Учебник Английский язык 7 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 1

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 7 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Rainbow English (Рейнбоу инглиш):

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о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова (« АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К- М. Баранова т& АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Учебник в двух частях. Часть 1 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации ВЕРТИКАЛЬ МОСКВА Л орофа 2014 VДK ^^73A67A-.81\AVV ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 A94 ^Рд — предлагаемое задание имеет экзаменационный формат Афанасьева, О. В. А94 Английский язык. 7 кл.: в 2 ч. Ч. 1 : учебник / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. — М. ; Дрофа, 2014. — 128 с. : ил. т 1CD. " (Rainbow English). ISBN 978-5-358 11042-7 (ч. 1) ISBN 978-5-358-13697-7 Учебник, созданный известными гпецинли<'тами в области преиодавания ииглий-ского языка, является основным компонентом учебно методического комплекса для 7 класса. Учебник соответствует Федерал bHoм^' государг твенному образовательному сган-дарту основного общего образования, рекомендован Мнниг'герством образования и науки Российской Федерации. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК81.2А11ГЛ 922 Серия «Rainbow English» Учебное издание Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Михеева Ирина Владимировна Баранова Ксения Михайловна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 7 класс в двух частях. Часть 1 Учебник Зав. редакцией Л. Л Беликова. Художественный редактор Л. П. Копачева Художника. Л. Гурьее. Компьютерная верстка Н. В. Зайцева. Корректор Г, Н» в соответствии с Федеральным авконом от 29.12.2010 г. N 436 ФЗ знак ни(}и>рмациониой продукции ив данное издание не стаем гея Сертификат соответстви51 РОСС RU. АЁ51. Н 16508. © Подиисано к печати 30.04.14. Формат 60 > 90 '/«• Бумага <к}и‘етная. Гарнитур>а ♦Школьная*. Печать офсетная. Усл.иеч. л. 16,0. Тираж 7000 экз. Заказ 14-011U9. (ХЮ ♦ДРОФА*. 127254, Москва, Огородный проезд, д. 5, гтр. 2. Предложения и замечания по содержанию и оформлению книги просим направлять в редакцию общего образования н.члателы.'тва оДрофа*: 1272.54, Москва, а я 19. Тел.; (49-5) 795-05-41. E-mail; chief(a drofa.ru По вопросам приобретения продукции издательства «Дрофа* обращаться по адресу: 127254, Москва, 010родпый проезд, д. 5, стр. 2. Тел.; (495) 795-0.V50, 795 05-51. Фикс; (495) 795“< Сайт ООО «ДРОФА*: www.drofa.ru Электронная почта: sales(^drofa.ru Тел.: 8-800-200-U5-50 (звонок по России бесплатный) TNM ТКМГ«1ГЛ>.го .Ноя.‘М«1-гс1* PRINT XflVMfni И4Я ЦИПЛИЖ-Л ч»"* м %. Т. о. Чписка* ervny6nK« wwtw.fnm.i ^ * mri tiimj(Rnmc7 тгп ft PrvCMM’IWX) нИИО DPIl i • Ira V|> 0014 ISBN 978-5-358-11042-7(4. 1) ISBN 978 5 358-13697-7 Book Guide (iw Talking Points 1. School description 2. Coming back to school 3. Homecoming (an American tradition) 4. Education in England, Wales 5. Education in Russia 6. School subjects 7. American school year Grammar Points A 1. Countable and uncountable nouns 2. Partition (a piece of cake etc.) 3 Nouns used only in the plural 4. Articles with nouns like school, church, hospital, prison etc. Vocabulary Points 1. Words for the talking points 2. Word combinations with the noun pair 3. Classroom English 4. Verbs say, tell, speak, talk 5. Verbs with the preposition to 6. Adjectives with the preposition of 7. Phrasal verbs: talk back, talk into, talk over, talk out of 8. Nouns denoting school subjects 9. Word building: the suffix -tion to form nouns Culture and History 1. English as a global language 2. American English 3. Compulsory education in Britain 4. Science as a school subject 5. Marks used in English and Russian schools Consolidation Class 1: pages 37—40 Test Yourself 1: pages 41—43 Project Work 1: page 43 Workbook 7; Unit 1 Reader 7: Section 1 UNIT 2. THE LANGUAGE OF THE WORLD (|9№Ю 44—83) Talking Points 1. Learning English 2. Reasons to learn English 3. The way English developed 4. Variants of the English language 5. English — the language of the planet 6. Dictionaries and what information they give 7. Important languages at different times Grammar Points 1. The present perfect tense 2. The third forms of some irregular verbs 3. Adverbs of time as markers of present perfect 4. Adverbs already and yet in questions 5. Past simple in answers to questions in present perfect 6. Articles with nouns denoting languages 7. Articles with nouns after the intensifier such Vocabulary Points 1. Words for the talking points 2. International words 3. Words to describe likes and dislikes 4. Words dictionary and vocabulary 5. Word building: a) the suffix -less to form adjectives b) the suffix -ing to form nouns 6. Phrasal verbs: hand back, hand in, hand out, hand over Culture and History 1. How languages began 2. Indo-European family of languages 3. Monolingual and bilingual dictionaries 4. Story of English Consolidation Class 2: pages 78—81 Test Yourself 2: pages 81—83 Project Work 2: page 83 Workbook 7: Unit 2 Reader 7: Section 2 UNIT 3. SOME FACTS ABOUT THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD teaes 84—128) Talking Points 1. The USA — a country of immigrants 2. New York 3. Geography of the USA 4. Washington, D.C. 5. Geography of Australia 6. Canberra and Sydney — two major Australian cities 7. Australian flora and fauna Grammar Points 1. Past simple versus present perfect 2. The third forms of some irregular verbs 3. Just and just now as markers of present perfect and past simple 4. Before, many/several times, for the first/second time as markers of present perfect 5. Articles with nouns denoting nationalities Vocabulary Points 1. Words for the talking points 2. Maybe versus may be 3. To have gone to... versus to have been to... 4. Words to express surprise 5. Words to denote nations and nationalities 6. Phrasal verbs: give away, give back, give out, give up 7. Word building: a) the suffix -ly to form adverbs b) the suffix -ly to form adjectives Culture and History 1. Story of the USA 2. Story of Australia 3. Wonders of the US natural world 4. Wonders of Australian natural world 5. Australian Aborigines Consolidation Class 3: pages 121—125 Test Yourself 3: pages 125—128 Project Work 3: page 128 Workbook 7; Unit 3 Reader 7: Section 3 Unit Schools and Schooling’ СЛ r+ 0> T3 step 1 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (1). and read. Say if you feel the same. School, Family and Friends School, family and friends Help me to have a happy day, I always do remember them When I’m far away. School, family and friends Are always in my heart And I’m never sad When we are still apart^. This year we shall have A new successful start. A. Answer these questions about your school. WELCOME BACK 1) Where is your school situated? Is it far from the place where you live? How long does it take you to get to school? Do you walk there? Do you take a bus? 2) Do you have a playground outside your school? Do you have classes there? What games do you play there? 3) What do you usually put on when you go to school? What do you take with you? 4) What is your school like? What are your classrooms like? Do you have school clubs? What are they? What are they like? 5) Do you like your school? Do you want to change anything in it? B. Work in pairs and discuss your own school. Mention the following: • its location and building; • the clubs and activities you have in your school; • the changes you would like to sec there. * schooling — обучение в школе ^ apart [apa:tj — разлучены, в разлуке A. Read the title of the text, look at the picture and say what the text is going to be about. B. Read the text to see if you were right and complete the sentences after it. The First Days at School It’s September, the first week of it. It’s time to go back to school. What do pupils feel when they are at school again? Jason Ronald goes to school in the city where he lives. It’s Chicago, situated in the north of the USA. Jason is fourteen. He is fond of athletics [aeG’letiks] and swimming. This is what Jason says about the first days of school. “I love the long summer vacation' and never want to go back to school when it finishes. I have to be at school at 9.00 a.m. on the first day, but I always leave my house late and I have to run. I try to arrive at school before the bell rings and find my friends. On the first day at school they usually tell each other what they did in summer. We all go to oiir classroom. Our teachers tell us about our new classes and what we are going to do this year. Then we have real classes. The first days of school are like a big party because everybody sees their friends again. I usually like these days the best.” 1) School in America begins ... . a) at the beginning of September b) at the end of August c) on the second week of Septeml>er 2) Jason doesn’t like it when ... . a) summer holidays finish b) autumn comes c) he comes to school early 3) Jason lives in ... . a) a big European city b) a big American city c) a big English city 4) On the first days of school pupils ... . a) talk a lot b) play games a lot c) run a lot 5) Jason’s classes begin at 9 a.m....... a) every day b) on the 1st of September c) on the first day of school 6) Jason thinks the first days of school after holidays are ... . a) the worst b) as good as all other days c) his happiest days at school A, Say what you think about your first days at school. Use the word combinations from the box. Start like this: I like/don’t like going back to school because . * vacation [va'keijn] (AmE) — holidays to be able to see my friends again, to have to get up early, to play and do sports together, to have to do homework, to learn new things, not to be able to play much, to think that holidays are boring, not to be able to go to bed late B. Do you think that summer holidays are better than school? Why? Why not? C What do you think Jason is like? Work in pairs. Look at the picture. Complete the questions and answer them. Example: — This school is new, isn’t it? — Yes, it is. It looks new. v/> fD •D 1) The classroom in the picture isn’t small, ...? 2) You can’t see any desks in the picture, ...? 3) There are a lot of pupils in the classroom, ...? 4) There is no teacher in the classroom, ...? 5) The pupils are sitting at their desks, ...? 6) The teacher is not writing on the blackboard, ...? Look around and describe your classroom. What would you like to change in it? Example: I’d like to have a bigger cupboard. I’d like to have bright yellow walls. Say what teachers and pupils have to do and don't have to do during school hours. come to the lessons on time teach things ' learn things ' keep their classrooms tidy bring their books to classes learn English stay after classes if necessary? help each other with difficult problems do a lot of work do sports and play games Pupils Teachers DO IT Oni YOUR OWN Read Jason's story and write what you think about the first day at school, 8 Jason You? 1) I love long summer holidays. 2) I never want to go back to school. 3) On the first day I have to be at school at 9:00 a.m. 4) I leave my house late and I have to run. 5) I talk to my friends until the bell rings. 6) Our teachers tell us about our new classes and what we are going to do. 7) On the first day we have some real classes too. 8) I usually like the first day at school. 10 Complete the sentences. Make them true. 1) During the new school year I (will/won’t) have to work hard. 2) My friends and I (will/won’t) have to learn a lot of things. 3) I (will/won’t) have to get up earlier than in summer. 4) I (will/won’t) be able to spend as much time outdoors as in summer. 5) But I (will/won’t) be able to see my friends nearly every day. 6) 1 (will/won’t) be able to wear everyday clothes to school. Use the verbs in the right forms to complete the text. Summer is over, autumn is here. But I still remember my summer holidays. 1 can say that I enjoyed them a lot. In June I (1) ... at home, (2) ... my friends and (3) ... to different places of interest in my home town. I (4) ... some good books too. In July my parents (5) ... me to the south, to the sea. It (6) ... the best part of my summer holidays: 1 (7) ... in the sea and (8) ... in the sun on the beach. In August we (9) ... back home. I (10) ... the last summer month with my grandparents in their country house. stay, meet go reati take, be swim lie, come spend step 2 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the text "TV Children", ♦t (2), and complete the sentences below. 1) TV children are children who ... . a) watch a lot of TV b) take part in TV shows 2) TV children work ... . a) with the help of teachers b) on their own 3) TV children have ... classes a week, a) twelve b) twenty 4) TV children have no classes in ... . a) July and August b) August and September 5) They can’t play in TV shows if they ... . a) don’t come from Hollywood b) are not hard-working pupils ro ■D Ni В наши дни английский язык стал языком международного общения. Но английский в Британии имеет отличия от языка, на котором разговаривают в США, Канаде или Австралии. Вот почему говорят о вариантах английского языка, например о британском (British English) и американском (American English). Эти различия ярко проявляются в лексике. British English {ВгЕ): 3) football 4) pupil American English {AmE) 1) holidays 2) autumn 1) vacation [va'keijn] 2) fall [fo:l] 3) soccer ['soka] 4) student A. Read the title of the text. What do you think it means? What is the text going to be about? B. Read the text to see if you were right and complete the sentences after it. Homecoming When American students come back to school after vacation in the fall, they celebrate Homecoming. What is Homecoming? It is a party in American schools and universities. Once a year usually at the beginning of a school year at US schools and universities people who went to these schools before come back for parties and an American football game. This tradition to celebrate Homecoming comes from American universities. Each year, the universities asked old students to “come home’’, to places where they had lessons, and watch a football game. Today, Homecoming is important in American schools too. There is always a big soccer match. There are other interesting things on that day too. There are parades. There is also a Homecoming dance. During the dance students choose the Homecoming king and queen. • • • 1) People celebrate Homecoming 2) They celebrate Homecoming at ... . 3) Those who come to celebrate Homecoming 4) Homecoming is ... . 5) During Homecoming people ... . 6) There are ... on this day too, and a Homecoming dance. 7) During the dance ... . C. What American English words can you find in the text? Read out the sentences with them. 10 A. Say what you can about Homecoming in American schools. B. Do you think it is a good idea to celebrate the beginning of a school year? Why? Why not? If you say yes, • when do you think schools should celebrate it? • should it be a kind of Homecoming? • who would you like to invite? • what would you like to have on this day (a concert, a game; match, a performance, a visit to some place of interest, a party)? Listen, (3), read and remember some useful words. 1) backpack [Ъагкраек] 6) exercise book ['eksasaiz ,buk] 11) pencil case ['pensl ,keis] ШГ 2) brush [ЬглЛ 7) felt-tip (pen) [.felt'hp] 12) pencil sharpener [ pensl Ja:pna] к 5 3) chalk [tJ^Dik] 8) glue [glu:] 13) rubber ['глЬэ] 4) daybook ['deibuk] 9) paints [peints] 14) ruler ['ru:Ia] 5) dictionary ['dikjnri] 10) paper [ peipa] 15) scissors ['sizaz] A. Name these things. 1) You use them when you draw pictures. 2) You use them when you paint pictures. 3) You use it to draw a straight line. 4) You use it to see what a new word means, 5) You do your homework in them. 6) You use it to sharpen pencils. 7) You keep your pens and pencils in it. 8) You write with it on the blackboard. 9) You use them to colour pictures. 10) You use it to take away pencil lines from paper. 11) You cut paper with them. B. Say what you've got in your schoolbag/backpack today. The Noun (Имя The Noun (Имя существительное) Имена существительные в английском языке делятся на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые. По-английски они называются countables (исчисляемые существительные) и uncountables (неисчисляемые существительные). Перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе используются артикли а/ап или the. Перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе используются слова some, any, нулевой или определённый артикль. Неисчисляемые существительные: — не имеют формы множественного числа (butter, milk, water); — сочетаются с глаголом в единственном числе (Snow is white.); — не употребляются с неопределённым артиклем, вместо него часто используются слова some и any (I'd like some soup. I don't want any tea.); — сочетаются со словами much и little, a не few и many, которые сочетаются с исчисляемыми существительными (Have you got much information? They have got little money.). 11 tn r+ Ф X3 r>J Complete the sentences. Use a (an), some, any or no article. 1) There are ... new felt-tips in my pencil case. 2) Have you got ... English dictionary' at home? 3) I’d like to buy ... colour paper and ... brush. 4) I haven’t got ... glue, please give me yours. 5) Are there ... rulers on the teacher’s desk? 6) 1 couldn’t see ... good paints in the shop. 7) We want ... chalk to write with it on the blackboard. 8) You must bring ... daybooks to school every' day. 9) There are ... rubbers of different colours in this box. 10) Please brii\g ... water for the pot plants. 11) Parents teach little children to use ... scissors. Work in groups. Find out how often your friends use these things. Every day? From time to time? Not often? Never? rulers rubbers exercise books dictionaries chalk colour chalk felt-tips glue pencil sharpeners paint brushes paints scissors colour paper pens and pencils colour pencils pencil cases backpacks schoolbags DO IT ON YOUR OWIU Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) Where (is/are) the glue? 2) Can ymu give me (a; some) chalk? 3) Are there (little/few) rulers on the table? 4) Is there (a;any) paper here? 12 5) Are there (many/much) brushes in the box? 6) This is (a/-) glue, and that is (a/-) water. 7) This (is/are) a pencil case, these (is, are) pencils. 8) Give me (a/-) felt-tip pen, please. Spell these words. 1) [peint] 2) ['dikjnri] 3) [ЬглП 4) [ ги:1э] 5) ['глЬэ] 6) ['рефэ] 7) [^э:к] 8) [glu:] 9) [Ъжкраек] 10) r.felt tip] 11) i'siZDZ] 10 Write what you've got in your schoolbag now (5 sentences with new words). Example: There is a pen and some exercise books in it. There are some brushes and some paper in it. Step 3 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (Л (4), and say whose schoolbags they are. Which bag is Julia's and which is Liza's? Say which of these words are countables, which are uncountables? chalk, water, backpack, ruler, rubber, dress, brush, cheese, glue, dictionary, ruler, paper, pencil sharpener, felt-tip What are they like? Describe them: 1) your desk at home; 2) your desk in the classroom before (after) the lesson; 3) your desk at an English lesson; 4) your teacher’s desk; 5) your schoolbag/backpack before going to school; 6) your pencil case; 7) your English room; 8) your shelf (or bookcase) at home. Example: My desk at home is seldom tidy. There are a lot of exercise books and textbooks on it. I’ve got a thick dictionary' on it too. There’s always a bottle of glue, some pens and pencils there. Lucy works in a shop. Today is her first day at work and she doesn't know where things are. Help her. Example: The pens are in the red box. 13 cn fD Ы ^ The Noun (Имя существительное) 1. Когда мы пользуемся неисчисляемыми существительными, нам иногда приходится говорить о части целого. В этом случае полезным может оказаться английское слово piece [pi;s] — кусок, часть чего-либо, кусочек. Например, для английского языка характерны такие сочетания, как: а piece of cake — кусочек торта а piece of chalk — кусочек мела а piece of paper — листок бумаги а piece of music — музыкальное произведение, пьеса а piece of land — участок земли 2. Как вы знаете, целый ряд существительных в английском языке имеют множественное число, но не имеют единственного (shorts, spectacles, trousers etc.). Они обычно обозначают предметы, состоящие из двух половинок. Кроме того, в языке есть слова, которые чаще употребляются во множественном числе, потому что они обозначают парные предметы (boots, socks, gloves etc). В обоих случаях мы часто используем такие существительные в сочетании со словом pair [реэ] — пара: а pair of scissors а pair of mittens a pair of shoes a pair of leggings Обратите внимание на то, что приведённые выше сочетания и им подобные согласуются с глаголом в единственном числе (This pair of mittens is white.), в отличие от имён существительных scissors, shoes, mittens, leggings и т. д., которые всегда согласуются с глаголом во множественном числе. (These mittens are white. These scissors are not good. Those boots were old and dirty.) 14 Listen. (5), and read a piece of work a piece of music a piece of paper a piece of chalk a pair of stockings a pair of mittens a pair of shorts a pair of jeans these word combinations aloud, a piece a piece a piece a piece a pair a pair a pair a pair of bread of butter of cheese of sugar of spectacles of scissors of hands of feet Complete the sentences with the words pair or piece in the right forms. 1) May I ask for a ... of this wonderful cake? 2) We have a lot of work to do and so we’d like to have one more ... of hands. 3) This ... of chalk is very small, I cannot write with it. 4) Helen took a ... of paper and drew a beautiful flower on it. 5) I think you should wear the new ... of shoes to the party. 6) There were three thick ... of bread on the plate. 7) That day I bought six ... of beautiful Christmas socks. 8) Peter was wearing a warm jacket and a strong ... of boots*. 9) Sara couldn’t see well and wore a ... of heavy specs*. 10) Listen! This is my favourite ... of music. A. Listen to the dialogue, (6). Repeat it and then act it out. At the Shop — What can I do for you? — We would like some brushes and paints. I think we shall buy some paper and pencils too. — Any felt-tip pens? — No, thank you. But I want a pencil sharpener and a pencil case, please. — Here you are. — Thank you. pencils,/scissors, glue/chalk pens, exercise books rubbers/rulers pencil sharpeners/dictionaries ruler/backpack felt-tip pen/book of poems B. Make your own dialogues with the words on the right. Act the dialogues out. DO IT OIU YOUR OWIU Write what they are. Example: 1) a pair of spectacles (specs) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, ' a strong pair of boots ^ a pair of strong boots ® specs = spectacles 10 Choose the right words and complete the sentences. 1) (This, Those) trousers (is/are) too long for me. 2) (That/Those) gloves (was/were) not very warm. 3) Where (is/are) my new pair of stockings? 4) There (was/were) a pair of old scissors under the sofa. 5) I don’t like (this/these) pair of leggings. 6) I saw a pair of bright blue eyes that (was/were) looking at me. Write answers to these questions. 1) What can we write with? 2) What can we paint with? 3) Where can we find English words that we don’t know? 4) Where do we write our home exercises? 5) What do we write on the blackboard with? 6) Where do you keep your pens and pencils? 7) What do you like more: schoolbags or backpacks? 15 СЛ r+ n> Step 4 DO IT TOGETHER Peter never puts his things in the right places Where did Peter find them yesterday morning? Look at the pictures, listen, (7), and say what is wrong’ in the pictures. Example: Peter found his schoolbag behind the piano but not under it. Say where you keep these things. 1) exercise books? 2) rubbers? 