exchange descriptions with your classmates. Do they like your dream weekend? @ Song 4 1 C°C1l) Listen to the song and say when the Rock star does these things - from Monday to Friday or at the weekends. skate to school clean the floor play the guitar write songs dance eat a cheese salad sandwich Rock Star > JV I make the bed every morning at eight, I tidy my room and put on my roller skates. I skate to school five days a week. I do my homework in the evening and f I olean my teeth. ^ Monday to Friday, I work and do my chores -I read my books and I clean the floors. But at the weekends, I sing and play the guitar because I’m a famous rock star! U Chorus It’s the weekend now and I’m singing, I’m dancing, I'm writing songs and having fun. it’s the weekend now and I’m singing, I’m dancing, I’m singing my song, it’s number one! I eat my lunch at school with my mates -A cheese salad sandwich and a piece of cake. We take the bus home and we hang out after school. My friends don’t know my secret, and that is cool. Yes, on Saturday and Sunday I don’t work, or do my chores - I don’t read my books or clean the floors, Because I’m a world famous rock star And at the weekends, I sing and play the guitar! Chorus J7 ^ О 2 Tell the class what things the Rock star does during the week and what things he does at the weekends. Then tell the class about you. 3 СКЮ Listen again and sing along. Mini project i 1 Read about Jasmine’s robot. Can you think of some more things Jasmine’s robot does? My Useful Robot My robot makes breakfast every morning. She does my Maths homework. She sings to me every night. She brings me breakfast in bed on Sunday mornings. She tidies and cleans my room. She looks after my little brother. She eats the food I don’t like. О Invent a robot and write a description. For example, a sporty robot, an intelligent robot, a funny robot. Illustrate with pictures. Exchange robots with your classmates. Choose the most useful robot. Song Л Ij i 1 (of 64 ) Listen to the song and say who is a) the sportiest e) the oldest b) the most generous f) the youngest c) the most talkative 9) the funniest d) the most hard-working r Our Family У I'm the best with computers, I'm really good at IT. My cousin Joe is the sportiest, He loves to do PE. My uncle Fred's the most generous, He buys presents as big as a house. My brother Mike’s the most talkative, He loves chatting, even to a mouse! Chorus Welcome to our family, We’re the friendliest people in town! Welcome to our family. We’re the happiest people around! My mum is the most hard-working. She’s always got things to do. My great-grandma is the oldest. She’s one hundred and two. My cousin Jen’s the youngest. She’s only one and a half. My sister Sue is the funniest, She makes everybody laugh. Chorus 2 Tell your classmates about the singer’s family. Describe your family to the class. 3 C°C 64 ) Listen again and sing along. 1 Read Marina’s descriptions of Beyonce and Rihanna. Do you agree with her? .yonceisaR&Bsinger ,is»lso«son9write.fii™s^r ,d fashion designer, she is Amer--- le is oldcf than ^ hanno-Two of Her lost successful songs re 'crazy ih Love i^d 'Baby Boy'.Two )f her films are The Pink panther' and 'Dreamgitls. H шппа a ■* she is from Borbados in the west indies. She is taller than Beyonc^. Her most ;;«“iSCb more beoutifni than Beyonce'. f\/\anna 2 Write a profile comparing two famous people. 