Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь 7 класс Афанасьева Михеева часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь 7 класс Афанасьева Михеева часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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Рабочая тетрадь №1 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А94 • Авторы: Афанасьева 0. В., Михеева И. В., Баранова К. М., Ваулина Ю. Е., Мичурина С. В., Петрова Н. Ю. Английский язык. Серия ♦ Новый курс английского языка для А94 российских школ*. 3-й год обучения. 7 кл.: рабочая тетрадь>£^ 1 / О. В, Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова и др. — 5-е изд., стереотип. — М. : Дрофа, 2009. — 125, [3] с. ISBN 978-5-358 06426-3 (К 1) ISBN 978-5-358 06425-6 Тетради являются составной частью УМК-3, созданного известными специалистами в области преподавания английского языка. Они предназначены как для самостоятельном работы учащихся дома, так и для работы в классе. В комплект входят также учебник, книга для чтения, кнпга для учителя и набор аудиокассет. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 iSBN 978 5-358 06426-3 (К 1) SBN 978 5 358-06425 6 '(■ ООО «Дрофа», 2005 Оглавление Unit 1 I. Listening+........................................ 4 II. Speaking-t-...................................... 8 III. Reading+....................................... 11 IV. Writing+........................................ 17 Test 1.............................................. 26 Project Work 1...................................... 31 Unit 2 I. Listening+....................................... 32 II. Speaking+....................................... 35 III. Readiiig+...................................... 40 IV. Writing+........................................ 48 Test 2.............................................. 60 Project Work 2...................................... 66 Unit 3 I. Listening+....................................... 67 II. Speaking+....................................... 71 III. Reading+....................................... 73 IV. Writing-!-...................................... 80 Test 3.............................................. 91 Project Work 3...................................... 97 Unit 4 I. Listening+....................................... 98 II. Speaking-f......................................101 III. Reading-!......................................103 IV. Writing-!.......................................109 Test 4..............................................121 Project Work 4......................................126 Unit 1 Word Box abroad back beach centre diary east history mountain north-west page boat boring business famous forest fun north north-east people pleasant postcard practise rain resort river sand sandcastle ski south south-east south-west stay tape terrible trip west I. Listening+ 1. Listen to the tape, spend^ their holidays (1), and decide’ where and how they like to 1. George Clooney ^ Ч 2. Freddie Prinze 3. Robin Williams a) going to Hawaii b) riding in Italy c) visiting museums in Spain, Italy, Greece and France ' to decide [diNiid] — решать * to spend — проводить 2. Л. Listen to the tape, (2), and decide where they are. 1. Venice ['venis] Beach is situated in_______________________________________ a) Florida b) California 2. Famous shops are situated in a) Rodeo ['raudiou] Drive b) Venice Beach 3. The home of American film stars is situated in a) Rodeo Drive b) Hollywood B. Is California the place for you? © © You can see famous people. You can go to the beach every day. You can go to good shops in Rodeo Drive. It’s very hot. The shops are expensive*. Young people can’t always get a job. * expensive [ik'spensiv] — дорогой 3. А. Listen to the tape. CD B. Listen to the tape again, places. (3), and repeat the names. (4), and write the names of these CD Countries: Scotland, England, Wales Cities: Aberdeen, Blackpool, Dover, Hull, Portsmouth, Swansea Rivers: the Clyde, the Severn, the Tyne, the Thames Mountains: Ben Nevis, Snowdon 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 4. Listen to the tape, (5), and decide what these children would like to do. • • S ♦ -9 t / M A. S L aVA 0 f N ' 5 1) would like to swim with dolphins. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) would like to play volleyball on the beach. would like to go fishing. would like to visit The Beatles Museum. would like to go to the lake in summer. would like to stay in a good hotel. would like to go to England. would like to stay on the Volga River in summer. 5. Listen to the text “Victor Goes Abroad", [yj (6), and choose the right item*. 1. Victor went to Scotland in_____ a) June b) July 2. He went there with his_________ a) mother b) father c) August c) parents 3. The weather was a) good b) bad c) not very good 4. Victor’s family stayed___________________________________________. a) in a good hotel b) with Mr David Backham c) on the beach 5. Mr Backham’s house is situated in a place famous for its a) good weather b)forests c) history ' an item ['aiiomj — ад.: пункт, вариант 6. Victor thought his holidays were a) terrible b) wonderful c) not very good 7. Victor wrote to his friend in_ a) English b) Russian c) French 8. Victor. a) often b) never wrote to his friend c) sometimes 9. Victor a) visited b) liked Scotland’s famous festival c) couldn’t visit II. Speaking+ 6. Work in small groups. Ask questions and decide who is your holiday partner'. Example: Do you like riding a mountain bike? a) ride a mountain bike, go down mountain rivers, sleep in a teiit^, ride a horse, cook in the open, go fishing b) stay in a comfortable hotel, eat good food, sleep long hours, swim in a good swimming bath, go to gift^ shops, meet famous people c) go on a trip, travel abroad, visit new towns and cities, do museums, see new things, meet new people, take pictures d) have a holiday at the sea, stay all day on the beach, swim in warm water, play with a ball, make sandcastles, eat in cafes e) stay at home, watch television, sleep after dinner, sp>eak on the telephone, have evenings at home ' a partner ['puina] — партнер 2 a tent — палатка ^ a gift [gift] — подарок 7. Say what you can about Scotland. • a beautiful country • lots of lakes, mountains, rivers • famous for its history • Ben Nevis • two famous lakes: Loch [Ink] Ness [ncs] and Loch Lomond ['laumand] • the Loch Ness Monster • five million people • Glasgow, on the Clyde • the flag of Scotland/white and blue • four big cities • famous sports: golf, football 8. Make and act out a dialogue about your summer trip. Think about these: • where you went • what the place was like • how long you stayed there what the weather was like who your holiday partners were what you did there if you wrote to your friends if you went to museums, theatres etc. if you liked your trip when you came back 9. Speak to your teacher about his/her summer holidays. 10. Expand* on the text “George Clooney’s Holidays”. George Clooney’s Holidays George Clooney is an American film star. He lives in Hollywood. He often goes to Italy for his holidays. He went to Italy last summer. George Clooney enjoyed the weather and the country. One day he went riding his motorbike in the country. The motorbike stopfied. George wanted to start it but couldn’t. A farmer took George to his house and helped him with his motorbike. In the evening the farmer’s daughter came home from school. She was happy to see the famous man in her house. “But it’s George Clooney, the film star!” she said to her father. “Clooney?” said the farmer, “I don’t know him. I don’t watch television.” 11. Read the text and speak about your first day at school after the summer holidays. AI’s Back at School It was September again — time to go to school. Al got up early. He loved his long summer holidays but he wanted to go to school. AI’s classes began at 9 o’clock a.m. on the first day. He had a shower, dressed quickly and went to the kitchen to have breakfast. Al left his house late and he ran to the school. When he was in the school, he saw his friends. They were going to get into the classroom. Al was glad to see them all. Then their teacher came in. He spoke about their new classes, their plans. Then the teacher wanted to listen to his pupils. They spoke about their summer holidays, their trips to some places. Al spoke about his trip to Spain, his first trip abroad. The teacher thanked Al. The class liked Al’s holiday. to expand [ik'spiend] — добавить детали, расширить рассказ The first day at school was like a big party for Al. He was glad to see his friends and teachers again. He enjoyed all his classes that day. He liked the first day at school very much. III. Reading+ 12. Read the names of these places. Countries: Holland, Wales, China Mountains: a) the Urals, the Alps, the Andes b) Everest, Ben Nevis, Snowdon Rivers: the Thames, the Seine, the Angara, the Mississippi, the Clyde, the Severn, the Tyne Lakes: the Ontario, the Huron, the Seliger Seas: the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea Cities: Oxford, Aberdeen, Dover, Blackpool, Hull, Portsmouth, Swansea, Portland, Bristol, Cardiff, Brighton Streets: Oxford Street, Fleet Street Museums: the British Museum, the London Museum Squares: Trafalgar Square, Red Square 13. Read these words in transcriptionh 1. [эЪгэй] 6. [Teimos] 11. ['sxnd ku:sol] 2. ['biznis] 7. ['histori] 12. ['terobol] 3. ['senta] 8. ['mauntm] 13. [i:stj 4. [sauG] 9. ['plezont) 14. [rem] 5. ['daiari] 10. ['nvaj 15. ['pi:p3l] 14. Read the new words, word combinations and sentences. A. abroad, postcard, practice, terrible, beach, rain, north-east, boring, people, river, forest, resort B. a pleasant trip a terrible film a pleasant day a famous river pleasant weather a famous mountain a terrible resort a famous diary a terrible business * in transcription [.tiren'skripjan] — в транскрипции to come back from school, to give back books, to go back to the north of the country, to play on the beach, to have a motor boat, to write in a diary, to play in the sand, to make sandcastles, to play on the beach, to be famous for its history, to be situated in the south-east, to go to Wales on business C. People couldn’t speak on mobiles. Jason couldn’t write his diary in French. Mrs Ronald couldn’t stay in that terrible hotel. It rained a lot last month. It’s going to rain tomorrow. Is it raining now? When does it usually rain here? 15. Read the texts (a—d) and match them with the titles under the numbers (1—5). There is one extra number'. a) Thursday February, 14 That was a terrible day. I got up late and was late for school. I didn’t know what to say in my history class. My friend John didn’t understand me. I played badly in the gym. What is Friday going to be like? b) London is a good place for shopping. Oxford street is famous for its shops. But there are a lot of people there. 200 million people go to Oxford Street every year. The famous shops are Hamleys (a toy shop). Self ridges ['selfndiiz] and Tower Records ['reknrdz] (a shop for music and CDs). c) You can play this game on the beach, in the gym or in a garden. People play with a large ball. There is usually a net but you can play without it. d) Bath [bo:0] is a town in the south-west of England. People go there to drink mineral water. There are a lot of students in this town too. 1. A famous film star 2. Volleyball 3. A page from a diary 4. A famous resort 5. A shopping place a) b) c) d) extra ' There is one extra number. — Одна цифра лишняя. 16. At what hotel would they like to stay? Match the numbers with the letters. There Is one extra letter*. 1. Mr Spencer is a tourist. He is interested in the centre of London, wants to see the places where the queen lives. 2. Mrs Shine likes places with few people. 3. The Browns came to London from the north of Britain. Mrs Brown wants to buy souvenirs for her friends. 4. John Fisher is a young doctor. He came to London on business. Likes swimming very much. a) Selsdon Park Hotel is situated near London. It is a big hotel with 150 bedrooms. There is a swimming pool and a beautiful park around it. b) La Gaffe is situated in the north-west of London. It is a small hotel with 11 rooms all with bathrooms. You can have breakfast and lunch there. c) Portman Court Hotel is situated in the centre of London not far from Oxford street with its world-famous shops. d) Goring Hotel is situated in the south-west not far from Buckingham Palace. Cosy and beautiful rooms. Nice food. e) Crescent Hotel is situated in central London. It has got 29 rooms. Only 3 of them have bathrooms. There is a garden and tennis courts [k?;ts]. 1)._. 2)_________ 3)__________ 4)__________ extra______ 17. Put the parts of this text in the right order. An Indian Legend a) When Min-na-wee was 14, it was time for her to be a wife. The old men of the tribe asked the young men of the tribe who wanted to have Min-na-wee for a wife. They all said no. легенда ['Ied5and] племя спросили ’ There is one extra letter. — Одна буква лишняя. b) Min-na-wee was not a good friend. She said bad things about other girls. She was angry and her face showed this. The old people in the tribe said to Min-na-wee’s mother that her daughter was a bad girl. c) The river transformed Min-na-wee into a big crocodile ['krnkadail] and she swam in the muddy water of the river. Now she lives in the river, hates people and kills them when she can. d) There was a tribe of people who lived near a big river. They had a lot of good food to eat and a lot of water to drink. Those people were very happy. There was only one little girl who was not happy. Her name was Min-na-wee. e) Min-na-wee began to hate her people and ran to the river. She asked the river to transform her into a terrible animal ['icmmnl]. She wanted to kill the people of her tribe. крокодил убивает животное 1. 2. 3. 4. 18. Read the text and choose the right item in the sentences after it. Hank lived in a small town, but then he got a job in a big city and went to live there with his wife and his two children. One Saturday morning Hank didn’t go to work. He took his new red car out of the garage and was going to wash it. Mr Charles Clover who lived near Hank’s new house came by. He saw Hank’s new car, stopped and looked at it for a minute. Then Hank saw him. “Is it your car?” said Mr Clover. “Not always”, said Hank. “Why not always? What do you mean?” were Mr Clover’s words. Hank said that when there was a party in the centre of the city, it was his daughter’s car. Jane went to her parties in it. When there was a football game that Hank’s son wanted to see, it was Joe’s car. When the car was clean and looked nice, it was his wife’s car. And when there was no gas* in it, it was Hank’s. children 1. Hank had two________________________ a) big b) small 2. Hank got a job in a_______________________ a) big b) small 3. That Saturday morning Hank’s car was a) clean b) not very clean city. 4. had a new red car, a) Hank b) Hank’s family 5. Hank drove the car. a) sometimes b) usually 19. Read the text and answer the questions after it. Ireland Ireland ['aobnd] is a good place to visit. It is a country with an interesting but not always happy history. Ireland with its hills^, lakes and rivers is very beautiful. The weather in Ireland is rainy. In the south-west it rains very often. Up to 270 days of the year are rainy. Lots of rain makes the country very green. * gas [gaesj = petrol {BrE) бензин 2 a hill [hilj — холм The Irish are very nice and friendly. They enjoy meeting new people and love having parties. They like music. Dublin fdAblin], the capital of Ireland, is the capital of pop and rock music. Many famous bands and singers come from Dublin — like U2 or Westlife. Traditional [ira'dijanal] Irish music is very popular ['pnpjula] in Ireland. People often play this music in the streets and parks. Visitors of Ireland enjoy listening to traditional music and dancing to it. 1) What is the capital of Ireland?