Английский язык 3 класс Рабочая тетрадь Верещагина Притыкина

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 3 класс Рабочая тетрадь Верещагина Притыкина - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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PROSVESHCHENIYE И.Н. ВЕРЕЩАГИНА Т.А. ПРИТЫКИНА ФГОС АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ 3 класс Учебное пособие для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка 5-е издание Москва «ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ» 2017 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 В31 0+ Рабочая тетрадь является составным компонентом УМК «Английский язык» для 3 класса и, так же как и учебник, имеет поурочную структуру и предназначена для тренировки и практики учащихся в употреблении материала, представленного в учебнике. Задания рабочей тетради направлены на формирование орфографических, грамматических и лексических навыков иноязычной речи, а также на развитие умений письменной речи. ISBN 978-5-09-046055-2 Издательство «Просвещение», 2013 Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2013 Все права защищены Дорогие мальчиии и девочки! Данное пособие поможет вам систематически контролировать свои успехи в овладении английским языком. Если вы научитесь трудиться самостоятельно, это поможет вам в вашей дальнейшей учёбе и жизни. Когда надо начинать работать с этим пособием? Параллельно с работой по теме в учебнике. Незнакомые слова формулировок заданий вынесены в англо-русский словарь в учебнике. «Ключи» к заданиям даны в конце пособия. Они помогут вам проверить правильность выполнения заданий. А можете ли вы сами правильно и справедливо оценить свою работу? Вспомните, как вы это делали в 1 и 2 классах: сначала оцените свою работу сами С ), потом попросите это сделать ваших Л. надеемся, ч™ все родителей , затем это сделает учитель оценки будут совпадать. Итак, за работу! F< Lessons 14—27 Ask Mike if he did that yesterday. Use the verbs: play, watch TV, help about the house, skate, ski, skip. Write your questions. Now write what Mike did yesterday. Use the same verbs (see Exercise 1). Write questions for more information. Begin them with the words given. She played. 1) Who____ 2) Did____ 3) With whom 4) When____ 5) Why_____ 6) Where___ 7) What games Write that Nancy didn^t do what Mike did yesterday (see Exercise 2). 5 ) a) Write what you like/don’t like to eat and to drink. b) And what about your mother? Write what you usually have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper. “Tastes differ” think is tasty. the English proverb goes. Write what food you Write 6 sentences. Begin them like this: / think that... is (are) tasty. I don*t think that... is (are) tasty. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Give a more general word: 1) carrot, potato, tomato _ 2) apple, banana, orange _ 3) tea, coffee, milk, water, juice_____________________ 4) porridge, bread, meat, fish, soup, cheese, butter Write out the words denoting the things that need cooking. mouth, porridge, different, soup, yesterday, meat, country, fish, today, chicken, spaghetti, eat, cup, salad, pudding, buy, toast, grow, glass, hamburger, last, pizza, year, salt, tasty, without, egg 11 Paul asks Jim what he ate yesterday. Look at the picture and write questions for Paul. 12) Thomas has a sweet tooth. What do you think he likes to eat? Choose the words. ice cream, soup, chocolate, bread, porridge, butter, jam, spaghetti, sweet, potato, cake, carrot, cookie 13j Complete the sentences using the proper tense of the verbs: eat, buy, make, have, grow. 1) Usually I eggs for breakfast. Yesterday I eggs for supper. 2) Last week Dad and I Mum_______________a birthday. a big cake, because 3) My brother usually_________toys for our little sister. Yesterday he_________a beautiful doll for her. 4) Different fruit trees__________in our garden. Last year Granny__________different vegetables in the country. 14j Use Exercise 10 and write out the words, that go with: Many___________________________________________________________ Much 8 is) Complete the dialogue by using the words from the box. thirsty, the salt, terrible, I wonder, matter. Yes, please, hungry, pass me, to have. I’d love to. Thanks Mum: Dan, you look ! What’s the with you? Have you got a headache? Dan: No, thanks. Гт just very_________________ Mum: Would you like________________some soup? Dan:_______________! Mum: Here it is! Dan:_________ . The soup isn’t salty. Mum: Here you are. Dan:____________ Mum: Will you have some meatballs? Dan:__________________________________ Mum: What would you like for a drink,_________ Dan: Oh, everything! Juice and coffee. I’m. Mum: You