Английский язык 8 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 8 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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о. V. AFANASYEVA I. V. MIKHEEVA о. в. АФАНАСЬЕВА И. В. МИХЕЕВА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ТЕТР^^ Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка 7-е издание Москва «Просвещение» 2012 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А94 Учебное издание Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Михеева Ирина Владимировна Английский язык РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ VIII класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Н. И. Максименко Редактор Н. И. Максименко Художественный редактор Э. К. Реоли Художник В. Е. Киселёв Технический редактор Т. Е. Хотюн Корректор 3. Ф. Юрескул Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 16.08.11. Формат 70x90 Vi6. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Школьная. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 5,89. Доп. тираж 10 000 экз. Заказ № 32679 (п «ш>. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством предоставленных материалов в ОАО «Смоленский полиграфический комбинат». 214020, г. Смоленск, ул. Смольянинова, д. 1. ISBN 978-5-09-026490-7 © Издательство «Просвещение», 2005 © Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2005 Все права защищены hUNITi4::: E Ж «л' . V Hi? ** 'У . Choosing о Career: The World of Jobs 1 Listen to the interviews, ^ No 1, and say what the interviewed people do for their living. 1. Miss Burton is a 2. Miss Holly is a _ 3. Miss West is a _ 4. Mr Sellinger is a 2 Listen to the text “Dr Elizabeth”, No 2, and mark the sentences below T {true) or F {false). Elizabeth Blackwell was born in the USA. ____________ Elizabeth decided to become a doctor in Kentucky. ____________ 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Elizabeth had nursed an elderly friend and that influenced her future career. _____ In the 19th century American hospitals were not interested in having a woman doctor. _______ Dr Elizabeth Blackwell found a French hospital that offered her a job as a surgeon. _______ Dr Blackwell performed operations on children’s eyes. _________ Elizabeth had an eye disease. _______ Elizabeth had suffered from the eye disease for many years. ______ At the end of her life in America Dr Blackwell founded the New York Infirmary* for Women and Children. _________ 10. Dr Elizabeth Blackwell is a well-known person in American medical world. * infirmary |тТз:тэг|| — больница, лазарет 1* UNIT 1 3 Read the text “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Uncle Tom's Cabin 1. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly, first appeared as the serial in the National Era, an antislavery newspaper in Washington D.C. When it was published as a book in 1852, it was an immediate success in the USA. Soon the novel was translated into several languages and became an international bestseller. 2. The book influenced public views and gave a new impulse to the liberation movement all over the world, including the liberation of Russian serfs.^ Uncle Tom’s Cabin was an attack upon the slave-owners in the South of the USA and upon the institution of slavery as such. According to Abraham Lincoln the book helped the North to win the civil war and abolish slavery in the country. 3. The novel has often been accused of being too sentimental because of its conventional characters and highly emotional scenes. The characters are largely stereotyped: some are real villains (the slave trader Haley), others are suffering innocents (Little Eva), and the main character is an all-forgiving slave. But beyond the conventional characters of sentimental fiction, the reader finds true-to-life insights into plantation life and the motivation of both slave-owners and slaves. 4. Harriet Beecher Stowe was born in 1811 into an orthodox Calvinist family: her father and five of her brothers were churchmen educated in Hartford, Connecticut, where she was born. She spent most of the life in the North. Stowe hardly had any direct experience with slavery. But she came from a family strongly opposed to this unjust system. When the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was passed, she became outraged. Her morals and her sense of justice inspired her to write the classic novel that went down in history. a. THE STRONG AND WEAK POINTS OF THE BOOK b. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE NOVEL c. H. B. STOWE’S FOLLOWERS serf — крепостной UNIT 1 d. THE BIRTH OF THE NOVEL e. THE INFLUENCE OF THE NOVEL 4 Translate paragraphs 2. and 3. of the text “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” with a dictionary. Write down your translation. 5 A. Write out of the text (Ex. 3) 10—15 international words. Example: cabin, serial, national... B. Write out of the text the words built by means of: a) conversion, b) affixation, c) composition. Exa m p Ie: a) public an attack b) antislavery liberation c) bestseller slave-owner 6 Read the text and make it complete with the help of the derivatives that are formed from the words written on the right. Fill the tables at the end of the task. A. Mapmakers The first people engaged in 1. ______________ of the earth had no maps to guide their way. They told 2. by watching the sun and the stars. Perhaps the most 3. ________________________________ of the early 4. ___________________________were the 5. _________________They made maps to show the 6. ______________ of the islands they had visited. These maps were made of sticks fastened together. To read the maps, a 7. _____________________________ had to understand the apparent 8. __________________ of the stars, waves, and even ocean currents. There were no names on the maps, because those people had no system of 9.--------------------------------- explore direct skill explore Polynesia locate travel move write UNITl 1. exploration В, In 1400’s people learned about the 1. _________________ from China called compass. Someone there had found that a 2. __________________ needle will always point north or south if it is floated on a liquid so that it can turn 3.__________On the map there appeared 4. _______________lines on the earth that run from north to south. They are called meridians of longitude. Early 5._________________________________who were also 6. ______________________________________recorded their 7. _________________ on both globe and flat maps. Long ago, maps showed only land and water. Today there are many 8. ________________kinds of maps. They show many 9. _________________things that people have learned about the earth over the years. 1. invention 6. invent magnet free imagine explore mapmake find differ vary UNIT1 7 Match the pictures with the names of these johs. a. librarian b. nurse c. architect d. ballet dancer e. customs officer f. conductor g. baker h. dressmaker i. judge j. soldier k. chemist UNIT 1 8 Write whom you would contact if: 1. you wanted to sell your house a. a nurse 2. your bathroom tap were leaking b. an architect 3. all the lights in the house had gone out c. a physician 4. your relative were old and ill and required d. an estate medical and social care agent 5. your wooden desk were broken e. a pharmacist 6. you had a problem with your heart f. a lawyer 7. you wanted a plan of a country house you g. a plumber were going to build h. a police 8. you wanted a consultation on some legal officer problem i. a carpenter 9. you wanted some medicine to be made up j. an electrician 10. you saw an accident in the street 9 Write whose words they might be: 1. I am rather tired after repairing the pipes in the bathroom. 2. This is your parcel. Will you sign here? 3. I know that your country house hasn’t been sold yet. I’m doing my best and hope to sell it soon. 4. Fine for parking, sir. You have chosen the wrong side of the road. 5. I think I can come to you around five to have a look at your sick pet. 6. I can’t understand why the plan of the estate doesn’t suit you. 7. I can’t make new doors for your writing desk in two days. 8. I think I’ll shorten the skirt, it’s too long for you. 9. Take these pills three times a day after meals. 10. I think you should wear different glasses. I’ll write out a prescription for you. Ю Choose the right form. 1. I wish you {won’t talk/didn’t talk/don’t talk) so loudly. It’s not polite. 2. I’m having a wonderful time at the seaside. How I wish you {are/were/will be) here now. 3. If Tom {rides/will ride/rode) his new bike, he’ll win the race. 4. If you {don’t leave/won’t leave/ didn’t leave) your dirty clothes all over the place, our flat would look much nicer. 5. The rain is getting heavier. I wish I {will have/had/have) my umbrella with me. 6. If everyone {brought/brings/will bring) some nice food with them, we will have a lot to eat at the party. 7. What {will/would/shall) you do if you watched a road accident? 8. If only she {knows/will know/knew) what terrible mistake she was making! 9. If they {will pass/pass/passed) their English exam successfully, they will be very happy. 10. If Jane stays here a little longer, she {will 8 UNIT 1 be/would be/is) late for her classes. 11. I really enjoyed the play. I wish we {go/went/will go) to the theatre more often. 12. If only John (has/had/will have) enough money to start his own business. 13. If you come home on time, we {have/will have/had) dinner together. 14. I love you so much! I wish we {are/will be/were) married! 15. If Kate {didn’t live/doesn’t live/won’t live) so far away from school, she wouldn’t have to travel to school by bus. 11 People often use various language means speaking of the same things. Describe these situations in a different way. Use the Subjunctive Mood. Example: The bus was late. As a result Sally missed the London train. — If the bus hadn’t been late, Sally wouldn’t have missed the London train. 1. Lizzy lost the money. She didn’t buy any food and that day the whole family had just bread and butter for supper. 2. Norman Simon, a famous skier, fell down and broke one of his skis. That’s why he didn’t compete with the rest of the athletes. 3. Rose had a sore throat and sang badly at the concert on Saturday. She didn’t win the prize she had hoped to win. 4. Sam was late for his first class and the Headmaster told him to come to his office in the afternoon. This was how Sam missed the most important football match of the season. 5. Jack and Anna were close friends and were going to get married. Unfortunately Jack forgot about Anna’s birthday. They had a quarrel and never got married. 6. Ms Green was walking home from the shops and was caught in the rain. She fell ill and had to stay in bed for a week. 7. Kate’s bag was stolen together with the telephone book that was in it. Kate didn’t manage to phone her prospective employer and didn’t get the job. 8. The lights went off at nine o’clock in the evening and the family didn’t watch the 9 o’clock news. 9. The weather was bad last summer and the vegetables in the garden didn’t grow big enough. 10. Jack left his project paper on the bus. He had to spend half a day going to the Lost-and-Found. 12 Choose the right form: 1. Bob failed at his exams. If he {worked/had worked) harder he wouldn’t {fail/have failed) at his exams. 2. Jane didn’t manage to buy a ticket for the RU 321 Flight. If she {managed/had managed) to buy a ticket for that flight, she would {arrive/have arrived) in London yesterday. 3. Jack wants to catch a 79 bus. If Jack {caught/had caught) a 79 bus, he wouldn’t {be late/have been late) for work. 4. It rained heavily at the weekend. If it {didn’t rain/hadn’t rained) UNIT1 at the weekend Alice would {golhave gone) on a picnic. 5. Mrs Robinson is going to buy some apples and pears. If Mrs Robinson (bought/had bought) some apples and pears we would {have/have had) fruit for lunch. 6. The shop assistant was very rude to Mrs Settles. If the shop assistant {were not/hadn’t been) rude to Mrs Settles, she wouldn’t (forget/have forgotten) to buy a birthday present for her friend. 7. John lost his keys. If John (didn’t lose/hadn’t lost) his keys, he would (get/have got) in his flat easily. 8. Alice doesn’t have enough money to buy a computer. If Alice (jhad/had had) more money, she would (buy/have bought) a computer. 9. Robert forgot to put stamps on the envelope. If Robert (didn’t forget/hadn’t forgotten) to put stamps on the envelope, the letter would (arrive/have arrived) on time. 10. Colin is not in London. If Colin (were/had been) in London, he would (help/have helped) us now. 13 Write what things (5—7) you a) would do if you were at home now; b) would have done yesterday (but you didn’t); c) wish you hadn’t done. Example: a) If I were at home now, I would play on my computer. b) I would have come home much earlier yesterday. c) I wish I hadn’t fixed the lamp to the wall. 14 Complete these dialogues: a) A: What do you say to going to the British Museum tomorrow? B: ______________________________________ A: I suggest that we meet at about ten at the entrance and do the museum together. B: ______________________________________ https://kurokam.ru A: It’s a pity you’re so short of time tomorrow. Perhaps we could do it some other day. B: ______________________________________ b) A: You really must watch Romeo and Juliet in the New Drama Theatre. B: _______________________________________________________________________ A: How strange! I thought everyone liked classics. B:_____________________________________ 10 UNIT1 А: What kind of plays do you like watching then? B: ________________________________________________________________ c) A: Have you ever thought of taking a course of Spanish? B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Actually, I think you are very good at languages and Spanish is one of the most required languages nowadays. B: ________________________________________________________________ A: Really? And what career would you like to take up? , B: ----------------------------------- . 15 Fill in the missing words and complete the sentences. down in out over 1. Certain customs are handed ... from the older generation to the younger one. 2. I have a job handing ... advertisements for a department store. 3. The teacher told the children to hand ... their exercise books. 4. The teacher handed ... books to all the pupils. 5. They handed the thief ... to the police. 6. We know you have the jewels, so hand them ... . 7. The king handed ... his authority to the par-li*unent. 8. When can you hand ... your diploma papers? 9. The gold chain has been handed ... in the family since the 18th century. 16 Express the same in English. 1. Серебряная шкатулка передавалась из поколения в поколение. 2. Старик стоял на крыльце и раздавал разноцветные воздушные шары маленьким детям. 3. Я бы хотела, чтобы в четверг вы сдали документы для проверки. 4. Джон, не раздадите ли вы письма всем солдатам? 5. Передайте, пожалуйста, вот тот компакт-диск. 6. Пожалуйста, сдавайте ключи, когда вы выезжаете из гостиницы. 7. Мама раздала нам десерт. 8. Слуга поклонился и протянул хозяину письмо. 9. Все сочинения следует сдать ко вторнику. 17 Fill in the missing verbs. get set hand run do 1. It’s half past nine. Why don’t we ... down to business? 2. I’ve ... out of money. Do you mind lending me some? 3. What a mess! We’ll 11 UNIT 1 have to ... out the place before we can use it. 4. What is it? A letter? ... it over to me now! 5. My little brother can’t ... over his fear of dogs. 6. The tourists ... out on their journey early in the morning. 7. I’ve got some new textbooks here that I want to ... out. 8. The door of the classroom opened and a rosy-cheeked bouncy boy ... in. 9. Here goes the bell. ... in your tests, please. 10. Don’t let the water ... over the bathtub. 18 Match the words and word combinations in the two columns. 1. сообразительный человек 2. глупышка 3. неважно 4. нахал 5. ревнивый приятель 6. учиться лучше всех в классе 7. назначить встречу 8. с привкусом клубники 9. обманщик 10. прикрепить цветок к стене a. to fix а meeting b. а jealous friend c. a smart person d. to be top of the class e. a cheat f. to fix a flower to the wall g. never mind h. a silly little one i. strawberry-flavoured j. a smart aleck 19 Write the same in English. Use your active vocabulary. 1. Ha улице группа ребятишек играла в футбол. 2. В Санкт-Петербурге на Сенатской площади на верху колонны можно видеть фигуру ангела. 3. Сэр Пол Картер был нем с рождения. 4. Ты не против того, чтобы починить мне сломанные часы? 5. — Мы пропустили представление. — Не беспокойся. Мы можем посмотреть его на следующей неделе. 6. Джек — самый смышленый ученик в нашем классе. 7. Этот учебник рассчитан на учащихся с очень хорошими знаниями по предмету. Думаю, студенты нашей группы не справятся с ним. 8. Джейн учится лучше всех в классе, ее ответы всегда бойкие и умные. 9. Джон говорит, что вчера на вечеринке они потрясающе провели время. 10. Хорошие учащиеся никогда не пользуются шпаргалками. 11. У супа был сильный луковый привкус. Думаю, он не пришелся тебе по вкусу. 12. Тебе нравятся компьютерные игры? 13. Ты позаботишься о моих золотых рыбках, пока меня не будет? 14. Все ребята завидовали новому велосипеду Роба. 15. Выброси этот картофель. Он сгнил. 16. Глупо было задавать этот вопрос. 17. Не вмешивайтесь не в свое дело. Она жульничала во время игры и будет наказана. 18. От той сцены в фильме у меня мороз по коже. 20 Write what they are: 1. the highest part of anything 2. damage, injury 3. a person who acts dishonestly to gain an advantage 4. peculiar taste 5. attention 6. a piece of paper with written answers to the question that could be asked (sometimes used by pupils at school) 12 UNIT 1 21 Choose the right item. 1. — I’m so sorry I’m late. — _______________________________ a) Never mind. We have plenty of time. b) Make up your mind. We have plenty of time. 2. Is it your new dress? It’s wonderful! You look so in it. a) dumb b) smart 3. I love James! He is such a ______________________man! a) terrific b) terrible 4. — Which would you like — tea or coffee? — ________________ a) I don’t take care. b) I don’t care. 5. I hate onion ___________________chips. a) favoured b) flavoured 6. Smoking can do a lot of ________________ a) good b) harm 7. Even thinking of the coming exams _ a) creeps me b) gives me the creeps 8. I don’t like Charles. I think he shows a) off b) in 9. The dog was a ___________ a) dumb b) silly 10. There’s no need to shout at the hear you. a) bottom b) top to one’s health. witness of the crime. of your voice. I can 22 Write the same in English. Use the structures to do something or to have something done. 1. Ты шьешь свои платья сама или в ателье? 2. Вчера я постригла волосы. Парикмахер, который делал мне стрижку, оказался не очень умелым. Ты только посмотри на меня. 3. — Леди Гранд очень любит свой сад и особенно розы. — Она сажает и поливает их сама или это делают для нее другие? 4. — Анна никогда не укорачивает свою одежду сама. — Куда она отправляет свою одежду, что- 13 UNIT 1 бы ее укоротить? 5. Джону вчера вырвали два зуба. 6. Брат Джейн всегда ремонтирует свою машину сам, но он не любит ее мыть. Джейн всегда моет его машину в автомойке (at the саг wash). 7. Как часто ты делаешь маникюр в парикмахерской? Как часто ты делаешь маникюр (сама)? 8. Вы чистите свою одежду в ближайшей химчистке? 9. Когда вы красили стены своего загородного дома? (2 варианта) 10. Она подстригает траву на лужайке перед домом раз в две недели. Обычно это делает сын ее соседей. 23 Маке а list of things that you’d like to have done for you. Example: I’d like to have my room cleaned. 24 Fill in the missing words where necessary. 1. If I were you, I would fix the lamp ... the shelf above your head. That would give you more light. 2. We don’t mind ... telling you the truth if you want to hear it. 3. There are very few things I could be jealous ... . 4. Please don’t show ... . We all know that you are one of our best pupils. 5. Geil doesn’t care ... music at all. 6. If you invite a group of guests, you should take care ... their comfort. 7. They say that the recent hurricane has done a lot of harm ... the crops. 8. This new medicine is sure to do ... you a world of good. 9. I thought I had got rid of my accent once and ... all. 10. Rebecca will never come back. I know it ... a fact. 11. Yesterday I saw you telling ... your little brother. What had he done? 12. A good friend will always help you if you get ... trouble. 13. I was looking for you yesterday but you had walked ... . 14. Have you made ... your mind what career to choose? 15. My father is an architect and I’d like to follow ... his footsteps. 16. My mother gets very tired when she has to work ... late hours. 17. My decision to become an engineer was influenced ... my physics teacher. 18. When I was choosing my future career, I followed ... my mother’s advice. 19. I’d like to be a clothes designer. I think I really have a bent ... this job. 25 Express the same in English. 1. Если бы Джеймс пришел ко мне вовремя, я бы передал ему эти деньги. 2. Если бы ты закрепил на стене лампу, папа вчера не читал бы свои газеты при свете свечи. 