Английский язык 3 класс Учебник Баранова Дули Копылова часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык 3 класс Учебник Баранова Дули Копылова часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Starlight (Старлайт) звездный английский:

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Express Publishing титыышыы АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Учебник ДЛЯ общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка В двух частях Часть 2 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2011 УДК 373.167.1:81 1.111 ББК 31.2Ам <’ 922 Серия «Зяёлдиый аигпийский» оснояанд п У.009 году учебник подучены по/южунединые ;}<ик/{Ючсния Российской nK^fieMvw ндук (Nr Т0и)Ь-бУ1\/4УЧ от 01.1 }.20Wf.) и Российской сжадеь/}ии обрйзоазния № Ои%/7д-ва от УО.Ю.УО^О г) Авторы: К.М. 5агх11К.>иа, Д. Дули. В.В. Копылова. Р.П. Мильр^-д, В. Звднг Ajthors: Virginia Fvans, Jenny Dooley, Kson-a Baranova, Victoria Kopylova. Radiblav M urocd vVe- vvouki I'ko to fha^ik all tho sta^ at Cxp'c-ss Pjbl shirg vvho havo con:rioi,tccl t-iair ^ыкоя Рукоиод/Ш'ль Ll<.'iiif)o а.З. .К:»1ШЮ1и/ Ззм. рукойодиичю Ui'Hipd ИОГТЮС'КГНМ И.И Рукоыадии?ль npo<‘Kirt Ю.А. Сми}).чо/} Выпускающий рсуикюр М.А. О'мнчси Редакюр t Ю. УуЯчы.'.'.^ <орр('К1оры И (>. (J.xy.'icvw, Н.М Кочгр1И1м Нэлогова? льгота - Общероссийский классификатор пролукции ОК 005-93 • 953000. Изд.лиц. Серин ИД 0Г582-С or 12 09.01 Подписано 6 печать 28.01.11. Фор.уат 50x90/8. Бума1а мемюааннаи. Гарни-ура Пра1Мй%1ка 11г'ч;п1. Офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. I 1,41 Тираж 30 000 зкз. Заказ N^■ 607. Откоу гое акционерное общество «Издательство «Гроезещение». 127521. Москва, 3-й проезд Марьимои л 1 l:xofes5 Publishinq Liberty Mouse, New Greennam Park. Гхе'лЪигу. Berkshire RG19 6HW Tel.; (00^4) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-iTiail‘ inquines'^expr'esspublishing.co.uk htv.//vvwvv.expresspublishlng.co.uk Отпе-атано 9 полном состаетс'вии с качесгзом предоставленных изда"ельствогу< материа/ов в ОАО «Тверской ордена [рудового Красного Знамени попигоафкембинат детской литератур» им. 50-яе1им СССР». 170040.1. Тверэ. п^юспек: 50 тм Ок1нбрн, ________________ ISBN 978-5-09-020939-7(2) ISBN 978-5-09-023740-б(общ.) © Lxpress Publishinq. 2011 (0 Ичдптельство «Просвещение’:. 201 I Псе права зошищеиь! Contents Module 5 Where’s Alvin?........ p. 4 Module 6 in the Old House...... p. 20 Starlight Club 4 .............. p. 36 Module 7 My New Clothes........ p. 42 Module 8 At the Animal Park..... p. 58 Starlight Club 5 .............. p. 74 Modules Fairy Cakes............ p. 80 Module 10 Another Lovely Day!... p. 96 starlight Club 6 .............. p. 112 Mother’s Day .................. p. 118 Грамматический справочник ..... p. 120 Словарь ....................... p. 124 ★ Listen, point and repeat. •K radio computer J-*" Listen and colour the items. к fe's^pia'^ 1 What's his name? _ .w 1^11 ' Now ask and answer. A: What colour is his TV? B: Blue. R ? -? 7 Ь0 • • • 2 What's her name? Now write your Secret Agent name. t Listen, point and repeat. bookcase table clock I cupboard armchair ☆ Read the sentences and find the words. 1 You can sleep on this. 2 You can put your clothes in this. 3 You can watch your favourite programme on this. 4 You can call your friend with this. 5 You can write an email on this. 6 You can listen to music on this. 7 You can put your books in this. 8 You can tell the time with this. bed I ТУ computer wardrobe bookcase Phone ?; -•-/• '...^^; • „ • -^: .; ,, Possessive adjectives (G/? }20) I - my you - your he “ his she - her it - its we - our you - your they - their We use possessive adjectives when we want to show that something belongs to somebody. Read and complete the sentences. 1 Гт George. This is my bike. 2 We're brothers. This is......cake. 4 Nice to meet you. What's......name? 5 They're sisters. .......names are Liz and Ann. ☆ N I I'm Tony. This J is my brother, i 3 She's nny friend. ...........name is Sue. 6 This is my brother. ...........name is Tom. Complete the sentences. Use: my, your, his, her, their or our. 1 Look at Joe and his new kite. 2 Hello! What's ...............name? 3 That's Emma and that's............... radio. 4 This is Mary ond this is David. That is ................dog. 5 Hi! ..............name's Sarah. 6 We're Bob and Kelly. This is..... computer. 7 This is my brother.......name's John. 8 is this .............chair. Tom? Read and choose the right words. 1 This is Alvin. My/(@)hat is green. 2 I'm George. This is my/his computer. 4 Your/Her bedroom is really nice, Danny. 5 We're Jason and Barbara. Look at your/our bikes. 3 This is Sally. Look at his/her cat. 6 They are farmers. . Our/Their names are John and Peter. Look and complete the sentences. 1 A: Who’s that? B: That's Tom and that's his desk. 2 A:.................... B: ..........Alex and that's.......friend. Jill and that's ,.. schoolbag. 4 A:................ B: ......Johnny and that's......mum. ? 5 A:..................? 6 A;...................? B: .......Peter and B: ............Kevin and that's Mark. That's that's his grandpa. ..............cat. ............name's Bob. MoiUfii Prepositions of place (GR 120) r [Where's Kitty I the cat? r------- '•> She's on the basket. /—■' behind Look, read and answer. Which letter is... 1 behind the picture? 2 in the wardrobe? 3 next to the picture? 4 on the wardrobe? 5 under the wardrobe? ♦ . * ** St Where’s Erlina? Reorder the letters to find out. Erlina's under the.......... ☆ next to Complete the sentences. 1 Where's the doll? It's In the bus. 2 Where's the umbrella? It's.........the bed. 3 Where's Jack? He's........the sofa. 4 Where's the boy? He's........the tree. 5 Where's the pencil? It's..............the notebook. MoiWikt' 5 1 The picture is next to the bookcase. 2 The books are .......... the bookcase. 3 The teddy bear is ...... the table. 4 The vase is ............ the table. 5 The lamp is ............ the armchair. [where's the'^i picture? J -'S I It's next to the bookcase. ☆ Listen and draw a ball. ^ Listen and read the dialogue. , Look! There's Harry. -—® Read the dialogue again and find the number of the picture. 1 Hi, Harry. picture 2 2 Quick! Hide! 3 I'm under the desk. 4 He's on the wardrobe! Ш i Do you like the story? Choose. ^ ^ Listen, point and repeat. sofa mirror CD r c:--. r> ^ ^ football team ( ^ Sing along! Is he on the table? Is he on the chair? Is he on the sofa With the teddy bear? he behind the sofo2_) __.i Look, read the text and correct the mistakes. Hi! My name’s Lucas and this is my room. My bed is 1) red and white - my Jootball team’s colours! My 2) trains and CDs are in my bookcase. That’s my new 3) IV on my desk. My room is cool! \ ; Write about your room. Draw or stick photos. The same word is missing from the following proverbs. Which word is it? Choose: sofo, home, bed. clock. .......sv^eet........ _____________________ : An Englishman's............... is his i castle. ...........is where the heart is. 5 There's no place like............... ICT: Find some more proverbs on the same topic. Present them to the class. t’ld V( This is a very small house in the UK. It is 3.05 metres X 1.8 metres. /•0' Л%... - ■г'^\‘^^'"%" ^■"■■b,;-'-^. \.,, ^ % ', ■ ■ >. '//•••■^ :■ -V '-V--''' /•/••/■•^^ "'';;/'' ■■ -yy-y, :? v;v. фуу'"'’У- "-i 'yp"'" :■ ":; =■ '5 ''Ч -. Ф::-о;у. 'у ,y уф-Г/ .-у'^''у ’ у:'. Read and fill In the missing letters. Then match. ' 1 bo kc ^ s ^ 2 CO______uter g___m _ 3 m____rr__r 4 a______c___a______ 5 c___mp____te___ 6f______tb_____I t_____m 7 cl _ c___ 8 b f Who says the following sentences? Look at the pictures and tick (/). 1 My bed is red. 2 I've got a radio. It's on the bookcase. 