Английский язык в фокусе 4 класс Рабочая тетрадь Быкова

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык в фокусе 4 класс Рабочая тетрадь Быкова - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Spotlight (Спотлайт) английский в фокусе:

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шгдакшямга шшш. Ра©©ада дайрааь Для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений 2-е издание Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2009 УДК 373.167.1:81 1.1 1 1 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А64 Серия «Английский в фокусе» основана в 2006 году. Авторы: Н И. Быкова, Дж. Дули, М.Д. Поспелова, В Эванс Authors: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Nadezhda Bykova, Marina Pospelova Acknowledgements Authors' Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book Thanks are due in particular to: Meryl Phillips (Editor-in-Chief); Julie Rich (senior editor); Nina Peters and Rianna Diammond (editorial assistants); Alex Banon (senior produaion controller) and the Express Publishing design team. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Colour Illustrations: Pan. Stone. While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements ot the first opportunity. Учебное издание Серий «Английский в фокусе» Быкова Надежда Ильинична Дули Дженни Поспелова Марина Давидовна Эванс Вирджиния Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь 4 класс Для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений Центр германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам руконоди1еля Цен1ра по проектам И.Н. Темнова Руководитель проекта Ю.А. Смирнов Выпускающий редактор М.А. Свмичев Редактор Е.Р. Михальчук Корректор Н.Д. Цухай Налоговая льгота - Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-093 953000. Изд.лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать с диапозитивов 31.03.09. Формат 60x90 1/8. Бумага мелованная. Гарнитура Прагматика. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 8.11. Тираж 20 000 экз. Заказ Ne 2460. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521. Москва. 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи. 41. Express Publishing. Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury. Berkshire RG19 6HW Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: inquiries(9Jexpresspublishtng.co.uk https://www.expresspublishing.co.uk ОАО Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им 50-летия СССР 170040. Тверь, проспект 50 лет Октября, 46. ISBN 978-5-09-021260-1 © Express Publishing, 2008 © Издательаво «Просвещение», 2008 Все права защищены Starter Unit P. 4 Module 6 Module 1 Unit 11 p. 46 Unit 1 Unit 12 p. 48 Unit 2 p. 8 1 love English! p. 50 1 love English! p. 10 Let’s play! p. 52 Let’s play! P-12 Module 7 Module 2 Unit 13 p. 54 Unit 3 p. 14 Unit 14 p. 56 Unit 4 p. 16 1 love English! p. 58 1 love English! Let’s play! p. 60 Let’s play! p. 20 Module 8 Module 3 Unit 15 p. 62 Unit 5 p. 22 Unit 16 p. 64 Unit 6 p. 24 1 love English! p. 66 1 love English! p. 26 Let’s play! p. 68 Let’s play! p. 28 Portfolio Sheets p. 70 Module 4 Craftwork Sheets p. 87 Unit 7 p. 30 Certificate of Achievement .. p. 99 Unit 8 p. 32 1 love English! p. 34 Let’s play! p. 36 Module 5 Unit 9 p. 38 Unit 10 I love English! Let’s play! Read and complete. Do you remember me? Larry - that’s my 1)................... ! I’m 2)............you can join us, hope 3)..................feel the same! Do you remember me? Lulu - that’s my name! I’m happy you can join us, I hope you feel the same! Read and tick (/). Then act out. 4 1 What’s your name? 0 4 How old are you? a My name’s Fred. a I’m seven. b She’s Alice. □ b I’m in year 2. 2 What’s this? a It’s a toy. b It’s small. 3 What’s your favourite colour? a Red. b My T-shirt is red. Starter Unit □ □ □ □ 5 Whose is this rocking horse? a It’s Bill. EH b It’s Bill’s. □ Q Look, find and(^TFci^ Lb w A (R A D I 0) C 0 A A T V D E F G 0 R R T R C A T H I 0 A M c I R C L E G К N C D A J К C D L E G H 0 N M S Q U A R E A L G 0 P Q R S R T I L L V W X Y S Z A R A E R 0 P L A N E C P A R R 0 T L A M P Q Look, ask and answer. Then write. 