Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь 7 класс Афанасьева Михеева часть 2

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь 7 класс Афанасьева Михеева часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2 Англ-922 А94 Авторы: Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И. В., Баранова К. М., Ваулина Ю. Е., Мичурина С. В., Петрова Н. Ю. Английский язык. Серия «Новый курс английского языка для А94 российских школ». 3-й год обучения. 7 кл. : рабочая тетрадь JNe 2 / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова и др. — 5-е изд., стереотип. — М. : Дрофа, 2009. — 91, [5] с. : ил. ISBN 978-5-358-06427-0 (Nb 2) ISBN 978 5-358-06425-6 Тетради являются составной частью УМК-3, созданного известными специалистами в области преподавания английского языка. Они предназначены как для самостоятельной работы учащихся дома, так и для работы в классе. В комплект входят также учебник, книга для чтения, книга для \-чителя и набор аудиокассет. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81,2 Авгл-922 ISBN 978-5-358-06427-0 (Кр 2) ISBN 978-5-358-06425-6 ©ООО «Дрофа», 2005 Оглавление Unit 5 I. Listening+............................................ 4 II. Speaking-b........................................... 7 III. Reading+............................................ 9 IV. Writing+.............................................15 Test 5........................................... .... 27 Project Work 5...........................................31 Unit 6 I. Listening-l-..........................................32 II. Speaking-1-..........................................35 III. Reading-f...........................................38 IV. Writing-f............................................44 Test 6...................................................54 Project Work 6...........................................59 Unit 7 I. Listening-b...........................................60 II. Speaking-f...........................................62 III. Reading-f...........................................65 IV. Writing-h............................................71 Test 7...................................................81 Project Work 7...........................................87 Final Test...............................................87 Unit 5 Word Box anybody/anyone anything be over central change cross degree different downhill everybody everyone/everything favourite heavy hill hope juicy leaf next nobody/no one nothing real ripe season shine skate skateboard snow somebody someone something spend (spent) sunbathe tasty tomorrow uphill win (won) I. ListeningH- 1. Listen to the tape, (33), and decide what season they like very much and why. 1. Mrs Jennings a) Summer. There’s no school. 2. Careen Smith b) Winter. She likes winter sports and 3. Mary Brodwick winter holidays. c) Autumn. It’s a beautiful season. She gathers fruit and vegetables. 1______________________2_______________________3_________________ 2. Listen to the tape, (34). A. Say where these cities are, 1) San Francisco is in the 2) New Orleans ['nju:o:'li:3nz] is in the 3) Seattle [si'aetl] is in the в. Decide what the weather is like in these cities, 1) In San Francisco the weather is----------------- 2) In New Orleans the weather is 3) In Seattle the weather is C. Which of these cities San Francisco, New Orleans or Seattle is the place for you? Why? 3. Listen to the tape, (35), and repeat the names. Countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg Cities: Bonn, Brussels, Luxembourg -Ville, Paris, Versailles Other places: the English Channel, the Channel Tunnel, the Louvre 4. Listen to the tape, (36), and say where these places are. 1) Bonn is in of Germany. 2) Brussels is in_____________of Belgium. 3) Luxembourg-Ville is in________________of Luxembourg. 4) Paris is in______________of France. 5) Versailles is to_____________of Paris. 6) The English Channel is to_______________of Great Britain Listen to the tape, (37), and decide where these children are going in the summer and what they will do there. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Anna, Masha, Olga, Boris _ will enjoy the beauty of the lake. will play different games in Bitsevsky Park. will help her granny in the garden. will sunbathe in Brighton. will roller-skate a lot. will spend ten days in Richmond. will read and listen to her CD-player. will take photos of the place. 6. Listen to the text “Nikita Wins a Trip”, [»] (38), and choose the right item. 1. Nikita won the trip to the USA______ a) last autumn b) last summer 2. Nikita is___________________________ c) last spring ----------------------------------------------------boy. a) a ten-year-old b) a twelve-year-old c) a thirteen-year-old 3. His favourite subject at school is________________________________ . a) English b) Biology c) Geography 4. Jack and Nikita often exchange^ a) e-mails b) letters 5. Nikita knows_______________________ c) SMSes about America a) a lot b) a little c) little * to exchange [iks'tfemch] — обмениваться 6. Jack writes to Nikita about__________ a) Washington b) San Francisco 7. San Francisco stands on______________ c) New York a) a lake 8. Nikita a) knew b) a mountain c) the hills where the famous American bridge is. b) didn’t know c) couldn’t write 9. The two friends will meet in a) Washington b) San Francisco c) Moscow II. Speaking+ 7. Choose one of the items (a—c) and say how you are going to spend a weekend. A. To shine (about the sun), to spend time, to enjoy the weather, not to stay at home, to go skating or skiing in the park, to have a rest, to make a snowman. B. To go shopping, to spend money on, to buy roller-skates, to roller-skate badly, to practise roller-skating. C. To stay in a country house, to hope for good weather, to walk in the forest, to go to the river, to cross the river in a boat, to sunbathe on the sand, to play volleyball, to enjoy the weekend. 8. Speak on how different winter is in Moscow and in London. Moscow a nice season cold weather famous for its frosts to spend a lot of time out of doors to go skating and skiing up and down the hills to make funny snowmen to have lots of fun London not a very pleasant season wet and nasty weather to rain often to enjoy staying at home to ride a bike when it is dry to roller-skate with friends on warm days to like to go on a trip to Scotland 9. Work in pairs. One of you is from Moscow, the other is from London. Talk about winter in these places. 10. Say how you spent December. Think about these: what the weather was like if you were fine or often caught colds if you stayed at home a lot what you did at (the) weekends if you liked to spend most of the time with your friends what games you played if you went to museums, cinemas, theatres, discos what holidays you had what they were like if you enjoyed them 11. Expand on the text. A Clever Boy Wilfred was a clever boy. On his way to school he usually passed a fruit shop. There was a lot of ripe juicy fruit there. His favourite fruit was plums. One day he saw a sign*. It said: “Plums — 11 for 10 cents”. The boy came up to the man and said, “If 11 plums cost^ 10 cents, 10 plums cost 9 cents, 8 plums cost 7 cents... then one plum costs nothing. Can I have a plum, please?” And the boy took a good big plum and left the shop eating it. The man said nothing but thought, “What a clever boy he is!” 12. Read the text and say how Nick spent his winter holidays. Nick Talks About His Visit to Brussels During his winter holidays Nick travelled to Brussels, Belgium. It was a seven-day trip. Brussels is a big city with a wonderful central square. People say, it is really beautiful in early spring and in summer when there are a lot of flowers in it. Nick and his parents stayed in a hotel in the centre of Brussels. One * a sign [sain] — табличка 2 to cost [knst] — стоить morning they got on a bus and made a bus tour of the city. It was winter but the weather was warm and pleasant. They enjoyed Brussels a lot. When Nick returned to Russia, he took all the maps, pictures and photos of Brussels to his school and showed them to his friends. Everybody in his class enjoyed his talk. Most of all they were interested in the fact that the famous Hollywood film star Jean Claude Van Damme is from Belgium. In Hollywood they gave him nickname of “muscles* from Brussels”. III. Readings 13. Read the names of these places. Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the English Channel, the Channel Tunnel, Brussels, Paris, Bonn, Versailles, Luxem-bourg-Ville, the Louvre 14. Read these words in transcription. 1. fsAmbadi] 2. [ts'mnrau] 3. [nekst] 4. [Члп/аш] 5. ['пл011}] 6. [Taip] 7. ['temprstfa] 8. ['evriwAn] 9. ['ziarau] 10. ['snaumicn] 11. [jam] 12. [[on] 13. fsAnbeid] 14. [^hevili] 15. [Teivarit] 15. Read the new words, word combinations and sentences. A. snow, skate, tomorrow, hill, shine, cross, sunbathe, real, heavy, hope, change, win, season, favourite, leaf, tasty, ripe, juicy, different B. a real winter a real friend a real holiday a favorite season a favourite song a favourite sport a heavy stone a heavy box a heavy bag a different answer a different hat a different place 1 muscles ['mAsklz] — мускулы to spend money on books to walk in the hills to sit in the sunshine to sunbathe on the beach to hope for a good holiday to win a game to be different from somebody to roller-skate well to like cross-country skiing to cross the bridge to rain heavily to change a flat to buy tasty cakes C. I didn’t see anybody in the photo. Everybody likes to win. No one knows when he’ll come. Nobody likes it when it is very cold. You can win nothing. Everyone knows the answer. 1 don’t want anything. I’ll buy this book if I see it in a shop. He’s going on a sea trip next month. When will the class be over? When will it stop raining? 16. Read the texts (a—d) and match them with the numbers (1—5). There is one extra number. 1. A Horoscope 2. A Film Star Biography 3. A Page From a Textbook on Astronomy 4. A TV Programme 5. A List* of Things to Take on a Trip a) Today people can answer many questions about stars and planets. They know what the stars are made of, how far they are, where they end. b) Scorpio You are a good detective. You love answering difficult questions. You like active sports such as boxing, karate and water sports. c) Macaulay Culkin became a Hollywood child star at the age of 10. He is world famous as Kevin in the Home Alone comedies. He got over a million dollars for each film. a) b) d) a mobile a compass maps c).