___________________________________________ 2) What is the history of Ireland like? 3) What is the weather in Ireland like? 4) What makes the country green?. 5) What do the Irish enjoy doing? 6) Is Dublin the home of pop and rock music? 7) Where do people often play traditional music? 20. Match the pictures with the sentences. a) Have a nice trip! b) What terrible weather! c) We always go abroad in autumn. d) Joe writes he is having fun in the mountains. e) I think that the British Museum is a wonderful place to live, 3. 4. Э. IV. Writing+ 21. Complete these new words and write them. Dab d ll)h ch 21) for ,t 2)po d 12) oat 22)r er 3) pr e 13) лгу 23) r _rt 4) г tre 14) ra 24)ho g 5)p le 15) an 25) sk 6) s У 16) ck 26) plea_ t 7) ter e 17) n h 27) bus ss 8)t P 18) s th 28)fa ous 9)f 19) w 29) m ain 10) s ca_ le 20)ea 30) his у 2 Нлшый qprc ittrnitficKoro пыаа. 7 кл РабочАл тетрада Ht I 17 22. Spell the new words. 1. [Torist] 2. ['plczant] 3. [trip] 4. [Teimas] 5. [i.st] 6. [sauG] 7. [пэ;0] 8. ['mauntm] 9. ('pi'.pal] 10. [ri'zD:t] 11. [birtn 12. ['teribal] 13. ['saend,ka;i3l] 14. ['daiari] 15. [baut] 1. e. n. 2. 7. 12. 3. 8. 13. 4. 9. 14. .5. 10. 1.5. 23. Use article the or no article and write the names in the right places. Clyde, Blackpool, Ontario, Severn, Mississippi, Andes, Snowdon, Ireland, Wales, Trafalgar Sciuare, Sevan, Ben Nevis, Alps, Hyde Park, Hull, Liverpool, Canada, Fleet Street, Central Park, Oxford, Oxford Street, Holland, Caspian Sea, Red Sea, Red Square, Moskva-river Mountains Rivers Countries Lakes Seas Cities Squares Streets Parks 24. Complete the sentences if necessary. Example: 1) They stayed______________________a big new hotel. They stayed in (at) a big new hotel. 2) I’d like to go_______________ abroad someday. I’d like to go abroad someday. 1) I hate staying____________________home when all my friends are__________________the beach. 2) What is this city famous_________________? 3) Taiga is a big forest the north of Russia. 4) Where and how can you practise______________________ English? 5) In summer they went __________________________ a wonderful trip ___________________the Ural Mountains. 6) The weather is terrible: it rains_the morning, ___________________________________ the afternoon and -_________ the evening. 7) Father is going________________________London--------------------- business. 8) The little town is situated______________________the mountains. 9) I think skiing is_____________________great fun. 10) Little children enjoy playing the sand. 11) Dan’s home town is situated ___________ Thames. 12) I don’t know boys or girls who write the River a diary. 13) I’m going to read the book and give it back my teacher. 14) The postcard shows a beautiful lake the Alps. 15) This town the south-east of Russia is fa- mous its museums. 25. Complete the verb chartL 1 put 2 ate 3 идти (о дожде) 4 say 5 get 6 skied 7 see 8 посылать 9 read [red] 10 мочь, уметь 11 давать 12 think ' Complete the verb chart [tju tj. — Заполните таблицу глаголов. 26. Complete the texts. A. Jennifer Lopez (*be) born in New York on July 24^'^ 1970. Her father is a computer programmer, her mother (^be) a teacher. She (^have) two sisters: Leslie who (%e) an opera singer, and Lynda who (‘•be) a DJ. When Jennifer (®be) a child, she (^live) in New York. She (”have) a hobby. She (**like) singing very much. She (*®begin) singing when she (**be) five. Jennifer (*^go) to an all-girl high school*. She (i3iove) sport. She (*'*play) tennis and softbalF. Now Jennifer often (*^sing) about those years. Her songs (*®be) sometimes sad. Jennifer (•‘^work) very much when she (*®be) a child, she (***work) much now too. Her album This is me (‘^%e) very famous. But Jennifer (2*be) not only a singer. She starred in six film. B. Last summer Jimmy ('travel) a lot. In June his father (*^take) him to the south of France. They (^stay) in a hotel on the beach. Jimmy (■'swim) in the sea, (*’run) on the sand, (®make) sandcas-tles. He C'meet) a lot of interesting people at the resort. In the evening Jimmy (®ride) his bike. When he (®come) to the hotel, he ('“write) postcards to his mother. He ("know) that she ('^like) ('®get) his letters and postcards. Jimmy’s father ("teach) him ('Mrive) a car. Jimmy could ('“do) it but not very well. In France Jimmy ('"speak) French. He ('“think) he ('“understand) French people but not always. In July and August Jimmy (20have) trips to Italy and Spain. He (^'enjoy) his summer very much. • a high school — средняя школа (я США) 2 softball — игра, напоминающая бейгбол; в нее играют на меньшей площади и мячом большего размера, чем в бейсболе 27. In June Tom lived in the city, in July he went to the beach. In the city he didn’t do what he could do at the sea. Write what he didn’t do. At the Sea In the City 1 He got up late. 1 He didn’t get up late. 2 He swam. 2 3 He played in the sand. 3 4 He stayed at the hotel. 4 5 He made sandcastles. 5 6 He taught his brother to swim. 6 7 He went boating. 7 8 He wrote letters to his mother. 8 9 He sent postcards to his friends. 9 10 He drove in his father’s car. 10 11 He rode his bike in the morning. 11 12 He saw a lot of films. 12 28. Your friend Jason travelled a lot last winter. Send an e-mail to him and ask: 1) if he travelled by car, by train or by plane; 2) if he liked his trip; 3) if he skied in the places where he was; 4) if he wrote a diary; 5) if he met interesting people; 6) if it was cold there; 7) if he sent letters to his friends; 8) if he spoke English; 9) if he saw interesting people; 10) if he read a lot. 29. Write about your summer holiday. Think about this: 1) Where did you go? 2) When did you go there? 3) What was the weather like? 4) With whom did you go there? 5) Where did you stay? 6) What people did you meet? 7) What did you write (send) to your friends? 8) What did you do there? 30. Sveta asked her friend Vera about her summer holiday. This is what Vera said. Write Sveta’s questions, use the words: How When With whom Where (3) What places How long 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 7 ? — I went to the Black Sea. — I went there with my parents. — We stayed at a hotel. — We stayed there for two weeks. We swam in the sea. 7 ? ? 9 — We got there by plane. — We visited Yalta and ? 9 Kerch. — We came back on the 31®' of August. 31. Tom can’t write notes' well. There are many things that his friend Jim didn’t understand. What questions did Jim ask? Dear Jim. he came yesterday and took me to that place. We did a lot of things and had fun. She was there too. They came in the evening and stayed with us. I'm going to go there again. 1) Who is he__________________________________________________________? 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 32. What were they going to do yesterday at 4 o’clock in the afternoon? 1. 3. 4. • notes — записки 6. '•'■'Tv t. SUNNY BtACH 33. Choose the right form of the verb to rain and write the sentences. rains (2) is raining (3) is not raining (2) is going to rain doesn’t rain rained didn’t rain (2) 1) There are no people on the beach. It 2) It often 3) It_________ in the west of England, every day in Moscow. 4) I think it soon. There are dark clouds in the sky. 5) It last week but it was cold 6) The sun is shining. It is hot. It is 7) — Why is your jacket wet? It out in the street. 8) I like it when it but my sister doesn’t. 9) It was foggy and windy yesterday but it 10) We won’t go to the zoo. It 11) It_________________________We can play football. 12) It a lot last summer. Щ 34. Practise writing this dictation. Dictation 1 A. The Thames, the Andes, the Urals, Ben Nevis, Brighton, Oxford, Dover, Hollywood. B. In the north, in the south, the east of Spain, the west of Canada, in the south-east of France. C. Terrible weather, yellow sand, my friend’s diary, go boating on the lake, a bus trip, rivers and mountains, a famous resort, a dark forest. D. The south of England is famous for its ports. These people are laying in our hotel. It started raining and we went back home. Little children enjoy making sandcastles on the beach. Kevin often goes on business trips to the capital of the country. Last summer we had a lot of fun. It’s raining again. Test 1 1. Yura Smirnov is speaking about his stay in Sochi. Listen to him, (7), and choose the right item. Ш 1. Yura’s holiday were_________________________________________ a) not very good b) good c) very good 2. He is speaking about his trip ______________________________ a) to Moscow b) to Sochi c) abroad 3. They travelled by ______________________________________ a) car b) plane c) train 4. Yura’s family stayed_______________ a) in a hotel b) with friends 5. They -_____________________________ c) in a house on the beach to the beach. a) drove b) ran c) walked 6. The weather was a) good b) rainy c) cold 7. Yura’s family usually had dinner. a) in the hotel b) in a cafe at the seac) at their friends 8. Yura wants to go to this place again_____________________ a) in autumn b) in winter c) in summer 2. Read the texts (a—d) and match them with the titles under the numbers (1—5). There is one extra number. 1. A page from a diary 2. A holiday abroad 3. Where to stay in Yaroslavl 4. Weather in June 5. His hobby a) Vlad likes swimming a lot. In autumn, winter and spring he goes to the swimming bath five days a week. In summer he goes to the beach. He enjoys swimming in the sea. b) If you come to this old Russian city and would like to do it, you can stay in one of the hotels. A lot of them are situated in the centre. c) It is a warm summer month. Sometimes it is rainy but it doesn’t rain a lot. It is usually very sunny. It is pleasant to stay out. d) Saturday, 15 I had a trip to Suzdal with my parents. We went there by car. My dad drove his car. We got to the town at 12. I saw a lot of interesting things. We did the city and its museums. I liked it a lot. a) b) c) d) extra 3. Read the text and write the questions. The Summer Gardens The Summer Gardens, a famous park in St. Petersburg, is about three hundred years old. Peter I wanted this garden for his summer home. He wanted to have a very beautiful place with a lot of trees and fountains'. Peter often gave parties to his friends in the Summer Gardens. Sometimes people from abroad came to St. Petersburg and visited the Summer Gardens. They all said that it was a wonderful place. Now the Summer Gardens in St. Petersburg is a very famous place. People who travel in Russia usually visit and enoy it. Peter’s House in the Summer Gardens is a museum, 1) How old________________________________________________________? 2) Who____________________________________________________________? 3) What 4) What 5) Who_ 6) Why_ 4. Look at the map (p. 29) and write where these places are. On this map 1) Dmitrov is_______________________________________________ 2) Egorievsk is 3) Zvenigorod is 4) Chehov is ___ 5) Zagorsk is ' a fountain ['launtm] — фонтан 6) Mozhaisk is 7) Noginsk is _ 5. Complete this text, choose the right forms of the verbs and write them. Last summer I (*be) abroad for three weeks. My father (^go) to France on business and (^take) me with him. In Paris we (■’stay) in a hotel. We usually (’’have) breakfast early in the morning. Then my dad (®drive) to work and I C*ride) to the swimming bath. I (’’swim) there. When I (**come) to Paris, I (*®know) only two or three French words. Soon I (*‘begin) (‘^uderstand) French. Dad’s friends (‘^teach) me. I think I can (‘^speak) French a little now. 1) 6) 11)------------------------------------------------- 2 )_____________________________ 7)____________________________ 12)______________ 3 )_____________________________ 8)_____________________________13)_____________^ 4 )_____________________________ 9)____________________________ 14)______________ 5 )---------------------------- 10)--------------------- 6. Spell these words. 1. ['daiari] 5. [sau0] 9. ['nvs] 2. [s'brad] 6. ('teribal] 10. [stci] 3. ['mauntmj 7. [tripj 11. [TeiniJs] 4. ['pi:pol] 8. [rein] 12. [Tonst] 1 )---------------------------------------------- 7)_____________________________ 2 ) 8)__________________________________________________________________________ 3 )---------------------------------------------- 9)----------------------------- 4). .------------------------------------------- 10)----------------------------- 5) —___________________________________11)----------------------------- 6 ) . 12)______________________________________________________________________ 7. Write Dictation 1, (8). A.- ____________________ в. с. D. Project Work 1 Begin making an album on your home town (place you live in). Use photo.s, pictures, maps etc'. Place we live in • where it is situated • how old it is • how big it is • how many people live in it • if there are mountains, rivers, forests, lakes near it • what the usual weather is like in spring, summer, autumn and winter ' etc = et cetera [et'^tnro] (and so on) — и так далее Unit 2 Word Box any bridge buy (bought) church(es) doubledecker far (a) few from get (to) (a) little many market miss mobile monument much nearly palace post office railway restaurant road souvenir straight supermarket tennis court tour tourist turn underground world world-famous I. Listening-l- 1. Listen to the three dialogues» going to the places. (9), and decide how these people are XT о о Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Dialogue 3 2. Listen to the tape, [yj (10), and deride why they are going to London. 1) Vera is going to London to __________________________________________ 2) Oleg is going to London to 3) Masha is going to London to 3. There are many buses in London. Listen to the tape, match the bus to where it goes. m (11). and Help! I want to see Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square, the British Museum, Buckingham Palace, the Covent Garden Opera House and the Houses of Parliament. 1 2. 6. 