Английский язык 10-11 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кузовлев Лапа

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 10-11 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кузовлев Лапа - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS Рабочая тетрадь 10-11 классы Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений 11-е издание Москва «Просвещение» 2012 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-9£2 А64 Авторы: В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова, И. П. Костина, Е. В. Кузнецова, О. В. Дуванова, Ю. Н. Кобец Научный руководитель авторского коллектива проф. Е. И. Пассов Рабочая тетрадь является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта «Английский язык» для 10—11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. Она содержит упражнения, направленные на отработку и закрепление лексического и грамматического материала, изученного в классе. Рабочая тетрадь может использоваться как на уроке, так и для самостоятельных занятий дома. ISBN 978-5-09-029001-2 © Издательство «Просвещение», 1999, 2006 © Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 1999, 2006 Все права защищены How Different the World Is! 1 . These are geographic-relief maps of the USA, the UK and Australia. Usually the geographical names are written without articles on maps. 1) Listen to the description of the geographicai position of these countries. Tick the names you hear in the descriptions on the maps. 2) Write out the geographicai names that are pronounced with articles. GRAMMAR FOR REVISION Articles with geographical names Названия горных хребтов, групп островов, озер, рек, пустынь, океанов, морей, регионов, некоторых стран употребляются с определенным артиклем the. GS (Grammar Support) р. 260 I i How Different the World Is! c) 6 How Different the World Is! Oceans, rivers, seas, lakes, straits Groups of islands Regions Mountain ranges Deserts a) the Indian Ocean b) C) 2. IN YOUR CULTURE Russia is a huge country which covers an area of 17 million square kilometres. What is special about the geographical position of Russia? Fill in the blanks with the geographical names from the box. Add articles where necessary. Listen to check. Arctic Ocean Baltic Sea Sea of Japan Mount Elbrus Black Sea Barents Kara Chukchee Okhotsk Sea Urals Bering Sea Laptev East Siberian White Sea Azov Caspian Sea Caucasus Great Russian Plain Western Siberian Plain Baikal Ladoga Onega Volga Ob Lena Yenisei Amur North Dvina Moscow Magadan Russia is washed in the north by and its seas: , in the south by___ Seas; in the east by ; in the west by____ hard to imagine. A flight from to ,______________, and , _____________, and ., ___________ , and . The size of Russia is __________takes eight hours. Russia is a land of long rivers and large lakes. Among the world's longest rivers rank ______ , the three mighty Siberian rivers;_________, _____________ , and_____________ , and ________________ . The largest of all Russia’s rivers is _____________ . The three largest lakes in Russia are _____________in South-Eastern Siberia and ___________and_______________in How Different the World Is! Northern Russia. The relief of Russia is mostly flat. It’s located on two plains: _________________and_____________________, There are three main mountain ranges in Russia. _____________________________stretch from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea. The highest mountain is___________________. __________________ extend from the Arctic Ocean to the steppes. They divide the European and Asian parts of Russia. D. IN YOUR CULTURE The geography of Russia varies from one place to another. 1) Which facts show the influence of geography on the life of Russian people? Combine the sentences using because, thanks to (the fact that), due to {the fact that), so, that’s why. GRAMMAR IN FOCUS Cause and effect relations Because Russia is a huge country, it has several different climate zones. GS p. 273 True False a) Russia is a varied land of forests, mountains, high flat i--------1 i----1 lands and fertile plains. Almost every kind of climate I---------1 I----> may be found in Russia. b) Russia is situated in the north and far from the warming i---1 i-----1 effect of the oceans. Russia has long and cold winters. I---' '-----' c) In Southern Russia there are the seas, beaches, and I I I I the mountains. Millions of tourists visit the South every --- summer. d) Most of Russia has a more or less four-season climate. The rhythms of everyday life tend to follow the seasons. □ □ 8 How Different the World Is! e) Centra! Russia has a mild dimate and rich soil. The i-----------------1 i-----> region has some very rich agricultural land. I---1 I-----' f) Russia is rich in forests and mineral resources. They help Russia to be a world leader in manufacturing. □ □ g) There are many fruit and vegetable growing regions in i--1 j----1 Russia. Such items as tomatoes, cucumbers, apples I--' 1----1 and various berries are not imported. h) Russia covers an area of 17 million square kilometres. i---1 i-----1 Airplane is a major factor in mass transportation. '---1 '-----' 2) Which information Is true for the place where you live? Add T (true) or F (false). 4. WORD BUILDING If a person has patience he is patient. What adjectives can be used to characterise people if they have the following personality traits? Use the table of the most common suffixes of nouns and adjectives for help. Suffixes Adjectives + -ness, -ity, -ism, -ance (-ence) = nouns Nouns + -ous, -ic, -able, -ive = adjectives Verbs + -er = nouns patience — patient self-reliance _________ self-confidence friendliness____ hospitality____ risk-taking ___ toughness __ predictability How Different the World fs! politeness _ submission cautiousness love of compromise optimism skepticism mobility___ 5. PAIR WORK. GAME ‘Learn about the USA!’ Student A. Look at card A. Write and ask your partner polite questions to find out the missing information on your card. Answer his (her) questions. Student B. Look at card В on p. 10. Write and ask your partner polite questions to find out the missing information on your card. Answer his (her) questions. GRAMMAR IN FOCUS Indirect questions Do you know where the Great Lakes are? Do you know where are the Great Lakes? GS p. 272 Card A Where/the Great Lakes? Which/the biggest state of the USA? Atlanta Which state/ Disney World? Lake Erie Philadelphia How many/time zones? Which/the highest mountain? Which/the largest of the Great Lakes? Which states/ separated from the others? What and where/ first National Park? New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York The Mississippi Rhode Island California/red-wood (or sequoia) Death Valley (CA) Do uou know where the Great Lakes are situated? How Different the World Is! 10 Card В On the boundary between the USA and Canada Alaska What city/1996 Summer Olympics? Florida Where/the Niagara Falls? What/the first capital? Four Mt. McKinley (6,198 m) Lake Superior Alaska and Hawaii Yellowstone, Wyoming Which four states/begin with the word new? Which/the longest river? The smallest state? State/highest tree? What/the lowest spot? Do you know where, the Niaeara Falls are situated? 6. In a jeopardy game* each question belongs to a certain category and has a certain dollar amount. What questions would you write under the following categories? Geography $10_____________________________________________________________________ $20 $30 11 How Different the World fs! $40________________________ People and their lifestyles $10_________________ $30 $40 $50 7. This is Dreamer's opinion about the city he’d like to live in. What good points is he dreaming about? Fill in the blanks with the appropriate affirmative or negative forms of there is/there are. GRAMMAR IN FOCUS There is/there are There is a nice river in my city. There is no violence in my city. I’d like to live in a city where a nice quiet river, clean and green streets, pollution, food problems. entertainment for young people, many museums, theatres and parks, free public transport. 8. What questions (formal, informal, neutral) would you use in these situations? 12 How Different the World Is! 7ou are asking: When/Where: About; 1) a British friend at his place What are your plans for the evening? 2) your British friend’s parents in their garden What kind of vegetables and fruits do you grow in your garden? 3) a speaker lecturing at a conference during the debate after the lecture What are the major country’s exports and imports? 4) a secretary at the office What is the manager's home telephone number? 5) someone you don’t know in the street How can 1 get to the travel agency? 6) a teenager during a TV bridge What is your country’s climate in different seasons like? ASKING FOR INFORMATION Neutral languaae Informal lanauaae Could you tell me please? (Happen to) know ...? Excuse me, d’you know ...? (Got) any idea ...? D’you happen to know ...? Formal lanauaae I’d like to know, please, ... 1 wonder if you could tell me ... Can you tell me ..., please? 1 should be interested to know ... 1) Got any idea what uour plans for the evenins are? 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 13 How Different the World Is! 9. This is the way the tourist fiiled in the customs declaration. department of the treasury united states customs service CUSTOMS DECLARATION PRESENT TO THE IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS INSPECTORS Or) Ш о §co kd z 1“ ol LuO EACH ARRIVING TRAVELER OR HEAD OF A FAMILY MiUST WRITE IN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION, PLEASE PRINT 1. FAMILY NAME GIVEN NAME MIDDLE INITIAL 2. DATE OF BIRTH (Mo./Date/Yr.) 3, VESSEL. OR AIRLINE & FLT NO. 4. CITIZEN OF {Country) 5. RESIDENT OF (Country) 6. PERMANENT ADDRESS 4:^- 7. ADDRESS WHILE IN THE UNITED STATES 8. NAME AND RELATIONSHIP OF ACCOMPANYING FAMILY MEMBERS 9. Are you or anyone in your party canying any fruits, plants, meats, ottrer plant or animal products, birds, snails, or other live organisms of any kind? 1 1 YES Q NO 10. Have you or anyone in your party been on a farm or ranch outside the U.S.A. in the last 30 days? 1 1 YES NO 11. Are you or any family member carrying over $5000.00 (or the equivalent value in any currency) in monetary instruments such as coin, currency, traveler’s checks, money orders, or negotiable instruments in bearer form? {If yes, you must file a report on Form 4790, as required by law.) Note: It is not illegal to transport over $5000 in monetary instruments; however, it must be reported. Ц YES 1 1 NO 12. 1 certify that ! have declared all items acquired abroad as required herein and that all oral and written statements which I have made are true, correct and compete. SIGNATURE: NON CITIZENS ^>13. U.S. VISA ISSUED AT {Place) ONLY 14, VISA DATE {Mo./Date/Yr.) и \ How Different tire World Is! What questions will he ask the flight attendant for help? Consolidation 10. What do these geographical names stand for? Write the correct information. Add articles where necessary. Mississippi Pacific Ocean Lake Windermere Mf. McKinley Volga Sydney biggest lake in England river in USA is largest ocean in world most populous city in Australia highest mountain in North America longest river in Europe The Mississippi is a river in the USA. 1 1 ■ Which is the odd word out? Why? Forest, wood, river, tree. Sea, coast, beach, field. Valley, mountain, park, prairie. Ocean, sea, river, mountain, 12. Find out if your friend knows the answers to the following questions. GRAMMAR HINT Indirect questions Do you know what the nicknames of Russia are? GS p, 272 Why is Scotland called the Land of Loch and River and Mountain? Why do people call Canada the Land of Maple Leaf and Mountains? What country is the phrase “the tyranny of distance”* referred to? 15 How Different the World Is! What are the nicknames of Russia? What country is called the Land of Cakes*? Do you know _____________________________ 13. When you are going to travel abroad, you are sure to be interested in the following information: What travel documents do I need? • Do I need a visa? • What are the customs regulations? • What are my duty- and tax-free allowances (разрешение на провоз товаров, не облагаемых налогом)? • Do I need medical insurance (страхование)? These people are also going to ask an official (служащий) for this information. What are their questions? ________________________________________________________________________^ How Different the World Is! 1 4. Does the tourist use the correct language in these situations? if not, correct him. 1) The transport does not work because of the heavy snow. He asks a policeman: — Any idea when buses start going? 2) He asks his American friend; — I should be interested to know how the people who live in New York are called. 3) He asks the travel agent: — I wonder if you could tell me, how long the tour of the White House will last. 4) He asks a passenger in the airport: — Could you tell me, if the plane is taking off in time, please? 1 5. LINK LIST How are the USA, the UK, Australia and Russia similar or different? Fill in the table with the facts from Unit 1. The USA The UK Australia Russia Geographical position People and their lifestyles CVJ ^ Western Democracies. ID Are They Democratic? 1 . Each branch of power performs its own functions. What does each branch of power/each rnstituttun do? Review the functions each branch of power/institution performs. Use the words from the boxes and ex. 2 from the textbook (p. 40 — 4t). approve oppose rule determine control discuss coordinate examine vote on sign revise pass delay make form a new law/taws a bilt/bills/the bills government policies the government programme the Shadow Cabinet/the Cabinet the country the executive/the government government departments Legislative branch the monarch Executive branch the Prime Minister Functions make laws Functions determine the eovernme-nt programme__________________ The Opposition in the Commons: 18 Western Democracies. Are They Democratic? 