1 A: Can he play basketball? B; Yes, he can. 0 2 A: Can he play soccer? B; No, he can’t. 4 A: B: 0 5 A; B: One big happy family! What’s missing? Look, say and write, 1 He hasn’t got his helmet. Ask and answer. Then write. A: What does she look like? B: She’s short and plump. She’s got fair hair and brown eyes. A: What’s she like? B: She’s very friendly! short, plump fair hair, brown eyes friendly №• short, plump • dark hair, green eyes funny 1 The mobile phone is on the table. 2 The camera is in the cupboard. 3 The box is under the window. 4 The gloves are behind the armchair. 5 The guitar is next to the cupboard. 6 The helmet is in front of the armchair. А 2 Му best friend! Look, read and(^rcl^. • «.SKI skate sail play the guitar play the violin skate dance • surf • dive Now make sentences. 1 He can ski. 2 ............ 3 ............. 4 5 6 8 Q Look and write the numbers in order. 6» 47 18 Q Look, read and write. 1 A man is diving. a 6 Two boys are eating 2 A girl is reading a book........ ice cream. 3 A boy is drinking Coke.......... 7 Two boys are carrying 4 Two boys are playing a bag. soccer. ... 8 A woman is sailing. 5 A man is playing the violin..... №• Q^^Listen and tick (/) the correct picture. 1 Which is Frank? АП 2 Which are Sue’s gloves? B0 3 What’s Barry got in his room? AQ CD cQ Who’s Ellen? Read, look and choose. Then act out. A: Do you know Ellen? B: No, who’s Ellen? A: She’s over there - she’s slim and she’s got long, dark hair. B: Is she tall? A: No, she’s quite short. B: Ah yes! Now I know who you mean. A: Ellen! Come and meet my friend! 10 №• Look, read and write yes or no. 1 Two girls are dancing. 2 Two boys are playing basketball. 3 A dog is swimming. 4 An old man is talking on the phone. 5 A man is listening to music. 6 A woman is writing a letter. no 69 11 The Animal Hospital Look, read and match. Read and match. Then say. 1 down 2 teacher 3 farmer 4 greengrocer 5 postman 6 waiter make people laugh grow vegetables take letters to people sell fruit and vegetables serve people teach students 1 A clown works at a circus. He makes people laugh. 14 iSWW Q Look and say. n’’wuua«iupooeBOC :iNEMA - ( nftOOQQOOQO^ehftn*^ We always watch films at the cinema. We sometimes drink Coke, but we never paint a picture. Q Make sentences. 1 you/go/cinema/Do/on/usually/ to/Sundays/the Do you usually go to the cinema on Sundays? 2 always/on/basketball/l/play/ Saturdays 4 after supper/wash/you/always/ the/Do/dishes 5 usually/don’t/l/sleep late 3 wake up/never/late/We 6 goes/sometimes/park/He/the/ to/afternoon/the/in 15 4 V Work and play! What do they like playing? Follow the lines and say. Adam 1 Sam likes playing volleyball 16 0^ Listen and draw the time. • What’s Paco’s school day like? When does he ... 7 6 5 have lunch? W do homework? Q Read and choose. 1 A nurse....wear a uniform at work. ®has to В have to 2 Linda....walk the dog in the evening. A don’t have to В does have to 3 We.....wear warm clothes in the winter. A have to В has to 4 Peter......play the violin every day. A have to В has to M и 5 “Does Tim have to work at night? A Yes, he doesn’t В No, he does 6 You.....help me. I’m OK. A haven’t В don’t have to 7 ....work on Saturdays? A I have to В Do I has to 8 Jim has to.....the dishes after dinner. A wash В washes C don’t have to C doesn’t have to C doesn’t have to C don’t have to C No, he doesn’t C doesn’t have to C Do I have to C washing 17 Entlishl l|0 Listen and write. \ 1 Name: Monica Blake 2 Age: ............................. 3 Favourite sport:.................. What Monica likes doing: shopping 4 Job: ............................. 5 Starts work:...................... How often ... ? Ask your friend. 1 How often do you go to bed late? a once a week b twice a week c more than three times a week 2 How often do you clean your room? a sometimes b every day c never 3 How often do you listen to music? a sometimes b never c every day 4 How often do you visit your friend at the weekend? a every weekend b sometimes c never 5 How often do you help your mother to cook? a never b sometimes c once a week Now tell the class. 