Английский язык 11 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 11 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка 2-е издание Москва «Просвещение» 2010 You will hear six people speaking about different composers (No. 1). Match each speaker's utterances (1—6) with the statements (a—g). There is one statement you don't need to use. Fill In the table at the end of the task. '=', . .... ^т^т. .^ ., •—.'»А. ' . • ■ ■‘xw • ЩсИа^М Wagner (1813-1883) JT^ V- Aaron Cdplandj ... -К.-^ '' -лат—- "^ф (1900-1990) Ч-Л10У..-; , ■ :• . .. .- .’ : a) This composer was born on the continent of Europe but made England his home. b) This composer wrote music for films. c) This composer wrote music which was a source of inspiration for other great composers. d) This composer came from a family of musicians. e) This composer was also a great painter. f) This composer went on creating music even when he couldn’t hear it any more. g) This composer himself wrote scripts for plays performed by singers and an orchestra. Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 6 Statement шЩ 'Мщ ЬШ m *Ш^-Л • >-• t? Шг J Л'-УУфч Ш ШШ. ■фщ jUbfcS шт? ш л,- &№'*г ШШ Щр5г ШШ &:^V' ?=^rr§^ yi-yd" щш •. •V ^JVrr'* ■* Srt т’еЛ^ ••'.irfSi'J'.?- .Л’СЕ! 'Шй ш ш 2 You will hear а text about the history of dance (No. 2). To complete the statements (1—8) circle the item you have chosen. 1. We ______ decide which appeared first — music or dancing. a) сап b) are able to c) cannot 2. Some people believe that our inclination to dance is a(n) ___ quality. a) inborn b) acquired c) rare 3. The type of dancing depends on ______. a) people’s level of development b) where people live c) people’s nationality 4. Dances of people from mountainous areas are often based on o. 6. a) stamping their feet b) jumping c) hopping People from the plains when they dance. a) kick their feet quickly b) put their feet down hard and noisily c) shuffle their feet noiselessly Primitive hunters imitated the movements of a) sacred animals b) the animals they worshipped c) the animals they hunted 7. 8. Primitive farmers’ dances are connected with a) natural disasters b) cursing their enemies c) hopes for the future crop Dancing performances required special clothes a) from the very start b) with the development of dancing c) recently 3. Read the text and do the tasks (1—6) after it circling one of the ietters (A—D) Musical Cat (Part I) After lunch Louisa, as usual, went to the piano. She was a competent pianist and a genuine music-lover, and almost every afternoon she spent an hour or so playing for herself. The cat was now lying on the sofa, and she paused to stroke it as she went by. It opened its eyes, looked at her for a moment, then closed them again and went back to sleep. “You’re an awfully nice cat,” she said. “And such a beautiful colour. I wish I could keep you. She went over and sat down on the long piano bench, but she didn’t immediately start to play. One of her special little pleasures was to make every day a kind of concert day, with a carefully arranged programme which she worked out in detail before she began. She never liked to break her enjoyment by having to stop while she wondered what to play next. All she wanted was a brief pause after each piece while the audience clapped enthusiastically and called for more. It was so much nicer to imagine an audience, and now and again while she was playing — on the lucky days — the room would begin to swim and fade and darken, and she would see nothing but row after row of seats and a sea of white faces upturned towards her, listening with a rapt and adoring concentration. Sometimes she played from memory, sometimes from music. Today she would play from memory; that was the way she felt. Ж В»Й^г'^ The second one And what should the programme be? She sat before the piano with her small hands clasped on her lap, a plump rosy little person with a round and still quite pretty face. By looking slightly to the right, she could see the cat curled up asleep on the sofa, and its silvery-grey coat was beautiful against the purple of the cushion. How about some Bach to begin with? Or, better still, Vivaldi? Then perhaps a little Schumann. Carnaval? That would be fun. And after that — well, a touch of Liszt for a change. One of the Petrarch Sonnets. that was the loveliest — the E major. Then another Schumann. And lastly, for the encore a Brahms waltz, or maybe two of them if she felt like it. A very nice programme, one that she could play easily without the music. She moved herself a little closer to the piano... lifted her hands to the keyboard and began to play. She wasn’t at that particular moment watching the cat at all — as a matter of fact she had forgotten its presence — but as the first deep notes of the Vivaldi sounded softly in the room, she became aware out of the corner of one eye, of a sudden flurry, a flash of movement on the sofa to her right. She stopped playing at once. The animal, who a few seconds before had been sleeping peacefully, was now sitting bolt upright on the sofa, very tense, the whole body aquiver, ears up and eyes wide open, staring at the piano. Louisa was watching the cat’s face closely now. She was curious to see what would happen a second time — she reached out her hands to the keyboard and began again to play the Vivaldi. This time the cat was ready for it, and all that happened to begin with was a small extra tensing of the body. But as the music swelled and quickened into that first exciting rhythm of the introduction to the fugue, a strange look that amounted almost to ecstasy began to settle upon the creature’s face. At that moment Louisa could have sworn that the animal was actually appreciating the work. What she saw (or thought she saw) was something she had noticed many times on the faces of people listening very closely to a piece of music. When the sound takes complete hold of them and drowns them in itself, a peculiar intensely ecstatic look comes over them that you can recognise as easily as a smile. So far as Louisa could see, the cat was now wearing almost exactly this kind of look. * ; 3 5 6 ('after Edward the Conqueror by Roald Dahl^ Louisa usually spent her afternoons A. entertaining her friends B. playing for her family C. in the loneliness of her house D. playing with her cat Louisa______the piano. A. was not so good at playing B. was learning to play C. was a diligent pupil and practiced playing D. was quite capable of playing Louisa took time before playing______. A. to concentrate B. to decide what pieces to play in what order C. to dream of playing for a big audience D. to talk to the cat On the day described in the story the cat______. A, heard Louisa play for the first time ". V* 1 B. moved itself closer to the piano to hear the music better C. didn’t feel like listening to music at all D. left the room not to hear Louisa play The cat’s reaction to Vivaldi’s music _______. A. was negative B. was typical of cats C. was hardly noticeable D. gradually changed The cat seemed to A. be indifferent to what it heard B. hate Louisa playing • > C. enjoy the music D. show signs of nervousness while listening to music А in Ihe text Musical Cat (Ex. 3) words and word combinations that mean the 1. real, true 2. to stop for a while 3. to solve a problem 4. quick 5. to applaud 6. involved 7. (to play) by ear 8. fattish 9. attractive 10. a bit of 11. finally 12. at the request of the public -ЯР***, ,|Pi ''Si# «V ii- straight o-•:4•>^ *: .'-*•• .v-*«.>.‘.* /• '^-vVv. 'Ш 15."‘a pieiej®, music that develops ta-sim pie theme::^i|ei^:.^^ .«fit# •\\4Vjv:; 5. Complete the sentences with the prepositions from the box. at against beyond by (2) in (3) of over to (3) under with (2) A. 1. lives my annoyance they have revealed our secret. 2. John his means. 3. The wounded animal roared ____ pain. 4. Alice couldn’t keep her anger____control. 5. Jenny’s remarks were indecent and we all felt indignant____them. 6. Never ever hit animals sticks. 7. It is a well-known fact that Maurice was writing his memoirs fits and starts. 8. Ignorance the law is no excuse. 9. Sir Walter left the room_________ 10. He was hit a bullet. 11. Gerald hit his head annoyance, a low branch of the tree. 12. Never dare you hit her _______ the face. 13. We have lived for many years______total ignorance of the fact that we have an elder brother. 14. In my opinion his refusal to accept the invitation will be regarded as an insult___the whole 7 family. 15. He said he couldn’t swear Nora had stolen the documents. it, but in his view at beyond by for (2) from in (2) on (2) over to (2) under up B. 1. He looked at me _____behind the tree. 2. Where’s that thing chopping vegetables? 3. They were disappointed _____ the fact that we couldn’t come in. 4. We are looking forward _______ seeing you soon. 5. I don’t think we can rely ______ his words. 6. Trigonometry was just______ me. 7. You’ll need to put a jack- et that blouse. It’s cold. 8. She’s been longing David to call her. 9. This may result ____________________________________his receiving lots of unwanted papers. 10. Our picnic will depend ______ the weather. 11. She has decided to confide_____her doctor. 12. I don’t know how she’ll put _____ with the noise. 13. Both the brothers were good playing football. 14. Children of be admitted. 15. She was referring sixteen years of age will not John’s latest article. 6. Express the same in Russian. I. I tried not to betray my ignorance. 2. They were quite indignant at Roger’s remarks. 3. I can’t resist the temptation of visiting the show. 4. People naturally resist change. 5. He suffers from fits of depression. 6. Ann heard Steve swear under his breath. 7. An error in the translation nearly caused a diplomatic incident. 8. I find it insulting to be spoken to in such a way. 9. Mr Richardson’s air of calm superiority annoyed her intensely. 10. I must admit Joanna is very difficult to work with. II. Sarah has been embroiding the dress by fits and starts three months already. 12. One of 0. Wilde’s famous plays is called The Importance of Being Earnest. 13. The room beyond proved to be a mirror image of the first room. 14. “Don’t assume anything,” said Maria fiercely. 15. In the dark I stumbled and hit on the back of a chair. 16. Fred gave a roar of anger. Match the words in the two columns to form phrases and use them to complete the sentences that follow. A public roaring В desire person Ш ШШ ffrSC ж Ьг? ш ш wi А ш ш 0i Ш swearing irresistible great fierce annoying personal fitting actual earnestness words thanks incident people indignation traffic insult 1. We all had a(n) is based on a(n) _ to have a swim in the sea. 2. The story 3. Ronald is a(n) ___to deal with. 4. He took our criticism as a(n) 5. Jack was speaking with trying to prove his point of view. 6. Michael bitterly regretted those_____, spoken in the heat of the moment. 7. All the orators spoke about corruption in the office. By the end of the meeting ____was running high. 8. She said we should offer_____ to God for everything that had happened to us. 9. The old gentleman sat on the terrace a few feet from the ___. 10. I can’t stand ___ and always have to stop myself in order not to rebuke them. 8. Express the same in English. I. 1. любопытный случай; 2. оскорбительные слова; 3. серьёзно разговаривать; 4. настоящий невежда; 5. между прочим, к слову сказать; 6. встретить яростное сопротивление; 7. иметь приступ гнева; 8. ударить по лицу; 9. удариться коленом о стул; 10. поклясться в чём-то; 11. зарычать от боли; 12. не поддаваться искупхению; 13. поведение, являющееся оскорблением для пожилых людей; 14. приступ смеха; 15. вне нашего контроля II. 1. Мы завершили нашу поездку без каких-либо происшествий. 2. Она читает этот роман с перерывами уже месяц. 3. Не могу поклясться в этом, но, по-моему, она пишет статьи в нашу газету. 4. Ветер яростно дул в лица прохожих. 5. Не думаю, что пристало задавать ей вопросы личного характера. 6. После автомобильной аварии твоя машина не подлежит восстановлению. 7. Не смей бить животных палкой, 8. Моя младшая сестра обладает неотразимым очарованием. 9. Из-за его забавных рассказов мы хохотали во всё горло. (Его забавные рассказы заставили нас хохотать во всё горло.) 10. Я признаю наше невежество в этом вопросе. 11. Подобная манера выражения оскорбительна для меня. 12. Клянусь, я никогда её больше не видел. 13. Какая досада! Они уже ушли из дома. 14. Он такой серьёзный молодой человек. 15. Меня возмутили его оскорбительные замечания. 9. л. Remember what verbs in English can describe laughing English. 1. смеяться очень громко 2. ухмыляться, самодовольно улыбаться 3. фыркать от смеха, сдавленно усмехаться 4. скалить зубы 5. хихикать В. Маке up your own sentences with the verbs given above. and write these in 10. Translate these sentences into Russian. I. to bring — to take — to fetch I. I want to be taken seriously. 2. He brought his friends with him when he came to see us. 3. He took what I said as a criticism. 4. Spring brings warm weather. 5. Could you fetch me my hat from the corridor? 6. Could you fetch the dry-cleaning on your way home? II. to cry — to sob — to weep 1. Jane took the death of her younger brother badly and sobbed her heart out. 2. Sarah didn’t want anybody to see that she was upset, so she quickly went to her room where she wept bitter tears. 3. The child was weeping for his mother. 4. Don’t you dare cry in public! 5. He put his head on his arms and cried like a baby. 6. She began to sob uncontrollably. III. to long — to yearn — to wish 1. She wished she had stayed at home. 2. We are longing for your return. 3. Ruth knows she will never be able to visit her motherland but all these years she has been yearning to visit it. 4. He has long yearned to see her but I doubt that he ever will. 5. It was cold outside and Mary was longing for a hot bath. 6. I don’t wish to be melodramatic but I’m sure I can hear someone downstairs. 11. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1. Suddenly I hit {on/out) a radical solution to the problem. 2. If you criticise the way James works, he is sure to hit {back/for). 3. Some companies would be hit {at/for) millions of dollars in fine. 4. In her speech she hit {on/out) against the club’s petty rules. 5. He didn’t see the people attacking him, he just hit {back/out) wildly in all directions. 6. They accused him of not having done enough, and he hit {back/out) at their claims. 7. It was clear that sooner or later the police would hit {at/upon) the truth. 8. In his article the journalist hit {back/out) at racism. 9. The sneer was obvious, but he didn’t hit {for/out). 10. Colin never starts a fight, but if somebody hits him, he hits them {back/on). 12. Match the sentences with their types and put the right punctuation mark at the end of each. Types of sentences: a) declarative (positive or negative) b) interrogative c) imperative d) exclamatory 1. My watch is a few minutes slow □ 2. Could you drive a little faster Ы 3. How naive she is at the age of 15 LJ 4. Let’s not play this game again □ 5. What kind of disease is leukemia □ 6. Don’t ask me questions, just do what you are told □ 7. The young parents didn’t want to know the sex of their baby before it was born □ 8. When shall we next meet EH 9. What awful weather we’ve been having EH 10. Would you please follow me to the office □ 11. It doesn’t seem like the most logical solution EH 12. Never say that again □ I 3. Л. Analyse these sentences and underline their subjects and predicates. 1. Electronic instruments make music sounds produced by electronic circuits. 2. The melody is the tune. 3. Three and seven are lucky numbers. 4. People have been making some kind of music тш all through history. 5. We know a lot of interesting facts about music. 6. Singing and dancing are her hobbies. 7. The music of ancient Greeks has never been written down. 8. Mozart’s operas and symphonies are beautiful. 9. An opera is a play with music. 10. Light, short operas are called operettas. B. Write how the subject is expressed in each of the above sentences (by what part of speech). a) noun b) pronoun c) numeral d) adjective e) gerund C. Write what kind of predicate there is in each sentence (verbal or nominal) 14. Write out the following secondary members of the sentences given below. a) indirect object b) direct object c) attribute d) adverbial modifier of time e) adverbial modifier of place f) adverbial modifier of manner 1. Tornadoes are violent, whirling windstorms. 2. Tonga is a kingdom in the Pacific. 3. Some trees give us fruits and nuts. 4. Turtles usually bury their eggs in sand. 5. By the mid-1800s, the country had become the same size as it is nowadays. 6. Alice always speaks disdainfully. 7. This is the fable to learn. 8. She is generally right. 15. Read the text. Complete it with the correct words derived from the words in bold on the right. "I .. M v'-'w:? •Ш •Uvi- .\‘1Ы' 'Ш'1 _____jan music in the ea ry was the 2; new^ 3. ,"’hrrform Щ - dance. ^Among; the early* 4t ■- щг:- *'■'Гг -- # s was УШс Isadoras - h'ffti---’ r».v;/c ■■■ -Ш '.'Йл * ш Щш т ■ ; i I \ stressed pure, unstructured 5. ___ in lieu of the position of a 6* _ballet. Martha Graham (1894—1991) became one of the best known in modern dance. Many of her 7. _____ works were pro- duced in 8. ___with leading American composers. Later choreographers searched for new methods of 9. ____. Merce Cunningham (1919—) introduced 10. _____ and ran- dom 11. s into 12. s. move classic fame collaborate express improvise move, perform ■'Ж 16. Read the text. Complete it with the correct words bold on the right. from the words in : V : \ I \ . ■ ^ The 1. _____ of the arts in America — music, dance, architecture, the visual arts and literature — has been marked by a 2._____between two strong sources of 3. ____: European sophistication and domestic 4. _____. Frequently, the best 5.______artists have managed to use both sources. % Until the 20th century, serious music in America was shaped by 6. ________ standards. A 7.________exception was the music of composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk (1829—1869), son of a 8. father and a Creole mother. His music is full of 9. melodies and ♦3^ I rhythms he had heard in his native New Orleans. He was the first 10. ______ in the country to achieve international 11._______, but his early death con- tributed to his relative 12. 5-* develop tense inspire original America Europe note Britain plant piano recognise obscure 7. Complete the text choosing the best word from the columns after it. Lyra was a coarse and greedy little savage, for the most part. But she always had a 1. ________ sense that it wasn’t her whole world; that somewhere in her life there was a connection with the high world of diplomacy and 2. _____. It had never ___ to her to find out more. She had passed her childhood, like a half-wild cat. The only variation in her days came on those irregular occasions when Lord Asriel visited the College. A rich and 4. _____ uncle was all very well to boast about, but the price of boasting was having to be caught and brought to the Housekeeper to be washed and dressed in a clean frock, following which she was escorted (with many threats) to the Senior Common Room to have tea with Lord Asriel. A group of senior Scholars would be invited as well. What happened on those awkward, formal visits never varied. After the tea, the Master and the other 5. __ Scholars who 6. left Lyra and her uncle together, and he called her to stand in front of him and tell him what she’d learned 7. his last visit. And she would mutter whatever she could remember about geom- да ■W^‘3 mm wm ШМ. да Шя щщ ШШ В® ..