2. The word ‘democracy’ is translated from Greek as 'the power of people’. Which institution exercises the power of the people in Great Britain? Do the crossword. a. a group of the most important ministers b. non-e!ected members of Parliament c. persons who are responsible for the government policies d. the number of seats the leading party has e. the party that challenges the official policy f. the head of state in Britain now g. the name the chambers (палаты) of Parliament are called c d 3. The distribution of power between the monarch and Parliament was different at different historical periods. What functions did the monarch and Parliament have at different historical periods? 1066 The Normans' came to Britain. William the Conqueror,* the Duke of Normandy, ruled the country with a firm hand. 1215 King John* signed the Magna Carta,* limiting (ограничивающую) the power of the Monarch (in collecting taxes (налогов), for example) but it was the King who determined policies, 1295 Parliament was formed where lords and rich people discussed political problems and new taxes. 1509-47 King Henry VIII* had great power; Parliament did what the King wanted, 1649-60 The rule of the House of Commons led by Oliver Cromwell* after King Charles I had lost in the war with Parliament. 1660-1832 The Monarch and the House of Lords returned. They could no longer tell the Commons how to rule. Today The Queen and Parliament act under the unwritten British constitution.* 19 Western Democracies. Дге Пеу Democratic? William the Conqueror ruled the country with a firm hand. It means that he made laws and determined policies. No one revised his bills.___________________ 4. The legislative end executive branches of power are involved in different activities. 1) What activities are they involved In? Search the words in any direction. There are 9 verbs. D 0 P P c D E L A Y I E M N 0 О T E E К S R T 0 N E G I X A C A G E T 0 V H A F U P D U R E V I M E S 0 L U 0 M D В I G S D L E L Y I J N 0 G E P H S I G N E О 0 L A P P R 0 V E D V Y К 0 P G X F U T 2) What are the President (the President’s Administration) and Congress responsible for? Use ex. 1 from the textbook (p. 44 — 45). The President signs bills._____________________________________________ Congress votes on the bills._____________ I________________________________________________________________________________20 I Western Democracies. Are They Democratic? 5. Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own institutions of power. 1) What institution represents the legislative branch of power in your republic/region/town/village? 2) What institution represents the executive branch of power in your republic/region/town/village? 3) What institution represents the judicial branch of power in your republic/region/town/village? 4) What are the three branches responsible for? 6. Some people think that in politics much depends on the personality of a politician. 1) Which traits («арактерные черты) are positive and which are negative for a ро1Ш' cian in your opinion? Choose the words from the box and write them in the columns. sociable ambitious popular generous patient honest bossy power-loving strong-willed (волевой) skilful special gifted loyal sympathetic kind conservative emotional hard-working patriotic hypocritical [.hipa'kntikl] (лицемерный) prudent reserved reticent ['retisant] (скрытный) tolerant courageous risky secret ruthless cunning (хитрый, коварный) consistent [kgn'sistant] (последовательный, логичный) sly (хитрый, ловкий) religious deceitful [di'si:tfl] (лживый) self-reliant disciplined eloquent ['ebkwant] (красноречивый) positive traits negative traits Western Democracies. Are They Democratic? 2} Do the crossword and read the name of one of the most respected and devoted British politicians. a. He was a member of the House of b. He worked very much. He was c. He was very with the nation during the Second World War. d. During the Second World War he had to make decisions that could bring success or failure. He was________. e. He smoked much and in many pic- tures he is depicted (изображен) with a____________________________. f. The British think that he always knew what he_______________________do in difficult situations. g. He could wait, he was_____________. h. He was reputed to be a _____________ politician because many times he showed his ability to do well his job. Many years passed after his death but the British still remember and ____________________________________him. g h a b — i f d e ■V - ^ — 7. Here are some other ways of expressing your attitude to the facts you've come across, to say what you think or know. What are they? Match the expressions with the functions. Marvellous! Fantastic! Super! D’you happen to know anything about ...? (Вы. случайно, не знаете что-нибудь о ...?) Have you got any idea about ...? D’you happen to know that ...? Know ...? (A вы знаете, (что) ...?) That’s what 1 heard. Yes, in fact, I did know about Yes, I have heard about ... . I’ve been told that ... . ... thanks. Saying you know about something Expressing admiration Expressing surprise Western Democracies. Are They Democratic? Are you serious? Who’d have thought it? (Кто бы мог подумать?) Well, I never! (Вот те на!) Really? Asking if someone knows about something Consolidation 8. Politics is a word that makes us think of different people and activities involved in it. Remember the words that can illustrate the following: Political systems and institutions Consress Political activities to revise a bill People involved in politics a president 9. Unfortunately young people often think that politics is for adults. But very soon you'll turn 18 and you'll have to make a choice. Characterise in five words a politician you would like to be the head of your country. 23 Western Democracies. Are They Democratic? 10. The Constitution of the Russian Federation that was adopted on December 12, 1993 establishes (устанавливает) the basic rights. What rights are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation? Restore some of its articles. GRAMMAR HINT Shall as a modal verb All citizens shall have the right to education. GS p. 268 Article 19 All citizens shall be equal in law. (all citizens/equal in law) Article 24 (no one/inform about the private life of any person) Article 26 (every citizen/have the right to use his or her native language; freely choose any language for communication, education or other purposes) Article 27 (every citizen/have the right to leave freely and come back to the Russian Federation) Article 32 (all citizens/enjoy the right to take part in ruling the country directly or through their representatives) Article 38 (the state/protect maternity (материнство), childhood and a family Article 41 (everyone/have the right to free medical service) Article 43 (everyone/have the right to education) Article 48 (everyone/enjoy the right to a qualified judicial help) Western Democracies. Are They Democratic? 24 1 1 - What things can be changed through politics? Write your manifesto using the expressions from the box. Use your own ideas. GRAMMAR HilTT Shall as a modal verb No one shall search people or their property. GS p. 269 all people/be equal in law old people/be protected by the state people/never/be jobless homeless people/get their homes no one/kill animals no one/have power over life and death the people/have the right to rule the country through their representatives No one shall kill animals. 12. The document sounds neutral, make it more categorical. GRAMMAR HINT The modal verb should The government should do more to help jobless people. GS p. 268 MAGNA CARTA (1215)* ♦ The King can’t take taxes without asking the barons and the Church first. ♦ Everyone will have ta obey (повиноваться) the law, even the monarch. ♦ Freemen (полноправные граждане) can’t be punished (наказаны) without a fair trial (судебного разбирательства) in court. The King can’t tell the Church what to do. 25 Western Democracies. Are They Democratic? The King's men can’t take away the freedom and the property of freemen and merchants (купцов). ♦ The King will have to follow the advice of his barons. The Kins should not take taxes without askins the barons and the Church first._________________________________________________ 13. LINK LIST Look back over the unit and fill in the link list about the political systems of the United Kingdom, the USA and the Russian federation. Great Britain The USA Russia Political system The head of state The legislative branch The executive branch The head of the executive Guaranteed basic rights What Is Hot with the Young Generation? 1. The members of different groups have some similarities and differences, 1) Organise the information from the box in the following table. Specific features: Brightly coloured hair, shocking way of wearing clothes 2- or 3-wheeled motorized vehicles Vaiues: Liberal attitude and lifestyle, behaviour and attitude differ from social norms All-night dance parties, thought to be rebellious A deep understanding of how computers work, can do “magical” things Deep concern about nature Non-violent Helping people around Getting practical skills in ... Loyalty and responsibility Tolerance (accepting other people as they are) A member of a group Image Values/Behaviour Biker Environmentalist Hacker Hippie Punk Leather jackets. Raver Scout Volunteer Young farmer 2) Why do teens join subcultures? Finish the following phrases. To identify with a particular subculture__________________ To rebel__________________________________________________ 27 What Is Hot with the Young Generation? To reject_______________________________ (Not) to conform^ To express_______ 3) WORD BUILDING How can you characterise some teens? What are the nouns and adjectives from the verbs in the first column? Verb Noun Adjective Identify Rebel Reject Shock Suffixes of nouns Suffixes of adjectives -ion (the act, state, or result of inal -ity (the quality or example of beina ) -ing (the noun described is the doer of the verb) -ous (causino or havina ) 4) Why do teenagers join subcultures? Which of the phrases have similar meanings? (Use Student’s Book, Unit 3, Lesson I, ex. 2.) To express themselves — to express their own identity___________________ 2. Young people prefer listening to various music. t) Below there is the information about music styles. Match the descriptions with the styles. Acid ['zesid] rock; Reggae*; Punk* rock; Rock’n’roll*; Techno* A. It began in the early 1950s in the USA. Within a few years, it had become America’s newest and most popular kind of music. In the mid-1950s it became the central part of teenage rebellion. What Is Hot with the Young Generation? B. These free-form improvisation and light shows appeared about 1966. C. This music began in the UK and was thought to be aggressive. It was a rejection of everything that had been before. It was designed to shock. D. This is the most important form of West Indian popular music of the 1970s and 1980s. It has a heavy dance beat, but is not too fast. It is a mix of rock, African and South American music. It has a message of peace and optimism. E. This music is made on computers and performed mainly by deejays instead of old-fashioned bands. 2) What are the characteristics of the following music styles? Choose from the list. • electronic equipment for light and sound • stadium performances with laser and other special effects • a fast style called “ragga” • a heavily accented beat • a futuristic, machine-made sound • reggae* and rockabilly* were important influences on it • aggressive • electric guitar and drums • played very fast and loud • violent words • a few simple phrases • causing strange sensations of happiness 3) What musicians and groups are the brightest representatives of different music styles? Choose from the box and add some more that you know. the Sex Pistols, the Clash, Elvis Presley, Pearl Jam, the Chemical Brothers, Prodigy, Bob Marley, Little Richard, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, the Kraftwerk, Pink Floyd Punk rock fC) violent words. &}nsidgps_ Acid rock the Sex Pistols. /Hnsicians т What Is Hot with the Young Generation? Rock’n’roll_____________________ /Hnsicians_ Techno Miisidatis_ Reggae YHnskians 4) Listen to several extracts of different music styles. What music styles do these extracts belong to? ___________________________________________________________________________^ What Is Hot with the Young Generation? 3. Here are two tetters in support of members of a subculture and against them. How would you express your attitude towards the members of different subcultures? Write a letter for and against, {parallel writing) ' Dear Sirs, / am writing to protest against teenaaers who brin^ tronble to the city by choosing for their motor rides popnlated streets at most inappropriate time. These motorcyclists scare the late passers-by raciny wildly throiiyh the city. r^ccordiny to statistics, the питЬег of road accidents caused by niyht-time motorcyclists has been steadily risiny. / recfuest that the matter be investiyated immediately, yours faithfully, U. Smith Шт Dear Sirs, / am writiny to support those teenayers who want to express themselves by hauiny and ridiny motorbikes. If a lad's ambition is to race about on a motorcycle, he should have an opportunity to do this. ■ Tind he should feel that yrown-ups are supportiny him. There should be youth dubs for lovers of motor-iny and competitions should be held. These niyht-time rides of youny people, which a lot of people protest ayainst, come from boredom and yrown-ups indifference to them. t recjuest that somethiny be done to help these teenayers. yours faithfully, D. Smith 3f What Is Hot with the Young Generation? I Dear Sirs, \ Щ / am writing to protest against who These i Ticcording to / regnest that the matter be investigated immedi- | atelg. | У oars faithfnilg, _____________________________________________| Dear Sirs, / am writing to snpport I // theg who should I Besides / regnest that something be done to help them. I I What Is Hot with the Young Generation? 