3 I iove my roller skates. They're under the bed. 4 I've got a computer, it's on the desk. 6 Can you see my teddy bear? It's under the bed. 6 What's on my desk? Oh yes, my phone and my radio. <7 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Find 8 words. where's /yviit? c и p в о A R D и E в 0 L T 1 0 A R M c H A 1 R E A 1 L F В К 1 D S R 0 L L u 2 J T R c N E E A В 0 О к C A S E W A R D R О В E шШ ЩШ Щ ■ и ■ ■ 1 Read and complete the email. Use the words below. house red TV computer game desk computer football team From: '• im To: Max Subject: Ky new bedroom Dear Max, Guess what! in our new 1) house. T love my now ioearoorr. a roaliy coo.].! My is very big, 2) ........................... and wh.i l..e because my favour’...e 3) ............................. is biverpocl ! get a snail 4) ....................................... in ny room and 1 can v/atch Lhe Tiatch every Saturday. T' ve got a new 5) ......................... too. It's cn the 6) ..................., T\ext ho my bed. i can do -ny homework on it or pj.ay a 7) ............. in the afternoon. What about you? What is your bedroom I about it. i3est w i.shas» Tim ike? Krif.fi and t0_I me all Listen, point to the pictures, and say the words. tower ring princess Listen and read the story. This is the Tsar. He lives in a big, beautiful palace and he is very rich. He's got a beautiful daughter, Ana, but he hasn't got any sons, The Tsar is looking for a husband for Ana and someone to be the next Tsar. He decides to have a contest to find a good, brave man for his daughter. He tells his men to build a very tall tower, He tells Ana to go to the top of the tower and sit at the open window. Then he invites all the young men in the land to the palace. "The man who con jump up with his horse and take the princess' ring can be her husband!" says the Tsar. "This clever man can live here as my son and be the next Tsar!" Ana waits by the window. "Where is my husband?" she asks herself. "Who is the man that can take off my ring?" Ш ,J. Look at the picture and complete the sentences. This is Kiriil and his family. 1 Igor is Kirill's father. 2 .....................is Igor's wife. 3 ................is Igor's daughter. 4 ...........is Kirill's grandmother. 5 ..........is Galina's grandfather. 6 ....................is Kirill's brother. Read the story again and choose the right words. 1 The Tsar lives in a big castie/palace. 2 He's got a beautiful son/daughter. 3 He's looking for a brave man/woman. 4 His daughter is in a high tower/tree. 5 The Tsar's daughter is wearing a gold watch/ring. Up in the tower, The tower so tall. Ana is waiting. Can you hear Ana call? Where is my husbond? Where's the next king? Who can jump up here And take off my ring? •Mil1ч1 Ч; ir Read the words/sentences first to yourself, then aloud. /I]/ bring, ring, king, sing, thing; Bring Bring me Bring me my rings Bring me my rings and sing “Bring me my rings and sing," says the king. /аи/ wow, now, how, bow, brown, tower, flower, shower; Wow! A brown flower on a brown tower. How can a brown flower be on top of a brown tower? Bow to the brown flower on top of the brown tower! /tj/ choir, cheer, chess, champion, Charlie, Cherry, rich, touch; Charlie Is not rich. But he is a chess champion! Cherry likes Charlie. Cherry wants to be a chess champion, just like Charlie. Don't touch that chair. Cherry! That's Charlie's chair! ☆ Fix the letters to spell the words. Read them to your friend. 1 grni 2 cshse 3 obrnw Sing. The rich king Now in the tower Is a champion at chess And sings in the shower! Bow to the king. Cheer for the champion. Bow to the king Cheer for the champion! Whaf s in the bedroom? Look and put a tick ; . Л— Ч-' I I 3 We're Mary and Lisa. ............hands are dirty. ''•* 4 Jimmy, is this book? Щ ¥ J Now !oo1< again and choose. 0 There's a radioi@)/under the bed. 1 There's a bookcase behind/in the bed. 2 There's a computer on/next to the desk. 3 There's an umbrella under/behind the bed. 4 There's a phone in/under the desk. 5 There's a chair on/behind the desk. say the names of the things in my room/house say where things are write about my room ---------------Ш ЕйяЬдН е Old House Listen, point and repeat. Which letter is it? Read and find out. It's in girt and in game. / It's the letter g. ■ and lettef I j There's one in frog, but I two in bathroom. It's the * letter..... There's one in star. but two in glass. It's the letter..... It's in hot and in chatr. It's the letter..... 't Reorder the letters. What’s the word? s Listen, point and repeat. sink water cooker ☆ dirty Listen and choose the right picture. 1 Which is Nick's schooibag? ЩЛ ay-Zj 2 Where's the fridge? r. 3 Which is Erica's room? it Look at the picture and complete the poem. in my friend's house There's a red 1) TV. it's in the kitchen, Come and see! In my friend's 2)............. There are two mirrors, A green mirror here and A yeiiow mirror there! In my friend's bathroom. The 3)..............is red. And in my friend's bedroom There's a lovely 4)..............bed! There is/There are (oUUmaVwe)(GR 120) There’s a mouse on the table. There is = There’s There are two mice on the bed. it Look, read and say yes or no. 1 There are four rooms in the house. 2 There's a clock in the bedroom. 3 There are five spiders in the bathroom. 4 There's a TV in the kitchen. 5 There's a red sofa in the living room. ☆ Look and say where the ghosts are. ■S'PiqY‘ г There's a bed in the bedroom! i There's a ghost on the bed. Complete the sentences. Fill in: There is or There are. 1 There Is a sofa in the room. 2 .....................a bookcase. 3 ........................a picture. 4 ...........books in the bookcase. 5 ...................a teddy bear. 6 ...................two arnnchairs. 7 .........................a lamp. 8 ..............a vase on the table. if Which picture? Read, look and answer. 11^ ^ Щ 1 There is a piano. Picture 2 There is one blue armchair. Picture 3 There is a red lamp. Picture 4 There are two white sofas. Picture 5 There is a word robe. Picture 6 There is a big window behind the sofa. Picture VlmlfiU* 4» There is/There are (interrogative/negative) (GR 120) ! [is there a sofa?l ! . I Are there I [ any chairs?j I No, there aren’t.^ j Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1 Is there a lamp in the picture? 2 Is there a sink? 3 Are there any mirrors? 4 Are there any chairs? 5 is there a phone? 6 Is there a fridge? ☆ Choose. Then talk with your friend. A: Is there a fridge in your kitchen? B: Yes. there is, ft's next to the cupboards. f I Look of the picture and answer the questions. 1 Is there a teddy bear on the sofa? Yes, there is. 2 Is there a chair? 3 Are there any books on the sofa? 4 is there a teddy bear on the bed? 5 Are there any pencils on the table? 6 Is there a chair in the room? Look at the pictures and make sentences. 1 bed, desk, cooker There's a........................ .................in the bedroom. There isn't...................... 2 sofa, fridge, armchair in the living room. 3 bath, mirror, two tables 4 cooker, fridge, armchair in the bathroom. in the kitchen. ж. Ц0 ^ Listen and read the dialogue. ________________ /(j")' (Oh no! Missy's in the house! Mib^syTcome back! There ore spiders in the living room! Read the dialogue again and say yes or no. 1 There ore spiders in the living room. 2 There's a mouse in the kitchen. MikIuIi' Tt 3 There are frogs in the bathroom. 4 There's a bath in the bathroom. ^ - Let's open I I It's very dark Ы f{~,0 curtains. (Doyou like the story? Choose. I Yes, but we're all dirty! In the Old House ★ Listen, point and repeat. curtain I Listen and choose a or b. Then sing along! ♦ An ifsy bifsy house is a a small house. b big house. if Welcome to my house. My itsy bitsy house. It’s an itsy bitsy house/or two! There are pictures on the wall. There’s a carpet on the floor. And curtains in the window, tool There are pictures on the wall. There’s a carpet on the floor. \, And cushions I on the armchair, tool Let’s make an Itsy Bifsy House! ‘AЦ A' f.* 1^ ,w о M >. iJ ; li u - It Read the text and complete the sentence. * There are..............rooms in Meivyn's house. )! o! Welcome to my house! There's a small living room, a kitchen, a very small bedroom and Ш a bathroom, too! Look! There are pictures on the walls! There’s a | lovely green carpet in every room. My small house is so nice! kT^ilo: Write about your house. Draw or stick a photo. Say the tongue twister as fast as you can! Do tongue twisters twist your tongue? 