Учебник Английский язык 6 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 6 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Rainbow English (Рейнбоу инглиш):

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о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова т АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова (« АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык Учебник в двух частях. Часть 2 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации ВЕРТИКАЛЬ МОСКВА Л врофа 2014 Book Guide UNIT 4. THE COUNTRY ACROSS THE OCEAN (pages 5—52) Talking Points 1. The continents and oceans on our planet 2. Geographic discoveries, the discovery of America 3. The USA today: school sports,. wJIdJifft., holidays and traditions 4. Native Americans in olden times and now 5. New York City and places of interest in it 6. The US geography Grammar Points Tbs verb "sbaW" arid bcw To ■use it 2. The prepositions "in" and "at" after the verb "to arrive" 3. Absence of future tenses in clauses of time and condition with "when", "if", "before", "after", "until", "till", "as soon as" 4. Different ways of speaking about the future 5. The adverb "so" and how to use it Vocabulary Points 1. Vocabulary for the talking points 2. Compound words ("milkman", "sportsman" etc.) 3. Different ways of saying that you are sure or not sure 4. The words "bank" and "shore" and how to use them 5. The suffix "-an" to form words naming nationalities 6. Some new geographical names Culture and History 1. The past of the North American continent 2. American customs and traditions 3. Indian culture 4. Places to visit in New York 5. How New York and the Hudson River got their names Enjoy Yourself 1. A story of Chicago 2. An English limerick 3. An English tongue twister 4. The story "The English Roses" (part 4) 5. The song about the USA "This Land is Your Land" 6. The poem "1 Meant to Do My Work Today" by Richard Le Galleinne 7. Some interesting facts Round-up 4: pages 40—44 Test Yourself 4: pages 44—48 Project Work 4: page 52 Workbook 6: Unit 4 Reader 6: Section Four UNIT 5. FAVOURITE PASTIMES (pages 53—96) Talking Points 1. Our pastimes in different seasons 2. The weather and how to describe it 3. Travelling abroad to see places of interest 4. Things to do in our free time 5. Different clothes for different pastimes 6. The clothes we choose 9 Grammar Points 1. Different ways of speaking about the future 2. The expression "to be going to" and how to use it Ъ. Оитпе 'Ln^iib'n wotOb used orfiy ‘in \‘ne p'lura'i 4. Present simple to speak about the future 5. Future or no future in sentences with "if" and "when" Vocabulary Points 1. Vocabulary for the talking points 2. The words we use to ask the speaker to repeat what he or she said 3. Some English antonyms__________________ Culture and History 1. Different kinds of thermometers in different countries 2. E-mail messages and personal letters, how to write them 3. Why clothes are important 4. The popular musical "The Sound of Music" Enjoy Yourself 1. A mixed-up story about Sherlock Holmes 2. An English limerick 3. An English tongue twister 4. The story "The English Roses" (part 5) 5. The song "My Favourite Things" 6. The poem "John's Balloon" by Anne Commons 7. Some interesting facts___________________________ Round-up 5: pages 82—87 Test Yourself 5: pages 88—91 Project Work 5: page 96 Workbook 6: Unit 5 Reader 6: Section Five UNIT 6. WHAT WE ARE LIKE Talking Points 97—143) 1. The human body 2. Describing yourself and other people 3. A person's character 4. Why manners are important___________ Grammar Points 1. The English modal verbs "can", "must" and their equivalents "to be able to" and "have to" 2. The modal verb "should" 3. The modal verb "may" compared with "can" 4. The uncountable noun "hair" and how to use it Vocabulary Points 1. Vocabulary for the talking points 2. The English words "finger", "toe", "hand", "arm", "foot", "leg" and how to use them 3. Some ways of showing interest and surprise in English 4. Some English antonyms 5. The words "fairly", "rather" and "quite" and how to use them Culture and History 1. The English tradition of saying unpleasant things in a mild way 2. Some popular characters of books and films Enjoy Yourself 1. A story of a brave girl 2. An English tongue twister 3. The story "The English Roses" (part 6) 4. The song "Rock Around the Clock" 5. The poem "Why" by Raymond Wilson 6. Some interesting facts_________________ Round-up 6: pages 131—135 Test Yourself 6: pages 135—138 Project Work 6: page 143 Workbook 6; Unit 6 Reader 6: Section Six The Country Across the Ocean Step 1 Ocean DO IT TOGETHER A. Listen, (71). and read these names. The Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean. B. Listen to the text, ^ (72). and complete the sentences. 1) The Atlantic Ocean is ... than the Pacific Ocean. a) larger b) smaller 2) The Arctic Ocean is ... than the other three a) larger 3) If you are going from Pacific Ocean. b) smaller .. to ..., you travel across the a) Europe ... America b) Asia ... America 4) The Arctic Ocean is in the ... and the Indian Ocean is in the ... . a) north ... south b) south ... north 5) Now we ... say that we know all about the oceans a) can b) cannot Ф "D А. Use some of the words and phrases from the box in the dialogues. © © © Great Not (too) bad Fairly bad Wonderful Fairly good Bad Good Too bad Fine Terrible 1) A: Do you know what? I have a new bikel 'B: ../’I’in’ happy"for you. T> 2) A: They say it’s going to rain next week. B: ... What will I do in the country in rainy weather? 3'^ A: PoWy is i\\. S\ve is staying at Vvome irom schooi. B: ... I’m so sorry for her. 4) A: I’m going to the theatre next Saturday. B: ... Enjoy the performance. 5) A: What’s the food in this cafe like? B: ..., but they don’t cook my favourite dishes. 6) A; Did you enjoy the circus show? B: It was ..., but I didn’t like the trained animals. 7) A: How did you like the new film? B: It’s ..., but it’s better than what I saw last week. B. Make up your own dialogues with these words and phrases. Listen, (73), and read the sentences. What does the new word mean? There are five continents on our planet. Our planet is fairly old. How many countries are there on the planet? Listen, (74), and read. A. discover [di'skAva] — открывать discovery [di'skAvari] — открытие gold [gould] — 1) золото; 2) золотой land [laend] — 1) земля, суша; 2) страна round [raund] — круглый sail [sell] — плыть на лодке, корабле, плыть под парусом sure [jua] — 1) уверенный; 2) наверняка voyage ['уэпф] — морское путешествие в. discover; to discover а country, to discover a continent. Who discovered America? We discovered that Julia was our cousin. I discovered John’s letter under yesterday’s newspaper, discovery: an important discovery, an interesting discovery, to make a discovery. The famous traveller Robert Scott had a ship whose name was “Discovery”. gold: 1) a lot of gold, little gold, to find gold. Gold is a yellow metal. 2) A gold medal, a gold ring. There was an ancient gold box on the table. land; 1) rich land, hilly land, grassy land, to be on dry land. Some animals can live both on land and in water. 2) a foreign land. John travelled to many lands. round: a round ball, a round table, a round tower. Our planet is round. sail: to sail to Italy, 4o sail to Greece. Bill is learning to sail. We’re going to sail to Rome tomorrow. sure: 1) to be sure (of/about something). I think Jane is in London but I’m not sure (of it). They are sure to find gold there. Are you sure these figures are right? 2) Will you come to my party? — Sure. voyage: a long voyage, a voyage home, a sea voyage, an ocean voyage, to be on a voyage. During their voyage she saw a lot of sea animals. There were many schoolchildren on that voyage to France. A. Match the pictures with the word combinations. a) a round tower b) a tall tower c) a gold coin d) an ancient coin e) hilly land f) grassy land 3. 4. 1. 2. .5. 6. в. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. voyage, discovered, sailed, discovery, sure 8 1) I’m not ... they were on an ocean ... last month. 2) Who ... America? 3) They ... from St Petersburg on Monday and came to Helsinki ten hours later. 4) The ... of America was one of the most important discoveries of the 15 th century. Use the word sure to say the same. Example: Your friends are certain to come to say happy birthday to you. Your friends are sure to come to say happy birthday to you. 1) — Will you stay with us at the weekend, John? — Certainly. We have so much to do together. 2) 1 think the new boy’s name is Steve, but I am not certain of it. 3) Learn the new words for tomorrow and be quite certain about it. 4) Is Jane certain of the facts? 5) I feel certain that the trip will be great fun. 6) — Are you coming with us, Alice? — Certainly. I want to see the new film too. 7) I think she was born in 1980 but I’m not certain. 8) My dad is certain to know all about this country. 9) — Will you play basketball with us, Alice? — I’m not certain. I don’t feel well. Л 10) Colin is certain to help you with your problem. Talk to him. A. You will read the text about the discovery of America. Can you say 1) who discovered America; 2) when it was; 3) why people who lived in America got the name of Indians. B. Now read the text to see if you were right. The Discovery of America Everybody knows that the word America can mean different things. First of all America is the name of the country whose official [a'fijl] name is the United States of America. Then America is the name of the two continents — North America and South America. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was the first man from Europe to get there. Christopher was born in 1451 in Italy but he lived in Spain for many years. Columbus was a seaman and made a lot of sea voyages. In those days people in Europe were much interested in India and other countries which were situated in Asia because ships sailed east to Asia and brought gold and other riches from those places. A lot of seamen sailed east and came back rich people. Like many people of his time Columbus knew that our planet is round. He was sure he could also get to India if he sailed west. In 1492 the King and Queen of Spain gave Columbus money and ships to make a voyage to India. So with three small ships Columbus and his men sailed west. They sailed for three weeks and then on October 12, they saw an island. It was situated in Central America. But Columbus didn’t know that then. He thought he was in Asia and gave the people he met on the island the name of Indians. Altogether^ Columbus made four voyages to America before he died in 1506. People began to speak about the new land as “the New World” saying that Columbus’s discovery was one of the most important things in history. Many people know these words: “In fourteen hundred and ninety two Columbus sailed the ocean blue... 99 to О ■О altogether [э:11э'дебэ] — в целом v: гК т.Ч official [a'fijl] name is the United States of America. Then America is the name of the two continents — North America and South America. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was the first man from Europe to get there. Christopher was born in 1451 in Italy but he lived in Spain for many years. Columbus was a seaman and made a lot of sea voyages. In those days people in Europe were much interested in India and other countries which were situated in Asia because ships sailed east to Asia and brought gold and other riches from those places. A lot of seamen sailed east and came back rich people. Like many people of his time Columbus knew that our planet is round. He was sure he could also get to India if he S2uled west. In 1492 the King and Queen of Spain gave Columbus money and ships to make a voyage to India. So with three small ships Columbus and his men sailed west. They sailed for three weeks and then on October 12, they saw an island. It was situated in Central America. But Columbus didn’t know that then. He thought he was in Asia and gave the people he met on the island the name of Indians. Altogether' Columbus made four voyages to America before he died in 1506. People began to speak about the new land as “the New World” saying that Columbus’s discovery was one of the most important things in history. Many people know these words: “In fourteen hundred and ninety two Columbus sailed the ocean blue...” И 1Л altogether [э:кэ'дебэ] — в целом 1) 2) 3) 10 4) c 3 9 r+ 5) «к 6) 10 Remember’ the text "The Discovery of America" and complete the sentences. Christopher Columbus discovered America in the ... century. a) 13th Columbu a) Spain b) 14th b) America He lived in ... for many years, a) Europe b) Asia People in Spain were much interested century. a) Europe b) Asia c) 15th c) Italy c) America in ... in the 15th c) America decided to go ... to get to India, b) south c) east d ... during his first voyage to the New a) west Columbus discover World. a) North America b) Central America c) South America DO IT OIU YOUR OWI\l Write these sentences in the right order. 1) Columbus was sure he could get to India if he sailed west. 2) The King and Queen of Spain sent Columbus on his famous voyage. 3) Columbus made a lot of sea voyages before he sailed west. 4) Columbus was born in Italy but lived in Spain. 5) The seamen met some people on the new island. 6) It took Columbus and his men three weeks to get to the new land. Make up 10—12 word combinations with these words. Example', a gold watch gold, dangerous, round. land, voyage, watch. famous, foreign, sea. discovery, ring, column. great, green table, planet Spell these words. 1) [Isend] 2) [raund] 3) [gauld] 4) [di'sLwari] 5) [sell] 6) [Iu9] 7) ['vDiicfe] 8) [di'skAva] 9) ['plasmtj to remember [n'memba] — вспоминать Step 2 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (75), and say which of the sentences is not true, 1) Sport is very popular in the USA. 2) Basketball came to America from Europe. 3) They play games a lot in American schools. V-fi/ Xll XTLlllCA OVylUJWlO* 4) If you want to do a sport in the USA, you can choose what you like. 5) Each school in the USA has its own team of young athletes. A. You know the word seaman. Can you say what these words mean? 1) milkman 2) policeman 3) fisherman 4) sportsman Ъ) gentleman 6) Englishman 7) Frenchman 8) countryman 9) snowman Б. Give the plural of these words. Example: milkman — milkmen 11 1/1 n> ■D M 12 Complete the sentences in the two outlines’ Outline one Christopher Columbus Spain, seaman, Italy, discovered, voyages (2), died 1) The man who ... America was Christopher Columbus 2) He was born in ... in 1451. 3) He lived in ... for a long time. 4) He was a ... and a traveller. 5) He made a lot of ... for Spain. 6) Columbus made four ... to America. 7) He ... in 1506. Outline two Columbus’s discovery of America Indians, Central, sailed, sure, island, land (2), round 1) In 1492 Columbus ... west to get to India. 2) He knew that our planet is ... . 3) He was ... he could get to India. 4) After three weeks in the ocean Columbus and his seamen saw an ... . 5) It was ... America. 6) On that ... Columbus met some people who lived there. 7) He gave them the name of ... . 8) Soon people began to speak about the new ... as “the New World”. Choose one of the outlines (Exercise 3) and speak about a) Christopher Columbus or b) his discovery of America. Listen to the poem, (76), and read it. Let’s Remember Columbus “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue...” Let’s sing together this old song About the voyage that took him long. About the sailors, those strong brave men. Let’s sing and remember them all again. an outline ['autlain] — план {ответа, рассказа) 0о|а 1. Как вы уже знаете, говоря о будущих событиях, в английском языке часто используют простое будущее время (future simple): You will be thirteen next week. Обратите внимание, что после местоимений I и we в подобных предложениях можно также употреблять форму shall. Она обычно произносится без ударения [jal]. I will (shall) do it. We will (shall) do it. He/she will do It. You will do it. It will do it. They will do it. 2. В отрицательных предложениях обычно используется сокращение won't [waunt] от will not: They won't (will not) come early. Для местоимений 1-го лица I и we возможны также формы shan't [Ja:nt] и shall not: I won't (shan't) write to her. We won't (shan't) go there. Однако значительно чаще глаголы will и shall в речи сокращаются до 'II: Г11 do it. = I will do it. = I shall do it. We'll go there. = We will go there. = We shall go there. словосочетаниями 3. Future simple часто используется со I think, I don't think. Do you think: I think I'll be at home at 7. I don't think they will come early. CrO 'ytyCi \W1r1V4 ta’iTi 4. Когда нужно сообщить о каких-либо запланированных действиях или событиях, future simple не употребляется, чалг>име1у. Wn. агя. opino, tn. ДтегдгА. ягтпп.. 1/1 Use shall/shan't where \Х \s poss\b\e. 1) 1 think my parents wiW he at home this ел?епшё. 2) They won’t write to you again, and 1 won’t either. 3) I’m sure John will be in his office in the afternoon. 4) We won’t go to North America, we will go to South A in June. 5) I’ll buy some bread and milk on my way home. 6) You will read a fairy tale to me, won’t you? 7\ We will gp to New York by car. 8) Are you sure it will rain? Q) They wuu’t finish this work soon. Say what you think (don't think) you or other people will do tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, soon. 14 DO IT OI\l YOUR OWIU Complete these sentences. Use / shall. Example: I’m very tired. I think ... . I’m very tired. I think I shall go to bed. 1) I’m very hungry. I think ... . 2) I’m thirsty. I think ... . 3) I’m ill. I think ... . 4) I’m cold. I think ... . 5) I’m hot. I think ... . Write five sentences about what your family won't do next summer. Use shan 'f. Example: We shan’t go to America next summer. Complete these sentences. 1) A (milkman/milkmen) brought milk to us when we lived in the country. 2) There was a lot of snow in the garden and we made two (snowman/snowmen). 3) I think my brother will become a (seaman/seamen). 4) There are a lot of (fisherman/fishermen) at the fish market. 10 step 3 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, 1) a) b) 2) a) b) 3) a) b) 4) a) b) 5) a) b) (77), and say which sentences you could hear. From this place you see the Atlantic Ocean. From this place you’ll see the Atlantic Ocean. You soon discover that it’s better to tell the truth. You’ll soon discover that it’s better to tell the truth He’ll remember this day as long as he lives. She’ll remember this day as long as she lives. We make this voyage together. We’ll make this voyage together. Your teacher tells you about our planet. Your teacher’ll tell you about our planet. 6) а) The brave sailors discovered a new land, b) The brave sailors’ll discover a new land. 7) a) The land extended north and south, b) The land’ll extend north and south. 8) a) We sailed from Hull on July 15. b) We’ll sail from Hull on July 15. Speech Pa erns Уверенность Для того, чтобы выразить уверенность или неуверенность, можно воспользоваться следующими фразами; to Sure. I'm sure (of/about) it. Certainly. I'm certain. Positive ['pozitiv]. I'm positive about it. I'm not (so) sure (of/about) it. I'm not certain (of/about) it. I'm certain. I know 1) Does Mike come from the USA? — that he lives in New York. 2) When was Columbus's second voyage to the World? — I'm not so sure about (of) it. New certain и «полностью. Обратите внимание, что прилагательные positive означают не просто «уверенный», а совершенно уверенный». Are you sure they'll help us? — I'm positive. (I'm certain about it.) ) A. Say the same in a different way. 1) Are you sure your mum’ll like this present? 2) Will it be cold tomorrow? — I’m not sure of it. 3) Would you like to play basketball with us today? — 4) Do you think the film is good? — I’m positive. 5) I’m not certain that I’ll come here again. 6) Do you think Andrew will go to the restaurant with us? I’m sure of it. Sure. 16 • • • в. How can you complete these dialogues? 1) A: Will you stay with us for the weekend? B: A: 2) A: B: A: 3) A: B: 4) A: B: Oh, I’m sorry. I hope your mum will be better soon Did Columbus discover America in 1492 or 1592? In 1492, I think, but ... . Let’s find out. Victor speaks English and French, doesn’t he? I’m ... that he does. Is Canada bigger or smaller than the USA? ... I don’t know geography very well. Предлагая помощь, спрашивая, стоит ли говорящему что-то сделать, в английском языке часто пользуются конструкцией Shall I...? Shall we...? Shall I open the window? — Открыть окно? Shall we cook dinner? — Приготовить обед? Shall I buy the tickets? — Купить билеты? Когда человек не может решить, что ему делать, и спрашивает совет у собеседника, также используется shall после we и V. \What shaW we do? — Что нам делать? Where shall we go? — Куда нам идти? How shall I get there? — Как мне добраться туда? Say that you'd like to help. Example: Shall 1 go to the shop? (1) 1 *1 11 2. TICKET 6. A. s u РЕлмалкЕт 7. 8. A. Bob and Betty are thinking what to do this Sunday. Make up questions for them. Example: to go to the museum/to go to the picture gallery. Shall we go to the museum or the picture gallery? 1) to go to the supermarket/to go to the restaurant 2) to go to the circus/to go to the cinema 3) to go to the zoo/to go to the park 4) to walk in the park/to ride the bikes 5) to swim in the lake/to swim in the swimming pool 6) to go to the restaurant/to cook lunch 7) to go to the country by train/to go there by bus 8) to read books and magazines in the evening/to watch television in the evening B. Work in pairs. Speak about what you are planning to do together next weekend. Example: — Shall we go to the cinema? — Yes, let’s. It’s a wonderful idea./No, let’s not. I was in the cinema yesterday. Listen, ^ (78), and read the sentences. What do the new words mean? 1) There was an old wigwam ['wigwaem] in the forest. 2) That is an ancient ceremony ['senmani]. It is some centuries old. Listen and read, ^ (79). A. arrive (at/in) [a'raiv] — прибывать в fight [fait] — драться, сражаться — надеяться — охотиться на, охотиться ради remember [п'тетЬэ] — помнить still [stil] — всё ещё through [0ru:] — сквозь, через far away — далеко the same — такой же, тот же самый hope [haup] hunt [hAnt] 17 1/1 f-¥ Ф ■D Ы arrive: to arrive in Europe, to arrive in Asia, to arrive at the museum, to arrive at the airport. When will John Fox arrive in New York? fight (fought): to fight for your land, to fight for your home, to fight with the enemy. Russian people fought for their country against the enemy in 1941 —1945. .4. 18 : hope: to hope for success, to hope for your future, to hope for a better life. Let’s hope for the best. hunt: to hunt (for) animals, to hunt (for) rabbits, to hunt for food, to hunt for sport. We hunted (for) rabbits in the hills. American Indians hunted for food. Crocodiles are good hunters. remember: to remember everything, to remember nothing. Do you remember the house where we lived in summer? I can/ can’t remember her name at the moment. still: It is still raining. It is still snowing. Do you still play tennis? We were still cleaning the house when my friends started to arrive. through: through the country, through the forest, through the window. The railway runs through a tunnel. Mrs Robinson was watching her son through the kitchen window, far away: to live far away, to be situated far away from the sea. The Fletchers live far away in the north, the same: to go to the same school, to have the same problem, to speak the same language, to do the same. Shall we meet at the same time on Sunday? Глагол to arrive — «прибывать» может употребляться с предлогами in и at. Если речь идёт о континенте, стране, крупном городе, значительной территории, используется предлог in: to arrive in Europe to arrive in New York to arrive in England to arrive in the Far East В остальных случаях обычно употребляется предлог at: to arrive at the airport to arrive at the theatre to arrive at the hotel to arrive at the circus to arrive at the museum to arrive at the performance HO: to arrive home, to arrive here, to arrive there Complete the sentences. Use in or at where necessary. 1) They arrived ... the hotel late at night. 2) Mike will arrive ... New York by plane. 3) I’m not sure when he will arrive ... the meeting. 4) I’m positive that Lily will arrive ... Boston next month 5) We arrived ... the market in the afternoon. 6) When will you arrive ... home? 7) Let’s meet at the circus. I’ll arrive ... there at six. 8) Columbus sailed to India but he arrived ... Central America. 9) When Columbus arrived ... Spain after his voyage to America, he was famous. 10) When shall we arrive ... the airport? 11) They left England in September and arrived ... Italy in October. Match the words from column A with the word combinations from column В and complete the sentences. A. 1) lived 2) remember 3) arrived 4) hunt 5) hopes 6) fought 7) ran B. a) with his enemies b) through the forest c) at the same port d) for the best e) for small animals f) our old friends g) far away in the middle of the forest in a small 19 un r+ ft) TJ Ы 1) The hunters ... wooden house. 2) I think Andrew is an optimist; he always ... . 3) The big ocean-going ship ... as their small boat. 4) A small river ... . Its water was fairly clear. 5) Let’s ... and send postcards to them. 6) Arnold was brave, but he never ... . 7) Foxes ... . DO IT ON YOUR OWN Use the words from the box and complete the sentences. Write them down, at, for (2), away, with, in, through 1) My friend lives far ..., that’s why we don’t often meet. 2) We all think the next year will be happy. We all hope ... it. 3) People often hunt animals ... their beautiful fur. 4) When I arrived ... London, I couldn’t speak good English. 