Английский язык 5 класс Книга для чтения Кузовлев Лапа

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Reader (Ридер) - Английский язык 5 класс Книга для чтения Кузовлев Лапа - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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Условные обозначения говорение чтение ^ письменное задание Ц домашнее задание П задание повышенной сложности Glasgow* — см. Лингвострановедческий справочник (Linguistic and cultural guide (LCG) AB — Activity Book жншишжии язык Книга для чтения 5 класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций 2-е издание Москва «Просвещение» 2014 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-93 А64 6 + Научный консультант авторского коллектива акад. РАО, д-р психол. наук И. А. Зимняя Авторы: В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, И. П. Костина, О. В. Дуванова, Е. В. Кузнецова Научный руководитель авторского коллектива проф. Е. И. Пассов Консультант М. Дандридж (Великобритания) Английский язык. Книга для чтения. 5 класс : пособие А64 для учащихся общеобразоват. организаций / [В. П. Кузов-лев, Н. М. Лапа, И. П. Костина и др.]. — 2-е изд. — М. : Просвещение, 2014. — 95 с. : ил. — ISBN 978-5-09-032823-4. Книга для чтения является составным компонентом УМК «Английский язык» для 5 класса и предназначена для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций. В пособие наряду с отрывками из произведений классиков детской английской литературы и современных авторов включены разнообразные типы текстов, которые дополняют и углубляют содержание уроков учебника. Все тексты сопровождаются упражнениями для развития умения читать. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-93 ISBN 978-5-09-032823-4 © Издательство «Просвещение», 2012 © Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2012 Все права защищены Unit 1 Let’s make friends! 1. In this article American children write about their favourite TV shows. 1) What are their favourite TV shows? Read the Learning to Learn note first. Learning to Learn Как быстро найти нужную информацию Иногда бывает нужно очень быстро найти необходимую информацию в каком-либо тексте. При чтении на иностранном языке этому специально надо учиться. В книге для чтения этому умению помогают научиться задания с пометкой “Reading for specific information” (чтение с целью поиска конкретной информации). Чтобы успешно справляться с подобными заданиями, советуем поступать следующим образом: • убедитесь, что вы чётко представляете, какую информацию нужно найти в тексте; • обращайте особое внимание на опознавательные знаки, слова, которые могут подсказать, где в тексте находится необходимая информация (заглавные буквы — для ответа на вопросы кто?, где?, цифры — сколько?, когда? и т. д.); • не останавливайтесь при чтении на каждом незнакомом слове, незначительной информации. Our favourite TV shows^ are all cartoons! ‘The Simpsons’ and ‘Rugrats’* are the two cartoons we like best of all. We like Homer, (0) the father, because when he does something silly, he says that funny word “Doh!” People laugh when he says that. Margie, (1) _____________, is great because of her big, blue hair. We’re all Simpsons fans because of Bart, (2)___________Bart makes the show more interesting. We like Lisa, (3) _______________ because Lisa plays the saxophone and we like music. Maggie, (4) ____________ is a lucky and cute baby. * a show [Jau] — передача, шоу Unit 1 3 ‘Rugrats’ has a lot of baby characters, too. One of the babies is Tommy Pickle. He is the bravest baby. The other baby is Chuckie Finster. We like him because he has a good imagination. These shows are very different, but they are very funny. 2) Look at the Simpsons’ family tree*. Who is who in the family? Fill in the gaps in the text with Homer and Margie’s son, Bart’s sister, the father, the mother, Bart and Lisa’s sister. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Grandpa Simpson Homer Simpson Santa's Ш I Simpson ( ' 7 I I ^ 1 ' у Bart Lisa Maggie Simpson Simpson Simpson 3) Learning to translate, why do the children like The Simpsons and Rugrats? Find the answers in the text and translate them. because [bi'koz] 1) потому что, так как; 2) - of из-за 4) What is the British word? AE favorite BE 7 SL 5) Letters, signs and sounds. Classify the words from the article according to the rules of reading of the letter Uu. [л] [ju:] N Unit 1 2. Jill wrote a poem about her visit to the county* fair. 1) Did Jill like the fair? The County Fair I went to the County Fair today. I saw horses eating their hay. I saw many rides there high and low. I wanted to ride the tall scary one that Went upside down, but Mom said, “No!!I” We bought cotton candy and lemonade. After that we saw a paradel I saw baby pigs walking around. Then I took a picture of a clown] I liked the County Fair, Next time I hope Г11 see you there! Jill, 10. 2) What did the girl do at the fair? Read the Learning to Learn note first. Learning to Learn Как научиться понимать всё, о чём читаешь Иногда нужно прочитать текст на английском языке и полностью понять его. В книге для чтения этому важному умению помогают научиться задания с пометкой “Reading for detail” (чтение с целью полного понимания содержания). Вот несколько полезных советов: • прежде всего прочитайте весь текст и попытайтесь понять общий смысл. Это поможет глубже вникнуть в детали при повторном чтении; Unit 1 • если при повторном, более внимательном чтении встретятся незнакомые слова, не спешите обращаться к словарю; • постарайтесь понять значение незнакомого слова по общему СМЫСЛУ предложения: • попробуйте сопоставить незнакомое слово со словами русского языка: • если оно не напоминает никаких слов, внимательно рассмотрите, из каких элементов состоит это слово, не помогут ли они догадаться о его значении; • если все перечисленные способы не помогли, остаётся последний — обращение к словаою. Главное — не оставлять ключевые слова (подлежащее, сказуемое) без точного перевода; • если все слова в предложении ясны, а общий смысл его всё равно не понятен, обратитесь к учителю и выясните, какое грамматическое явление употребляется в предложении и как оно переводится на русский язык. 3) What things did the girl see at the fair? What did she do at the fair? 4) Letters, sig’ns and sounds. Which words of the poem rhyme? Classify the words from the poem according to the rules of reading. a) [ei] today и ay b) [эи] c) fau] d) [еэ] 5) Find the difference between the American and British words. AE mom take a picture BE mum take a photo 3. The story below is from Ellen Tebbits by Beverly Clearly. 1) What is the story about? Choose the best answer. Read the Learning to Learn note first. The story is about a) Rosemont School b) what the children will do at the party c) Mrs Miller, a form teacher 6 I inif 1 Learning to Learn He вдаваясь в детали Иногда нужно прочитать какой-то текст и понять только основное содержание, не вдаваясь в детали (reading for the main idea). В этом случае советуем поступить следующим образом: • прочитайте внимательно название текста и постарайтесь предугадать, о чём в нём может идти речь; • прочитайте текст быстро, не останавливаясь на незнакомых словах, если они не являются ключевыми. Чтобы понять общий смысл, не обязательно знать все слова; • кратко ответьте на главные вопросы: о чём этот текст (рассказ, стихотворение и т. д.), в чём его главная идея; • подумайте, помогло ли заглавие правильно предугадать содержание текста. Open House at Rosemont School After the lessons Mrs Miller announced, “Rosemont is planning to have an open house. All the mothers and fathers can visit the school. Each class will exhibit its best work, and children will be in each room — they will answer questions. Others will entertain the parents. The little children’s band will perform rhythms, the fifth- and sixth-graders will do folk dances in the gymnasium, and the seventh- and eighth-graders will give cookies and coffee in the science room. Some of the children will perform a play. One of the eighth-grade girls will read the story aloud. And the younger children will act and dance the story in pantomime.^' 2) Using a dictionary. What will the children act in pantomime? Choose the best meaning from the dictionary article below. play [plei] n 1) игра; 2) шутка; 3) пьеса 3) Tick (У^) what will be on the programme of the party. Word Building to exhibit — выставлять (напоказ) to entertain — развлекать to perform — представлять to announce — объявлять Суффиксы существительных -tion, -ance, -ment an exhibition — выставка an entertainment — ? a performance — ? an announcement — ? Unit 1 7 An exhibition of pupil’s works A concert A band performance Folk dances Coffee break A pantomime A play A disco 4) Find the difference between the American and Engiish words. AE a sixth-grader favorite math open house cookies BE a sixth former favourite maths open day^ biscuits 8 Reading lesson Our favourite game 4. After school children like to play different games. Here is a poem about some children and their favourite game. SL 1) Complete the sentences with rhyming words and you’ll learn what game the children played. Kate and Jim walked to the ____________ And in the street they met Clark. Clark then walked with Kate and Jim, And soon they stopped to take _________ At the pool they all asked Mark To go with them to the _________ Mark said, “Sure, I’d like to ______ And I will bring my best friend Joe.’ Then they all went to buy some _____ And Kate saw Mary, Sue and Andy, They said they’d like to play some _ If they could also bring Gail and Paul. ^ open day — день открытых дверей Unit 1 garden/park, a swim/a ride. river/park, come/go, drink/candy, ball/music Each one agreed, and off they _____________ And soon they met^ their good friend Kent. But Kent said, “No, I won’t _____________ Because I want to go to a show.” Soon they all got to the ___________ But it was already dark. And Clark and Jim and Sue and Joe Decided it was time to _____________ So they went home, and all the rest Talked it over and thought it best To have two groups and play some _ Until they couldn’t see at all. Soon it was time to start the _________ But first each group got a name. One was ‘Hit’, the other ________________________________________________________________________ Now — how many were in each group? 2) Before the children got to the park, they did different things. In what order did they do the following things? (reading for detail) went/got. do/go pond/park, start/go. cards/ball play/game, ‘Hide’/‘Run’ First the children went to the shop. Mind! Then came to the pool. to go — идти After that they got to the park. to come — приходить Finally met Kent. to get — добираться to meet (met, met) — встречать 9 Unit 1 ^ 3) Who played the game in the park? Answer the questions and mark the children’s way to the park in the picture (AB ex. 1). ^ 4) What question does the author of the poem ask? Answer the question. Тц 5) Role play. On the way to the park the chiidren invited their friends to go with them. a) Act out the conversation between the children and Mark. b) Act out the conversation between the children and Kent. I 6) In your culture. What similar games are there in your culture? What ball games do you like playing? 10 Unit 1 Unit 2 Rules around us X. American children should follow the following school safety tips ' Б 1) What are these tips? Finish each one (1—5) with the sentences A—F. There is one extra (лишнее) sentence, (reading for detail) School safety tips for children Always take a friend when you walk or ride your bike to and from school. [Ц] Don’t help a stranger. Don’t get into a car with a stranger, Don’t play in parks or playgrounds alone. Don’t take money or things from anyone.^ A. Adults^ should not ask children for help, they should ask other adults. B. Only go with someone^ if your parents have told you it is OK. C. Always ask your parents’ permission before you take anything from other people. D. It’s safer and more fun to be with your friends. E. Make sure^ you have your parents’ permission, and they know where you are going to. F. Change your plans. Word Building some + one = someone — кто-то any + one = anyone — кто-то, кто-нибудь (в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях), всякий, любой (в утвердительных предложениях) any + where = anywhere — ? ^ а tip [tip] — совет ^anyone ['enrwAnj — кто-либо ^an adult ['aedAltJ — взрослый (человек) ^someone ['sAmwAnj — кто-нибудь ® to make sure [Jb:, Jur] — убедиться 11 Unit 2 2) Letters, signs and sounds. Classify the words from the tips according to the rules of reading for the letter Aa. lei] safety [зе] lo:l [y.\ |еэ] 2. Miss Honey (Matiida’s first teacher) teiis the pupils from her class about the rules at their school. 1) What are these rules? (reading for specific information) ii "VTow this is the first day of school for you. It is the start of eleven years of schooling that all of you are going to have to go through. And six of those years you will spend here at Crunchen! Hall where, as you know, your Headmistress is Miss Trunchbull. She likes strict^ discipline at the school. Never argue^ with her. Always do as she says. Never answer her back. Don’t forget that Miss Trunchbull deals very strictly with anyone who gets out of line in this school. Have you got the message?” It was the second week of Matilda’s first term when Miss Honey said to the class, “Tomorrow Miss Trunchbull will take over your class for one lesson. The Headmistress is very strict. Make sure your clothes are clean, your faces are clean and your hands are clean. Speak only when she speaks to you. When she asks you a question, stand up before you answer it. And don’t be funny.” (from “Matilda” by Roald Dahl*) EL 2) Letters, signs and sounds. Find in the story the words that match with the transcription. Guess their meanings. ['skuilii}] f'disoplin] •strict [strikt] — строгий, требовательный ^to argue ['trqju:] — спорить 12 Unit 2 а 3) Learning* to translate. Find the following word combinations in the story and choose the appropriate meaning. Read the Learning to Learn note first. Learning to Learn Многозначные слова Многие слова имеют не одно, а два и более значений. Подходящее значение выбирается исходя из контекста, то есть предложения, в котором употребляется слово. Например: take over 1) перевозить, переводить (через дорогу) These boats can take people over the river. Эти лодки могут перевезти людей через реку. 2) принять должность, обязанность от других Му son will take over some of the cleaning. Мой сын возьмёт на себя уборку. deal with get out of line get the message 1) иметь дело с кем-либо, чем-либо; 2) обходиться, обращаться 1) выходить из очереди; 2) вести себя неправильно 1) получить сообщение; 2) понимать ЕЯ 4) Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)? Prove it from the story, (reading for detail) 1. Children have to follow some rules at their school. 2. They mustn’t argue with Miss Trunchbull. 3. They have to be clean. 4. They have to stand up to answer the question. 5. They mustn’t be funny. 6. They can ask Miss Trunchbull questions. 7. Miss Trunchbull is strict with pupils. 3. Kate is the main character in the story The Computer Nut by Betsy Byars. 1) Learning to translate, what is a 'computer nut’? nut fnAt] n 1) орех; 2) человек, помешавшийся (на чём-либо) 13 Unit 2 2) Read the story to check, (reading for the main idea) 44 ГI ihe funniest thing happened^ to me this afternoon,” Kate said J. when she came into the room. “What happened?” her father asked. “Well, I was at the office using the computer — this was for school. I had to do my portrait for art. So after I finished the picture a message came on the computer for me. Someone contacted me!” “A message? Who was it from?” “I don’t know, Mom. It was like magic.^” “Kate, I do not like strangers who contact anyone.” She looked at her daughter. “Now, Kate, sit down and we’ll talk about this computer message.” Kate said, “It was nothing. Mom, really.” “You have no idea who sent the message?” “No.” “These computers are like telephones. I don’t like it. Anyone may contact you.” “Mom, you don’t understand.^ Anyone may not —” “Kate, you shouldn’t give your name and address. Any weirdo ['wiadou] may —” “Some interesting things have happened, and you talk about the dangers.” “Kate, we care about you.” Б|| 3) Choose the correct answers to the following questions, (reading for detail) 1. How did Kate get the message? A. She got it on the computer. B. A stranger came to the father’s office and brought the message. C. Her father brought it from his office. 2. What did Kate do at her father’s office? A. She used the telephone. B. She did her homework. C. She played computer games. 3. What did Kate’s mother think about the computer message? A. She didn’t like it. B. She didn’t like people who send messages on the computer. C. She didn’t like that the message was from a stranger. ' to happen ['Ьаер(э)п] — происходить, случаться ^magic I'maecfeik] — волшебство, магия ^to understand [,And3'staend| — понимать 14 Unit 2 4. What did Kate think about the computer message? A. She was afraid of it. B. She liked it. C. She was sorry about it. 5. What does weirdo mean? A. A person who is not normal. B. A computer nut. C. A computer. 1^ 4) Kate’s mum cares about Kate. Finish the sentence. Any weirdo may______________________________ Reading lesson Powder that may change your school life 4. Mr Wonka and the children are talking about the spotty powder. 