Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Баранова Дули

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Баранова Дули - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Starlight (Старлайт) звездный английский:

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1 АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Рабочая тетрадь 9 класс Учебное пособие для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка 4-е издание Г || • Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2016 Contents Module 1 C Module 5 la ... p. 4 5a ... p. 60 1b ... p. 5 5b ... p. 61 1c, d ... p. 6 5c, d ... p. 62 1e ... p. 7 5e ... p. 63 If ... p. 8 5f ... p 64 Ig ... p. 9 5g ... p. 65 Ih ... p. 10 5h ... p. 66 1i D. 11 5i D. 67 1, Speaking ... p. 13 5, Speaking ... p. 69 Language & Grammar Review ... p. 14 Language & Grammar Review ... p. 70 Reading Task ... p. 15 Reading Task ... p. 71 Building Up Vocabulary ... p. 16 Building Up Vocabulary ... p. 72 Language Knowledge ... p. 17 Language Knowledge ... p. 73 Г Module 2 Г Module 6 2a ... p. 18 6a ... p. 74 2b ... p. 19 6b ... p. 75 2c, d ... p. 20 6c, d ... p, 76 2e D. 21 6e D. 77 2f ... p. 22 6f ... p. 78 2g ... p. 23 6g ... p. 79 2h ... p. 24 6h ... p. 80 2i D. 25 6i D. 81 2, Speaking p. 27 6, Speaking ... p. 83 Language & Grammar Review ... p. 28 Language & Grammar Review ... p. 84 Reading Task p. 29 Reading Task ... p. 85 Building Up Vocabulary ... p. 30 Building Up l7ocabulary ... p. 86 Language Knowledge ... p. 31 Language Knowledge ... p. 87 f Module 3 3a ... p. 32 3b ... p. 33 3c, d ... p. 34 3e ... p. 35 3f ... p. 36 3g ... p. 37 3h ... p. 38 3i ... p. 39 3, Speaking ... p. 41 Language & Grammar Review ... p. 42 Reading Task ... p. 43 Building Up.Vocabulary ... p. 44 Language knowledge ... p. 45 Г Module 4 4a ... p. 46’''. 4b ... p. 47 4c, d ... p. 48 4e ... p. 49 4f ... p. 50 4g ... p. 51 4h ... p. 52 4i ... p. 53 4, Speaking ... p. 55 Language & Grammar Review ... p. 56 Reading Task ... p. 57 Building Up Vocabulary ... p. 58 Language Knowledge ... p. 59 4 ко Vocabulary , ★ Fill in: temporary, livestock, stilt, drought, monsoon, possessions, idyllic, harsh, sp^arsely, tribe. The Tuareg wear blue veils to protect themselves from the .................sand of the desert. The Fulani of Africa is the world's largest nomadic.................... , Some areas in Mongolia are........e.\.. populated due to the very cold weather. The ........'?..!?!?!?.!”) season with its severe rains lasts more than half a year in Thailand. The Mongolian nomads make ......... ★ Choose the correct word. We often take our safety for grantfid/sure. He was^trucky_beat by how friendly the tribe was. 3 She spottedAwitnessed first hand how the tribe lived. 4 Please offer/hel£ yourself to whatever you need. 5^ The tribe likes to sbflw/indicate hospitality by 'faring a meal with visitors. itne shelters with tents until they move to another area. Many Tuareg are now................... herderS in the desert. Besides their boats, spears ap^^ietSi the Moken people have few.......... Severe .........has dried up many water holes and is making it difficult for the Tuareg to live in the desert. The Mongolian nomads seem to have a(n) .....................way of life living happily off the land. The Moken live in .................... huts for part of the year. ★, Fill in: settle, rear, flee, migrate, face and treated. A Disappearing Way of Life Today many tribes around the world 1) t 10 serious problems of survival. For years they have li^d peacefully off the land. Some tribes hunt and fish, while nthers 21 j" РЛ;..-!... animals. Many tribes are nomadic. aiound ar,d 3) In « a,^ Now their way of life is under threat. Some tribes M...................their lands due to logging companies and farmers taking over the lai^ Many tribal people are forced to 5)........b.L^T^V.ry^o cities where they are 0) .....1^....:-'иГроЬг1у and are unable to find work. 4 Grammar v ★ Complete the sentences with the correct present tense. Every year the Moken sea gypsies.... ...........(stay) in huts for part of the year. Recent bad weather ....................... (cause) water holes to dry up, resulting in the Tuareg moving to the cities. The Mongolian Nomads often ....... ....(enjoy) entertaining guests in their tents. These days the Moken people .............. .....(struggl#]Pfib maintain their way of life. The nomadic tribe .. (just/move) to a new location. The Moken people ........ (know) the sea better than most people. The farmer is tired; he.. (work) in the fields all day. ★ Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense. The Batek people are a nomadic tribe that 1)......................(move) around the rainforest of Malaysia. They 2).......(hunt) small animals and 3).........(gather) plants and fruits for food. For many years now, the Mal^sian government 4) Vy.^Xfo?^.‘?...;i.^*j5:^.iV.i.O^ (аЙет^По settle the Batek in selected farming areas with the intention of logging the rainforest. However, many Batek people 5) (already/reject) these areas and 6) ...C./c..i?i?.Vt;'..i/‘f'^.Virf).4'.^!(now/ return) back to the rainforest. Problems in these farming areas 7) .(>.f.‘^..%!fi:V.*5'.'^become) worse and worse each day as the Batek people often 8) .... (go) hungry and conflicts 9)..........rXf^Я (arise) amongst tribe members. Most Batek 10) .... (believe) they are better off with their old way of life. 1 Ц-1 -f 2 + ■I' 4 + 5 2 + 1 Ч 2 Ч 3 4 4 -f 5 -f 6 3 Л'! -3 Ч 4 Ч 5 i 6 Vocabulary ★ Fill in: emotional, overwhelming, spears, treasure, exception, convinced. The Insect tribe doesn’t norrnally allow visitors but they made a(n) ......for us. They make their own weapons such as bows and arrows. . i 3 I was ......that the tribal leader would be suspicious of strangers but he was very welcoming. We were grateful to our hosts for their hospitality. ^ i. We became very ..........................when ^ it was time to say goodbye to the tribe. . 4 We will always................................. the memory of our visit to Papua New Guinea. у ★ Circle the correct word. Gasgs/Breaths of wonder could be heard when the tribespeople saw an automobile for the first time. The man went through the revolying/circling door and entered the building. The tribe lived in a secluded/lonely mountain village. He swapped/switched his flat in the city for a house in the county. The Londor\^fye is a popular tourist spot/mark. The tribespeople live in wooden covers/shejt^. ★ Fill in: to, with, of, by, after, for. Tom is finding it hard to adapt............... life in a big city. The foreigners were met..........'..suspicion when they entered the remote village. They travelled across the river ..........boat. It is common for families to look ..9-Ч.Ч?!.... their elders, Sam works in a retirement home and cares the elderly. The London Eye is a great source..........?... delight for most tourists. 5 f 1 Ч f: В '-t 3 4- 2 A: Grammar ★ Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. A: I ..............(think) of buying a house in the country. B: I..............................(think) that's a great idea. A: .........(you/enjoy) reading National Geographic rpaaazines? Not really, but I ......................... (enjoy).this particular one. A: Why ....l.?.....Svi?r.h?>.C.4.............. (be/Richard) so upset today? B: I'm not sure, but he ............ (be) very rude! g A: What .:'4>-^...'^.'r.\....^.'44you/look) at? B; Some photos from my holidays in Papua New Guinea. I ............ (nq,t/look) very good in them, though. ★ Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense. A; ......(you/enjoy) the documentary on indigenous tribes last night? B: No, even though I .............................. (read) good reviews of it in the TV guide, ^ What at 9 o'clock yesterday evening? B: I .............................(surf) the Net and I ...vЛr^-.V^....'r..Ч.‘;#&.^.(chat) with my friends online., A: While I ................(ride) my bike in the park the other day, I ...................(have) a terrible accident. B: Oh, my! ............. (you/hurt) yourself? A: What time ...ei^.4..^.V!v..g'.C....:............ (you/go) to the gym yesterday? B: At 8 pm. When I got there, ...hfh.^............. ............^^.i.':'’..?:!«it^..!'^4(already/!eave). A; Why ..,.a.iA.....L0:-..C£.;^...!.^.Q.^.......... (Larry/look) so tired yesterday? B: Because he....... (walk) around the city all day. 5 Vocabulary \ ★ Fill in: trace, undergo, acquire, process, burde^ plckname, exchange, gateway, 1 Jamie has been researching his family history in * order to............his ancestry. 2 New York City is also known by the The Big Apple.' 3 Due to mass immigration, Ellis Island became known as the ............to America. 4 At Ellis Island, the entire irrimigration took only a few hours. , 5 Many people moved to America to J'' their own piece of land.^,.jf “^ 6 All arrivals have to.....a medical examination. 7 Travellers cap obtain ^dollars in the money Speaking ★ Choose the correct response. A: Can I see your passport? B: Here you are. b That's great. A: How many pieces of luggage are you checking in? B: a Put it on the conveyer belt. Just this one suitcase. a rea. Criminals are a ...............to society. (], Use Of English •k Read the text and think of the word which best fits ea^h gap. Use only one word in each gap. Get a taste of the Wild West at Enchanted Spring Ranch, Texas! This reconstructed western village will transport you 0) back in time, allowing you to experience what life was really 1)......in 19®* century America. Upon arrival, guests 2)...................greeted by the town sheriff, 3) ...vkYvts....will take you on a wagon tour of the ranch. Watch 4).....It'.tC'.....awe as cowboys lasso horses and be amazed ..by the many exotic animals the ranch has to offer; 5) ....d:.':;?." zebras to buffalo, we have it 6)..cA\.......I Afterwards, visitors are free to wander around the streets of the old West 7)..........they will see a variety of Interactive shows. 8).......of the most popular attractions is Pistol Packin' Paula, a two-time world champion pistol twirler. 9)..................top of this, you can go horse riding, enter a saloon and even get -thrown in the iailhouse! When the day finally comes 10).................an end, visitors have the opportunity to enjoy the chuck wagon dinner. Accompanied 11)...................... a Wild West stunt show, the tasty barbecue banquet is sure to wtisfy even the hungriest 12)..........Q^..........cowboys. A: Did you pack your luggage yourself? B; a No problem. ,b tSf course. A: Do you have any prohibited items in your hand luggage? B: a Alright, that's all. \Ы No, nothing. A: Would you like an aisle seat? B: a OK. Gate 73 at 3:15. b 'No, window please. A: Enjoy your flight. B: a Here is your boarding card. ^ Thank you very much. ★ ★ Use sentences from Ex. 3 to write and/or act out your own dialogue at the airport. Follow the plan. 4..:^ О Ask to see B's passport. -Ask how many suitcases 8 will be checking in. Tell В to put luggage on conveyer belt. Ask В if he/she packed the luggage. Ask what seat В wants. Give back papers & tell В which gate to go to & at what time. Wish В a good flight. О Offer passport. Say how many. Agree. Reply. Reply. Thank A. The Fish Skin Tribe Nestled along the banks of the Songhua River in northeastern China are a series of settlements that belong to a very remarkable tribe. For centuries, the Hezhen people have dominated the waters of this region, spending their entire lives in and around the river. As a result, fishing is integral to their way of life. They spend their days catching fish, eating fish and even making bedding and clothing out of fish! This unique practice has earned them the nickname The Fish Skin Tribe’. In order to ensure a good catch, the Hezhen sing songs, known as yimakan, throughout the night. Such songs are of primary importance to the Hezhen, who use yimakan for good luck. With no written language, these songs are also the means through which their traditions are passed down from one generation to the next. Thus storyteiiing keeps their history aiive. The harsh winters of China present a major obstacie in Hezhen iife. The rivers freeze over and the region becomes bianketed with snow, Reading Task Luckiiy, the Hezhen people have adapted to the seasons. When winter falls, they head into the forest to hunt. Using sled dogs toj manoeuvre through the trees, the Hezhen are as adept aj hunting as they are at fishing. And when a hunting group returns, yimakan is performed to celebrate their success. Unfortunately, the influence of the outside world is greatlyj threatening the Hezhen community. Industrial waste | has polluted the rivers, and fish-skin leather is being replaced by cheap manufactured fabrics, Moreover, the unique dialect spoken by the Hezhen people is slowly becoming extinct, with only the older generation of Hezhens able to speak it fluently. If left unpreserved, the Hezhen way of life may soon become nothing but a distant memory, with only a handful of -. yimakan to tell the story of ' what once was. I 'k Read the article. For questions 1-5, choose the answer A, B, C, or D. 1 What is the main purpose of the article? A To compare the Hezhens with the modern-day Chinese. В To show the influence of modern culture on ethnic minorities. C To examine the traditions of the Hezhen people. D To relay a story from the Fish Skin Tribe. 2 How did the Hezhen become known as 'The Fish Skin Tribe'? A They never settle on dry land, В They often swim in the river. C They onJi^ eat fish skins. D They use fish to make fabric. 3 What is the purpose of Hezhen storytellit\g'?, A To bring good fortune C To encourag6^children to write В To celebrate the evening D To entertain the youngsters 4 How do the Hezhen people survive the winter? A By ice fishing in the river В By storing food throughout the seasons C By migrating to a warmer climate D By hunting using sled dogs 5 How do modern-day Hezhens differ from their ancestors? A They do not keep the river clean. В They prefer to wear animal leather, C They are losing their native language. D They have forgotten their distant past, Vocabulary > ★ Fill in: scavenge, discarded, sort, edible, consumer, pitying, tempted. 1 I am......................to try a slice of that pie. 2 Freegans choose to.............. for food instead of paying for it. 3 Even when food passes its sell-by date, it is usually still...... 4 Passers-by often give freegans a .............................look. 5 Could you ..................... through the recycling bin and separate the plastics from the metals? 6 We must try to reduce our ............................waste. 7 Most ......................food can still be eaten. 7 Vocabulary *1 a) ★ Fill in: foreseeable, bustling, wheeling, vending, jangle, migrant. machine . of coins ... future 4 ..........workers 5 ....passengers 6 ........suitcases b) ★ Choose four phrases from Ex. la and make sentences using them. 1 2 3 4 2 Choose the correct word. 1 We'll have to hurry/rush so that we don't miss our flight. 2 She had difficulty/trouble in understanding the online booking form. 3 Paul is in search/pursuit of a better job. 4 Many airport staff turn a blind/cover eye to the homeless people and don't report them. 5 Many homeless plan to stay temporarily/ provisionally at the airport until they can find a home. 6 She gives the image/impression that she is happy despite her economic problems. 3 ★ Fill in: up, from, in (x2), with, down, on. 1 The homeless woman tries to blend............. with the airport passengers. 2 The airport officials agreed to engage ....... a security check this afternoon. 3 He curled............by the fire and fell asleep. 4 Airport security cannot distinguish most homeless people..............passengers. 5 She put..........a brave face as she prepared to sleep on the park bench for the night. 6 The terminal quietens ................. around 9 pm when most of the shops close. 7 Jane would like to reconnect ............. her relatives but is afraid after so many years. Grammar ^ ★ Put the adjectives/adverbs in the brackets into the correct form, adding any necessary words. 1 A: Look at all the people! B: This is by far.....................(busy) airport in Europe. "i. A: I want to buy a magazine to read during the flight. B: Go to the bookshop in the^departure hall; it has.......................(good) selection in the airport. 3 A: How was your flight? B: Great. The aeroplane was ................. (luxurious) that I've ever been on. 4 A: Can you drive a bit....................... (quick)? We are going to miss our flight. B: Don't worry, we have plenty of time. 5 A: I hate waiting in airports. B: It's not..................(bad) as waiting in a bus terminal. There's a lot to do here. 6 A: Which airline are you flying with? B: Golden Air, they had ..................... (cheap) tickets of all the airlines. ★ Complete the text with the comparative/ superlative structures, adding any necessary words. М#Лпаге! J ..experience last busitress trip'«as 8 Vocabulary ^ a) ★ Complete the gaps with the words from below. • PARKED • STRAY • LITTER • OVERCROWDED • DRIPPING • CONSTRUCTION • OVERGROWN 5 6 .ANIMALS ; GRAFFITIAND CARS b) ON PAVEMENTS 'k Match the problems fr^m Ex. 1a to their results. Destroy^ and pollutes property. Pedestrians unable to walk on pavement. Wastes water and can cause flooding. Makes it difficult for passengers to travel. Carry diseases that can be dangerous to people. Make homes look unpleasant in the neighbourhood. Annoys residents that live in quiet areas. Speaking 2 'k Choose the correct response, 1 A: One of the problems with this is people can't walk on the pavement, B: a The way 1 see it. b Yes, 1 see what you mean. 2 A; This is a problem for the community because it's a health hazard. B; a I totally disagree with you. b Tm afraid not. 3 A; The reason this is such a problem is that it makes your day more stressful, B: a On the other hand, b I agree to a certain extent. Listening 2 ★ Q Look at the questions. Then listen to a mayor making a public announcement. 1 Why is the mayor making a speech? A to observe a special day C to report on vandalism В to promote graffiti art D to criticise the authorities 2 What does the mayor say about vandalism in the town? A it has increased in the past two years В it has been entirely eliminated .------ C it continues to be a problem D it does not affect community spirit 3 What does the mayor want the townspeople to do? A celebrate Graffiti Action Day В clean graffiti by themselves C fund anti-graffiti schemes D report graffiti to the authorities ■4 'What is the announcement mainly about? A the effects of vandalism В a proposed community project C enforcing crime prevention D equipment required to clean graffiti 5 What does the mayor mean when he says; a A Residents should take pride in their community. В Residents should think about how their behaviour affects the community. C Residents should appreciate the efforts made by the authorities. D Residents should be actively engaged in the neighbourhood scheme. Vocabulary *1 ★ Fill in: spirit, dust, schemes, swap, consumerism, reusable. 1 My friends and I often.................... clothes with each other. 2 My neighbourhood has a lot of community ...........; we're always organising fun events, 3 I have a lot of unwanted items sitting around the house just gathering ................. 4 Many people are obsessed with ............; all they do is buy, buy, buy! 5 Many communities have sharing............. where members lend and borrow useful items. 6 The community centre is asking people to bring any...................items they don't want to the centre for a sharing day. 2 ★Fill in: off, up, of, away(x2), on, back. 1 Our town wants to set...............a bike sharing programme. 2 Sharon doesn't mind lending her books to others as long as she gets them.*......... 3 I always pass my unwanted clothes ........ to the local shelter. 4 Don't get rid...............that bike. Some other kid might want it. 5 It's a shame to throw............... things that other people could use. 6 You can drop ...............any unwanted items at the community centre. 7 We always give..............toys we don't want anymore to children's charities. 2 ★ Fill in: bold, look, get, catch, carry in the correct form. 1 Community sharing programmes are ......... on around the country. 2 We.............on well with our neighbours. 3 The town will...................on with the car sharing scheme due to its great success. 4 Can you ....................on for a minute while I put these things in the recycling bin? 5 The crowd...............on with excitement at the neighbourhood football game yesterday. Listening ★ О You will hear an interview with a woman called Susan Chandler who runs a garden sharing programme. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences. on what gardener and landowner should agree on. According to Susan the most important point partners need to agree on Is the R of shared crop. As an example of a landowner's contribution to a garden, Susan explains they could Я the garden daily. Susan says people are more willing to connect with strangers due to the Susan explains some people garden for the И of not letting land go to waste. Right now the site is looking for more 10 f Writing (a for/against essay) ^ ★ Read the essay. Which paragraph: A contains arguments against the topic? . В summarises the writer's opinion? ...... C contains arguments for the topic? ..... D states the topic? ..... The Pros and COHS of Living Abroad These days, many people choose to emigrate to another country. Without a doubt, moving abroad can be difficult, but what are the advantages? ^ There are several reasons why moving abroad can be beneficial. To begin with, it allows people to experience a new culture. For example, there is the chance to try new food and participate in local festivals. What is more, living abroad provides the opportunity to meet new people. This makes it possible to establish new friendships and feel a sense of belonging in the community. On the other hand, living abroad can have distinct disadvantages. First of all, communication can be difficult since it takes place in a foreign language. Also, living abroad means that friends and family are not close by to offer support. As a result, it can be a lonely experience that leaves immigrants feeling isolated, fp- All things considered, moving abroad can be both a positive and a negative experience. To my mind, it is a good idea if you are willing to adapt to a new lifestyle, otherwise it is probably best to stay in your home country. 2 Replacd,the words in bold in the modei with phrases from the list; • in contrast • for instance • to sum up • furthermore • this means that • one disadvantage is that • because • first of ail • another advantage is that ^ if Read the essay and complete the table. Arguments for Arguments against Exampies/Justifications Examples/Justifi cations ★ Read the extract below and choose the appropriate linkers from the words in bold. ^^eicome to Songdo, South Korea: green city of the future! Currently under construction, Songdo promises to be the greenest city in the world. 1) Such as^o start with, this remarkable development contains 600 acres of wide open space. 2) In contrasVConsequently, residents will always feel connected with nature 3) even though/llke they will be living in an urban environment. 4) All in all/Not only this, but Songdo will be entirely powered by low emission fuels 5) such as/although methane which causes little harm to the environment. 6) Firstly/However, with apartments retailed at half a million pounds, green living does appear to come at a price. 5 ★ Fill in the gaps with the correct linking word/phrase. another disadvantage is • first of all • because • for this reason A 1)....................... sharing a flat offers little privacy. 2)................. many people prefer to live alone. 3)..............that arguments may arise 4).................... flatmates could have different lifestyles. • nonetheless * although • in summary В 1)................ there are both advantages and disadvantages to sharing a fiat. 1 believe that 2).............. it saves money, it is 3).............. more convenient to live on your own 0 ir Read the following extracts and say which of them are beginnings (B) or endings (E). My opinion is that while it can be noisy, the many amenities make living in the city centre worthwhile. These days, many people are renting instead of buying their own flat. This paper will discuss the benefits of rented accommodation as well as the problems of living this way. 7 ] Taking everything into account, there are | both pros and cons to living as a nomad. | There are clearly many advantages to having a neighbourhood watch scheme, but are there disadvantages as well? ..'I _l lilt» 0"" ............. I ~ ‘ ★ Put the sentences below in the correct order to make a main body paragraph. Which is the topic sentence? I |ln addition, X^.V-neighbourhood watch schemes help to reduce crime. I^One advantage is that it increases community spirit. I^As a result, they make the town a much safer place for all of the residents in the community. [^There are many good reasons why communities should adopt a neighbourhood watch programme. I |ln particular, those involved in the programme could develop a strong bond and feel more^ connected with others living in their area. b) 'k Write an alternative topic sentence for the paragraph. g a) 'A' Read the rubric, then the arguments (1-4). Which are arguments for (F) and against (A)7 I Your teacher has asked you to write I an essay discussing the advantages I and disadvantages of living alone. I Write your essay. (120-180 words) Often very expensive. I Provides a great deal of privacy. V 3 I I Promotes independence. Can be a lonely experience. b) k: Match the arguments to the viewpoints. There is no one to share meals with or talk to when feeling bored. No need to worry about other people invading your personal space. Only one person to pay the rent and utility bills. Must become self-sufficient and take responsibility for all household tasks c) ★ Answer the questions. 1 What kind of language will you use?.............. 2 What will each paragraph include? 3 How will you begin/end your essay? I кгк Use your answers in Ex. 8 and the sentences from the Useful Language box to write your essay. Useful language Stating the topic: These daysWithout a doubt... Advantages: There are several/many reasons why First of all Secondly ... Disadvantages: On the other hand ..., Nonetheless ..., Another disadvantage is... Conclude & give your opinion: All things considered In summary ..., To my mind ..., I believe 12 I'n. ^“'.Ч f^' '-^.. .J^-v -. Л English in Use J Multiple Choice Cloze Text 'k Read the text and decide which answer (/I, B, C, or 0) best fits each gap. UFt AT CtA! As global warming 0) C resulting in the melting of Arctic ice caps, we will 1).... the displacement of thousands of people 2).in coastal areas as sea levels dramatically increase. What can we do about massive land loss 3)....to rising sea levels? The Lilypad is a futuristic city where water becomes 4).....of the solution instead of the problem. 5)....... by a water lily, this extraordinary floating city can 6).50,000 people in a variety of flats and homes. Designed as a self-sufficient city, the Lilypad will 7). on renewable energy from the sun, wind and tides. The city wiil even 8)....and recycle rainwater in a centrally located pool. 9)..will have parks and gardens to enjoy as well as all the 10).of a modern city such as shopping and entertainment 11)........Each Lilypad ^ float freely in the ocean giving a whole new 12).to life at sea! 0 A sustains C continues В persists D lasts 1 A watch В observe C notice D see 2 A occupying C residing В existing D settling 3 A due. C result В because D since 4 A portion В piece C part D all 5 A Taken C Encouraged В Inspired D Impressed 6 A accommodate C supply В assist D contain 7 A count В confide C rely D lean 8 A make C assemble В collect 0 compose 9 A Natives C Audiences В Residents D Users 10 A accessories C contributions В conveniences D means 11 A facilities C structures В industries D advantages 12 A value C meaning В description D explanation Speaking Choose the correct response. 