Английский язык для младших школьников Рабочая тетрадь Шишкова часть 2

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык для младших школьников Рабочая тетрадь Шишкова часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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и. А. Шишкова I т !/М С ДЛЯ младших школьников • * Час'Г^... # ^ МОСКВА с м э н 2012 Урок 1 Hi! What are you doing? Revision. Повторение пройденного Подбери к словам и словосочетаниям транскрипцию и соедини их линией. Обведи слова. are you dufnu иг Задай Филу вопросы о том, что сейчас делают его родственники. Начни каждый вопрос с is или are. Замени ту (мой, мои) на your (твой, твои). 1. Му dad and grandad are playing chess. Are your dad and grandad playing chess? 2. My mum is making a cake in the kitchen. Is your mum makins a cake in the kitchen? 3. My dad is talking to my mum. 4. Му sister is reading a book. 5. My little brother is playing with his blocks, 6. I’m talking on the phone. 7. My granny is watching TV. Кейт читает книжку про озорных котов. Посмотри на рисунки и выбери подпись к каждому из них, обведи и подчеркни её. ffyerats. TBudm^ Фил написал письмо другу в Англию. Обрати внимание на то, как нужно правильно оформлять письма. Помоги Филу вспомнить формы глагола be — am, is и are. Вставь их в письмо. Так нужно начать письмо: Dear + имя Первый абзац! Dear Ted, How are you? Long time, no see! Здесь пишется дата 26 September, 2009 It is six o’clock in the evening. I watching a film about dolfins. Do you like them? They are very clever. They like people. My sister Kate_____reading a book about elephants. They help people a lot. My little brother Sam____playing hide-and-seek with our kitten. Now the kitten _ can’t see it. sitting under the armchair and Sam My mum_______making a nice cake in the kitchen. My dad________ talking on the phone. My granny and grandad _________ having tea. They want to go to the lake. They have got a small house there. They want to take my sister and me with them. Do you like books? Do you like films about dolphins? Please write and tell me your news. k Вопрос к другу] Так нужно закончить письмо From, Phil Если ты хорошо знаешь того, кому пишешь, в конце письма поставь Love, + имя или From, + имя. ■ ft»# Задай вопросы, используя письмо Фила, и ответь на них. Вставь пропущенные is, are, aren't, do, can, can't и have. (Некоторые глагольные формы встретятся тебе несколько раз.) 1. Is it six o'clock in the evening;? Yes, it 2. Phil watching a film about dolphins? Yes, he 3. they very clever? Yes, they 4. they like people? Yes, they 5. Phil’s sister Kate reading a book about elephants? Yes, she 6. they help people? Yes, they 7. his little brother Sam playing hide-and-seek with his kitten? Yes, he 8. the kitten sitting under the armchair? Yes, it 9. Sam see it? No, he 10. Phil’s mum making a nice cake in the kitchen? Yes, she IS 11. his dad talking on the phone? Yes, he 12. his granny and grandad playing chess? No, they 13. they want to go the lake? Yes, they 14. they got a small house there? Yes, they 15. they want to take Phil and his sister Kate with them? Yes, they 1 Переведи предложения на английский язык. Расставь их в том порядке, в каком они идут в письме Фила. Проставь номера предложений в квадратиках. Первое предложение уже пронумеровано. Дорогой Тед! Как ты поживаешь? Dear Ted. How are you? Я смотрю фильм про дельфинов. Давно мы не виделись! Шесть часов вечера. Моя мама печёт на кухне вкусный торт. Моя сестра Кейт читает книгу про слонов, Мой младший братишка Сэм играет в прятки с нашим котёнком. Сейчас котёнок сидит под креслом. Мои бабушка с дедушкой пьют чай. Они хотят поехать на озеро. У них там небольшой дом. Мой папа разговаривает по телефону. § Прочитай предложения. Обведи отрицательные высказывания. Подчеркни отрицательные формы глаголов. 1. Jane’s playing chess. 2. Tim and Ben are writing. f ' i a й 3. Lucy’s cat is playing with a ball. 4. Phil’s grandad is reading a book. l£ т'т1ъшйгщ~Р tuuk. 5. You’re playing football. Составь и напиши вопросы к Филу. Ответь на них утвердительно или отрицательно. Дано: you / Are / playing / а / game / computer? Требуется: Are you playing a computer яате? Yes, I am. Дано: your friends / in / park / the / playing / Are? Требуется: Are your friends playins in the park? No, they aren't, watching / Are / about / a / elephants / film / you? kite / your friends / flying / a / Are? kitten / you / with / playing / Are / little / a? tea / Are / your friends / having? you / sofa / sitting / the / on / Are? eating / you / Are / sweets? reading / you / an / book / Are / interesting? your friends / playing / Are / hockey? riding / you / a / bike / Are? Соедини линией предложения на английском языке и их перевод. Гш (I am) talking on the phone. We’re (We are) playing tennis.^ You’re (You are) eating an apple. She’s (She is) reading a book. He’s (He is) using a computer. They’re (They are) singing a song. It’s (It is) playing with a ball. Они поют песню. Ты ешь яблоко. Он (о котёнке) играет с мячиком. Мы играем в теннис. Он работает на компьютере. Она читает книгу. Я разговариваю по телефону. Составь словосочетания с числительными, поставив существительное во множественное число. Проверь себя по словосочетаниям в рамке. Дано: 11_ Требуется: eleven flags 12 13 14 __ 15 16 17 18 nineteen cars, fourteen pens, eleven flags, fifteen cats, twelve sweets, sixteen apples, thirteen frogs, twenty pencils, seventeen stars, eighteen chicks 10 Подбери к названиям чисел транскрипцию и соедини их линией. 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred ['siksti] [frfti] ['sevonti] Вставь в названия числительных пропущенные буквы, которые ты найдёшь в рамке. V, у, U, ее, W, i, х, г, п, g 19 ninet n 14 fo _ rteen 11 ele _ en 15 f _ fteen 12 t _ elve 16 si _ teen 13 thi _ teen 20 twent _ 17 seve _ teen 18 ei _ hteen 11 Урок 2 How do you usually spend your weekend? Обведи слова и словосочетания. Соедини их линией с подходящей транскрипцией. wmL ['nev9] year тпипИт ['o:lw9z] ['trsvl] ['stei 9t 'h9um] [,wi:k'end] ['seld9m] [spend] ['pe9T9nts] ['sAmtaimz] [wars] ['g9u tu: 69 'kAntri] Do:] once [m\n0] 12 Заполни пропуски словами do и does. Do your dad and grandad often play chess? _____your grandad always win? _____your mum usually surf the Internet in the evenings? _____you sometimes play tennis with your friends? _____your granny never play football? _____your sister go to a concert every month? _____you help your mum to do the housework every week? _____your sister do the dishes every day? _____your grandad seldom watch TV? _____your little brother never make noise? _____Phil and his sister like picnics? _____Phil and his family have a picnic by the lake every year? _____Phil take out the rubbish every day? Переведи на английский язык. 1. Ты иногда играешь в теннис со своими друзьями? Г ^ rill'll 2. Твои папа с дедушкой часто играют в шахматы? 13 3. Твой дедушка всегда выигрывает? ? 4. Твой дедушка редко смотрит телевизор? ? 5. Твоя мама по вечерам обычно сидит в Интернете? ? 6. Твоя сестра ходит на концерт каждый месяц? ? 7. Твоя бабушка никогда не играет в футбол? ? 8. Ты каждую неделю помогаешь маме выполнять работу по дому? ? 9. Фил выносит мусор каждый день? ? 10. Твоя сестра каждый день моет посуду? ? 11. Твой маленький братишка никогда не шумит? Обведи слова и словосочетания и допиши строчки до конца. с/п&гшт cook funch list on to music В каких словах есть эти звуки? Соедини линией звук и то слово, в котором он есть. [з:] [а:] rubbish house 15 Распредели глаголы 3 лица ед. числа по их окончаниям. Впиши их в таблицу. presses does teaches goes sleeps finishes makes plays uses watches takes reads writes eats studies [S] [z] [IZ] makes goes presses Составь предложения о себе. Тебе помогут слова и словосочетания в рамке. play the piano surf the Internet roller skate play football skate dance and sing play sports ski play computer games skip do the housework read interesting books play tag play hide-and-seek talk on the phone do the dishes have a picnic take out the rubbish Например: I always read interesting books. I never I sometimes I often I seldom I usually I always 16 а Прочитай, что Фил рассказывает о своих друзьях. Замени выделенные слова на местоимения he, she, we, they. 1. My friends and I often play football. We often play football. 2. Lucy sometimes plays hopscotch. sometimes plays hopscotch. 3. Tom and Max often play tennis. ____often play tennis. 4. Ben seldom watches TV. seldom watches TV. 5. Lucy usually drinks milk in the morning. usually drinks milk in the morning. 6. Max and I sometimes teach Ben to use a computer. sometimes teach Ben to use a computer. 7. Kate and Jane always play tag. ___always play tag. 8. Tim doesn’t like rainy days. doesn’t like rainy days. 9. Kate and Jane often skip. ____don’t often skip. 10. Jane sometimes makes a cake. sometimes makes a cake. 17 Вставь в предложения правильные притяжательные местоимения ту, your, his, her, our, their или its. Личные местоимения Примеры с притяжательными местоимениями Гш Mike. This is ту bike. you You can sing well.___________ songs are always beautiful. he Phil can use a computer. He always helps______sister to use it. b she Lucy has got a computer, computer works well. we We love granny. they Elephants are strong, are big. ears it A hare can run very quickly, tail is short. 