3) rulers? 4) felt-tips, pens and pencils? 5) paints and brushes? 6) your books? 7) your daybook? 8) your pencil sharpener? 9) glue and paper? 10) your backpack or schoolbag? wron^( [rngj неправильно, неверно Listen, (8), and read A. age [е1ф] — возраст break [breik] — перемена college ['кокф] — колледж pdltX‘atino_Xe^uiy^‘iln\ - n(Snaj4nw«wMp pay [pel] — платить subject ['sAbc^ikt] — учебный предмет term [t3:m] — четверть uniform ['ju:nifo:m] - форма be over ['auva] — заканчивать(ся) primary ['pramiari] school — начальная школа secondary ['sekandari] school — средняя школа В. age: an early age, an old age, at the age of five. In Russia children go to school at the age of six. At what age does school in England begin? break: a long break, a lunch break, a coffee/tea break, to take a break, to work with a break. At one o’clock we had a lunch break, college: to go to college, to be at college. Nansy is a student at the College of Music. education: primary education, secondary education, higher education, to have a good education, to get a good education. Universities in Britain give students higher education. Mrs Morrison wants to give her children a university education. pay (paid): to pay for dinner, to pay in dollars, to pay in roubles, to pay the bill. Can I pay you for this? He is going to pay in dollars. We should remember to pay this bill. subject: school subjects, university subjects, to do a subject. English is my favourite subject. How many subjects do you have at school? term: a school term, a university term. When does the second term begin? uniform: a school uniform, a student uniform. Jack was still wearing his old uniform. be over: When are your classes over today? The lesson isn’t over, primary school, secondary school: Are you in primary or in secondary school now? Which of these words can come together? Example: a short term easy difficult free short early long lunch coffee tea the first school B. education break age subject term uniform What does Grace have to pay for in the shop? Example: Grace has to pay for the felt-tip pens and rubbers, 1. А. What are these school uniforms like? Which of them do you like more? i 17 tn О *o S. Do you wear uniforms in your school? What is your uniform like? A- Read and give names to the parts of the text. Schools in England and Wales 1. In England and Wales children start schooling when they are five. A lot of them leave school when they become sixteen. Some of them can find jobs, some can go to different colleges and some stay at school for two more years and then go to universities. Most children go to state schools which are free. It’s interesting that English schools have no numbers, they have names, for example Green Park School. 2. The school year in England begins in September. It never begins on Monday. The English don’t think it is good to start a new thing on Monday, so school usually begins on the first Tue.sday of September. Little children who are five go to primary school and stay there for seven years. 3. They do a lot of things in class. They learn to read, to write, to count, and to draw. Their teachers often read interesting books to them and tell them fairy tales. Pupils play a lot and spend much time outdoors. They don’t usually have to wear uniforms. When they are eleven, primary school pupils go to secondary school. 18 4. Secondary education is also free in state schools. Parents do not pay for their children. Pupils usually have five lessons five days a week. They go to school from Monday to Friday. There are no classes on Saturdays or Sundays. In many schools secondary school pupils wear uniforms. Secondary school pupils do eleven subjects a week. Ever>- morning they have a twenty minute break after the first lesson and they have a longer lunch break in the afternoon after the third lesson. At four o’clock classes are usually over and pupils go home. 5. The English school year has three terms. When the term is over, schoolchildren have holidays. Their Christmas holidays and Easter holidays are shorter than summer holidays which begin in July and are usually over in September. B. Which of these facts are true, false or not stated in the text? 1) In England and Wales pupils spend seven years in primary school. 2) For many children school is over when they are sixteen. 3) The school year in England and Wales begins on 1 September. 4) Pupils play a lot in primary school. 5) Parents have to pay for their children’s education in state schools. 6) In England and Wales pupils go to school six days a week. 7) Secondary school pupils have English four days a week. 8) The last class is usually over at 4 p.m. 9) The summer holidays are the longest. 10) English school names are usually very long. По закону образование в Англии и Уэльсе является обязательным для всех детей в возрасте от 5 до 16 лет. Большинство из них посещают бесплатные государственные школы (state schools). При этом первый год своей школьной жизни в возрасте от 5 до 6 лет они проводят в подготовительном классе (reception class). Реальное обучение начинается в первом классе (year one), а всего в начальной школе (primary school) учащиеся проводят семь лет. В возрасте 12 лет школьники переходят в среднюю школу (secondary school), где учатся ещё пять лет. В зависимости от года обучения учащиеся называются а year one student, а year two student, и т. д. Обязательное среднее образование завершается в конце 11 класса, когда все учащиеся сдают экзамен на аттестат (General Certificate of Secondary Education Examination’, or GCSE exam). Обратите внимание, что слово class в английском языке используется в значении «группа учеников». Говоря об этапе обучения, используется слово year: What year are you in? — В каком ты классе? I'm in the seventh year. — Я учусь в 7 классе. I’m а year seven student. — Я ученик 7 класса. Next year I'll be a year eight student. — Ha следующий год я буду в восьмом. DO IT ОМ YOUR OWN Complete the sentences with the new words and write them down examination (exam) [iy,zaemi'neijn (ig'zaem)) экзамен 1) Most schuolchildreii in Britain have to wear school ... . 2) How many ... are there in your school year? 3) At what ... did you learn to read? 4) I’m sure that a good ... is important for everybody. 5) I’m so tired, let’s take a .... 6) I believe that secondary ... is a lot more fun than primary ... . 7) How many ... do you do in the seventh year? 8) Victor wants to go to ... after he finishes school. Write what you feel. sad, happy, unhappy, wonderful, terrible, lazy 1) When summer holidays are over, I feel 2) When winter is over, I feel ... . 3) When my schoolday is over, I ... . 4) When the lunch break is over, I ... . 5) When my favourite film is over, I ... . 6) When a boring film is over, I 19 to r+ a> XJ VI • • • 10 Spell these words. 1) [1з:гп] 2) [pel] 3) [breik] 4) ['sAbt^iktJ 5) [’kolitfe] 6) [,edju'keijn] 7) [eitfe] 8) f'ju:nifD:m] 9) ['sekandari] 10) ['praimari] Step 5 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (9), and choose the right variants to complete the sentences. 1) Sharon goe.s to ... school. a) primary b) secondary 2) Sharon ... her school. a) likes b) doesn’t like 3) She ... classes on Saturdays. a) has b) doesn’t have 4) Sharon must be at school at ... . a) 8.40 b) 8.r»0 .5) Sharon’s uniform is ... . a) like in picture 1 b) like in picture 2 6) After school Sharon plays ... . a) grass hockey b) ice hockey 7) She likes ... . a) listening to music and roller skating b) listening to music and skating 1. г- 20 А. Answer these questions. 1) When do English children begin schooling? 2) How many years do they spend in primary school? 3) Most children begin their secondary education at the age of 12, don’t they? 4) Are state schools free or do parents pay for their children? 5) How many lessons do pupils usually have a week? 6) They don’t go to school on Saturdays and Sundays, do they? 7) When do they have a twenty minute break? 8) They have a long break for lunch, don’t they? 9) At what time are pupils usually free and can go home? 10) How many terms a year do British pupils have? 11) Which are the longest holidays: Easter, Christmas or summer? 12) When does the school year begin and end in England and Wales? B. Work in pairs and discuss schooling in England. Read these word combinations aloud. a long break a lunch break a tea break school age young age old age primary education secondary education college education university education the first term the second term the third term a new uniform a beautiful uniform a comfortable uniform pay a lot of money pay for education pay in roubles pay in dollars Articles (Артикли) В словосочетаниях со словами school, university, college, work, hospital, bed, church не используется артикль в случае, когда их смысл несколько меняется и, употребляя их, мы говорим не о здании или помещении (школы, университета и т. д.), а о происходящей в них деятельности. to go to school — ходить в школу, учиться в школе to be at school — учиться в школе to go to university — учиться в университете to be at university — быть студентом университета to go to work — ходить на работу to be at work — быть на работе to go to hospital — лечь в больницу to be in hospital — лежать в больнице to go to bed — ложиться спать to be in bed — лежать в постели to go to church — ходить в церковь to be at/in church — присутствовать на церковной службе to go to college — учиться в колледже to be at college — быть учащимся колледжа Complete the sentences. Use the word combinations in the right forms from the Nota bene box. 1) If you are tired, you should ... . 2) All English children ... when they are five. 3) My brother is a student, he ... . 4) At what time does your father ...? — His work begins at 9, so he leaves home at 8. 5) Cathy is ill and must ... . 6) Do you always ... on Sundays? — Yes, I do. There is a nice little church near my house. 7) It’s 12 o’clock at night! Why are you not ...? 8) Is your friend a university student or ...? Listen, ^ (10), and read the names of some school subjects. history [ histari] — история geography [ф1'одгэА] — география mathematics [,mae0a'm£etiks]/maths [maeOs] — математика science ['saiansj — естественные науки physics ['fiziks] — физика biology [bai'Dlat^i] — биология chemistry ['kemistri] — химия literature ['litra^a] — литература computer studies [kam,pju:ta 'stAdiz] информатика physical education [,fizikl edju'kejn] (PE) — физкультура religious education [,nh(^as edju'keijn] — 1>елигиозное образование art [a:l] — изобразительное искусство music [’mjuizik] музыка 21 LTl (X> "D in в большинстве британских школ основы естественных наук (биологии, физики, химии) преподают вместе Этот предмет называют science. Однако существуют школы, где они преподаются отдельно друг от друга. Look at this timetable of an English school. How different is it from yours? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday I.,esson 1 Religious Education Computer Studies Maths English Art Break Lesson 2 Lesson 3 History Science Music Science Geography A English French Physical Education (PE) \ Maths Break Lesson 4 Maths History^ Computer Studies Maths Physical Education Lesson 5 Geography Art - French English 22 Say what you learn/do when you have these classes. The words below can help you. Example'. In my history classes I learn about the past, I read texts about history. Geography learn about plants, animals Maths read about music, paintings Music write about poems, fables Literature speak about texts, stories English learn composers, writers, painters Russian read seas, oceans, continents Physical Education write faraway lands Computer Studies count songs Art work dictionaries Biology use sing dictations numbers on the computer maps, pictures, books sentences, exercises DO IT OIU YOUR OWN Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. 1) Joan didn’t go to ... after school. She began to work. 2) At what age can you leave ..., at 14 or 16? 3) Jessica was very tired and went to ... early. 4) Hers was a religious school, so they went to ... a lot. 5) James should go to ..., he is very ill. 6) Mum goes to ... on Saturday. She works in a shop and they are open at weekends. Complete the sentences with the names of subjects. 1) We listen to different pieces of music and sometimes sing. The name of the subject is ... . 2) We spell Russian words, write dictations, do exercises. The name of the subject is ... . 3) We talk about books and writers. The name of the subject is ... . 4) We draw, paint and talk about paintings. The name of the subject is ... • 5) We look at maps and talk about different countries. The name of the s-’ibtect is, ... . 6) We talk about living things and plants. The name of the subject is • •. • 7) We talk about how people lived long ago. The name of the subject is • • • • 10 Write 5—7 sentences about your favourite subject. Step 6 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the song, ^ (11), and sing it along. Do Re Mi Do — a deer, a female deer. Re — a drop of golden sun. Mi — a name I call myself. Fa — a long, long way to run. So — a needle pulling thread. La — a note to follow so. Ti — a drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to do-do- do-do (Repeat) 23 1Л a> TJ a> самка оленя капля, частичка называю себя иголка с ниткой нота, следующая за нотой «соль» Эта песенка, которая так подходит для урока музыки, взята из мюзикла «Звуки музыки» ("Sound of Music"). С её помощью главная героиня помогает детям запомнить названия семи нот. В песенке почти каждая нота ассоциируется с каким-либо словом. so [sau] — sew [sao] шить (одежду) la [la:] do [dau] — doe [dau] олениха re [rei] — ray [rei] луч mi [mi:] — me [mi:] ti [d:j — tea [ti:] fa [fa:] — far [fa:] Вы помните, как называются слова, которые звучат одинаково, а пишутся по-разному и имеют разные значения? А- What is your school like? Say: • if your school is big or small; • what kind of school it is (primary, secondary, state, private'); • how many classrooms you’ve got in your school; • how many teachers work there and how many pupils go to your school; • if you have a lunch room, where it is and when pupils usually have lunch; • how long are the breaks and what you usually do during these breaks: • if you have a gym and a playground; ^ private [ praivot] — частный 24 • how often you have PE classes outside the school; • if there is a special room for music classes and if you have a piano in it; • if you have special classrooms of a) the Russian language and literature; b) the English language; c) Mathematics etc; • if you have got pictures, photos, maps on the walls and plants in pots on the windowsills and on the floor. B. What are the most important things about your school? Social English Речевой этикет Classroom English Полезно запомнить несколько фраз школьного обихода и пользо ваться ими на уроке, ^ (12). Гт sorry. Гт late. May I go outside? I’m afraid I don’t feel well today. I’m sorry I haven’t got my book (exercise book) with me today. I couldn’t come to school yesterday, I was unwell. May I change my seat (место), please? I can’t see (hear) well from here. May I take my seat now? I’m sorry I didn’t write that down. Could you say it again, please? Where are we? What page are we on? What do we have to do next? Could you write this word up on the blackboard, please? Shall we write that down? Shall I go to the blackboard? Shall we do these exercises at home? How do you say it in English? Is it good English to say ...? How do you spell this word? What is the "English lor «будущий If you need your teacher’s help, what do you say to them? 1) You come to class after the bell. You say ... . 2) You can’t see well from the back. You say ... . 3) You don’t know how to spell a difficult word. You say ... . 4) The teacher asks you why you missed your class yesterday. You say ... . 5) You’re not sure if you should stay at your desk or go to the blackboard. You say ... . 6) You can’t find the right page. You say ... . 7) You are thirsty and want to leave the classroom. You say ... . 8) You started writing something to your teacher’s dictation but didn’t finish it. You say ... . Complete the text with the new words and then read it. Russian Schools In Russia schooling begins at the (1) a... of six or seven. In most schools parents do not (2) p... for their children. These state schools are (3) f... . Secondarv td'l e... begins at the age of ten. Secondary school pupils do different (5) s...s: Russian, maths, Russian literature, physics, art, music, modern languages — English, French or German. Classes are not very long, - about forty-five minutes. In most schools pupils have to wear (6) U...S. They are of different colours. Girls usually wear shirts, blouses and jackets, boys usually wear suits and shirts. Pupils go to school five or six days a week. If they have classes on Saturdays, they usually have five lessons every day, sometimes six. Classes start at half past eight in the morning. There are ten or fifteen minute '0') ’и...ъ cfrcer 'uvwy ’resbxrii 'mdi ъ 'anc^ei 'luu&u *b... . at two or three o’clock in the afternoon. The Russian school year usually has three or four (9) t...s. School-children have holidays in all the seasons — in autumn, winter, spring and summer. The summer holidays are the longest. 25 to TO •D Ф Успехи учеников в британских школах оцениваются по семибалльной шкале, при этом оценки обозначаются не цифрами, а буквами. Их можно сравнить с оценками в российских школах следующим образом: А* (А with а star) 5+ А 5 В 4 С 3 D 3- Е 2 F 1 Иногда учителя добавляют знаки «+» (plus) или «-» (minus) к этим оценкам. Например, В+ или С-. Look at Don's and Emma's end of term reports’ and speak about their results Example: In English Don is better than Emma. or: In English Emma is worse than Don. ‘ report [гГрэ:С] — зд.: отчёт об успеваемости 26 Don Fincher 'Su'tojec'tb _________________ F]mma Green English B + i j 1 English “ В Maths ^ A •1 1 Maths 1 D French C French ; A+ _j History В 1 History 1. A Computer Studies A Computer Studies В Religious Education B( Religious Education В Geography В Geography с Science A-(- Science с Music D Music в Art В Art в* Physical Education '1 A 1 Physical Education в- Confusable Words (Слова, которые следует различать) 1. То say, to tell, to speak, to talk — известные вам глаголы «говорения». Tell и say часто переводятся как «сказать, говорить». Если известно, к кому обращена речь, чаще используется глагол tell. Сравните: Bob says, "I like swimming." Bob says he likes swimming. Bob tells me (us, John) he likes swimming. Однако и глагол say можно употреблять в подобных случаях, но только с предлогом to: Bob says to me he likes swimming. 2. Запомните сочетания, в которых встречается только глагол tell: to tell а lie (lies) — обманывать, сказать ложь to tell the truth — сказать правду to tell a story (fairy tale, fable, joke) — рассказать историю (сказку, басню, шутку) to tell the time — сказать, который час 3. Глаголы speak и talk похожи, но speak обычно подразумевает, что говорит один человек: William didn't look at me when I was speaking. Если же в беседе участвуют двое или больше людей, используется глагол talk; James and Ann often talk about music. 4. Когда речь идёт о владении иностранным языком, выступлении или манере речи, то используют глагол speak: Sue doesn't speak English well. Jean is afraid to speak in front of her class. Please speak more clearly. TO обычно публичном Use say, tell, speak or talk to complete the sentences. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) — Jane can ... French very well, can’t she? — No, she can’t. She began learning French last month. — Can you ... me where Max lives? — Sorry, I can’t. I don’t know his address. My Granny often ... me fairy tales. — Why are you ...ing me lies? — But I am not. I am ...ing you the truth. — What’s the matter? What does Phillip — He ...s little Lizzie is ill. • • • с) after the bell 6) — What did you and Alice do in the kitchen? — We sat drinking tea and ...ing. 7) — What are you ...ing? — I am ...ing that I’m leaving for Moscow soon. 8) — Can you ... me the time, please? — It’s a quarter to five. Say how good you are as a pupil. Choose a, b or c. 1) You come to school ... . a) well before the bell b) just before the bell 2) You remember to bring ... . a) all your school books b) some of yoxir school books c) very few of your school books 3) You ... forget to do your homework, a) never b) sometimes 4) Your answers are ... . a) always right b) sometimes right 5) Your tests are ... . a) usually good b) sometimes good c) practically' never good 6) You are ... in your school subjects, a) much interested b) little interested 7) You ... being a pupil, a) love b) rather like Sum up your points^: a = 3, b = 2, c = 1. If you have 20—24 points, you are a great pupil. If you have 16—20 points, you are a good pupil. If you have less than 16 points, you should work harder. c) always c) not often right c) not interested c) hate 27 tn r+ n X) a DO IT ON YOUR OWN Write what you can say in the classroom in these situations: 1) you are at the blackboard and want to go to your seat; 2) you didn’t understand what you should do after the test; 3) you are not sure that English people use the word combination “a white mushroom”; 4) you want to know the spelling of the word “education”; 5) you want to know if you should go to the blackboard; 6) you want to know if you should do this exercise at home. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. Write the sentences down. 1) My friend (said, told) me a lot about his home town. 2) Please (say, tell) the truth, I want to know everything. 3) Pauline (speaks talks) English better than Jane, she’s very hard-working. 4) (Say'Tell) what you think alx)ut your new school. 5) Somebody will (speak talk) to the pupils about great Russian painters. 6) Jane had so much to (say/speak), she (told/talked) and (told, talked). 7) The mother (said/told) the children not ' practically [ prajktikli] points — очки, баллы практически г 28 10 to play outside that day. 8) Don’t believe her, she always (says/tells) lies. 9) My friends and me like to (speak/talk) about the latest films. 10) Can you (say tell) me the time, please? — Sorry, I’ve left my watch at home. Spell these words. 1) [ЬаГо1эф1] 2) ['litra^a] 3) [,тге0э'таейкз] 4) ['salons] 5) [art] 6) ['fiziks] 7) ['histori] 8) ['kemistri] Write a letter (= 30 words) to your pen friend and describe your school to him/ her. (You can use Ex. 2, p. 23 as a plan.) Step 7 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, ^ (13), and say which sentences are true. A. Nina 1) She is seven. 2) Her father always drives her to school. 3) Nina hates her school. 4) Sport is very important in Nina’s school. B. Boris 1) He goes to primary school. 2) He is a year five pupil. 3) He has just one teacher. 4) He likes French most of all. C. Mike 1) He is younger than Boris. 2) He does a few subjects. 3) He enjoys physics and chemistry. 4) His PE classes in autumn are not like PE classes in winter. Look at the table and complete the sentences after it. Education in England, Wales and Russia Age Class/year England and Wales Russia ‘ 5—6 Reception class Primary school 6—7 Year one Primary school 7—8 Year two 8—9 Year three 9 — 10 Year four 10 11 Year five Secondary school 11 12 Year six 12 13 Year seven 13—14 Year eight L “ 1 14-15 Year nine Exanis 15 16 Year ten 16—17 Year elev'en Exams Exams 1) In England children go to school when they are but in Russia they usually begin their school education at the age of ... . 2) In England pupils stay in primary school ... years, but in Russia they stay in primary school ... years. 3) In England pupils stay in secondary school ... years, but in Russia they stay in secondary school ... years. 4) In England they stay in ... school longer than in Russia. 5) In Russia schoolchildren stay in ... school longer than in England. 