3. Если бы Колин не списывал на экзамене, его бы не наказали. 4. Если бы я не видела этот фильм ужасов раньше, у меня бы побежали от него мурашки по коже. 5. Если бы ребенок не замышлял дурного, он не убежал бы, когда мы вошли в комнату. 6. Если бы Алиса не назвала игру отвратительной, ее друзья позволили бы ей участвовать в этой игре. 7. Если бы Эндрю не завидовал своему приятелю Тони, я бы сказал, что он хороший друг. 8. Если бы у напитка не было такого 14 UNIT1 странного привкуса, мы бы выпили его до дна. 9. Если бы в детстве Джону не нравилась математика, он не стал бы инженером. 10. Если бы ты не задал столько глупых вопросов во время интервью, ты бы получил работу. 26 Write the same in English. Use your topical vocabulary. 1. Наташа хочет пойти по стопам своего отца и стать журналистом. 2. Когда я выбирал себе будущую профессию, на меня повлияла известная книга Юрия Германа о врачах. 3. Работа пожарных требует большого мужества. 4. Никто не любит изнуряющую монотонную работу, но ее тоже необходимо делать. 5. Компьютеры позволяют людям некоторых профессий работать дома. 6. Я нахожу работу сотрудника бюро путешествий (туристического агента) творческой и достаточно престижной. 7. Мой дядя — пекарь, а это занятие требует работы в ночную смену. 8. Все говорят, что у меня есть склонность к рисованию. Думаю, что я последую совету друзей и стану архитектором или дизайнером интерьера. 9. Моему старшему брату хорошо дается математика. Но он не решил, какую профессию выбрать. 10. Мои родители поощряют мое желание стать модельером. Это приносящая удовлетворение, творческая и благодарная работа. 27 Complete the sentences where necessary. 1. Linda makes her living working as ... journalist. 2. Boris can’t come out tonight. He has too much ... work to do. 3. I have taken ... job at ... hotel in ... city centre. 4. ... good boss looks after everyone in ... company. 5. I attended ... interview at ... office. 6. ... company was profitable last year. 7. One of ... most difficult decisions is choosing ... career, choosing what to do for ... living. 8. Although I am ... qualified designer I didn’t receive any offers of ... job last year. 9. John became ... employee in ... fast-food restaurant. 10. ... cause of ... fire was either ... electrical fault or ... cig- arette. 28 Open the brackets and complete the text. Too Late to Stop Andrew Smith liked the novels of a writer (1. call) David Lambourn. Andrew’s wife Sarah, the manager of a big bookshop, always (2. bring) Andrew the latest work by his favourite writer. Then one day Sarah (3. say) to her husband, “David Lambourn (4. come) to our bookshop (5. sign) copies of his new book for his admirers. (6. Be, not) that good news? A big party (7. organize) for him at the Grand Hotel and you (8. invite) as my husband.” Andrew (9. get) very happy and (10. look) forward to the day when he (11. meet) David Lambourn. On the great day at 6 p.m. Andrew (12. stand) at the door of the 15 UNIT 1 hotel room where the party just (13. begin). He (14. hope) he (15. recognize) the writer whose photograph he (16. have) for a long time. And he really (17. do). The great writer (18. talk) to his wife Sarah! What luck! Andrew (19. introduce) to the writer immediately. He wanted the great man (20. tell) him about his early days as a writer and (21. learn) that the writer’s real name was David Lamb but his agent (22. advise) him to change it. Then Andrew saw David Lambourn (23. smile). “You (24. like) (25. know) my little secret?” he asked. “When I (26. write) for twelve years already, I (27. find) out that I (28. have) no talent as a writer!” Andrew was surprised and asked why he (29. give, not) up writing. “By that time I (30. become) too famous to stop,” answered the writer. 29 Mark the right answer. (If you are not sure, look at page 96.) 1. Which is not a branch of mathematics? a. arithmetic b. semantics c. geometry d. algebra 2. What was the occupation of H. W. Longfellow? a. a university professor and a playwright b. a university professor and a journalist c. a university professor and a poet d. a university professor and a politician 3. What was the name of the mission that launched the first human into orbital flight? a. Vostok b. Gemini ('djeminai) c. Virgo ['уз:дэи] d. Soyuz 16 UNIT 1 4. Which healthcare specialist treats children? a. neurologist b. radiologist c. dermatologist d. pediatrician 5. Who formulated the theory of gravity? a. Albert Einstein ['amstain] b. Isaac Newton c. Galileo Galilei d. Mikhail Lomonosov 6. Who invented blue jeans? a. Calvin Klein [klain] b. Levi Strauss ['levi 'straus] c. Versacci d. Christian Dior ['di:o:] 7. What is the instrument used to see objects in space called? a. gyroscope b. telescope c. binoculars d. periscope 30 Read the text about Robert Lee Frost and decide what basic information is missing in it. Robert Frost (1874—1963) is one of America’s most widely read poets and a four time winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Though his verse forms are traditional, he experimented with rhythm and meter and with the poetic use of everyday speech vocabulary. 2-0. B, Лфанасьсаа. 8 КЛ. 17 UNIT1 Robert Lee Frost was born in San Francisco on March 26, 1874. After the death of Frost’s father in 1885, the family left California and settled in Massachusetts. Frost taught at school, worked in a mill and as a reporter. In 1894 he sold “My Butterfly: An Elegy” to the Independent, a New York literary journal. He attended Harvard College as a special student but left without a degree. Over the next ten years he wrote (but rarely published) poems, ran a farm and taught students. In 1912 he sold the farm and took his family to England, where he could devote himself entirely to writing. His poems got favourable reviews on both sides of the Atlantic. The Frosts returned to the United States in 1915 where Robert Frost started a long career of writing, teaching and lecturing. “The Road Not Taken”, “Birches” and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” show Frost’s ability to join the pastoral and philosophical subjects in poems of unforgettable beauty. 18 MUNITiS^:: I Ur I Education: The World of Learning 1 Listen to the interviews, 0ZI No 3, and write answers to these questions. DIALOGUE 1 1. What two things have changed at Southwark College over the years? 2. What is one of their pressing problems at the moment? DIALOGUE 2 1. In what activities were children in Mr Douglas’s school involved on Saturdays? 2. What kind of school did he go to? 3. How big were the forms in his school? 4. What was one of the subjects he specialized in when he was a sixth former? DIALOGUE S 1. Who or what helped Miss Carter to choose the teaching career? 2. When did she graduate from college? 3. How do the primary school pupils nowadays differ from the pupils of two decades ago? 4. Does Miss Carter believe that modern pupils are better or worse than the pupils of some time ago? DIALOGUE 4 1. Is Mrs Armstrong a teacher or a parent? 2. What are Ruth’s (Mrs Armstrong’s daughter’s) plans for the future? 3. What modern languages is Ruth learning? 4. What is Mrs Armstrong displeased with? 2 Listen to the text “School Report”, ЕБ No 4, and mark the aspects in which John has improved his French. https://kurokam.ru John has improved in 1. French phonetics 2. the vocabulary of the language 3. French Grammar 4. attendance of French classes 5. spelling 6. his attitude toward French 7. punctuation 2* 19 UNIT 2 3 A. Read the text “Budgeting Your Time” and decide if this method of time budgeting is effective. Budgeting Your Time Schools are set up to teach many subjects and many skills. How will you budget your time? This question is often the hardest one for pupils to answer. Not all study assignments are pleasant and it is human to want to put off dull or difficult assignments. When such things are postponed, time always seems to run out before they are done. If you really want to be a good pupil, you must budget time for your studies. The best way is to do the school assignments first and devote the time left over to other enjoyable but less important activities. Although it will be difficult to start with study, you will have more fun after your work is done. Then you can enjoy yourself without worrying that you won’t have time for your homework. In planning your time, you might sit down and list all the activities in which you are engaged. For example your goal may be a better grade in history, but history is only a part of your schoolwork. Perhaps you also practise a musical instrument, and play for the school basketball team. Once you have listed all your activities, put a number beside each one: “1” for the most important, “2” for the next most important, and so on. This is called setting priorities, and it is a very important part of planning. If you know ahead of time what is most important, and you pay attention to that activity first, chances are that you will succeed in accomplishing your aims. If you choose an ambitious study goal, you will soon understand that it will have to be high on your list of priorities if it is to be reached. If study is always left until last, and if it gets left out altogether when time is short, then no planning is likely to help you to reach your goal. Another important thing is to stick to a plan. There are two kinds of planners: the first likes to make a plan but never follows through. The second makes plans so that he can accomplish them. The first kind of planner usually ends up disappointed in himself or looking for someone to blame. The second kind knows that a plan is no better than its execution. The successful planner is the one who actually sticks to the plan and reaches his goal. B. Guess what these words and word combinations mean. 1) Budgeting time is a) planning the way you will spend your time b) spending your time 20 UNIT 2 2) An assignment is a) work you must do as part of a course of study b) an examination you must sit as part of a course of study 3) ‘To postpone’ means a) to decide that something will be done on time b) to decide that something will not be done at the time when it was planned for, but at a later time 4) A goal is a) something that you have achieved b) something that you hope to achieve 5) A grade is a) a letter or numbers that show the quality of a student’s work b) a student’s reputation 6) Setting priorities is a) deciding what must be done first or needs more attention b) doing first of all the things that need more attention or must be done as soon as possible 7) Accomplishing your aim is a) not succeeding in doing something b) succeeding in doing something 8) An ambitious goal is a) a difficult goal that will need a lot of effort to succeed b) a new goal you want to reach 9) ‘To stick to a plan’ means a) to do things according to a plan b) to plan things ahead 10) Execution of a plan is a) making plans for something that you want to do b) completing something that you have planned 4 Translate the last two paragraphs of the text with a dictionary (Ex. 3, p. 19). 5 Write a page about your method of time budgeting. 21 UNIT 2 6 Read the text and make it complete with the help of the derivatives that are formed from the words written on the right. Fill the table at the end of the task. If you ask almost any 1. in Britain what he or she thinks of the situation in the school today, you will receive 2. _____________answers. Ask parents and you will find they are full of 3.________________Ask the Government and you will be faced with 4. __________________________________, commissions, 6____________ 5. alterations to _, and a mass __Ask of rules and 7. __________________________________ 8. ________________and you will discover that more children are leaving school with better 9. ___________________ than ever before. Ask the children, and 10. _____________________________________ you will hear 11. ________________________________verdicts. teach vary confuse propose investigate end regulate statistic qualify natural contradict 1. teacher 7 Choose the best endings to match the beginnings. 1. Alan wouldn’t be sleepy if 2. Bob wouldn’t have become a good surgeon if ... 3. Sam would have written the essay without mistakes if ... a. she had taken a camping trip in the Rocky Mountains. b. he had managed to buy a ticket for the flight. c. he had followed the doctor’s advice. 22 UNIT 2 4. Alice would know more d. he hadn’t stayed too long at about the USA now if ... Paul’s party. 5. Jane would have won in the e. she had trained more during race if ... the year. 6. William would have received f. he were more reliable. a regular job if ... g. he had spent more of his time 7. Harry would have watched studying. the comedy for the second h. he hadn’t worked hard at the time if ... university. 8. Boris would have recovered i. he had money to buy a tick- already if ... et. 9. Ted would be at the seaside if ... 10. Polly wouldn’t be thirsty j. she had had some juice before. now if ... 8 Choose the right form to complete the sentences. 1. If Harry {weren’t/hadn’t been) a wizard, he wouldn’t {be able/have been able) to do the things he could. 2. If Alice {didn’t take/hadn’t taken) a tablet, she would {have/have had) a splitting headache now. 3. But for the queue. Bob would {buy/have bought) a ticket for a football match yesterday. 4. If Ann {made/had made) notes during the lectures in winter, she would {be able/have been able) to use those materials for her exams tomorrow. 5. If your aunt {didn’t enrol/ hadn’t enrolled) you at that nearby school, you would {have/have had) to go to school by bus. 6. If Jane {weren’t/hadn’t been) a real witch now, she wouldn’t {be/have been) able to turn people into animals so often. 7. If John {didn’t vanish/hadn’t vanished) so unexpectedly, I would {explain/have explained) to him all the complicated things then. 8. Mr Adams is not a very popular teacher. If he {didn’t drone/ hadn’t droned) on at his lessons, his pupils would {listen/have listened) to him attentively. 9. If they didn’t have a habit of messing around in class, they would always {know/have known) what answer to give. 10. If the door {didn’t squeak/hadn’t squeaked) when you were leaving the room, you wouldn’t {wake/have woken) the baby. 9 Write possible endings to complete the sentences. 1. But for Mother’s help ... 2. But for the teacher’s explanation ... 3. But for Father’s advice ... 4. But for my friend’s criticism ... 5. But for Granny’s absence ... 6. But for my uncle’s visit ... 7. But for my granddad ... 8. But for the family’s decision ... 23 UNIT 2 10 Think for the proper But for ... beginnings and write 10 sentences about yourseif. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I wouldn’t have come to school on time. I wouldn’t have understood the text. I wouldn’t have won the game. I wouldn’t have agreed. I wouldn’t have become hungry soon. I would be happier. I would have bought some flowers. I wouldn’t have managed to make a pie. I would have felt embarrassed. I would be able to fix my bike. 11 Express the same in Engiish. A. 1. a) Если бы я увидела Джона завтра, я бы поговорила с ним. Ь) Если бы я увидела Джона вчера на вечеринке, я бы поговорила с ним. 2. а) Если бы у меня было время, я бы помогла тебе. Но у меня нет времени сейчас. Ь) Если бы у меня было время на прошлой неделе, я бы помогла тебе. 3. а) Если бы у Сью были деньги, она бы купила себе компьютер, но у нее сейчас нет денег. Ь) Если бы у Сью были деньги в прошлом месяце, она бы купила себе компьютер. 4. а) Если бы Анна поехала в Италию в следующем месяце, она бы посетила Рим. Ь) Если бы Анна поехала в Италию, она бы посетила Рим, но она поехала на отдых в Испанию. B. Он бы не позволил ей разговаривать с ним подобным образом, если бы не ее преклонный возраст. 2. Если бы не сильный привкус лука, я бы попробовала основное блюдо. 3. Если бы не забота и любовь родителей, я бы не смог справиться со всеми трудностями. 4. Если бы не ее британский акцент, я бы приняла ее за американку во время нашей первой встречи. 5. Если бы не шпаргалка, Алекс не справился бы с контрольной. 6. Если бы Джон не прикрепил значок на рубашку, я бы не узнал, что он участник конференции. 7. Если бы он не вмешивался в дела других, он бы не раздражал так своих друзей. 8. Если бы не новое расписание, она бы не пропустила занятия в пятницу. 9. Если бы не ее глупый ответ, они бы приняли другое решение. 10. Если бы наши мальчики не «рисовались», а играли бы иначе, мы бы выиграли эти соревнования. C. 1. Я не знала тогда, что делать. А что бы ты сделал на моем месте? 2. Если бы ты пошел с нами завтра, ты бы увидел много интересного. 3. Если бы Джон вчера пришел к нам, я бы представила его родителям. 4. Если бы мы знали, что он вернется в пять, мы бы пришли сюда раньше. 5. Если бы я не знал о твоей тайне, я бы не догадался, кто ты. 6. Если бы я была на твоем месте, я бы так не поступила. 7. Если бы я была там прошлым летом, я 24 UNIT 2 бы сделала это иначе. 8. На твоем месте я бы уже давно спросила дядю об этом. 9. Если бы у меня была такая сестра, я бы гордилась ею. 10. Если бы не ее отказ, мы бы завтра решили эту проблему. 12 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the adverb in brackets. 1. Since my cousin moved away, I see him ... than I did before, {frequently) 2. I meet Arnold only once a month. I see him ... of all my friends, (rarely) 3. Of all the girls, Mary dresses ... . (beautifully) 4. Of all the people in the queue Mr Hansen waited for the bus .... He never said a word of complaint, (patiently) 5. I like it when Jane does the washing-up. She washes the plates ... than I do. (carefully) 6. Bob arrived at 11. I wish he had arrived ... . (early) 7. James runs ... than Gerald. He runs ... of all of us in fact, (fast) 8. Of all my friends he lives ... to my block of flats, (near) 9. David always sings ... of all. (loudly) 10. Polly’s eyes are not very good. From this distance you can see ... than her. (clearly) 11. There have been a few sunny days in April, but today the sun shines ... of all. (brightly) 12. ... or ... everyone in your class will choose a career for themselves, (soon, late) 13. Saying “Thanks” is just not enough. Can’t you thank your auntie ...? (politely) 14. Lucy is a slow thinker but her little sister Annie thinks even ... . (slowly) 15. Why don’t you come to see me ...? I miss you. (often) 13 Express the same in English. 1. He могли бы вы сказать мне поточнее, как добраться до железнодорожной станции? 2. Кто из вас живет ближе всех к школе? 3. Ну-ка, кто добежит до угла быстрее всех? (Соте on ...) 4. Пожалуйста, несите этот ящик осторожнее, в нем стеклянные вещи. 5. Том придумал, как решить нашу проблему умнее всех. 6. Девушка-продавец мило улыбнулась мне и быстро пошла к полкам. 7. Скажите это погромче, пожалуйста. Я вас не слышу. 8. Посмотри, Джейн дышит тяжелее всех. Я думаю, она мало тренировалась. 9. Стив водит машину очень рискованно. Не хотел бы я быть его пассажиром. 10. Я живу в этом городе дольше всех и знаю о нем больше вас. 14 Complete these dialogues writing the pupil’s questions. Use expressions from Social English Section (Textbook, p. 65—66). 1. P:________________________________________________________________? T: I don’t think it is necessary. You can answer sitting at your desk. 2. P:________________________________________________________________? T: Yes, please. It is very dark in the classroom. 25 UNIT 2 26 3. P: T: Yes, you can use the verbal phrase “to sit for an exam” instead of “to take an exam”. 4. P: T: Yes, there are two p’s in the word Mississippi and don’t forget that s is doubled in both cases. 5. P: T: No, that’s not a mistake. You can say “Do you mind my opening the window?” as well as “Do you mind me opening the window?” 6. 7. T: Sorry, it’s certainly your turn. Go on reading, please. P:____________________________________________________________________? T: All right. I’m repeating it for the third time. The future tense is not used in clauses of time and condition. 8. P: T: Do you really think that this is a good excuse? You have always been a sound sleeper. You should give up the habit of sleeping long hours in the morning. 9. P: T: Yes, please. Do you know where they keep chalk? It’s downstairs, room 3. 10. P; T: Oh, dear, oh, dear. Will an aspirin help? But in my opinion the best way is to consult a doctor. 11. P: T: Absolutely. Both ways are correct. You can say “Put on your coat” as well as “Put your coat on”. 12. P: 13. 14. T: If you are through with the translation, start reading the text “Education in Australia”. P:_________________________________________________________________? T: No, you are supposed to do it in class. P:_________________________________________________________________? T: I think you can if it is really absolutely necessary to have your Maths class so short. 15. P; T: Change your seat then. Sitting at the front desk you’ll be able to see the blackboard very well indeed. UNIT 2 15 Which is the right verb to fill in hand or break? 1. The teacher asked the pupil on duty to ... out the essays. 2. “Are your papers finished? It’s time you should ... them in,” said Mr Adams. 