Английский язык в фокусе 5 класс Учебник Ваулина Дули

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык в фокусе 5 класс Учебник Ваулина Дули - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Spotlight (Спотлайт) английский в фокусе:

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/ \ J I ► ^ ^ is> ФГОС и~ _гии dJU с=:> О 10) для общеобразовательных организаций Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации 7-е издание Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2016 УДК 373.167.1;811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ 922 А64 Серия «Английский в фокусе» основана в 2006 году. На учебник получены положительные заключения по результатам научной (заключение РАН № 10106-5215/197 от 12.10.2011 г), педагогической (заключения РАО № 180 от 29.01.2014 г., № 036 от 05.02.2015г.) и общественной (заключения РКС№ 204 от 07.02.2014 г., № 693 от 01.04.2015 г.) экспертиз. Авторы: Ю. Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс Authors: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Olga Podolyako, Julia Vaulina Acknowledgements Authors' Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to: Meryl Phillips (Editor in Chief); Julie Rich (senior editor); Nina Peters and Rianna Diammond (editorial assistants); Alex Barton (senior production controller) and the Express Publishing design team. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Colour Illustrations: Pan, Stone. While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Английский язык. 5 класс: учеб, для общеобразоват. организаций / Аб4 [Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс]. - 7-е изд. - М.: Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2016. - 164 с. : ил. - (Английский в фокусе). - ISBN 978-5-09-037681-5. Учебник является центральным элементом учебно-методического комплекта «Английский в фокусе» и предназначен для учащихся 5 классов общеобразовательных организаций. Отличительной особенностью УМК является модульное построение учебника, наличие аутентичного материала о России, заданий, соответствующих требованиям международных экзаменов, постепенно готовящих учащихся к сдаче Государственной итоговой аттестации в 9 классе. Учебник получил положительные заключения по итогам научной, педагогической и общественной экспертиз на соответствие Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту основного общего образования. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ 922 Учебное издание Серия «Английский в фокусе» Ваулина Юлия Евгеньевна Дули Дженни Подоляко Ольга Евгеньевна Эванс Вирджиния Английский язык 5 класс Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций Центр лингвистического образования Руководитель Центра Ю. А. Смирнов Зав. редакцией английского языка М. А. Семичев Ответавенный за выпуск Т. О. Звонарёва Редактор А. А. Каплина Художественный редактор Н. В. Дождёва Корректор Н. Д. Цухай Налоговая льгота - Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93-953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 07.07.2015. Формат 60x90/8. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Прагматика. Печать офсетная. Уч. изд. л. 17,87. Доп. тираж 25 000. Заказ № 8601. Акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3 й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Express Publishing. Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e mail: [email protected] https://www.expresspublishing.co.uk Отпечатано c электронных носителей издательства. ОАО "Тверской полиграфический комбинат". 170024. г. Тверь, пр-т Ленина, 5. Телефон: (4822) 44-52-03. 44-50-34, Телефон/факс: (4822)44-42-15 Ноте раде - www.tverpk.ru Электронная почта (E-mail) - [email protected] Ж ISBN 978-5-09-037681-5 ® Express Publishing, 2012 © Издательство «Просвещение», 2012 Все права защищены Contents Starter Unit (pp. 10-24) Module 7 - In all weathers (pp. 85-94) 7a Year after year • PP- 86-87 Module 1 - School days (pp. 25-34) 7b Dress right . pp. 88-89 la School! pp. 26-27 7c It’s fun • P- 90 1b First day! pp. 28-29 1c Favourite subjects p. 30 Module 8 - Special days (pp. 95-104) 8a Celebrations • PP- 96-97 Module 2 — That’s me! (pp. 35-44) 8b Master chef - PP- 98-99 2a I’m from pp. 36-37 8c It’s my birthday! - P- 100 2b My things pp. 38-39 2c My collection p. 40 Module 9 — Modern living (pp. 105-114) 9a Going shopping - PP- 106-107 Module 3 — My home, my castle (pp. 45-54) 9b It was great! - PP- 108-109 3a At home pp. 46-47 9c Don’t miss it! - P- 110 3b Move in! pp. 48-49 3c My bedroom p. 50 Module 10- Holidays (pp. 115-124) 10a Travel & leisure - PP- 116-117 Module 4 - Family ties (pp. 55-64) 10b Summer fun - PP- 118-119 4a My family! pp. 56-57 10c Just a note ,. p. 120 4b Who’s who pp. 58-59 4c Famous people p. 60 Spotlight on Russia - PP- 1-12 Grammar Reference Section - PP- GR1-GR7 Module 5 — World animals (pp. 65-74) Word List - PP- WL1-WL14 5a Amazing creatures pp. 66-67 Geographical & Personal Names - PP- WL14-WL16 5b At the zoo pp. 68-69 The Language of Grammar & Study 5c My pet p. 70 Skills Vocabulary - PP- WL16-WL17 Transliteration table .. p. WL17 Module 6 — Round the clock (pp. 75-84) Pronunciation .. p. PI 6a Wake up! pp. 76-77 Song Sheets .- PP- SS1-SS3 6b At work pp. 78-79 Irregular Verbs 6c Weekends p. 80 Table of Conte.o.s VOCABm>R¥ English-speaking countries; the imperative The English alphabet; , Numbers; Names; Colour; Common verbs; Places; Classroom objects; ' Classroom language ' BEADING la school subjects; days of the week; school objects 1 articles - a/an i ' school notices *3 llT' 1 numbers personal pronouns; the verb ‘to be’ dialogue: introducing yourself to a new student о 3E ^c i 1 a subject choice form Culture Corner (p. 31) - School in England; English in Use (p. 32) - greetings /ei/ - /ae/- /0/; Extensive reading: Across the curriculum: (Citizenship) Working 2gether (p. 33); Progress Check (p. 34) 2a countries and nationalities; word formation (-ish, -ian, -er, -ese) have sot article: Amazing Spidey! 2b personal things plurals; this/those- that/those dialogue: talking about birthday presents 2c numbers (21-100) message on a web forum: / love stamps Culture Corner (p. 41) - UK souvenirs; English in Use (p. 42) - buying a souvenir /и / - /л/; Extensive reading: Across the curriculum: (Geography) English-speaking countries (p. 43); Progress Check (p. 44) 3a rooms; ordinal numbers 3b furniture and appliances there is - there are; possessive adjectives article: Live High Up! dialogue: describing a flat 3c prepositions of place 1 Culture Corner (p. 51) - A Typical English House; English in Use (p. 52) - viewing a house /и/ - /и;/; 1 Extensive reading: Across the curriculum: (Art & Design) Taj Mahal (p. 53); Progress Check (p. 54) 4a j family members can (ability); object pronouns/ a paragraph: my bedroom possessive adjectives a diary entry: My secret diary 4b appearance 1 1 possessive (’s/s’)/whose; imperative dialogue: describing people 4c a fact file: Teens’ Favourite Culture Corner (p. 61) - American TV Families; English in Use (p. 62) - identifying and describing people /w/ -/i:/; Extensive reading: Across the curriculum: (Literature) My family (p. 63); Progress Check (p. 64) IV а school timetable introducing yourself listening for specific information a fact file about yourself a subject choice form /s/, 111, /iz/; listening for specific information talking about origins and languages; present the story of Spider-Man talking about possessions a poster of your favourite cartoon characters a list of things you want for your birthday a paragraph about your collection listening for specific information; /0/, /Э/ describing the house in the text and your house a paragraph about your house describing your new flat asking about location a paragraph about your bedroom describing your family I asking for and giving personal information about someone; describing people listening for specific information talking about a famous person a diary page a short description a famous person profile ■ VOCABULA^ GRAMMAR READING 5a animals present simple (affirmative) article: onimals of India 1 *3 5b parts of the body of an animal present simple (negative and interrogative) dialogue: at the zoo ТЭ о 5c pets and farm animals — messages on a chat forum about pets j Culture Corner (p. 71) - Furry Friends; English in Use (p. 72) - a visit to the vet /е/ - /з:/; 1 Extensive reading: Across the curriculum: (Science) It’s an insect’s life! (p. 73); Progress Check (p. 74) 6a daily activities adverbs of frequency; prepositions website entry: Lara Croft of time i ' 1 6b jobs present continuous dialogue: talking about jobs ' 6c activities an email: giving news 1 ^ 1 Culture Corner (p. 81) - Landmarks; English in Use (p. 82) - making suggestions /э:/ - /а:/; I Extensive reading: Across the curriculum: (Science) Sundials (p. 83); Progress Check (p. 84) 7a seasons; months and chatroom conversation about the weather weather in various places of the world 7b clothes present simple or continuous dialogue: talking about clothes 7c activities a postcard Culture Corner (p. 91) - The Alaskan Climate; English in Use (p. 92) - shopping for clothes /J/; Extensive reading: Across the curriculum: (Literature) What weather! (p. 93); Progress Check (p. 94) 8a festive activities countable - uncountable nouns article: Harvest time around the world 00 8b food and drinks; containers some/any - (how) much/(how) dialogue: looking for foods for many tonight’s dinner о 8c 1 article: Birthday Treats Culture Corner (p. 101) - Thanksgiving; English in Use (p. 102) - ordering food /g/ - /d5/; Extensive reading: Across the curriculum: (PSHE) Danger! Keep out! (p. 103); Progress Check (p. 104) 9a shops and products a/an/the; was/were dialogue: talking about shops 9b places to go past simple (regular verbs) an email: describing a place you went to pc past simple (irregular verbs) a film review: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Culture Corner (p. Ill) - Busy spots in London; English in Use (p. 112) - asking for/giving directions /к/; Extensive reading: Across the curriculum: (Maths) British Coins (p. 113); Progress Check (p. 114) VI LISTENING & PRONUNCIATION SPEAKING/NOTIONS FUNCTIONS WRITING /s/, /z/, /iz/ talking about animals in your country; what is new for you in the text a poster about animals in your country listening for specific information asking about animals at the zoo; describing a wild animal a paragraph about a wild animal talking about your pet(s) a description of your pet i 1 1 1 asking about/telling the time; interviewing Lara Croft about her daily routine a paragraph describing a daily routine 1 listening for specific information; talking about your parents’ jobs and a paragraph about a street scene 70/ present actions talking about weekend activities an email about what your family are doing talking about the weather a chat log listening for specific information; /аи/ talking about clothes in different describing pictures seasons a postcard listening for specific information; /0/, /ок/ describing celebrations and festivals a paragraph about a celebration listening for specific information talking about what you need to cook a birthday party plan making suggestions a magazine entry /wDz/, /w3:7 a shop paragraph about your/your friend’s favourite shop listening for specific information asking questions about what your partner did last weekend a short email to a friend about what you did last weekend а film review Vll Vlll LISTENING & PRONUNCIATION SPEAKING/NOTIONS FUNCTIONS WRITING /tj/, /CI3/; listening for specific information giving advice about the best holiday option a holiday advert inviting/suggesting ■ accepting/ refusing describing photographs of your last holiday talking about health problems a note i IX т 10 iVe ^елт £n^is^ for the Internet) to watch films i, in English to sing songs in English to make friends^ The English alphabet (I) Listen and repeat. Which letters are/sound the same in your language? AO apple Bb ball c* Cc cat Dd doll Put the words in alphabetical order. Ее egg Ff fox Gg girl Hh hat ( cap ) СлЮ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 a) 7 8 12 в Sing „ THE Song A for apple, В for ball, C for cat, and D for doll, E for egg, F for fox, G for girl, and H for hat. Ц о Listen and repeat. 1 a____I 2 f__x 3 g__r__ 4 d 5 c •1 Use the pictures from Exs 1 & 2. Make sentences. It’s a cap. It’s an eraser. Play the right/wrong game. ► A: It’s a cat. B: Wrong. It’s a fox. It’s a book. A: Right. Q Listen and repeat. T—I—I—I—I—I—I—\—I—I—I—I—I—r Reading** We write We say Aa /ei/ date, game, cake, name . /ге/ hand, apple, hat, ca| 1Я о Listen and repeat. Read out the English names. Ann, Kate, Dave, Andy, Amy, Max, Pam, Jane, Harry Ц \,J Listen and repeat. Act out similar dialogues. Hi! What’s your name? My name’s Ann. What’s your name? 13 li The English alphabet (II) (, J Listen and repeat. ink J| jam Kk kite LI lemon Mm melon nest orange pen queen Rr robot Complete the words. Listen and read. Then spell. 11» 1 j_________m 14 4 a___pi m 5 _g_ 3 h nd 6 d I в Sing ^ THE Song I for ink, J for jam, К for kite, and L for lemon, M for melon, N for nest, О for orange, P for pen, Q for queen, and R for robot. Q Listen and repeat. “I—I—I—I—[“ 1—I----1—I—I—I—1—I—1 Reading^ We write Ji Kk Mm Nn Pp Qq (+ Uu) Rr We say /d3/ jam, jeans /к/ kite, ink /I/ lemon, flag, glass /m/ melon, name /п/ nest, pen, ant /р/ pen, apple, cap /kw/ queen, question /г/ robot, orange Say a word. Use the last letter to say another word. ► A: ink B: kite A: egg LL Look at Exs 1 & 2. Guess the word. A: I________n. What’s this? B: It’s a lemon. Listen and repeat. Reading^** We write We say li /ai/ kite, hi /I/ it, is, ink Q Listen and repeat. Read out the English names. Kitty, Lily, Vicky, Sid, Cliff, Chris, Miles, Mike, Eliza ^ О Listen and repeat. Act out similar dialogues. 15 The English alphabet Q Listen and repeat. Ss Tt Uu Vv snake train un iform vet Ww v/indow Xx box yacht Zz zebra i Ч / H '^4 THE Song S for snake, T for train, and U for uniform. V for vet, W for window, X for box, Y for yacht, and Z for zebra. Write the words. 1 enask ► snake 2 tev .......... 3 xob .......... (,) Listen and repeat. 4 aebzr 5 ahyct 6 ritan . • -|—I—I—^—I —r I—I—I—r We write Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy . Zz We say /s/ snake, glass, sing, start /t/ train, kite, nest, hat /V/ vet, video, travel, Vicky /w/ window, we, what /ks/tax, box,fox /]/ yes, you, yacht /z/ zoo, zebra, buzz у What’s next? Write the letter. 1 A, B, C, * 2 S, T, U, 3 L, M, N, 4 W, X, Y, 16 W Listen and repeat. “1—I—I—I—I—I—r We write Ее Ч_________ We say /i;/ Pete, me /е/ egg, nest, vet, pen Q Listen and repeat. Read out the English names. Peter, Eve, Benny, Betty, Henry li. Say the word. Spell it. A: lemon B: L-E-M-O-N Complete the crossword. Spell the word Я Q Listen and repeat. Act out similar dialogues. ^^^oodbye, Ann. See^ Bye! ^ 4^ you later. 17 The English alphabet (IV) a) Name the letters. Write them in your notebook /-\ ''i r\i 11 18 fet... \f n oi: .Ее......Ее' г Ff г г J II It •"Tt......Tr Jj Jj L <1 < ::Kk:::::Kk::: \ / \ / \ \ \ >; >; ь. :Жг::: Ь) Say а word which starts with each letter. ► A, apple Name and circle the odd letter out. 1 A-В -F - C 2 M - N - 0 - Q 3 S - Y - T - U 4 G - H - К - I 5 P-Q-F-R Write the words in your notebooks. 1 nelom ► lemon 7 nik .. 2 ebarz 8 ueqen 3 uornfmi 9 iket . 4 otrob 10 labl . 5 lodl 11 xfo .. 6 peapl 12 tah .. □ Sing THE Song A-B-C-D-E-F-G, H-l-J-K-L-M-N-O-P, Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-YandZ. Now I know my A - В - Cs. Why don’t you sing with me? 11 Say a word which starts with the last letter. ► A: lemon B: nest Q Listen and repeat. Reading^** We write We say Oo /ои/ no, note, nose, bone /о/ fox, doctor, doll, box L«l C) Listen and repeat. Rose, Bob, Joe, Monty, Lola О Listen and read. Act out similar dialogues. 19 1 Numbers Q Listen and repeat. Count from 1 to 10 and from 10 to 1. one two three 4 four 0 ;3) r five six seven 8 9 10 eight nine ten Write the missing number. 1 one, two, ► three, four 2 one, four, 3 .... eight. 4 two, ,: В Find the number. 1 EON 4 INNE .. 2 OUFR 5 NTE ... 3 IXS 6 EHETR □ Do the sums. 1 1 +2=^3 (one 5 5 + 1 = plus two equals 3) 6 3 + 2 = 2 7 - 4 = ► 3 (seven 7 10 - 1 = minus four equals 3) 8 3 - 2 = . 3 6 + 2 = 9 6 + 4 = 4 9 - 1 = 10 8 - 1 = . JUL 20 Play in pairs: Guess the number. ► A: (thinks of number 6) B: seven A: down B: five A: up B: six A: That’s right. В Sing „ THE Song Seven, eight. It’s late. Nine, ten. Let’s count again. One, two. How are you? Three, four. Fine and you? Five, six. What time is it? Names •1 a) List the names. Which are Russian names? • Peter • Laura • Steve • Ann • Pat • John • Tony • Bill • Anya • Olga • Julia • Slava • Mary • Sasha • William • Ivan • Daria ^ Boys Girls Л V У b) Q Listen and repeat. c) Write your name in English. Ask and answer. ► A: What’s your name? B: Anya. A: How do you spell it? B: A-N-Y-A. A: And how old are you, Anya? B: Tm ten. Colours a) О Listen and repeat. b) Point to things in the classroom green and say their colour. brown purple blue Look at the picture. Answer the questions. What colour is/are the: 1 sun? 5 house? ► purple 6 trees? 2 sky? 7 grass? 3 clouds? 8 flowers? 4 birds? 9 cat? What are they in real life? Look at the table and say the COLOUR not the word. Read the words aloud. YELLOW PURPLE ORANGE ВйШХ ? RED ei-UE ORANGE YELLOW GREEN PURPLE GREEN REU blue BLUE ORANGE □ Sing . THE Song Red and yellow and pink and green, Purple and orange and blue, I can sing a rainbow. Sing a rainbow. Sing a rainbow, too. О Listen and repeat. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I We write We say Uu /u;/ blue, music, pupil /л/ up, cup l«l V,,) Listen and repeat. Russ, Lucy, Duncan, June, July, Justin 21 Л Common verbs {,) Listen and repeat. draw sing write Listen to your partner. Do the actions. Places A: Read, please! B: Please sins! a) Where are they? Tom Laura Bill Alex 22 ► 1 Tom’s at the sym. b) Give commands. ► Tom, climb please. Classroom objects Q a) Listen and repeat. b) Put the objects in alphabetical order. glue sharpener notebook school bag pen Do the crossword. What’s the hidden word? paperclips book о и ч 1 ш Discuss. А: I’ve sot a pen. It’s black. B: I’ve sot a pencil case. It’s pink and yellow. И О Listen and repeat. Act out similar dialogues. Classroom language Q Listen and repeat. Close your books. How many phrases can you remember? Open your books. Close your ^ books. Go to page 9, please. Come to the blackboard, please. UL 24 Play the role of the teacher in front of the class, then in pairs. Listen to the leader. Do the actions. School days ♦ Before you start... • Count the desks in your classroom. • What colour is your school bag? • What is in your school bag? --------------------------------------N ♦ Look at Module 1 • Find the page numbers for pictures 1-3. ♦ Find the page numbers for a school timetable I I a student fact file I I a subject choice form I I a game □ Listen, read and talk about... school subjects numbers 1-20 days of the week a school timetable schools in Britain greetings working together in class Learn how to ... talk about school subjects introduce yourself greet people ♦ Practise ... a/an personal pronouns the verb ‘to be’ capital letters reading rules: a, th pronunciation: /ае/, /ei/, /0/ Write / Make ... a school timetable a fact file a paragraph about school a subject choice form a diagram of the education system in your country 25 ♦ School subjects a) О Listen and repeat. What are these school subjects in your language? b) Put the school subjects in alphabetical order. И a) Look at the map of Green School and the timetable. Find the classroom for each subject. ► A: Where’s the maths lesson? B: In Room D. b) What's your favourite subject? ♦ Days of the week О Listen and repeat. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Monday Tv 8:30-9:25 Maths ►D 9:30 -10:25 IT ....... 10:25 -10:40 Br0Q|( 10:40-11:35 English .......... 11:35-12:30 PE ....... 12:30-1:30 lUflCll ВГбОк 1:30-2:30 Science ............ 2:30 - 3:30 History .......... a) Look at the notices 1-5 on p. 27. Which are from teachers? Which are from students? 26 г® History Class Mondays & Wednesdays Room D @ Second hand Oeography & Matfie textl^ooks for salel Low priceel ■; Call Paul & 07957546796 Ш Please bring your Dictionary to English Class on Tuesdays 6t Thursdays! Air drown S3 (D Wo PE Oh ^пдщ 6th Thank ifoii, thrs eooiders к Of;» ® FORSCIENCF CLASS YOU NFFn- • A pencil • An eraser • A pencil sharpener • A ruler • A notebook ЙГ- -, лшт b) Read the notices again and find; • 6 school subjects • 6 school objects • 5 days of the week c) Answer the questions. 1 Is the history class in Room B? 2 Who’s the English teacher? 3 What do you need for the science class? ♦ Articles - a/an Read the rules. < • a + consonant (b, c. d, f, g, h, j, k, I, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, V. w, X, y, z) a book • an + vowel ( ) an apple Add a or an, then ask and answer as in the example. ► A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a pencil sharpener. (l ►Q pencil sharpener) (2 .....ruler) (3 .........eraser} (4.....pencil case^ (^5......notebook J ( 6 .......atlas) (j ........blackboard ( 8 ......book^ ( 9 ......school ba^ pen Spelling game. In pairs play a spelling game about school objects and subjects. (a school timetable) Portfolio: Make your own school timetable for Monday. 27 First day! eleven . thirteen , twelve 15 fifteen fourteen tosSEoW ♦ Numbers Q Listen and repeat. Count from 1 to 20. a) Look at the pictures. Ask and answer. ► A: How old is Ann? I A: How old is Bob? B: She’s seventeen. B: He’s eighteen. 28 Wendy (11) & Jill (12) b) How old are you? ► lam... вЗЩ^^(ЙigШ ♦ Introducing yourself Read the dialogue. Introduce yourselves. Hello. My name’s Linda Thomas. Hi! I’m Susan Wilson. Nice to meet you, Susan. Nice to meet you, too. 15 sixteen seventeen a) Q Read the first exchange. Where are the two boys? Read, listen and check. Markus: Excuse me, where is the science lesson? David: It’s in Room D. Are you new to the school? Markus: Yes, I am. My name’s Markus. David: My name’s David. Nice to meet you, Markus. Your name is strange. How do you spell it? Markus: It’s M-A-R-K-U-S. David: I see. How old are you? Markus: I’m twelve. And you? David: I’m twelve too! Are you in Class 2E? Markus: Yes, I am! David: Me too! Let’s go to the science lesson together then! b) Read again. Mark the statements 1-4 T (true) or F (false). 1 The history lesson is in Room D. .... 2 David is new to the school. .... 3 David and Markus are 12 years old........ 4 David and Markus aren’t in the same class. .... Portfotio: Take roles and act out similar dialogues. Record yourselves. • Jenny (13) - Pedro (14) • Cathy (9) - Anya (10) • Steven (11) - Julio (12) ♦ Personal pronouns a) Read the box. Find examples in the dialogue. < 1 we you you he/she/it they 1 2 3 b) Write the correct personal pronoun. Linda ........... 4 Sue & I Mark ............ 5 Ben & you .... Tom & Lyn ....... 6 eraser < ♦ The verb ‘to be’ a) Read the box. Find examples of the verb ‘to be’ in the dialogue. Affirmative Singular Plural I am/l’m you are/you’re he is/he’s, she is/she’s, it is/it’s we are/we’re you are/you’re they are/they’re Negative Singular I I am not/I’m not you are not/you aren’t he is not/he isn’t, she is not/she isn’t, it is not/it isn’t Plural we are not/we aren’t you are not/you aren’t they are not/they aren’t b) Complete the sentences. Use’m, 's, ’re. 1 Susan...........new to the school. 2 I...........14 years old. 3 They.............in Room E. 4 He.............. my best friend. 5 You...........in Grade 7. c) Rewrite sentences 1-5 in the negative form. ► Susan isn’t new to the school. ■■ Interrogative AnTl? I Are you? ' ^ Is he? i. Is she? ■ Is it? Are we? Are you? Short Answers Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Yes, you are./No, you aren’t. Yes, he is./No, he isn’t. Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. Yes, we are./No, we aren’t. Yes, you are./No, you aren’t. Are they? Complete the questions. Then write answers. ^ Yes, they are./No, they aren’t./ 1 .........they in Year 7? Yes, ............. 2 ........you 11 years old? No,............. 3 ........it a ruler? Yes, ................. 4 ........ you and Mary in the same class? No,..................... 5 ........he Mark? No, ..................... Look at the pictures from Ex. 2. Ask and answer, as in the example. • Wendy, 12? • Bob, 14? • Sue, 16? • Rita, 11? A: Is Wendy 12? B: No, she isn’t. She’s 11. Write the questions. 1 ► Are you new to the school? No, I’m not. 2 ....................? No, it isn’t an eraser. 3 .........................? Yes, I’m twelve. 4 .................? No, they aren’t pencils. 5 ................? Yes, we’re in Year seven. V!Sti8Si@ (a fact file) |■| Portfolio: Make a fact file about yourself, as in the example. ► I'm Damien Smith. I'm eleven years old. I'm in Class 2C. My favourite subject is maths. 29 Favourite subjects Read and answer the questions. SECONDARY SCHOOL AFTER SCHOOL CLASSES SUBjEQ CHOICE FORM Name: Class: .8c.............. Subjects: Please tick (/) Maths □ i Art И Music 1 [Z]^ English О PE □ Other Geography □ ' IT □ language □ History □ Science □ 1 1 What is his name? 2 What class is he in? 3 What school is he in? 4 What subjects does he choose? Read the short paragraph and correct the mistakes. ► 72 Tony Mitchell is 44r He's at Merton secondary school. He's in class 2b. He does English, maths, geography and science. Read the theory box. Correct the mistakes in sentences 1-4. < 30 Capital letters In English we use capital letters after full stops and for names (John), the personal t pronoun ‘Г and days of the week (Monday), ■ months (April) and names of countries (Russia), j I Is it the same in your language? 1 Sarah is 15. she’s in my geography class. 2 Their names are Claire and Steve lennon. 3 She’s Nora and i’m Phil. We are from england. 4 The art class is in Room D on tuesdays and Thursdays. (ШЬойщ У Q Listen and tick (/) the right picture. 1 What is the boy’s name? 2 Where is the maths lesson? a Room A vSl RoomD RoomE 3 What is on the desk? 4 What is Mary’s favourite subject? A В C (a subject choice form) Portfolio: Make a form about yourself similar to Tony’s. Exchange forms with a partner. Then write a short paragraph, like the one in Ex. 2, about your partner. Schools in England Look at the diagram. What is it about? English Education Primary School 5-11 years old Secondary School 11 -16 years old Sixth Form College 16-18 years old University 18-1- years old I 3) Look at the pictures. Match the people to the type of school. Tell your partner. Her name is Fiona. She’s 13 years old. She’s at secondary school. Fiona-13 Bill-23 b) What school are you at? Betty - 17 Portfolio: Make a similar diagram about the education system in your country. How similar is it to England’s? Use the internet to find the information. 31 English in U ♦ Greetings Listen and repeat. What are these greetings in your language? Q Listen and match the dialogues to the pictures. Read and check. 1 Good morning, Paul! ^ B: Hello, Jane! A: How are you? B: I’m fine, thanks. And you? A; Not bad. See you later! Vb: ok. Goodbye!____________у 3 /%\ Goodbye, mum! ^ B: Goodbye, Liz. See you later. \A: See you.___________________^ ©e Act out similar dialogues. /а/, /ае/, /в/ О Listen and repeat. Think of more words with the same sounds. 