‘■■’•tvTrsasi И ->--5SS 1Ш =>£ЛЙеЬ-£г * ---- ш ш or history, and he would sit back with one ankle knee and watch her 10. for words. Don’t etry or 8. ____, resting on 9. ____ Once he said, “And how do you spend your time when you’re not diligently studying?” And she mumbled, “I just play.” And he said, “Let me see your hands, child.” She held 11. ______ her hands for 12. _____, and he took them and turned them over to look at her fingernails. “Dirty,” said Lord Asriel, pushing her hands away, they make you wash in this place?” “I 13. _____them dirty after I washed.” “Where do you play to get so dirty?” She looked 14. him suspiciously. She had the feeling that being on the roof was forbidden, though no one had actually said so. “In some of the old rooms,” she said finally. “Nowhere 15. _______?” “No.” “You’re a liar. I 16. _____you on the roof only yesterday.” She bit her lip and said nothing. (after Philip Pullman) 1. a) faded c) b) dim d) 2. a) policy d) b) police c) 3. a) occured c) b) ocurred d) 4. a) powerful c) b) strong d) 5. a) a few c) b) few d) 6. a) have invited c) b) had invited d) 7. a) from c) b) afterwards d) 8. a) •* ' Arab c) b) Arabian d) 9. a) another c) b) the other d) 10. a) struggle c) b) to struggle d) Hi a) up c) on b) out d) back 12. a) inspection c) exploration b) survey d) investigation 13. a) must get c) must be getting b) must have got d) must have been getting 14. a) on c) for b) to d) at 15. a) too c) else b) also d) as well 16. a) have seen c) was seeing b) had seen d) saw 18. Read the text and use the right forms of the verbs in brackets to compiete it. Musical Cat (Part II) Louisa finished the fugue, then played the siciliana, and all the way through she (keep)^ watching the cat on the sofa. The final proof for her that the animal (listen)^ came at the end when the music (stop)^. It (blink)^, (stir)® itself a little, (stretch)® a leg, (take)^ a quick glance round the room, then (look)® expectantly in her direction. It was precisely the way a concert-goer (react)® when music momentarily releases him in the pause between two movements of a symphony. The behaviour was so thoroughly human it (give)^° her a queer agitated feeling in the chest. Maybe, she (think)^^, the creature (not, enjoy)^^ it at all. Maybe it’s a sort of hypnotic reaction, like with snakes. After all, if you (can)^® (charm)^^ a snake with music, then why not a cat? Except that millions of cats (hear)^® the stuff every day and, as far as she (know)^®, there’d never yet been a case of one behaving like that. This one (act)^^ as though it (follow)^® every single note. It was certainly a fantastic thing. Louisa went straight into the next part of the programme — Liszt’s second Petrarch Sonnet. And now an extraordinary thing happened. She (not, play)^^ more than three or four bars when the animal’s whiskers (begin)^^ perceptibly (twitch)^^. Slowly it (draw)^^ itself up to an extra height, (lay)^^ its head on one side, then on the other, and (stare)^^ into space with a kind of frowning concentrated look. Louisa (fascinate)^^, and with her little mouth half open and half smiling, she (con- tinue)^^ (play)^^, waiting to see what on earth was going (happen)^^ next. Ш- 19. Complete the sentences using the subjunctive mood '-•sXS' 1. If I 2. If I 3. If I 4. If I 5. If I 6. If I • •• had a lot of money could travel a lot .. • • • had power enough • • • 20. Match the two clauses to get ten English proverbs. Z-:i Ш ■Ш' 'l' -i-. 1. 2. 3. If it were not for hope, If there were no clouds. If the blind lead the 4. If i/s and ans were pots and pans, 5. If each swept before his own door, 6. If the cap fitted, 7. If I were older, 8. If two men rode on a over 9. If one the ditch, 10. If wishes were horses, Шг: ■■ > i »r r>^ "V ^ .* i.*.v. . Ч.". 4«>A Чь ■ ЩщМ'-'- - у ^ w>: 'VA *v. * те<: г f * *•* >.ч;^:•>: re- -•*?.;. ч *•• : •'*.<#• !•.*->• *c-v 'у.уы^stuv» .уЛС-' *<*.**''*« * ■у S' - 'У “ ■СУ.':-:- a) beggars would. ‘ b) there would fee np 't^drk for tinkers. - r- ■'''C ^ c) I would wbar-itj d) I would be ,^s^f _ - 1. ^ ^ e) we should,hot en|6y ^ ^ ''i- , <■ Ts ^ sun. f) all the rest g) we would _ have , a clean city • ^ h) the heart wbiiid break. i) one wo4ld*jpavevto’ rMe behind! bw. \ f/^'' V,. ■Ш :dffm •:«i Ь5 ''«?л г j) bothlwwld &11 into :Ще^ i!Z <••-' Щ'Ай1 „5СГ V й1 •«r Sx -'•< ... .. iX. Ш il. ^ 5sr«t 21. Express the same in English. 1. Если бы я знал французский, я бы посылал Люси сообщения по электронной почте каждый день. 2. Если бы у меня был велосипед, я бы катался на нём каждое утро. 3. Если бы я получил щенка в подарок на день рождения, я был бы самым счастливым человеком на земле. 4. Если бы я умел петь, я бы стал оперным певцом. 5. Если бы я жил около моря, я бы плавал каждый день. 6. Если бы у меня была машина, я бы водила её (управляла ею) очень осторожно. 7. Если бы у неё была сильная воля, она бы придерживалась диеты. 8. Если бы моя двоюродная сестра была хорошей ученицей, она бы не получала плохих оценок в школе. 9. Если бы она была настоящим любителем музыки, она бы чаще ходила в консерваторию. 10. Если бы он согласился помочь мне, я бы знал, как выполнить работу. 22. Refer the names of these musical instruments to the proper category. piccolo organ clarinet banjo piano violin cello saxophone tuba cymbals grand piano tambourine trumpet guitar double bass harp trombone viola vibraphone bassoon drum I. String instruments: II. Woodwind: III. Brass: IV. Percussion: V. Keyboard: isarejjB snoiSn^J JO {Bn^^iJTds ч^-тм. рэилээиоо q.ou '0 ijapua:^ puB q.jos O!^ рэ^.в^эл этзпш jo aoaid в •§ iBjq.s840JO эЗлв[ в Aq paABjd этзпш poTSsep jo aoaid Suo] в • i tsaSy Э1ррт1д[ aqq. ui sap^^ -unoo StiT^^eds-qsqSua ut UBioisnui SuqpABa:^ в ‘g Jopnra oq. Suns ада spjoM aq:^ jo рош до ца чощм ui ^дом от!!^ашадр а *д iaqnq, до auoqшoд:^ ‘:}.adшnдq. aq:^ sa qons з^.иашпд:^8ит poisnui aq:^ 5Чоод до zzaf ‘орпш дa|ndod SuiAa|d a^doad jo dnoдS a ’g :auop sSuTS до sAa^d oqm uosдad a ’g ^зшпдр aqc^ SuiAa^d uaioisnut a *x ‘pjoM auo uj auies Э44 ssajdxe pue auo qun p AjejnqesoA |e3jdO| ащ iaquiaiua^i '^7 ''s .4 ''i ^ г ’ ,_;i;''v •;: V V Ч”' V ^,'c» Л Ч r-s ^ - i - МфМ- ■' •y ..•Ч -i■■*■•' ■:»v' Ч :: T.' ■ ':\ 'Sdjnpfd ЭЦ1 Uj uMoqs s|ueuinj|su| jeDjsnui эщ |o seuieu эщ 9|jJM £ Z 10. produced by the voice; 11. a person who sings in a choir; 12. a person who is especially skilful at playing a musical instrument or singing; 13. a group of five people playing music or singing together; 14. a short piece of music, an introduction to a longer piece; 15. the speed or rhythm of a piece of music; 16. a type of rock music with a fast strong rhythm and words which are spoken rapidly; 17. a small group of musicians, dancers or actors who perform together; 18. the author of the words that are sung and spoken in an opera or a musical play 2 5. Express the same in English. 1. мелодраматический сюжет; 2. струнный квартет; 3. клавишные инструменты; 4. асимметричный ритм; 5. божественная музыка; 6. композитор-авангардист; 7. творческий исполнитель, обладаюш;ий воображением; 8. популярный квинтет; 9. экспериментальная импровизация; 10. светские песни; 11. дерзкие эксперименты; 12. запоминаюш;аяся мелодия; 13. гармоничный дуэт; 14. индивидуальный талант; 15. навязчивая мелодия; 16. всемирно известный виртуоз; 17. выразительное и живое исполнение; 18. музыка в стиле барокко ■' -- Ш W" Ш' :;v^v ■:i.;^ivxu^; ш №' " -it >2^'Ш ’ • Ш^'г' TOWN /1ND /IRCHITEaHRE г •*•’.'•;‘.: .3/* -V* • •'. V - cv •;'••• . '.' ;jS®6g^!H5Sbg5S "umf ИрШЩц ONE :.'diV: Ж ЁШШ -X2>V Ст** >'-жЗоУ^*' §9 I 1 11 ^INII 1^Чя #« 4 I ft Ы® m .Л • •• Ш1 Тл^. Ш ^ tK C-Stti Ш mi тм Ш ат?^ ‘■л mmi ^&v Е*.' ш ш 1 » « '•• ■'- ^ f-'-- # i£^ р. r^ чш Т t? f jj '■■>fe Ч - • & ■ '^'Ц& у i.$. M m > Ч r ini 1 * il^ г^ *!■: ш ]умд»щ.цмщ*.мм|<>»Д|.^м^^ммм.»м1мл1»/ЛМ111Мм><1м;м.Ц‘^^а>^-"^1лцд|^>А1.>ц.м.|да "% -? iftD^liSiSSfcfiSl^ffS^ _ %?■ >v *., Шг-^ ^¥..: .. И"». •;'--:|^‘'Л<г:я-<»:' Ey -• О.... ’*9"-’<-^/.-.> V^ I . >л ? Ч ■'WV' A ■»«rv *■ * «г Iff •/Г^ ->=...■•:• :ч; й-.у.^Х W^.>c t? i'^ “о : 1^' I . m*>s.« 4»^ «’i! :^t-. ГГ“ «сИ Д1 Vj V . ^ ^ •■» f -г ',v , scV :;.; .-чУЕч^ >.<]>-os.-;':-»;§ . гГХл<>л'л..,„ 1^ -|; :Je №:ШШ^0ЩШШ§Шш ш^^шШ т шш ш ЧЛ{^Л: UNIX CAIID' г %# iJ ■% Ч-i ■■ J=S5S4KZfcSeSt л'-\ ш; I W ''% ^:<^y>:'X>: >r :\->!e»2;ус=» <о;^<:'Х'.-.->в№»>:-]Ой^ You will hear a text about Greek architecture (No. 3). To complete the statements (1—6) circle the item you have chosen. I'; vv^R*. ~ :. 1. 2. The ancient Greeks made a) all their buildings b) their dwellings c) their temples The ancient Greeks magnificent. a) built and used arches b) used mortar c) used neither arches nor mortar 3. A Greek temple a) is always lavishly decorated b) stands at some altitude c) has got steps only on one side 4. element of a Greek temple D. Columns are a(n) _____ a) alternative b) necessary c) secondary The Corinthian order appeared ______. a) before the Ionic order b) before the Doric order c) latest of the three orders Greek architects_____ the three styles. a) seldom mixed b) often mixed c) were likely to mix W ШШ Af Щш шш шш шШ- 2. You will h^ar a text about English castles (No. 4). Listen to it and choose the right item (Л—C) for the statements below. ж .'• • • -ч Ш\. 1. The typical motte and bailey castles in Europe began to appear in the 9th century AD. A. True B. False C. Not stated 2. People only stayed in castles during enemy attacks but never lived there. A. True B. False C. Not stated 3. The Tower of London is mentioned in the text as a sample of a traditional motte and bailey castle. A. True B. False C. Not stated 4. English monarchs used to live in the Tower of London. A. True B. False C. Not stated 5. A wall-walk was a path on the ground around the castle wall used by soldiers to guard the place. A. True B. False C. Not stated 6. Square towers were more preferable for military use than round ones. A. True B. False C. Not stated 7. The appearance of gunpowder stopped castles from being used as fortifications. A. True B. False C. Not stated 8. Many historians think that gunpowder first appeared in Europe in the 13th century. A. True B. False C. Not stated 9. Afterwards people continued to construct buildings in the style -of castles. A. True B. False C. Not stated i. Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a—i). a) painter and writer b) intended to compensate for the loss of usable floor area at ground level c) it was often mainly glass d) a track for joggers e) and is still a strong influence today f) who are given freedom to express their ideas g) the personality of those who designed the building h) the monotonous repetitions of verticals and horisontals i) which he planned in the 1950s Le Corbusier After the First World War the doctrine of Functionalism in architecture came into favour. The idea behind this was that, if a building or object is perfectly fitted for its function and constructed with sensible regard for the materials used, it will be pleasing to the eye and satisfying to the mind. The great Swiss architect, 1._____, Le Corbusier, the pseudonym of Charles Jeanneret (1887—1965), pointed to Greek temples as perfect examples of this. The Functionalists discarded traditional conventions and superficial ornament, and had a great simplifying and purifying influence on design in every kind of material. This new tradition soon spread around the world 2. _______. ^Й‘ •''tS^yShVis. ^S-;' ?5?t Й^УV^- SIS2 Ж ш шМ ^'-^rtfifi J. А new method of building construction — reinforced concrete — was perfectly suited to this structural approach. Concrete floors were supported on upright steel girders. The outer skin could be of any suitable material — 3. _____. The inner walls were merely partitions which could be placed and replaced wherever required as they played no part in supporting the building. The many opportunities afforded by this building method were demonstrated by Le Corbusier as early as in 1915. In the 1920s and ’30s Le Corbusier’s most significant work was in urban planning. He advanced ideas dramatically different from the comfortable, low-rise communities proposed by earlier city planners. He also built many villas and several small apartment complexes and office buildings. In these hard-edged smooth-; surfaced geometric volumes he created a language of what he called pure prisms — rectangular blocks of concrete, steel and glass, often endowed with roof gardens 4. _____. After World War II Le Corbusier moved away from purism. He showed the way to free architecture from 5. ______. Le Corbusier was commissioned by the French government toj plan and build his Vertical City in Marseilles. The result was a huge block of 340 villas raised above the ground, laced with two elevated thoroughfares of shops and other services and topped by a roof-garden community centre that contained, among other things, 6. ____. His reputation led to a commission from the Indian government to plan the city of Chandigarh, the new capital of Punjab, and to design and build the Government Centre and several of the city’s other structures. These handcrafted buildings represented a second, more humanistic phase in Le Corbusier’s work. His revolutionary design for the church of Notre Dame du Hart at Ronchamp in France, 7.______, contrasts strongly with-the earlier, impersonal approach. With its curved surfaces and an absence of straight lines and right angles, architecture becomes here almost a form of sculpture. Le Corbusier’s church at Ronchamp has been a great influence on the designers of other unconventional buildings in more recent years. Today architecture seems to be suffering from a kind of tug-of-war. The need to economize pulls it towards the featureless, tower-block type of construction, where mass-production anc mechanisation are possible. On the other hand, there is a desin to avoid regimentation. A more personal approach is favoured. Buildings which are the chosen creations of gifted architects, 8. ____, are naturally very costly to design and erect. They can usually only be considered for such special buildings as national theatres, art galleries and churches. 4. Find in the text Le Corbusier (Ex. 3) words and word combinations that mean the following: 1. well suited for something 2. stopped using 3. a long strong beam used for constructing bridges and large buildings 4. important 5. having the shape of four straight sides and right angles of 90° 6. was given the job of making something 7. a public road or street used by traffic 8. different from what most people consider to be usual or normal 9. a situation in which two people or groups try in a determined way to get something they want 10. strict organisation and control 11. very expensive to plan and build 5. Complete the sentences using the following prepositions where necessary. about for from into in on over out to with up A. 1. Spare me the necessity of going there. 2. His was a tling very vague answer which couldn’t make me feel any sympathy him. 3. The weather was terrible. We could hear hail rat _____ the roof and strong gusts of wind. 4. Can you spare some money________ the homeless. 5. If you flop _____ a chair, you sit down loosely and heavily because you are tired. 6. Michael’s eyes lingered _____ the stranger’s face. 7. Everyone prayed that Allah might spare the village _______ starvation. 8. When James learned the true version he became very sympathetic __________ the girls. 9. The process was a real ordeal Emily but she could do nothing. 10. It was a nice, cosy cafe. Ralph liked it and lingered _____ his coffee. 11. She is fond of gossiping _______ her neighbours’ matters. 12. Robert said he wouldn’t put ______ with ШШ'. Ш-.гЦ!. щ т ш Ш any nonsense. 13. The feelings of hurt and resentment lingered ____for years. 14. They were carrying out a strike______sympathy with the miners. 15. I’m sympathetic________________his ideas. 16. John flopped down _____ the bed and read for a while. B. 1. He was finally granted access 2. She met an accident while the medical records. ____ holiday. 3. Charge this _____my account, please. 4. She could hardly speak______the ache in her heart. 5. The garage gives a year’s guarantee _________ all repair work. 6. I don’t know what has happened ________ my elder brother. 7. We are all looking forward______your arrival. 8. They sealed the agreement______a handshake. 9. Jane said she had been subjected______violence. 10. Florence glared at him______hatred. 11._____reflection they decided to refuse the invitation. 12. They reached the border with the police hot _______ their heels. 13. I opened the window and cried _______ help. 14. Robert was helpless anger. 15. I hit my head the low doorway. 6. Match the words in the two columns to form phrases and use them to complete the sentences that follow. A В amiable nonsense rattled to spare deepest day lingered vague gossipy the windows money gloomy makes flop looked manner crisp faintly terrible ear biggest sympathy sympathetic person hopelessly * ordeal 1. A cold November wind______and howled in the chimney. 2. The videotape collection____of sitting in the cinema. 3. Paul is one of those who are ready to provide a _____ for anyone who needs' to speak of their problems. 4. They were spared the of giv- ing evidence in court. 5. She left but the smell of her perfume _____ in the room. 6. Have you got any_______? If not, I can lend vou some. 7. Our ____ lies with the families of the victims. 8. At that time the future______ for the country; it was the period of national pessimism. 9. Her directions were_____and it took us hours to find her house. 10. It was a and we soon felt cold and decided to return to the warmth of our fireplace. 11. The show turned out to be the __________ in TV history. 12. I’ve . 13. A only met Julia once and was charmed by her enjoys talking about other people and their lives. Match the clauses from the two columns to get ten valid sentences. A В 1) Spare me the necessity 2) Davis lingered for some time in the bar 3) What Jerry is saying 4) Thomas had been vague 5) Hamilton was so amiable, 6) The cold November wind was so strong 7) John spared neither money nor expense S) Fiona is always ready to listen to my problems, 9) The job turned out to be an ordeal for me, 10) 1 think the latest news he got from home a) and merely said that was doing badly. b) we,had a feeling he really wanted to^numouiviii c) m helping#UH ■b«d)^but cduldn’ffse'e where. '• Л ^*rf^ *• ■ г' Ч ^ V #■ » е) I wish I-hadn’t begun it. Ч- ■5ЙР f) made him look, so gloomy at lunch, g) ;.of talking with Gwenl h) is complete nonsehset i) she really has. a sympathetic ear. A - H Щй 4>i _ :?{?v. ...wi< 1%. >4, V < Ч that the hou^et^shooklhnd 'УХ? ч to Ipf Ш the windows rattled-. ЛЙЙУ» X-N Ш Ж 'AfV "it 4^ .-.••«-.ax-- Write at least three collocations with the given below adjectives to complete the rows. 1. gloomy • gloomy day, amiable 3. • amiable smile, crisp • crisp apples. ..* V’.A L'. vrYv ill; УЦф V-'y-.y vl^7vv '•:ч:Чт^ . i-'. •; ■ ^ ‘./ftTi ■2'.A '•'Ч W,T. Ч' • •-. Л ■у-уу ЙШ ■ г, . '■ -■i-’i-'V'' /■. .■■./ • Л’. • 4. 5. 6. sympathetic • sympathetic answer, vague • vague outline, ____ spare • spare tyre, _______ 9. A. Match the Russian and English equivalents in the two columns. 1) идти пошатываясь 2) бродить (часто без цели) 3) маршировать 4) прогуливаться 5) таш;иться 6) идти (передвигаться пешком) 7) красться 8) широко и быстро шагать 9) шаркать 10) расхаживать с важным видом trudge shuffle wander stagger stroll march creep swagger stride walk B. Make up your own sentences with the verbs given above. 10. Translate these sentences into Russian. manual labour labour. I. work — labour — toil 1. My work was really hard and tiring, iv didn’t require much skill. You could call ii labour. 2. It’s increasingly difficult to get back into work after raising a family. 3. In the distance one could see gloomy buildings of factories where the wealth of the owner was coming from the toil of the workers. 4. I really enjoy 5. That day in the fields was a day of sweat and II. customer — client 1. There are a large number of potential customers for the ne\^ product. 