Английский язык Учебник 4 класс Верещагина Афанасьева часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 4 класс Верещагина Афанасьева часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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0S PROSVESHCHENIYE pusLiSHefts I. N. VERESHCHAGINA O.V. AFANASYEVA Student's Book PART 2 И.Н. ВЕРЕЩАГИНА О. В. АФАНАСЬЕВА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык 4 КЛАСС Учебник для общеобразовательных учрехсдений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка с приложением на электронном носителе В двух частях Часть 2 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации 10-е издание Москва «ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ» 2012 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 В31 На учебник получены положительные заключения Российской академии наук (№ 10106-5215/15 от 31.10.2007 г.) и Российской академии образования (№01-376/5/7д от 22.10.2007 п). Верещагина И. Н. В31 Английский язык. 4 класс : учеб, для общеобразоват. учреждений и шк. с углубл. изучением англ. яз. с прил. на электрон, носителе. В 2 ч. Ч. 2/ И. Н. Верешагана, О. В. Афанасьева. -10-е изд. — М.: Просвещение, 2012.-224с.: ил. - ISBN 978-5-09-026521-8. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2.АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-09-026521-8(2) ISBN 978-5-09-026520-1 (общ.) © Издательство «Просвещение», 2007 © Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2007 Все пр)ава защищены 1 BASIC COURSE TRAVELLING AND TRANSPORT Lesson 31 Let Us Read ( LOOK, READ, REMEMBER!!^ begin — began — begun choose — chose — chosen draw — drew — drawn drink — drank — drunk eat — ate — eaten have — had — had spend — spent — spent swim — swam — swum © Read and compare. Present Perfect I have already read the book. I’ve just had breakfast. The boy hasn’t drawn a picture of Moscow уел Ann has never been to London. Have the children drunk the milk yeti Have they ever seen Trafalgar Square? Past Indefinite I read the book last summer. I had breakfast an hour ago. The boy didn’t draw a picture of Moscow yesterday. Ann was not in London last year. Did the children drink the milk last night? Did they see Trafalgar Square when they were in Londonl Read the dialogues and make up vour own. Look at these pictures. Make up dialogues like this. ) A: I’ve bought a new dress. Example § B: When did you buy it? A: I bought it last Saturday. 1) buy (anew dress) last Saturday 2) have (lunch) an hour ago 3) draw (a picture) yesterday Travelling and Transport 4) bum (my hand) yesterday morning 5) read (an interesting book) last night 6) finish (my homework) at six o’clock @ Learn how to oronounce and use the new words. -EE- 49. © Look at the pictures and sav how the people got to different places. © Look at the pictures and sav where Pete was yesterday and when he was there. Travelling and Transport © Try and read the new words. way — stay traffic — travel sea — seaside take — plane main — train rain — railway © Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ae] apple, travel ['traevl], to travel — travelled, to travel by car, to travel to the North, to travel about the country. Have you ever travelled to Africa? My friend has never travelled by car. [ei] May, stay [stei], to stay — stayed, to stay at the hotel, to stay with parents, to stay for a week. Where are you going to stay in Moscow? Last summer 1 stayed with my grandparents out in the country. late, plane [plem], a plane — planes, to go by plane, to get by plane, to travel by plane, on the plane. It takes me an hour to get to Moscow by plane. Were there many people on the plane during your last trip? rain, train [trein], a train — trains, to go by train, to get by train, to travel by train, on the train. I don’t think it is very comfortable to travel by train. railway station ['reilwei ,steijn], a railway station — railway stations, the largest railway station in London. There are three railway stations in Komsomolskaya Square in Moscow. How long does it take us to get to the nearest railway station by taxi I'taeksi]? 1л] us, bus IbAs], a bus — buses, a bus stop, at the bus stop, a number Seven bus. London buses are often red. [i:] sea, seaside I'si:said], at the seaside, to go to the seaside. I spent my summer at the seaside last year. cheap ltfi:p], cheap — cheaper — the cheapest, a cheap dress, a cheap house. — Is your new dress cheap or expensive? — I don’t think it is very expensive. (?) Choose a partner. Ask and answer each other questions. Example ^ Pji How did they get from ...? P2'. They got from ... to ... by by car by plane by bus by train by taxi by metro % Let Us Read and Learn QO) Listen to the dialooue. 50. Then read and learn it bv heart. A: How was your trip? B: Fantastic! A: Did you go to the Black Sea? B: We did. We spent a week at the seaside. A: Did you stay at the hotel? What was it like? B: It was excellent. A: What were the people like? B: They were very friendly. A: How lucky you are! Think of your own dialogue and act it out. Don’t forget to change over. Let Us Read Travelling and Transport =0^' ^ Read the text and answer the questions of Tony’s friend. THE WEEKENd Many people in Britain work five days a week, from Monday to Friday. So, from Friday evening till Monday morning people are usually free.' When Friday comes English people usually know where and how they are going to spend the weekend. Before they leave work they say to each other, “Have a nice weekend! Have fun!” Very many people plan to go away for the weekend. If young2 people are away from home, they may go home to stay with their parents, their relatives, or friends in different parts of the country. Some people go to the seaside and stay at a hotel lhau'tel] there. Some people like to travel by plane or by train, but many families go to the seaside by car as it is very comfortable and not expensive. Last Friday Tony and his family took a trip to Brighton. Brighton is a nice place not far from London. It’s easy to get there by car or by train. Tony’s family haven’t got a car. So, they went to the railway station by bus and travelled to Brighton by train. It took them about an hour to get there. The family had a wonderful time in Brighton. On Monday morning Tony’s friends asked him, “Where were you at the weekend? How was your trip? Did you stay at a hotel or with your friends? What did you do at the seaside?” Tony laughed, “Not so many questions at once, please. Everything is OK.” And what would you say? How could you answer these questions for Tony? Jl3j True, false or don’t know? 1. Many people in Britain work four days a week. 2. Before they leave work they say to each other, “Have a nice weekend! Have fun!” ' free [fri:] — свободный 2 young [)л1з] — молодой 0 3. Many families go to the seaside by car. 4. Last Friday Tony and his family took a trip to Brighton. 5. They got there by plane. Let Us Talk Give a short summary of Tony’s weekend. Choose a partner and discuss with him/her Tony’s weekend. Tell vour classmates about vour last weekend and let them ask questions for more information. Let Us Write Write the three forms of the verbs. begin, draw, be, become, drink, see, burn, eat, read, choose, spend, meet, have, swim, wake 18) Use the right form of the verbs. 1. Where did you ... last weekend? a) go b) went c) have gone 2. I ... to the seaside 3 years ago. a) have gone b) went c) go 3. How lucky you ... this year! a) was b) were c) have been 4. They always ... for Moscow by plane, a) have left b) leave c) left 5. We decided ... at the hotel, a) stay b) stayed c) to stay Write 5 sentences using present perfect and 5 sentences using past indefinite (Exercise 1 can help vou). Learn how to write the new words. to +»*cive.l/ to stay at/witK (fo0y plaKve.^ t»*airv^ buSy seaslde.y •railway statiorvy cke.apy -j-antasticy ejccellervty fr\e.y\di\y Travelling and Transport Lesson 32 Let Us Learn © Last summer Bob (a boaster) staved at the Kina’s Hotel in the South of England. That’s what he savs. The hotel was cheap. The food was cheap. The fruit was cheap. The orange juice was cheap. The vegetables were cheap. a) Express vour doubt. Example ^ Was the hotel really cheap? b) Disagree with him. I don’t think the hotel was cheap. It was Example ) LJ ► expensive. Train vour memory. Look at the picture for a moment, then close it and say what means of transport you can remember. F © Look at the picture again and sav how the animals travelled last summer. © Look at the picture and say where and how Nick. Ann. Kate. Mike and Alice are going. IVavelling and IVansport © Sav it right. How many true sentences can you make up? A. Last summer the friends Nick and Kevin the boys the girls Mr Brown I travelled to the seaside London Africa Brighton Paris America by B. The trip was great (fantastic, fine, excellent, wonderful). © Sav what Sam and Charles have never done. The words can help you. f Example Щ Sam has never met his friend at the bus stop. to travel by plane to be at the railway station to buy cheap bananas to stay at a hotel to live at the seaside © Learn how to pronounce and use the new words, [ojo] 51, © Look at the picture and answer the questions on page 14. 1 1. Where is Bill? 2. How is he going to travel? 3. What is he going to take with him? 4. What is he buying? Try and read the new words. fine — find last — fast meal — steal try — cry chicken — ticket my — fly Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ai] child, find [faind], to find — found — found, to find a road, to find a book, to find the answer to the question. I can’t find the money anywhere. Have you found the key? I can never find my pen. my, fly [flail, to fly —flew —flown, to fly by plane, to fly in the sky, to fly south, to fly east, to fly quickly. Some birds that live in the north fly south for the winter, dry, cry [krai], to cry — cried, to cry for help. The baby will cry when it is hungry. The house was on fire, the man in it cried for help. “Hurry up!” Alice cried. [i:j meat, steal [still], to steal — stole — stolen, to steal money, to steal a bag, to steal a horse. Somebody has stolen her bag. The burglar tried to steal a television set. [ea]pair, airport ['еэрэа], an airport — airports, to go to Kennedy Airport, to fly from Sheremetyevo Airport. It took him two hours to get to Heathrow ['hiiGrau] Airport. [i] sick, ticket [4ikit], a ticket — tickets, to buy tickets, a ticket to London, a ticket for a London train. Have you bought the tickets yet? [л] cup, luggage ['Ugich], a lot of luggage, little luggage. I don’t like to travel with a lot of luggage. — Where is your luggage, please? — Here it is. [a:] last, fast lfa:st]: 1) a fast train, a fast horse, a fast trip, fast food. The clock is half an hour fast. I would like to go to London by a fast train. 2) to walk fast, to go fast, to run fast, to read fast, to write fast, to speak fast. Don’t run so fast! Travelling and Transport Play the “Champion” game. Who can make up more sentences using the following: to cry, to fiv. to steal, to find? { LOOK. READ. £EMEMBER!^> understand — understood — understood fall -fell — fallen give — gave — given grow — grew — grown make — made — made find — found — found fly — flew — flown steal — stole — stolen 12) Look at the pictures and sav what they have done. 1^ Make true answers to the following questions. 1. Have you ever flown by plane? When was it? 2. Have you ever given your favourite books to your friends? When did you do it? 3. Have you ever made tea or coffee? When did you last do it? 4. Have you ever found anything in the street? What was it? 5. Have you understood the present perfect tense? When did you understand it? 6. Have you ever fallen down?i Where was it? Let Us Read and Learn Listen to the poem “Trains”. t°I°] 52. Read and learn it. TRAINS Over the mountains, Over the plains,2 Over the rivers Here come trains. Carrying^ passengers,"^ Carrying mail,5 Over the country Here come trains. Let Us Read Have you ever heard of Spice Countrv?^ I don’t think you have. But we are sure you would like to know about it. Read the first part of the fairy tale and name its main characters. 1 fall [fo:l] down — падать 2 plain [plein] — равнина 3 cany I'kaeri] — везти, нести 4 passenger I'peesmcfeal — пассажир 5 mail tmeil] — почта 6 Spice Ispais] Country — страна Специй Travelling and Transport At/16/С MUSTARD (fairy tale) I Once upon a time there was a place called Spice Country. In the capital of the country, in its main square there was the Pepperpot Palace ^ where Queen Salt and her favourite son Prince [prins] Pepper lived. Prince Pepper was very rich. He had a lot of food but he liked mustard very much. He couldn’t live without mustard. In a poor little house which stood on the bank of the river near the bridge there lived a little girl, Sarah Sweet by name. She was the Prince’s friend. One day she went to visit Prince Pepper. She found him in bed as he was ill. “He is very ill,” said the doctor. “He can’t eat food without mustard and we can’t find any mustard in the shops.” “No mustard?” said Sarah. “I don’t believe it. There is a lot of mustard in our Spice Country.” Pepperpot I'pepapDt] Palace — дворец Перечного Горошка “But it is not the right kind,” said the Queen. “It must be magic mustard. And someone has stolen all the Prince’s magic mustard seeds. We have told the police, but they can’t find the seeds. We think the Vinegar Witch^ has done it, but she won’t talk to anyone but sweet, young girls.” Suddenly the doctor looked at Sarah. “Why,” he said. “You’re a sweet, young girl. Will you help us?” “Of course I will,” said Sarah. “But where does the Witch live? How can I get there?” Vinegar ['vmiga) Witch [witj] — ведьма Уксус Travelling and Transport “She lives with her cat Midnight in a castle which is in the mountains,” answered the Queen. “You can get there by plane or by tram but you’ll have to go on foot. First find the magic road to the mountains.” “I’m sure I’ll find it! Goodbye, everyone!” said Sarah and left the palace. Sarah was sure she could get to the Witch by plane. The main thing was to find the magic airport. Suddenly she saw a taxi. “Taxi! Taxi!” cried Sarah. “Let’s go fast! I’m in a hurry!” “Where to?” asked the driver, when he opened the door and asked Sarah to get in. “To the airport,” was the answer. It took them 10 minutes to get there. Sarah bought a ticket. As she had no luggage, very soon she was on the plane in the blue sky. Find and read the sentences to illustrate the pictures. © You’ve read and understood the fairy tale, haven’t vou? Then answer the questions. 1. Who lived in Spice Country? 2. What spice do you think Prince Pepper liked? Why was his name Prince Pepper? 3. What was the Queen’s favourite food? Why do you think her name was Queen Salt? 4. Why did the palace get such a name? 5. What was the Witch’s favourite thing to eat? Why was her name the Vinegar Witch? Let Us Talk 1^ Ask each other questions about the fairy tale. 19) Your little sister (brother, friend) has not read this fairy tale. Tell it to her/him in a few words. j Tell your friends a few words about: a) your last summer trip; b) your last winter trip; c) your trip to the seaside; d) your trip by plane; e) your trip by train. 0 г hlip: kurokam.ru Let Us Write Put in the words: fast, ticket, steal, find, cry, airport, luaaaae. 1. Nelly can’t ... any mustard in the fridge. Somebody has taken it. 2. Walk as ... as you can. I’m in a hurry. 3. How are you going to the ...? — I’m going there by bus. 4. Where is our ...? I don’t see the black bag. Somebody has ... it. 5. Why are you ..., little Betty? — I can’t ... my favourite doll. 6. Have they bought ... to Suzdal yet? Open the brackets. 1. He never (to fly) by plane. 2. We never (to take) much luggage when we travel. 3. Mary (not to buy) a ticket yet. We can’t (to fly) to Yalta. 4. I think the Vinegar Witch (to steal) all the mustard seeds in Spice Country. 5. Why is your little sister (to cry)l 6. You (to find) all the books in this shop? 7. You (to understand) everything? 8. Who (to make) the coffee? 9. Look! Little Nick (to fall down). Learn how to write the new words. to -jiKAcI (founcl/ |oMK\cl)/ to -[ly (jleWy |IoWk\)y to c.ry (c.ne.d)^ to steal (stole/ stolen)/ ai»*poH> ticket/ Iu00a0e/ last Lesson 33 Let Us Learn © Think of different means of transport and sav which one is fast. which one is faster and which one is the fastest. Compare different means of transport (bv can bv train, bv bus, bv plane). Travelling and Transport © Sav how long it takes you to get to different places from vour house if you use different kinds of transport. It takes me an hour and a half to get to Pskov if ) Example § I go there by plane and about 10 hours if I go there by train. © Give Pete’s answers to Jack’s questions. Jack: Have you ever been to a foreigni country? What country have you been to? Pete: ...... Jack: Where and with whom were you there? Pete: ...... Jack: How did you get there? Was it difficult to buy tickets? Pete: ...... Jack: How long did it take you to get there? Pete: ...... Jack: Did you take a lot of luggage with you? Pete: ...... Jack: Did you find a cheap or an expensive hotel? Pete: ...... Now pretend that one of you is Pete and the other is Jack. Act out the conversation from Exercise 3. Don’t forget to change over. © Think of five more questions which Jack could ask Pete. © Play the “Champion” game. Who can make up more sentences using: f/v. airport, steal. ciV? © Learn how to pronounce and use the new words, [ojo] 53. © Try and read the new words. lake — shake get — forget again — explain bad — sad find — kind puppy - ugly great — straight boys — voice foreign ['form] — иностранный Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ei] take, shake [jeikj, to shake — shook — shaken, to shake a head, to shake hands with smb, to shake apples from the tree, to shake a man by the shoulders. He shook his head in answer to my question. Do all people shake hands when they meet? main, explain [ik'splein], to explain — explained, to explain the way, to explain words to pupils, to explain how to get to the place. Excuse me, can you explain it to me? I couldn’t explain the new grammar to my friend, straight [streit]: 1) a straight street, a straight road, a straight line. There are many wide, straight streets in Moscow. 2) to go straight, to walk straight. — How do 1 get there? — Go straight ahead and you’ll see it. [ai] find, kind [kaindj, kind — kinder — (the) kindest, a kind man, a nice, kind girl. She is very kind. Be kind to animals. It was very kind of you to help us. [oi] boy, voice [voisl, a voice — voices, a sweet voice, a loud voice, in a kind voice, in a quiet voice. He always speaks in a quiet voice to me. [ae] bad, sad [sasd], sad — sadder — (the) saddest, a sad woman, a sad voice, to speak in a sad voice, to look sad. Anna looks sad, her grandmother is ill. It was a sad day. [л] puppy, ugly [4gli], ugly — uglier — (the) ugliest, an ugly face, an ugly old witch. In many fairy tales ugly animals become beautiful people. Does she always wear ugly clothes? [e] get, forget [fs'getl, to forget — forgot — forgotten, to forget a word, to forget a song, to forget a place, to forget to do smth. Don’t forget to go there! — Have you done the shopping? — Oh, dear, I forgot. I shall never forget it. (XOQK,.REA0.^EMm sing — sang — sung put (on)— put (on) — put (on) run — ran — run Travelling and Transport (Грок, ;^Ар;1шшвш > send — sent shine — shone ЦЪп] shake — shook forget — forgot sent shone [fon] shaken forgotten @ Look at the pictures and say what they have done (haven’t done). Make up true answers to the following questions. 1. Have you ever made fruit salad? When did you make it? 2. Have you ever run fast? When and why did you do it? 3. Have you ever sung sad songs? When did you sing them last? 4. Have you ever sent letters to other countries? To whom did you send them? 5. Have you ever put on your parents’ clothes? When did you do it? 6. Have you ever shaken people by the shoulders? What did you do it for? 7. Have you ever forgotten songs and poems you’ve learnt by heart? 8. Has the sun ever shone at night? 12) Read and compare. Who People who read a lot know a lot. The boy who is standing at the blackboard is our best pupil. The girls who are coming into the room live in the country. Which The English book, which 1 read yesterday, was very interesting. Vinegar Witch lived in a castle which was in the Wild Wood. Alice went on a trip which was very interesting. Let Us Read and Learn |13J Listen to the dialogue “At the Railway Station”. [qXq] 54. Then read and learn it bv heart. AT THE RAHWAY STATION A: When is the train to Liverpool ['livapu:!], please? B: 3.15, madam. A: Which platform? B: Platform seven. Travelling and Transport A: How much is the ticket? B: Single or return? A: Return, please. B: That will be 14 pounds. A: Here you are. B: Thank you, madam. A: Thank you. 14) Make up vour own dialogue and act it out with your partner. The table can help vou. City Platform Time Fare^ (single) London 8 2.40 £12 Brighton 3 7.15 £8 Leeds 6 3.10 £10 Bristol 2 11.20 £7 15) Read and learn the proverb, then give its Russian equivalent. So many countries, so many customs. Let Us Read 16) Do vou want to know what happened to the characters of the fairy tale “Magic Mustard”? Then read the second part of it and decide why vou think the cat’s name was Midnight. MUSTARD IT The trip was not long. A few minutes later the magic plane was under a big old tree. Sarah was in the middle of the Wild Wood. She didn’t know where to go. “How can I get out of here?” she asked. ' fare [fea] — плата за проезд г “Can’t you find the road?” she suddenly heard a voice. She looked up and down, but couldn’t see anybody. There was just an ugly old tree near to where she stood. Then she heard the voice again. “Speak up! I can’t hear you! Don’t they teach you to speak English at school?” Sarah understood that the tree was talking to her. “Please, sir,” said Sarah. “I’m looking for some magic mustard seeds.” “The Vinegar Witch may have some, but I’m not sure,” said the tree. “How can I find her?” asked Sarah. “Don’t you know how to read a map?”' asked the tree. “What do they teach you at school these days?” “I haven’t got a map. I’m afraid,” said Sarah. “There aren’t any of the Wild Wood.” “Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot,” said the tree in a kinder voice. “Let me explain. The road to the Witch’s cottage is to the left of the road leading to the main magic square and this road is to the right of the road leading to the magic airport.” “Could you repeat that, please?” said Sarah. “That was very difficult to remember.” “Certainly not,” said the tree. “You young people must learn to work without help. Well, hurry up! You can’t stay here all day long. Use your head and your feet.” And he shook his leaves sadly. map [masp] — карта TVavelling and IVansport Sarah tried to draw a map, but found she couldn’t, so she decided to go straight ahead. It was difficult to walk because it was dark. She wanted to take a bus, but couldn’t as there were no buses in the Wild Wood. So she had to go on foot. It was a long way. She walked fast, yet it took her more than six hours to get there. By the time she saw the Witch’s home it was already morning. She went up to the castle and saw that the key was in the door. She opened it and went in. “Come up here!” she heard a voice from upstairs. She went up and there she saw a large room. In the middle of this room there was a fire burning. In front of the fire there were two armchairs, and in one of them was an ugly old witch. Her friendly black cat, Midnight, was in the other. Find and read the sentences to illustrate the pictures. True, false or don’t know? 1. Sarah cried for a long time because she didn’t know where to go. 2. A kind old woman helped Sarah Sweet to find the Witch’s castle. 3. Sarah knew how to get to the Witch’s castle. 4. The Vinegar Witch lived at the seaside near the railway station. 5. The Vinegar Witch had five kind dogs. 0 Let Us Talk Continue telling vour sister/brother the second part of the fairy tale you have just read. Do you like Sarah Sweet? Tell vour classmates all vou can about her. What do you think the end of the fairy tale could be? Tell it to vour classmates in a few words. Let Us Write ^ Put in the prepositions. 1. I like to fly ... plane. It is so fast. 2. — Did you buy the tickets ... the railway station? — No, I didn’t. I bought them ... the airport. 3. The plane is flying ... the blue sky, ... the plains, ... the seas. 4. Can I buy a ticket ... Moscow, please? 5. Can you hear? Somebody is crying ... help. 6. Shall we go ... bus or shall we go ... foot? ! Here are the adjectives. Give the corresponding adverbs and use them in sentences of your own. Adjectives: sad, sweet, kind, quiet, beautiful, easy. quickj + ^ = I quickly Example ) My grandfather never walks quickly. Travelling and Transport Look through the text again (Exercise 16) and write 6-7 questions about the text. Learn how to write the new words. to sKake (skook/ зкакекл)^ to explcii»^/ st»*cii0kt (st»*oii0kt okeod)/ kii^d/ volce^ sod/ М0|у/ to ■j'o»*0et (^o»*0oty foi*^goH-e.y\)/ to 0o okv -j-oot Lesson 34 Let Us Learn LOOK, sit stand sleep understand speak teach wear think sat stood slept understood spoke taught wore thought sat stood slept understood spoken taught worn thought © Think of and make up sentences with these verbs above. Ask your classmates to agree or disagree. Example ^ I have never spoken French. © Pretend you are a teacher. Let vour class answer the questions. 1. Your granny always speaks in a kind voice, doesn’t she? 2. Have you ever forgotten to do your homework? 3. Do you shake hands with your teacher when he comes into the classroom? 4. How do you get to school? Do you walk straight ahead from your house or do you turn to the left/right? 5. Can you explain how to get to Red Square from where you live? Ask vour friends if they have ever been to different cities/countries and how they travelled there. Example I Have you ever been to Sochi? How did you travel there? Look, read and compare. must 1. You must wear a uniform at school. 2. Pupils must be quiet at school. 3. Pupils must stand up when a teacher comes into the room. mustn’t 1. You mustn’t walk on the grass in the park. 2. You mustn’t speak loudly' in the cinema. 3. He mustn’t go to bed late. He is very small. have to 1. My school starts at 8.30. I have to get up at 7. 2. The bus is late, so the friends have to take a taxi. 3. I can’t buy tickets for the train, so Г11 have to fly. don’t/doesn’t have to 1. Tomorrow is Sunday. I don’t have to get up early. 2. We don’t have to wash up. Mother has done it. 3. Nick is on holiday. He doesn’t have to go to school. © What do you have to do when you see these traffic signs? Example ^ You have to stop. loudly [Maudli] — громко Travelling and Transport Read the questions and give short answers. 1. Who explains new material to the pupils in the lesson? 2. Who shakes hands with each other when they meet? 3. Who speaks in a kind voice in your family? 4. Who often forgets to bring his homework to class? 5. Who usually goes straight home after classes? © Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. 