really are! 16] Read the text and write how many times a day English families have tea. WEEmY ROUTtNE^ OF ENGUSH FAMILY LIFE Getting up Alarm clock goes off^ — early cup of tea in bed. Taking a shower. Having breakfast. Going to school and work. Morning At school or in an office. Tea or coffee. Midday Lunch. Early afternoon Cups of tea in offices. Tea for mother and children at home. ’ routine [ru:'ti:n] — заведённый порядок ^ alarm [a'la'm] clock goes off — звонит будильник Late afternoon High tea,’ hot meal, cake, cheese, salad, tea. Chidren under three have small meal or milk and biscuits; then off to bed. Evening Hot supper for family, if they haven’t had high tea. Watch television. Do homework. Go out to clubs and friends. Going to bed Have a hot drink. Take a shower or have a wash. Get into bed. 10 ^ high tea — плотный ужин с чаем |.i! I mmm Lessons 29—35 1 j Write the past indefinite tense of the verbs: drink buy_ eat__ make grow send. go--- bring write. be___ have. 2 j Refer the sentences to the past: 1) Whenever my uncle visits us he always brings some nice presents for me. 2) At Christmas they usually go to Trafalgar Square and look at the Christmas tree. 3) Ann dances very well. 4) My brother usually does his morning exercises at 6 o’clock. 5) The frog catches flies. 11 6) The grandpa is a good fisherman. Whenever he goes fishing he usually catches a lot of fish. 3 ) Write what presents you got on your birthday. 4 j Find and circle 9 words on the topic “Holidays”. c n h s e n d a b b e о P c d e f g i w I г h i j к 1 г m i e V i s i t t n d s b 0 P n q h г a e s r t V u d V У n w X a i У a z a t p a г t У У b c d e f g e e 12 5 ) Here are the answers. What are the questions? A В A В It was my birthday yesterday. I invited my friends to my birthday party. А:_________________________________________ В: There were five children at the party. A:_________________________________________ B: Yes, they brought me some presents. A:___________________________________________ B: They brought me some books, toys and a large box of sweets. A:____________________________________________________________________ B: There was a nice little kitten in the box. A:______________________________________ B: Yes, I was very happy. 6 ) Write questions for more information. Kitty sent a present. Santa Claus brought a large bag of presents for children on New Year. Try and guess what presents were in the bag. Write 8 questions. The words in the box can help you. a big doll four hares three little kittens an elephant a dog five ducks two birds a crocodile 13 8 j These toys were not in the bag. Write so. 14 Read the text and write out what the Greens do. THE GREENS The Greens are a family of six. They are: Mr Green, Mrs Green, their two sons A1 and Bob and their two daughters — Kate and Pam. They live in London. The children’s grandparents do not live in London — they live near London. The Greens often visit them on holidays. Sometimes the children’s grandparents come to visit their grandchildren. They usually bring them some presents. At Christmas all the Greens are always together. They always celebrate Christmas. Sometimes they celebrate New Year, too. On holidays the Greens always send greeting cards to their nearest and dearest and to their friends. Often:_______________________________________________________ Sometimes: 15 Usually: Always: 16 OTHER ANIMALS Lessons 37—51 Divide the words into three categories. pet, neck, tail, lion, wolf, hair, head, eye, mouth, ear, nose, leg, foot, body, arm, shoulder, finger, toe, pig, sheep, hamster, tortoise, parrot, hand, face, crocodile, tooth Animals Parts of head Parts of body © Make up sentences of the words given. 1) got. Cliff, a, has, pet.________________ 2) a, parrot, is, it. ____________________ 3) is, name, parrot’s, the,_______________ Chat. _______________ 4) to talk, his, teaches, ________________ Cliff, parrot. _______________ 17 5) after, he, pet, his, looks. 3 ) Look at the picture and write the names of the parts of the body. Think of the words that go with the sounds [e] and [s&]. Write them down. [e] men [as] man 18 Agree or disagree. 1) Mike is a good sportsman, he can jump very well. 2) People mustn’t look after their pets. 3) Schoolchildren must always do their homework. 4) Ann is only two — she can’t read yet. 5) Children mustn’t wash their hands before eating. 