Английский язык в фокусе 7 класс Рабочая тетрадь Ваулина Дули

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык в фокусе 7 класс Рабочая тетрадь Ваулина Дули - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Spotlight (Спотлайт) английский в фокусе:

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Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley Olga Podolyako Julia Vaulina Express Publishing ts PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS Пособие для учащихся 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2008 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Аб4 Серия «Английский в фокусе» основана в 2006 году. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс Authors: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Olga Podolyako, Julia Vaulina Acknowledgements Authors’ Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to; Meryl Phillips (Editor in Chief); Julie Rich (senior editor); Nina Peters and Rianna Diammond (editorial assistants); Alex Barton (senior production controller) and the Express Publishing design team. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Colour Illustrations; Pan, Stone. While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Английский язык: рабочая, тетр.: пособие для учаидихся 7 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений / А64 [Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс]. - М.: Express Publishing ; Просвещение, 2008. - 72 с. ; ил. — (Английский в фокусе). - ISBN 978-5-09-019115-9. УДК ББК 373.167.1:811.111 81.2АНГЛ-922 Учебное издание Серия «Английский в фокусе» Ваулина Юлия Евгеньевна Дули Дженни Подоляко Ольга Евгеньевна Эванс Вирджиния Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь Пособие для учащихся 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Центр германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Н.И. Максименко Редактор О.И. Грендаль Компьютерная верстка М.А. Семичева Корректор И. Б. Окунева Налоговая льгота - Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93-953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД N° 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать с оригинал-макета 31.03.08. Формат 60x90/8. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Прагматика. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 7,49. Тираж 30 000 экз. Заказ № 3369. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Express Publishing. Liberty House, NewGreenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HWTel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: [email protected] https://www.expresspublishing.co.uk ОАО Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР. 170040, г. Тверь, проспект 50-лет Октября, 46. ISBN 978-5-09-019115-9 © Express Publishing, 2008 © Издательаво «Просвещение», 2008 Все права защищены Contents Module 1 A city mouse or a country mouse? ..... 5 Better safe than sorry ............... 6 Hanging out .......................... 7 Writing (an article).................. 8 Grammar Practice ..................... 9 Module 2 Book worms ...........................11 A classic read........................12 Vanished! ............................13 Writing (a story) ....................14 Grammar Practice .....................15 Module 3 Lead the way!.........................17 Who’s who? ...........................18 Against all odds .....................19 Writing (a descriptive article).......20 Grammar Practice......................21 Module 4 News stories .........................23 Did you hear about...? ...............24 Take action!..........................25 Writing (a news report)...............26 Grammar Practice .....................27 Module 5 Predictions...........................29 Gadget madness........................30 What's your opinion?..................31 Writing (an opinion article) .........32 Grammar Practice .....................33 Module 6 Fun starts here! .....................35 Teen camps ...........................36 A whale of a time! ...................37 Writing (an advert)...................38 Grammar Practice......................39 Module 7 Walk of fame..........................41 DVD frenzy! ..........................42 In the charts! .......................43 Writing (a film review) ..............44 Grammar Practice......................45 Module 8 Save the earth........................47 Eco-helpers...........................48 Born free.............................49 Writing (a for and against essay) ....50 Grammar Practice......................51 Module 9 You are what you eat! ................53 Can 1 help you?.......................54 Gifts for everyone! ..................55 Writing (an e-mail giving news).......56 Grammar Practice......................57 Module 10 Stress free ..........................59 Accident-prone........................60 Doctor, doctor! ......................61 Writing (a letter giving advice) .....62 Grammar Practice......................63 Pairwork Activities ..................65 Irregular Verbs.......................72 А city mouse or a Ш country mouse? ♦ Collocations Match the words to form collocations. 1 fresh a streets 2 heavy b air 3 public c traffic 4 crowded d transport и Fill in the correct words. • lead • constant • convenient • unemployment • isolated • landscapes 1 Very few people................ a healthy lifestyle in big cities. 2 Our house is next to the train station, which is very................. 3 Many young people have to deal with ...............when they finish their studies. 4 Thailand is a country with amazing....... 5 I can’t study when there’s............... noise around me. 6 She lives in a(n) ................area in Northern Norway. (ЭНйШЁй* • Present Simple vs Present Continuous Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. 1 ....................(he/like) the English countryside? 2 Peter ..%.........(go) to the theatre now. 3 I’m happy I ........(fly) home tomorrow. 4 She ........(want) to visit London again. 5 I ...............(not know) where she is. 6 He ..........(start) school at 8:30 every day. 7 She .........(always/call) me late at night. Read and choose A, В or C. Going to school in the Australian Outback The places in Australia that are very far away from the city are called The ^ Australian Outback. In the Australian Outback, children don't walk to school. They don't even take the bus or the train. This is because the school is more than 300 kilometres away. So how do these children get an education? The answer is simple. These children don't go to school .at all! They have lessons on their home computer and speak to their teachers through a web camera. Children in the Australian Outback are very good students. Maybe this is because it is easier to study away from the hustle and bustle of a big city or maybe computer lessons are more fun than normal lessons. Whatever the reasons, children in the Australian Outback seem to enjoy "school" more than many other children in the world. 1 The Australian Outback is close to the sea. A True В False C Doesn’t say 2 Children in the Australian Outback don’t get an education. A True В False C Doesn’t say 3 The students study online. A True В False C Doesn’t say 4 The students don’t speak to their teachers. A True В False C Doesn’t say 5 School is more fun for children in the Australian Outback. A True В False C Doesn’t say 2 Английский язык. 7кл. Раб. тетрадь Better safe than i ^ sorry Circle the correct word. Always look through the peephole / chain before you open the door. Don’t run after / hand over the burglar! A burglar let / broke into our house yesterday. He is installing / stealing an alarm system. Keep your mobile phone switched / fitted on at night. ♦ Word Formation Form adverbs out of the adjectives in the list to complete the sentences. • safe • sure • proper real • bad • careful Read the leaflet.................... I’m sorry I behaved so..................at your party last week. Have a nice trip and drive.................... Make sure the lights work..................... Do you.................like living in a big city? I’m .....;..........sorry for being late. ♦ Phrasal verbs (run) Complete the sentence with the correct phrasal verb. • run into • run after • run out I tried to........................the thief, but he was too fast for me. Did you ..........................Mr Jones the other day? 3 Oh, no! The guests will be here in a minute and we are............................of coffee. СЙШППН? ♦ Should(n4) Someone took Matt’s wallet. Help Matt be more careful. Use the phrases to give him advice. carry a lot of money with you use a belt bag keep your wallet in your back pocket be careful in crowded places Choose the correct response for each question. A: What’s the best way to avoid pickpockets? B: a You should look after your wallet, b Don’t be so silly! A: How about joining Neighbourhood Watch? B: a Really? b I didn’t think of that. A: How can we protect our home? B: a Why don’t you fit an alarm system? b Walk in well-lit places. A: What should we do before we leave the house? B: a You should fit an alarm system, b You should lock all the doors. Hanging out №0EMbi$7 Match to form collocations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 surf have rent read go play a sunbathing b a book c beach volleyball d a DVD e the Net f lunch outdoors Read the descriptions of some places you can visit in your free time. What is the word for each one? 1 A specially built area containing a lot of different shops. s____________c___________ 2 A place that people can go to for interest or enjoyment. a________________ 3 A public event at which pictures or other objects of interest are shown. e________________ 4 A large circular machine with seats, often in the shape of animals or cars. c____________ 5 A building with a stage in it, on which plays take place. t Circle the correct preposition. 1 I do the gardening at / on Sundays. 2 John is crazy with / about skating! 3 There are so many activities to choose from / in. 4 Paula went for a ride on / in the carousel. 5 We are going to / at the beach on Saturday. 6 Where can I shop for / about surfing gear? 7 Do you like hanging out 7 from at the shopping centre? Д О Listen and tick (/) the correct picture. 1 What is Nathan doing this afternoon? 2 What time does the party start? 3 What is Pat doing at the weekend? 4 What’s the weather like? X I». 5 Where is Sally going on Sunday afternoon? Writing (an article) a) Look at the title of the text. What do you think the article is about? Read and check if you are right. Hainpstead Heath is a huge park in Hampstead, North London. The park is 10 km long and has 25 pretty ponds, hundreds of tall trees and many large playing fields. Locals and tourists love walking on the Heath. You can enjoy beautiful landscapes, lots of fresh air, peace and quiet and there are plenty of things to do. You can swim in the ponds, walk around the lovely gardens, and see some amazing birds. If you visit in the winter, you can enjoy skating on the massive ice rink. If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of London, take the tube and go to Hampstead Heath. Just remember to take a map with you in order to find your way back! b) Look in the text and find the adjectives that describe the following words. 1 park 2 trees .................... 3 playing fields ........................ 4 landscapes .................... 5 air .................... 6 gardens .................... 7 birds .................... 8 ice rink .................... Now answer the following questions. 1 Where is Hampstead Heath? 2 How big is it? 3 What can you see in Hampstead Heath? 4 What can you do there? Write a short article on your favourite place in your city (50-60 words). Use as many adjectives as you can from Ex. 1b. Plan Introduction (Paragraph 1): • where it is • how big/small it is Main Body (Paragraph 2): • what you can see there • what you can do here Conclusion (Paragraph 3): • why it is your favourite place 8 Grammar Practice Tom Sue: Tom Sue: Tom Sue: Tom: Sue: Tom: Sue: Use the present simple or present continuous to complete the exchange. : Hi, Sue. 1).................(you/enjoy) your trip to New York? j Yes. I 2)...........(have) a wonderful time! I really like the hustle and bustle of the crowded streets. : What 3).................(you/usually/do) during the day? Oh, I usually 4)........(see) the sights or I 5)............(visit) one of the museums. : That 6)..........(sounds) like great fun! What else do you do? Millions of things. My friends 7)....... (take) me to different attractions every day! ; What 8).................(you/do) now? I 9) ........... (go) to the Bronx Zoo. i 10).............(love) wild animals! ; Well, I 11) ................ (hope) you 12)..............(have) fun. Thanks. Goodbye. Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or present continuous. Every Monday, Sally ...............(drive) her kids to football practice. Shhh!! Be quiet! John.............(sleep). Jenny usually.........(do) her homework in the evening. We .................... (go) to the shopping centre this afternoon. ......................(you/come) to the cinema with us? At the moment, they.................(stay) with a friend in Moscow. She ..................(be) always late for breakfast. I (not/know) where he is. Look! A police officer.................... (run after) a burglar. 10 1 .....................(not/understand) what you are saying to me. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 like/traffic/he/doesn’t/heavy 2 usually/car/by/travel/you/do? 3 library/not/l/to/going/today/am/the 4 are/police/the/after/a shoplifter/running 5 eight/every morning/drive/miles/we 6 cows/they/at the moment/are/the/milking 7 noisy/always/is/Oxford Street/very 8 chickens/do/the/feed/you/every day? 9 you/King’s Cross/are/by/to/going/tube? У1 Circle the correct item. 1 James and Tina are going to the countryside " tonight / every Sunday. 2 Mary goes shopping on Saturdays / at the moment. 3 Does your sister usually / right now visit the farm at the weekend? 4 Sometimes / At the moment he is feeding the chickens in the farmyard. 5 Beth takes the train to work today / twice a week. 6 Paul never / at present carries a lot of cash with him. 7 He is not working today / usually. 8 Does she always / every day have her mobile phone with her? Grammar Practice Complete the following sentences with should/shouldn't. Translator’s We..................leave expensive things in the car. You.................always have your bag in front of you when travelling on the train. There are a lot of thieves about. Now you have an alarm. You................... be scared of being robbed again. All shops...............have CCTV cameras to protect them from shoplifters. •1 Circle the correct item. Those cakes .....fantastic. A are smelling В smell I...about sending her a letter. A am thinking В think He.....as Aladdin at the local theatre until the end of the month. A is appearing В appears That dog.....to be friendly. A is seeming В seems James and Matilda ...... a house in the country. A are having В have Are you......the show? A enjoying В enjoy That shirt...you really well. A is fitting В fits I......cold weather! A am hating В hate 10 CORNER 1. What’s the English for: a) вести здоровый образ жизни, тишина и покой, удобный общественный транспорт, великолепные пейзажи, выключить мобильный телефон, людные улицы, интенсивное движение транспорта; устанавливать систему сигнализации; b) безопасно водить машину, внимательно читать текст, плохо себя вести, неожиданно встретить друга; c) по воскресеньям, ходить на пляж, играть в волейбол, болтать с друзьями. ‘•1 2. Translate the sentences: 1. В незнакомом городе всегда следует иметь при себе удостоверение личности. 2. Он выглядит очень усталым. Ему нужно отдохнуть в деревне, без суеты и шума. 3. Марк обычно читает в это время, а сегодня он играет в настольные игры со своим другом. 4. У нас закончился сахар, надо сходить в магазин. 5. Когда ты уезжаешь на каникулы, ты скучаешь по родному городу? 