3 Show your descriptions to your classmates. Answer any questions. (U^ i 1 (Я во ) Read these statements about Dream Park and guess if they are true or false. Then listen and check. a) You can lie on the grass. d) You can’t ride your bikes b) You can’t wear roller skates. e) You can’t kick a ball. c) You can do anything. f) You can climb the trees. r Dream Park Chorus We’ve got our own rules, in our Dream Park, Life’s pretty cool, in our Dream Park, We can have a great time, in our Dream Park, We’re always fine, in our Dream Park. You can lie on the grass. You can jump and sing. You can wear roller skates. You can do anything. But you have to have fun in the rain, in the sun in our Dream Park, in our Dream Park. You can ride your bikes. You can swim in the lake. You can drink cola and eat chocolate cake. But you have to have fun in the rain, in the sun in our Dream Park, in our Dream Park. Chorus You can kick a ball. You can climb the trees. You can fly a kite. You can do as you please. But you have to have fun in the rain, in the sun in our Dream Park, in our Dream Park. 2 Tell the class about the rules In Dream Park. Which rules do you like best? Why? 3 80 ) Listen again and sing along. Mini project 1 Read Karen’s quiz. Answer the questions. How much do you know about music? a) What is the name of this musical instrument? A guitar В keyboards C harp b) How many famous composers do you know? Name as many as you can. Match the dance with a country. 1 Samba a) Austria 2 Tango b) Spain 3 Waltz c) Brazil 4 Flamenco d i Argentina What is the odd word out? hip hop piano jazz country classical pop 2 Write a quiz about one of your favourite topics. Here are some ideas. Art Animals TV shows Films Books Celebrities 3 Ask your classmates to write answers to your quiz. @ Song 1 СЗСПЭ Read the song and fill in the gaps with the verbs in the box. Then listen and check. camped counted cycled danced listened played sang swam took travelled went were r Last Summer > Chorus Last summer we (9)... songs together and then we (10)... volleyball in the park. Last summer we {11)... on the beach, Last summer we (12)... the stars in the dark. Chorus Last summer we (1)... to the mountains and then we (2)... the fast train to Rome. Last summer we (3)... to Paris and then we (4)... all the way home. Chorus Now it is winter. The sky is cold and grey. But I remember last summer, I had fun every day. Last summer we (5)... to music and then we (6)... in the sea. Last summer we (7)... on the beach, Last summer, oh yes, we (8)... free. 2 Tell the class about the singer’s last summer holiday. What did you do last summer? 3 99 ) Listen again and sing along. 1 Read Paul’s story. What do you think is the most fantastic part of his story? My Fantastic Day ,he afternccn I flew to New York. I got up late and had a dinosaur for breakfast. Then I went shopping and bought a Ferrari. Then I went to the park and played a game of football with David Beckham. 2 Make a poster about a fantastic day. Use pictures from magazines to help you write the story. 3 Show your poster to your classmates. In the evening 1 drove around New York City in a limousine. And then I woke up! 4:= Song Л ij ^ 1 QjTT) Put the events in the correct order. Then listen and check. a) I swam to an island. b) I travelled to a city. c) My ship hit a rock. d) I woke up on a beach. e) The soldiers fed me. f) They shot arrows at me. g) There were hundreds of soldiers on the beach. Gulliver s story Chorus Listen, will you listen to this story of mine, When 1 was a ship's doctor in sixteen ninety-nine? My ship hit a rock in a terrible storm. I swam to an island and I slept until dawn.* ! woke on a beach and saw a very small man, I spoke to him in English, He did not understand. There were hundreds of soldiers on the beach, by the sea. They were tiny but dangerous and they shot arrows at me. I was hungry and thirsty, I wanted to eat, and so the soldiers fed me, then I slept on the beach. A thousand horses pulled a wagon, and I travelled in the night To a beautiful city with a palace, fine and bright. Chorus *dawn = when the sun rises in the morning 2 Work with a classmate. Do you know what happened to Gulliver next? Discuss and make up an ending to the song. 3 (Я ^15) Listen again and sing along. Mini project 1 Read about Paul’s hero. Do you know his name? My Hero My hero was born in South Africa in 1918. ^ He studied law and became a politician. 