Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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о. в. Афанасьева И. В. Михеева rvlWVV L класс Рабочая тетрадь №1 D Р о Ф й i 2 Англ-922 '4 Афанасьева, О. В. /\94 Английский язык : 2-й год обучения. 6 кл. : рабочая тетрадь М 1 О. В, Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева. — 4-е изд., стереотип. — М. : Дрос|)а, 2006. — 94, [2] с. : ил. — (Новый курс английского языка для (хкгсийских школ). ISBN 5-358 00447-5 1) ISBN 5 358-00446 7 Тетради являются составной частью УМК-2, созданпого известными специалистами в области преподавания английского языка О. В. ЛфанясьеаоЙ и И. В. Михеевой. Они предназначены как для самостоятельной работы учащихся дома, так н для работы в классе. В комплект входят также учебник, книга для чтения, книга дтя учителя и набор аудиокассет. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2 Англ 922 5- 5- '158-00447-5 (№ 1) ‘'158 00446-7 ООО.Дроф.1..20иЗ Содержание Unit 1. Section 1.................................... 4 I. Listening +............................... 4 II. Reading +................................ 8 III. Writing + ............................. 15 Test 1 ..................................... 21 Dictation 1................................. 25 Project Work 1 ............................. 25 Unit 2. Section 2................................. 26 I. Listening +.............................. 26 II. Reading +............................... 31 III. Writing + ............................. 39 Test 2 ..................................... 45 Dictation 2................................. 48 Project Work 2 ............................. 49 Unit 3. Section 3................................... 50 I. Listening +.............................. 50 II. Reading +............................... 53 III. Writing + ............................. 59 Test 3 ..................................... 67 Dictation 3................................. 71 Project Work 3 ............................. 71 Unit 4. Section 4................................... 72 I. Listening +.............................. 72 II. Reading +............................... 76 III. Writing + ............................. 84 Test 4 ..................................... 90 Dictation 4................................. 94 Project Work I ............................. 95 Unit 1. Section 1 I. Listening + 1. Послушай рассказ о мальчике по имени Bill и отметь правильные утверждения о нем. И (1) 1) Bill is thirteen__ 2) Bill goes to school- 3) Bill is from England. 4) His family is big___^ 5) Bill lives on the farm. 6) Bill’s horse is black-- 7) Bill feeds his pets in the afternoon______ 8) Bill likes riding Blackie, 2. Послушай аудиозапись (2) и соедини имена людей которые им нравится вы- с названиями действий, полнять. 1) Joe White 2) Peter Ross 3) Jenny Finn 4) Andrew Ford 5) Fred Brown 6) Linda Reed If 2______ 3______ A a) going to the shops b) having music classes c) playing rock music d) playing on the computer e) listening to pop music f) playing the piano 5___ 6_ 3. Послушай, что о себе рассказывают Polly, Don и Wendy И (S)y и заполни анкеты этих людей, вписав в них недостающую информацию. 1) Name: __________________________________ Age:---------------------------- Address: 7, Apple Street, Hampton Telephone number: Family: rnother,__ Occupation Hobby: 2) Name: Reed Age: Address: Telephone number: Family: Occupation: Hobby: 3) Name: Age: Address: 3. Telephone number: Family: Occupation: Hobby: Ж6 , Aberdeen, Scotland . sister , USA 4. Kitty Scott пять лет, на она уже многое умеет. По слушай ее рассказ о том/, что она может и чего не может делать (4), и заполни пропуски в рассказе (сап! can’t). Hello, I’m Kitty Scott. I’m five. I do a lot. I________ run and jump. I feed my pets. I well. I_______ _______read, but not very ride my bike, but I_______ride my father’s horse. I play the piano, but I play on the computer. I I______ _____ cook, but not very well, wash the plates and I________go to the shops with my sister or my mother. 5. Послушай вопросы диктора заполнив таблицу. (5) и ответь на них. № 9 • Yes No 1 fly а plane No, I can’t. Г 2 cook 3 1 drive а car 4 ride a horse 5 [. ride a bike 1 6 play the piano 7 ^ play football 8 fly kites 1 9 feed a cow 10 swim 11 speak English 6. Послушай, что говорят о себе эти люди ^ (6), и отметь те фразы, которые соответствуют этим высказываниям. 1) Гт Jack. I сап play the piano very well- 2) I’m Liz. I like cars. I can drive, but not very well._ 3) My name is Dan. I go to school. I can read and write very well_____ 4) Hi! I’m Tom. I can swim. I can swim very well.___ 5) My name is Diana. I love music. I can sing very well-- 6) I’m Jane Larkin. I hate cooking. I can’t cook.__ 7) Hello! My name is Ron. I can play tennis, but not very well.____ 8) I’m Sally. I can run and jump very well---- 1. 2. 3. 1. 7. 7. Послушай аудиозапись И (7) и соедини имена деву шек с названиями их увлечений. S' ■.V OlKa Gwen Niilashu music sport painting II, Reading + 8. Прочитай эти словосочетания. speak well can’t drive go to school drive well can’t sing go to the park swim well can’t teach go to the shop play well can’t run go home a fainily name sing a lot listen to music a family friend play a lot listen to songs a family house read a lot listen to the teacher a family doctor like a lot listen to your mum new films new computers new classes new schoolchildren 9. Прочитай предложения и обведи те из них. которые соответствуют картинкам. 1) Sam сап swim very well. Sam can’t swim very well. 2) Nina can play the piano very well. Nina can’t play the piano very well. 8 3) Kate loves washing the plates. Kate hates washing the plates. 4) Pete loves going to the shops. Pete hates going to the shops. 5) Mrs Davis loves rock music. Mrs Davis hates rock music. 6) Ron’s bike is new. Ron’s bike is old. 7) Dan goes to school at 8.30. Dan is at school at 8.30. 8) The Browns are a family. The Browns are friends. 9) Harry drives a Ford. Harry drives a BMW. 10) Mary listens to music a lot. Mary listens to music, but not a lot. 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 8. 9, 10. \0.Прочитай тексты и напиши к каждому из них под ходящий заголовок. Who Loves Music? Little Sisters What He Can’t Do Mother’s Helper 1) Mark has a big family. He has four sisters. Mark’s two sisters are little but they go to school. They are at school in the morning and in the afternoon. They go to school five days a week. On Saturday and Sunday they are at home. Mark drives them in his car. And the girls love it. 2) Betty is thirteen. She lives with her mother in a small town. Her mother is a singer. Betty helps her mother a lot. She goes to the shops, does their flat’ and washes the plates. Betty loves cooking and cooks a lot. She feeds their pets too. 3) Roy is a sportsman. He likes driving his car very much. He likes swimming too and he can swim very well. Roy can ride horses. He can play tennis, volleyball, and football. He is a good footballer. But he can’t fly planes. 4)__________________________________________________________ Polly likes music very much. She teaches music at school. She has a lot of pupils. Her pupils love singing songs and playing the piano. They can sing and play the piano very well. They like classical music, pop music, and rock music too. But Polly’s son hates playing the piano. He likes playing on the computer. * does their flat убирает квартиру .0 W.IIpoHumaii следующие утверждения, согласись или не согласись с ними, поставь галочку в нужной клетке.