6) In England pupils go to secondary school when they are ... but in Russia they go to secondary school when they are younger. 7) In Russia they begin secondary education at the age of ... . 8) In England pupils take exams when they are year ... students. 9) In Russia they take exams in the ...th year and in the ...th year. Listen, ^ (14), and read. A. classmate [ klarsmeit] — одноклассник foreign ['fonn] — иностранный, зарубежный happen [Ъагрп] - случаться loud [laud] — громкий mark [ma:k] — оценка mistake [mi'steik] — ошибка noise [noiz] — шум rule [ru:l] — прави.по 29 Ln n> “O a cla.ssmate: my classmates, a new classmate. A classmate is a pupil of the same class in a school or a college. We were classmates four years ago. foreign: a foreign language, a foreign country. How many foreign languages do you know? happen: to happen everywhere, to happen sometimes, to happen again, to happen to somebody. I sometimes forget people’s names, but it doesn’t happen to me very often. loud: loud music, a loud song, fairly loud, rather loud. The music at the party was so loud that I felt uncomfortable. mark: a good mark, to give a mark, to get a mark, a mark for a test, a mark in a subject. What mark did you get in geography yesterday? mistake: a bad mistake, a stupid mistake, a terrible mistake, to discover a mistake, to make a mistake. When people begin to learn a foreign language, they usually make mistakes. noise: a loud noise, a terrible noise, to make a noise. Please stop that noise. The loud noise was coming from the street. rule: an easy rule, a rule difficult to remember, a lot of rules, a clear rule, a school rule. These are very important rules to remember. Englisli spelling rules are sometimes difficult, aren’t they? Complete the sentences with the new words. 1) Very few people can speak a foreign language without ... . 2) Children, please be quiet, don’t make so much ... . 3) One of our school ... is to wear a uniform to classes. 4) Some of my ... are my very good A. 1) 30 2) c 3 3) 4) 5) 6) 0 Б. 1) 2) 3) 4) friends. 5) The ... music was coming from the room next door. 6) There are some ... words in every language. 7) What ... to you yesterday? You looked terrible. 8) What ... do you usually get at school? Are they always good? What do they mean? Give the Russian for these words, school * mate = schoolmate Ann is my schoolmate. We go to school together, school + day = schoolday How many schooldays a week do you liave? school ^ days = schooldays My mother thinks that her schooldays were a very happy time, school "b age = school age Is Jane a school age child? school - year = school year When does the school year begin in England? school - leaver = school-leaver My brother Peter is 18, he is a school-leaver. He is thinking of going to university, school house = schoolhouse We saw the roof of the schoolhouse behind the trees. Mr Perry is a foreigner in this country, he doesn’t know our tradi tions. ii Who is the ruler of this country?” asked the prince. It was so noisy in the room that I couldn’t hear anything, loud + ly = loudly The 1юу sang very loudly but I can’t say that I enjoyed his singing. Prepositions (Предлоги) В английском языке многие глаголы и прилагательные используются с определёнными предлогами, которые следует запоминать. Вы уже знаете многие из них. Verbs (Глаголы) to happen to ^ to listen to to speak to to talk to to write to J somebody ^ something Adjectives (Прилагательные) afraid of >1 fond of proud of sure of tired of J ^ somebody ^ something Complete the questions with prepositions to and of. Answer these questions 1) What school subjects are you fond ...? 2) Are you afraid ... tests and exams? 3) They say that school years are the best time in your life. Are you sure ... it? 4) Do you often talk ... your friends at the lessons? 5) Do you always listen ... what your teachers say? 6) Are you proud ... your school? 7) Do you often write text messages ... your schoolmates? 8) Sometimes pupils are tired ... classes. Does it happen ... you? A. Listen, ^ (15), and read the dialogue. Act it out. What name will you give to it? geography biology literature A n d r e w: Hi, Meg! Why are you so sad? M e g: I got a bad mark in history. Andrew: Really? I thought history was your favourite subject. M e g: It is. I’m quite fond of history. But I couldn’t answer my teacher’s questions. I was not ready for the lesson. Andrew: Cheer up!* You’ll learn everything and will get a good mark. It’s easy for you, isn’t it? My problem is much worse. M e g: Is it? What’s the matter? Andrew: I’m very bad at mathematics. I hate the subject. I don’t understand many rules. I think I can’t learn them. Meg: There, there______ I’m sure things aren’t as bad as you say. Let’s work together. I enjoy maths and I think I can help you. B. Use the words on the right and make up your own dialogues. Act them out. 31 cn (T) T3 4J physics computer studies Russian DO IT ON YOUR OWN Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Write the sentences down. 1) May I ... to you? I have something important to tell you. 2) Гт not ... of tests: I usually get good marks for them. 3) Our school is very good and we are ... of it. 4) When I come home from school, my mum always asks me what ... to me during the schoolday. 5) Please ... to me, Гт telling you the truth. 6) My friend is really ... of art. She knows a lot about it. 7) I think the weather will change soon but Гт not ... of it- 8) They say, ‘Tf you’re ... of London, you’re ... of life.” Read the words and spell them, 1) [ haepn] £} fma:kf 3) [ru:l] ( laodiii 5) [mi'steik] fnaizj 7) [ kla:smeit] 8) [ tbnnj * Cheer up! [фэглр) — He грусти. He вешай нос. Continue the rows. • ♦ • ♦ • 1 32 a) foreign writer, b) easy ... rule; c) unusual ..., ... noise; d) bad ..., ... mistake; e) old ..., ... classmate; f) happen to children, ., g) poor ..., ... mark. Step 8 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (16), and decide what their favourite subjects are. 1) Pauline 2) Mike 3) Ann 4) Denis Read these word combinations and sentences aloud. a foreigner a foreign country a foreign language foreign lands and people a stupid mistake a terrible mistake to AiscoNor a mistake to make a mistake a schoolmate a schoolhouse a schoolday a school-leaver loud noise loud music loud songs loud words school rules traditional rules s^eWirvg rules language rules It happens. Things happen. It often happens to me, It never happens to us. A. Read the text and complete the sentences after it. Only Children^ Are only children different? Are they cleverer? Are they selfish? Some people say that only children often become successful in their careers. A lot of famous people were only children. Other people are sure that only children have more problems than children who come from big families. At school it’s difficult for them to make friends but at the same time they are usually loving people because they get all the love from their parents. Here is what three only children say. Sally: As a child, 1 talked to my dog for hours. She was my real friend. I think pets are very important to only children. My life was rather boring. I didn’t have friends at school. But I was one of the best pupils. Now I’m successful in my work. ' only children — единственные дети L i z а: I didn’t make any friends at school. During my school holidays I had nobody to play with. But I was happy because my parents were my best friends. We travelled a lot. I visited some foreign countries, met different people. Now everybody says I’m a good journalist. Mike: At times I was unhappy when I was a child. When my parents sent me to school at the age of five, I didn’t like it. I didn’t have any friends then. It was not an easy life for a child. Now my wife and I have two sons. They are good friends. We didn’t want an only child. 1) It is easier for only children to ... . a) make friends b) make a career 2) Sally was able to find a friend ... . a) at home b) at school 3) Liza ... unhappy when she was a child, a) felt b) didn’t feel 4) In his interview Mike doesn’t speak about ... . a) his schooldays b) his career B. Say what you think about only children. Is it good or bad to be an only child? Why? 33 (П “D 00 ^ Word Building (Словообразование) В английском языке многие существительные образуются от глаголов при помощи суффикса ‘-хюп cofJect — co(fectfon cefebrate — cetebratfon dictate — dictation decorate — decoration Зная значение имени существительного с таким суффиксом, как правило, легко вывести значение соответствующего ему глагола: examination — examine — экзаменовать education — educate — образовывать, давать образование illustration — illustrate — иллюстрировать demonstration — demonstrate — демонстрировать ID Complete the sentences with the derivatives’ of the words on the right. Example: We have an ... at the end of the term. examine We have an examination at the end of the term. A. 1) We are writing a ... tomorrow. 2) She has got a very good ... of paintings. 3) I don’t know much about ... in America. 4) We didn’t like the ...s in the book. 5) When do English people have Christmas . 6) Dad was putting up the Christmas ...s. ..s? dictate collect educate illustrate celebrate decorate ' a derivative [di'nvativ] — дериват; слово, образованное от основы (корня! при помощи су<1к1)икса или приставки (префикса) 34 В. 1) Dogs are fairly good ...s. 2) This is a very ... game. 3) The Volga is a ... river. 4) We didn’t like John, he was rather ... . 5) You shouldn’t speak ... during the performance. 6) There are many ... beaches in California. 7) When a child Sarah was a very ... girl. 8) Robert greeted us ... . swim usual power friendly- loud sand beauty warm Use the right forms of the verbs to complete the text. It is Friday. It (1 be) seven o’clock in the morning. I (2 lie) in bed and (3 hear) my mother’s words, “Cathy, (4 get) up! If you (5 stay) in bed \oT\ger, you 1,6 Ъе^ \ate iot scivool.” 1 get up but can’t find anything. Where (7 be) my white blouse? Oh, mum (8 not, wash) it yesterday. I. on. a *crev shirt and (9 runV downstairs. Now I (10 have, not) any time for breakfast. “If I (11 run) all the way, I (12 be able) to take a bus to school,’’ I think. My mum (13 be) at the kitchen door with a sandwich in her hand. “You (14 be) hungry when you (15 come) to school,” she says. “(16 Eat) it on the way to the bus stop. (17 Have) a nice day, dear.” Phrasal Verbs (Фразовые глаголы) Для английского языка типично употребление глаголов с так называемыми поалелогами, которые могут полностью поменять значение слова. Сравните: look — смотреть look after — ухаживать take — брать take off — снимать (одежду) Подобные глаголы с послелогами называются фразовыми (phrasal verbs) и очень часто используются в разговорной речи. Познакомьтесь с новыми фразовыми глаголами, у которых общее ядро — слово talk. into \ over TALK back y^out of ) 1) to talk into something/doing something — уговорить кого-то сделать что-то 3) to ialh over — обсудить проблему или план Why did you talk me into it? 2) to talk back — дерзить, огрызаться Malanie, you mustn’t talk back to your mother! Let’s talk it over tonight. 4) to talk out of something/ doing something — отговорить They tried to talk me out of my trip to Australia. Use back, into, over, out to complete the sentences. 1) I think it is a very dangerous plan. We should talk him ... of it. 2) I’m telling you again you mustn’t talk ... like that. 3) If you don’t understand what Jason is planning to do, let’s talk it ... in detail. 4) Do you think you will be able to talk him ... joining us? 5) Alice talked me ... buying a new bag. 6) I know how to talk him ... going there. I’ll tell him we shall go to a football match one day. 7) Never talk ... to me again! 8) We don’t know what to do. We should talk it ... together. Work in pairs. A. Choose five most important things for a school from the list’. Say why they are important. A school should be modern teach girls and boys have (no) religious education give free education have a good gym for sports teach subjects important for life have good teachers with new ideas be situated near the place where pupils live ask its pupils to wear uniforms have a lot of computers and the Internet give its pupils free lunches teach different foreign languages teach dancing and singing send pupils on school trips abroad and in the country B. Work out rules for pupils in your dream school. Use should/shouldn't. • come on time • stand up when teachers come in • sit while answering • leave the classroom when pupils want • come to school in boots and shoes that are unclean • wear school uniforms • wear any clothes they like be quiet during the lessons and breaks haye a lot of tests play active games during breaks bring mobile phones to school eat whenever they are hungry 35 to r+ ~o 00 Ю IT OIU YOUR OWN 3 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Write them down a list — список 36 1) Не decided to go to the mountains and nobody was able to talk him ... of it. 2) I have a new plan. Let’s sit down and talk it ... . 3) Why did you go if you don’t like parties? — My friend talked me ... it. 4) I can’t decide anything without talking it ... with you. 5) Don’t talk ... to those who are older, it’s bad manners. 6) I know a very good museum, and I’d like to talk you ... going there with me. 7 I think snowboarding is dangerous and I’m trying to talk my brother ... of it. Which words are countable and which are uncountable? Write the words from the box under two categories. hill, jam, cake, raincoat. sand, tomato, juice, sugar, bread, sea, daybook, exercise, butter, snow Countables Uncountables 10 Choose the right replies’. 1) T e a c h e mark today. Victor: 2) 3) 4) r: Thank you, Victor. I think I can give you a good T N e 1 ache T A a) Not too bad. b) May I take my seat now? c) I’m positive about it. r: You don’t look well today, Nina. What’s the matter? n a: a) I haven’t got my book with me today. b) I’m afraid I don’t feel well today. c) May I change my seat? I can’t see well from here. } a c h e r: Please spell these words, Anna, n n a: a) How do you spell the words? b) Could you write them up on the blackboard? c) Shall I go to the blackboard? ache r: Please remember this word, ter: a) Shall we write it down? b) How do you say it in English? c) What do we have to do next? 5) Teacher: Why did you miss the class, Jane? J a n e: a) I’m sorry. I’m late. b) I was unwell. c) I’m afraid I don’t feel well today. Write a letter (* 30 words) to your pen friend. Tell him/her what subject is your favourite and why you like it. T P e e ' a reply [n'plai] реплика step 9 Consolidation Class c) Brighton DO IT TOGETHER Listen, ^ (17), and complete the sentences. 1) How old is Ann? — She is ... . a) thirteen b) twelve c) twenty 2) Where does Ann live? — She lives in ... . a) Oxford b) London 3) Is Ann a student? — She is and she goes to ... . a) a primary school b) college c) a state school 4) How old is Ann’s school? — It is ... . a) very old b) fairly old c) quite new 5) How many foreign languages does Ann learn? — Two............ a) English and German b) French and English c) French and German 6) How does Ann go home? — By ... . a) train b) bus c) bike 7) What does Ann say about her uniform in the letter? — She ... school. a) must wear b) mustn’t wear c) likes to wear 8) What is Ann interested in? She likes ... . a) reading and swimming b) travelling and skating c) travelling and swimming it to 37 i/) Г+ ro ■D iO Read the texts (1—4) and match them with the titles (a—e). There is one title you don't have to use. I a) School Sports Club b) School Theatre c) Talking to a Famous School-leaver d) School Rules I e) American School Year 1. This state school is very democratic- Pupils don’t wear uniforms- Here children choose and wear clothes they like but they can’t wear some colours. They mustn’t take stereos or mobiles to school- Some pupils who are 16 may drive to school. Small children go to school by bus or use their bikes. 2. Well, I began my career as a photographer in Fleet Street* - It w2ls very good for a young man. There I learned a lot of important things. * Fleet Street — улица в Лондоне, на которой раньше располагались офисы известных британских газет 38 I tearnt Co pat a parCcm? story Cogv?CCftfr. A picCare story rs like any othei story, but you should take very natural pictures. 3. It is not very long. There are two terms and each has two periods. A1 the end of each period pupils get a report card with marks from theii teachers. In the USA pupils have a lot of holidays. They have two weekf for spring holidays, two weeks for Christmas and three months in sum mer. 4. Our school has got a lot of clubs where we go after classes. The pupik who like drama come to us. We prepare shows or plays for the end of tht school year. The pupils write plays themselves, they choose what they wanl to show and then work at it. They usually show their plays in spring. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. in, for, back, of, to, over, into 1) Never talk ... to your grandparents. 2) Classes are ... . You are free. 3) What’s your mark ... the French test? What’s his mark ... French? 4) I don’t know what happened ... him in Africa. 5) I’ll pay ... youi lunch. 6) We are afraid ... being late. 7) Jason made 3 mistakes ... spelling. 8) We are having an examination ... maths tomorrow. 9) His parents want to give university education ... him. 10) Are you sure ... this fact? 11) Grace talked me ... buying these felt-tips. She liked thern very much. 12) Do you often write ... your aunts and uncles? ^ The Noun (Имя существительное) Обратите внимание, что названия учебных предметов и наук с буквой -s на конце physics, mathematics, statistics (статистика), linguistics (лингвистика) и др. согласуются с глаголом в единственном числе. Physics is my favourite subject. Economics is a science. Work in pairs. Make and act out a dialogue about two schools. Use the wore combinations from the boxes. School one situated in the centre of the city (town) takes only boys has classes six days a week has a swimming pool and a gym has two computer rooms and the Internet has different sports clubs parents pay for some subjects (not all) - -рта'^Ло' -xbrez o® TLT/l'vlgx»' 'rung CiSgte • most pupils go to universities after leaving it School two situated in the country takes boys and girls has classes five days a week has a gym and a stadium has three computer rooms, no Internet has a dance club and an art studio gives free education all pupils learn English some school-leavers (not many) go to university Answer these questions. Use the new words in your answers. 1) What are the subjects you find fairly difficult? (name 2—3) 2) What subjects arc really easy for you? (name 2—3) 3) What are your usual marks for English tests? And marks in English? 4) How many dictionaries are there in your classroom? How many dictionaries have you got at home? 5) How often do you buy pens, pencils, rubbers, rulers, felt-tips, glue, writing paper? 6) Do you often use brushes and paints in your art classes or do you draw in pencil? 7) Is it usually noisy in your school diiring the breaks? Do you often shout, speak loudly? 8) How many words or word combinations with “school” as their first part can you name? 9) What do you usually do in your PE classes? Where do you have these classes? What can you tell a visitor about your school? Think about these: the kind of school you go to and its number what it looks like, what you can see around it the size of your school some of the school rules the uniform you wear where you do sports and play games your school museum school trips the subjects you are doing tiiis year your teachers and your classmates Is it true? Why (not)? 1) Art is long, life is short. (-^ There’s so much to learn and so little time for it. So you can’t know everything.) 2) Live and learn. (= The longer we live, the more we learn.) 3) Schooldays are the best time of your life. •*y A goon’ bhaciler iiiukes you work iland 39 1/1 Г+ a> •D DO IT ON YOUR OWN 40 Use the right forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. It was Sunday, 15 January. That morning I (1 get) up late. I (2 have, not) to go to school and I (3 decide) to stay in bed a little longer. I (4 be) in the kitchen at about half past ten. There (5 be) some sandwiches on the plate. I (6 have) breakfast and (7 go) to my friend Steve who (8 live) not far from my house. Steve (9 do) a lot of subjects very well. His marks in maths and physics (10 be) always A with a star but he usually (11 make) a lot of mistakes in dictations. That Sunday I (12 want) to dictate difficult words to him because we were going to have a spelling test on Monday. Complete the sentences with the right forms of the verbs tell, talk, say, speak. 1) Tom is very clever, he ... two foreign languages. 2) Ann ... she is good at geography. 3) Will you ... me the truth? Where were you in the morning? 4) Girls, you mustn’t ... much in class. 5) She never ... us anything. 6) I want to ... something about this writer. 7) They were ... and laughing when the teacher came into the classroom. 8) Who is going to ... at the meeting? 9) You are ... a lie! I wasn’t there at five. 10) Ask your parents to come to school tomorrow to ... to your form teacher. 10 Make sure that you know how to spell the new words. Get ready to write Dictation 1. Here is your Word Box 1. Words age, art, backpack, biology, break, brush, chalk, chemistry, classmate, college, computer, daybook, dictionary, examination, exercise book, felt-tip (pen), foreign, foreigner, geography, glue, history, literature, loud, loudly, mark, mathematics, mistake, noise, noisy, paint, pair, paper, pay, pencil case, pencil sharpener, physical education (PE), physics, piece, primary, rubber, rule, ruler, schoolmate, science, scissors, seat, secondary, studies, subject, term, uniform Word Combinations at the age of, to go to college, primary (secondary, higher) education, to have (get) a good education, to be over, to do a subject, to tell a lie, to tell the truth, to tell a story, to tell the time afraid to happen fond to listen to be proud of sb/sth to speak sure to talk tired > to write -N to sb ^sth Phrasal Verbs to talk into, to talk back, to talk out of, to talk over Verb Forms pay — paid step 10 Test Yourself У [. LISTENING Listen, (18), and complete the sentences. 1) Ann ... . a) thinks that schools are not the best place to give education b) says that children mustn’t go to school to get education c) is not certain that schools are the best place to give education 2) Tom ... . a) is for school education b) says that schooling at home is good for America c) is not sure that schools give a good education in America 3) Ann is sure that parents ... . a) teach children better than school teachers b) know their children better than school teachers c) are better friends for children than teachers 4) Tom says that school education is better than home education because ... . a) children learn to do many things together b) boys and girls can sleep a lot in the morning c) schools have special programmes Maximum result 4 Your result • 41 i/> о ■D b II. READING A. Read the text and the sentences after it. Decide in which of the sentences the information is true, false or not stated. The American school year isn’t very long. There are two terms and at the end of each term students get their marks and a report card from their teachers. American students have rather many vacations in the school year. They have two weeks for spring vacation, two weeks for Christmas vacation and three months for summer vacation. American schoolchildren have four years of high school*. In the first two years of high school, they have fairly many exams. Each student takes exams in English and mathematics, but they are not very difficult. In the last two years American students prepare for college. People usually say that American .school life is not very hard. ' high school (in America) старшие классы средней школы 42 У 1) The American school year is longer than the English school year. 2) Teachers give marks to their students at the end of each term. 3) American pupils have four vacations during the school year. 4) Every child in America goes to high school. 