3. It was late night, our car was ... down, we couldn’t repair it and didn’t know what to do. 4. The skill of making pottery was ... down from generation to generation. 5. The police ... down the door and rushed into the entrance hall. 6. I asked one of the boys to ... out the copies to the class. 7. World War II ... out in 1939. 8. Our television hasn’t ... down since it was fixed. 9. In the year 2000 a terrible epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease ... out in Europe. 10. Under the weight of lorries the old wooden bridge ... down. Luckily there were no victims of the accident. 16 Express the same in English. 1. He сдавайте контрольные работы сейчас, если вы не закончили. Вы сможете продолжить работу во время следующего урока. 2. Раздайте карандаши всем ученикам класса. 3. Вора передали в руки полиции. 4. Завтра принцесса будет раздавать подарки в детской больнице. 5. В большинстве многодетных семей одежда переходит от старших братьев и сестер к младшим (передается младшим братьям и сестрам). 6. Спустя месяц он согласился передать ферму семье Дэвидсон. 7. Когда вы уезжаете из гостиницы, оставляйте ключ у администратора (at the desk). 8. Их вынудили передать деньги господину Прэтчетту (Mr Pratchett). 17 Fill in the right words to complete the sentences. 1. Sam broke ... laughter at the sight of his favourite comedian. 2. They had to switch off the electricity in the village because of the thunderstorm that broke ... last night. 3. I know that your car is broken ... . Would you like to use mine? 4. What do you mean by breaking ... my house in the middle of the night when everyone is in bed and asleep? 5. The government should try to break ... from the old ways of raising money. 6. I didn’t want anyone to know what I felt, but when my friends left I broke ... and wept. 7. Don’t let him break ..., we’ll never be able to catch him again. 8. In the 17th century plague, a very dangerous disease, broke ... in Europe. 18 Ask the same questions in English and answer them. 1. В каком возрасте начинается и кончается обязательное образование в Англии? ... 2. Какие школы посещают большинство детей в Британии? ... 3. Существуют ли в Англии частные платные школы? ... 4. Какие школы имеют название «ПАВЛИК СКУЛЗ» в Британии и США? ... 5. Какой экзамен сдают английские школьники в возрасте 16 лет? ... 6. Кто обычно учится в шестом классе? ... 7. Что обозначает буква «А» в названии экзамена “A-level”? ... 27 UNIT 2 8. Сдают ли английские школьники экзамены, когда они заканчивают начальную школу и поступают в первый класс средней школы? ... 9. Носят ли учащиеся британских школ школьную форму? ... 10. Что, на твой взгляд, является наиболее интересным в британской системе образования? ... 19 Маке up English sentences with the following words and word combinations. 1. обязательное образование 2. выпускник школы 3. ученик 3 класса 4. экзамен на получение сертификата о среднем образовании 5. школа-интернат 6. платная школа 7. актовый зал 8. кабинет директора школы 9. столовая 10. учительская 11. кабинет естественных наук 12. химическая лаборатория 20 Fill in the articles (a, the, zero) to complete the text. 1. ... pupils at 2. ... most secondary schools in 3. ... Britain have to wear 4. ... school uniform. This usually means 5. ... white blouse, 6. ... dark-coloured skirt and 7. ... pullover for 8. ... girls. 9. ... boys wear 10. ... shirt and 11. ... tie, 12. ... dark trousers and 13. ... dark-coloured pullovers. 14. ... pupils of both sexes wear 15. ... blazers — 16. ... kind of jacket — with 17. ... school badge on 18. ... pocket. They often have to wear some kind of hat on 19. ... way to and from 20. ... school. 21. ... shoes are usually black or brown. 21 Write study or learn to complete the lines: 1) to ... how to ride, 2) to ... the prayer by heart, 3) to ... the planets of the solar system, 4) to ... Greek, 5) to ... French in the kindergarten, 6) to ... from other people’s mistakes, 7) to ... archaeology, 8) to ... how to swim, 9) to ... the lines for the school play, 10) to ... philosophy, 11) to ... wildlife, 12) to ... some facts of the actor’s life 22 Express the same in English. 1. Кто записал тебя в эту школу — папа или мама? 2. В это время года доктора часто предостерегают нас от простуды. 3. Ты тоже стоишь в этой очереди за пирожными? 4. Был жаркий летний 28 UNIT 2 день. Пчелы гудели, летая над цветами. 5. Где живут ведьмы и колдуны? 6. Не валяй дурака. Займись делом. 7. Она приняла лекарство, но оно не принесло ей облегчения (оно не уменьшило боль). 8. Если бы ты не исчез тогда в толпе, ты бы увидел вместе с нами потрясающее (terrific) шоу. 9. В школах-интернатах дети спят в общих спальнях. 10. Не щекочи меня. Я не люблю этого (я терпеть этого не могу). 11. Эти птицы — редкие гости в нашей округе. 12. Пол скрипнул, и ребенок проснулся. 13. Было жарко, и в городе стояли очереди за мороженым и газированной водой (soda water). 14. Мышонок пискнул и бросился наутек. 15. Мне кажется, что он пытается навязать нам свое мнение. 16. Текст, который мы будем читать, написан современным философом. 17. С чувством облегчения я вспомнил о том, что экзамены уже миновали. 18. Он может часами зудеть о том, как нужно себя вести. 19. Я не люблю этот новый белый свитер. Он раздражает мне кожу. 20. Я подумываю о том, чтобы записаться на курсы французского языка. 21. Я знаю, что всегда могу получить от родителей надежный совет. 22. Я только что видел Криса. Когда же он испарился? 23. По привычке я все еще встаю в шесть утра, хотя теперь в этом нет необходимости. 24. Класс в ужасном беспорядке, я не начну занятие, пока вы не уберете его. 25. Я редко вспоминаю события прошлого года. Воспоминания приносят слишком много боли. 23 Write what animals produce such sounds: a. squeaking d. growling g. buzzing j. quacking b. cackling e. hissing h. twittering k. barking c. droning f. croaking i. neighing 1. howling 24 Express the same in English. 1. Волки воют. 2. Собаки лают. 3. Змеи шипят. 4. Куры квохчут. 5. Воробьи чирикают, б. Кошки мяукают. 7. Коровы мычат. 8. Львы рычат. 9. Цыплята пищат. 10. Гуси гогочут. 11. Пчелы жужжат. 12. Поросята хрюкают. 13. Вороны каркают. 14. Голуби воркуют. 15. Овцы блеют. 25 Express the same in Russian. 1. His plan went wrong. 2. The differences go deep. 3. The milk in the jug went sour. 4. Caroline went red in the face. 5. Little John goes sick each autumn. 6. When Paul heard the news he went mad. 7. Alas! My hair is going grey. 8. At the sight of the dead bird Lucy went white. 9. When did India go free? 10. The new project didn’t go right from the very beginning. 29 UNIT 2 26 Insert the right articles (a or the) where necessary to make the sentences complete. 1. My dream has always been to travel round ... world. 2. If only I had visited ... National Gallery when I was in London! 3. ... USA and ... Canada take up almost all ... continent of ... North America. 4. I like ... frosty weather when ... ground is covered in ... snow and crunches under your feet. 5. I’ve only come to ask for ... advice. 6. Peter writes ... strangest kind of music one can imagine. 7. He is ... criminal and ... place of ... criminal is in ... prison. 8. When is ... next train for London? 9. Do you know where ... Alps are situated? And what about ... Mount Elbrus? 10. ... actors starring in ... film we saw yesterday are all very popular. 11. Only much later they bought ... small house on ... shore of ... lake. 12. Where’s ... letter we got yesterday? I can’t see it on ... desk. 27 A. What is another way of saying it? 1) a nursery school — a kindergarten 2) a mixed school — 3) to finish school — 4) the teachers’ room — 5) to sit an exam — 6) to take A-level exams — 7) to study a subject — 8) to mark and grade a pupil’s paper — 9) to get ready for an exam — 10) not to pass an exam — 11) a summer vacation — 12) to attend school — B. What is the opposite? 1) to be at school — to leave school 2) independent schools — 3) day schools — 4) classroom activities — 5) weekdays — 6) to pass an exam — 7) boys’/girls’ schools — 8) to miss a class — 28 Insert the right articles (a or the) where necessary to make the sentences complete. Lucy began to walk forward over (1) ... snow and through (2) ... wood towards (3) ... light. In about ten minutes she reached it and found it was (4) ... lamp-post. As she stood looking at it, wondering why there was (5) ... lamp-post in (6) ... middle of (7) ... wood, she heard (8) ... sound of (9) ... feet coming towards her. And soon after 30 UNIT 2 that (10) ... strange person stepped out from among (11) ... trees into (12) ... light of (13) ... lamp-post. He was only (14) ... little taller than Lucy herself and he carried over his head (15) ... umbrella, white with (16) ... snow. From (17) ... waist upwards he was like (18) ... man, but his legs were shaped like (19) ... goat’s. (20) ... hair on them was glossy black and instead of (21) ... feet he had hooves. He also had (22) ... tail, but it was neatly caught up over (23) ... arm that held (24) ... umbrella so as to keep it from trailing in (25) ... snow. He had (26) ... red wood- en scarf round his neck and (27) ... skin of his face was rather reddish too. He had (28) ... strange but pleasant little face, with (29) ... short pointed beard and (30) ... curly hair, and out of (31) ... hair there stuck two horns, one of each side of his forehead. One of his hands held (32) ... umbrella: in (33) ... other he carried several brown paper parcels. With (34) ... parcels and (35) ... snow it looked just as if he had been doing his Christmas shopping. He was (36) ... faun. And when he saw Lucy he gave such (37) ... start of surprise that he dropped all (38) ... parcels. “Goodness gracious me!” exclaimed (39) ... faun. {After C. S. Lewis) 29 Use the right verb forms to complete the text. Lucy thought she (1. be) never in a nicer place. The tea the faun (2. give) her (3. be) wonderful. While Lucy (4. drink) it and (5. eat) a lovely sugar-topped cake, the faun (6. talk). Then he (7. take) a strange little flute and (8. begin) playing. And the tune he (9. play) made Lucy (10. want) to cry and laugh and dance and dance and sleep at the same time. At last she (11. shake) herself and said: “Oh, Mr Tumnus — I’m so sorry to stop you, and I do love that tune — but really, I must go home. I only (12. mean) to stay for a few minutes.” “It’s no good now, you know,” said the faun, and (13. lay) down its Jlute and (14. shake) its head. “No good?” said Lucy, (15. jump) up and (16. feel) rather frightened. 31 UNIT 2 “What you (17. mean)'! I’ve got to go home at once.” But a moment later she asked, “What on earth you (18. cry) about?” “Oh-oh-oh!” (19. sob) Mr Tumnus. “I (20. cry) because I am such a bad faun.” “I (21. not think) you’re a bad faun. I think you (22. be) the nicest faun I (23. meet) ever.” “Oh-oh you (24. not say) that if you (25. know),” replied Mr Tumnus between his sobs. “No, I am a bad faun.” “But what you (26. do)?” asked Lucy. “I (27. take) service under the White Witch.” “The White Witch? Who (28. be) she?” “Why, why she (29. have) got all the country under her thumb. She (30. make) it always winter. Always winter and never Christmas; (31. think) of that!” “How awful!” said Lucy. 30 See if you can guess the real meaning of these break idioms and match the idioms with the phrases explaining them. Make up a short story with as many of them as you can. 1. to break the ice 2. to break one’s heart 3. to break a record 4. to break a promise 5. to break one’s head over sth 6. to break with smb 7. to break bread with smb a. to make a new record b. not to do what you have promised to do c. to make people feel relaxed and comfortable d. to eat a meal with smb e. to end a friendship f. to think hard about sth g. to make smb very sad and unhappy 32 UNIT 2 31 Think of Russian equivalents to these two English sayings. The explanations below can help you. 1. The last straw broke the camel’s back. (Although it is not important in itself, it happens after a series of unpleasant or annoying events, and makes you angry or makes you want to give up what you are doing.) 2. You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. (There are some things that cannot be done without taking the necessary trouble or making the necessary sacrifice.) 32 Choose the right answer. 1. How many inches are there in a square foot? a) 60 b) 125 c) 85 d) 144 2. Which one of the seven wonders of the ancient world can still be visited? a) the Hanging Gardens of Babylonia l.bsebi'bunja] b) the statue of the Olympian Zeus lzju:s| c) the Pyramids I'pirsmidz] of Egypt d) the Colossus of Rhodes (ka'losss av 'raudzj 3. What is the English Channel? a) a narrow part of the Atlantic Ocean b) a narrow part of the Arctic Ocean c) a narrow part of the Pacific Ocean d) a narrow part of the Indian Ocean 4. According to the proverb, which city “wasn’t built in a day”? a) Paris b) New York c) Rome d) Madrid 5. Sophocles ['sof3kli:z], the Greek playwright, wrote a) 'Antigone' [asn'tigani] c) 'Romeo and Juliet’ b) 'Julius Caesar’ d) 'King Lear’ 6. Where are the Apennine Mountains? a) Spain b) France c) Italy d) Switzerland 7. Who said, “He who opens the school door, closes the prison”? a) Charles Dickens c) Eugene O’Neil b) Victor Hugo I’hjirgau] d) Oscar Wilde 8. Which character was created by Lewis Carroll? a) Tom Sawyer c) Alice b) Sherlock Holmes d) Frankenstein [’fraenkanstam] 3 O. B. Афанасьева, 8 a 33 ^sliNIT 3 Shopping: The World of Money 1 Listen to the dialogues, No 5, and answer the following questions. DIALOGUE 1 1. What is Robert Taylor’s job? 2. Why has he been invited to the boutique? 3. What is the boutique going to sell? 4. In what way is the new boutique different from the other shops in the area? DIALOGUE 2 1. What are the pupils discussing? 2. Does Bob support this idea? What are his arguments? 3. Does Celia support it? What are her arguments? 4. What do the pupils decide to do in the end? DIALOGUE 3 1. Why has the customer come to the bank? 2. Why does the customer pay the bank ten pounds? 3. What questions does the customer ask the bank clerk? 4. What does the clerk ask the customer to do? DIALOGUE 4 1. Why does Tom Westwood call Roger Farber? 2. When was the Ford made? 3. How much does Roger Farber want for the car? 4. What do Tom Westwood and Roger Farber agree to do? 2 Listen to the text “Vicky’s Monologue”, No 6, and decide why she cannot buy a car. a. Vicky visits shops too often. b. Vicky’s strategy of shopping is not very wise. c. Vicky’s salary is too small. d. Vicky doesn’t know how to budget her money. 3 Read the text and choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. American Culture Is Everywhere 1. The rich American culture has spread far and wide across the world. Disney now runs theme parks on three continents; McDonald’s restaurants can be found everywhere; the Marlboro man sells cigarettes throughout Europe, Latin America and Asia; American sports, music and movie stars are the most recognized people in the world; American TV shows such as “Friends”, “ER”, and “The Simpsons” are dubbed into dozens of languages. 34 UNIT 3 2. Today American culture can be found in almost every country. But the question is: is the United States opening opportunities to people around the world, or destroying local cultures and customs? And what made American culture to be so dominant? 3. American culture has spread mostly as a result of trade. Companies like McDonald’s, Nike and Coca-Cola export their products, and with them American culture, because they want to make more money. 4. This expansion in trade is largely the result of breaking trade barriers between countries. Once most governments tried to protect and isolate their country’s economy from the global marketplace, but now they rush to participate in global trading. 5. This global trade has both advantages and disadvantages. Supporters of trade argue that it creates jobs, as the large global market needs more workers to produce more goods. Global trade also results in economic growth. For example, countries such as Hong Kong and Taiwan have dramatically increased their average incomes per person by trading globally. Opponents of globalization, in their turn, say that powerful multinational economy has a lot to offer, leaving poorer opportunities to national companies. They also speak against global uniformity for regional and cultural differences. a. GLOBAL TRADING: PROS AND CONS b. WILLING TO BE PART OF THE MARKET c. THE FUTURE OF GLOBAL TRADING d. NEW AMERICAN EXPANSION e. SPREADING ABOUT BY MEANS OF TRADE f. MORE HARM THAN GOOD? 3* 35 UNIT 3 4 Translate the last two paragraphs of the text (Ex. 3) with a dictionary. 5 Write out of the text “American Culture Is Everywhere” 20 international words. 6 Read the text and make it complete with the help of the derivatives that are formed from the words written on the right. Fill in the table at the end of the task. Concerns about Globalization It has been claimed that global trade encourages 1. ________________________________________ damage. 2. 3. nations often exploit their environment in an effort to export to the global market. 4. ______________ there is the worry that 5. _________________________________leads to cultural 6. ___________________________________________Rather than produce a greater choice of products in each nation, 7. _______________trade may lead to the world 8. __________________ blandly similar. Multinational 9. _____________promote the same products the world over. environment develop reckless natural globalize degradate globe become corporate 1. environmental 3. 5. 9. 7 Choose the right form to complete the sentences. 1. It happened a couple of years ago if my memory serves me {right/rightly). 2. The word “cute” is nowadays {wide/widely) used in British English. 3. {Most/Mostly) of my friends are my classmates. 36 UNIT 3 4. Have you been abroad (late/lately)! 5. The girl’s eyes opened (wide/widely), she didn’t believe me. 6. I hate coming to school (late/lately), I always feel uncomfortable when I do. 7. Modern planes travel (high/highly) above the clouds. 8. Unfortunately I’ve spent (near/nearly) all my pocket money. 9. — What kind of man is Jim? — I’m afraid I (hard/hardly) know him. 10. The film was (high/highly) praised by the jury. 11. Only by working (hard/hardly) you can make good working progress. 12. I hope this time the translation is (right/rightly) done. 8 Express the same in English. 1. Tom живет дальше всех от школы, поэтому ему приходится вставать раньше всех. 2. Говорят, что наша соседка сильно больна. Мне так жаль ее. 3. Никто не может написать мою фамилию правильно. 4. Первых появившихся в Европе утконосов несправедливо считали подделкой (а fake). 5. Подожди меня, я уже почти закончил задание. 6. Надеюсь, я не так плохо написал тест. 7. Баскетболист должен уметь высоко прыгать. 8. Этот новый женский журнал широко рекламируется. 9. Кто знает тебя лучше, чем твои собственные родители? 10. Надеюсь, вас правильно проинформировали. 9 Express the same in English. Use the forms of the verbs can and manage. 1. — Сколько брюк ты смогла отутюжить вчера? — Четверо, но я не смогла отгладить блузку. Что-то случилось с утюгом. 2. Мы смогли найти номер его мобильного телефона, но не смогли поговорить с ним. Телефон был выключен. 3. Наконец я смогла посмотреть «Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната», однако, я не смогла понять, почему этот фильм настолько популярен. 4. После долгих переговоров мы смогли выработать соглашение. 5. Сколько страниц вы смогли перевести? 6. Маленькая девочка не смогла найти дорогу домой. 7. Задание было трудным, и Том не смог его выполнить. 8. Ты смогла ответить на все вопросы учителя? 9. Я не смогла купить кроссовки своему сыну. В магазине были только маленькие размеры. 10. Ты смог решить задачу сам или тебе помогали? 10 Express the same in English. 1. Джон не смог сходить в булочную. Он поздно вернулся. 2. Ты смогла выбрать подарки своему младшему брату на день рождения? 3. Я не смогла перевести статью без словаря. 4. Бетти смогла купить скрепки в магазине канцелярских принадлежностей? 5. В магазине было много людей, но Эндрю смог сделать покупки довольно быстро. 6. В комнате было шумно, и Энн не смогла сконцентрироваться на задании. 7. Ты смог купить лекарство? Где оно? 8. Ты смогла вчера проснуться рано, не так ли? 9. На что он смог потратить свои карманные деньги? 10. Маленький Сэм пытался бежать быстрее, но не мог. 37 UNIT 3 11 Translate these sentences into Russian. 1. — I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow. — It may rain all day. — Oh, I doubt it. It might be cloudy, but it definitely won’t rain. 2. — I wonder where Sally is. — She might be playing on the computer. 3. Can I borrow your pen? 4. (In a restaurant.) Excuse me, may I borrow the salt, sir? 5. In England you are not allowed to smoke in most restaurants. 6. Mum, could I wear your ring to the party? 7. You can watch television if you want. 8. You may smoke when the plane has taken off. 9. Can you dance a waltz? 10. When my elder brother was three, he could read easily. 