^ What сап а baby do? Yes No 1) Babies can sit. 2) Babies can read. 3) Babies can sleep. 4) Babies can be liungry. 5) Babies can play. 6) Babies can stand. 7) Babies can cry. 8) Babies can fall. 9) Babies can see. 10) Babies can speak. 11) Babies can jump. 12) Babies can run. 13) Babies can smile. 14) Babies can count. ^ What сап а baby do? — ^1то может делать малыш? (а baby — ребенок до полутора лет) 11 12. Соедини начала и концы этих предложений, чтобы узнать, кто такой настоящий друг. What is а good friend? 1) А good friend loves a) when I’m sad. 2) А good friend helps me b) what I like. 3) A good friend likes c) laugh at me. 4) A good friend is not happy d) what I hate. 5) A good friend gives me e) me. 6) A good friend hates f) what he/she has. 7) A good friend can’t g) a lot. l_b_ 2 3 4 5 6 13. Подбери недостающие реплики. 12 1. 2. 3. a) b) c) They are all my friends. Yes. He has swimming classes five days a week. I can teach her to play on the computer. 14. Попробуй угадать значения этих слов и словосоч таний. Напиши их. 1) а music lover 2) а dishwasher — 3) а piano player------------------------------ 4) a home help. 5) a weekday 6) a family doctor 7) a family name 8) a dog hater 9) a shopper 10) a schoolgirl 11) a filmgoer 12) a computer game 13) a penfriend 14) a schoolboy 16.Прочитай эти тексты, сравни их, найди и выпиши семь различий. James James lives in London. He has a small family. His mum, dad, and his sister live in a big house. James is a pupil. He has classes five days a week. James loves pop music. He can play the piano, but not very well. He loves sport and he likes playing on the computer. Max Max lives in London. He has a big family. His mum, dad, and his five sisters live in a big house. Max is a student. He has classes six days a week. Max loves rock music. He can play the piano very well. He loves sport, but he hates playing on the computer. 1) James has a small family, but Max has a big family. 2) James________________________________________ 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Хб.Закончи текст, вставляя в него пропущенные глаго лы из рамки. Прочитай его вслух. live(s) have/has can listen(s) drive(s) love(s) ride(s) go(es) play(s) sing(s) run(s) jump(s) is/are 14 Ann is fourteen. She and her family I in Glasgow. Glasgow i in Scotland. Ann’s friends g to school. They a pupils. They classes five days a week. They all 1. sport. Jack and Jill c. swim very well. Ann volleyball and basketball. Peter d. a car and r. horses. Betty r. Щ I .very well. The friends 1. Jill 1 rock music but Betty 1 sic. Peter s. very well. He s. English songs. In the evening they all L and music too. pop mu- beautiful _ to these songs. III. Writing + 17.В подписях к этим картинкам есть ошибки. Исправь их. 1. 2. Я 4. 5. 6. i. 15 1) On Sunday Jane goes to school. 2) On Monday Jane’s sister goes to the shops. 3) On Tuesday Polly’s son has computer classes. 4) On Wednesday Bob drives his son in the car. 5) On Thursday Pete listens to pop music. 6) On Friday Alice washes her cups. 7) On Saturday Roy helps his mother. 18. Напиши, какие из этих животных могут/не могут а) плавать, Ь) летать. a) Sparrows can’t swim. b) Sparrows can fly. 16 ) % ч 19.Составь и запиши вопросы для интервью, чтобы узнать, умеют ли твои друзья выполнять следующее: 1) swim; 2) sing; 3) paint; 4) play football; 5) ride horses; 6) drive a car; 7) play on the computer; 8) play the piano; 9) cook; 10) count very well; 11) jump high; 12) read in* English. 1) Xgn you swim?____________________________________ 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) I 31ктЛс>рсиалЫксогосшпх»росп1|1с«1тешса1.6ха Рябочм tctjmuuM I 17 20.Прочитай, что Ann не любит делать, и напиши, что из этого не любишь делать ты. 1) Ann hates washing the plates. 2) Ann hates going to the shops. 3) Ann hates cooking. 4) Ann hates running. 5) Ann hates singing. 6) Ann hates playing the piano. 7) Ann hates swimming. 8) Ann hates going to bed at ten o’clock in the evening. 1) I hate___________________________________________ 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 21.Напиши слова, записанные транскрипционными знач ка.чи. 1) [klois]___________ 7) [Taemali]________________ 2) [pi'senou] 3) ['sista]____ 4) ['lisan]____ 5) ['mju:zik] 6) [sku:l]_____ 8) [trend] 9) [wdJ] 10) [kam'pju:ta] ll)[nju:] 12) [SAIl] 18 22.Подбери к каждой картинке подходящую реплику. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a) Help! Help! b) It’s eight o’clock. Go to your school, please. You’re a teacher! c) Listen to my new music, please. d) Count the stars, please. e) Please read the book. f) Wash the dishes, please. 2S.Представь себе, что ты получил письмо от друга по переписке. Прочитай его и напиши ответ. Dear' Friend, Му name is Jeff Stone I'm twelve years old and I live in Glasgow, Scotland. My family is not very big. We are four. I have a pet dog. Her name is Molly. She is very nice. * Dear [dia] ращение) — дорогой, дорюгая (принятое в письмах об- 19 Му hobby is football I love playing football with my friends In the evening I like playing on the computer and listening to music. I hate going to the shops. I can run. swim and jump very well And you? How old are you? What is your ЬоЬЬу"!* Can you swim? Can you play football? Is your family big’ Do you hove a pet’ Do you like playing on the computer’ Bye Your friend Jeff 24.Haiidu в jnioM квадрате Id слов, оболиачанпцих то, что любит John. AVhal John loves s f a m • 1 1 у a w b c о ni p u t e r e 1 h о 11 • j d e h g X к О t s 11 n d a у s e 0 b • 1 • 1 b 1 c a r s 1 a c f m b * 1 r ► d s f 1 о n d О n c к a g 1 к • i d p e t s h у 1 s w • 1 m m • 1 n g c h 0 c 0 1 a t e J 20 1) computer 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) Test 1 1. Послушай текст о Sally Barker ^ (8) и отметь, что она умеет делать и чего она не умеет делать. № 9 • She can’t She can 1 play volleyball 2 drive а car 3 play football 4 read 5 play tennis 6 count 7 ride a horse 8 play ping-pong 21 2. Закончи текст, вставляя в него пропущенные глаго лы из рамки. Прочитай его вс.пух. help(s) hate(s) meet(s) can/can’t live(s) wash(es) play(s) go(es) have/has listen(s) sing(s) meet(s) drive(s) love(s) Sally Barker: her family and friends Sally is thirteen. She and her family 1_________ in London. Sally g to a London school. She 1__________her mum, dad, and John. Sally h_____________ her mum: she g. to the shops and w. Sally to buses. the plates. Harry Barker, her dad, d_ school in the morning: Sally h_______ Sally h__________ a lot of friends at school. They m___________ at school in the morning and they m___________in the evening too. They 1_________to mu- sic. Sally c _______________ play the piano well. She the piano to her friends and s________nice songs, 3. Misha и Sasha — братья близнецы, но они совершенно разные: Misha любит читать и интересуется иностранными языка.ми и музыкой, а Sasha любит спорт. Прочитай вопросы, которые задали ма.чьчи-ка.м, когда .мама повела их записываться в детские кружки, и впиши их в таблицу, решив, какие вопросы задавали Мише, а какие — Саше. 22 Can you Can you Can you Can you Can you Can you Can you Can you Can you Can you Can you Can you read well? play the piano? drive a car? count in English? play ping-pong? sing English songs? speak English? read English books? play football? ride a bike? play volleyball? ride a horse? Misha Sasha 1) 1) ? ? 