'i.'' He spent 27 years in prison. He fought for human rights. 2 Write about a famous person. Don’t write the name. 3 Read about your classmates’ heroes. Can you guess the names? He became famous all over the world. He was the President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. Ij ^ 1 С^145 j What does the singer want to do in Funland? Guess five correct activities. Then listen and check. a) ride the roller coasters b) eat hamburgers c) go rafting d) have a picnic e) go to the Haunted Castle Let's Go to Funland! I want to visit Funland, I want to ride the roller coasters with you. [too scary!] 1 want to eat hot dogs and ice cream and go horse-riding with you. Chorus I want to have some fun. How about you? Yes, let's have some fun, Let’s go to Funland, me and you! I want to visit Funland, I want to go rafting with you. [too cold!] f) go go-karting g) take a lot of photos I want to have a picnic and sit in the park with you. Chorus I want to visit Funland, I want to go to the Haunted Castle with you. [Let’s go!] I want to take a lot of photos and have a lot of fun with you. Chorus 2 Tell the class about what the singer wants to do in Funland. Do you want to visit Funland? Why? 3 (3J5D Listen again and sing along. Mini project 1 Read Terry's advertisement. Do you think Newtown Linford is a good place for a holiday? Holiday advertisement Welcome to Newtown Linford 1 live in a village called Newtown Linford. It’s in Leicestershire, England and it’s a lovely place for a holiday. A good place to stay The Bradgate B&B. It costs £30 per person per night. A good place to visit Bradgate Park. You can see deer and an old castle. This castle was the home of Lady Jane Grey. How to get there By car - The Ml motorway By air - East Midlands Airport By train - Leicester Station and then by bus 2 Make a holiday advertisement for your hometown. 3 Show your advertisement to your classmates. A good place to eat Chanwood Teashop has tea and cakes. , The cakes are delicious. Dictionary Aa abroad (adv) [a'braid] за границей accuracy (n) ['aekjurasi] точность, правильность actor (n) ['aekt3(r)] актёр advertising (n) ['aedva(r),taizir]] реклама Africa (n) ['aefrika] Африка age (n) [eidj] возраст ago (adv) [э'дэи] (тому) назад air (v) [еэ(г)] проветривать always (adv) ['oilweiz] всегда amazed (adj) [a'meizd] изумлённый amazing (adj) [a'meizii]] изумительный America (n) [э'тепкэ] Америка ancient (adj) ['einj(a)nt] древний ant (n) [aent] муравей antelope (n) ['aenti.laup] антилопа antonym (n) ['aentanim] антоним appear (v) [э'р1э(г)] появляться Arabic (adj) ['aerabik] арабский architecture (n) ['a:(r)ki,tektja(r)] архитектура argue (v) ['a:(r)gju] спорить, утверждать arrive (v) [a'raiv] приезжать, прибывать arrow (n) ['aerau] стрела Art (n) [a:(r)t] изобразительное искусство Asia (n) ['eija] Азия audience (n) ['aidians] публика, аудитория aunt (n) [amt] тётя Bb bad (adj) [baed] плохой bag (n) [baeg] сумка, портфель bake (v) [beik] выпекать balaclava (n) [,baela'kla:va] вязаный шлем; маска, закрывающая низ лица barn (п) [ba:(r)n] сарай basalt (adj) ['baesDiltj базальтовый basket (n) ['baiskit] корзина beach (n) [biitj] пляж bear (n) [bea(r)] медведь beautiful (adj) ['bju:t3f(3)l] красивый bed and breakfast [,bed an 'brekfastj (B & B) семейная гостиница, в которой предоставляется необходимый минимум услуг: номер и завтрак bedroom (п) ['bedruim] спальня behave (v) [bi'heiv] вести себя, поступать believe (v) [bi'liiv] верить bench (n) [bentj] скамья bilingual (adj) [bai'liggwal] двуязычный bin (n) [bin] контейнер для мусора Biology (n) [bai'Dlad3i] биология birthday (n) ['b3:(r)0dei] день рождения biscuit (n) ['biskit] печенье board game (n) ['bDi(r)d ,geim] настольная игра boat (n) [baut] лодка, корабль book (n) [buk] книга boring (adj) ['bDirig] скучный bottle (n) ['bot(a)|] бутылка