55. Try and read the new words. song — strong speak — weak need — feel five — arrive date — plate near — nearly river — silver caps — perhaps ® Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as vou can. lei] date, plate Ipleit], a plate — plates, on the plate, a small, white plate. Are there any plates on the table? lai] five, arrive lo'raiv], to arrive — arrived, to arrive in England, to arrive in a big city, to arrive at a small town, to arrive at the airport, to arrive at the railway station. He arrived yesterday. When is the plane arriving? My friends have not arrived in Moscow yet. li:j meet, feel Ifd], to feel — felt — felt, to feel well (fine), to feel bad, to feel hungry, to feel like doing smth. — How do you feel? — I’m fine. He doesn’t feel well today. He feels bad. I feel like going to the theatre tonight. Nick doesn’t feel like reading now, he feels like playing football. [i:] meat, weak [wi:k], weak — weaker — (the) weakest, a weak boy, a weak old lady, a weak smile, in a weak voice. He was ill for two weeks and now he feels weak. [d] song, strong [strool, strong — stronger — (the) strongest, a strong animal, a strong man. Who is the strongest boy in your class? Elephants are stronger than horses. [i] river, silver ['silva]: 1) Is there any silver here? 2) a silver plate, a silver cup, silver skates. There are some silver cups on the table. Have you read “Silver Skates” by Mary Mapes Dodge? lae] cap, perhaps [pa'haeps]. Perhaps he is right but I’m not sure. I don’t know when we’ll be back, perhaps at seven. lis] near, nearly I'niali]. It is nearly ten o’clock. I nearly forgot your birthday. It is nearly midnight. It’s nearly time to start. Make up as many sentences as you can. on time, late. Sav how different people feel/felt (don’t feel/didn’t feeh and explain why. The words can help you. Nick was the best at (the) games and felt very The train the railway station The plane arrived in the airport The bus didn’t arrive at the bus stop The car London Brighton Example f important. happy weak strong sad quiet thirsty comfortable important rich poor hungry ЛЩ Make up as many true sentences as you can. .. is nearly seventy. .. comes nearly on time. Travelling and Transport forgets nearly everything, feels nearly happy. has flown to nearly all the countries of the world, have been to nearly all the cities in Russia, arrived nearly on time, can explain nearly everything. Let Us Read and Learn Listen to the poem “Ferryboats”.^ [°Tq] 56. Read and learn it fERRYBOATS (By S, Tippet) Over the river, Over the bay^ Ferryboats travel Every day. Watching the seagulls,з Laughing with friends, I’m always sorry When the trip ends. Listen to the dialogue. 57. Then read and learn it bv heart. A: I would like a ticket to Moscow, please. B: When are you going to fly? A: Today or tomorrow, I think. B: Just a minute. I think flight^ 305 is the best for you. A: When is the flight? B: 7.40. A: Excellent. How much is the ticket? B: Business ['biznisl or tourist I'tuorist] class? A: Tourist class, please. Business class is too expensive. 5) Think of your own dialogue and act it out. Don’t forget to change over. ' ferryboat ['feribaut] — паром 2 bay [bei] — бухта, залив 3 seagull ['si:gxl] — чайка ^ flight [flait] — рейс Let Us Read Do you want to know the real end of the fairy tale? Then read the third part of it and compare vour end of the storv with the real one. Are they alike? MAGIC MUSTARd III “Hello, my dear,” cried the Vinegar Witch. “Welcome to my castle.” Suddenly she began to fly. “I don’t have many visitors these days. Why have you come here?” “I’m looking for some magic mustard seeds,” said Sarah. “They say somebody has stolen them. But some people say you have them. Is that true?” “Perhaps the people who say that are right,” said the Witch and showed Sarah the three boxes which stood in the centre of the room. “The magic seeds are in one of these boxes,” said the Witch. “Which one?” asked Sarah. “We are not going to tell her that, are we. Midnight?” said the Witch. “You must guess.” Sarah opened the smallest box and found a bag of mustard seeds inside. “Excellent!” said the Witch with an ugly smile. Travelling and Transport Sarah ran out of the Witch’s castle in a great hurry. It took her a long time to find her way out of the Wild Wood. At last she could see the tall tower of Pepperpot Palace over the tops of the trees. “Here you are,” she said to the doctor. “I have found them. Now Prince Pepper will feel better.” “Well done!” cried the doctor and Queen Salt together. The Queen went to the kitchen. She came back a few minutes later with a sandwich on a silver plate. It was a ham sandwich with magic mustard in it. “How wonderful!” said the Prince in a weak voice. He began to eat. Suddenly his face went red and he started to cry. “What has happened?” cried his mother. “Nothing,” answered the Prince. “But the mustard is so hot. I have never eaten such hot mustard. Oh, my! What shall I do? It’s burning inside.” “Oh dear, I’m sorry!” said Sarah. “That’s why the Witch smiled so nastily,”* Sarah thought. “But she didn’t know I had magic water.” She gave the Prince a silver cup with magic water and the Prince felt fine. “Why don’t we have a party with everybody’s favourite food?” he said, and invited a lot of guests to Pepperpot Palace. nastily ['naistili] — мерзко Read the answers to the questions from the text. 1. Why did Sarah Sweet go to see the Vinegar Witch? 2. What did the Vinegar Witch tell Sarah about the magic mustard seeds? 3. Who gave the Prince magic mustard? 4. What happened to Prince Pepper after he ate his sandwich? 5. What sort of party did the Prince want to have when he became strong again? ’Э Let Us Talk Choose a partner and make up a dialogue about travelling to some city. (Exercise 13. Lesson 33 and Exercise 14. Lesson 34 can help you.) Role-plav the dialogue. Don’t forget to change over. Look through the three parts of the fairy tale “Magic Mustard” and give a title for each of them. Tell your classmates about the means of transport Sarah Sweet used during her trio in the Wild Wood. Imagine that vou are Sarah Sweet (Prince Pepper, the Vinegar Witch, the Queen) and give a short summary of the whole fairy tale. Find antonyms to the following words: poor, easy, weak, ualv. dirtv. tall, cheap. Iona, old, fast cold. к Let Us Write Form adverbs from the following adjectives: sad, weak, easy, cold, warm, kind, quick, slow, quiet. Write a few sentences about your last trip. Learn how to write the new words. plate/ to a»*»*ive at/ii^/ to leel (felt/ felt)/ weak/ sti^o»^0/ silve»*/ pei^kops/ иеа>*1у/ to Kove to Travelling and Transport Lesson 35 Let Us Learn © Can you match the words and pictures below? Example ^ Number 1 — is a tractor ['traekta]. a taxi a tractor a horse a train a sports car a plane a bus © Say when the people arrived at (in) different places. Sarah Caroline The friends The Browns I My granny My brother The boys arrived at Sheremetyevo Airport the railway station the bus stop France on at in Moscow England the Witch’s castle the port in the evening. Monday. Tuesday. Thursday. 5.20. 7.40. 12.30. the morning Think and say where you can go in summer and how you’ll get there. Example ) Perhaps I can go to the seaside. Г11 travel there by plane. Say how the members of vour family felt (didn’t feel) last week. @ The words can help you. Example ^ My granny didn’t feel well iast week. bad well fine happy comfortable weak strong Read the following sentences. You can often hear them at a railway station. What do they mean? 1. A single to London, please. 2. Do I have to change? 3. Do I have to pay for the luggage? 4. Where is the ticket office?/Where is the booking office? 5. How much is a return to Glasgow? 6. Which platform? © Look at the word get (got) in the following sentences and guess what it means. 1. Can I get a return? 3. I got to London at 5. 2. Get into the car! 4. I got lost. © Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. [°Iq] 58. Try and read the new words. fire — tired match — catch lip — ship in — wind kiss — miss true — through Travelling and Transport Learn how to read the new \A/ords and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [з:] first, journey ['фз:т], a journey — journeys, an interesting journey, a journey lasting three days, a three-day journey, to go on a journey. A journey is a long trip. Are you going on a journey this week? loi] boy, voyage ['voiids], a voyage — voyages, to go on a voyage. A voyage is a journey by sea. You may have a voyage on the river too. What can you tell me about his voyage to the Far East? Id lip, ship [fip], a ship — ships, a large ship, on a ship, on board the ship, to travel by ship. There were many ships in the port lpo:t]. Were there many passengers on board the ship? [i\ in, wind Iwindl, a wind — winds, a strong wind, a cold wind. There was no wind, it was very warm. A strong wind is blowing. lei] main, change [tjeinch]: 1) to change books, to change clothes, to change plans. After the rain I had to change my clothes. They were all wet. We have changed the time of our meeting. 2) to change trains. We had to change trains in London. — Where do we change? — At the next station, I think. lu:j true, through I0ru;j, a through train — through trains.—Where shall we change? — You don’t have to change, as it’s a through train. Buy a ticket for a through train to Moscow, please. I don’t want to change. I'aia] fire, tired ['taiadj, a tired face, a tired smile, a tired look, to be tired (of). I am tired of this song. Are you tired after your long journey? I don’t think he is ever tired. bl kiss, miss Imis], to miss — missed, to miss a bus, to miss a train. I’ll have to get up early tomorrow. I’m afraid I will miss my bus. Go to the railway station at 5, then you won’t miss the train to London. [ae] match, catch [kaetj], to catch — caught — caught, to catch a train, to catch a bus, to catch a plane. Harry caught a plane to London and arrived there at 3. Mary always catches a bus to get to the office. Read and give vour opinion. 1. Why is a through train comfortable? 2. What is a journey? 3. What is a voyage? 4. Is it more interesting to travel by train, by plane or by sea (by ship)? 5. Do you have to change if you go to Red Square by Metro I'metrau] from your house? 6. Have you ever missed a train (plane, bus)? 7. Does your father catch a bus when he goes to work, does he walk or does he go by Metro? (■LQOX..READ. to get to take into out of a train a plane a taxi a car a taxi to get on off to catch/to miss a train a horse a bus a train a plane a bus Complete the sentences using the verbs from section “Look. Read. Remember!”. 1. I missed the bus this morning, so I had to ... . 2. The train arrived at the station and we ... . 3. He hasn’t got much money and can’t ... . 4. I had to get from London to Madrid Imo'drid] very quickly, so I ... . 5. This is my stop. I have to ... . 6. I think T can ... to take me to the railway station. 7. I ... the bus, because I was late. Let Us Read and Learn ^ Listen to the dialooues. -^3- 59. Then read them. Choose the one you like best and learn it by heart. Travelling and Transport 1 A: What bus do I take to the Pushkin Museum? B: Take bus 79. A: Is there a bus stop near here? B: Yes, there is. It’s on the opposite side, just in front of the cinema. A: How long will it take me to get there? B: I think about half an hour at this time of the day. There is a lot of traffic nowJ A: Look, bus 79 is coming. B: Oh, thank you. II A: Excuse me, how do I get to the centre of the city? B: Which part of the centre do you want? A: Red Square. B: Take a bus or the underground.^ It’ll take you a long time to walk there. A: Can you tell me the shortest way to the underground? B: Go straight ahead. You can’t miss it. Act out the dialogue vou have chosen. Don’t forget to change over. Let Us Read Read the dialogue “A Vovaae bv Sea” and say whv Ann has invited Alice to her place. /I mAGE BY SEA Alice: Hello, Ann. Haven’t seen you for ages! Ann: Oh, I’ve been on a wonderful journey. I travelled to Odessa and then had a voyage by sea. Alice: Fantastic! Did you go there with your parents? Ann: 1 did. I travelled with mum and dad. We left Moscow for Odessa by train. 1 There is a lot of traffic now. — Сейчас сильное движение. 2 underground — метро Alice: Ann: Alice: Ann: Alice: Ann: Alice: Ann: Alice: Ann: Alice: Ann: Alice: Ann: Alice: Ann: Alice: Did you like it? Yes, indeed. Our journey was very nice. I had a comfortable seat' next to the window. Did you have to change anywhere? Oh, no. We were lucky. It was a through train. When did you arrive in Odessa? At midnight. We were tired, and we missed the last bus, you see. So we took a taxi and went straight to a hotel. Did you stay there long? No, we didn’t. In fact we spent only a night there. In the morning we caught a bus to the port as our ship left at 10. Is Odessa a big port? It certainly is. You can see a lot of ships from different countries there. How was it at sea? I think there is nothing like travelling by sea. I liked the sea and the wind, I liked the friendly faces of the people, and the food, and the music on the ship radio. By the way, there was a swimming pool on board the ship, so I could swim a lot. What was the weather like? Fantastic! It was very warm, but never too hot. Once it rained, but it was sweet warm rain, so I liked it too. Did you take any pictures? I certainly did. I took many pictures of different places. Come and see me some day. We’ll look through them and I’ll show you the video too. Thanks. I will. 0 Let Us Talk [1^ Imagine you are Ann. Tell the class about: a) your journey to Odessa; b) your stay in Odessa; c) your voyage on board the ship. ' seat [si:t] — место Travelling and Transport Let Us Write Look through the dialogues from Exercise 12 and make up vour own dialogues to discuss how to get to different places in vour town fin the place you live). ^ Write a few sentences about vour last journey (voyage). ^ Write a letter to a friend who is going to visit you. Explain how to get to vour house from the nearest railway station or bus stop. Learn how to write the new words. jout*v\e.y^ \/oyc\ge./ skip (ои boa»*d tke skip)y wind/ ckciKV0e./ a +k»*ou0k ti^ciiKV/ to be ti»*ed (o-p)/ to miss/ to ccitck (eau caugVd) Listening Comprehension Lesson, 60 Lesson 36 Review 4 Let Us Talk Look at the pictures (on op. 43-44) for a moment, then close the book and sav what means/methods I'rneGgdz] of travelling you remember. 0 сО © Here is a “vocabulary network”.'' Can you complete it with the following words? (One word can be used more than once.) return through bus trip ship port railway station bus stop through train journey boat tourist class single flight luggage airport voyage ticket platform business class Ф ^ Ф bv bus bv sco 4 j r_- . , . Л Jbf trdiif, ^ s ' / by plane 6 s ^ 3 vocabulary network — словарная сеть Travelling and Transport Think of vour own sentences (not less than 5) using the words below. Let your classmates agree or disagree with you. N V Adj journey travel cheap voyage fly kind seaside shake straight ticket catch weak luggage miss strong ship change silver This is the centre of the city where the Smiths live. Look at the plan and say how you get from their house to: a) Town Bridge, b) St Mary’s Church, c) Station Bridge. сП the railway station. e) the airport, f) the museum, a) the school, h) the bookshop, i) the supermarket, j) the police station. © Think of some things vou have to do (things vou don't like to do. perhaps) and tell vour classmates about them. Example к I have to go to the airport at 6 o’clock in the F morning. © Think of some things vou don’t have to do but which other people have to do. I don’t have to fly to America every week, but Example f the pilot has to. a businessman a policeman a teacher a doctor a driver a pilot a shop assistant © Imagine that you are Laura Smith (see Exercise 4). You have to buy a ticket to Leeds. Go to the railway station. a) Say how to pet there from your house. (Exercise 4 can help vou.) b) Role-plav the dialogue at the railway station when you buy a ticket. (Exercise 13. Lesson 33 can help vou.) © Imagine that vou are Donald Smith. You have to fly to Scotland I'skptlandl. a) Sav how to get to the airport from your house. b) Role-plav the dialogue at the airport. (Exercise 14. Lesson 34 can help vou.) © Sav where vou would like to oo and how vou can (want to) travel there. Let Us Read Choose and read aloud as ouickiv as vou can the words on the topic ‘Travelling and Transport”. Who is the best? wind, ship, catch, miss, tired, through, change, voyage, journey, fantastic, nearly, excellent, strong, weak, perhaps, arrive, flight, business class, sad, kind, platform, explain, single, return, ticket, straight, luggage, ugly, fast, railway station, fly, airport, find, travel, tourist class, traffic, friendly Travelling and Transport Do you know anything about parrots? Would vou like to know about the parrot called Lorie? Then read the text. miE, WHO UKEV HOHEY^ Once upon a time, in a hot country, lived a very bright and beautiful parrot. He was red and green and silver and blue and he had a lot of yellow and brown on his head. His name was Lorie, and he liked honey. There were hundreds of flowers which grew under the trees in the place where he lived. So when Lorie was hungry all he had to do was to fly down and take the honey out of the flowers. He always had a lot to eat. All day long he flew about in the hot sun, listening to the birds singing, and he was very happy. The honey was fantastic! Then one day a sailor^ came to the forest. He liked the honey-loving parrot very much. He took many photographs of him, and then he caught the parrot and took him on board ' honey ['Ьлш] — мед 2 sailor I'seib] — моряк the ship. The sailor didn’t know the parrot’s name and he didn’t know the parrot liked honey. All he knew was that it was a very bright and beautiful parrot and he wanted to take him straight to England to sell him. On board the ship the sailor taught the parrot to say: “What have you got, what have you got, what have you got for me?” And when Lorie said it the sailor gave him seeds. When they arrived in England, they caught a train. It was not a long journey, so the parrot was not tired. An old lady who lived in a small cottage at the seaside bought Lorie. She didn’t know much about parrots and the sailor couldn’t explain much to her. She didn’t know the parrot liked honey. She called him Polly and gave him bread and biscuits, then he cried, “What have you got, what have you got, what have you got for me?” One day the old lady went to visit her friend. The lady and the parrot travelled by bus. They nearly missed it, but they were lucky because the bus was a little late. When it arrived they got on. They bought a ticket and their trip began. The lady’s friend met them at the bus stop. She took the lady, her parrot and the luggage home. It was 5 o’clock, so it was teatime. There was a small silver plate with honey on the table. When the lady and her friend went to the kitchen Travelling and Transport the parrot sat down on the table and ate his favourite food. When they returned and saw no honey on the plate they knew who liked honey. Since that time the parrot got his favourite honey when he cried, “What have you got, what have you got, what have you got for me?” 12) Find and read the sentences to illustrate the pictures. Have you got a friend who doesn’t know the story? Tell him/her about Lorie. Let Us Write 14) Write 7-12 sentences about your last trip nournev. voyage). Lesson 10 for Home Reading lillp: kill окат ru Lesson 37 Let Us Learn © Read the words and try to guess their meanings. Who has guessed all the meanings? Who is the best? a hobby ['hobi], a collection [ka'lekjn], to collect fkslekt], a theme thematic [Gi'maetik], a specialist ['spejalistj, special ['spejl], popular ['popjulsl, a fact [fsekt], metal I'metll Learn how to pronounce and use the new words, 61. Look at the pictures and name what vou see. Look at the pictures again and sav what colour the things are in the pictures. • A hobby is something you very much like to do in your free (свободное) time, such as making models, growing roses or collecting (собирать) different things. Hobbies Play a guessing game. Think what you would like to collect. Imagine that you collect these things. Let your classmates guess what you collect. Example § Is your hobby to collect dry leaves and flowers? ) Pretend you are a teacher. Let your class answer your questions. 1. Who in your family has got a collection? 2. What collection has he/she got? 3. Do you like to collect anything? What is it? 4. What is the theme of your collection? ... Try and think of some statements using the new words. Let your classmates agree or disagree with what you say. (Exercise 1 can help you.) © Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. 1d1 on, fond [fond], to be fond of smth, to be fond of doing smth. Nick is fond of animals. She has always been fond of music. My uncle is fond of travelling. [aulout, proud [praudl, to be proud of smth, to be proud of smb. The old lady was proud of her son. We are proud of our parents. You can’t be proud of this. [ж] am, stamp [staempl, a stamp — stamps, a square stamp, an American stamp. When I was in Rostov I bought two beautiful stamps to send home. Do you have any stamps, please? badge Ibasd^l, a badge — badges, to buy badges, a round badge, a square badge, an English badge, to have a badge on one’s uniform, to wear a badge on a jacket. Have you got any badges? te] let, collect [ka'lekt], to collect — collected, to collect books, to collect stamps, to collect pictures. I have never collected anything. My sister is fond of collecting different pencils. Have you ever collected badges? Nobody knows he collects pictures. My mother collected dolls when she was a girl. collector [ka'lektol, a collector — collectors, a famous collector, a great collector. He is a famous collector of toy cars. My little brother is a true stamp collector, collection [ks'lekjn], a collection — collections. He has a good collection of badges. There are two famous old stamps in his collection. loil boy, coin IkDinl, a coin — coins, a silver coin, a small coin. My grandfather is a famous collector of coins. I’m proud of my collection of silver coins. [0] thing, theme [0i:m], a theme — themes, an interesting theme, a new theme, an old theme.— What’s the theme of your collection? — My theme is sport. thematic [0i'maetik], a thematic collection. My brother’s collection of stamps is thematic. His theme is animals. le] pet, special ['spejl], a special question, a special theme, a special train, a special subject. The history of England is his special subject. He collects stamps and has got a special interest. This is a special question for you. specialist ['spejalist], a specialist — specialists, a famous specialist, a great specialist. This doctor is an eye specialist. specialize ['spejslaizl, to specialize — specialized, to specialize in history, to specialize in maths. He specializes in collecting stamps. Collectors often specialize in one subject. She specialized in teaching music. John is a boaster. This is what he says: 1. Everybody knows my collection of stamps. 2. My collection of badges is famous and popular all over the world. 3. I’ve got silver coins from all the countries. 4. I’ve got two million stamps in my collection. 5. I’ve got a very expensive collection of old pictures. a) Express your doubt. bi Disagree. Make UP sentences about vour family and friends, which are true. My mother growing My father travelling My grandparents is fond of collecting My uncle are reading My cousin making My friends stamps flowers books music cakes ( LOOK. RЁAD. ВЕМЁМбЕкГ> -ег/-ог write — writer read — reader travel — traveller translate — translator decorate — decorator collect — collector (see part 2, p. 187) -tion celebrate — celebration collect — collection decorate — decoration collect — collector — collection decorate — decorator — decoration translate — translator — translation -ic fantastic, thematic, Olympic Let Us Read and Learn Enjoy your English and sing the song “Mr Crocodile” part I. jO MK CROCOP/U ^ I Never smile at a crocodile. No, you can’t get friendly with a crocodile. Don’t be taken in* by his welcome grin.^ He’s imagining how well you’d fit within his skin.^ Never smile at a crocodile. Never tip your haH and stop to talk awhile,^ Never run! Walk away. Say good night, not good day! Clear the isle.^ Never smile at Mr Crocodile. Let Us Read Read the text and say what hobbies people can have. HOBBIES Different people like doing different things; different people have different hobbies. My brother is fond of collecting stamps. He has got a very good collection and he is proud of it. His stamps can tell you about different people and different countries. My brother often says that his hobby is popular with people of all ages. Collecting stamps is easy and interesting. It is real fun. You begin to leam many interesting facts about history and famous ' don’t be taken in — зд. пусть тебя не обманывает 2 welcome grin — доброжелательная ухмылка 3 how well you’d fit within his skin — насколько хорошо ты втиснешься в его шкуру 4 tip one’s hat — небрежно поздороваться, едва прикоснувшись к шляпе 5 awhile [a'wail] — ненадолго ^ clear the isle [ailj — очистим остров Hobbies people when you start to collect stamps. At first people collect every kind of stamps. But soon they begin to make special collections. Sometimes they specialize in stamps of one subject only; for example, birds, animals, flowers or sports. Birds or sports is your theme. This kind of collecting is called thematic. My brother’s collection is thematic. His theme is fish. My best friend, Alice, is a collector too. She is fond of collecting badges. Her collection is thematic. Her theme is sports. She keeps her badges on the wall. When you come into her room you can see them all there. My grandfather collected coins when he was a boy. Some people collect dolls. My uncle does. When he travels he always brings home dolls from different countries. Some people collect pictures, cups, toys, toy soldiers ['saulc^az], books, pencils and many other things. But collecting things is not the only hobby people have. Some people are fond of travelling or gardening. Very many boys and girls are fond of sport and that is their hobby. My aunt’s hobby is taking pictures and my mother is fond of music. If you have one, what is your hobby? Little John read the text about hobbies and didn’t understand it at all. This is how he has understood the text. Could you correct him? 1. A hobby means collecting stamps. 2. Collecting stamps is popular only with old people. 3. Collecting stamps can teach you nothing. 4. People usually begin to collect stamps for a special collection. 5. Collectors never specialize in one subject. 6. Thematic collections are not popular. Let Us Talk Tell your classmates: 1. what a hobby is; 2. what hobbies you know; 3. what things people usually collect; 4. what a thematic collection is; 5. what your favourite hobby is. 0 Look at the pictures in Exercise 3 and say: 1. what collections you can see there; 2. if there are any thematic collections there, what are they? Let’s play a game. Could you give a short summary of the text “Hobbies”? Make it as short as you can but don’t forget important facts. Let’s see who is the best. Let Us Write Look at the pictures in Exercise 3 and write answers to the questions. 1. How many square stamps can you see? What are their colours? 2. What is the theme of the square stamps? 3. How many Russian stamps are there in the pictures? 4. Is the collection of badges thematic? What is its theme? 5. How many silver coins are there in the picture? 6. What countries are the coins from? Make up nouns from the verbs. -er/-or -tion collect — — translate — — decorate — — travel speak teach -er/-or 18j Write a few words about your hobby. Learn how to write the new words. to be foy\Ji of/ to be pi^owd of/ s+amp/ bad0e/ to collect/ collector*/ collectlorx/ coin/ tKeme/ tbemotic/ special/ specialist/ to specialize I^oibtbues Lesson 38 Imp: kurokam.ru Let Us Learn JJ Let’s play a game. Look at the pictures (on pp. 57-58) for a moment, then close the book and sav what the children have collected. @ Look at the pictures in Exercise 1 again and sav if the children’s collections are thematic. What are their themes? Give Jack’s answers to Jill’s questions. Jill: What is your hobby, Jack? Jack: ....... Jill: When did you begin to collect stamps? Jack: ....... Jill: Have you got a big collection of stamps? Jack: ....... Jill: Is it a thematic collection? Jack: ....... Jill: What is your theme? Jack: ....... @ NOW pretend that one of you is Jack and the other is Jill. Act out the dialogue. Think UP five more questions that Jill could ask Jack. Could you tell your classmates who or what you are proud of and why? Fm proud of my granny’s collection of silver Example ^ coins. They are from different countries. © Look and say what Bob and his friends are fond of. ECTONS DKY LIAVEJ ® Read the words and try to guess their meanings. programme ['praugrsem], opera Гпргэ], gangster ['gaepsta], storm of applause ['stoim av a'pbiz], ballet ['baelei], musical ['mju:zikl], actor ['aekta] (9) Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. 