2) 9 " / 9 2) 2) ? 9 4) 4) ? ? f») ? ? fi) R) 9 ? 23 4. А. Посмотри на таблицу и напиши об увлечениях де вочки по имени Nina. Образец: Nina loves reading books. She likes riding a horse. She hates listening to sad songs. loves likes hates reading books riding a horse listening to sad songs listening to pop music playing volleyball playing the piano singing English songs going to the shops washing the floor playing on the computer swimming washing dishes riding a bike jumping cooking flying a kite going to school feeding her little sister B. A теперь напиши о своих увлечениях. Используй ело ва и словосочетания, которые ты знаешь. 5. Напиши слова, данные в транскрипции ['lissn] ['mju:zik] [pi'acnauj [woj]----- 24 [5ЛП] _ [frend] [sku:l]. ['sisia]______ [nju:]________ [kom'pjuits]. 6. Напиши диктант М 1, (9). Dictation 1 Project Work 1 Британцев часто называют а sea-loving nation (sea [si:] — море; nation ['neijn] — нация) — нация мореплавателей. Найди по крайней мере три причины, почему их можно так называть, а затем оформи очередную страницу своего альбома о Британии, проиллюстрировав это положение. Тебе может помочь географическая карта Британских островов и некоторые сведения по истории и географии страны. 25 Unit 2. Section 2 1. I. Listening + Nina — очень вежливая девочка, a Kate часто забывает о правилах речевого этикета. Послушай аудиозапись (10) и отметь, какие реплики произнесла Nina, а какие Kate. Number Nina Kate Number Nina Kate 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 2. Послушай диктора и вставь в эти предложения не достающие местоимения, ЁЗ (11). 1) What is 2) What is 3) Please listen to. 4) Look at______ name: Kathie or Polly? telephone number? ______new song. little brother! Isn’t nice? 5) Ben and Ronald often help______granny with shopping, 6) Where is_______ little sister. Max? I can’t see______ 7) _______new books are on the desk. 8) Kiss cousin goodbye and go home, Liz 26 9) This is______old teddy bear: it is in 10) Now, children, run to_______desks! little be 3. A. Послушай рассказ о семье Магу Barker (12) впиши имена ее родственников в нужные клеточки ® Alice *2 Elizabeth 2 William Harry 3 7 • • • • 4 Jim 5 Mar>' 6 • • • • 1 В. Закончи предложения о семье Магу Barker. 1) Mary’s parents’ names are William and 2) 3) 4) Beatrice’s parents are and Jim are her brotJ ________is Mary’s siSf&i ______________and Alia 5) Harry and William are 6) Beatrice is William’s sons 1 7) Harry is William’s 8) Ann’s cousins’ names are Sally and 9) Elizabeth is_____________________ mother 2 4. Послушай аудиозапись и ответь на вопросы диктора о себе и своей семье, (13). 5. Послушай диктора (14) и реши, кому принадлежат эти животные. Л ■ ^ Mr Green Rick Ann •.t; s Jenny Alice Liz and Fanny Mike Ч , ivf Sam Mary Colin the children Jerry and Fred Kevin i Meggie Mrs Smith Simon (15) и зачеркни ненужный ва- 6. Послушай диктора риант. 1. а) Rose sings pop songs very well. b) Rose doesn’t sing pop songs very well. 2. a) Our cousin Jack can play the piano, b) Our cousin Jack can’t play the piano. 3. a) Fred Robins lives in Florida. b) Fred Robins doesn’t live in Florida. 28 4. a) b) 5. a) b) 6. a) b) 7. a) b) 8. a) b) 9. a) b) 10. a) b) 11. a) b) Nina can speak English. Nina can’t speak English. We go to the cinema on Saturdays. We don’t go to the cinema on Saturdays. Kate has pet dogs. Kate doesn’t have pet dogs. Andrew is six, he goes to school. Andrew is six, he doesn’t go to school. Ben’s wife drives. Ben’s wife doesn’t drive. These children can swim well. These children can’t swim well. Alice likes horse riding. Alice doesn’t like horse riding. Mrs Reed is a music teacher. Mrs Reed isn’t a music teacher. 7. Послушай аудиозапись (16) и выбери нужное на речие, чтобы заполнить пропуски в предложениях. always often usually never sometimes 1)Jane goes to school on Monday. 2) Peter goes to the cinema on Saturday. Я) Jenny goes to the swimming bath in the morning. 4) Mary’s husband goes to the airport. He is a pilot. 5) This child watches children’s films on television. 29 6) Му granny evening. 7) Paul’s wife 8) Little Jimmy, bear. 9) Polly’s brother 10) Kate watches television in the drives their big car. __ plays with his teddy goes to the zoo, helps her friends. 8. Послушай вопросы диктора них, заполнив таблицу. (17) и ответь на № 9 • Yes No 1 live in London No, we don’t. 2 watch television 3 like cooking 4 go to the cinema 5 say “thank you’’ 6 love rock music 7 teach music 8 like watching television 9 go to the zoo 10 have a bike 11 like sport 30 II. Reading + 9. Прочитай эти словосочетания. go to the cinema go to the zoo go to the swimming bath have a cousin have a parent have a brother a big bear a strong bear a white bear husband and wife mothers and daughters fathers and sons watch the child watch television watch films black hair grey hair long hair a tall chair a small chair an old chair a colour television a black-and-white television a new television always often usually Ю.Прочитай эти словосочетания и напиши, что они значат по русски. The girl’s television The girls’ bags My sister’s dog _ My sisters’ dog Her daughter’s pet. Her daughters’ pet My cousin’s parents 31 Му cousins’ parents His son’s bag______ His sons’ bags Our pupil’s book Our pupils’ books Their student’s house Their students’ house Your friend’s computer Your friends’ computers W.Прочитай сочетания со словами в притяжательном падеже. [z] the dog’s ball the the boy’s teddy the my cousin’s bike the [s] the cat’s milk the the cook’s cap the Mr White’s pupils the [iz] the mouse’s tail the the horse’s colour the the goose’s pond the 12. Прочитай тексты и реши, какая из картинок иллюстрирует каждый из них. Ron’s family Ron has a big family. His old parents live in his house. He and his wife Jane have seven children. And their chil- 32 dren have a lot of friends. They often play and run in the garden together. Sometimes they watch children’s videc films, and sometimes they sing songs to the piano oi listen to music. Ron is always happy to have a lot of children in his house. Dan’s family Dan has a big family: he has a wife and four children' But his house is small and his children’s friends nevei come to their house to play. Sometimes, but not very of ten, Dan’s children play in the garden. And sometimei Dan drives his children to the zoo or to the park. Dan’j wife Rose never goes with them: she cooks or goes to th» shops. In the evening they all watch television or rea< books. 1. 2. Прочитай текст, закончи вопросы к нему и дай я них ответы. The Adams family The Adams family live in Glasgow. They are a big fan ily: a mother, a father, their five children, and their peti Mr Adams is a farmer. His parents live with him. 01 1к>«ы11 курс aamtftcxoTo ДМ р(Хск1кжял ткси.6 кл Г|бочи пстрщдь М t Mr and Mrs Adams are always on the farm. They are farmers too. They like their cows, sheep, and horses and often feed them. The Adams’s children don’t go to school. They are little. Polly and Sam are twins, they are four. Fred is five. Ann is three and Alice is two. They are all good friends. The girls like playing with their dog. The dog’s name is Jake. He loves running and jumping. He can run and jump very well. The boys like riding their bikes. Fred loves watching television, but Sam hates doing it. Mrs Adams is a school teacher. She teaches music to boys and girls. She has a lot of pupils. Mrs Adams’s pupils are very good. They can play the piano. They sing songs. They like to listen to Mrs Adams. She plays the piano and sings English songs very well. The Adams family are a happy family. 