Английский язык Книга для чтения 5 класс Верещагина Афанасьева

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Reader (Ридер) - Английский язык Книга для чтения 5 класс Верещагина Афанасьева - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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1. N. Vereshchagina О. V. Afanasyeva ^ф ф ф , ф PROSVKI^NnfE ф , ' ф ф ф , ф >Щ'| ф f ' V ф Ф ф ф ф ф ф Ш V' j' •. , .'"^v:'\ ЩШ: W" m гШШУ У:у:т. It ■ ■■ Ш ® ШшШ ?m: ;! ,n Ш АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык Книга для чтения V класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Авторы-составители И. Н. Верещагина, 0. В. Афанасьева Москва «Просвещение» 2013 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-93 А64 д ки Английский язык. Книга для чтения. V класс : пособие А64 для общеобразоват. организаций и шк. с углубл. изучением Верещагина, О. В. АфаСеье^?^™ — 96 С. : ил. — ISBN 978-5-09-027684-9. ™ чтения является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку для V класса общеобразо^ателмых ^ганизации и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка SiTO соотнесён с соответствующими уроками УДК 37:Ц167,1;811,111 ББК 81.2Англ-93 ISBN 978-5-09 027684-9 „ „ © Издательство «Просвещение», 2013 © Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2013 Все права защищены LESSON 1 J Read the story and say what you’ve learnt about Tom Boxell and his wife. A Clever Salesman (After L.G. Alexander) NEW WORDS slim [slim] — стройный to recognize ['rekagnaiz] — узнавать to recommend [^reka^mend] — рекомендовать tight [tait] - узкий to stretch [stretj] - растягивать(ся) Mr Boxell lived at 5 Central Road in a little town in the North of England. He was a tall fair-haired man with dark eyes on his round pleasant face. Mr Boxell was a salesman. He had a lot of things to sell in hi^ small quiet shop: clothes, shoes, books. He also sold vegetables and fruit, meat and sugar, flour and bread in his shop. So, he was a a greengrocer and a butcher too. baker, a grocer People in that town knew Mr Boxell’s shop very well. They could buy practically [^ragktikoli] everything there and Tom Boxell was always kind and polite. Tom was married. His wife, Margaret, was a nice little woman, dark-haired, slim and very pretty. Sometimes she helped Tom in his shop. She could count well and was always very friendly. She worked fast and thought that her job was very important. One Thursday, when Tom and Margaret were both in their shop, a short man walked in and asked for an expensive pair of shoes. There was something dangerous in the man’s unfriendly eyes. At first Tom could not understand what it was, but then he recognized the man’s face. It was Brooks, the burglar. Tom knew that the police wanted him very much. Brooks tried on a few pairs of shoes and then bought the pair which Tom strongly recommended. Brooks thought they were a bit tight, but Tom said, “Don’t worry, they’ll stretch, sir.” СГ9 The next morning Brooks came into the shop to change his shoes. He was very unhappy and had a weak smile_on his ugly face. But when he asked for a different pair of shoes, the police arrested [a'restid] him as the policemen were in the shop. They knew that Brooks had a pair of shoes a size too small for him and they were sure he would come* to change them the next day. What a clever salesman Tom Boxell was! Correct the wrong statements using the text. 1) Mr Boxell lived at 5 Central Road in the North of America, 2) Mr Boxell was an architect. 3) Mr Boxell sold only fruit and vegetables in his shop. 4) People seldom came to Tom’s shop as they could buy very few things there. 5) Tom wasn’t married. 6) Tom was dark-haired. 7) A short man came into the shop and asked for a pair of gloves. 8) Brooks didn’t buy any shoes in the shop. 9) Brooks was a famous actor. 10) The police didn’t catch the burglar. * they were sure he would come ■— они были уверены, что он придёт Read the story and say which Nelly’s favourite room is and which one Bob’s is. Whose Favourite Rooms Are They? (After A. Doff and C. Jones) niEW WORDS a writing table [^raitio Yeibl] — письменный стол to dream [dri:mj — мечтать a stereo system ["stisriau 'sistam] — стереосистема enough [Гплд -— достаточно a neighbour [’^neibo] — сосед My favourite room at the moment is our study which is the biggest room in the house. It is full of wonderful things: books, pictures, collections of coins and stamps, a video and a computer. There is a very old writing table in the study. My great-granddad bought it at the beginning of the century when he was a student. It’s very unusual. There is a sofa in the corner of the room and next to it just at the wall a beautiful old standard lamp, which is on the carpet. I clean the carpet with the vacuum cleaner very often on my helping about the house day. There is a piano near the window. At night, when it gets dark, I like to turn off the light, turn on the standard lamp and play the piano. When the standard lamp is on, the study looks like a little fairy land. I often sit in the old armchair and dream. My favourite room is the one where I play my music. I have got a very good stereo system. That’s my hobby. This room is good. But I have a problem. There is no central heating in it, and it is the coldest room in winter. I can never get warm enough with the fire. And another thing that is wrong with it is that there is a very big window there. In summer, when it’s very hot, I can’t open it because my neighbours don’t like loud music, and it’s all out in the street when I play my favourite music with the window open. 1. Answer the questions. 1) What is there in the pictures that you can’t find in the texts? 2) Who often sits in the old armchair and dreams? 3) Which room is cold? 4) Whose room is the best in your opinion? 2. Say what Nelly and Bob like (dislike) about their favourite rooms. 3. Speak about your favourite room. N. LESSON 3 Read the second part of the story and say where Uncle Oscar was. Whatever Happened to Uncle Oscar? (After George P. McCallum) Part II NEW WORDS госпожа Лейтон управляющий Mrs Leighton [Meitsn] a manager [''таепэфэ] papers ['peipozl — бумаги, документы dead [ded] — мёртвый to miss [mis] — скучать Brazil [bra'zil] — Бразилия an envelope ['envabupj —^ конверт Brazilian [bro'zilian] — бразильский At about ten-thirty. Aunt Agatha got a telephone call from the bank. “Where is your husband, Mrs Leighton?” asked the bank manager. Aunt Agatha was very much surprised. “Isn’t he in the bank?” she asked. “No, he isn’t. Wherever he is, he is not certainly in his office,” the bank manager answered. “Nobody has seen him yet. We are going to have a meeting in a quarter of an hour. But unfortunately we can’t have it without your husband. He has all the papers.” “I don’t know what to say,” Aunt Agatha tried to be polite. Well, that was it. No news from Uncle Oscar. Life went on. Elizabeth soon married and Julian got a good job as an engineer. Aunt Agatha took a job in the office and enjoyed it. She saw her children at weekends. They seldom spoke about Uncle Oscar. They thought he was dead. I think only one person missed him — me. We both had one hobby ^— collecting stamps. I often thought of my uncle and tried to guess where he could be. Three years passed. And then one October afternoon a letter came. It arrived from Brazil. I was sure I knew no one in Brazil. I opened the envelope. There were some stamps inside. I counted them. There were about fifty stamps there, all Brazilian, nothing more. I turned the envelope over, but there was no return address. I took one of Uncle Oscar’s albums [^selbsmz] of stamps from the shelf and opened it. I wanted to put the new stamps in it. Suddenly my eyes fell on several empty places in the book. The most expensive stamps were gone.' Then I understood everything. I smiled. I knew now where Uncle Oscar was. I was sure he missed me, he missed our talks about stamps and collections and he discovered a way to tell me where he was. That was his secret and it will be his secret. I will tell nobody. 1. Read the beginning of the sentence, then find and read its end in the text. 1) We are going to have ... . 2) Aunt Agatha took a job ... . 3) They seldom ... . 4) I often thought ... . 5) And then one October ... . 6) There were about ... . 7) Suddenly ... . 8) I knew now ... . 9) I will ... . 2. Use the sentences of Ex. 1 as a plan and retell the second part of the story. 3. Look through the first part of the story (Student’s Book V, Lesson 3, Ex. 17) and say if you like Uncle Oscar and the members of his family. 4. Uncle Oscar lives in Brazil now, doesn’t he? Why do you think Uncle Oscar ran away? ‘ were gone — исчезли Read the letter and say what you’ve learnt about F. Volkov. A Letter from Yaroslavl MEW WORDS to seem [si:m] — казаться quite [kwait] — совершенно, полностью, совсем ancient [^einjbnt] — древний a tribe [traib] — племя trade people [^treid '’pi:pl] — торговый люд wise [waiz] — мудрый sacred ['seiknd] — священный a fortress [Yo:tns] — крепость a coat of arms ['kaut sv 'o:mz] — герб a stepfather ['step,fa:5э] — отчим public ['рлЫгк] — народный, общественный 14, High Street, Guildford, Surrey August, 15th, 2012 Dear Lucille, I have just received your postcard ['psustkccd]. Thank you for the news. I’m glad you’re having a good time. France is wonderful at this time of the year. We are going on holiday this week. I like to take my summer holiday late, then winter doesn’t seem quite so long. We are going to Yaroslavl, the ancient Russian town. I have an aunt there, so we can stay with her. This time we are not going by car. We are going by train. There is much traffic on the roads in the summer and besides Daddy is not going with us. I think we’ll do a lot of walking. I have never been to Yaroslavl but I’ve read a lot about it. It is situated on the Volga River. I know that you are much interested in history so here is some history about this land. According to the legend, at the place where the central part of Yaroslavl is situated now there lived a tribe who always fought with trade people, burnt their ships and killed their men. At the beginning of the 11th century Prince [prins] Yaroslav the Wise had a fight with those who lived in that settlement, he won the victory and killed the sacred bear, that was a special thing for the tribe. The Prince ordered to build a fortress ^ ^ made of wood and the new settlement got the name of Yaroslavl and its emblem (its coat of arms) became the bear. Many centuries have passed since the time. Yaroslavl has changed a lot. It was the first fortress-town on the Volga. Now it is a big industrial [in'dAstnal] and cultural ["Ultjarolj centre with a lot of beautiful churches, museums and a wonderful building of the local [flsukl] theatre. You know that I’m a theatregoer. That’s why I try to learn as much as I can about theatres and their history. Yaroslavl is the place where the founder of the Russian theatre lived and worked. Do you know who I’m writing about? It was Fyodor Grigoryevich Volkov. He began a new page in the Russian theatre life. We know little about this wonderful man. He was born in Kostroma in 1728. In 1735 he moved in Yaroslavl to live in the family of his stepfather. F. Volkov began to learn first at home and then in Moscow, but he didn’t get a diploma [di'pbuma] as his stepfather died and F. Volkov had to manage the factories of the family. But he did it very badly. He was so fond of the theatre that he often discussed plays and performances and other theatre problems [фгоЫэтг] with different people. He created the first home theatre and then a public theatre in Yaroslavl, He gave money to construct [kan'stFAkt] the building for the theatre. People think that he wrote plays too. The first Russian public theatre opened on the 7th of January in 1751. Very soon the Russian Tsarina [zor'iiina] Elizabeth sent for Volkov and his actors. They came to St Petersburg. ....... Their performance had a great success. Later the first Russian theatre, born in Yaroslavl, became the National Russian Theatre and F. Volkov was its Head. I’m going to see some performances at the Yaroslavl Theatre. I know that there is a beautiful monument to F. Volkov in front of the theatre. I’ll write to you later when I am back in Moscow. Write to me when your visit to Russia begins. Then when you arrive in Moscow, I’ll meet you. See you soon. Yours, Tanya 1. Divide the text into three logical parts and name them. 2. There are very few portraits ["points] of the great Russian actor F. Volkov. In those portraits we can see a kind open face of the actor with a lot of curly^ hair, his dreamy eyes full of cleverness, energy ['enocfeij and strength. What kind of person do you think F. Volkov was? ^ curly ['ksili] — вьющийся LESSON N. Read the text and say what the difference is in celebrating New Year in Russia and any other country mentioned in the text. Special Days MEW WORDS China I'tfama] - Китай Japan [cfea'psen] - Япония noise [noiz] — шум to bang [baep] - стучать a pot [pot] — кастрюля, котелок a pan [pasnj ^— сковорода a boat [bsut] — лодка, корабль a bottom — низ, днище the Scottish ['skoti^ people — шотландцы Japanese ['’cfjaspa^niiz] — японский rice [rais] — рис, рисовый wine [warn] — вино countless [^kaunths] — несчётный Chinese [,tjarni:z] — китайский New Year’s Day, Christmas and Easter are special days for many peoples living in different parts of the world, but they don’t celebrate them in one and the same way. Let’s see how New Year’s Day is celebrated' in Scotland, the USA, China, Japan and some other countries. The way we celebrate New Year depends on the country we live in. It also depends on the century in which people live. Today in the United States, for example, people ring bells at midnight to welcome New Year. They also have “watch night" services in churches. Most people get together with their friends and family and have parties, usually with fireworks. Some people make a lot of noise by banging pots and pans. In Washington State they have fireworks at the seaside and watch a parade [paheid] of boats go by. ' how New Year’s Day is celebrated — как празднуют Новый год In New York a lot of people gather in Times Square and watch the “Big Apple” fall. The “Big Apple” isn’t a real apple. It’s a moving picture of an apple on the side of one of the big buildings in Times Square. Every New Year’s Eve during the last few seconds before midnight it starts to “fall” down the building and when it gets to the bottom, it’s the start of the new year. In Scotland New Year is a national holiday. It is more important there than in England as the English celebrate Christmas which the Scots do not. The Scottish people call New Year’s Eve “Hogmanay” ['hogmsnei]. They visit their friends’ houses just after midnight on New Year’s night. The first person who comes to your house brings you luck. The Scots begin to enjoy themselves on New Year’s Day. People in Scotland invite their friends to their houses to “see the old year out and the New Year in”. When the clock begins to strike 12, the head of the family goes to the entrance door, opens it wide and holds it until the last stroke. Then he shuts the door. He has let the old year out and let the New Year in. In Japan housewives start cooking special food for New Year’s Day, and on New Year’s Eve all the members of the family do a big cleaning up. The idea is to get rid of the dirt* of the past year and welcome the new. When the house is clean, they all sit round and watch television or get ready for New Year’s Day meal which is the first meal of the year. Then on the Japanese television or radio you can hear 108 bells. The 108th bell rings just a second before the midnight. The people say: “Happy New Year!” Some families put special kimonos [kCmaunauz] or special dresses on and eat the special New Year’s Day food. They usually drink rice wine during the meal. For countless ages all peoples in Europe have had special ceremonies [^senmsmz] to mark their New Year. In ancient Rome New Year’s Day was sacred to Janus [^cfeeinss]^, the god with the two faces, which looked before and after. In other words one face of the god looked into the future, the other back into the past. New Year’s Eve is still a time when we look ahead to the future but it is also a time to remember our past, our happy and unfortunate days. * to get rid of the dirt — избавиться от грязи ^ was sacred ['seiknd] to Janus — посвящался Янусу New Year’s Day is the first day of the year - that is the 1st of reoruary. ifus is the famous Chinese Lion Dance. ГеТеИ?he » P'»» the^'pTs J'"’" *° **'" remember 2) New Year’s Day in Japan. 