Английский язык в фокусе 10 класс Книга для чтения Афанасьева

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Express Publishing PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS IО класс' Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений З-е издание Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2012 УДК 373.167.1:81 1.11 1 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-93 Ш41 Серия «Английский в фокусе» основана в 2006 году. Венецианский купец: в пересказе О.В. Афанасьевой, Д. Дули, И.В. Михеевой, Б. Оби, В. Эванс The Merchant of Venice: retold by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Bob Obee, Olga Afanasyeva, Irina Mikheeva Acknowledgements Authors' Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor-in-Chief); Mary Swan and Sean Todd (senior editors); Michael Sadler and Steve Miller (editorial assistants); Richard White (senior production controller); the Express Publishing design team; Warehouse (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Kimberly Baker, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Colour Illustrations: Stone, Chris. Music Compositions & Arrangement by Ted and Taz. While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Шекспир У. Ш41 Венецианский купец: (по У. Шекспиру): кн. для чтения : 10 кл.: пособие для учащихся общеобразоват. учреждений/У. Шекспир; [пересказ О.В. Афанасьевой и др.]. - 3-е изд. - М.: Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2011. — 56 с.; ил. - (Английский в фокусе). - ISBN 978-5-09-026481-5. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-93 Учебное издание Серия «Английский в фокусе» Шекспир, Уильям Венецианский купец Книга для чтения 1 о класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений Пересказ: Афанасьевой Ольги Васильевны и др. Центр германских языков _ Руководитель Центра В.В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Центра по проектам И.Н. Темнова Руководитель проекта и редактор Ю.А. Смирнов Выпускающий редактор М.А. Семичев Корректор И.Б. Окунева Налоговая льгота - Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93 - 953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД N° 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 12.08.11. Формат 60x90/8. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Прагматика. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 5,07. Тираж 10 000 экз. Заказ № 3490. Открытое акционерное общеаво «Издательаво «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Express Publishing. Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW. Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363. Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463. e-mail: [email protected] https://www.expresspubiishing.co.uk Отпечатано в полном соответавии с качеством предоаавленных издательством материалов в ОАО «Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР». 170040, г. Тверь, проспект 50 лет Октября, 46. ISBN 978-5-09-026481-5 © Express Publishing, 2010, 2012 © Издательство «Просвещение», 2010, 2012 Все права защищены Contents The Author, Background, the Plot...............................pp. 4-5 The Characters .......................л-;...................... p. 6 1 A Good Friend ............................................. p. 8 2 A Dangerous Agreement...................................... p. 10 3 Jessica’s Escape .......................................... p. 12 4 The Test .................................................. p. 14 5 The Perfect Choice......................................... p. 16 6 Trouble for Antonio ....................................... p. 18 7 Portia’s Plan ............................................. p. 20 8 The Trial.................................................. p. 22 9 Portia’s Trick ..................Л........................ p. 24 10 A Happy Ending ............................................ p. 26 Activities ..................................................... p. 29 List of Proper names. Geographical names and Plays ............p. 37 Word List ..................................................... — Play ......................................................... p. 39 THE AUTHOR w illiam Shakespeare was bom in Stratford-upon- \if \Y Avon, England, on 23 April 1564. His father, John Shakespeare, was a successful tradesman, and his mother, Mary Arden, came from a rich family. Although we do not know much about Shakespeare’s early life, many people believe that he went to the King Edward VI Grammar School in Stratford and studied Latin grammar and literature. When he was 18, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway. They had three children: Susanna, Hamnet and Judith. Shakespeare later moved to London and became an actor and a writer. He wrote many plays and poems between 1586 and 1616. His most famous plays include Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet and The Merchant of Venice. Shakespeare’s plays had many different characters, and each character had a strong and interesting personality. He wrote about greed, selfishness, revenge, kindness and love. Shakespeare’s plays were very popular when he was alive, and today they are even more popular. Actors still perform Shakespeare’s works, and there are many films based on his plays. Shakespeare also added many words to the English language, which we still use today, such as “critic^” “leapfrog” and “majestic”. Shakespeare died on 23 April 1616. He was 52 years old. Today, we remember him as one of the greatest writers in history. BACKGROUND Shakespeare wrote The Merchant of Venice in 1596-7. When he was thirty-two years old he had already written some of his most famous plays, including Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night's Dream. ^ The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare’s best-loved plays. It has been translated into many languages and is a favourite choice of theatre companies throughout the world. There have also been many film versions of this play, including an Indian version (1941), a French version (1953) and a Maori (New Zealand) version (2002). The most recent English-language film version was made in 2004, starring Al Pacino as Shylock. One particular expression from The Merchant of Venice is still used in English today. If you owe someone money, for example, and they want you to pay them back a lot more than you borrowed, you can say: “Oh, you really want your pound of fleshl” The pound of flesh means the extra money that you have to pay. A City on the Water The city of Venice was on the north-east coast of Italy. There was no other city like it in the world. It was built on hundreds of small islands which were joined by bridges over the canals. Because of this, the main method of transport was by boat. People could walk along the narrow streets, and on the paths along the canals, but for a longer journey, they had to travel by boat. When Lorenzo and his friends helped Jessica escape from her father’s house (p. 13), they probably went by boat, as they had heavy boxes to carry. A City of Merchants and Moneylenders In Shakespeare’s time, Venice was a very wealthy sea port. There were many merchants like Antonio, who made their money by sending ships all over the world. The ships carried goods that were bought and sold in different countries. The sea was a dangerous place, and ships were often wrecked or attacked by pirates. Merchants, and other people, often needed to borrow money from moneylenders like Shylock. Moneylenders had to make a living, so they charged people interest. THE PLOT----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Merchant of Venice tells a number of stories which are all connected. There is the love story of Bassanio and Portia: Bassanio loves Portia, but he needs to borrow money so that he can travel to Belmont and ask her to marry him. There is the story of the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio: Antonio wants to help Bassanio find the money he needs, but the cost is very high. Then there is the story of two old enemies, Shylock and Antonio: Antonio decides to ask Shylock for help, but Shylock sees his chance to take a terrible revenge. 2 Венецианский купец. КДЧ 10 кл. V * I' l tit" The Characters ANTONIO Antonio is a rich merchant. He makes ^ his money by trade buying and selling Иг things in other countries. He is a good man and always tries to help people. However, this can get him into serious trouble. SHYLOCK Shylock is a rich and successful moneylender. He has a difficult life because many people in Venice have no respect for moneylenders. Shylock is very fond of money. He is angry because people treat him badly. He thinks of a clever and terrible plan to hurt Antonio. BASSANIO Bassanio is Antonio’s best friend, and he is the romantic hero of this story. He wants to marry Portia, and he asks Antonio to help him win her love. Bassanio is a loyal friend, but he is young, and likes to spend a lot of money. PORTIA Portia is the heroine of the story. She is a rich and beautiful woman, and she is also very clever. She loves Bassanio very much, and when he is in trouble, she will do everything she can to help him and his friend. ij-'? ■ Ш NERISSA Nerissa is Portia’s maid, and they are also good friends. Nerissa listens to Portia’s problems -- and always gives her sensible advice. She is very understanding and has a good sense of humour. GRATIANO Gratiano is one of Bassanio’s best friends. He admires Bassanio very much and likes to do everything Bassanio does. He is completely loyal to Bassanio, and is always ready to help him. 40^ LORENZO Lorenzo is one of Bassanio and Antonio’s friends. He is in love with Shylock’s daughter, Jessica, and they