------- skis skates matches a CD-player food drinks d) extra ^ a list — список 17. What film or TV programme are they going to watch? Match the numbers with the letters. There is one extra number. 1. Travel in the Country Learn ing English 2. They Died in the Morning 3. Sports in the Far East 4. Scotland in the 18^^ Century 5. Gardening Lessons a) Jean Morrison from Manchester loves flowers and wants to win in the local flower show in May. She thinks her tulips are the best in Central England. b) Sasha Suvorov from Russia is staying in England. His English is not very good and he wants to make it better. c) Jeana Loretti is a university student from Italy. She speaks very good English and wants to know more about British people and their history. d) John Smith spent two years in China and Korea. There he got interested in karate [ksVaJi] and began practising it. He never misses programmes on Karate, judo and tae kwon do. a) b) c) d) extra 18. Put the parts of the text in the right order. A Letter to a Girlfriend a) To spend only one minute with her, he was ready to get to the highest mountain, he was ready to cross the longest river. He wrote he could stay in the far-away forest and fight against the most terrible animals just to be with her. b) That is why at the end of his letter he wrote: “P. S.^ I’ll come and see you next Monday, if it doesn’t rain.” c) One day a young man was writing a letter to his girlfriend who lived in a nearby town. Among other things, he wrote to her how much he loved her and how wonderful he thought she was. The more he wrote the more poetical he became. P. S. — постскриптум d) He finished the letter, wrote his name and then he understood that something important was missingL 1________________2_________________3________________4_____________ 19. Read the text and choose the right item in the sentences after it. Anthony Thompson was on a holiday trip in the north of France. He was driving along the beach, enjoying the day and the waters of the English Channel. It was getting hotter. So Anthony decided to stop and have a swim. He did not have his swimming costume with him. But it was very early in the morning and there were no people or houses around. Anthony — undressed and swam out to sea. He enjoyed swimming on his back. He felt really happy. When Anthony looked back at the beach, there were two school buses there. There were about thirty school girls and two teachers sitting on the sand. They were having tea and sandwiches. 1. Anthony was on a holiday trip in__________________________________ a) the north of Scotland b) the north of France c) the north of Spain 2. Anthony decided to stop___________________________________________ a) at a motel to sleep b) near a forest to have a walk c) at a beach to have a swim 3. When Anthony stopped it was early in the morning,_________________ a) but there were a lot of people on the beach b) and there were no people on the beach c) there were 2 school buses on the beach ’ something important [im'pDitant] was missing — зд.: чего-то важного не хватает 4. Anthony did not have a swimming costume with him. He decided ____________________________________________________________ a) not to swim b) to swim with his things on c) to undress 5. The schoolchildren and their teachers were having_____________ a) a lesson b) a swim c) something to eat 1______________2______________3______________4. 20. Read the text and answer the questions after it. Chicago A lot of tourists visit the USA every year. Many of them want to see the city of Chicago (Jii'kaigau]. Chicago is a big, busy and beautiful place. It is situated on Lake Michigan ['mitjigan] and the river Chicago. There are 52 bridges which cross the river, more than in any other city of the world. There are no hills or mountains around. That is why' winds blow a lot there. People gave Chicago the name Windy City, Chicago is the third biggest city in the USA. About seven million people live there. They are very friendly and helpful. The city is the centre of jazz [c^z] music. People can listen to jazz in a cafe or on the beach. It is a part of Chicago life. Tourists can enjoy interesting tours about the city. They can do the city on a tour bus or in a boat. 1) Who visits the USA every year? 1 that is why — вот почему 2) What do they want to see? 3) What kind of city is Chicago? 4) Where is it situated? 5) What is Chicago’s second name? 6) How big is Chicago? 7) What music is a part of Chicago life? 21. Match the pictures with the sentences. 3. a) This is my home. And what are you doing here? b) Do you think he is going to ask her to dance? c) No, thank you. I’ve already got four. IV. Writing + 22. Complete these new words and write them. 1) sn __ _ an 10) down 1 19)sii the 2)1 f ll)h_p 20) re ly 3) j У 12)de ее 21) h_ vy 4)sk b d 13) r 1 22)ski g .5) u 11 14) r se 23)s son 6) w n 15)cha e 24)sh . e 7) sp d 16)cr s 25) s w 8) n X 17) tom _ w 26)t sty 9) dif nt 18) fav r_ . e 27)hea ly 23. Spell the new words. 1. ['si:zan] 6. [skeit] 11. fdifarant] 2. [raip] 7. ['hevili] 12. [Teivant] 3. [li:f] 8. [tfemcfe] 13. ['sAnbeid] 4. [1э'п10гэи] 9. [Ap'hil] 14. [fain] 5. ['snaumsen] 10. fcfeu:si] 15. [,daun'hil] 24. Write the words and word combinations with 1) article the., 2) ar- tide a, 3) no article. 1) English channel 6) Channel Tunnel 2) to sit in sunshine 7) cross-country skiing 3) T.oiivre 8) Luxembourg 4) real friend 9) sun 5) Brussels 10) different beach 11) to sunbathe on sand 17) juicy apple 12) 13) 14) 15) cold wind Belgium Bonn France 18) 19) frosty weather centre of______ city 20) ill 21)_ mountains 16) two degrees above zero 22) _ favourite season _ north 25. Complete the sentences if necessary. Use in, of, on, for, to, from Example 1: She likes roller-skating She likes roller-skating. Example 2: Г11 send a letter her next week. Г11 send a letter to her next week. 1) They wanted to cross the river a boat. 2) Paris is situat- ed the north France. 3) Moscow stands sev- en hills. 4) Granny likes to sit bench. 5) Russia is famous _ the sunshine a low its frosts. 6) Apples can be different colours. 7) In autumn birds fly the south. 8) In summer most of the people like to sunbathe the beach or swim the sea. 9) What do you spend your money ? 10) Jack is different Bob. 11) They left for Kiev classes _ _ a warm Sunday morning. 12) I usually have my the morning. 1 won 2 lay 3 значить, иметь в виду 4 sent 5 think 6 spend 7 обучать 8 be 9 кататься на лыжах 10 shone 11 позволять 12 strike 27. Choose the right verb forms and complete the texts. A. One day Mark Twain (*be) fishing. A man (^come) up to him. ‘Good morning,” said the man. “(^e) you catching fish?” Oh, yes,” said Mark Twain, “IC'^catch) three trout* here yesterday. I (^hope) I (®catch) more today.” “Really?” (“^ask) the man. “And you (^know) me? I (®be) the forester^ in this place. And trout are out of season.” Mark Twain (*®think) a minute and (**answer). ‘And you (*^know) who I (*%e)?” No, I (*^not, do).” Well, Гт the biggest liar^ in this country.” 44 5. 6. 1) If the weather (*be) fine, I (^sunbathe) on the beach. 2) We (^do) it when John ('*come). 3) I (^buy) you a big juicy apple if there (%e) some in the shop. 4) You C^learn) French when you (®go) to school. 5) When Mary (®ring) me up, I (*°talk) to her. 6) If Ann (**spend) the summer at her granny’s, we (^^see) her there. 7) If there (*^be) a lot of snow in the forest, I (*‘*go) skiing. 8) If the snow (*%e) wet, we (*®make) a snowman. 9) When the temperature (*'^be) higher, they (*®drive) to their country house. 10) Nobody (*®go) skiing tomorrow if the temperature (^%ecome) low. 11) If it (2*rain), we (^^stay) at home but if it (^^rain, not) we (^%o) for a walk. 1 )_______________________ 9)---------------------- 17)----------------- 2 ) 10) 18)___________________________________________________________ 3 )______________________ 11)______________________ 19)_________________ 4 )______________________ 12)______________________ 20)_________________ 5 )______________________ 13)______________________ 21)_________________ 6 )______________________ 14)______________________ 22)_________________ 7 )______________________ 15)______________________ 23)_________________ 8 )______________________ 16)______________________ 24)_________________ 37. Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences. 1) I don’t know if I (*be) in Glasgow next week. 2) If I (^be) in Glasgow next week, we (-^see) each other. 3) If my cousin ('^change, not) his plans for the summer, I (^go) to Florida with him. 4) Jack doesn’t know if his cousin (^change) his plans for the summer. 5) We don’t know when Polly (^go) to university. 6) We don’t know if Polly (®go) to university. 7) If Polly (®go) to university, she (*®become) a university student. 8) Jane (**paint) the wall if you (*^ask) her about it. 9) If you (^%e, not) busy, help me. 10) He (^'^help) you when he (*^be, not) busy. 1 )_________________________ 4)-------------------- 7)--------------------------- 2 )------------------------- 5)-------------------- 8)--------------------------- 3 )_________________________ 6)-------------------- 9)_-------------------------- 38. Choose the right form of the verb to spend and complete the sentences. spends shall spend (2) spent are spending won’t spend did (you) spend are not spending to spend are (we) spending 1. I think I____________________________my summer holidays in Yalta this year. 2. It will be fine if Oliver_____________________________ more time on maths. 3. With whom______________________________you __________________________ last weekend? 4. — While we are all staying in town, Chris and Mel their time in France. — No, Chris and Mel _________________________________ their time in France! They are leaving for Paris'only next Saturday. 5. Sally_______________________$200 on this coat. She hasn’t got the money. 6. We a pleasant hour or two talking with our friends tomorrow. 7. Where ______________________________ we our holiday? 