3) New Year’s Day in China. 5,’ Zy in stZL 6) New Year’s celebrations in the USA. Read the text and say what a hot dog is. The Hot Dog MEW WORDS a dish [dij] — блюдо сосиска (амер.) такса а frankfurter ['ГгэеркГзДэ] а dachshund ['daeks(3)nd] а sausage f'snsid^] — сосиска especially trspejli] — особенно a tank [tsepk] — специальный резервуар для жидкости а row [гэи] — ряд People of different countries have their own favourite food. You already know some things about traditional Russian and English dishes. Here are some facts about a thing that has become popular all over the world. Look at the picture. What do you see in it? What kind of dog is it? Have you ever eaten hot dogs? Do you like them? Hot dogs came to Russia from America. But its home country is Germany. In its home country people called this food frankfurter, after Frankfurt, a German city. Frankfurters first appeared in the United States in 1860. Americans called frankfurters “dachshund ['dseks(9)nd] sausages”. A dachshund is a dog from Germany with a very long body and short legs. “Dachshund sausage” was a good name for the frankfurter. Dachshund sausages first became popular in New York, especially at baseball games. Their sellers kept them warm in hotwater tanks. As they walked up and down the rows of people, they shouted, “Get your dachshund sausages! Get your dachshund sausages!” People bought the sausages and put them on buns, special kind of bread. One day in 1906 a newspaper cartoonist Tad Dorgan went to see a baseball game. When he saw the men selling the dachshund saus- ages, he got an idea for a cartoon. The next day at the newspaper office he drew a bun with a dachshund in it — not a dachshund sausage, but a dachshund. Dor-gan didn’t know how to spell dachshund. So, under the cartoon, he wrote “Get your hot dogs!”. The cartoon was a sensation [sen'seifn], and so was the new name.* If you go to a baseball game today, you can still see sellers walking around with hotwater tanks. As they walk up and down the rows they shout, “Get your hot dogs here! Get your hot dogs!”. “True”, “False” or “Don’t Know”. 1) A frankfurter and a hot dog is just one and the same thing. 2) Hot dogs came from Russia to the USA. 3) Americans called frankfurters “dachshund sausages”. 4) Tad Dorgan created a newspaper cartoon of a hot dog. * so was the new name — и новое название тоже Read the text and say what is wrong in the combinations of words “sunsets” and “sunrises”. Between the Sun and the Earth lUEW WORDS a sphere [sfio] — сфера [Yogi] — туманный Over the years people have lived in thousands of different places and in countless different ways. Yet no matter where they live or how they live, they all depend on the Earth for the things they need. They all work to turn trees, land and other things into food, clothes and materials [тэ tioriolz]. They all look to the Sun for warmth and light. People have always been curious about the world. Some have spent their lives exploring it. They used to know little about the Earth in the ^past. They believed in gods and explained all the things they couldn’t understand using the idea of gods. Long ago people watched sunsets and sunrises, but no one knew why the Sun rose or set. The few people who thought about it believed the Sun travelled around the Earth every 24 hours. Now we can say that people have learned much about the Earth over the years. They have changed the Earth too and they can explain a lot of things. Though people today still use the Sun to mark time and speak of sunrises and sunsets, they know that the Sun neither rises nor sets.' It is the Earth that is moving. Because the Earth is a sphere, only a certain part of it faces the Sun. When the place where you live faces the Sun, it’s daylight. As the Earth continues to turn, it begins to get dark. The Earth turns from the west to the east. That is why the Sun seems to rise in the east and set in the west. The Earth never stays the same. For thousands of years people have tried to guess why. Long ago people who used to live on our plan- ' neither rises nor sets — не встаёт и не садится et understood that some changes took place regularly. For example, almost everywhere the days are longer at some times than at others. In many places cold and snowy, foggy and rainy days follow warm sunny ones. Early people couldn’t explain that. They didn’t know why there were changes from one season to the next. They only knew they could count on regular changes in temperature and rainfall. Today people know that the Earth moves around the Sun. It takes it 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds to make one turn around the Sun. But what do we know about the people living on the Earth and about those places — continents, countries, cities and villages they live in? Put the sentences in a logical order and use them as a plan to retell the text. 1) It takes the Earth a bit more than 365 days to make one turn around the Sun. 2) People used to know little about the Earth in the past. 3) The Sun neither rises nor sets. It is the Earth that is moving. 4) The Earth turns from the west to the east. 5) Early people believed the Sun travelled around the Earth. 6) The Earth never stays the same. Read the first part of the fairy tale and say why the Princess [.prin'ses] thought that the sparrow in her room was a Prince. Prince Sparrow Part I MEW Words a sparrow [^spaerau] — воробей rude fru:d] — грубый cruel ['кш:э1] power ["раиэ] жестокий власть to enchant [mh/omt] — заколдовывать, зачаровывать enchanted [inT/ointid] — заколдованный to remain [гГтеш] — оставаться royal [Yoial] — королевский Once upon a time, there lived a little Princess. She was not kind, she was not good. She was rude to her people and to her professor [praTessl. But she was a princess, and nobody could tell her how bad she was. Her people used to listen to her and give her everything she wanted. The little Princess was a clever girl and she liked her classes of History and Maths, of Geography and English. Her professor told her different stories about large continents and foreign countries, about great explorers and new lands. The Princess was always curious and asked him many questions about mountains and seas that separated countries and about people of different nationalities who lived in those countries. She wanted to know where the sun rises and where it sets. In fact, she was always ready to listen to all her professor’s stories. But she liked fairy tales most of all. One day her professor was telling her a fairy tale about a cruel witch. The witch used her magic power in a very cruel way. She used to turn people both into animals and birds. So, while the professor was saying, “...and then the witch enchanted the prince and changed him into a little wild bird,” a small sparrow flew through the window and into the Princess’s room. “It’s the enchanted prince!” cried the Princess. “I’m going to catch him.” It was not an easy thing to do, and she couldn’t get the bird. But at last the sparrow sat on the back of her chair. “Hello, little bird,” said the Princess. “Are you really an enchanted prince? I’m so glad to meet you.” The sparrow looked at the girl, he was small but brave, and the Princess knew he wasn’t afraid of her. “I think you are an enchanted prince,” she said. “Prince Sparrow shall be your name!” Then she turned to her professor, “You may continue with your story,” she said. Prince Sparrow remained on the back of the chair. The Princess gave him bread for dinner and some milk. He spent the night with her in her room. In the morning, when the Princess got up, she saw the bird and liked him very much. The Princess laughed. She had a sweet laugh. “This bird is a prince,” she sang. From then on. Prince Sparrow ate with the Princess, he slept on her shoulder while she did her homework and went for her royal rides with her. The Princess told him all her secrets ['siikrits]. Prince Sparrow became her first and best and only friend. The day before the Princess’s ninth birthday Prince Sparrow flew around and around her room. He looked sad. “What’s wrong?” cried the Princess, but she thought she knew. “You don’t want to leave me, do you?” Prince Sparrow flew to her and then to the window. “Please, stay,” asked the Princess, but she opened the window, and in a few minutes he was gone. 1. Put the points of the plan in a logical order and use them to retell the fairy tale. 1) Prince Sparrow’s departure. 2) A fairy tale about the enchanted bird. 3) A little cruel Princess. 4) A sparrow in the room. 5) Things the Princess wanted to know. 6) Prince Sparrow’s daily life. 2. What do you think the end of the fairy tale is? С 21 J LESSON 9 ) Read the story and say if your own ending of the story is the same as its real ending. Prince Sparrow Part II MEW WORDS somewhere ['sAmwea] — где-то a nest [nest] — гнездо awfully ['ofali] — ужасно a tear [tia] — слеза to dream [dri;m] — видеть во сне a dream [dri:m] — сон freedom ['friidam] — свобода to break [breik] — ломать spell [spel] — зд. колдовство to awake [aVeikJ — просыпаться The Princess slept badly that night. In the morning she had no appetite ['aepitait] and wanted neither toast nor coffee for breakfast. She was thinking about Prince Sparrow flying high in the sky or somewhere among trees and flowers but not in her garden, where the air was so fresh and the water in the lake so deep. It was spring; there were sparrows everywhere. They were building nests. They all looked like Prince Sparrow. The Princess became awfully sad. She didn’t laugh, she didn’t even smile. She stood near the open window for hours. She was waiting for her bird. And she often had tears in her eyes. She couldn’t hide them, and her people saw that she was very unhappy. “Our Princess has changed a lot!” they said to each other. “What’s happening to her? She wants neither to eat nor to drink. She may die. We must save her.” One night the Princess dreamed that Prince Sparrow came back to her. In her dream he changed from a bird into a real prince and the Princess began to cry. “Why are you crying?” asked the Prince. “You gave me my freedom and broke the spell. Now I’m a real prince. You’re so kind.” “I loved you as a sparrow,” cried the Princess. In the morning the Princess awoke and sat up. She saw her sparrow in the room. “Prince Sparrow, you’ve come back!” she cried. “You’re just a sparrow after all!” Prince Sparrow never left again. For the rest of his life* he remained what he was — a sparrow and the best royal friend. The Princess grew up to be a queen and was always nice and kind to her people. “True”, “False” or “Don’t Know”. 1) Prince Sparrow was a real man. 2) Prince Sparrow flew high into the mountains. 3) The Princess was sad because it was spring. 4) Everybody wanted to help the Princess. 5) Prince Sparrow never came back. 6) For the rest of his life Prince Sparrow remained with the Princess. for the rest of his life — всю оставшуюся жизнь LESSON 10 Read the story and say why Dick was afraid when he looked out of the window and saw a few trees near it. We’ve Hit Land! NEW WORDS ударять; зд. врезаться или ... или to hit [hit] either ... or ['aids... -’э;] calm [ka:m] —■ спокойный rough [гл1] — грубый, бурный (о море) to get married ["get 'maeridl — выйти замуж, жениться a bush [buj] — куст a foot (feet) |fut] ([fi:t]) — фут (футы) ~ 30,5 см to be frightened of sth ["fraitnd] — испугаться чего-либо Dick was a sailor on a big ship. It went to Japan with its mild climate and to Australia where in summer it is sometimes impossible to breathe, it went to South America and to North America too. So Dick was often on the ship for several months at a time. When he woke up in the morning and looked out, he always saw only the sea which was either calm or rough, or sometimes he could see a port with a lot of houses and factories or other buildings. When he was twenty-three, Dick got married and bought a small house with a garden in his wife’s town. It was far away from the sea. His wife was fond of gardening and had a lot of flowers in her garden — roses and lilies, daffodils and daisies, primroses and poppies. There was a big bush of honeysuckle in her garden too and a few fruit trees. But Dick seldom saw how beautiful the garden was because he had to be on board the ship most of the time. So Dick went back to his ship in early spring, and he didn’t come home for two months. He went from the port to the town where his wife lived by bus. It took him about an hour to get home. He was very happy to see his wife again. She was so beautiful! She was dressed in her best clothes and looked so young! They had a walk in the garden and Dick’s wife showed him her new flowers: purple chrysanthemums which smelt so pleasant and sweet. All the fruit trees were in bios- som. Dick liked all that very much. They talked in the sitting room till midnight and went to bed very late. The next morning Dick slept till 9 o’clock. Then he woke up suddenly and looked out of the window. There were trees a few feet away. He was very frightened and jumped out of bed shouting, “We’ve hit land!” Choose and read aloud the right sentences. 