11. Last year I was able to beat Doris at ping-pong. 12 Copy out the sentences which mean the same as the phrases in the left-hand column. 1. It’s possible that Nick doesn’t go to a private school any more. a. Nick may not attend a private school now. b. Nick can’t attend a private school now. 2. It is not possible that the boys are six. They look much older. a. The boys may not be six. b. The boys can’t be six. 3. I think I’ll go out, but it’s very unlikely. a. I may go out. b. I might go out. 4. I’m almost sure that moving to a new school is a very stressful experience. a. Moving to a new school may be very stressful. b. Moving to a new school might be very stressful. 13 Express the same in English. I. Можно взять еще одно печенье, бабушка? 2. Господин Браун, а мне можно остаться чуть подольше? 3. Ричард сказал, что мы можем взять его велосипед. 4. Нам нельзя было (нам не позволили) идти на вечеринку одним. 5. Могу я помочь вам с вашими сумками? 6. У Джейн не было билета, и она не смогла войти (ей не позволили). 7. Он может прийти вовремя, но я думаю, он опоздает. 8. Возможно, немного торта осталось. Пойду и посмотрю. 9. Маленький Джимми сейчас может читать очень хорошо, но пять месяцев назад он не мог. 10. Мамочка, можно еще шоколадку? II. Я заблудилась в незнакомом городе и смогла найти нужную мне 38 UNIT 3 улицу только к вечеру. 12. В нашем древнем городе туристы могут увидеть собор и церкви XVII—XIX веков. 13. Мы не сумеем объяснить Ричарду причину своего отъезда. 14. Может быть завтра я схожу в кино со своей подругой. 15. Как ты мог нарушить обещание?! 16. Завтра может снова пойти дождь. 14 Write the beginnings to these conversations. 1. Shop assistant: Customer: Thank you. I’m just looking about. 2. Shop assistant: Customer: I’d like to pay by card. 3. Shop assistant: Customer: Yes. Where is the fitting room, please? 4. Shop assistant: Customer: I wear size 10 in clothes. 5. Shop assistant: ___________________________________ Customer: And what colours does the sweater come in? 6. Shop assistant: Customer: I’m looking for a pair of gloves. 7. Shop assistant: Customer: The suit is too loose on me. 8. Shop assistant: Customer: Have you got Japanese umbrellas at a reasonable price? 15 Look through the explanations of the phrasal verb to come in your textbook and fill in the missing words to complete the text. The other day while reading an English book I came ... a word I couldn’t understand. I looked it up in the dictionary but the word wasn’t there. Then I decided to ask for help and called Mike, my good friend. Mike was at home as he had come ... with a cold a few days before. He was glad to help me but asked me to show him the text. I was invited to come ... after work, which I did. Mike met me in the hall. I was taking off my coat and saw that my brooch had come ... it, evidently in the bus or in the street. I went white — the thing was rather expensive and it had been given to me by my granny. Mike saw that my spirits had fallen. “What came ... you?” he asked. I explained. Mike decided to open the door and have a look at the landing. And there it was just in the middle of the doormat. 39 UNIT 3 16 Express the sentences in English. Use the phrasal verb to come. 1. Что нашло на него вчера? Он разрешил всем пользоваться своим компьютером. 2. Джон сказал, что он может зайти около шести. 3. Эмма наткнулась на очень необычные счета, просматривая файлы своей помощницы. 4. Не думаю, что смогу принять участие в конференции. Я заболеваю. 5. У меня оторвалась пуговица от куртки в то время, как я перелезал через стену. 6. Вам следует объяснить это слово детям. Они с ним никогда не встречались. 7. От старой жилетки моего брата оторвалась кнопка. 8. Бетти простыла и слегла. У нее высокая температура. 9. Сойди с травы. По ней нельзя ходить. 10. Не знаю, что на него нашло, он не хочет заглянуть к нам ненадолго. 17 Write down the names of these garments and their details. 40 UNIT 3 18 These are some names of clothes and accessories in British English. Match them with their American equivalents. BrE 1. tights 2. a vest 3. a waistcoat 4. trousers 5. a bathing costume 6. trainers 7. tails (a tailcoat) 8. a handbag AmE a. sneakers b. a vest c. a swimsuit d. a purse e. pants f. a panty hose g. a tuxedo [tAk'siidou] h. an undershirt 19 Complete the sentences by using the right prepositions and adverbs where necessary. 1. Button ... your coat, dear, it’s quite cold outside. 2. I had a terrible day yesterday, but burning my hand in the evening put the lid ... it. 3. The child took no notice ... me and continued hopping on one foot. 4. The film was hilarious and we all shrieked ... laughter. 5. I don’t like buying things ... credit. 6. Sir, can I ask you to fill ... this form, please? 7. What do you want me to explain ... you? 8. — Will you pay ... card or ... cheque? — I’ll pay ... cash. 9. Before you withdraw money ... the bank you have to put it ... . 10. ... what rate do they exchange pounds today? 11. When a bank lends ... you money, what guarantees does it ask ...? 12. Her jet-black hair was tied up ... a pink ribbon. 13. Do you think this new picture gallery is worth ... visiting? 14. Your children often find it difficult to lace ... their boots and wear them unlaced. 20 Express the same in English. A. 1. одеться 2. черный как смоль 3. абсолютно новенький, с иголочки 4. широкополая соломенная шляпка 5. не обращать ни ма- 41 UNIT 3 лейшего внимания 6. застегнуть молнию 7. расстегнуть пальто 8. оказаться последней каплей 9. визжать от хохота 10. оробеть 11. зашнуровать ботинки 12. гараж, соединенный с домом 13. изобретатели, которых стоит упомянуть 14. развеваться на ветру 15. привязать к дереву В. 1. Не могли бы вы разменять мне сто рублей? Банкомат дал мне все деньги сотнями (in one hundred notes). Мне нужно купить хлеба, а в булочной на углу нет сдачи. 2. Я не люблю занимать деньги, потому что боюсь влезть в долги. 3. Я люблю делать покупки в большом торговом центре: там хорошее обслуживание и часто бывают скидки. 4. Современный торговый центр выглядит как большой город под крышей. Там можно найти все необходимое: салоны красоты, почтовые отделения, справочные, заправочные станции и даже кинотеатры и рестораны. 5. Многие большие магазины дают инвалидам возможность бесплатно пользоваться специальными колясками. 6. Откройте банковский счет. Он поможет сэкономить деньги, а банк будет выплачивать вам проценты. 21 Express the same using your new vocabulary. 1. When you eat, you crush food into little bits in your mouth very carefully. 2. Jeremy fixed one end of the rope to the sledge and began pulling for all he was worth. 3. I’ve never seen such a huge building in my whole life! 4. The kids enjoyed the birthday party so much that they didn’t want to go back home. 5. I made two firm knots on the rope, as I didn’t want my boat to be carried down the river. 6. Do you know where I can buy amusing clothes for our New Year party? 7. Let us look at you, Mary. You look sensational in this new set of clothes. 8. To move through the air a bird moves its wings up and down. 9. When is the ceremony of burying beginning? 10. Most books by this author are good enough for reading. 11. I’m afraid these pieces of clothing do not match each other. 12. I don’t like this toothbrush, it’s too hard, I like them softer. 13. Oversleeping! It’s an absurd reason for being late. 14. The collars and the cuffs of the shirts could be removed. 15. The little boy was very proud of his absolutely new shoes. 22 Express the same in English. A. 1. У меня нет наличных. Могу я расплатиться чеком? 2. Не разменяете мне доллар? 3. В России часто покупают товары в кредит? 4. Вчера мой старший брат открыл свой первый банковский счет. 5. Банки дают ссуды своим клиентам. 6. Мои бабушка и дедушка не любят ни занимать деньги, ни давать в долг. 7. На днях мои тетушки поехали в большой торговый центр и сделали массу нелепых покупок. 8. «Вы должны заполнить форму и подписаться здесь», — сказал банковский служащий. 9. Каков курс обмена? 10. Простите, могу я здесь обналичить чеки? 42 UNIT 3 В. 1. Узнайте цену брюк и спросите у продавца, полагается ли мне скидка. 2. Вы не покажете мне, где находится примерочная? 3. Какие услуги торговые центры предлагают покупателям бесплатно? 4. Мы купили мой спортивный костюм в магазине «Макс и Спенсер». 5. Где мы можем купить предметы сервировки стола? 6. Когда я прихожу в наш магазин (local corner shop), господин Бригс, хозяин магазина, всегда любезно приветствует меня и спрашивает, не может ли он чем-нибудь помочь. 7. Будьте добры, возьмите сдачу и чек, пожалуйста. 8. Не завернете ли вы мои покупки? 9. Вам положить коробку в пластиковый пакет? 23 Write the same in a different way. Exa m p I e: Translating the text was hard work but it was worth it. — The article was worth translating. 1. It is worth buying a new pair of shoes. 2. It’s worth asking your father’s advice. 3. It’s always worth learning foreign languages. 4. It’s not worth watching this stupid TV programme. 5. It’s not worth making tea now: I’m not thirsty. 6. It has been worth watching the new play. The play was excellent. 7. It was worth going to the party yesterday. It was great fun. 8. Is it worth staying in the Star Hotel? Is it comfortable? 9. It has been worth taking a taxi: we are on time! 10. It’s always worth asking a question but it’s not always worth answering one. 24 Express the same in English. 1. Я постелила тебе постель. Твоя пижама под подушкой. 2. Вот те наручные часы, которые мама подарила мне на день рождения. 3. Лестница была высокой, и мы устали, пока добирались до седьмого этажа. 4. Интересно, чьи это похороны? 5. Все эти деньги уже потрачены. 6. Принеси мне свою одежду, я поглажу ее. 7. Сколько часов у вас дома? 8. На светофоре красный свет (to show green/red light). Сейчас нельзя переходить улицу. 9. Твоя новая одежда выглядит очень нарядно. Мне она нравится. 10. Я не держу (keep) деньги дома. Мои деньги в банке. 25 Open the brackets and make the story complete. Car Expert Jack always (1. want) a car, so as soon as he was old enough, he (2. begin) (3. take) driving lessons. After a time Jack (4. pass) his driving test, and a small car (5. buy) for him by his mother as a birthday present. Anyhow she made him (6. pay) for the license and petrol, because she said that (7. make) him careful about driving economically. Now Jack (8. drive) his car every day. He was a careful driver though he (9. not, learn) much about the engine of the car. 43 UNIT 3 Then one weekend Jack (10. go) for a drive in the country. The day was nice and the sun (11. shine). Jack (12. drive) for a couple of hours between green fields when suddenly his car (13. come) to a stop. After several attempts to start the car (14. make), the bonnet of the car (15. open) and the petrol (16. check) Jack (17. feel) at a loss. He didn’t know what to do. “What I (18. do)7” he asked himself. “I never (19. deal) with such a situation before. If I (20. start, not) the car soon, I (21. have) to spend the night here.” Then suddenly he (22. hear) a cough very near his left ear. He (23. turn) and (24. see) an old horse (25. look) at him over the fence beside the road. “You’d better (26. look) at the sparkling plugs,the horse said. Jack was so surprised that he told the farmer at the nearby farm what (27. happen). “Was it an old horse with a white nose?” the farmer asked. “Yes!” said Jack. “Ah, well,” answered the farmer. “I (28. live) here for fifteen years and know all the people and animals in this area. This is my advice: (29. listen, not) to this horse. He (30. know, not) much about cars.” 26 Insert articles where necessary to complete the text. Do you know how 1. ... coins got their names? We’ll start with 2. ... word “money” itself. In 3. ... ancient Roman times, Juno was 4. ... goddess of warning. 5. ... Romans were so grateful to her for warning them of 6. ... important dangers that they put their mint‘d in 7. ... temple of Juno and made her 8. ... guardian of 9. ... finances. They called her Juno Moneta. “Moneta” came from 10. ... Latin word moneo, meaning “to warn”. 11. ... word “money” is derived from this. 12. ... American “dollar” goes back to 13. ... days when 14. ... money was being coined in 15. ... Bohemia [bgu'hrmjal, where there were 16. ... silver mines. 17. ... mint was located in 18. ... place called Joachimsthaler. In time this became thaler and finally “dollar”. 19. ... word “dime” comes originally from Latin word decimus, which means “tenth”. 20. ... word “cent” comes directly from 21. ... French word “cent”, which means “22. ... hundred”, and 23. ... Latin centum. 24. ... idea was that one hundred cents make 25. ... dollar. 26. ... “nickel” is so called because it was made of this metal. 27 Read these “money and business” idioms and think of their Russian equivalents. Write a little story to illustrate one of them. Money: Money makes money. Money makes the man. Money makes the mare go. Money often unmakes the men who make it. ‘ sparkling plugs — свечи зажигания ^ mint — монетный двор 44 UNIT 3 Business: Business is the salt of life. Business before pleasure. Business is business. 28 Sally went shopping with 300 pounds. Decide how much money she has got after she’s been to the shops. First she bought a pretty coffee-set. She thought it would make a nice birthday present for her elder sister. The retail price was £30, but she bought it in a sale and got 10% off. Then she bought a skirt and a matching blouse for herself for £43 and a pair of shoes, which cost her £25. In another sale she saw a nice watch reduced from £50 to £40 and decided to buy it. Then she got a leather bag for 20% less than the usual price of £80. She also bought half a dozen CDs at £5 each for her friend Dan and three notepads she needed for her college. Each pad was £2.50. She had a light meal at the food court. The meal cost her £4.30. After the long day in the shopping centre she went home in a taxi and gave the driver £10 including the tip. 29 Choose the right answer. 1. What is the official beginning of the third millennium? a) December 31, 2000 b) December 31, 1999 c) January 1, 2000 d) January 1, 2001 2. Which period of history came first? a) the Bronze Age b) the Stone Age c) the Iron Age d) the Middle Ages 3. Which nationality was Jonathan Swift, the author of the classic story “Gulliver’s Travels”? a) English b) Irish c) Scottish d) Welsh 4. Which is the most nutritious^ fruit? a) apple b) pear c) avocado |,sev3'ka;d3u] d) peach 5. Which is the smallest of the four oceans? a) the Atlantic Ocean b) the Pacific Ocean c) the Indian Ocean d) the Arctic Ocean 6. In which country was the first hamburger cooked? a) France b) Britain c) the United States d) Germany 7. How much of the earth’s surface is covered with water? a) 1/8 b) 1/4 c) 1/2 d) 3/4 ' nutritious (nju'tn/asl — питательный 45 K^iNIT 4 Fascination and Challenge. The World of Science and Technology 1 Listen to the dialogues, ^ No 7, and decide which of the following statements are true or false. DIALOGUE 1 1. The first computers were made at the end of the 20th century. 2. The first computers were very big. 3. The first computers were cheap. 4. Modern computers can solve thousands of problems. 5. Modern computers are getting cheaper. DIALOGUE 2 1. Hippocrates lived in ancient times. 2. Hippocrates invented medicine. 3. Hippocrates didn’t use magic to cure his patients. 4. The Hippocratic oath is a doctor’s promise to do his best and help his patient. 5. Hippocrates’ ideas have survived. DIALOGUE s 1. Both friends are sure that UFOs and aliens exist. 2. One of the friends thinks that aliens don’t want humans to know about them. 3. UFOs come from the solar system. 4. Both friends would like to meet aliens. DIALOGUE 4 1. Anaesthetics help doctors to make operations fast. 2. Before anaesthetics were invented there were other ways of deadening pain. 3. There are three types of anaesthetics: general, local and partial. 4. Some anaesthetics gases smell nice. 46 UNIT 4 2 Listen to the text “Computers Today”, No 8, and say what is missing in the list below. People put information into the computer. People interpret and use the information that comes out of the computer. 3 Read the text and choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. By the Light of the Moon 1. Today most of us are pretty used to the moon. There it is in the sky — crescent or half or full... Years ago people lived by the changing phases of the moon. They kept calendars and holidays by the moon. They planted seed in the spring’s new moon and harvested in the autumn’s full moon. And fishermen all over the world told the morrow’s weather by the moon. 2. For many people the moon long remained a mysterious heavenly body that could bring good fortune or ill. It could bring good luck if it was a new moon and you had silver coins in your pocket to jingle. A new moon was also the time to make a wish, take a trip, go a-courting, or cut your hair. 3. But the moon could bring bad luck, too. If you saw a woman combing her hair in the light of the full moon, or you planted seed during the full moon, you would have bad luck. Almost everyone believed that if you slept with moonlight on your face, you’d go crazy. Indeed so many people believe this that we get the word lunatic from the Latin word for moon, luna. 4. Today, of course, we know that none to these things is true. You can sleep in the moonlight and wake up as normal as you were yesterday. You might harvest your crops in the full moon with poor results or harvest in a sickle moon and do well. You might start your vacation during the new moon and have a flat tire right away. 5. Nevertheless, there it is... the moon, hanging up there in the sky, seeming to change its shape before our very eyes. No wonder people continue to be fascinated by it. Since the beginning of time, they have tried to explain how it got there and why it behaves the way it does. The first people to try to explain the creation and behaviour of the moon were tribal poets and storytellers. There are hundreds of folktales about the moon. 47 UNIT 4 a. ATTRACTED BY THE MOON FOREVER b. A SICKLE MOON A SIGN OF GOOD FORTUNE c. LIFE REGULATED BY THE MOON d. SUPERSTICIOUS BELIEFS e. LUNATICS AND THEIR BEHAVIOUR f. REAL LIFE NOT DEPENDENT ON THE MOON 4 Translate paragraphs 1 and 2 into Russian (Ex. 3). Use a dictionary if necessary. 5 Write out of the text “By the Light of the Moon” words and word combinations that can describe or characterize the moon. 6 Write a page about what you know about the moon. 7 Read the text and make it complete with the help of the derivatives that are formed from the words written on the right. Fill in the table at the end of the task. In many 1. 2. ________ 3. ________ countries ground, smoke and _____________ gases 4. 5. influence the air. Air of this kind can be a serious hazard to health of humans and it may also damage 6. __________________metals and stonework. The most 7. -------------------------------------form of air 8. --------------------------------- is produced by nuclear 9. _________________________________________ These throw 10. into the air. industry dust harm serious pollute expose danger pollute explode radiate 48 UNIT 4 1. industrial 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. 8 Make up the missing questions and negations. 1. Do you have to go to work a. Have you got to go to work today? today? 2. I don’t have to stay after b. I haven’t got to stay after classes this time. classes this time. 3. c. You haven’t got to help me: I think I’ll manage. 4. Does he have to take all d. these textbooks with him? 5. e. Have they got to learn all these poems by heart? 6. Father doesn’t have to go to f. the school to talk to my teacher. 7. g. They haven’t got to listen to this music if they don’t like it. 8. Do you have to read this h. thick book from cover to cover? 9. i. Have we got to listen to this stupid talk? 10. j. He hasn’t got to say “yes”. 9 Complete the sentences using the adverbs in brackets in the right place. 1. Mrs Connoly went downstairs (slowly). 2. Ruth looked in the box (carefully). 3. The two brothers say they work at home (best). 4. Jane practises playing the piano (every afternoon, there). 5. The little girl 49 UNIT 4 was crying in her room (loudly). 6. The children antagonized their neighbours by playing music (loudly, yesterday). 1. Mothers complain that their children don’t appreciate them (sometimes, always). 8. The boys ran at the approach of a policeman (quickly, upstairs). 9. The children played table tennis in the gym (hardly ever, last summer). 10. John said he would be meeting Belinda on Saturday (definitely). 10 Write true things about yourself. Use adverbs of time. I ___________give my friends advice and they _________________follow it. My room is ______________clean and tidy. I ___________ watch my weight and _________________ eat sweets, cakes and chocolates. I ___________do as I am told by my parents. I am ____________ late for my classes. My friends and I ______________listen to rap music. miss football matches on television, get up before eight o’clock on Sundays. do the cooking and my mother _____________ spend evenings at home, I _____________go out “hang” on the phone. go to discos and ____________ go to parties. does it. My friends and I quarrel. I’ve I’ve wanted to go away from home and live independently, wanted to be the top student in my class. 