1 There are different kinds of houses around the world. Here are some: (white houses Do you want to see more houses around the worid? Then visit: hliP://wwv./.haDho.toAvtest/house/house-e.htnnl How many things in a house can you name in English? Write them down. Put them in alphabetical order. Check your list with your friends. Who is the winner? 4;V:si .^f ’•^■' bedroom. ’^pT Look and label the picture. Use: bathroom, garden, living room, kitchen and ^ _ _i — bedroom ☆ What’s the word? Unscramble the letters to find outi 1 I like the ecaptr you have got in the living room. Is it new? 2 There's a lovely tprcuie on the wall of his bedroom. 3 Open the cnutrasi, please. It's very dark in here. 4 Have we got any milk in the fgrdie? ☆ Are the sentences true (yes) or false (no)? Look at the picture and answer. 1 There are two armchairs in the room. yes 2 There are pictures on the wall......... 3 There is a book on the table. ........ 4 There is a cushion on the carpet...... 5 There's a lamp in the room. .......... 6 There ore curtains at the window...... 7 There's a door next to the window..... 8 The carpet is dirty. .... ] Complete the conversation. What does Julie say to Alex? Take roles and act out. f Julie ^ Alex j Julie i Alex I Julie Alex J Julie ! Alex I Julie: Hello. Hi, Julie. Where are you? 1 a New flat? Where is It? What's the flat like? Is it big? What about your bedroom? Do you like it? Alex: Well, it sounds great. When ! ^ can I come and see it? Julie: fsl I a Г m in my new flat. b Whenever you want. c Well, there are two bedrooms, one for my mum and dad and one for me, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. d It's in Broad Street. e Oh, yes. There is a big wardrobe. I can put all my clothes there! Complete Derek’s description of his bedroom. My room by Derek 131 aa In my room there's a l)(edb) bed (of course!), a 2) (eskd) ...........and a 3) (VT) ............... On my desk there is a 4) (ucmotepr)...........and some 5) (okbos).............I've got a 6) (ardio)......... next to my bed. I sometimes listen to music. There's a blue 7) (cerapt) .............. on the floor and a 8) (ptruice)...........of my grandfather on the woll. There aren't any 9) (acihrs) ........... in my room. I've got two big 10) (chuosins) ........ on the floor. When my friends come we sit on themi ▼ Vl(i о it Look, read and complete the words. 0 Й ict LL ^ 1 f id о ke 3 ba m i \ L S 4 g_o_[ or Look at the picture and make sentences, as in the examples. 0 There are pictures on the wall. That’s right. 00 There is a mirror on the wall. That’s wrong. There isn’t a mirror on the wall. 1 There are two cookers in the room. 2 There is a wardrobe in the room. 3 There are flowers in the vases. 4 There are curtains in the room. 5 There is a carpet on the floor. Read and choose a or b. 0 A: Is there a radio on the table? B:@)Yes7 there is. b) Yes, it is. 1 A: It's very dark in here! B: a) It's very small. b) Let's open the curtains. 2 A: Where are Ann and Helen? B: a) She's in the living room. b) They're in the living room. 3 A: What's that? B: a) It's a spider. b) It's spider. 4 A: Look! There are mice in the bathroom. B: a) It's big. b) Quick! Close the door! say the rooms in a house say what there is in a room say and write about my house ip Englij^k 1 Read and choose. 1) •'s big, This is my house in London, England Australia There is a garden and a garage for our car. ^ у the gcircige щу 4cx4's ccir There is a 'This is rooTfr), This is our cottage just outside Canada Dublin, 2) Ireland big garden around our house. A lot of birds come and visit us every day! My home is a flat in Paris, France 3) ^ . There isn't a garden but Gernnany there's о very nice balcony. 36 There dre pTcints on our bciTcon^. 2 Which words from the box are about houses? Complete the list. Compare your list with your friend’s. Houses: country house. 3 Which sentences are for the flat (F)? Which sentences are for the country house <0? Read the texts and answer. ‘■'’rf'iti № I I: I country house block of flats floor modern mouth fish sleep flour garden This is our country house in winter. It’s very beautiful with all the snow. There is a kitchen, a small living room, a bathroom and three bedrooms. When my cousins visit us, they sleep in my bedroom. I love our country house! This is a block of flats in Moscow. We live on the third floor, There are two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom, it's a very modern flat! I like our flat! 1 There are two bedrooms. 2 There is a small living room. 3 It is on the third floor. 4 My cousins visit us. ! Draw or stick a picture of your house. Present it to the ciass. 37 1 Look at the picture, find the bugs and point to them. bee ant spider ladybird worm 2 Now look at the picture again and complete the sentences. 1 The butterfly is in the air. 2 The ladybird is ...........the leaf. 3 The worm is..............the stone. 4 The ants are 5 The spider is 6 The bee is ... the grass, a branch. .. a flower. 38 ISS. :h. 8Г. s^-sxs-.xs tSi & -к ^ \^ia-rr rri. .S^ ~.-M- “ ~.1 XXX X X SC V.lXAXiX s; /'5^.'1%X-^4x "x:^ ----, ri&m 1^.м4гл. г .Ш.. ч^?1®и'^ЖМ||М1Р-Ж 4Шх^ ' ■> 3 2Sfe (*\ Qig^ МЭЙЙЙ Оо the quiz and find out how much you know about bugs. 54 -r-^~^ r 1 Another word for bugs is A insects. В pets. 2 Ants have got ears. A True В Faise 3 Caterpiliars are insects. A True В Faise 4 Butterfiies have got eight legs. A True В Faise 5 Ants usualiy iive for.. years. A 12 В 6 6 Butterfiies can see red, yeiiow and green. A True В False 7 We cali young bees........ A kittens В house bees. 8 Spiders have got..... iegs. A six В eight 4 Draw your favourite bug! Then write about it: • What's its name? • Has it got wings? How many? • What colour is it? * Where does it iive? • How many legs has it got? • What does it eat? 39 , *V '''■•■ •■ -"^'v ' ^ ,■/ -■ i ,;/.5 ■.Л*“^-^\'^ <’ ''Л'>^>^Л'^'' f/.'! 1 Read and match. •, - "/'■* ? Л' ‘Л*->'' '7''Ы i‘'i,">iX ^ . ■.. Л...‘‘*-»,-ЛК'-.1'Лл. (b> |~Г| This is a glass door. [~2] This is an aluminium door. |~з] This is a wooden door. 2 What’s it made of? Look and answer. 1 This is an aluminium bln. ^ 2 ........................ 6 . 40 iVm (лкс го1г4» эш1 rcfld. Му New Clothes Listen, point and repeat. ( shoes ^ ☆ Listen and match. Ш ЙЬ^ 41 CSm ■fM.WA'fnUr/r^'T^ \ ^V,.vaK- Listen, point and repeat. ☆ What’s the weather like In Russia? Look at the map and complete the sentences. St. Petersburgf s:/^. v|g / I \ "V-Ч йьяр. ; J » NovoslblrsH \ /- .3^ ft -y * ji 4 * i’" J t Л» ^ '■ V-, .v„ t* V. /Г-н • - У/-’'/-//,'■■■■.'■ W/ '' " ' i. ' ' 'y, \ , у v' -уУy/’'/--yy У /•5^, yy<'/-;• ";.'■'УуУ4'''у "'''^■^■'■pyyiv 'Уу/^-у/ ' 'УуУУУУ. У У'л-уУ'^. у '.i/Z/.'/.-J - '^; ;4; ЙЙ-: ■^'Лу:уЛу,'.^ ■. yf^y t-r у’л/у/, 'У'У уУуУ^У у /,У'/---У'// , 'V.’A лй '-• У'-^.е^''УУ.’;у'"'- -.у':^й^'-- %-''^/y/Ci"'y ^yyZy.y^f:- у У/ '//у Р Present Continuous (affirmative) (GR 120) у у ' ■У Гт wearing my new T-shirt Л Twe’re picking'l flowers, j -tD Affirmative Long form Short form 1 am wearing You are wearing He is wearing She is wearing It is wearing We are wearing You are wearing They are wearing I’m wearing You're wearing He’s wearing , She’s wearing It’s wearing We’re wearing You’re wearing They’re wearing ★ Remember; I am = Гт He is = He’s She is = She’s We are = We’re They are = They’re \ ★ Look and make sentences. Use: pick, listen, jump, play, rain and dance. 1 She’s picking flowers. K?D 3 the piano. Moilnic 7 N Э. ^ \\ "■tUb л, „ ' Л' 4 .................. 5 .................. What are they doing? Look and ” complete the sentences. 1 She’s playing the guitar. 2 ..........reading a book. 3 ..................singing 4 ..........playing football. '> 5 ..........picking flowers, r Read and match. Find the secret word. 1 She's dancing. 2 They're wearing big hats, 3 It's flying. o"' 4 They're running. 5 He's eating an ice cream. ” r> ЙЙ I'm wearing my new 2 5 13 4 о______I 6 ...........to music. * : %Л ^ Present Continuous (spelling rules) (GR 121) it >4 ★ Remember; It's raining. BUT We're getting wet. The sun is shining. get + t + -ing = getting shirve^-shining If s raining. We're getting wet. Put the verbs in their -ing form. 1 rain - raining 5 shine - 9 write - ... 