3. Translate the text: Коломенское - мое любимое место в Москве. Если вы интересуетесь историей, можно узнать много нового, особенно об эпохе Петра 1. Я очень люблю фольклорные праздники, с яркими костюмами, народными песнями и танцами, традиционными национальными блюдами. Мне нравятся великолепные виды на парк и Москву-реку. Свежий воздух, тишина и покой исторических мест делают посетителей по-настоящему счастливыми. Коломенское - одно из самых популярных мест отдыха москвичей и туристов со всей страны и из-за рубежа-. J I и L Bookworms Complete the sentences with the words from below. • fictional • loyal • investigation • obsession • appearance • eyewitness • magnifying glass A............................ makes objects appear bigger than they actually are. Luckily there was a(n)...................... who saw everything. Miss Marple is a(n)............detective. The police started a(n)..................... into the crime. Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes’............. .....................friend. Scrooge Me Duck is famous for his........... .....................with money. Sherlock Holmes is famous for his neat...... ♦ Past Simple Use the phrases to complete the exchanges. • watch a comedy • write mystery novels • buy a cape • live in France • study medicine • read an adventure novel 1 A: Did Jules Verne live in England? B: No, .................................... 2 A: Did Bill read a biography? B: No, .................................... A: Did Sir Arthur Conan Doyle study literature? B: No, ’................................... A: Did you buy a magnifying glass? B: No,,]...................'............... A: Did Bob watch a science fiction film? B: No, ...............................Л... . A: Did Agatha Christie write dramas? B: No, .................................... Read the text and answer the questions below. Й UERV POPULAR DETECTIUE! Detective chief Inspector Morse is the star of a series of thirteen detective novels by British writer Colin Dexter. Morse is a senior officer with the Thames Valley Police in Oxford. The novels were so popular because Inspector Morse has such an unusual personality. He loves classic cars, classical music and is very intelligent. He is also a very likeable person but he usually seems in a bad mood. Inspector Morse dislikes spelling errors and bad grammar and always points out the mistakes he finds in reports. Morse has a faithful young partner called Detective Sergeant Lewis who accompanies him everywhere. The Inspector Morse books were so successful that Central Independent Television made them into a TV series that is still popular today. 1 Who wrote the Inspector Morse novels? ...............................7..... 2 Where did Morse work? 3 What did Inspector Morse like/dislike? 4 Who was Detective Sergeant Lewis? 5 Was the TV series popular? 11 J 2 №бМ1щ Label the pictures. A classic read ^ /iS - i V ^ СЭ1ШДц1г-1? What did/didn’t each person use to do when they were university students? Write sentences, as in the example. 1 Fiona 2 Karen & Laura drive a car Л ride a bicycle / sleep late / wake up early / 3 John 4 Abigail stay in student halls / live with his parents Л 5 Derek & Mark have a lot of free time / study all day / work in a music shop Л work in a cafe / ► Fiona used to ride a bicycle. She didn't use to drive a car. 12 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two words you do not need to use. • professor • nephew • explore • discover • hide • amazing • amazed • area 1 Be careful! There are lots of pickpockets in this................... 2 20000 Leagues Under the Sea is an .....................book! 3 .................in the bushes before the angry dog sees you! 4 Did Columbus...................America? 5 Someone’s ..................is the son of their sister or brother. 6 Did the children..................the old house at the end of the street? ♦ Words showing sequence Circle the correct answer. We’ll continue the investigation until/when we find the murderer. I turned on the light until/as soon as I arrived. Amy left for work after/ulhtil she had breakfast. Helen waited as soon as/until it got dark. She ran to the police station after/until she saw the thief. Please turn off the computer when/after you leave. L Vanished! a) Find words in the box that describe: • stormy • to gasp • to sigh • to laugh • confused • to snore • cosy • to yawn • to chat • lightning • to whisper • to trip over • scared • to sign • to crawl______________j • feelings:........... • sounds people make: • ways of moving: .... • the weather: ....... b) Use words from the box in the right form to fill in the gaps. My homework is so difficult I am really.................... Mary was.................when she found the door of her house open. Can you see the ants .......... ..........up the tree? It was quite .................. last night. Did you see the ..................? We don’t feel like going out. We’re having a................. evening in. Is that Dad ................... in the bedroom? 7 Greg....................with relief when he found out that his children were at home. 8 We are allowed to.....................in the library but not to talk. 9 The baby ...................... She will be fast asleep soon. 10 How did Jenny break her leg? Did she..................... something? О Listen and tick (/) the correct answer. 1 What was Jenny scared of? 2 What did he do last night? r 3 What time did she finish school today? 4 Who are they describing? ii 3 Английский язык. 7кл. Раб. тетрадь 13 2 Writing (a story) a) Read the story and put the paragraphs in the correct order. Then, just as she was losing, she felt two strong hands pull her to safety. Thankfully, the group leaders quickly realised she was missing and went back for her. Jenny was so relieved that they found her just in time! Some time later, Jenny was walking along the track, when suddenly she saw that it divided into two paths and didn't really know which one to take. She decided to follow the path on the right. After a while there was a noise and the ground sank. She screamed as she felt herself falling over the edge of the mountain, but managed to grab some bushes on her way down. She shouted as loud as she could, but no one came. Everyone was amazed by the scenery on their first walk. The snow-capped mountains looked beautiful against the clear blue sky and the air was so fresh. There were colourful wild flowers everywhere. Jenny stopped to take some photographs. But, when she looked around, she realised that everyone else had gone and she was completely alone! D Jenny was so excited. She looked forward to her winter holiday in the Swiss Alps all year and now she was finally there. There were lots of interesting people in her group and the leaders seemed very professional and experienced. Jenny couldn't believe her luck. She was away from the city at last b) Which paragraph(s) give(s) information about: the time, place and the people in the story the events one after the other what happened in the end Put the events from the story in the correct order. Jenny fell over the edge of the mountain. Jenny shouted loudly. A group leader pulled Jenny to safety. Jenny arrived in the mountains. Jenny realised that she was alone. Write a story about a holiday adventure for a school newspaper. Use the plan below and the text in Ex. 1a as a model. Plan Г Title: Never Alone... L Introduction (Paragraph 1) • time • place • people in story Main Body (Paragraphs 2 & 3) • the events one after the other Conclusion (Paragraph 4) • what happened in the end • how the people felt 14 2 Grammar Practice a) Complete the table with the correct past forms of the verbs. • find • tell • watch • stop • dive ^ • cry • take • solve • call • go «try • drop • fill • feel • send -ed double consonant + -ed -d (y) -ied irregular ‘ b) Complete the sentences using verbs from the table. 1 She.................. £10 beneath the sofa. 2 James.................to the police to report the incident. 3 He.................into the swimming pool twice. 4 He.................me the truth. 5 I ................ the last episode of my favourite TV series yesterday. 6 She.............him a present by post. 7 Mary.................a lot when she heard the bad news. 8 Brian.................the train to London. 9 She.................happy when she got her jewels back. 10 Peter..................my mother’s antique vase. It broke into thousands of pieces. 11 Laura ............... her mother as soon as she arrived in Paris. 12 He ............... talking when I walked into the room. 13 She ................. to stop the thief, but he got away. 14 She.............the glass with orange juice. 15 Miss Marple................ many mysteries ^ in St Mary Mead. Expand the prompts to form questions and use short answers to answer them about yourself. 1 you/tidy room? ► Did you tidy your room? Yes, I did,/No, I didn’t 2 you/visit grandparents/at the weekend? 3 you/finish homework? 4 you/help with/shopping? Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple. It 1).................... (be) Halloween, so we 2).................(decide) to tell ghost stories. Jenny 3).................(tell) the first story and Peter 4)................... (go) next. When it 5) .................... (come) to my turn, a nasty storm 6) .................. (begin). Suddenly, the lights went out. It 7) ...............(scare) me and 8) ................ (confuse) my friends as we couldn’t see anything and we 9).............. (not know) what was going on. Peter 10) ................. (strike) a match and we 11) ..................(notice) that Jenny wasn’t there. Then we 12)....................... (hear) someone laughing in the kitchen and the lights came back on! Jenny came back into the room and 13).................. (say), “No need to be worried. This isn’t a haunted house, it was just a power cut!” We all 14)................... (feel) very silly! 15 Grammar Practice Fill in the gaps with the past simple form of the verbs in the list. • not/have • lose • manage • find • go • stop 1 A: I.................my wallet on the bus. B: Did you report it? 2 A: Last night, I .............my lost key. B: That’s great. 3 A: I ................swimming yesterday. B: Good for you. 4 A: Why are you late for work? B: My alarm clock ................working this morning. 5 A: I ...................to solve the puzzle before breakfast. B: You are very clever, Mike. 6 A: Did Brian win the race? B: No, he didn’t. He ...............a fast enough boat. Circle the correct answer. 1 I was sleeping.....Charlotte rang. A as soon as В after C when She was a great detective. She always .... the crime. A solve В solved C solving He.....in five films last year. A appeared В appear C appearance Please call me....you get home. A as soon as В until C while He bought a new car... A tomorrow В now C yesterday 6 The actress.....play the role of Agent Scully. A don’t В didn’t C wasn’t 7 She stayed with him ......... he fell asleep. Then she left. A as soon as В after C until Translator’s 16 CORNER 1. What’s the English for: a) научная фантастика; смешная история со счастливым концом; писатель детективного жанра; художественная литература; приключенческий роман о профессоре и его племяннике; биография известного писателя; обнаружить что-либо; сломать компас; осмотреть местность; b) громкий храп; громко храпеть; печально вздохнуть; печальный вздох; тихий шепот; тихо шептать; неожиданно закричать; смешно зевать; c) отправиться в опасное путешествие; путешествовать на подводной лодке; на первый взгляд; спрятаться за кустами; вернуться к кому-либо; погаснуть (о свете); порыв ветра? 2. Translate the sentences: 1. Конан Дойл когда-то писал исторические романы, но стал популярен благодаря детективам. 2. Профессор Блэк раньше изучал пустыни, он много знает о животных, живущих там. 3. Я раньше читал только фантастику или сказки, а сейчас люблю приключенческую литературу. 4. Когда я приезжала к бабушке, мы с друзьями, бывало, играли в прятки в большой пещере. 5. В чем дело? Ты выглядишь расстроенной. 3. Translate the dialogue: Здравствуй, Андрей! Здравствуй, Маша. Ты выглядишь взволнованной. Все в порядке? Ты ни за что не догадаешься, что произошло со мной. И что же? Детский журнал принял мой рассказ и собирается напечатать его! Вот это да! О чем рассказ? Что там происходит? Это детектив, в котором подросток раскрывает очень запутанное преступление. Как интересно! Я рад за тебя. ! ^ Lead the way! What are these people’s hobbies? Label the pictures. 'ii 1 f 2 s 3 к 5 P. c Read the descriptions. Which character adjectives do they mean? 1 People that are friendly and enjoy talking to other people. s___________ 2 People that want to know more about things. c___________ 3 People that are willing to do things that might be dangerous. d________ 4 People that stay calm and don’t get annoyed when something takes a long time. P___________ 5 People that are able to think of or create new or exciting things. i ♦ Collocations Choose the correct meaning of the words in bold. Her drive helped her succeed, a ambition b trip This box is very light, a lamp b not heavy What kind of fish is this? a type b friendly This is my father’s watch, a look at b timepiece ♦ Relative pronouns & adverbs Choose the correct item. A vet is someone.....treats sick animals. A whose В which C who The girl......lives here is Nikki’s sister. A that В which C whose 1 met a girl....mother is a famous actress. A who В whose C that Tom is very reliable. That’s....1 like him. A where В when C why That’s the clinic....Christina works. A where В when C which (ШШДЙщ О Listen to Sally describing her friends. What is each one like? 1 2 3 4 5 People Qualities Debbie a artistic Peter b patient Lisa c sociable Stephanie d daring Alistair e jealous f fit g practical h determined 17 3 Who's who? ^Й0§Й!1Й$7 Complete the sentences with the correct word. • spiky • sUm • ugly • in her twenties • cute • curly • scar 1 Jim uses a lot of hairspray to make his hair 2 The wicked witch was so .....7.............., she scared me. 3 The last time I saw Julie she was a teenager and now she’s...................... 4 Most young children look.................... when they smile. 5 Clara’s hair is not straight. It’s.......... 6 Ann used to be plump when she was a child. Now she is quite...................... 7 Harry Potter has a(n)....................on his forehead. 18 ♦ -ed/-ing participles Circle the correct word. 1 She is interested / interesting in meeting new people. 2 Peter looks very bored / boring. I don’t think he is enjoying the lesson. 3 I am so excited / exciting! I’m going to London tomorrow. 4 The film was disappointed / disappointing. I didn’t like it at all. ♦ Order of adjectives Put the adjectives in the correct order. 1 My teacher is a(n)....................... (English, kind, middle-aged) lady. 2 She looked very messy because she was wearing a(n) ...............(old, scruffy) pair of jeans. 3 That’s Peter. The......................... (funny, German, young) student we met at the party yesterday. 4 She appeared on stage wearing a(n) ....... ................(Italian, beautiful) dress. 5 Can you introduce me to the .............. ............(British, tall, young) girl? 6 My grandmother is a(n) ................... woman (elderly, easy-going, short). ^1 Choose the correct answer. What’s your sister like? A She doesn’t look like me. В She is very sociable. C She is tall with freckles. What do you wear to school? A A dark tan. В A dark green coat. C A dark moustache. What does your teacher look like? A She’s kind and patient. В She’s a friend of my parents. C She’s a slim lady in her thirties. How tall is your brother? A He’s middle-aged. В He’s of medium height. C He’s well-built. Against all odds Use the words to fill in the gaps. • brave • artistic • ingenious • determined • hardworking 1 Anna is very clever and is always coming up with new ideas. She’s ....................... 