1) a) Dick was a sailor on a small ship, b) Dick was a sailor on a big ship. 2) a) Dick travelled to Asia or to different countries in Europe, b) Dick travelled to Japan and to Australia. 3) a) Dick could see beautiful parks when he was on board the ship and looked out. b) When Dick was on board the ship and looked out, he could see the sea or a port. 4) a) Dick got married when he was thirty-three, b) Dick got married when he was twenty-three. 5) a) Dick’s wife was fond of gardening, b) Dick’s wife wasn’t fond of flowers. 6) a) Dick was frightened when he saw some trees out of the window in his house. b) Dick was glad when he saw some trees out of the window in his house. LESSON 11 Read the text and say why the bald eagle was chosen as the national bird of the USA. The Bald Eagle NEW WORDS a bald eagle [^baJd — орёл (герб и эмблема США) strength [streo9] — сила courage ['клпф] — храбрость pollution [p3'lu:Jh] — загрязнение pesticides ["pestisaidz] — пестициды (средства для борьбы с вредителями) ап insect ['insekt] — насекомое to destroy [di'stroi] — уничтожать crops [krops] — зерновые культуры to pollute [pa'luit] — загрязнять to poison [''poizn] — отравлять a shell [fel] — скорлупа to survive [sa'vaiv] — выживать to remain [гГтеш] — оставаться In 1782, soon after the United States won its independence, the bald eagle was chosen as the national bird of the new country. American leaders wanted the eagle to be a symbol of their country because it is a bird of strength and courage. They chose the bald eagle because it was found all over North America and only in North America. Today, over 200 years later, the bald eagle has almost disappeared from the country. In 1972 there were only 3000 bald eagles in the United States. It is not difficult to explain the fact. The birds disappear because of pollution, especially pollution of the rivers by pesticides. Pesticides are things used to kill insects and other animals that attack and destroy crops. Unfortunately, rain often washes pesticides into rivers. Pesticides pollute the rivers and poison the fish. Eagles eat these fish and then the eagles lay eggs which are not healthy. The eggs have very thin shells and baby eagles do not come out of many of them. Besides eagles lay only two or three eggs a year. Because of all these facts, the number of eagles quickly became smaller. Today the American government and the American people are trying to protect the bald eagle. The number of bald eagles is slowly becoming bigger. Now people of the USA are sure that the American national bird will survive and remain a symbol of strength and courage. Answer the questions. 1) What kind of bird do you see in the picture? 2) It’s a picture of the national bird of the USA, isn’t it? 3) Where do you usually see pictures of this bird? 4) When was it chosen as the national bird of the new country? 5) What has happened to the bald eagle nowadays? Read the text to know more about the British climate and weather, about its animal and plant life. Climate, Weather, Wildlife lUEW WORDS generally Fcfeensrali] — обычно the Gulf Stream ['дл1Г stri:m] — Гольфстрим cool [ku:l] — прохладный humid f'hjumid] — влажный to melt [melt] —^ таять a thistle ['Gisl] — чертополох {эмблема Шотландии) a leek [li:k] — лук-порей {эмблема Уэльса) a shamrock ['Jsemrok] — трилистник {эмблема Ирландии) an oak [эик] — дуб an elm [elm] — вяз a beech [bi:tj] — бук a pine [pain] — сосна a law [1э:] — закон a deer [dio] — олень a blackbird ["ЫжкЬзЩ] — дрозд a starling ["sta:lir}] — скворец a robin [^robin] ^^ малиновка The climate in the UK is generally mild because of the Gulf Stream and it is usually described as cool, humid and changeable. The weather is so changeable indeed that the English often say that they have no climate but only weather. The English also say that they have three kinds of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long. Sometimes it rains so heavily that they say, “It’s raining cats and dogs . The weather is never too hot or too cold. Winters are very mild. Sometimes it snows, but snow melts quickly, and the English seldom have “white Christmas”. * It’s raining cats and dogs. — Льёт как из ведра. In fact, in the South of England the grass remains green all the year round. This humid mild climate is good for plants. The trees and flowers begin to blossom early in spring. Some of them have become symbols in the UK. You may know that the poppy is the symbol of peace, the red rose is the national emblem of England, the thistle is the national emblem of Scotland. The daffodils and the leek are the emblems of Wales and the shamrock is oak beech 7 ’Г ... birch I the emblem of Ireland. The UK used to be a land of big forests, mainly oak, elm and beech forests in England, while Scotland had mainly pine and birch forests. But nowadays a lot of these territories [Tentsnz] are cultivated ['’IcAltiveitid]. The animal life of the UK is much like that of Europe, to which it was once joined. Many animals are now protected by law. About 50 land animals are found in the UK, foxes, hares, rabbits, deer among them. Some 230 kinds of birds live in the UK. The most numerous are blackbirds, sparrows and starlings. The robin is the national bird of the UK. But wildlife in Britain is in great danger because of pollution. Many British rivers have become “biologically” [^baisJadjikali] dead. There is no fish in them and wildlife around them is not growing the way it should, 1. Make the right choice. 1) The emblem of England is the ... a) leek, b) poppy, c) rose. 2) The emblem of Ireland is the ... a) daffodil, b) rose, c) shamrock. 3) The emblem of Scotland is the ... a) rose, b) thistle, c) poppy. 4) The emblems of Wales are the ... a) poppy and leek, b) leek and rose, c) leek and daffodil. 5) The symbol of peace is the ... a) birch, b) poppy, c) rose. 2. Put the sentences in a logical order and use them as a plan to retell the text. 1) Wildlife in Britain is in great danger. 2) The British climate is mild, cool and changeable. 3) Different flowers are emblems of different parts of the UK. 4) The animal and plant life of the UK is much like that of Europe. Read the first part of the tale and say why the King got interested in the working man’s daughter. Rumpelstiltskin (An English Tale) Part I MEW WORDS pretty [’’pnti] smart [smcLt] thus [5as] —■ поэтому to boast [boost] — хвастать хорошенький остроумный, находчивый to bake [beik] to spin [spin] straw [stro:] — печь хлеб, торт и т.д. прясть солома immediately [Lmtdioth] — немедленно Once upon а time, there was a poor working man who was very proud of his daughter. She was a pretty child, but her father thought she was the most beautiful child in the world. She was smart, but her father thought she was the smartest child in the world. She was sweet and nice and kind and good, but her father thought she was the sweetest, nicest, kindest and best child in the world. The man loved to talk about all the wonderful things his daughter could do and especially about her beautiful garden full of different flowers: yellow daffodils, pink and white daisies, red and purple poppies, primroses, lilies, snowdrops, chrysanthemums and a bush of honeysuckle. All these flowers were in blossom in different seasons and thus her garden smelt pleasant and looked wonderful all the year round. The working man’s daughter loved her garden and looked after it carefully. Unfortunately, her father was fond of boasting and he told everybody he met what wonderful things his daughter could do: “She can swim like a fish. She can sing like a bird. She can bake a cake. She can speak Chinese, She can do anything. Yes, she can And she can spin straw into gold.” Everybody who heard that was very much surprised at this. They could hardly believe their ears. “Straw into gold! What a wonderful thing!” everybody repeated. When the King of that kingdom heard that there was a girl who could spin straw into gold, he sent for her father immediately. King: I have heard your family is not very large. F at her: No, it isn’t. It consists of my daughter and me. My daughter is a wonderful girl! I love her. And what a beautiful garden she has! She has poppies and lilies, daffodils and daisies, chrysanthemums, snowdrops and a bush of honeysuckle as well. King: I have heard many other things about her. I have heard she can do many things. Many unusual things. Father: Yes, she can, she can. She can swim like a fish, she can sing like a bird, she can speak Chinese. King: Yes, yes. I’ve heard that. But she can do other things, un- usual things. I hear she spins straw into gold. Father: King: Father: King: Umm ... Umm ... Does she or doesn’t she? Is it really true? Can she do such a thing? Can she really spin straw into gold? Well, yes, of course, of course, she can. Then bring her here. I must see for myself if she can spin straw into gold. And so the father went home and told his daughter that the King wanted to meet her. The girl couldn’t understand why the King wanted to see her. Her father asked her to sing for the King. The girl agreed. And so the father took his daughter to the palace. Read out as few sentences as possible to give the summary of the first part of the tale. h'-f.- ;и- [■ LESSON 14 Read the second part of the tale and say who helped the girl to spin the straw into gold and what he wanted for his help. Rumpelstiltskin Part II niEW WORDS входить ['spinir) wi:l] прялка to enter ['enta] — a spinning wheel to offend [a'fend] — обидеть, оскорбить tiny f'taini] — крошечный to sparkle ['spa;kt] — сверкать, сиять a necklace ['neklisj — ожерелье a ring [npj — кольцо firstborn ['f3:stbo:n] — родившийся первым (первенец) The King entered the room, looked at the girl and said, “So you are the girl who spins straw into gold. I won’t do you any harm, but you must spin straw into gold for me.” The girl was very surprised. “I can’t do it. It’s impossible,” she said. “I can’t spin straw into gold. Tell him, Father, tell him, please. I can’t spin straw into gold.” But the father said, “Do the best you can, my child, do the best you can.” So the King took the poor girl to a small dark room. A lot of straw was brought and then a spinning wheel. “I can’t spin straw into gold,” repeated the girl. Then the King got angry. “Don’t lie. I’m offended. You must try. If you can’t you will die. You should respect your King.” With these words he left the room. The girl sat down on the straw and began to cry, “What am I going to do? I can’t spin straw into gold. Oh, someone, somewhere, help me, please. I can’t spin straw into gold. I hardly have the power to do this.” Suddenly the door opened, and a tiny little man danced in. He was dressed all in silver from head to toe. His silver stockings and silver shoes sparkled when he moved. He spoke to the girl in a friendly voice, “Hi! Don’t cry!” The girl looked at him and told him everything. The little man promised to help her but asked her to give him something for his help. The girl offered the tiny little man her necklace and then she felt asleep. In the morning she saw that the room was full of gold. When the King came, he was very glad, “What a beautiful thing! You have done it for the King!” he said. “But you must do it again.” And again a lot of straw was brought and the girl was left alone. “It’s impossible, it’s impossible,” she repeated. “But it is possible,” said the tiny little man. He was just entering the room. He was dressed in silver as before. He helped the girl, and she gave him her ring for his help. When the King came into the girl’s room, he was even more glad. “You’ve done it again!” he said. “I’ve never seen such a thing in my life. This is the way to work for the King. Do it again, and I’ll make you my wife. You will be the Queen.” The King left and the girl began to cry. Come out, come out. Wherever you are. Whoever you are I need you now. Come back, come back, Wherever you are. I need you now. Come back. The tiny little man came again but for his help he asked the girl to give him her firstborn child. She didn’t want to but had to agree. For the third time, the tiny man sat down and began to spin. The girl soon fell asleep. When she woke up, the King was standing near her, and the room was full of gold. Soon the girl married the King and forgot all about her terrible promise. After a year the King and the Queen had a beautiful daughter. Then one day, when the Queen was in her room, the door opened, and the tiny little man came in. He said he wanted the Queen’s child. “I’ve come for the child," he said. The Queen began crying, “Oh, no. Not that! Take anything, but not my child!” 1. Read out the answers to the following questions. 1) Why was the girl surprised when the King asked her to spin straw into gold? 2) What did the father say to the girl? 3) How was the tiny little man dressed? 4) What did the girl give the tiny little man for his help when he came into the room for the first and for the second time? 5) What did he ask for when the girl asked him to help for the third time? 2. Say what you think the end of the fairy tale is. LESSON 15 Read the third part of the fairy tale and say who helped the Queen to find out what the tiny little man’s name was. Rumpelstiltskin Part III The Queen asked the tiny little man to take anything but not her child, and the tiny little man agreed to play a game with her. “Guess my name,” he said. “You have three days or your child will be my child. Goodbye. See you later!” The Queen tried to think of all the names she knew. She began with the letter A, “Andy, Annie, Bobby, Billy, Carlos, Charlie, David, Dickie, Ernie, Eddie, Frankie, Freddy.” The Queen repeated all these names regularly. Her people offered her new and new names. In the evening she felt very bad. She had a terrible headache and had to take some medicine. Her blood pressure was high. The Queen’s doctor listened to her heart and lungs every hour because the Queen felt a bad pain in her chest. “Don’t be silly!” she said to herself. “You will guess the name. You will break the promise, but you won’t give your child to the tiny little man!” On the evening of the second day the little man came. He decided to help the Queen and gave her the first letter of his name, it was R. The Queen understood she had to think of a name that started with R. She gave many names, “Roger and Ralph, Richard and Robert, Randy and Ronnie, Raymond and Ricky” but the little man’s answer was “No”. At night the Queen sent her men to go and find the name. On the afternoon of the third day one of them ran into the palace and said, “I was deep in the forest and I saw something there, I heard something there, I found something there. Deep in the forest I found a house. In front of the house I saw a fire. In front of the fire I saw a man, a tiny man. He was dressed in silver from head to toe. He was saying a very strange word — “Rumpelstiltskin”. Over and over again he said, Today’s the day! Tonight’s the night! Tomorrow ITl take the young Queen’s child. I won the game. Rumpelstiltskin is my name! The Queen was happy. Now she knew the little man’s name. When he came to see her in the evening, she said, “I’ve guessed who you are. Your name is Rumpelstiltskin.” “Oh, no!” cried the little man. “I’ve lost the game. Yes, Rumpelstiltskin is my name.” And with these words he fell to the ground in a cloud of silver smoke, and nobody ever saw him again. Say whose words they are: 1) “Don’t be silly!” 