2 CA: It’s late. Good ^ night, Sasha! B: Good night, Peter. See you tomorrow! /ei/: grade, name, same, later /®/: am, thanks, atlas, bag, man /0/: thanks, Thursday, think Reading Rules 7k /ei/ name Q /ае/ maths th - /0/ maths J I Extensive Reading ACROSS THE CURRICULUM: How do you like working at school? a) Q Look at the title and the pictures. What is the poster about? Listen, read and check. b) Now say three rules you remember about working together. Use the letters to form verbs. 1 2 3 4 5 ksa hares ysa kolo stneil ► ask Time to mime: Work in groups. One person reads the rules in Ex. 2a. The others mime them. study skills r " Working in pairs/groups Remember to use these rules when you work in pairs/groups. They will help you learn better. Working //getherl Working in pairs/groups is fun! When you work in pairs/groups: Look at your partner. I Listen to your partner. Say ‘sorry’, ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. Be kind and smile Share your things. Think of new ideas 5? ? Ask questions. 33 IPmmAms ©xmsci И Щ Complete the words. 1 2 3 4 5 Match the words. Information school lunch pencil a b c d e Education break Technology subjects case , f Points: — 5X4 20 1 2 3 Complete with a/an. ......pencil case ......atlas ......pencil sharpener 4 5 eraser ruler Points: — 5X3 15 Fill in: is, are, then answer the questions. 1 ..................Laura new to the school? Yes,.................... 2 .............................Tim in Year 5? No, шшашштт ■г.ЯЬ-1 Choose the correct response. 1 A: Good morning, Paul. B: a Good morning, Ann. b And you? 2 A: How are you? B: a I’m fine, thanks, b Thank you. 3 A: Goodbye, Tony. B: a How are you? b Goodbye, Sally. See you later. 4 A: See you later! B: a See you. b Fine, thanks. Points: 4X5 20 My score: 100 I Can • talk about school subjects/objects • write a school timetable • count from 1 to 20. • introduce myself and others • write a fact file about myself • use capital letters correctly • write a subject choice form • talk about schools in England & in my country • greet people _ , , ... in English 3 ......Paul and Steve at secondary school? can you spelt Vtheword ‘mouse’? Yes,.................. ------------------------ .-------- 4 ..................Jane and Claire in Year 7? No,..................... 5 .........Laura and Jane at primary school? Yes,.................... 34 Points: — 10X2 20 Good, but what’s at the end? That's me! ♦ Before you start... • How old are you? • What are your favourite school subjects? • What is ir) your school bag? ♦ Look at Module 2 • Find the page numbers for pictures 1-3. ♦ Find the page numbers for • flags I I • a world map | | • an article about UK souvenirs | | ^ • a film review___________________| | ^ ♦ Listen, read and talk about... • countries & nationalities • personal things • birthday gifts • collections • UK souvenirs • continents & capital cities ♦ Learn how to ... • say your age and nationality • count from 21 to 100 • give personal information • buy a souvenir ♦ Practise .. • the verb “have got” • plurals • possessive adjectives • this - that/these - those • using short forms • reading rules; u, о + n, m, v • pronunciation: /s/, Izl, /iz/, /u:/, /л/, -s ending plural ♦ Write / Make ... • a poster of your favourite cartoon characters • a list of things for your birthday • a paragraph about your collection • a map of your country with souvenirs • a quiz about countries & their capitals 35 'm from ♦ Countries & nationalities a) О Match the countries to the nationalities. Listen and check. Listen again and repeat. COUNTRIES NATIONALITIES the UK American the USA Australian Canada British Australia New Zealander New Zealand Canadian France French Japan Japanese b) Where are you from? What languages can you speak? Tell the class. ► Hello! I’m Natasha. I’m from Russia. I can speak Russian and English, but 1 can’t speak French. m Do you know the cartoon characters and people in the pictures? Where are they from? ► /4: Where's Avril Lavigne from? B: She's from Canada. She’s Canadian. ♦ Word formation We use -ish, -ian, -er, -ese to form nationalities. Group the nationalities in Ex. 1a under: Use the list of geographical names at the back of the book to add one more to each group. Play in teams. One team says a country, the other says the nationality. ► Team A SI: Italy. Team В S1: Italian. 36 1 2 3 4 Г Look at the picture and the title of the text. Read the four names below. Who are these people? Listen and read to find out. • Aunt Mary • Mary Jane • • Peter Parker • The Green Goblin Read and answer the questions. Explain the words in bold. Where’s Spider-Man from? Who’s his best friend? What can Spider-Man do? Who is against him? study skills by Ann Smith ★★★★★ Peter Parker is a quiet teenager. He lives in a small house in New York City with his Aunt Mary. Peter hasn't got many friends. His best friend, Mary Jane, lives next door. One day, a spider bites Peter in a science lab. Now he's got special powers! He is strong and fast and he can climb walls, just like a spider! People love him, but his enemy, the evil Green Goblin, is after him. Can Spider-Man stop him? Watch this brilliant film to find out! Makins notes Read the text and underline keywords. List the points under headings. Use your notes to l^present the topic.________________________^ •j Make notes then present the story of Spider-Man to the class. &ШШШ ♦ have got Read the table. Find examples in the text. John book ruler pencil notebook pencil case notepad C Affirmative l/you/we/they have got he/she/it has got Interrogative Have l/you/we/ they got...? Has he/she/it got...? Negative l/you/we/they haven’t got he/she/it hasn’t got Short answers Yes, l/you/we/they have. No, l/you/we/they haven’t. Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn’t. What have Jane and John got in their school bags? Ask and answer. Jane eraser pen sharpener atlas ► A: Has Jane sot a ruler in her school bag? B: No, she hasn’t. Has John got a ruler in his school bag? A: Yes, he has. What has your partner got in his school bag? What have you got? УЙ88Щ (a poster) ^ Portfolio: Make a poster of your favourite cartoon characters. Stick on pictures. Write a few sentences about each character. Write: • name • who the character is • what the character does 37 2 Му things ♦ Personal things study skills r -------------------------- International words in Enslish Associate words that are similar to words in your language. This helps you remember them. Q Listen and repeat. Which of these words are like words in your language? a) Read the first exchange. Who’s got a new bike? b) What is Amy’s present? Listen and read to find out. Tim: Hi, Amy! Amy: Hi, Tim! Is that your new bike? Tim: Yes, it is! Amy: Wow, it’s fantastic! Tim: Thanks, Amy. Is that your new camera? Amy: Yes. It’s a digital camera from my mum and dad. It’s my birthday today. Tim: Oh, Happy Birthday, Amy! Amy: Thanks, Tim! Smile for the camera! c) aloud. .O'f. Read the dialogue @8 Look at the picture again. Which of these things have you got? What colour are they? Tell your partner. ► I’ve got a skateboard and a helmet. Л1у skateboard is blue and my helmet is red. Portfolio: Your friend has got a new skateboard. Act out a dialogue. Use the one in Ex. 2 as a model. Record yourselves. Grammar Refereiice^ ♦ Plurals Read the rules. Then write the plurals. noun + -s one doll - two dolls Ё -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -X, -0 + -es bus - buses, 1 class - classes, brush - brushes, watch ■ watches, r fox - foxes, tomato - tomatoes 5 consonant + у ♦ -ies lady - ladies BUT toy - toys J -f/-fe -* -ves leaf - leaves, life ■ lives child - children I foot - feet tooth - teeth 1 doll ► dolls 2 party ......... 3 man ........... 4 box ........... woman - women man - men mouse - mice 5 ball ..... 6 boy ..... 7 knife ... 8 watch .... (Я?дшц14Шав #1 О Listen and tick (/). Listen and repeat. Reading Rules /f/, /к/, /р/, /t/, /0/, - /s/ caps /8/, /ks/, /\/, n\l, /d3/, /z/, /3/ - /iz/ buses any other sounds - 111 hens /s/ /z/ /iz/ /s/ /z/ /iz/ hat tie fly cat glass lamp ♦ This/These - That/Those Read the rules and the examples. Then make sentences. We use this/these for things near us. We use this in the singular and these in the plural. We use that/those for things far away from us. We use that in the singular and those in the plural. ► 1 This is a cap. 5 That is a bicycle. 2 These are footballs. 6 Those are gloves. Point to things near/far from you. Make sentences using this/these, that/those. ► A: (points to the ruler) B: This is a ruler, (points to the blackboard) That is a blackboard. (,) Listen and match the people to their presents. People ]john Sue Tara Ken Jim Presents a skateboard b camera c watch d scarf e guitar f gloves g bicycle h basketball W2i8335@ (a list) Portfolio: Write a list of things you want for your birthday. 39 collection ♦ Numbers (21-100) Q Listen and repeat. twenty-one 22 twenty-two thirty ^ forty fifty 50 ^ Sixty seventy eighty rtinety 901 inn I ® >.1^^ (one hundred) Listen and circle the correct number. 1 13 30 4 16 60 2 14 40 5 17 70 3 15 50 6 18 80 Ask and answer questions as in the example. ► A: How old is Emma? B: She’s thirty. A: Where’s she from? B: She’s from England. (30) England > >• ^ Marfa (60) Spain 40 F&dro (35) Mexico ©Internet Explorer \ / stamps A hats books coins I '9' stdunps Hi, my name’s Tom. I’m eleven years old and I’m from London. I’ve got a great stamp collection! My album has got sixty-eight stamps in it. My stamps are from Japan, France, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. I like stamps because they have nice pictures. I’m proud of my collection. Stamp collecting is easy and fun. It makes me happy. C^atBig Look at the title. What’s Tom’s collection? Listen, read and check. Read and complete sentences 1-3. 1 Tom is .....................................years old. 2 Tom is from ......................................... 3 There are.................stamps in Tom’s collection. Я 3) Find all short forms in the text. b) Rewrite the sentences. Use short forms. 1 My name is Tom. 3 She has got a doll ► My name’s Tom. collection! 2 I am ten years old. 4 He is from Spain. What collections have you got? Ask and answer. ► A: I’ve got a stamp collection. What about you? B: I haven’t got a stamp collection but I’ve got a CD collection. (a paragraph about your collection) Я Portfolio: Write a short paragraph about your collection (40-50 words). Write: • your name • your age • where you are from • what your collection is • how you feel about it о. UK souvenirs Holidays in the UK and it’s shopping time! ^ Here are some popular souvenirs you can buy in the UK. Look at the title and the pictures. What do you expect to read about? Listen and read to check. Match the countries to the nationalities. Which countries are the souvenirs from? Use the map to tell your partner what souvenirs one can buy in the UK. 1 2 3 4 5 the UK England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland a b c d e Welsh Scottish Northern Irish English British ► The scarf is Scottish. Portfolio: Find or draw a map of your country and label it with some souvenirs and where you can find them. Present it to the class. 41 English in Use ♦ Buying a souvenir a) Q Listen and repeat. 1 How can I help you? 2 3 4 5 6 I want to buy a souvenir. How about this key ring? How much is it? It’s £4. Here you are. b) Q Who says each sentence 1 -6 above? A shop assistant or a customer! Listen and read to check. a) Read again. What is Marta buying? Shop assistant: Marta: Shop assistant: Marta: Shop assistant: Marta: Shop assistant: Marta: Good afternoon. How can I help you? Good afternoon. I want to buy a souvenir. How about this key ring? That's a good idea. How much is it? It’s £4.00. Can I have two, please? Sure. That’s £8.00. Here you are. b) Read the dialogue aloud. Portfolio: You are at a souvenir shop in the UK. Use the sentences in Ex. 1a to act out dialogues like the one in Ex. 2. Use the souvenirs in the pictures. Record yourselves. ШзигонйОЗЭЗай /и;/, /л/ u - Reading Rules /u;/ ruler, June /л/ up, uncle о + n, m, V - /л/ son Cr^ Listen and repeat. Think of more words with the same sounds. /u:/: glue, blue /л/: cut, much, such but Monday, love, London, mother 42 Extensive Reading ACROSS THE CURRICULUM: GEOGRAPHY t-t English-speaking countries a) Look at the map. Which continents can you see? b) Look at the capital cities on the map. Which continent are they in? Match them with their country: • the UK • the USA • Australia • New Zealand • Canada ► London is in Europe. London is the capital of the UK. a) Use the prompts to ask and answer questions. 1 Lyn/New Zealand 2 Tom/Australia 3 Mary/the UK 4 Bill/theUSA 5 Sue/Canada ► A: Where’s Lyn from? B: She’s from New Zealand. A: What’s the capital of New Zealand? B: Wellinston. A: What nationality is she? B: She’s a New Zealander. b) What’s the capital of your country? Portfolio: Use an atlas to find other countries and their capitals. Prepare a small quiz for your classmates. 43 [Ршт[и^ ©Dosm © 10 Write the nationalities. 1 Russia ............... 5 the UK .. 2 France ............... 6 Canada .. 3 Japan ................ 7 Australia 4 the USA ......... 44 Points: — 7X2 14 Write the numbers. 1 99 ............... 4 60 ................... 2 32 .............. 5 43 .................... 3 48 ............... i Points: — \5X2 10 Fill in has, hasn’t, have, haven’t. .......................they got a computer? Yes, they ................ ...........................he got a sister? No, he ................. 3 ...........Tom got a pen in his school bag? Yes, he................. 4 you got a computer? No, I................. /points: — \8X2 16 Circle the correct word. 1 That / This boy over there is John. 1 2 2 This / These books are Tony’s. 3 This / These is our friend, Pete. 4 Those / This gloves are from my mum. Points: 4X4 16 1 2 3 4 Write the plurals. child ........... man ............. box ............. leaf............. 5 watch 6 boy ... 7 party . Match the exchanges. A 11 I How about this key ring? 21 I Can I have two, please? How can I help you? How much is it? Is this your new scarf? b c d e Points: — 7X2 14 В I want to buy a doll. It’s £2. Sure. That’s £4. Yes, it is. That’s a good idea. Points: — 5X4 20 I Can ... My score: 100 talk about countries and nationalities talk & write about my personal things/collections write about my favourite cartoon character give personal information write a paragraph about my collection count to 100 buy souvenirs ... in English It’s got a hole in the middle.^ Му home, my castle Before you start... • What is your nationality? • What nationality are your friends? • What country are you from? • Have you got a collection? Look at Module 3 • Find the page numbers for pictures 1-3. ♦ Find the page numbers for • an advert for a villa □ • a picture game □ • a website page □ V • a floor plan □ J ♦ Listen, read and talk about... houses & rooms ordinal numbers (1^^-20^^) furniture your bedroom a typical English house the Taj Mahal Learn how to ... talk about a new flat describe a house ask about location talk about a house for rent Practise ... there is/there are possessive adjectives prepositions of place reading rules: th, oo pronunciation: /0/, /д/, /о/, /и:/ Write / Make ... a paragraph describing your house a description of your bedroom a plan of a typical house in your country a picture of a famous building in your country 45 At home ♦ Rooms О Label the pictures. Listen and check. Which places can’t you see in the pictures? What are the words for these rooms in your language? • living room • kitchen • bathroom • bedroom • garden • garage ♦ Ordinal numbers a) О Listen and repeat. How do we form ordinal numbers? lyiaijy^ IHeJie.iiij 1st = first 6th = sixth 11th = eleventh 16th = sixteenth 2nd = second 7th = seventh 12th = twelfth 17th = seventeenth 3rd = third 8th = eighth 13th = thirteenth 18th = eighteenth 4th = fourth 9th = ninth 14th = fourteenth 19th = nineteenth 5th = fifth 10th = tenth 15th = fifteenth 20th = twentieth b) ©S Which floor are the people on? 46 A: Which floor is Ann on? B: She’s on the third floor. study skills r ------------------------------------------^ Predicting content The title and the pictures from a text help you predict what the text is about. ____________________________________________^ Look at the picture and the title of the article. What is the article about? Listen, read and check. a) Mark the statements 1-4 T (true) or F (false). Live High Up! In the South of England, near Surrey, Elspeih Beard, the famous architect has got a very unusual house. It’s a water tower, 130 ft* tall. The house is pi, 100 years old. The tower has ,7^ got six floors. There is a reception room on the ground floor. The bedrooms are on the first, second and third floors. They have all got their own bathrooms. The kitchen is on the fourth floor and the living room is on the fifth floor. There are 142 steps to the roof, 88 to the kitchen and 113 to the living room. It’s a great way to keep fit as there isn’t a lift. That’s the price you pay for living high up! * feet (1 ft = 0.3048 metres) 1 The house is new. ....... 2 There are nine rooms in it. ....... 3 The living room is on the ground floor. . 4 There are 13 steps to the kitchen. ...... b) Read the text aloud. Then, explain the words in bold. %аШ1аЗ Make notes under the headings, then talk about the house in the text to the class. • where • number of rooms/floors Use the headings to talk about your house #1 *4 ^ Look at the text. Is it an advert or a letter? Listen and complete the gaps (1-5). • House 300m^ • 1)......bedrooms 3 2).......... • 10m x3)........fti swimming pool • beautiful 4)....... • fantastic view Contact: 5)[email protected] CtBrnnaSgSga /ел/э/ Reading Rules Listen and repeat. Then read ju /0/ fifth /д/ the out the sentences. /0/: sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, three /5/: the, this, those, there ► The kitchen is on the fifth floor. This is the tenth floor. i± Play in teams. Mime an activity you are doing in a room. The other team guesses where you are. ► TeamASI: (mime sleeping) Team В S1: Are you in the bedroom? (a paragraph about your house) Portfolio: Write a short paragraph describing your house/flat. Write about: rooms, special features (e.g. garden, garage, etc). You can stick on a picture. 47 к Move in! S(*l> ZT ♦ Furniture & appliances О Listen and repeat. Which of these words sound similar in your language? study skills -- --------------------N Rememberins new words When you learn new words, associate them with the place they are in. This way, you can remember them more easily. a) Read the first two exchanges. What is the dialogue about? Listen and read to find out. 48 Name a room. Your partner says two things it has got. A: It’s a bedroom. B: It has got a wardrobe and a bed. /^andy: Olga: Sandy: Olga: Sandy: Olga: Sandy: Olga: \Sandy: Hi, Olga. What’s your new flat like? It’s very nice. Really? Yes. There’s a small living room, a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom. Has it got any furniture? Yes, it has. There’s a sofa and an armchair in the living room but there isn’t a television. And in the bedroom there’s a bed and a desk. How about the kitchen? Is there a cooker? Yes, there is. There’s a fridge and a table too. Sounds great! . b) Answer the questions. 1 How many rooms are there in the flat? 2 What furniture is there in the flat? с) Read the dialogue aloud. Grammar Reference^ ♦ Possessive adjectives Read the table. Explain the adjectives in your language. Then underline the correct word. ♦ There is / There are ГЗ Q a) Read the examples and complete the rules. Find examples in the dialogue in my our Ex. 3. your your his/her/its their 1 That is they/their house. I SINGULAR PLURAL 2 This is her/she book. I There is a sofa in the There are armchairs 3 Is this our/we wardrobe? I I ! living room. in the living room. 4 This isn’t you/your bed. ) There isn’t a TV in There aren’t any 5 That is he/his desk. i the kitchen. chairs in the bathroom. ■I Is there a table in the Are there any chairs ! bathroom? in the bathroom? |Л Talk about your new flat i We use in the singular. Ex. 3 as a model. We use..........................in the plural. ? We use .........................in questions. b) Choose a room from Ex. 1 and describe it to your partner. 11 Play in pairs. For every picture you land on, say and spell the word. If you make a mistake, move back one circle. ► 1 table: T-A-B-L-E Му bedroom ^Gr^mar Reference^ ♦ Prepositions of place a) О Look, listen and repeat. и in on behind under next to in front of b) Look at Peter’s bedroom. Ask and answer. ► A; Where’s the football? B: It’s under the bed. Where are the books? A: They’re... Read the title. Think of six words you expect to find in the text. Listen, read and check. — My bedroom by Ann Smith What's your bedroom like? My bedroom is great! It's very big and there is a lot of furniture in it. Everything is blue in my bedroom and I call it the blue room. I've got a small bed, a desk, a chair, a wardrobe and a bookcase. The bed is in front of the wardrobe. My desk is under the window. There's a big poster behind my bed. There's a computer and a lamp on my desk and I've got books in the bookcase next to my desk. I haven't got a TV but I've got a CD player. I like my bedroom very much. 50 L_ Read the description again and draw the plan of the bedroom. ♦ Asking about location Ask questions about your partner’s bedroom. ► A: Is there a desk in your bedroom? B: Yes, there is. A: Where exactly is it? B: It’s under the window next to my bed. study skills N Starting your writing You can start your piece of writing with a question. This makes the reader want to continue reading. (a paragraph about your bedroom) Portfolio: Write a paragraph describing your bedroom (30-50 words). Use Ex. 2 as a model. А Typical English House Look at the picture and the title of the text. What is it about? Think of five words you expect to find in the text. Read through and check. i) Read the text and fill in the missing words. Listen and check. Edt Mew Fevonte* Took нф ■ 0 Ls) ll fli --a в .1. II in downstairs IM Ш ■ ■ ■■ mil garden To see my house click here ff INSIDE Hi, my name’s John and I’m 0) ► from England. My house is a semi-detached house made of bricks^ In my house there are three rooms downstairs and three rooms upstairs. Downstairs, there 1)....... a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Some houses 2)......... got a fireplace in the living room but we haven’t got one. We’ve got central heating^ 3).........all the rooms. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms and a bathroom. All the rooms have got carpets to keep us warm. Outside 4) ........... house there is a back garden 5) ...........a front garden with a lot of flowers. ’ blocks used for building walls and houses 2 system to keep people warm ^1 Make notes under the headings: type, inside, outside, special features. Then, tell the class about John’s house. Read and complete the plan below. Downstairs - (3)b № (1)1 f 4-» c V- 1/ о к. BBS” ( 2) к -' It G)b u (1Ш Upstairs _n_ @ь; Portfolio: Draw a plan of a typical house in your country. Present it to the class. D D 51 English in • Viewing a house a) О Listen and repeat. • Which house is it, Dad? • This one. Here we are. • Let’s go in. • The living room is very big. • Let’s go upstairs. • Which is my bedroom? • It’s great, Dad! b) {,) The sentences are from a dialogue between a father and his son. Who says each sentence? Listen and check. a) Read the dialogue. Replace the highlighted words in sentences 1-3 with words from the dialogue. It is small. ► the kitchen I', is upstairs. "his is his favourite colour. 1 2 3 yan: Dad: Ryan: Dad: Ryan: Dad: Ryan: Dad: Ryan: Which house is it. Dad? This one. Here we are. Wow! It’s great and the garden is beautiful. I’ve got the key. Let’s go in. This is nice. The living room is very big. Yes, but the kitchen is quite small. Let’s go upstairs. Which is my bedroom? This one here. It’s your favourite colour - blue. It’s great. Dad! Portfolio: Imagine your parents take you to se the old house/flat of their birthplace. You’re excited to see it. Use sentences from Ex. la to act out the dialogue between you and your dad/mum. Record yourselves. b) Look at the pictures. Which is their house? О Listen and repeat. Think of more words with the same sounds. /u:/: room, boot, food, noon /о/: cook, hook, book Reading Rules 00 - /u:/ spoon, moon 00 + к - /и/ look 52 Extensive Reading ACROSS THE CURRICULUM: ART & DESIGN dome wall •.jcr i!i if -t?r f minaret i' t' pool The Materials The Taj Mahal is in Agra, India. It is one of the Eight Wonders of the Modern World. The palace is made of white marble and precious stones. In the sunshine, the marble shines with different colours, like pink, yellow and grey. There is a main dome in the centre that looks like a large pearl and there are four minarets at each comer. Inside, there are two floors each with eight rooms. Outside, there is a very beautiful garden with four pools. The Taj Mahal is a fantastic bmlding. 2 marble '4^ 4 stones 44^ 1 glass a) Look at the materials (1-4). Listen and repeat. b) What is the Taj Mahal made of? Listen, read and check. ^ Read and complete the sentences. 1 The Taj Mahal is in............ 2 There are................rooms inside. 3 In the garden there are ...... Make notes under these headings, then describe the Taj Mahal to your partner. Include right and wrong statements. Your partner corrects you. • name • place • colour/material(s) • inside • outside |lCT| Portfolio: In groups draw or paint a picture of a famous building in your own country. Think about: floors, colour, material, rooms, inside/outside, special features. Use the internet to find the information. Present it to the class. 4 53 Р" 1 Look at the picture. Fill in; is, isn’t, are, aren’t. Fill in: on, under, in, behind, in front of. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 There...........................four chairs. There .............................a table. There............................a carpet. There...............................a lamp. There...........................a painting. There .......................two windows. There ...........................ten books. /points: — ^7X3 21 Cross the odd word out. wardrobe - bed - sink - chair fridge - book - table - cooker sofa - washbasin - toilet - bath armchair - carpet - coffee table - garden kitchen - bathroom - bedroom - garage Points: 5X4 20 Match the exchanges. _ Which floor is your flat on? 21 I What’s your new flat like? Where’s the lamp? Which is my bedroom? Is there a TV in your room? Write the ordinal numbers. b c d e 1 There are two armchairs .......the room. 2 The carpet is .................the table. 3 The books are .................the table. 4 The table is ...................the sofa. 5 The wardrobe is ............the armchair. 6 The painting is ................the wall. (Points: — \6X3 18 ®(My score: —'' I Can... • talk and write about my house and my bedroom • say where things are in a room • talk about typical houses in my country • talk about famous buildings ... in English 1 2 3 4 4th 3^d. 1st 2nd 5 6 7 8 11th 2Qth 16**’ 12th 54 ♦ Before you start... • What is your home like? • What’s your favourite place in your house/flat? • What is there in your room? Look at Module 4 • Find the page numbers for pictures 1-3. Find the page numbers for a diary a poem a family tree isten and talk about your family appearances famous people The Simpsons animal similes Learn how to ... talk about your family identify & describe people ask for and give personal information about someone talk about hobbies ♦ Practise can/can’t subject/object pronouns possessive adjectives possessives; ’s, whose imperative reading rules: w, wh, e, ea, ее pronunciation: /w/, /i;/ Write / Make a diary page about your family a paragraph describing a friend a profile of a famous person a poster about your favourite TV family • a poem about your family Module\4 ► 55 4 56 Му fami ♦ Family members Look at Kate’s secret diary. Who is her: • mother (mum)? • brother? • grandfather (grandpa)? • father (dad)? • sister? • grandmother (grandma)? N<3l*vne* Kdie Green Age: eSQiBig a) What is the text about? Listen, read and check to find out details. 