18 Q Read and complete. Ritchie Brown is 24 years old. He’s from England. He wants a summer job. He wants to work in the afternoon or evening. Ritchie is looking for a job as a waiter. Name: .......................... Age: ........................... Country: ....................... Comments I want to work in the ............ or............................as a tl» 19 2 Name FOUR sports. What.... do? I’m a nun 8 I Excuse me, post office? A baker .....at a baker’s. Name FOUR building? What is it? It’s a quarter 11 past ten. 15 I like..... soccer. 5 Pirate’s fruit salad! Look, read and match. 1 pineapple к 2 coconut 3 beans 4 salt 5 flour 6 olive oil 7 mango ........ ® 8 lemon ........ 9 tomato ....... 10 pepper ....... ^ 11 sugar ........ 12 butter ....... ^ 0» 22 ШВ. Q Read and fill in How many or How much. # 1 How much bread do you want to buy? 2 .........tomatoes are there? 3 ............milk do you want in your coffee? 4 ..............potatoes have we got? Q Ask and answer. Then write. 5 ...............butter is there in the cake? 6 ..........oranges are there in the basket? 7 ............sugar do we need? 8 ...............pineapples are there in the fridge? 1 A: Is there any pepper? 5 A B: Yes, but not much. В 2 A: Are there any pineapples? 6 A B: Yes, but not many. В ЗА: ......................... 7 A В: .............................. В 4 A: ........................ 8 A В: .............................. В 23 6 Make a meal of it! Read and(^rci^. a tin/(^ack^ of biscuits a carton/loaf of bread a bottle/jar of Coke a bar/kilo of potatoes a carton/jar of jam a bar/tin of chocolate Which of these do you eat or drink? How much? Look and say. I eat a lot of biscuits. OR I don’t eat many biscuits 24 Q Look, read and underline. Rice is from China/Russia Paella is from Italy/Spain. Fish and chips is from the UK/USA. Sushi is from China/Japan. Q Read and fill in may or may not. 1 A: May I see Mr Jackson, please? B: Certainly. 2 A:................I open the window, please? B: Of course you ........... 3 A: ........I eat my lunch in my bedroom, please? B: No, you ...........Eat it in the kitchen, please. 4 A: ................I ask you a question, please? B: Yes, of course. 5 A: ..............I have some more chocolate, please? B: No, you .................. 6 A: .............I have a glass of water? B: Yes, of course. Listen and draw lines. Look and say. A: Can I have a packet of biscuits, please? B: Certainly, here you are. A: How much is it? B: Ninety pence. Q Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write one-word answers. 1 Where are the children? At the supermarket. 2 How many children are there? r 3 What has the woman got in her hand? A ................of Coke. 4 What are the children doing? 5 Where are the children now? In the ......................... 6 How many bottles of Coke are there? 27 / 1 CD How butter is there? Go back to start Say what it is. Say the missing word(s). Can you me the butter, please? Sure. Here are. eg) A..........of biscuits. Name THREE fruits. Name THREE drinks. 7 Funny animals! Look and complete the crossword. 8 J M N К 7 6 J 30 0 Read and choose. 1 Jim usually..to school. ®walks В is walking 2 We......our homework in the afternoon. A are doing В do 3 Can you see David? He ....... soccer. A is playing В plays 4 ....TV every night? A Are you watching В Do you watch 5 Tom.......a letter now. A is writing В writes 6 Mark never.......to the park on Sundays. A goes В is going 7 Where are the children?.......? A Are they sleeping В Do they sleep 8 They ...... their bikes every day. A aren’t riding В don’t ride 0 Read and choose. 1 A: Tom is playing baseball! 3 A: What’s she doing? B:0)Yes, he loves baseball. B: a) She makes a fruit salad. b) Yes, he does. b) She’s making a fruit salad. 2 A: Do you always go to the 4 A: Are you talking to me? cinema on Sundays? B: a) Yes, I am. B: a) I’m going out on Sundays, b) Not every Sunday. b) Yes, I do. [•1Ф 31 I 8 Wild about animals! Read and(arcl^ 1 It’s very tall and it eats leaves. 