2 play - 6 sit - 10 reod - 3 run - 7 have - 11 w#=^nr — 4 dance - 8 draw- 12 drive - ... ☆ Look and match the pictures to the sentences. 1 Oh no! We're getting wet! 2 Look! It's having a bath! 3 The sun is shining! Let's go to the park! e Read and compiete the postcard. Dear Mum and Dad, We 1) ’re having (have) a great time here in Spain. 1t's hot today! The sun 2)..................(shine). Peter and Mike love the sea! I 3).................... (sit) under my umbrella and Peter 4)................(play) in the water and he 5)..............(get) wet! Anna and Mike 6)...................(swim). We like it here. Love, Penny ☆ Look at the picture and compiete the sentences. 1 Mona is 2 Erlina is 3 Alvin and Willow are 4 Lee and Emma are a bike. Г 1\" 5 Harry is...............the guitar Woilnli* 7 7 ^ Listen and read the dialogue. I Hi, Emma! Your^i Read the dialogue again and find the number of the picture. 1 We're picking flowers, picture 2 3 We're getting wet 2 it's raining. 4 The sun is shining! It's just a small dark cloud. ! New Clothes Listen, point and repeat. socks boots shorts trainers Listen and point to the clothes. Who's \Nzar'mq glasses? Glasses! Glasses! Who's wearing glasses? I know! It's Ben! Who's wearing red socks? Red socks! Red socks! Who's wearing red socks? I know! It's Pam! Now sing along! In groups, sing about Jack and Katie. jacket m- Г Who's wearing blue shorts? Who's wearing brown boots? Read the texts and match them to the pictures. ^ This is me and Sid, the ^ snowman, its ^na w Sid's wearing my lOCket and Dad's hat! ^ RrlTolio This is me in Spain, it's very " ..innv. Look at This IS nit? и I . h„, and sunny, look ot me. I'm weaiine ° funny T-sKirt^ This is me at my birthday party, i'm v/earrng my new pink trainers. : Write about special moments in your life. Draw or stick photos. Read the proverb. What does it mean? Have you got the same proverb In your language? It's raining cats and dogs. / nid yc?i^ KucVVY This is Angus, the snowman, he's 34.63 metres tali. He's reaily tail! Every minute of the I day, one biiiion* ! tonnes of rain fails ! onto the Earth. , 'biliion = I 1,000,000,000 •< ": у.'?" i>"; *'й ?’.•• , ■ . • у--^^ >V.^> ^' •• ? . г Г' ■^^ЩЯНЙ^' iM::."S.:l"L‘Li---€ ............i4 Look and write the sentences. It's hot. It's windy. It’s snowing. It's raining. It's sunny. It’s cold. о о с о t> о « « о e * С. С о 'А. if Complete the short dialogues. Then take roles and act out. 11' 1 A: Who's that man over there? B: The tall man? Wearing 9 A: Yes. B: That’s Mr Tims, Tina’s father. /-:Crt ;__ \ 2 A: Are the children in their room? B: No, they're in the garden. A: What are they doing Ihere? B: They're making a I 3 A: Is this i\ new? B: Yes, it is. Do you like it? A: It looks lovely on you. B: Thanks. Look and fill in. What*s the secret word? The secret word is: CL I 1 J и c к f r ■m? c Read, look and find their names. Mike Joe Kate Beth 1 I'm wearing blue trousers and a white T-shirt. 2 I'm wearing a purple jacket. 3 I'm wearing black trousers and a white shirt. 4 I'm wearing a red skirt and boots. 5 I'm wearing a yellow dress. 6 I'm wearing green shorts, yellow socks and trainers. гЛ Listen, point to the pictures and say the words. handsome 0 \ / finger clap cheer Listen and read the story. Ivanushka climbs into the horse's right ear, then climbs out of the left ear. Now he looks very handsoine and he is wearing beautiful clothes! Then, together, the young man and the horse go to the contest. There are a lot of young men there and one by one they begin to jump. But the window is very high and no one cnn jump up to it. Ivanushka's brothers try too. but they can't jump very high. At last it is Ivanushka's turn. "Come on. friend!" says Ivanushka. "I know you can do it." Sivka-Burka jumps really high and Ivanushka takes the ring from the princess' finger!? All the people clap and cheer, but Ivanushka and Sivka-Burka turn around and ride back home very fast. "Who is that handsome young man?" Sergei asks. "Where is he from?" Ivanushka goes into the wheat field, climbs into the horse's left ear and out of its right, and turns back into a poor farmer's son. Sivka-Burka goes away and Ivanushka goes back home, collecting mushrooms on the way. '•‘'‘-'У,'''. y//.4:<'.. ///.'''i.'y. y^ .. ' -:: .. tof the /earing Э horse id one 3nd no it they me on, I jumps finger! I'Burka e is he to the 3 poor ; back if Read and complete the sentences. Use: cheer, climb, left or right. cheer! 1 Our football team is the winner. Let's all * ^ 2 My house is 9П the 3^^" .............................j............................ 3 Con you .....................................................that hill? 4 Dennis, can I see your ................................hand, please? ☆ Are the sentences true (yes) or false (no)? Read the story again and answer. 1 Ivanushka climbs into the horse's right eye. 2 He is wearing beautiful clothes. 3 There are a lot of young women at the contest. ☆ Let’s sing! 4 The window is very high. 5 Ivanushka takes the ring from the princess' finger. 6 Ivanushko goes back home. Jump up high, touch the sky. Jump up high and get the prize! Take the ring, be a king, Take the ring, please try! Jump up high, touch the sky, Sivka-Burka, jump! Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up, go! Run far away! Л Шк /ai/ right, light, fight, high; Look left, look right. Look high up in the sky. /а/ dark, start, bath, fast, carpet, glasses, can't, at last, Mark, Margaret; "Can you see the carpet under the bath?" says Margaret to Mark. "No, I can't/' says Mark. "It's very dark in here." "Open the curtains," says Margaret. "Oh yes," says Mark. "I can see the carpet по\л//' "At last!" says Margaret. /3:/ skirt, shirt, Shirley, T-shirt, dirty, turn, curtain; "Look at your dirty skirt, Shirley!" Mum says. "Look at your dirty T-shirt! No, Shirley, don't go near the curtains. Oh no. Now the curtains are dirty, too!" Complete the words. Read them to your friend. sk gi_____________s Let’s sing. He wears dark glasses And a light T-shirt. His shoes are far too high And he's always trying to flirt! Look, read and match. a It's snowing. \'m wearing my jacket and my boots, b It's sunny. I'm wearing my T-shirt and my skirt. c It's hot. I'm wearing my T-shirt and my shorts. d It's cold. I'm wearing my Jacket and my trousers. Look, read and complete. • Whot are they doing? ~ It Is flying. 1 They.... football. 5 He .. a book. Read and fill in; picking, wet, weather, play, shorts. 0 A: What are you doing? B: Гт picking flowers. 1 A; Let's all.............togetherl B: Good idea! 2 A; Your shirt is nice. B: Your ............are nice, too. 3 A; We're getting.................. B: Don't worry. It's just a small, dark cloud. 4 A: What's the ................like? B: It's raining. Wow I • say and write what I'm wearing • say and write what people are doing • say and write what the weather is like io ЕддЬ^К At the Animal Park Listen, point and repeat. Join the animal words to go from the Sforf to the Finish. ! ШШ cat dog shorts cloud guitar [ 1 1 glass cushion mouse rhino door garage 1 wall 1 1 carpet floor zebra cooker fridge | 1 water 1 ghost lion giraffe i jacket mirror skirt p sofa puppy bookcase clock ' 1 table ^ phone radio 1 bird bee ladybird ШЖ\ 1 3 Listen, point and repeat. it crocodile What am I? Guess! I'm green. I've got a long tail and a big mouth. I can swim. What am 1? I'm brown. I've got a long tail. I can climb. What am I? Л J Listen and number the pictures. ir Now act out the story. fP Present Continuous (negative & interrogative) (GR 121) I Is the monkeyi 1^ climbing? ‘ No, it isn’t climbing. It’s running. Long form Short form Interrogative I am not eating You are not eating He is not eating She is not eating It is not eating We are not eating You are not eating They are not eating I I’m not eating ! You aren’t eating j He isn’t eating I She isn’t eating ! It isn’t eating ' We aren’t eating You aren’t eating They aren't eating Am I eating? , Are you eating? Is he eating? Is she eating? Is it eating? Are we eating? Are you eating? Are they eating? it Spot the differences! A: In picture a, Lee is flying a kite. B: In picture b, Lee isn't flying a kite. He's riding a bike. N Ask and answer, as in the example. 