2 3 b) Read and mark the sentences R (Right), W (Wrong) or DS (Doesn’t Say). Kate plays the violin. ► DS Jane can dance. David can speak five languages. Kate’s got a baby brother. Kate visits her grandparents every v^eekend. "rnuin's ц<хще is Jcine. 'y'7 She's 35 dpci d JBF . J I This is THN iT)Usic iedcher. ' She cdn the guitdr. She's ver^ cJleyer. Odvid. he's ^2 he's d pi.fot. he cdh spedk French, he's ver^ coot To-n\ is Tfn^ brother, he's 8 cin but all over the world. It is about a funny cartoon family from Springfield, USA. Lisa Simpson is 8 years old. She's short and she's got fair hair. She is very clever. She 1)......sing and play the saxophone and she can speak Swedish and French. W—^------------------ ' Bart Simpson IS 10 years old. He is short with fair hair. He is naughty and noisy. He likes comic books and skateboarding. He can speak French. He's 2).....two sisters, Lisa and Maggie. Homer Simpson is the father of the family. He is 39 years 4).......and is tall and fat. He likes eating and drinking very much. He is not very clever, but he's funny. I Maggie Simpson is the baby of the family. She is small and she has got fair hair. She can't walk and she can't talk, but she can play the saxophone. She is quiet, friendly 3)...very clever. Marge Simpson is the mother of the family. She is 38 years old. She is tall and slim and 5). hair is blue! She can cook well and she is very patient and kind. She is afraid of flying. a) О Listen to the music. Does it match a cartoon or a quiz? b) Who are The Simpsons? What do they look like? What are they like? Read through and check. c) Match the pictures to the text. О Read the text and fill in the missing words. Listen and check. Talk about the Simpson family. Use: who • how old • what. ► 4; Who’s Bart’s father? B: Homer. How old is he? A: 39. What is he like? etc ICT Portfolio: Make a poster about your favourite TV family in your country. Use the Internet to find pictures and write short descriptions. Use the text above as a model. 1 61 • Identifying & describing people a) C} Listen and repeat. • He’s tall with short fair hair. • What is she like? • She’s great. • Who’s Harry? • The one over there. • What does he look like? b) Q The sentences are from the following dialogues. Match the questions to the answers. Listen and check. a) Read the dialogues and find the people in the pictures. Simon: Hey, John, who’s Harry? John: The one over there. Simon: What does he look like? John: He’s tall with short fair hair. Simon: Oh, I see him now. Jane: Who’s that girl? Penny: Which one? Jane: The one with the long fair hair. Penny: That’s Helen. She’s my friend. Jane: Wow! She’s really pretty. What’s she like? Penny: She’s great. Jane: Really? Penny: Yes. She’s really funny and clever as well. b) Choose a person in the picture and describe him/her to your partner. Portfolio: Imagine you are at a party. Use the sentences from Ex.1 to act out your own dialogues. Use the dialogues in Ex. 2 as models. Record yourselves. СЙШиПЙОЗЭай /W/, /I / Reading Rules (,} Listen and repeat. Can you think of two more words? /w/ want, when, why, well, wow, which /{./ Pete, he, see, week, sweet, speak, bee w, wh - /w/ watch, what e, ее, ea - />:/ me, need, eat 62 Extensive Reading ACROSS THE CURRICULUM; LITERATURE "My J’a.Juily My mum is like a bee Because she's as busy as she can be My dad is like an ox Because he's strong and he can box My sis is like a mouse Because she's quiet in the house My granny is like a snail Because she's slow and can't send an email But 1 am like a mule Because I'm stubborn but really cool! 5 as......... as a mouse a) Look at the pictures of the animals and complete the similes with the adjectives below. You can use your dictionary. • playful • proud • gentle • strong • quiet • wise • busy • stubborn • slow b) Find the words in the poem that mean: mother, sister, father, grandmother. ■[ Which animal simile best matches you? Which matches the other members of your family? b) Listen and check. Are there similar similes in your language? Look at the title of the poem. What do you expect to read? Listen, read and check. Read again. What animal similes can you find? И a) Underline the rhyming words in the poem (the words that sound similar). ► bee - be Portfolio: Write your own poem about your family. Use animal similes and the model below. Read out your poem to the class. My mum is as...........as a/an............ She ...................................... My dad is as...........as a/an............ He ..................................etc. 63 [ ] Look at the family tree and complete the sentences. William Betty Sue Brian Jane Paul Andrew Sarah 1 Betty is Brian’s.... 2 Sarah is Andrew’s . 3 William is Simon’s 4 Betty is Sarah’s ... 5 Sue is Andrew’s ... 6 Brian is Jane’s .... 7 Paul is Simon’s .... Simon Points: — 7X3 21 Write the opposite. 1 short ^ ......... 3 big ?= 2 thin 5^ ......... 64 Points: — 3X3 9 Fill in the gaps with can/can’t. 1 A; ..............Mary cook well? B; Yes, she...................... 2 A: ..............Bill dance? B: No, he........................ 3 A: ..............Sue play football? B: Yes, she...................... 4 A: ..............your brother speak French? B: Yes, he....................... 5 A: ..............Tony and Steve paint? B: No, they...................... ( Points: — \10X2 20 У Circle the correct answer. 1 This is my mother. Look at her / she. 2 Mrs Richards is our / us maths teacher. 3 John is my best friend. I tell he / him everything. 4 U2 is my favourite band. I love their / them songs. 5 My / Me grandpa is very funny. / points- __ 15X3 15 1 2 3 4 5 Make sentences using the imperative. close the window (/) .............. come here (/) ..................... be quiet (/) ...................... open the door (Л) ................. take my CDs (Л).................... Points: — 5X3 15 ^ Match the questions to the answers. IT What’s her name? Where’s she from? How old is she? Has she got any brothers or sisters? What’s she like? a b c d e В She’s very nice. No, she hasn’t. Alice. She’s 13. She’s from Japan. Points: 5X4 20 I Can... My score: — 100 talk and write about my family describe people’s appearance and character ask for and give personal information talk about hobbies write a profile of a famous person make a poster about my favourite TV family write my own poem using animal similes m English What do you say when you meet a monster with two heads? World animals ♦ Before you start... • How many people are there in your family? • What are their names/hobbies? • What can they do? Look at Module 5 • Find the page numbers for pictures 1-3. Find the page numbers for • a web page I I • an advertisement I I • a fact file I I • a diagram I I ♦ Listen, read and talk about... • animals in India • parts of the body of animals • pets and farm animals • your pets • the life of an insect ♦ Learn how to ... • find out about things • fill in an advertisement • describe your pets and their illnesses • become a garden detective ♦ Practise ... • present simple (affirmative, negative & interrogative) • acting out a dialogue • completing a fact file • reading rules: e, ea, (e)s • pronunciation: /s/, /z/, /iz/, /з;/, /е/ ♦ Write / Make ... • a poster of animals in your country • a paragraph about a wild animal • a description of your pet for a chat forum • a fact file about an animal in your country 1 о 65 Amazing creatures ♦ Animals 66 Look at the map. Which country can you see? Which continent is it in: Asia or Africa? What countries are next to it? Q Look at the pictures. Listen and repeat. Which of them sound similar in your language? Do you have them in your country? study skills Learning new words Revising new words helps you remember them. Start a vocabulary notebook. Label each section e.g. animals, countries, family etc. Write new words under the sections. Revise regularly. India is in South Asia, next to Pakistan, China and Nepal. Many amazing animals live there. Look at the title of the text. What animals do you think it is about? a) Think of two questions you can ask about Indian animals. Listen and read. Can you answer them? b) Read and find the name(s) of: • three countries • five animals • five colours • five other adjectives Explain the words in bold. What is new for you in the text? Tell your partner three facts you remember. The Bengal tiger is the national animal of India. It is red or orange with black, grey or brown stripes. It hides in tall grass and hunts big animals like deer. It is a really beautiful animal. The Indian cobra is a black, brown, white or yellow snake. It is a very dangerous snake. Indian elephants are very big and tall (2-3 metres), but they have small ears. Usually a big female is the head of a family of elephants. Indian people use elephants 'to carry heavy things with their trunks. The Indian rhino is a funny animal! It only has one horn (African rhinos have two). It usually lives alone and likes to sit in water or mud. There are only about 2,500 Indian rhinos today. ri> r.rammarReterg'^*^^\ < ♦ Present Simple (affirmative) Read the table and the rules. Find examples of each use in the text. V Use Present simple: a situation that is more or less permanent He lives in Russia. repeated actions He plays football on Mondays. habits / have tea in the morning. I run you run he/she/it runs we run you run they run Spelling rules i P verb + s 11 eat ■ he eats, I like - he likes i I verb -ss/-sh/-ch/-x/-o + es \ I go ■ he goes, I wash - she washes I* ^ verb ending in a consonant у ->^ -ies '* I cry - he cries but / say - he says 1 2 3 4 Write the third person singular. 5 I walk - she you use I hide - he .... we hunt - she they live - he you eat - she . 6 you use - she.... 7 they carry - he.... 8 we wash - he..... Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1 Rhinos.....................(eat) plants. 2 The Bengal tiger......(live) in India. 3 A lion............(sleep) during the day. 4 Crocodiles...........(swim) in rivers. 5 Elephants.......................(like) bananas. 6 A cobra sometimes...............(bite) humans. (ЯгашнйОЗЗЗгК) /s/, /z/, /iz/ о Listen and tick (/). Listen again and repeat. Reading Rules /I/, /к/, /р/, /I/ - /5/ laughs /3/, /)/, l\\l, /d3/, 111 - /iz/ misses other sounds - /z/ plays /з/ /z/ /iz/ l/3/_J /z/ /iz/ lives writes walks teaches goes relaxes (a poster) Portfolio: Make a poster. Draw a map of your country. Find pictures of animals from your country. Label the pictures. 67 5 At the zoo ♦ Parts of the body of an animal a) Q Listen to the sounds. Which of the animals in the pictures can you hear? b) Look at the pictures. What do you call these animals in your language? Which sound similar? Use these adjectives to ask about the animals in the pictures. b) Q Think of three animals you can see at a zoo. Listen and say which are in the dialogue. longshort big ^ small thin thick ► A: Which animal has got a long neck? B: The giraffe. Describe any of the animals. Make two false statements. Your partner corrects you. A: The elephant has got big ears, long legs and a short trunk. B: The elephant hasn’t got long legs and a short trunk. It’s got short legs and a long trunk. 68 a) Read the first two lines of the dialogue. Where are Ben and Ann? ^ Ben: Do you like the zoo, Ann? ^ Ann: Yes, 1 do. It’s great. What’s that animal over there? Ben: Which one? What does it look like? Ann: It has a long neck and long legs. Ben: That’s a giraffe. They are so beautiful. Ann: Yes, they are. Look, what’s that up in the tree? Ben: It’s a monkey. Ann: Ah! 1 don’t like monkeys. Ben: Why not? Ann: They are noisy. Ben: 1 find them cute. Anyway, let’s go and see the bears. ^Ann: OK. J a) Find the words in the dialogue for the pronouns in bold below. 1 It has got a long neck.................. 2 They are noisy. ............... 3 I find them cute. ............... b) Read the dialogue aloud. Grammar Reference^ ♦ Present Simple (negative & interrogative) aj Read the table. Find examples in the dialogue. C p Negative l/you/we/they don’t like tigers. He/she/it doesn’t like tigers. Interrogative Do l/you/we/they like tigers? Does he/she/it like tigers? Short answers Yes, do. No, he/she/it Yes, No, doesn’t. a) Fill in do, does, don’t or doesn’t. 1 A: .............you like peacocks? B: Yes, I ............ 2 A: your friend eat fruit? B: No, she 3 A; ............they live in Brazil? B; No, they............... 4 A: ............Bob sleep a lot? B: Yes, he................ b) Ask and answer. 1 ►Do you play football? Yes, I do. 2 ...............your mum work? 3 your friend walk to school^^^ 4 ...............you live in a flat? 5 ...............you swim well? 6 ...............you like elephants? 7 ..............your dad eat fish? Play in teams. Think of an animal. The teams ask five questions each to find which animal it is. ► Team A ST. Has it got wings? /Can it(run)? Is it (bis)? Team В ST. No, it hasn’t./Yes, it can./No, it isn’t. аШаШд Я и Listen and complete the advertisement. for a great 0) ► family day out! Address: Opening Times: Regent’s 1)........London 2)......am - 4:00 pm closed 3).......Day Tickets: Adult 4) £......... Child (3-15) £9.50 Animals: otters, penguins, 5).........tigers, giraffes — and lots more _ Portfolio: Imagine you are at a ZOO. Act out a dialogue like the one in Ex. 4. Include: • asking about an animal • describing the animal • giving a reason why you (don’t) like it. Record yourselves. (a paragraph about a wild animal) Portfolio: Write a paragraph about a wild animal. Write: • its name • what it looks like • colour. Find a picture for your project. 69 ♦ Pets & Farm animals a) Q Look at the pictures. Listen to the sounds and say which animal it is. b) List the animals under the headings: PETS FARMANIMAU (asSiBig a) Read the title of the text. What is the text about? Listen, read and check. b) Read again. What pet has each person got? What are their pets’ names? Underline all the present simple verb forms. Explain their meanings. Talk to your partner about your pet(s). ► A: What pets have you sot? B: I've sot a cat and a rabbit. Л1у cat’s name is Johnny and he is 8 years old... . (a description of your pet) Portfolio: Post your message to the forum. Write about: • type of pet • name • age • description • activities. 10 sheep -----a 11 goat M 12 cat 'Vr'Ti—^-----Г-Ч - ( 13 guinea pig ) Uictoiofl lnleine< ( НПП’ ■i' . •* . . & lii di 5 Chatforum.co P-:' ■Эк □ the forum □ general Pages: 1,2, 3 |3_regl^__ I notify : I ai print П Find new Mends and talk about your pets online Jessie «09:00» Hi there. I’ve got a cat. Her name is Stripes. She is 5 years old with big ears and bright green eyes. Stripes plays in the garden all day and at night she sleeps on my bed. --------J Cats are great! What do you think? Chris «10:35» Hi Jessie, I’m Chris. I like cats, but I haven’t got one. I think budgies are the best! My budgie has got blue, grey and white feathers and a little yellow beak. His name is Tweety and he sings all day long. Sarah «11:20» Hi guys! I’ve got a dog. His name is Nelson and he’s 3 years old. He is very big with golden fur. I take him for walks in the park every day. Does anyone else like dogs? post a message Zi 70 о. Furry Friends What is the animal in the picture? Where does it live? What does it eat and drink? Listen, read and check. Koalas They are cute, they are soft, but they are wild and they don’t make good pets. You may think they are bears, but they aren’t. Koalas are Australia’s most popular marsupial mammals. you koala means V • ‘no water’? ч they never drink, but they get all the liquid they need from eucalyptus leaves? they swim very well? they sleep during the day? They have got big round ears and a black nose They have got sharp claws for climbino. / Read again and complete the fact file. Animal: Face: Body: Colour: Home: Food: Koala Play the game ‘Young Zoologist’. Answer all the questions about koalas. Portfolio: Write a fact file about an animal in your country. Use the fact file as a model. Stick on a picture. 71 72 • А visit to the vet Ц a) Read the sentences and match them to the animals in the picture. 1 Rex’s got fleas. ► dog 2 Tom’s got a broken wing. 3 Max’s got toothache. 4 Stripe’s got two broken legs. 5 Mittens’s got an earache. b) Choose a pet (A-E) and describe it to your partner. О Listen and repeat. • What’s the matter? • What’s wrong with him? • Really? How? • How old is he? • Let’s have a look at him. The questions are from the following dialogue. What is the dialogue about? Listen and read to find out. Answer the questions. 1 What pet has John got? 2 What problem does his pet have? 3 How old is he? 'et: Hi, John. What’s the matter? ^ hn: It’s Tom, my parrot. 'et: Oh, what’s wrong with him? hn: I think he’s got a broken wing. 'et: Really? How? hn: I don’t know. 'et: How old is he? hn: He’s about four years old. 'et: Let’s have a look at him. hn: OK.______________________________ Portfolio: Your pet is ill.You take it to the vet’s. Act out the dialogue. Use the sentences from Ex. 2. Record yourselves. Обшшвйааяа /е/, ы (,) Listen and repeat. Think of more words with the same sound. /е/ vet, health, end, send, men, breast, breath /з:/сиг1, girl, burn, hurt Reading Rules e - /е/ egg ea - /е/ head i, u + r - /з:/ bird, fur Extensive Reading ACROSS THE CURRICULUM: SCIENCE mosquito wasps О Listen and repeat. What do you call these insects in your language? a) Read the title of the text. What do you expect to read about? Listen and read to find out. b) Read the text and answer the questions. 1 How many insects are there in the world? 2 Where do they live? 3 Why are insects important? 4 What can bees do? Which facts from the text do you find interesting? Tell the class. Project: Become a garden detective - go on an insect hunt. Make a list of insects that you expect to find. Write down any insects you find on the ground. List any flying insects you find. Take pictures of each insect. Describe the insects. Talk about your insects to the class. It’s an 1 wing 2 antennae insect’s 3 head угК- life! 4 leg There are about 10 million types of insects in the world. These little creatures live in our homes and gardens. Some live near water, others live in fields, parks, and forests. Some insects come out during the day while others come out at night. Insects are really important. They keep our gardens clean because they eat dead leaves and other wasteT They are also an important food for birds and other animals. Some insects, like bees, even make food -honey. ^ unwanted things, rubbish Sing the song! Зееб, Ьееб buzzing m fielde buzzing around wherever they p\eaee There’s nothing so sweet as a honey bee A 13 [р1Ш)@[кшш ©га Complete the names of the animals, g_____________e e_____P___________ m___n______у P_____r_ t b r 1 2 3 4 5 ( Points: — \5X4 20 Put the animals under the correct heading. • bear • cow • beetle • ant • sheep • budgie • guinea pig • peacock • giraffe • crocodile pets farm animals insects ^oo animals ( Points; — \10X1 10 Circle the odd one out. elephant - fur - trunk - tail feathers - beak - insect - wings lion - paw - tail - feather giraffe - tail - neck - wings tiger - bear - zoo - penguin ( Points: — 15X2 10 Put the words in the correct order to make full sentences. plays / on / football / He / Mondays. Brazil / in / lives / He. live / trees / in / Monkeys, plants / Rhinos / eat. A / likes / cat / milk. /points: \5X4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 20 74 Use the prompts to write questions and answers as in the example. 0 you / like / tigers (Л) ► Do you like tigers? No, I don’t. 1 she / eat / vegetables? (/) 2 they / like / the animals? (/) 3 tigers / live / in Brazil? (X) 4 elephants / eat / meat? (Л) 5 birds / eat / insects? (/) Points: — 5X4 20 Use the sentences to complete the dialogue. • What’s wrong with him? • Let’s have a look at him. • Really? How? • What’s the matter? Vet: Hi, Kelly. 1)............................? Kelly: It’s Ben, my dog. He doesn’t look happy. Vet: 2) .....................................? Kelly: I think he’s got a broken leg. Vet: 3) .....................................? Kelly: I don’t really know. Vet: OK. 4) ................................. Points: — 4X5 20 I Can... My score: 100 name different types of animals • name the parts of the bodies of animals • talk/write about pets • talk about koalas • talk/write about an animal from my country • talk/write about insects ... in English I don’t know but there is one on your shoulder^ What has got a red spotted body, six hairy ,legs and three big eyes? Round the clock ♦ Before you start... • Name some animals you can see in the zoo. Which is your favourite? • Have you got a pet? What does it look like? • Think of an animal in your country. Where does it live? What does it eat? ♦ Look at Module 6 • Find the page numbers for pictures 1-3. ♦ Find the page numbers for an Internet article П an email □ a street scene □ Listen, read and talk about... daily activities jobs weekend activities Big Ben sundials Learn how to ... talk about daily routines tell the time make and respond to suggestions Practise ... adverbs of frequency prepositions of time present continuous reading rules: ing, or, ar pronunciation: /q/, /о:/, /а/ Write / Make ... a paragraph describing a daily routine a paragraph about a street scene an email about what your family are doing a text about a famous landmark a sundial 75 6 |L Wake up! ♦ Daily activities a) Look at the pictures. What does Sally do in the morning!ofternoonlevenin^i b) What’s your daily routine? ♦ Asking about^elling the time a) Look at the clock. What are these phrases in your language? o' clock b) Work in pairs. Use the table and the clocks to ask each other the time. ^ Asking Telling ^ • What time is it, please? • It’s five o’clock. • Have you got the time, • It’s half past please? five. • Excuse me, what’s the • It’s quarter past time, please? six. у ."itTv quarter to ^ 31 19 *— 3) 19 —» 4/ \8 4/ \8 , , У V _ _ / ► A: What time is it, please? B: It’s 12 o’clock. quarter past JUL 76 half past The leader uses his/her arms to show the time. In turn, the teams say what time it is. <Ш> Internet Explorer This beautiful strong archaeologist fights robots and does acrobatics all day, right? Well not every day! Let's see what she does when 0) ► she's Г at home! In the morning ... Lara always gets 1).......at 7 o'clock, and gets dressed. Then, she 2).......jogging and works out in her gym - and all this before breakfast! Lara 3)......a big breakfast at about quarter to nine, then she sometimes goes shopping or works 4).........her computer for a while. In the afternoon ... Lara usually eats lunch at about quarter past one. Her father Dohn often visits her and they have a 5).of tea and talk about work together. «ЕШВЗННВ Before dinner, Lara usually practises kickboxing. She eats dinner at about half 6).six. Then, she relaxes. She reads a book or 7). a DVD. She never 8).to bed really late because she's usually very busy the next day! It's not easy being an action hero! (asafflig Look at the text. Who’s Lara Croft? What is the text about? Read and check. study skills r Completing a text Read the text once to see what it is about. Read it again sentence by sentence and complete the missing words. The words before and after each gap will help you. Read the completed text again to see if it makes sense. Fill in the gaps with: past, on, goes, cup, up, has, watches, goes. Listen and check. b) Which of the activities in Ex. 1 do you always, usually, often, sometimes, never do? Make sentences. Compare sentences with your partner. / never go jogging. ♦ Prepositions of time Read the box. Complete the phrases. Say what you usually do at this time. at + (the time), 3 o’clock, noon/ midnight/night in + in the morning/afternoon/ evening Make notes and act out an interview with Lara Croft about her daily routine. ► >4; So Lara, what time do you get up? B: At 7 o’clock. ♦ Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, never) a) Look at the sentences. Where do we place the adverbs of frequency in a sentence? Find examples in the text. || I usually play football on Saturdays. John is never late. .... 3 o’clock the morning ___midnight ......noon . the evening 1 ........ 2 ....... 3 ....... 4 ...... 5 ....... 6 .........half past six (a paragraph describing a daily routine) Portfolio: Imagine you are a famous action hero. Write your daily routine. ► My name’s Spider-Man and I have a very busy life. I get upat... 11 L At work 1 2 3 4 waiter mechanic taxi driver postman 78 У6Э!Ё(!бЦЕ7 • Jobs Match the people in the picture to the jobs (1-8). What endings do we use? painter 5 doctor 6 baker 7 teacher 8 ► Air Brown is a painter. What are the people doing? • read a book • talk • say goodbye to the children • paint a hospital • look at the postman • repair a car • wait for the ambulance • deliver a letter to Mrs Harris • drive a taxi • serve drinks ► Tony is reading a book. a) The sentences are from the dialogue between two friends. What is it about? Listen, read and check. • What are you doing? • I’m waiting for my dad. • What does your dad do? • Come and meet him. • OK, let’s go! /James: Mike: James: Mike: James: Mike: James: Hi, Mike! What are you doing? I’m waiting for my dad. He’s painting this hospital. Is he a painter? Yes, he is. I sometimes meet him after school, then we catch the bus home. What does your dad do? He’s a teacher. Look! There he is, across the road. He is waving goodbye to the children. We usually walk home together. Come and meet him! OK, and then you can meet my dad! OK, let’s go! b) Read again. What do Mike’s dad and James’ dad do? Grammar Reference^ ♦ Present Continuous How do we form the present continuous? Find examples of actions happening now in the dialogue. Present Continuous • for actions happening now. Гт playing football now. I you/we/they he/she/it am/ ’m are/’re is/’s reading. I you/we/they he/she/it N^ative am not/’m not are not/aren’t is not/isn’t reading. Look at the examples. What are the spelling rules? walk - walking | dance - dancing i swim - swimming ) Choose a person in the picture on p. 78 and say what he/she is doing. Your partner guesses who the person is. ► A: He’s repairing a car. B: It’s Mr Green. Read the table. Use the prompts to ask and answer. Am 1 Yes, No, 1 lam. 1 1 am not. Are you/we/they Veading? Yes, No, you/we/they are. you/we/they 1 aren’t. Is he/she/it ] 1 Yes, No, he/she/it jis. he/she/it isn’t, у 1 Dad / do a crossword (Л) / read a book (/) ► A: is Dad doing a crossword? B: No, he isn’t. He’s reading a book. 2 Mary / play computer games (Л) / do homework (/) 3 the dog / play in the garden (X) / sleep by the fire (/) 4 you / eat breakfast (X) / get dressed (/) 5 Sue and Dave / do the shopping (X) / watch TV (/) study skills r ' Listening: multiple matching Read the list given. Think of words related to each prompt. This will help you do the listening task. Ф1 C} Listen and match the children to their parents’ jobs. Children 0 ► F 1 2 3 4 5 James Mark Jane Andy Sarah Jobs A teacher В nurse C D E F G mechanic baker postman doctor waiter H pilot /13/ U Listen and repeat. Reading Rules ng- /I]/ reading sitting, reading, coming, playing, working, eating “ Portfolio: You are looking at your family album with your friend. Act out a dialogue about what your parents do and what they are doing now. (a paragraph) I Portfolio: Find a picture of a street scene, and write a short paragraph about what is happening and what the people are doing. 