8. My sister likes___________________________all her money on CDs. 9. The writer______________________________10 years of his life on the book. 39. Get ready to write this dictation. Dictation 5 A. Anything, no one, everybody, different, shine, shone, tomorrow, sunbathe, change, leaf, leaves. B. In the sunshine, at the temperature, in the hills, above zero, juicy, ripe fruit, really difficult, a favourite season. C. Hope for the best, win a match, sunbathe on the beach, spend time on reading books, change money, snow heavily. D. The holidays were over and we returned home. Cross-country skiing is real fun. Mother bought me roller-skates last Wednesday. Nick is different from his little brother. What is your favourite fruit? The sun shone brightly yesterday. We skied at the temperature of 10 degrees below zero. Test 5 1. Miranda is speaking about her hobbies. Listen to her, (39), and choose the right item. 1. Miranda is from________________________________________________ a) Scotland b) Wales c) England 2. Miranda is___________________________________________ a) 8 b) 18 c) 80 3. Miranda usually travels_________________________________________ a) in her city b) in her country c) in other countries of the world 4. Miranda doesn’t usually travel in_______________________________ a) spring b) autumn c) summer 5. Next summer Miranda is going to drive in________________________ a) England b) France c) France and Germany 2. Read the texts (a—d) and match them with the numbers (1—5). There is one extra number. 1. Business News 2. Sports News 3. School News 4. Weather News 5. World News a) Prime Minister N. is going to visit Oslo and Amsterdam on his way to France. He is planning to spend two days in its capital and have talks with the President. b) At the end of the week we are going to see some rain and the wind is going to change for north-westerly. The temperature will go down to zero degrees. It’s not going to be a good weekend for staying outdoors. c) We are going to have the teacher-and-par- ent meeting on March 15 at 6 p.m. We ask parents to go straight to room 7 on the second floor to meet the Principal who is going to speak about school discipline. > d) The Friday Match between Manchester and Newcastle showed again who the best players in the country are. The match was the hit of the season and a real surprise for the football lovers. a) b) c) d) extra Vickie and Julia go on a picnic^. Vickie and Julia are two girls who live in one town and go to school together. They like to spend their free time together too. Last weekend the girls went on a picnic with their families. They did not take many things: it was difficult to walk with them uphill. Vickie’s parents took something to eat and to drink. Julia’s parents took a small tent, badminton rackets and a video camera. At the picnic the girls gathered nuts, played different games and sang songs. Their parents sat in the sunshine talking. Little Roxy, Julia’s dog, was happy too. It had a good run about the forest. It was a warm lovely day and everybody enjoyed it. When they were all back home, the company saw the picnic again on the video. 1) Who _____________________________________________________________? 2) What_____________________________________________________________? 3) Where 4) How _ 5) When 4. Match the questions (1—6) with their answers. 1. Do you want to buy any plums? 2. Are there any cabbages at home? 3. Is it raining heavily? 4. What shall we do if it rains? 5. What shall we read? 6. When will you come back? 1. 2. 3. ' a picnic Fpiknik] — пикник a) I think so. Let’s take our umbrellas with us. b) Tomorrow, I think. c) I think, we shall stay at home. d) No, I don’t. My son doesn’t like them. e) I don’t know. Let’s buy some. f) I don’t know. There are different books here. 4. 5. 6. /^ап’а Maria and Jenny don’t know each other. They (*plan) trips to London now. Maria (%e) from Italy. She says that if she (^come) to London she (“^see) a lot of places there. She is going (^visit) some museums and galleries. If it (®not, rain) she (^walk) about London streets and gardens. Jenny (®come) from Manchester. She (®plan) to visit London next week. She (*%e) going (**do) her Christmas shopping. Jenny (^^want) to buy presents for her family but she (*^not, know) if she (*%uy) presents for all of them. Jenrvy 1) 8) 2) 9) 3) 10) 4) 11) 5) 6) 12) 13) 7) 14) 6. Spell these wors, 1. [пэ1] 2. fdifsrant] 3. ['kaebids] 4. [tjemds] 5. [Ton] 6. [greips] 7. [to'mnreu] 8. ['ziarou] 9. [4empr3tj3] 10. [di'gri;] 11. ['sAiibeid] 12. [TeivantJ 1) 3) 5 )-------------------------------------------9) 6 ) 10) 7 )----------------------------------------- 11) 8 ) 12) 7. Write Dictation 5, (40). A_______________________________________________ В С. D Project Work 5 Write a page in your album about the place you live in. Write what it is like in different seasons and what people usually do in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Use pictures and photos. Unit 6 Word box able afraid body brave clever coat curly dress ear eye fair fashion fashionable finger friendly fur coat gloves greedy head honest important jacket jeans kind lazy leg leggings be/look (like) mittens mouth neat neck rather old-fashioned oval pyjamas put on a raincoat round sandals scarf selfish shapely shirt shoes shorts skirt slim stout stupid suit sweater sweat shirt take off toe trousers turned-up T-shirt wear I. Listening+ 1. Listen to the tape, (41), and decide what clothes these people wear (will wear). 1. Wendy a) a white shirt, a black jacket, dark grey trousers 2. Fiona b) a fashionable skirt, a white jacket, new sandals 3. Colin c) a T-shirt, a sweater, leggings 1. 3. 2. Listen to the tape, (42), repeat these words and match them with the pictures. a. e. f. g h. 1. J. 1) pajamas 2)jacket 3) fur coat 4) trousers 5) scarf 6) suit 7) sandals 8)jeans 9) leggings 10) gloves 3. A. Listen to the tape, (43), name the season and complete the sentences. 1) Nick’s daddy spends his holidays in the South in_______________________ 2) He spends his holidays in the country in 3) He spends his holidays in the place where he lives in B. Listen to the tape again and decide where Nick’s father usually is. 1) When Nick’s father wears a suit, a white shirt and a tie he is at________________________ 2) When Nick’s father wears shorts, a T-shirt or a swimming suit he is in the______________ 3) When Nick’s father wears his warm sports trousers, a winter jacket, a warm scarf and mittens he is in the_________________— ------ skiing. 4. Listen to the tape, (44), and say what these people (Brad, Jack, Julia, Sue) want to look like*. 1) 2) 3) wants to change his nose. would like to have long fair hair. wants to have blue eyes, curly hair and wants to look like her parent. 4) wants to be tall and slim. 5. Listen to Jackie’s letter, (45), and choose the right item. 1. Jackie is going to go to the country__________________________ a) next week b) next year c) next month 2. Jackie hopes that Alan will be able to meet her_____________________ a) at the bus stop b) at the station c) in the train 3. Alan met Jackie a) last year b) last month c) last week 4. Now Jackie looks a) different b) beautiful c) fashionable 5. Jackie wears what a) Alan likes 6. She likes to wear b) her mother likes c) she likes a) white T-shirts b) many-coloured c) black T-shirts T-shirts * to look like — выглядеть 7. Now Jackie’s hair is__________________ a) short b) straight c) long II. Speaking+ 6. Work in small groups and decide who in your group likes to wear the same clothes as you. You may ask: 1) if she/he likes fashionable clothes; 2) if she/he likes wearing sports clothes; 3) if she/he likes wearing hats, caps, fur caps, scarves, gloves and mittens; 4) if she/he likes to wear warm clothes; 5) if she/he likes to wear formal clothes. 7. Say what these people like to wear. Use these: 1) go to a party, put on a blouse, not to wear jeans, have a fur coat, wear dresses and skirts; 2) be stylish, be in fashion, wear long skirts, look like a model, wear hats; 3) be beautiful, look young, be slim, look different, be interested in fashion; 4) not to wear dresses and skirtes, wear jeans and T-shirts, wear ties, look fashionable. 8. Look at the picture and say what you can about the people in the photo. 9. • How old are they? • What are they wearing? • What do they look like? Choose somebody (a film star, a pop singer, a sportsman, a sportswoman etc) you like (dislike) very much and say what you can about him/ her. 10. “The Three Little Pigs” is a traditional English fairy-taleL Say what its characters^ are like. Use these: 1) honest, brave, clever, friendly, kind, active; 2) (rather) selfish, stupid, greedy, lazy. * a fairy-tale [Teariteil] — сказка 2 a character ['kaeraktaj — герой сказки, романа и т. д. Martin was returning home late that evening. A tall man came up to him. He was wearing dark clothes and looked very tired. The man looked at Martin and asked him where Doctor Cooper lived. Martin couldn’t believe his ears. The man was asking for his address. Martin looked at the man. He liked his face. It was the face Martin knew very well. What is more, it was Martin’s face. Martin understood that his twin' brother was standing in front of him. 12. Look at the pictures and say what happened to James in Mr Gordon’s house. Use these: a 1. 4. A 3. IT. / ^ a twin [twin] — близнец 1) got a new job, came to work as Mr Gordon’s new driver, couldn’t see him, was busy; 2) the house help, showed him his room, was happy, a cosy room; 3) got up, was thirsty, the clock struck eleven, wanted something to drink; 4) opened the fridge, nothing to drink, decided to go to the kitchen; 5) walked downstairs, nobody to ask, a lot of doors; 6) opened one of the doors, hoped it was the kitchen door; 7) was wearing his pajamas, saw a party, a lot of people in nice fashionable clothes, was in shock. 13. You are going to meet somebody at the museum. You don’t know what she/he is like. She/he doesn’t know what you are like. Make and act out the dialogue “On the Phone”. Say to each other what you are like and what you are going to wear when you meet. III. Reading-f 14. Read these words in transcription. 1. [,gud'lukio] 2. ['nnist ] 3. [fea] 4. [hed] 5. rjeipli] 6. [Ю] 7. [ai] 8. LTu:z] 9. [Trendli] 10. ['leizi] 11. [im'poitant] 12. [Тае/эп] 13. [fo:t] 14. [wea] 15. ['cfetckit] 15. Read the new words, word combinations and sentences. A. should, may, could, shapely, pajamas, trousers, old-fash ioned B. fashionable dresses fashionable shoes fashionable clothes greedy people a greedy woman a greedy face a good-looking girl a good-looking boy a good-looking woman friendly people friendly animals friendly eyes с. а slim body а turned-up nose a slim girl an oval face bright eyes a stout woman a round face curly fair hair a brave boy D, to be clever and kind, to be lazy and selfish, to put on a coat, to take off a hat, to wear raincoats, to look stylish, to look around the room, to buy a black short skirt, to wear big brown boots, to have a warm sweater E. People should wear warm clothes when it is cold. Do you wear a raincoat in autumn? I like fashionable hats. Alice can put on those shoes. What are you wearing now? Look around! What can you see? You should take off your warm boots, it is too hot here. 16. Read the texts (a—d) and match them with the numbers (1—5). There is one extra number. 