5) English and mathematics are the most important subjects for everybody. 6) American students take some exams during the last years of their schooling. 7) American students have a fairly easy life. Maximum result 7 Your result ? III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. 1) I am tired ... writing dictations. 2) Jack got a good mark ... English. 3) I do not know what happened ... them yesterday. 4) Our classes are ... . We can go home. 5) Never talk ... to people who are older than you. 6) My older brother talked me ... the trip to the USA by sea. He said it was a very long voyage. 7) What are your usual marks ... Russian? 8) Try and talk him ... of rereading this text. У Maximum result 8 Your result V • Choose the right forms to make the sentences complete. 1) Julia didn’t want to break the rules, but in fact she (break/broke) them. 2) It (happen/happened) two centuries ago. 3) I bought a new dictionary last week and (pay/paid) 30 dollars for it. 4) If you (come/will come) tomorrow, you (see/will see) Jane. 5) I am not sure what mark he (will get/gets) for the test. 6) I always (wear/am wearing) a school uniform when I go to school. У Maximum result 7 Your result ? IV. SPEAKING Work in pairs. One of you is a pupil from Britain and the other is a Russian pupil. Speak about your schools. Remember to say about; • when you go to school and leave it; • primary and secondary schools; • examinations and marks; у school holidays; school subjects; school life. Maximum result 15 Your result 9 • У V. WRITING Listen, ^ (19), and write Dictation 1 Maximum result 10 Your result ? • У Total result 51 Your result 9 • 43 ел r-f n> T3 DO IT ON YOUR OWN Do Project Work 1. Complete a new page in your English Album. Find information about one of the English old schools; Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Rugby. Write about it and illustrate your story with pictures. Ask your family or friends to help you if necessary. Use the Internet. Decide whose works are the best. See p. 151 (Book 2) for the Internet sites. 44 Unit ; Г' The Language of the World Ы step 1 % DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the dialogue, (20), and complete these sentences. 1) Alice says that she is going to ... . a) have her English class tomorrow b) have a talk about her English classes c) have a talk in her lesson of English 2) Alice thinks that English is the most popular language in our century. Diana • • • • a) is not sure of it b) thinks the same c) doesn’t think so 3) Alice is sure that if you know English, you’ll be able to understand people ... . a) in your own country b) in very few countries c) practically in all the counties of the world 4) Diana says that tliese days ... . a) a great number of people are interested in learning English b) very few people are interested in learning English c) in many countries people can’t speak English #A 4a Ьв№ Articles (Артикли) Название языка, который вы учите, может быть полным — the English language или кратким — English. Обратите внимание на наличие артикля the в первом случае. Это также касается названий иных языков. Сравните: the French language — French, the Russian language — Russian. Answer the following questions. 1) Why do people learn foreign languages? 2) How will you be able to use English in the future? а 3) Why do a lot of people choose English as a foreign language? 4) What do you find difficult in language learning? What do you find easy? How can language learning be fun? 5) What do your family think about learning foreign languages? Do they speak any foreign languages? 6) How many foreign languages would yoii like to leam? What languages? Л. Do you know ... • ... how many people on the planet speak English as their native language? • ... where English words come from? • ... how many words the English language has? B. Read the text and find out. More people on our planet speak English than any other language if you don’t count Chinese. People speak English in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand ['zirlandj, the United States and some other countries. Statistics says that more than 450 million people speak English as their everyday language. Another 100 million or more speak English as a foreign language. Most English words came from the French or Latin [laetm] languages. A lot of people believe that the English language is one of the richest languages of the world and has as many as about a million words. 45 СЛ c-f Ф TD Tenses (Грамматические времена) The Present Perfect Tense (Настоящее совершенное время) 1. Вы уже знаете, что для того, чтобы сказать о событии, которое имело место в прошпом, испопьз^-ется знакомое вам время past srmp/e. В этом случае мы обычно знаем, когда, а часто и где это событие произошло; I watched the film yesterday. I came to school early in the morning and watered the plants. 2. Если же неизвестно или неважно, когда совершено какое-либо действие, но важен его результат, в английском языке используют особое время, которое называется present perfect: I have washed the plates. (Я вымыл посуду, т. e. посуда вымыта.) She has learned the poem. (Она выучила стихотворение, т. е. знает его.) They have finished the work. (Они закончили работу, т. е. вся работа сделана.) 3. Как вы видите из примеров, present perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола have/has и так называемой третьей формы смыслового глагола: Для правильных глаголов форма совпадает с формой прошедшего времени, например; I answer cook visit start II answered cooked visited started III answered cooked visited started Выбор между have и has, как вам известно, зависит от того, с каким существительным или местоимением сочетается глагол: has для третьего лица единственного числа, а have для всех остальных случаев: Не has answered the questions. They have answered the questions. 46 Make up sentences and read them. I We My friend Jane have They has These people You and I Everybody played this game before, visited the best museums in town, cleaned the classroom really well, watched the new film on TV. asked some interesting questions, cooked a very tasty dinner, finished reading the text, decided to have a party, started a new project, listened to some popular songs. Say what has happened. Example'. Sam’s car is clean (wash). Sam has washed his car. 1) Kate’s plants look green and fresh, (water) 2) Mum’s bedroom window is opened, (open) 3) Mary knows what the film is about, (watch) 4) My friends know what the British Museum’s like, (visit) 5) Emma’s hair is clean and shiny, (wash) 6) The Smiths know where they’ll spend their weekend, (decided) 7) Jake’s supper is ready, (cook) 8) Mary’s friends are in London, (arrive in) 9) Peter is wearing different clothes now. (change) 10) The sisters are enjoying a wonderful new' book, (discover) Today Cinderella is very tired. Can you say why? Example'. She has washed her sister’s clothes. 1) wash 2) clean 3) cook 4) clean 5) work 6) wash 7) visit 8) water 9) walk А. Read the dialogue and give it a name. Act it out in pairs. A: Well, how is life? What is new? B: Everything is just fine, thank you. And you know what? I have just started learning French. A: Really? It’s great. Are you enjoying it? B: Yes, but I don’t find it easy. There are so many words to learn and so many rules to remember. A: Do you learn it on your own or take special classes? B: I take private classes two times a week. A; They say “through hardship' to the stars”, don’t they? B: I know. I hope things will become easier soon. Also it feels wonderful to be able to speak a new language. I like singing French songs too. A: I wish you to be successful in language learning. 47 i/^ Ф T3 B. Comment on the saying "Through hardship to the stars". IT ON YOUR OWN Choose have or has to complete the sentences. 1) James ... visited St Petersburg. He likes the city. 2) We ... played five games of tennis. We are the winners. 3) He ... washed his jeans. 4) They ... started reading a new book. 5) Elizabeth ... cleaned the window. 6) You ... counted all the books. 7) He ... translated the text into Russian. 8) The children ... watered the flowers. VAaVOn the \nno sentences. Example: My friend has opened the window. It’s a little cold in the room now. 1) My friend has opened the window. 2) He has translated the text into English. 3) We have answered all the questions. 4) They have visited the Kremlin. 5) She has arrived in Moscow. 6) We have talked to Jim’s parents. 7) I have cooked something nice. 8) The children have washed their hands. a) It’s a little cold in the room now'. b) Now they know what their son’s problems are. c) Now I can inv'ite my neighbours to lunch. d) They are clean now. e) Now they know what cathedrals are situated there. f) Our teacher says our answers are right. g) Now he is ready for his class. h) Now she is going to the Central Hotel. ’ hardship [ ha;djip] трудность 10 Write what cities Alice and Ray have visited. 48 Ni Step 2 % DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the diaiogue, (21), and complete these sentences. 1) People use English as their native language in ... . a) Great Britain, the USA and Germany b) English-speaking countries 2) In all English-speaking countries people ... . a) use one and the same native language b) speak English in the same way c) speak British English 3) Sometimes different words name the same things in ... . a) Great Britain and America b) Australia and New Zealand c) Canada and Australia Look at the pictures and say what games the children have started playing. 3. f- 5. m 6. The Verb (Глагол) Третья форма Vj так называемых неправильных глаголов иногда может совпадать с формой прошедшего времени, а иногда нет. Её нужно запомнить. Вы найдёте её в таблице неправильных глаголов. Для начала запомните третью форму глагола to be — «быть, находиться» и глагола to see — «видеть». I II III be was/were been see saw seen I have been there. = I’ve been there Nick has seen a lot of films. = Nick’s seen a lot of films. Обратите внимание на то, что с глаголом to be в этом времени часто употребляется предлог to. I have been to Moscow. — Я бывал в Москве. She has been to London. — Она бывала в Лондоне. 49 сл ф -о N) А. Say to what countries and cities they have been. Example: Mark, Germany Mark has been to Germany. 1) Grace and Nora'Norway 2) Paul Milton Italy 3) Sarah, Australia B. Say what they have seen. 4) Rose Finch, Oxford 5) James and Bill, Glasgow 6) Ben and Tim France Example: Clara/her favourite TV show Clara has seen her favourite TV show. 1) Alan/a Hollywood film 2) Ms Grey/a lot of monuments in London 3) Rick and Sally/a new TV programme 4) Mr and Mns Newton/an unusual theatre performance 5) Bruce/a lot of places of interest 6) Jill and Wendy/a famous collection of paintings C Do A and В again. Use the short forms of the verb to have. Example: Mark’s been to Germany. Clara’s seen her favourite TV show. А. Read the sentences and say how we can form negations in present perfect 50 NJ I have been to London. We have been to Washington. You have been to Boston. They have been to Chicago. She has been to Australia. He has been to the USA. I have not been to Moscow. We have not been to Oxford You have not been to Leeds. They have not been to Kiev. She has not been to Miami. He has not been to Spain. B. Say the same using the short forms of the verb to see. Example: I have not seen the Pacific. I haven’t seen the Pacific. 1) I have not seen the Atlantic. 2) We have not seen New York. 3) You have not seen London. 4) They have not seen Buckingham Palace. 5) He has not seen the Tower of London. 6) She has not seen the Moscow Kremlin. Say what these people have not done. Example: Max’s boots are dirty, (clean) Max hasn’t (has not) cleaned his boots. 1) Mr Porter’s work is not ready, (finish) 2) Julia doesn’t know what New York is like, (be) 3) Mrs Johnson’s plants are dry. (water) 4) I don’t know if Peter is at .school today, (.see) 5) The paint on the walls in Paul’s kitchen is old and dark, (paint) 6) Polly’s cups and plates are unwashed, (wash) 7) Jerry hasn’t seen the news on television today, (watch) 8) Mary and I are thinking about what film to see. (decide) 9) Most of us don’t know how to play baseball, (play) 10) Jim doesn’t know what the job of a journalist is like, (work as) 11) I’d like to know if the “Star” is a good hotel, (stay) 12) Samantha [sa'marnGa] can’t teach you to make chocolate pudding, (cook) Listen, ^ (22), and read the texts (1—4). Match them with the titles (a—d). a) Do We Really Want So Many? b) Great-grandfather Languages. What Are They? c) Very Helpful Books d) How It All Started 1. We do not really know^ how languages began. Some believe that languages began when prehistoric people tried to imitate birds and animals. Some think that the first words were the natural sounds that people made when they felt happy or were in shock. 2. What we know about the history of languages is that many of them come from one ancient language. Linguists say that this and all the languages that come from it are a “family” of languages. English and Russian belong to the Indo-European family of languages. French, Italian, German, Norwegian also belong to it. 3. How many words must a language have? For example, there are more than 450,000 words in Webster’s New International Dictionary. Nobody knows all of them, but most people are able to understand about 35,000 and use from 10,000 to 12,000. 4. If you hear or read a new word and want to know what it means, you try to find this word in a dictionary. Modern dictionaries are very different from old ones. Most of them give words alphabetically. Together with the words they give information about how they sound and what meanings they have. A dictionary may also give you information about how to use the word grammatically and gives examples. There are monolingual [,топэи'1п]дшэ1], bilingual [bai’lirigwal] and multilingual dictionaries. They give information about words in one (mono-), two (bi-) or more than two (multi-) languages. J Oxford American OiclKMtjrx 1“ - - Collins Russian Dictionarv m I АВИАЦИОННЫЙ International Words (Интернациональные слова) В разных языках часто встречаются похожие по звучанию слова. Их называют «интернациональными». В языках Европы существует большое количество интернациональных слов, которые пришли из греческого и латыни, но не только из них. Сравните: cafe (fr) — coffee (Eng) — кофе (Rus) tragedie (Fr) — tragedy (Eng) — трагедия (Rus) litterature (Ft) — literature (Eng) — литература (Rus) Очень часто интернациональные слова помогают нам понять смысл сказанного или написанного. 51 т Ф тз ы Which of these words are international? What do they mean? 1) history 5) family 8) grammar 11) alphabet 2) ballet 6) linguist 9) radio 12) information 3) people 7) dictionary 10) understand 13) natural 4) word DO IT OIU YOUR OWN Write what these people have started doing Example: Max/making breakfast Max has started making breakfast. 1) Sarah/learning French 2) Tom and Ben playing tennis 3) Lizzy/reading “The Old Man and the Sea” 4) Sam/eating his lunch 5) Mary/playing the piano 6) Mrs Townsend/driving the new car 7) The Morgana/'speaking Russian Write where Emily has not been and what she has not seen. Example’. 1) Emily hasn’t been to St Petersburg. She hasn’t seen the monument to Peter the Great. 52 NJ 1) The monument to Peter the Great 2) Red Square 4) Tower Bridge 5) The Statue of Liberty 3) NeLson’s Column 6) The monument to Krvdov 10 Which of these words are international? Write them out. 1) comedy 4) sport 7) book 10) algebra 2) shop 5) thing 8) telephone 11) problem 3) centre 6) comfort 9) house 12) money Step 3 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the song, (23), and sing it along Billy Boy Oh, where have you been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy, Oh, where have you been. Charming Billy? I have been to seek a wife. She’s the joy of my life. She’s a young thing And cannot leave her mother. очаровашка Билли искать Did she ask you to come in, Billy Boy, Billy Boy, Did she ask you to come in. Charming Billy? Yes, she asked me to come in. There’s a dimple in her chin. She’s a young thing And cannot leave her mother. Can she bake a cherry pie. Billy Boy, Billy Boy, Can she bake a cherry pie. Charming Billy? She can bake a cherry pie. Quick as you can wink an eye. She’s a young thing And cannot leave her mother. Say what has happened. Example’. Nick has opened the window, ямочка на подбородке испечь вишневый пирог быстро; моргнуть 53 (Ь ы 1) Nick 2) Jake and Mike 3) Samantha 4) Bob and Mary 5) Len 6) Lord 7) Ben 8) Lucy 9) Tim and Kathy 54 George and Rose haven't been to these cities. Say what they haven't seen, 1) London: Trafalgar Square Buckingham Palace The Houses of Parliament 2) New York: Little Italy Central Park Broadway 3) Moscow: Gorky Park the Bolshoi Theatre Tverskaya Street 4) St Petersburg: the Russian Museum Dvortsovaya Square The Hermitage Read and say how we form questions and short answers in present perfect. hi Have you...? 7 Have I asked your name? Yes, you have. Have you washed your hands? Have we seen j Yes, we this film? I have. Have your friends visited the picture gallery? No, you haven’t. No, I haven’t. No, we haven’t. No, they haven’t. Has he/she...? 7 Has Bob been to New York? Yes, he has. Has Helen been to Moscow? Yes, she has. No, he hasn’t. No, she hasn’t, f У л ta Ьв№ ^ Irregular Verbs (Неправильные глаголы) ® (24). 1 II III become became become [Ы'клт] begin began begun [Ы'длп] come came come [клт] do did done (длп] ring rang rung [глд] run ran run [глп] swim swam swum [swAin] 55 СП г+ п> ■D UJ Ann helps Mrs Hicks about the house. She does everything Mrs Hicks asks her to do very fast. Complete their dialogues. A. Mrs Hicks: Ann, ring the office about the letter, please. Ann (in several minutes): 1 have done it, Mrs Hicks. I have rung the office. They know about the letter. B. Mrs Hicks: Ann, do my bedroom, please. Ann (in half an hour): Mrs Hicks, I... Your bedroom is clean. C. Mrs Hicks: Ann, begin cooking lunch, please. A n n: I... Mrs Hicks. I am making some chicken soup now. O. Mrs Hicks: Ann, go shopping, but come back quickly. Ann (in 40 minutes): I... back from the shop, Mrs Hicks. Now we’ve got all the vegetables you wanted. A. Say what their jobs are, what they have become. Example: Eliza has become a doctor. ff» Tom Ann Colin & Eliza Rob Polly B. Say how many kilometres they have run. Example: Boris has run ten kilometres. Boris — 10 Frank — 4 Bob — 2 Sarah — 1 C. Say how many metres they have swum. Example: Helen has swum twenty-five metres. Helen — 25 Jane — 200 Toby Andy — 5 Tracy — 3 Emma — 50 Samantha — 150 Mark 200 125 56 А. Answer these questions. 1) Have you been to Moscow? 2) Have you seen Red Square? 3) Have you travelled a lot this year? 4) Has your father been to the USA? 5) Has your mother cooked pizza? 6) Have you played baseball? 7) Have your friends played tennis? 8) Have you helped your parents a lot this year? 9) Have you seen any of the Harry Potter films? B. Say what you have never done but would like to do. Why would you like to do it? Example: I have never been to the sea. I’d like to go to the sea because I’d like to swim in it and lie in the sun on the beach. DO IT ON YOUR OWN Complete the sentences. Use present perfect. 1) Mrs Johnson (become) a writer. 2) Bob and Charles (be) to the States many times. 3) You (swim) in the Pacific? 4) We (not, do) our lessons. 5) I (not, decorate) the hall. 6) The girls (jump) high. Their results are very good. But they (run) 5 kilometres badly. 7) Betty (begin) learning English. 8) Polly (ring up) Doctor Gordon? 9) Boris (come) back? — No, he hasn’t. He never comes back earlier than six. 10) Jane says she (not, see) any of the Harry Potter films before. Write short answers to these questions. 1) Have you been to Australia? 2) Have you finished your project? 3) Have you done your room today? 4) Have you begun learning the second foreign language? 5) Have you seen the British Queen in real life? On TV? 6) Have you swum in a river? In the sea? In the ocean? 10 Write questions with these words. Use present perfect. Example: she/has reading/begun, this/book? Has she begun reading this book? 1) have/to/been/you Rome? 2) any/you,/seen/have foreign films? 3) they/Spain/visited/have/this year? 4) Sam/has/the sea/in/swum? 5) Sally/become/has/a photographer? 6) they/come/have/on time? step 4 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (25). and say where captain Drake has and hasn't been. Chili Australia 0 South America 57 Ln (t TJ «к Tenses (Грамматические времена) 1. Глагольная форма present perfect часто используется со следующими наречиями: already [Dil'redi] — уже never ['neva) — никогда ever ['eva] — когда-нибудь yet [jet] — ещё just [^Ast] — только что Как правило, перечисленные выше наречия являются маркерами времени present perfect, т. е. наличие этих слов указывает на использование в предложении именно этого времени. Большинство наречий располагаются в предложении после вспомогательного глагола have/has, перед смысловым, и только слово yet ставится в конце предложения: Have they ever visited London? I have already done the work. I have never seen Judy. Mike has Just arrived. We haven't been to Mexico yet. 2. Маркерами времени present perfect помимо указанных наречий являются также следующие слова и словосочетания; today this morning this week this evening this year this month I haven't seen dad this morning. He has been to the picture gallery this month. We have met him twice this week. A. Use these word combinations and say: 1) where John Morgan has already travelled: • in/about South America • in/about Asia • in/about North America • in/about Africa • in/about Australia 2) what countries he has not visited yei: • Finland • Norway • Poland • France • Germany 58 го 3) what places he has never been to: • Italy • Wales • Belorussia • Mexico • Scotland 4) from what places he has iust come back: • the Black Sea • Spain • Greece • the islands • Russia in the Indian Ocean B. Work in pairs. One of you is John Morgan, the other' is his friend. Ask and answer questions about if John Morgan has ever been to these places. the Urals (-) the two capitals of Russia (+) языка 2. словарный • Lake Baikal (О • • the cities on the Volga (-) • • the Far East (-) Listen, ^ (26), and read. A. borrow [ borau] — занимать, заимствовать carry ['kcBrij - нести develop [di'velap] — развивать(ся) even ['i:vn] — даже only [’aunli] — adj единственный; adv только probably ['probabli] — вероятно tongue [tAi]] — язык vocabulary [va'kaebjularij — 1. словарный состав запас 3. список слов B. borrow: to borrow something from somebody. I borrowed this camera from Alec. Please may I borrow your pen? carry: to carry a box, to carry books. Where is Sarah carrying your backpack? Jane carried the bag back to her desk. develop: to develop fast, to develop slowly, to develop into a tree, to develop from a beginner into a real writer. She has developed an interest in music. The baby has developed a cold. even: even the children, even now, even then, even so, Jane is on a diet. She doesn’t even eat cheese. She was so weak, she couldn’t even walk. I read the letter again, but even then he didn’t understand, only adj: the only people in the room, the only problem, an only child. Bill is an only child in the family. only adv: only you, only they. Only he can help us. Only a doctor can do that. probably: probably yes. I’ll probably telephone you this evening, tongue: 1. Your tongue is in your mouth. 