Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кузовлев Лапа Костина

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кузовлев Лапа Костина - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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Российская академия наук Российская академия образования Издательство «Просвещение» г Activity Book PROSVESHCHENIYE PUSLISHERS ТТЛ I Российская академия наук Российская академия образования Издательство «Просвещение» глиискии язык Рабочая тетрадь 5 класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций 2-е издание Москва «ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ» 2013 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-922 А64 Серия «Академический школьный учебник» основана в 2005 году Проект «Российская академия наук. Российская академия образования, издательство «Просвещение» — российской школе» Руководители проекта: вице-президент РАН акад. В. В. Козлов, президент РАО акад. Н.Д.Никандров, чл.-корр. РАО, д-р пед. наук А. М. Кондаков Научные редакторы серии: акад. РАО, д-р пед. наук А. А. Кузнецов, акад. РАО, д-р пед. наук М. В. Рыжаков, д-р экон. наук С. В. Сидоренко Научный консультант авторского коллектива акад. РАО, д-р психол. наук И. А. Зимняя Авторы: В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, И. П. Костина, О. В. Дуванова, Е. В. Кузнецова Научный руководитель авторского коллектива проф. Е. И. Пассов Условные обозначения слушание говорение S — чтение Е — письменное задание П — дополнительное задание В — задание повышенной сложности Buckingham Palace* — см. Лингвострановедческий справочник (Linguistic and cultural guide) Рабочая тетрадь входит в учебно-методический комплект по английскому языку для 5 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Она предназначена для активизации и систематизаций лексико-грамматического материала учебника. ISBN 978-5-09-029976-3 Издательство «Просвещение», 2012 Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2012 Все права защищены Unit 1 Let’s make friends! Lesson 1 1. Group work. Group 1. This is Clare’s project about her family. Who is who in her family? Complete each sentence. Use the words from the box. Grammar Hint Possessive case Clare’s brother Clare’s and Paul’s friends Clare and Jay’s mother My grandparents’ farm GS (Grammar support) p. 150 (0) Clare is jay’s sister. 1 Jay is C _____________________ 2 Steve is J and C _______ 3 Jay is E and S ____ 4 Nicholas and Cheryl are C and J _______________________ 5 Elaine is C and J ________ 6 Cheryl is J_ mum sister parents grandpa son dad brother cousin^ husband uncle grandparents aunt ^ cousin ['кл2п] — двоюродный(ая) брат (сестра) grandma Unit 1 Lesson 1 Group 2. This is Paul’s project about his family. Who is who in his family? Complete each sentence. Use the words from the box on p. 3. (0) Celia to Paul PguTs sister 1 Oliver to Paul _____________ 2 Alice to Paul ______________ 3 Philip to Paul _____________ 4 Sally and Peter to Paul, Celia and Oliver ______________________ 5 Alice and Philip to Paul and Oliver_______________________ 6 William to Paul _____________ 7 Tom to Celia ________________ 8 Amy to Oliver 9 Tom to Amy _ Lesson 2 1. Get ready to play Bingo. Write Past Simple of the following verbs in the correct columns. dance stay go see be visit walk wear work live start travel ride play watch enjoy help do take have spend swim write buy say ■(e)d [d] [t] Grammar Hint Past Simple Reading rules после звонких согласных (кроме d) и гласных: lived [livd], played [pleid]; после глухих согласных (кроме t): helped [helpt], finished ['fini/t]; [id] после d и t: wanted ['wnntid]. Spelling rules work + -ed = worked hate + -ed = hated stop + -ed = stopped study + -ed = studied travel + -ed = travelled GS p. 152 Unit 1 Lesson 2 ed [t] (O’) worked Regular verbs (правильные глаголы) ed [d] ed [id] (0) saw Irregular verbs (неправильные глаголы) Lesson 3 X. Song “Journeys”. English children like travelling around the country. 1) Where did they travel? Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs from the box. ; go (2) be (2) ..------- - ^ Last year we (1)______ wear play to Ireland It’s called The Emerald Isle The welcome there (2)____ wonderful. It really made us smile. The year before we (3)_ to Wales A land of hills and song. Because it’s fun to laugh and sing It’s just where we belong. In Scotland* we all (4)_______our kilts* And bagpipes* (5)_______________all day. Perhaps it (6)__________my favourite place It’s where I want to stay. Б1 2) Listen to check, (listening for specific information) Unit 1 Lesson 3 2. Group work. Complete the questions. Ask your classmates about their summer activities. Make a report. Grammar Hint Past Simple (questions) Did you travel in summer? Was it interesting? Where did you travel? Where were you in August? What city did you visit? What trip was more interesting? GS p. 155 Questions PI P2 P3 P4 1 you travel in summer? + + — + a When vou travel? in July b did vou travel? Moscow c vou like the trip? yes 2 vou go to a summer camp? a did vou £fo? b vou do there? 3 vou stav at home? a vou do? b vou have fun? 4 Л: travelled in summer. >rie ).til iidn’t travel in summer. 6 Unit 1 Lesson 3 3. Here is Paul’s plan for a week in summer. 1) What did he do? What didn’t he do that week? Grammar Hint Past Simple He wrote a letter yesterday. He didn’t write a letter yesterday. He played tennis yesterday. He didn’t play tennis yesterday. GS p. 155 July 5-12 Monday swim in the pool / Tuesday write a letter to Tom Wednesday buy a present for Mum / Thursday watch a new video Friday go to Tom’s birthday party / Saturday ride Prince / Sunday help Granny / (0) Paul swam in the pool on Monday. Paul did not write a letter to Tom on Tuesday. 1 2 3 _________________________________________ 4 _________________________________________ 5 _____________________________________________ 2) What did you do last week? What didn’t you do? Last week I Last week I couldn’t do the following things: I didn’t Unit 1 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 1. Write it right. Clare will take a trip to France soon. Write a letter to her and ask her about the trip. Use the notes for help. Grammar Hint Future Simple (questions) Will you travel by train? Where will you spend your holidays? GS p. 160 When / go? Travel / by train? Where / stay? What cities / visit? What / do? Dear Clare, I know you’ll go to France soon. I’d like to ask you about the trip. Best wishes. Reading lesson X. Who played the game in the park? Answer the questions and mark the children’s way to the park in the picture. ■«r 1 How many children came to the pool? Name them. 2 How many children went to the shop? Name them. 8 Unit 1 Lesson 4 Reading lesson 3 How many children met Kent? Name them. 4 How many children didn’t go to the park? Name them. Where did they go? 5 How many children got to the park? Name them. 1 Ж1Г Unit 1 Reading lesson 9 Lesson 5 X. How did the children ask and answer the questions? Tick ) the correct question or answer. 1 Where do you live? a I live there. b In Moskovskaya Street, c I live with my parents. 2 Where are you from? a From America. b I’m in the 2nd form. 3 What’s your father’s job? a She is a teacher. b He watches TV. 4 Have you got any sisters? a Yes, I have two brothers. b Yes, I have. She is 7. c No, but I have two sisters. 5 What form are you in? a I’m 11. b I’m from England. c I’m in the 5th form. 6 What do you do in your spare time? a I go to school. D I play tennis. c I’m a pupil. 2. Laura wants to have a pen friend from Russia. Here is her first letter. c I don’t know. c He’s a doctor. 20 May Dear Russian friend. Hi! My name’s Laura Quick. My birthday is on March 10. I’m 12 years old. I started school in the USA. We lived there for 10 years. Now we live in London. It’s a super city. My mother works at a hotel. My father’s a swimming teacher. I have got a brother. His name’s Tim. Every Tuesday I go to Brownies. Brownies is a club and it’s great. We do a lot of activities there and get prizes. Last month I got a prize for a picture. Next week we are going to go to a carnival. I am going to wear a costume of an animal. I hope I’ll get a prize for the best costume. I like writing letters to pen friends. I hope we’ll be friends. Please write to Laura Quick Flat 8 5 Clifford Street London W 1 England 1) Write your address in English. flat number _____ house, street _____ 10 Unit 1 Lesson 5 city (town, village) country index or city -(town, village) 9- country >^0 VL ' 2) Write it right, would you like to have Laura as a pen friend? Write a letter to her about yourself. (address) (date) Consolidation 1. Grammar. This is Daniel’s room. - iir.h. >0? O' ts.- T Unit 1 11 Consolidation How does Daniel spend his spare time? Use the picture on p. 11 and fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs from the box. J watch do go read take listen ‘ Sometimes Daniel (0) listens to music. He doesn’t like (1)___ In the evenings he (2)_ He often (3)__________ his homework. .j books about animals. He enjoys (4)_ photos of his pony Prince. Jurassic Park films. On holiday he (5)_ on trips around Britain. 2. Grammar, which verb does not belong? Underline it. (0) hear spend became meet 1 eat bring write got 2 was saw be came 3 had were' swept sing 4 going went writing spending 5 liked became came have ing directions: 12 15 irregular verbs in Past Simple The verbs go in X i W e t r к c a m e a e a f e s r t d n s t t w e e о d m о 1 о a a n r • 1 e 1 r g m d h a d t w w e n t о о к . • 4. This is what your British friends do in their spare time. 1) Complete each sentence with the correct verb form. Unit 1 Consolidation Grammar Hint Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple I swim in the swimming pool three times a week. (Present Simple) I swam in the swimming pool twice a week last year. (Past Simple) I will swim five times a week next year. (Future Simple) \ GS pp. 154, 155, 160 О Clare’s mother sometimes cooks lunch for the family. Last Sunday she (0) cooked fish. Elaine often listens to jazz music. She (1) __________ to the jazz concert last evening. Celia often stays with her brother after classes. Yesterday she (2) ______________ with him, too. The Atkinsons travel a lot. Last summer they (3) _________________ around Scotland. Now they are in Spain. Last month they (4)____________ in France. The Wellers usually go to Disneyland on holiday, but last year they (5) ______________ to England. Megan swims a lot in the pool. Last summer holidays she (6) ________________in the river every day. 2) What will they do next time? Complete each sentence with the correct verb form. Yesterday Jay went to the cinema. He (0) will go to the cinema on Saturday, too. Clare’s parents went shopping yesterday. They (1) _________________ shopping on Friday, too. Celia and Oliver spent an hour at the zoo on Saturday. And on Sunday they (2) _________________ four hours in the park. Paul played football three times last week. And he (3) ____________ football three times next week, too. Stuart swam in the river on holiday last summer. Next summer he (4) ________________ in the lake. Last weekend the Atkinsons were on the farm. Next week they (5) _______Y________ on the farm, too. \ Unit 1 Consolidation 13 5. Grammar. Philip Atkinson talks about his family. Complete each sentence with the preposition from the box. in (3) from on (4) at by to Hi! I’m Philip Atkinson. I’m (0) from England. My birthday is (1) __________ April 29th. Alice and I live (2) ___________________ the farm. Now my family are (3) ________________ our garden. When Oliver and Paul are (4) us. (5) holiday, they often stay with ______weekends my children and grandchildren help me on_the farm. (6) __________ Saturdays we often cook a barbecue. My sister lives (7) _________ London. She often visits us (8) we go (9)________________ London (10) summer. Sometimes ___________ train. G. There are 9 mistakes in the following sentences. Underline the mistakes and correct them. (0) My name_Paul. My name is Paul. 1 Last year I go to a summer camp. 2 What’s your mother name? ___________ 3 We like going to picnics. __________ 4 In my spare time I listen music. 5 After school I often play in football. 6 Next summer I take a trip to Brighton. 7 I don’t like this film too. ____________ 8 Where you were in the evening? 9 In last summer I had a lot of fun. .V C- vL 14 Unit 1 Consolidation Test yourself D О LISTENING COMPREHENSION \> Katie spent her summer holidays in France. Katie enjoyed the trip very much. ___________ You'll hear a conversation between Clare and Katie about Katie’s summer holidays. Mark.the following statements with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false. You’ll hear the conversation twice. 1 " 2 3 4 5 6 7 Her father fished in the river every day. Katie was on holiday with her dad, mum and brother. Katie is happy because she can swim now. _____________ Katie’s sister liked riding a horse. ____________ Katie didn’t like the weather. _____________ Your score 7 6 5—4 3 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О READING COMPREHENSION Read some facts about schools in the UK and the USA. Are there answers to the following questions in the texts? If yes, tick (v^ ) in the correct column. BE holiday term secondary school AE vacation semester high school Questions Schools in the UK Schools in the USA 1 How long is a school year? 2 How many terms are there in a school year? 3 How long are summer holidays? 4 How long is a lesson? 5 How many subjects do pupils study? 6 Do pupils get homework? 7 How do pupils get to school? 8 Do pupils have tests? ! \L \ Unit 1 Test yourself 15 Schools and school life in the UK Children at secondary school study ten subjects. The main subjects are English, maths and science. Children get homework every day. They often have homework for four different subjects. There are three school terms in Britain: autumn, spring and summer terms. Holidays can be at different times in different regions. The schools usually have ten days in the first term, ten days in the second term and six weeks in summer. Schools and school life in the USA In high school, American children study four or five main subjects and choose other subjects. The lessons are about an hour. The American school year isn’t very long, it’s about nine months, from early September to the first of June. American students are happy because there are many vacations in the school year. They have two weeks for spring vacation, two weeks for Christmas vacation and three months for summer vacation. There are two semesters. In the USA many children like to travel to and from school on yellow school buses, because buses are fun and children can meet with their friends there. In the first two years of high school, children write tests. They are not difficult but there are a lot of them. Your score 16—15 14—12 11—8 7 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 EL Ф USE OF ENGLISH (VOCABULARY/GRAMMAR) 1. Vocabulary. Match the verbs in the first column with the words in the second column. You can use the words in the second column more than once. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 do (0) JL, go. perform. ride____ take____ compete. spend___ a homework b a bike c on trips d spare time e in swimming f photos g a show h puzzles i a play 2. Grammar. Paul talks about his summer holidays. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 16 Unit 1 Test yourself Usually (1) — (2) --- we (0) take (take) trips on our holidays. We often _____ (spend) holidays in Spain. Last summer we ______ (be) in Spain. We (3) _________ (have) a great time (4) ________ (swim) a lot, (5) ________ (fish) in the river ________ (ride) a bike. The weather (7) ________ (be) very there. I and (6) nice. I think we (8) (go) to Spain next summer, too. Your score 16—15 14—12 11—8 7 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Описание умений Level reached Достигнутый уровень В I can read and understand (умею читать и понимать): • stories about children’s favourite spare time activities. Ш I can understand children’s conversations about: • their families, • their summer holidays, • their school subjects, • their spare time activities. Щ I can talk: • about my family, • about my summer holidays, • about my school and school subjects, • about my spare time activities. I can write: • about what we do in my family together, • about my school activities, • a letter to a pen friend about my family and my favourite activities. Unit 1 Test yourself 17 Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • Present Simple • Past Simple • Future Simple Учебные умения Не умею Умею • читать с целью понимания основного содержания текста • читать с целью полного понимания содержания текста • читать с целью поиска необходимой информации в тексте • подготовить проект • выполнять тестовый задания • оценивать свои умения Exercises I found most interesting / difficult / boring 18 Unit 1 Test yourself Unit 2 Rules around us Lesson 1 1. Grammar. At Christmas in Russia children go from house to house and sing songs. They should follow safety rules. What are these rules? Make sentences. (0) cautious / be / should / you / strangers / of You should he rautioMS of 1 check with / before / go / you / you / should / your parents / anywhere ______________________________________________________________ 2 your parents’ / ask / you / permission / should ____________________ 3 with / go ! should /,your friend / you 4 should / you / dark houses / be / of / cautious 5 a house or a flat / you / go into / shouldn’t 6 think / should / about / you / your / safety 2. Vocabulary. Here is a question and an answer to it from the children’s newspaper. 1) Why should children follow rules? Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions. Why should I follow (0) d safety rules? Carol from London Safety rules (1) children help children to learn how to be safe in difficult situations. Your parents care (2) _____________ your safety and they think (3) you. They think you should be cautious (4) _____ strangers, you should check (5) them and get (6) ______________ permission before you go anywhere. Unit 2 Lesson 1 19 (0) a for b to c on d 1 a about b for c of d to 2 a about b of c on d to 3 a about b for c on d with 4 a about b for c of d with 5 a about b — c on d with 6 a about b — c of d to 2) the Write it newspaper. right. What do you think about safety Dear Mr Brown, I think safety rules are _ because parents and adults I always__________________ Yours, Lesson 2 1. In your culture. Compare Earlham High School in Norwich*, Britain, and your school. Earlham High School Your school 1 Children have to study ten subjects. 2 Children have to study a subject about politics. 3 Pupils in the second form have to do homework in two or three subjects. 4 Children have to go to school from September to mid-July. 5 Pupils have to wear a blue uniform. 1 We _ subjects. 2 We study study a subject about politics. 3 Pupils of my class __________ do homework in _________. subjects. > 4 We ____________ go to school from ___________ to ______ 5 We _____wear a uniform. 20 Unit 2 Lesson 2 2, Song “School Rules Rap”. 1) Fill in the gaps with must or mustn’t and you’ll get a song. School uniform Every day! Who looks cool In blue and grey? You _________ wear jeans And your shoes are not clean. You ________be here At eight fifteen. You wear shorts (I don’t know why). You _________ run in corridors And where’s your tie? You _________tell a teacher If you feel in danger. You ask first Before you go with a stranger. Q 2) Listen to check. 3) Write it right. Make the second version of the song using have to. Which sentences shouldn’t you change? School uniform Every day! Who looks cool In blue and grey? You _______________ wear jeans And your shoes are not clean. You _______________be here At eight fifteen. You wear shorts (I don’t know why). You __________ run in corridors And where’s your tie? You tell a teacher If you feel in danger. You ______________ ask first Before you go with a stranger. Grammar Hint Modal verbs must and have to (Модальные глаголы must и have to) I must think about my safety. Я должен думать о своей безопасности. (Я так считаю.) I have to wear а uniform. Я должен (вынужден) носить форму. (У нас такие правила.) GS рр. 161, 162 И 4) Write your own version of “School Rules Rap” in your notebook. 3. Here are some sentences from the conversations between Clare and her friends. Fill in the gaps in the sentences. Choose the best word. 1 How nice! Tomorrow is Sunday and we ____________________ go to school. a mustn’t b don’t have to 2 You ____________________ get a good night’s sleep before the test. a must b have to 3 I__________go to the shop. My mum asked me to buy some milk. a have to b don’t have to Unit 2 21 Lesson 2 4 I do any homework, I can go to the cinema now. a mustn’t b don’t have to 5 Pupils ________leave their bicycles near this door. It is a rule. a mustn’t b don’t have to 6 My answer is not correct. I a have to b don’t have to лГ redo my homework. Word Building Prefix redo — делать redo — переделать Lesson 3 1. Children often use emoticons* to express emotions on the Internet. What does Clare think these emoticons mean? Say that you agree with Clare. Use modal verbs. (0) O:-) — Perhaps it is an angel. — It might be ar\ cmgel. 1 — Perhaps it is a cat. ____________________________ 2 8) Perhaps it is a frog ^ 3 *>):o) — I’m sure this is a clown. 4 =#:-) — Perhaps it is a witch. _____ 5[:] 6 8:-) 7 8-) 8 :-) 9 :-( — I’m sure it is a robot. _______ — I’m sure it is a little girl. _ — Perhaps it is a swimmer. ______ — I’m sure it says “I’m happy”. — I’m sure it says “I’m sad”. ___ 2. Clare is looking for her brother Jay. What do his friends tell her? Complete each sentence with a correct form of the verbs from the box. has to be might be must be — Where is Jay? — He -0^ OH в компьютерном клубе. — .He ^ ----------------- в компьютерном клубе. — Не________________ at the computer club. Должно быть, Г" at the computer club. Он может быть ____ at the computer club at 10 am. 22 Oh должен быть в компьютерном клубе в 10 часов. Unit 2 Lesson 3 Reading lesson 1. Word building. Can you form compound nouns? 1) Match the words from two boxes to form 5 compound (сложных) nouns. breakfast class home house lunch skate —“ЗГТ fairy fire' ^ form grand ,.\^nick teacher name parents tale man 1 4 2 5 3 2) For each word below use the words from the box to form compound nouns. O^' a breakfast-time _______________time work board work board • ••«••••••a •-'-«••••••••••••••a • • • Lesson 4 X. The children are talking with each other. Choose the correct answer for each question. 1 What about going to the cinema? a It’s a good cinema. b OK. c I’m going to the cinema. 2 Can you go now? a Sorry. I have to do my homework, b Yes, you can. c Yes, I do. 3 It may be Jay’s book. a No, it mustn’t. b He has to be. c Perhaps it is. 4 Would you like to go to the zoo with me? a Thank you very much, but I have to ask Mum first, b Yes, I do. Thanks. c Thanks. I don’t have to. О 5 Where is Clare? a She must be at basketball practice. b She should go home. c She has to be at school at 8 am. S Unit 2 23 Reading lesson Lesson 4 6 Are there any rules in your family? a My family is friendly. b Yes, there are some. c They are nice. 7 What do you think about these rules? a I think they are useful. b We don’t have any rules. c It is a fair rule. 1 C!onsolidation 1. Word building. Make compound words from the words in the box. Then fill in the gaps in each sentence. any home name nick super where work market- (0) Tim is in the supermqrket. He has to buy some food. 1 I use my _______________ when I go on the Internet. 2 My parents check my__________________ diary once a week. 3 I never go without my friends. 2. Grammar, choose the correct verb form for each sentence and underline it. Match it with the rule. Grammar Hint Modal verbs 1. Если мы говорим о том, что мы должны делать, мы исполь- | зуем: а) must + V, если это желание говорящего: I must think about safety. Я должен думать о безопасности. (Я так считаю.) Ь) have (has) to + V, если существуют определённые правила или распорядок, которому мы подчиняемся; I have to wear а uniform. Я должен (вынужден) носить форму. (Такие правила.) c) Если мы говорим о том, что нельзя делать, мы используем mustn’t + V; You mustn’t wear jeans at school. Нельзя носить джинсы'^в школе;' '' d) Если мы говорим о том, что нет необходимости делать'что-либо, мы используем don’t (doesn’t) have to + V: ч." You don’t have to wear a uniform. Тебе не нужно носить форму. 24 Unit 2 Consolidation 2. Если мы выражаем различную степень уверенности в том, что может происходить сейчас, мы используем: а) may/might + V, если мы менее уверены: Не may want to know our names. Возможно, OH хочет узнать наши имена. О" Ь) must + V, если мы более уверены: It must be cool. Это, должно быть, здорово. GS р. 161 Г С Ноте alone rules j И You have to / may be over 10 years old to stay at home alone. 1. Ы 0You mustn’t/don't have to open the door for a stranger.____ m A stranger may/should trick you. _________ OYou mustn’t/may tell anyone that you are at home alone. ___________ 0You must/might be sure you know your parents’ phone number. _________ □ It must/have to be useful to know people around you. _____ D 3. Paul has done a test to find out how much he knows. Here are some of the questions with Paul’s answers. 1) Was he sure of his answers? How did he answer the questions? 1 In Australia people hunt with a bow and arrows Q a boomerang 0 2 The sea in Africa. The Black Sea The Red Sea 3 The most famous American jazz singer. Madonna* Louis Armstrong’' 4 The famous Russian museum in St Petersburg*. St Basil’s Cathedrar 0 The Hermitage* Ц 5 The park in London. Hyde Park* 0 Rock Creek Park* Ц Unit 2 25 Consolidation 1 2 3 4 5 It must be a boomerang. It may be the Red Sea, it may be the Black Sea. 2) Do this test. 1 2 3 ____________ 4 ____________ 5 ____________ П4 . Here is some information about things that you can or can’t do in different countries. Decide if the information is true or false. (0) In France you shouldn’t bring a stereo to school. It might be true, fit may be true. It must be true.) 1 In Greece you have to wear a crash helmet^ when you ride a motorbike. ________________________________________________________ 2 In England you have to stay at school if you are younger than 16. ____________________________________________________________ 3 In Germany parents have to give their children pocket money. If you are 10 years old, you must get 10—12 euros — евро) a week. _____________________________________________________________ 4 You shouldn’t take chewing gum^ into Australia. 5 At Summerhill School in Suffolk, England, pupils don’t have to go to lessons. ________________________________________________ ,G ' a crash helmet — защитный шлем ^ chewing gum — жевательная резинка 26 Unit 2 Consolidation 5. There are mistakes in the following sentences. Find the mistakes and correct each sentence. (0) I have check with mum if I want to use the computer. I have to check_____________________________________________________________________ 1 That has to be Harry, he always comes at 10 am. _______________________ 2 I might not to come to the club tomorrow because I have to go to the doctor. __________________________________________________ 3 I don’t think we should buy him this tie. He mustn’t like the colour. _________________________________________________________ 4 This information must to be useful. ___________________________ 5 My brother have to walk the dog. It is his chore. 6 Have your parents to check your homework diary? Test yourself ШВВ LISTENING COMPREHENSION A girl is talking about her family. Mark the following sentences with “T” if the information is true or “F” if it is false. You will hear the text twice. 1 Kerry has to go to the swimming pool. ~__________________ 2 Kerry’s parents may not know where she is sometimes. 3 Kerry has some chores to do at home. __________ 4 Kerry’s parents are strict about watching TV. _______ 5 Kerry’s parents are not strict about using the phone. 6 Perhaps Kerry’s family will go to Jamaica in summer. Your score 6 5 4—3 2 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 \ Unit 2 Test yourself 27 о READING COMPREHENSION Here is a letter from a girl to a children’s newspaper and the response to this letter. For questions 1—4, choose the correct answer a or b. My sister always spends a lot of time on the computer and I don’t have the time. I don’t think that’s fair. What should I do? , Ann B., Norwich Your sister may spend longer hours on the computer because of her schoolwork. If she is older than you, she may have more difficult homework to do. You should talk to your parents and your sister. Tell your parents how you feel. They may not know that your sister spends a longer time on the computer, or they may think it is fair. Computers are interesting and it’s easy to forget about the time when you are on the Internet or playing a game. Some families buy a timer. Then all people in the family can get a bit of computer time. What is the girl’s problem? a Her sister is not fair. b Her sister uses the computer longer. Why is it happening? a Perhaps the girl’s homework is easier than her sister’s homework. b Perhaps the girl’s sister has to do a lot of chores about the house. What tips can be useful for the girl? a To talk with the parents about the problem, b To forget about the problem. What do the parents think about the problem? a Perhaps they don’t think it is good, b Perhaps they don’t know about the problem. О TV) Your score 4 3 2 1 - Your mark 5 4 3 2 28 Unit 2 Test yourself ф USE OF ENGLISH (VOCABULARY/GRAMMAR) 1. Here are some tips on using the Internet. Choose the best variant a, b or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Talk with your (0) varents about rules for using the Internet. Always (1) these rules. People from all over the world can (2) ________________ you. They are (3) _________________ to you. Don’t forget about this when you are on the Net and you’ll be (4)_____________________ You shouldn’t give out your (5) _____________________, telephone num- ber, parents’ work address/telephone number without your parents’ (6)--------------------------- Be very (7) __________________ of any people (8) _________________ they ask you to come to some place, or ask you to give money. You shouldn’t write e-mail (9) ______________________ all in CAPITAL LETTERS, people may think you are angry. (0) a cjarent^ b adults c sisters 1 a care about b follow c argue 2 a tell b check c contact 3 a adults b friends c strangers 4 a safe b dangerous c cautious 5 a permission b tips c address 6 a permission b message c contact 7 a care b cautious c dangerous 8 a if b because c before 9 a rules b messages c nicknames 2. Kerry talks about her first school days. 1) Choose the best word or phrase a or b. There is an example (0) at the beginning. I like going back to school because I (0) can see all my friends. I (1) _____________ hurry because on the first day I (2) _______________ be at school only at 9 o’clock. At school I meet my friends and we (3) ______________ go to our classroom. We get information about our new classes and we (4) diaries. Then we (5) _____________ teachers. _________ get our homework to find our classes and meet our Unit 2 Test yourself 29 (0) a Ccan> b have to 1 a don’t have to b mustn’t 2 a may b have to 3 a should b shouldn’t 4 a don’t have to b might 5 a have b must n. я 2) Complete each sentence. Use may/might, must. There is an example (0) at the beginning. ^ ч N (0) Perhaps Kerry has got a lot of friends at school. Kerry YY\aw have a lot of friends at school. I’m sure Kerry has some school rules. 1 2 3 4 5 Kerry some school rules. Perhaps Kerry wears a school uniform. Kerry _______________________ a school uniform. I’m sure Kerry has computer lessons at school. Kerry ___________r___________ computer lessons at school. Perhaps Kerry’s school is not very big. Kerry’s school ______________________ very big. I’m sure Kerry is a pupil of a London school because she lives in London. Kerry a pupil of a London school. Your score 19—18 17—15 14—10 9 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Q SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached 2 3 4 5 S I can read and understand: • stories about rules and chores in the family, ^ • stories about rules at school. 6|| I can understand: • what children say about rules in their families. ,. ^ •s 30 Unit 2 Test yourself Продолжение Description of achievement Level reached 2 3 4 5 ^ I can talk: • about rules and chores in my family, • about rules and chores at my school. I5L I can write: • about rules and chores in my family. Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • Modal verb have to • Modal verbs may, might, must Учебные умения Не умею Умею • выполнять задания по чтению с выбором правильного ответа из нескольких • выбирать нужное значение слова, исходя из контекста • сравнивать фактическую информацию • оценивать свои умения Exercises I found most interesting / boring / difficult Unit 2 Test yourself 31 Unit 3 We must help people around Lesson 1 1. Vocabulary. How can children help people in the neighbourhood? Match the columns. flats tricks paths visit trees clean up graffiti '■pick up elderly and lonely people water litter collect houses rake the floor sweep secondhand books do flowers wash off gardens sew children in a local hospital leaves the shopping soft toys Children will Children will clean lu? licirs/hoi'scs/Ljorcicns/i liOCi' . *. 32 Unit 3 Lesson 1 2. Put the verbs into the correct column. bring sewn brought swept ridden cleaned sing sang cut clean buy swept learn ride go went draw drawn did won done sewed bought learnt cut won Infinitive (VI) V2 V3 cleaned brought drew learnt do win gone sew sweep sung rode Lesson 2 1. Do you help other people? Who have you helped this week/month? What have you done? Make a survey. Grammar Hint Present Perfect Have you helped your mother today? GS p. 158 Unit 3 Lesson 2 33 — Dima, have you helped your mother this week? — Yes, I have. — What have you done? — I have washed the dishes this week. 34 Unit 3 Lesson 2 2. Answer the questions. (0) Have you done your homework today? Yes, I have done mv homework today. 1 Have you visited your grandma this week? 2 Has your mother cooked a meal today? 3 Have you had a fair at school this year? 4 Has your friend helped you this week? 5 Have you read a new book this month? Lesson 3 1. Learning to translate. What have the children done? How long have they done it? Translate the following sentences. (0) I have read an interesting book. Я прочытдл ынтересную кныгу. I have read this book for three days. Я читаю эту книгу mpu дня. 1 I have done my homework. 2 I have done my homework since 5 pm. 3 Clare has raked leaves in the garden. 4 She has raked leaves for an hour. 5 Jay has watched the new film. 6 Celia has watched the cartoons for half an hour. 7 Paul has ridden horses since he was four years old. Unit 3 Lesson 3 35 2. The children from Paul’s class can do a lot. 1) How long have the children done the following? Put in since or for. ____________ ten o’clock ____________two years ____________ six months ____________ many years ____________ Friday ____________ I was eight ____________ two hours ____________April 2) Write the same in another way. (0) Helen plays the piano. She started to play the piano last year. Helen has played the piano for a year. 1 Ben and Jim are friends. They became friends in 2008. 2 Net and Sandra are learning to skate. They started learning to skate last month. 3 Jack is reading a new book. He started to read it on Saturday. 4 Paul likes riding horses. He rode a horse for the first time when he was four. 5 Molly is playing football. She began playing football at 5 o’clock. 3. In your culture, a teacher from a Lipetsk* school talks about the traditions of helping people in their school. What are the traditions? Fill in the gaps in the sentences. (0) The school started working in 1987. The school has worked since 1987. 