2 Bob paints portraits and last month he took part in a big exhibition. He’s............... 3 Rachel is not afraid of anything. She’s very Tina works very hard and wants to succeed. She is very........................ My brother goes to school and works in a shop at the weekend. He’s very .......... Choose the correct phrasal verb. 1 Did you ..... the book? It belongs to the teacher. A give back В give up C give out 2 Don’t ..... on your dream of becoming a singer. You have a beautiful voice! A give away В give up C give back 3 I....the clothes that didn’t fit me anymore. A gave up В gave away C gave out ^ Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space. 1 Albert Einstein was a famous.............. (SCIENCE) 2 Alexander Graham Bell was the ............ of the telephone. (INVENT) 3 That ..............is very popular in Italy. (POLITICS) 4 Jude Law is my favourite ................. (ACT) Read the article and choose the correct answer. Pfcasia painter (1881-1973) Pablo Picasso is a very famous painter. He was born in Malaga, Spain in 1881, but he lived most of his life in Paris, France. In 1902 he started painting the poor people he met on the streets, so his paintings were very sad and dark. This period in his work is called the 'blue period' (1901-04). In 1904 he started his 'pink period', in which he painted the world of the circus: clowns, acrobats and musicians. The paintings from that period are very happy and full of pink colours. In 1909 he worked with another artist, Georges Braque. Together they painted 'abstract' pictures. In an abstract picture you only see lines and colours, and it is very difficult to understand what exactly you are looking at. Picasso's most famous painting is 'Guernica', which he painted during the Civil War in Spain, in 1937. It is a dark, sad and abstract picture about the war. 1 Picasso lived most of his life in Spain. A True В False C Doesn’t say 2 Picasso’s ‘blue period’ paintings are not very happy. A True В False C Doesn’t say 3 Picasso met a lot of clowns and acrobats. A True В False C Doesn’t say 4 George Braque never painted abstract pictures. A True В False C Doesn’t say 5 The ‘Guernica’ is in a museum in Spain. A True В False C Doesn’t say 19 П и Writing (a descriptive article) Read the article on cyclist Lance Armstrong and put the paragraphs in the correct order. я lance lirmstrong IAI I In 1991, Armstrong competed in his first race, the Tour DuPont: a long and difficult 12-stage race, covering 1,085 miles over 11 days. He did not win the race, but he did very well. After that, he took part in many races and won quite a few. В I I There are many reasons why I admire Lance Armstrong. He is a brave, hardworking and positive person. He did not give up on his career and dreams because of his disease. As an athlete he is strong and talented. He proved that anything is possible and that dreams can come true. IC I I In October 1996, the doctors diagnosed him with cancer. It was a great shock for him, but he managed to fight the disease and in 1997 he was healthy again. People did not believe him when he said that he would race again. They were all surprised when he won the Tour de France in 1999. Lance was again the best cyclist in the world. He became the first person to win the Tour de France 7 times, from 1999 to 2005. IDI I The cyclist Lance Armstrong is one of the most famous athletes in the world. He was born on September 18,1971 in Texas. He is tall and slim with short blond hair and blue eyes. He began running and swimming when he was 10 and started competitive cycling at 13. Read the article again and complete the factfile. Name:.......................... Date of birth:................. Appearance: ................... Achievements: ................. Write an article for the school magazine about a friend or family member you admire (100-120 words). Use the following information: • name and profession • date and place of birth • physical description • achievements/career • reasons for admiration Plan Introduction (Paragraph 1) ] Introduce him/her to your reader. Start v^th the person’s name, profession, birth details and physical description. Main Body (Paragraphs 2 & 3) Para 2: Early years - how they started their career, achievements, etc. Para 3: Later years - how their career developed, etc. Conclusion (Paragraph 4) Mention the reasons why you admire them. 20 3 Grammar Practice Use the adjectives to describe the people/objects. 1 She is a ......................... .........................singer. (Chinese, talented, slim) й 2 He is a ......................doctor. (Russian, young, hardworking) 3 This is a.............. (small, lovely, wooden) 4 This is a(n) vase. (Greek, old, traditional) 7 He is a........................... ........................lawyer. (French, middle-aged, handsome) 4 Английский язык. 7кл. Раб. тетрадь Circle the correct item. 1 Wow! What a.......sports car. A German fantastic В fantastic German 2 That’s an.....book. A expensive antique В antique expensive 3 He’s a.....man. A old, short В short, old 4 She’s a.....opera singer. A talented French В French talented 5 Can 1 have a ....... phone for Christmas? A new cordless В cordless new 6 I’m going to see that....film. A brilliant new В new brilliant Fill in the correct relative pronoun or adverb. 1 A: What year did the Olympic Games take place in Sydney? B: It was the year 2000 ....... ........ the Olympic Games took place in Sydney. 2 A: Can you show me ............. dress Mary bought? B: She bought the blue one. 3 A: Is the artist ............... drew this picture French? B: No, she is Russian. 4 A: What are you taking with you? B: Just the book ............is on the desk. 5 A: Can you tell me ............. you are driving so fast? B: I’m very late for my meeting. 21 Grammar Practice 2I Circle the correct answer. The art teacher was very...in my painting. A interesting В interested How......! The cinema is closed. A disappointing В disappointed The play was really.....I enjoyed it. A amused В amusing I was.on Sunday, so I went to the beach. A boring В bored He told us the good news. We were so..! A exciting В excited I was very ... to hear that the party was cancelled. A disappointed В disappointing Underline the correct word. I was very amusing/amused by the jokes that he told us yesterday. This is the house where/when my grandmother was born. Mary is a beautiful/short tall American actress. She hoped that they wouldn’t give her secret up/away. That’s the girl whose/who father is a lawyer. What does/do Mike look like? He’s tall with spiky black hair. Natalie gave him out/back the money she owed him. Our teacher is a funny/German, short, middle-aged man. My Mum wanted to know when/why I didn’t finish my homework. The doctor told him to give up/back chocolate because he was too plump. Why/What do people admire her? 12 When and which/where were they born? Translator’s 10 11 22 CORNER ^ 1. What's the English for: a) журнал о боксе, катание на коньках в спортивном центре, увлекаться живописью, любознательный ребенок, писатель с богатым воображением; b) выдвигать новые идеи, выдать секрет, скучная аатья, разочарованный юноша, бросить курить, вернуть книгу в библиотеку; c) известный своими стихами, бояться собак, обращать внимание на пейзаж, справиться с трудным заданием? ^ 2. Translate the sentences: 1. Человек, который работает с животными. должен быть добрым и терпеливым. 2. Друг моего отца, который вчера приехал из Москвы, известный писатель-фантаа. 3. Что он за человек? - Общительный и очень дружелюбный. 4. - Как выглядит его сестра? - Это невысокая худенькая девушка лет двадцати, со смешными хвостиками и симпатичными веснушками. 5. Будь настойчив, не расставайся с мечтой стать писателем. У тебя действительно есть талант. 3. Translate the text: Из стихов великого русского поэта Н. А. Некрасова мы можем многое узнать о крестьянских детях в России Х!Х века. Жизнь их была очень нелегкой. Дети рано вставали и помогали родителям в их тяжелом труде: кормили животных, работали в поле, собирали в лесу грибы и ягоды. Об их интересах, любимых играх и занятиях в свободное время писал и великий русский писатель И. С. Тургенев. Так, он ярко описывал, как дети любили после работы посидеть вечером у костра, рассказывая страшные истории о духах и домовых. News stories ♦ Collocations Read the headlines and match them to the newspaper sections. ^^BIG FIRES in Britain and France! •--•C j.' ^ Si-eat siimjner ^ [C>^^ ___ Friends ^ final episode on Channel 5 tonig^ i ™i hair repair s secret! s cruise IS I getting mamed again: Heatwa^lt^s Athens on Monday ___^ndTuesday 1 2 3 TV guide weather report gossip beauty advice horoscope international news Fill in the gaps with.words from the box. • local • articles • fashion • daily • celebrity • interview 1 There’s an ............. with Brad Pitt in today’s newspaper. 2 I find...........gossip very boring. 3 Our teacher is on the............news for saving a student’s life. I’m interested in ............. about the environment. The only thing we watch on TV is the ............news. Find out everything about the latest summer trends in our...........section. <ЭН1ИцЁ1Р ♦ Past Continuous Put the verbs in brackets in the past continuous, 1 A: What .....................(you/do) last night at 7:00 pm? B: I ...................(chat) on the Internet with my friends. 2 A: What ............................ (your parents/do) at 5:30 pm yesterday? B: They ................(cook) dinner. 3 A: ......................(your sister/ sleep) at 8:00 am this morning? B: No, she................(not/sleep). She ...............(take) a shower. What were the following people doing at 3:00 pm yesterday afternoon? Ask and answer questions. Use the verbs. • send • talk • listen • read Dere\Tjf^ ^ЗгООрго L . ( Abigail) ^ ^ (1?fesa & Al ^ -------------- 1 Abigail/watch TV ► A: Was АЫдаИ watching TV yesterday at 3:00? B: No, she wasn't watching TV. She was listening to music. 2 Derek/walk the dog 3 Bob/cook a meal 4 Teresa & А1/sleep J 4 Did you hear 5^ about...? Complete the sentences using your own ideas. I was curious to find out .............. I’m interested in ...................... I was worried that ..................... I was surprised to ..................... I was shocked by ....................... made me sad. A: B: I’m happy to know that ................. Use the phrases to complete the dialogue. There’s one extra phrase you do not need to use. • How horrible • That’s unbelievable • I’ve got some good news to tell you • Listen to this Anything interesting in the newspaper? Actually yes! 1)........................I Rescue teams found three fishermen alive! They were lost in the Pacific for a year. 2) ........................! How did they survive? They drank rainwater and ate raw fish. 3) ........................! They must have had a really hard time! And a lot of luck! вЕШШШ? • Past Simple vs Past Continuous Put the words in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. ...........................(you/watch), the film when the phone..........(ring)? John ............(see) a bright light as he .................(walk) down the street. 3 The baby........................(not/sleep) when Grandpa.....................(arrive). 4 While he.............(travel) on the bus to work, he ................(remember) that it was his wife’s birthday. 5 .....................(the children/study) while their nanny ...............(prepare) dinner? 6 While you............(be) out, the postman came and...........(deliver) these letters. Л Fill in the gaps using with, off, or on. 1 That bag goes really well..............your shoes. 2 The milk will go............if we don’t use it soon. 3 The car alarm went...............and woke everyone up. 4 The meeting went.............for hours and hours. ^— — 24 О Listen and fill in the missing information. Borders ^Bi Bookshop : * Floor one sells; Floor two sells; Floor three has a; Opening Times; Newspapers, and I)............... Fiction and non-fiction 2)................... 3)...... and a 4) .. shop Monday - Saturday, 9:00 am - 5)..........pm Take action! Шк1>яПя$7 Fill in the gaps with words from below. • research • members • attend • mayor • pollution • ceremony • stray Who’s the............in your town? Did you...............the art class this morning? Bob is doing some............ on the Amazon River. Our Golf Club has 300 ....... Air.......is a big problem in my area. There are a lot of........... animals in Athens. The Oscars is the most popular film award............in the world. Read the text and choose A, Bor C, , / . / Boat sinks near White Island Two brothers, Albert (0) Bob Witherspoon, are in hospital after their boat sank off the south coast last Thursday. When the boat left the port (1) ....... Thursday afternoon, the sun was .shining and the sea was calm.The two men were fishing near White Island (2)....the weather suddenly changed. All of a sudden, it became windy and the sky changed from clear, light blue to dark grey. The men decided to return to the port, but unfortunately (3)..boat hit a rock and sank almost immediately. When the Search and Rescue helicopter arrived at the scene, the men (4)....holding onto floating pieces of wood. “Luckily, big pieces of wood (5).....the boat were floating on the water and we were able to hold onto them until the rescue team arrived,” Albert told reporters. The two brothers were wet and cold, (6)..happy to be alive! Fill in: out, around, with, in, of. My father is proud...........my baby brother. Word soon got ............ that Mr Smith was fired. Our class took part..........a clean-up campaign. I’ve recently branched ......... into the ice cream business. Sally came up ............ the idea of staging a play. of in when a were of and ® and —^ C but в at « c on в where c while в their c an в was c are в on c from в or c but У Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits each space. 1 This teacher taught us a lot about .................................................. CONSERVE 2 LEARN.COM is a great ................... EDUCATION website. 3 My father works as a ....................... REPORT 4 There was a big........................ DEMONSTRATE in the city centre today. 25 Writing (a news report) Read the news report and choose the correct headline. Belle’s best friend Safe and sound thanks to SUPER DOG Super dog caught in house fire Glasgow, Scotland. A super dog won the Pet of the Year award last night for saving its owner's life from a terrible house fire. This is brave beagle Belle who lives with her owner Helen Law in Lenzie, Glasgow, chosen from hundreds of others as this year's top dog! The fire broke out in the middle of the night on September 14, caused by an electrical fault. Helen was fast asleep In bed and didn't wake up as the fire quickly spread through the house. Belle realised that she had to act quickly and hurried to help her owner. She kept barking and scratching like crazy at Helen's door until she eventually woke up. Helen realized immediately that her home was on fire and hurried to safety. She was shocked when she found out what danger she was in. "I lost my home in the fire, but I'm alive and well. It's all thanks to Belle. I'm extremely proud of her. She is very intelligent and more than a life saver. She's my best friend," said Ms Law. ■ F Eco pit> di. del it as'i loca Horn USL pro' conr T eithe mate disp env: arct als( behc Б corr ope rea er Complete the sentences in your own words. 1 Belle..................and won an award. 2 An electrical fault....................... 3 Helen woke up because .................... 4 Helen thinks that Belle is ............... Read the reporter’s notes and the paragraph plan. Then write a news report, using the one in Ex. 1 as a model. June, 16 • June, 16 • Queensborough • Hunter, Pomeranian • Saves owner from drowmng in river • off deck while fishing • Dog woke up friend sleeping in carl barking & scratching • Grateful, wants to adopt Hunter Plan Introduction (Paragraph 1) • When/ Where/ Who/ What Main Body (Paragraphs 2-3) Description of what happened Conclusion (Paragraph 4) • How people feel • Things they said Grammar P Г a С t i c e Look at Peter’s schedule for yesterday. Ask and answer questions, as in the example. • 7:50 • 8:45 • 10:30 • 12:15 • 13:20 *14:35 • 17:10 7:30-8:00 8:00-9:00 9:00-11:00 11:30-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-16:00 16:30-18:00 have breakfast watch TV go shopping have lunch with frier do homework send e-mails play basketball ► A: What was Peter doing yesterday at 7:50? B: He was having breakfast. Join the sentences. 