6) His father lived in Great Britain — he can speak English very well. Write the missing words. Look at this__________monkey. What a long she has got! Her ears are very________________ small .The. ______. Her eyes of the body is brown. The monkey’s is very large and her. are 19 sharp. She likes to_______bananas and other. I think the_______is very nice. Bob knows what he must do to be a good friend of his pet. Choose and write the sentences. I must take my dog for a walk. I mustn’t take my dog for a walk. I mustn’t feed my dog. I must feed my dog. I must play with my pet. I mustn’t play with my pet. I mustn’t teach my dog. I must teach my dog. I must be kind to my pet. I mustn’t be kind to my pet. 8 Write in words. 1) cardinals:^ 4___________________ 14___________________ 40 48 2) ordinals:^ 15 20 ‘ cardinals fkaidmlz] — количественные числительные ^ ordinals ['o:dinlz] — порядковые числительные 50 ii 90 il Ж 31 18 80 100 300 399 9 ) Write the missing words. long 1) short 2) big 3) ------ 4) clever 5) _______ 6) large 7) ______ 8) ______ 9)_______ 10) silly 11) _____ longer the longest bigger nicer funnier smaller hungrier sharper the shortest the nicest the finest 21 10 Complete the sentences. 1) The monkey’s tail is_ than the mouse’s tail. 2) The giraffe’s neck is^the 3) The crocodile has got______ 4) The hare is________________ 5) The dog is a___________animal. teeth. than the fox. 6) I think that the elephant is the animal. Ill Write what you must {must not) do to be a good girl/boy. 12 Write in words ordinals: 1_________________________ 2_________________________ 3 ________________________ 4 ________________________ 5 __________________ 9 10 11 12 13 13 Write the comparative^ and superlative^ degrees of the adjectives. old___________________________________________________________ tasty. new_ cold. 22 ‘ comparative [kam'paerstiv] — сравнительная ^superlative [sui'psrbtrv] — превосходная happy, hot___ 14) What do you teach your pets to do? Write 4 sentences. 151 Draw the picture of a funny animal and describe it. ^16) Put in the words. 1) The giraffe has got a long □ □ □ □. 2) Dogs are □□□□□□ animals. 3) The lion is a □ □ □ □ animal. 4) The sheep is a □□□□□□□□ animal. 5) I have got five □□□□□□□ on my hands. 17) Write all the animals you know (not less than 25). 23 18 Read the dialogue and write what you’ve learned about the pet Dick bought. AT A PBT SHOP Dick: Morning! Shop-girl: Good morning! Could I help you? Dick: Yes, please. I’d like to buy a pet. Shop-girl: What about this nice parrot? Dick: Can it talk? Shop-girl: Oh, yes! Just listen! Dick: Hi, bird! Parrot: Hi, boy! Dick: Great! I’ll certainly buy this clever bird! Shop-girl: Good. I hope you won’t be sorry. The bird is really very clever. Not only can it talk, it can sing! Parrot: Tra-la-la, tra-la-la ... Dick: Oh, what a bird!!! Shop-girl: But do you know how to look after the parrot? Dick: I hope I do. My dad taught me how to do it. Thanks a lot! Goodbye! Shop-girl: Bye! And thank you. 24 CLOTHING Lessons 52—64 1 ) Write the missing words. beautiful,_________________ the most beautiful , more interesting, favourite. bad. ., the worst , better. 2 ) Change the words in brackets. 1) Every day Nancy {to wear) jeans. 2) Next week she {to go) to her friend’s birthday party and she {to put on) her new dress. 3) What she {to wear) now? 4) Now she {to wear) a blue blouse and a black skirt. 5) It {to be cold) tomorrow. What you {to put on)l 25 6) Tomorrow I {to put on) a warm sweater and trousers. 7) Tomorrow Mum {not to take) an umbrella — they say it {not to rain). 8) On my parents’ day off we {not to stay) in town, we {to go) to the country. 3 ) Write questions for more information. She will go there. 26 Change the adjectives into adverbs by adding >/y. slow ______________________________ quick _____________________________ nice ______________________________ beautiful__________________________ different__________________________ 5 j Complete the sentences with the adverbs. slowly, differently, nicely, quickly, beautifully 1) I don’t think the way my friend does — I think_____________ 2) The tortoise is a slow animal, it moves____________________ 3) The hare runs very_____________________________. 4) This woman is_____________________________________dressed. 5) She is a beautiful singer, she sings______________________ 6 ) Disagree. 1) It will be a day off tomorrow. 2) At the weekend they will go to the sea. 3) Next month we shall go to London. 4) I shall write this exercise very quickly — it’s very difficult. 5) The book isn’t interesting, I shall read it. 7 ) Write as many words as you remember denoting clothes.^ (Not less than 16 words.) ' clothes [klsudz] — одежда 27 8 Andrew is making plans for Sunday. Write what he will do. Use: to visit Granny, to buy food for Rex, to take Rex for a waik, to heip Mum, to go to the swimming pooi, to play chess. Bob will not do what Andrew will do. Write so. 10) Ask your friend what he will do tomorrow. (Write 8 questions.) 