79 Weekends • Activities What are the people in the pictures (1-7) doing? Use the prompts to make sentences. • write an email • wash the dog • play with a friend • make a phone call • work in the garden • plant flowers • drink coffee ► 1 She is whtins emails. (,) Listen and read Rosie’s email. Which picture shows Rosie? Which show the other members of her family? rf* New Message : Ffc Ш wew Ifctert Format Teois Message Help 1 ^ X 4b © *9 i Send Cut Copy Paste Undo Ched( Speft% A:t&: ВЭТо: lUnda QQFram: 1 Rosie Subject: 1 It's Saturday! 1 V i V в / u 6. ■ Hi, Linda! Thanks for your email. How are you? I’m doing my homework. All the family are here and are busy too. Mum’s in the living room. She’s making some phone calls. Dad’s working in the garden. It’s hard work. My little brother, Tom, is helping him. He’s planting some flowers. My sister, Zoe, is having a good time though. She’s playing games with her friend. What are you doing? Any plans for Sunday? Write back soon. Love, Rosie a) Which sentences can В (begin) and which can E (end) an email? 1 That’s all for now. ...... 2 Great to hear from you. .......... 3 Drop me a line. ...... b) How does Rosie begin and end her email? El which of the activities in the pictures do you/your family do at home at the weekend? Use adverbs of frequency. ► A: I usually send emails but I never work in the garden. B: Aiy dad sometimes ... (an email about what your family are doing) Portfolio: Write a short email to your friend about what you and your family are doing at home today (50-60 words). You can use the email in Ex. 2 as a model. 80 Landmarks D Tourist Attractions Every year, millions of tourists come to London to see and listen to Big Ben. But, what exactly is Big Ben? Most people think that Big Ben is the tall clock tower that stands above the Houses of Parliament. Well no! Big Ben is not the clock tower. It is one of the four huge bells inside the tower. Its name comes from the bell's commissioner of works. Sir Benjamin Hall, or Ben. The tower is 98 metres high. The bell inside the tower is 14 tons. The clock on the tower is also huge. Each of the four clockfaces is 7 metres wide. The hour hands are about 3 metres long and the minute hands are about 4 metres long. Perhaps one day you can go to London and see this amazing tourist attraction. Look at the picture and listen to the sounds. Do you knov/ this building? Which city is it in? Read the first paragraph of the text and check. Think of three questions you have about Big Ben. Listen and read. Can you answer them? Read again and complete the sentences (1-4). Big Ben is in ........................... Big Ben is the name of................... The tower is ......................high. Each hour hand is..................long. Imagine you are a tour guide. Tell a group of tourists about Big Ben. Then answer the group’s questions. [lCT| Portfolio: Use the internet to find information about a famous landmark in your country and write a short text about it. You can include: • where it is • what it looks like • some interesting facts 81 English in Use • Making suggestions a) Q Listen and repeat. Which sentences can we use to: make a sugS^stion? (S) respond to a sugsestion? (R) • Sure, that’s a good idea. • How about going tomorrow? • Why don’t we go jogging in the park? • Sounds great! • Let’s go shopping! • Sorry, I’m busy this afternoon. • How about going for a coffee? b) Close your books. How many of the phrases above can you remember? a) Read and listen to the dialogues. What do Matt and David want to do? Do Jenny and Sally agree? ^Matt: Hi, Jenny. Are you free this afternoor^ Jenny: Why? Matt: Let’s go shopping! I want to buy some new football boots. Jenny: Sorry, I’m busy this afternoon. How about going tomorrow? Matt: Sure, that’s a good idea. Jenny: OK, see you at 5 o’clock then. David: Hello, Sally. What are you doing? Sally: Nothing, really. David: Why don’t we go jogging in the park? Sally: No, thanks. I’m very tired. How about going for a coffee? V^vid: Sounds great! ___________________ . Portfolio: Invite your friend to the cinema, zoo, park etc. Use the sentences in Ex. 1a. Record yourselves. Сйашшйзйав /о:/, /а/ or - /о:/ short ar - /а:/ park О Listen and repeat. Think of two more words with the same sounds. /о:/; morning, sport /a:/: garden, Mark, parliament Reading Rules b) Read the dialogues aloud. 82 Extensive Reading ACROSS THE CURRICULUM: SCIENCE How do you know what time it is? (e.g. look at a watch/a mobile phone, etc) What other ways can we use to tell the time? Read text A to find out. Read again and underline the correct word. Listen and check. SUNDIALS Go outside on a sunny day and look 1)at/on your shadow! Early 2) in/at the morning and late in the afternoon, it is long. M lunchtime, it 3)has/is ve^ short. This is because the Earth moves around the sun and the sun is in a different place 4) in/on the sky at different times of the day. Sundials use shadows to tell the time. They 5) have/are the oldest way tell the time! 1 dark shape of an object between a light and a surface ^ am = from midnight to midday pm = from midday to midnight Make your own sundial. ® With the sun shining if5 THE FEKFECT TIME TO MAKE A 5UNPIAL How to moke it: 1 With a pen, make a hole in the side of the cup, about 5 centimetres from the top. 2 Put small stones in the cup and put the lid on. 3 Make a hole in the lid. Put a straw through the hole in the lid and the hole in the side of the cup. Your sundial is ready! How to use it: 1 On a sunny day, put your sundial on the ground in a place with no trees or buildings nearby. Find north with your compass and point the straw to the North. At 10am, look where the shadow of the straw is on the lid. Make a mark with the pen. Do the same at 11am and then еуегу^Ц)иг until 3pm. The next day, look at the shadow and tell the time. Is your sundial correct? What you need: plastic lid plastic cup (stones) 83 Fill in watch, set, so, have or work. 1 ...........up 2 ..........a DVD 3 ...a cup of tea 4 ..........to bed 5 ..........on my computer 6 ........jogging Points: — 6X2 12 1 2 3 hospital - d bakery - b.. garage - m . 4 school -1. 5 cafe-w.. ( Points: — \5X2 10 2 3 4 5 1 2 84 Put the words in the correct order to make full sentences. usually / we / shopping / at / weekend / the / go goes / to / he / bed / sometimes / late TV / watches / never / the / in / Samantha / morning usually / I / dinner / eat / seven / at / past / half his / dad / often / Tim / meets / after / school / Points: — 1^5X5 25 Complete the sentences with the present continuous. My dad .........................(paint) the house today. A; What ....................(you/do), Sam? B; I ...................(write) an email to my friend. "ЧНИРЯЕ! 3 The children ............(not watch) TV now. They................(do) their homework. 4 A: .............(John/repair) his car? B: Yes, he is. Points: —\ 6X3 18yl •1 Use the prompts to fill in the gaps. • Sorry, I’ve got a lot of homework. • It’s quarter past five. • Have you got the time, please? • Let’s go to the cinema! 1 A: Excuse me, what’s the time, please? B: ................................. 2 A: Why don’t we go shopping this afternoon? B: ................................. 3 A: ............................... B: Sounds great! 4 A: ............................... B: It’s seven o’clock. / Points: —^ _ ^4X5 20! I Can... My score: _ • talk/write about daily routines • tell the time • talk/write about jobs • write an email about weekend activities • write a text about a famous landmark • make and respond to suggestions ... in English My school bus.) fu In all weathers ♦ Before you start... • What time do you usually get up/go to bed? • What do you usually/often/ sometimes/never do at weekends? What are you doing now? • What do your parents do at weekends? ♦ Look at Module 7 • Find the page numbers for pictures 1-3. ♦ Find the page numbers for • a map I I • an online chat log I I • a poem □ • a postcard I I V_______________________________________^ ♦ Listen, read and talk about... • weather and seasons • clothes • holiday activities • the Alaskan climate ♦ Learn how to ... • describe the weather • ask about clothes • shop for clothes ♦ Practise ... • present simple and present continuous • reading rules: o, ou, sh • pronunciation: /аи/, l\l ♦ Write / Make ... • a chat log • descriptions of pictures/your family photos • a holiday postcard • a web page about weather • a picture to go with a poem 85 Year after year December January February September October November June July August 86 2 3 4 • Seasons, Months & Weather a) Q Listen and repeat. What months are there in each season? What is your favourite season, month? b) What are the people in each picture doing? • picking flowers? • playing in the snow? • raking leaves? • going swimming? a) Match the sentences to the pictures. It’s not very cold. It isn’t raining at the moment but sometimes it rains. It’s very hot and the sun is shining. It’s very cold and it’s snowing. It’s warm and the sun is shining. b) Q Read the proverb and listen to the music. What images come to mind? A wind from the south has rain in its mouth. Choose a picture and make true/ false statements about it. Your partner corrects the false ones. ► A: In picture A, there are two children. B: False. There are four children. A: They are playing in the snow. B: True. a) Look at the text on p. 87. Where can you see it: in a magazine, in a newspaper, on a computer screen? Main Room n ( New 1 [Gus] Hi, guys! I’m in an internet cafe. It’s raining heavily outside. I’m _ fed up with this weather. It’s raining all the time. [Nemo] I don’t know how you can live in Scotland. There are nicer places to go to study. ^ [Gus] Scotland’s great. It’s the winter I don’t like. It’s grey almost every day. I hate winter. A. [Amelia] Hey! You think that’s bad! It’s freezing here in Switzerland. It’s snowing again. There is so much snow sometimes that I can’t even go out. [Gus] That’s not my kind of place, then. *3 [Nemo] It’s summer here in Australia and I’m having a great time. I’m sitting on the balcony at the moment and it is very, very hot. I love the summer. At. [Amelia] You are lucky. [Nemo] I am. Anyway, how are things going for you? Main Room (£) Gus Nemo & Amelia Fun Room ULJ T b) Look at the text. How many people are online? Where are they? Listen and read to find out. Я a) Read the text and answer the questions. 1 What is the weather like in Scotland now? What is Gus doing in Scotland? Where is it snowing? What season is it in Australia now? b) Find phrases/idioms which mean: I am tired of It doesn’t suit me How are you doing? 2 3 4 ♦ Talking about the weather Use the international weather forecast from a newspaper or the Internet. Imagine you are in different parts of the world. Use the language in the box to act out a short telephone conversation. What’s the weather like today? Responding Negatively © • It’s awful! • It’s terrible! • It’s freezing! • It’s cold. Responding Positively © • It’s a lovely/beautiful day! • It’s warm! • It’s very hot. • (It’s) fabulous! 1 2 3 What’s the weather like in Scotland, Switzerland, Australia? Make notes, then tell the class. A: Hi, Tanya. Where are you? B: I’m in Belfast. A: What’s the weather like in Belfast today? B: It’s awful. It rains all the time. (a chat log) Portfolio: Imagine you are in two different countries. Write a chat log telling each other about the weather. Use Ex. 4 as a model. 87 <Й@6ИЙ1$7 ♦ Clothes Look at the pictures. Which clothes are for warm/cold weather? study skills r ------------------------" Opposites Learn words in pairs of opposites. This will help you remember them. Match the opposites. Use them to describe the people’s clothes in Ex. 1. Play in teams. One team describes the weather, the other suggests clothes to put on. ► Team A SI: It’s rainins today. Team BS1: Put on your raincoat. ♦ Asking about clothes ©g. Use the sentences to ask and answer as in the example. 1 2 3 long heavy tight a light b short c loose ^ Asking Answering ^ • How do I look in this? • How does this look on me? • What do you think of my (dress)? • Do I look all right in this? • It/They look(s) great/fabulous on you. • You look lovely/great. • It/They suit(s) you perfectly. • I’m not sure it/they suit(s) you. • That/Those look(s) terrible on you. ^ ► Angela is wearing a long skirt, 88 A: What do you think of my dress? B: Oh, it looks great on you. Read the first exchange in the telephone conversation below. Where’s Patsy? Where is she going? Listen and read to find out. Patsy: Hi, Ann. I’m getting on the plane now. Ann: Can’t wait to see you. I’m on my way to the airport. Patsy: All right! See you in a couple of hours. Ann: Are you wearing warm clothes? It’s very cold here. Patsy: What? Ann: Yeah! And it’s really windy. I’m wearing my coat and scarf. Patsy: Really? I’m wearing a short skirt and a blouse. It’s hot here. Ann: I’m only joking. It’s a lovely, hot day today in Glasgow. Patsy: You’re awful! Ann: No, I’m not. Patsy: Okay, I’m hanging up now. See you later. a) Read again and complete the sentences. Use the present continuous. Patsy ........................to Glasgow. Ann........................to the airport. Patsy................a skirt and a blouse. b) Explain the phrases in bold. What is the weather like in Glasgow? 0 ©f P Read the dialogue aloud. ♦ Present Simple or Continuous a) Read the sentences. Which verb form do we use to talk about habits/routines, actions happening now? She always wears boots in winter. She is wearing a raincoat now. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 b) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. .................(it/rain) often in winter? Where.........................(you/live)? What ......................(you/do) now? She...........(go) to school on foot today. He .....................(not/swim) well. ©© Discuss your clothes in different seasons. What do you usually wear? What are you wearing now? OffiaaflgB О You will hear three conversations. For each question tick (/) the correct answer. What is the weather like? 2 What is Jennifer wearing? 3 Which tie hasn’t Andrew got? Г в ^!2iS335@ Portfolio: Find pictures of your family and friends. Write a short description of each picture. Write: • who the people are • where they are • what the weather is like • what they are wearing/doing • how often they do it 89 7 It's fun ♦ Activities Look at the pictures. Which of the activities do you do when it is hot, warm, cold. It snows, rains? ► We usually go camping when it is hot. /ао/ Q Listen and repeat. Reading Rules ow, ou - /аи/ brown, blouse 1 2 3 down, now, out Read the first paragraph of the postcard. Where’s Sandra? What do you think she is doing there? Listen and read to find out. Read again and answer the questions. Where’s Sandra staying? What’s the weather like? What is she doing now? (a postcard) Portfolio: Imagine you and your family are on holiday. Write a postcard to a friend telling him/her where you are, what the weather is like and what you and your family are doing. (50-60 words) 90 Dear Ormdrr\& апг! Granc^pa, Greetings from Greece. We re having a gre^ time here. The hotel’s fantastic and the weathei^s gre^. . Dad’s windsurfing with the local club at the moment. ' on^s p aying golf with Steve. -ШвУге enloying it a iot. i’m on the Щ now. Mum ia Rimming and I’m sunbathing. Its tun. бее you soon. Sandra J2ubliH-2----- Ireland о. The Alaskan Climate ©Internet Explorer BERING SEA jh laska is in the northwest Jyb corner of the USA. Temperatures in Alaska in the summer vary from 16°C to 27°C. Early mornings and night-time are from 4°C to 10°C. Late August and September are cool. Winters are cold with lots of snow. If you decide to visit “The Great Land”, make sure you pack the right clothes. Click on the regions on the map to see what clothes yoii n ST. LAWRENCE ISLAND ST. MATTHEW PRIBILOF “ ' olL ISLANDS NUNIVAK ^ ISLAND ST. PAUL ISLAND. ST. GEORGE ISUND KISKA ISLAND * . ALEUTIAN ISUNDS PACIFIC OCEAN Southwest «1 lAtjpli II J ♦ Alaska short-sleeved long-sleeved warm hat walking boots jacket wool winter shirt, shorts shirt, jeans & gloves shoes sweater coat Winter • • • • • Spring • • • • • Summer • • • • Autumn • • • • • • Q Listen to the music. What images come to mind? How does the music make you feel: happy, sad, calm, stressedl Q Look at the text. Where’s Alaska? What do you know about the weather there? Discuss. Listen and check. You are going to southwest Alaska. Decide what clothes to pack for different seasons. ICT| Portfolio: Work in groups. Collect information from the Internet to prepare a similar web page for people who want to visit your country/region. Write a few words about the weather, then recommend clothes for each season. 91 English in Use • Shopping for clothes О Listen and repeat. • How can I help you? • I’m looking for a shirt. • Any particular colour? • What size are you? • Here you are. • What about this one? • That’s fine. • How much is it? • That’s £15, please. a) Q The sentences are from the dialogue between a shop assistant and a customer. Which sentences does each person say? Listen, read and check. Shop assistant; John: Shop assistant: John: Shop assistant: John: Shop assistant: John: Shop assistant: John: Shop assistant: John: Shop assistant: Good morning, Sir. How can I help you? I’m looking for a shirt. The shirts are over here. Any particular colour? A blue one, please. What size are you? I’m a size 16 collar. What about this one? That’s fine. Thank you. You’re welcome! How much is it? That’s £15, please. Here you are. Thank you. Have a nice day! b) Read again, and answer the questions. 1 What is John looking for? 2 What colour does he want? 3 What size is he? 4 How much does it cost? Look at the UK clothing sizes. Are sizes the same in your country? WOMEN’S SIZES 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 MEN’S SIZES Shirts 14 14У2 15У2 16 16У2 17 17У2 Trousers 30 32 34 36 38 CHILDREN raped 1-14) 1-2 2-3 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 T-SHIRTS M XL XXL Portfolio: You want to buy some clothes. Use the pictures to act out the dialogue between you and the shop assistant. Use the sentences from Ex. 1. Record yourselves. /|/ (^sh - /// shirt Reading Rules О Listen and repeat. she, shop, fish, wish, short, shoe, sheep, fashion, cushion J 92 Extensive Reading ACROSS THE CURRICULUM: LITERATURE Listen to the sounds. What images come to mind? What is the weather like? a) Match the words/phrases in the list to the pictures (A-D). sky • wind • leaves • branches b) The words in Ex. 2a are from the poem. What is the poem about? Read quickly to find out. О Use the words (A-D) from Ex. 2a to complete the gaps (1-4) in the poem. Listen and check. What A h Weather! by Angela Fletcher ^ The I)....are blowing away Up, up, and away they go. Swish, swoosh, they go. Like a dancing ballerina Up, up and away they go Way up, in the 2)... The trees are standing there. Their 3)....all bare*. The 4).....is getting louder. What’s the weather like today? bI ”T have nothing on Air facts ... Wind is air moving over land or sea. Air is always moving. It is the sun that makes air move. Portfolio: In groups draw a picture to go with Angela’s poem. Give your picture a title. 93 : J 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Write the seasons. What season is it now? s.................r 3 s...................... w.................. 4 a...................... Points: 4X4 16 Circle the odd word out. cold - leaves - warm - hot boots - gloves - scarf - shorts high heels - caps - shoes - trainers Alaska - May - July - April Points: -4X4 16 Complete the gaps with the correct word. • like • terrible • jumper • freezing • hot • suits A: What’s the weather ..................... in Edinburgh today? B: It’s very....................and sunny. A: How do I look in this .................? B: You look lovely. It......you perfectly. Points: — 1^4X4 16 Write sentences using the present simple and present continuous. I / usually / walk to school - go by bicycle ► / usually walk to school but today/now I am going by bicycle. she / usually / wear trainers - wear high heels he / usually / watch TV - read a book they / usually / wear blue shirts - wear green ones we / usually / go swimming - have a picnic Points: 4X4 16 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. I....................(not/want) to go out tonight as I ...........(study) for a test at the moment. My brother ................(play) football every Sunday but this Sunday he ......... (go) camping. Rose ..................(talk) to that French tourist at the moment. She ................... (speak) French well. Tom .......................(watch) a film on television now. He............................ (not/often/do) this. Points: 8X2 16 Use the prompts to complete the dialogue. • £45 • How can I help you? • How much is it? • What size are you? Good morning, madam. 1) .................. I’m looking for a skirt, please. The skirts are here. 2) .................. I’m a 12. I like this one. 3) ............ It’s 4) .................................. Thanks. I’ll take it. Points: 4X5 20 I Can... My score: — 100 talk and write about the seasons and the weather describe and ask about clothes shop for clothes write a description of a family photo write a holiday postcard ... In English. What often falls but never gets hurt? 94 V Special days ♦ Before you start... • What’s your favourite season? Why? • What are you wearing now? • What clothes do you wear in cold/ hot weather? Look at Module 8 • Find the page numbers for pictures 1-3. ♦ Find the page numbers for • a street parade I I • a party plan I I • a takeaway menu I I • a song \ZZ\ ♦ Listen, read and talk about... • festivals & festive activities • food & drinks • containers • birthday treats • tastes • kitchen safety ♦ Learn how to ... • make suggestions for a party • order food ♦ Practise ... • countable/uncountable nouns • some/any • much/many • reading rules: ng, nk, g, g + e, i • pronunciation: /о/, /^к/, /д/, /Ьз/ ♦ Write / Make ... • a paragraph about a celebration • your birthday party plan • a magazine entry about birthdays • a quiz about a celebration in your country • a poster about safety in the kitchen 95 cook special food ♦ Festive activities Think of popular celebrations in your country. Which of the activities in the pictures do you do? >4: On Victory Day we have street parades. B: We also set off fireworks. a) Read the dictionary entry. When is harvest time in your country? harvest /ha'^vist/ N-siNG the time ^ farmers collect their crops /haVist/ VB collect crops b) Look at the title of the text and the first sentence in each paragraph. What do you expect to read? Read and check. a) О Complete the gaps (1-5). Listen and check. Explain the v/ords in bold. b) Read and list all the festivals. How do people celebrate them? HARVEST Autumn Thanksgiving 0) ► is a big festival in the USA and Canada to celebrate the har\'est. Canadians celebrate it in October, and .\mericans in November. Some cities have parades and people have family dinners. Turkey, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce are popular foods 1)..... this day and there’s always some sweet pumpkin pie for dessert. Winter In Northern India they harvest their wheat in Spring, which is in late February or early March. This is also the time for Holi, a Hindu harvest festival that lasts five days. People dress up 2).........light fires. Farmers decorate their cows with (lowers and let them run free 3).........the streets! WORLD ------- Spring In late March or early April, some people in the Philippines celebrate the Banana festival! This 4).a harvest festival about different varieties of bananas. During the festival, children dress up in banana costumes and dance in the streets. There is also a cookery competition where cooks use only bananas to make their dishes. Summer Chuseok is the Korean harvest moon festival and an important holiday in Korea. The festival lasts for three days, usually sometime between August and October. Children dress up 5)....... people make sweet rice cakes with fresh fruit. 96 a) Look at the highlighted words in the text. Which is a verb/noun? b) Use your dictionary to mark the words below V (verb), N (noun) or 6 (both). Then make sentences with the words marked 6. 1 summer ... 2 3 4 5 water light . fire ... paint. 6 street 7 play .. 8 dress. 9 watch 10 cook . Portfolio: You have a radio show. Choose a celebration from the text and make notes. Present it to the class. Record yourselves. ► ... is a popular festival in ... . On this day, people... Grammar Reference\ ♦ Countable/Uncountable nouns И a) Read the box below. jy • Countable nouns (what we can count) » a/an + countable nouns in the singular * a banana some + countable nouns in the plural four/some bananas ') Uncountable nouns (what we can’t count) some milk ^ (NOT: a-mUk) Q© b) Complete with a/an or some. Then ask and answer as in the example. 4 .....biscuit 5 .........tea 6 ► A: Can I have an apple? B: Yes, you can. Can I have ...? О Listen and tick the correct picture. 1 When is the festival? carrots ■ OCTOBER ■ M T W T f s s I 2 3 4 $ 6 7 i 9 II 17 IJ 14 IS H 17 1$ 19 70 71 77 77 74 75 26 27 2t 29 30 31 1 ■SEPTEMBERH i mNOVEMBER ■ \mtwtpss iMrwrrss 1 I 7 7 4 1 17 7 4 5 6 \ S 6 7 9 9 10 Ч , 7 1 9 10 rr 17 IJ 12 13 14 IS 16 17 II 1 14 15 16 17 II 19 70 19 20 71 77 23 74 75 71 77 23 24 75 76 77 76 27 71 79 JO 71 79 JO LBJ_J 2 Where does Jack live? Ш [MJ 3 What does Amy want to eat? [П &X3iSSSS^SSSXL /X]/, /г]к/ Listen and repeat. /Т]/: sing, song, king, ring Reading Rules ng - /x)/ thing nk - /i]k/ thinker /т]к/: ankle, linker, tinker (a paragraph about a celebration) |iCT| Think of a celebration in your country. Collect information from the Internet then write a short paragraph about it. Write: • name of festival • time of the year • activities • food 97 8 Master chef bread ♦ Food & drinks a) ; Listen and repeat. What names of these foods/drinks are/sound similar in your language? Which do you eat/dhnk for breakfast/lunch/dinner? b) Which of the foods in the pyramid do you like/not like? >4; / like cherries, but I don’t like grapes. B: Really?I like ... . ♦ Containers Look at the picture and fill in the gaps. Listen and check. a carton of ......... 4 a glass of ... a box of ............ 5 a packet of a bowl of....... 6 a bottle of . (asafflig 1 2 3 98 a) Read the first exchange. What is the dialogue about? Listen, read and check. /Ann: How about pasta with chicken in tomat^ sauce for dinner tonight? Bob: That sounds great! Have we got everything we need? Ann: Let’s look in the cupboards. Bob: We’ve got some pasta and some tomato sauce. Ann: Are there any onions? Bob: We’ve got a lot of onions, but there isn’t any garlic. Ann: Is there any cheese? Bob: There is some, but there isn’t any chicken. And there isn’t much olive oil. yAnn: OK, let’s make a shopping list, then. ^ b) Write their shopping list. Then read the dialogue aloud. ♦ Some / Any - (How) much/(How) many У Read the sentences and complete the rules. Use some or any. у There are some bananas. There isn’t any cake. Is there any pasta? We use................in the affirmative. We use................in the negative and interrogative. И a) Look at the pictures and fill in some or any. 1 There are............................eggs. 2 There aren’t.......................onions. 