1 she/o yellow dress? Is she wearing a yellow dress? No, she isn’t wearing a yellow dress. She’s wearing a yellow dress. 2 they/ploy tennis? 3 he/eat an apple? a banana, 4 he/ride a horse? football. a bike. Make sentences. 1 they/not play football They are not playing football. 2 the monkey/not climb/the tree 3 the lions/sleeping? 4 the rhino/drink water Read and fill in: doing, What, Are, time, wearing. 5 the birds/not fly 6 the giraffe/eat? 7 the birds/slt/on the hippo? 8 the zebras/run/fost Talk with your friend. A: What are you doing? B: We're picking flowers. A: What are you ................ today? B: My new stiifl. A: Are you having a great ...... ............................? B: Oh, yes, we are! A: ............... Is the weather like? B: it's sunny, A: ................. you wearing glasses? B: Yes, I am. I'l I i I ■ iu I -*• ■■ Л'ш MI f -■ 11 «А Look at the K- Present Continuous - Short answers (GR 121) Are you~^ Short answers Am I eating? Yes, you are./No, you aren’t. Are you eating? Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Is he/she/it eating? Yes, he/she/it is./No, he/she/it isn’t. Are we/you/they eating? Yes, we/you/they are./No, we/you/they aren’t. if Look and answer the questions. 1 A: is he reading a book? B: Yes, he is. 2 A: Is he singing? B: No, he isn’t. He’s sleeping. ^ Г v\y 3 A: Is he eating? B: ............. 4 A: Are they riding a horse? B: .................... 5 A: Is she playing the piano? B: ................. 6 A: Are they swimming? B: .......... ☆ Talk with your friend. the lions sleeping? the giraffe eating? the hippos running? the zebras swimming? the rhino drinking water? ☆ ... _/f. Глге the lions i' sleeping? Make questions and answers. Questions 1 you/have/lunch at the moment? Answers No/i/drink/some tea Are you having lunch at the moment? No, Гт not. I’m drinking some tea. 2 the children/sleep? No/they/watch/TV 3 Irina/study/in her room? Ye$/she/do/her homework 4 the sun/shine? No/it/rain 5 Denis/play/the guitar/now? No/he/sleep I; -ь г; Listen and read the dialogue. Great! Let's go and j^Let's go on the trainij-^^^xr^;^.. Ir^r^l/ n+ nil thffk nnimnicl >V, PARK Which of the following animals are the children talking about? Read the dialogue again and choose. giraffes seals zebras lions hippos monkeys rhinos crocodiles ■ Look! The At the Animal Park Listen, point and repeat. r I farm duck Mx. «*9 У/ sheep ■l-( - • cow ? f chicken goat ☆ Look at the picture again and say yes or no. 1 There are nine animais on the farm. 2 The cow is sleeping. 3 The chicken has got five eggs. 4 The goaf is drir^king water. 5 The sheep are eating. ч- I What’s wrong with the picture? Read the text and correct the mistakes. Dea Г rluiTl Qn d Dad, )'m bavin^ a ^reai. time on the Jarm. It'S 5unnj today. ,J*m wear'n-^ my new blue sbortS. Pm help\ny yrondpa With the Co^^s. j love It here! See уоиъооп, Ben IfTTiciQine уои are on a farm. Write a letter to your mum and dad. Say what you are doing, what you are wearing, etc. Draw or stick a picture. Say the following tongue twister as fast as you can. Father Francis from France is frying five fresh fish for five friends from France. Otli ^'(2tl V.-». Vi: У 7 Crocodiles eat big stones. The stones help them when they dive. Crocodiles cannot stick their tongues out. If- " - ■ ■■ v:-»- ''■•'■‘?i '"> S i'k -, , •■/^^■';: ' > yt Read and match. 0 Look at the seals! 1 What are they doing? 2 Time to go home! 3 Look at Emma! 4 Look at Harry! О У 1 Fl Look and match. ✓ Щр 0 rhino e 1 lion ....... 2 hippo ...... 3 cow ........ 4 elephant 5 goat 6 giraffe 7 seal a They're playing football, b She's picking flowers! c -He's playing the guitar! d We're not going home yet. e They're looking at us! an ED Read and complete. Dad: Where are Jake and Molly? 0) Are they sleeping ■ К' \ irs. lis. Clil. Ю. / Л / X Fairy Calces Ask and answer, as in the example. ^ <**• 1 A: Do you like apples? B: Yes, I do. 2 A: .................... B: ................... 7 3 A: B: 9 4 A: B: 5 A: B: 6 A: B; ☆ like What about you? Make sentences about the food items in Ex. 4. don't like Some/Any/No (GR 122) ( r Is there any milk in the fridge? Are there any . fairy cakes? / Remember: Can I have some tea, please? No, there isn't any millT^ and there are no fairy cakes in the fridge. But there is some juice. к Complete. Use: a, an or some. 1 an orange 5 ... rice 2 banana 6 apple 3 bread 7 ... milk 4 hot dog 8 ... fairy cakes ▲ Look at the picture in Ex. 1 again and complete the sentences. 1 Is there any rice on the table? 4 Is there tea? Yes, there is some rice on the table. No, there isn't tea. 2 Are there tomatoes? 5 Are there . fairy cakes? No, there are tomatoes. Yes, there are .. fairy cakes. 3 Is there milk? 6 Is there cheese? Yes, there is milk. No, there is cheese. Ask and answer, as in the example. 1 apples/ 5 burgers / 9 sugar/ 2 juice / 6 sand\Ariches Л 10 bread / 3 ice cream / 7 cheese / 11 hot dogs / 4 milk / 8 carrots/ 12 fairy cakes / 1 A; Con } have an apple, please? B: Sorry, there aren't any apples. 2 A: Can I have some juice, please? B: Sorry, there isn't any juice. MoJnIt' “ ☆ Wh it is there \n the fridg i? Memory game. • water • гсШ « cheese • tomatoes , potatoes • orange juice Fairy Ciikjes A: Is there any water? B: No, there's no water, or No, there isn't any water. Somebody - Something (GR 122) Ю? ea. es? (es. se? jse. There is somebody at the door. There is something under the bed. Is there anybody at the door? There isn't anything under the bed. There isn't anybody at the door. Is there anything under the bed? There's nobody at the door. There's nothing under the bed. it Complete the sentences. Use: somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything or nothing. 1 Hello! Is there anybody here? 2 They're all at the cinema. There's ...........................home. 3 A: Is there................you want to tell me? B: No......................... 4 Listen to your grandma. She's telling you .......................... 5 I can't help you. There's ....... 1 can do about it. 6 There's.............here for you, but I don't know his nome. 7 A; Do you know ........... here? B: Only Irina. 8 There's ......................... on your sandwich. What is it? ^ Listen and read the dialogue. Read the dialogue again and find the number of the picture. picture 1 1 It's lunchtime! 2 Harry, be careful! 3 Are there any eggs in the fridge? 4 There aren't any fairies in them! Moihti»* зг! '1 less! Later in the afternoon I'm making some cakes. I Hi, Mum! What lore you doing? V -^Are there any eggsV -in the fridge? J 4^' Й1 Good! is there any sugar in the cupboard? /■ 'y*\\ there are.u,.: J Here we are! I ----------, U| Fairy cakes! I (Fairy cakes?' Yes, there's something very sweet in the cupboard. Look Erlinal Fairy cakes! Don't worry! There aren't any fairies in them! / • . • • •; Do you like the story? Choose. i i( \ ' V pineapple chocolate ☆ Sing and do! Are there any burgers? Are there any peas? Is there any chicken? Is there any cheese? Listen to my tummy, Clipper, gtapper, glupper! Listen to my tummy. I'm ready for my supper! Are there any apples? Are there any eggs? Is there any chocolate? Is there any bread? Who Is who? Read the text and find out. Favourite Meal by Class 4A My fovourite meal is breakfast. Breakfast is at eight o'clock. I like toast butter and honey for breakfast Yummy! Ben, 11 My favourite meal Is lunch. Lunch is at twelve o'clock. I like sandwiches, apple juice and chocolate for lunch. Yummyl Katie, 10 My favourite meal is supper. Supper is at seven o'clock. I like chicken, peas and orange juice for supper. Yummy! Emily, 11 \oi Write about your favourite food. Draw or stick pictures. ICT: Fine more facts about chocolate. Present them to the class. / Astronauts always take chocolate with them into space. It's yummy and gives them energy. 