1 ► d 2 3 4 He was going to bed when I was making breakfast while The phone rang just as a I was ready to leave the house, b he heard a loud noise, c my sister was reading a magazine, d the teacher walked towards me. Complete the sentences. 1 She was doing her homework when 2 He was sleeping while she 3 Ann was having a bath when 4 Pete left the house just as 5 The kids were listening to music when Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous. 1 A: What 1) ........................(happen) to you? B: 12) ........................(have) an accident while 13) .................... (drive) to work. A: 4) .........................(you/go) to the hospital? B: Yes, I did. 2 A: What 1) .....................(Claire/do) when you 2) ........................... (phone) her? B: She 3).........................(listen) to music. A: 4) ..........................(she/turn) the radio off? B: No, she didn’t. She 5) ..........(want) to listen to the music programme. 3 A: 11).......................(read) a book last night when I 2) ............(hear) my sister shouting. B: What 3) ......................(happen)? A: She 4).........................(do) the washing up when a plate 5)............. ' (break) and she 6) ................... (cut) her finger. 4 A: We 1)....................(stand) by the door when the children 2) ............. ...................(walk) in.~ B: 3)............................(you/see) what they looked like? A: No. They 4)......................(wear) scary costumes. 5 A: What 1) ........................(you/do) when he 2).....................(faint)? B: 13) ...............(call) an ambulance. 27 Giammar Practice Circle the correct item. It was snowing / snowed heavily when she looked / was looking out of the window. I was seeing / saw a friendly dog while I was walking / walked to work today. Yesterday, he was leaving / left work and took / was taking the bus straight home. They were going / went to a birthday party last Saturday night. He was sleeping / slept when Ann was calling / called for help. Nathan was walking / walked to school when he was meeting / met Tom. Last year we were staying / stayed in a luxurious hotel in Mexico City. She was cooking / cooked at 5 pm yesterday afternoon when I called. Circle the correct answer. 1 ....she looked out of the window, the sun was shining. A While В When C Whether 2 The police went....the bank robbers. A after В off C on 3 I was cooking......Angela was watching TV. A while В after C just as 4 Her alarm went.....at 8 am. A on В out C off 5 She.....me at 6 pm yesterday. A called В calling C call 6 He likes watching football....his friends. A after В with C in 7 The lights went....during the storm. A out В up C on 8 ....I was driving down the road, a football flew over a fence and hit my car. A All day В Yesterday C As Translator’s 28 CORNER 1. What’s the English for: a) b) читать международные новости; слушать прогноз погоды; участвовать в ток-шоу; чувствовать беспокойство; быть шокированным; любознательный мальчик; смотреть первый канал; продолжать писать роман; любимый телевизионный канал; разумное правило; приятное музыкальное шоу; сочетаться с платьем; прийти на помоидь; упасть с полки; спасибо за рассказ; выйти из машины; поделиться с кем-либо информацией; выйти с предложением; гордиться своими друзьями? 2. Translate the sentences: 1. Когда купишь рыбу, положи ее сразу в холодильник, или она испортится. 2. Эти туфли не подходят к шелковому платью. 3. Том продолжал рассказывать о своих приключениях, но никто его не слушал. 4. Мне хочется посмотреть документальный фильм о животных, включи пятый канал. 5. Члены кружка «Спасите природу» принимают участие во многих мероприятиях по поддержанию чистоты в своем районе. 3. Translate the text: Телевидение - могущественное средство массовой информации, которое обеспечивает нас последними известиями, как международными, так и о событиях внутри страны, светскими новостями об известных людях, прогнозом погоды, рекламой. Каждый может выбрать канал и программу по вкусу: ток-шоу, музыкальную программу, интервью, реалити-шоу, различные фильмы. Телевидение часто меняет наши вкусы, мысли, мнения, потому что мы верим в то, что видим и слышим. Его роль в нашей жизни велика. 4 Predictions Match to form collocations. ГГ special a domes |2| _ flying b housemaids |3| ] online c suits |4| J glass d schools |5| ] underwater e cars [6L J robotic f cities Circle the correct item. 1 The Dodo doesn’t........anymore. A cause В believe C exist 2 Swimming is not allowed in this lake because it is...... A clean В polluted C strange 3 A.......travels into space. A submarine В moon shuttle C traffic jam 4 Petrol is a type of..... A fuel В creature C suit 5 Do you help your parents with the....? A housemaid В homework C housework ♦ Phrasal Verbs Fill in the gaps with/or, after, forward and up. I’m really looking............to seeing the new Spielberg film. My mother asked me to look ............... my sister on Saturday. Rachel is looking........you everywhere. Why don’t you look............the word in the dictionary? езЕбВщ Read the text and choose the best word. to Everybody wants a fast, unusual car. Car manufacturers all 1)......... the world are trying to create ‘the car of the future’. Some people believe that in the future, cars will wake 2)..........before you, and send you an email to let you know if they have any mechanical problems. People will get into their cars, tell them 3).....to go, sit back, and enjoy the ride. Cars will have radar and won’t 4).... drivers to steer them. Every car will have a beeper and you will be able to contact it and tell it where and when to pick you up. As we all know, cars cause very serious pollution 5) .......In the future, environmentally friendly cars will become very popular. Scientists will invent cars that run on water and solar power, or make cars of recycled materials. People will also 6) ....... able to choose and buy cars off the Internet. 1 A under В in C over 2 A up В of C on 3 A what В who c where 4 A had в be c need 5 A crisis . в problems c worry 6 A be в being c been <ЭЕ1ДДШ? ♦ Future Simple Choose the correct answer. I think the Smiths will win/win the competition. When my father will go/goes to Morocco, he brings/will bring back a carpet. If you will go/go to the supermarket, can you get some milk? Will/Do people fly special cars in the future? 5 Английский язык. 7кл. Раб. тетрадь 29 5 Gadget madness Match to form collocations. Then use them to make sentences, as in the example. 11 J listen a the Net 2 send b pictures 3l ] take c electronic books 4| talk d text messages 5 read e to music 6 watch f to friends and family 7 surf g films T ► Eva can't do without her laptop. She loves surfing the Net. 2 ........................................... 3 ......................................... 4 ......................................... Choose phrases from the box to complete the dialogue. • You have a point • I don’t agree • I agree with that • Really • I see what you mean but 30 A: I love this e-book reading device! I think it’s great. B: 1)............................................... I tried one and my eyes got tired! A: 2)........................................... I like it a lot and you can store thousands of e-books in it. B: 3) .......................................... I think touching, feeling and looking at a book are part of the pleasure of reading! A: 4)........................................... I don’t think I will ever give up buying real books but I think that my e-book device will be my best friend while travelling! B: OK. 5) ...................................... ♦ Future forms Fill in the gaps with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 My bedroom is a mess! I .................. (tidy) it up. 2 I promise I ...................(look) after my baby sister. 3 She thinks Lynn........................... (not/give) her a present for her birthday. 4 ...............................(we/have) dinner with Lima tonight?. 5 Look! The blind man ...................... (trip) over that box on the pavement! Я Match the sentences. I will call you You will miss the bus If you put ice in water, If you don’t study, 1 2 3 4 a you will fail the exam, b it floats, c if you don’t hurry, d if there is any news. What's your opinion? №ЕЁва0а$7 Complete the sentences with the words below. • motivates • role models • keep notes • online • school assignments 1 Jane does all her ................ on the computer. 2 Famous people such as actors and sportsmen are ...................for teenagers. 3 Did you...................during the lesson today? 4 Bob often goes .............to look up information. 5 Our teacher....................... us to work harder. ♦ Linking words Fill in: What's more, However, To sum up. Moreover, DIGITfll CnmCRfll or nun cnmcRni ? Many people prefer digital cameras to the traditional type of cameras which use film. Firstly, you can see the photo immediately after you take it and delete it if you don't like it. 1) ► Moreover, the quality is better in digital photographs and the colours appear brighter. 2).............there isn't a limit on how many photos you take. 3)...............your memory card may run out of space if you're not careful. 4) , digital cameras have a lot more advantages than disadvantages. WFfiSfmig Q Listen to James asking about a computer magazine. For questions 1-5 tick A, В or C. You will hear the conversation twice. 1 Steve’s favourite magazine at the moment is............ ]__I Pixel ] I Byte C I I Compumania В The magazine costs...'... |A| I £1.50 |B| I £2.00 |C| I £2.50 This month the magazine is giving away a....... CD I I DVD C I I memory card В The magazine has articles on IAI I online learning В I I web design cl I music The magazine also has a IAI I web address I В I I web site fcl I web camera 31 5 Writing (an opinion article) Read the article and put the sentences in the right place. Does Ihe future LOOK BRIGHT? Although they mostly agree that the world will change, some believe that the changes will be positive while others argue that they will be negative. A lot of people worry about environmental problems. They believe that our planet will become more polluted and that this will make it impossible to live in some parts of the world. They are afraid that sea levels will rise so high that many islands will disappear, and that certain areas will be very dry. L WM Look at some predictions people have made about the future. Then write sentences stating if you agree or disagree with them. Use the phrases in the box. • I think • I don’t think • The way I see it • In my opinion 1 People will fight over drinking water. ► The way I see it, people won’t fight over drinking water. People will have holidays on other planets. There won’t be any teachers. People will eat food pills. There will be fewer wars. People will live in underwater cities. in their opinion, technology will keep making our lives easier and scientists will manage to find the cure for lots of illnesses. Moreover, we will be able to fight pollution with the help of technology. The way I see it, our lives will certainly be more comfortable in the future, l the best. Let’s all hope for On the other hand, many people believe that the world will become a better place to live. What’s more, certain animals will become extinct. People like making predictions about the future. However, I do worry that we might not be able to keep pollution under control. Write an article with the following title: What does the future hold? Use the paragraph plan to help you. Plan Introduction (presentation of the topic) Viewpoint Opposing viewpoint Conclusion (your personal opinion) 32 Grammar Practice Circle the correct item. You can’t go out....you clean your room. A by the time В until I’ll call you..I get home. A as soon as В while She won’t leave.....the movie ends. A as В before It will be dark...we arrive at the hotel. A as long as В by the time We’ll go shopping......the shops open. A when В while We’re going to stay on the beach ..... the weather is fine. A after В as long as He’s going to university ...... the new semester starts. A when В as They’re going to leave the area...they sell their house. A whenever В by the time Read the sentences below and mark them as A, Bor C according to what they express. A prediction based on what we think or imagine В promise C on-the-spot decision 1 I apologise for not feeding the dog. It won’t happen again. ... 2 Charles will probably listen to music..... 3 It’s too warm. I’ll open the window. ..... 4 The phone is ringing. I’ll get it. ....... 5 I’m sure you’ll like the new James Bond film. ... 6 I’ll buy you a computer game for your birthday. ... 7 Most people will have talking fridges in the year 2100. ... Respond to the statements using the verbs below. Write responses in the future simple. • buy • close • tidy • have • answer 1 Your bedroom is a mess! 1 My family and I are planning our summer holiday. We’re going to/’ll travel around Europe. I’m hungry. I’m going to/’II have a salad and a sandwich, please. They decided to go to the cinema. They are going to/will ask their friends to go with them. My computer is very old, so my parents are going to/will buy me a new one for my birthday. Paula wasn’t at work today. I think I’m going to/’ll phone her. Actually, I changed my mind. I’m going to/’ll have an apple. 33 Grammar Practice 34 Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple or the present simple. 1 If it rains, we................(not go) out. 2 It’s cold! I ....................(turn on) the heating. 3 If the weather...................(be) good, we’ll go on a picnic. 4 You can ask John that question when he .........................(come). 5 I think Manchester....................(win) the match. 6 Maybe I .......................(be) a writer when I grow up. 7 If I........................(hear) anything about the accident. I’ll let you know. 8 He always........................(lock) the door when he leaves for work. Circle the correct item. 1 A person......a vegetarian if they don’t eat meat. A be В is C are 2 What time will you .... leaving for the cinema? A be В is C are 3 You ..... a teenager when you are aged thirteen to nineteen. A be В is C are 4 If you win the race, you will....my hero. A be В is C are 5 She always.... when she watches romantic films. A cries В is crying ' C cried 6 You......into trouble if you do that again. A get В gets C will get 7 Will you come to the party if you.....time? A have В are having C will have 8 He won’t fix the car unless you..him. A pay В pays C are paying 9 There are always puddles in the street after it...... A rain В rains C will rain Translator’s CORNER 1. What’s the English for: a) вести здоровый образ жизни, тишина и покой, удобный общественный транспорт, великолепные пейзажи, выключить мобильный телефон, людные улицы, интенсивное движение транспорта; устанавливать систему сигнализации; b) безопасно водить машину, внимательно читать текст, плохо себя вести, неожиданно встретить друга; c) по воскресеньям, ходить на пляж, играть в волейбол, болтать с друзьями. •1 2. Translate the sentences: 1. В незнакомом городе всегда следует иметь при себе удостоверение личности. 2. Он выглядит очень усталым. Ему нужно отдохнуть в деревне, без суеты и шума. 3. Марк обычно читает в это время, а сегодня он играет в настольные игры со своим другом. 4. у нас закончился сахар, надо сходить в магазин. 5. Когда ты уезжаешь на каникулы, ты скучаешь по родному городу? 