3 There isn’t .......................butter. 4 There is...........................cheese. 5 There aren’t.......................apples. 6 There is ...........................bread. b) Look at the pictures again. Use the words to ask and answer questions. • banana • orange • pineapples • lemons • cheese • potatoes • cherries • bread • biscuits • chocolate • milk • carrot • tomatoes • onions ► A: Are there any bananas? B: No, there aren’t any. Is there an orange? A: Yes, there is. Read the rule. Then fill in: much, many. We use (how) many with countable nouns. How many carrots have we got? Not many. We use (how) much with uncountable nouns. How much rice have we got? Not much. 1 2 3 4 5 6 “How ► many oranges are there?’’ “Not . “How..........rice is there?” “Not ....... “How..........potatoes are there?” “Not . “How..........biscuits are there?” “Not “How..........milk is there?” “Not........ “How..........apples are there?” “Not..... Portfolio: You want to cook your favourite meal tonight. Discuss what you need. Use the dialogue in Ex. 3 as a model. Record yourselves. a) Bob and Ann are talking about something. Look at the text. What are they talking about? Listen and check. b) »' Listen and fill in the missing words 1 -5. Date: 0) >- Friday 22"“ January Time: 1)......... Number of people: 2) Food/Drinks: \ 3 large pizzas 10 burgers 1 packet of chocolate 3).......... Ш 2 4).........of lemonade Щ.Н» Activities: party 5)......... dancing (a birthday party plan) ^ Portfolio: Imagine it’s your birthday. Write your birthday party plan. Write: • date • time • number of people • food/drinks • activities 99 It's my birthda (МЗащ O' Close your eyes and listen to the music. Where are you? What are you doing? Who else is with you? a) Look at the pictures and read the first sentence of each text. How are they related to the title? Listen, read and check. b) Read the text. How do the British and the Chinese celebrate birthdays? What do the pictures show? Ф Making suggestions Imagine you are planning a birthday party. Decide what food you need. ^ Making suggestions • Would you like to (have).. 7 • What/How about (having) .. ? • Shall we (have)... ? • Let’s (have)... . Accepting & Refusing • That would be nice! • Good idea. • That’s a great idea. • I’d love to. • That sounds great! • 1 don’t like ... ^ 1 don’t think so. ) 100 ► A: Shall we have some chocolate biscuits? B: Yes, that’s a sreat idea. What about sandwiches? A: I don’t like sandwiches. Can we have pizza? Birthday! reats Britain In Britain, we have a party to celebrate our birthdays. Everyone brings a small gift. My mum always makes me a birthda cake. We have a table full of food, crisps, sandwiches, small cakes and chocolate biscuits, ice cream and very small sausages you eat on a stick. / I just love them. We decorate the house with balloons and I play party games with my /riends. It’s fantastic. John (12) Birthday celebrations are very special in China. We eat very long noodles that mean we will have a long life. I eat them in soup and try not to cut them because it’s unlucky! We also eat red eggs. Red is a special colour in China. It always means something happy and brings good luck, we decorate the house with red paper and all thej family comes for a party. We also get money in red envelopes. It’s fun. Lee (13) (a magazine entry) Portfolio: Write a short magazine entry about birthdays in your country. (50-60 words) Write about: • food • decorations • activities о Listen to the song. What is it about? How is it related to the title ‘Thanksgiving’? Pumpkin, Round and fat. Round and fat. Harvest time is coming. Harvest time is coming. Yum, yum, yum. That is that! a) How much do you know about Thanksgiving? Do the quiz. b) Q Listen to the radio programme and check your answers to the quiz. What is your score? ' Prepare a short radio programme on a celebration in your country. Include: • its name • when you celebrate it • food • special customs Present your programme to the class. IT’S HOLIDAY TIME IN AMERICA- IT’S THANKSGIVING! (Г) At Thanksgiving Americans say "thank you" for their ... A food. В country. C family. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the ... A Ath Friday in October. В 4th Thursday in November. C 2nd Friday in November. A typical Thanksgiving meal is ... A melon, chicken and pumpkin ice cream. В turkey, potatoes, corn and pumpkin pie. C pumpkin soup, hamburger, fries and carrot cake. (^Thanksgiving is sometimes called ... A Pumpkin Day. В Turkey Day. C Harvest Day. At Thanksgiving American families watch ... A basketball. В baseball. C American football. Score: 0-1 What a turkey! 2-3 Not bad! 4-5 Way to go! (a quiz about a celebration) Portfolio: Prepare a quiz about your celebration from Ex. 3. Exchange your quiz with another student. 101 English in Use • Ordering food a) '4 Listen and repeat. • Take away, please. • Can I take your order? • I’d like a large cheeseburger, please. • Would you like anything to drink with that? • Is that eat in or takeaway? • Here you are. • An orange juice, please. • Enjoy your meal. • Thank you. b) 4) Where can you hear these sentences? Which sentences does the cashier say? Which does the customer say? Listen and check. Read the dialogue. What is Ann ordering? How much is it? Man: Can I take your order? Ann: I’d like a large cheeseburger, please. Man: Would you like anything to drink with that? Ann: An orange juice, please. Man: Is that eat in or takeaway? Ann: Take away, please. Man: That’s £3.89, please. Ann: Here you are. Man: Thank you. Enjoy your meal. Ann: Thank you. Cheeseburger Small.........................£1.99 Medium .......................£2.49 Large.........................£2.99 Baked potato with: Cheese, tuna or beef chilli ..£2.99 Sandwiches: Cheese, egg, tuna or chicken..£1.99 French fries Small ..........................95p Medium .......................£1.20 Large.........................£1.40 Chocolate cake................£1.20 Ice cream: Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla.99p Drinks: Orange juice ...................90 p Coke, lemonade, mineral water....70p Portfolio: You are at a fast food restaurant. Use the menu to act out a similar dialogue between a customer and the cashier. Use the sentences in Ex. la. Record yourselves. 6teDDQaB303335B) /g/, /d^/ W Listen and repeat. Think of two more words with the same sounds. /g/: glue, garlic /d3/: margin, large Reading Rules g- /g/ glass g + e, i - /d3/ orange 102 Look at the kitchen in the picture. What is wrong? Listen, read and check. Now look at your answers in Ex. 1 again. What do you think you can change next time you help in the kitchen? / can my hands before I cook. Extensive Reading |lCT| Portfolio: Work in groups. Use the information on this page and information form the Internet to make a list of dos and don'ts for the kitchen. Use your list to make a poster called ‘Be safe in the kitchen!’ * PSHE: Personal, Social and Health Education I* .V.'.J ■. ACROSS THE CURRICULUM: 1ЙЯ5 _ DANGERI KEEP OUTI Keeping clean: Don't let pets in the kitchen. Always wash your hands well before you touch any food. Clean the work surfaces well to keep bacteria away! Preparing food: Wash fruit and vegetables well. Never chop raw’ meat and then use the same knife for other food - to cut your bread, for example. There are lots of dangerous bacteria on raw meat. Use sharp knives and chop very carefully. Storing food: Bacteria can't live in the cold, but they love warm kitchens! Always keep raw meat, cooked food and dairy products like milk, cheese and yoghurt in the fridge. Don't put other food next to raw meat! -Л not cooked 103 1 2 Match the words to form collocations. bonfires have dress exchange ] light 1 decorate cook a b c d e f gifts up special food street parades the house Points: — 6X2 12 Find ten foods/drinks. 1 2 3 4 a c_____________n of milk a b_____________e of olive oil a b_____I of sugar a g__________s of orange juice 5 ap_____________tof pasta 6 a b of cereal Points: 6X3 18 1 2 3 4 Choose the correct word. a/some potatoes 5 some/a biscuits some/an eggs a/an apple some/a milk 6 a/some rice 7 an/a banana 8 some/a sugar Points: 8X2 16 1 2 3 A: Are there........................apples? B: Yes, but not................ 4 A: Are there.......................bananas? B: No, there aren’t................ Points: 8X3 24 •1 Use the prompts to complete the exchanges. • Can I take your order? • How about pizza? • There is some. • Enjoy your meal. • That would be nice. 1 A; Would you like a glass of milk? B; ........................................ 2 A: ........................................ B: I’d like a cheese sandwich, please. 3 A: ........................................ B; I don’t think so. 4 A: ........................................ B: Thank you. 5 A: Is there any orange juice? B: ........................................ (Points: — _ ^5X4 20 I Can... ^My score: _ • talk and write about festivals and celebrations • talk about and order food/drinks • write a birthday party plan • make suggestions about food for a party • write a magazine entry about how we celebrate birthdays in my country • talk and write about kitchen safety ... in English 104 Fill in the gaps with: some, any, much, many. A: How..............potatoes have we got? B: Not ............... There are...........peas, but there aren’t ..............onions. I’ve got five ^ apples in my right hand, and / ^ seven apples in my left hand. What have got? Modern living Before you start... • What do you usually eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner? • How do you celebrate your birthday? • Think of a celebration in your country. How do you celebrate it? Look at Module 9 • Find the page numbers for pictures 1-3. Find the page numbers for • a statue I I • a shopping centre I I • British coins I I Listen, read and talk about... • shops & products • places to go in a town • events • types of films Learn how to ... • ask for & give directions Practise ... • a!an - the • at - with • was/were • must/mustn’t • past simple (regular/irregular forms) • reading rules: was, were, ck • pronunciation: /woz/, /W3:7 Write / Make ... • an email reviewing a film you saw • a short text about a famous area in the capital city of your country • a poster about money in your country L Going shopping ШеёвИщ ♦ Shops & products a) Which shops can you see in the shopping centre? Where are they? bakery, florist’s, cafe, shoe shop, r)ewsasent’s, greengrocer’s, toyshop, bookshop, chemist’s, record shop, fast food restaurant, clothes shop, jeweller’s ► / can see a florist shop called Laura’s. The florist’s is next to Benny’s on the first floor. ~01^1тгтй|гЯ^гепс^ < ♦ A/An-The We use a/an with singular countable nouns when we mention something for the first time. We use the when it is clear which person/thing we mean. Benny’s is a shoe shop. The shoe shop is next to Karen’s. 106 b) You are at the shopping centre. Act out short dialogues. Use: a pair of shoes, some tulips, a CD, a skirt, a magazine, some aspirin, a book, a teddy bear, a meal, a ring. ► A: So, what do you want to buy? B: A pair of shoes. A: Let’s go to Benny’s. B: Where is it? A: On the first floor. О Listen to and read the dialogue and mark the sentences 1-6 T (true) or F (false). Emma was at the shopping centre with Kelly yesterday. ..... Kelly thinks Emma’s new shoes are nice..... Emma’s new shoes weren’t cheap............. Kelly and Emma decide to go to the mall together today. ..... Emma doesn’t like the Rainforest cafe...... 2 3 4 Emma: Hi Kelly! How are you? Kelly: Hi Emma! I’m well, thanks. What about you? Emma: I’m well too! Do you like my new shoes? I was at the mall yesterday with my mum. We were in Benny’s shoe shop because there was a sale on. Kelly: Oh! I love them! Were they expensive? Emma: No, they weren’t. They were really cheap! Only £15! Kelly: Were there any sandals in the sale? Emma: Yes, there were lots. Do you want to go to Benny’s shoe shop together this afternoon? Then you can see. Kelly: OK! We can have a snack at the Rainforest cafe too. Emma: Good idea! I love the food there. Refere^ ♦ Was/Were H a) Read the table. Find examples in the dialogue. was / were Affirmative l/He/She/lt was at the cafe. We/You/They were at the bakery. There was a shoe shop. There were books. Interrogative Was l/he/she/it at home? Were we/you/they at home? Was there a cafe? Were there any cafes? Negative l/He/She/lt wasn’t at the shoe shop. We/You/They weren’t at the toy shop. I There wasn’t a bakery. There weren’t any cafes. Short answers Yes, l/he/she/it was. No, l/he/she/it wasn’t. Yes, we/you/they were. No, we/you/they weren’t. Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t. Yes, there were. No, there weren’t. b) Fill in: was, were, wasn't or weren’t 1 There..............a lot of people in the fast food restaurant last night. It was very busy! 2 ‘........... Katie at school last week?’ ‘No, she..............She was sick.’ 3 ‘These flowers are beautiful............... they expensive?’ ‘No, they..............’ 4 ............ James and Charlotte in the florist’s? Yes, they........... 5 That’s a pretty dress............. it in the sale? Yes, it............ 6 ............ there a toy shop in that shopping centre? No, there.............. 7 Where ............. you yesterday, Sam? I...........at the zoo with my mum. 8 We ............. at home last night. We ............at the cinema with friends. ♦ Talking about the past В In pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompts in the table. /last Monday morning, yesterday afternoon, last Sunday evening, two days / weeks / months / years ago at home, school ^ Katie’s BUT at the museum, cinema, theatre, zoo, library with friends, family, relatives, classmate^ A: Where were you last Monday morning? B: I was at school. ЙШШйОЗЭЗЗ!) 'ч Listen and repeat. Reading Rules weak form: /woz/ /W07 strong form: /woz /ws;7 Tony was at the zoo yesterday afternoon. Was he at the park? The children were at the cinema. Were the boys with Peter? ^ Write a short paragraph about your/your friend’s favourite shop. Write: where it is, what it sells, when you/your friend were last there. ► Olga’s favourite shop is Topshop. It’s a clothes shop. It’s near the cafe. We were there last Friday. 107 It was great! • Places to go a) What do the posters (A-F) advertise? • a zoo • an art gallery • a theatre • a fast food restaurant • an adventure park • a concert hall ► Poster A advertises an art gallery. b) What can you do at each place? see wild animals, listen to music, look at paintings, watch a play, eat a burger, go on a roller coaster ► You can see wild animals at the zoo. NOTE: in a room (inside) at the bus stop (open space) Hi Sergei, I hope you’re well. Guess where I was last weekend! I decided to go to the Crazy Ride Adventure Park with my friends. The weather was great. There were a lot of people there. There were so many rides I couldn’t choose which one to go on. I tried the Mega roller coaster. It was great. We wanted to go to the Hall of Mirrors but we didn’t because there was a very long queue. We tried candyfloss but I didn’t like it. We stayed until late in the evening. What about you? Did you visit your grandparents? Write back soon. Sam b) Read the email again and answer the questions. Then explain the words in bold. Where was Sam last weekend? Who else was with him? Why didn't Sam go into the Hall of Mirrors? What did Sam eat at the park? 1 2 3 4 ^udy skills r Remembering grammar structures Explore grammar structures in context. It helps you understand them better. 108 ♦ Past Simple (regular verbs) Read the table. How do we form the negative and interrogative forms of the past simplel Find examples in the email. Form: verb + ed We use the past simple for actions which happened at a certain time in the past. He played football yesterday. (When? Yesterday.) Spelling: • verbs ending in -e + -d like - liked • verbs ending in consonant + -y ->■ -ied try - tried, tidy - tidied, study - studied • verbs ending in vowel + -y + -ed play - played, enjoy - enjoyed • verbs ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants, double the last consonant + -ed stop - stopped,drop - dropped Time expressions: yesterday afternoon/ morning, last night/week/month, two days/ weeks ago, etc. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple. 1 A: ................... (you/play) basketball yesterday afternoon? B: No, I.............I ............ (surf) the Net. 2 A: ...................... (your cousin/visit) Germany last month? Affirmative l/You/He/She/ It/We/They watched TV last night. a: Negative \ l/You/He/She/lt/We/ They did not/ didn’t 3 A: watch TV last night. B: I 4 A: Interrogative Short answers [ Did l/you/he/etc. watch TV last night? Yes, l/you/he/etc. did. g. No, l/you/he/etc. didn’t. (visit) Prague. (you/finish) work yesterday? (walk) home with Jane. 5 A: When .................................... (your parents/call) you? B: They.................(call) an hour ago. (,; Look at the poster. What does it advertise? Listen and complete the gaps 1-5. The Royal Ballet presents % rf ^ Swan Jjzke by P. Tchaikovsky Come and see the Royal Ballet's leading stars in this famous classical ballet! Saturday, 1)....... September 2)......... pm Royal Opera 3)............... Covent Garden. Tickets: £40 4)......; £25 children Book today! Call 0208 542 5).....for tickets. Listen and tick (/) the correct pronunciation. Listen again and repeat. Verb j Past Simple; /t/ , /6/\ /\d/^ walk walked live lived reach reached visit visited watch watched slip slipped cry cried travel travelled ^ what did your partner do last weekend? Ask questions using the phrases: watch TV, listen to music, cook dinner, tidy your room, play football, visit your grandparents, rent a DVD, surf the Net. ► A: Did you watch TV last weekend? B: Yes, I did. >1 Write a short email to a friend about what you did last weekend. Use Ex. 2a as the model. 109 Don't miss it! VBSEliffl6l$7 ♦ Types of films < C’ Listen to the music. Which type of film does it match? • horror • romance • comedy • action • animated • fantasy Read the email and answer the questions. Explain the words in bold. 1 What type of film is it? 2 What is the film about? 3 Who stars in the film? How does Samantha recommend the film? Which two sentences below can she use instead? 1 It’s super. 2 It’s well worth seeing. 3 It’s a bore to watch. a) Read the theory. Find four irregular past simple forms in the email. Past Simple - Irregular l/You/He/She/We/They/lt left an hour aso. Why did he leave? Irregular verbs have irregular forms. He ate pasta last night. Hi Julia, How are you? I had a great weekend. I went to the cinema on Saturday night with my friends. We saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, a fantasy film starring Danielle Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson. The sixth film of the Harry Potter series is about Harry Potter getting ready to face Voldemort. Dumblemore takes Harry with him on a secret journey in which Harry is a witness to the battle between good and evil. I found the film exciting, and the acting was wonderful. I think it's a must-see for everyone. How about you? Did you go to the seaside last weekend? Love, Samantha b) What are the past forms of the verbs below? Which are regular (/?) and Irregular (/)? See the list of irregular verbs at the end of the book. 1 see ► saw (!) 2 go 3 read 4 make 5 take c) Use the verbs in Ex. 4b to ask and answer questions. ► A: Did you see a film last weekend? B: Yes, I did. I saw ‘Avatar’./No, I didn’t. 6 write 11 find 7 send 12 think 8 buy 13 have 9 work 14 get 10 play (a film review) a) Choose a film you like and make notes under the headings: • type • plot • main characters • recommendation b) Portfolio: Use your notes from Ex. 5a to write an email to your friend about the film you saw. Use Ex. 2 as a model. (50-80 words) no Busy spots in London Look at the picture, then read the first sentence of the text. Where is this place? Think of three questions about it. Read the whole text. Can you answer your questions? Last summer, your friend visited London and went to Leicester Square. Ask him wh- questions based on the text. > A: Where’s Leicester Square? B: In London’s West End. What did you do there? a: I had a coffee in a cafe. Grammar Reference^ CMM CSC** “ ж _^ГЛ-г -.•«»»* t* or eoeri и *д1»с*«* c»t« c r»<» Jic H Leicester Square (pronounced Lester Square) is in London’s West End. The square 1)....... famous for its cinemas. It’s got six cinemas and 2)... are more than 50 theatres nearby. One of the cinemas, the Odeon, 3)...... 1,700 seats! You can see premieres^ of new films in Leicester Square. In the middle of the square, there is a small park with a statue of William Shakespeare in it. There are also 4)......... lot of restaurants, cafes and nightclubs in the square. They are especially busy 5)...... Friday and Saturday evenings. Leicester Square is well worth^ visiting - whether you are from London or a tourist. ^ first performances 2 deserving of О Read and choose the correct word to complete gaps 1-5. Listen and check. 1- 1 A can В is C has ; 2 || A there В these C they 1 3 A having В have c has A a в and c the i 5 A at в in c on ♦ must/mustn’t a) Read the grammar box. Vbu must be quiet in here, (rule) You mustn’t touch the paintings, (prohibition/you aren’t allowed to) b) Look at the museum notice and complete the rules with must or mustn’t. DURING YOUR VISIT TO THE MUSEUM I You 1)............................touch the statues.(X) * You 2)............................pay at the door.(/) i I Children 3) ......................be with an adult.(/) * я You 4)................................eat or drink.(X) ■ ^You 5)..........................leave by 5 o’clock.(/^ ICT Collect information and pictures about a famous place in a big city of your country that you visited not long ago. You can do some research on the Internet using these key words: famous wonders, world. Write a short text for tourists. Write: • name • location • what it is famous for • things to do and see there • what you did and saw there Present it to the class. Ill English in Use ♦ Asking for/Giving directions Square О Listen and repeat. 112 • Excuse me, is there a fast food restaurant near here? • Where exactly? • Can you tell me where the cinema is? • On my left? • You can’t miss it. The sentences in Ex. 1 are from the dialogues below. What are the dialogues about? Listen, read and check. Where does each person want to go? Find the places on the map. 1 /А: Excuse me, is there a fast food nea? here? B: Yes, there’s one on Berry Street. A: Where exactly? B: On the corner of Eldon Road and Berry Street. \^; Thanks a lot._________________________^ 2 Excuse me, can you tell me where th^ cinema is? B: Yes, sure. Go down Bath Street and turn right. Walk down Eldon Road. The cinema is on your left. A: On my left? B: Yes. It’s opposite the toy shop. You can’t miss it. \A: Thank you.____________________________^ Portfolio: Look at the map. Act out dialogues asking for/giving directions from: • the bakery to the newsagent’s • the bookshop to the cafe • the music shop to the chemist’s • the toy shop to the square • the chemist’s to the supermarket Use the phrases in the box and the sentences in Ex. 1. Record yourselves. ^ Asking for directions Giving directions ^ • Where’s the...? • Goup/down... • How do I get • It’s on your right/left... to...? • Turn left/right... • Could you tell • It’s on the corner of... me how to get • It’s next to/near/ ^ to...? opposite/between GteannagagSga /к/ Reading Rules ck - /к/ clock O’ Listen and repeat. Think of more words with the same letter combinations. lock, dock, shock, lick, luck, duck , pack J ACROSS THE CURRICULUM; Extensive Reading MATHS Which coins will you use to pay for each of the items you can buy? ICT Make a poster about the coins in your country. Stick or draw pictures and label them. Use information from the Internet to find pictures. 1 euro = 100 cents; 1 rouble = 100 kopecks; 1 dollar = 100 cents Imagine you bought the items below yesterday. In pairs act out dialogues, as in the example. ► A: What did you buy yesterday? B: I bousht 2 bottles of cola. A: How much did they cost? B: They cost 52p altosether. two bottles of cola? a bar of chocolate and a bottle of cola? a packet of crisps and a bottle of cola? a jar of jam and a bar of chocolate? You are in a shop. You have £1. Use the pictures in Ex. 2 to act out dialogues. ► A: How much is this bar of chocolate, please? B: It’s thirty-five pence. A: Here’s a pound. B: Thank you. Here’s your change, sixty-five pence. 113 [Ршшшт ©швт © Match the products to the shops. magazines a shoe shop aspirin b music shop boots c chemist’s trousers d toy shop CDs e newsagent’s dolls f clothes shop / Points: \6X3 18 [ I Circle the odd word out. 1 zoo - concert hall - theme park - film 2 packet - corner - jar - bar 3 comedy - greengrocer’s - animated - action 4 art gallery - jigsaw - stuffed animal - board game 5 chocolate - crisps - jam - square__________ [ъхз ' 15 Complete the sentences using the Past Simple. 1 Where ................(he/go) last Sunday? 2 She..............(not/watch) TV last night. 3 We.........(play) basketball last weekend. 4 Mum.................(make) a cake yesterday. 5 She ...............(tidy) her room yesterday afternoon. 6 We ..................(see) two white tigers at the zoo. 7 Bill .................(buy) a pair of jeans two days ago. 8 The children .........(eat) all the lasagna. They were very hungry. 1роЫ$-. i 8X3 24 j /j What do the signs mean? Use must/mustn’t. no smoking Keep Left 1 Sorry! No animals Thank you No cycling in ^ the gardens Keep dogs > on leads 114 Clean up after your dog Points: — 6X3 18 Complete the exchanges. • Yes. There’s one on Alma Street. • On the 3rd floor. • It’s sixty pence. • Yes, I did. I saw Iron Man 2. • It’s opposite the cafe. 1 A: Where is the toy department? B: ........................................ 2 A: Did you see a film last weekend? B: ........................................ 3 A: Excuse me, is there a supermarket around here? B; ........................................ 4 A: Can you tell me where the bakery is? B; ........................................ 5 A: How much is this bottle of cola? B: ........................................ Points; ,5X5 25 My score: — ^ ^ 100 I Can ... • talk and write about shops • talk about places to visit • write an email reviewing a film I saw • write a short text about a famous area in my country • ask for & give directions ... in English Holidays Before you start... • How often do you go shopping and where? What do you usually buy? What did you buy last week? • Where do you most like to go in your free time? What do you do there? What did you do last Sunday? • What’s your favourite film? What is it about? Where and when did you watch it? Look at Module 10 • Find the page numbers for pictures 1-3. Find the page numbers for holiday adverts I I notes I I a board game I I Listen, read and talk about... types of holiday activities & feelings health matters Scotland safe camping Learn how to ... invite/accept - refuse rent a bicycle/car Practise ... can - can’t will revision of present simple & present continuous reading rules: ch, j, a, о pronunciation: /у/, /d3/, /о/ Write / Make ... an advert for your town/city a holiday brochure for a hotel a note a board game a cartoon strip A Ч1-— Q J: 115 10 Travel & leisure V6aEMfei$7 • Types of holiday a) What type of holiday is each advert (A-E) about? • beach holiday • cruise • safari • sightseeing tour • activity holiday b) What’s your favourite type of holiday? Where do you usually go? Where did you go last summer? How do you like to travel? by coach / motorbike / train A: (^) car / ship / bike / plane / air BUT on foot ^ ► / like travelling by car. 116 a) Listen to and read the adverts and find: two places to stay, three activities, two means of transport and three countries. b) Match the people (1-5) to the holidays (A-E). ^ Ann and Tony want to have a good rest. ^ John likes to do extreme sports. U Amy wants to see animals. I] Stella likes to learn about ancient culture. ^ Mike loves to see green countryside. Are you planning an adventure holiday? The Himalayas is the place to go. •rockclimbing mountaineering trekking Small Group Adventures > mountain biking white waLa' fo0ng<,.'