5) When they arrived ... the station, it was dark. 6) They walked ... the forest and came to a beautiful round lake. 7) If you fight ... your friends, what kind of friend are you? 10 20 Complete the sentences. Write them down. Example'. What a new disk or a video? What shall we buy: a new disk or a video? 1) Where to the cinema or to the circus? 2) What football or basketball? 3) When at 3 or at 4 o’clock? 4) How often 2 or 3 times a day? 5) What fish or chicken? Spell these words. 1) ^ ['senmani] 2) [0ru:] 3) La'raivJ 4) [fait] 5) [ri'memba] b) [haupj 7) [hAnt] 8) [stil] 9) C'wigwaemJ I Step 4 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, ^ (80), and match the pictures with the places where the animals live. В английском языке, в отличие от русского, в придаточных предложениях времени и условия, которые часто вводятся союзом if (если) и относительным местоимением when (когда), будущее время (future simple) не употребляется. Вместо него используются формы настоящего времени (present simple). Сравните: If you go to London, you'll see Trafalgar Square. Если ты поедешь в Лондон, ты увидишь Трафальгарскую площадь. If it rains tomorrow, the children will not go to the zoo. Если завтра будет идти дождь, дети не пойдут в зоопарк. John will join us when he conies to Moscow. Джон присоединится к нам, когда приедет в Москву. 1 shall bring Jane the book when she is at home. Я принесу Джейн книгу, когда она будет дома. Обратите внимание, что если придаточное стоит перед главным предложением, то оно отделяется от него запятой: If you buy her a new mobile, she will be glad. She will be glad if you buy her a new computer. (Grammar Reference, p. 155.) 21 r+ Ф TJ ■b A. Say where Nick will go when his holidays begin. Example: to Scotland When Nick’s holidays begin, he will go to Scotland. 1) abroad 2) to his granny’s country house 3) to a sea resort B. Say where Jill will go if she has free time. 4) to the USA 5) to Northern Ireland 6) to Wales Example: to the shops If Jill has free time, she will go to the shops. 1) to the swimming pool 2) to the circus 3) to the skating rink 4) to the picture gallery 5) to the theatre 6) to her friend’s party C. Say what Little Ron will do if it rains. Example: stay at home If it rains, Ron will stay at home. 1) play with his toys 4) watch television 2) read a book 5) listen to his granny’s fairy tale 3) draw pictures 6) play computer ^ames 22 What will the children do when their classes are over? 1. 2. 3. 6. Match the parts of the sentences. 1) If you come to Moscow, 2) If she visits London, 3) If he arrives in St Petersburg early, 4) If I go to the shops, 5) When summer comes, 6) When it snows, 7) When Sunday comes, 8) When the sun appears in the sky. a) I’ll buy some chocolates. b) it will be hot. c) I’ll take him to the Summer Garden. d) we shall make a snowman. e) we won’t go to school. f) we shall go to Red Square g) our holidays will begin. h) she will see the Tower. Listen, (81), and read the text. Give names to its two parts. Native Americans 1. More than 20,000 Native Americans^ came to the American continent from Asia. They travelled all the way through Siberia and Alaska. Before Europeans arrived in America, Native Native Americans [,neitrv a'menkanz] рики коренные жители Аме- Americans, or Indians, lived in tribes'. The tribes were very different: some grew their food, some ate the food they could find. There were also tribes of fishermen and hunters. They lived in wooden houses, or wigwams, and thought that there were spirits^ around them — in trees, mountains, fire or water. Spirits could bring them success. To make their spirits kind, Indians had ceremonies with dancing and music. Indian songs and poems helped them to remember their traditions and history. Most of Native Americans in those days could not write. Indians were fairly peace-fuP and hoped to live happily on their land where they could hunt and fish freely. 2. Europeans took most of their land. Indians fought to defend their homes, their way of life and their culture. In the 19th century the US government decided that Native Americans must live far away from their lands on reservations. Many Indians still live on reservations. Usually they are poorer than other Americans. At the same time they often try to keep their traditions and their language. There are regular festivals where Indians perform their dances and play their music. 23 fD "O «31 • * ' a tribe [traib] — племя spirit ['spint] — дух ® peaceful ['pi:sfl] — мирный 24 .V Read the text "Native Americans" again and complete the sentences. 1) Indians ... in America. a) always lived b) didn’t always live 2) Native Americans lived ... . a) in big groups^ b) all together 3) Indians made up ... to remember their traditions history. a) ballads and poems 4) People from Europe often ... with Native Americans, a) wanted and b) songs and poems to live like good neighbours b) didn’t want 5) It is important for Native Americans ... . a) to keep their style of life b) to have their festivals DO IT OIU YOUR OWni Write what you will do/won't do. 1) If it snows, I ... . 2) If it rains, I ... . 3) If it is cold, I ... . 4) If it is hot, I 5) If it is foggy, I • Ф • Write these sentences and use a comma-' where it is necessary. 1) If he comes he will tell you everything. 2) When Dick arrives home I’ll ask him about it. 3) John will go to the country if the weather is good. 4) We shall go boating if it isn’t windy. 5) When your granny is at home, she will tell you your favourite fairy tale. Give answers to these questions. Show that you are certain/not certain about these. 1) Are double-deckers in London red? 2) Is Scotland in the north of Great Britain? 3) Is the Baikal the deepest lake in Russia? 4) Is the weather sunny in London all the time? Step 5 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the text, 9 (82). Say which of the four sentences is true. 1) There are four large lakes with fresh water in the north of the US. ' a group [gru:p] -* a comma ['koma] группа - запятая 2) То travel by land is faster than to travel by water. Ъ') Nobody \wos OT\ tbe island, people only come to stay there. 4) People come to the island to hunt wild animals. , Canada Unit ^States of America I -5. Ч I V Speak about Native Americans. Before Europeans arrived: • lived in tribes • grew plants, hunted animals, fished in their waters • lived in wooden houses or wigwams • thought that different spirits could help them • kept their traditions and culture • made songs and poems 25 vn r-f ■D 1Л After Europeans arrived: • took their lands • lougfif to d'efena' their honres^ amf way of life • the government sent them to reservations • still live on reservations • poorer than other Americans • try to keep their traditions, language and culture • hold’ festivals with dancing and music Complete these sentences. Use if or when. Sometimes you can use both, 1) I’ll phone you ... (come to St Petersburg). 2) You’ll be tired ... (don’t stop now). 3) I’ll stay with the baby ... (go to the cinema). 4) We’ll have dinner together ... (come home). AuiV — iTpw»v5>jyrra •V They’ll go to the club ... (are not busy). We can ski ... (snow). Ton can watch television ... (have time). She’ll sing for you ... (ask her). We shan’t go to the skating rink ... (is nasty). 10) It will be warmer ... (the sun appears in the sky). Work in pairs. Decide what to do. Example: — Where shall we eat? Shall we go to a restaurant or have dinner at home? — Let’s have dinner at home. ggsTAURAi^ LCOFPPf tr / 4. 0% m 5. Кроме слова when, придаточные времени могут вводиться и другими словами, например before, after, until/till (до тех пор, пока) или as soon as (как только). Правило при этом остаётся неизменным: будущее время в таких придаточных предложениях не используется. Например: Г11 соте before you go to the shops. Я приду до того, как ты уйдёшь в магазин. We'll meet after the classes are over. Встретимся после того, как занятия закончатся. They'll stay here until autumn begins. Они останутся здесь, пока не начнется осень. Обратите внимание на правописание двух синонимов till и until. Запомните, что till чаще используется в разговорной речи: Just sit here till I come. Обратите внимание, что если придаточное стоит перед главным предложением, запятая ставится после придаточного предложения: As soon as he arrives, he will do it. Как только он прибудет, он это сделает. 27 п> "D VI в Say the same differently. Use before, after, as soon as. 1) I’ll go to university when I finish school. 2) When I come to Sochi, I’ll stay at a hotel. 3) When I’m in London, I’ll visit the Tower. 4) I’ll make soup when I buy some vegetables. 5) When autumn comes, we’ll go home, 6) When summer comes, we’ll go to the resort. 7) When it snows, they’ll go skiing. 8) He will help us when he arrives. Listen, (83), and read. A. belong [bi'loQ] — принадлежать grassland rgra:s,laendl — земля, поросшая травоп, луг nearly ['шэИ] — почти rocky ['roki] — скалистый shore [^э:] — берег skyscraper ['skai,skreipa] — небоскрёб so [sau] — таким образом, так, поэтому space [speis] — 1) пространство; 2) космос, космическое пространство B. belong: to belong to somebody, to belong to the same family. Who does this book belong to? He belonged to the school sports club. The world belongs to you. grassland: wide grassland, beautiful grassland. You can see all kinds of wild plants growing on the grassland. nearly: nearly everywhere, nearly everybody, nearly three hundred. In the morning I nearly missed my bus. The cold killed nearly all the flowers in the garden. 28 rocky: rocky mountains, rocky land. It was not easy to grow plants on that rocky land. shore: a rocky shore, a sandy shore, a stony shore, the east shore, on the far shore of the lake. She sells sea shells on the seashore. skyscraper: a tall skyscraper, a modern skyscraper. Would you like to live in a skyscraper? What cities are famous for skyscrapers? so: 1 was tired, so 1 went to bed early. She wrote a great book and ao Ьеоатгл Vttx bway, ao can сател back tomorrow? space: a lot of space, a spaceman, a spacewoman, a spaceship. There was some space in the cupboard for all the new toys. How much do you know about the space travel? Match the words and use the word combinations in the sentences. 1) tall 2) wide 3) far 4) belongs 5) nearly 6) rocky T) space 1) High . a) shore b) everybody c) travels d) skyscrapers e) mountains f) grassland to us extend from north to south across the country. 2) Modern cities are cities of ... . 3) They built a small house on the ... of the beautiful lake. 4) ... knows that New York is not the capital of the USA. 5) This beautiful planet ... , we must look after it. 6) From the window I could see ... bright green in the sun shine. 7) People dreamed about ... long, long ago. DO IT Oni YOUR OWIU What are the odd words out? Write them down. 1) forest, hill, grassland, weather, mountain 2) rocky, sandy, grassy, stony, nearly 3) house, bridge, building, skyscraper, wigwam 4) shore, belong, fight, defend, remember Spell these words. 1) Цэ:] 2) ['skai|Skreipa] 3) ['шэИ] 4) [sou] 5) ['roki] 6) [bi'lDp] 7) ['gra:S|laend] 8) [speis] 10 Give the second form of the verbs. Example: stand — stood 1) lie; 2) find; 3) sail; 4) discover; 5) fight; 6) bring; 7) mean; 8) hunt Step 6 29 i/> DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (84), and complete the text. New York New York is one of the largest cities of the USA and of the world as well. It is an important centre of cultvire and art. Some people say it is the cultural capital of the world. Everybody knows New York’s street Broadway which is famous for its theatres. New York is situated in the northeast oi the country. Much of the city is on the (1) ... islands: Manhattan, Staten Island and Long Island. When people think about New York, they usually think of Manhattan. This island is more than (2) ... kilometres long and more than (3) ... and a half kilometres wide. New York is a city of tall buildings. It has (4) ... kilometres of streets and more than (5) ... people live there. They speak as many as (6) ... languages. More than (7) ... visitors arrive in New York every year. Lots of them say it is the most wonderful city in the world, the city that never sleeps. Answer the questions on page 30. I’m sure of (about) it. I’m certain of (about) it. I’m positive “about it. I think so. Use these phrases: I’m not sure of (about) it. I’m not certain of (about) it I don’t think so. Example: — Is New York the capital of the USA? — I don’t think so. But I’m not certain (sure) of it. П) ■D Ф i M I 1) How did people travel before trains appeared? 2) On what continent is the highest mountain situated? 3) Which is the smallest continent? 4) What is the largest country? 5) Can you get from Europe to America by train? 6) Who was the first man to get to Antarctica? 7) Why did Columbus sail west but not east? 8) Why did Columbus give Native Americans the name of Indians? 9) Where is the coldest place in the world? 10) Do all birds fly? 11) Is South America larger than North America? 12) Are crocodiles and alligators the same animals? Say what things belong to them. Example: The goldfish belongs to Richard /Indre'^ ПагУ МагК обратите внимание на то, что английские существительные bank и shore используются в языке по-разному. Слово bank обычно употребляют, если речь идёт о береге реки, а вот слово shore нужно нам тогда, когда мы говорим о береге озера, моря или океана. Сравните: а river bank but а sea shore. 31 Complete the sentences with bank or shore. 1) We stopped on a rocky ... of the ocean to take some pictures. 2) The house stood on the high ... of the river. 3) They liked to spend their free time on the ... of the Volga. 4) I saw somebody on the far ... of the lake. 5) We found a nice place on the sandy ... of the river and began fishing. 6) In this photo you can see me and my cousin on the ... of Lake Baikal. A. Listen, (85), and read. Mexico ['meksikau] Hawaii [ha'waii:] Alaska [a'laeska] Texas ['teksas] Rhode [raud] Island District of Columbia [ka'lAmbia] the Pacific the Rocky Mountains the Mississippi the Potomac [pa'taumak] Washington ['wDjrqtan], New York State River D.C. B. Listen, 9 (86), and read. Find on the map all the places, whose names are in the text. Rhode Island ew York late ashington, D.C. c О a> ■D 32 The Cent! try Across the Ocean Th^ U§A i§ § eetffitfy ifi Ашёпса. its neighbour in the north is Canada and in the south its neighbour is Mexico. The country extends from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the islands of Hawaii in the Pacific, and from cold, snowy Alaska to sunny Florida in tke southeast. The \3S has nearly every kind of weather. Also, it has many kinds of land — wide grasslands, rocky mountains, powerful rivers, lakes of different sizes, sandy beaches, great forests and lands of ice and snow. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains and the longest river is the Mississippi. More than 300 million people live in the US but the country is very big, so there is still a lot of open space. ' There are 50 states that make up the USA. Some are small and some are Vig. The smallest is Rhode Island and the bij^est is Alaska. T.bn na/iifaJ л? xV Avs- on the banks of the Potomac River. The letters D.C. mean District of Columbia. Its territory doesn’t belong to any state. The US government and its Congress^ are situated there. Every state has its capital. The largest city in the country is New York City famous for its skyscrapers. Remember the text above. Say which sentences are true. 1) The USA, Canada and Mexico are in North America. 2) The islands of Hawaii are in the Atlantic Ocean. 3) Alaska is one of the coldest states in the US. 4) Florida is in the southwest of the USA. 5) The highest mountains in the USA are the Rocky Mountains. 6) The Mississippi is the longest river in the USA. 7) There are 50 small states in the USA. 8) The biggest state is Texas. V) ’(^as’hington, Ъ.и. IS t’he capital oT Texas. 10) Washington, D.C. lies on the Potomac River. Here are some answers. What are the questions? 1) In North America. 2) They are Canada and Mexico. The Congress ['kongres] орган страны Конгресс США, законодательный ♦f г 32 The Country Across the Ocean The USA is a large country in North America. Its neighbour in the north is Canada and in the south its neighbour is Mexico. The country extends from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the islands of Hawaii in the Pacific, and from cold, snowy Alaska to sunny Florida in the southeast. The US has nearly every kind of weather. Also, it has many kinds of land — wide grasslands, rocky mountains, powerful rivers, lakes of different sizes, sandy beaches, great forests and lands of ice and snow. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains and the longest river is the Mississippi. More than 300 million people live in the US but the country is very big, so there is still a lot of open space. There are 50 states that make up the USA. Some are small and some are big. The smallest is Rhode Island and the biggest is Alaska. The capital city is Washington, D.C. It lies on the banks of the Potomac River. The letters D.C. mean District of Columbia. Its territory doesn’t belong to any state. The US government and its Congress* are situated thcr^e. EveiT state has its capital. The largest city in the country is New York City famous for its skyscrapers. Remember the text above. Say which sentences are true. The USA, Canada and Mexico are in North America. The islands of Hawaii are in the Atlantic Ocean. Alaska is one oi tiie coldest states in tke US. Florida is in the southwest of the USA. The highest mountains in the USA are the Rocky Mountains. The Mississippi is the longest river in the USA. There are 50 small states in the USA. The biggest state is Texas. Washington, D.C. is the capital of Texas. Washington, D.C. lies on the Potomac River. Here are some answers. What are the questions? 1) In North America. 2) They are Canada and Mexico. The Congress ['kongresl — Конгресс США, законодательный орган страны From the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. No, the weather in different places is different. You can find there many kinds of land, for example, there are rocky mountains, great forests and wide grasslands. The Rocky Mountains. The Mississippi River. More than 300 million people. Fifty states. It’s Washington, D.C. They mean District of Columbia. New York City. LH DO IT 01У YOUR OWN Write what you or your family will do. Example: If it snows, my little brother will make a snowman, 1) If it rains, ... . 2) If it’s cold, ... . 3) If it’s warm tomorrow, ... . 4) If it’s not windy tomorrow, ... . Complete the word combinations. Use bank or shore. Write them down, 1) on the 2) on the 3) on the 4) on the of the river of the sea of the ocean of the lake 10 Make up sentences and write them down. Example: The Mississippi is a river. 1) The Mississippi 2) Texas 3) Washington, D. C. 4) The Pacific 5) Hawaii 6) Mexico IS a) a state b) an ocean c) islands d) a river e) a country f) the capital step 7 f-' 34 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, 9 (87), and say which activity is not in the text. In New York you can go to the theatre listen to music watch a ballet watch a circus show watch a film enjoy jazz or rock Say two things about each of these places. Example: Mexico Mexico is a a neighbour Canada Alaska Hawaii Texas Washington, D.C. New York Florida Speak about the USA. country in North America. Mexico is of the US in the south. Rhode Island the Pacific Ocean the Atlantic Ocean the Mississippi the Great Lakes the Potomac [pa'toumaek] River the Rocky Mountains 1. The USA geography 2. The country and its capital in North America its neighbours extends from • • • to many kinds of land nearly every kind of weather the longest river the highest mountains a lot of open space 50 states some are big and some are small the capital city on the banks of the Potomac River doesn’t belong to any state the US government and Congress the largest city more than 300 million people IMtadbene ^ От имён существительных, обозначающих название континента, страны, района, при помощи суффикса -ап образуются прилагательные, которые дают характеристику жителям этих мест или предметам, которые типичны для них: азиатский — европейский Asia — Asian — Europe — European В свою очередь, от подобных прилагательных по конверсии легко получить имя существительное со значением «человек, проживающий в данной местности»: American — ап American — американец/американка Italian — ап Italian — итальянец/итальянка Russian — а Russian — русский/русская Canadian — а Canadian — канадец/канадка Australian — ап Australian — австралиец/австралийка Indian — ап Indian — 1) индиец/индианка {жители Индии); 2) индеец/индианка {коренные жители Америки) 35 СЛ г+ 0) тз а А. Listen, (88), and read the place names. Manhattan [maen'haetn] Fifth Avenue The Metropolitan [,metra'pDlit3n] Museum Chinatown^ ['ijamataun] Little Italy Central Park The Statue of Liberty [,st2e^u: av 'libati] Liberty Island B. Read the text and complete the sentences after it. Visiting New York There are a lot of things to see and to do in New York. It is easy for the visitor to get to any place in the city. Manhattan, a very Manhattan Chinatown — район, где живут выходцы из Китая. Подобные районы есть во многих городах США. 36 important business part of the city is an island. In Manhattan avenues ['aevanjuiz] go north and south, and most streets go east and west. They have numbers or names. Both avenues and streets are usually straight. Fifth Avenue is popular with New Yorkers and tourists. It is famous for its shops where you can buy everything you want. The Metropolitan Museum is situated on Fifth Avenue as well. The museum has a wonderful collection of paintings and is the biggest museum in New York. Chinatown and Little Italy are also very interesting places to visit in Manhattan. They are famous for their restaurants with tasty food. You can eat in New York every day during fifty years and never visit the same cafe or restaurant two times! Here you can find food from nearly every country of the world. Central Park is situated in Manhattan too. It is a very pleasant place, a green island in the middle of a busy city. There are some lakes and ponds, two skating rinks and a Zoo there. New York is a city of skyscrapers, of them are not very beautiful, but are wonderful and very modern, some skyscrapers you can look at the city and enjoy its beauty. Everybody knows the Statue of Liberty, the famous symbol of the USA. It stands on Liberty Island not far from New York. The statue was a present from French people to Americans. A lot of people come in boats to look at the tall statue and at New York City which you can see so well from it. Metropolitan Museum Chinatown Central Park Some some From the Statue of Liberty 1) The streets and avenues in Manhattan have ... and names, a) symbols b) numbers 2) Fifth Avenue is famous for the Metropolitan Museum and for its ... . a) shops b) restaurants 3) Chinatown and Little Italy are places where people come to • • • • a) look at the pictures b) eat 4) If you want to see some animals, go to ... . a) Central Park b) Liberty Island 5) ... skyscrapers are beautiful and modern, a) All b) Not all 6) You ... walk to the Statue of Liberty from Manhattan, a) can b) cannot Нью-Йорк, самый крупный город Соединённых Штатов Америки, находится в штате Нью-Йорк, но не является его столицей. Город расположен на нескольких островах в устье реки Гудзон (the Hudson River). Первыми европейцами, которые поселились на острове Манхэттен, были голландцы. Именно они впервые поднялись вверх по Гудзону. Река получила своё название по имени британца, возглавлявшего экспедицию. Существует версия, что они же выкупили землю острова у индейцев за несколько монет. Те же голландцы дали городу название «Новый Амстердам» в честь столицы своей родины. В 1664 году город был захвачен британцами и получил новое имя — Нью-Йорк. 37 1Л (О ■о A. Say when Rachel will do it. Use when, as soon as, after, before. 1) Rachel will visit the Great Lakes ... (to go) to America. 2) Rachel will stay at the hotel ... (to come) to New York. 3) Rachel will take pictures of the American cities ... (to arrive) there, 4) Rachel will buy souvenirs ... (to go) to the shops. 5) Rachel will tell her friends a lot of things about Native Americans ... (to come back) home. B. Say on what condition’ they will do it. 1) Sandy will go boating if a) to snow the weather ... . 2) Sally will go to the Great b) to come to the Lakes if she ... . USA on what condition [kan'dijn] — при каком условии I 38 V-; 3) David will make a snowman if it ... . 4) Mary will have a voyage if she ... . 5) They’ll learn a lot about Native Americans if they ... . c) to be fine d) to sail to America e) to read a book about them ^ 1. Как вы зн ^ ч ^ знаете, о будущих событиях можно сообщать, используя не только время future simple, но и оборот to be going to — собираться сделать что-либо: Гт going to buy а new computer tomorrow. We're not going to go to the country next Saturday. Are you going to fly to the USA? 2. О запланированных действиях в будущем можно также сообщить, используя знакомое вам грамматическое время present progressive: We are leaving for New York next Sunday. I'm not meeting my family at the airport in the evening. Are they playing football on Friday? Complete the dialogues. Use the verbs in present progressive, — What you (do) tomorrow? — We (play) tennis with my cousin. — Tom (play) football tomorrow? — No, he isn’t. He is ill. — What you (do) tomorrow evening? — I (meet) my granny at the railway station. — When John (come)? — He (come) next Thursday, I think. — Who (buy) fruit for the party? — Jerry is, and he (bring) it to school too. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Помимо союза so, который соединяет два предложения (It was late, so I decided to go home), в английском языке существует наречие so, которое часто используется для усиления прилагательного или другого наречия: Гт so happy! — Я так счастлив! We got up so early on Monday. — Мы встали так рано в понедельник. Make these sentences more emotional’. Use so. 1) The birthday party was much fun. 2) My friend can play football well. 3) The story was long and boring. 4) The club is far from the city centre. 5) The child’s answer was clever. 6) The day is warm and sunny. 7) You spoke to the visitor nicely. 8) Last August was rainy. 9) Our room will be cosy. 10) They will be tired when they come back. 39 DO IT Oni YOUR OWIU Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences. 1) If the weather (be) fine, I (go) to the beach 2) We (do) it when John (come). 3) When Mary (ring) me up, I (talk) to her. 4) If it (rain), we (stay) at home. 5) If it (rain, not), we (go) for a walk. Write what they are going to do. Example: Mike is going to ski. (1) 2) Dick Ш V t- 4) Jack and Bob 3) Melissa 5) Dan a> ■a 6) Alice 10 Write true sentences about your plans for tomorrow. Example: play tennis — I am playing tennis tomorrow. (I’m not playing tennis tomorrow.) 1) stay at home 2) meet my friend 3) leave for America 4) write a letter to granny Write a letter to your friend and tell him/her what you would like to see in New York. emotional [I'maojanl] — эмоциональный 40 Step 8 Round-up DO IT TOGETHER 1. 2. Listen, (89), and choose the map that shows how Boris's family travelled to New York. r— Listen, ^ (90), and read the dialogues. 1) A: What are you doing on Saturday? Sunday, Monday, etc. B: A: Nothing special. Why? Would you like to watch a film? I have a good new video. play football, play computer games, go fishing B: 2) A: B: A: Thanks a lot. I’d love to. Are you doing anything special on Sunday? Why are you asking? I’m going to the skating rink. Would you like to come with me? Friday, Saturday, etc. cinema, zoo, circus, museum, theatre, shops, picture gallery B. B: I’m so sorry but I can’t. I’m visiting my grandparents. Make up your own dialogues. Use the words from the right column. A. Answer the questions about New York City. 1) Manhattan is an island, isn’t it? 2) In New York most streets go east and west, and what about the avenues? 3) Which avenue is famous for its shops? 4) What can visitors see in the Metropolitan Museum? 5) Is it the largest museum in New York? 6) Why is it fun to eat in Chinatown or Little Italy? 7) Why do you think New Yorkers like their Central Park so much? 8) From what places is it best to see Manhattan? 9) What is one of the US symbols? 10) What do you know about its history? B. Look at the picture and say what you can about New York. Alice wants to help her granny. What questions does the girl ask her grandmother? Example: Shall I read the newspaper for you? to read the newspaper to clean the floors to take a taxi to phone the doctor to buy some food to take the dog out to make lunch to play the piano A. Say what Jeff will/won't do next month. 41 to r+ a> "D 00 © 0 Ci RCUS 42 в. Say what Jeff is going/is not going to do tomorrow. © О 1) to get up at seven 2) to have breakfast at 7.30 3) to arrive at school at nine 4) to be at school till four 5) to stay at home 6) to hunt 7) to visit Manhattan 8) to take a picture of the New York skyscrapers 9) to wash his car Use the right verb forms to complete the Columbus (1 sail) west across the get to India. This was how he (3 he and his men (4 arrive), they and (6 give) them the name of (7 hunt) animals, (8 grow) plants They (10 think) the land where them. So later they (12 fight) for text. Atlantic, as he (2 hope) to discover) a new land. When (5 meet) Native Americans Indians. The Indian tribes and (9 be) fairly peaceful, they lived (11 belong) to it with the Europeans. We belong ... this land. Let’s hope ... the best. Where do they hunt ... rabbits? Columbus discovered ... Central America in 1492 They arrived ... Washington, D. C. late at night Are you sure ... the time of our meeting? Mr Johnson sailed ... America in late spring. He was ... a voyage for two weeks. The children arrived ... the zoo in the afternoon. When does the festival ... Indian music begin? at for in of on to DO IT OIU YOUR OWN Write: 1) when Jeff is having a party on Saturday; p.m. 2) when he is meeting his friends at the railway station; 3) when he is leaving for St Petersburg; p.m, p.m. 4) when he is arriving in St Petersburg on Sunday. 3,m. 10 Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences. Write the sentences down. 1) If the weather (be) fine, I (go) to the park. 2) We (have) dinner as soon as father (arrive). 3) They (leave) home after it (stop) raining. 4) Robert (begin) learning English when he (become) a pupil. 5) I (do) my room before my parents (come) back from work. 6) The children (stay) at home if they (not finish) their homework. 7) I (talk) to him after he (wash) the car. 8) They (play) tennis until they (get) tired. Get ready to write Dictation 4. Dictation 4 1. A great discovery, an interesting ceremony, a dangerous voyage, an open space, a green planet, brave sailors, a popular festival, a round column, to walk through the forest, to remember nearly everything. 2. The Rocky Mountains, the Statue of Liberty, the Mississippi, the Hawaii, Manhattan, New York City, Washington, D.C., Texas, Alaska, Fifth Avenue. 43 1/1 r+ ft) T3 CO arrive, avenue, belong, ceremony, discover, discovery, festival, gold, grassland, hope, hunt, land, liberty, nearly, planet, remember, rocky, round, sail, sailor, shore, skyscraper, so, space, state, still, through, till, tribe, until, voyage, visitor, wigwam far away, as soon as, the same fight — fought countryman, Englishman, Frenchman, gentleman, milk man, policeman, seaman, snowman African, American, Asian, Australian, European, Italian Manhattan the Metropolitan Museum Fifth Avenue the Statue of Liberty Chinatown the Great Lakes Little Italy the Rocky Mountains Broadway the Mississippi Central Park the Potomac River Liberty Island Rhode Island тз 44 С 3 Mexico Hawaii Alaska Texas New York State New York City Washington, D. C. District of Columbia Step 9 Test Yourself I. LISTENING Listen to the text "From the History of New York", (91), and match the parts of the sentences. 1) In 1609 2) Seven years later, in 1626 3) In 1647 4) In 1664 5) At the end of the 18th century 6) At the beginning of the 21st century a) about 8 m people live in New York. b) about 500 people lived in New Amsterdam. c) about 33000 people lived in New York. d) the first ship from Europe came to Manhattan. e) Europeans bought the island from the Indians. JtiL f) the British gave the city the name of New York. Maximum result 6 Your result 7 • II. READING Read the text and the sentences after it. What is true, false or not stated in the text? The United States is a young country. It is more than two hundred years old. Americans like new ideas. They built the first skyscrapers and they put the first man on the Moon. They like to be modern: to live in modern cities, in new houses, to have new cars. \t the same time, Americans love old things. They like to visit historic louses and museums, they -ebuild old places and remember the early days of their country. They are interested in old traditions, but they are good at making new traditions too. The people of the United States come from many different places in the world. In one city you can find people whose parents or great-grandparents came from Africa, Asia, South America, and every European country. These different people brought to their new land their traditions and their lifestyle. Americans have a lot of festivals of the Old World, but there are new American festivals and traditions as well. For example. Thanksgiving* is an American holiday. The tradition goes back to the year 1621 when they decided to have a thanksgiving dinner for all the people. They wanted to thank God^ for many things. It was a difficult year, but the people still had food to eat. They also wanted to thank the American Indians who helped them. Today Americans have Thanksgiving dinner on the fourth Thursday of November. They usually eat turkey and sweet potatoes. Thanksgiving is the day when families get together. 1) The USA is not an old country. 2) Americans like new things and hate everything old. 3) Black Americans come from the African continent. 4) The tradition of thanksgiving comes from Europe. 5) The first thanksgiving dinner took three days. 6) Thanksgiving is the most popular holiday in the USA. 7) On Thanksgiving Day parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren meet. 45 a> “O ID У Maximum result 7 Your result ? • Thanksgiving ['0sei]ks,grvi]Q] США) God [god] — Бш' День Благодарения (праздник в III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar/Vocabulary) What will you say if you want to help? 1) f 46 2) c D MM • 3) 4) 5) raining outside. You say: ... Your teacher is coming up to your classroom, a lot of things in her hands. The door is closed. You say: ... Your little sister is trying to draw a tower but it. You say: ... Your mother is tired and there are a lot of dirt the kitchen. You say: ... Your friend can’t understand an English text. lish is fairly good. You say: ... Maximum result 5 Your result 9 • Complete the sentences. Use the right verb forms. 1) If John (bring) the book, I (read) about American Indians to you. 2) If she (not, know) anything about the Statue of Liberty, we (tell) her about it. 3) When James (arrive) in New York, he (show) me the streets and avenues of the city. 4) I hope we (visit) Little Italy when we (come) to Manhattan. 5) We (go) to Broadway as soon as we (arrive) in New York. Maximum result 10 Your result 9 • Write 5 sentences about (5 sentences) what Maximum result 5 Your result 9 • IV. SPEAKING Speak about these: 1. Columbus and his discovery to be born in Italy to live in Spain to be a sailor to make sea voyages to be interested in India to sail east and bring back a lot of gold to know that the planet is round to sail west to arrive in Central America to discover the new continent 2. Native Americans to come to America from Asia to live in different tribes to live in wigwams, or wooden houses to have interesting festivals with music and dancing to hunt animals, to fish to fight with Europeans to defend their land to live on reservations to keep their traditions to remember their language, songs and tales 3. New York — the lai|pst city of the USA to be an important centre of culture to be situated in the northeast of the country to lie on some islands not to be the capital of New York State to be famous for its skyscrapers, streets and avenues Manhattan, the central part of New York the Metropolitan Museum Chinatown and Little Italy Central Park in Manhattan the Statue of Liberty 47 VI n> TJ iD 4. The country and its capital 48 to be the largest country in North America to have Mexico and Canada as neighbour countries in the south and in the north to have different weather in different parts of the country (Florida, Alaska) to have 50 states the largest state of the country the smallest state of the country the highest mountains and the longest rivers the capital city Washington, D.C. to lie on the banks of the Potomac River the US government and the Congress >/ Maximum result 10 Your result ? Answer these questions about the USA. When did Columbus discover America? Who lived in America before Europeans arrived? Where is the USA situated? What is the capital of the country? How many states are there in the USA? What is the weather like in the country? What is the biggest city in the country? What is the largest state? Why are there so many bridges in New York? What is a popular symbol of the country? Maximum result 10 Your result ? • V. WRITING >tep 10 Enjoy Yourself >0 IT TOGETHER Я Read the text about Chicago (ji'ka:gau] and match its parts (a, b, c) with the questions (1—4). There is one question you don't need to use. 1) What makes Chicago interesting for tourists? 2) Why is Chicago an important city of the country? 3) Where is Chicago? 4) What is the second name of the place? a) Chicago is one of the most important cities of the USA. It is situated in the north of the country, on the shore of Lake Michigan ['тфдэп] (one of the Great Lakes) and on the banks of the river Chicago. There are fifty-two bridges across the river, more than in any city of the world. b) There are no hills or mountains around Chicago. That is why’ winds blow a lot here. Sometimes the winds are fairly strong. People gave Chicago the name of Windy City. c) A lot of visitors arrive in Chicago every year. They can do the city on a bus or in a boat. There are many skyscrapers in Chicago. One of them is 443 metres high. It is one of the tallest buildings in the world. Chicago is famous for its museums and universities. It is very popular with tourists. 49 V/» -Q Learn to read this tongue twister as fast as you can Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled pepper. взял щепотку маринованного перца That is why — Вот почему Read the limerick and choose the right words to complete it. f 50 There was a young lady of Niger ['пак^э]* Who smiled when she rode on a tiger. They retuned from the ride With the lady inside [in'said] And the smile on the space of the tiger. face case прогулка (верхом) внутри чемодан Хм а и Read the text and say what was the fairy godmother's idea. The English Roses Part 4 “Ahem,” said the fairy godmother. “I heard your words, and they make me very unhappy.” What do you mean?” asked Charlotte. What I mean is that if you are so jealous of Binah, try to change places with her.” “Oh, how can we be somebody else?” asked Grace. “When I sprinkle my magic dust on you, you can be whoever you’d like to be. But first, let’s fly to Binah’s house with me and spend some time with her.” The girls all nodded, and Nicole said, “But... but... she’ll see us through the window.” “With the help of my magic dust you can go where you want to go, and nobody will see you.” So the fairy godmother sprinkled the girls with fairy dust and they flew to Binah’s house. {to be continued) посыплю волшебным порошком кивнули Niger ['naickd] — страна в Западной Африке, зд. ['naiga] Listen, (93), and sing along. This Land Is Your Land Chorus: This land is your land, this land is my land From California to the New York Island, From the redwood forest', to the Gulf Stream^ waters This land was made for you and me. As I was walking down the ribbon of a highway I saw above me that endless skyway I saw below me that golden valley And I said: This land was made for you and me. Chorus: Listen, (94), and read the poem. I Meant to Do My Work Today by Richard Le Galleinne I meant to do my work today — But a brown bird sang in the apple tree. And a butterfly flitted across the field. And all the leaves [li:vz] were calling me. And the wind went sighing [’saiii]] over the land Tossing the grasses to-and-fro [,Ш:эпТгэи], And a rainbow held out its shining hand — So what could I do but laugh [la:f] and go? бабочка порхала листья звали вздыхал раскачивая взад и вперёд рассмеяться redwood forest лес из деревьев секвойи, знаменитых релшс товых деревьев, достигающих более ста метров в высоту и обладающих ценной древесиной. Лес находится в Калифорнии. Gulf Stream — течение, берущее начало в Мексиканском заливе у берегов Америки. Течение пересекает Атлантический океан и достигает берегов Европы. 52 Read to get more information. 7 Do you know that... ... once American colonies belonged to England; ... the first president of the USA was George Washington, a brave general and a clever man. The capital of the country has his name; ... Alaska is the largest state in the US. In 1867 the US bought Alaska from Russia; ... in 1969 two Americans became the first men on the Moon. DO IT om YOUR OWN Do Project Work 4. Complete a new page of your English Album. These are the names of five American states. California [,kaeli'fD:ni9] Florida ['florida] Montana [топ'гагпэ] New York [,nju: ']э:к] Texas ['teksas] Find out: Калифорния Флорида Монтана Нью-Йорк Техас 1) where they are situated; 2) what their capitals are; 3) what they are famous for Illustrate your story with pictures. Ask your family or friends to help if necessary. Favourite Pastimes 1 О “D >tep 1 BO IT TOGETHER a A. Listen, 9> (95), and say a) where these cities in the USA are situated and b) what the weather is like in these places. • • • 1) San Francisco is in the 2) New Orleans [,nju: 'Dilisnz] 3) Seattle [si'aetl] is in the .. of the USA. is in the ... of the USA of the USA. B. Which of the three cities would you like to choose for a visit? Why? Work in pairs. Ask each other what the weather will be like in these places. Answer the questions. Example: — What will the weather be like in Blackpool? — It will be sunny and dry in Blackpool. 1) Blackpool 2) Brighton 3) St Petersburg 4) Moscow 5) San Francisco 6) Seattle 7) Ottawa 8) Oslo 5. • \ • • / • V - # « • • # о ^ о 6. 7. 8. pastime ['pa:staim] — времяпрепровождение, занятие Say what you will do tomorrow if you are not busy. I 54 с кл Example: If I’m not busy tomorrow. I’ll go skiing, — go skiing — go boating — go skating — go to the museum — go to the shops — go to the gym or swimming pool — talk to my friends on the phone — cook something nice — listen to my favourite music — play computer games — read a book — read a magazine — play with my pet — watch a new film — play with my friends outside — draw or paint a picture Listen, 9 (96), and read. What do these words mean? temperature [Четргэф]: What’s the temperature today? What is the usual winter temperature in the place where you live? downhill: to ski downhill, downhill skiing. I like downhill skiing more than cross-country skiing'. snowball: to throw snowballs. We like to throw snowballs in winter. Listen, 9 (97), and read. A. degree [di'gri:] forget [fa'get] frost [frost] — — градус - забывать мороз ground [graund] — земля heavily ['hevili] — сильно heavy ['hevi] — тяжёлый snowflake ['snaufleik] — снежинка win [win] — выигрывать above zero ['ziarau] — выше нуля below [bi'bu] zero — ниже нуля ' cross-country [,krDs'kAntri] skiing — катание на лыжах по рав нинной местности (норвежский стиль) в. degree: ten degrees hotter, five degrees colder, at the temperature of five degrees. They say the temperature will be ten degrees colder on Sunday. The temperature fell to seventeen degrees. forget (forgot): to forget everything, to forget nothing. My cousin never forgets anything. We forgot to send them an e-mail. frost: three degrees of frost, seven degrees of frost. It was not very cold outside. It was four degrees of frost. Frost — frosty: frosty air, frosty weather. My family like frosty weather. ground: on the ground, to fall to the ground. I fell to the ground. The people were sitting on the ground. Prepare the ground for the flowers. The ground was too dry for growing vegetables. heavily: to rain heavily, to snow heavily. It snowed heavily yesterday. It was raining heavily when we left the house and went to school. heavy: a heavy stone, a heavy box. Your bag is heavy, but mine is heavier. The weather was not pleasant with heavy rain and strong wind. The rain became heavier. Last winter we had no heavy snow. snowflake: beautiful snowflakes, white snowflakes. The beautiful snowflakes were slowly falling from the sky to the ground. win (won): to win a match, to win a game. I hope we’ll win this game. We won the match yesterday. Who do you think will win the next match? above/below zero: The weather is changing so fast these days. It was ten degrees above zero yesterday, it is ten degrees below zero today. 55 v/< n> •D ■-.M What is the temperature? Example: +15° -15° It’s fifteen degrees above zero. It’s fifteen degrees below zero. -Ь28° +13° + 10° +5° 0° — It’s zero degrees. -3° -16'' -21° -30° \c 56 U1 Температуру измеряют, используя разные шкалы. В большинстве европейских стран, России и Великобритании температуру измеряют по шкале Цельсия — Celsius [’selsias], или Centigrade ['sentigreid] (на письме С). Согласно этой шкале вода замерзает при 0°, а закипает при 100°. В США используют шкалу Фаренгейта — Fahrenheit ['faeranhait] (на письме F). По шкале Фаренгейта вода замерзает при 32° и закипает при 212°. Нормальная температура тела по Фаренгейту приблизительно 98 °F. А. What is the weather like in these places now? Oslo — -5° Paris — - -t-5° Helsinki 12° Venice ■ - -И0° Moscow 10° Madrid — +15 Berlin — - +3° Rome— -hl2° Kiev — -1-7° It is snowing heavily ... It is raining heavily ... The sun is shining brightly ... The temperature is ... degrees above (below) zero. B. What will the weather be like in these places tomorrow? Moscow ^ Oslo — -7° Paris — - -3° Helsinki — +2° Venice — -MO* Moscow — 0° Madrid — -1-7° Berlin -Kiev — - -5° -6° Rome— 4-12° # • • It will snow heavily It will rain heavily ... The sun will shine brightly The temperature will be ... degrees above (below) zero. C. Work in pairs. You live in different places. Ask and answer questions about the weather today, yesterday and tomorrow. DO IT 01У YOUR OWN Match the words and word combinations in the two columns 1) heavy 2) ten decrees 3) to snow 4) beautiful 5) to fall 6) frosty a) heavily b) weather c) snowflakes d) rain e) below zero f) to the ground Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box where necessary. 1) It is very hot today. It is twenty-five degrees ... zero. 2) I like it when snowflakes fall ... the ground. 3) It’s difficult to ski ... the temperature of 1—2 degrees above zero. 4) Why are you sitting ... the ground? 5) Is the temperature of twenty degrees al for Moscow ... winter now? at, in, on, to, above, below zero usu- 57 v/> fs •D 10 Write how Jane will spend her money tomorrow. Example: Jane will spend her money on sweets tomorrow Step 2 f 58 U1 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, ^ (98), and decide what season they like very much F L о r <г nc« ^ • a) Summer; b) Winter; c) Spring A. Read and say why Pat, Florence and Peggy are fond of the seasons they like. Add what you can. Pat; 1) 2) 3) Florence:!) 2) Peggy; 1) 2) to be fond of winter sports to like low temperatures to like it when snowflakes fall down ground to dislike cold and hot weather to like different colours in her garden to enjoy having no lessons to like to do whatever you want to the B. Say which is your favourite season and why. Read the new word combinations, a heavy stone a heavy bag a heavy box heavy rain heavy snow frosty weather a frosty day a frosty morning to fall to the ground to put in the ground to sit on the ground five degrees above zero fifteen degrees above zero ten degrees below zero twelve degrees below zero eight degrees below zero beautiful snowflakes white snowflakes big snowflakes to win a game to win a match to win some money to forget their address to forget her name to forget your telephone number A. Look at the name of the text and say what you think it is going to be about. B. Read the two parts of the text and complete the sentences after it. Chatting Online’ Hi, John! Is it snowing in London? It is snowing heavily here but it’s fairly warm. The temperature is five degrees of frost. Usually it is much colder in Moscow in January. The school holidays are over but I spend a lot of time outdoors. The streets of Moscow are very beautiful with snowflakes falling down to the ground. My friends and I go skating and skiing a lot. I like cross-country skiing, my friends are fond of downhill skiing. I can’t ski downhill. Yesterday we made a big snowman. It was wonderful and many children came to look at it. We threw snowballs too. Tomorrow my family are going to the country. My father will teach me to ski downhill. I love winter. And you? 59 1Л “D Ы Hi, Yura. It’s good to hear that you are enjoying your Russian winter. Winter in London is warmer than in Moscow. For us five degrees below zero is very cold weather. We are happy when we have white Christmas (when there is snow) but I don’t remember when we had it last. In January we do not have much sunshine. Cold winds blow and it often rains. I don’t like winter because it is wet and nasty. The usual temperature is above zero but it is not pleasant outdoors. In February days will become longer, the weather will change. Next weekend we are going to Scotland. We shall play football there and hope to win. 1) Winter in Moscow is ... . 2) Winter in London is ... . 3) It is snowing heavily ... . 4) ... made a big snowman. 5) ... enjoys winter. 6) ... doesn’t like winter. 7) It often rains in winter ... . 8) It doesn’t often snow at Christmas ... . 9) It often snows in January ... . 10) The days will become longer ... . chatting online — общение в сети 1) If 2) If 60 3) If C 3 • 4) If 1Л 5) If 6) If 7) If 8) If Say what they will do. Example'. If it snows, they will make a snowman 1) If it snows, they ... . 5) If the weather changes, .. 6) If the wind changes, ... . 7) If it’s not foggy, ... . 8) If the sun shines brightly, ... jg)»la Как вы уже знаете, о событиях будущего можно сказать по-разному. 1: Говоря о своём пр§д§ид§нии событий будущего, мы используем форму простого будущего времени (future simple): Ann will be thirteen next Monday. 2. Если решение сделать что-то в будущем принимается в момент речи, используется простое будущее время: This is а very good book. I think I'll buy it. 3. Если нам нужно сообщить о своих намерениях, планах, мы используем оборот to be going to: We are going to buy her a present. 