1 A: How many bags will you be checking in? B: a Absolutely not. b Just this one. 2 A: Please go to gate 29B at 11:30. B: a Could I have a window seat, please? b OK, thank you. 3 A: Could you put it on the conveyor belt, please. B: a Certainly, right away, b I'm afraid not. 4 A: it's a terrible problem for the community. B; a Sure, no problem. b I totally agree with you. 5 A: Did you pack your luggage yourself? B: a OK, here you are. b Yes, t did. 6 A: Can I see your passport, please? B: a Here is your passport. b Certainly, right away. 7 A: One of the problems is graffiti. B: a I agree to a certain extent. b Alright, that's ail. 8 A; Did you pack any of these prohibited items? B: a I see what you mean. b No, I didn't. 9 A: Would you like a window or an aisle seat? B: a Sure, thank you very much. b Aisle, please. 10 A: Can I leave my bag here for a moment? B: a Sorry, it's not allowed. b Yes, enjoy your flight. 11 A: Could you, please, open your bag? B: a I totally disagree with you. b Yes, of course. 12 A: Would you mind helping me with my luggage? B: a Certainly, no problem. 13 Language & Grammar Review Choose the correct answer. 1 The passengers...to the baggage claim area. A progressed C proceeded В continued D advanced 2 Jenny and her friends went shopping and stayed at the mall until.time. A ending В final C finishing D closing 3 The tribe....from the tsunami. A settled В left C fled D migrated 4 According to freegans, a lot of food in rubbish bins is..and safe to eat. A discarded C reusable В edible D condemned 5 The tribe ... on the traditions of their ancestors in their ceremonies. A holds В gets C looks D carries 6 A: Did you pack your luggage yourself? B:.... A Sure, no problem. C OK, here you are. В Certainly, right away. D Yes, I did. 7 The visitors were met.suspicion by the tribe. A through В with C in D for 8 What is the sell-by..on the carton of milk? A date В time C day D period 9 Nomadic tribes make..homes in an area then move on to a new place. A provisional C brief В momentary D temporary 10 Homeless people at the airport try to ... in with the crowd. A move В blend C mix D make 11 Immigrants have to...a medical test to stay in the country. A undergo В endure C process D pursue 12 He....up on a bench and tried to keep warm. A pushed В laid C curled D slid 13 Some people.....new immigrants poorly. A behave В act C handle D treat 14 14 We ran quickly to the boarding......and didn't miss our flight. A gate В hall C terminal D desk ■jt 15-,,.0ur neighbourhood.....a bike sharing scheme for many years now. A had been operating C is cmerating В operates D hasoeen operating 16 Living in the airport is much...than living on the streets for homeless people. A safest В the safest C safer D safe 17 Dan.....worried about living in a new city. A was appearing C is appearing В appears D has appeared 18 Tony....in the queue when security asked him to open his luggage. A waited C has waited В had waited D was waiting 19 The community centre....... 500 books so far for the book swap. A has collected C collects В is collecting D was collecting 20 This city is slightly.where I live. A the biggest C bigger than В big D as big as 21 Cory....for 8 hours and was exhausted. A was driving C had been driving В drove D has driven 22 These days many nomadic tribes......extinction. A have faced C face В are facing D have been facing 23 The tribesman.....the city three years ago. A had visited C visited В had been visiting D were visiting 24 This tribe is by far.in Brazil. A the oldest В older C old D oldest 25 Stuart ...... in their luggage while Lee was shopping in the airport. A checked C had checked В is checking D was checking 1 Reading Task Read the article. For questions 1-8, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. The Moderii'Day Nomad 'Good luck, Axel. Until next time!' I shook my friend’s hand vigorously, knowing full well that we may never cross paths again. For a brief moment, I lamented that fact, but this was the reality of my life. 5 As the rickety plane shuddered and ascended above the Delhi landscape, I waved goodbye to the place that had been my home for seven months. Skyscrapers lit up the starless sky, everything shrouded in a thin orange haze. Goodnight, fair city, 10 goodnight. This farewell was one of many I have made throughout my days. 1 go where my fancy takes me and often leave at a moment’s notice. I am a modern-day nomad who has chosen to discard 15 most of my possessions in favour of limitless mobility. However, unlike a traditional nomad that travels out of the necessity for food, I am driven by a different kind of need; the need to explore new horizons each and every day. 0 Some people say I have no place to call home. However, this just makes me question what ‘home’ actually is. If it’s a place where you feel you belong, then I suppose I belong nowhere at all. This doesn’t make me feel anxious or lonely or sad, but exactly 25 the opposite: I feel free. It all started when I graduated from university. I’ve always had itchy feet, so as soon as I’d saved enough money I bought a ticket to Thailand and embarked upon my first adventure. I had initially 30 planned to return to London after a few months to start my career, but as time passed I simply couldn’t face going back. I decided to keep travelling until I ran out of steam. However, after ten years of being on the move, that day has yet to come. So, how on Earth do I afford this extravagant jet- 35 setting lifestyle? Well, contrary to popular belief, you don’t need an abundance of cash to live the way I do. In fact, when I left London all those years ago, I had only £800 to my name. Since then, I have been doing a variety of jobs as the opportunity arises. 40 From being a fruit picker in the Australian outback to being a manager on a North Atlanfic cruise ship, my work history is as diverse as the people and places I have encountered. So as long as you are prepared to do whatever it takes, you too can become a 45 permanent tourist. Throughout my days, I have ventured through the Amazon Jungle, scaled the heights of Mount Kilimanjaro, relaxed in steaming Icelandic springs and cooked on campfires all over the world. But it 50 hasn’t all been rosy. When you are unfamiliar with your surroundings, it can leave you very vulnerable. While most people I have met have been both welcoming and kind, it’s a good idea to be wary of anyone you don't know. 55 So where do I go from here? As the plane descends upon the dusty city of Dubai, I begin to wonder if this will be the place where I will finally settle down. Despite my love of travelling, I suspect that one day, there will be a final destination. What awaits me inoo the Middle East and could it possibly ground me once and for all? Honestly, I have no idea, but as the pale morning sun rises in Oie sky, I gladly welcome the dawn of a brand new day. As he depaKs, what is the cause of the writer’s distress? A The idea of never seeing his friend. В The lifestyle he has chosen. C The uncomfortable transportation, D The pollution surrounding the city. What sets the writer apart from traditional nomads? A He has fewer possessions. В He is able to travel much further. C He travels for different reasons. D He explores unfamiliar places. What is the writer's attitude towards his lifestyle? A He would like to settle down. В He is glad to be away from home. C He regrets his lack of belonging. D He feels completely liberated. What was the writer's reason for leaving London? A To complete his university course. C To save up some money. ^ To fulfil his ambition to travel. D To find employment abroad. "...until I ran out of steam..." (line 33) refers to A growing older. C losing interest in travelling. В missing his home. D spending all his money. What quality must you possess in order to be a modern-day nomad? A Wisdom В Modesty C Discipline D Willingness What advice does the writer give to the reader? A Try to visit extreme places in the world. В Do not eat food unless you cook it yourself. C Always familiarise yourself with locals. D Be cautious when interacting with strangers. How did the writer's attitude change during the passage? A He began to miss his hometown. В He realised his journey may eventually end. C He became less enthusiastic about travelling. D He grew anxious about his new horizons. 15 Building Up Vocabulary ^ Complete the sentences using one of the words in the box. relationship • connection • link roam • wander • migrate 1 Many British citizens............to Australia each year. 2 Tibetan nomads...............the grasslands during the summer. 3 Mary likes to...............around the stalls at the market. • clan • race • nation 4 Graeme's family belongs to the MacKay....... of Scotland. 5 Every .....................in the world can compete in the Olympic Games. 6 The human..................has evolved over thousands of years. Г • predecessor • descendant • ancestor 7 After researching his family tree, Brian discovered he had a(n)..........................from Ireland. 8 The new receptionist is more diligent than her 9 Prince Charles is a(n) Victoria. of Queen • border • edge • line • reside • dwell • inhabit 16 Gary had a high-speed Internet .............. installed in his flat. 17 There is a direct....................between "'«.junemployment and poverty. 18 Brenda maintains a good ................with her work colleagues. native • origin • birth 10 David peered over the..........of the cliff. 11 You cannot cross the...............without a valid passport. 12 The crowd cheered as the marathon runner approached the finish ..................... 13 The President and First Lady of America ........ in the White House. 14 The Mursi people of Ethiopia.................... in huts made out of mud. 15 Rare animal species.........................the Amazon Jungle. 19 The....................of the universe remains a mystery. 20 The...................people of America come from many tribes such as Lakota, Navajo and Hopi. 21 Congratulations on the..............of your beautiful baby girl! 2 Complete the sentences with a word derived from the words in bold. Many people dream of a life by the sea, but how about living in the middle of a lake? This is 1)........... (PRECISE) the way of life for the 30,000 2).......... (RESIDE) of Ganvi6 in Africal Sometimes known as the African Venice, the entire town is built upon stilts. It is the only 3).................. (SETTLE) in the world to be constructed in this way, and is 4)................... (ACCESS) only by the use of a boat. But how did this unique 5).......................(COMMUNE) come to live like this? Well, centuries ago, the Tofinu tribe actually inhabited dry land. But in order to escape the 6).......................(OPPRESS) Dorn Homey tribe who threatened to enslave them, the Tofinu people relocated to a nearby lake! Since the Dorn Homey's believed that a 7)........................ (DANGER) monster lurked in the waters, they refused to set foot in the lake. The Tofinu were completely safe from their enemy, and so the 8)......................... (FLOAT) town of Ganvi6 was formed. Over the years, the 9)..................(VILLAGE) have grown accustomed to their 10) ................. (CONVENTION) way of life. So, although the threat of 11)................. (SLAVE) no longer exists, they have no 12)........... (INTENT) of ever returning to solid ground. 16 Language Knowledge - Module 1 ^ Choose the correct itern. 1 Before coming to London, the tribal chief..... 3 an escalator before. A isn't seeing C hadn't seen i В haven't seen D wasn't seeing 2 Freegans always......scavenging for food. A go C are going 2 В have gone D were going 3 ... you live to the city centre, the more expensive your rent will be. ^ A As close C The closer В The closest D More close 4 4 Angela......to live in a flat than in a house. A prefers C was preferring В is preferring D has preferred ^ 5 Oliver......in New Guinea since last summer. A lived C was living В is living D has been living 6 6 Sue......in the queue for an hour before she reached the check-in desk. A had been waiting C is waiting 7 В has waited D has been waiting 7 You would have a better relationship with your neighbours if you were a bit..... ^ A more friendly C most friendly В as frienvjly as D friendliest ^ 2 Fill in the gaps. Use the appropriate fo^'m of the word in brackets when given. 1 Derek ....................(live) as a freegan for six months now and is always................. the hunt for food in supermarket bins. 2 Eram Dar.................(seem) to have had a difficult life, but she puts.....a brave face. 3 As a teenager, Lisa ........be very sociable, but now she's........(old) and more reserved. 4 While Jane .................(travel) around -^2 Africa, she was struck ..................the simplicity of nomadic life. 5 In order ............(reduce) consumer waste, recycling is the key ................success. Key Word Transformations Complete the sentences using the word in bold. Use two to five words. It's the most interesting place I have ever visited. SUCH I.................................... ................interesting place Joel travelled to Africa a month ago. BEEN It ................................. ..........Joel travelled to Africa The two neighbours have a good relationship. WELL The two neighbours................... ..................... each other The tribe wasn't as unfriendly as I expected. MORE The tribe....................... ......................I expected She Parted teaching English two months ago. HAS She.................................. ....................two months This neighbourhood is much cleaner than mine AS My neighbourhood................. .............this neighbourhood Cotin has never lived on a farm before. FIRST This is the........................ ......................on a farm The flat was too expensive for me to buy. ENOUGH I................................. ..................to buy the flat They started the neighbourhood clean up when everyone arrived. UNTIL They.......................... before they started the neighbourhood clean up. Jen hasn’t worked for over a year. WAS The................................... .................over a year ago. It's been a long time since she spoke French. FOR She................................... .....................a long time. The neighbourhood is the same as when I first moved here. CHANGED The neighbourhood................. ...............I first moved here. 17 i 2 Vocabulary ★ Find 10 bugs. A F D Z R 1 Y 0 L В Gl T A R A N T U L A T H * V U A M N 0 T F D Y s M A G G 0 T E J Y E 0 R G 0 E C H G U В 1 R C 1 N S C 0 R P 1 0 N R E F T H к A C R 1 C I 1 W L G 1 w S Y D R F : C D Y N A 0 S В 1 W L: К M U F T D H C J Q A : E A R T H w 0 R M U s : T V A D U 1 P P A E M ' E 1 A C Z к P В M L 0 ■ U G N 0 E N E 1 X G T , A S C 0 C К R 0 A C H 2 1 ★ Choose the correct word. How many slices of toast would 18 you like with your mashed/ scrambled eggs? I'm afraid I accidentally grilled/ steamed the fish for too long so now it's burnt! That baked/toasted potato is fresh out of the oven so be careful you don't burn yourself. If you spice/marinate the chicken overnight it will taste better when you cook it. In order to heat up the soup, Adrian microwaved/barbecued it for a few minutes. My mother always serves healthy deep-fried/boiled vegetables with our Sunday roast. Mandy quickly roasted/stir-fried some vegetables in a pan before adding noodles and a splash of soy sauce. 2 Fill in: aroma, platter, contamination, delicacy, edible, tuck, churn. If you are ever in Sardinia, Italy, you may be tempted to sample a 1)......................of local cheeses. However, be careful if someone offers you some casu marzu! This Sardinian 2)........................... literally translates as ‘rotten cheese’! Wftfr'a heavily pungent 3).............................., the smell alone is enough to make your stomach 4)............................. But if that doi^sn’t put you off, then how about the grubs twisting around inside? That’s right - if you 5).......................... into this cheese, .you will be munching on live, wriggling maggotsl Fans of the dish claim that the maggots are perfectly 6)............................... since they have been eaten by Italians for centuries. However, there have been reports that they can cause allergic reactions and other serious health problems. In fact, Italian authorities have warned people not to eat this cheese due to the high level of bacterial 7).....................Still, that hasn’t stopped some people from eating it on special occasions. What a tasty treat! Grammar /J. ★ Fill in the gaps with the correct future form of the verbs in brackets. 1 A: Would you like a drink with your dessert? B; I ........................(have) a cappuccino, please. 2 A: Are you joining us for lunch? B: I can't; I ............................(meet) a client in an hour. 3 A: Why are you buying flour and cheese? B: Because 1 .............................(make) a pizza. 4 A: It's a shame we had to cancel our dinner reservation. B: I promise I............................(take) you out for a meat next week. 5 A: I'd better start cleaning this pile of dishes. B: Watch out! They.................................(fall)! 6 A: Are you sure I can't tempt you with some apple pie? B: Well, perhaps I.......................(try) a little bit. Vocabulary ^ ★ Fill in: emerges, prototype, sceptical, insert, disabled, far-fetched, demonstrate. Robot cars seem to be part of almost every science fiction fiim or book. So just how 1).............................is this idea? Weli, robot cars are already on ttie road. The first 2).................... was developed back in the 1980s. Over the years various engineers tried to 3).........................the usefulness of their driverfess cars. However, all of them had serious limitations, making scientists 4) ...............................that a fully-functional driveriess car was possible. Well, not anymore. Google has developed a car that functions completely without a driver. All the driver has to do is 5) ...............................the key and let the car do the rest. At the destination, the driver 6)...............................from the car rested and relaxed. In fact, even 7).................................people who can't drive will be able to travel around independently. The future of our roads with robot cars will be a world without car accidents! ★ Choos^the correct word. In the near future scientists will have cracked/ broken the secret to time travel. .ч'!.. The device reads brain movements/signals^so the user can control the game. The electronic headset can read your mind at the flick/bend of a switch. The time machine transmits a beam/stick of light and takes the traveller into the future. The invention could be wrongly used for mind/ brain control. Look at those mind-boggling/mouth-watering desserts! They served lamb and potatoes for the starter/ main course then a chocolate mousse for dessert. She paid/gave the price for eating so much and now she has a stomach ache. 10 it Fill in: Illusion, levitate, replicate, swirl, control. The Human FLYING ' This suit is designed to 1)............... the feeling of flying. Just put on the suit and the special virtual reality glasses and before you know it, you will begin to 2)...................off the ground. As you 3)................ through the air, your head movements 4).................... where you go. The 5)...............of flying can be yours for only £39.99! Grammar ★ Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect, future continuous or future perfect continuous. John ................................(finish) his mind control device by the end of the year. This time next year many people ............. ................(drive) robot cars. He ..................................(repair) the robot before the demonstration. ...................................(you/work) on your invention later tonight? The company.................................. (build) the human flying suit by September. The inventor...........................(show) his designs this time tomorrow. The lab ..................................... (not/complete) the testing until Friday. By the time his invention is ready, the scientist ....................(work) on it for 20 years. He...............................(not/create) a new flavoured chewing gum before next year. By the year 2050, people..................... ................(travel) through time. 19 20 Vocabulary ^ Complete the text with the following words: stilt, laid-back, hunting, waterway, stretches, refugees, muddy, ancestors. Life in the SWAMP! Imagine having thousands of alligators and snakes outside your house. Carl Strew and his family know what that's like. They live in the 1)....... Atchafalaya Swamp which 2)..... across the state of Louisiana. Carl and his family are Cajuns whose 3).............have lived on this unique 4)................. for hundreds of years. They were French 5)................ who moved here from Canada. Carl lives in a 6).................. house above the water. During 7)................ season Carl helps his father catch alligators to sell their meat and skins. The Cajuns are 8)....... people who enjoy a quiet life on the swamp. Although according to Carl, there is nothing more exciting than catching an alligator! Choose the correct word. Swamp authorities restrict/delay the number of alligators a hunter can catch. Rotten/Nasty meat is used as bait in alligator hunting. The swamp people are meeting/ facing some problems in their community. In the swamp there is a lot of moisture/sweat in the air. The Cajuns live a slow pace/rate of life in the swamp. Hunters hook/attract reptiles with meat on a line. Alligators almost became lost/ extinct years ago due to overhunting. Everyday English J "V Complete the dialogue with the correct phrases. A Well, first there are various races for all kinds of reptiles and then the final lizard race. В So would you like to come with me? C I'll call you later to arrange everything. D To what?! What on Earth is that? E However, lv.%0ne of the most famous racing events for reptiles. F Let me see ... erm. I don't think so. Why? G Well... sure, why not? у H Oh, come on, it's iots of fun. I That's unbelievable! Colin: Martin: Colin: Martin: Colin: Martin: Colin: Martin: Colin: Martin: Colin: Martin: Colin: Martin: Hey Martin, are you doing anything this Sunday afternoon. 1 Weii, I'm thinking of going to the Lizard Racing Championships. It's been taking place I know it sounds crazy, since 1968. Oh really, what's it ail about? I 4 I I Last year the champion lizard won the race in 13.2 seconds! I know, I went last year and had a great time. There was also a reptile beauty contest, shows and live music. I 6 I Hmm ... weii... I don't know. It's free and the food is great. 7 8 Great! I 9 OK, talk to you then. 4 Imagine you want to invite a friend to the event on the poster below. Write a dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 3, using the information on the poster. _ Since 1954 I watermelon thump! ■' Try and beat the record of the iargest watermelon^ grown at 37 kg set back in 1962! 4 • watermelon carving contest • seed spitting contest : • iive bands & entertainment throughout the festival Vocabulary ★ Fill in: funding, sweat, breeze, glittered, humidity, fate, abandoned. 1 They are looking for........................ to preserve the World Heritage site. 2 The miners came out of the cave dripping with 3 The crystals................in the dim light of the cave. 4 The heat and.....................in the cave were unbearable. 5 A cool...........................blew as they exited the mine. 6 The cave was ...............after the mining company dosed down. 7 No one knows what the....................... of the trapped miners will be. 2 ★ Circle the correct preposition. 1 It was so hot in the mine that his glasses steamed out/up. 2 Visitors are not allowed to rip away/out crystals from the cave. 3 They succeeded on/in finding financial support for their project. 4 She drank contaminated water and ended up/away with a nasty stomach ache. 5 There, were amazing crystals growing out/into of the cave's walls. Л 3 Fill in: dry, clear, quick, cold, blind or hard to complete the sentences. 1 The leaves are as.................as a bone and break into powder when you touch them. 2 Jack is not a very compassionate person; he's as .......................as nails. 3 The water in the ocean is as................ as crystal. 4 We could hardly see anything in the cave, we were as.................as bats. 5 When the pickpocket stole her wallet; he was as.................. as lightening. 6 After walking in the freezing rain, her feet were as.................as ice. Listening Д ★ Q Look at the questions. Then listen to a guide talking to a tour group. What does the speaker think will impress the group most about the cave? A the size of the cave В the cave's ice sculptures C the unique lighting inside the cave D the amount of limestone in the cave What does the speaker say about the ice sculptures? A they were formed millions of years ago В they are very different from one another C they are man-made D they melt away each year What warning does the speaker give to the group? A to be careful not to slip in the cave В to take photographs only in designated areas C to take the tour only if they are in good health D not to touch the ice in the cave What is the purpose of the talk? A to explain the safety regulations of the tour В to explain the history of the cave C to discuss the geological formations in the cave D to prepare the group for the tour What does the speaker mean when he says; a A the cave tour is a unique experience В the cave is the most beautiful in the world C the cave has more ice than any other cave D the cave is the only ice cave that can be toured 21 Vocabulary ~ Fill in; captured, fussy, released, relief, mind, held, bait, crate. 2 Fill in: away, in, out, under, off, by. 1 Sharks become aggressive at first when placed ................stress. 2 The boat slowly drifted..........from the shore. 3 The shark tore my flippers ..............when it tried to bite me. 4 The stranded boat had been menaced.............. r sharks for hours before it was found. 5 ■''Sharks spit.............most food that they don't like. 6 It's the job of the trainer to st^ ............. when an animal is being aggressive. Stuart’s friends thought he was out of his 1)......... when he signed up for a shark dive at the aquarium, but sharks have always fascinated him. During an intensive training class with Ian, the lead diver, Stuart expressed his fear of a shark bite only to be told sharks are actually 2).............eaters and would not find him very tasty. Fears set aside, they finally dived into the water of the massive shark pool. Still to Stuart’s 3).......he was enclosed in his very own shark cage for protection. As instructed, Stuart 4)...........some chopped fish from a 5)...........into the water as 6)............to attract the sharks. Within seconds various sharks were circling around them. Ian gently 7)......one of the tiger sharks and 8).............it still. Then Stuart put his arms around the shark while Ian checked for injuries. Stuart was surprised at how calm the shark was in his arms. Meeting these great ocean predators is an experience Stuart will never forget! Choose the correct word. 1 The frightened swimmer waved/signalled his hands in the air to attract attention. 2 There are lots of colourful corals to see on the sea ground/bed. 3 She bent/knelt on the sand to get a better look at the strange fish in the water. 