2. The questionnaire is to test customer reaction to th( new store design. 3. On behalf of my client, I would like to remind you of your obligations on this matter. 4. A new branch has been opened to serve clients in East London. 5. She is one of our regular customers. III. main — chief 1. What is the Chief Constable’s name? 2. The country is one of the main sources of timber. 3. Where is the main building of your museum situated? 4. Smoking is one of the chief causes of lung cancer. 5. The chief thing to remember is there is always place for hope IV. amiable — amicable 1. Rosie was leading an amiable conversation with her guests. 2. Soon the amicable relations between the two sides restored. 3. Christian’s parents seemed very amiable and Julian immediately felt at ease. 4. There are different ways to signal out amicable feelings towards our companions. 5. Hamilton was most amiable. w-.:- Й Express the same in English. Use the verb to carry. 1. Любовь и поддержка помогли их семье пережить трудные времена. 2. Сэм продолжал читать, не поднимая глаз. 3. Дети так увлеклись игрой, что не заметили, как стемнело. 4. Дорожные работы были выполнены в назначенное время. 5. Никто, кроме Сьюзен, не сможет довести до конца работу над сценарием. 6. Давайте не увлекаться: совет директоров еш;ё не принял своего решения. 7. Этот экзамен будет перенесён на следующий триместр. 8. Что помогло стране выдержать все трудности войны? I А. Complete the sentences with the words what or that. 1. Tell me___________you know about this architect. 2. No one believed me when I told them _____________ I had been at that great Щ — ^ 3. Aiy =Асьева Анг.яз. 11 кл. cW>C4* 'фЩй Ш Щ<ШР^ m Щ «w Ш Ш я Ь%'.Щ ■AiM ШШ Ш concert. 3. Show me _________you’ve prepared for your sister as a souvenir. 4. A good new pen is exactly_________I need. 5. I’m sure _______ he is telling the truth: he’s never lied to me. 6. I’d like to know _________ play you’d like to stage in our school theatre. 7. Who knows __________ Helen is coming to see us tonight? 8. I can’t remember _________ I wanted to cook for dinner. 9. Do you realise________the problem is not easy to solve? 10. _________peo- ple say is not always choose a watch ______ place _______ _____they think. 11. If I were you I would is smaller in size. 12. The Niagara is the 13 ________ I’d like to visit one day. B. Complete the sentences with the words which or whose. 1. I like the music __________ is being played by the orchestra. 2. It is the event ________ place in history can’t be overestimated. 3. I was offered a drink ________taste was new and unfami- liar. 4. They all began to give me advice and tell me what to do, _______ I hated. 5. I just remember that we are meeting in the cafe the name of_________begins with the letter “F”. 6. Gauguin was the painter _________ life was described by W. S. Maugham in one of his novels. 7. We had an idle weekend of lying on the beach and bathing, __________ is always pleasant. 8. The theatre company, ______ name has skipped my memory, is coming to our town with a new performance. 9. Jane always used the perfume the scent of________ was still lingering in the room. 10. Here is the book of_________I’ve been constantly talking. 11. Let’s watch the film________is being advertised at the moment. 12. My best friend failed to come to my birthday party, __________ upset me a lot. Complete these relative clauses using that, who, whom, which, where, why, when. In some cases more than one variant is possible. 1. The Committe_________coordinates our actions will be dissolved. 2. The letter was from a woman__________I know slightly. 3. Simon gave me the book __________ I had always wanted to read. 4. We arrived in the city _______ I had been born. 5. John woke up at that very moment __________ they were leaving. 6. There are a lot more people here ________ are much better qualified. 7. Alice had always wanted to visit Brighton. That was the reason __________we decided to spend our holidays there. 8. Nothing do will change the situation. 9. We’ll ask Dick, _ you can is the old- est in the family, just to say a few words. 10. The apples 45 - I you have bought are not ripe at all. three daughters, about __________ 12. Londinium was a town ________ with their families. 11. She taught piano and had she worried very much. Roman soldiers could settle 0 ^. Make up and write down sentences with these: all that little that few that much that something that everything that anything that nothing that every ... that some ... that any no .. none only • • • • • • that that .. that that Example: Anything that you can say will be accepted as a poor excuse. Only the delegates that arrived yesterday will get accommodation on the campus. ^ >. Decide in which sentences the relative clauses with which refer a) to the whole sentence; b) to the noun before which. 1. John Adams was the first to come and support us, which was really very nice. 2. The cottage which you bought is really very nice. 3. John couldn’t have joined us which was his own fault. 4. Relative clauses which define the noun are called defining. Relative clauses which describe the noun are called non-defining. 5. Going there is a must which is the one thing we don’t want to do. 6. The book costs £20, which is quite a lot. 7. The train arrives in London which is fine with me. 8. The problem which was mentioned in fact is not my problem, it is theirs. Ш •Щ'- ■Ш'. ш ■ :'V, ‘.ii7 'v- ■гч.ф Ш- hx.-,. Wi fer-.- '.Шк' ШШ 16. Express the same in English. Pay attention to identifying and non-identifying relative clauses. Use commas where necessary. 1, ’Мы решили ехать в город девятичасовым поездом, который прибывает в Лондон в 11:30. 2. Это то здание, которое используется сейчас в качестве музея. 3. Автомобиль, который вела юная девушка, снова поравнялся с нами. 4. Мы те самые люди, которых прислали помочь вам. 5. Линда, чьё лицо светилось радостью, вбежала в комнату. 6. Познакомься с Джейн, о которой я тебе столько рассказывал. 7. На нём была куртка, которую он купил накануне. 8. Я бы хотел снова услышать ту историю, которую ты рассказывала мне в детстве. 9. Ёлка, которую только что нарядили, сияла разноцветными огнями. 10. Это машина гостя, который прибыл последним. 17. Read the sentences and complete them with the correct words derived from the words in bold on the right. i. . ’ ’ ;сц<. 1. In the 18th century in Russia for the first time since the_________________of ____________________sculpture became a major__________________art form. 2. During the 19th century there was a ___________________of medieval Russian architecture. 3. Russian architecture in the 20th cen- tury, after a brief phase of constructivist ___________________in the 1920s, tended toward an__________ of neo- classicism and skyscraper - у . ; ., 4. Sculpture was an art form. ■ praised during the Baroque period. , ; < 5. As each new generation of Greek architects tried to make their _________ s more perfect they became aware of certain illusions that distorted very , : their true aspect. 6. The Renaissance is really the introduce Russia revive construct build optics >х«- v>< ____________________climax of a period of change that has been gathering ________________for a long time. 7. The Medici were not________________ businessmen of Florence; they were ______________________ involved in the ____________________ of humanism and developings in art. 8. The Gothic style of building had never been accepted with_____________in Italy. 9. When the Middle Ages began there were only two important classes in society the _____________________ and the 10. The study of______ ings and art gave great to the growing ________ everywhere. writ- seen 11. Ancient Greek palaces were _______ planned. The feature in them was a great hall with a colonnade. 12. The early ______________ culture is called Minoan after the_____________ King Minos, who ruled in Crete. 13. Many _________________s at Pompeii were buried in ___________________ ash when Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. 14. Most of the fine old cathedrals have arches over doors and windows. 15. At the_______________of the 19th ___________________s began to century sites 16. Many tant __________and impor- __________were made the remains of ancient Troy. strike strong mere deep grow enthusiast noble peasant classics encourage dependence noble centre Crete legend build volcano grace, point begin archaeology cover, careful excite discover include -:Ч?Гг S' гвт^ у!<^Щ^ г if. Шш W 18. Read the text. Complete it with the correct words derived from the words in bold on the right. St ■m Russian Architecture of the 17th—18th Centuries . f -Л'. ‘-Гг,ЧГЛ During the 17th century influences from Lithuania and Poland brought about a 1. ___________________________ interest in 2. antiquity that was Ш -r 1Ш- to culminate in the 3. of Russia under Peter the Great. In ■Щ 1712 Peter moved his capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg and began the 4. of a mud flat on the - ■-1*4 coast of Finland into a 5. ii-r.ifr-, I 1 A f 4-» 7^ r~ ■hii-^CXi I ^ 6. 7. city. A host of architects was imported and continued to work under 8. __________________________ reigns. The 9. architect of the \ \ m period was Conte Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli. Working in a Rococo style, he designed the Winter Palace, Smolny Cathedral, and the facade at Petergof, one of the most 10. 11. s in St. Petersburg. humanist classic westernize transform sparkle Europe west succeed outstand beauty build Ш: щ 19. Complete the text choosing the best word from the columns after it. Hampton Court Palace Originally Hampton Court Palace was not a royal residence. It was built by Thomas Wolsey, an English cardinal and 1._____, and presented by him to his master, King Henry Vni. The furnishings, tapestries and decorations with which he 2. _ its rooms were included in gift. King Henry enlarged the Hampton Court and 3. the cardinal’s great hall with the one which we can see today. A local legend says that when Wolsey was looking for a place for his country residence he 4._____ the most celebrated doctors in England to select “the most healthy spot 5._____ twenty miles of London”. All agreed to recommend Hampton Court. While his palace 6.__ Wolsey enclosed the estate, which covers nearly 1,800 acres, to form Hampton Court and Bushy Parks. When Hampton Court 7._____Wolsey, it already 8._ about 1,000 rooms, all of which were used. The cardinal’s own 9. numbered nearly 500 people, and there were always 280 silken beds available for visitors. Cardinal Wolsey also made his home a 10._____of hygiene. Every part of Hampton Court was drained and rain water and refuse were carried by great brick sewers into the Thames. 11._______ that it lasted until 1871. The palace never lacked pure fresh water. It came from the springs at Coombe Hill three miles away on the other side of the Thames, under which it was conveyed in leaden 12.______. Hampton Court continued to receive water by 13.______ until 1876. Nowadays Hampton Court is a memorial of its founder. Cardinal Wolsey, and the three 14._whose taste it displays — Henry VIII and William and Mary. 1. 3. a) politic b) politician a) was filling b) filled a) represented c) politico d) politics c) has filled d) had filled c) replaced Ш b) replenished d) repeated 4. a) rented c) took b) hired d) employed 5. a) in c) around b) within d) from 6. a) was built c) was being built b) had been built d) was building 7. a) belonged to c) owned by b) possessed by d) had 8. a) consisted c) comprised of b) united d) contained 9. a) house c) family b) home d) household 10. a) paragon c) seem b) model d) representation 11. a) So sound was the system c) So was the system sound b) So sound the system was d) So sound the system 12. a) tubes c) trumpets b) chimneys d) pipes 13. a) this mean c) a mean b) this means d) a means 14. a) sovereigns c) queens b) kings d) royalists 5^- 20. Read the text and use the right forms of the verbs in brackets to complete it. The Green Dragon After that adventure it seemed well to the children (keep)^] away from the station — but they did not, they (can)^ not (keep)^i away from the railway. They (live)^ all their lives in a street where cabs and omnibuses (rumble)^ by at all hours. Here in the| deep silence of the sleeping country the only thing that (go)^ by (be)^ the trains. They seemed to be all that (leave)^ to link the! children to the old life that once (be)^ theirs. They (begin)^® to know the hours when certain trains (pass)^^, and they (give)^^ names to them. The 9.15 up (call)^^ the Green Dragon. One morning they (sit)^^ on the fence waiting for the Green Dragon, which was three minutes late by Peter’s watch that Mother (give)^^ him on his last birthday. 21 ii The Green Dragon (go)^® where Father is,” said Phyllis. ‘T wonder why Father (not, write)^^ to us yet.” Mother says he (be)^^ too busy,” said Robbie; “but he (write)^^ ii soon. ii Let’s all (wave)^^ to the Green Dragon as it goes by. If it (be)^^ a magic dragon, it (understand)^^ and take our love to Father.” (After The Railway Children by E. Nesbit) Ail the people mentioned below are sorry about something that happened or did not happen in the past. Write what they think. Example: Peter forgot about his mother’s birthday. Peter: I wish (If only) I hadn’t forgotten (had remembered) my mother’s birthday. She felt so hurt about it. 1. Jane bought an expensive book that turned out to be quite useless. 2. Mary didn’t put on a warm sweater the other day and caught a bad cold, 3. Mr Collins had an argument with one of his colleagues and lost his temper. 4. Pauline hadn’t prepared for yesterday’s test. 5. Jim and Timothy missed the concert of their favourite rock group. 6. Gwen failed to make up with her best friend after their quarrel. 7. Mr and Mrs Adams forgot to pay their telephone bill. 8. Ian did not have his car checked and serviced. 9. Margo left the pie in the oven too long. 22. Match the clauses from the two columns to get ten valid sentences. 1. If Dr about the • V;j, 2. But Morton had accident my cousin known 3. I 4. If the university 5. If I had bought a map of London 6. If they had taken that stray puppy home 7. If Alice had bought some bread on the way home 8. If Bob had learnt the words properly 9. If you had not gone to bed so late 10. If they had spent their holidays in a hot country student now. I wouldn’t capital lost xn 23. Express the same in English. 1. Если бы мы не упустили свой шанс, мы могли бы поехат! в Испанию в прошлом году. 2. Если бы только мне тогда ск зали правду, всё бы сейчас было иначе. 3. Как жаль, что опоздал на семичасовой поезд. Мне бы сейчас не пришлое ждать на вокзале. 4. Если бы не мои родители, я бы не Ht чала учить английский в детстве. 5. Мы бы никогда не п шли на этот спектакль, если бы наш учитель не посоветов нам его посмотреть. 6. Они бы опоздали на цирковое пре: ставление, если бы Джон их не подвёз. 7. Как жаль, что поссорился со своим лучшим другом. 8. Если бы я в детстг' брал уроки музыки, я бы сейчас мог играть на пианин 9. Мы бы никогда не встретились, если бы в тот день я i зашла в книжный магазин. 10. Возможно, я бы никогда е знал ничего об Озёрном крае, если бы не побывал там в проп| лом году. Z -. Write the names of the parts of a building shown in the picture. Umtf. fei® ■^ЙШ '•s- aw “tes Match the words in the two columns to form phrases and use them to complete the sentences that follow. 1. А , 1 ® French gold Marble ! art tall 1 pillars solid 1 panels Gothic j 1 patio wooden f floors sunlit 1 Arch ancient | 1 spires velvet draperies terracotta frescos tiled pots Baroque window was popular in Eui early 18th centuries. It was very detailed and complicated. 2. The old on the walls made the room look dark and gloomy. 3. The hospital corridors had slippery and painted light green walls. 4. The__________ in the church depicted some Biblical scenes. 5. The picture frames were made of____________________and attracted the burglars. 6. Several big roads meet at______________________in central London. 7. We when we loved our leisurely afternoons on the :alked, laughed and sipped on lemonade. 8. He left the house through the___________________unnoticed by anyone. 9. The roof garden was lined with big_______________________where we grew herbs and flowers. 10. The thick on the win- dows shut out the sunlight and when I woke up in the morning, I couldn’t figure out the time. 11. Oxford is a city of old stone buildings and________________________. 12. The roof above the stage rested on two_____________________that were often used as part of scenery. It: Express the same in English. 1. 1 3. 4. высокая мансарда здание с хорошо выдержанными пропорциями просторный внутренний дворик готический стиль wm шш ■ ш Ш-. р 5^- Ш Ш Ш Вг "'Ш ■ Щ ■Щ т щ .•fjjSS'S £#1 Г^Ш шз & шш .'r'i тш ш ш Щё^ fm щш %-Ш 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. предметы мебели старинные гобелены резьба по камню величественная колоннада окно с витражом изящный шпиль обои с красивым рисунком персидские ковры 27. Express the same in English. 1. В больших городах из-за большого количества транспорта часто бывают дорожные пробки. 2. Большой город даёт неплохие возможности для того, чтобы получить хорошее образова ние и сделать успешную карьеру. 3. Говорят, что криминаль-ная обстановка в столице улучшается. 4. В больших городах су ществует большой выбор развлечений. 5. В городах многим приходится жить в маленьких тесных квартирах. 6. Уровен шума в сельской местности не очень высок. 7. Загрязнение воз духа в сельской местности не представляет столь серьёзно проблемы, как в городе. 8. Сельская местность всегда выгляди^ живописно благодаря большому количеству растительности, 9. Сельская местность — это то место, где ты всегда можеш остаться наедине с природой. 10. Жизнь за городом может быт удобной и приятной, если вам удастся решить проблему еж дневных поездок в город. L You will hear a text about Seven Wonders of Russia (No. 5). Listen to it and choose the right item (A—C) for the statements that follow. ■* t \l 148 'П 1. No wonder of Russia was included into the new list 7 Wonders 0/ the World. A. True B. False C. Not stated 2. The final results of the national contest devoted to the most beautiful places of Russia were announced in October 2007. A. True B. False C. Not stated 3. About 25 million people took part in the voting. A. True B. False A. True B. False C. Not stated 4. There were more than fifty Russian wonders on the first list. C. Not stated 5. There are three man-made masterpieces and four natural places on the list of the winners. C. Not stated The countrywide voting began on the 1st of February 2008. A. True B. False C. Not stated A. True B. False You will hear six people speaking about Petergof (No. 6). Match each speaker's utterances (1—6) with the statements (a—g). There is one statement you don't need to use. Fill in the table at the end of the task. I Ж v-v C' (. .. й ''4'f t ■- 9Mi Ч • :l'' •V jWjy'.-tvi a) This speaker describes Petergof’s location. b) This speaker explains the historical significance of the Great Cascade. c) This speaker gives information about the most ancient palace in Petergof. d) This speaker characterizes the luxurious living quarters. e) This speaker describes Petergof’s public areas with grass and trees. f) This speaker explains the etymology of the name Petergof. g) This speaker introduces Petergof’s creators. Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 1 Statement •i [ 1 1 1, V 3. Read the text and complete it with proper word combinations (a—j) filling the gaps (1—9). There is one word combination you don't need to use. a) like a huge lily-flower b) is difficult to reach c) were buried as a result of a landslide d) its deep concern over the issue e) known all over the world f) for the greyish-brown colour of the water g) the second largest concentration of geysers h) made for people not to cause damage i) were discovered by a local scientist j) paused to stroke it The Valley of Geysers The Valley of Geysers 1. _____ is the most wonderful part of the Kronotsky National Park with all the guests of Kamchatka willing to get there. This natural object is both gorgeous and rare. It is the only geyser field in Eurasia and 2. _____ in the world. This 6 km long basin with approximately ninety geysers and hundreds of different thermal springs with hot pools and mud pools among them is situated on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East, ____ predominantly on the left bank of the Geyzernaya River. You can find such big geysers only in Iceland and in the Yellowstone Park in the USA. But the Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka is definitely the most terrific one. The Valley of Geysers is a natural sanctuary protected by the _______________________, with helicopters providing the only feasible means of transport. Only organised groups of tourists with guides are allowed to visit the Valley. There are special wooden paths 4. ____ to the wild nature. Geysers in the Valley differ from each other a lot. The Troinoi Geyser is famous 5. __ and three streams that form it. The The Velikan Geyser state. The valley 3. akharny Geyser looks 6. The Bolshoi Geyser has the tallest blowout and the Maly Geyser is the most powerful in the valley having the biggest amount of water coming out in a 24-hour period. Geyser called Velikan is really colossal. There are geysers that gush forth every 10—12 minutes, while others may erupt once in 4— 5 hours. The pulsating geysers of Kamchatka 7.______, Tatiana Ustinova, The Fontan Geyser Щ The Sakharny Geyser in 1941. She published her findings fourteen years later, but there was little exploration of the area until 1972. Foreign tourists were allowed into the valley in 1991. About 3,000 tourists visited the site annually. On June 3, 2007 the Valley of Geysers experienced a shock — a massive mudflow influenced two thirds of the valley. The Valley of Geysers suffered certain modifications. Two geysers (Pervenets and Maly) 8. ______from a slope in the mid- dle part of the Valley. The landslide covered the Geyzernaya River which caused formation of a natural dike and water flood in the Geyser Valley. Some geysers were covered with water. The World Heritage Centre expressed 9. ________. Many scientists thought that we had lost one of the greatest natural wonders of the world. But, the extent of permanent change is not yet clear. Now it is evident that it may be less than was originally thought. In recent months the waters have receded exposing some of the submerged areas. The largest geyser, Velikan, able to shoot jets of water 40 metres high, was not affected by the landslide. 4. Sn the text The Valley of Geysers find Russian equivalents for the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) желающие попасть туда и великолепный и редкий термальные источники в основном, в большинстве своём, предпочтительно заповедник охраняемый государством единственно возможный самый высокий выброс воды извергать (2 слова) ежегодно поток грязи оползень естественная плотина глубокая обеспокоенность убывать, отступать 5. Complete the sentences with the prepositions from the box. at against for m of on over to with A. 1. I am sure he will grumble us when he learns about the incident. 2. It was difficult for the old man to stand like that, he had to lean the table. 3. We knew we could confide our friends. 4. Helen was very shy in her childhood and preferred to stay_____the background. 5. Hue didn’t approve of Richard’s new masterpiece — several bright spots______a dark background. 6. Vesta despised her elder sister. The latter was always prone _____ weeping. 7. In the end Guy’s parents decided to employ a tutor _____ their son. 8. Mr Hubbard could hardly control his anger and struck his opponent_____the face. 9. Little Dot struck her foot_____the stone. 10. Lisa stood leaning___the tree, her eyes half closed. 11. William never grumbles the conditions he lives in. 12. The team members were absolutely confident______ their victory. 13. Albert confided his troubles___________Olaf. 14. What is there 15. Leaning______ the background of the picture? the fence as usual Mrs Bronson was engaged in conversation with her neighbour. for of on over to with B. 1. It is not often that a book meets equal favour from the public and the critics. 2. Mrs Forrester preferred to spend the rest of the money_______theatre tickets. 3. Jane was able to devote herself entirely______conversation. 4. Elizabeth had a pretty gift _____ quotation. 5. Tea was dispensed by a female of uncertain age, who was never introduced ________ anyone. 6. Edwin didn’t much care painting. 7. Mrs Bulfinch was responsible the food and drinks. 8. I must admit I’m terribly ignorant such things. 9. Brian was a bore and without doubt she was conscious _____the fact. 10. Rob gave her his pencil to make a note of the idea that had occurred_______ her. 11. Doris didn’t approve the remark. 12. John doesn’t interfere me. He knows hen I don’t want to be disturbed. 13. ‘T have never belonged _____that exclusive club of yours,” she said with sarcasm. 14. Of course he must have boasted _______ the distinguished persons he knew. 15. She has an advantage _______you. She is well educated. 1 m .^1 5*: te 1 m w ’sf-^й m m m Ш Ш: m. /■Ш ш 0*5; ; да ш шт шш. m iSfeli mm Шш «^T-S-де Ш w« Ш Ш^щ Ш^0М: УШ f^ji' Ж 6. Express the same in Russian. 1. Margery was a prudent housekeeper. 2. Jack is prone to jump at hasty conclusions. 3. They struck for higher pay. 4. She struck her elbow against the door. 5. The priest mounted the pulpit and began the sermon. 6. Man is prone to error. 7. Do you think I can rely on his prudence? 8. After that long walk and a cup of hot tea she felt drowsy. 9. What have you to grumble about? 10. I hope I will gain your confidence. 11. Ralf is known as a man of a cruel disposition. 12. Whatever he does, he always does it with confidence. 13. Greg sat on the veranda musing over the memories of the past. 14. A blush mounted to his face. 15. He showed a disposition to painting in his childhood. 7 8 Match the words in the columns to form phrases and use them in the sentences that follow. А В cheerful background felt to make mistakes leaning on midnight dark blue on ecology struck old lady prone a cane struck by drowsy keep in her niece’s prudence tutorial disposition grumbling the background 1. I must admit that Helen has turned into a I can’t stand her non-stop complaints. 2. Lucy looked so attractive in her new dress with white stripes on a_____. 3. The old lady was______. The latter tried to avoid all possible risks. 4. Rosie was tired after the night’s shift and _____ when she returned home. 5. Sophie is a very nice girl but she shouldn’t be so shy. She always tries to ____. 6. Jack is______. I only wish he hadn’t made them so often. 7. Grace has always had a_______and has always been an easy person to deal with. 8. It had just _____. It was definitely the time to go to bed. 9. Yesterday we had a_______. I made a talk on water pollution. 10. The old man was walking heavily________. Give English equivalents for these word combinations. 1. приобрести уверенность; 2. на красном фоне; 3. ворчливый 1 слуга; 4. заглянуть через плечо брата; 5. размышлять о буду-1цем; 6. дремать, сидя в кресле; 7. право на забастовку; 8. подниматься по ступенькам; 9. прислониться к дереву; 10. ударить кого-либо по лицу (по плечу); 11. делиться с кем-то тайнами, секретами; 12. склонность к точным наукам; 13. очевидное благоразумие; 14. быть уверенным в победе; 15. быть подверженным землетрясениям Remember compound adjectives with the second stem -stricken and complete the sentences given below. poverty-stricken -stricken -stricken i -stricken -stricken 1. The giant was huge and frightening. The little boy stood in front of him. He was in no condition to move. 2. The thought about the coming exam in chemistry made Stephanie______________. She had never been good at this subject and now felt she had forgotten everything she ever knew. 3. The widow could hardly get over her husband’s death. 4. The family could hardly make both ends meet. You could characterise them as _______________. 5. The___________areas in this region annually require urgent help. .. Express the same in English using your active vocabulary. 1. Oh очень благоразумный человек и, я думаю, никогда не рискует понапрасну. 2. Маленькая девочка упала с велосипеда и ударилась об него левой ногой. 3. В отличие от Оксфорда в большинстве русских университетов отсутствует институт наставников (руководителей студентов, тьюторов). 4. Джек поднялся по ступенькам, чтобы поприветствовать аудиторию со сцены. 5. Я знаю её с детства, и у неё всегда был ровный и дружелюбный нрав. 6. Он сидел в своём кабинете и обдумывал. V;-* :;т ••ь?, ■ т ш ''Ш чш Ъ- «^?5эг?=’- ^Ш- ^0 Мш ^к =7-^-;- й fcl’ 1^Щ fe^® 7^^ ic^-ji^t - Ш1^ •■^5='^ »,'• ШШ *^"S^9ierl IJ-^r^ \ H '» ^fe-s-.- SftS' S?--'3if^', ^\Cv ?5^D:«v rt'jif?' ЧТО ответить на предложение директора. 7. Давид не объяснил мне, почему Макс вышел у него из доверия. 8. Джейн положила голову на моё плечо и задремала, что было на неё совсем не похоже. 9. Старушка начинала ворчать на своих помогцников, когда бы она их ни видела. 10. Джастин ударил своего младшего брата по лицу, что было весьма неприятно видеть. 1 1. Д. Remember what verbs can describe the process of thinking and write these in English. 5 ■ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. размышлять о чем-то печальном, тревожном размышлять о чём-то довольно длительное время обдумывать нечто, не торопясь тш;ательно обдумать что-то обдумать что-то серьёзно размышлять о чём-то, прежде чем принять решение В. Маке up your own sentences with the verbs given above. 12. Translate these sentences into Russian. I. kind — kindly (adv) — kindly (adj) I. He was a courteous kindly gentleman. 2. He gave a kindly little chuckle. 3. She had a gentle kind face. 4. “Don’t worry about it,” he said kindly. 5. Would you kindly stop making that noise? 6. Kindly return one copy of the letter to me. II. to lean — to bend 1. Tom was bent double, holding his stomach in pain. 2. Helen bent down to pick up her pen. 3. The boy leaned over Sarah’s shoulder to see what was written on the slip of paper. 4. Morton leaned across the desk and lowered his voice. 5. Ruth bent and kissed the child. 6. The old gentleman leaned forward to hear what she was saying. III. contempt — despise 1. She regarded the tabloid press with absolute contempt. 2. I despised him for the way he treated his dog. 3. These facts are not to be despised. 4. I shall treat that remark with the contempt it deserves. 5. He showed a complete contempt for other people’s feelings. 6. Why should we despise him? He is simply different. 2. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1. The old house should have been torn {apartjdown) years ago. 2. The children tore {down/off) their clothes and jumped into the river. 3. Roberta tore {apart/up) all the photos of Charles. 4. Her marriage was tearing our friendship {apart/down). 5. Calvin came up to the wall and tore {down/off) the notice. 6. Linda tore {down/off) the last leaf of the calendar. 7. It just tears me {apart/between) to see what he has done to you. 8. Cleo was torn {apart/between/at) Max’ invitation to dinner and the necessity of visiting George. 9. She took Gregory’s letter and tore it {apart/up). 10. A lot of churches were torn {down/up) at the beginning of the last century in Russia. -. Complete the sentences choosing the necessary conjunction. 1. I will inform him of everything {while/when) he comes. 2. {In case/If) you don’t know the word look it up. 3. She tries to read slowly (so that/so as) not to make mistakes. 4. We couldn’t invite you to come {while/when) he stayed with us. 5. {In case/If) you don’t put on your warm sweater you will be cold. 6. The teacher spoke slowly and distinctly (so that/so as) the pupils could put everything down correctly. 7. He takes his mobile with him {where/wherever) he goes. 8. You look {like/as) a real beauty. 9. I’m here {in case/if) you need me. Ш 'S'-'- 551 1 5. Match the underlined adverbial clauses with their types. 1. Alice went to the city where she was born. 2. As we had some doubts about the accuracy of the information, we couldn’t accept their offer. 3. I had to live in the country so as to be able to look after my invalid cousin. 4. She behaves as if she were a child. 5. He won’t be tired when he comes. ‘'r.' a) conditional clause b) purpose^ clause 4."' >" differ ^Mc) time clause »* d)*“clause of manner 'V " 1^- e) result elapse i ft nlace* clauil* g) , contrast ^clause h) reason*clause ',K> Л % Л ’V^; 3> Ч 4> ЧМ’-' „....■'.'y-.-fg ^ -ISs' v, V, V ' . ' i4sV.'’ ч-‘>Л iJSIlsiiie ^ .Ч*л* ,„!Э& р1' 1 6. Express the same in English using adverbial clauses. 1. Приезжай в шесть, чтобы мы смогли поговорить до обеда. 2. Хотя ему только четыре года, он умеет хорошо читать. 3. Ты лучше возьми с собой зонт на случай дождя. 4. Куда бы она ни уезжала, она берёт с собой свою собачку. 5. Скажи ему, где она будет вечером. 6. Пусть он узнает всё, когда вернётся. 7. Джон всегда говорит так, будто он знаменитость. 8. Я хочу поехать на море, чтобы можно было плавать столько, сколько захочу. 9. Я встречу тебя в девять, если ты не передумаешь. 10. Объясни нам это так, чтобы мы могли понять. 11. Я приехал, чтобы увидеть собственными глазами, что здесь происходит. 12. Джеральд не упомянул эти факты, чтобы не обидеть её. 13. Рабочие начали забастовку, чтобы получить повышение зарплаты. 14. На случай дорожно-транспортного происшествия у меня всегда есть аптечка (а first aid kit) в машине. 15. Каждый раз, когда я вспоминаю нашу встречу, я чувствую смущение. : Read the text about one of the seven Russian wonders. Complete it with the correct words derived from the words in bold on the right. Mamayev Kurgan (Part I) The city of Volgograd was established in the late 16th century to defend the land that Ivan the Terrible had wrested from the Tatars. Then it was known as Tsaritsyn. In 1925, as Stalin rose to power in the Soviet 1.___________, the city was renamed Stalingrad. On November 10, 1961, at the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party, the city of Stalingrad was 2,_____________ Volgograd in honour of the river on whose banks it stands. If you decide to visit Volgograd in 3. _______Russia, you should definitely go to Mamayev Kurgan and see the 4. ________complex situated there. The complex is dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad which took place between August 1942 and February 1943. This battle is considered to be one of the major 5. _________battles that occurred during World War II and has immense 6. _________value to the people of Russia. It was seen as being a 7. _________ important area because Mamayev Kurgan offered control over the city. The hill was lost and won on several occasions. The 8. _________ fought 9. _________ to protect the hill. They trapped the German forces and destro-yedthem. This marked the end of the govern name south memory decide history strategy defend courage '■'г:. ш |в шм Ш- ^Г’гТ*’ Шг>.. 10. Battle of Stalingrad. The blood Mu>: fC- fighting had been so fierce that even the hill suffered the 11. __________. Even today you can find morbid 12. _________ consequent remind of this gory event hidden deep below the soil’s surface. The earth was scorched and remained black for many years. . 18. Read the text about one of the seven Russian wonders. Complete it with th€ correct words derived from the words in bold on the right. ^ * i-£ Mamayev Kurgan (Part II) After the war, the 1. ___________ was made to honour the 2. _________ efforts of those who lost their lives in the Battle of Stalingrad by building a memorial complex on the hill. This was 3.______ done between 1959 and 1967. Among decide courage eventual ■ -J '"й Ш к' '■A i Л'. ■■4 Ш\ A >-y /i ( .4 -IrV -f- -'A' c 1 ГГ.-ХЧ • '.Лх-».*Гч- . '•4'^ '-S is-* Yevgeny Vuchetich •.'-^AlT^' -i .V- Я1К-Г^- (1908-1974) .if - -- ’. ^-Z^' other things, the complex features a 4. statue called The Motherland Calls! It features a concrete sculpture of a woman holding a sword. The 5. ____________ figure itself measures 52 metres, and the sword — 33 metres. 200 steps which 6.__________the 200 days of the Battle of Stalingrad lead from the bottom of the hill to the monument. The sculptor was Yevgeny Vuchetich (the 7. ______________ Russian sculptor of 8. ________descent). The model who posed for Mother Motherland, Valentina Izotova, a native of the city, is still recognised for her 9. _________ to the statue. She was recruited by Lev Maistrenko, an 10. _________who was working on the _________complex in the early 1960s. 11. •• •-P . - mass I magnify symbol fame Serbia resemble art memory Ш mi r',.rV-V’‘ ii_a «1-Й5.' 19. Complete the text choosing the best word from the columns after it. Once uDon a time there '■ 4 7. came 8. upon a time tnere lived Mother Farthing. At the end of her long tidy garden there was a small neat cottage where she lived. Smoke 1. _____ early in the air from her 2. _____ and a lad from the village came at 3. _____ to help her with her baking. Then he took the fresh cakes and pastries to the market. They were gone, they were 4. ______ before they were cold and the lad went back for the old 5. ____ second 6. _____. One sparkling day when the morning air was spiced with the smell of apple and blackberry pie, the old woman’s a horse down the hill. He was a lean man. a mean man, a man without a smile. 1. a) rise c) raise b) raised d) rose 2. a) chimney c) attic b) roof d) portico 3. a) the night c) dawn b) morning d) the evening 4. a) bald c) told b) sold d) scold 5. a) woman c) woman’s b) women d) women’s 6. a) a bakery c) baking b) pastry d) cookie 7. a) landlord c) master b) owner d) host 8. a) riding c) going b) driving d) mounting 20. Read the text and use the right forms of the verbs in brackets to complete it. Happy Birthday Ш Bobbie was running down the road. She could not feel that she (do)^ something wrong half an hour before. She (know)^ that Mother (think)^ differently when Bobbie (tell)^ her about what (happen)^. But the girl (feel)® for once she (be)^ the one who (do)^ the right thing. She (scranlble)^ down the rocky slope with a really happy feeling. Phyllis and Peter (meet)^® her at the back door. “Now you wait till the bell (ring)^^ and then you may come into the dining room,” they (say)^^. So Bobbie (wait)^^. Hardly she (open)^^ the door when she (find)^® herself in a new world of light and flowers and singing. Mother and Peter and Phyllis (stand)^® in a row at the end of the table. The shutters (shut)^^ and there (be)^® twelve candles on the table, one for each of Bobbie’s years. The table (cover)^^ with a sort of patten of flowers. And Mother and Phyllis and Peter (sing)^®. Bobbie (know)^^ that Mother (write)^^ the words on purpose for her birthday. It was Mother’s little way on birthdays. It (begin)^^ on Bobbie’s fourth birthday. Bobbie remembered (learn)^^ the verses to say to Father “for a surprise”. She (wonder)^® if Mother had remembered too. Then she (hear)^® Mother (say)^^ “Now, (look)^^ at your presents!” There was a green and red needle-book that Phyllis (make)^^ herself in secret moments. There was a darling silver brooch of Mother’s, which Bobbie (know)^® and loved for years, but which she had never, never thought (come)®^ to be her very own. (after The Railway Children by E. Nesbit) *. Express the same in English using the modal verbs could, might, may, must, can't, couldn't and the perfect infinitives of the main verbs. 1. Oh не мог сделать это намеренно. 2. Должно быть, они переехали. 3. Возможно, она изменила своё мнение, но я сомневаюсь в этом. 4. Я уверен, что они не могли лгать вам. Возможно, это недоразумение. 