2. a native tongue, a mother tongue. This dictionary is for those whose mother tongue is not English. vocabulary: 1. the English vocabulary. 2. a student’s vocabulary, a child’s vocabulary, (not) to be in one’s vocabulary. My little son has started to talk, he’s got a vocabulary of ten words. These words are not in my vocabulary. 3. There is a vocabulary at the end of your book. other [лбэ] — другой А. Say what they are carrying. 1. 2. 4. B. Say what Nick borrowed from his friends yesterday. 1. 2. 3. 4. C Say what their mother tongues are. 1) Andre is from France. 2) Pablo is from Spain. 3) John is from England. 4) Kate is from Russia. A. Read the title of the text and say what you think it is about. B. Read the text and say where people use English internationally. How English Developed In the 16th century the people who lived in Europe didn’t know English. They couldn’t understand English words. Only those who lived on the British Isles spoke English. In those years Latin, French, German and Italian were popular on the continent. Four hundred years later the speakers of English travelled to different places on the planet and carried their language and culture with them. Today English is more important than any other language has ever been. It has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language. Of all the world’s languages it is probably the richest in its vocabulary. It has borrowed a lot of words from French and Latin, from Greek, Spanish, Italian, and even Russian. Now English is the language of science, business, and sport. People use English as the first language or mother tongue in the English-speaking countries. It has become the second language in countries like India, Nigeria [naic^iaria], and Singapore [,5П]э’рэ:]. Then there is English as a foreign language. People teach and learn English as a foreign language in Europe and Asia, in Africa and South America, in other words, all over the world. Read out of the text "How English Developed" (Ex. 5) the sentences that mean the same as the sentences below. 1) At that time Europeans did not speak English. 2) Only in Europe Latin, French, Italian and German were important in the 16th century. 59 LO Ф “O 60 isi 3) Only British people understood and spoke English. 4) English-speaking people brought their language to every' part of the world in the 20th century. 5) Many people think that English has the largest number of words of all the languages. 6) People use English in education. Say why they are happy. Use present perfect. 1) James is happy because he (do) his homework and can go to the cinema with his friends. 2) Peter is happy because he (swim) 100 metres in two minutes. 3) Samantha and Jenny are happy because the bell (ring). There are no more classes and they can go home. 4) Tom and Roy are happy because they (see) a film with their favourite actor, Jackie Chan. 5) Pauline is happy because her mum (come) home early today and they are having dinner together. 6) Jack is happy because he (become) captain of his football team'. 7) Mary and Kate are happy because they (be) to New York and (enjoy) it. 8) Anna is happy because she (begin) learning French. 9) Peter is happy because he (run) into the classroom before the bell. It’s the first time when he hasn’t been late for his lessons. 10) Julia is happy because she (play) her favourite sonata on the piano very' well. DO IT Oni YOUR OWN Complete the sentences with the words from the box in the right forms, 10 develop, carry, borrow, tongue, vocabulary, even, probably, only 1) It always feels cold in this room ... in summer. 2) Can I ... your mobile for a second, please? 3) I ... my cup of tea to my bedroom and drunk it there. 4) Your mother ... is the language you learn as a child. 5) Some children ... slower and some ... faster. 6) I understood where I was ... when I saw the towers of old town. 7) I’m happy to see that your ... is growing. 8) It is ... the most important game for our footballers. Spell the words. 1) [Ъогэи] 2) ['эопП] 3) [va'kaebjobri] 4) ['i:vn] 5) [di'velap] 6) [Ug] 7) ['prohabli] 8) ['kaerij A. Complete these sentences. Use the words from the box in the right places. ever, never, yet, just, already 1) Have you been to Greece? 2) I have finished reading “Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain. 3) They have been to St Petersburg. They don’t know the city at all. 4) Jane hasn’t come back. 5) We have done our room. Now we are free. B. Write what you have done a) this week; b) today. ' a team — команда step 5 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (27), and say where Andrew has and hasn't been in the USA. Irregular Verbs (Неправильные глаголы) и третью. ® (28). 1 II 111 eat ate eaten ['i:tn] fall fell fallen [’fodan] give gave given [givn] read read read [red] speak spoke spoken [’spaukan] take took taken [ teikon] write wrote written ['ritnj 61 КА г+ <ь “D 1Л Read and answer the questions. 1) Have you ever written a letter abroad? 2) Have you ever read books by English writers? 3) Have you ever spoken to English people or Americans? 4) Have you ever read traditional books by English writers? 5) Have you ever fallen in love' with a town or a city in Russia or abroad? 6) Have you ever taken photos of interesting or unusual buildings and monuments? ' to fall in love — влюбляться 7) Have you ever given your friends pictures that you liave drawn or painted? 8) Have you ever been abroad? Where? 9) Have you ever swum in the sea or in the ocean? 10) Which of the things mentioned' in the questions above w'ould you like to do? 62 A. Learn to form special questions in present perfect. Read the questions. Where liave you been? What have you done? How many books have they read? How much porridge has the dog eaten? How well have they learned the poem? Whose pen have I taken? Which of the films have you seen? Why has he come? Who(m) has she seen? B. Complete the dialogues and act them out. 1) - 2) - 3) - Have you ever been to the USA? Yes, ... . What cities ...? I have been to Washington, D.C. and some small towns near it, Have you read any of the Harry Potter books? Yes, ... . How many books ...? I’ve read three books and liked them all. Has Frank taken any pictures? Yes, ... . How many pictures of the park has he taken? ... a lot of them, I believe. 4) - Has Alex spoken to Robert? — Yes, I think he ... . — Has he given him the photos? — Yes, he ... . He ... Robert all his best pictures. A. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the who-questions. Example: I t — Who has been to the cinema? — Mr Hopper and Aim have. Ar Mr Hopper and Ann/to be to the cinema, * mentioned ['menjnd] — упомянутый 1) Mr Black/ to write the letter 4) Mrs Gordon/to take her dog for a walk 2) Emma/to read the book 5) Lizzy/to give Rex a bone 3) The girls to play the piano 6) Mr Ford/ to speak in the hall 7) Sally and Brian; to eat all the porridge 63 1/1 Ф T5 СЛ B. Work in pairs. Read and answer the disjunctive questions. Example: - Mr Hopper hasn’t been to the cinema, has he? — But he has. (Yes, he has.) 1) Mr Blake has written the letter, hasn’t he? 2) Emma hasn’t read the book, has she? 3) The girls have played the piano, haven’t they? 4) Mrs Gordon has taken her dog for a walk, hasn’t she? 5) Lizzy has given a bone to the dog, hasn’t she? 6) Mr Ford hasn’t spoken to the people in the hall, has he? 7) Sally and Brian haven’t eaten their porridge, have they? A. Read the title of the text and say what it can be about. B. Read the text and say why it can be difficult for American and British people to understand each other. Different Kinds of English English is not the same in all the places of our planet. People use English in America, Australia, Canada, and Great Britain as their mother tongue, but these “Englishes” are different. We can speak about American English, Australian English, Canadian English. People who live in Great Britain speak British English. Those who live in India speak Indian English. British English and American English are the most important kinds of the English language because people use them very widely. But they are not really that much different. You are learning British 64 N English, but if you meet people who come from the USA, you will be able to understand what they say. Probably you won’t understand everything, probably you will find that some words do not sound* quite usual. You will certainly be able to say that these people are not British, but you will still be able to talk to them. It is so because the vocabulary and grammar- of the language are very much the same. But some things have different names in Britain and America. Read the examples in the table to know these words: 1 Russian word 1 American word 1 British word автостоянка parking lot car park аптека drug store chemist’s f'kemists] бензин gas(oline) ['gzesslirn] petrol ['petral] брюки pants trousers грузовик truck lorry жареный карто(])ель (тонкими ломтиками) (French) fries [fraiz] chips кинотеатр movie ['mu:vi] theatre cinema КИНСК])ИЛЬМ movie film конфета candy ['kaendi] sweet кран (водопроводный) faucet [’forsit] tap 1 лифт elevator ['eliveits] lift мусор garbage ['ga:bicfe] rubbish мусорный бак/ящик ' J garbage can dustbin ['dAstbin] осень fall autumn печенье cookie ['kuki] biscuit ['biskit] плита stove cooker свитер sweater jumper тротуар sidewalk fsaidwork] pavement What do you know about these? Say: in what countries people use English as their mother tongue in what countries they use English as the second important language where in the world people are interested in learning English why people think that English has become an international language what countries are English-speaking countries how much English has developed since the 16th century what variants of English you know in the modern world what are the most important kinds of English in the 21st century if speakers of British English and American English can understand each other if you know the words which mean the same in British and American English ' to sound [saund] — звучать ^ grammar [ gra?ma] — грамматика ta bene The Adverb (Наречие) Известное вам наречие yet может употребляться не только в отрицатель^ ных предложениях типа; I haven't rung him up yet. We haven't written the letter yet. В современном английском языке yet часто используется в вопросах, заменяя наречие already (уже), которое обычно встречается в утвердительных предложениях. Сравните: Не has already spoken at the meeting. Has he spoken at the meeting yet? They have already read [red] the text. Have they read [red] the text yet? Наречие already тоже может употребляться в вопросах, однако вопросительные предложения с already выражают скорее удивление, чем вопрос как таковой; Have you already done your homework? You started doing it only twenty minutes ago. 65 1Л r+ 0) ■D U1 Use yet or already to complete these sentences. 1) Have you spoken to Mr Williams ...? 2) I have ... eaten my lunch. 3) He has ... taken us around the cathedral. 4) Jane, why are you in the playroom? Have you ... eaten your lunch? 5) Have you written Test Five ...? 6) Has Polly given her first lesson ...? 7) Have you ... read the text? It’s so long! 8) I have ... written three exercises. 9) Dick, have you spoken to Miss Grey ...? 10) We haven’t finished our project ... . DO IT OIU YOUR OWN Use already or yet in these sentences. Write them down. 1) Have you finished your work? — Yes, I have. We can go now. 2) The children have taken off their jackets, it has become much warmer. 3) Our teacher hasn’t given us our marks. 4) My brother has spoken to his classmates about his favourite writers. 5) Have you done your room? I can’t believe it! You have done it really fast. Write these sentences. Use have/has, have not/has not in their short forms. Example: We have played this game before. We’ve played this game before. Ann has not done anything. Ann hasn’t done anything. 1) I don’t know anybody who has not read this story. 2) Steve has become a very good doctor. 3) Mum has not given me my lunch yet. 4) He has taken his little brother to the zoo. 5) They have not eaten this fot)d for a long time. 10 Write their names in American and British English. Example'. faucet — tap 66 KJ 1. 6. 2. 11. 3. m 8. 9. 5. Write a paragraph about why English and American people sometimes can't understand each other. Step 6 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the poem, ^ (29), and read it. What helps you "to see" the wind when you read the poem? Read out the sentence in which Christina Rossetti uses present perfect. The Wind (By Christina Rossetti) Who has seen the wind? Neither I. nor vou: But the leaves hang trembling The wind is passing through Who has seen the wind? Neither you, nor I; But when the trees bow down their heads. The wind is passing by. ни я, ни ты листья, дрожа проходит склоняют мимо Tom and Mary Robinson live in Britain and Dug and Lora Wilson live in the US. Their lives are very much the same. They do the same things every day. Read the text about the Robinsons and say what the Wilsons' day is like. Use American English (see Ex. 5, Step 5). The Robinsons The Robinsons are a British family. They live in Manchester. This is their usual weekday. They get up at 6.30. Tom Robinson goes to the bathroom. He turns on the tap, has a shower, cleans his teeth and puts on his favourite clothes — a dark blue jumper and grey trousers. While Tom is dressing his wife Mary gets their breakfast ready. She prepares eggs on the cooker. Tom likes a big breakfast, Mary doesn’t eat much in the morning. She usually has a cup of coffee and some biscuits, sometimes she takes a sweet. When Tom leaves home, he drives his lorry to the petrol station. He has a busy day in front of him. For lunch he usually has chips. In the morning Mary cleans the flat, takes the rubbish out and puts it in the dustbin standing on the street pavement. Then she goes to the chemist’s where she works. Tom and Mary often drive to the cinema. They leave their old Ford in the car park and enjoy watching their favourite films. 67 on r+ n> ■D Ф Likes and Dislikes Следующие слова и словосочетания помогают говорить о том, что нам нравится или не нравится. Постарайтесь пользоваться ими. Likes I (really) enjoy/like/love I quite enjoy/like ... I’ve always enjoyed/liked/loved ... I’m (quite/very) fond of ... ... (я без ума от ...) fantastic great ^ wonderful I’m crazy [kreizij about r I think IS/are very nice not so bad Dislikes I’m afraid I don’t like/enjoy ... I can’t say I like/enjoy ... I’ve never liked ... I (really) hate ... I can’t stand ... (Я терпеть не могу) I dislike (Я не люблю) bad I think ... is/are -s terrible hateful awful [o:fl] (ужасный) stupid 68 Say what you feel about them, • language learning • travelling • meeting new people • singing or dancing • drawing or painting • music Use the words from Social English box. • cooking • doing your room • washing up • shopping • photography • working in the garden KJ Make up and act out dialogues about your likes and dislikes. Example'. A: What do you feel about pets? B: I’m quite fond of them. A: And what pets do you like? B: I’ve always liked dogs. I think they’re very nice food Listen, (30), and read. A. air [еэ] воздух follow ffolaul — 1. следовать (за) 2. понимать maybe ['meibi] — возможно need [ni:d] — нуждаться prefer [pn'fa:] — предпочитать pronounce [pra'nauns] — произносить sound [saund] — n звук; и звучать speech [spi:^] — речь such [SA^] — такой(-ая, -ие) B. air: high in tlie air, in the open air. Mrs Reynolds went out into the street to get some fresh air. Look at the plane high in the air. follow: 1. to follow somebody, to follow the rules. Tuesday follows Monday. I was sure that somebody was following me. 2. Did you follow what I was saying? maybe: maybe I’ll come too. Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe rain, maybe snow. need: to need water, to need to go to school, to need food. You’ll need some warm clothes for the winter. You can stay longer if you need to. prefer (preferred, preferred): to prefer tea to coffee, to prefer to go to some place, to prefer to do (doing) something. We prefer eating fresh fruit and vegetables. pronounce: to pronounce slowly, to pronounce loudly, to pronounce clearly. Do you know how to pronounce the word daughter'} sound n: a loud sound, powerful sounds of music, to listen to unusual sounds. Can you hear any sound? sound v: to sound pleasant (loud, nice, warm, awful). Her words sounded nice. The music sounds loud, speech: a long speech, a short speech, to write a speech, to make a speech. He made a successful speech at the meeting. The noun is a part of speech. such: such a girl, such a book, such languages, such examples, such fresh bread, such hot tea. It was such a boring film. It is such sweet tea that I can’t drink it. Paraphrase using the new words from Exercise 5. 1) She likes tea more than coffee. We like autumn more than winter. He likes music more than painting. They like cinema more than theatre. 2) Bob was walking behind me. Don’t walk behind me. She walked behind her parents into the living room. 1 don’t know who was walking behind us. I didn’t understand what he was saying. 3) They are probably right. She will probably come. Probably he doesn’t understand anything. I’ll probably begin learning Italian. 4) The music is very loud. The song is very sweet. His speech is stupid. Their words were very- unusual. 5) We want to have some more vegetables to make a salad. They want to have some chalk to be able to write on the blackboard. He wants to have more time to do the city. She wants to have more bread to make sandwiches. 69 on r+ a Ф ta heoe Articles (Артикли) После слова such может идти: 1) имя существительное исчисляемое в единственном числе с неопределённым артиклем: Alex is such а good pupil. It is such an interesting book. 2) имя существительное во множественном числе без артикля: I like such books. Such languages are not easy. 3) имя существительное неисчисляемое без артикля: We are having such terrible weather. You can't have such fresh air in town as in the country. Look at the pictures. What are they saying? Example: I have never washed such dirty clothes. 1) wash/dirty clothes 70 $ 2) hear/awful musicians 4) read/a boring book 3) speak to/a beautiful girl 5) see/ a sad film 6) eat/a tasty cake 7) write/a long letter 8) watch/an interesting show 9) play/a difficult game DO IT ON YOUR OWN Use the new words in the right forms to complete the sentences. 10 1) “I know the way,” said Mr Hiller. me.” 2) Rose says she ... travelling by train to travelling by sea. 3) People travel by ... faster than by car or by sea. 4) We couldn’t understand his ... at all. 5) Do we ... any butter to make the pie? 6) How do w^e ... the word night! 7) Have you ever seen ... unusual birds? 8) The ... of music were very loud. 9) ... he will come at 5, but I am not sure. Complete the sentences. Use the article a/an where necessary. 1) Such ... people also live near us. 2) Those were such ... short stories. 3) Bob has never seen such ... interesting film. 4) Only rich people can buy such ... things. 5) Fanny is such ... beautiful woman. 6) Where do they buy such ... tasty ice cream? 7) We’re such ... good friends. 8) I’ve never done such ... difficult work in my life. 9) I hate such ... rainy weather. 10) There was such ... deep snow in the forest that the travellers couldn’t walk. Write what you feel about them. 1) ballet 2) shopping for food 3) playing computer games 4) sentimental films Use the phrases that describe likes and dislikes, 5) watching sports on television 6) getting presents 7) rainy weather 8) classical music step 7 ь DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (31), and complete the following sentences. 1) Daniel Radcliffe was born in ... . a) spring b) summer c) autumn 2) He has ... . a) a brother b) a sister c) no brothers or sisters 3) He is a professional ... . a) actor b) writer c) footballer 4) When Daniel played Harry Potter it was the ... . a) first time he appeared in a film b) second time he appeared in a film c) third time he appeared in a film 5) There were ... boys who wanted to play Harry Potter a) 160 b) 1,600 c) 16,000 Read these word combinations and sentences aloud. b such a long speech such a beautiful language such clear air such powerful sounds such an interesting example The song sounds sad. The story sounds funny. The music sounds sweet. The words sound true. I prefer short speeches. He preferred French to Spanish. need more time need some hot drink need new friends need fresh air need some money follow me follow the plan follow the rules follow your nose They preferred to meet new people. Everybody preferred to keep quiet, Read the text and match its parts with the titles. a) Kinds of Dictionaries b) How' Words Sound c) How Words Appear and Develop d) Why We Use Dictionaries e) What Words Tell Us f) The Structure* of Dictionaries How to Use Dictionaries 1. All kinds of information are waiting for you in dictionaries. You can find out what the words mean, how to spell them, how to pronounce them and where they come from. So when we look a word up^ we should know where and how to find the information we need. 71 to l-t Ф 4J ' structure f strAk^a] — структура ^ to look the word up — посмотреть слово в словаре 72 hj 2. Tliere really isn’t anything difficult about learning how dictionaries work. The most popular kinds of dictionaries are monolingual and bilingual. It is very important for every English learner to be able to use monolingual English dictionaries. 3. This is what you need to know if you work with a monolingual dictionary. The words you are looking up are in heavy black, blue or red letters. These words with the information about them are word entries*. The entries follow each other alphabetically from A to Z. 4. After the word many dictionaries tell you how to pronounce it. They do it with the help of transcriptions. They also tell you to what part of speech the word belongs. For example, n (noun), adj (adjective). 5. Then comes the information about the meaning^ of the word. For example, baboon [ba'burn] a large monkey that has a face like a dog’s. Many words have more than one meaning. Dictionaries give different meanings under numbers. For example, hand [haend] n 1. The end part of the arm 2. A part of a clock that shows hours. Usually the first meaning is the meaning which people u.se most often. Some dictionaries give you examples of how to use words in sentences. Language learners find it very helpful because such examples make a word’s meaning clearer. 6. A lot of words have interesting stories to tell us. Some of them come to the English language from other languages. Words sometimes change their meanings. There are dictionaries which tell you about these facts. So dictionaries are not only useful, they can become great reading. Read the dictionary entries and answer the questions. OxforeJ BASIC ENt Die DPKISfl library ['laibrari] n (pi libraries) a room or building for books О librarian [laibrearian] n someone who works in a library P.tk0! Ox lord l^ussian l)k handy ['haendi] adj (handi-er, handiest) 1 (clever with hands) умелый, рукастый {coll); he is “ у него золотые р^тси 2 (easy to handle) удобный для пользования 3 (convenient) удобный, сподручный (coll); it may come in * это может пригодиться Questions 1) Does a word “library” come from a monolingual dictionary? What about the words “librarian” and “handy”? 2) Where can you find information about how to pronounce the words? 3) How do you know that one of the words is a noun and the other is an adjective? 4) Which of the words has one and which more than one meanings? 5) Which of the dictionaries gives word combinations? 6) Which of the dictionaries gives derivatives? 