4 The aquarium charges/costs £75 for a shark dive. 5 The swimmer was bitten/chewed on the leg by a shark. 6 Jo is a famous/popular diver around the world. Grammar Complete the sentence with the correct -ing or (to) infinitive form of the verbs in brackets. 1 The diver suggested......................... (explore) Sharks Cove. 2 1 would rather........................(swim) with dolphins than sharks. 3 He spent the whole day...................... (dive) in the coral reef. 4 The trainer let me.......................... (feed) the sea lions. 5 Nora had difficulty....................(stay) calm when she saw the shark. 6 Colin is too afraid....................(go) on a shark dive. 7 Did you remember............................ (bring) your camera for the dolphin boat tour? 8 Gordon is excited about .................... (visit) the aquarium today. 9 It was brave of you......................... (help) the frightened swimmer. 10 You shouldn't .........................(make) sudden movements when you see a shark. 11 Are you considering.......................... (sign) up for the diving course? 12 Janet would like............................. (get) a job at the aquarium. 13 Tim tried ............................(catch) the strange fish but failed. 14 There is no point......................(wait) for tickets as the dolphin show is sold out. 22 I Л Vocabulary ★ Match the words to make extreme sports. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 bungee A boarding snow В diving free C climbing storm D running scuba E jumping jet F surfing indoor G skiing kite H chasing Reading 2 Read the article. For questions 1-5, choose the answer A, B. C, or D. 1 What is the purpose of this article? A to compare skydiving to wingsuit flying В to discuss the reasons why people participate in dangerous sports C to examine a specific kind of extreme sport D to criticise the safety of extreme sports 2 What is the main difference between skydiving and wingsuit flying? A The fabric used for the suits. В The proximity to the ground while travelling, C The speed at which people travel. D The level of risk involved in the sport. 3 In the ia^t sentence of the second paragraph, what does this refer to? A flying through the air В gliding with the wingsuit ' C rolling through the air D releasing a parachute 4 What was the original function of the wingsuit? A to enable aviators to escape from their planes В to inspire people to become pilots C to improve safety while freefalling D to showcase a publicity stunt 5 How did the Rocketman feel while flying? A Confident in his ability. В Proud of his achievement. C Scared he would be injured. D Energised by the adrenaline. BlItOlffiN Have you ever wanted to spread your arms and fly like a bird? Well, now you can - if you dare! Wearing something that looks like a superhero outfit, wingsuit flyers leap from precarious heights and glide at high speeds down mountains. The sport is quite similar to skydiving except that participants can travel much closer to the ground. Using the special wings of the suit, wearers can zoom over trees, valleys and even through waterfalls! It is a truly bird-like flying experience! Sound dangerous? It certainly is! Wingsuit flying is only recommdhded for experienced skydivers who are able to control their bodies while moving through the air. Only with adequate experience and proper training can a successful glide be achieved, otherwise divers face the risk of spinning uncontrollably. This would make it impossible to deploy a parachute, resulting in an BOkph crash landing! The ability to fly has captivated human imagination for centuries, and the wingsuit is actually nothing new. In fact, the world’s first wingsuit was developed in 1912 to allow pilots to safely eject from a damaged aircraft. However, these early wingsuits were highly unsafe and resulted in many casualties. It wasn’t until 1998 that the wingsuit was finally perfected and sold commercially, marking the birth of a new death-defying sport. Now if an 80kph flight isn’t enough of an adrenaline boost for you, then how about taking it one step further? Wingsuit expert Yves Rossy has done just that - by strapping himself to a jet-pack! Although it has not been approved for commercial use. Bossy’s custom-made wingpack allows him to travel at a nerve-racking 250kph! “Rocketman,” as he is often called, reports that his jet-powered flight was the most exhilarating pynpripnnp nf hit; liffil Vocabulary 'I ★ Fill in: make, break, spring, come, bring, steam in the correct form. 1 The windowpanes...................up from all the humidity. 2 Steve's parents................him up to love nature. 3 Gordon often......................up stories about medieval times. 4 Tony and Nancy ...................up because they couldn't get along. 5 During the history test, a question about Queen Victoria never...........................up. 6 Jousting festivals are............up around the country these days. Use of English 2 Complete the sentences with a word derived from the words in bold. Most people have seen a sumo 1)................... (WRESTLE) match on TV. But did you knew that it evolved from an ancient Japanese 2)............... (PERFORM)? Its original purpose was as a dance which 3) .... (SYMBOL) the battle between right and wrong; however, since it was performed by the most 4) ...............(POWER) fighters, the dance soon became a popular martial art. Now, it is the 5) ............... (NATION) sport of Japan and an enduring symbol of 6)................ (PROUD) for the Japanese people. The rules of sumo are very simple. 7)............. (BASIC), the wrestler who first exits the ring or touches the ground with anything except their feet loses. A fighter will also be 8)..........(QUALIFY) if they perform a foul move, such as punching a(n) 9)............... (OPPOSE) with their fist. In addition, rules state that there is no 10)............. (RESTRICT) as to how much a wrestler can weigh. This means that 11)................ (COMPETE) could face someone more than twice their size! As a result, wrestlers eat vast quantities of food to gain the 12)......... (UP) hand against their rivals! Listening ★ О You will hear an interview with an historian about chariot racing. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A, В or C). What feature was important in a racing chariot? A its weight В its complicated design C its horses Why does professor Nickerson think chariot races lacked rules? A to make it easier for commoners to watch В to make it easier for the drivers C to provide a sense of freedom to the people What reason does professor Nickerson give for the popularity of chariot races? A because of the danger involved В because they were held on public holidays C because they were free to the public According to professor Nickerson what was the most important skill for a driver to possess? A excellent reflexes to avoid collisions В good steering ability C physical endurance to last the race What does the professor say the chariot drivers and today's sports stars have in common? A their large salaries В their long careers C their large number of fans Professor Nickerson describes the drivers as A unemotional. В superstitious. C fiercely competitive. The professor thinks Emperors got involved in the races because A of the power the teams had on their fans. В they made money financing the betting. C they had a passion for the sport. 1 Writing (an opinion essay) ^ ★ Read the essay. Which paragraph: re-states the writer's opinion? presents the opposing viewpoints -i- reasons/examples? presents the first viewpoint + reasons/examples? states the topic and the writer's opinion? presents the second viewpoint + reasons/examples? The use of exotic animals in entertainment should be banned Surely using exotic animats for entertainment is a bad idea. Every year, thousands of wild animals are used in circus acts, stage shows and on film sets. In my opinion, this is a highly irresponsible practice that should be banned. Firstly, it is harmful to the animals involved. Circus animals in particular are often kept in cramped conditions. This unnatural habitat is not healthy for the welfare of the animal. ^ In addition, using exotic animals for entertainment can be dangerous for the animal handlers. For example, sharks are very unpredictable and can attack at a moment's notice. ^ Alternatively, some people argue that proper safety precautions are taken when working with exotic animals. For instance, animal handlers are well-trained and there is often a safety team close at hand. This reduces the chance of serious injury. ^ All things considered, I strongly believe that wild animals should not be used for entertainment. To my mind, a ban would protect the welfare of many animals as well as prevent injury to those working in entertainment. 2 a) ★ Underline the writer's opinion in the model essay. b) ★ Complete the table with information from the model essay. Viewpoints Reasons/Examples ^ 'k Find the linking words the writer uses to: 1 list viewpoints: ............................... 2 introduce examples: ............................ 3 introduce opposing ideas: ...................... 4 add more points: ............................... 5 conclude;....................................... Replace them with synonymous ones. I ir Underline and replace the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs with other appropriate ones. 1 ............................... 2 ............................... 3 j 'k Expand the ideas into complete main body paragraphs. 1 • Snowboarding/dangerous many people have been seriously injured/unable to fully recover and continue participating in the sport. • Snowboarding/expensive special equipment is required/ not affordable for many people. 2 • Martial arts/teach self-defence - participants learn how to deal with aggressors/boosts confidence................. • Kickboxing/health benefits -increases stamina and strength/ feel more active and alert. 25 • Choose the appropriate linkers. 1 Sports such as bungee jumping can involve high risk. Moreover/On the other hand, they are strictly controlled to avoid any serious or life-threatening injuries. 2 Most violent video games are given an age restriction because/however they contain content that is deemed inappropriate for children. 3 Extreme water sports like kayaking are not appropriate hobbies for children. In contrast/To begin with, they pls'te young people at risk of drowning. 4 Film stunts are often very dangerous to perform. Therefore/ Lastly, precautions are always taken to ensure the safety of the stunt artist, 5 1 strongly believe that dangerous dogs should be banned. In particular/AII in all, rottweilers and pitbulls are very aggressive animals that have attacked people in the past. J ★ Use the phrases in the list to express opinions on the ideas below. • I feel that • The way I see it • It seems to me • My opinion is that • As far as I'm concerned 1 Exotic animals/not used/film stunts * 2 Dangerous animals/not keep/pets 3 We/not allow animals/use/circus acts 4 Cliff diving/too risky/be banned 5 Martial arts/build discipline/be encouraged g Vk Read the following extracts and say which of them are beginnings (B) or endings (E). Would you let your children enter a boxing ring? Even though boxing can be a healthy outlet for aggression, I am totally opposed to young people participating in violent sports. All in all, although skydiving is risky, I feel that individuals should be able to decide whether or not they would like to participate in this kind of sport. Г Many people keep dangerous animals as pets. While these animals may be accustomed to human contact, surely there is a risk that they can suddenly become violent? 9 a) ★ Read the rubric and match the reasons/ examples (A-C) to the viewpoints (1-3) they support. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving your opinion on the following: Wild animals should not be kept in captivity. Write your essay (120-18V words). ^ unnatural way of life protects endangered species lack of space to roam 26 (Xl some animals would become extinct without human intervention Гв1 captive animals are often kept in cages, chains or small enclosures |X] animals are unable to hunt or breed as they would in the wild b) ★ Answer the questions. 1 What will you write?........... 2 What style will you use? ...... 3 What will each paragraph include? ...................... 1 0 answers in Ex. 9 and the sentences in the Useful Language box to write your essay. Useful language State topic + opinion: Surely ..., In my opinion... Present viewpoints: Firstly ..., For instance.... Moreover... Present opposite viewpoints: Alternatively ..., In contrast..., On the other hand ..., However... Restate opinion: To sum up..., I strongly believe ..., To my mind .... It seems to me ..., As far as I'm concerned ... English in Use Open Cloze ★ Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each m At first glance, the dark, dusty terrain of the Mariana Trench looks 0) like the surface of the moon. However, this lunar landscape is 1).......... located in outer space. No; this desolate place is actually found on Earth! At 11 km 2)............sea level, the Mariana Trench is the deepest place in the world. In fact, it is 3)...deep that it could swallow Mount Everest whole! The pressure 4) ..........the bottom of the trench is over a thousand times that of the surface, and temperatures can reach 5) ......to 300“C around volcanically heated ventsi Despite Its hostile environment, scientists 6)........ discovered an abundance of life inside the Mariana Trench. Sea cucumbers, octopuses and jellyfish are among the many species 7)............ thrive in the depths of the ocean. These animals have adapted 8)............ a life without sunlight and some can even feed upon the toxic chemicals released by volcanic vents. The discovery of these creatures gives scientists an insight 9)............ the possibilities of life on other planets. However, 10)........... to the high pressure of the water, the ocean floor is incredibly difficult to reach. 11)........... a result, scientists actually know more about the far reaches of outer space 12)........they ^0 about the depths of our own planetl Л Key Word Transformations 2 Complete the gapped sentences sd-that they have a similar meaning to the original ones, using the words given. 1 She was allowed to go skydiving. LET Her parents.............skydiving. 2 I’d prefer Ben to teach me to how to ski. RATHER I ............................how to ski. 3 Getting tickets to the festival was a nice gesture. KIND It was .................................... ............tickets to the festival. 4 The director made them practice the stunt all day. MADE They......................the stunt all day. 5 It was difficult for me to see in the dark cave. HARDLY I.......................in the dark cave. Speaking Choose the correct word. 1 A: Are you doing anything on Friday? B: a Not really. Why? b How about tomorrow? 2 A: I'm thinking of going to the Hotdog Festival. B: a I don't think so, why? b What on Earth is that? 3 A: It's the USA's most famous eating contest, B: a Is that OK? b What's it all about? 4 A: Last year the winner ate 62 hotdogs. B: a I don't know! b That's unbelievable! 5 A; Bo you want to come with me? B: a There you go. b I'm not sure. 6 A; Come on it'll be fun. B: a Alright then. b That's nice. 7 A: Let's go. It's free and there is an acrobat show. B: a Sure. Why not? b What's it about? 8 A: I'll call you tomorrow to make arrangements. B: a No kidding! b I'll speak to you then. 9 A: How about going fishing? B: a Come on, we'll have a good time, b Let me think about it, 10 A: John often goes paragliding. . B: a One reason is that he loves adventure, b However, it's an extreme sport. 11 A: I would love to try bungee jumping. B: a So, why don't we go? b We'll have a great time, 12 A; Shall we go to the festival tonight? B: a Hmm ... I don't know. b Do you think so? 27 Language & Grammar Review Choose the correct answer. 1 The inside the cave was stifling. A steam C humidity В breeze D moisture 2 The shark was....in a net by fishermen. A controlled C manipulated В captured D operated 3 The runner had....pouring down his forehead. A water В sweat C spit D saliva 4 He hopes to....the secret of time travel. A crack В pop C knock D hack 5 Scientists found the solution.....the problem. A in В for C to D of 6 He poured milk in his tea and...it. A drifted В stirred C spun D swirled 7 Brian is always..stories up. A making C springing В breaking D bringing • 8 There is a(n)....supply of insects that can be used for food. A common C average В abundant D ordinary 9 The room was dark except for a......of light. A strand В thread C beam D slit 10 A; Come on, it'll be fun! B; .. A What on Earth is that? В That's unbelievable! C OK then, why not? D I'll speak to you then. 11 The meat was.....for 12 hours before cooking. A marinated C roasted В spiced D deep-fried 12 He was....with fear when he saw a shark. A restricted C disabled В handicapped D paralysed 13 The invisibility cloak is a mind-.invention. A fooling C boggling В bending D watering 14 In the future, humans may....other planets. A settle C colonise В migrate D dwell 15' Tim is the fastest. He.....the race tomorrow. ’’’a'' will win C will have won В is winning D will be winning 16 Mike refuses....paragliding. A to go C go В going D to be going 17 This time next month, we will......to Mexico. A travel C be travelling В have travelled D have been travelling 18 Would you like.....a chocolate cover beetle? A trying C try В to try D to have tried 19 The scientist will.a prototype of his invention before the press conference. A create C be creating В have been creating D have created 20 Cory can't help....about sharks in the water. A to worry C to be worrying В worrying D worry 21 I think you...the jousting festival. A are going to enjoy C will enjoy В are enjoying D will be enjoying 22 I'd rather....the dolphins than the penguins. A to watch C watching В be watching D watch 23 By the time you arrive, they will.for over three hours. A have surfed C have been surfing В be surfing D surf 24 He was reluctant...the secret of his invention. A revealing C to be revealing В reveal D to reveal 25 We spent months.......for the race. A practising C to be practising В to practise D practise 28 1 Read the text. For questions 1-15, choose from the animals (A-D). Which animal... looks more dangerous than it actually is? lives in nearly every type of environment? only surfaces under appropriate weather conditions? feeds upon thousands of creatures each day? can survive for years without preys on animals larger than itself? sleeps beneath the ground? is invisible to the naked eye? hibernates for most of its life? consumes only one type of food? lives in complete darkness? can camouflage itself? uses bait to attract its prey? Ж [П1 ж IM [W IW nourishment? \ '' Lurking in the darkest ■■ / depths of the ocean lives the - ■ » _ / most bizarre and terrifying creature on Earth. The anglerfish dwells in waters so deep it spends its entire life devoid of sunlight! To most animals, the only visible part ---------------------------of the anglerfish is a glowing spine upon its head. By rocking the spine back and forth, it lures shrimps, squids and other fish towards it. Then, when its unsuspecting victims are within reach, it opens its mouth and devours them whole! Indeed, the jaws of the anglerfish are so large and powerful that it is actually able to swallow prey twice the size of its entire body! Gulp! T 1^ How long can you survive without food or water? ^ Perhaps little more than a week or two? Well, how about going for several years? While this may seem impossible the . a green-striped frog is able to do just that! By going into a special mode of hibernation, this frog burrows into the ground where it can sleep for years! This special technique allows it to survive in much drier habitats than other frogs. Indeed, green-striped frogs spend the majority of their time underground waiting for rain to fall. When this happens, they emerge from their slumber and gorge upon just about anything they can fit in their mouths. Well, it does have to last them for years! - I ^ I niay come as a surprise that the toughest creature in в world is also one of the f JrW ^ smallest! Visible only under a № ^ microscope, moss piglets are by far the most adaptable species on our planet. They are found in almost every habitat on Earth, from freezing Arctic seas to humid tropical rainforests. In fact, they are nearly invincible and can survive temperatures between -200°C to 151°C! In order to survive such extreme conditions, moss piglets can actually suspend their metabolism. This means that they can enter a death-like state during which they require no food or water. Moss piglets can maintain this state for years, and then simply spring back to life as though nothing happened! Now you don't get much tougher than that! [D] The thorny dragon is a true master of survival. Armoured with sharp spikes, it is a bit of a mouthful for any potential predator! However, being attacked is rarely a problem because this lizard can change colour according to its surroundings. In spite of its prickly demeanour, the thorny dragon is completely harmless. In fact, the only animals which it threatens are ants. This lizard will eat nothing else and can devour 3000 of them in a single feed! By darting out its sticky tongue, it eats them one-by-one at a rate of 45 ants per minute! And when it's had its fill, it buries itself in the sand for a good night's rest. Building Up Vocabulary ^ Complete the sentences using one of the words in the box. development • progress • evolution risk • gamble • dare 1 I ......................you to eat an insect! 2 People who work with dangerous animals are at..........................of serious injury. 3 BASE jumpers.......................with their lives in the pursuit of adventure. recipe • ingredients • instructions 4 I'm going to the shop to buy the necessary for tonight's dinner. 5 The ......................is a closely-guarded family secret. 6 If you follow the ...............in the book, you can't go wrong. menu • catalogue • brochure 7 The waiter handed me a ...........♦.......... after I was seated. 8 Debra was disappointed when the hotel looked nothing like it did in the .................. 9 The clothing I ordered from the ............. will be delivered within three days. tasty • savoury • appetising 10 The thought of eating insects is not very 11 Do you prefer sweet or.................foods? 12 This sauce you've made is really ............! • whisk • mix • stir 13 Crack two eggs into a bowl and ........ until light and fluffy. 14 While heating up soup, you should ... it regularly to ensure it does not boil. 15 Place water and flour in a bowl and .. together to form a thin batter. 16 Nanotechnology is currently under ......... 17 Human ......................took place over millions of years. 15 Since Jamie started taking Maths lessons, he '' has been making good ........................ * research * experimen\'* discovery 19 Today in physics class, we will conduct a{n) ................to determine the speed of sound. 20 Perhaps space exploration will lead to the .................of new minerals. Further ........................is required to assess the side effects of the new medicine. 21 30 2 Complete the sentences with the word derived from the words in bold. What if you could munch on a lemon and have it taste as sweet as honey? With a miracle berry, you can! This 1)................(AMAZE) fruit makes just about anything taste great, eliminating the 2) ................(BITTER) from vegetables and the acidity from all citrus fruits. It works by 3) .............(TEMPORARY) masking a person's taste-buds, thereby tricking the brain into believing that foods taste sweeter than they actually are. This low-fat 4)................(ALTERNATE) to sugar could help people suffering from 5)............. (OBESE) by encouraging them to eat healthily while still enjoying every bite! 6).......(FORTUNE), the berry has not been approved for commercial use, but it is still available to buy from some specialist 7).............(SUPPLY). The cranberrylike fruit is becoming 8).(INCREASE) popular at miracle berry parties all across the globe where 9).................. (PARTICIPATE) indulge upon pickles, limes and chilli sauce! Even the most 10)...............(APPEALING) food will undergo a 11)................(TRANSFORM) upon eating this incredible fruit! So what are you waiting for? 12)...................(SIMPLE) pop one in your mouth and get ready to experience the culinary trip of a lifetime! Language Knowledge - Module 2 ^ Choose the correct item. 1 We.....to an insect restaurant tonight. 3 A go C will have gone В going to go D are going <\ 2 We would prefer..the underground cave today, A visiting C to visit В visit D to be visiting 2 3 By the end of the year, John will.with sharks for ten years. ^ A be diving C have been diving В have dived D dive 4 He let us..his new invention. 4 A to try C trying В try D to be trying 5 I promise I.you on a tour of the swamp later, A am taking C will take 5 В going to take D will have taken 6 George has always wanted....with dolphins. A swimming C to be swimming В swim D to swim 7 Scientists will..a flying car by the end of the 7 century. A be inventing C have invented В going to invent D have been inventing 2 Fill in thi^gaps. Use the appropriate forms ^ of the word in brackets when given. 1 This time on Thursday I...................... g (fly) to Norway in...............to compete in the World Snowboarding Championships. 2 Megan doesn't want .............(go) bungee jumping because she can't get ............... .jq her fear of heights. 3 Hurry ...! The match........................ (already/start) by the time we get to the stadium! 4 Kim spends two hours........................ (train) every day to prepare ................ next month's gymnastics competition. 5 Gavin......................(believe) that his ^2 school team will succeed .................... winning the amateur football tournament. Key Word Transformations Complete the sentences using the word in bold. Use two to five words. We were allowed to touch the dolphins. LET They ......................... .................the dolphins. John can't wait to see the ice cave, FORWARD John ............................. .................the ice cave. The class is planning a visit to the aquarium. GOING The class........................... ................the aquarium. They didn't talk about the dangers of cave diving in the training course. COME The dangers of caving diving » .........in the training course He found it difficult to eat the insects. DIFFICULTY He ............................ ..................the insects She would rather play tennis than football. PREFERS She .............................. .....................football She had to wear a helmet while kite surfing. MADE They ......................... .....................a helmet while kite surfing. He managed to invent a time machine. SUCCEEDED He ............................. ..............a time machine. We didn't go on the tour because there wasn't time. ENOUGH There......................... ..................on the tour. She swam near the shore so as not to encounter a shark. AVOID She swam near the shore............. .....................a shark It wasn't his intention to frighten you. MEAN He ........................... .................frighten you Joe had no problem with eating insects. MIND Joe........................... ...................... insects 31 3 Vocabulary *1 a) ★ Complete the word map with the words: nosebleed, acupuncture, meditation concussion, migraine, reflexology, blisters, ulcer. HEALTH Alternative therapies b) ★ Think of two more words for each category and add them to the map in Ex. la. 2 Fill in: overcome, kick, restless, mesmerised, addiction, side, relief, absorbed, panic, disorder. 