2) “Today’s the day! Tonight’s the night! Tomorrow I’ll take the young Queen’s child.” 3) “I was deep in the forest and I saw something there, I heard something there.” 4) “Andy, Annie, Bobby, Billy.” 5) “You have three days or your child will be my child.” 6) “Deep in the forest I found a house. In front of the house I saw a fire. In front of the fire I saw a man, a tiny man. He was dressed in silver from head to toe.” Read the fable and prove that the Old Woman was clever. The Old Woman and the Doctor (Aesop'’s fable) niEW WORDS totally ['tautsli] — совсем blind [blaind] — слепой treatment ["triitmant] — лечение promised ["promist] - - обещанный the court [ko:t] —^ суд defence [di'fens] — защита to prove [pru:v] ^— доказать An Old Woman became almost totally blind because of an illness of the eyes. She went to consult [kan'sAlt] a Doctor. The Doctor examined the woman. She said she would pay him a lot of money if she recovered and nothing if she didn’t. The Doctor began his treatment and every time he paid the Old Woman a visit, he took away with him some furniture or some picture, a silver plate or a silver cup, forks, knives or spoons. When the treatment was over, there was nothing left. The Old Woman saw that the house was empty and she refused to pay the Doctor the promised money. The Doctor took the Old Woman to the court, but she was ready with her defence. The woman said, “The Doctor has told you the right facts. I agreed to pay him a lot of money if I recovered and nothing if I didn’t. Now the Doctor says I have recovered, but I say that I’m blinder than ever, I can prove what I say. When my eyes were bad, I could at any rate^ see well enough to know that there is much furniture and other things in my house. But now I can’t see anything there at ail.” 1. Complete the questions and answer them. 1) An Old Woman became totally blind, ...? 2) The Doctor began his treatment in a strange way, ...? 3) Soon there was nothing left in the house, ...? 4) The house was empty, ...? 5) In the court the Old Woman was ready with her defence, ...? 6) The Doctor has told the court the right facts, ...? 7) The Old Woman didn’t want to pay the Doctor anything, ...? 8) The Old Woman can’t see anything in the house, ...? 2. Do you think the Old Woman or the Doctor will win? at any rate [reit] — no крайней мере LESSON 17 ) Read the text and say what new information you have got about the British people. George Mikes and His Book NEW WORDS BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) — Би-би-си (Британская радиовещательная корпорация) an alien ['eilisn] — чужеземец, иностранец to publish [^AbliJ] ^— публиковать a peculiarity [pi,kju:lF0enti] — особенность to introduce [,mtra'dju:s] — представлять, вводить however [hau'evs] — тем не менее, однако to refuse ln"fju;z] — отказывать additional [эМфэпэ!] — дополнительный to spoil [spoil] — портить to pour [po:] — лить, наливать a drop [drop] — капля George Mikes was born in 1912 in Hungary ['Ьлодэп]. He studied law. Then he became a journalist ["cissmolist] and was sent to London. He came there for two weeks but stayed on and made England his home. During the Second World War he worked for the BBC and then continued working as a critic ["kritik]. He died in 1987. His book “How to Be an Alien” was first published in 1946. In the text from this book given below George Mikes with a sense of humour shows some peculiarities of the English character ['k^nktsj. This is how he describes the situation when people are introduced to each other, when they ask about others’ health. “When you are introduced, you have to ask the question, ‘How are you?’. Then your new friend will answer, ‘How are youT Do not forget, however, that though he asks this question, he doesn’t care very much if you are well or dying.” One part of George Mikes’s book is about tea. It is quite a well-known national drink of Great Britain and Ireland. George Mikes with a mild humour says that when you are in England, you have tea for breakfast, then you have tea at eleven o’clock in the morning, then after lunch, then you have tea for tea, then after supper, and again at eleven o’clock at night. George Mikes says that you must not refuse any additional cups of tea under the following circumstances:' if it is hot; if it is cold; if you are tired, if anybody thinks that you are tired, if you are sad; if you are happy; before you go out; if you have just returned home, if you feel like drinking tea, if you do not feel like it; if you have had no tea for some time; if you have just had a cup. The only thing that George Mikes doesn’t understand is the fact why the British like to drink tea which is badly spoiled. The English do not drink tea clear or tea with lemon and sugar. They pour a few drops of cold milk into it and no sugar at all. So, they have colourless, tasteless drink and only then they enjoy it, only then it becomes the national drink of the country. ‘ under the following circumstances ['saiksmstonsiz] — зд. в следующих случаях “You definitely must not follow my example,” George writes, “...I have coffee for breakfast, I drink many cups of black coffee during the day and I have all possible kinds of coffee even at teatime.” 1. Answer the following questions. 1) What have you learnt about George Mikes? 2) How should you answer the usual question, “How are you?” 3) Do you think the person who asks this question is really interested in your health? 4) What is the usual answer? 5) When do the English have tea? 6) When shouldn’t you refuse a cup of tea? 7) What drinks does George Mikes usually have during the day? 2. Speak about the Russian and British ways of drinking tea. LESSON 18 Read the text and say what new information you have got about basketball and lawn tennis. From the History of Sports (After E. Pozdeeva) niEW WORDS a basket rboiskit] — корзина a gymnasium [ct5im'neizi9m] — гимнастический зал an indoor ['rndo:] game a court [koit] — корт Persia f'psijaj — Персия a major [''meicfea] — майор игра, в которую играют в помещении BASKETBALL Basketball as а game appeared at the end of the nineteenth century. It was introduced by James Naismith, a college coach during the winter of 1891-1892. He wanted to train his students between the end of the football season and the beginning of the baseball season. He placed fruit baskets on the walls at the opposite ends of the gymnasium and organized nine-men teams who played with a ball used for football. Each team tried to throw the ball into the other team’s basket and at the same time tried to keep that team from throwing the ball into their basket. The students had a lot of exercise, they moved a lot about the gymnasium, jumped and ran. They liked the game and called it basketball. Nowadays the game itself is the same, but there are many changes in it. For example, now there are five players in a team. This game is very popular in Europe, where it was brought during World War I, It is interest- ing that at first basketball was an indoor game, and in America it is still played indoors. But almost in all other countries it is an outdoor game. LAWN TENNIS Lawn tennis is not an old game, it is rather new. But it is based upon the game which is really very old — court tennis. Court tennis came to Europe from Egypt or Persia about 2500 years ago. Major Walter Wingfield thought that people could play court tennis outdoors on lawns. In December 1837 he introduced this new game. Soon it became very popular and people called it lawn tennis. 1. Complete the sentences using the information from the text. 1) Basketball as a game appeared ... . 2) It was introduced by ... . 3) Basketball was introduced in ... . 4) At first basketball was a game played by teams consisting of ... . 5) Now there are only ... in a team. 6) Basketball is an indoor game in ... . 7) Lawn tennis is not ... . 8) Lawn tennis is based on ... . 9) Court tennis came to Europe from ... . 10) Lawn tennis was introduced as a new game in ... . 2. Say all you can about basketball and lawn tennis. LESSON 19 ) Read the text and say why the Lion chose the Zebra to rule after him. Two Ways to Count to Ten NEW WORDS to grow [дгэи] расти a death [de0] - смерть a stick fstik] — палка to drop [drop] - падать, ронять The Lion was king of all the animals. But he was growing very old. He knew that before his death he would have to name someone to take his place. It was a real trouble and the king didn’t know who could follow the right way. King Lion thought to himself, “Who will I name to rule after my death? How will I choose the right animal? Shall I have a competition? A race? A championship? King Lion thought for a long time. Then he said to himself, “I will call all the animals together. I will ask each animal to throw my stick into the air. The animal who counts to ten before the stick falls will be King.” The animals gathered and listened to the news. They had never trained throwing sticks, but the elephant shouted, “I can throw that stick the highest. I’m bigger than anyone. I will become King after the Lion,” Then the elephant threw the stick high into the air and began to count slowly, “One, two, three, ... .” Before the elephant could say four, the stick dropped to the ground. The giraffe tried and the monkey tried, the bear tried and the fox tried, but neither of the animals could count to ten while the stick was in the air. King Lion was very sad. At that moment the Zebra cried, “WaitI Let me try! Maybe I can throw your stick the highest.” The other animals laughed. They didn’t believe the Zebra would be able to do it. But the Lion said, “Let the Zebra try.” The Zebra was not very strong and she didn’t throw the stick very high, but before it could fall on the ground the wise Zebra counted, “Five! Ten!” And the stick was on the ground. ' The Zebra turned to the Lion. He said, “I have done as you asked. You didn’t say how I should count — by fives, or by ones.” The Lion laughed and said that the Zebra was the wisest animal and that he would be the next King. Write five questions to the text and use them as a plan to retell it. LESSON 20 Read the text and say why the boys didn’t want to do the sights of London. A Trip to Britain MEW WORDS a castle ['ka:sl] — замок Heathrow ['hiiGrao] — Хитроу (аэропорт в Лондоне) noise [noiz] — шум a coach [ksutj] — зд. автобус (междугородного сообщения) а guidebook [’’gaidbuk] — путеводитель Once my friend and I decided to go on a trip to London. Bill said he knew all about England ruled by the Queen who had no power, with a lot of old palaces and castles in differrent villages, towns and cities. I had read a lot about Great Britain too and was very much interested in the life of people on the British Isles, I thought we would go there and learn the customs and traditions of the Scots, the English, the Irish and the Welsh. And we certainly wanted to do the sights of London with its beautiful cathedrals, theatres and museums. But when we arrived at Heathrow Airport, we understood that we wouldn’t be able to go on all those trips and excursions we had planned to. The flight from California to London, though comfortable, is certainly very long. It took us about 10 hours to get to London. We were very tired and felt bad. The next morning, after breakfast. Bill and I sat talking about our health in the hotel room. We agreed that we were very ill. I explained to Bill how I felt when I got up in the morning and began to move about, and Bill described how he felt when he had gone to bed the previous night. We didn’t know what the matter with us was, but we were sure that we had worked hard and that we needed a short rest instead of doing the sights of the city which is hard work too. ‘T think we should go to some quiet place in the mountains, far from the noise of London,” Bill said. I then offered to go to Scotland. We could travel there from London by car or by coach. We hadn’t been to that part of Britain either. And all the guidebooks informed travellers that it was a very specific place full of mountains. The loneliest and wildest part of Scotland is the Highlands. The highest mountains in Britain are situated there. The climate is not mild in this part of the UK and only few trees grow in the mountains because of the cold winds and the weather. Skiing is developed there and Bill said we could watch some ski competitions high in the mountains. I also remembered that Scotland is the home of golf, and we thought we would be able to watch some interesting championships and visit some old golf clubs. Thus in the end we decided to spend our holidays in Edinburgh, or some other Scottish place. Make the right choice according to the text. 1) a) Once the young men decided to go on a trip to London. b) Once the young men decided to go on a trip to Edinburgh. 2) a) They didn’t know anything about England, b) They knew a lot about England. 3) a) The young men wanted to do the sights of London. b) The young men didn’t want to do the sights of London. 4) a) It took them about an hour to get from California to London, b) It took them about ten hours to get from California to London. 5) a) They were very tired when they came to London. b) They were ready to do the sights of London when they arrived there. 6) a) The next morning the friends talked about museums and theatres. b) The next morning the friends talked about their health. 7) a) The highest mountains of Britain are situated in Scotland, b) The highest mountains of Britain are situated in Wales. 