11 Use the definite article where necessary. 1. It’s not always easy for ... old and ... young to find a common language. 2. Don’t envy ... rich: money doesn’t always bring happiness. 3. Governments have to develop social programs to help ... poor people. 4. I quite like ... old houses: they have an atmosphere of their own. 5. You do look ... beautiful today! 6. Looking after ... sick is a real art. 7. ... beautiful are often admired. 8. ... deaf people often use their hands to communicate in sign language. 9. Some of her relatives were among ... dead and injured. 10. Have you ever been ... unemployed? 11. All parents want to see their children among ... happy. 50 UNIT 4 12 Copy the sentences filling in the necessary articles (a/an or the) in the right places. 1. Young in Europe like American music. 2. She was wearing old hat. 3. Religions teach that people with money should give some to poor. 4. We have deaf dog, it’s very old. 5. Young cow is called calf. 6. She threw away old shoes. 7. Old should be taken care of. 8. Young baby sleeps a great deal. 9. Blind man had dog to help him. 10. She is very poor swimmer. 11. Rich are often powerful because of their money. 12. What do you think of help that’s given to blind? 13 Write the names of five things that: 1. people can do now, but couldn’t do 100 years ago, 200 years ago; 2. people will be able to do 100 years from now; 3. may change the face of the earth completely; 4. might help to make the ecological situation better; 5. might destroy the life on our planet. 14 Fill in the gaps with either a positive or negative form of the verb must. 1. You ... make so much noise. Mother is tired. I know she is trying to sleep. 2. We ... try and get up earlier tomorrow. Otherwise we’ll be late again. 3. Tell your uncle that he ... do your homework. 4. Please remember that it’s a secret. You ... tell anyone. 5. I ... eat too much. I’m on a diet. 6. I know I ... lead a regular life, but I simply can’t. 7. I ... wear this hat again. I look ridiculous in it. 8. I ... invite so many people to my party again. There were too many of them. 9. You ... tell a lie again, Freddie. It’s wrong. 10. You ... play here. A street is not a playground. 15 Complete the sentences using the most suitable modal verbs: must, have to. 1. You ... go to bed immediately. It’s midnight already. 2. You ... feed the dog tonight. I’ll be out. 3. If you want to be a pupil of the school specializing in science, you will ... improve your maths. 4. You are coughing too badly. You really ... stop smoking and you definitely ... not stay too long in the cold, Mr Gordon. 5. I have put on weight. I really ... stop eating so much cake and chocolate. 6. The accident was your fault. You ... be more careful in future. 7. ... you wear these tight trousers whenever your granny comes? She always gets furious when she sees you in them. 8. You ... phone Alice about the meeting tomorrow. Boris has already explained everything to her. 9. Clara ... go shopping yesterday. None of the family could do it except her. 10. ... you always be talking in my class, Charlie? 51 UNIT 4 16 Express the same in English. A. 1. Я должен бросить курить, это рекомендация моего врача. 2. Вы просто обязаны прочитать эту книгу о последних изобретениях. 3. Ты не должен слушать такую громкую музыку, когда твой братишка спит. 4. Мне часто приходится готовить ужин, потому что мои родители работают допоздна. 5. Тебе надо идти сегодня в школу? Сегодня суббота. 6. Ты заболеваешь простудой, тебе бы нужно полежать в постели денек-другой. 7. Врачам не следует разговаривать с пациентами раздраженно. 8. Людям следует голосовать, даже если они не согласны ни с одним из кандидатов. 9. Ты обязательно должен быть здесь не позднее восьми часов. 10. Думаю, тебе следует высказывать свое мнение более открыто. B. 1. Аня, ты немедленно должна вымыть руки. Они грязные. Нельзя (я запрещаю) садиться за стол с грязными руками. 2. Не нужно плакать, дорогая. Слезы не помогут. 3. Я пополнела. Я должна сесть на диету (to go on а diet). 4. Вы должны носить форму в школе? 5. Тебе обязательно носить эту короткую юбку, когда ты в школе? 6. Не нужно печатать этот перевод. Мария его уже напечатала. 7. Ты должен подчиняться правилам, если хочешь быть членом нашего клуба. 8. Джону приходится носить шляпу, когда он работает в саду. Солнце слишком жаркое. 9. Тебе следует быть внимательнее, когда ты пишешь. 10. Это очень дорогая вещь. Ты не должен играть с ней. 11. Мой папа — садовник, так что он должен работать на улице даже тогда, когда холодно. 12. Завтра нет урока географии, так что мне не нужно брать с собой книги по географии. 13. Директор школы: «В нашей школе все учащиеся должны пройти курс компьютерного обучения» (take computer studies). 14. Нечестно! Почему я должен приходить домой к 10? Никто из моих друзей не приходит домой так рано. 15. Ты выглядишь усталой. Ты не должна так много работать, дорогая. 17 See if you have a good memory for English phrases. Remember what notices you may see at these places and write them down. 1. a fence in front of the house 2. a box-office of a cinema-house 3. above the window of a train 4. a waiting area in a busy airport 5. a fence separating someone’s private land 6. a library reading room 7. a hotel 8. a zoo 9. a park 10. the customs at the airport 52 UNIT 4 18 Express the same in Russian. 1. That man, Brown, wanted to cheat me out of my money but I saw right through him. 2. I haven’t seen Nick around for a couple of days. Is he away on business? 3. I’m sorry I can’t see you off to the railway station. You’d better take a taxi. 4. See to it that all our guests have chairs to sit on. 5. I’ll see you off at the airport. 6. You try to get some sleep. I’ll see to the children’s breakfast. 7. I’ve never actually met her, but I’ve seen her around. 8. We can all see through your little game, Sam. 9. Take her to hospital and get her wrist seen to. 19 Complete these rows of word combinations: 1. a sad expression, a ... expression, a ... expression, a ... expression 2. a nervous answer, a nervous ..., a nervous ..., a nervous ... 3. an indifferent person, an indifferent ..., an indifferent ..., an indifferent ... 4. to require food, to require ..., to require ..., to require ... 5. to predict one’s answer, to predict ..., to predict ..., to predict 6. a variety of species, a variety of ..., a variety of ..., a variety of ... 7. worn out sandals, (a) worn out ..., (a) worn out ..., (a) worn out ... 8. to make a record, to ... a record, to ... a record, to ... a record 20 In these sentences one and the same word of your new vocabulary (Unit 4) is missing. Read the sentences and guess the word. Express the same in Russian. 1. Several ... of malaria have been reported in this area. 2. I need a new vanity ...: I’ve lost my old one. 3. Everyone has a favourite sport; it’s skiing in my ... . 4. Push this button in ... of emergency. 5. I think I’ll take some extra money with me, just in ... . 6. It looks like what we have here is a classical ... of pneumonia. 7. In ... Mark refuses to go to Brighton we can take him to Blackpool. Both are great for a seaside holiday. 8. What a nice pencil ...! 9. They’ve just had two ... of theft in their supermarket. 21 Express the same in English. Use your new vocabulary. A. 1. Городок располагался в долине по соседству с быстрой (fast running) холодной речкой. 2. Уже несколько лет он работает над новым двигателем, и его единственное желание — завершить эту сложную работу. 3. Существует специальная отрасль науки, которая предсказывает будущее. 4. Я был бы вам очень благодарен, если бы вы объяснили мне, что от меня требуется. 5. Кто поставляет компьютеры и другое оборудование в вашу школу? 6. По 53 UNIT 4 выражению лица мальчика я понял, что тот нервничает. 7. «Не приставай ко мне со своими вопросами!» — сказал брат раздраженно. 8. Разнообразие языков, существующих в мире, столь велико, что невозможно знать их все. 9. Молодчина! Ты сегодня помыл посуду очень быстро. Это настоящий рекорд. 10. Я сделаю то, о чем вы просите, но только в том случае, если вы будете настаивать на этом. 11. Современные роботы имеют огромное преимущество: это машины, практически обладающие интеллектом. 12. Учитель не должен быть равнодушным к успехам своих учеников. 13. Некоторое время тому назад в моде были поношенные джинсы и вылинявшие (faded) футболки. 14. На всякий случай давай оставим маме записку о том, что мы ушли в кино, она всегда нервничает, когда не знает, где мы. К тому же уже довольно поздно. В. 1. Это грубое выражение, не пользуйся им. 2. Никогда не думал, что у него хватит духу настаивать на этом визите. 3. Не следует быть безразличным к своей работе. 4. Не надоедай ему своими глупыми вопросами! 5. Пожилая женщина, сидевшая рядом со мной в самолете, очень нервничала: она боялась летать самолетами. 6. Для этого радиоприемника нужны две батарейки. 7. Без нужного (the right) оборудования механик не смог отремонтировать машину. 8. Скоро будут новые поступления продуктов. 9. В случае пожара звоните 01. 10. Никто не мог предсказать результаты этого эксперимента. 11. Я не могу больше видеть эту поношенную куртку. 12. Почему бы нам не воспользоваться всеми преимуществами жизни в большом городе? 13. У него хорошая коллекция старых пластинок. 14. Его самым большим желанием было увидеть океан. 15. Думаю, что он придет на вечеринку, но давай позвоним ему на всякий случай. 22 Decide which is the right word to choose. I. I don’t want to go to the concert {beside, besides) I have a lot of work to do. 2. These socks are not a pair. They are {various, different). 3. Computers are a great {discovery, invention) of the 20th century. 4. These gloves are expensive — {beside, besides) they’re too small. I’m not buying them. 5. {One, We) seldom forgives such things. 6. — Why didn’t you call Helen? — But I {did, do) call her. 7. — Would you like an orange or a tangerine? — {Either, Neither) is fine. Thank you. 8. {None, Neither) of us have seen today’s newspaper. 9. I offered him coffee or tea, but he didn’t want {either, any). 10. The {variety, difference) of wildlife in this area is amazing. II. I have two good friends {neither, none) is my classmate. 12. Sir Alexander Fleming was a Scottish scientist who {invented, discovered) penicillin. 13. You can put the box {beside, besides) the lamp on the table. 54 UNIT 4 23 Continue these lists. 1. Sciences: microbiology, engineering, ... 2. Science and technology: invention, experiment, ... 3. The urgent problems of today: saving and conserving energy, ... 4. Space exploration: to maintain a space flight, ... 5. Computers: to format a text, an operation system, ... 24 Express the same in English. A. Наука и техника; анализировать и систематизировать факты; проводить опыты; проводить научное исследование; современные информационные технологии; сделать открытие; огромные достижения; интересные наблюдения; отрасль науки; прорыв в области науки; проводить испытания. B. Исследование подводного мира; НЛО и визиты инопланетян; альтернативные источники энергии; переработка и вторичное использование материалов; сбор, хранение, использование и распространение информации; развитие жизни на Земле; изучение древних цивилизаций. C. Облететь вокруг Земли; жизнь и работа на орбитальных космических станциях; насущные проблемы; запустить космический корабль; космический корабль с человеком на борту; человечество; оснастить мощным двигателем; производить новые материалы в условиях отсутствия гравитации. D. Доступ в Интернет; электронная почта; сохранить или уничтожить информацию; пользователь персонального компьютера; чертежи; форматировать и редактировать тексты; пароль; жесткие диски; клавиатура. 25 Open the brackets and make the story complete. The Roman Treasure Thirty years ago I was still unmarried and (1. live) with my mother. One morning in April while I (2. read) a newspaper I (3. come) across some information about a remarkable find of Roman silver. It (4. discover) three years before by a farmer from Mildenhall, in Suffolk, but the discovery for some reason (5. keep) secret until then. The newspaper article said the treasure (6. send) to the British Museum. The name of the farmer (7. give) as Gordon Butcher. The moment I (8. read) the story I (9. spring) up from my chair and (10. rush) out to my car. Mildenhall was about a hundred miles from my home and I (11. know) I (12. get) there by lunchtime. I (13. ride) about the town for about half an hour before I (14. find) the small house belonging to Gordon Butcher and his family. He (15. have) lunch 55 UNIT 4 when I (16. knock) on the door. I (17. ask) him if he (18. can) (19. talk) to me about the treasure. “No, thank you,” he said. “I (20. have) enough of reporters. I (21. not, want) to see any more reporters (22. come) to my place.” I told him I (23. not, be) a reporter but a short-story writer working for magazines and that if he (24. tell) me exactly how he (25. find) the treasure, then I (26. write) a truthful story about it and (27. split) the money equally with him. I (28. expect) him (29. help) me and he (30. do). 26 Complete the text using a, an, the where necessary. Nicholas Copernicus N. Copernicus (1473—1543) was 1. ... Polish scientist. He is sometimes called 2. ... father of 3. ... modern astronomy. Copernicus showed that 4. ... Earth is not 5. ... centre of 6. ... universe, as 7. ... people used to believe. Instead 8. ... Earth and 9. ... planets revolve around 10. ... Sun. Copernicus also showed that 11. ... Earth itself moves around each day. Copernicus realized that 12. ... centered universe theory was not supported by 13. ... actual movements of 14. ... planets. He correctly showed that all 15. ... planets revolved around 16. ... Sun. But he wrongly thought that all 17. ... planets also move in 18. ... small circles. 27 Choose the right form. 1. If I {didn’t bother, hadn’t bothered) him with our problems so much last year he {would supply, would have supplied) us with the required equipment. 2. If we {didn’t buy, hadn’t bought) a laptop for John, he {wouldn’t be able, wouldn’t have been able) to use the e-mail now. 3. If the television {was not invented, hadn’t been invented) in the 19th century, it {would be invented, would have been invented) in the 20th. 4. If James {had named, named) some great discoveries in the history of human civilization, he {would get, would have got) a good mark but his mark was poor. 5. But for Isaac Newton the mankind {wouldn’t know, wouldn’t have known) the law of universal gravity. 6. I know your parents are very unhappy. If I {were, had been) you, I {wouldn’t be, wouldn’t have been) so indifferent to their problems. 7. If they {had, had had) various approaches to the problem, they {would tell, would have told) us about them. Let’s ask them about it. 8. I wish we {could, had been able to) always predict the near future. 9. If Paul {were not, hadn’t been) a surgeon, he {would be, would have been) a scientist now. 10. If he {were not interested, hadn’t been interested) in science and technology, he {wouldn’t enter, wouldn’t have entered) the Science Department of Manchester University. But he is among the best students. 56 UNIT 4 28 Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb. Use the Subjunctive Mood. Both Right and Both Wrong The black car screamed round the corner on the wrong side of the road and passed a white car doing exactly the same thing in the other direction. Both drivers stopped and got out of their cars. “If I (be) 1. ... on my side of the road, you (kill) 2. ... me,” driver A shouted. “But you weren’t on your side of the road,” driver В shouted back. “If you (drive) 3. ... more carefully, you (not, be) 4. ... on the wrong side of the road.” “If I (know) 5. ... what was round the corner, I (keep) 6. ... to my side of the road,” driver A said. “If you (know) 7. ... what was round the corner you (not, drive) 8. ... so carelessly.” Suddenly both men stopped shouting and driver A said very quietly, “If we both (not, be) 9. ... on the wrong side of the road, we (be) 10. ... dead now.” Without speaking a further word, both men shook hands and drove away. (After L. G. Alexander) 29 Choose the right answer. 1. Which is not true? a) turtles are reptiles b) tortoises are quick-moving turtles that live in water c) the largest turtle is the sea turtle d) some turtles are endangered 2. How many planets are in our solar system? a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10 3. Which of these common plants are poisonous? a) daffodil b) azalea c) hyacinth d) all of the three 4. Which word originally referred to the area of land that an ox could plough in a day? a) yard b) league c) acre d) mile 5. Where are the Andes Mountains? a) Europe b) North America c) South America d) Australia 6. How long does light from the Sun take to reach us? a) about 2 minutes c) about 8 minutes b) about 5 minutes d) about 15 minutes 7. The dark areas you can see on the Moon’s surface are called “seas”. What are they filled with? a) water b) volcanic lava c) oil d) ice 57 UNIT 4 30 Write another paragraph to complete this text. We live in the fascinating and challenging world of science. It is a world that more and more over the ages, and especially in the 20th century has come to affect so much of our lives. It is involved with the way we eat and the way we travel, the homes we live in and the clothes we wear, how we become ill and how medicine can make us better, and has given us fantastic means of communicating and exploring. Because science will be around us even more in the future, tomorrow’s adults must start learning today to be ready to take their places in this computerized, transistorized, antibiotic, nuclear, supersonic age! 31 Here are seven most popular subjects science fiction writers use in their stories. Choose one of them and write a science fiction story of your own. a mad scientist goes against the laws of nature and creates destruction and chaos ('keins] adventures in space discovering unknown worlds on Earth future history: utopias and antiutopias a collision between people and extraterrestrial civilizations travel through time machines taking over and ruling the planet 32 Find the right places for the planets of the solar system. 58 UNIT 4 a. Mercury ['msikjun] 1). Neptune ['neptju:nl c. Earth 1з:0| d. Saturn I'saetan) e. Pluto ['plu;t3u| f. Mars [ma:z| g. Venus |'vi:n3s| h. Uranus lju'remas] i. Jupiter ['cfeuipitol 33 Match the names of these electronic and photography devices with their pictures. a. video camera b. personal radio cassette player c. speakers d. clock radio e. microphone f. portable radio cassette player g. video cassette li. plug i. disk (CD) j. TV (television) k. VCR (video cassette recorder) l. camera m. turner n. headphones 0. adapter p. cassette recorder q. shortwave radio r. remote control UNIT 5 Going to Places: The World of Travelling 1 Listen to the conversations, EB No 9, and choose the right item in the sentences below. DIALOGUE 1 1. The customer wants to spend his summer holidays a) alone b) with his wife c) with his wife and children 2. The customer prefers ... a) southern Europe b) central Europe c) northern Europe 3. He doesn’t want to go to Spain because ... a) he hates Spanish food b) the country is crowded with English holidaymakers c) he has been to Spain before 4. The customer ... the idea of staying in Greece for a week. a) accepts b) rejects c) doubts 5. The customer would like to travel in ... a) France, Spain and Portugal b) France, Spain and Italy c) France, Italy and Greece DIALOGUE 2 1. Sarah is planning to visit Stratford in ... a) May b) June c) July 2. Sarah would like to stay at ... a) the best hotel of the city b) some expensive hotel c) a hotel which is not very expensive 3. Sarah ... what the price of the accommodation is. a) knows b) would like Rose to find out c) is going to find out herself 4. Sarah would like to stay in ... a) an air-conditioned room b) a suite c) a single 60 UNIT 5 dialogue 3 DIALOGUE 4 1 5. Rose ... what services are provided for the guests. a) knows b) is asked to find out c) doesn’t intend to find out 1. Mr Harris Perry has crossed the ... a) Atlantic Ocean b) Pacific Ocean c) Indian Ocean 2. Mr Harris Perry was ... to cross the ocean in a sailing boat. a) the first man b) the last man c) one of those who tried 3. The greatest difficulty for the traveller during the voyage was ... a) to control the boat day and night b) to have no help c) to know that there is nobody around 4. Mr Perry’s voyage was ... a) the first of its kind b) the second of its kind c) the third of its kind 5. Mr Perry’s wife ... a) doesn’t like her husband’s voyages b) protests against his voyages c) shares his enthusiasm about the voyages Mr Scott is ... a) going on a guided tour of Oxford b) planning to visit Oxford c) giving particulars about Oxford 2. The streets in Oxford are ... a) wide b) long c) narrow 3. A lot of people in Oxford use punts ... a) to carry passengers down the river b) to travel with animals along the river c) to enjoy the river Oxford was laid in the ... 