Английский язык 3 класс Рабочая тетрадь Баранова Дули часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 3 класс Рабочая тетрадь Баранова Дули часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Starlight (Старлайт) звездный английский:

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-г/", if ■ Л'»-- ■_ ■ . ^ ' K. .- V ■T"“ '.'■■i‘ .. ■■ ■ Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley Ksenia Baranova - Victoria Kopylova Radislav Millrood Part PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS Express Publishing I... ■■ LrU ИИ ФГОС Учебное пособие для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка .»у'л В двух частях Часть ж /9’г. - .А“ • *• •"///.• I. i - .i . /И-*.'' ' 6-e издание Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2016 I Contents Starter Unit P 4 Module 1 My Family p. 16 Module 2 At the Toy Shop P. 24 Module 3 It’s so Cute! P- 32 Module 4 Talent Show P- 40 Merry Christmas! p. 48 Consolidation P- 49 Board Games P- 54 My Pictionary P- 62 Schooi Piays P- 68 Cutouts p. 74 о Q Q Э а ф fffihV. Я •ь ;i-J fc^,' гГтгч гт- . - --' lifj т -.VI Щ. .у “Q ( h CXI > о л •7 i uu ZL A m m - - / fmb! '» \ /i > . 1 2 "D 2 > t X j X) •j 2 - О го . », X) \ > a < ./ i и - “П > О 11 Z * % " ■‘i и '■ CXI ^*^4HSBSsa№^ О 2 ИЙ5 > ж V •iM*' э а ф э Q 3 ф <л Q О Ф 3 о ф тз О ф to .vJ * "» .1 «.f« т й ' I"'.’ rv«: 'Wl'i ... ,. V’’*'/'/«'■ W'' rVvW;;,y-.vi',,, „ Г|Лу’. n J I >.4 &v5a fMr V** >^1 'M, Ш W w>. How many? Count and write. Listen and write a name 1 A 2 A 3 L Read and find the stickers for these Hello, Horryl Hi! I'm Lee, What's your name? Hello! Ч Read and choose the right answer 1 A: Hello, I'm Tom. What's your name? B: a) My name's Yelena, b) This is Yelena. 2 A: How do you spell it? B: a) It's a beautiful name, b) Y-E-L-E-N-A. 3 A: Hi, Yelena. Nice to meet you. B: a) Nice to meet you, too! b) I'm fine, thanks. Go to the Student’s Book and read the story on pages 10-11. Colour the picture. Read and answer the questions. Look and compiete the crossword puzzle. 1 How old is Lee? 2 How old is Mona? 3 How old are you? E M A V 1 G 1 L О C F — Ol N U— 1 A R -■t E S T R Y A Who's missing? Starter Dili Rou nd - и 1MB ▲ TO ^ Complete the words. Then colour the picture •« ^ • I* Read and colour the picture. a red ball a blue robot a green yo-yo a purple kite a black and white cat a black dog S(ar!i»r = И* г А 12 г Read and complete the sentences ■* . • * 4 Mi I ? I Hi! My name I'm 2)..............years old. This is my 3).................. It's 4)...... >•» и|^!г J' ------------- ■•" ^^тЗг 3^1 ' __I .,,-................................... ЛГ , --.fl .v^ >^^№7тад^й1^даягаау^|»мма«ДДм1дй1ййШ1ШМ^а»саШр1р.^^^ Hi! My name is 5).............................................\ I'm 6)..................................years old. | This is my 7) it's 8)...................................................... i 1 3 г Read and(circl^the right answer 1 Which of these words has NOT got the /е/ sound? A red В me C speli Л 2 Which of the words has NOT got the /i:/ sound? » * A red В she C he 3 Read the phonetic symbol. Which word is it? /stri:t/ A see В she C street 4 Read the transcription. Which word is it? /'seven/ A spell В seven C Sheena Sfiirfer I Read and colour the picture The rubber is red. The schoolbag is green. The pencil case is purple. The pencil is yellow. The book is blue. Щ The desk is orange. Г tllil Т5 Find the words. Match them to the pictures e 1 S 1 к 1 g g] g 1 0 1 1 r 1 1 о Гр 1 i 1 • 1 j И 1 r 1 e и 1 r 1 1 S 1 1 g In о 1 о 1 |T| L 1 c 1 1 j g rrm- Г-Т j 1 1 e 1 у] h к b 1 ® • 1 r 1 u 1 b e r w A Iff’ Compiete the questions and the answers. What's this? What's 3 What's It's a schooibag 2 What's 4 Staffer iini го сл о о Q Ф TJ о с ф W <л О Q 3 ст ф ф ф ф <л $ ф ф о В. (Л /Vi -■y^: ~^Г‘ ..'