1. A Fashionable Shopping Centre 2. Fashionable People 3. A Fashionable Hotel 4. A Fashionable Model 5. A Fashionable Clothes Shop a) Naomy stands high in her profession and is world-famous. Clothes designers [di 'zainaz] are happy if they can see her in their fashion shows. All clothes look fine on her tall slim body. b) Here young people can choose and buy any jeans and T-shirts, they like. We get goods from the best makers all over the world. In our collection there are the newest and the most fashionable jackets and sweaters, leggings and baseball caps. c) If you want to see hundreds of shops under one roof, come to the new West Street Centre. In fact, it’s more like a town than a shopping place with its cinemas, cafes, kiosks and thousands of shoppers coming here every day. d) The Golden Star is one of the most fashionable places in this city. On its four floors it has thirty-six comfortable rooms, a restaurant, a cafe, a bar, a breakfast room and a railway station. a) b) c) d) extra a) “Well, Mr Holmes”, the detective^ answered. There is something but I don’t think it is very important”. b) Mr Lestrade, a detective from Scotland Yard, often visited my friend Sherlock Holmes and me in the evening. Holmes-enjoyed talking to Lestrade because he learnt what was happening in London. c) “Well”, said Holmes, “Have you got anything interesting for me today?” d) On one of thes^ evening visits Lestrade talked about the weather and other boring things. After that he stopped talking and looked at Holmes. e) Lestrade liked these visits too, because Holmes often helped him in his work. f) Sherlock Holmes smiled. “I want to know all about it”, he said. 4) 2 )----------------------------------5)____________________________ 3 )---------------------------------- 6)______________________________________________ 18. Read the text and choose the right item in the sentences after it. Shopping in London Most of London’s big and fashionable shops are in Oxford Street and Regent Street. There are always a lot of people there. You can buy different things there — clothes for young people and old ladies and gentlemen; shoes, boots and sandals of all colours. New Covent Garden is an important shopping place too but it is not so famous. People who come here can visit more than forty different shops. The opening hours here are from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. but most shops in London open at 9 a.m. and close at 5:30 p.m. There are a lot of places to eat and drink there. During ^ a detective [di'tektiv] — сыщик, детектив lunch time, people can listen to classical, jazz and pop music. Some years ago New Covent Garden was the biggest fruit and vegetable market of the British capital. Many people think that Harrods is one of the most fashionable shopping places in London. Some of them say you can buy everything in Harrods, even wild animals. They have a zoo and you can buy a crocodile from it or more usual pets — dogs, cats or birds. Harrods is situated in the West End too. 1. The world-famous place for shopping in London is a) New Covent Carden b) Oxford Street and Regent Street 2 .___________________ some years ago was a fruit and vegetable market. a) New Coven t Carden b) Harrods 3. Harrods opens at__________________________________________________ a) 9 a.m. b) 10 a.m. 4. There are___________________shops in New Covent Carden. a) more than 40 ' b) more than 50 5. People can listen to music at____________________in New Covent Carden. a) lunch time b) dinner time 6. People can buy wild animals in___________________________________. a) Harrods b) New Covent Carden 7. All important and fashionable shopping centres are situated in the___________________________________________________________End. a) East b) West Mrs Smith was forty and she thought she was getting fatter. She was very unhappy about it. That was why she decided not to eat much and to have a walk every day. The next day she put her coat on and began walking, but during her walk it rained, and her coat became wet. That evening she said to her husband, “I want a good coat for my walks. I’m going to go to the shops tomorrow, and Гт going to buy one.” The next morning she went into a shop and looked at some coats. A young shop assistant was helping her. Mrs Smith liked a sheepskin* coat^ very much. “This sheepskin coat’s nice,” she said to the shop assistant, “but will I get wet if I wear this coat in the rain?” The shop assistant smiled and answered, “Sheep often stay in the rain, but they never use umbrellas, do they? 1) Why was not Mrs Smith happy? 2) What did she decide to do? 3) Why did she want a new coat? 4) What coat did she choose in the shop? 5) Will Mrs Smith become wet in the new sheepskin coat? What does the shop assistant think? What do you think? * sheepskin [Xfpskin] — овчина 2 a sheepskin coat — дубленка 3. 4. 5. Mrs Morris is talking to Mrs Light. Mr Light’s wife is wearing a scart. Mr Radford is talking to Mr Gibson. Mr Light is talking to Andy and Ms Cook. Mr Light has his back to Mr Morris. Mr Gibson has his back to Mr Morris, Andy and Ms Cook. Mrs Morris has short hair. The husband of the woman with short hair is wearing a tie Number 1 is Number 2 is Number 3 is Number 4 is Number 5 is Number 6 is Number 7 is Number 8 is 22. Spell the new words. 1. [tau] 2. ['Jeipli] 3. fDniSt] 4. ['leizi] 5. [breiv] 6. [staut] 7. [nek] 8. [bed] 9. [ai] 10. [Tioga] 23. Make up questions using these words. 1) book, shall. I, you, for, buy, what? 1) ever 10) ov I 19) n t 2) rath 11) fr ndly 20) stii 3)t 12) gr - dy 21) r 4) st t 13) swe er 22) ne 5) я fish 14) im t 23)m th 6) la у 15) с t 24)f sh 7)1 к 16) fin г 25) ck 8) с ly 17) oe 26) arf 9)b d 18) ЯЯ 27) mi 11. [raund] 12. [suit] 13. [fui] 14. ['griidi] 15. ['sweta] s 2) we, when, go, shall, cinema, the, to? 3) I, coat, may, on, your, put? 4) did, beach, you, on, do, the, what? 5) husband, can, her, a, drive, car? 6) sent, granny, who, my, present,to, this? 7) the, be, football, able, will, game, you, watch, tomorrow, to? 8) he, what, is, like? 9) jeans, you, do, wear, summer, in? 10) friends, the, cakes, why, your, eating, aren’t? 24. Complete the verb chart. 1 дуть 2 give 3 burnt 4 die 5 тратить 6 look 7 won 8 shine 9 надевать 10 struck 11 ловить, хватать 12 wore 25. When Lizzy was little, she was afraid of many animals. Write what animals she was afraid of. at on in with to for of off out E X a 111 p 1 e 1: Jane asked____________my umbrella. Jane asked fot' my umbrella. E X a 111 p 1 e 2: Did you buy new trousers last Saturday? Did you buy new trousers last Saturday? 1) When I was a small girl, I was afraid_________dogs. 2) What did you buy _____________ your brother as a birthday present? 3) When I go____________the beach, I never take______________an um- brella with me. 4) I hate flying__________business__________summer. 5) You shouldn’t work much______________the computer. 6) We can meet____________4 o’clock. Is it OK with you? 7) Your interests are important____________your parents. 8) It is important____________me to be able to speak English. 9) Do you know____________her cousin? What is he like? 10) What will you put ________________ when you go ___________ Helen’s party? 11) Will these shoes still be________________________________fashion_________________________autumn? 12) It’s not cold. You may take______________your gloves and scarf. 13) Did you speak your father yesterday? 14) ГП leave day. New Yojrk London Tues- 15) I don’t think you should wear this fur coat, it is old and ________________________fashion. 27. Complete the text. Use un-, -er, -or, -ly, -y to form the words. One day Henry’s (1) decided to take her class to Conway. “There is an castle there”, she said. “Conway is rather far from our town. You must get up early”. Her pupils were to hear that. They did not like getting up early in the morning but they were interested in the castle. The next day the weather was very It was cold and _______The sun was not shining in the sky because it was The children and other came up to the castle (8) . It looked very old and had a lot of towers. When Henry came home, his mother asked what he thought of the castle. “I didn’t like it very much”, answered the boy The stupid people put it too near the railway”. teach usual happy pleasant, wind cloud, visit slow happily 28. Complete the sentences. 1) It is important________________Jim to learn French. 2) I must do it. It is important________________me. 3) Why do you think it is important__________________you to run in the morning? 4) The doctor says this diet* is important __________________ my sister. 5) It is important________________children to help their parents. 6) It is important________________us to win this game. 7) Living in the country is important_________________your daughter. 8) Do you really think it is important__________________them to work here? 9) What is more important___________________you — to live here and be happy or to have a lot of money but go away? 10) Money is important__________________me but money is not everything. 29. Complete the text with the right verb forms. Dave was 27 when he (*marry). His wife’s name (^e) Betty. When Betty (^see) her husband’s clothes she (^say), “Dave you (^have) very old shirts. I (%uy) you a new shirt tomorrow”. Dave (^like) his old shirts, but he (®love) his wife too, so he (^answer), “All right Betty, but may I (*®ask) you (**leave) my old shirts where they (*%e)”. Dave (*^go) to work, and when he (*^come) back in the evening, Betty (*^show) him his new shirt. “(*®Put) it on, Dave”, she (*^ask). Her husband put the shirt on. It (*%e) very long. “It’s all right”, (*^smile) Betty. “It (^®get) shorter when I (^*wash)^ the shirt”. “But the neck is too small”, Dave (^^shout). “That’s all right”, Betty (2^smile) again. “It (2^*get) bigger when you (^^wear) the shirt, Dave”. ^ a diet ['daiot] — диета ^ to wash [woj] — стирать 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 30. Write what Jim is wearing today. 1)------------------------------------------ 2)__________________________________________ 3) 4) 5) 31. Choose the right word. 1) (Must/May) I stay in this room? — Yes, you may. 2) (Can/Should) you speak louder? I (can’t/shouldn’t) hear you. 3) Mrs Brown, (may/can) I use your pen? — Гт afraid not. 4) You (must/may) help your parents in everything, they are no longer young. 