1) Learning to translate. What is “spotty powder”? Read the story and match the words with their translations. spotty powder [spoti 'pauda] chaos ['keiDs] chickenpox ['tfikin'pnks] stuff [sUfl • полный беспорядок, хаос • 1) вещество, материал; 2) вещи, имущество • порошок, вызывающий сыпь • ветрянка {детская болезнь) Word Building Сложные существительные breakfast + time = breakfast-time — ? АВ ex. 1 44T9d like to show you my new stuff,” said Mr Wonka. “This X stuff is going to bring chaos to schools all over the world when I get it into the shops. Spotty powder! There it is! That’s it! Fantastic stuff!” “It looks like sugar,*” said Miranda. * sugar I'Juga] — сахар 15 Unit 2 “It looks like sugar,” Mr Wonka said. “But it isn’t sugar.” “Then what is it?” asked Miranda. “What’s this stuff for?” “Ah-ha,” said Mr Wonka. “You will never guess that, not in a million years. Now listen. All you have to do is put it in your porridge at breakfast-time like sugar. Then you eat it. And then you have red spots on your face.” “What sort of silly person wants spots on his face at breakfast-time?” said Miranda. “I’ll finish,” said Mr Wonka. “Your mother looks at you and says, ‘My dear child. You must have chick-enpox. You shouldn’t go to school today.’ And you stay at home. But at lunch-time, the spots have gone away.” “Fantastic!” said Charlie. “That’s what I want for the day when we have exams!” “That’s the best time to use it,” said Mr Wonka. “But you mustn’t do it often.” “This stuff is bad! It mustn’t be in shops! I’ve never skipped a day’s school in my life. All vacations should stop!” cried Miranda. “Children must work not play.” (from “Spotty Powder” by Roald Dahl) AE BE vacation holiday 2) Do the children like the spotty powder? (reading for the main idea) Fq 3) Answer the foliowing questions, (reading for detail) 1. Where did Mr Wonka get the powder from? 2. What happens when you eat the stuff? 3. What might the spotty powder do? 4. Is it easy to use the stuff? 5. What does Charlie think about the spotty powder? 6. How often can you use the spotty powder? 7. What does Miranda think about the spotty powder? 16 Unit 2 4) Now look at the answers to each of the questions (1—7) from ex. 4.3) and choose the correct answer, A or B. Prove from the story why some answers are wrong. Read the Learning to Learn note first. Learning to Learn Как делать задания с выбором ответа из нескольких предложенных Чтобы хорошо справиться с подобным заданием, поступайте следующим образом: • просмотрите текст, чтобы понять, о чём он; • читайте текст более внимательно и постарайтесь ответить на каждый вопрос самостоятельно, не смотря на предложенные ответы (вопросы к тексту даны по порядку); • прочитайте предложенные варианты ответа и выберите тот, который наиболее близок к вашему ответу; • проанализируйте, почему остальные варианты не верны. Question 1 А. Не made the stuff. В. Не bought the stuff in the shops. Ответ В неверный. В тексте написано “when I get it into the shops”, a не from the shops. Другие ответы могут сообщать информацию, которая может быть верной, но которой в тексте нет. Question 2 А. Your mother thinks you feel bad and you stay at home. B. Your parents take you to hospital. Ответ В неверный. В тексте об этом не сказано, хотя это возможно. Question 3 A. B. Question 4 A. B. Question 5 A. B. Question 6 A. B. Question 7 A. B. The stuff might make school life better. The stuff might make school life worse. It is easy because you can use it like sugar. It is difficult because you have to cook it like porridge. He likes it. He is cautious of it. Unit 2 17 S 5) Grammar. Find in the story the examples of the following sentences and read them aloud. • Предложения, в которых говорится о необходимых действиях (мы должны делать что-либо или нам нельзя делать что-либо). • Предложения, в которых говорится о действиях, которые мы должны совершать в соответствии с правилами. • Предложения, в которых выражается пожелание, совет. • Предложения, в которых выражается уверенность в том, что что-то происходит сейчас. 6) Do you agree with Miranda’s words? Why? Why not? “All vacations should stopi Children must work not play.” 7) What may happen if there aren’t any holidays? S) What preposition is the dictionary article about? Fill in the gaps with the examples from the story. --------- prep. 1. в пространственном значении указывает на 1) нахождение в пределах или внутри чего л. в 2) какое-л. движение внутрь чего-л. в ________ 2. во временном значении указывает на 1) период, по про шествии которого что-л. происходит через ______________; 2) период, в течение которого происходит действие за, в течение _____________ 18 Unit 2 Unit 3 We must help people around 1. Here is an article from a children's newspaper about the programme “Farms for City Children”. 1) Who started the programme? What have you learnt about this man? (reading for specific information) Read the Learning to Learn note first. In 1976 Michael Morpurgo* and his wife Clare started the programme ‘Farms for City Children’. They now have three farms: in Devon, Wales and Gloucestershire, where children from towns and cities can come and be farmers. The children spend a week at a countryside^ farm, during which they put on their macs* and wellies* and take part in different farmyard work. The day begins^ early at 7.15 am with chores before breakfast. Children milk cows, check the sheep, and feed the ducks and hens. After that the children work untiP lunch-time and then walk in the countryside. Every week groups of children visit the farms and have great fun with animals there. Learning to Learn Как пользоваться справочником “Linguistic and cultural guide” Справочник “Linguistic and cultural guide” продолжает знакомить вас с культурой своей страны и культурой англоязычных стран. Слова в справочнике расположены в алфавитном порядке. Чтобы найти в справочнике информацию о писателе, учёном или другом известном человеке, вы должны искать его по фамилии: например, статья Michael Morpurgo будет находиться в справочнике ‘а countryside ['kAntnsaid| — сельская местность, деревня ^to begin [ЬГдт) (began, begun) — начинать(ся) ^ until [an'till — до Units 19 на букву М (Morpurgo). А если вы ищете имя персонажа книги, легендарного героя, то в справочнике его надо искать по имени: например, статья Robinson Crusoe будет находиться в справочнике на букву R (Robinson). Обязательно прочитайте по транскрипции, как правильно произносится по-английски фамилия известного человека или любой другой факт культуры. 2) What do children do at the farms? Match the words in the columns. spend a week put on the day begins milk check feed walk have take part at 7.15 sheep on a farm in the countryside ducks fun mackintoshes and Wellington boots in farm work cows 3) Would you like to visit one of the farms? 2. Grammar. Here is a poem about Grizzly Bear*. EL 1) How did the Bear answer the children’s questions? Give full answers, (reading for specific information) I have been over the mountains. I ____________________________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________________________ 20 Grizzly Bear, Grizzly Bear Grizzly Bear, Grizzly Bear, Where have you been? Over^ the mountains — Such things I’ve seen! Grizzly Bear, Grizzly Bear, What have you done? ^ Over f'ouvs] — no ту сторону Units Eaten blueberries Made ripe by the sun.^ Grizzly Bear, Grizzly Bear, What have you found? Ice-cold spring water Deep from the ground.^ Grizzly Bear, Grizzly Bear, What do you dream? Sweet tasting salmon Swimming upstream.^ Grizzly Bear, Grizzly Bear, Where do you creep?** Into my dark cave Alone, let me sleep! 2) Here is a poem by A. A. Milne* about a little girl. БЬ Read the poem and complete it with a word from the box. (reading for the main idea) P I I b bad naughty' good snnart It’s funny how often they say to me, “Jane? Have you been a____________________ girl?” “Have you been a __________________ girl?” And when they have said it, they say it again, “Have you been a___________________ girl?” “Have you been a __________________ girl?” I go to a party, I go to tea, I go to my aunt for a week at the sea, I come back from school or from playing a game; Whenever I come from, it’s always the same:® * ...blueberries made ripe by the sun — ...голубика, созревшая на солнце ^ Ice-cold spring water deep from the ground — Ледяная весенняя вода из глубины земли ^...Salmon swimming upstream — ...лосось, плывущий вверх по течению ^to creep [kri:p] — ползти ® naughty ['no:ti] — непослушный ® Whenever I come from, it’s always the same — Откуда бы я ни пришла, всегда всё одно и то же 21 Units “Well? Have you been a girl, Jane?’ It’s always the end of the loveliest day: “Have you been a ___________________ girl?” “Have you been a____________________ girl?” I went to the Zoo, and they waited to say: “Have you been a ___________________ girl?” “Have you been a ___________________ girl?” Well, what did they think that I went there to do? And why should I want* to be bad at the Zoo? And should I be likely to say if I had?^ So that’s why it’s funny of Mummy and Dad, This asking and asking, in case I was bad,^ “Have you been a ___________________ girl?” “Well?” “Have you been a____________________ girl, Jane?” 5k 2) Choose the answers to the following questions. 1. Who asks Jane the question? A. her friend B. her parents C. different people 2. How often do they ask her the question? A. 11 times B. every time when she comes home C. every morning 3. What is the title of the poem? A. The Good Little Girl B. The Bad Little Girl C. The Naughty Little Girl D. The Smart Little Girl 3. Here is a comic strip about bears. Q 1) Translate the sentences with yet and already. — Have you done your homework, Poozy? — No, I haven’t done it yet. ’ why should I want — зд. c какой стати я буду ^should I be likely to say if I had — неужели я скажу, что плохо себя вела ®This asking and asking, in case I was bad — Спрашивать на всякий случай, не плохо ли я себя вела 22 Units — And you, Woozy, have you done your homework yet? — Yes, I have already done it. — Who wants to go to the movies? — I do! — I do! — Woozy may go. But Poozy hasn’t finished his homework yet. — Next time I won’t wait to do my homework. 2) Do your parents ask you such questions? Do you sometimes behave (вести себя) like Poozy? 3) Letters, signs and sounds. Classify the words from the poem according to the rules of reading. [л] [эи| [з:] [u:] Reading lesson Preparation for the Christmas show 4. Here is an extract from the book Harriet the Spy* by L. Fitzhugh. 1) Look up the following words in the LCG. What is the story about? • Mr and Mrs Curie* • the Trojan War* 2) Read the story and check, (reading for the main idea) Miss Elson came into the room and the children all said, “Good morning, Miss Elson.” Miss Elson answered, “Good morning, children.” Then they all sat down. “Now, children,” she began when the children stopped talking, “today is the day to plan our AE BE Christmas show. 1 _____________ grade ? “What about pirates?” said Sport. “Well, that’s great. I’ll write that down. Next?” Marion said, “I think. Miss Elson, that we should perform a play about the Trojan War. It will show what we have learnt.” Miss Units 23 Elson smiled. “That’s a lovely* idea, Marion. 2 _____________ Bu1 don’t forget that we shouldn’t give a play. The sixth-graders shoulc dance.” “Gibbs?” “I think that a dance about the Curies would be nice. 3 _________ “Hansen?” “1 think we should all be things that you eat at Christmas dinner.’ “Hawthorne?” Marion Hawthorne stood up. “I think that’s a wonderful sugges tion.2” 4 ____________ Miss Elson said, “I think that’s a lovely idea. Now let’s go to th( sports room and talk to Miss Berry.” ... “All right, children. Miss Berry is ready now.” “Sixth-grade, yes, sixth-grade, let’s see. 5 _________ Marion spoke for all of them. “We’ve decided to be a Christmas dinner,” she said brightly. “Lovely, lovely. Now let’s see, vegetables first, vegetables. You wil be celery.^” “What?” asked Pinky. “And you,” she looked at Harriet “are an onion. “NO, I am not! I don’t want to be an onion.” “Harriet, 6______________ “I will not do it.” “Stop talking! You are an onion.” “I won’t do it.” “You must do it. It is a SCHOOL!” 4ovely ['IavIiJ — отличный, восхитительный suggestion [s9'd3estf(9)n] — предложение celery ['selan] — сельдерей ^an onion ['лп]эп] — лук 24 I Init 3) These sentences were taken out of the text. Put them into the right place, (reading for detaii) A. Sport and I could be Mr and Mrs Curie.” B. First let’s have some ideas about what we would like to do.” C. an onion is a beautiful thing. D. I think we should be Christmas dinner, too.” E. What have you decided?” F. Г11 write it down. 4) Look at the highlighted pronouns and find out what they refer to. Read the Learning to Learn note first. Learning to Learn References. Связи между словами и предложениями в тексте Такие слова, как they, she, it и др., помогают понять отношения внутри текста, они обычно относятся к чему-либо или кому-либо, уже упомянутому в тексте. SL 5) Choose the right answer to the following questions. 1. The children decided to a) prepare Christmas dinner. b) play the roles of different food. c) take part in Christmas dinner. 2. Miss Elson and Miss Berry were a) pupils of the sixth grade. b) the children’s parents. c) the teachers. 3. The role of onion went to a) Harriet. b) Sport. c) Pinky. 4. Harriet a) liked her role very much. b) didn’t like the role at all. c) didn’t get any role. 5. Harriet behaved^ a) well. b) badly. c) like all children behave at school. * to behave |bi'herv] — вести себя 25 Units П 6) What roles did the other children get? BL 7) Letters, signs and sounds. Classify the following words according to the rules of reading of the letter Aa. p I i I I ь came sat all today plan that play war dance talk grade [eil [э:] [Э] la: I 8) Read the summary of the text and complete it with the words from the box in the correct form. 1 I I 1 Л I i I I li take part permission suggestion plan role must suggest decide Miss Elson and the children from the sixth grade decided to 1 ___________ a Christmas show. The children had different 2 about what to do at the show. They 3 ______________________ that they could be pirates, and also suggested performing a play about the Trojan War. But they 4 ____________ to do a show about Christmas dinner. All the children got different 5_________Har- riet got the role of an onion. She didn’t like her role. She didn’t want to 6 ___________ in the show and she wanted to leave the class without the teacher’s 7 __________But Miss Berry told her that at school children 8 do what the teacher tells them to do. 5. Wally is a boy from children’s books Where’s Wally?*. Here is Wally’s interview to a children's newspaper. Match the questions (1—7) with the answers (A—G). EL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. You travel a lot. Are you tired of travelling? Are you planning a new trip? What’s the best place you’ve visited? How long have you travelled with Woof? What do you like doing? Where did you first meet your friend Wenda? What are your favourite clothes? LJlx■LJтnJxгmлJгnлJlГLГlл_гlГLПx^^ 26 Unit 3 А — I like travelling to fantastic places and meeting different people. I never hide, but children say that it’s sometimes difficult to find me. В _____________________________________ — I like my red and white shirt and hat. I think it is easy to find me in these clothes. C _______________________________________ — I have been to so many fantastic places, but I always like the place I’ve just visited best. I will never forget the Sport Land. D _____________________________________ — I met Wilma, Wenda’s sister first. Then in The Magic Poster Land, Wenda joined us. Wilma and Wenda are the twins. Wenda is a great friend. E ______________________________ — Oh, no. I love travelling, meeting new people and looking at all the interesting events that happen around me. It is great! F _______________________________________ — Wilma asked me to look after Woof some years ago. He has become a very good friend and he helps me a lot in my travels. G _______________________________________ — Oh, yes! 27 Units Unit 4 Every day and at weekends 1. The Internet review gives information about a children’s camp. ^ 1) Before reading find out the meaning of the following words, match the words with the Russian equivalents. to amuse a sand house reluctantly ДОМ из песка неохотно, без желания развлекать Бк 2) Using а dictionary. Label the pictures. A. a tent B. a fly-sheet C. wooden floor D. a mackintosh 28 3) Do you think that children like the camp? Why? (reading for detail) This is an experimental summer camp for children who are aged from ten to fourteen. We do not amuse them. We do not have special people who must play with the children. Our children are free to do what they want and to amuse each other. If they want to decorate a sand house, they do it. Children can swim or watch turtles that live in the lake. They watch the changes of the weather and the tricks of wild birds. Unit 4 We have reading aloud. Our children like reading books together and they always come to the library during reading hours. At first our older boys read reluctantly, but then they read with interest. Children can boat and fish when they want to. Children don’t bring playthings, but they can take a favourite doll or a teddy bear because it can be lonely without its small parent. There is a puppy and three kittens in the camp and children like to play with the friendly animals. We live in tents with wooden floors and the older boys in Indian tents. We eat under a fly-sheet in all weathers. If it is wet, we wear mackintoshes. When our children go home, they plan what they will do at the camp next summer. 4) What do children do in the camp? Find at least 8 activities, (reading for detail) 5) Would Beth, David and Nora like to choose this camp? (reading for the main idea) Beth — I like playing in the water. But my mother buys me books from the school programme and the books which she liked to read when she was 12. But I want to swim! David — I enjoy fishing. I’d like to fish every day in summer, but my mother thinks I should do it once a month. It’s boring! Nora — I like my doll’s house. I can’t live without it. I want to make new dresses for my dolls and cook food for them. I like it when my friends come and we play with my doll’s house. 