Английский язык в фокусе 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Ваулина Дули

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык в фокусе 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Ваулина Дули - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Spotlight (Спотлайт) английский в фокусе:

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Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley Olga Podolyako Julia Vaulina Express Publishing \ В PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений с приложением на электронном носителе 5-е издание Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2011 УДК 373.167.1:81 1.1 11 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Аб4 Серия «Английский в фокусе» основана в 2006 году Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс Authors: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Olga Podolyako, Julia Vaulina Acknowledgements Authors' Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to; Meryl Phillips (Editor-in-Chief); Julie Rich (senior editor); Nina Peters and Rianna Diammond (editorial assistants); Alex Barton (senior production controller) and the Express Publishing design team. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Colour Illustrations: Pan, Stone. While every effort hoi been mode to trace oil the copyright holders, if any hove been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first apportunity. Учебное издание Серия «Английский в фокусе» Ваулина Юлия Евгеньевна Дули Дженни Подоляко Ольга Евгеньевна Эванс Вирджиния Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь 6 класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений с приложением на электронном носителе Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Центра по проектам И.Н. Твмнова Руководитель проекта ЮЛ. Смирнов Выпускающий редактор М.А. Свмичев Редактор Е.Р. Михальчук Корректор Н.Д. Цухай Налоговая льгота - Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93 - 953000. Изд.лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 17.01.11. Формат 60x90/8. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Прагматика. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 8,77. Тираж 40 000 экз. Заказ № 247. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Express Publishing. Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax; (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: [email protected] https://www.expresspublishing.co.uk Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством предоставленных издательством материалов в ОАО «Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР». 170040, г. Тверь, проспект 50 лет Октября, 46.)^ ISBN 978-5-09-024256-1 © Express Publishing, 2011 © Издательство «Просвещение», 2011 Все права защищены Contents Module 6 Free time............................35 Game on! ............................36 Pastimes.............................37 Writing (a letter to a friend).......38 Grammar Practice.....................39 Module 7 In the past..........................41 Halloween Spirit.....................42 Famous firsts .......................43 Writing (a story) ...................44 Grammar Practice.....................45 Module 8 That’s the rule .....................47 Shall we? ...........................48 Rules & Regulations..................49 Writing (giving instructions)........50 Grammar Practice.....................51 Module 9 JFood & drink...........................53 On the menu..........................54 Let’s cook! .........................55 Writing (a restaurant review) .......56 Grammar Practice.....................57 Module 10 Ш Holiday plans .......................59 IL? What’s the weather like?.............60 »Д Weekend fun .........................61 Writing (a postcard) ................62 Grammar Practice.....................63 • Pairwork Activities .................65 • Grammar Practice Section ............77 Family members Look at the picture. Read the letter and fill in: father • grandmother • grandfather short • uncle • young sister • aunt • old I brother • twins • wavy 1 parents • slim • grey tall • big • children dark • long Dear Tom, Hi! I’m Jimmy Brown. I'm twelve years l)...............Here is a picture of my Family. I’ve got a big Family. My 2)..............’ names are James and Rose. My mother has got short 3)...............hair. My 4)..............has got glasses and he is 5).............../ Ve got a 6)............. His name is Mark. He’s got /I.............Fair hair. I’ve got a 8)............. as well. Her name is Annie. My grandparents have got three 9)................. my mum, Bob and Lisa. Bob is my 10}............... He 5 got a П)...............nose. Lisa is my 12)..............She’s 13)..............with 14).............. straight, brown hair. Bob and Lisa are 15).............They are very 16)................ My 17).............s name is Greg. He has got 18)...............hair. Lucy is my 19).............’s name. Her hair is 20)............. That’s all about me and my Family. Please write soon and tell me about your Family. Send a picture! Love, Jimmy @Efiili£Eg ♦ Possessive Case/Adjectives У Write sentences, as in the example. 1 Beth 5 Kate 1 Beth’s hair is short. Her eyes are sreen. wavy hair dark eyes dark hair brown eyes short hair green eyes fair hair blue eyes straight hair brown eyes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Look at the letter in Ex. 1. Underline the possessive adjectives. Then write them down and fill in the missing ones. Who are you? Fill in the missing information. • Secondary School • Claredon Road • 6SD • Brockson Student IDENTITY CARD П Surname: 1) Name: Matthew Age: 15 Home address: 18,1).............. Leeds ' Postcode: LS10 3) ............. I Telephone number: 01132450308 Class: 9y1 School: Abbey Grange 4).............. jj Card number: AC 3184 Complete the exchanges using the phrases and sentences below. • How do you spell • I’m Russian • What’s your full • It’s 35, Arrow Street 1 • I’m from Russia • It’s 235 4370 • It’s SN3 5MN • How can I help you A: .................................name? B: It’s Anna Shipova. A: .........................your surname? B: It’s S-H-l-P-O-V-A. A: What nationality are you? B: ........................................ A: Where are you from? B: ........................................ A: What’s your phone number? B: ........................................ A: What’s your postcode? B: ........................................ 7 A: What’s your address? B: 8 A: ........................................? B: I’d like to join the sports club. ♦ Possessive pronouns Fill in the correct possessive pronoun. 1 "Whose Is this? Is It.....?’’ “Yes, It’s my pencil.” 2 This Is our house. It Is....... 3 “Are these her muffins?” “Yes, they are.......” 4 “Is this your bike?” “No, It’s my brother’s. It’s.......” 5 Don’t eat the biscuit. It’s...... 6 “Whose dirty shoes are these?” “They are the children’s. They are.... Л о Listen and tick (/) the correct answer. 1 How old Is Mark? What nationality Is Alan? 3 Which phone number Is Tim’s? 445 347 345 347 435 347 Му country УЁ1$М1д$7 Canada а) What nationality are they? Complete the sentences. Ц Read the text and complete the sentences below. France Dolores 1 Michelle is 2 Jacques is. 3 Akemi is... 4 5 6 Richard is Mark is ... Dolores is b) Ask and answer, as in the example. 1 A: Where Is Michelle from? B: She Is from Canada. Write what the letters mean, as in the exan^le, 1 N = North 2 S = ....... 3 W = ............. 4 E . ...................li 5 NE = ............ 6 SE = ............ 7 SW = ............ «^ 8 NW= ............. V I by Flavia Balirano London is the capital of England. It is a very big city. There are lots of things to see in London. Trafalgar Square is popular with tourists. There is a statue of Lord Nelson there, and two beautiful fountains. Oxford Street is a very busy place. It Is famous for its shops and restaurants. The River Thames is in the middle of London. It is 200 miles long. Tower Bridge is over the River Thames. It's next to the Tower of London. Buckingham Palace is where the Queen of England lives. It Is very big and beautiful. London is a wonderful city. It is a great place for a trip. 1 The ............ of England is London. 2 The statue of Lord Nelson is in 3 Tower Bridge is over........... 4 The Queen of England’s home is Writing (an email) Read the text and put the paragraphs in the correct order. I That’s all about me. What about you? Send me an email. Ben . Hello! I’m Ben. I’m seventeen years old and I’m a student. I’m from New York, USA. I’m tall with dark hair and green eyes. My father and mother are Adam and Carol. My sister is Karen. She’s two years old. Sam is my brother. He’s eleven years old. Rex is my pet dog. He is white. My favourite colour is purple. My favourite things are my computer and my guitar. li! V. ша Г( 8 Find words in the text that show: • age • height • appearance • family members • Joining sentences Join the sentences, as in the example. 1 I’m tall. I’m thin. I’m tall and thin. 2 He’s short. He’s got fair hair. He's short with fair hair. 3 She’s tall. She’s slim. 4 He’s short. He’s fat. 5 They are tall. They have got dark hair. They have got brown eyes. 6 We have got straight, brown hair. We have got green eyes. H You’ve got a new English pen-friend. Write them an email. In your email write: • your name • your age • where you live • what you look like • a description of your family • your favourite colour • your favourite things Grammar Practice Fill in the correct subject pronoun. 1 Tony he 4 book 2 Laura ........... 5 pencils 3 Mary ............ 6 Bill & you.. Fill in the correct form of the verb to be. 1 A: ..........you from Spain? B: No, I.........Г............from Portugal. 2 A: ..........Leyla from Turkey? B: Yes, she........... 3 A; .........they 15 years old? B: Yes, they.......... Answer the questions. 1 Are you Brazilian? No, I’m not. 2 Are you 6 years old? ......... 3 Is your house big? ........... 4 Is your surname Emery?........ 5 Are your friends nice? ....... У Write full sentences. Use is/isn’t, are/ aren’t. 1 my name/John My name is John. 2 Edinburgh/the capital of England 3 Moscow/the Russian capital 4 Matryoshka dolls/from Russia 5 Apples/blue Rewrite the sentences in the negative. 1 Eat the ice-cream. Don’t eat the ice-cream! 2 Sit down................................ 3 Look outside............................ 4 Change seats............................ 5 Raise your hand......................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Correct the mistakes. Your shoes-is-very dirty. are Christina and Adam is from Poland........ French are my favourite language......... What’s is your telephone number? ........ Is Josh Brazilian? No, he is. .... I Circle the correct word. This is our / we aunt. Is this Ann / Ann’s bag? This is a / an apple. She / Her is Mary. Bob is he / his brother. What have/haven’t they got? - - ^Пуа alarm clock poster umbreUa stereo ^°^Puter camera watch skateboard Slava has got an ... Anya.... They.... . He hasn’t... • Look at the pictures and answer the questions. h ji I ' lf^d^^aroi~) JI 4 1 Whose is the umbrella? It’s Carol’s. It’s hers. 2 Whose is the cane? .................. 3 Whose are the hats? ................. 4 Whose are the glasses? .............. 5 Whose is the camera?................. Grammar Practice im Rewrite the sentences in the plural. 1 This is a brown box. 2 This is the girl’s watch. 3 She has got a child. 4 What colour is the man’s shirt? Translator’s [CORNER 5 My cousin is a doctor. Rewrite the sentences using the possessive adjectives and pronouns. 1 This is Sheila’s house. This is her house. This house is hers. 2 This is Tom and Janet’s card. 3 That is Samantha’s dog. 4 These are the twins’ trainers. 5 That is Bill’s family tree. 6 This room belongs to me. Щ Fill in the gaps with am, is, are, have, has. 1 What...........you got in your bedroom? 2 What...........your grandfather’s name? 3 My brothers...........tall with blue eyes. 4 Kathy..........got a computer on her desk. 5 Hello! I.........Pam’s sister. a) What's the English for: 10 члены семьи, длинные волнистые светлые волосы, пятилетние близнецы, дядя моего друга, голубые глаза Марии, имя и фамилия, домашний адрес, почтовый код, номер карточки, японские студенты, французский флаг, испанские друзья, удостоверение личности, водительские права? Ь) Give the English equivalents. Mind the prepositions: на северо-востоке Москвы, к юго-западу от британской столицы, в центре Лондона, мост через реку, рядом с Лондонским Тауэром, на карте Шотландии. Q а) Translate into English: 1. Моим сёстрам за двадцать. Они близнецы. Они высокие, светловолосые, с голубыми глазами. 2. У моих тёти и дяди два сына. Это мои любимые двоюродные братья Дмитрий и Александр. 3. Марк - мужчина средних лет.- Сколько у него детей? - Двое. Его дочери - мои подруги. 4. Как пишется ваша фамилия? - P-e-t-r-o-v. - Большое спасибо. 5. Это мои водительские права. - Эти водительские права - мои. 6. Эдгар - немецкий студент. Он живёт на юге Германии. Японская подруга Эдгара живёт в столице Японии. Они общаются по-английски. Ь) Translate the dialogue: - Привет! Как дела? - Нормально. А ты как? - Всё в порядке. Я хотел бы познакомить тебя со своим братом. - Александр. Рад познакомиться. - Очень приятно. Дмитрий. Happy times Do the crossword. Across 6 The fourth month of the year. 7 The seventh month of the year. 9 The ninth month of the year. 10 The sixth month of the year. 11 The tenth month of the year. 12 The third month of the year. Down 1 The second month of the year. 2 The first month of the year. 3 The eleventh month of the year. 4 The fifth month of the year. 5 The eighth month of the year. 8 The twelfth month of the year. Fill in the missing days of the week. Monday,..................,............... Thursday,................, Saturday, Write the time, as in the example. 5 7 8 it's half past seven. Which floor are the people on? Write, as in the example. • Janet/71st • Joy/63rd • Sam and Sue/55th • David/47th • Paul/32nd • Nick/24th • Tony and Tina/12th • Tom/9th Janet is on the seventy-first floor. • Prepositions of time В Fill in: at, on, in. It is in the auditorium next to the headteacher's office, 1) 21st May 2)....... .......the evening. ^ samiiv .’Hd fnends are Hope to see you there. Don't miss it! ^ 2 My place Look at the house plan. Write the rooms, appliances and furniture in the box. Then write sentences, as in the example. Rooms Furniture / Appliances 1 kitchen 2 3 4 fridse, 5 There is a fridse in the kitchen. Штат ♦ Prepositions of place HLook at the house plan in Ex. 1 and fill in: in, on, next to, opposite, between, behind. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 There is a bed ............the bedroom. The desk is ..................the bed. The fridge is ..............the cooker. The computer is ..............the desk. The bathroom is............the bedroom and the dining room. The cat is ...................the sofa. ♦ Some/Any/A/An Underline the correct item. There are any/some desks in the classroom. There aren’t some/any children in the garden. There aren’t some/any books on the desk. Are there any/some chairs in the living room? There’s a/some table in the living room. Is there some/a cat under the table? There are some/any students in the classroom. Is there some/an armchair in the living room? Read the letter and fill in: • on • has • are • in • of • and • to • but Dear Danny, Hi! How are you? I hope everything is ok! I really love our new place. It's a beautiful big house by the sea and just outside the village. The house 1).......got two floors. There are three large bedrooms and a bathroom 2)...........the first floor. The living room and the kitchen are on the ground floor and there is another bathroom next 3)....the kitchen. The kitchen is very big and it has got lots of cupboards. The living room is fantastic. It has got my grandmother's antique sofa 4)....a lovely fireplace in it. There 5).. three comfortable armchairs in front of the fireplace. My favourite room is my bedroom. It is on the first floor opposite my parents' bedroom. There is a computer on my desk and lots of posters on the walls. I've got a nice bed and a big wardrobe next to the window, 6)......I haven't got a TV 7)....my room yet. There is a big garden in front 8)......the house and there is a garage for our two cars. That's our new house! I hope you can come and visit us soon.! miss you. Love, Pat 12 Му neighbourhood а) Use words from the list to label the places on the map. • baker’s • hotel • library • sports centre • supermarket • swimming pool • newsagent’s • post office • greengrocer’s • hospital • police station • cinema • chemist’s • cafe • bank • restaurant • butcher’s • zoo • airport • theatre b) Ask and answer, as in the example. Use the prompts above. A: Is there a baker’s on the map? B: No, there isn’t. Is there a library? A: Yes, there is. 132Щ5(Шу(1щШ£1 Match the exchanges. 