28 11] Write what you usually wear when it is cold. 12] What does your mother wear when it is hot? Write. 13 14 Write the rhyming twins. shirt —___________________ sat —_____________________ foot —. means —. letter —_ cat —______ nights —. boat —. Suppose your mother bought new clothes yesterday. Ask her questions. Begin them like this. Did you buy. What_________ Whom What colour. What size_____ 15} Put in the words. 1) Yesterday my aunt bought a new □□□□□□ for her daughter. 29 2) My mother’s □□□□□□ is white. 3) My □ □ □ □ □ are black. 4) In summer I like to wear □□□□□□ . 16) What colour clothes do you like to wear? Write 5 sentences. 17) Read the text and write what wrong things Bill will take. 30 ыи WILL GO TO THE SEAStPE It’ll be very hot tomorrow. It will not rain. The day will be sunny. Bill will go to the seaside for a weekend. He will take five warm sweaters, a pair of jeans, three pairs of trousers, two pairs of boots, four pairs of shoes, two umbrellas, shorts, a warm cap, a blouse, three shirts, a skirt, a raincoat, an overcoat and tights. 31 SEASONS Lessons 67—68 Use prepositions where necessary. 1) _______winter the weather is usually cold. 2) The days are longer________summer than_ 3) Is your mother_____ ________ten minutes 4) _____ winter. home? No, but she will be back Sunday my parents are usually. home. 5) The school I go to is_________my house. 6) Is Jack still___________school? Yes, he is. He will come__________two o’clock. 7) We live_____ 8) Who looks Oxford Street. ____the pet______ 9) My brother is very good your family? mathematics. Do you remember the proverbs? Complete them by using the prepositions where necessary. 1) A friend_________need is a friend indeed. 2) An apple_________a day keeps the doctor away. 3) The right thing________the right place. 4) That’s another pair________shoes. 5) Never put________till tomorrow what you can do today. 6) If you cannot have the best make the best_________what you have. 7) Every thing is good________it’s season. 32 Write a more general word. 1) winter, spring, summer, autumn —______________ 2) November, December, January, February — _ 3) green, red, blue, yellow, white, brown, black 4) jeans, sweater, shirt, skirt, raincoat —______ 5) soup, porridge, bread, spaghetti, meat, fish —. Use the proper tense of the verbs. 1) It (to rain) every day this autumn. 2) It often (to rain) last autumn, too. 3) Do you (to like) it when it (to snow)l. 4) Does it (to snow) in Africa? 5) It (to rain) now.______________ 6) Last winter it often (to snow). 1) It (not to be) warm next week. 8) Will it (to be) hot tomorrow?_ a) Read the text and answer the questions below. Mike is thirty-five. He is a farmer. He lives and works on a farm. Every day he gets up very early, because work on the farm begins early whichever country you live in. But today Mike wants to have a day off. The weather is terribly hot. He invites his friend John to spend the day together. 1) What does Mike do?___________________________________________ 33 2) Why does he get up very early?. 3) Why does Mike want to have a day off? 4) Whom does he invite to spend the day together? b) What do you think Mike says to John? Circle Mike’s questions and John’s answers. Mike 1) Would you like to watch TV? 2) What about having a swim? 3) Would you like to drink some cold juice? 4) Let’s play chess at home. 5) 1 say, let’s have a walk at the seaside. John 1) Great! 2) I’d love to! 3) I don’t want to. 4) Oh, no! 5) That’s a good idea! 34 Look at the pictures (pages 35, 36). Choose and circle the sentences (A, B) which are true. A. 1) It’s spring. 2) It’s raining. 3) It’s winter. 4) Five boys are playing snowballs. 5) It’s snowing. 6) Two boys are playing snowballs. 7) A boy is sledging. 8) A little girl is sledging. 9) Dad and his little daughter are skiing. 10) Mum and her Uttle daughter are skiing. B. 1) It’s autumn. 2) It’s terribly hot. 3) It’s summer. 4) The water is warm. 5) Five children are swimming. 6) Some children are playing tennis. 7) Two boys are playing leapfrog. 8) Two girls are playing hide-and-seek. 9) Two girls are playing hopscotch. 10) Some children are playing tag. 35 36 spring Summer Autumn 37 THE ENGLISH YEm Lessons 69—77 © Do you remember the names of the months? Write all the months that come: /yiter June Before May Now you know that the English year differs from the Russian one. Write the names of the English: 38 1) winter months: 2) spring months: 3) summer months: 4) autumn months: 3 ) Make up sentences of the words given. 1) spring, small, in, on, can, you, the, see, trees, green, leaves. 