decide to run away together and get married. Shylock is very angry when he finds out. SALARINO AND SALANIO Salarino and Salanio are Antonio’s friends. They are very fond of Antonio, and they try to cheer him up when he is worried about his ships. They become very worried when they hear about a ship sinking at sea because they believe that Antonio will lose all of his money. LAUNCELOT Launcelot is Shylock’s servant. He is a kind man, and he is a good friend to Jessica. He makes her laugh, and he also helps her to escape from Shylock’s ^ house and run away with Lorenzo. He is very wise. The Duke must decide what to do when Antonio cannot pay Shylock, but it is a very difficult situation. Qood ^Kiend A merchant called Antonio lived in Venice. He had plenty of money, but he was not a very happy person. He was very kind, however, and many people turned to him for help when they were in trouble. He was always willing to lend people money when they needed it. People were happy to borrow money from Antonio because he never charged them interest. The people of Venice liked and respected Antonio, but his best friend of all was Bassanio. Bassanio was younger than Antonio and came from a good family. He did not have much money, but he had expensive tastes. Antonio was always happy to lend Bassanio money whenever he needed it. Bassanio had borrowed a lot of money from his friend over the years, but Antonio did not mind. Anything Bassanio wanted, Antonio would give him. The only person that Antonio did not get on with was Shylock, the moneylender. Shylock’s job was to lend people money, and he charged them interest because he had to make a profit. People did not like paying interest, so they often borrowed money from Antonio, instead of Shylock. Naturally, this made Shylock angry. Antonio thought that it was wrong to charge interest. They did not like each other at all. Whenever they met, they argued. One morning, Antonio was walking by the canal when he met his friend Bassanio. “Antonio, my friend, 1 must ask for your help again,” Bassanio said. “Of course,” replied Antonio. “You know I will help in any way I can.” “I know I’ve borrowed a lot of money already,” Bassanio said. “But now I have a plan. If it succeeds, I will be able to pay you all I owe.” Antonio smiled. He knew his friend had met a beautiful woman. “Please tell me all about your plan,” he said. “In Belmont, there is a very wealthy lady,” Bassanio said. “Her name is Portia. She is beautiful, and I know she loves me.” “But do you love her, too?” Antonio asked. “Oh yes, I do. I want to marry her,” Bassanio replied. “That’s why I need to borrow money. I want to go to Belmont to propose. When we marry, I vrill be very rich. I will pay you back everything I owe.” “Oh Bassanio, I am not worried about that,” Antonio said sadly. “But at this moment I have no money to give. All the ships I own are at sea, and I have no money until they return.” “Oh, I see. Of course, I understand,” Bassanio said. He tried to smile because he didn’t want his friend to see how sad he was. “But I want to help you, and I will,” said Antonio, more cheerfully. “You can use my name to borrow from a moneylender. Let us go and see what we can find.” 10 Antonio and Bassanio went to see Shylock. “So, you want to borrow three thousand ducats!” said Shylock. “That’s right, and we want it for three months,” said Bassanio. “My friend, Antonio, will help me pay it back.” “But why does Antonio not give you the money now?” asked Shylock. “All my money depends on my ships at sea,” explained Antonio. “I will have money as soon as they return.” “But that means your money is not safe,” cried Shylock. “Storms might destroy your ships, or they might sink. They might be attacked by pirates who will steal everything.” “Don’t worry. You can trust my friend,” said Bassanio. “Will you come and eat with us tonight? That way, you can get to know him better.” “I already know Antonio,” said Shylock. “I will do business with him, but I will not eat with him.” Antonio and Bassanio looked at each other, but they did not say anything. “So, Shylock, can you lend us what we want?” asked Antonio. “I do not usually lend or borrow with interest. But this time is different. I will borrow for my friend Bassanio.” “Yes, you want to borrow from me now,” said Shylock, looking straight at Antonio. “You are even willing to pay interest, is that right?” “Yes, I will pay you interest if you want,” said Antonio. Shylock thought carefully. He remembered all the times Antonio had insulted him and laughed at him. Now, for the first time, Antonio wanted something from him. Antonio was in his power. He realised that this was his chance to get his own back. He looked at Antonio for a long time. “No, I do not want interest from you,” he said slowly. “But let us agree to a little joke: if you do not repay me what you owe, I can take a pound of your flesh from whatever part of your body that I want.” “Why, yes of course, I will agree to that,” said Antonio. Bassanio gasped. “No, Antonio, don’t do that for me,” he cried. “Don’t worry, my dear friend Bassanio. My ships will return very, very soon, and then I will have three times what we have borrowed. Let Shylock have his little joke.” “So, Antonio, will you sign this agreement?” asked Shylock. “I will lend Bassanio three thousand ducats. You will pay me back within three months. If your ships do not come back to port, and if you cannot pay me back the money, I can take a pound of flesh from you.” He put the agreement on the table and handed Antonio a pen. “I will gladly sign it, for my friend,” said Antonio. He dipped the pen in the ink and signed his name. 11 12 Jessica was sitting at her writing desk. She was writing a letter to Lorenzo, and from time to time she sighed. She looked up when Launcelot came into the room, anctsmiled. For her, Launcelot was more like a friend than a servant. “Oh, Launcelot, I’m very glad to see you,” she said. “I am so tired of living in this house. Nothing ever happens, and my father is strict.” She sighed again. She did not like her father very much. She knew that nobody in Venice liked him. This was because he lent money with interest, but also because they thought Shylock was mean and greedy. He seemed to love money more than people, and more than anything else in the world. “I want you to take this letter to Lorenzo,” she said. “But do not tell anybody about it.” “Of course, my lady,” said Launcelot. “I will keep it a secret.” He put the letter in his pocket. “With this letter, you are helping me to escape,” Jessica said. “I am going to marry Lorenzo as soon as I can, and in this letter I tell him about my plan. Soon, Lorenzo and I will be together, and I can forget all about this house. It’s a terrible thing, to be ashamed of your father, but I am. He is a horrible man, and I will be glad to leave him.” Launcelot left at once. He found Lorenzo, who was with his friends Gratiano, Salarino and Salanio. They were talking quietly together. Launcelot gave Lorenzo Jessica’s letter. Lorenzo read it and smiled. “Tell Jessica that I will keep my promise,” he said. “But tell her in secret. No one else must hear.” Launcelot nodded and walked away quickly. “Tonight, Shylock will not be in his house,” Lorenzo told his friends. “Jessica will disguise herself as a boy, and she will wait at home for us to come. She will bring some of Shylock’s gold and jewels. We will have all the money we need, and we will sail with Bassanio when he leaves for Belmont.” That night, the four friends went quietly to Shylock’s house. From her bedroom window, Jessica handed them down a box full of gold and jewels. Then she used a tree to climb down to the men waiting below. She could not look at Lorenzo. “1 am embarrassed,” she said, “because I am wearing boys’ clothes.” “Do not worry, Jessica my dear,” said Lorenzo. “I love you, whatever clothes you are wearing.” “It is true,” said Jessica. “Love is blind, and lovers cannot see.” “Now, my love, we must hurry. We haven’t got much time,” said Lorenzo. “Bassanio’s ship is sailing very soon.” 3 Венецианский K>Tieu. КДЧ tO кл. 13 14 Portia’s father had known that many men would want to marry her because she was both beautiful and rich. Before he died, he designed a test that only the perfect husband could pass. There were three boxes. The first box was gold, the second was silver and the third was lead. The right box had a picture of Portia inside. Portia was sitting with Nerissa. “Oh, Nerissa,” she said. “I wish I could find the right man to marry.” “But my lady,” Nerissa said. “There are many men who want to marry you.” “I don’t love any of these men,” Portia said sadly. “I want to be able to choose my own husband, but I cannot because of my father’s test.” “You know you must do what your father asked,” said Nerissa. “He was a very wise and loving man. Only the man who loves you will pass the test, and this man will be the man you love.” “But I already know the man I love,” said Portia. “You know him, too. His name is Bassanio. And, you know, I think he loves me, too.” “Then, if he tries, he will pass the test,” said Nerissa calmly. “But first, the Prince of Morocco wants to try,” said Portia. “And after him, the Prince of Arragon.”The Prince of Morocco arrived with his friends and servants. Portia brought him into the room with the three boxes. “You know, Prince,” said Portia, “if you choose the wrong box, you can never marry, and you can never see me again.” “Yes, I know, but I still want to try,” said the Prince. He went up to the three boxes and slowly read the writing on each one. “I will choose the gold box,” he said. “This is what it says: The man who chooses me will have what many men want. Many men want Portia, so this must be the right box.” He opened the gold box slowly. There was a piece of paper inside, with these words written on it: All that glitters is not gold. Often have you heard that told. “I have chosen the wrong box. Goodbye, my lady,” he said, and left the room. Portia smiled. “That is good,” she said. “But here is the Prince of Arragon.” The Prince of Arragon looked at each box carefully. “The silver box must be the right one,” he said, smiling at Portia. “It says: The man who chooses me will have what he deserves. I am sure that I deserve you, Portia.” He opened the silver box and found the picture of a clown. “What is this? Is this what I deserve?” he cried. Portia said nothing, and the Prince of Arragon left quickly. 