5) You (shouldn’t/can’t) be late if you get up early. 6) I (could/should) play football when I was twenty. 7) You (can’t/shouldn’t) eat so much if you want to be slim. 8) If you drink cold water, you’ll get ill. You (mustn’t/can’t) do it. 9) Felix (can’t/couldn’t) go to the cinema as he had a lot of work to do. 10) I know I (shouldn’t/can’t) say it but I will. 32. Complete the disjunctive questions. 1) I saw a double-decker in London, 2) I will have dinner at 2 o’clock. 3) Mike is an astronaut. 4) These boys are fond of pop music. 5) This dog hasn’t got a tail. 6) This is my fur coat. 7) We were interested in this trip, 8) Alice could never do it. 9) It was never important to us, 10) There is nobody in that room. 33. Use look/wear/put on/ take off to complete the sentences. 1) It is a dirty shirt, I think you should_____________________it 2) What does he_____________________like? — He is a tall, good-looking man. 3) Why don’t you want to_________________________________________ this dress? You will __________________ beautiful in it. 4) If your hands are cold, gloves. 5) You shouldn’t_____________ your this jacket, it is out of fash- ion. 6) If you stout. this skirt, you will 7) What were you 8) Mike never __ at the party? gloves. His hands are always 9) warm. this tie. It is not your style to such ties. 10) Before you go into the room your boots. 34. Write the same differently using to be able to. 1) He can go to university next year. 2) I could play football when I was fifteen. 3) You can’t drive a car when you are six 4) Paul couldn’t write two years ago. 6) I can’t know everything. 7) My friend couldn’t speak when he was ill 8) We can come only at 4 o’clock tomorrow. 9) Nick couldn’t buy ice cream as he had no money 10) Sara can’t come to your birthday party. 35. Say what you were and were not able to do when you were 10. Example: i WPS able to SWim in the sea, (to swim in the sea) I wasn't able to drive a car, (to drive a car) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) to draw a picture), to play tennis), to write a book), to ride a horse), to speak English), to understand German) (to go boating). (to dance well). 36. Practise writing this dictation. Dictation 6 A. Blue eyes, short curly hair, a round face, a turned-up nose, a slim body, soft lips, a big mouth, small ears, shapely legs, a good-looking man, a brave child, a clever boy, kind people, stupid words, a friendly talk, an honest woman. B. Janet is rather greedy and Peter is very lazy. My brother is rather stout. Denis is tall and very slim. He is nearly nineteen. Jane has an oval face. William has curly hair. The twins have brown eyes. C. Roy could write when he was small but he wasn’t able to count well. Now he can do everything. Janet mustn’t take her father’s bike. Children should help their parents. My mobile is at home, may I use yours? Test 6 1. Listen to Sophie’s story, (46), and choose the right item. 1. Sophie is a . a) student 2. Sophie has . a) a brother 3______________ b) film star c) schoolgirl b) two brothers c) a brother and a sister a) Mike 4. Mike looks b) Jim wanted to be an actor (actors) c) Mike and Jim ________________________________Jim a) worse than b) better than c) as fine as a) Mike b) Jim became an actor (actors) c) Mike and Jim 2. Read the texts (a—d) and match them with the numbers (1—5). There is one extra number. 1. Julie, an actress 2. Harry, a photogra pher 3. Bob, a teacher 4. Jenny, a writer 5. Andy, a student a) I live in Oxford but two years ago I lived with my parents in a small town in the north of England. Now I travel to my home town only when I have holidays. It happens usually in summer because our summer holidays are the longest. In winter my parents come to me and we celebrate Christmas together. But they don’t stay long. My university life starts in January. b) I’m twenty. I’m tall and slim. My hair is fair and curly. I always wear dark suits and white shirts when I’m at work. It’s important to look nice when you work with children. c) Hi, I’m a Londoner. I work in one of the city parks. I’m not young but I always wear jeans. I put on light sweaters in spring or autumn and I usually wear T-shirts in summer. Taking pictures is my profession * which I like. d) I’m sixty and I’m rather stout but I was slim and beautiful when I was younger. They say I’m very famous now and people like my films very much but I don’t think I like the way I look now. a) b) c) d) extra 3. Spell these words. 1.[Ьеэ] 2. ['k3:li] 3. ['эиуэ1] 4. ['legipz] 5. [lait] 6. ['sweta] 7. [p3'cfea:m9z] 8- [Геэ] 9. [staul] 10. [mauG] 1) 6) — 2 )_________________________________________ 7) — 3 )__________________________________________8) — 4 )_________________________________________ 9) — 5 ) lO) — 4. Complete the disjunctive questions. 1) California is famous for its beaches, 2) The Browns live in a beautiful house, 3) He never comes home late, --------------------- 4) I am going to Scotland in summo*", 5) Pauline didn’t know that boy, — 6) Mother saw us in the street, _______^— 7) It is not raining now, ______________— 8) We must get up early tomorrow ----------- 9) Nina could read books at six years old, 10) These shoes are not warm, _______________ 5. Complete the dialogues. Use these: can can’t may must should A. — Sir,_______________________I come in? — No, you_________________________________ ^________uot. You are late. You _______________________come to class earlier. в. — Tommy,____________________you help your mother now? — Yes. By the way, dad, I always help her. I know that chil-dren________________help their parents. C. — Jane, your grandad is ill. He is in hospital. You _________________visit him-------------------you do it today? — No, mum, I Г11 go there tomorrow. 6. Complete the text. Jean-Claude van Damme is a famous film actor. When he (^be) a child, he (Чаке) ballet lessons, (^win) different ballet competi-tions^. Then a Paris ballet company ('*give) him a job as a dancer, but he (^decide) he (®want) (^work) in films, so he (®take not) the job. Instead, he (®go) to the USA. In 1981 he (*®travel) to Hollywood. He (^^have) English lessons and (^^work) for a pizza house. That was how he (^^make) money. One night he (^'^meet) a film producer outside the restaurant. “Hello, I (^%e) Jean-Claude van Damme,” he (^^say). “I (^^be) an actor soon.” The producer (^^believe not) him then. And he (^®be) wrong^. Now there are few people in the world who (^®know not) this talented actor. 1 )______________________________________________________________________ 7) 2 ) 8) 3 )________________________________________________ 9) 4 )---------------------------------------------- 10) 5 )________________________________________________11) 6 ) 12) * a competition [,кптрэ'и/эп] — соревнование 2 to be wrong — ошибаться 13 )______________________________________ 17)________________________________ 14 )______________________________________ 18)________________________________ 15 )______________________________________ 19)________________________________ 16 ) 20) ___________________________________________________________________ 7. Do you remember what your best friend is like? Answer the questions. 1) How old is he/she? ______________________________________________________ 2) What colour is his/her hair? ____________________________________________ 3) What is his/her face like?_______________________________________________ 4) What colour are his/her eyes? 5) What is his/her mouth like? _ 6) What is his/her nose like?________ 7) What is his/her body like? _______ 8) What is your friend like?_________ 9) What is he interested in?_________ 8. Write Dictation 6, (47). A____________-_____________ — В D Project Work 6 Write a new page in your album and describe the clothes people wore in your home-town long ago. In most cases names of clothes are the same as in Russian, only use English letters to spell them. Examples: sarafan, kokoshnik, kosovorotka, lapti, valenki, porti, polushubok etc. Use pictures and photos. Unit 7 Word Box biology borrow break (broke) brush carry chalk chemistry classmate daybook dictionary draw drawing education exercise-book felt-tip pen find (found) foreign geography glue group information language ' learn (learnt) literature mark mathematics modern paint paper pencil pencil case physical physics primary religious rubber rule ruler science secondary sharpener subject technology tell (told) term text-book I. Listening+ 1. Listen to the tape, («j (48), and decide what schools they went to and how much they liked them. 1) a comprehensive school a) liked it very much 2) a grammar school b) liked it, but not very much 3) a public school c) didn’t like it at all Alice__________________: Susan 2. Listen to the tape, (49), and choose the true sentences. Nina 1) She is seven. lYj 2) Her father always takes her to school. 3) Nina hates her school. 4) Sport and games are important in Nina’s school. Boris 1) He goes to primary school. 2) He is a fifth-former. 3) He has one teacher. 4) He likes French most of all. Mike 1) He is older than Boris. 2) He has a lot of subjects at school. 3) He dreams of travelling. 4) In winter Mike goes to the park to skate. Helen 1) Helen has a lot of free time. 2) She is in the ninth form. 3) She is a university student. 4) She hates working on the computer. 