18 Сделай высказывание вопросительным и отрицательным. Закончи предложения. Дано: I play tag every week. Требуется: Do you play tas every week? I don’t play tas every week. Дано: My granny often does the dishes. Требуется: Does your granny often do the dishes? My granny doesn’t often do the dishes 1. We often go to the country. Do we We don’t 2. Tom plays tennis once a week. Does Tom Tom doesn’t 3. Bill usually has breakfast at 8 o’clock. Does Bill Bill doesn’t 4. His dad reads a newspaper every evening. Does his dad His dad doesn’t 5. My sister sings very well. Does your________ She doesn’t 6. They usually play computer games. Do they________________ They don’t 19 Напиши о себе и о каком-нибудь своём родственнике. Тебе помогут слова из упражнения 7. МЕ Нарисуй здесь свой портрет. MY... (sister, brother, mum, dad) Нарисуй здесь портрет своего родственника. Name: Му name is. His/Her name is.. Age: I’m... He’s/She’s... Hobbies: I like. He/She likes... I don’t like... He/She doesn’t like. 20 Обведи вопросы. ПФШ have supper.' Вставь пропущенные do или does и обведи вопросы. Например: Ш Does уош bmihrer hme zmcniy r t^ cars 7 — his friends gamesT 21 а. they have many ШН1 4^ balloons at imm these girts your mum have a Впиши правильные ответы. Тебе помогут слова в рамке. ten, twenty-four, sixteen, eleven, fifteen 1. Five and five = 2. Ten and six = ten 5 + 5 3. Eight and seven = 4. Twenty and four = 5. Eight and three = _ ^0 + 6 к 10*4 : 22 Урок 3 What’s your favourite season? Обведи слова и допиши строчки до конца. tiolfdays Обведи слова. Соедини их линией с подходящей транскрипцией. spring ШйШШ autumrT ['э:1эт] [8ргщ] ['si:zn] 23 Распредели месяцы по временам года. Впиши их в таблицу. September, March, July, April, January, June, December, May, October, November, February, August. Winter Spring Summer Autumn December Выбери и вставь в названия месяцев пропущенные буквы. a, e ^ ^ nuary e, a ■у^ЛШ. Sjl "'fee,!! F bruary ar, or M ch i, e y»i u, a Apr_l Ju у Au, Or gust Septemb о, a v~v Oct ber Nov mber D cember 24 sz &JUnS^JL film ШШЖ ■иlЛle>^нЛэиd you иэииУои иУэадо Подбери к словам правильную транскрипцию. Обведи её. weather ['we6o] [wind] rain [rein] [red] blow [blou] [bel] wind [wen] [wind] windy [wind] ['windi] sunny ['sAni] [SAn] puddle [’pAdl] ['pu:dl] street [stei] [stri:t] cloud [klaud] ['klaudi] snowy ['snoui] [snou] frosty [Trosti] [frost] snowmen ['snoumon] ['snoumen] Вставь пропущенные артикли. А или Ап? 1. cloud 4. apple 7. quiet girl 2. elephant 5. nice cake 8. cloudy day 3. playground 6. important thing 9. frosty morning Перефразируй, как показано в образце. Обведи предложение и вставь пропущенный артикль. Дано: Му bag’s big. Требуется: It’s а big bag. 1. His book is old. 2. Her pear is nice. Its old bookr^ TTS mco oeor. 26 3. Ben’s coat is red. 4. My dress is green. red coat.- 5. Kate’s game is new. new дапш. 6. Phil’s bike is old. ^fs 7. Mike’s toy car is beautiful. old bike. • r I I car. 8. This lake is big. It's big laWd. 9. His film is interesting. 10. Her kitten is naughty. Представь, что ты ведёшь дневник наблюдений за погодой. Прочитай предложения, обведи их и нарисуй в рамках соответствующие рисунки. /t's sunnff. It's raining Подбери к словам правильную транскрипцию. Обведи её. clean [kliin] lovely ['Uvli] ['kitn] [leik] scene [si:] cover ['клуэ] [si:n] [kli:n] world [wi:] turn [teik] [w3:ld] [t3:n] until [rein] slush [sIaJ] [on'til] [sli:p] 28 Прочитай вопросы. Вставь вместо пропусков слова из рамки. Иногда тебе встретится подсказка — буква, с которой начинается слово. Некоторые слова в рамке используются несколько раз. country, playground, important, like, play, well, guitar, naughty and noisy, they, hopscotch, do, quarrel, days, different, interesting, go, she, surf, homework, housework, have, no, yes, does, Kate, it 1. Are Phil and Kate very d Yes, they______. 2. Is he n and n Yes, 3. Is IS. quiet? Yes, she 4. Does Phil like to Yes,_______does. sports? 5. Does Kate like to dance, play the g Yes, she_______. 6. Does she play the piano very______ Yes,_______does. and sing? 7. Does Kate noisy games? ______, she doesn’t. 8. Does_____________prefer to read an interesting book? Yes, she 9. she sometimes skip? , she does. 29 10. Does she sometimes No, she______. 11. football? she play tag or h at home? ______, she doesn’t. She plays them in the p___________ 12. Do_____________often q_____________? ______, they don’t. 13. ____________Phil and Kate think the same things? Yes, 14. do. they think friends are very important? Yes, do. 15. Do they like rainy _______, they don’t. 16. Do like picnics? Yes, they 17. Do they often Yes,_______do. to the country? 18. Do they sometimes go to the c________ ______, they do. 19. Do they always help their mum to do the h , they do. 20. Do they like to s__________the Internet? Yes,______do. 21. Does it help them to do their h_________ Yes,______does. with their dad? 30 Прочитай предложения. Вставь пропущенные слова и словосочетания. Тебе помогут слова в рамке. decorate, Christmas, snowman, Christmas tree, tobogganing, things, quiet, celebrate, see in, presents, different, noisy Phil and his sister Kate are . She’s nice and and he’s naughty and they often like the same In winter they go____ and skate. Their , make a Yet, , ski holidays begin at the end of December. Their mum and dad always buy them a They like to ______________ it. They like to the New Year. They like to give and get _____________________. They always get together and______________Russian Christmas. 31 mi Прочитай предложения. In summer Phil and Kate have their holidays. In June they go to the country. Their grandad and granny have a small house by the lake. Phil and Kate like sunny hot weather because they like to play in the park. In June and July they often play sports. Phil plays football and tennis and Kate prefers badminton. When it’s hot, they swim in the lake. In August their parents come to see them. They like summer very much because they are free. Задай вопросы к выделенным словам. Вставь вместо пропусков how often, how well, who, when, what, where и why. He забудь написать каждый вопрос с заглавной буквы. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. do Phil and Kate have their holidays? do they go? do their grandad and granny have? do Phil and Kate like sunny hot weather? do they play sports? games does Phil play? game does Kate prefer? do they swim in the lake? comes to see them in August? do they like summer? 32 Вставь пропущенные слова из рамки. Прочитай текст вслух. month, leaves, mushrooms, November, woods, rainy, school, autumn, important, birthday, friend Phil and Kate don’t like _______________ days, but they like __________ too. They often go to the _____________________ in autumn. They like to look at the trees when they have red and yellow ____________. Their favourite autumn ______________ is September. There are a lot of ________________ in September. They go back to _______________ in September and meet their friends after the holidays. They think friends are very ____________. Kate’s best __________ is Lucy and Phil’s best friend is Max. Max’s Lucy’s birthday is in_______ is in October. And 33 Переведи словосочетания на английский язык и напиши их. 1. Дождливые дни —______________________________ 2. Ездить за город —____________________________ 3. Красные и жёлтые листья — 4. Их любимый осенний месяц — 5. В сентябре много грибов —_ 6. Возвращаться в школу —____ 7. Встречать своих друзей —__ 8. После каникул —___________ 9. Друзья очень важны — _ 10. Лучшая подруга Кейт — 11. День рождения Макса — 12. В октябре —__________ 13. В ноябре —___________ ив Задай вопросы своему другу. Вставь вместо пропусков how often, who, what, where, why. He забудь написать каждый вопрос с заглавной буквы. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How often do you go to school? ____________helps you to do your homework? ____________do you usually do about the house? ____________do you often play different games? ____________do you like spring (summer, autumn, winter)? 34 Урок 4 When’s your birthday? Подбери к словам транскрипцию и соедини их линией. Обведи слова. word аИ пйишшж bird ^ ШЬ. [,Q:ft9'nu:n] [st'nait] [tai] [fa;St] [fo:0] [,o:l'rait] [trai] [w3:d] [baid] [fif0] [pa'lait] [03;d] ['seksnd] 35 Напиши названия числительных. Тебе помогут слова в рамке tenth, sixth, fifth, second, first, fourth, ninth, seventh, third, eighth ^st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th first 6th 8th _ 9th 10" Напиши эти числительные по порядку. twenty-fifth fourteenth sixteenth thirteenth eleventh twenty-seventh twenty-third fifteenth twenty-second eighteenth twenty-eighth thirtieth twentieth twenty-sixth twenty-first nineteenth seventeenth twelfth twenty-fourth twenty-ninth 11 th 12 th 36 Помоги Филу записать дни рождения своих друзей. Составь и на пиши предложения. Дано: Bill, the twenty-eighth of December. Требуется: BilVs birthday is on the twenty-eighth of December. Max, the thirty-first of October, Tim, the twenty-fifth of January. Mike, the second of June. Ted, the nineteenth of May. Lucy, the fourth of November. Напиши, какого числа у тебя день рождения. Например: Му birthday is on the first of July. 37 Фил рассказывает о своих друзьях. Обведи предложения. Вставь пропущенные окончания глаголов 3 лица ед. числа. Jirst of them is sreiy mm шт the housework. ~1 1 • T the^. Задай вопросы Филу. Заполни пропуски словами are, got, is или does. Не забудь начать предложения с заглавной буквы. How many friends have you ______they all different? your first friend very naughty? he always play tag? your second friend quiet? he prefer to read books or play computer games? your third friend sometimes lazy? he want to do the housework? 