15 As the Prince of Arragon was leaving Portia’s house, Bassanio arrived with Gratiano, Lorenzo and Jessica. Bassanio was very happy to see Portia and he wanted to do the test as soon as possible. “Oh Bassanio, please wait for a few days,” Portia said. “Do not try to pass the test today. I would like to spend some time with you, and if you fail the test, you will have to go.” “Don’t worry about the test, my dear,” said Bassanio. “I love you and I am the right man for you.” Portia sighed, but brought Bassanio into the room with the three boxes. He looked at them carefully and read the writing on each one. He looked up at Portia and smiled. “I am going to choose the lead box,” he said. “It says: The man who chooses me must give and risk everything he owns. I will give and risk everything for you, Portia.” He opened the lead box. Portia held her breath. “I have found your picture, Portia. I have found it,” Bassanio said very quietly. “I love you dearly. Will you marry me?” “Yes, yes, Bassanio, I will marry you,” Portia said, “I am so happy that you will be my husband, the husband that I have always wanted. Take this ring, and know that I will love you forever.” Portia took a ring off her finger and handed it to Bassanio. 16 “I will always wear this ring. I will never take it off,” Bassanio said, putting the ring on his finger. He looked up as Nerissa and Gratiano came to join them. “My lord and lady, I wish you every happiness,” said Nerissa. “And we want to tell you that we are happy too.” “I wish you all the joy that you can wish,” Gratiano said. “And when you get married, I would like to get married also.” “Of course, Gratiano,” Bassanio said, surprised, “if you can find a wife.” “I have found a wife, and here she is. Nerissa and I wish to marry too.” “Is this true, Nerissa?” Portia asked. “Yes it is, my lady,” replied Nerissa. “Then, we hope that you will be very happy,” said Portia. “Yes, and we can all get married on the same day,” said Bassanio. They were all very happy. Nerissa gave a ring to Gratiano and told him never to take it off. He promised her he would always keep it on his finger. 17 * 6. ^/lOub^G ^0/t cAntonio Back in Venice, Shylock was very angry when he found out that Jessica had run away with Lorenzo. He didn’t like Lorenzo because Lorenzo was Antonio’s friend. When he found out that a lot of his gold and some jewels were missing, too, he became even more angry. “How could my own daughter do such a thing?” he cried. “Oh, my daughter! Oh, my gold and jewels!” He decided to go out and try to get some news of Jessica. He met Salarino and Salanio walking by the canal. “Where is my daughter? I know you know where she is,” he cried. “Your daughter? 1 don’t know what you mean,” said Salarino, pretending he did not know anything about it. “You both probably helped her escape with Lorenzo,” Shylock growled. “She has gone, taking lots of my money and jewels. How could my own flesh and blood do that?” “It’s hard to believe Jessica is your flesh and blood,” Salanio said. “You are both so different. She’s not like you at all.” 18 • 'i Г г; “How сап you say that? She is my daughter,” Shylock shouted. “Not any more. She is Lorenzo’s wife,” Salarino whispered to Salanio. They both laughed. “But tell us, Shylock,” said Salanio. “Have you any news of Antonio’s ships?” “Yes. 1 have heard many were lost at sea,” said Shylock. “I hope Antonio is ready to keep his word.” “Surely you don’t mean you will take a pound of his flesh?” said Salarino. “Of course I will. And it is the law, too,” said Shylock. “But what will you do with a pound of Antonio’s flesh?” asked Salanio. “If I cannot use it for anything else, I will use it to catch fish when I go fishing,” Shylock said. “I cannot believe, Shylock, that you are serious,” said Salarino. “I am very serious, and do you know why?” said Shylock. “Antonio laughs at me but takes my money. He also helps his friend to steal my daughter. He says I am bad because I charge interest for loans, but I am just working. I have to make a living. He has hurt me, and now I want revenge.” Shylock walked away, and the two friends looked at each other. They were very worried about Antonio. 19 In Belmont, Bassanio and Portia got married, and so did Gratiano and Nerissa. One day, Bassanio received a letter from Antonio. Portia watched him as he read it and saw Jais face turn white. “There must be very bad news in that letter," she said to Nerissa. “Oh Portia, this is from my friend Antonio,” Bassanio said in a worried voice. “He is in very serious trouble.” “Then we must help him all we can,” Portia said, putting her hand on Bassanio’s arm. “Anything I can do to help, I will.” “Thank you, my love, but now 1 must explain,” said Bassanio. Bassanio told Portia how he and Antonio had borrowed money from Shylock. He explained about the pound of flesh. “Antonio says his ships are lost at sea,” Bassanio said. “He can’t pay Shylock’s money back, and now Shylock wants his pound of flesh.” “My dear, you must go to him at once,” said Portia. “I’ll give you the money to pay Shylock. Do not let him hurt Antonio because of you.” “Thank you, my dear, but I’m still very worried,” said Bassanio. “I will go at once and take Gratiano with me.” 20 Bassanio and Gratiano got ready as quickly as they could, and set sail for Venice. As soon as they had left, Portia sat down and wrote a letter to her cousin. Doctor Bellario, who was a doctor of law. She told him about Antonio and Shylock’s agreement, and asked him for advice. She then called one of her servants and asked him to deliver the letter as quickly as possible. “Doctor Bellario will give you books, papers and clothes,” Portia told her servant. “You must bring all these to me in Venice.” “1 will do exactly as you tell me,” the servant said, and hurried away. “Come, Nerissa. We have work to do,” Portia said to her maid. “We will see our husbands very soon.” “Really, my lady? And will they see us?” Nerissa asked. “They will see us, but they will not know us,” Portia said with a smile. “Because we will be disguised as young men.” “Young men, my lady? I do not understand,” Nerissa said. “We will leave for Venice very soon,” Portia said. “There, we’ll put on my cousin Bellario’s clothes. We’ll be disguised as young lawyers. I must try to save Bassanio’s friend.” 4 Венецианский купец. КЛЧ 10 кл. 21 22 In Venice, Antonio’s trial was taking place in the court. The judge, the Duke of Venice, was talking to Antonio. “You have made a terrible enemy, Antonio,” he said. “Shylock is not able to be kind.” “I do not know why I should be kind,” Shylock said. “We had an agreement, and now I want my payment.” “But Antonio can give you the money'now,” said the Duke. “I do not understand why you will not take it.” “Antonio has been unkind and cruel to me,” snarled Shylock. “Many times he has called me a dog. Now he knows I have teeth and can bite. And I will have my pound of flesh.” “Shylock, I can give you twice the money,” Bassanio cried. “For three thousand ducats, here is six.” “If you offered six times six thousand, I would not take it,” Shylock replied slowly. “I will take a pound of Antonio’s flesh.” Just then, Portia and Nerissa walked quickly into the court, disguised as young men. Portia spoke to the Duke in a loud voice. “My lord,” she said. “My name is Balthazar and I am a lawyer. I have come from Bellario, to defend the man Antonio. I know all the details of this case.” “You are very welcome. Please speak to the court,” the Duke said. “The law of Venice is on Shylock’s side,” Portia said. “If he wants, he can take his pound of flesh.” “These are fine words, young man,” Shylock said. “Now I will have Antonio’s heart.” “No!” cried Bassanio. “Oh, Antonio, I would give everything I have, even my wife, to save you!” “Your wife would not be happy to hear that,” said Portia, with a smile. Shylock was impatient. “Enough!” he shouted. “I am ready to take my payment!” “Wait,” said Portia. “Take your pound of flesh, but you must take only flesh. You must not take any blood.” “But that is not possible,” Shylock cried. “I cannot take his heart without taking blood!” “Also, asking for a pound of flesh makes you a murderer,” Portia said. “You must give away all your money, and pay for your crime with your life.” “But this is not fair,” Shylock cried. “I did no wrong.” “Wait, wait,” said Antonio. “Let Shylock live. Let him keep half of his money, and give the rest to his daughter, Jessica.” “Do you agree to this, Shylock?” Portia asked. “Yes, yes,” Shylock muttered. “What else can I do? Of course I agree.” He walked quietly out of the court with his head down. 23 Everyone in the court was very happy. Bassanio and Antonio walked over to Portia and Nerissa. Gratiano was with them. “You saved my friend!” Bassanio said. “How can I ever thank you?” “It is not necessary to thank me,” Portia said. “It is my job.” “But I must pay you for saving my friend’s life,” Bassanio said. “Here, please take this bag of gold.” “No, no, I do not want your gold,” Portia said. “But let me give you some small thing,” said Bassanio. “So you can remember Antonio’s trial in Venice.” “Very well,” said Portia. “You can give me your ring.” “I would give you anything, except that,” Bassanio said. “This is my wedding ring, a gift from my wife. I promised her I would never take it off.” Portia smiled, and she and Nerissa left the court. “Bassanio, my friend, let him have the ring,” Antonio said. “He deserves it. Think of what he did. It is a very small payment for my life.” “Antonio is right,” said Bassanio. “Gratiano, take this ring and give it to the lav/yer with my thanks.” 