4 of The Botanic Garden century. a) 19th b) 18th c) 17th 5. The Covered Market is a) an old city centre b) in the centre of the city c) the city centre 61 UNIT 5 2 Listen to the text “Australia”, No 10, and match the names of Australian animals with their characteristics. 1. Echidnas 2. Crocodiles 3. Emus 4. Kookaburras 5. Red kangaroos 6. Koalas 7. Platypuses 8. Dingoes a. are five or six metres long b. were domesticated by Aboriginal people c. sleep for eighteen hours d. make a sound like laughter e. run at a speed of about 70 km p/h f. have duck-like bills g. stand two metres high h. eat ants 3 Read the questions and match them with the answers. One of the questions is extra (there is no answer to it). Fill in the table at the end of the task. 1. What is Amish lifestyle like? 2. Are the Amish religious? 3. Why do the Amish choose to live the way they do? 4. Why don’t the Amish have electricity? 5. Why do they leave school when they are so young? 6. Do the Amish like attracting tourists? 7. Which three languages do the Amish speak? 8. Do the Amish try to modernize themselves? 9. Aren’t young Amish curious about the world outside their community? a) In 1972 the US Supreme Court allowed the Amish to stop school at 13. The Amish do not think their children need more school edu- cation after the age of 13 because they will either do farm work, carpentry or help with the family business. 62 UNIT 5 b) The Amish look like they are from the eighteenth century. For the Amish, fashion is vanity. The women are not allowed to cut their hair, wear jewelry or make-up. They aren’t even allowed to wear clothes with buttons because buttons look too fussy, too modern. Men have to wear black suits and socks with a plain shirt. The Amish attitude to appearance is simplicity and modesty. They will never wear clothing in order to look good and they will not show much of their body. Unfortunately for them, their appearance is perfect for photo-hungry tourists. c) They don’t want to but most communities do now have one telephone box for emergencies and perhaps one tractor for very heavy work. Communities often have meetings to discuss whether to accept a particular aspect of the modern world and what effect it will have on them. d) They are united by their beliefs. The Bible is a sacred text for the Amish and they follow it to the letter. The community was started in the 1720s in Europe as a separate group of Swiss Christians. They have additional unwritten rules concerning lifestyle too. There are currently about 30 000 Amish in North America. The biggest Amish Community in the USA is in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In the summer it is visited by millions of people. e) The Amish choose to live in the past. They do without e-mails, CDs, computers and a whole lot of other things too. The Amish don’t have cars, they use horses. They don’t have televisions either. In fact, they don’t even have electricity. They don’t need it because they don’t have 63 UNIT 5 radios, dishwashers or anything electrical at all. Some people might feel sorry for them or think they are mad but this is the way that the Amish have chosen to live. /) They don’t want to be a part of the modern world because it is too complicated and corrupt. They live independently in their own community. They even have their own schools which have only one or two classrooms. They learn reading, writing. Maths and morals. The big difference from regular American school is that they learn nothing about the world outside their community and they do not continue their education beyond the eighth grade. g) Yes, and many are allowed to find out more or try things that “other” kids do (within reason). Some occasionally listen to music or even try roller-skating (using bicycle is forbidden because they travel too fast), but when they confirm their beliefs at age thirteen, they promise to accept Amish rules and reject such things. Only one in five people leaves the Amish community. The Amish say this shows that people enjoy living the way that they do. h) Yes and no. They sell things they have made by hand (they are famous for their quilts) but they don’t like people taking their photographs. They say photographs steal their souls and are a sign of vanity. But tourists are very insistent. One Amish teenager said he felt like an animal in a zoo. Some visitors shout things such as “Why are you so backward?” They often tease the Amish about their clothes or knock their hats off as a joke. Demonstrating anger is against Amish beliefs so they do not protest verbally or physically. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. b) d) 4 Translate points b) and f), write down your translation. 5 Write a page about the Amish and their lifestyle. Give your own opinion of this lifestyle and support your point of view. 6 Read the text and make it complete with the help of the derivatives that are formed from the words written on the right. Fill in the table at the end of the task. Some 230 kinds of birds live in the UK and another 2000 are regular 1.___________________Many are songbirds. Robin Redbreast is the 2. _____ bird of the UK. But the wildlife is 3. __________________ as 64 visit nation threat UNIT 5 well as the 4. The biggest threat is 5. ____ 3 500 million tons of 6. balance around the coast. _____________More than _____________ waste is pumped into the North Sea every year. “There is no 7. to our coastline, if we continue to use our seas as a dustbin,” says Greenpeace. Many other problems may be caused by 8. _____________________ of the coast. The quality of rivers has also declined. Many of them are “9. ______________________ dead”, i.e. 10. to support fish and wildlife. ecology pollute industry survive private biology able 1. visitors 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. 7 Write what they need or don’t need to do. Example: — My refrigerator is empty. I need to go shopping. — And I did the shopping yesterday. I don’t need to do it. 1. It’s not going to rain today. We __________________ to take the umbrella with us. 2. I’ve got a splitting headache. I _______________to get some medicine for it. 3. My petrol tank is empty. I and have it filled. to go to the petrol station 4. I to go to town to change some money before we go on holiday. 5. — Is there any cheese at home? — Yes, there is plenty. — So, I __________ to buy any cheese. 6. I am going abroad. I _____________ to have a valid^ passport. * valid — действующий 65 UNIT 5 7. We, Russians, 8. ________to get a visa if we go to Ukraine. The car looks clean after the rain. We ____________to wash it. 9. If you have a card, you you can do it at the cashpoint. to go to the bank to get money. 8 Answer the questions. Use needn’t and give your expianation. Example:— Must we bring our own dictionaries? — No, you needn’t. There are a lot of English-Russian dictionaries in the library. 1. Must I pay right now? 2. Must Jane consult the dentist this month? 3. Must I do the washing-up. Mum? 4. Must I mow the lawn? 5. How long must I stay in bed, doctor? 6. Is it OK if I go to the post office in the evening? 7. Must we finish reading the novel this week? 9 Choose the right item to complete the sentences. 1. Roy, you {should take/should have taken) the dog out before you leave, because your mother is ill. 2. Words on the medicine bottle: {to be taken/must be taken) 3 times a day. 3. {Do we need/Need we) to reserve out seats on the bus beforehand? 4. John {needn’t/doesn’t need to) explain anything. Everybody knows what they have to do. 5. You could {inform/have informed) me beforehand. I’ve missed such an interesting lecture. 6. Bob, you’re coughing and your nose is running. You should {stay/have stayed) at home and consult a doctor. 7. Becky, you needn’t {cook/have cooked) so many sandwiches. Only three guests came to your party yesterday. 8. You needn’t {take/have taken) cash if you have your bank card when you go to the shops. 9. Harry, you {are to/need) do the washing-up before playing on the computer. 10. You {needn’t/don’t need) a typewriter if you have a computer. 11. — Must I report to the head manager every day? — No, you {mustn’t/needn’t). We do it on Tuesdays and Fridays. 12. You {could be/could have been) more polite with Ann. Look, I think, she is crying. 13. The Browns {needn’t take/needn’t have taken) a taxi to the airport, they have plenty of time before the flight. 14. Declarations {to be/must be) filled in block letters. 15. — Must we complete the work before the bell? — No, you {mustn’t/needn’t). You may finish it at home. lO Express the same in English. 1. Тебе следовало бы сообщить мне об этом волнительном событии. Из-за тебя я все пропустил. 2. Тебе следовало бы разбудить меня. Мой сон был настоящим кошмаром. 3. Тебе не следовало приводить его в замешательство своими вопросами. 4. Тебе не следовало гово- 66 UNIT 5 рить с ним таким грубым голосом. Ты напугал мальчика. 5. Ты мог бы купить сегодняшние газеты. Почему ты этого не сделал? 6. Джейн не нужно было переводить статью. Она уже переведена. 7. Не надо встречать меня у станции метро. Виктор проводит меня до дома. 8. Нам нужно покупать билеты в парк или мы можем войти бесплатно? 9. Напрасно мы не послушали прогноз погоды. Я совершенно промокла под дождем. 10. Кому нужна ручка? У меня есть запасная. 11. Принимать с водой по три раза в день перед едой. 12. Напрасно ты не спросил совета у своих родителей. 13. Зачем ты полез на дерево? Ты мог упасть. 14. Стив утверждает, что ничья помощь ему не нужна. 15. Зря ты купил два билета в театр. В эту субботу я буду занят и не смогу пойти с тобой. 11 Choose the right item. 1. Jane, you look {awful/awfully) today. What has happened? 2. Her refusal appeared (unexpected/unexpectedly). 3. Her voice sounded (loud/loudly) when she was talking to us. 4. George speaks Italian very {well/good). 5. Mary looked {sad/sadly) at me and burst out crying. 6. The teacher’s voice sounded so {quiet/quietly) that I hardly understood what he was saying. 7. I feel really {good/well) today and I want the whole world to be happy. 8. Bye, Tom. Get {good/well) soon! 9. The man’s words sounded (pleasant/pleasantly) but we didn’t trust him. 10. I’m {awful/awfully) sorry for you. 11. Her cousin arrived {unexpected/unexpectedly) at the end of the week. 12. Don’t speak so {loud/loudly). The baby is sleeping. 13. Sarah left the party {quiet/quietly) without saying a word to anyone. 14. My new neighbour always greets me {pleasant/pleasantly) when we meet. 15. This music sounds too {sad/sadly), I don’t like it. 12 Express the same in English. 1. Цветы сильно пахнут перед дождем. 2. Я видел, что ребенок страшно напуган. 3. Мне было холодно, и я включил обогреватель (heater). 4. Новое здание колледжа выглядит очень привлекательно. 5. Сейчас я чувствую себя хорошо, надеюсь, что головная боль не вернется. 6. Посмотри на эту женщину. Не кажется ли тебе, что она выглядит странно? 7. Эти новые духи очень сладко пахнут. 8. Девочка быстро взглянула на меня и отвернулась. 9. Это лекарство такое горькое на вкус, я не могу его принимать. 10. Цены в нашем супермаркете приятно удивят вас. 13 Choose the right item. 1. The language that is spoken in Thailand is {a Thai/Thai). 2. Huan was born in Mexico. As many {Mexicans/the Mexicans) he is very hot-tempered. 3. The language of Brazil is {Portuguese/the Portuguese). 4. Hans is {Dutch/the Dutch). 5. {The British/British) live mostly on the British Isles. 6. Is John Barker (o British/a Britisher)! 67 UNIT 5 7. {Belgians/The Belgians) are the nation of people who come from Belgium. 8. {The Chinese/Chinese) speak Chinese. 9. Jack Barker is {English/an English). 10. There were people of various nationalities in our delegation — {Swiss/the Swiss, Norwegians/the Norwegians, Dutch/the Dutch). 14 Express the same in English. 1. Вскоре к нашей группе присоединились два чеха и датчанин. 2. Греческий алфавит внешне похож на русский. 3. Вы ошибаетесь, Мэгги не англичанка, а ирландка. 4. Португальцы издавна были прекрасными мореплавателями. 5. Традиционно японцы едят много морепродуктов (seafood), а потому редко страдают от болезней сердца (heart condition). 6. В молодости я был знаком с одним китайцем, и он часто рассказывал мне о своей стране. 7. Мексиканская пища обычно очень острая, так же как и индийская. 8. Француза легко узнать по его акценту. 9. Не так уж много людей в мире говорят по-голландски. 10. Швейцарские Альпы — одно из самых излюбленных мест отдыха в Европе. 11. Что ты знаешь о валлийцах и их традициях? 12. У канадцев два официальных языка. 15 Write what could be said if you: — want to know how to get to the city centre by bus; — would like to know how much time it approximately takes to get to the railway station by metro; — are interested in the location of the nearest bus stop; — are going by bus and don’t know at what place to leave it; — are not sure what bus could take you to the airport; — are uncertain whether to go to the central shop by metro or by bus; — would like to specify the route; — got lost and don’t know where you are. 16 Express the same in English using the phrasal verb to drop. 1. В конце недели мы случайно наткнулись на неплохую симпатичную квартиру и решили снять ее. 2. Я подумала, что просто загляну к вам посмотреть, как вы тут. 3. Джон выбыл из игры, так как у него много работы. 4. Джейн сказала, что занесет куртку в чистку, когда поедет в центр. 5. Давай зайдем к Руфи, когда будем в Оксфорде. 6. Не бросай занятия английским, как бы трудно не было. 7. Я наткнулась на свой старый дневник, когда искала записную книжку. 8. Мы проходили мимо твоего дома и решили заглянуть. 9. Пожалуйста, доставь (забрось) этот заказ в бакалейную лавку по дороге в школу. 10. Денис был травмирован (was injured) в первом раунде и выбыл из матча. 11. Если все в порядке, я завезу тебе документы завтра в полдень. 12. Почему ты нападаешь на меня? Пойти туда было его собственным решением. 68 UNIT 5 17 Complete these rows of word combinations: 1. a rough surface, (a) rough (a) rough (a) rough (a) rough (a) rough 2. wrinkled cheeks, (a) wrinkled ..., (a) wrinkled ..., (a) wrinkled ..., (a) wrinkled 3. a confusing plan, (a) confusing ..., (a) confusing ..., (a) confusing ..., (a) confusing 4. a bare tree, (a) bare ..., (a) bare ..., (a) bare ..., (a) bare 5. an annual journal, (an) annual ..., (an) annual ..., (an) annual ..., (an) annual 6. thrilling news, (a) thrilling ..., (a) thrilling ..., (a) thrilling ..., (a) thrilling 7. an idyllic marriage, (an) idyllic ..., (an) idyllic ..., (an) idyllic ..., (an) idyllic 8. a commercial project, (a) commercial ..., (a) commercial ..., (a) commercial ..., (a) commercial 9. absolute truth, (an) absolute ..., (an) absolute ..., (an) absolute ..., (an) absolute 10. countless stars, countless ..., countless ..., countless ..., countless 18 Write these sentences in Russian. 1. Seeing the ocean for the first time gave me a thrill. 2. No one can see anything in a totally dark room. 3. My cousin had a nightmare about being chased by a lion. 4. Thanksgiving is an annual holiday that is celebrated in November. 5. The children embraced their parents as soon as they got off the plane. 6. I let out a groan when the dog left dirty footprints all over the floor I had just washed. 7. The arrow missed the target altogether. 8. There were twelve of us altogether at the party. 9. The clatter of dishes from the kitchen was a sign that dinner was almost ready. 10. My cousin’s college class is holding its tenth reunion this year. 11. The wet kitten trembled with cold. 12. That street sign confuses drivers and causes them to take the wrong turn. 13. The barefooted children walked across the creek. 14. I told the train conductor that my destination was New York. 15. Her old wrinkled face was kindness itself. 19 Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences to use your active vocabulary. 1. People still remember the tragedy of the Titanic, a British passenger ship which hit an iceberg and went down under surface of water in 1912. 2. We got into a taxi cab and moved noisily to the railway station. 3. The road was not smooth and the car vibrated violently. 4. I heard a loud sound of suffering coming from the far corner of the room. 5. The old man’s face was not smooth, his beard was white but his eyes looked surprisingly young. 6. I returned to 69 UNIT 5 the house to make sure that the lights had been turned off. 7. In those days our club was managed by my friend Michael. 8. When I do my homework in English I like to have an English dictionary at hand. 9. This is a yearly journal and our library receives it. 10. The room with its naked walls didn’t look attractive at all. 11. John and Mary, my good friends, are man and wife. 12. The patient gave out a long low sound of pain, he was suffering badly. 13. Before painting a picture artists usually make sketches. 14. I think you’re quite right and I completely agree with you. 15. These two names are easy to mix UP. 16. What an exciting piece of news! 17. Don’t walk in the rain with vour head uncovered. 18. My brother opened the door and hugged me on the threshold. 19. The majestic river ran slowly in front of me. 20. I must say that I have only a very dim idea of what is being discussed. 20 Express the same in English using your active vocabulary of Unit 5. 1. Я видел слезы радости на ее лице. 2. Где протекает эта река? 3. Куда вы направляетесь? 4. Ее брюки были помяты, и ей пришлось их гладить. 5. Мои тетушки не виделись почти год. Когда они приехали к нам и увидели друг друга, они нежно обнялись. 6. Море было бурным, и корабль начал тонуть. 7. Ее голос дрожал от возбуждения. 8. Когда будет наша ежегодная встреча выпускников (graduates)? 9. Я слышала позвякивание посуды на кухне. 10. Вдали появилось рыболовное судно. 11. Нога сильно болела, но он со стоном поднялся и пошел к дому. 12. Экипаж дребезжа двигался по неровной дороге. 13. Последние дни летних каникул оказались настоящим кошмаром. 14. Погодите минуточку, вы сбиваете меня с толку. 15. Мы прибыли к месту назначения далеко за полночь. 16. Старик обнял меня худыми морщинистыми руками. 17. Оратор бубнил и бубнил, и ничто не могло остановить этот поток слов. 18. Дул сильный ветер, и голые ветви деревьев стучали (to beat against) в окна. 19. «Откройте!» — приказал грубый голос за дверью. 20. Какая путаная история! Ничего не могу понять. 21 Choose the right item. 1. All the children knew the answer {besides/except) Irene. 2. How long have you been {waiting/awaiting) for the letter? 3. I’d {better/rather) go to the cinema than to the theatre. I’ve already seen this performance. 4. Mrs Winfrid led a {quiet/quite) life. 5. The goods will be delivered {by/through) boat. 6. Caroline is my {step-sister/half-sister). We have different mothers. 7. Phil says he doesn’t {altogether/together) agree but he sees some point in our decision. 8. The water in the river {flew/flowed) peacefully. 9. Max has a lot of friends but I know only a {couple/pair) of them. 10. I wish I knew what is {waiting/awaiting) me in the future. 11. I badly need another {pair/couple) of sleepers. 12. I think I {quiet/quite) understand you. 13. A {pair/couple) of black horses were pulling the wagon. 14. Bert’s father 70 UNIT 5 and my mother got married and we became {step-brothers/half-brothers). 15. You’d {better/rather) not go out today, it’s pouring outside. 16. I always write my letters {by/from) hand, I never type them because I don’t want them to look formal. 17. I usually eat a (pair/couple) of sandwiches {besides/except) bacon and eggs for breakfast. 22 Express the same in English, use had better or would rather. 1. Пожалуй, я пойду домой, я немного устал. 2. Лучше тебе не спорить с родителями. 3. Он говорит, что лучше подождет меня около школы, а не на остановке автобуса. 4. Кейт лучше не думать о профессии стюардессы, ее укачивает в самолете. 5. Пожалуй, мы пойдем с вами в парк, погода сегодня чудесная. 6. Лучше сходи к зубному врачу, если у тебя болит зуб. 7. Лучше я выключу телевизор, когда он работает, я не могу сосредоточиться на домашнем задании. 8. Он предпочитает переписываться с друзьями по электронной почте. 9. Лучше нам не опаздывать завтра на занятия, ведь мы будем писать контрольную. 10. Лучше вам не брать билеты в вагон для курящих. 23 Choose the right item to complete the sentences. 1. The novel was just great: I read a ... of pages and couldn’t put the book down. a) pair b) two c) couple 2. Here is your cup of coffee. Would you like anything ...? a) apart b) except c) besides 3. It’s not easy to predict what is ... us in the future. a) awaiting b) waiting c) expecting 4. Travelling by train is not ... so thrilling as travelling by sea. a) quite b) quiet c) quietly 5. Could you drop me ... on the corner of the road? Thanks very much. a) out b) in c) off 6. Mr Smith looked at us ... but didn’t say a word. a) nervousness b) nervous c) nervously 7. I like listening to music or reading a magazine while travelling ... train. a) on b) by c) in 8. Pirates kept their gold in huge wooden ... a) suitcases b) rucksacks c) trunks 9. Is it a ... train or do I have to change? a) thorough b) through c) threw 71 UNIT S 10. One of us ... help with the cooking, Liz can’t do all the cooking herself. a) would better b) would rather c) had better 11. What a happy day! I do feel ... I hope my luck will last, a) well b) good c) nicely 12. I’m going to the post office, it’s only a short ... and I’ll be back in half an hour. a) voyage b) journey c) trip 13. I can’t sit on the back seat of a car: I get ... a) airsick b) travelsick c) seasick 24 Remember how different things were characterized in the text “Going to Norway’’ in your textbook. Unit 5, and match the words and word combinations. 