2. Celia is a little girl. She can’t swim yet. She is learning how to swim. 1) What does Celia do at her swimming lessons? Find in the box the meaning of the following words. to stretch -— 7 to dry off a) вытираться после мытья b) вытягиваться/растягиваться c) разогреваться/разминаться to warm up — ? Unit 4 29 Q 2) What is Celia saying about her swimming lesson? Match the pictures and the comments. There is an extra picture, (reading for detail) о •. A. Hi! My name is Celia! I am having a swimming lesson. My swim ming teacher is talking to me. B. I am swimming in the river. I am looking at the sky. I see somi birds. C. I am drying off. It’s time to go home. I hear my mother’s voice. D. I am doing some exercises. I am stretching and warming u’ before swimming. E. Judie is my swimming teacher. She is showing me how to swim 30 * a voice [vois] — голос Unit 4 Bl 3) Put the pictures in the correct order. 4) Choose the comment for the extra picture on p. 30 (1) Look! I am swimming in the lake. (2) Look! I am swimming in the swimming pool. (3) Look! I am swimming in the river. Bl 5) What does Celia usually do at her swimming lessons? BL 6) Letters, signs and sounds. Classify the words from the sentences on p. 30 according to the following rules of reading of the letters // and Vy- [ai] li] [з:] 3. A popular magazine gives some information about the Republic of Ireland. 1) Why is Ireland a popular place for tourists? What do visitors like to do in Ireland? (reading for detail) Tourists from different countries love Ireland. It is a popular place to visit. It has a long and interesting history, and Irish people are kind and friendly. { A POPULAR PLACE TO VISIT~ Perhaps it’s a popular place for tourists because the Irish are very friendly. Irish people enjoy talking and they love having parties. Visitors to Ireland like to fish, to surf, scuba dive and listen to folk music. Perhaps it’s because of the landscape. ^ Ireland is a beautiful country with green forests and valleys, blue lakes and rivers. ( THE WEATHER 1 Ч_________________у In Ireland it is usually rainy. In some areas 270 days of the year are rainy. Because of rainy days the Irish landscape is very green and people sometimes call Ireland the Emerald Isle.* a landscape ['laen(d)skeip] — пейзаж 31 Unit 4 1 THE music") Music is very important in Irish life. In many villages you can see people who play traditional Irish music. Many famous bands come from Ireland. ( COMPUTER CITY ) Dublin is one of the fastest growing cities in Europe. There are big hi-tech companies which create many new jobs. Now people from other countries are coming to Ireland. They want to live and work there. Г FACT FILE ) Full country name: The Republic of Ireland (or Ireland).^ Capital city: Dublin. Language: English, Irish. EL 2) Complete the map with the names of the countries and their capitais. C r \ ’ Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. 32 Unit 4 ^ 3) In the text, find the words which can illustrate the pictures of the most popular spare time activities and write them down. Reading lesson Happy birthday! 4. Jennings is a hero of the book Jennings and His Friends by A. Buckeridge. He lives and studies in Linbury Court Boarding School.’ 1) What is Jennings waiting for on his birthday? Jennings gets up early in the morning and remembers. It is his birthday! Jennings looks at the bed where Darbishire is sleeping. Darbishire is his best friend though Jennings is quick and Darbishire is slow in all he does. “Get up, Darbishire, get up!” “Why?” Darbishire opens his eyes. “It’s my birthday today!” “Oh, yes. Many happy returns of the day,” says Darbishire and closes his eyes. “Oh, get up, Darbi. Let’s go and meet the postman. I am sure I’ll get a birthday gift from my parents. Get up quickly!” “I am coming,” says Darbishire sleepily. The bell rings,^ and all the boys get up. “I say you don’t know what day it is today,” says Jennings. “It’s Friday,” Venables answers. “It’s Friday and on Fridays we have fish for breakfast.” ^ a boarding school ['bo;dir)'sku:l] — школа-интернат 2 to ring [m3] — звенеть 33 Unit 4 “Yes, and what else?^” asks Jennings. “What else? Cookies with milk.” “No, it is not about food. Today is my birthday!” “Many happy returns,” says Atkinson. “You know my mother always sends me wonderful birthday cakes. I am going downstairs. I’m waiting for the postman.” Jennings runs up to the door and suddenly a teacher comes in. It is Mr Wilkins. Mr Wilkins is a large and strict man, but he can be nice when he wants to. But he doesn’t understand why the boys of twelve can’t behave like teachers, for example. “Why are you making noise,^ Jennings?” asks Mr Wilkins. “Yes, of course, but I am going downstairs to see ...” “You know well you can’t leave your bed before the bell rings. Well, you will stay in class during football and do some work for me.” “Yes, sir,” says Jennings and thinks, “Boys who have birthdays on the holidays don’t know how lucky they are.” “Please, sir! Mr Wilkins, sir! But it’s Jennings’ birthday today!” “Oh! Well, if it is his birthday ... Well, let’s forget about it.” Mr Wilkins looks angrily at the boys who are not celebrating a birthday this morning and leaves. “Thank you, Darbi. It’s very nice of you to tell Old Wilkie that it is my birthday. I don’t want to stay in class during football on my birthday.” Э 2) In the text, find the words with the suffix -ly and translate them. What actions do these words characterize? Word Building Суффикс наречий -1у sudden — внезапный, suddenly — вдруг, внезапно, неожиданный неожиданно angry — сердитый angrily — ? quick — быстрый quickly — ? sleepy — сонный sleepily — ? SL 3) Learning to translate. Choose the Russian equivalents for the following phrases. 1. ... Darbishire is slow in all he does. A. ... Дарбишир всё делает медленно. B. ... Дарбишир всё делает тихо. ^ else [els] — ещё, кроме noise [noiz] — шум 34 Unit 4 2. Many happy returns of the day. A. Желаю счастливо провести день! B. Поздравляю с днём рождения! 3. ... why the boys of twelve can’t behave like teachers ... A. ... почему двенадцатилетние мальчики не могут вести себя, как учителя ... B. ... почему двенадцать мальчиков не могут вести себя, как учителя ... 4. It’s very nice of you ... A. Ты очень хороший ... B. Это очень мило с твоей стороны ... 4) According to the text mark the statements A—К true (T) or false (F). Prove it from the text, (reading for detail) a) Jennings and Darbishire are celebrating their birthdays. __ b) Jennings wants to go to the hall and meet the postman with the gift from his parents. ___ c) The postman comes quickly after the breakfast. ___ d) The boys don’t know what is special about the day. _____ e) The boys forget to say “Many happy returns”. ______ f) Jennings tells the boys about the birthday cake that his mother always makes for him. ____ g) On the way to the door Jennings meets the teacher and tells him about the birthday cake. ____ h) The teacher is angry about the noise. ____ i) The teacher says to Jennings to stay after classes and to do work for him. ____ j) Darbi tells the teacher about the birthday and the teacher says that Jennings can be free after classes. __ k) Jennings thanks Darbi for his help and leaves. ____ 5) Grammar. What do the boys usually do at the boarding school? (reading for detail) On their birthdays Usually On Fridays In detention‘ Bb 6) Grammar. What is happening at the moment described by the author of the story? ^detention [di'ten(t)J(3)n] — оставление после школы (в качестве наказания) 35 Unit 4 Unit 5 My favourite celebrations 1. People in different countries celebrate Christmas in different ways. 1) Read the articles and find out in which country: • not all people send greetings cards; • people celebrate Christmas in January; • people eat dishes from different countries; • people can visit the place where Father Christmas lives. (reading for specific information) Finland Finnish people think that Father Christmas lives in Finland. There is a big tourist theme park ‘Christmas Land’ or ‘Lapland’ where people can visit Father Christmas’s house. Christmas Eve is a very special time. People eat rice and drink plum juice in the morning. Then they decorate a Christmas tree in the house. In the evening people eat a traditional Christmas dinner: macaroni, potato, ham or turkey. France In France, people call Christmas ‘Noel’ [nau'el]. Everyone’ has a Christmas tree. People often decorate trees in the garden with lights. Father Christmas is called Pere Noel. The Christmas dinner is very important for the family. Not everyone sends Christmas cards. Russia Christmas and New Year is the important time — when ‘Father Frost’ brings presents to children. The Russians celebrate Christmas on January 7th. This is not usual for Europe. Special Christmas food is duck, cakes and pies. The United States of America In the USA, you will find many different ways of celebrating Christmas. A girl writes about Christmas food, “Our family likes turkey. My grandparents prefer Polish sausage^, vegetable dishes, and soups. My friend’s Italian family likes lasagna [lo'zaenjo]!” Santa Claus brings presents at midnight. 36 ^everyone ['evnwAn] sausage ['sosKfel - Units - каждый колбаса gL 2) Father Christmas has different names in different countries. What are they? Fill in the table, (reading for specific information) Finland France Russia The USA 3) Letters, signs and sounds. Classify the words from the articles according to the rules of reading of the letter Cc. [s] [k] 2. Jack Darent is a character from the story The Dead Man of Varley Grange went to the countryside on Christmas Eve. 1) Did anything magic happen in Varley Grange? (reading for the main idea) I met Jack Darent on December 23rd when everyone was going away for the holiday. “I’m going hunting. We’re going to stay in Varley Grange.” “Varley Grange?” I said. “Oh no, Jack. You shouldn’t go there.” “Why not?” he asked. “I’ve heard ... not very good things about that house,” I said. Varley Grange was an old house in Westernshire. Dennis Varley’s ghost^ walked around the house. A week later Jack came to my place again. “Well, Jack, how was the hunting?” From his white face I saw that all was not well. “I understand now what you were saying then,” he began. “I saw everything,” he said. “We all left London together. The next day we went hunting. After dinner we were drinking coffee and telling stories about hunting, when one of us shouted^ and pointed^ up. We all looked round and there was a man upstairs. He was looking down at us.” “What was he wearing?” I asked. “He was wearing black clothes, and his face was white and thin and he had a long beard and terrible eyes. He looked like a dead man.” 2) In the story, find the answers to the following questions, (reading for specific information) Where did Jack spend Christmas? What was the place famous for? What were Jack and his friends doing when they saw the ghost? ‘ a ghost [gsust] — привидение ^to shout Lraut] — кричать ^to point [point I — указывать Units 37 3) Using a dictionary. What did the ghost look like? Choose from the d4 tures. В FH 4) Find in the story these prepositions. What verbs do they go with? was going away — уезжал Grammar for Revision Prepositions of Place and Direction (Предлоги места и направления) Ф ____away up around V* down ■Ф •f round in 38 3. Children liked to spend time at Mrs Piggle-Wiggle’s house. 1) Why did the children often come to Mrs Piggle-Wiggle’s house? (reading for detail) Word Building any + where = anywhere — где-либо every + thing = everything — всё every + where = everywhere — ? One day at Mrs Piggle-Wiggle’s house two little girls were making cookies; one little boy was making pudding; a little girl was putting away all of Mrs Piggle-Wiggle’s clean clothes; two boys were Unit 5 painting the dog house; three little girls were washing Mrs Piggle-Wiggle’s old pirate stockings; and everywhere there were pirates: they were playing in the back yard, shouting, running into and out of the house and taking cookies. Mrs Piggle-Wiggle was sitting in the room. She was sewing dolls clothes. She was wearing a crowni on her head and Kitty Wheeling was standing near her throne (it was a chair). She was making Mrs Piggle-Wiggle’s hair beautiful. 2) Find the answers to the following questions, (reading for specific information) 1. How many children were there at Mrs Piggle-Wiggle’s house? 2. How many children were playing in the house? 3. What were the children doing inside^ the house? 4. Were the children running in the yard? 5. Who was sitting on the chair? 6. What were the children doing outside^ the house? Ц 3) Letters, signs and sounds, write out the words from the story according to the rules of reading of ou, ow. [au] 4. Rosemont School from the book Ellen Tebbits by B. Clearly had an open house. 1) Which event did the fourth-graders take part in? Find out from the story, (reading for the main idea) a) an exhibition b) folk dances c) a play A. It was the evening of the open house in Rosemont School. Ellen came into the school at night with her mother and father. She took them to the fourth-grade room. B. “What for?” asked Ellen, looking at Otis’s costume. “How can I know?” said Otis. “Come on.” C. Then Otis came into the room in his costume. He was wearing a blue jacket and long red stockings. “Hey,” he said. “Mrs Miller wants you.” D. Then Ellen showed her parents her desk. While she was showing her arithmetic workbook, Linda and Austine came into the room. They were both wearing purple skirts and white blouses. They looked happy and important when they took a box from Mrs Miller’s desk and went out of the room. crown [kraun] — корона ^inside [in'said] — внутри ® outside [out'said] — снаружи Unit 5 39 Е. Ellen followed Otis to the classroom. The children and the townspeople were running around in a game of tag. The rats in their brown costumes were jumping over the chairs. Mrs Miller clapped her hands from time to time, but they were not listening to her. Bl 2) Put the paragraphs in the correct order. The first and the last paragraphs are already in their places, (reading for detail) 1. A 2. 3. 4. 5. E 3) Learning to translate. What do the following words from paragraph E mean? Choose. tag 1) ярлык, этикетка, бирка; 2) конец, заключительная часть, эпилог; 3) санки, пятнашки clap 1) хлопать, аплодировать; 2) похлопать {по плечу) SL 4) Match the two parts of the sentences according to the story. A. When Otis came into the room, B. Linda and Austine came into the room C. When Ellen saw Linda and Austine, D. When Ellen and Otis came into the classroom. a. while Ellen was showing her workbook. b. they were wearing purple skirts and white blouses. c. the children, the townspeople and the rats were running and jumping. d. he was wearing a blue jacket and red stockings. Reading lesson What is the perfect Christmas tree? 5. Christmas trees decorate all houses at Christmas. 1) Using a dictionary. The story’s name is The Perfect Tree. What does the word ‘perfect’ mean here? Read the dictionary article and choose. perfect I'psTikt] 1) совершенный, безупречный; 2) точный, полный; 3) хорошо подготовленный 40 Unit 5 2) Read the story to check, (reading for the main idea) The Perfect Tree by Debra W. Hingley F inally, that day came to buy the perfect Christmas tree. I got into my car to find the Christmas tree. (1) ___________ I began to think what stories the trees might tell. I got out of my car and began to walk around, but I wasn’t choosing that perfect tree. I saw a man near me, he was looking at a branch^ on a tree and laughing. The branch was longer than the others. I stopped to listen to what he was saying, “Look at this tree! It is only good for the fire.” I looked at the tree and said, “But did you think that maybe that branch was special? A bird might sit on it.” The man looked at me, small tears^ were in his eyes. He smiled and said, “You know you are right, it is the perfect Christmas tree. It will be nice to see my daughter’s smile when she runs to the tree on Christmas morning. (2) ____________ ” I smiled and went on my way. Then I saw a mother with her children. (3) ____________ They were laughing at the strange^ little tree, too. I stopped and asked them, “What is funny about this little tree?” One of the boys answered with a laugh, “Two trees have wrapped around each other.” I looked at his mother and said, “Maybe one of the trees was very small, and the other tree had to help his brother.” The little boys were looking at the tree. Their mother then turned to me and said, “This tree is beautiful. It is just like my sons. (4) __________ When one falls'^ down, the other catches him.” And she bought that tree. During the Christmas holiday, when we are decorating our trees, think about all the stories that these trees may tell because they are all perfect in nature’s eyes. Bl 3) Choose the best answers to the following questions, (reading for detail) Read the Learning to Learn note on p. 17 first. 1. When did the author see the man? A. While she was sitting in the car. B. While she was walking around. C. While she was choosing a tree. branch [braintj] — ветвь tear ftia] — слеза ^strange [streincfe] — странный, незнакомый to fall [fo:l] — падать Units 41 2. What was the man doing when the author saw him? A. He was laughing at the tree branch. B. He was buying a tree. C. He was going away with the tree. 3. Why “were small tears in his eyes”? A. He was thinking about his daughter. B. He couldn’t buy the tree. C. He was afraid of the woman. 