^^^^^ SPAIN • three pools • apartments by the sea • beautiful gardens • tennis court • indoor leisure centre There's everything for everyone on Dona Lola with Lazydays Travel Sun, Sea and Sand from only £225 per person! www.lazydays.cprn See Egypt and the River Hile with The Queen Of the Nile ” • visit historic sites like the Valley of the Kings • see ancient monuments (the Luxor Temples) FULL BOARD DURING YOUR CRUISE CALL: 020-88763I You are a travel agent. Your partner (client) wants to spend his/her holidays abroad. Use the information in the adverts to advise him/her. Record yourselves. ► A: I’d like to travel abroad this summer. B: Why don’t you go to the Himalayas? A: The Himalayas? What can you do there? etc. Grammar Reference^ ♦ can/can’t a) Read the grammar box. Can for something allowed or possible. \ You can buy souvenirs here, (it is possible, you are allowed) Can’t for something not allowed. You can’t smoke here, (it isn’t allowed) / ® IRELAND BY COACH DUBLIN CORK • enjoy beautiful countryside • visit magnificent castles & national parks • doyourshofiping • have a picnic by lake, \wvvvv.goireiand.com The f Magic of • Experience the beauty b) Match the signs (1-5) to the meanings (a-e). ]You can park here. ]You can’t camp. |a I I You can’t eat or drink. |b I I You can buy ice creams. I c I I You can’t take photographs. Ask and answer questions. I /take pictures? / ► A: Can I take pictures here? B: Yes, you can. you / see elephants here? / I / use my credit card? / Mike / wear his shorts in the restaurant? X we / park here? / Mary / take her dog with her? Л 2 3 4 5 6 study skills r Pronunciation Practise pronunciation. Listen to recorded texts. Repeat sounds, rhythm and pace. Record yourself to see if you sound natural. ЙИДПВ303335В1 /tf/, /(fc/ Q Listen and repeat. Reading Rules ch - /tj/ cheese j - /d3/ join /tJ/: chin, chest, catch, much /d3/: jam, joke, jump ^ а)’ч.) Listen to two people talking on the phone and fill in the missing information. Name: Harry ► Smith Place: 1)................. Date/leave: 2)......July Date/come back: 3).......August Travel by: 4)............ Price: 5)............ b) In pairs, tell each other about Mr Smith’s holiday. ► Mr Smith went to ... He left... (a holiday advert) ICT| Portfolio: Collect information from the Internet and make holiday adverts for places in your country. Use the adverts in Ex. 1 as models. Illustrate your adverts. 117 windsurfing jet skiing • Activities & feelings I a) О Look at the pictures and listen to the sounds. What images come to mind? Do you feel: excited? bored? relaxed? ©6 b) Which of the activities do you think are: • tiring • relaxing • boring • exciting • fun • dangerous • enjoyable A: I think white water rafting is exciting. B: Really? I find it dangerous. c) Look at the highlighted adjective endings. Give one more example of each. White water rafting С^ебВщ scuba diving a) Read the first two exchanges in the dialogue. Where are Bill and Lucy? What are they talking about? What do you think they will do? b) Read and listen to the dialogue. What do they decide to do? Lucy: Bill: Lucy: Bill: Lucy: Bill: Lucy: Bill: [J-ucy: Good morning, Lucy. > Good morning, Bill. Where are Tony and Steve? They’re sailing with their father. Will you have breakfast with me? Yes, sure! Now, what are your plans for today? Well, it’s difficult. There’s so much choice here! What about you? I think I’ll try scuba diving with my dad. That sounds good. I think I’ll try jet skiing. Then, I’ll probably go swimming with my parents this afternoon. Do you want to come? Actually, I’d rather not. I’m sure I’ll be tired after scuba diving! Don’t worry! I’ll swim and you can just sunbathe! Oh ...OK then. / б!ЩЙк$7®^Н|1 ♦ Inviting/Suggesting -Accept! ng/Ref using a) Read the language box. ^nviting/Suggesting Accepting/Refusin^ • Would you like to come canoeing/ fishing etc. with me? • Why don’t you come ... ? • Do you want to come canoeing...? • Yes, sure! • That sounds great/ good! • I’m sorry, but 1 can’t. • Actually, I’d rather not, J b) Portfolio: You’re at the Pine Bay Hotel with your families. Use the activities in the pictures and the sentences in Ex. 3a to decide how to spend your day. Record yourselves. ♦ will Read the rules in the grammar box. Find examples of: on the spot decisions/ requests/predictions in the dialogue. t Affirmative: l/you/he etc will swim. Negative: l/you/he/etc won’t swim. Interrogative: Will l/you/he/etc swim? Short answers: Yes, l/you/he/etc will. No, l/you/he/etc won’t. We use will for: • on the spot decisions: I’m really tired - I don’t think I’ll play football this afternoon. • requests: Will you help me carry this box? Of course! • predictions based on what we think or imagine: Come hiking with me, Joe. It will be really nice! Note: will not = won’t 2 3 4 5 2 3 Respond to the statements. It’s cold, (close the window) ► I’ll close the window. I’m hungry, (make a sandwich) I need some money, (give) I need a drink, (make some tea) The door is open, (close) Complete the sentences. Use the verbs: • help • meet • pass • open • become • miss I don’t think I ► will pass the exam. It’s too hard. I think John ...................a doctor. I don’t think Laura ..................you with your exercises. I’m sure Tony.....................his own business one day. I don’t think she.....................us at the airport. I think Ann.....................her plane. (describing photographs) a) Look at the photograph. What do you think they will do after they finish their breakfast? What do you think they did two days ago? b) Portfolio: Find pictures of your last holiday. Make a poster. Under each picture write a short description. Write about: • people • feelings • activities Here we ACROSS THE CURRICULUM: GEOGRAPHY a) Look at the cartoon strip. Where are the children? What is wrong? Q Listen, read and check. Right then ... the tent’s up! Now let’s have some fun! Tl_______ ...and here are the water and matches! ...and the plastic bags for our rubbish. Don’t worry, Tom! Everything’s OK. noise? Shut up, Tom, why isn’t the Bill!! Just food in containers...? j I pun|i b) Read again. What have the children got with them? Match the points in the leaflet to the reasons below. Make sentences. How is the cartoon related to the leaflet? О Listen, read and check. • not be in danger • not get lost SafecAMPiNG When mountains, make sure • not start a fire • not be cold at night • the countryside/not be full of litter • animals/not come close • not have stomach problems with water from rivers and streams take a whistle and a compass.j pack some warm clothes, only drink bottled water, don’t light matches inside the tent, pack food in containers, take your rubbish home with you. know about the wild animals that live there! ► You must take a whistle and a compass. Then you won’t set lost. Portfolio: In small groups, make your own cartoon strip about camping. 123 _____ ...жр*а___pjjril [Ршт1ммт ©Ш1мт 1 Fill in the right word. I will go on as__________________ holiday this winter. Bob likes e______________________ sports; he goes bungee jumping every day. I love c________________holidays where we stay in a tent. I think we’ll go on a coach t__________all around Scotland next summer. Points: 4X3 12 Match to form names of sports and activities. I rock ... I jet... I scuba ... 1 mountain 1 sight... I wind ... surfing climbing biking seeing diving skiing Points: 6X3 18 Match 1-4 with a-d. ____I’ve got toothache. 2| I I’ve got stomachache. 3| I I’ve got a temperature. 4| I I’ve got a sunburn. a Stay out of the sun! b See a dentist! c See a doctor! d Take an aspirin! ( Points: — 1,4X3 12 124 Fill in can or can’t. .......I listen to some music? No, you........Dad is sleeping. Excuse me, you ..........smoke in here. You ..........hire jet skis from the hotel. We .........take the bus to the beach. There’s one every hour. Points: — 5X4 20 Circle the correct word. 1 I will / won’t go to school today. I’m ill. 2 Will you get / getting the tickets for me? 3 I think she is / will come to the party later. 4 ‘Why don’t you come for lunch?’ ‘Okay, I won't / will.’ 5 Don’t stay in the sun or you will / are get sunburn. 6 ‘She will be late for work.’ ‘No, she will / won’t.’ 7 I will / won’t go shopping now. It’s too late. 8 ‘Will you help me, please?’ ‘Of course I won’t / will.’ 9 One day I won’t / will be famous! /points- (,9хГ ~18 1Я Complete the exchanges. • A; Hello, can 1) ......................................? B: Yes. 12) ..........................rent a car, please. • A: Will you come hiking with me? B: I’m sorry but 3) ..................................... • A: 4) .....................................is it per day? B: It'sa4. • A: What’s 5) ..........................................? B: I’ve got a temperature. /pints- (5x4"^'' ^ ®l My score: — I Can ... ^ • talk about holidays and activities • write an advert for my town, a brochure, a note, and make a board game about my country • invite/accept & refuse invitations • ask someone to do something . rentabike/car _ _ j„ English I’ll buy you an atlas for your birthday, fhon rC lyi ,-r- /SnV' - -’%! iviurite Seasons ■f> 4 ^.T- iflngs from a school art p 9 Maslenitsa Spring Festival a Russian celebration p 10 И lee You at Summer Camp the perfect summer holiday at Orlyonok p 12 > J Ш1'У^ OtOL |<И. i Letter from the Editor Hello from Spotlight on Russial Our magazine is all about you and our great country - Russia! It’s about places and things from all over Russia. Read about bears, toys, a famous young musician and much more! But our magazine isn’t just for Russians. Children from around the world send e-mails to the Spotlight on Russia website. You can read what children from other countries want to know about Russia. Can you answer their questions? Send us an e-mail! Have fun reading about Russia in English. And remember - we want to hear from you! Goodbye until next time. The Spotlight on Russia team. Contents School life What Russian Schools are like Our Country Learn about two of Russia’s ethnic republics Homes Open-air museums of old wooden buildings Hobbies Read the Snow Maiden, a Russian folk tale in English Animals All about the Kamchatka brown bear Fame Meet Sasha Boldachev, a famous young musician from St Petersburg Seasons Paintings from a school art exhibition Festivals Students write about Maslenitsa Spring Festival Museums A school excursion to Sergiev Posad Toy Museum Holidays The perfect summer holiday at Orlyonok 8 10 11 12 What are Russian schools like? Here’s an e-mail to the Spotlisht on Russia website. 4* New Message Ne Edt Insert Form*t Tools Messaoe nelp Dear Spotlight on Russia Hi! I’m Andrew Jones. I’m 10 years old, from Liverpool in the UK. I’ve got some questions about Russian sehools. 0 •» Q ifi C3 tfisweitpn- Read Andrew’s questions, and the e-mail answers from schoolchildren around Russia. Spotlight on Russia at school How old are Russian schoolchildren in Year 1 ? How many years are there? They’re about six years old in Year 1. There are four years of primary school, five years of secondary school, and two years of senior school. Yuri (11), Perm What about the teachers? In primary school, there is one class teacher for most subjects. In secondary and senior school, there is a different teacher for each subject. Daria (10), Nizhny Novgorod What about lesson times and holidays? The school year is from 1st September to the end of May. There are three short holidays, and a three-month holiday in the summer. Lessons are from about 8:30 am to 3 pm, from Monday to Friday. Yevgeni (11), Novosibirsk What about school subjects? All students do Russian, history, maths and literature. There are other subjects, too. Foreign languages are important - especially English. It’s my favourite! Sofya (10), Moscow What about school uniform? Some schools have got a uniform, others haven’t got one. Maria (10), St Petersbuig Spotlight on Russia is doing a survey. Write to us and vote for your favourite school subject. ve^ heil e • Is all the information true’\^ about your school? • What’s different between schools in Russia and the UK? • Ask and answer Andrew’s questions about your school. One Country, Many Cultures ... Russia has got 145 million people. They’re all Russian citizens - but there are over 130 different nationalities. Many nationalities have got their own republics. Spotlight on Russia looks at two of these. Chuvashia’s capital is Cheboksary. It is on the River Volga. Chuvashia’s population is about 1.4 million people. Two out of three people are Chuvash. There are also many Russians, and 50 other nationalities. Many people speak Chuvash as well as Russian. Chuvash people have still got their own culture and traditions. Cheboksary is a very clean, pretty city on the River Volga Buryat Republic Buryatia is next to Lake Baikal. The capital is Ulan-Ude. There are about 1 million people in Buryatia, with 100 different nationalities -Russians, Buryats, Ukrainians, Tatars, Belorussians and more. The main languages are Russian and Buryat. Inside a yurt fa traditional Buryat tent house) 100 years ago Beautiful Lake Baikal, Buryatia Write to Spotlisht on Russia and tell us about the republic or area you live in. • Fill out a fact file like this about each of the two republics above. • Find out about another nationality with its own republic. Fill out a fact file, then write a short paragraph about it. Name Location Nationalities Languages Russia’s open-air museums show us wooden buildings from long ago. One very famous museum is Kizhi, on a beautiful island in Lake Onega (Onezhskoye) in Karelia. But there are many others. Spotlight on Russia visits the museums at Malye Karelie and Vitoslavlitsy near Novgorod. Here we are at Malye Karelie, near Arkhangelsk. This is a typical izba. It’s a small wooden country house with just one or two rooms. The family room is a bedroom, kitchen and living room all in one. There isn’t a bathroom, but there is a wooden sauna (banya) outside. This is the ‘beautiful corner’ (krasny), with the family icon and a special table for guests. Now we’re at Vitoslavlitsy. Let’s look inside the 1882 ‘Ryshevo’ izba. There is a large clay oven (pech’) in a corner near the door. There are sleeping benches (polaty) above the oven. There are different sorts of traditional buildings in different parts of Russia. Draw or photograph some old buildings and send your pictures to us, with a short description. There are low benches along the other walls, one or two tables, and a cupboard for dishes. furniture in your Нои'Г ’”’ «ussinnizba ' This is part of an e-mail to the Spotlight on Russia website. It’s from Jeanne Lefevre in Paris. My hobby is collecting dolls. I’ve got a matiyoshka with a painting of the “Snow Maiden” on each doll. Can you tell me more about the Snow Maiden? Dear Jeanne, “Snegurochka”, or the “Snow Maiden”, is a well-known Russian folk tale. Here’s our favourite version. Write to Spotlisht on Russia and tell us your favourite folk tale. Draw pictures for it too! For many people, the bear is a national symbol of Russia. There are lots of folk tales about this strong and clever animal. But Russian bears aren't all the same. The Kamchatka brown bear isn’t like Siberian bears. Spotlight on Russia looks at Kamchatka is a wild land of volcanoes, forests and lakes. It is also home to thousands of Kamchatka brown bears. The Kamchatka brown bear is very, VERY big. It can weigh 400 kg. When it stands up, it can be 2.50 m tall. It is very strong, with big teeth and long, sharp claws. These big animals are usually very peaceful - unlike Siberian bears. For most of the year they live in thick forests and eat berries, nuts and roots. In the summer months, millions of salmon swim up Kamchatka’s rivers from the sea. These fish are the bears’ favourite food. Bears travel hundreds of kilometres to live next to the rivers and catch the salmon. Bears are very good swimmers, and their thick fur keeps them warm in the ice-cold water. When summer finishes, the bears go back to the forest. There they make a warm den’ where they can spend the winter. What’s your favourite animal? Write to Spotlight on Russia and tell us about it. Do you like bears? Do you like other WhyAVhy not? wild animals? • What stories or folk tales do you know about bears? • What wild animals can you you live in? see in the part of Russia t f к:* ; гг}: •У asha OLDACHEV Sasha’s cats - Modya, Gosha and Vinya (Vinya has got one blue eye and one green eye!) да Ask and answer questions about Sasha (e.g. How old is he? What does he do? etc) • What can you do well? What job do you want to do when you leave school? Discuss. Sasha Boldachev is a normal young Russian boy with normal interests. But he’s also a famous musician who gives concerts all over the world. He is the winner of many international competitions for composing, as well as playing. Spotlight on Russia looks at this child prodigy who plays the harp like an angel. Inftportant Dates 21 January 1990 1994 1995 1996 1999 2000 2005 Sasha performing af Й the age of eight p (sitting on a box :; ■! because his arms are so short!) i Residence Family Routine Hobbies Pets Contact Sasha Boldachev is born in St Petersburg. He begins studying music. Sasha enters the Special Lyceum of St Petersburg Conservatory. He begins composing his own music and playing in concerts. Sasha goes to Lithuania on his first foreign concert tour. He wins his first big competitions. Sasha is the Laureate of the European Foundation for Culture. Sasha lives in St Petersburg. Sasha’s mother, Irina Sharapova, is a concert pianist and a professor at the St Petersburg Conservatory. His father, Alexander, is an advertising and book designer. Music takes up a lot of Sasha’s time. He practises several hours every day. He also travels and performs all over the world. In his free time, Sasha reads, watches TV and plays computer games. In the summer, he goes fishing and hunts for mushrooms. The Boldachevs have got three cats - Modya, Vinya and Gosha. Sasha’s e-mail address is [email protected] Who is your favourite Russian celebrity? Send us a fact file like this about the person. Spotlight on Russia goes to an exhibition of paintings by schoolchildren. They are landscapes showing the students’ favourite seasons. [b] The leaves on the trees are red. Some leaves are lying on the ground. The sky is a bit dark and it looks windy. The sun is shining, but there’s a lot of snow. A child is skiing, and another child is making a snowman. It’s a bit cloudy but it looks warm. There is a butterfly and .some red flowers. The grass and the trees are green. Read the descriptions (A-D). What picture (1-4) is each comment about? What season does each picture show? What’s your favourite season? Paint a picture and send it to Spotlight on Russia. Write a short description of it. Here’s another e-mail to the Spotlight on Russia website. •{ *tt w '»« twi Ч'ям T«M Mnue* •«« w » Dear Spotlight on Russia Hi! We’re in Class 4C at Wood End Sehool in South London. We’re doing a school project about celebrations around the world. Can you tell us about a special Russian celebration? Read the answer from Class 5 at a Moscow school. They’ve got great photographs too! This is the straw doll that we call ‘Lady Maslenitsa’. She’s pretty, isn ‘t she ? ‘Maslenitsa’ is the week before Lent. It’s when Russians say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. It’s a time of singing, dancing and fun. There’s a lot to eat, too - especially blinis, which are delicious butter pancakes. Children dress up' and play in the snow. We go for sleigh rides, go sledging, have snowball fights and lots more. We make a straw doll of ‘Lady Maslenitsa’, who is dressed in special clothes. On Sunday evening, we burn Lady Maslenitsa on a big bonfire. The spring festival is over and Lent begins. 'put on special clothes Write and tell us about another traditional Russian celebration. Send photos tool * Wh«’ "Zyour area? What s different/the same? • Do you like Maslenitsa? Why/Why not? What’s your favourite celebration? 10 Spotlight on Russia goes on a school excursion. Come with us to Sergiev Posad TOY О MUSEUM This is the very first Russian matryoshka, painted by Sergei Maliutin in 1898. Sergiev Posad near Moscow is famous for its wooden toys. They still make toys there today, and they’ve got a great Toy Museum. There are about 30,000 toys in the museum. There are old wooden ‘Trinity’ toys with moving parts. There are lots of dolls and matryoshkas and toy soldiers. There are modern electronic toys, too. You must go there some day! Imagine you went to the Toy Museum last Friday. Did you like the visit? What did you see there? • Do you often go on school excursions? Where do you go? • What can you learn from visiting a museum? What museums are there in your area? Write and tell us about the one you like. 11 See You at Summsr Camp! 4\' ^4 Do you/your friends go to summer camp? Where? Do you/they like it? • What can you see in the photographs? Which of these things do you like doing? Russia has got over 50,000 children’s camps. Every year, over 6 million Russian children go to camp -especially in the summer. They go for health reasons, to make new friends, or just to have a great time. They swim, sunbathe, play sports and enjoy campfires, concerts and discos. Spotlight on Russia looks at one very special camp... Orlyonok C‘‘i:dren’s Centre ^..ОРЛЕНОК This year, 20,000 lucky children from all over Russia will go to the world-famous Orlyonok Children’s Centre, on the Black Sea. This camp has got great beaches and sports facilities. It’s got libraries, cinemas, museums and much more. Any child who comes to Orlyonok will have the holiday of a lifetime! Write and tell us about the children’s camp you went to last summer. Send photos too! 12 Грамматический справочник MODULE 1 Неопределённый артикль А/Ап • Неопределённый артикль а употребляется перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, начинающимися с согласных (Ь, d, р, etc): а notebook, а реп • Неопределённый артикль ап употребляется перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, начинающимися с гласных (а, е, i, о, и): ап area, ап eraser (Subject) Personal Pronouns - Личные местоимения ЕД. число I I we you you he she it they Личные местоимения в именительном падеже употребляются в функции подлежащего перед глаголом вместо существительного, в том числе имени собственного. I: (Я) всегда пишется с прописной буквы; you: (ты, вы) одинаково 2 лица для ед. и мн. числа; he: (он) Т употребляются в отношении (она) f одушевлённых имён существительных; (он, она, оно) употребляются в отношении неодушевлённых существительных, абстрактных понятий, животных; говорим о любых именах существительных во множественном числе. she it: they; (они) Глагол to be (быть, находиться, являться) УТВЕРДИТ. ОТРИЦАТ. 11 УТВЕРДИТ. ОТРИЦАТ. J I I fAiiiHCTBHHOE4Kiqio 1МНЯМСЕОВЕННОГЧИСЛО1 1 am/l’m I’m not i you are/you’re .you aren’t we’re he is/he’s he isn’t you’re she is/she’s 1 . . . she isn t they’re it is/it’s |it isn’t ! we aren’t you aren’t they aren’t вопроаетмп Am 1...? 1 Yes, 1 am. 1 No, I’m not. 1 Are you...? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. 1 ’ he...? Yes, he is. ' No, he isn’t. she...? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 1 Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. ( we...? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t. Are J you ...? Yes, you are. ' No, you aren’t. 1 they...? Yes, they are. 1 No, they aren’t, j MODULE 2 Конструкция have got — (иметь) УТВЕРДИТЕЛЬНАЯ ФОРМА I’ve got You’ve got We’ve got You’ve got They’ve got оттцггвьнАЯ Фонм* , ~11 He hasn’t got I haven’t got n,. . ^ . I She hasn’t got You haven t got ^ It hasn’t got We haven’t got You haven’t got They haven’t got ФОРМА I КРАТКИЕ ОТВЕТЫ 1 Yes, l/you/we/they have. Have l/you/we/they got? j i/yo^/we/they haven’t. Has he/she/it got? | Yes, he/she/it has. j No, he/she/it hasn’t. ' Конструкция ‘have got’ употребляется в значении «иметь, владеть, обладать»: Не has got а pencil. У него есть карандаш. (Он имеет.) She has got black hair. У неё черные волосы. I’ve got three brothers. У меня три брата. Plurals — Множественное число имён существительных • Большинство исчисляемых существительных образуют форму множественного числа путём добавления суффикса -s: а doll — two dolls • К существительным, оканчивающимся на -S, -SS, -sh, -ch, -X, -о, во множественном числе добавляется -es: bus - buses, class - classes, toothbrush - toothbrushes, match - matches, fox - foxes etc. • К существительным, оканчивающимся на гласную + у, добавляется -s: а toy - two toys • У существительных, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, во множественном числе -у заменяется на -i и добавляется -es: а lady - two ladies • У существительных, оканчивающихся на -f/-fe, во множественном числе -f/-fe заменяются на -V и добавляется -es. life - lives, scarf - scarves. ИСКЛЮЧЕНЮ1 a child - children a woman - women a foot - feet a man - men a tooth - teeth I a mouse ■ mice GR1 граммагичес ;(ий сиравочг{;-, This — These (этот — эти) 999 This is а ball. These are balls. That - Those (тот — те) 9 999 That is a ball. Those are balls. on in behind M next to under MODULE 3 Конструкция There is/There are Конструкция There is/There are употребляется для сообщения о наличии в данном месте какого-либо лица или предмета. Перевод предложений с There is/There are начинается с обстоятельств места. There are а lot of trees in the park. В парке много деревьев. ЕД. ЧИСЛО I МН. ЧИСЛО ОТРИЦАТ. ВОПРОСИТ. There is a chair./ 1 There are There’s a chair. some chairs. There isn’t a There aren’t chair. any chairs. > Is there a chair? 