3. Translate the text: Коломенское - мое любимое место в Москве. Если вы интересуетесь историей, можно узнать много нового, особенно об эпохе Петра I. Я очень люблю фольклорные праздники, с яркими костюмами, народными песнями и танцами, традиционными национальными блюдами. Мне нравятся великолепные виды на парк и Москву-реку. Свежий воздух, тишина и покой исторических мест делают посетителей по-настоящему счастливыми. Коломенское - одно из самых популярных мест отдыха москвичей и туристов со всей страны и из-за рубежа. Fun starts here! ♦ Collocations Match the words to form collocations. Then use them to complete the sentences. 11 I haunted 2[ I souvenir 31 I candy pirate a shopping b ship c mansion d floss 1 Whenever we go to a funfair, we buy...... .................because we love sweets 2 Mary didn’t explore the.................. .......;......with us. She was too afraid 3 We took a ride on the ................... ..........in the theme park. It was great! 4 We bought a Mickey Mouse doll while ..........................in Disneyland. ♦ Present Perfect Put the verbs in the correct form of the present perfect, A: ....>;.... (you/ever/eat) candy floss at a theme park? B: No, I haven’t. But I ............(hear) that it’s very tasty! A: I .......................(never/travel) outside Europe. Have you? B: Yes, I visited Tokyo six months ago. A: ................(you/ever/explore) the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland? B: Yes, I have. But I ...........(not/see) Peter Pan on the pirate ship. A: We ..................(visit) two theme parks so far. B: So have we. But we .................... (not/be) on any rollercoaster rides. Dear Diary, I’ve been here for two weeks and I’m amazed at how much fun I’m having at Sunshine Teen Camp. It’s such an exciting place. I can’t wait to tell my friends about all the activities I’ve tried. I’ve been hiking, rafting and horse-riding. I have also learned about painting and video game design. The coolest thing I’ve learned so far is how to develop survival skills. I’ve taken some fantastic photos. The camp leaders and some of the other campers have asked me to email some to them. The view from the top of the mountain is the most breathtaking sight I’ve ever seen. The only problem is that Sunday is my last day at the camp and I haven’t made a tree house yet. You need a lifetime to do all the activities here! I haven’t gone fishing either, but I have had a fantastic picnic by the lake. That’s all for today. Read Tom’s diary entry. Answer the questions below. Tom is enjoying himself at the camp. A True В False C Doesn’t say Tom hasn’t been rafting yet. A True В False C Doesn’t say Other campers will send him pictures by email. A True В False C Doesn’t say Fill in the gaps with across, round, bock^, and out. The new Spielberg film will come.......soon. Did your father come........to see you? I came.......this book in the attic. Come.........and visit any time, Peter. 35 Teen camps Complete the spidergrams. Which of the things mentioned can you see in the ' pictures. • acting classes • dance classes • a robot • rafting • volleyball • hiking • an instrument • a tree house • video games • swimming • a webpage • painting classes • IT classes 36 • Present Perfect Circle the correct word. 1 We’ve..........been abroad. A ever В yet C never 2 The Smiths have........bought a new car. A just В ever C yet 3 Mary has lived in Rome.......six months. A since В for C already 4 I have.........finished packing. A yet В ever C already 5 The children haven’t been to a summer camp......... A already В since C yet 6 Has your dog.......been to the vet? A never В since C ever 7 The baby has never been sick....... A yet В already C before Complete the exchanges. • you fancy «I’m afraid I can’t • love to • would you like • that sounds • how about 1 A: 1)..............................to go to the cinema with me tonight? B: 2).............................great! 2 A: Do 3).....................going dancing on Friday night? B: 4) ............................I have to stay late at football practice. 3 A: 5).....................coming camping with us this weekend? B: I’d 6) .................., but I have to spend some time with my family. Sorry. А whale of a time! Combine the words in the columns. Use the words to complete the sentences. Q Listen and fill in the missing information. 1 2 souvenir water hair-raising wave theme a park b riding c rides d shopping e skiing В 1 You need a boat to go 2 We’ve been on some .................... at Alton Towers. 3 I bought this scarf while.............. in Morocco. 4 ......................is one of the most exciting things you can do with a surfboard. 5 Disneyland is a world famous........... ..................in the United States. Complete the sentences with has/have sane or has/have been in the appropriate form. 1 Where............the dog............? 2 ...........you...........abroad this year? 3 Jane’s not here. She..................to her father’s for the weekend. 4 James.................to the cinema three times this week. 5 I..........never.............to America. 6 I feel much better now. My toothache 7 I don’t know where he .......... Perhaps he is at the university. 'Ш •____^ «■MW __ Are you ... • looking for something exciting to do this summer? • interested in adventurous experiences? • 12-1).....years old? ______________________D • GO 2).....& WAVE RIDING • GO SCUBA DIVING • VISIT A FAMOUS THEME PARK • LEARN SURVIVAL SKILLS SESSIONS • June 15th to September 3). • 4).....session $500 • Four-week session 5). For more information, call us at (781) 659-2559 or visit www.adventurecamp.com COM( TO CALXFORKXA ADVCHTURE SUMMER CAMP INHERE THERE 5 KOK-STOP FUK/ 37 Writing (an advert) Read the advert and fill in the gaps with ONE word. THE HAUNTED CASTLE OF WESTCHESTER AN EXPERIENCE YOU WILL NEVER FORGET! The haunted castle of Westchester is located two miles north of the city of Holborn. 1).was once the home 2).......the Duke and his family, but there is a terrible secret inside its walls. People say that the Duke left 3)...castle because it was haunted. Is it true or is ^ it just 4).....story? Find out for yourself! Join our tour of the haunted castle of Westchester. It will 5)........a day to remember! Adults: £12 Senior citizens and children under 12: £6 Bookings: 0219 426001 Read the advert again. Find the points where each of the following is mentioned: 1 the history of the castle 2 the cost of visiting and touring the castle 3 the location of the castle 4 an invitation to join the tour of the castle Put these paragraphs in the right order to make an advert for a tour of Stirling Castle. Stirling used to be the capital of Scotland, so Stirling Castle was once the home of Mary, Queen of Scots. Adults: £15 Children and students: £10 Stirling Castle is located in the north of Stirling Town, in central Scotland. If you are visiting Scotland, don’t leave without taking our tour of Stirling Castle! Call us to make a reservation on 01786 356210. У Make an advert for a tour of a famous place in your country. Use the prompts to help you. • location • what it used to be • any strange stories about it • cost • contact number 38 6 Grammar Practice Write the correct past participle for each verb below. Circle them in the word puzzle. 1 buy 9 do 2 see 10 tell 3 go 11 show 4 be 12 hear 5 come 13 write 6 eat 14 bring 7 have 15 take 8 give 16 meet Put the verbs in the present perfect to form questions. 1 .(he/ever/ride) the Tidal Wave rollercoaster? 2 (you/ever/speak) to any funny cartoon character at Disneyland? 3 .(they/ever/eat) lunch at Bailey’s Theme Park? 4 .(she/ever/visit) the Haunted House? 5 .(you/ever/see) lions jumping through fire at the circus? 6 ..(Rita/ever/be) to the Taj Mahal in India? Complete the sentences with has/have gone or has/hove been in the appropriate form. 1 My friends.......................to Spain. They will be back in two weeks. 2 She........................to the Legoland theme park twice. 3 Alex.........................to Disneyland, but I haven’t. 4 Mary isn’t here. She.............to work. 5 We .......................... to Campbell’s Adventure Camp at least three times. Answer the questions about yourself using short answers. 1 Have you ever learned survival skills? 2 Have you ever been rafting? 3 Have you ever seen the Tower of London? 4 Have you ever eaten candy floss? 5 Have you ever seen clowns performing tricks? 39 Grammar Practice Complete the gaps with already, yet, just, ever and never. 1 She has ............. been to Buckingham Palace twice. 2 They haven’t learnt to snorkel..........., so they can’t come with us. 3 We have ............. finished school for the day. 4 If you have not packed your suitcase ............... then I will do it for you. 5 I have...........been this happy. 6 It’s the first time I have .......... seen him smile. 7 She has..............left. You only missed her by seconds. 8 Sorry I couldn’t call earlier, but I’ve only ..................finished work. 9 I have........said anything bad about you. 10 Have you.............seen an elephant? Translator’s CORNER ^ Form opposite adjectives from the words in capital letters. 1 Our holiday was ........................ (FORGETTABLE) 2 What an...........................story! (BELIEVABLE) 3 Look at this mess! It’s ................ to clean everything up on my own! (POSSIBLE) 4 Don’t be so .............. and bring your homework on time for once! (RESPONSIBLE) 5 Your reaction is completely............. (LOGICAL) 6 The long introduction makes your composition quite ......................(BALANCED) 40 1. What’s the English for: a) отправиться в путешествие на ракете; смотреть выступления воздушных гимнастов; осматривать известные достопримечательности; кататься на колесе обозрения; есть сахарную вату; забронировать место; b) нелогичный ответ; неосуществимая задача; невероятный рассказ; безответственный юноша; двухнедельные каникулы; c) пожимать друзьям руки; столкнуться с призраками; ходить в поход; побывать в лагере; навестить кого-либо? •1 2. Translate the sentences: 1. Эта фантастическая повесть только что вышла из печати. Я ничего подобного не читала! 2. Я уже вернулся из спортивного лагеря. Мы учились, как выживать в лесу: ставить палатки, разводить костер. 3. - У тебя уже есть планы на лето? -Родители купили мне путевку в компьютерный лагерь на 3 недели. 4. Миша пошел в цирк. Он обожает клоунов, выполняющих трюки. 5. — Хочешь пойти в кино? - С удовольствием. Я 3. Translate the text: Я провел незабываемые каникулы! Я побывал в Порт Авентура — всемирно известном тематическом парке Испании. Здесь ты открываешь пять сказочных миров, среди них загадочную китайскую империю и фантастический Дикий Запад. Ты попадаешь в мир фантазий, где можешь совершить экзотическое путешествие сквозь пространство и время в различные великие мировые культуры и древние цивилизации. Мне понравилось кататься на аттракционах, от которых захватывает дух, например на американских горках, и попробовать водные аттракционы. Walk of fame Label the pictures. И и m T_ P. Do the crossword. What is the word formed in number 7? 5 6 1 funny and amusing 2 handsome and pleasant to look at 3 someone who has a natural ability to do something well 4 someone who has a lot of money 5 someone who has achieved what he/she wanted 6 large or important Use the adjectives in the box to make sentences comparing the three actresses below. Use: • more ... than • less... than • as ., • the most • the least . as Whoopi Keira Meryl Goldberg Knightley Streep talented beautiful successful funny well-known yyy у yy yyy yy yy yyy у у у yyy yy yyy yy yyy 1 2 3 ......................................... 4 ......................................... 5 ......................................... 6 ......................................... 7 ......................................... 8 ......................................... Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning as the first. 1 Tony is smarter than Robert. Robert isn't .......................Tony. 2 I haven't seen a funnier film! This is ...................I've ever seen. 3 Betty didn't sing as loudly as John. John sang.......................Betty did. 4 Valia hasn't got as much money as Tina. Tina has got .......................Valia. 5 He performs better than her. She doesn't ....................he does. 41 DVD frenzy! a) Read the descriptions of some film genres. Which genre are they describing? 1 A film that makes people laugh, c__________ 2 A film about life in space or the future, s;_________f______________ 3 A film about a love story, r__________ 4 A film about exciting experiences. a_______________ 5 A film in which cartoons are brought to life, a_______________ 6 A film about an imaginary world, f b) Which film genre is each DVD (A-F)? ♦ Expressing preferences Use the following phrases to complete the dialogue. • That’s a great idea • I’ve already seen it • Would you like • quite like the cinema • How about • Any other suggestions Eve: Hi Mike! 1) ............... to the cinema tonight? to go Mike: Well, I 2) ....................., but I’d rather watch a DVD at home. Eve: OK! What would you like to see? Mike: 3) .............................the new Zorro movie? Eve: Well, 4) ........................Sorry! Mike: Oh. 5)................................? Eve: Well, I’ve heard the new Star Wars film is really good. Mike: 6) ...................................! ♦ Present Perfect & Past Simple Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect. 1 I ...............................(not/see) John for more than a year. 2 We..........................(see) the second part of Lord of the Rin$s last weekend. 3 Matrix Reloaded is the best film I......... ..............................(ever/see). 4 David .....................(never/drive) a car before. 5 I .....................(not/like) the food my mum cooked last night. 6 ...........................(you/watch) a play the other day? 7 Kenny ............................(not/be) to the cinema for 2 years. Fill in the gaps with on, o//, into or in. 42 1 Why don’t you turn.........the lights? It’s time to go to bed. 2 Clark Kent turns........Superman when he senses danger. 3 Can you turn ......... the news, please? I want to hear the weather report at the end. 4 I am going to turn.........now. It’s getting late. In the charts! ♦ Collocations Read the text. Then mark the sentences _ T (true) or F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). Choose the odd one out. 1 rock/funk/tune/soul 2 voice/songwriter/singer/star 3 music/song/lyrics/role 4 script/instrument/plot/cast 5 genuine/talented/charts/powerful The Number One Music Channel Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits each space. 1 How can I stop making......... mistakes in my exam? . CARE 2 Her sister is a very.......... songwriter. SUCCESS 3 I don’t know what to say! I’m ........................................ SPEECH 4 Mr Buxton is such a kind and ...........man. THOUGHT 5 Be .............! There’s a banana skin on the road. CARE rftCHitlig О Listen to Erica talking to her friend in MTV stands for Music Television. It is a cable television channel located in New York City and the first channel to show non-stop music videos. MTV first started broadcasting on August 1, 1981. It went to air at 12 01 am with the words "Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll!". The first music video shown on MTV was "Video Killed the Radio Star" by The Buggies. MTV became very popular during the 80s and the 90s. Attractive young men and women introduced the videos. They were called VJs (video jockeys) after the term DJ (disc jockeys). A large number of rock bands and performers such as Madonna and Bon Jovi rose to fame, thanks to MTV. As time passed, MTV introduced a variety of other shows. These included soap operas, reality shows and animated cartoons such as Beavis and Butthead. On August 1, 2006 MTV celebrated its 25th anniversary. a music shop. What type of music do her friends like? 1 MTV didn’t exist before August 1981. 