•'Л''р7“?'», /.7'^ '■ Э a .:'• ...^ '• J r*-r'^ ”/( .' v. Vr .'-i.*.** K‘ v '«I. •' .. :Л:Г : X . \‘Г t.?bV » ’ 'Я Ш :Ш' ■ -if, * •.•/'' Й % :лл1 •*. . ? ' ' ,.-' V»*' Mil ... ■ - :\-Щ;Ш i-w.w- ' V.. * 1*СУ? • • »-~C Ш!Ф4Ш г How many? Count and write three pencils A Look at the picture and complete the sentences 1 Look at Emma’s hot. It’s so funny! 2 Look at ............................kites. so funny! 3 Look at.............schoo!bag. ......................so funny! 4 Look at...................penci!s, .........................so funny! Sorter ti “ > . 14. . Read and write True or False 1 Erlina is in Harry's pencii case. 2 Emma's penciis are funny. 3 Miss Dee is a teacher. Who’s in Miss Dee’s class? Read and tick (/). Willow Alvin ^ Listen and draw a line. Complete the text and read it. Sit down and 2) please! 3) 4) 5) your books and notebook, please. the story. Now, the story in your A (Circle) the odd one out. A stand - - black - glad - say C board - run • - sun - - fun В room - - cool - book - rule D ten - meet - • pen - - red A y/j Match the words to their transcription. 2 school /'aepi/ /ru:l/ 3 sun 4 rule /staend/ /злп/ /sku:l/ /ТлЬэ/ 5 apple 6 stand 7 rubber 8 hat Start. CT>- I I • I I I I Write the numbers. Then match. —~ ^ -U__ \loiliile 1 Look and match the pictures to the sentences. Then write the sentences \ \ 1 1 am a singer. 2 You are funny. 3 He is my brother. 4 She is a teacher. Гт*а singer. Make the sentences and read them. 1 2 sad am I am sad. are happy We 3 cute You are They lovely are Inga is from Russia. She is writing about herself and her family. Complete the sentences. Use am, is, are. 1 I am a student from Moscow, Russia. 2 It.................a very big city. 3 My father and mother............... (not) singers. 4 My father..............a teacher. 5 My mother...............(not) from Russia. 6 She .. from Poland. 7 1 . ten years old. 8 My brother's name. Sergey. 9 He . ten years old. 10 We twins. VImliile I Ireland write. ^ Read the sentences. Then write the names 1 Ben is Joe's grandpa. 2 Mimi is Joe's sister. 3 Ann is Joe's grandma. 4 Liz is Joe's mum. 5 Rob is Joe's dad. щт b m Щ /■ \ 1 P Vlotlulr 1 Choose the right answer 1 Are you Emma's brother? a) Yes, I am not. b) Yes, I am. 2 Is she a singer? a) No, she isn't. b) No, she is. 3 Is it a ruler? a) Yes, I am. b) Yes, it is. 4 is he Alvin? a) No, you aren't. b) No, he isn't. Read and answer the questions 1 Are they happy? Yes, they are. 2 Are we brothers? No, 3 Is she sad? Yes, 4 Are they flowers? Yes, ............... 5 Are you sisters? Yes, ................. 6 Is it an orange? No............. A ’^[JF Choose words from the box to complete the sentences. They're isn't is (x2) are He isn't She's It's 1 My father and mother aren't doctors. They’re teachers. 2 St. Petersburg...............in Germany...............in Russia. 3 Harry....................happy. ..........................sad. 4 My sister.......twenty years old. 5 .....................a pretty girl. 6 Olga and Denis ..............late. Where are they? Module 1 ':0 лЛ'.Д ★ 'S О Q Q < Q со Ф О Ф Ф со 3 3 м Ч- I \f ife И 'h ■'« v^ ц? ж Ф Find the stickers for these. i i % I I t I i ! 1 ] « walk drive I i I I ft 1 I ride run Follow the lines and complete the sentences 1 Sam is a policeman 2 Peter............ 3 Mat 4 Roy Read and answer the questions about yourseif. 1 What's your name? 3 Are your mum and dad singers? 2 How old are you? 4 What is your friend's name? VIcHilile 1 ■■ .-.; ■ ^r' r. -.■:.;r: ■ : ■ ■ : " ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ — ■■:>; ■ - .1^7 .■ Л-. .. 