3. Listen to the tape, (50), and decide what their favourite subjects are. 1) Pauline______________________________________________________________ 2) Mike_________________________________________________________________ 3) Ann__________________________________________________________________ 4) Denis________________________________________________________________ 4. Listen to the text “TV Children”, (51), and choose the right item. 1. TV children are children who_____________________________________________ a) watch TV a lot b) play in TV shows 2. Children who play in TV shows a) go to school in the evening b) have classes where they work 3. The teachers help them ___________ a) to get education 4. The children have_________________ a) twelve 5. The children have no classes _____ a) in July and August b) to act in TV shows lessons every week b)tventy b) in August and September 6. They can’t play in TV shows if they _________________________ a) don’t live in California b) don’t get good marks 7. Once their classroom was _____________________________________ a) the Mississippi river boat b) the Mississippi film studio II. Speaking+ 5. These are traditional rules for most schools in Russia. In small groups work out* the rules for your dream school. Pupils must Pupils mustn’t come on time, stand up when the teacher comes in, be quiet during the break, have a lot of tests wear any clothes and colours, bring mobile phones, sit while answeriftg, play active games during the break, leave a lesson when they want, eat whenever they are hungry, wear unclean boots and shoes at school * to work out — выработать 6. Work in pairs and choose five most important items for a school. Say why they are important. A school should give a good education take girls and boys have (no) religious education give free education have a good stadium and a good gym for sports teach subjects important for life have good teachers with new ideas be situated near the place where pupils live ask its pupils to wear uniforms have a lot of computers and the Internet give its pupils free lunches teach different foreign languages teach dancing and singing send pupils on school trips abroad and in the country 7. Read the text and say if you would like to have classes ai home and why (not). School at Home Many parents ask the question: “Is school the best place for education?” Some parents say “no”. They teach their children at home. They work out their programmes to teach their children “the right things”. Some parents say schools are not safeL Pupils fight there. In America 30% of pupils have classes at home. Parents teach their children about the world and people. Fathers usually help with mathematics and physics. The children have time to read, to go in for sport. Later they do more subjects. Other parents usually help. Children eat home-made food which is good, they sleep longer hours, they have a lot of fun and enjoy their classes. The children meet a lot of new people and make friends with them. ^ safe [saif] — безопасный 8. Say what you usually do during your English lesson. You can use these: to have 3 (5) lessons a week to listen to tapes to ask and answer questions to read English books (texts) to talk to each other to watch English films (videos) to sing English songs to learn about English traditions to learn about famous English people to learn traditional dances to learn words by heart to learn English poems by heart to work on the computer to write dictations and tests to meet foreign visitors and talk to them 9. Make and act out a dialogue about the two schools. Use the informa tion on this page and on page 63. School 1 situated in the centre of the city (town) takes only boys has classes six days a week has a swimming bath, a stadium and a gym has two computer rooms and the Internet has different sports clubs parents pay for some subjects (not all) pupils learn 3 foreign languages most pupils go to universities situated far from the city (town) centre takes boys and girls has classes five days a week has a gym has three computer rooms, no Internet has a dancing club and an art studio free education pupils learn English nearly one third of the school leavers go to university III. Reading+ 10. Read the words in transcription. 1. ['soufal] 2. fjaipana] 3. fkselkjuleita] 4. [n'lid53s] 5. ['kemistri] 6. [Mro:io] 7. ['laepgwicfe] 8. [,edju'keij3n] 9. ['sAbd5ikt] 10. [^maeOi'meetiks] 11. [tek'nobd^i] 12. ['forin] 13. [^klcLsmeit] 14. [фГпдгэГ!] 15. [Tiziks] 11. Read the new words, word combinations and sentences. A. dictionary, exercise-book, college, university, break, a first-former, science, biology, literature, modern, group B. pencil sharpener, pencil case, felt-tip pen, religious education, physical education, secondary education, rulers and rubbers, a bottle of glue, to draw with a pencil, to carry a bag, to borrow a brush, to learn by heart, to tell the truth, primary school, from an early age, a foreign language, to give a mark C. Miss Gordon is our form teacher. At what age does secondary school begin? How many subjects do you do at school? Most pupils in England go to state comprehensive schools. What mark did you get in history yesterday? Гт good at literature, but I’m bad at mathematics. 12. Read the texts (a—d) and match them with the numbers (1—5). There is one extra number. 1. An American Cowboy 2. A Difficult Life of a Poet 3. The Famous Doctor 4. A Man from Siberia* 5. A Teacher Ready to Help a) b) a) Rudolf Nureyev was born on the 17^** March, 1938 in the Soviet Union in the city of Irkutsk. At the age of eleven he began dancing and when he was 17, he became a student of the Leningrad Ballet School. In 1961 he left Russia for France. He became a world-famous dancer. He , died in Paris on 6*** January, 1993. b) He was one of the men who went west on the back of a horse. The sun and the wind and the rain made his white face brown. He knew little about reading and writing but those things were not important to him. His talent was to know cows and their ways. He could control cows easily. c) Ann Sullivan taught blind^ children. One of her pupils was Helen Keller. Miss Sullivan helped her to understand how to spell words. The first word Helen learned was doll. It was like a game for Helen and she liked it. The child made progress, Helen Keller finished school and went to college. She wrote a book The Story of My Life, Ann Sullivan was with her all her life. d) Carl Sandburg, a well-known American poet, was born in 1878. Carl was interested in writing poems at an early age. He read a lot and learnt many poems by heart. At the age of 13 after finishing the 8^** form, he left school to help at home. He had many jobs. He was a worker, a shop-assistant, a fireman. His first collection of poems was for his mother. c) d) extra * Siberia [чаГЬ1ЭП0] — Сибирь ^ blind [blaind] — слепой 13. What school would they like to choose? Match the numbers with the letters. There is one extra letter. 1. Mr Smith is a minister. He has a son of 13 and wants to give him a very good education. He is ready to pay a lot. 2. Mr and Mrs Hutt would like their 12 year-old daughter to get all round education and to make friends with different boys and girls. The family are church-goers. 3. Mr and Mrs Brown have a daughter of 13 and they want a good girls* school for her. They are rather poor. 4. Mrs Adams has a son John. John is 12. He likes sports very much. His favourite sport is football. Mrs Adams has no money to send him to a public school. The family are non-believers*. a) Roedean School is situated in Brighton. It’s an old public school for girls. It’s one hundred twenty years old and is famous in the South of England. They also give religious education. b) Manchester girls' grammar school is situated in the central part of England. It gives a good academic education free. c) Coventry comprehensive school is situated in a beautiful place in the central part of England. It has big sportsgrounds and a good football field. There are social centres for smaller groups of children where they play and do homework after classes. d) Eton is a famous name. It is one of the best public schools for boys in England. There are 1200 pupils there. Many famous people finished it. e) Bradford Grammar School is for boys and girls. It prepares children for university. The school gives a good physical education and religious instruction. Education is free. a) b) c) d) extra * non-believrs [,nnnbr'Ii;v3z] — неверующие Norah Jones a) Norah began singing at the age of five. From the age of six she learned to play the piano but then stopped. She never had singing lessons. b) Norah Jones, a 25-year-old singer, is now one of the biggest US stars and her album Come Away with Me sells more than 6 million copies every year. She has her own group, sings soft jazz songs and plays the piano. c) After leaving school, Norah went to the University of North Texas ['teksas] where she studied jazz and piano for two years. In 1999 she took a summer trip to Manhattan and stayed in New York. d) Norah Jones was born in New York but went with her mother to Texas' when she was four years old. She never knew her famous father, the Indian singer Kavi Shankar and she doesn’t like speaking about him. e) For the first time she played and sang in a local coffee house on her 16"' birthday. Soon she won two school music awards^. Then she joined the music group Wax Poetic, 2 3 4 5 15. Read the text and choose the right item in the sentences after it. Sylvia had three girls and no one to help her. Her dream was to give them a good education. But how could she give it to them? She couldn’t prepare them for anything. Then one day three people visited her. Doctor Jakes and Doctor Smith came first. Doctor Jakes said, “We should like to teach these children. For nothing. Pauline has a beautiful ear for poetry and likes it a lot. I’ll enjoy teaching her”. ' Texas ['teksas] — Техас, один из южных штатов США ^ awards [a'wDidz] — награды и и Mathematics is my subject”. Doctor Smith explained. I hear Rosy and Susan are fond of mathematics. It means the girls will get a first-class education and will know literature and mathematics well. The children will take the school examinations later”. That night Sylvia had her third visitor. It was Theo Dane. “You know I teach dancing at the Children’s Academy of Dancing. I spoke to the Head this morning, she’ll take the girls as pupils free”. Sylvia was really happy. 1. Sylvia had__________________on her hands. a) two boys b) three girls 2. Sylvia was all the time thinking about the girls’__________________ a) education b) parents 3. Doctor Smith enjoyed teaching_________________ a) mathematics b) literature 4. Pauline was fond of a) mathematics b) literature 5. Mr Dane was ready to teach_________________. a) chemistry b) dancing 6. The teachers were ready to teach the girls_______________________ a) for a small sum of money b) free 16. Read the text and answer the questions after it. Dear Diary, things are normal again after the getting fun of the holidays. I really must get back to school life. I am afraid I’m lazy. In the morning I heard the clock but I turned over and wanted to have more sleep. When somebody knocked on the door, I was angry because I thought it was my brother Tom. But the door opened and there stood my mother! At first she wasn’t smiling. “Janie, be a good girl, get up or you’ll have no breakfast. You are late again!” she said. Then she smiled and kissed me. When she does it, dear Diary, I love her so much and want to be good. When I came to the kitchen, everybody was eating pancakes but mum gave me an egg. “Pancakes are not for you, my dear Fatty, or soon you won’t have anything to wear to school.” I was really unhappy. Sometime this week I’m going to ask Miss Everett, my PE teacher if she knows any good physical exercises for me. I would like to become slim. So long for now. 1) Is Janie writing her diary after or before school holidays? 