24 Bassanio took the ring off his finger and gave it to Gratiano, who ran after Portia and Nerissa. He stopped them and gave Portia the ring. Portia smiled when she saw it. Nerissa smiled too. “I will see if I can get my husband’s ring,” she whispered to Portia. “Lord Gratiano, I am sure you are pleased with our work,” said Nerissa. “Do you want to thank me, too?” “Yes, of course,” Gratiano replied. “But what can I give you?” “Your ring will be a good payment for me,” Nerissa said with a smile. Gratiano didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to give away his wedding ring, because he had promised Nerissa that he would never take it off. But he wanted to repay the young man. He took off the ring and gave it to Nerissa. “Please, take the ring, and all my thanks,” he said. When Gratiano had gone, Portia laughed. “Our husbands will tell us that they gave their rings to men,” she said. “See how easily they have broken their promises! Now I think we can have some fun with them.” 25 Portia and Nerissa returned home to Belmont, with their husbands’ rings. Soon after, Bassanio and Gratiano arrived with Antonio. Antonio had heard that his ships were safe, and he was very happy. “You are very welcome home, my lord Bassanio,” Portia said. ^ “My dearest Portia, I want you to meet Antonio,” Bassanio said. “This is the friend who put himself in danger, so I could come to Belmont and ask you to marry me.” “Sir, you are more welcome than 1 can say,” Portia said. “Gratiano,” Nerissa said suddenly. “Where is the ring that I gave to you?” “My dear Nerissa, please forgive me,” Gratiano said. “I gave it to a young man.” “You promised to wear that ring forever,” Nerissa said. “Gratiano, that was a terrible thing to do,” Portia said. “What can I tell Portia about my ring?” Bassanio said quietly to himself. “Perhaps I could cut off my hand and say I lost the ring in a fight.” “I do not believe you gave the ring to a man. I think you gave it to another woman,” Nerissa said. “I did not give the ring to a woman,” Gratiano said to Nerissa. “Bassanio gave his ring to the lawyer who saved Antonio. I gave mine to the young man who was helping him.” “Is this true, Bassanio?” Portia asked. “It is,” Bassanio replied. “I am so sorry, Portia, but this was the man who saved Antonio’s life.” 26 “Then I am married to this lawyer,” Portia said with a smile. “After all, he is wearing my ring.” “No. You are still my wife. Please, Portia,” Bassanio begged. “I will never break another promise to you again. I swear that upon my life.” “And I swear upon my life that Bassanio will keep that promise. Please believe us, my dearest lady,” Antonio said. “Very well,” said Portia. “Antonio, take this ring, and make sure Bassanio does not lose it this time.” She handed Antonio the ring. “But that’s my ring! I don’t understand,” said Bassanio, taking the ring from Antonio. “What is going on, here?” asked Gratiano, as Nerissa handed him his ring. “Please, Portia, tell us!” “Here is a letter from my cousin, Bellario,” Portia said. “He is a lawyer. It will explain everything.” Bassanio took the letter from Portia and read it. Gratiano and Antonio read the letter over Bassanio’s shoulder. “So, you were the lawyer, and I didn’t know you!” Bassanio said to Portia. “And you were the young man who helped him, and I never knew!” said Gratiano to Nerissa. “We have the cleverest wives in the world, Gratiano!” said Bassanio, laughing. “It is true, and you must always remember it!” said Portia. 27 ~ ^< -=3 ^ -Ji’^ ®Ж®^" -=- ^■■3s::,s^ R!^ '^fc-iifl^ggSShgMlto Ji^_ -c. . r^*:. ■ _;r л^-Л^ T^: ••• - ^*- s; •■ Л = ---. v-^^dSK^ .^.^. ^fd. V" - - jWMjW' By.- . . • :»!^-. . f / . V- ': I'iT'y^'I '■^:^- - \G t;^’ ^ '. r.^ j T :,Vi. I ■^ '^ 'Ч^tf%.r■'■^at^Лfp^^^ ¥}i ■‘^'-г^^!^щпы\-«йь^^ - ^ ^;-V '■Н,у*Ч^^§!ё#'^ _ _ v^ -'r^r-12K1*Lr L Ьлад» я|ф^4и^ щ^^тй ^ ife%\< 1)^, .f?- Я -' jl^V ~ : - "i?";■ _|VI^«1- ripjt firg- -ni^ -7a»;'i:f-&-*Si.#«c*’ f^‘--‘ -v'cirf gt^- .-• . Л‘Hr y^'C ;>c*v giii Я» ■?- 1 r ’5s'r^..^»:- ^il'-V' -^ЛЙЕ^Ч? ra5H!«p^ i^■ L'.^p*Mai€5,’^^^«?st»?fi«e;‘‘-'’ .v... ?г'.-я^'Г«,^ Before you start The Author 1 Where was William Shakespeare born? 2 What job did his father do? 3 What school did Shakespeare go to? 4 What did he study there? 5 How old was Shakespeare when he married? 6 Who did Shakespeare marry? 7 How many children did Shakespeare have? 8 Where did Shakespeare live when he became an actor? 9 Name two other famous plays that he wrote. 10 When did Shakespeare die? Background Correct the sentences. 1 Shakespeare wrote The Merchant of Venice before Romeo and Juliet. 2 The film versions of the play were all made in England. 3 Venice was in the south of Italy. 4 The city of Venice was built on an island. 5 In Venice, people always travelled on horseback. 6 At the time of the story, the sea was a very safe place. 7 Moneylenders in Venice did not charge people interest. The Plot Match the characters with their story. 1 Antonio and A a story of Shylock friendship 2 Bassanio and В a story of Portia revenge 3 Antonio and C a story of love Bassanio The Characters Who’s ... 1 a good man? 2 rich and beautiful? 3 angry? 4 a kind man? 5 a loyal friend? 6 very understanding? 7 rich and successful? 8 worried? 9 unhappy? 10 wise? 11 very clever? a) b) a) b) 30 Episode 1 Episode 2 1 2 3 4 5 Before Reading Look at the title and the pictures. Who are the people? Where are they? What do you think is happening? Which picture shows someone who is: angry, fed up, in love, worried? Listen and read to find out. While Reading _ Read or listen to the episode and mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false). Antonio charged a lot of interest..... Bassanio liked spending money. ....... Shylock often lent people money. ..... Portia was very rich. ..... Antonio agreed to give Bassanio some money. ..... Antonio told Bassanio to borrow money from a moneylender. ............ After Reading Discuss in pairs: • Why does Bassanio want to borrow money? • Do you think it is a good idea to borrow money? • What do you do when you need money? • What do you think is going to happen in the next episode? 1 2 4 5 Before Reading Where are Antonio and Bassanio? Will Shylock lend Bassanio the money? Why (not)? Look at Shylock in the first picture, then in the second. Describe how he looks in both pictures. Why do you think his face changes in the second picture? While Reading Read or listen to the episode and answer the questions. Why doesn’t Shylock want to help Antonio? Why doesn’t Shylock want to eat with Antonio? What agreement do Shylock and Antonio make? Why is Bassanio worried? Why isn’t Antonio worried? After Reading Ц Discuss in pairs: • Why do you think Shylock agrees to lend money to Antonio? • Do you think Antonio did the right thing? Why (not)? • What do you think is going to happen in the next episode? 31 Episode 3 Episode 4 Before Reading Look at the title and the first picture. Who is the man? What do you think Jessica is giving to him? Before Reading Look at the title and the pictures. What do you think the test is for? Look at the second picture. Why do you think Jessica has changed her clothes? While Reading Read or listen to the episode and put the events in the correct order. I I Jessica tells Launcelot her plan. I I Lorenzo tells his friends about Jessica’s plan. ГП Jessica writes a letter to Lorenzo. -I I Jessica climbs down a tree. I I Launcelot takes the letter to Lorenzo. I I Lorenzo and his friends go to Shylock’s house. I I Jessica hands down a box of gold and jewels from the window. I I Launcelot finds Lorenzo and his friends. After Reading In pairs, discuss which of the words below best describe the way Jessica is feeling. Why? • scared • lonely • happy • confused • excited • angry Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1 What is the Prince of Morocco doing in the first picture? 2 How do you think he feels? 3 What is the Prince of Aragon doing in the second picture? 4 What is he thinking when he looks at the picture in the box? While Reading Read or listen to the episode and correct the words in bold. 1 Portia’s father wanted men to pass a trick. 2 Portia was very pleased. 3 Nerissa thinks Portia’s father was a silly man. 4 The Prince of Morocco chose the silver box. 5 The Prince of Morocco found a picture in the box. ^ 6 The Prince of Aragon was sure that he wanted Portia. After Reading . Discuss in pairs: • Why do you think Portia’s father thought of the test? • Do you think it is a silly test, or a clever one? Why? • Which box would you choose? Why? • What do you think is going to happen next? 32 Episode 5 Episode 6 Before Reading Look at the first picture. What is Bassanio doing? Before Reading Look at the pictures and the title. How are they related? Look at the second picture. What do you think is happening here? While Reading Read or listen to the episode and complete the text with the words in the list. • day • lead • picture • wife • test • ring Bassanio arrived at Portia’s house and told her that he wanted to do the 1) .............. Bassanio chose the 2) .............. box, and he found a 3) .......... of Portia inside. He was very happy, and he asked Portia to marry him. She agreed, and she gave him her 4) .......... He promised to wear it forever. Gratiano told Bassanio that he had found a 5) .............. They all planned to get married on the same 6)............ After Reading Answer the questions. 5 6 Look at these subheadings for the episode. What do you think the episode is about? Listen, read and check. • Shylock finds Jessica is missing • Shylock meets Antonio’s friends • Shylock will not be kind to Antonio While Reading Read or listen to the episode and mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false). Shylock knew that Jessica was with Lorenzo. ..... Shylock thinks Salarino and Salanio helped Jessica escape.......... Salanio thinks Shylock and Jessica are alike. ..... Shylock had news of Antonio’s ships. ..... Shylock does not want revenge.......... Salarino and Salanio are worried about Shylock. ..... After Reading 1 Why didn’t Portia want Bassanio to take Discuss in pairs: the test? • Do you think Shylock really loves his 2 Why did Bassanio choose the lead box? daughter? Why (not)? 3 Do you think Portia and Bassanio really • Why is Shylock angry with Antonio? love each other? Why (not)? • Do you think it is good to want 4 What do you think is going to happen in revenge? Why (not)? the next episode? • What do you think is going to happen in the next episode? 33 Episode 7 Episode 8 Before Reading Look at the first picture. Why do you think Bassanio looks worried? Look at the title and the second picture. Who is Portia speaking to? What is she holding in her hand? How could this be connected to the title? Before Reading Which of these things can you see in the first picture? • knife • gun • bell • scales • candles • arch • black shirt • bag of gold • moustache • wooden door • hallway • stained glass window 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 While Reading Read or listen to the episode and answer the questions. Why is Antonio in trouble? What does Portia tell Bassanio to do? Who does Portia write a letter to? Who delivers the letter for Portia? What will Bellario send Portia? What are Portia and Nerissa going to do? After Reading In pairs, answer the questions. How do you think Bassanio feels when he hears Antonio’s news? Why? Why does Portia write to Bellario? Do you think Portia’s plan will work? Why (not)? What do you think is going to happen in the next episode? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Look at the title and the pictures. What do you think is happening? While Reading Read or listen to the episode and say who the words in bold refer to. He is the judge. He wants his payment. She speaks to the court. He is impatient. He is a murderer. He lets Shylock live. After Reading Discuss in pairs: • Why doesn’t Shylock want the money? • How does Portia save Antonio? • How do you think Antonio feels at the end of this episode? • How do you think Shylock feels at the end of this episode? • What do you think is going to happen in the next episode? 34 Episode 9 Episode 10 Before Reading Look at the pictures and the title. Answer the questions. 1 Why do you think Bassanio is happy? 2 Why do you think Gratiano is giving a ring to Portia? 3 Where do you think Shylock has gone? While Reading — Read or listen to the episode and match the speech to the characters. “You saved my friend!” A Nerissa “I do not want your gold.” В Gratiano “Do you want to thank me, too?” C Portia “He deserves it.” D Bassanio “What can I give you?” E Antonio After Reading Discuss the questions in pairs. Why do you think Portia and Nerissa want their husbands’ rings? Do you think the men were right or wrong to give away their rings? Why? Do you always keep your promises? Why (not)? What do you think will happen in the next episode? 1 2 3 4 5 Before Reading Look at the second picture. How do you think the people are feeling? While Reading Read or listen to the episode and choose the correct words. Portia and Nerissa returned to Belmont. Soon, Bassanio and Gratiano 1) left/ arrived with Antonio. Antonio was happy because he was a free man. Nerissa saw that Gratiano was not 2) wearing/ holding his wedding ring, and she pretended to be sad. Gratiano told Nerissa that he and Bassanio had given their rings to the 3) lawyer/ judge and his assistant. Portia pretended to be 4) angry/ happy, and told Bassanio that she was married to the lav/yer now. Portia gave Antonio the 5) ring/letter, and Bassanio was very 6) surprised/ worried. Then, Portia gave Bassanio a letter from Bellario. Bassanio and Gratiano felt 7) silly/clever because they had not known their own 8) husbands/ wives. They realised that Portia and Nerissa were very clever women. After Reading Discuss in pairs: • Did you think Portia and Nerissa’s trick was funny? Why (not)? • Do you think this story has a happy ending for everyone? • What lessons do you think this story teaches us? 35 The Merchant of Venice Final Comprehension Quiz Who wrote The Merchant of Venice? A Jonathan Swift В John Milton C William Shakespeare 2 Where does the story take place? A Belmont C Venice В Venice and Belmont Why is Antonio unable to lend Bassanio money? A He lent it to other people. В His money depended on his ships. C He bought expensive things. How long does Bassanio want the money for? A Three months В Two months C Three weeks 5 Who is Jessica in love with? A Launcelot В Gratiano C Lorenzo The Prince of Aragon chose the box made of.......... A silver В gold C lead When Bassanio married Portia, who did they live with? A Jessica and Gratiano. В Nerissa and Gratiano. C Jessica and Shylock. 8 Bellario is Portia’s A uncle C cousin В grandfather 9 Who was the judge at the court in Venice? A The Duke of Belmont В The Lord of Venice C The Duke of Venice 10 Why did Bassanio offer Portia a bag of gold? A She saved his life. В She saved Nerissa’s life. C She saved his friend’s life. Discuss in groups. • Who is your favourite character? Why? • Which character don’t you like? Why not? • Would you like to be a moneylender? • Would you like to be a lawyer? • What qualities do you need to be a good lawyer? • Do you think it would be a difficult job? • Can you think of a different ending for the story? Tell the class. • Can you think of a different title for the story? Project • Imagine that the story takes place today. Write the story about Shylock. Think about: — where he lives. — where he has an ^ office. — what he wears. — who needs to borrow his money. — why people need to borrow his money. — how the money is repaid. — the ending. Is it a happy ending for Shylock? • Tell the class your story about Shylock. 36 List of Proper naines, Geographical names and Plays PROPER NAMES Salarino /s^larmoo/ Maori /map®ri/ Al Pacino /ael potjmoo/ Shylock /jajlok/ Morocco /marpkoo/ Anne Hathaway /$n haeGawe/ Susanna /suz®na/ New Zealand /nju zi:land/ Antonio /ffintouniou/ The Duke of Venice /За Ьзу:к av Stratford-upon-Avon /stratja'^d Balthazar /bffil6oza;7 venis/ apon eiv®n/ Bassanio /basanioo/ William Shakespeare /w|ljam Venice /venis/ Bellaho /balariou/ |akspia7 Gratiano /grae]ia:noo/ PLAY Hamnet /hamnat/ GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES A Midsummer Night’s Dream /a Jessica /cfeesika/ Arragon /жгадап/ midSAma'^ naitj dri:m/ Judith /d3u:di6/ Belmont /belmont/ Hamlet /h®mlat/ Launcelot /Iqinsalot/ French /frentf/ Macbeth /такЬеб/ Lorenzo /larenzoo/ Indian /Indian/ Romeo and Juliet /rpomioo and Mary Arden /meari g'dan/-^ Italy /rtali/ d3u;liat/ Nerissa /narcsa/ King Edward VI Grammar School The Merchant of Venice /За Portia /poJfa/ /kjo edwad За siks0 grsma'' тз/tjant av venis/ Salanio /saignioo/ skul/ Word List EPISODE 1 merchant (n) = sb who buys and sells things plenty of (phr) = a lot of turn to sb (phr V) = to ask sb for help to be in trouble (expr) = to have problems to be willing (to do sth) (expr) = to be happy to do sth to lend (v) = to give sth to sb for a short time, expecting to get it back to borrow (v) = to get sth from sb for a short time, expecting to give it back interest (n) = money you pay to borrow money to charge (v) = to ask an amount of money for sth to respect (v) = to have a high opinion of expensive (adj) = that costs a lot of money to have expensive taste (expr) = to like expensive things I don’t mind (expr) = it is not a problem for me to get on with (sb) (phr v) = to have a good relationship to make a profit (expr) = to get extra money instead (adv) = in place of to argue (v) = to speak angrily and disagree to succeed (v) = to have the ending/ result you want wealthy (adj) = having a lot of money to propose (v) = to ask sb to marry you to pay back (phr v) = to give sb the money you owe them to owe (v) = you owe sb money if you have borrowed money from them EPISODE 2 ducat (n) = an Italian gold coin to depend (v) = if one thing depends on another, the first thing will be affected by the second storm (n) = very bad weather to destroy (v) = to damage completely to sink (v) = to fall to the bottom of the sea pirate (n) = a person in a ship who attacks other ships to trust (sb) (v) = to believe that sb is telling the truth to get to know sb (expr) = learn more about sb to do business (expr) = to buy, sell, lend or borrow to insult (sb) (V) = to be impolite to sb to be in sb’s power = if you are in sb’s power, that person can control you to realise (v) = to understand to get your own back (phr v) = to do sth bad to sb who has already done sth bad to you to agree (to sth) (v) = to say you will do sth joke (n) = sth that makes people laugh to