1 Jill was completely ..................by the hypnotist and didn't move. 2 She suffers from an eating................... 3 Paula is trying to...............her anxiety with hypnotherapy, 4 Cory had a...............attack when he got stuck in the lift. 5 Nina experiences a lot of.............nights due to her insomnia. 6 He was totally ..............in a book about hypnotism. 7 Nancy turned to acupuncture to .............. her smoking habit. 8 Joel tried homeopathy for some pain.......... from his arthritis. 9 He went to a hypnotist to treat his.......... to electronic games. 10 Hypnotherapy doesn't have any................ effects on the body like regular medications. J ★ Fill in: under, down, off, into, with, away, up. 1 She felt cut...............from the rest of the world. 2 I couldn't believe how quickly the hypnotist put me............... 3 Acupuncture helped speed...........my recovery I' from back surgery. 4 'fCay was exhausted and fell ...........a deep sleep. 5 During meditation your breathi^g slows........ 6 Hypnotism was once associated.................. the treatment of nervous disorders.* 7 The doctor gave her medication to help the pain go.............. Grammar ^ 'k Replace the phrases in bold with an appropriate model. 1 Do you think it’s a good idea for me to try homeopathy? ......I.................................. 2 Tina is able to meditate for hours without being distracted. Tina .................................... 3 Why don't you go see a hypnotist? You...................................... 4 You are not allowed to drink coffee while trying homeopathy. You...................................... 5 It is possible that Ken will try the yoga class later today. Ken...................................... 6 Reflexology patients are obliged to fill out their medical history. Reflexology patients .................... 7 It isn't necessary to see a doctor before trying acupuncture. You.......................................... 8 Is it OK if I try a reflexology session right now? I 32 <1 ★ Fill in: tickled, boost, harness, hilarious, craze, hammock, nostrils, weightless, swung, concentration, caught, poses, 1 Eating healthy snacks helps to ............... your energy throughout the day. 2 She really enjoyed the laughter yoga session and thought it was................... 3 She ..................me with her fingers and I started giggling. 4 During our yoga class we learned how to do traditional.................on the floor. 5 You should always use a safety................ when you go rock climbing. 6 He climbed into the..................and took a nap. 7 She inserted a tube into her.................. in order to smell the oxygenated fragrances. 8 He ...............his hands back and forth as he walked briskly. 9 She was walking by the beauty salon when an advert about fish pedicures................... her eye. 10 Aerial yoga is the latest fitness............. to hit the UK. 11 The acrobat felt ................as he soared through the air. 12 The team lacked .....................and lost the game, 2 ★ Fill in: from, of, into, at, over, through, away, outi, 1 He ran out ...........breath after jogging for twenty minutes. 2 The racing car drove off.............top speed. 3 She was flicking............a magazine while getting a pedicure. 4 She slipped off her shoes and plunged her feet ...............the water. 5 The mice nibbled ................at a piece of cheese. 6 As soon as she put her feet into the tank the pedicure fish swarmed............to her. 7 She couldn't help laughing...............loud when she heard the joke. 8 She hung upside down in a sling suspended ..................the ceiling in aerial yoga class. Grammar 3 ★ Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use two to five words. 1 It's a pity that our team didn't win the match, (have) Our team.........................the match. 2 It's possible that she joined a gym. (may) She.................................a gym. 3 I don't think that Mary has gone to the gym. Her car was in the driveway, (have) Mary....................................... to the gym. Her car was in the driveway. 4 I'm sure Andy has started training for the race, (have) Andy....................................... for the race. 5 I'm sure this isn't Tom's bike. His is red. (be) This*...................................... Tom's bike. His is red. 6 Perhaps Emma went to the beauty salon with a friend, (might) Emma ...................................... to the beauty salon with a friend. ^ ★ For questions 1-12, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. The Fitness Party! Are you tired 0) of the same old workout routines and aerobics classes? Do you enjoy dancing? Then, get yourself 1)....................shape with the new fitness trend known 2).................Zumba. This is a unique fitness routine 3).................combines Latin and international r rhythms 4).....................as salsa, meringue, samba and hip-hop along 5).......................easy to follow dance steps to help you lose weight and tone muscles. Zumba keeps people motivated 6).......................creating a party-lik atmosphere. Everyone in the class is moving and dancing 7).........................the tunes of Latin musici The entertaining exercise classes are designed 8).............................most fitness levels. The result is a Latin dance workout that people of 9) ................................ ages simply love. In 10) ...................the Zumba workout has become 11) ...................popular that millions of people are taking 12).....................in classes all over the world. Vocabulary ^ ir Complete the text with the words: cleanse, steam, bathing, vents, wonderland, geothermal, skin. Warm Up in the Blue lagoon 2 ★ Fill in: bubbling, steaming, heals, reserve, roar, dip. 1 Let's sit on the edge of the pool and ............ our feet in it. 2 There is a spa and health centre on the nature 3 The waterfalls..............so loudly that you ^ can't hear anything. 4'' She took a ................hot bath to relax. 5 As you walk into the spas, there are.......... mud pools everywhere. 6 The mineral-rich water ..........any cuts and wounds you might have. Speaking 34 The people of Iceland are no strangers to cold winter weather. However, many keep warm by 1)................. in the renowned Blue Lagoon. Part of a lava formation, the lagoon's natural seawater is heated by the earth. Super-heated water from a lava flow passes through 2) .................and is used to generate electricity at a local power plant. Then the water jp fed to the lagoon for visitors to enjoy. The lagoon is a natural 3) .................spa rich in various minerals which 4) ....................the skin. People suffering from 5) .......................diseases visit the spa for its healing properties, as well as those just looking for | warmth and relaxation in the rising 6)................. of the lagoon. Spectacular views surround this sizzling I 7)......................making its visitors want to stay! forever. This is one bath that you won’t want to get out ofl Г 2 7^ Fill in the sentences with the correct form derived from the words in brackets. 1 The volcanic .................caused damage to the surrounding towns and villages. (ERUPT) 2 Scientists recorded a large amount of seismic .......................in the area. (ACTIVE) 3 Archeologists found ....................of an ancient spa in the mountains. (EVIDENT) 4 Please read the health........................ before entering the spa. (WARN) 5 ....................tourists cannot visit the waterfalls due to construction in the area. (FORTUNATE) у ★ Use the sentences to complete the dialogue. A If I were you, i would take some cough syrup. В Well, it sounds like you might have a chest infection. C I feel terrible actually. D When did it come on? E I've got a really bad cough and a runny nose. Carl; Are you OK, Jill? You look a bit pale. Jill: Well... not really. [T What's the matter? ГГП I'm really sorry to hear that. Yesterday night. You might be right. Hopefully, it will make it go away. Yes, I think I'll do that. Thanks a lot, Carl. You're welcome. Get well soon. 5 ★★ Write a similar dialogue. Use the ideas below and the dialogue in Ex. 4 as a model. , nay fever sneezing and itchy eyes take an antihistamine L Vocabulary ^ ★ Fill in: clutter, hormones, muscles, sceptical, chant, roars, circulation, contagious, meditation, snigger, 1 The laughter was ....................and within seconds everyone in the room was laughing. 2 You should try...............to help you relax. 3 Certain breathing exercises help tone........... 4 The group began to...............certain words to help them relax. 5 My mind was full of .............and I couldn't concentrate. 6 Sandra was.............at first about the yoga class but now she thinks it's amazing. 7 I heard ...............of laughter coming from inside the classroom, 8 John couldn't help but .............when he saw me slip on the ice. 9 Brisk exercise improves.............by moving blood faster throughout the body. 10 Laughter releases ...........inside our bodies that make us feel better. 2 ★ Choose the correct word. 1 There was a diverse/various group of people from all over the world attending the class. 2 She laughed/giggled out loud at my joke. 3 We broke/burst into laughter as we tripped over the step and almost fell, 4 Tom chuckled/grinned broadly when he found out he passed the test. 5 She sneered/beamed at the old shoes T.was lu wearing. 6 Exercise is one of the best ways to calm/relieve stress. 7 The audience applauded/clapped their hands in excitement at the end of the show. 8 She felt replaced/refreshed after the exercise class and ready to start her day. 9 As the class happened/progressed, I started to feel more relaxed. 10 She was angry and needed to let off energy/ steam. 2 ★ Fill in: from, off, around, at, on, out. 1 You need to focus............your breathing while meditating. 2 She spent the day wandering ............the shops. 3 Yoga is very popular now; it really took... in the past decade. 4 They pointed........each other and laughed. 5 Passing my exam was like having a weight lifted.......my shoulders. 6 She tried ..........some breathing exercises that she had learnt in yoga class to help her relax. Listening ^ ★★ О You will hear five different people talking about what makes them happy. Choose from the list A-F what each speaker says. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. My job is very rewarding. I always try to maintain a positive outlook. Relaxing with a hobby is what I enjoy. t find giving to others very satisfying. Relationships bring me happiness. Keeping busy fulfills me. speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 35 Vocabulary ^ ir Match the words to make phrases. Rental Hearth adverse A rate tough В exercise heart C source blood D effects nervous t \eve\s stress F situation aerobic G system main H pressure } ★ Fill in: concentrate, bullying, minimises, contributes, moderate, widespread, functions, pumps. 1 You should do some form of ...................exercise, such as walking, everyday. 2 Karen can't...................... on studying due to exam stress. 3 The heart ....................... more oxygen around the body during exercise. 4 Stress is a ..................... problem among teenagers today. 5 A very busy daily programme often ...........................to stress. 6 Many students experience or are afraid of........................ at school. 7 An organised study programme ...................stress during exams. 8 The body......................... in a different way under stress by producing hormones that make you more alert. 2 Fill in: with (x2), of, up, on (x2), out, from. 1 Exercise speeds.........the metabolism. 2 She is having trouble dealing........peer pressure. 3 A lot of stress can have a negative effect .......... your performance at school. 4 Tracy has been suffering.........anxiety since moving to a new school. 5 Sarah is quite capable........handling exam stress. 6 Yoga can helfJ you cope.......stress. 7 During a stressful situation your body remains.....alert. 8 Do you feel stressed........during exams'? Grammar 4 ★ Choose the correct expression. Joan had better/is likely to exercise more to reduce her stress. Lea is bound/is supposed to see her dentist at 3 o'clock. You are to/are likely to take the medication twice a day for eight days. A high stress lifestyle had better/is bound to cause health problems. Would/Why don't we take a walk in the park? Her high blood pressure is unlikely to/is supposed to drop unless she reduces her stress. Health problems due to stress are to/are likely to increase in the next ten years. ★ Complete the sentences with a word derived from the word in bold. SHflUT iT auTiW The next time you feel like screaming from ail the 0) pressure of daily living, well go ahead and let it all out, as new 1)...................has found that a good shout can reduce stress by up to 25 percent. This may sound 2)................ but it appears that screaming 3)..................actually helps calm people down and is an 4)...............technique for dealing with stress. Ever since cavemen roamed the Earth, screaming has helped humans express their 5) “Screaming releases endorphins, the body’s 6) anesthetic, which makes it a great stress 7) says Armand DiMele, a director of a counselling centre in New York. DiMele explains that when a person screams they release the 8)...................built up inside their body. His clients do 30 minute 9).....................screaming sessions and usually leave with a feeling of great 10).................. Of course, you can take advantage of this anytime, as even a ten second scream can get rid of a lot of stress! 36 Reading ^ ★ Read the text. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A-H) the one that fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra sentence. THERAPEUTIC DOGS You feel the pressure beginning to mount; a dark cloud looming, growing ever closer. You find yourself deprived of sleep, skipping meals, struggling to concentrate. Year after year, it’s the same old story. Exam stress: the number one cause of teenage anxiety. You've probably heard about the majority of stress-busting tips out there. 1 But it's all much easier said positive effects, helping them to just have a moment to clear their minds and not have to think about studies.” programmes are usually Most of the time, than done, isn't it? With your exams just around the corner, what you need is a quick fix; something that will instantly boost your spirits and energise you for another stint in the library! Thankfully, an answer has been found. Now you can wave goodbye to your exam woes with a little bit of therapy! | 2 | | Some people might even say it’s barking mad! But if exam stress is getting you down, how about attending a session of dog therapy? Whi!e the idea may seem rather far-fetched, many students at Harvard and Yale universities champion the therapeutic effects of canine companionship. The dogs used for these specially chosen for their roles, visitors simply pet the dogs in order to lift their spirits. However, the dogs are trained to play or do tricks as well. They are actually employed for a variety of These dogs are freely available for students to visit at any time. They can even be borrowed through the library card system just as you would borrow a book! Recent research into the effects of dog therapy shows that interaction with animals actually decreases cortisol (the stress hormone)"Vnd boosts endorphins, making people feel happy. [T] | As one librarian explains, “It has had roles, including helping hospitalised patients, elderly people and those suffering in disaster areas. The presence of an animal has proven not only to reduce stress but to alleviate pain and lower blood pressure. Their unconditional love also provides people with companionship and support in difficult times. Now, if you’re unable to find a local therapy dog to ease your exam stress, don’t panic! Studies show that many animals, such as cats and even goldfish, can have a therapeutic effect on people. The animals don’t even need special training to make you feel better. | 7 | | If so, the next time you feel like pulling out your hair, why not take a moment to play with them instead? A Therapy dogs are not only limited to beating exam stress. В There are literally dozens of people telling you to sleep more, eat healthily and exercise. C But pets are not allowed to be kept in students' dormitories. D In fact, both institutions now have resident therapy dogs which are kept in counselling centres on campus. E Perhaps you or your friend has a pet at home? F They must be calm animals which can get on '_____ strangers and enjoy human contact G However, this is no conventional kind of treatment. f This explains why students often leave the counselling centre with a smile across their face! \ / N I 38 Vocabulary ^ ★ Fill in: verbal, physical, adapt, evolved, insomnia, ticking, releases, brisk. 1 Susan suffers from .......................at night due to anxiety. 2 The body.....................hormones when we exercise. 3 Some people ........................better to change than others. 4 Try a.....................walk to reduce built up anger. 5 Joe's anger is like a..................time bomb ready to explode. 6 During the game no body contact or........... aggression is allowed. 7 Certain animals have ..................from pre-historic creatures. 8 At school no.................abuse between students is tolerated. 2 Fill in the sentences with the correct word derived from the words irvbrackets. 1 He is taking a......................class to help reduce his anger. (MEDITATE) 2 The class is a...............of physical and mental exercises to help manage anger. (MIX) 3 The doctor recommended therapy for her ......................(DEPRESS) 4 If you can't ................after a stressful day, try a yoga class. (WIND) 5 Steve has lost many friends due to his....... anger. (CONTROL) 3 Fill in: find, point, drop, hand, pass in the correct form. 1 Kate..................out of her exercise class because she had to concentrate on her studies. 2 I want to....................out more about anger management. 3 Our teacher...............out a leaflet about dealing with stress. 4 He almost....................out from running so long. 5 The doctor ..................out to me how constant stress can lead to high blood pressure. Listening 4 О Listen to the interview and complete the sentences. Dr Melissa Watt is knowledgeable in the areas of stress and As well as counselling sessions, Melissa also holds yito help people deal with stress. Melissa uses 3 to make^ her lessons more enjoyable. _ „ j Some clients are recommended to Melissa because ■ they have had Melissa gives the example of 5 as a symptom of anxie^. _ „ Melissa's new book is about 6 techniques. The tips in Melissa's book are based on У1 practices. Melissa's book is useful for people with issues. 8 Melissa says that angry people are often affected by severe emotional ГЁГ . Melissa advises people to 10 themselves occasionally. Writing (a report - making suggestions/recommendations) • Read the report below and circle the correct word/phrase. Then, use the subheadings to fill in the gaps. • Food • Conclusion • Group Activities • Introduction • Opening/Closing Times From: Sebastian Bell To: Emma Baxter, Manager, Croydon Youth Centre Subject: Suggested improvements Date: 8th August The purpose of this report is to recommend ways to improve Croydon Youth Centre to make it more attractive to young people. В 1) In addition/To begin with, the social activities offered by the centre are extremely limited. I would recommend holding regular functions 2) so as to/due to encourage interaction between local youths. 3) Secondly/Whereas, the centre rarely organises field trips. I am confident that the addition of regular outings would make the centre more popular with teenagers. Currently, the cafeteria is greatly underused. 4) For this reason/On the other hand, I would suggest offering food such as chicken burgers that appeal to young people while still being healthy. 5) In short/ Furthermore, the cafeteria prices are far too expensive. We could reduce our prices to encourage young people to purchase food on our premises. 6) Moreover/Although the centre is open throughout the week, it does not operate at times that are convenient for teenagers. One suggestion would be to extend the hours of the centre on a Friday evening, making it far more accessible to young people. 7) Consequently/Finally, the centre is closed at weekends. I strongly recommend opening the centre on Saturdays when youths have more free time. 8] As a result/On the whole, I believe that additional group activities, better food options and longer opening hours would improve the appeal of the youth centre, 9) especial ly/however amongst teenagers. 2 ^ Read again. Which section(s)... 1 offers a personal opinion? 2 makes suggestions/recommendations? 3 states the purpose? 4 summarises the main points? 3 к Replace the informal phrases in the table with formal ones from the text. Informal style Formal style ... there aren't many things to do at the centre ... I'm writing this report to give you my opinions on ... It's a good idea to have social events all the time ... ... isn’t open at times when teenagers are available. ... is not used enough. ^ к Replace the words/phrases in bold with more suitable formal words/phrases from the lists. • in order to • therefore • firstly • it would be a good idea to [X| 1) For a start, the gym's membership fee is very expensive, 2) so few people can afford to sign up. 3) if you want to attract more clientele, 4) I feel you should reduce the membership fee by approximately 30%. ______ • most suitable • the aim of • make suggestions [~B~| 1) The reason I wrote this report is to 2) give you my ideas about which methods would be 3) best to advertise the new sports grounds. • is attractive • all in all * be more popular [~C~| 1)ln essence, the youth theatre could 2) have more customers if its website was better maintained. Even though the site 3) looks nice, it is rarely updated and contains many broken links. 39 I 5 А un И и и ш Underline the correct words/phrases. 1) Especially/ln summary, I believe that Berkshire House is elegantly decorated and adequately sized for a social function. 2) In order to/For this reason, I am sure it would be an ideal venue for this years' graduation ball. [~B~[ There is no entryway for people with disabilities, so 3) one suggestion would be to/on the other hand install a ramp to enable those in a wheelchair to enter the building unaided. 4) While/ln spite of its amenities, the leisure park lacks adequate facilities for those with young children. 5) I strongly suggest/As well as this installing a supervised play area where parents can leave their children while taking advantage of the park's amenities. 6) In the first place/Due to, the fitpess classes are designed for advanced learners only. 7) Since/ln addition, only those with a gym membership can subscribe to any of the programmes. Many of the sports grounds are fully booked throughout the summer, 8) despite/in particular the tennis courts. 9) Besides/I am confident that if the centre was to expand the sports grounds it would generate more income. 7 LI ★ Read the rubric. Then read the prompts below and match them to the solutions and expand them into full sentences beside the appropriate headings. I You work at a youth summer camp and j the director wants to make improvements I to attract more children. You have been j asked by the director to write a report • making some suggestions. lack of outings and sports Vhat appeal to children the social networking page is fairly inactive expensive in comparison to simitar camps A post regular updates and distribute a monthly newsletter В reduce prices and offer discounted rates for group bookings C introduce more exciting activities such as archery and go-karting Activities: ........................................... Publicity:............................................. Cost: b) ★ Answer the questions. 1 What is the purpose of the report? 2 What should you include? 3 What style should you write it in? g ★ Match the following subheadings to the extracts in Ex. 5. 1 2 Capacity and Profit Customer Base Childcare Facilities Recommendation Ease of Access 40 8 ** Use your ideas in Ex. 7 and the Useful Language box to write your report (120-180 words). Useful language Stating purpose: The aim/purpose of this report is to..., in order to..., so as to... Discuss each point under subheading: Currently..., Although..., I (would) strongly suggest/recommend.... It would be a good idea to..., I am confident (that)... Summarise and give your opinion: On the whole. All in all, In summary, I believe.... 1 III ■ 1 ■ • •- ? ' ^ -^^■'-^ 7 ■ JJ/0. -' f English in Use Multiple Choice Cloze Text ^ ★ For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, 8, C, or D) best fits each gap. cmyouhear о the energy Г The scene is strange but 0) C in the middle of the Mohave Desert, California, thirty people 1).comfortably on floor mats in a wooden dome-shaped room while listening to eerie sounds. These people have come to this place in 2).of energy, relaxation and for some 3)..healing. The odd structure is called the Integratron and is the brainchild of 4).aeronautical engineer George Van Tassel, who built the dome after allegedly 5).instructions from extraterrestrials. Completed in 1959, Van Tassel 6).it to be a rejuvenation machine. His idea was that the dome would 7).the magnetic energy from the Earth and recharge human cells just like a battery. Today people from all over 8).for a “sound ba№" in the dome. Bathers enjoy a 30-minute therapeutic 9).where they listen to various sound frequencies 10) by crystal bowls which are supposed to have aoeep calming effect. 11).your intention is to be energised or healed, the Integratron 12).to be a memorable experience and all you have to do is listen. 0 A gentle В content C peaceful D composed 1 A pause В rest C break D calm 2 A search В seek C look D find 3 A different В replacement C alternative D substitute 4 A previous В earlier C prior D former 5 A gaining В giving C receiving D collecting 6 A planned В intended C aimed D implied 7 A pull В draw C grab D invite 8 A appear В emerge C approach D come 9 A session В assembly C period D phase 10 A developed В composed C produced D established 11 A Despite В Although C Whether D However 12 A commits В promises C swears D pledges 3 Speaking Choose the correct word. 1 A: What's the matter? B: a I've got itchy skin. b You look a bit pale. 2 A; I've got a bloated stomach. B: a You might be right. b That must be awful. 3 A: If I were you, I'd take a painkiller, B; a I think I'll do that. b When did it come on? 4 A; I feel terrible actually. B; a Hopefully, that will make you feel better, b I'm sorry to hear that. 5 A: Ar^you all right? B: a That sounds terrible, b No, not really. 6 A: It sounds like you could have hay fever. B: a Oh no! You poor thing. b I think you're right. 7 A: I've got the flu. B: a You might have a migraine, b I hope you feel better soon. 8 A: It might be a good idea to take a painkiller. B; a I agree. I'll try that. b Get well soon. 9 A: I would recommend lying down. B: a OK. Thanks. b Oh, you're welcome. 10 A: I think you should take some cough syrup. B: a That's a good idea. b I've got a splitting headache. 11 A: I've got a fever. B: a I strongly disagree. b You should definitely see a doctor. 12 A: I wouldn't recommend going out in the cold. B: a Thank you very much. b Perhaps you're right. 41 Language & Grammar Review Choose the correct answer. 