4. В TO же время, сообщая о запланированном действии, мы используем глаголы в настоящем продолженном времени (present progressive): I'm leaving for Pskov on Friday. What do you say? Example'. Your mother: There’s no bread in the house, You say: I’ll go and buy it. 1) Your friend: I can’t do all this work. '^ou say: ... . 2) Your grandmother: I can’t find my bag. Where can it be? You say: ... . 3) Your teacher: I’d like to show you these places on the map, but the map is in the teacher’s room. You say: ... . 4) Your little sister: Nobody wants to read a book to me. You say: ... . 5) Your little brother: I’m very hungry. You say: ... . 6) Your big sister: There are so many plates to wash. You say: ... . 7) Your friend: I’d like to listen to this new disk. You say: ... . Complete the dialogues. Act them out. 1) A: When ...? B: I think he’ll be back on Saturday. A: It’s wonderful! I can’t wait to see him again. 2) A: What ... at the weekend? B: I don’t know. Why are you asking? A: I ... . Would you like to come with me? 3) A: I’m so busy today. I just don’t have time to ... . B: ... . A: Oh, thank you very much. You’re a real friend. 4) A: I’m so hungry. B: Can you wait a little? ... A: Good! I can help you if you want. DO IT 01У YOUR OWI\l Write what you will do; 1) when summer comes 2) when the weather changes 3) if it rains 4) if it doesn’t rain 5) if it snows 6) if it doesn’t snow Use present simple, future simple, present progressive or to be going to. 1) I’m tired. I don’t think I (go) out tonight. 2) We (leave) tomorrow at 5 p.m. 3) There is a good film on. You (watch) it? 4) I (meet) Jane at 9 in the morning. 5) If the weather fnot^ change), we’ll go skiing. 10 Use the verbs in brackets in past simple. 1) I never forget to phone my granny but yesterday I (forget) to do it. 2) The train (leave) for St Petersburg at 11. 3) Yes- 61 « I ■D Ы terday eveniag' Jane (give) me an interesting book to read. 4) It (snow) heavily last night. 5) John (fall) down when he 'wifo 'uuninfg ЬллЗк hfunffc. Щъ ъ. ^fнw ялшф1^лп ’nofi week. step U1 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (99), and say what they are doing/not doing 1) Jeff is skiing tomorrow. 2) Margo is playing basketball. 3) Chris is going abroad. 4) Sam is making a snowman. 5) Charlie is roller-skating with his friends. 6) Samantha is going to the circus. 7) Don is working at school. 8) Mr Norris is meeting his sister. 9) Michael is spending a day in the country. Say what the temperature is. tomorrow. Yes? No? Yes? No? Yes? No? Yes? No? Yes? No? Yes? No? Yes? No? Yes? No? Yes? No? in 10 -14° +13° -19° -2° 0° +36° +4° -44° +27' ou* "f1 I 7. A. Say what winter and spring are like in the place where you live. You can use these ideas'. snows heavily rains a lot cold days much time outdoors the usual temperature much sunshine cold winds do cross-country skiing B. Work in pairs. You live in the north and your friend lives in the south. Ask and answer questions about four seasons of the year. an idea [ai'dia] — идея h Pa erns Переспрос, уточнение Часто в разговоре с собеседником нам приходится прерывать говорящего, потому что мы не смогли понять или расслышать то, что тот сказал. Важно уметь сделать это вежливо. В подобном случае вам могут пригодиться следующие фразы, 9 (100): Sorry? Pardon? ['pa:dn] (Простите?) Can (could) you say it again, please? Can (could) you repeat it, please? I'm afraid, I didn't understand (get) what you said. В ответ собеседник либо повторяет сказанное более отчётливо, либо пытается сказать то же самое другими словами. Например; — Are you free tomorrow? — Pardon? — Have you got free t\me tomorrow? 1/1 Work in pairs. Complete the dialogues. Use the phrases from the box above’ 1) A: What is your favourite pastime? B: ... A: What do you enjoy doing in your free time? 2) A: The temperature will be low next week. B: ... A: It will be fairly frosty. 3) A: I’m afraid I forget the name of the film. B: ... A: I say I can’t remember the name of the film. 4) A: I’m afraid to ski downhill. B: ... A; I don’t like skiing downhill because I’m afraid of it. 5) A; It’s raining heavily. B: ... A: I say the rain is very heavy. Listen, (101), and read these geographical names. Show the countries on the map. 1) France — Paris — The Louvre ['luivro] — The Eiffel ['aifal] Tower 2) Germany — Bonn 3) Belgium ['belc^am] — Brussels C'brAsIz] © If ©. above [э'Ьлу] — над, сверху jotS'n I? (JtT S ЛГЛ^сУся' tVip it Hello! Brussels 21 April 65 I It is the last day of our trip. We are coming back to London tomorrow. The sun is shining brightly again and everybody is happier than in Germany. Brussels is a busy place. Most of all we liked the Brussels cakes which we had in an open-air cafe. Tonight were going to see a football match between Belgium and Scotland. We'll shout for Scotland. If it wins, well have a party and have cakes and Coke. I'm really enjoying travelling. I think It's my favourite pastime. John 1Л r*+ Ф T5 U Answer the questions about John's Easter holidays. A. B. C. 1) Where did John write his first card? 2) In what month did he write it? 3) With whom is John going to visit Europe? 4) Where is he going tomorrow? 5) What places is he going to visit there? or the Eiffel 1) What place is the second card from? 2) What was the weather like in Paris? 3) What did John like more the Louvre Tower? 4) What was the weather like in Bonn? 5) What does John hope for? 1) What place is the last letter from? 2) What is the weather like there? 3) Where will John be tomorrow? 4) How will John and his friends spend their last evening in Brussels? 5) What is John’s favourite pastime? DO IT Oni YOUR OWni Comp/efe these dialogues. Match the sentences in the two columns. A. B. 1) - - Oh, the door is open. a) - — I’ll have apple juice. f 2) - - Did you phone John? please. ^ 66 3) - - What would you like to b) - - I’ll go and close it. drink? c) - - Oh, no, I forgot. I’ll c 4) - - Are you hungry? phone him now. 5) - - We haven’t got any milk. d) - — I’ll help you. r+ 6) - - My bag is so heavy. e) - - Yes, I think I’ll have СЛ something to eat. f) - - I’ll go and buy some. Write it in the past. Travelling is my favourite pastime. My parents and I travel a lot and visit different countries. We see them in winter and spring, summer and autumn; when it snows and when the sun shines, when it rains and when it is frosty. We don’t take heavy bags with us when we leave for some place but we always take a lot of pictures. 10 Spell these words. 1) [fa’get] 2) [frost] 3) [graund] 4) ['hevi] 5) ['hevili] 6) ['snaufleik] 7) [win] 8) [di'gri:] 9) ['ziarau] Write a postcard to your pen friend. Tell him/her how you are going to spend your spring holidays. Exercize 6 on page 64 can help you. Step 4 DO IT TOGETHER A. Listen to the dialogue, (102), and give it a name. B. Listen to the dialogue again and complete these statements. 1) Peter is going to ... for holidays. a) Italy b) Greece c) Spain 2) Peter is going away ... . a) soon b) tomorrow c) next Sunday 3) Peter is going to stay at a hotel ... . a) in the mountains b) on the seashore c) on the bank of the river 4) Malaga’ is ... . a) a big industrial city b) a small village c) a famous resort 5) Peter is going to ... in Malaga. a) play tennis and football b) visit his friends c) spend much time on the beach ana' sleep a jot 6) Peter is going to send a ... to Jack. a) birthday card b) greeting card c) postcard A. Look at the list ot popular pasritnes. 0'iuo>«r oW- лЧл* favourite and the three you don't like at all. Speak about your choice. 67 fD ■D ir watching TV going to the cinema (theatre, circus) playing computer games talking on the phone • going to the shops collecting things making models of ships, cars, planes doing sports • travelling roller-skating • cooking keeping pets skateboarding taking pictures • reading books, magazines, newspapers ' singing • playing on the stage dancing drawing and painting • visiting museums and picture galleries gardening ( i B. Decide which of these pastimes are the most popular in your class. Read the text and say what you feel about shopping and why. Different people have different pastimes. Some are fond of sports, some keep pets and spend a lot of time looking after Malaga ['maelaga] tourists a town in the south of Spain popular with г 68 VI them. Му friend Alice enjoys going to the shops. Shopping is her favourite pastime. She can spend hours looking for a new blouse, a beautiful coat or winter boots. I can’t say that shopping is my cup of tea. I hate shopping. Usually there are lots of people in the shops and it takes too much time to find something that you really like. But Alice often asks me to go with her and help her to choose things. I can’t say “no” because we are good friends. So we often go shopping together. Listen, ^ (103), and read. A. boring ['Ьэ:пд] — скучный clothes [klaudz] — одежда fashion ['fsejn] — мода fashionable ['faejnablj — модный neat [ni:t] — опрятный, аккуратный old-fashioned [,9uld'faej‘nd] — старомодный scruffy ['skrAfi] — грязный, неопрятный wear [wea] — носить в. boring: a boring book (film), a boring lesson, boring people, boring clothes. It is so boring to wash up after the party, clothes: bright clothes, wet clothes, beautiful clothes, clean clothes. I can’t spend so much money on clothes, fashion: to be in fashion, to be out of fashion. To read the Harry Potter novels is in fashion now. Platform boots are out of fashion now. Black and white colours are always in fashion, fashionable: fashionable clothes, a fashionable restaurant. I'm going to buy a fashionable coat. neat: a neat girl, a neat woman. His house is neat and tidy. •You’ll like her, she is always neat and clean, old-fashioned: old-fashioned clothes, old-fashioned people. I don’t like old-fashioned clothes. scruffy: a scruffy child, a scruffy old coat. What are you doing in this scruffy room? The hotel looked scruffy, so we decided not to stay there. wear (wore): to wear hats, to wear blouses. What is Ann wearing today? Nick never wears caps or hats. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. clothes, put on, take off (2), wear, fashion, scruffy, boring, fashionable, old-fashioned, neat \ 1) Molly dresses very well, she likes to ... good clothes. 2) My mother always asks me to ... my boots when I come home. 3) It’s a cold day today and I’m going to put on my warmest ... . 4) Are high boots still in ...? — Yes, they are. I think they will always be. 5) I hope you’ll ... your new blouse, you look wonderful in it. 6) Please ... off your clothes in the hall and come into the room. 7) Things that were ... only two years ago are ... now. Nobody wears them. 8) My brother is not a very tidy little boy. His clothes are often ... . 9) Alice’s clothes always look ... and clean. 10) Some people think it’s ... to talk about the weather, but in Britain they often do it. Вы уже знаете, что оборот to be going to do something обычно употребляется, если решение сделать что-то принято заранее; There is а new film on at our cinema. I am going to see it. I don't know when he is leaving for London. I am going to ask him about it. Этот же оборот часто используется в речи, если есть явные признаки того, что какое-то событие обязательно произойдёт в будущем; Look at the clouds! It's going to rain. 69 tn гЧ* 0) “D V* Look at the pictures. Use the word combinations from the box on page 70 and say what is going to happen’. Example: The boy is going to fall. i. 4. 6. to happen L'hsepan] — случаться 70 to become rich, to be late, to be happy, to be tired, to rain, to have wonderful weather, to fall, to become a doctor Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Sam. Sam’s Weekly Planner* Example: — When is Sam going to meet Tom Kelly? — He is going to meet him on Sunday, 1 June. ui June 1. Sunday meet Tom Kelly 2. Monday business lunch at the Savoy 3. Tuesday Jim’s birthday, phone 4. Wednesday Manchester, 10 o’clock train 5. Thursday Jane’s party 6. Friday restaurant with Polly 7. Saturday basketball match DO IT om YOUR OWN Complete the sentences and write them down. 1) Are big hats ... fashion now? 2) Nobody wears wide belts. Are they .......... fashion? 3) I often put ... my favourite old jumper. 4) Tom took ... his boots and socks and came into the water. 5) Do you know what coats are ... fashion and what coats are ........ fashion? 6) First he put ... his cap and then took it ... again. a weekly planner — еженедельник 10 Complete the sentences. Write what is going to happen. 1) Look at the sky. It’s going to ... . 2) They are playing so well today! I think they are going • • • • 3) Father is putting on his hat and coat. He is going to ... . 4) Look at James. He can’t roller-skate at all. I think he is going to ... . Match the words that mean opposite things. Write them down. Example’, clean — dirty clean, important, neat, pleasant, fashionable, light, put on, usual, interesting Spell these words. 1) [klau6z] 2) [’Ьэ:г11]1 3) [’faejn] 4) I'faejnabll old-fashioned, scruffy, boring, unimportant, unpleasant, dark, dirty, unusual, take off 5) [ni:t] 6) [ auld'faejnd] 7) [wea] 8) ['зкглЩ Step 5 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (104), and say what Miranda's interests and favourite pastimes are. Name these things in English. What colour are they? 2. 3. 6. T . в 9. Listen to the new words, (105), and try to match them with the pictures, What colours are the things in the pictures? 1) jacket ['(feaekit] a) 72 ui 2) jeans [ф:пг] 3) leggings ['legigz] 4) pyjamas [рэ'фа:тэг] 5) sandals ['sasndalz] 6) scarf [ska;f] — scarves [skaivz] f) 7) shorts [jDits] 8) sweater ['sweta] Work in pairs. Complete the disjunctive questions and answer them. Example' White socks are out of fashion, ...? White socks are out of fashion, aren’t they? 1) You wear warm scarves in winter, ...? 2) Shorts are not for winter, ...? 3) We haven’t got any time for shopping today, ...? 4) People don’t wear sandals in cold weather, ...? 5) Your clothes are always neat, ...? 6) You won’t look good in your jeans and sweater in the theatre, ...? 7) You don’t like clothes that are old-fashioned and boring, 9 • • # • 8) Jackets are usual clothes for children, ...? 9) You like to sleep in pyjamas, ...? 10) Leggings are not for boys, ...? Целый ряд слов в английском и русском языках употребляется только во множественном числе. Очень часто они обозначают предметы, состоящие из двух половинок: shorts — шорты, leggings — леггинсы, jeans — джинсы. Согласуются эти существительные с множественном числе, а вместо них местоимения they/them (они/их). глаголами во употребляются Английские слова clothes, pyjamas попадают в эту же группу (хотя соответствующие им русские существительные часто используются в единственном числе — одежда, пижама). Сравните: Му clothes are on the sofa. They are dry. — Моя одежда находится на диване. Она сухая. Му pyjamas are blue. I like them. — Моя пижама голубая. Мне она нравится. 73 1/1 г+ Л) •D 1Л Choose the right forms and complete the sentences. l)Your clothes (is/are) always nice. Who buys (it/them) for you? 2) Peter’s shorts (was/were) fairly new. He bought (it/ them) a month ago. 3)The black trainers (was/were) under the bed. I couldn’t find (it/them) for a long time. 4) Where (is/are) your pink blouse? I’m going to wash (it/them) together with my clothes. 5)1 like (this/these) green and white socks. Give (it/them) to me, please. 6) My new pyjamas (is/are) red and comfortable. 7) The black sweater (is/are) small for John now. 8)(Is/Are) your new jeans dark or light? Mine (is/are) dark blue. 9) His warm jacket (was/were) on the hook in the hall. He went there and took (it/them). В некоторых случаях можно сказать о том, что произойдёт в будущем, используя простое настоящее время (present simple). Это возможно только тогда, когда мы говорим о событиях, происходящих по расписанию или определённому графику. Например: The train arrives at two thirty. The film finishes at 4 o'clock. The first lesson begins at 8:30. I start my dance classes next week. It is Friday tomorrow. 74 ui iv^lafcfi'* tfie‘ two" parts' ot'the* sentences. 1) What time does 2) When does the play 3) The train T^e йУЛТй? 5) We write 6) The circus 7) I am free 8) The shop a) at 5 o’clock. b) the test on Monday. c) next Wednesday. (f/ t^e /jiiVir begin? e) leaves at 14.45. f) start? g) opens next month. h) show finishes at 9. ff Choose the right forms to compfete the sentences. 1) I (am going/go) to the circus tomorrow. 2) (Does the film begin/Is the film beginning) at 4 o’clock? 3) It (is going to be/is) Sunday tomorrow. 4) The show (is going to start/starts) at 7. 5) My brother (is going to become/becomes) an engineer. 6) This museum (is opening/opens) early in the morning. 7) The children (are watching/watch) a new film tomorrow. DO IT ON YOUR OWN Complete the sentences and write them down. think it is fashionable. 2) Ann is taking off her , she is going to put on her bfue I wears her . if) Little Betty aiVays when she goes to bed. 4) When it is cold, people usually wear and . 5) John! You never put your their right place. 6) Hang your 7) I bought a new on the hook. yesterday. Which word will you choose to complete these sentences? 1) Where (is/are) your pyjamas? 2) My clothes (is/are) clean. 3) I don’t see your pyjamas. Where are (it/they)? 4) I don’t 10 think your clothes (is/are) clean. I would like to wash (it/ them). 5) (This is/These are) my clothes. Make up word combinations using these words. 1) long 2) short 3) warm 4) colourful 5) light Spell these words, 1) [^i:nz] 2) [рэ'фа:тэ7] 3) ['legiQz] a) pyjamas b) coats c) blouses d) leggings e) scarves 4) [jD:ts] 5) [ska:f] 6) ['sweta] 7) ['saendolz] 8) ['cfeaekit] Step 6 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the tape, (106), and say who is who in the picture. 2. Steve Natasha Mark Julia Tony Carrie Work in pairs. Complete the dialogues on page 76 with the phrases from the box. Sorry? Could you say it again? Pardon? Can you repeat it, please? I’m afraid, I didn’t understand what you said. I’m afraid, I didn’t get what you said. 76 VI 1) А: В: А: 2) А: В: А: 3) А: В: А: 4) А: В: А: 5) А: В: А: 6) А: В: А: Jane’s words were very unpleasant. • • • I say that her words were not pleasant. The hotel was old and scruffy. • • • The hotel was old and dirty. Mike always looks nice and clean. • • • I say Mike always looks neat. Dan often wears jeans and sweaters. • • • Dan often puts on jeans and sweaters. I think fashion shows are so boring. # # # I think fashion shows are not interesting. Do you know that shopping is her favourite pastime? • • • Do you know that she likes shopping very much? Say what their favourite pastimes are. Give some details. Example'. One of Ray’s favourite pastimes is keeping pets. He has a nice red squirrel. The squirrel is not afraid of Ray at all. Listen, (107), repeat the new words and 1) dress [dres] a) 2) shirt [J3:t] b) 3) skirt [sk3:t] c) 4) trainers ['treinaz] d) Г 5) tie [tai] e) 6) T-shirt (tee-shirt) ['ti:j3:t] f) 7) suit [sju:t] g) 8) trousers [’trauzaz] Read these word combinations. an oW-fashioned dress an old-fashioned suit an old-fashioned skirt a colourful skirt a light dress a dark-grey suit h) a fashionable T-shirt a fashionable sweatshii t fashionable trainers a neat shirt a green sweatshirt long trousers Как вы помните, в придаточных предложениях времени и условия глаголы в форме future simple не употребляются. Придаточные условия отвечают на вопрос: при каком условии? и присоединяются к главному предложению союзом if: We shall do it (при каком условии?) if father comes. Придаточные времени, отвечающие на вопрос когда?, присоединяются к главному предложению союзом when: We shall do it (когда?) when father comes. В изъяснительных придаточных, отвечающих на вопрос что?, чего?, в чём?, будущее время, напротив, встречается •лаг.тхг: I don't know (чего?) when father wiW cTcJiVfe' «!Га\Г|(г. I'm not sure (в чём?) if they will buy a car. Постарайтесь различать эти случаи. 77 СО П) ф Choose the right forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. 1) I will stay at home if it (rains/will rain). 2) I’m writing to tell you I (am/will be) in Glasgow next week. 3) I’m not sure if they (go/will go) to the country tomorrow. 4) Write 78 ui JiiP jl^Vf *V5l\Sr jH5M’ -i^Px^V xU5W' j\5ih Jv' Aji\f «hft- when she (finishes/will finish) painting the picture. 6) He will help us when he (comes/will come). 7) We shall go skiing if it (snows/will snow). 8) My mother will buy me a new dress if she (has/will have) money. 9) I don’t know if they (wear/ will wear) jeans tomorrow. 10) If she (buys/will buy) a new fashionable scarf, she will put it on. What questions will you use? Example: Ask her if she will go with us. Ask her (что?) if she will go with us. 1) I am not sure (?) if she will tell me a bedtime story. 2) Phone me (?) when he comes. 3) They will stay at this hotel (?) if they like it. 4) Do you know (?) if next Sunday will be cold? 5) Tell me (?) when they will go to Spain. 6) Jane will take the bus (?) when she goes to Oxford. 7) What will you do (?) when Easter comes? 8) I’ll buy a new T-shirt (?) if I have money. DO IT ON YOUR OWIVI Complete the sentences and write them down. Example I: We’ll have dinner when father (come) home. We’ll have dinner when father comes home. Example 2: I’m not sure when they (come) home. I’m not sure when they will come home. 1) Ask your friend when he (teach) me to play this game. 2) We can go out when you (be) ready. 3) We’d like to know when mother (take) us to the cinema 4) They will go abroad when summer (come). 5) Please tell me what they (do) next month. 6) I’ll tell you everything when we (finish) the work. 7) We’ll play football outside when it (become) warmer. Complete the sentences in different ways. 1) We would all like to know a) if ... . b) when . c) when . 2) I’m going to watch TV a) if ... b) if ... c) when Д Write the names of these. 9 3. 1. 2. jQ Spell these words. 1) ['trauzaz] 2) ['treinaz] 3) [sjuit] 4) [dres] 5) [sk3:t] 8. 6) [J3:t] 7) [tai] 79 tn r+ О "О Step 7 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, 9> (108), and decide what clothes these people will wear tomorrow. 1) Wendy a) shorts, a T-shirt, trainers 2) Fiona b) a blouse, a sweater, a skirt 3) Susan c) a dress and sandal shoes A. Make up true sentences about what you wear. to school, to a party. I often wear a suit to the theatre. to the beach, to the gym. if 1 go for a walk in winter, if I go for a walk in summer. B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about what clothes you like or don't like to wear. always trainers usually a dress often wear a suit sometimes • • • never • • • Listen, (109), and read. fur cap [,f3: 'кгер] fur coat [,fT 'kpot] mittens ['mitanz] nightiefnaitil 4% vS U1 gloves [glAVz] dressing gown [ dresiq 'gaun] raincoat ['remkaut] k slippers ['slipaz] Think where and when people can wear these clothes and complete the sentences. Example: People can wear shorts and sandals on the beach in summer. 1) mittens, fur coats and fur caps 2) gloves, raincoats, boots 3) suits, white shirts, ties 4) slippers, dressing gowns, nighties 5) jeans, leggings, trainers 6) skirts, blouses, dresses Mike and Bob are twins’ but they always wear different clothes. Say who is Mike and who is Bob. a) Mike is wearing long black trousers. He never puts on jeans. He is wearing a grey jacket and a white shirt. He is not wearing a tie. Mike doesn’t like ties. He has brown shoes on. He is not wearing his coat. His coat is on the hook. He has brown gloves in his left hand. b) Bob is not wearing a suit either. He is wearing a grey jumper and dark green long trousers. He has a yellow T-shirt under his jumper. His boots are grey. They are dark grey. He has his gloves in his right hand and he is not wearing his jacket. Read the dialogue, give it a name and then act it out. — Hi! What are you doing here? — Hi! I’m trying to buy a gift for my cousin. She is having a birthday party tomorrow. — I see. What are you going to give her? — I don’t know but I think I’ll buy some clothes. She is fond of fashionable skirts, dresses and blouses. twins [twinz] — близнецы So, she likes everything that is in fashion, doesn’t she? Yes, she does. But the problem is I don’t have much money to spend on the present. Why not buy some bright scarf? A good idea. I will. Match the two parts of the sentences. 1) Don’t ask me 2) I’ll join you 3) They’ll go to the beach 4) I don’t know 5) I can’t be sure 6) We’ll talk about it 7) Everybody will be happy 8) They will certainly win a) how long I’ll stay here. b) when the party will begin c) if the show will be a success. d) when they win. e) when I finish this work. f) if they train a lot. g) if I have free time. h) when summer comes. DO IT 01У YOUR OWN Write what they are. Example: 1. a fur coat and mittens, 1. 2. 3. 7. Use these words and make up questions. Write them down. 1) sandals, shall, I, you, for, buy, what? 2) when, we, shall, to the shop, go, to buy, clothes? 3) colour, what, his, is, tie? 4) you, do, summer, in, always, wear, jeans? 5) she, wearing, a shirt, a blouse, or, is? 1Л Use the right forms and complete the sentences. 1) Tell me when you (put on) your new dress? 2) If Jane (come), we (have) tea together. 3) I am not sure if I (buy) this fashionable fur coat. 4) Ask her if she (cook) for us. 5) When they (leave) for St Petersburg, I (feel) sad. Spell these words. 1) ['mitanz] 2) [glAvz] 3) ['slipaz] step Round-up 4) ['remkaut] 5) ['naiti] 6) [.dresii] 'gaun] 7) [,fs: ’kaut] 8) [.fs: 'kaep] DO IT TOGETHER Listen, 9 (110), and decide where Nick's father usually is when he wears these clothes. 1) When Nick’s father wears shorts, a T-shirt and sandals, he is in the ... . 2) When Nick’s father wears his warm sports trousers, a winter jacket, a warm scarf and mittens, he is in the ... skiing. 3) When Nick’s father wears a suit, a white shirt and a tie, he is at ... . Choose the right forms and complete the sentences. 