1) Do they No, they don't. They live in Glasgow. live in London? 2) live in Scotland? 3) a big family? 4) a farmer? 5) his parents farmers? 34 6) have horses on the farm? 7) their hildren big or litt>e? 8) - good friends? 9) like playing with their dog? 10) Jake hate jumping? 11) Fred and Sam love riding their bikes? 12) Fred love watching television? 13) Sam love watching television? 14) Mrs Adams teach English? 15) Mrs Adams play the piano? 35 14^. Пятилетний John — большой выдумщик. Прочитай, что он говорит своей маме, и напиши, как она ему возражает. Образец: — I go to school. — No, dear, you don’t go to school. 1) — I ride horses very well. 2) — My father plays the piano, 3) — My Granny lives in India. 4) — My cousins love frogs and mice, 5) — I fly the plane with my father. 6) — I have ten dogs. 7) — My little brother drives cars very well. 8) — My sister has classes seven days a week. 9) — My granddad hates music. 10) — I wash plates in the morning and in the evening. 36 15. Подбери к рисункам недостающие реплики. ClNEMi 1 JL Do you and your family often go to the cinema? 3. My husband always watches sports on television. 3 2. I don’t like this new song, Peter! 4. a) Never. We have a new colour television at home. b) Oh, thanks very much. c) OK, mum. I can teach Meg a new melody'. d) I think he loves sport a lot. * melody I'melodi] — мелодия 37 IG.Прочитай текст и реши, какие фразы после текста соответствуют его содержанию, а какие нет. Meet my son Hi! My name is Polly Scott. I’m from Leeds. I have a son, his name is Robin. Robin doesn’t go to school. He is a student. Robin loves music and books. He reads a lot. Robin doesn’t like sport very much. He doesn’t usually run or jump. Sometimes he plays football but not very often. He doesn’t usually play tennis. He never rides horses. Robin hates going to the cinema and watching television. But he is a good boy, and I love him very much. True (верно) False (неверно) 1) Robin’s mother is Polly Scott. V 2) Polly lives in America. 3) Robin goes to school. 4) Robin never reads books. 5) Robin loves music. 6) Robin loves sport. 7) Robin often runs and jumps. 8) Robin never plays football. 9) Robin doesn’t usually play tennis. 10) He never rides horses. 11) Robin hates going to the cinema. 12) Robin loves watching television. 13) Polly loves Robin very much. 38 17. Прочитай эту анкету и ответь на ее вопросы. Your free* time 1) Are you a boy or a girl? 2) Do you go to school 5 or 6 days a week? 3) Do you have little or a lot of free time? 4) Do you watch little or a lot of television? 5) Do you love, like or hate sport? 6) Are you a good runner, jumper or swimmer? 7) Can you play football, basketball or tennis well? 8) Do you often go to the skating rink or swimming bath? 9) Do you like to be with your parents or your friends when you are free? 10) Do you sometimes, often or always help with cleaning and cooking? 11) Do you sometimes or often go to the shops? 12) Do you have a good or a bad time^ when you are free? III. Writing+ IS.Закончи предложения, расставив, где следует, запятые. 1) Please go to the swimming bath. 2) Go to school please. 3) Please go home. 4) Please count the birds. 5) Go to London please. 6) Play the piano please. 7) Please go to the shops. 8) Please feed your dog. 9) Fly the kite please. 10) Read your English book please. * free (fri:] — свободный ^ to have a good time — хорошо проводить время 39 Напиши буквами слова, записанные транскрипцион ными значками. 1) ['дгссш] 9) [t/еэ] 2) ['peorantl 3) ['тлдэ] 4) ['кл2эп] _ 5) ['tjaild] _ 10) [4eli.vi3on] 6) ['hAzband] 7) ['Ьглдэ] _ 8) ['daita]___ 11) ('sAmtaimz] 12) ['ju:3uali]_ 13) ['Dilwciz]__ 14) [WDtJ]______ 15) ['faiOo] 20. Напиши недостающие слова в подписях к картинкам. 1) а chair 2) four 3) а television 5) а parent 6) 7) а child 8) 9) а bear 40 10) 21.3акончи текст о девочке по имени Brenda, выбрал нужную форму глагола, и перепиши его. Brenda Brenda Ross is from England. She (live/Uves) with he family in Bristol. Brenda (golgoes) to school five days i week. She (have/has) no classes on Saturday and Sunday The girl ilLke/Ukes) sport. She and her friends oftei {play/plays) volleyball and basketball. In the evening the] {go/goes) to the swimming bath where they {swim, swims). They all (love/loves) swimming a lot. 22.Greg Peters — кинозвезда. Журналист берет у nezt интервью. Прочитай ответы кинозвезды и напиш1 вопросы журналиста. 1) — Do you # А No, I don’t. I never go to the cinema, 2) Yes, I do. I sometimes watch new films at home. 41 3) 4) Yes, I do. I like sport — tennis and golf. 9 — — ---------- - _ , - % No, I don’t. I never go to the swimming bath. I don’t like swimming. 5) — And your wife Jane?. No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t like sport. 6) 7) Yes, she does. She loves cooking and cooks very well. ________________________________or to the theatre? — She likes theatre. She sometimes goes to the theatre with our daughter. 8)- your daughter? — She is ten. 9)- Yes, she does and she loves her school and the teachers. 10)- very much, Greg. You are welcome. 2S. Закончи предложения, вставив, где необходимо, пред логи. 1) John is school the morning and the afternoon. 2) Listen me, pleasel 42 3) Does Bess play the piano well? 4) Do you like watching films 5) My mother teaches music .. 6) Old Mrs Biggs never goes television? five girls, the cinema, 7) We have no classes Sunday. 8) Polly goes school five days a week 24.Из данных слов и словосочетаний составь предложения и напиши их. 1) English/Tanya/ speak/very well/ can’t 2) doesn’t/to school/Rick/go/little 3) drives/Dan’s/his/father/new/on Sunday/car 4) cousin/tennis/my/doesn’t/at school/play 5) never/together/ f riends/sing/N ick ’s/songs 6) the piano/plays/often/in the evening/my mother 7) the swimming bath/children/sometimes/go to/these 43 26.Найди в этом квадрате 12 слое, обозначающих род ственные отношения, и выпиши их. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) О g r a n n у P d X c у z m U m a w о V e 0 n b d a u g h t e r a c s e b h d 0 X s • 1 s t e Г t s о n у z r w h о p a г e n t e a u f a t h e r g r a n d a d p 7) 8) 9) 10) И) 12) 26.Напиши ответ на письмо, которое Jeff Stone прислал тебе по электронной почте. 44 Dear... Thank you very much for your letter, about my family and my free time. You ask me I live with my parents and my brother Tom. My mother likes books. Her hobby is reading. My father likes sport. He is a good swimmer and runner and he plays football very well. On Sundays we often play golf together and sometimes we go to the cinema. Tom doesn’t like sport very much. He never plays football or golf. He and his friends like riding their bikes in the park. Bye for now. Your friend Jeff Dear Jeff, 27.Покажи своим одноклассникам фотографию членов своей семьи и расскажи по английски, кто есть кто, как зовут этих людей и еще что нибудь о каждом из них. Test 2 1. Послушай, как Will рассказывает о своей семье (18), и отметь те утверждения, которые соответствуют его рассказу. 