2) flowers, are, in, wild, summer, fields, full of, forests, and. 3) your, is, grass, in, there, garden, much? 4 J Here are the answers. Write the questions. 1)-------------------------------------------- Yes, there are some children in the garden. 2) 3) 4) 5) Yes, there is somebody in the room. Yes, I can see something under the table. Yes, I saw some wild flowers in the forest. Yes, I know something about English holidays. 5 j Disagree (use the two ways possible). 1) I saw somebody at the stadium. 2) My sister knows something interesting. 39 3) Yesterday we bought some books. 4) The boy wrote something and ran away. 5) Bob invited somebody to his birthday party. 6) My dad made some toys for me. 6 ) Write what English holidays are celebrated; 1) in November:_________________________ 2) in December: 3) in January:. 4) in February: 5) in March:. 6) in April:. 7) in May: 40 8) in June: 9) in October:. It’s November. The Parkers are going to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. What do you think they will do? Circle the numbers. 1) The Parkers will invite their grandparents to come. 2) They will buy new books. 3) They will decorate the house with autumn fruit and flowers. 4) They will go to the Zoo. 5) They will have roast turkey for dinner. 6) They will have an apple pie for dinner. 7) Mrs Parker will cook a pumpkin pie. 8) The Parkers will go to visit their friends. 9) All the Parkers will gather together on Thanksgiving Day. 8 ) Write the names of the months in the alphabetical order. Put In: is, are, some, any, no, not. \) — there coffee in this cup? — Yes, there . — Td love to have a cup of coffee. 2)- any apples on the table? — Yes, there 3)-Fd like to have a glass of milk. — I am sorry. there ______________WLQ you have some tea instead? 4) I have a sweet tooth________there_______sweets? — Sorry, there sweets, but there a lot of tasty apples there. Help yourself to the apples, please. 41 Mrs White invited the Parkers to her birthday party. The Parkers’ five children stayed at home. This is what the Parkers see, when they come home. Look at the picture and write down the sentences. 42 11 Write sentences using: milk, soup, porridge, coffee, tea, bread, cheese, sweets, apples. 43 Lessons 80—90 44 Divide the words into two categories: 1) Where can you find water? 2) What can you see in the sky? Make a table. W^ter Sky 2 ) Make the sentences complete. These words can help you. rivers, mountain, hills, seasons, nature, forest, seas, oceans, lakes, earth 1) I think that Russian_________is the most beautiful. 2) There is a lot of water on the___________________It is in and 3) The Everest is the highest______________in the world. 4) My dad and I like to ski down the_________________in winter. 5) In most countries there are four____________________, but in some African countries there are only two______________________ ________________, dry and wet. 6) There is a near our country house, where we usu- ally go to gather mushrooms and berries. 3 ) Write as many questions as you can for more information. They went there. 4 ) Refer the sentences to the past. 1) My dad always answers all my questions. 2) Pam usually agrees with her brother whatever he says. 3) Ben begins to do his morning exercises at 7 o’clock. 4) He becomes stronger and stronger. 5) Fred usually buys bread and milk, and his sister buys vegetables and fruit. 6) Little Ann asks her parents a lot of questions. 7) Mr Smith usually comes home from his office at 7 o’clock. 8) She acts like a child! 45 Choose the words that you could use to describe: a) nature, b) people: curious, beautiful, good, wonderful, bad, dull, bright, kind, nice, warm, merry, cold, friendly, clean, angry, famous, wild, dark, little, busy, different, short, dry, funny, lovely, fine, silly, high, clever, big, slow, true, large, quick, pretty, happy, important, hungry, thirsty Nature People 46 Choose and cross out the numbers of the sentences which are not true. 1) There are four oceans in the world. 2) There are six oceans in the world. 3) The Urals are the highest mountains in Russia. 4) The Urals are not the highest mountains in Russia. 5) London is the capital of Great Britain. 6) London is the capital of France. 7) You can see the moon in the sky in the daytime. 8) You can see the moon in the sky at night. 9) A hill is higher than a mountain. 10) A mountain is higher than a hill. Make sure that you know something about the English ways. Read the beginning of the sentences in A and find the correct ending in B. Write in pairs the numbers from A and В which correspond. A. 1) The British are often called “stay-at-home” people because ... 2) The most popular sports in Great Britain are ... 3) On Sunday the Enghsh often ... 4) At Christmas the English ... 