2 The first MTV broadcast started at ГП 1 Paul a jazz noon. 1 2 1 1 Susan b rock 3 MTV helped the careers of many 1 3 1 1 Pat c funk performers. 1 4 1 1 Stephanie d rap 4 Beavis and Butthead is a popular music 1 5 1 1 Alan e soul video. f heavy metal 5 MTV is not as popular today as it was g pop in the ‘90s. h classical 6 Today you can enjoy a variety of programmes on MTV. 7 MTV is 25 years old. 43 Writing (a film review) Look at the picture. What type of film is it? Shrek is a fantastic, animated film, directed by A. Adamson and Vicky Jenson.The story takes place in an imaginary land where people and fairy tale creatures live together. The main characters are Shrek, Donkey, Princess Fiona and Lord Farquaad. Mike Myers does Shrek’s voice, Eddie Murphy does Donkey’s and Cameron Diaz is Princess Fiona. Shrek is an ogre. He is a very big and scary green creature that lives in a smelly old swamp. He has a happy and quiet life until Lord Farquaad decides to move all the fairy tale creatures to his swamp. Shrek is not happy about this decision. He and Donkey go to Lord Farquaad to talk to him about the problem. Lord Farquaad tells Shrek that he can get his home back but only if he saves Princess Fiona from a castle and brings her to him. Farquaad wants to marry Fiona. At the castle, Shrek and Donkey have to fight a dangerous dragon. This film is well worth seeing. It tells an amusing story and is also a great adventure film. I strongly recommend Shrek for those who looking for a film that the whole family can enjoy. are Write a film review using the information below. Use the review above as a model. a) Tick (/) which of the following the writer includes in the review. recommendation ..... the main parts of the story ......... the setting ..... the name of the cinema ..... main characters ..... the ending ..... type of film ..... title ..... b) What words does he use to recommend the film? 44 Title/Type of film - Sp/derman/Adventure Setting/Main - New York City characters/director - Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Norman Osborn - played by Tobey Maguire, William Dafoe and Kirsten Dunst - directed by Sam Raimi Events in the order - Peter Parker is a student they happen who doesn’t have many friends - a spider bites him in a museum - he can do everything a spider can do - he wants to stop Norman Osborn from hurting people - he helps people who need him - he looks after Mary Jane Watson, the girl he likes Recommendation - very exciting - well worth seeing - fun for the whole family (к 7 Grammar Practice Underline the correct word. 1 He is better/best at playing the violin than his brother. 2 Mary is funniest/funnier than Garth. 3 That is the worst/worse film I’ve seen in ages! 4 Robbie Williams is my most/more favourite singer. 5 James is tallest/taller than Mike. 6 She is the more/most polite person I know. 7 He is not as good/better at football as his brother. 8 Bobby is a lot more/most talented than James. 9 This job is getting harder and harder/ hardest. 10 He is by far the older/oldest person in the office. a) Complete the table. Adjective Comparative Superlative great ► 21'^ater ► greatest most famous funnier cleverest attractive noisier short more intelligent richest loud well more quietly most beautifully badly b) Use adjectives and adverbs from the table, in the correct form, to complete the letter. Dear Sandra, I hope you’re 1).........I’m in Hollywood! Everywhere I go I see actors that I recognise because this is where many of the 2).............. stars live. I saw Julia Roberts this morning. She is 3)........... than I imagined; in/act she’s not as tall as me. But she is very beautiful, and I think she’s even 4)............ in real life than in her films. Hollywood is an expensive place, though. Can you believe I paid $4 for a bottle of water? I think the people here must be a lot 5)............. than people back home. Yesterday we paid $30 to see a comedy show, but I have to say the comedian was the 6)..............I've ever seen. I love Hollywood. I think it’s the 7)............. place on earth. I don’t want to leave, but we’re returning on Sunday evening. So, see you soon. Love, Adele Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect. A: Do you know Steven? B: Yes. We are good friends. I 1).............. .......(know) him for more than 10 years. A: Really? I 2) .........................(meet) him for the first time last week. A: A В A: 3) (you/finished) practising the guitar? Yes, 14) ..............(stop) an hour ago. Do you have the new Arctic Monkeys album? Yes. I 5) ..........................(have) it for over a week now. 16) (buy) it yesterday. 45 Grammar Practice Use the prompts to compare the people below, as in the example. • young • old • tall • short • happy • handsome Translator’s CORNER ( David ) ( Cindy) ► Cindy is younger than David. Answer the questions about yourself. 1 What is the best film you have ever seen? ► The best film I have ever seen is Star Wars. 2 Who is the funniest actor you have ever seen? 3 Which is the scariest thriller you have ever seen? 4 Who is the most popular singer in your country? 5 Which film do you think has the most exciting action scenes? 6 What is the worst film you have ever seen? 46 1. What's the English for: a) успешный режиссер, талантливый оперный певец, любимый герой американских мультфильмов, концерты джазовой музыки, альбом молодой рок-звезды; b) быть осторожным, следовать полезным советам, оставаться безмолвным, включить компьютер, превратиться в фею; c) в течение долгого времени, с тех пор как он окончил школу, со вчерашнего вечера, сотни тысяч болельщиков, два билета на б-часовой сеанс? 2. Translate the sentences: 1. Какой российский мультфильм самый смешной из всех, которые ты смотрел? 2. Этот молодой актер не так известен, как многие звезды экрана, но он один из самых талантливых в нашем кино. 3. Он известен своими ролями в триллерах уже 15 лет. 4. Мои родители не были в кино уже много лет. Они предпочитают концерты классической музыки. 5. Мой брат стал победителем в ТВ-викторине по истории мирового кинематографа. 3. Translate the text: В прошлом году я стал членом школьного киноклуба, у каждого из нас есть любимый жанр в кино; комедии или мультфильмы, фэнтези или научная фантастика, детективы или документальные фильмы. На наших встречах мы рассказываем об истории любимого жанра. Мы также вместе смотрим фильмы, а потом обсуждаем их. Мы научились писать отзывы на просмотренные фильмы. Иногда к нам в гости приходят люди из мира кино: режиссеры, актеры, операторы, критики. Многие из них рассказывают, что начали интересоваться кино еще в детстве. L Save the earth ♦ Collocations 1 Match the words in A to the words in В and use them to complete the sentences. A ^ toxic factory acid natural soil plant solar У в species fumes pollution power habitats waste rain 1 ................ is very harmful to the environment. 2 A lot of ................ is dumped into this river. 3 Chemicals cause................. A .................is environmentally friendly. 5 Many............are in danger of dying out. 6 Forest fires cause many animals to lose their................. 7 How can I avoid breathing................. from cars while cycling in the city? ♦ Present Perfect Continuous Complete the sentences with the present perfect continuous. You look tired................(you/work) in the garden all afternoon? We ............... (use) solar power for ten years now. The children..‘............(play) on the computer for a long time. Tell them to stop. A lot of animals ................ (lose) their natural habitats recently. Complete the sentences by choosing a, b or c. Under the clear blue sea, there are beautiful underwater cities that are rich in life. They have been around for millions of years and they are communities of ocean creatures that live together in coral reefs. Coral looks like rock, but it is actually a huge collection of tiny clear animals called coral polyps. The bright colour of coral comes from tiny sea plants called algae. Coral and algae depend on each other to live. Coral may feel tough but it's very sensitive. Today, many coral reefs are dying and there are many reasons why. First of all, the oceans are getting warmer. This kills the algae and so the coral reefs lose their colour and food. Water pollution, fishing with dynamite as well as the careless collection of coral also hurt coral reefs. If we don't take action, all the reefs will die in around 20 years. This will lead thousands of sea creatures to extinction. We can help save the world's coral reefs by joining an environmental organization like Reef Relief. It's worth a try! 1 Coral reefs are... a islands. b towns, c ocean communities. 2 Coral is... a hard. b soft. c blue. 3 Coral polyps are... a huge plants, b sensitive creatures, c bright-coloured algae. 4 Coral reefs die because... a algae lose their colour, b people fish them. c the oceans’ temperature increases. 47 8 Eco-helpers 3 s 4 h 5 w ВД a) Match. 111 collect a rubbish 121 recycle b out a pond 131 plant c nesting boxes 141 I build d flowers 151 I clean e cans b) Use the phrases above in the correct form to complete the questions. Then do the quiz. Have you ever in your local park? Yes / No Have you ever with a net? Yes / No Have you ever for the birds? j Yes / No Have you ever in your garden? Yes / No Have you ever made any extra money by ? Yes / No ' -1 Yes Try a bit harder. -3 Yes You're doing well! -5 Yes Congratulations! Choose the correct response. A: Can I give you a hand watering those flowers? B: a No thanks, I’m fine, b That’s right. A; Do you need some help cleaning the pond? B: a Sure, thanks! b You have to. A: I have to tidy the eco-library later, a Can I give you a hand? b Yes, please. В ОйШШН? ♦ Question tags Fill in the question tags. We are running out of freshwater, ? The world has got warmer,..................? We have to create less rubbish,............? The oil killed many fish,...................? It’s wrong to drop litter on the street. You didn’t take those cans to the recycling bank,.....................? • (don’t) have to What are the duties of a forest guard? Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the example. • wear a uniform / • plant trees Л • patrol the forest / • feed wild animals X • fight forest fires / • build nesting boxes X ► A forest warden has to/must wear a uniform. Born free toBaBidW a) Look at the map of the zoo and label the sections according to the animals that live there. tropical rainforest |2| wood |3| savannah HI wetlands |5| desert L6l_ polar region b) Match the animals to their icons in the map. • alligator ..... • zebra ......... • polar bear..... • penguin ....... • camel ......... • giraffe ....... • parrot ........ • elephant ...... • snake ......... • hippo ......... • monkey ........ Q Listen to a man talking about the famous underwater explorer Jacques Yves Cousteau and fill in the fact file. Name: Jacques Yves Cousteau Date of birth: 11 June 1)...... Place of birth: 2)...... Profession: 3)............., ecologist, filmmaker, photographer and researcher Name of boat: 4)........ Award Winning Film: The Silent 5)..... 49 Writing (a for-and-against essay) a) Read the text. Then use the linking words in the box to complete the gaps. • On the other hand • On the one hand • Furthermore • To sum up • However Every year, thousands of medicines are tested on animals. Is this necessary or is it something we can avoid? 1) ......................, research on animals has brought us many benefits. It helped us discover ways to help people and other animals live healthier lives in the future. Moreover, scientists claim that there is no other way to test if certain drugs are safe for living beings. 2) ......................, many of these experiments cause pain to animals. Animals have rights too and it’s cruel to make them suffer. 3) .................., not all animal testing has brought benefits to human beings. 4) , there are strong arguments both for and against animal testing. Nowadays, scientists try to make experiments as humane as possible. 5)....................., I believe that animal testing is cruel and scientists should keep trying to find other methods to test new drugs. b) Choose a title for the text. 1 Animal testing is cruel 2 Animal testing: a blessing or a curse? 3 The benefits of animal research Read the article again. Then complete the box. Arguments for animal testing 1 2 3 ............................... Arguments against animal testing 1 2 3 ............................... a) Are you for or against adopting a stray animal? Complete the box. Arguments for adopting a stray’ animal 1 ..................................... 2 3 ................................... Arguments against adopting a stray animal 1 2 3 ................................... 50 ’homeless b) Use your ideas from Ex. 3a as well as the plan below and write your essay. • Introduction (stating the topic) • Advantages • Disadvantages • Conclusion (personal opinion) Га 8 Grammar Practice Underline the correct form. 1 They have talked/have been talking about it all morning. 2 He’s not here because he has been going/has gone to work. He’ll be back at 4 o’clock. 3 The children cleaned/have been cleaning the playground yesterday. 4 She has studied/has been studying all day. 5 I worked/have been working without a break since 8 o’clock. 6 I have been walking/walked to the park last week. What do/don’t you have to do on every day of the week? Monday 1 ........................ Tuesday 2 .............................. Wednesday 3......................... Thursday 4......................... Friday 5......................... Saturday 6......................... Sunday 7 ............................... ► On Mondays I have to do my homework, but I don’t have to clean up my room. Fill in the sentences with have to, don’t have to, 1 You..............go to the desert to see camels. You can see them at the zoo. 2 You......................work hard if you want to become a doctor. It is not easy. 3 You .....................come with me. I’m the only one who knows how to get there. 4 We...............do something to protect the environment. 5 You..................give me a lift. I will walk. 6 You .................do the washing up. Patty has done it already. El Underline the correct word. Dear Patty, Hi there! How are you? We 1) have been learning/learn about pollution at school this week and how it destroys the natural 2) areas/habitats of many animals. We 3) have to/don’t have to protect these endangered species before they disappear altogether. For example, acid rain 4) damages/has been damaging the environment for years. It starts with the smoke from power 5) stations/factorles and the fumes from car exhausts! The clouds take in the smoke and then it rains down on us! We 6) have to/don’t have to do much to reduce pollution. We can do little things like walking to school instead of taking the bus, and recycling our rubbish. The government 7) has been talking/was talking about the problem and it is trying to find ways to reduce acid rain. Write and tell me what you 8) done/have been doing at school. Love, Sara Match the clauses to the questions tags. This is a disaster, You can’t see it, This story isn’t true. My parents are really happy, Steve told her, I could join as well. a couldn’t I? b aren’t they? c didn’t he? d can you? e isn't it? f is it? 51 8 Grammar Practice •I Write clauses to complete the sentences. 1 ..............................., can’t you? 2 ................................., did he? 3 .................................. are they? 4 ................................., do you? 5 ................................. won’t we? Circle the correct answer. 