repay (sb) (v) = to give sb the money you owe them pound (n) = a unit of weight (= 454 grams) flesh (n) = the part of the body between the skin and the bones to gasp (v) = to breathe in quickly through your mouth (when you are surprised) to sign (v) = to write your name agreement (n) = a piece of paper describing what two people have agreed to do within (prep) = before the end of to dip (v) = to put sth quickly into a liquid ink (n) = coloured liquid used for writing EPISODE 3 writing desk (n) = a special table for writing to sigh (v) = to breathe out slowly and noisily through your mouth (when you are feeling sad) strict (adj) = a strict person e.g. a parent or a teacher, wants children to be very good all the time mean (adj) = sb who is mean does not like spending money greedy (adj) = sb who is greedy wants a lot of money to seem (v) = to look as if secret (n) = sth you do not tell other people about 37 to escape (v) = to get away from a place where you do not want to be to be ashamed of sb (expr) = to be angry or disappointed with sb because they behave badly horrible (adj) = very bad to keep your promise (expr) = to do sth you said you would do to disguise yourself (v) = to put on different clothes so that people will not know you jewel (n) = an expensive stone e.g. a diamond embarrassed (adj) = if you are embarrassed, you feel bad because you think you look silly Love is blind (expr) = if you are in love with sb, you do not see the bad things in that person EPISODE 4 to design (sth) (v) = to plan sth lead (adj) = a heavy grey metal to choose (v) = to decide which person/ thing you want wise (adj) = a wise person has a lot of experience, and gives good advice to glitter (v) = to shine to deserve (v) = e.g. a student who has worked hard deserves a high mark in the exam; a student who has not worked deserves a low mark clown (n) = a person who works in a circus and does silly things to make people laugh EPISODE 5 to risk (v) = if you risk sth important e.g. your money or your life, you are in a situation where you might lose it to own (sth) (v) = if you own sth, it is yours to hold your breath (expr) = to stop breathing for a few seconds because you are waiting for sth very important to happen to join (sb) (v) = if you join sb or a group of people, you walk over and stand beside them EPISODE 6 to run away (v) = to leave a place secretly because you are unhappy there missing (adj) = gone to miss (sb) (v) = to feel sad about sb you do not see any more news (n) = information to pretend (v) = if you pretend, you make people think that sth is true when it isn’t to growl (v) = to make a noise like an angry dog your own flesh and blood (expr) = your own flesh and blood is your family to whisper (v) = to speak very quietly, so that people cannot hear you lost (adj) = disappeared ready (adj) = prepared to steal (sth) (v) = to take sth that is not yours revenge (n) = hurting sb who has hurt you EPISODE 7 to turn white (expr) = to become white to explain (v) = to give details about sth, to make it easy to understand to set sail (v) = to leave a port law (n) = the system of official rules in a country Doctor of Law (n) = person who teaches law in a university advice (n) = if you give sb advice, you tell them what you think they should do to deliver (sth to sb) = to take a letter to a person to hurry (V) = to move more quickly than normal lawyer (n) = the job of a lawyer is to advise people about the law and help them in court to save (sb) (v) = to stop sb being killed or injured EPISODE 8 trial (n) = a meeting in a court where a judge decides whether a person is guilty of a crime court (n) = the place where a trial takes place judge (n) = the person who controls a trial in a court enemy (n) = a person you do not like and who does not like you kind (adj) = a kind person helps other people payment (n) = money that is paid unkind (adj) = not kind cruel (adj) = very unkind, or hurting people to snarl (v) = when a dog snarls, it shows its teeth and makes an angry sound to defend (v) = to show that sb has not done anything wrong detail (n) = a piece of information about sth to be welcome (expr) = if you say that sb is welcome, you mean that you are happy to see them to be on sb’s side (expr) = to agree with sb impatient (adj) = an impatient person does not like waiting murderer (n) = sb who has killed sb crime (n) = sth that is wrong and against the law to mutter (v) = to speak quietly when you are not happy about sth EPISODE 9 to be necessary (expr) = if sth is necessary, you have to do it to remember (v) = if you remember sb, you have a picture of them in your mind wedding ring (n) = a special ring you wear when you are married to promise (v) = to say you will do sth to break your promise (expr) = not to do sth that you said you would do EPISODE 10 to forgive (sb) (V) = not to be angry wth sb when they have done sth wrong forever (adv) = for all time in the future to lose (v) = not be able to find fight (n) = when two or more people hit each other to beg (v) = to ask when you want sth very badly to swear (v) = to make a serious promise shoulder (n) = the top of your arms, beside your neck clever (adj) = a clever person can understand things easily and plan things well 38 Characters: Antonio Salarino Salanio Bassanio Shylock Jessica Launcelot Lorenzo Gratiano Portia Nerissa Prince of Morocco (PofM) Prince of Aragon (PofA) Balthazar Duke of Venice Narrator(s): At least one student dressed in black T-shirt and trousers/ leggings SONG: Our Story Come and hear us tell a tale Of life in Venice long ago The tale of Shylock’s evil plan And how he tricked Antonio CHORUS: It’s a story of friendship and love It’s a story of terrible greed It’s a story of keeping your word And helping your friends in need So let us tell you all a tale And listen to us carefully There are many things to learn About how we should try to be REPEAT CHORUS Scene 1 (A street in Venice) Narrator: Antonio was a rich merchant. He lived in Venice and he made his money by buying and selling things. He was a kind man, who always tried to help his friends. Salarino: What’s the matter, Antonio? You look sad. Salanio: I think he is worried about his ships. They are all at sea, and he doesn’t know when they will come home. Bassanio: Antonio, don’t be sad. I have wonderful news. Antonio: What is your news, Bassanio? Bassanio: I am in love with a beautiful woman. Her name is Portia. She is also very rich. Antonio: Does Portia love you, too? Bassanio: I think so. Sometimes when she looks at me, I see love in her eyes. 39 Scene 2 Part 1 (Shylock’s office) Antonio: That is wonderful news. Are you going to marry her? Bassanio: That is the problem. I want to marry her, but I need money. 1 can’t ask her to marry me when I do not have any money. Antonio: But 1 lent you some money last month. Bassanio: 1 know, but I spent it on a huge party. Can you lend me some more money? Then I can go to Portia and ask her to marry me. Antonio: I want to help you, my friend, but I have no money to give you. Bassanio: Oh dear. How can I marry Portia? Antonio: 1 have an idea. You can use my name to borrow money from one of the moneylenders in Venice. I will pay the money back when my ships return. Bassanio: Oh, Antonio, thank you. You are the best friend in the world! Antonio: Come, let us find a moneylender. Narrator: Antonio took Bassanio to meet Shylock. Shylock was - a moneylender, and he was also the meanest man in Venice. Everybody hated Shylock, and Shylock hated everybody. Bassanio: Shylock, will you lend me three thousand gold pieces? Shylock: 1 can give you the money, but how do I know you will pay me back? Antonio: My ships are at sea, but I can pay you the money as soon as they return. 1 will pay any interest you want. Shylock: I don’t trust you. Bassanio: My friend is an honest man, and a good man. Why don’t you come and eat with us, so that you can get to know him? — Shylock: 1 will not eat with him. 1 will walk and talk with him, and I will do business with him, but I will not eat with him. Bassanio: But why not? Shylock: He hates me because he hates moneylenders who charge interest. Now he needs money, he comes to me for help. Antonio: I do need your help. You don’t like me, but you must trust me. Shylock: I don’t know. How can I trust you? Antonio: I promise to pay you your money. If I break my promise, you can take anything you like from me. 40 SONG: What Makes the World go Around? Scene 2 Part2(Shylock’s house) Shylock: Antonio: Shylock: Bassanio: Shylock: Antonio: Shylock: Bassanio: Antonio: Bassanio: Antonio: Shylock: Bassanio: Narrator: Perhaps this is my chance to play a trick on Antonio. I hate him, and I want to hurt him. He has hurt me. Tell me, Shylock, what do you think? I will give you the money. That is very kind of you, Shylock. We are friends, now, and we can make an agreement between friends. Of course. You will pay me my money in three months. If you don’t pay, you must let me take a pound of flesh from your body. Do you agree? Antonio! Don’t agree to this! Shylock is mad! It will never happen. It is just a friendly agreement. Anyway, my ships will be home soon and I can pay Shylock the money. I hope you are right, Antonio. Of course I am right! Do not worry, my friend! Then let us shake hands. I do not like this agreement at all. I am afraid for Antonio. Shylock is mean, and I do not trust him at all. Shylock thinks that gold is the most important thing in the world. But is money really important? Some people dream of jewels Some people dream of gold But the only thing that matters Is something we can’t hold CHORUS: What makes the world go around? It isn’t gold or greed To make the world go around Love is all you need Money can buy many things To help you live in style But jewels can’t make you happy And gold can’t make you smile REPEAT CHORUS V V V ♦> ♦> ♦> ♦: Narrator: Shylock had a daughter. Her name was Jessica, and she was young and pretty. Jessica hated her father. 