5) Some English people call the midday meal ... 6) The British are fond of drinking tea, some of them ... B. 1) visit their relatives. 2) dinner, and the evening meal — supper or high tea. 3) football and cricket. 4) drink as many as ten cups of tea a day. 5) they spend a lot of time at home. 6) give each other presents and send Christmas cards. 8 ) Write the sentences in a different way. Rita did not say anything. Granny did not see anybody in the garden. Mike did not put anything into the box. Little Mary did not draw anything. 47 Bob will not give you anything. Liz did not invite anybody to her birthday party. There was not anybody in the house. 48 Make up words out of the letters given. a, e, s_________________________ h, t, r, e, a------------------- i, a, m, u, n, o, t, n e, n, c, o, a__________________________ r, e, a, n, u, t 10) Put in the missing words. 1) You can see the___________ 2) A_____________is higher than a hill. 3) The Volga is a beautiful___________ in the sky at night. 4) In winter children like to ski down the_ 5) There are a lot of___________in the sky. 6) People live on the____________ 7) Baikal is the deepest and the most beauti- ful lake. 8) The Everest is the highest________________ 9) When the________________shines, it is day. 10) The ship was in the Atlantic_____________ in the world. t: - • ’ •. Read the text and answer the questions after it. WEATHER People often say: “Everything depends on the weather.” But what does the weather depend on? Why do we have weather at all? Behind all our weather — behind the warm summer days and cold winter days, behind the snow, behind the rain — is the sun. All our life depends on the sun, and our weather depends on the sun, too. The sun is very, very hot. The temperature of the sun is very, very high! It’s a good thing we are 93 million miles^ away from the sun! Our planet — the Earth — turns around the sun. At the same time every 24 hours the Earth turns around its axis.^ This turning brings a change of temperature from day to night, it brings a change in our weather. ' mile [mail] — миля ^ axis ['aeksis] — ось 49 1) What does the weather depend on? 2) Does our life depend on the sun? 3) What can you say about the temperature of the sun? 4) How many miles are we away from the sun? 5) What brings a change in our weather? 50 Keys 1 ) Did you play (watch TV, ...) yesterday? 2 ) Mike played (watched TV, ...) yesterday. Who played? Did she play? With whom did she play? When did she play? Why did she play? Where did she play? What games did she play? 4 ) Nancy didn’t play (watch TV, ...) yesterday. a) 1 like to eat ... . I don’t like to eat ... . I like to drink ... . I don’t like to drink ... . b) My mother likes to eat ... . My mother doesn’t like to eat ... My mother likes to drink ... . My mother doesn’t like to drink 6 1 I usually have ... for breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper). ...is tasty. ... are tasty. I think that juice is tasty. I think that apples are tasty. I don’t think that coffee is tasty. I don’t think that eggs are tasty. 8 51 '‘СЮ vegetables; 2) fruit; 3) drink; 4) food. porridge, soup, meat, fish, chicken, spaghetti, salad, pudding, toast, hamburger, pizza, egg. Did you eat ... yesterday? ice cream, chocolate, jam, sweet, cake, cookie 1) eat, ate; 2) bought, had; 3) makes, made; 4) grow, grew. 14j 1) many carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, bananas, oranges. 2) much tea, coffee, milk, water, juice, porridge, bread, meat, fish, soup, cheese, butter. ^15) Mum: terrible, matter. Dan: hungry. Mum: to have. Dan: Pd love to. Mum: Thanks. Pass me the salt, please. Dan: Thanks. Dan: Yes, please. Mum: I wonder. Dan: thirsty 4 or 5 times. 1 j drank, bought, ate, made, grew, sent, went, brought, wrote, was (were), had. 2^ 1) visited, brought; 2) went, looked; 3) danced; 4) did; 5) caught; 52 6) was, went, caught. 1 8 celebrate, birthday, new, holiday, send, present, visit, invite, party. A: 1) What holiday was yesterday? 2) Whom did you invite to your birthday party? 3) How many children were there at the party? 4) Did they bring you presents? 5) What presents did they bring you? 6) What was there in the box? 7) Were you happy? 1) Was there a big doll in the bag? 2) Were there three little kittens in the bag? 3) Was there a dog in the bag? 4) Were there two birds in the bag? 5) Were there four hares in the bag? 6) Was there an elephant in the bag? 7) Were there five ducks in the bag? 8) Was there a crocodile in the bag? j 1) There were no monkeys in the bag. 2) There was no tiger in the bag. 3) There were no foxes in the bag. 4) There was no horse in the bag. Often: The Greens often visit them on holidays. Sometimes: Sometimes the children’s grandparents come to visit their grandchildren. Sometimes they celebrate New Year too. Usually: They usually bring them some presents. Always: On Christmas all the Greens are always together. They always celebrate Christmas. On holidays the Greens always send greeting cards to their nearest and dearest and to their friends. 