16 A Listen and draw lines « i b j t Ч ©ОШ 'Z [i i Ч A 17 ^ Complete the text and read it. II j This is Tony's 1) family. His 2)................'s name is Anna and his 3)..................'s name is Nick. Keiiy and Sam are his 4)..................and 5)................... And Pat is his 6)..................She is very cute. f к 1 \fOilllle 1 Find the words with /0/, /as/, /о/ sounds and write them in columns. тж'.: I (dog) (rubber) ( box orange sharpener cat Ф r /0/ /ав/ /0/ Module 1 ■- :т .:• .-М ■ • ■%^^‘.-ши -■й Read and draw а line (Т) teddy bear ч. @car (з) roller skates camera bike Colour the picture and complete the dialogues. 1 Alvin: What are these? Emma: They're 3 2 Alvin: They're really nice! Alvin: ........................? Emma: Alvin: ........................? Emma: ........................... Alvin: ........................I Alvin: Read and(clrcl^the right item Look at these/those presents! This/That bike is These/Those roiler skates are cool, This/That doll is my sister's. Look at these/ those kites! ook at this/ that robot! Vloilfile 2 tthe L. Look and complete the crossword puzzle Ф 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Count and write the answers 1 25 + 25 = fifty 6 15+15 = 2 40 - 20 = 7 30+19 = 3 49-9= 8 36 - 20 = 4 22 + 13 = 9 50-8= . 5 15 + 8= 10 15 + 17 = 26 Modulo 2 г Read, draw and colour the pictures. 2 two purple lorries 3 four blue boxes 4 three red watches r five yellow cars Read and(^rc]^the right answers. 1 Happy Birthday, TomI This aeroplane is for you! 2 Wow! A doll! Thanks, everyone! 3 Open it and see! 4 Oh, that's a nice lorry! a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d Moiillil* 2 ^ Listen and colour the picture. Go to the Student’s Book on pages 62-63. Read the story and complete the sentences. car birthday buses 1 It's Harry's................today! 3 Harry's got two red 2 The children are in a 4 Harry's present is a big Motliilc 2 Find the stickers for these. These are Janet's birthday presents: a 1) teddy bear, a 2) к. guitar. o. ^ • a 3) camera and a 4) bike. Happy Birthday, Janet! What are the presents? Write the sentences t--- J 1 Look! These are my presents. Two guitars, a bus and a piane. 2 3 \fodrile 2 J > • Make the sentences. 1 This is my doll. 5 This is my present. These are my dolls. 2 6 These are my teddy bears These are my kites. 3 This is my helicopter. 7 This is my glass. 4 8 That is my book. Those are my roller skates. Read and complete the card. It's Kenny's birthday Ф He's eleven today. This card is from Erica Dear You are.......................today! I. V «• Happy Birthday! 4 Ч Love from Л i I .1 -S' f Module 2 Do they rhyme? Read an f plane ! box car guitar A Чку Match the Items to the sounds tall short ball train a: GI guitar girl thirty car plane Vlodale 2 Read and colour the picture This is Mr Potato Head. Look! He's got fair hair. He's got a big red nose and smai! green eyes. He's got yeiiow ears and a pink mouth. He's so funny! Read and write the letter 1 She's got a big nose and smai! ears. 2 He's got a big nose and a smai! mouth. 3 They've got big ears and smai! noses. 4 She's got a big mouth and a big nose. 5 He's got big ears and big eyes. Ask and answer the questions. (T) A: What’s Kenny B: He’s got fair hair and blue eyes Kenny Martha Sam ^ Read and find the stickers for these. X They've got small heads and long tails. They've got cute faces and small pink ears, They ve got iong legs and big eyes. .X ^ Read and correct the sentences 1 Dogs have got two legs. No! Dogs haven’t got two legs They’ve got four legs. 2 Cats have got one ear. 4 Rabbits have got long tails. 5 Mice have got five heads. 