1 She suffers from...after eating fatty food. A nosebleeds C ulcers В blisters D indigestion 2 He.....through a newspaper while waiting for the bus, A swarmed C flickered В spun D plunged 3 Psychiatrists are doctors who..mental illness. A overcome C minimise В treat D relieve 4 She felt....after taking a hot shower. A absorbed C mesmerised В restless D refreshed 5 He doesn't like people...him. A giggling C tickling В laughing D chuckling 6 In order to avoid injury it's best to.before exercising. A push up C pick up В warm up D speed up 7 It took the...only a few seconds to put me under. A psychologist C therapist В nutritionist D hypnotist 8 I used to...at people who meditate, but now I am one of them. A beam В sneer C grin D snigger 9 After eating, I often have a..stomach. A splitting В bloated C itchy D running 10 The side....of the medication include nausea and drowsiness. A effects C attacks В disorders D pressures 11 .. exercise such as swimming can help you keep in shape. A Fair В Average C Moderate D Limited 12 A: What's the matter? B: .... A That sounds awful. C You may be right. В I feel nauseous. D Get well soon. 42 13 The advert for free gym membership...my eye. A held В grabbed C caught D got 14 A: If I were you I'd take a painkiller. ‘•.P- ... A You're welcome. C I hope you feel better. В I think I will. D Wt^en did it come on? 15 When Sue was younger she.....run for hours. A might В can C could p should 16 You....try hypnotism for your insomnia. A are to В ought to C need D shall 17 That...Joe at the spa; he was working yesterday. A mustn't be C shouldn't have been В can't be D couldn't have been 18 Tina ..take antibiotics four times a day but she usually forgets. A is supposed to C had better В is likely to D could 19 I ..see a doctor as I don't have any stomach pain now. A mustn't C shouldn't В don't have to D can't 20 Scientists..find a cure for cancer some day, A are supposed to C can В are bound to D should 21 ....I borrow your book on homeopathy? A Shall В Why don't C Could D Should 22 You....come to the hypnotism show last night; it was amazing. A had to have C need have В should have D might have 23 We.....swim in Medicine Lake; it isn't allowed. A can't C didn't have to В needn't D wouldn't 24 You....take these pills before eating. A would C are bound to В are likely to D had better 25 We.....go to laughter yoga class this afternoon, do you want to join us? A are bound to C might В ought to D would Reading Task Read the article about a new fitness craze. Match the paragraphs (1-6) with their correct headings (A-H). Two headings do not match. JuKari Fit to Fly The circus-inspired fitness programn^ ШшШ Have you ever fantasised about being able to fly? Well, with Jukari Fit to Fly you can do just that! This new fitness craze is bound to elevate your spirits, offering all the fun of flying combined with a full-body workout. It’s a fitness programme like no other that is guaranteed to leave you walking on air! DH The unique fitness regime was developed by the world-renowned circus performers from the Cirque du Soleil. Their aim was to make exercising fun by creating a routine based on the acrobatic stunts used in their stage shows. The result is an hour-long workout that involves a trapeze bar and several ropes which will stretch, swing and spin you to fitness. You may even be tempted to run away and join the circus! DH Jukari specifically targets the muscles in the upper body, including the back, arms and abdomen. Moves such as The Hanging Carousel’ are especially good for training biceps while simultaneously building core muscles (in the belly and lower back). Legs are also exercised through the 'Swing to Straddle Jump’ which involves swinging through the air while doing the splits! DH The Jukari workout is designed for all levels of fitness. Beginners start in the ‘Bounce’ class; a gentle workout that focuses on the basics of Jukari. More advanced participants can join the ‘Jump’ or ‘Swing’ classes that are guaranteed to make you sweat! However, people with health problems are advised to consult a fitness specialist before enrolling in any of the programmes. ШШШ Currently, Jukari classes are available at over 170 fitness clubs across 22 different countries. Since its inception in 2009, it has been steadily growing in popularity and has reached millions of people across the globe. Even famous celebrities like TV personality Kim Kardashian and supermodel Bar Refaeli have joined in the Jukari craze! Simply click onto the Jukari website to find a gym near you. DH Following the success of Jukari Fit to Fly, a second fitness programme has now been launched that promises to enhance flexibility and improve coordination. Jukari Fit to Flex combines aerobics with performance art, producing an elegant routine that mimics the dancers of the Cirque du Soliel. Unlike Fit to Fly, this is a floor-based workout, so even those with a fear of heights can join in the Jukari fun! A REGIME THAT SUITS everyone В STAY GROUNDED C an INTERNATIONAL SENSATION D FROM THE STAGE TO THE GYM SAFETY ■ PRECAUTIONS fitness reaches NEW HEIGHTS MUSIC TO KEEP YOU MOTIVATED I TECHNIQUES FOR A TONED BODY Building Up Vocabulary ^ Complete the sentences using one of the words in the box. 44 trained • practised • coached 1 The acrobats .............their routine many times to ensure it was flawless for the show. 2 Barry.....................hard in preparation for the marathon. 3 That famous tennis player was............... by my uncle! remedy • cure • therapy 4 Hazel regularly attends............... sessions to help her to relax. 5 Doctors have yet to find a..................... for cancer. 6 The doctor suggested trying a herbal .......... to beat insomnia. operation • surgery • proce*dure 7 The standard ............for hospital visits is to check-in at reception before proceeding to the ward. 8 My grandmother is going to hospital to have a(n)...............on her hip. 9 Jean underwent.................to have her appendix removed. • pain • sore • ache 10 Paul took an aspirin to relieve the ............. in his arm. 11 The massage helped to alleviate the dull ...................in his muscles. 12 You should put antiseptic on that open ...................before it becomes infected. fit • healthy • robust 13 Sally always maintains a................. diet with plenty of exercise. 14 The bodybuilder is proud of his............... shoulders. 15 Dancing is a fun way to keep.................. • disease • ailment • illness 16 Ifa(n) is can spread very quickly. highly contagious, it \ 17 An insect bite is a minor .. that I-l can be treated. 18*''kanley's . kept him bedridden ■■ for days. V 1 • consequences • results • effects 19 The..........................of yoLir blood test will be available in three weeks. 20 You must be willing to face the ............... of your own actions. 21 The side...........................of the new medicine are still unknown. 2 Complete the sentences with the word derived from the words in bold. While the 1)....................(MAJOR) of people would avoid being stung by a bee, at one clinic in Beijing, patients are 2)...................(LITERAL) queuing up for a session of bee sting therapy! This 3)..........................(CONVENTIONAL) form of therapy has been practised in China for over 3,000 years and has many 4)......................(SIMILAR) to the ancient art of acupuncture. However, while acupuncture involves the 5).................(INSERT) of needles at certain 6).....................(PRESS) points on the body; bee sting therapy uses live bees! The 7)......................(TREAT) involves placing up to 100 bees on a patient's body, upon which they 8)....................(INSTINCT) sting that person, injecting a small dose of venom into their skin. This venom is believed to ease the 9)................... (COMFORT) of arthritis, a disease which affects a person's joints. Although some doctors are cynical about benefits of bee sting therapy, recent 10)............(CLINIC) trials prove that bee venom can control the 11).........(HARM) inflammation in joints that leads to arthritis. As such, the venom may not only be 12)................(EFFECT) against the symptoms of arthritis, but could also prevent it from developing in the first place. Language Knowledge - Module 3 1 Choose the correct Item. 1 Do you....wear a uniform at work? A should C have to В must D ought 2 You....step into the sulphur bath; it's prohibited. A shouldn't C wouldn't В needn't D mustn't 3 Joanne....be late for the aerobics class today. A might C ought to В should D would 4 ....I borrow your yoga mat for tomorrow's class? A Should C Need В May D Shall 5 You ... have gone to the gym; you've made your ankle much worse. A couldn't C wouldn't В shouldn't D mustn't 6 Before he was injured, Danny.....run for miles without breaking a sweat! A had to C can В may D could 7 Clara...to eat more healthily. A should C ought В might D shall I Fill in the gaps. Use the appropriate forms of the word'fn brackets when given. 1 If you want to avoid ...........(gain) weight, you ..............better stop eating so much junk food. 2 You....................see Dr. Smith now; she ..................(wait) for you in her office. 3 I..................like to do some yoga, but I sprained my ankle and I don't want to make it ...........(bad). 4 Danny..................(look) for a job since he graduated so he was.................the moon when he finally found one. 5 Julie decided to drop...................... of the Chaos Training class; I guess she must ..................(find) it too difficult. 10 11 12 Key Word Transformations Complete the sentences using the word in bold. Use two to five words. I'm certain she didn't go to the sports centre. HAVE She............................. ............to the sports centre. It was wrong of you to shout at him. SHOULD You............................. at him. Good nutrition habits will help you stay healthy. SUPPOSED Good nutrition habits ............ ...............you stay healthy. It wasn't necessary for him to see a counsellor. NEED He.........................a counsellor. Perhaps he was not getting enough sleep. MAY He ............................. getting enough sleep. I advise you not to take any more painkillers. BEHER You............................. any more painkillers. Hannah has had an argument with her best friend. FALLEN Hannah has ......................... ................her best friend. Smoking in the hospital is forbidden. ALLOWED You................................ ...............in the hospital. it is possible that Jo has an anxiety disorder. LIKELY Jo ............................. ............an anxiety disorder. The workout aims to build stamina. FOCUSES The workout........................ ......................stamina. You are obliged to take a fitness test before joining the class. HAS A fitness test......................... ........before joining the class. You are forbidden from eating in the gym. MUST You............................. ...................in the gym. 45 4 Vocabulary ★ Match the words to form phrases. Then use them in the correct form to complete the sentences. 1 2 3 carve taste participate 4 5 6 attend visit go A in competitions В a hot spa C on sleigh rides D local dishes E statues of ice F dance parties 46 1 At the festival you can.......... ...............pulled by horses. 2 We..........................that were delicious at the festival. 3 Artists ......................... that are lit up at night. 4 In the evening festival goers.... ................with live music. 5 Mark............................. ..................and spent the afternoon relaxing in the water. 6 At the festival many people...... ...........................such as sled races and ice football. 2 Choose the correct word in bold. 1 The festival takes part/place in the city of Sapporo in February. 2 Ice sculptures are scattered/ collected around the town for visitors to enjoy. 3 The street performers are so funny that it's hard to hold/keep a straight face. 4 The party was in complete/full swing when we arrived. 5 They try to catch the fish with their bare/naked hands. I ★ Fill in: attraction, venue, hosts, elaborate, illuminate, squirming. 1 The snow statues are so .......with lots of details. 2 The town square is the perfect ................ for the festival dance. 3 The snow sculpture competition is the main..... at the festival. 4 At night they...........all the sculptures in the park. 5 It's almost itnpossible to catch the........... fish with your hands. 6 The locals are very proud to be the.у.......... of the festival. Grammar |, ★ Complete the text using the correct form of the passive of the verbs in brackets. CHILLY FUN FOR EVERYONE! What started out as a small gathering of miners and trappers in the Alaskan wilderness in the 1930s has evolved into ten days of weird and wild events in a festival that 1)...................... (know) as The Fur Rendezvous or Fur Rondy. Back in 1935 the city of Anchorage was a small and isolated community so a three day event 2).......................(organise) that year to celebrate the return of miners and trappers to the town. This coming winter, the Fur Rondy 3)....................... (celebrate) by locals and tourists for the 78th time making it one of the oldest winter carnivals. Popular festival events are dog sled races, team snowball fights and ice bowling. Another festival favourite is the Running of the Reindeer. Since 2008 Reindeers 4)....................(release) into the streets after runners who race with them to the finish line. For the past few years sports such as baseball 5)....................... (include) in the winter fun. Of course it's baseball with a winter twist as snow shoes 6).......................(wear) by each^^„_— player during the game. So for those^.-^ ^ j searching for winter adventure whoy^^[^L.-il V'? don't mind the chill. Fur Rondy isy4lKy one festival that / (not/miss)! I ^ Vocabulary ^ ★ Find eight words related to street performer jobs. s T U N T M A N G 0 1 E P W A M E C L 0 w N A E H H L M R F E J T R E G 1 1 A 0 1 R и R 1 U F D 0 G В R R G V A H L S N 1 A E H G G N L G N T C T E D L 0 L E R F A 1 M A P E U R 1 N G M A s T E R E N F R E E N H E T E A M H S H R E s R S T Z 2 Fill in: awe, fixated, willpower, stardom, carefree, glitter, sacrifices, motto, faint-hearted, intense. 1 She made a lot of........................as a child to become a star. 2 The acrobatic team has a very................. training schedule with practices twice a day. 3 She dreamed of ....................ever since she was a little girl. 4 As a street performer he lives a ............. lifestyle with few responsibilities, 5 His job is very risky and not for the......... 6 She was amazed at all the..................... and bright lights inside the circus tent. 7 She is ........................on the idea of becoming a film star and will stop at nothing. 8 You need,^ lot of......................to train on the trapeze as it's very demanding. 9 The national circus inspires ................. in audiences everywhere. ' 10 Her.....................is "never give up no matter what" and that is what keeps her going. 3 if Choose the correct word. 1 Determination is the key to success/fortune. 2 She made flying through the air look painless/ effortless. 3 The trapeze artists seemed to be defying/ resisting gravity. 4 It takes many years to master the acts/stunts. 5 Doing the tightrope walk is quite an adrenaline rush/speed. Grammar 4 ★ Complete the sentences in the passive. 1 They say she is the best trapeze artist in the circus. She ...................................... 2 People believe that the network cancelled the show. The show.................................. 3 They expect the circus to arrive in town tomorrow. The circus ............................... 4 People consider this act the most dangerous. This act.................................. 5 It is believed that he joined the circus. He........................................ 6 They think he broke his leg during the performance. It........................................ 7 It isiknown that the theatre has some of the best performances in the city. The theatre .............................. 8 It is reported that the concert tickets are selling out. The concert tickets ...................... 9 It is thought that the mayor will attend the circus show. People ................................... 10 It is expected that the theatre company will make a huge profit. The theatre company ...................... Listening ^ ★ Oyou will hear five people talking about a performance they saw. Choose from the list (A-F) what each person thought of the performance. There is one extra letter you don't need to use. A It was worth the expense. В I found it tiresome and boring. C I'd highly recommend it. D It was a unique experience. E It was overrated. F I had trouble understanding the performance. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 47 Vocabulary 'I ★ Fill in: comprising, stuffed, soar, stake, attended, code. 1 The value of a horse will................. if it wins a race at Ascot. 2 There is a dress ......................... strictly enforced on the day of the race. 3 The Royal Ascot is regularly.............. by the royal family. 4 Women dress in impressive outfits ........ of a formal dress and hat. 5 A lot of money is at ................... in this important horse race. 6 She looked ridiculous wearing a........... fox hat on her head! 2 ★ Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the word in the brackets. 1 We had a .......................time at the Royal Ascot. (MARVEL) 2 The Royal Ascot is one of the most........ events in horse racing. (PRESTIGE) 3 Women try to make a.....................in striking clothes and hats. (STATE) 4 There is a great deal of press .......... of the race. (COVER) 5 ............hats have become an important part of the race day. (OUTRAGE) ★ Choose the correct word. Her unusual hat caught/held the crowd's attention. They had great seats right near the starting mark/line for the race. Women try to break/crack the rules when it comes to dressing for the race. A win at Ascot can really increase/boost a trainer's career. She caused quite a stir/mix when she wore such a bizarre hat. Speaking 4 ★ Choose the correct response. 1 A: I love the pattern and the cut. B: a How about this one then? b Yes. That's absolutely lovely! 2 A; So, how does this dress look on me? B: a I'll go and try it on. b That style really suits you. 3 A: What's the dress code? B: a It's classy. b It's strictly formal. 4 A: i love your dress! Is it new? B: a Thanks! I'll get it. b Thanks. I just got it. 5 A: How about these shoes? B: a They match the dress perfectly, b I love the colour, but it's a bit short. 6 A: It brings out your eyes. B: a Right, I'm ail set for the party now! b Yes, I love the colour too. 5 ★★ Use sentences in Ex. 4 to write and/or act out your own dialogue about buying a formal outfit. Follow the plan. О О Ask В what the occasion isr^eply & ask A to help choose Agree to help. Ask what an outfit, the dress code is. '^'^Tell A. Make a suggestion, Agree. Ask A if they like sth Give opinion & reason..^--^ specific. Suggest sth else & say why you like it. Compliment B. Remind 8 to buy sth else 8t suggest an item. Say sth you like about it but give reason why unsuitable. Say you like it & you'll go try it on./^k what A thinks. Thank A & say you'll get it. Agree. 48 Vocabulary ★ Fill in: zoom, shoot, plastered, compartment, caption, optical, sanitation, canvas. The photographer plans to .....................scenes from city life for his next project. I cannot find the battery............in this camera. The wall was....................with adverts from the art festival. Many people live in slums without access to running water and He used a{n) .....................lens to get a close up shot of the children. There was a(n)..........................alongside the photo commenting about the subject. The artist uses street scenes as his...................... to send a message about poverty. He looked through the ......................viewfinder and took the picture. ★ Choose the correct word. The artist hopes his wall paintings will serve/make their purpose by getting people's attention. He visits and photographs poverty-broken/stricken areas. The witness/passer-by stopped to look at the photo. His emotion/passion for painting started when he was a child. The powerful image was captured/held on camera for the world to see. The city's slums are busy/crowded with thousands of poor people. Л The art programme offers hearty/heavy meals to the poor children after class. ★ Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the word in brackets. Thanks to his.....................many poor children have a positive attitude towards life. (ENCOURAGE) His artwork can be found in the .......................... city streets. (BUSTLE) The centre is looking for...................for a children's art programme. (FUND) He places his art in .......................places to grab people's attention. (EXPECT) The artist wants to use his ....................and talent to help poor people. (CREATE) 4 Fill in: through, across, up, on, onto. 1 He gets his subjects to open ...................by spending time with them. 2 The photographer took a picture of a man picking .............. rubbish for food. 3 By accident he came..........a group of families living in shacks. 4 He didn't think about where he was going; he just left ....... a whim. 5 He held..........to the edge of the building and took the photo. Grammar 5 Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense. 1 If the family had enough money, they .......................... (buy) a house. 2 Provided Peter ................ (have) time, he will go to the art festival. 3 If the photographer............ .........(not/be) in a hurry, he wouldn't have forgotten his camera at home. 4 If I .................(be) you, I would sign up for art class. 5 When you ...................... (donate) money to charity, you help people in need. 6 If Tom......................... (know) about the art exhibition, he would have attended. 7 Unless they raise some money they......................(not/ be able) to help poor families. 8 Joe................ (volunteer) at a charity, if he had extra time. 9 If she had understood how to use a camera, she.................. ................(not/break) it. 49 УЬ U T ■ -1 г 50 Vocabulary ^ ★ Fill in: assemble, makeshift, dismantled, embraced, stacked, unspoiled. 1 Every August an area of the Nevada desert becomes a..................city for the Burning Man Festival. 2 Many artists have.................. the creative concept of the festival and take part every year. 3 She made a sculpture of boxes five metres high in the shape^ of a dinosaur. 4 Some artists take days to their sculptures in the desert. 5 At the end of the festival everything is cleaned up and the desert is returned to its .................condition.' 6 All artworks must be ..................and removed'' at the end of the festival. 2 Choose the correct word. 1 She didn't like the idea of the festival and reluctantly/greatly agreed to come with us. 2 On the final evening everyone collected/gathered to see the fireworks display at the festival. 3 He made a moving/affecting speech that made many listeners cry. 4 It's important to clean up everything and leave no evidence/trace that the festival was once there. 5 Don't miss the festival's ending/closing ceremony; it's amazing! 6 His boredom gave way/room to excitement when he saw the festival lights. 3 Fill in: up, out (x2), at, in, off. 1 Many people were dressed ..................in colourful costumes. 2 I jumped .....the chance to go to the festival. 3 They lit the statue and it went up....flames. 4 They are handing ..........schedules of festival events over there. 5 She shook .................her fear of crowds and attended the festival. 6 Each evening we headed................to the campfire and sat around singing. Grammar ^ 'k Rewrite the following as mixed conditionals. 1 We didn't buy tickets. We are not at the festival now........................................... 2 She is afraid of crowds. She didn't go to the festival...................................... 3 I forgot my map. I am lost right now.......... > .................................................. 4 He doesn't have money. He didn't buy a ticket ' for the festival.................................. 5 She won't dance at the festival. She injured her leg........................................... 6 They don't have a car. They didn't drive to the festival...................................... 7 They were walking around the festival all day. They are tired now............................ ^ к Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form. 1 I'd rather we ........................(stay) to watch the festival parade later. 2 You'd better.....................(bring) plenty of water with you. 3 Suppose you .....................(win) a trip to the Burning Man festival, would you go? 4 I missed the opening show of the festival. If only I...........................(leave) earlier. 5 It's time you ................(try) something new for a change. 6 I wish you....................(see) the concert last night, it was great! 7 Jane acts as if she.......................(be) an expert on the subject. 8 I wish I......................(ask) my parents for money to go to the festival. 9 They spoke as if they.......................... (know) each other for years. Vocabulary *1 ★ Fill in: tabloid, broadsheet, gossip, mugger, casual, pass. 1 On certain days, we are allowed to wear clothes to school. 2 Mandy likes to read about celebrities in newspapers. 3 Pamela uses social media to catch up on all the 4 My father buys....................newspapers for global and financial news. 5 John reads magazines to ............the time. 6 Police have arrested the...................... Reading 2 Read the article. For questions 1-5, choose the answer A, B, C, or D. 1 What is the main purpose of this article? A to discuss the history of journalism В to examine the effects of the Internet upon news reporting C to compare broadcast and printed news D to encourage people to read more newspapers 2 In the second sentence of the first paragraph, what does it refer to? A the printing press C the news В the radio D the television 3 In paragraph two, what did the survey conclude? A The Internet has changed the way people receive'Vtews. В People prefer Internet news because it is free. C Most people have received breakincf’''n€ws through social media. D Internet news forums encourage networking. 4 What advice does the writer give to the reader? A Use your mobile phone to report news. В Contribute to discussions about the news. C Try to regulate your Internet usage. D Be wary of unofficial news reporting. 