53 ршш шр ®тс=аЕй Animals Parts of head Parts of body pet hair meek lion eye tail wolf mouth leg hare ear foot pig nose body sheep face arm hamster tooth shoulder tortoise finger parrot toe crocodile hand 1) Cliff has got a pet. 2) It is a parrot. 3) The parrot’s name is Chat. 4) Cliff teaches his parrot to talk. 5) He looks after his pet. 1) Yes, he can. 2) But they must. 3) Yes, they must. 4) No, she can’t. 5) But they must. 6) Yes, he can. funny, funny tail, small, are, too, hair, mouth, teeth, eat, fruit, monkey. 54 I must take my dog for a walk. 1) four, fourteen, forty, forty-eight, five, fifteen, fifty, nine, nineteen, ninety, three, thirteen, thirty, thirty-one, eight, eighteen, eighty, hundred, three hundred, three hundred and ninety-nine. 2) fourth, fourteenth, fortieth, forty-eighth, fifth, fifteenth, fiftieth, ninth, nineteenth, ninetieth, third, thirteenth, thirtieth, thirty-first, eighth, eighteenth, eightieth, hundredth, three hundredth, three hundred and ninety-ninth. 1) shorter; 2) the biggest; 3) nice; 4) cleverer, the cleverest; 5) funny, the funniest; 6) larger, the largest; 7) small, the smallest; 8) fine, finer; 9) hungry, the hungriest; 10) sillier, the silliest; 11) sharp, the sharpest. id) 1) longer 2) longest 3) sharp 4) smaller 5) clever 6) biggest. 11 I must help about the house. I must not be late for school. 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 first second third fourth fifth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth 1 з) old — older — the oldest tasty — tastier — the tastiest new — newer — the newest cold — colder — the coldest happy — happier — the happiest hot — hotter — the hottest 55 I© © 1) neck 2) clever 3) wild 4) domestic 5) fingers 1 teach my dog to jump. I teach my ... to ... . 18) Dick bought a parrot. It’s very clever. The parrot can talk and sing. © © 56 more beautiful interesting, the most interesting more favourite, the most favourite worse good, the best. 1) wears; 2) will go, will put on; 3) is wearing; 4) is wearing; 5) will be cold, will put on; 6) shall put on; 7) will not take, will not rain; 8) shall not stay, shall go. Who will go there? \W11 she go there? When will she go there? With whom will she go there? Why will she go there? Will she go there tomorrow or next week? © slowly, quickly, nicely, beautifully, differently. © 1) differently, 2) slowly, 3) quickly, 4) nicely, 5) beautifully. 1) It will not (won’t) be a day off tomorrow. 2) At the weekend they will not go to the sea. 3) Next month we shall not go to London. 4) I shall not write this exercise very quickly, it’s difficult. 5) The book is not interesting, I shall not (shan’t) read it. hat, cap, shoes, boots, jeans, trousers, sweater, shirt, blouse, shorts, skirt, tights, coat, overcoat, jacket, raincoat. 8 j Andrew will visit Granny. 9 ] Bob will not visit Granny. Will you go to the park (...) tomorrow? I usually wear my warm coat (...) when it is cold. 12) My mother wears her hat (...) when it is hot. 13) skirt hat boot tights jeans sweater cap coat 14j Did you buy a new coat? What did you buy? Whom did you buy a new hat? What colour boots did you buy? What size shoes did you buy? 5 5) 1) jacket, 2) blouse, 3) jeans, 4) shorts 16) I like to wear grey sweaters. 17) five warm sweaters, three pairs of trousers, two pairs of boots, four pairs of shoes, two umbrellas, a warm cap, a blouse, a skirt, a raincoat, an overcoat, tights. 1 ) 1) in; 2) in, in; 3) at, in; 4) on, at; 5) near; 6) at, at; 7) in; 8) after, in; 9) at. 2 J 1) in; 2) —; 3) in; 4) of; 5) off; 6) of; 7) in. 57 1) seasons; 2) months; 3) colours; 4) clothes; 5) food. 1) rains; 2) rained; 3) like, snows; 4) snow; 5) is raining; 6) snowed; 7) will not be; 8) be. a) 1) He’s a farmer. 2) Because work on the farm begins early. 3) Because the weather is terribly hot. 4) He invites John. A. 3), 5), 6), 8), 10). B. 2), 3), 4), 5), 7), 9), 10). 58 таЕ EMdysy After June: July, August, September, October, December. Before May: April, March, February, January. 1) November, December, January, February 2) March, April 3) May, June, July, August 4) September, October. 1) You can see small green leaves on the trees in spring. 2) In summer fields and forests are full of wild flowers. 3) Is there much grass in your garden? 1) Are there any children in the garden? 