3 Horses have got six legs. 6 Kangaroos have got short tails. Read and write the questions. Then colour the picture A: 1) Have you got a pet, Bill? B: Yes, I have. Its name is Jet. A: 2) four legs? B: Yes, it has got four legs. A; 3) big ears? B: No, it's got small ears. A: 4) brown eyes? B: Yes, it's got brown eyes. And it's got a black body. A: 5) .................................. a long tail? B: Yes, it's got a long red tail. Modtiir Л Read and complete the email. ^ i . iji _ •• •• • r « 4^ ^ _• “* — • * t t N Dear Yuri, 4^ Here 1) is a photo of our new house in Omsk, it 2).................a beautifui house! It 3).........got four big bedrooms. It's 4)........a very V big garden, too! We've 5)............a new pet. It 6) a kitten. We 7)...................... aiso got Max, our dog. Max and the kitten 8).............very happy together. What about you? 9)..................you happy with your new house? 10).............you got a new pet? Write and tell me. Love, Viktor -I . r - • - « , Look and complete the crossword puzzle. VIodiile 2 .A It's Cute! ' Go to the Student’s Book and read the story on pages 84-85. Then read the sentences and write yes or no. 1 Emma and Mona go for a walk. 2 The kitten is in a box. 3 It's got a big nose. 4 Harry and Lee have got wet legs and feet. Read, draw and colour the picture Mothilf .‘I 11 Make the sentences. 1 dog/My/body/a/has/long/got My dog has got a long body. 2 you/fair hair/Have/got? 4 the/got/a/Has/tail/mouse/long? 5 kitten/blue/has/eyes/His/got 3 brown/haven't/l/cat/a/got 6 got/big/has/He/feet A ^ Listen and(circl^the right picture A В A В 3 4 A В A В 37 i-:-- ,\iodiil«* 3 ▲ ГЗ ^ Choose а word. Write the correct word next to the numbers 1 -7. There Is one example. I've got four 1) legs, two ears, two blue 2)...............and a long 3).........................I'm a small animal. I live in a 4) . I like eating 5).............My favourite drink is 6).................I sleep on a 7)... like playing with balls. What am I? I'm a cat! and fish sofa eyes house milk kite leg А 'ЧЕТ Unscramble sounds. 1 3 ookb mhoe rahic robe 10 00 5 6 roe tofo 7 8 enos ehar Complete the song. My poor 1) /0old/ old 2) /Ьеэ/ Has 3) /got/............no 4) /neoz/ And only one 5) /god/...........6) /10/...........! And now his 7) /he0/ ..........is no longer fair. But to me my Teddy's 8) /di0/..........! Module ■ Find the stickers for these 1 She con dance. 2 He can jump. 3 She can draw. 4 She can fly. 5 She can ride a horse. 6 He can swim. What can they do? Write sentences 1 Lee can ride a horse 2 3 4 \ hull ill* 1 Listen and put a tick (/) or a cross (Л) Ж What can Alvin do? 2П зП V - - 4П Ask and answer the questions. Then, write them. /ilW f jjjp f I i/ ll \\\Э _[J V WJjjJ 1 Can he draw? Yes, he can. 2 9 4 5 9 9 3 9 6 9 Modlll** i Look, read and match the items to the speech bubbles. 1 2 |T 4 Make the sentences. swim / jump / 1 Dogs can swim and jump, but they can’t fly 2 3 jump / run / swim / jump / fly/ draw / swim / Motluio 1 г Look, read and^rc%the right answers A: Can he ride a bike? Yes, he can. 4 A; Can he swim? Yes, he can. No, he can't. 2 A: Can he dance? B: Yes, he can. No, he can't. A: Can it fiy? B: Yes, it can. No, it can't. A: Can she play the piano? B: Yes, she can. No, she can't. A: Can she ride a horse? B: Yes, she can. No, she can't. ^ You are a famous magician! Draw and write what you can do. Module I Go to the Student’s Book and read the story on pages 100-101. Then read and write a name. 1 She can play the piano. Emma 2 She can sing. 3 He can play the guitar. 