4. IN YOUR CULTURE In central Russia you can come across the following types of teenagers. What are they? Fill in the gaps with the names. cool mutant sportsman lazy bone couch potato romantic He likes beautiful melodies of various singers and groups, and books about life and love. ____________________________________________ Main pastime is watching TV, video, playing computer games. Wears an earring, ________________________________________________________ Black jeans, wool caps, sneakers even in winter, but better leather boots with thick sole. ________________________________________________ Crazy about playing different ball games, takes care of one’s health. Dreams about his/her great future life, about the career of rock star, DJ, lavi/yer. Likes to have a rest on the couch. Sometimes reads detective stories or science fiction. Always chews bubble gum. _________________________________ Wears torn jeans, leather jackets, a lot of make-up. Sings the songs of Nirvana* or Prodigy. * Likes loud music. _____________________________________________ 5. Teenagers today are similar in some way to teenagers some years ago. How? Match the two parts of the sentences, use like or as as appropriate. 1) Teenagers today 2) Young people today 3) Today teenagers help disabled people 4) Teenagers make performances for small children 5) There are special places where teenagers with special interests may gather 6) Teenagers now a) Palaces of Pioneers. b) teenagers many years ago have their own organisations. c) Komsomol members and pioneers did. d) young people some years ago gather for the festivals. e) teenagers many years ago like to read. f) pioneers did many years ago. Hi ". Like and as Teenagers today like teenagers many years ago are very friendly. GS p. 276 ____________________________________________________________________^ What Is Hot wft the Yaung Generation? 1) Teenagers today like teenasers many years aeo have their own orsanisations.________________________________________________________ 2) ___________________________________________________________________ 3) ___________________________________________________________________ 4) ___________________________________________________________________ 5) ____________________________________________________________ 6) ___________________________________________________________________ 6. In Russia there is also skinhead movement. How does the skinhead movement in Russia differ from the skinheads in Britain? Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word/word combination. ОЙДММАП iff i^obCis Auxiliary verbs without main verbs She is as he is. He is nice. So is she. But she isn’t. GS p. 269 Skinheads in Russia wear verv short hair 1) skin- heads in Britain do. They also 2) skinheads in Britain prefer to wear heavy boots, jeans and listen to special kind of music. But Russian skinheads are very aggressive and skinheads in Britain 3)_______________________ . They are interested in politics but skinheads in Britain 4)_______________. They often have racist views and skinheads in Britain 5)______________________. Skinheads in Russia hate teens who prefer rap music because rap is sung mostly by black musicians. 7. Some people say that punk culture has features of other subcultures. How is punk subculture similar to other subcultures? Fill in the gaps with like or as. 1) Some punks_________________________skinheads shave their hair off. 2) Some punks enjoy wearing black clothes_____________________bikers do. 3) Many punks especially the younger ones_____________________many other young people go skateboarding. 4) Punks_____________________ representatives of some other subcultures have their favourite bands. 5) Punks don’t like to visit places where everyone looks the same and thinks the same. They think it is_________________________conformity. 8. Here is an article from the Liza magazine about young people studying at the Department of Church Art. They want to be icon-painters. dread locks feel hurt look bewildered a church garment correspond to life position save cultural wealth 34 Mtat Is Hot with the Young Generation? Render the article into English. The words in the box can help you. В комнату бошпн двое студентов — 8ратья-^т^нещы Анапой и /вртем. Джинсы, дрэды и футболки с гдоЬражением BoSa /Парам смотрелись б высшей степени непривычно оядом с почти дописанной иконой. Окауывается, орагпья ооижаюШя на тек, кто, уунав, чем они занимаются, недоумевают. «Что, писать иконы обязательно должен человек в рясе? Что, мне теперь все бросить и начать соответствовать своему внешнему виду — то есть пиво пить, кг^рить... Я одеваюсь так, как мне нравится. Я по воскресеньям почти всегда кожу в церковь», — так эмоционально заявляет о своем жизненном кредо Яртем. Он действительно верит в то, что сокранять культурные и дуковные ценности — обязанность каткдою человека. Two students the twin brothers____________________________________ 9. The language we use depends on the s/foaf/on. 1) What would you say in the following situations? Choose from the box. a. i don't really want to do this because I like my style, b. I’m not realty willing to dance now. c. Well, on the whole, I don’t think I'd like to move now. d. Well, I don’t really fancy another hair cut. e. I don’t really fancy moving to another room. f. I’d like to but I have to prepare for tomorrow’s test. A. Your friend asks you if you mind going to the night club. B. The manager of a first-class hotel you are staying at asks you to change rooms. C. The son of your host in London suggests you to change your hair cut. 35 What Is Hot with the Young Generation? 2) What are the situations for the phrases which are left in the box? {phrase} D. {situation)___________________________________________________ {phrase)____________________________ E. {situation) _________________________________ {phrase)___________________________________________________________ F. {situation) Consolidation 10. WORD POWER Find the word which is different. Explain your choice. a) to protest, to reject, to rebel, to conform b) violent, liberal, aggressive, shocking c) helpful, voluntary, rebellious, kind d) classic, reggae, techno, punk e) pioneer, punk, scout, Komsomol member 11. WORD POWER Do a crossword puzzle and you’ll learn the subculture American ex-president Bill Clinton belonged to in his youth. a. a ‘wizard’ of computers b. a person with a short hair cut, listening reggae c. a person dressed in a shocking way (very bright hair) d. equipment necessary for making techno music e. a person with a motorbike f. a person visiting all-night dance parties Bill Clinton* was a____________________________ '-r 1 2. How can you describe different lifestyles, beliefs and values? Which suffixes can you add to the words below to make new words? 36 What Is Hot with the Young Generation? Suffixes of nouns Suffixes of adjectives -ion; -ity; -ist; -istn; -ship -ing; 'Ous To reiect refection To support To rebel A collective To conform Liberal To identify Distinct 1 3. How is life of Russian teenagers similar or different to the life of teenagers from other countries? GRAMMAR HINT Like and as Teenagers in Russia like teenagers in other countries watch a lot of TV. GS p. 276 1) Americans respect their elders but not as much_________Russians do. 2) Russian teenagers ________________teenagers in Europe like to wear unisex clothes. 3) Russian teenagers like to listen to Madonna______American teens do. 4) Russian teens______________ British teens think that being friendly is very important. 5) Russians___________teens all over the world like travelling very much. 6) Computers are very popular with teens now. Russians spend much time in the Internet*____________teens in other countries do. 1 4. What do British teenagers think of teenage magazines and newspapers? Fill in the gaps as appropriate. GRAMMAR HINT The degrees of comparison of adjectives Just Seventeen is as interesting as The Young Telegraph. Just Seventeen is more expensive than The Young Telegraph. GS p. 261 Magazines have more detailed (detailed) articles about people and places. Newspapers cover day-to-day issues. 1) Sky gives a____________________________(clear) picture of youth culture. 2) The Early Times prints______________________________(interesting) articles on local news. 3) Sky is______________________________________________ 4) Typical readers of The Early Times are_ (colourful). __________(young). What Is Hot with the Young Generation? 5) Typical readers of Sky are 6) The Early Times is as_____ 7) Sky is as_________________ 37 (trendy). (popular) Sky. __ (interesting) The Early Times. 1 5> What is your attitude towards the following opinions about teens’ life? 1) Pop music is business which exists to make money. 2) Loving people means accepting others as they are, giving them freedom to express themselves. 3) Hippies’ lifestyle is risky, but that's life and avoiding risk leaves one unprepared for the unexpected. 4) Being a mod today means knowing contemporary developments in the arts and music. 1 6. Imagine you stay with a British family. What conversation might take place? ш 38 Wh3t Is Hot with the Young Generation? 17. LINK LIST Compare the life of teenagers in Russia and in other countries. In Britain and the USA In Russia Youth festivals (gatherings) Youth subcultures Violence Clubs ~ Is It Easy to Be Young? 1. IN YOUR CULTURE Russia agreed to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989. It worked out some documents that proclaim different rights. 1) What rights do Russian children have? Translate the extract into English. to give to have to proclaim to declare to enjoy = to have the right) to provide В документе npo6ojiAamawtncn права детей на жи^нь и развитие, на имя с рождения, на получение национальности, право иметь семью. ________________________ овья и ^е дети имеют право на охрану ядорс Ьеуопасность, на получение оЬра^ования и досуг. Конвенция дает право детям на свободу собраний, на выражение своих мыслей, на получение информации и на личную своооду. Документ гарантирует права детей-инвалидов. _____________ Каждый ребенок имеет право ^нать свои права. 2) Which of the rights are social, political and cultural? Rights of the Child social_______________________________________________________ political ___________________________________________________ cultural_____________________________________________________ 2. IN YOUR CULTURE What would you write in a report to the UN Committee about the rights of children in your country? Use the information about Russia. 40 Is It Easy to Be Young? В России: • 2 млн детей-инвалидов, Из них лишь 923 тыс. посещают детские сады и школы. • 453 тыс. детей в домах ребенка. 90% из них имеют родителей. The Convention saus that It means that Russian children In fact. 3. There are a lot of organisations all over the work! that help children to protect their rights. Here is an article about one of such organisations. Translate the article so that your foreign friend could read the information. СПАСАЙТЕ ДЕТЕЙ! рганщгтция «Спасайте детей» japodmacb 6 /!агпвыи So/tee / 1 десяти пет najad по инициа!пиве детскою врача Ингины Э^САЫ. Она nepeSejta и Mjdana на патышско/и njb/KC Конвенцию ООН о ^ащите прав ребенка. Эксперты и специалисты исследуют положение сеуией детей, pajpafarntieawm проекты Ьо-ки/иентов, направленные на улучшение этого положения. Сейчас органгдации работают foaee тысячи членов. В своем дотадс в Комитет ООН по правам ребенка cooS- твуг. . Семеро щ де~ , ^ етей в прошлом году of рели новые семьи. В Натвии оыл соудан Центр, отвечаюгций jr? реализацию Конвенции по уащите прав реоенка. кю в. юшаде в Комитет ООН по правам ре икалось, что 85 процентов латвийских семей живут 6 fednoc-ти. Около 2 тысяч детей не посещают школу. Семеро т dt сяти страдают тем или иным jafooeeanneM. Около 600 дете 4. АН families have rules. 1) What rules does your family have? stick a pictnre of уоиг parents here my parents allow me to... let me... forbid me to... в 4t Is It Easy to Be Young? smoke stay late at night eat what I want go to discos cook dinner for myself watch anything I want on TV wear jeans to school be home by ... o’clock dress the way I want help with housework get a part-time job drink alcohol decide what to do after finishing school choose my own friends organise parties at home observe a curfew drive a car show my school diary ffl spend my pocket money 2) Do your classmates have the same family rules? Ask your classmates questions. Complete the chart with the information you have get. Names of students Do your parents wonder if your parents I’d like to know if I’m interested to know if Can you tell me What do your parents •4^ 3) Write a survey using the information you have got about your classmates. Parents allow______________of us to____________________________________ They also let___________of us__________________________________________ But parents forbid They also make____ of us to of us. ш 42 Is It Easy to Be Young? 5. GRAMMAR FOR REVISION Melanie Stewart is a social worker who deals with young alcoholics. Here are some comments on her interview about the teenage problems. What did she say in her interview? Complete the comments with the correct form of the verbs. GRAMMAR FOR REVISION Reported speech Simple Present Simple Past Teenagers experiment She said that teenagers with alcohol for a variety ^ experimented with of reasons. alcohol for a variety of reasons. GS p. 270 comp/a/n explain Melanie Stewart said that young teens alcohol for a variety of reasons. te« experiment may 5e must be with She that some teens because they drinking with adulthood. _______her that the more teachers and par- __to try it. Some teenagers____________________ ents______________them not to drink, the more eager they She_______________that probably the most powerful influence on young teens She their mates. that curiosity quent motive for drinking alcohol. She also________________________that teenagers stress at school. She____________ the most fre-_______about that schools the most important source of information on the dangers of alcohol. 