8) a) The friends decided to spend their holidays in Edinburgh, b) The friends decided to spend their holidays in England. LESSON 21 Read the text and say what you think of the two businessmen. What Is Shakespeare? MEW WORDS to invite [inVait] — приглашать an education [,edju'keijh] — образование to make a fool of oneself — выглядеть дураком to discuss [di'skAs] — обсуждать a remark [гГтсгк] — замечание Two businessmen were invited to dinner at the home of a college professor. One of the men didn’t have much education. His occupation had always been doing business, and he hardly ever had time to work with books getting knowledge of different subjects. The man knew that many famous and respectable people would come and he worried a lot as he didn’t want to show that he knew very little and he didn’t want to make a fool of himself. But Ms friend said, “Don’t worry! Just do what other people do and don’t talk about paintings or things you don’t really understand.” As the professor lived at a small village rather far from the centre of the town where the friends’ office was, it took them an hour and a half to get there. The professor’s house was very nice with all modern conveniences: gas, electricity, central heating, hot and cold running water. A beautiful hall separated the sitting room from the place where the guests were talking to each other. They discussed different problems. The friends could hear talks about spaceships and exploration of other planets. Some old ladies were discussing their gardens full of chrysanthemums and honeysuckle in blossom while some men were telling each other the latest sports news. Everything was OK. 1 J- stopped here and there, saying a bit and listening a lot. The party continued. Everybody ate a lot of tasty things: fried pork, vegetables, beefsteaks, potatoes and fish. The drinks were excellent too. At the end of the evening the friends were not worried any longer. They understood that nothing could do them any harm as the party consisted of very nice men and women who laughed a lot, sang and danced and had a good time. Suddenly some guest asked the first businessman if he liked Shakespeare. He thought a bit and said, “It’s a very nice game, but I prefer rugby.” All the guests looked at him (he was speaking very loudly). Soon people began to leave. When the two friends were out of the house, the second man said to his friend, “You certainly made a fool of yourself making that silly remark, that Shakespeare was a game.” “What do you mean?” asked the first businessman. “What was wrong with it?” “Everybody knows that Shakespeare isn’t a sports game,” his friend said. “It is something we eat. I think it’s a kind of cheese.” Make a short summary of the text. Five Minutes’ Peace The children were having breakfast. It was not very pleasant to look at them. They didn’t have good table manners. So Mrs Large took a tray from the cupboard and set it with a teapot, her favourite cup and a plate of marmalade toast. She put the morning papers into her pocket and went to the door, “Where are you going with that tray, Mum?” asked Laura. “To the kitchen,” said Mrs Large. “Why?” asked the other two children. “Because I want five minutes’ peace from all of you,” said Mrs Large. “That’s why.” The children looked surprised and worried. “Can we come?” asked Lester. “No,” said Mrs Large. “You can’t.” “What shall we do then?” asked Laura. “You can play,” said Mrs Large, “in the sitting room by yourselves. And keep an eye on the baby.” “I am not a baby,” said Teddy, the little one. Mrs Large entered the kitchen, shut the door, sat down to table and poured herself a cup of tea. She closed her eyes. Everything was so quiet. It was heaven.* * It was heaven ['hevnj. — Блаженство. Suddenly the door opened. “Can I play the flute?” asked Lester. Mrs Large opened one eye. “Must you?” she asked. “I’ve been practising, said Lester. “You told me to. Can I? Please, just for one minute.” “Go on then,” sighed Mrs Large. So Lester played. He played “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” three and a half times. Laura came in. “Can I read you a page from my reading book?” she asked. “No, Laura,” said Mrs Large. “Go to the sitting room, all of you.” “You let Lester play his flute,” said Laura. “I heard. You like him better than me. It’s not fair.” “Oh, don’t be silly, Laura,” said Mrs Large. “Go on then. Just one page.” So Laura read. She read four and a half pages of Little Red Riding Hood. The little one came in with his toys. He put them on the table. “For you,” he said. “Thank you, dear,” said Mrs Large weakly. “Can I see the cartoons in the paper?” asked Laura. “Can I have some marmalade toast?” asked Lester. “Can I play with you?” asked the little one. Mrs Large got up and headed for the door. “Where are you going now, Mum?” asked Laura. “To the garden,” said Mrs Large. “Why?” asked Lester. “Because I want five minutes’ peace from all of you,” said Mrs Large. “That’s why.” And off she went to the garden where she had three minutes and forty-five seconds of peace before they all came to join her. о Why Was She Angry? A young man was in love with a beautiful girl. One day she said to him, “It is my birthday tomorrow.” “Oh,” said the young man, “I’ll send you roses, one rose for each year of your life.” The same evening he went to a florist’s. As he knew that the girl was twenty-two years old, he paid for twenty-two roses and asked the florist to send them to the girl the next day. The florist knew the young man very well as he had often bought flowers in his shop before. When the young man left the shop, the florist thought, “This young man is a very good customer. I think that my price was too high. I’ll send ten more roses to his girl.” He did so. The next morning thirty-two roses were sent to the girl. When the young man came to see her, she didn’t want to speak to him. And he never knew why she was so angry with him. О Londoner’s London OCCUPATIONS Londoners have all sorts of occupations. People with unusual occupations are the pavement artists and the “shoeblacks”. The pavement artist finds a piece of pavement — perhaps near Trafalgar Square or the Tower of London — and draws pictures in coloured chalks for the people who pass by. He hopes, of course, that they will drop a penny or a sixpence into his hat. The “shoeblack” usually cleans people’s shoes at the big stations. Most of his customers are businessmen. \ ^ SHOPS People come from all over the world to go shopping in London. They come to buy clothes, for example, from the shops along Regent Street or Oxford Street, or buy antiques from the shops along Kensington Church Street or Portobello Road. Most Londoners go to shops, such as Marks and Spencer (for clothes), Wool-worths (for food and most small household goods), Boots (for medicine, baby food and gifts), and Smiths (for books, records and stationery). RESTAURANTS Most Londoners have just an hour for lunch, so a lot of them go into a pub and have a sandwich and a glass of beer. Others go to a restaurant and eat fish and chips, perhaps, or a steak and kidney pie and beans. HOWIES Every Londoner needs somewhere to live, of course. Lots of people live in flats: sometimes the flat is one floor of a house, sometimes it is a big block of flats. When a person lives in one room, it is called a “bedsitter” (a bed-sitting room): the bedroom, sitting room and kitchen are all in one. ROADSTARS If in the evening you are queueing outside a cinema or a theatre in the West End, or perhaps just going for a walk, you will probably see some of Londoners’ famous buskers. (A busker is a person who entertains people in the street for money.) Sometimes the buskers are students who play guitars, or old men and women who play flutes and violins. But the most famous buskers of all are the Roadstars — who dance. QUEUES Londoners do a lot of queueing — especially if they want to catch a bus or go and see a good film. They don’t like queueing, of course, nobody does. The buskers sometimes make queueing quite interesting. In the middle of London there are 34 cinemas and theatres, so there are always a lot of people standing in queues! О Ivan Susanin At the end of the year 1612, the Russian people, led by Minin and Pozharsky, drove the Poles' out of Moscow. But there were still bands of Polish horsemen in our country which rode from village to village robbing and killing the population. The Poles hoped to unite these bands and make an attempt to seize Moscow once more. At the beginning of 1613, about two hundred Polish horsemen appeared in a little village near Kostroma. They robbed all the people in the village and then asked for a man to show them the way to Kostroma. They could not find a road in the thick forests, and nobody wanted to help them. “You will have to go through that forest,” said an old man, whose name was Ivan Susanin. “The road is on the other side.” “Show us the way,” cried the Poles, “or we shall kill everyone in the village.” “I am old,” said Ivan Susanin. “I may not be able to walk so far.” But to himself he said, “I shall have to show them the way, but if I lead them to the thick of the forest, they will die there, and I shall be able to help save my country.” He went in front, and the two hundred horsemen followed him. For many hours they rode on through the forest, “Where is the road?” cried they. “We must be near the road by now.” “I am old,” answered Susanin. “Perhaps I have lost my way.” “He wants money,” they said to one another. “Give him gold,” said one. “If he is given gold, he will lead us on to the road.” “Get some money for him,” said another, “but if he doesn’t show us the way, we shall kill him.” Pole [paul] — поляк “We shall soon be on the road now,” said Susanin when he was given the money, “and you will be able to go to Kostroma.” But the trees closed round the band of Poles, and it became darker and darker, though it was still the middle of the day. The low branches tore the clothes of the horsemen and dropped a lot of soft white snow on their heads, “This cannot be the road,” the men said to one another, but they continued to follow those in front. Some time later they were in a swamp. “So,” said Ivan Susanin when they stopped. “You can neither go farther, nor turn back. You will never be able to get out of this place alive. You will remain here and you will die here. I am not a traitor and will not sell my country for your gold.” Ivan Susanin was killed by the Poles, but they did not get to Kostroma — they died in the thick of the forest. The story of Ivan Susanin’s heroism became known to many Russian people. We are all proud of this man. о George at a Party George was invited to a party arranged to help foreign students meet young English people. He was introduced to a girl called Elvira who spoke English very well. The following conversation took place: George: Hi! Elvira: Hello. George: Nice weather we’ve had today ... Elvira: Oh, please, don’t talk to me about the weather. I’ve had too much of it. Every Englishman I meet starts talking about the weather. George: Well, we’ve got to start talking about something, haven’t we? How long have you been in England, then? Elvira: Oh, no, please! Every Englishman I meet asks me how long I have been here. I’ve never lived in a place where I know exactly how many months, weeks and days I’ve spent here. George: Well, what are you doing in England? Elvira: Learning English, of course. Everyone is learning English ... George: Except me. I think I know it a bit. Well, what shall I ask you? Where are you from? But I think people have already asked you about that before, and I know you’re from the Continent. Elvira: The Continent! I don’t like that word! George: You don’t like it! Why not? Elvira: It seems so superior. The English speak about Europe as if they don’t belong to it themselves. George: Not at all! “Continent” is just a geographical term. We, the English, live on an island, so we’re not part of the Continent, though of course we belong to Europe. How d’you like to speak about other countries across the Channel? Elvira: You could say “another part of Europe”. George: All right then: I know you’re from another part of Europe. Elvira: That’s better. George: Well, what shall I ask you now? I’m not very good at small talk. Oh, yes, what d’you think of the English? Elvira: They’re reserved and cold, of course. George: No, please! Don’t give me all that nonsense. Elvira: George: Elvira: George: Elvira: George: Elvira: George: But, yes. They are. The English are reserved and cold and they think they are superior. Oh, Elvira, really ... And their food is awful, and they’re phlegmatic. But Elvira, these are well-known stereotypes about the English. I’m sick to death of all these tales. It’s like saying that all Italians are ice cream sellers, or that all Spaniards are cruel bullfighters! Am I phlegmatic and superior? Really! I’m so reserved that I’ve done most of the talking. Ah, but then you don’t seem really English! No, exactly. Whenever you meet an Englishman who doesn’t fit your ideas of our national character, you don’t change your ideas. Oh, no! You just say that the person is an exception and continue thinking the same nonsense! Well, you did talk to me about the weather as Englishmen do. And you gave me the usual ideas about England that so many foreigners have. Anyway, now, perhaps, we can get to a more interesting conversation. There’s nothing like disagreement to help two people to get to know each other better! Animal Corner О THE BADGER Badgers live in Europe, but not many people have seen one. Why? Well, badgers sleep during the day and look for food at night. They also hear you before you see them and they can run very quickly! Badgers live in holes in the earth. They are grey and black and have small legs. Like many other animals, they sleep in the winter, but if it is not very cold, they sometimes wake up and look for food. What kind of food do they like? Fruit, birds and mice. ROBIN REDBREAST The robin is a very friendly bird and it lives in woods and gardens. It is sometimes called “the gardener’s best friend”, because it is usually in the garden, when the gardener is working. Robins are brown and have red breasts. This is why they are called robin redbreasts. Perhaps you have seen a picture of one on English Christmas cards? Robins make their nests in spring. Sometimes they make their nests in an old hat or shoe or in the woods; sometimes they make them in an old bucket or box in the garden. О School Journeys More and more schools now arrange holiday trips abroad. Many parents have not money or the time to take their children abroad for family holiday, and so a school journey is a good chance of travelling abroad for the first time. And it is fun to go with your school friends. One of London schoolgirls, a thirteen-year-old Christina, describes here some of her impressions when she went on a sixteen-day cruise last July to Stockholm, St Petersburg, Helsinki and Copenhagen. “Two days before our cruise started I had already packed my suitcase. I was sure I had not forgotten anything. I could hardly sleep the night before, but at last the morning came. Just before