4 He's a very good magician ▲ Read and match the pictures to the speech bubbies 1 've got an idea! 2 3 4 Here is the Amazing Harry! Can you see the glasses? You're a very good magician! АЛ Modiiio 1 Look at the table and write questions and short answers. drive a car ride a horse play tennis sing play the piano Irina Л / Л Л / Ruslan Л / / / Л Mikhail / Л Л / Л 1 Irina/drive/a car? A: Can Irina drive a car? B: No, she can’t. 2 Ruslan/ride a horse? A:........................ B: 4 Irina/play tennis? A:................... B: 5 Ruslan/play the piano? A:...................... B; 3 Mikhail/sing? A: ............ B: 6 Mikhaii/ride a horse? A:...................... B; A 12 ^ Complete the texts and read them. Ring! Ring! I can ride my bike! Sometimes......... and sometimes siow! Watch me go! "VJ Weeow! Weeow! can..........my p!ane! Seat be!t .........! Hooray! Ч Beep! Beep! ! can ..........my car! Watch me go! rvj .x: "11 ^ w r". -■ .If-" . Ш_■ _ __ _ -Ч У *_ СГ- да 45 Mluiliir 1 • ** p.-.. • г " - ^ ■" fj.'An.L". ^t=v---Й.".-Рл+'.-Ч^-- Make the sentences. 1 brother/Her/can't/the piano,/play 3 fly/Nadia/can't/but/can/she/a bike./ride 2 you/the/aeroplane?/see/Can 4 They/well./sing/can't/very Choose the right word and complete the text. This is my brother! 2 ............name is Benny. He is a clown. He...........got big feet, ........big red nose and his hair is green! Benny.......draw and sing very well, but he.........dance. 1 is am 2 Her His 3 have has 4 a an 5 has can 6 isn't can't А Read the story and find the words. Then write the words to the transcription .. ;.-: rf. 3 ж -V-'>:ht ' - -» The Sailor Cat Tom is a white cat. He hasn't got a home. He's coid and hungry. Tom then sees a saiior. The saiior has got some fish. "Meow," says Tom to the sailor. "Hello," says the sailor. "Here's a fish for you." Tom eats the fish. "I like this sailor," Tom thinks and runs after him into his ship. From that day on Tom has got a home, food, and people to love him. He stays on the ship and is a real sailor cat. V г "!®?er mmi л-т A- 1 /wait/ white 6 /del/ 2 /haum/ 7 /Ш/ 3 /sell a/ 8 /1Л V/ 4 /fij/ 9 /steiz/ 5 /Jip/ 10 /kast/ A Read the story again and answer the questions 1 What's the cat's name? 2 Has he got a home? 3 What has the sailor got? \!oIUK>lidafjOll JL. Colour the jobs to get to Willow. woman Л ruler milkman singer helicopter magician brother sister /V* t ■* . guitar V man - fireman . see policeman A - ear postman . ( -t a' r Read and draw the picture. ears arms 0 51 Read ond colour me picture My Di! by Kelly Look at Di the dinosaur. She's very funny! She’s got a pink head and yellow hair. She's got blue eyes, a black nose and orange ears. Di’s got purple arms and hands and red legs and feet She’s got a big green body, too. 1 think Di's great! Now draw your dinosaur and write about it 52 г Look and write what the children can and can’t do. 1 Mary can’t draw 4 2 .............can 3 5 6 t}, \ ..Xr= J ' 'S’. ■ j. C.-. i'. S1' r> • ' h.. /AV . f- \ .•.“lL-‘ . ..__________________ Ы ~ iJSy-.V;-- -i?. Tff Ш Л f Iri^ 'УТ-^Й^А г > - • -> >- I 4. *®:j'‘7“.*4j vr. C:t-L.-> кШ^ I ^ a»* * •. • •»>, -T>*. • •. r^r ^ .^-, '.•• / \ *5^* • • : ’ •-v*^^45-5-'_ sT* vi^:.-^ .*ii- j ,u -•A * “* ^s -^■^J J . Й2 J —•I b** '>-*K У Go back to start your favourite colour. Say what it is • 5 'X’C >» "«I - fP“. V w; 1 r,h'-i ■ "1: Ша How ^ fZ ■ Г' fi ii • iiiiitiifi /ЙЧ are r. .*- ^ ■, you? nine «» •л> "Ч* : ► : s* .’•V^ *1 r:-3^ y* «• Щ. . =t-' - -r. 'Л, ~>T ^ -* S*^, Vrti r;s»t- 'C. '*4i,- ./• -^■■ -.rr.as-> tv Ш 'Щ. ч\’Е "I#/'® ,1 • ^ иГ,. гту^^.-^/ц': ^>V‘ • * V 'Ц* ^*r\ -n' fcv *< ;/ !1- ^J!>" ^>lr> ? ts ^ф;з a •r.: «.7fs>?cw '•' >Va- Ir • •/ -V. ,,^{ 7^ '^ Л' jyv^* •> ** ■ Ш ё?-«5 »&^.i ЩН. Жш :0^ >^. .ЛТ *> V* gf^f : jT K^- -♦ f ■ /rt*-**' 1 (Г, ;-Л Name . vis r*i-' - ■>_-* Vi.AV.C*^Л r%t^f :f What's this? X. 4.~j Ч ? w-^ч" ••^; .► • I I I I f • I t I characters from Tales. *!