1) Will has two brothers and two sisters- 2) Will’s parents have four children- 3) Will’s mother is a nurse_ 4) Will’s father is a pilot- 45 5) Will’s brother is а pilot. 6) Will’s sisters are pupils. 7) Will’s granny goes to school. 8) Will’s cousin is a painter__ 2. Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту. A. Mickey сап do а lot. Не is ап American mouse and speaks English. But he doesn’t speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music. B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his verj' good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie. C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His “father’s” name is Walt Disney, the American film producer. 1) 2). 3) 3. Прочитай слова в транскрипции. ['кл7.п] ['sAmtaimz] [bcal [zu:] [t/aild] ['ЬгАдэ] ['fu:0a] [wail] ['sinama] [gea] ['oilwpiz] ['ju:3U3li] ['liAzband] ['da:ta] ['nfan] ['t/ildran] [SAn] ['ncva] [4elLvi3an] ['pearant] 46 4. Зачеркни в каждом предложении ту форму глаголов, которую ты считаешь неверной. David Вакег {don't live/doesn't live) in town. He {live/lives) on the farm. He (have/haa) a big house. It (am/is/are) old but very good. His children (love/loves) their father a lot and {help/helps) David. David {am/is/ are) old but strong. He can {swim/swims). He {swim/ swims) very well. He can {ride/rides) a horse, but he can’t {drive/drives) a car. 5. Закончи предложения, за.ченив русские наречия ан глийскими. always often sometimes never usually 1)1 {часто) 2) Nick {никогда). 3) Betty is {обычно) see my cousin in the morning. _____listens to rock music. at school at nine. 4) Jane helps her mother a lot and {всегда) goes to the shops. 5) {Иногда) we go to the swimming bath, 6. Напиши краткие ответы на эти вопросы о себе. 1) Do you live in Moscow?___________________ 2) Is your family large? 3) Can you speak English?__________ 4) Does your best’ friend have a pet? * best [best] — лучший 47 7- Dan — младший в семье, и ему часто позволяют ноль- \ зоваться вещами других членов семьи. Напиши пять ^ предложений о том, чьими вещами он пользуется. father brother sister mother cousin cousin 1) Dan often drives his father’s car. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 8. Напиши диктант М 2, (19). Dictation 2 48 Project Work 2 В Англии хорошо известна такая поговорка: ^Everything ('evri0io| must have a beginning”. (Bee имеет свое начало). A знаешь ли ты, откуда берет свое начало английская нация? Постарайся найти сведения о кельтах, англах, саксах, ютах и нормандцах, с которых и началась история Британии. Заполни очередную страницу своего альбома о Британии. Unit 3. Section 3 I. Listening + 1. Перед тобой несколько циферблатов. Диктор назо вет время только на некоторых из них (Ц] (20). Отметь их галочкой. 1. О'ПП 0-UU 6. IMS 2. 3:35 7. IS:G5 3. 2:15 8. 0-.Г1 9. 5:50 о. 10. 13:25 12. 3:DG’ 13. 14. 23:15 15. 2. Послушай диктора (21) и в каждой паре чисел за черкни те, которые он не произносит. 1) 40 14 2) 9 90 3) 18 88 4) 30 13 5) 6 66 6) 12 20 7) 7 17 8) 100 1 9) 15 50 10) 23 33 50 Послушай, как диктор называет время 1^ (22), и напиши либо a.m., что он говорит. либо p.m. в зависимости от того. l)4.30iUIl. 5)8.45 9) 3.10 2)9.35 6) 11.20 _ 10) 10.45 3) 7.15 _ 7) 1.00 Ш2.55 4) 3.40 8) 6.55 12)4.40 4. Напиши цифрой то время, которое называет диктор (23). 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) И) 12) 13) 14) 5. Послушай диктора (24) и соедини начало и конец каждого из предложений. 1) -Ь 2) 3) 4) 1) Jane begins cooking 2) Jane finishes cooking 3) Jane has a shower 4) Jane goes to the swimming bath 5) Jane finishes swimming 6) Jane watches television 7) Jane goes to bed 5) 6) 7) a) early in the morning, b) late in the afternoon, c) at a quarter to six. d) at half past eleven. e) in the evening. f) at half past seven. g) late in the evening. 51 6. Послушай диктора и впиши в предложения недо стающие вопросительные слова (25). 1) How many friends does John have? 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) is John’s father? do the Smiths go on Saturday evenings? do they like for breakfast? is the time? does John play tennis? colour is Mr Smith’s car? does John get up early in the morning? 7. Послушай, что делает Mark в течение недели (26), и заполни его записную книжку. Sunday cinema and park Thursday Monday Friday Tuesday Saturday Wednesday cinema and park music classes bank football driving school shops volleyball 52 8. Послушай, как Rose рассказывает о своем обычном дне 1^ (27), и впиши в табличку время, которое она упоминает в своем рассказе. Rose’s day 6.30 get up English classes breakfast television go to school tea lunch shower music classes go to bed II. Reading + 9. Прочитай эти словосочетания. to begin reading to begin swimming to begin playing to begin dressing to finish riding to finish singing to finish cooking to finish driving to get up early to get up late to get up on time to show the room to show the house to show the park to show the zoo what to do where to go when to begin where to finish to have breakfast to have lunch to have a shower 10.Закончи вопросы в этих мини диалогах, вставив необходимые вопросительные слова. Работая в парах, подготовьте выразительное чтение этих диалогов. 53 1) Ann: do you get up, Betty? Betty: At half past seven. Ann: so late? Betty: I live near my school. 2) Ann: is your music teacher, Betty? Betty: Miss Grimm. Ann: does she live? Betty: She lives at 42, Green Street. 3) Ann: does your brother play football? Betty: On Wednesday and Friday. Ann: does he usually play football? Betty: He usually plays football at school. 4) Ann: does your sister always go at 7.30 on Monday? Betty: She goes to her music school. Ann: so early? Betty: She has her music classes after breakfast. They begin at a quarter past eight. 5) Ann: music do you like? Betty: I like pop music. 6) Ann: do you usually have breakfast? Betty: At a quarter to eight. Ann: do you usually have for breakfast? Betty: Eggs and a cup of milk. 7) Ann: colour is your pen? Betty: It is green. Ann: ___________ green pens do you have? Betty: I have two. 54 11. Найди нужную подпись к каждому рисунку и дорисуй часовые и минутные стрелки так, чтобы часы показывали правильное время. 1) It’s а quarter to eight. 2) It’s ten to five. 3) It’s half past five. s half past four, 5) It’s a quarter past eight. _ 6) It’s five minutes to one. 7) It’s twenty to ten. 55 12. Прочитай, как проводит свой день Polly West, и озаглавь каждую часть ее рассказа. Polly’s day 1) Polly gets up very early. She gets up at half past seven. She likes to get up early in the morning. She washes her face and hands, dresses and has breakfast. Sometimes she has eggs, jam, and milk for breakfast. 2) At half past eight she goes to school. She has five classes on Monday and Thursday. She has six classes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Polly never has classes on Saturday and on Sunday. 3) Polly is always on time for her classes. She likes school very much. She likes her teacher Miss Reed and her school friends. Polly is a very good pupil. She can read very well. She can count well too. At half past twelve Polly has lunch. It is an apple, a cake, and a cup of tea. 4) At half past four Polly is at home. She helps her granny, and plays on the computer. In the evening Polly reads books, plays lotto or watches television. She goes to bed at nine o’clock p.m. 56 13. Прочитай то, что говорит о себе Jack Bennet, и найди рисунок, на котором изображена его семья. Му name is Jack Bennet. I’m nineteen. I have three brothers. We live with^ our mother and father in a small house. We have no pets. 1. 14. Сосчитай, сколько раз слова four и forty встречают ся в этом квадрате. f t U f о U г f f о о у f о о f f о U г f f 0 г t у о U г t о о t t о f U г t у и г t у f о г t у у г t о f о U г о U f г у f f г U t f о г U U о о t f у 0 t t f о г t у f о г t у о U г г t о f у t f * with [wid] — с {предлог) 57 15. Подбери к рисункам недостающие реплики. ‘ Who’s there? 1 2. Why are you at home, Rick? J 3. 1. a) I’m sick in bed, Mr Stone. b) But my watch shows two o’clock. c) It’s me, your mother... d) What’s for breakfast, mum? III. Writing + 16. Посмотри на часы и под каждым циферблатом дву мя способами напиши, который час. 2. 1. Ifs О quarter to seven. Ifs six forty-five. 6. 7. 3. 8. 9. 10. 59 17ш Напиши слова, записанные транскрипционными значками. 1) [wea] 2) ['brekfast] 3) ['kwDita] 4) ['minat] 5) ['sckand] 6) [haf] 7) ['3:li] 8) [leit] 9) ['03:ti] 10) [WD^ 11) ['hAndrad] 12) [Ta:ti] 13) [.fa:'ti:n] 18. Посмотри на рисунок и напиши, по какому адресу проживают эти дети. Peter Gordon Barbara Wilson Alice Parker Mr Green Ted Johnson Alice Bradford Colin White 60 1) Alice Parker lives at 12, George Street 2) Peter Gordon 3) Barbara Wilson 4) Mr Green 5) Ted Johnson 6) Alice Bradford 7) Colin White 19. Посмотри на рисунки и закончи эти предложения, вставляя нужные слова clock(s) или watch(es). 5. 1) Му granny has а clock on the wall She has a______________________ 2) Betty sees three 3) Where is my and four too. , Rex? 4) Big Ben is a 5) I have three in London. in my room, 6) My sister has three 61 20. Напиши, что говорят эти люди. 1) John хочет узнать, когда встает его друг Bill. When does Bill get up?________________ 2) Mary хочет узнать, когда Alice ложится спать, 3) Jack хочет узнать, когда Sally бывает дома. 4) Robert хочет знать, который час. 5) Ann хочет знать, какого цвета кошка у Kate. 6) Ben хочет знать, когда и где обедают дети Rose. 7) Jane хочет знать, кто всегда приходит без опоздания и кто всегда опаздывает. 21. Напиши, что изображено на рисунке. > г л с ^ i 2. i 5. 62 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 22. Посмотри на картинки, напиши вопросы и ответь на них. 2. 1. Does he hove о shower а1 а quarter to seven? 4. 5. 63 6. 7. 23. Найди в квадрате шесть глаголов и напиши их. w d Z у X • 1 о r a f у s b e g • 1 n h X s e n d О z s t • 1 У w a b u s C d e f p h g • J 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 24. Закончи ряд цифр, соблюдая логическую последова тельностъ. 1) ten, twenty,____________________________________ а hundred____________________________ 2) five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five. a hundred 64 25. Выпиши глаголы из центрального круга вместе с названиями предметов, с которыми эти глаголы часто употребляются. 1) 2) 3) 4) to show time 5) 6) 7) 8) 65 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 26. Прочитай письмо, полученное по электронной почте, и напиши ответ на него. Dear friends. Do you get up early in the morning? My day begins very early, at 7.1 have a shower, dress, have breakfast and run to school. My classes begin at 8 a m. and finish at 4 p.m. But on Saturday and Sunday I have no school and get up at 9 or 10 o'clock. I love Sundays and Saturdays. I go to the cinema or to the park with my family or with my friends and watch a lot of television. And you? What do you do at weekends’? When do your classes begin and finish? Your friend Jeff л\еекепс1 ['wi;k'end] — выходные дни в конце недели 66 Test 3 1. Послушай, как диктор спрашивает у Баркеров об их возрасте, (28). Запиши возраст каждого из них. 1) — How old are you, Harry? — I'm forty-six. 2) — How old are you, Margaret? — I’m_______________ 3) — How old are you, David? — I’m__________________ 4) — How old are you, William? — I’m______________ 5) — How old are you, Beatrice? — I’m_____________ 6) — How old are you, Robert? — I’m ______________ 7) — How old are you, Elizabeth? — I’m____________ 8) — How old are you, Alice? — I’m________________ 9) — How old are you, Mary? — I’m_________________ 10) — How old are you, Sally? — I’m_______________ 11) — How old are you, John? — I’m________________ 12) — John, how old is Chase? — He’s_______________ 13) — Sally, how old is Smokey? — She’s___________ 2. Выбери нужное слово из рамочки и закончи вопросы. how many where what colour why when what how old who 1) At one o’clock. 2) It’s grey. do you usually have lunch? is your school bag? 67 3) do you read in the evening? I read books. I like reading. 4) pets do you have? — Two. I have two little birds. 5) do you watch television? I like films. 6) — It’s in my street. is your school? 7) 8) ________________________are your brother and sister? — My sister is eleven and my brother is fifteen. ___________________________does Fred have a shower? Late in the evening, at half past eleven. 9) plays the piano in your family? My mother does. She plays very well. 10) does John Barker have? He has a lot of good friends. 3. Прочитай текст о том, как обычно проводит свой день Магу, и напиши, в какой логической последовательности должны быть расположены отрывки. 1) 2) 3) Mary’s day А. At half past four Mary goes home. She is at home at half past five. She helps her mother with cooking. Sometimes she plays on the computer, sometimes she reads books or watches television in the evening. Mary goes to bed at ten o’clock. 68 в. Mary gets up at half past seven in the morning. She has a shower, dresses, and has breakfast. Mary usually has bacon and eggs for breakfast. She has tea with milk too. Sometimes she has a cake. She likes cakes. C. At a quarter past eight Mary always goes to school. Her school is in George Street. She has five or six classes five days a week. She likes reading and can read very well. Mary is a very good pupil. 4. Допиши нужные слова в этих предложениях. 1) Nick usually has а sh in the morning. 2) Please help me when you f. playing on the computer. 3) We have 1. at school at one o’clock. 4) Kate is never 1. she is always on 5) Clocks and watches have two or three hands; an s hand, a m___ hand. hand and a 6) W do you usually have for breakfast? 7) H many friends does she have in Mos- cow? 8) Please b. reading the text, children. 69 5. Напиши о своем обычном дне по английски. Некоторые U.3 этих словосочетаний тебе обязательно приго дятся. get up have а shower -> dress -> have breakfast go to school -> be on time -> have classes have lunch go home read books -> listen to music play on the computer meet my friends watch television -> have tea 6. Напиши новые слова, данные здесь в транскрипции. 1) ['з:1|] 2) [hu:n 3) ['brekfasi] 4) ['Jauo] 6)[lcit] 7) [pa:st] 8) [dres]. 9) [wai] 10) [WDtJ] 11) [аиэ]. 11)['ПшЛ 12) [wen] 13) [feis]. 14) ['minal] 15) [houm]. 16) [wDt] 17) [hiiind] 18) ['sek^nd] 19) [lAiitri 20) [w'co] 21) ['kwDIlDj 22) [lui;]____ 70 7. Напиши диктант J\I° 3, (29) Dictation 3 Project Work 3 Когда англичане хотят сказать, что чья-то но еость на самом деле давно уже всем известна, они говорят “Queen Ann is dead |ded|”. (Королевы Анны нет в живых). Ты уже знаешь кое что о некоторых английских королевах. А теперь найди сведения об одном из английских королей — Генрихе VIII (Henry VIII). Посвяти ему следующую страницу в своем альбоме о Британии. Unit 4. Section 4 I. Listening + 1. Выбери из каждой пары предложений то. которое чи тает диктор (30), и отметь его галочкой. 1. а) Show her your garden, please- b) Show him your garden, please._ 2. a) This is Jenny’s room. b) This is Jenny’s bedroom. 3. a) We like to be at home together, b) We like to be at home again._____ 4. a) We can go to the zoo after dinner, b) We can go to the zoo after lunch. 5. a) Where do you meet them?_ b) Where do you meet him?__ 6. a) It’s a very big bathroom, b) It’s a very big bedroom.. 7. a) Who likes flowers? . b) Who likes showers? 8. a) My new garage is on your right, b) My new garage is on your left. _ 9. a) How many rooms do they have upstairs?__ b) How many rooms do they have downstairs? 10. a) Jane’s room is very messy._ b) Jane’s room is very cosy.__ 72 2. Послушай диктора (31) и объедини начала и кон- | цы предложений, которые ты услышишь. 1) Robin has breakfast at half past eight. After breakfast Robin... 2) Robin has lunch at twelve. After lunch Robin... 3) After school Robin... 4) Robin has tea at five o’clock. After tea Robin... 5) After music classes Robin... 6) Robin has dinner at seven o’clock. After dinner Robin... a) goes home. b) goes to his music classes. They begin at five thirty. c) plays with his dog in the garden. d) goes to school. e) watches television. f) has English. 3. Послушай, как диктор описывает две комнаты ^ (32). и реши, какая комната принадлежит Meg, а в какой живет Alice. Л 4. Послушай, ко.чу Kate просит помочь (33), и enu-J ши нужные местоимения в эти предложения. 1) Help 2) Please help 3) Please help , please. 4) Help 5) Help , please, please. 73 5. Послушай диктора (34) и отметь, какие помещения в доме Molly находятся наверху, а какие — внизу. upstairs downstairs Molly’s bedroom * granny’s room parents’ bedroom kitchen bathroom garage living room 6. Послушай, как диктор описывает комнату девочки по имени Lora ^ (35). Напиши, где по отношению к Лоре в комнате находится мебель, о которой гово рит диктор. 74 On Lora’s left On Lora’s right Behind_________ In front of 7. Bill и Sam — грабители. Они хотят забраться в дом, принадлежащий семье Smith. Но, к счастью, их сведения о доме неточны. Послушай, а потом прочитай их разговор ^ (36) и сравни то. что они говорят, с настоящим планом дома. Напиши, в чем они ошибаются. Downstairs ] kitchen living room bath- room Mr Smith’s room D ED a □ D ° □ Upstairs p ■ ■ - ■ 1 Mrs 1 Smith’s room granny’s room Mr Smith’s bedroom bath- room chidren’s room =j Bill: Look here, Sam, how many rooms do they have downstairs? Sam: It’s a big house. Bill. They have a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room, the children’s playroom and a big hall downstairs. 75 Bill: And upstairs? How many bedrooms do they have? Sam: Four big bedrooms. Bill, and a bathroom. Can you see that small window on the left? It’s the bathroom window, В i 11: Is it? And whose room is next to the bathroom? Sam: Mrs Smith’s bedroom. The children’s rooms are near it. Bill: Where is Mr Smith’s room? Sam: It’s upstairs, on the right. He has a lot of bookshelves and bookcases in his room. Can you see them? Bill: Yes, I can. 1) They hove no playroom downstairs.____________________ 2) 3) 4) II. Reading + 8. Прочитай . m эти словосочетания. A. after school after breakfast to go home after classes after lunch to go to bed after tea after dinner to go to the garden Help him! Listen to me! Dinner is ready. Help her! Listen to us! Breakfast is ready. Help me! Listen to them! Lunch is ready. Is Peter ready? Read again, please. a light room Is Colin ready? Run again, please. a messy room Is Alice ready? 76 Count again, please. a cosy room в. а beautiful flower а beautiful garden a beautiful picture to play together to read together to count together in frout of the garden in front of the garage in front of the apple-tree a nice kitchen a nice bathroom a nice living-room behind the sofa behind the bookcase behind the cupboard a gift shop a sweet shop a flower shop in the tree in the picture in the street to go upstairs to go downstairs to go to the bus stop on the right on the left in the middle 9. Прочитай правильно эти слова в транскрипции. ['piktja] ['knuzi] [rail] [,daun'ste3z] ['kAbod] [left] ['bju:tifnl] ['bukkeis] ['rcdi] ['ba:0rum] [luk] [э'деш] ['gierid^] ['teibolj ['а:Пэ] ['mesi] ['ga;dn] ['flauD] 10.Прочитай текст о том, как два друга. Bob и Fred, проводят конец недели, и отметь, что они делают поодиночке, а что вместе. Bob and Fred Bob gets up early in the morning. At half past seven he takes his dog Rex out. Bob plays with Rex in the garden. The garden is very beautiful with its green grass. 77 high trees, and flowers. At eleven o’clock Bob meets Fred at the bus stop. The boys go to the swimming bath. The boys finish swimming at a quarter to one. At one o’clock they have lunch. After lunch Fred goes to his music classes and Bob goes to his father’s garage. He helps his father with their car. Sometimes after lunch he helps his mother in their garden. At four o’clock Bob and Fred are together again. They usually go to the cinema or watch videos in Bob’s living room. Bob Fred together get up take Rex out meet at the bus stop go to the swimming bath swim have lunch go to music classes go to the garage help with the car help in the garden go to the cinema watch videos 78 11.Прочитай вопросы в левой колонке и найди к ним ответы в правой. 1) Do you have а big family? 2) Where does your granny live? 3) Can your friends speak English? 4) Is your pet at home now? 5) Where are your toys? 6) How many chairs do you have in your room? 7) Where is your parents’ room ? 8) What do you do on Sunday? 9) When does your brother get up? 10) Are you always on time? a) No, I am not. b) Eight. c) In the box. d) I swim, play on the computer and read. e) No, he isn’t. f) At half past eight. g) No, they can’t. h) Yes, I do. i) In Moscow. j) Upstairs. l_h 6 8 9 10 12.Прочитай правильно вопросы, которые составил Nick для того, чтобы взять интервью у одного знаменитого спортсмена. 1) Where {do/does) you live^, sir? 2) {Do/Does) your parents live with you? 3) {Are/Is) your mother from Italy? 4) How old {is/are) she? 5) {Do/Does) you have a car? ' Iive[liv] — жить 79 6) What niake^ (is/are) it? 7) {Do/Does) you like driving? 8) {Are/Is) you often at home? 9) What food {do/does) you hate, sir? 10) What {is/are) your hobby? IS.Посмотри на рисунок, прочитай предложения и от меть, какие из них соответствуют действительное ти, а какие нет. * таке [nieikj — здесь: марка автомобиля 80 Where are they? Yes No 1) Mother is in the kitchen. 2) Father is in the garage. 3) The cat is in the living room. 4) The girl is in the bedroom. 5) The boy is in the bathroom. 6) The dog is in the kitchen. 7) The bus is in the garage. 8) The car is in the garden. 9) The horse is in the garden. 10) The bird is in the bathroom. 