4. Why were the boys laughing at the tree? A. It was very small. B. There were two trees in one. C. They didn’t know how to decorate it. 5. Why did the boys’ mother buy the tree? A. There were no other trees. B. It was the smallest. C. The tree was like her sons. 4) Look at all the highlighted words and find out what they refer to. Read the Learning to Learn note on p. 25 first. Word What it refers to (к чему относится) he a man 5) Read the text and decide where the sentences (A—D) fit. A. They were looking at a tree. B. Where one goes the other follows. C. She will be happy to see her new doll on this wonderful branch. D. While I was sitting in my car. 6) Which of these trees have you read about in the story? 42 Units Г4 7) Was there anything special about your Christmas tree? What was its story? 8) Word Building. Find in the story words describing emotions and fill in the table. Nouns Verbs to smile to laugh aas 9) Grammar. Find in the story pronouns and fill in the table. Личное местоимение в именительном падеже Личное местоимение в объектном падеже Притяжательное местоимение 1 you your he her us they QBgL 10) Grammar. Find in the story prepositions that match with these pictures. Write out the verbs they go with. / I В f D 43 Unit 5 Unit 6 We’ve had a nice trip to England X. In the story The Demon Headmaster by G. Cross the author describes a school playground during the break. 1) What were the children doing during the break? Mark the following statements true (T) or false (F). (reading for detail) 1. The children were playing football. 2. The children were telling funny jokes from the TV show. 3. In one group the children were counting. 4. In another group the children were talking about the kings of England. 5. In a third group the children were naming capitals. 44 It was a big playground with groups of strange children. Dinah looked around. She thought that the children were playing football, skipping and He*. She thought that they were also telling jokes from Friday TV show. But it was not like that at all. All the children were standing in groups on the playground and saying something. When Dinah heard, she couldn’t believe^ it. “Nine twenty-ones are a hundred and eighty-nine. Ten twenty-ones are two hundred and ten. ^ to believe fbi'li:v] — поверить Unit 6 Eleven twenty-ones are two hundred and thirty-one...” How strangel She went to another group. She thought that they were doing something more interesting. What they were saying was different. “William the First* 1066 to 1087. William the Second* 1087 to 1100. Henry the First* 1100 to 1135...” Behind her she could hear a third group. “The capital of France is Paris. The capital of Spain is Madrid*. The capital of the United States is New York. The capital of Russia is Moscow. The capital of Brazil* is ...” Dinah walked around the playground, waiting for the bell. 2) Write the sums given in the text in numbers. S 3) Find the children’s mistakes and correct them. Si 4) Letters, signs and sounds. Classify the words from the box according to the rules of reading. [au] [эи] around joke house those about hello mouse town old how owl Moscow poet note show 2. Here is a story about a boy who made a grammar mistake. 1) What grammar mistake did he make? (reading for specific information) A schoolboy often wrote I have went. It was a grammar mistake. His teacher said: “Stay after school and write I have gone a hundred times. Then you will remember it.” After the lessons the boy was writing the verb form for 15 minutes. When the teacher came back, he saw the boy’s note: Dear Sir, I have written I have gone a hundred times cmd I have went. Sincerely yours, Pete 45 Unit 6 b т 2) Did the boy get rid of the mistake? What couldn’t he remember? gil 3) Grammar, write the verb forms from the box in the correct column. Past Simple (V2) wrote Present Perfect (have + V3) have written written went gone wrote spent came seen come saw worn ate spent wore sung did took sang taken eaten done BL 4) Grammar. Write out from the story the verb forms that match the tenses. Past Simple _________________________ Past Progressive _______________________ Present Perfect ________________________ 3. There is Caroline’s travel book on p. 47. 1) Which event did Caroline write about? Choose the correct answer, (reading for detail) a) a swimming competition b) her family holiday c) a boat race Unit 6 г at the map of the race and fill in the gaps in the travel book with the acographical names. S-wday, 6.08.2010 We arrived at Cowes at 5 pm. We start at 10 am on Monday. Monday, 7.08.2010 We have had a good start. There are 7 of us on a boat called “Kyla”. I am the youngest in the race. There are 85 boats in our class. Vtednesday, 9.08.2010 We have just passed' (1) It is our first day in the (2) Sea. Ш. "nday, 10.08.2010 We passed (3) at 9.17 am. Saturday, 11.08.2010, 9 pm We passed the (4) at 5 pm. Monday, 13.08.2010 From 6 to 7 pm we were watching a lot of dolphins. They were friendly. We finished the race at 6.23 am in (5) ____________We came second. Today is the most wonderful day of my life. Caroline, 15 pass Ipcrsj — проходить, пройти (мимо) Unit 6 47 SL 2) Look at the map of the race and fill in the gaps in the travel book with the geographical names. Sunday, 6.08.2010 We arrived at Cowes at 5 pm. We start at 10 am on Monday. Monday, 7.08.2010 We have had a good start. There are 7 of us on a boat called “Kyla”. I am the youngest in the race. There are 85 boats in our class. Wednesday, 9.08.2010 We have just passed^ (1) . It is our first day in the (2) Sea. Friday, 10.08.2010 We passed (3) at 9.17 am. Saturday, 11.08.2010, 9 pm We passed the (4) at 5 pm. Monday, 13.08.2010 From 6 to 7 pm we were watching a lot of dolphins. They were friendly. We finished the race at 6.23 am in (5) ____________We came second. Today is the most wonderful day of my life. Caroline, 15 to pass [pcLs] — проходить, пройти (мимо) Unit 6 47 ^ 3) Grammar. Which actions did Caroline describe? Tick. Write out the verb forms from the travel book to prove it. Действия, которые произошли в прошлом (важны действия и время их совершения) происходили в определённый момент или в течение какого-то периода в прошлом произошли в прошлом (важны действия, а не время их совершения) Reading lesson The trip I liked best of all 4. When people travel, they often write about their impressions. 1) Look through the following texts. Which is a postcard, a letter and a newspaper article? How did you guess? (reading for the main idea) 15 March Hello, Paul, I want to tell you that from London we went to Canterbury* by bus. It’s not a big city but it’s one of the ten most famous cities in Britain. Yesterday we were at the Canterbury Tales* attraction.^ For an hour we were watching a popular performance about the pilgrims. The actors were wonderful. It is the most interesting street performance I’ve ever seen. If you have never seen this wonderful attraction, you should see it. I’m sure you 11 enjoy it, too. Best wishes, Oliver 48 ' an attraction [э'1гзекДэ)п1 — аттракцион Unit 6 г I I » i i I I The Fastnet Boat Race The boat race started on August 8th from Plymouth. 85 boats took part in it. The boats were racing for five days. They passed the Scilly Isles, the Fastnet Rock and Land’s End*. The winner was the boat “Kyla”. The youngest girl in the race was Caroline. She is 15 years old. At the finish she said: “I’m happy. I’ve seen a lot of sea life and I’ve had wonderful impressions^ of the race.” Bill Thompson, First News reporter 1) Ч; В " |U I'i ^ I Dear Mum and Dad, I’m in Windsor* now. I’m having a good time. I’ve already been to Windsor Castle*. It’s great. Yesterday at 11.00 I was watching the Changing of the Guard*. I took this photo when the band was playing near the castle. Love and kisses from Clare. 2) Who wrote about a) a street performance? b) a competition? c) an official ceremony?^ ^an impression [im'prej(3)nj — впечатление ^a ceremony ['serimam] — обряд, церемония 49 Unite EL 3) The children and the newspaper reporter wrote about different places, things and events. What did you learn about them? Match. Windsor Kyla Windsor Castle The Canterbury Tales attraction Canterbury a town in England one of the official homes of the British Queen a street performance with Canterbury Tales characters the name of the boat EL 4) What did the children and the reporter write about? Mark the following statements with T (true) or F (false). Prove it from the texts. 1. Oliver travelled to London by bus. 2. Canterbury is the largest city in Britain. 3. Oliver enjoyed the performance about piligrims very much. 4. More than eighty boats took part in the competition. 5. The boats were competing for three days. 6. “Kyla” won the race. 7. Clare likes her trip to Windsor. 8. Clare went on the excursion to Windsor. 9. Clare liked the excursion very much. 10. Clare took photos of the Changing of the Guard. 5) There are some mistakes in the reporter’s article. Compare his information with Caroline’s travel book on p. 47. What information was not correct? Q 6) Grammar. What actions did the children and the reporter describe? Write out from the texts the verb forms in the correct column. Действия, которые Oliver Clare Bill Caroline произошли в прошлом (важны действия и время их совершения) происходили в определённый момент или период в прошлом произошли В прошлом (важны действия, а не время их совершения) 50 Unite Щ 7) Role р1э.у. Oliver, Clare and Caroline are sharing impressions about their trips. What are their questions? What are their answers? Have you ever...? Did you...? When/Where/What did you...? • • • •• 8) All about me. Share your impressions about the trip you liked best of all. 51 Unit 6 Unit 7 My future holiday 1. Lisa likes fishing very much. 1) Where does she fish? (reading for specific information) A. My father doesn’t take me fishing. “My dear girl, don’t hope to catch much, I am not the best fisherman* in the world, maybe I am the worst.” “Grandpa says that fishing is greatl B. He says that fresh^ fish is better than fish sticks.^” One morning my father comes up to me and says: “What are you doing today, my dear? I’m going to fish. Do you want to join me?” We are boating in the lake and we are sitting on the deck'* in the sun. It is very hot. C. Then my father has got one fish. The fish is on the deck. It is green and blue and silver and black in the sun. It is really beautiful! “Daddy, what are you going to do next?” “I am going to eat the fish for dinner,” my father said. “I don’t know. Maybe we will have just fish sticks.” 52 * a fisherman [Tijaman] — рыбак Afresh [freO — свежий ^a fish stick ['fif stik] — рыбная палочка ^a deck [dek] — палуба Unit? Му father looks at me and tosses^ the fish back in the lake. My father doesn’t take me fishing. That’s all right. We dii a lot of things together. We often plav computer games. Maybe we’ll be computer champions in the future. 2) Learning to translate. Choose the correct translation for the highlighted sentences A, В and C. A. Мой отец не даёт мне рыбачить. Мой отец не берёт меня на рыбалку. B. Он говорит, что свежая рыба лучше, чем рыбные палочки. Он говорит, что свежая рыба лучше, чем замороженная. C. И вот мой папа поймал рыбу. У моего папы есть рыба. 3) Why didn’t the father take Lisa fishing? What do you think? (reading for the main idea) A. The girl always asks her father to toss fish back in the lake. B. Lisa can’t fish. C. The father likes fishing alone. 5L 4) Grammar. Classify the underlined verbs. Present actions Future actions EL 5) Classify the words from the text on p. 52 according to the following rules of reading of the letter Aa. [ae] [a:] 2. Here is a children’s song. 1) What is the song about? Choose the correct answer, (reading for the main idea) a) about a dinner b) about tasty food c) about a future party Will you come to my party. Will you come? Bring vour own CUD and saucer. And a bun. We’ll eat iellv with a spoon. And plav games all afternoon. Will you come to my party. Will you come? ^ to toss [tDs] — бросать 53 Unit? ^ 2) What will you bring to the party? What will you do at the party? Replace the underlined words with the words from the box. your favourite dolls fly beautiful balloons have fun watch fish in the lake your favourite films watch interesting cartoons eat a chocolate cake 3. Tatiana often came to her grandmother’s house in summer. 1) What did she want to do there every year? Choose the meaning of the words below that fit the context, (reading for specific information) 1. extra 1. n 1) что-то дополнительное 2) высший сорт; 2. а 1) добавочный, дополнительный, лишний 2. seed 1. п 1) зерно 2) р1 собир. семена; 2. v сеять, засевать (поле) Tatiana liked her grandmother’s garden. She liked eating apples, she liked picking up apples and she liked apple pies.^ “Come quickly, grandma Bachi. We need three more apples for grandpa’s birthday pie,” said Tatiana. “My dear child,” grandma said, “I can’t walk fast.” Tatiana is singing: “One apple, two apples, three apples, four ... oops, I have one more.” “The extra apple will be for your pie,” grandma said. 54 ^a pie |pai| — пирог Unit? “But one apple won’t make a whole pie.” “Eat the apple and you will see.” “One seed, two seeds, three seeds, four,” grandma Bachi sang. “These came from the apple core.^” “I can’t make an apple pie with apple seeds!” “We will plant^ the seeds in the ground. And one day, when you are a grandma, you will pick up apples from YOUR apple tree and make an apple pie for your grandchildren. They will be happy.” “Great! I want to plant one apple tree every year!” 2) According to the text mark the statements A—E true (T) or false (F). Prove it from the text, (reading for detail) a) Tatiana picked up apples for her grandmother’s birthday pie. __ b) Tatiana and her grandmother went to the garden for more apples. ____ c) Tatiana made an extra pie. _____ d) The grandmother said, “The apple seeds are for your pie.” _____ e) The grandmother said, “You will have your apple tree and apples for your apple pie.” ____ SL 3) Letters, signs and sounds. Choose the words from the story which match the following rules of reading of the letter Ее. (el [i:J [19] 4, Stuart Little is a character of the book Stuart Little by E. B. White. He is the son of Mr and Mrs Little. They live in New York City. It is strange but Stuart looks like a mouse but acts like a boy. He likes playing games and he likes fun. 1) What competition did Stuart Little want to take part in? (reading for the main idea) A. Once Stuart saw a beautiful ship in the sea. She was a racing ship. Her name was the Wasp. Stuart liked the ship very much. B. Stuart found the owner^ of the ship and said to him, “I want to work on this ship. I hope you will take me.” C. “Well,” said the man. “Can you see that big racing ship?” “Yes, sir.” “It is the Lillian. Her owner is going to take part in a boat race. ^ a core [кэ:| — сердцевина ^to plant |pla;nt] — сажать ^an owner f'auna] — владелец 55 Unit? And the Lillian is faster than my ship. She always wins boat races. You must win this race.” D. “I think I will win it, sir.” “How are you going to win the race?” “I am going to sail* much faster than any other racing ship.” “Not in my ship.” “Then I will go straight and very fast to the finish.” E. “Bravo, my boy, you are taking part in the race in my ship. Win and you will get a good job.” ^ 2) Match the statements a—f with the right part of the story. Prove it from the story. There is one extra statement, (reading for detail) a) Stuart Little asks the owner of the ship to give him a job. b) Stuart Little says how he can win the race. c) Stuart Little says that the Lillian is a fast ship. d) Stuart Little likes the ship. e) The owner of the Wasp tells Stuart Little about another ship. f) Stuart Little is taking part in the ship race on the Wasp. 3) Grammar. Write out the sentences with the following verb forms: the Present Progressive, the Future Simple Tenses and To be going to. Reading lesson Jennings is ill 5. Jennings and Darbishire are characters of the book The Adventures of Jennings by Anthony Buckeridge. They are twelve and they are good friends. They live and study at a boarding school. 1) What did Jennings want very much? (reading for the main idea) At school Jennings and Darbishire worked hard^ for Mr Carter because they liked his lessons. They worked hard for the Head of the school because they were a little afraid of him and they worked hard for Mr Wilkins because they saw it was dangerous not to do it. There were other teachers in Linbury School, but very often they gave lessons to Form Three. Mr Carter was the best teacher for Jen- *to sail [sell I — идти под парусами ^hard |hu:dl — настойчиво, упорно 56 Unit 7 nings and Darbishire because he trained^ the famous First Eleven. Jennings trained hard to get into the First Eleven. He waited for summer when the matches started and his dream was to see his name in the list of the team.^ At last the happy day came. But Jennings was so nervous that he got ill. He came to Matron. She gave him a thermometer and waited. The result was not good. “You are running a temperature. But I hope you’ll be fine soon.” “Will I be fine for the match this afternoon?” “I think you’ll be fine tomorrow.” “But I want to be fine today. Our team is playing this afternoon. They’ll go without me and Johnson will play in my place I’m sure.” “Very nice for Johnson,” said Matron. Darbishire came to Jennings’ room after the match. “They won, one nil. Johnson scored the goal. He played a wonderful game. I think he’ll stay in the team.” Soon after Darbishire Mr Carter came. “Hello, Jennings. I’m sorry that you didn’t play. It was a good game. Johnson played well.” “Yes, I know, sir. And I don’t think that I’ll take part in the next match.” “But of course, you will play next Saturday.” “Oh, is our team going to play next Saturday?” “Yes, we are playing with Bracebridge School,” said Mr Carter. “M-m, yes, but now when I know that Johnson is very good, I think I won’t play in the First Eleven.” “Yes, you will. You and Johnson will play next time.” “Oh, wonderful, sir!” said Jennings. “Thank you very much, sir!” Jennings was happy again. S 2) Learning to translate, in the story, find the English equivalents of the following sentences. Они выиграли 1:0. У тебя высокая температура. Джонсон забил гол. Но Дженнингс так нервничал, что заболел. 