^ :'i,f pen Г>Лй fL^: 7^' :Kr- 2^5: Ш. sy .Ш ж s:v5?a .-^j '?.-'л. аГ.И ft St^ X ^Л■S^ 'АчЛ- ^K>A 1 L.V'S’A- ,.W- b?*** ♦ •? *7 -V* WT’a'', f.-ia «•■ii \ -<:7 '-• .% Лм *4 % Ш \ V ;=^л' H- It- Zf. •. Count W^\ 7-I.' fw Ш r:.^Vr-:^ /• Ч? ' * r jff^T SK-^ «. I»1 Л •. Jf • л"Г* И? ■>AJ^ T-^^4- j^/s' ■S^y- Т^Л1 1>Э .7^. -.1^ VI iw оРйЭС ^'•' - • • ^ •'.Ik — I *hi^. 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V/i ^v Ш rtC4 ЖШ: ViSW^. 1*ц:^: {iP4-;:' iS. ~.-j}j r-^»;;~,-r^- «^2^4 rir":*s r?.^* af'% 5S?'^ тЛ' A— ■ I I r??S?v5 ___o' >. •• * к V ча л-.t^ Г" .■/:-•> ?ш f> л-' чй- •* ^Vf> й I йг^'ч5 •'! ->: ^ • ' -=-.;,r^:-^v -•_« Г&3-' i ?v' :► ГУ.- М - - tV •Ijtr fc^gy» гёй= ^42J - ^ •,5t> ■>?;4? rs^ r-b' 4 • ^ лг^.^: V:; ;i5S: ^5-5 ->и^-7>С"Г'С'»] o'- Vi ".= .4 . * :-r ‘ ^ -. *■ If 5ЛЛ^^ 1 li' r 4 Wll: л т/- f' / JM.- '’o-.-u-;' \:. / у * - f. >/ •7*>r V. w 'i^ ‘i-'v'.V-V^/ What's this? .....it and / t\ \ -h- Щ. I Va - fc.- -If ‘ “ *5 * -i t >’^ 'C ( _ Д r I • ШЙЙ i- 'j ‘ r^.-- --I ;/ Name three 4»i .1- *• г.х ' V V ^1 Name six members of famiiy. 'Aia b'^:S ?i: •:•: fs. --7•; • • >.>'■) ^ jj , ■ ■,. VVv"^ ...^ДЖГЙ? -х^-'^Ч ;-:-.г.-* , -j-*J‘.r;‘N..*j7«:J : Vr^ ‘ . 'V- r, •v‘7 *Й?^^5?^ЧДа-. I J^^"44 -4t--m:-,- .лл-',^; ■ ^ -/ V Vi Vi >• V-.w ,^: •t;V Yl V* Mil -.?: i,.- --_ .a (■ 1Щ'. -^ГУТГЛ ^ «!•>-' '>%Ш ,-,r,c..-^j^c:.-a *'• ft • -.U'2>.* iix . V--. . - 5глетщ1 . +.>■ и V» "'■J i: :?-- sjt »*J '*•->-• 1^* -^•4^ 7T^. jobs. * i'f,. -* X *. — * ..1 «.’-• VV"*^ u. . •: •" •• •,.. M' ^ V i b\ • -. . 'f.T^Ui. Ж s> ’■ V-. - УУ' t •'4 '. V. '^.Л;. ■; *11, .‘■^w T,c3i'i.>ST' .Ш ,?rfc‘ Лч-'.й C,-:" ''ЛS^ rr::!-. .\ * * .• -'*.•- - ' “* - *7 * • ' * ^i33 5!^*=K3;--'>:wV^' A' vr.,.,.-;^r.:r-- ',7^--"-'- y?T^* .Ч?‘УД7,' Д Яг-if**? ..Д *^LJt L*>> • - **■ ', <1 • h* , . 1 J. ■ • иТ»л •'.' ' , ' m »Vi ......... r ^ г i ■.- ;->ДО’:.-i <4*1,1.'ki'Ji: .X . .yv;'^ • W?4V,№c 2^.. •• r ЙЧ?-' *i't->5f f-«4r T .4 . ‘^4Jr4pJ:.‘^^>< ifsc,T..--.i Hi •. f* Birthday! 'Л хГ^с^ |Д^ - ^■tH:'«'^vf.*f V. >*i Who / my mum •\T*X f I t ./■^1 ■^r?- “7 sT^ V. tjbs?? i ? ft/''^'’V':"' :* '"Cw - ■ ■ ? « — -%?■■. - ч - J - • *. ^ Д- Ш Hi r.:.- -\-' V У m i2*J' .4.4^5 1 Jij »• «.- ■И Ьё^ t < .V- Ш>:.^ ffV-'*'-'-"* ^>r. eb%gMCTAar?rsvrSC^ ^ r' - ■•f&Y- W-- •• i X -Ч''- -b^i *:v # -^.yj. JH 4. 4/ У5. r *? ■f- L-«--V.. tr к Л'. > - г л/. t- jsp VI J-sr-^vAty ^bV^/* ^ i[K-. :4>U'j.y **■' V ■rsfi- t Л ,.4'» - ^:«.r 7. *X's Ч •< • » i .^••» .**j!J.. V v>' Ъ'15Э*ЛН «уШ'. .. к-"-' I- Ч *, •» 5^- b.-\ - i>^i Ш* f$r ^ «I '^ * . •- • r 4.-Г- - i ‘ 4- ^ i 4 **! «• -■ 1: '* <4И Jt *$M0 >•: *¥=7 , V 't-ч £t- r-^-^ ...V - я'^»* X* • • h . «<• H-.- -X •w f РШ thJ »;V> A-*» m,. -r^ -p u-r-^ Л-. ‘%'?»:ж*^3?,в'-Ч "*'^ »t - •.■!.»*v«:^ . '- _ ,..г,-' *■?*^'^'’ - -цгг^ ';*!?tv 5rt« .л Vi V- . -.*> г ' »гЛх-*^ Ж 1 * m ‘f 1 < wy* • iA.,t ^V-5 •iW •’ •ft- Ч •“ Ч i к ft 4>‘ А'р^З? f?’ •-beafj I ' ■ •. Ф-' 1^ z-^^: TX •9 Л-•• Щ2> /: •— e J* at-^:: \ m ^J^-i 40 ■t^ .♦л.^ PV^v Ik- ’a ■V -■' j - > . Z->-p -y^v.""-?^-: . ' ■ j-_ A . - ‘ *V »■’••■■'/■ ••' t5‘' >. I -.* * * * :»• Я. '-T ЩкЛич ■» o,< “iv.v. .' ■ ' #-v> 2^ V‘. * ^-** _ Ш'^ h.^:- m Л>’: •^ч’г r“*»*>^* .* ' v'*b _ kS‘*•■***• •• ■ ' ' a * H ;! .V- 1 .• ■ *•, J. ' ' u •*■ • Name four parts ■ - « • у *• r. of the face. . .*1 • V Say what it is Ш Ш rr-J* - •* ,, J t_w I ^ h !■ ){^\ J’ V /^1 fu: • •' 1 1 V' 1 -'i** ?. L ', 4i •. \ 1. •i i i £ * y} s i. . у / Find the stickers for these. J I I > \ •s ^ ^ nineteen i I f 1 \ % I eight _00 seventeen . 1 1 I I t twelve I I M\ l‘!rl U>ii«r\ Find the stickers for these. 63 -Ил •••■ --Ч. j*r^\V.y! Шьфт fj* - Я; A. \\ •> ,^ ^ i t ^ •^1-Л» • • •- •X Find the stickers for these. Мч I ^irf iO!W% щмш ‘V^ .