2) Is there anybody in the room? 3) Can you see anything under the table? 4) Did you see any wild flowers in the forest? 5) Do you know anything about English holidays? 1) I saw nobody at the stadium. I didn’t see anybody at the stadium. 2) My sister knows nothing interesting. My sister doesn’t know anything interesting. 3) Yesterday he bought no books. Yesterday he didn’t buy any books. 4) The boy wrote nothing. The boy didn’t write anything. 5) Bob invited nobody to his birthday party. Bob didn’t invite anybody to his birthday party. 6) My dad made no toys for me. My dad didn’t make any toys for me. 1) Thanksgiving Day; 2) Christmas, New Year; 3) the First Foot; 4) St Valentine’s Day; 5) St Patrick’s Day, Mother’s Day; 6) Easter Day, April Fool’s Day; 7) the May Day holiday; 8) Father’s Day; 9) Halloween. I 1), 3), 5), 7), 9). April, August, December, February, January, July, June, March, May, November, October, September 1. Are, any, is, some 2. Are, there, are some 3. isn’t any 4. Are, any, are not, are 10 1) There are twelve children in the room. 2) Two boys are playing hockey. 3) Nancy is feeding the parrot with salt. 4) Bob and Ann are fishing out the fishes. 5) The cat is eating the meat for tomorrow’s dinner. 6) One child is standing on the TV set. 7) The bird’s cage is open and three birds are flying around the room. 8) One child is wearing Mrs Parker’s best Sunday dress. 9) Two girls are playing leapfrog. 10) One girl is decorating the room with toys. 59 11) Sam is drawing coloured pictures right on the table. 12) The dog Rex and Tom are barking at each other. MMU\ Water Sky river the sun lake the moon sea stars ocean 2 ) 1) nature; 2) earth, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans; 3) mountain; 4) hills; 5) seasons, seasons; 6) forest. 1) Did they go there? 2) Who went there? 3) When did they go there? 4) With whom did they go there? 5) Where did they go? 6) Why did they go there? 7) Did they go there in summer? 1) answered; 2) agreed, said; 3) began; 4) became; 5) bought, bought; 6) asked; 7) came; 8) acted. Nature: beautiful, wonderful, bad, dull, bright, cold, wild, dark, different, dry, lovely, fme, high, hot, large. People: curious, beautiful, good, wonderful, bad, dull, kind, nice, merry, friendly, angry, famous, little, busy, short, funny, lovely, fme, silly, clever, big, true, quick, pretty, happy, important, hungry, thirsty. 60 2), 3), 6), 7), 9). I l)-5), 2)-3), 3)-l), 4)-6), 5)-2), 6)-4). Rita said nothing. Granny saw nobody in the garden. Mike put nothing into the box. Little Mary drew nothing. Bob will give you nothing. Liz invited nobody to her birthday party. There was nobody in the house. 9 ) sea, earth, mountain, ocean, nature 10) 1) moon, 2) mountain; 3) river, 4) hills, 5) stars, 6) earth, 7) The lake, 8) mountain, 9) sun, 10) Ocean 11) 1) It depends on the sun. 2) Yes, it does. 3) It’s very, very high. 4) We are 93 million miles away from the sun. 5) The turning of the Earth does. Содержание Food {Lessons 14—27)................................ 4 Holidays {Lessons 29—35)........................... 11 Pets and Other Animals {Lessons 37—51) ............ 17 Clothing {Lessons 52—64)........................... 25 Seasons {Lessons 67—68) ........................... 32 The English Year {Lessons 69—77) .................. 38 Nature {Lessons 80—90)............................. 44 Keys............................................... 51 62 Учебное издание Верещагина Ирина Николаевна Притыкина Тамара Александровна АНГЛИИСКИИ ЯЗЫК Рабочая тетрадь 3 класс Учебное пособие для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Центр лингвистического образования Руководитель Центра Ю. А. Смирнов Зав. редакцией английского языка М. А. Семичев Ответственный за выпуск Т. О. Звонарёва Редактор Я. Я. Максименко Художественный редактор Э. К. Реоли Художник О. В. Попович Технический редактор О. Ю. Мызникова Корректор Н.Д. Цухай Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД №05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 13.07.16. Формат 84xl08'/i6. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура NewtonC. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 2,07. Тираж 4000 экз. Заказ № 45926. Акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Отпечатано по заказу АО «ПолиграфТрейд» в филиале «Смоленский полиграфический комбинат» ОАО «Издательство «Высщая щкола». 214020, г. Смоленск, ул. Смольянинова, 1. Тел.: +7(4812)31-11-96. Факс: +7(4812) 31-31-70. E-mail: [email protected] https://www.smolpk.ru л >. ■J . 1 „ • . ^ •■ ’1 , 1 "W 1 • у 41 . /'л 'Wi- l^•' ■ • •■• >1'*; ^ и 1Л 'Л • * ■ 1(1 , . .■ ' ;1 « . =« .. , * .■ ■• ' V - "г- * , * -||г