38 your fourth friend always help his mum to do the dishes and take out the rubbish? Прочитай название числа и впиши его в кружок. 0 О О О О one hundred nineteen twenty-four eighty forty-five 0 О О О О ihirtv thirty-two seventy ninety-three fifty-one 0 О О О О fifty ninety sixty sixty-one eighteen в Назови числа, получившиеся путём перестановки, и напиши их названия. Тебе помогут слова в рамке. twenty-one eighteen sixty-seven thirty-five ninety-one seventy-four forty-three sixty-one sixteen fifty-one thirty-one eighty-four 15 fifteen 34 thirty-four 13 thirteen 12 twelve 19 nineteen 76 seventy-six 16 sixteen 48 forty-eight 51 fifty-one 39 47 forty-seven 61 sixty-one 53 fifty-three 81 eighty-one Выбери и вставь в географические названия пропущенные буквы. е, а the Th mes ее, еа к, с the Black S the Atlantic О ean u, a the R ssian Federation 1, a the Un____ted Kingdom o, or the N th ou, oa the S th Ea, Ее the st W,V the est Вставь пропущенные слова. Тебе помогут слова в рамке и картинки. lake, winter, pears, flowers, trees, windy, snowman, birds, kites, sunny, spring, cup, hill, cakes, cupboard, berries, jam, presents, apples, chess, garden, rainy, Christmas tree, snow The twelve dwarfs live in a big Their names are the names of the months. There’s a big blue near it. January likes days. He likes He likes frosty and ■» -*• He often 40 helps boys and girls to make a . February likes when it’s . In frosty weather he often stays at home and has a of tea with March and April like . They like when it’s warm. April likes to skip and run. He likes to fly May likes_____________ and bees He likes spring___________ June, July and August like summer. They like to swim in the lake, to pick mushrooms and________make . He keeps it in his_______ . August likes to pick_________ and He likes to work in the September can read and write well. October and November like cold ___________ days. On these days they stay at home and play _____________ December likes Christmas holidays. He likes to give his brothers He likes to decorate 41 Выбери и обведи правильное начало каждого вопроса. do the twelve dwarfs live? \ A i i \ A Й! are their names? a big blue lake near their hill? month does January like? he like frosty and sunny days? he often help boys and girls to make a snowman? does February often stay in frosty weather? March and April like spring? 9. does May like? 10. ~ ■ m ж m' _do June, July and August like to do in summer? 11. does July keep his jam? 12 TJI IT, __ jr . vvhat does August like to work? September read and write well? 42 14. А game do October and November play on rainy days? December like to decorate a Christmas tree? Раскрой скобки и составь предложения с новыми словами. Прочитай их вслух и переведи. Дано: This is а book about dwarfs, (interesting; like) It’s very___________________. I_____________________it. Требуется: This is a book about dwarfs. It’s very interesting . I________like it. 1. I can see a hill, (green; flowers) It’s . There are a lot of on it. 2. Do you like to go tobogganing? (children; My sister and I) A lot of_____________like to go tobogganing.__________ go toboganning every winter. 3. In spring children like to sail little boats, (make a boat; in the pond) I can________________________. I want to sail my boat__________. 4. In autumn the leaves on the trees get red and yellow, (beautiful; pick red and yellow leaves) It’s very___________. Kate likes to_______________________. 5. In summer Kate likes to lie in the sun. (reads an interesting book; talk to her friends) She often_______________________. She likes to______________________ 6. In summer my granny picks a lot of apples, (apple jam; nice) She can make_________________________. It’s very_______________. 43 Закончи вопросы к предложениям. Обведи начало каждого вопроса. 1. Му grandad often goes to the woods to pick mushrooms and berries. your grandad often go 2. My dad keeps his books in a big bookcase. И//7еге does your dad keep 3. My granny keeps her jam in a big cupboard. does your granny keep 4. Children like films about animals. Ж children like 5. All children like their Christmas holidays. Ш ^11 children like 6. There are a lot of apple trees in my sister’s garden. Are there many 44 Урок 5 What’s the time? Напиши о своём распорядке дня. Выбери подходящие словосочетания из рамки. Тебе поможет указанное время. wake up get up go to school have breakfast have lunch do my homework go to bed my lessons begin at go for a walk play with friends surf the Internet have supper Например: 7.30 —___ 7.45 — 8.00 8.15 8.30 2.00 3.00 1.00 5.00 — 6.00 7.30 10.00 — I wake up at 7.30 45 Как Джейн проводит первую половину дня? Вместо пропусков впиши соответствующее время. Тебе помогут слова в рамке и циферблаты. Прочитай стихотворение целиком. eight fifteen, twelve, one, seven thirty, seven o’clock, eight o’clock She likes to read. She likes to write, Jane isn’t silly. She is bright. Jane comes home at She has lunch at After lunch she likes to run. She likes to play. She likes to hop. She hops so much. She cannot stop. / 11'f 1 \ /10 t 2Л (•9 I 3 Vs 4-y 3- 4./ 46 Соедини номера телефонов с фразами, в которых эти номера написаны словами. 699 07 08 S916 5656673 э903 4558799 925 89 56 Eight nine о three four double five eight seven double nine Nine two five eight nine five six Eight nine one six five six five double six seven three Six double nine о seven о eight Обведи предложения. phone riL ^uannobUe number? Sorrff^~iTe^n 7 in. Can / call you /s PhfT 47 Кейт с Люси разговаривают по телефону. Вставь в их диалог пропущенные слова. there, reading, minute, about. Hi, Lucy! Kate. Hello! It’s Kate. Is Lucy please? __! Lucy! Lucy’s mum. Hello, Kate! Just a__________ Lucy. Hi, Kate! Kate._____________What are you doing? Lucy. I’m____________a book about kittens. Kate. Do you like books_____________kittens? Lucy. Oh, yes! Very much! Выбери и напиши, чем ты займёшься в скором времени. Тебе помогут слова в рамке. talk on the phone with my friends, make the bed, make a cake, have tea, go to school, do the housework, do the dishes, go to a concert, take out the rubbish, do my homework, go to the country, read an interesting book, swim in the lake Например: 1. I hope I’ll have tea in an hour. 2. I think I’ll go to a concert tomorrow. 3. I’ll probably visit my friends next week. 1. I hope I’ll_______________________ 2. I think I’ll 3. I’ll probably 4. I hope I’ll_ 5. I think I’ll 48 6. г 11 probably 7. I hope Г11 _ 8. I think I’ll 9. I’ll probably Сделай высказывания вопросительными и отрицательными. Напиши их. Дано: In two weeks the weather will be cold. Требуется: Will the weather be cold in two weeks? In two weeks the weather won’t be cold. 4. My friends will be naughty. 5. My mum will make a big cake. 49 6. ГИ get а good present from my parents. 0 9 О о 7. We’ll have fun. n ■■Составь вопросы. С помощью цифр покажи, в каком порядке должны стоять слова в этих вопросах. Например: Phil’s be When will birthday? 4 3 1 2 5 the cold? Will weather be Phil’s will come place? Who to will What his make? mum fun? Phil his Will and have friends 50 Кейт пишет письмо своей подруге. Помоги ей вставить пропущенные формы настоящего времени глагола be — am, is и are, а также форму будущего времени глагола be — will. Dear Jane, How_______you? I hope you well. I on my holidays. Phil and I___staying with my grandad and granny in their house by the lake. The weather____warm and sunny. A warm wind________ blowing. Today______Monday. Phil and my grandad______swimming in the lake. I___writing a letter to you. I hope our parents___ join us in July and we have a picnic. I think we go back to Moscow at the end of August. I hope the weather be good. And what are you doing now? Please write soon. Love, Kate tSk Кейт составляет вопросы для подруг, но она забыла, как пишутся некоторые слова. Переставь буквы местами и помоги Кейт написать слова правильно. What’s your favourite г о с u 1 о? What’s your favourite о f d о? What’s your favourite t h m n o? What’s your favourite e s a s n o? What’s your favourite e m g a? colour 51 1Л Ответь на вопросы Кейт. Напиши о себе. Тебе помогут слова в таблице. Например: Му favourite colour is red My favourite colour is My favourite food is__ My favourite month is My favourite season is My favourite game is _ Colour Food Month Season Game red cakes January winter hide-and-seek green cheese February spring tag white ice cream March autumn hopscotch yellow jam April summer football blue apples May tennis grey sweets June chess brown • pears July hockey black nuts August meat September fish October November December Ш Напиши о планах ребят. Вставь пропущенные формы глагола be — is или are. 1. You 2. Не_ 3. We going to surf the Internet in the evening. going to play football at the weekend, going to help our mum to lay the table next Saturday. 