1 2 3 4 5 6 к Excuse me, is there a bank near here? Excuse me, what's the time, please? Excuse me, how far is the library from here? Can I give you a hand with that sofa? Be careful! This vase is very expensive! Let me show you around my new flat. a b c d e Take it easy! It's fantastic! It's twenty to three. Please! Hurry! It's really heavy. There's one right next to the post office. It's about a three-minute walk. В О Listen and complete the missing information. Sally's notes Message from: Steve '«“O" ’>...................birthdca 2) 2Ist at ........pm. 3) Meeting point: 4) ............. the coffee shop opposite the 5)......... Meeting time 6) 13 Join the sentences using and, but or with, as in the example, 1 This is a large flat. It has four bedrooms. This is a lar^e flat with four bedrooms. 2 There are two armchairs in the living room. There is a sofa in the living room. 3 There is a shower in the bathroom. There isn’t a bath. 4 This is a beautiful house. It has a large garden. 5 It has got two sinks in the kitchen. It has not got a cooker. 6 There is a large dining room on the ground floor. There is a fireplace in the dining room. Read the text and fill the gaps with and or with. FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE This beautiful, fully-furnished cottage is in the countryside 5km from the village of Priston. On the ground floor is the kitchen, a large living room 1) ........... a dining room. The kitchen is modern, 2).......fitted cupboards 3)...... an electric cooker. There are three bedrooms with fitted wardrobes on the first floor 4)........a bathroom 5)........... a shower. The cottage has a large garden 6) .........there is a new garage 7) ..........space for two cars. Underline the adjectives in the text. Use the information in the box to write an advert for the flat below. Use Ex. 2 as a model. FOR RENT Type of place modern flat (fully-furnished) 2nd floor Where city centre - near railway station Rooms bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen Other store room, parking space for one car Information Mr Brown Tel: 01531 345547 For more information cail Mrs Milier tel: 015437 34507 14 - r i Grammar Practice Fill in: at, in, on. 1 His house is.........20, Apple street. 2 It rains.........the winter. 3 See you...........the morning. 4 Let’s meet...........Monday. 5 Is he..........home? Fill in: some or any. 1 He’s got.............CDs. 2 Has she got............pencils? 3 They haven’t got...........computer games. 4 Can I have..............water, please? 5 I have got............bread. Fill in: in, in front of, between, under, on, opposite. 1 They are the TV. 2 He is..................bed. 3 Tony is Sandra. 4 Lynis ^ У'' and Pat. Sue 5 She’s ... bicycle. her ' 6 The cat is •/ the car. Q Look at the picture and use the prompts to ask and answer questions, as in the example. • girls • boys • trees • cars • dog • cat 1 Are there any girls in the picture? Yes, there are. 1 3 .................................. 4 .................................. 5 .................................. 6 .................................. И Fill in the gaps with: it is, there is, they are, there are. 1 ....................a table in front of the sofa.................a small table. 2 ....................some paintings on the walls................Picasso’s paintings. 3 ....................two books on the table. ...............school books. 4 ....................a sports shop around the corner...............a big shop. 15 2 Grammar Practice ^ Use some or any and the prompts below to complete the sentences. • pictures • eggs • bread • people • students 1 I want to buy ....................Is there a baker’s near here? 2 Are there....................in the fridge? Steve wants to make an omelette. 3 Give me my camera. I want to take ........ 4 It’s Sunday. There aren’t at school. Look at Fiona’s diary for next week and complete the sentences. Use the prompts. • the morning • weekend • October 22nd • 8 o’clock • Monday Monday 21 Tuesday 22 Wednesday 23 Thursday 24 Spanish Class Danny’s birthday Meeting Pam 8.00pm Friday IS Saturday V Sunday s? Maths test 111.00 am GOING TO LONDON!!! 1 Fiona has a Spanish Class....... 2 It’s Danny’s birthday........... 3 On Wednesday, she’s meeting Pam 4 On Friday, she has a Maths test 5 Fiona is going to London TMislator*s [CORNER 'Я a) What's the English for: приглашать на день рождения, 13-летие, их любимый день недели, в нашей новой аоловой, спальня моей сестры, кабинет нашего дяди, первый месяц весны, булочная, газетный киоск, красивый микрорайон, железнодорожная станция? Ь) Give the English equivalents. Mind the prepositions: в три часа дня, в половине пятого, утром и вечером, в 2001 году, осенью 2005 года, в мае, в субботу, шестого сентября, в выходные, перед телевизором, в вазе, под столом, между окнами, напротив кухни, рядом с камином, на почте, в библиотеке, в аптеке, напротив банка. a) Translate the situations into English: 1. Когда у тебя день рождения? - 4 июня. А у тебя? - Тоже летом. 2. Дорогой друг! Приглашаю тебя на день рождения в субботу 3 апреля в 16.00. Мой адрес; ул. Садовая, д.17, кв. 35. Это будет день рождения по-английски! 3. В нашем микрорайоне есть замечательный парк. Он находится рядом с нашей школой. В парке много огромных аарых деревьев и красивых цветов. Посреди парка - фонтан. В северной чааи парка - моё любимое кафе. Мне очень нравится там фруктовое мороженое. 4. Это ваша новая квартира? - Да. — Сколько в ней комнат? - Четыре. — Какая комната твоя любимая? - Библиотека. У нас очень много книг по истории. В углу — моё любимое старое зелёное кресло. b) Translate the dialogue exchanges: 1. Извините, который час? - Без четверти два. 2. Осторожно, мама! — Всё в порядке, дорогой! 3. О боже! - Что случилось? 4. Здравствуйте! Могу я поговорить с Максом? - Я слушаю. 16 L Road safety №@ЕЁИЙЩ7 ♦ Collocations Draw a line to match the words. lights seat yellow \\ tPaiffilG HOPkinf Ь(в|* traffic . crosf) zebra гопе Fill in the sentences with the words below, • driver • road • pavement • signs • careful • ways • cross • flow • side • helmet Щ safely inslructions Be 1).....when you cross the street. Look hoth 2)....before crossing the street. Walk on the 3)..... Follow the traffic 4).. Don’t talk to the bus 5)... Don’t run into the 6).. Don’t 7).....between parked cars. Ride your bike with the 8).of traffic. Always wear a bicycle 9)... Use the door on the pavement 10).......to get out of the car. ♦ Imperative (giving instructions) a) Fill in the correct imperative. • Don’t talk • Look • Wear • Don’t lean 1 ............your seat belt. 2 ............for the zebra crossing. 3 ............out of the window. 4 ............on the phone while driving. b) Match the instructions in Ex. 3a to the pictures (A-D). Fill in the correct preposition by or on. 3 On the move 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 Underline the correct item. Michael can drive/ride a bike. Brian is a pilot. He can fly/sail a plane. My brother can ride/sail a motorcycle. Harry can ride/drive a lorry. Laura can sail/ride a jet ski. Bob can drive/sail a boat. John can sail/fly a helicopter. Mary can ride/sail a horse. ♦ Can (ability) a) Write what the people can or can’t do, as in the example. play the climb a piano tree ride a use a horse, computer Mark X , / 1 1 Sally ^ / X Peter X X / / Brian X / Meg ^ ^ X / Mark can play the piano, climb a tree and use a computer. He can’t ride a horse. b) Write three sentences about things you can do and three sentences about things you can’t do. ♦ Can (prohibition/permission) Match the sign to the correct instruction. Then write (Pro) for Prohibition or (Per) for Permission. A В C D E You can’t turn right. You can’t turn left. You can park here. You can’t go here. You can only go straight on. F G H You can only turn right. You can only turn left. You can’t park here. You can’t drive over 50 mph. рл 1 C (Per) SPEED LIMIT 50 t > ONLY ONLY ONLY 18 Complete the exchanges. • Could you tell me how to • How do I get to • Is this the way • Go down • Go straight on A: Excuse me, where is the post office? B: .......................this street as far as the bank. A:........................get to the Royal Hotel, please? B: Take the first turning on the right. A: Excuse me!.........................the railway station? B: Turn left into Milton Street. A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the library? B: ...............................It is on the left, on the corner of Thames and Cam Street. A:....................................to the bank? B: Yes, keep going. It’s next to the Town Hall. Hot wheels Which text is about: 1 a train 2 an animal 3 a boat 4 a vehicle Read the texts and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). GREAT BRITAIN EUROSTAR TRAIN Eurostar is a high-speed train. It is the first international British train. It is 400 metres long and can carry about 770 passengers. It is a fast way to travel from London to Paris or Brussels. The train runs under the sea through the Channel Tunnel. The travel time under the Channel is twenty minutes with the rest of the journey on the surface. It offers comfort. Just sit back and enjoy! IT AI.Y GONDOLA A gondola is a long, black, narrow boat. It is best known for its use on the canals of Venice, the waterways for boats. It can carry six passengers. When you visit Venice don't miss a romantic trip on a gondola. In Tunisia people use camels as a means of transport. They say people who have got a camel are always on the move. Camel riding Is popular with tourists. Ride a camel in the Sahara Desert. It can be an unforgettable experience. thailandTUK-TUK A tuk-tuk is the best way to get around Bangkok. It is a three-wheel, open air means of transport. It is a colourful and noisy taxi but it offers passengers an interesting ride. It can carry two or three people. You can use it for short trips. It can be a lot of fun. 6 7 Eurostar is a very fast train. Eurostar can’t take 770 people. A gondola can travel under the sea. People use gondolas in Tunisia. Tourists can ride camels in Tunisia. A tuk-tuk is a taxi. A tuk-tuk has a cabin and five wheels. All the texts are about means of transport. OffianifliB Q Listen and complete the missing information. TRAIN TIMES у W iiu>i Look at the letter and the map and fill in the missing words. • turn • traffic • past • straight • left • park • right Dear Anne, Hi! How are you? I'm writing to invite you to my birthday party on Saturday! My new address is 23, King Street. Here are the directions to my house. Drive up Queen Street as far as the post office. You can't go 1).........on, so turn right into Prince Street. Then 2)...........left into Duke Road. There's a school on the 3).......... You can't turn left into King Street so go 4)...........the bank and turn left into Palace Road. At the 5).......... lights turn left again and take the first turning on the 6)...........This is King Street. My house is opposite the library. There is a car 7).......next V- ing (a letter giving directions) Palace Road 1231 King Street Bank Queen “a Street Q C Ф 30 о u a A Hotel Prince Street Post Office You are having a party. Write a letter to a friend using the map below. Write: • when the party is • where the party is • directions Park Park Avenue ^ ^ A o> 9i SfiliCNi Post Office Cedar Street BIm Street Hotel Pine Street car. . Willow See you at the party! Jenny ““ Street Supermarket 20 3 Grammar Practice Fill In the speech bubbles. • Don’t be late. • Look at the board. • Don’t drive fast. • Come in. 1 a) What can/can't they do? Ask and answer. swim ride/bike play/guitar cook LTony J / / X X Ann / Г Л / X Bill & Sue X / X / A: Can Tony swim? B: Yes, he can. b) Now write sentences about the people. Tony can .... He can’t.... Ann.... Bill & Sue .... What about you? Put the words in the correct order. 1 seat belt/your/wear/always 2 talk to/driver/the/don’t 3 before/look/both ways/crossing 4 into/don’t run/the/road 5 the/pavement/walk /on ■ " > Fill in the sentences with can or can’t. 1 Sarah is only one year old. She ............ write yet. 2 Mr. Smith is seventy years old. He......... see very well so he wears glasses. 3 Tony ........ swim very well. He always comes first in the races. 4 Anne is two years old. She........cook. 5 Bill and Sue love music. They........ both play the guitar. 6 Ann is from Japan. She .............. speak Japanese. 7 Mary is only six. She.......fly a plane. 8 Katie is only three years old but she ...........write her name perfectly. 21 Grammar P г a с t i c e Read the leaflet and complete the sentences with can/can’t. Children learn all about road safety at our lovely museum. Schools or large groups may book tours on the phone, daily between the hours of 10:00 and 12:00. Ш!) Opening times; Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00 Sat: 10:00-20:00 Sun: closed 1 2 3 4 Children.......learn about road safety. You ....... telephone at five o’clock and book a tour. You........visit the museum on Sunday. You ....... visit the museum on Wednesday at ten o’clock in the evening. You........visit the museum on Friday at twelve o’clock. Rewrite the sentences in the negative. Replace the words in bold with object pronouns, as in the example. 1 Give John the ball! Don’t give him the ball. 2 Look at Julie............................ 3 Eat the ice cream........................ 4 Listen to Anna and Mark.................. 5 Make a sandwich for Sam.................. Translator^ ICORNER a) What's the English for: дорожные знаки, пешеходный переход, идти по тротуару, пользоваться ремнями безопасности, проверить тормоза, правила безопасности движения, плыть на катере, быть оаорожным на дорогах, забавное прозвииде моего брата, красный двухэтажный автобус? Ь) Give the English equivalents. Mind the prepositions: ехать на машине, ехать на велосипеде, ехать на автобусе, дети до 12 лет, идти пешком, приехать б-часовым поездом, выйти из машины, ехать со скороаью 100 км/час, добраться до гостиницы, первый поворот направо, транспортные средства. а) Translate the sentences into English: водителем 1. He разговаривайте автобуса! 2. В Англии, переходя улицу, пешеходы должны посмотреть сначала направо, а потом налево. 3. Здесь нельзя парковаться. Место парковки - за углом. 4. Остановись на светофоре! Когда загорится зелёный свет, перейди улицу и поверни налево к автобусной остановке. 5. Здесь разрешён поворот направо? - Посмотри на знак: здесь можно ехать только прямо. 6. Твой брат умеет водить машину? - Да, у него есть водительские права. Ь) Translate the dialogue: - Будьте добры, как пройти к станции метро? - Идите прямо до светофора, перейдите улицу и поверните направо. - Это далеко? - Нет. Минут пять ходьбы. - Спасибо. - Пожалуйаа. 1 22 Day in, day out |П Fill in the spidergrams with have, do or go. Then, write sentences about you. to the park/gym/cinema jogg^^ for a walk staked/ shopping ^ school lunch breakfast ^-----2)...............i piano,/" - -^.abath/ lessons^ s'*»"»'' _ _____ /^the housework homework ■ ^ 3' ; -....... the shopping I go to the cinema on Fridays. &ШйШШ ♦ Adverbs of frequency Fill in: often, always, usually, never, rarely, sometimes. 1 A: How........do you play Scrabble with Leslie and John? B: We play every Monday and Wednesday night. 2 A: Do you ........... play on the same days? B: No, we ............ play on Sundays, too. 3 A: I ......... play Scrabble. I don’t understand the game. B: Don’t worry. I’ll show you. I am ............ good at teaching people new things. 