5 How has the Internet affected news corporations? A They are making less money. В More jobs are now available. C It is easier for journalists to write articles. D Competition is decreasing among journalists. Read all about Since the invention of the printing press, news reporting has advanced in leaps and bounds. First, the radio was launched in 1910, significantly changing the face of the news by enabling it to be broadcast at any time of day. Then, almost two decades later, the television made its debut, allowing viewers to see what was happening all around the world. It’s clear that technology is a massive driving force behind culture and society. However, nothing has had such a massive impact on news reporting as the rise of the Internet. With all the features of print, radio and television combined, the Internet has truly revolutionised the way in which the world receives news. Now, information is free, plentiful and instantly accessible as media corporations post new articles 24 hours a day. Not only this, but newspapers, radio and television stations are no longer the sole bearers of news. Indeed, one^urvey revealed that the majority of people learn about a breaking news story through a social networking site rather than through mainstream sources. As well as enabling consumers to access news with ease, the Internet also allows news to be delivered by individual members of society. Through the use of mobile Internet technology, those present at the scene of an incident are able to report on it long before the press have time to arrive. This means that the public become the largest contributors of news in the world. However, since the Internet is largely unregulated, it flourishes with unreliable information. As a result, unverified sources should always be treated with caution. The rise of Internet news has seen newspaper sales plummet in recent years, causing many companies to collapse. For those journalists lucky enough to remain in the business, it is more cutthroat than ever before. With so many 'citizen journalists’ around, mainstream media must produce a much higher calibre of journalism in order to compete. So while the news industry may be suffering, the^ Internet is certainly good news for billions of readers across the globe. Vocabulary ^ ★ Fill in: call, take, show, drop, pay, put in the correct form. She finally .................off her credit card with the extra money she had earned. The festival.....................off due to rain. The singer's career really.............off with his latest CD. The company............off their presentation of their holographic technology until next month. Fashion models....................off his latest designs on the runway last night. I was so tired that I almost................... off during the lecture. Use of English » ★ Complete the sentences with the word derived from the words in bold. See the world as you've never seen it before with Google Glass: the 1) (INNOVATE) new eyewear of the future! These 2) (ORDINARY) glasses function as a computer, allowing users to interact with the virtual world. They work using a 3).......................... (PROJECT) which displays an image on a transparent screen in front of the wearers' eye. To the wearer, the screen 4).................(SIMPLE) floats before them; a(n) 5)......................(EXTEND) of their vision. However, using voice-6)......................(ACTIVE) controls, users can browse the Internet, access their 7)........................(SOCIETY) networking pages and check their emails with ease! The glasses can even react to your 8)........................(SURROUND) by displaying maps for navigation as well as product 9)...........................(INFORM) while you shop. With Google Glass, the 10)........................... (DIGIT) world will flow seamlessly into 11).......... (REAL). So why not grab a pair and transform yourself into a 12)........................(FUTURE) cyborg? Listening 2 ★ О You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, В or C). 1 You hear two friends talking about a festival they have just attended. What do they disagree about? A how good the music was r В the variety of activities offered X the closing ceremony 2 You hear a circus performer interviewed on the radio. Why did he join the circL^s? A to follow a family tradition В to pursue his love of performing’ C to have the opportunity to travel the world 3 You will hear a photographer talking about his job. How does he feel about his work? A He is proud to see his work on display. В He wants his work to be seen by more people. C He is pleased his work helps others. 4 You hear part of a broadcast about a competition. What is the narrator describing? A the history of the company В the entry requirements C the prizes available for winners 5 You hear a girl leaving a voicemail message. Why does she leave the message? A to extend an invitation В to make a suggestion C to apologise for something 6 You hear two teenagers talking in a shop. Why doesn't the girl buy the dress? A It's not what she is looking for. В It's not the right size. C She doesn't like the style. 7 You hear an announcement at a festival. Which event is new this year? A dog sled competition В a beauty contest C sleigh rides 8 You hear a teenager talking about an art class he is taking. What does he think of it? A It is helping him develop his talent. В It is fun and relaxing. C It is very challenging. 1 Writing (reviews) ★ Read the following sports festival review and put the paragraphs in the correct order. IAI I All of these 1) exciting events are not to be missed! This festival has something for everyone, old and young alike. Book your tickets now; I guarantee you won't regret it! IВI I Sports fans across the country can look forward to going to Brighton and Hove for the 2) latest International Festival of Sport. This 3) annual event is now in its fifth year with each festival 4) bigger than the last! КI I The International Festival of Sport offers a 5) wide variety of activities, from martial arts to rock-climbing. But for those less 6) courageous, there are also 7) lively dance classes and 8) relaxing yoga sessions so that nobody misses out on the chance to get fit! In addition to all this, 9) famous celebrity chef Rachel Green is hosting cookery classes where she will teach 10) creative ways to cook 11) healthy food. And then to top it all off, this year's festival shall also witn^s the historic Olympic torch relay as it passes through Brighton and Hove. 2 ★ Which paragraph contains... 1 the features of the festival? 2 the writer's opinion/recommendation? 3 the name of the festival? 2 ★ Replace the adjectives in bold in the model in Ex. 1 with the ones from the list: • newest • nutritious • well-known • yearly • broad • thrilling • imaginative • brave • larger • soothing • energetic ★ Replace the words in bold with their opposites: unexpected, incredible, emotional, talented, powerful, popular, upbeat, modern. Unbroken is the 1) terrible third album by the 2) unskilled artist Demi Lovato. It is a(n) 3) outdated mixture of R&B and rock, which is a(n) 4) predictable change from her previous pop albums. Unbroken opens with a(n) 5) slow dance track, featuring 6) unknown rap stars Missy Elliot and Timbaland. It then progresses onto 7) unmoving ballads which demonstrate Lovato's 8) weak voice. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 у ★ Complete the extracts with the words in the list. • suecessful • entertaining * beautifully A Carrie opened the show with her 1)............. song Good Girl. She sang it 2)................ and was very 3)...............to watch. • poor • unrealistic • disappointed В The film left me feeling very 1)............... Not only was the acting really 2)............., but the special effects looked totally 3)................ • glamorous • gifted • glittering C Taylor Swift looked 1)...............on the red carpet in a 2)................ gold dress. The 3)................young star was the star of the ceremony, winning two Grammy awards. • helpful • reasonably-priced • delicious D The staff were very 1)................. and the food was 2)................... Moreover, every mouthful was absolutely 3).................! 0 ★ Fill in: film, plot, characters, special effects. 1 imaginative, stunning, convincing............. 2 fast-paced, gripping, dramatic ............... 3 western, fantasy, horror...................... 4 villain, supporting, hero .................... 53 Уь у ★ Choose the correct words/phrases. 1 We were late for the show and missed the first set/act. 2 During his audition, Danny forgot the lines/lyrics half-way through the song! 3 The new Japanese restaurant offers a good selection of food, but only one vegetarian dish/ plate. 4 The serving/service at the hotel restaurant was incredibly slow and I found the waiting staff quite rude. 5 Anna felt nervous when the moment came to go on stage/scene. 6 The show has been extremely popular due to the fact that the main character is acted/played by a famous film star. 7 There was an unexpected plot/twist at the end of the book. 8 I found the film's plot was so dull/thick that I fell asleep in the cinema! 8 a) ★ Complete the reviews with: * • won't regret it • is definitely for you • I've ever seen • put it down • miss it • definitely watch • biggest hits This is one of the best films 1)............. I'm sure it will be one of this summer's 2).........................! В If you are looking for some authentic Italian cuisine, then this restaurant 3)............... C The book was so fascinating that I simply could not 4)..................It was a real page turner! D Fans of the series should 5)....................... this latest film; I am certain that you 6)..................... E This year's carnival will be a spectacular event. Make sure you don't 7)....................! b) ★ Which sentence does the writer use to recommend the festival in the review in Ex. 1? a) -A-Read the rubric and think of a food festival and complete the table. A magazine is asking for a food festival review. Write your review for the magazine describing the special features, making general comments and giving your recommendation {120-180 words). I.---------------------------------------j The prompts below are about a food festival. Put the prompt^ under the correct heading and expand them into sentences. • food festival/run for/18 years • famous chefs/hold/cooking demonstrations • take place/September/every year • over 160/stalls/sell/variety/local produce • public/participate/food competitions • grow/popularity/year to year I Background Special features: b) ★ Answer the questions. 1 What style will you use?...... 2 What tense(s) will you use? 3 What must you include?........ 10^^ Use your answers from Ex. 9 or your own ideas and the Useful Language box to write your review. Useful language Background: This annual event.... It takes place in ..., It has been running for... Main points: The festival offers..., There are.... Participants can ..., In addition ... Recommendations: you won't regret it, don't miss it, is definitely for you 54 English in Use Open Cloze ★ Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use oniy one word in each gap. Action, Snow, Hoises and lots ofGtemont... Two teams 0) on horseback using long wooden sticks battle over a ball with the objective of scoring goals against the opposing team. Referred 1) ................as the “sport of kings”, polo was originally played 2) ...........royalty and nobility. Known 3)...its elegance and precision, polo is also an action-packed sport demanding speed and endurance. Now imagine all 4).........excitement played on snow and ice in the Swiss mountains, The St, Moritz Polo Cup was introduced in 1985 and was the 5)...........competitive event to introduce snow polo 6)........a sport. Even today, it 7).......considered the world’s most prestigious winter polo event. 8)........year in January, top polo teams from around the world gather in the glamorous winter resort of St. Moritz, Switzerland to compete for the grand prize. The two teams take to the frozen surface of Lake St. Moritz much to the delight 9).............over 15,000 spectators. Between the excitement guests warm 10)......................in luxurious VIP tents and enjoy parties 11)............hot chocolate flows freely. It’s polo 12).... an exotic winter twist sure to please the biggest of polo fans! Key Word Transformations 2 ★ Complete the gapped sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the original ones, using the words given. 1 People believe he is the best acrobat in the world. BELIEVED''’ He ...................................... the best acrobat in the world. 2 It's a pity Mary didn't go to the circus. GONE Mary wishes..................................... .....................to the circus. 3 You'd better dress warmly at the ice festival. WERE If ............................................. dress warmly at the ice festival. 4 The artist will create the ice sculpture. BE The ice sculpture ................... .........................the artist. 5 He forgot his camera so he didn't take any pictures. HAVE If he hadn't forgotten his camera, he................................... pictures. Speaking Choose the correct response. 1 A: What's the special occasion? B; a It's the company's annual dance, b It's strictly casual, 2 A: Can you help me pick out an outfit? B: a That's nice. b Sure I'd love to, 3 A; What's the dress code? B: a It's lovely, b It's formal. 4 A: What do you think of this top? B: a Turquoise suits you. b I need a new outfit. 5 A; How about getting a cocktail dress? B: a *That really looks good. b That's what I had in mind. 6 A; I love your skirt. Is it new? B; a I bought it yesterday. b It's classy. 7 A: This skirt is too short for me. B; a How about this one, then? b So, how do I look? 8 A: That style really suits you. B: a It makes your eyes stand out. b Thanks. I'll get it. 9 A: Does it match my shoes? B: a It's perfect. b I'm all set for the party. 10 A: Why do you read the World News section? B: a I don't find news interesting, b I want to know what's happening. 11 A: Tm looking for something formal. B: a I've got a really nice suit to show you. b I love the pattern and the cut. 12 A: Why do you buy gossip magazines? B; a To catch up on celebrity news. b I'm interested in serious news. 55 10 11 12 Language & Grammar Review Choose the correct answer. When we arrived, the festival activities were already in full... A twist В swing C twirl D spin There were many food stands........throughout the festival grounds, A developed C expanded В enlarged D scattered The actress wore a....diamond ring on her finger, A glowing C shining В sparkling D flashing The circus performance was....on videotape. A captured C captivated В taken D grabbed He was .... to see so many poor families in shacks. A fixated C reluctant В appalled D hesitant * Bungee jumping is not a sport for the.... A carefree C faint-hearted 8 free-spirited D scared ..... a model airplane is not always an easy task, A Gathering C Collecting В Assembling D Connecting Sue played a joke on Tom but it was hard for her to...a straight face. A take В control C keep D have A: What's the dress code? B: .. A I love the colour. В It's strictly casual. C I need something classy, D It looks great on you. Stop feeling sorry....yourself! A with В at C for D to Trapeze artists have..training schedules. A intense В extreme C deep D powerful The band's new song .....the charts last month. A headed В finished C topped D covered 13 The Royal Ascot is a..sporting event. A prestigious C notorious В celebrated D notable 14ч4Не hopes his street art will.a purpose. A perform В serve C act D complete 15 The Fairbanks Ice Festival.Celebrated In Alaska every year. A will be В is being C is D has been 16 The ice sculpture was created....an artist. A with В by C of D from 17 I wish I...enough money to go on holiday. A would have C have В had D was having 18 If I.you, I would go to the festival. A would be C had been В were D will be 19 If Andy....performing, he wouldn't have become an actor. A doesn't enjoy C won't enjoy В didn't enjoy D wouldn't enjoy 20 If only I..to bring my camera to the festival. A will remember C had remembered В remember D would remember 21 Jack can't rent a flat unless he.a steady job. A will find C would find В finds D would have found 22 23 Sue acts as if she.everything. A knows C had known В knew D has known 'd rather you..very late tonight. A didn't stay up C haven't stayed up В won't stay up D hadn't stayed up 24 It...thought that the mayor will attend the festival parade. A is В is being C will be D has been 25 I wish you..to the circus with us later tonight. A would come C came В had come D come 56 Reading Task Read the text. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences{A-H)the one that fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra sentence. • > 41 1?J V '.. • .-Os» .‘i; -if.;; C<^\ I-. In streets of Valencia, Spain, , . . ' there is one festival that is guaranteed to go out ' with a bang! Every year in March, millions of people gather to witness an awe-inspiring spectacle of art, culture and above all, flames! This is not one for the faint-hearted; this is The Festival of Fire. Known locally as Las Fallas, the festival involves the creation of hundreds of 1 They take many ninots\ statues made from papier-mache, wood and plaster, months to make and can cost up to £50,000! The ninots take many forms such as cartoon characters, celebrities and even politicians. Festival goers are invited to judge the sculptures and a winner is announced at the close of the festival. I 2 I The rest are condemned to go up in flames. This unique tradition dates back to the Middle Ages when carpenters burned their wooden scraps after winter had passed. Las Fallas has to offer. the boom of firecrackers as they spontaneously explode around the city. Then finally, each night is topped with a spectacular fireworks display that builds up to day four: The Burning. With the crowd's favourite ninot safely stored away in the local museum, the atmosphere becomes electric. Each of the remaining sculptures are stuffed full of explosives in preparation for what is to come. I 6 I And then the countdown begins... At the stroke of midnight on the 19'" March, Valencia is set ablaze. It is a scene of both beauty and destruction, and for some, it brings a tear i.ijto the eye. This pivotal moment reminds ,5--^people to put the past behind them and welcome the onset of spring as well as E Parades beauty pageants and paella contets are arnong ' E“n, «ngs« can bn seen dunng ^ ^ F As the n/nots turn to ash, one final, kaleidoscopic display of fireworks accompanies their dernise_ Г, These hiqhly-detailed sculptures can stand as high " a? 20 S tall and are created by art® front all H ?toe ?ato a marching bra« band to ensure that ^ all residents are up and ready to pin in the fun. A The warmer weather meant that firewood was no iong« needed, so the ritual was a celebration of В teSSrs to Chan, as the s,re« ^ are c 3 firemen have devised ways to protect the D ?i;Se"fhe the only one» '• V'.- "'w- ■ --‘T. Over time, this ritual grew into a much larger and more flamboyant affair. Now, it is a four-day street party that is sure to be a blasti festival starts with a deafening chorus of^ firecrackers that go off at 8 o’clock in the morning! The firecrackers are so excessively loud that they set off car and shop alarms across the city. But if all this commotion isn't enough to wake you, then don’t worry, ЖЗ pAfter a rather rude awakening visitors can enjoy ail the attractions that All of these events are accompanied by П57 Building Up Vocabulary Complete the sentences using one of the words in the box. renowned • distinguished • outspoken famous • notorious • dishonourable The city is........................for its high crime rate. Many.........................celebrities attend the Royal Ascot event every year. He was accused of committing a................. act such as taking a bribe. • discreet • prudent • logical • sensible • review • criticism • commentary • obituary 11 Jack is extremely touchy and doesn't take ......................very well. 12 The famous actor wrote his own......... a bit before he died. 13 The broadcast will include live ....... of the game. 14 The new 3D film didn't get a good .... in the press. • audition • practice • rehearsal 1 Mathew Is a very talented painter and comes from a..................................... family of artists. 2 The island is..............................for its beautiful beaches. 3 She is a(n)........................critic of racism and attends demonstrations on a regular basis. 15 Henry went to the ...............and got the leading part in the play. 16 The cast had a full dress..................... jtwo days before opening night. 17*^ it takes a lot of............................ to learn to play the piano. • article • column • feature 18 19 20 The newspaper ran a(n) story on street crime. Jack had to write a(n)... for English class. Tim writes a weekly .. for the local paper. 7 Sue is a .......................shopper and knows where to get the best deals. 8 Linda likes to gossip and is not always very 9 She lost weight by following a............... diet and exercising regularly. 10 There must be a................... explanation for the strange lights they saw in the sky. 58 2 Complete the sentences with a word derived from the words in bold. Walking the tightrope is no easy task. It requires hours of practise, focus and 1)................. (CONCENTRATE). It also takes a huge amount of 2)................... (BRAVE). However, for one circus 3)................(PERFORM) the thrill of the Big Top simply isn't enough. Meet Nik Wallenda: 4)........................(PROFESSION) daredevil extraordinaire. Nik began working in 5)......... (ENTERTAIN) when he was just two years old, dressed as a clown in his parents' circus act. Now, he holds six world records for various 6).......... (ACROBAT) feats, including tightrope walking across the 7)...............(RAGE) waters of the Niagara Falls! Nik dedicated his 8)............. (USUAL) achievement to the memory of his greatgrandfather Karl Wallenda, a 9)................. (LEGEND) tightrope walker who lost his life during a 10) ..............(RISK) high wire stunt. He also hoped to be an inspiration to people around the world. Nick said that crossing the waterfall was the 11) .......(FULFIL) of a lifelong dream. However, he refuses to stay grounded and is already talking about his next 12)............(DANGER) stunt: a mile-long tightrope walk across the Grand Canyon! Language Knowledge - Module 4 ^ Choose the correct item. 1 I'd rather we..to the festival now, 3 A will go C went В go D are going 2 The play...to open next month at the theatre. A was expected C expects В is expected D is expecting ^ 3 If I.about the musical festival, I would have gone. A knew C would know 3 В know D had known 4 These snow sculptures....by local people for the festival last year. A were created C are creating В are created D were being created ^ 5 If I joined in the circus, I.a lion tamer. A would have been C would be j В will be D was 6 If only I..to the show; I heard it was great. A went C would have gone 6 В would go D had gone 7 The band...outside unless it rains. ^ A would perform C had performed В will perform D perform ''' 8 2 Fill in the gaps. Use the appropriate forms of the word in brackets when given. ' ^ 9 1 Tina acts ............................ if she ..............(be) in charge of the company. 2 If I had extra time I....................... .|q (join) a gym to get..................shape. 3 It ..................(expect) that thousands .....................people will come to the festival next week. 4 The concert........................ (broadcast) live....................television tomorrow. .^2 5 I'd rather you..................... (not/play) the guitar...........................loudly. Key Word Transformations Complete the sentences using the word in bold. Use two to five words. Tim regrets not going to the festival. WISHES Tim ................................. ...................to the festival. People think that Karen will come to the show tonight. EXPEaED Karen.............................. .............to the show tonight. They say she is the best trapeze artist in the circus. SAID It ................................... she is the best trapeze artist in the circus. A radto station gave us free tickets to the festival. GIVEN We................................ a radio station to go to the festival. I strongly think they should renovate the theatre. TIME It .............................. .....................the theatre He didn't take that photo. TAKEN That photo .......................... ............................him They cancelled the festival this morning. CALLED The festival........................ ....................this morning She behaves like the star of the show. THOUGH She acts............................ .............the star of the show We should have gone to the festival, BETTER It ................................. ....if we had gone to the festival They let us go back stage after the performance. ALLOWED We.................................. back stage after the performance. John wants to stay home tonight to relax. RATHER John ............................... .................tonight to relax. Timothy is organising the festival activities. BEING The festival activities.............. ........................Timothy. 59 60 Vocabulary ^ ★ Fill in: invasive, groundbreaking, applications, comrrjands, chips, microscopic, steady. 1 He was honoured for his ..............................work in nanotechnology. 2 Scientists believe that miniature robots may be able to build tiny computer.....................one day. 3 Most people don't like the idea of having any kind of...... surgery. 4 Scientists have created .......................robots that can travel inside the human body. 5 It takes a .......................hand to perform surgeries. 6 Robotic devices may be used for specific medical .......... in the future. 7 Robots are programmed to follow ........................... 2 ★ Fill in: up, out(x2), across, of, to, on. 1 The fireworks display lit.........,................the sky. 2 They came.........................some ancient relics at the archaeological site. 3 They carried..........................an experiment in the laboratory. 4 He could not work .......................the answer to the Maths problem. 5 Jeremy needs to focus more .....................his studies. 6 Robots will be capable..........................performing surgery one day. 7 Experiments in science can lead.......................new discoveries. 2 ★ Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from 1 The injured patient responded well to ................... (TREAT) 2 Eric had a(n)..............on his leg last year. (OPERATE) 3 I can't understand what this note says it is completely .......................(READABLE) 4 With the help of a robotic assisted device the surgeon was able to operate with more.....................(PRECISE) 5 It is important to follow all........................... regulations in the science laboratory. (SAFE) ★ Fill in: develop, revolutionise, launch, detect, administer, and patrol in the correct form. 1 Robotic devices can be used to .................diseases in the human body. 2 Computers have................. the way we live. 3 Russia is planning to ......... a new satellite later this year. 4 The nurse........V'.........the prescribed medication to the patient last night. 5 Researchers have............... a robotic device that can cure diseases. 6 One day nanobots will be able to .....................inside the human body and repair damaged cells. Grammar J ★ Change the following from direct into reported speech. 1 'I saw a documentary about space travel yesterday,' she told me. 2 'We will conduct the experiment tomorrow,' Professor Jones said. 3 'I'm going to a medical conference this afternoon,' he said. 4 'I've just finished my science project,' Henry told me. 5 'Robert is a laboratory technician,' she said. 6 'I'm reading an article about nanotechnology,' Helen said. 7 'I was studying for my science test all day,' he said. I Vocabulary 'I ★ Fill in: stuffed, tumor, crossed, wholesale, cure, evaporates, tissue, hygiene, rejection, auction. 1 It is often advisable to have surgery if a .......................is detected. 2 Ann had a collection of ................... animals when she was a child. 3 You can find some great bargains at ....... prices online. 4 It never......................her mind that she would become so famous. 5 Scientists are working hard to find a...... for this terrible disease. 6 It is essential to teach young children the importance of personal...................... 7 Water ....................when it is heated. 8 The doctor examined the cancerous ......... under the microscope. 