5. Должно быть, они поссорились. Достаточно взглянуть на них, чтобы понять это. 6. Мог ты перепутать число? 7. Они, конечно, могли спрятать завещание, но я не понимаю, зачем они это сделали. 8. Джим, должно быть, развёлся с Эмили. Он уже месяц не носит обручальное кольцо. 9. Как ты полагаешь, что могло случиться? утачай 5Ь' 22. Write five sentences of your own using: 1) ... could have + participle II ... 2) ... might have + participle II ... 3) ... may have + participle II ... 4) ... must have + participle II ... 5) ... can’t have (couldn’t have) + participle II ... 23. With the help of the modal verbs can (can't), could, may (may not) ask for permission to do what you think is necessary under the circumstances. 1. You have left your dictionary at home but you badly need one. 2. You have broken your pen and have nothing to write the test with. 3. Your mobile is at home and there is no public telephone at the bus terminal, but you must give a call to your sick relative. 4. Your friend has finished reading the magazine. You want to read one of its articles. 5. You know that your cousin is free tomorrow and you are busy writing a test. But it is your turn to do the shopping. 24. Write at least three collocations with the given below adjectives to complete the rows. 1. sensational • sensational news, ______________,______________,______________. 2. terrific • terrific view, _____________, _____________, ______________. 3. fantastic • fantastic show, ______________, ______________, _____________. 4. fabulous • fabulous wealth, _______________, _____________, _____________. 5. tremendous • tremendous disappointment,____________,__________,____________. 6. awesome • awesome task, _______________, ______________, _____________. 7. magic • magic party, _______________, _____________, ______________. 8. smashing • smashing personality, ____________, ____________, ____________. 9. super • super idea, ______________, _____________, ______________. 10; brilliant • brilliant career, __ , , ____________. эч* |в 0|qe| 04* Щ 11Ы s|U0m0|B|s эщ чцм (9 ')|se4. 04^ |о pu0 '0Sn 04 p00U 4,UOp ПОЛ 4и0Ш04В4$ 0UO SI 0J041 '(6—В) -^) s03UBJ0un s,j0)|e0ds цэв0 '(/ 'ОЩ) 9issn^ уо эа/0/sf эщ р0||вэ 0q о| S00ujuiou 041 ^noqB 6u|)|B0ds 0|do0d xis леэц щм пол Ч /t-. *i''' *ум vw:v4 •> ^ >"<й ' a) This person was preoccupied with the psychological and social problems. b) This person was born and died in the same century. c) This person wasn’t Russian by birth but still had some Russian blood. d) This person was interested in opening new museums. e) This person had the highest military rank in Russia. f) This person could foresee future discoveries in science. g) This person tried to enforce the traditions of European coun- tries onto Russia. Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 6 Statement •vvr- • ’ . 'J ; •. 2. You will hear a text about the Iron Age in the history of human development (No. 8). To complete the statements (1—8) circle the item you have chosen. 1. We know the names of Iron Age people from _________ . a) foreign manuscripts and coins 3* Ш b) foreign books and coins c) descriptions and stone monuments by foreigners 2. Iron Age people known in the history are _____. a) mostly males b) mostly females c) mostly kings and queens 3. People living in Britain at the end of the Iron Age _ a) had long lives b) died young c) were not numerous 4. The Iron Age _____ houses were arranged in two rows a) walled b) round c) iron 5. The men of the family ______ . a) made different iron tools b) harvested different grains i 6. We* a) know P Ъ) don’t c) never 7. Both Iron a) shirts b) cloaks about Iron Age Britons’ appearance. c) dresses and skirts • 8. People from different geographical parts of Britain a) definitely looked different b) could look different c) looked alike fa 3. Read the text and do the tasks (1—6) after It circling one of the letters (A—C). Ernest Shackleton The BBC initiated the programme 100 Greatest Britons which was broadcast in 2002. The programme was the result of a vote conducted to determine who the United Kingdom public considers the greatest British people have been in history. The poll resulted in some unlikely and controversial candidates including Guy Fawkes, who was executed for trying to blow up the Parliament of England; King Richard III, suspected of murdering his nephews; James Connolly, an Irish nationalist who was executed by the Crown in 1916. In addition to the British natives, some notable non-British entrants were listed as well. These included former Queen frontman Freddie Mercury, who was born in Zanzibar when it was a British colony. Both Alfred the Great and Boudica are from an era where Britishness was a concept of the future. The top 19 entries were exclusively of self-declared English origin, one of them is Sir Ernest Shackleton (February 15, 1874 — if, f--*- ■.'Viy,-’. y< .*§'S .... January 5, 1922) who was born into an English family settled in Ireland when that country was still part of the UK. He was an Anglo-Irish explorer who was one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. His first experience of the polar regions had been as third officer on Captain Scott’s Discovery Expedition, 1901—1904, from which he was sent home early on health grounds. Determined to make amends for this perceived personal failure, he returned to Antarctica in 1907 as leader of the Nimrod Expedition. In Ernest Hen Shackleton ЩШ ШШ тш. Щ Ш Ш‘а:Г Чг: S5SH January 1909 he and three companions made a southern march which established a record Farthest South latitude, by far the closest convergence on either Pole in exploration history. For this achievement, Shackleton was knighted by King Edward VII on his return home. After the race to the South Pole ended in 1912 with Roald Amundsen’s conquest, Shackleton turned his attention to what he said was the one remaining great object of Antarctic journeying — the crossing of the continent from sea to sea, via the Pole. To this end he made preparations for what became the Imperial Transantarctic Expedition, 1914—1917. Disaster struck this expedition when its ship. Endurance, was trapped in pack ice. It was slowly crushed, before the shore parties could be landed. There followed a dramatic sequence of exploits, and an ultimate escape with no lives lost. Those events would eventually assure Shackleton’s heroic status, although this was not immediately evident. In 1921 he went back to Antarctica with the Shackleton-Rowett Expedition, intending to carry out a programme of scientific and survey activities. Before the expedition could begin this work, Shackleton died of a heart attack while his ship. Quest, was moored in South Georgia. At his family’s request he was buried there. 1. The BBC 100 greatest Britons in 2002. r • 'Шт A. launched the programme about B. chose C. determined 2. The list included ___. A. only British subjects B. only English subjects C. British and non-British candidates 3. Shackleton returned to Antarctica in 1907 to_____. A. make a new record B. compensate for his previous unsuccessful expedition C. meet captain Scott again 4. Sir Ernest Shackleton was born in_____. A. the UK B. the Republic of Ireland C. England 5. Sir Ernest Shackleton was awarded the title of record. A. baronet B. knight C. king for his 6. The Imperial Transantarctic Expedition in 1914 meant to 1917 was A. make a journey of Antarctica from coast to coast B. discover the Pole C. to rescue the Endurance 7. Shackleton proved his heroic status by the fact that A. his people reached the South Pole B. his command managed to prevent the ship from being crushed C. no people died during his last expedition. 8. He met his death on board the ship ___. A. before the expedition started its work B. after the expedition finished its work C. in the process of making scientific research 4. Find in the text Ernest Shackleton (Ex. 3) words and word combinations that mean the foiiowing: 1. shown on TV 2. to decide 3. according to somebody’s desire 4. people of the United Kingdom 5. candidates causing much argument or disagreement 6. kill a person, illegally and the position ot a hdfp an investigator the most distin people 13. because of* condition hifc,physical ..tip iMmSI 7. put on a list 8. the governing power of a 1,4. being something «иЯй I kingdom 9.* a historical period of time ... .т ■г-Щт: тщ4^<^н да Шш ш ■ж- <Шй 5i*4 5. Complete the sentences with the function words from the box. with on for in at by to A. 1. In the middle of Trafalgar Square, a tall column. ?5 stands the statue of Nelson, a prominent commander and politician. 2. The biggest dome of the cathedral was gilded ____ gold. 3. He had developed a bad reputation_____humiliating people. 4. Marion herself into the mirror. love Ш stood gazing 5. During the filming Curtis fell _________ _____ his co-star. 6. He spoke for a long time and almost at the end of his speech he came _____ the point. 7. He charmed Mrs Manson, _____ carrying her shopping. 8. “She is really attached Henrv, she’s known him for - %/ ' ages,” — he said. 9. Her father wasn’t the man to trifle _____ . 10. There were no lights in the streets ______ night time. 11. He had arrived__________France a few days before the schedule. 12. It was late afternoon and the sun was bright ___________________________ the sky. 13. The teenager’s words were filled __________________ bitterness. 14. _ the day time he stayed up in his room, sleeping or listening to jazz. 15. The boy could see deep blue waters sparkling ________ the sun. S5-‘KS Ш B. 1. Granny embroidered my name __________ all my pillows. 2. The long dispute resulted ______ a quarrel. 3. At last her mother spoke but _____a very low voice. 4. “Can you remind us _____your plans for the weekend?” 5. He rang the office and asked _______ Fred’s assistant. 6. When the poor woman was found she was fastened _____ the tree by a rope. 7. Will you stay here_____us at least_______a day or two? 8. He is really keen ________ football. 9. He watched two little birds sitting on the roof and sinking _____ a delicious slumber. 10. We walked 7 the garden to its end where there was a small pool with water plants. 11. Drinking water was supplied by old-fashioned pipes made_____lead. 12. He was due to fly back____the States today to deliver the parcel. 13. Whether or not we can go picnicking entirely depends ____ the weather. 14. In their family there were rules how to cut bread and how to sit________ table. 15. The two boys were running and throwing snowballs________each other. 6. Express the same in Russian. 1. She is so full of guilt that she is ready to admit to anything. « 2. The most important thing is not to admit defeat until you really have to. 3. He saw a wooden hand cut box with a majestic eagle about to alight. 4. Always use fresh water preferably from the shower attachment. 5. Yesterday I bought a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment for dusting books. 6. Hundreds of people lost their jobs as a consequence of the financial crisis. 7. He had a swim in cold water. In consequence he is coming down with a cold. 8. The sun felt deliciously warm. 9. He sat on the terrace of his sun-drenched villa in the South of France. 10. Nora, the eldest of the sisters, was always keen to gain approval and accept responsibility. 11. His skin was tanned and glowing from their weeks at the sea. 12. Measles is just misery. 13. -He heard muttering from the front of the crowd. 14. Her ears always pricked up at the mention of her husband. 15. On several occasions she remarked on the boy’s improvement. Match the words in the columns to form phrases and use them in the right forms in the sentences that follow. A admit alight attachment tragic drench gain glow live mutter something prick В to the skin strength consequences defeat with happiness from the train m misery to himself his ears to the family is? •' -V-Jt.--.- ЙШ Vi**'. *. V . ' • -Л**.:*- • я Ш • > 'в® ч - ■-л'г>С.у Й'Й-'- -ЙШ iiil • ''Ч; Ийй V *'- ш Г€.Й a^'h (Щ ш м Шщ щй| ■ ШЩ. 1. I will fight to the end as I cannot and accept that my friend may be dying. 2. After two hours’ journey the whole company_____________________and walked along the station. 3. We were __________________ and absolutely cold after walking under the rain. 4. The policemen heard the victim______________ ___________________ something ____________________behind their backs. 5. She stopped talking and__________________. 6. The title is taken from a story by Andersen about a girl whose pride had _________________. 7. That old woman had been__________________ and poverty all her life. 8. He spoke so passionately and devotedly that her face_________________ at these words. 9. This political movement was_________________from year to year. 10. She never lived alone as she had a strong _______________. 8. Express the same in English. I. 1. признать свою ошибку; 2. получить разрешение войти в класс; 3. просить невозможного; 4. особая привязанность; 5. неизбежные последствия; 6. вследствие чего; 7. не иметь последствий; 8. приятные ош;уш;ения; 9. перейти к главному; 10. вышить фигуру ангела на подушке; 11. играть на чувствах отца; 12. сиять от удовольствия; 13. невнятно извиниться; 14. подцепить вилкой огурец; 15. навострить уши II. 1. Он пробормотал какие-то извинения в ответ. 2. Когда вы перейдёте к сути дела? 3. Ты всё время просишь невозможного! 4. Мы так долго решали, как лучше добираться туда, что в результате опоздали на автобус. 5. Ему пришлось признать все свои ошибки в ходе работы над проектом. 6. Покупка нашего дома связана у меня с восхитительным ош;уш;ением счастья. 7. Внучка попросила бабушку вышить котёнка на своей подушке. 8. Она подцепила ломтик ветчины вилкой и стала, не торопясь, его есть. 9. Не следовало играть на чувствах отца, его реакция была предсказуема. 10. Она сияла от радости при мысли, что встретит его вновь. 11. Ученик навострил уши в надежде, что услышит правильный ответ. 12. Между детьми в этой семье была какая-то особая привязанность и любовь. 13. Такое поведение будет иметь неизбежные последствия для вашей репутации. 14. Повышение тарифа (cost) на электричество в данном случае не будет иметь никакого значения. 15. После долгих извинений его наконец допустили до занятий. 9. Express the same in Russian paying attention to the words describing the process of giving light. 1. eyes sparkling with laughter; 2. twinkling stars; 3. the water of the lake shimmering in the moonlight; 4. gleaming foil; 5. gold coins glistening in the sunlight; 6. sparkling diamonds; 7. hair gleaming in the sun; 8. a gleaming polished floor; 9. glistening rain drops; 10. shimmering starlight; 11. sparkling jewels; 12. a flashing smile; 13. blinding flashes of the car; 14. shining armour; 15. a glowing complexion 10. Translate these sentences into Russian. I. high — tall — lofty 1. In the centre of the capital there was a vast lofty Gothic cathedral. 2. In front of their view there was an impossibly lofty plateau. 3. The flat looked more spacious because of the very high - 'V. ceilings. 4. Who is that tall macho man? 5. We have always enjoyed the warm climate of the mountains in the Crimea. II. sleep — slumber — nap 1. It was only when he finally drifted off to sleep that the headaches eased. 2. The birds slightly shook and twitched from their slumber. 3. By the side-effects of the drugs I was sent into a slumber which a herd of elephants wouldn’t have disturbed. 4. She watched the puppies begin to play with each other, rolling around and stopping only to nap. 5. You may stretch out for a nap right here on this bed. III. to get — to receive — to gain 1. Has her son got a scholarship? 2. Today you’ll get a mew teacher taking you. 3. High achievers will receive cash bonuses. 4. The President has received His Holiness at the White House. 5. Students can gain valuable experience by working on the campus radio. IV. thin — slender — skinny 1. He was a frightful-looking child and so skinny that he seemed even smaller. 2. You are too skinny we should fatten you up as soon as possible. 3. Marina is a lovely slender woman in her midtwenties. 4. Minoru, tall and slender, dressed in a dark stylish suit, had thick short neatly cut hair. 5. A thin-lipped smile spread over the captain’s face. 1 1. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1. She sank {back/down) on the pillow and closed her eyes. 2. His voice sank {to/in) a conspiratorial whisper. 3. The implication of his smile took a while to sink {in/back). 4. That revenge he had been suffering from sank {in/to) his heart. 5. Sam is absolutely broke, he even sank {to/in) robbing his own friends. 6. The government was ready to let the pound sink {in/to) parity to the dollar. 7. She entered the room and immediately sank {down/back) into the armchair standing close to the door. 8. He paused to let the point sink {back/in). 9. Before he continued he sank {to/back) in his chair. 10. Anything said to him wouldn’t sink {in/to). 12. Use the rules of punctuation to arrange sentences into a dialogue. In the Office Michael: Betty where did the cable come from what city Betty: Madras did I pronounce it right Michael: no but it’s ok Betty run the cable through your shredder please Betty: I will don’t worry Michael: thanks Betty do you prefer necklaces or bracelets Betty: you know that’s not necessary but I’d like a bracelet from some exotic place if you insist Michael: done goodbye and thanks again my plane departs at six I must be off Betty: bye Michael good luck 1 3. Read the text. Complete it with the correct words derived from the words in bold on the right. w h-': Our everyday life is full of positive and negative 1. _________________ and emo- tions, such as the joy of a newborn baby, the sorrow of death, love and hate. 2. _______________, negative emotions impact us more than feelings of 3. or 4. From 5.______ to «emotions 6. ^ ________we are exposed but we all have __ways of dealing with '■Xh : and reacting to them. We can say that emotions are 7._________________, and at the same time, experienced. With the 8. __________________of years, we learn how to deal with our emotions in differ- feel fortunately happy, please child differ known pass ent ways, which is expressed in the way we make 9. _____________________when we are confronted with them. This 10. is 11. and we can 12. see it in people who let themselves get carried away by their emotions. I g decide behave, unpredict clear 14. Read the text. Complete it with the correct words derived from the words in bold on the right. William Blake, William Wordsworth and Samuel T. Coleridge are 1. _____________ English poets. Blake rebelled against all 2. ________________, but was a visionary of 3. ________________genius. Blake was not a 4. _________________________but a 5. poet. He said his business was “to create” William Wordsworth 6. intended to be an Anglican clergyman i I •p, V V f I fame authorise comparable philosophy create • • origin aV.S but instead , turned' to writing. His ■> 7. to 8. understand is full of longing nature, but he is about what consti- tutes nature. It seems he felt too much to philosophise. His 9. __________________s reflect the spirit of the age. Coleridge had a 10. . " ts >v Л5 • ’ГМ/ Christian faith. His faith came from within. He was sure that if a person acted as if they believed, then faith would follow. He tried to apply the principles found in the Bible to all aspects of life. ambiguity poet power 15. Complete the text choosing the best word from the columns after it. The Millennium Development Goals The Millennium Development Goals, part of ,the Millennium 1. ____, were 2. ___during the 2000 U.N. Millennium Summit, held in September at the United 3. ____ headquarters in New York City. The purpose of the summit was to help 4. what role the United Nations should play in the 21st century. The eight time-bound Millennium Development Goals were set out to end 5. _ worldwide poverty by the year 2015. The Millennium Development Goals are a contract between developed and developing countries, and major financial institutions 6. ______ the World Bank, the International 7. _____ Fund, and members of the World Trade Organization. Developed countries agreed to 8. ____ resources. and developing countries agreed to improve 9. The Millennium Development Goals represent 10. idea that in order for worldwide poverty to be eliminated, it will be necessary 11. ______ countries to work together to successfully achieve all eight goals 12._____ 2015. To ensure that the goals 13. toward, performance is being monitored through nation- al Millennium Goals reports. United Nations Secretary General’s reports to the United Nations General Assembly, and reports constructed by civil society organizations 14. ____ the world. Ж К- Щ- ш ж т т.