41 Scene 2 Parts (A street in Venice) Scene 2 Part 4 Jessica: Dear Launcelot. This house is so boring, but you make me laugh. You are a good friend, and I will be sad to leave you. Launcelot: Are you leaving, my lady? Jessica: Yes. I am in love with Lorenzo! 1 am going to marry him and leave Venice. Launcelot: Lorenzo is a good man, but are you sure you want to run away? Jessica: Yes, I am sure! My father is evil and mean, and I don’t want to stay here with him. Launcelot: He will be angry when he sees you have gone. Jessica: I know, but I don’t care. I am ready to go. My plans are in this letter. Will you please take it to Lorenzo? Launcelot: Of course, my lady. Narrator: Launcelot found Lorenzo and his friends, Salanio, Salarino and Gratiano, in the square. They were talking and making plans. Lorenzo: We must get ready to help Jessica escape. We must ' leave now, and then meet again in two hours. Launcelot: Excuse me. I have a letter for you from Jessica. Lorenzo: Thank you. Tell Jessica that I will keep my promise. Salarino: What does it say, Lorenzo? Lorenzo: Jessica is very clever. She will dress as a boy and escape from her father’s house tonight while he is out. Gratiano: What a clever plan! Lorenzo: She will bring some of his gold and jewels, so we will have enough money to start our life together. Salanio: Wonderful! Shylock will be very angry! He loves his gold more than he loves his daughter! Lorenzo: We will sail with Bassanio when he leaves for Belmont tonight. Gratiano: Then we must hurry! We will meet at Shylock’s house in two hours! Lorenzo: Thank you my friends! See you soon! Narrator: Later that night, the four friends met outside Shylock’s house. Jessica: Here! Take this box. It is my father’s gold and jewels! 42 SONG: Love is Bfind Salarino: It is heavy! Help me, Salanio! Lorenzo: Now climb down to me, my love! Jessica: I am embarrassed! I am wearing boys’ clothes. I don’t want you to see me like this! Lorenzo: Don’t worry! I don’t care what you look like. I love you, and I always think you are beautiful! Jessica: That is because love is blind, and lovers do not see! Lorenzo: Bassanio’s ship is leaving tonight! We must hurry. Gratiano: Yes, come oaeveryone! Let’s go! Narrator: So Jessica left Shylock’s house and sailed to Belmont with Lorenzo. They loved each other, and that was all that mattered. But is love really blind? When we look in the mirror We all see problems there We want to change our faces Our bodies, or our hair CHORUS: The one who loves you only sees The perfect dream of you In their eyes you are beautiful Because their love is true Forget about your hairstyle Or the lines upon your face For you’re a special person That no one can replace REPEAT CHORUS Scene 3 (A room in Portia’s house) Narrator: In her house in Belmont, Portia was very unhappy. She wanted to get married, but there was one small problem. Portia: Oh, Nerissa, I wish I could find the right man to marry. Nerissa: But there are many men who want to marry you, my lady. Portia: I do not love any of those silly men. I want to choose my own husband. Nerissa: No, my lady. You must do what your father asked before he died. Find a man who can pass your father’s test. Portia: It is a silly test! 43 Nerissa: PofM: Portia: PofM: Nerissa: PofM: Portia: Nerissa: PofM: Portia: PofA: Portia: PofA: Nerissa: PofA: Nerissa: PofA: Portia: Nerissa: Bassanio: No, it is very clever. To marry you, a man must ' choose between three boxes - gold, silver and lead. That way, you know what he truly wants. The man who chooses the right box will be the man you love. But I already know who I love. I love Bassanio, and I think he loves me, too. Then he must pass the test. But first, there are two other men here who want to try. Who are they? The first man is the Prince of Morocco, and the second is the Prince of Aragon. Then send in the Prince of Morocco. Dear Portia. Let me try to pass your father’s test. I am sure I can do it. If you choose the wrong box, you can never marry, and you can never see me again. I know that, but I still want to try. Very well. Here are the three boxes. Ah, there are words on each box. “The man who chooses me will get what many men want.” Well, many men want Portia. You must think carefully. 1 will choose the gold box. “All that glitters is not gold. Often have you heard that told.” Oh dear, you failed the test. Now you must leave. Prince. Very well. Goodbye, sweet Portia. Send in the Prince of Aragon. Lady Portia, I am ready to take your father’s test. I am sure I will pass. Here are the boxes. Let me see ... “The man who chooses me will get what he deserves.” Think carefully. You must not rush. I am sure I deserve Portia. I choose the silver box. But what is this? It’s a picture of a clown. Is this what I deserve? What a foolish test! Goodbye, Lady Portia, and good luck. How can I ever find a husband? No man can pass this test! The right man will pass it. Just wait and see. Portia! You look more beautiful than ever! 44 Portia: Bassanio! It’s so good to see you! Bassanio: 1 have come to take your father’s test! Portia: Oh, Bassanio! Please don’t try today. If you fail the test 1 can never see you again. 1 don’t want you to go away forever. Bassanio: Don’t worry. 1 love you, and 1 know 1 am the right man to marry you. Portia: Very well. Here are the three boxes. Bassanio: Let me see ... gold, silver or lead? What are the words on the lead box? Nerissa: It says: “The man who chooses me must risk everything he has.” Bassanio: Then 1 choose the lead box. 1 am not afraid to risk everything for you, Portia. ... It is a picture of Portia! 1 passed the test! Portia: Oh, well done, Bassanio! Bassanio: Oh, dear Portia! Will you marry me? Portia: Of course, 1 will. Bassanio: Are you sure? 1 do not have much money, and 1 can’t give you jewels or expensive gifts. Portia: Those things don’t matter to me. 1 love you because you are a good man, and because you truly love me. Bassanio: Oh, Portia, 1 love you, too. Portia: You must take this ring. When you wear it, and look at it, you will know that 1 will love you, and only you, forever. Bassanio: 1 will wear it forever. Portia: Nerissa, Gratiano, we are going to get married! Gratiano: Then you are not the only ones. 1 have just asked Nerissa to marry me, and she agreed. Portia: That’s wonderful news! We have all found true love. Bassanio: 1 hope we will always be happy. I’m sure I’ll be happy for as long as 1 live. Why don’t we all get married on the same day? Gratiano: What a clever idea! Narrator: So, Bassanio married Portia, because he was not afraid to risk everything. Is that what true love means? ж ж ж 45 SONG: Take a Chance on Love Love is never easy It has its ups and downs Love has good and bad times It brings you smiles and frowns CHORUS: Don’t be afraid to show your love Don’t be afraid to fall You have to take a chance on love You have to risk it all Love’s a roller coaster It can take you high and low You have to take your chances And just let yourself go REPEAT CHORUS Scene 4 (A street In Venice) 46 Narrator: Back in Venice, Salarino and Salanio were walking in the town when they heard some bad news. Some ships were lost at sea. Salanio: Do you think they are Antonio’s ships? Salarino: I hope not. All of Antonio’s money depends on his ships. If he loses them, he will be in trouble. Salanio: We must find him and tell him the news. Shylock: My daughter is gone! My gold! My jewels! They are gone! Salarino: Look, it’s Shylock. What do you think he wants? Shylock: Where is my daughter? Salarino: What are you talking about? Shylock: Don’t pretend that you don’t know! I lost gold and jewels because of you, and I lost my own flesh and blood! Salarino: You and Jessica do not have the same flesh and blood! Jessica is kind, and you are mean. No wonder she wanted to run away! Shylock: I know you helped her escape! You will be sorry! So will your friend, Antonio. ' Salanio: Why will Antonio be sorry? Shylock: Antonio and I have an agreement. He owes me money, and his ships are lost! When his three months are over, I will have a pound of his flesh! Salanio: Why do you want a pound of his flesh? Shylock: I will use it to catch fish! Salarino: You are a horrible man! Shylock: Am 1? Antonio takes my money, laughs at me, and helps his friend to steal my daughter. SONG; Forgive and Forget Scene 5 (A room in Portia’s house) Salarino: Shylock: Salanio: Shylock: Narrator: What are you talking about now, Shylock? He thinks I’m bad because I charge interest, but I must make a living. I am not a merchant and I have no ships like him. I want revenge when people hurt me. Antonio didn’t hurt you. Yes, he did, and I want revenge. He is in trouble. Big trouble! Shylock wants revenge. But will that really make him happy? When somebody hurts you badly It’s easy to be upset The hardest thing that you can do Is to forgive and forget CHORUS: Forgive and forget those people Who make you feel sad or small Show them that you are stronger And you can stand proud and tall Revenge seems like a good thing A way to make people pay But revenge makes you as bad as them There must be a better way REPEAT CHORUS ♦> ♦> Narrator: Three months passed. One day, Bassanio received a letter from Antonio. Bassanio; Oh no! Portia: What is wrong, my love? Bassanio: Oh, sweet Portia. I have terrible news. My friend Antonio is in trouble. Portia: What kind of trouble? Bassanio: He borrowed