3) What does ‘the First Eleven’ mean? Choose the right equivalent. a) первый состав футбольной команды b) первые одиннадцать человек * to train [trem] — тренировать(ся) ^а team — команда Unit? э/ 5b 4) Complete the sentences, (reading for detail) 1. Jennings worked hard for Mr Carter because a) he liked all school lessons. b) his lessons were interesting. 2. Jennings trained hard to play in a) the school football team. b) the match. 3. Jennings got ill because a) he was running a temperature. b) he was nervous. 4. “I think you’ll be fine a) today,” said Matron. b) tomorrow,” said Matron. 5. Jennings couldn’t play in the match because a) he didn’t get into the team. b) he was ill. 6. The team won because a) Johnson scored the goal. b) Jennings didn’t play in the match. 7. Jennings wasn’t sure that a) he could stay in the team. b) Johnson could play in the next match. 8. Mr Carter said that a) Jennings and Johnson could play in the next match. b) Jennings could play in the team next year. 5b 5) Grammar. Write out the sentences with the future actions. Действие, которое собираются совершить Запланированные действия Действия, которые будут совершены в будущем 58 Unit? Unit 8 My best impressions 1. Here is a foreword to one of the most popular children’s books. 1) Which paragraph is about the author? Which paragraph is about the book character? (reading for the main idea) A. James Matthew Barrie [cfeeimz 'mseGju: 'baeri| (I860—1937) was a writer. He was born in Scotland in 1860. He was the ninth of the ten children in the family. He studied at Edinburgh University. He started to work as a journalist., then he began to write novels and stories. He wrote many novels and stories, but we know him as the author of Peter Pan. B. J. M. Barrie wrote his famous play Peter Pan in 1904. Since that time it has become a regular event. Every Christmas children in England, the USA and other English-speaking countries can watch at the theatre the fantasy about a boy who didn’t want to be an adult and who went to Never-Never Land. In 1911 Barrie wrote Peter Pan in novel form. In 1951 W. Disney* made a Peter Pan cartoon. In England there are two monuments to Peter Pan — one statue is in London in Kensington Gardens*, the second — in Liverpool. rq 2) What did you learn about J. M. Barrie and Peter Pan? Make up sentences. a) J. M. Barrie b) Peter Pan was wrote is a play a boy a novel a novelist a playwright a cartoon a statue a writer ..'J 2. Jessica and her boyfriend Josh from The Older Boy by F. Pascal went to the circus. 1) Put the story in the correct order, (reading for detail) A. ...The performance was finishing. A lion tamer, a fire-eater, and three dancing bears were in the first part of the evening. Everyone was having a wonderful time. “Having fun?” Josh asked Jessica. B. ...The master of the ceremonies was coming into the centre of the arena. “Ladies and gentlemen!” he said. “Welcome to the tenth Unit 8 59 visit of our circus to Sweet Valley! Meet three great clowns — Lo, Mo, and Bo!” A door of the big arena opened and three short, fat clowns rode out on unicycles. C. ...The circus came to Sweet Valley only once a year, and it stayed in town only two weekends. Jessica wanted to go to the circus very much. “I’d like to go to the circus! I’ve been there three times. Are they going to have those three clowns on the unicycles?” EL 2) Who was in the arena in the first part of the performance? Find in the story the English equivalents of the following words and write them down. Танцующие медведи____________________________ Дрессировщик со львами Фокусник _____________ Конферансье __________ Клоуны на одноколёсных велосипедах SL 3) What did Josh ask Jessica about? Write the full form sentence. EL 4) What actions does the author describe? Write out the verb forms and match them with the tenses. Write out one verb form for each case, if any. Действия, которые Сказуемое Видо-временная форма произошли в прошлом (важны действия и время их совершения) came Present Simple *“Past Simple Future Simple Present происходили в определённое время в прошлом произошли в прошлом (важны действия, а не время их совершения) происходят в определённый момент в настоящем Progressive Past Progressive происходят обычно в настоящем могут произойти в будущем Present Perfect запланированы на будущее собираемся совершить в будущем to be going to Гя 5) Have you ever been to the circus? Did you like the performance? Why? 60 Unit 8 Reading lesson A day in Disneyland 3. Read the story about the Wellers. 1) What is it about? Choose the best answer, (reading for the main idea) It’s about a) how they spent their holidays. b) how they are going to spend their holidays next summer. c) how they are spending some time on holiday. The Wellers are in Anaheim, California*, the USA. They are going to spend four days in Disneyland*. Stuart has already been there. He travelled to California three years ago. He had a wonderful time there and now he i§ telling his family about it. — There are six different lands at Disneyland. Each land has a lot of rides. My favourite was Tomorrowland. I drove in a time car and took an underwater ride. It was exciting. — Will we see everything? asks Melanie. — Oh, no. We’ll choose only some things. Let’s start with Main Street. They have bought tickets and got in the magic park. In Main Street they see how America looked one hundred years ago. There are also a lot of places for entertainment. Melanie wants to watch Steamboat Willie — the first sound cartoon about Mickey and Minnie. Then they are going to explore the park. — Where are we going now? asks Melanie. — You like adventures.^ Would you like to see an alligator? Or would you like to see pirates? — Pirates! They have found the pirate ride in Adventureland and now they are boating in a tunnel. — Look! The pirates are here! The pirates are sailing in a big ship. They are shouting. They are attacking the town. * an adventure fad'ventja] — приключение 61 Units Flames^ are jumping everywhere. — Special effects'^ asks Melanie. — Yes, they are wonderful. The first day in Disneyland has finished. The Wellers are sure that the magic of the Magic Kingdom will stay with them for a long time. 2) Read the Word Building note and guess the meaning of the highlighted words in the story. Word Building Сложные слова tomorrow (завтрашний день, будущее) + land (страна) = tomorrowland — страна будущего adventure + land = adventureland — ? under + water = underwater — ? SL 3) Are there answers to these questions in the story? Tick yes or no. If yes, what are the answers? (reading for detail) Yes/No Where is Disneyland? ------- Who was in Disneyland three years ago? ------- How did Stuart travel to California? ------- What did Stuart like best of all in Disneyland? ------- Will Melanie see everything in Disneyland? ------- How did America look one hundred years ago? ------- What is Steamboat Willie? ------- Where are the Wellers going now? ------- How many alligators are there in Disneyland? ------- How much are the tickets for the pirate ride? ------- How many rides are there in Adventureland? ------- Did the Wellers watch a pirate ride? ------- Did Melanie like the special effects? ------- How much time did the Wellers spend in Disneyland?---------- Will the Wellers stay in Disneyland for a long time? ------- 4) How did the family spend the first day in Disneyland? Match the two columns and give details. First Then After that they took a pirate ride. They ... they watched a cartoon. It ... ' they learnt the history of America. They 62 flame |fleim] — язык пламени Units ^ 5) Match the underlined verb forms in the story with the correct tense and usage. a) Past Simple b) Future Simple c) Present Progressive d) Present Perfect e) to be going to f) Present Simple g) для действий, которые произошли в прошлом (важны действия и время их совершения) h) для действий, которые могут произойти в будущем 1) для действии, которые происходят в определенный момент в настоящем j) для действий, которые произошли в прошлом (важны действия, а не время их совершения) k) для действий, которые собираемся совершить l) для обычных действий, состояний в настоящем 6) Choose the best title for the story. Explain your choice. a) The Magic Land b) Adventureland c) Tomorrowland 63 Units Supplementary reading Дополнительное чтение X. You are going to read an English tale Country Mouse and City Mouse. 1) Using a dictionary. How can you describe a town and a country? Match the words in the columns. terrible peaceful awful beautiful big ordinary soft busy splendid wonderful cows and horses streets grass flowers noise fields country cats sounds houses Mind! noise — шум, гам, неприятный звук sound — звук Word Building Суффикс прилагательных -ful beauty — красота beautiful — красивый colour — цвет colourful — ? 2) Read the tale and find out how the author uses the words from ex. 1.1). Compare the word combinations from the text with your own word combinations, (reading for specific information) Once upon a time there lived a busy little mouse. He lived in the country. One morning his cousin came to visit him. He lived in the town. 64 Supplementary reaijing “The country is peaceful,” said Town Mouse. “The flowers are beautiful and the grass is soft and wonderful.” But that night Town Mouse came to Country Mouse. “Oh, cousin,” said Town Mouse. “I am frightened.* There are terrible noises outside.” Country Mouse listened. “Those are just ordinary country sounds,” he said. The next day. Country Mouse was busy as usual. He picked up berries and seeds to store for winter.^ But Town Mouse did not want to work. In the afternoon. Country Mouse made a picnic for his cousin. But Town Mouse was frightened of big cows and horses in the field. “Come back to town with me,” he said to his cousin. “You’ll love it there.” So Country Mouse went to visit Town Mouse. After a long day’s journey, they came to the big house in a noisy street where Town Mouse lived. “Isn’t it splendid?” asked Town Mouse. But Country Mouse could not hear him because of the cars. The mice had all the food they could eat from the pantry.® But Country Mouse didn’t like it. “I think I’ll go to bed now,” he said. But he didn’t sleep! The streetlights kept him awake^ all night. And next morning, an awful cat tried to eat Country Mouse but Town Mouse saved his cousin from the cat! “Thank you for having me to stay,” said Country Mouse, “but I’m going home.” ‘frightened ['frait(3)nd| — напуганный ^... picked up berries and seeds to store for winter — для заготовки на зиму pantry ['paentri] — кладовая “*to keep awake [ki:p a'weik] — не давать заснуть собирал ягоды и семена Supplementary reading 65 SL 3) Which sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Find the sentences i the text to prove your opinion, (reading for specific information) 1. There were two mice that lived in the country. _______________ in 2. First Country Mouse came to the town to visit his cousin. ------- 3. The terrible noise frightened Town Mouse at night. ------- 4. The next day Town Mouse and Country Mouse picked up food for winter. ____ 5. Town Mouse made a picnic for his cousin. _______ 6. Town Mouse was not afraid of cows and horses. -------- 7. Town Mouse invited his cousin to visit the town. ------- 8. The town was noisy. ______ 9. Country Mouse couldn’t sleep at night. ______ 10. The awful cat wanted to eat Country Mouse. 11. Country Mouse stayed to live in the town. _ m 4) Did Town Mouse like the life in the country? What did he like? What didn’t he like? Use the words from the text to prove your opinion. 5) Did Country Mouse like the life in the town? What did he like? What didn’t he like? Use the words from the text to prove your opinion. 66 6) Here are some English proverbs. a) Read the English proverbs. Match them with the translations. An Englishman’s home is his castle. There is no place like home. Every bird likes its own nest. Every dog is a lion at home. Всякая птица своё гнездо любит. Дом англичанина — его крепость. Любая собака в своём доме — лев. Нет места подобно дому. b) Match the English proverbs with the Russian proverbs. Дома и стены помогают. (Всяк кулик на своём болоте велик.) Мой дом — моя крепость. Всяк кулик своё болото хвалит. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. c) Choose the proverb that describes the main idea of the tale. 2. Here is a popular English poem This is the Key of the Kingdom. EL 1) Read the first part of the poem and complete the second part. Use a dictionary. (reading for detail) This is the key of the kingdom: Вот ключ от королевства In that kingdom there is a city. Supplementary reading In that city there is a town. In that town there is a street. In that street there is a lane. In that lane there is a yard. In that yard there is a house. In that house there is a room. In that room there is a bed. In that bed there is a basket. In that basket there are some flowers. Flowers in a basket. Basket on the bed. Bed in the ... __________________ House in the ... Lane in the City in the kingdom. Of the kingdom this is the key. Ц 2) Can you translate the poem? Compare your translation with S. Marshak’s translation. Ключ от королевства Вот вам ключ от королевства: В королевстве — город, А в городе — улица. А на улице есть двор, На дворе — высокий дом, В этом доме — спаленка, В спальне — колыбелька, В колыбельке — ландышей Полная корзина. Ландышей, Ландышей — Полная корзина. Ландыши — в корзине. Корзина — в колыбельке. Колыбелька — в спаленке. 67 Supplementary reading А спаленка — в доме. Дом стоит среди двора, Двор глядит на улицу, А улица — в городе. Город — в королевстве. Вот от королевства ключ, Ключ от королевства! 3) What are the differences between the English poem and the Russian translation? Read out the sentences and write out the words that are different. English poem flowers Russian poem ландыши 3. The Grandmother from An Old-fashioned Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott was ill and the children’s parents Mr and Mrs Bassett had to go to her house. 1) How did the Bassett children spend the day without the parents? (reading for the main idea) 44"X Tow, Eph. You must look after the cows,” said Mr Bassett. 14 “Tilly, look after the children. I depend on^ you, my daughter,” said Mrs Bassett. And they went away. The next morning when the children woke up, like early birds, it was snowy, but the little Bassetts jumped up and went downstairs. Eph went to the barn^, and Tilly soon cooked a great pot of porridge ready. (1) ______________ “Now about dinner,” said Tilly, while the children were eating. “Ma said we could have what we liked, but we can’t have a real Thanksgiving dinner, because she won’t be here to cook it, and we don’t know how,” began Prue. “I can roast a turkey and make a pudding, I think. (2) _______________. And we can cook vegetables,” cried Tilly. “Yes, yes!” cried all the boys, “let’s have a dinner; Ma won’t be against.” “Pa is coming tonight. So we won’t have dinner till late; that will give us a lot of time,” said Tilly. She suddenly understood how important the task was. “Have you ever roasted a turkey?” asked Roxy with interest. 68 ^ to depend on — надеяться barn [ba:n| — коровник Supplementary reading “You will see what I can do. I’m going to make the dinner. And you should keep out of the way И and Prue and me will work. The little children can play in the big room. We will prepare the sitting room for dinner,” said Tilly. “I don’t know about that. Ma didn’t tell us to,” began Eph. “(3) _____________ Won’t Ma want the children to be safe and warm? Can I make a nice dinner with four children under my feet all the time? Come, now, if you want a turkey, plum pudding and pies. And you’ll have to do as I tell you,” said Tilly. 2) Choose the best answers to the following questions, (reading for detail) 1. What did the Bassetts have for breakfast? A. porridge with milk B. turkey and pudding C. vegetable soup 2. What did the Bassetts decide to have for dinner? A. vegetables B. turkey, pudding and pies C. porridge with milk 3. Who will cook the dinner? A. Tilly and Prue B. Tilly alone C. the father 4. What will the small children do? A. sit in the room B. play in the room C. make dinner 5. How many children were there in the family? A. four B. five C. seven 3) Read the text and decide where the sentences (A—C) fit. Look at the words like pronouns {it, she ...) in these sentences (A—C) and decide what they refer to. A. Don’t we always do it Sundays and Thanksgivings? B. The pies are all ready, too. C. With warm milk it made a good breakfast for the seven children. ^ keep out of the way — держаться в стороне 69 Supplementary reading BL 4) Find in the story the examples of the following constructions and translate the sentences. The Present Perfect Tense The Past Progressive Tense The Present Progressive Tense (future meaning) To be going to Modal verbs 4. In the story the Lost Boy Chris Culshaw describes Paul's adventures. 