1 We......stop polluting the environment. A don’t have В have not C have to 2 They have been......up litter all morning. A pick В picking C picks 3 We......cook tonight. Cindy has invited us to dinner at her place. A must have В don’t have to C have to 4 She doesn’t work here anymore,......? A is she В doesn’t she C does she 5 You.....to come with me. I can’t go there on my own. A have В must C should 6 We’ve......a wonderful new car. A buy В bought C buying 7 You .... study hard if you want to go to university. A have В must C need 8 You couldn’t lend me £10 till the end of the week,......? A did you В could you C will you 9 I’ve been.....about you all day. A think В thought C thinking 10 Do I really...do my homework? A have to В must C should Translator’s CORNER 52 1. What’s the English for: a) выделять токсичные пары; загрязнение воздуха и почвы; естественная среда обитания; кислотные дожди; отходы промышленного производства; b) виды животных, находящиеся под угрозой вымирания; перерабатывать банки; собирать мусор; c) придумывать предложения; понять почерк; помириться с кем-либо; чистить пруд; записаться в кружок; аргументы за и против; уничтожить многие виды рыб; уехать из города? J 2. Translate the sentences: 1. - Правительство пытается уменьшить загрязнение воздуха, не так ли? - Верно, сейчас существуют новые правила пользования автомобилями. 2. Ребятам пришлось собрать мусор, да? 3. Кислотные дожди уже много лет наносят серьезный вред лесам Швеции. 4. - Ты с утра строишь скворечники, не так ли? -Да, хочу закончить как можно быстрее, присоединяйся, поможешь. 5. Возьми садовые перчатки, грабли и лейку и помоги отцу в саду. Ш 3. Translate the text: Экологическая ситуация на планете Земля очень неблагоприятная. Из-за загрязнения воздуха, воды и почвы многие виды птиц и животных находятся в опасности. Кислотные дожди отравляют воду и почву. Многие виды рыб и растений погибают. Мы должны сделать все, что можем, чтобы уменьшить загрязнение окружающей среды. Нужно быть друзьями природы; сажать цветы, убирать мусор, отправлять его на вторичную переработку, чистить пруды, реки и озера. Мы должны постараться сохранить естественную среду обитания животных. You are what you eat! teEM!g$7 Categorise the food and drinks on the shopping list by completing the chart. SHaPPIMG LISX ice cream tuna low-fat yoghurt tomatoee frozen chipe onlone bar of chocolate white eu^ar brown rice biscuits chicken nu^eets lettuce Heal4~hy Foodl Junk, РооД Circle the odd one out. 1 onions - green peppers - chocolate - lettuce 2 chicken legs - lamb chops - onions -sausages 3 biscuits - tuna - crisps - cola 4 bananas - low-fat milk - ice-cream - butter Label the containers. Then match them with their contents. ^ D of salad of water 3 I' 9 a c _ _ 0^ soup ’ ^ ab__________ o^tea 5 ^ ab_____________ of chocolates ♦ Phrasal verbs у Complete the phrasal verbs with off, out, away and back. 1 If you don’t like it, then take if..to the shop. 2 It is very hot. I think I will take.my shirt. 3 Can we eat a take......tonight? 4 My parents always take us....on Fridays. What did Alex order? Choose from sentences A-H to complete the dialogue. There are two extra sentences'. Waiter: Good evening. What can I get you? Alex: 1) ................................... Waiter: And as a main course? Alex: 2) ................................... Waiter: Can I suggest the lamb chops? They’re very good. Alex: 3) ................................... Waiter: Would you like chips or a bowl of rice with that? Alex: 4) ................................... Waiter: And would you like something to drink? Alex: 5) ................................... I Waiter: A bottle of water. Is that all, sir? I Alex: 6) ................................... A В C D E F G H I think I’ll have the chicken legs. Yes, thank you. Rice, please. A bottle of water, please. Would you like a bottle of cola? I’ll have the salad to start, please. No, thank you. I’ll stick with the chicken today. No, thank you. I don’t want dessert. (Ишпшш ♦ Quantifiers Circle the correct item. I bought any / some tins of tuna. There are no / any apples left. Do you have any / a few milk? There aren’t some / any frozen peas. There’s only a little / a few pie left. Is she making a lot of / a little cookies? There is a few / a lot of lettuce. They’ve got some / a few water. Can you make a few / a little sandwiches? 53 9 Can I help you? №еёо1!з$7 Match the signs to the shops. 1 2 GREAT RANGE шшшзаш ^ earrmg set wiih ШЕ BSUCEIET Jewellery shop E Homeware shop F Clothes shop G Optician’s H Sports shop Bookshop Toy shop Electronics shop Imagine you’re in a shop. Who will you talk to if... you see a shoplifter? .................. you want to apply for a job there? ................ you want to pay for some items? ................ you want a shirt in a different size? ...................... you’ve spilt your drink on the floor? ................ (ЙЕШТПВТР Circle the correct answer. Your hair is wet....? a Have you been swimming b Have you swum A new DVD store.....in our neighbourhood. a has opened b has been opening It’s cold. It.all day. a has snowed b has been snowing The snow......yet. a hasn’t been starting b hasn’t started How long......on this project? a have they been working b have they worked She......to Athens before. a hasn’t been travelling b hasn’t travelled Circle the correct answer. 1 A: Hello.............................. please. a I’d like an ice cream b I’d like some sunscreen B: Sure. What factor? 2 A: That’s £29.40, please. B: a Here you are. b Thank you. 3 A: How much is it, please? B: a What factor? b It’s £15.30. 4 A: Hello, I’d like a pair of black trousers, please. B: a Sure. What flavour? b Sure. What size? 54 Gifts for everyone! Vtosljjgfeigy ♦ Describing objects a) Label the boxes with the words below. Then complete the captions A, B, C with the words given. (• shape • material • pattemj polka dot, checked, 1) s. В D triangular, round, 2) r.... 3)s..................,4) 0. D 5) w. 6) m. . plastic, ,, leather b) Look at the pictures and complete the exchanges, describing the objects. Use adjectives from the boxes above. [Ц # 1 A What did your sister leave on the bus? В .................. bag A Where do you keep the I 2 towels? _____________ в ........................ ( trunk ) 3 - A What is John trying on? в ( hat ) Г 4 [ A What did you buy Anna for her birthday? В (picture frame) A Where do you keep your |T] socks? В (ches^ A What was John wearing? ( shorts ) О Emily is shopping for new clothes. Listen to the dialogue between Emily and the shop assistant and answer the questions. Emily needs a new outfit for A a wedding. В a party. C a job interview. What size is Emily? A small В medium C large What colour does Emily decide to try on? A blue В brown C orange What is Emily looking for? A a skirt and a pair of shoes В a jacket, a skirt and a pair of shoes C a jacket and a pair of trousers Where should Emily go to buy shoes? A the Footwear department В the Womenswear department C the Sports department 55 Writing (an e-mail giving news) Read the text and match the paragraphs to the headings. 6* MVt TdOb HMMgt *0 “У I 4-! U| lil ib 99П »>9>et Oltn* •L!! 4:i£J7 l^y Hi Simon! Thank you for your last e-mail. I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner, but it was my birthday and 1 have been busy celebrating! I had a big party at the bowling alley near my house and got some really wonderful presents. Let me tell you all about them. Firstly, my parents gave me a wooden skateboard. It’s brilliant and it goes really fast. It’s red and blue with a silver stripe down the middle. My grandparents gave me a nice black leather jacket. All the kids at school will love it! My brother gave me a watch, because I lost my old one. It is silver and has a round face. I wear it all the time, even at the beach as it is waterproof. My aunt gave me a pair of trainers. They are plain white and luckily don’t have fancy designs all over them as I prefer simple things. I got lots of other things too, but I’ll tell you more when I see you. When is your birthday? I have a great present in mind for you. See you soon, Peter a closing remarks b description of the presents c greetings and news about the party Imagine you had a party for your birthday. Make a detailed list of the presents you got. Make a list of the presents Peter got for his birthday. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Use your ideas from Ex. 3 and write an e-mail to a friend about your birthday party and the presents you got. ^redandblije ^ .board Introduction: • reason for writing • time and place of the party г 3 4 ^ 5 Main Body: description of the presents Conclusion: closing remarks 56 & 9 Giammar P Г a С t i c e Put the nouns in the correct box, • salt • cereal • banana • butter • egg • bread • sausage • tomato • rice • hamburger one (countable) some (uncountable) Fill in the gaps with a few/a little, I’m going to ask Katie for................ tomatoes for the salad. The baby has .....................milk left in her bottle. Could you put ............nuts in the bowl? I eat .....................meat every day. Matthew is buying .................oranges from the fruit section. Choose the correct item. V I always have a big breakfast before I leave for school. I start with 1) some/any orange juice and 2) a few/a little pieces of toast. After that, I have a bowl of cereal with 3) some/many milk. Sometimes, I eat 4) a little/a few cheese, too. When mum makes her special pancakes, I have 5) a lot of/much them with 6) a/some syrup. I don’t eat 7) any/no fruit. My elder sister always yells at me because I eat so 8) much/many food, but she has 9) no/ any idea how hungry I am! Look at the table below and complete the column about what you eat in the morning. Then make sentences, as in the example. я tot -Я Little/ ^t^t (of) " a few ^ ялу if ДГ vv ^ vv V vv I V - ^ r -»■ V V Jf i X 1 - - * V jr ► Bill eats a lot of chocolate in the mornins. Sue doesn’t eat any chocolate in the mornins. t eat/don’t eat... in the mornins. 57 9 Grammar Practice Circle the correct item. 1 I’ve just...that new action film. A seen В seeing 2 They’ve been.......aU day. A talked В talking 3 She’s already......to my house. A been В being 4 Have you been.....today? A swum В swimming Translator’s ^ Fill in the blanks with the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous. 1 A: How long ............................she ..........................(know) him? B: They have been friends for a long time. 2 A: Have you found your keys yet? B: No, I .......................(look) for them all morning. 3 A: Do you like the musician David Matthews? B: Yes. I ......................(just/buy) his new CD. 4 A: Why is James angry? B: He...................(lose) the keys for his house. 5 A: Where have you been? B: I....................(work) out in the gym all afternoon. 6 A: Where is Sarah? B: She..................(go) to the shops with her mother and sister. 7 A: I.....................(go) to the Greek Islands for years now. B: You must like going there very much. 58 CORNER ^ 1. What’s the English for: a) здоровая пища, нежирный йогурт, большая плитка молочного шоколада, аптечка первой помощи, прохладные напитки; b) заказать гамбургеры с собой, футболка другого размера, пара кроссовок, черная кожаная куртка, вернуть босоножки в магазин; c) обедать в школьной столовой, банка меда, найти покупателю перчатки большего размера, собрать вещи в лагерь? 2. Translate the sentences: 1. У нас закончились фрукты. Купи яблок и апельсинов. 2. Для этого пирога мне нужно немного молока и муки, несколько яиц, чуть-чуть соли и сахара. 3. Для здоровой жизни нужно пить много чистой, свежей воды. 4. Мой брат с детства покупает книги в этом книжном магазине. 5. Мне очень нравится мамин подарок. Мне всегда хотелось иметь такую сумку. 6. Это голубое платье очень идет тебе. И сидит оно отлично. И туфли подходят! 3. Translate the dialogue: - Ты не поможешь мне купить продукты для праздничного стола к моему дню рождения? - С удовольствием. Ты сама составляла список покупок? - Нет, вместе с мамой. Я только добавила сувениры для игр и конкурсов. - Тебе нужно покупать мясо или рыбу? Я в этом ничего не понимаю. - Не волнуйся! В этом году мы решили накрыть чайный стол. Поэтому мы купим конфет, печенья и фруктов. - А торт? Я видела свечи в списке покупок. - Мы купим все для торта; муку, яйца, сахар, сметану, орехи. А моя мама испечет торт сама. Я ей буду помогать. о Stress free №б1гйОЩ7 Match to form collocations. Then use the phrases in the correct form to complete the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 to move to sit to practise to throw to lose a a party b house c something valuable d a musical instrument e an exam В 1 We ..............................Our new address is 58 Whitehart Road, Portsmouth. 2 I .......................this afternoon and I feel very stressed. 3 How about ..........................for your birthday? 4 What are you looking for? Have you .....................................? 5 Helen always complains unless she 6 Is there a room at school where students can...................................? What is the word for each type of illness or problem? 2 t 4 s 6 s Circle the correct answer. 1 Please separate/allow the two sheets of paper. 2 Ben got the management/blame for the broken window. 3 Stop sitting around/away doing nothing! 4 Don’t worry, the animals will be fine. This experiment is completely harmless/hurtful. 5 It’s unfair/mean that Sue got a higher mark than Erica on this project. 6 There’s a strange gossip/rumour going around about Melanie. ♦ Phrasal verbs (fall) Fill in the gaps with apart, behind, out with. 1 Our car is falling............We should replace it soon. 2 There’s something wrong with George. He’s falling............with his work. 3 Have you fallen .............. Helen? She didn’t talk to you this morning. tfteffilfnigfi* ♦ should/shouldn't/unless Rewrite the sentences, as in the example. 1 sleep late/Saturday night ► You shouldn't sleep late, unless it's Saturday night. 2 take an aspirin/have a headache 3 sit around doing nothing/be on holiday 4 throw a birthday party/have time to make preparations 5 apologise/be the one to blame .......................................59 % Accident-prone What has happened to each person? Write questions and answers, as in the example. ^ I / / / 1 ►A: What’s wrons with him? B: He has chipped his tooth. Choose the correct answer for the puns below. What is the only thing you can break when you say its name? It runs and runs, but has no feet. What is it? The more it dries, the wetter it gets. What is it? What do you lose when you run a race and win? a Water b A towel c The silence d Your breath Circle the correct answer. 1 A: I think I’ve twisted my ankle. B: a What’s wrong? b Let me help you. c Is something wrong? 2 A: Is it going to hurt, doctor? B: a What’s the matter? b You don’t look well, c Don’t worry. 3 A: a I can do it myself. b You don’t look well. What’s wrong? c Have you had much rest lately? B: I hurt my back when I fell off my bicycle. 4 A: a Is something wrong? b Are you all right? c Have you ever broken a leg? B: Yes, I’m OK. <*toiiTiiPI? ♦ Reflexive pronouns Complete the exchanges with the correct reflexive pronoun. 1 A: Do you need help finding your notebook? B: No, I can find it .................... 2 A: Are they going skiing with their parents? B: No, they’re going by ................. 3 A: Did Mary get upset when she chipped her tooth? B: Yes. But she calmed .................. down on the way to the dentist. 4 A: What did you do at the weekend? B: We entertained ....................... by watching DVDs. 5 A: I fell down some steps yesterday. B: Oh, no! Did you hurt .................? 