9 out of 10 people like chocolate. The tenth lies! it's a fruit and It's got Its seeds on the outside. What is it? , ■AjjeqMOJis D s^i The botanical name for the chocolate plant is fheobroma cacao, which means food of the gods. IF Look, read and match. О О О о о 7 ice cream Q 8 pineapple Q 9 tomato 10 toast (3 11 rice О 12 fairy cakes Q 13 meat 14 sugar ☆ Talk with your friend. A: What would you like? B: I'd like some tea, please. f ☆ Read and complete the texts. MlJ ^S^ofdng_ bi^pma My mum's cooking is great! For lunch today, we've got Mum's special and 2) ...........Then we've got . There's some 4) ^ L.........on them. W'W -Yummy! Mtj Paol'^ Сооклп^ btj Madina like my dad's cooking. I really do! For lunch today, we've got Dad's special ......Then we've got \ ..........on them. Which texts are the sentences from? Dima*s or Madina’s? Read the texts again and answer. 1 We've got chicken for lunch. .... 2 There's honey on the fairy cakes. .... 3 We've got potatoes for lunch. .... 4 There's chocolate on the fairy cakes. .... ☆ Write about your mum’s or dad’s cooking. .MoiUtlt’ .‘i rr? Listen, point to the pictures, and say the words. mug The next day, there is a letter from the palace. The Tsar is inviting everyone in the land, rich and poor, to a big feast. "A feast! We must go!" says the old man. "Me, too?" asks Ivanushka. "Come on. silly boy!" soys Andrei. "Rut don't get in everyone's way!" says Sergei. So the old farmer and his three sons go to the palace. It is a wonderful feast. They eat from gold plates and drink from mugs. There is delicious food, and music and dancing. Everyone is very happy! At the end of the feast, the princess starts to serve a honey drink to all the guests. She serves Ivanushka and sees the bandage on his hand. She looks at the poor farmer's son. He is wearing old clothes but he has got an honest face and о warm smile. "Whot is wrong with your hand, young man?" she asks. "Please, let me look at it." Dr IS ■ "A asks 5t in IS a rom ing. Dess rves the ton ind. it Read and complete the sentences. Use: inviting, delicious, honest, warm, serve. 1 Mr Drozdov is a(n) honest man, He always tells the truth. 2 This cake is.........Yummy! 3 Roman is..everyone to his party. Read the story again and choose a or b. 4 Everyone is here. Mum. You can lunch. 5 I like Vigtoria a lot. She's got a(n) .......smil^. 1 The next day there's a.........from the Tsar. a letter b land 2 The Tsar is......everyone to the palace. a asking b inviting 3 There's a........at the palace. a contest Q Let’s sing! b feast 4 The people at the feast eat from gold........ a plates b mugs 5 The princess gives a ..... drink to everyone. a clothes b honey 6 She sees the......on his hand. a ring b bandage We're at the feast and we're singing songs. Singing songs, singing songs. We're at the feast and we're singing songs. We're singing so-o-o-ongsl We're at the feast and we're dancing round, Dancing round, dancing round. We're at the feast and we're dancing round. We're dancing ro-o-o-ound! Mrs Mouse has gol Read the story first I ihrce children, Billy, to yourself, then V f Becky and Bobby. One your ^ Mouse tells her ' children to go out and play. “Go now, children. But be careful. Do nqt go near the field, f Old Black Cat lives there!” But Billy, Becky and Bobby go to the field and play there. Suddenly, Billy stands up and say, “I can hear something. Old Black Cat is coming!” So Billy, Becky and Bobby run away very fast. “Quickly! In here!” says Becky. And the three little mice go into a big bag of flour. Old Black Cat goes away. The three little mice come out of the bag. There is flour in their ears and in their mouths! At last Billy, Becky- and Bobby go back honie. “Shoo!” says Mrs Mouse, when they go home. “You don't live here. My children are grey, not white!” The three little mice go away. They are veiy sad. Just then the rain comes down and washes the flour away! “We’re all grey again!” says Billy. “We can go home now,” says Becky. “Hurrah!” savs Bobby. Read the story again and answer the questions. 1 How many children has Mrs Mouse 3 got? What are their names? 4 2 Who lives in the field? 5 What is there in the bag? What colour are the mice now? What washes the flour away? Read the story again and find the words. 1 2 3 4 5 /'tjildren/ /plei/ /беа/ /fiid/ /Ш/ 6 7 8 9 10 /■flaoQ/ /1Э/ /maos/ /e'raiv/ /’wofiz/ it Read and put a tick (/) or a cross (X). lly il r I like ... * burgers * chocolate * meat * pineapples * sausages ☆ Read and draw the times. 0 It's eight o'clock. Read and choose. 1 It's four o'clock. 2 It's eleven o'clock. 0 Is there some/cS^milk in the fridge? 1 There are any/no chairs in the room. 2 There is some/any bread on the table. 3 Are there some/any birds in the tree? 4 There are some/any children in the park. 5 There isn't somebody/anybody at home. 6 There's something/nothing wrong with your radio. It's fine. 7 Is there anything/nothing you want to tell me? • ask for and tell the time • say what food I like/don't like • say what there is in my fridge • say and write about my favourite meal t i Щ Engiah Vioilnb .‘I Listen, point and repeat have a shower T'90 joggling ) ....' ............-... ^ listen to music H .'л:ы к у do homework ) go to work ) Complete the phrases. Then match them to the pictures. M |g| gteup get ^ I I hove a sohewr 3^1 I hove rbfeaakst ^ I go to rokw "si I have Inuhc d listen to smicu go ogijngg do hkooemwr go to bde Moiliilr 10 Listen, point and repeat. f« <й grow baby bird give summer autumn winter spring Fairies in the forest! Read and complete. a The spring fairies fly.........and pick...............(kites - flowers) b The autumn fairies make ................ and collect fruit and ............... (nuts - umbrellas) c The winter fairies dance in the...........and ski down the..............of the trees, (snow - branches) d The summer fairies...........all day and...........with the birds, (sing - swim) Now read again and match the sentences to the pictures. if What does Emma do every day? Look at the pictures and say. In th(‘. inoniini^ In Mic alTipmoon In fhe ci44iinii, \t ni£i^il ☆ Memory game A: Does Emma go to school in the afternoon? B: No, she doesn't. She goes to school in the morning. ☆ Complete the sentences with do, does, don’t or doesn’t. 1 A: Does she play the guitar in the evening? B: Yes, she does. 2 A: he work in a school? B: No, he ......... 3 A: .........you eat breakfast in the afternoon? B: No, I......... 4 A:...........he wear , glasses? B: Yes, he 1 * I \ What does Wendy do every day? Read and choose the right words. ■> \ Р/ ^l/endy 1) gets up at 7 o'clock every day. She 2) a shower and then she has breakfast. Wendy 3).........to school 4)........ 8 o'clock. She 6).......... lunch at home. She has lunch at school. Wendy 6) .........home at 4 o'clock. Then Wendy 7) ...........her homework. 8)............ the afternoon, Wendy and her mother 9)..........to go jogging. In the evening, Wendy 10)............ to music or watches TV. Wendy 11).............. to bed at 10 o'clock. 1 (g)gets up b get up 7 a do b does 2 a have b has 8 a In b At 3 a goes b go 9 a likes b like 4 a at b in 10 a listen b listens 5 a doesn't have b don't have 11 a goes b go 6 a come b comes ☆ Read again and make questions. 1 When does Wendy get up? At seven o'clock. 2 .......................... At eight o'clock. 3 ......................... At one o'clock. 4 .......................... At ten o'clock. Listen and read the dialogue. seven o'clock '‘'i every day. Listen, point and repeat. ☆» Listen and point. Then sing and do! Look and say. 1 Harry's favourite day is Friday. Tick lock, it’s eight o’clock Another [ovety day. I have a shower, I go to school I’m happy it’s today! Tick Tock, it’s one o’clock t eat my lunch, t play outside Tick Tock, it’s six o’clock I watch TV, I ride my bike Tick Tock, it’s ten o’clock t read a book, t go to sleep Л I; ] Sunday Wednesday Friday Saturday Mojltih* li) Read the text and choose the best title. 0 О -pavouriie vs Sunday. On Sund^^s, I gei up Jlcxie und 1 \\<ХУе cv big bre,V : .'■ .1**^'* V IT If S an Ant World! Find what Andy the Ant does every day. My name is Andy. My i GEl nb VI 8IX' 1 1 НУЛЕ V Bie BLSEVKbvai’ 2 1 НУЛЕ V8HOME15' 3 1 eo lo Moi5K‘ 4 1 МУ1СН 1Л' 5 leOlOBEDVlMIHE' 6 Now match the sentences to the pictures. . . jl I •• I гя-^гО^гУЛагп What time do i 3* jj VO IJ ^1 Q\ M О ' г^^/Х/ЛМ'УА P/<»1 Another Lovely lloiri ~rS!