< i« йШ'' v>v'j^",'iC-': " ' V'c," •V • • r. ••'.■ Find the stickers for these present helicopter! Vl> P**etioiian^^ Find the stickers for these. 66 \lv l»i« t ionarv Find the stickers for these 67 ЛК Pletioiiarv '■-yL -''v r-V •4>J' i-.v - . P*-- «■ — ■• !i P* -■ ■-I'.h ■% Л^' ^=i-'.L . - a^- ■ - -r ’ E« «tft ,-Г: m m ШЬз1МЬ I/ Emma: Look! Flowers! Hello purple, hello blue. Red for me and green for you! Hello orange, yellow, too. Red for me and green for you! Sing with me, everyone! Audience: Hello purple, hello blue. Red for me and green for you! Hello orange, yellow, too. Red for me and green for you! Willow: Hello! Emma: Who's that? Audience: Willow! Emma: Who? Audience: Willow! Emma: Who are you? Willow: I'm Willow the Guardian. What's your name? Emma: My name's Emma. Willow: Welcome to the Magic Forest! Mona: Emma! Emma! Oh! Who's that? Audience: Willow! Mona: Who? Audience: Willow! Mona: Who are you? 'm Willow the Guardian. What's your name? Mona: My name's Mona. : Emma! Emma! Oh! Who's Audience: Willow! : Who are you? Willow: I'm Willow the Guardian. What's your name? ■ : My name's Lee. Willow: Welcome to the Magic Forest! Harry: Emma! Emma! Oh! Who's that? Audience: Willow! Harry: Who? Audience: Willow! Harry: Who are you? Willow: I'm Willow the Guardian. What's your name? Harry: My name's Harry. Willow: Welcome to the Magic Forest! Alvin: Hello, Willow. Willow: Hello, Alvin. Erlina: Hello, Willow. Willow: Hello, Erlina. This is Emma, this is Mona, this is Harry and this is Lee! Alvin & Erlina: Welcome to the Magic Forest! ; Wow! This is really great! Alvin: Let's all sing! All: Hello purple, hello blue. Red for me and green for you! Hello orange, yellow, too. Red for me and green for you! Orange tree: Ahem! Lee & Harry: What's that? Willow: It's an orange tree! Secml Seene 2 X\ > - • r 3t- *05^ > . '-r^ • *’^* г T j . I 5*^, 5 3. _ i- ' ^ ^-=i 3 ?-Js. r. • V ’.^'k K- ^ 5* y^i Щтг v,5^ .^jr ife«q •■V ' Emma: Look, a toy shop! Let's buy a present for Harry's birthday! Alvin: What are these? Emma: They're teddy bears. Alvin: What are they? Audience: Teddy bears! Alvin: They are nice. Lee: No, not a teddy bear! Alvin: What are these? Mona: Bikes! Alvin: What are they? Audience: Bikes! Alvin: They are nice. Lee: No, not a bike! Alvin: What are these? Emma: Roller skates! Alvin: What are they? Audience: Roller skates! Alvin: They are nice! Lee: No, not roller skates! Alvin: What are these? Mona: Balls! Alvin: What are they? Audience: Balls! Alvin: They are nice! Lee: No, not a ball! Mona & Emma: What, then? : Look at these cars! Cool! Mona & Emma: Yes! Yes! A car for Harry! Alvin: Yes! Yes! A car for Harry! All: Oh, oh! Hello, Harry! Emma: Happy Birthday, Harry Emma Erlina Audience Harry Harry. This is for you. What Is it? Open It and see! What is It? A guitar! Wow! A guitar! Thank you! Mona: Happy Birthday, Harry! This Is for you. Harry: What Is it? Mona: Open It and see! Erlina: What is It? Audience: A ball! Harry: Wow! A bail! Thank you! Lee: Happy Birthday, Harry! This Is for you. Harry Lee Erlina Audience Harry What is it? Open It and see! What is It? An aeroplane! Wow! An aeroplane! Thank you! Emma, Mona & Lee: Look! A car for you, Harry! Harry: A car! Wow! Thank you! Emma, Mona & Lee: Happy Birthday, Harry! Alvin & Erlina: Let's sing, everyone! W щрт w w w . > V>v '* ' V!‘ • C f Л/ r X • у •\ * . * V .•а.7 I • 9,' ■V4t All: It's my birthday today, It's my birthday today! These are my presents. It's my birthday today! Here's a kite, and a plane. And a super toy train I These are my presents. It's my birthday today! Here's a ball, and a car. And a new toy guitar! These are my presents. It's my birthday today! S< I" s"_h_ ^•гч. '•r ^1 r. -i j' >'...t‘-.4-L ■h-^. ------- -.