43 Is It Easy to Be Young? 6. According to mass media reports the life of teenagers in Russia has changed greatly for the last ten years. What do the reports show? Replace the Russian words with their English equivalents. • The experts admit that (tipecrtiifтения, совершенные подростка- лги) _________________have increased by 20% since 2000. • tdccordiny to the recent reports (каждое 10 преступление co6epmaetncH подростками)______________________________________ • Last year abont 170,000 teenayers (Shiah аресгпованы ja преапуппеиия) _________________________________________________ • 34,000 teenayers were nnder 14 and (не могли Sbitfib отправлены в тюрьму).____________________________________________ • The Government snrveys show that 60% of teenayers (nonpoSoeann наркогпнки)_________________________________________ 7. DATING GAME How do you find out who your perfect date is? ibu could go by personality, or looks, or even star sign. How about working out if you actually like the same things? Play this game to find out how well you know your classmates. 1) Fill in the card with the following information. Hobbies______________________ Interests (likes and dislikes) I've never___________________ Last film I’ve seen , My favourite music I'm a very___________ person. If I were an animal, I would be____________ If I were a plant (fruit), I would be My goal in life is to______________________ Ф A special thing about me is W i 2) Put the cards in a heap. Then each student takes one card, reads it aloud and tries to guess wrtio his or her date is. Have you found your date? 44д Is It Easy to Be Young? 8. Here are some young people‘s opinions about what being a teenager means to them. What do you think about being a teenager? Add at least 5 more statements. Being a teenager *4 9. How would you respond to the complaint if you agree disagree (That’s tru^ <^ou’re telling me.i^ (That’s really unfai^ That’s not the way I see it^ (Really? I can’t sayT?^ come on! 1^ can understand what you mean^ (That sounds really bai^ It isn't that bad.^^ 10. People sometimes write letters of complaints to magazines and newspapers. 1) What does the author of the letter complain about? Complete the extract from the letter with the suitable expressions. 45 Is It Easy to Be Young? f Dear Editor, ______________________________________I go to the city park { to relax and to watch the birds. But these days the park I is full of young people playing loud music. t' , Why does not the administration of the park forbid the people to play loud music in public so the rest of us can enjoy some peace and quiet? 2) How do you think the Editor would respond to the letter? 55* Dear fiJSm 3) Write a letter of complaint to an international magazine about any problem that bothers you. I i 46 Is It Easy to Be Young? Consolidation 11. LINK LIST Look back over the information given in Unit 4 again and complete the link list of age limits for different countries. Great Britain The USA My country age when children start school age (minimum) for leaving school age for getting a job: — part-time — full-time age for getting married age at which young people can start drinking alcohol age when you can apply for a driving licence age at which a teenager can be sent to prison age when you can buy a pet without your parents’ consent S.CH001- Is It Easy to Be Young? 47 Продолжение Great Britain The USA My country age when you can apply for your own passport age when you have to pay full ticket on transport age when you can Join the army age when you can vote age when you do not need your parents’ consent for anything because you are considered to be an adult 12. WORD POWER Some British young people were asked about the most important issues that influence their lives. 1) Find their answers in the Word Sqyare. {30 words survey will help you. Have you found all the answers? ) The extract from the About three quarters of 14—19-year-olds admit that they are not interested in politics. Most teenagers get along with their parents quite well. Money is seen as a problem by most teenagers. The majority of teenagers spend their pocket money on entertainments. Almost 50 per cent of British teenagers have a part-time job. About half want to do something about poverty and discrimination. Over half of all teenagers are concerned about their appearance and fashion. Independence was a major worry for nearly two thirds of those still at school. в Is It Easy to Be Young? 4$ R L 1 F E X P E R 1 E N C E V A E E c N A R A E P P A H D C 1 P S C H 0 О L R N A В C E R N 0 R P N I 0 A A E T S E X A U E L 1 0 E N w M 0 N E Y A В L G C E V N D F A A E T R 1 G H T S ! N A S N 0 G A A S T A C A H c L C C 1 E R E D U C A T 1 0 N ! G E Y В P M L A N 0 1 H s A F T N A T 1 E A 1 0 A N N A и A R 1 1 L R L D T M A V S M J M A 1 L V C E ! N 1 1 F R E E D 0 M E 0 1 0 V T 1 0 T A A N N A A В N P R H 0 Y A N s A A T T A В C D A D 0 P N 0 1 T A N 1 M 1 R c S 1 D L A Л. 2) Which of these issues are important to you? Very important Not so important Not necessary 13. Teenagers like vmaring T-shirts with messages on them. 1) Complete these messages. Put _________________________________________ Saif NO to___________________________________ Say Yes to _________________________________ EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO __________________ out of fashion! / ! 2) Do you have your favourite T-shirt with a message on it? What does it say? Translate it into English. 3) Write your own message in English to go on a T-shirt. I 14. GRAMMAR IN FOCUS: Complex object Here you can find some poems with rules established for young people by adults. Decide who are the characters of these rhymes and write about what they want young people to do. I is it Easy to Be Ybung? Learn well your grammar, And never stammer (не запинайся), Write well and neatly. And sing most sweetly. Edward Lear You who are the oldest, You who are the tallest. Don’t you think you ought to help The youngest and the smallest? You who are the strongest. You who are the quickest. Don’t you think you ought to help The weakest and the sickest? Gelett Burgess A child should always say what’s true And spreak when he is spoken to. And behave mannerly at table; At least as far as he is able. Robert Louis Stevenson Take out the papers and the trash. Or you don’t get no spending cash. You ain’t gonna rock and roll no more. Yakety-yak. Don’t talk back. Just finish cleaning up your room. Let’s see the dust fly with that broom (веник), Get all the garbage out of sight, Or you don’t go out Friday night. Don’t you give me no dirty looks, Your father hip, he knows what cooks. Just tell your hoodlum (хулиган — AE) friend outside, You ain’t got time to take a ride. Leiber and M. Stoller □ 50 Is It Easy to Be Young? A teacher wants his pupil to learn grammar. He forbids him to stammer.___________________________________________ 1 5. May 1st is Law Day in the United States. It was established by presidential proclamation in 1958 by Dwight D. Eisenhower. * Law Day is a time the Americans enjoy rights under the United States Constitution. I 1) The author of this poem proclaims the major people’s rights. Write your own poem about the rights you consider to be the most important for people. I claim the human right to live. I claim the human right to love. I claim the human right to work. I claim the right of every child to eat. Albert E Kahn 2) If you could write a law that every person in every country in the world would have to follow, what would it be? Why do you think this law is necessary? ^ Is the System Z) of Social Welfare Fair? 1 . In Russia social benefits are also provided for its citizens by the state. What categories of citizens receive benefits in Russia? Replace the word combinations with their equivalents. GRAMMAR IN FOCUS The + adjective Elderly people = the elderly People who are sick = the sick GS p. 262 In Russia social benefits are paid to • elderly people the elderlu__________ • people who are sick________________ people who are not able to work people who do not work • wives and husbands whose spouses died___________________________________ • people on very low income and those who live below poverty level __________ • people who retired _________________ • young people (up to 18 or longer if the child continues education) 2. WORD POWER In Great Britain social benefits are of iwo kinds: contributory and non-contributory. Who are contributory benefits paid by? Replace the Russian words with their English equivalents in the correct form from the word box. to employ (the) self-employed an employee an employer Contributory benefits are paid by the government from the National Insurance contributions made regularly by employers (работодателями), ________________________ (служащими), and_________________________ 52 is the System of Social Welfare Fair? (предпринимателями). Most of the working population in Britain — about 90% — are _________________ (служащие) who work for a wage which is paid either weekly or monthly. Another 6% are______________ (пред- приниматели), working on their own and paying themselves from the profits of their work. Another 3% are (работодатели) who must first pay their____________________________ (работникам) and then pay themselves fromi the profits of their businesses. However, it is not simply true that the 3% of________________(работодателей) directly ______ (нанимают на работу) all the____(служащих). About a third of the working population are ___ (нанимаются на работу) by the State. And many of the biggest __________ ’ («работодателей») in Britain are not individuals but trusts, or financial organisations representing hundreds or thousands of shareholders (акционеров). 3. What do you know about the advantages and disadvantages of the medical systems of Great Britain, the USA and Russia? Complete the chart. Countries Advantages Disadvantages Great Britain The USA Russia health care is public (NHS) 4. Here are some facts about Britain’s homes for elderly people. What two types of homes for elderly people are there in Great Britain? Transform the sentences using the appropriate conjunctions and prepositions. GRAMMAR IN FOCUS Conjunctions and prepositions (al)though — хотя while/whereas — в то время как despite/in spite of — несмотря на because of — из-за Although there are a lot of homes for elderly people in Britain, their number is growing ail the time. Because of his illness he was put into a home for elderly people. GS pp. 274-275 1) Some of these homes are terrible, some other are pretty good. т \ Is the System of Social Welfare Fair? 2) Many elderly couples live their own independent lives in 'sheltered houses’,* tiny houses or flats. They are always able to call a trained nurse if they have any difficulties. 3) Looking after elderly people costs a lot of money, local authorities try to do their best to meet the needs of all those in difficulties. 4) Sometimes local authorities suffer a shortage of money to help the needy, that’s why there are private homes for those who can afford to live there. 5) Sometimes new residents sell their own homes to get residential care, but this money may not be enough. 6) The fees for residential home care are high. An elderly parent cannot afford living there. 7) Social services cost a lot of money. Local authorities organise them to make independent lives possible for many pensioners. 8) Some homes for elderly people are heavily financed by taxes, and still they are often among the most unsatisfactory. 54 Is the System of Social Welfare Fair? 5. WORD POWER Here are some facts from the article (‘Newsweek'). 1} Read them through and give the topic of №e article. 2} Complete the statements with the appropriate words. to pay (out) available to provide to be entitled to to claim to contribute a) It is said that one in 10 of some 18 million European workers are jobless, They_________________________ unemployment benefits, though it does not mean that they all_____________them. b) Half of the jobless Europeans have been_____________________ with the ‘dole money’ for more than a year. c) Over the last four years in the United States, 12 million new jobs have become________________________________to Americans. d) The US government to the construc- tion costs of some hospitals. Today there are nearly 7,000 hospitals in the United States; many of them_________________some free or low- cost care to those who cannot___________________________. e) Europeans seem to want rather than_______________ low wages. f) Many Germans believe they are unemployment benefits not just job, but to the right kind of a job. g) Some people, who are elderly, disabled or live on low incomes sometimes don’t_________________________the benefits to which they_______________________. h) Some benefits are no longer to sixteen- to eighteen-year-olds and this has caused difficulties for young people who cannot live at home, but cannot find a job. i) Child benefit is_______________________to everybody, although many middle-class people do not actually need financial help. j) People do not try hard to get a job, because they know that in a Welfare State they will be______________________ with financial help. 3) What categories of people could these opinions belong to? What do you think? I ________________________________________________________________________55 I Is the System of Social Welfare Fair? 6. WORD POWER The citizens of Russia are entitled to some benefits. Look at the charts, photos and pictures, read some pieces of information below and interpret them in such a way that your foreign friends could understand the message. to be entitled to to claim to provide sb with sth to provide sth for sb to pay (out) available to (al)though in spite of/despite because of while/whereas Что может купить на зарплату среднестатистический россиянин 1987 1997 The current year — ? U L. u О 'sL 'йС Ю O) О CO 00 CD c; d О CM Ш d) ct CO h- O) Ю со о со к. со «...