4 A: I am only free on Tuesdays. B: Sorry, but we ............ play on Tuesdays. We have to study for Maths! ♦ Present Simple (affirmative) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple form. Mark 1)........... (work) as a photographer and he has a busy life. On weekdays, he 2).........(get) up at seven o'clock in the morning. He 3)........(go) jogging for half an hour and then he 4)........(have) a shower and breakfast. After breakfast he 5)...... (leave) for the studio. He usually 6)..... (catch) the bus but sometimes he 7)....... (drive) to work. At noon he has lunch and 8)........(relax) for a while. He usually 9)........ (finish) work at five. In the evening he 10).......(take) his dog for a walk and then 11)........... (cook) dinner. After dinner he 12).......(listen) to music or 13)........(watch) TV for an hour. Before he goes to bed Mark always 14) ....... (turn) his computer on and 15) .......(check) his emails. On Saturdays Mark 16)............. (play) tennis with his friends. He often goes to an Italian restaurant in the evening because he 17) ....... (love) Italian food. Mark 18) .......(like) to relax on Sundays, so he 19) ....... (wake) up quite late and 20) ....... (spend) the rest of the day reading the newspapers or a good book. 23 4 How about...? Read about the TV programmes and fill in: • sitcom • drama • music • news • sports • reality • science fiction • talk Fri 22 Oct Channel 1 ШИЛ Everybody Loves Raymond A1)........... with lots of laughs for the whole family to enjoy. япш The Stars of Today is a 2)....... show where singers talk about their work and their dreams. Я1Ш1 Melina A 3)........ that has its viewers in tears. Channel 2 19.50 Info Now 4).......... stories that you up-t04tate with everything happei^ around you. ШИЛ Play Ball A 5)............. show where you can see all the games and hear all the news about athletes. gjlTil Coffee Time A 6) .......... show where actors and singers get together to talk a lot. What's on TV Channel 3 ЕШ1 Real TV Follow the day-to-day life of dance students on this 7) show. CTfiH The Zone of Planet Earth An Oscar winning 8)............... film. Get ready for a crazy ride. Find the words. r t г t S Ш t 1 ■ ь Г ■ * t 5 d 1 W' J\4L. a f c n я ^ j b Id s u i 24 1 Pop concerts are................ 2 My brother thinks skiing is.......... 3 She doesn’t like football. She finds it 4 That’s a.............idea. 5 Paul thinks camping is.............. 6 Tony doesn’t like chicken. He thinks it’s 7 I love windsurfing. It’s............ 8 Tina loves comedies. She finds them .. 9 Sam hates fish. He finds it.......... ♦ Present Simple (short answers ) Fill in do, does, don’t, or doesn’t. 1 “............. you want to watch a film tonight?” “No, I..............” 2 "............. she like spaghetti?” “Yes, she................” 3 “.............you study every day?” “No, I 4 “........ “No, she .. 5 “........ “No,they your mum like cooking?” M your friends play football?” Complete the exchanges using phrases and sentences from the list. • I don’t think so • That’s a great • I’m afraid • Count me in • is not really my thing 1 A: Why don’t we go to the cinema tonight? B: ................................I can’t. 2 A: Are you free tonight? B: ....................................... 3 A: There’s a new comedy on at the Odeon. Care to join me? B: ..................................idea. 4 A: How about going out for dinner? B: ........................................ 5 A: Let’s go to the rock concert on Sunday? B: Rock music............................. г Му favourite day Fill in the correct word. • wake • build • go • set • tell • tie 1 Bob and Laura..........„p ,ate on Sundays. ............early in the morning when they go on holidays. 3 Little Paul knows how to.............knots 4 When we go camping we................a fire ............climbing at the weekends 6 My grandfather likes to ...........stories about his childhood. H Read the text and choose the correct answer. Sunday is always a perfect day for me. The best part about Sundays is that 1 get to sleep late! Before I get out of bed, I think about what I will do that day. Then, I get up and go downstairs where mum always has a big breakfast waiting for me. After breakfast, I take a book and go out into our garden. I sit and read for a few hours and then I take my dog, Jeff, to the park for a nice long run. After that, I walk home and I go and have lunch with my family in our favourite restaurant. In the afternoon, dad takes us for nice long drives in the country. In the evenings, we all watch a film together and then we go to bed. Sometimes I think it’s sad that Sunday only comes once a week!____________________ 5 Cindy and her family watch a film after their drive. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say ЙШШПЫ? ♦ Linkers H Underline the correct item. 1 When/Then we watch a film at the cinema, we eat chocolates and popcorn. 2 He has breakfast when/before he leaves for school. 3 Mary tidies her room on Saturdays. After that/And she plays outside with her friends. 4 First, we take showers and then/before we get dressed. Cindy wakes up at 10 o'clock on Sunday mornings. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say Cindy gets out of bed as soon as she wakes up. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say Cindy reads before she goes to the park. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say Cindy's family walks to the restaurant. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say О Listen and tick (/) the correct answer. At 7:30 in the morning Bob A has breakfast. EH В wakes up. EH C takes a shower. EH At 4:30 in the afternoon Bob goes to the A park. В gym. C cinema. At 6:45 in the evening he has A piano lessons. В guitar lessons. C dance lessons. On Thursdays Bob plays A basketball. В football. C tennis. At the weekends Bob goes A camping. В swimming. C jogging. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 25 information in the diary. John Carter comes from London. He is a second-year student at Exeter University John has a regular daily routine. He wakes up at half past seven and, after a quick shower and breakfast, he catches the eight-fifteen bus to the university. Classes start at nine and finish at half past twelve. John has lunch in the students’ club at a quarter to one and then he goes to the library to study for an hour. John loves to keep fit, so he meets his friends at the sports centre to play tennis at three o’clock. At five, he starts his part-time job at Nicole’s Restaurant. He finishes work at eight and then has dinner in the restaurant kitchen. He gets back to his flat at eight thirty and studies for a couple or more hours. He usually goes to bed at eleven o’clock. m Now, look at Martha’s dfary and write about her daily routine. Montfoy Martha's Diary 26 Put a tick (/) next to what you do and a cross (Л) next to what you don't do as a part of your daily routine. 1 wake up early Q ^ English 2 go to school □ lessons 3 go to the gym Q 5 watch TV Г1 December 13 Monday up 7:00 drive to echool with mum 3:00 h^ve lunch le^ve school 1 i 4 Grammar Practice Put the verbs in the correct column. • go • spend • study • wash • do • walk • begin • try • tidy • play • fly • watch -s -es -ies goes Fill in: do, does, don’t or doesn't. 1 A; ...........you live in St Petersburg? B: No, I............ 2 A: ...........he wake up early in the morning? B: Yes, he............ 3 A: ............they like football? B: No,they ............. 4 A: ...........she have lunch at school? B: Yes, she............ 5 A: .........they watch TV in the evenings? B: Yes, they............ 6 A; ............he eat pizza? B: No, he............. 7 A: ............she go to bed late? B: No, she ............ 8 A: ............you play tennis? B: Yes, I............ Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple. 1 She ............... (spend) her free time with her friends. They often............... (go) to the cinema. 2 Tony.........................(not/work) at weekends. He .................. (visit) his grandparents in the countryside. 3 What ........................ (he/do) for a living? He................(work) in a bank. 4 Sandra............................ (not/like) burgers. She................(prefer) pizza. How often do you do the following? Make sentences about yourself. Use adverbs of frequency. • am late for school • tidy my room • play cards with my friends • wake up early • cook • go fishing I am never late for school. Put the adverbs of frequency into the correct position in the sentence. Kate plays board games, (never) My friends and t play darts, (sometimes) I go windsurfing at the weekend, (often) John meets his friends on Sundays, (rarely) Meg’s father drives fast, (always) ^ Fill in the gaps with at, on, or in. 1 Peter likes staying....home on rainy days. 2 You can call me..........three o’clock. 3 Linda has an English lesson.........Friday. 4 The boat leaves..........five minutes. 5 Tom’s birthday was..........Monday. 6 See you..........a few days. 7 We can go to the beach...........Saturday. 8 The farmer wakes up...........5 o’clock. 9 John isn’t here.........the moment. 10 I was born.........May 13th. Rewrite these sentences in their question form. 1 I always arrive at work early. 2 Tim usually eats breakfast. 27 4 Grammar Practice 3 We often see Claire. 4 It rains a lot in the winter. 5 Linda lives in London. 6 The banks usually open at 9:30. 7 Mike’s father drives fast. 8 He often plays the piano. у Complete the sentences with don’t/ doesn’t and one of these verbs. • go • read • use • wear 1 I buy a newspaper every day but sometimes I...........................it. 2 Paul has a car but he..................it very often. 3 They like films but they.................. to the cinema very often. 4 Amanda is married but she ................ a ring. Match the questions to the answers. 11 2 3 4 5 Do you take the bus to school? Do you often wake up early? What do you do in the evenings? How often do you go to the cinema? Do you have breakfast in the morning? a Four times a week, b I watch a film once a week, c I always have some milk, d I always do my homework, e Yes, at seven o’clock. ICORNER a) What's the English for: распорядок дня, делать уроки, принимать душ, помогать по дому, научная фантастика, скучная комедия, пойти в поход, карманные деньги, мобильный телефон, волнующие новости? b) Give the English equivalents. Mind the prepositions: просыпаться, слушать музыку, смотреть по телевизору, надевать джинсы, отправляться в клуб, устанавливать палатку, играть в футбол, ложиться спать. ш а) Translate the situation into English: Маше двенадцать лет. Она красивая стройная девочка с длинными вьющимися тёмными волосами. Маша учится в школе, в шестом классе и работает. Маша - маленькая актриса. Вы можете её увидеть в программе «Ералаш» и в фильме «Если завтра в поход». Это очень интересный фильм. Маша теперь любит ходить в поход. Она умеет ставить палатку и разводить костер. Каждый день Маша встаёт рано, в семь часов утра и завтракает. Затем она одевается и идёт в школу. После школы она делает уроки, иногда помогает родителям по дому. Её увлечение - танцы. Она часто приглашает к себе своих друзей. Они приходят потанцевать, посмотреть телевизор или видео, послушать современную музыку. Но когда у Маши новая роль, она не ходит в школу и не видит своих лучших друзей. Маша учит текст новой роли. Она работает. Ь) Translate the dialogue: - Маша, ты свободна сегодня в 5 часов? - Думаю, да. А что? - Пойдём в кино. В кинотеатре "Россия" -новая комедия. - Замечательно. Я очень люблю комедии, особенно комедии ситуаций. - Тогда встретимся в 4.30 у автобусной остановки. - Хорошо, до встречи. 28 Festive time <ЙЗЕЁяб1$7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs make and do. Just a minute, I have to .......... a quick phone call before we go. I want to ............... my homework before the film starts. My parents ............. the shopping every Saturday. I have to.........my bed in the mornings. My mother............a lot of different dishes when we have a dinner party. My brother and I help our parents.........the cleaning at the weekend. The teacher...........all her work before she goes home. Try not to..........so many mistakes when you speak in Italian. Choose the correct item. A lot of people love to..... costumes at carnivals. A wear В make C have Children like to...... party horns at their parties. They make a lot of noise. A blow В do C take People usually ....... drums at parades. A make В play C dance My grandparents always...... cakes when they visit us. A do В cook C bring ♦ Present Continuous (affirmative) Look at the pictures and use the prompts to write what the people are doing. 1 They/look/family photos/now. They are looking at family photos now. 2 She/work/on her computer/at the moment. 3 They/have/lunch/right/now. 4 He/read/a book/at the moment. 5 They/play/golf/now. 6 She/talk/on the phone/now. П Q Listen and match the people to what each one is doing. 1 Harry □ A dusting В making decorations 2 John □ C organising the music D making the cake 3 Phil □ E hanging up balloons □ F cleaning the bathroom 4 Tina 29 5 5|> Let's celebrate toasMW Do the crossword. 1 2 ............day is on November 5th. 3 ............day is on March 17th. 4 ............day is on January 1st. 5 ............is on the 4th Thursday in November. c^tinnimn? ♦ Present Continuous (negative/interrogative) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 apples/Marge/is/toffee/making? 2 is/costume/superman/wearing/Ben/a? 3 children/firework/the/display/watching/ the/aren’t. 4 friends/food/your/traditional/eating/are? 5 the/decorating/aren’t/parents/garden/my. 6 are/chairs/playing/musical/the/children? J Ask and answer questions using the present continuous. 1 they/exchange gifts? No/make special dish. Are they exchanging gifts? No, they aren’t. They are making a special dish. Gabby/decorate the tree? Yes. they/walk in a parade? No/carry a Christmas tree, boy/wear costume? No/wear party hat. they/dance? Yes. У Guess who is who. Write the numbers in the boxes. 1 Jordan is wearing a hat and a necklace. 2 Marta isn’t wearing a hat but she is wearing a shirt. 3 Andy is wearing trousers but he isn’t wearing a yellow hat. 4 Polly isn’t wearing trousers but she is holding a teddy. 5 Chris is wearing boots and he is also wearing a hat. ) (6 )g )(6 )(E ) 30 |L Special days Choose the correct item. We make colourful........for Christmas day. A gifts В displays C decorations In Britain, people love to watch the........ on Guy Fawkes Night. A preparations В lamps C fireworks When we...........the house for Christmas, it looks really beautiful. A build В decorate C make On Thanksgiving Day we have a big festive A meal В festival C game It’s exciting when you ......... gifts. You never know what you are going to get! A have В exchange C wrap Complete the exchanges using phrases from the list. • I don’t really like • It’s awful • bad at all • They’re cool • It’s nothing • It’s fantastic 1 A: What do you think of this costume? B; ...............!.............the colours. 2 A: What is the festival like? B:........................special. 3 A: How do you like the traditional food? B: It’s not........................ 4 A: What about these colourful scarfs? B: ............................. 5 A: Doesn’t this cake taste good? B: Oh, yes!............................... (йшйащ В Read the text and choose the correct answer. iMew Y®;a!T'’s Daj by Sherry Grey I love New Year's Day! To me, this is a day when my family get together and enjoy themselves. On January 1st, my house is always full of aunts, uncles and cousins who I haven't seen for ages and we all have the chance to catch up with each other's news. My mum always makes a delicious roast beef lunch and we all sit around the table and eat, talk and laugh for hours. After this huge meal, it's time to watch the Rose Bowl. The Rose Bowl is one of the most important football championships in American League football. Everybody has their favourite team and sometimes the yelling and cheering can get very loud! The food and the football are all great, but I think the best part of the day is when we make our New Year resolutions. Although most people don't keep their New Year promises, it is interesting to hear what everybody wants to change about themselves! 