2) Why does Janie think she is getting lazy? 3) Why was she angry in the morning? 4) What did her mother say? 5) Why did she give Janie only an egg for breakfast and no pan cakes? 6) What is Janie going to ask her PE teacher for? 7) Why does she want some good physical exercises? 1. a) I’m sorry. I’m late. b) No, Mr Perry, what you’re telling us is very interesting. c) Excuse me, is anyone sitting here? 1. 3. IV. Writing-!- 18. Complete these new words. 1) ex e 7)f m 2) sc 1 8) bo 3)r r 9) a e 4) m к 10)b sh 5) pri У 11) pa. t 6) di_ гу 12) t m w 13) f e 22) uni ty 14) mo n 23) t 1 15)sub t 24) ph cs 16) cl s 25)1 n 17) r r 26) с ry 18) sec ry 27) b к 19)bi_ у 28) m s 20) hi_ у 29) ch к 21) d w 30) geo У Spell the new words. 1. fdaiari] 2. [^edju'keijan] 3. [jnfa'meijan] 4. [glu:] 5. fdeibuk] 6. [tjb:k] 7. [Ъпгэи] 8. ['sekandari] 9. fsaians] 10. flitaratja] 11. ['eksasaiz] 12. ['Jo:pana] 13. fpraimari] 14. [Ju:ni'v3:siti] 15. [gru:p] 1. 6. 11. 2. 7. 12. 3. 8. 13. 4. 9. 14. 5. 10. 15. Complete the sentences. Use these: to go to school go to university goes to work go to hospital to go to bed be in bed go to church 1) Is Dave still a pupil or does he 2) If you really feel bad you should and not just stay in bed. 3) It’s late. It’s time for you 4) Ann you are only four. You are not old enough 5) Susan’s parents are religious. Every Sunday they 6) Mum 7) You’re ill! You should five days a week. 21. Article a/an or no article. 1) Jason is such______________ anybody. 2) They are such 3) It is such_____ drink it. 4) Where can I find such are very difficult. 5) It is such_________________ walk. 6) It is such erything I know 7) It is such________ brave boy! He is not afraid of ripe grapes! I like them a lot. cold water! The children shouldn’t easy texts? All of them wonderful weather! Let’s go for a important news! I must tell you ev- early train! I won’t be able to get up 8) It was such difficult year! Let’s hope next year will be easier 9) Eton is such__________ interesting traditions 10) Roses are such ________ them. old public school! It has a lot of beautiful flowers! I love 22, Complete the verb chart. 1 draw 2 находить 3 told 4 learn 5 говорить (на языке) 6 left 7 go 8 думать 9 take 10 gave 11 вешать 12 ring 13 fell 14 ударять 15 ride 23. Complete the texts. A. It happened in India. A lady (*walk) down the street to work and she (^see) a parrot* in front of the pet shop. Suddenly the parrot (^say) ______________________to her, “Hey lady, you (%e)_________________________ very ugly^”. The lady (^like, not)_____________________________that and (®leave)__________________________the place. On the way home, she (*^see)_______________________________the same parrot and (®hear) ______________________________ the same words. She (^become) ________________________________ really angry and (*®go) ______________________into the shop. She (**tell)_________________________ the manager that she would sue the pet shop^. “Excuse me”, said the manager. “The parrot (*^talk, not)________________________________like that again. I (*Heach)____________________________him a lesson”. And he really (*•*teach)________________________the parrot. When a week later the lady (*^walk)_______________________________past the shop, she (*®find)__________________________________the parrot sitting there. It (*’^shout) to her, “Hey, lady”. The lady (*^stop) _________________________________, “Yes?” she asked. “You (*®know)________________________________________ what,” (^®answer) ________________________the bird. ’ a parrot ['paerot] — попугай 2 ugly ['лдЬ] — страшный, уродливый ^ that she would sue [sju:] the pet shop — что она подаст судебный иск на зоомагазин в. It was a fine autumn day. Mr Brown (^take) his little son Tom for a walk. Suddenly it (^begin) raining heavily. They (^have, not) _____________ their raincoats and umbrellas with them, so they ('^be) ________________________soon very wet and the small boy (‘‘become) _________________________________ unhappy. A cold wind (%low) ______________________________and (“^make)____________________________ the weather even worse. The father and his son (®talk, not) _____________________________It (%e)____________________________________difficult (^®walk) __________________________in the rain. Then the boy (^^ask) ________________________his father, “Why (^^rain)____________________________, father? I (^^think, not)____________________________it is very nice”. “No, it isn’t very nice”, ('“^say)_____________________________________ Mr Brown. “But it is very useful. When it (^^rain) fruit and vegetables can (^Mrink)__________________________and they (^^become) ________________________ ripe and juicy”. Tom (^4hink) ________________________about this for a few seconds and then (^®ask) ______________________, “Then, why it (^^rain)______________________ on the road too, father? 24. Complete the answers to these questions. 1) Your school doesn’t give physical education, does it? 2) You don’t wear uniforms at school, do you? _______________ 3) You didn’t go to primary school, did you? ________________ 4) You can’t speak English, can you? 5) You are a pupil now, aren’t you? _ 6) You never tell lies, do you?___________ 7) Your best friend always tells the truth, doesn’t he/she? 8) You were not a pupil at the age of five, were you? 9) You do only four subjects at school, don’t you?_________ 10) You don’t have holidays in summer, do you? _____________ 25. Today is Monday. Nick usually gets up early and goes to school on this day. He doesn’t do it on Sunday. Write what he did or didn’t do last Sunday. Monday Sunday 1 He gets up early. 1 2 He doesn’t sleep long in 2 the morning. О He catches a bus to Q He didn’t catch a bus to О school. О school. 4 He has seven lessons. 4 5 He has lunch at school. 5 He doesn’t help granny 6 about the house. (He 6 has no free time.) 7 He writes English words. 7 8 He prepares for his 8 Tuesday classes. 9 He goes to bed early. 9 26. Last winter your friend stayed in England and went to an English school. Now she is in Russia again. Send her an e-mail and ask: 1) if she spoke only English there; 2) if she wore a uniform; 3) if she did many subjects; 4) if they had religious education at school; 5) if she understood her teachers and classmates easily; 6) if they learnt many things by heart; 7) if she found that English school interesting; 8) if they visited any museums; 9) if her form teacher helped her; 10) if it was difficult to live and go to school in England. 27. Complete the sentences with the right forms of the verbs tell, talk, say, speak, 1) Tom is very clever, he___________________two foreign languages. 2) Ann___________________she is good at geography. 3) Will you____________________me the truth? Where were you in the morning? 4) Girls, you mustn’t__________________much in class. 5) She never us anything. 6) I want to____________________something about this writer. 7) They were ___________________ and laughing when the teacher came into the classroom. 8) Who is going to__________________at the meeting? 9) You are_____________________a lie! I wasn’t there at five. 10) Ask your parents to come to school tomorrow to _________________to your form teacher. 28. Ann and Helen are friends but Ann goes to a new school now. Read Ann’s answers and write Helen’s questions. Use the words: What Who How long When Where How many Where (2) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) I decided to change schools last April. Not many. I don’t have many new friends. We have the same subjects as in our old school. After classes we sometimes go to the swimming pool. My form teacher is my English teacher. During the holidays we went to St. Petersburg. We stayed there for a week. 29. Write about your school. Think about this. 1) When did you become a pupil of this school? 2) Is it old or new? 3) How many teachers are there? 4) Do you wear a uniform? 5) What school rules have you got? 6) What subjects do your teachers teach? 7) What do you do at the lessons? 8) Is there a good gym (stadium) at your school? 9) Did your form teacher take you to museums or on any trips last year? 10) What can you say about your classmates? 30. Yesterday at 8:30 the children were at their lessons. What classes were they having then? What were they doing? BORIS VICTOR SCRGEY V/ERA \/0L0DY/\ TONYA DENIS 1) Boris was drawing a mop. He was having a geography class 2) Olga 3) Victor and Sergey 4) Vera _________________ 5) Volodya and Kirill 6) Tonya and Pavel 7) Denis_______________ Dictation 7 A. a rubber, a pencil case, paper, glue, a blackboard, chalk, paints, brushes B. an English-Russian dictionary, a bottle of glue, an old drawing, secondary education, a school term, a form teacher, a group of pupils C. to learn a story by heart, to tell the right time, to talk about music, to go to university, to do a lot of subjects, to have a long break, to get a good mark for the answer, to learn a foreign language D. Kate is in the seventh form. She gets up at seven o’clock every morning because her school begins at eight. She does ten subjects at school. Kate is good at literature and history. She is not very good at mathematics and physics. But yesterday she got good marks in these subjects. Kate is not a lazy pupil and she always works very well in class. Test 7 1. Ann Doolittle is writing a letter to find a pen-friend. Listen to her, (52), and choose the right item. 1. Ann Doolittle is a) thirteen b) twelve years old c) twenty 2. She lives in a) Brighton b) London c) Oxford 3. And goes to a a) grammar b) comprehensive c) public school. 4. Ann’s school is for a) boys only b) girls only c) boys and girls 5. The school is a) new b) old c) rather old 6. Ann does two foreign languages: a) English and German b) French and English c) French and German 7. Ann goes home by___________________ a) train b) bus 8. Ann _______________________________ a) must b) mustn’t c) bike wear a uniform at school c) likes 9. Ann likes a) reading and swimming b) swimming and skating c) swimming and gardening 10. And would like to visit a) St. Petersburg b) Moscow c) Kiev 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 2. Read the texts (a—d) and match them with the numbers (1—5). There is one extra number. 