1) Your clothes (is/are) always nice. Who buys (it/them) for you? 2) Alice’s new purple shorts (was/were) too good for the beach. 3) The black trainers (was/were) under the bed, that’s why I couldn’t see (it/them). 4) Where (is/are) your red shirt, Peter? I’m going to wash (it/them) together with my clothes. 5) I like (this/these) green and white socks. Can I buy (it/ them)? 6) My new dark blue pyjamas (is/are) very warm and cosy. 7) My favourite black shoes (is/are) too small for me now. I’m so sorry! 8) (Is/Are) your new jeans dark or light? Mine (is/are) dark grey. 9) His warm jacket (was/were) on the hook in the hall. He didn’t wear (it/them) to school. 10) This pink and white nightie (is/are) a good present for Ann. I’m sure she’ll like (it/them). ч Choose the clothes that you like. Say why you like them. The phrases in the box can be helpful. Example'. I like the green sweater because it’s nice. It’s (They’re) nice/not bad/OK. I know I’ll look good in it (them). It’s the right colour for me. It’s (They’re) very unusual. It looks (They look) nice and comfortable, It’s (They’re) fairly fashionable. 83 r+ Ф ■D 00 4 V p m VI Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Example: It is a narrov/ red skirt, isn’t it? ЛЪ, it isa't. The skirt is Mriy лагтоуы, but it’s blue. 1) It’s a long blue raincoat, isn’t it? 2) They’re short brown trousers, aren’t they? 3) It’s a short grey fur coat, isn’t it? 4) They’re high purple boots, aren’t they? 5) This is a short red T-shirt, isn’t it? 6) They are narrow pink pyjamas, aren’t they? 7) This is a long orange sweater, isn’t it? 8) It’s a neat green dress, isn’t it? 9) They are old brown shoes, aren’t they? Read the text and match its parts with their names. There are three parts and four names. a) What Do Children Wear These Days? b) What Do We Wear in Cold and Warm Weather? c) Do We Always Know What to Put On? d) Why Are Our Clothes Important? 2. Clothes 1. Our clothes help us to stay warm and dry in any weather. They help us to look good too. That’s why clothes are so important to us. Clothes are very different. Uniforms^ can look boring but they are ^ood for jscha,ol. and T-shirts are good for after-school wear. Your parents often put on suits to work and evening clothes when they go out. Some people often change their clothes, some people don’t. A lot of women are fond’ of fasfuonabfe bl'ouses, dresses, shirts and skirts, some of them wear old-fashioned things. But if they want to look nice, their clothes must be clean and neat. Nobody likes scruffy people. We buy different clothes for different seasons. In Russia we must have warm clothes for winter wear: coats or fur coats, thick jackets, hats, scarves, boots, gloves and mittens. In spring we change into raincoats and thin jackets. In summer we like wearing light skirts and dresses, shorts and T-shirts of bright colours, trainers and sandals. English people say, “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.” 85 Ln 0) 00 3. It’s very important to wear the right clothes to the right places. You will look wrong if you wear a suit to a disco or if you put on old jeans and a T-shirt to a good restaurant. Some people have a talent ['taelant] for choosing and wearing clothes. They always look wonderful in their trousers, skirts and dresses. Their clothes are not always fashionable but they are just right^ for them. The best thing is to have your style'^ in clothes. Can you say more on these? 1) Some people think that shopping for clothes is an interesting pastime. 2) Clothes are very different. 3) We buy clothes for different seasons. 4) It’s very important to keep your clothes neat and wear the right clothes to the right places. ’ fJyrnifT.mxl — фоома, фирмеиная одежда 2 just right — как раз то, что нужно Я style [staii] — стиль U1 A. These people are models. Speak about their clothes at the fashion show. The words in the box can be helpful. dark, long, short, straight, narrow, wonderful, beautiful, light, fashionable, stylish Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome* to our fashion show! Today we are presenting a new collection of clothes and hope that you’ll like them. 1) This is Jake. He is wearing ... 2) This is Robert. He ... . 3) These are Mark and Dennis. They ... . 4) And this is Kate. Today she ... . 5) Meet Jennifer. She ... . 6) Polly and Sofia are showing you the hit^ of the season. They ... . C^r> \/г>и hj9x/^ ^ fashion shniA/ in your cJsss? Think Bbout it. • ••• ««Ч t DO IT OIU YOUR OWIU Choose the right forms: is or are and complete the sentences. 1) I like it when my clothes ... neat and clean. 2) I think your trousers ... very long. 3) What colour ... your new T-shirt? 4) Where ... your pyjamas? It’s time to go to bed. 5) Your sweater ... dirty, you must wash it. 6) These boots ... very fashionable this season. 7) I like your shorts. ... the shorts new? welcome [ welkomj — добро пожа.човать * a hit [hit] — «ХИТ*, сенсация 10 f Write 6 sentences about what you usually wear in different seasons. Get ready to write Dictation 5. Dictation 5 1. /Above zero, five degrees below zero, on old-fashioned nightie, to rain heavily, favourite pastimes, fashionable clothes, to wear shirts and trousers, downhill skiing. to fall to the ground, to forget the address. 2, 1) He never wears warm scarves or gloves. 2) Don't forget to put on a warm sweater and a fur coat when you go out. 3) Where are your pyjamas? I can't see them. 4) In winter we like to throw snowballs and to make snowmen. 5) I don't know if they won the game yesterday. above, below, boring, clothes, degree, dress, dressing gown, fashion, fashionable, forget, frost, frosty, fur cap, fur coat, gloves, ground, heavy, heavily, jacket, jeans, leggings, mittens, neat, nightie, old-fashioned, pardon, pastime, pyjamas, raincoat, sandals, scarf (scarves), scruffy, shirt, shorts, slippers, skirt, snowball, snowflake, suit, sweater, T-shirt (tee-shirt), tie, trainers, trousers, zero above zero, below zero Belgium, Bonn, Brussels, the Eiffel Tower, France, Germany^ the Louvre, Paris forget — forgot, wear — wore, win won 87 1Л (b “D 00 step 9 Test Yourself 88 ui I. LISTENING Listen, ^ (111), and match the names of the girls with their favourite pastimes. ^ e. r\ r\ у Hills ry a) shopping for fashionable clothes b) making fashionable clothes c) going to parties in fashionable clothes У Maximum result 3 Your result ? Barbara II. READING Read the text and complete the sentences after it. Shopping in London Most of London’s big and fashionable shops are in Oxford Street and Regent ['п:фэп1] Street. There are always a lot of people there. They buy different things: clothes for young people and old ladies and gentlemen; shoes, boots and sandals of all colours; souvenirs, toys, and what not. New Covent Garden is an important shopping centre as well but it is not so famous. People who come here can visit more tlian forty different shops. The opening hours 1) Oxford Street у 2) New Covent Garden 3) Наг rods here are from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. but most shops in London open at 9 a.m. and close at 5:30 p.m. There are a lot of cafes and restaurants there. During lunchtime people can listen to classical, jazz and pop music. Some years ago Covent Garden was the biggest fruit and vegetable market of the British capital. Many people think that Harrods is one of the most fashionable shopping places in London. Some of them say you can buy everything in Harrods, even wild animals. There is a zoo there and you can buy a crocodile from it or more usual pets — dogs, cats or birds. 1) The most fashionable people try to do their shopping in ... . a) New Covent Garden b) Oxford and Regent Streets 2) Some time ago people came to ... to buy food, a) New Covent Garden b) Harrods 3) It is traditional for London shops to open at ... . a) 9 a.m. b) 10 p.m. 4) In New Covent Garden visitors can enjoy music at ...time, a) lunch b) dinner 5) There is a(n) ... pet shop at Harrods. a) usual b) unuaual Maximum result 5 Your result 7 • srff J 89 ‘.'•V r+ О ■D iO У III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar/Vocabulary) Use the right forms and complete the text. Dave was 27 when he (1 marry). His wife (2 be) Betty. When Betty (3 see) her husband’s shirts she (4 say), “Dave you have 90 У very old shirts. I (5 buy) you a new shirt tomorrow.” And she did. When Dave (6 come) back from work in the evening, his wife (7 ask) him to put the new shirt on. It (8 be) very long but Betty (9 smile), “It (10 get) shorter when I (11 wash) it.” Maximum result 11 Your result 9 • U1 У Choose the right forms and complete the sentences. 1) If you (drink/will drink) cold water, you (get/will get) ill. 2) Jack (is not late/won’t be late) if he (gets/will get) up early. 3) Tell me when you (go/will go) shopping. 4) If dinner (is/will be) ready, I (have/will have) it now, 5) If you (wear/will wear) these jeans every day, they (get/ will get) dirty very soon and you (look/will look) scruffy. 6) When she (buys/will buy) a new fur coat, she (wears/will wear) it every day in winter. 7) I’m not sure if he (comes/will come) back soon. But when he (comes/will come), I (phone/will phone) you. Maximum result 15 Your result ? У IV. SPEAKING Answer the questions. 1) Is your favourite pastime different from your friends’? What is it? 2) Do you have a family favourite pastime? What do you like to do together? 3) Is going to museums or reading books popular with your friends? Your family? How often do you go to museums? Do you read a lot? 4) How much time do you spend outdoors in winter? What do you and your friends usually do in December, January and February? Are skiing and skating your favourite winter sports? Maximum result 4 Your result 9 • у Speak about your favourite clothes. Say; • what they are • what they are like • when you wear them • why you like to wear them Maximum result 5 Your result 9 • V. WRITING Write Dictation 5, (112), / / \ ■л% СЛ у Maximum result 15 Your result 9 • Total result 58 Your result 9 • step 10 Enjoy Yourself DO IT TOCETHER Put the parts of the text in the right order to get a story about Sherlock fVo/mes. 1. On one of these evening visits Lestrade talked about the weather and other boring things. After that he stopped talking and looked at Holmes. “Well,” said Holmes, “have you got anything interesting for me today?” 2. Mr Lestrade, a detective^ from Scotland Yard, often visited my friend Sherlock Holmes and me in the evening. Holmes enjoyed talking to Lestrade because he learnt what was happening in London. Lestrade liked these visits too because Holmes often helped him in his work. 3. “You see, Mr Holmes,” the detective answered, “there is something unusual but I am not sure it is very important. I think you would like to hear about it.” Sherlock a detective [da'tektiv] — детектив U1 Holmes smiled. ‘*I certainly want to know all about it,” he said. That was the beginning of Sherlock’s most interesting 1 case*. Put the lines in the limericks in the right order. \ ^ о / V О о / CfiO Once he said, “Do not fail [fell] If it happens to hail [heil] Whose hat was exceedingly [ik'si:digli] wide; To come under my hat at Deeside!” There was an Old Man of Deeside. не забудь если пойдёт град чрезвычайно у реки Ди Learn to read this tongue twister as fast as you can, Betty Better bought some butter But she said, “My butter’s bitter ['bita]. If I put it in my batter [’baeta]. It will make my batter bitter. If I buy some better butter. It will make my batter better.” So she bought some better butter. And it made her batter better. горький жидкое тесто Read the text and say why the English Roses felt sorry for Binah. The English Roses Part 5 The girls and the fairy mother suddenly appeared in Binah’s kitchen. Binah was in the kitchen too. She was cleaning the floor. a case [keis] — дело, случай “It’s getting late, start cooking улыбнулась погладила и и Золушка одна Her father came into the kitchen and said, Binah. When you finish cleaning the floor, dinner.” Binah smiled [smaild] and said “OK, Papa.” She did everything: cooked dinner and washed and ironed [’aiand] the clothes. The English Roses couldn’t believe it. “She is like Cinderella [,smda'rela],” said Amy. Where is her mother?” asked Nicole. She doesn’t have a mother,” answered the fairy godmother. “She lives alone [a'laun] with her father and he works all day, so when she comes home from school, she cleans the house and washes the clothes and cooks the dinner.” Well, what happened to her mother?” asked Grace. She died a very long time ago. Poor thing,” said the fairy. And as you know, Binah has no friends, so she spends all her time on her own. Well, come along then, girls. Would you like to see what her bedroom looks like?” What the girls saw was a big surprise [sa'praiz]: a simple room with a narrow bed. A desk, a shelf with books. There was, of course, one doll. But only ['aunli] one. Can you believe it? There was one picture on the desk. It was a beautiful photograph of Binah’s mother. 44 44 44 пойдем неожиданность только 93 СП ф •о “It must be terrible not to have a mother, She must be very lonely,” said Shar- lotte. “What do you say?” asked fairy godmoth er. “Do you want to change places with Binah?” There was a very long pause [poiz]. {to be continued) Listen, (113), and sing along. My Favourite Things by Oscar Hammerstein Raindrops on roses And whiskers ['wiskaz] on kittens Bright copper kettles And warm woolen^ mittens Brown paper packages ['paekic^iz] Tied [taid] up with strings These are a few of my favourite things Girls in white dresses With blue satin ['sastm] sashes Snowflakes that stay on My nose and eyelashes Silver white winters That melt into springs These are a few of my favourite things When the dog bites, When the bee stings. When I’m feeling sad, I simply remember My favourite things And then I don’t feel so bad. ' woolen (AmE) = woollen (BrE) одинока пауза капли дождя усы медные чайники почтовые посылв перевязанные бечёвкой некоторые атласные ленты нос, ресницы серебряные тают кусается жалит просто "Му Favourite Things" — известная песня из знаменитого американского мюзикла "Звуки музыки" (The Sound of Music). Слова к этой песне, также как к другим песням спектакля, были написаны американским либреттистом, театральным продюсером и режиссёром Оскаром Хаммерстайном (Oscar Hammerstein) на музыку Ричарда Роджерса (Richard Rogers). В 1965 году в кинопрокате появился одноимённый фильм, который пользовался большой популярностью у зрителя. В 2011 году российские зрители впервые увидели этот мюзикл на московской сцене. 1 95 а> “О ‘.V- Listen, 9 (114), and read the poem John*s Balloon By Anne Commons John had a balloon [bo'luin] That went to the moon He told me so. Outside in the park, Before it got dark. He let it go. It went up so high, A dot in the sky — John could still see. The moon has a spot, A little black dot — What else could it be? Read to get more information. воздушный шарик выпустил его точка пятно, пятнышко еще 7 Do you know these facts about fashion? • In the 1600s and 1700s in Europe everybody wanted to have big hair [hea]. That's why men and women wore wigs. Some people slept in wigs. They were so big. Nobody washed their wigs. That's why insects ['msakts] and rats lived in them. волосы парики насекомые 96 • In Thailand ['tailaend] it was fashionable for women to wear neck rings. Girls got neck rings when they were five years old and then a new ring every year. But the rings made the neck very weak. Таиланд шея, шейный VI • In China, people thought only small feet were beautiful and Chinese girls bound [baund] their feet. It became difficult to walk. • In the 1960 new fashions appeared. Young people wore a new style of shoes — platforms. They were very popular, but many people had accidents ['aeksidants] when they were walking, and platforms went out of fashion. перевязывали несчастные случаи DO IT OIU YOUR OWN Do Project Work 5. Complete a new page in your English Album. Describe your favourite pastime. Illustrate your story with pictures andJor photographs. fir DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (ф (115), and say which of the facts are true, false or not stated. 1) Mrs Smith always walked in the park. 2) Mrs Smith was in the shop when it began raining. 3) Mrs Smith decided to buy a new coat. 4) There were a lot of good coats in the shop. 5) The shop assistant was not old. 6) Mrs Smith chose a fur coat. 7) Mrs Smith was not sure if she was going to be comfortable in the fur coat in the rain. 8) The shop assistant said that foxes liked to stay in the rain. А. Match the opposites. 1) poor 1 a) light 2) weak b) unhealthy 3) neat c) thin 4) young d) oid 98 5) difficult e) untidy 6) dark f) dirty c 7) clean g) rich D 8) modern h) old-fashioned r+ 9) fat i) scruffy Ф 10) tidy j) short 11) tall k) unpleasant 12) healthy 1) strong 13) pleasant m) easy В. Use the words from the two columns and complete the sentences. Example: If your sister doesn’t wear modern clothes, ... If your sister doesn’t wear modern clothes, tell her she looks old-fashioned. 1) If your sister always wears dark dresses, ... 2) If your brother’s room is untidy, ... 3) If your hands are dirty, ... 4) If your legs are weak, ... 5) If your friend looks scruffy, tell him ... 6) If your friend looks unhealthy, tell him ... What are they like? Use the words from the box to answer the question. 1) If a boy is good at learning things and understands difficult ideas easily, he is a ... boy. 2) If a man is not afraid of anything, he is a ... man. 3) If a boy likes to fight with everybody, he is ... . 4) If a girl doesn’t like other people to help her and tries to do everything herself, she is ... . 5) If everybody knows the actress, she is ... . 6) If a woman is very good at taking photos, she is a ... photographer. 7) If a girl doesn’t talk much, she is ... . 8) If people have a lot of money, they are ... . J0f4a beoe “ Модальные глаголы Уже известные вам глаголы сап (could) и must относятся к группе модальных глаголов. Большинство таких глаголов имеют целый ряд особенностей. 1. Перед модальными глаголами и после них частица to не употребляется: сап speak, сап до, must answer, must stay. 2. В 3-м лице единственного числа настоящего времени эти глаголы не имеют окончания -s: Не сап sing. She can dance. He must come. 3. Вопросы и отрицания они образуют без вспомогательных глаголов: Сап you skate? I can't ski. Must I come at 5? You mustn't do it. (Grammar Reference, p. 150.) 99 СЛ Г+ n> “O t A. Complete the sentences. Use -s where necessary. Example’. My brother (skate) very well and he (can) also ski. My brother skates very well and he can also ski. 1) Peter (like) to piay tennis and (can) do it very well. 2) She (must) help her parents with housework but she (say) she doesn’t like cleaning or washing up. 3) My friend (can) tell you about all the new films, he (go) to the cinema a lot. 4) Mary (read) all the books about American Indians that she (can) find. 5) Julian (look) very ill, he (must) see the doctor as soon as he (can). 6) My grandfather (tell) me very interesting things about animals, I think he (must) write them down. B. Complete the sentences. Use to where necessary. Example.’ Ben asked me (help) him with his work. I did what I could (do). Ben asked me to help him with his work. I did what I could do. 1) Mother tells us (come) to school on time. 2) Schoolchildren must (do) their lessons regularly. 3) My sister could (play) the piano when she was very young. 4) Don loves (rollerskate), he is the best roller-skater I know. 5) 1 can (believe) 100 о> her because all her stories are true. 6) Jane must (be) back from school early today. T) Remember (pvt) on your warm jacket, it’s cold today. 8) ^e wovhh 444.% r+ Л) •o A. Say what John was (was not) able to do when he was a little child. Example: John was not able to roller-skate when he was four, but he was able to ride a tricycle'. John was four: — roller-skate — ride a tricycle — fish — read picture books — play with his toys — play basketball B. Say what John is able to do now when he is fourteen. Example: Now he is able to play basketball. I p у \ II V a tricycVe rtraisikll — трёхколёсный велосипед 102 Say in which sentences we can't use could. 1) Mrs Brown was able to dance very well when she was younger. 2) We tried to open the door and were able to do it at last. 3) They were not able to build a new garage. 4) She was able to make lunch in ten minutes and we didn’t go hungry. 5) We didn’t know the address, but we were able to find the hotel. 6) It was dark outside, but Ann was able to take pictures of the palace. 7) That summer was very cold, but we were able to grow tomatoes in our garden. 8) They were not able to decide where to go. DO IT OI\l YOUR OWIU Bob can't do these things now. Write what he will be able to do when he is older. Example: Bob can’t write now but when he is older... Bob can’t write now but when he is older he will be able to write (do it). 1) Bob can’t answer difficult questions now, but when he is older... 2) Bob can’t fly a plane now but... 3) Bob can’t go to university now but... 4) Bob can’t work on the computer now but... 5) Bob can’t have a bank card now but... Write the same differently. Example: Everybody can learn this poem. Everybody is able to learn this poem, 1) Everybody can see these wonderful paintings. 2) Jill couldn’t wait any longer. 3) They couldn’t change their plan. 4) We can give them a driving lesson. 5) He can’t speak English. 6) He could ride a bike very well when he was younger. Write the same in Russian. Example: My grandad could swim very well when he was young. Мой дедушка мог очень хорошо плавать, когда был молодым. 1) We were able to find her house because I remembered her address. 2) I forgot his telephone number but I was able to talk to him. 3) Jill could play tennis fairly well when she was at school. 4) Richard was a very good sportsman. He could win any game easily. 10 Write a letter to your friend. Tell him/her about your favourite pastime. step 2 DO IT TOGETHER A. Listen, ^ (116), and read the rhyme in pairs. Complete it. Will I Ever^ Learn to Speak English? {By Carolyn Graham) Will I ever learn to speak English? Of course you will. You’re doing fine. You’re getting better all the time. Will I ever learn? Will I ever learn? Of course you will. Do you think I can do it? Of course you can. Am I doing all right? Am I doing all right? Of course you are. You’re doing fine. You’re getting better all the time. You’re getting better every day. You’re getting better all the time. Will I ever learn? Will I ever learn? Of course you will. You’re doing fine. You’re getting better all the time. 103 «/> Л) •D hi B. Work in pairs and act out similar dialogues. Here are some ideas. roller-skate, ski downhill, sing, dance, play the piano, count well, play tennis, ride a horse, spell English words Example: — Will I ever learn to draw well? — Of course you will, you're doing fine. — Do you think I can do it? — Of course you can. John fives in Great Britain and Yura lives in rvubiia. •... v«..r,o people can do the same things at different ages. When wiYf fonn зпа Уиса be able to do these things? Check, ^ (117). 1) John/Yura will be able to drive a car when he is (16/17/18). 2) John/Yura will be able to drive a minibus when he is (17/18/21). ' ever ['eva] — когда-либо, когда-нибудь 104 3) John/Yura will be able to go to university when he is (16/17/18). 4) John/Yura will be able to marry when he is (18/19/20). 5) John/Yura will be able to go to the army when he is (16/17/18). 6\ John Yura will be able to have a passport fjat any ag,e/ when he is 14/16). 7) John/Yura will be able to buy alcohol when he is (16/17/18). 8) John/Yura will be able to buy cigarettes when he is (16/17/18). 9) John/Yura will be able to buy a house when he is (18/19/21). 10) John/Yura will be able to vote* when he is (16/18/21). Look at the picture and repeat the new words, ^ (118). 1) hair 10) mouth 2) head 3) ear (ears) 11) lip (lips) 4) eye (eyes) и / 5) face 12) arm (arms) 6) nose 13) hand (hands) 7) neck 14) finger (fingers) 8) tooth (teeth 15) leg (legs) 9) body / 16) foot (feet) . 17) toe (toes) / / / ' to vote [vaut] — голосовать (на выборах) Match the words in the two boxes. Example: a big body, a big face, long hair. big small strong long short straight dark bright brown blue pink white grey pleasant soft tall Name them. "I Г i.wfl body face hair neck head eyes ears nose 8. mouth lips arms hands fingers feet toes legs 10. В английском языке, в отличие от русского, существуют разные слова, чтобы обозначить ноги, руки и пальцы. Пальцы на руках — fingers, а на ногах — toes. Рука по-английски может быть hand (кисть) и arm (от плеча до запястья). Сравните: in her hands , In her arms Нога также имеет два наименования: foot (ступня) и leg (нога от бедра до ступни). 105 Ф “О 106 ф Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) She had a beautiful ring on the third (finger/toe) of her left (arm/hand). 2) He put a friendly (arm/hand) on a child’s head. 3) Put on your socks on your (feet/legs). 4) She stood on her (fingers/toes) to kiss him. 5) She took her son’s (arm/hand) and helped him to go upstairs. 6) The dog stopped, its tail between its (feet/legs). 7) Everybody put their (fingers/toes) in their ears when she started singing. 8) I stood on my (fingers/toes) to look at the picture. 9) The young mother had a child in her (arms/hands). 10) She had a box under her right (arm/hand). When will Sally be able tn do the^? Example: Sally will be able to watch a basketball game when she goes to the school gym. 1) Ш watch a hasJcetbaiT game/ 2) to drive a car? 3) to buy some vegetables? 4) to go boating? 5) to ski in the mountains? 6) to learn to swim? 7) to buy souvenirs? 8) to visit the National Gallery? 9) to see Moscow? 