1. summer holidays a. bare 2. trunks b. fearless 3. mother c. grand 4. steward d. quite gloomy 5. annual reunion e. calm 6. welcome f. emotional 7. cheeks g- totally idyllic 8. house h. elderly 9. funnel i. kindly 10. water of the fjord j- brightly painted 11. islands k. painted white 12. wooden houses 1. tiny 13. rocks m. carefully packed 14. road n. wrinkled 15. hotel 0. tall 16. couple P- narrow 25 Use your topical vocabulary and express the same in English. 1. Когда мы путешествуем, мы пользуемся различными видами транспорта. Мы можем путешествовать на самолете или поезде, автобусом или машиной, ездить на велосипеде или ходить пешком. 2. Я всегда выбираю самый удобный способ, чтобы добраться до места следования. На мой взгляд, это путешествие по воде. 3. Не можешь ли ты взвесить багаж и, если необходимо, оплатить перевес? 4. Я купил проездной билет. Думаю, сэкономлю немного. 5. Когда я езжу по делам, мне всегда приходится делать покупки в последнюю минуту (последний момент). 6. Моя последняя поездка в Ростов была настоящим кошмаром. Прежде всего у меня было много тяжелого багажа, кроме того, мой попутчик в автобусе был слишком болтлив, и это действовало мне на нервы. Мой поезд задержали на два часа, и мне пришлось ждать на платформе. Моя одеж- 72 UNIT 5 да не подходила для холодной погоды (я не был одет соответствующим образом), и я начал замерзать. Жаль, что я вообще отправился в это путешествие. 7. Мне нужен двухместный номер на два дня, предпочтительно с видом на море. 8. Входят ли в стоимость моей комнаты услуги прачечной? 9. Какие удобства и услуги предлагаются в этом отеле? 10. Когда мы выезжаем из гостиницы, следует выписаться. 11. Когда прибывает рейс из Лондона? 26 Open the brackets and make the story complete. The Strange Book Henry Sugar was very wealthy. All the money he (1. have) (2. leave) by his rich father, now dead. Henry himself never (3. do) a day’s work in his life. Men like Henry (4. find) all over the world: we can see them (5. play) cards at casinos, (6. sunbathe) in the South of France or (7. try) to conquer boredom in some other way. One summer weekend Henry (8. drive) down from London to Guildford (9. stay) with his friend Sir William. When Henry (10. arrive) on that Saturday afternoon, it (11. rain). He saw the host and his guests (12. sit) in the drawing room (13. look) cheerlessly at the rain. Somebody in the room said, “We (14. not, play) poker since yesterday night, why we (15. not, do) it now?” They (16. play) cards for some time when Henry (17. feel) bored and (18. walk) through the house into the library. Sir William’s father (19. be) a famous book collector in his young years and all four walls of his huge room (20. line) with books from floor to ceiling. Henry (21. be) sure he (22. find) there some detective novels or thrillers he (23. not, read) yet. He always (24. be) a great lover of such books. Suddenly his eye (25. catch) by a slim book, quite different from all the others. When Henry (26. raise) his hand and (27. pull) the book from the shelf, it (28. turn) out to be nothing more than a cardboard-covered exercise book, the kind that often (29. use) at school; it probably (30. put) on the shelf by mistake. 27 Rewrite the dictionary word-entry for globe and insert articles where necessary. „ агоиЫ... ^ " H, globe 1. (•„. «oM_ ■■■ « '’„„d ball with... TP ° „Ш- classroom. m,eres,lng coua^^'l commes on g/^ .over We studied... „ uail. We bought... new g 3. Anything shaped like... D light bulb in... hall. 73 UNIT 5 28 Below you’ll see some American words and word combinations. Think of their British equivalents. Drugstore 1. Mailbox 9. 2. Crosswalk 10. 3. Parking space 11. 4. Sidewalk 12. 5. Elevator 13. 6. Truck 14. 7. 8. Gasoline station Subway 15. 29 Match the items in the right-hand column with the ones in the left-hand column. Measures of length 1. 1 inch a. 1690 m 2. 1 foot (= 12 inches) b. 0.3 m 3. 1 yard (= 3 feet) c. 1853 m 4. 1 mile (= 1760 yards) d. 0.9 m 5. 1 nautical mile (= 6080 feet) e. 2.54 cm 30 Match the pictures with the names of these aircraft, vehicles and vessels. 1. convertible 2. dump truck 3. racing car 4. submarine 5. tall ship 74 UNIT 5 Л fAl j к 6. space shuttle 7. motorcycle 8. supersonic jetliner 9. minibus 10. pickup 11. trailer 12. ferry 13. helicopter 14. sea liner 15. double-decker tour bus 16. steamer 17. hang-glider m. g. o. out what they mean. 1. When in Rome/make a team. 2. Time and tide/like home. 3. One man doesn’t/do as the Romans do. 4. The more haste/wait for no man. 5. There is no place/makes the heart grow fonder. 6. Absence/is another man’s poison. 7. One man’s meat/the less speed. 75 UNIT 5 32 Match the names of these parts of a vehicle with their Russian equivalents. 1. Windscreen (windshield) a. Шина 2. Hood b. Бардачок 3. Glove department c. Приборный щиток 4. Tyre d. Передняя фара 5. License plate e. Ветровое стекло 6. Dashboard f. Багажник 7. Headlight g. Место водителя 8. Steering wheel h. Руль 9. Seat belt i. Номерной знак 10. Trunk j. Ремни безопасности 11. Driver’s seat к. Капот 33 Choose the right item. 1. The famous Coliseum [.kDla'sbm] is situated in: a) Athens, Greece b) Rome, Italy c) Paris, France d) Lisbon ['lizbgn], Portugal 2. What event took place in 1492? a) Henry Hudson ['hAdsn| made his first voyage. b) The world’s largest railway tunnel was built in Japan. c) Robert Fulton invented a steamboat. d) Christopher Columbus reached the New World. 76 UNIT 5 3. Who made it possible for cars to be affordable and available for people? a) Eli ['i:lai) Ransom Olds b) Henry Ford c) Karl Benz d) Henry Royce 4. What town is the capital of China? a) Beijing [.bei'ctjio] b) Shanghai (Jaeij'hai] c) Chungking (^иоки]] d) Harbin [ha'bmj 5. Where did the first passenger railway open in 1831? a) England b) the United States c) France d) Russia 6. Which is the largest country on the continent of South America? a) Argentina [,a;cfe3n'ti:n3j b) Brazil [bra'zil] c) Bolivia [ba’livia] d) Venezuela [.vena'zweib] 7. What is another name for the North Star? a) Polaris [pau'lansj b) Mira ['maiaraj c) Altair ['aelteaj d) Sirius j'sirias] 77 NITi« »r -Vi*/ Newspapers and Television: The World of Mass Media DIALOGUE 2 DIALOGUE 3 1 Listen to the interviews, No 11, and write answers to these questions. DIALOGUE 1 1. What is Mr Amis’ occupation? 2. When was The Times founded? 3. What was the original name of the newspaper? 4. Whose point of view does The Times express? 5. What did Lord Thomson do in 1966? 6. When was The Times Literary Supplement established? 1. What periodical does the young journalist work for? 2. What is the subject of the interview? 3. Why can fast food be dangerous? 4. What do fast food companies do to make American teenagers buy their product? 5. What is being done to reduce the influence of fast food companies? 1. How many interviews has the young journalist taken? 2. What problems is the journalist discussing with Mrs Barrymore? 3. What is the greatest problem of schoolchildren nowadays? 4. How can the school environment be unfriendly to a child? 5. What do a lot of students do after school and during vacations? 6. What can help to solve the problem? 1. What made one of the speakers want to become a TV journalist? 2. What does this person want to do for television? 3. What is this person’s secret? 4. What’s the name of the will-be programme? 2 Listen to the interview with an American schoolboy, IHF] No 12, and match the answers with the questions the journalist asked. The journalist’s questions: a. Can you call your school hard? 4 b. How many vacations are there in your school year? _________ c. What school subjects do you prefer? _______ DIALOGUE 4 78 UNIT 6 d. How long does the school year last? _______ e. How long do you stay in high school? ________ f. Are there things that you aren’t allowed to do at school? _______ g. Do you wear school uniforms? ________ 3 Read the text “Television” and decide which statements after it are true or false. Television Television is the electronic transmission of moving images with accompanying sound, sent from a central source or sources to home television screens. From the 1950s, when television viewing first became common, until the mid-1970s the technology available to the television audience was rather simple and consisted essentially of a TV set. The 1980s, however, witnessed an explosion of new devices for home entertainment. The entire field, including television itself, is now known under the name of video. Television images can be relayed from one point to another by several transmission systems. One of them uses electromagnetic radiation, or waves, that are sent over the air. Another is cable television using a community antenna or a receiving dish and distributing the signals by cable to subscribers. Yet another method of bringing television signals to the home is satellite transmission. Communications satellites receive signals from the Earth, change signal frequency, and transmit them back to the Earth. Nowadays we can speak about two types of television: commercial and noncommercial. Commercial television gets money from advertising when noncommercial television is financed by other sources as well. Probably the best-known noncommercial television system is the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), created by royal charter in 1927. The BBC was formed to “educate and enlighten”, a philosophy diametrically opposed to the US system, in which commercial broadcasters try to foresee and fulfil viewer preferences. 1. Television sends out electronic signals. 2. The 1970s saw a revolution in TV technologies. 3. Nowadays the name of video is equivalent to the word television. 4. There are at least three ways of sending out moving images. 5. TV signals can’t travel in the air. 6. Subscribers to cable television get signals not directly from the transmitter but from a powerful receiving device. 7. Communications satellites are launched to receive and send information. 8. Advertising raises money only for commercial television. 9. The BBC was formed according to the monarch’s order. 10. Both American commercial broadcasters and the BBC believe that their aim lies in educating and enlightening. 79 UNIT 6 4 Translate the text “Television” into Russian. 5 In the list below choose one of the items which you find true and write your arguments. 1. Television plays an important part in modern life. 2. Television is a convenient source of information. 3. Television is a cheap source of entertainment. 4. Television keeps people informed about current events. 5. Television allows people to follow the latest developments in science and politics. 6. Television offers a great variety of instructive and stimulating programmes. 7. Television prevents people from communicating with each other. 8. Television dominates our lives. 9. Television makes us passive viewers, incapable of making our own decisions. 10. Television is a blessing. 11. Television is a curse. 6 Read this article from “The Guardian” and answer the questions after it. TV Millionaire “Anybody can do it,” says garden designer who won quiz’s top prize. littp://kurokam.™ After two years ITV’s Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? turned up its first £1 m winner. Judith Keppel, 58, achieved what many had thought impossible by taking the top prize with a remarkably wide-ranging knowledge of history and geography combined with good judgement and an element of good luck. Ms Keppel, a garden designer from Fulham in West London is trying to decide how to spend her new-found fortune. Her success gave ITV chiefs almost as much reason to celebrate. After all, they had already given away £11,800,000 to get here. Right to the last, the show’s host, Chris Tarrant, kept up the pressure on Ms Keppel. Seeing the £1 m question: “Which king was married to Eleanor of Aquitaine?” Ms Keppel did something that no other contestant of the British version of the show has done before — she decided to gamble £468,000 by answering. An incorrect reply would have sent her winnings to £32,000, and the show’s producers intensified the atmosphere by cutting to a commercial break. It was three minutes before Tarrant said what he knew as soon as she had replied: that Henry II was the correct answer. As the audience jumped to its feet in joy, Ms Keppel remained as cool as she had been since starting out on the journey to £1 m. Her 80 UNIT 6 daughter Rosie ran down from the audience to hug her, while Tarrant expressed surprise at her calm. Ms Keppel replied: “I can’t believe it, that’s why.” She then turned to her daughter and joked: “What do you want for Christmas?” Viewers first saw Ms Keppel on Saturday night, when she was the only perspective contestant who correctly placed four former prime ministers in date order. Her next hurdle came on the £16,000 question when she required the audience’s help to name Mr Blair’s country of birth. The location of Duffel, the town which gave its name to a variety of coat, proved more problematic. She used her 50-50 lifeline to reduce the possible answers to Belgium and Holland. After some thinking she hit on Belgium. “It sounded more French. So I chose Belgium. That was my real gamble.” It paid off, because she was puzzled by a question about a stage direction from Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale. Fortunately her friend of 10 years, Jilly Greenwood, shrieked: “I know the answer, darling.” And she took £125,000. Tarrant said the strategy had saved her. “She was very clever at using her lifelines. She could have used her phone-a-friend on the Duffel coat question but she said “no, my friends wouldn’t know this.” In her interview Ms Keppel said, “Money has not been a terrible problem and I’m obviously not on the breadline, but I’m really looking forward to spending it.” (You can find the questions Ms Keppel answered in Ex. 7 and see if you can answer them.) 1. According to the article, what helped Ms Keppel to win £1 m? 2. What question made her a millionaire? 3. What three lifelines did she use in the game? 4. Do you agree that “anybody can do it” and win the top prize in a game show like this? 5. Do they show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? on Russian television? Do you watch it or other programmes like this? 6. What makes game shows on television so popular? 7 This is what Ms Keppel’s route to riches was like. See if you can do it too. Question I (£100) Complete this phrase. As sick as a ... a. Partridge c. Parrot b. Puffin d. Penguin 81 UNIT 6 _____ (£200) Which legal document states a person’s wishes as to what to do with their property after this person’s death? a. Would c. Should b. Shall d. Will Question 3 (£300) Complete the title of the James Bond film “The Man with the Golden ...” a. Tooth c. Eagle b. Gun d. Delicious Question 4 (£500) Which of these fruits shares its name with something great or desirable? a. Apricot c. Plum b. Grapefruit d. Mango Question 5 (£1000) In which sport do two teams pull at the opposite ends of a rope? a. Tug of war c. Ice hockey b. Basketball d. Polo Question 6 (£2000) Where would a cowboy wear his chaps? a. On his head c. On his legs b. On his arms d. On his hands Question 7 (£4000) Which of the zodiac signs is not represented by an animal that grows horns? a. Taurus c. Aquarius b. Capricorn d. Aries Question 8 (£8000) Sherpas and Gurkhas are native to which country? a. Russia c. Nepal b. Ecuador d. Morocco Question 9 (£16 000) Prime minister Tony Blair was born in which country? a. England c. Scotland b. Northern Ireland d. Wales Question 10 (£32 000) Whose autobiography has the title “A Long Walk to Freedom”? a. Ranulph Fiennes b. Mother Teresa c. Nelson Mandela d. Mikhail Gorbachev Question 11 (£64 000) Duffel coats are named after a town in which country? a. Belgium c. Germany b. France d. Austria 32 UNIT 6 Question 12 (£125 000) Complete this stage instruction in Shakespeare’s “The Winter’s Tale”: “Exit, pursued by a ...” a. Tiger c. Bear b. Clown d. Dog Question 13 (£250 000) The young of which creature is known as a squab? a. Salmon c. Pigeon b. Horse d. Octopus Question 14 (£500 000) Who is the patron saint of Spain? a. St James b. St John c. St Benedict d. St Peter Question 15 (£1 m) Which king was married to Eleanor of Aquitaine? a. Henry I c. Richard I b. Henry II d. Henry V Here are the correct answers: 1 — c.; 2 — d.; 3 — b.; 4 — 8 — c.; 9 — c.; 10 — c.; 11 — 15 — b. c.; 5 a.; 12 a.; 6 c.; 13 c.; 7 — c.; c.; 14 — a.; 8 Read the text and make it complete with the help of the derivatives that are formed from the words written on the right. Fill in the table at the end of the task. The 1. is part of an enterprise that is challenged by a multiplicity of problems and issues. Because they are 2. ________________ of “news”, they have a great 3.__________________It is through them that the 4. _______________ view the world. A lot of problems are connected with their work. Is 5.---------------a profession? Should it be one? Such talks lead to 6. of ethics, 7. 8. ______________ 9. ______________ and debates about codes requirements, specific , and mechanism for ______________ errant members of the profession. Many people believe that 10. ______________________ is too 11. ____________________________________________It is too 12. _____________________________________ too eccentric or journal formulate responsible city journal discuss enter educate exclude journal close sympathetic 83 UNIT 6 13. 14. 15. 16. opinions. It doesn’t always react ----------------------------------to coming from popular proper inform minor 1. journalist 9. 2. 10. 3. 11. 4. 12. 5. 13. 6. 14. 7. 15. 8. 16. 9 Use the right prepositions to complete the sentences. I. I apologize ... taking so long to decide. 2. Jane is used ... writing articles to our school newspaper. 3. We are tired ... filling in the forms. 4. We are all guilty ... losing our temper sometimes. 5. I don’t blame you ... getting angry at me when I took your bike without asking. 6. I believe ... getting regular exercise. 7. The noise outside our window prevented us ... sleeping. 8. I’m capable ... running two miles. 9. We look forward ... going to the sea by car. 10. Would you like to participate ... making a fashion show? II. The team succeeded ... winning the award. 12. I object ... your using my guitar without asking me first. 13. Little John is interested ... collecting stamps. 14. We all dream ... going away on a holiday. 15. The neighbour blamed us ... breaking the window. 16. I have you to thank ... getting us into this mess. 17. The passengers complained ... the train being delayed. 18. I’m thinking ... taking a day off on Thursday. to Express the same in Russian. 1. I can’t imagine my mum dancing in a disco! 2. I like living in my town very much. 3. Can you imagine forgetting your own birthday? 4. I succeeded in persuading him to go on with the experiment. 5. I like swimming. 6. I’m very tired of listening to your lies. 14 UNIT 6 7. Margaret said it was not worth going there any more. 8. There is no point in her arguing with uncle Tim. 9. I’ve got a special bike for riding up mountains. 10. Frank denied saying it. 11. You keep annoying me. 12. Ted earns pocket money by washing his neighbours’ car. 13. She had difficulty in finding our house. 14. It’s no use crying. I won’t change my mind. 15. Smoking can damage your health. 11 Complete the sentences with to where necessary. 1. Unfortunately I don’t know in what hotel ... stay for the night. 2. How can I make you ... understand me? 3. Why not ... play another game of chess? 4. My decision was ... leave for the capital as soon as possible. 5. Why ... pay more than we have ... pay? 6. It’s very pleasant ... have a short seaside holiday. 7. Let me ... show you my garden. 8. I simply can’t afford ... spend a week doing nothing. 9. I like singing and this is a nice song ... sing. 10. Why not ... revise the spelling rules again? 11. Jane is not used ... working for other people. 12. Some of the English sounds are not easy ... pronounce. 13. The little girl was made ... put away her toys before going to bed. 14. In old days people used ... travel long distances on horseback. 15. “David Copperfield” is one of the best books ... read when you’re young. 16. Please don’t make me ... repeat my request. 17. Don’t forget ... phone John, he’s expecting your call. 18. Don’t tell me what ... do, I’ve been through this routine before. 