9 He made a great deal of money selling his products online on a(n)................site. 10 Andy received many ......................... letters before landing a job. Grammar 2 ★ Choose a verb from the list and report the sentences using that verb. • ask • apologise • remind • order • suggest • refuse • admit • urge 1 Tm sorry I misbehaved,' John said. John ......'V............................... 2 'Stop talking,' the teacher told us. The teacher ............................ 3 'What time does your lesson start?' he said to her. He.......................................... 4 'Don't forget your assignment is due tomorrow,' the professor told them. The professor .............................. 5 'No, I won't call her,' he told me. He.......................................... 6 'Yes, I read your diary,' she said to me. She......................................... 7 'Let's go to the science fair,' he said. She......................................... 8 'Please be on time,' Ann said to Joe. Ann ........................................ Listening 3 ★ О Look at the questions. Then listen to a teacher talking at a school assembly. What is the purpose of the announcement? A to inform students about an upcoming school trip. to provide information about a national contest. tOfpromote the school's science fair, to encourage students to follow a career in science. 2 What field of science did the previous years' winner explore? A space C medicine В energy D robotics 3 What must students do if they want to be considered for the competition? A gather funding for their project В complete an application form C write a proposal to the school D send a report or film to the judges 4 During which month does the science fair take place? A March C October В September D December 5 What does the teacher mean when he says a A Students should disregard the rules of the competition. В Students should use the knowledge they have acquired outside of school. C Students should be imaginative with their ideas. D Students should dedicate a great deal of time to their projects. 61 62 Vocabulary ^ ★ Fill in; complex, hemisphere, accurate, calculate, brilliant, telescope. 1 Europe is located in the northern............ of the world. 2 The problem was solved by the most.......... scientists in the world. 3 Despite being old, my grandfather's watch is still very................... 4 Steven uses his.............to study the night sky. 5 The museum.................. contains a building dedicated to time travel. 6 The prime meridian in London is used to ..................the time around the world. 2 ★ Choose the correct word. 1 Accurate timekeeping helped sailors to pinpoint/ define their exact location. 2 Sailors must be careful in order to drive/ navigate a ship through stormy seas. 3 The sun passes over the prima meridian correctly/precisely at midday in the UK. 4 In the 14'*’ century, Venetians used hourglasses to measure/determine time. 5 The prime meridian divides/shares the globe into two halves. 6 Every time area/zone in the world is defined by Greenwich Mean Time. 7 The Smithsonian Institution shows/boasts the largest meteorite collection on Earth. 2 ★ Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the word in brackets. 1 Big Ben is a popular tourist................ in London. (ATTRACT) 2 Establishing a world clock was a very ..... problem. (TRICK) 3 The scientists gathered in the ............. to study the stars. (OBSERVE) 4 A(n)..........................is an excellent place to learn about astronomy. (PLANET) 5 The prime meridian is a(n).................. line across the world. (IMAGINE) 6 You are not allowed to...................... touch the exhibits in the museum. (PHYSICAL) Speaking I ★ Complete the dialogue with the correct phrases. A I'll have to think about it, Megan. В What's so great about it? C I bet you'll have a great time when you're there. D How much are the tickets? E^l.WJty don't we go on Saturday? F That's not too bad. G Actually, I do like the sound of that. A; B: A; B; A: B: A: B: A: B: Hi Rachel; check out this advert for the Glasgow Science Centre. It sounds amazing! The Science Centre? Well, you can learn all about science through their interactive exhibits and also conduct your own experiments. Hmm ... I 3 I I I'm not that keen on science. You're joking! I find it fascinating. It says here that you can even build your own rocket! Really? Me too. Oh, please! Well, I suppose it might be fun. They're only £8. OK then. Let's go onto the website and book our tickets. / 5 ★ Imagine you want to persuade a friend to go to the science museum below. Write a dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 4, using the information in the advert. ThitiRtanK discover science. . Get a glimpse o1 the tuture through our interactive exhibits. ^ . Meet ourTite-sized automated robot. 10 11 Vocabulary ★ Choose the correct word. She took a leap/jump of faith and entered the unknown cave. Cory wants to become a diver and explore the ocean deep/depths. The earthquake caused the cave to collapse/ descend. The iceberg crashed/shattered into a million pieces. As a diver you must embrace/welcome your fear rather than avoid it. On this dive he will be examining/experimenting with some new equipment. The threat/warning of disaster was everywhere but she still entered the ice cave. Jill gives multimedia conversations/ presentations about her expeditions. She is a record breaker/keeper and holds the record for longest distance travelled underwater. The strong bubbles/currents pushed the swimmer out to sea. Jane wears a heated tank/wetsuit when exploring the icy waters of the Atlantic. Grammar 2 ★ Rewrite the sentences in the causative. 1 A mechanic is repairing their boat at the moment. They ..................................... 2 Someone has designed a special wetsuit for the divers. The divers................................ 3 A tour guide will arrange their diving trip. They ..................................... 4 Someone ordered her new equipment yesterday. She ...................................... 5 Emma's underwater camera will be repaired tomorrow. Emma ..................................... 6 The doctor was examining her injured knee. She ...................................... 7 The instructor had checked the divers' equipment. The divers................................ 8 A cleaner cleans Mary's boat after each dive. Mary...................................... 4 ★ For questions 1-12, read the text and complete with the best word that fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. 2 ★ Fill in: to, off, into (x2J, over, up, in, away. 1 She phjnged................freezing icy water. 2 The diver descended ................50 metres to reach ttW cave. 3 The expedition team are heading............... the Antarctic. 4 The spacecraft lifted off and rocketed .... space. 5 Bill wants to follow...........the footsteps of his father and become a deep sea diver. 6 Stop running...................from your fears and face them, 7 She grew...................near the ocean and learnt to dive as a child. 8 Such a dangerous dive would put most divers ..................but Jill saw it as a challenge. Journey веер into the Earih In 1991, a local farmer in Vietnam found a cave deep 0) /nthe Vietnamise jungle. Little 1)...................... a team of British cave explorers know what awaited 2)................. as they foiiowed the farmer into the cave years later in 2009. They 3).................about to discover the world's largest cave measuring approximately 9 kilometres long and 150 metres high with a river running 4).........................it. The cave, called Son Doong, was created some 2 to 5 million years 5)..................... by river water eroding away limestone underneath a mountain. Some parts 6)...........the cave's roof have collapsed creating huge skylights. As a 7) .............. of these skylights, vegetation began to grow and formed the largest underground jungle. According 8) ................... explorer and photographer Carsten Peter, 9)...............spent weeks inside the cave, the Son Doong cave is by 10)...................the largest and most unique cave ever discovered. It is 11)...................large that explorers are still searching 12)............its end! I 63 Vocabulary ^ ★ Fill in: creative, courageous, risk-taker, organised, optimistic, ambitious, confident, focused. 1 At work Martin is very........................ and not easily distracted, 2 Taylor is so.................and rarely doubts herself, 3 You need to be.......................and your positive attitude will lead you to success. 4 The company is looking for................... people who can come up with new ideas, 5 Kelly is ...................and plans to be a best selling author in a few years, 6 Our secretary is very....................and knows where everything is in the office. 7 Tim is a.......................and isn't afraid of taking chances. 8 Kevin faces all his fears and never stops trying; he is so........................ 2 Choose the correct word. * 1 By working at the lab, she gained some practical/realistic skills. 2 It's better to spend more and buy never-ending/ long-lasting batteries that work more hours, 3 Stella is very committed to reaching/managing her goals, 4 All his years of experimentation achieved/ contributed to the final successful invention, 5 Exhausted from working all day, Karen immediately fell/dropped into a heavy/deep sleep, 6 Why don't you sleep over/on it and we will discuss it again in the morning, 2 ★ Fill in: off, up, of, down, into, in. 1 She lay down and drifted.............to sleep, 2 Keep trying and never give .................. 3 Keeping a journal can help you tap........... new ideas, 4 Paul had a hand.........the project's success, 5 Julie is intolerant.........negative people, 5 She scribbled ..................a few ideas, 64 4 ★ Fill in: patent, target, pressure, stepping, concentration, inner. 1 She felt under ................to finish her invention by the end of the month. 2 He holds a ................for his invention. 3 By writing down your thoughts, you will discover your..................genius. 4t> His small experiment will be a............. ‘‘stone to a bigger discovery. 5 If you don't get enough sleep, you will have poor.................... V 6 She set herself a ................to develop her invention by the end of the morvth. Grammar 5 ★ Choose the correct words. cyccess One Step at a Time! As a volunteer in rural Peru, American college student Joseph Linzon saw 1} plenty of/much problems. One that stuck with him was that 2) a lot of/every residents didn’t have access to electricity for electronic devices like laptops and mobile phones. As he travelled to 3) many/large numbers of remote villages by foot, an idea came to him. As you walk you produce 4) a little/a few energy, so how about a shoe that converts this energy into electricity. From this idea the “Powersole” was born, a shoe that generates electricity to charge electronic devices. Upon returning home, Joseph spent 5) several/all days in his family’s garage developing his idea. He didn’t have 6) any/little background in science so asked a friend for 7) few/some help until he came up with his first prototype shoes. The shoes are equipped with a USB port for charging electronic devices. Joseph has received 8) much/many recognition for his invention and plans to manufacture the shoes at a low cost for developing countries. Joseph says he gets 9) a great deal/a great number of satisfaction from finding solutions to different problems. sacttssoriKWWiUMQ 5 There are few modern-day writers as renowned as Joanne Kathleen Rowling, the creator of Harry Potter. With over 30 awards under her belt, she is one of the most successful authors of all time. In addition, her novels have famously been adapted into a series of box-office hits. These earn her so much income that the 47-year-old could comfortably retire and live off Harry Potter royalties for the rest of her life! However, this lucrative success story started at the most humble of beginnings, with a talented but insecure writer too afraid to pursue her dreams. Joanne grew up in a house full of books that fuelled her creativity. She was so enchanted by fairy tales that she began to dream up her own, and by the time she was six years old she had written her first story about a rabbit and a giant bee. “Ever since Rabbit and Miss Bee, I have wanted to be a writer, though I rareiy told anyone so," recalls Joanne, “I was afraid they’d tell me I didn't have a hope.” Throughout her life, Joanne continued to write, filling entire boxes with stories and unfinished novels. But due to her lack of confidence, she never approached a publisher with any of her work. It wasn't until later life, when Joanne lost her job and was living in poverty, that she finally devoted her time to writing. Then with nothing to lose, she contacted an agency with her first compieted manuscript: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Joanne’s first novel was rejected by twelve different publishers and eventually found itself in the hands of Nigel Newton, the founder of Bloomsbury Press. He did not read the book himself, but gave it to his eight-year-old daughter. The girl loved the novel so much that Nigel agreed to take it on; but not without apprehensions. “You’ll never make any money out of children’s books," he warned Joanne. Well, she certainly proved him wrong! To date, she has sold 500 million copies of her novels globally, and the Harry Potter franchise has reaped profits of £15 biiiion! Now, as the richest author in the world, no publisher in their right mind would dream of turning down one of her books! And as for Joanne’s confidence; well, let's ji quite boost. Reading ★ Read the article. For questions 1-5, choose the answer A, B, C, or D. What is the purpose of this article? A to show how profitable the publishing industry can be В to describe the career of a famous author C to compare the publishing and film industries D to raise publicity about a children's book In the fourth sentence of the first paragraph, what does these refer to? A awarlis В books C films D royalties As a child, how did the works of other writers make Joanne feel? A Inspired C Intimi'Sifted В Determined D Hopeful According to the text, what initially stopped Joanne from contacting a publisher? A her inability to complete a novel В her self-doubt C her financial situation D her lack of time What drove Nigel Newton to publish Joanne's first novel? A He took pity on Joanne. В He was captivated upon reading it. C His daughter's reaction to the book. D The fact that children's books sold well. Vocabulary > ★ Fill in: relevant, delegate, supportive, influential, sensitivity. 1 No matter what I choose to do, my family is always very 2 Only those with................. industry experience will be considered for the position. 3 A good manager must have the ability to .............. tasks to their employees. 4 Jimmy really offended me; his comments show a complete lack of................. 5 As a politician, it is important to make friends with.............. people. 65 66 Vocabulary ^ ★ Fill in: handle, identity, determine, complex, logic, tendency, dominant, regulate. 1 Creativity is the most....................... characteristic among artists. 2 The brain is a very.................organ. 3 Your personal .....................is shaped by your thoughts and memories. 4 The brain can ......................multiple tasks at once. 5 One of the functions of the brain is to .... body temperature. 6 The left side of the brain deals with ...... and analysis. 7 Jane is quite absent-minded and has a ...... to forget things. 8 You can take a test to...................... which side of the brain you rely on most. 2 ★ Fill in the sentences with the correct word derived from the word in brackets. 1 Follow my .............carefully. (IImSTRUCT) 2 The head massage was a very ................ experience. (PLEASURE) 3 ......................have invented a device that analyses brain signals. (SCIENCE) 4 Dr. McDougall is a very..................... person; you can rely on him. (DEPEND) 5 His .............is science, not art. (PREFER) 6 In order to be a writer, you must be quite .........................(IMAGINE) 2 ★ Fill in: turn, live, close, break, back, cut. 1 Joe is really stubborn; he'll never......... down. 2 He decided to....................... down the offer of working abroad. 3 It would be a good idea to.................. down on sugary snacks. 4 Peter will never ..................... down that embarrassing moment. 5 If you don't get the car serviced, it's bound to down. ,6 Due to lack of sales, the shop will have to .......................down soon. Listening ★ Q Listen to an interview with a neurologist. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A, В or C). What does Dr Banks' work involve? A Performing brain surgery. В Treating brain disorders. C Improving memory capacity. What is Dr Banks' second book about? A Detecting neurological disorders. В Coping with Alzheimer's Disease. C Stimulating the brain. What advice does Dr Banks give to viewers? A Listen carefully to what people say. В Don't focus on small details. C Tell jokes to exercise the brain. How does Dr Banks suggest people should change their lifestyles? A by doing puzzles for the brain. В by getting more physical activity. C by going on a diet. How does eating root vegetables help the brain? A They stimulate brain activity. В They reduce the risk of brain decay. C They increase blood flow. What were the results of the research mentioned by Dr Banks? A Brain disorders only affect the elderly. В People in their twenties can suffer from memory loss. C Active brains are immune to memory loss. What is the purpose of the upcoming seminar? A to launch Dr Banks' new book. В to promote a new book shop. C to test Dr Banks' brain exercises. i j i Writing (A story) 'I ★ Read the story and put the events in the order they happened. A It seemed like the chance of a lifetime. As an enthusiastic diver, I was always looking out for new dive spots. So when my best friend, Daniel, su^ested going to Diver’s Cove at Laguna Beach, I jumped at the opportunity. В As we slowly descended into the unspoiled waters, I spotted several slippery eels clinging to the rocks. They darted into tiny crevices as we passed by, peering out at us suspiciously. Suddenly, a strong surge in the water pushed me sideways. I crashed awkwardly into the jagged rock face, twisting my ankle. C With my leg stuck in a crevice, I was trapped. I kicked desperately in order to free myself, but it was no use. Glancing at my air gauge, I realised that there was only a little oxygen left in my tank. Panic began to build. Then out of nowhere, Daniel’s familiar face appeared. He gently loosened my leg and together we swam to the surface. D Back on dry land, I breathed a huge sigh of relief. "You saved my life!" I exclaimed to Daniel as we sat on the sandy shore. He smiled warmly in return. “Well, that’s what friends are for,” he replied. 2 Read the story again. Which paragraph(s) [H contains the climax event? sets the scene? contains the characters' feelings? contains the events leading to the main event? includes direct speech? 3 Find the adjectives the writer uses to describe the following nouns. 1 diver 6 rock face 2 waters 7 face 3 eels 8 sigh 4 9 shore 5 ^ ★ Replace the adjectives in bold with alternatives from the list. ; icy * dazzling * vast * deafening A I awoke to the sound of a(n) 1) loud bang. Over the 2) big city, I could see a host of 3) nice colours in the sky. I opened my window to get a better view, allowing the 4) cold winter air to fill the room. It was the first time I had ever seen a fireworks display. heavy • young • ancient • watery At the end of the driveway was a(n) 1) old mansion that was said to be haunted. We pushed open the 2) big wooden door and gasped at what we saw. There before us was a(n) 3) little girl. She looked up at us with 4) sad eyes. "I'm lost," she said, a tear rolling down her cheek. * delicious * boiling • narrow • friendly |a| ] 1 was pushed into the rocks. |b ] Daniel helped to free me. C As we walked through the 1)tiny streets of [c ] We descended deeper into the sea. York, my sister spotted an ice cream parlour. D ] 1 was stuck in the rocks. Since it was 2) hot outside, 1 decided to treat 1E J We returned to the shore. her. As we entered the parlour, the 3) nice I F J Daniel suggested going diving. shopkeeper invited us to taste as many flavours |G| ] 1 saw some eels. as we wanted. They were all so 4) good that |h 1 1 twisted my leg. we ended up buying three scoops! 67 ★ Find the adverbs the writer uses to describe the following verbs. descended peering out crashed .... kicked loosened smiled b) ★ Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct position. 1 To my frustration, I had forgotten where I was supposed to meet my friend! (completely) 2 It rained throughout our entire holiday, (unfortunately/heavily) 3 He drove through the snow and returned home, (carefully, safely) 4 She screamed as she fell; I hoped that she would not be injured, (loudly/badly) J a) ★ Put the verbs from the story in the correct category according to their meaning. • reply • descend • spot • dart • pass ♦ peer • push • glance • exclaim move: say: ... 3 look: 4 see: . b) ★ Replace the verbs in bold with verbs from the list in the correct form. • notice • creep * gaze • approach • cry In the garden, Lucy was 1) looking up at the stars above. As I 2) walked towards her, she didn't even 3) see that I was near. I 4) moved silently until I was by her side and then grabbed her arm. "Argh!" she 5) said. "You scared the daylights out of me!" ~j ★ Read the following extracts and say which of them are beginnings (6) or endings (E). We sat together watching the sunset, both of us reflecting silently on the days' events. At last, Darren spoke, Tm so glad you’re okay," he said with a smile. “Yes," I agreed. "That was too close for comfort.” It was a perfect day for a picnic. The sun was shining and a warm breeze was blowing. What more could we ask for? Little did we know, however, that a storm was approaching. I « I 0^""' !■■■—■ i The National Museum of American History Travel in Time to Different Periods in American History! Guided tours: Hear personal stories about important historical events. Exhibitions: Special Pop Culture exhibit see national treasures from different US presidents. Now playing at the Museum theatre: The Story of Civil rights. Free admission to all exhibits and shows! Vocabulary ^ ★ Fill in: conquered, tempted, shielded, abandoned, collapsed, crack. 1 The powerful Roman army...................... many countries in ancient times. 2 John held up his hand and .................. his eyes from the harsh sun. 3 After the building ......................... there was rubble everywhere, 4 The old building was empty as it has been ................................by its residents. 5 After the earthquake struck there was a giant ................................in the road. 6 He enjoyed the tour so much he was.......... to go on it again. 2 Fill in: up (x2), out, down, across, into, away. 1 The statue was carved ..............of wood. 2 She sat and stared .........at the starry sky. 3 She had taken so many pictures with her new camera that she wore ............her battery. 4 He came.......an ancient temple in the lost city. 5 She put on her diving equipment and plunged the ocean. 6 The view from the top of the mountain took his breath.................. 7 John is thinking of signing.............for diving lessons. 2 Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the word in brackets Л 1 Avoid driving through a dust storm as poor ..............................makes it difficult to see. (VISIBLE) ' "i- 2 The inhabitants of the cave dwellings had ........................disappeared hundreds of years ago. (MYSTERY) 3 A visit to the lost city is a truly......... experience, (FORGETTABLE) 4 They are working on the..................... of the ancient temple, (PRESERVE) 5 Shelly turned on the air conditioner because the ............................was dreadful. (HUMID) 6 The museum has a remarkable display of ..........................(CULTURE) treasures. Listening 4 ★ О Look at the questions. Then listen to a lecture about a recently discovered lost city. What is the speaker's relationship with Pavlopetri? . A He has written about it. ' He is an expert on lost cities. | He discovered it. | He worked on the excavations ofrt. | 2 What makes Pavlopetri unique? A its age as an underwater city. В its enormous size. C its complex society, D it is located in shallow water. 3 Based on new discoveries, how did Pavlopetri become submerged? A The city was hit by a tsunami, В The sea level changed over time. C The ground beneath the city collapsed, D The city was struck by several earthquakes. gl: What have the artefacts revealed about society in Pavlopetri? A Pavlopetri’s city plan is similar to that of today's cities. В The people lived a simple existence as farmers. C It was a very sophisticated culture, D There were many wealthy people 5 What does the speaker mean when he says; ^ A The city shows exactly who lived there. В The city is a very detailed image of a certain period in the past. C The ruins show the exact day the city sunk, D The mystery of what happened to the city is lost forever in the past. Vocabulary a) ★ Fill in: pavement, limestone, manhole, hidden, human, winding. ....skulls entrances ...covers 4 ..............cafes 5 ..........staircase 6 ...........quarries b) ★ Complete the sentences using some of the phrases from Ex. la). 1 It's nice to sit outside at a(n)........... 2 There are many ................................ to the catacombs that few people know about. 3 We descended a(n).............................. into a dimly lit room. 4 ................................on the streets lead to the city's underground drainage system. 2 ★ Complete the text with: sinister, bustling, decomposing, transformed, inscriptions, dungeons. In the 1)..............city of Wakefield, Yorkshire lies a castle with a dark and 2).........past. The castle Pontefract dates back to the 11* century and is famous for its intricate network of 3)............. where thousands of prisoners were kept over the years, including King Richard П. The 4)............ on the waUs tell of prisoners' names and dates. Built on a cemetery, the castle's undergroimd chambers smell of 5)......................bodies and death. During the English Civil War, supporters of the king G).....................the prison cells into a storage for military equipment. Today visitors can wander the ruins of this once magnificent castle and discover its menacing history. 78 2 Fill in: conjured, creeping, stacked, caved, carved, infested, emerged, strolling. 1 The underground room was.................... with rats. 2 Thinking about the catacombs................ up images of skulls and death. 3 As we................................into the daylight, I felt relieved to leave the cave behind. VWe were...............................along the dark passageway, afraid of what was ahead. 5 The theatre's seats were ..^................ out of marble. 6 Large rocks were neatly .................... to form the walls of the room. 7 We often go..........................alongside the river on a Sunday morning. 8 The roof.............................in and destroyed the inside of the house. Grammar 4 Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given. 1 Parisians don't go very often into the catacombs. Rarely...................................... 2 Maria didn't know she would spend her first day in Paris visiting the city's underground tunnels. Little...................................... 3 She toured the catacombs and she also saw a film in a cinema there. Not only.................................... 4 We had never seen such a scary place. Never before................................ 