с первою сентября 2003 года /паксимапьная студенческая стипендия 6ojpocna до тысячи ргуЬлей. Помимо fajoSoif академической, которая увепичи/шсъ с 200 ру^тй до ЙОО, введена социапьная сгпипеидия в 600 pyfneu...» Информационное агентство /И и К (/Иаркетинг и Консалтинг) «...Средний прожиточный лгинимум в России установлен в pajMcpe 2)37 рублей..., для трудоспособного населения^ — 2328 рублей, пенсионеров - 1629, детей ~ 2119 руЬлей». РИП «Новости» 13.08.2003 Is ffte System of Social Welfare Fair? m Количество пенсионеров (тыс. чел.) Средняя пенсия (pyf.) Всего 38209 2020,35 Трудовые пенсии, в том числе по старости по инвалидности по потере кормильца 29019 1 2208,59 4374 1569,17 2861 1208,2 Государственные пенсии, в том числе Военнослужащим и членам их семей пенсионерам-«черноЬыльцам» госслужащим 83,4 202,7 21,3 1549,9 1769,95 3512,38 Социальные пенсии 1646 1298,85 Данные Пенсионного фонда России на 1 августа 200-^ года. «Прггужнты и факты» Ns 48, 2004. • «В Ьдижайшие 4—5 дет офицыадьиые доходы российских граждан удвоятся. Сейчас, по официадьны/и данным, ежемесячная jap-пдата составдяейг 5300 рубдей. Bejpafomnna не стодь высока (6 миддионов чедовек), а к 2007 году она вообще исчеднегй». «... по данным Всемирною Банка, fejpafoniMya в России не сокращается, а растет. ... по официадьной статистике почти 3 мдн чедовек в России живут на 450 ру^дей в месяц, что в 4,5 рада ниже официально установленного прожиточною минимума. ... 30 миддионов живут ja чертой Ьедности. 40 мдн чедовек в стране регулярно недоедают...» И/ШИ/. rbedaily. г и In this country people receive different benefits, among them__________ An average pensioner An employee__________ Students _______ Minimal , while maximal whereas__________ Despite__________ Take for example, , some people \ls the System of Social Welfare Fair? Besides. ___________________________ We can say that $7 know from my experience that Consolidation 7. WORD POWER What problem does a Welfare State protect its citizens from? 1) Find the English equivalents of the following Russian words. безопасность__________________ страхование доход________________________ благополучие вклад/взнос налог _____ работник __ пенсия/пособие служба_____________________ работодатель ______________ регулярное денежное пособие оплата/выплата ____________ 2) Fill in the blank squares (vertically) with the words that suit from ex. 7.1) . The first letters are given. c 1 E A S 1 в w E S p T 3) Give the translation of the word you’ve got: _______________________________________________________________________да Is the System of Social Welfare Fair? 8. WORD POWER Benefits for the jobless vary widely from country to country. 1) What benefits are the jobless in France, Germany, and Russia entitled to? On what conditions? Use the English equivalents of the Russian words. безработные иметь право/обеспечиваться/получать/требовать (претендовать) быть доступным c s о о Eligibility (доступность) Compensation Duration (продолжительность) of benefits CD Must have worked at 57,4% of salary. The For a person under О С least 91 days in past sum is gradually 50: up to 30 months. 2 12 months; must be reduced until time For a person over 50; u. seeking work. limit is reached. up to 45 months. Must have worked it depends on one's After year — mini- (Л :з QC at least 11 months. own average salary. First 3 months — 75%; next 4 months — 60%, after that — 45% + 10% on every dependable family member. mal average salary. > Must have worked First 12-32 months: Continues indefinite- C at least 12 months 60-67% of pay- ly. Changes to pen- E in the last three check. After: sion after a person Ш years; must be 53-57% (depending turns 65. о seeking work. on family size). In France____________must have worked at least 91 days in past 12 months; and must be seeking work. They___________57,4% of salary. The duration of benefits___ 30 months. A person over 50 In Germany_________________ to a person under 50 is up to ______benefit up to 45 months. in Russia 2) Compare the conditions, on which the jobless receive benefits in Germany, France, and Russia. Use the appropriate conjunctions and prepositions and the information from the chart. __________________________________________________________________59 [ Is the System of Social Welfare Fair? While in France the unemployed must have worked at least 91 days in past 12 months and must be seeking work, in Germany______________________ Although in Germany after 32 months the jobless receive only 53-57% of paycheck (depending on family size) this benefit continues indefinitely and changes to pension after a person turns 65. 9. Here is what your American friend, who you know very wetl, says about helping the needy. Do you agree with this viewpoint? If not, try to change his opinion, choosing from the suggestions below. I think that the needy should get help from churches, charitable organ-> isations, but not from the state. Yes, but isn't it possible that Surely not, I mean Are you kidding? yfrid what about their family and friends? ____________________________________ Hold on, Yes, but surely you don’t believe Yes, but on the other hand т Is the System of Social Welfare Fair? 1 0. What do you know about Adrian Mole, his parents, his Grandma, Mr Baxter and other characters from the Reader in terms of ‘social security benefits’? What benefits are they entitled to? Why? Complete the chart below. People Benefits Conditions Individual attitude towards the benefits Adrian Adrian's mother Adrian’s father Adrian's Granny Mr Baxter Harry Boyle Bob MacQueen Vic Nairn 11. LINK LIST How do Welfare States operate in different countries? Great Britain The USA Russia Some European country Social benefits Categories of citizens receiving benefits Health Care Services Homes for elderly people Щ What Helps You to Enjoy 3 Yourselves? 1. Do you know these people and these films? Match the information. GRAMMAR FOR REVISION Relative clause Paramount Pictures* is a large corporation which consists of several studios. Mary Pickford* is an American film star who took part in silent films in the 1920s. Warner Brothers* L. Gaidai* Sergei Eisenstein* Leonardo DiCaprio* Titanic* Arrival of a Train E. Ryazanov* American producer to be WB Company Russian director to create the first film in the world American actor to found Romeo and Juliet American film to shoot 11 Oscars Russian director to shoot The Battleship ‘Potemkin’ Russian director to star a lot of comedies French film to win The Caucasian Prisoner ‘Arrival of a Train’ is a French film which was the first film in the world. 62 What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves? 2. Cinema combines different arts. That’s why people of different professions are involved in film making. Who are these people? Match the name of the profession and what they do. camera operator actor costume designer make-up artist boom operator sound mixer director stuntman/-woman editor director of photography producer scriptwriter has general control of the money for a film but he doesn't direct the actors is the boss and tells everybody what to do. He works very closely with the actors in particular looks through the camera, and operates the equipment decides the position of the camera, and everything to do with the light, colour, quantity and direction writes scripts for films, shows holds the microphone does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors chooses the best bits of the shooting film, cuts film and puts the bits together operates the microphones and gets very angry with people who make noises during the filming pretends to be another person and acts in a film prepares costumes; dresses, suits for films can make a new face for an actor A boom operator is a man who holds the microphone.________________ ____________________a person______________________________________ ____________________a woman_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________63 What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves? 3 • Here is a short review of the achievements of Australian cinematography. ГМ1 in the gaps in the story using the words from the box and read it. What new facts about Australian films have you learnt? adventures The Piano shot prize Crocodile Dundee dancers film industry directors directed the government films Hollywood* Australian film industry is as old as____________ lot of good______________. They are proud of their . Australians make a __________________and ____________________________________ gives money to the film companies. Australian films are known all over the world. There are some big international successes such as the____________________________________film, about the_______________in Australia and Strictly Ballroom — a wonderful story about young__________________._______________which is____________________by Jane Campion, won the main___________________ at the Cannes Film Festival* in 1993. One of the most famous Australian_______________________________is Peter Weir. He______________________ Picnic at Hanging Rock. It is a story about a group of schoolgirls who disappeared after a picnic. 4. What kind of films do you like to watch? Add the word film where necessary. I like different films: ____________________________________________________ I like______________________________________________________________________ My favourite films are hate musical . thriller feature _ comedy action documentary detective____ adventure love story _ historical__ melodrama western_____ travel _____ science fiction screen version of a novel V/hat Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves? 5. WORD POWER You can evaluate in this way: astonishing awful bad boring dreadful excellent extraordinary fantastic frightful good great horribU impressive lousy magnificent marvellous not bad nothing special nothing to write home about outstandin* reasonable rotten sensational splendid superb wonderfu 1) Which words can be used to describe negative, positive, neither negative i positive attitude? Put the words into 3 columns. Terrible Terrific Not very good 2) Which words can be used with; QRAMMAR m FQOIS . Adjective modifiers It is an awfully boring film. It is an extremely marvellous performance. GS p. 262 very: eood. bad, boring pretty: ____ absolutely: 1 What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves? extremely: really: fairly: totally: 6. Here is a story about Steven’s likes and dislikes. Change it to show that he really likes or dislikes something. a) I like to go to the cinema. b) I prefer to watch action films. c) They are very dynamic. d) I don’t like melodramas. e) They are full of tears. f) I hate tears. g) 1 dislike theatre, especially opera. h) It is very complicated, i} ! enjoy comedies. He does like to eo to the cinema. 7. What would you say in these situations? Finish up the sentences. . .. ■■ Ш1Лр(В1ЯЙ, '' jfij Emphatic structures He does love it. I do love it. I did enjoy myself. GS p. H77 What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves? a) — What a splendid picture! You like it, don’t you? — J do like it (like). e) - 66 It makes me cry! I____________(hate) crying. b) — 1 don’t understand this play. And 1 don’t like it. — And I ________________(enjoy). f) — Do you really want to watch a ballet? — I _______________________ (want). c) — The film was so rotten! g) — Did you like the film? — But I ________________(like) it. — Oh, yes, I____________________(like) it. d) — How magnificent! I like it a lot. And you? h) — Did you like the performance? — I ____________________ (love) it. — ! ___________________________ (enjoy). 8. Express emotionally your opinion about various thin9s. GRAMMAR IN FOCUS Exclamations How + adjective What (+ adjective) + noun How beautiful! What a surprise! How strange! What strange people! How + a djective/a dverb + What + object + subject + subject + verb verb How magnificently she sings! What a marvellous play we saw! GS p. 276 You see a wonderful picture. _________ You've watched a dreadful performance. You see something awful. _____________ You see something beautiful.___________ You see something that surprises you. You are looking at strange people. ____ You see a woman wearing funny clothes. ________________________ You are watching a performance. The actor is playing badly. „ You are listening for a man who talks a lot of nonsense. ______ 67 I What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves? 9. There are a lot of theatres in Russia but the most famous is the Bolshoi Theatre. * Do you know the history of the Bolshoi Theatre? Put in the missing words in the right form. There are two extra words. The first building of the Bolshoi Theatre was built in 1776. The modern building of the theatre was created by the architect 0. Bovet in 1825. In the theatre 1)_______________and 2)____________________of M. Glinka,* A. Dargomyzhsky,* P. Tchaikovsky* are performed. In the theatre famous Russian 3)__________________ I. Kozlovsky,* E. Obraztsova,* A. Pirogov* 4)_______________. The most outstanding 5)________________G. Ulanova,* M. Plisetskaya,* V. Vasiliev,* M. Liepa* 6)_______________. 10. What can you say in these situations? (Use ex. 2.2), Lesson 5.) a) — Did you find that enjoyable? — That was a great show. b) __________________________________________________________ — I must say I’m not fond of opera. c) — Shall we go to the theatre tomorrow? d) — With great pleasure. e) — What did you feel about the film Gone with the Wind? f) — I thought it wasn’t too bad. g) — Enjoyed the comedy? h) — It is the best play I’ve ever seen, i) — Do you like Sean Connery? т What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves? j) Nicole -Kidman is really great! 