4. Listen to what Sasha says about his visit to London, (12)- Decide what places of interest he didn’t see. 1) Trafalgar Square 2) Buckingham Palace 3) the British Museum 4) the Tower of London 5) the Houses of Parliament I ЗКоамбхурсаиглиАогогокшжэ 7 шь PiGohu тркзь A i 6) Queen Victoria Memorial 7) the National Gallery^ 8) the Covent Garden Opera House 9) Tower Bridge 10) Hyde Park 5. А. How much do you know about London transport? Check, (13) a) yellow b) green c) red 2. On weekdays nearly • million people go on a bus in London. a) 3.5 b)4.5 c) 5.5 3. There are stations in the London Underground. a) 250 b) 275 c) 300 4. A lot of live in the underground. a) rats and mice b) ants and spiders c) cats and dogs .5. I,ondon taxis are a) black b) yellow c) grey 6. Taxi drivers take a . before they drive. a) holiday b) tour of London c) test Б. Seven million people live in London. How do they travel? 40 %‘ walk 35 % by car 10 % by motorbike 8 % by train and by underground 5 % by bike 2 % by bus ^ % = per cent [p.Vscnt] — процент 6. Listen to the tape, (14), and decide where they are going. 6am don FLICE Sam Don Alice II. Speaking-h 7. Work in groups. Say where in London you would like to go and why. Example: Soho ['.sauhou]: theatres and cinemas, nightclubs and restaurants. Let’s go to Soho. There are a lot of theatres and cinemas there. We can go to the theatre or see a new film. There are a lot of nightclubs and restaurants there too. We can have a nice dinner and then dance. 1) Old Compton Street: food shops, clubs and restaurants. 2) Trafalgar Square: Nelson’s Monument. 3) The National Gallery: pictures by famous painters (Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh, El Greco and others). 4) Covent Garden: the Covent Garden Opera House (opera and ballet [Ъж1е|]). 5) The London Transport Museum: old buses, trams, trains. 6) Oxford Streets: London’s best shops. 7) Baker Street: House 221B where the famous detective Sherlock Holmes lived. Now it is a museum. 8) Westminster Hall: the oldest place in the Houses of Parliament. Monument to Oliver Cromwell. 9) The Houses of Parliament: Big Ben. The House of Lords and the House of (Commons. 10) Westminster Abbey: one of the oldest and most beautiful churches in Britain. 8. Say what you can about London. A. • a big beautiful city • stands on the River Thames • the capital of England • lots to see and do • famous for its history • lots of museums, theatres and parks • a lot of tourists from different countries B. You can • buy souvenirs, maps and pictures of London • make bus tours of London • see Buckingham Palace and Queen Victoria Memorial from the doubledecker • walk along Oxford street which is famous for its shops • visit Trafalgar Square — the centre of London 9. Expand on the text Kate’s Visit to Britain. Kate’s Visit to Britain Last summer Kate went to Britain as a tourist. She travelled by car in the day time and stayed at hotels at night. Kate didn’t go to Ireland and Wales. She travelled about Scotland and England. She saw some big cities, rivers and mountains. She enjoyed the country. When Kate came to London, she understood that she loved the city very much. She stayed four days there. She visited Trafalgar Square and the British Museum, she saw Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London. Kate enjoyed walking in the parks of London and sitting on the green grass. 10. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about a visit to London. Student One (Questions) Student Two (Answers) 1 when he/she was there 1 July 2 what the weather was like 2 rained a lot, foggy in the morning but warm, often sunny in the afternoon 3 wliere he/she stayed 3 at the Ritz 4 how long he/she was there 4 six days 5 what places he/she visited 5 Trafalgar Square, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and many more 6 what places he/she liked, why 6 the parks of London, a lot of beautiful places, lots of trees and flowers, pleasant to sit on the green grass 7 what places he/she was going to see but didn’t 7 the National Gallery; didn’t have much time 8 when he/she came back to Russia 8 August 11. Say as much as you can about these places. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1) Monument to Admiral Nelson • in the centre of Trafalgar square • in front of the National Gallery • St. Martin-in-the-fields not far from it 2) The National Gallery • in Trafalgar square • famous for its pictures а lot of Italian and French pictures two thousand pictures 3) Buckingham Palace the Queen’s home place in the centre of London Queen Victoria Memorial in front of it 4) Westminster Abbey an old and beautiful church more than nine hundred years old situated in Westminster not far from the Houses of Parliament 5) The Houses of Parliament are near Westminster Abbey have got two houses — the House of Commons and the House of Lords to listen to debates [di'beits] the highest tower has got a clock, Big Ben 6) The Tower of London is now a museum famous for its White Tower Tower Bridge is not far from it 7) The British Museum the biggest museum in London is situated in Creat [greit] Russel Street a lot of old coins and books 12. Make and act out the dialogue “A Visit to London A. You were in London in May. You went there with your parents. You stayed in London five days. You saw the Tower, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament. In the evenings you walked about London and went to the theatre two times. The weather was sunny and very warm. You enjoyed it a lot. в. You were in London in August. You went there with your English teacher and some schoolboys and schoolgirls. You stayed in London 7 days. You made a bus tour of London, saw Trafalgar Square, the Houses of Parliament, the Tower of London and Tower Bridge, Hyde Park, the British Museum. In the evenings you went to discos and watched English films. The weather was not very warm. There were three rainy days and four sunny ones. You liked it a lot. 13. Help these people to get to the places they are going to. 1) Celia is going to the Zoo. 2) Bob is going to the Park. 3) Ada is going to the Bank. III. Reading+ 14. Read the names of these places: • the Houses of Parliament • the House of Lords, the House of Commons the National Gallery the Monument to Admiral Nelson the London Underground the Covent Garden Opera House the Post Office (Telecom) Tower Windsor Castle Queen Victoria Memorial Tower Bridge Buckingham Palace St. Martin-in-the-fields Downing Street Whitehall the Moscow Underground the Tretyakov Gallery the Winter Palace the Hermitage the Kremlin Palace Palace Bridge 11. ['pielis] 12. [streit] 13. [raud] 14. ['tuanst] 15. №:(П 15. Read these words in transcription. 1. ['AJidograund] 6. ['sent/ori] 2. [bricfe] 7. ['зил'э'шэ] 3. [t3:n] 8.1'restaront] 4. freilwei] 9. ['mtrkil] 5. [tU3] 10. [W3:ld] 16. Read these words, word combinations and sentences. A. post office, road, straight, far, turn, doubledecker, century, nearly, debate, world-famous, buy, monument B. a straight road a word-famous palace a straight street a world-famous monument a straight bridge a world-famous restaurant to go as far as the supermarket to buy souvenirs to walk in the city centre to miss a bus to meet at the bus stop to get to the railway station to go straight on to walk past the hospital to turn left at the church to go by underground C. The schoolchildren made a tour of Oxford. We bought these souvenirs in the street market. Does this doubledecker go to the city centre? There are a lot of monuments to Pushkin in Russia. I mis.sed the train and took a bus to London. He turned right at the railway station. The bus stop wasn’t far away. 17. Read the text about Oxford and match its parts (a, b, c) with the questions (1—4). There is one extra question. 1.What was Oxford like in early days? 2.Why is Oxford a city to see? 3.What is Oxford like by day'? 4.Where is Oxford situated? a) b) a) Oxford is one of the oldest British cities. It is ninety kilometers from London and stands on the'Thames. The Thames runs through^ Oxford and then the river runs south-east to London. b) Oxford is famous for its history and its university^. It started in the 13"' century. At that time Oxford was a market town on the river with roads running in it. There were walls around"' the town and not many people lived there. But the town got bigger and bigger. People made new houses, walls, bridges. They made a palace, a castle and some churches. c) Now Oxford is a big city. It has got a lot of old and very beautiful houses. There are many interesting museums, parks and gardens in the city. Tourists from many countries of the world come to Oxford to see it. The city has got a lot of hotels for tourists. There are many shops where visitors can buy souvenirs. The centre of Oxford is a very green place. Visitors love walking in the narrow old streets. Many people travel in the city by bicycle. Some tourists like to see Oxford from the bus. c) extra ' by day — днем 2 through [0ru] — через, сквозь ® university I,ju;ni'v3:siti] — университет ^ around [a'raund] — вокруг 18. Match the numbers with the letters. There is one extra letter. London’s Markets There are 65 street markets in London. Here are four of them. 1. Billingsgate market is not a pleasant place for visitors of London. There are no flowers or vegetables and there is no fruit in this market. You can buy only fish here. 2. Camden Lock is your market if you like listening to music. This market is very famous. 10 million people come here every year. 3. Portobello Road is a good place for people who like old coins, medals, postcards and stamps. In this market you can see antiques [,icn'ti:ks]. 4. Brixton market is in South London. You can buy lots of exotic food here. This food comes from Africa, South America and other places. 1. 2. 3. 4. a) This market is good for collectors*. b) This market is for lovers of music. c) We know where this market is situated. d) You can see beautiful flowers in this market. e) You can see only seafood in this market. extra_______ 19. Put the parts of this text in the right order. Oxford Cars a) Now they make cars in Oxford too. The name of these cars is Rover. William Morris’s cars helped to make Oxford a big modern^ city. Morris had a lot of money^. He gave his money to hospitals and opened ' a collector [ka'Ickto] — коллекционер 2 modern ['mixJn] — современный ® money ['mAtii] — деньги а new Oxford college, Nuffield College. He gave away about 30 million. b) One man who lived in Oxford is very famous. His name is William Morris. Morris lived in Oxford when he was a child. Morris always enjoyed riding bikes. In 1893 he began making bikes and opened a shop in the city centre. c) Morris’s company made many famous cars. A lot of people know the Morris Minor and the little MinP. In the early 1970s more than 26,000 people worked in the city car business and made thousands of cars a week. d) He liked cars too, and he made his first^ car in 1913. Later he opened a car factory in Cowley in the south-east of Oxford. The name of the first cars was Morris Oxford. The business got bigger and bigger and soon Morris was making 100,000 cars a year. 1. 2. 3. 4. 20. Read the text and choose the right item in the sentences after it. The best time to visit Scotland is on January 25’*’. It is the day when they have Burns [Ьз:пг] Night in Scotland. On this day in 1759 Robert Burns, the world-famous Scottish poet ['pauit] was born. Robbie Burns loved Scotland and Scottish people and wrote a lot of poems ['pauimz] and songs about them. He wrote about Scottish food and drink too. One day he wrote a poem To a Haggis ['hiegis], an old Scottish dish. That is why Burns Night begins with the parade [pa'rcid] of the haggis. The piper^ walks in. He plays Scottish music. After him walks the chef Lfef) with a big haggis. He puts the haggis on the table. * Morris Minor, Mini — марки машин 2 first [fsrst] — первый ^ a piper ['paipa] — волынщик Then some man or woman reads the poem To a Haggis and only after that they eat the haggis with potatoes and other vegetables. Then there are more songs and poems. The speaker makes a speech about Robbie Burns. All the people read Burns’s poems and drink some whiskey ['wiski]. They always drink to women (“to the lassies”) and speak about funny things which women do. Then women can speak about men and drink to them. Then all — men and women — dance Scottish dances. The evening finishes with singing AuZd Lang Syne [.o:ld 'lier) 'zain] — a song which Robert Burns wrote and which people in Britain sing at New Year too. 1. January 25 is a___________________________time to go to Scotland. a)good b)bad 2. January 25 is Burns’s____________________________ a) parade day b) birthday 3. Burns loved his a) poems b) country 4. Haggis is a) a Scottish drink b) Scottish food 5. The chef______________________________food. a) eats b) brings 6. At the party they_______________________________________ a) read the poem and then eat the haggis b) eat haggis and then read the poem. 7. At the party all people speak about a) Robbie Burns b) Scottish food 8. Auld Lang Syne is a very________________________________song, a) long b) famous 21. Read the text and answer the questions after it. London Parks and Gardens When you are tired of doing the city, you can go to one of London’s beautiful parks. Hyde Park has got a lake in the middle. The name of the lake is the Serpentine ['ssipantam], and you can go boating on it. It is a place where you can walk on the grass and enjoy looking at trees, flowers, water birds. Mothers often come to Hyde Park with their children and feed the birds. On Sundays you can listen to the speakers at Speaker’s Cor ner ['кэ:пэ]. People from many countries of the world come and speak here. They can speak about any things which are interesting for them and listeners can ask them difficult questions if they like. You can stand on a box and speak to some of the listeners tool Some people come to Hyde Park to ride a horse on the Rotten Row — a place for riding. Kensington Gardens is next to Hyde Park. Here you can see the statue ['stiet/u:] of Peter Pan, the famous boy in the children’s story Peter Pan which J.M. Barrie wrote. Regent's Park is the home of London Zoo. The Zoo has thousands of birds and animals from many places of the world. There is a theatre in the park too. On a summer evening you can sit out under the night sky and watch a William Shakespeare ['Jeikspia] play. William Shakespeare, as you know, is England’s most famous writer. St. James's Park is next to Buckingham Palace. It is smaller, but many people think it is the most beautiful park in London. 1) Which park has got a lake? Where is it? 2) What can you do in Hyde Park? 3) What can people do at Speaker’s Corner? 4) Can people ride horses in Hyde Park? 5) Where is Kensington Gardens? 6) In which park is there the statue to Peter Pan? 7) Where is London Zoo situated? 8) Where is St. James's Park situated? 9) How many parks do you know in London? What are their names? 