7) What does - stand for? ’ a word entrj ['entri] — словарная статья ^ a meaning — значение ta lEoe Confusable Words (Слова, которые следует различать) Обратите внимание на различие между словами dictionary и vocabulary. Dictionary (pi dictionaries) A book that gives words from A to Z with their meanings: I have bought two English Russian dictionaries. Vocabulary (pi vocabularies) 1 all the words in a language (словарный состав): English has one of the largest vocabularies. 2 a list of words in a lesson or a book (список слов): How many words are there in your textbook vocabulary? 3 all the words that a person knows (запас слов): A young child has a small vocabulary. 73 to ■D •ol Use the words dictionary or vocabulary to complete the sentences. 1) Doctors use a special ... when they talk about medicine. 2) Where did you buy this ... for your children? 3) The boy’s ... is very small, he knows only some words. 4) There is a ... at tlie end of the book. You can find all the difficult words there. 5) What famous ... of the English language do you know? 6) This book is a German-English ... . 7) Pupils wrote the new English word in their ... . 8) When you open this famous ... you can learn a lot about words. l&'ta.beoeL Tenses (Грамматические времена) На вопрос с глаголом в грамматическом времени present perfect обычно отвечают, используя это же время: Has he done the job? — Yes, he has. Однако, если необходимо упомянуть какие-либо детали, сделать уточнения, говорящий использует простое прошедшее время past simple. 1) Have you been to the North? — Yes, I have. I went there to take some photographs. 2) Have you answered all the questions? — I have. They were not so difficult. 3) Have you ever played the piano? — Sure I have. I played in the school concert last month. Don't you remember? Here are some answers. What are the questions? Use present perfect 1) ...? — Yes, I have. I rang up granny in the morning. 2) ...? — Yes, he has. He came home at 6. 3) ...? — Yes, they have. They did their homework in the afternoon. 4) ...? — Yes, we have. We swam in the lake in summer. 5) ...? — Yes, she has. She began learning English when she was eight. 6) ...? — Yes, I have. I became a teacher long ago. 7) ...? — Yes, they have. They visited the British Mu.seum when they were in London, 8) ...? Yes, she has. She cooked the chicken after work. 9) ...? — Yes, he has. He saw this film some time ago. 10) .. .? — Yes, we ]iave. We were in \'Jadimir iast summer- 74 К) Work in pairs. Talk about what you have or haven't done. Use present perfect and past simple. Example: see a baboon 1) A: Have you ever seen a baboon? B: Yes, I have. I saw a family of baboons in the zoo last summer. 2) A: Have you ever seen a baboon? B: No, I haven’t. I don’t think there are any baboons in our zoos. • eat crabs • swim in the sea • come to school after the bell • fall in love • do anything stupid DO IT ON YOUR OWN be far from your home take music lessons speak to a foreigner read grown-up books see an ocean When Jim comes home after school, his mother phones him from work and asks a lot of questions. Write her questions. Example: to eat dinner Have you eaten your dinner yet? 1) to do the exercises 2) to play the piano 3) to water the plants 4) to ring up granny 5) to take the dog out 6) to give milk to the cat 7) to go to the shops Write a paragraph why it is important to know English. Step 8 DO IT TOGETHER A. Read the interview and say how Masha, Boris and Sergey are going to use English in the future. Interview Interviewer:! know that you are all learning English. Do you find it difficult? Masha: No, not really. I think language learning is fun. And I can learn it fast. Sergey: I find it rather difficult. For me English grammar is a problem. My teacher says I make grammar mistakes. I prefer reading and I can read quite well. Interviewer: And what about you, Boris? В о r i s: I liked learning English at the beginning, but now it is getting more difficult and less fun. There are so many things to remember — words, grammar, spelling. English has such a rich vocabulary... And I don’t always understand my teacher. Interviewer:! see. And what do you do to learn English successfully? Have you got any special rules that you follow? М а s h а: I try to do my homework regularly. It helps me to remember what I’ve learned when there are no classes. I know that “practice makes perfect’’*. I also watch films in English. Boris: I listen to English songs. Eminem is my favourite singer. English songs help me to understand English better. I have learned some of them and sing them with my friends. Sergey: I do a lot of exercises, watch American video films in English and read books. That’s what I like most of all. Interviewer: And may I ask you how you are planning to use English in the future? Sergey: I’d like to learn to speak English well because I want to visit many countries of the world and meet different people. I hope I’ll be able to speak English to them. Boris: I’d like to be a computer programmer and I’ll need English for my future job. A lot of modern computer programmes are in English. M a s h a: I don’t know how I am going to use my English yet. I just like learning it. Maybe I’ll learn another language French, Spanish or Italian. Maybe I’ll become a linguist. I can’t wait to grow up and go to university. B. Listen, (32), read the dialogue in groups of four and then act it out. C. Work in pairs and discuss what helps you to learn English. How can you answer the interviewer's questions? 1) Do you find language learning difficult? 2) What do you do to learn English successfully? 3) How are you planning to use English in the future? 4) Why are you learning English? 75 i/> r+ 0) “D 00 ^ Word Building (Словообразование) Познакомьтесь с новыми производными словами. 1. Суффикс -less указывает на отсутствие чего-либо, кого-либо, какого- либо качества и служит для образования прилагательных. child + less = childless (бездетный) end + less = endless (бесконечный) speech + less = speechless (немой) use + less = useless (бесполезный) cloud + less = cloudless (безоблачный) home + less = homeless (бездомный) 2. Суффикс -ing служит для образования глаголов. feel + ing = feeling (чувство) meet + ing = meeting (митинг, встреча) mean + ing = meaning (значение) begin + ing = beginning (начало) happen + ing = happening (событие) borrow + ing = borrowing (заимствование) имён существительных от * practice makes perfect ние — мать учения. (поел.) Практика ведёт к совершенству. Ср. Повторе- Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. A. 1) 2) 3) 4) 76 5) c 3 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) B. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) There was a long sentence at the ... of the text. Jane stood absolutely ... and didn’t know what to answer. Richard’s was a boring and an ... speech. There are a lot of ...s from French in the English language. Last month there was a very unusual ... in the town where I live. How many people were there at the ...? In the 21st century you can see a lot of ... people in big cities. The sun was shining brightly in the ... sky. Theirs was a ... family. I’m ... at cooking. Don’t ask me to help. Jane’s grandparents are ...s. The Mississippi is a ... river in the USA. That was a very difficult ... . His was an ... speech. So I didn’t listen to it. It was a ... part of the land. There was only grass and wild flowers there. Speak ..., please. I can’t hear you. California is famous for its ... beaches. He knows some ... languages. They decided not to go to the ... . I can’t understand the ... of this word. begin speech end borrow happen meet home cloud child use farm power translate importance tree loud sand Africa meet mean Listen, ^ (33), and complete the sentences. 1) Annie’s teacher says she must know a lot of ... . a) poems b) words c) texts 2) There are more than ... words in English. a) 100,000 b) 50,000 c) 500,000 3) William Shakespeare used ... words in his works, a) 20,000 b) 12,000 c) 2,000 4) Annie thinks that she’ll have to learn ... new words every day. a) 27 b) 40 c) 50 5) If Annie ..., she can learn all the words just in 100 days, a) is lazy b) grows up c) works hard Answer the questions. 1) When did you begin learning English? 2) Do you learn English only at school? 3) Is it possible to learn English in other places? What are the places? 4) Have you tried to learn English on your own (reading books, watching films in English and programmes on TV, talking English with your friends)? How did it work? 5) Do you think people can learn foreign languages as well as native speakers do? 6) How long do you think we should learn a foreign language to be able to speak it fluently^? 7) Why are you learning English? Do you find it interesting? Useful? 8) Do you think many people are interested in learning English these days? Why? ▼ Phrasal Verbs Познакомьтесь c фразовыми глаголами, у которых общее ядро hand. — слово HAND out back over 77 n> •O 00 1) to hand in something to somebody — сдать что-то кому-либо Please hand in your projects on Friday. 2) to hand something back to somebody — вернуть что-то кому-то Jane handed the letter back to him. 3) to hand out something (to hand something out) — раздать что-то Could you please hand out these pencils to everybody? 4) to hand something over to somebody — передать что-то кому-либо Wait, I'll hand the newspapers over. Use back, in, out, over to complete the sentences. 1) I gave my passport to the officer. Two minutes later he handed it ... to me. 2) Please hand ... your keys when you leave the hotel. 3) Jeffrey, taJee the box of pencils and hand them ... to all the pupils. 4) The little girl handed ... her doll to me. 5) “Could you buy some bread for me?” she asked and handed ... 5 dollars to me. 6) The teacher was handing ... our tests. 7) Pamela took the telegram from me, read it and handed it ... . 8) The teacher asked us to hand ... our exercise books on Friday. Work in pairs. Speak about the way you are learning English, DO IT ON YOUR OWN Look at the pictures and write what they have just done. Example: She has just cooked fish. 1. 3. / A. Read the text and the sentences after it. Decide in which of the sentences the information is true, false or not stated. People have always been interested in languages. During different times they tried to understand a lot of things about languages, to answer many questions about them. How did languages appear? How do they develop? Where do words come from? Why do they change their meanings? Why do some languages die? Why are some of them very popular and some of them are not? History shows that some languages were ver>’ important at certain times. Latin was the language of religion and education in Europe in the Middle Ages. French was the language of diplomats from the 17th to the 20th century. But these days Latin and French are not so important. Today English is the language people i7se to speak to each other when they have different mother tongues. English has really become the language of our planet. 1) People began to be interested in languages in the 21st century. 2) The first languages appeared in Europe. 3) In the Middle Ages English wгls the language of religion. 4) In Europe aristocrats used French to speak to each other in the 18th century. 5) English helps people from different countries to understand each other these days. 6) English is the language that many people understand and use these days. Maximum result 6 Your result ? m У III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) Complete the sentences. Choose the right forms. 1) Do you know anybody who (have/has) been to Britain and can speak about it? 2) John hasn’t told us about his plans (already/yet). 3) My little brother has never (swam/swum) in the sea, but he’d love to. 4) Everybody enjoys such (-/a) clear and fresh air. 5) 1 am learning English because I hope it will be (useful/useless) to me. 6) Our teacher usually hands (in/out) our exercise books when classes begin. 7) Where did you buy such a good (dictionary, vocabulai*y)? 8) Who has (gave/given) you this cute little kitten? Maximum result 8 Your result 9 • Use the new words in the right forms to complete the sentences. 1) Her m... t... is probably French. 2) English has b... a lot of words from other European languages. 3) Jane p... French to German. She is fond of the French language. 4) Fiona is going to make a s... at our у у school meeting. 5) His v... is not very large, he is only a small boy. 6) Has Albert written his test y...? 7) A lot of pupils c... textbooks in their backpacks to schools. 8) I have n... been to Paris. I don’t know what it is like. 9) Words d... new meanings, don’t they? 10) How do you p... this word? I don’t know it. Maximum result 10 Your result V IV. SPEAKING Choose one of these statements and develop the idea. 1) English is the language of our planet. 2) Each language has its own history. 3) There are a lot of things you can do to learn a foreign language. 4) Language learning is great fun. 5) Practice makes perfect. 6) Through hardship to the stars. 7) It is useful to learn foreign languages. 83 V/l r+ Ф Maximum result 15 Your result ? • V. WRITING Listen, ^ (36), and write Dictation 2. у Maximum result 10 Your result у Total result 53 Your result 9 DO IT ON YOUR OWN Do Project Work 2. Complete a new page in your English Album. Below you'll find a list of words that belong to British English. Find their equivalents’ in American English. Illustrate the meanings of the words with pictures. Ask your family or friends to help you if necessary. Use the Internet and dictionaries. See p. 151 (Book 2) for the Internet sites. Decide whose works are the best. List of words in British English 1) aborigine 2) bobby 3) flat 4) parcel 5) post 6) rubber 7) shop 8) tights 9) timetable 10) tin 11) toilet 12) torch 13) trainers 14) tram 15) underground an equivalent [I'kwivalant] — эквивалент, соответствие 84 Unit Ы Some Facts about the English-speaking World Step 1 DO rr TOGETHER Listen to the song, (37), and sing it along One Man Went to Moor 1. One man went to moor’. Went to moor on meadow^. One man and his dog. One man and his dog Went to moor on meadow. 2. Two men went to moor, Went to moor on meadow. Two men, one man. One man and his dog Went to moor on meadow. 3. Three men went to moor, Went to moor on meadow. Three men, two men. One man and his dog Went to moor on meadow. 10. Ten men went to moor, Went to пкюг on meadow. Ten men, nine men, eight men, seven men, six men, five men, four men, three men, two men. One man and his dog Went to moor on meadow * a moor [тиэ] вересковая пустошь ^ a meadow ['medou] — луг How much do you know about the USA? Say if these facts are true or false, 1) New York is the capital of the USA. 2) Russians came to America in the 18th century. 3) America is a country of immigrants ['imigrants]. 4) Chicago (Ji'kargau] is situated in the south of the USA. 5) There are fifty states in the USA. 6) There are fifty stars on the American flag. 7) All American states are situated in South America. 8) The United States is smaller than Russia. 9) The Mississippi is the longest river in the world. 10) There are no high mountains in the USA. 11) California is a US city. 12) Texas is the biggest state of the USA. 85 CO r+ П) T5 A. Read the text and match the titles with the paragraphs. There is one title you don’t have to use. a) American Traditions b) The Country of a New Nation c) The Nicknames and What They Mean d) New Horae for Lots of People The New World 1. People often say that the United States is a “country of immigrants”. It is true. The first of them came to the New World from Europe at the beginning of the 17th century. Now, in the 21st century, America takes in more immigrants than any other country. They come from all over the world looking for a fresh start. That’s why there are so many different cultural traditions in the USA. 2. But it won’t be correct to say that the United States is simply a collection of different immigrant groups. It is not true that there are more Irish, more Germans and more Italians living in New York than there are in Dublin, Frankfurt or Rome. In fact, 94 percent of all Americans today were born in the United States. 3. You may hear that people describe America as a “melting pot”' or a “salad bowl”. Maybe a better metaphor will be that of a “pizza”. (By the way, it is the most popular food in America.) Pizza has a lot of different ingredients in it which give the whole its very special taste. So all of them together turn the pizza into something larger and something different. This is also true about the country. B. Listen, ^ (38), and read the text aloud. Let's speak about the USA. Work in pairs. Make up questions and answer them. Example', the New World, (what?) — What is the New World? — The New World is North, Central and South America. ' a melting pot — плавильный котёл 86 ui 1) We can say that the USA is a country of immigrants, (why?) 2) Immigrants came to America, (where from?) 3) Immigrants brought a lot of things to America, (what?) 4) Christmas trees, St Patrick’s Day celebrations, Halloween came from different countries of Europe, (where from?) 5) Americans like new ideas, (what new ideas?) 6) Americans love old things, (what old things?) 7) The Wild West (what?) 8) The USA is a country, (what kind of country?) ▼ Irregular Verbs (Неправильные глаголы) Запомните, что у следующих глаголов вторая и третья формы совпадают. 1 II III bring brought brought build built built buy bought bought catch caught caught fight fought fought find found found get got got have had had leave left left meet met met send sent sent spend spent spent teach taught taught think thought thought 6. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. 2. 5. 9. Л10 (iCfX’M'^ds) 10. 1) What has Frank bought for his little sister? 2) What has Polly just brought home? 3) What have the children found? 4) What has little Bob built? 5) Whom have the Morgans met? 6) Has Jim had an apple? What has he just had? 7) Where have the friends left for? 8) What has Tom the cat caught? 9) How many letters and how many postcards has Lena sent to her granny? 10) How much money have the girls spent on books? Jay often phones her younger brother Jim to find out what he has already done. What are her questions? Examples: to have lunch — Jim, have you had lunch yet? 1) to have tea 4) to meet cousin Jason 2) to buy some potatoes 5) to leave some food for the cat 3) to send the telegram 6) to find the dictionary to Aunt Polly 7) to have a music class Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about what the two children have done. 87 to r-t a> “O Alice Tim two fish catch a small frog some milk home bring some butter from the shop a cake as a gift buy some flowers for his mum a sandcastle build a tower for his brother an e-mail to her sister send a letter to his pen friend two hours on the beach spend three hours in the library her grandparents meet his friends her bag at home leave his mobile at home a kitten find a book a letter from her college get an e-mail from his parents supper have two sandwiches DO IT ON YOUR OWN Write two more forms of the verbs. 1) teach 2) catch 3) fight- 4) think— — ? — ? ? -? — ? — 9 _ 9 - ? 5) build 6) find — 7) get — 9 ? 9 9 9 — 9 8) have — ? — ? 9) leave — ? — ? 10) spend — ? — ? Complete the sentences. Use the adverbs in the right places Example: Jeffrey has taught me anything, (never) Jeffrey has never taught me anything. 1) Patrick has bought two dictionaries, (already) 2) Peter has not caught any fish, (yet) 3) Have you built a sandcastle? (ever) 4) Have you had a abower? (yet) 5) The boys have fought with each other, (never) 6) I have thought about it. (already) 88 ы Complete these questions and answer them. 1) You have already had dinner, 2) Your friends have had a football game today, 3) You have never built a sandcastle, ...? 4) You haven’t found a very old book, ...? 5) Your friends have sent you an e-mail, ...? Step 2 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the dialogues, ^ (39), and complete the sentences. 1) John went to the USA with ... . a) Yura b) his family 2) People call' New York ... a) the Big Apple b) the Little Apple 3) Yura would like to see New York’s ... . a) streets b) bridges 4) John’s going to Washington, D.C....... a) at the weekend b) on Friday 5) John is going to send Yura a ... . a) letter b) telegram Match the place names with their descriptions. c) his friends c) the Apple c) skyscrapers c) on Monday c) postcard 1) Asia 2) Texas 3) California 4) The Potomac River 5) Europe 6) New York 7) Washington, D.C. 8) Australia 9) The Mississippi 10) The USA 11) The New World Listen, ^ (40), and read. A. a) the continent where Italy, Spain, France and Germany are situated b) the capital of the USA c) the American state where Hollywood is situated d) one of the biggest states in the USA in the south of the country e) the name of the continent and at the same time of the country f) the continent where India is situated g) the country which has got fifty states h) the city people call “the Big Apple” i) the longest river of the USA j) the river on which Washington, D.C. is situated k) North, Central and South America border ['bo:da] chain [^ein] — coast [kaust] — — n граница; v граничить цепь побережье ' to call — называть flow [Пэи] — течь perfect ['p3:fikt] — совершенный, великолепный plain [plein] — равнина stretch [stre^] — простираться valley [Vaeli] — долина В. border n: the border between two countries, over the border, on the border. They live in a small town on the Canadian border, border v: to border on a country. What countries does Russia border on? The USA borders on Canada in the north. chain: a golden chain, a chain of mountains. That day Anne had a beautiful chain round her neck. The Urals are a chain of mountains which is situated in Europe and Asia. coast: the Atlantic coast, on the coast. My town is situated on the coast. We spent a nice day on the coast. flow: to flow west, to flow north, to flow into the ocean. The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. The Colorado River flows south, perfect: a perfect day, just perfect, quite perfect, to look perfect. Your new suit looks perfect on you. The new mobile was a perfect gift for the boy. plain: a low plain, the Great Plains of the US. The Great Plains are situated in the central part of the country. stretch: to stretch far, to stretch west, to stretch north. The forest stretched as far as the eye could see. Russia stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Baltic Sea. valley: a green valley, a deep valley. There is a river lying in the valley. Valleys are usually situated in the mountains, lily-of-the-valley: Lil-ies-of-the-valley are early spring flowers. 89 1Л 0) "O hJ r* Л. Look at the map and say: 1) what countries the USA borders on; 2) what countries Canada borders on. B. Look at the map of Europe and answer the questions. 1) Germany borders on France, doesn’t it? 2) France borders on Spain, doesn’t it? 3) Spain doesn’t border on Italy, does it? 4) Germany borders on Greece, doesn’t it? 5) Greece doesn’t border on Italy, does it? ы с Look at the maps again and say: 1) what country Russia borders on in the northwest; 2) what country Great Britain borders on in the west; 3) what country Spain borders on in the north; 4) what country Germany borders on in the southwest; 5) what country the USA borders on in the south. Use the new words and complete the sentences. border, chain, coast, flow, lily-of-the-valley, perfect, Plains, stretch, valley, flowed 1) The ... is a beautiful spring flower. 2) Masha spent her holidays on the Black Sea ... . 3) Does the Mississippi, the longest river in the USA, ... south? 4) The Urals is a famous ... of mountains in Russia. 5) What countries does Russia ... on? 6) Does the forest ... to the east or to the west from this place? 7) Sunday was such a ... day for our boat trip. 8) The Great ... of the USA are situated in the central part of the country. 