1 1 . Imagine conversations that suit these conversation charts. You can speak about theatre, cinema, books, pictures and so on. a) Asking about someone’s feelings and impressions b) Asking about someone’s feelings and impressions Expressing dislikes Refusing Explaining why Consolidation 12. Find the word that Is different. Explain why It is different. 1) cartoon, western, opera, documentary 2) excellent, superb, great, dreadful 69 What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves? 3) ‘PG’, ‘GP’, ‘NC-17’, 'R’ 4) thriller, opera, ballet, tragedy 5) awful, terrific, lousy, horrible 6) absolutely, really, extremely, very 13. WORDSEARCH Do the crossword. Find the following words. You can look for them in these ways ~j_|~ ^ and other variations. насилие (жестокость) оператор выдающийся зрители детектив снимать сюжет музыкальный фильм ужасный представление комедия p E E D E 1 R R 0 U F R C N T D E 0 s T 0 R M A E C C T T A M A L V 1 T 1 1 D N u C E L 0 E V N G P s 1 N C E S 0 T 0 L A E E L C H 0 Y T T U C N В 0 M E D E H D 1 E 1 0 R A R A T H 0 R R p E T 0 E R 14. Here are some posters of ofd films. Can you restore them? ^ «cnrfef -— Лж* d*i- , •■ -■'i"*,-»' Ш.Л Talk to Str..gers ________________________________________________________________________^ What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves? Л 5. Here are the impressions about two different films. Choose the words from the box and put them into the gaps and find out what genres these films are. 1) Wonderful/horrible/magnificent/rotten 2) Romantic/realistic/mysterious/boring 3) Criminals and detectives/vampires and werewolves/music and singing/fights and shooting 4) True to life/boring/moving/dynamic 5) Couldn't help crying/couldn’t help yawning/made me want to laugh/made me want to scream 1. Yesterday I saw a 1)_________________film. I’ve never seen such a 2}____________story before. The film was stuffed with the adventures of the unusual things such as 3)_______________and_____________ . They were so 4) _______________ But I adore such films. The girl saw II. Some days ago I saw a 1)_____ that they 5) and hide. film. It was a 2) It story. There were a lot of 3)__________________________________ was so 4)________________that 1 5)_______________but the happy end of the film made me feel wonderful too. The boy saw_____________________ 16. GRAMMAR IN FOCUS you are reading a review of the new play. First you don't like it very much, but while reading you like it more and more. How will your words change? fairly extremely very absolutely pretty really It is a fairlu sood plau. 71 What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves? 17. You and your friend went to the cinema. You watched one of the action films, 1) What are your impressions if you tike the fiim? 2) What are your impressions if you don’t like the film? Student 1 It is absolutelu masnificent. Student 2 18. The director of the film is scolding the young actor. What cenversation might take place between them? GRAMMAR IN FOCUS Emphatic structures i did enjoy myself. He does like the play. 1 do love theatre. GS p. 277 72 What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves? Why don’t you work hard? Why haven’t you learnt the role by heart? Why didn’t you come here? Why don’t you look at me? Why aren’t you ready for work? Why haven’t you changed the costume? VWiy don’t you follow my instructions? Why aren’t you a star? But I do work hard! 1 9 • How would you express ttie same idea to sound more enthusiastic? GRAMMAR IN FOCUS Exclamations What a wonderful play 1 saw! How magnificent it is! What strange people 1 saw yesterday! GS p. 276 What a stranse picture! 1) That’s a strange picture. 2) That's interesting. 3) He is a great actor. 4} That’s a marvellous ballet. 5) That’s a realistic performance. 6) She plays awfully. 7} She sings magnificently. 8) That’s marvellous. 9) There are wonderful actors in our theatre. 20. Finish up the sentences to make a story. 1) The best wau of spendins my free time is soins to the theatre. 2) I always feel happy when______________________________________ 3) What I like best is___________________________________________ 4) In the theatre________________________________________________ 5) Opera is______________________________________________________ 6) How __________________________________________________________ 7) I ____________________________________________________________ п Vfltttt Helps You to Вфу Yourselves? 21. LINK LIST English-speaking countries Russia The biggest film corporations Famous directors Actors Producers Classification of films The centre of theatre life ~ Inventions That Shook 3 the World 1. VOCABULARY BUILDING What are the names of some more machines and gadgets often found in the home and office? Match a word in A with the correct word in B. A. B. electric -— bike portable CD player exercise toothbrush cassette cassette notebook computer facsimile system video machine mobile PC (personal computer) audio and video player personal telephone 2. What are these gadgets and machines used for? Use the words in the box. GRAMMAR FOR REVISION V-/ng form; spelling to collect — collecting to have — having to get — getting to control — controlling to copy — copying A mower A camera A telephone A typewriter A calculator A talking alarm clock A dishwasher A microwave oven cuttins and collectins the srass. is for to wake up people to cook food to do calculations to tell the time to cut and collect the grass to type information to wash dishes to take photographs to receive and make calls в 75 Inventions That Shook the World 3. WORD BUILDING Different gadgets and machines are used to perform everyday tasks. What are these things called? mowing lawns a lawn mower frying food _________________ making tea _________________ A thing A machine for browning slices of bread is a t..........er opening cans __________ mixing food __________ drying hair __________ A tool shaving __________ 4. VOCABULARY BUILDING Modern inventions. Use the pictures to complete the word puzzle. Find mystery word number 11, another modern invention. в ж Inventions That Shook the World 5. Thomas Edison‘s was a great American inventor. He patented over 1000 inventions. What are some of his inventions and improvements? How did it happen? 1) Emilie Berliner improved and patented a gramophone which had been invented by T. Edison in 1877 and was known as a phonograph. First Thomas Edison invented a phonograph in 1877. Later Emilie Berliner improved that machine and patented it as a sramophone. 2) In August of 1877 T. Edison improved a talking machine which had been invented by Charles Grow in 1877. He replaced a wax turntable by a tinfoil turntable. 3) On August 12, 1877, Edison began experimenting with an apparatus which had been already ordered and built for him. 4) Thomas Edison invented and produced many new items and improvements of the telegraph which had been invented by Samuel F. B. Morse in 1837. 5) By the time Thomas Edison organised an ‘invention factor7’ in 1877 a lot of inventions and improvements had been already made by him and his assistants. 6) One of Thomas Edison’s first inventions was an improvement on A. Bell’s telephone which had been invented by Alexander Bell in 1876. 7) Over a year 1600 materials had been tested by Thomas Edison before he developed a light bulb (лампа накаливания). в п Inventions That Shook the World 6. Great inventions have been made by Russian scientists and engineers. What were these inventions? What other inventions were made along the same line within that period of time? 1) In 1779, the Russian inventor Ivan Kulibin made a lamp that produced a very bright light. In 1783 the Swiss physicist Argand added the glass chimney to the lamp. (... that ...) In 1783. the Swiss physicist Armnd added the Slass chimneu to the lamp that had been invented by Ivan Kulibin._____________________________ 2} On November 23, 1802, Russian scientist V. Petrov discovered the electric arc. But his discovery remained unknown in the West. In 1811, Humphry Davy, the British scientist, discovered the arc again and called it the voltaic arc. (By the time ...) 3) A young Russian engineer, Alexander Lodygin made the first successful light bulb in 1873. In 1877, Thomas Edison learnt about the lamp, improved and later patented it. (... which 4) In 1875, Mendeleyev put forward the idea of building a high-altitude balloon (стратостат). Shortly afterwards, in 1886, Tsiolkovsky designed an all-metal dirigible. (... modified ... , the idea of which ...) 5) In 1878, Mozhaisky designed the first aeroplane. The aircraft was tested on August 1, 1882. It was only in 1903 that two Americans Orville and Wilbur Wright built an aeroplane like Mozhaisky’s. (By the time ...) 6) In 1814, George Stephenson invented the steam locomotive. In 1829, in Russia the Cherepanovs, father and son, invented and built a steam locomotive better than George Stephenson’s. (... improved ... which ...) в 7» Inventions That Shook the World 7. All these expressions can be used to talk about different things. Divide them into two groups: positive and negative. Add some more. It’s really invaluable! It’s terrific! It’s very helpful! It’s no use. It’s really nifty. It’s totally useless! It might come in handy. It’s just the thing. It’s garbage. It’s junk. It’s exciting. It’s terrible. Positive Negative 8, It’s ГЮ1 an easy matter to choose a new electric unit. Roman is trying to make a choice. 1) Does the dialogue chart below tit the conversation of Roman and the shop assistant? (Use Students Book, Unit 7, Lesson 5, ex. 1.2). Saying you need help Saying what you want Asking about preference Asking for personal information Giving yourself time to think Saying what your choice is Saying a reason for your choice Giving yourself time to think Advising what to choose Saying a reason for your choice Giving personal information Expressing likes ► Asking for advice Explaining what to do Warning Saying you will follow the instructions Expressing surprise Responding to thanks Warning Thanking 79 Inventions That Shook the World 2) Write down some other ways of expressing likes and surprise appropriate for this conversation. Consolidation 9. What’s your opinion about the inventions? Choose a word from the box to make up a statement. GRAMMAR HINT Degress of comparison of adjectives The most important invention for women is a washing machine. GS p. 261 amazing ordinary surprising old dangerous ridiculous expensive strange good bad silly unusual The best invention is 10. Here are some facts about sewng and washmg machines. Did it take much time to create the machines we use today? Fill in the blanks with the verbs that suit. 1) Many American inventors tried to find ways to ease the process of washing. By 1873, some 2,000 patents____________________________for washing machines. Most of these machines_________________clumsy devices with washer blades that had to be turned by hand, (were/had been issued) 2} In the early 1900s, electric machines Advertisements proclaimed the wonders of these machines. But it was в Inventions That Shook the World not until about 1937 that manufacturers_ ic machines. Within a few years, the ___fully automat old washboan for ever, (came up with/was washed up/appeared 3) In 1830, Barthelemy Thimonnier machine. The machine_________ Later Thimonnier _____________ the first sewin of wood, but it his machine and in 1845 h it with patents both in England and the United State (designed and made/was made/worked/improved/protected) 4) Between 1832 and 1834 the American Walter Hunt________ more advanced sewing machine than that which__________ Thimonnier. (had been invented/had designed and made) the sewii 5) In the middle of the 19th century, although it_________ machine________very many people, (didn’t interest/had been teste 6) The American Isaac Merritt Singer some improvements the machine that by Howe and (had been invented/made/patented) 7) Later the automatic feeding of the cloth (подача ткани) tt by the American Allen B. Wilson_______________________________1 sewing machine greatly, (improved/had been introduced) 8) In 1851, another American William 0. Grover __________ machine which__________ the double chain stitch (двой( стежок), (made/invented) 81 Keys Keys Unit 1 1. 2) a) the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Timor Sea, the Arafura Sea, the Tasman Sea, the Coral Sea, the Murray River, the Darting River, the Great Dividing Range, the Kimberley Range, the Hamerslay Range, the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert, the Simpson Desert b) the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of California, the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence River, the Great Salt Lake, the Mississippi River, the Missouri, the Yukon, the Colorado, the Columbia, the Hudson, the Appalachian Mountains, the Cordilleras, the Rocky Mountains c) the Severn, the Avon, the Thames, the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the English Channel, the Strait of Dover, the Clyde, the British Isles, the Orkney and Shetland Islands, the Lake District, the Midlands, the Highlands, the Lowlands, the Pennines, the Cheviot Hills 4. self-reliance — self-reliant self-confidence — seff-confident friendliness — friendly politeness — polite submission — submissive cautiousness — cautious love of compromise — a lover of compromise hospitality — hospitable risk-taking — a risk-taker toughness — tough predictability — predictable optimism — optimistic skepticism — skeptic mobility — mobile Card A Do you know where the Great Lakes are situated? Do you know which lake is the largest of the Great Lakes? Do you know which is the biggest state of the USA? Do you know which states are separated from the others? Do you know how many time zones there are in the USA? Do you know what and where is the first National Park? Do you know which state Disney World is situated in? Do you know which state is the highest mountain in? Card В Do you know which is the longest river? Do you know what the first capital of the USA was? Do you know what is the smallest state of the USA? Do you know what city 1996 Summer Olympics were held in? Do you know which state the highest tree grovvs in? Do you know which four states begin with the word rrew? Do you know what the lowest spot of the USA is? 7. there is, there are, there is no, there are no. there is, there are, there is 8. Could you tell me, what kind of vegetables and fruits you grow in your garden, please? I should be interested to know what are the major country’s exports and imports. I wonder if you could tell me, what is the manager's home telephone number. Excuse me, d’you know how I can get to the travel agency? Can you tell me, what is your country's climate in different seasons like? 10. The Mississippi is a river in the USA. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. Lake Windermere is the biggest lake in England. Mt. McKinley is the highest mountain in North America. The Volga is the longest river in Europe. Sidney is the most populous city in Australia. ____________________________________________________________________________________^ Keys it. river, field, park, mountain 12. Do you knowr why Scotland is called the Land of Loch and River and Mountain? Do you know why people call Canada the Land of Maple Leaf and Mountains? Do you know what country the phrase 'the tyranny of distance’ is referred to? Do you know what are the nicknames of Russia? Do you know what country is called the Land of Cakes? 13. Could you tell me, what travel documents I need, please? Can you tell me, if I need a visa, please? I'd like to know what are the customs regulations. 1 should be interested to know what my duty- and tax-free allowances are. Could you tell me, if I need medical insurance, please? 14. 1) Could you tell me, when buses start going, please? 2) Do you know how the people who live in New 'tork are called? 3) Could you tell me, how long the tour of the White House will last, please? 4) (no correction) Unit 2 1. Legislative branch Parliament: the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the monarch Executive branch the government: the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, non-cabinet ministers Functions Legisiative branch: approve bills control the executive/government discuss a new law examine bills vote on the bills revise bills pass laws delay bills The Opposition in the Commons; forms the Shadow Cabinet opposes government policies Executive branch: rule the country in fact determine government policies coordinate government departments (B данном упражненш могут быть и другие сочетания.) 2. а, cabinet; Ь. lords; с. ministers; d. majority; е. opposition; f, queen; g. house commons 83 Keys 4. 1} 6.2) a. commons; b. hard-working; c. popular; d. risky; e. cigar; f. should; g. patient; h. skilful; i. love Churchill 7. Expressing admiration Marvellous! T Fantastic! > Super! J D’you happen to know anything about . (Вы случайно не знаете что-нибудь о Have you got any idea about ... ? D’you happen to know that ... ? Know ... 7 (A вы знаете, (что) ... 7) 7) That's what 1 heard. Yes, in fact, I did know about Yes, I have heard about ... . I’ve been told that ... . thanks. Are you serious? Who’d have thought it? (Кто бы мог подумать?) Well, I never! (Вот те на!) Really? 8. } Asking if someone knows about something Saying you know about something Expressing surprise Political systems and institutions A monarchy, a constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy, a presidential republic, a federal republic Parliament, the House of Commons, the Hou.se of Lords, the Cabinet, Congress, the House of Representatives, the Senate, the President’s Administration, the Supreme Court, the Federal Assembly, the Duma, the Federation Council, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court Political activities to revise a bill, to appoint the Prime Minister, to appoint ministers, to determine government policies, to make laws, to ccxirdinate government departments, to discuss political problems, to form the Shadow Cabinet, to form the Cabinet, to examine bills, etc. People involved in politics A president, a prime minister, the Chairman of the Government, a senator, a representative, a queen, a king, MPs (members of Parliament), a deputy, a minister, a secretary 84 Keys 10. Article 24. Article 26. Article 27. Article 32. Article 38. Article 41 Article 43. Article 48. 11. People shall never be jobless. Old people shall be protected by the state. Homeless people shall get their homes. All people shall be equal in law. No one shall have power over We and death. The people shall have the right to rule the country through their representatives. 12. Everyone should obey the law, even the monarch. Freemen should not be punished without a fair trial in court. The King should not tel! the Church what to do. The King's men should not take away the freedom and the property of freemen and merchants. The King should follow the advice of his barons. No one shall inform about the private life of any person, Every citizen shall have the right to use his or her native language; shall freely choose any language for communication, education or other purposes. Every citizen shall have the right to leave freely and come back to the Russian Federation. All citizens shall enjoy the right to take part in ruling the country directly or through their representatives. The state shall protect maternity, childhood and a family. Everyone shall have the right to free medical service. Everyone shall have the right to education. Everyone shall enjoy the right to a qualified judicial help. Unit 3 1. 1) A m-ember of a group Image Values/Behaviour Biker 2- or 3-wheeted motorized vehicles Non-violent Environmentalist Deep concern about nature Hacker A deep understanding of how computers work, can do '‘magical” things Hippie Tolerance (accepting other people as they are), liberal lifestyle Punk Leather jackets, brightly coloured hair, shocking way of wearing clothes Liberal attitude and lifestyle, behaviour and attitude differ from social norms Raver All-night dance parties, thought to be rebellious Scout Getting practical skills in ... Loyalty and responsibility 85 Keys A member of a group Image Values/Behaviour Volunteer Helping people around Young farmer Getting practical skills in ... 1. 2) To identify with a particular subculture To rebel against the society, against the older generation To reject everything (Not) to conform to society standards To express themselves, their own identity 1. 3) Verb Noun Adjective identify identity rebel rebellion rebellious reject rejection shock shocking 1. 4) (a possible answer) to identify with a particular subculture — to develop their own style distinct from others to reject everything — to protest against, to rebel against the older generation to support a liberal attitude and lifestyle — not to conform to society’s standards, to rebel against the society 2. 1) 2) 3) Punk rock (C) violent words, reggae and rockabilly were important intluences on it, played very fast and loud, aggressive Musicians the Sex Pistols, the Clash Acid rock (B) electronic equipment for light and sound, stadium performances with laser and other special effects, causing strange sensations of happiness Musicians Pink Floyd Bock’n’Roll (A) electric guitar and drums, a few simple phrases Musicians Little Richard, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley Techno (E) a futuristic, machine-made sound Musicians the Krattwerk, Prodigy, The Chemical Brothers, Pearl, Jam Reggae (D) a fast style called “ragga”, a heavily accented beat Musicians Bob Marley 3. (a possible answer) Dear Sirs, I am writing to protest against hipoles who I think яге violent. They do not conform to society standards, their behaviour differs from social norms. These people support a liberal attitude and lifestyle and it is not good. According to mv observation these hipoies are drug users. I request that the matter be investigated immediately. Yours faithfully. 86 Keys Dear Sirs, I am writing to support hippies who support a liberal attitude and lifestyle We live in a democratic society ir own Identity. If they want to they should have such an opportunity. and any person can express himself (herselfV Besides they though their behaviour and attitude differ from social norms their beliefs are good. want to change the world for the best. I request that something be done to help these teenagers. Yours faithfully. V. Sidorov 4. romantic, couch potato, cool, sportsman, lazy bone, mutant 5. 2) Young people today like young people some years ago gather for the festivals. 3) Today teenagers help disabled people as pioneers did many years ago. 4) Teenagers make performances for small children as Komsomol members and pioneers did. 5) There are special places where teenagers with special interests may gather like Palaces of Pioneers. 6) Teenagers now like teenagers many years ago like to read. 6. 1) as; 2) like; 3) are not; 4) are not; 5) have not 7. 1) like; 2) as; 3) like; 4) like; 5) like 9. 1) A — f, B — c, C — a 9. 2) Any possible situations to the left phrases which are b. formal; d. informal; e. informal 10. f may be some other variants, but they should be explained) a) to conform (all the rest show negative attitude); b) liberal (all the rest show negative attitude); c) rebellious (all the rest describe a volunteer); d) classic (all the rest are music styles popular with teens); e) punk (all the rest are organisations) 11. a. hacker; b. skinhead; c. punk; d. computer; e. biker; f. raver Bill Clinton was a hippie. 12. To reject — rejection, rejecting To rebel — rebellion, rebellious To conform — conformity, conformist To identify — identity ______________________________________________________________________________________^ Keys То support — supporting A collective — collectivism, collectivist Liberal — liberalism, liberality Distinct — distinction 13. 1) as; 2) like; 3) as; 4) like; 5) like; 6) as 14. 1) clearer; 2) more interesting; 3) more colourful; 4) younger; 5) trendier; 6) as popular as; 7) as interesting as 15. (any possible answers) 16. (any possible conversations fitting the charts) Unit 4 5. said; experimented; explained; started; associated; told; warned; were; added; were; said; might be; mentioned; complained; agreed; had to be 12. 1) Unit 5 In Russia social benefits are paid to the elderly, the sick, the disabled, the unemployed (the jobless), the widowed, the poor, the retired, the young up to 18 and longer if the child continues education. Contributory benefits are paid by the government from the National Insurance contributions made regularly by employers, employees, and the self-employed. Most of the working population in Britain — about 90% — are employees who work for a wage which is paid either weekly or monthly. Another 6% are the self-employed, working on their own and paying themselves from the profits of their work. Another 3% are employers who must first pay their employees and then pay themselves from the profits of their busi- 88 Keys nesses. However, it is not simpty true that the 3% of emptoyers directly employ all the employees. About a third of the working population are employed by the State. And many of the biggest ‘employers’ in Britain are not individuals but trusts, or financial organisations representing hundreds or thousands of shareholders. 4. 1) While/whereas some of these homes are terrible, some other are pretty good, or Some of these homes are terrible, while/whereas some other are pretty good. 2) (AI|though many elderly couples live their own independent lives in ‘sheltered houses’ tiny houses or flats, they are always able to call a trained nurse if they have any difficulties. 3) (Al)though looking after elderly people costs a lot of money, local authorities try to do their best to nneet the needs of all those in difficulties. 4) Because of the shortage of money local authorities suffer to help the needy, there are private homes for those who can afford to live there. 5) (Al)though sometimes new residents sell their own homes to get residential care, this money may not be enough. 6) Because of high fees for residential home care an elderly parent cannot possibly afford living there, or An elderly parent cannot possibly afford living at residential home because of high fees for residential home care. 7) In spite of the fact/despite the fact fthat} social services cost a lot of money local authorities organise them to make independent lives possible for many pensioners. 8) Despite/in spite of heavy financial help many homes for elderly people receive, they are often among the most unsatisfactory. 5. 1) Where the Benefits Go 5.2} a) It is said that one in 10 of some 18 million European workers are jobless. They are entitled to unemployment benefits, though it does not mean that they all claim them. b) Half of the jobless Europeans have been provided with the ‘dole money' tor more than a year. c) Over the last tour years in the United States, 12 million new jobs have become available to Americans. d) The US government contributes to the construction costs of some hospitals. Today there are nearly 7,000 hospitals in the United States, many of them provide some free or low-cost care to those who cannot pay. e) Europeans seem to want to pay unemployment benefits rather than pay low wages. f) Many Germans believe they are entitled not just to a job, but to the right kind of a job. g) Some people, who are elderly, disabled or live on low incomes sometime don't claim the benefits to which they are entitled. h) Some benefits are no longer available to sixteen- to eighteen-year-olds and this has caused difficulties for young people who cannot live at home, but cannot find a job. i) Child benefit is available to everybody, although many rniiddle-class people do not actually need financial help. j) People do not try hard to get a job because they know that in a Welfare State they will be provided with financial help. 7. 