22. Match the pictures with the sentences. 3. 4. a) Goodbye! Have a nice trip! b) Did you turn right or left at the post office? c) Walk straight on. You can’t miss it. d) I can help you to take a tour of the city in one hour, 1______________2______________3--------------4------- IV. Writing+ 23. Complete these new words. 14) f_r l)pal_ p 15)cen 2) 11 16) ch 3) m h 17) f 4) w 1 18) t m 5) venir 19) double- 6)t st 20) superm et 7)ro 21) mnn t 8)f m 22) rest nt 9)b 23)under г 10) str t 24) pnst. о e 11) ra У 25) m . 8 12) t 26) ma t 13) br 27)hr)ii t 24. Spell the new words. 1. ['tuanst] 2. [W3:ld] 3. [tfsrfl 4. [t3:n] 5. ['maubail] 6. ['Qu;] 7. [Ьпф] 8. ['htl] 9. ['meni] 10. [mAtf] 11. ['sentfarij 12. ['paelis] 13. ['niali] 14. ['streit] 15. ['restaront] 25. Bob is fifteen. Bob’s little brother Colin is three and he hasn’t got what Bob has. Write what Colin hasn’t got. 1) Bob has got some French books. 2) Bob has got some pets. 3) Bob has got some friends. 4) Bob has got some pictures in his room. 5) Bob has got some postcards in his album. 6) Bob has got some maps on the wall. 7) Bob has got some video films on the shelf. 1) Colin hasn’t got any 2) Colin 3) Colin 4) Colin 5) Colin 6) Colin 7) Colin 4 КсжыА курс awяиПскгмо жшш*. 7 ал. Рвбочаа тгтряль № 1 26. Use article the or no article and write the names in the right place. ________________________________________J_____________________I_______________^_________ Buckingham Palace, National Gallery, Winter Palace, Hermitage, British Museum, Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square, House of Parliament, House of Commons, Oxford Street, Hyde Park, Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Kremlin Palace, Queen Victoria Memorial, Downing Street, Big Ben, Whitehall, St. Martin-in-the-fiel(]s, Post Office Tower, London Underground, Monument to Admiral Nelson the 1) 1) 2) 2) 3 )------------------------------------------------------ 3) 4 )_______________________________________________________4) 5) ______________________________________________________ 5) 6 ) 6) 7 )------------------------------------------------------ 7) 8) . 8) 9) 9) 10).. 10) 11) 11) 12) 12) 27. Complete the sentences if necessary. Example: 1) We went___________________________a trip to Oxford. We went on a trip to Oxford. 2) Robert has got ______________________ a mobile. Robert has got a mobile. 1) Did you enjoy your trip_______________Manchester? 2) Let’s put the table the middle of the room. 3) We decided to make a bus tour_London, 4) Are there any monuments _________________ N.V, Gogol in Moscow? 5) Can we buy any tomatoes_____________________ the market? 6) Let’s get ______________work by bus. 7) Jane works____________________ten to six. 8) The supermarket is far_______________the place where we meet. 9) Walk as far__________________the church and turn ______________right. 10) Do you go to school________________bus or______________underground? 11) Walk straight_________________ and turn_________________left__________________the museum. 12) The post office is _________________________ your left. You can’t miss ________________it. 13) David bought some souvenirs_______________ his granddad. 14) Let’s meet ______________________ the bus stop. 15) Queen Victoria Memorial is______________________________________ ____________________ Buckingham Palace. 16) Walk as far __________ the bridge, turn____________________ left, walk - ' the railway station. The bus stop is_____________________ your left. 28. Choose the right verb form and complete the test. Last summer Anna (*travel) a lot. She (^be) in Great Britain. Anna (Чаке) a train in London and (*go) to Glasgow. She (^stay) there three days. Anna (®have) a wonderful time. She (^visit) some museums, (®walk) in the streets of the city. She (%ee) a lot of beautiful places. Anna (*°come) back to London by bus. She (**make) a tour of the British capital. She (^^buy) a lot of souvenirs for her family and (^^take) some pictures of London. Anna (*‘Mike) the city a lot. She (^®not, have) much time and she (^®not, visit) the museums of London but she (^^meet) her friends. Anna (‘®speak) English a lot. She (^^understand) nearly all the words but sometimes she (^°not, can) understand) what they (^^say). Her friends (^®try) (^^help) her and (^*’teach) her. Anna U®enjoy) her visit to Britain. 29. Complete the verb chart. 1 читать 2 buy 3 drank 4 добираться (до) 5 сап 6 thought 7 идти,ехать 8 have 9 wrote 10 петь 11 swim 12 rode 30. Write what you would like to do with your friends and why and what you would not. Use let’s (let's not, don’t let’s). Example: 1) Let’s buy some mineral water. I’m thirsty. 2) Let’s not (Don’t let’s) go to the supermarket. I’m tired. to take a bus (train, taxi, etc.), to go by underground, to walk straight on, to go to the bus stop, to buy some souvenirs, to go to the restaurant, to make a tour of the city, to go to the city centre, to play tennis, to take pictures of the city, to go boating, to have lunch, to go to the cinema 31. Complete the sentences. A. Use many, much, a lot of. 1) There are_______________flowers in the garden. 2) Has Alice got _____________ toys? 3) Do you drink ____________________ milk? 4) Chris hasn’t got_____________________books at home. 5) I watch________television. 6) John took ___________________________________________ pictures last summer. 7) Are there ______________ forests where you live? 8) There are not _______________resorts in the north-west of England. 9) There is not _____________soup in the plate. 10) Is there__________________milk in the fridge? 11)1 bought__________________souvenirs in the street market. 12) Has London got_________________tourists in summer? B. Use few, a few, little, a little. 1) Little Jim has got apples. 2) Ann has got milk in her glass. 3) Are there any bananas in the fridge? — Yes, there are, but 4) There is bread at home. Don’t buy any. 5) Jane has got three pens, she thinks she has got very . 6) Has Kim got many postcards? — No, she has got . 7) How many pets have you got? — Oh, I have : two cats, a dog and my favou- rite bird Sally. 8) There is water in the riv- er. 9) There is UGnifl __________________juice in the fridge, drink it. 10) Are there any cinemas in your city? — Yes, there are CINEMA ГТТ\ ONEMA Cinema дцшта CiNtMA . 11) Is there much cheese in the fridge? — No, there isn’t. There is very A 12) Have you got any mineral water? — I have but not very much. 9 0 32. Complete the text. Use -er, -ly, -y to form the words. Jim Porter was a good (i) runner _ jjp (2) ran very well and was the best in his school. One winter morning Jim got up very late. He was a big (3) and didn’t like to get up early. Jim looked at the clock (4) .. It was 8:30. The sky was dark and (5) .. It was (6) street. Jim didn’t like (7) in the _ and (8) days. He liked (9) weather. But it was a (lO) morning and he was late. Jim looked (ll) _ at his little cosy kitchen. He was a big (12) and wanted to have breakfast but he understood he could not do it. He had no time. It was (13) nine o’clock. Jim left the house and began running. He ran as fast* as he could. He was (14)__________________ tired but was in the classroom at nine. The teacher smiled at him (is) lesson began. and the run usual sleep angry cloud, fog wind rain, sun storm sad eat near terrible pleasant * fast [fa:st] — быстро 33. Write the same differently. Example: Mark is an angry man. He speaks to all people He speaks to all people angrily, 1) Joan is a wonderful skater. She skates 2) Ben has a bright smile. He always smiles 3) Liz likes to be cosy when she reads a book. She usually sits ___________________in an armchair with a book in her hands and reads. 4) Peter’s Russian is rather bad. He speaks Russian 5) Kate said goodbye and gave me a sad kiss. She kissed me 6) Jake’s life in Scotland was very happy. Jake lived in Scotland _______________________ 7) Tim is a very slow driver. He always drives_________________________ 8) Jason is always ready to answer the teacher’s questions. He answers the teacher’s questions_____________________________ 9) The weather is terrible today: it’s very cold. The weather is _______________________cold today. 10) Rose is a beautiful dancer. She dances________________________. 11) Be a nice child and say ‘hello’ to granny. Say ‘hello’ to granny 12) We were pleasant to them at the party. We spoke to them _______________________ at the party. 34. Complete the sentences. 1) Mr Perry’s house is so much (small)___________________________than Mr Smith’s but it is (good) _____________________________ and (cosy) __________________than his. 2) John is the (good)________________ football player in our school. He is our champion. 3) Today is as (warm)____________________as yesterday but today it is raining and yesterday the day was (dry)______________________4) My home town is not as (big)_________________as yours but 1 think it is (beautiful) ___________________5) Monday is the (bad)___________________day of the week, 1 hate Mondays. 6) Our summer holidays are the (long) __________________holidays and the (good)_____________________7) The rivers in England are not as (long)_____________________as the rivers in Russia. 8) July is usually (dry)_____________________than August. 9) Tim is my (good)___________________friend. 1 love him more than Ben, Sam and Rick. 10) Summers in the south are (hot) _________________ than in the north and winters are (warm) ________________. 11) Rose is as (pleasant) ____________________ as Kate. They are very nice girls. 12) Who is (strong) ____________________— Dick or Ken? — Dick. He is the (strong) ____________________ man in our town. 13) Are you as (old) ____________________ as your cousin? — No, 1 am a little (old) teers”*. It is the (interesting) book in the world! 15) The day is sunny today and all people are a little (happy) _________________than yesterday when it was nasty. 35. What do you think? Best The best film of the year is The best film actor is___________ The best singer is The best TV programme is The best sportsman is__ Worst 1 The worst film of the year is. The worst film actor is The worst singer is_______ The worst TV programme is The worst sportsman is _ 36. Write the answers. How Much Do You Know About London? 1) London, the capital of Great Britain stands on the river ‘ “Three Musketeers" [,тл5кэ'Пэ2] — a famous book by Alexandre Dumas 2) The British Prime Minister lives at number . Downing Street. 3) The famous London doubledecker buses are in colour. 4) Big Ben is situated on _________________________ 5) If you like pictures and painting, the best place to go in London is_________________________________________________________. 6) ________________________________________________________ park is a big park nearly in the centre of London. Londoners love it very' much. 7) Whitehall is not a hall but in central London. 8) Visitors to the Houses of Parliament can listen to the debates in the House of Lords and_______________________________________ 9) The monument to____________________________is situated in the middle of Trafalgar Square. 10) In London the British Queen lives in____________________;----- 11) The London Underground is the oldest in____________________: 12) Queen Victoria Memorial is situated in front 13) Union Jack is the British ■ 1 14) The oldest place in London is 15) The biggest museum in London is 37. Practise writing this dictation. Dictation 2 A. The House of Commons, Whitehall, the National Gallery, Downing Street, Buckingham Palace, the London Underground, Queen Victoria Memorial. B. An interesting tour, a lot of tourists, a red doubledecker, a good restaurant, our century, a world-famous supermarket, a beautiful church, as far as the palace. C. To get to the railway station, to miss the plane, to take a bus, to walk past the post office, to buy some souvenirs, to turn at the monument. D. Have you got any friends in your class? — Yes, I’ve got some. Do you read much in English? There was a beautiful monument in the centre of the squaure. Where is the bus stop? Walk straight on. It is near the bridge. We decided to make a tour of the city. There are a lot of famous cities in the world. Test 2 Lena Krasnova is speaking about ber visit to Britain. Listen to her, (15), and choose the right item. 03 1. Lena went to Britain with her a) friends b) family c) teacher 2. Lena’s family were going to visit a) London and the north of Britain b) London and the west of Britain c) London, the north and the west of Britain 3. Lena’s family arrive in London in the a) morning b) afternoon c) evening 4. Lena saw ____________________________________from the taxi window, a) a lot b) little c) much 5. Lena understood that London__________________________________________ a) had a lot of streets b) was very beautiful c) was big and green 6. When Lena’s family came to their hotel, they were____________________ a) thirsty b) tired c) hungry 7. Lena’s hotel was near _______________________________________________ a) the Tower of London b) Trafalgar Square c) the Houses of Parliament 8. The family were tired, but they decided____________________________ a) to go to the cinema b) to watch television in the hall c) to make a walking tour of London 9. The family came back to the hotel at_______________________________ a) twelve o’clock b) eleven o’clock c) one o’clock in the morning 2. Read the texts (a—e) and decide what restaurants to choose for these people (1—4). There is one extra text. 1. Mr Robinson --------------------------- --------------------------- 2. Mrs Hobson_________________________________________________________ 3. Alice Gordon ______________________________________________________ 4. Mrs Nickolson 1. Mr Robinson wants to have traditional English sea food for lunch. 2. Mrs Hobson wants to have lunch but doesn’t have much money. 3. Alice Gordon would like to listen to music while eating. 4. Mrs Nickolson eats only vegetables and fruit. a) Greek restaurant with traditional Greek food. It is situated in the centre of the city. Wonderful drinks. b) One of the best Indian restaurants. It is situated in the middle of an old .park. People don’t jay much for food here. c) The best English tea and cakes in London. The place is very romantic. You can listen to your favourite melodies here. d) The best vegetarian food. Tomatoes and apples from Italy. Dances 3:30— 6:30 p.m. Friday — Sunday. e) A real English fish restaurant. Traditional dishes for lunch and dinner. It is situated in a beautiful rose garden. 3. Complete the text, choose the right forms of the verbs and write them. My family ('travel) in Britain last September. We (^go) there by plane. Our trip (^begin) in England. We Cmeet) a lot of people, (•'’visit) a lot of cities and (®see) a lot of places of interest, I (^like) London very much. We (**make) a bus tour of the city. I (®not, understand) all the sentences the speaker (*°say), but I (**can) (*^enjoy) the streets of London, its parks, churches and palaces. My parents (*^take) me to Scotland too. We (*‘*drive) there by car. I think Scotland is very beautiful. I (*®buy) a lot of souvenirs in Britain. Now I (*®have got) a lot of pictures of London in my album. 