63. Find out if vour friends are fond of going to the theatre. 1. Are you a theatre-goer? 2. How often do you go to the theatre? 3. Have you ever been to the Bolshoi Theatre? 4. When did you last go to the theatre? 5. Was it to see a ballet or to listen to an opera? 6. Was it to see a musical or a play? 7. How many famous actors were in it? 8. Was there a storm of applause at the end? 9. Is going to the theatre your hobby? Look at the clock and say what time it is. ;1^Iry_ and read the new words. meat — seat party — part age — stage seaside — decide water — quarter like — rise Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [o:] water, quarter ['kwo:t3], a quarter — quarters, a quarter of an apple, a quarter of an hour, in a quarter of an hour, at a quarter past two, at a quarter to eight. — What’s a quarter of 64? — It’s 16. A quarter of an hour is fifteen minutes. Shall we meet in a quarter of an hour? — What’s the time? — It’s a quarter past twelve. [i:] meat, seat [si:tl, a seat — seats, to take a seat. Bring two more chairs so that there are seats for everyone. I couldn’t get a seat on the bus. Won’t you take a seat? Hobbies [ei] age, stage [steicfe], a stage — stages, on the stage. The dancer came onto the stage and began to dance. [ai] nice, rise [raiz], to rise — rose — risen, to rise from a seat, to rise from a sofa. The sun rises in the East. What time does the sun rise in summer? When we lived in the country we rose at 7 every morning. The wind rose quickly. Id:] form, perform 1рэТэ:т], to perform — performed, to perform on the stage, to perform on the piano, to perform a play. We would like to perform at our school theatre, performance IpaToimans], a performance — performances, a wonderful peifermance. When does the performance begin? performer 1рэТэ:тэ], a performer — performers. How many performers are there on the stage? audience I"o:diDns], a large audience, to have a large audience. That television programme has an audience of millions. There was a large audience at the theatre. leu] March, part lpa:t], a part — parts, an important part, to know the part, to learn the part by heart, to play a part. He acted his part well. Mr A. played a very important part in the life of the city. to take part in. He takes part in all the performances. lai] seaside, decide Idrisaid], to decide — decided, to decide to do smth. He decided to become a pilot. It’s difficult to decide who is right. Look at the pictures and sav: 1. what you usually do at this time; 2. what you did yesterday. Let Us Read and Learn Listen to the dialogue “Going to the Theatre”. Г°Т°1 64. and read it. Then read it as if vou were Helen and Alice. GOING TO THE THEATRE Helen: Hello! Hello! Alice, it’s me, Helen. Alice: Oh, Helen, hi! How are you? Helen: Fine. And how are you? Alice: I’m fine too. Look here, Helen, are you doing anything special tonight? Helen: No, not really. Why? Alice: I’ve got two tickets for the ballet “Shchelkunchik”. Have you seen it? Would you like to join me? Helen: I’d love to. It’s at the Bolshoi, isn’t it? Alice: Unfortunately, not tonight. It’s on the other stage. But the dancers are the same and the scenery! jg the same too. Helen: That suits me fine. But what about our seats? Are the tickets expensive? Alice: I’m sorry, they are not cheap, but they are in the stalls and we’ll see the stage very well. Helen: OK. When and where shall we meet? Alice: I’ll be at the bus stop at a quarter to 7. Helen: Bye-bye, then. Alice: Bye. Act out the dialogue of Exercise 15. (You can make it shorter.) Let Us Read Many people who are theatre-goers sav that going to the theatre is their hobbv. Read how this hobbv can begin. MY F/RST VISIT TO THE BOLSHOI I will never forget my first visit to the theatre. My mother took me to the Bolshoi Theatre to see “The Sleeping scenery ['siman] — декорации {always in the singular) https://vk.con/school_ipad 3» ,'jj Beauty”. We took the underground there, as the Bolshoi Theatre is in the centre of Moscow. It took us a quarter of an hour to get there. When we arrived at the theatre we could see many people in the hall. Some of them had programmes ["praugrsemzj in their hands. My mother bought one for us. Then she led the way to our seats. They were not expensive but we could see the stage very well. Then the lights went down' and the curtain rose. We could see a beautiful palace on the stage and we could hear beautiful music. The scenery was fantastic. I liked the ballet ["bselei] very much. The leading dancer was so good, that when the performance was over there was a storm of applause My mother enjoyed the performance greatly and she promised to take me to the opera ['пргэ] at a later dale. Find and read the sentences to illustrate the pictures. ! the lights went down — огни погасли, свет погас 2 there was a storm of applause — раздался гром аплодисментов https://vk.con/school_ipad 1 г € https://vk.con/school_ipad Let Us Talk ^) Say why the girl will never forget her first visit to the Bolshoi Theatre. Do you think she will become a theatre-goer? Will the theatre become her hobbv? i) Say if you have ever been to the Bolshoi Theatre and when it was. Did you see a ballet? Did vou listen to an opera? What was it? Did you like it? ^1) Tell vour friends what vour favourite theatre is and when vou visited it last. Let Us Write ) Put in the prepositions where necessary. 1) Have you already bought a ticket ... London? The performance ... the theatre begins ... a quarter ... seven. And where are the tickets ... the play, ... the way? 2) How did you travel ... last summer? Did you go ... the mountains ... car or did you go ... foot? 3) Who will take part ... this work? I think many will because ifs popular ... our pupils. 4) Where are our seats? We’re lucky ... them. They are ... the stalls. I’m fond ... sitting ... the stalls as you can see ... the stage very well. Look at the clocks and write what time it is. к https://vk.con/school_ipad https://vk.con/school_ipad t) Make up nouns from the verbs. a) to perform — to play — to act — b) to travel to cry — to shout lilfp: kurokam.ni Hobbies ) Learn how to write the new words. q se-ci+y stcige.y +o y^ise. nse.K\)/ to pa-t^oK-УП/ ре.у^оу^гу\с\у\се./ pei^oi^meo awdie-Kvcey раИ> to tciUe. port iv\ smtKy to deoide.y cx tiolce-t "for (o ploy)y LAKvfoH-MiAotelyy m tKe stollsy at the- tKeati^ey tKe.at»*e-0oe.i^ Lesson 39 Let Us Learn © Play a memory game. Look at the words for a moment, close the book and then name ail the words vou remember. audience ^^erfor^J stage | part performance theatre quarter decide nse, rose, risen i Think of a word from Lesson 38. Let your classmates guess what it is. ‘ https://vk.con/school_ipad Say what the members of vour family: a) usually do: b) did yesterday at this time: c) decided to do on Sunday. 1) at a quarter to seven; 2) at half past three; 3) at ten to four; 4) at a quarter past nine; 5) at twenty to ten. © Sav as quickly as vou can using the words “quarter” and “half”. 3.30 I I 11.45 I I 3.15 II 13.30 .1 .5-45. 5.30! 10.15 1 7.15 I © Your grandparents are theatre-goers. Find out if they have bought tickets for a plav. what play (ballet, opera) it is. when they are going to be at the theatre, if their seats are expensive or cheap and if they are in the stalls. © Think of the sentences with the words: stage, rise, performance, perform. part, audience. Let vour classmates agree or disagree with vou. © Read the words and try to guess their meanings. film [film], programme ['prougraem], comedy ['komodij, detective [di'tektiv] film, black-and-white film, interval fintovll, video ['vidiou], musical I'mjuizikl], historical Ihi'sturikll film, film in colour Learn how to pronounce and use the new words, [ojo] 65 © Find out if vour friends are fond of going to the cinema and seeing different films. 1. Are you a cinema-goer? 2. How often do you usually go to the cinema? 3. What films do you like to see: comedies, musicals, historical or detective films? Other films? 4. Are there any intervals between the programmes in Russia? 5. Do you watch videos at home? 6. What detective film did you see last? What was it? When was it? Hobbles LOOK. RJAD, ^MEMBER! at the Bolshoi Theatre at the Malyi Theatre at the Children’s Theatre at the Arts Theatre at the “Pobeda” at the “Pushkinskii’ at the “Zaryadye” at the “Mir” Work in pairs and ask each other: a) what is on at some cinemas and theatres of your city (town): b) what is on at your local cinema house. Describe the film which is on. Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [i:l meat, feature rfiitjal, a feature film. There are two feature films in the programme. I’m a cinema-goer and I like to see feature films very much. [li:] noon, cartoon [kaftirn], a cartoon — cartoons. My little sister is fond of watching cartoons. — What’s on today? — “Just You Wait”, a famous cartoon about a clever hare and a bad wolf lei send, documentary [,dDkju'ment(9)ril, a documentary film. Are there any documentary films in the programme today? My father is fond of documentary films. [ai] rise, besides [bfsaidzl. He didn’t want to go to the party, and besides, he had to work. There were many people at the cinema, besides our class. I don’t feel like going to the theatre, and besides, Tm very tired. [u] good, full Iful], to be full of something. The box is full of apples. The room was full of people. The wardrobe is full of clothes. The cup is half full. The cinema is full. The house is full. laulgrow, though [dsuf I was late for school even though I got up very early. The feature film was good though there were no famous actors in it. Though it was already midnight he didn’t stop working. [еэ] airport, care 1кеэ], to care — cared. 1 don’t care what happens. — What would you like for dessert [dfZ3:t]? — I don’t care. Do you care for cartoons? He has never cared for historical films. Make up sentences which are true, using the table. a feature film, a documentary film. Yesterday my friend ema and saw a historical film. a musical, a cartoon. Answer the questions in the negative giving the two reasons. The phrases a) — al can help vou. my cousins my father went to the cin- my friend ema and saw my granny my parents Example Pj: Would you like to go for a walk this afternoon? P2: I’m afraid, I can’t, I’m going to the cinema, and besides, it’s very cold. 1. Would you like to go to the cinema tomorrow evening? 2. Would you like to go to the football match this evening? 3. Would you like to go to the ballet on Friday evening? 4. Would you like to go to the musical tomorrow morning? 5. Would you like to come and see me on Wednesday evening? 6. Would you like to go to a concert I'konsat] on Thursday evening? 7. Would you like to go to the theatre on Tuesday? a) ... I’m going to the theatre, and besides. I’m not a cinema-goer. b) ... I’m going to the ballet, and besides, I don’t care for football. c) ... I’m going to my granny’s birthday, and besides. I’ve already seen this ballet. d) ... I’m going to the cinema,. and besides. I’m not a theatre-goer. e) ... I’m going to a football match, and besides. I’m not fond of concerts. Hobbies ■’ V ' f) ... I’m very busy, and besides, I don’t feel well. g) ... I’m going to the museum, and besides. I’ve already been to this musical. @ Answer the questions of Exercise 13 in the affirmative. Follow the example. Example Pj: Would you like to go for a walk this afternoon? P2: I’d love to, though I have a lot of work to do. Look at the pictures and say what the objects are full of. © 0 https://vk.com/school_ipad Have'you got much water? Have you got many pencils? Have you got any (a little) water? Have you got any (a few) pencils? I have got a lot of pencils. I have got a lot of water. I haven’t got any pencils. I haven’t got any water. I haven’t got much water. 1 haven’t got many pencils. There is little bread on the table. There are few books on the table. Let Us Read and Learn Eniov vour English and sing the song “Mr Crocodile”, [pig] 66. part II. CROmHE II Never smile at a crocodile. No, you can’t get friendly with a crocodile. Don’t be taken in by his welcome grin. He’s imagining how well you’d fit within his skin. Never smile at a crocodile. Never tip your hat and stop to talk awhile. Don’t be rude!' Never mock!^ Throw^ a kiss, not a rock!^ Clear the isle and never smile at Mr Crocodile. 1 rude [ru:d] — грубый 2 mock [mok) — дразнить ^ throw a kiss — послать поцелуй ^ throw a rock — запустить булыжником https://vk.con/schooi_lpad Hobbies Let Us Read Would you like to know some facts about cinemas in England? Then read the text. 0^ GOING TO THE CINEMA IN ENGLAND When you go to the cinema in England you usually see a feature film and a documentary. There are no intervals between programmes in some cinemas, and sometimes people can stay there as long as they like. Cinema is very popular, but less so than it was at the beginning of the 20th century. Several years ago, people in England often went to the cinema, but now many of them stay at home and spend a quiet evening reading books and watching TV or videos ['vidisuzl. Besides which, tickets are very expensive. But many people are still fond of going to the cinema. They often go to the “Odeon”, which is one of the famous cinemas in London. You can see different films at the “Odeon”: comedies, musicals, detective films, historical films, cartoons and love stories. You can see black-and-white films too. Agree or disagree. Give vour reasons. 1. The programmes in an English cinema are not long. 2. There is only a feature film in all programmes. 3. There are no intervals between programmes in some cinemas in England. 4. English people don’t like to stay at home in the evenings. 5. You can see only cartoons at the “Odeon”. Let Us Talk ,1%) Look through Exercise 17 again and sav if you see any difference between Russian and English cinemas. Could you tell your friends what films you have seen this week? Where did vou see them? Were they interesting? 0 Let Us Write Put in much, many, a lot of. 1. I have ... work to do. hasn’t he? 3. Have you got Peter has drunk ... milk, friends at school? 4. There are ... cinemas in my city. 5. I don’t have ... apples in the fridge. 6. There are not ... cartoons in the programme. 7. Have you got ... butter on the plate? !) Choose the right word from those in brackets. 1. I have (a little, a few) free time. 2. There are (few, little) badges in my collection yet. 3. There were (little, few) coins on the table. 4. There is (a little, a few) soup in my plate. 5. There is (little, few) milk in the silver cup. Do Exercise 4 in writing. 1^1 Learn how to write the new words. cine.ma-0oe.»*> -ре-а+ии^е. I'ilm/ caH-ooi^y docu»rve.H+ci»*y filmy besidesy fully to be full of, +bou0ky to cz-cxt^e. fo»^ Lesson 40 Let Us Learn Name all the kinds of films you know. Sav which of them you like best and why. © Ask vour friends to think of a film. Try to guess what film it is. Example f — Is it a comedy? — No, it isn’t. — Is it a ... ? Hobbies Say who in vour class (your family) is a cinema-goer or a theatre-goer. how often they ao to the cinema (theatre). What films (Diavs ...) do they like to see? Sav what old people care for and why. flowers detective stories musicals cartoons voyages trips historical films animals pictures comedies feature films (D Alice seldom cares for what she reads, eats, drinks ... Answer her friends’ questions for her. Example — Would you like coffee or tea? — I don’t care. (I don’t mind.) 1. Would you like to watch TV or (to) go to the cinema? 2. Would you like to see the ballet or (to) listen to the opera? 3. Would you like to have seats in the stalls or in the balcony [Ъзе1кэш1? 4. Would you like to collect badges or coins? 5. Would you like to watch a documentary film? ® Nick is a very good pupil. He is good at many subjects and has a lot of hobbies. Could you tell us what he is good at and what his hobbies are? Follow the example. Nick is very good at Maths, and besides, he Example ^ stamps. © These children are very little but they can do nnanv things well. Say how old they are and what they can do. Follow the example. - I к Andy can draw very well though he is only ^ f seven. 1 Lena Ann, Polly Andy Boris Oleg, Sasha Liz, Tom Imagine a fairy tablecloth. Sav what the cups, glasses, plates and boxes on it are full of. ( Look; READ, > -------------------------------- say Say where you live, please. Don’t say what you are going to do. The children said to their mum that they had a new teacher. Nick says: “I like cartoons.” What did he say to you? tell (somebody) Tell me where you live, please. Don’t tell them what you are going to do. The children told their mother about their new teacher. Nick tells me he likes cartoons. What did he tell you? Learn how to oronounce and use the new words. 67. Read the words and try to guess what they mean, concert ['kuns9t], optimism ['optimizm], California [,kaeli'fo:ni3], character ['kaerskts], Chicago [Ji'ka:g9u], Los Angeles [Ids 'aenchaliiz] Try and read the new words: and — land meat — mean bell — tell date — create seen — screen North — born i) Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ae] and, land [lasnd], a land — lands, my native land, to visit different lands. This land is your land. Walt Disney has made a new land for children and their parents. [i:] seen, screen [skri:n], a screen — screens, to be on the screen. The teacher asked me to look at the screen. [e] chess, success [sak'ses], to be a success. The little girl was a great success at the school concert. The new play was a big success. The plan was a great success. [ei] date, create [kri'eit], to create — created, to create a character, to create a part, to create a new land. A writer creates characters ['keeraktsz] in his books. Who has created this wonderful work of art? [i:] meat, mean [mi:n], to mean — meant — meant. I don’t understand what you meant when you said it. — “Red” meant beautiful in old Russia. — What do you mean? — I mean that Red Square was called “Beautiful Square” many centuries ago. [e] bell, tell [tel], to tell — told — told, to tell smb about smth, to tell a lie, to tell the truth, to tell fairy tales. Tell me where you live. I told him my name. Mother told us to be quiet. Never tell a lie. He told the news to everybody in the house. F [э:] autumn, also ['э:1$эи]. He swims well and he is also a good tennis player. Does she also speak English? North, born [bo:n], to be born. A. S. Pushkin, the greatest Russian poet, was bom in 1799. L. N. Tolstoy was born in 1828. — When were you born? — I was born twelve years ago. ,1^ Think of five famous people and sav when they were born, 14) Read and compare. to be a great success иметь большой успех The documentary film was к a great success. f W. Disney’s cartoons are a great success. The ballet I saw last night was a great success. ) ) Документальный фильм имел большой успех. Мультипликационные фильмы У. Диснея пользуются большим успехом. Балет, который я смотрел вчера, имел большой успех. В too also I like to watch cartoons too. ► I also like to watch cartoons. She is a good pupil and a к She is a good pupil and also very kind girl too. f a very kind girl. Do you live in Moscow too? к Do you also live in Mos- f cow? Let Us Read and Learn Listen to the dialogue “What’s on Television Tonight?”. [qIq] 68. Then read and learn it bv heart. ВВС-1 6.00 “Mary in Love” (romantic comedy) 7.15 Police story 8.15 In concert Michael Jackson 9.00 The 9 o’clock news 9.30 “Nobody but You” (soap opera) 11.00 The 11 o’clock news 11.30 “Around the World” (documentary film)l ТД/ BBC-2 6.00 News and weather 6.30 Film “Cleopatra’ 8.00 Tonight in London (documentary fdm)l 9.30 Football match^ ITV 6.001 7.30j 01/ TELEVISION TONIGHT? Jack: Hello, mum ... I’m at home! Mum: Hello, Jack. Are you tired, dear? Jack: Yes, I am. What’s the time? Mum: It’s a quarter past six. Jack: Oh, that late? What’s on television tonight? Mum: There’s a good musical programme on at a quarter past eight. Jack: Yes... and there’s a good programme on after the news. Mum: Shall we watch it? It’s my favourite soap opera.' Jack: Oh, no! I can’t watch it after all. There’s a football match on BBC-2 at the same time. Mum: But, Jack, I would love to see the soap opera. Jack: OK, mum. I’ll go and watch the match at granny’s. 1 soap opera ['ssup ,оргэ] — телесериал на семейные и бытовые темы (сентиментального характера) Let Us Read Have you ever heard of Walt Disney? What is he famous for? Read the text to find out. Ш6Г diSNETS WORLd I think you know the name of Walt Disney. To many people in our century his name means the world of cartoons. Disney has created a lot of short cartoons and many longer films. His name is very famous, and not only in America. Walt Disney was born in Chicago on December 5, 1901. Then his family left that city in the North of America for a place in the South. When Walt Disney grew up, he began to draw pictures and create cartoons, and one day he had an idea to make a mouse the main character of the cartoons. He told his wife, Lilian, about this. He saw this mouse character as a funny friendly little thing, who could speak. PICTURES Hobbies 1 dance and sing and who, in fact, could live like a man. “That’s a good idea,” Lilian said. “Call him Mickey.” So that is what Disney called him. In 1928 the audience saw Mickey Mouse on the screen for the first time. Mickey became very popular and soon Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse were famous stars. Then came other characters: Donald Duck, Pluto, and many, many more. Some of them are bright, some are not, but all of them are usually kind and friendly. And Disney’s main characters are always clever. In fact Disney has created a special animal world full of optimism ['uptimizm] and success. Disney’s stories end happily. All his films are easy and nice to watch. The audience always feels comfortable and enjoys his cartoons very much. One day an idea came to Disney. He wanted to create a special place, a special land for children and parents to have fun together. So he built Disneyland. Disneyland is in California near Los Angeles. It is a place for children of all ages. It is also a place for their parents to return to the world of childhood* because that is what happens when they spend a day at Disneyland. At Disneyland you can have a voyage on a boat, you can take a train, you can travel to the stars, take a trip to the mountains, meet all the Disney characters... or just sit in the sun and eat ice cream! ^7) Divide the text into two parts and name them. ^ Find and read the sentences to illustrate the pictures. Let Us Talk 19) Could you tell vour classmates: 1) what you know about Walt Disney? 2) how Mickey Mouse came onto the screen? 0 ' childhood ['tfaildhud] — детство 3) why Disney’s cartoons are so popular with the audience? 4) what you know about Disneyland? (' Tell your classmates about: 1. your favourite Disney cartoon; 2. your favourite Russian cartoon. Let Us Write ^; Put in tell or say. 1. He ... “I’m proud of my new thematic collection of stamps.” 2. He always ... his mother where he goes. 3. They never ... a lie. 4. We ... we were cold after our trip in the country. 5. My cousin ... me she was fond of travelling. ; Write a few words about vour favourite cartoon. ii Learn how to write the new words. land/ зс»*ееп/ success/ to be a success/ to ci^eate/ to mean (meant/ meant)/ to tell (told/ told)/ also/ to be bom Lesson 41 '9' Let Us Learn Look at the pictures and sav when the people were born. September 5, 1924 March 23, 1933 August 6, 1948 February 18, 1973 January 1, 1993 Hobbies Kate Mrs Bloss Ann Could you use also instead of too? 1. I am proud of my uncle too. 2. Nick has a very good collection of badges too. 3. The audience was fond of the scenery too. 4. My friend is fond of cartoons too. 5. She cares for soap operas too. 6. The feature film was a success too. Make up as many true sentences as you can. The play The cartoon The feature film The picture The documentary film is/was a great success. @ Choose the right word from those in brackets. 1. My granny often (tells, says) fairy tales. 2. He (tells, says) we are late. 3. Jim always (tells, says) the truth. 4. (Tell, say) me where you are going. 5. I’m sure he can (tell, say) a lie. © What Tim savs is not true, so Bob corrects him. Sav it for Bob. 1. I’ve created 20 new models of planes. 2. I’ve created a hundred works of art. 3. They showed me twenty times on the screen. г 4. Yesterday you could see me on the screen. I took part in a soap opera. ® Think of some sentences using the words mean, tell, sav. ( LOOK, READ. REMEMBErT'> --------------------------- kind — unkind easy — uneasy happy — unhappy friendly — unfriendly important — unimportant finished — unfinished comfortable — uncomfortable © Disagree with Alice using the example. Example ► Alice: My cousin is very kind. P/.- Oh, no. He isn’t. He is unkind, never feeds birds in winter. He — The book is easy to read. — The news is important. — The armchair is comfortable. — The boys in the yard are very friendly. — The story is finished. — Betty’s cousin is happy. Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. t°T°^ 69. ® Look at the pictures and say where the people went yesterday and what they did there. Hobbles Diana was not lucky yesterday. She tried to do a lot of things but they were not interesting. Tell vour friend about her complaints^ and change the underlined words in Diana’s sentences: 1. The book was not interesting to read. 2. The feature film was long and not interesting to watch. 3. The TV programme was not interesting at all. 4. The cartoon was not funny and not interesting. 5. The documentary film was difficult to understand and it was not interesting. Read and compare. less Nick has little coffee in the cup. Ann has less coffee. less milk less water less bread less juice fewer Nick has few apples on the plate. Ann has fewer apples. fewer boxes fewer plates fewer cups fewer glasses Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [d] not, novel ['novlj, a novel — novels, a long novel, an interesting novel, a famous novel, my favourite novel, the novels by L. Tolstoy, the novels by I. Turgenev. My mother is fond of reading novels. A novel usually tells us about different places and people like those in real life. complaint [ksm'plemt] — жалоба [i] in, fiction [Tikjn], a work of fiction. Novels and short stories are works of fiction. He likes to read works of fiction. I’m not fond of history, I’m fond of fiction, listen flisn], to listen — listened, to listen to a concert, to listen to music, to listen to a teacher. Listen to me, please! I’m listening to you but I don’t hear anything. lu:] truth, true Itru:], a true story, a true letter, a true friend, a true teacher. Is the news true? Is it true that you have bought a car? Everything he told you is true. [o:\ more, boring fboTip], a boring book, a boring soap opera, a boring film, a boring play. Nobody is fond of reading boring books. The film was not interesting, it was long and boring. lai] life, library flaibran], a good library, a big library. Mary went to the school library to take out some books. I never study in the library. [e] ever, whatever Iwut'evs]. Take whatever you want to eat. Whatever he says is very important. Don’t change your plans, whatever happens. wherever Iweafevs]. I will go wherever you go. You must find him wherever he is. Make UP as many true sentences as vou can. Whatever he/she always the teacher say never my mother says is (not) usually they often sometimes true. В he/she my cousin is Wherever my friends are tell they him... her... them. Hobbi@s Guess the meanings of the words whoever, whenever and think up some sentences with them. Let Us Read and Learn ^ Listen to the dialogue. [qIq] 70. Then read and learn it bv heart. Mike: Nick: Mike. Nick: Mike. Nick: Mike. Nick: Mike. Hello, Nick! Where are you going? To the library. To the library? I didn’t know you were fond of .going there. You’re right! I seldom visit libraries. But now I must write a story for my Russian class about a trip to a place I have never been to. Did your teacher tell you to go to the library? No, he didn’t. He asked us to use our imagination, but I can’t. So, what are you going to do? To look through some books. That’s why Tm going to the library. ■ Good luck to you! Let Us Read Listen to the ooem “A Book”. 71. Read and learn it. /i BOOK (By Adelaide Love) A book, I think, is very like A little golden^ door. That takes me into places Where I’ve never been before. It leads me into fairyland Or countries strange and far. And, best of all, the golden door Always stands ajar.2 1 golden ['дэиШэп] — золотой 2 ajar 1э'фа:] — открытый Would you like to know what Helen’s hobby is? Then read her letter to Mary and say what it is. 2S Station Road Los Angeles, California, 90023 June 23, 1997 dear Maria, Гт sorry / haven't written for so long. / was very busy last month but now school is over and / can write a letter to you. Things are going well for me. Гт learning a lot in my French class and / feel better about speaking french now. Last night / think / even spoke french when / was sleeping! But / still have some problems ['problomz], you know. In your last letter you asked me to write a few words about my hobbies. Well, Гт fond of reading. I've got a very good collection of books at home and t'm really proud of it. / can't say my collection is thematic. I've got different books: fiction and historical novels. I've got many books about animals and birds. / also have books which can tell you about different countries and lands. / think many people can say that their hobby is reading and / am sure it is easy to explain why. We learn when we read books. Whatever you do, wherever you go, you'll always need a true friend and a good teacher. This friend and the teacher for you is the book. I've already read many books. Some of them are very interesting indeed; some are boring. Some of them are easy to read, and some are difficult to understand. But / usually read all of them to the very end. As / have already said my collection of books at home is good, but / often go to the library and take books there to read. My favourite books are about animals. Row / really think / must finish. Sorry for such a long letter! Remember me to your parents. ^ Love, Helen ' Remember me to your parents. — Передавай привет своим родителям. Hobbies True, false or don’t know? 1. Maria is seventeen years old. 2. Helen is learning English. 3. Helen has written a long letter to Maria. 4. Helen has no fiction in her library at home. 5. Books can’t teach people anything. 6. Some books are easy to read. 7. Some books are difficult to understand. 8. Helen reads all books to the very end. Let Us Talk ,19j Find out who in vour class is fond of reading books. Tell him/her about Helen’s hobby. ) Have you got a library at home? Are there many books in it? What books have you got? Have you read all of them? Do you always read books up to the end? What is your favourite book? Tell your classmates about it. Have you ever read a book you didn’t like? If yes, say why you didn’t like it. 0 Let Us Write Write the opposites. kind, comfortable, happy, friendly, important Write sentences with the words from “Look. Read. Remember!” ' (p. 82). Paul has less furniture in his room than Nick. Write Paul’s sentences about his room. Example ^ I have fewer bookcases. Kate has a lot of food in her kitchen. Ann has less food. Write 5-6 sentences about Ann. Example ^ Ann has less cheese than Kate. Learn how to write these words. novely jic+ioHy +o lls+eK\ (to)/ wkate.ve.K> wke»*e.ve>*> wkoevet*/ wkei^e^ver*, to use. oKve^s imo0iKvoitioKV/ up to tke е»лс| Listening Comprehension Lesson, 72 Lesson 42 Review 5 0 Let Us Talk © Name some hobbies people can have. Sav a few words about each of them. Look through Lessons 37-40 and name all the hobbies mentioned there. Is travelling a hobby? What other hobbies which are not mentioned in the lessons can you name? Sav what you think of them. Sav all you can about vour hobbv. © Have you ever seen a good collection of coins (stamps, badges)? Tell us about one of them. Which of vour family is a theatre-goer? Do you know: a) which is his/her favourite theatre: b) what he/she likes best (operas, ballets. plavs. other performances)? © What is vour favourite theatre? Why do you like it? How often do you 00 there? Hobbies Which of your friends is a cinema-goer? How often does he/she go to the cinema? What kind of films does he/she like to see? What films are his/her favourite? What are vour favourite films? Do you like to read books? What sort of books do you like to read? Do vou often go to the library or do you have many books at home? Tell us about the book vou read last. Choose a partner and talk about hobbies. ® Look at the pictures and sav why Paul is so bio and strong and Danny is not. Use the example. Example Paul eats a lot of potatoes. Danny eats fewer potatoes than Paul. Danny 1 щ(о) ■ г ^ Choose а partner and make up a dialogue. (Invite vour friend to go to the theatre. You can go to see a ballet, a performance, to listen to an opera. You’re free on Friday and Saturday. Your friend is busy on Friday.) Harry invites Liz to go to the cinema. Say Liz’s part for her. Harry: Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? Liz: ........ Harry: There is a horror film at the “Odeon” and a Disney cartoon at the “Classic”. Liz: ...... Harry: OK. Horror film then. Shall I buy tickets for the seven o’clock show? Liz: ........ Harry: Would you like to go to the cinema tomorrow then? Are you free tomorrow? Liz: ........ Harry: Let’s meet tomorrow at a quarter to seven at the cinema then. Bye. Liz: Bye. See you. @) Now imagine that one of you is Harry and the other is Liz. Act out the conversation. Don’t forget to change over. Imagine that vou are Harry. Could vou invite Liz to (a ballet, an opera, a video, a concert, a football match!? Think of vour own dialogue and act it out with vour partner. Let Us Read Choose and read aloud as ouickly as vou can the words on the topic “Hobbies”. Who is the best? be fond of, be proud of, be born, also, quarter, cartoon, success, mean, special, audience, screen, besides, cinema, create, full of, stamp, seat, collection, coin, performance, rise, stage, documentary, thematic, badge, though, theatre, travelling, growing flowers, feature film, fiction, library, true, novel, boring, whatever, wherever Hobbies мл Rfifld thfi tfixt “A Trin tn London". Could vnii dividfi it into parts and give the name to each of them? A TRIP TO LONDON Dear Bernie, I’m having a fantastic time visiting London. But first a few words about my journey. I left my place for the airport at a quarter to seven. I wanted to give you a call but didn’t have a coin and so I decided to write to you from London. I caught a plane from Kennedy airport. The flight was very good and comfortable, and besides, it was very fast. I arrived in London at midnight. I had dinner on the plane and a few drinks. I also watched a feature film. You know I don’t care for such films. They are usually boring. That one was. And besides, the screen was very small and the sound was very bad. I couldn’t understand whoever was speaking, or what they were saying. I didn’t watch it up to the end and read a book instead. It was an interesting novel about some unknown land. Wherever I go, as you know, I always take books with me. I am fond of reading but there are no libraries on planes or trains when you travel! 1 mean you have to create a library for yourself. I would like to tell you about the man who sat next to me on the plane. He is a famous collector of stamps. He has some big thematic collections and is very proud of them. He specializes in birds and animals and I think he knows all about them. And now I’m visiting theatres and concert halls of London. I usually buy tickets for seats in the stalls because I like to see the stage, the scenery and the actors clearly. I like to hear their voices. Yesterday I went to see some of Walt Disney’s cartoons. They were funny, clever, sad and full of very friendly characters. The audience thought they were a great success. I’m taking short trips around London at night. I have already taken a lot of pictures of this beautiful city. I’m coming back to New York on Tuesday, 13th of August. See you at the airport. Yours, Bob Read the sentences to illustrate the pictures. 1^ Sav what places of interest Bob has visited in London. Can you say that travelling, collecting stamps, taking pictures are Bob’s hobbies? What is his hobbv? Let Us Write @) Write what vou can about vour hobbies. Ш Lesson 11 for Home Reeding AjVJgriJDA ITJ-JH USA), J i.- Lesson 43 Let Us Learn Play a memory game. Look at the pictures for a moment. Then close the book and name all the hobbies you can remember. I'ihs US^J^ ] 2 a) Can you match the beginning of the stories with these headlines? Give the correct number to each headline, b) Choose one of the beginnings, make up a story. ^At> e l! J uj jj омлслш ! З) Will you sav why Jenny can’t make a pie? Use too few or too little. Example f She can’t make a pie because she has too little sugar. (..LOOK. READ. еЕМЕЩРИ >• sea + man = seaman milk + man = milkman police + man = policeman post^ + man = postman fisher + man = fisherman seaman — seamen milkman — milkmen policeman — policemen postman — postmen fisherman — fishermen В bed + room time + table arm + chair bedroom timetable armchair black + board = blackboard foot + ball = football basket + ball = basketball (see part 2, p. 187) ' butter I'bAta] — масло 2 flour I'flaua] — мука 3 post [paust] — почта Amenoa (the USA)^ Match the parts of the words and make up 10 compounds. f 6^ Bead- the words and try to guess their meanings. Who has guessed all the meanings? continent ['kontinant], central ['sentral], kilometre ['kib,mi:t9], planet i'plaenit], form [fo:m], start Istcut] (7^ Learn how to read the new words: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [л] love, discover [di'skAvo], to discover — discovered, to discover a land. Who discovered America? It is important to discover how it has happened. We suddenly discovered that it was too late to catch the train. discoverer Idi'skAvorsl. A discoverer is one who discovers. Who was the discoverer of the electron li'lektron]? Do you know any discoverers? discovery Idi'skAvaril, a great discovery, an important discovery. I have read a very interesting book about important discoveries of our century. [ei] main, sail [seil], a sail — sails. The sail caught the wind and the boat started to move. There was a beautiful white sail on the boat. to sail — sailed. The boat sailed out of the port. The ship will sail for America in two weeks. When are you going to sail? 4 Английский язык. 4 кл. Часть 2 1 sailor, a good sailor, a bad sailor. Would you like to become a sailor? — What does he do? — He is a sailor. li:l each, reach Iri:tJ], to reach — reached, to reach the mountain, to reach the port. We started for London in the morning and reached the city at 5 o’clock. When shall we reach the port? 8 Make up as many true sentences as you can. I is He was She am They are were 9 Could vou fond of reading books reading stories listening to stories listening to facts about great discoveries. 1. Who discovered America? 2. Have you ever sailed? When was it? 3. Are there usually sails on modern ships? Can you see a sail on a boat? 4. How long does it take you to reach the nearest theatre from your house? Let Us Read and Learn Listen to the poem “Happy Thought”. 74. Then read and learn it. HAPPY THOUGHT (By Robert Louis Stevenson) The world is so full Of a number of things. Tm sure we should all Be happy as kings. ^\из©лс;^] (i/JB USA)j J Let Us Read 11 Practise in reading proper names. America, Central America, North America, South America, Christopher Columbus f'kristsfa кэЧлтЬэз], the United lju:'naitidl States of America, the USA [5i 'jufes'ei], the States [бэ 'steits] 12 Read the text and sav what Christopher Columbus discovered in 1492 —a country or a continent. (Before reading the text be sure you can read the words of Exercise 6 properly.) THE mCOVERY Of AMERICA Nowadays' everybody knows what the word “America” means. First of all it is the name of the country — the United States of America — or just America. And then America is the name of the two continents — North America and South America. These two continents. North and South America, form the part of the world called America. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue ...” nowadays ['nausdeizl — в наши дни 0 This is a song that many children leam about Christopher Columbus and his journey to America. We don’t know much about the man. He was born in Italy but lived in Spain for a long time. He was a seaman and made many sea voyages. In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India. He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round. And after sailing 4000 miles [mailz] (6400 kilometres), he reached some land. Columbus thought that it must be India but it was not. It was a new land — a new continent. It was America — Central America in fact. People began to speak about the land as “the New World”. 13 True, false or don’t know? 1. The word “America” means the name of the country and the name of the two continents. 2. Christopher Columbus discovered the new continent America. 3. Christopher Columbus discovered the new continent in 1492. 4. People know everything about this famous discoverer. 5. Columbus was born in Spain. 6. Columbus lived all his life in Italy. 7. “The New World” was the name of the new land. Let Us Talk 14 What have you learnt about Christopher Columbus? Sav a few words about him. The plan will help you. — Christopher Columbus. Place and country where he was born. — Country where he lived. — Columbus’s profession and interests. — Columbus’s first voyage to the west. — Land Columbus looked for — land Columbus discovered. — The name of the new land. 15 Choose a partner and talk about Christopher Columbus. rarics! (tha Ui Let Us Write ■^16 Do Exercise 4 in writing. Use the right form of the word. 1. A ... (milkman, milkmen) brings milk to us every morning. 2. ... (postman, postmen) bring letters and telegrams [4eligraemz]. 3. The burglar was afraid and didn’t get into the flat because he saw a ... (policeman, policemen). 4. Christopher Columbus wanted to become a ... (seaman, seamen) when he was still a little boy. 5. There are a lot of ... (fisherman, fishermen) in this place. a 18 Write a short story about Christopher Columbus. 19 Learn how to write the new words. to discove»*/ discove»*e»v discovef*y/ sciif to saif sailoH> to ►‘e.ock Lesson 44 Let Us Learn Could you say what Christopher Columbus discovered? When did he discover the new continent? How did he reach it? (2 Make up as many true sentences as vou can. Example When f When 1 reached the country house I saw nobody there. the theatre... they the bus stop... I reached the railway station. he the airport... the country house. {3 Think UP your own sentences using: discover, discoverer, discovery. sail, sailor, reach. {4 Answer the questions. 1. Have you ever seen any sails? 2. When was it? 3. Where was it? 4. What colour were the sails? 5. Have you ever sailed in a boat? 6. Would you like to? 7. Can you sail if there is no wind? 15 Name as many compounds as vou can. Who is the best? V Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. [°I°] 75. C 7 Read the words and try to guess their meanings. Who has guessed all the meanings? territory [heritari], traditional [tra'dijnal], start [sta:t], group lgru:p], colony ['kobni], the Mayflower ['meiflaua] 1^8 Learn how to read the new words: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as vou can. [is] ear, appear [s'pis], to appear — appeared, to appear in the dark. Suddenly a ship appeared on the sea. When are you going to appear? He wasn’t at home at 5 and he didn’t appear until 6. interesting, interested [hntristid], to be interested in smth, to be interested in doing smth. Heidi was never interested in city life. Clara was interested in reading books and going to the theatre. We are all interested in English. [ai] I, island ['ailsnd], an island — islands, a big island, a small island. An island is smaller than a continent. Great Britain is an island, Cuba ['kju:bo] is an island too. [e] let, settlement ['setlmantj, a settlement — settlements, an old settlement. The people who left England for America in the 17th century built many settlements in their new country. К Атепов ('ihe UB^)^ J [au] out, round [raund], a round ball, a round table, a round tower. The Earth is round. The table is round. 9 Make up as many true sentences as vou can. He books. She is music. The teacher are interested in travelling. My friends was the sea. My granny were collecting stamps. The sailors reading fiction. ;10 Could vou answer the questions? 1. Where was Christopher Columbus born? 2. Is North America an island or a continent? 3. Is Klin a small town or a small settlement? 4. When does the sun usually appear in the sky in summer? What about the moon? 5. Is your table at home square or round? What shape' is your desk? 6. There are always sails on a boat, aren’t there? 7. The 20th century is the century of great discoveries, isn’t it? Let Us Read and Learn 11 Listen to the poem “Let’s Remember Columbus”. [oIq] 76. Then read and learn it. isrs ЯЕМЕШЕЯ COLUMBUS In fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue... Let’s sing together this old song About the voyage that took him long. About the sailors, those strong brave^ men. Let’s sing and remember them all again! > shape [Jeip] — форма 2 brave fbreivl — храбрый 12 Practise in reading proper names. Italy ['itali], Spain [spein], India ['india], Cuba ['kjuiba], Plymouth ['plima0], the “Mayflower” ['meiflaua] (ШРК..ЕЕАР,: Country America India Italy Nationality American Indian Italian > Country England Spain Nationality English Spanish 13 Read the text “Christopher Columbus’s Voyages” and sav what the “Mayflower” was. CHR/STOPHER COCUmUS’S mAGES Columbus made some more voyages to the New World. He discovered some more islands in Central America. Spain was very much interested in this land, in this territory and had some Spanish settlements in South and Central America and in the South of North America too. The second great voyage of Christopher Columbus began in September in 1493. He had seventeen ships with him. On this voyage he reached Cuba but didn’t know it was an island. Columbus made four trips in all to the New World but he never landed on the mainland of North America. England became interested in the New World too. The first English settlements appeared in America at the beginning of the seventeenth century. On the 21st of September in 1620 a group of people left England for the New World. They sailed from the English port of Plymouth, on board the ship the “Mayflower”. They wanted to start a new life and to have no problems with the church. After two months’ voyage, on the 21st of November, these people landed in the Northeast of America. There were seventy-four men and twenty-eight women on the “Mayflower”. They set up a colony and called that part of the country “New England”. Amancsa (the UBA)^ 3 1 14) True, false or don’t know? 1. Columbus made 12 sea voyages. 2. Columbus had fifteen ships during his second voyage to the New World. 3. Columbus visited North America several times. 4. Columbus made four trips in all to the New World. 5. There were no women on the “Mayflower”. 6. On the 21st of September in 1620 a group of people left England for the New World. 7. There were Spanish settlements in South America and in the South of North America. 8. English settlements appeared in the Northeast of America at the beginning of the 17th century. 9. The people from England came to America on board the ship the “Mayflower” in 1620. 15) Divide the text into two parts and name them. ^6 What have you learnt about Christopher Columbus and the first 0 settlements in South America and in Central America? Say a few words on the topic. The plan will help vou. Columbus discovered some islands in Central America. Spain was interested in new settlements in America. Columbus’s second voyage to America was in 1493. Columbus reached Cuba. Columbus didn’t reach North America. Talk about the first English settlements in America. The questions can help vou. 1. When did England become interested in America? 2. When did the “Mayflower” sail to America? 3. What port did the people sail from? 4. Why did the people want to leave England for America? 5. When did they reach America? 6. Who was on board the ship? 7. What did they call the new country? Choose a partner and talk about the first English settlements in America. Let Us Write ^ Do Exercise 9 in writing. (20 Use the right word: discover(ed). discovery. 1. Christopher Columbus ... America in 1492. 2. Do people know about his ...? 3. When did you ... that? Write a short story about the first English settlements in North America. (22 Learn how to write the new words. Lesson 45 Let Us Learn Could you sav what you (vour friends, vour relatives) are interested in? 2) Make up as many true sentences as vou can. I am collecting badges. He is reading books. She are interested in travelling. My friends was watching cartoons. My parents were watching videos. Ameftea fthe USAI^ § Think of vour own sentences using: round, island, appear, settle- ment. Could you sav the same sentences using: just already, vet, never, ever? 1. We have reached the settlement. 2. They have sailed from London. 3. I have seen a round table. 4. The plane has appeared in the airport. 5. Have you seen that beautiful island? 6. He has been interested in collecting stamps. © Look at the pictures. What are the characters saving? Use the words: discover, sail, reach, build, settlement. ( Шок, READ Ляяжт г> The Greens have lived here 15 years (since 1988). Pete has known Bob for many years. The children have had these toys for a long time. Mr Brown has been here fm; 3 days. How long have you been here? I haven’t seen her fm; years. (see part 2, p. 193) ,© Look at the pictures and sav for how long: 1 the people have known each other; 2 they have had these things; * Ьтгт Ч*’ - 3 they have been to the place; 4 they have lived in the place. Learn how to pronounce and use the new words, 77. What is the other wav to sav? 1. I make coffee in the kitchen. 2. Mother always makes tea. 3. Nick never does his lessons in time. 4. We always cook dinner with my sister. Answer the questions. 1. What is the main meal at Christmas? Do you have it at home? Do you like it? 2. What do people call fruit and vegetables they have in autumn (in the fall)? 3. How do pupils work when they have tests? . <: /• Read the words and try to guess their meanings. festival [Testivl], traditional Itra'dijnalj, colonist I'kolamst], start lsta:tl, sauce lso:s], Indians I'lndianz], symbol ['simblj, national I'naejnal] © Learn how to read the new words: first read them to yourself. then aloud as quickly as you can. [e] weather, together Ьэ'дебэ]. Jane and Alice cooked dinner together. Let’s go for a walk together. tea] care, prepare Ipri'pea], to prepare — prepared, to prepare for a test, to prepare for a meeting. Bill prepared everything for the game. Have you prepared for classes yet? Is:] turn, turkey Lts:kil, a turkey — turkeys, a large turkey, a wild turkey. A turkey is a large, red-brown bird. People often have turkey for Christmas dinner. [a:] far, hard lha:d]: 1) to work hard, to think hard, to live hard. Alan works hard on his farm. Try and study hard. It’s raining hard. 2) hard — harder — (the) hardest. Life in the settlement was very hard. This is a hard maths problem. ]ei] date, danger Ldeincba], to be in danger, to be out of dan- ger, full of danger. The discoverer’s life was full of danger. He has been very ill but the doctor says he is out of danger now. la:] hard, harvest l'ha:vist], a rich harvest, a large harvest of potatoes. A good harvest gives everyone food for winter. Autumn is the harvest season. People often have harvest festivals in autumn. Id] not, God Igod], a god — gods, the Greek gods. You can read about God in the Bible Lbaibl]. At the end of summer people often thanked their gods for the harvest. My God! Thank God! Good God! God only knows! [i] in, since Isms], since then, since yesterday, since the morning, since that time, since 1985. He left the town in 1998 and I haven’t seen him since. He has lived in Moscow since 1992. I have known Peter since he came to Rostov. Лшепоа |ttiie USA)^ i Could you say how Iona David has: 1) lived here? — for 5 years — for 3 months — since 1988 — since Monday 3) known them? — for 3 years — for 2 weeks — since 1991 — since last Friday 2) been here? — for 3 days — for a week — since May — since Tuesday 4) had them? — for 2 days — for a month — for ten years — for years ,13) Could you say why Robinson’s life on the island is full of danger? The words will help you. a lot of wild animals little water cold nights hot afternoons little food Read and compare. a) hard work a fast car b) a slow car a bad writer a quiet voice c) good work to work hard to go fast to go slowly to write badly to speak quietly to work well Look at the pictures and sav how Jane works (writes, reads English, speaks, goes in her carL Let Us Read and Learn Enjoy vour English and sing the song “We Shall Overcome”.^ WE SHALL OVERCOME /3 1. We shall overcome, We shall overcome, We shall overcome some day! "2 Refrain: Oh, deep in my heart I do believe. We shall overcome some day! * overcome ['эиуэклт] — преодолевать 2 refrain [ri'frein] — припев ■1 2. We shall live in peace,! We shall live in peace, We shall live in peace some day! (Refrain) 3. We shall all be free. We shall all be free. We shall all be free some day! (Refrain) 4. We are not afraid. We are not afraid. We are not afraid today! (Refrain) Let Us Read Would you like to know how Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day? Then read the text and sav when and why people began to celebrate it. THE HISTORY Of THAHKSGIVING VAY (By Monica Vincent) The last Thursday in November, as you know, is a holiday in America. People call this holiday Thanksgiving Day. It is perhaps the most important day in the American year. People go to church, and families come together for the day. They decorate their houses with the fruit and flowers of autumn and prepare traditional American food: roast^ turkey, potatoes and pumpkin.^ It’s rather like Christmas, but what are people celebrating? What are they giving thanks for? Do you remember the first colonists in New England? In 1620 they came to America and began a new life there. It was a very hard life. The colonists started to farm the land. ' peace [pi:s] — мир 2 roast [raust] — жареный 3 pumpkin ['рлтркш] — тыква - -aj" The work was difficult and full of danger. In New England, the place where they lived, there were a lot of wild birds. They were like chickens but much bigger. They were turkeys. In the autumn of 1621 the colonists had their first harvest. It was rather good. The colonists decided to have a special dinner. They wanted to thank God — to give Him their thanks for many things. It was a difficult year, but the people still had food to eat. The colonists had a thanksgiving dinner for all the people. It lasted three days. For the whole' three days they gave thanks for their good harvest and their happy year in a new country. Wild turkeys were on the table of this meal, and since then the turkey has become a symbol of Thanksgiving Day. v18 Choose and read the sentences which are true to the text. 1. Thanksgiving Day is a British holiday. 2. Thanksgiving Day is the most important day in the American year. 3. People celebrate this holiday in offices. 4. They eat bacon and eggs to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. whole [hsull — целый {tlm У8Д)з J 5. Thanksgiving Day is rather like Christmas. 6. Since 1621 turkey has become a symbol of this holiday. Correct the untrue statements of Exercise 18. Let Us Talk Could you answer the following questions about Thanksgiving Dav? 1. When did people celebrate this holiday for the first time and why did they do it? 2. What is the traditional food of this holiday? and remember the way people celebrate Christmas. Compare the wav people celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving Day. Let Us Write '0 522 Could you answer the questions in writing? 