> jY/: t ^ . 'll •^.' p ^1 •»v . У 7*^. Sc::^ -Л- ^ ; V г J #"Л 'Hi L^£-.‘■г r^' ■■ J_■ У-г -A-l^: r^-d Гю-L - pj"- г- it CiAs: :Л -■ ■jv . - V. - •• •_• 4r*i > Т--Л] r::rr .W ;ч >S. .:< •!>. • 1 ■tii Ш ■,1». T' “ ■:* r ■■ >.-4i %. 1^ jb." b-^T ,Vi ^.-; • * ^.* • T- . :Ш ;/fc L*^r.v^ m\ ^ *5-.«- .VT, J Sill i « b**r •Y;WSl 'Aifvf%.^ a :^1 .1. . ;•• V; •»'i , ,3Jb Itf . “-- •"■j Г-..15 T. v_ : Г. - :T f L^-' t!: 've got hair on my tummy. Katy the Kitten: Hello, everybody! 've got hair on my Audience: Hello! feet; Katy the Kitten: I'm Katy the Kitten! And when I lick my What can I do? body. Guess! Can I play the 've got hair on my piano? teeth! Audience: No! 've got hair Katy the Kitten: No, I can't play the everywhere piano. Can From my head to my Audience: No! feet! Katy the Kitten: No, I can't fly. Can 've got hair draw? everywhere. Audience: No! 'm a kitten and I'm Katy the Kitten: No, I can't draw. Can sweet! drive a car? Audience: No! Harry: Come on, everyone Katy the Kitten: No, I can't drive a Hurry up! car. But I can sing! Mona, Lee & Can you sing? Emma: OK, Harry. Wait! Audience: Yes! Katy the Kitten: Oh, dear! Time to go. Katy the Kitten: Can you dance? know! ! can climb Audience: Yes! this tree! Katy the Kitten: Sing and dance with me! All: I've got hair on my Harry: It's a great day for ears. the park! Look! A red 've got hair on my bus, a blue bike, a head. yellow plane and a 've got hair on my tail. green car! Wow! 've got hair on my legs! Mona: Look! A car. I can 've got hair drive the car! everywhere Harry: Can Mona drive the From my head to my car? feet! Audience: Yes, she can! 've got hair Mona: Yes, I can! Watch me everywhere go! Come on. 'm a kitten and I'm everyone, singi I sweet! All: Beep! Beep! Beep! can drive my car! L«i w^m I-... .■и' ■ /.•Л • -- Л,# - Л ^ • ч1 =^4 bi-viv •:‘:'5^A‘- ........... Seat belt on, watch me go! can fly my plane Sometimes fast and Beep! Beep! Beep! sometimes slow! can drive my car : Look! A bike.! can ride Sometimes fast and the bike! sometimes slow! Harry: Can Lee ride the bike? Emma: Look! A plane. I can fly Audience: Yes, he can! the plane! Lee: Yes, I can! Watch me Harry: Can Emma fly the go! Come on. plane? everyone, singi Audience: Yes, she can! All: Ring! Ring! Ring! Emma: Yes,! can! Watch me can ride my bike! go! Come on. He!met on, watch me everyone, singi go! All: Weeow! Weeow! Ring! Ring! Ring! Weeow! can ride my bike can fiy my plane! Sometimes fast and Seat beit on, watch me sometimes siow! go! Emma, Lee & Weeow! Weeow! Mona: It's fun in the park! Weeow! Harry: Come on. It's time to go home! Goodbye, everyone! Audience: Goodbye! jr-J • Hi, Harry. Nice to meet you! / \ / \ / \ \ I \ N J ч ^ ч у \ / ч I ч Ч Я Г ^ mfi Й *sS \ЪП pd^ ГВ-Р „»n„ V{ ^1 ^1 * »hr! e Starr / ^owf r^. ★ а А Syllabus ^ based on Common ^Etiropean Framework A Ч ..Ml" ' •?-.-?1{Ь'Й5 •^T • ^ *.i\o .ftfL^S^-СлЧ ■r • V JJC!’- ♦5? -V =5- i 1: >►' H. 5^' .■ ■■' .- • >,v -• i-* j Компоненты УМК: Учебник в двух частях (со для / Книга для учителя в двух частях (со встроенным учебником) Языковой портфель Контрольные задания Аудиокурс для занятий в классе Аудиокурс для самостоятельных занятий дома Сборник упражнений (для самостоятельной работы учащихся) Постеры Видеокурс (DVD-video) Раздаточный материал Рабочие программы. Предметная линия учебников «Звёздный английский». 2-4 классы Аудиокурсы и дополнительные материалы размещены в электронном каталоге издательства «Просвещение» на интернет-ресурсе www.prosv.ru на сайте www.prosv.ru/umk/starlight Интернет-сайт УМК: https://prosv.ru/umk/starlight в*^'ГЬ'' f.t t* V. 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