1) How did Paul’s adventures start? Choose the best answer. a) Paul went to the shop. b) Paul went to the school. c) Paul went to the park. en! Ken! Have you seen our Paul?” Ken was in the garden. X\.He was fixing his bike when Mrs Collins, who lived next door, asked him. “Sorry, Mrs Collins. I haven’t seen him all day.” “Will you do me a favour,^ Ken? Will you go^ to the corner shop and see where he’s got to. He went off on his bike, at about 10 o’clock, to buy some sugar.” “All right, Mrs Collins.” Ken fixed his bike and set off down the street to the corner shop. Mrs Patel, who ran the shop, said, “He was here. Yes, I know this boy. Blue pullover. Yes, he was here. He bought sugar, I think. Yes, sugar.” Ken looked up and down the street. Three girls were playing football opposite the post office. Ken rode to them. “Do you know Paul Collins?” The three girls came over to Ken. “Nice bike,” said one of them. “Can I have a goV” “Stop messing about! Do you know Paul? He was in the shop an hour ago. Blue pullover. Riding a green BMX*.” The girls hadn’t seen Paul. Mrs Collins was waiting at the door. “No sign of him, Ken?” ^Will you do me a favour? — Выполни мою просьбу, пожалуйста ^Will you go — Пойди, пожалуйста ^Can I have a go? — Могу я прокатиться? 70 Supplementary reading “No. Hels been to the shop. I’ll go and have another look for him, Mrs Collins. 11Д ride to the park and to the school. He sometimes plays football there. Don’t worry, he’ll turn up.” § 2) Learning' to translate. Find the following words and word combinations in the story and choose the best meaning. to fix [fiks] to mess [mes] to run [глп] sign [sain] to turn up [Чз:п'лр] 1) устанавливать; 2) чинить, ремонтировать 1) производить беспорядок; 2) ~ about a) возиться (с чем-либо); b) приставать (тс кому-либо) 1) бежать, двигаться; 2) управлять, владеть {делом, предприятием) 1) знак, символ; 2) вывеска; 3) след 1) поднимать вверх; 2) находиться, обнаруживаться SL 3) Put the events into the correct order according to the story. A. Paul went to the shop to buy sugar. B. Ken went to the shop. C. Ken asked the girls about Paul. D. Ken fixed his bike. E. Ken went to the park. SL 4) Write the full forms of the underlined verb forms. Supplementary reading 71 Linsfuistic and cultura Лингвострановедческий справочник ВМХ I'bi: em 'eks| велосипед для катания по грубому грунту с усиленной рамой и маленькими широкими колёсами; дети любят кататься на этих велосипедах и исполнять трюки. Brazil [brs'zilj Бразилия — самая большая страна в Южной Америке, столица — г. Бразилиа. California ['кае1э'Гэ:п1э] Калифорния — штат на тихоокеанском побережье США. Сокращённо — СА. Самые большие города штата — Сан-Франциско и Лос-Анджелес. Столица — г. Сакраменто. Canterbury ['кзетэЬэп] Кентербери — один из древнейших городов Англии в графстве Кент. Canterbury Tales I'kaentabari 'teilz] 1. «Кентерберийские рассказы» — известное произведение английского средневекового писателя Джеффри Чосера, которое повествует о путешествии паломников в Кентербери; 2. музей в Кентербери. Changing of the Guard, the [Ч/ешфо sv бэ 'ga:d] смена караула — церемония, регулярно проводимая около Букингемского дворца, в которой гвардейцы, одетые в красную форму и чёрные медвежьи шапки, сменяют один другого. Эта красочная церемония привлекает много туристов. county ['kauntil графство — единица административного деления в Великобритании (кроме Шотландии), округ — единица административного деления США. Curie I'kjuan], Marie Гта:п) Мария Кюри (1867—1934) — известный физик польского происхождения, которая вместе со своим мужем, французом Пьером Кюри, изучала радиоактивность и открыла два новых радиоактивных элемента. Она получила две Нобелевские премии и стала первой женщиной, получившей её. Dahl |da:l], Roald ['raualdj Роалд Дал (1919—1990) — один из самых известных детских английских писателей. Его произведения читают дети всего мира. Среди его книг «Матильда», «Чарли и шоколадная фабрика», «Дэнни — чемпион мира». Многие книги Роалда Дала были экранизированы. Disney I'dizni], Walt [wo:ltl Уолт Дисней (1901 —1966) — основатель и продюсер известной американской компании по производству мультипликационных фильмов. Disneyland I'diznilaend] Диснейленд — огромный детский парк в штате Калифорния, США, открытый в 1955 году компанией Уолта Диснея. Все аттракционы связаны с героями мультфильмов этой компании. Emerald Island, the ['emrold 'ailand] Изумрудный остров — поэтическое название Ирландии, данное из-за ярко-зелёного цвета растительности. 72 Linguistic and cultural guide family tree ['femli 'tri:] семейное древо — рисунок или план, показывающий отношения между членами семьи за большой период времени. В Британии и Америке люди любят проводить время, выясняя свою родословную. grizzly ['grizlij гризли — подвид бурого медведя, обитающий преимущественно на Аляске и в западных районах Канады. Строением тела и внешним видом гризли весьма похож на обычного бурого медведя, но в целом крупнее, тяжелее и сильнее его. Harriet the Spy [,hgen3t дэ 'spaij «Шпион Харриет» — книга американской писательницы Луизы Фицхью о девочке, которая очень любила следить за всеми окружающими её людьми. Не! [hi;| «Он попался!» водящий.) популярная детская игра типа салок. («Не» Henry I ['henn бэ 'faistj Генрих I (1068—1135) — король Англии (1100—1135), младший сын Вильгельма I. Kensington Gardens ['kenzigtan 'ga:dnz| Кенсингтон-гарденз — королевский парк вокруг Кенсингтонского дворца в лондонском районе Кенсингтон. До 1728 года представлял собой часть Гайд-парка. На берегу озера находится статуя Питера Пэна, установленная в 1912 году. Вдоль западной части парка расположена улица Кенсингтон-Палас-Гарденз, на ней большую часть зданий занимают роскошные особняки и посольства. Land's End I'laendz 'end| Лэндс-Энд — мыс, который считается самой крайней точкой на юго-западе Великобритании. Madrid [ma'drid] Мадрид — столица Испании. mac |maek|, mackintosh I'maekintoJl макинтош — плащ из водоотталкивающей ткани, названный в честь изобретателя прорезиненной ткани химика Ч. Макинтоша (1766-1843). Milne [miln], Alan I'aebn] Alexander I'aelig'zaindo] Алан Александр Милн (1882— 1956) — английский писатель, известный своими книгами о Винни-Пухе и стихами для детей. В России его истории о Винни-Пухе публикуются в пересказе Бориса Заходера. Morpurgo [тэ;'рз:дэи], Michael ['maikl] Майкл Морпурго (р. 1943) — английский писатель, поэт, драматург, известный своими произведениями для детей. В 1976 году он и его жена Клэр основали благотворительную программу Farms for City Children (Фермы для городских детей), которая позволяет детям из разных городов познакомиться с жизнью на ферме. Queen Магу 2, the [kwi:n 'mean бэ 'sekand] «Королева Мария 2» — 1) один из крупнейших и наиболее комфортабельных океанских лайнеров в мире. Построен во Франции в 2003 году и принадлежит одному из британских пароходств. На борту лайнера располагается более 1300 кают, пять бассейнов, теннисный корт, театр, кинотеатры, рестораны и т. д.; 2) любое морское или речное судно заменяется в повествовании местоимением she: The Queen Mary 2 is one of the biggest and most comfortable ocean liners. She was built in France in 2003. Linguistic and cultural guide 73 Rugrats ['PAgraets] «Ох, уж эти детки!» — детский мультфильм о компании маленьких детей в Америке, которые играют вместе и представляют, что они отправляются в удивительные путешествия, даже играя в обычные игры. Trojan War, the [дгэибзэп 'wo:| Троянская война — согласно «Илиаде» и «Одиссее», 10-летняя война между греками и троянцами, возникшая из-за того, что сын царя Трои Парис похитил прекрасную Елену, жену царя Спарты Менелая. По преданию, греческие воины, осаждавшие Трою, спрятались в огромном деревянном коне, подаренном Трое в знак примирения. Троянцы, не подозревая о хитрости греков, ввезли его в пределы города. Ночью греки вышли из коня и впустили остальное войско. Так пала Троя. Раскопки Трои показали, что около 1260 года до н. э. город испытал длительную осаду и был разрушен, таким образом подтвердились сведения греческих преданий. welly I'weli], wellingtons ('weliptanz] веллингтоны — высокие резиновые сапоги, а также высокие кожаные сапоги для верховой езды, спереди прикрывающие колено. Названы они в честь герцога Веллингтона (1769 -1852), который носил такие сапоги. Where's Wally? I'weaz 'wnli] «Где Уолли?» — серия детских книг, созданная британским художником Мартином Хендфордом. В них на картинке среди большого количества людей и предметов нужно найти Уолли, который одет в полосатую красно-белую рубашку, носит очки, шапку с кисточкой и опирается на деревянную трость. Он постоянно теряет свои вещи, например книги, которые тоже нужно найти на картинке. Отыскать Уолли на картинке не просто из-за обилия различных персонажей и предметов, отвлекающих внимание. William I (or William the Conqueror) I'wiljam do 'f3:st| Вильгельм I (или Вильгельм Завоеватель) (1027-1087) — герцог Нормандии, который ста.з королём Англии после победы над королём Гарольдом в битве при Гастингсе в 1066 году. Он построил много замков, чтобы контролировать Англию, изменил устройство общества и права тех, кто владел землёй. William II ['wiljsm бэ 'sekand] Вильгельм II (1056—1100) — король Англии в 1087—1100 годах. Windsor ['winza] Виндзор — город в южной Англии на р. Темзе, известен своим замком. Windsor Castle I'winza 'ka:sl] Виндзорский замок — одна из официальньпг загородных резиденций английских монархов, расположенная в городе Виндзог». Строительство замка было начато при Вильгельме Завоевателе (см. William I (or William the Conqueror). В 1992 году замок сильно пострадал от пожарено в 1998 году вновь был открыт для посетителей. 74 Linguistic and cultural guide List of names Personal names Atkinson I'setkinssn] Austine ['nstin] Bachi I'bastji] Byars [baiz] Caroline ['кгегэ1ат] Celia ['si:li3] Chuckie Finster I'tjAki 'finsta) Darbi |'da:bi] Darbishire I'dabija] Darent ['daerant] Elson f'elsan] Fitzhugh [fits'hju:] Gail |geil| Gillian ['d3ili3n] Glossbrenner ['glnsbrena] Jennings |'d3enioz] Jessica f'd3esikal Louise flu'i:z] Margie ['ma:d3i) Melanie ('melanil Michael ['maiklj Morpurgo [тэ:'рз;дэи] Paul [рэ:1] Sarah ['seara] Simon ['saimanj Stuart ['stju:atj Sue |sju;] Trunchbull ['trAntJbull Varley f'va:li] Wheeling ['wi:lir)j Geographical names Anaheim f'asnahaim] Canada ['kaenadaj Chicago [fi'ka:gau] Devon I'devn] Dublin I'dAblml Finland ['finland] France ffra:ns] Kirriemuir |kin'mjua) London I'Undan] Minnesota [mmi'sauta] Moscow f'mDskau] New York |;nju: 'ja:k] Paris ['paeris] Plymouth f'plima0] Scilly Isles, the ['sili 'ailz] Spain Ispein] United States, the [ju;'naitid 'steits] USA, the |,u:es'ei] Westernshire |'westanja| Others Crunchem Hall I'krAntfam 'ha:l] Lillian, the ['lilian] Pere Noel ['pea nau'el] Santa Claus ['ssenta kla:z] Varley Grange |'va:li 'gremd3] Wasp, the [wnsp] 92 Vocabulary Irregular verbs (Неправильные глаголы) be [bi:] was/were [wozAva:] been [bi:n] быть, находиться bear [Ьеэ] bore [Ьэ:] born [Ьэ:п] переносить become [ЬГклт] became [bi'keim] become [bi'kAm] делаться, становиться begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gaen] begun [ЬГдлп] начинать(ся) bring [brio] brought [brc:t] brought [bro:t] приносить, доставлять build [bild] built [blit] built [blit] строить buy [bail bought [bo:t] bought [bo:t| покупать, приобретать catch [kaetf[ caught [ko:t] caught [ko:t] ловить, схватывать come [клт] came [keim] come [клт] приходить do [du:| did [did] done ]dAn] делать drive [draiv] drove [drauv] driven ['drivan] вести (автомобиль) eat [i:t[ ate [et] eaten ['i;tn[ есть, поедать fall [fo;l] fell [fel] fallen [Тэ:1эп] падать, понижаться feed [fi:d| fed [fed] fed [fed] кормить feel [fi:l] felt [felt] felt [felt] чувствовать find [faind[ found [faund] found [faund] находить fly [flai] flew [flu:| flown [Пэип] летать forget [fs'get] forgot [fa'gnt] forgotten [fa'gotn] забывать get [get] got [got] got [got] получать go [дэи[ went [went] gone [gon] идти, ходить grow [дгэи[ grew [gru:] grown [дгэип] расти, произрастать have [haev| had [haed] had [haed] иметь hear [hia] heard [h3:d] heard [h3;d| слышать hit [hit] hit [hit] hit [hit] ударять hold [hsuld] held [held] held [held] держать, проводить keep [ki:p] kept [kept] kept [kept] держать, хранить know [пэи] knew [nju;] known [пэип] знать learn [h:n] learnt [l3:nt| learnt [l3:nt] учиться leave [li:v] left [left] left [left] покидать, оставлять let [let] let [let] let [let] позволять, разрешать make [meik] made [meid] made [meid] делать Vocabulary 93 mean [mi:n| meant [ment] meant [ment] значить, означать meet [mi:t| met [met] met [met] встречать(ся) put [put] put [put] put [put] класть read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] читать ride [raid] rode [raud] ridden ]'ndn] ехать верхом run |глп| ran [raen] run ]глп] бежать say [seij said [sed] said [sed] говорить, сказать see [si:j saw [so:] seen [si:n] видеть, смотреть sell [sel] sold [sauld] sold [sauld] продавать send [send] sent [sent] sent [sent] посылать, отправлять set [set] set [set] set [set] ставить, помещать sew [s3u| sewed [saud] sewn [saun] шить shake [feik] shook Lfuk] shaken ['Jeikan] трясти sing [sioi sang [saeo] sung [SAO] петь sit [sit] sat [saet] sat [saet] сидеть sleep [sli:p] slept ]slept] slept [slept] спать speak [spi:k] spoke [spauk] spoken ['spaukan] говорить spell [spel] spelt [spelt] spelt [spelt] писать или произносить (слово) по буквам spend [spend] spent [spent] spent [spent] тратить stand [staend] stood [stud] stood [stud] стоять swim [swim] swam [swaem] swum ]swAm| плавать, плыть take [teik] took [tuk] taken ['teikan] брать teach [ti:tj] taught [ta:t] taught [ta:t] учить, обучать tell [tel] told [tauld] told [tauld] рассказывать; говорить; сказать think [Gipk] thought [0a:t] thought [9a:t] думать wear [wes] wore [wa:] worn [wo:n] носить (одежду) win [wm] won [WAn] won [WAn] побеждать write [rait] wrote [raut] written ['ntn] писать 94 Vocabulary Словарь список СОКРАЩЕНИЙ прилагатель- Английские а — adjective — имя ное adv — adverb — наречие АЕ — American English — американский вариант английского языка attr. — attribute — определение BE — British English — британский вариант английского языка card. cardinal — количественное числительное cj — conjunction — союз demonair. — demonstrative (pronoun) “ указательное (местоимение) indef. — indefinite (pronoun) — неопределённое (местоимение) ini — interjection — междометие i/tler. — interrogative — вопросительный ” noun — имя существительное пит. — numeral — числительное Русские Qft - • нвиация ~~ ®Р®^*^*^**® (язык) главным образом ' ~~ ''Рамматический термин ' ^ здесь — “cm. зоология Исторический "сл '^втематика •‘^мецкий {язык) “сэ/д ~~ обыкновенно , ' поэтическое слово, выражение POig прилагательное Иие ^®^*’о®ориое слово, выраже- ord. ordinal — порядковое числительное рега. — personal (pronoun) — личное (местоимение) plural множественное число роаа. — possessive (pronoun) — притяжательное (местоимение) РФ- past participle — причастие прошедшего времени, или причастие II predic. — predicative — употребляется в качестве именной части составного именного сказуемого pref — prefix — приставка prep — preposition — предлог pron — pronoun — местоимение refl. — reflexive — возвратный sing — singular — единственное число al — slang — сленг, жаргон V — verb — глагол русск. C.H. — собир. сокр. -спорт, тж. ~ употр. физ. — фр. — хим. ~ шотл. ЯП. — — русский (язык) смотри — собирательно(е) — сокращение, сокращённо — физкультура и спорт — также -= употребляется — физика французский (язык) — химия — шотландский японский (язык) 75 Vocabulary 76 Ла не* „bout 1УЬ;шЧ I. ""око'юГй) о в соответствии с поступать: act larkll u 1) действовать, посгу 2) театр, играть acUon I'fck/nl n activity laek'livilil и деятельность actor |*flckt3| п актёр address jo'dresl n адрес adult Гжd^lt| n взрослый, совершеь нолетний. зрелый человек adventure lod'vcm/э! п приключение advise |ad'vaiz| и советовать afraid la'frcidl а испуганный: be - of бояться after I'afbl prep после afternoon I,a;fb'nu:n| n послеполуденное время attain |э'дел| adv снова, опять ago |а'дзи| adv тому назад agree |з'дп;| о соглашаться all |э;1| Indef. ргоп все all right ('з;Ггаи1 ini хорошо!, ладно! alligator ГагЬдеНэ] п аллигатор almost |'3:!ni3usti adv почти, едва не alone |э'1эоп] а predic. 1) один, одинокий; 2) сам, без посторонней помощи aloud Is'Iaud] adv вслух already (Dirredi] ado уже also [ 3:ls30| adv тоже, также always I'oJwizl ado всегда American (э'тепкэп) « амепнканг«„“ „ развлекать angrily I'sognliJ ado сердит« no-, ванно ’ Р®згие- “ngry Гжцдп] a сердитый ,»ЫЙ! be - with оерлктьт/ c*r„m,i| „ жквСо; •"ГтГ ^ . заяв- ennouncement la'naunsmsmi ^“«ие, сообщение- Аомление (аЬош ’ уве- anonymous b^'nnn^**^’ another lэ'a^йэ| анонимный; gpyrojj „„swer 2- в от,,, чять я«у I'cm) indef. ргоп. кто-нибудь, нибудь. сколько-нибудь (в аодр npedJi.); нисколько, ничуть (в риц. пре<9л.) anyone |'eniwAn| ргоп кто-нибудь anything' f'eniGiol indef. ргоп. 1) что-нибудь, ничто; 2) что угодно, всё anywhere |'cniwc3| ado везде, всюду apple I'ajpll п яблоко appropriate |э'ргэ1)рпН| а подходящий, соответству ющи й area |'сэпэ| п район, зона arena (э'п;пэ| п арена argue i'a:ftju;| о спорить, препираться, возражать arithmetic Ig'riGmatikl п арифметика around [a'raundl 1. ado кругом, вокруг; 2. prep вокруг, по arrive [o'raiv] о прибывать art |a;t| л 1) искусство; 2) творчество, умение article |'a:tikl| п 1) статья; 2) артикль; 3) р1 ремёсла; 4) р1 гуманитарные науки as |asz, 3z] ado как; as... as... так же... как; as well также ask |a:sk] о спрашивать; - for спрашивать о чём-л. nt |aet, э1| prep 1) у, около (места)', 2) в (определённый момент времени) nte let] past от eat attack [эЧагк| о нападать attention la'ienjan] п внимание attraction |эЧггек|п1 п 1) привлекательность; 2) аттракцион t*gust I orgastj п август lu:nt| п тётя author I э;0э] ^ автор «'^ау (aVeil ado прочь вь ^^^abuiarv barb ” младенец, ребёнок 1. п спина; 2. о поддер’^” йать- .4 ■ bad Ik..’ n * назад, обратно ч Ibiudl а (worse, worst) плохой-УРНОЙ, скверный j|y I'bicdli] 1) плохо; 2) очень; сильно ^11 |Ьз-.