1. How long have you been at your school? 2. How long have you lived in your city/town? 3. How long have you known your best friend? 4. Since when have you begun to learn English? 5. How long have you lived in your house? 6. How long have you had your schoolbag? у23 Do Exercise 12 in writing. (24 Give a short summary of the text (Exercise 17) in writing (6-7 sentences). Learn how to write the new words. i/ Lesson 12 for Home Reading и Lesson 46 Let Us Learn © Read the text and say how long George has been on the island. George Robinson lives on a small island. His ship has been under the sea for 35 years. George thinks that some day another ship will come and take him home. He does the same things every day: he eats coconutsJ he drinks rainwater and he watches the sea. © Look at the pictures and sav what George has done: 1) for 35 years; 2) since his ship went under the water. to eat to hsLve to drink to watch 2) © Look through Exercise 1 and answer the questions. 1. How long has George lived on the island? 2. How long hasn’t he seen a man? 3. How long has the ship been under the water? 4. Since when has George drunk only rainwater? 5. How long has he eaten only coconuts? ' coconut ['кэикэпл!] — кокосовый орех (tha УЗД)^ I г?) Look at the oictures and sav what the weather has been like since mornino. The words can helo VOU. Example ^ It has been cold in Moscow since morning. bad fine wonderful sunny rainy cold hot snowy in Rome in London in New York in Moscow I in Sochi (ii? о 1 I4I-I---------------1-------------1—■ N.■■11 How Iona have ЧНеу had these jobs? Write down the answers using since or for. V. - у (б^ Look at the words and sav what the girls have done togeth- er. Example f The girls have prepared for the meeting together. to prepare for the meeting; to prepare coffee; to prepare turkey; to prepare dinner; to prepare for a harvest festival 11 11 Щ America {'itae J (^) Complete the sentences using the chart. It snows rains is snowing is raining snowed rained hard 8 Make up sentences using the chart. The Browns The Greens in for The Smiths The David- have been out of danger since sons 1991. 5 years. 1979. 7 years. 20 years, they came to London. ^ i Open the brackets, read the dialogue and then act it out. Ann: Hello, who’s (speak), please? Helen: This is Helen Stubbs. Can I (speak) to Mr Jones, please? Ann: I’m afraid he’s just (go) out. Helen: Oh dear. 1 haven’t (hear) from him for a few days. Ann: Would you like to (leave) a message?' Helen: Yes. Could you (tell) him Helen Stubbs has been in London since Monday and (want) to speak with him? Ann: OK. Sorry. Just a minute. Mr Jones has Just (come) back. Hold on!^ I (call) him to the phone. Helen: Thank you so much. Learn how to pronounce and use the new words, [qI°] 79. ' leave a message ['mesicfel — передать что-то 2 Hold on ['hauld 'on]! — He вешайте трубку! Read the words and trv to guess their meanings. poem ['рэшт], history ['histsri], group [gru:p], ceremony ['serimani], Indians [hndisnz], culture ['клк/э], costume I'kostjuim] Try and read the new words. but — nut fun — hunt friend — friendship leave — peace hope song good smoke along wood Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. lei] plate, native ['neitiy], a native land, a native city, a native place. One of the native animals of India is the tiger. Tom is a native American. Ip] song, along 1эЧпр], along the street, along the road, to travel along the river. The dog was running along behind the boy. Flowers grew along the road. Go along the street. 1л] but, nut [uAt], a nut — nuts, a big nut. A nut is a dry fruit of a plant, or the seed of a plant. Let’s go and buy some nuts. tu] good, wood Iwud]. We build houses of wood. We often make furniture of wood. wooden I'wudn], a wooden house, a wooden box, a wooden chair. There was a large, wooden box in my granny’s bedroom. li:] meat, peace Ipi:s], to live in peace. All the people in the world want to live in peace. peaceful l"pi;sful], a peaceful group, a peaceful country, a peaceful evening, a peaceful city. Let’s have a peaceful evening at home. 1л] run, hunt [Ьлт], to hunt —hunted, to hunt a wolf, to hunt a fox. In old times kings always hunted in woods and forests. hunter I'hxnto]. My father is a good hunter. Boys are often fond of hunting. American Indians were clever hunters. aeracsa «тее в 1 [эи] hope, smoke [smauk], to smoke — smoked. — Do you smoke? — No, I don’t. Many Americans have stopped smoking. [e] friend, friendship [Trendfip], to live in friendship. Our friendship is strong. There is not much friendship between these two countries. I’m proud of our friendship. (-LQQIL READ.' 1. -M peace + -ful = peaceful use + -ful = useful colour + -ful = colourful wonder + -ful = wonderful beauty + -ful = beautiful 2. N sound — to sound sail — to sail fish — to fish land — to land stage — to stage play — to play part — to part ship — to ship face — to face group — to group N to find — a find to make — a make to shake — a shake 14j Refer the words to “N” or “V” columns. Example ) N 1. V 2. 1. She heard a quiet sound in the street. 2. Her voice sounded quiet. 3. Let’s make dinner. 4. I don’t know the make of his car. 5. The ship was on the sea for 5 days. 1 Обратите внимание на изменение буквы у на i. 6. The American colonists shipped some tobacco to Britain. 7. The children played in the yard. 8. That’s a wonderful play\ 9. The scenery on the stage was beautiful. 10. Let’s stage this play. Let Us Read and Learn Listen to the dialogues, and learn it bv heart. 80. Choose the one you like best a) b) c) — Jack! You’re back! — Haven’t seen you for a long time! How’ve you been? — Just fine. It’s been a long time. — I’m glad to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you. — I’m glad to meet you. I’ve heard so many nice things about you. — What’s your name? Where are you from? — My name is Alice. I’m from England. — How long have you been here? — I’ve been here for 3 days. Let Us Read (16 Learn to read these proper names: Asia feija], Siberia [safbiaria], Alaska lo'lasskol, the Mississippi [бэ ^misi'sipil (17 Do you want to know who lived in America many, many years ago? Then read the text and sav where these people came from. NATIVE AMERICANS (By Terry Tomsha) Native Americans came from Asia. Over 20 000 years ago they travelled across the land between Siberia and Alaska. When English colonists came to the New World on board the “Mayflower” the Native Americans met them and were very friendly and helped them a lot. In those days people lived in small earth houses and grew their own food. Some {{tfm J Indians ate only grass, nuts and what fruit they could find. Other people were fishermen and lived in wooden houses. Most Native Americans were very peaceful. They wanted to live happily with nature and each other. They believed in many gods and thought that gods lived in trees, stones, water and fire. They believed their gods could bring success in hunting, farming and fishing. They often had special ceremonies with dances and music before they went hunting or fishing or when they began farming. Native American songs and poems are a very important part of their traditions as they help them to keep their history and culture alive.' Another famous tradition was smoking the pipe^ of peace. When they smoked this pipe together with people they didn’t know, it meant friendship and peace. Many years ago Native American tribes lived in all parts of the USA, and hunted and fished wherever they chose. Now most of them live in poor lands to the west of the Mississippi River. Many live on “reservations”.^ ' alive [a'laiv] — живой, живущий, неумирающий 2 pipe [paip] — трубка 3 “reservations” [,rez3'veijnzl — резервации г Read the answers to the following questions from the text. 1. Where did Native Americans come from? 2. How did they travel? 3. Where did they live? What did they eat? 4. What did Native Americans believe in? 5. Where do most Native Americans live now? 0 Let Us Talk ,19 Choose a partner and talk about the life of Native Americans. Sav what you’ve learnt about the life of Native Americans. Let Us Write (21 23 Do Exercise 14 in writing. Choose the right word and write the sentences. 1. How long ... you been here? (are, have, has) 2. I have ... these books for 15 years, (been, had, has) 3. You have just ... your voyage, haven’t you? (finish, finishing, finished) 4. I ... a week ago. (have come, came, come) 5. Did you ... a nice journey? (have, has, had) Write a short summary of the text. (See Exercise 17.) Learn how to write the new words. Kvci+ive/ aloKV0y i^ut/ wood (woode.Kv)y pe.cxc.e./ реосе|члЬ to KwK\t> 1л1ли+еи> to smolce./ •[■Kie.KvdsKip Lesson 13 for Home Reading {Ш® USA), I Lesson 47 Let Us Learn Here are some famous people’s birthdays. Say when they were born and what their native countries are. William Shakespeare ['wiljom 'J^ikspio] 23rd April, 1564 Charlie Chaplin ['tfcidi 'tjaeplin] 6th April, 1889 Leo Tolstoy [4i9u 'tDlstoi] 28th August, 1828 Alexander Pushkin [,aeligza;nd9 'pujkin] 6th June, 1799 Napoleon Bonaparte [no'psuljan Ъэипэра:!] 15th August, 1769 1 (2 Sav a few words about the first English settlements in New England. Try and use the words. wooden houses to live in peace to be peaceful hunt to look for nuts to smoke the pipe of peace to live in friendship (3 Read and guess what it is: 1. a dry fruit of a plant; 2. traditional Christmas food that you can also find on the table on Thanksgiving Day; 3. fruit and vegetables people have in autumn; 4. a place from where we can take books to read; 5. opposite of “boring”. Give Kate’s answers to Donald’s questions. Donald: Hi, Kate. Tm glad you’re back. How’ve you been? Kate: ..... Donald: I know you’ve come back from a trip to America. How was it? Kate: ..... Donald: How did you get there? Kate: ..... Donald: Where did you go? What places did you see? Kate: ..... Donald: Have you learnt anything interesting about the history of America? Kate: ..... (5 Now pretend that one of vou is Kate and the other is Donald. Act out the conversation. Don’t forget to change over. Think of 3-5 more questions which Donald could ask. ' 7 Look at the pictures and sav where vou think they are going and why. Example I They are going to the forest to hunt. ) ^/jjarjDa {ih& J VjB Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. 81. ' 9 Read the words and try to guess their meanings. colony ["knbni], negroes ["niigrsuz], plantation [plaen'teijn], rice [rais], tobacco [ts'bsekau], attack [a'taek], police [ps'lrs], president I'prezidant] 10 Try and read the new words. sun — gun night — fight old — gold send — depend (l1 Learn how to read the new words: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [e] send, depend [di'pend], to depend — depended, to depend on smth, to depend on the weather, to depend on the plan. Children usually depend on their parents for food and clothes. You can always depend on Jane. — Will you go with me? — It depends. independence [^mdi'pendans], independence from your parents, independence from England, Independence Day. The American colonists wanted to have independence from England. Children always want to have independence from their parents. Americans celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July. [ai] night, fight Ifaitl, to fight — fought — fought, to fight for peace, to fight for independence, to fight for one’s country. Dogs sometimes fight. America fought against England for its independence. a fight — fights, to have a fight over a book. There was a fight between the boys. The two sisters had a fight over which TV programme to watch. [эи] cold, gold [gsuld], a gold coin, a gold box, a gold cup, as good as gold, a heart of gold. There were two gold coins in his collection. The old woman had a heart of gold. The child was as good as gold, golden ['gauldsn], golden hair, golden leaves, a golden rule. My little sister has golden hair. Атвгюш (the USA), J [e] tent, empty ['empti], an empty room, an empty house. The room was empty. There was no furniture or people in it. [ei] create, situated ['sitjueitid], to be situated on the island, to be situated in the forest, to be situated in the mountains. The hotel is situated at the seaside. 1л] sun, gun 1длп], a gun —guns, an old gun, a new gun, to hunt with a gun. Many people in America have guns. Colonists often hunted with guns. John is nine years old and he is a boaster. This is what he savs. 1. My parents depend on me. 2. I fight with them for my independence. 3. I’ve got a lot of gold coins in my collection. 4. My house is situated in Red Square. 5. Whenever I come home my flat is empty. 6. My little brother has got a real gun. a) Express vour doubt. b) Disagree with John. ^3 Play a guessing game. Think of a new word from Lesson 46. Let your classmates guess what word it is. ^4 Make up sentences using the table. His life My holidays His work Our meetings depend on depends on the weather, the plan, the time, one’s parents. Let Us Read and Learn Ц5 Listen to the ooem “Mv Peoole”. 82. Then read and learn it. Aty PEOPLE (By Langston Hughes) The night is beautiful. So the faces of my people. 5 Английоснй язык. 4 кл. Часть 2 The stars are beautiful, So the eyes of my people. Beautiful also is the sun. Beautiful also are the souls' of my people. Let Us Read 116 Would you like to know more about life in America? Then read the text and sav why the Americans went west. THE Wild WEST I At the beginning of the 17th century the first colonies appeared in America. Many of them were English colonies, for example. New England. But there were also Spanish and German fc^aimon] colonies there. African Negroes arrived as slaves^ in 1619 and began working on plantations situated in the South. They grew rice [raisl and tobacco. There were 13 colonies in America in 1733. The English King who lived in England, far away, was the King of New England and the other colonies. The colonists in America didn’t like that. They didn’t want to depend on the English King or on England. The Americans began to fight for their independence and got it. George Washington ['wofiptan] became the first President of the United States. In the 18th century some Americans went to the west to look for new lands, and the story of “Wild West” began. In the 19th century people went west to look for gold. They built new settlements and new towns on these lands. Some people were lucky but some were not as they couldn’t find any gold. Then they left the towns, so they became empty. Now these “ghost towns’’^ are very popular with tourists. Life in the Wild West was full of danger. The Native Americans in the west didn’t like white people who took their land. Sometimes they attacked [a'tsekt] them. ' soul Isaul] — душа 2 slave [sleiv] — раб 2 “ghost [gaust] towns” — города-привидения (r/jy J There were bears and other wild animals and people had to have guns. Today many Americans still keep a gun in their houses and all American police officers have guns. Let Us Talk 17 Have you understood the main themes of the text? Then think over the questions and read out the answers. 1. When did the first colonies appear in America? 2. Were all the colonies English? 3. How many colonies were there in America in 1733? 4. Why did the Americans begin to fight for their independence? 5. Where did Americans go in the 18th-19th centuries and why? 6. Why did Americans have to wear guns? 18 Choose a partner and talk about the Wild West. (Exercise 17 can help you.) 19 Make up a plan to the text and use it to give a short summary. 0 Let Us Write 20 Do Exercise 12 a) in writing. 21 Put in the right words. 1. My trip to the country ... on the weather. 2. It was ... to live in the Wild West. 3. I have a lot of ... coins in my collection. 4. Boys mustn’t ... with girls. 5. The Americans fought for their ... from England. 22 Form adjectives out of the nouns given. № J Example ' j help — helpful help, use, beauty, wonder, colour, peace Ш F (23 Learn how to write the new words. to de.pe.K\d оп/ inde.pe.Kvde.Kice/ to (fougVd/ fcjugWO/ a ■|i0Kt/ 0old/ 0оЫе»Л/ empty/ to be sltuoted !к\/ guv\ Lesson 48 Let Us Learn 1 Say a few words about the Native Americans and their traditions. You want to know if vour friend has ever: 1 seen a Native American; 2 been to San Francisco [,saen fron'siskou]; 3 lived in a wooden house; 4 hunted wild animals; 5 eaten nuts. Ask him questions and try to find out when he did it. Let your friend answer vour questions. < 3 Say when and why Americans fought for their independence. Who did they fight with? What was the result of their fight? ^^4 Do you know Moscow well? Where are these buildings and monuments situated? 1\шегша {thu иВА)з ] 5 Learn how to pronounce and use the new words, [ojo] 83. ■■ 6 Read the words and try to guess their meanings. tradition [tra'dijn], cowboy ['kauboi] ' 7 Try and read the new words. danger — dangerous sailor — tailor lake — snake 8 Learn how to read the new words: first read them to yourself. then aloud as quickly as you can. [e] collect, protect [prs'tekt], to protect — protected, to protect children. We wear coats to protect us from the cold. People must protect nature. leij danger, dangerous ['deindsaras], a dangerous journey, a dangerous animal, a dangerous man, a dangerous life. The colonists’ life in America was very dangerous, make, snake [sneik], a snake — snakes, a dangerous snake. There are a lot of snakes in this place. A snake has a long body but no legs or arms. г sailor, tailor [4eib], a tailor — tailors, a good tailor, an old tailor. I’ve had this tailor for many years. A tailor makes clothes. [u:] rule, through [0ru:], to look through the window, to look through newspapers, to look through the magazine. I haven’t read the book. I’ve just looked it through. ( 9 Sav what or who oeoDle must orotect. The words can helo YOU. animals nature birds fish water little children forest plants (10 John is nine years old. He is a boaster. That’s what he says: 1. A dangerous snake lives under my bed. 2. I can work as a tailor. 3. I can protect all little children in my school. 4. I have fought a lot of dangerous animals. 5. I have got five real guns. 6. I have hunted bears with a gun. a) Express your doubt-fa) Disagree with John. (j1 Say what you think it is dangerous to do. Example ^ I think it’s dangerous to play with fire. (l2 Make up as many true sentences as you can. the books, the newspapers, the magazines, the texts, the pictures, the photos. The boy The girls My cousins is looking His friend are through The doctor Лгл erica .[rhe UBA)^ \ Let Us Read and Learn 13 Listen to the ooem “Friends”. 84. Then read and learn it. WENVS (By Larry Groce) The stars are out, the moon is up. It’s time to go to bed. I’m so glad you have a place To lay your little head. Have a deep and peaceful sleep, Dream away the hours. When you wake the sun will come To smile upon the flowers. Go to sleep, my little friend, Beneathi the evening star. You will always have a friend. No matter where you are. Let Us Read 14 Would you like to know more about life in the Wild West? Then read the second part of the text “The Wild West” and sav who was the first tailor to make jeans. THE WHB WEST II Another tradition from the “Wild West” is “cowboy” clothes. In the days of the Wild West clothes were very important as they helped people to live leading a difficult and dangerous life. Cowboys spent much time outdoors. They usually wore hats, boots and jeans. Hats helped them in the sun and protected their faces and eyes from the hot sun. Boots were also very important. It was more comfortable to walk through ' beneath [bi'ni:0] — под long grass in boots. There were many dangerous snakes where cowboys worked and lived and the boots protected people from them. Boots also made riding a horse easier. In the middle of the 19th century in the city of San Francisco there lived a tailor called Levi Strauss. He made special clothes — strong trousers called jeans. Very soon cowboys started to wear jeans. Now people wear jeans in America and all over the world. 15 Complete the sentences. Read out the endings from the text. 1. Another tradition from the “Wild West” is... 2. Cowboys usually wore... 3. Boots were very important because... 4. Levi Strauss lived in... 5. Now people wear jeans... 0 Let Us Talk 16 Have you understood the main themes of the second part of the text? Then answer the questions. 1. What is another tradition from the “Wild West”? 2. Why was it important for cowboys to wear hats and boots? 3. What trousers did the cowboys wear in those times? 4. Who made jeans then? 5. Where did the tailor live? 6. Why do people wear jeans all over the world now? @ Sav all you can remember about cowboy clothes. Let Us Write Write out Exercise 10. Write out Exercise 12. 20 Complete the sentences. 1. You have never worked as a tailor, ...? 2. He has just arrived at the airport, ...? 3. She has lived a dangerous life, ...? 4. We haven’t worn jeans, ...? 5. Levi Strauss lived in the city of San Francisco in the 19th century, ...? 3^^ Learn how to write the new words. Listening Comprehension Lesson, гта 85 Lesson 49 Review 6 Let Us Talk (j} Tell your classmates about: a) the discovery of America: b) the first English settlements in the New World. (Lesson 43, Exercise 12, Lesson 44. Exercise 13. Lesson 45. Exercise 17 can help you-) 0 @ Say what you can about Native Americans. (Lesson 46. Exercise 17 can help vou.) Look through Lesson 47. Exercise 16. Lesson 48. Exercise 14 and say why Americans began to move to the west. (^4 Speak about the holidays people celebrate in the USA. (Lessons 12, 13 for Home Reading can help you.) ^ What holidays do people celebrate in Russia? Just name them. (Ъ Two boys Alex and Bob have just left the cinema. They have seen “Snow White”, a famous Disney film and liked it a lot. Here is what they sav: Bob: Oh, it’s a fantastic film. Alex: Yes. ... I’m fond of Disney’s cartoons. Bob: I agree. They are never boring and can tell you about life in America. ... Alex: Yes. I’m very interested in that country. ... Bob: No, I haven’t read much, but I know some facts about its history and traditions. Alex: ... Bob: Certainly I can. ... Complete the conversation. Now pretend that one of vou is Bob and the other is Alex. Act out the conversation. Think of some more questions Bob and Alex can ask each other. Let Us Read Choose and read aloud as quickly as vou can the words on the topic “America”. Who is the best? State, maybe, each, settlement, relax, magazine, person. Native American, Columbus, pipe of peace, to discover, turkey. Thanksgiving Day, independence, sail, round, harvest, together, danger, cowboy, friendship, gold A//j&rJaSJ (rhe USA), J 9 Read the text “Mv Friend Edward” and sav why he was popular with the people of the fishermen’s settlement. MY FRtENV EVWARV I have a friend called Edward. We became friends last summer when we were spending our holidays together at the seaside. It was a fantastic time! We lived on a small island in wooden huts,' in a little fishermen’s settlement. You could reach the island only by boat or a ferry, which carried passengers, mail, food and what not. I lived with a family of a seaman who cared only for the sea and fish; ships and voyages. Ed lived with a family of a hunter who was fond of animals, forest plants and who knew a lot of interesting stories and had beautiful collections of dry plants. He was a very kind man who explained to us things we didn’t understand. “I’ve known your friend Ed for so many years,” my host often told me. “He is very popular with our people. I mean, wherever he goes something special happens to him.” “Tell me some stories about Ed!” I asked. “OK. Listen! They are fun!” Here is one of his stories. Edward started to draw pictures when he was 3, and by the time he was 5, his parents were selling his pictures, as they were very excellent indeed. “This boy’s going to become famous when he is older and then we will sell his pictures for a lot more money than we paid for them,” people said. Edward drew different things. His pictures were full of silver cups and gold plates, strong animals, and weak but beautiful girls. But whatever he drew he always left nearly half of the page empty. “That’s very clever,” everybody said. “Nobody else does it.” Edward felt happy that he was able to draw well. He worked hard, and besides, he liked to draw. Sometimes, though, it took him a long time to create his own pictures. One day the tailor who lived not far from them bought one of his pictures. You could see a cowboy in it, fighting a dangerous snake. But the upper part of the picture was empty. ' hut [lutl — хижина “Tell me, Ed,” asked the tailor. “Why do you always leave the upper part of your pictures empty, and not the opposite one?” “Because I’m small,” said Ed. “I can’t reach it!” True or false? 1. The boys lived on an island last summer. 2. Edward’s host was a hunter. 3. You could reach the island if you travelled by train. 4. The hunter never told stories about Ed. 5. Ed never drew pictures. 6. Edward always left the upper part of his pictures empty. Let Us Write (l1 Look at the verbs. Give the second and the third forms. Write them into 2 columns: regular verbs and irregular verbs. discover, sail, be interested (in), appear, prepare, smoke, depend (on), fight, sell Complete the sentences with since or for. 1. She has lived in this street ... 1981. 2. We have been architects ... 3 years. 3. He has been a tailor ... he finished school. 4. They have known each other ... ages. 5. I have had these shoes ... last week. (^3 Write the opposites. 1) comfortable, 2) interesting, 3) downstairs, 4) short, 5) fast, 6) miss a bus, 7) easy, 8) poor, 9) round, 10) long, 11) happy, 12) true, 13) beautiful, 14) behind, 15) clean, 16) cheap, 17) weak, 18) buy Lesson 14 for Home Reading cfKi Lesson 50 Let Us Learn Think of the names for these things: 1. an animal with a long body but no legs or arms; 2. a person who makes clothes; 3. a thing which people use to fight; 4. a yellow metal ['metl] which is very expensive; 5. full of danger; 6. without anything or anybody; 7. dependence on nobody or nothing. (D What or who can you depend on when you go on a iour- nev? i We depend on hotels when we go on a Examole I Journey. ^ W I depend on my parents when 1 go on a jour-’ ney. Pretend vou are a teacher. Could you ask vour class questions for them to answer? Use the verbs: to fight to depend (on) to smoke to hunt to prepare to appear to reach to sail to discover to be interested in f '■^4 Put the sentences in a logical order to make a story, then read the story and complete it. 1. The snake left the house. It wanted its independence. 2. When the tailor came back he saw that the box was empty. What did he say? 3. One day when the tailor was out, she opened the door of the box and the door of the house. 4. He had a pet who was a snake. It was very dangerous and lived in a gold box. 5. But the tailor’s wife didn’t like the snake. She was afraid of it. The snake depended on the tailor, as he gave it milk and food. 6. But the tailor also depended on the snake. 7. At night the snake slept near the door and nobody could steal anything in the house, as the snake fought anybody who came in. 8. The tailor didn’t have to buy a gun. 9. Once upon a time there lived a tailor. He was very rich. ( LOOkVrEAD, REMEMBERjl Yes, you may. (Of course, you may.) I ,.k. P..7 Yes, please. Mav I take vour oen’ ^ ^ ■ No, you mustn’t. (No, you may not.) — May 1 take the cake? — May I go to the cinema? — May I take your book? — May we sit here? — May I open the window? — May I go and play in the yard? — May I take the book? lillp: ktirokam.ru — Of course, you may. I’ve made it for you. — Yes, you may. — Yes, please. — Do, please. — I’m afraid not. I’m cold. — I’m afraid not. It’s very cold. — I’m afraid not. My sister is reading it. Дшепса «(irihie U — May I have a sweet? — May 1 swim in the river? — May I switch on TV? — May I go there alone? — May I play now? Tm afraid not. We are having dinner in 5 minutes. No, you mustn’t. (You may not.) The water is very cold. No, you mustn’t. (You may not.) Your little brother is sleeping. No, you mustn’t. (You may not.) It’s a dangerous place. No, you mustn’t. (You may not.) It’s time to go to bed. 5 Change Will vou ...? into Mav I ...? Example \ Will you give me the book? May I take the book, please? 