2 It’s quite small and it lives in the sea. crocodile/seal 3 It’s fat and it’s got four legs, whale/hippo Read and fill in. oooooooo Thirty days has S _ p_mb_, A----I, _ un _ and N__e_b_ All the rest have thirty-one, Except for Fe _ r_r _ alone Which has twenty-eight days clear And twenty-nine days each leap year! Now read again and answer. 1 Which months have thirty days? 2 Which months have thirty-one days? 4 It eats bananas and it climbs trees. monkey/hippo 5 It’s got a long tail and a lot of teeth. crocodile/giraffe Read and fill in. bigger 1 big 2 happy 3 nice 4 tall 5 fat 6 small 7 clever 8 funny 9 short 10 thin 11 slim 12 fast Q Read and complete the questions. Then do the quiz! ГЛ 1 Which animal is bigger (big)? A a whale В a hippo 4 Which animal is............(thin)? A a seal В a lizard 2 Which animal has got a............ 5 Which animal is...........(clever)? (short) tail? A a kangaroo В a sheep 2 Which animal is..........(tall)? A a giraffe В an elephant A a mouse В a dolphin 0 Which animal has got....... (small) eyes? A a frog В an insect Q| What are the Folly Farm rules? Read and write fouty FiSif • Close the gates / • Walk slowly and quietly / • Keep your hands away from the animals’ mouths / • Feed the animals Л 1 You must close the gates 2 ........................ 3 ........................ 4 ........................ Read and underline. Then act out. 1 A: You must/mustn’t put your hand up to ask a question. B: OK, Miss. 2 A: What’s the matter, Officer? B: You must/mustn’t park your car here. 3 A: You must/mustn’t do any sports for two weeks. B: OK, thank you, doctor. 4 A: You must/mustn’t buy a ticket before you get on the bus. B: Really? Where do I get one from? isten and fill in. In Area 1 you can see: (^1 the................ ^ In Area 2 you can watch: the dolphins and(i the In Area 3 you can look at: the crocodiles and(S the The ticket costs: (±I ) 0 D 34126» в Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Many elephants in India 1) work long hours every day. These strong animals help to carry things for 2).................... owners. Now, 3)................India, there is a holiday camp for tired elephants! I The elephants go there for a month 4)....................year to have a rest! At the camp there is a special hospital 5)................sick elephants and a kitchen to cook the elephants’ food. There is a river too, so the elephants can 6)................a swim every day! Happy holiday, elephants! 1 work works working 2 they them their 3 on in next to 4 every once this 5 for to on 6 do have make ___WZ-r, CJARt ^CD CD ^ The seals always at lunchtime. f Sing the The yellow giraffe!' song! Name all the months. xSgS L#It 37 9 Tea party! Look and write the ordinals in the correct order. 12^ • ■—о 5^" «I «j th 2"*^ 21^^ 15*^^ 20^^* first Find and(^jrd^. :d jC' t (t e n t h) b f i r s t b t 1 i h m у i 1 u X w f § e i r s i X t h • 1 e 0 m V 0 d u 1 r V j 1 n u d e r t w e 1 f t h t r s n w P q z h к c f i t У t d 0 t h i r d У e h m h i m 0 s e c V a t h j P d q V s f • 1 f t h s e c 0 n d 1 к j w z h w e г t У u « 1 0 p 1 c b m t g d a q z b у г • J e + и & 38 Q The children are at school today. Where were they yesterday? He was at the Sports Centre Q What about you? Answer the questions. Then tell the class. 1 A: Were you at school 3 A: Were you with your friend yesterday? B! last night? B! . 2 A: Was your mother at home 4 A: Were you in bed early on on Saturday? B: Sunday? B: Yesterday, 1 .. №• 39 10 All our yesterdays! Look and match. bored angry sad tired scared hungry Write the dates in full. • 22"*' August the twenty-second of August • 13^” April • 25^'’ October • 3^“^ June 29'^ May • 31'* December 40 ШйРВтв Q Fill in: yesterday, last, ago. 1 Tom was at Peter’s house yesterday. 2 Bill and Jean were in Spain ..........................week. 3 Alison and Kate were late for school........................ 4 Were you with Tania ........... night? 