'Are there any i chairs? Possessive Adjectives — Притяжательные местоимения ЕД. ЧИСЛО ПН ЧИСЛО Притяжательные местоимения указывают: а) на принадлежность: 1 you he she it my your his her its МОЙ твой его её его, её we you they our your their наш ваш их This is my book. Это моя книга. b) на отношения между людьми: Peter is her father. Питер её отец. В английском языке притяжательные местоимения употребляются гораздо чаще, чем в русском, и являются обязательными при существительных, обозначающих части тела, предметы одежды и родственные отношения. Raise your hands. Please, take off your coats. This is my brother Tom and that is his wife Betty with their children. GR2 in front of Prepositions of place - Предлоги места Предлоги места помогают определить местонахождение предмета/лица: on, under, in, in front of, behind, next to. Устойчивые выражения с предлогами места • at: at school/university/college, at work, at home в адресах, перед номером дома: at 20, Oxford Street. • in: in the middle, in the air, in the sky, in bed, in hospital, in prison, in a newspaper/magazine, in a picture c названиями городов, стран и континентов: in Athens, in England, in Europe, in Australia. • on: on the left, on the right, on the first, (second, etcj floor. MODULE 4 Модальный глагол Can (мочь) I УТВЕРДИТЕЛЬНАЯ (НОРМА l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they can read. (ЛРИМАШТЬНАЯ (НОРМА l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they can’t read. ВОПРеШГЕЛЬНАЯ «НМД Can l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they read? КРАТКИЕ ОТВЕТЫ Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they can. No, l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they can’t. Глагол сап обозначает возможность, способность, умение делать что-либо. Глагол сап не изменяется по лицам и числам и за ним всегда следует смысловой глагол без частицы to: / сап play the piano. Я умею (могу) играть на пианино. Object Pronouns/Possessive Adjectives — Личные местоимения в объектном падеже/ Притяжательные местоимения ЛИЧ№Е вопсктном ПАДЕЖЕ ТЕЛЬНЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ 1 < me my 1 you you your he/she/it him/her/it his/her/its we us 1 our 1 you you ' your they them their ' Личные местоимения в английском языке, кроме именительного, имеют форму объектного падежа. • Объектный падеж соответствует значению косвенных падежей в русском языке. те — меня, мне, мной, обо мне. • Личные местоимения в именительном падеже употребляются в роли подлежащего. Не сап dance well. Он хорошо танцует. • Личные местоимения в объектном падеже употребляются в роли дополнения. Look at him! Посмотри на него! • Притяжательные местоимения употребляются перед существительными в роли определения. This is his umbrella. Это его зонт. The Possessive Case/Whose? - Притяжательный падеж существительных/Чей? Притяжательный падеж выражает значение: a) принадлежности; John’s ball — мячик Джона b) отношений между людьми; Linda's sister - сестра Линды Притяжательный падеж используется также в названиях некоторых магазинов и учреждений: He’s at the chemist’s, (at the chemist’s shop). Он в аптеке. They are at Mcdonald’s. Они в Макдоналдсе. Притяжательный падеж образуется: а) с помощью’s (для одушевлённых существительных): Jim’s room — комната Джима, the sirTs guitar — гитара девочки, Sarah’s bicycle — велосипед Сары. • для обозначения принадлежности с неодушевлёнными существительными используется предлог of: the windows of the house - окна дома. b) c помощью’s или просто апострофа от существительных в единственном числе, оканчивающихся на -s: Doris’s dress or Doris’ dress - платье Дорис. c) с помощью апострофа от существительных множественного числа, оканчивающихся на -s: the boys’ toys - игрушки мальчиков. d) с помощью's от существительных-исключений во множественном числе: the women’s dresses — платья женщин; the children’s room — детская комната. • Существительные в притяжательном падеже часто употребляются в ответах на вопрос Whose: Whose is the guitar? It’s Peter’s. Whose are the cookies? They’re Sally’s. The Imperative — Повелительное наклонение глаголов Употребление • Повелительное наклонение глаголов совпадает по форме с инфинитивом без частицы to. Stand up! Вставай/Встаньте! • Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения образуется при помощи Do not/Don’t и инфинитива. Do not!Don’t come in! Невходи(те)! • Повелительное наклонение всегда обращено ко второму лицу единственного или множественного числа. Open your books. Открой (те) свои книги. • Повелительное наклонение употребляется для выражения: a) приказания: Be quiet! Тише! b) инструкции: Press the button on the left. Нажмите кнопку слева. c) предложения/просьбы: Have some orange juice. Возьмите немного апельсинового сока. Sit down, please!!Please sit down! Садитесь, пожалуйста MODULE 5 Present Simple (affirmative/negative & interrogative) — Настоящее простое время (утвердитель-ная/отрицательная и вопросительная формы) УТКРДИТЕЛЬНАЯ ФОРМА l/You/He/She/lt/We/You/They v/ork. He/She/lt works. GR3 ОйММЗ^И-(гСКиИ с~ 'Ti йОч ник OTPMtpirEflbHAfl ФОРМА MODULE 6 : l/You/We/They don’t work. i He/She/lt doesn’t work. ВОПРОСИТ. ФОРМА I КРАТКИЕ ОТВЕТЫ Yes, l/you/we/they do. I Dol/you/we/theywork?j |,у„„,„е/№еу don’tJ Does he/she/it work? Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t. Present Simple образуется при помощи основной формы глагола (инфинитива). В утверждениях в третьем лице единственного числа к глаголу добавляется -s. В вопросах и отрицаниях используется вспомогательный глагол do/don’t с I, you, we, they и does/doesn’t с he, she, it. -s не добавляется к смысловому глаголу, когда присутствует вспомогательный does/doesn’t (в вопросительной и отрицательной форме): I like apples — Мне нравятся яблоки. Му sister (she) likes соке - Моя сестра любит кока-колу. Bill (he) doesn’t like bananas - Билл не любит бананы. Does she like computer sames? Любит ли она компьютерные игры? Правила правописания • К большинству глаголов в третьем лице единственного числа добавляется -s: eat — eats • К глаголам, оканчивающимся на -ss, -sh, -ch, -х и -о, добавляется -es: wash — washes, do — does • У глаголов, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, -у заменяется на -i и добавляется -es: carry — carries • К глаголам, оканчивающимся на гласную + у, добавляется -s: play — plays Употребление Present Simple употребляется, когда речь идёт о: • регулярно повторяющихся, повседневных действиях; She usually has coffee in the morning. Она обычно пьёт кофе утром. • состояниях или постоянных действиях; Не lives in Russia. Он живёт в России. • непреложных истинах и законах природы; The sun rises in the east. Солнце встаёт на востоке. / Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с j Present Simple: every day/week/month/year, at night, in the morning/afternoon/evening, on Mon-day(s), Tuesday(s), наречия частотности (never. Adverbs of frequency — Наречия частотности never (никогда) often (часто) usually (обычно) sometimes (иногда) always (всегда) • С Present Simple употребляются наречия частотности. Они показывают, как часто что-либо происходит. В предложениях с глаголом to be, они занимают место перед смысловым глаголом, но после глагола to be, а также вспомогательных и модальных глаголов (сап, do, и т. д.). / usually sleep long on Sundays. Я обычно долго сплю по воскресеньям. She is always happy. Она всегда счастлива. Не сап never sleep in the afternoon. Oh никогда не может заснуть днем. Prepositions of time - Предлоги времени время: at 7 o’clock праздники: at Christmas, at Easter, at the weekend в выражениях: at the moment, at present, at dawn, at noon, at night, at midnight дни: on Monday, on New Year’s Day даты: on 6th May время дня (с указанием дня недели): on Tuesday evening прилагательное (определение) day: on а hot day месяцы: in September \ времена года: in the winter/spring/autumn годы: in 1996 века: in the 20th century ' в выражениях: in the morning/afternoon/ evening, in an hour, in a minute, in a week/few days/ month/year (через) Мы не используем предлоги времени со словами today, tomorrow, tonight or yesterday. Can you phone me tomorrow aftern(3on. Позвони мне домой завтра днем. sometimes, often, usually, always). GR4 (::ipc Present Continuous - Настоящее продолженное время nVEPAitf. ОТРИЦДТ. I’m ' I’m not sleeping. You’re You aren’t sleeping. He’s He ’I She ) isn’t sleeping. She’s 1 sleeping. It’s It J We’re ' We You’re 1 You \ aren’t sleeping. They’re ^ 1 They J ВОПРОСИТ, КМШ01Е ОТВЕ1М Am Are Is / She] sleeping? sleeping? sleeping? Are 1 you he she it -we you ^ sleeping? they ' Yes, I am. Yes, you are. Yes, he/she/it is. Yes, we/you/they are. No, I’m not. No, you’re not. No, he/she/it isn’t, j Yes, we/you/they aren’t. • Present Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be (am, is, are) и смыслового глагола с окончанием -ing. • У глаголов, оканчивающихся на -е, опускается -е и добавляется -ing: dance - dancing 0 У односложных глаголов с гласной между двумя согласными удваивается последняя согласная и добавляется -ing: shop - shopping, run - running 0 У глаголов, оканчивающихся на -1, удваивается -I и добавляется -ing: travel - travelling 0 У глаголов, оканчивающихся на -ie, -ie заменяется на -у и добавляется -ing. lie - lying, die - dying Употребление Present Continuous употребляется, когда речь идёт о; • действиях, происходящих сейчас, в момент речи; He’s doing his homework now. Oh сейчас выполняет свою домашнюю работу. 0 действиях, происходящих в настоящий период времени, но не обязательно в момент речи; He’s writing а book. Он пишет книгу. MODULE 7_______________________________________ Present Simple в сравнении с Present Continuous • Present Simple употребляется для описания регулярных и повседневных действий, привычек и состояний: Sarah wakes up at 7 o’clock (повседневное действие). Capa просыпается в 7утра. Не walks to the supermarket (привычка). Он ходит в супермаркет пешком. Не lives near the train station (постоянное действие). Он живёт около вокзала. 0 Present Continuous употребляется для описания действий, происходящих в момент речи или действий, имеющих временный характер: Peter is playing computer games at the moment (момент речи). Питер играет в компьютерные игры сейчас. She’s studying History at university (временное действие). Она изучает историю в университете. MODULE 8 Countable/Uncountable nouns - Исчисляемые/неисчисляемые существительные • Исчисляемые существительные (e.g. ап orange, two oranges) имеют форму единственного и множественного числа, о notebook, three notebooks 0 Неисчисляемые существительные не имеют формы множественного числа. К ним относятся следующие группы существительных; Еда: cheese, sugar, butter, salt, rice, flour Жидкости: water, coffee, tea, milk, tomato juice, lemonade, olive oil Для обозначения количества с неисчисляемыми существительными используются следующие слова; Jar, bottle, piece, loaf, cup, bar, glass, kilo, carton, bowl, can, jug, slice, tin, packet etc; a jar of marmalade - банка апельсинового джема, a bottle of olive oil — бутылка оливкового масла. a - an/some/any ИСЧИСЛЯЕМЫЕ СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ВОПГОС ЕД, ЧИСЛО 1 MU. ЧИСЛО There is an apple. There are some pencils. There isn’t an There aren’t , apple. any pencils. j Is there an apple? ^ Are there any ; pencils? i Г' НЕИСЧИСЛЯЕМЫЕ СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ El There is some jam. There isn’t any jam. Is there any jam? GR5 many/much/a lot of - (много) ИСЧИСЛЯЕМЫЕ НЕИСЧИСЛЯЕМЫЕ СУЩЕСТВИ- ТЕЛЬНЫЕ сущЕави- ТЕЛЬНЫЕ УТВЕШОВНИЕ ВОПРОС ОТРИЦАНИЕ а lot of а lot of (how) many (how) much many I much • Some/any перед неисчисляемыми существительными на русский язык не переводятся: Сап I have some water, please? Дайте мне, пожалуйста, воды. Перед исчисляемыми существительными some/any переводятся на русский язык как «несколько»: There are some apples in the basket. В корзине несколько яблок. Употребление • А lot of употребляется в утверждениях с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными: She has got а lot of friends. У неё много друзей. There's still а lot of juice in the bottle. В бутылке ещё много сока. • В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях употребляется much и many. How much susar have you sot? Сколько сахара у вас есть? There are not very many pencils in the bag. В портфеле не очень много карандашей. MODULE 9 Неопределённый артикль а/ап — Определённый артикль the. • а/ап употребляется перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, когда предмет/ лицо упоминается впервые, а также в значении «один». / сап see а white cat. Я вижу белую кошку. • the употребляется, когда речь идёт об определённом, уже известном предмете или лице. The cat on the sofa is black. Кошка на диване чёрная. Формы глагола to be в Past Simple УТВЕРЖДЕНИЕ 1 ОГРИЦАШЕ 1 ВОПРОС 1 was 1 wasn’t Wasl...? You were You weren t Were you...? He She was He he...? She } wasn’t Was r she...? it...? It It We We we...? You r were They You , weren’t Were j you...? They they...? Yes, l/he/she/it was. Yes, we/you/they were. ’ No l/he/she/it wasn’t. No, we/you/they weren’t. Past Simple — Прошедшее простое время Past Simple правильных глаголов образуется путём добавления -ed к инфинитиву. ФОГМА l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they worked. ОТРИЦАХЕЛЬНАЯ ФСМЛА l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they didn’t work. Did l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they work. краткие 0ГВЕШ Yes, l/you/he etc did. No, l/you/he etc didn’t. Правила правописания • В глаголах, оканчивающихся на -е, добавляется только -d; like - liked. • В глаголах, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, -у заменяется на -i и добавляется -ed: study - studied. • В односложных глаголах с гласной между двумя согласными удваивается последняя согласная и добавляется -ed: stop — stopped. В английском языке есть большая группа неправильных глаголов, которые образуют форму Past Simple не путём добавления -ed (см. список): go — went, see — saw, drink — drank, etc. Их следует запомнить. Они образуют вопросы и отрицания также при помощи did/did not (didn’t) и основной формы смыслового глагола. Не saw her. — Did he see her? — He didn’t see her. Oh видел её. — Видел ли он её? — Он её не видел. УТВЕРДИТЕЛБНАЯ ФОРМА l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they went. ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНАЯ ФОПИА l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they didn’t go. ВОПРеСИТЕ1Н»НАЯ ФОРМА Did l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they go. КЕАТКИЕ ОТВЕТЫ Yes, l/you/he etc did. No, l/you/he etc didn’t. GR6 граммагический справочник Употребление Past Simple употребляется, когда речь идёт о действиях, которые происходили в прошлом. То есть мы знаем, когда действие было совершено: Не left yesterday. Он уехал вчера. ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНАЯ ФОРМА Г ' Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с Past Simple: yesterday, last Monday/month/week/etc, two days/weeks ago. Модальный глагол must (должен) • must выражает обязанность и необходимость: Vbu must be careful in the streets. Ты должен быть осторожным на улице. • mustn’t выражает запрет. Vbu mustn’t speak loudly in here. Здесь нельзя разговаривать громко. MODULE 10 Модальный глагол сап • сап употребляется для того, чтобы a) спросить разрешения; Сап I borrow your book? Могу я взять у тебя книгу? b) попросить что-либо; Сап you pass те the salt, please? Ты не мог бы передать мне соль, пожалуйста? c) предложить что-либо; Сап I give you а lift? Могу я вас подвезти? • can’t выражает запрет. УЬи can’t park here. Здесь нельзя парковаться. Future Simple (Will) — Будущее простое время УТВЕРДИТЕЛЬНАЯ ФОРМА ПОЛНАЯ ФОРАА КШТКАЯ ФОШД I will run. ! I’ll run. ! You will run. I You’ll run. He will run. I He’ll run. She will run. ' She’ll run. It will run. It’ll run. ' We will run. We’ll run. You will run. You’ll run. They will run. [ They’ll run. ПОЛНАЯ ФО КРАПеЯЯ ФОЯЯА I will not run. I won’t run. You will not run. You won’t run. He will not run. He won’t run. She will not run. She won’t run. It will not run. It won’t run. We will not run. We won’t run. You will not run. You won’t run. They will not run. They won’t run. ВСЗПРОСЫ КРАТКИЕ ОТВЕТЫ Will I run? Yes, I will./No, I won’t. Will you run? Yes, you will./No, you won’t. Will he run? Yes, he will./No, he won’t. Will she run? Yes, she will./No, she won’t. Will it run? Yes, it will./No, it won’t. Will we run? Yes, we will./No, we won’t. Will you run? Yes, you will./No, you won’t. Will they run? Yes, they will./No, they won’t. Будущее простое время (will употребляется когда речь идёт о: инфинитив) решениях, принимаемых в момент речи. /’// go to sleep. Я пойду спать. предположениях. В этом случае используются глаголы: think, believe, expect, etc, выражения be sure, be afraid, etc. / think Tom will be a doctor when he grows up. Я думаю, что Том будет доктором, когда подрастёт. просьбах. Will you open the door for me, please? Откройте мне дверь, пожалуйста! GR7 Word List Starter Unit d'jh^bet* in* Л’"', I мураБг apple /sp-'Ч/ (n) яблоко ball /Ьз:1/ (n) мяч bird IbyJdl (n) птица black /Ыжк/ (adj) чёрный blackboard /bl®kbo:'^d/(n) школьная доска blue /ЫиУ (adj) синий, голубой book /Ьцк/ (n) книга box /boks/ (n) коробка brown /Ьгаип/ (adj) коричневый с?.‘ё Vs V sv, ка--'е cake /keiW (n) пирог, торт cap /кжр/ (n) кепка cat /кж1/ (n) кот, кошка chair Л/еэ7 (n) стул climb /klainV (v) карабкаться, взбираться colour /кл1э7 (n) цвет count /kaijnt/ (v) считать, подсчитывать crayon ■■ (n; цз5::-с-- каса):даи.- cup /клр/(п) кружка date /deit/ (n) дата desk /desky (n) письменный стол, парта dec: кГ и,.'' ;..i окгир, вра‘: doll /dpi/ (n) кукла draw /dro;/ (v) рисовать eat I'vxl (v) есть egg /eg/ (n) яйцо equals .... ;vi p. в eraser /ireizsy (n) ластик finish /fmij/ (n/v) финиш, окончание/заканчивать flag /Пжд/ (n) флаг fox /foks/ (n) лиса flower /flau37 (n) цветок friend /frend/ (n) друг garlic uir'iik. e'i -^chok game /geim/ (n) игра girl Iqy.'V (n) девочка glass /glas/ (n) стекло glue gill,, (П) клей grass /grffis/ (n) трава green /gitn/ (adj) зелёный grey /дг£1/ (adj) серый gy- u,im (n) спортивнЕ'й зал have got иметь hat /Ьш1/ (n) шляпа hand /haend/ (n) рука house /liaus/ (n) ДОМ I /ai/ (pron) я ir.;, , (n) ернила jam /фжт/ (n) джем, варенье jeans /фкпг/ (n) джинсы kite к.Ill'(П) воздушный змей know |i;io (v) знать lemon /lemsn/ (n) лимон look /1цк/ (v) смотреть market 'nui; kn/(n) рынок ГГ''>10П mcl.m (n) дыня minus /mainas/ (n) минус nruseu-Tt ■!! music /mjiKzik/ (n) музыка name /neim/ (n) имя I’esl '.чездо notebook /naytbuk/ (n) тетрадь nov.' ii- :i ladv) ■■'a''-час number /плтЬэ7 (n) число orange /ormeij/ (n) апельсин papei cli|JS I.!!; - (П) екпепк,-.. park /рш'к/ (n) парк pen /реп/ (n) ручка pencil /pens‘"l/ (n) карандаш pencil case /pens-’l keis/ (n) пенал pink/р1Г)к/(adj) розовый please /pikz/ (adv) пожалуйста plus /р1л5/ (n) плюс pupil /piuip’l/ (n) ученик purple /рз:ф'Ч/ (adj) пурпурный, фиолетовый queen к" .n (п;'КО“пг'-з qussticn ' In; rr.inbow -iivMi in; радуга readns r -es .зу ;г ■ 1-. (n) правила чтения red /red/ (adj) красный right /rail/ (adj) правильный robot /rsybat/ (n) робот ruler /гш1э7 (n) линейка run /глп/ (v) бегать say /sej/ (v) говорить school /sku:l/ (n) школа schoolbag /skuilbteg/ (n) портфель, ранец sharpener //а:'рпэ7 (n) точилка shop //пр/ (n) магазин sing /sig/ (V) петь sky /skai/ (n) небо sleep /sliip/ (v) спать snake /sneik/ (n) змея speak /spkk/ (v) говорить spell /spel/ (v) произносить, писать по буквам song /sDiy (n) песня start /sta7/ (v) начинать sun /злп/ (n) солнце train /trein/(n) поезд tree juVJ (n) дерево uniform iiniiinni (n) форма vet vvi. /Г 1 -re;--нар walk /w^k/ (v) ходить, гулять white /•'wait/ (adj) белый window /windsu/ (n) окно write /rmt/ (v) писать wrong /rDo/(adj) неправильный ■yucht (n) 'хта yellow /jelau/ (adj) жёлтый zebra /zebra/ (n) зебра zoo /zuy (n) зоопарк Hello! Здравствуй! Hi! Привет! What's your name? Как тебя зовут? WL1 'alphabet - цветом выделены слова и фогзы. не явля эшие-'я активной леке:--' Му name’s ... Меня зовут... How are you? Как дела? I'm fine, thanks. Спасибо, хорошо. Nice to meet you. Рад познакомиться. Goodbye! Bye! До свидания! Пока! Where are you from? Откуда ты (из какой страны, города)? twenty /twenti/ (num) двадцать Excuse me, ... Простите,... Извините,... How do you spell it? Как ты это пишешь, произносишь (по буквам)? How old are you? Сколько тебе лет? Art /gr'^t/ (n) изобразительное искусство capital letter /кжри-'Ч letaV (n) прописная буква class /clo:s/ (n) класс, урок English /loglij/ (n) английский язык favourite/feivarit/ (adj) любимый Geography /фщдгэП/ (n) география History /histari/ (n) история Information Technology (IT) /infa’^meipn teknolacfei/ (n) информационные технологии Mathematics (Math) /гп2|0этж11к5/ (n) математика notepad /пзшрагс1/(п) блокнот Physical Education (PE) /fizik-^l ефикехрп/ (n) физическое воспитание Science /sgians/ (n) естествознание full stop /fyl stop/ (n) точка io) г'ык secondary school /sekandri sku:l/ (n) средняя школа ■ lb ioi’m,' анкета ■..i";-:: i ■ :e~ What class is he in? В каком он классе? What subjects does he do? Какие предметы он изучает? subject /sAbcfeikt/ (n) предмет textbook /tekstbuk/ (n) учебник I. ; ol)p; зова Primary School /praimari sku:l/ (n) начальная школа ^0" Kjiaccbi Monday/m/\ndei/(n) понедельник Tuesday /tjirzdei/ (n) вторник Wednesday /wenzdei/ (n) среда Thursday /03:'zdei/ (n) четверг Friday /fimdei/ (n) пятница Saturday /sgta'^dei/ (n) суббота Sunday/sAndei/(n) воскресенье уи1верситет Good afternoon! Добрый день! Good evening! Добрый вечер! Good morning! Доброе утро! Good night! Спокойной ночи! See you (later)! Увидимся (позже)! See you tomorrow! До завтра! eighteen /eiti:n/(num) восемнадцать eleven /ilev’n/ (num) одиннадцать same /semV (pron) тот же fifteen /fiftrn/ (num) пятнадцать fourteen /f^’tkn/ (num) четырнадцать nineteen /пшпфп/ (num) девятнадцать new Inj^ (adj) новый seventeen /sev’nti;n/(num) семнадцать sixteen /sikstirn/ (num) шестнадцать twelve /twelv/ (num) двенадцать thirteen lex’thnl (num) тринадцать ask /o;sk/ (v) спрашивать share /JeaV (v) делиться smile /small/ (v) улыбаться thank /0жок/ (v) благодарить think /01ок/ (v) думать о ком-либо, чём-либо work Iwsfkl (v) работать WL2 ■'AODULE 2a American /этепкэп/ (adj/n) американский/ американец present /prez^nt/ (n) подарок scarf /skgi'^f/ (n) шарф skateboard /skeitbo:'d/(n) скейтборд teddy bear /tedi Ьеэ7 (n) плюшевый медведь :■ Ml) British /bnti//(adj/n) британский/британец C.jH К .1. i [ •- ' I Canadian /kaneidian/ (adj/n) канадский/канадец сй: toon characteis , '-ly.fibTfjjLb'ibMr; English /loglij/ (adj/n) английский, англичанин . I UlC ; ) French /frentf/(adj/n) французский/француз Italian /Italian/ (adj/n) итальянский/итальянец Japanese /фаерэпкг/(adj/n) японский/японец live /liv/ (v) жить love /Uv/ (v) любить nanonailly !MCi.'::,y:.M , 1: ■ I fjMw 7ег!амОе: мм; a.; ^ •I. MMli/il-IM Ir\'\ 1; Ml- pM-r.'iJil.’ I ! M.M (il) .'MOj;.-M • I n I 'MIMI Russian /глРп/(adj/n) русский small /smal/ (adj) маленький lli) 'Ac'/.'v stop /step/ (v) останавливать(ся) ■vVViLt.Il !'i 1' who rhuj (question word) кто trainers limm'zl (n) кроссовки watch /wBtf/ (n) часы Happy birthday! C днём рождения! AAODUL" but Ib/jXl (conj) HO hundred /э hAndrad/ (num) сотня collection /kalekj’n/ (n) коллекция eighty /eiti/ (num) восемьдесят fifty /fifti/ (num) пятьдесят forty /fa:7i/ (num) сорок happy /liapi/ (adj) счастливый nice /nais/ (adj) милый, приятный ninety /nainti/ (num) девяносто picture /piktJaV (n) картинка seventy /ssv’mi/ (num) семьдесят sixty /siksti/ (num) шестьдесят stamp /stamp/ (n) марка thirty /03:71/ (пит)тридцать 7Mmm. M.oliyi't pa .: г CM. ipklL-IMT:. -u: .• MODULE 2b basketball /baskitba:!/ (n) баскетбольный мяч bicycle (bike) /baisik’l/ (n) велосипед buy /Ьщ/ (v) покупать gloves /glAvz/ (n) перчатки guitar /gitg:7 (n) гитара handbag /handbag/ (n) сумочка map lms.pl (n) карта Northern Irish /noi^da'^naianj/ladj) ирландец (житель Северной Ирландии) popular /pspjuby (adj) популярный Scottish /skotif/ (adj) шотландский souvenir/su:v3ni37(n) сувенир tartan /tg:7’n/ (n) шерстяная клетчатая материя WL3 bell /Ье1/ (n) колокольчик third /03;"d/{num) третий block of flats многоквартирный дом T-shirt (n) футболка umbrella Mmbrela/ (n) зонт Here you are. Вот, пожалуйста. How about...? Как насчёт ... ? How much is it? Сколько это стоит? I want to buy ... . Я хочу купить.... That’s a good idea. Это хорошая идея. awful /э:Ги1/ (adj) ужасный, страшный capital (city) /кжрп^1 siti/ (n) столица continent /ksntinsnt/ (n) континент, материк English-speaking countries /loglijsprkio kAntris/ (n) англоговорящие страны bathroom /bo:6ru:m/(n) ванная комната beautiful /bju:nful/(adj) красивый bedroom /bedrum/ (n) спальня dining room /dainio ru:nV (n) столовая ■-'70B_.: Tpi : ■ armchair/a^mtfe.T7(n) кресло bath /Ьа;в/(п) ванна bed /bed/ (n) кровать bookcase /bukkeis/ (n) книжный шкаф carpet /kfli’pit/ (n) ковёр coffee table /kofi teib^’l/ (n) журнальный столик cooker /кикэ7 (n) кухонная плита fridge /fricfe/ (n) холодильник mirror /т1гэ7(п) зеркало painting /peintiij/ (n) картина sink IsiQkl (n) раковина (на кухне) sofa /5эиГэ/ (n) диван, софа table /teib-'Ч/ (n) стол television (TV) /telivi3=n/(n) телевизор toilet Hoilstl (n) туалет wardrobe Avoi^droub/ (n) гардероб washbasin /wo|beis-'’n/(n) раковина (в ванной) window /windou/ (n) окно How many? Сколько? Really? Ha самом деле? first (num) первый flat /fl$t/ (n) квартира floor /fl2;7 (n) пол, этаж great /greit/ (adj) великий, большой ground floor /graynd Пз:7 (n) первый этаж hall /Ьэ;1/ (n) коридор kitchen /kitfm/(n) кухня lift /lift/(n) лифт living room /livio ru:m/ (n) гостиная CD player /si; dr р1е1э7 (n) проигрыватель компакт-дисков computer /кэтр)и:1э7 (n) компьютер wall Aval/ (n) стена I like ... very much. Мне очень нравится .... second /s£k3nd/(num) второй downstairs/daynste2’z/(adv) внизу WL4 inside /insaid/ (adv/prep) внутри outside /aytsaid/ (adv/prep) снаружи plan /р1шп/ (n) схема, план upstairs /xpstes^z/ (adv) вверху IP big /big/ (adj) большой key /ki)/(n) ключ Here we are. Вот мы и здесь. It’s great. Здорово. Take a look. Взгляни. funny /Глп1/ (adj) смешной give /giv/ (v) давать grandfather /дг£пс1Га;аэ7 (n) дед grandma /дгжпта:/ (n) бабушка grandmother /дгжпс1тлдэ7 (n) бабушка grandpa /дгжпро:/ (n) дедушка grandparents /дгжпреэгэтз/ (n) дедушка и бабушка hobby /hpbi/ (n) хобби kind /kaind/ (adj) добрый make /meik/ (v) делать, готовить mother /тлдэ7 (n) мать mum /тлт/ (n) мама naughty /n2:ti/(adj) непослушный noisy/noizi/(adj) шумный pilot /pail3t/(n) пилот play /plei/ (v) играть see /sjy (v) видеть sister /sist37 (n) сестра building /bildii]/ (n) здание world /waiHd/ (n) мир, свет in the centre в центре baby /beibi/ (n) ребёнок boy /Ьэ1/ (n) мальчик brother /Ьглдэ7 (n) брат ear /1э7 (n) yxo eye /ш/(п) глаз fair /Геэ7 (adj) светлый, белокурый fat /fet/ (adj) толстый, упитанный hair /Ьеэ7 (n) волосы long /1ог)/ (adj) длинный lovely /lAvli/ (adj) красивый clever /klev37(adj) умный mouth /maye/(n) рот nose insuzj (n) HOC dad /d^d/(n) папа dance /dg:ns/ (v) танцевать family /femili/ (n) семья plump /pUmp/(adj) полный, пухленький short IjyJtl (adj) короткий, невысокий tall /12:1/ (adj) высокий thin /0m/(adj) худой friendly /frendli/ (adj) дружелюбный father /Гд:бэ7 (n) отец over there вон там WL5 Word List MODULE : cooking /kykio/ (n) кулинария dancing /dflinsiiy (n) танцы full nai'ie ‘ji 'Г.i ..злнс-grace yirris (n) rpaut^p- изящесгз' guess qc> (V) угадывать jazz '-f;.’.'/. (n) дж :3 painting /peintiiy (n) рисование person /pas-W (n) личность, фигура place pa-is- (n i место prot'le p;.';;!;;, ip: ая 'етг, 3C_T -^e c,ед''--ия singer /sioaV (n) певец, певица singing /sioiij/ (n) пение ois' 111) голос young /]лг|/ (adj) молодой MODULE 4d - v-ulture Corner comic bcok Kr: -k huk. (n) книга (журнал) комиксо-cook /кик/ (v) готовить drink /drink/ (v) пить eat in! (V) есть patieru p, .i vi (adj) тсрпеливь!Й рлхпрЬопе (p) саксофон slim /shm/ (adj) стройный (ni u. зу. тг1;= --ц.де Swedish .'ivjxiii. (adj) шведский all ove-' Ih ■ world во всём мире Ре afraid (01 -'-сят.дй чего г Фо What are they like? Какие они? (по нраву, характеру) what -О .hey юок like? Как - -.и, вьи-л-..дят? English in Use 4 now /паи/ (adv) сейчас pretty /priti/ (adj) симпатичный as well также Across the ^ jrriculum ' iterature bee 'bi; ' n ! пч-^ r-a busy Ibml (adj) занятой I \aCy, МЧГК1",- ^"znriv .i ■-",1 I n t P.,:bvi!:K4 kili.eil I.:'. • ( M I ко 'P ' 'K iamb . 1:0 411,014 iTLCe ! !;:) f.iy- С'-С ^ Literature /1п-''гэ1Гэ/ (n) литература Owi ;,,i (П; coca ox .L-K' PO dbii- peacock orkri ■ ;n) пэю'ч playful pOil'ii !d) i a'pc.;,r, Kec-irhiC pcpl'' ;OnO'tt ■' 1 ОООГТЧ' Ч1-: r'Tyminc wordT piiai ; 0/ iio о-гр'-.о.-.,, ■ I'oca sirrile •Minii (П) срввмрч slow 1%\щ1 (adj) медленный "nail M4-i: (ni улюла "tuoborn '.['П' ’! (adj t упря,-чой title i.iii I (ni заглавие мазвамие wise \011/. (ddj) мудрый as ... as такой .... как send an email отправить сообщение по электронной почте MODULE 5^ amaz:”:g .'