1) 2)- 3) 4) 5). 6) 7) 8) 9) 12). 13). 15) 16) 4. Choose the word to complete the sentences. 1. John is a) young b)younger 2. The coffee table is_______________ a) low b) lower 3. Winters in England are not as a) cold b) colder than his friend Bob. c) the youngest of all the tables in the room, c) the lowest __________________as in Russia. c) the coldest as it was yesterday. 4. The weather today is as ______________________ a) pleasant b) more pleasant c) the most plea.sant 5. Cars are a) slow ____________than planes. b) slower c) the slowest 6. Which tower, grey or white is___________ a) high b) highest 7. Little Dick is not as___________________ a) strong b) stronger 8. Which of your dogs is___________________ a) clever b) cleverer 5. Write short answers to these questions. 1) What place is the centre of London? in your city? c) the highest _ as his big brother. c) the strongest of all? c) the cleverest 2) Which is the biggest museum of London? 3) What is Whitehall? 4) Where does the Queen live when she is in London? 5) Where is the Nationeil Gallery situated? 6) Is Tower Bridge next to the Houses of Parliament? 7) Which is the oldest part of London? 6. Use the or no article. 1) 2) 3) 4) House of Lords 5) Great Britain Big Ben 6) 7) Tower of London 8) British Museum Trafalgar Square Westminster Abbey Whitehall 7. Write how much or how many they have got. Use much, many, a lot of, few (2), little (2). 1) Boris has got very books. 2) Has Jane got dolls in the box? — No, she got 3) Mrs Davidson has got food in the fridge, 4) Larry has got pets. 5) Fred hasn’t got juice in the jug. He has got 8. Any or some? Henry lives in a small English town. The town is very nice. There are squares there, and _________________ short green streets. There are not long streets there. Henry has got (4) friends in France. They are going to visit him and write letters to him. “Are there theatres or cinemas in your place? Are there (6) old interesting castles or towers?” they want to know. In Henry’s letters they can read that there are not (7) theatres in the city. There is one cinema house. But Henry writes there are (8) beautiful lakes near the town. He thinks it is the best place to go on a holiday. 9. Spell these words. 1. ['p;clis] 5. ['restoront] 8. ['sentjori] 2. [,su:v3ni3] 6. [W3:ldj 9. ['reilwci] 3. [tfs:^ 7. [Ьпф] 10. ['surpa.morkit] 4. i'tuarist] , 10. Write Dictation 2, ^ (16). i A__________________________________________________________________________________ B. a D. Project Work 2 Write a page in your Album. Take pictures of some interesting places your city (town, village) has got and write in English what they are and what they are famous for. Unit 3 Word Box animal answer ask astronaut because become biography career choose (chose) college CD deer die difficult dream easy foot (feet) goose (geese) hair hospital interest interested job journalist language leave (left) marry medical medicine man (men) minister money news photograph (photo) photography profession question record stop success successful talent talk that tooth (teeth) university whom which whose woman (women) I. Listening+ 1. Ann, Bob, Catherine, Don, Eve, Fred and George are verj' good at sport. What are their best results? ^ij»] (17) 1) Ann came in swimming but she was only the _________in jumping and the________in running. 2) Bob was the____________in horseracing, the_________ in swimming and the____________________________________________________in skating. 3) Catherine was the in nmning, but she was the _________in skiing and the___________in mountain biking. 4) Don was the _____________ in skiing and skating, the in roller-skating and only the________________in swimming. 5) Eve came the ___________ in long jumping and the in high jumping. She was the___________in mountain biking and the__________in running. 6) Fred was the best in cross-country running, he came ___________He was the____________in long jumping and only the __________in skiing. 7) George was the_______________in horseracing, the ___ in downhill skiing and the___________in skating and swimming. ^ 2. Listen to the tape, (18). Which did you hear? where why who whose what which when 1. a) I’d like to know where they went to school, b) I’d like to know when they went to school. 2. a) Who can say what day it was? b) Who can say which day it was? 3. a) I don’t know who comes to dinner, b) I don’t know why he comes to dinner. 4. a) I can’t say what game the children are playing, b) I can’t say which game the children are playing. 5. a) We’d like to know whose biography it is. b) We’d like to know what biography it is. 6. a) Do you know when the journalist said it? b) Do you know why the journalist said it? 7. a) I can’t understand who is driving, b) I can’t understand where he is driving. 8. а) They don’t say whose animal it is. b) They don’t say what animal it is. 3, Listen to the tape, (19). What words are missing in the sentences? 1) This money isn’t ____It’s that woman’s. 2) The questions are very interesting but they are not ______________. Who asked them? 3) This photograph isn’t_______________It’s Alice’s. 4) Max’s success is bigger than________________ 5) The minister’s interview was boring and longer than 6) The house down the road is not ours, it’s 7) John’s career is more successful than _______________I can say. 8) With this talent for photography the job is_________________ 9) He told me to choose any photo I liked and I chose________________ 10) Your job is not so difficult as____________, I think. 4. Listen to the dialogue, (20), and decide which of these sentences are true. 1) Anna Kurnikova is five years old. 2) Vicky is a world — famous tennis player. 3) Vicky thinks, playing tennis is very difficult. 4) Anna Kumikova is a successful tennis player. 5) Anna and her parents travel to many countries. 6) Anna’s favourite food is fruit. 7) Anna likes to live in the capital of France. ) 5. Listen to the tape, (21), and match the parts of the chart. I David’s wife’s name is a) Mercedes His daughter’s name is b) Romeo His son’s name is c) football His favourite car is d) Victoria David’s first love is e) Brooklyn David’s second love is f) cars 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) -1 J.. II. Speaking-b 0. Work in groups. Read the information about American schoolchildren and then ask each other questions to decide what are popular hobbies in your form. American schools What boys like What girls like • Sports like football, basket- • Swimming 49,1% ball and baseball 65% • Singing 29,6% • Swimming 50,9% • Ballet ['baelei] • Biking 33,5% dancing 27,5% • Skating or • Art* 24,6% skateboarding 19,2% • Drama 20,1% • Art 17,1% Your school What boys like What girls like 7. Speak about Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Use this information. born in 1818 his first home — 1827 — Moscow Spasskoye-Lutovinovo school, Moscow University St. Petersburg University 1834 — the first poems interested in Russian language travelled abroad never married died at the age of 65, south of France ' an art — искусство (разные виды) 8. Act out a dialogue between a journalist and Shakira, the famous singer. Use this information. Shakira comes from Colombia [ka'lombia]. South America • was born in 1979 • has got a big family: 5 brothers, 3 sisters • never wanted to become a doctor or a teacher, always wanted to become a successful singer, loved singing very much at the age of eight wrote songs learnt to play the guitar at the age of 11 first became a star in Colombia sang in Spanish, not in English learnt a song in English became a big star in the USA now has got a new album in English journalists think her songs are beautiful has got a very successful career her favourite food is fish her favourite sport is swimming her favourite hobby is painting her favourite sweet is chocolate her favourite actor is Hugh [hju:] Crant [grant] 9. Expand on Dr. Fisher’s story. I was bom in 1769 in Cemiany* but I did not die when I was 70 or 80 or even when I was one hundred. Do you want to know why? When I was a medical student in Hamburg, I met an old doctor. He liked me and I became his student. We worked together.We were a success. We made a drug^. People drank it and could live 300 years. My teacher died 50 years ago. I want to meet a good student and teach him how to make the drug. Германия ' Germany ['dyarm^nij — Германия ^ a drug [drAgl— лекарство, снадобье 10. Work in groups of four (five) and act out an interview with 3—4 famous people. One of the group is a TV journalist. The TV journalist asks: 1) what his/her age is; 2) where he/she was bom; 3) where he/she lived when a child; 4) where he/she went to school; 5) what he/she was interested in at school; 6) what his/her favourite sport was; 7) if he/she had any hobbies; 8) when he/she finished (left) school; 9) if he/she went to university; 10) when his/her professional career began; 11) if he/she likes the job he/she has; 12) if he/she has a talent for his/her job; 13) if he/she thinks his/her job is easy (difficult); 14) if he/she is a success. III. Reading-I- ll. Read these words in transcription. 1. ['kwestfon) 6. ['ienimol] 11. [ssk'sesfal] 2. ['maeri] 7. [liv] 12. [tfu:z] 3. [ju:ni'v3:siti] 8. ['ainso] 13. ['(fesinalist] 4. ['hnspitl] 9. [to;k] 14. [кэ'пэ] 5. [bi'knz] 10. ['niAni] 15. [witf] 12. Read these words, word combinations and sentences. Л. way, photography, college, talk, woman, women, whose, become, whom, which, medicine, career, ask, dream, die B. a medical college a successful writer a lot of money a big university an easy language a lot of talent a difficult job a beautiful princess a lot of success to have a talent for music to have a lot of success to talk to a minister to be a success to be interested in medicine to answer a question to look after children to look after animals to look after old women to become a journalist to become an astronaut to become a minister to learn a language to know a language to speak a language C. John chose a very difficult profession. My cousin Robin is married to a famous journalist. When are you going to have an interview at the university? When did princess Elizabeth become queen? In 1952. How long is your father going to stay at hospital? When did Jack London die? Jason stopped talking and began writing. 13. Read these paragraphs from the three diaries and match them with the names of the girls who wrote them. There is one extra name. a) Margo b) Emma c) Katie d) Ann 1. 18/12, 4:30 p.m. Katie went to the Starlight concert with her boyfriend Brad! Usually we go to concerts together — Katie, Margo, Ann and I. Starlight is our favourite group. I have all their best albums and CDs. I dreamed to listen to them but Katie called me on the phone yesterday and said we couldn’t go. I know why. It’s because of Bred, that selfish pig. I hate him! 2. 18/12, 8:15 p.m. I’m so happy! Yesterday’s concert was wonderful, the best I know. Emma is very angry because I took Brad to the concert and not her. But Brad is my best friend I enjoy going to places with him. We like the same music and the same films. Brad and I would like to go to London University together. Brad wants to be an art critic but I don’t know what I’d like to become. f 3. 18/12, 6:00 p. m. I think I love Brad. But Brad doesn’t love me. He seldom talks to me and we never go out together. Yesterday he went out with Katie Johnson. I think they went to the Starlight concert. Katie loves that group. I am not really interested in their music but I sometimes go to concerts with other girls, but I enjoy being with Ann most of all. How can I tell Brad about my love? On Monday I am going to stay at school after classes and ask Brad to help me with my French. Brad has a talent for languages and always helps his friends. If we stay at school together, I can talk to him. 2. 3. extra 14. Match the numbers with the letters. There is one extra number. 1. Emma, a doctor 2. John, a journalist 3. Charles, a teacher 4. Lizzy, a singer 5. Pat, a painter a) After school she went to university. She was a successful student and was always interested in medicine. When a child, she took care of her pets. Now all her patients love her very much. b) He loves his profession very much. He began working when he was at the university. His pupils loved him. He always took care of them, read to them and played games with them. c) After school he went to university and was a successful student. He had a talent for talking to people. They always listened to him. His talent helps him now a lot when he takes interviews. People like to read them. He became famous. d) She didn’t go to university after school. The family didn’t have much money to send her there. She went to the college. Her pictures are very famous. You can see some of them in the city art gallery. a) b) c) d) extra 15. Put the parts of this text in the right order. Muhammad Ali a) Ali was a wonderful boxer but people were interested in Ali not only because he was a champion. Ali was an interesting man too. He was boastful ['boustful] and funny. He often wrote poems about boxing. Some time ago there was a lot of racism in the USA. One day he came to a cafe to have a cup of coffee and they said to him that he couldn’t do it because he was black. Ali was very angry. He took his Olympic gold medal and threw [Gm:] it into the river. That was how he showed his protest. b) Sadly, now Ali is not very well. He has Parkinson’s disease [di'zi:z]. Doctors think that he has it because of boxing. Ali is interested in what goes on in the USA and other countries and he likes helping people. There is a film Ali about the famous boxer. Will Smith plays Ali in the film. When Will and Ali met, Ali said, “You’re nearly as good-looking as I’m. I think you can play me”. c) This is the name under which the lovers of sport know him. When he left sport in 1981, he had 59 victories ['viktanz] and only 5 de-feats [diTuts]. At 18 he became an Olympic Gold medallist in the 1960 Rome Olympics. Then, he became a professional boxer. In 1964 Ali defeated Sonny Liston and became the Champion of the World. One of his biggest fights [faits] was with George Foreman, who was younger and stronger than Ali. But Ali was cleverer and defeated Foreman. хвастливый и смешной бросил (от throw бросать) победы поражения зд.'. бой (бои) d) He was born Cassius Marcellus Clay on January 17, 1942 in Lousville, Kentucky. When he was a young boy, he decided to become strong, so he started boxing. When he was 21, Cassius Clay became a Muslim ['muzbm] and took the name of Mxihammad Ali. мусульманин 1. 2. 3. 4. 