19. I’m afraid we are not allowed ... leave the campus after 10 p. m. 20. Why not ... have a farewell party at the end of the school year? 12 Complete the sentences, use the -ing form or the infinitive of the given verbs. 1. I’d like to say that I do look forward to (watch) my favourite film on television. 2. Do you mind me (turn) the TV down? It’s too loud. 3. In Mike’s view talk shows are the best programmes (see) on a Saturday evening. 4. I know that aerobics is difficult, but don’t give up (try). 5. I suggest (make) our own class newspaper (express) our opinions in. 6. To be honest very few people are used to (do) hard manual work. 7. Sorry, but we do not allow (listen) to music in the library. 8. Did you remember (buy) the TV Times with the new programme? 9. My father says that when he was young he used (get) three or four papers every day. 10. How did you manage (win) in the TV game show? 11. Nobody objected to (stay) at home a little longer and (watch) the news to the end. 12. They couldn’t stop the journalist from (tell) the truth about the events he witnessed. 13. I don’t mind (call) Victor at all, he is a good friend of mine. 14. It was clear that the old man had forgotten (talk) to me two days before. Though I remembered (meet) him clearly. 15. We stopped at the old church (admire) its beautiful architecture. 16. Don’t you 85 UNIT 6 regret (speak) badly of your good friends? 17. If I were you, I would never allow my child (play) with stray animals. 18. Please stop (whine). I’m sick and tired of your complaints. 19. I regret (inform) you that tonight’s performance has to be cancelled. 20. We had trouble (persuade) him to come. 21. I stopped him from (jump) just in time. 22. I suggest (phone) the police immediately. 23. Is this new film worth (see)? 24. I sometimes forget (wind) up my old alarm clock. 25. I’ve started (go) to judo classes. 13 Use offer or suggest to complete the sentences. 1. ... an apology for being late. 2. She ... to me two suitable people for this job. 3. I ... that we have lunch now. 4. My friend ... to help me to wash my car. 5. Bob ... a different plan. 6. Who ... that we play baseball? 7. We ... ten dollars for the book. 8. We went to that movie because you had ... it. 9. The report ... various ways in which the service could be improved. 10. They haven’t ... me the job yet. 11. The police are ... a reward to anyone with information about the crime. 12. I ... that we have dinner first, and then watch the film. 13. I don’t think you should have ... your help. 14. If there is a problem, we ... contacting the manager directly. 15. Alice ... me twenty dollars for the picture. 14 Express the same in English using either the infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets. A. (forget/remember) 1. Папа до сих пор помнит, как он покупал свой первый телевизор. (remember) 2. Он не забыл взять с собой паспорт. 3. Ты не забудешь купить мне фрукты? (remember) 4. Не забудь послать тете телеграмму, (remember) 5. Я никогда не забуду, как я каталась на лыжах в горах, (forget) 6. Джон сказал, что никогда не забудет то, как они пели на вечере, (forget) 7. Вы забыли, что встречались со мной раньше? (forget) B. (stop) 1. Джейн остановилась, чтобы понюхать розу. 2. Прекрати шуметь. 3. Мы остановились, чтобы купить газету. 4. Лиза перестала ходить в музыкальную школу. 5. Прекрати кричать. Я не могу разобрать голос на пленке. 6. Мы попытались остановить его, но он не стал никого слушать. C. (regret) 1. Я сожалею, что вышел из себя. 2. К сожалению, должен сказать вам, что ваш брат попал в дорожно-транспортное происшествие. 3. Алиса пожалела, что рассказала вам об этом. 4. С сожалением должен сказать вам, что вы не сдали экзамен. 5. Я жалею, что одолжил ему деньги. Он их мне не вернул. 6. К сожалению, я не послушал твоего совета. Ты был прав. 86 UNIT 6 15 These are some phrases you can often hear on the phone. Write suitable replies to them. 1. — May I have a word with your sister? 2. — Hi, it’s me, Fred. 3. — It’s a pity. Bob is out. 4. — Sorry, I can’t hear you. 5. — Is N. there, please? 6. — ____________________________________________________ — Hold the line, please. I’ll just see if he is in. 7. — ____________________________________________________ — Larry is out at the moment. Can you call later? 8. — Boris can’t take the phone now. 9. — ___________________________________ — Would you ask her to call back? 10. — Who’s calling, pleaise? 16 Express the same in English. Use the phrasal verb to hold in each sentence. 1. Телефонистка попросила звонившего не вешать трубку. 2. Девочка спускалась по лестнице, держась за перила. 3. Мальчик поздоровался и протянул мне руку. 4. Я едва сдерживался. 5. Мужчина придержал собаку и позволил мне пройти. 6. Солдатам удалось отбить (сдержать) атаку врага. 7. Ручка была прикреплена к двери при помощи одного гвоздя. 8. (по телефону) — Подождите минутку, я посмотрю, где он сейчас. 9. Линда протянула руку и дала мне ключи. 10. Когда ныряешь, задержи дыхание. 11. Мы старались держаться подальше от толпы. 12. Держись за эту ручку и не упадешь. 13. Незнакомец протянул мне руку, чтобы поздороваться. 14. Крепость продержалась несколько дней. 15. Погоди, погоди! Вот здесь я с тобой не согласен. 16. Мэри была очень сердита, но сдержалась. 17. Держись, я иду. 87 UNIT 6 17 Fill in prepositions to complete the sentences. I. Your jokes are wasted ... him. 2. The ancient palace was all ... flames. 3. The little girl was absorbed ... the book she was reading and didn’t notice me. 4. ... that point the man was interrupted. 5. In his speech Mr Woodriff pointed ... several drawbacks of the plan. 6. We could watch ducks floating ... the water. 7. A piece of wood was floating ... the stream. 8. I have always said Betty has a gift ... music. 9. My aunt burst ... passionate sobbing. 10. They decided to enclose the garden ... a low fence and a row of bushes. II. Jim liked to watch the clouds floating ... the bright blue sky and think of travels and distant lands. 12. If you take up a job, do it ... the best of your ability or don’t do it at all. 13. My memories ... our meeting are very pleasant. 14. “I really think that’s the tallest tower I have ever seen,” said Kevin pointing ... the building on the opposite side of the street. 15. My granddad made me a gift ... a silver spoon. 18 In these rows of adjectives find one word that doesn’t go together with the noun in bold type. 1) reason: certain, obvious, glorious, well-known 2) land: distant, idle, marvellous, terrific 3) day: glorious, pleasant, awful, passionate 4) man: absorbed, enclosed, illiterate, idle 5) dog: fierce, hungry, injured, obvious 6) answer: passionate, wicked, obvious, incapable 19 Express the same in English. Use your new vocabulary. 1. Люди вряд ли забудут тот славный майский день, последний день ужасной войны. 2. Мое знание арабского языка ограничено пятью-шестью фразами. 3. Пламя свечи было таким слабым, что мы были не в состоянии читать при его свете. 4. То были праздные дни лежания на пляже и ничегонеделания. 5. Я прилагаю фотографию моей семьи на фоне нашего нового дома. 6. Робин — одаренный музыкант, я уверен, что у него блестящее (brilliant) будущее. 7. Ты думаешь, что в этой стране остались безграмотные люди? 8. Яростная и страстная речь Джейн не оставила публику равнодушной. 9. У Чарльза было мало воспоминаний о раннем детстве. 10. В большинстве случаев счастье людей зависит от хорошей семьи и хорошей работы. 11. У расточительных людей нет шанса стать богатыми. 12. Поглощенные разговором, мы не обратили внимания на шум за стенами дома. 13. Моя ошибка была очевидна, и я был готов к тому, чтобы услышать несколько нелестных слов от моих учителей. 14. Дерево не тонет, а плывет. 15. Подойди к карте и укажи на Аравийский полуостров. 88 UNIT 6 20 Complete the words in brackets with the help of the prefixes un-, in-, ir-, //-, im-. I. The door of the house was {-locked) and we entered without knocking. 2. The face of the stranger was so {-mobile) that we couldn’t understand what he was feeling at the moment. 3. If you are {-attentive) in class, you’ll miss a lot of important information. 4. We all thought that returning to London would be {-rational) and stayed in the country. 5. {-married) women often try to continue their education. 6. You should have chosen an {-expensive) car for your driving lessons. 7. The {-coloured) pictures in the book didn’t look very attractive. 8. The boy’s {-responsible) behaviour made an {-pleasant) impression on all of us. 9. We expected Joe to express his happiness, but the child’s reaction was rather {-different). 10. Wouldn’t it be {-logical) to go back on your word now that everything has been arranged? II. My {-answered) question is still bothering me. 12. We say that Shakespeare’s books are {-mortal) meaning that they will be remembered for a long time. 21 Write English equivalents of these adjectives: 1) неаккуратный 2) независимый 3) неправильный (о глаголах), нерегулярный 4) непопулярный 5) недорогой 6) неграмотный 7) нелогичный 8) невежливый 9) неотразимый 10) непрестижный 11) невидимый 12) неинтересный 13) невнимательный 14) неспособный 15) неудобный 16) безответственный 17) неопрятный 18) неразборчивый 22 Write these sentences using passive constructions. 1. Jim allowed me to enter. 2. My dad let me go to the cinema. 3. They do not allow to play football in the street. 4. She didn’t let her children go out in the rain. 5. My granny doesn’t let me work in her garden. 6. His parents allow him to go to such parties. 7. She won’t let you return the money. 8. John stepped back and let me pass. 9. She doesn’t let her younger brothers ride her bike. 10. The manager doesn’t allow smoking in the restaurant. 23 Express the same in English. Use lie (1), lie (2) or lay in their forms. 1. Несколько газет лежали на столе. 2. Папа положил руку на мое плечо. 3. Джемма положила одежду в ящик. 4. Положи шляпу на этот стул. 5. Она пошла в спальню и легла на кровать. 6. Когда я вошел в комнату, дедушка лежал на диване. 7. Ферма находилась (лежала) в трех милях от моря. 8. Я знала, что Роб лгал. UNIT 6 9. Джон лежал на пляже и думал о своей семье. 10. Маленькая девочка положила карандаш на стол. 11. Молодая мать положила ребенка на спину. 12. Она в комнате, накрывает на стол. 13. Смотри, как она кладет ребенка в кровать. 14. Смотри, собака лежит под столом. 15. Ложись на софу, постарайся заснуть. Iittp://ku rokam.ru 24 Give English equivalents for these: 1. Аравийский полуостров. 2. Объединенные Арабские Эмираты. 3. Арабский язык. 4. «Тысяча и одна ночь». 5. Арабские цифры. 6. Аравийская пустыня. 7. Арабский скакун. 8. Арабская литература. 9. Арабские племена. 10. Арабский мир. 11. Арабо-израильский конфликт. 12. Арабские страны. 13. Арабский алфавит. 14. Арабская нефть. 15. Арабская история. 25 Write the answers to these questions using the Topical Vocabulary. 1. Can you name some local or national newspapers? magazines? What does each of them specialize in? 2. What sections can you find in a typical daily newspaper? 3. Do you read every section of a newspaper? Which of them are you especially interested in? 4. Do you think book and film reviews published in newspapers are useful? Do they influence you in your choice? In what way? 5. Should newspapers be illustrated? 6. Don’t you think newspapers have become unnecessary because of television? 7. How much time daily do you spend watching TV? How much time v/ould you like to do it? 8. Do you think so many foreign films should be shown on TV? 9. What is your attitude towards violence on the screen? 10. Do you watch political programmes? Do you think they differ from each other on different channels? 11. What do you think the choice of the TV programme depends on? 90 26 Write these in English: 1. крупные заголовки в газете 2. обзор фильмов 3. различные издания 4. большое количество экземпляров 5. беспристрастный и точный 6. следить за новостями 7. внештатный журналист 8. газетный киоск 9. вести (транслировать) передачи 10. быть «приклеенным» к экрану 11. пульт дистанционного управления 12. десятичасовые новости 13. ведущий новостей 14. ведущий викторины 15. реклама на телевидении 16. насилие и преступление 17. музыкальная программа по заявкам 18. редактор 19. подписаться на газету 20. постоянно информировать о текущих событиях. https://kurokam,ni 27 А lot of newspapers and magazines publish TV film guides. Read this film guide and choose two films you’d like to watch. Explain your choice in writing. “THE GREAT CARUSO”. Song-filled drama about the life of one tenor (Enrico Caruso) as played and performed by another (Mario Lanza). (1951) UNIT 6 “SECRET GAMES 3”. Crime thriller in which a wife discovers that her secret lover is planning to murder her husband. “THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR”. Steve McQueen is Thomas Crown, the millionaire businessman who’s bored with his playboy lifestyle and has become a high-stakes thief. Faye Dunaway plays Vicky Anderson, insurance investigator who now has to catch Crown. “TO DANCE WITH THE WHITE DOG”. Touching drama about mortality, with Hume Cronyn as widower befriending a strange dog. (1993) “LAND GIRLS”. Romance, heartbreak and tragedy in beautiful, wintry Dorset in the Second World War. Anna Friel, Rachel Weisz. (1997) “CRIMES OF PASSION: VOICE FROM THE GRAVE”. Engrossing mystery in which a woman is haunted by the murder of a colleague. “BACHELOR PARTY”. Jacky teen comedy about a fiancee trying to spy on a stag party.* Tom Hanks, Tawny Kitaen, Adrian Zmed. (1984) “STRANGER IN TOWN”. Murder mystery in which a boy begins to suspect a handyman of killing a local woman. Harry Hamlin. (1998) “KRAMER VS KRAMER”. Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep put in Oscar-winning performances in this enormously successful and sad tale. Ted Kramer is a career man who puts his work before his family. Joanna, his wife, had enough of this and has decided to leave him and their son, Billy. (1979) 28 Use the right articles (a, the, zero) with the proper names to complete the sentences. 1. On their way to ... East Africa they crossed ... Bay of Biscay. 2. Dahl flew over ... Libyan Desert and once he was shot down. 3. Quite a big part of ... Canada is situated beyond ... Arctic Circle close to ... North Pole. 4. Prince William became a student at ... St Andrew’s University in ... Scotland. 5. Newspaper correspondents often go to distant lands like ... Asia, ... Africa and ... South America to find material for their newspapers. 6. ... Suez Canal in ... Egypt joins ... Mediterranean Sea with ... Gulf of Suez and ... Red Sea. 7. ... Fleet Street in London has become a symbol of the British press. 8. Roald Dahl wrote his first article for ... Saturday Evening Post. 9. I went to ... British Museum Library to read about the seven wonders of the world. 10. Are ... Rocky Mountains situated both in ... Canada and ... USA? 29 Choose the right form and write the sentences. 1. “James! Look at yourself! You shouldn’t (be wearing/have worn) such a dirty shirt!” 2. Fiona said she (has seen/had seen) an unusual cake recipe in the Recipes for Cooking section. 3. Mrs Stubbs wants ' stag party — a party for men only especially on the night before a man’s wedding («мальчишник») UNIT 6 to know if her customer (has read/had read) the latest edition of The Times. 4. A good edition should (provide/have provided) objective information on various subjects. 5. John switched off the television and (lay/lied) on the sofa. 6. Could you (lay/lie) this pile of old newspapers on the top shelf? 7. Mum! The pie is wonderful but you needn’t (cook/have cooked) it. Bob said he (will/would) buy some cake on the way home. 8. As a newspaper reader you can (subscribe/have subscribed) to the newspaper you require. 9. Bob is used to (receive/receiving) periodicals at home. 10. He was (let/allowed) to work for this newspaper freelance. 30 Open the brackets to make the story complete. Lord Crawford and the Lion Once Lord Crawford went lion shooting and took his servant Jenkins with him. It was a safari he (1. dream) of for a long time. The men (2. walk) through the jungle when they (3. notice) a great and powerful lion (4. come) out of the bushes. “I never (5. see) such a big lion in my whole life! It (6. make) a beautiful skin for my drawing room,” thought his lordship and (7. raise) his gun. And the lion (8. prepare) for a jump. A second later a shot (9. hear) and at the same time the men saw the lion (10. spring) up into the air right over his lordship’s head. A second later Lord Crawford (11. know) that he (12. miss) the animal. He (13. think) he (14. give) a bad gun and if he (15. have) another gun his shot (16. be) more accurate. Taking a new gun from his servant’s hands Lord Crawford (17. try) his skill again. This time he (18. aim) at a small green leaf in the tree for a minute or two before he (19. shoot). Unfortunately the shot (20. waste) again. “I (21. get) old,” said the aristocrat almost in tears. “My lord,” (22. reply) Jenkins. “(23. Not, worry)] The lion (24. miss) you too!” And they both (25. turn) around (26. look) for the lion. The powerful animal (27. not, go) away; but it (28. pay) little attention to his lordship and his servant: the lion (29. practise) short distance jumps and the expression on his face (30. speak) of unhappy thoughts. 31 Match the names of the signs of the zodiac with their pictures and find out what awaits you in the near future. a. 92 1. Leo ['li:3u| 2. Scorpio ['sko:pi3u] 3. Gemini ['ct5eminai| 4. Libra ['iaibra] 5. Cancer ('kasnsol 6. Aries ['eorkz] UNIT 6 7. Aquarius [o'kweanas] 8. Virgo ['уз:дэи] 9. Pisces ['paisi;z] 10. Taurus [Ъ:гэ5] f 11. Capricorn ['kaepriko:n| 12. Sagittarius [,saecfei'te3n3s] ■Щ с. d. e. // \ 22 Mar — 20 Apr Prepare yourself for hard work. Try to accept it with good humour and you will find a reward at the end. The planets are saying you’re in a strong position. 21 Apr — 22 May A super time for romance. Soon you’ll meet the partner of your dreams. However don’t neglect your business and be careful of financial matters. UNIT 6 23 May — 21 June How many times have you asked yourself what you’re going to do with the rest of your life? Soon you’ll know the answer. The stars are smiling at you: you will be lucky. You will meet new people and will receive good news. Not a bad time for romance. 22 June — 22 July The planets make you feel strong. Take off your protective shell and relax enough to be able to experience some new sensations. It’s a good time for change. 23 July — 22 Aug You’ll be lucky in both love and money and meet somebody important for your future. It’s necessary that you should say the right things now — a lot depends on this. Expect some extra work. 23 Aug — 22 Sept Your planets are listening to money talking. Mercury warns you not to do anything rash, but your instincts will tell you exactly what to do, listen to them, because there is a danger that you’ll spoil things. News will come and it will be good. 23 Sept — 22 Oct Don’t plan a holiday or any radical changes in your life for some time. The stars are testing you and you’re going to cope with the testing. Soon your luck will change. Now just smile and the world will smile with you. 23 Oct — 21 Nov The planets are promising much. Just be patient, and wait and success will find you. You are in great physical form, people find you very attractive and seek your company. A good time to reveal your best qualities. 94 UNIT 6 22 Nov — 22 Dec You have been working hard and require a holiday. You need to see new faces and places. It’s a very good time for change and for starting a new romance. There are many reasons why you should expect much of your near future. 23 Dec — 20 Jan Don’t make too many arrangements. Dances and parties are not for you. Stay at home as much as you can and work hard. Someone will be very pleased with you. Love is also in the stars. 21 Jan — 19 Feb This may be a great turning point in your career. Work diligently and pay attention to details. Don’t think about love, you may find it disappointing. Don’t spend all your money: you may need some of it soon. 20 Feb — 20 Mar You have been having difficult times lately. Coming through times like that requires a lot of strength and you have it. Never mind, your fortune will change very soon. You will be lucky in both love and money. 95 Keys to Exercises Unit 1. Ex. 29 ] 1. — b.; 2. — c.; 3. 4. — d.; 5. — b.; 6. — b.; 7. — b. ' Unit 2. Ex. 32 1. - d); 2. 3. - a); 4. - c); 5. - a); 6. - c); 7. - b) 8. - c) Unit 3. Ex? 29 l.^d); 2. - b); 3. - b); 4. - c); 5. - d); 6. - d); 7. - d) Unit 4. Ex. 29 1. — b); 2. — c); 3. — d); 4. — c); 5. — c); 6. — c); 7. — b) Unit 5. Ex. 33 1. — b); 2. — d); 3. — b); 4. — a); 5. — a); 6. — b); 7. — a) Contents Unit 1............................................... 3 Unit 2.............................................. 19 Unit 3.............................................. 34 Unit 4...............................................46 Unit 5.............................................. 60 Unit 6.............................................. 78 Keys to Exercises................................... 96 воо^ ISBN 978-5-09-026490-7 9 785090 264907 Ш