52 4. She_____going to surf the Internet after school. 5. They____going to have a picnic on Sunday. Напиши 0 своих планах на следующую неделю. Тебе помогут слова в рамке. play football, do the shopping, do my homework, play chess, surf the Internet, watch TV, read an interesting book, help my mum to do the housework Например: Гт soina to plan football on Sunday. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. on Monday, on Tuesday. on Wednesday. __on Thursday. ____ on Friday. on Saturday. Atonc/oy chess Tuesday shopping Wednesday housework Thursday book Saturday homework Sunday TV, football © 53 Урок 6 Was Phil at school yesterday? Эти слова и словосочетания часто употребляются в Past Simple. Обведи их и допиши строчки до конца. last night last week last month last time о ЩСУ шатшмшши a year agu итшкФш^ 54 а Вставь пропущенные was или were. 1. I______at the theatre yesterday evening. 2. Ben_______in the playground five minutes ago. 3. Dad_______in the country the day before yesterday 4. Mum________in the shop five minutes ago. 5. Kate_______on her holidays in June. ___a nice film about birds last night. 6. There 7. We 8. You 9. They_ 10. There in the woods last Sunday. _ naughty yesterday. _ happy two days ago. __a lot of children at the cinema last Saturday Сделай высказывания отрицательными. Например: I was at school on Monday. — I wasn’t at school on Monday. We were at home yesterday. — We weren’t at home yesterday. 1. Ben was busy yesterday. 2. Kate’s grandad was in that shop. 3. There was a lamp on the table. 4. Bill and Tim were noisy yesterday. 55 L ^ 5. They were in the garden five minutes ago. 6. The weather was sunny in September. Измени высказывания, как показано в образце. Напиши предложения, используя слова и словосочетания в рамке. yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night, last week, last month, two days ago, last Monday Дано: It is warm and sunny today. Требуется: It wasn't warm and sunny last Sunday. 1. It isn’t snowy today. It wasn’t 2. It isn’t very windy. It wasn’t 3. Kate isn’t very happy today. Kate wasn’t 4. Ben’s sister isn’t at home. Ben’s sister wasn’t 5. Bill’s friends aren’t very noisy today. Bill’s friends weren’t 6. My book isn’t very interesting. My book wasn’t_____________________ 7. The music isn’t very loud. The music wasn’t 56 Задай к предложениям вопросы. Допиши их. Дано: I was at the lesson yesterday. — Were you _ Требуется: Were you at the lesson yesterday? 1. My answer was good. Was your____________________________? 2. My teacher was pleased. Was your____________________________? 3. My mark was good. Was your______________ 4. My granny was happy. Was your______________ 5. My parents were pleased with me too. Were your_____________________________ a Ответь на вопросы о себе. Обведи вопросы и подходящие ответы. Nn. / wasrft. 2. V\/os your muTinjnndf Yes, it was. No. /7 wasjft. ПФ1тп0йШ1йшш0ш^. Yes^ / WPS. No, / wasn’t. No, / wosttIt your mum ушп Yes, she was. Напиши инфинитивы (неопределённая форма) следующих глаголов: play_____ — played — helped — liked — loved — lived — asked — quarrelled — worked — opened — watched — remembered — listened — wave — wanted — waited — skated — mended — visited — talked — walked — answered — stayed 58 Раскрой скобки, поставив глаголы в Past Simple. Mike’s grandad (live) lived in a small house in the woods. His cat and dog often (play) ______________ together. Sometimes they (quarrel) _____________. Mike’s grandad (love) ______________ his pets. “Don’t quarrel,” he (ask) ________________ them. The cat and dog always (listen) _______________ to Mike’s grandad. They (be) _________ good. Mike’s grandad (be) ___________ pleased. tk Переведи на английский язык. 1. Ты был вчера в школе? 2. Ты был занят в понедельник? 3. Дедушка Майка жил в маленьком домике в лесу. 4. Я ответил хорошо. Учительница была довольна. 5. Дедушка Майка любил своих питомцев. 59 tSk Закончи предложения. Вставь пропущенные формы глагола be в Past Simple. Was или Wasn’t? Kate. Where were you yesterday evening? Lucy. I______at the cinema. Kate.________the film good? _____very interesting. Lucy. Yes, it Kate. What it about? Lucy. It Kate. about a naughty and lazy boy. _____the ending ['endip] (конец) happy? Lucy. Yes, it ___________. The boy ___________ (not) lazy any more [mo:] (Мальчик больше не ленился). Не helped his parents and friends. He _________________ (not) naughty. He worked hard. His mum _________________ pleased with him. Задай вопросы к предложениям. Обведи правильное начало вопроса. Например: We often played tag last April. you often play tag last April? 1. Last week I quarrelled with my friend. iGit / Vw ПиТ did you quarrel with your friend? 2. Phil remembered to take out the rubbish. remembered to take out the rubbish? 60 3. Му mum opened the window five minutes ago. When! Hovr did your mum open the window? 4. My granny talked on the phone five minutes ago. did my granny talk on the phone? 5. Kate walked to school yesterday? Kate walk to school yesterday? OOb SCHOOL ШШ |Ш Ш ii p A Подбери и напиши инфинитивы следующих глаголов. Тебе помогут слова в рамке. go, get, write, take, feed, give, say, begin, see, lay, come, do, make do — did [did] — got [got] — made [meid] — went [went] — laid [leid] — said [sed] — gave [gerv] — began [bi'gaen] — came [keim] — fed [fed] — took [tuk] — saw [so:] — wrote [rout] 61 A Раскрой скобки, поставив глаголы в Past Simple. У тебя получится рассказ о том, где и с кем вчера завтракали, обедали и ужинали Фил и Кейт. Yesterday Phil and Kate (have) had breakfast at home with their mum and dad. They (have)___________lunch at school. When they (come) _________ home from school, they (have) ____________ dinner with their granny and grandad. They didn’t have a big supper. Their granny (give) _________ them a bun and a glass of milk. lEl Составь вопросы к предложениям. Соедини линией начало (А) и конец (В) каждого вопроса. Did Phil and Kate Where did they When did they What did their granny Did she В have dinner with their granny and grandad? have breakfast at home with their mum and dad? give them a bun and a glass of milk? have lunch? give them for supper? 62 Составь словосочетания с глаголами do и go. Соедини словосочетания с глаголом do прямой линией, а с глаголом go — волнистой. to the country to the theatre to the cinema your homework to a concert the housework the dishes A Раскрой скобки и напиши глаголы в Past Simple. У тебя получится рассказ о том, как Фил провёл понедельник. Перескажи текст. Phil (do) did а lot of things on Monday. He (be)_very busy. He (get)____up at 7 o’clock. He (make)_______his bed and (have) ______a shower. He (have)_____ ____breakfast at 8. At 8:15 he (go) to school. His lessons (begin)_____at 8:30. He (stay)______ at school till 2 o’clock. When he (come) ______ home he (have) ______ dinner. At 3 he (go) _______ for a walk. At 4 o’clock he (help) ______ Kate to do her homework. At 7 o’clock he (listen) ______to music. At 8:15 he (watch)________TV. He (see)_______a film about robots. “What a silly film,” he (say)__ (play)______a computer game. At 9 o’clock he (surf) Internet for his homework. At 10 o’clock he (go) _ Then he the to bed. 63 Выбери и обведи правильное начало каждого вопроса. Phil do many things on Monday? I. Was//s he very busy? did he get up? wi did he do when he got up? did he have breakfast? e. When /Why did he go to school? his lessons begin at 8:30? 8 he stay at school till 2 o’clock? did he do when he came home? did he go for a walk? did he help Kate to do her homework? did he listen to music? he watch TV at 8:15? did he go to bed? 64 МНапиши инфинитивы следующих глаголов. Выучи, как они произносятся. want — wanted ['wontid] ___________— skated ['skeitid] ___________— visited [Vizitid] — waited ['weitid] — mended ['mendid] — quarrelled ['kworold] Переделай и напиши предложения в Past Simple. Дано: Bill doesn’t usually want to go to school. Требуется: Bill didn’t want to so to school yesterday. 1. Kate always waits for Phil to play a computer game. _____________________________________the day before yesterday. 2. Ben often skates in winter. on Monday. 3. Bill doesn’t usually mend his brother’s toys. yesterday. 4. Lucy often visits her granny. at the weekend. Обведи инфинитивы и вторые формы следующих глаголов: ШГПШ1± stop truvwt wulir— walked nnswpr 65 ШШФМФ try — trimt stay — stayed look — looked ~ Раскрой скобки, поставив глаголы в Past Simple. У тебя получится сказка про умную лягушку. Попробуй её пересказать. Once upon а time there (live) ______to travel. She (hop) _ ________at a big lake. _ a clever frog. She (like) and (hop) ___________ and (arrive) to talk to a heron. The frog She (stop) _____________ (want) ____________ to play with the bird. The heron (be) __________ very silly. He (try) ______________ to catch the frog. The frog (study) ______________well at a frog school and knew [nju:] (знала) that herons (like)_____________to eat frogs. She (see) __________a little hole in a log and (stay)__________in it for a long time. The heron didn’t find her. He (be not) ________________ pleased. 