16. Read the text and give short answers to the questions after it. Pat Rafter Pat Rafter is a tennis player. He is very famous in his country — Australia [n'streiliD]. He was the best in 1997 and 1998. People like him very much. He works a lot and has a talent for playing tennis. Many journalists say he is a very successful player. Pat Rafter was born in Queensland, Australia on the 28**' of December in 1972. He comes from a very big family — he has eight sisters and brothers. At five years old, Pat got his first racket ['rsekit] and began playing tennis. Pat is tall now, but he was very short when he was a child. He was the shortest in his class. His friends called him Shortie. Then, when he was 17, he became 12 cm ['senti,mi;to] taller in one year. Now Pat plays 3 hours a day on coiui, [ko:t]. Every ['evri] year he uses about 15 rackets. He runs a lot too. Pat is strong but he says he is weak. The thing is that Pat loves chocolate and eats it a lot. He is a chocoholic [,уЬкэ'Ьо1гк]. Австралия ракетка коротышка = centimetres сантиметры корт каждый большой любитель шоколада 1) Where is Pat Rafter from? 2) Is his family big or small? 3) When was he born? 4) When did he begin playing tennis? 5) Why did his friends call him Shortie? 6) How many rackets does he use every year? 7) Why does Pat say he is weak? 17. Read the text and choose the right item in the sentences after it. The Beatles Do you know these names: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr? They were the world’s most successful pop group. But the road [rood] to success was not always easy. They came from working-class families and didn’t have much money. They could sing and some of them could write songs. They listened to many American stars in the afternoons and played in hot Liverpool nightclubs late in the evenings. They played in Hamburg in Germany ['фз:тэп1] too. That did not give much money but that helped them a lot. The group became very famous. Its name was not usual — the Beatles [bi:tlz]. The group was world-famous in 1960s. Their first single ['siijgal] Love Me Do came on Wednesday 24**‘ October 1962. Then people could see them in films, and could read interviews with them in many places. The singers had a talent for writing beautiful songs and singing them. They travelled a lot too and visited many countries. After a decade ['dekeid] of successful music and films the Beatles decided to stop singing together. But now, in the new century a lot of people still enjoy listening to their old songs. путь, дорога I Германия жучки пластинка с записью двух песен десятилетие I 1. There were ____________________________ people in the pop group. a) three b)four 2. Their road to success was , , - — • a) difficult b) easy 3. The young men sang in night- clubs in__________________ get money. a) America and Germany to b) England and Germany 4. Singing in nightclubs gave them------------------ a) little b) a lot of 5. Their first single was __________ money. a) You Don’t Know Me b) Love Me Do 6. The Beatles were successful singers for about years. a) ten b) twenty 7. The Beatles stopped singing together____________________ a) in the sixties b) in the seventies 18. Match the pictures with the sentences. 1 4. a) Nice to meet you. And what’s your job? b) Say “Cheese”! c) What’s the time, please? d) I asked Kate to marry me 50 years ago but she didn’t have time for it. IV. Writing+ 19. Complete these new words and write them. l)la . a e 14) bio . . —у 2) u ver У 15) a. .sw , 3) ph ph 16) mo 4) man 17) mal .5) h CO 18) j ist 6) b ca . . 19) qu 7)t t 20) reer 8) m r у 21) с 11 9) med 22)in , est 10)s cc ss 23) r r 11) pro n 24) mini . . 12) aut 25) wh e 13) d ff 26) ob 20- Spell the new words. 1. [bi'keim] 6. fkwestfan] 11. [brknz] 2. [bai'Dgrafi] 7. [Ju:m'v3:s3ti] 12. [dri;m] 3. [Тэшэи] 8. ['лдэ] 13. ['Ixogwicfe] 4. ['intrast] 9. ['tTiAni] 14. ['wimon] 5. [tfu:z] 10. ['difikalt] 15. ['wumsn] 21. Use articles the, a or no article to complete the text. Michael Schumacher Michael is famous For- mula One driver. He is !£! best driver in the world today. !£!___________ journalists write lot about ^ him. They say, he is little selfish but they know that he is I?! very talented sportsman. Michael Shumacher comes from Germany. He was born on 3"* of January 1969. He has ______________ wife and two children. He drives Formula One car. It’s red Ferrari. Michael Schumacher has younger brother whose name is Ralf. Ralf started Formula One later than Michael but showed world that his talent is as big as his brother’s. When he crosses* LLl! finishing tape, he is usually one of top five. * to cross пересекать 22. Complete the sentences if necessary. Example: 1) They went down _________________________the river in their little boat. They went down the river in their little boat. 2) Bob is married my elder sister. Bob is married to my elder sister. 1) Can you answer this difficult question? 2) When are you leaving Moscow______________________________Orenburg? 3) James works________________________a hospital. 4) Fred is interested_________________________computers. He has a talent ____________________________________________________________them. 5) When I sit next ___________________________ Alice, I always talk ___________________her. 6) When my mother went _____________________________ St. Petersburg ____________________ business, I looked _______________________________________________________________________ my sister. I think I was_____________________a success. 7) Boris touched_______________________his cup. The tea was hot. 8) Mary is learning__________________________two languages. She can speak_______________________French and Italian. 9) Colin says he is going university after school. 10) When I was_the S’** form, I wanted to become _________________________a_______journalist. 11) that day the weather was nasty. 12) Do you often get postcards 13) Chris was bom__________________ your friends? 14) My family live ___________ bridge. 15) We do_____________________ school. 16) Did you get an answer 17) Let’s go ________________ beautiful, 30.09.2003. _ 28, Queen’s Road, Cam- three languages your letter? into the street. The evening is so 23. Complete the verb chart. 1 choose 2 оставлять, покидать 3 touched 4 die 5 became 6 изучать, учить 7 answer 8 выходить замуж, жениться 9 покупать 10 ski 11 rained 12 мечтать 24. Choose the right verb form and complete the texts. A. Joke* Mr and Mrs Davis had a son. His name (*be) Bobby. It (^e) Bobby’s birthday and his old grandfather (“come) to visit him. He (‘‘give) Bobby a nice toy car as a present and (“ask), “How old (“be) you now, Bobby?” Bobby (^know) the answer to that question. “I (“be) five, Grandpa,” he (“say). “That (‘“be) good”, the old man ("smile). “You (‘“be) a big boy now. And what are you going to be when you are older?” Bobby (‘“know) the answer to that question too. He (‘^answer) that he was going to be six. B. Letter Dear Jean, Thank you for your letter. I got it yesterday. It (‘come) late in the evening. I (“be) tired and (“be) going to bed. But I (•‘begin) reading it and (“become) very interested in the news. You letter (“make) me happy. I’m glad that little Jerry (flearn) French and (“have) a lot of success. I (“think) he (‘“can) ("speak) and (‘“understand) the language a little. You write in your letter that Tom has a family now. He (‘“marry) and (‘^leave) for Africa. That’s very good for him. He can (‘“choose) a nice place and (‘“live) there. Give my love to mum, Polly 25. This is what Ian Thorp, a famous swimmer and Kylie, a famous singer say in their interviews. Write what the journalist wants to know. Example: My nickname“ is The Thorpedo. He wants to know what the swimmer’s nickname is. A. Ian Thorp 1) I was born on ХЗ"" October 1982, ‘ a joke — шутка “ a nickname ('nikneim] — прозвище 3) I like watching TV' in the evening, 4) I watch Friends and some other shows, 5) Most of all I like swimming. 6) I hate getting up at half past four every morning for training. 7) I have got six world records. 8) I have got nine gold medals. B. Kylie 1) My full name is Kylie Ann Minogue. 2) I’m from Melbourne, Australia. 3) I live in London. 4) My mother was a ballet dancer. 5) I like Italian food. 7) My most famous song is Can’t Get You out of My Head. 8) Yes, I have many famous friends like Nicole Kidman, Madonna and Robbie Williams. 26. A young journalist is going to ask the famous singer these questions. What does the journalist want to know? 1) Gloria, do you like pop music? 2) Do you often go to rock concerts? 3) Are you interested in the cinema? 4) How often do you go to the cinema? 5) Have you got any pupils? 6) Do you often watch Videos? 7) Did you go to college? 8) Were you a university student? 9) Were you a successful student? 10) Where do you usually sing? 11) What songs are you going to sing? 12) Are you going to sing some songs in other languages? Example: 1) The journalist wants to know if GlonQ Ijkss pop muSIC 2) He wants to know 3. He wants to know 4) He wants to know 5) He wants to know 6) He wants to know 7) Не wants to know 8) He wants to know 9) He wants to know 10) He wants to know 11) He wants to know 12) He wants to know 27. Write these sentences differently. Example: This is Jane’s money. This money is hers. 1) These are Tommy’s albums.______________________ 2) These are the children’s questions. 3) These are Mrs Green’s answers. — 4) This is my form. _______ ____________ 5) This is Mike’s and James’s college, 6) This was the girl’s success. ______________________ 7) These are your new trainers. ____________ 8) This is your job now.____________________ 9) Those were my parents’ photos, 10) This is her university. __________ 28. Complete these sentences. Use who, what, which, how many, why, where, when, how much, how old, how. Example: Jane wants to know____________________stayed at school. Jane wants to know who stayed at school. 1) Rick is 17 or 18.1 don’t know_________________________ he is. 2) What is her address? I don’t know__________________________________ she lives. 3) Fred was late. He didn’t £tsk________________________________to get to our college and missed the bus stop. 4) Ask Polly ______________________________ Russian books she has got. I have got six. 5) In his letter John didn’t write __________________________________________________________ he was going to visit us — in the summer or in the autumn. 6) The shop is small. You can never buy good fruit in it. I don’t understand _____________________________ Eliza always does her shopping there. 7) There are two cars in front of the garden. Ask Alice _______________________________is hers. 8) I don’t know that woman. Can you say_______________________________ her name is? 9) I’m going to buy some white bread. What about brown bread? Look,_________________________________brown bread we’ve got. 10) Ask the children ________________________________ visited Scotland last year. 29. Rewrite these sentences. Use which or who/whom in the place of that. 1) This is the dress that Nora bought in Italy. 2) This is the man that Nora met in Rome. 3) This is the photo that Nora took in France. 4) This is her friend that travelled with Nora. 5) These are the books that Nora read. 6) This is the doctor that helped Nora. 7) This is the sandcastle that Nora made on the beach. 8) These are the people that travelled with Nora. 9) This is the driver that took Nora to Rome. 10) These are the museums that Nora visited. 30. Five of these sentences have mistakes. Correct them. 1) The dog showed its teeth and we stopped frightened*. 2) These two men are photographers, they’d like to take your pictures. 3) There are five childs in the Browns family. 4) Deer are such beautiful animals! 5) Sheeps eat grass like cows. 6) Geese are usually white or grey. 7) You can teach your mouses some tricks^. 8) I was so tired that I couldn’t stand on my foot. 9) My mother is the best of all womans in the world. 10) Some fish are very beautiful. I like to watch them swimming. a )--------------------------------------------------------------------- b )--------------------------------------------------------------------- c )--------------------------------------------------------------------- d )---------------------------------------------- ---------------------- e) _-------------------------------------------------------------------- 31. Put the verbs in the right form. 1) I can tell you the news which (be)__________________wonderful. * frightened [Traitnd] — испуганный 2 tricks [Inks] — трюки 2) Yesterday I met a woman who (be)______________________very friendly and nice to me. 3) Yesterday I saw white geese which (be)_______________________flying in the sky. 4) Tess has long light hair which (be) _____________________________ very beautiful. 5) You can take the money which (be) on the table. 6) The mice which (be) _____________________ under the floor (come) ______________out at night. 7) These animals have strong white teeth which (be)______________________ very big. 8) When did you meet the children who (be)___________________________your friends now? 9) The man who (be)_____________________our doctor, (live)_______________ in our street. 10) The women who (be)______________________________in this photo, (be) ______________British. 32. What’s your best friend’s biography like? Write about him/her. Her (his) name ... . She (he) has got a ... family. She (he) was born ... . Her (his) parents ... . She (he) is ... years old. She (he) wants to become .... She (he) lives ... . She (he) can ... . She (he) is interested in ... . She (he) dreams .... 33. Practise writing this dictation. Dictation 3 A. Journalist, university, hospital, photograph, answer, animal, because, question, leave, marry, difficult, woman, die. B. A difficult life, an easy answer, a successful woman, a medical career, an interesting biography. C. To talk to a doctor, to marry an astronaut, to touch the floor, to have a lot of success, to look after the patient, to go out into the street. D. Which animal is yours? John is interested in medicine. Can you answer their questions? When did they leave for Paris? Who is Robert married to? What language are you learning? Let’s go down the road. James has a talent for music. Test 3 1. Listen to the text “My Career”, (22), and give short answers to the questions. 1) Did Anna love animals when she was small? 2) What animals were her pets? 3) Why did Anna’s parents think she had a talent for looking after animals? 4) When did Anna’s career begin? 5) Was Anna a good or a bad student? 