1. Will you give me your pen, please? 2. Will you give me your address? 3. Will you take me with you? 4. Will you show me the album? 5. Will you show me the picture? 6 You want to do these things. Ask your partner if vou mav. Let him/her answer. Open the window, go to the theatre, take your father’s gun, live on an island, go to the cinema, watch the cartoon, buy some nuts Learn how to pronounce and use the new words, [ojo!] 86. Read the words and try to guess their meanings. a statue ['staetju:], official [oTiJol], soldier ['soulcha], national ['naejnal] Try and read the new words. plate — state better — letter known — own cold — sold bell — sell news — newspaper Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [i:] eat, each [i:tj]: 1) each flower, each city, each girl. The cook gave two apples to each child. Each pupil had a textbook. Each of them wanted to try. They cost 5 roubles each. 2) each other. We have known each other for ten years. [ei] plate, state [steit], a state — states, the United States of America. There are fifty states in the USA. The first thirteen colonies in America were the first American states. [л] love, government ['gAvanmont], the Russian government, the American government, the government of the country. What the country needs is a strong and clever government. The British people have a democratic hdema'kraetik] government. [зе] man, magazine fmaega'ziin], a magazine — magazines, an interesting magazine, a boring magazine, a new magazine, the latest magazine. I couldn’t find any of the latest magazines in our library. [ju:] new, newspaper ["nju:s,peip3], a newspaper — newspapers, old newspapers, a Sunday newspaper. Newspapers tell us what is happening in the world. Our family buys 2 newspapers every day. [e] bell, sell [sel], to sell — sold — sold, to sell vegetables, to sell fruit. That shop sells shoes. Richard wants to sell his old car for four hundred dollars. letter ["lets]: 1) a letter — letters, a letter from my granny, a letter to my friend. I don’t like to write letters. 2) a small letter, a capital letter. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. America (the USA), П [эи] known, own [эип], my own house, his own flat. I saw it with my own eyes. My own brother couldn’t even help me. Could you answer the questions using the new words? 1. What do people read in the library? 2. What do they sell in the shoe shop? 3. How often do you or your relatives write letters? 4. How many letters are there in the Russian alphabet? 5. How many states are there in the United States of America? 6. Have you got your own room? Let Us Read and Learn We are sure that you know what a dollar ['dolal is. There are 100 cents fsentsl in a dollar. Do you want to know what other American coins are? Listen to the poem “American Coins”. [о1°] 87. Then read and learn it. AMERICAN COtNS^ (By Caroline Graham) Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. How many pennies in a nickel? Five. How many nickels in a dime? Two. Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. How many dimes in a dollar? Ten. How many nickels in a dime? Two. ' A penny is used by some Americans instead of the word “cent”; a nickel is a coin (5 cents); a dime (from Latin “decern” — 10) = 10 cents; a quarter = 25 cents or 'Д of a dollar. Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. How many quarters in a dollar? Four. How many nickels in a dime? Two. Let Us Read (13 Learn how to read these proper nouns. New York [,nju: 'jo:kl, France [frams], the Statue of Liberty [дэ ,staetju: av Mibsti], Liberty Island [,hb9ti 'aibnd], the Star-Spangled Banner [,sta: spaepgld 'Ьзепэ! '14 Read the text to get some more information about the USA. SymOLS Of AMERICA The American flag is often called “The Stars and Stripes”.' There are three colours on the flag of the United States — red, white, and blue. As there are fifty states in the United States, there are fifty stars on the American flag: one star for each state. The American flag has thirteen stripes. The stripes are red and white. The flag has seven red stripes and six white stripes. There is one stripe for each of the first thirteen colonies of the United States. People must know many things about the flag, for example: you should display it^ only during the day and you should fold it^ in a special way. In some schools there is a flag in each classroom, and children stand in front of the flag every day. You can see the American flag in shops and offices, in the streets and squares, in small towns and in big cities. 1 stripe [straip] — полоса 2 you should display [di'splei] it — его следует вывешивать 3 you should fold it — его следует складывать Атъп^^г\ (rhe JJ You can see pictures of the American flag in newspapers and magazines. Americans are proud of their flag and display it in many places. One of the most famous symbols of the USA is the Statue of Liberty.' France gave the statue to America in 1884 as a symbol of friendship. The Statue is in New York on Liberty Island. It is one of the first things people see when they arrive in New York by sea. The eagle^ became the official national symbol of the country in 1782. It has an olive branch^ (a symbol of peace) and arrows (symbols of strength). You can see the eagle on the back of a dollar bill.^ The United States of America has the national hymn [himn] too. It is called “The Star-Spangled Banner”.^ Every state in the USA has its own flag, its own symbol and its own song too. 15 Have you learnt some new information about the symbols of America? Could you answer the questions? 1. What do people often call the American flag? 2. What are the colours of the American flag? 3. How many states are there in the USA? 4. How many stars are there on the American flag? Why? 5. How many stripes has the flag got? 6. What colours are the stripes? 7. Why are there 13 stripes on the flag? What do they mean? 8. What must people know about the American flag? ' the Statue of Liberty — статуя Свободы 2 eagle fi:gl] — орел 2 an olive branch [эп 'nliv 'bra:ntf| — оливковая ветвь ^ a bill = a note (a banknote) — банкнота 5 banner ['Ьаепэ) — знамя; “The Star-Spangled Banner” [,sta: spaepgld 'Ьаепэ] — официальный гимн CUIA г 0 Let Us Talk You have learnt about four symbols of America. Here are three of them: — the Statue of Liberty; — the eagle; — “The Star-Spangled Banner”. Which one is missing? Tell vour classmates all vou can about it. ^7 Choose a partner and ask him/her questions about the symbols mentioned in Exercise 16. Let him/her answer. Don’t forget to change over. ^8 Sav everything vou know about the symbols of America. Let Us Write Put in the words. (Exercise 14 can help vou.) 1. The American flag is red, white, and ... . 2. There are 13 ... on the American flag. 3. There are fifty ... on the American flag. 4. There are fifty ... in the USA. 5. There are 3 ... on the flag of the USA. Look at these answers. Write a question for each one. Example ) — Yes. Certainly. I’m not reading it. — May I read your newspaper? 1. Yes, you may. It is a bit hot here. 2. I’m sorry. I haven’t got any money on me. 3. Yes, of course. Nobody is sitting on this chair. 4. No, you mustn’t. It is late. 5. Yes, of course. What programme is it? 1) Learn how to write the new words. ecic-k/ s+citey 0ove.»*Kvme.K\+/ w\cxQC\z\y\e.^ K\e.wspape.»*> to sell (sold/ sold)/ le++e»^/ owh/ moy America (tha USA), П 1 Lesson 51 Let Us Learn G. Ask polite questions. O' Example ► You want to watch a TV show. — May I watch TV now? 1. You have broken your pen. 2. You would like to read Nick’s magazine. 3. You are interested in the newspaper on the table. 4. You are interested in your sister’s letter. 5. You are tired and want to sit down. 6. It is very hot in the room. 7. You want to go to the cinema tonight. Answer the questions of Exercise 1. Explain vour answer. Example 1 May I watch TV now? a) Of course, you may. The film is good. b) I’m afraid not. It’s time to go to bed. c) No, you mustn’t. It’s very late. d) No, you may not. Look at the picture and sav what they sell in the shoo. ► Example i They sell jeans in the shop. г (Ч Nick has got a lot of things. Sav what they are, using the example. The words can help you. Example I. ^ a) It is my own house. b) They are my own newspapers. collection of badges stamps magazines coins garden flat pictures book plate Make up sentences using the example. Example ^ Each state can have a progressive [pra'gresiv] government. government. Each state must have a good strong democratic country can progressive clever iOPA/. ad, rememberi can Present I can do it. He can skate. They can’t swim. Past I could do it last year. He could skate last winter. They couldn’t swim in the summer. Future Г11 be able to do it tomorrow. He will be able to skate next year. They won’t be able to skate next week. 6 Refer the sentences to the past and to the future. 1. We can wake up very early. 2. They can become architects. 3. He can become rich. 4. She can go on a trip. is-. Лшегзса {the иВД)э JJ © Look at the bovs and girls and sav what each of them is wearing. Tom Nick Andrew Bob Polly Kate Sav what Bob couldn’t do yesterday, but will be able to do on Tuesday. The words will help you. Example ) Bob couldn’t buy a ticket yesterday, but he will be able to buy it on Tuesday. to travel to the country to explain the way to catch a bus to go by ship to decide it to listen to music F Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. [°Хо] 88. ^0,1 Try and read the new words. rise — advise ruler — rule most — host her — person nice — advice may, be — maybe Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ai] rise, advise [od'vaiz], to advise — advised, to advise smb to do smth. His doctor advised him not to eat so many sweets. If you don’t feel well, I advise you to stay in bed. advice lod'vais] (always in the singular), good advice, to take advice, to follow one’s advice, to ask for advice. He gave me clever advice. It was good advice. May I ask you for advice? The advice is good, but I can’t follow it. 1з:1 her, person ['psisn], a person — persons, two persons, a clever person, a boring person, a very important person (VIP). Who is this person? personal ['paisnl], a personal question, a personal diary. She is fond of asking personal questions. [эи] most, host [hsust], a host — hosts, a friendly host, a good host. A host is a man who invites people to come to his home as his guests. We thanked our host for the wonderful party. hostess I'houstisl, a hostess — hostesses. A hostess is a woman who invites people to come to her home as her guests. [u;] do, move [mu:v], to move — moved, to move quickly, to move slowly, to move to the city, to move into a new flat. Move the chair nearer to the fire. Move away from the fireplace if it’s very hot. We moved into a new flat last month. rule Iru:l], a rule — rules, a difficult rule, an easy rule, a grammar rule, as a rule... Rules tell you what to do and what not to do. One of the rules when you are at the fthe UlSAIj, U table is not to speak when your mouth is full. As a rule he comes in late. [ae] taxi, relax [n'laeks], to relax — relaxed. My father likes to relax by reading the newspapers. A hot bath helped me (to) relax. [ei] may, maybe ['meibi]. Maybe he is right, but maybe he is wrong. Maybe he’ll write a letter to you. Maybe he’ll sell his computer. Maybe “yes”, maybe “no”, maybe rain, maybe snow. Look at the picture. The room doesn’t look comfortable, does it? Could you help change the positions fpg'zifnzl of the furniture? Example ^ Move the piano to the wall next to the sofa. Left Right ( LQOX^.R£AD.^MEA4BERil> explain — explanation prepare — preparation decorate — decoration relax — relaxation translate — translation operate — operation г V13 Make up sentences, then change them according to the examples. Examples f The advice was good. It was good advice. The advice is/was good (clever, special, kind, fantastic, bad, dangerous, wonderful, excellent). Let Us Read and Learn ^4 Listen to the poem “Personal Questions”, [ojo] 89. Read and learn it. PERSONAL OUESTLONS (By Caroline Graham) Where were you born? I’d rather not say. Where are you from? I’d rather not say. How tall are you? How old are you? How much do you weigh?^ I’d rather not say. Where were you last night? I’d rather not say. Why weren’t you home? I’d rather not say. Did you stay out late? Did you have a good time? Did you see a good play? I’d rather not say. weigh [wei] — весить АглвгЗо21 ((t^j*a иШЩу il3 Let Us Read 15 Would you like to know some facts about life in America? Read the text and say why America is a friendly country. EVERYDAY UFE iN AMERICA (By Terry Tomsha) America is a friendly country with friendly people. In small American towns you hear “hello” from friends and also from people who have just arrived. People easily start to talk with each other. Waiters* in restaurants will often tell you their names and talk to you. When you leave they will tell you to “Take care” or “Have a nice day!” Often people you have just met begin to ask you personal questions or start telling you all about themselves. When Americans meet people for the first time they usually shake hands. When they meet friends or relatives they haven’t seen for a long time they sometimes kiss them on the cheek.2 “Pot luck” dinners^ are very popular with Americans. At a “pot luck” dinner all the guests Igests] bring something to eat and usually ask the host or hostess what they would like. Often you bring salad, some vegetables, or something sweet. Usually guests will arrive 10 or 15 minutes late — this gives your hosts time to finish their preparations. Americans love to get together and to have parties. Traditional parties are birthdays, moving to a new house, a wedding,"* New Year’s Eve and Fourth of July^ — Independence Day. These parties are often informal linTo:mll and there are not many rules for them. Americans like to relax and enjoy themselves. So, maybe the best advice is to relax, smile, and enjoy yourself too! ' waiter ['weita] — официант 2 cheek |tfi:kl — щека 2 “pot luck” dinner — обед вскладчину wedding ['wedip] — свадьба ^ Fourth of July читается 15э Тэ;0 av cfeu'lail {артикль не пишется, но произносится) * 0 '16 True, false or don’t know? V ...... 1. America is a friendly country. 2. All people in the street you meet say: “Have a nice day!” 3. Americans never ask personal questions. 4. Americans never shake hands. 5. “Pot luck” dinners are very popular with Americans. 6. All parties in America are informal. 7. Americans like to relax and enjoy themselves. Let Us Talk ‘17 Choose a partner and talk with him/her about everyday life in America. 18 Say what you can about the way American people live. Let Us Write i;19 Do Exercise 12 in writing. 20 Refer the sentences to the oast and to the future. 1. I can’t follow your advice. 2. He can ask you some personal questions. 3. She can’t relax. 4. Can they move into a new flat? 5. We can’t learn the rule. 21 Learn how to write the new words. to odvise^ advice./ pe■^^soy\y pei^soiaaly kost, kostess/ to move/ mle/ to ►‘elajC/ maybe Listening Comprehension Lesson, 90 Lesson 15 for Home Reading Lesson 52 Review 7 Let Us Talk IL Say what you think of America and the way people live there (the wav Americans greet each other, the wav they greet people they don’t know, “pot luck” dinners. American parties, meals in America. TV. cinema and theatre in America). You know some symbols of America. What are they? What do you know about them? Speak about all the holidays vou know that people celebrate the USA. in Г4 What holidays do people celebrate in Russia and in the USA? 0 You have already learnt some facts about London, the capital of Great Britain. Now read the text about Washington. DC.^ the capital of the USA, and sav where the American President ['orezidgnt] lives. "Pear Ы, m\ August, Ю01 I am wrfting this Letter to tell you about our trip to Washirigton, VC. We stayed at our -friends'. "They have their own house in downtown^ Washinojton. I have discovered here the streets that ^o |rom east to west are named^ after 1 ' DC = District of Columbia — округ Колумбия. When people speak about the capital of the USA they always say Washington, DC ['wofiptan 'di:'si:l, not to mix up with the state Washington in the northwest of the country. 2 downtown — в центре, в деловой части города 3 are named — называются 0 idlers of the alphabet ['aelfsbetj. The streets that north and south are numbered.' The Longest and the bggest streets are named after American states. Our host and hostess are ve^ |riendly people. The^ ^ive us advice about places of interest in thei'r city, ^ach eveninc| we prepare the ne>d days trip together. We have already had a trip round the cfty. ft is very ^reen and peaceful There are a lot of beautiful places where you can relax and enjoy yourself I think Washington is a special city. Most of the peo-pie in Washington work for the government and there are many government offices there. We have already been to the White House, ft really is white! you can’t see the part where the President lives and works, ft is not open to the public ['рлЬЬк]. 3ul the part we saw was very beauti|iil ft is maybe one of the most beautifjl places in Washington. We saw the library, the Ked Koom, the 'S'lue Koom and the ^reen Koom which had some fantastic old |umiture. Washington is full of places where you think about hiS' tory. fn its museums and the Capitol [^kaspitl] you can learn a lot about the first settlements in Mew ^^land. You will learn a lot about Christopher Columbus and his sailors and about America’s |i^ht for independence. • are numbered — нумеруются 1 Washington IS a busy crty. The streets are practicaLLy ['praektiksli] never empty. Wherever you ^o youU see bg and small shops in l^lh^ch you can buy whatever you Like. Уои can also buy many things just in the streets: newspapers, maga^nes, badges, pictures, T"shirts, sweets, fnirt and what not. I could wrfte more but I must stop now. Weve got a Lot to do tomorrow as we have to Leave early In the morning. WeU be home the day after tomorrow and I LL see you then. i’ll have a Lot of stories to tell you about our trip. yours Sincerely, '^iLL © Find and read the sentences to illustrate the pictures. © Say what places of interest Bill has visited in Washington. DC. ® Sav what you can about the capital of the United States of America. Let Us Write © You want to do the following: 1. to prepare turkey for Xmas; 2. to take your father’s gun and go hunting; 3. to sell a gold coin from your granny’s collection; 4. to sail to America; 5. to sell all the harvest from your garden; 6. to buy a snake. Ask your mother’s permission and write vour questions and possible answers. Write what vou will be able to do next week. (Not less than 6 sentences.) Lesson 16 for Home Reading MY COUNTRY Lesson 53 Let Us Learn © Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. - 91. © Try and read the new words. sand — bank nobody — noble dirty — birch gave — brave green — between hello — devoted every — enemy © Let’s see if vou know the alphabet. Sav where the letters D. H. M. S. \Л/. Y are. Example ^ The letter “P” is between “O” and “Q”. © And what about vour geography knowledge? Sav what towns/cities are situated on the banks of rivers. The words can help vou. Example ^ Saratov is situated on the banks of the Volga. London/the Thames, St Petersburg/the Neva, Tver/the Volga, Yaroslavl/the Volga, Irkutsk/the Angara, Omsk/the Irtysh, Novosibirsk/!he Ob, Moscow/the Moskva River, Kazan/the Volga 6 Лнглнйскнй язык. 4 кл. Часть 2 © Sav who is dev6tecl to you and who you are devoted to. Example ^ My friend is devoted to me. I’m devoted to you. © Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ae] sand, bank [baeok], a bank — banks, a river bank, a bank of a lake, the right bank, the left bank. A bank is the land along the side of a river. Flowers were growing on the banks of the river. [i:] green, between [bi'twiin]. The table is between the chairs. Now the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun. There was friendship between the two brothers. There was great love between them. [e] every, enemy ['enomi], an enemy — enemies. An enemy is someone who is unfriendly. A successful man often has many enemies. There are no enemies here. Have you got any enemies? [эи] nobody, noble ['noubl], a noble family, noble actions, a noble profession. Teaching is a noble profession. He comes from a noble family. [d] dog, honest ['nnist], an honest man, an honest girl, honest people. An honest person does not lie or steal. [эи] hello, devoted [di'voutid], a devoted friend, to be devoted to smb/smth. My devoted friend will do anything for me. He is devoted to music. He has always been devoted to me. [ei] gave, brave [breiv], a brave man, a brave girl. A person who is brave can face danger without being afraid. The brave girl jumped into the water to help the child, bravery Ebreiv9ri]. He is famous for his bravery. [з:] dirty, birch [bsitj], a birch — birches, a white birch, the Russian birch. The leaves of the birch are green and fresh. There are a lot of birch trees in Russian forests. Му Country © Name some people who are famous for their bravery. I You are sure to know some noble, honest, devoted and brave ©■ people. Name them. Example ► My granny is devoted to our family. Ann’s brother is a very brave boy. © Do you like Russian birch trees? Sav where you can see them. ( LOOK, READ, КШЕМВЖГ.^-the oceans: the Indian Ocean seas: the Black Sea rivers: the Volga lakes: the Baikal mountains: the Alps continents: Europe countries: Russia (but: the USA) cities, towns: Washington, DC streets: Broadway squares: Red Square Let Us Read and Learn Enjoy your English and sing the song “Here Is Mv Hand”. MPl 32. /3 НШ IS MY HAHV Here is my hand, friend, here is my hand. Over to you from my bonny* homeland; Building the future, comrades, are we. Here is my hand, friend, over the sea. bonny ['bnni] — зд. красивый, прекрасный Over to you, friend, over to you! Here is my hand, friend, we will be true,— True to youth’s^ promise never to break,^ True to the new world we’re going to make. Here is my hand, friend, over to you! Building the future, we will be true — True to the new world, let it ring clear. Peace is our future, peace must live here! Let Us Read Try and read the proper names. Europe ['juarsp], the Urals Pjuaralz] (the Ural mountains), the Volga PvDlgal, Asia Peifa], the Caspian Sea [^kaespian 'si:], the Baltic Sea [,bo:ltik 'si:j, the Pacific Ocean [p9,sifik '9ujn], the Black Sea [,blaek 'si:], the Arctic Ocean [,a:ktik '9ujn], Motherland ['mAd9l9nd] } Do you love your Motherland? Read the text and sav what symbols of Russia you can name. / me RUSSIA Russia is my country. It is the biggest country in the world. Russia is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia. The Urals (the Ural mountains) form a natural border^ between the continents. Russia is a very rich country. There are many mountains, rivers, lakes and forests in my country, some of which are very beautiful. The Volga is the longest river in Europe. It flows'^ into the Caspian Sea. There are many beautiful old towns — both big and small — on its banks. Practically all of them are interesting places, famous for their history. 1 youth [ju:9] — юность, молодость 2 break [breik] — сломать, ломать 3 border ['Ьэ:Ьэ] — граница flow [Пэо] — впадать Му Country Seas and oceans wash Russia in the north, south, east and west. The Black Sea is in the south; the Baltic Sea is in the west. The Arctic Ocean washes my country in the north and in the east is the Pacific Ocean. The plant and animal worlds of my country are also very rich. There are a lot of different animals, birds and plants in our forests, fields and mountains. Russia is also rich in gold, silver and other minerals fmmarslz]. One Russian symbol is the Russian national flag. This flag has three wide stripes on it. The stripes are white, blue and red. The upper stripe is white, the middle stripe is blue and the red stripe is at the bottom.! These colours have always been symbolic Isim'bDlik] in Russia: white — noble and sincere, blue — honest and devoted — devoted to friends, family and to the country. The red colour has always meant love and bravery. Russian people have always loved their country though life in Russia has never been easy. Russian people have always been devoted to their Motherland, fighting for peace and independence against enemies on their land. Another symbol of Russia which all Russian people know and love is the birch tree. You can find these trees everywhere. People sing beautiful songs with poetic Ipau'etik] words about birch trees and plant them near their houses. In old Russian towns people often call young lovely girls — little birch trees (beryozka, beryozon’ka). Russia is my country and I love it very much. Answer the questions. 1. Russia is the biggest country in the world, isn’t it? 2. What mountains divide Russia into two parts? 3. Russia is a very rich country. What is it rich in? 4. What river is the longest in Europe? 5. What seas and oceans wash Russia? ' at the bottom ['botam] — зд. внизу 6. What сап you tell your classmates about the Russian flag? 7. What can you tell your classmates about Russian people? 8. What other symbols of Russia do you know? C 0 Let Us Talk @Ia_ and prove. — Russia is a very large and rich country. — Russian people are very brave and devoted to their country. 15) There are some of the things vou often find in towns (or cities). a church a cinema a theatre a school a post office an art gallery a museum a railway station a library a hospital a park a zoo a police station an airport a bank a) Choose a partner and talk to her/him about any town or city vou like. b) Tell vour classmates everything vou know about any Russian town you like. Let Us Write Do Exercise 8 in writing. © Describe any Russian town or city vou like. (Write no less than 10 sentences.) 18) Learn how to write the new words. bciKvk/ betwe.e.»4y ervemy^ Kvoblsy Кок\ез+/ devoted/ bi^ove/ b»*civei^y/ bi>*ck Му Country Lesson 54 Let Us Learn © 1) Give it a name: 1. the land along the side of a river, a lake; 2. one who is not a friend; 3. one who doesn’t lie or steal; 4. one who can face danger without being afraid; 5. a tree which Russian people love and often plant near their houses. © Sav a few words about one of vour friends. Don’t forget to use the words: noble, enemy, honest, devoted, brave, kind, pleasant, famous for... ® Sav: a) What season is between spring and autumn (autumn and sorinaL b) What month is between: February and April: Mav and July: September and November: December and February. c) What day is between: Tuesday and Thursday: Friday and Sunday. © Sav what is situated between your house and vour school (the shop, the cinema, the supermarket..■). Example ► A shop is situated between my house and the place where my friend lives. © Learn how to pronounce and use the new words, [ojo] 93. © Try and read the new words. Stop — top cap — map sung — young ground — found spoke — stone © Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as vou can. [d] not, top [top], top is the highest (upper) part of smth, at the top of the hill, at the top of the mountain, at the top of the page, at the top of the class. The old Russian town was situated at the top of the hill. [au] ground, found [faund], to found — founded, to found a new city, to found a school, to found a family, to write a story which is founded on facts. They founded a town on the banks of the river. Yuri Dolgoruky founded Moscow. [ae] cap, map [maep], a map — maps, a map of the world, a map of Russia. A map can show you countries and towns, seas, mountains, rivers and oceans. Look at the map! Where is the river Volga on the map? [л] sung, young [)Л1з], young — younger — the youngest, a young woman, a young man, young trees. My granny looks quite young for her age. When Mr Jones was young, he lived in Italy. [эи] spoke, stone [stoun], a stone — stones, a stone wall, a stone tower, to throw stones at smb/smth. Don’t throw stones at dogs. People use stones to build houses. Take the map of Russia and sav what vou can see there. Begin the sentences like this: / can see ... on the map of Russia. The words can help vou. the Urals the Volga the Baikal the Black Sea the Pacific Ocean the Ob the Angara Kazan Tver Rostov Sav where they founded a town. The words can help you. on the banks of a river at the top of the hill near the lake at the side of the sea ... Му Country 10) Say who can be youna/old/new and what can be vouna/old/new. people men women cars pens books cities parents villages towns songs animals Sav what colour stones can be. Let Us Read and Learn 12) Enjoy vour English and sing the song “Which Land Is the Best?”