66 Урок 7 East or West Home is Best Подбери к словам транскрипцию и соедини их линией. Обведи слова. tuftBt 9ШШШ010т [ho:l] [lait] ['bedram] [•kitjin] [Irvig rum] 67 Напиши вместо пропусков is there или are there. Выбери и обведи подходяидий ответ. Не забудь начать каждый вопрос с заглавной буквы. Например: tree rooms in your flat? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. g table in your flat? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. a beautiful vase on it? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. any flowers in the vase? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. a kitchen in your flat? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. a cupboard in it? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. a bathroom in your flat? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. a living room in your flat? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. two comfortable armchairs Yes, there are. and a sofa in it? No, there aren’t. any beautiful chairs in it? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. a piano in your living room? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. a TV set in it? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. 68 Вставь пропущенные артикли. А, Ап или The? Kate’s got а very nice room of her own. It isn’t very big but cosy. There is____bed,________wardrobe and_______ comfortable armchair. Kate likes to sit in it and read interesting book. There are her dolls on______shelf. There is new TV set on small table but Kate seldom watches TV. There are wall. In middle of lot of posters on room there is soft carpet. There are two windows in her room. ____ face________yard. Next to______windows there is with windows desk computer on it. There is lamp above desk. In surf evenings when Kate has time she likes to Internet. 69 Расскажи о своей комнате. Для этого выбери и обведи правильное начало предложений. ж There isrrY а bed in my room. '/here are two books on the shelf. There isift a new TV set in my room. There or^ There aren’t five posters on the wall. There is There isn T a soft carpet in the middle of the room. There orw two windows in my room. a desk with a computer on it. There is a lamp above the desk. 70 Вставь пропущенные предлоги. Of, On или In? 1. Jane’s got a very nice room__her own. 2. There is a beautiful carpet__the floor. 3. My granny likes to sit__a comfortable armchair. 4. There are a lot___books____the shelf. 5. There’s a vase____a small table. 6. There are two posters___the wall. 7. ___the middle_____the room there’s a big table. 8. The children often sit__a big sofa. 9. There are three windows____Lucy’s room. Обведи слова и допиши строчки до конца. jjtuuu bank 71 irm ч Ф1Ш10ПШ. chemist's ~9 ~ collect Напиши о том, где ты живёшь. Закончи предложения, которые подходят для твоего рассказа. Тебе помогут слова в рамке. convenient place, village, supermarket, bank, post office, city, bank, metro station, chemist’s, kindergarten, town, shop, cinema Например: I I live in Moscow. Moscow is a big city. I live in a block of flats. My block of flats is in a very convenient place. 72 II I live in Pushkino. Pushkino is a small town. I live in a house. My house is in a very convenient place. I live in is a big I live in is a small I live in a block of flats. My block of flats is in a very I live in a house. My house is in a very_____________ Opposite my block of flats there’s a_________________ Opposite my house there’s a__________________________ My block of flats is not far from the Next to my house there’s a____________ Next to my block of flats there’s a 73 Выбери правильный вариант и вставь вместо пропусков. А, Ап или Some? 1. There were some newspapers on the desk. 2. There was______puppy in the armchair. 3. There were_____cups in the cupboard. 4. Bill is eating___apple. 5. There were 6. There’s____ 7. There’s cars in the street. 8. There was 9. There are 10. There was 11. There was supermarket opposite their block of flats, chemist’s next to the bank. __player on her desk. __desks in the classroom. __plate on my granny’s table. kitten under the bed. Напиши вопросы к предложениям, используя местоимение any. Дано: There are some supermarkets in the city. Требуется: Are there any supermarkets in the city? 1. There are some post offices in the city. Are there any_________________________________? 2. There are some new schools in the city. Are there any_________________________________? 3. There are some new shops in our street. Are there any_________________________________? 74 4. There’s some butter on the plate. Is there any_______________________ 5. Here are some new metro stations in the city. Are there any____________________________________ 6. There’s some beautiful furniture in Lucy’s flat. Is there any______________________________________ 7. There are some kindergartens not far from our block of flats. Are there any____________________________________________? 8. There are some beautiful trees in the park. Are there any____________________________________________.? 9. There’s some juice in the jug. Is there any___________________ Сделай высказывания отрицательными, употребив местоимение any. Дано: There were some books on the shelf. Требуется: There weren’t any books on the shelf. Дано: I had some pens in my bag. Требуется: I didn’t have anv pens in my bas. 1. There were some children in the room. There weren’t any______________________________________. 2. Tim had some new furniture in his room. Tim didn’t have any 3. There were some new cups on the shelf. There weren’t any_______________________ 75 4. Jane had some beautiful dresses. Jane didn’t have any_______________ 5. There was some butter on the table. There wasn’t any Сделай предложения отрицательными, используя местоимение по. Дано: There’s а kitten under the table. Требуется: There's no kitten under the table. Дано: There are two lamps above the table. Требуется: There are no lamps above the table 1. There’s a book on the piano. 2. There’s a poster above the door. 3. There’s a hat on the chair. 4. There’s a beautiful girl in the garden. 5. There’s a dog in the armchair. 6. There are some pictures on the walls. 7. There are some flowers on the bookcase. 76 Урок 8 Do you like fairy tales? Подбери к словам транскрипцию и соедини их линией. Обведи слова. Обведи слова и допиши строчки до конца polacf^ dork cave be afrcndk bra ve ~ 77 gobble up fricte Напиши инфинитивы следующих глаголов. be — was, were _________— wanted — liked — lived — gave — told 78 Ск Раскрой скобки, поставив глаголы в Past Simple, и закончи предложения. Once upon а time there (be) was a little dragon. He (live) _______ a big cave in the middle of a dark forest. There (be)________a lot of good fairies in that forest. They (be)_______ very happy. The fairies (be)_________not afraid of the dragon because he (be) _______________________ their very good friend. Every day they (play)________hide-and-seek. One day the dragon (tell) ____________ them that he didn’t want to gobble up princesses. He (want) _________ to read fairy tales. One of the fairies (give) ___________ him a book about brave knights and princesses. The dragon (like) _________ the book very much. “One day I’ll write a book about my forest,” he (say)________, “I think you’ll like it.” Выбери правильный вариант и вставь пропущенные артикли. А или The? 1. There was а cave in the middle of a dark forest. 2. ____little dragon lived in that big cave. 3. There were______lot of good fairies in that forest. 4. ____fairies were not afraid of______dragon. 5. She gave him______book._______dragon liked_______book very much. 79 а ■•переведи предложения на английский язык и напиши их. 1. Жил-был маленький дракон. 2. Он жил посреди тёмного леса. 3. В том лесу было много добрых фей. 4. Феи не боялись дракона, потому что он был им очень хорошим другом. 5. Каждый день они играли в прятки. 6. Однажды дракон сказал им, что не хочет поедать принцесс. 7. Он хотел читать сказки. 8. Одна из фей подарила ему книжку о рыцарях и принцессах. 9. Дракону очень понравилась книга. 10. «Когда-нибудь я напишу книгу о своём лесе, — сказал дракон. Я думаю, она вам понравится». 