7) What is Anna’s job now? 2. Read the text and match the names of the young actors with the information about them. Hollywood Talents Jamie Bell was born in 1986. He first played in the film Billy Elliott. Jamie is thinking about a career in the cinema. If he can’t become an actor, he wants to do photography. Anna Pa quin was born in 1983. She got an Oscar in 1994 for the film The Piano when she was 11 years old. Now Anna is in New York’s Columbia University. She often says, “I do things that I want to do, that I think are going to bo interesting”. Daniel Radcliffe was born in 1989. He played the famous 11-year-old boy Harry Potter. They looked at more than 2000 children from all over the world before they chose Daniel. Daniel’s mother and father didn’t want their son to be an actor but then they understood that he had a lot of talent. He is going to play Harry in some of the new Harry Potter films. Natalie Portman was born in 1981 in Israel ['izreiolj. She played her first role in The Professional at the age of 11. After that she played in a lot of other films. Natalie’s most famous role is Queen Amidala. Natalie is a vegetarian [лефГсеэпэп]. She loves reading books and learning languages. “If I don’t make a career in the cinema. I’m not going to be unhappy”, she says. Kirsten Diinst was born in 1983. She starred with Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt in Interview With the Vampire. Kirsten has a lot of friends. For her friends she is not Kirsten but Kiti. Her dream is to be a superstar. a) Jamie Bell b) Anna Paquin c) Daniel Radcliffe d) Natalie Portman e) Kirsten Dunst 1. This person wants to be an actor (actress) and doesn’t want any other career. 2. This person is not going to be sad if he (she) doesn’t become an actor (actress). 3. This person wants to make a career in the cinema but he thinks about some other career too. He likes taking pictures. 4. For this person it was difficult to get the role because njany otlier children wanted it. 5. This person is a student. a) b) c) d) e) 3. Complete the text, choose the right forms of the verbs and write them. Last month Richard ('go) to London. He wanted (^become) a university student. He (®take) some bags with a lot of food with him. At the university Richard ('*can, not) answer any questions. He (^think) they all (®be) difficult. Richard ("become) very sad and unhappy. He (®decide) to leave for his lionie town. He (®choose) to go by bus. He ('®talk) a lot on the bus and ("come) home tired. He ('^have) all the bags with food witli him but no money. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 4. Grandpa John is talking to his grandchildren Nora and Steve. Write what he wants to know. A. 1) Steve, are you going to Spain? 2) What cities are you going to visit? 3) Do you know much about Spain? 4) Where would you like to stay? B. 1) Nora, where were you last Sunday? 2) How much time did you stay there? 3) Whom did you take with you? 4) Did you have fun? 5. Write the same in a different way. 1) These are my photos. These photos ore mine. 2) That is his house. 3) This is her bike. 4) Tliose are your new books, 5) This is our dinner. 6) These are their new CDs. 6. Complete the sentences. 1) Two white 2) My live on the farm, likes to play on the sand. 3) Roy has got beautiful 4) My cousin has got a lot of 5) I see three 7) There were four and two Ш our zoo. at the party. 1) The news (is/are) interesting. 2) We don’t have many deer, but our deer (is/are) strong. 3) Where (is/are) the money? 4) The girl’s hair (was/were) 5) Men (is/are) long and beautiful. not always. usually stronger than women, but 8. Spell the words. 1. [sak'ses] 2. ['i:zi] 3. ['тлп1] 4. [hu:z] 5. [dai] 6. [tak] 7. ['woman] 8. ['wimin] 9. [кэ'пэ] 10. ['tfearnalist] 11. [witf] 12. ['oinsa] 9. Write Dictation 3, («] (23) A. D, Project Work 3 Write a page in your album. Choose a man (a woman) who lives (lived) in your town (homeplace) and wTite about him/her. Use pictures, photos etc. Unit 4 Word Box before believe blow burn (burnt) busy card catch (caught) celebrate club death decorate disco during each festival fight (fought) fireplace gather hang (hung) hear hug kill knock life midnight mean (meant) neighbour policeman (the) poor prepare present public quiet return ring (rang) shout special start strike (struck) sweetheart symbol tradition traditional umbrella I. Listening+ 1. Listen to the tape, («] (24), and decide what holidays they are. A. B. C. 2. Listen to the tape, E3 (25), and choose the right answer. 1. The children decided to go to London in a) spring b) summer c) autumn d) winter 2. They came to London on a)Sunday b) Monday c) Saturday d) Friday 3. In London they stayed a) at their friends b) with their families c) at a hotel d) at the holiday centre 4. On Sunday morning the weather was a) cold b) good c) nasty d) bad 5. The children in London. a) went by bus b) went by taxi c) walked d) went by underground 6. On the 25*'' of December they had lunch. a) meat and vegetables b) turkey and rice c) turkey and apples d) turkey and vegetables for 7. The speaker got a) a postcard b) flags and stars for Christinas. c) a toy d) a book 3. Listen to the tape, (26), and decide where they were on Easter Day and what they did. 1. Betty Cray 2. William Davidson 3. Brian Wells a) visited his friend in the country b) stayed at home to celebrate Tom’s birthday c) travelled in Russia looking at old churches 1. 2. 3. 4. Listen to the sentences, (27), and decide which sentences you hear. 1. a) The British people celebrate Guy Fawkes’ Day on the 5^^ of November. и b) The British people celebrated Guy Fawkes’ Day on the 5"* of November. 2. a) We were returning from the New Year’s party, b) We are returning from the New Year’s party. 3. a) When were you going to decorate the Christmas tree? b) When are you going to decorate the Christmas tree? 4. a) Tom’s parents always hang a long stocking near the fireplace on Christmas Eve. b) Tom’s parents always hung a long stocking near the fireplace on Christmas Eve. 5. a) We were preparing to celebrate my birthday, b) We are preparing to celebrate my birthday. 6. a) They were returning to the palace late at night, b) They are returning to the palace late at night. 7. a) I wanted to give her an umbrella as a present, b) I want to give her an umbrella as a present. 8. a) We have a tradition to write greeting cards on this day. b) We had a tradition to write greeting cards on this day. 9. a) They got out of the house. A cold wind‘ was blowing in the street. b) They get out of the house. A cold wind is blowing in the street. * a wind [wind] — ветер 10. а) John didn’t knock on the door. He rang the bell, b) John doesn’t knock on the door. He rings the bell. 5- Listen to the text “Two Brothers”. ISJ (28), and answer the questions after the text. There is one word you don’t know in the text — to hit — ударять (hit — ударн.т). 1) How old were the brothers? 2) Did they often fight? 3) What was the time when Tim returned from school? 4) What was Steve doing in the bedroom?____________________________ 5) Was Tim crying or smiling?______________________________________ 6) Was Harry Tim’s brother? _______________________________________ 7) Who began the fight: Tim or Harry?, II. Speaking-b 6. Work in small groups. Ask each other questions and decide who was the busiest pupil yesterday. • when/to get up? • how many lessons at school/to have? • when/to return from school? • to prepare dinner? • to go shopping? • to help about the house? • how long/to do lessons? • what/to do in the evening before going to bed? • ...? 7. How much do you know about the British traditions and festivals? Check, ra (29). 1) British people celebrate St. Valentine’s Day on 2) They celebrate Halloween on ________________________ 3) British people celebrate Easter in 4) They celebrate Guy Fawkes’ Night on 5) British people celebrate Christmas Festival on 6) They celebrate New Year’s Day on--------------------- 8. Say how you celebrate one of these traditional holidays. A.New Year: to decorate the house, to buy a New Year tree, to prepare (give) presents, to write special greeting cards, to send e-mails, to go to a party, to stay at home, to wish each other Happy New Year, to gather to celebrate, to watch television, to listen to the Kremlin clock, to strike midnight, to go out, to ring up neighbours and friend. B. Easter: to celebrate Easter, to paint eggs, to make a special cake, to go to church, to celebrate Christ’s return to life, to mean victory over death, to mean the beginning of spring, new life after winter. 9. Say what you can about Halloween and Guy Fawkes’ Day. Say • when people celebrate it • in what countries they celebrate it • how people dress up on this day • what lamps they make • where children sometimes go and what they ask for • what children usually get 10. Make and act out a dialogue “Our Christmas Party”. Say • when you celebrated it • where you celebrated it • what the place was like • how long you stayed there • what the weather was like • if you went out • if you gave each other presents • what presents they were 11. Expand on the text “Christmas for Granny”. Answer the question does Granny live in Russia or in Britain? Christmas for Granny My granny doesn’t work. She lives a quiet life in the country. Her husband died. Her children live in the city. They don’t often come to see her. Last December I decided to visit her on Christmas Eve. I bought a small Christmas tree and prepared some presents for her. I came to her house at six and knocked on the door. She was glad to see me. We hugged each other. I decorated the tree and the room. My granny cooked some food. I think she enjoyed her Christmas. III. Reading+ 12. Read the.se words in transcription. Check, 1. ['neiba] 2. ['midnaitj 3. ['dekareit] 4. [bi'li.v] 5. [Ьз:п] 6. ['swi:tha:t] 7. [tm'dijanol] 8. ['kwiiial] 9. ['sebbrcit] 10. ['дгедэ] (30). 11. [pita] 12.[nok] 13.[ргГреэ] 14. ['spc/al] 15. [лтЪгеЬ] 13. Read these words, w'ord-combinations and sentences. A. festival, neighbour, hang, blow, blew, hug, hung, before, while, hear, shout B. a quiet life a traditional song a special day a quiet corner a traditional dance a special holiday a quiet street a traditional festival a special present а public holiday a public place public transport a wet morning a wet bench wet weather a busy life a busy day a busy street to hear each other to hug each other to kiss each other a poor family a poor life a poor country C. to strike midnight, to knock on the door, to shout at the boy, to buy an umbrella, to give a big hug, to get a greeting card, to catch a cold, to kill time, to prepare for the lesson, to believe people D. Do you hear me well? The clock struck midnight. Never shout at children and animals. What is the symbol of love? How much do we know about life and death? I wish you a happy birthday. My dad gave me a big liug. A cold wind was blowing in the street. The children were decorating the Christmas tree with toys and sweets. 14. Read the texts about British eating traditions (a—d) and match them with their titles (1—5). There is one extra title. We think you know about some traditional food that British people eat. But do you know about their strange eating traditions? a) People in Russia have breakfast in the morning, dinner in the middle of the day and supper in the evening. This is not the way' with the English. They have lunch or dinner in the middle of the day. In the evening they eat dinner, supper or tea. Tea is also sandwiches and cakes at four or five o’clock. b) When the British do not have much time to cook, they buy beans in cans^. Then they warm them and eat them. It is so easy. 1. Traditional English tea 2. What to cook wlien you are very busy 3. When the British have their ineals^ 4. How to buy some traditional sea food 5. When British people drink tea * This is not the way... — Это не так... ^ beans in cans [k:cn/.] — консервированные бобы (фасоль) ® a meal трапеза, еда c) Fish’n’ chips* is a traditional English food. When you go to a fish-and-chip shop, they ask you this question: open or wrapped^? If you want to eat your chips in the street, ask for them “open”. If you want to take them home, ask for them “wrapped”. British people eat their chips with lots of salt and vinegar^. d) People in all the countries know that the British love drinking tea with milk but not all of them know when they have it. The answer is they drink it all the time. When they visit their neighbours, they drink tea. If they are tired, sad or happy, they also drink tea. a) b) c) d) extra 15. What books would they like to buy? Match the numbers with the letters. There is one extra letter. 1. Jenny Wilson is going to see her little cousin at the end of December. Lizzy is five but she can read a little. 2. George Redcliff is interested in Christmas traditions very much. He would like to know if people celebrate Christmas in December all over the world. a) Christmas in China and Vietnam by Tony Hicks. b) They Died on Christmas Eve by Robert Place. c) Christmas Trip. A love story by Jenny Hilton. * fish’n’chips = fish and chips — рыба и жареный картофель 2 wrapped [rsepl] — завернутый ® vinegar ['vmigo] — уксус 3. William Harrison is going to take part in December school concert. He can’t decide what song to choose. 4. Colin Granger is very much interested in traditions of the East. 5. Clara Morrison loves reading detective stories. A) Christmas Comes but Once a Year. Short stories with a lot of pictures. e) We Wish you a Merry Christmas. A bo6k of traditional carols. f) Christmas in different countries by Sarah Toast. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. extra 16. Put the parts of this text in the right order. The Fire of London a) When the Farynors were in the street, they saw that their neighbour’s house was on fire too. The fire was very hot and the people could not fight it but they had time to leave their homes. They took a lot of things with them. Some people used riverboats, and watched the fire from the river. b) On З'"'* September 1666 a fire started in the city of London. It destroyed 80% of the city but few people died. In fact the fire helped the people who were living in London then. It killed a lot of rats. c) The fire burnt for four nights and days. On Wednesday morning it became less hot. The people began to fight with water. d) The fire started in the house and shop of Thomas Farynor who was a baker to King Charles II. Thomas got up at 1 a.m. on the 3"' September and saw that his house was on fire. Hi.s family got out of the house through [0rii;J the roof. [Tao] пожар разрушил менее пекарь через е) After the fire 200, ООО people of London didn’t have homes. Workers came from all over Britain and from other countries to help build [bild] new houses and new churches. They made them of stone. By 1700 London became the largest city in Europe ['juarap]. строить Европа 1_______ 2. 3. 4. 5. 