П ^Цооп Ibo'lu:n| л воздушный шар |ba;ndl л оркестр be [bi:l (waH/were, been) быть, находиться I bear |Ьез| '> медведь, медведица ^ hear 1Ьсэ(г)| о (bore, born) 1) переносить; 2) рождать beard [biad] гг борода beautiful I'bjuiufl] а красивый, прекрасный because Ibi'knz] cj потому что, так как become (Ы'клт! и (became, become) стать, становиться bed lbed| п постель, кровать been |bi;n| p.p. от be before (bi'fa:! 1. adv раньше, прежде; 2. prep перед begin |bi'gin| v (began, begun) начи-нать(ся) beginning [bi'gmir)| n начало behind |bi'baind| adv сзади bell |bel| n 1) колокол, колокольчик; 2) звонок below |Ь|'1эи| 1. adv ниже, внизу; 2. prep ниже, под best |best| а {превосх. cm. от good) лучше better I'bcts] а (срави. cm. от good) лучший between |bi'twi;n| prep между |big| а большой, крупный bike |baik| п (разе. сокр. от bicycle) велосипед bird [b3:d| п птица birthday |'b3:0dci| п день рождения biscuit I'biskiil п печенье black |bhek] а чёрный, тёмный, мрачный blouse Iblauzl л блузка blue |blu;| а синий, голубой blueberry |'blu:bori| л голубика Ib3:d| л стол; -ing school школа-интернат ®Mbout) п лодка, корабль ating I'boutii]] л катание на лодке |Ьок] п книга, литературное Произведение brother |'Ьгл0э| п брат brought |Ьгэ;1) past, р.р. от bring brown |braun] а коричневый building I'bildiol n здание bun |Ьлп| л сдобная булочка, кекс bus |bAs| я автобус but [Ьл1| cj но buy |baij V (bought) покупать, приобретать by Ibaij 1. prep указывает на сред ство передвижения: by саг машиной; 2. adu около Сс саке |keik] л кекс, торт, пирожное call 1кэ:11 о называть came (keim| past от come camp IksempI 1. л лагерь; 2. u располагаться лагерем can 1кжп, кэг| у мочь, быть в состоянии, уметь р candv I'kJcndil л 1) леденцы. 2) At конфеты {.пюбого сорта) capital |'к*ри1| п 1) столица. 2) за главная буква 2) билет; 3) кар евие: «« •--Г ir^ ТИТЬСЯ 77 Vocabulary 78 " »УЛьт..пл»к.....он- .,,Г|иГ:слГ.««. положение, дело castle I'kttsll п аамок, дворец cat Ikaeil л кот, кошка «»яа- catch |кж1/| V (caught) ловить, саи^ГоиГ|'кэ^э8| а осторожный, осмотрительный cave |kciv| n пещера celebrate rsclibrcil| и праздновать celebration l,sel3'brci/n] п празднование, торжество centre I'scnw) 1. л центр, середина: 2. V помещать(ся) в центре ceremony |'5сптзш| л обряд, церемония chair |(Гсэ| л стул champion I'tfacmpianI л чемпион chance |(fo:ns| л 1) случай, случайность; 2) шанс chanf^e |lfein(t;| 1. л изменение, перемена; 2. и менять(ся), иаменять(ся) chaos I'keiDs] л хаос character |'кгспк1э] л 1) характер; 2) тип, персонаж characterize |'ka:nkt3raiz| о характеризовать check |^ек| v проверять child |t/ailci] п (pi children) ребёнок chocolate ('t/akl3t| шоколадный choice |t/3is| n выбор choose itju:zj у (chose, chosen) 1) выбирать; 2) предпочитать chore [tfo:l n (обыкн. мн. н.) ежедневные обязанности, ежедневная работа (по дому или в подсобном хозяйстве) cinema I'sinomaj п кинотеатр circus I'sxlos) п цирк гоюл " i’ 21 п„г ГО^ДСКОЙ, муш,ц„„„л„ . clap (к1а:р| и хлопать class IklasJ п класс classify rkl®s,faij у классиф„ц„,^ classroom |'klQ:smml « кляТ ^ ната, класс «ссная ком- |kli:n| а чистый ‘^‘«не (klouzl у закрывать Vocabulary clothes |к1эи0/.| « одежда clown (klaoni я клоун coffee I'knfil я кофе ^ cold (kouldl я холодный column I'kDKomI я 1) столбик; 2) граф^ combination bkombi ncijn) п сочетание, комбинеция соте |клт| и (came, come) приходить; - out выступать; - over приближаться; " round заходить к кому-л.- - up подходить ’ comics I'komiksl п pi комиксы comment I'komantl л замечание, отзыв, комментарий company Гклтрэт| я общество, компания; друзья, товарищи compare (кэт'реэ) и 1) сравнивать (to); 2) сопоставлять competition (,knnipi'lijn| п соревнование complete |кэт'рН:1| и заканчивать, завершать computer |kom'pju:t3| п компьютер concert I'konsot) п концерт contact I'kpntaekil 1. п контакт, соприкосновение; 2. и связаться context I'kontcksil л контекст conversation |,kDnv3'seiJn| п разговор, беседа cook |кик| 1. п кухарка, повар; 2. и готовить, варить cookie j'kukil л 1) АЕ печенье (домаш нее); 2) шотл. булочка core |кэ:| л сердцевина correct Ika'rckt] а правильный, точный costume I'kostjum] л одежда, платье, костюм cotton I'koinl л хлопок; - candy слаД‘ кая вата could |kud, kodj past от can count Ikaunt] 1. n счёт, подсчёт; 2. ^ считать, подсчитывать country I клп1п] л 1) страна; 2) деревня ‘otintryside I'kAntnsatd] л сельская мест* “ость, деревня I kauniij п графство (adMU^t^ ^^ративная единица в Англии) |ьэ,1| п Суд ikaul л корова ■ |кп'си| V творить, создавать V 1) кричать; 2) плакать %аге " культура It'pl '' чашка, кубок |l5jal| а 1) умный, сообразитель-*** яый: привлекательный Dd dad |da:еменный: 2. adu рано easy l'i:zi| 1. а лёгкий, нетрудный; 2. adv легко eat |LtI V (ate, eaten) есть, поедать, поглощать effect li'fektl л результат, эффект eighth-grader j'eiie'grcidal п ученик восьмого года обучения eighty ('em| пит. card, восемьдесят eleven I,'Icvoni nun.. elee |els| adv 1) (n iLr.) еще. кроме; 2) (ов«к«- or) иначе; или же emerald I'emrsldl n 1) изумруд. "“'’“"nWm.I n чуаетво. эмоция elld Vcndl I. ^"’''“^лиВекпГя” mk" '"’S-не. 79 Vocabulsry fl • I oniVieml У иазвлекать. onterlain |,сп1л Kini н* НИМАТЬ {^ОСГТК’Ч) ,1 и п 1>НЗ' enJorlainnicnt |,cni3'>emmont) п ) Г влечение; 2) '^^еасгавление equivalent |i'kv.v3loni| « эквивален Eve |i:v] п канун e».nine I'fcvnml л 1) “'■■'Р' вечерний event (I'ventl п случай, событие ever |'cv3| adu когда-либо ^ every I'cvnl pron indef каждый everyone |'cvnwAn| pron indef каждый (человеке) ever>'thin« I'cvnOiol pron indef всё everywhere |*cvriwc3j udv всюду, везде exactly |iq'zaJklli| adv точно exam (ig'zfeml n разг. экзамен example |ig'z(i:mpl| n пример exciting lik'sailiql a увлекательный, волнующий excursion lik'skx/n) n экскурсия exercise ('cksosaizj n упражнение, тренировка exhibit |jg'zibil| v экспонировать, выставлять, выставить; демонстрировать exhibition |,eksi bifnj n выставка; показ experimental |ik,spcn'mcnil| a экспери* мента.1ьный, основанный на опыте explain |ik'splein| v объяснять explore |ik'spb:J и исследовать extra ['ckstral a Дополнительный extract ('eksiraktj n отрывок “ лрезаычаЯ- •y. М’л Ff •"ace |fcis| n 1) лино 9\ гг I-^I n ярмарка f.mo« |S,''" СТНЫЙ “ “"“««итый, „ав,,, |Гад^кГ^Г'"' farm |fa:ni| n ферма, хозяйство farmer |Ти;тэ| n фермер farmyard ('fa:mja:d| л двор ферм1^ fast |fa;sl| 1. я скорый, быстрый- о быстро fat [fictl а жирный, толстый father |'Га;дэ| п отец favourite |Tcivrot| 1. а любимый- 2, любимец; любимая вещь ' * feed |fi:d| v (fed) кормить feel v (felt) чувствовать file [fatlj n досье fill I nil V наполнять(ся). заполняться!; > in заполнять film Ifilm] I. n 1) плёнка; 2) фильц; кино; 2. V снимать finally I'famalil adv в конце, в заключение find |faind| v (found) находить; - out узнать, разузнать, выяснить fine (fain) a 1) прекрасный, превос ходный, славный; 2) ясный (о ла годе) finish ГПтЛ 1. л конец, окончание; 2, у 1) кончатМся), заканчи-вать(ся); 2) завершать; 3) прекращать; “ up заканчивать что-л. начатое, доводить до конца Finnish I'fini/I а финский fire-eater I'faioiitaj л огнеглотатель, пожиратель огня (о фокуснике) first |h:stj пит. ord. первый fish (tij) 1. п fjfi часто без измен.) рыба; 2. о ловить рыбу fish stick |fi/stik| л рыбная палочка fisherman |П/этэп1 п рыбак fishing |П/ц]| п рыбная ловля fif Ifitj 1. а годный, подходят^®-2. V соответствовать, годиться fiat Iflaet) л квартира яог (Лэ;| л пол; этаж . У |flai| 1. fl полёт; 2. и (flew, летать, пролетать fiy-sheet |'nain:t| л тент, ткаяево« Полотно, прикреплённое к рем стойкам Глп народный f I'fDlaul у 1) следовать: 2) Лить; 3) следить за ходом Рвесужденнй ^ |lu;d| п питание; еда, Ьй1) ГГп1Ьэ:1| п футбол [rf'fa:. f^l Р''^Р ® ’гечение, „„SI I'IWS>I " .'I®' Leword rfaw3:d| n предисловие forget ira'getl v (forgot, forgotten) забывать form |b:m| 1. n 1) форма; 2) класс (в шг^оле); 2. v формировать former ГЬ:тл1 а 1) предшествующий; 2) бывший found Ifaund] past, p.p. от find fourteen |,fo:'tin| num. card, четырнадцать fourth grader |To:0'greid3| n ученик четвёртого года обучения free (fitl a свободный fresh IfreJl a свежий Friday |'fraidci| n пятница friend Ifrendl n друг; to make -s with sb подружиться c кем-л. friendly ['frendlil a дружеский, дружелюбный from |from| prep от, из, с frost |fn)st| n мороз full |ful] a полный, целый fun |1лп| n веселье, забава, шутка funny I'fAnij a забавный, смешной future rfjmfa] n будущее Gg game Igeim] n 1) игра; 2) развлечение, забава S3p |джр] n пропуск (или пробел) 88Pden I'gadn) п сад; pi парк gave |geiv| past от give gentleman |'фет1тэп] n джентльмен ^'ographical |,фэ'дгжПк1] a географический lgei| 0 (got) 1) получать; 2) добираться; 3) - sth in (to) доставлять (куда л.у, 4) - into входить, •садиться (в машину)', 5) - аь1ходить Igaosi) ii привидение, призрак Щ п 193:1) fi девочка, девушка ?ir| ” подарок (niyl ,, . I4IV| и (gav«?, давать давать, от- |УгШ| у ДЧТь; 2) о|, ,**'**'"'* но- lyooll а РОЛ ""“ло^'Д<ать kot |ym| past от gel grade lyrcidl n 1У i-iui n 1) класс (я trader’" ’ grandchild I'yncMUfmldl n (p/ grandchil- aren) внук; внучка grandma |'gr,cnmu;| n paJг. бабушка grandmother ГупситлОо) n бабушка grandpa |'gncnpu:| n разг. дедушка grandparents I'gncndpcorams) n pi бабушка и дедушка great Jgrettl a 1) большой; 2) великий; разг. восхитительный, великолепный green |gri:n| о зелёный greeting |'gri:tiQ| п приветствие ground |graund| п земля, грунт group [gru;p| п группа grow Igrou) и (grew, grown) 1) расти; 2) выращивать guard |gad| л караул guess |gcs| о угадывать guide Igaid) л 1) гнд, экскурсовод; 2) путеводитель gymnasium [^" (ки^’ДП’) !::рре'п iip-i “ ходить „,..„ИЯЬ1Й. доволь. I'h>rmi а счастливый. « happy I 2. adv усердно hat (htet) п шляпа 81 Vocabulary have |luev] v (had) иметь, обладать hay I hell Л сено he lhi:| pron он head |hcd| 1. n 1) голова; 2) глава, руководитель; 2. i; направляться Headmaster |,hcd'nia;si3| n директор школы (мужчина) Headmistress l,hcd'mislros| n директор школы (женщина) hear |hn| v (heard) слышать heard lh3:d] past. p.p. от hear heJlo [h'loul int привет help |hcip| 1. n помощь; 2. и помогать hen |hcn| n курица her |Ьз:| pron pers косе, падеж от she here |1нэ| adv здесь, тут hero I'hiarao] n герой hey |hci] int эй! hi [hai] ini 1) эй!; 2) привет!; салют! hide |haid) v (hid, hidden) прятать(ся) high |hai] 1. a 1) высокий; 2) высший, главный; 2. adv высоко highlighted ('haiiamdl a зд. выделенный him I him] pron pers. косе, падеж от he himself |him'self) pron себя, себе, собой (о З м лице ед. числа м. рода) his Ihizj pron pass, его, свой history I'histnj n история hit Ihitj V (hit) ударять, ударить, стукнуть hi-tech Jhai'iek) n высокая технология holiday j'hDiadeij n 1) праздник, день отдыха, нерабочий день; 2) pi каникулы home [haum] п 1) дом; at ~ дома; 2) домашний очаг, родные, семья homework I'hsumwaikj п домашняя работа honey ('Ьлш] п мёд hope |кэир| V надеяться horse [ha:s| п лошадь, конь hospital rhospiUI п больница hot jhm] а горячий; жаркий hour |'аиэ] п час house jhaus] п дом; здание how jhauj adv inter. зом как, каким обра- 82 hundred I'liAndrodJ пит. card, сто hunt jlunil 1. п охота; 2. v охотиться И ice |ais| л лёд idea jai'dio] п идея; мысль if III! cj если ill |ilj a predic. больной, нездоровый illustrate I'llastreit) v иллюстрировать imagination ji'mffidsi'ncijbn] n воображение important |im'po:tnt| a значительный, важный impression |im'prcfn| n впечатление in [in] prep 1) b(o), на, у; 2) через; - two days через два дня information (rnfa'mcijnl n информация, сообщение inside [in'said] adv внутри interest ['intrsstj 1. n интерес; 2. интересовать, заинтересовать interesting |'intr3Stio| a интересный Internet I'lntanei) n Интернет (глобаль нал информационная сеть) interview j'lntavju:] 1. п интервью; 2. v интервьюировать into I'lnlu;] prep (указывает на дви жение или направление внутрь) в(о) invite lin'vaitj v 1) приглашать; 2) просить Irish I'airiJl 1. а ирландский; 2. п 1) (the “) pi собир. ирландцы, ирландский народ; 2) ирландский язык isle [ailj п остров it |и| pers pron он, она, оно (н)его, (н)ему, (н)им, (в)её, (н)ей, (н)ею (о предметах, животных) Italian ji'tseljan] а итальянский its |its] pron его, её, свой (о предме max, животных) jacket ('фекИ) п куртка January I'tfejenjuan] п январь jelly I'cfeelij п желе job Icfenb] п работа, труд Vocabulary join |£t>3in| 0 1) соединять; 2) вступать juke Icfcaukl v шутить, подшучивать journalist I'cfexnalistl n журналист juice |ct5u:s| n сок jump ItfeAmpI V прыгать just |ф.\81| adv точно, как раз, именно Кк king |kiq| п корюль kingdom I'kiodam] п королевство kiss |kisj 1. л поцелуй; 2. v 1) целовать; 2) поцеловать kitten I'kUnj п котёнок know |пзи| V (knew, known) знать L1 label I'leibl] 1. л ярлык, этикетка; 2. и прикреплять или наклеивать ярлык lady I'leidil л леди, дама lake lieikj л озеро land |lxnd| л земля language I'lxoQwict;] п язык; речь large |1о:сЫ а большой, крупный, многочисленный lasagna Ib'scCnja, -zasn-] п лазанья (блюдо итальянской кухни) last |iast| 1. а последний; - time (в) последний раз; 2. и продолжаться, длиться late (leit] 1. а (later, latter; latest, last) опоздавший; поздний; 2. adv (later, latest) поздно laugh |ia;f] 1. n смех; 2. и смеяться learn |1з:п] v (learned or learnt) учиться, учить что-л. learnt [l3:nt| p.p. от learn least |li;st| n минимальное количество; at - no крайней мере leave jlLv] v (left) 1) покидать; 2) оставлять lemonade IJems'neidl n лимонад lesson I'lesn] n урок let |let| V (let) разрешать; - us (let’s) go идём(те) letter I'letal л 1) письмо; 2) буква ''3'briril Л библиотека life [lain n (pi lives) жизнь light llait) n свет like llaikj 1. n 1) нечто подобное, похожее; 2) pi симпатии, склонности; 2. adv так, подобно атому; 3. V любить, нравиться likely I'laikli] а вероятный, правдоподобный line [lam| л линия, черта lion I'laisn] л лев list |lisl| 1. л список; 2. v вносить в список listen I'lisn] и слушать, прислушиваться (к чему л. to, for) little I'liti] 1. a (less, least) маленький, небольшой; 2. adv немного, мало live |liv| V жить lonely ('Idtinlij a одинокий long |Idq| 1. a 1) длинный; 2) долгий, продолжительный; 2. adv 1) долго; 2) давно; - ago давно look |1ик| 1. п взгляд; 2. t; 1) смотреть, глядеть; 2) - through просматривать lot |1ш| а разе, большое количество, множество; а ~ of много, множество loud |laud| 1. а громкий; 2. adv громко love [Iav| 1. n любовь; 2. v любить lovely I'lAVlij a красивый, прекрасный low |1эи| 1. a низкий; 2. adv низко lucky I'lAkil a счастливый, удачливый; удачный lunchtime |'lAntflaim| n обеденный перерыв Mm macaroni |,п1аЕкэ'гэпп|| n макароны mackintosh I'msekintoJl n непромокаемый плащ, дождевик, макинтош made Imeid| past. p.p. от make magazine |,тлдэ'и:п| n (периодический) журнал magic |'ni£ccbik| a волшебный main Imeml a главный, основной make [meikl n (made) делать, совер- таГГтжШ п (pi men) D человек; 2) мужчина 83 Vocabulary many I'mcnil a (more, most) много map [ma;p| n ка1)та (географическая) March |та;«Л n март mark |mak| 1. n метка, знак; 2. v метить, отмечать master |'mu:st3| n: - of ceremonies конферансье match (maetl] и подбирать под пару; сочетать maths |ma20s] л (сокр. разг. от mathematics (ma;0o'ma:liks|) математика may ImeiJ v мочь, иметь возможность maybe ['meibij adv может быть, возможно me (mi:] pron pers. (косе, падеж от I) меня, мне mean |mi;n| v (meant) 1) значить, означать; 2) намереваться meaning ('rnknn]) п значение; смысл meat [mi:i| л мясо meet |mi:lj v (met) встречать(ся) meeting f'mi;iioJ n собрание merry I men) a веселый, радостный message ('mesial n сообщение, записка midnight | midnaitj л полночь ™>ght (manj 1. n сила, могущество; 2. у past от may milk |milk| n молоко million I'milpnJ num. card, миллион mind ImaindJ 1. n 1) разум; 2) память; to my - no моему мнению; 2. и обращать внимание minute I'mimi] п минута miss |mis| л мисс (при обращении к девушке или незамужней жен щине) mistake |mi'sterk| л ошибка mom (mom) л АЕ (сокр. от momma (mamma) мама Monday I'mAndejJ л понедельник money |'тлш( л деньги month |тлп0| л месяц monument I'mnnjumantl п памятник more |mo:| 1. о {срсвн. cm. от much п many) больший, более многочисленный; 2. ado (сраан. cm. от much) больше morning I'maniol л утро most |ni3ust| 1. а (превосх. и many) наибольший; 2 '"'ich 84 восх. cm. от much) больщ"" ''‘Р® mother |'тлдэ( л мать, мама * mountain I'mauntinj л гора mouse ImausI л (pi mice) мышь Mr f'mistol сокр. от mister Mrs f'misiz] сокр. от mistress much |тл1Л 1. a (more, most) i) го; 2) большой; 2. adv 1) очень-2) почти; 3) гораздо больше ’ mum |тлт| л BE мама mummy I'mAmij л детск. мама music |'mju:zikl л музыка must (niAst) V должен, обязан ту (mail pron poss. мой, моя, мое, мои Nn name (neimj 1. л 1) имя; 2) фамилия; 3) название; 2. и называть, давать имя nasty |'na:sti| а неприятный, противный nature I'neit/ol л природа, мир, вселенная naughty I'norti) а озорной, капризный near (П1э| 1. а близкий, ближайший; 2. adv близко, поблизости, подле; 3. prep около, возле ’ need (ni:d| 1. л надобность, нужда; 2. и 1) нуждаться в чём-л.; 2) требоваться nervous |'n3:v3s| а нервный never I'nevsJ adv никогда new (nju;| a новый newspaper I'njurspeipa) n газета next Incbil 1. a 1) следующий; 2) ближайший, соседний; 3) будущий; . aav затем, потом nice (naisl а приятный, милый, славный, хороший night (naill л ночь; вечер ml (п||| л ноль nine Inain) пит. card, девять "О (пзи| а никакой, нет "Oise (noiz) л 1) шум; 2) звук normal ( no:ml| а нормальный, обыкновенный, обычный Vocabulary „„rthern |'n*en| о северный not (PDiI adv не. нет, ни note |пэШ1 л 1) (обыки. pi) заметка, запись 2) нота nothing Гпл01Г|| I. л ничто, пустяк: 2. adv нисколько, совсем нет noun Inaunl л грам. имя существительное novel |*nnvl| л роман now |naul adv теперь, сейчас number |'плтЬэ1 1. п 1) число, количество; 2) (порядковый) номер; 2. V нумеровать Оо of |nv. 3v] prep указывает на принадлежность,' передаётся родитель ным падежом off |of] adv указывает на удаление, отдаление office I'ofis] п административное здание official [a'fijll а служебный, должностной often I'nfn] adv часто, много раз oh |эи] ini о!, ах!, ой! ОК |эи'ке|| а predic. разг. всё в порядке, хорошо, правильно okay jau'kei] см. ОК old |duld| а (older, elder; oldest, eldest) старый on |пп| prep (e пространственном зна чении указывает на нахождение на поверхности какого-л. предмета) на once |WAns| 1. л один раз; at -■ тотчас 2. adv однажды one |wAn| пит. card, один onion |'лп]эп] л лук only I'aunli] 1. а единственный; 2. adv только, исключительно, единственно, лишь oops ]ups| int ой! open ['эир(э)п) 1. а открытый; 2. v открывать(ся), раскрывать(ся) or |э:| с) или order I'aidaj л порядок; последовательность other ['лОэ| а другой, иной our I аоэ| ргоп ро8я. (употр. атрибу тивно) наш out |aul| prep: - of (указывает на по ложение вне другого предмета) вне, за. из over I 3uv3| adv 1) указывает на дви жение через что то; 2) all - the world по всему миру owl |эи1| л зоол. сова, филин own |эип| 1. а (после притяжательных местоимений и существа тельных в poasessive case) свой собственный; 2. v владеть; иметь, обладать owner |'эипэ1 я владелец; хозяин Рр painting |'peintii]| л 1) живопись; 2) картина pantomime I'pacntsmaiml л пантомима; феерия pantry ['paentnl л кладовая parade Ips'reidl л парад paragraph |*р«гэдга;Г| л 1) абзац; 2) параграф, пункт parent ['реэг(о)гн) л родитель park |ро;к| л парк part |pa:t| л 1) часть; 2) роль; 3) участие, доля в работе; to take - in принимать участие в чём-л. party |'pa;ti] л званый вечер, вечеринка people I*pi:pl) л люди; р1 народы perfect 1'рз:Пк1| 1. а совершенный, безупречный, прекрасный; 2. л 1) грам. перфект; 2) грам. перфектный; - tense neptheKTHoe время perform |рэ'Гз:т] v 1) выполнять: 2) представлять, выступать performance Ipa'farmsnsl л 1) исполнение; 2) спектакль, представление perhaps Ipa'hapsl adv может быть, возможно; пожалуй permission |po'mi/n| л позволение, раз- регаГ r^snl л личность photo ГГэтэи] л (р1 оа |-эог|) Р фото’ра({>ия „.