5 I was in Italy one week .... 6 Mum and Dad were at home 7 Karen was at the cinema two days....................... 8 Where were you ............. Friday? Q Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then match the questions to the answers. was/with/you/who? Who was with you? was/the/film/how? last night/you/at/home/were? were/the children/yesterday/where? what/on TV/last night/was? open/was/shop/the? a No, it wasn’t. b There was a film on about dolphins, c They were at the cinema, d Well, it wasn’t very good, e My friend Jenny, f No, I was out. [•I# 41 Listen and find the bank robber. a->detective! was at the bank this morning. Read and fill in school, was, test, sad. Then act out, 1 A: How was your day, Ann? B: Oh, Mum! I was so 1) sad today. It 2)........Becky’s last day at school. A: Oh dear! That’s a shame! A; How was 3)............today, son? B: Great, Dad. The 4).........was really easy! A: Well done! 42 Ц Read and write. I was there with my mother and 1) father. There were a lot of animals; there was even a big 2) • Where was I? I was at the___! Ш I was there with my 3) Л There were a lot of other people there too. The food was delicious! The 4) was really nice Where was I? I was at a_____I йВЯШЯД 43 .....you at school yesterday? 4» CD. Sing the ‘Ir my dreams! song! GO back to start Say feel Sav t*'® v/ord(s)* Say or do Were you in the park ... Monday? CD. CT^S CD Sing the ‘I wasn’t happy yesterday! ’ song! c О c ^ 11 сз ® Say: One - first Two -....... Three -..... Say where you were last night. (2) 14 о w о о It was dark outside and he was...... I......at the cinema last night. I was at the zoo two weeks t6 О « C о Say FIVE ordinal numbers. Say where your best friend was on Saturday. 11 The Hare and the Tortoise Read and complete 1 skip 2 laugh 3 pass 4 stop skipped 5 try 6 want 7 climb 8 cry Read and write. 1 We visited (visit) our grandmother last Sunday. 2 I ................(talk) to my friend last night. 3 The children .................. (play) a game two hours ago. 4 I ....................(phone) Mark yesterday. 5 We .................(travel) to Spain last summer. 6 Sue ....... ........(help) me with my homework yesterday. 7 We .................(paint) our house five days ago. 8 They .................(watch) a really good film yesterday. Mike didn’t do it! Read, write and correct him. 1 I climbed a big tree yesterday. You didn’t climb a big tree yesterday. 2 I washed my dad’s car last Saturday. 3 I walked in the park late at night. 4 I stayed at home all day yesterday. 5 1 painted my room yesterday. 46 Q Only in dreams! Look and complete. Use the verbs: dance, visit, travel, play soccer. She visited the Queen with Jennifer Lopez Щ with David Beckham. with Christopher Columbus. Q Who’s Jane? Who’s Helen? Read, look and write. I am Helen. Yesterday I visited my cousin. We played basketball and watched TV. I’m Jane. Last night I stayed at home. 1 played computer games and listened to music. 12 Once upon a time! Read and write. 1 lived/with/She/her/unkind sisters/two She lived with her two unkind sisters. 2 and/cooked/all day/cleaned/She 3 invited/The prince/to the palace/the unkind sisters 4 a Fairy Godmother/her/visited/One day 5 the Fairy Godmother/asked/for help/She 6 danced/with the prince/She/at the palace 7 married/The prince/her 8 lived/happily ever after/They What’s the story? Read and choose. Then draw a picture of the stor^ A Sleeping Beauty В Cinderella C Snow White Q Read and write what Susan did and didn’t do yesterday. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25th Thursday clean the house / cook lunch X wash her clothes / water the flowers X help her sister with her homework / visit her grandparents / play computer games with her brother X watch a video / 1 Yesterday Susan cleaned the house. 2 4 5 6 7 8 Q What did they do yesterday? Ask and answer. 