1 Sherry doesn't really enjoy New Year’s Day. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say 2 New Year's Day is on the first day of January. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say 3 New Year's Day is celebrated all over the world. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say 4 Sherry's mum makes a big dinner on New Year's Day. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say 5 Sherry's family help wash the dishes after the meal. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say 6 The people in Sherry's family always support the same football team. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say 7 Sherry's favourite part of the holiday is the food. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say 31 5 Writing (an article about a celebration) This is an article from a travel magazine about Chinese New Year. Match the paragraphs to what they are about, A Name/time/place/reason for celebrating В Traditions/activities C Comments D Preparations 1 Gung Hay Fat Choy! This is the Chinese greeting for the New Year. The Chinese also call this holiday the Spring Festival. Chinese people all over the world welcome the New Year sometime between winter and spring. The Spring Festival lasts for several weeks and celebrates the earth waking up after the cold winter. Before the New Year, families clean their houses and decorate the doors with texts on red paper. These decorations keep out bad luck. Girls and boys get their hair cut and buy new clothes. On New Year's Eve, families have big traditional meals. In Southern China, they usually eat sweet rice pudding and honey. They stay up until midnight to watch firework displays. On New Year's Day, they usually visit friends and family and of course eat lots of delicious food. In the middle of the holiday season, people walk through the streets carrying beautiful lanterns. They follow a parade that includes big dragons, lion dancers in colourful costumes and people playing drums. The way the Chinese people all get together to celebrate the New Year makes it a very special time. These wonderful celebrations make it a very exciting holiday. Complete the factfile with information from the article in Ex.1. Celebration: Chinese New Year Date; sometime between winter and 1) ....... Preparations: • people clean their houses • 2) ........their doors with texts on red paper I • girls and boys have their ^ 3).........cut and buy new clothes Activities: In the south: • eat sweet 4)............. i pudding and honey ' • watch firework 5)........ ^ • visit friends and family i • eat delicious food • carry lanterns and follow a i parade of big 6)........., lion dancers and people playing 7)......... Write an article about a special celebration in your country. Use Ex. 1 as a model.Write about: • name of celebration • place of celebration • reason for celebration • preparations • traditions • activities • comments 32 Grammar Practice Add - ing to the verbs and put them in the correct box. • stop • sleep • die • run • walk • dance «swim • shop • write • laugh • study • play double -ing -ie ^ у + ing -e ^ -ing consonant + -ing Put the verbs in brackets in the present continuous. 1 A: Where’s Bob? B; In the park. He ...................... (play) with his friends. 2 A: What.........................(she/do)? B: She .......................(watch) TV. 3 A: Where........................(they/go)? B: To the supermarket.................... (you/go) with them? 4 A: Tim ................................... (not/work) at present. B: Really? .............................. (he/look) for a job? Write sentences about yourself. Use the expressions in the list. • now • at the moment • these days • tonight 1 2 3 4 Ц Put the sentences below in the interrogative and negative form. 1 The musicians are performing. 2 Mary is drinking Cola. 3 The clowns are holding balloons. 4 I’m taking pictures of my friends. 5 You’re feeling tired. Put the words in the correct order. 1 are/park/playing/children/in/cricket/ the/the 2 working/Rome/month/is/in/Paul/this 3 can’t/l/swim/suit/because/l/am/wearing/ swim/my/not 4 studying/her/Linda/in/is/room? Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences below. 1 Bill love eating strawberries and cream. 2 He always eating strawberries and cream when he visits grandmother. 3 In fact, he is eats a big bowl right now. 4 What classes is you taking this term? 5 My little cousin still is believes in Father Christmas. 6 We is going to the beach this afternoon. 33 Grammar Practice 2 3 4 Mark the statements N when they describe actions happening now and T when they describe temporary actions. He is working in our Southampton office until June. Please be quiet, the baby is sleeping. . I am studying French. Georgia is having Spanish lessons these days. Look! It’s raining outside. ^ Complete the postcard and put the verbs in the present continuous. Dear Sandy, Greetings from St Petersburg! we are here for the lovely Golden Autumn. Together with the residents, we 1)........................... (enjoy) the last days of sunshine.This is a quiet time of year, and so Betty and I 2)...................(enjoy) our stay. Today we 3)......................(not/visit) historical monuments. We 4).................... (relax) in the gardens of Catherine's Palace outside the city. It is Saturday, so many families 5).....................(walk) in the woods and 6) ...................(have) picnics on the grass. Betty 7)..................(rest). She 8)..........................(drink) a cool drink by one of the fountains. I 9)............................ (write) a few postcards. When 10)............................ (you/plan) to visit this wonderful city? I hope all is well back home. Love Ann Trarolaftor’s [CORNER a) What's the English for: быть взволнованным, работать в саду, украшать улицы, праздновать Новый год, обмениваться подарками, наблюдать салют, хорошо проводить время? b) Give the English equivalents. Choose make or do: делать покупки, заваривать чай, готовить украшения, приготовить блюдо, вытирать пыль, позвонить, мыть посуду, выступать с речью, делать доклад, делать домашнее задание. ш а) Translate the situations into English: a) Мы всегда празднуем мамин день рождения. Он в сентябре, осенью. Я украшаю квартиру. Бабушка печёт пирог и готовит особое блюдо. Мои братья-близнецы готовят яркие праздничные украшения. Мы нарядно одеваемся, покупаем маме розы и поём её любимую песню. b) Спортивные игры для подростков проходят в нашем городе каждую весну. Лучшие юные спортсмены принимают в них участие. Девочки и мальчики состязаются в беге и прыжках. В это же время некоторые школьники участвуют в танцевальных и песенных конкурсах. Ь) Translate the dialogue: - Лиза, я слышу шум, ты занята сейчас? - У нас праздник английского языка. Мы все в костюмах, танцуем, поем. - А ты что сейчас делаешь? Танцуешь? - Я с большим удовольствием ем яблочный пирог. Присоединяйся к нам. - С радостью. Я приду через 10 минут. Я очень люблю яблочный пирог. Поиграем в какие-нибудь английские игры, а после я помогу тебе убраться. 34 Free time 1 2 3 4 5 The a) Match the pictures to the pieces of equipment. a) watering can b) golf clubs c) palette d) table tennis bat e) rollerskates b) Match the equipment above to the activities. Then write sentences, as in the example. do gardening a play golf ........... play table tennis ............ go rollerskating ............. paint ........... / need a watering can to do the gardening. Complete the sentences. • join • play • fun • good • costumes • meetings Are you I)......at acting? | Norton Drama Club i invites you to 2)...them. | _____________________________________ f Here’s your chance to. | • Have 3)..................... j • Act and sing. • Write your own 4)....... • Construct stage sets. • Work on nnaking 5)........ • Learn a lot about famous plays. • Develop that special talent you already have. Club 6).......:Tuesdays. Call Mrs Smith, t J Club President at:6IJ-555l21 Complete the exchanges. • I’m fond • I’m really bad • I’m mad • I’m keen • I really enjoy them A: What sport do you like? B: ........................on windsurfing. A: What’s your favourite pastime? B: ............................of painting. A: Do you like team sports? B: ........................................ A: Can you play basketball? B: No, I can’t........................at it. A: Do you like photography? B: ...............................about it. (SEHijEF ♦ Compound nouns Match the words in column A to the words in column В to form compound nouns, as in the example. tooth note camp pen key arm book ‘brush knife chair board site 1 2 3 4 5 6 toothbrush 35 6 Game on! Match the pictures to the games. a darts b bowling c backgammon d chess e billiards Complete the sentences. • win • Scrabble • board • boring • puzzles 1 A: Would you like to play a..........game? B: Great idea! What about Monopoly? 2 A: Let’s play cards. B: No way! You always............. 3 A: How about playing backgammon? B: Oh no. I think it’s very.......... 4 A; Do you want to play............with me? B: I’m sorry I can’t. I’ve got lots of things to do. 5 A: I’ve got a present for you. B: Thank you. I’m mad about jigsaw............. шаг] ♦ Present simple vs present continuous Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. 1 A: What...................... (you/think) of chess. B: I ..............(not/like) it, actually, I .......... (prefer) playing darts. 2 A: Do you agree that Bob is very good at cards? B: Oh no! I ................ (not/believe) he is a good player. He................ (always/cheat)! 3 A: What...................... (Paul and Peter/do) now? B: They ..............(play) backgammon at the moment. 4 A: Mary and I ............... (go) to the drama club now. (you/want) to come with us? B: I’m sorry I can’t. My friend and I .............(have) dinner now. 5 A: Carol .............(fly) to Madrid now. B: ..............(you/know) for how long? A: She ...................... (usually/stay) there for a couple of weeks. 36 Pastimes 1 2 4 5 V6se6odtei57 ♦ Collocations I Complete the sentences with the words below. > • move • roll • throw • pick • form In backgammon, you...........the dice. In chess, the players........the pieces on the chessboard. During a game of darts, the players .........darts at the board. In Scrabble, you try to.......words. In blackjack, you.........up cards. Q Listen and tick (/) the correct answer. 1 Alex hates A actors. □ В drama clubs. □ C plays. □ 2 Alex thinks acting is A exciting. □ В dull. □ C fun. □ 3 Sally doesn’t like A writing. □ В working. □ C acting. □ 4 The club meetings are on A Mondays. □ В Tuesdays. □ C Thursdays. □ Read the text and mark the sentences T ^true) or F (false). uiet Scv Ben Loiterstein is a very famous man. He's a teacher of English but also a Scrabble world champion. Ben believes that Scrabble belongs in the classroom. He says, "I use Scrabble in class all the time. It is a thrilling experience for the kids. They learn arithmetic, language, dictionary skills and team work. Scrabble teaches them everything in a really fun way." Other teachers seem to agree with him that Scrabble is a way for young people to have fun and learn at the same time. They think teenagers, who seldom open a dictionary, rarely go to the library and usually spend most of their time surfing the Internet, find playing Scrabble interesting. One of them says, "It's the only time I ever see my students fight over a dictionary, or even open one!" Ben visits classrooms across the country to help other teachers understand that Scrabble is an educational tool, a tool for improving strategic thinking and bringing people together. Ben Loiterstein is a famous Scrabble teacher. He doesn’t use Scrabble in class. Students can learn language and arithmetic when they play Scrabble. Ben thinks that young people have fun and learn while playing Scrabble. Teachers believe that teenagers like playing Scrabble. Ben goes to other schools to play Scrabble. 37 ] Writing (а letter to а friend) a) Read the letter and fill in: • but • and • great • times • never • very Dear Leslie, How are you ? I'm on holiday with my parents in Portugal and I'm having a 1)....time. Guess what? I'm learning how to windsurf! We have lessons three 2).....a week in the afternoon and 13)......miss them, even when it is not very windy. I think windsurfing is a 4)-exciting sport S)----/ want to buy my own surfboard someday. In the evenings I work in a coffee bar near the beach. I clear the tables and help the waiters. It's not a very interesting job, 6)...the money is useful! That's all for now. I have to go to my windsurfing lesson. I look forward to seeing you soon. Have fun! Love, Georgia ^ b) Read the letter again and decide whether the sentences are T (true) or F (false). 1 2 4 5 6 7 Georgia is on holiday with her friends.... She has windsurfing lessons three times a week. .... She only goes windsurfing when it is windy, .... Georgia has her own surfboard. .... She works in a coffee bar in the mornings. .... The coffee bar is on the beach. .... Georgia’s job is not very interesting..... Answer the questions. Which of these phrases can you use to start a letter to a friend? A Dear Paul В Hi Jane C Dear Sirs 2 Which of these phrases can you use to end a letter to a friend? A Yours sincerely В Best wishes C Love ♦ Joining sentences Complete the sentences below using because, but, or and. 1 I like playing chess...........darts. 2 1 don’t play Scrabble..........I think it’s difficult. 3 I’m bad at playing basketball ........... I’m good at playing tennis. 4 I’m mad about painting............. I hate fishing. 5 I’d like to join a drama club............ I love acting. Write a letter to a friend. Use the plan below and Ex. 1 as a model. Plan Dear Introduction opening remarks/where you are/what sport you do Main body write about your sport/how much you like it or how often you practice/why you like it, or write about your hobby/how good/ bad you are at it Conclusion closing remarks Love, (first name) 38 Grammar Practice Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous or the present simple. 1 A; Hi Olga................................. (Anna/be) there? B: Sorry, but ............................ (sleep) now. 2 A: What..........................(you/do)? B: I........................(talk) to Fred. 3 A: ........................................ (you/like) this dress? B: Yes, a lot. How much .................. ............................(it/cost)? 4 A: How often ............................. (you/ clean) your room? B: Once a week. 5 A: Lisa ........................(study) hard these days. B: I know. She ........................... (want) to pass her exams. 6 A; You ............................(look) terrible. What’s wrong? B: I .............................(have) a terrible headache. 7 Pete ...................................... (travel) around Europe at the moment. 8 Betty always .............................. (wake up) late at the weekend. 9 Mum........................................ (cook) dinner every night. 10 She ...................................... (work) on her computer now. Choose the correct item. 1 They usually ........... camping every summer. A go В goes C is going 2 John.......TV every night. A is watching В watch C watches 3 Ben........the dog at the moment. A walks В is walking C walk 4 We.........our grandparents every Sunday. A visit В visits C are visiting 5 .......listening to rock music? A Is she enjoying В Does she enjoy C Does she enjoys 6 Do parrots.........in the jungle? A lives В live C is living 7 Are you........at the holiday photos? A looking В looks C look 8 Bruce......a shower at the moment. A has В is having C have Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous or the present simple. 1 A: Tony and Matt.......................... (work) very hard these days. B: Yes. They ............................ (want) to make some extra money. 2 A: What..........................(you/do)? B: Shhhh!I .............................. (talk) on the phone. 3 A: ................(John/study) Spanish? B: Yes. He............................... (go) to lessons twice a week. 4 A: What time ............................. (you/have) breakfast? B: 7 o’clock. The school bus ............ (come) at 7:30. 5 A: Where’s Jim? B: In the living room. He ............... .......(help) Mary with her homework. 39 Grammar Practice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Underline the correct time expression. George has basketball lessons every week/ at the moment. Tina goes jogging these days/twice a week. He is not working at the moment/on Tuesdays. Sometimes/At the moment he is surfing the Net. Answer the following questions. Are the children sleeping? Yes, ......... Does your father work hard? Yes,....... Do you have a lot of free time? No, ... Are you doing your homework? Yes....... Is your mother cooking? No............. Do your friends like sport? Yes, ...... Does your best friend live far from you? No, Are your parents watching TV? No, .......... Do you travel often? Yes, .................. Does your sister help around the house? No, tj Correct the mistakes in the sentences below. 1 Mary are having dinner at the moment. 2 I works hard at school. 3 Alice don’t like playing chess. 4 We often eating out on Sundays. 5 I always eat fish. 1 hate it! 6 She love talking on the phone! 7 Does they go on trips every weekend? 8 Are you do the washing-up? 9 Does he goes jogging every morning? Translator’s I CORNER a) What's the English for: играть в компьютерные игры, рыбачить, веселиться, утомительное занятие, дважды в неделю, предпочитать командные игры, ездить на велосипеде, скучная игра, предлагать идею? b) Give the English equivalents. Mind the prepositions: интересоваться теннисом, увлекаться чтением, играть в настольные игры, спорить с друзьями, ждать, когда кончится дождь, соглашаться с родителями, для разнообразия, искать билеты. Translate the situations into English: a) - Ты любишь играть в настольные игры? - Я интересуюсь «Монополией», а домино - скучная игра. - Тебе нравится «Монополия», потому что ты всегда выигрываешь, а твой дядя проигрывает. - Дядя не умеет играть. Игра его раздражает. Он спорит и проигрывает. А потом он сердится. b) Вступайте в наш клуб. Мы ходим в походы, плаваем, ездим на велосипедах. Мы увлекаемся фотографией. Мы ловим интересные моменты и фотографируем. И вы научитесь. Присоединяйтесь к нам и получайте удовольствие. c) Миша увлекается живописью. Он хочет ходить в изостудию. Он будет посещать художественные музеи и учиться рисовать. Изостудия работает по вторникам и пятницам, сразу после школы. Эти дни у него свободны. Миша также любит читать. Каждый понедельник он ходит в библиотеку менять книги. Библиотека — клуб книголюбов: ребята приходят сюда поговорить об интересных книгах. 40 I . ■ riV.-;. , i. ■ 'V; ..'vv I fi Match the pictures to the places in the list. d restaurant e newsagent’s f railway station a school b post office c saloon Choose the correct item. It’s a deserted town with a lot of ....... buildings. A original В slow C ruined My grandfather buys the.....newspaper. A trendy В weekly C wealthy A.....town has no people. A crowded В old C ghost Visit the museum to...... an idea of what life was like in this town. A get В let C set The restaurant was.....because it was the best in the town. A deserted В crowded C ugly Find and circle the past simple forms of the verbs below. 1. ♦ Past Simple (Regular verbs) tfcf? Look at Becky’s weekend ‘to do’ list. Ask and answer, as in the example. • tidy room / • work on computer X • wash dad’s car / • finish homework X • clean house / • visit grandparents X 1 Did Becky tidy her room? Yes, she did. 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 ........................... 5 .......................... 6 ........................... Work Oivf C17 Walk ЧШ Look Uvf Try Move a c У c n m e n d g t s m e V a P e r e n r c a f I P I m 0 s a s a a e 0 I m У m к z a 7 w 0 0 e m d i V I e I d 0 V m d t h e e e g e t V g e n e e d s d h n e h I t e d w c r i e d ^ u d d a u g h t I f T 41 7 Halloween Spirit Do the crossword puzzle. 1 P Down 1 Mark was ................ He didn’t know what to do. 2 Mary feels.........when she takes an exam. 3 This was my worst holiday ever. I was so.......... Across 4 When we heard the strange noise we got so.......... 5 Bill looks ........... What’s wrong with him? 6 Penny got very .............. when she got the bad news. 7 He worked so hard last week that he feels very ......... now. (Зшпшт? ♦ Past Simple (Irregular verbs) J a) Look at the list of irregular verbs and put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Colin’s « ainnerly^ss^ Last Friday it 1)....(be) my birthday. I usually go out to celebrate, but this year I decided to cook dinner for my friends at home. What a mistake! As soon as I finished work I 2)...(go) straight home to start cooking because the invitations were for 8 o'clock. First of all, I 3).....(put) the chicken in the oven, then I prepared the vegetables. When I finished peeling, dicing and stirring, it was 6:45 pm. I 4)......(set) the table quickly and went upstairs to get dressed. Meanwhile the smell of cooking filled the house. 1 was downstairs again by 7:30 pm. 15).......(take) the chicken out of the oven and arranged all the food nicely on the table. When I finished everything, I 6) ....... (have) just enough time to go and get some flowers. I rushed out of the house and quickly walked towards the shops. I 7)......(buy) some beautiful roses and was back outside my front door ten minutes later. Suddenly, I realised I 8).....(not/have) my keys! I 9).......(run) round the house checking windows and doors. No luck! Finally my friends arrived. At 8:00 pm, everything was ready and everybody was there. The only problem was that we 10).......(be) outside the dining room window, flowers in hand, watching the perfect birthday meal go cold. b) Read the text above and underline all the verbs in past simple form. Write the past simple of the verbs below. 1 spend 6 make 2 leave 7 eat 3 write 8 find 4 read 9 give 5 see 10 say 42 Famous firsts !■ Complete the sentences using the words below. • early • character • total • awards 1 Mickey Mouse is the most famous cartoon ...................of all time. 2 Paul liked drawing from an ......... age. 3 Walt Disney received 32 Academy........... 4 He made 81 films in................. Fill in with the correct word. • Birth • Famous • Date • Profession dolo Petsonol Name: Leonardo Da Vinci 1) : painter, scientist, | philosopher, architect 2) of Birth: 15th April, 1452 Place of 3).........: Anchiano, Vinci Country of Birth: Italy Mother's Name: Catarina Father's Name: Ser Piero Teacher's Name: Andrea De Verrocio Most 4)...........painting: Mona Lisa CftKafeg Q Listen and tick (/) the correct answer. Marie Curie was a famous A teacher О В scientist О С doctor О She studied Maths and Physics in A London О В Milan О С Paris О Marie Curie worked with her A husband О В father О С brother О Marie Curie was the first woman to A win a Nobel Prize О В go to university О C do research О CisSiig Read the text and choose the correct answer. m r > ■A ^ William Shakespeare, the world's greatest playwright, was born in April, 1564. He grew up in Stratford-upon-Avon in central England and attended Stratford Grammar School. In 1582, when Shakespeare was 18 years old, he married a woman named Anne Hathaway and the couple had three children. A few years after his marriage, Shakespeare moved to London where he worked as both a playwright and an actor. In 1593, he joined 'The Lord Chamberlain's Men', one of England's most famous acting companies. Shakespeare stayed with this group, acting and writing, until 1599. It was in this year that the theatre where the group performed burnt down. He continued to act in another theatre called 'The Globe' until 1613, when he chose to retire. Shakespeare went on writing plays up until his death in 1616. William Shakespeare was born in the spring. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say Shakespeare didn’t go to school. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say Anne Hathaway was 18 when she got married. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say Shakespeare had two sons and a daughter. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say Shakespeare moved to London after his marriage. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say Shakespeare stopped writing in 1613. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say 43 7 Writing (а story) а) Read the story and put the paragraphs in the correct order. by chance They enjoyed their picnic О and decided to come back home. Suddenly they saw two big black animals running towards them. The boys didn't know what to do. ..oshua started shouting at the animals. The animals were not frightened at all and the boys climbed up a big tree. The next day the boys were on the front page of the local paper. The boys received a medal for their help in catching the panthers. Everyone called them heroes. The boys said "Heroes? How could we be heroes? We У spent the whole time up a tree!" One sunny morning Joshua and Steven went to the part to play football. The boys wanted to have a picnic, so they took some sandwiches, fruit and juice with them. J Joshua and Steven sat in the tree. They were terrified! After some time, two men entered the park carrying guns. They were zoo keepers who finally caught the panthers. They returned the animals to the zoo. The zoo keepers explained, "Next time we have to be more careful when we clean the cages. The panthers escaped." b) Say which paragraph(s) give(s) information about: 1 the time, the place and the people in the story 2 the events one after the other 3 what happened in the end and how the people felt Underline the correct word. H 1 2 Luckily/After, the police came soon after we called them. After/When that, Elizabeth was afraid to leave her house. Before/Finally, the boys saw two men running towards the animals. After/First I jumped from the helicopter, my legs were hurting. After/When the victim walked into the kitchen, the robber attacked her. Write a story for a competition in your school magazine. Use the plan below and Ex. 1a as a model. Begin like this: One afternoon, three weeks ago, Terry decided to take his pet snake out for a walk. He put.... Plan Title: What a day! Paragraph 1: snake is not in basket/get into car/drive to the park Paragraph 2; at the park/take the snake out/play with the snake/put it back in basket Terry/read book /15 minutes later/snake is not in the basket Paragraph 3: Terry/look everywhere/start shouting /call the police/ people scared/everyone leave the park /police can’t find the; snake Paragraph 4: Terry sad/drive home/notice/ snake/sleep on car floor/both happy 44 Grammar Practice Fill in the sentences with was/wasn’t, were/weren’t. 1 A: ..........you at the doctor’s yesterday? B: No, I..........at the hospital. 2 A: Where...........John last night? B: He..........at Mary’s house. 3 A: ..........they happy when they moved to their new house? B: Yes, Tina.........., but John........... Write the Simple Past form of the verbs below. 1 stop . 2 come 3 meet 4 make 5 find . 6 try .... 7 give .. 8 be .... 9 spend 10 eat ... Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past simple. 1 A: .............................(you/go) to school yesterday? B: No, I........................(be) sick. 2 A: What ......................(you/have) for breakfast yesterday? B: A glass of milk and cereal. 3 A: ...........................(you/meet) John last night? B: Yes, we......... .................(go) to the cinema together. 4 A: How many books ........................ (you/buy)? B: 1 only ......................(buy) one. Complete the first speaker. 1 A: When .................... B: She left for school an hour ago. 2 A: What................................? B: I had cereal for breakfast. 3 A: Where ..............................? B: We played football in the park. 4 A: Who.................................? B: Sue met Paul on the bus. 5 A: What ...............................> B: The children found a puppy on the street. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Hello Mary, Tom and I 1)................. (go) to Paris last weekend and I 2)............. (want) to tell you about it. Our hotel 3)........... (be) great so on our first night we 4)....................... (eat) there. The next day we 5)............... (decide) to visit the Eiffel Tower of course. There 6)...........(be) lots of people, but the view 7)...........(be) amazing. Then we 8)................. (go) shopping and I 9).................(buy) a very expensive jacket! On Sunday we 10)................ (have) breakfast at the hotel and then we 11)............... (visit) Notre Dame. Everything 12)..........(be) wonderful. Please write back soon, Claire 45 Grammar Practice Д Choose the correct answer. 1 I have guitar lessons right now/twice a week/yesterday. 2 Dolphins lived/live/are living in the water. 3 I saw/am seeing/see George last week. 4 She lived/left/leaves an hour ago. 5 Did/Do/Are you meet your friends often? 6 Be quiet! We are trying/tried/try to listen to the teacher. 7 What did/are/do you do last weekend? 8 Does John studying/study/studies at the university? 9 When does/is/did Walt Disney die? 10 The boys aren’t/don’t/didn’t working on their project now. Give true answers about yourself. 1 What did you do last weekend? 2 When did you learn to read? 3 Where did you go last summer? 4 Who were you with yesterday afternoon? 5 What did you have for lunch yesterday? 6 Who was your first English teacher? 7 Which was your favourite toy when you were 5? 8 What did you watch on TV last weekend? TlransIMor’s [CORNER a) What's the English for: мне скучно, оживлённые улицы (города), тихое место, современный отель, проводить свободное время, получить представление, чувствовать себя несчастным, выглядеть озадаченным? b) Give the English equivalents. Mind the prepositions: работать на шахте, переехать в другой город, путешествовать поездом/ машиной, представиться, беседовать о великолепных замках, в возрасте 10 лет, ехать в Голливуд, придумать героя, в прошлом, символ американской мечты. a) Translate the situations into English: a) Мы увидели большой дом с садом. Дом выглядел пустым. В заброшенном саду были красивые цветы. Сад был великолепен. Но нам было страшно. Мы могли встретить призрак. Было поздно. Мы устали и решили постучать. Вдруг дверь открылась. Мы увидели высокого беспомощного старика. Он представился: «Мистер Грин». Мистер Грин пригласил нас войти. Мы захотели помочь ему приготовить ужин. b) В прошлую субботу моя подруга Аня пригласила меня в кино. Мы встретились на автобусной остановке и отправились в центр города. Фильм нам понравился. Затем мы пошли к Ане домой. Мы пили чай с конфетами и пирогами. Мы хорошо провели день. А в воскресенье я читала и смотрела телевизор. У меня не было уроков. b) Translate the dialogue: - Здравствуй, Андрей. Где ты был вчера? Я хотел пригласить тебя в компьютерный клуб, но не мог тебя найти. - Привет! Вчера у Ани был день рождения. Она меня пригласила. Мы веселились. - Что ты ей выбрал в подарок? - Конфеты и цветы. Аня очень любит шоколадные конфеты. А ты что делал? Ходил в кино? - Нет. Я не нашёл тебя и весь вечер смотрел телевизор. Пойдём завтра в компьютерный клуб? - С удовольствием. Встретимся после школы. 46 That's the rule Match the pictures to the types of dwelling. a) Complete the sentences using the words in Ex. 1. 1 Mr Brown is a businessman. He stays at a ...............when he travels. 2 Ben is a ski instructor. He stays in a ..............near the ski school. 3 The Smiths are a big family. They live in a big.............because they need lots of rooms. 4 Mark and Susan are campers. They sleep in a ..................when they are on holiday. 5 Janice is a secretary. She rents a ..............because she works in the city centre. 6 The Coopers live in a ........... because they love the quiet country life. b) Ask and answer, as in the example. A: Where do you live? B: I live in a cottase in the country. ♦ Must/Mustn’t Fill in must, or mustn’t. AG. Baillie Secondary School Rules 1 You..........run in the halls at school. 2 You..........be mean to your classmates. 3 You.........treat your teachers with respect. 4 You.........do your homework every night 5 You.........talk in class. 6 You.........eat or drink at your desk. 7 You.........be on time. 8 You.........always wear your school uniform. a) Read the signs below. Now tell a friend what you must or mustn't do when you are in the library, as in the example. Ngw Glnsnow Piihlln librnrv n M ■ Ч t . i ' ' : 1,1 i:1:’ ■ U;' K? ■ iV-;) Cl (iiiulis mobi'e pWones Show your card to the librarian when taking out books You mustn't talk when you are in the reading room. b) In pairs, talk about what you must/mustn't do when you are at a zoo. 47 8 Shall we? Use the signs to complete the exchanges. ■ШШ|ДШ!1ИМ Щ 48 DO NOT Ш 1 A: Are you excited about going to the museum, Tim? B: Oh yes, Mum! Let's go. A: Wait a minute. We're not going anywhere until you................. 2 A: Why are you slowing down. Dad? B: I have to. Don't you see the lights flashing at the...............up there? 3 A: Who is it? B: It's the maid. Sir. May I clean the room now? A: No, I'm busy. Can't you see the'.....' sign on the door? 4 A: Okay class, come this way now. B: Look miss, there are some rabbits! Can we pet them? A: Yes, but remember you're not allowed to ...............them. 5 A: Did everyone enjoy the picnic? B: I did. It was wonderful. A: Good. Now I want everyone to pick up all the.........and put it in the.......... over there. • Comparisons Use the table and the prompts to make comparisons, as in the example. • tall/short • heavy/light • old/young • experienced шт\ Ruby IBISB Height: 1.65m 1.59m 1.70m Weight: 55 kgs 60 kgs 57 kgs Age: 30 29 25 Experience: 3 years 6 years ' 2 years Alice is taller than Ruby. Tina is taller than Ruby. Ruby is shorter than Tina. Ruby is shorter than Alice. Alice is the tallest of all. Ruby is the shortest of all. etc О Listen and tick (/) the correct answer. 3 1 The museum opens at A 10:00 am. В 11:00 am. C 11:30 am. The entrance ticket is A £1.00. В £2.50. C £4.00. □ □ □ □ □ □ The Modern Art Section is on the A first floor. О В second floor. Ц C third floor. О There are shows at the museums on A Wednesdays. Q В Thursdays. C Fridays. Complete the exchanges with phrases and sentences from the list. • Shall we • How about • That’s a brilliant idea • I’m sorry • Sure • I don’t really like A: .............go to the cinema tonight? B: ............., I can’t. I’m going shopping with my mum. A: ...........going to the zoo this weekend? B: .............I The kids love animals. A: Let’s go swimming today. It’s very hot. B: .............Why not? It sounds like fun. A: How about playing tennis this weekend? B: ............. playing tennis. I prefer basketball. Rules & Regulations 1 2 4 5 Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). The Louvre Museum isn’t in Paris. The Louvre Museum has eight different departments. From 9:00 am to 3:00 pm the entrance fee for the Louvre Museum is € 7.50.... The Hermitage Museum is in New York.... The Hermitage Museum has paintings only by Russian painters. Students have to pay $7.00 at the Metropolitan Museum. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The Museum The Louvre Museum is one of the biggest museums m the world. The museum is in Paris, France and every year a lot of people visit it. The Museum has seven departments: Oriental and Islamic Antiquities; , Egyptian Antiquities; Greek, Roman and Etruscan ' Antiquities; Sculptures; Paintings; Objects of Art; and Arts and Civilisations of Africa, Asia, Oceania’ and the Americas. The entrance fee is €7.50 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and €5.00 after 3:00 pm. The Louvre Museum is a fantastic place where you can see works of art from all over the world. ♦ Have to/Don’t have to/Needn’t What do the people below have to or don’t have to/needn’t do when going on holiday. I have to pack my suitcase. Peter..............study for school. Bob and Sally ................ turn all the lights off. We.................wake up early. They...............close the windows. My brother and I ............... water the plants. Sue...........empty the fridge. You................lock all doors. HERMITAGE ЛЛ- U ^ L U~M_ The Hermitage Museum is in St. Petersburg in Russia. It is one of the greatest art museums in the world. The museum has about 2.7 million works of art from ali over the worid. In the different departments of the museum you can see works by Leonardo da Vinci, Micheiangeio, Rembrandt, Rubens, Van Gogh, Monet and many other famous painters. You can also find exhibits of Prehistoric and Oriental Art as well as those of Russian culture. To get into the museum you have to pay €10.00. METROPOLITAN The Metropolitan Museum is a beautiful museum in the city of New York. The museum has a lot of different departments including: American Decorative Arts; Asian arts; Drawings and Paintings; European Paintings; European Sculpture and Decorative Arts; Islamic Arts; and Modern Arts. The entrance fee is usually $12.00, but for students it's $7.00. The Metropolitan Museum is a place you have to visit when you are in the city of New York. 49 8 Writing (giving Ик instructions) a) Look at the text below. Is it an invitation, a brochure, or a postcard? Welcome to Beachside Campingf Beachside Camping is a family campground and we would like you to read these instructions and rules so that your visit will be a pleasant one. Campground: • Check out by 11:30 am. • Do not climb, cut or damage the trees in the campground. Pool: Opening hours 9am - 5pm (no children under five) Always listen to the lifeguard. No running in the pool area. Wear suitable shoes in the pool area. No diving. Smoking in the pool area is forbidden. Camp sites: (one tent or caravan per site) • Use the barbecue pits only while at campsite. • Keep your dog on a lead. • Keep your site clean. • One picnic table per site. Please ask for permission before taking a table from another site. b) Complete the table by writing what you must or mustn't do while you are at the campground. Campers must \Campers mastn 50 Grammar Practice Complete the rules. Use must/mustn’t. You... 1 ...............keep the room clean. (/) 2 ...........play music after 10:00 am. (/) 3 .............put posters on the walls. (Л) 4 ...............keep pets in the room. (Л) 5 .....................make the bed. (/) Underline the correct word. 1 You must/needn’t stop at the red light. 2 Pilots have to/can’t wear a uniform. 3 You mustn’t/don’t have to water the plants. I’ll do that. 4 He’s ill. He must/has to see a doctor. 5 You mustn’t/don’t have to eat in the classroom. It isn’t allowed. 6 He has to/can’t do his homework every day. 7 Do I have to/Needn’t I finish it today? 8 You mustn’t/needn’t wear a sweater. It’s warm outside. 9 You mustn’t/don’t have to be late. It’s an important meeting. 10 He can go out but he need/has to be back by 10:00. Look at the library rules and make sentences with must or mustn’t. ✓ Don’t make any noise. ✓ Don’t leave books on ✓ Be quiet. the table when you ✓ Don’t eat or drink. ieave. ✓ Be carefui with the ✓ Put the books back in books. the right piace. 1 You mustn’t make any noise. 2 ........................... 3 4 5 6 Choose the correct word. 1 ......I go outside, please? A Can В Need C Must 2 You........drive on campus. It’s forbidden. A needn’t В mustn’t C have to 3 The rules say we ........ keep our rooms tidy. A must В can C can’t 4 I’m afraid you ......go out now. It’s too late. A can В can’t C needn’t 5 You ....... put posters on the wall. It’s forbidden. A needn’t В mustn’t C have to И Write the short forms. 1 She must not............................. 2 They can not ............................ 3 You need not ............................ 4 I do not have to ........................ 5 He does not need to ..................... •I Read the situations and write appropriate sentences. 1 There’s no need for your friend to wash the dishes because your sister is doing it. What do you say? 2 A classmate of yours is eating in the library but it is not allowed. What do you say? 3 Your little brother wants to borrow your CD player. Refuse permission. 4 Your friend talks during the lesson. Tell him to be quiet. It’s the rule. 5 You are renting a flat to a student. Tell him that it’s necessary to pay the rent on time. 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 52 Grammar Practice 3 4 7 8 10 Fill in the gaps with the comparative or the superlative form of the following adjectives. His marks were terrible last year but now they’re ...........................(good). This is ....................(fast) car that we have. Their flat is.............(big) than mine. Japanese is.....................(difficult) than English. This pair of glasses is ................... (expensive) in this shop. Who’s ...................(young) person in your family? Is iron................(heavy) than gold? He’s ...................(careless) student in class. I have....................(much) than my brother. Today the weather is.................(bad) than yesterday. Use the phrases to write true sentences. • shorter than • the biggest of • more expensive than • the best • worse than 1 2 3 4 5 Я Correct the mistakes. This is the better program on TV! Paris is most beautiful than London. Russia is the colder than Spain. I eat less of you. My schoolbag is heaviest than yours. Is your dress most expensive than mine? Translator’s [CORNER What’s the English for: многоквартирный дом, получить разрешение, учебная неделя, оаавлять гостей на ночь, территория школы/ университета, плавать в бассейне, носить форму, историческое здание, заказать билеты, во втором ряду, шуметь, выносить еду из столовой, переполненный автобус, самый умный ученик в классе? ш Translate into English: a) Мы вчера ходили в зоопарк, самый большой зоопарк в стране. Я не могу сказать, что получила удовольствие. Везде были надписи: «Не ходить по траве», «Не кормить зверей». Я хотела сфотографировать самых красивых зверей, но я не могла подойти близко, потому что было много народу. Некоторые звери спали, а некоторые были не очень дружелюбны. Мы не могли устроить пикник, потому что там не было места для этого. Вчера было воскресенье, и в зоопарке было много маленьких детей. Они шумели и кричали. В следующие выходные я поеду в лес. Думаю, это блестящая идея. В лесу не нужно думать о большом количестве правил. b) 1. Мой дядя на пять лет младше моего отца. 2. Мой чемодан тяжелее, чем твой. 3. Твоя сестра самая красивая девочка в классе. 4. В прошлом году наша баскетбольная команда была самой популярной в городе. 5. Автобусы более переполнены, чем трамваи. Я поеду на трамвае, б. Это самая плохая комедия. Она скучная. 7. Моя спальня более прибрана, чем твоя. 8. Твой портфель дешевле, чем мой, но он красивее. 9. Это самая блестящая идея. 10. Петя моложе Аниного брата, но старше твоего. c) - Мама, могут мои друзья прийти ко мне сегодня? - Ты шутишь? Сегодня ты должен убрать квартиру, сделать уроки, сходить в магазин - Я всё сделаю. Могут они прийти вечером? - Хорошо, но вы не должны шуметь. Я испеку пирог для вас. Food & drink YQGabul a) Look at the pictures and tick (/) the items that are on the shopping list. _A* , b) Say in which section of the supermarket we can find the products on the shopping list. • dairy • bakery • meat & poultry • seafood • fruit & vegetables The bananas are in the fruit and vegetable section. аийшш? ♦ A/An/5ome/Any/A lot of/ Much/ Many Choose the correct item. ♦ onUiners and amounts 0 a) Match the words in the two columns. carton bottle piece kilo box loaf of oranges of oil of cheese of milk of bread of chocolates I always have a big breakfast before I leave for school. I start with 1) some/many orange juice and eggs. After that I have 2) a/an small bowl of cereal with 3) much/a little milk. Sometimes I eat 4) a/an apple or 5) a/any banana with my cereal. When mum makes her special pancakes, I have 6) a few/much with 7) a/some big glass of milk. My older sister always yells at me because I eat so 8) much/ many food. b) Use words from Ex. 3a to complete the sentences. 1 A: What do you want from the baker’s? B: Only a..............of bread. 2 A: How much milk do your children drink? B; About a.............a day. 3 A: Would you like some bread? B: Yes, please. And could I have a......... of cheese with that, too? 4 A: My salad is too dry. Where’s the......... of oil? B; On the kitchen table. 5 A: What are you bringing Elizabeth for her birthday? B: A.............of chocolates. 6 A: I’m making a fruit salad. I need apples, bananas... B: And about a..............of oranges. 53 the menu a) Look at the pictures and say which are: • snacks • spices • fruit 1 Ginger is a spice. b) Match the items to what they taste like. Then, write, as in the example. A hot & spicy В sweet C sour D salty 1 Ginger is hot and spicy. ♦ Collocations Match the words in the columns. Which of these do/ don’t you like? grilled shake roast В beef mineral water soft drink milk chicken fruit salad H Choose from the sentences (A-H) to complete the conversation. What did Alex order? Waiter: Good evening. What can I get j д you? Alex: 1) .......................... g Waiter: And as a main course? Alex: 2) ........................ Waiter: Can I suggest the roast beef? It’s very good. ^ Alex: 3) ........................ Maybe next time. Waiter: Would you like chips or rice E with that? Alex: 4) .......................... F Waiter: And would you like something to drink? Alex: 5) .......................... q Waiter: Would you like anything for desert? Alex: 6) ...................... H I think I’ll have the spicy chicken. I’ll have the chocolate cake, please. Thank you. Rice, please. A glass of mineral water, please. Would you like a cola? For starters. I’ll have a salad, please. I still prefer the chicken, thank you. Yes, thank you. 1 2 3 4 5 54 ♦ Present Simple vs Present Continuous Choose the correct item. My mum and dad go/are going to the cinema on Fridays. I’m cooking/cook with my friend Julie at the moment. We always buy/are buying fresh fruit from the market. She is having/has breakfast every day at 7:30. She makes/is making some fresh orange juice. Would anyone like some? ,L Let's cook! Tick (/) the appropriate boxes. I boil chicken ] / eggs ^ pasta I potatoes ^ carrots j fish meat . onions f( V dice i bake peel / / C stir C buy the Choose the correct item. Slowly ........... the eggs, the flour and milk mixture. A bake В fry When the chicken boils, vegetables. A peel В add Put the cake in the oven and............it for 30-45 min, A bake В melt C dice How many people does the recipe..........? A prepare В serve C need Look at the...........you need before you go to the market. ' A cooking time В portions C ingredients You have to be careful not to cut yourself when you............vegetables. A boil В mix C dice I 1 i б:ща|уебдй11) у Complete the exchanges. • I’d like a cola please • Yes, I’d love that • May 1 take your order, sir • Would you like some dessert • I’m on a diet • Would you like a starter 1 A; .......................................? B: I’d like the apple pie. Thank you. 2 A: .......................................? B: I’d like the chicken curry, please. 3 A: Anything to drink? B; ....................................... 4 A: What about a sirloin steak? B: ....................................... 5 A: Would you like something light? B: Yes, thank you......................... 6 A: .......................................? B: Yes, please. I’ll have the chef’s salad. CfeaafliB о Listen and complete. Western OMELETTE Preparation time: 10 min. Cooking time: 1)....min. Ingredients: 1 tsp butter 1 tbsp diced green peppers 1 tbsp diced 2).. peppers 1 tbsp diced spring onions 43)....... 4 tbsps diced cheese Portions: 2 Melt the butter in a pan. 4).the diced green and red peppers with the spring onions. Beat the eggs in a bowl and pour them over the vegetables. When the omelette is almost cooked, 5).the cheese over it. Fold the omelette in half immediately and continue cooking until ready. Serve immediately. 55 Writing (a restaurant review) a) Read the following review about a new restaurant and match the paragraphs to the headings. A Recommendation В Dishes/Specialities C Atmosphere D Name and Location 1 Pierre’s Restaurant is a new French restaurant with the best dishes and desserts in town! It is located at 34 Maple Street and is open from 10 am to 10 pm every day! I 2 I I The meals are great and the desserts are delicious! You can start with a vegetable soup or a mixed green salad. The veggy favourites are excellent! The roast beef is perfect! The sirloin steak and grilled chicken are some of the specialities. Don’t forget to try Pierre’s apple pie! The waiters at Pierre's are helpful and very friendly. The music is very enjoyable. And best of all, the prices are low! J Bring your friends and be sure to enjoy a wonderful night out at Pierre’s Restaurant. It’s great! Remember to book a table. b) Look at the poster and correct the mistakes, as in the example. Pierre's Restaurant^"™* 34 Cherry Street Great meals! Delicious desserts! Starters: onion soup, mixed fruit salad Main courses: veggy favourites platter, perfect roast beef Specialities: sirloin steak, roast chicken Desserts: Pierre’s lemon pie Friendly waiters - enjoyable music - high prices Open lOaiii - tOpm eveiy li Use the poster for another restaurant and write a review. Write about: • location/type of restaurant/opening hours • starters/main courses/ specialities/desserts • atmosphere • recommendation ^ , Frederico s Italian Restaurant 55 Uverton Street (DeCicious mealsl Qreat dessertsi Starters; carrot soup, vegetable salad Main courses: fantastic pizza, perfect home-made pasta Specialities; spaghetti bolognese, lasagne special Desserts: Frederico's chocolate calre ■ T irOPEIf' ' •' '' polite waiters live Italian music -reasonable prices 56 9 Grammar Practice Mark the nouns C (countable) or U 1 (uncountable). bread 7 biscuit 2 cheese 8 rice 3 apple 9 cake 4 sugar 10 pasta 5 milk 11 peach 6 orange 12 strawberry В Fill in the gaps with some or any. 1 Are there ,. eggs in the fridge? 2 1 have . biscuits in my bag. 3 We need .. milk for the cake. 4 There isn’t .. cheese in this sandwich. 5 Be careful! There’s ... honey on your 6 T-shirt! Are there , people in the living room? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fill in: much, many, a few, a little. How...............milk do you need? Is there.............coffee left? There are..............pears in the fridge. There is.............sugar left. How...............carrots are there? Are there............students in the class? Fill in: much, many and a lot. Can I have some more bread, please? I’m afraid there isn’t much left. May I have some milk, please? Of course, there is...........of milk left in the fridge. May I take some of the lemon sweets, please? Yes, but I’m afraid there aren’t.......left. Can I have a cup of tea, please? Of course, there are..........of teabags in the cupboard. 5 Where are the chocolates? Here, but I’m afraid there aren’t............ left. 6 May I have some more cheese, please? Yes, but I’m afraid there isn’t.........left. Fill in: carton, jar, bottle, bowl, tin, piece, Slass, packet. of jam A 9 Q ...of olive oil a............of tuna a............of water m Correct the mistakes. a.............of apple juice 1 How much carrots are there? 2 I bought a bottle of sugar. 3 Can I have any more coffee, please? 4 Would you like a glass of coffee? 5 There’s many sugar in the jar. 57 9 Grammar Practice 6 There aren’t some pears left. 7 Have you got any milks in the fridge? 8 There aren’t some oranges in the basket. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple, the Present Continuous or the Simple Past. A: (Dan/come)...................to school yesterday? B: No because he ...............(be) ill. A: ..............(you/often) cook at home? B: No I don’t but today I ............... (cook) for my parents. A; Where...........................(you/ spend) your summer holidays last year? B: I .........(go) to France in June and I ...............(travel) to Spain in July. They always.....................(do) their shopping on Saturday morning but today they ..............(stay) at home because they.................(not/feel) very well. Look at the picture and write questions and answers as in the example. • eggs • cakes • apples • lemons • plates • jars • flowers • baskets • spoons 1 Are there many eggsF Yes, there are a lot. Are there many cakes? No, there aren’t many. 58 2 3 4 5 6 Translator^ [CORNER a) What's the English for: молочные продукты, бутылка оливкового масла, кусок сыра, пачка масла, пакет сахара, банка мёда, плитка шоколада, кислый лимон, сладкая дыня, острый перец, солёные чипсы, молочный коктейль, безалкогольные напитки, официант и клиент, заказать столик? b) Give the English equivalents. Mind the prepositions: представление об английской пище, традиционный английский завтрак по выходным, попробовать что-нибудь ещё для разнообразия, быть на диете, ходить в ресторан по особым случаям, тысячи ресторанчиков «Фиш энд чипе» по всей Британии. Efi а) Translate the dialogue exchanges ““ into English: 1. В холодильнике есть молоко и сыр? - Да, у нас еаь молоко и сыр. Нет фруктов и хлеба. Вчера я не ходил в магазин. 2. У нас есть что-нибудь на десерт? -Ванильное мороженое и домашний яблочный пирог. Пирог свежий, бабушка испекла его 2 часа назад. 3. Что ты делаешь? - Готовлю фруктовый салат. Это мой любимый десерт в жаркую погоду. - Ты всегда готовишь дома? -Нет, обычно готовит мама, но сегодня она работает. Вчера обед готовил мой старший брат. Было вкусно! Ь) Translate the text into English: Блины - одно из традиционных национальных блюд русской кухни. Домашние блины популярны в русских семьях по всей стране. В специальных кафе под названием «Блинная» можно купить блины со сметаной, грибами, сыром, икрой, яблоками, мёдом. В прошлое воскресенье мы наслаждались блинами с мёдом. Сегодня я покупаю блины с грибами. о Holiday plans Match the holiday activities to the pictures. 1 learn local dances 2 go waterskiing 3 visit a museum 4 sleep in a tent f Choose the correct item. On our holiday in Spain we are going to ........the local food. A taste В read C buy Don’t forget to ......... pictures at the wedding. Marisa is going to look beautiful. A make В give C take We can...........a car in Barcelona. It’s not very expensive. A borrow В hire C have My friends want to.......... a rock concert next weekend. Do you want to come? A go В visit C attend We are going to........the sights tomorrow. We’re starting with the Eiffel Tower. A watch В see C look When I go to the beach I like to....... a jet ski. It’s a lot of fun! A bring В spend C rent In California they are going to........a lot of theme parks. A walk В go C visit It’s nice to ............ souvenirs from interesting places. A buy В rent C give гатшап cc! • Going to Write sentences using going to, as in the example. Peter likes to be near the sea. He/walk/beach. He is going to walk on the beach. Anne studies local customs. She/learn/local dances. Jill, Betty and Ken are at a campsite. They/sleep/a tent. My sister and I love history. We/visit/a museum. Ask and answer, as in the example. Use the prompts below. • visit a castle • stay on a farm • explore a cave • go surfing • go on a cruise • go sightseeing • spend holidays at a hotel • go camping I’m going to visit a castle next summer. What are you going to do? I’m not going to visit a castle. I’m going to stay on a farm. 59 What's the weather like? ysastolhiy Do the crossword. a) Look at the pictures. Choose words from the list below to describe the weather. • sunny • rainy • bright • windy • snowy • hot • wet • warm • cold 60 1 It is wet, rainy and cold. b) What clothes can you see in each picture? 1 / can see a raincoat, a tie, a shirt, trousers and shoes. c) What clothes do you wear in these weather conditions? When it’s hot, I wear... Underline the correct item. 1 It’s too cold. I will/am going to close the window. 2 Jennifer is flying/will fly to Egypt on Saturday. 3 Ben is at the post office. He will/is going to post a letter. 4 Tonight we will have/are having dinner with the Smiths. 5 Ann is visiting Paris. She will/is going to see the Eiffel Tower. 6 It’s sunny outside. I am going to/will wear my sunglasses. 7 This suitcase is too heavy! I will/am going to help you carry it. 8 We haven’t got any oranges. Will you buy/ Are you buying some? 3 Q Listen and tick (/) the correct answer. 1 Today it is sunny but it is going to be 2 The temperature is going to fall to 3 Tomorrow it is going to be о Weekend fun VibsM!g57 Look at the pictures. Fill in the correct verb from the list. • go «do • have • play Match the words to their definitions. 1 spectators 2 flower floats 3 local people 4 parade people in costumes, special cars and music bands who all move together while other people watch special cars in a parade, covered with many flowers people who watch something happening people in a town or village who are not tourists Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). The Battle of owers The Battle of Flowers is a great parade which is lots of fun. It takes place every year on the second Thursday in August on Jersey Island in the English Channel. It is a flower festival famous round the world. Local people wear colourful costumes. There are flower floats and music bands playing happy music. Lots of visitors come to watch the parade every year because it is different from other festivals. People in the parade throw flowers at the spectators and the spectators throw the flowers back at the people in the parade. That’s why the festival’s name is ‘The Battle of Flowers’. The local people think it is a lucky festival because it is always sunny and never rainy on ‘Battle Day’. So, see you in Jersey! 1 The Battle of Flowers happens in the third week in August. .... 2 The Battle of Flowers isn’t very popular. .... 3 Local people wear colourful clothes......... 4 Lots of people watch the parade. ........... 5 People in the parade throw flower floats at the spectators. .... 6 The visitors say that it is never rainy on‘Battle Day’. .... 61 10 a) Read the postcard and find words that: a express plans and intentions b talk about the weather Writing (a postcard) Dear Lucy and Danny, ' — Greetings from Belgium! It's warm and sunny here and I am in a nice, friendly little town. There are lots of things to do so I'm going to stay here for a few days. Tomorrow I'm going to go to the town fruit festival. They have a parade with bands and floats. The local people in the parade all wear colourful costumes and carry baskets of fruit. They throw the fruit to the people in the streets. It sounds like fun! I'm going to take lots of photographs to show you when I get back. See you next week. Love, Stacey b) Complete the sentences. 1 Stacey is in a small town in 2 It is warm and....................... 3 She is going to stay there for 4 She is going to go to the town 5 Local people in the parade wear colourful 6 Stacey is going to...................lots of photographs. Look at the information in the box below. What is the event? a b a beach party a beach festival 62 USA/Pismo Beach, California two weeks hot and sunny Kite Beach Festival lots of people come/fly kites on the beach best kites win fly a kite/eat ice cream/during the festival great fun where you are how long you are going to stay there what the weather is like the name of the local festival what you’re going to do during the festival what you think of the festival 10 Grammar Practice Look at the table. What is each person going to do this summer? Write sentences. Steve Olga Pete & ‘ Sam travel abroad / X / go camping X / X rent a car / X / : buy new clothes / / ^ : go diving / Steve is going to travel abroad this year. He is.... He isn’t.... Olga... Pete & Sam... What about you? What are you going to do this summer? Use the verbs to make predictions based on v/hat you see. • be late • eat • take pictures • blow the candles • watch TV • buy shoes Use the prompts to complete the second part of the sentences. • sightseeing • visit the Kremlin • eat a sandwich • rent one • sleep • supermarket 1 I need to buy some stamps. I’m going to go to the post office. 2 Kim and Paul are very tired.............. 3 Tim is on holiday. ...... 4 Lucy is in Moscow........ 5 Mary is very hungry. .... 6 Sarah’s car isn’t working. 7 I need to buy some food. Fill in the gaps with will or be going to and the verb in brackets. 1 He .................................(buy) a new car next month. 2 It’s so hot in here. I .............(open) the window. 3 I forgot to post that letter! I ........... (do) it now! 4 Look at him! He..........(drop) that box! Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Continuous, Simple Future or Simple Past. 1 Sarah .............(fly) to Japan tomorrow. 2 I’m very tired. I think I.....(go) to bed. 3 We.................(visit) the Eiffel Tower when we..............(be) in Paris last year. 4 The children..................(meet) their new piano teacher on Tuesday afternoon. a 63 10 Grammar Practice 5 Don’t wash the dishes. Tom (do) it later. Translator’s I CORNER ^ Answer the questions about what you are going to do this afternoon. 1 Are you going to do your homework? No, I’m not. I’m going to go to a dance class, 2 Are you going to see your friends? 3 Are you going to go for a bike ride? 4 Are you going to eat at a pizza restaurant? 5 Are you going to go for a walk by the sea? 6 Are you going to call your grandparents? Look at the Smiths’ weekly diary. Use the prompts to ask and answer questions. [ Sunday : 1 Ф Monday Bill-H Nancy-go to a party _ Mrs. Smith-visit her Mum Tuesday Bill - study for an exam 1 Wednesday Nancy - tidy her room ' Thursday Mr. Smith - play tennis Friday 1 Bill + Nancy - go to the cinema 1 Saturday j All the family-have lunch 1 Bill and Nancy/go to a party/Sunday? Are Bill and Nancy going to go to a party on Saturday? No, they aren’t. 2 Mrs. Smith/visit her Mum/Wednesday? 3 Bill/study for an exam/Tuesday? 4 Nancy/tidy her room/Friday? 64 a) What's the English for: осматривать достопримечательности, останавливаться в отеле, попробовать национальную кухню, посещать музеи, прохладная погода, новое (с иголочки) платье, одолжить зонт, взять напрокат машину, посетить старый замок, обследовать пещеру? b) Give the English equivalents. Mind the prepositions: в дождливую погоду, останавливаться в семье, ходить на спектакль, поехать на целый день по Москве-реке, найти всё -от матрешки до икры, с нетерпением ждать выходных, в субботу утром, увлекаться музыкой, интересоваться книгами, любить путешествия, поехать в интересный тур. a) Translate the sentences into English: 1. Я собираюсь поехать в морской круиз по Европе. 2. Зачем ты покупаешь столько фотоплёнок? - Я собираюсь в Грецию на каникулы. Я хочу сделать снимки достопримечательностей и моря. Прошлым летом я привёз отличные снимки из Шотландии. Я снимал самые красивые замки и дворцы. 3. Собирается дождь. Можно я возьму твой зонтик? Я вчера оставил свой в доме у брата. b) Translate the text into English: Вчера было дождливо. Мы не пошли на пикник. Нам пришлось остаться дома. Наша семья обсуждала планы летнего отдыха. Мы решили поехать в путешествие по Англии и Шотландии. Мама любит прохладную облачную погоду. Она также хочет походить по магазинам в Англии. Папа интересуется историей и архитектурой старых замков. Я очень хочу поговорить по-английски с настоящими англичанами. Сегодня понедельник. Родители на работе. Я рассматриваю карту Англии и выбираю самые интересные места, куда можно поехать. PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES student "Pen Mend Wortd CCud" IflRSHIR^CAiO Name: Beth Surname: Smith Age: 15 Address: 32, Oak Street, Bristol Postcode: HD3 2PX Phone number: 0044-345-543607 Nationality: British Language: English Membership number: 4954 Ask Student В questions and fill in the membership card. PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES к "P&1 Mend World Club" MEMlERSHIP CARD Name: ....................... Surname: .................... Age: ........................ Address: .................... Postcode: ................... Phone number:................ Nationality: ................ Language: ................... Membership number: .......... PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES student Ask student В questions about his/her neighbourhood. What is there? Where is it? Is there a.......? PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES student Module 5 Ask student В for directions. Excuse me, where.........? Could you tell me how to get to......? PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES student Module 4 1 <^'="'Ask Student В questions about his/her free time activities. What I do and don't like ) Name Painting: □ Read books: □ Go swimming: □ Go cycling: □ Meet my friends: □ Play computer games: □ Play board games: □ Mark: / fun // interesting /// brilliant Л dull ЛЛ tiring ЛЛЛ awful PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES student Module 5 Make November Sth Special this jrear... Enjoy the fantastic firework display at St. George's playing field, Cosharn. There is also a circus and funfair for the kids and food stalls selling everything from hotdogs to candy floss! Open from Sam - 11pm There is something for everyone Ask Student В these questions. ) Happy Halloween • party / where? • what time / start? • how much? price / what include? • telephone? PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES student Module 6 \ e-mail uphih u))) ' i i; ' oe %■ Ч: Gtf Nlbv Mbg 7. n Л A1 rmni H> Nut hM Deb. ISfen? iTp/Ircn* \ \' Dda r Wofiy i Dear Penny, About the trip at the weekend. Prin^ oome warm clothee. Maybe a raincoat, boots, a hat and lots of jumpers. The campsite is £10 a ni^ht and we can buy food from the campsite shop. If the weather is ^ood we can swim in the lake. 5o brin^ your swimming costume. See you on Friday, Rosie i Ask Student В these questions. Pete’s letter • where / Pete? why / be there? • where / stay? • activities? • weather? ) PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES Module 7 I Name: Mohandas Gandhi Nickname: Mahatma (The Great Soul) Place of birth: India Date of birth: 1869 Died:1948 Profession: National leader Achievements: Fought for human rights Ask Student В 4^hese questions • name? • nickname? • where? • when? profession? famous for? PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES student I n iW 11ЕШ Date: Sunday 30th August - Highbury Ground Kickoff: 3pm Price: £40 Seat: 1/RowF (All money goes to charity) Date: Sunday 30th August - Highbury Ground Kickoff: 3pm - Price: £40-Seat: 1/RowF CHELSEA vs. ARSENAL CHARITY SHIEIO Ask Student В these questions. TAE BO • where / classes? • how much / cost? how long / course last? • what time / start? • classes / how long? PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES Student Easy Double Chocolate Brownies Ingredients 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate pieces 1/2 cup butter or margarine 3 large eggs 11/4 cups flour 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 cup chopped nuts PREHEAT oven to 350F. MELT 1 cup chocolate pieces and butter over low heat; Remove from heat. Stir in eggs. Stir in flour, sugar, vanilla and baking soda. Stir in remaining chocolate pieces and nuts. Spread into baking pan. Bake for about 20 minutes. Ask Student В these questions. Summer Salad tomatoes / how many? • cucumbers? • cheese? • olive oil? • serve / how many? PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES student Fabulous Country Cottage Spend the weekend in Devon relaxing in comfort and style. Special features: 4 big bedrooms / Jacuzzi / fireplace / huge garden with barbecue Price: £400 a weekend for 4 people. Book now for 20% discount. Ask Student В these questions. Spotswood University Halls of Residence • bathroom in room? • TV Room? • pets? • how much per week? • phone number? PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES FS^B L Ven friend Wortd CCub" RSHIP CARD Name: Steve Surname: Jones Age: 16 Address: 29, Palm Street, Montreal Postcode: WES 7LM Phone number: 001-467-334256 Nationality: Canadian Language: French Membership number: 3143 Ask Student A questions and fill in the membership card. PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES "Pen friend Wortd Otuib* (MEMBERSHIP CARD Name:........................ Surname:..................... Age: ........................ Address: .................... Postcode: ................... Phone number: ............... Nationality: ................ Language: ................... Membership number:........... PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES “ЖВ Ask student A questions about his/her neighbourhood. What is there? Where is it? Is there a.......? PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES Ask student A for directions. M -jy PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES Module 4 ( Ask Student A questions about his/her free time ^ activities. Name Whatido and don't like Painting: □ Read books: □ Go swimming: □ Go cycling: □ Meet my friends: □ Play computer games: □ Play board games: □ Mark: / fun // interesting /// brilliant Л dull ЛЛ tiring ЛЛЛ awful Module 5 HAVE A,-. wm umamtH ... AT BOUJrS RESTAURANT Give yourselves a spooky treat on All Hallows Eve. Our party starts at 8pm and finishes at midnight For £25 each you get a 3-course meal and entrance to our disco! Make sure you book soon as we only have a few tables left. Ask Student A these questions. > November 5th firework display / where? • activities for children? • price? • food? • when / start? Free gift for anyone in fancy dress. ir Tel: 679679679 PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES Madi^6 Hi John What a great holiday! I love Africa. There are so many things to see and do. I am staying at a lovely hotel near the sea. I go fishing with Dad every day and we eat out every night. The weather is just great. I must buy some gifts before we leave. What would you like? Send me an email to let me knowl Take care, Pete Vth Ask Student A A these questions.^/ Rosie’s email • where / they go? • clothes? • how much / campsite? • food / where buy? • when / they leave? PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES “E Module 7 1 Name: Edson Arantes Nickname: Ре1ё Place of birth: Brazil Date of birth: October 23.1940 Profession: Football player Achievements: Between 1956 and 1974, Pel6 scored a total of 1,220 goals. Top scorer in his league. C Ask Student A these questions • name? nickname? • meaning? • where? • when? • die? • profession? • famous for? PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES “i Module S *^P£ ШО Get fit and have fun with your friends! Classes start at Upton Leisure Centre from Monday 15 March. Time: 7pm Classes: 1 hour long tpftclal Offer] Courses only £20 for three weeks Ask Student A these questions Chelsea vs. Arsenal • when / the event? • where / take place? • ticket / £? • when / start? • where / seat? PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES student Module 9 ^ui 1II1 №i ^ К . ' • ; ^ Ingredients: 1 cup olive oil S V 4 tomatoes ‘ \ -.c 1 roast chicken a block of goats' Ч 1 lettuce cheese 1 cucumber oregano/salt/pepper " c Ask Student A these questions Wash & chop the lettuce. Arrange it in a big bowl Chop the tomatoes, chicken and cucumber. Add it to the bowl. Cut the cheese into small squares. Add to the rest. Pour olive oil over the salad mix and season with oregano, salt & pepper. A great light meal for the long, hot summer days. Perfect to eat in the garden. Chocolate Brownies • flour / how much? • sugar? • eggs? • chocolate? • bake / how long? PAiRWORK ACTIVITIES Module 10 Spotswood University HalJs of Residence For a home away from home - Come and stay with us! Ш * Large rooms with ensuite bathroom H* TV room * Laundry room * No pets allowed H« No visitors after 10pm Price: from £65 a week / £80 with meals Phone: 01263 441323 after 5pm C Ask Student A these questions. Country cottage for rent • where / cottage? • bedrooms / how many? • special features / what? • price? • discount? Revision Section Modules 1 & 2 Circle the correct answer. 1 The children.........in the front of the TV. A are В isn’t C aren’t 2 Pass..........the sugar, please. A she В me C her 3 Can you help.........with the washing up, please? A I В me C my 4 Don’t eat that slice of cake. It’s.....! A me В my C mine 5 He.........a doctor at the hospital, A is В am C are 6 ........football practice this afternoon? A Have we В Have we got C Have us got 7 Can I borrow.........scissors, please? A your В you C yours 8 My teacher....a tall woman with long hair. A she is В is C are 9 My aunt..........two dogs and a parrot. A hasn’t В have C has got 10 The other coat is........ A yours В ours C you 11 That big grey house is...... A us В our C ours 12 I........got any free time during the week. A have В haven’t C hasn’t 13 I........never late for class. A am not В is C ’m 18 The cinema is. the left. A on В at C in 19 Tom is . Australia. A under В in C an 20 1 want to buy 14 dogs got big ears? 1 A not A Do В Have C Are 15 They my friends. 10 1 A aren’t В isn’t C haven’t A always 16 See you . 6 o’clock. 11 1 A at В near c on A going 17 We go on holiday August. 12 1 A in В near c at A Do supermarket? A some В any C much Modules 3 & 4 Circle the correct answer. 1 ........ both ways before crossing the road! A Look В Looks C Looking 2 ........talk to the driver! A Do В Don’t C Doesn’t 3 1 hate cooking! I ......... even make a cake. A can В can’t C am 4 The sign says you..........turn left but you can’t turn right. A can’t В are C can 5 My friend and I........TV on Sundays. A watches В watch C doesn’t watch 6 Tamara........like German films. A isn’t В don’t C doesn’t 7 ........you work in a bank? A Do В Are C Does 8 He’s a good student. He........studies. A never В always C rarely like pizza. В isn’t C don’t В Don’t C Doesn’t 77 Revision Section 13 1 go to Spain. I’ve got a house 7 Jane ... hard enough for her finals. there. A isn’t studying В aren’t studying A never В often C rarely C not studying 14 Mum, 1 go out with Claire tonight? 8 They ... football after school. A can В will C am A play В are playing C plays 15 1 go to the gym on Mondays 9 You aren’t. on your homework. because 1 don’t have time. A concentrates В concentrate A always В never C sometimes C concentrating 16 Goodbye. See you Monday. 10 When .... she taking her driving exam? A at В on C in A has В is C can 17 Tom likes vanilla ice cream but 1 11 Don’t .... with your mouth full. chocolate. A talk В talking C talks A like В liking C likes 18 Always.........your hands before you eat. A washing В wash C washes 19 ..........the window, please. A Open В Opens C Opening 20 ..........you like spaghetti? A Do В Does C Did Modules 5 & 6 Circle the correct answer. 1 She is........lunch at school today. A have В haves C having 2 ....... you tidying your room at the moment? A Are В Do C Can 3 .......you walk to school? A Do В Are C Have 4 My mother ......... cucumber sandwiches for tea now. A make В is making C makes 5 His parents........at a bank. A work В are working C works 6 Peter isn’t ....... the animals, he is watering the garden. A feeding В to feed C feeds 12 I........like coffee. I prefer tea. A doesn’t В do C don’t 13 Do you have........milk? A many В any C a few 14 Give Mary the ball. Give it to........ A him В her C them 15 Please go to the window and open......... A them В your C it 16 Are you coming to the park with.......? A me В it C her 17 This food needs........salt. A a В an C some 18 There........six students in the classroom today. A have В is C are 19 He doesn’t...........golf. A liking В like C likes 20 Jane.......her car every Sunday. A washes В washing C wash Modules 7 & 8 Circle the correct word. 1 you at the cinema last night? A Was В Were C Are 78 Revision Section 2 I......a noise, so I went to see what it was. A hear В hearing C heard 3 Terry.......to Spain yesterday. A go В goes C went 4 ........you go out yesterday? A Did В Was C Were 5 They........the performance last night. A enjoyed В enjoys C enjoy 6 We.........wear uniforms at school. A can В need C must 7 Steve is a pilot. He......fly a plane. A couldn’t В can C may 8 You.........lie to your parents. A must В mustn’t C need 9 Helen..........home late last night. A come В coming C came 10 They.........a meeting yesterday. A are having В had C have 11 Tom........the party last night. A enjoyed В enjoys C enjoy 12 .........you like football? A Does В Doing C Do 13 We.........on holiday last year. A go В went C goes 14 How often.........it snow in your country? A do В does C doing 15 Julie......a party last week. A having В have C had 16 You........make any noise after 10pm. A can’t В can C must 17 We.........to be home by 6 o’clock. A have В can C must 18 You........have to feed the dog. Mary did it an hour ago. A can’t В mustn’t C don’t 19 .......you happy when John came to visit? A Were В Was C Aren’t 20 Her aunt lives.........California. A in В on C at Modules 9 & 10 Revision Circle the correct answer. 1 How.......apples did you buy? A much В many C any 2 I don’t know how......the present costs. A many В much C more 3 I bought......of fruit last week. A many В a lot C some 4 ......you lend me your rubber please? A May В Can C Must 5 How.......olive oil do we have left? A many В some C much 6 I am ..... buy some new clothes at the weekend. A going to В go C goes 7 Is there a....of tuna in the cupboard? A box В tin C container 8 You didn’t have to buy two.....of biscuits! A kilo В bowls C packets 9 Steve is......travel abroad this summer. A go В going to C went 10 It looks like it’s.rain. Just look at the sky. A going to В went C go 11 Go on. Have the last....of cake. A bar В bottle C slice 12 ...I borrow your pencil please? A May В Have C Can’t 13 Mum,......I go out tonight? A have В can C am 14 What are you.....do this summer? A going В to do C going to 15 Are there.....students in your class? A many В some C much 79 Revision Section 16 Sorry. You.......come with me. I must go alone. A can В must C can’t 17 There were.......people at the concert. A much В a lot of C any 18 There’s not ..... milk in the fridge. Can you go and buy some? A little В some C much 19 How.........your holiday? A was В were C wasn’t 20 She baked a......of bread this morning. A piece В loaf C slice Tense Revision Put the verbs in the gaps in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. 1 Wear a thick coat. It .................... (snow) outside. 2 I can’t join you tomorrow. I ............. (have) a French class on Tuesdays. 3 Sylvia never ..................(watch) TV because she...................(not have) any free time. 4 ...................(Bob/fly) back home for Christmas tomorrow? 5 Listen! The wind ..........(howl) through the trees. 6 A: ....................(your sisters/make) noise when you study? B: No. They always ..............(try) to keep quiet. Put the verbs in the gaps in the Present Simple, the Present Continuous or in the Simple Past. A: Last summer we 1)..................(go) to Disneyland. B: 2).................(you/have) a good time? A: It 3) ..................(be) fantastic! The children 4)........(love) it! We 5)....... ..........(not/want) to leave! B: What 6)......................(you/do) there? A: We 7) .............(stay) in a very nice hotel and we 8)...........(see) all our favourite cartoon characters! We also 9) ........... (enjoy) some amazing rides! B: 10) ....................(you/plan) anything for this summer? A: Well, 111) .............(not/think) so. My husband 12)............(work) overtime this year and 113) ..............(have) a part-time job. Fill in the gaps with will or be going to. 1 ..................(you/help) me with my homework, please? 2 Sarah ..............(join) the Drama club because she loves acting. 3 We are starving! I think we............... (order) a pizza. 4 Watch out! You.................(drop) the glasses on the tray! 5 David ......................(not/come) to the party tonight. He’s sick. 6 I’m very tired. I ........................ (not/work) overtime today. Ц Answer the questions using the short answers. 1 Will you pick me up from school today? No, 2 Did Steve’s parents let him come to the party? No,................ 3 Did Mr Green feed your dog when you were away? Yes,................ 4 Does Ted go hiking at the weekends? No, 5 Is the bell ringing? Yes,.................... 6 Do you sleep late on Fridays? Yes, 7 Are your colleagues travelling to New York tomorrow? No,.................. 8 Are the Browns going to visit us tomorrow? Yes................... 80 •ю WOlAkISOOl- 1 ^1 1.^ " p ■> ■■ ■■ ■ - J, ж Syllabus " based pn ^ ^ Common , * European ’ ^ Framework^ ♦ ★ * ^>»о