I left the house, I received a card from my cousin wishing me a good trip. Then I took my little suitcase and went with my mother to the school where we had to meet the rest of our party. The coaches which were to take us to the station' were already waiting at the school. Mr Richardson and the other teachers who were ^ which were to take us to the station ^— которые должны были отвезти нас на вокзал coming with us — Miss Scully, Miss Key and Mr Edwards — were checking our names on lists and handing out labels for our luggage. When we got to our ship S. S. Devonia, everyone looked at her with excitement. We couldn’t wait to get on board. The first day on the ship was very interesting. Everyone wanted to explore the ship. It was quite big and had a marvellous swimming pool. Later we were allowed to go on the bridge and see the captain’s quarters. But only the boys could go to the engine room. Every morning we had lectures or films about the next port that we were to visit. We also had two lessons in the morning (History and Geography) and in the afternoon we played deck games or went swimming. Nearly every night there was dancing. We had to go to bed at ten and get up at eight. We were woken every morning by loud music. At first we hated it, but we had to get used to it.” There were many shore excursions at the four ports which the ship visited. Christina described the things she liked — or disliked — in her diary. Here are a few of her comments. “What I liked about Stockholm were their modern roads.” “... Three days were spent in St Petersburg. Russian schoolchildren came on board the ship, and I was impressed by how good their English was. The only thing I didn’t like in Russia was the taste of the ice cream!” The next port of call was Helsinki. “I loved the cobbled streets and the fish market where they were selling fish straight from the fishing boats.” In Copenhagen, Christina noticed in particular the green copper on roofs and statues, “It was very unusual. And of course we took hundreds of photographs of Copenhagen’s little mermaid.” О The Ladies’ Dress Department Frank and Sue meet as agreed at seven. Frank: Hello, Sue. How lovely to see you! Hello. I’m sorry I’m late, but my bus was held up in a traffic jam.' I almost thought you weren’t coming. Well ... What do you feel like doing? Actually I thought of doing some shopping as it’s Thursday, and the West End shops shut late. Some shopping? Yes. Don’t you think it’s a good opportunity? Well, of course, if you want to ... Perhaps you could help me buy a new dress. Well, yes, although I’ve never chosen a dress before. Shall we go in here? It’s a department store. Well, they should have dresses. Don’t they sell everything? Almost, except elephants. (They go up to the Ladies' dress department.) This place makes me feel self-conscious, all these women ... and all these clothes I could never use. Well ... Shop Assistant: Can I help you? Sue: Yes. I’d like to see some dress. Shop Assistant: What kind were you thinking of? Sue: Oh, that looks nice (goes and hangs the dre. her). Sue (to Frank): Do you like that? в дороге Sue: Frank Sue: Frank Sue: Frank Sue: Frank, Sue: Frank: Sue: Frank: Sue: Frank: Frank: Sue: Frank: Sue: Frank: Sue: Frank: Sue: Frank: Sue: Yes, it’s all right. You don’t sound very enthusiastic (goes and holds up another one). And this? It’s much like the other one. Oh, Frank, you really are most discouraging.* You’re quite putting me off. Oh, look, that’s nice. But it’s like a tube! What d’you mean? No sleeves and so straight. It makes you look like a sausage roll, with too much sausage ... Really, Frank, you make it impossible for me to choose anything. (To shop assistant.) Thank you very much. I think we’d better be going. О A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot First of all, I must tell you about myself. I am thirteen and I am in the third class at a Grammar school in Manchester. I have a young sister, called Rosemary, who is very stupid, and I have a dog, called Pal, who is very clever. What a terrible day! I woke up late and didn’t have time to eat my breakfast. I couldn’t find my books or my school cap. At last I found my books — in the bathroom; and at last I found my cap — my dog. Pal, was playing with it! I had to wait ages for a bus and I was nearly late for school. (Wiggy, my class teacher, told me, on Friday, that he would give me five hundred lines if I was late again!) * you really are most discouraging — ты всю охоту отбиваешь, ты меня полностью обескураживаешь The first lesson on Monday morning is Maths. What a terrible way to start the week! Mr Bailey, the Maths teacher, collected our homework and saw the big blot in my book. He was very angry. Then, he gave us some sums to do. I was sitting next to Jane, who is fat and not very pleasant but very good at Maths. I asked her what the answers were, but she wouldn’t tell me. The next lesson was French. I like French. It’s nice to be able to talk to somebody in another language. At last, it was eleven o’clock — time for break. Susan gave me a piece of cake to eat with my milk. She also let me copy her Latin homework because I hadn’t done it. I think she likes me, and she’s pretty too. After break we had two lessons of Latin! They are always the worst two lessons of the week. I hate Latin! Mr Williams gave me a hundred lines for talking to Susan, but I wrote them out in class instead of reading a Latin book. At half past twelve it was time for lunch, I was very hungry! I sat down at the table feeling very happy because the Latin lessons were over. And then I saw what was for lunch: meat pie, boiled potatoes and cabbage. I hate meat pie, boiled potatoes and cabbage! But I ate a little because I was so hungry. Then I went into the playground with my friends, Pete Sharp and John Ford, and we played football. William joined us later. After lunch we had a History lesson. I don’t usually like History, but I liked this lesson very much. We learned about William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings in 1066. We were on holiday in Hastings last summer, and I had seen all the places that the History teacher told us about. I said I would bring some photographs of our holiday to school the next week. At three o’clock it was time for my favourite “lesson” of the week-games. We played a very exciting game of football. After school, at four o’clock, Pete and I bought some sweets, and I went to his house to listen to his Beatles record. It’s a marvellous record. I want to buy it, but I haven’t got enough money. Mum was angry because I didn’t arrive home till half past seven. My supper was cold. Ugh! I did my French homework — it was easy — but I didn’t do my History homework. There was an interesting programme on television. I can do it tomorrow during break. an old word every spring: What’s That? What is an Easter bonnet? Well, a “bonnet” is for a kind of hat. Women like to buy a new hat this is their “Easter bonnet”. Some women make their own Easter bonnets. The seaside town of Morecambe ["тэ:кэт] in northwest England has an Easter Bonnet Parade [poYeid] every year. There are prizes ['praiziz] for the biggest and prettiest hats! The hats are decorated with flowers and ribbons. What is a shower? Well, if the sun is shining, then some small clouds come, and it rains for ten minutes, then it stops raining, and the sun shines again — that is a shower! So, when April comes, people usually carry an umbrella: a lot of showers can make you wet, and there are always showers in April! What’s hurling? It is a very old Irish game which is only played in Ireland. There are fifteen players in each team. Each player has a stick, called a hurley, which he uses to hit or carry the ball. It is like the game which English schoolchildren play — hockey —■ but it is much more dangerous and much more exciting! What is tulip time? It is May. Every year, in May, the town Spalding ["spoildip] in Lincolnshire* hangs banners out in the streets. It is tulip time and Spalding is right in the middle of the tulip-growing part of England. Here the land is so flat that it is called “Holland”. The yellow, red, pink, purple and orange fields of flowering tulips stretch for miles. Lincolnshire ['lipksnfa] - Линкольншир {графство в Англии) What’s the DerbyP It is one of the most famous horse races in Britain. The first Derby took place in May 1780. The race is named after Lord Derby who started it in 1780 with another man, Sir Charles Bunbury. The race is a mile-and-a-half long and takes place in Surrey.^ So May is Derby month and, therefore, a very important month in the British calendar. Everyone who goes to watch the horse race wears their best clothes and looks very smart. 1 ■ What is a job? Do you know what a job is? Look at the people in the pictures. They are doing different jobs. Why are they all doing jobs? Well, because they all want to earn money! The Beefeater’s job, for example, is to look after the Tower of London. The carpenter’s job is to make tables and chairs. The bus driver’s job is to drive a bus. When students leave school, they will have a job. If they pass their exams, they will have a good job, if they don’t pass their exams, they will have a bad job. ^ the Derby ['da:br] - Дерби (соревнование года для четырёхлетних лошадей; проводится в Эпсоме, близ Лондона) ^ Surrey ['злп] - Суррей (графство в Англии) People can do different jobs. Musicians play musical instruments, nurses look after you in hospitals, teachers teach you in school, ballet dancers dance to give you pleasure, policemen take people to prison if they break the law, builders build houses, firemen put out fires. The Olympics The Olympics have a very long history. They began in 776 BC* and took place every four years for nearly 1200 years, at Olympia in Greece, They included many different kinds of sport: running, boxing, wrestling, the pentathlon (five different sports) and others. Only Greek athletes [^0e01i:ts] were allowed to compete in the Games; women were not allowed to watch them or to take part. The Games took place every four years, and the time between each Games was known as an “Olympiad”. In 394 AD^ the Games stopped, and the temple at Olympia was destroyed. Fifteen hundred years later, in 1894, a Frenchman, Baron ['Ьа;гэп] Pierre de Coubertin, invited people from fifteen countries to start the Olympic Games again. The first of the modern Games took place in Athens two years later, in 1896, At the fourth Olympics, in 1908 in London, there were more than two thousand competitors from twenty-two different countries. Since then, the number of athletes competing has become bigger each time. The International Olympic Committee fks'miti], at Lausanne^ in Switzerland,^* decides where each Olympics will take place. They ask a BC [,bi: 'si:j — before Christ — до нашей эры AD f,ei 'di:] — нашей эры Lausanne jbu'zsnj — r. Лозанна Switzerland ['switssbnd] — Швейцария city (not a country) to be the host: one city for the Winter Olympics and one for the Summer Olympics. Nearly 150 countries are members of the International Olympic Committee. There is a lot of work in preparing for the Olympics. The host city should have very good sports stadiums and an Olympic village for the sportsmen to live during the Games. Host cities often build new sports stadiums, hotels and other buildings. But when your city is asked to be the host for the Olympic Games, it is very good for it, don’t you think? When Only Holmes Can Help If Sherlock Holmes were alive today, he would be' more than 140 years old. You can say it from the books about him. He would certainly no longer be living^ at 221 В Baker Street. He would have retired and lived^ in Sussex. — Если бы Шерлок Холмс ' If Sherlock Holmes were alive today, he would be был жив сегодня, ему было бы... ^ Не would certainly no longer be living ... — Он, безусловно, не жил бы... ^ Не would have retired and lived ... - Он бы ушёл на пенсию и жил... Yet letters addressed to him continue to arrive at Baker Street. Many people write to the great detective [drtektiv] asking him for help. Sometimes there are such phrases in the letters: “The police can’t do anything. Please help.” or “I ask you, please, hurry.” As there is no 221 В Baker Street, the postman brings them to number 221. They get not less than one letter a week. Some of those people who write, especially from abroad, really believe that Holmes is a real person and lives at 221 В Baker Street. Many letters come from Europe. People sometimes ask Holmes for his autograph ['o:t3gra:f| or photograph. Some letters are sent probably as a joke. But sometimes you can’t be sure. One letter, for example, began: “Dear Mr Holmes, I live in France and I cannot get my house (which is more than 2 mln) because of my guardians, who are trying to get it for themselves ...” The writer, who gives his name and address, describes how the house came into his family’s hands. His letter ends: “My guardians are dangerous people. They can do anything to get the house. They are clever and only you can help. Hurry, before it is too late ...” Another letter from an American girl ends: “I believe only you. Please, help me.” Where it is clear that a person can be in real difficulties, he or she is advised to get in touch with a solicitor or the police. Where the writer really believes that Holmes personally will open their letter, he or she is told that such a person has never lived. These people are usually told, “We are sure you understand that Mr Holmes is no longer with us.” ф 2000 Years Ago Julius Caesard the great Roman general, came to Britain in 54 BC. A hundred years later the Romans came again, and this time they stayed for four hundred years. So Britain became a part of the Roman Empire. Romans built a lot of roads and cities with fine houses in them. They also put a strong stone wall around each city to keep it safe. So straight and so good were the Roman roads that even today some of them are still used as main roads in England. Some of the Roman cities in Britain had fine baths. They were very good. Some of them were just as good as in Rome. One of the cities in England is called the City of Bath. The Roman baths are even today in use in it. One of the oldest buildings in Britain is the Roman lighthouse, or Pharos [Tearos], at Dover ['dauvsj. Lighthouses haven’t changed much in 1700 years, have they? ^ Julius Caesar [.фи:1[Э5 'si:z3] — Юлий Цезарь The Romans didn’t need carpets — they had central heating under the floors of their houses and decorated their floors with pictures in coloured stones. The picture of a dancing girl was found in a Roman villa in SussexJ It is over 1700 years old. Two thousand years before the Romans came there, the ancient people of Britain started building Stonehenge.