1) безопасность — security доход — income еклад/взнос — contribution налог — tax работник — employee пенсия/пособие — benefit страхование — insurance благополучие — welfare служба — service работодатель — employer регулярное денежное пособие оплата/выплата — payment allowance 89 Keys 7. 2) С 0 n _t_ г 1 V w I n c о m m s e c и r i I n s u r a m m n t 7. 3) безработица 8. 1) In France the unemployed must have worked at least 91 days in past 12 months; and must be seeking work. They are entitled to (can claim, receive, are provided with) 57,4% of salary. The duration of benefits available to a person under 50 is up to 30 months; a person over 50 can claim (is provided with, can receive) a benefit up to 45 months. In Germany an unemployed person must have worked at least 12 months in the last three years and must be seeking work. First 12-32 months the unemployed receive (are provided with/can claim) 60-67% of paycheck. After: 53-57% (depending on family size) is/are available to the jobless (the unemployed). In Russia an unemployed person must have worked at least 11 months. Compensation depends on an unemployed person's average salary. Rrst 3 months the unemployed receive (can claim, are provided with) 75%; next 4 months — 60%, after that — 45% + 10% on every dependable family member. After a year minimal average salary is available. 8. 2) While in France the unemployed must have worked at least 91 days in past 12 months and must be seeking work, in Germany an unemployed person must have worked at least 12 months in the last three years and must be .seeking work. In France the unemployed must have worked at least 91 days in past 12 months and must be seeking work, whereas in Russia an unemployed person must have worked at least 11 months. Although in Germany after 32 months the jobless receive only 53-57% of paycheck (depending on family size) this benefit continues indefinitely and changes to pension after a person turns 65. Although in France an unemployed person must have worked only 91 days in past 12 months, he/she must be seeking work. Although in France the (starting) compensation is rather good — 57,4% of salary, the sum is gradually reduced until time limit is reached, {and so on) 90 K0ys Unit 6 1. ‘Arrival of a Train’ is a French film which was the first film in the world. Warner Brothers are American producers who founded WB Company. Leonardo DiCaprio is an American actor who starred in 'Romeo and Juliet’. S. Eisenstein is a Russian director who created 'The Battleship Potemkin’. ‘Titanic’ is an American film which won 11 Oscars. L. Gaidai is a Russian director who shot 'The Caucasian Prisoner'. E. Rya2anov is a Russian director who shot a lot of comedies. 2. A camera operator is a man who looks through the camera, and operates the equipment. An actor is a man/woman who pretends to be another person and acts in a film. A costume designer is a man/woman who prepares costumes; dresses, suits for films, A make-up artist is a man/woman who can make a new face for an actor, A sound mixer is a man/woman who operates the microphones and gets very angry with people who make noises during the filming. A director is a man/woman who is the boss and tells everybody what to do. A stuntman/-woman is a person who does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors. An editor is a man/woman who chooses the best bits of the shooting film, cuts film and puts the bits together. A director of photography is a man who decides the position of the camera and everything to do with the light, colour, quantity and direction. A producer is a man/woman who has general control of the money for a film but he/she doesn’t direct the actors. A scriptwriter is a man/woman who writes scripts for films, shows. 3. Hollywood, films, film industry, the government, Crocodile Dundee, adventures, dancers. The Piano, directed, prize, directors, shot 4. musical, thriller, feature film, comedy, action film, documentary (film), detective film, adventure film, love story, historical film, melodrama, western, travel film, science fiction (film), screen version of a novel 5. 1) Terrible: awful, bad, boring, dreadful, horrible, lousy, rotten, frightful Terrific: astonishing, excellent, extraordinary, fantastic, good, great, impressive, magnificent, marvellous, outstanding, reasonable, sensational, splendid, superb, wonderful Not very good: not bad, nothing special, nothing to write home about 5. 2) very: good, bad, boring, lousy, reasonable pretty: bad, boring, good absolutely: astonishing, awful, boring, dreadful, excellent, extraordinary, fantastic, frightful, great, horrible, impressive, lousy, magnificent, marvellous, outstanding, reasonable, rotten, sensational, splendid, superb, wonderful extremely: awful, bad, boring, fantastic, frightful, good, great, marvellous, impressive, lousy, outstanding, reasonable, rotten, sensational, splendid, vyonderlul really: astonishing, awful, bad, boring, dreadful, excellent, extraordinary, fantastic, fright- 91 Keys ful, good, great, horrible, impressive, lousy, magniticent, marvellous, not bad, nothing special, nothing to write home about, outstanding, reasonable, rotten, sensational, splendid, superb, wonderful fairly: bad, boring, good totally: astonishing, awful, bad, boring, dreadful, extraordinary, frightful, great, horrible, impressive, lousy, magnificent, marvellous, outstanding, rotten, sensational, splendid, superb, wonderful 6. a) He does like to go to the cinema. b) He does prefer to watch action films. c) They are very dynamic. d) He does not like melodramas. e) They are full of tears. f) He does hate tears. g) He does hate (dislike) theatre. h) It is very complicated. i) He does enjoy comedies, 7. a) I do like it. b) And I do enjoy it. c) But I did like it. d) I do love it. e) I do hate crying. f) I do want. g) I did like it. h) I did enjoy it. 8. What a wonderful picture! What a dreadful performance! How awful! How beautiful! What a surprise! What strange people! What funny clothes the woman wears! How badly the actor plays! What nonsense the man talks! 9. 1) operas; 2) ballets; 3) singers; 4) sang; 5) dancers; 6) danced 10. b) Любая фраза из функции Asking about someone’s feelings and impressions. c) Yes, of course (I'm swrry I can’t). d) Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? {или любое другое приглашение) (neutral). e) Любое высказывание из урока 5, функция Expressing likes или Expressing dislikes (neutral). f) Любая фраза из функции Asking about someone’s feelings and impressions (neutral). g) Любая фраза из функции Expressing likes или Expressing dislikes (informal). h) Лю|ая фраза из функции Asking about someone’s feelings and impressions (neutral). i) Любое высказывание из урока 5, функция Expressing likes или Expressing dislikes (neutral). j) Любая фраза из функции Asking about someone’s feelings and impressions (informal), 11. Любой диалог, который подходит для этой схемы. 12. 1) opera; 2) dreadful; 3) ‘GP’; 4) thriller; 5) terrific; 6) very 92 Keys 13. P ____ E F R 0 M o' R "X" C I c‘ D □ N A V - О E I О E C| О О, p D Ic T E S I H I I О M R R I О T 1 N _T > D О u 0_ N . p II |T H и s A U D H 15. 1. 1) wonderful; 2) mysterious; 3) vampires and werewolves; 4) true to life; 5) made me want to scream a horror film II. 1) magnificent; 2) romantic; 3) music and singing; 4) moving; 5) couldn’t help crying a love story 16. It is a pretty good play. It is a very good play. It is a really good play, it is an extremely good play. It is an absolutely good play. 18. Sut I have learnt the role by heart. But I did come here yesterday. But I do look at you! But I am ready for work! But I have changed the costume, i do follow your instructions. I am a star. 19. 2) How interesting! 3) What a great actor he is! 4) What a marvellous ballet! 5) Wtiat a realistic performance! 6) How awfully she plays! 7) How magnificently she sings! 8) How marvellous! 9) What wonderful actors {there are in our theatre)! 20. (Возможны разные варианты ответов.) Unit 7 1. electric toothbrush, portable CD player, exercise bike, cassette player, notebook PC. facsimile machine, video cassette, mobile telephone, audio and video system, personal computer 2. cutting and collecting the grass, taking photographs, receiving and making calls, typing information, doing calculations, waking up people and telling the time, washing dishes, cooking food 3. a food frier, a tea maker, a toaster; a can opener, a food mixer, a hair drier, a shaver 4. I. computer; 2. camera; 3. telephone; 4. fax machine; 5. vacuum cleaner; 6. television; 7. radio; 8. compact disc; 9. video player; 10. dishwasher II. calculator 93 Keys 5. 2) Charles Grow invented a talking machine which had a wax turntable. Later in August of 1877 T. Edison improved it by replacing a wax turntable by a tinfoil one, 3) Edison ordered to build an apparatus which he began experimenting with on August 12, 1877. 4) The telegraph was invented by Samuel F B, Morse in 1837. Thomas Edison invented and produced many new items and improvements of the telegraph 5) Thomas Edison and his assistants made a lot of inventions and improvements. Later in 1877 he organised an ‘invention factory’. 6) Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876. One of Thomas Edison's first inventions was an improvement on Alexander Bell’s telephone. 7) Over a year 1600 materials were tested by Thomas Edison when he was developing a light bulb. 2) By the time Humphry Davy, the British scientist, discovered the voltaic arc in 1811, the electric arc had been already discovered by Russian scientist V. Petrov on November 23, 1802, but his discovery remained unknown in the West. 3) In 1877, Thomas Edison improved and tater patented the lamp which had been made by Alexander Lodygin, a young Russian engineer, in 1873, 4) In 1886, K.E. Tsiolkovsky modified an all-metal dirigible, the idea of which had been put forward by Mendeleyev in 1875. 5) By the time two Americans Orville and Wilbur Wright built an aeroplane in 1903 the first aircraft had been already designed by Mozhaisky in 1878 and tested on August 1, 1882. 6) In 1829, in Russia the Cherepanovs, father and son, improved a steam locomotive which had been invented by George Stephenson in 1814. 7. Positive: It’s really invaluable! It's terrificl It's very helpful! It’s really nifty. It might come in handy. It’s just the thing. It’s exciting. Negative; It’s no use. It’s totally useless! It’s garbage. It's junk. It’s terrible. 10. 1) Many American inventors tried to find ways to ease the process of washing. By 1873, some 2,000 patents had been issued for washing machines. Most of these machines were clumsy devices with washer blades that had to be turned by hand. 2) In the early 1900s, electric machines appeared. Advertisements proclaimed the wonders of these machines. But it was not until about 1937 that manufacturers came up with fully automatic machines. Within a few years, the old washboard was washed up for ever, 3) In 1830, Barthelemy Thimonnier designed and made the first sewing machine. The machine was made of v/ood, but it worked. Later Thimonnier improved his machine and in 1845 he protected it with patents both in England and the United States. 4) Between 1832 and 1834 the American Walter Hunt had designed and made a more advanced sewing machine than that which had been invented by Thimonnier. 5) In the middle of the 19th century, although it had been tested, the sewing machine didn’t interest very many people, 6) The American Isaac Merritt Singer made some improvements to the machine that had been invented by Howe and patented it. 7) Later the automatic feeding of the cloth that had been introduced by the American Alien 8, Wilson improved the sevwng machine greatly. 8) In 1851, another American William 0. Grover invented a machine which made the double chain stitch. _______________________________________________________________94 Keys Contents Unit 1 ......................................................3 Unit 2 .................................................... 17 Unit 3 ......................................................26 Unit 4 .................................................... 39 Unit 5 ................................................... 51 Unit 6 ......................................................61 Unit 7 , .....................................................74 Keys . .....................................................81 Учебное издание Кузоалев Владимир Петрович Лапа Наталья Михайловна Перегудова Эльвира Шакировна Костина Ирина Павловна Кузнецова Елена Вячеславовна Дуванова Ольга Викторовна Кобец Юлия Николаевна Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь 10—11 гспассы Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копытва Зам. руководителя Н. И. Максименко Редактор Н. Н. Кузнецова Художественный редактор & Л, Михайлова Художник Ю. В. Лузгина Компьютерная верстка Е. А. Барсоиидзе Технический редактор О. А. Жук Корректор И, Б. Окунева Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукдии ОК 005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 27.06.12. Формат 70x100 Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура PragmaticaC. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 5,17, Тираж 25 000 экз. Заказ № 823, Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Отпечатано 8 ОАО «Первая Образцовая типография» Филиал «Чеховский Печатный двор» 142300, Московская обл,, г, Чехов, ул. Полиграфистов, д. 1,