-. •*:* 4V V* :**• ••*jr : - '• •■ •;. X' >'•***> ^ * >•’ •. • • > ' Article Utterance constructed demanded Nations nationals determine search exclusive extreme so as so Money Matter Monetary support obtain politicians politics a no with for by in are working are being worked all in across 16. Read the text and use the right forms of the verbs in brackets to complete it. So Peter had (stay)^ in the house of the two sisters. Jennie (be)^ alone in the house all day with him, and she (get)^ more and more pretty as he got to know her better. Also it was evident that she (like)^ Peter more and more. Peter (reveal)^ himself as deeply sympathetic. He didn’t know whether Jennie (learn)^ about his bad record, but he (take)^ the chance and (explain)^ everything to her. Yes, he (trap)^ into evil ways. While she (listen)^^ how he (starve)^^ the previous years, the tears (glisten)^^ in Jennie’s grey eyes and (run)^^ down her 1. a) Declaration c) b) Newspaper d) 2. a) do c) b) developed d) 3. a) nations c) b) nationalities d) 4. a) make c) b) calculate d) 5. a) excessive c) b) exceptional d) 6. a) such like c) b) such as d) 7. a) Money c) b) Monetaric d) 8. a) borrow c) b) provide d) 9. a) public c) b) policies d) 10. a) the c) b) some d) 11. a) to c) b) at d) 12. a) up c) b) to d) 13. a) worked c) b) work d) 14. a) around c) b) in whole d) ж cheeks. Не (tell)^^ her about loneliness and heartsickness and .misery he (suffer)^^ all his life. At the end of the week Peter was (have)^^ a secret meeting with one of the chief detective’s men. So Peter (tell)^^ the girls that he (be)^^ tired of being a prisoner in the house and must (get)^^ some fresh air. ‘‘Oh please, Peter, (not, take)^® such a chance!” cried Sadie, her thin, anxious face suddenly (grow)^^ more anxious and thin. “You (not, know)^^ this house (watch)^^? They just (hope)^^ to catch you out alone. It (be)^^ the last of you.” “I (not, be)^^ so important as that,” said Peter; but she insisted that he was. In spite of his boredom, he liked to hear her (insist)^^ upon his importance. 17. Check the spelling of proper names and make corrections if necessary. 1. Dr Macphail stood at the window watching the rain. 2. mrs Davidson asked him about miss Thompson’s arrival, not answer. 3. The girl came back with compliments and said, “As long as rev Davidson doesn’t come in busi-ness hours she’ll be glad to see him. 4. “We are not amused,” is the famous phrase that queen Victoria once said. 5. — Will you get a divorce? — No, Matilda’s a catholic. She won’t divorce. 6. We had settled first at fort Victoria, our nearest place of access to the Zimbabwe ruins. 7. This is how I came to be in the por-tobello road that Saturday morning. When he did 8. We of the east know how to cure this disease. 9. The grounds of hamp- ton court were lovely in the afternoon shine. 10. So they went down to italy and spent happy months studying renaissance and Baroque architecture. 11. We drove to victoria station, for the happy couple were to go to Paris by the two o’clock train. 18. Use mustn't needn't don't have, don't need in the following sentences. 1. You ________ this dress, you have a lot of clothes to choose for that party. 2. You __________ talk about that tragedy unless 4 — O. B. Афанасьева. Анг. яз. 11 кл. а# ШР да ш щ. Ш ш «1^ 1 you feel like to. 3. You__________leave her in such condition. She may do something unpredictable. 4. As long as you ________________ to earn your living you will have the illusion of being free. 5. You _________ read the letter to me. I already know what it is about. 6. Our ruin__________happen. After their financial support we can survive in the market. 7. He____________me for this project, he can do it by himself. 8. You tell her the truth, she will die to get up early on _______ to tell you if she finds out everything. 9. They ____________ Saturday as their classes begin at 11. 10. I what these journalists can be like. You have already had some business with them. 19. Д. Match the items in the two columns. 'W-. A 1. showing too much pride in oneself, eager to tell other people what has been done to make them feel admiration for oneself 2. fond of spending time with other people 3. making actions of extreme brevity 4. feeling excited and worried, or slightly afraid 5. easily influenced to change their opinion, not strong enough to protect one’s point of view 6. feeling annoyed because something is not happening as quickly as you want 7. saying things one doesn’t really feel to produce a good impression 8. making sensible decisions and dealing effectively with problems Б wf' a) heroic b) insincere c) sociable d) boastful e) practical f) nervous g) weak-willed h) nostalgic i) confident j) impatient ..............................., F ^ о ' •^f^ч Jv .-A Ль -.-V twf ■=>5 •-•/vSiS,' о 4 i 'X <( < •4/ > 'Xv 4?Л«; АЙ Л ml V, 'л^л'.'ЛС:1 >£<■ \Ш1 1.' Д-, c< -V & Ч •лчс!; 9< A«< "/yV 4^, >P -' {> в. Make your own sentences with the words from column B. 20. Express the same in English. 1. безответственный человек; 2. бессовестный двуликий лгун; 3. раздражительный скандальный клиент; 4. непредсказуемые действия; 5. жестокий безжалостный ответ; 6. жизнерадостные общительные дети; 7. эгоцентричный снобистский взгляд на вещи; 8. мелочный злобный старик; 9. отвратительное впечатление; 10. нежный любящий муж 21. Group the given words into negative and positive. Use some of them in sentences of your own. affectionate, aggressive, boastful, confident, disgraceful, determined, hostile, mad, generous, jealous, level-headed, loyal, enthusiastic, violent, ridiculous, possessive, noble, tolerant, realistic, obstinate, vain, considerate negative positive 22. Complete the sentences using the necessary function words. “Л rr^l j 1 1 • о 1 • J_ T 1 1 1. That news made him feel in the clouds. 2. After so many years they met each other and were____________top of the world. 3. I am absolutely fed_____________all that nonsense you are say- ing! 4. He caught himself at the thought that he didn’t feel any 4* Ш m Ш 'шМ w ша 1ш ГЛ1 tmirn:. ш vr. .ttj* жР» я# ii ^т %1Шу 'Mms '-у-^ё-siy- Ш^т ■■-fi}pZ^‘iti- ЩЩ 1Ш^- /il-c рш ш ^1 '‘>-‘!,‘^Ы Й®# ?7-‘Ж^^':- Ж love that woman. 5. She was infatuated his eloquence. When he spoke she could listen to him for hours. 6. She was _ __ V utterly unpredictable as she was smitten _________ love. 7. That was much more than motherly devotion. She completely doted _______ her son. 8. Now you should love this child and care _____ him. 9. She was so head hills love Robert that couldn’t hear what he was saying to her at that moment. 10. She was thinking why she couldn’t fall______love_______first sight like her sister. 11. What affection her brother was Luisa speak- ing about? She hated the man! 12. I cannot remember him sympathising _____ any man in our company. 13. You shouldn’t be jealous _____her success. She’s been working hard for all her life. 14. I think the Ronalds have always kept their distance________the Mayfords as far as I remember these two families. 15. Never feel sorry ______ Sam: he knows what he is doing. •л *- UNIT ONE Exercise 1 1. d 2. f Exercise 2 1. c 2. a Exercise 3 1. C 2. D 3. ь 4. а 5. с 6. g (extra — е) 3. ь 4. Ь 5. Ь 6. с 7. с 8. а 3. в 4. А 5. D 6. С Exercise 4 1. genuine 2. to pause 3. to work out 4. brief 5. to clap 6. rapt 7. from memory 8. plump 9. pretty 10. a touch of 11. lastly 12. encore 13. aware 14, bolt upright 15. fugue 16. ecstasy 17. to swear 18. closely 19. peculiar 20. look Exercise 5 A. 1. To 2. beyond 3. with 4. under 5. over 6. with 7. by 8. of 9. 10. by 11. against 12. in 13. in 14. to 15. to B. 1. from 2. for 3. by 4. to 5. on 6. beyond 7. over 8. for 9. 10. on 11. in 12. up 13. at 14. under 15. to Exercise 6 in in 1. Я старался не выдавать своего невежества. 2. Их возмутили замечания Роджера. 3. Не могу устоять перед искушением и не пойти на это представление. 4. Люди, естественно, противятся переменам (стремятся избегать перемен). 5. Он страдает от приступов депрессии. 6. Энн услышала, что Стив едва слышно выругался. 7. Ошибка в переводе едва не привела к дипломатическому скандалу. 8. Меня оскорбляет (возмущает), что со мной разговаривают подобным образом. 9. То, что господин Ричардсон напускал на себя вид невозмутимого превосходства, чрезвычайно её раздражало. 10. Должен признать, с Джоанной трудно работать. 11. Сара вышивает это платье уже три месяца, то бёрется за работу, то откладывает её. 12. Одна из известных пьес Оскара Уайльда называется «Как важно быть серьёзным». 13. Следующая комната оказалась зеркальным отражением первой. 14. «Не высказывайте никаких предположений», — гневно сказала Мария. 15. В темноте я споткнулся и ударился о спинку стула. 16. Фред зарычал от гнева. Л V- ' в в жЯ ЯШ ш ¥Ш,йп ■ л j Й Exercise 7 1. an irresistible desire 2. an actual incident 3. an annoying person 4. a personal insult 5. great earnestness 6. fierce words 7. public indignation 8. fitting thanks 9. roaring traffic 10. swearing people Exercise 8 I. 1. a curious incident 2. insulting words 3. to speak earnestly 4. a real (true) ignoramus 5. incidentally 6. to meet a fierce resistance 7. to have a fit of anger 8. to hit sb in the face 9. to hit one’s knee on a chair 10, to swear to sth 11. to roar with pain 12. to resist the temptation 13. a behaviour insulting old (elderly) people, a behaviour which is an insult to people advanced in years 14. a fit of laughter 15. beyond our control II. 1. We finished our trip without any incident. 2. She has been reading the novel by fits and starts for a month already. 3. I can’t swear to it, but I think she is contributing articles to our newspaper. 4. The wind was blowing fiercely in passers-by’s faces. 5. I don’t think it is fitting to ask her personal questions. 6. After the road accident your car is beyond repair. 7. Don’t you dare hit animals with a stick. 8. My younger sister has an irresistible fascination. 9. His amusing stories made us roar with laughter. 10. I admit our ignorance of this problem. 11, This manner of expression is an insult to me. 12. I swear I have never seen her again. 13. How annoying! They have already left the house. 14. He is such an earnest young man. 15. I was indignant at his insulting remarks. Exercise 9 1. to guffaw 2, to smirk 3. to chuckle 4. to grin 5. to giggle Exercise 10 I. 1. Я хочу, чтобы меня воспринимали серьёзно. 2. Когда он пришёл к нам, он привёл своих друзей. 3. Он воспринял то, что я сказал, как замечание (критику). 4. Весна приносит тёплую погоду. 5. Не мог бы ты принести мне мою шляпу из коридора? 6. Захвати веш;и из чистки по дороге домой. II. 1. Джейн тяжело восприняла смерть младшего брата и громко плакала (плакала навзрыд). 2. Сара не хотела, чтобы кто-нибудь видел, как она огорчена, поэтому она быстро пошла в свою комнату и горько заплакала. 3. Ребёнок плакал и звал мать. 4. Не смей плакать на людях! 5. Он положил голову на руки и заплакал как ребёнок. 6. Она начала безудержно (не контролируя себя) рыдать. III. 1. Она пожалела, что не осталась дома. 2. Мы с нетерпением ждём твоего возвращения. 3. Руфь знает, что никогда не сможет поехать на родину, но все эти годы она страстно мечтает об этой поездке. 4. Он давно ждёт возможности увидеть её, но я сомневаюсь, что это когда-либо произойдёт. 5. На улице было холодно, и Мэри мечтала принять горячую ванну. 6. Я не хочу драматизировать ситуацию, но я уверен, что внизу слышны чьи-то шаги. Exercise 11 1. on 2. back 3. for 4. out 5. out 6. back 7. upon 8. out 9. out 10. back Exercise 12 1. a [D 2. c Ш 3. d Ш 4. c Q 5. b Ш 6. c D 7. a Q 8. b Ш 9. d III 10. c Ш 11. a □ 12. c, b □/Ш Exercise 13 A. 1. subject — instrument, predicate — make 2. subject — melody, predicate — is the tune 3. subject — three and seven, predicate — are (lucky) numbers 4. subject — people, predicate — have been making 5. subject — we, predicate — know 6. subject — singing and dancing, predicate — are her hobbies 7. subject — the music (of Ancient Greeks), predicate — has never been written down 8. subject — (Mozart’s) operas and symphonies, predicate — are beautiful 9. subject — an opera, predicate — is a play 10. subject — operas, predicate — are called operettas B. 1. noun 2. noun 3. numerals 4. noun 5. personal pronoun 6. gerund 7. noun 8. noun 9. noun 10. noun C. 1. verbal 2. nominal 3. nominal 4. verbal 5. verbal 6. nominal 7. verbal 8. nominal 9. nominal 10. nominal an adverbial a direct — an Exercise 14 1. violent, whirling — attributes 2. in the Pacific — modifier of place 3. some — an attribute, fruits and nuts object 4. their — an attribute, eggs — a direct object, in sand adverbial modifier of place 5. By the mid-1800s — an adverbial modifier of time, same — attribute, today — an adverbial modifier of time 6. always — an adverbial modifier of indefinite time, disdainfully — an adverbial modifier of manner 7. to learn — an attribute 8. generally — an adverbial modifier of indefinite time Exercise 15 I. Closely 2. emergence 3. distinctively 4. innovators 5. movement 6. classical 7. famous 8. collaboration 9. expression 10. improvisation II. movements 12. performances т?^ ^4-У-^'-:- !ws*> Exercise 16 1. development 2. tension 3. inspiration 4. originality 5. American 6. European 7. notable 8. British 9. plantation 10. pianist 11. recognition 12. obscurity Exercise 17 I. b 2. d 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. d 7. c 8. c 9. b 10. a II. b 12. a 13. b 14. d 15. c 16. d Exercise 18 1. kept 2. was listening 3. stopped 4. blinked 5. stirred 6. stretched 7. took 8. looked 9. reacts 10. gave 11. thought 12. was not enjoying 13. can 14. charm 15. hear 16. knew 17. was acting 18. was following 19. had not played 20. began 21. to twitch (twitching) 22. drew 23. laid 24. stared 25. was fascinated 26. continued 27. to play (playing) 28. to happen Exercise 20 1. If it were not for hope, the heart would break. 2. If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. 3. If the blind lead the blind, both would fall into the ditch. 4. If ifs and ans were pots and pans, there would be no work for tinkers. 5. If each swept before his own door, we would have a clean city. 6. If the cap fitted, I would wear it. 7. If I were older, I would be wiser. 8. If two men rode on a horse, one would have to ride behind. 9. If one sheep leapt over the ditch, all the rest would follow. 10. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Exercise 21 1. If I knew French, I would send Lucy emails every day. 2. If I had a bike, I would go cycling every day. 3. If I got a puppy as a birthday gift, I would be the happiest person on earth. 4. If I could sing, I would become an opera singer. 5. If I lived near the sea, I would swim every day. 6. If I had a car, I would drive it very carefully. 7. If she were strong-willed, she would keep to a diet. 8. If my cousin were a good pupil, she wouldn’t get bad marks at school. 9. If she were a true music-lover, she would go oftener to the conservatoire. 10. If he agreed to help me, I would know how to do the job. Exercise 22 I. banjo, guitar, violin, viola, cello, harp, double bass 11. piccolo, saxophone, bassoon, clarinet III. trumpet, trombone, tuba IV. cymbals, tambourine, vibraphone, drum V. piano, grand piano, organ Exercise 23 1. saxophone 2. drum 3. cello 4. cymbals 5. harp 6. violin 7. flute 8. French horn 9. lute 10. oboe Exercise 24 1. drummer 2. soloist 3. band 4. the brass 5. opera 6. minstrel 7. symphony 8. nocturne 9. secular 10. vocal 11. chorister 12. virtuoso 13. quintet 14. prelude 15. tempo 16. rap 17. ensemble 18. librettist Exercise 25 1. melodramatic plot 2. string quartet 3. keyboard instruments 4. asymmetric rhythm 5. divine music 6. avant-garde composer 7. imaginative performer 8. popular quintet 9. experimental improvisation 10. secular songs 11. daring experiments 12. catchy melody 13. harmonic duet 14. individual talent 15. haunting tune 16. world-famous virtuoso 17. expressive and lively performance 18. Baroque music UNIT TWO Exercise 1 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. c 6. a Exercise 2 1. A 2. В 3. A 4. C 5. В 6. В 7. A 8. C 9. A Exercise 3 1. a 2.,e 3. c 4. b 5. h 6. d 4 Exercise 4 7. i 8. f (extra — g) 1. perfectly fitted 2. discarded 3. girder 4. significant 5. rectangular 6. was commissioned 7. thoroughfare 8. unconventional 9. tag-of-war 10. regimentation 11. very costly to design and erect Exercise 5 A. 1. — 2. for 3. on 4. for 5. into 6. on 7. from 8. to 9. for 10. over 11. about/over 12. up 13. on 14. in 15. to 16. on B. 1. to 2. with, on 3. on 4. for 5. for 6. to 7. to 8. with 9. to 10. with 11. On 12. on 13. for 14. with 15. on Exercise 6 1. rattled the windows 2. makes nonsense 3. sympathetic ear 4. terrible ordeal 5. lingered faintly 6. money to spare 7. deepest sympathy 8. looked gloomy 9. hopelessly vague 10. crisp day 11. biggest flop 12. amiable manner 13. gossipy person I ■'tPPn ■.-•mm р- ?.-■ .--I ■ -•'y.*«5i Ш ЩЩ e я Шт ЩЩ'п! в Ш жЭ -Р- •--т^; ?'ч“/• SP ^iViV ШШ- Шу- 'Ш': Exercise 7 1. g 2. d 3. h 4. a 5. b 6. j 7. c 8. i 9. e 10. f Exercise 8 Samples: 1. gloomy atmosphere, gloomy prospects, gloomy person 2. amiable person, amiable behavior, amiable relationship, amiable manner 3. crisp bacon, crisp weather, crisp paper 4. sympathetic look, sympathetic listener, sympathetic person, sympathetic ear 5. vague answer, vague description, vague promise, vague recollection 6. spare key, spare battery, spare room, spare patch of land Exercise 9 A. 1. d 2. c 3. f 4. e 5. a 6. j 7. g 8. i 9. b 10. h Exercise 10 1. 1. Работа моя была тяжёлой и утомительной. От меня не требовалось никаких серьёзных умений. Эту работу можно было назвать тяжким трудом. 2. Чрезвычайно трудно вернуться на работу после того, как ты вырастил детей. 3. Вдали были видны мрачные фабричные помещения, в которых изнурительным трудом рабочих создавалось богатство владельца (хозяина). 4. Мне действительно нравится физический труд. 5. Тот день в поле они провели в поте лица и тяжком труде. II. 1. У нового продукта довольно много потенциальных покупателей. 2. Анкета предназначена для того, чтобы выяснить отношение покупателей к новому оформлению магазина. 3. От имени своего клиента я бы хотел напомнить вам о ваших обязательствах по этому вопросу. 4. В восточном Лондоне было открыто новое отделение для обслуживания клиентов. 5. Она один из наших постоянных покупателей. III. 1. Как зовут главного констебля? 2. Страна является одним из основных поставщиков древесины (леса). 3. Где расположено основное здание вашего музея? 4. Курение является одной из основных причин рака лёгких. 5. Самое главное не забывать, что всегда есть место надежде. IV. 1. Роза приветливо разговаривала с гостями. 2. Вскоре мирные отношения между двумя сторонами были восстановлены. 3. Родители Кристиана казались очень приветливыми, и Джулиан сразу же почувствовал себя как дома. 4. Существуют различные способы показать дружеское расположение к своим компаньонам. 5. Гамильтон был чрезвычайно добродушен. Exercise 11 1. Love and support helped their family to carry through the hard times. 2. Sam carried on reading without raising his eyes. 3. The children were so (much) carried away with the game that they didn’t notice that it had grown dark. 4. The road works were carried out on time. 5. No one but (except) Susan can carry through the work on the script. 6. Let’s not get carried away: the board of governors haven’t (hasn’t) passed their (its) decision yet. 7. This examination will be carried over into the next term. 8. What helped the country (to) carry through the hardships of the war? Exercise 12 A. 1. what 2. that 3. what 4. what 5. that 6. what 7. that 8. what 9. that 10. What, what 11. that 12. that B. 1. which 2. whose 3. whose 4. which 5. which 6. whose 7. which 8. whose 9. which 10. which 11. which 12. which Exercise 13 1. which/that 2. who(m)/that 3. which/that 4. where 5. when 6. who/ that 7. why 8. that 9. who 10. which/that 11. whom 12. which/that Exercise 15 a) 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 b) 2, 4, 8 Exercise 16 1. We decided to go to the city by the nine o’clock train^ which arrives in London at eleven thirty. 2. This is the building which is used as a museum. 3. The car, which was driven by a young girl, caught up with us again. 4. We are the people who have been sent to help you. 5. Linda, whose face was bright with happiness, ran into the room. 6. Meet Jane, whom I’ve told you so much about. 7. He was wearing the jacket which he’d bought the day before. 8. I’d like to hear the story which you told me when I was a child again. 9. The Christmas tree, which had just been decorated, was bright with different colours. 10. It’s the car of the guest who arrived last. Exercise 17 1. introduction, Christianity, Russian 2. revival 3. experimen-tation/experimenting, imagination, construction 4. highly 5. buildings, optical, slightly 6. striking, strength 7. merely, deeply, growth 8. enthusiasm 9. nobility, peasantry 10. classical, encouragement, independence 11. nobly, central 12. Cretan, legendary 13. buildings, volcanic 14. graceful, pointed 15. beginning, archaeologists, uncover, carefully 16. exciting, discoveries, including Exercise 18 1. humanistic 2. classical 3. westernization 4. transformation wm № §Й^^.Я1 iV‘-' е*Л; v.-.bns?sae' Й № ^Йй^г 5. sparkling 6. European 7. western 8 10. beautiful 11. buildings Exercise 19 successive 9. outstanding I. b 2. d 3. c 4. d 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. d 9. d 10. b II. a 12. d 13. b 14. a Exercise 20 1. to keep 2. could 3. keep 4. had lived 5. rumbled 6. was going 7. were 8. was left 9. had once been 10. began 11. passed 12. gave 13. was called 14. sat 15. had given 16. is going 17. has not written 18. is/has been 19. will write 20. wave 21. is 22. will understand Exercise 21 Samples: 1. I wish I had not bought that expensive book. 2. I wish I had put on a warm sweater. 3. I wish I hadn’t lost my temper. 4. I wish I had prepared for yesterday. 5. We wish we hadn’t missed the concert of our favourite rock group. 6. I wish I had made up with my friend. 7. We wish we hadn’t forgotten to pay our telephone bill. 8. I wish I had my car checked and serviced. 9. I wish I hadn’t left the pie in the oven too long. Exercise 22 1. e 2. g 3. a 4. i 5. j 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. f 10. h Exercise 23 1. If we hadn’t missed our chance, we would have been able to go to Spain last year. 2. If only I had been told the truth then, everything would be different now. 3. I wish I hadn’t missed the seven o’clock train. I would not have to be waiting at the railway station now. 4. But for my parents I wouldn’t have begun learning English in my childhood. 5. We would never have gone to see this performance if our teacher hadn’t advised us to do it. 6. They would have been late for the circus show if John hadn’t given them a lift. 7. I wish I hadn’t quarrelled with my best friend. 8. If I had taken music lessons in my childhood, I would be able to play the piano now. 9. We would never have met if that day I hadn’t dropped in at the bookshop. 10. Probably I wouldn’t know anything about the Lake District if I hadn’t visited it last year. Exercise 24 1. arch 2. attic, garret 3. balcony 4. colonnade 5. dome (cupola) 6. patio 7. columns, pillars 8. porch 9. portico 10. terrace 11. turret (spire) 12. wing Exercise 25 1. Baroque art 2. wooden panels 3. tiled floors 4. ancient frescos 5. solid gold 6. Marble Arch 7. sunlit patio 8. French window 9. terracotta pots 10. velvet draperies 11. Gothic spires 12. tall pillars Exercise 26 1. high attic 2. well-proportioned building 3. spacious courtyard 4. Gothic style 5. pieces of furniture 6. ancient tapestries 7. stone carving 8. magnificent colonnade 9. stained glass window 10. graceful spire 11. wallpaper of beautiful design 12. Persian carpets Exercise 27 1. In big cities there often occur traffic jams due to heavy traffic. •-Ч 2. A big city gives good opportunities to get a good education and make a successful career. 3. They say the criminal situation in the capital is getting better. 4. In big cities there’s a wide range of entertainment. 5. In cities many people have to live in small crowded flats. 6. The level of noise is not too high in the countryside. 7. The air pollution in the countryside is not such a serious problem as it is in town. 8. The countryside always looks picturesque due to a big amount of vegetation. 9. The countryside is the place where you can always stay at one with nature. 10. Life in the countryside could be comfortable and pleasant if you manage to solve the problem of commuting (daily trips to the city). UNIT THREE Exercise 1 1. C 2. В 3. A 4. В 5. A 6. C Exercise 2 1. c 2. g Exercise 3 3. a 4. e 5. f 6. b (extra — d) 1. e 2. g Exercise 4 3. b 4. h 5. f 6. a 7. i 8. c 9. d (extra — j) 1. willing to get there 2. both gorgeous and rare 3. thermal springs 4. predominately 5. sanctuary 6. protected by the state 7. the only feasible 8. the tallest blowout 9. gush, erupt 10. annually 11. mudflow 12. landslide 13. natural dike 14. deep concern 15. recede Exercise 5 A. 1. at 2. on 3. in 4. in 5. on 6. to 7. for 8. in 9. against 10. against 11. over 12. of 13. to 14. in 15. over B. 1. with 2. on 3. to 4. for 5. to 6. for 7. for 8. of 9. of 10. to 11. of 12. with 13. to 14. of 15. over SiA Ш ШЩ ШМ Ш-Ш Ш ш т т ШЩ .^2? ш fee sA щМ' im if'.; Ш 'lulP ‘m>. m &.-л^' Ш ■Ш‘М йй ^scr*. Exercise 6 I. Маджери была расчётливой (экономной, рачительной) хозяйкой. 2. Джек склонен делать поспешные заключения., 3. Они объявили забастовку, чтобы добиться повышения зарплаты. 4. Она ударилась локтем о дверь. 5. Свяш;енник поднялся на кафедру и начал проповедь. 6. Человеку свойственно ошибаться. 7. Ты думаешь, я могу полагаться на его благоразумие (осторожность)? 8. После той продолжительной прогулки и чашки горячего чая она почувствовала, что её клонит ко сну. 9. Почему ты ворчишь? (Чем ты недоволен?) 10. Надеюсь, я завоюю ваше доверие. II. Ральф известен как человек крутого нрава (как жестокий человек). 12. Что бы он ни делал, он всегда делает это уверенно. 13. Грег сидел на веранде, размышляя о прошлом. 14. Кровь бросилась ему в лицо. 15. Он обнаружил склонность к рисованию в детстве. Exercise 7 1. grumbling old lady 2. dark blue background 3. struck by her niece’s prudence 4. felt drowsy 5. keep in the background 6. prone to make mistakes 7. cheerful disposition 8. struck midnight 9. tutorial on ecology 10. leaning on a cane Exercise 8 1. to gain confidence 2. on a red background 3. a grumbling servant 4. lean over one’s brother’s shoulder 5. to muse about one’s future 6. to drowse sitting in an armchair 7. the right to strike 8. to mount the steps 9. to lean against the tree 10. to strike sb in the face (on the shoulder) 11. to confide in sb 12. a disposition to sciences 13. evident prudence 14. to be confident of the victory 15. to be prone to earthquakes Exercise 9 1. terror-stricken 2. panic-stricken 3. grief-stricken 4. poverty-stricken 5. drought-stricken Exercise 10 1. He is a very prudent person and I think never (I don’t think he ever) takes unnecessary risks. 2. The little girl fell down from her bike and struck her left leg on it. 3. Unlike Oxford most Russian universities do not have an institute of tutors. 4. Jack mounted the steps to greet the audience from the stage. 5. I have known her since child- i hood and she has always had an even and friendly disposition. 6. He sat in his study (office) musing upon what answer to give to the direc- tor’s offer. 7. David didn’t explain to me why Max had lost his confidence. 8. Jane leaned over my shoulder and began drowsing which was very much unlike her. 9. The old lady started grumbling at her helpers whenever she saw them. 10. Justin struck his younger brother in the face which was not a very pleasant thing to watch (see). Exёrcise 11 A. l:4o brood 2. to contemplate, to ponder, to meditate 3. to muse 4. to ponder, to reflect, to consider, to meditate, to contemplate, to muse 5. to reflect 6. to ponder, to consider Exercise 12 I. 1. Oh был добродушный, обходительный джентльмен. 2. Он добродушно хмыкнул. 3. У неё было ласковое, доброе лицо. 4. «Не беспокойся об этом», — сказал он доброжелательно. 5. Будьте добры, прекратите этот шум. 6. Будьте любезны вернуть мне одну копию письма. II. 1. Том согнулся пополам от боли и держался за живот. 2. Хелен нагнулась, чтобы поднять свою ручку. 3. Мальчик наклонился, чтобы через плечо Сары увидеть, что было написано на клочке бумаги. 4. Мортон наклонился (нагнулся) над столом и понизил голос. 5. Руфь наклонилась и поцеловала ребёнка. 6, Старик наклонился вперёд, чтобы слышать то, что она говорила. III. 1. Она относилась к бульварным газетам (жёлтой прессе) с абсолютным презрением. 2. Я презирал его за то, как он обраш;ался с собственной собакой. 3. Эти факты нельзя не принимать во внимание. 4. Я отнесусь к этому замечанию с презрением, которого оно заслуживает. 5. Он выказал полное презрение к чувствам дру- t _ » гих людей. 6. Почему мы должны презирать его? Он просто дру- гои. Exercise 13 1. down 2. off 3. up 4. apart 8. between 9. up 10. down 5. down 6. off 7. apart Exercise 14 1. when 2. If 3. so as 4. while ever 8. like 9. in case 5. If 6. so that 7. wher- Exercise 15 1. f 2. h 3. b 4. d 5. c 6. g 7. a 8. e Exercise 16 1. Come at 6 so that we can (could) speak before dinner. 2. Though he is only four he can read very well. 3. You’d better take your umbrel- Um Ш Ш m в ММЫ: ftftv м:^1!/^-'^‘4. -зЩЩ Шр. ^lik-y Щ5«1 L:^'-C'S шш ШШ Bi^' К2?йь - f^$. '^Ш<^ Ш >tZ!>.^ ,. ^И '""tJ. ГШЕ courageous 3. eventually 4. massive 5. magnificent famous 8. Serbian 9. resemblance 10. artist 11. memo- la (with you) in case it rains. 4. Wherever she goes she takes her little dog with her. 5. Tell him where she will be in the evening. 6. Let him learn everything when he returns. 7. John always speaks as if he is (were) a celebrity. 8. I want to go to the sea so as to be able to swim as much as I like. 9. Unless you change your plans ITl meet you at nine. 10. Explain it to us so that we can (could) understand it. 11. IVe come to see with my own eyes what is going on here. 12. Gerald didn’t mention these facts so as not to offend her. 13. The workers went on strike (in order) to get (a) salary increase. 14. I always keep a first aid kit in my car in case there is a road accident. 15. Every time I remember our meeting I feel embarrassment (embarrassed). Exercise 17 I. government 2. renamed 3. southern 4. memorial 5. decisive 6. his-toric(al) 7. strategically 8. defenders 9. courageously 10. bloody II. consequences 12. reminders Exercise 18 1. decision 2. 6. symbolise 7. rial Exercise 19 1, d 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. a Exercise 20 1. had done 2. knew 3. would think 4. told 5. had happened 6. felt 7. was 8. had done 9. scrambled/was scrambling 10. met 11. rings 12. said 13. waited 14. hardly had she opened 15. found 16. were standing (stood) 17. were shut 18. were 19. was covered 20. were singing 21. knew 22. had written 23. began 24. learning (having learned) 25. wondered 26. heard 27. saying (say) 28. look 29. had made 30. had known 31. would come Exercise 21 1. He can’t (couldn’t) have done it deliberately. 2. They must have moved house. 3. She may (might) have changed her opinion but I doubt it. 4. I’m sure they can’t (couldn’t) have lied to you. It could (might, may) be a case of misunderstanding. 5. They must have quarrelled. It is enough to look at them to understand it. 6. Could you have mixed up the date? 7. They certainly might have hidden the will but I don’t understand why they have done it. 8. Jim must have divorced Emily. He hasn’t been wearing his wedding ring for a month already. 9. What do you think could (might) have happened? Exercise 24 Samples 1. sensational news, sensational report, sensational speech, sensational evidence, sensational information N 2. terrific news, terrific weather, terrific personality, terrific deal, terrific bargain, terrific applause 3. fantastic show, fantastic view, fantastic job, fantastic idea, fantastic hostess, fantastic band 4. fabulous wealth, fabulous voyage, fabulous opportunity, fabulous hero, fabulous price, fabulous size 5. tremendous disappointment, tremendous success, tremendous respect, tremendous amount, tremendous evening, tremendous event 6. awesome task, awesome responsibility, awesome power, awesome incident, awesome melody, awesome person 7. magic party, magic day, magic word, magic answer, magic forces, magic power 8. smashing personality, smashing result, smashing evening, smashing attitude, smashing success, smashing power 9. super idea, super result, super party, super performance, super meeting, super show 10. brilliant career, brilliant time, brilliant success, brilliant mind, brilliant wit, brilliant talent 3. f 4. g 5. a 6. e (extra d) 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. b 3. в 4. C 5. В 6. A 7. C 8. A UNtT FOUR Exercise 1 1. b 2. c Exercise 2 1. a 2. a Exercise 3 1. A 2. C Exercise 4 1. broadcast 2. to determine 3. at somebody’s request 4. the United Kingdom public 5. controversial candidates 6. to murder 7. listed 8. the Crown 9. an era 10. a heroic status 11. an explorer 12. the principle figures 13. on health grounds 14. determined 15. by far 16. disaster 17. crushed 18. intending Exercise 5 A. 1. on 2. with 3. for 4. at 5. in, with 6. to 7. by 8. to 9. with 10. at 11. in 12. in 13. with 14. In 15. in Щт Штт mMi Щ/'" Ш ■IS r% .. i &*«> Тщ> нтШ Ш Ш В. 1. on 2. in 3. in 4. about/of 5. for 6. to 7. with, for 8. on 9, into 10. round/about 11. of 12. to 13. on 14. at 15. at Exercise 6 1. Она чувствует себя настолько виноватой, что готова признаться в чём угодно. 2. Самое важное не признавать поражение до того момента, когда это действительно необходимо. 3. Он увидел деревянную шкатулку ручной работы с великолепным летяш;им к земле орлом. 4. Всегда пользуйся пресной водой, предпочтительно из душевого шланга. 5. Вчера я купила пылесос со специальным приспособлением для чистки книг. 6. Сотни людей потеряли работу в результате финансового кризиса. 7. Он поплавал в холодной воде. В результате он заболевает простудой. 8. Под лучами солнца было тепло и приятно. 9. Он сидел на террасе в своей залитой солнцем вилле на юге Франции. 10. Нора, старшая из сестёр, всегда стремилась к тому, чтобы её хвалили, и брала на себя ответственность. 11. Его загорелая кожа блестела после проведённых у моря недель. 12. Болеть корью просто отвратительно. 13. Он услышал ропот из первых рядов толпы. 14. Она всегда настороженно прислушивалась, когда упоминали имя её мужа. 15. Несколько раз она отметила, что мальчик изменился в лучшую сторону. Exercise 7 1. admit defeat 2. alighted from the train 3. drenched to the skin 4. mutter something to himself 5. pricked up her ears 6. tragic consequences 7. living in misery 8. glowed with happiness 9. gaining strength 10. attachment to the family Exercise 8 I. 1. to admit one’s mistake 2. to be admitted to the classroom 3. cry for the moon 4, a special attachment 5. inevitable consequences 6. in consequence 7. to be of no consequence 8. delicious feelings/sensa-tions 9. to come to the point 10. to embroider the cushion with a figure of an angel 11. to trifle with the father’s feelings 12. to glow with happiness 13. to mutter an apology 14. to prick a cucumber with a fork 15. to prick up one’s ears 11. 1. He muttered some apologies in reply. 2. When will you come to the point? 3. You are always crying for the moon! 4. We had been discussing how to get there for such a long time that in consequence we missed the bus. 5. He had to admit all his mistakes made during his work at the project. 6. For me the purchase of the house is associated with delicious sensations of happiness. 7. The granddaughter asked her granny to embroider her cushion with a kitten. 8. She pricked a slice of ham with the fork and started idly/slowly to eat it. 9, You shouldn’t have trifled with the father’s feelings, his reaction was predictable. 10. She was glowing at the thought that she would see him again. 11. The pupil pricked up his ears in hope to get the right answer. 12. There was some special attachment and love between the children in this family. 13. Such behaviour will have inevitable consequences for your reputation. 14. The rise of electricity cost will be of no consequence in this case. 15. After long apologies he was finally admitted to the classes. Exercise 9 1. искрящиеся от смеха глаза 2. мерцающие звёзды 3. вода озера, переливающаяся в лунном свете 4. блестящая фольга 5. сверкающие на солнце золотые монеты 6. сверкающие бриллианты 7. блестящие на солнце волосы 8. блестящий натёртый пол 9. сверкающие капли дождя 10. мерцающий свет звезды 11. сверкающие драгоценные камни 12. сияющая улыбка 13. ослепляющий свет фар 14. блестящие (сверкающие) доспехи 15. сияющий цвет лица Exercise 10 I. 1. В центре столицы был громадный готический собор. 2. Невероятных размеров плато открылось их взору. 3. Квартира казалась более просторной из-за высоких потолков. 4. Кто этот высокий красавчик? 5, Нам всегда нравился тёплый климат крымских гор. II. 1. Только после того, как он погрузился в сон, головная боль стихла. 2. Птицы слегка встрепенулись и очнулись от сна. 3. Из-за побочного действия лекарств я провалился в сон, прервать который не смогло бы даже стадо слонов. 4. Она наблюдала за тем, как щенки начали играть, кувыркаясь и останавливаясь лишь для того, чтобы немного вздремнуть. 5. Вы можете расположиться прямо здесь на кровати и поспать. III. 1. Её сын получил стипендию? 2. Сегодня с вами будет заниматься новый учитель. 3. Тот, кто добьётся высоких результатов, получит денежную премию. 4. Президент принял Его Святейшество в Белом доме. 5. Студенты могут получить полезный опыт, работая на студенческом радио. IV. 1. Ребёнок выглядел ужасающе и был таким тощим, что казался ещё меньше ростом. 2. Ты слишком тощий, мы должны тебя как можно скорее откормить. 3. Марина — милая стройная женщина лет двадцати пяти. 4. Минору, высокий, стройный, одетый в тём- шш шт ЙЙЙ Ш ^ /* .' ”* * '<•*>. ••**.**■ ШЙЙ: ^^РН''- Шш ^v^i-oV,;.. life Й: Ш^- КР ныи модный костюм, имел густые, аккуратно постриженные короткие волосы. 5. Узкие губы капитана растянулись в улыбке. Exercise 11 1. back 2. to 3. in 4. in 5. to 6. to 7. down 8. in 9. back 10. in Exercise 12 Michael: Betty, where did the cable come from, what city? Betty: Madras. Did I pronounce it right? Michael: No, but it’s OK. Betty, run the cable through your shredder, please. Betty: I will, don’t worry. Michael: Thanks, Betty. Do you prefer necklaces or bracelets? Betty: You know that’s not necessary. But I’d like a bracelet from some exotic place, if you insist. Michael: Done. Goodbye, and thanks again. My plane departs at six. I must be off. Betty: Bye, Michael. Good luck! Exercise 13 1. feelings 2. Unfortunately 3. happiness 4. pleasure 5. 6. different 7. unknown 8. passing 9. decisions 10. 