.рч ;adi) чудесный, восхитительный animal /gemm’l/ (n) животное biie i' iv) '.усат- camel /катэ1/(п) верблюд carry /ksri/ (v) носить, переносить cobra /кзцЬгэ/ (n) кобра сгеат:.. -г brii.'- (n; создание. 1ворение crocodile /krDkadail/ (n) крокодил сг 'koij, (■': г>лак.эгэ dangerous /deincfearas/ (adj) опасный deer (plur: deer) /diaV (n) олень elephant /elifont/ (n) слон ■ emaie i^.-iicil lacji -.к-нг'иьг grass игдч ,n) трава dac-4 Icphii (n) привычка Heavy iij’.i (adj) тяжёлый Hide (V) прятагь(сй) Ill' ll (П| pL liunt Inn:. I ; охот.пьс^^ leopard /lepad/ (n) леопард lion Лшэп/ (n) лев mesr.^ tv.;,: (r;; ме"; mcd ( ',) грязь се^тпапег'. :м.:‘м.’п.тт (adj) .._стовн:-1зл’-olant I’ki !■' in) растение eiax r'c'i.'. (УПядыха'^ь, рзсттаблятгс rhino /гшпэи/ (n) носорог sleep /slip/ (v) спать Str'L . МПЩ! (n) полос.' swim /swim/ (v) плавать tiger /taigaV (n) тигр tlunk I;mTk (H; лОООТ use /jaz/ (v) использовать wash /wnf/ (v) мыть MODULE 5b address .ч(п.ч (г.) адрес adi.U ,'.\М [ii; 5300С.Л |й anywcrty I adv) в любом случае beak /Ькк/ (n) клюв bear /Ьеэ7 (n) медведь Ccte , 1; >ac'!! умиь'й, cooDDajHie.'iD.Hb^ Iff d'.f lei In I- 'eoc' find /faind/ (v) находить fish /ftp (n) рыба f'l'L.-l' M 1 ' n I фрук’ fur I(x4 (n) мех giraffe /cfeirccf/ (n) жираф hear /hiaP (v) слышать i-.ivhp.yfiiei c ,ii (adj) вь’ДалеимыГ leg /leg/ (n) нога ni.:inc- (n '‘О.лвз WL6 Ло:а 'St monkey /тлг)к1/ (n) обезьяна neck /пек/ (n) шея ODeiVng rin>es 'I'i'.'',/''. otter Г'' (iU e.bo'iria paw /р2У (n) лапа peacock /рккокУ (n) павлин penguin /peogwm/ (n) пингвин r?aSD‘ f: !b (n) причин,-sounc' t 3E'-^ tail /teiiy (n) хвост thick IQikl (adj) толстый ticket ukb (nj •илет tusk i ".k. (r j 6n3t^Hb wild Availd/ (adj) дикий wing Avid/ (n) крыло parts of the body части тела MODULc ос sen p oc11v>ty Л'! 1 ;• ii 1- IП1 ДггЯIr,.. ■ ‘-oci t тив bright /brait/ (n) яркий bpdg:e 'nP;i (" еогеис sbin-юпугаичик COW /кш/ (n) корова dog /dsg/ (n) собака duck 16лк1 (n) утка ,se ris iciOv; еще tarm animals тигш аичт i' (п) домаш-ии ско’ goat i:/iS fn) козел, коза odder; ее;-: -.-.и (adjI золотой goldfish /gauldfi// (n) золотая рыбка goose p'Tv (o! r'vcb guinea pig Mini |MM (n) морееая езип ' ' guy M."' (ni "грснь hen /hen/ (n) курица iist '■••i (V) состивлять список относить ■< ием'. ,■ notify / (V! оголеетать. увздомия! pet /pet/ (n) домашний питомец rabbit /raebit/ (n) кролик sheep (plur: sheep) /fi:p/(n) овца take rteiW (v) брать tortoise /ta'^tas/ (n) черепаха all day long весь деч;, take sb for walks брать кого-либо на прогулку talk online разговаривать в регзльном времени MODULE 5d - Culture Corner characteristic -'к.епкстплик, (n) характеристика complete kTmpii;i. (v) заполнять, завеошать cute kiiiT (adj) умный, сообразительный eucalyptus iuikTlipiTv (n) эвкалипт fact file ‘uvkT lull (IT) «визитная карточка» Turr-, tint (adj) пушистый. меховО" ger ' i получать koala /кэио:1э/ (n) коала leaf (plural: leaves)/Ii:f7(n) лист Cli u к : (IT) жидкость little /lit’l/ (adj) маленький mammal , :') млекопитаютд- nictSUOl-^- JI'ft jM'' IdLlJJ C ?: • I'l I V f .5'/,£>Т-л 3 Виду OtjQ'.'IHd’-'d Т Ь I >• УЖДи г "Ovei lUklVI rd'iKO'Ad round /raund/ (adj) круглый sharp /fo:"p/ (adj) острый soft /soft/ (adj) мягкий Zuolri-^.i' in i нслог curing the clay в т?"------>а дня they don t :’’'akc cood pets om- не поддают-т English in Uj.-;: b'cast : . , ' I: n...;, r- ;Ui ' i, I' ! п-аине broken /Ьгэукэп/ (adj) сломанный earache /шгетк/ (n) боль в ухе t i.' с; ’> ,: - I J1 I 'jT L't Л и Г, _ -\'лв :■■:'■■■ '1^1 parrot /ржгэт/ (n) попугай problem /ргэЫэгп/ (n) проблема toothache /tu:0eik/ (n) зубная боль vet /vet/ (n) ветеринар visit /vizit/ (n) визит, посещение be ill болеть What’s the matter? Что случилось? What’s wrong (with him)? Что (c ним) случилось? Ac-ci,. vhe Curriculun. 5. Science suite'VTa ip'ural: antenneie) :еи!тпл (n) усик, щупальца beetle !ч; i in) жук hutiendv Пи (111 бабочка buzz c'ound l■■. ■ .'i.iHiKi (ohr v) жужжать call /кэ:1/ (v) называть cead 'iPn (adji ма*о'"вь'и coiectTvc Tiiickm ini Д-Т--КТИВ cragonfly Ji.i4i.'!iTi.ii (iT) стрекоза expect ik-pcT It '‘ -ИДЗГ: f'eld ii iT (n) поле fly T'l-ti in: yxs fores. r'.iT-T ;ni лес g(,.4sshcpe' i'ni -;-iy Ч (П' уэнечнк 5,mind Mmniii.; in; тегчля honey ii'.ill (p) мег important/imp2:’nnt/(adj) важный insect/msekt/(n) насекомое ladybird j :nl коровка life /laif/ (n) жизнь keep k;i v хранить million /ттИэп/ (n) миллион mcsqoito ini-Kkn.Hi ( u „ мае pipseir. I'li/cno (y) представлять fvJDDtSn :‘.rii' ii'’) ,-hVCOp unwanted r. .' nr,i d (adj ) ненужный, лишний wasp (n) CTca waste v,ris! (n) отходы WL7 Word List MODULE 6a acrobatics (n) акробат;'че-..гтр;эк action hero 1ИЛ!.-.. (П) г,'=-=--нь!^ repo.-: after ■iu' !prep) после always /Dilweiz/ (adv) всегда ■jchaeologist (nj археолог befor-- I :;., (adv: перед clock /kipk/ (n) часы Jaiiy Pv,;, (adj; ежедневный daily routine Uoili iif.i.n (n) распооя_; дн get up /get лр/ (phr v) вставать (c постели) ;g; Iv) 6cpo-c: late /leit/ (adv) поздно often /оРп/ (adv) часто sometimes /sAmtaimz/ (adv) иногда usually /ju^uali/ (adv) обычно wake up /weik лр/ (phr v) просыпаться at... o’clock в... часов at home дома at midnight/at night в полночь/ночью at noon в полдень do homework делать домашнее задание do/go the shopping ходить за покупками have/eat dinner ужинать have/eat lunch обедать for c; while i:. - вре-- get dressed одеваться go jogging совершать пробежку go to bed ложиться спать go to school ходить в школу half past seven половина восьмого Have you got the time, please? Скажите, пожалуйста, который час? practise kick boxinn ynpa-s-.sr&CH e кикбс -о-чге quarter past seven четверть восьмого quarter to seven без четверти семь What’s the time, please? скажите пожалуйста, который час? work on computer работать на компьютере MODULE 6b anbulance lan. (n; каоета скорой помопл baker /beiksV (n) булочник, пекарь taxi driver /taeksi draivaV (n) таксист wait ■кдат-п лке-V ■. i (n) b■ p- о Ч n a Я. n e к a p cafe /kffifei/ (n) кафе doctor /dnkty/ (n) доктор, врач drive /draiv/ (v) водить, управлять автомобилем hospital /liDspit’l/ (n) больница mechanic /rmkaemk/ (n) механик Mi . . ■. Г: I ■•'ПО..,;' ' nurse lux’s! (n) медицинская сестра, сиделка paint /peint/ (v) красить, рисовать painter /peintsV (n) маляр, художник postman /pDiJstrnan/(n) почтальон serve Isx’vl (v) подавать, обслуживать waiter /weitaV (n) официант across the roab -.eosn дорог- out a dialogue ,,-ip -i. ijr.iBaTb диалог catch the i:us am'' ..есть на ае-сбус до дома deliver letters доставлять письма do ' crossword оа’гадывг-Tb коосегорд repair ремонтировать say goodbye to .. попрои_зться с tho fi'e у с - What does your dad do? Чем занимается твой папа? MODULE 6с boring !'Л;. п (Od!) ск--1мь-й. неинтерес*-—й hard work /hadd wxV (n) трудная работа help /help/ (v) помогать newbp3per {rp ("Эз^та Drey, me и line. Н.-.и о. м:-е строчку. Have а good time! Желаю вам хорошо провести время! Great lO л -myoc Рад. что ответил(а). таке phone calls звонить по телефону plant flowers сажать цветы play (games) with играть (в игры) с... Tng'i. ; all fer nov. ' -ча TQ РСЧ-Write back soor Отзтмай поскорее. AAODULE 6d - Culture Corner above ladv) над belfry b.hii (П) колокольня exactly 14/ i:k;li (advi точно hour hanu ni-..v i .спь {n) часовая стг-в«.-- huge '::илД (rUl i -VoiH interesting /intrestny(adj) интересный know /11312/ (v) знать lancmark .ьск >■ inl остопримечательность minute hand m mi ivin.u (n) минутная стрелка most (peoplel nu\r>i. (n) большинство perh.aps П, iuep- ladvi возможно ton i .li (n) TOUT a top i.Tp (II) верхушка, шпиль lour guide i..,-.'.'aitl (П) зкскурсовп-- tourist altiactK-n u.'.iW't .Mr.pki n- (ni ..ie.-то. / = Ч/ г- рлстоь wide /waid/ (adj) широкий co''nrruss'onei o* wor р-.ковидитель работ every year каждый год English in Use 6 a^reC’ 'Mw iv)c^r/]y: ci'L>c.. free /friy (adj) свободный reSpOlTd : rn^-:b (v i Л ГЬЧЧс;! h t-.pgcspon ' : ;n; зред.;,,жеиче go to the cinema ходить в кино WL8 Wore; List • (П) мобильный телесро' !---иГ V) вращаться вокруг be tired устать see you at... о’ clock увидимся в... часов Sure that's а joed 'dea. Конечно, это ;<ооо1иая ндо:. What/How about having а coffee? Как насчёт кофе? Why don’t we go ... ? Почему бы нам не пойти ... ? Across the Ccjrricuiui 6: cier.ee be ready Ibi redi/ (v) быть готовым centimetre (n) са-гн>метр compass 'кдпн.тч/ (П/ комчас. correct karcki (adj) правильн.ый, вег,hi й different '(.iiiSrant/(adj) разл..-ньч“ early /all/ (adj) ранний east i'-.i (■■, ) восток hole y..-:,;; (n) отверстие lid iitl (n) крышка mark Thu: k’ (n) отметка mobile phone ko., move around ’nn.::- rrarr J nearby 'nrT'b.ir fad)' близле^кащий need /nrd/ (v) нуждаться north пг'Ю.м'п') севе: perfect /paTikt/ (adj) идеальный, отличный place /pleis/ (n) место (v) укаЗэШП'Ь put /prjt/ (v) класть s'r-dow fedoo (n) тень sky sku! (n) небо side 's,ud (n) сторона south iyduO; (n) ЮГ stone Nt.iun: (n) камень straw 'МГ.Т- (n) соломинка sundial 4\iid;ii.Tl/(n) солнечные часы sunny day s\ni (n) солнечный день tape uii|V(v) прикрепить скотчем (зд.) top /top/ (n) верх, верхушка jnL mrepi n»' use /ju:z/ (v) использовать west -c,f' {,:] :зп.^д do the same делать то же самое MODULE 7а autumn /atom/ (n) осень baicor.'. bu.-it-'ni, ;n) балкон cnat log лДс1 liHT (n) чат computer screen ,k.Hiipiu:i.v >krni (n) экран компьююр; image 'тифу' (n) изображение magazine .m.Hij.T/ijii.' (n) журнал mind /muind, (n) ум, разум month /тлп0/ (n) месяц January /фгеп)эп/(п) январь February /febjuari/ (n) февраль March /ma:''tf/ (n) март April /eipril/ (n) апрель May /me]/ (n) май June /фшп/ (n) июнь July (n) /djulai]/июль August /agast/ (n) август September /septembaV (n) сентябрь October /DktaybaV (n) октябрь November /nauvembaV (n) ноябрь December /disembaV (n) декабрь prO'.'erb (11) ги-Г.'ГВИц? поговорка season /sez-^n/ (n) время года snow /snau/ (n) снег spring /spriT)/ (n) весна slaterreni • jihn.m (п) утверждение summer /$лта7 (n) лето weather /wedaV (n) погода 'weather iof'ecoSL 'л иУт i.\ ки--.i {-i гоогноз погод, winter /wmtaV (n) зима year /ja7 (n) год as the ..псо'еш соичас, в настоя.--'й ^нг и fed liZi v.ith s''T yC’^aib c чегг: нби How are you doing? Как дела? doesn t ' uil; ГТ::?, jo'i ne no мне It' i3Dulous' Эю :-,CTpBca;0'L_ ■’ It’s (very) hot. (Очень) жарко. -ю! It’s cold. Холодно. It’s freezing. Морозно. It’s raining (heavily). Идёт (сильный) дождь. It’s snowing. Идёт снег. It 3 terr-pie' Эю \..оя It’s warm. Тепло. The sun is shining. Светит солнце. ' naLs "ic: " ■ -Inte j'o'■■-r.'o но д, ^ r: ... What’s the weather like in ...? Какая погода в...? go swimming ходить купаться pick flowers собирать цветы rake leaves сг-.ес.'ть листы-You're lucky. ie6s повеп.'ы MODULE 7b cirpor, :n '.ЗРОПОрг bag Ibxgl (n) сумка blouse /blayz/ (n) блузка boots IbMsI (n) ботинки clothes /klaudz/ (n) одежда coat /кэит/ (n) пальто couDie 'k\|''i (p) пара dress /dres/ (n) платье get on Tri *p-lT y) езли-гьев нЗ .. (.у TpaHCnOp“rt*_; habit 'iucbii in.i прир.ы-чка hang up Iron пр (phr v) вешать телефинную трубку high heels ь.д iiiti/. (п) высоки- ч'.блучи joke -о;ГК.к (р; шутка jumper /флтрэ7 (п) джемпер light /lait/ (adj) лёгкий, светлый loose /lies/ (adj) свободный (об одежде) put on /put эп/ (phr v) надевать raincoat /reinkaut/ (n) плащ shirt (n) рубашка shoes //u;z/ (n) туфли WL9 Word List shorts (faints/ (n) шорты skirt Iskx^l (n) юбка socks /sDks/(n) носки suit /su:t/ (n) костюм telephone conversation /tclifsun kanvysejfn/ (n) телефонный разговор tight /tait/ (adj) тесный (об одежде), обтягивающий trainers Urcina’zJ (n) кроссовки trousers Itrauzs^zJ (n) брюки wear /w£37 (v) носить go Ofl lOO! .ioiL 'O . :Ovv (Jo I look in (<,.л 0 Ob [/O'OS В ЭТОг.-' Hr V dOr?5 thL look on rnO' ' со м -ic,: ,. .„трк.юя'!' '•n not suie i* ;-Ui^S you. , -C , j;ti лодходит мне. MODULE 7: beach /bi:t// (n) пляж enjoy /1пф2!/ (v) наслаждаться, получать удовольствие г'еес:гу ii'Ttiii'(n; "рс-ет, '.'С?1 dub l.'i.k'l к1-,ь i",; ме‘тныйк(1^с postcard /paystka/d/ (n) открытка stay /st^/ (v) останавливаться, оставаться sunbathe /sAiibeid/ (v) загорать go camping ходить в поход go skiing кататься на лыжах have а picnic устраивать пикник It’s fun. Весело. make а snowman лепить снеговика ,'lav yt'b С! .,ЧГ; о !0"ьгП 7>0С v-'U ')OGl'. СV?.:'/j >'г j't. ‘ DULZ 7d - Lulture Corner I'Gdl'l kd !' (■ J: , C^L dd О И • Kixd ' LdTltfi^C'' r'.Mili'' ' "i I :'l :-1Г cool /kirl/ (adj) прохладный jacket /фжкп/ (n) куртка ,c ilct-. eo .i. : i (oO;; в дл,;:;,.., r,o-P'Ocooc’.-: 'k’iL-“ 0":.l :: 'o, i,!';:;, ;лиеро-ova;; pack /ржк/ (v) упаковывать bI IQI i. ■ blec'.c;'o ’ B'' I abj ; C ЛООО : о ;c ОУлОва:-’.' ■il-'esse-.l . I. . suil I -a ;рла-- vOr I У I pcB Л С .C ;H y.yilklf j si)' ■ ■■■ ayy , i / I a ) • !■ . Cy !■ WU(/ О ; 1:0 li Hpy : ■ ■ . - . ,.r : r |i:•. мм nо«vr’a Any pai ociilal yci .y,:a огогоМс Have a nice day! Приятного дня! Here you are. Вот, пожалуйста. How can I help you? Чем я могу вам помочь? How much does it cost? Сколько это стоит? How much is it? Сколько это стоит? о аПада :i ащу .. Thank you — You’re welcome. Спасибо — Пожалуйста. What size are you? Какой у вас размер? Across the Curric"‘"m 7; Literature blow awav b’ M, 'лчл (phi V) '-исг-(p-;p--m) blanch bi!i r.ji (n) ветка dancing bai'ei it a duичп ь.мла л,- mi танн.уюш a-, балйр"ма go away Ч -1. ГЛ. I (phi vi уходить go up >.!■•>.’ Ip i[ V) ПС'ДНИ.м.лт::.. я всерх '.a.nd .I.L'iul I n ; 3T .'/.TIP sea Isij (n) море sky /skai/ (n) небо wind /wind/ (n) ветер MODULE 8c banana /Ьэпшпэ/ (n) банан biscuit /biskit/ (n) печенье not:. iv.M-i•- (pr-n: carrot /kaerot/ (n) морковь celebrate /selibreit/ (v) праздновать celebration /selsbreifn/ (n) празднование, праздник choose Itfw/J (v) выбирать CUITlp-Ct.e ,-.Mylri. . (V) ЗДГОЛ..ЯМ-, -'MM атв cookery competition i a. км'.: m ••• мм .м-лмдл конкурс costume i.'^llll:l:l in) костюм uanbeny .auce krcniy-n . 'v (ni кпюкезннь^^-т coyr cut км (V) ptjoib, разрезать сюр ij 'p m) урожай dessoi •. у / i;b ill десерт OTdor.a'y entry -.i.’ i.Mnirmn (n) словарная оатья Gif‘"ete 'i‘, v;Mei -^s i' mp ■ .трет/, (n) различные виды dish /di//(n) блюдо cress up do' Tp !р”.г v'l наряжаться farrre' 1,1 (“! грермер test'’ (cdj' иесёль1и, лрс1ЭЛ'‘-'чмый festival/festivd/(n) праздник fresh /freffrirt/ (adj) свежий harvest lha:’\Ktl (n/v) урожай/собирать урожай holiday/hDlidei/(n) праздник last. I: -1 iv i ;..ni ться, продиджаться 1ГССП мл-, 1ГД| lyc.d pur.pkm [т е д- uplлл р.и (ni тыквенный пирст radio siiQ'.v м d'.'iM,'.;, mi радиопрограмма rice /rais/ (n) рис street /strrt/ (n) улица svv'eer isoirto i" p- (ni сладкий картофело turkey .: - • (I'i индейка VVl'fp.at Ч'. in! IrT '.'giM. bonfcespH чим'-.1ь КССТ.ЛЛ set off ii'c work, запускеTb г};еиервеоки exchange gifts обмениваться подарками WL10 VV; -sd List MOD LE 3b bottle /bnf’l/ (n) бутылка bowl /Ьэу1/ (n) миска, тарелка box /boks/ (n) коробка bread /bred/ (n) хлеб burger /Ьз1''дэ7 (n) гамбургер butter /Ьл1э7 (n) масло cabbage /kaebictj/ (n) капуста cake /keik/ (n) торт cereal /siarial/ (n) хлопья cheese /tjLz/ (n) сыр cherry /tferi/ (n) вишня chicken /tfikm/(n) курица, цыплёнок chocolate /t/nklit/ (n) шоколад cupboard 1клЬэ’(Ц (n) шкаф для посуды у.. , . garlic /gaiHik/ (n) чеснок glass /glas/ (n) стакан grapes /greips/ (n) виноград ice cream lais krtm/ (n) мороженое lemonade /lemaneid/ (n) лимонад meat /mht/ (n) мясо milk /milk/ (n) молоко olive oil /dIiv Dll/ (n) оливковое масло onion /лфэп/ (n) лук orange juice /оппф cfeu:s/ (n) апельсиновый сок ■ri.^et ;; I" ^ i’-- 'a pasta /psstD/ (n) паста, макароны pineapple /painaep-’I/ (n) ананас pizza /pktsD/ (n) пицца sausage /sosicfe/ (n) сосиска strawberry /strDibri/ (n) клубника ••^■■ippinu list ,;)pini.-: O- sugar //идэ7 (n) сахар tomato /tamoitau/ (n) помидор 1 ■ ^'-'.;,.,ня вечером MODULE 8c balloon /Ьэ1и;п/ (n) воздушный шарик bring /brio/ (v) приносить ■ ladj; cr-.c ; oor.iCL.C (П) full of /ful Dv/ полон чего-либо g"CO ' ■; (!':i упл-,- ГГ:'»-C"'JV ;.i t; ^;;и money /тлп1/ (n) деньги (П! ул;у:'1 р,- (П1 sandwich /ssnwicij/ (n) бутерброд soup /su:p/ (n) суп rrC'cu I■. 1 im yt’.:.-. l"llucky (; ;■ - . ■ 'iG.. ■■ I’d love to ... Мне бы хотелось... I don’t think so. Я так не думаю. Would you like ...? He желаете ...? MODULc 6d - Culture Corner b;-- .h vS (n) бейсбол (nt баскетбол . . . V I r .Dhl fill Гn corn /kai'nZ (n) кукуруза ... sloiT’ L-Г, iiij обычай "nes Л.Ч.- in) кэргофела срри hamburgc:' •-.o.-nh-t: c.v j < амбургер cuiz t. !!>; Бикторсна score -V.-- in i ССЧС ; ол Thanksgiving (Day) /Gsoksgivnyin) День благодарения English in Use 8 baked potato i'dujidu in) 118чёнь'|й картотель beef bi;i (П) говядина cashie- KiL-ho (n) кассир СП1И' (n; острый, стручковый перец (чили) chips /tfips/ (n) чипсы coke /коцк/ (n) кока-кола fast food /fa;st Ш1 (n) еда быстрого приготовления ."nedium .!г;,с.л-п (adj) средний menu /menjW (n) меню mineral water /ттэгэ! w2;tD7 (n) минеральная вода order /2;dD7 (n/v) заказ/заказывать takeaway m) еда на вынос tun.. iiiiTCi In) тснец vanilla ЛЛИС in: &Л: ••:,b Enjoy your meal. Приятного аппетита. is tnat atm or taxe away? Вы оудете кушать здесь и;... заберете с собой? PSHE (Personal, Social 6 Health Education) основы безопасности жизнедеятельности Acros" t; е Curriculum 8: PSHE back /Ьжк/ (adv) назад bacteria ixck'iyi!.-. (■') бзктери" carefully (adv) зк уг-а-но тщательно cb'jz 'ipp (v) резать clean /kirn/ (v) чистить, очищать dairy products /dcDri prodAkts/ (n) молочные продукты danger /d^efes? (n) опасность b"sc n--:-i (aevi СПЭ-ЗЛЗ ' g.i ■ ip LiP', V I зг.бы5а''ь fruit & vegetables /fru:t and vecfeitDb'’!/ (n) фрукты и овощи ■,eco away i] p р',..л (phr v) держать сдали т •"eg ._лг1 к: р ii i' (Ohr V) не допускать, не Г“зз-рля^ь knife /naif/ (n) нож prepare /рпреэ7 (v) готовить зЬдгр .acij) остр: и S.ore (V) хранит;. WL11 Word List surface at Cis (п) поверхность touch isij. (V) касаться, дотрагиваться yoghurt inu.i'r (n) йогурт the tist of dos and don'ts список того, чю можно и нельзя делать ■ ог i'xai'ip'c наг :-и- ер keep dean содержать в чистоте /.‘.02ULE Эа aspirin /sspiriiV (n) аспирин bakery /beikari/ (n) булочная chemist’s /kemists/ (n) аптека florist’s /flonsts/ (n) цветочный магазин greengrocer’s /grrngrausa'^z/ (n) овощной магазин jwWdicr S кГ,.. ' (n) Ю6бЛирЬ!..1>л mean n’l.i'; (v) иметь в виду, обозна :a;_ rneriTinr , II (V) уп'-|---.-,_.тэ newsagent’s /nju:zeict5-'’nts/(n) газетный киоск record shop /rekad/ap/ (n) музыкальный магазин sell /sgl/ (v) продавать shoe shop //ujbp/ (n) обувной магазин shop /Тар/ (n/v) магазин, делать покупки shopping centre/mall /fcpiosentaV/mal/ln) торговый центр t': iuJ:;T 'п; Т(С/1аГ„;-, fast food restao.arit ресторан быстрого г.ита1-1и°. фаст- фуд Igok ior То р-з'г of shoes пара туфе л.о MCDULE 9Ь adventure park /aedvent/э ра;к/ (п) парк аттракционов -.dvertise ..сч'-,-!.!■■/ <. секламирозато art gallery /o:’t дж1эп/ (n) картинная галерея candyfloss 141111Л/ inl ва'а classical /к1жв1кф классический concert hall /knnsa^t 1тэ:1/ (n) концертный зал exh;oi*iori okMl'ij'"' (п) высгайка .J(T, m:u/i;r‘iVi U'n Nec.iK'i viHтерне' play /plei/ (n/v) пьеса/играть queue Мы (П) очередь ride г:ио' (п| аттракцион (а парке) .'‘cUer coaster г,:ч.|т (п) аыернка, скис-годки royai rTiTl (acij) коро.гейскии theatre /GbtaV (n) театр theme park /0кт ра;П) .-Iлить a change /Ушпф/ (n)сдача coin /кэ1п/ (n) монета kosi Ki-'-i ;vi'jic.nb item .iii.'ipi 1ПI n , MKT, предмет pence /pens/ (n) пенни (мн.ч.) penny /peni/ (n) пенс pound /paynd/ (n) фунт стерлингов М: DULE 10a abiuad ladv I за границей activity hoi ci-hy L'i P'.i'i i-.i'i:.,.-; fni зкгивныи стд'чх ad'-cit .1.0 ;■! (П) реклама WL12 Word List advise .ли\тл (v) советовать ancient culture /(мфш kslii.v (n) дрер-'вя культура apartment .oiHi.'un.Mii (nr квартира згаст.',меи1ы C‘=e;ucy ;hi'JTi (ni красо-а book /Ьик/ (v) заказывать, бронировать camp /кжтр/ (n/v) лагерь/разбивать лагерь coach /kautf/ (n) автобус (междугородний) countryside(n) сельс-.ая кес'ьость credit card ,'kredu (ri) кредитн?.- кар^о-ка cruise kru:/,' (n) круиз discover idtskAV.-!',' {v)oбнapyживaть; открг нрть exoerience ;|кьр1зт1лп^' (v) испыть;;:лть. зка ■■ : о опыту extreme sports /ikstrkrn spoils/ (n) экстремальный спорт fill in ,'Al in; (phr vj запс.:пять free brochure ГгкЬглуУт' in l бесплатная брычлор.,' full b03''d 'Tji h-^p; /П; полный пансион hiSEaric laOji истоси'-еский holiday /holadei/ (n) каникулы, праздник, отпуск hotel /hauteiy (n) гостиница join (in) /d52in in/ (phr v) присоединяться learn (about) l\x'n эЬауг/ (v) узнавать (о) leisur' ;n; евзбелное ^оемя, досуг magic 1г,1сц,;кг (n) волшебстдо магия ri.^gP’frrent 'n:s.y p^sp!;'ladj! зздпкслег.--:н motorbike /тэтэ'Ъагк/ (n) мотоцикл mountaineerin'’ (n) здьпи.ни -i price /prais/ (n) цена r~nt: ;rC4l,' (n) отдых r ck climbing ;mk кЫтиу (n) сс.злсяаззние safari /нт бг,; (n) сафари '■and /v; r;a: (n) -ec - ship /Др/ (n) теплоход, корабль sightseeing tour /ьаак- -n mr'r ;o; - , - n^ достспримечдте,_=ностй spend /spend/ (v) проводить (время) travel /ti^v’l/ (n/v) путешествие, путешествовать travel agent/ггтпА'-фскг..!/ f''; ту^^нстн-е_л. и a-. trekking 'trekny(n) горный туризм »AODULE 10b airport /еэ'рэ'/t/ (n) аэропорт bored Ibx’dI (adj) скучающий boring /Ьэгпо/ (adj) скучный business tTicms' (n) бид.кес -anoe’ng /кгчтпг fn) греб'-й на ка'-гдз decide /disaid/ (v) решать difficult /difikalt/ (adj) трудный, сложный enjoy-bls ьпофтЬ ''; г .dj; приятный. доставляк-.щи. УДОЗОЛЬСТБи-- ех' red rksajiic, (adj) вззолнованный exci'cing TKsriiii;’.'(adj) волнующий feeling /ЩпУ (n) ощущение fishing /fifiiy (n) рыбалка hard /hadd/ (adj) тяжёлый, трудный hiking /haikio/ (n) пешеходный туризм hungry /h/\r)gri/ (adj) голодный jei sKc'" 'фс; Ak.jrv (nj катс--,ие на еодн- мс'!Оциг:ле mend trarnd' (П) ум relaxed ;r:..ckst/ (adj) расслабленный relaxing пГукчп Jadji рассг-абляю^^ий sailing /seiliiy (n) хождение на яхте зСдЬа d:v4ig tku/c'iiv I'n) подводное плавание, гюгружнние с акеалангем sunbathing /sAnbei0ny (n) загар tiring i.riyrn'i'(^.dj 1 утомительный tired uiiod' (adj I уставогий wpite water ratting vт'слг.зйна плотах ■wndsuring wmdse'in (n) виндсёрфинг Don’t worry! He волнуйтесь! L 'b ЭКЗйМ1?Н MODULE 'Oc abprevistion л'н.•.x ■ ... аббревиатура, сокрашениг dentist /dentist/ (n) стоматолог, дантист headache /hedeik/ (n) головная боль •••a..г • alters I m,Ctrl's {n . . здоров .я Iioi;' s .s: (П1 Д-ТПИС 5 ргд: ii’acy tii iM.isi (n | апте: :o.-..'tion ij.yprii [n; "“сйка адмь- пмм г i Stomachache /sumakeik/ (n) боль в животе sunburn /sAnbodn/ (n) ожог от солнца temperature /tempratJaV (n) температура toothache /tuiGeik/ (n) зубная боль iU’ ‘"Г ■.;i -m-ih:." i. МГ: 1: .ТС': ЬСН see a doctor посещать доктора stay out of sun держаться подальше от солнца MODULE lOu - Culturir Corner C ' ■ tc'.i! /■ -: j . I, . s ■ ' '■ ' 414; .:■ ■ ■ ■ ■. I : ■ ml : . ■ 'A ■)! ■_ Mi.MsiiiCn S f 1! ' ;v:'V n !,.n- S' 1 I .• П (на сги-'Чу team /tkm/ (n) команда win /win/ (v) выигрывать '‘ngl'.sh n 10 ordinary Ix'dmnl (adj) обычный rent /rent/ (v) брать напрокат sign /sam/ (v) подписывать(ся), ставить подпись per day в день AciOSj the Cui I iculum 10: Geography bottled water i;i> n.n-;.. iiU r-.y cartoon strip n., li, л ..и:; leaflet 11;Пл im листовка point p.'i"! in) пункт .j’rl'nHc”-'* 5^-ДЗ WL13 Wo Id List reason ri:/'n in) пр1^чииа shut up 'M 'П (phr V) замоячспь stream чи'ч' |п) ручей tent i.-iii in) паяа'ча whistle : im сз'-сгоч get lost ■1отеря-н>ся Let’s have some fun! Давайте повеселимся! S'.art a fire костер Geographical Names Africa /aefrika/ Африка Agra Г- Агра гИидия) Alaska .■> д.яяс -а • leutian ;sta. ; и .lit'cal Апеутс:'.;;® острова America /этепкэ/ Америка А ■'! 1Э'С’o-'iitL ■'iL-'% т Иуца Asia /шэ/ Азия Australia /ostrsilia/ Австралия li.i'i.-'n Г E^;ir латер i tr "4KOOS; •-'ания) _arranuui.ia )\>.т.'.пкц' i. Бара"-.. ,лла (Колумбия) Belfast K-Uli-si Белфаст (Северная Иргсгдия) Senng Sea -Ья-пп Берипгооо .мо)«-Brczii V1.-/1I Боазипич Canada /кшпэс1э/ Канада Canberra к-.-.-: Канберра Cnina ■ -оаи Columbia -P'nl'i.- К-олумбия Си''!'- кт’к г. KvTpK (Ирландия) Doria Lola -.г .-и,’ i,-.:, Дона Лола (курорт s Игпапн.1) Dublin (!\ii'iir г. Дублин (Ир.г-андич) _dinburgh oIimIt.-- .о Эдинбург (Шо1.ланлия) Egypt Етннет England /ioglond/ Англия Europe /]цэгэр/ Европа Гогтп t'.-'u Оорт (рнка а иотландич) France im л-- QJpan,.;,;4 G.eiSOw ilk,:/! .'-; г. Глазго flcJoToaurpm) (b-ea.t .i Siila'"i k,:i. л)'- ;! !> B-”'ллооиита!---^ '•of80CS -.ifi '- I р€‘|ди i'nCle iliu!.' Иидч-Я Ireland /aialond/ Ирландия It ly V-iicl.'V.Oi Japan ir, 1>л'л Finoi-vm Kiska Island i-i-k n &. -.hck« (Ал-ска! Kodiak Island клчл.лк .iJ чл; о ''адь-=, (Алптка; Korea к. Locri tJesT ' ii I _• от. Ло'',4г-:.:с London /lAndan/ Лондон .VaUOica I : : 'I, "■ ; -к -трка (Илпаию-,) Мел.со -л-л -иг ■■ лтсипг Kli'manj ле ' л: [лллч.гл ^ вулкан H.ri'Mai-' дхарл-|черо; Нч:я;-, New York City/nju: ja’k sui/ Нью Йорк New Zealand /nju: zklsnd/ Новая Зеландия tior;h Ti[Лr-1 ;t..a I■; ' -' , '■ '.-'■aei.'' ■ ■■■;'.■ НотИ’-ети к4'jia -i • ' . - л яевеп •Northei 11 !i •'i'lii : ■■ ■■ : '■! Л1.: (...-'вн/ная it;. Nunivak Island n\ni\. к rnl.Tnd o. Нунивак (Аляска) Oban .'н!-1п г. Обан (Великобритания) Ottawa МЛ'.- .-' •. Оттава (Канада) Pacific Ocean p.v,и.|ч niyi-tv Тихий океан Pakistan пч ki- -.гп Пакистан Pribilof b-lands piT>iliit';ijl.-!iid/, острова Прибылова the Rivei Nde п,п1 p, Нил C.ne Rivei Srirtir.r и-.;г-:ini. n. Стерлинг (Шотландия) Russia /гл|э/ Россия Scotland /skmland/ Шотландия Scuch America .чуА- ллт.тР.ч Южная Америка S'.;Uth АЕ'-д siii-’j лг,.т; КЭжна. Азия Sc„M:■ wer t Л-5"ка члнОч.T.i м-.л/ юго-запад Аляски Spain n;-', II Исппчия Spnngfuyid чм‘пГ|:1(,| г. Спр -н.-гридд (США) Sr Andiev/s -.-.I I .uiulm:/ г. Сент-Эндрюс (Шотландия) rt George Island om ih'.Ar, убчик остров Святого Г еортия Lavv-rence Island ..-m Im.iim .ulnud остров Святого Лазре.нп'я S. A'.atrhev/ IsLind . 'n тл-пш .п1л11и'остров Святого .iTSeT S. Paul Isia'id --i,i n ■ 1 .ui 4ui oc трое Святого Павла S.imng vm: 1л1 . С’ьрлин! (Шотландия) Surrey K.n .'•рафств-о С -роеи .'.witzei land -л.-ll-^.■^l.1l^,a ‘.Рвейрдрия Turk у 'л к1 ^ урция the Thames/temz/ р. Темза (Великобритания) the Hiina'ayas гм'лч;-:. ,v Гимэлаи [пе г1 ,,;ipp:iie'- ri.'n' l'!-; ■ Филиппин!; the UK /дэ ju; kei/ [the United Kingdom] Соединённое Королевство (Великобритании и Северной Ирландии) the USA/d3ju:ese!/[the United States of America] Соединенные Штаты Америки Valley uf rhe .nngs ■■ kn/ До/'ккна -vi Wales /weilz/ Уэльс Washington DC /wnfiotan di: sjy Вашингтон (округ Колумбия) v'p 11 1 n Л ■ ■ 11 r. Веллингтон (Новая Зеландия) юг I , И(- ■'Koopi-i. ания j Personal N.ames Alex (m)/silks/ Alexa (f)/3leksa' Alice (f) /ajlis/ Amelia (f)/ami:li3/ Amy (f)/eimi/ Andrew (m)/sndruJ Andy (m)/«ndr/ Angela (f) /жпфэЬ/ Ann (f)/«n/ Antonio (m)/aentauniau/ Anya (f) /жп]э/ Asterix (m) /gstonks/ Avril (f)/2evril/ Bart (m)/bo:h/ Ben (m)/ben/ Benjamin (т)/Ьепфэтт/ WL14 i or Benny (m)/beni/ Kelly (f) /keli/ Betty (f) /bfiti/ Ken (m)/ken/ Bill (m)/bil/ Kitty (f) /kill/ Billy (m)/bili/ Lara (f)/lo:r3/ Bob (m) /bob/ Laura (f) /1э;гэ/ Brian (m)/brai3n/ Lee (m)/li7 Carla (f) 1ЫЪ1 Lily (fjAili/ Carmen (f) /кш^тзп/ Linda (f) /linds/ Cathy (f) /кш01/ Lisa (f) /Ikss/ Chris (m)/kris/ Liz (f) /liz/ Claire (f) /klesV Lloyd (m)/l3id/ Cliff (m)/klif/ Lola (f)/l2yl3/ Damien (m)/deimion/ Lucy Daria (f) /dsana/ Lynn (f)/lin/ Darryl (m)/dsenl/ Maggie (f) /msgi/ Dave (m)/dsiv/ Marge (f) /mar'cfe/ David (m)/deivid/ Mark (m)/rna:'ld Diana (f)/dai2ena/ Markus (m)/mg:'k3s/ Duncan (т)Млг)кэп/ Marta (f)/mg;73/ Eliza (f)/ilaiz3/ Mary (f) /тжп/ Elizabeth (f) /iliz3b30/ Mary Jane (f) /тжп dsein/ Emma (f) /етз/ Matt (m) /тж1/ Esmeralda (f) /ezm3raeld3/ Max (m) Imsksi Eve (m)/i:v/ Mel (m)/mel/ Fiona (f)/fi2un3/ Miguel (m)/mi:gel/ Fred (m)/fred/ Mike (m)/maik/ George (m)/cfe3:'