bow (n) [bau] лук (оружие) bowl (n) [bau|] миска, чашка bracelet (n) ['breislat] браслет breakfast (n) ['brekfast] завтрак bridge (n) [brid3] мост bring out (v) [,brir] 'aut] производить, выпускать brother (n) [Ьгл5а(г)] брат buffalo (n) ['bAfalau] буйвол bump (n) [Ьлтр] шишка, выпуклость bus station (n) [,bAS 'steij(a)n] автовокзал butter (n) ['bAta(r)] сливочное масло Cc cafe (n) ['kaefei] кафе camel (n) ['kaem(a)l] верблюд can (n) [kaen] жестяная банка can (v) [kaen, kan] уметь, мочь canoeing (n) [ka'nuiig] гребля на каноэ canvas (n) ['kaenvas] материя, текстиль capital (n) ['kaepit(a)!] столица car (n) [ka:(r)] машина, автомобиль cardboard (n) ['ka:(r)d,bDi(r)d] картон carnival (n) ['ka:(r)niv(a)|] карнавал carpet (n) ['ka:(r)pit] ковёр carry (v) ['kaeri] носить, перевозить castle (n) ['ka:s(a)l] замок catch (v) [kaetj] ловить, хватать caviar (n) ['kaevi,a:(r)] икра (рыбная) celebrate (v) ['sela.breit] праздновать, отмечать century (n) ['sentjari] век, столетие cereal (n) ['siarial] хлопья, крупа chair (n) [tjea(r)] стул chamomile (n) ['kaemamail] ромашка chandelier (n) [,Jaend3'lia(r)] люстра change (v) [tjeind3] менять character (n) ['kaerikta(r)] персонаж, образ chat (v) [tjaet] болтать, беседовать cheer (v) [tjia(r)] ободрять, «болеть» cheese (n) [tjiiz] сыр cheetah (n) ['tjiita] гепард chemical (n) [''kemik(a)l] химикат Chemistry (n) ['kemistri] химия chicken (n) ['tjikin] цыплёнок, мясо кур chimpanzee (n) [,tjimpaen'zi:] шимпанзе chocolate bar (n) ['tjoklat ,ba:(r)] плитка шоколада chore (n) [tjDi(r)] работа no дому cinema (n) ['sinama] кинотеатр, кино city (n) ['siti] большой город clean (adj) [kli:n] чистый, опрятный clean (v) [kliin] чистить, прибирать climate (n) ['klaimat] климат cobra (n) ['кэиЬгэ] кобра coin (n) [кэш] монета collect (v) [ka'Iekt] собирать, коллекционировать collector (n) [lo'lekta(r)] коллекционер college (n) ['kolids] колледж column (n) ['kolam] колонна comb (v) [kaum] расчёсывать (волосы) competition (n) [,kDmpa'tiJ(a)n] соревнование, конкурс composition (n) [,kDmpa'ziJ(a)n] сочинение computer game (n) [kam'pju:ta(r) ,geim] компьютерная игра cook (v) [kuk] готовить (пищу) core (v) [кэ:(г)] сердцевина cosmonaut (n) ['kDzma.noit] космонавт costume (n) ['kostjuim] костюм country (n) ['kAntri] страна cousin (n) ['kAz(a)n] кузен, кузина; двоюродный брат, двоюродная сестра crash helmet (n) [,kraej 'helmit] шлем (мотоциклиста) create (v) [kri'eit] создавать, творить creative (adj) [kri'eitiv] творческий crisp (n) [krisp] хрустящий картофель cross (v) [kros] пересекать, переходить crossroads (n) ['kros.raudz] перекрёсток crumble (n) ['кгАтЬ(э)|] традиционный английский десерт из кусочков яблок или других фруктов, запечённых под крошкой из песочного теста culture (п) ['kAltJa(r)] культура cupboard (п) ['kAba(r)d] шкаф, буфет cure (v) [kjua(r)] вылечивать, исцелять cut (v) [kAt] резать cut down (v) [,kAt 'daun] вырубать (лес) cut off (v) [,kAt 'of] отрезать cycle lane (n) ['saik(a)l ,lein] велосипедная дорожка (в городе) Czech (adj) [tjek] чешский Dd daffodil (n) ['daefadil] жёлтый нарцисс dangerous (adj) ['deindsaras] опасный day (n) [dei] день day out (n) [,dei 'aut] свободный день deer (n) [dia(r)j олень designer (n) [di'zaina(r)] дизайнер desk (n) [desk] парта; письменный стол destroy (v) [di'strDi] разрушать diary (n) ['daiarij дневник difficult (adj) ['difik(a)lt] трудный, сложный digital (adj) ['did5it(a)l] цифровой dining room (n) ['dainig ru:m] столовая (комната) dinner (n) ['dina(r)] ужин director (n) [dai'rekta(r)] режиссёр dirty (adj) [’d3:(r)ti] грязный disappear (v) [,disa'pia(r)] исчезать disease (n) [di'ziiz] болезнь do the washing-up (v) [,dui 5a 'woJig'Ap] мыть посуду dog (n) [dog] собака dog sled (n) ['dog .sledl собачья упряжка dolphin (n) ['dolfin] дельфин donkey (n) ['dor]ki] осёл downhill (adv) [,daun'hi|] под ropy, вниз no склону dry (v) [drai] сушить Ее earthquake (n) ['3:(r)0,kweik] землетрясение easy (adj) ['i:zi] лёгкий, несложный edge (n) [eds] край, кромка effective (adj) [I'fektiv] эффективный elephant (n) ['elifant] слон emperor (n) ['emp(a)ra(r)I император empty (adj) ['emptij пустой empty (v) ['emptij опустошать, освобождать endangered species (n) [in,deind5a(r)d 'spiijiizj вымирающий вид enemy (n) ['enami] враг England (n) ['igglandj Англия English (adj) ['irjgli/j английский English (n) ['igglij] английский язык entertain (v) [,enta(r)'tein] развлекать erupt (v) [I'rApt] извергаться (овулкане) Europe (n) ['juarapj Европа every (adj) [’evri] каждый exam (n) [ig'zaem] экзамен exciting (adj) [ik'saitig] волнующий, увлекательный expensive (adj) [ik'spensiv] дорогой expert (n) ['eksp3i(r)t] эксперт extinct (adj) [ik'stigkt] вымерший Ff fabric (n) ['faebrikj ткань, материя famous (adj) ['feimas] известный, знаменитый far (adj) [fai(r)j далёкий fashion (n) ['faej(a)n] мода fast (adj) [foist] быстрый fasten (v) ['fo:s(a)n] застёгивать father (n) ['fa:5a(r)] папа, отец favourite (adj) ['feiv(a)rat] любимый feather (n) ['fe5a(r)] перо; оперенье feed (v) [fiid] кормить female (n) ['fiimeil] особь женского пола; самка fence (n) [fens] ограда, изгородь fetch (v) [fetj] (сходить и) привести, принести figure (n) ['figa(r)] выдающаяся личность fin (n) [fin] плавник fisherman (n) ['fija(r)man] рыбак fit (adj) [fit] подтянутый, в хорошей спортивной форме (И7) flour (n) [flaua(r)] мука fly (n) [flai] муха fold (v) [fauld] складывать вдвое, перегибать foreign (adj) ['form] иностранный forest (n) ['forist] лес foster (adj) ['fDsta(r)] приёмный (оребёнке) founder (n) ['faunda(r)] основатель fox (n) [foks] лиса French (n) [frentjj французский язык freshwater (adj) ['freJ,WDita(r)] пресноводный Friday (n) ['fraidei] пятница friendly (adj) ['fren(d)li] дружелюбный, приветливый funny (adj) [Тлп1] смешной, забавный future (adj) ['fjuitjafr)] будущий future (n) ['fjuitjafr)] будущее Gg generation (n) [,d5en9'reij(9)n] поколение generous (adj) ['dsenaras] щедрый, великодушный Geography (n) [dsii'ografi] география get bored (v) [,get 'bDi(r)d] заскучать get dressed (v) [,get 'drest] одеться giraffe (n) [dsa'raif] жираф glass (n) [glais] стекло glove (n) [glAv] перчатка glue (n) [glui] клей go-karting (n) ['gau.kaitig] картинг {гонкина картах - простейших гоночных автомобилях без кузова) good (at) (adj) [gud (at)] способный к чему-либо grandfather (n) ['graen(d),fai59(r)] дедушка grandmother (n) ['graen(d),mA59(r)] бабушка grass (n) [grais] трава guitar (n) [gi'tai(r)] гитара Hh habitat (n) ['haebitaetj среда обитания hairbrush (n) ['hea(r),brAjl щётка для волос half (n) [half] половина ham (n) [haem] окорок; ветчина hand in (v) [,haend 'in] сдавать {длярассмотрения, проверки, например домашней работы, и т.п.) hand out (v) [,haend 'aut] раздавать handsome (adj) ['haens(a)m] красивый, симпатичный {омужчине) hang out (v) [,haer] 'aut] гулять {сдрузьями) hard-working (adj) [,hai(r)d'w3i(r)kir]] трудолюбивый hate (v) [heit] ненавидеть Flaunted Castle (n) ['hointid ,kais(a)|] замок c привидениями have to (v) ['haev ,ta] быть должным, быть вынужденным {сделать что-либо) head (v) [hed] отбивать мяч головой health (п) [hel0] здоровье healthy (adj) ['hel0i] здоровый hexagonal (adj) [hek'saeganal] шестиугольный higher education (n) [,haia(r) ,edju'keij(a)n] высшее образование Flindi (n) ['hindi] язык хинди {официальныйязык Индии) hippo (n) ['hipau] бегемот Flistory (п) ['hist(a)ri] история hit (v) [hit] ударять, натолкнуться {наскалы) hobby (n) ['hobi] хобби, увлечение hold (v) [hauld] держать homework (n) ['haum,w3i(r)k] домашняя работа horn (n) [hDi(r)n] рог horse riding (n) ['hDi(r)s .raidig] езда верхом на лошади hotel (n) [hau'tel] отель, гостиница household (adj) ['haus,hauld] домашний, хозяйственный hunt (v) [hAnt] охотиться ibis (n) ['aibis] ибис important (adj) [im'pDi(r)t(a)nt] важный impossible (adj) [im'pDS9b(a)l] невозможный Information Technology (IT) (n) [inf9(r),meij(a)n tek'noladsi] информатика intelligent (adj) [in'telid5(a)nt] умный; разумный interesting (adj) ['intrastig] интересный invent(v) [in'vent] изобретать invention (n) [in'venj(a)n] изобретение Ireland (n) ['ailand] Ирландия island (n) ['ailand] остров Jj Jacket (n) ['dsaekit] жакет; пиджак Japan (n) [dsa'paen] Япония Japanese (adj) [.dsaepa'niiz] японский Jar (n) [d5oi(r)] кувшин jewellery (n) ['dsuiairi] ювелирные украшения Journey (n) ['d53i(r)ni] поездка Judge (n) [dsAds] судья Kk keep safe (v) [,kiip 'seif] беречь, хранить в надёжном месте key (n) [kii] ключ kick (v) [kik] пинать, ударять ногой kind (adj) [kaind] добрый kit (n) [kit] набор, комплект чего-либо kitchen (n) ['kitjan] кухня kite-flying (n) ['kait .flaiirj] запуск воздушных змеев knight (n) [nait] рыцарь kowhai (n) ['kauwai] куваи {растение, символ Новой Зеландии) LI laptop (n) ['laep.top] ноутбук, портативный компьютер last (v) [laist] прошлый lay (v) [lei] класть; накрывать (на стол) layer (n) ['leia(r)] слой lazy (adj) ['leizij ленивый leave (v) [liiv] оставлять, уезжать level (n) ['lev(a)|l уровень lie (v) [lai] лежать lion (n) ['laianj лев living room (n) ['livit] ruim] гостиная long (adj) [log] длинный lorry (n) ['lorij грузовик lotus (n) ['lautasj лотос lunch box (n) ['lAntJ boks] коробка для завтрака Mm magazine (n) [.maega'ziin] журнал mainland (n) ['mein.laendj большой остров, обширная часть суши make the bed (v) ['meik 6э bed] убирать постель make-up (n) ['тетклр] макияж male (n) [meil] особь мужского пола; самец Malta (n) ['moilta] Мальта mammoth (n) ['maemaG] мамонт marry (v) ['maeri] жениться, выходить замуж mass media (n) [,maes 'miidia] средства массовой информации Maths (n) [maeGs] математика Mediterranean Sea (n) [.medita'reinian 'sii] Средиземное море member (n) ['memba(r)] член merchant (n) ['m3i(r)tj(a)nt] купец message (n) ['mesid3] послание messy (adj) ['mesi] грязный, неопрятный metal (n) ['met(a)|] металл microphone (n) ['maikra.faun] микрофон microwave (n) ['maikra.weiv] микроволновая печь midnight (n) ['mid.nait] полночь mild (adj) [maild] мягкий, умеренный (оклимате) mix (v) [miks] смешивать mobile phone (n) [.maubail 'faun] мобильный телефон moderate (adj) ['mDd(a)rat] умеренный, средний (о температуре воздуха) Monday (n) ['mAndei] понедельник money (n) ['mAni] деньги month (n) [mAnG] месяц mosquito (n) [mo'skiitau] комар mother (n) ['mA6a(r)] мама, мать motorbike (n) ['mauta(r),baik] мотоцикл mountain (n) ['mauntin] гора multilingual (adj) [,mAlti'liggwa|] многоязычный museum (n) [mjui'ziiam] музей music (n) ['mjuizik] музыка musician (n) [niju'zij(a)n] музыкант must (v) [mAst, mast] должен, обязан mysterious (adj) [mi'stiarias] таинственный, загадочный Nn national (adj) ['naej(a)nal] национальный native (adj) ['neitiv] родной (оязыке, стране) natural (adj) ['naetj(a)ral] естественный, натуральный nearly (adv) ['nia(r)li] почти nervous (adj) ['n3:(r)vas] нервный never (adv) ['neva(r)] никогда New Zealand (n) [nju'ziiland] Новая Зеландия news (n) [njuiz] новости newspaper (n) ['njuiz,peipa(r)] газета nice (adj) [nais] приятный, хороший, милый night (n) [nait] ночь non-native (adj) [non'neitiv] неродной (оязыке) Northern Ireland (n) [,пэ1бэп 'ailand] Северная Ирландия Oo Oceania (n) [.ausi'ainia] Океания old (adj) [auld] старый on time (adv) [on 'taim] вовремя once (adv) [wAns] один раз online (adv) ['onlain] в режиме реального времени orange (n) ['orinds] апельсин origami (n) [.ori'gaimi] оригами (искусство складывания фигурок из бумаги) outside (adv) [.aut'said] снаружи; на улице oven (п) ['Av(a)n] духовой шкаф owl (п) [аи1] сова Рр packet (п) ['paekit] пачка; упаковка; пакет paint (v) [peint] красить, окрашивать paper (n) i'peip3(r)] бумага parade (n) [pa'reid] парад park (n) [pa:(r)k] парк park (v) [pa:(r)k] парковать(ся) parking meter (n) ['pai(r)kig ,miita(r)] счётчик времени стоянки автомобиля pavement (n) ['peivmant] тротуар PE (n) [,pii 'ii] физическое воспитание, физкультура pedestrian crossing (n) [pa.destrian 'krosig] пешеходный переход peel (v) [pi:|] чистить, снимать кожицу pencil case (n) ['pens(a)l keis] пенал penguin (n) ['peggwin] пингвин peninsula (n) [pa'ninsjula] полуостров Persian (adj) ['p3i(r)J(a)n] персидский photocopier (n) ['fautau,kDpia(r)] копировальная машина Physics (n) ['fiziks] физика pick up (v) [,pik 'Ap] подбирать picnic (n) ['piknik] пикник pilot (n) ['pailat] пилот, лётчик plant nursery (n) [plaint 'n3i(r)s(a)ri] растительный питомник plastic (n) ['plasstik] пластмасса pocket (n) ['pokit] карман poisonous (adj) ['pDiz(a)nas] ядовитый polite (adj) [pa'Iait] вежливый pollution (n) [рэ'1и:/(э)п] загрязнение (окружающей среды) pop star (n) [,pop 'stai(r)] поп-звезда population (n) [,pDpJu'leiJ(a)n] население postcard (n) ['paus(t),ka;(r)d] открытка poster (n) ['pausta(r)] плакат, постер prickle (n) ['prik(a)l] шип; колючка; иголка primary (adj) ['praimari] начальный (об образовании) printing press (n) [.printig 'pres] печатный станок produce (v) [pra'djuis] производить protect (v) [pra'tekt] защищать; охранять punctual (adj) ['pAriktJual] пунктуальный purse (n) [p3i(r)s] кошелёк put on (v) [,put 'on] надевать (что-либо) Qq quiet (adj) ['kwaiatj тихий, спокойный Rr rafting (n) ['raiftir)] рафтинг, сплав no горным рекам на надувных плотах railway station (n) ['reilwei ,steij(a)n] вокзал, железнодорожная станция raincoat (n) ['rein.kaut] плащ rectangle (n) ['гекдэгдд(э)|] прямоугольник recycle (v) [rii'saik(a)l] перерабатывать relative (n) ['relativj родственник reserve (n) [ri'z3i(r)v] заповедник restaurant (n) ['rest(a)mnt] ресторан restore (v) [ri'stDi(r)] восстанавливать ride (n) [raid] ездить river (n) ['riva(r)] река road sign (n) ['raud sain] дорожный знак rock climbing (n) ['rok .klaimig] альпинизм, скалолазание roll (v) [raul] скатывать, сворачивать roller skates (n) ['raula(r) skeits] роликовые коньки roller coaster (n) ['raula(r) ,kausta(r)] аттракцион «железная дорога»; американские горки rub (v) [глЬ] тереть, потирать rubber (п) ['глЬэ(г)] резина rubbish (п) ['rAbiJl мусор rug (п) [гАд] коврик rule (п) [ru;|] правило Ss safety (n) ['seifti] безопасность salad (n) ['saeladj салат (блюдо) sandcastle (n) ['sa2n(d),ka:s(a)l] замок из песка sandwich (n) ['sa2n(d)witjj бутерброд, сэндвич Saturday (n) ['sa2ta(r)dei] суббота Science (n) ['saians] естественно-научные предметы scorpion (n) ['sko:(r)pian] скорпион Scotland (n) ['skotland] Шотландия sea lion (n) [si: 'laian] морской лев seal (n) [si:|] тюлень seaside (n) ['si:,said] морское побережье seat belt (n) ['si:t belt] ремень безопасности secondary (adj) ['sekand(9)ri] средний (об образовании, школе) sell (v) [sel] продавать Serbo-Croat (adj) [.ssibau'krauaet] сербохорватский serious (adj) ['siarias] серьёзный shade (n) [feid] тень, укрытое от солнца место shake out (v) [feik] выбивать (ковёр) shampoo (n) [faem'pu:] шампунь sharp (adj) [Ja:(r)p] острый ship (n) [fip] корабль shirt (n) [J3:(r)t] рубашка short (adj) [jD:(r)t] короткий shower (n) ['Jaua(r)] душ silent (adj) ['sailant] немногословный, молчаливый singer (n) ['sir|a(r)] певец, певица sister (n) ['sista(r)] сестра size (n) [saiz] размер skateboard (n) ['skeit ,bo:d] скейтборд (доскана роликах) skateboard (v) ['skeit ,bo:d] кататься на скейтборде skill (n) [skil] умение, навык skirt (n) [sk3:(r)t] юбка skyscraper (n) ['skai,skreipa(r)] небоскрёб slice (v) [slais] тонкий кусочек slippers (n) ['slipa(r)z] тапочки snack (n) [snaek] лёгкая закуска (to have a snack - перекусить) snail (n) [sneil] улитка soldier (n) ['sauld3a(r)] солдат sometimes (adv) ['sAmtaimz] иногда space (n) [speis] космос spelling (n) ['spelig] правописание sports centre (n) ['spo:(r)ts ,senta(r)] спортивный центр sprinkle (v) ['sprit]k(a)l] посыпать stadium (n) ['steidiam] стадион stage name (n) ['steid3 neim] сценический псевдоним stamp (n) [staemp] почтовая марка stick together (v) [stik ta'ge5a(r)] скреплять stone (n) [staun] камень storm (n) [sto:(r)m] шторм straight (adv) [streit] прямо stranger (n) ['streind3a(r)] незнакомец strong (adj) [strog] сильный sturgeon (n) ['st3:(r)d3(a)n] осётр subject (n) ['sAbd3ikt] школьный предмет sugar (n) ['Juga(r)] сахар Sunday (n) ['sAndei] воскресенье supermarket (n) ['suipa(r),ma:(r)kit] супермаркет surf the Internet (v) ['s3i(r)f 5э inta(r),net] бороздить Интернет, сидеть в Интернете sweep (v) [swiip] подметать, мести sweet (n) [swiit] конфета swimming pool (n) ['swimig puil] плавательный бассейн switch off (v) [,switj 'of] выключать, отключать switch on (v) [,switj 'on] включать sword (n) [sD:(r)d] меч synonym (n) ['sinanim] синоним Tt table tennis (n) ['teib(a)l ,tenis] настольный теннис tail (n) [tei|] хвост talkative (adj) ['toikativ] разговорчивый tall (adj) [toil] высокий teacher (n) ['tiitja(r)] учитель, учительница technique (n) [tek'niik] метод, технический приём technology (n) [tek'noladsi] технология temperate (adj) ['temp(a)rat] умеренный (о климате) temperature (n) ['tempritja(r)] температура temple (n) ['temp(a)l] храм thistle (n) ['0is(a)l] чертополох throw away (v) [,0гэи a'wei] выбрасывать Thursday (n) ['03:(r)zdei] четверг ticket (n) ['tikit] билет tidy (v) ['taidi] приводить в порядок, прибирать tie (together) (v) [,tai ta'ge6a(r)] связывать вместе tiger (n) ['taiga(r)] тигр timetable (n) ['taim,teib(a)|] расписание tiny (adj) ['taini] крошечный tissue (n) ['tijui] салфетка toothbrush (n) ['tui0,brA_n зубная щётка tortoise (n) ['tDi(r)tas] черепаха totem pole (n) ['tautam pau|] тотемный столб tourism (n) ['tuariz(a)m] туризм tourist attraction (n) ['tuarist a'traekj(a)n] туристическая достопримечательность traffic lights (n) ['traefik laits] светофор traffic warden (n) ['traefik ,WDi(r)d(a)n] инспектор дорожного движения (какправило, контролирует соблюдение правил стоянки автомобилей) train (п) [trein] поезд trainers (п) ['treina(r)z] кроссовки travel (v) ['traev(a)l] путешествовать trilingual (adj) [.trai'liggwal] знающий три языка trousers (n) ['trauza(r)z] брюки tsunami (n) [tsu:'na:mi] цунами tube (n) [tjuib] метро (в Лондоне) Tuesday (n) ['tjuizdei] вторник Turkish (adj) ['t3:(r)kij] турецкий turn (v) [t3i(r)n] поворачивать twice (adv) [twais] дважды; два раза typewriter (n) ['taip,raita(r)] печатная машинка tyre (n) ['taia(r)] шина Uu uncle (n) ['лдк(э)|] дядя underground (n) ['Anda(r),graund] метро, подземка unfriendly (adj) [An'fren(d)li] недружелюбный uniform (n) ['ju:nifDi(r)m] униформа unique (adj) [jui'niik] уникальный university (n) [ju:ni'v3:(r)sati] университет usually (adv) ['juisuali] обычно Vv vacuum (v) ['vaekjuam] пылесосить vampire (n) ['voempaia(r)] вампир village (n) ['vilids] деревня visit (n) ['vizit] посещать, навещать volcano (n) [vDl'keinau] вулкан Ww wagon (n) ['waegan] тележка, повозка wake up (v) [,weik 'Ap] просыпаться Wales (n) [weilz] Уэльс walk (v) [wDik] гулять, идти пешком wardrobe (n) ['wDi(r)draub] платяной шкаф, гардероб wart (n) [wDi(r)t] бородавка wastepaper (n) [weis(t)'peipa(r)] бумажные отходы, макулатура watch (v) [wDtJl наблюдать; смотреть (телевизор) water (v) ['wo:ta(r)] поливать water skiing (n) ['wDita(r) ,ski:ir]] катание на водных лыжах wave (n) [weiv] волна weave (v) [wiiv] сплетать, вплетать Wednesday (n) ['wenzdei] среда week (n) [wi:k] неделя welcome (v) ['welkam] приветствовать well (n) [we|] колодец Welsh (adj) [welj] уэльский wetsuit (n) ['wet,suit] гидрокостюм whale (n) [well] кит win (v) [win] выигрывать, побеждать wizard (n) ['wiza(r)d] колдун, маг, волшебник wolf (п) [wulf] волк wonder (n) ['wAnda(r)] чудо wood (n) [wud] дрова wrapper (n) ['raepa(r)] фантик, обёртка Yy year (n) [jia(r)] год yoghurt (n) ['joga(r)t] йогурт young (adj) [|аг]] молодой