80 Ты хочешь помочь другу или подруге подготовиться к дню рождения. Предложи свою помо1ць. Составь предложения. Тебе помогут словосочетания в рамке. phone and invite your friends, clean the table, do the dishes, do the shopping, make a cake, lay the table, take out the rubbish 1. Shall I 2. Shall I 3. Shall I 4. Shall I 5. Shall I 6. Shall I 7. Shall I a Представь, что ты хочешь что-либо попросить у своего друга. Составь и напиши предложения. Тебе помогут словосочетания в рамке. interesting books, pencils, new music, jam, new computer games, new films, new puzzles 1. Have you got some 2. Have you got some 3. Have you got some 4. Have you got some 5. Have you got some 6. Have you got some 7. Have you got some ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 81 Обведи слова и словосочетания и допиши строчки до конца. TJi he out fire fall in lovw t first sigfTt 82 Напиши инфинитивы следующих глаголов. keep — kept ______ _______— became ______ _______— coughed [koft] ______ _______— couldn’t [kudnt] ______ — lit looked — drew — got — married — fell — wanted — was, were A Раскрой скобки, поставив глаголы в Past Simple. Тебе помогут слова в рамке. Некоторые глаголы тебе встретятся несколько раз. Прочитай, переведи и попробуй пересказать сказку про трёх драконов. lived, was, were, saw, came, looked, started, did, couldn’t, tickled, said, drew, fell, knew Once upon a time there (be) were three little dragons. They (be) _____ brothers. They (live) ___ in the king’s palace and (look)____after a beautiful princess. The princess (be) __very nice. She always (do) ____ her homework and her teachers (be) _____ pleased with her. She (be) _____ nice to the dragons too. 83 They (be) they (be) _ very brave but sometimes mouse (live) afraid of a little mouse. That ___ in the kitchen and (tickle) _____ the dragons with her tail (хвост) when they (come) ______ to have breakfast. When the dragons (see) ______ her, they (start) _____ coughing and (can’t) ____ breathe out fire. That mouse (draw) a little sword and (tickle) the dragons with it too. The dragons (be) very unhappy. One day the dragons (come) to the king and queen to talk about that naughty mouse. The king (say) “I know how difficult it is to have a little mouse in the house! You are quiet and the mouse is naughty! I think I can help you. Let’s have a big ball and invite a lot of guests.” The queen (say)______, “I’ll tell the mouse that the princess is going to marry a prince. He’ll ride a white horse and give the princess a lot of presents. He (fall)__in love with her at first sight when he (see)______her last year. Please, little dragons, breathe out fire and light my ball room. The mouse will run into the ball room and my cat will see her. I think she’ll be afraid of the cat and won’t be naughty. If she is naughty, my cat will catch her.” “Oh, no,” said the dragons, “we don’t want your cat to catch the mouse. She’s naughty but nice. We’ll talk to her and ask her not to be naughty. Maybe (может быть) she doesn’t have any friends. We’ll invite her to play tag with us.” “Good,” said the king, “you are kind little dragons. I (know)_____you’ll think of something.” 84 А Напиши инфинитивы следующих глаголов. Запомни вторую форму этих глаголов. hop — hopped _____— came _____— wanted _____— sang _____— gave _____— went — fell — worked — thought — had — was, were — danced — advised — drew Раскрой скобки, поставив глаголы в Past Simple. 1. The girls (keep) kept talking and the teacher was not pleased. 2. They (get)________to school by bus. 3. The dragon (want)________to breathe out fire but he (can’t)____. He (cough)_________and (cough)________. 4. The knights (draw)_______their swords. 5. The knight (fall)______in love with the princess at first sight. 6. He (marry)________the princess. 7. The dragon (see)_______a little mouse. 8. The wicked fairy (look)_______after the dragon and the other pets who lived in the palace. 9. Kate (invite)______Jane to play tag with her. 10. Mike (help)________his mum to do the housework. 11. The children (have)_______lunch at school. 85 вк Вспомни басню про муравья и кузнечика. Выбери и обведи правильное начало каждого вопроса. мд1Г/ ~пт~ did the Grasshopper hop? he like to sing and dance? the Ant work hard? I M a _ didn’t the Grasshopper want to bother about winter? the Grasshopper have any food when winter came? What/Why was the Grasshopper unhappy? came to see him? L did the Ant advise him to do when the Grasshopper he give him any food? 86 Упок 9 Do you know why cats purr? У тебя есть домашний любимец? Обведи вопросы о нём и нарисуй прямоугольник вокруг подходящего ответа. Yes, I have. 2. l^hot is itr It’s a cat. It’s a dog. It’s a hamster. Yes, it can. 4. Yes, it can. No, I haven’t. It’s a rabbit. It’s a budgerigar. It’s a little fish. No, it can’t. No, it can’t. 5. Can you Yes, I can. =? with No, I can’t. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 87 Напиши о своём домашнем любимце. Выбери из таблицы слова, подходящие для твоего рассказа. Pets Their colour Their Food Their Games cat dog puppy kitten hamster rabbit budgerigar fish black and white brown and white red green blue grey yellow milk fish meat water biscuits ['biskits] (печенье) pet food hide-and-seek tag football Например: Fve got а pet. It’s а dog. It’s brown and white. It’s nice and naughty. It can play tag. It likes meat. I like to play football with my pet. I’ve got a pet. It’s a___________________________________________________. It’s_____________________________________________________. It’s It can play It likes I like to play 88 Подбери к словам транскрипцию и соедини их линией. Обведи слова. ртлт consolfi [saund] ['saiontist] [ri'pi:t] [рз:] VOICB ['pi:pl] [mu:d] each othBT ['reskju:] sound ['wisl] [ko'mju:nikeit] people ['simpl] repeat 'pein] simple [vois] whistle [kon'soul] rescuB Чдэ] 89 Вставь вместо пропусков слова из рамки. Прочитай и переведи рассказ о любимцах Люси. people, purrs, feels, sounds, mood, rescue, whistle, communicate, scientist, simple, voice Lucy has got two pets, a little kitten and a big parrot. Her kitten is very nice. It always ____________ when it’s in a good ____________. Lucy’s kitten can’t talk, but it can make different _____________. Lucy knows when her ________pain. kitten is happy or when it Lucy wants to be a____ how animals ___________ teach her parrot to ____ She wants to know with each other. She wants to _________ and repeat ____________ words. Her parrot has a funny Lucy’s pets can’t talk like_______ but they can be very good friends. Lucy wants to write a fairy tale about her pets. Lucy says to her friend Jane, “In my fairy tale my kitten comes to my parrot’s______________.” Выбери и обведи правильное начало каждого вопроса. How many! V^hy pets has Lucy got? T A it I /1 are they? her kitten very nice? Do,Does i it always purr when it’s in a good mood? 90 Can/Is Lucy’s kitten make different sounds? Lucy want to be a scientist? What/ When does she want to know? she want to teach her parrot to repeat simple words? Can / Was Lucy’s pets talk like people? n Lucy want to write a fairy tale about her pets? Вставь вместо пропусков слова из рамки. Прочитай, переведи и попробуй пересказать текст о храбром светлячке. planets, shine, Mars, scientist, twinkling, insect, build, bug I’m a little brave firefly. I’m an _________________ signals. I can ______ I can send but I look like an ordinary ['o:dnri] (обыкновенный) ___________________. I know a boy who is going to explore other __________________. He wants to be a . His name is Max. Max wants to and send them to giant robots . Max very brightly like to read books about us, fireflies, too. 91 Вставь пропущенные предлоги. about, on, in, at, with, to, out 1. Bill likes to read 2. Cats can communicate 3. A hen often comes animals. each other. 4. Are there any insects its chick’s rescue. ___other planets? 5. the rubbish. 6. Jane is going to give a talk this fairy tale a little girl doesn’t want to take_______ fireflies school. Впиши в таблицу недостающие формы прилагательных. Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная степень степень степень -er -est fast [fa:st] (быстрый) faster long (длинный) (the) longest weak [wi:k] (слабый) (the) weakest strong (сильный) stronger dirty [ds:ti] (грязный) dirtier kind [kaind] (добрый) (the) kindest small (небольшой) smaller big (большой) (the) biggest clean (чистый) cleaner wide [ward] (широкий) (the) widest short (короткий) shorter 92 Положительная степень Сравнительная степень -ег Превосходная степень -est deep [di:p] (глубокий) (the) deepest clever (умный) cleverer easy ['i:zi] (лёгкий) (the) easiest warm (тёплый) (the) warmest tk Раскрой скобки и напиши прилагательные в сравнительной степени. 1. This house is (big) biSSer than that one. 2. This hat was (nice)__________than that one. _________than that one. 4. This dress was (short)__________than that one. 5. This frog is (silly) 6. It’s (hot)________ 3. This kitten is (small) than that one. _______today than it was yesterday. Раскрой скобки и напиши прилагательные в превосходной степени. 1. This shop is the (large) largest in our street. 2. This street is the (wide)________in our town. 3. This wall is the (white)_________of the four. 4. This text [tekst] (текст) is the (simple)______in the book. 5. Winter is the (cold)_________season in Russia. 6. July is the (warm)___________month of the year. 7. February is the (short)______month. 8. Tim is the (clever)______boy in our class. 93 Скажи, что, по-твоему, неправильно в этих предложениях. Исправь их и напиши правильно. Дано: Mice are stronger than elephants, (weak) Требуется: Mice are weaker than elephants. 1. January is hotter than April, (cold) 2. March is colder than February, (warm) 3. Fireflies are bigger than frogs, (small) 4. Lakes are smaller than puddles, (large) 5. Hens are sillier than chicks, (cleverer) Обведи и запомни сравнительные степени прилагательных. good — tretter worse — (the) worst 94 А Впиши в таблицу недостающие формы прилагательных. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень more Превосходная степень most beautiful (красивый) (the) most beautiful expensive [iks'pensiv] «дорогой, ценный) more expensive useful ['ju:sful] (полезный) more useful careful ['кеэМ] [ внимательный) (the) most careful interesting (интересный) (the) most interesting wonderful ['wAndoful] (замечательный, удивительный) more wonderful comfortable (удобный) more comfortable difficult ['difikolt] (трудный) (the) most difficult modern ['modn] (современный) more modern important (важный) (the) most important dangerous ['deind39r9S] (опасный) more dangerous diligent ['dilid39nt] (прилежный) (the) most diligent hard-working [ ho:d 'w3:kip] (трудолюбивый) more hard-working peaceful ['pi:sf9l] (миролюбивый) (the) most peaceful dramatic [dr9'maetik] (драматический) more dramatic 95 Обведи слова и допиши строчки до конца. 7/7 fact vfutfjBS T±7SS е verijthmg^ advice Вставь пропущенные предлоги и переведи предложения. with, in, of, to. 1. Lucy is the kindest girl_____our class. 2. ______fact, Liz is more beautiful than Lucy and she has got a lot ______expensive clothes but children like Lucy better (детям больше нравится Люси). 3. Lucy often listens 4. Liz is seldom pleased___ she has is better, more modern and more expensive. her friends’ advice. her friends. She thinks that everything 96 Прочитай про маленькую рыбку по имени Счастливый Плавник. Вставь вместо пропусков слова more или most. Гт а little flatfish. Му name is Lucky Fin. I live on the bottom of the sea with my mum and dad. We’ve got the__________ beautiful sea house. Our house is the______comfortable too. My mum often says, “Don’t be too naughty! Be_______careful. The sea is dangerous. In fact, it’s the____dangerous place for little naughty fish. But it’s______important not to be afraid. Don’t forget that your name is Lucky Fin and you can change colour.” Подбери к словам транскрипцию и соедини их линией. Обведи слова. flatfish 1лшку^т шиш bottom strfpu ггтщтгт Garfish ['ga:fij] [straip] ['sta:fij] ['fl^tfij] ['Uki 'fin] [tjeind3] [i'maed3in] ['botom] 97 Вставь пропущенные слова, которые ты найдёшь в рамке, и прочитай сокращённый вариант сказки про рыбку Счастливый Плавник. Попробуй пересказать этот отрывок. flatfish, Garfish, seaweed, imagine, spots, bottom, join, colour Lucky Fin is a little and he can change ___________ lives on the He is brown and grey when he wants to hide. He __________ of the sea with his mum and dad. There are a lot of fish in the sea. Some have stripes and some have __________. They are every colour you can ____________. Lucky Fin has got two friends. Starfish and ___________. They often play hide-and-seek in the ____________. Lucky Fin wants to explore the sea but first he must a fish school. вк Напиши, что мама-камбала говорит своему озорному сынишке. Переделай предложения по образцу. Дано: Do your homework. Требуется: You must do your homework. 1. Change colour. 2. Join a fish school. 3. Always listen to my advice. 4. Explore the sea bottom. 98 fUk Напиши, что, по-твоему, делать нельзя. Переделай предложения по образцу. Дано: Don’t write on your desk. Требуется: You musn’t write on your desk. 1. Don’t be late for school. 2. Don’t talk to your friend at the lesson. 3. Don’t play hopscotch in the school corridor. 4. Don’t whistle in the room. 5. Don’t quarrel with your school friends. 6. Don’t play computer games at the lesson. 7. Don’t talk on your mobile phone at the theatre. 8. Don’t be lazy and naughty. 9. Don’t listen to music at the lesson. 10. Don’t eat at the lesson. 99 1^^ Подбери к словам транскрипцию и соедини их линией. Обведи слова. teeth [mis] Вставь пропущенные слова, которые ты найдёшь в рамке, и прочитай продолжение сказки про рыбку Счастливый Плавник. Попробуй пересказать этот отрывок. teeth, fish, learn, group, protect, enemies, miss, portrait Lucky Fin won’t to read and write in his school. A fish school is not a place. It’s a of fish. 100 Lucky Fin will learn to ___________ himself (себя). There are a lot of hungry ____________ around. Starfish and Garfish can’t join the school with Lucky Fin. He will ______________ his friends. Lucky Fin’s mum takes him to his school. There are a lot of flatfish around. They are playing tag and their teacher shows them the___________of Mr Shark. He’s got very sharp___________. YiUii ungry Gxplnrf^ 101 В школе рыб учитель воспитывает своих учеников, говоря, что они должны делать и как себя вести нельзя. Переделай предложения по образцу, используя формы must или mustn’t, и напиши их. Дано: Stay together. Требуется: You must stay together. Дано: Don’t be naughty. Требуется: You mustn’t be naughty. 1. Swim as quickly as you can if you see Mr Shark. 2. Swim by hungry enemies as quickly as you can. 3. Change colour and become as grey and brown as the bottom of the sea. 4. Don’t be angry and quarrel with your friends. 5. Always forgive your friends if you want to become explorers. 102 ИМ Пил tigpj ^fiark Подбери к словам транскрипцию и соедини их линией. Обведи слова. [■taigo] [laifl [jQ^k] _ ['ржгэ1] _ ['1аюп] _ [,tjimp9n'zi;] pgjTut Подбери к словам перевод и соедини их линией. Обведи слова. тйт№ ушт 2Г swift ШФ]01Ш0^ body domestic гепард домашний черепаха леопард кит стриж туловиш;е : 103 вк Обведи вопросы. Выбери правильный ответ и нарисуй вокруг него прямоугольник. animal? The cheetah. The tiger. IbEZ The swift. The duck. tail than its 0шт The chimpanzee. The zebra. wjf&animal? The elephant. 6. ^ are ttm n The horse and the dog. The cat and the mouse. 104 Урок 10 Let’s go shopping Подбери к словам транскрипцию и соедини их линией. Обведи слова. ##7777 [Ved30t9bl] ['оппбз] ['kaebid3] [fru:t] [S0'la:mi] ['к]и:клтЬэ] ['s^bd] ['minorol 'wo:t9] [frej] ['s«nwid3] ['ssitnli] [ni:d] [t9'ma:t9u] 105 Выбери и обведи правильное начало вопроса. Ь you like oranges and apples? / LJLj you like salami sandwiches? I / you make a tomato and cucumber salad? 7~r vegetables? f i a о / fmw TrrtwTi doe s you eat 4- evening? you usually eat fresh fruit in the morning or in the J_ you like cabbage? Вставь пропущенные артикли. A, An или The? 1.______orange is a fruit that has meat sandwich. thick orange skin. 2. Have_____ 3. My granny is making 4. In summer Mike eats salad in kitchen. lot of fruit. 106 5. _____cucumber is_______vegetable. 6. My grandad likes to work in_____garden. 7. Let me have glass of juice. 8. “Do you need bananas in your fruit salad?” “No, I don’t think so.” 9. There’s_____apple,_______orange and_______pear on______plate. Представь, что у тебя дома закончились продукты. Напиши предложения с местоимением по. Дано: There aren’t any pears in the fridge. Требуется: There are no pears in the fridge, 1. There isn’t any mineral water in the fridge. There is no_____________________________. 2. There aren’t any apples on the plate. There are no 3. There isn’t any cabbage in the fridge. There’s no 4. There isn’t any fruit at home. There’s no 5. There aren’t any fresh tomatoes at home. There are no_____________________________ 6. There aren’t any oranges in the fridge. There are no_____________________________ 6. There isn’t any cheese in the fridge. There’s no 107 Кейт обсуждает с папой, какие угощения им нужно купить. Вставь вместо пропусков слова much или many. Do we need sweets? L.--T-1 Фил рассказывает о своём младшем братишке Сэме. Обведи предложения. Вставь вместо пропусков слова many или а lot of. Му brother Sam has got a lot of new toys. He’s got ______blocks. He’s got ____________ toy cars. He’s got books and balls. And what about your little brother or sister? Has he or she got ___________ toys? Has he or she got ________ blocks? Has he or she got ____________ toycars? Has he or she got books and balls? 108 Прочитай слова. С какими из них нужно употреблять слово little, а с какими — few? Распредели их по колонкам и впиши в таблицу. eggs, housework, potatoes, juice, mushrooms, ice cream, butter, berries, homework, photos, jam, plates, tea, dolls, coffee, balloons, milk, cups, bread, cheese, pears, salami, cakes, apples, tables, meat, water, games, snow, trees, oranges, soup Little Few housework eggs 109 ^ , ] Как ты предложишь маме свою помош,ь, если нужно сходить за покупками? Составь предложения и запиши их. Тебе помогут слова в рамке. bread, cheese, milk, jam, apples, pears, eggs, butter, juice, tea 1. Shall I buy some 2. Shall I buy some 3. Shall I buy some 4. Shall I buy some 5. Shall I buy some 6. Shall I buy some 7. Shall I buy some 8. Shall I buy some 9. Shall I buy some 10. Shall I buy some 110 Сделай высказывания отрицательными. Дано: There are some sweets on the plate. Требуется: There aren’t any sweets on the plate. Дано: I’ve got some pencils in my bag. Требуется: I haven’t got any pencils in my ba^. 1. There are some cakes on the plate. There aren’t any___________________________ 2. He’s got some new computer games. He hasn’t got any__________________ 3. There’s some milk in the bottle. There isn’t any___________________ 4. We’ve got some bread at home. We haven’t got any_______________ 5. There are some toys on the carpet. There aren’t any________________________ 6. I’ve got some pets at home. I haven’t got any____________ 7. There are some blocks on the floor. There aren’t any______________________ 8. They’ve got some spoons on the table. They haven’t got any__________________ 9. She’s got some cheese on her plate. She hasn’t got any___________________ 10. There’s some ice cream in the fridge. There isn’t any________________________ 111 KvI U « I ^Напиши начало вопросов, вставив вместо пропусков Is there или are there. Выбери подходящий ответ. Нарисуй вокруг него прямоугольник. Не забудь начать каждый вопрос с заглавной буквы. Например: many trees in the park? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. much butter in the fridge? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. much milk in the bottle? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. much juice in the fridge? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. many bikes in the street? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. much jam in the cupboard? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. any flowers in the wood? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. any ice cream in the shop? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. any birds in the trees? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. 112 Прочитай и переведи все предложения. Обведи так же, как в образце. There aren’t many balls in the box. arB^ tewJKills in 1. There isn’t much meat on his plate. # I 2Z7I 2. There aren’t many cups in the cupboard. -I 3. There isn’t much water in the bottle. 2 / 4. There aren’t many oranges in his shop. " 6. »■ g 4^ m S/7 5. There isn’t much snow in the park. — 6. There aren’t many toys on the shelf. L 7. There isn’t much bread on this plate. 8. There aren’t many foxes in this wood. 9. There isn’t much homework to do. 113 Соедини линией словосочетания, противоположные по значению, а lot of berries ч few cakes a lot of snow a lot of bread a lot of eggs a lot of cakes a lot of butter Обведи слова и предложения. little bread little butter little snow few berries few eggs H bccuse me. ccnrtimvB this rran / ^ JLJLJL. 0 9 0______«_ 0*0__e_ you ore. -;7‘^^7rTir 114 ^arrfjjuy for this please? Tan !poу for these—..:., please? Tan [pay for that pleasu? Tan / в m * ^w wf \ш0- Л_______________________________ You are wBicorrm. Представь, что ты находишься в магазине. Составь вопросы, которые ты можешь задать продавцу, и запиши их. Тебе помогут слова в рамках. bag, mug, magazine, box of chocolates, teddy bear, box of biscuits Excuse me, how much is this Excuse me, how much is that Excuse me, how much is this Excuse me, how much is that Excuse me, how much is this Excuse me, how much is that bae 115 II cucumbers, sweets, biscuits, apples, oranges, bananas Excuse me, how much are these cucumbers ? Excuse me, how much are those______________? Excuse me, how much are these______________? ? ? ? Excuse me, how much are those Excuse me, how much are these Excuse me, how much are those Подбери к словам транскрипцию и соедини их линией. Обведи слова. __________________________['treinoz] 1йяв1да-Д ^ М я [реэ] ['глк8жк] ['prablam] [blauz] [weo] 116 Представь, что ты хочешь что-то купить. Составь вопросы к продавцу и запиши их. Тебе noMoiyr слова в рамках. suit, computer game, cap, blouse, coat, suitcase, spoon, cup, ball Can I have this suit , please? Can I have that , please? Can I have this , please? Can I have that , please? Can I have that , please? Can I have this , please? Can I have that , please? Can I have this , please? Can I have that , please? II toys, flowers, blocks, pictures, vases, trainers, jeans Can I pav for these books , please? Can I pay for those , please? Can I pay for these , please? Can I pay for those , please? Can I pay for these , please? Can I pay for those , please? Can I pay for these , please? 117 Урок 11 Happy birthday! Обведи предложения. Would you HkG . Л—ё----1- would yoirifke to drink? would yoLTifkBdxreot? a Л Mm' ШЙШ mum / hovesome.. please 7 Представь, что ты угощаешь своих друзей. Закончи вопросы, используя слова в рамках. Обведи предложения. chocolate (шоколад), milk, juice, bread, cheese, salad, salami, soup, meat, jam Would you like some chocolate? Would you like some_______? Would you like some_____ Would you like some_____ Would you like some_____ Would you like some_____ 118 Would you like some 7 Would vou like some 9 Would you like some 9 Would you like some ? II cake, chocolate (шоколадная конфета), sandwich, salami sandwich Would you like a cake ? Would you like a______? Would you like a____ Would you like a ___ III apple, egg, ice cream (порция мороженого), orange Would you like an oranse ? Would you like an______? Would you like an____ Would you like an____ Выбери правильный вариант и заполни пропуски, А, Ап или Some? 1. Сап I have some cheese, please? 2. Have bread. 3. Please take 4. Kate can see orange, little red fish. 119 5. Please have 6. Can I have fish. 7. Can you buy me 8. Can I have (некоторое количество) jam, please? _____ice cream (порция), please? 9. Would you like (некоторое количество) chocolate, please? meat salad? Переведи предложения на английский язык. 1. Возьми, пожалуйста, апельсин. 2. Можно мне немного сыра? 3. Кейт видит маленьких красных рыбок. 4. Съешь пирожное, пожалуйста. 5. Не хочешь ли ты мясной салат? 6. Угогцайся. 7. Кейт, ты можешь купить мне мороженое? 8. Хочешь конфету? 12С Подбери к словам транскрипцию и соедини их линией. Обведи слова. ---------------- [S3;tf] wtmnniOMMmi uccording Лгттпишт шшшшт izume out weather furecost&r shodow щттщ [tro'dijn] ['we69 'fo:ka:st0] [9'ko:dii3] [mi:n] ['stei 'лр] [o'merikan] ['клт 'aut] [Ьх'клт] [haul] [sprip] ['fraitnd] ['graundhog] [’Jaedsu] 121 Выбери и обведи правильное начало каждого вопроса. 1. 4. 5. 6. does the groundhog wake up from his winter sleep? ^/7 / WwTlUi does he become a weather forecaster? does he become frightened? / VVfi _ does he do when he becomes frightened? ^hГQ does this mean? happens if he doesn’t see his shadow? ^ и в I я ■ . f Щ / r r / lU does he do then? Вставь вместо пропусков слова, которые ты найдёшь в рамке, и прочитай рассказ про День сурка. Попробуй его пересказать. American, forecaster, winter, hole, food, shadow, spring, frightened According to an old tradition the groundhog wakes up from its winter sleep on February 2. It comes out of his and becomes a weather When the groundhog sees its , it becomes and goes back into the hole for more sleep. This means six more weeks of But if the groundhog doesn’t see its shadow, it won’t be frightened. It stays up to search for ____________. And this means will come soon. 122 Обведи слова и словосочетания и допиши строчки до конца. 170 а project energy sngur pasta Tree ~skm jjanes: barr choose^ mine ruts vitamins 123 Прочитай текст. Вставь пропущенные is или are. There are carbohydrates [,ka:bou'haidreits] (углеводы) in bread, sugar, potatoes, pasta and rice. We also need fats [fets] (жиры) but we must be careful about them. There____________fats in meat, butter, cheese and oil [oil] (растительное масло). Children must have more foods with vitamins [Vitomins] (витамины). There __________ a lot of vitamins in different types [taips] (типы) of food. There___________a lot of them in fruit and vege- tables. Vitamins very important for our eyes, our skin. our bones and our hair. We must drink a lot of water every day. Water cleans our body. Children grow because of protein ['prouti:n] (белок). There __________protein in fish, meat and milk. We must eat more fish and drink milk every morning. We also need minerals [’mmorolz] (минералы) and fibre ['faibo] (клетчатка) to be strong. There __________ different types of minerals in eggs, meat, milk and vegetables. There_______a lot of fibre in fruit, vegetables and nuts. Hamburgers___________dangerous for children. There____________ too many (слишком много) carbohydrates and few vitamins in them. 124 Подбери к словам транскрипцию и соедини их линией. Обведи слова. set off firuwurks ['reza'luijonz] [Jaut] [straik] [is'pejoli] [ri'mein] ['skeo o'wei] [laod] ['spirit] [i:v] [bi'liiv] ['fai0W3:k] ['set '9v 'fai9W9:ks] ['laudli] [klok] 125 Вставь вместо пропусков слова, которые ты найдёшь в рамке. Постарайся пересказать этот текст. strikes, tradition, According, remains, dangerous, shout, believe, set off, resolutions People make a lot of noise when the clock New Year’s Eve. There’s an old _________twelve on ________ ___________ to it, evil spirits ['i:vl ’spirits] (злые духи) are especially____at the new year. In the old times people wanted to scare them away. We don’t__________in evil spirits any more but the tradition ______ fireworks and __________ loudly ‘Happy New Year!’ to . We like to sing and dance too. It’s a lot of fun. People want to be happy and make New Year Выбери и обведи правильную форму глагола. 1. Do you like when the clock -strike /SfnkBS- twelve on New Year’s Eve? 2. Why do people. Trmkes/make~ .so much noise on New Year’s Eve? 3. What UU/ xkjBS~ you usually say on New Year’s Eve? it dangerous to set off fireworks? 5. MJUJ fireworks make people happy? 6. / you like to shout loudly on New Year’s Eve? 126 you like to wish happy New Year to your relatives and friends? 8. you like to give them presents? Напиши, о чём ты мечтаешь в Новый год. Тебе помогут словосочетания в рамке. to be happy to help my parents and friends to be good to my little brother/sister to do my homework every day to study well to know very many things to listen to good advice to help my mum to do the housework Начни так: On New Year’s Eve people want to become better, I want to be better too, I want,,,, 127