5 If I had known about the catacombs, I would have gone. Had......................................... 6 She will never visit the catacombs due to her claustrophobia. Under no circumstances...................... 7 They had just entered the dark cave when their torch burnt out. No sooner................................... 8 She hasn't visited Paris since she was a young girl. Not since................................... Reading ^ ★ Read the article. For questions 1-5, choose the answer A, B, C, or D. 1 What is the purpose of this article? A to explain the motive behind an act of rebellion В to criticise the British government C to discourage people from paying taxes D to raise awareness about a political campaign 2 In the fourth sentence of the first paragraph, what does it refer to? A a British ship C American soil В an anchor D the ships' cargo 3 How did colonising the eastern coast of America benefit the British government? A It provided a base from which to conquer other regions, В It allowed them to control trade. C It boosted British exports. D They could manipulate the price of goods. 4 Why did the colonists refuse to accept the tea? A They could not afford the tax. В They discovered that it was from England. C They felt the British were abusing their power. D They disliked the Royal British Governor. 5 What effect did the Boston Tea Party have on America? A It made their water unsafe to drink. В It led to harsher rule by the British. C It damaged their economy. D It drove colonists to seek independence. Vocabulary \ 2 Fill in: defeated, protested, invaded, defended, attacked. 1 Hundreds of people......................... with banners in the streets. 2 In the end, the rebels were ............... and forced to surrender. 3 The soldiers were..............from all sides. 4 During the riot, the police................ themselves with shields. 5 When Germany .............................. Poland, Britain and France declared war. ®c«fon Tea Varly in 16th December 1773, three British ships sat 'anchored in Boston harbour, America. Their cargo: 42,000 kgs of black tea. Unfortunately, this colossal shipment would never set foot on American soil. Instead, it would find itself at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. And here’s why... By the late 18th century, Britain had conquered a significant portion of NoTth America, including the eastern coast. This gave the British a monopoly over international trade. Among the many British imports, one of the most popular was tea, a product which was consumed in the colonies at a rate of 540,000 kg per year! However, as the British government ruled over this region, they decided to implement a tax on tea. This meant that for every ten kilograms of tea which landed on American soil, a tax of 66 pence would have to be paid to the British. The colonists were not impressed. Although the tax imposed on tea was relatively small, the colonists were unhappy about paying any tax at all. They felt unfairly governed by the British, who were at liberty to tax them in any way they wished. As such, they refused to allow the shipment to be unloaded and instead insisted that the tea be returned to England. However, the Royal British Governor, Thomas Hutchinson, would not let the ships leave without first • unloading the cargo. For the protestors, this was the last straw. They descended upon the harbour and stormed the ships. Then, with few options remaining, they began opening the crates and dumping the tea into the ocean. In the end, every last crate was destroyed, amounting to 18 million cups of tea! The sheer quantity turned the water in the harbour brown for several days, and the event forever became known as the Boston Tea Party. The importers of the tea, the British-owned East India Tea Company, reported losses of £9,700, which is equivalent to millions in today’s economy! This angered the British to such an extent that they dispatched an army of soldiers to teach the rebels a lesson. However, fuelled by the events in Boston, the colonists fought back in what later became known as the American Revolutionary War. And after eight years of rebellion, they finally gained their independence, giving birth to a brand new nation: the United States of America.j ' _____ 79 Vocabulary ^ ★ Fill in: ammunition, plough, pride, isolated, promote, triumphed. 1 Many jobs for women during the war were in ...................communities far from cities. 2 On farms women had to .................... fields as part of their work. 3 Some women worked in factories making .........................for the war, 4 The government tried to.................. jobs with exciting adverts. 5 Overall, women........................... at their jobs during the war. 6 Most women took.......................... in their work and did a very good job. 2 ★ Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets. 1 Thousands of women signed up for.......... services during the war. (VOLUNTEER) 2 The war gave women a chance to show off their .........................(CAPABLE) 3 Some jobs, like farm work, were .......... demanding. (PHYSICAL) 4 The government placed.................... adverts in newspapers to attract women to jobs. (GLAMOUR) I ★ Fill in: break, give, push, fit, hand, fill in the correct form. 1 It took her some time to .................... in with the other workers at the factory. 2 After a tot of arguments with her parents, she finally.........................in and took the job on the farm. 3 She.........................in her application to the secretary. 4 Someone.........................into the office and stole files about secret agents. 5 Please .........................in your name and telephone number here, 6 She tried desperately to..................... in the queue as she was late for work. Listening |, ★ Q You will hear an interview with a war historian who will talk about ,, a group of '-,_vWomen serving in WWII. For questions MO, complete the sentences. An important characteristic of the International Red Cross organisation is that it is Claire explains the role of Red Cross Girls was to help soldiers by providing Red Cross Girls first went to work at Claire gives the example of 4 as events the girls organised. The American Red Cross required volunteers for the Red Cross Girls position to be 5 The Red Cross Girls had to be able to cope with the 6~| caused by war. The clubmobile was the Red Cross’s solution to reaching faraway The Red Cross Girls got the nickname 8 during the war. One of the clubmobiles functioned as a The soldiers fighting on the battle front were supported by clubmobiles. 10 J 80 Writing (description of a place) ^ ★ Fill in the correct word. • perfect • picturesque • marble • iconic local • priceless • Scottish • delicious Kelvingrove Art Gallery in Glasgow is one of the most popular galleries in the UK. It is situated on the banks of the river Kelvin, overlooking the 1).......................Kelvingrove Park, and is a fantastic place to visit. ^ What the gallery is most famous for is its beautiful architecture. It was designed in an ornate Spanish style and constructed using red sandstone from the 2).........................area. Due to its architectural and historical significance, Kelvingrove is protected anc^preserved by the 3)............... government and is also a(n) 4)..................... landmark in the city. ^ There are a number of reasons why Kelvingrove is a fascinating tourist destination. It contains over 8,000 5)....................works of art, including vibrant paintings, white 6)........................ sculptures and breathtaking photography. In addition to this, visitors can also enjoy a(n) 7)...........................hot meal in the gallery restaurant or take a stroll through the lush leafy gardens of Kelvingrove Park. ^ Without a doubt, Kelvingrove Art Gallery is well worth a visit. It offers the 8)................mix of history and art, all set in beautiful scenic Scotland. 2 Which paragraph: 111 I states the writer's feelings, personal comments and recommendations? I 2 I I states the name and location of the place and the reason for choosing it? describes the historical importance of the place? describes the facilities in the place (the places of entertainment)? 3 Look at the underlined phrases in the extracts. What sense does each refer to? IjPThe Jorvik Viking Centre offers a truly I authentic Viking experience. Here, visitors con 1) witness ancient York in its full glory; the 2) noisy commotion of the old marketplace and the 3) aroma of wood smoke that filled the streets in the year 9751 IJlThi^oughout the summer, the gardens of Waverley House are bursting with thousands of 4) fragrant flowers. Many visitors come to 5) admire the ancient oak trees in the area, or to sit on the 6) soft grass while 7) sipping a cool drink from the nearby cafeteria. ^ 'k Replace the words in bold with their opposites: fascinating, ideal, peaceful, wonderful, natural, huge, ancient, beautiful. Та Prohm is a(n) 1) modern temple situated in the Angkor region of Cambodia. The 2) ugly building was constructed in the 12*'' Century, but left abandoned for hundreds of years. Now, it has become overgrown with 3) tiny trees, making it a(n) 4) uninteresting sight to see. Tourists are attracted to the 5) awful blend of history and 6) manmade beauty that the site has to offer. They have also found that the surrounding area is 7) unsuitable for a relaxing stroll through the 8) noisy Cambodian countryside. 81 5 ★ Complete the text with the words from the list. popular • tree-lined • traditional A Las'Ramblas is a long, 1)..............street | that is 2)............with tourists. All along | it are stalls selling 3)..............Spanish merchandise together with 4)................. ) street performers that entertain the crowd. leisurely • trendy • spectacular • narrow After taking a 1).................stroll through \ the 2).................streets of Rome, tourists can relax in one of the many 3).................. rooftop restaurants that offer a 4).............. view of the city. f if Read the rubric. The prompts below are about the Sydney Opera House. Put the prompts under the correct headings and expand them into sentences. Г — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 I An international magazine is asking for an j essay describing the Sydney Opera House. I Write your essay describing the landmark and V Jsay why you would recommend it (120-180 ‘'V words). • on waterfront/overlook/Sydn^y Harbour Bridge • restaurant/tasty food • contain/2 performance halls/5 cirremas • design/modern style • most popular/tourist attraction/Australia • build from/concrete • famous landmark/protect and preserve/UNESCO World Heritage stone • slowly • ruined • well-preserved C Thegallery contains a number of 1).............. historical artefacts that were recover*ed from the 2)...............city of Pompeii. You can spend hours here 3)...............exploring the elaborate 4)..................statues and intricate carvings from a lost civilisation. 0 a) 'A' Read the model in Ex. 1 again. Find examples of more than one adjective together in the text. What does each describe? b) ★ Put the adjectives in the correct order. 1 modern/tall/famous landmark 2 cosy/Japanese/small restaurant 3 steel/long/curved bridge 4 Greek/ancient/clay pottery 5 round/spacious/Roman amphitheatre 6 bronze/impressive/heavy statue Reason for choosing/location: Historical/ Architectural impartance: Description of facilities; g ★★ Use your answers from Ex. 7 or your own ideas and the Useful Language box to write your essay. Useful language Location/why you chose it: ...is situated on/located in..., ...is a beautiful/fantastic place to visit Description of place: What ... is most famous for is..., It was designed in a ... style, Reasons why people might visit: It contains..., Visitors can (also) enjoy... Impressions/Comments: Without a doubt..., (well) worth a visit, I would (highly) recommend... 82 English in Use- Open Cloze ★ Read the text and-think of the word which best fits each gap. Use oniy one in each gat 0) 0/718th June 1815, the French army, led 1).............Napoleon, embarked upon 2)...........of the most famous battles 3)............ history. Their opponents: the British and allied forces who had joined together to defeat the powerful emperor. Having scattered the Prussian army two days prior, Napoleon was confident 4)...........he would win the battle. He had led France to victory on multiple occasions and believed that this battle would be 5)........different. As such, the French army were the first to strike. They launched a powerful attack on the allied front line; however, the British military responded 6)...........cannons and managed to maintain their ground. 7)....... the day progressed, neither side seemed to have the advantage. But then, the Prussian army arrived to join the allied forces. Greatly outnumbered, the French army fell. Napoleon had finally 8)...........defeated. The decisive battle put an end 9)..........23 years of war and made the leader of the allied forces, the Duke of Wellington, a hero throughout Europe. In fact, he was 10)................popular that he later became the Prime Minister of Britain. As for Napoleon, he was exiled to the distant island of St. Helena 11)...............he was condemned to spend the rest 12)...................his days. Key Word Transformations 2 ^ Complete the gapped sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the original ones, using the word given. 1 No one kng\^s the reason for her interest in the shipwreck. WHY No one knows ................................. .........................injthe shipwreck 2 They didn't visit the temple because it was raining. DUE They didn't visit the temple ................. ......................... it was raining 3 We left early for the museum so as not to be late. AVOID We left early for the museum ............... ...................................late 4 However hard they tried, they didn't manage to find the lost city. MATTER They didn't manage to find the lost city .. ...................................tried. 5 You strictly aren't allowed in the caves after dark. NO Under ......................................... ..................in the caves after dark. 10 11 12 ★ Choose the correct response. A; Why don't we get tickets to the show later? B; a I feel the same way. b What a brilliant idea. A: I really enjoyed that. B: a So did I. b I think that would be fun. A: Hey, I've just had a great idea. B; a Yes. That's interesting, b What's that? A: Let's finish looking around. В a OK. Sounds good, b I really liked it. A: The visit was great, wasn't it? B; a Good Ideal b Yes, it was well worth it. A; Look at this display. B; a Me too. That was fun. b Wow. It's amazing! A; The tour guide was very knowledgeable. B; a Yes, and funny too. b I heard tickets are only £5. A: I thought the museum was excellent. B; a Me too. It was fascinating, b Yes, I'd love to. A: I've just thought of something. B; a So, shall we look around the exhibition? b Oh really, what? A: That was a great tour. B: a Yes, it was quite an experience, b What time does it start? A: I want to buy a souvenir. B: a OK. Let's go to the gift shop, b Yes, I think so. A: I hope it doesn't rain. B: a Yes, I do. b So do I. 83 84 Language & Grammar Review Choose the correct answer. 1 Bill and Ned were ....... in an interesting conversation. A intensified C enforced В engrossed D applied 2 From the corner of his eye he ..... a woman running down the street. A gazed C viewed В glimpsed D stared 3 The maid....the silver until it shone. A scrubbed C mopped В dusted D polished 4 Jenny didn't...in her assignment on time. A hand В fill C fit D push 5 She took a deep breath and.....into the ocean. A darted C glided В drifted D plunged 6 Some of the....of the Titanic were on display at the museum. * A wreckage В remains C rubble D ruins 7 The underground tunnel was.....with rats. A scattered В stacked C infested D piled 8 In the past, fields were.by oxen. A harvested C produced В supplied D ploughed 9 Students....angrily about increased tuition fees. A striked C promoted В marched D protested 10 A; Why don't we get some theatre tickets? B:.. A So do I! В What a brilliant idea! C It was well worth it! D I feel the same way! 11 The navy sent warships to.and destroy military targets. A attack C defeat В invade D defend 12 The butler put her in charge...the servants while he was away. A with В for C of D to 13 The artist....inspiration from nature scenes. A attracts В collects C draws D pulls 14 He's got a(n).... business which is very profitable. A advancing C tempting ' ^''thriving D heartening 15 The reason....he went to Paris is to visit the Eiffel Tower. V A where В who C whose D why 16 ... did I know that the tickets would be so expensive. A Hardly В Never C Rarely D Little 17 ...beautiful this painting is! A How В What a C So D Such 18 He will text us..he arrives at the museum. A until C as soon as В by the time D just 19 The protesters,..carried banners, were angry. A which В where C whose D who 20 John took a picture of a(n)..temple. A huge, stone, impressive В impressive, huge, stone C stone, huge, impressive D impressive, stone, huge 21 They sell....lovely things at that souvenir shop. A consequently C such В therefore D so 22 ...had he entered the underground tunnel than he saw a rat. A Seldom C No sooner В Barely D Not once 23 My best friend,..name Is Tina, lives in Paris. A whose В where C which D who 24 ...of rushing to the theatre, we missed the first act. A Despite C In spite В Although D However 25 The cleaning lady made sure the offices were dean.....her boss came early. A so that C in case В in order D so as to Entering trie city was like stepping back in time. Having been buried under piles of volcanic asri tor more than a millennium, Pompeii truly was the land that time forgot. The cobbled streets were lined with rows of stone houses, each perfectly preserved. Even intricate details 5 - embellished door frames and Roman graffiti - could be seen on the sides of buildings. Upon passing a bakery, ! caught the aroma of wood smoke drifting from an ancient oven as though it had been lit no more than a week before. But perhaps my imagination had run away with me. 10 There was so much to see that I could barely take it ail in. I studied in awe the ancient relics, from extravagant marble statues to delicate clay pottery. I stood in the ruined amphitheatre, imagining how gladiators would have fought upon that same soil. While strolling through luxurious courtyards I discovered elaborately painted 15 murals, crumbling and faded. It was almost mystical to view them now, these images that spoke of the distant past. Towards the close of the day the site grew quiet, until only a few tourists wandered around the city. And yet, it felt so alive to me that at any moment I expected to see a troop of Roman soldiers marching 20 down the street. As I pondered what life must have been tike in this grand place, my eyes began to focus beyond it. I soon realised that I was staring far into the distance, towards an obstacle looming in the backdrop. There it was; the terror of Pompeii: Mount Vesuvius. In contrast to the gloomy pictures of history books, Vesuvius was remarkably picturesque. Lit by the golden sun, it sloped gently from 25 the ground, forming into two snow-tipped peaks that didn’t look threatening at all. However, from the perspective of those who had once lived within these walls, it could only be regarded in one way -as an enemy waiting to strike. As I studied the sleeping giant, the sky began to darken. I would 30 have little time to explore the remainder of the site. However, there was one final place I had to see before I left: The Garden of the Fugitives. Here in this old vineyard were plaster casts of those who had tried to flee Pompeii. Peering in, I was struck immediately by their anguish. Frozen in time, they told the story of the last moments 35 of this fallen civilisation. A lump began to build in my throat when 1 was suddenly overcome with my own moment of terror: a heartstopping boom which echoed across the land. Instinctively, I turned to Vesuvius, momentarily transported back to that fateful day. However, when’a drop of rain slid down my forehead, I breathed a 40 sigh of relief, it was only thunder. As the rain began pelting down, I became aware that closing time was upon me. My Roman fantasy was finally over. Having revisited the past, I had to return to reality; to the bustling streets of Naples with its towering skyscrapers and swarming traffic. And so, with the 45 memory of this lost city etched forever in my mind, I did what those last inhabitants never could; I escaped the wrath of nature and exited the gates of Pompeii. 1 What is the writer's first impression of Pompeii? A An unrecognisable ruin. В A dust-covered city. C A well-preserved historical site. D A place ruined by vandalism. 2 The writer uses the phrase 'perhaps'’.my imagination had run away with me' (line 8)'to show that he A had a lack of creativity. В got carried away with his thoughts. C had a talent for storytelling. D had fulfilled his dreams. 3 The word 'them' (line 15) refers to A marble statues C lavish courtyards В ruined buildings D detailed paintings 4 In para 3, what interrupted the writer's thoughts? A A wandering tourist. C A military troop. В An obstacle in his path. D A distant feature. What surprised the writer about Mount Vesuvius? A Its proximity to Pompeii. C Its attractiveness. В Its unusual shape. D Its colossal size. How did the writer feel upon viewing the plaster casts? A Saddened C Indifferent В Horrified D Angered What immediate effect did the thunder have on the writer? A It made him aware of his surroundings. В It reminded him of the past. C It made him feel excited. D It forced him to leave the city. How does the writer reflect upon his experience? A It was like a dream come true. В It was a place he would like to revisit. C It was an unforgettable experience. D It was fun and he didn't want to leave, 85 Building Up Vocabulary 1 Complete the sentences using one of the words in the box. advanced • progressed • proceeded carved • engraved • moulded 1 The gold ring was............................. with the initials J.B. 2 In the centre of the gallery was a{n)............... marble statue. 3 Using a potter's wheel, the artist.................. the clay into a vase. • possessed • seized • occupied 4 The police raided the warehouse and all the stolen goods. 5 John was an excellent soldier; he ... both honour and courage. 6 After World War II, Germany was .. by the allied forces. • invaded • attacked • infested 7 We had to call an exterminator after our house was....................with termites. 8 The soldiers were ....................in the early hours of the morning. 9 World War II began when Germany ............ Poland. contest • battle • protest 10 A group of women staged a peaceful ............ for equal rights. 11 Sarah is going to enter this year's national beauty ..................... 12 Many soldiers were wounded during the.......... of Waterloo. • evidence • proof • testimony 13 The jury listened patiently to the witness' .....................before making a decision about the case. 14 The........................was later dismissed in court because it had been tampered with. 15 In order to hire a car, you must produce .......................of identity. 16 Upon the officer's command, the troops slowly ..............................into enemy territory. 17 After being interrupted, the mayor............... with his speech. 18‘''As the war............................ the allied forces gained more ground. • impose • execute • apply 19 Stop scratching and .................... some cream to that bite! 20 The gymnast can...................a handstand flawlessly. 21 The government plans to ...................... a new tax on oil and natural gas. 2 Complete the sentences with the word derived from the words in bold. On 1st May 1915, the 1)..................(LUXURY) liner RMS Lusitania left on its 2)................. (SCHEDULE) journey from New York to Liverpool. Only, this time was to be its last. The 3)............... (WRECK) of this once great ship lies at the bottom of the ocean off the coast of Ireland. Like the famous Titanic which sank three years earlier, the 4)..................(LOSE) of life was severe. Both colossal ships were carrying around 2,000 passengers at the time. However, 5).................(LIKE) the Titanic, which collided with an iceberg, the Lusitania was hit by a torpedo from a German submarine during WWI. The torpedo ripped through the ship's side, causing a massive 6).................... (EXPLODE) that sank the vessel in 18 minutes. Over a thousand people were killed, with the 7).................... (MAJOR) of passengers dying of hypothermia in the 8)..................(FREEZE) waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Over the years, 9)...............(DIVE) have managed to explore the site where the Lusitania now rests. At 93m below sea level, its 10)............. (ICE) grave reminds us of those who iost their lives in this historic ocean 11)...............(TRAGIC). 86 1 Language Knowledge - Module 6 Choose the correct item. 1 That's the man.son is an archaeologist. 3 A which C where В who's D whose , i ...beautiful this city is! A What В How C Such D So 3 ....the bad weather, they visited the ruin. A Despite C Although В Whereas D However 4 The city of London, ...I am from, has a very interesting history. A whom C whose В which D where 5 It was...fascinating to visit the museum. A so В such C such a D how 6 Take a spare battery with you.......the one in your camera runs out. A in order that C so as to В in case D so that 7 ....have I visited such a well-preserved historical site. A Not only C Hardly В No sooner D Never before ^ Fill in the g^ps. Use the appropriate forms of the words in brackets when given. 1 Do you know the reason ................ ................(protest) in the streets lately? 2 The gallery is...................a fascinating place that I enjoy................(go) there time after time. 3 Only after a lot of persuasion .............. he agree ...................(visit) the ruin. 4 The old town house..................... (look) much better now that it has been converted .............a museum. 5 Last summer, I...................(work) on a cruise ship and was responsible ............ cleaning the cabins. 10 11 Key Word Transformations Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. Despite the rain, they went for a walk around Paris. WAS Even though............................. they went for a walk around Paris. Sue isn't a princess but she acts like one. THOUGH Sue acts........................... ......................a princess. Pictures are not to be taken inside the museum under any circumstances. ACCOUNT On ............................... ...to be taken inside the museum. They took a map to avoid getting lost. SO They took a map ....................... ............................lost. They arrived just before the museum closed. SOONER No ................................ .............the museum closed. Tim was the first to spot the shipwreck. WHO It ................................... .................the shipwreck, The government finally accepted the demands of the striking workers. GAVE The government....................... the demands of the striking workers. It was the strangest place he had ever seen. BEFORE Never.............................. .................a strange place. They searched all day; however they didn't find the ancient ruins. SPITE In.................................., they didn't find the ancient ruins. The trip was cancelled due to the bad weather. ACCOUNT The trip was cancelled............ .................the bad weather. The Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg. RESULT The Titanic hit an iceberg......... .........................it sank. 87