1. School Sports Club 2. Theatre 3. Interview with a Famous School-leaver 4. School Rules 5. School Year in America a) This comprehensive school is very democratic. Pupils don’t wear uniforms, they are usual in private schools. Here children choose and wear clothes they like but they can’t wear some colours. They mustn’t take stereos or mobiles to school. Some pupils who are 16 drive to school. Small children go by public transport or use their bikes. b) — A few words about your career, please. — Well, I began my career as a photographer in Fleet Street. It was very good for a young man. There I learned a lot of important things. I learned to put a story together. A picture story is like any other story. It should have a beginning, a middle part and an end. You should take very natural pictures. c) It is not very long. There are two terms and each has two periods. At the end of each period pupils get a report card with marks from their teachers. In the USA pupils have a lot of holidays. They have two weeks for spring holidays, two weeks for Christmas and three months in summer. d) Our school has got a lot of clubs where we go after classes. The pupils who like drama come to us. We prepare shows or plays for the end of the school year. The pupils write plays themselves, they choose what they want to show and then work at it. They usually show their plays in spring. a) b) c) d) extra Only Children^ Are only children different? Are they cleverer? Are they selfish? Statistics show that only children often become very successful in their careers. A lot of American famous people were only children. Some people say that such children have more problems than children who come from big families. At school it’s difficult for them to make friends. Others say that only children are usually loving реор1ё because they get all the love from their parents. Here is what “only children” say. Sally: As a child, I talked to my dog for hours. She was my real friend. I think pets are very important to only children. My life was rather boring. I didn’t have friends at school. But I was one of the best pupils. Now I’m successful in my work. Liza: I didn’t make any friends at school. During my school holidays I had nobody to play with. But I was happy because my parents were my best friends. We travelled a lot. I visited a lot of countries, met different people. They say. I’m a good journalist now. Mike: At times I was unhappy when I was a child. When my parents sent me to a boarding school at the age of five, I didn’t like it. I didn’t have any friends then. It was a difficult life for a child. Now my wife and I have two sons. They are good friends. We didn’t want an only child. 1) What do statistics show about only children? 2) Have they got any problems when they go to school? 3) Sally didn’t have any friends at school, did she? ^ only children — единственные дети 6) Who helped her feel happy? 7) Why was Mike unhappy when he was five? 8) How many children has he got now? B. Say what you think about only children. 4. Complete this text, choose the right forms of the verbs and write them. Somebody is knocking loudly on my door. I (*hear) __________________my mother’s voice, “Cathy, (^get)_________________ up. It (^be) _____________________ seven o’clock. If you ('^stay) __________________in bed longer, you (^be)____________________late for school.” I get up but can’t find anything. Where (^be) _______________________ my school blouse? Oh, mum (^wash, not) __________________it yesterday. Now I (®have, not)___________ any time for breakfast. If I (®run)__________________________all the way, I (*®catch) _______________________ my bus to school. Mum (**stand) ______________________in the kitchen, with a piece of pie. “You (*%e) ____________________hungry when you (*^get)____________________to school. on the way to school. (^^Have) a nice day, dear!” she (^®say) 5. Spell these words, 1. [,edju'kei/3n] 2. fdikjanari] 3. i'saians] 4. ['form] 1) 2) 3) 4) 5. ['Iseogwicfe] 6. ['fiziks] 7. ['modn] 8. ['глЬэ] 5) 6) 7) 8) 9. [breik] 10. [Ътзгэи] 11. [tek'nolacfei] 12. yu:ni'v3:s3ti] 9)___________________ 10) 11) 12) 6. Write Dictation 7, (53). A. B. C. D. Project Work 7 Write a page in your album. Describe one of your school traditions. Use pictures and make your own drawings. Final Test 1. Listen to the tape, («»] (54), and decide which sentences are true. 1. a) The friends are going to spend much time near the lake. b) The friends are going to spend much time doing the museums. 2. a) The friends are afraid of swimming in cold water, b) The friends are going to swim in cold water. 3. a) Frieda’s grandfather has got a boat, b) Frieda’s father has got a boat. 4. a) Jason can water-ski very well, b) Jason can’t water-ski very well. 5. a) Frieda thinks it is easy to learn to water-ski well, b) Frieda thinks it is difficult to learn to water-ski well. 6. a) Tourists often visit Grasmere, b) Tourists don’t often visit Grasmere. The Osbournes The Osbournes are a real family. They live in the US. Now they are nearly as popular as the famous Simpsons family whom people know from television. There are four people in the Osbournes family. The father, Ozzy Osbourne, is a successful heavy rock star. His wife’s name is Sharon. They have two children — Jack, who is sixteen years old, and Kelly, who is seventeen. Sharon loves dogs and they have more than ten dogs in the house. Jack is lazy, he hates school and spends half of his life eating pizza and playing computer games. Kelly is not a very pleasant girl. She thinks that the world is unfriendly and life is boring. Ozzy becomes angry easily and shouts at his wife and children when they ask him to get up early and walk the dogs. A lot of parents in America believe that the Osbournes are a very bad example for their children, especially* Ozzy and Sharon. But Kelly says that her parents are wonderful. *T love them so much. They are always there to help us.” {from "Club'^ Nov./Dec. 2002) 1) Where do the Osbournes live? 2) How many children are there in the Osbournes family? * especially [I'spcjali] — особенно 5) What does Kelly think about the world she lives in? 6) What does she think about her parents? 3. Put the parts of the text in the right order. a) I don4 want this to happen this year again. That is why Гт writing this letter. I have a wonderful idea: don’t give me anything but write me a check for five million dollars, and Г11 buy the presents myself. b) I think I know why I got the presents I didn’t want. I believe that your helpers are lazy and no good at all. So when they got my letter in their office before Christmas, they put it in the wrong place^ but didn’t read it to you. c) Dear Santa^, last year I wrote to you well before Christmas. My letter was unusually long. I wrote in the letter about the 15,000 Christmas presents I wanted for the New Year. But I never got them! I got only a toy car which I didn’t like very much and a book. d) Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to you, Santa. Yours Willy Sandford 1_________________2___________3______________________4____________ ' in the wrong place — зд.: не туда, куда нужно 2 Santa (Santa Claus ['«cnto kb:zj) = Father Frost 1. You-are not good at maths,________________________you? a) aren’t b) are c) were 2. I will wear jeans to the party if my mother them. a) buy b) will buy c) buys й , 3. When Jenny rang up, her brother___________________________a shower in the bathroom. a) was taking b) took c) will take 4. I don’t know when he to us. a) comes b) will come c) come 5. Andy,___________________you hear the train now? a) do b) are c) did 6. Wilson never listens to_____________________. a) everybody b) anybody c) nobody 7. The Browns don’t know my e-mail address and I don’t know a) they b) their c) theirs 8. Tower Bridge is situated in London not far from __________________Tower. a) a b) the c) — 9. Jack, you _______________________ swim in the river. The water is very cold. a) must b) may c) mustn’t 10. Where is the money? — I think_____________________________________________________________ on the table. a) it is b) they are c) them are 5. Choose the right verb forms to complete the text. Alec was a very busy boy. He (*have) no time for playing games with other children because he (^work) a lot at school. And he (^now) all the answers to his teacher’s questions. Alec ('*do) his room every day and always (^wear) his pyjamas when he (^go) to bed. In fact, he was too good to be true. One Saturday morning when the sun (^shine) in the bright blue sky, AJec (^decide) to go to the zoo. as on Saturdays cliildren under ten (®can) go to the zoo free. In the zoo he (*%uy) a zoo map and (**walk) about for an hour and was ready to go home when he (* ^understand) that someone (*^waJk) behind him. He (*'*tum) round and (*®see) a big polar bear. “You must (*®go) back to the zoo!” Alec (‘^shout). But the bear (*^go, not). “What my mother (*®say) if I (2**take) the bear home?” (^*think) Alec. He {^^have, no) time for a pet. But the bear stayed with Alec. That night It (^^sleep) near Alec's door, it (2*leave. not) the next day and on Monday when Alec (^^get) up early to go to school, the bear (^®run) behind him. The children (^Wjoy) having the bear at school and (^®give) it their sandwiches. The bear was so friendly and quiet that the teachers (^**Uke) having it at school too. For Alec it (^***be) a happy week. Sadly it all happened in his dream. 1) 6) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 )------------------------------------------------------------- 7)_______________________________________________ 3 )------------------------------------------------------------- 8)_____________________________________________- 4 )------------------------------------------------------------- 9)_______________________________________________ 5 )____________________________________________________________ 10)_________________________ 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) Учебное издание Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Михеева Ирина Владимировна Баранова Юления Михайловна Ваулина Юлия Евгеньевна Мичугмна Светлана Викторовна Петрова Наталья Юрьевна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК СЕРИЯ «новый КУРС А1ПГЛИЙСК0Г0 ЯЗЫКА для РОССИЙСКИХ школ* 3-й гол обучешт 7 ioiacc Рабочая тетрадь 2 Зав. редакцией £. Н>. Шмакова Ответственный редактор Е. В. Рубина Художник О. М. Воитвнко Художественный редактор Л. П. Копачсиа Технический редактор И. И. Герасимом Компьютерная верстка С.Л. Мамедова Корректор И. В. Андрианова