9) There is a fantastic ... high in the mountains. 10) The waters of the river ... slowly and it was easy to swim in it. A. Listen, ^ (41), and read these geographical names. Where are these places on the map? China — Китай The Appalachian Mountains — Аппалачи The Great Plains — Великие равнины Death Valley — Долина смерти Lake Badwater — озеро Бэдуотер The Grand Canyon — Большой каньон The Colorado River — река Колорадо The Niagara [nai'aegara] Falls — Ниагарский водопад The Niagara River река Ниагара шм Lake Badwa d a ‘/i-| Graiid Canyon 4/ c. тз (Л Past Simple Present Perfect (известно, когда и часто где (не известно или неважно, когда произошло событие) произошло событие, важен yesterday (evening, morning) результат в настоящем) then ever ago already last (b последний раз) never last year (month, week) yet the other day (на днях) this year (month, week) the day before yesterday this morning (evening, afternoon) (позавчера) lately just now just 1 saw him 3 days ago. 1 have already seen him. We played tennis the other day. We have never played tennis. Did you meet him last week? Have you met him this week? When did you talk to him last? Have you talked to him yet? 2. Обратите внимание на различия в использовании маркеров just и just now. just — маркер времени present perfect I have just done it. just now — маркер времени past simple I did it just now. 3. C указателями this morning, this afternoon, this evening употребляются оба времени: past simple и present perfect. Выбор времени зависит от того, закончилось ли утро (полдень или вечер) в тот момент, когда происходит разговор. Сравните: I saw him this morning. (Разговор происходит после 12 часов дня. Утро закончилось.) I have seen him this morning. (Разговор происходит утром, до 12 часов дня. Утро ещё не закончилось.) 104 w Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in their right forms. 1) My friend and I (to be) to the History Museum many times lately. 2) My classmates (to decide) to have a party the other day. 3) When you (to see) Jack last? 4) We never (to pay) so much money for a souvenir. 5) Mum just (to finish) cooking, we can have dinner now. 6) You (to do) the classroom very well today. Thank you very much. 7) We (to have) a very beautiful Christmas tree last year. 8) Lisa (to eat) her favourite chocolate cake just now. She cannot be hungry. 9) I (to meet) Mr Jackson in the food shop a minute ago. 10) You ever (to speak) English to a foreigner? What is Sarah saying? The clocks show you the time when Sarah is talking. morning = 12 a.m. — 12 p.m. afternoon = 12 p.m. — 6 p.m. evening = 6 p.m. — 10 11 p.m. Example: to send an e-mail this morning (3 p.m.) I sent an e-mail this morning, to meet John this afternoon (1 p.m.) I’ve met John this afternoon. a.m.) 1) to play tennis this morning (2 p.m.) 2) to watch an interesting film this morning (11 3) to call my friend this morning (3 p.m.) 4) to see Anna this afternoon (9 p.m.) 5) to speak to Dr Ross this afternoon (4 p.m.) 6) to be to the bank this evening (11.30 p.m.) 7) to catch a lot of fish this morning (8 a.m.) 8) to buy a new coat this evening (8 p.m.) 9) to take Jane to the cinema this afternoon (3 p.m.) 10) to take Jane to the cinema this afternoon (7 p.m.) Words of surprise Следующие слова и словосочетания могут помочь вам выразить своё удивление на английском языке. Постарайтесь использовать их в речи. Really?! Is that so? You don’t say sol (He может быть!) Fancy that! (Подумать только!) Well, I never! (Надо же!) It’s incredible! (Невероятно!) Oh dear! (Боже мой!) Wow! Give your reaction to these statements. Use the words of surprise. 1) Nowadays about 400 million people speak English. 2) There are about 5,000 languages and dialects ['daialekts] in the world 3) The British king Henry VIII had six wives. 4) Ireland is a country of young people: nearly half of its people are under 25. 5) Queen Elizabeth II was born in April, but they celebrate her birthday in June. 6) The giant bamboo [beem'bu:] is a very dangerous plant. Its juice can kill but the lemurs [ li:maz] eat it every day and they don’t die. 7) Rabbits appeared in Australia not so long ago. Sailors brought them from Europe. Now they are the worst enemies of Australian farmers because they destroy a lot of grass. 8) British people buy and drink more than 25 million cups of tea every day. Just think of how many more cups they have at home! Choose one of these Australian cities and speak about it using the information below. Canberra the capital of the country (became the capital in 1927) is situated in the southeast of Australia ' the newest city on the continent a long way from the sea (about 120 kms) • has thousands of trees has a big lake in the centre an important centre of learning has the National University of Australia “Canberra” = “meeting place” Sydney Australia’s oldest and biggest city appeared in 1788 ^ a city of old and new tall buildings more than 35 million people • the first European city the centre of business Australia’s big seaport • has an Opera House with an unusual roof the roof of this building looking like sails • the longest bridge in Australia near the Opera House • a lot of parks and gardens 105 CO fD T> U1 DC IT ON YOUR OWN Past simple or present perfect? Complete the sentences. 1) Last week I (teach) my son .swimming. 2) I am so sorry. I just (break) your favourite vase. 3) Father, look, we (buy) a new toy boat! 4) Alice (buy) a new dress last Saturday. 5) Fred (ride) his horse in the park yesterday. 6) Jane already (finish) doing her room. It is very clean. 7) I (choose) this dress. Do you like it? 8) Where is .lohn? Where he (go)? 9) You ever (eat) sushi? What is it like? 10) I’m not hungry. I (have) already lunch. Use just or just now in these sentences. 1) I have met my cousin. 2) I spoke to my cousin. 3) We bought a gift for Helen. 4) We have caught a lot of fish. 5) Jane has broken my favourite pen. 6) Tom found a beautiful stone in the sand. 10 Write about: 11 a) what you have donn lately (3 sentences); b) what you did the other day (3 sentences). Write a letter to your pen friend and tell him/her why you would like to visit the USA or Australia. 106 Step 6 DO IT TOGETHER U Listen, ^ (50), and complete the statements. What do we know about Au.stralia? 1) Tom says he was watching ... . a) a video about Australia b) a film about Australia on TV c) a film about Australia at the cinema 2) Tom says Australia is ... . a) the smallest island of the world b) the largest continent of the world c) the largest island and the smallest continent of the world 3) Tom says ... . a) Canberra is the capital of the country b) Sydney is the capital of the country c) once Sydney was the capital of the country 4) Tom says that people in Australia speak ... . a) British English and American English b) Australian English c) the English language Tenses (Грамматические времена) Обратите внимание, что present perfect также часто употребляется с такими обстоятельствами, как before — прежде, many times — много раз, several ['sevral] times — несколько раз, the first (second, third) time — в первый (второй, третий) раз. Jack has been to Norway several times. We have heard this melody many times. It's the first time I've come here. A. Complete the sentences. Use present perfect. I have I have not I have never been (to) seen eaten played bought met read visited lately. before. several times, many times. LJ в. It's Martin's first visit to America. Say what he has done for the first time. Example: He has never been to New York before. It’s the first time he has been to New York. never done the Metropolitan Museum before, never played baseball before, never swum in the ocean before, never seen skyscrapers before, never eaten American food before, never driven in a limo* before, never enjoyed a Broadway musical before, never stayed at the Carlton Hotel before, never listened to concerts in Carnegie Hall^. never travelled about the country so much. Complete the dialogues and act them out. Example: — Have you bought the dictionary? Yes, I have. — When did you buy it? — I bought it three days ago. — Why did you buy it? — Our teacher asked us to do it. 1) — Have you seen this film? — Yes, ... . — When ...? 1) He has 2) He has 3) He has 4) He has 5) He has 6) He has 7) He has 8) He has 9) He has 10) He has 107 to Г+ П) -Q — Where ...? 2) — Has your brother rung up granny? — Yes, ... . — When ... 3) - 4) Have they been to Paris? Yes, ... . When ...? • • • What places did they ...? Have the children found their pet? Yes, ... . When ...? — Where ...? 5) — Have yoia begun your French classes? — Yes, ... . — When ...? ♦ • • — With whom did you ...? ’ a limo I limau] = a limousine ^ Carnegie [ka:'negi] Hall — a large concert hall in New York City 6) Has she had lunch yet? Yes, ... . When ...? 108 — Where ...? — ...? 7) — Have Mary and John finished their homework? — Ygs Л V# w ^ • • • • — When ...? w 8) — Has Bobby played the piano? — Yes, ... . — When ...? • • • — Where Hid he ...? Listen, (51), and read. back [Ьгек] — спина, спинка, дальняя часть помещения, сада и т. п. full [ful] — 1. полный, наполненный 2. сытый laugh [la:f] — смеяться laughter flarfta] — смех own [эоп] — собственный surprise [sa'praiz] — удивление, сюрприз surprised [sa'praizd] — удивлённый in fact [faekt] — фактический, на самом деле В. back: on somebody’s back, at the back of the classroom, in the back of the car, the back of the chair, to know something like the back of your hand. He was standing in the middle of the room with his back to the door. Can you see the words on the board from the back of the classroom? full: 1. full of something, to have a full life. This time Jane’s test was full of mistakes. 2. to be full. Would you like some more cake? — No, thanks. I’m full. laugh: to laugh at/about .something, to laugh loudly (out loud). The clown was so funny, I laughed so much. He laughed loudly at my words, laughter: loud laughter, happy laughter, full of laughter. We could hear the children’s laughter coming from the hall. own: your own home, my own friend, on your own. Nobody is going to help you: you’ll have to do it on your own. We make our own bread, we don’t buy it. surprise: a great/big surprise, a nice pleasant surprise, to somebody’s surprise. To her surprise she enjoyed the film. The gift was a pleasant surprise to me. I hope there will be no more unpleasant surprises, surprised: to be surprised at/by something, a surprised face. I wasn’t surprised to hear about their marriage. We are surprised at the news, in fact: I live in France, in fact not far from the place where you are going. А. Look at the pictures and say: 1) where the cat is; 1. 2. 2) what the bowl is full of; 5. 6. 3) what the boy is surprised at. 3. 7. 8. 109 CO Ф TJ (It 9. 10. 11. 12. B. Answer the questions. 1) Do you always use your own textbooks, pens and pencils or do you sometimes borrow them from your friends? 2) Where do you prefer to have a seat in the classroom — at the front or at the back? 3) Do you like to travel sitting at the front or at the back of the bus? 4) Do little children always travel in the back of the car? 5) What do people usually laugh at? 6) Do you prefer to laugh out loud or do you usually laugh quietly? 7) What can be a great surprise to you? A. Read the text and choose a title for it. 1) The Country of Parrots and Kangaroos 2) The Continent That Can Surprise 3) The Birds That Laugh If you want to see unusual animals, birds and plants, Australia is a good place to go. The kangaroo is one Australian animal that everybody knows. The biggest of the fifty kinds is the red kangaroo. They can jump more than four metres and travel at seventy kilometres an hour. Kangaroos eat grass and leaves and live in small groups. 110 u The koala The red kangaroo The duckbill The echidna The kookaburra The emu Eucalyptus trees Everybody loves the sleepy grey koalas [kau'atlaz]. Like kangaroos, they have a pouch [pau^] on their fronts for their babies [beibiz]. After six months in the pouch, baby koalas ride on their mother’s back. Koalas eat one kilo of leaves each day but drink nearly nothing. The word “koala” means “no water”. Not everybody knows that the koala only looks like a bear but in fact is a different animal. Two Australian animals, the echidna [I'kidna] and the duckbill ['dAkbil] are really very unusual. Their babies come from eggs but drink milk from their mothers. No other animals in the world do this. The echidna eats ants, which it catches with its long fast tongue. The duckbill swims well, but it can only stay under water for some minutes. There are more than eight hundred kinds of birds in Australia. The continent is the home of budgies and some kinds of parrots. The emu ['i:mju:], which is two metres tall, is the second largest bird in the world. It cannot fly, but it can run at fifty kilometres an hour. Then there is the kookaburra [кикэЬлгэ] bird. Its cry sounds like somebody’s laughter. Australians like the bird, they even made up a song about it. Kookaburra sits on old gum tree*. Merry^ merry king of the bush® is he. Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh. Kookaburra, Happy your life must be. Eucalyptus [ju:ka'liptas] trees, or gum trees, grow in many places in Australia. These strong trees grow very fast and do not die when there are forest fires. Australia is full of surprises and a lot of people dream to visit this continent and see it with their own eyes. ' gum tree = eucalyptus * merry — весёлый ■’ bush [buj] — буш, большие пространства некультивированной земли, покрытые кустарником в. Listen, (52), and read the text aloud. C Work in pairs and discuss Australian animals. Remember the text about Australia and complete the dialogues. Work in pairs and act them out. Example: A: ... . B: Well, I never! A: But it’s true. • • • • 1) A: B: You don’t say so! A: But it’s true. 3) A: ... . B; Fancy that! A: But it’s true. A: The Australian red kangaroo can travel as fast as a train or a car. B: Well, I never! A: But it’s true. 2) A; ... . B: It’s incredible! A: But it’s true. 4) A: ... B: Is that so? A: Yes, it’s true. Ill r+ n> "O № □O IT ON YOUR OWN Complete the sentences with the words from the box at (3), in (2), of, out, on (2), with 1) Please don’t laugh ... him. I’m sorry for him. 2) The room was full ... children’s happy laughter. 3) Young children must travel ... the back of the car. 4) Jack had a big family, ... fact he had six sisters and brothers. 5) I’m so proud of you: you’ve done all the work ... your own. 6) We were surprised ... the new school rules. 7) Sue couldn’t see us because she was standing ... her back to us. 8) The film was so funny that I laughed ... loud. 9) A backpack is a backpack because you carry it ... your back. 10) John was very tall and usually sat ... the back of the classroom. Write five sentences as in the example. Example: You are at a circus show. You have never been at such a show before. You say: ... . It’s the first time I’ve been to such a show (I’ve seen such a show). 1) You are riding a mountain bike. You’ve ridden it only once before. You say: ... . 2) You are playing tennis. You are not good at it. You have played the game only two times before. You say: ... . 3) You have just arrived in Britain. You have never been to the country before. You say: ... . 4) You have just seen a very big dog. You have never seen such big dogs before. You say: ... . 5) You are speaking English on the phone. You have never done it before so you are not quite sure if you do it right. You say: ... . 112 Л0 Spell these words. 1) [la:fj 4) [ful] 7) [кэи'а:1э] 10) [’dAkbil] 2) [sa'praiz] 5) [ la:fta] 8) ['i:mju:] 11) [‘кикэЬлгэ] 3) [aun] 6) [sa'praizd] 9) [I'kidna] 12) [jurka'hptas] step 7 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to two poems, (53), read them and say which of the two may be about Australia. B. The snow lies white on roof and tree. Frost fairies creep about. The world’s as still as it can be. And Santa Claus is out. He’s making haste his gifts to leave. While the stars show his way. There’ll soon be no more Christmas Eve, Tomorrow’s Christmas Day! Singing carols by the sea Eating turkey on the sands Paper hats, mince pies, and crackers Never see a flake of snow But the flickering lights of fireworks Set their Christmas night aglow. идти крадучись неподвижный торопится о.» V. ч» о» Ь ю р ф V 4D 47 рождественский пирог хлопушки сверкающие огни фейерверков освещают Say what you can about these Australian birds, animals and plants. 1) the red kangaroo 2) the echidna 3) the duckbill 4) the koala 5) the budgie 6) the parrot 113 Ю I-* a> TJ «•j 7) the emu 8) the kookaburra 9) eucalyptus trees A. Here are two lists of reasons why the USA and Australia may be interesting to visit. Decide which are more important for you and where you would like to go. List 1 (the USA) - It’s the fourth largest country. = It has a very interesting history. • I’m interested in the culture of Native Americans. I’d like to see the skyscrapers of New York. I’ve never seen the Statue of Liberty in real life. • I want to see the places of interest in Washington, D.C. • I’d like to hear a musical in Broadway. • I want to take pictures of the most beautiful places in the country. • I’d like to see the Grand Canyon. I want to know what Death V’alley is like. • I dream to see the Niagara Falls. • I hope to learn more about Americans. List 2 (Australia) It’s a continent, a country and an island at the same time. They have winter in our summer time and summer in our winter months. I’d like to visit Sydney, the largest and the oldest city in Australia. I dream to celebrate the New Year on the beach. I like sport, so I’d like to go to Melbourne, the sports centre of Au.stralia. I’d like to see koalas with my own eyes, they are so cute. I want to see the unusual building of the Opera House in Sydney. I want to visit Canberra, the capital of the country. I’m interested in the culture of the Aborigines. They speak English in Australia. I’m interested in American wildlife. They speak American English different from British English. I’d like to visit Disneyland ['dizni laend] near Los Angeles. 114 There are a lot of unusual animals in Australia and I’d like to see them. I want to see a kookaburra because I don’t believe that birds can laugh like people. I hear that Australia has a very interesting history. I’d like to learn more about it. w B. Work in pairs. Complete the dialogue and act it out. A: You know what, I have a wish. I’d like to visit ... some day. B: Really? And why would you like to go there? What’s so special about it? A: You see, first of all ... and then ... . What about you? What place would you like to visit? B: Oh, I want to go to ... because ... . A: I think I can understand you. It’s wonderful to travel and .see the world with your own eyes, isn’t it? ri I Complete the sentences. Use present perfect or past simple. 1) The other day we (went 'have gone) to picture gallery. 2) I never (had/have had) a fiat of my own. 3) Lately Jane (saw. has seen) a garden full of beautiful spring flowers. 4) It’s the first time we (were, have been) on such an interesting journey. 5) I know that Columbus (discov-ered/'has discovered) America but I don’t remember when he (did has done) it. 6) It’s the second time I (have driven/drove) a car. It’s really great. 7) It’s ten o’clock in the morning and I (haven’t seen didn’t see) Charlie yet. (Have you seen Did you see) him, Pamela? 8) It’s awful. They (have destroyed/destroyed) the old church lately. You can’t see it any more and it (was/has been) so beautiful. 9) The children (came have come back) home just now. 10) What (did you do/have you done) the day before yesterday? Listen, (54), and repeat the names of some countries, languages and nations’. No Country 1 America (the USA) 2 Australia 3 Canada Language (official)- English English English, French People an American/ Americans an Australian/ Australians a Canadian/ Canadians Nation (the) Americans (the) Australians (the) Canadians ' a nation f'neijn] — нация, народ ^ official [a'fijl] — официальный Окончание табл. 11 Great Britain English (the UK) 12 France French 13 England English a BritonV' British people a French person (a Frenchman, a Frenchwoman)/ French people an English person (an Englishman or an Englishwoman)/ English people the British the French the English No Country Language (official) People Nation 4 Germany German a German/ Germans (the) Germans 5 Italy Italian an Italian/ Italians (the) Italians 6 Norway Norwegian a Norwegian/ Norwegians (the) Norwegians 115 КЛ 7 Russia Russian a Russian/ (the) Russians (the Russian Russians iD T3 Federation) 4j 8 China Chinese a Chinese/ Chinese people the Chinese 9 Japan Japanese a Japanese/ Japanese people the Japanese 10 Vietnam Vietnamese < a Vietnamese/ Л'^1еЬпате8е people the Vietnamese 1 ■ . ■ — Complete the sentences. Use the words from the table above. Example: ... tea comes from China. It is world-famous. Chinese tea comes from China. 1) Sumo is a ... sport in which two very large men fight. 2) Spaghetti [spa'geti] is a favourite ... food. 3) Paris is the capita! of ... . 4) In some ... restaurants you can eat borshch, blini and drink tea from a samovar. 5) The ... live on the British Isles. 6) Do people in Australia speak ... like people in the USA? 7) Mike and Jack are Canadians. Do they speak ... or ...? ‘ Briton ('bntn] — британец (редко используется) 116 8) The ... celebrate the New Year holiday in the hottest time of the year. 9) When Paul was in Paris, he met some very nice ..., now they are good friends. 10) The Grimm brothers are .... they wrote their tales in the ... language. 11) The ... live in China and have a very old culture. 12) The ... live in Vietnam. They are very hard-working people. 13) The ... live in Japmi. They have a lot of interesting traditions. 14) The official language of Japan is ... . 15) The official language of China is ... . Ы Articles (Артикли) Обратите внимание на то, что название нации в целом обычно употребляется с определённым артиклем — the English (англичане), the French (французы), the Chinese (китайцы), the Russians (русские). Однако в случае слов на -ап — (the) Americans, (the) Canadians — он может опускаться. В некоторых случаях наименования отдельных представителей нации образуются при помощи сложных слов или словосочетаний — ап Englishman/an Englishwoman, English people; a Frenchman/a Frenchwoman, French people. Bo фразах типа «Я русский», «Он англичанин» чаще используется прилагательное, чем существительное. Сравните: I am Russian. Не is English. (Хотя I am a Russian. He is an Englishman. — возможные, HO значительно реже употребляемые варианты.) Look at the maps of North America, Europe and Asia and answer the questions. '• 2 •/ I k 4 ^ ->i ■ 9 \ r -.Гл. V What are the names of the countries (1—11)? What are their official languages? What are the names of the nations in these countries? Example-. Number 1 is Canada. English and French are the official languages in Canada. Canadians live in Canada. DO IT ON YOUR OWN to Write what languages these people speak and what nations they belong to. Example’. 1) Masha lives in Russia. She is Russian. She speaks Russian. 2) Lee lives in China. 3) Marco lives in Italy. 4) Martin lives in England. 5) Hilda lives in Norway. 6) Rene lives in France. 7) Keiko lives in Japan. 8) Nguen Sinh lives in Vietnam. 9) Tom lives in Canada. 10) Hans lives in Germany. Complete the word combinations with the prepositions. at, of, on, in, to, by 1) To laugh ... the story; 2) ... the back of the garden; 3) ... the back of the car; 4) to .stand with one’s back ... the door; 5) ... fact; 6) to do something ... one’s own; 7) ... her surprise; 8) a garden full ... flowers; 9) to be surprised ... the answer; 10) ... the back of the classroom. Complete the sentences. Use present perfect or past simple. 