10) to chat online? a) to be seventeen b) to have a computer c) to go to Russia d) to go to the Alps e) to buy a boat f) to go to the centre of London g) to visit a gift shop h) to spend some time near the sea i) to go to the market j) to go to the school gym DO IT Oni YOUR OWni Write the same differently. Use to be able to. Example: He can go to uni verst ty next year. He mJJ be ab/e to g^o to university next year. 1) I could play football when I was eleven. 2) You can’t drive a car when you are fifteen. 3) Paul couldn’t write two years ago. 4) I can’t know everything. 5) Nick couldn’t buy ice cream because he had no money. 6) Sara can’t come to your birthday party. Write what you could do when you were 2, 4, 7, 9, 12? 10 what are their names? Step 3 t-¥ a> T3 Ы DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (119), and say who is who in the picture. Who is Alice? Who is Linda? Who is Jane? A. Say what parts of the body they are. 1) We are able to take things, work or write because we have them, 2) We are able to hug the people we love because we have them. 3) We are able to turn our heads left and right because we have it. 1. 2. 3 108 We are We are We are We are We are We are able to hear things because we have them, able to eat and drink because we have it. able to kiss because we have them, able to chew^ because we have them, able to see things because we have them, able to walk, run and dance because we have them. 10) We are able to wear rings because we have them. B. Remember as many words as you can to say what we wear. 1) We wear .......... on our heads. 2) We wear .......... on our necks. 3) We wear 4) We wear 5) We wear 6) We wear on our hands, on our feet, on our legs, on our bodies. Английское слово hair в значении «волосы» используется только в единственном числе. Поэтому с ним не употребляется неопределённый артикль, оно согласуется с глаголами в единственном числе, а заменяется существительное hair местоимением it. Вот несколько примеров: Jill's hair ]s long and curly. Mary has wonderful hair. It is thick and fair. Mark's hair is dark. He wears it long. (Grammar Reference, p. 143.) Qh99§g the right forms to complete the sentences. 1) My little sister has beautiful hair. (It/they) (is/are) thick and curly. 2) Ben’s hair (is/are) thick and curly. He wears (it/them) long. 3) (Is/Are) Ron’s hair dark or fair? I can’t remember. 4) — What colour (is/are) your uncle’s hair? — (It/They) (was/were) dark when he was younger. But now (it/they) (is/are) white. 5) — Whose hair (is/are) red? — Alice’s. She has beautiful red hair. 6) In the old photos my mother’s hair (look/looks) very beautiful. (It/they) (is/are) thick and curly. to chew [^u:] — жевать А. Listen, 4t> (120), and repeat these words. oval ['auval] овальный slim [slim] стройный stout [staut] полный curly ['ksili] вьющийся turned-up [|t3:nd4p] вздёрнутый shapely ['Jeipli] красивой формы good-looking [,gudluKii]] приятной наружности ugly [‘лдИ] очень некрасивый -1^ 109 '.Vi'- 1/1 В. Read these sentences with the new words. People’s faces can be round and oval. People’s bodies can be thin, slim and stout. People’s hair can be long, short, curly and straight. People’s noses can be long, short, turned-up and straight. People’s legs and arms can be shapely. Some people are beautiful, some are good-looking. In fairy tales we can read about ugly people and ugly ani mals. What are their opposites? Example', a round face — an oval face/a narrow face a stout body — long hair — ... curly hair — ... dark hair — ... a straight nose a big mouth — a beautiful face body/a ... body H • • • hair hair hair/... hair — a ... nose ... mouth/a an ... face a mouth Read the text about William Stanley and say what you can about Anton Popov and Margo Perry. a) William fcitaniey is a Soon he’ll be 40. He is tall and big and fairly stout. His hair is dark and curly. It’s short. He has a round pleasant face. His eyes are dark grey. His mouth is big, his teeth are white and good. He has a big nose. b) Anton Popov is a cosmonaut. He is nearly 35. He is . His hair .. He has a . His eyes .. His mouth He has a . face. .. nose. c) Margo Perry is a photographer. She is 27. She is ... . Her hair .. She has a Her eyes .. Her mouth She has a face. nose. lyPta bene ^ Чтобы узнать, что представляет собой человек, с которым вы раньше не встречались, в английском языке обычно используют вопрос: What is he/she like? При этом нас интересуют и внешность, и черты характера. Если же речь идёт только о том, как выглядит человек, которого вы никогда не видели, можно спросить What does he/she look like? Complete the dialogue and act it out. What Do You Look Like? X: Hello! I’d like to speak to... You: Speaking. X: It’s ... here. I have a letter and a little present for you from your friend Nick. Can we meet this afternoon? You know, I’m leaving for London tonight. You: ... X: Let’s meet in the central square at 3 o’clock. Is it OK with you? You: ... X: What do you look like? You: ... And what do you look like? X: ... You: Very well. See you at 3 o’clock near the post office. DO IT Oni YOUR OWI\l Use the right forms of the verbs and the right pronouns to complete the sentences. 1) You have very beautiful hair. (It/They) (look/looks) wonderful. 2) Where (is/are) the money? (Tt/They) Cis/arei on the table. 3) My pyjamas (is/are) on the bed. (It/They) (is/are) clean. 4) Your clothes (is/are) dirty. Why don’t you wash (it/ t\Yem)*> Ъ') Wir V>s|a.Te) \oTig, \ b) "Look! Ann IS wearing a 'DeaufiTtiii scarf on 'ner ’nead. Y cari t see her hair. What colour (is/are) (it/they)? Decide who's who at the party. Mr Light is talking to Andy and Ms Cook. Mr Light’s wife is wearing a scarf. Mrs Morris is talking to Mrs Light. Mr Radford is talking to Mr Gibson. Mr Gibson has little hair and is wearing a belt Mrs Morris’s husband is wearing a tie. Tom is standing between two women. Number 1 is Number 2 is Number 3 is Number 4 is Number 5 is # • Number 6 is Number 7 is Number 8 is Number 9 is 111 M I • ■i* I r+ fD "D Ы 10 Use look, wear, wearing, put on, take off to complete the sentences. 1) Your favourite shirt is not clean, l aon't шшк you can ... this shirt. 2) What does he ... like? — He is a tall man, with л • ^ ч. 112 ЫШ11 uuiiy паи, а louiiu lace aim a lunieu-up nose: £i7"Wny don’t you want to ... this dress? You will ... beautiful in it! 4) If your hands are cold, ... your gloves or mittens. 5) If you ... this skirt, you will ... stout. 6) What were you ... at the party? 7) Before you come into the room ... your boots. Step DO IT TOGETHER Listen, 9 (121), and say who (Brad, Jack, Julia, Sue) wants to look like that. 1) ... wants to have a straight nose. 2) ... would like to have long hair. 3) ... wants to have curly hair and wants to look like her parent. 4) ... would like to be tall and slim. Read these word combinations. a good-looking boy a good-looking girl a ^od-lookin^ woman an ugly animal an ugly king an ugly giant о olim br»Hv a slim actress a slim girl id f{ a narrow face an ov a roun ace ace curly fair hair long red hair short fair hair a stout woman a stout queen stout legs shapely arms shapely legs a shapely nose a turned-up nose a long nose a straight nose You can see the Smiths in the picture. Read about old Mr Smith and describe the other people. The Smiths Old Mr Smith is the head of the family. He is seventy-three years old and he doesn’t work now but when he was younger he was an engineer and worked in London. Old Mr Smith is a very nice man; he loves his family — his wife, his two sons, his daughter-in-law and his granddaughter. He is fond of gardening and reading books. Mr Smith is fairly tall (he is taller than his sons), his hair is white, his eyes are light blue and his nose is big. He wears spectacles.’ spectacles ['spektaklz] — очки 113 сл (Ь тз 4:^ In this picture Mr Smith is wearing a grey suit, a blue shirt and a dark-blue tie. He looks very elegant*. Удивление и интерес Реагируя на слова собеседника, мы часто повторяем часть его фразы. Таким образом мы выражаем интерес к сказанному или удивление. Например: 1) — They are going to travel in Africa. — In Africa? That's very interesting! 2) — Mary plays a lot of basketball. — Does she? Good for her! 3) — My friend can't speak French. — Can't he? Wow! 4) — I don't like vanilla ice cream. — Don't you? I do. Обрати особое внимание на интонацию переспроса, ® (122). А. Listen, ^ (123), and repeat the echo questions^ Say which verbs we do not change for do. does, did. 1) 2) I’m very hungry. Are you? We had lunch an hour ago Mark saw this film last week. Did he? Did he enjoy it? ' elegant ['elagant] — элегантный ^ echo ['ekao] questions — переспросы 114 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) I want to come with you. Do you? Aren’t you busy today? They will be on time. Will they? They never come on time. My brother likes singing. Does he? Does he sing well? She must go to the shops every day. Must she? Why so often? They have got two dogs and a cat. Have they? My brother is 18 years old. Is he? It’s wonderful to have a big brother, B. Work in pairs. Complete the dialogues. Show your interest or surprise. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) The weather was terrible. ...? Did it rain a lot? It’s not my pen. ...? Whose pen is it then? Jeff hates chocolate. ...? It’s very unusual. We are going to travel a lot. ...? Where would you like to go? She will stay with us at the weekend. ...? It’s wondeful! Yesterday was a very happy day. ...? What did you do? Sue can play tennis well. ...? When did she learn to play? Модальный глагол must и его эквивалент 1. Знакомый вам глагол must тоже относится к модальным глаголам. Он часто переводится как «должен», «должны» или «обязан», «обязана». Употребляют его, когда хотят отдать приказание/указание, заставить человека сделать что-то или он сам осознаёт необходимость каких-то действий; You must go there, (приказ) John mustn't eat ice cream. He is ill. (указание) I must go home. It's late. 2. Ha вопрос c глаголом must обычно отвечают следующим образом: Must I wash the dishes? — 1) Yes, you must./Yes, please. 2) No, you needn't. Sue will do it. (Нет, не нужно, нет необходимости.) 3. Эквивалентом глагола must является глагол have to, который выражает необходимость сделать что-то, вызванное обстоятельствами: I have to get up at six. I begin work at 7.30. (Мне приходится вставать в шесть.) I have to wear a suit to work. (Это полагается согласно дресс-коду.) 4. Отрицания и вопросы с глаголом have to образуются при помощи do/does или did: Do you have to get up early? Does he have to come back so soon? Did they have to write it in English? We don't have to cook now. 5. Вместо глагола must в прошедшем и будущем временах обычно используется его эквивалент have to: I had to feed my cousin's fish when he was away. You will have to wait. (Grammar Reference, pp. 151—152.) 115 l/i r+ a> T3 4^ * » • ♦'» A. This is what Gregory's mother tells him. Say what he had to do. Example.’. You must meet your aunt at the airport. Gregory had to meet his aunt at the airport. 1) You must go to bed at 11 p.m, 2) You must take the map with you. 3) You must spend more time on your homework. 4) You must come back at ten tonight. 5) You must wear your uniform at school. 6) You must read to your younger brother. B. This is what Gregory must do every day. Say what he will have to do tomorrow. Example: Gregory must get up at 7 o’clock every day. Gregory will have to get up at 7 tomorrow. 1) Gregory must make breakfast every day. 2) Gregory must do morning exercises every day. 3) Gregory must take his dog out every day. 4) Gregory must go to school every day. 5) Gregory must water the flowers every day. 6) Gregory must prepare tea for the family in the evening. 1) You 2) I ... 3) He , 4) You 5) She A. Use must or mustn't. 1) You ... go out. It is raining heavily. 2) Your room is untidy. You ... do it. 3) Jane, you’re ill. You ... stay in bed. 4) Bob has a high temperature. He ... go to school. 5) It’s eleven o’clock. Betty ... go to bed. 6) Jill has a bad tooth. She ... eat much chocolate. 7) You ... play in the street. It’s dangerous. B. Use have/has to or don't/doesn't have to. ... be nicer to your parents, go home. Nobody is waiting for me. . feed the dog at 6 p.m. ... phone him. He knows everything. .. cook dinner. We are going out tonight 6) She is very thin. She ... eat more. A. Sam was on holiday last week. Look at the pictures and say what he didn't have to do. Example: 1) get up early Sam didn’t have to get up early. 2) put on a suit, a shirt and a tie 3) catch an early bus 4) stay in the office all day 6) cook his own dinner 7) go to bed early в. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Sam. Example: A: Did Sam have to get up early last week? B: No, he didn’t. A: What did he do? B: He got up late. DO IT Oni YOUR OWN Make up seven questions to your pen friend with have to. Example: Do you have to go to the shops? Write what you don't have to do in summer when you are on holiday, Example: I don’t have to get up early. 117 r+ П) “O U1 vv 10 Write five sentences about each of them. Glynn Ariel Step 5 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to Sophie's story’, ^ (124), and complete the sentences. 1) Sophie is a ... . a) student b) film star c) schoolgirl 2) Sophie has ... . a) a brother b) two brothers c) a brother and a sister a story ['sto:ri] — рассказ 118 t Ф 3) ... wanted to be an actor (actors). a) Mike b) Jim c) Mike and Jim 4) Mike looks ... Jim. a) worse than b) better than c) as good as 5) ... became an actor (actors). a) Mike b) Jim c) Mike and Jim Make up questions with have to. Example: I had to go to that bank yesterday. (Where?) Where did you have to go yesterday? 1) She will have to get up early tomorrow. (Why?) 2) Ann has to go to the market now. (Where?) 3) I had to wait an hour at the bus stop. (How long?) 4) Jack has to phone his parents. (Why?) 5) Sue has to leave at seven. (When?) 6) They will have to buy a lot of fruit at the supermarket. (What?) 7) We had to pay six thousand roubles’ for the shoes. (How much?) 8) Alice has to prepare two texts. (How many?) Say what you must or mustn't do. 1) walk on the grass in the park 2) help people 3) speak on the mobile ['maubail] in class 4) take photos in the museum 5) look after the pets well 6) go to bed very late 7) talk with friends in the lesson 8) shout at people Read the text. Match its parts and pictures. Now and Then 1) Now Mr James Ford is an old man. He has very little hair and all his hair is white. His a rouble ['rutbl] — рубль 1 smiling eyes are light blue. His lips are thin and his face is white but his arms are still strong and shapely. He is very thin. 2) When he was a child, he was very plump^ and had a lot of curly dark hair. His face was often pink and his lips were red. His teeth were white and good. He had a lot of friends and loved playing games with them. 3) Mr Peter Jenkins is nearly sixty now. He is a stout old tall man with a round face. His hair was brown but now it is grey. His eyes are dark-brown. His nose is big. His hands and feet are big too. He likes a good joke^ and has a lot of friends. They like to play cards together. 4) When he was a child, he was very thin and weak. His brown eyes were often sad. He didn’t like playing with children. He liked reading books. 5) Jane O’Connor is thin and very tall for a woman. Her short light-brown hair is curly. Jane’s eyes are big. Now they are grey but when she was young, they were more blue than grey. 6) In those days she was slim. Her legs and arms were shapely and her oval face was very nice. Her hair was fair and soft. She was a very good-looking girl. 7) Jill Parker is not young. She is nearly seventy. She is short and a little stout. She has a nice oval face with dark eyes and a small turned-up nose. Now her hair is grey. 8) When she was a young girl, her hair was dark and beautiful. She was slim and active^ and her friends called her “Our Jilly”. ‘ plump [р1лтр] — полный, пухлый 2 a joke [фэик] — шутка f 119 V.’ КП fD ТЗ 1Л Listen, (125li'. and' repeat tVie'se tien'pllii' wiSrdV. 120 honest ['onist] честный hard-working [,ha:d'w3:kii3] трудолюбивый «* 1- ТТГ» ттлм:/*ч1-.и^ modest LmodistJ скромный selfish ['selfij] эгоистичный stupid ['stjurpid] глупый lazy ['leizi] ленивый greedy ['gri:di] жадный rather rather rather rather rather ['га:бэ] selfish stupid lazy greedy довольно quite [kwait] вполне quite reliable quite honest quite hard-working quite modest C Read the sentences with the new words. 1) My best friend is very honest and reliable. 2) I don’t like greedy or selfish people. 3) Parents always tell us not to be lazy. 4) I think it is rather stupid to be afraid of mice 5) I believe it is quite good to be modest. A. What are their opposites? unkind — ... unpleasant — ... unfriendly — ... unselfish — ... unreliable — ... clever — ... lazy — ... strong — ... joyful — ... good-looking B. Make up sentences with some of these words. 1. Как вы знаете, англичане не любят говорить о чём-то или о ком-то в категоричной манере, особенно если приходится упоминать не очень приятные качества. Так, например, о не слишком умном человеке скорее скажут not clever, нежели stupid, а о лжеце — he is not honest. Пытаясь смягчить отрицательные характеристики. англичане часто используют слово rather [га:дэ] — довольно. Сравните: rather selfish — довольно эгоистичный (но не законченный эгоист), rather lazy — довольно ленивый (но не отъявленный лентяй). 2. Все известные вам слова со значением «довольно» fairly — rather — quite весьма близки по смыслу, но они характеризуют качество в разной степени. Сравни: (невысокий) not tall — fairly tall — quite tall — rather tall — very tall (очень высокий). При этом rather чаще характеризует отрицательные качества (rather greedy), а quite — положительные (quite good). 121 r+ a> “D V Say what you are like now and what you would like to be in the future’ Use fairly, rather, quite and the words from the box. brave, clever, kind, friendly, hard-working, modest, lazy, selfish, stupid, greedy, honest, reliable, unkind, unreliable, unfriendly, unselfish DO IT OIU YOUR OWIU Complete the sentences. Use the opposites. Example: Jane is very kind. But Jill is not. She is rather unkind. 1) Bill is hard-working but Tom... 2) Frank is friendly but Sandy... 3) Andrew is clever but... 4) Julia is reliable but Florence... 5) Wendy is good-looking but Linda... Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) John is (quiet/quite) a reliable boy. 2) Oh, please be (quiet/ quite) for a moment. 3) Jerry is (quiet/quite) friendly. 4) It is a (quiet/quite) place on the river bank. 5) You are (quiet/ quite) modest, Brenda. 6) He doesn’t want anything but a in the inture — в ^удущ,' 122 № (quiet/quite) life. 7) It was a (quiet/quite) night. 8) Sally is (quiet/quite) a hard-working girl. Ш Write what they are like. i. 2. 3. Write a letter to your English pen friend and tell him/her who your best friend is and what he/she is like. Step 6 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (t26), and say what Steve, Kate, Don and Tom are like. Steve Don Tom 1) Steve is ... . a) stupid b) greedy c) lazy 2^ Kяt.P IQ a) unfriendly b) greedy c) unselfish 3) Don is ... . a) honest b) unselfish c) kind 4) Tom is ... . a) clever b) reliable c) modest Kate Complete the sentences. I) Ben doesn’t like working, he is rather ... . 2) Sally is one of the best pupils in her class, she is quite 3) Daniel can eat all the cakes in the house, he is very ... . 4) Charles always says what he thinks. He is quite ... . 5) Sam can ride any horse, he is so ... . 6) Diana always tries to take the best desk in the classroom, she is very ... . 7) We all like Tony. He is always ready to help his friends. Everybody thinks he is ... and ... . 8) Not long ago Linda went to the park at midnight. She thought it was a very ... thing to do, but I think it was ... . 9) When Jane saw somebody’s money on the park bench, she took it to the police station. Jane is quite ... . 10) Brian always helps you if you want help. I can say that he is quite ... and a good friend. II) Steve doesn’t like it when people speak well about him, he is so ... . Say what you can about these characters’. Example: Terminator [’tsimmeita] is a character from a popular film. Terminator is tall and strong. He has an oval face and short hair. His eyes are brown and his nose is straight. I think he is quite good-looking. He has a powerful body. He is brave and clever but cold and not very friendly. I also think that he’s honest and kind. 1) Terminator 2) Sherlock Holmes [J3:lak 'haumz] 3) Harry Potter 123 1/1 Г+ n> ■D ■> •, Open the brackets to сотпр\е\е the text. Jean-Claude van Damme is a actor. When he (1 be) a child, (2 take) ballet lessons, (3 win) different ballet competitions^. Then a Paris ballet company (4 give) him a job as a dancer, but he (5 decide) he (6 want) (7 work) in films, so he (8 take not) the job. Instead, he (9 go) to the USA. In 1981 he (10 travel) to Hollywood. He (11 have) English lessons and (12 work) for a pizza house. That was how he (13^ > money. One night he (14 meet) a film producer outside the restaurant. “Hello, I (15 be) Jeap-Claude van Dainme,” be (16 say). “I (17 be) an actor soon.” The producer (18 believe A ^ l-k ^ /1 о Г%Ъ^Г\ (1Ь say). 1 (1Y ое) ап асгог soon, ine prouucer not) him then. And he (19 be not) right. Now there are few people in the world who (20 know not) this talented actor. Read these word combinations. a hard-working student a hard-working pupil a hard-working actor a reliable friend a reliable doctor a reliable banker a selfish giant a selfish king a selfish queen an honest man an honest businessman an honest woman a modest girl a modest artist a modest boy a greedy banker a greedy child a greedy old woman Модальный глагол should Ещё одним модальным глаголом в английском языке является глагол should [Jud] («следует»). Он звучит гораздо менее категорично, чем must, и потому используется значительно чаще. Should употребляют, когда хотят дать совет, порекомендовать делать или не делать что-либо. You should go and see this film: it's very good. You should not come home so late. Should we come back later? При отрицании глагол should not чаще используется в сокращённой форме shouldn't. (Grammar Reference, р. 152.) а competition [,kDrnpo'tiJn] — соревнование Listen, (127), and repeat. A. You You You You You B. should wear should stop should work should help should read You shouldn’t shout You shouldn’t fight You shouldn’t go You shouldn’t pay You shouldn’t write 1) Jane, read the text again, please. You should be hardworking. 2) If you want to be slim, you shouldn’t eat much bread and many potatoes. 3) Ask mum when we should come home. 4) I don’t think you should do it for Steve. It’s his job. 5) You shouldn’t be selfish and greedy. Think about your friends more. 6) You should help your parents more. Complete the sentences. Use should or shouldn't. 1) If you want to come to school at 8, you ... get up at 7. 2) The Harry Potter books are quite interesting, you ... read them. 3) If you’re ill, you ... stay in bed, you ... go out. 4) Young children ... stay up late, they ... go to bed early. 5) Children ... spend much time before the television. 6) If you want to know more, you ... read a lot. 7) You ... stay in the rain: you’ll get wet. 8) We ... forget about our pets, we ... look after them well. 125 UO r-f n> T3 DO IT ON YOUR OWN Complete these questions. Examples’. You should think about it, ...? You should think about it, shouldn’t you? Sally shouldn’t stay up late, ...? Sally shouldn’t stay up late, should she? 1) Young children shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets, ...? 2) Anna should prepare a nice gift for her friends, 3) People should believe each other, ...? 4) Mike shouldn’t come to school late, ...7 Wp iiliPiiMn’t wear jeans and T-shJrts to _s_ch_ooh 126 10 Write what Jane and Steve should or shouldn’t do. 1) Steve/take his sister’s things. 2) Jane/help her granny in the garden. 3) Jane/shout at her dog. 4) Steve/be more hard-working. 3ane Yfi Xib'iA 6) Jane and Steve/be more friendly and helpful. Write 5 sentences about what people should or shouldn't be like, Example: People should be kind to each other. Step 7 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (128), and say which sentences you hear. 1) a) I think you should get up late, b) I think you shouldn’t get up late. 2) a) The children must spend their holidays at home, b) The children mustn’t spend their holidays at home. 3) a) These people must think of their future, b) These people mustn’t think of their future. 4) a) They should go boating in tliis weather, b) They shouldn’t go boating in this weather. 5) a) Charles and Dan should spend all day on the beach, b) Charles and Dan shouldn’t spend all day on the beach 6) a) You should buy this book for Alice, b) You shouldn’t buy this book for Alice. 7) a) A lot of people think that they must go to university, b) A lot of people think that they mustn’t go to univer- sity. 8) a) I know I should dream of becoming a writer, b) I know I shouldn’t dream of becoming a writer. 9) a) Paul must stay in this hotel, b) Paul mustn’t stay in this hotel. 10) a) Everyone should have an interesting job. b) Everyone shouldn’t have an interesting job. Match the parts of the sentences. Complete them with should or shouldn't. 1) If you want to be a successful journalist, 2) If you want to be slim. a) buy a cookbook. b) do not eat many sweets and chocolates. 3) If you want to travel about England by car, ... 4) If you want to cook well, • • • 5) If you want to become a good skier, ... 6) If you want to have a pleasant trip, ... 