1 they/play/soccer Did they play soccer? Yes, they did. 4 he/clean/his room 2 She/paint/a picture Did she paint a picture? No, she didn’t. 5 he/wash/the dishes 3 she/watch/TV 6 they/dance/at the party Lfl« 49 In pairs, ask and answer. Pupil A a watch video paint picture clean room stay home wash dog Wednesday Monday Friday Sunday Tuesday visit grandmother Saturday play tennis Thursday Л. watch video paint picture clean room stay home wash dog visit grandmother play tennis J Pupil в Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Friday Sunday A: When did you watch a video? B: I watched a video on Tuesday. What about you? A: Oh, I watched a video on Wednesday. B^^What did Larry and Paco do last week on their school trip? Listen and put a tick (/) or a cross (Л). □ □ □ □ Q Look, read and write. This is a story about a 1) her dog. One day she was on the 2) There was a baby 3) , Lucy, and there! Lucy looked around for its mother. Lucy carried the baby 4) and walked a long way. The dog helped her to find the i! seal’s mother behind a 5) She was very happy to see her baby again! Q Now choose a title. The baby seal A day in the park □ □ Me and my dog I I ВВИДЯ 51 CD ® Sing the ‘Oh, what a mystery’ song! Say what you did last night. She.......a picture yesterday. 16 О О ез They........ play soccer last Friday. Ron...... the dishes this morning Say what your friend did last Saturday. Name THREE fairy tales. Look and match a funfair b concert c museum d dinosaur Read and complete. 1 Did you ride (you/ride) your bike on Sunday? 2 Pam .......................... (not/see) the film last week. 3 I .....................(draw) a picture for my school project two days ago. 4 We .................... (sing) songs at the school party. 54 isei 5 .............................. (he/buy) a comic yesterday? 6 The children ................. (not/take) lunch to school yesterday. 7 Mum ..................(make) a delicious cake last Saturday. 8 .............................. (she/come) back late? Ask and answer. go tQ Qineina aat Щ й1#’ A: What did Sheila do in the morning? B: She woke up, ... . What did Sheila do in the afternoon? A: She ... 1 55 Read, choose and complete. loud pretty good strong kind 1 John is very.............. He always makes so much noise. 2 James never talks to the girls in his class. He is very 3 Mary looks very ........... in that dress. 4 She found a kitten in the street and took it home. She is so ............. to animals. 5 Ross is a very ........... student. He always gets the best marks in the class. 6 Tom is so ............ that he can lift Charles! ^ Read and correct the word in bold. 1 The giraffe is tallest than the elephant. 2 Our room is nicer of their room. 3 Our holidays in Italy were the better. 4 Janet is the kinder person I know. 5 It is easiest to make a salad than a cake. 6 He was the strongest person than all. 7 The Arctic is the colder place in the world. 8 Hippos are fattest than monkeys. taller 56 1йВ5 и Read and do the crossword puzzle. 2 Jim was the (loud) person in the class. 7 Ray is (strong) than Bob. 8 It’s (hot) today. 9 Sharon’s (good) at Maths than me. 10 My hair is (long) but my sister’s hair is short. 1 I’m sure Diana is the (pretty) girl I know. 2 Lizards are (lazy) than mice. 3 Joanna is (shy) than her brother. 4 Who’s the (slim) in your family? 3 Read and underline. 1 I do/did my homework an hour ago. We went/go to Spain last week. Where do you go/did you go on holiday last summer? 4 Chris didn’t come/doesn’t come to my party yesterday. 5 I didn’t watched/watch TV last night. 6 9 Miss Hart is the (kind) teacher in the school. Hares have got (short) tails. John is my (big) brother. 8 The Smiths buy/bought a new house two months ago. We saw/see a really good film at the cinema last night. Did you met/meet your friends last Friday? BaBgmEyi 57 What did they do last week? Listen and write the letters in the boxes. 1 Sam m 1 Vicky □ 3 Tim & Jane Q В 4 Eddy 2 F . Last weekend. Use the pictures below or your own ideas and talk with your friend. you/go? о who/you/go with? what/you/do? what/you/eat? 58 II Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words. Last Saturday it was hot and sunny. Phil wanted to go out somewhere. His dad took him for a ride in the countryside. 