11. unpredictable 12. clearly Exercise 14 1. famous 2. authority 3. incomparable 4. philosopher 5. creative 6. originally 7. poetry 8. ambiguous 9. poems 10. powerful Exercise 15 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. d 6. b 7. d 8. b 9. b 10. a 11. d 12. c 13. d 14. a Exercise 16 1. to stay 2. was 3. was getting 4. liked 5. revealed 6. had learned 7. took 8. explained 9. had been trapped/was trapped 10. was listening 11. had been staiwing/had starved 12. glistened 13. ran 14. told 15. had been suffering/had suffered 16. to have 17. told 18. was 19. get 20. don’t take 21. growing 22. don’t ... know 23. is being watched 24. hope/are hoping 25. would be/will be 26. am not 27. insisting/insist Exercise 17 childhood behaviour 1. Dr(.) Macphail 2. Mrs(.) Davidson, Miss Thompson’s Davidson 4. Queen Victoria 5. Catholic 6. Fort Victoria, 3. Rev(.) Zimbabwe Riiins 7. Portobello Road, Saturday 8. the East 9. Hampton Court 10. Italy, Renaissance 11. Victoria Station Exercise 18 1. don’t need 2. needn’t 3. mustn’t 4. don’t have 5. needn’t 6. mustn’t 7. doesn’t need 8. mustn’t 9. don’t have 10. needn’t Exercise 19 A. 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. f 5. g 6. j 7. b 8. e 9. i 10. h Exercise 20 I 1. an irresponsible person 2. an unscrupulous two-faced liar 3. an irritable scandalous client 4. unpredictable actions 5. a brutal cruel answer 6. cheerful outgoing children 7. a self-centred snobbish outlook 8. a petty malicious old man 9. a revolting impression 10. a loving tender husband Exercise 21 Negative: aggressive, boastful, disgraceful, hostile, mad, jealous, violent, ridiculous, possessive, obstinate, vain Positive: affectionate, confident, determined, generous, level-headed, enthusiastic, noble, loyal, tolerant, realistic, considerate Exercise 22 1. up 2. on 3. up with 4. for 5. with 6. with 7. on 8. for 9. over, in, with 10. in, at 11. for 12. with 13. of 14. from 15. for bStr m Ш, ?ЙС5 wm-; It Шш '$Шк т L'W.' Ъ1. UNIT ONE No. 1 (Ex. 1) • Speaker 1. Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Germany. All his family were musical. From an early age Bach played the violin and the viola. He studied music passionately, often creeping out of bed to copy music from his brother’s collection. At the age of 37 Bach moved to Leipzig where he lived for the rest of his life. Here he wrote some of his greatest pieces of music — mostly music for singing and for the organ. When Bach died, his music was almost at once forgotten. • Speaker 2. Ludwig van Beethoven was a German musician who composed some of the greatest music ever known. This included symphonies, concertos, and choral and chamber'music. When he was young, Beethoven was well known as a pianist and was admired by many famous people. He began to go deaf at the age of 30 but continued to compose music even when he was totally deaf. • Speaker 3. Aaron Copland helped develop a music that is clearly American. He was born in New York at the beginning of the twentieth century and died in 1990. He was a composer who wrote many different types of music, including music for movies. He is most famous for having blended folk music from many parts of the United States and from Mexico with traditional forms of classical music. He also ihddrpprated jazz into his work at a time when many thought it unsuitable lor serious composers* • Speaker 4. George Friderlc m He was a Сгетшап-Ъогп British composer, famous for the oratorio Messiah and the orchestral Fireworks Music and Water Music. He wrote about 21 oratorios. Handel became the British subject in 1726. • Speaker 5. Franz Joseph Haydn was born in 1732. He was an Austrian composer known as the father of symphony. For 30 years he wrote music at the royal edutt. He wrote 104 symphonies. Many of them used the orchestra in^ po.werful new way. He also wrote fine pieces for the piano, and qdartets for four stringed instruments. Mozart and Beethoven both studied Haydn’s work. Later, this helped them compose some of their spldridid' music. • Speaker 6. Richard Wagner was a German composer whose music brought about great changes in the art of opera. He believed that the music and the plot of an opera should be closely bound together, in the same way that the words and the plot of a play are. Wagner wrote his own librettos for his operas. No. 2 (Ex. 2) The Dance The material of music is sounds, produced by vibrations of the air. The material of the dance is the human body and the physical movements produced by the muscles. Music and dance are so closely related that it is impossible to distinguish which aspects of each art came first. Perhaps the stamping of feet gave primitive man the idea for percussion instruments, or perhaps a footstamping dance was inspired by the rhythm of a drum. So much is dancing an expression of feeling that the desire to dance has been described as instinctive. Certainly, human beings are not the only animals to perform expressive movements. Many others produce movement patterns for purposes of communication, such as the dances of birds. Physical movement is influenced by environment. As a result different kinds of dancing have a tendency to develop in different parts of the world. For example, people living in the mountains who have always been hunters tend to develop a springing step with a weight on the toes. They hold their heads high to look up at the hillsides. Their dances often include jumping. People who live on the plains concerned with the cultivation of crops, have their attention directed more to the ground. Their dances are based on a heavier step with much stamping as though they ask the earth to bring forth its riches. American Indians living on the plains gather in circles, looking down and stamping their feet, addressing the earth from which they believe all life comes. Like early music, primitive dancing has an element of magic, of communication with the gods. Hunters dance imitating the movements of the hunt and of the animals who provide them with the necessities of life. They hope that a dance will bring success in the hunt. Primitive farmers imitate the natural phenomena of sun and rain in the hope that the gods will provide them with both in due time. In addition to the steps and the pattern of the dance costume has been important from the beginning. A dancer usually put on the mask ifm Ш m -тщщ rmim шМ i ш m that represented the god or spirit with required. He wore the feathers, skins or presented. whom communication was horns of an animal he re- UNIT TWO г ш No. 3 (Ex. 1) Greek Architecture In architecture the ancient Greeks reached a level of perfection that has set a standard for all time and established a classic tradition. Their own homes were rather simple but when they designed and built houses for their gods they tried hard to make them impressive. The Greeks knew how to build arches but only used them where they could not be seen. In their temples they preferred the dignity and restfulness of the monolithic type of architecture and vertical columns. The Greeks built without mortar, the substance that holds stones together. They lay their blocks of perfect marble in place and left the force of gravity to hold them there. When we look at their noble temples we see at a glance that their structure is solid and logical and it pleases us more than any lavish ornament could. A Greek temple stands on a platform with steps leading up to it from any direction. In the centre stands a hall in which the statue of god or goddess was erected. This is usually surrounded on all sides by colonnades. There are three distinct styles in Greek architecture. They are known as the three orders, and they are easily distinguished by the kind of capital used at the top of the columns. The earliest was the Doric order, then came the Ionic, and last the Corinthian. Time came when either of the three could be used and a Greek architect had a choice. But when he had chosen to use one of these three orders, he did not try to make any radical changes. His aim was to achieve greater perfection within the limits of his chosen style. This quest for greater perfection is typical of Greek art. The most important elements of Greek architecture were kept constant by the Greeks and by the Romans who came after them, and by architects of later times who have chosen to work within this classical tradition. No. 4 (Ex. 2) Castle One of the few places where kings and lords in the Middle Ages could feel safe was behind the thick stone walls of their castles. There they and their men could fight off attacks by roving bandits and sit out long sieges by invading armies. The motte and bailey castle, dating from about the 9th century, was the earliest European castle form. Built on a natural or artificial mound or motte and protected by one or more circular walls and often by a moat, the castle consisted of the keep, a wood or stone tower and some other buildings necessary for the housing of those who lived in the castle. These were situated in the bailey, the open area within the castle walls. The Tower of London is an exact example of the motte and bailey castle. Its White Tower is the original Norman keep. As castles developed, they became larger and more comfortable and small “villages” of huts emd other buildings appeared inside the castle walls. Castles had high, thick stone walls. A wall-walk ran right round the top, and through each tower. Soldiers could run from one point of attack to another without ever showing themselves to their enemies. Rounded towers stand up to attacks much better than square towers. The towers protruded from the main wall. This gave the defenders a better chance to fire on the attackers and stop them from reaching the castle walls. With the invention of gunpowder the castle lost its ability to defend. Attacking artillery could shoot into the heart of the castle and take it without even reaching the doors. Thus, by the 16th century, the medieval could no longer fulfill a defensive function. The architectural style of the castle, however, continued to be used because it was beautiful and impressive. UNIT THREE No. 5 (Ex. 1) V ___ _ _ The Seven Wonders of Russia contest was organised in the autumn of 2007. The project was launched in October. Its aim was to popularize Russia’s cultural and natural landmarks and to draw the public attention to these places. More than 25 million people took part in the online voting to select the winners. After the first stage of the voting Russia’s 49 places of interest were selected but only fourteen of them were left on the preliminary list after the second stage of the contest. And there were only seven left on the final list. On the 12th of June 2008 4^ '-V. - ШЙ йЛ- Ш) S5 Ш щ- %•(’ ШТ1. during the celebration of Russia’s Day in Moscow the winners were announced; Russia had summed up the results of the national contest devoted to the most beautiful and important places in the country. Seven Wonders of Russia include man-made masterpieces such as St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, the complex of palaces in a municipal town of Petergof near St. Petersburg and The Motherland Calls! statue in Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd. The final list also includes four natural marvels of Russia. They are Mount Elbrus, the Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka region. Lake Baikal and Columns of Erosion — geological wonder in the Komi Republic. No. 6 (Ex. 2) • Speaker 1. Monplaisir is the house where Peter the Great lived while the main imperial residence was being built. He greatly preferred this modest Dutch-style villa to his later luxurious living quarters. The house which is the oldest building in Petergof is open to the public and makes a good choice for a pleasant tour. • Speaker 2. Petergof is a historical monument of the 18th—19th centuries. It is also the kingdom of fountains, the magical play of water that brings you back to the epoch of Peter the Great. Petergof’s construction started in 1714. Such architects as Le Blond, Brounstein, Miketthi, as well as the sculptor Rastrelli were the ones who implemented the ideas of Peter the Great. • Speaker 3. Petergof is situated on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland, 29 kms from St. Petersburg. It is an immensely luxurious and beautifully preserved Imperial estate. It combines several palaces, a number of beautiful parks and a lot of magnificent statues and fountains, lending it the epithet The Russian Versailles. • Speaker 4. In 1714 on a high littoral terrace of an imperial palace was founded and behind it the Upper Garden was laid out. The Upper Garden is a pretty baroque formal garden. During ten years the Lower Park with its canals was laid out. In the lower park there were constructed several palaces. The park was planned so that every palace had its portion of fountains. Petergof’s parks occupy a territory of about 1000 hectare. • Speaker 5. The palaces and parks of Petergof are one of St. Petersburg’s most popular attractions. Versailles was Peter the Great’s inspiration when he decided to build an imperial palace and many say Petergof is even more beautiful than the famous French complex. But Petergof derives its name from the German for Peter’s V Yard or Peter's Home. Petergof is often called as Petrodvorets, the Russian equivalent of Petergof, and some guide books might still refer to it as that. • Speaker 6. Petergof is an immense luxurious estate, known as the capital of Russian fountains. The Grand Cascade built in front of the Grand Palace, is one of the largest fountain ensembles in the world. Its bronze sculptures and brass-reliefs are dedicated to Russia’s victories in the Northern War. The central piece of the waterfalls is a gilt Samson rending the jaws of a lion. The statue represents the 1709 Russian victory over the Swedes at Poltava on St. Samson’s day. UNIT FOUR No. 7 (Ex. 1) • Speaker 1. Alexander II was born in Moscow in April 1818 and died in March 1881 in St. Petersburg. He was the Emperor of the Russian Empire from March 3, 1855 until his assassination in 1881. He was also the Grand Duke of Finland and held the title of King of Poland. He devoted the first year of his reign to continue the Crimean War, and after the fall of Sevastopol held negotiations for peace. Then he began a period of radical reforms, encouraged by public opinion. • Speaker 2. Catherine II, called Catherine the Great, was the Empress of Russia. She was born in Germany but had some Russian ancestry. In accordance with the custom then prevailing amongst the German nobility, she received her education chiefly from a French governess and from tutors. Catherine had a reputation as a patron of the arts, literature and education. She wrote a manual for the education of young children and was acquainted with ideas of John Locke and Voltaire. She also founded the famous Smolny Institute. • Speaker 3. Dmitry Mendeleev, a Russian chemist and inventor, was born in a village, near Tobolsk. At the age of 13, after the death of his father, Mendeleev attended the Gymnasium in Tobolsk. In 1849, the now poor Mendeleev family moved to St. Petersburg, and then to the Crimea because of Dmitry’s illness. Mendeleev returned with fully restored health to St. Petersburg in 1857. He became Professor of Chemistry at the University of St. Petersburg and by 1871 had transformed it into an internationally recognised centre for chemistry research. He is credited as being the creator of the first version of the periodic table of elements. Using this table, he predicted the properties of elements yet to be discovered. л • Speaker 4. Peter the Great was one of the greatest rulers in the 17th century. He tried to transform Russia into one of the major European powers. Peter introduced a lot of reforms aimed at modernising the country. Heavily influenced by his western advisors, Peter reorganised the Russian army along European lines and wanted Russia to have a powerful navy. He faced much opposition to these policies at home, but brutally suppressed any and all rebellions against his authority. • Speaker 5. Fyodor Dostoevsky was one of the prominent Russian novelists and writers of fiction. His literary output explores human psychology in the troubled political, social and spiritual context of the 19th—century Russian society and includes such works as Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov. Dostoevsky has also been called one of the founding fathers of the philosophical movement known as existentialism due to his Notes from Underground^ first published in 1864. Nietzsche, the German philosopher, referred to Dostoevsky as the only psychologist from whom he had something to learn. Nietzsche said that Notes from the Underground “cried truth from the blood”. • Speaker 6. Alexander Suvorov, Count Suvorov of Rymnik, Prince of Italy, Count of Holy Roman Empire, was the fourth and last generalissimos of the Russian Empire. He was one of the few great generals in history who never lost a battle. He was also famed for his manual The Science of Victory and noted for the sayings “Train hard, fight easy”. He had a great simplicity of manner, and while on a campaign lived as a private soldier, sleeping on straw. His soldiers adored him. He taught them to attack instantly and decisively. Suvorov often joked with the men and called the common soldiers “brothers”. No. 8 (Ex. 2) Iron Age Britons Most of the millions of people who lived in the Iron Age are anonymous. Only in the last 100 years of the period are some of their names known to us from the writings of foreigners or from inscriptions on coins. Even then, we can name only a few individuals, mostly rulers and mostly men. Several million people probably lived in Britain at the end of the Iron Age. Most people lived in extended family units. Life expectancy was low. Many died in infancy; those who survived often died before they were 35—40. When a child reached the age of 15, one or bo-th of their biological parents were probably dead. Different diseases were common, and there were occasional periods of hunger. We know of many types of Iron Age houses. They are round buildings, which are simpler than walled houses. One of the Iron Age houses was found by archaeologists in Wiltshire, England. It consisted of two circles, one inside the other. The family lived inside the smaller circle and the farm animals were kept in the other one. The men of the family smelted their own iron, from which they made different tools for harvesting. The women made clothes and clay cooking pots. They probably also pounded grain into flour. There is little evidence of what people looked like in those times. Iron Age Britons almost never carved or made images of people. Basic clothing probably consisted of woolen or linen shirts and trousers for men, blouses, dresses or skirts for women; both sexes wearing cloaks or shawls. Evidence from jewellery and other items shows that personal appearance changed over the centuries and that people from one part of Britain might have looked very different to those from another. iff*'' •• Ш Unit One Unit Two Unit Three Unit Four Keys to Exercises 3 24 47 65 85 Scripts.......................................................... 102 afTte- Й«4'- Учебное издание Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Михеева Ирина Владимировна Баранова Ксения Михайловна Мичурина Светлана Викторовна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Рабочая тетрадь XI класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В, В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Н. И. Максименко Редактор Е.Ю. Туйцына Художественный редактор Н.В. Дождёва Художники С. В. Трубецкая, Н. В. Дождёва Макет М. М. Долгановой Техническое редактирование и компьютерная вёрстка М.Е. Гембацка Корректоры Н. М. Кочергина, И. Б. 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