1) I never (be) to Australia. 2) It’s the first time John (ride) the horse. 3) When you (buy) the dictionary? 4) What films you (see) lately? 5) Look! The child (fall) down off his bike. 6) Last summer my father (teach) me to work on the computer. 7) You (speak) to your teacher? What does she say? 8) We (not meet) them before. 9) They (finish) their tost just now. 10) I just (destroy) my sandcastle. 117 1/1 r+ fD T) 00 step 8 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, ^ (55), and say what places in the USA they visited. 1) Jim 2) Robert 3) Fred 118 ы A. Say what names are missing in the text and complete it. The United States of America The States is the fourth largest country in the world stretching from the (1) Ocean in the east to the (2) Ocean in the west. It is situated in (3) America. It borders on (4) in the north and on (5) in the south. There are a lot of mountains in the USA. The highest and largest are the (6) in the west. The (7) Mountains are in the east, they are lower and older. The mighty (8) is the longest river in the USA. Some other rivers flow into it. The (9) I Jakes in the north of the USA are deep. The Niagara River flows out of the Lakes. People know the name of this river because the famous (10) are situated on it and are very popular with tourists. The (11) Canyon is situated in the great valley in the desert. The (12) River formed it many millions years ago. Slowly, the river cut down through the rock. (13) is the capital of the USA. It is situated on the (14) River. B. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about the places mentioned in the text and answer them. ^ Phrasal Verbs (Фразовые глаголы) Познакомьтесь с новыми фразовыми глаголами, является слово give. out Их ядерным элементом back GIVE away up 1) to give back — возвращать, отдавать назад It's my pencil case. Give it back. I've read all these books and I want to give them back to the library. 2) to give out (= to hand out) — раздавать Let me give you out some photographs. 3) to give away — отдавать, дарить Before Christmas he gives some money away to poor and homeless people. 4) to give up — отказаться, бросить, оставить какое-либо занятие I won't give up playing the piano, I love music. Never give up hope! Complete the sentences Use back, out, away or up. 1) Where is your collection of toy cars? — I’ve given it ... . I think. I’ve grown out of it. 2) My friend says she will never give ... skating, she loves it. 3) Please help me to give this food ... to all the cats. 4) You shouldn’t give ... basketball, I know how much you enjoy it. 5) My aunt often gives ... old newspapers and magazines after she has read them. 6) Don’t forget to give the hike ... to Peter, he needs it this afternoon. 7) My father gave ... skiing after he broke his leg. 8) Please give the maps ... to the tourists. 9) Soon we gave ... the idea of going out: it was raining hard outdoors. 10) These nice clothes are too small for the baby, I think I’ll give them ... . А. Look at the title and the pictures and decide what information you will be able to find in the text. B. Read the text to see if you were right. Strange and Wonderful One of the most beautiful things you can see in Australia is Uluru ['u:loru:], or Rock. It is a very big rock situated in the desert. It is three kilometres long and 348 metres high but there are two kilometres more under the ground. Uluru is 600 million years old, and it is the largest rock of its kind on the planet. Each year thousands of tourists come to walk round it and look at it. The best time to see the rock is at the end of the day, when its colour changes from yellow to gold, red and purple. Rock is a very special place for Aborigines to whom it belongs. The world’s longest coral reef is also situated in Australia. Its name is Great Barrier [Ъаепэ] Reef and it is 2,000 kilometres long. The reef is very old. 1,500 different kinds of fish live there, some of them are very colourful and unusual. The place is very popular with tourists and lovers of undei*water swimming who come to visit the islands and enjoy the beauty of the fish and the coral. 119 a> *o 00 C Speak about the strangest and the most wonderful place you have ever seen ^^ptabei№ Word Building (Словообразование) в 1. Вы уже знаете, что суффикс -1у служит для образования наречий: deep + 1у = deeply (глубоко) terrible + 1у = terribly (ужасно) Обратите внимание, что если прилагательное оканчивается на у, то наречии эта буква меняется на i: easy — easily happy — happily busy — busily heavy — heavily lazy — lazily dry — dryly/drily 2. Суффикс -ly служит и для образования прилагательных: friend + ly = friendly (дружелюбный) love + ly = lovely (прелестный) man + ly = manly (мужественный, подобающий мужчине, присущий мужчине) woman + ly = womanly (женственный, женский) Этот же суффикс можно выделить в словах ugly (некрасивый), kindly (добрый, добродушный), shapely (красивой формы), lonely (одинокий). Use the words with ~ly from the box to complete the sentences. Example: The witch’s face is not beautiful at all. Her face is rather ugly. 120 Ы manly, shapely, friendly, lovely, lonely 1) John was strong and tall. He looked ... . 2) Her legs have a nice shape. She has ... legs. 3) She has beautiful hair. I love it. Her hair is ... . 4) John is always helpful and pleasant. He is always ... . 5) Sarah has no friends. She always feels unhappy and ... . Say the same differently. Use adjectives with -/y. 1) A face unpleasant to look at; 2) a beautiful figure; 3) behaviour typical of men; 4) laughter characteristic of women; 5) a person who is unhappy because he/she is alone or has no friends; 6) a girl who is pleasant and helpful to other people; 7) a boy who is kind, pleasant and easy to like; 8) a man who behaves in a kind way. Match the questions with the answers. 1) Do you w'ant some lunch? 2) What are you going to have? 3) Can you draw pictures with your computer? 4) Your brother’s car looks very new, 5) Is it cold this morning? 6) Where are the sandwiches? 7) What about our present for Sue? 8) Do you know when Doris is flying to America? a) No wonder. He has just bought it. b) Yes, it is. I’ve just been out. c) No, thanks. I’ve just had some. I’m full. d) No, I haven’t spoken to her yet. e) I don’t know. I have never done it. f) I haven’t decided yet. g) I’ve eaten them all. I’m sorry. h) Sorry, I haven’t bought it. DO IT ON YOUR OWN Complete the sentences with the words from the box. away, of, with, back, up, to, on, at, out 1) What are you laughing ...? What’s so funny? 2) ... my great surprise the children didn’t like my story. 3) I don’t need your felt-tips any more, I can give them ... to you now. 4) The room was full ... noise and happy laughter. 5) We had to give the little kitten ... because we couldn’t look after it. 6) The man was standing ... his back to me, so I couldn’t see his face. 7) Liza had to give ... dancing when she became 16. 8) In some cultures women carry their babies ... their backs. 9) I gave the pictures ... and asked the children to find mistakes in them. These people know the language of their own country and the language of the country where they are now. Write what languages they can speak. Example: Tom comes from Italy. He is in Spain now. Tom speaks Italian and he can also speak Spanish. 1) Patrick comes from Germany. Now he is in China. 2) Barbara comes from Norway. Now she is in Japan. 3) Oleg comes from Russia. Now he is in Canada. 4) Victor comes from France. Now he is in Italy. 5) Zara comes from Australia. Now she is in Vietnam. 6) Sue comes from Ireland. Now she is in Russia. m Complete the sentences with the words from the box. friendly, lovely, ugly, kindly, shapely, lonely, womanly 121 LTi Ф ■O 1) I think the new market building is rather ... . I hate looking at it! 2) That evening I felt really ... and needed a friend to talk to. 3) Athletes’ bodies usually look beautiful and ... . 4) Don’t use bad language. Rose. It’s not a ... thing to do. 5) It was a ... day in early spring with a lot of sxinshine and a warm wind from the sea. 6) Everybody likes to hear ... words, we like it when people speak nicely to us. Write a paragraph about what you would like to see and do in Australia. Step 9 Consolidation Class DO IT TOGETHER Л. Listen, (56), and say what nations they belong to. Examples Paul Davis is Britisli. Anna Chris Dan Paul Davis . Julia Lee Martha Max Nina Swen 122 В. Listen to the text again and complete the sentences. 1) Paul Davis says he is a ... teacher. a) language b) science c) popular 2) Students ... come to the International Language School for two weeks a) sometimes b) always c) often but not always 3) At the International Language School students have classes ... . a) in the evening b) in the morning c) in the morning and in the evening 4) Paul’s students from China ... . a) are his favourite students b) know English better than Paul’s students from other countries c) read poems every day ui A. Read the text and give it a title. The first people in Australia were the Aborigines, who came to this land more than 40,000 years ago. Chinese sailors visited the place 2,500 years ago, and later, in the 17th century the first Europeans arrived. One of them was the British sailor Captain James Cook who landed on the east coast and said that Australia now belonged to Britain. For the Aborigines it was the beginning of a terrible time. Britain soon began to send convicts* to the new country. In 1787, eleven ships left England for Australia. They were carrying 772 convicts. Their life in Australia was very difficult. And the newcomers had to work a lot. They made the first roads and farms. In the middle of the 19th century they found gold in Australia. Thousands of people came to the country from North America, Britain and China. Cities began growing fast, there appeared new roads and railways. On 1 January 1901, the six Australian states became one country. At that time Britain was still very important for Australia. A lot of people left Great Britain for a new life in Australia, but thought of Britain as their “home”. After 1945 millions of people moved to Australia from all over the world. Now Australia is an important country in the east with a very unusual historical past. B. Read the text again. Say in which of the following sentences the information is true, false or not stated. 1) Chinese sailors appeared in Australia 40,000 years ago. 2) Captain James Cook was the first to say that Australia was the British territory. 3) The first convicts came to Australia in the 18th century. 4) People found gold in Australia at the beginning of the 19th century. 5) Australia was the last continent that Europeans discovered. Speak about the history of Australia. Follow this outline. the first people in Australia the first Europeans in Australia captain James Cook life in Australia in the 18th century gold in Australia Australia a developing country people who live in Australia ' a convict [ konviktj — осуждсяшый, каторжник Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences. 1) In fact George (has been/was) to America several times. But I am not sure when he (has been/was) there. 2) Harry, where are the plums, please? — I (have eaten/ate) them all. 3) The other day we (have hought/bought) very fashionable clothes. 4) Christma.4 (has come/came). We are going to have a Christmas party tonight. 5) How much money (have you spent/did you spend) on these dictionaries? — Sorry, I don’t remember. 6) When (have they left did they leave) for Japan? — Last Friday, I think. 7) She (has had had) a very interesting meeting lately. 8) What books (have you found/did you find) in this old bookcase? Show them to me. 9) (Have you been to'were you in) Australia before? — No, I (haven’t/wasn’t). It’s the first time I (have come came) here. 10) (Have you bought/Did you buy) this dress or (have you made/did you make) it? — I have bought it. — And when (have you bought/ did you buy it)? 123 cn r+ 0) “O Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box, where necessary. at, by, from, in, of, on (2), out, to (2), up 1) I will never give ... the idea of visiting Australia. 2) The young girls are giving ... sweets to the children who have come to the New Year party. 3) The USA stretch ... the Atlantic Ocean ... the Pacific Ocean. 4) What country does China border ... in the north? 5) Washington, D.C. is situated ... the Potomac River. 6) You shouldn’t laugh ... these children. 7) Don’t sit with your back ... the window. It’s open. 8) The room was full ... school-leavers. 9) ... his surprise the journey was interesting and 10) When 1 travel ... car, I prefer to sit ... the back. 11) “Follow^ ... me,” he said. not very long. Work in pairs. One of you has just come from Australia. Ask him or her questions to get more information about this country. Let him/her answer them. Find out: • when he/she visited Australia • what the weather was like what cities he/she visited • where they (the cities) are situated what places in these cities he/she liked most • if he/she has been to the Australian desert • if he/she has seen Uluru • if it is true tliat the Rock changes its colour • if he/she has seen any animals in Australia what animals he/she finds very unusual 124 Choose one place from the list and tell your classmates why you would like to see it with your own eyes. Then decide whose story was the best. Ы In the USA • Washington, D.C. • New York • the Grand Canyon Death Valley the Great Lakes • the Niagara Falls • the mountains on the territory^ of the US • the rivers of the US In Australia • the big cities of the country • eucalyptus forests • the bush where kangaroos live • forests with unusual birds and strange animals • Uluru Rock • Great Barrier Reef • one of Australian beaches on Christmas Day DO IT ON YOUR OWN Use a/an or the where necessary to complete the sentences. 1) ... Mississippi is ... longest river in ... USA. It is such ... beautiful river. 2) ... Niagara Falls is a famous place in ... North America. 3) ... Colorado River cut ... canyon in the desert rock. 4) Is ... Death Valley fairly far from ... Grand Canyon? 5) The capital of ... US is ... Washington, D.C. 6) I have never seen ... Uluru Rock. It is such ... unusual place. 7) What do people usually do on ... Christmas Day? 8) ... Great Barrier Reef is ... popular place with tourists. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. just, just now, lately, already, the other day, not long ago, yet, last month 1) I have ... said everything that I wanted to say. 2) My friend told me a very interesting story ... . 3) Have the tourists been to New York ...? 4) ... I saw a very unusual picture in the book. 5) My family has visited some old Russian cities ... . 6) They showed the film ... and it was very succe.ssful. 7) Who has seen Alec ...? How is he? 8) They met some very interesting people ... . 9) There was a very good show on television ... . Make sure that you know how to spell the new words. Get ready to write Dictation 3. Here is your Word Box 3. W ords back, border, branch, chain, China, Chinese, coast, desert, destroy, disease, duckbill, echidna, empty, emu, Englishman, eucalyptus, fact, flow, ТгепсЪтап, Inencfly, mcredfdie, Japanese, journey, kindly, koala, kookaburra, last, lately, laugh, laughter, leaf, leaves, lonely, lovely, manly, maybe, own, perfect, plain, several, shapely, stretch, sudden(ly), surprise(d), valley, Vietnamese, womanly, wow, ugly f- Word Combinations in fact, the other day, just now, the day before yesterday, you don’t say so, fancy that, oh dear, well, I never Pharasal Verbs to give away, to give back, to give out, to give up Verb Forms break bring -build -buy — catch -choose drive -fight — find — get — — broken — broken — brought — brought - built — built bought — bought - caught — caught - chose — chosen - drove — driven - fought — fought found — found got — got go — went - gone have — had — had leave — left — left meet — met — met ride — rode — ridden send — sent — sent spend — spent — spent teach — taught — taught think — thought — thought Alaska California Canberra Death Valley Great Barrier Reef Hawaii Lake Badwater Melbourne Perth Sydney Uluru Rock Geographical Names the Appalachian Mountains (the Appalachians) the Colorado River the Grand Canyon the Great Plains the Niagara Falls the Niagara River 125 r+ ■D step 10 Test Yourself 1. LISTENING Listen to the text about the Grand sentences. 1) The country where the Grand Canyon is situated is ... . a) green and grassy b) wet and rainy c) dry and empty 2) The two sides of the Canyon look ... . a) different b) the same c) nearly the same Canyon, (57), and complete these j?r 126 У 3) In winter there is ... . a) no snow in the Grand Canyon b) a lot of snow in the Grand Canyon c) snow in some places of the Grand Canyon 4) The north side of the Canyon is ... . a) as quiet as the south side b) quieter than the south side c) busier than the south side Maximum result 4 Your result 7 • Ы II. READING Read the text and match its four parts with their names. One name you don't have to use. a) Two Cultures Together b) Australian Holidays c) The Nation “Living” Outdoors d) The Old Custom on the New Continent e) What They Do to Keep Fit У 1. The weather in Australia is warm, so people spend a lot of time outside. Australians like to live in a house of their own with a garden. Families spend hours in their gardens where they grow flowers and vegetables. They also play, eat and swim if they have a swimming pool. 2. Water sports are very 1юри1аг in the country because most people live not more than eighty kilometres from the coast. So everybody tries to learn to swim, and surfing and sailing are popular too. Australian tennis players are often successful and win international matches. 3. In Australia you can find English and Aborigines’ things together. Visitors to the country are often surprised at it. For example, there are very English place names like Melbourne, Brighton or Liverpool next to Aboriginal place names like Wagga Wagga or Yoondiwindi. 4. People still keep some English traditions. At Christmas they send each other cards with pictures of snow and wood fires. At the same time the temperature may be 25 degrees above zero and people go to the beaches to spend Christmas Day there. Maximum result 5 Your result ? III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) У У Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. sudden 1) ... he heard very loud music. 2) Jane has never read anything about the system of ... in Australia. 3) A yellow ... desert was in front of them. 4) The Australian Aborigines paint their bodies and make them very ... on special days. 5) In fact my visit to his family was rather ... . 6) A small ... girl was standing near the cage and looking at the budgies. 7) There are a lot of modern tall ...s in Canberra. 8) The ... coasts of southeast Australia are always full of holidaymakers. educate tree colour pleasant love build sand 127 Ln r+ Ф T3 Maximum result 8 Your result • Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences. 1) Sorry, I (have broken/broke) the bowl just now. 2) John just (has driven/drove) from Bristol. 3) The other day we (have given, gave) you some books. Where are they now? 4) They (have written/wrote) some texts lately. 5) The day before yesterday we (have visited , visited) the Niagara Falls. 6) We already (have finished,/finished) writing the test. 7) She (has not read/didn’t read) the story yet. 8) When (did you travel-have you travelled) about the USA? 9) (Have you done/Did you do) the exercise yet? When (did you do/ have you done) it? MaxiniuiTi result 10 Your result 9 • IV. SPEAKING Answer these questions. 1) What countries does the USA border on? 2) What mountain chains in the USA do you know? 3) Where are the Great Lakes situated? 4) What is the largest river in the country? 5) Does the Colorado flow north or south? 6) What is Death Valley famous for? 7) Why do so many people want to see the Grand Canyon? 8) What is the name of the famous waterfall in the USA? 9) Where are the Great Plains situated? 10) Can you name two places of interest in Washington, D.C.? 11) Who were the first people to live on the continent of Australia? 12) When did people from Europe begin to arrive in Australia? 128 13) What is the capital of Australia? 14) In what part of Australia do most people live? 15) What is unusual about the seasons in Australia? 16) What names of Australian birds and animals do you remember? 17) What Australian animals or birds seem unusual to you and why? 18) Can you name 2—3 big cities in Australia? 19) To what place in Australia would you like to go to take pictures there and why? У Maximum result 19 Your result 7 • Ы у They say "Seeing is believing"’. Do you agree with this saying? Comment on it using the information you have about the USA and Australia and say more about them. Maximum result 15 Your result 9 • V. WRITING Listen, (58), and write Dictation 3 у Maximum result 10 Your result 9 * у Total result 71 Your result ? DO IT ON YOUR OWN Do Project Work 3. Complete a new page in your English Album. Find some information about Tasmania (a large island forming a state of Australia) and write about it. Illustrate your story with pictures. Ask your family or friends to help you if necessary. Use the Internet. Decide whose works are the best. Seeing is believing. — Увидеть — значит поверить. Contents Book Guide................................................. 3 UNIT 1 Schools and Schooling Step 1 ......................................... 5 Step 2 ......................................... 9 Step 3...................................................... 12 Step 4...................................................... 15 Step 5...................................................... 19 Step 6...................................................... 23 Step 7...................................................... 28 Step 8...................................................... 32 Step 9 Consolidation Class ................................. 37 Step 10 Test Yourself ...................................... 41 UNIT 2 The Language of the World Step 1 ........................................ 44 Step 2...................................................... 48 Step 3...................................................... 52 Step 4...................................................... 57 Step 5...................................................... 61 Step 6...................................................... 66 Step 7...................................................... 71 Step 8...................................................... 74 Step 9 Consolidation Class................................. 78 Step 10 Test Yourself....................................... 81 UNIT 3 Some Facts about the English-speaking World Step 1 ........................................ 84 Step 2...................................................... 88 Step 3...................................................... 93 Step 4...................................................... 97 Step 5..................................................... 102 Step 6..................................................... 106 Step 7..................................................... 112 Step 8..................................................... 117 Step 9 Consolidation Class................................ 121 Step 10 Test Yourself...................................... 125 к КП>К:ЮМу курсу выпускаются I у^1сГи1ИК •мстоличсским 2 1 WTlvlMS<41U4' <с a-'fl ушплщ раГю»1ал тгтрА л» lACbcea, И. В. MiiU'cea. К. М. Баранова Й B.UJK _1 J о AiwyimimuH «ЛСК1р0МИ1Ч? Ш1 WUAA.dn>lll П1 lacbcea. И. В. Михеева. К. М. Баранова II rty3lHMtpM'U»HCIUH* II М1ЫК f. 1ягьевз. Н. В. Михеева, К. М. Бара>к)ва н auiiK ш 1 1мпая .г^л у*1>пс^й •iHalMMUrtllHil lai-bcea. И. В. ЛЪисгва. К. М. Баранова L )ЧМЧ7Ив1И1(Ж IM М li «к