1 In 1987 the children started to collect information for the school museum. The children _______________________ information for the school museum since __________________. 2 The museum started working in 1999. The museum ______________________ for______ years. 3 In 1998 the children gave the first concert for veterans. The children _____________________________________ concerts for vete- rans since 4 Since 1987 the children have given veterans gifts and flowdrs. The children_______________________________________for ____________ 5 The children have helped to clean the lakes for eight years. since 36 Unit 3 Lesson 3 и 4. Write it right. What talents have you got? Write a letter to your friend to tell him/her about your talents. Dear I’d like to tell you about myself.^ I can I ^ '_______________ well. for/since vL O' I go I like And what about you? Can vou ? How loner ? Bye, Lesson 4 1. Grammar. What have the children from Paul’s class done and haven’t done? Make the sentences. (0) Jay and Jane / practise / their dance / already. Jay and Jane have already practised their dance. 1 Polly / her ballet dance / just / perform. 2 Ron / his costume / yet / prepare. 3 the children / flowers / yet / buy? 4 the children / people to the concert / yet./ invite? 5 Andy / the poster / just / finish. 6 Jack / a hat for his tricks / already / bring. 7 The children / what they will do next year / yet / decide. 2. Grammar. Pete is travelling around Britain. Here are his plans. 1 to visit Buckingham Palace* 2 to see Nelson’s Column* 3 to watch animals in')London Zoo* 4 to send a letter to his parents 5 to buy some gifts for his parents 6 to feed birds on Trafalgar Square* ^ to tell about myself — рассказать о себе О \ Unit 3 Lesson 4 37 What questions did Pete’s friend ask him? What did Pete answer? Answers Questions 1 Have you visited Buckingham Palace vet? 2 3 4 5 6 О 1 (already) visited it. 2 (yet) ____ 3 (just) ___ have already 4 (already) 5 (just) ___ 6 (yet) ____ -O Lesson 5 38 1. Children are asking and answering questions. Choose the correct answer 'or- question. 1 What have you done this week? a I washed off graffiti in our street, b I’ve helped my mum. c I’ve played tennis since I was 5. 2 How long have you played tennis? a I’ve played tennis since 2007. b I often play tennis, c I have played tennis with my friend. 3 Have you watched the new film yet? a Yes, I’ve already got it. b No, I haven’t got it. c Yes, I have already seen it. 4 Has your brother won any prizes yet? a Yes, she has many prizes. b I haven’t won prizes yet. c Yes, he has already won two prizes. 5 a Has he done his homework yet? b Have you done the shopping today? c Have they done the test yet? Yes, we have. \ 6 aCWhen will you study English? b How long have you studied English? c Have you studied English yet? I’ve studied English since I was eight. Я W- Unit 3 Lesson 5 Consolidation 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms and adverbs. Match the sentences with the rules. V Grammar Hint Present Perfect Мы используем Present Perfect: 1. Когда говорим о действии, которое завершилось, и нам важно действие и его результат в настоящем, а не время, когда оно произошло: The garden is clean. We’ve raked the leaves. I’ve won the prize at the tennis competitions. 2. Когда говорим о действии, которое завершилось, но период времени, в который оно произошло, ешё не истёк (today, this week, this month): I’ve drawn the picture today. 3. Когда говорим о действии, которое началось в прошлом и всё ешё продолжается. 1) Чтобы сказать, с какого момента началось действие, мы используем предлог since (с) или союз since (с тех пор как): I have played tennis since I was 5. 2) Чтобы сказать, как долго продолжается действие, мы используем предлог for (в течение): I have played tennis for two hours today. 4. C наречиями already (когда мы хотим сказать, что действие уже завершено), just (если мы хотим сказать, что действие только что завершилось) и yet в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях: I have already done my homework. He has Just finished his homework. Have you done your homework yet? I haven’t done it yet. GS p. 158 о (0) Have you watered the flowers vet? (water) (already/yet) 1 We ____________________ graffiti from all the houses in our street. (wash off) (just) ^v 2 My Dad is happy. I in the garden, (help) 3 I ____ 6--,o '7 40 Unit 3 Consolidation 3. What have the children from the Wellers family done? Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs from the box and the words in brackets. 1 not learn t I , learn finish (2) draw do (2) clean | water • (0) Daniel has just finished his homework in Maths, (just/yet) 1 But he __________________ English ___________________. (already/yet) 2 Stuart___________his homework_______________two hours, (since/for) 3 He______________________ the garden_________________. (already/yet) 4 Melanie has a lot of homework, too. She ___________________________ her homework _________________ 4 o’clock, (for/since) 5 She______________the flowers in the house 6 Daniel 7 Melanie 8 Daniel and Melanie ______. (already/yet) ___ the new verbs, (for/already) the picture ______________. (just/yet) _________everything, (already/since) О D 4. Children from different countries write letters to magazines for children. In some of their letters there were mistakes. Find 6 mistakes and correct them. If there isn’t any mistake, put v^. (0) This year I visited some interesting places, have visited 1 I have win two prizes when I was seven..________________________________________ 2 3 4 5 6 7 My brother and I have played football since three hours. I’ve learnt to play the guitar this year. ____________________ I have drew a beautiful picture for my grandma today. We haven’t finished our project already. __________________ My father has taught me to ride a bike. О I have played .the violin for three years. 8 Have you been to Scotland already? ____________________ 9 My sister have spent two weeks in Africa this year. Unit 3 41 Consolidation Test yourself LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the children’s talk about their favourite activities. For questions 1—6, write down how long the children have done their favourite activities. You will hear the talk twice. Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 Katie has sung in the choir Molly has played tennis ____ Laura has painted pictures Timothy has done pantomime Andy has played the violin _ Shannon and John have danced ballet dances Your score 6 5—4 3 2—1 Your mark 5 4 3 2 42 O. READING COMPREHENSION Read the story about Toni Bently. Fill in the gaps (1-6) with the correct sentences (a-f). Toni Bently began her ballet lessons when she was three. When she was ten, she went to a New York school. (1)_______________Now there were ballet lessons every day, and in her old school there was only one lesson a week. The pupils often went to the theatre. “I saw Swan Lake*. It was wonderful. I wanted to become a great dancer.” One day at the end of the school year in New York, her mother heard about the School of American Ballet. Toni went to that school. With five other girls she did some exercises. (2)________________She was the best girl. When Toni was eleven, her life changed. She got the role ima New York City Ballet’s performance. Toni and eight other young girls danced there. (3)______________It was very exciting.” When^Toni was thirteen, she had ballet dancing two or three times a day. (4)______________She stayed at the School of American Ballet for seven years. When Toni was eighteen she joined the New York City Ballet. Unit 3 Test yourself was fantastic. But my first year was very difficult. Toni visited London, Paris, Copenhagen and other “It (5) cities. But soon she decided to leave the ballet and started travelling. She went to Europe. (6)_________________Now Toni Bently has be- come the author of several books about the famous ballerinas. Toni says now “Ballet has changed my life. I’m happy that I was a ballet dancer of the New York City Ballet.” a There she decided to write a book, b “I* danced that role for four winters, c I learnt thirty ballets that year.” d There she studied the usual subjects plus music, drama and dance. e Dance became the most important part of her life, f Toni did all the exercises really well. 9^ Your score 6 5—4 3 2—1 Your mark 5 4 3 2 Ф В1И11И USE OF ENGLISH (VOCABULARY/GRAMMAR) X. The children from Green Road School take part in different after-school activities. What did the children do last year? Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box. ■ choir secondhand invitations pick up leaves soft elderly graffiti neighbourhood water folk local ......----------- .... . ^ - (0) The children washed off graffiti from the houses in Green Street. 1 Last year the pupils worked a lot. They helped to rake ________________ in the schoolyard and to ____________flowers. 2 They visited children at the ________________.toys. 3 There is a lake in the town. The pupils helped to hospital and gave them •4^ G'^ litter near it last summer and helped to clean up the Unit 3 Test yourself 43 4 Pupils of the 1st form collected _______________books for the local hospital. 5 The school ______________ won first prize at the singing competi- tion. 6 A lot of _____________people got _______________for the concert. -dances and songs at the 7 The children performed _______________ concert. For questions 1—8, fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs from the box. There is an example (0) at the beginning. collect pick ■ rake clean sew sweep visit practise (0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hove you done your homework, John? I Moscow this year. My brother ___________ football for 3 years. We I don’t like many soft toys for children. ________ leaves. But I _________ all the leaves in my grandmother’s garden today. Our class ___________ up the litter in the local park this week. We _____________ secondhand toys for children this month. Our class helped to ___________ up our neighbourhood. I usually help my dad to ____________ the paths. 3. For questions 1—7, fill in the gaps with the verb in the correct form and a word in brackets. There is an example (0) at the beginning. (0) 1 2 3 4 5 .6 I have чипа (sing) in the choir .for. three years, (since/for) We _____ (not finish) the test your friend _______________ (watch) .? (just/yet) _ (wash) all the dishes My friend ten. (since/for) I ..^1_______ (do) this exercise (do) pantomime 5 minutes. We ________ (since/for) (perform) folk dances . (already/yet) a new film (just/yet) ______ he ^as (sinc6/for) five years. Л 7 I (finish) the test (already/yet) 44 Unit 3 Test yourself Your score 25—23 22—18 17—12 11 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 EL О SELF-ASSESSMENT Description о? achievement S I can read and understand: short stories, poems, interviews about helping people, the neighbourhood. ва I can understand: talks about children’s favourite activities. I can talk: about how to help the community and people around. EL I can write: about things I have done this year. Level reached “T Exercises I found most interesting/difficult/boring O' Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • Present Perfect with since, for, just, yet, already Учебные умения Не умею Умею • вести диалог • пользоваться справочником “Linguistic and Cultural Guide” • понимать связи между словами и предложениями в тексте > ,v> Unit 3 45 Test yourself Unit 4 Every day and at weekends Lesson 1 Grammar Hint Present Simple Word Order In the valley parks people often play sports on Sundays. On Sundays people often play sports in the valley parks. People play sports in the valley parks on Sundays. On Sundays in the valley parks people play sports. when ?/where ? who? how often? to do what? where ?/when ? GS p. 154 1, Some British children study Russian. 1) Which word order could they use if they translate these sentences from Russian into English? Choose one phrase and tick it (0) a Посетители каждый день играют в крикет в спортивном центре. ________ Ь Посетители играют в крикет в спортивном центре каждый день. 1 а В замке посетители рассматривают старинные картины. _______ Ь Посетители рассматривают в замке старинные картины. _______ 2 а На концерте в парке часто слушают музыку дети и их родители. _________ Ь Дети и их родители часто слушают музыку на концерте в парке. ________ 3 а Люди обычно покупают сувениры в музее. _________ . 'Я- Ь Сувениры люди обычно покупают в музее. _________ 4 а В местах для ловли рыбы туристы иногда принимают участие в соревнованиях по рыбной ловле. ____ Ь Иногда в соревнованиях по рыбной ловле принимают участие туристы. _____ 46 Unit 4 Lesson 1 2) Now write these phrases in the right word order. (0) Vi.sil____.. :-'i( c’t rn; the: sf'orts Lentre L /ery day. (play cricket / Visitors / every day / at the sports centre) 1 (watch / in a castle / old pictures / Visitors) 2 (Children and their parents / at the concert / music / listen to / often / in the park) 3 '________________________________________________________________ (usually / buy / People / at a museum / souvenirs) 4 _____________________________________________________________________ (tourists / a fishing competition / sometimes / At a Fishing Area / take part in) Lesson 2 Grammar Hint Present Progressive Tom is playing football. What game is Phil playing? Is Sally playing the violin? GS p. 156 1. While travelling around England, the Atkinsons have stayed at a camp. There is a playground there. The children and animals are doing different things. Count how many children and animals are doing one and the same activity. Use the words from the box. Grammar Hint Present Progressive (progressive and non-progressive verbs) Tom is swimming in the lake. He wants to swim fast. Ving (Spelling): win — winning stay — staying look — looking dance - dancing ^3 p ,33 ride a bicycle watch the boys skip^ run play in the sandbox^ hear the music sleep jump dance have bicycles ^ to skip — прыгать через скакалку ^ a sandbox — песочница Unit 4 .. . Lesson 2 47 Ш1 ;ov > ;dinci big des. 2. 1) Game “Find the difference”. Compare the two pictures and find the difference. ШХ : Qfiv.: '■ ж____ш_ IIL .)liv£r.'5 swimmil'.L loo. 48 Unit 4 Lesson 2 if' -’Э I * * » 'Л-*, 2) Pair work. Ask questions and find the difference in the pictures. — What is Oliver doing in your picture? — Oliver is swimming in my picture. — Is Oliver swimming in your picture? — Yes, he is. Lesson 3 Grammar Hint Present meaning My brother usually plays basketball on Fridays. My brother is playing basketball now. My cousin and I have been friends for 10 years. GS pp. 154, 156, 158 Unit 4 49 Lesson 3 1. Countryside fairs and festivals are very popular in Britain. Why are they popular with the Atkinsons? Circle the correct words in brackets. (0) Paul and Oliver (|alway^ take part in the countryside fairs (at the moment). ^ 1 The Atkinsons are watching birds (now, for an hour). 2 Sally and Peter (often) take photos of animal (at the moment). 3 The Atkinsons (sometimes) have visited the country shows (since 2001). 4 The children (sometimes) sing songs and dance at the folk festival (now). 5 Peter Atkinson and his friends have taken part in water sports competitions (at the moment, for the past five years). 6 Sally and Peter are (usually) buying food at the summer fair (now). 2. In your culture. Xh^ people in the pictures are celebrating Day of the city. 1) What do people usually do on this day? What are they doing in the pictures? What have they done since they started to celebrate the holiday? Fill in the gaps choosing the correct verb forms. 50 Unit 4 Lesson 3 (0) People usually J2_a flower show. a are visiting b (yisT^ c have visited 1 Visitors always _________________ souvenirs. a buy b are buying c have bought 2 The people________in funny competitions since the first celebration. a are taking part ' b have taken part c take part 3 The children and their parents_________________Russian food now. a eat b have eaten c are eating 4 People _________________to folk (народная) music at the moment. a have listened b are listening c listen 5 Children and their parents often ____________ a are visiting b have visited c visit 6 Children and their parents __________________ a enjoy b are enjoying c have enjoyed П 2) Match the verb forms with the tenses. Present Simple 0_______________________________ О re S-- к O’ pet shows. a folk concert now. Present Progressive Present Perfect ____ Lesson 4 1. Some children are talking about different activities. Match the questions with the answers. Choose the right answer. 1 What are you doing at home now? 2 What do you do on your winter holidays? 3 What book are you reading? 4 a How long have you worked on the project? b When did you work on the project? 5 a I like this concert! b I don’t like.(this concert! 6 I hate this film. a I am watching TV. b I watch TV. a My-father and I are skating, b My father and I sometimes skate. a I am reading The Three Musketeers. b I read books about pirates. For three years. Yes, it’s great! a Oh no, it’s fantastic! I am enjoying it. b Yes, it’s super. ■O Unit 4 51 Lesson 4 Consolidation Grammar Hint Present meaning 1. Мы используем Present Simple, когда говорим о действиях или событиях, которые обычно происходят в настоящем: I watch TV in the evenings. > 2. Мы используем Present Progressive, когда говорим о действиях или событиях, которые происходят в определённый момент в настоящем: I am watching TV now. 3. Мы используем Present Perfect, когда говорим о действиях, которые начались в прошлом и всё ещё продолжаются: Му brother has worked on the project for two months. GS pp. 154. 156, 158 X. Use the correct verb forms' in brackets and match each sentence with the rule. (0) Tom often plays (play) basketball. 1. 1 Tom ______________________ (play) basketball at the moment. __________ 2 Tom ______________________ (play) basketball regularly since he was 8. ________ 3 My friends 4 My friends 5 I * (go) to the park now. 6 My parents and I 7 I ________________ _______ (go) to the park at weekends. (visit) my grandparents every summer. (live) in London for 6 years. (visit) my grandparents now. 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I (know) Fred for 5 years. (watch) TV at the moment. _ (watch) TV every evening. (watch) The Wild World programme every weekend for the past year. 2. These people like their jobs. What do they usually do? Are they doing the same thing at this moment? Use the words from the box and put the verbs in the correct verb forms r - - - - ---------------------------------- - ..... I ^ play-the piano dance a photographer ' * ^-a pianist sing songs (sing a song) play football V take a photo a football player i write a book a singer a dancer a writer - V 52 Unit 4 Consolidation о о (0) . 9i(mist. Не plays the piano cvctv ciav. нс hn^ >;luvc-J t.ie' ninno NiHce was 7. He isn't play'ma the nkmj noiv._____________________________ 1 a photographer/take a photo/since he was 18 2 a football player/play football/for 8 years 3 a singer/sing songs at concerts/sing a song 4 a dancer/dance at the theatre/since she was 6 5 a writer/write books/work on the last book/for many years . \ p- Unit 4 Consolidation 53 3. Here are some photos that Sasha took in Wales. He made some mistakes in the cap- tions. Find the mistakes and correct them. (0) Sally and I are playing tennis. correct__ 1 My friends and I have a picnic in the park now. О ■:0 (00) My friend Philip fishes in the Fishing Area now. is fishing_ 2 Many people enjoy the rose show every year. 3 My friends take part in the popular festival every year. 4 Look, I am eating a hamburger. 54 Unit 4 Consolidation 5 I am seeing a bird. 6 I am saying goodbye. “lO О □ 4. Here are some telephone conversations. What questions are they asking each other? Use the words from the box. I what what competition what programmes what film Are you alone at home. Jack? No, my dad isn’t in but my mum is at home. (0) What is voijr father do'ma?______________________ My dad is taking part in a competition. Really? (1) _____________________________ A swimming competition. (2) ______________________ And my mum is watching a film. days. I don’t know. And are your parents at home? Mum and dad have been at my grandmother’s place for 2 Is your sister staying with you? Yes, she is. (3) She is watching TV. (4) ________________ — A programme about music. Ц 5. Your teacher has a picture of Clare and her classmates who are in a history lesson. What are Clare, her classmates and their teacher doing in the picture? Ask questions and write them down. Use Clare’s story about their usual activities in their history ^ lessons. 4^ ‘ О My classmates and I like history lessons very much. They are very interesting. We sometimes wear historical costumes in the lessons. 9^ Unit 4 55 Consolidation It’s fun. Our teacher tells us about famous people of the past. We enjoy listening to the teacher’s stories. We sometimes read historical books and make trips to historical places. We like playing history computer games. (0) Are they weqrina historicql costumes?________________________________________ 2 3 4 5 G. Paul Atkinson is writing a letter to his friends and describing his photographs. What is he telling his friends about his visit? For questions 1-11, choose the correct answer a, b or c. In this picture I am happy! Look, I (0) am visiting the famous chocolate museum. It’s wonderful! I (1)___________a lot of chocolate. It’s (2)____________of chocolate! They (3) _____________________ a lot of chocolate every day. They (4) chocolate for 200 years. We (5) ___________________________ how they (6) _ I (7) ______ I (8) ______ We came since this ______________ chocolate. Look, __________ Cadbury chocolate. ____ to eat chocolate every day. here in the morning and morning I (9) ______________ at Cadbury World for 3 hours. What are you doing now? I hope to hear (10)_______soon. Do you (11)__________that I asked you not to celebrate our class holiday without me? Please don’t forget! 56 Unit 4 Consolidation (0) a visit b have visited c visiting^ 1 a am seeing b have seen c see 2 a a festival b a souvenir c an idea 3 a are making b make c have made 4 a have made b make c are making 5 a watch b are watching c have watched 6 a make b are making c have made 7 Й am eating b eat c have eaten 8 a am wanting b have wanted c want 9 a was b have been c am 10 a some music b from you c hello 11 a know b think c remember Test yourself LISTENING COMPREHENSION Paul has come to his friend’s place. What are Paul, Roy and their relatives doing at the time of the conversation, and what do they usually do? Tick ('^ ) the correct information in the table. You will hear the conversation twice. at the moment usually, always watch a video listen to music do the homework cook the dinner hear the music from the room Your score 5 4 3 2 Your mark 5 4 3 2 .A READING COMPREHENSION 1) What video games are popular? Find 4 games. Many people in Britain love video games, but some people love them very much. British adults love video games and they play on their computers for more than four hours a day and they take their computers on holiday because they can’t live without them! But what about young people? 35% of British children (who are thirteen years old) play video games every day, and 7% play for 30 hours a week or more. It means that, at this moment, a lot of chil- Unit 4 Test yourself 57 dren are playing video games. The children who play 30 hours or more may start to get bad marks at school or forget about their friends. Some children even become angry if they can’t play. What games are these children playing? Helen: I am playing my favourite game — the new Lord of the Rings. I often play it because there is a lot of action in it and there are some bits of the film in it. It is just as good as the film. Ken: I am enjoying The Simpsons game now. I bought it three months ago and I have played it every day since then. I can do many tricks in the game. It’s great! Beth: I love The Sims. I love to help other people. But now I am playing Sonic the Hedgehog. I like to use my head when I play computer games. 2) Read the information about playing video games and tick the questions which have an answer in the text. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Are video games really popular in Britain? How many hours dp British adults play video games? Why do British men take video games on holiday? _______ 0 1 2 3 Why do some children forget about their video games? ___________ 4 35% of British children play video games every day and 7% play 30 hours a week or more. What do these facts mean? ---------- 5 What may happen to children who play video games very often? 6 Why does Helen like the Lord of the Rings? _ 7 When does Ken go skateboarding? _______ 8 What does Beth like most about video games? Your score 8 7 6—5 4 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 EL Ш USE OF ENGLISH (VOCABULARY/GRAMMAR) f - jr?-" * J' . wr w: ' 1. Different Internet sites give information about children’s and their parents' spare time activities. Make the sentences. Give more variants if possible. There is an example (0) at the beginning. (0) Mnny boys and girls come t:o Children's '^inv 'сч!' uiav aann.^s. (Children’s Play Area / and play / Many boys and girls / come to / ball games) 1_______________________________________________________________________ (children and their parents / In picnic areas / a wonderful time / spend / every weekend / together) 58 Unit 4 Test yourself (listen to music and / at the park concerts / dance to music / People / every day) 3____________________________________________________________________ (Some children / at the sports centre / every Saturday / play tennis) (their parents / take a walk / at weekends / Many children and / like to / in the park) 5___________________________________________________________________ (in the playground / Small children / play games / often) 2. Here are some notes and photo labels made by foreign pupils during their visit to Britain. For questions 1-11, choose the correct answer a, b or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Look, I am fishing in the lake and I (0) see a large fish. It’s wonderful in the park! I (1)_______birds’ singing in the picture. I (2) ___________ birds’ singing, it’s a magic choir! A lot of (3) __________come to the park to listen to the birds’ music. In this picture my friends and I (4) _____________ a football match. In England every football match becomes a wonderful (5) ! Big (6) _________________________ play joyful music and people buy (7) before the match. to the Our visit to Britain has been wonderful! We (8) _______ museums and concert halls every day. On Saturdays we usually (9) ___________ to museums and theatres. I have heard a lot about the British Museum since 2001 and now I (10) ___________ it. Our visit to London has been great! We (11) ~ of it. every minute (0) a b am seeing c have seen 1 a am hearing b have heard c hear 2 a study b admire c see 3 a tourists b animals c classmates 4 a am watching b have watched c are watching 5 a area b festival c day 6 a bands b people c tourists 7 a puzzles b secondhand books c souvenirs 8 a go b are going c have gone 9 a are visiting b visit c have visited 10 a have seen b am seeing c see 11 a will remember b will celebrate c will forget Unit 4 Test yourself 59 Your score 12—10 9—7 6-4 3 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 EL о SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached Ш I can read and understand: • about everyday and spare time activities. ВЯ I can understand: • what children say about their spare time activities. mi can explain: • what my family and I do on trips. I can write: • about my favourite everyday and spare time activities. Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • Present Simple • Present Progressive • Present Perfect Учебные умения Не умею Умею • пользоваться грамматическим справочником • подготовить проект • выполнять тестовые задания • оценивать свои умения Exercises I found the most interesting / boring / difficult 60 Unit 4 Test yourself Unit 5 My favourite celebrations Lesson i 6^ П 1. Vocabulary. What can people do when they celebrate different holidays? Combine the words from two boxes. O’ К Box 1 choose colour eat exchange send sing cook hang watch wear decorate light have make raise wrap u. ----. -_______________________________________________________ |~Box 2 ! cakes a choice of tasty food costumes eggs fireworks a flag electric lights greetings cards the house parades songs parties presents pudding stockings the Christmas tree choose presents, costumes. H 2. In your culture^ What holidays do people in Russia like to celebrate best of all? Look at the chart^(rpa4>HK) and fill in the gaps with the names of the holidays. V . The most popular holiday in Russia is (1) most popular holiday is (2) _____________ a bit more popular than (4) _____________ The second'^ IS .. (3) ___________ . Half of the Russian Unit 5 Lesson 1 61 people choose (5) (6) ______________ not very popular yet. (7) One quarter of Russians celebrate ____________ is a new holiday. It is 't- January 90% March April May June 4 nO 1 - New Year 64% 7 - Christmas 8-Women’s Day ^ - Easter ^ 1 - May Day * 9-Victory Day ^ 12 - Day of Russia 3. Grammar. What are the two “most American” holidays? Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions. Grammar Hint Prepositions of time at in clock time a festival в выражениях a month a year a season в выражениях on a day part of a day в выражениях at 2.30 (в 2.30) at Easter (на Пасху) at night (ночью), at the weekend (в выходные) in May (b мае) in 2005 (B 2005) in the summer (летом) in the morning (утром), in the evening (вечером) on Tuesday (во вторник), on the Fourth of July (четвёртого июля) on Monday morning (утром в понедельник) on holiday (на каникулах) GS p. 164 - к Americans have a big party (0) Ш1 Independence Day*. Some towns and cities have parades with music bands and flags (1) > the Fourth of July*. The atmosphere of the family party, witnhot dogs and hamburgers (2) _________ the afternoon and the fireworks (3)____night makes the Fourth of July a national birthday party. 62 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Day* is (4) the fourth Thursday 1621. Thanksgiving (5) _____ November. People started to celebrate it (6) (7)_____Thanksgiving all people in the family gather in the house of their parents and eat a large traditional dinner. Lesson 2- ^ 1. Grammar, in different countries Christmas traditions are a bit different. What did children from different countries do last Christmas? Britain Spain Germany Italy Spain Britain • n Presents in the evening on December 24 Presents in the morning on December 25 Germany Italy Britain Spain Salvador is from Spain. Sophia is from Italy. Carol is from Britain. Paul is from Germany. It was nine o’clock in the morning. Salvador (0) was opening his presents, Sophia (1) _________________ her presents. Paul (2) __________________ his presents. It was one o’clock in the afternoon. Salvador (3) turkey. Sophia’s brother (4) (6) fish. Carol (5) turkey and her brother (7) fish. She _____ pud- О si- ding. Paul and his sister (8) (9) _________________ fish. pudding. They Unit 5 63 Lesson 2 2. Decorate your Christmas tree. going Form -ing form from the following verbs. U g (See Grammar Hint p. 47) _ _ _ b g wrap -------- go hang h__________g use decorate ^------------^ _ d _ >_g . О buy exchange ®-------r---------^ 3. Write it right. You’ve got a postcard from your British friend. Write her back. Dear Russian Friend, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! How did you celebrate Christmas and the " coming of the New Year? I Love, Clare Dear Clare, Thank you for _________________________________ I liked my last New Year’s Eve and New Year day and Christmas because _____________________________________________________ On _________________________________________ At _________________________________________ for two hours. All the evening we were very busy but happy. The next day we __________________________________ at On Christmas Day О Love, ,.o . \;- ■-Y 64 Unit 5 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 1. Grammar. Here is a short article about the Christmas lighting up festival in Abingdon, England. What questions can you ask to learn more about the festival? The show started at 5.30 pm in the town centre, with people in bright costumes in the Market Place and High Street. (0) (What / people / do) What were people doing in the Market Place? 1 (What / people / do) ________________________________________________ in High Street? An hour later, a parade with the town band and Cinderella’s golden coach^ was going to the museum. 2 (Who / sit)_________________________________________in Cinderella’s golden coach? 3 (What music / the town band / play) ________________________________ Lombard Street and High Street were closed^ for 30 minutes. 4 (the parade / go) _________________________________________ down Lombard Street and High Street? James Fleet, an actor, switched on^ the Christmas lights outside the museum at 6.45 pm. 5 (What / James Fleet / do) _________________________________________ at 6.30 pm? 2. Grammar. The USA is a multicultural country. Paul and his friends celebrated International Day at his school. What questions can you ask to learn more about what they were doing during the celebration? Some pupils were showing folk dances from"Countries all over the world. (0) What dances / they / perform? What dances were they performing? 1 they / wear / national costumes? ___________________________________ Some pupils were singing songs. 2 What songs / they / sing? _________________________________________ There was a good choice of tasty food from different countries. 3 What food / the children / eat? ___________________________________ 4 anyone / eat /^traditional Russian food? a coach — карета ^ closed — закрытый ^ to switch on — включать ^V- O' О ■Ч-' Unit 5 65 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 1. In your culture. On the Sunday before New Year in Kursk there was an interesting show. What was it like last year? Choose the correct translation. 1 While the music of “The Nutcracker” was playing. 40 Fathers Frost came out of the park and went to the square. В TO время когда играла / заиграла музыка из балета «Щелкунчик», 40 Дедов Морозов шли / вышли из парка и направились / направлялись к площади. 2 When I came to the square, the main Father Frost was reading the New Year Rules. Когда я пришёл / шёл на площадь, главный Дед Мороз зачитал/прочитал новогодние правила. 3 While the children were performing folk dances. Father Frost switched on the city New Year’s tree. В TO время как дети исполнили / исполняли народные танцы. Дед Мороз зажёг / зажигал главную новогоднюю ёлку города. 2. Grammar. What happened to Sarah when she was at home alone? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms (Past Simple or Past Progressive). Use the verbs from the box. be (2) call not play stand hear (2) walk read My ghost story It was a dark and rainy evening when I (0) was at home alone. I (1) _____________ a book when I (2) ______________ something in the basement. First I (3) time later I (4) _____________ (5) _£____________________ _____________ not afraid of it. Some __ my father on his mobile ркопе<<а.п6. the music in the basement. I thought. “Dad is at home.” But when I (6) ___________ I didn’t see him there. The music (7) ______ two boxes (8) ______________ on the floor. Perhaps it was a ghost! О into the basement, _____, either. Only 66 Unit 5 Lesson 4 3. What were Mr Douglas’s dreams about? Write sentences using Past Progressive and Past Simple. (0) chooses a Christmas tree / a flamingo flies near 1 reads e-mails / sees a ghost behind the computer 2 swims in the pool / a crocodile catches him 3 walks across the street / meets a panda 4 sweeps the floor / Santa comes in 5 waters the flowers / one flower changes its colour n:)' о (0) 111 iiristmcis tree. 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5 ■O' 4^’ -O iV) Unit 5 67 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 1. Sarah and Clare are talking about different holidays. 1) Match the answers to the questions. One answer is extra. 1 — Do you like school parties or family parties? 2 — What is your number one holiday? 3 — Do you like Halloween? 4 — Do you exchange presents with your sister? 5 — Do you buy presents for the people in your family? 2) Choose the correct answer or question. 1 What holiday do you prefer? a New Year. b Christmas songs. A — No, I don’t. I prefer Thanksgiving. , В — Yes, we do. C — No, I don’t. I usually make them. D — I like New Year best of all. E — My flat is number one. F — I prefer family parties. c Thanksgiving turkey. 2 What holiday is your first choice? a I choose summer. b I like when I have a choice of tasty food, c I like Easter best of all. 3 a Do you like Christmas more than Halloween? b Do you like Christmas or Halloween? c What holiday do you prefer? Yes, I do. 4 a What do you know about Easter? b What is your favourite holiday? c Do you like traditional celebrations? Easter is my number one holiday. Consolidation 1. In your culture. What holidays are popular with the people of the Republic of Tatarstan? Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. -- - -- -- --- --- --- -- --- --- --------------------Ч national celebrate celebrations compete gather holiday j , houses presents relatives songs traditional ^ , ь —r«0- The Tatar calendar of (0) national holidays and (1) begins with Nauruz ['nauruz]. The Tatars (2) _______________ it on 68 Unit 5 Lesson 5 Consolidation March 21. Madrasah [ma'drsesa] students _______________________________. They sing (4) __________ visit all (3) and get presents. Sabantui ['saebantui:] festival is also in spring. People (5) _______ ____________________________ in running, jumping and horse racing. Kurban-bairam ['kurba:n 'baira;m] is the most important Muslim^ (6)_____________In the morning Muslims (7)_________________________in _________ meat meal. _________and friends mosques.^ In the evening they eat a (8) ______________ Kurban-bairam is also a time for visiting (9)_________ and exchanging (10) ________________. 2. Grammar. Reading together A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens* is an important Christmas tradition for many American and British families. How did the characters of the book celebrate Christmas? Choose the correct verb form, underline it and match with the rule. Grammar Hint Past Progressive Мы используем Past Progressive (was/were (not) -i- Ving), если говорим о незавершённом действии, которое происходило: 1. В течение какого-то периода времени в прошлом: We were opening our presents for about an hour. 2. В определённый момент в прошлом. Момент совершения действия может быть обозначен а) выражением времени (at 5 o’clock): I wasn’t watching J\l at 2 pm. б) другим (как правило, более коротким) завершённым прошедшим действием, выраженным глаголом в Past Simple: When I came here, all people were dancing. GS p. 156 :0 (0) Mrs Cratchit and Belinda made / were making Christmas dinner all morning. 1 1 Mrs Cratchit set / was setting the table when two smaller Cratchits came / were coming. _____ 2 Peter Cratchit looked / was Looking after the potatoes when Martha came / was coming. ______ 3 All evening the Cratchits sat / were sitting together and ate / were eating the holiday dinner. ____ 4 While Belinda changed / was changing the plates,^ Mrs Cratchit went / was going to bring the pudding. _____ --------- ^ Muslim ['muzbm, 'mAzlim] — мусульманский ^ a mosque [mosk] — мечеть (молитвенный дом у мусульман) ® plate — тарелка Unit 5 Consolidation v> \ 69 3. This is a beginning of one day in the life of Ekaterina Guseva, a famous musical and film actress. 7.30 gets up 7.35—8.00 has a bath 8.00— 8.25 has breakfast 8.30—9.00 goes to Ostankino 9.00— 9.30 takes part in a TV programme 9.30—10.00 goes to the Circus in Tsvetnoi Bulvar 10.00— 11.00 has practice in the circus 11.00— 11.30 goes to Mosfilm Studio 1) What was she doing that day? Complete the sentences. 2) What were you doing at the same time yesterday? At 7.45 she was At 7.45 I At 8.15 she At 8.15 At 8.45 At 8.45 At 9.15 At 9.15 At 9.40 At 9.40 At 10.30 At 10.30 At 11.20 At 11.20 D 4. When Daniel’s mother, Amy, was small, her family lived on a farm. Here is her story. How did they celebrate Thanksgiving? Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Past Simple or Past Progressive). I remember our Thanksgiving on the farm. When I was 5 years old, we (0) lived (live) on a farm near the town. One year our relatives (1) (come) from other farms and from the town to be with us. 70 Unit 5 Consolicjation We (2) __________________ (work) for days to prepare for the holiday. First mother and the girls (3) ___________________(clean) every part of the house. Then they (4) _________________________ (wash) all our best clothes. The men (5) __________ ing. Finally, all the family (6) ________ buy poffee and sugar. On Thanksgiving morning the women (7) to begin cooking. While mother (8) ______ and Aunt Ellen (9) ____________ (10)____________ (bring) in the vegetables While the older children (11) ____________ and the twins (12) _______________ (13) ___________(come) in. I (14) (prepare) wood^ for all the cook-____________ (drive) into town to _________(get) up early _____ (cook) the turkey (make) pumpkin pies^, Aunt Mary (help) to set the table (play) in their chair, our old dog ___________(start) to feed the dog. 5. There are mistakes in the following sentences. Find the mistakes and correct each sentence. (0) While we were writing a maths test, our form teacher was com •mg- into the room, camg 1 I played the computer game from 6 till 7 yesterday. ______________ 2 What were you doing when I was seeing you yesterday? ____________ 3 While I was buying presents, I was meeting my friend. ___________ 4 When he was coming into the room, music was playing. ____________ 5 Did you do your homework at 6 yesterday? _____________ Test yourself ВЯ LISTENING COMPREHENSION A girl is talking about a holiday called Kwanzaa ['kwamza]. What is it like? For questions 1—5, choose the correct answer a or b. You will hear the talk twice. 1 Kwanzaa is ... a an African-American holiday 2 The colours of Kwanzaa are ... a red, blue, black b red, green, black b a British holiday ^ wood — дрова ^ a pie — пирог Unit 5 Test yourself 71 People celebrate Kwanzaa for ... a 7 days b 3 days The rules of Kwanzaa are about ... a friendship b family safety Parents give presents to their children on a 31st December b 1st January Your score 5 4 3 2 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О READING COMPREHENSION What happened in Lily’s family*on the Fourth of July. 1) For questions 1—4, choose the correct answer a, b or c. The Welcome-Home Cake By Linda Herman On the Fourth of July, Lily looked out of the window. Everyone was celebrating America’s birthday. Usually Lily helped Dad to hang the flag while Mom was making a picnic dinner. (1) _ But this year Dad bought the cake and went to bring Mom home from hospital. Sister Carol was doing something in her room. Lily looked at the cake. Mom’s cakes were always more beautiful. Suddenly Lily smiled. In the cupboard there were Mom’s cake-decorating things. Lily took red, blue, and yellow sugar crystals. She made a line of red crystals on the cake and a line of yellow crystals under that. “Yuck!” Carol said. (2) __ “What is it?” “A flag,” Lily answered. But it didn’t look like a flag at all. “Mom’s at home!” Carol shouted. (3) ___ Lily helped Mom to sit on the sofa. Then Carol brought in chicken dinner. They greeted Mom while they were eating dinner. “It’s time for the fireworks,” Dad said. Carol brought in the cake. Everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to America. But Lily didn’t sing. She was looking at the cake. She was sad. Suddenly Mom pointed to the window. (4) ____ Pop! Pop! Pop! "‘‘It is like the fireworks on the cake,” said Mom softly. And her eyes were brighter than the fireworks in the sky. (from “Highlights for Children”) 72 Unit 5 Test yourself 1. That year the Fourth of July was different because ... a usually Carol made chicken dinner, b usually their mother cooked traditional picnic dinner, c usually they lit fireworks. 2 Where did they get the cake? a Mom made it. b Lily made it. c Dad bought it. 3 Why was Lily sad? a She decorated the cake but it was not nice, b She didn’t like cakes. c She was afraid of fireworks. 4 The mother said that the decorations were like the fireworks because... a the decorations were really beautiful, b the mother liked watching fireworks, c the mother wanted to make her daughter happy. 2) Decide in which gap (1-4) in the text each sentence (a-d) should go. a She ran to the door. b Then they went to the city park and watched the fireworks, c Fireworks were going off outside, d She was looking at the cake. Your score 8 7—6 5—4 3 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 0 USE OF ENGLISH (VOCABULARY/GRAMMAR) 1. Vocabulary. Christmas in Australia is very special. What is it like? Choose the correct word. There is an example (0) at the beginning. December is one of the hottest (0) (щопшр / days of the year. But the Australians have a great time. РеЬрТе(1) choose / open presents for their relatives and friends: toy kangaroos and koala bears in Santa hats. Some go to the beach on (2) Easter / Christmas day. They swim, play volleyball or sit around with the family and friends. Santa Claus often wears a swimming costume or funny red (3) shorts / stockings. Many Australians have (4) national / traditional Christmas dinner. It is usually turkey and Christmas (5) present / pudding. Hundreds of people gather together on Christmas (6) Eve / r ’ I I I I I. Word Building snow — to snow ' Unit 5 Test yourself 73 event. They sit on the ground, (7) light / hang fireworks and sing Christmas songs together. 2. Grammar. This strange story happened some years ago. Put the verbs in the correct form (Past Simple or Past Progressive). There is an example (0) at the beginning. The month (0) was (be) December and I (1) _______ day long. It was dark and it (2) ____ I (3) ______________ (think) that I was lost. I (4) (hunt) all (snow). (want) to get back to Dwolding where we (stay) with my family for a week. I (6) _ (5) ____________ (look) at the family photo when I (7) _______________ (see) a light. An old man (8) _____________ (walk) to me with a lamp. I was happy to see him. He (9) (10) I (12) _ ___ (take) me to his house. In the house he (give) me supper. While we (11) ______________ (eat). (see) that it (13) (not snow) out- side. I (14) ed to leave. (have) to get back to my family so I decid- (from “The Ghost Coach” by Amelia B. Edwards) Your score . 21—20 19—15 14—10 9 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Q SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached 2 3 4 5 Ш I can read and understand: • stories about celebrations, • how people celebrate different holidays. Ш I can understand: • stories about favourite holidays and celebrations. •c. 74 Unit 5 Test yourself Продолжение Description of achievement Level reached 2 3 4 5 ^ I can talk: • about my favourite celebration, • about my last celebration, • about an unusual celebration. EL I can write: • about favourite holidays in our family, • about my last celebration. Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • Past Progressive • Prepositions of time ’ • Prepositions of direction • The degrees of comparison of adjectives ' Учебные умения Не умею Умею • понимать связи между словами и предложениями в тексте • выполнять задания по чтению с выбором правильного ответа из нескольких • сравнивать информацию • сравнивать качества Exercises I found most interesting /boring / difficult Unit 5 Test yourself 75 Unit 6 We’ve had a nice trip to England Lesson 1 1. In your culture. Jay and Clare travelled to Russia two years ago. This is what Jay did in Russia. 1) Did Clare do the same things? Ask her. Complete her answers. Grammar Hint Past Simple I travelled to Russia last year. Did you travel in summer? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. What city did you visit? Moscow. I was in Russia last year. Were you in Moscow? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. GS p. 155 (0) Jay stayed at a hotel. Clare, did von stay at a hotel? Yes, I did. 1 Jay went on the excursion to Red Square. Clare, ____________________________ Yes, ______________________________ 2 Jay watched a football match at the Luzhniki Stadium. Clare, _______________________________________________________________ No, __________________________________________________________________ 3 Jay visited the famous sights of the centre of Moscow. Clare, _______________________________________________________________ Yes, _________________________________________________________________ 4 Jay sent an e-mail to his friends. Clare, ■■b____________________________ No, __________________________________ 5 Jay enjoyed the trip. Clare, _________________ Yes, ___________________ 76 Unit 6 Lesson 1 2) Here are Clare’s impressions of the trip. What questions will you ask her? Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs from the box. see watch visit learn go buy take (0) We saw famous sights of Moscow. What sights did vou see? 1 I ______________ a lot of Russian cartoons. 2 We 3 We _ Where 4 I When 5 I al Russian food. a lot of museums. on exciting excursions. some rides in Gorky Park. to cook some tradition- 6 I a lot of souvenirs in the Detsky Mir Shop. Lesson 2 X. What were the pupils doing during the lunchtime?..Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs from the box. Grammar Hint Past Progressive, Past Simple While she was writing a letter, her brother phoned her. GS pp. 155, 157 1 write on the classboard, not see, do 2 read a book, come up to 3 look out of the window, see her friend in the playground 4 say hello,^listen to music, not hear 5 do a puzzle .4 Unit 6 77 Lesson 2 1 Sam (0) wns writing! on the classboarci. He (1)___ what his classmates (2) _____________________________ 2 While Pete (3) _________________, John (4) _______ 3 While Sue (5) _____________________, she (6) _____ 4 Bill (7) ___________________ to Tom. Tom (8) _____ and he (9) ____________________________________ Bill. 5 Helen and Laura (10)______________________________ at that time. ________ him. Lesson 3 П X. Song "Things I’ve Never Seen or Done”. 1) Which things has the author never done? Guess. I’ve never lOI seen a tree with shoes. I’ve never QI an apple with a hat. I’ve never 12) a cat with four ears. I’ve never (3) Гкак) a hot dog bark. I’ve never 14) Скак) a dog speak Spanish. I’ve never I5I to the moon. I’ve never 16) frog soup. I’ve never (7) with a butterflv. Ш 2) Listen to check. 3) What does Linda say about her experiences? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. \ I’ve never seen a tree with shoes. But once I (0) 5дуу n slue ii~: a irec. (see) 4^' I’ve never seen an apple with a hat. But once I (1) _______________ some red apples in my hat. (find) 78 Unit 6 Lesson 3 I’ve never seen a cat with four ears. But once my little brother (2) ______ a cat with two legs, (draw) I’ve never heard a hot dog bark. But once I (3) ________ three big hot dogs, (eat) I I’ve never heard a dog speak Spanish. But once I (4) a dog at the circus who could count, (see) I’ve never been to the moon. But once I (5) ________ the whole night in a cave, (spend) I’ve never eaten frog soup. But once I (6) ___________ a big green frog, (catch) I’ve never danced with a butterfly. But once I (7) ___________ the role of a butterfly, (perform) 2. Grammar. The “Highlights for Children” magazine asked the children to write about the best thing they have learnt this year. Here are some of their letters. What have the children learnt this year? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. О ^ to lose (lost, lost) — проигрывать ^ a coach [kautj] — тренер Unit 6 79 Lesson 3 (learn) this year is how to (live) in the USA for nine (leave) the USA two years The best thing I (12) ____________ speak French. I (13) _____________ years. My parents (14)____________ ago. Now I live in France. I can talk to all my new friends here. I (15) _____________ (study) French from my teachers, friends, family, and TV. Douglas, 11. Lesson 4 1. Grammar. How do English and Russian people describe past actions? What are the differences in the Russian and the English languages? Match the Russian and the English verbs. Explain your choice. (0) Вчера дети читали путеводитель по Лондону. 1 Вчера дети читали путеводитель по Лондону целый вечер. _____ 2 Они уже прочитали путеводитель по Лондону. _______ 3 Они только что прочитали путеводитель по Лон- вдону. __________ 4 Вчера они изучали карту Лондона. ______ 5 Вчера они изучали карту Лондона целый урок. ______ 6 Они только что изучили карту Лондона. _______ 7 Они уже изучили карту Лондона. ______ а studied Ь were studying с have studied d read e were reading f have read ■j 'bivio and tROMte hunts FOthOOS WHO KNOW WHERE THETR£ GO' 80 2. In your culture. At the end of the school year the pupils in the English club of a Lipetsk school perform a play. Marc is asking Sergei questions. . 7 Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Marc: What plays (0) have уоы performed? (perform) Sergei: We (1) _________________ already ___________ (do) Treasure Island Unit 6 Lesson 4 by R, L. Stevenson*. Last year the pupils of the 10th form (2) (write) a new play. Marc: What play (3) _________________ you ____________ this year? Sergei: The (4) ________ (5) __________ May. (perform) Adventures of Tom Sawyer by M. Twain*. We __________ (start) to prepare it in February. We (show) it to all the pupils of our school in Lesson 5 X. How did the children ask and answer the questions? Tick {V) the correct question or answer. 1 Did you have a nice weekend? a Yes, I have. I’ve been to the theatre, b Yes, I do. I like it a lot. c Yes, I did. And what about you? 2 a What did you do yesterday? b Why not go to the museum tomorrow? c What were you doing there? I went to the Museum of London*. 3 a Have you been to Hyde Park*? b Did you like Hyde Park? c Why not go to the park? I’d like to. 4 a Do you often go to the sports centre? b Why can’t you go there? c Let’s go to the cinema. Sorry, I can’t. I have to do my homework. 5 a Have you ever been to the capital of your country? b Did you go to the capital of your country? c Were you in the capital of your country? Yes, I have. I’ve been there twice. 6 Have you ever been to London? a Yes, I was. b No, I haven’t, c Yes, I’did. Unit 6 Lesson 5 81 Consolidation Grammar Hint Past Simple, Past Progressive, Present Perfect Для описания действий, которые произошли в прошлом, мы используем: 1. Past Simple (V2), когда мы описываем события, действия, которые произошли в прошлом; важны действия и время: I travelled to France last year. I was in France last year. 2. Past Progressive (was/were + Ving), когда мы описываем события, действия, которые происходили в прошлом в опреде-яённый момент/пермод: I was reading а book at 5 yesterday. I was reading a book the whole evening yesterday. While I was reading a book my friend came. 3. Present Perfect .(have/has -i- V3): 1) когда говорим o'прошедших событиях, действиях и нам важны действия, их результат.JS_itacTQameM, а не время, когда они произошли: I have read this book. 2) когда говорим о прошедших событиях, действиях и при этом употребляем наречия неопределённого времени: just, already, never, ever, yet: I have already read this book. I have Just read this book. I have not read this book yet. Have you ever read this book? I have never read this book. 3) когда говорим о прошедших событиях, действиях, завершившихся в неистекший период времени: I have read two books this week. GS pp. 155, 157, 158—160 1. (0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Choose the correct verb form and underline it. Match it with the rule. My friend has just come/came back from America. I have seen/saw a very interesting film this week. I have never travelled/never travelled by ship. But I have travelled/travelled by ship last summer. Where were you/have you been yesterday? At the sports centre. And what did you do/were you doing at 7? I watched/was watching TV. We have won/won the football match. 321 82 Unit 6 Consolidation 2. Marie has got a letter from her friend. 1) Put the verbs in the correct column. knew won wrote done was written gone ate flown went took came seen swam swum taken spoken got ran spoke bought ridden been eaten rode learnt found made heard drawn Past Simple knew________ Present Perfect won____________ 2) What news did Marie’s friend write about? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms from ex. 2.1). Dear Marie, A lot of things have happened since yoii went to Britain. We (0) have bought a new car. My brother (1) ______________________ a new job. My parents (2) ____________________ on holiday last week. My sister (3) _______________________ how to ride a bike. Our Pussy cat (4) ___________________part in a cat show. It (5) ______________________________ two days ago. She (6) ________________________________________ a prize. I (7) __________already_____________two letters to you. But I (8) ______________ from you yet. Write to me soon. Best wishes, Anne Unit 6 Consolidation 83 3. Helen wrote a letter about her holidays. What were she and her friends doing on that day? Write about Helen’s holidays. 3 July, 11 am Dear Linda, ‘" I am in the sports camp. We are having a nice time.. The weather is nice. My friends are doing different things. Steve and Tom are playing tennis. Ann is reading a book. Sarah and Ken are watching a film in the TV room. Sam is doing a puzzle. John and Dave are not doing anything, .they are talking. Bob and Pete are swimming in the pool. How are you spending your summer holidays? See you soon, Helen On the third of lulv Helen and her friends were in the sports camv. At 11 am _______________________________________________________________ 4. Richard was very busy last summer. Did he have fun? Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs from the box. * work finish go (2) be come back help spend , live * Richard (0) (окончил) finished school in June. He (1) (не поехал) _______________________________ to the summer camp. He (2) (по- ехал) to the countryside. He (3) (провёл) 84 Unit 6 Consolidation two weeks on his grandparents’ farm. When he (4) (жил) __________ on the farm, he often (5) (работал) ____________ together with his grandpa. He also (6) (помогал) ______________________ his grandma in the garden. His grandma (7) (была) __________ (8) (вернулся) ________________ home in August. happy. He What will you write about yourself? (0) My friend has never been to England. 1 They went to the park last Sunday. 2 My sister didn’t go to school on Friday. 3 They were watching a film from 5 to 7 pm yesterday. 4 Tom has already done the test. 5 The Williams family have lived in London for 5 years. 6 On Sunday Linda went to her friend’s birthday party. (QI_L have never been Lo aithr;,_____________________ eOO't But I have beer tn ______________________________ 1_________________________^___________________________________ 2____________________________________________________ 4. 5. 6 G. Here is Paul’s diary. What has he done this week? When did he do it? Sun the sports centre - play tennis with Bob from 5 to 6 У Mon visit Peter Tue the library - take part in a poetry competition at 5 Wed the stadium - watch a football match from 4 to 6 Thu the horse club - ride a horse from 5 to 6 Fri the local hospital - read books to little children from 4 to 5 Sat the cinema - see a new film Unit 6 85 Consolidation Paul has been to the sports centre this week. He went there on Sunday. He was vlav'ma tennis with Bob from 5 to 6 there.______________________ О 7. There are 7 mistakes in the following conversation. Underline the mistakes and correct them. 1 — Have you already been in the shop? 2 — Yes, I was. _____________________ 3 — You bought everything? 4 — Yes, ___________________ 5 — And what you did after school? 6 — I watched a film from 4 to 6. 7 — While I watched it, my grandma phoned me. Test yourself SB о LISTENING COMPREHENSION Tom and Linda are answering questions about their travelling experiences, eating foreign food and taking part in competitions. For questions 1-6, mark the sentences with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false. You’ll hear the talks twice. Tom: 1 I spent a week in California last summer. 2 I have never eaten Italian food. 3 I have\never taken part in competitions. Linda: 4 I’ve seen a lot of TV programmes about America. 5 I have never eaten foreign food. 6 I have just won a singing competition. 86 Unit 6 Consolidation Your score 6 5 4—3 2 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 о READING COMPREHENSION The Club magazine organised a writing competition My Worst Trip. Here is Robert’s story. 1) Robert’s story is mixed up. Put it in the correct order. A. Last summer I took a trip to London. My friend and I wanted to spend two weeks in this beautiful city. From Berlin we went by train. Then we took the ship to Dover. From Dover to Victoria Station in London we went by bus. The last part of our trip we wanted to travel by taxi, and we got in one of those funny British taxis. B. “Oh, in London there are six Lancaster Hotels. Can you tell me the address?” asked the taxi driver. My friend answered, “No, sorry, we can’t. Take us to the next hotel, please.” C. The driver asked, “Where are you going to?” I said, “One moment.” But I couldn’t find the slip of paper.^ On the slip was the name and address of our hotel. “Oh, dear! I have lost it!” I thought. My friend remembered the name and said, “Lancaster Hotel, please.” D. “You have to pay £ 25,” said the driver. I opened my bag. But what was that? A little slip with an address. I thought, “You are silly” and said to the driver, “I have found the address and the name of the hotel. Take us to the Manchester Hotel,. 45 Bays water Road, please.” E. But it wasn’t the right hotel. We were driving from one hotel to another but there was no room in any of the hotels for us. It was six o’clock in the evening and the taxi driver wanted to go home. HOTEL LANCASTER 2) For questions 1-5, mark the sentences with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false. 1 Robert did not remember the address of the hotel. 2 Robert lost the slip of paper with the address of the hotel. 3 The boys didn’t want to pay £ 25 to the taxi driver. ^ a slip of paper — листок бумаги Unit 6 Test yourself 87 4 There was no room in the Lancaster Hotel for the boys. 5 The boys didn’t know about the six Lancaster Hotels in London. 3) Write out one verb form from the story to match with each tense. A Past Simple В Past Progressive V: C Present Perfect Your score 9 8—7 6—5 ^ 4 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 O. ----¥1Г~1|¥¥ПГ~Т~Г USE OF ENGLISH (VOCABULARY / GRAMMAR) 1. Here is Paul’s diary. For questions 1-10, fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. (0) at the beginning. There is an example This week I (1) ----- Monday I (2) I (0) hcive been (be) to a horse club three times. ____ (be) there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On __________ (ride) Gabriel from 5 to 6. I (3) I (4) — I (5) (6) ---- and we (9) ---- ___ (be) at the sports centre this week, too. On Tuesday ____-____ (watch) a football match. On Thursday Bob and _____________ (play) tennis in the playground. While we _______ (play) tennis, it (7) ____________ (start) to rain (8) ____________ (not finish) the game. Yesterday we _____________ (talk) about the book Game Boy all day long. All the boys and girls in my class (10) ______________________ (read) it. I (11) (read) it, too and recommend it 100%. 2. What did Paul do yesterday? Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. You can use the words more than once. There is an example at the beginning (0). 88 for to while from on when of during - at ! ir- o (0) Friday it was raining the whole morning and we decided to go (1)________ Madame Tussauds’. (2) _______________ we got to the museum it was already 11 am. (3) ____________ 11 (4) _______ 12.30 Unit 6 Test yourself we were standing in line for tickets. (5) the next two hours we were going from room to room and watching the wax models of famous people. (6) ________________ I was taking a photo (7) Michael Jackson, my friend said, “I want a photo with Michael Jackson.” (8) ____________ our excursion I could hear from different rooms, “I want a photo with Beckham, I want a photo with Leonardo Di Caprio. Look! I want a photo with the Queen!” The models were great and we had a great time (9) __________ the museum. We got to the hotel (10) _________ 3. О Your score 21—20 19—15 14—10 9 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 EL О SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement S I can read and understand: • children’s impressions of travelling, • short stories about travelling. BS I can understand: • children’s conversations about their trips and excursions. I can talk: • about my travelling experiences, • about my favourite excursion. EL I can write: • about my activities in my diary, ^ • about the school excursion I liked best of all, • about the best things I’ve learnt this year. Level reached . Unit 6 89 Test yourself Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • Present Perfect • Past Progressive • Past Simple Учебные умения Не умею Умею • читать с целью понимания основного содержания текста • читать с целью полного понимания содержания текста • пользоваться грамматическим справочником • вести диалог • подготовить проект • выполнять тестовые задания • оценивать свои умения Exercises I found most interesting / difficult / boring 90 Unit 6 Test yourself I Unit 7 My future holiday Lesson 1 Grammar Hint Present Progressive in the future meaning and in the present meaning I am watching a hockey match tomorrow evening, (действие относится к будущему времени) I am watching а hockey match now. (действие относится к настоящему времени) GS р. 156 X. Неге is some information about children’s spare time activities. Choose the events that are happening now (Pr) and that are happening in the future (F). (0) — Where are you going? I am going to the circus. Pr — And I am going to the circus on Sunday. _F_ 1 — We are going to the countryside now. — And we are going to the countryside in June. My grandma has invited us. — Where is your sister? — My sister and her classmates are visiting the folk museum. _______ — And my classmates and I are visiting the folk museum on Saturday. _________ — My brother is taking part in the swimming competition now. ___________ — And my brother is taking part in the swimming competition next week. _________ — My father and I are watching the final football match on Friday. _______ — On Friday? There is a mistake in your TV programme. We are watching this football match now. _______ Unit 7 91 Lesson 1 2, Two brothers Stuart and Roy always plan the coming week. 1) What are their plans? Use the notes in the calendar and the words from the box. Sunday Roy and i play football in the evening Monday 1 go to the birthday party in the evening Tuesday Roy and 1 go to the cinema after school Thursday Roy take part in the running competition in the afternoon Friday 1 swim in the swimming pool in the afternoon Saturday Roy and 1 visit our Grandma and Grandpa (0) — Stuart, why don’t we go to the cinema on Friday? — I -orrv, ! rgin’t i (7ohv? "0 the s'A'ilvmirc! on Friday. 1 — What are we doing on Tuesday? 2 — Let’s play football on Saturday. 3 — Why don’t you join us on the beach on Sunday morning? 4 — Stuart, do you think Roy would like to visit a dog show on Thursday? 5 — Stuart, let’s have a picnic on Monday evening. -- .«Г I am sorry, I can’t. I am afraid he can’t. That’s a good idea! Of course, I will. We are sorry, we can’t. We are free on ... 92 Unit 7 Lesson 1 2) What are you doing on Saturday and Sunday? I go to school go to my grandparents watch a competition | J take part in a competition other activities J On Saturday morning After school _______ On Saturday evening On Sunday morning _ In the afternoon ____ In the evening_______ 3) Write an e-mail to your friend about your next week plans. Next week will be very busy, I think. On Monday I___________________________________ On Tuesday and Wednesday after school I_______ Thursday is busy, too. I______________________ On Friday my friends and I____________________ On Saturday I Lesson 2 Grammar Hint To be going to I am going to buy this book. Are you going to buy this book? What are you going to buy? I GS p. 160 □ 1 . What are Oliver Atkinson’s and his friends’ ideas for the summertime? What are Oliver Atkinson and his friends going to do? Make sentences. Use the words from the box. (0) Chris wants to be an actor. He is going to act out a play.______________ 1 Oliver wants to work in the botanical garden. Unit 7 Lesson 2 93 2 Betty likes her dolls. 3 Alan likes doing tricks. 4 Molly will help her grandma in the garden. 5 Sue always helps her mum. 6 Alex and his sister like singing. 7 Claude wants to be a writer. act out a play prepare breakfast collect leaves sew doll’s clothes perform at a family concert gather apples and vegetables write a story learn new magic tricks 94 2. Two friends are talking about the coming weekend. What would you like to ask them about what they/their friends are going to do at the weekend? Make up questions. (Oi What places are you and vour varents going to visit?______________ (you and your parents / going to / What places / are / visit?) _1____________________________________________________________________ (Liz / going to / What books / read / is?) _2____________________________________________________________________ (going to / Liz / What films / watch / is?) _3____________________________________________________________________ (you / see / Are / the Tower of London / going to?) _4____________________________________________________________________ (travel / you / going to / by train / Are?) _5_____________________________________________________________. (What museums / going to / you / are / visit?) _6_____________________________________________________________ (going to / you / Are / tour / the city?) _7____________________________________________________________________ (are / you / How many days / spend / going to / in London?) Unit 7 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Grammar Hint Future Simple I go to the sports centre every weekend. I will go to the sports centre next weekend. GS p. 160 1. There are things that the Douglas family members do every day. 1) What will the Douglases do tomorrow? every day Elaine and Steve cook a meal. Clare Douglas goes to school. Mr Douglas goes to work. Clare plays the piano. Clare and her parents watch TV. Mr Douglas does the shopping. Jay helps Clare with her lessons. tomorrow (0) Elaine and Steve will cook a meal. 1 2 3 4 _____________________________ 5 _____________________________ 6 _____________________________ 2) Write what you do every day, and what you will/won’t do tomorrow. Use the words from the box. study English read a lot play the piano help my brother/sister with the lessons clean my room wash the dishes L, . -ъ. every day tomorrow Lesson 4 Grammar Hint Future meaning We are going to Scotland soon. Скоро мы едем в Шотландию. We are going to visit Scotland. Мы собираемся посетить Шотландию. I think we will go to Scotland. Я думаю, мы поедем в Шотландию. GS рр. 156, 160 Unit 7 Lessons 3,4 95 X. Children always can’t wait for their holidays and think of the holiday activities they have planned. Will the holidays be fun? Why? Complete the sentences. Use the correct verb forms. (0) I like skiing. My parents have decided to ski in the mountains. They have already bought tickets. We are going (go — всё подго- товлено) to Austria in 2 weeks. Bill,^ 10 years old. 1 My parents and I _____________ :0 (visit — собираемся) our relatives in Wales. Jess, 11 years old. 2 Perhaps this evening I TV. And my sister _______ ся) at home. I think she _________________________ ЯТНО, будет) a book. Pat, 10 years old. 3 My parents have decided that we ________________ (not go — решено) anywhere this summer. Maybe I (watch — вероятно, буду) _______ (stay — собирает- ___________ (read — веро- (go — вероятно, буду) to my grandparents’ farm. _________________________________ (ride — вероят- I think I _________________________ HO, буду) my bike and _____________ (fly — вероятно, буду) a kite there. Liz, 12 years old. 2. The Douglases always plan what to do on holidays. When will they leave for their holidays? Fill in the gaps. Choose the correct verb forms in brackets. I am Jay Douglas. My relatives are thinking about what to do in the summer. My grandmother has decided what to do. She has bought tickets. She _________________________________ (is leaving / will leave) tomorrow._________________________________\3 My sister doesn’t know where to go. I think she _____________________ (is going / will go) to Edinburgh next week. She has got a lot of friends there. My parents decided what to do long ago. They ________________________ 96 Unit 7 Lesson 4 (will spend / are spending) their holiday in Brighton* next month. Maybe my brother _____________________ (will go / is going) to the summer camp soon. Lesson 5t> X. These children are asking and answering questions about a voyage. Choose the correct answer. 1 Will you go on a voyage? a Yes, I am. b Yes, I will. 2 How are you going to spend time on board the ship? a I think I will relax and have a nice time. b I am walking around on board the ship. 3 What are you going to take with you? a My favourite computer games. b My friends. 4 What will you do on board the ship? a I am going to swim in the swimming pool and feed seabirds, b I think Г11 spend 10 days at sea. 5 When are you going on the voyage? a In a week. b for 7 days. O' Consolidation Grammar Hint Future meaning 1. Мы используем Present Progressive, когда описываем будущие действия, которые заранее запланированы и подготовлены: We are leaving in 10 days. 2. Мы используем to be going to, когда собираемся что-то сделать в будущем :ч^ I am going to take part in the competitions. 3. Мы используем Future Simple, когда, может быть, совеощим какое-либо действие в будущем: I think we will go to London. GS pp. 156, 160 I . Unit 7 97 Lesson 5 X. Stuart and his mother are talking about their holidays. Classify the actions according to the table below. (0) — We are going to the countryside tomorrow. 1 — Great! That’s a good idea. Where are we staying? 2 — We are staying at a hotel. You will like it there. There is a river in the neighbourhood. 3 — I’m happy. I’ll swim a lot. \ 4 —oOf course. And there is a horse club there. Your father is going to go horse riding. And what about you? 5 — I am going to ride a pony. действия, которые запланированы и подготовлены действия, которые собираются совершить действия, которые, может быть, будут совершены 0 My sister 2, Laura and Pam are talking about Pam’s sister and her future trip. For questions 1-11 choose the correct answer a, b or c. — What (0) are you reading. Laura? — It’s my sister’s plan for the student holidays. (1) ____________ to the USA (2) __________ a month. — Really? It must be very (3) _____________! — But it’s not a trip for fun. She is going to work there. And in August she will (4) _________ some American cities. They are in her travelling plan. — What cities (5) ____________? — She (6) ____________ to New York City and Washington. — When is she arriving (7) ________ New York? — On the Fourth of July. — That’s great! She (8) _________ Americans! It will be interesting! — I know. She will (9) __________ — And what (10) ______________ now? — She is at home. She (11) _________ on the Internet. ■iN- (0) a do you read b 1 a is going b 2 a at b 3 a expensive b 4 a watch b Independence Day with in the park and watch a parade. information about the USA will you read will go on magic tour cc^feyou reading c goes ^ c in c fantastic c go 98 Unit 7 Consolidation 5 а is she visiting b 6 a goes b 7 a at b 8 a celebrates b 9 a relax b 10 a will she do b 11 a is going to look for b •• ^ П 3. The children are planning their What is different about their plans? 1 — What are you doing in August? 2 — What are you doing in August? — I don’t know yet. __________________ does she visit c go c in c will celebrate c get to c is she doing c is looking for c she will visit is going to celebrate arrive does she do looks for August holidays. Complete the conversations. О 3 — What are you going to in August? do A I am going to visit my grandparents. В Maybe I will go to my grandparents. C I am going to my grandparents. 4. Here is Tom’s holiday plan. ’ Use his notes and write how he will spend time in Moscow. Monday Arrive in Moscow at 9:00 am. Tuesday Tour Moscow. Yes! Visit the Kremlin*. Maybe. Wednesday Take rides in Gorky Park*. Of course! Thursday Walk around the centre of Moscow. Perhaps. Leave Moscow. In the evening. roi We are arriving in Moscow at 9.00 am on Monday. 1 ________________________ 2 ______________________________________________ 3 4 5 .0 О .O' Unit 7 Consolidation 99 3. Ask your friends for their advice about going to the following events. Write down 5 questions. Use the words from the box. A Folk Festival A Horse Fair An Ice Cream Festival A Swimming Competition A Garden Show A Dog Show A Flower Festival A Fishing Competition =•“ ' ! ------------------------------------------------------- ' buy some food for the dogs take an umbrella take my camera j I take my swimming costume wear a folk costume" i J wear comfortable shoes wear warm clothes | (О)яшИ 1_____ take my camera? 2 3 4 5 6. The children are preparing for future trips. Match the things they are doing now with what they are doing in the future. Choose the events that are happening now (Pr) and that are happening in the future (F). A Laura is buying a ticket to London £r. В Sam and his parents are having a picnic tomorrow. is telephoning the C Ray hotel. ___ D Nelly is visiting Edinburgh next week. _____ E Christine is asking her mother to meet her on Friday. ____ a She is asking about interesting places to visit in Scotland. b She is coming home from university for a weekend. ____ c She is going to England. d He is staying there soon. e They are buying food and mineral water. ____ T. These children are talking about their future visit to Scotland. What questions do they ask each other? — _______________________________________________________ ? (where / go) ' — To Edinburgh. I can’t wait to go there. — Oh, how lovely! — ___________________________________? (visit the Botanial Gardens) 100 Unit 7 Consolidation — Of course! We have planned to visit it! I’d like to see Edinburgh Castle. I think it’s beautiful. — _______________________________? (when / visit Edinburgh Castle) — On Friday. — _______________________________? (go to the Edinburgh Festival). ___________________there on Friday — I don’t know yet. Maybe I evening, (go) — Enjoy your trip! — Of course. .? (take my camera) о Test yourself LISTENING COMPREHENSION Two friends are talking about their coming trip to Russia. What will they do in Russia? You’ll hear the conversation twice. Sam Peter go to St Petersburg go to Moscow and St Petersburg visit its famous museums go to the Russian Museum go to the ballet make a film show the film Your score 7 ,4N 6 5—4 3 и менее Your mark ^ 5 4 3 2 О о Unit 7 Test yourself 101 о READING COMPREHENSION Nancy and Michael have come to visit Robin and his grandfather. Mark the statements (1-8) true (T) or false (F). True False 1 Robin is sick and his friends want to help him. 2 The grandfather’s puzzle box is very important for Robin. 3 Nancy and Michael can open the puzzle box. 4 Nancy and Michael don’t know the secret of the box. 5 The grandfather knows where the box is. 6 Carol has got the puzzle box. 7 It is a secret how the box can help. 8 Robin hopes that the puzzle box will help him. Nancy and Michael have come to Robin’s room. Robin is in bed. He is sick and weak and Nancy and Michael feel sorry for him. They want to help. Robin gives them a big smile. “I know why you are here,” Robin tells them. “You are going to find grandfather’s puzzle box.” “Yes, we are. We think we can help you soon.” “I hope we’ll play football and do many other things together,” Michael says. “Oh, good,” says Robin. “Please find that box.” “We will,” Michael and Nancy go back into the living room. Mr Hall, Robin’s grandfather, is waiting for them. “Uncle Ben,” Nancy says, “we don’t really understand. You wrote to me, but how can the puzzle box help Robin?” “You can see that Robin is very sick. The operation will be very expensive. We do not have much money. The puzzle box is very important for us. It is the only way to get money. It’s a secret box. Nobody can open it. The box has been in our family for a long time. My father told me how to open it.” “But how will the box help? Is there money in it?” asks Michael. “Ah,” Mr Hall says. “That is a secret, too. Will you find the box for me?” “We will. But where is the box?” ^ V “I don’t know. Maybe one of our relatives has the box now.” “But how are you going to find out where the box is?” “I’ll call Carol. She lives in Boston. She may know something about the box. I’ll call her and tell her that you are coming.” 102 Unit 7 Test yourself “When shall we leave?” “Today. The operation will be in two months. We must hurry up or Robin won’t live.” “We’ll find the box.” Your score 8 . , 7—5 4 3 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 EL Ф USE OF ENGLISH (VOCABULARY / GRAMMAR) 9^ l\ = о 1. Here are some conversations. What are the children talking about? Choose the correct verb forms in brackets. There is an example (0) at the beginning. — Do you have any plans for the weekend? — Yes, my parents and I (0) are going (are going / will go) to York. — Have you got tickets for the trip? — Not yet. Maybe I (1) __________________ (am going to buy / will buy) them tomorrow. — What are you going to give Helen for her birthday? — I (2) ------------------ (give / am going to give) her a CD and a box of chocolates. — Are you going to the circus with your class? — I have already been there. I think I (3) ____________________ (will watch / am watching) a new film. — Will you come to the party? — I think I (4) ________________ (am coming- / will come). 2. Here is a telephone conversation between Tom and his friend Rick. 1) Who has planned, and who hasn’t planned the weekend? Choose the correct verb forms in brackets. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Tom: What are your plans, Rick? What (0) are you doing (will you / are you doing) at the weekend? Rick: You know, Tom, my parents have decided to go to Brighton. I think it’s a great idea. I (1) _____________ (will swim and fish / am swimming and fishing) there a lot. And what are your plans? Tom: I think I (2) _____________(am going to spend / will spend) the _________(will go / am going О whole weekend in town. Maybe I (3) to go) to Sam’s place and we (4) _ to play) computer games. t ^ (will play / are going Unit 7 Test yourself 103 Rick: And what about your parents? Tom: My dad has prepared everything for the competition. He (5) ___________ (is taking part / will take part) in the fishing competition on Saturday. And my mum (6) ______________ (is going / will go) with him to watch the competition. 2) Найдите 2 предложения, которые описывают действия, запланированные на будущее. S- 3) Найдите 4 действия, которые могут произойти в будущем. :0 3. Магу and Philip Swan are talking to a travel agent about future holidays. What are they interested in? For questions 1-7, choose the correct answer a, b or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning. — Would you like to (0) tour Europe during your holidays? — No, thank you, we are looking for a 10 or 15 days’ (1) ___________ in the Pacific Ocean. — There is a wonderful trip around Australia and New Zealand. — Great! Is it (2) _______________? — About 2000 dollars. (3) ______________ to Australia by ship? — No, it’s a long way. We think we (4)________to Australia by plane. — That’s fine. I think you can travel (5) __________ the ship The Sun Princess. It’s a wonderful place to (6) ____________ and have fun. — Are there any special activities for children? (7) ___________ our own games for our 8-year-old son? — No, you needn’t, they are happy to have children on board! Your son (8) __________ play water games, take part in toy boat races and beach parties. There is a children’s only pool on the ship. Maybe he (9) ________________ in the swimming competition. — Well, the voyage starts on 15 August. Then we (10) _______________ Australia on 14 August. — Fine. I hope you (11) __________ your trip. (0) a come b (^pu^ c choose 1 a show b break c voyage 2 a expensive b boring c dangerous 3 a Are you going b Do you go c When are you going 4 a are going to go / b will go / will c are going / are. flying are going to fly fly 5 a in b on board c at 6 a relax b know c change ^ 7 a Are we taking b Will we take c Shall we take 8 a shall b will c is going to 9 a will take part b is going to c is taking part take part 104 Unit 7 Test yourself 10 а are going to arrive in 11a are going to enjoy b are arriving at c are arriving in b will enjoy c are enjoying Your score 22—21 20—18 17—12 11 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Q .O'- V ■ SELF-ASSESSMENT Exercises I found the most interesting / boring / difficult O чЧ Description of achievement Level reached 2 3 4 5 S I can read and understand: • about future holidays. ВЯ I can understand: • what children say about their future holidays and spare time. I can talk: • about my family’s and my plans for the future. EL I can write: • about a coming weekend/holiday. ' Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • Future Simple • To be going to • Present Progressive in the future meaning -- Учебные умения Не умею Умею • пользоваться грамматическим справочником • подготовить проект • выполнять тестовые задания • оценивать свои умения Unit 7 Test yourself 105 Unit 8 My best impressions ТГГ >3 Lesson 1 -N'' 1. Match the verb forms from ex. 1.1) on p.132 in your Student’s Book with the tenses on the timeline. Past Now b Past Simple a \ Present Simple Future c Future Simple e Past Progressive d Present Progressive f to be going to g Present Perfect h Present Perfect i Present Progressive 2. What is the London Marathon? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. Use the verbs from the box. start run (3) be (5) compete I штштшттттйттттЛ Sportsmen (0) have run marathons* for more than a hundred years. In March 1981, the first London Marathon (1) ________________. 7,747 people (2) ___________ in it. People (3) ____________ the London Marathon since 1981. It (4) the distance from Windsor Castle* to the White City Stadium in London. It (5) ____________ 42,195 kilometres long. Women (6) _____________ marathons till 1984. Since the 1990s marathon running (7)___________a very popular sport. People (8)____________mara- thons in their spare time. The record for the London Marathon (9)_______________ 2 hours 8 minutes and 16 seconds in 1985. The London Marathon (10) ________________ an international competition and street ^festival, all in one. ^ ^ 9^ О We write In 1998 In 2001 Mind! Dates We say ' in nineteen ninety-eight in two thousand and one 106 Unit 8 Lesson 1 3. Here are some tourists’ impressions of England. 1) What do they write about their trips? Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (0) We have seen (see) a lot of attractions in London. 1 We________________________________(not forget) our trip to York*. (have) a wonderful time in Windsor* now. _ (visit) London next year, too. ________(go) to the most exciting place — (enjoy) holidays in Brighton*. ________ (watch) the Changing 2 We _____________ 3 We ____________' 4 Yesterday we _________ Alton Towers*. 5 Every summer we_______ 6 Yesterday at 11.30 we of the Guard* at Buckingham Palace*. It was great! 2) Match each verb form with the correct tense form. a Present Simple ____________________ b Past Simple _______________ c Future Simple d Present Progressive :______________ e Past Progressive __________________ f Present Perfect _0_________________ g To be going to ____________________ Л 4^ о Lesson 2 ш 1. What can you see from the top of the London Eye*? Tick the places you can see from the top of the London- Eye. Write how many places you can see. Places How many Big Ben* Buckingham Palace* bridges the Thames* airports stadiums parks the Tower of London* Unit 8 107 Lesson 2 2. For many years ravens have guarded the Tower of London. These ravens were born in the Tower. How long have they lived in the Tower? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms, dates and numbers. Name Year Ronnie 1989 Rex 1990 Regina [ri'cfeama] 1990 Gog 1991 Jackie 1991 Grammar Hint Present Perfect, Past Simple He has lived here since 1999. He has lived here for 10 years. He lived here in 1999. He lived here 10 years ago. He was born in 1999. GS pp. 155, 158 Ronnie (0) was (be) born in 1989. Ronnie (1) (live) in the Tower since (2) ______ (live) there for (4) ___________ years. Ronnie (3) Rex and Regina (5) _____ They (6) _______________ years. Gog and Jackie (8) _______________ (9) ________. Gog and Jackie (10) (be) born in the Tower in 1990. (live) in the Tower for (7) (live) in the Tower since ___________________ (be) born (11) years ago. Lesson 3 1. In your culture. What were these people famous for? 1) Read the “Word Building” notes and guess the words. Word Building Suffixes: -er, -or to paint — рисовать to explore — исследовать to compose — сочинять музыку to act — играть to sing — петь to travel — путешествовать a painter — художник an explorer —_________ a composer —________ an actor —_______ a singer —____________ a traveller —_________ V) 108 Unit 8 Lesson 3 2) Fill in the gaps with the name and the correct verb forms. Grammar Hint Past Simple Pushkin was a great Russian poet. He lived from 1799 till 1837. He wrote a lot of beautiful poems. I " GS p. 155 1. I. Levitan 2. R I. Tchaikovsky 3. Peter the Great 4. Yu. Nikulin 5. F. Shalyapin 6. V. Tereshkova 7. Yu. Gagarin 8. A. Nikitin (0) I. Levitgn was (be) a famous Russian painter. He painted (paint) Russian landscapes. 1 _______________________________(be) a great Russian singer. He ___________ (sing) romances [rau'maensiz]. 2 _____________________________ a popular actor. He in many comedies. — (be) (play) and woman in space. ^ He in 1963. 4 _________________________ ___________(be) the first man (go) into space in 1961 and she — and explorer. He India. 5 ________________ ______ (be) a great Russian traveller (travel) and_______________(explore) (be) a great composer. He __________ (write) operas ['opraz], romances and symphonies ['simfaniz]. 6 _____________________________________ (be) the first Russian emperor.^ He (start) St Petersburg. o‘ space — космос an emperor — император Unit 8 109 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 X. The children like going to the Playstation skate park* in London. What are the rules there? Fill in the gaps with the correct verbs from the box. can should must can’t shouldn’t — (0) Can I ride without a helmet?^ — No, you (1)________. You (2)____ — (3) _____ I hire^ a skateboard? _____. You (5) _ — No, you (4) _______ own skateboard. — (6) _____ I eat in the skate park? — Yes, you (7)_______. But you (8)____ ' — ~ ~ “ T~ oP wear a helmet. ___bring your eat and skate! Lesson 5 X. Match the highlighted verbs (Student’s Book on p. 144) with the correct tense form. Past Past Simple Present Present Simple Future Future Simple Past Progressive Present Progressive Present Progressive Present Perfect Present Perfect to be going to 2. How did the children ask and answer the questions? Tick the correct answer. 1 How was the game? a Very well, thank you. b It was exciting. c It is exciting. 2 Did you have a nice weekend? a Yes, I really enjoyed them. b Yes, I like it. . c It’s the best weekend I’ve ever had. ^ a helmet — шлем ^ to hire — взять напрокат xxo Unit 8 Lessons 4, 5 3 а How are you? b How is it? c How was it? I had a lot of fun. 4 a Why not go on a trip? b What did you think of the trip? c What was it like? I’d like to. Consolidation O' ЛТ ---- Grammar Hint Past, Present and Future 1. Когда мы описываем события, действия, которые происходят в настоящем, мы используем: 1) Present Simple: I often travel, (для действий, происходящих обычно, регулярно) 2) Present Progressive: I am travelling now. (для действий, которые происходят в определённый момент в настоящем) 3) Present Perfect: I have travelled around Britain since Monday, (для действий, которые начались в прошлом и продолжаются в настоящем) 2. Когда мы описываем события, действия, которые произошли в прошлом, мы используем: 1) Past Simple: I travelled last summer, (для действий, которые произошли в прошлом; важны действия и время) 2) Past Progressive: I was travelling the whole month last year, (для действий, которые происходили в определённый момент / период в прошлом) 3) Present Perfect: a) I have travelled а lot. (для действий, которые произошли в прошлом: важны действия, их результат в настоящем, а не время их совершения) b) I have travelled to London this week, (для действий, завершившихся в неистекший период времени) 3. Когда мы описываем события, действия,-которые произойдут в будущем, мы используем: 1) Future Simple: I think I will travel next summer, (для действий, которые могут произойти в будущем) 2) Present Progressive: I am travelling to Italy in July, (для запланированных действий) 3) To be going to: I am going to travel to Britain next year. (для действий, которые мы собираемся совершить) nV O' 1. Clare likes writing letters to Laura, her pen friend. This is what she’s written in her diary. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verb write. Match the verb form in each sentence with the rule and the Russian verb. each sentence with the rule and the Russian verb. (0) I write letters to Laura every month. 1.1). A_______________ 1 I _________________________ letters to Laura very often. Unit 8 Consolidation 111 2 I __ 3 I __ 4 I __ 5 I __ 6 I am 7 I __ 8 I ?_ 9 I __ 10 I _ a letter to Laura yesterday. _____ a letter to Laura now. write a letter to Laura tomorrow. to write a letter to Laura on Sunday. ___ a letter to Laura in the evening. _ a letter to Laura for half an hour yesterday. ______________ two letters to Laura this week. ___________________ letters to Laura since 2004. ______________________ a lot of letters to Laura. О A пишу В напишу С писала D собираюсь написать Е написала 2. Clare is travelling with her parents. Here is Clare’s letter to her friend. Where is Clare going to now? Choose the correct verb form and underline it. 2 June Dear Megan, We (0) have/are having a fantastic holiday! We (1) ar-rived/have arrived in Paris last Sunday. We (2) stayed/have stayed at the biggest hotel. Have you ever been (3) to/in Paris? It is a beautiful city! I (4) have already seen/saiv a lot of sights. Yesterday I (5) was going/went to the Fun Park. It (6) is/was one of the best days of my life. At the moment we (7) are travel-ling/travel by train to Spain. We (8) are going to ar-rive/are arriving in Madrid tomorrow morning. I think we (9) will stay/are going to stay there for a week. Best wishes, Clare 3. Marie^and her friends are talking about the past weekend. Where was Marie? Choose the correct verb form and underline it. О (0) — Did you have/have you got a nice weekend in York*? 1 — Yes, I did/had. It’s a beautiful city. 2 — What did you do/were you doing there? 112 Unit 8 Consolidation 3 — We were going/went to the Viking Centre and the City Art Gallery. 4 — What did/do you think of the Viking Centre? 5 — It’s great. I have learnt/learn a lot about how people lived a long time ago. 4. Here’s Stuart's postcard from London. What did he write about his trip to London? Write the full forms of the verbs. (0) are X’ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5. What is it that you like doing? I _____________ you don’t do every day? you are doing now? you did yesterday? :0 Dear Tom, (0) We’re having a wonderful time. (1) I’ll never forget my trip to London. I know Pam (2) won’t forget it either. (3) It’s a wonderful city. (4) We’ve seen a lot of interesting places. (5) I’m happy that (6) you’ve phoned me. (7) I’ve got your letter. Thank you. (8) Pam’s sent you a postcard, too. -- (9) We’re arriving home on Monday. Best wishes, Stuart you were doing yesterday at 5 in the evening? you will do tomorrow? you are going to do on Sunday? you have nev^r done? you are doing on Saturday? Unit 8 Consolidation 113 г G. How long have you done the following things? Answer the questions with since or for. How long have you studied at your school? How long have you lived in this city/ village? How long have you known your best friend? How long have you had your pet? How long has your father known your mother? How long has your family lived in your flat (house)? T. The children are talking about their plans for the weekend. What are their plans? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms from the box. did Let’s watch are you going to have already seen Will am going to don’t are you doing will come Did you like enjoyed - Listen, what (1) - I (2) _____________ - I (3) ____________ join me? on Saturday? know. Why? ____ watch a new film. (4) — What film (5) — Star Wars. — I (6) _______ — When (7) ___ — Last Sunday. — (8) ________ — I really (9) - (10) ________ you watch? it. you see it? it? it. some cartoons then. _______________ to your — OK. I (11)__________________ place at 3. Is it all right? — Great! See you soon. 114 Unit 8 Consolidation Test yourself BB LISTENING COMPREHENSION Stuart is talking about his trip. What are his impressions? Match the things he is talking about (1—7) with his impressions of them (a—i). There are 2 extra answers in the second column. You’ll hear the text twice. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stuart is talking about His opinion 1 The trip 2 The hotel 3 The museums 4 The trip to Windsor 5 The theme park 6 The weather 7 The holidays a great b 1 liked it very much c the best I’ve ever had d interesting e wonderful f not very good g cool h fantastic i nice Your score 7 6—5 4 3 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О READING COMPREHENSION Here are the events that children can go to or take part in. 1) For questions 1-6, write A, B, C, D, or E in each gap. There is one extra question. 1 If you want to buy handicrafts, go to__________________ 2 If you want to see a film, go to________________ 3 If you like watching competitions, go to 4 If you like school trips, go to_______ 5 If you like dancing, visit________ 6 If you like animals, go to________ Unit 8 Test yourself 115 The whole day in the Paradise Wildlife Park! Everyday activities 11 am meet the llamas 1 pm feed the monkeys 2 pm watch the animals show 5 pm feed the lions And a lot of other activities! - ^ Would you like to learn more about your country? Join us on Saturday. We are visiting Edinburgh Castle. For details, ask your History teacher. Come to the CRAFT FAIR! Saturday-15 September 10 am-4 pm Town Hall ^ Over 30 stalls - crafts, presents, books, soft toys, flowers, food Free admission , School Tennis Pupils vs Teachers Saturday June 1 st 3 pm Sports Centre Odeon Cinema, King Street Alice in Wonderland Special showing every day this week 15.00 Running time: 108 minutes 2) For questions 1-10, write answers in a short form. There is an example (0) at the beginning. (0) Can children visit the park on Monday? Yes, they can. (00) What competition can children watch? Tennis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 When does the fair start? _______ What show can they see? _________ What place is the history trip to? Where is the cinema? ____________ When can children go on the trip? What time is the competition at? _ Where is the match? ___________ Where is the fair? ____________ What film can children watch? _________ Who will take part in the competition? Your score 16—15 14—11 10—8 7 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 116 Unit 8 Test yourself в ф USE OF ENGLISH (VOCABULARY / GRAMMAR) 1. Megan is talking about her sports experiences. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. There is an example (0) at the beginning. I (Oyhave qlwoys loved (always, love) running. I (1) ___________________________ (start) running at primary school. I (2) __________________________ our school for two years. I (3) . competition last year. Now I (4) ________ (run) for (win) the running . (be) in Class 1 of ------------ (be) secondary school and my hobby (5) ________________ swimming. I (6) _______________ (take) swimming lessons at our sports centre since I was 9 years old. In May I (7) _________ (take) part in a school swimming competition. I’m scared because I (8) ____________________ (never, compete) in swimming before. I think that I (9) ______________ (win) because I (10) __________ (practise) a lot. I hope I (11) (perform) well. 2. Find out what the Atkinsons’ activities are. 1) Match the two columns. Use time markers only once. 1 Last month 2 Next summer 3 This summer 4 After school 5 On Saturday 6 On Sundays 7 Now 8 From 5 to 6 yesterday a they go for a walk in the park, b Paul spent two weeks on the farm, c Celia is enjoying a cartoon on TV. d they are spending their holidays in France, e Paul is going to ride in the riding school, f Paul won’t be at school. g they have had a wonderful holiday in Wales. h Oliver and his friend were doing puzzles. 2) Write out the verb forms to match with the tenses. A Present Simple_____________________________ В Past Simple________________________________ C Future Simple. Unit 8 Test yourself 117 D Present Progressive (для запланированных действий в будущем) Е Present Progressive (для действий, которые происходят в определённый момент в настоящем) _____________________________ F Past Progressive ___________________________________________ G to be going to _____________________________________________ H Present Perfect Your score 27—25 24—20 19—14 13 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 SL о SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached S I can read and understand: • stories about children’s trips and excursions. B9 I can understand children’s conversations about: • the places and sights they visited/saw. I can talk: • about my hometown holidays, • about my trips to different cities, • about parks in my hometown. Elt I can write: • about my favourite sport/ac-tivity, • about my trip to the capital, /a trip I’d like to have, • about my favourite impressions. 118 Unit 8 Test yourself Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • Present Simple • Past Simple • Future Simple • Present Progressive • Past Progressive • Present Perfect • To be going to Учебные умения Не умею Умею • читать с целью понимания основного содержания текста • читать с целью полного понимания содержания текста • подготовить проект • выполнять тестовые задания • оценивать свои умения Exercises I found most interesting / difficult / boring Unit 8 Test yourself 119 ALL ABOUT 1. My family tree. 120 All about me 2. What we do together in my family. My family and I really enjoy ________ In the evenings we often ____________ Sometimes we ________________________ At weekends we Best of all I love it when we .0" 3. My timetable. In the 5th form I will learn I will have my favourite subject I it on I think my favourite day will because I _____________________ and a week. \ I ^ 121 All about me Our school activities. On __________________________ I’ll I think it’ll ____________________ I’ll also ________________________ I hope I О \ 4. Rules at my school. At my school we have to follow these rules: -ЛЗ О I think the rule the rule _______ is the most useful. And ______ is not necessary. 5. Chores in my family. In my family there are the following chores: I have to ____________________________________ And besides I have to But I don’t have to My__________________ has to But I don’t mind. .. I don’t think it is fair. ______________, and I like it. 6. What things I have done. I have learnt _______________ It is interesting I’ve helped _____ was (glad) ■N- . :0' 122 All about me I’ve won I was ___ I’ve ____ I _______ I’ve ,■0 this month. _ this week. _ today. t\ = O’ 7. My everyday activities. / My favourite spare time activities. Every day I _________________________________________________________ In the evenings my family and I often On Saturdays ___ every day at school in the swimming pool _____with my friends _________ on Sundays At school sometimes 8. My family’s favourite holidays. My mum’s favourite holiday is _____ because we My dad’s number one holiday is because Mv Vlikes best > Mv first choice is because о All about me 123 9. The best family celebration / holiday that I remember. The best holiday that I remember was ________________. We celebrated it on I was _______________ in My parents My________ While ____ My _______ I think __ great. My pictures/photos о 124 All about me 10. Му diary. Day Time Where What I did Monday Tuesday V-_ Wednesday - Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday О This week I On Monday I _ From _____ to S-O All about me 125 11. The best things I’ve learnt this year. The best thing I’ve learnt this year is how to I couldn’t _____________________ but now _____ I think it’s taught me that. I want to I haven’t yet, but 12. The school excursion I liked best of all. This school year we _______________________ We ________________________________ in __‘ It was interesting because We Best of all 13. What are you going to do in June / in July / in August? In June _____________________________________________ 126 All about me In July_ In August, 14, My favourite sport / activity. I like _______________________________ It’s _________________________________ Soon I I think I because I it since already it for 15. My trip to the capital/a big city. I have been to_________________________ I was there____________________________ I stayed ______________________________ I travelled with I visited _______ I saw ___________ and went to My favourite sight is I like it because ____ I had a good time in 127 All about me The best day of the trip was when I My favourite souvenir is I bought it at __________ I’m going to ____________ I think I’ll ____________ A trip I’d like to take. I have never been to I’d like to go there because I’ll go there with I want to stay___ I want to visit _ I want to _______ I think I’ll I 16. My favourite impressions. About films I have seen____________________ I saw it ______________________ It’s __________________________ I 128 All about me About books I have read I read it ___ It __________ I ___________ About places I have ______ About people Irregular verbs 129 About food I ________ 130 Irregular verbs к Picture cards for games 1. Карточки для игры “Have You Done It Yet?” (Unit 3, Lesson 4, ex. 3) — c. 131—137. 2. Образцы сюжетных карточек для игры “Fishy Stories” (Unit 6, Lesson 2, ex. 4) -в c. 139—141. 'P or .O' L о Picture cards for games 131 п -.0 Picture cards for games 133 0 J 9 vL O' l\3 S-0 s''- Picture cards for games 135 п п Picture cards for games 137 -I от» J J ^ Picture cards for games 139 Picture cards for games 141 Contents Unit 1. Let’s make friends! .................................. 3 Unit 2. Rules around us ...................................... 19 Unit's. We must help people around ........................... 32 Unit 4. Every day and at weekends ............................ 46 Unit 5. My favourite celebrations ............................ 61 Unit 6. We’ve had a nice trip to England ..................... 76 Unit 7. My future holiday .................................... 91 Unit 8. My best impressions ...................................106 All about me ..................................................120 Picture cards for games .......................................131