. 94. part I. f2 WHICH LAW) IS THE BEST? I In my country, we are happy. In my country, we are happier. In my country, we are the happiest of all. In my country, we are friendly. In my country, we are friendlier. In my country, we’re the friendliest of all. Chorus: My country, your country, travel east or west. If north is good and south is better, which land is the best? Let Us Read We are sure you know some facts about the history of Russia and its capital. But do you know that Moscow has not always been the most important Russian city? Read the text and say what cities in Russia were once its capitals. THE RUSSIAN CAPITALS The capital of Russia is Moscow. Moscow is an old city but it is also a young city. Although it is more than 850 years old, you can see a lot of new, modern houses f in it. The city is situated on seven hills. On one of them is the Kremlin with its beautiful red walls and famous towers. The Kremlin is certainly the heart of Moscow. Everything here speaks of important facts in the life of our country. Chronicles ['kromkalz] first mentioned Moscow in 1147. It was a little settlement at the top of a hill looking over the Moskva River, a settlement founded by Prince' Yuri Dolgoruky. Prince Yuri Dolgoruky (Prince Long Arms) was the Russian Prince of Vladimir and Suzdal. If you look at the map, you’ll see that these old Russian cities are in the north. Prince Yuri had many fights with other Russian princes and he soon became Prince of Kiev as well. Kiev, as you know, is in the south. So people began to call Prince Yuri “Yuri Dolgoruky”, meaning that he had very long arms and could reach Kiev, which was very far from Suzdal and Vladimir. In those times Kiev was the main city of Russia. It was its capital. Moscow, founded by Yuri Dolgoruky, grew and very soon it became, as old chronicles say, “a city, superior^ to all other cities of Russia”. It was then that the white stone walls and towers of the Kremlin appeared and Moscow, which was in fact the Kremlin, became a strong fortress. In the 16th century Moscow was one of the largest cities in Europe. An English traveller wrote that Moscow was larger than London in those days. In 1712 the Russian king, Tsar^ Peter the Great moved the Russian capital to St Petersburg, a new city founded in 1703 on the banks of the Neva River. The new capital in the northwest of Russia grew and became very important. But Moscow was important too. Moscow was famous for its churches, museums and cultural centres. On March 10, 1918 a special train left St Petersburg for Moscow. The government of the country moved to the old Russian town and Moscow again became the capital of Russia. ' prince Iprins] — зд. князь 2 superior [sju'piarial — превосходящий 3 tsar [zq:1 — царь Му Country Answer the questions. 1. How old is Moscow? 2. Where is Moscow situated? 3. Who founded Moscow? When? 4. Was Kiev the capital of Russia? When was this? 5. At that time Moscow was larger than London. Who wrote about that? 6. Who moved the capital of Russia to a new city? 7. What city became the Russian capital in the 18th century? Let Us Talk 15) There have been three capitals in Russia. Sav what you know about each of them. Speak about Moscow and St Petersburg. Use the questions as a plan. 1. How old is the city? 2. Who founded it? 3. When was this? 4. What are the famous places of interest there? 5. What do you know about these places? 0 Let Us Write Do Exercise 8 in writing. Write your own story about one of the Russian capitals. (Exercise 14 can help vou.) 1^ Learn how to write the new words. Listening Comprehension lesson, t°i°] 95 Ш Lesson 15 for Home Reeding г Lesson 55 Let Us Learn © Look at the map and sav what continents you can see at the top of the mao. Example Щ At the top of the map I can see... © Sav what vou keep at the top of vour wardrobe, cupboard or fridge. Could vou sav what vouna people usually like (dislike) doing? @ All young people are different. What words can vou use to characterize them? © Look at the names of the cities and sav when they were found-ed. Example Щ Dmitrov was founded in 1154. f Dmitrov — 1154 Yaroslavl — 1010 Pskov — 903 Moscow—1147 Vladimir — 1108 Suzdal —1024 St Petersburg — 1703 Rostov — 862 Novgorod — 859 Му Country Choose а partner and find out when different cities were founded. Exercise 5 can help vou. Pj\ When was Pskov founded? Example ) Py. It was founded in 903. © Say what these things are made of. Example A The table is made of wood. table ruler cup wall plate pencil wood wood gold stone silver wood house box pen stone silver gold © Choose a partner and find out what some things vou have are made of. Example ► Pi- Р.: What is the table made of? It is made of wood. © Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. [qIq] 96. Try and read the new words. m — win lie — die apple — battle victory ['viktari] arm — army warm — war again — against ill — kill Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as vou can. [o:] warm, war [wo:], a war —wars, a war against smb, to be at war, to go to war, a terrible war, a world war. We have had two world wars in this century. These countries are at war. They went to war to fight for their independence. [а:] arm, army ['a:mi], an army — armies, to be in the army, to join the army, to go into the army. When did he go into the army? [i] in, win [win], to win — won [wAnj — won, to win a fight, to win a war. The Russian army won the war in 1812. Do you know who will win? She won third place. [e] again, against [s'genst], to be against smb/smth. My mother is against having any animals in the house. We will fight against the enemy. My friends are against this idea. [ae] apple, battle ['baetl], a battle — battles, a battle against smb/smth, to fight a battle, to take part in a battle, to win the battle. A battle is a fight between armies. His great-grandfather took part in the battle against Napoleon. [ail lie, die [dai], to die — died, to die in (a) battle, to die in (a) war, to die in one’s bed, to die of smth, to die for one’s country. The officers died for their Motherland. He died in his sleep. She is very ill and I am afraid she is dying. The flowers will die soon if you leave them without water. [I] [I] ill, kill [kil], to kill — killed, to kill animals, to kill people in a war. The cold killed flowers in the garden. it, victory I'viktariJ, a victory — victories, a victory over the enemy, to win a victory, to lead the army to victory. The general led his army to victory. They won an easy victory. Make UP sentences using the table. The Russian army won the war against Napoleon in 1812. Hitler in 1945. Charles XII in 1709. Look and sav when these people were born and when they died. A. Pushkin 1799—1837 L. Tolstoy 1828—1910 M. Kutuzov 1745—1813 A. Suvorov 1729—1800 M. Lomonosov 1711 — 1765 P. Tchaikovsky 1840—1893 Му Country w Let Us Read and Learn Enjoy vour English and sing the song “Which Land Is the Best?”. 97. part II. f2 WHICH LAHV IS THE BEST? II In my land, it’s very sunny. In my land, it is sunnier. In my land, it’s the sunniest of all. In my land, the skies are blue. In my land, they’re bluer. In my land, they’re the bluest of all. Chorus: My country, your country, travel east or west. If north is good and south is better, which land is the best? Let Us Read .15] Read the words and try to guess their meanings. soldier I'saulcbs], ruins I'ruanz], general I'^enoral] [1 As you know there were many wars in the history of Russia. Russian people had to defend their Motherland more than once. Read the text about one of the dangerous wars that Russia fought. RUSSIA IH THE WAR Of 1812 It happened in 1812. Russia was in great danger. Napoleon and his army were moving towards Russia. Napoleon wanted to conquer! Russia as practically all of Europe now depended on him, Russia did not. Napoleon was sure he could easily win the war against Russia. * conquer ['коцкэ] — завоевать At the beginning of the war, the Russian army was moving back, leaving Russian lands for the enemy. Napoleon’s army was stronger and there were more soldiers in it. Though Russian soldiers and officers fought bravely they couldn’t win the battles against the enemy. Napoleon was moving to Smolensk — the “key city” of Russia. Russian people called Smolensk the “key city” because it locked the road to Moscow. In August 1812, the two armies had a terrible battle in Smolensk. A lot of people were killed on both sides. There was no food in the city. The Russian army left Smolensk in ruins. The people of Smolensk left the city along with the Russian army. Napoleon’s army came into the empty city of Smolensk but couldn’t find anything in it. They left Smolensk and began to move towards! Moscow. Russia was in danger as never before. That’s why the Russian Tsar, Alexander I invited the famous Russian general Michael Kutuzov to become the head of the Russian army. ' towards [ta'woidz] — no направлению к. Му Country Kutuzov decided to have a fight with Napoleon. He chose a field near the village i of Borodino for the battle. On the seventh of September 1812 the famous battle began. It was the greatest fight between the Russian and French armies. The Russian soldiers were ready to die but not to move back. They fought for the independence of their country. They couldn’t imagine their Motherland under Napoleon — under the enemy. The famous battle of Borodino was the beginning of Great Victory over Napoleon in the war of 1812. Agree or disagree. 1. Napoleon conquered Russia in 1812. 2. There was a war between Russia and France in 1812. 3. Napoleon was sure he could easily win the war against Russia. 4. Napoleon’s army was stronger than the Russian army at the beginning of the war. 5. Smolensk was the main city of Russia. 6. When Napoleon came in Smolensk he got the key to Moscow. 7. The battle of Borodino was the greatest battle in the war of 1812. Let Us Talk Say why the Russian people called Smglensk the “kev city”. Have you read any Russian books abcut the war gf 1812? Have you heard anything about this war? What ether fameus pecpie from this time can you remember? What can you sav about them? Tell vour classmates everything you know about the war of 1812. village ['vilicfe] — деревня '0 Let^Us^ Write Do Exercise 7 in writing. Write down everything you know about the war against Napoleon in 1812. Learn how to write the new words. wctH> to wm (woi^y won)y cxQa\v\s\/ battle^ to dley to Ullly victo»*y Lesson 56 Let Us Learn © Look at the pictures and sav what the objects are made of. Example ^ The box is made of silver. Му Country © Say when different cities and towns were founded. (Exercise 5. Lesson 55 can help you.) ® Make UP true sentences using the chart. The Great Patriotic War 1941. The war against Napoleon began in 1939. The 1st World War 1914. The 2nd World War 1812. Have vou seen the oooular Russian cartoon “Cheburashka”? Do vou remember the old woman Shapoklyak? Say what animals she disliked (was against). ► Example § She was against cats. © Remember the sports/aames (football, basketball, volleyball, chess, badminton) vour class (schooh took part in. Sav who won. © Say when the battle of Borodino was. Who won the battle? There were three important battles during the Great Patriotic War. Sav when they were. The battle of Moscow/1941 The battle of Stalingrad/1942-1943 The battle of Kursk/1943 © Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. [qIq] 98. © Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as vou can. [9u]sold, soul [soull, a soul — souls, a noble soul, a kind soul. The man has no soul. He was the soul of the army. Many people believe that a person’s soul never dies. [a:] hard, heart [ha:t], a heart — hearts, a heart of gold, a kind heart. When a man’s heart stops beating, he dies. He put his heart and soul into his work. The boy spoke from his heart when he thanked us for his present. [i] it, hospitable ['hospitabl], hospitable — more hospitable — the most hospitable. A hospitable woman, hospitable people. Hospitable people always make you feel comfortable. [lal near, real [гю1], real gold, a real man, a real story. These flowers are real, not plastic I'plaestik]. Is this real gold? really ['nail]. They are really good friends. What do you really think about it? I really like it very much. JO) Express vour surprise. Use the example. Pj\ I’m going to Australia at the end of the Example ) week. P2. Oh, really? 1. I’ve bought a new car. 2. I saw Michael Jackson yesterday. 3. We won the last football game. 4. My younger brother is a very brave boy. 5. My uncle is a hunter. He killed a tiger last winter. 6. My cousin won the race and got a gold medal. Sav why Mr Brown is a real man. The words can help vou. ) Example к Mr Brown is brave and noble. He is a real man. strong honest devoted clever kind proud truthful 12) Sav whp is hospitable (very hospitable) in your familv/in vour friend’s family. f Example \ My granny is very hospitable. Му Country Remember the last birthday party or any other party vou were at. Sav when it was and name the person who was the heart and soul of the party. @ From fairy tales and other stories that vou have read, name the characters, who have kind hearts. Example ) Heidi had a heart of gold. Beatrix Potter loved animals very much, had a very kind heart. She Let Us Read and Learn Enjoy vour English and sing the song “Which Land Is the Best?”, [ojo] 99. part III. jO WMCff tANV IS THE BEST? ^ HI In my land, the grass is green. In my land, it is greener. In my land, it’s the greenest of all. In my land, it is peaceful. In my land, it’s more peaceful. In my land, it’s the most peaceful of all. Chorus: My country, your country, travel east or west. If north is good and south is better, which place is the best? My country, your country, travel east or west. Learn to live with one another... One world is the best. One world is the best. г Let Us Read Have you ever heard the names of Suvorov and Kutuzov? We are sure you have. Read the text to get some more information about these wonderful people. RUSSIAN GENERALS All Russian people know the names, Alexander Suvorov and Michael Kutuzov. They are two famous generals ['chenaralzj. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was born in 1729. He was a noble, honest man, devoted to his country and his people. Suvorov took part in many wars. He had a lot of victories because he knew army life very well. Suvorov was not a kind general, but he had a kind heart. He loved his soldiers and they loved him. His soldiers were never hungry and his officers took care of the soldiers, though certainly their life was not at all easy. Suvorov taught his soldiers and officers to be brave; he taught them to win in the battles against the enemy. His soldiers were never afraid of the enemy, even when the enemy was very strong. Michael Kutuzov was Suvorov’s pupil. He was born in 1745 in St Petersburg. His father was an engineer in the Russian army. Little Michael was a kind, clever boy. Their family was very hospitable. Michael had a lot of friends and was an excellent pupil. He was good at maths, and knew many foreign languages. When he became an officer he took part in many battles. He was a brave and honest officer. Kutuzov believed in Russian soldiers. He taught them the art of winning. When Kutuzov was forty-five years old he became a general. During the war of 1812 Kutuzov fought a lot of battles. He was an old man by then, but he won Му Country practically all of them. The famous battle of Borodino was the first Russian victory in that war. After that it took Kutuzov only three months to win the war completely. Napoleon ran away from Russia. Russia again became free and independent. Ask ten questions on the text and let your classmates answer them. Let Us Talk Sav all you know about A. V. Suvorov. Say all you know about M. I. Kutuzov. Do you know any other Russian generals? What can you tell vour classmates about them? 0 Let Us Write @ Write 10 questions on the text of Exercise 16. Write a few words about any Russian general. l) Learn how to write the new words. Listening Comprehension Lesson, [°I°] 100 I Lesson 18 for Home Reading г Lesson 57 Review 8 6 0 Let Us Talk © What American symbols do vou know? Have we got any special symbols in Russia? What are they? © Compare eyeryday life in America and in Russia. © What do you know about Russian capitals? ^)why do people say that Russia is a rich country? © You haye come to a small town in the north of Canada. Your host and hostess haye neyer been to Russia. They ask you to tell them about: 1 Moscow; 2 St Petersburg; 3 the war of 1812; 4 the Russian people and their country. What will you tell them? Let Us Read © Choose and read as quickly as you can the words and word combinations referring to the topic “War”. kill, fresh air, separate, protect, a battle, mountains, strong enemy, a bank of the river, a war, a victory, a birch tree, an honest general, an army, noble officers, hospitable Read the text “Russian People” and say what and who Russia is famous for. msm PEOPLE Russia is a rich country. It is rich in forests and mountains, rivers and lakes. There are many important cities, factories and industrial [in'dAstriol] plants^ all over the country. plant [plaint] — завод 1 Му Country There are a lot of wonderful things in Russia. But it is true to say that Russia is most famous for its people. Whoever comes to Russia always finds wonderful people who live in different cities, settlements and villages. Russian people are talented [haebntid]. We can name many of those who are well-known all over the world. In America and Australia, in Europe and Asia, people read novels by Anton Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy, Feodor Dostoevsky. You can see plays by Chekhov in New York and Paris, in London and Delhi ['deli]. People on many different continents listen to beautiful music by Peter Tchaikovsky and Michael Glinka. Russian people have made a lot of discoveries in different fields of science 1 and industry ['indsstri], medicine ['medsin] and culture ['клк/э]. People all over the world know the names of Yuri Gagarin (the first Russian cosmonaut) and other Russian cosmonauts, as well as the name of Sergei Korolyov. Russia has many brilliant pilots and workers, teachers and dancers, engineers and doctors. In fact there are excellent specialists in every field. When foreign guests leave Russia they usually say different things about the country. Some of them like it, others do not. They often criticize ['kritisaiz] many things in Russia. But practically everybody says that Russian people are wonderful. They are open, kind and very hospitable. Let’s hope that our new life won’t change the heart and soul of our people. ® Ask each other questions on the text “Russian People”. Give a short summary of the text. Let Us Write Write all you want and know about Russia and its people. Ш Lessons 19, 20 for Home Reading science ['saians] — наука Reference Grammar^ A. Грамматический справочник THE NOUN (Имя существительное) Как вы уже знаете, особенностью английских существительных является использование с ними артиклей (определенного и неопределенного). § 1. Определенный артикль употребляется с именами существительными, обозначающими: горы (горные цепи): the Urals, the Alps; океаны: the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean; моря: the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea; реки: the Volga, the Thames; озера: the Baikal, the Sevan. Однако если перед названием озера стоит само слово lake, артикль отсутствует: Lake Baikal. § 2. Без артикля употребляются названия: континентов: Europe, Asia, Central America, Africa; стран: Russia, England, Spain (но the USA); городов: Paris, London, Madrid, Moscow; площадей: Red Square, Trafalgar Square; улиц: Broadway, Tver(skaya) Street; парков: Hyde Park, Gorky Park. § 3. C определенным артиклем используются названия: театров: the Bolshoi Theatre, the Malyi Theatre; кинотеатров: the “Odeon”, the “Pushkinskii”; музеев: the Pushkin Museum, the British Museum; картинных галерей: the Metropolitan, the National Gallery; гостиниц: the Embassy Hotel, the Metropole Hotel. ' Справочник содержит новый грамматический материал, используемый в учебнике 4 класса. Основные первоначальные сведения об имени существительном, глаголе и т. д. смотри в соответствующем разделе учебника 3 класса. § 4. Названия месяцев и дней недели обычно употребляются без артикля: in January, in April, on Tuesday, last Friday. § 5. C именами существительными bed, church, school, town, hospital, work артикль не употребляется в сочетаниях; to go to school, to go to bed, to go to church, to go to hospital, to be in hospital, to go to work, to be in town, to be out of town. § 6. Неопределенный артикль употребляется с именами существительными в следующих выражениях: in а hurry, in а quiet voice, in a sad voice. § 7. C именами существительными advice, work, weather, information, news, money неопределенный артикль не употребляется: It is good advice. It is bad news. It is important work. Сказуемое в предложениях, где подлежащим является одно из этих существительных, всегда стоит в единственном числе. The news is bad. — Новости плохие. The money is on the table. — Деньги на столе. § 8. Имена существительные police (полиция), clothes (одежда), potatoes (картофель), carrots (морковь) сочетаются с глаголом во множественном числе. The police were in the street. — Полиция была на улице. The potatoes are on the plate. — Картофель на тарелке. There were many carrots in the fridge. — В холодильнике было много моркови. The clothes are in the wardrobe. — Одежда в ткафу. § 9. Имена существительные в современном английском языке могут быть образованы тремя способами: 1 К корню добавляется суффикс. Так, например, образуются слова, обозначающие профессии людей: read + -ег = reader; sail + -or = sailor 2 Слово пищется и произносится, как и раньще; его форма не меняется, но обозначает оно уже нечто совсем иное, чем первоначальное слово. N to make (делать) а таке (марка изделия) to find (находить) а find (находка) 3 Из двух основ «складывается» новое существительное: sea + man = seaman milk + man = milkman bed + room = bedroom black + board = blackboard THE AVJECTIVE (Имя прилагательное) Имена прилагательные в английском языке бывают качественные, имеющие степени сравнения, и относительные (golden, wooden, silver). § 10. К особым случаям образования степеней сравнения относятся прилагательные; good — better — (the) best bad — worse — (the) worst little — less — (the) least few — fewer — (the) fewest older — (the) oldest ^elder—(the) eldest (o родственниках) My elder sister is 16. His eldest brother is an officer. Ho: She is older than her brother. § 11. В современном английском языке имена прилагательные могут образовываться теми же способами словообразования, что и существительные. Н 1 sun + -у = sunny poet + -ic = poetic colour + -ful = colourful un- + kind = unkind s -ful un- rain + -y = rainj theme + -ic = thematic wonder + -ful = wonderful un- + happy = unhappy N - Adj silver (серебро) silver (серебряный) metal (металл) metal (металлический) gold (золото) gold (сделанный из золота, золотой) apple (яблоко) apple (яблочный) black + and + white = black-and-white (film) § 12. Much/many. Much — много, означает большое количество и определяет только неисчисляемые имена существительные, обычно в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях. I haven’t much time today. Is there much milk in the fridge? Many — определяет только исчисляемые имена существительные (также обычно в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях). Не hasn’t many friends here. Are there many sweets on the plate? В утвердительных предложениях и в том и в другом случае чаще употребляется сочетание а lot of (lots оО. There are a lot of books at home. There is a lot of water in the glass. There are lots of flowers here. Степени сравнения: many/niuch — more — (the) most. § 13. Little/few. Little — мало, означая малое количество, используется с неисчисляемыми именами существительными. We have very little meat. Few — мало, обозначает малое количество, употребляется только с исчисляемыми именами существительными. There are few flowers in the garden, so don’t pick any! § 14. И little, и few обозначают недостаточное количество и имеют отрицательный оттенок. There is little time left. (We’ll miss the train.) There are too few potatoes. (I can’t make a salad.) A little и a few, напротив, имея положительную характеристику, указывают на наличие какого-то количества (немного, но все-таки есть, есть, хотя и немного). При этом а little сочетается с неисчисляемыми именами существительными, а а few — с исчисляемыми. There are а few potatoes at home, so I can let you have some. There is a little tea left in the pot, so you may have another cup. THE PRONOUN (Местоимение) § 15. Для обозначения некоторого количества в утвердительных предложениях используется неопределенное местоимение some, при этом оно сочетается как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми именами существительными. I have got some books at home. He has got some meat in the fridge. В отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях some заменяется на any. Have you got any books at home? Has he got any meat in the fridge? There aren’t any books at home. There isn’t any meat in the fridge. THE VERB (Тлагол) в отличие от русского языка, английский язык располагает целой системой времен. Для описания действий, происходивших в*- прошлом, могут быть использованы различные времена. § 16. Past indefinite (прошедшее неопределенное время). С этим временем вы уже познакомились в 3 классе. Оно употребляется, если известно, когда, а часто и где произошло действие в прошлом, и оно не связано с настоящим моментом, то есть сигналами past indefinite являются слова when, where. I saw him yesterday. We lived in the country last summer. They bought a car 3 years ago. Слова yesterday, last, last night (year, month, week), a year ago и т. д. являются указателями на это время. § 17. Present perfect (настоящее совершенное время). Это одно из самых сложных времен английского языка. Оно как бы соединяет в себе уже знакомые вам настоящее и прошедшее времена. Действие произошло в прошлом {когда, мы не знаем, нам это неважно), а результат этого действия проявляется в настоящем. я разбила чашку. (Действие произошло в прошлом. Когда — неизвестно.) [ Чашка разбита. (Результат: чашки нет, есть осколки, чашка разбита.) Образуется present perfect при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have (have/has) и причастия второго основного глагола (III форма глагола). Для так называемых правильных глаголов эта форма совпадает с формой прошедшего времени. [d] play — played — played [t] look — looked — looked fidl count — counted — counted Я сыграл в эту игру. — I have played this game. Oh просмотрел журнал. — He has looked through the magazine. Мы сосчитали от 1 до 10.