^ The newest parts of it were built in about 1400 BC — more than three thousand years ago. Nobody knows exactly what Stonehenge was. Some people say it was a kind of clock. The Fisherman and His Wife (A fairy tale after C. Graham) Participants: NARRATOR THE FISHERMAN THE FISHERMAN’S WIFE THE FLOUNDER CHORUS * Sussex ['sASiks] — Суссекс (графство в Англии) ^ Stonehenge ['stoun'hencfe] — Стоунхендж, остатки древнего строения в Великобритании Narrator: Chorus: Narrator: Fisherman: Narrator: Fisherman: Narrator: Fisherman: Once upon a time, a fisherman and his wife lived in a small house by the sea. The fisherman loved to go out alone in his boat and sit and fish and wait for a bite from a fish* at the bottom of the sea. Sit and fish and wait for a bite. Sit and fish and wait for a bite. Sit and fish and wait for a bite from a fish at the bottom of the sea. One day the fisherman made up a song to sing to the fish while he waited. He liked to sing it at night when the stars shone brightly in the dark sky, when everything looked strange and mysterious. (Sings a song. Melody: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”) Catfish, catfish, starfish too. Tuna salad sandwich,^ oyster stew. Catfish heads and catfish tails. Catfish fins and catfish scales. Catfish, catfish, starfish too. Tuna salad sandwich, oyster stew. Sometimes, out there alone in the dark, the fisherman saw strange things. Once he saw the shadow of a mermaid’s tail, and once he saw the terrible fish with four eyes, the one that brings bad luck. But the strangest night of all was the night when he felt his fishing pole begin to shake, rattle, and roll. Hey, what’s this? Oh my! What’s this? Why is my pole shaking and rattling, and rolling? And he began to pull in his line very slowly and carefully. After a moment, he saw the head of a very big fish. Wow! Look at that! What a fine fat fish! I’ve never seen such a thing in my life! I wonder what kind of fish this is. * wait for a bite from a fish — ждать, когда клюнет рыба ^ tuna salad sandwich —^ бутерброд с салатом из тунца Flounder: Fisherman: Flounder: Fisherman: Flounder: Fisherman: Flounder: Fisherman: Flounder: Fisherman: Flounder: Fisherman: I’m a flounder. What? Did I hear something? What did you say? I said. I’m a flounder. Are you a talking fish? Yes, a talking fish. Listen to me carefully. Listen to me carefully. Yes, I’m listening, I’m listening. I’m a magic fish. Throw me back to the sea. And I will give you anything in the world you want. What? I can’t believe my ears. You will give me anything I want? You heard what I said. Anything you want. Say the word, and it will be yours. Anything? Anything. I can’t believe it — a talking fish. A fish who will give me whatever I wish. Throw me back to the sea and you’ll see. Oh my! What shall I do? Shall I keep him or shall I throw him back? Keep him, keep him. Take him home and eat him. Don’t throw him back, oh, no. Don’t throw him back. Pick him up and throw him back. Pick him up and throw him back. Throw him back. Throw him back. Let him be in the sea again. Pick him up and throw him back. You’ll be sorry if you keep him. Pick him up and throw him back. The fisherman thought about it for a few moments. Then he picked up the Flounder and threw him back into the water. At first, the big fish swam right down to the bottom of the sea, but in a moment he was back to keep his promise. Tell me what you want, and it will be yours. Tell him, tell him. Tell him, what you want. Tell him, tell him. Tell him, what you want. What do I want? Let me see. I can’t think of a thing. I can’t think of a thing. He can’t think of a thing. He can’t think of a thing. And then the Flounder disappeared into the deep dark sea. The fisherman hurried home to tell his wife the story. When she heard the noise of his boots, she ran to the door but didn’t see any fish. Fisherman: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Narrator: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Fisherman: Oh, no! Didn’t you catch anything? I did! I caught a flounder. Where is it? What did you do with it? I threw it back into the sea. You did what? You threw it back? Why? Why did you throw it back? So the fisherman sat down and told his wife the whole story. As she listened to him, her eyes got bigger and bigger. When he had finished, she said: Imagine that! A talking fish! Didn’t you ask him for something? No, I didn’t. That’s a pity. Why didn’t you ask him for a house? A house? But we have a house. Yes, but look how small it is. We really need a bigger house. Bigger than this? Oh yes, much bigger. How many rooms? Let’s see. Let’s see. One for you and one for me. One for this and one for that. One for me and one for you. One, two, three, four. Four rooms? Four rooms? What’ll we do with four rooms? I Fisherman: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Narrator: Fisherman: Narrator: Flounder: Fisherman: Flounder: Fisherman: Flounder: Fisherman: Flounder: Fisherman: Flounder: Four rooms ... Why four? Four rooms, why not more? Why not five, six, or seven? Why not nine? Nine sounds fine. Nine rooms? Nine rooms? WhatTl we do with nine rooms? I want a house with nine rooms. Why not nine? Nine sounds fine. Tell the Flounder nine rooms! Oh, oh! I don’t know. Don’t you worry. He can do it. Ask that fish for nine rooms. And so the fisherman went down to the edge of the sea and called the Flounder. Flounder, Flounder in the sea. Flounder, Flounder, come to me. Soon the Flounder appeared. Yes? What can I do for you? Oh, Flounder, Flounder, it’s not me. I don’t want a thing, but my wife ... She ... Yes? Tell me. What does she want? She wants a house. What kind of a house? A big house. How big? How many rooms? Nine. She said nine. But if that’s hard for you to do ... The house is hers. Go home! Go home. Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Narrator: Fisherman: Narrator: And so the fisherman thanked the Flounder and hurried home to his wife. There she was in her big house with nine rooms. For a while they were very happy, but one day, when the fisherman came home after his hard work, his wife met him at the door. Her eyes were shining and she said: Call the Flounderl Call the Flounder? What for? I have an idea. An idea? What kind of idea? I want you to be King.^ Me? Yes, I want you to be King. That’s the worst idea I’ve ever heard. I don’t want to be King. Then I’ll be King, I’ll be King. If you won’t, I will. I will be King. Call the fish. Call the fish. Tell him I want to be King. How can I ask for a thing like that? I hate the life of a fisherman’s wife. I want to be King. I must be King. I will be King. Go to the Flounder, go now. Tell him I want to be King. And so the fisherman went down to the sea and called the Flounder. Flounder, Flounder in the sea. Flounder, Flounder, come to me. Soon the Flounder appeared, and the fisherman told him that his wife wanted to be King. ‘ I want you to be King. — Я хочу, чтобы ты был королём. Flounder: Fisherman: Narrator: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Go home, my friend. Your wife is King. Thank you, dear Flounder. Thank you, so much. And so the fisherman went home but he didn’t see his house. Instead of his house, he saw a castle, and his wife was sitting inside wearing a crown. Some time passed. The fisherman and his wife, the King, lived together happily for a while but one morning ... Wake up! Wake up! I have an idea! Oh no! What is it now? Go to the Flounder. Tell him, please. I’m tired of being the King. Every day the same old thing. I’m tired of being the King. Tired and bored. Nothing to do. I hate the life of the King. I hate the life of the fisherman’s wife. But I’m tired of being the King. I’m tired and bored. But what shall I say? What do you want? Tell him I want something better than this, much better than this. Something bigger and better. Bigger and better than this? What could be bigger and better than this? Tell him I want to be Emperor. Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Narrator: Fisherman: Narrator: Flounder: Narrator: Flounder: Narrator: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Emperor? Oh, no! Go to the Flounder now. How? How can I ask for such a thing? I’m the King. Go. Go to the Flounder now. And so the fisherman went back to the sea and for the third time called the Flounder. Flounder, Flounder in the sea. Flounder, Flounder, come to me. Just as before, the Flounder appeared and spoke in a friendly voice. Yes? What is it? And the fisherman told the Flounder that his wife wanted to be Emperor. Go home, my friend. Your wife is the Emperor. And with a sigh, the Flounder disappeared into the water. The fisherman went home to his wife, the Emperor, and together they lived happily for a while. But one morning ... Wake up! Wake up! I have an idea. Oh no! What is it now? Listen to me carefully, I want to be the most important person in the world. I want to make the stars shine.' Look at the sun! Look at the sky! I want to make the sun rise.^ * I want to make the stars shine. — Я хочу зажигать звёзды, ^ I want to make the sun rise. — Я хочу заставлять солнце вставать. Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Fisherman: Wife: Narrator: Fisherman: Narrator: Flounder: Fisherman: Flounder: Fisherman: Flounder: Fisherman: Flounder: I want to make the sun rise and set.* Oh no! Oh no! I want to make the snow. What are you saying? You can’t mean it. Yes, I can. I mean it. I really do. Go to the Flounder now and tell him about all these things! Tell him what I want. No, I can’t. How can I ask such a thing? It’s incredible. I’m the Emperor! Go to the Flounder. And tell him about all this. And so once again the fisherman went down to the sea, took a very deep breath and sadly called the Flounder, Flounder, Flounder in the sea. Flounder, Flounder, come to me. Soon the Flounder appeared and said: Yes? What is it? I hate to ask you this, but my wife, the Emperor, she wants ... Yes? What does the Emperor want? She wants ... She wants ... Speak up! Speak up! What does she want? She wants to make the sun rise and the stars come out. What are you saying? * I want to make the sun rise and set. — Я хочу заставлять солнце вставать и садиться. Flounder: Narrator: Flounder: She wants to make the sky turn red* And the rain fall And the snow ... Stop it! Stop it! I’ve heard enough. As the Flounder spoke, there was lightning and thunder in the sky. The wind blew over the dark water, and for a moment the Flounder disappeared under a very big wave. But then suddenly he returned and spoke to the fisherman for the last time. Listen to me carefully. The answer is “No”. Narrator: The stars? The moon? The rain? The snow? The sun? The sky? The answer is “No”. And then the Flounder disappeared into the angry sea. The fisherman went home and found that all of the things the Flounder had given them were not there. They were back where they had started, in their simple house. As time passed, the fisherman almost forgot the story. He didn’t miss the big house, or the * She wants to make the sky turn red ... no её желанию... ■ Она хочет, чтобы небеса розовели time when his wife was the King. But sometimes at night, when the moon was full, and he thought he saw a shadow of a mermaid’s tail, he missed the sound of the Flounder, and he would call out his name not to ask for anything, just to see him and hear that beautiful voice. Flounder, Flounder in the sea. Flounder, Flounder, come to me. But he never did, and no one ever saw him again. VOCABULARY J abroad [э"Ьп>:с1] за границей across [a^kres] через actually ["«ktjuali] практически, на самом деле additional [a'dijanal] дополнительный age [eitfe] возраст alien [^eilian] чужестранец, иноземец alive faJaiv] живой allow [a'lau] разрешать along [э"1вг)] вдоль although [э:1"дэи] хотя ancient [''einjbnt] древний angry ["eeogn] сердитый to be angry with sb сердиться на кого-либо antique [aen"ti:k] древняя, старинная вещь anyway Leniwei] всё равно appetite ['ccpataitj аппетит arrange [э'гетф] уладить, урегулировать arrest [aYest] арестовать arrive [a'rarv] приезжать; прибывать artist f'crtist] художник as if как будто athlete [ 'a£01i:t ] 1. легкоатлет; 2. спортсмен attempt [aTempt] попытка autograph [''a:tagra:f] автограф autumn ("Ditam] осень awake [a'weik] просыпаться awful [^arfal] ужасный awfully [^:fali] ужасно badger [^bsecfea] барсук bake [berk] печь baking tin ("beikip 4m] форма для выпечки bald eagle [,ba:ld 4:gl] орёл (герб и эмблема США) band [bsend] банда bang [Ьзер] стучать banner ['baena] знамя barley [^btrli] ячмень baseball ['beisba:!] бейсбол basket [^bceskit] корзина bean [bi:n] фасоль; боб beech [bi:tj] бук beefeater ['bi:f,i:ta] служитель охраны лондонского Тауэра, лейб-гвардеец beer [bia] пиво beg [beg] просить милостыню belong [bi'log] принадлежать (кому-либо) blade [bleid] лезвие, клинок bleat [bli:t] блеяние (барашка) blind [blamd] слепой blot [bint] клякса blow (blew, blown) [blau] дуть boast [baustj хвастаться boat [baut] лодка, корабль boiled [boild] варёный bonnet ['bDnitj шляпка bore [ba:j зануда •^1: т bottom ['bDtsm] низ, днище branch [brtuntj] ветка Brazil [bra'zil] Бразилия Brazilian [Ьгэ'гтЬэп] бразильский break [breik] n перерыв, перемена; V (broke, broken) ломать breast [brest] грудка breath [breG] дыхание breeze [bri:z] лёгкий ветерок bridge [Ьпф] 1. мост; 2. капитанский мостик bright [brait] яркий brightly ['braitli] ярко bucket ['bAkit] ведро buckle ['bAkl] пряжка bud [bAd] почка bull [bul] бык bun [Ьлп] булочка burglar ['Ьз:д1э1 грабитель cabbage ['kaebicfe] капуста call [ko:lJ звать captain’s quarters t^kaept(a)nz 'kwo:t9z] каюта капитана care [кеэ] забота carpenter ['koipmta] плотник castle ['ka:st] замок catch [ksetj] поймать, схватить catfish ['kaetfij] зубатка полосатая ceremony f'senmanil церемония chalk [t/oik] мел chance [tjtrns] случай, шанс change [tjeintfe] n сдача; v ме- нять(ся) changeable ['t|eind59b(9)ll изменчивый channel ['tjgenl] пролив character f'ksenkta] 1. характер; 2. герой (книги) chariot ['tjsenst] колесница check [t|ek] проверять cherry f'tjen] вишня chill [tfil] холод China ['tjama] Китай chorus ['koirss] xop cleverness ['klevsnis] одарённость close I [klsuz] закрывать(ся) close II [kbus] около coach [kautj] 1. карета, автобус (междугородного сообщения); 2. тренер coat of arms ['кэт av 'a:mz] герб cobbled ['коЬ(э)Ш] мощёный colour ['кА1э] цвет commit fks'mit] совершать competitor [kam'petita] соперник construct [kan'strAkt] возводить, строить consult [ksn'sAlt] консультиро-вать(ся), обращаться к врачу conversation [,kDnv9'seiJn] беседа cool [ku:l] прохладный countless ['kauntlis] несчётный courage ['клпф] храбрость court I [ko:tJ суд court II [кэ:1] корт cousin ['kAzn] двоюродный брат/ двоюродная сестра critic ['kritik] критик crops [krops] зерновые культуры crown [kraun] корона cruel ['кш:э1] жестокий cruise [kru:z] круиз cultivate ['kAitiveit] обрабатывать cultural f'kAltfsral] культурный curly ['ksdij кудрявый customer ['kAStamsl покупатель dachshund ['dasks(9)nd] такса (порода собак) dance [da*ns] танцевать dangerous [Мешфэгэз] опасный dark-haired [,do;k'he9d] темноволосый dead [ded] мёртвый death [de0] смерть deep [di:p] глубокий deer [dio] олень defence [di'fens] защита describe [di'skraib] описывать desk [desk] парта desperate ["despsnt] отчаянный destroy [di"stroi] уничтожать detective [di'tektiv] сыщик diary ["daisn] дневник dim [dim] тусклый, неяркий dimpling ["dimp)it]] покрытый рябью disagreement [,dis3"gri:m3nt] несогласие disappear [,dis3'pi3] исчезать dish [diJ] блюдо; посуда dream [dri:m] n сон; v мечтать dreamy ['dri:mi] мечтательный drop [drop] n капля; v падать, ронять earn [з:п] зарабатывать edge [еф] край edge of the sea ['еф ov дэ 'si:] берег моря Egypt ['1:ф1р1] Египет elm [elm] вяз emblem ['embbm] эмблема emperor ['етрэгэ] император empire ['етраю] империя enchant [m'tja:nt] заколдовывать, зачаровывать enchanted [m'tja;ntid] заколдованный energy ['епэф1] энергия engine ['епфш] мотор enough [I'mf] достаточно entertain [,еп1эЧеш] развлекать envelope ['envslaup] конверт especially [I'spejli] особенно exactly [ig'z0ekth] точно except [ik'sept] кроме exception [ik'sep/n] исключение exciting [ik'saitip] волнующий explore [ik'spb:] исследовать fact [faekt] факт fade [feidj постепенно исчезать fair-haired [,Геэ'Ьеэё] светловолосый fat [faet] толстый fin [fm] плавник finger ['Гщдэ] палец на руке fire [fais] огонь, пожар fit [fit] соответствовать, подходить flap [flaep] колыхать, развевать flat [flaet] плоский flight [flait] полёт; рейс florist ['flnristj продавец цветов at the florist’s в цветочном магазине flounder ['flaunda] камбала fly (flew, flown) [flai] летать ^oggy ['fngi] туманный follow ['fbbuj следовать за; преследовать foreign ['fbnn] иностранный foreigner ['forms] иностранец forgery ['fэ;фэrI] подлог, подделка fortress ['fo:tns] крепость frankfurter ['fraegkfsits] сосиска freedom ['friidam] свобода frock [frok] летнее платье gaze (at) [geiz] смотреть с нежностью, восхищением to gaze after провожать нежным взглядом ■J geese см. goose generally ['cfeenarsli] обычно, как правило get in touch with [^get in 'Utf wid] устанавливать связь, контакт с gift [gift] подарок goal [gsul] гол goose [gu:s] гусь (мн. ч. geese) grasshopper ['дга:з,Нпрэ] кузнечик grow (grew, grown) [дгэи] расти grow old [^дгэи '^suld] стареть guardian [^goidian] опекун guidebook [^gaidbok] путеводитель the Gulf Stream [бэ ^дл1Г stri:m] Гольфстрим gymnasium [djim^neiziam] гимнастический зал н hand out ['hasnd 'aut] раздавать hang (hung, hung) [hserj] вешать hardly ['liQidli] едва harm [ho;mj вред hate [heit] ненавидеть head [bed] направляться к healthy ['het0i] здоровый heir [еэ] наследник hoax [hauks] розыгрыш hold (held, held) [haold] держать hole [haul] нора hope [haup] надеяться horseman ['haismanj наездник, всадник horse race ['ha:s ,reis] конные состязания host [haust] хозяин household ['haushauld] домочадцы; домашнее хозяйство household goods ['haushauld ^gudz] товары для дома housewife [^hauswaif] домохозяйка however [hau'eva] тем не менее humid ['hju:mid] влажный hundredfold [ 'liAndradfauldj стократный Hungary ['liApgan] Венгрия hurley ['h3:Ii] ирландский хоккей на траве; клюшка для игры в ирландский хоккей hurry [^Ьлп] торопиться I imagine [Гтзефш] воображать immediately [rnii:diatli] немедленно impress [im^res] впечатлять include [in^klu:d] включать increase [in'kri:s] увеличивать incredible [m^kredibl] невероятный, неправдоподобный indigo [hndigau] индиго (цвет) indoor ['inda:] в помещении industrial [in'dAstnal] промышленный, индустриальный inhabitant [m^hsebitant] житель, обитатель insect ['insekt] насекомое inside [m'said] внутрь, внутри instead (of) [in'sted] вместо, взамен introduce [^mtro'djuis] представлять (кого-либо), вводить Japan [фэ'раеп] Япония join (sb) [фот] присоединяться к (кому-либо) journalist ['cfeamolistj журналист joy [фэ1] радость К keep (kept, kept) [ki:p] держать, содержать kidney ['kidni] почка Vi kidney pie ["kidni ,pai] пирог с почками kimono [ki"m9un9u] кимоно label ["leibl] ярлык, бирка, этикетка lamb [laem] барашек, мясо молодого барашка land [Isend] земля, страна Latin ['iaetm] латынь law flo:] закон lay (laid, laid) [lei] класть leaf [li:f] лист (мн. ч. leaves) least: at least [9t 'li:st] no крайней мере leave (left, left) [li:v] покидать, оставлять leaves [li:vz] cm. leaf lighthouse ['laithausj маяк lightning ['laitnip] молния list [list] список lively ["laivli] живой, весёлый, полный жизни local ["1эик1] местный lose (lost, lost) [lu:z] терять luck [1лк] удача м magic ["mfficfeikj волшебный make up ['meik "лр] составить, сложить {песню, рассказ) manager ['таепэфэ] управляю- 1ЦИЙ Manchester ['mffintf9st9] г. Манчестер marvellous | "ma:v(9)l9s] изумительный material [тэЧюпэ!] материал meadow ['medcu] луг mean (meant, meant) [mi:n] 1. значить; 2. иметь в виду medicine ["medsQii] лекарство mend [mend] чинить menu ["menju:] меню mermaid ['marmeid] русалочка merry ['men] весёлый miss [mis] скучать moon [mu:n] луна mosaic [mau'zeiik] мозаика mount [maunt] взбираться, подниматься murder ['тз:йэ] убийство musician [mjui'zijan] музыкант mysterious [mi'sti9n9s] загадочный M nearly ['ni9li] около, почти neighbour ['neib9] сосед nest [nest] гнездо nod [nod] кивать noise [noiz] шум nonsense ['nnnsons] чепуха number ['плтЬэ] число oak [эик] дуб occupation [/Dkju'peijn] занятие, профессия Olympia [э'ктрю] Олимпия the Olympics [59 g'limpiks] Олимпийские игры Olympic Games [g'limpik 'geimz] Олимпийские игры opportunity ['npg'tjuimti] возможность outdoors [,aut'd9:z] на открытом воздухе, снаружи oyster ['oistc] устрица pack [ржк] уложить, упаковать page [peicfe] страница painted ['peintid] нарисованный pan [paen! сковорода papers [фефэг] документы parade [paYeid] парад particular [pa'tikjub] обладающий характерной особенностью in particular в особенности particularly [pa'tikjulali] особенно pass by ['pCLS 'bai] проходить мимо pavement [фегутэп!] тротуар peas [pi:z] горох peculiarity [р1,к]и:1ГюпЬ] особенность pentathlon [penhaeGbn] пятиборье Persia ["рз^э] Персия persuade [pa'sweidj убеждать, уговаривать pesticides ['pestisaidzj пестициды (средство для борьбы с epedw телями) phlegmatic [fleg^msetik] флегматичный pick up [ф1к Чр] собирать pie [pai] пирог pine [pain] сосна pity I'piti] жалость pleasure ['р1езэ] удовольствие poison [’’poiznl n яд; и отравлять pole [рэи1] столб, шест, жердь fishing pole удочка pollute [paflu:tj загрязнять pollution [pafluijn] загрязнение population ['pDpju'leiJhl население portrait [фэ:1п1] портрет postcard [^3ustka:d] почтовая открытка pot [pnt] котелок, кастрюля pour [рэ;] лить power ['раиэ] власть, сила practically ['praektikali] практически pretty [фп11] хорошенький prince [prmsl князь, принц princess [,princes] принцесса prison ['pnzn] тюрьма prize [praiz] приз problem ['рпэЫэт] проблема professor [pra'fesa] профессор promise ["promis] обещание to keep a promise держать обещание prove [pru:v] доказывать public ['рлЬЬк] общественный publish [''pAbliJl публиковать pull [pul] тянуть put off ['put 'of] мешать, отвлекать put out ['put 'aut] гасить Q queue [kju:] n очередь; v стоять в очереди quite [kwait] совершенно, полностью, совсем rabbit ['rsebitj кролик rag [raeg] тряпка rags тряпьё, лохмотья rainbow ['reinbau] радуга raindrop ['remdrop] дождевая капля raisin ['reizn] изюминка rattle ['rsetl] трещать, грохотать recent ['ri;s(a)nt] недавний recognize ['rekagnaiz] узнавать recommend [дека'тепё] рекомендовать record ['reko:d] пластинка refuse [n'fjuiz] отказываться remain [ri'mein] оставаться represent [,repn'zent] представлять reserved [ri'zswd] сдержанный, необщительный ribbon [Yibn] лента rice [raisl 1. рис; 2. рисовый rim [rim] ободок, край roast [raust] жареный roastbeef [Yaustbiifj ростбиф rob [rob] грабить robin (redbreast) [''robin] малиновка (красногрудка) roll [raul] n булочка; v кататься, свернуться rolling pin [Yauliij pm] скалка row [гэи] ряд royal [Yoial] королевский rude [ru:d] грубый sacred [''seiknd] святой safe [seifl безопасный sausage ['snsi^j сосиска scale [skeil] 1. шкала, градация; 2. размер score [sko:| выигрывать, выиграть secret ['si:krit] секрет, тайна seem [si:m] казаться seize [si;z] схватить, захватить self-conscious LselfkDnJasJ застенчивый, легко смуш,аюпдийся series f'sisriiz] серия shade [feidj тень shadow [Jaedeu] тень shell [[el] скорлупа shine (shone, shone) [fain] сиять, светить shoe [fu;] туфля shoeblack [Juiblsek] чистильщик сапог shore [fo;] морской берег shower ['Хаиэ] душ; ливень sick [sik] больной to be sick болеть sigh [sai] n вздох; v вздыхать silly ("sill] глупый simple ['simpl] простой sky [skaij небо slim [slim] стройный slumber ['sUmba] сон, дремота smart [smo:t] остроумный, находчивый; нарядный snug [8плд] adj уютный, удобный; V уютно располагаться, уютно устраиваться solicitor [ssJisitD] поверенный, адвокат somewhere ("sAmwes] где-то sore [so:] больной, болезненный sound [saund] п звук; v звучать sour [sauo] кислый sparrow ['spaerou] воробей spell [spel] колдовство sphere [sfioj сфера spider j^spaido] паук spin [spin] прясть spoil [spoil] портить spread [spred] расстилать spring [spriij] n весна; v прыгать squadron ['skwDdr(o)nJ эскадрон, рота, отряд statue ['stset/u:] статуя, изваяние steak [steik] бифштекс stepfather ['stepfQ:6o] отчим stereo system [^stioriou ,sistom] стереосистема stereotype ['stioriotaipj стереотип stew [stju:] тушёное мясо, рагу still [stil] зд. тишина, безмолвие stir [st3:] шевелить, двигать straw [stro:] солома stray [strei] блуждать, бродить, скитаться stream [stri:m] ручей strength [strer)0] сила stretch [stretJl растягивать(ся) stupid Fstjmpid] глупый suitcase ['sju;tkeis] чемодан superior [su'prorio] лучший, высшего качества survive [ss'vaivj выживать swallow ['swobu] n ласточка; V глотать swamp [swnmp] болото sweet [swi:tj 1. сладкий; 2. милый и Ugh! [uxj Фу! Ax! Брр! unforgivable [^Anfs'givabl] непростительный unite [jur'nait] объединять unusual [лп']и:зиэ1] необычный tail [teil] хвост tank [tsepk] специальный резервуар для жидкости, канистра taste [teist] вкус team [ti:m] команда teapot ['tiipot] чайник для заварки tear [tia] слеза tear (tore, torn) [teo] рвать temple ['temp]] храм term [t3:m] семестр terrible ['teribl] ужасный territory ['tentsri] территория thick [9ik] зд. чаща throw (threw, thrown) [0гэи] бросать thunder ['блпбо] гром thus [6as] поэтому tie [tai] n галстук; i; связывать tight [tait] узкий tile [tail] черепица totally ['tsutstij совсем trade people ['treid ,pi:pl] торговый люд traitor ['treits] предатель tray [trei] поднос treatment ['trirtmant] лечение tribe [traib] племя trumpet ['trAmprt] труба tube [tju:b] труба, трубка twinkle ['twipkl] мерцать, мигать, сиять V villa ['vila] вилла village ['vilicfel деревня voice [vois] голос w wake (woke, woken) [weik] будить; просыпаться wave [weiv] волна while [wail] зд. время, промежуток времени for а while на (какое-то) время wife [waif] жена wild [waild] дикий wine [wain] вино wire [waia] провод, проволока wise [waiz] мудрый wish [wij] n желание; v желать wit [wit] остроумие woods [wudz] лес workman ['waikmanj рабочий work out ['w3:k 'aut] вырабатывать world [w3:ld] мир wrestling ['reslip] борьба (вид спорта) writing table ['raitii) ,teibl] письменный стол COMTEIVITS LESSON 1 “A Clever Salesman” ...................................... 3 LESSON 2 “Whose Favourite Rooms Are They?” ................. 5 LESSON 3 “Whatever Happened to Uncle Oscar?” ................. 7 LESSON 4 “A Letter from Yaroslavl” ................................ 9 LESSON 5 “Special Days” .......................................... 12 LESSON 6 “The Hot Dog” ........................................... 15 LESSON 7 “Between the Sun and the Earth” ......................... 17 LESSON 8 “Prince Sparrow”. Part I ................................ 19 LESSON 9 “Prince Sparrow”. Part II ............................... 22 LESSON 10 “WeVe Hit Land!” ....................................... 24 LESSON 11 “The Bald Eagle” ....................................... 26 LESSON 12 “Climate, Weather, Wildlife” ........................... 28 LESSON 13 “Rumpelstiltskin”. Part I .............................. 31 LESSON 14 “Rumpelstiltskin”. Part II ............................. 34 LESSON 15 “Rumpelstiltskin”. Part III ............................ 37 LESSON 16 “The Old Woman and the Doctor” ......................... 39 LESSON 17 “George Mikes and His Book” .................... 41 LESSON 18 “From the History of Sports” .................... 44 LESSON 19 “Two Ways to Count to Ten” .................... 46 LESSON 20 “A Trip to Britain” .................................... 48 LESSON 21 “What Is Shakespeare?” ................................. 51 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1. Five Minutes’ Peace ........................................... 53 2. Why Was She Angry? ............................................ 55 3. Londoner’s London ............................................. 55 4. Ivan Susanin .................................................. 57 5. George at a Party ............................................. 59 6. Animal Corner ................................................. 60 7. School Journeys ............................................... 61 8. The Ladies’ Dress Department .................................. 63 9. A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot ............................ 64 ; 10. What’s That? ........................................... 66 11. The Olympics ........................................... 69 12. When Only Holmes Can Help ............................ 70 13. 2000 Years Ago ......................................... 72 14. The Fisherman and His Wife ............................ 73 VOCABULARY ................................................. 85 АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК КНИГА ДЛЯ ЧТЕНИЯ V класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Авторы-составители Верещагина Ирина Николаевна Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Н. И. Максименко Редактор А. Е. Маневич Художник Е. В. Фёдорова Художественный редактор Н. В.Дождёеа Компьютерная вёрстка и техническое редактирование О, А. Федотовой Корректор Д. А. Белитов Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93—953000, Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 19.12.12. Формат 84Х108'/|с Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура SchoolBookCSanPin. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 5,65. Тираж 27000 экз. Заказ № 2052/13. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. 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