7) If you don’t want to stay at a hotel, ... c) stay at your friends’. d) be able to do cross-coun try and downhill skiing. e) be able to read a map. f) read a lot. g) plan it well. A. Read "Table Manners". Table Manners^ 1) You should sit up straight. 2) You shouldn’t eat with your fingers. 3) You shouldn’t put your arms on the table. 4) You shouldn’t put dirty spoons on the table, you should put them on plates or dishes. 5) You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full. 6) You should say “Thank you” after lunch, dinner, etc. B. Look at the picture and say what Aunt Polly tells the children. 127 1/1 r+ "O 4J * table manners — правила поведения за столом Complete the dialogues. Use the sentences from the box. Work in pairs. Make similar dialogues and act them out. 128 a) What did she wear? b) What’s the matter, poor thing? c) Wow! d) Oh, no! I thought it was Monday, e) He has no time for it. f) I don’t think she’ll like to do it. g) It’s very clever of you. h) What made you unhappy? c • 1) - - It’s Tuesday today. r+ - Is it? ... . 2) - - I know the answer. - Do you? ... . 3) - - I was the best! - Were you? ... . 4) - - Sara looked wonderful. - Did she? ... . 5) - - James should have a hobby. - Should he? ... . 6) - - I can’t eat ice cream today. - Can’t you? ... . 7) - - I felt very sad. - Did you? ... . 8) - - Nina must visit this museum. - Must she? ... . Л. Read the text and give it a name. Hi! My name is Rose. I would like to tell you about my best friend Lizzy. She is a very warm and friendly girl, always ready to help. Last week, when I was ill, Lizzy walked my dog in the morning and in the evening and she helped me with my homework. You see, she is a real friend. Lizzy is nice and joyful. She is fond of singing and dancing and is a good athlete. She is quite strong but looks very slim in her blue jeans and T-shirts which are her favourite clothes. She likes to wear trainers too. Lizzy is honest and reliable and very modest. She doesn’t like it when people say she is so good. Lizzy is a great theatregoer. She usually goes to the theatre three or four times a month. Then she puts on some fashionable dresses, skirts or blouses. She usually wears nice shoes in the theatre. в. Say which of these are true, false or not stated. 1) Lizzy is rather tall. 2) Lizzy is a helpful girl. 3) Lizzy never wears skirts and dresses. 4) Lizzy is good at sport. 5) Lizzy doesn’t like to wear leggins and 6) Lizzy often goes to the theatre. trousers Модальный глагол may Чтобы получить разрешение сделать что-то, часто используется модальный глагол may. В подобных вопросах may звучит вежливо и уважительно, ф 029). May I take your bike? — Можно взять твой велосипед? Обычными ответами на подобные вопросы являются; Yes, you may./Yes, please./Do, please. — Да. No, you may not./No, you mustn't. — Нет. (Категорический отказ, запрет.) I'm afraid not. — Боюсь, что нет. (Мягкий отказ.) В разговорах с близкими людьми, друзьями в подобных вопросах чаще употребляется глагол сап. — Сап I use your bike? — Yes, you can. — No, you can't. — I'm afraid not. (Grammar Reference, p. 153.) a> •D Here are the answers. What are the questions? 1) — — No, Ted, you mustn’t. Little Ann is sleeping. 2) — ...? — I’m afraid not, dear. It is late. 3) — ...? — Yes, you may. The weather is fine, you’ll have a good time. 41 — ‘i' — No, you can’t. You must go to the supermarket. 5) — ...? — I’m afraid not, Paul. The water in the river is very cold. 6) — ...? — I’m afraid not, Betty. I have no money. 7) — ...? — Yes, you must. Your granny is very ill. 130 c 1) 13 w r+ 2) 03 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) — ...? — I’m afraid not. You should do your room. 9) — ...? — Yes, you may. But first help your brother. 10) — ...? — I’m afraid not. She is getting stout. She shouldn’t eat so many chocolates and sweets. Answer yes or no. Use can/can't, may/may not, must/mustn't. — May I go out? — ... . It’s raining heavily outdoors. — May I read this book, Miss Campbell? — ... . It’s not for children. — Can 1 visit Victoria at the hospital? — ... . She is very ill and wants to see you. — Can I go to bed later tonight? — ... .You have no school tomorrow and can get up later. — Can I phone from your mobile. Jack? — ... . Here it is. — May I come in. Miss Bell? — ... , but don’t be late next time. — May we stay here a little longer? — ... . It’s getting dark and it’s time to go to bed. DO IT OIU YOUR OWIU Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) (Must/May) I sleep in this room tonight? — Yes, you may. 2) (Can/Should) you say it again? I didn’t get what you said. 3) You (must/may) help your parents, they are no longer young. 4) I (could/should) play football when I was twelve. 5) You (can’t/shouldn’t) eat so much if you want to be slim. 6) I know I (shouldn’t/can’t) say it but I will. Here are some questions. Write down the answers. 1) Your friend; Can I ride your bike, please? 2) Your neighbour: May we join you for dinner? 3) Your sister: May I play in your room? 4) Your brother: May I go to the picture gallery with you? 10 Write what you think you should do every day. Example: I think I should do morning exercises every day step 8 Round-up DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (130), and say what is not right in the picture. My Friend Julia What will you say to these people? Use must, should, can or may. 1) Your mother is very tired after work. You say: Mummy, you ... go to bed early. 2) Your little brother wants to take your Ipod. You say: It’s O.K., you ... take it for some time. 3) Your little sister doesn’t like vegetables. You say: Don’t forget, you ... eat more vegetables. They are good for you. 4) Your neighbour asks you to give her some flowers from your garden. You say: You ... certainly have some flowers. There are lots of them this summer. 5) Your friend hasn’t got a pen today, he asks if he can use yours. You say: You ... use it. I always bring two or three pens to school. 6) Your neighbour wants to use ybuf telepbohe because b\s is not working. You say: You ... certainly call from our plione. TUere’s no problem. 7) Your friend asks if it is a good idea for her to go to the circus. You know that the show is very good. You say: You ... watch the show, it is really good. 8) Your father wants to tony a car. \on v\K.e spor\,s cars. You say; Father, I think you ... buy a fast sports car. Use to where necessary. 1) — May I ... wear these shoes. Mum? — I’m afraid not, dear. They are too large for you. 131 in r-f (b “O 00 *132 . go there. 1 think it nan bn dangerous. . buy new pyjamas for my daughter. put on her fashionable skirt and blouse to 2) You mustn’t 3) I would like 4) She wants ... the party. 5) — Must we ... change our clothes now? — No, you needn’t. You can ... do it later. 6) I want ... be as slim as Jane. Can I ... become so slim, mum? 7) — The dress is so beautiful. I think you should ... buy it. — I can’t ... do that. I mustn’t ... spend so much money on clothes. Match the questions with the answers. 1) May I use your pen? 2) Must we leave for St Petersburg tonight? Should we write to her? Can I buy these sandals, mum? 5) Sorry, we are late. May we come in? Must we answer now? May I help Sue do her homework? a) No, you mustn’t. She must do it without any help. b) No, you needn’t. We can wait for a day or two. c) Certainly you can, dear. They are very nice. d) Yes, please. We are waiting for you. e) Certainly you may. I have two. f) No, we needn’t. There’s a morning train too. g) I don’t think you should. You can give her a call. Complete these tag questions. Example'. We must do it, ...? We must do it, mustn’t we? They shouldn’t go there, ...? They shouldn’t go there, shoixld they? 1) You shouldn’t wear fashionable dresses with trainers, ...? 2) They are ill. They must stay at home, ...? 3) I should buy this belt and this tie, ...? 4) They mustn’t answer you, ...? 5) We can’t change them, ...? 6) He should take his sweater with him, ...? 7) She mustn’t wear jeans to school, ...? 8) You can look better if you want, ...? 9) I will be able to do it, ...? 10) We were able to find her house, ...? 11) School-children don’t have to get up early in summer, ...? 12) They had to take a taxi to the airport, ...? Do you remember A. Pushkin's fairy tale «The Tale of the Dead Princess and Seven Knights» and its characters? Say what they are like. Use the words and word combinations from the boxes. 4% Ч?. о T? Princess good-looking, slim, fair hair, an oval face, a turned-up nose, blue eyes, small ears, shapely arms atid legs, small feet, clever, kind, friendly Stepmother' a tall woman, dark eyes, a round face, a straight nose, a big mouth, red lips, to have a black scarf on her head, to wear a long black coat, to wear black shoes, to look dangerous and unkind Do you remember what your best friend is like? Speak about him. 1) How old is he/she? 2) What colour is his/her hair? 4) What colour are his/her eyes? 5) What is his/her mouth like? 6) What is his/her nose like? 7) What is his/her body like? 8) What is your friend like? Modest? Reliable? Hard-working? Honest? 9) What is he/she interested in? a stepmother ['51ертлбэ] — мачеха DO IT OlVI YOUR OWN 134 V № Make up questions and write them. 1) I/coat/may/on/your/put? 2) we/go/to/can/the/now/cinema? 3) do/it/must/they? 4) he/should/buy/books/these? 5) have to/do/you/wear/uniforms/to/work? 6) will/be/to/able/you/this/answer? Match the pictures with the word combinations. Example'. 1) straight hair a) curly hair b) a round face c) a turned-up nose d) an oval face e) a stout boy f) a slim girl g) a straight nose 4. 10 Be ready to write Dictation 6. 1. 6. 8. Dictation 6 1. To be reliable and honest, to be greedy and selfish, an honest answer, curly fair hair, a turned-up nose, to look good-looking, an ugly lazy giant, a friendly modest girl, a hard-working student, shapely arms and legs. 2, 1) My dog has a strong body, clever eyes, long ears and a short tail. 2) Jane is a quiet modest girl. She is quite tall. 3) Bob is rather lazy and unreliable. 4) I'm sure we will be able to buy fashionable clothes. 5) I think children should always help their parents. о т able, arm, body, curly, ear, eye, finger, foot (feet), good-looking, greedy, hair, hard-working, head, honest, lazy, leg, modest, mouth, neck, nose, oval, quite, rather, reliable, selfish, shapely, should, slim, stout, stupid, toe, tooth (teeth), turned-up, ugly to be able to, to look like, to have to, needn’t What is he/she like? What does he/she look like? 135 “D Step 9 У Test Yourself I. LISTENING Listen, 9 (131), and decide which of the two boys, Alexander or Rick, 1) lives in the USA 2) has blue eyes 3) has curly hair 4) is good at outdoor games 5) is fond of quiet pastimes 6) likes to spend time with his father 7) can work hard Maximum result 7 Your result ? II. READING Read the texts (a—d) and match them with the names of people (1—5), There is one extra name. 1) Julie, an actress 2) Harry, a photographer 3) Bob, a teacher 4) Jenny, a writer 5) Andy, a student a) I live in Oxford but two years ago I lived with my parents in a small town in the north of England. Now I travel to 136 ■v> 91 ту home town when I have holidays, usually in summer because our summer holidays are the longest. In winter my parents come to me and we celebrate Christmas together. But they don’t stay long. My university life starts in January. b) I’m twenty. I’m tall and slim. My hair is fair and curly. I always wear dark suits and white shirts when I’m at work. It’s important to look nice when you work with children. c) Hi, I’m a Londoner. I work in one of the city parks. I’m not young but I always wear jeans. I put on light sweaters in spring or autumn and I usually wear T-shirts in summer. Taking pictures is my profession which I like. d) I’m sixty and I’m rather stout but I was slim and beautiful when I was younger. They say I’m very famous now and people like my films very much but I don’t think I like the way I look now. a) b) c) d) extra У Maximum result 5 Your result ? III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) Complete the tag questions. 1) You can read English texts, ...? 2) You should wear a uniform to school, ...? 3) We mustn’t come here every day, ...? 4) John will be able to write soon, ...? 5) They don’t have to come back at 3, ...? 6) She has to wear this dress to the party, ...? 7) Nina couldn’t drive a car five years ago, ...? 8) Little children must eat four times a day, ...? У Maximum result 8 Your result 9 • Complete the dialogues. Use the verbs from the box. can, can’t, may, must, should у 1) come to 2) 3) — Sir, (1) ... I come in? — No, you may not. You are late. You (2) ... class earlier. — Tom, (3) ... you help your mother now? — Yes, dad. By the way, I always help her. I know that children (4) ... help their parents. — Jane, your grandad is ill. He is in hospital. You (5) ... visit him. (6) ... you do it today? — No, mum, I (7) .... I’ll go there tomorrow. Maximum result 7 Your result 9 • lyi r+ Ф T3 (O IV. SPEAKING Freddie has a cousin who is much older. His name is Bob. Freddie is Bob's opposite. Say what Freddie is like. Bob Bob is tall and strong. He is slim. Bob has fair hair which is curly and long. He has an oval face. He has a straight nose. He has big and light blue eyes. Bob is hard-working. He is reliable. Freddie У Maximum result 5 Your result ? Say what one of your family: 1) looks like 2) is like You can begin like this: My ...’s name is ... . He/she is У Maximum result 5 Your result ? . years old 138 V. WRITING Write Dictation 6, ^ (132), Maximum result 15 Your result ? • Total result 52 Your result ? Step 10 Enjoy Yourself DO IT TOGETHER Read the text and match the paragraphs (1—3) with their names (a—d) There is one extra name. a) The Modest Pilot b) High in the Sky c) The Unusual Gift d) The Brave Girl On the morning of her sixteenth birthday Lincey Ford got the present of a lifetime: a flying lesson. She was on holiday and that was going to be the best part of it. When her parents told her about that, Lincey couldn’t believe her ears. It was really great. In the afternoon Lincey’s family drove to the airport which was rather far from the place where they lived. A small plane waited for them. Lincey took place next to the pilot. Her dad and her younger sister Kelsey got into the passanger ['раг5эпфэ] seats. The pilot looked at their mum and said, “Your girls are going to love it.” места для пассажиров 2. The pilot showed Lincey what she had to do. He told the girl that once in the air [еэ] she could fly a plane. Some time later the plane was in the sky. It was great. The girl was happy. She felt she was able to do it. But some time later they heard an alarm [alarm] signal. The pilot said they had a problem because one of the engines ['епфтг] was not working. 3. Then the plane began to fall down to the ground. The girls didn’t know what to do. Somehow the pilot was able to get them to the nearest field [firld], where the plane landed. The family got out of the plane. Linsey looked up at the plane and understood she wanted to have another birthday flight [flait]. “I hope it will go better next time,” she said. Learn to read this tongue twister as fast as you can, Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, brown bread, spread it thick say it quick. Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, brown bread, spread it tliicker say it quicker. Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, brown bread, now repeat it while you eat it. воздух сигнал тревоги двигатели каким-то образом поле приземлился п> TJ полет намазывай быстро Read the text and say what helped the English Roses to become friends with Binah. The English Roses Part 6 The English Roses looked very sad. “I’m so sorry for Binah,” said Grace. “I can’t imagine living without my mum.” “I hate cleaning floors,” said Amy. “And I don’t know anything about cooking.” “Please let us go home to our cosy beds and our families,” asked Nicole. “Yes, we want to go home,” said all the girls. I 140 S* О) “OK,” said the fairy. “But in the future think well before saying that somebody has a better life than you. As I said before, I’m a very busy woman!” In a second, the English Roses were back in bed, sleeping. When morning came, they got up, happy to be the same girls as before. They spoke about their dreams [drirmz] and decided to be kinder to Binah and stop feeling unhappy about their lives. First, they invited Binah to a tea party, and then started walking to school with her, and not long after that, they were doing lessons together. Binah even taught them to make an apple pie. They soon understood that she was very nice. впредь сны даже They began to love her like a sister and often went to her house to help with housework. Soon their neighbours started talking about them. And this is what they said: Those English Roses are really special.” They are very beautiful girls!” They’ll become wonderful women one day.” And you know what? They did. ii ii ti Listen, ^ (133), and sing along. Rock Around the Clock by J. DeKnight, M. Freeman One, Two, Three o’clock. Four o’clock rock. Five, Six, Seven o’clock. Eight o’clock rock. l^ine. Ten, ‘ь’г’х'сл’й. rock! We gonna' rock around the clock tonight! When the clock strikes one. Join the hands and have some fun. Refrain’. We gonna rock around the clock tonight. We gonna rock, rock, rock, ’till broad daylight. We gonna rock, and gonna rock a\\ round 'ka. «dark. When the clock strikes two, three and four. If the band slows down, we’ll yell for more. Refrain: We gonna rock around the clock tonight, We gonna rock, rock, rock, ’till broad daylight, We gonna rock, and gonna rock all round the clock tonight. Listen, 9 (134), and read the poem. Why by Raymond Wilson Why should the world be usual? It surely isn’t right! I don’t want to confuse [kan'Qu:z] you all, BUT Why shouldn’t day be night? сегодня вечером пока не станет совсем светло мы потребуем продолжать вводить в заблуждение 141 • \ ф “D gonna {разг.) здл are going to 142 О) Why shouldn’t snow be hot and black? Why shouldn’t pigs have wings? Why shouldn’t the front be at the back? AND Why shouldn’t dustmen ['dAStman] be kings? Why shouldn’t marmalade taste like meat? Why shouldn’t grass be red? Why must we always stand on our feet? WHEN We can stand on our head? Why shouldn’t starfish sing like thrushes ['GrAjiz]? Why shouldn’t elephants fly? Why shouldn’t pork pies grow on bushes ['bojiz]? AND Why shouldn’t the sea be dry? I won’t let the world be usual! And if you disagree I really confuse you all, ’COS Why shouldn’t you be me? мусорщики скворцы кусты Read for more information. 7 Do you know that... ... about 15% of all people on the Earth are left-handed? The greatest Italian sculptors Leonardo da Vinci [li;3,na:dau da 'vinlji:] and Michelangelo [,та1к1'аепфэ1эи] were both left-handed. ... people with the whitest skin live in Northern Europe, people with the blackest skin live in Western Africa and people in the south-east of Asia have a yellow skin but most people are not white, black or yellow? Their skins have hundreds of shades of light, swarthy ['swD:6i] and brown. ... that hair grows differently at night and in the day? At night hair grows slowly, but as day begins, it grows much faster. It usually grows about one centimetre a month. кожа оттенки смуглый DO IT Oni YOUR OWIU Do Project Work 6. Complete a new page in your English Album. Describe yourse^i. Write winat you are iike riow and what kind o1 man/woman you'd like to be in the future. Use pictures to illustrate your story. Don't forget to write if you are going to use English in the future and how you are going to do it. 143 i/> r-t Ф “D - I I bear friends! Summer and holidays are coming. It's time to say goodbye to each other again. May this summer bring you lots of fun and joy. Set healthier and stronger and come back to school happy and ready for the new year. The new steps to good English will be waiting for you. See you soon! Have a wonderful time! Your authors Grammar Reference 1 144 Грамматика английского языка подразделяется на два больших раздела — морфология (сведения о частях речи) и синтаксис (сведения о предложении, его типах, структуре). В английском языке по традиции выделяют следующие части речи: Имя существительное {the noun) Имя прилагательное {the adjective) Местоимение {the pronoun) Имя числительное {the numeral) Глагол {the verb) Наречие {the adverb') Морфология THE niOUni (Имя существительное) § 1. Имя существительное — это такая часть речи, которая обозначает лицо, предмет и отвечает на вопросы: кто?, что? Существительные могут быть исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми. Исчисляемые имена существительные имеют два числа — единственное и множественное (сир — cups, mouse — mice). I see a pen on the table. The pen is red. There are apples there. The apples are red. § 2. Имена существительные money и hair в английском языке являются неисчисляемыми. Несмотря на то, что в русском языке эти существительные имеют форму множественного числа (деньги, волосы), в английском языке эти существительные обычно согласуются с глаголом в единственном числе: The money is on the table. Перед ними не используется неопределённый артикль, а заменяются они местоимением it: Where is the money? It is in my bag. I like your curly hair. It’s so beautiful. § 3. Имена существительные clothes, trousers, leggins, jeans, shorts, pyjamas в английском языке имеют только форму множественного числа и согласуются с глаголом во множественном числе, заменяются местоимениями they, them. Перед ними не употребляется неопределённый артикль. Справочник содержит грамматический материал, относящийся только к 6 классу Your pyjamas are in the box. Where can I buy trousers? I love your clothes. Where do you buy them? Your jeans are very long. My shorts don’t look clean. I must wash them. § 4. Особенностью английских существительных, обозначающих географические объекты, является использование с ними определённого артикля или его отсутствие. Определённый артикль употребляется с именами существительными, обозначающими: горы (горные цепи): the Urals, the Ural Mountains, the Caucasus (Mountains); Ibp А1Тч1лг Pimb,- Ще РжШс Ореад, the Atbnt^^^ Оседщ моря: the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Caspian Sea; реки: the Volga, the Thames, the Moskva River; озёра: the Baikal. Однако если перед названием озера стоит само слово lake, фтикль отсутствует: Lake Baikal. Без артикля употребляются названия: континентов: Europe, Asia, Central America, Africa, Australia; стран: Russia, England, Spain (но: the USA); т'с/рс;7^сл>'. МлЛт’А, площадей: Red Square, Trafalgar Square; улиц: Tverskaya Street, Nevsky Prospect; парков: Hyde Park, Gorky Park; мостов: Palace Bridge, Tower Bridge, London Bridge (но: the Anichkov Bridge); дворцов: Winter Palace. C определённым артиклем используются названия: театров: the Bolshoi Theatre, the Maly Theatre; музеев: the Pushkin Museum, the British Museum; картинных галерей: the Tretyakov Gallery. § 5. Имена существительные в современном английском языке могут быть образованы различными способами: а) к корню добавляется суффикс. Так, например, образуются слова, обозначающие профессии людей: read + -ег = reader, write + -er = writer; б) сложные имена существительные образуются путём сложения двух основ: milk + man = milkman (молочник) snow + man — snowman (снеговик) bread + plate = breadplate (хлебница); в) существительные могут образовываться и по конверсии. 145 ■И*' Та-к., СП т1рт?татат:елъ»-ы-А, о6оз-нанато1Д\\'А при'йадлежн.ос.'тъ к нации, континенту и т. д., могут быть образованы соответствующие имена существительные: Italian (итальянский) — ап Italian (итальянец) American (американский) — ап American (американец) Asian (азиатский) — ап Asian (азиат). 146 THE ADJECTIVE (Имя прилагательное) § 1. Имя прилагательное — это такая часть речи, которая обозначает признак, качество предмета и отвечает на вопрос: какой? который? В предложении имена прилагательные чаще всего выступают в качестве определения (а good pupil), а также именной части составного именного сказуемого. The boy is fairly tall. § 2. При постановке к имени прилагательному вопросов типа: «Какой твой любимый цвет?», «Какой язык ты учишь?» употребляется вопросительное слово what: What is your favourite colour? What language are you learning? Однако, если в поставленном вопросе содержится выбор из ограниченного числа предметов, употребляется вопросите.