~ ••••гг: r'sr- ■■.nts. "WC-^ Put the days of the week in the correct order. Monday Tuesday Thursday Wednesday Friday Sunday Saturday 1 Monday 2 ...... 3 ...... 4 ...... 5 .. 6 7 .. ☆ Complete the names of the following paintings by famous Russian painters. Use: summer, spring, winter or autumn. '-'Г: •. U'r ™JLlj лт •V /а 1) Summer Evening 'v. Ij in Litfie Russia by Iosif i Krachkovsky - 4-_— by Alexei Savrasov 3) Golden 4) by Isaac Levitan by Boris Kustodiev Choose a season. Draw a painting and give it a name. _____ 'Ыо1г 10' Listen, point to the pictures, and say the words. ground Listen and read the story. Ivanushka takes off the bandage. The princess' gold ring is on his finger! "Dear father!" she cries. "Here is my husband! Look, he is wearing my ring!" "How can he be your husband? Look at him! Look at his clothes!" But Ivanushka says to him, "Please, let me go out and wash." Ivanushka goes out and calls the magic horse three times: ".■5ivkc-Burka, come!" At once, Sivka-Burka appears and the ground starts to shake. Ivanushka climbs into the horse's right ear, climbs out of its left ear, and turns again into the handsome young man from the contest. All the people cry out in surprise. "It's him! The brave man from the contest!" Everyone claps and cheers. The Tsar is very happy "At last! Now I've got a good, kind son and my dear Ana has got a handsome, brave husband!" And so, Ivanushka marries Ana and they live happily ever after in the palace. Every day, they ride together in the palace gardens on Sivka-Burka - the most famous horse in the land! Ihufuif 10 1 on эк, ok se, es: he jht ne e. ips a ve fer ce i! ' ■ шшш Read and complete the sentences. Use: wash, appears, shake, marry, cries out in surprise. 1 Igor loves Irina. He \A/ants to...................................her, 2 "Look, Mum," Inna .............................."It's Yelena Isinbaeva!" 3 Suddenly, there is a loud noise and the ground stgrts to.............. 4 "Where's the bus?" asks Mikhail. Just then the bus ........... cind we can all see it. 5 ....................................your hands before you eat, Dimitriy. ☆ Read the story again and put the sentences in the correct order. A The Tsar doesn't believe Ivanushka is the man from the contest. В Ivanushka goes out and calls the magic horse. C ... Everyone claps and cheers. D ... Ivanushka marries Ana and they live happily ever after. E ... Ivanushka takes off the bandage. F ... Ivanushka turns agoin into the handsome young man from the contest. G ... The princess' gold ring is on his finger. Let's sing! Just call me by my name When you need a friend. A friend in need Is a friend indeed! In times of trouble You can count on me! You can count on me! hear you call my name I run to be with you! A friend in need Is a friend indeed! In times of trouble You can count on me! You can count on me! Шк Motiuli' 10 if Read the story first to yourself, then aloud. Mrs Fish and her daughter Faye are swimming in the sea. The water is dear and warm. '‘Can I swim around, Mum?" Faye asks her mum. "Yes, of course," Mrs Fish onswers. So Faye swims on and on until she meets a seal. Faye thinks that the seal is fat and ugly. "Hello, Fat!" Faye says to the seal. "Helld, Little!" says the seal. Faye is very sad. She starts to cry and goes back to her mother, "Oh, Mother!" she says. "That fat and ugly seal is not kind at all. He says Гт little, of all things! I'm not little, right? Look! I have got a tail!" "That's strange," Mrs Fish says. "Let's go and ask the seal," So Mrs Fish and her daughter go to the seal. "Good morning, Mr Seal," says Mrs Fish. "Good morning, Mrs Fish," says Mr Seal. "Tell me Mr Seal, why do you call my daughter little?" "She calls me fat, so I call her little. We should be kind to people, so that people are kind to us!" Read the story again and answer the questions. 1 What is the name of Mrs Fish's daughter? 2 What is the water like? 3 What does Faye think about the seal? 4 Why should we be kind to people? Read the story again and find the words. 1 /'do;te/ 2 /'wo:t0/ 3 ./wo:m/ 4 /si:l/ 5 /'Agli/ 6 /stats/ 7 /kaind/ 8 /teil/ 9 /stre!nd3/ 10 /'глэ:п1Г]/ if Look, read and complete the sentences. 0 every morning. get up at seven o'clock 3 Do you 1 Mary listens to ,s: in the evening. ^ 2 My dad goes lo at eight o'clock. ☆ Look and find the words. winter u m r e . m s 5 g n P yjy^ TV in the afternoon? 4 I have a then I go to school. 5 Bob goes in the afternoon. Read and choose the right words. 0 Ann watch/watches TV every afternoon, 1 I drink/drinks milk in the morning. 2 Do/Does they like rice? 3 Mark don’t/doesn't listen to music in the morning. 4 We get up/gets up at seven o'clock. 5 Do/Does they go jogging on Saturdays? 6 They don’t/doesn’t go to our school. cm • say what I do every day • say what my favourite season is • say the days of the week • say and write about my favourite day _ i , tn English. ... л^й -A'*- ■. . i Z, 1 Read and match the texts to the pictures. Winnie the Pooh is a lovely bear. He is from the UK. He is always hungry and his favourite food is honey. He lives in the Hundred Acre Wood with his friends Eeyore the sad donkey, Piglet the pig, and Tigger the tiger. His favourite phrase is "Do you have any honey?'" Bugs Bunny is a funny, friendly rabbit from New York. He likes playing jokes on people. Bugs Bunny eats a lot of carrots and his favourite phrase is "What's up Doc?" @ 2 Read the text again and answer the questions. Smurfette is a smurf. She's got long yellow hair ond she's very beautiful. She wears a white dress. Smurfette and the other smurfs are fronn Belgium and live in Smurf village. The smurfs' favourite word is smurf. They use it all the time. For example "We're going smorf\ng (swimming) on the River Smurf today) 1 Where is Winnie the Pooh from? 2 Where does he live? 3 What does Bugs Bunny like doing? 4 What's his favourite phrase? 5 Where do the smurfs live? 6 What's the smurfs' favourite word? 112 , TJ.Ta got very \e ther lurfs' 'У pie nurf d? 3 Find the words in the texts. Hi! I'm Volk. I like to chase Zayats! I can play the guitar and ride a motorbike, i can dance and skate, too. I'm a very Ф clever wolf! Hello! My name is Zayats. Гт a hare and Votk always tries to catch me! Sometimes, I help - j Volk when he's in trouble! or: —O'- i'-ir'• ■' ■■ •’•'> io; Draw or stick a picture of your favourite cartoon character. Present it to the class. 113 1 Say which part we eat! Vej^e Pow^f 2 Make your Veggie Power salad! 6 Bulb Root Leaves (5) Fruit Seeds Carrot # Tomato Garlic Lettuce Ф i. е> ds / <■ / / <^ . / / I''/» 3 Read and complete. // ■^r ilk % жШтй D / / / -7^ / 1 5 ^ A green vegetable. It's nice in sandwiches! This fruit is always on pizzas! This vegetable makes your food tasty! Rabbits love this vegetable! This vegetable is sweet! • •• ' ''*• '• ' *, ^yw ~ ' '''^^ .. •••: ; .::i vv- 1 Read and complete the sentences. Bees move to a new home. Bees fly from flower to 2) They make a lot of honey. Bees eat their 3) .........If s cold. : Make a honey bee mobll^ Bees get their же ready for winter. 116 Г''Г| I I -.J 1 Q Listen and read the story. • \ou' foli<‘ rol<*^ and ivtul. 117 IVmker’sDa^ Let’s sing! I love you, Mummy, I really do! You're always happy And funny too! When it is sunny, I think of you, I love you. Mummy, You love me too! My Mummy! Л к c I) D i i ( ☆ What’s the secret message? Use the code to find out. ^ = l i: = 5 I = 9 M = 13 Q = 17 11 = 21 Y = 25 B = 2 F = e .)=10 \ = 14 U = 18 V = 22 Ъ = 26 C = 3 e = 7 К = 11 0 = 15 S = 19 W = 23 l) = 4 II = 8 1 = 12 l> = 16 T = 20 X = 24 8 1 22 23 15 14 4 5 18 21 12 4 I 25 % Write a secret Mother’s Day message. Ask your friend to read It. Give your mum an award. r Pe-ar !\Лш, Yo\/ are-^e-afe^f Mvrn on ^arffif l+AFFY MOTHe^'SPAY! I ^ t /. г рамматический справочник Краткие ответы Do you like tomatoes? Do we like tomatoes? Do they like tomatoes? -c -Г Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Yes, we do. No, we don’t. Yes, they do. No, they don’t. Неопределённые местоимения some/any/no • Мы используем неопределённое место-имение some в утвердительных предложениях с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе some pens (apples, books) и с неисчисляемыми существительными some ice cream (sugar, rice). 77vere are some books on my desk. There is some rice in the cupboard. • Мы используем неопределённое место-имение any в отрицательных предложениях и вопросах с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и с неисчисляемыми существительными. Are there зпу chiidren in the park? is there any ice cream in the fridge? i don’t want any heip. • Мы используем no в отрицательных предложениях вместо not... any. There is no milk in the fridge. (There /sn’f any miik in the fridge.) There are no buses today. (There aren^t any buses today.) • Мы используем some в вопросах, выражающих просьбу или предложение: Would you like some milk? Can i have some tea, please? Somebody - Something Мы используем somebody, anybody, nobody, когда говорим о людях. Мы используем somebody в утвердительных предложениях. There is somebody here to talk to you. Мы используем anybody в вопросах и отрицаниях. Is there anybody in the class? There isn 't anybody there. • Мы также используем nobody в отрицательных предложениях, при этом глагол употребляется в утвердительной форме. Сравни: There isn’t anybody in the kitchen. There is nobody in the kitchen. • Мы используем something, anything, nothing, когда говорим о вещах. • Мы используем something в утвердительных предложениях. There is something in your milk. What is it? • Мы используем anything в вопросах и отрицаниях. Is there anything I can do for you? • Мы также используем nothing в отрицательных предложениях, при этом глагол употребляется в утвердительной форме. Сравни: I’m very thirsty, but there isn’t anything to drink. Tm very thirsty but there is nothing to drink. Module 10 Present simple (настоящее простое время) 1 read Do 1 read? You read Do you read? He reads Does he read? She reads Does she read? It reads Does it read? We read Do we read? You read Do you read? They read Do they read? Утвердительное предложение образуется по формуле: имя существительное или личное местоимение (I, you, he, she, it и т. д.) + смысловой глагол. В третьем лице единственного числа (he, she, it), к глаголу прибавляется -s. Отрицание образуется по формуле: имя Грамматический справочник дд- ■ол 10. пд. ци- к и ца- гол ие. ?fo f to существительное или личное место-имение (i, you, he, she, it и т. д.) + do not (don’t) + начальная форма смыслового глагола. # В третьем лице единственного числа отрицание образуется по формуле: имя существительное или личное место-имение + does not (doesn’t) + начальная форма смыслового глагола. • Вопросительная форма образуется по формуле: do/does + имя существительное или личное местоимение (I, you, he, she, it и т. д.) + начальная форма смыслового глагола. Do children Ике ice creem? Does he go to school? к Запомни Окончание -s смыслового глагола опускается в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях в третьем лице единственного числа с does/doesn’t. She doesn^f remember their address. • Мы используем Present Simple, когда речь идёт о действиях, происходящих регулярно. / run in the park at seven o’clock every day. Предлоги времени • Мы используем предлог in перед названиями времени суток и времён года. In the morning/afternoon/evening In winter/spring/summer • Мы используем предлог at перед некоторыми названиями времени суток, а также при указании определённого времени. Atnoon/night At five o'clock « Мы используем предлог on с названиями дней недели. On Monday/Tu'esday/Saturday 1) /ет- ное he, юла S. /1МЯ А а а lot of /о 'Im ov/ много afternoon /,а:(Ъ'1П1:п/ время после полудня in the afternoon - днём agent /'eidpnt/ агент secret agent - секретный агент air /сэ/ воздух aluminium /.шЬ'питэт/ алюминиевый always /Ъ:К\-с1/У всегда amazing /o'mcizity удивительный another /э'плдз/ другой ant /хп1/ муравей armchair кресло arrive /a'raiv/ приезжать astronaut tetronoit/ астронавт autumn осень Bb babv /'beihi/ малыш balcony /'bielkoiii/ балкон banana ;Ъл'па:по/ банан bandage/'Ьуепс1к1з/ повязка, бинт bath /Ьи;0/ ванна have а bath - принимать ванну bathroom /'bu:Oru:nV ванная комната beach /bi;ij? пляж beautiful /'bju:tif(3)l/ красивый bed /Ъсс1/ кровать go to bed - ложиться спать bedroom ./'bedru:m/ спальня bee /bi:/ пчела beetle /'bi:tl/ жук betiind /Ь|'1ц1пс1/ сзади best /best/лучший big Ibigl большой bike /bark/ велосипед billion /'biljan/ миллион bird /Ьз:с1/ птица black ;Ъ1а^к/ чёрный blue/blu:,/синий boat /Ъо(г1/ лодка bookcase /'bukkcis/ книжный шкаф boot /Ьи:(/ ботинок bow Ib-Au! кланяться branch !Ьт:п\Ц1 ветка brave /breiv/ смелый bread /bred/ хлеб breakfast /'brekfost/ завтрак have breakfast - завтракать bring /Ьпо/ приносить brother 1'ЬгмЪ} брат bug .-Ълд/ жук build Д-Mld/ строить bulb /Ьл1Ь/ лампочка burger fbxgdf бургер bus /Ьлк/ автобус /'b.\tD/ масло butterfly /’Ьл1оПа1/ бабочка Сс cake/кс1 к/торт, пирожное fairy саке - волшебное г1ирожное call /кэ:1/ называть, звать; звонить camera /’k£etn(o)ro/ фотоаппарат саг /ко:/ машина carpet /'ки:ри/ ковёр carrot fkxioi! морковь carry /'к{.еп/ носить carry on - продолжать castle /'ku:sl/ замок cat /kicV кошка caterpillar /'kiciopilo/ гусеница catch /кхГ(/ ловить CD /,si: 'di:/ компакт-диск celebrate /'scbbrcn/ праздновать cereal /'sionol/ кукурузные хлопья chair /tjco/ стул champion AJtcmpion/ чемпион chase /tjeis./ преследовать cheer Aj'ig/ подбадривать команду chess /t/es/ шахматы chicken Aj'ikin/ курица chocolate A)'nk(o)lot/ шоколад choose !ф:г1 выбирать cinema .^шято/ кинотеатр circle fe:kl/ круг city I'siUi город clap /kliep/ хлопать (в ладоши) clean /kii:n/ чистый clear /к1|о/ прозрачный clever /'klevn/ умный climb /klaim/ взбираться clock /к1лк/часы cloud /kkwycl/ облако dark cloud - туча cold /kouid/ холодный it's cold! - Холодно! colled /ko'leki/ собирать comb/копт/ причёсываться come /клт/ приходить come back - возвращаться come from - быть родом из come in - входить come out - выходить computer /kom'pjii:(o/ компьютер contest /'knmest/ соревнование cooko! /'кпко/ плита cool /ки:1/ классный corn /ко:п/ кукуруза costume /'kDsijnm/ карнавальный костюм colour/'кл1э/1. цвет; 2. раскрашивать count /каош/ считать count on - рассчитывать на cow /кап/ корова crocodile /'kmkodail/ крокодил cross/kras./1. крестик: 2. переходить crossing /'kmsio/ пешеходный переход cry /kraj/ кричать Словарь т cry out - выкрикивать cupboard /’к.\Ьэс1/ кухонный шкафчик curtain "кз:1(э)п/ занавеска cushion /'ки/(о)п/диванная подушка cut /кл1/ порез Dd daddy /'dasdi/ папа dance /dcrns/ 1. танец; 2. танцевать dark/da:к/ тёмный daughter /drxta/ дочь decide /di'said/ решать delicious /di'lifas/ вкусный desk /desk/ парта dinnei /dma/ ужин dirty грязный dog /dng/ собака doll /dal/ кукла door ido'J дверь draw/dra:/ рисовать dress /drcs/ платье drink/drnjk/ пить duck /d.\k/ утка during /'djuano/ во врёмя Ее ear /1э/ухо Earth /з:0/ Земля eat /i:t/ есть energy /'enod3i/ энергия egg/eg/ яйцо elephant /'elifont/ слон elf/eil'/эльф England /'mgbnd/ Англия enjoy /in'd5oi/ наслаждаться environment /jnVair(3)nmpnt/ окружающая среда evening /kvnio/ вечер excited /ik'samd/ взволнованный extra /‘ekstro/ лишний, дополнительный eye f'dil глаз Ff fall /1Ъ:1/ падать family /'Г;ст(о)1|/ семья fantastic /faen'tiestik/ потрясающий far /fa:/ далеко far too high - слишком высоко farm /fa:m/ ферма fat /fast/ толстый favourite /Teiv(3)r[t^ любимый feast /Ikst/ пир field /fi.Id/ поле fight /fait/ драться finger/Гщдэ/ палец fireplace /Taiapiers/ камин first /f3;st/ первый fish /fij/ рыба flat /llajt/ примятый ){И floor/По:/ пол, этаж flour/'Паоо/ мука fly /Па1/ летать fly away - улетать food /lu:d/ еда forest /'fonst/ лес France /IranW Франция fresh /frej/ свежий Friday /Traidei/ пятница fridge /Гпс1з/ холодильник friend /frcnd/ друг best friend - лучший друг frog /frog/ лягушка fruit /fni:l/фрукт fun /f\n/ веселье funfair ftAnfeo/ ярмарка funny/f\ni/ смешной Gg game /geim/ игра computer game - компьютерная игра garage /'g: • '/,z , ''