14. Гь/ знаешь, что самым лучшим гостиницам присваивают класс пятизвездочных. Обозначь звездочками класс гостиниц, в которых находятся описанные здесь комнаты. А. The room is big and light, clean and cosy. It has a big window. The window looks onto a park. The big bed is in the middle of the room. In front of the bed you can see a big colour television, a sofa, and two cosy armchairs near it. The pictures on the walls are very bright. You can see beautiful flowers on the small table near the bed. The room has a bathroom with a jacuzzi and a shower in it. 81 в________________________________________________ The room is big but has a small window. It’s not very light. The window looks onto a dark street. In the room you can see two narrow beds and a small black-and-white television. You can’t see a sofa or armchairs in the room. Three old chairs are near a wall. The pictures on the wall are dark and old too. The room is not very clean and often messy. The room has a shower. 15.Прочитай текст и обозначь все здания на плане этой улицы. High Street is а big street in the middle of our town. On the right and on the left we can see a lot of new and old houses and shops. On the plan the sweet shop is on the left. Next to it is a bank and a new swimming bath. In front of the bank you can see a bus stop. Near the swimming bath is a flower shop and a big town cinema. On the right you can see a school, a food shop, a garage behind it, and a park. High Street is very beautiful. A lot of people like shopping in it. VA V G и STPvt-t T 82 16. Подбери недостающие реплики к этим рисункам. How often do ^ you take him out? ) 2. 1. CThe baron’s dinner^i is ready,__________У 3. a) Take it upstairs. Jack. b) Oh, thank you, I love flowers. c) Three times a day: after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 17.Попробуй, догадаться о значении этих слов и словосочетаний. 1) bedtime 2) а video class 3) а one-room flat 4) а television show 5) a flower show___ 83 6) а classroom 7) а kitchen table 8) a left-handed man 9) a garden bench III. Writing + 18. Don очень обязательный юноша. Он живет точно по расписанию. Прочитай записи в его записной книжке и напиши, в какое время и что он готов делать сегодня. 8.00 have breakfast 16.30 go to the swimming bath 19.00 go home 21.45 watch television 23.00 go to bed 8.30 take the dog out 9.15 go to his classes 12.00 have lunch 14.20 go to the bank 1. Don is ready to have breakfast at eight o’clock in the morning. 84 19. Сделай подписи под этими рисунками. 1. (LJWiri'l 2. 4, о. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. М. 15. 85 20. Закончи предложения, выбрав нужные по смыслу местоимения. 1) Where is Boris? I don’t see a) he b) his c) hiin 2) John is here. _ a) he b) his wife is here too. c) him 3) The Browns are a big family- a) they b) their c) them 4) We are not happy. Help ____ a) we b) our c) us have five children, , please. 5) Your garden is beautiful. Why are_____ a) you b) your 6) This is a map of the USA. What colour is a)it b)its sad? flag? 7) Kate is a girl. _ a) she b) her is little. 8) Mum, I’m here. Do you see a) I b) my c) me 21. Посмотри на план и напиши, где находятся предметы мебели. Используй существате.чьные и предлоги в рамке. bookcase piano behind cupboard television in front of table sofa next to chairs shelves on the left armchairs near on the right 86 О/ •' у & 0 22. В этом квадрате можно найти 11 названий предметов домашней обстановки и 5 названий комнат. Найди их и выпиши. у Ь h ь к X W f g n S а а О • 1 t а b 1 e о t 1 о t X п е • 1 s f h 1 к С с к d V h а Г m с h а • 1 Г • I e g о • J а е q X О n 1 г о г S п П р О g f d m ь е п С h m г m С U р ь о а Г d О 1 р • 1 С t U г е X о c d е S к у U h е m h 87 Предметы мебели: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) И) Комнаты: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 23. Впиши в эти предложения недостающие предлоги там, где это необходимо. 1) What do we have 2) Please take me dinner, mum? the zoo, dad. 3) Can you see that big bird 4) The big table is not the sky? the middle of the room. it’s next the window. 5) You can see the Browns children 6) Help, please help! My kite is___ the picture, the tree! 88 7) Can you see that new gift shop your right? 8) Margaret, please take the children it is their bedtime. upstairs; 9) Our town cinema is 10) I like going____ George Street. the cinema with my friends. 11) It’s seven o’clock, the Barkers are 12) Alice usually goes home the table, _ classes. 13) — What’s the time? lunch time. It’s half one, our 24. Прочитай рассказ Betty Jackson u, используя его в качестве образца, опиши свою квартиру (дом). Му name is Betty Jackson. I’m from London. I live at 9, Queen Street. My flat is big. We have a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a big bathroom. My bedroom isn’t very big. It isn’t always clean. Sometimes it is messy. I have a bed, a desk, two chairs, and a cupboard in my room. Our living room is very nice. It is light and cosy. It is always clean. It is never messy. We have a sofa, two armchairs, a table, four chairs, a piano, and a television in it. I like our flat. 89 Му name is I’m I live at My flat We have My (bed)room is It is_________ Sometimes I have____ Our living room It is____________ It is___ We have I_______ 1. Test 4 Послушай, как Jill рассказывает своей подруге Alice о своем новом доме (37), и отметь галочкой верные утверждения. 1) Jill likes her new house-- 2) Jill’s living room is upstairs- 3) Jill’s kitchen is very big- 4) Jill’s living room isn’t ready_ 5) Jill’s garden is very big_ 6) Jill loves roses._ 90 2. Закончи предложения, выбрав нужную форму место имений. Неверную фор.му JU4epKHU. 1) John takes {his/fum) dog out In the morning. 2) John and Sally like (they/their) house in Green Street. 3) I can see the Barkers: (they/their) are in (them/thetr) garden. 4) John likes computers. Slmw (him/hls) (you/your) new computer, please. 5) Children! Where arc (you/your)? 1 can't все (you/your). 0) John! Can you help(us/oi/r), please? 7) Sully has two pets. (She/Her) pet& arc at home now. S) Daddyl Can (I/me) go to the dneitui? Plcasi! take (7/mr) to the cinema! 3. Bill — сыцик. Сегодня он наблюдает ja атим домом, но видит он mo.QbKo то. что находится в освещенной комнате. Напиши, что Bill видит и чего он не видит. 01 BiiUaQ2e&ih&^fa. _ ВШ con'lseeJtie bed. 4. Напиши, fdf находятся эти человечки. Образец: The man А ta on the cube (kju:h]. I 92 Прочитай тенст “The Batrkcrs* Ноиье“ и напиши» а) idt находятся асе члены семьи и 6) чего нет в комнате Satly. The Barker»' House Tills Lb the Barker family, they are in the garden near the house. This is Chase, their dog and this is Smokey, their cat. Cliase is under the bench and Sraokey is on the bench. John and Sally are near the rnr. Their parents are in the car. This is the liouse the Barkers live in. Do you like It? The windows upstairs are the children's bedroom win* dows. Tlie window on the right is John's bedroom window and the window on the left is Sally's bedroom window. You can't see their rooms in the picture. But they are light and cosy. John's bedroom is big and sometimes very messy. Sally's room is nice and cosy. She has a bed. an armchair, a sofa, and a little table with a lamp next to it. Sally has no cupboard. Her books are on the shelf and her toys arc in a big white box under her desk. Chase _______________ 8mokc>' - --- 93 John ___ Sally___ Mrs Barker _ Mr Barker -Sally has no e. Напиши слала, лаписанные транскрипционными jHavKOMU. 2) I’kilfsn] 3) [‘icibol] 4) |a:pll_ ЮИ'.члиГэ] 11) &) [4jiHin'siea/] 6) ['rcdi]________ 7) ('u:n.4j_______ 12) (ap'^c