17. Read the text “Russian Traditional Festival” and answer the questions after it. Russian Traditional Festival People in Russia celebrate Easter, Christmas and New Year too but they have their own* special traditions. One of them is Maslenitza (Shrovetide ['/rauvlaid]). Russian people celebrate it at the end of winter or in the first month of spring. For some people it is a religious tradition. This is the last week before Lent*. But some people think it is just a festival to say goodbye to winter. People celebrate it for a week. This is a very happy time for those who love pancakes*. * own [эип] — собственный * Lent — пост (Великий) * pancakes [painkeiks] — блины because they are the traditional food of “Maslenitza week”. People cook pancakes at home but they can buy them in shops too. On “Maslenitza Sunday” people go out. They have a lot of fun. They walk in the parks and squares, dance and sing songs, they have fires and sometimes burn straw figures' of winter. They eat hot pancakes, drink hot tea in the streets of their towns and cities. Children love this holiday very much. 1. When do Russian people celebrate Shrovetide? 2. How long is it? 3. Is Shrovetide a festival or a holiday? 4. What is the traditional food of “Maslenitza week”? 5. What is Maslenitza famous for? 18. Match the pictures with the sentences. a) I made them. Would you like some? b) Is that you, Mary? 2. ^ straw figures ['stn; 'figszj — фигуры из соломы, чучела IV. Writing-1- 19- Complete these new words and write them. 1) mi t 16)1 f 2) с b 17) к 3)s ol 18)1 n 4)q t 19) b У 5) pr e 20) с h 6) nek 21) n our 7) rd 22) urn la 8)di 23) de e 9) st it 24) h r 10)be . ve 25) out 11) pu с 26) de 12) ile 27) p r 13)fi 28) tra n 14) m n 29) pr t 15) ga 30) r n Spell the new words. 1. ['diskouj 7. [mi;n] 12. ['spcjal] 2. ['ko:t] 8. [fa t] 13. [рэ:] 3. [hieo] 9. ['neibo] 14.[de0] 4. fkwaiol] 10. [bi'li9/J 15. [h3:d] 5. [рп'реэ] 11. ['djuortq] 16. f'gieOa] 6.[nnk] 1 blowing 2 catch 3 верить 4 gathered 5 стучать 6 • burning 7 hug 8 украшать 9 struck 10 mean 11 starting 12 кричать 13 become 14 бегать 15 travelled 22. Complete the sentences if necessary. Example 1: Lena returned- Paris last Friday. Lena returned to Paris last Friday. Example 2: The clock struck five, The clock struck five. 1) When daddy came home, he gave a big hug--------------------me. 2) Yesterday Mike didn’t catch-----------------a bus and was late. 3) When Kitty returned, Mike was preparing-----------------------the party. 4) I always decorate my house ------------------ balloons for my birthday. 5) When we go on a holiday, we often play ---------------------cards ------------the beach. 6) When I heard that Sam was shouting the child, I became angry. 7) If she goes abroad, she always sends -------------------me postcards or write letters------------------------------------------me. 8) The doctor came, hung his jacket-------------------the hook and went to Gloria’s bedroom. 9) When I was doing my homework, she rang me_______________________ to talk. 10) My daughter gave -------------------------me a blue umbrella ------------a Christmas present. 11) The train comes ---------------------- London ------------------ midnight. 12) When Little Red Riding Hood* came to Granny’s house, she knocked--------------------the door. 13) After the party the children decided to burn -------------------- a fire. 14) Last night Pete caught----------------a bad cold in the rain. 15) We always decorate a big tree----------------Christmas Day. ' Little Red Riding Hood — Красная Шапочка 23. Complete the texts. A. One day Mr Parker decided (*visit) his brother. David (^live) in the country. That day (•'*be) his birthday and Mr Parker (‘‘want) to be with his brother’s family. Mr Parker (^take) his brother’s address, (®get) into the car and C*start) out. He (®drive) for a long time. Then he (®stop) and (*®ask) the woman who (“pass) by to help him. “(‘^Go) straight for two miles”, she (*^say), “then (“turn) left and take the second road on the right”. Mr Parker (‘•Мо) it but (‘®can, not) see his brother’s house. Then he (“see) that an old man (‘®come) to his car. Mr Parker (*®open) the window of his car and (^^ask), “Excuse me, is this the second road on the right?” 1) 11)--------------------------------------- 2) 12)----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 )________________________________________13)-------------------------------- 4 )--------------------------------------- 14)-------------------------------- 5 )--------------------------------------- 15) „ ------------------------- 6 ) 16)--------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 )--------------------------------------- 17)-------------------------------- 8 ) 18)---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) 19)_________________________________ 10) 20)_______________________________________________________________________ B. Last Saturday 1 (‘go) to the shop and (^buy) a present for my grandad. He was going (®be) sixty-five on Sunday. My parents and 1 (‘‘decide) to celebrate that day in a restaurant. Early in the morning we (^gather) in our sitting room, (Месога1е) it with flowers, postcards and balloons. Then we (‘write) a special greeting card as a symbol of our love, (‘‘catch) a taxi and (®come) to the restaurant at six p.m. Our table (‘%e) in a small cosy room. А fire ("burn) in the fireplace. We ('“^take) out our boxes with presents and ('^put) them on a low table near the fireplace. Grandad was a little late. We ("hug) him and (*^wish) him a happy birthday, then we (*®give) him our boxes and (''^read) the greeting card. During the evening his mobile often (*®ring). His friends (*®send) him their love and good wishes. We (*^®return) home late. I think my grandad enjoyed the party. 1) 11)----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) 12)------------------------------------------ 3 )___________________________________________ 13)---------------------------------- 4 )--------------------------------------------14)---------------------------------- 5 )------------------------------------------- 15)---------------------------------- 6 ) 16)---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 )------------------------------------------- 17)---------------------------------- 8 ) 18)---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) 19)------------------------------------------ 10) 20)_____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Use a/an, the or no article and complete the sentences. It is a tradition in my family to travel in summer. Last August my brother and I went to____________________________________London. We stayed there for a few days and did ______________________ city. centre of English capital is very Ixeauti- ful. There are lot of green Li streets and famous parks in it. We saw _____Houses of Parliament, Westminster, ill] British Mu- seum and Tower which is not far from______ Tower Bridge. We visited 111! National Gallery in Trafalgar Square and walked near 111! Buckingham Palace where Queen lives. 25. Write the same in Ru.ssian. A. 1. a) My father started work when he was fifteen. b) Let’s look at the start of the story. c) Jane made a successful start to her new career. d) “Who wants to start? 2. a) We had a nice talk yesterday. b) John was talking too much at the meeting. c) Are you teaching your bird to talk? d) Williams gave a talk on his trip to Australia. 3. a) The evening was cold and foggy. b) I think I caught a cold on a bus. c) The water was too cold for a shower. d) Don’t go to work if you have a bad cold. 4. a) When I go to work I use public transport. b) They opened the gallery to the public in 1866. c) Is Easter a public holiday in your country? d) It is clear that the general public doesn’t understand it. 5. a) We wish you success in your work. b) You can stay here, if you wish. c) I know he has a wish to go to France. d) Make a wish and write to Father Frost. B. 6. a) Come and give daddy a hugl b) People were hugging and kissing each other. c) When I saw my little daughter, I hugged and kissed her. d) “What did he say?” — “He just hugged me. 7. a) After his return from India, Harry met Olivia, b) Colin can’t return to work for two weeks. c) One day she just walked out and never returned. d) On his return to England, he visited his parents. 8. a) There was a knock on the door. b) James walked up to the door and knocked. c) Lady Redcliff doesn’t hear very well. Don’t knock on th( door. Ring the bell. d) Did you hear a knock, Polly? 9. a) Mary rang the doorbell. b) Did you ring, sir? c) Give me a ring tomorrow, d) Julia answered the phone after two rings, 10. a) The boys had no wish to fight. b) Stop fighting, you two! c) They couldn’t stop the terrible fight. d) What do you know about their fight? 26. Write what the people were doing when Robert rang them up. Example: When Robert rang Alice up. she was playing on the computer. 1. BOB fXiiiiv «ИИ. 2. STEVE CollM ADA 4. AUNT tMm FRED 27. Complete the sentences. Use al, in, on. 1) I saw Jack_______________nine a.m. He was driving his car. 2) My family is always at home Easter. 3)_ Christmas Eve we bought a lot of presents for the children. 4)_______________a cold frosty morning a young lady knocked on Mr Fowler’s door. 5) Let’s meet _____________________________________________________ Wednesday ______________six o’clock______________the evening. 6) What festival do people in the west begin to celebrate the ЗЗ’** of December? 7) People can see bonfires_____________________Guy Fawkes’ Night in the streets. 8) We met_________________noon and went to the park. There are usually very few people there_______________________________________________the afternoon. 9) Do we have any holidays_____________________________________________________July? 10) We celebrate a special holiday ______________________ the 8’*’ of March.________________this day men and boys usually give presents and flowers to their mothers, wives, grannies, sisters and friends. 28. Choose the right item and complete the text. An Old Photo What I saw was a picture of a beach. A lot of people 11]----------------- in the beach chairs. Some of them 1£]______________, some_______1^1----• Some children in the sea or in the water. I. _1^]_. _ a boat in the water and a man in it. The picture was 119 not very good and I (7) if the man (8) or not. that the picture was my brother’s photo of his holi- day in Spain. 1. a) was 2. a) talked 3. a) read 4. a) swam 5. a) are playing 6. a) see 7. a) could see 8. a) fished 9. a) understood b) were b) was talking b) was reading b) was swimming b) were playing b) saw b) couldn’t see b) was fishing b) was understanding c) is c) were talking c) were reading c) were swimming c) played c) was seeing c) saw c) is fishing c) wasn’t understand ing 29. Write how you celebrate one of the spring holidays in your family. a) the 8**’ of March b) the 1®' of May c) the 9'** of May Use these: to get up early (late), to go shopping, to buy presents (flowers, sweets), to walk in the park, to take pictures, to go to the cinema/theatre, to listen to a concert, to meet friends, to stay at home, to help about the house, to prepare dinner in the kitchen, to make a cake, to decorate the house (with balloons), to have a party/to go to a party, to be a success, to sing and dance, to be tired but happy, to have fun. 30. Practise writing this dictation. Dictation 4 A. Hear, fight, fought, meant, poor, during, fireplace, busy, hang, believe. в. Before lunch, to decorate a tree, to prepare for the hoJlclAy, « wet day. old tradlUoo*. to go to churrh, to kiKM'k on the door, to blow up the houne. a pvetlng ciuti. C. They killed the King. U is в tembic death. A warm wind la blowing. The Stuarte have a qtiiel life in the country. Kate U ill. She cAiighi M oold when elie waa awlmmlng in the cold river. Wlien are your parents reluming home? When 1 saw my little cousin, 1 gave her a hug and we kissed each other. Wliere do you utiunUy gather? Test 4 1. Jenny b spesklne aboul her stay with her rriend l.sin«. Ustrn to her. (31). and i-hoofte Uw right item. I. was living In Hollywood. a) Jenny Ь)!лига 2. Jenny’s slay on the plane was____________________________________ fl) short b) )nng 3. Jenny came to Laura's house by . .. n) plane b) car 4. There were________________рсч>р)е In Diimeyliind that day. a) few b) A lot of 5. Jrnny _ - Disneyland. a) liked b) didn't like 3. The girls had supper________________ their trip to UisniyUnd. a) before b) ofter 7. Santa Barbara is a beautiful place _ kilometres f mm Los Angelea. a) ftfty b) fifteen 8. Uiun chovred Jenay the Ьовье_______________ ■) in the pvenijtg b) in the moniinic 2. RtMid Uie tcxU «mi match them with th« numb»r« (1~4); There U one extra numb^. •] My friend Mary came to see ua kut night. My pamiU and 1 wore ai hmiie but we didn't hear her knock on the door. I war in my room. 1 was iistciiuig to some mnsic. It was a world-famnus rock group. My parents were In the sitting room. They were watching televt-aloti. Л football maloh was on. b) It was iatr when 1 was coming back. The weather was rainy. 1 liecanM* mid. My hat and Jacket were wet. It waa un> pieasant to walk In aurh weather. The clock was striking midnight. 1 knew my fMirents were not alfwping. c) If ymi uak me whnl I enjoy dunig. 1 can any that Гт very interested in langnag-ea, (мп'лпае when I go nhroud I like tu speak wiUi the people there. I enjoy playing the piano. I have mimic clHsaes on Monday and Fnday. My teacher saya I'm a snrccaa. I nfteii play for my friend» when we have n parly. And 1 love listening to music. 1 uaiuilly lia* ten to Ш1ШС Фй11 don't or can't play. And I like cooking very much. 1 often rook for my family. 1. Hobbies of Mine 2. Why 'Hmre Was no Answer 3. 4. Late Return Classes ui Rock Music a) b) Г) nxtrn 3. Comptetv thi» l«xL rhoQM lb* right (omit Ы tb« v«rbb and «rite them. Our Christmas Party Oti the 25** of December my friends and f decided (*have) a party. We (*wnnl) to celebrate CltrisUna». My fncmis (*4?о11»в) to my flat. 1 (^prepare) an apple cake when they (''nng) Uie bell. They (^sUrt) (л decorate the room. We (^лшке) a lot оГ paper toys. Tlie room end the tree Icxtkeri very nice. When lt<*becc^e)dark in the ■treet, we (^uni) the fire and (^%egin) our (larty. We (“sing) end (‘‘‘danre). Wr (‘'‘have) a lot of fun. When my шиш and dad (“relnm) home late In the evening, some of my (Hends (''тиау) games and some (‘4trateh) a romcdy on tnlevision. It was a very happy day. 1). ») 2) . 10). 3 )---------------------------------------- II). 4 )---------------------------------------- 12). 5 )---------------------------------------- 13). 6 )________________________________________ H). 7 )---------------------------------------- 15). 3)_________________________________________ 16). Um the forme of the verba hear or listen to and complete the мп* lencet. 1)1 ran . a cnr. John is coming. 2) Do you_ rae well? 3) My friende and I like ______________ . rock music. 4) I mn _______________ what you are aaylng but I_ hndly. .5) Don't shout at me. me! I want to aay that ilohn la right. 6) Ok) Mrs Mums is 80. She can't well. 5. Chooer the ri|(hl forrn to complH<‘ thi) «епипсе». wr (did/wprr doing) thr rlty. II (rained/wns raining). 2) When I (c&me>wae coming) to Trafalgar Square. 1 (decided,'waa deciding) to take aome photoe of the place. 3) I (caught/ was catching) a c