—We have counted from 1 to 10. У неправильных глаголов эту форму нужно запомнить. Она помещена в таблице неправильных глаголов. I have written the letter. He has read the book. We have understood the rule. В отрицательных предложениях вспомогательный глагол to have употребляется с частицей not. I have not (haven’t) sent the letter. He has not (hasn’t) done it. We have not (haven’t) drunk the water. В вопросительных предложениях глагол have (has) ставится перед подлежащим. Have you been to Moscow? What has he seen? Have they heard this song? В английском языке целый ряд слов указывает на то, что в предложении должно употребляться именно это время. Это наречия already, just, yet, ever, never. Они обычно (но далеко не всегда!) употребляются в предложениях с present perfect. Сравни; I never drink milk for breakfast. He has never drunk milk. I am never late. I have never been late. Наречия неопределенного времени обычно стоят перед основным глаголом. I have already read this book. He has never been to Paris. Have you ever played chess? Следует обратить особое внимание на перевод неопределенного наречия уже на английский язык. В утвердительных предложениях это already. They have already helped her. — Они уже помогли ей. В вопросительных предложениях это yet, которое ставится в конце вопроса. Have you been there vet? — Ты уже бывал там? Has he spoken to mother vet? — Он уже поговорил с мамой? В отрицательных предложениях yet переводится еще не... We haven’t had coffee yet- — Мы еще не пили кофе. Не hasn’t eaten his lunch yet. — Он еще не съел второй завтрак. Как уже указывалось выше, present perfect не употребляется, если в предложении есть указание на то, когда в прошлом произошло действие. В этих случаях в английском языке следует употреблять простое прошедшее время. Сравни; 1 have seen this film. I saw it yesterday. We have done it. We did it 3 hours ago. They have written the letter. They wrote it last night. Типичны разговорные ситуации следующего образца: — Have you been to Moscow? (Ты имеешь представление об этом городе? Л когда ты там был, неважно.) — Yes, I have. — When were you there? (Спрашивающего интересует время в прошлом, когда это было.) — I was there last summer. Однако с указателями this week, this month, this year употребляется present perfect. I haven’t seen him this week. — Я его не видела на этой неделе (неделя еще не закончена). Не has been to London this year. — Он был в Лондоне в этом году (год не завершен). И в первом, и во втором случае есть связь с настоящим. Особенно следует оговорить употребление предлога to в предложениях с глаголом to be. Сравни: Have you ever been to Paris? —Ты был в Париже? We have never been to this museum. — Мы никогда не были в этом музее. I haven’t been to America yet. — Я еще не бывал в Америке. Present perfect употребляется также, когда в предложении описывается действие, которое произошло в прошлом и до сих пор (то есть в настоящий момент, момент говорения) продолжается. Это типично в основном для глаголов to be, to know, to have. Ha русский язык подобные предложения переводятся настоящим временем. I have been here for 3 days. — Я здесь уже три дня. (Я нахожусь здесь 3 дня.) We have known each other since 1990.— Мы знаем друг друга с 1990 года. Не has had this book for years. — Эта книга у него многие годы. (Он имеет эту книгу уже многие годы.) Формальными показателями времени в этом случае являются предлоги since и for. § 18. Для выражения действия в будущем очень часто употребляется оборот to be going to — собираться сделать что-то. Гт going to leam French. — Я собираюсь учить французский. Is it going to rain? — Собирается дождь? We are not going to see him today. — Мы не увидим его сегодня. § 19. Модальные глаголы. 1 Must (to have to). Долженствование в английском языке передает обычно глагол must. Однако предложения с must звучат крайне категорично и употребляются в основном тогда, когда выполнение действия рассматривается как своеобразный долг, или в отрицательных предложениях как категорический запрет. I must help her. — Я должен помочь ей. (Это моя обязанность.) You mustn’t smoke in bed! —Ты не должен курить в постели! (Я запрещаю тебе курить.) 7 Английский язык. 4 кл. Часть 2 в реальной речи вместо must часто употребляется оборот to have to do smth — быть вынужденным сделать что-то (нужно, приходится). 1 have to go home. — Я должна идти домой. (Меня вынуждают обстоятельства.) Do you have to come back? — Ты должен возвращаться? She doesn’t have to come early. — Она не должна приходить рано. В прошедшем времени глагол must практически не употребляется. Вместо него используется прошедшее время его эквивалента to have to. 1 had to visit my granny. — Мне нужно было (я должен был) навестить бабушку. Did you have to phone him? —Ты должен был позвонить ему? Не didn’t have to work late. — Он не должен был работать допоздна. 2 Сап (could); to be able to. Для выражения возможности и умения что-то сделать в будущем употребляется эквивалент глагола сап — to be able to. 1 shall be able to come early. — Я смогу прийти рано. Не won’t be able to arrive at 7. — Он не сможет прибыть в 7. Will they be able to do it? — Они смогут это сделать? 3 May (might). Для выражения разрешения, а также для того, чтобы его получить, используется глагол may. You may stay here till 5.— Ты можешь остаться здесь до 5. May 1 go there? — Можно мне пойти туда? Ответы на вопросы May I ...? могут быть положительными: Yes, you may. (Do, please.) — или отрицательными. При этом мягкий запрет звучит примерно так: Гт afraid not, а категоричный: No, you mustn’t. В обоих случаях обычно объясняется причина запрета. May I go there? — No, you mustn’t. You are ill. § 20. Словообразование. Глаголы в английском языке образуются теми же основными способами, что и имена существительные и прилагательные (см. § 9, 11). Однако наиболее часто встречаются первые два. 1 dis- dis- + like = dislike dis- + agree = disagree V water ^ to water (поливать) place — to place (размещать) colour to colour (раскрашивать) Adj^ V warm ^ to warm (подогревать) cool —»to cool (охлаждать) § 21. Образование вопросов. Обычно выделяют 5 типов вопросов. 1 Общий (general questions). © Is he a boy? Do you live here? Did he go there? Have you done it? Was he playing chess? Can you do it? Yes, he is. Yes, I do. Yes, he did. Yes, I have. Yes, he was. Yes, I can. 0 No, he isn’t. No, 1 don’t. No, he didn’t. No, I haven’t. No, he wasn’t. No, I can’t. 2 Альтернативный (alternative questions). — Is he in Paris or (is he) in Madrid? — He is in Paris. — Does he like apples or (does he like) oranges? — He likes oranges. — Did you get a newspaper or (did you get) a magazine? — 1 got a magazine. — Has she been to Spain or (has she been) to France? — She has been to Spain. — Was he selling potatoes or (was he selling) carrots? — He was selling carrots. — Can you ski or (can you) skate? — 1 can skate. 3 Разделительный (disjunctive questions, tag questions). 0 0 © He is at home, isn’t he? We like sweets, don’t we? They spoke quietly, didn’t they? She has built a house, hasn’t she? He can do it, can’t he? He isn’t here, is he? We don’t know him, do we? They didn’t run fast, did they? He hasn’t got it, has he? He can’t do it, can he? 4 Специальный (special questions). Специальные вопросы начинаются со специальных вопросительных слов; Whom, What, Where, When, Why, Which, Whose, How, How well. How long. How often, How much. How many. Where is the house? How do you get there? When did he come back? What has he done? What was he reading? How long can he stay here? It is on the hill. 1 get there by bus. He came back late. He has bought a car. He was reading a book. He can stay here for 2 days. 5 Вопрос к подлежащему (questions to the subject). Who is at home? Who lives in this flat? Who went to the park yesterday? Who has bought milk? Who can win? What has happened? We are. (I am. He is.) We do. (I do. He does.) We did. (I did. He did.) We have. (I have. He has.) Anybody can. Nothing has. В вопросе к подлежащему глагол-сказуемое стоит всегда в единственном числе после вопросительного слова. '/ I Wg/ish-Russian л Англо'русский словарь adj — adjective — прилагательное adv — adverb — наречие con] — conjunction — союз inter] — interjection — междометие n — noun — существительное Aa a (an) [э]; [эп] артикль abbey ['aebi] аббатство about [э'Ьат] о according*' [s'koidip] согласно, соответственно across* [o'kros] через act out* ['aekt 'aut] разыграть no ролям action* ['aek/nj действие activity* [ak'tivoti] деятельность, активность actor ['aekta] актер address [a'dres] адрес admiral* ['aedmaral] адмирал advice [ad'vais] n совет to ask for advice просить совета to follow the advice следовать совету to take advice воспользоваться советом It is good advice. Это хороший совет. пит — numeral — числительное prep — preposition — предлог pron — pronoun — местоимение V — verb — глагол advise 51 [ad'vaiz] v советовать afraid 27 [a'freid] испуганный to be afraid of smb/smth бояться кого-то/чего-то Africa ['aefrika] Африка afternoon [,а:йэ'пи;п] полдень, время после полудня in the afternoon днем again* [э'деп] снова against 55 [o'genst] против to be against smth быть против чего-то age [с1ф] возраст air [еэ] воздух airport 32 ['еэрэт] аэропорт Alaska [o'laeska] Аляска all [о;1] весь, все all day long целый день alone [э'Ьип] один along 46 [э'1оо] вдоль aloud* [o'laud] вслух alphabet* ['aelfobet] алфавит already 26 [э:Ггеб1] уже also 40 ['d:1s3u] также, тоже always ['o:lw9z] всегда America [э'тепкэ] Америка ' Слова, отмеченные звездочкой (*), не входят в лексический минимум 4 класса. 2 Цифра, стоящая после слова, обозначает номер урока, где слово встречается впервые. Central America Центральная Америка North America Северная Америка South America Южная Америка American 44 [э'тепкэп] американский and [aend] и animal I'aenirnol] животное announcer* [э'паипзэ] диктор another [э'плдэ] другой answer ['ainsa] п ответ; v отвечать Antarctica [aen'ta;ktik3] Антаркти- ка antonym* ['aentaunim] антоним any ['em] какой-нибудь anybody I'enibodi] кто-нибудь anything ['em0ip] что-нибудь apartment* [a'pQdmantj квартира (амер.) appear 44 [a'piaj появляться appetite* ['aepitaitj аппетит applause* [a'pbiz] аплодисменты apple ['aeplj яблоко April ['eipralj апрель architect 29 ['a:kitekt] архитектор (the) Arctic Ocean [(6i) ,a:ktik 'aufn] Северный Ледовитый океан arm [a:m] рука (от ладони до плеча) armchair ['aimtjea] кресло army 55 ['a:mi] армия to be in the army служить в армии to go into the army пойти в армию to join the army пойти в армию around [a'raund] вокруг arrange* [э'гетф] располагать arrive at (in) 34 [o'raivj прибывать в art(s) 11 [a:t] искусство as [aez, sz] потому что, в то время как Asia ['eijaj Азия ask 48 [a:sk] спрашивать, просить, приглашать to ask for smth просить что-то at [set] у, около at first сначала attack* [s'tsek] атаковать, нападать attentively* [o'tentivli] внимательно audience 38 ['oidians] аудитория, зрители August ['o:g3st] август aunt [a:nt] тетя automobile* ['эТэтэЬ1;1] автомобиль autumn ['эДэт] осень Bb baby ['beibi] ребенок до года, младенец back 18 [bask] n задняя часть чего-то; adv сзади, назад to be in the back располагаться в задней части bacon ['beikan] бекон bad (worse, the worst) [baed] ([w3:s, дэ 'w3:st]) плохой (хуже, самый плохой) badge 37 [baecfe] значок badminton ['bsedmmton] бадминтон bag [baeg] сумка, портфель balance* ['basbns] баланс, пропорция balcony* ['baelksni] балкон ball [bo;l] мяч ballet ['baelei] балет (the) Baltic Sea ](бэ) ,bo:ltik 'si;] Балтийское море bank 53 ]baer)k] берег (реки, озера) baseball* ['beisbo:!] бейсбол basketball ['ba:skitbo:l] баскетбол bathroom 17 ]'ba:0rum] ванная battle 55 ['bsetl] битва, сражение be (am, is, are) [bi:] быть, находиться ш О) to be able to 48 быть в состоянии делать to be going to 20 собираться to be lost 24 потеряться to be on at the cinema 24 идти в кино What’s on at the “Pushkinskii”? Что идет в «Пушкинском»? What’s on TV? Что по телевизору? bear [Ьеэ] медведь because (bi'koz) потому что become 27 [bi'kAmJ становиться bed [bed] кровать to go to bed ложиться спать bedroom 18 ['bedrum] спальня before [biTo:] до, перед begin* (bi'ginj начинать beginning* [bi'ginip] начало behind 17 [bi'haind] за, сзади believe 22 [bi'li:vj верить, полагать I can’t believe my eyes! He могу поверить своим глазам! bell 28 [bel] колокол, звонок below* [bi'bu] внизу, ниже besides 39 [bi'saidz] кроме того (the) best |(дэ) best] самый лучший better I'betoj лучше, лучший between 53 [bi'twiin] между (the) Bible* ](дэ) 'baiblj Библия big [big] большой birch 53 [b3:tj] береза bird fb3:d] птица birthday ]'b3:0dei] день рождения Happy birthday to ...! C днем рождения ...I black [blaek] черный black-and-white (film) ['blaek and 'wait] черно-белый (фильм) blackboard 12 ['blaekboid] школьная доска block [bink] квартал to walk two blocks 24 пройти два квартала blouse [blauz] блузка blue [blu:[ голубой, синий boaster* ['baustaj хвастун body ['bodi] тело book [buk] книга bookcase 12 ['bukkeis] книжный шкаф boot [bu:t] ботинок boring 41 ['ba;nr)[ скучный born 40 [ba:n] рожденный to be born родиться boss [bos] босс, начальник box [boks] коробка, яшик boy [bai] мальчик bracket* ['braekit] скобка given in the brackets данные в скобках brave 53 [breiv] храбрый bravery 53 ['breivari] храбрость bread [bred] хлеб breakfast ['brekfastj завтрак to have for breakfast на завтрак bridge 21 [Ьпф] мост bright [brait] яркий bring [brip] приносить bronze* [bmnz] бронзовый brother ['Ьглбэ] брат brown [braun] коричневый brush up* ['brAj 'лр] освежать в памяти build 26 [bild] строить builder 26 ['bildo] строитель building 26 ['bildipl здание burglar ('Ьз;д1э] вор, грабитель burn 27 [Ьз:п[ гореть bus 31 [bAs] автобус by bus автобусом number 7 bus автобус номер 7 bus stop 31 ]'bAS 'stop] автобусная остановка at the bus stop на остановке автобуса business ['biznis] дело, занятие, business class первый класс (в самолете) busy ['bizi] 1) занятой; 2) оживленный but [bAt] HO butter ['bAta] масло (сливочное) buy [bai] покупать by Ibai] y, около by heart* наизусть by the way 13 между прочим bye (bye-bye) [bai] (['bai'bai]) пока Cc California* [ДаеЬ'Гэ.шэ] Калифорния call [кэ;1] 1) звать; 2) звонить (по телефону) сап (could) [каеп] ([kud]) мочь, могу Could I have ...? Не мог бы я ...? Canada ['kaenada] Канада canal* [ka'nael] канал candy* ['kasndi] конфета (амер.) cap [каер] кепка, шапка capital 28 ['kaspitl] столица Capitol* ['kaepitl] Капитолий car 18 [ко:] машина by car машиной care 39 [кеа] забота to take care of smb/smth заботиться о ком-то/о чем-то carpet 14 ['ka;pit] ковер carrot (carrots) ['kaerat] морковка (морковь) cartoon 39 [ka:'tu:n) мультфильм (the) Caspian Sea* [(da) ,kasspian 'si:] Каспийское море catch [kaetn поймать, схватить to catch a plane (train) успеть на самолет (поезд) category* ['kaetagan] категория celebrate ['selibreit] праздновать celebration 37 [,8е11'Ьге1/п] празднование cent* [sent] цент central* ['sentral] центральный centre* ['senta] центр century 27 ['sentfari] век ceremony* ['serimani] церемония certain* ['ss;tn] определенный, некоторый certainly ['ssitnli] конечно champion ['tfaempian] чемпион change [tfeincfe] 1) менять; 2) делать пересадку Where do we change? Где мы пересаживаемся? to change over поменяться ролями character* ['kaerakta] герой (книги, фильма) chart* [tja:t] таблица cheap [tfi:p] дешевый check* [tjeic] проверять Chicago* [jrka:gao] Чикаго child (children) [tfaild] (['t/ildran]) ребенок (дети) chimney* ['tfimnij труба China* ['tjaina] Китай choose* [tju:z] выбирать Christian* ['knstian] христианин Christmas ['krismas] Рождество chronicle* ['kronikal] летопись church 24 [tj3:t4 церковь cinema 24 ['sinama] 1) кино; 2) кинотеатр cinema-goer 39 ['sinama'gaua] любитель кино circle* ['s3:kl] обводить кругом city 24 ['siti] большой город class 10 [kla:s] класс after classes после занятий before classes до занятий in class в классе business class 34 ['bizms klois] первый класс (о билете на самолет) tourist class 34 ['tuarist kla:s] второй класс (о билете на самолет) classroom ['kJa:srum] классная комната, класс clean [kliin] adj чистый; v чистить, убирать clever ['kleva] умный close [idauz] закрывать clothes [kbudzj одежда club* [kUb] клуб coat fkaut] пальто, пиджак coffee ['kofi] кофе coin 37 [koin] монета cold [kauld] холодный collect 37 [ka'lekt] собирать, коллекционировать collection 37 [ks'lek/n] коллекция collector 37 [ks'lekts] коллекционер colonist ['kobnist] колонист, житель колонии colony ['kobni] колония colour ['кл1э] цвет colour film ['кл1э 'film] цветной фильм coloured [/кл1эс1] раскрашенный colourful 45 ['кл1эГи1] красочный, яркий column* ['ко1эт] колонка combination* [,kDmbi'neiJn] сочетание, комбинация соте [клт] приходить Соте and see me some day. 17 Заходи ко мне как-нибудь, to come back возвращаться to come from 1) быть родом; 2) приходить из/с to come home приходить домой comedy* ['komadi] комедия comfortable 10 ['kAmfotabI] удобный compare* [kam'pea] сравнивать complaint* [kam'pleintj жалоба complete* [кэт'рИт] заканчивать compose* [kam'pauz] сочинять, составлять compound* [kam'paund] сложное слово computer [kam'pjuita] компьютер concert I'konsat] концерт conference* ['konfarans] конференция continent I'kontmant] континент continental [,kmiti'nentl] относящийся к материку conversation* [,kDnva'seiJn] беседа cooker 21 I'kuka] плита copy out* ['kopi 'aut] списывать, переписывать corner 20 ['ko:na] угол in the corner в углу correct* [ka'rekt] правильный correctly* [ka'rektli] правильно corresponding* [,kon'spDndio] соответствующий cosmonaut ['kozmanait] космонавт count 13 [kaunt] считать cowboy ['kaubai] ковбой create 40 [krir'eit] создавать critic ['kritik] критик criticize* ['kntisaiz] критиковать crocodile 3 ['krokadail) крокодил crossword* ['kn)sw3:dj кроссворд cry 32 [krai] 1) плакать; 2) кричать to cry for help звать на помощь Cuba 43 ]'kju:ba] Куба culture* ['kAltfaj культура cup [kAp] чашка cupboard 22 ['kAbad] буфет, кухонный шкаф, полка curtain 20 ['кзДп] занавес Dd danger 45 [Мешфэ] опасность in danger в опасности out of danger вне опасности dangerous 48 f'demcfearos] опасный dark 27 [da:k] темный It is getting dark. Темнеет, daughter f'daita] дочь day [del] день day off выходной день dead* [ded] мертвый dear 4 [dia] дорогой Oh dear! 18 О боже! Боже мой! December [di'semba] декабрь decide 38 [di'said] решать decorate ['deksreitj украшать decoration 37 [,dek9'reijnj украшение decorator 37 ['dekoreito] декоратор defend* [di'fend] зашишать Delhi ['delij Дели democratic* [,derri9'kraetikl демократический denote* [di'nsut] обозначать dentist* ['dentist] зубной врач depend 47 [di'pend] зависеть to depend on smb/smth зависеть от кого-то/чего-то describe 21 [di'skraib] описывать desk [desk] парта at the desk за партой detective (fdm) ]di'tektiv] детектив devoted to smb 53 ]di'vautid] преданный кому-то dialogue* ['daialng] диалог diary ['daiari] дневник die 55 [dai] умирать differ* ['difs] отличаться difference* ['difrsns] отличие different ['difrant] различный difficult 14 ['difikalt] трудный dime* [daim] монета в 10 центов dining room 19 ['dainir) rum] столовая (в доме) dinner ]'din9] обед to have for dinner на обед dirty ['dsiti] грязный discover 43 [di'skAva] открывать discoverer 43 [di'skAvara] первооткрыватель discovery 43 [di'skAvari] открытие discuss* ]di'skAs] обсуждать dislike* [dis'laik] не любить divide* [di'vaid] делить do [du:] делать doctor ['dnkta] врач documentary (film) 39 [,dnkju-'mentari] документальный фильм dolphin* ['dnlfin] дельфин door 11 [do:] дверь doubt* [daut] сомнение down ]daun] вниз downstairs 19 ],daun'stc9z] внизу, вниз draw [dro:] рисовать dress [dres] n платье, одежда; v одеваться drink ]drii3k] пить driver I'drarva] водитель Ее each 50 [i:t/] каждый each other друг друга ear [i9] yxo earth [з;0] земля east [i:st] восток easy ['i:zi] легкий eat [i:t] есть egg [eg] яйцо elephant ['elifont] слон else [els] еще what else что еще where else где/куда еще who else кто еще emblem* ['embbm] эмблема emperor* ['етр9Г9] император empty 47 I'empti] пустой end [end] n конец; 40 v заканчивать at the end в конце up to the end до конца enemy 53 ['enomi] враг engineer [,епф'п19] инженер England ['igglond] Англия English ['igglij] английский enjoy [in'cfeoii получать удовольствие, хорошо проводить время Europe 53 ['juarapi Европа European [Juara'pian] европейский evening ['irvnipl вечер in the evening вечером on Monday evening в понедельник вечером ever 26 ['evaj когда-нибудь everybody ['evribodi] каждый everything ['evriGir)] всё excellent 31 ['eksabnt] отличный excuse [ik'skju:z] извинять Excuse me. Извините, exercise I'eksasaiz] упражнение to do exercises делать упражнения exercise book 10 ['eksasaiz ,buk| тетрадь expensive [ik'spensivj дорогой, стоящий дорого explain to smb |ik'splein] объяснять кому-то express* |ik'spres| выражать extra I'ekstraJ дополнительный face [feis] лицо to face 45 повернуться лицом fact (faekt] факт fairy tablecloth* скатерть-самобранка fairy tale ['fean teil] сказка false* [foils] неверный family ['faemilij семья famous for smth 15 ['feimosj известный чем-то fantastic 31 [fon'taestik] потрясающий far [fa:I далекий far from 17 далеко от (the) Far East* [(бэ) ,fa:r 'i:stj Дальний Восток faraway ['fairoweij отдаленный, дальний farm [fa:mj n ферма; 44 v обрабатывать землю fast 32 [fa:st] adj быстрый; adv быстро father [Та:бэ] отец favourite ['feivoritj любимый feature (film) 39 ['fl:t/o] художественный фильм February ['februori[ февраль feel 34 [fl:lj чувствовать to feel bad чувствовать себя плохо to feel like doing smth иметь желание что-то сделать festival* ['festivl] фестиваль few 39 [fju:j несколько a few 39 [э 'fju:j мало fewer ['Quioj меньше fiction 41 I'fik/n] художественная литература field [fi:ld] 1) поле; 2) отрасль fight 47 [fait] n драка, сражение; V драться, сражаться to have a fight сражаться to fight against smb сражаться против кого-то to fight for smth сражаться за что-то fill in* ['fil 'in] вставить, заполнить пропуск film 39 [film] фильм historical film [hi'stDrik(3)l] исторический фильм find 32 [faind] найти find out* ['faind 'aut] найти (выяснить) fine [fain] прекрасный, хороший finger ['fipgs] палец (руки) finish ['finij] V заканчивать fire 19 ['faia] 1) огонь; 2) камин; 3) пожар fireman ['faiaman] пожарный fireplace 19 ['faiapleis] камин fish [fij] n рыба; 45 v ловить рыбу fisherman 43 ['fijsmsn] рыбак flat 20 [flaet] квартира flight 34 fflait] полет, рейс floor 12 [Пэ:] 1) пол; 2) этаж on the ground floor на первом этаже flour* ['Паиэ] мука flower 17 ['йаиэ] цветок fly 32 [flai] летать to fly east (west) лететь на восток (запад) follow* I'fDbu] следовать following* t'fbbuip] следующий fond 37 [fond] любящий to be fond of smth любить что-то to be fond of doing smth любить делать что-то food [fu:d] пища, еда foolish* ['fu:lij] гдупый foot (feet) [fut] (tfi:t]) нога; ступня (ноги) to go on foot 33 идти пещком football ['futboil] футбол forest ['foristl лес forget 33 [fa'get] забывать form [fo:m] n форма; v составлять found 54 [faund] основывать founded 55 ['faundid] основанный to be founded быть основанным fountain* I'fauntin] фонтан fox [foksl лиса France [fra:ns] Франция free* [fri:] свободный, бесплатный Friday ['fraidi] пятница fridge 22 [fricfe] холодильник friend [frend] друг friendly 31 ['frendli] дружелюбный friendship 46 I'frendjipj дружба from [from, from] от, из front [frAnt] передний in front of 17 перед (чем-то) fruit [fru;t] фрукт, фрукты fulfil* [ful'fil] заполнять, выполнять full [ful] полный to be full of быть полным (чего-то) furniture 20 ['famitjo] мебель future ['fjud/s] будущее gallery* ['gaslaril галерея game [geim] игра gangster* ['gaspstaj гангстер garden ['ga:dn] сад general* ['фепэгэ!] генерал geography [ф'одгэА! география German ['фз:тэп| немецкий Germany ['cfeaimanij Германия get [get] получать, доставать to get on with smb ладить c кем-то to get into a car сесть в мащи-ну to get out of a car выйти из ма-щины to get on a train (bus) сесть на поезд (автобус) to get off a train (bus) сойти c поезда (автобуса) to get ready приготовиться to get together 44 собираться to get up вставать giraffe [cfei'ra:f| жираф girl [дз:1] девочка give [giv] давать to give back возвращать to give a call to smb звонить кому-то glad [glaed] довольный to be glad быть довольным glass [gla:s] стакан go [дэи] идти, ехать to go on telling smth* продолжать рассказывать God 45 [god] Бог My God! Боже мой! Thank God! Слава Богу! gold 47 [gauld] n золото; adj золотой (сделанный из золота) as good as gold золотой (человек) a heart of gold золотое сердце golden 47 ['gauldan] золотой, золотистый good [gud] хороший Good luck! Удачи! government 50 ['gAvanmsntJ правительство grandfather ['graend,fa:d3] дедушка grandmother ['дг2еп,тлдэ] бабушка grandparents ['дгаеп,реэгэп181 дедушка и бабушка grass [grais] трава grasshopper ['gra:s,hop9] кузнечик great [greit] 1) великий, 2) потря-саюший, отличный green [gri:n] зеленый group [gru:p] n группа; 45 v группировать, классифицировать grow [дгэи] расти, вырашивать guess* [ges] догадываться guest 48 [gest] гость gun 47 [длп] ружье Hh hair [heal волосы half (halves) 11 [ha;f] ([havz]) половина (половинки) It’s half past 5. Половина шестого. hall 18 [hD'.l] холл, прихожая Halloween [фзеЬи'гп] канун Дня всех святых hamburger ['ЬжтЬз;дэ] гамбургер hamster ['haemsta] хомяк hand [haend] рука (ладонь) handicraft 10 l'haendikra;ft] урок труда happen to smb/smth 22 ['haepn] случаться с кем-то/с чем-то happy ['haepij счастливый Happy New Year! C Новым годом! hard 45 [ha;d] adj упорный, тяжелый; adv упорно, тяжело hare [Ьеэ] заяц harvest 45 ['ha:vist] урожай have (has) [haev] ([haez]) иметь have got (has got) ['haev 'got] иметь have to (has to) do smth 34 иметь необходимость сделать что-то he [hi:] он head [hed] голова Head Teacher 10 [,hed 'tiit/a] директор школы headline* ['hedlainj заголовок heart 56 [ha:t] сердце Hello! [ha'bu] Привет! help [help] помогать to help about the house помогать no дому help about the house day день no-МОШИ no дому to help smb with the subject помогать no предмету her [ha:] ее, ей, (о) ней here [hia] здесь Here it is. ['hisritiz] Вот, пожалуйста. Hi! [hai] Привет! hide-and-seek [,haid and 'si:k] прятки hill [hil] холм him [him] его, ему, (о) нем his [hiz] его historic [hi'stonk] исторический history ['histari] история hobby 37 ['hnbi] хобби, любимое занятие hockey ['hnki] хоккей holiday ['hnlidi] 1) праздник; 2) каникулы home [haum] дом at home дома homework ['haumw3;k| домашнее задание to do homework выполнять домашнее задание honest 53 ['onist] честный honey* ['Ьлш] мед hope* [haup] надеяться hopscotch ['hopskotj] классики (детская игра) horror ['hora] ужасный horror film фильм ужасов horse [ha:s] лошадь hospitable 56 ['hospitabl] гостеприимный hospital I'hospitl] больница host 51 [haust] хозяин hostess 51 I'haustis] хозяйка hot [hot] горячий hour ['aoa] час house (houses) 17 [haus] (['hauziz]) ДОМ (дома) how [haul как, каким образом How are you? Как дела? How are you getting on? Как поживаешь? How do you do? Здравствуйте! How do you like it? 20 Как тебе это нравится? How’ve you been? 45 Как поживал это время? How long have you been here? Сколько времени ты здесь? how long сколь долго, сколько времени how many сколько how much сколько how often как часто hundred ['hAndnd] сто hungry ['Ьлрдп] голодный to be hungry быть голодным, хотеть есть hunt 46 [hAnt] охотиться hunter 46 ['hAnta] охотник hurry |'Нап] спешка to be In a hurry спешить Hurry up! Поторопись! // ice* [ais] лед ice cream [,ais 'kri:m] мороженое Iceland* ['aisland] Исландия idea [ai'dia] мысль That’s a great (good) idea! Замечательная идея (мысль)! ill [il] больной to be ill болеть illustrate* j'llastreit] показать на примере imagination* [i,maed5i'neij'n] воображение imagine* [I'meecfein] представить, вообразить important 15 [im'padant] важный in [in] в in an hour через час indeed [in'di;d] в самом деле independence (from smb) 47 [,indi-'pendans] независимость (от кого-либо) India 44 ['india] Индия Indian 44 ['indian| индийский Indians I'lndianz] индийцы industry* I'lndastn] промышленность Information* [,mfa'meijn| сведения instead* [in'sted] вместо (чего-то) interested 44 ['intristid] заинтересованный to be interested in smth интересоваться чем-то interesting ['intristip] интересный international* [,inta'naejnal] международный interval* ['intavl] интервал interview ['intavju:] n интервью; V брать интервью into I'intu] в Ireland* ['aiabnd] Ирландия irregular* [I'regjub] неправильный island 44 ['ailand] остров it [it] OHO It takes smb 3 hours to do it. 29 Нужно 3 часа, чтобы сделать это. It’s been а long time. 45 Много времени прошло. It depends. 46 По обстоятельствам. It was nice meeting you. Приятно было познакомиться. jacket ['(^5aekit] куртка, жакет jam [фает] джем, варенье January ['cfeasnjuarij январь jeans [cfeirnzj джинсы join 13 [фот] присоединиться (к кому-либо) joke* [фэик] шутка journey 35 ['фз:ш] путешествие to go on а journey отправиться в путешествие juice [фи:з] сок July [фиЧат] июль jump [флтр] прыгать June [фи:п] июнь junior* ['фи:п1э] начальный just [cfeASt] 1) только что; 2) как раз J