тьное слово which: Which of these cars is yours? Which boy is the tallest in your class? § 3. В различных контекстах слова much, many, few, little используются по-разному и функционируют как прилагательные или наречия. Much/Many i^Aicti — «много», означает количество и определяет только неисчисляемые имена существительные, обычно в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях: I haven’t much time today. Is there much milk in the fridge? Many — определяет только исчисляемые имена существительные (также обычно в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях): Не hasn’t many friends here. Are there many sweets on the plate? В утвердительных предложениях и в том и в другом случае чаще употребляется сочетание а lot of (lots of): There are a lot of books at home. There is a lot of water in the glass. There are lots of flowers here. Little/few Little — «мало», означая малое количество, используется с неисчисляемыми именами существительными; часто перед ним используется наречие: We have very little meat. Few — «мало», обозначает малое количество, употребляется только с исчисляемыми именами существительными: There are few flowers in the garden. И little, и few обозначают недостаточное количество и имеют отрицательный оттенок: We have got little time left. (Поэтому мы можем не успеть на поезд.) There are few potatoes on the plate. (Поэтому я не могу приготовить салат.) § 4. В современном английском языке имена прилагательные могут образовываться тремя способами словообразования: а) К корню добавляется суффикс или приставка: sun + -у = sunny (солнечный) colour + -ful = colourful (красочный, яркий) music + al = musical (музыкальный) un- + healthy = unhealthy (нездоровый) Имена прилагательные, обозначающие принадлежность к нации, континенту, образуются при помощи суффикса -ап от соответствующих имён существительных — названий стран, континентов и т. д.: Italy — Italian Europe — European - Asian помощи конверсии из имени существительного образуется имя прилагательное, при этом форма слова не меняется: silver (серебро) — silver (серебряный) metal (металл) — metal (металлический) gold (золото) — gold (сделанный из золота, золотой) apple (яблоко) — apple (яблочный) в) Сложные имена прилагательные образуются путём сложения двух основ: snow + white = snow-white (белоснежный) Иногда одна из основ может быть осложнена суффиксом: white-walled (белокаменный) Asia — б) При 147 THE PROIUOUIU (Местоимение) § 1. Местоимение — это такая часть речи, которая указывает на лицо, предмет, их признаки, количество, но не называет их. Местоимения бывают: 148 личные: I (me), you, he (him), she (her), it, we (us), they (them); притяжательные: my — mine, his, her — hers, its, our — ours, their — theirs; указательные: this — these, that — those; неопределённые: some, any, somebody, something, anybody, anything; вопросительные: how, who, what, whose, which, why, when, where, etc; отрицательные: no, nobody, nothing; обобщающие: all, each, every, everybody, everything, both, either, other. § 2. К неопределённым местоимениям относятся такие слова, как Homebody, something, anybody, anything. Первые два из них употребляются в основном в утвердительных предложениях: I сап see somebody in the park. There is something on the plate. В отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях вместо somebody, something используются местоимения anybody, anything: I don’t see anybody there. Is there anything tasty in the fridge? Однако неопределённые местоимения anybody, anything могут использоваться и в утвердительных предложениях. В этих случаях они обозначают «любой, всякий»: The question is easy. Anybody can answer it. Can I have something to drink? Anything will do. Как следует из примера, something может использоваться в вопросительных предложениях, но в данном случае по сути это не вопрос, а просьба. § 3. Отрицательные местоимения nobody, nothing используются в таких предложениях, в которых глагол употребляется в утвердительной форме: ГЛеге is nohorfy in that room. I know nothing about it. В отличие от русского языка в английском предложении не может быть двух (и более) отрицаний. Сравните: Никто ничего об этом не знает. Nobody knows anything about it. THE NUMERAL (Имя числительное) § 1. Имя числительное — это часть речи, обозначающая количество и порядок предметов при счёте. Соответственно, они могут быть количественными (one, two, ten, thirty, a hundred, a thousand, a million) и порядковыми (the first, the second, the tenth, the thirtieth, the hundredth, etc.). § 2. Знакомые тебе числительные hundred, thousand, million в английском языке имеют некоторые Указывая на конкретное количество, пользуются в известной тебе форме: а/опе hundred = 100 two thousand = 2,000 four million = 4,000,000 Однако для обозначения большого или животных, не указывая на их точное количество, в английском языке существуют такие сочетания, как hundreds of, thousands of, millions of: особенности употребления, данные числительные ис- а/опе hundred houses two thousand people four million stars числа предметов, людей hundreds of people thousands of children millions of birds Сравните: two hundred fish three thousand flags five million lights сотни людей тысячи детей миллионы птиц hundreds of fish thousands of flags millions of lights § 3. Обратите внимание на использование союза and при чтении многозначных чисел. 8,328,497 = eight million three hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred and ninety-seven В отличие от русского, в английском языке в многозначных числах на письме сотни, тысячи и т. д. отделяются запятой. 149 THE ADVERB (Наречие) § 1. Наречие — часть речи, которая указывает на признак действия, на обстоятельства, при которых оно протекает: Не always comes here at five. I never buy vegetables in shops. § 2. Наречия неопределённого времени {always, usually и т. д.) обычно стоят перед основным глаголом, но после глагола to be: Не never goes for a walk at night. Do you usually read newspapers in the morning? We do not often play tennis. Ho: He is never late. They are always on time. often, never, (смысловым) 150 § 3. Многосложные наречия неопределённого времени {some-timeSf generally) могут также стоять как в начале предложения, так и в его конце: Не sometimes writes to me. Sometimes he writes to me. He writes to me sometimes. § 4. В предложении наречие может уточнять глагол {to соте early), прилагательное {fairly interesting) или другое наречие {rather badly). Уточнение прилагательных и наречий часто происходит при помощи слов fairly, rather, quite, которые могут переводиться на русский язык как «достаточно, вполне, весьма»: She is fairly tall. (Она достаточно высокая.) Не is rather selfish. (Он весьма эгоистичен.) § 5. Наречие also (тоже) является синонимичным слову too и словосочетанию as well, передавая тот же самый смысл: I like apples and plums too. I also like grapes. I like bananas as well. Как следует из вышеприведённых примеров, в отличие от too и as well наречие also используется перед смысловым глаголом, но после глагола to be: They play tennis. They also play football. Jane is here. Nick is also here. При этом also обычно используется в письменной речи. Единицы too, also, as well не употребляют в отрицательных предложениях. Вместо них в предложения включают наречие either: I don’t know him either. (Я его тоже не знаю.) THE VERB (Глагол) § 1. Глагол — это такая часть речи, которая используется для обозначения действия, процесса или состояния. Английские глаголы обычно подразделяют на смысловые (полнозначные) глаголы, глаголы-связки, вспомогательные глаголы и модальные глаголы . § 2. Смысловые глаголы. Большинство глаголов в английском языке являются смысловыми. Они имеют собственное лексическое значение, сами могут выполнять роль сказуемого в предложении: We live in Moscow. They bought a new computer last month. Вспомогательные глаголы не имеют собственных лексических значений. Они употребляются вместе со смысловыми глаголами для образования различных составных форм глагола: The boys are swimming. Will you go there? Do you hear me well? Does he know about it? Глаголы-связки обычно используются для описания состояния и участвуют в образовании составного именного сказуемого. Не is а boy. We are English. I’ll soon become tired. Модальные глаголы указывают на отношение говорящего к тому, о чём он сообщает. К модальным глаголам относятся, например, такие глаголы, как сап {could), must, may, should. Модальные глаголы имеют целый ряд особенностей; a) за ними следует инфинитив (неопределённая форма) смыслового глагола без частицы to: You can dp it. I must come back at 5. We should go there; 6) вопросительные и отрицательные формы модальных глаголов образуются без помощи вспомогательных глаголов: Could you do that then? Must we do it now? You shouldn’t speak like that; b) модальные глаголы не имеют окончания -s для третьего лица единственного числа в настоящем неопределённом времени (present simple): Не сап sing very well. She can’t speak English; r) модальные глаголы не имеют формы инфинитива. Для них характерно использование сокращённых отрицательных форм: can’t, couldn’t, mustn’t, shouldn’t. § 3. Модальный глагол can Этот глагол имеет две временные формы — сап (настоящее время) и could (прошедшее время). Глагол сап в настоящем времени имеет две отрицательные формы can’t [ka:nt] и cannot ['kaenatj. Вторая форма употребляется достаточно редко и обычно в письменной речи: Mr Smith is very sorry that he cannot come to dinner. Модальный глагол can может выражать: а) способность (умственную или физическую) сделать что-то: We сап answer these questions. You can’t swim; б) разрешение (в вопросительных и утвердительных предложениях, обычно в разговоре с близкими людьми): 151 \ 152 Can Т go to the cinema? You can join us if you like. Could в таких случаях выражает более вежливую просьбу и может быть обращено к любому собеседнику: Could you open the door, please? (lie могли бы вы открыть дверь?); в) удивление (в вопросительных предложениях, что соответствует русскому «Неужели?»): Сап it be 10 o’clock? Can it really be so late? Can she still be so young?; r) запрет (в отрицательных предложениях): You can’t go there. It’s very late. § 4. To be able (to) — эквивалент модального глагола can. Формы будущего времени у модального глагола сап нет. Если необходимо сообщить о возможности/способности сделать что-то в будущем, в английском языке используют оборот to be able to do something (быть в состоянии что-то сделать в будущем): We’ll be able to help you. They will be able to do this tomorrow. You won’t be able to come back so soon. Оборот to be able to может употребляться также в настоящем и прошедшем временах, практически совпадая по смыслу с глаголом сап: I am able to do it without your help. = I can do it without your help. She was able to skate when she was younger. = She could skate when she was younger. We were not able to answer their questions. = We couldn’t answer their questions. Однако, если речь идёт о конкретном действии в прошлом и говорящий хочет сообщить о том, что он сумел, ему удалось выполнить это действие^ форма could не употребляется. В этих случаях используется только оборот was/were able to do something: It was difficult for him to find a job but he was able to do it. ('/Использовать couCd в подобных ситуациях невозможно.) § 5. Модальный глагол must Этот глагол имеет только одну временную форму — must. You must help your grandparents. You mustn’t shout like that. Must we do it now? Как следует из примеров, этот модальный глагол используют, когда хотят отдать приказание, указать кому-либо на необхо-димость выполнить какое-либо действие: You must do it. You must clean the windows. Ha вопросы c глаголом must можно получить утвердительный и отрицательный ответы. — Must I pay now? — Yes, you must./Yes, please. (+) — No, you needn’t. (-) Форма needn't подчёркивает, что спрашивающему нет необходимости выполнять то или иное действие. Очень часто подобные ответы сопровождаются объяснениями, почему не нужно что-то делать: — Must I tell Helen about it? — No, you needn’t. She knows all the details. § 6. To have to do sth — эквивалент глагола must. Для того чтобы выразить долженствование в прошедшем или будущем временах, используют оборот to have to do something (иметь необходимость сделать что-то): We had to go there too. (Мы должны были/нам пришлось поехать туда тоже.) You will have to put on your tie. (Ты будешь должен/тебе придётся надеть галстук.) В отличие от must оборот to have to do something, как правило, указывает на то, что люди вынуждены по каким-то причинам поступать так или иначе: 1 must go there. (Я полагаю, что я должен туда поехать. По моему мнению, это мой моральный долг.) I have to go there. (Мне придется туда поехать, так как меня вынуждают к поездке какие-либо обстоятельства.) Отрицание и вопросы с оборотом to have to do something образуются при помощи вспомогательных глаголов do/does/did и wilt. Do you have to get up early on Sunday? Does she have to wear a uniform to school? Did you have to walk there? We didn’t have to sleep in the open air, we had tents with us. § 7. Модальный глагол should Этот модальный глагол чаще всего употребляется, когда говорящему нужно дать кому-либо совет, предостеречь от совершения того или иного поступка: You should tell your teacher about it. (Вам следует рассказать учителю об этом.) You should think about your future. (Тебе следует подумать о своем будущем.) They shouldn’t eat so many chocolates. (Им не стоит есть столько шоколада.) 153 154 Should they phone him? (Им стоит позвонить ему?) По сравнению с глаголом musty категорично. глагол should звучит не столь § 8. Модальный глагол may Модальный глагол may часто переводится на русский язык «можно» и выражает более формальную и более вежливую просьбу: May I take your mobile? (Можно воспользоваться твоим мобильным?) May I ask you а question, Miss Graham? (Можно задать Вам вопрос, госпожа Грэхем?) В ответе, выражающем запрет, используется глагол must, а не may: — May I go out? — No, you mustn’t. It’s very late. (Категорический запрет.) Выражение запрета на подобный вопрос может быть сформулировано более мягко: — May I go out? — No, you may not. It’s very late. (I’m afraid not. It’s very late.) Если же на высказанную просьбу следует разрешение, в ответе может использоваться модальный г.пагол may: — May I go out? — Yes, you may./Certainly you may./Certainly. § 9. В современном английском языке многие глаголы образуются от имён существительных по конверсии: place (место) — to place (располагать); plant (растение) — to plant (сажать); water (вода) — to water (поливать); milk (молоко) — to milk (доить); shower (душ) — to shower (1) заливать водой 2) осыпать подарками). Синтаксис § 1. Синтаксис изучает предложение, его типы, структуру, а также порядок слов в предложении. Предложения с точки зрения их структуры подразделяются на простые и сложные (сложносочинённые и сложноподчинённые). Сложносочинённые предложения состоят из двух или более простых предложений и обычно соединяются союзами and, but, so: We use words and people must know these words. Birds are able to sing but they cannot learn how to sing. It was late, so we decided to go home. Сложноподчинённые предложения состоят из главного и придаточного. Придаточные предложения присоединяются к главному при помощи слов who, what, which, whose, where/when, why и др.: I can tell you who this man is. I am not sure where he lives. Ask them why they are here. § 2. Слова, соединяющие главное и придаточные предложения, являются омонимами соответствующих вопросительных слов: Why are you here? Where does he live? Однако придаточные предложения вопросами не являются, а потому в них прямой порядок слов — подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение, обстоятельство. В английском языке имеются некоторые особенности употребления слов, присоединяющих придаточные предложения к главному: a) когда речь идёт о людях, используются who/whom: The woman who is taking photos is my mother. The woman who/whom you are talking about is not here. При этом whom употребляется значительно реже и звучит формально; б) когда речь идёт о неодушевлённых предметах и животных, используется местоимение which: The dog, which is in the yard is my pet. The book, which you are reading is mine; b) bo многих случаях вместо who и which можно использовать that: This is the book which/that you wanted to buy. This is the woman who(m)/that you wanted to see. В подобных предложениях who, which, that могут опускаться: This is the book you wanted to buy. This is the woman you wanted to see; r) единица whose вводит придаточные предложения, в которых речь идёт как о людях, так и о неодушевлённых предметах и животных: This is the woman whose name is Wendy. This is the cottage w^hose name is Sunny Beach. Общие вопросы легко преобразовать в придаточные предложения при помощи союза if (или): Is he at home? — I want to know if he is at home. Обратите внимание, что и в этом случае в придаточном предложении прямой порядок слов. 155 156 Просьбы и приказания из прямой речи можно перевести в косвенную, используя инфинитив: John says, “Come here!” — John asks to come here. Ann says to me, “Don’t go there!” — Ann asks me not to go there. § 3. Придаточные времени отвечают на вопрос: когда? и в английском языке присоединяются к главному предложению такими словами, как when, after, before, till/until, as soon as. Придаточные условия, в свою очередь, отвечают на вопрос: при каком УСЛОВИИ? и вводятся в предложение союзом if. И те, и другие имеют некоторые особенности употребления. В отличие от русского языка в придаточных предложениях времени и условия будущее время не употребляется. Вместо него используют формы настоящего времени {present simple)’. If it rains, we won’t go for a walk. (Если пойдёт дождь, мы не пойдём гулять.) I’ll speak to Jane when she is at home. Я поговорю с Джейн, когда она будет дома. Если придаточное времени или условия стоит перед главным предложением, оно отделяется от него запятой: If he phoneSj. I’ll tell him everything. Если в начале стоит главное предложение, а придаточное следует за ним, запятая между ними не ставится: I’ll tell him everything if he phonos. Придаточные предложения изъяснительные отвечают на вопросы: что?; в чём?; о чём?; чего?: I know that he is leaving for Moscow tomorrow. We do not remember what he said. Ask her where she lives. В изъяснительных придаточных часто употребляют будущее время: We don’t know (что? чего?) when he will come. Ask her (o чём?) when she will make tea. I am not sure (в чём?) if he will come back soon. Как следует из примеров, изъяснительные придаточные могут присоединяться к главному предложению при помощи тех же слов, что и придаточные времени и условия (when, if). Их не следует смешивать — в придаточных времени и условия будущее время не используется. Сравните: Ask him about it (когда?) when he comes. Ask him (что?) when he will come. Your aunt will help you (при каком условии?) if she comes. I am not sure (в чём?) if your aunt will come. List of Irregular Verbs be [bi:] was, were [wdz], [wa:] быть, находиться become [bi'kAm] became [bi'keim] становиться begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gaen] начинать blow [blau] blew [blu:] дуть bring [brig] brought [bra:t] приносить build [bild] built [bilt] строить buy [bai] bought [bait] покупать can [kaen] could [kud] мочь, уметь choose [^u:z] chose [tjauz] выбирать come [клт] came [keim] ПрИХОДР1ТЬ do [du:] did [did] делать draw [dro:] drew [dm:] рисовать dream [dri:m] dreamed [dri:md], dreamt [dremt] мечтать drink [dngk] drank [draegk] пить drive [draiv] drove [drauv] вести {машину) eat [i:t] ate [et] есть feed [fi:d] fed [fed] кормить feel [fi:l] felt [felt] чувствовать fight [fait] fought [fad] сражаться, драться find [faind] found [faund] находить fly [flai] flew [flu;] летать forget [fa'get] forgot [fa'got] забывать get [get] got [got] получать, добираться give [grv] gave [gerv] давать go [gau] went [went] идти grow [grau] grew [gru:] расти(ть) hang [haeg] hung [Ьлд] висеть, вешать have [haev] had [haed] иметь hear [hia] heard [haid] слышать keep [ki;p] kept [kept] держать, содержать know [паи] knew [nju:] знать 157 158 learn [1з:п] learned [h:nd], learnt [h:nt] учить leave [li:v] left [left] покидать, уезжать lie [lai] lay [lei] лежать make [meik] made [meid] делать mean [mi:n] meant [ment] значить meet [mi:t] met [met] встречать put [put] put [put] положить, класть read [ri:d] read [red] читать rebuild [ri:'bild] rebuilt [rii'bilt] перестраивать ride [raid] rode [raud] ехать {верхом, на велосипеде) ring [rig] rang [raeg] ЗВОНИТЬ run [глп] ran [raen] бегать say [sei] said [sed] сказать see [si:] saw [sd:] видеть send [send] sent [sent] посылать sit [sit] sat [saet] сидеть sleep [sli:p] slept [slept] спать speak [spi:k] spoke [spauk] говорить spell [spel] spelt [spelt] называть по буквам spend [spend] spent [spent] тратить stand [staend] stood [stud] стоять steal [sti;l] stole [staul] воровать, красть strike [straik] struck [stTAk] бить, ударять swim [swim] swam [swaem] плавать take [teik] took [tuk] брать teach fti:^ tapght JtaitJ учить, лрелодавйть tell [tel] told [tauld] сказать, рассказать think [0igk] thought [0a:t] думать understand [,Anda'staend] understood [.Anda'stud] понимать wear [wea] wore [wd:] носить {одежду) win [win] won [wAn] выигрывать write [rait] wrote [raut] писать id] боящийся of somebody/somcthing бояться когото/чего-то ikanj Африканский озраст также, тоже тспкэп] американскиГт 'antj древний, очень старый l.bDdJI любой, всякий, КАЖДЫЙ liOnjJ всё, всё что угод1го I появляться kitekt] архнтект1>р ука V] приезжать, прибывать in а place приехать в како1^'Либи место 1) как 2) так как же, также азиатский [D'srreilion] австралийский nju:J авеню, проспект азад, обратно вернуть I вернуться берег (pcKii) пляж, берег моря /) верить 1 принадлежать готт greeting card поадравительная открытка cathedral cefehrato central 2 centiir>’ 1 ceremony certain *1 change 1 1 tko‘0i:droll собор S fse/abreitj прдздиопать^ отмечать ['senlro)] 1(еитрнлы1ый ('senijarij пек, столетие -4 I'senmaniJ церрмоипя, шествие, обряд f'S3:tnI уверенный [t^ein(^] менять, измсн5ггь to change Lraina пересгажшшться с поезда на пое character 6 f'k®raktnl герои chat* 5 [^«elj болтап. to chat on lino рааговарнвлть в 1Т|ггернете, питерпкт chew* 6 t^u:J жевать Christmas 3 I'knsmas] Рождество at Christmas n Рождество on Christmas Day n день Рождества clothes 5 Ikloudz] одежда column 1 I'kolamj колонна comma* 4 I'komaJ запятая competition 6 (,котрэ‘и|п] соревнование cuntiiioiit 2 ('kontinanli континент corner 2 ['кз:пэ1 у|чхл. уголок countryman *1 [’клп1птзп] 1) ссютечественник 2) сел cross-country skiing 5 [,кп)5к,лп1п ski:rq] катание ь пересечённой местности cultural 2 [ Ы^гэЦ культ^фный curly 6 I'ksdiJ курчавый, кудрявый, вьющийся Dd кажлый, всякий • друг друга :о :std] Пасха {религиозный праздник) на Пасху Day п Пасхальное воскресенье lAaJ тоже (в отрицательных предложениях) DeilJ электроыыое послание эшП враг 4 [’iQglijman] иигличииин U европейский 2) европеец пнуи 's Eve канун Нового года ['evri,bDdiJ каждый, всякий t'evriOigl всё, всё, что угодно !аз 1) лицо 2) циферблат U] довольно, в какой-то степени, достаточно 1а.теко 2) дальний далеко 3Bjn] мода авЫон быть модным of faahion быть вышедшим из моды > ffsjnabll модный 1) 6ы<ггрый 2) быстро linuios fast спетить па ... минут (о часах) fur cap 5 [,^з: ksep] меховая шалка fur coal 5 [,fe: ‘kautj ш>*ба fuliire* 6 l'fju:^o] будущее in Ihc future в будущем Ofi genUeman 4 ['c^entimon] джентльмен geotлв1ггят1>ся to go boating плавать ita лодке to go fiahing удить рыбу gold 4 (goo)d] 1) аолото 2) золотой good-looking 6 (,gud'Iukig1 мнлопилный, прнятной government 2 [*длуэптэп1] правительство graasland 4 ['gra:s,lxnd] луг greedy 6 ['giiidij жадный greet 3 lgri:tj приветствовать greeting 3 t'gri:ln)j пршм.*тствх1е greeting card 8 позлравнтольппя открытка ground 5 IgraondJ земля group* 4 t9ru:p| группа Hh hair 6 [hea] волосы Halinwccn 3 ['hxlauiin] Хеллоуин (жззаакис проз* ^хотитыгя (час/пи<4<|) 2) если 1£С<^1п] представлять себе, вообрая^атъ i 1 остров рш* \т» ъ'гл’пл^. vifid'f/ufy/uvi'VAfbtb ’/льььугь:^^, ion] 1) итальянский 2) итальянец kit] куртки, пиджак О джинсы U шутка ki'lomUo] километр ij ягненок 1] I) земля 2) стрина 3) суша ip] фонарь, лампа asntonj фонарь ] ленпвып юга i^ir)z] леггинсы boli] соободн lai] лелсать [Ьр кип пря;нтт.пя tin r/t?nnjrit>ro monument 1 Imonjumsiit] памятник a monument to somebody пвмятпик кпму*Л1т6о more 1 [тэ:] бол1>ше. (юлее mouth 6 [тниб] рот move 1 Imutv] передвигаться, перемещаться to move to a new place иерееэжать iia новос^ мс much 1 (mAtj) много (c т’исчислягмыми сущестт musical 2 ['mju:zikl] музика/1Ы1Мй Nn native 4 I'neitrvJ родной Native Americans коренные жители Америки nearly 4 ГшэИ! почти neat 5 fni:t] опрятный, аккуратный neck б (nekj шея niii^liiic 5 f'naiti] ночная рубашка nobody 1 ['naubiidil никто northeast 2 (,no:e‘i:st] северо-восток northwest 2 r,no:e'west] северо-запад nose 6 [nou/J HOC п\ЛЫп^ 1 ничто Oo office 2 f'ofisl o(|hic. контора old-fnshinned 5 [,ould'f£eJndl ета(ЮМОЛный other 1 Глдз) другой outline* 4 raittiain] план {расгка.ш) I a ru. ЛХ eoj готовить, подготовить 2 l.praim гшпшэ] npeMbej^*министр ршщ. князь I тюрьма mpkm] ТЫКВА ;a:mds] пижаме ] тихий, спокойный влолпс. достаточно, довольно ikdotj плащ, дождевик ] довольно, вполне, весьма ворон стоящий ) 1 [ri:'bildj перестрАивать эЫ] нщ^ёжныЙ религиозный membd] помнить, вспомнить курорт ,ОрОГ8 1 the roAd взад и вперёд по дороге скалистый I] рубль круглый shirt 5 If3:t] рубашка shore» 4 (|э:1 берег (лоря, озера, океана) shorts 5 [|э:й] шорты should 6 rjud] следует (слслатт.)> необходимо shout 3 [jaut] кричать to shout at somebody кричать на кого-либо side 1 {said] сторона skirt 5 [sk3:t1 юбка skyscraper 4 ['skai,skre!po] небоскрёб slim 6 fslim] стройный slipper fi t'slipd] тапочка snowball 5 ['snoi>bn:t) снежок to throw snowballs tirpan. в снежки snowflake 5 f'snnofleikl снежинка so 4 [S9u| 1) итак. TUK 2) настолько somebody 1 [‘sAm.badil кто-либо, кто-нибудь something 1 ('s/vjneiql что-л11бо. что-нибудь soon 4 [sum] вскоре as soon as как только southeast 2 [,sao0*i:stl юго-восток southwest 2 [,2mu0'wcst] Ю1ч>-иппад space 4 Ispcisj 1) npocrpniicrno 2) космос special 3 f’spc^l снециолыгмЙ stand (stood) 4 [st^ndj стоять to stand up вставать to stand out выделяться statue 1 [’s!»lju:| статуя still 1 [stil] все ещё story* 6 ['sto:ril история, pa4;cKmi футбс»лкн яубы 5 f'lcmpralja) томпсрнтурл ipcrnture of... при температуре... iirabi] ужоспый который, кикой 'ш:1 сквозь I тех пор пока, пока алей (ноги) 6 1ш:в] ауб (зубы) tro'dijn] троднция [irs’dijndl] тр«1Дииио1шый ешэ] 1) кроссовка 2) трекер, укротитель 1 I) угощение 2) угощать ] племя traistkl] трёхколёсный велосипед trauz3Z) брюки (7.o:j царь :j3:t) ф>'тболка опорачивать, сворачивать ilo somethint* иреврищиться во что-либо [,Гз:пб’лр] вздёрнутый (о носе) близнец 1 иекрасиный юльэовить ri) /(О ’Л'^Ж 14ѫРП^ХА. пока методическим с icbclia* И. В. Ммхеепз. К. М. bapaiiona I МЯЙК игьсаа* И. 8. Л1нxt^c»a, К. S\. Борткша I плын к*ьс(1в. Н. В. Мнхе«м. К. М. Бара^юва ЯП|)К иъ^ва, И. В. Михссш, К. tM. Бардяова щлын к каждому KyfKy иыпускастсн I О I |i:i6o4Ha 'пгг|мъ .гтя ушиинмл! йккт\кт\<к II ПВ ViW.driifo.r и аушю11р11л<1Я книга лиг ^*М1П HcnuWHtChAK Х\п У'ЧИГСЛЯ реа>лыатоо о( Л«КС1ГКО*ГрНМ1 l1(inK110s>M