60 о Doctor, doctor! health problems. Jenny Mike Mary Lucy 5 I I Lucy’s dad A > a) Use verbs from the box to complete the collocations. • put (x2) • wash • have • drink • get • lie • take • eat 1 .................drops in it 2 .................a hot cup of tea 3 .................with cold water 4 .................a cold pack on 5 .................plenty of fluids 6 .................light meals 7 .................some rest 8 .................down 9 .................a painkiller b) Choose phrases from above to complete the exchanges. A: My throat feels sore. B: Why don’t you ............... A: I’ve just twisted my ankle. B: Then you should.............. immediately! щ ^ A: Jenny has a terrible headache. B: Tell her to ................. teiBiS Read the text and mark the sentences T (True), F (False) or DS (Doesn’t Say). SLBBP WBLL Do you have difficulty waking up in the morning? Do you find it hard to concentrate in class? Does your mood change often or do you sometimes feel sad without a reason? Then, maybe you are not getting enough sleep. Most teens need about 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night. This is necessary for anyone who wants to do well in exams or play sport and don’t feel exhausted afterwards. However, many teens usually go to bed late. This may be because the hormone that regulates sleep appears later at night during a young person’s teenage years. In some schools, middle and high school classes start later to help teens get more sleep. If your school doesn’t do that, try to get more sleep. Relax your mind, avoid drinks with caffeine and stay away from bright lights before you go to bed. This will help both your body and mind work better! people to the 1 Changes in your mood can stop you from concentrating in class. a headache 2 Teens need less than 8 hours of b sore throat sleep each night. c toothache 3 Hormones affect teens’ sleeping d sore eyes patterns. e fever 4 Teens start lessons later in some f earache schools. g stomachache 5 You should have a drink with caffeine h backache to sleep well. 61 10 Writing (a letter giving advice) a) Read the letter and fill in: • Let me know • Another suggestion • you should do • It’s better than • how about Dear Annie, Thank you for writing to me about your problem. I was sorry to hear that you are unhappy at your new school because you don't know anyone there. I have some advice on how to make new friends. The first thing 1).............is try to become part of the new school. For example, 2)..............joining the drama club? This way, you show people you really want to be a part of things. 3)...............is to invite a few of your classmates to study with you. 4)............studying alone and, by doing this, you will get to know people better. I hope you find my advice useful. Don't forget, it's up to you to make things happen. 5)................how things go. I think that you will soon have lots of new friends. — --- Best wishes, Paula b) Answer the questions. What advice does Paula give to Annie? Why does Paula think her advice will work? Mark each phrase below with 0 (Opening remark) or C (Closing remark). 1 Thanks for writing 4 I hope you find my about... □ advice ... □ 2 I was sorry to hear 5 Thank you for that... □ your letter... □ 3 Remember/Don’t 6 Let me know forget that... □ how/about... □ Read part of a letter that Diana wrote to you. What is her problem? ...you’re older than I am and maybe you can help me with my problem. I get very stressed before my school exams. I can’t sleep at night, and I feel tired all the time. __ What should I do? Match each piece of advice to its reason. I Tell your teacher now before you fall behind. I Ask her to give you more exercises for practice. I Explain that you sincerely want to keep up in class. Teachers are there to support you with extra help when you need it. By showing that you really want to learn, your teacher won't get angry. The teacher can’t know what your problem is if you don’t tell her. Write a letter of advice to Diana. Use the plan below and the letter in Ex.1 as a model. Plan Dear Diana Introduction: opening remarks/show you care/offer advice Main Body: your first suggestion and the reason behind it/your second piece of advice and the reason behind it Conclusion: closing remarks/a wish/hope that all goes well All the best, (first name) 62 Гй 10 Grammar Practice а) Fill in with the correct reflexive pronoun. Singular Plural myself yourselves himself/ /itself b) Make four sentences with reflexive pronouns, as in the example. ► They hurt themselves while playing football. Fill in the gaps with must or mustn^t. 1 You............tell lies. It is wrong. 2 I..............go to the bank this morning. I need money. 3 You...........wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. 4 You...........forget to pay the bills. Rewrite the sentences using if and unless, as in the example. 1 If you don’t revise early, you won’t do well on your exams. ► Unless you revise early, you won*t do well on your exams. 2 Unless she gets some rest, she won’t be able to continue her work. 3 If Chris doesn’t have a stomachache, he should go to school. 4 If we don’t hurry, we will miss lunch. 5 Unless I exercise regularly, my body won’t stay healthy. 6 If Chloe doesn’t study, she won’t get good marks. 7 Unless you learn some stress-management techniques, you won’t know how to deal with stress. 8 If I don’t call, they will be worried. 9 Unless Mr and Mrs Jones leave the house at 9:00 am, they will miss their flight. 10 Unless we think positively, the problem will be worse. ^ Circle the correct item. 1 If Michael..... a new computer, he will let us use it. A buys В bought C is buying 2 She finished the exercise by......... Nobody helped her. A ourselves В himself C herself 3 I won’t do it .... you ask me nicely. You must learn to be polite. A if В when C unless 4 If you exercise regularly, you ...... have more energy. A will В won’t C can 5 When babies are happy, they....... A would smile В smile C are smiling 6 ....you go to bed early, you will be tired in the morning. A If В Unless C Must 7 He fixed the car all by...... A himself В itself C yourself 8 I burnt....while I was cooking supper. A myself В itself C himself 9 I go to sleep......I’m tired. A unless В when C so 63 64 GramimH’ Practice 10 They entertained....for hours by playing a game. A themselves В ourselves C yourselves Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits each space. 1 Angelina Jolie is very .................... (ATTRACT) 2 Have you read this ........................ leaflet? (INFORM) 3 J.K. Rowling is a very..................... writer. (lAAAGINE) 4 The view from our hotel was................ (IMPRESS) 5 John is an ................little boy. (ACT) Я Circle the correct answer. 1 Olga......to Paris twice this year. A visited В visits C has visited 2 You look tired!.....all day? A Have you studied В Have you been studying C Did you study 1 .... these cans to the recycling bank tomorrow. A will take В took C am going to take 4 Anna.....very hard these days. A works В worked C is working Where......your History book last night? A have you put В do you put C did you put Hurry up! The film.....at 9:00 pm! A starts В will start C is starting Translator’s CORNER 1. What's the English for: a) устроить вечеринку; заниматься спортом; подвернуть ногу; растянуть связки запястья; болеть (о животе); сломать ногу; не соглашаться с кем-то; высокая температура; чувствовать изможденным; b) умываться холодной водой; сильно пораниться; хорошо вести себя; быстро одеться; сделать что-то самому; плохо себя чувствовать; подняться с земли; порезаться; c) поссориться с друзьями; готовиться к экзаменам; пальто износилось (разваливается) ; заботиться о младшем брате; отставать от товарищей? 2. Translate the sentences: 1. В пять я записан к врачу. У меня два дня болит зуб. 2. - У брата болят глаза. -Тебе следует закапать капли, и ему будет лучше. 3. Осторожно, нож очень острый, ты можешь порезать палец. 4. - Борис ударился головой. Я вызову скорую. -Тебе следует положить что-то холодное ему на лоб. 5. У вас высокая температура, вам следует больше пить жидкости. 3. Translate the dialogue: Мама, я не очень хорошо себя чувствую. Что случилось, милая? У меня болит голова. Я дам тебе обезболивающее. И мне больно глотать. Анечка, давай, измерим температуру, хорошо? У тебя воспалено горло и небольшая температура. Боюсь, ты заболеваешь. Ложись в постель. Но у меня завтра волейбольная тренировка! Тебе придется побыть пару дней дома. Я вызову врача. А пока ты должна много пить теплой воды и отдыхать. SET 1 Pcrirwork Activities Visual Materials Student ^ 1A 2A ЗА Visit the SYDNEY Visitors Centre Darling Harbour OPEN DAILY 9.30 am to 5.30 pm Tour and accommodation booking facilities Shop with maps, brochures, gifts and souvenirs Bus, train, coach and sigtefeeing tickets available 4A FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR 4-8 October Open 9 am — 6.30 pm Large car park in Rebstock Cataloque €20 Entrance Fees: General public €9.50 Students €5 EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE An amazing documentary ^ series ^ The Musical 66 Genius 9 pm Monday 25th September, Channel Five Featuring 26-year-old Derek Paraviccini. 5A ^ Exclusive interview With Kierq Knightly I * See fhe latest styles _Jn coats & iack^,. Best beout^buy^^ ^^l^^tyle secrets p35 ^ CAMERA for Sale Second-hand digital camera for sale Comes with carrying case, 128 Mb memory stick and batteries.Oniy £85 Call: David Green on 6947856123 after 6 pm 6A Drayton Manor Tainworth, $fafford.sh!rc Home of the Apoc^lypee — Dnfalrfe зсапееЬ ride Over 100 different epeciee of animate Opening hours: 10.30am - 6 pm Entrance Fees: Family ticket £66, Adults £20, Children £15, Pairwork Activities Visual Materials SET 1 7A Coming soon! 8A TN( BLACK рктхА A Brian De Palma Film Based on the novel by James Ellroy Srarring: ’ . tttt If! -««t Josh Scarlett Aaron Hilary Hartnett Johansson Eckhart Swank •»« ti» it»f Crime thriller Rated 15 Running Time 121 mins COME AND MEET ELLA THE AFRICAN ELEPHANT AT TODAY! • Elephant Talks at 11.30 am and 4.30 pm_______________ • Have lunch in the Cafe Tsavo • Buy souvenirs in the Ark Shop • Ride the monorail or the water bus P.S. THERE ARE LOTS OF OTHER ANIMALS TOO! Student 9A OPENING SOON , рта DEPARTMENT STORE □pens 9th October 9 am Seven floors of fashion, footwear, toys, and much more, Family restaurant on the Bth floor Monday - Saturday 9 am - 9 pm Sunday 10 am - 4 pm 10A Hambleton Health Centre Opening hours: Mon - Fri 8 am to 6 pm 67 SET 2 Pairwork Activities Visual Materials Student В 1B 3B Visit the-.-SYDNEY 2B 68 ACi^ARIUM ^^^arling Harbour OPEN DAILY 9 am to 10 pm More than 11,500 Australian animals including sharks and crocodiles Tickets: Adult $27.50 Child $14.00 Hot & cold food available Closing down sale laiBg-gain New & used books in all subjects at low prices Up to 70% off-Everything must go! Sale starts 9 am Monday morning Bargain Books, Wall Street, Brockhurst THE TOWER OF LONDON • Part of British royal history for 1,000 years. • Home of the Crown Jewels • Next to the River Thames Opening hours; Tues - Sat 9 am - 6 pm, Mon-Sun 10 am-6 pm Adult - £15, ‘ Child £9.50 ' Please allow ^ 2 — 3 hours for your visit. 4B TV GUIDE Wednesday 20th September Pairwork Activities Visual Materials Student Б SET 2 5B 6B 7B computer classes i From 16th September after-school computer classes will be available for students in Year 6 and above on Mondays from 3.30 - 5.30 pm in Room 4D. Interested students should contact Mr Davis h, 8B Flamingo Land Theme Park Zoo^ & Holiday Village Near Malton, North Yorkshire • 1.4 visitors last year • Set in 375 acres of land • Over 1,000 animals Opening Hours: 10 am-6 pm Entrance fee: £19. Children under 3 FREE OUT NOW! Back to Basics The fantastic new album by Christina Aguilera Including the hit single: ‘Ain’t No Other Man’ In shops now Only £8.99 with 23 tracks 9B 10B HELP keep our bay Beautiful! Come and help clean up Morecambe Bay this Saturday at 10 am. Just bring your own rubber boots and gloves and we will supply the rest. Refreshments provided. Call: Bob Wilder for more information. Seating for 70 people Authentic Mexican cuisine Try our special Chilli Con Came Opening Night 2nd October Special 2 for 1 offer 25, High Street, Grisham WIIDSOll HIGH SGHOOl SPOUTS иду ■ Tuesday 15th July 9 am - 9 pm Rigby Road Sports Centre Programme includes: football, basketball, swimming and cycling. Award ceremony with prizes __________at 8 pm_________ Entrance FREE Refreshments provided 69 SET 1 lA 2A ЗА 4A 5A 70 Pairwork Activities Visual Materials t ff Sydney Aquarium Where is it? Open evenings? Child ticket? See sharks? Buy something to eat? 6A Closing down sale Name of shop? When start? Includes second-hand books? How much discount? Address? 7A The Tower of London How long/part of British history? Where is it? Sunday opening hours? Entrance child? How long take to visit? 8A TV guide What date? Name of cookery programme? What time news? What channel soap opera? How long sports programme? 9A Computer classes What year classes for? Day? Time? Room? Teacher? lOA Student Flamingo Land Theme Park Where? How many visitors last year? How many acres? What time open? Who goes free? OUT NOW! Name of album? Singer? How many discs? How many songs?w Price? Clean-up campaign Where is it? What day? What time it starts? Equipment needed? Name of organiser? Opening Soon Type of food? Number of seats? Address? Opening night? Speciality dish? Windsor High School Sports Day Date? Place? Entrance fee? Food & drink? What time prizes given? Pairwork Activities Visual Materials Student В SET 2 IB ( ( Sydney Visitors Centre Where is it? Open weekends? Book hotel? Buy map? Buy bus tickets? 6B f f Drayton Manor Theme Park Where? Name of scariest ride? How many animals? How much family ticket? What time close? 2B f ( Frankfurt Book Fair When? Time closes? Car park? Catalogue price? Student ticket? 7B I Coming Soon! Name of film? Director? Based on a novel by? Type of film? How long? 3B Extraordinary People What type programme? What channel? What time? What day? How old is Derek? 8B Chester Zoo Name of elephant? What type elephant Is she? Time of talks? Name of zoo shop? Two types of transport at zoo? 4B ( Teen Scene Magazine What date? Price? What’s on page 52? Who Interview with? What free gift? 9B Opening Soon! Name of store? When opening? How many floors? What floor restaurant? What time close Sunday? 5B ( Camera for sale What camera? How big memory stick? Price? Name of seller? How contact? lOB Hambleton Health Centre Opening hours? Open weekends? Need appointment? Telephone number? Name of female doctor? 71 Irregular Verbs Infinitive Past Past Participle Infinitive Past Past Participle be was/were been leave left left bear bore born(e) lend lent lent beat beat beaten let let let become became become light lit lit begin began begun lose lost lost bite blow bit blew bitten blown make made made break broke broken mean meant meant bring brought brought meet met met build built built pay paid paid burn burnt (burned) burnt (burned) put put put burst buy burst bought burst bought read ride read rode read ridden can could (been able to) ring rang rung catch caught caught rise rose risen choose chose chosen run ran run come cost came cost come cost say see sell said saw sold said seen sold cut cut cut deal dealt dealt send sent sent dig dug dug set set set do did done sew sewed sewn draw drew drawn shake shook shaken dream dreamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed) shine shone shone drink drive eat drank drove ate drunk driven eaten - shoot show shut shot showed shut ' shot shown shut sing sang sung fall fell fallen sit sat sat feed fed fed sleep slept slept feel felt felt smell smelt (smelled) smelt (smelled) fight fought fought speak spoke spoken find found found spell spelt (spelled) spelt (spelled) fly flew flown spend spent spent forbid forbade forbidden stand stood stood forget forgot forgotten steal stole stolen forgive forgave forgiven stick stuck stuck freeze froze frozen sting stung stung get give got gave got (gotten) given swear sweep swim swore swept swam sworn swept swum go went gone grow grew grown take took taken hang have hear hirip hung (hanged) had heard hid hung (hanged) had heard ЫННрп teach tear tell think taught tore told thought taught torn told thought III ^ hit hit III VJ ^ 1 1 hit throw threw thrown hold held held understand understood understood hurt hurt hurt wake woke woken keep kept kept wear wore worn know knew known win won won lead led led write wrote written learn learnt (learned) learnt (learned) 72