1 What day was it? Saturday 2 What was the weather like? 3 Where did Phil’s dad take him? Phil’s dad put some pop music on and they sang songs and ate chocolate. Then they passed a dog on the side of the road. ‘Stop the car, Dad I’ Phil shouted. 4 What kind of music did they listen to? 5 What did they eat? 6 What did they pass on the side of the road? The dog didn’t move. Phil’s dad looked at its leg and decided to take him to the vet’s. They didn’t go to the countryside that day. But now Phil has got his own dog. He calls him ‘Lucky’! 7 Where did they take the dog? 8 What does Phil call his dog? 59 10 Ж 12 ticket an hour ago. 1 1 k// Name FIVE 20 Compare !vj THREE 1 1 musical friends instruments. of yours. 15 Good times ahead! Look and write. What are you going to do this summer? Choose and write. I’m going to go to Italy this summer. I’m going to go camping. 62 ШшЯЯЯя Qwhat are they going to do? Look, read and write yes or no. 1 Sue is going to go to the seaside. yes ' 2 Alex is going to go to the mountains. 3 Tony is going to go to the lake 4 Pam is going to go camping. Q Read and match. 1 He is going to take his camera with him 2 She wants to make a salad 3 They’re going to visit a museum 4 We’re packing our suitcases 5 I’m going to go to the cinema a to look at the dinosaurs, b to see a new film, c so she’s going to buy some vegetables, d to take a lot of photos, e because we’re going to go on holiday. Q Look at Robbie’s diary. What’s he going to do next week? Ask and answer. NOVEMBER 22 Tuee help Dad in garden . buy present for Wum W.. play tennis with Jill clean my room.... go to cin^ema Thurs A: What’s Robbie going to do on Monday? B: He’s going to help his Dad in the garden. 16 Hello, sunshine! Look and(^jrcl§). (s 1 e e P • 1 n g b a g)| w d g h • J к к q q w e 1 • 1 b 0 0 t s h a c X } 1 m r t У u u V t b n e I s c f 1 i p P e r s a 1 u • 1 s • J b 1 0 n V e n 1 • 1 t h У m • 1 a t 0 к s 1 t m r 0 s t e s r g i 1 s u n S 1 a s s e s 0 1 r 1 У s w a 1 к t u i Look, choose and write. 1 It will be 2 It will be hot in Spain tomorrow. ^ ^ .............in France tomorrow. О 3 It will be in Scotland tomorrow. j .................in Italy tomorrow. in Russia tomorrow. “^И|г^.‘ in Greece tomorrow. 4 It will be 5 It will be 6 It will be 64 iiiiPsliifsl» Q Read and underline. 1 What/Why does Mr Jones do? 2 How/What is sushi? 3 Where/When is Rome? 4 Who/Why was the tortoise happy? 5 When/How is April Fool’s Day? Q Read and match. When is Tom’s birthday? Who’s that? How are you? What’s your favourite month? Where is London? Why do you want to leave? He’s a police officer. It’s fish. It’s in Italy. Because he won the race On 1'* April. 1 d 2 3 4 5 6 a Fine, thanks, b Because I’m bored, c In England, d It’s in May. e April. f That’s my friend John Q Read and fill in. iieMay umbrella tea city visit see Dear Chris and Fiona, Hope you’re having a good time in Scotland. I’m in France now and having a great 1) holiday! Paris is excellent — tomorrow I am going to visit the Eiffel Tower, then on Tuesday I’m going to 2) go to Disneyland. I can’t wait! It is raining today, so I have my 3)..........with me. I am going to 4)............. the Louvre Museum. After that I am going to have a cup of 5)...........at a cafe next to the hotel. This evening I am going on a tour around the 6).............. and I am going to take some photos. There is so much to 7)............and do there! Anyway, that’s all for now. Take care. Love, Christina Oi^Usten to Barry talking to his friend about his holiday. For questions 1—5, tick (/) A or B. 1 Barry is going to go to 4 The owner of the hotel is Mr A Scotland. □ A Rhys. □ В Wales. 0 В Reece. □ 2 The train costs 5 In the evenings the weather A £50. □ is usually В £15. □ A hot. □ 3 The hotel is called В windy. □ A The Sand Hotel. □ В The Beach Hotel. □ Q Tina and Leo are going to go on holiday this summer. Student A: Answer Student B’s questions about Tina. Student B: Answer Student A’s questions about Leo. • Where/go? • When? • How/travel? What/do? Who/go with? ♦ to Spain ♦ in July ♦ by plane ♦ go swimming & sailing ♦ with her family ♦ to Italy ♦ in August ♦ by boat ♦ go camping & climbing ♦ with his friends Q Read anaccircie). Ray, Гт going to 1) go/visit to the supermarket later. Is there anything that you want? Please 2) can/do you get some tomatoes from the garden? We’re 3) go/going to have spaghetti and salad for supper. Love, Liz P.S. I’m going to visit Pam and Dave after supper. Do you want to come? can you get some chocolate ice cream, please? I’m Z fc.n4 4, c-™/con.e to Pao. > - ,-ve got a soccer match 5) this/at evening! Ray -------------'—“— Q Now read again and answer. 1 Where Is Liz going to go? 2 What does Ray have to get from the garden? 3 What are they going to have for supper? 4 What Is Liz going to do after supper? 5 What does Ray want from the supermarket? 6 What Is Ray going to do after supper? [Ф1Ф a 67 11 12 .....is that? It’s my friend Pam. w2- 'Lme THREE things to take on a camping holiday. Name FIVE countries. 20 Name FOUR things to take on an island holiday. ......is the match? At 8 ’clock. 18 Sing the ‘Say hello to sunshine!’ song! ’«гДг— cO (va 969 1И(у best firiend! ^ This is my best friend Module 1 Unit 2 {Someone in miy family My Module 2 Unit 4 Quiz time! 1 If you eat noodles, you eat ... A pasta. В sausages. 2 In Spain, when you order tortilla, they bring .. A soup. В bread. 3 Where are fortune cookies from? A Japan В China 4 Where is feta cheese from? A Greece В Italy 5 In Germany, they eat goulash. What is it? A soup В burger 6 If an American is eating a candy, he’s eating .. A rice. В a sweet. 7 If an American is eating jello, he’s eating ... A jelly. В biscuits. 8 In Turkey, when you order kebab, they bring .. A meat. В soup. 9 Where is paella from? A Spain В France 10 In Russia, caviar is very popular. What is it? A fish eggs В fish heads 11 In Italy, when you order espresso, they bring .. A milk. В coffee. 12 Where is souvlaki from? A Greece В England Module 3 Unit 6 WilS Aaiails The elephant seal makes the same journey twice a year December - March: goes to California to have its babies • travels to Alaska to find food April - August: goes back to California to lose its old and grow a new one The elephant seal Elephant seals, sometimes called sea elephants, make the same journey not once but ............................................! From .................................... the seals go to the warm waters of California to have .................................... Then they travel to the cold waters of .......................... to find.......................................................... From ......................................, the seals go back to ....................................................to lose their old............................and............................... Elephant seals travel a long way and get a lovely new coat too! Module 4 Unit 8 At Uie cinema Last week Larry and Paco were Module 5 Unit 10 Once upon a ttme! Last week my grandmother and I were at the m around and looked at all the ■m iB My grandmother loves birds, so we stopped to look at . Suddenly, someone ‘STOP, THIEF!’ We were very surprised. We turned around, but there was no one there, just the zookeeper! ‘Don’t worry!’ he M ‘It was just Chatterbox, the parrot. She does that all the time!’ It was very funny! L What’s the best name for this story? Tick (✓) one box. Chatterbox, the parrot A thief at the zoo [J Me and my grandmother Ц Module 6 Unit 12 dify of die year! My best day of the year was when We After the Module 7 Unit 14 Dear Hope you’re having Our hotel This evening Anyway, that’s all for now. I miss you! Love, Module 8 Unif 16 ..^ Module 2 Unit 4 Module 4 Unit 8 • • • Module 6 Unit 11 i- 5 о CL С (D 00 э CLASS DECK CABIN PRICE DATE TIME DEPARTURE ARRIVAL CARGO STAR AIRWAYS AGENT NAME MALE FEMALE NATIONALITY PASSPORT CREDIT CARO CASH ' IvOID PRICE * • • • • Ye, .V . ni® oi lAo/I lei/. % Name: ...................... Class:...................... Teacher Date