п^рние phrase Ifreirl а <№»“• Vocabulary 1 85 86 pick lp.M.i) подбирать; 2, собирать. picture I'piklTJ П к«Р’'И««> изображение pie |pui| n пирог, пирожок pig Ipiqj я поросёнок pilgrim I'pilgnml я пилигрим, паломник, странник pirate |'р;иэгз1] п пират place Iplcis] я место; to take - случаться, иметь место plan |р1агп| 1. п план; проект; 2. и составлять план, планировать play |plei| 1. л игра; 2. и играть playground I'plcigraundl л площадка для игр, спортивная площадка plaything |'plci6in] а игрушка please |pli:z] л 1) нравиться: 2) доставлять удовольствие plum |р1лт| л слива pm (pfc'cnil (сокр. от post meridiem) пополудни poem ['pauiml л поэма; стихотворение poet I'pauit) л поэт Polish I'pauiiJl а польский pond Ipondj л пруд pool |pu;l] л 1) пруд; 2) спорт, (пла вательный) бассейн (тж. swimming -) popular I'popiulo] а популярный porridge I ропёз) п каша (овсяная) portrait I рэ;1гэ1| л портрет post |рзиы) 1, п почта; 2. и послать по почте postcard I'pausikad) л почтовая открытка, карточка iWtmonI „ почтальон poUto^Jpa lanool „ (pt powder I'paodal n порошок preOTration |,prepa'rei/n| n пригогоале-ние, подготовка "«лго. 1нвать, г) готовиться Р ероа..,о„ |,prepo'T,j„| „ РгР-т ь Гршгп.1 „ I, „потопшее „ре- рои; 2. 1'рг^^™::;Г„-рограк„„ гат1. proiiuuil 1 piaJUIIdUnj П ние prove |pru:v| v доказывать pudding (Vtjdinl n пудинг punish ГрлшЛ V наказывать взыскание pupil rpju;pl| л ученик puppy Грлр1| л щенок purple Грз:р1| а пурпурный put [puti V (put) класть, положить Qq queen (kwi;n| n королева question I'kwcstjanl n вопрос quick |kwik| a быстрый, скорый quickly I'kwiklil adv быстро, скоро Rr race Ireis] 1. n состязание в беге; гонки; 2. V участвовать в гонках rainy I'rcini] а дождливый raise |rciz| и поднимать rat licCl] л крыса read Jri;d| v (read [red]) читать ready f^redi] a готовый, приготовленный really l^noli] adv действительно, в самом деле red I red] a красный refer [п'Гз:] v относить(ся) regular l^rcqjulaj a 1) регулярный; 2) очередной relation fn'leijnj л 1) отношение, связь, зависимость; 2) родственник, родственница reluctantly |г|'1лк(эт1|| adv неохотно, с неохотой reporter |п'рэдэ| л репортёр republic |г|'рлЫ|к] л республика rest Iresij л (the -) остаток; остальное; остальные, другие result |n'zAll| л результат return |n'l3:nj v 1) возвращать, отдавать; 2) возвращаться; идти обратно review |n^vju:] л обзор, обозрение revision |п\|зп| л 1) пересмотр; 2) проверка Vocabulary .hvme Innnil 1. « РиФ««* рифмованный стих: 2. u рифмовать rhythm I'ndaml n ритм rice |rais| n рис rid |ndl V (rid. ridded |-id|) освобождать, избавлять; to get - of отделываться, избавляться ride |raid| v (rode, ridden) ехать right Irani adv правильно, верно ring |гц)| n кольцо river l^nvo] Л река rode |raud| past от ride role Irani I n роль room |ru:m] n комната round Iraund) a круглый rule |ni:l| 1. n правило; 2. v управлять, править, властвовать run |глп1 V (ran, run) бежать Russian Ггл/п) a русский Ss safe |seif] a безопасный, надёжный safety I'seiftij л безопасность said |sed| past. p.p. от say sail |seil| 1. n парус; 2. v 1) идти под парусами 2) плавать same |seim] pron demonstr. как прил. тот же самый; одинаковый sand |s2cnd| л песок sang |sa:g| past от sing sat |sael| past, p.p. от sit Saturday I'sxtode]] n суббота saucer |'s3;sa| л блюдце saw |s3:] past от see saxophone |'saeksdf3un| n саксофон say |sei| V (said) говорить, сказать; they - говорят scary I'skeanI a разе. 1) жуткий; 2) пугливый school |sku:i| л школа schoolboy |'sku;lb3)| л школьник schooling |'sku:lir)| n (школьное) обучение science I'saransj л 1) собир. естественные науки; 2) - fiction научная фантастика score |sk3:l 1- л счёт; 2. и выигрывать scuba I skuibal л (сокр. от self-contained underwater breathing appara- tus) скуба, дыхательный аппарат для дыхания под водой sea |si:| л море second I'sckondl пит. ord. второй see I si: I v (saw, seen) видеть; смотреть, глядеть seen |si:n| p.p. от see send |scnd| v (sent) посылать, отправлять sent |sem| past. p.p. от send sentence I'scntansJ л грам. предложение series l'srari:z) л (pi без измен.) 1) ряд; серия; 2) сериал sew |s3u| и (sewed |-d], sewn) шить, сшивать share [feal 1. л доля, часть; 2. и 1) делить(ся); 2) разделять (мнение, вкусы и т. л.) sheep ()1:р| л (р1 без измен.) овца, баран shelf Lfclf] л (pi shelves) полка ship [fipl л корабль, судно shoot LTu:t| V (shot) 1) стрелять; 2) снимать фильм shop IJdpI 1. л лавка, магазин; 2. и делать покупки (обыкн. go shopping) shore [jo-l берег (моря, озера) short иэи! а короткий; краткий; краткосрочный should Ifod. /3d| 1) вспомогательный глагол: служит для образования условного наклонения: 2) модальный глагол, выражающий долженствование, уместность, целесо образность, предположение shout Uauli 1. л крик, возглас; 2. о кричать show Lfoul 1. л 1) показ, демонстрация; 2) зрелище; 3) выставка; 2. V (showed |-d], shown) 1) показывать; 2) демонстрировать sign Isainl л знак, обозначение silly I'silil а глупый silver I'silvsl л серебро; 2. а серебря- similar I'similol а подобный (to); сходный. похожий simple |'s.mpl| u простой, несложный since Isinsj prep с. после 87 Ul Vocabulary sincerely isin'siohi adv искренне sing (siol У sir Isxl n сэр, господин sister I'siMo] n сестра sit |sit) I» (sat) сидеть; - down садиться sixth-grader I'siksOgreido] n шестиклассник skip Iskipl и 1. скакать, прыгать; 2. пропускать skirt IskTt) n юбка sky [skai| n небо sleep |sli:p| v (slept) спать; - in спать дольше обычного sleepily I'sli:pili| adv сонно slow |s]an| a медленный, тихий small |snn;l] a маленький; небольшой smart |smo:l| a 1. остроумный, находчивый; 2. умный, разумный, интеллектуальный smile |smail| 1. л улыбка; 2. v улыбаться so |s3u| adv 1) так, таким образом; 2) итак some |sAm| pron indef. 1) кое-кто, некоторые, одни, другие; 2) некоторое количество someone ('sAmwAii| pron indef. кто-то, кто-нибудь something |^SAm9i^j pron indef. как сущ. что-то, кое-что, нечто, что-нибудь sometimes |*SAnitaimz| adv иногда son |sAn| n сын song IsDol n песня soon |su;nl odv скоро sorry I son I a predic. огорчённый; to be - about жалеть о чём-то; J ni -! виноват, извините sort |s3:t] n сорт, вид sound Isaundl l. „ 2. „ ) звучать, издавать звук; 2) звучать, казаться, создавать впечатление «оир |su:p| „ суп " 'свободный роть?!:; specific Ispo'sifikl'^ « особый spelling I'spei.r. особенный ФогЦ;!^^ " "Равописание. ор- 88 spend ispend]* v (spent) i расходовать; 2) провод' ’^’^“тить, spent |spcnl| pasl. p.p, ‘вреля) spoke Ispaok] past от speak spoken I'spaukanj p.p. от speak spoon |spu:n] Л ложка sport lspD:l] n спорт, спортивные игры spring (spnol n весна stand |s(£cnd| v (stood) стоять start fsla;t) 1. л 1) начало; 2) спорт. старт; 2. и 1) начинать; 2) утверждать, основывать statement ('sleitmantl л утверждение statue |'st down вверх ногами upstairs |,Ap'sico/| udu ^ us |as] pron pers. косе. ““*«*pxy usage rjuLSKfel n употрсблв! use (ju:z| о употреблять usual I ju:5^^3l| a обыкновенный - „ обыч- НЫЙ usually rju:3troli| adv обычно, обыкновенно Vv vacation Ivs^cifnj n каникулы, отпуск valley I'vaeli] n долина vegetable |'vc(t;l3bl| л овощ verb |v3;b| л глагол very I'vcri] adv очень village |'у|||ф| n деревня visit I'vizitj 1. n посещение, визит; поездка; 2. v навещать; посещать visitor I'vizita] n посетитель, гость voice |v3isj Л голос Ww wait |weit| V ждать (for) walk |wo:k| 1. л 1) ходьба; 2) прогулка пешком; 2. v 1) ходить: 2) идти пешком want Iwnnl] V хотеть war |w3:] л война warm |w3:m| 1. а тёплый, согре- тый, подогретый; 2. v греть(ся). нагревать(ся), согревать(ся); - up разогревать(ся), рааминать(ся) was IwDzj past от to be wash |wpf| V мыть(ся), стирать watch |walj] v наблюдать, смотреть; -TV смотреть телевизор water |'w3:toI n вода way I well Л путь; дорога we jwi;| pron pers. мы wear I weal v (wore, worn) носить (одежду и m. n.) weather | wcda| л погода Wednesday |"wenzdeil n среда (день недели) week |wi:k) n неделя weekend |,whk'cnd| n уикенд, время Отдыха с субботы до понедельника Vocabulary w weirdo I'wiodoul n ралг. чудак, странная личность welcome I'welkaml a 1) желанный, приятный: 2) добро пожаловать well I'vell adv (better, best) хорошо went |went| past от go were |wi:| прошедшее время мн. ч. гл. to be what |wot] pron inter, какой?, что?, сколько? wheel |wi;l] n колесо when (wenl 1. adv inter, когда? 2. ej когда, в то время как, как только where |«еэ] adv inter, где?, куда? wherever Iwear'evg] cj где бы ни, куда бы ни which |wilf| pron inter, который?, какой?, кто? (подразумевается выбор) while |wail| 1. л время, промежуток времени; 2. cj пока, в то время как white |wait| а белый who |hu:] pron inter, кто? whole |Нэи1| a целый, весь whose |hu:z] pron poas. чей?, чья?, чьё?, чьи? why |wai] adv inter, почему? wife |waif] n (pi wives) жена wild (waiid] a дикий will |wil| V (would) вспомогательный глагол: служит для образования будущего времени win |win| V (won) выиграть; победить winner I'wins! n победитель wish |wij] n (по)желание with |wi6| prep (указывает на связь) с within Iwid'in] prep в, внутри, в пределах without |wi6^aul| prep без woman I'wuman] n (pi women ( wimin]) женщина won |wAn| past, p,p. от win wonderful I'wAPdafll a удивительный wooden I'wudn] a деревянный word |w3:d| n слово wore |w3;| past от wear work |w3;k| 1. n работа; 2. v работать; ~ out разрабатывать workbook |'w3:kbuk| n 1) сборник упражнений; 2) рабочая тетрадь world |w3:ld| n мир worse (w3:sl a (сравн. cm. от bad) худший worst [W3:st] a (npeeocx. cm. от bad) наихудший would |wud] вспомогательный глагол: служит для образования будуще го времени в прошедшем wrap |ггер| v 1) завёртывать, сворачивать; 2) окутывать, обертывать write [raitj v (wrote, written) писать; - down записывать wrong [moj a неправильный, ошибочный wrote |гэШ] past от write Yy yard Ijadl n двор year [jia] n год yes [jes| adv да yesterday ('jestadil adv вчера yet ljet| adv ещё; всё ещё you ич;| pron pers. ты, вы young |jAr)| a молодой, юный your (j3:| pron poss. твой, ваш Zz zoo tzu;| n разг. зоопарк VocabulBry 91 List of names Personal names Atkinson ['aetkmssnl Austine ['nstin] Bachi f'baetji] Byars |baiz] Caroline ('каггЫат] Celia ['si:li3] Chuckie Finster ['tf^ki 'finstaj Darbi ['da:bi] Darbishire ['daibifs] Darent I'daerant] Elson ['elsanj Fitzhugh [fits'hju:] Gail Igeilj Gillian ['d3ili9n| Glossbrenner ['glosbrena] Jennings |'d3enii]z| Jessica ['d3esik3| Louise flu'i:z] Margie ['ma:d3il Melanie ['mebnil Michael I'maikl] Morpurgo |тэ:'рз:дэи| Paul [рэ:1] Sarah I'seara] Simon ['saiman] Stuart ['stju:3t] Sue |sju;] Trunchbull ['trAntJbulJ Varley l'va:li] Wheeling ['wiilipj Geographical names Anaheim I'aenahaim) Canada I'kasnadal Chicago Ui'kaigau] Devon f'devn] Dublin ['dAblin] Finland ['finbnd] France [fra:ns] Kirriemuir [km'mjua] London I'lAndan] Minnesota [mini'sauts] Moscow ['mnskau] New York [,nju: ']э:к] Paris I'paeris] Plymouth |'plimo0| Scilly Isles, the ['sili 'ailz] Spain |spem] United States, the |ju:'naitid 'steits] USA, the [,u;es'eij Westernshire f'westanja] Others Crunchem Hall ['кгАпфт 'ho:l] Lillian, the I'lilian] Pere Noel |'реэ nau'el] Santa Claus ['saenta kb:z| Varley Grange |'va:li 'gremd3| Wasp, the |wnsp] 92 Vocabulary Irregular verbs (Неправильные глаголы) be [bi:] was/were (woz/ws;] been [bi:n] быть, находиться bear 1Ьеэ] bore |bo:j born [Ьэ:п] переносить become |ЬГклт] became (bi'keimj become ]Ы'клт] делаться, становиться begin Ibi'gin] began [bi'gsenj begun ]bi'gAn[ начинать(ся) bring Ibrir)] brought |bro:t| brought [bra:t] приносить, доставлять build [bildj built (blit] built [blit] строить buy [bai] bought (bo:t( bought [ba:t] покупать, приобретать catch [kastfl caught (кэ:1| caught ]ka:t] ловить, схватывать come [клт] came |keim| come [клт] приходить do [du:| did [did] done [dAn] делать drive [draiv] drove (drauvj driven ]'dnvan] вести (автомобиль) eat [i:t] ate (etj eaten |'i:tn] есть, поедать fall [fo;l] fell (fell fallen ['fo:lan] падать, понижаться feed [fi:d] fed [fed] fed [fed] кормить feel |П:1] felt [felt] felt [felt] чувствовать find [faind] found ]faund] found [faundj находить fly (flail flew [flu:] flown [flaun] летать forget (fa'get] forgot [fa'gnt] forgotten [fa'gotn] забывать get (get) got ]got] got [got] получать go (gaol went [went] gone [gnn] идти, ходить grow (grau) grew [gru:] grown [graun] расти, произрастать have (haev| had [haed] had [haed] иметь hear (hiaj heard ]h3:d] heard [h3:dj слышать hit |hit| hit [hit] hit ]hit| ударять hold (hauld) held [held] held [held] держать, проводить keep (ki:pj kept [kept] kept [kept] держать, хранить know (паи] knew ]nju:| known [naun] знать learn (1з:п| learnt ]l3:nt] learnt [l3:nt] учиться leave (liivj left [left] left [left] покидать, оставлять let (let] let [let] let [let] позволять, разрешать make |meik| made [meidj made [meid] делать Vocabulary 93 mean [mi:n| meant |ment] meant [ment] значить, означать meet met [met] met [met] встречать(ся) put |pm| put [put] put [put] класть read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] читать ride |raid| rode [raud] ridden ]'ridn] ехать верхом run |глп] ran [raen| run [глп] бежать say [sei] said [sed] said [sed] говорить, сказать see [si:] saw [so:] seen [si:n] видеть, смотреть sell jselj sold [sauld] sold [sauld] продавать send [send] sent [sent] sent [sent] посылать, отправлять set [set] set [set] set [set] ставить, помещать sew [s3u| sewed [saud] sewn [saun] шить shake [|eik] shook Lfuk] shaken ['Jeikan] трясти sing [sir)] sang [s8er)[ sung [sad] петь sit [sitj sat [sast] sat [saet] сидеть sleep [sli:p] slept [slept] slept [slept] спать speak [spi;k[ spoke [spauk] spoken ]'spaukan] говорить spell |spel[ spelt [spelt] spelt [spelt] писать или произносить (слово) по буквам spend [spend] spent [spent] spent [spent] тратить stand [staend] stood [stud] stood [stud] стоять swim [swim] swam [swaem] swum [swAm] плавать, плыть take [teik] took [tuk] taken ['teikan] брать teach [tktf] taught ]to:t[ taught [to:t] учить, обучать tell [tel] told [tauld] told [tauld] рассказывать; говорить; сказать think |9ii)k] thought ]9a;t] thought [9a:t] думать wear [wes] wore [wo:[ worn ]wo:n] носить (одежду) win [win] won [WAP] won [wAn] побеждать write [rait] wrote [raut] written ]'ntn] писать 94 Vocabulary f Contents Unit 1 Let’s make friendsl................................... ^ Unit 2 Rules around us.............................. ........ Unit 3 We must help people around........................... jg Unit 4 Every day and at weekends............................ 28 Unit 5 My favourite celebrations............................ 30 Unit 6 We’ve had a nice trip to England........................ Unit 7 My future holiday....................................... Unit 8 My best impressions...................................59 Supplementary reading........................................64 Linguistic and cultural guide.............................. 72 Vocabulary...................................................75 List of names.........................................92 Irregular verbs.......................................93 Учебное издание Кузовлев Владимир Петрович Лапа Наталья Михайловна Костина Ирина Павловна Дуванова Ольга Викторовна Кузнецова Елена Вячеславовна Английский язык Книга для чтения 5 класс __ Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организации Центр лингвистического образования Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зав. редакцией английского языка Ю. А. Смирнов Редактор А. Е. Маневич Координатор по художественному оформлению Н. В. Дождёва Техническое редактирование и вёрстка Е. В. Алфёровой Корректоры Д. А. Белитов, И.Д. Цухай Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93 953^000. Над. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 06.0а.14. Формат 84KlO'8Vig. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура SchoolBook. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 6.1. Доп. тираж 7 000 акз. Заказ Hi 485. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Отпечатано в ОАО «Тверской полиграфический комбинат». 170024. г. Тверь, пр-т Ленина, д. 5, телефон: -(-7(4822)44-43 60, факс: -1-7(4822)44-98-42. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]