money for me from Shylock, and they made a terrible agreement. Portia: What was the agreement? Bassanio: Shylock wanted to take a pound of Antonio’s flesh if he didn’t get his money. Now Antonio’s ships are lost, and he is in trouble. Shylock wants to take his heart! Portia: Then you must help him! I will give you the money to pay Shylock. Don’t let your friend suffer because of you! 47 SONG: A Friend Indeed Bassanio: Portia: Bassanio: Nerissa: Portia: Nerissa: Portia: Portia: Balthazar: Portia: Balthazar: Nerissa: Portia: Nerissa: Portia: Narrator: Oh, thank you, my love. I am so afraid for Antonio! Don’t worry. Everything will be alright. You must bring Antonio with you when you return. I want to meet him. Come, Gratiano! We will leave at once. Goodbye, sweet Portia. What is wrong, my lady? You look worried. I told Bassanio that everything would be alright, but the truth is that I am afraid for his friend. I must think of a plan to help Antonio. You will think of something. You are right! I have an idea. Balthazar! Please take this letter to my cousin, Bellario. He is a lawyer, and a very clever man. Of course, my lady. He will give you books, papers and clothes. You must bring them to me in Venice as fast as you can. I understand. But what are we going to do? We will travel to Venice and dress in men’s clothes. We will pretend to be lawyers and save Antonio. What a clever idea! Shylock will not take his pound of flesh. Just wait and see. Portia wants to help Antonio. Does that make her a good friend? If you are a loyal friend And if you really care When your friends are in trouble You’ll always be there CHORUS: If you can give help to your friends In their time of greatest need They’ll never forget what you did And you’ll have a friend indeed Can you be a loyal friend In good times and in bad? Will you be there for your friends When they’re lost or sad? REPEAT CHORUS 48 Scene 6 (The courtroom) Narrator; Duke: Shylock; Bassanio: Duke: Shylock; Portia: Duke: Portia: Bassanio: Portia: Shylock: Portia: Shylock: Bassanio: Portia: Shylock: Portia: Portia and Nerissa arrived in Venice on the day of the trial between Antonio and Shylock. The judge was the Duke of Venice. He was a good man, and he was fair. Antonio has the money now. Why won’t you take it, Shylock? We had an agreement! I don’t want money! I want a pound of his flesh! Please, Shylock. We will give you double the money we borrowed. Double the money! Take it, Shylock, and forget this terrible agreement. No! I want justice! 1 want Antonio’s heart! Give me my pound of flesh! If you do not, you are breaking the law of this country! Wait! 1 am Balthazar, the lawyer. This is my assistant. We are here to defend Antonio. Then you must speak to the court, sir. Antonio borrowed three thousand gold pieces from Shylock. Shylock gave Antonio three months to pay back the money, but Antonio did not pay. This is not fair! Antonio has the money now, but Shylock will not take it! No! Shylock and Antonio had an agreement. Antonio did not pay the money, so Shylock wants a pound of Antonio’s flesh. ! want to take his heart! Very well, sir. Shylock does not want money now. It is too late. The agreement says that he can have his pound of flesh. These are fine words! What a wonderful lawyer you have, Antonio! Oh, Antonio, what can we do now? I would give anything, even my wife, to save you. I’m sure your wife would not be happy to hear that! Enough! Stop talking! I am ready to take my payment! Very well. You can take your pound of Antonio’s flesh, but you can only take flesh. You must not take any blood from Antonio’s body. But that’s not possible! How can I take his heart without blood? That is your problem. However, asking for Antonio’s heart makes you a murderer by Venetian law. What? I am not a murderer! 49 SONG: Crime Doesn’t Pay Portia: You know that you will kill Antonio when you take his heart, but you want to do it anyway. That makes you a murderer. Duke: She is right, Shylock. Portia: As a murderer, you must give away all your money and pay for your crime with your life. Shylock: No! This is not fair! Duke: I’m afraid it is the law. We mustn’t break the law of this country, Shylock! Antonio: Wait! 1 forgive Shylock. Let him live, and let him keep half of his money. He must give the other half to his daughter. Duke: Do you agree, Shylock? Shylock: I have no choice. Of course I agree. You are all thieves, but what can I do? Duke: You can go home, and write to your daughter. Tell her she is a rich woman now! Shylock: Bah! Bassanio: I don’t believe it! You saved my friend’s life! How can I ever thank you? Portia: You do not need to thank me. I am a lav/yer. It is my job to argue in court. Bassanio: But I want to give you something. Will you take this bag of gold? Portia: No, no. I do not want gold. Bassanio: Please, tell us what you want. Portia: Very well. I will take your ring. Bassanio: I cannot give you this. It was a gift from my wife. I promised her that I would wear it forever. Portia: Then we will say goodbye. Come, let us leave. Antonio: Why didn’t you give the ring to the lawyer? He deserves it. He saved my life. Bassanio: You are right. Gratiano, please take the ring to the lawyer. Give it to him with my thanks. v- Narrator: Shylock wanted justice, and that is what he got. People always pay for their crimes. Think about the things you do We pay for all our sins The things you do come back to you And justice always wins 50 Scene 7 (An inn) SONG; A Promise is Forever CHORUS: Remember to be honest You know crime doesn’t pay You’ll have to pay for all your crimes No matter what you say If you try to break the law You’ll pay your whole life long For in your heart you’ll know for sure That you did something wrong REPEAT CHORUS Narrator: Gratiano hurried to the lawyer’s rooms to give the lawyer Bassanio’s ring. Gratiano: Bassanio asked me to give you this, and to thank you again for all your help today. Portia: Thank you. That is very kind. You see how easily my husband forgets his promises? Nerissa: Yes, my lady! I’ll see if I can get my husband’s ring. Watch and seel ... Do you remember me, sir? Gratiano: Of course. You are the lawyer’s assistant. Nerissa: Do you want to thank me, too? Gratiano: I do, but what can I give you? Nerissa: You can give me your wedding ring. Gratiano: But I promised to wear this forever. I love my wife, and I can’t break my promise. Nerissa: Then you cannot thank me. Gratiano: Wait! Take the ring. I must thank you for all your help. Portia: Our husbands do not keep their promises. Never mind. Now we can have some fun with them! Narrator: Bassanio and Gratiano both broke the promises they made to their wives. But did they do the right thing? When you make a promise Your words must not be cheap For promises are special They are things that you must keep CHORUS: A promise is forever You must keep it in your heart When you are together And when you’re far apart 51 Don’t forget your promises That’s where troubles start For a promise is forever You must keep it in your heart Never break a promise When you make one to a friend Because to break a promise Is to see a friendship end REPEAT CHORUS Scene 8 (A room in Portia’s house) 52 Narrator: Portia and Nerissa returned to Belmont. Soon after they were home, Bassanio and Gratiano arrived with Antonio. Bassanio: My dear Portia. This is my best friend, Antonio. He is a free man. Antonio: It is true. I am free, and I am happy, because my ships did not sink after all. They returned to Venice, and now I am rich again. Nerissa: Gratiano! Where is your wedding ring? Gratiano: My dear Nerissa, I am so sorry. I gave my ring to the lawyer’s assistant. I wanted to thank him for helping to save Antonio. Nerissa: Oh, Gratiano! You are lying to me! You don’t love me! You gave your ring to another woman! Bassanio: What am I going to do? Portia will be angry if she knows I gave her ring to the lawyer. I must think of an excuse. Gratiano: Nerissa, you must believe me. I gave my ring to the lawyer’s assistant, and Bassanio gave his to the lav^er! Bassanio: Thank you, my friend! Now we are both in trouble! Portia: Is this true, Bassanio? Did you give my ring to a lawyer? Bassanio: My dear, I am so sorry. Can you forgive me? Portia: Well. The lawyer has my ring, so I suppose I am married to the lawyer now. Bassanio: No, Portia! You are still my wife! I promise that I will never break another promise to you as long as I live! Antonio: Please forgive him, Portia. I will make sure that he keeps this promise. Portia: Very well. Take this ring, Antonio. Make sure that Bassanio does not lose it this time. Bassanio: What? That is the ring I gave the lav/yer! How did you get it? I SONG: A Happy Ending Portia: My dear husband! I was the lawyer, and Nerissa was my assistant! Bassanio: I don’t believe it! You saved Antonio! Antonio: Portia, how can I ever thank you? Gratiano: What fools we are! We didn’t even know our own wives! Bassanio: We have the cleverest wives in the world! Portia: You are right, and you must never forget it! All: Ha, ha, ha! We all have problems that make us sad But even when things seem truly bad If you have love and if you have a friend Then things will turn out alright in the end CHORUS: If we are good and help each other If we do what is right We can all have a happy ending We can all find the light Everyone knows that things can go wrong But you can survive them if you are strong Follow your heart and try to be good And things will turn out the way that they should REPEAT CHORUS (x2) 53 А Syllabus " based on " A Common л Express Publishing ISBN 978-5-09-026481-5 785090 ____®______ ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО