Учебник Английский язык 5 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 1

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 5 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Rainbow English (Рейнбоу инглиш):

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о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова т о о АНГЛИИСКИИ язык УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А94 А94 аудиоприложение Афанасьева, О. В. Английский язык. 5 кл. В 2 ч. Ч. 1 : учебник / О. В. Афанасье ва, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. — 2-е изд., стереотип. — М. Дрофа, 2014. — 136 с. : ил. + 1 CD-ROM : (Rainbow English). ISBN 978-5-358-14456-9 (ч. 1) ISBN 978-5-358-14457-6 Учебник, созданный известными специалист81ми в области преподавания английского языка, предназначен для учащихся школ и является основным компонентом учебно-методического комплекса для 5 класса. Учебник соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту основного общего образования, одобрен РАО и РАН, включен в Федеральный перечень учебников. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Серия «Rainbow English» Учебное издание Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна, Михеева Ирина Владимировна Баранова Ксения Михайловна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 5 класс В двух частях. Часть 1 Учебник Зав. редакцией Е. Ю. Шмакова, Редактор Е. И. Бухарова Художественный редактор Л. П. Копачева, Художник О. М. Войтенко Технический редактор С. А. Толмачева, Компьютерная верстка Н, В. Зайцева Корректор Г, Н. Кузьмина в соответствии с Федеральным законом от 29.12.2010 г. № 436-ФЗ знак информационной продукции на данное издание не ставится Сертификат соответствия № РОСС RU.AE51.H 16508. Чкц. Подписано к печати 14.04.14. Формат 60 х 90 Vs* Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура «Школьная». Печать офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 17,0. Тираж 10 000 экз. Заказ А-1337. ООО «ДРОФА». 127254, Москва, Огородный проезд, д. 5, стр. 2. Предложения и замечания по содержанию и оформлению книги просим направлять в редакцию общего образования издательства «Дрофа»: 127254, Москва, а/я 19. Тел.: (495) 795-05-41. E-mail: [email protected] По вопросам приобретения продукции издательства «Дрофа» обращаться по адресу: 127254, Москва, Огородный проезд, д. 5, стр. 2. Тел.: (495) 795-05-50, 795-05-51. Факс: (495) 795-05-52. ООО «ДРОФА»: www.drofa.ru Электронная почта: [email protected] Тел.: 8-800-200-05-50 (звонок по России бесплатный) Отпечатано в типографии филиала ОАО «ТАТМЕДИА» «ПИК «Идел-Пресс». 420066, г. Казань, ул. Декабристов, 2. ISBN 978-5-358-14456-9 (ч. 1) ISBN 978-5-358-14457-6 ООО «ДРОФА», 2013 Book Guide UNIT 1. HOLIDAYS ARE OVER (pages 5 51) Talking Points 1. Summer holidays 2. Weather in different seasons 3. Holiday places 4. Holidays at home and abroad 5. Holidays in Britain 6. Weekends and weekdays 7. Russian school holidays Grammar Points 1. Present simple (revision) 2. Past simple of regular verbs (revision) 3. Irregular verbs in past simple 4. "Going to" (revision) 5. Future simple (revision) 6. Adjectives: degrees of comparison (revision) 7. "As ... as", "not as ... as", "not so ... as" to compare objects Vocabulary Points 1. Words for the talking points 2. Nouns "town" and "city" 3. Polysemantic words: "country" Culture and History 1. Flags of different countries 2. Scotland 3. Italy 4. Some facts about European countries and Russia 5. R.L. Stevenson Enjoy Yourself 1. Aesop and his fables 2. "The Grasshopper and the Ant" (fable) 3. Bed in Summer (poem by R.L. Stevenson) 4. "The Ants Go Marching" (song) 5. Language game Round-up 1: pages 39—43 Test Yourself 1: pages 43—46 Workbook 5: Unit 1 Project work 1: page 51 Reader 5: Section One UNIT 2. FAMILY HISTORY (pages 52 93) Talking Points 1. Daily routine 2. Jobs and careers 3. Biographies 4. Interests and hobbies 5. Family relations 6. Your address 7. You and your family Grammar Points 1. Irregular verbs in past simple 2. Who-questions in present and past simple 3. The verb "can" in past simple 4. General questions in present future and past simple and answers to them 3 I 4 Vocabulary Points 1. Words for talking points 2. Naming years 3. Prepositions with the verb "leave" 4. Ordinal numbers 5. Spelling numbers 6. The noun "family" in the singular and plural Culture and History 1. Glasgow and its coat-of-arms 2. William Allingham Enjoy Yourself 1. "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse" (fable) 2. Swing, Swing (poem by W. Allingham) 3. "The Bear Went over the Mountain" (song) 4. Language game Round-up 2: pages 81—86 Test Yourself 2; pages 86—89 Workbook 5: Unit 2 Project work 2: page 93 Reader 5: Section Two UNIT 3. HEALTHY WAYS (pages 94 136) Talking Points % 1. People's likes and dislikes 2. Time, clocks and watches 3. Doing sport and playing games 4. Different lifestyles 5. Your free time 6. Healthy eating 7. Running as a physical activity Grammar Points 1. Irregular verbs in past simple 2. -ing forms after the verbs "love", "like", "hate", "enjoy", "begin", "stop", "finish" 3. "Let's + infinitive" in affirmative and negative structures 4. "Have/has got" as an eguivalent of the verb "to have" Vocabulary Points 1. Words for talking points 2. Nouns "clock" and "watch" 3. Verb "could" to express a polite reguest 4. Types of clocks 5. Word building: suffix "-er" to form nouns and suffix "-ful" to form adjectives Culture and History 1. The English children's game "Simon says" 2. A count rhyme 3. Hyde Park in London 4. S. Marshak as a translator of English poetry Enjoy Yourself 1. "The Peasant and the Apple Tree" (fable) 2. "Dame Trot" and its translation by S.Marshak 3. "Tale of Silly Little Mouse" 4. Language game Round-up 3: pages 126—130 Test Yourself 3: pages 131—133 Workbook 5: Unit 3 Project work 3: page 136 Reader 5: Section Three V, ж i — . . м^,, * /•*.*. г Л •VC.C ’ ^’. • V-* ^ ' - .' • 4fV- VJ*/*. • ^ ^ ш V X ^ - I _ t >.% «» • ч •• 1-^i •* j A. V «•-#. c • • ^Л5€ М» , ,ЛР*' 1^ i ♦ d' f i - v; •vC- И«| '4^5 v'i* 'Hjj . ^ >-:=l ■ **^ -t- p-^J <5ГЛ. Ш fel !?=■' •< » \ --1 ^ frt- ttL^-r'-il f ^ Holidays Are Over ♦2. л!т r:^ %b г I •'^'r • '-^c: / > \ '» СЯ-. i\> •>V *•.<*• to Ф ■o Step DO TOGETHER Listen, ^) (1), and say^ what John and Roy didn't talk about John’s friend the weather in Paris the parks and gardens photos of Paris . a present from Paris Paris 5t‘ - jr ■_i^T. 2Я Л s% ?i '-Jl- f4i. V/ • w _' •^4 <> « 1 - V" i ж1. ^4 ■vS, •*4*' . . *< ^ •’* S*>;» j: tt r Й ^.• Tn ‘■1.. ^ *• g. i •• г *^>• ;“ V -4V* 1'3^; Ш &.*AA *. 3^ u:%' r :i Ч-|у rXWffr7V'*‘*-f4 Read the text and put its parts in a logical order. The Barkers’ Holidays A. Their life on the farm was interesting. They often played games with their friends. There were animals on the farm horses, cows, sheep and goats. Holidays Are Over Каникулы закончились. Если тебе трудно понять задание, см. с. 135—137 учебника (часть 2). S« 6 •• *\w .<■ The children helped their grandparents with the animals. They watered granny’s flowers in the garden too. B. In August John and Sally were in York. They were there with their parents. They all liked York with its green streets and old beautiful houses. They stayed^ at a hotel and liked it very much. The food was good, the rooms were comfortable, the people were nice. The Barkers’ holidays were wonderful. C In summer the Barkers travelled a lot. In July John and Sally were in Scotland. They stayed with their grandparents on the farm. The children travelled to Scotland by train. The weather was wonderful. It was sunny and very warm. John and Sally enjoyed the food on the train. John and Sally think summer is better than autumn. Do you know why? Continue as in the example. Example 1: In autumn the weather is rainy. In summer it wasn’t rainy. 1) In autumn it is often cold. 2) In autumn nights are long and dark. 3) In autumn the sky is often grey. 4) In autumn the wind is cold and strong 5) In autumn trees are red and yellow. 6) In autumn schoolchildren are at school. to stay [stei] останавливаться, оставаться 4 Example 2: In autumn John and Sally don’t stay on the farm In summer they stayed on the farm. 1) In autumn Sally doesn’t roller-skate. 2) In autumn Mr Barker doesn’t play tennis in the park. 3) In autumn doesn’t visit his cousins in Scotland. 4) In autumn the Barkers don’t enjoy their picnics. 5) In autumn Margaret Barker doesn’t cook picnic food 6) In autumn Chase doesn’t walk in the park a lot. 7 to Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your last summer as in the example. Ф T3 Example', swim in the lake Did you swim in the lake? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 1) travel a lot 2) stay at a hotel 3) visit your grandparents 4) help your parents 5) read Russian and English books 6) go to the cinema (zoo) 7) play games (football, volleyball, etc.) 8) walk in the park 9) work in the garden 10) enjoy your holidays A. Say all you can about this place in autumn. It is autumn now. What can you say about the sky, the sun, the clouds, the trees, the grass, the flowers, the weather, the boats, the children? ‘i в. Say all you can about this place in summer. Part A can help you It was summer ... г КЛ *. D 6 Read the texts. Say where these people were in summer. Did they like it? Example'. Roy was in Italy in summer. He enjoyed it. \ Ич!-: 1)... it was j/ery interesting. We yisited a„ lpt_ ful Love, I loved them. Italy Is. beautiful Justin —7 ' - ..=>v Л 3)... g wonderful place. I meet a lot ^ - U* . my Russian holidays girls. Niow^ I have sbme very good friends. Yesterday we visited an old town Moscow. Г show you some photos back home. You'llllike them. J ess ^ near come from Spain. weather won- derful beautiful Sometimes cousin holidays interesting. 7 A. Say what your holidays were like. These questions can help you. stay at home? travel? visit your grandparents? play games? What games? roller-skate or skateboard? work on the computer or play computer games? visit museums? walk in the park? help your parents? enjoy your holidays? B. Work in pairs. Talk about your summer holidays. Ask and answer questions about: 1) Did you 2) Did you 3) Did you 4) Did you 5) Did you 6) Did you 7) Did you 8) Did you 9) Did you 10) Did you where you were; what you did; what you enjoyed r 9 tn Ф ■D DO IT Oni YOUR OWM в 8 9 Choose the right forms to complete the sentences. Example: Sally Barker (like/likes) to play the piano for her family Sally Barker likes to play the piano for her family. 1) John and Sally (travel/travels) to the farm every summer. 2) John (hate/hates) rainy weather. 3) The Barkers (visit/visits) their friends in Glasgow. 4) Margaret (cook/cooks) suppers for her husband and children 5) Margaret and Richard (have/has) their holidays in August 6) Chase (walk/walks) in the park in the evening. N 7) Smokey and Chase (sleep/sleeps) in the hall. Use the right forms to complete the sentences. Example: There (be) a lot of apples in my garden last autumn. There were a lot of apples ... . 1) Teddy’s last holidays (be) very interesting. He (be) in Russia. He (travel), there by plane, by train and by car. 2) Yesterday morning I (walk) a lot in the park. 3) There (be)'no milk in the shop in the evening. 4) In the summer we (visit) a lot of places in London. 5) Did your sister (play) the piano Ч % when she (be) five? 6) Did they (help) their parents when they were on holidays? 10 Complete the sentences. 10 D Example'. There was no ... There was no water in the jug 1) There are some ... 2) There were not any 3) There was a ... . 4) There was some ... 5) Is there any ... ? Step 6) Are there any . 7) What is there . 8) Who is there .. 9) What was there 10) Who was there 9 9 9 9 9 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (2), and say what the Barkers did yesterday morning Example: John played football with some friends. 1) John a) 2) Sally b) 3) Margaret c) 4) Richard d) 5) George e) 6) Chase f) 7) Smokey g) enjoyed his morning sleep. listened to music. watched the news on television. d) washed the plates after breakfast e) worked in the garage. f) played football with some friends g) joined Sally in the kitchen. Read the text and put its parts in a logical order. Our Weekend Л. We decided to spend our weekend near the lake. We were up early on Saturday morning. The weather was beautiful. The sun was not hot. The sky was blue. It was nice and a true summer day. At eleven o’clock we were near the We were tired, hungry and thirsty but we were happy. was wonderful water was We decided to put up the tent^ 11 СП О) TJ м в. Suddenly the sky was dark. There were a lot of clouds in the sky. It was windy and rainy. It was very cold too. Soon it rained hardh That was the end of our weekend. C. Last weekend was not very happy. My friends and I decid-ed to go out of town and spend two or three days in the country. We wanted to live in a tent, to cook food on the fire and play games. Charles and Fred wanted to fish. You knowMthey enj^ it very mucti. But I don’t think they are very good at it. They usuaUy come home with two or three fishes, but they say they can fish very well. 3 Read out the verbs in past simple from the text of exercise 2. "---- .. spT •:— •_ -■ T- ■■■■'■ ■ Помимо глаголов, которые образуют прошедшее время при помощи окончания -ed (их по традиции называют правильными), в английском языке есть целый ряд так называемых неправильных глаголов^ форму которых в прошедшем времени надо заучивать. Вот некоторые из них, ® (3): до went saw have run • had ran take meet took met (See Grammar Reference, pp. 151 152.) СИЛЬНО hard [ha:d] — Cm. таблицу неправильных глаголов, с. 160—161 (часть 2) 4 Listen to what the children did after school, (4). Read the sentences. 1) 2) 12 3) c D Ш 4) 5) 6) - Andrew went to the cinema. Alice went to the park. John went to the zoo. Harry went to the lake. Andrew had soup for dinner. Alice had vegetables. John had chicken and rice. Harry had pizza and an ice cream. Andrew took his dog to the park. Alice took her cat to the garden. John took his pet to the pond. Harry took his pet out into the street. Andrew and his dog ran in the park. Alice and her cat ran in the garden. John and his pet ran near the pond. Harry and his pet ran in the street. Andrew saw a lot of birds in the park. Alice saw a lot of flowers in the garden. John saw a lot of fish in the pond. Harry saw a lot of cars in the street. Andrew met his parents in the park. Alice met her sister in the garden. John met his friends near the pond. Harry met his teacher in the street. Look at the pictures and say: a) where the children went last Thursday; Lizzy Ron Betty Roy b) what the children saw; ЛЧ»11 \ с) who the children met; her friends his granny cousin Rachel his brother d) where the children ran; Ln Ф “O ISJ - zoo park street garden e) what the children had for lunch. fish salad chicken salad vegetables pizza 6 Complete the sentences and speak about your weekend 1) My weekend was 2) On Saturday morning I went to very good, not very good very bad. school. the shop(s). the sports club a club [kL\b] клуб 14 D 7 3) I had lunch 4) For lunch I had 5) Then I 6) In the evening I 7) On Sunday I went to saw usually always sometimes never at home, at school, at the cafe soup. fish. meat. met my friends. went out with my parents. helped my mum (dad, sister, brother). watched TV. read a good book, played computer games the park, the shop(s) the cinema my friends, some toys, a new (good) film like my weekends A. Speak about your weekend. Where did you Who did you meet? Who or what did you see? What did you have for breakfast (lunch, dinner)? What did you do in the evening? Did you enjoy your weekend? B. Work in pairs. Talk about your weekend. Ask and answer questions about where you were; what you did; what was good and bad about your weekend. DO IT ON YOUR OWN 8 9 10 A. Read the text and write the verbs in past simple out of it. Boris’ Holidays Last summer Boris travelled a lot. He visited Great Britain, Canada and France. He went there by plane. He had his came- ra with him and took a lot of pictures. Boris met a lot of interesting people and saw beautiful places. He was happy when on holiday. Example: 1) travelled. B. Whose flags are these? Write the names of the countries 1. 2. 3. •- Use the right forms to complete the sentences. 1) Three days ago Roy (go) to the Lake District. 2) We (have) only four classes last Wednesday. 3) When on holidays I (travel) a lot and (see) a lot of inter- esting places. 4) We didn’t walk to the zoo on Tuesday, we (to go) there by car. 5) Richard (run) to school yesterday but he (be) late. 6) Last Friday my brother (take) me to the pet shop. I (to want) to have a turtle. 7) Jane (meet) her cousin in the bank yesterday afternoon. A. Write what these children had for lunch. 1) Rachel chicken salad 3) Victor soup 2) John pizza 4) Olga fish and rice B. Write what you had for breakfast, lunch and dinner yesterday. Step DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (5), and say which [witf] sentences you can hear f 1) a) Sue has a lot of wonderful books. b) Sue had a., lot of wonderful books. to Ф W 1»й £ 16 D 2) а) Betty usually travels by train, b) Betty usually travelled by train. 3) a) Jessie meets her friends at the weekend, b) Jessie met her friends at the weekend. 4) a) Stuart and Jack run in the park together, b) Stuart and Jack ran in the park together. 5) a) My cousin plays basketball very well, b) My cousin played basketball very well. 6) a) My father sometimes takes me to his office b) My father sometimes took me to his office. 7) a) They wash their cars in the garage, b) They washed their cars in the garage. Listen to the text, text a name. (6). Was the Barkers' weekend interesting? Give the I Last summer the Barkers decided to visit William and Beatrice Barker and their children Ann, Mary, Jim and Charley. On Friday John, Sally and their parents took the four o’clock train from London and travelled to Glasgow. William met them and helped with their bags. They all took a bus to the Barkers’ house near Glasgow. Beatrice cooked a lot of nice things and they had a wonderful supper. John and Sally were tired and went to bed early. On Saturday morning the weather was warm and sunny, and they decided to visit Glasgow. William took them to Glasgow in his car and showed a lot of interesting places. John and Sally loved Glasgow. In the afternoon they all went to a cafe and then watched television and played chess. On Sunday Margaret, Richard and their children visited Glasgow Park and walked there. Late in the afternoon they thanked William and Beatrice and went home by train. The Barkers had a wonderful weekend. 3 Read the text (exercise 2) again and say which facts are true and which are false’. Correct the false sentences. 4 1) The Barkers went to Glasgow on Friday. 2) They went to Glasgow at two o’clock. 3) They travelled to Glasgow by bus. 4) Beatrice met them in Glasgow. 5) Beatrice cooked a wonderful supper. 6) The weather on Saturday was cold and foggy 7) On Sunday the Barkers went to a park. 8) The Barkers went home by car. 17 LO fD ■D W Say what the Barkers did on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Say what Colin is going to do at the weekend. Example’. Colin is going to ... to the sea. Colin is going to go to the sea. 1) Colin is going to 2) He is going to .. 3) He is going to . 4) He is going to . 5) He is going to . 6) He is going to . 7) He is going to . 8) Colin is going to • • a lot in the sea. some new friends, volleyball. a good film in the evening, some nice food in the cafe, breakfast in bed. his car to the sea and back home. .. his weekend at the sea very much 6 Say what you are going to do at the weekend. These are some ideas^. meet my friends do my lessons read a good book play computer games go to the museum eat some nice food visit my grandparents sleep a lot help about the house go to the shop(s) watch a good film talk to my friend on the phone work in the garden ride my bike play with my brother/sister ’ false [fo:ls] — ^ an idea [ai'dia] KP неверный, ложный мысль, идея Match the questions with the answers. о Questions 1) Are you going to play football with us? 2) When are you going to visit your grandparents? 3) Who is going to show him the town? 4) What are you going to do on Saturday evening? 5) How are you going to help me? 6) What are you going to watch in the evening? 7) Where is Mary going to have her birthday party? 8) Why is Sam going to go to Scotland? Answers a) My favourite comedy, I think. b) His granny. c) He loves it there. d) Yes, I am. e) I’ll meet my friends or go to the cinema. f) At the weekend or on Monday. g) I’ll cook dinner for you. h) She’d like to have a garden party. DO IT 01У YOUR OWN 8 9 Write the verbs in past simple out of the text (exercise 2) I. Regular Verbs^ 1) decided 2) ... II. Irregular Verbs^ 1) took 2) ... Complete the sentences. 1) Yesterday morning Polly a very interesting film in the cinema. 2) Jack in the park last Saturday. regular ['regju:l9] verbs правильные глаголы, образующие прошедшее время при помощи окончания -ed irregular verbs неправильные глаголы, образующие прошедшее время иначе 10 3) Sue afternoon. 4) Linda 5) Ben mg. 6) Richard her friend Margaret near the shop yesterday her little sister to the zoo last Thursday a cup of coffee for breakfast on Sunday morn- to the bank after work on Friday Write 5 sentences about what you are going to do tomorrow. 19 Ф ■D Step DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (7), and match the texts with the pictures 2 3 2 Read the dialogue and say where Kate is going for her holidays. What name would you like to give to the dialogue? Ann: When are you going to have your holidays? К a t e: In the autumn. I think I’ll have them in November Ann: Are you going to your country^ house near Moscow? ^ country зд.\ загородный I г 20 D 3 Kate: No, I’m not. Not this time. My family and I are going to Europe. Ann: Lucky you! What places will you visit? Kate: We’ll go to one of the most beautiful places in the world. It is very hot there in the summer, but its weather is pleasant and nice in the spring and in the autumn. A n n: Is this place near the sea^? Kate: No, it isn’t. It stands, on a big river and it is very, very old. There are a lot of interesting places there. Ann: Is it in Spain? Kate: No, it is not. It is in Italy Ann: Oh! I know what it is. It’s ... Moscow Read out the true sentences. (See exercise 2.) 1) Kate is going to spend her holidays near 2) Kate’s family are going to have holidays in September. 3) Kate lives in Russia. 4) Kate is not going to Greece. 5) Kate and her family are going to a very interesting place in Italy. 6) Kate is going to Rome. 7) The weather is usually pleasant and nice in Rome. 8) Rome stands on a river. 9) Rome has a lot of interesting places. sea [si:] море *ш < ^ ш 4 Запомни формы прошедшего времени следующих непра- вильных глаголов. (8). begin — began eat - - ate [et] write — wrote read — read [red] ■ • drink do — — drank did give — gave 21 1/1 Listen, (9), and repeat the sentences about Andrew's and Alice's Sunday. 1) Andrew began his day early. Alice began her day late. 2) Andrew ate cornflakes with milk in the morning. Alice ate porridge. 3) Andrew drank tea with milk. Alice drank coffee. 4) Andrew read a long text. Alice read two short texts. 5) Andrew wrote a wonderful song. Alice wrote a song too. 6) Andrew gave a call to his friend. Alice gave a call to her parents. 7) Andrew did his room. Alice did her room too. Look at the pictures and say: a) when the girls’ classes began; Ф T3 Emma’s classes ... . Betty’s classes Lizzy’s classes b) what they ate for lunch; Emma ... for lunch. Betty ... Lizzy ... с) what they drank in the evening; iA Ч 22 Emma ... in the evening. d) where they read books; Betty Lizzy ... . Emma ... her book ... . Betty Lizzy ... . e) where they wrote letters^; Emma ... a letter ... . Betty ... . Lizzy f) what they gave Ann for her birthday; I •j Emma ... Ann ... . Betty Lizzy . a letter [leta] письмо 6 g) when they did their homework. Emma ... her homework ... . Betty ... . Lizzy ... . Use the right forms to complete the sentences. Example’. Last Friday Mike (take) his dog to the pond Last Friday Mike took his dog to the pond. Yesterday morning John and Sally (be)^ at home alone. They (have)^ breakfast together. They (drink)^ their tea, (eat)^ some sandwiches and (begin)^ to clean the house. They (do)® the house very well. John (take)^ a pen and (write)®: “Dear mum and dad. Sally and I (be)^ in the park. WeTl (be)^® back at 4 o’clock. Love. John. Say what you did or didn't do yesterday. Use the verbs in the box. Example’. I went to school yesterday. I didn’t run near the pond yesterday. 23 i/> П) ■a go, run, eat, have, read, write, drink, see, give, meet, begin, take, be, do DO IT ON YOUR OWIU 8 Write the verbs in the past forms. Example: is — was. 1) is — 6) drink — 11) meet - 2) are — 7) eat — 12) take 3) have — 8) read — 13) run — 4) do — 9) write — 14) give - 5) see — 10) go 9 Choose the right forms to complete the sentences. 24 3 Example'. Last year Nick (was/is) thirteen. Last year Nick was thirteen. 1) Last January we (go/went) to Scotland by train. We often (go/went) there by train. 2) Joan’s brother (is going to visit/visited) Paris soon. 3) They (decide/decided) to go to Russia in June. 4) Bess (does/did) her room two days ago. She always (does/did) her room on Saturday. 5) Do you know where London (is/was)? 6) Boris sometimes (has/had) friends in his country house. 7) Yesterday I (meet/met) my friend Alec at the bus stop. 8) I didn’t (see/saw) Fred at the party. (Was/Is) he there? 10 Ask your parents or friends in Russian and write in English what they ate for breakfast yesterday; what they saw in the street; who they met in the street; where they had lunch; when they drank tea; what they read or wrote in the evening. Step DO IT TOGETHER A. Read the text and the sentences after it. Which of them are true? What name can you give to the text? Hi! My name is Bob, Bob Wilson. My holidays began yesterday. It was a wonderful day. I was up early in the morning. The weather was wonderful. I was happy! I went to the bathroom and had a shower. I dressed and went to the kitchen. My mother gave me breakfast porridge and some salad, ham sand- wich. drank coffee with milk and was ready for my morning walk with my friends. We were all free^ no school, no classes. ^ free [fri:] свободный We met at the bus stop at nine and went to the cinema. There was a good film on and we all wanted to see it. It was “Agent ['ei(^9nt] Colin at the Museum^”. The film began at 9.30. We took a bus and came to the cinema house on time. The film was wonderful. We all liked it a lot. After the film we went to a cafe near the cinema and had lunch there. We were all hungry. We took vegetable pizza, then drank apple, tomato and orange juices and ate ice cream. We enjoyed our meal very much. After lunch we went to the park and had a good time there riding our bikes. 1) Bob was up early. 2) The weather was nasty. 3) The boy’s mother gave him breakfast. 4) Bob had porridge for breakfast. 5) Bob had breakfast with his friends. 6) Bob and his friends met at the cinema. 7) The friends walked to the cinema. 8) After the film the friends were hungry. 9) They had lunch at a cafe. 10) After lunch they went home. 25 Ф "D U1 В. Correct the false sentences. % Read these words. [69] air hair their there Mary [i:] me clean meet teach weekend [D] was coffee song chocolate watch [e] them friend went met ate [ae] had ran began drank January [I] dinner kitchen did ill live [u:] soup too June room moon Listen, (10), and read. A. abroad [a'brord] capital ['kaepitl] за границу, за границей столица city ['siti] — hotel [hau'tel] letter ['leta] sea [si:] — крупный город отель, гостиница 1) буква; 2) письмо море square [skwea] thing [0m] — 1) площадь; 2) квадрат вещь а museum [mju:'zi:9m] музеи D В. abroad: to go abroad, to live abroad, to have holidays abroad. My cousin had wonderful holidays abroad last year, capital: the capital of a country. Moscow is the capital of Russia. London is the capital of England. city: Moscow is a city. London is a city too. There are a lot of cars and buses in big cities. To do the city: when we visited Russia, we went to Moscow and did the city, hotel: a big hotel, in/at a hotel, to have a room in a hotel. When we were in London, we had a room in a big London hotel. letter: 1) a long letter, a short letter. He never writes letters to his friends. 2) a small letter, a capital letter. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. How many letters are there in the Russian alphabet? sea: in the sea, the Black Sea, the Red Sea. Fish swim in the sea. We went to the sea last Sunday. square: 1) a big square, a square in a town. Red Square, in the square. When my parents were in Moscow, they visited Red Square. 2) I can see two black squares and one red square in the book. thing things: good things, a lot of things, a lot of interesting things. You can see a lot of interesting things in England. 4 A. Look at the map and name the capitals of these countries in Europe. Capitals London, Helsinki, Paris, Madrid, Rome, Moscow Example: Helsinki is the capital of Finland. в. Say what the weather was like in those cities yesterday. I Example'. It was foggy and nasty in London inilill III»itj London \ / Paris Rome •h 17 j (-5°) He Ui nki M ad rid Moscow Английские слова town и city переводятся русским словом город. Знакомое тебе слово town часто обозначает небольшой город. Существительное city обычно используется для описания крупного города. Кроме того, этим словом обозначают и не очень большие города, в которых располагается собор. Read what cities they visited and say who was abroad last summer. All the children live in Russia. Example: Nora was abroad. 1) Vera visited Moscow. 2) Nora visited Kiev. 3) Boris visited Novgorod. 4) Peter visited Minsk. 5) David visited Vladimir 6) Kostya visited Sofia. 27 LO Ф “D U1 7) Nina visited Paris. 8) Dan visited London. 9) Jane visited Odessa. 10) Tanya visited Delhi ['deli] 11) Sonya visited Lvov. 6 V 28 Ч.' D Say what you can see in this square. 7 A. Listen to the dialogue. (11). What are Dan's plans for the summer? B. Listen to the dialogue again and complete the sentences. 1) Dan didn’t like in Britain last year. 2) The capital of Greece^ is near 3) Dan’s lives in Greece. 4) Dan is going to write a about his plans to his cousin DO IT 01У YOUR OWN 8 Which are the odd words out^? 1) park, street, letter, square 2) hotel, abroad, bank, school 3) pond, thing, lake, sea 4) capital, city, house, town 5) Moscow, London, Greece, Rome ^ Greece [gri:s] — ^ the odd word out Греция зд.: лишнее слово 9 Complete the sentences. Use the new words. 10 square, sea, abroad, thing, hotel, capital, city, letter 1) What is the first ... of the alphabet? 2) It is very interesting to go and meet new people 3) The most beautiful in Moscow is Red 4) A lot of people like to go to the ... for their holidays 5) Delhi is a big in India. It is the of the country 6) There is a big new in the square. 7) The best for me is to go travelling in the country These sentences come from two letters. Write the letters. Check, (12). Last summer I visited the capital of Italy. It was cold and rainy in Helsinki. Next summer I decided to go to Italy. I decided to go to Italy next summer again. I can’t say I liked the country and its cities very much. It was very hot there, but I liked the squares and streets of Rome very much. Last summer I visited Finland. Step 29 to fD "O DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the dialogue. (13), and say which sentences are true. 1) Claude [kb:d] and Jerry are going to the sea together. 2) Claude is going abroad with his sister. 3) Julia is going to London. 4) Claude is not going to warm countries. 5) Julia doesn’t want to see the squares of London. 6) Claude is going to write to Jerry from London. 7) Claude is going to write a letter to Jerry. 2 Use the right forms and read the sentences. 1) 2) , 3) Щ 'A-j 4) 30 У 5) С 6) ш 1 7) 8) 9) 10) Last year Victor (is/was) abroad. He (goes/went) to the capital of England. Red Square (is/was) in Moscow. (Is/Was) Glasgow a city or a town? Last summer we (visit/visited) England and (see/saw) a lot of interesting things. Three years ago Richard (takes/took) French lessons. Now my friends and I always (meet/met) at 4 o’clock in the afternoon and (do/did) a lot of things together. We never (run/ran) in the park in the morning, we do it in the evening. John usually (has/had) five lessons on Wednesday but last Wednesday he (has/had) four. Three weeks ago Andrew (visits/visited) his sister Sue. Sue (lives/lived) in the capital of France. Paris (is/was) a beautiful city. There (are/were) no shops in Green Square now. A. Use the right forms to complete the text. John Barker’s Weekday morning begins early. At seven o’clock I (be) in the kitchen for breakfast. I (have) porridge, (eat) two sandwiches and (drink) a cup of strong tea. Then I (go) to school, class we (read) Russian and English books, (do) sums^ and (write) lot. o’clock we (have) lunch. I (eat) some chicken and rice and (drink) orange juice. At 3 o’clock our teacher (give) us our homework and we (go) home. B. Compare your weekday with John's. Example'. John’s morning begins early. My morning begins early too 4 Read the word combinations. cold small room clever dog narrow street a colder a smaller room a cleverer dog a narrower street III the coldest day the smallest room the cleverest dog the narrowest street to do sums [sAmz] решать примеры с) a big car — a bigger car — the biggest car a fat cat — a fatter cat — the fattest cat a hot season — a hotter season — the hottest season a sad girl — a sadder girl — the saddest girl a hungry man - — a hungrier man — the hungriest man a cosy flat — a cosier flat — the cosiest flat a happy child — a happier child — the happiest child an early visit — an earlier visit — the earliest visit Compare the weather. Use the following words. hot, cold, windy, foggy, sunny, cloudy, rainy, frosty Example: Glasgow New York It is cloudier in Glasgow than in New York. -iu H,-- 31 b% Ф “D Ф 1) Rome Moscow + 15 5) -20 New York ^ -30 Moscow 2) Paris r УЩ London 6) ‘ ^ i 6 t! "Ski .id fis ^ laN |ИН») London I 9 $0 I I I I III n I n I II r Madrid a a i 3) Novgorod Glasgow 7) Novgorod Rome 4) I » I 0 »n I I i I I III n I I t Madrid 8) Moscow New York Glasgow Ч ’ 32 D 6 Choose the right forms to complete the sentences. 1) Roy is .. a) young than his brother Jack. b) younger c) the youngest 2) Winters in Moscow now are a) warm 3) Horses are . a) slow 4) Is this book a) old b) warmer than cars. b) slower . in the library? b) older than twenty years ago c) the warmest c) the slowest c) the oldest 5) Green Hill is not very a) high 6) Jack’s bike is a) new 7) Is the elephant a) strong b) higher c) the highest It is Jack’s birthday present. b) newer . animal? b) stronger c) the newest c) the strongest 8) Sarah! Your hands are than your brother’s hands! a) dirty b) dirtier c) the dirtiest Если нужно сравнить два предмета, а их качества одинаковы, в английском языке часто употребляется конструкция The brown table is big the yellow table. Коричневый стол такой же большой, как и жёлтый. Если качества предметов неодинаковы, используются конструкции not as as/not so Sunday was not as cold as Saturday, было таким холодным, как суббота. John is not so tall as his father, высокий, как его отец. (See Grammar Reference, p. 142.) Воскресенье не Джон не такой 7 Compare the pictures. Check, (14). Example: The yellow house is as big as the cinema. The pink house is not so big as the cinema 1) big CINE 2) big \ 3) new 4) new 5) tall 6) tall Charles Charles ED , у mSrnim 3X> Peter 8 7) old 8) old 9) long 10) long TOM Sam TOM 11) strong 12) strong DO IT ON YOUR OWN Compare these. Example’. The grey cat is as small as the white cat. The red dog is 1Л fD ■o O) not as/so big as the black dog. 1) the grey cat small the white cat 2) the red dog big Ф the black dog 3) the chair high the bench 4) the girl tall the boy 5) the green tree tall Ф the yellow tree 6) the sitting room cosy Ф the bedroom .у 7) the kitchen the hall 8) the garden the forest clean green г Ш w I 9 Compare two of your friends. Write 3 sentences about them 34 strong as ... as c not as ... as tall D 1 not so ... as old/young 10 Write the verbs in the past forms. Write, read, do, go, play, finish, take, begin, visit, see, eat, drink. Step DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (15), and match the two parts of the sentences Victor wrote a letter to friend When the children were Moscow, they saw a lot of interesting things My parents and I often visit Jane took her brother They gave me We had vegetables a) my grandparents b) to England. c) chicken for lunch d) for lunch. e) in Red Square. f) in England. 2 Compare them. Check, (16). Examples: 1) The National Gallery in London (1838) The Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow (1856) old The National Gallery in London is nearly^ as old as the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. long The Thames (334 km) The Moskva River (473 km) The Thames is not as long as the Moskva River. nearly ['niali] почти 1) Moscow (« 9m people) London (« 8m people) 2) Moscow (« 12th century^) Kiev (« 6th century) 3) Russia (« 17,075,400 km^) Great Britain (» 244,088 km^) 4) France (543,965 km^) Spain (504,782 km^) 5) Vatican City (0,4 km^) Monaco (2 km^) 6) Mount Everest (8,848 m) Mount Elbrus (5,642 m) 7) The Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow (1776) The Covent Garden Opera House in London (1732) 8) The Wall Tower of New York (290 m) The Eiffel ['aifol] Tower in Paris (300 m) 9) January in Moscow (« -December in Moscow (« 10,8 °C) -7,5 °C) 10)June in Moscow (» +16 °C) July in Moscow (« +18,3 °C) big old small big small high old high cold 35 LO Ф "O 4J warm 3 4 Read the word combinations. A. a beautiful square — a more beautiful square beautiful square a pleasant evening -pleasant evening an interesting book interesting book a wonderful thing -wonderful thing a comfortable room most comfortable room B. a good song a bad day — a more pleasant evening a more interesting book a more wonderful thing the most the most the most the most a more comfortable room the - a better song a worse day — — the best song the worst day Put the words in the two columns. sweet, pleasant, sunny, narrow, long, comfortable, interesting, young, favourite, wonderful, hot, frosty ^ a century ['sentfari] век, столетие I. -er/est II. more/most V. 36 D Choose the right forms to complete the sentences. 1) Alla’s flat is (more comfortable/most comfortable) than Peter’s flat. 2) My parents are (better/the best) in the world. 3) High Street is (more interesting/the most interesting) street in the city. 4) Lizzy’s plan for holidays is (more pleasant/the most pleasant) than your plan. 5) Helen’s story was (more wonderful/the most wonderful). 6) Ken’s answer was (worse/ the worst). 7) Andrew says his holidays were (better/the best). Известное тебе существительное country является многозначным словом. Помимо значения «страна», которое ты знаешь, оно может обозначать сельскую местность, деревню. Обрати внимание на словосочетания to live country country поехать за город жить в деревне, за городом 6 Listen to the text, (17), and choose a name for it a) Novgorod in Summer b) My Summer Holidays c) Travelling in Russia In Russia we have school holidays in spring, in summer, in autumn and in winter. Our summer holidays are the longest. They usually begin in June and finish in August. School begins in September. Russian schoolchildren say that they like their summer holidays very much. Many children spend their holidays in the country. Some boys and girls travel in Russia and abroad with their parents. Russia is a very big country, bigger than many countries in the world. There are a lot of interesting places in it. 8 Last summer my parents and I travelled to Nizhny Novgorod. Nizhny Novgorod is an old city on the Volga. My sister Kate, our parents and I went to Nizhny Novgorod by train. To travel by train can be as comfortable as to travel by plane or by sea. We liked the city of Nizhny Novgorod, one of the biggest and oldest cities in Russia. We saw the Kremlin with its thirteen towers and went to Pokrovskaya Street to buy some presents for our friends. Kate and I enjoyed our holidays. We are going to visit Nizhny Novgorod again next summer and see more of the place. A. Read the text in Exercise 6 again and answer the questions. 1) How many holidays do Russian schoolchildren have a year? 2) What are the longest school holidays? 3) When do they begin and finish? 4) Where can Russian schoolchildren travel in summer? 5) What place did Peter travel to last summer? 6) Did he like the place? 7) What did he write about it? 8) Is Peter going to visit this place again? B. Work in pairs. Talk about your school holidays. Ask and answer questions about: how many holidays you have and when; what you like to do when you are on holiday; where you go on holiday. DO IT ON YOUR OWiy Compare them and write the sentences. Example: Bill is ten. Polly is eight, (old) Bill is older than Polly. 1) Sarah is three. Alice is twelve, (young) 2) Green Street is 500 m long. Apple Street is 600 m long 3) It is cold in Moscow in winter. It is very cold in Mur- mansk in winter. 4) TV programme 5 is interesting. TV programme 9 is very interesting. 5) Bill’s answer is good. John’s answer is not so good. 6) My flat is comfortable, my sister’s flat is very comfort- able. - /шК 4. . . 37 to a> "D 9 Complete the sentences. Use as or than. I 38 3 10 1) The Oka is shorter ... the Volga 2) Ben is strong as his brother. 3) Andrew is not so tall Jack. 4) The weather in spring is more pleasant in late autumn 5) My bedroom is as comfortable ... 6) My new book is more interesting my sitting room ... the old book. 7) The flowers on the flowerbed are not so beautiful ... the roses under the window. Write a card’ to John or Sally about your summer holidays Dear John/Sally, The holidays are over and I’m back home. The weather was cold and rainy hot and sunny I was in • the country June at the sea in July August with my parents, with my sister, with my brother, with my friends. We went there by car. bus. train. plane sea. I played games saw a lot visited my grandparents there Did you enjoy your holidays? Love, ... ’ a card [ka:dl открытка Step Round-up 1 DO IT TOGETHER A. Listen, (18), and complete the texts. :J^y. -j| 1.10 writino Trom Glasgow. I love it here. OIqsqow is very going to live in a small and ... hotel. The weath- • ^1 I ■ ■ т^тштвттЛ^ *т\»тттттттттт^штяштттшятля^штш^щтшшт,т^^• ‘•*отммм«отммимтиамм1мм«ммнмммммм* ■ явтти^ ^ ^mtm, ег is fine: Colin • • • and • • • »h -* • See you in London. rD ■D 00 C-' \ Ч ! I'm enjoying Rome I г f ■ l: Л } ^ ^■r IV 10.11 ing and in the afterr^ion visit museums in the morn-. at nice little cafes. It's rainy here in late autumn but not • • • I like this • • • This afternoon I'm going to Florence for 2 days. I know I'm going to # • • it. Giwe my love to mum and granny Sarah Dear Pam. 8Ш_ Florida is very beautiful but ±JLt. We have no cloudy days at all. We swim a lot. The water is very JJUL In the morning we have and we don't eat, but in the in the hotel. In the # • # it's very hot • • • cafe to have our we go to g nice little • • • We • • • it here. Give our love to William. See you in Leeds. Rose and Sam B. Say what countries the cards came from. 2 Say it in a different^ way. Example: Glasgow is not as big as London, (big/small) Glasgow is smaller than London. London is bigger than Glasgow. ^ round-up — повторение ^ different ['difrant] — другой, иной 'у ksf 4 The weather today not warm yesterday. (cold/warm) The dinner table is not as low as the coffee table, (high/low) Autumn is not dry as summer, (dry/rainy) Days summer are not short days in late autumn. (long/short) My sister is not The coffee is not hot my brother, (old/young) the tea. (hot/cold) Ben comes from a small place in England. Now he is in London. What does he think of the English capital? Example: London is (big) than his place. London is bigger than his place. The houses in London are (high) than in his place. The streets are (long) than in his place. The squares are (big). The hotels are (cosy) than in his place. The cars are (good) than in his small town. The shop windows in London are (beautiful) than in his place. The parks in London are (interesting) than in his small town. The weather in London was (sunny) than in his place. In the cafes he could eat (good) food than in his place. But soon he saw that the people in his town are (pleasant). When Ben was home from the capital, he was (happy) than in London. Say the same’ in the past. Example: Mary does her flat every day Mary did her flat every day. We meet the afternoon to play a game of football. My friend Steve runs better than me. Jane has vegetables for lunch. The Smiths museums at weekends. My dad often takes me the cinema. Ben friends, but not very often. Alice reads a lot of books summer. Andy writes us from abroad. My mum gives me tea for breakfast. 10) Colin begins days early. 11)We eat ice cream and drink juice end of the street. cosy cafe at the the same [seim] TO же самое A. 1) ... ? • 2) ... ? • 3) ... 9 • 4) ... ? • B. 1) ... 9 • 2) ... 9 • 3) ... 9 • 4) ... 9 • C. 1) ... 9 • 2) ... 9 • 3) ... 9 • 4) ... 9 • D. 1) ... 9 • 2) ... 9 • 3) ... 9 • 4) ... 9 • 5 to the questions. What are the questions? Yes, I often go abroad. No, we don’t travel in winter. Yes, Alice likes to visit her grandparents. No, Bob doesn’t often go to museums. Yes, Tom wrote a letter yesterday. No, Bob didn’t eat his lunch. Yes, I did my room in the morning. No, Betty didn’t wash up after breakfast. Yes, Moscow is the capital of Russia. No, they are not abroad now. Yes, John was in Canada in May. No, the Barkers were not in Scotland last autumn. Yes, there are a lot of people there. No, there is not a cinema in the place where I live. No, there was not a bus stop in my street last year. Yes, there were many cars in the street. Ф "D 00 6 Read the dialogue and say which sentences are true. What name can you give to the dialogue? . a) Dan visited Russia last Summer. b) Dan loved Russia’s capital. c) The weather was nasty in Moscow. d) Dan liked Russian people. e) Dan enjoyed his visit to Moscow. Hello, Dan! It’s so nice to see you again. What about your holidays? They were fine. I had a wonderful time. Where were you? Did you go abroad? Yes, I did. I was in Russia. In Russia? What can you say about it? Russia is a big and very interesting country. Its capital, Mos- f. Г-- 42 '/ 'V D 7 COW, is very beautiful. I think it’s one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Its parks and squares are very green. What was the weather like there? It was very sunny and hot in July. What were the people like? Nice and friendly^ I met a lot of pleasant people, saw some wonderful places and did a lot of interesting things. Match the words (a—h) with the pictures (1—8). a) seahorse b) letterbox c) city centre d) plaything e) visitors’ book f) sea dog g) capital letter h) holidaymaker 7. Л •. Гу s . Л. J s '4 I 7 - r DO IT Oni YOUR OWN 8 Choose the true answers to these questions about your summer. 1) Was the weather pleasant in summer? a) Yes, it was. b) No, it wasn’t. 2) Did you stay in summer in the place where you live? a) Yes, I did. 3) Did you go abroad? a) Yes, I did. b) No, I didn’t. b) No, I didn’t. 4) Did you play a lot in summer? a) Yes, I did. 5) Did you write letters? a) Yes, I did. b) No, I didn’t. b) No, I didn’t. ^ friendly ['frendli] дружелюбный 9 10 6) Did you read books? a) Yes, I did. 7) Did you travel a lot? b) No, I didn’t a) Yes, I did. b) No, I didn’t Use the questions from exercise 8 and write about your holidays. Get ready to write Dictation 1. Ln Dictation 1 To go abroad, a capital city, to write a letter. Ф "D VO to do a lot of things, Red Square, to live near the sea, an old hotel. ■O о box abroad, capital, city. hotel, letter, sea, square begin — began meet - — met do — did read - — read drink — drank. run — - ran eat — ate see — saw give - — gave take - - took go went write — wrote have ■ — had step Test Yourself 1 I. LISTENING Listen, (19), and say what you hear. 1) a) I went abroad for my summer holidays b) I went abroad for my winter holidays. 2) a) Last summer we travelled by train, b) Last summer we travelled by plane. 3) a) They visited a lot of wonderful places, b) They visited a lot of interesting places 1 test yourself [jDi'self] проверь себя D 4) а) The children saw а lot of squares, b) The children see a lot of squares. 5) a) Ann did a lot of things yesterday b) Ann did a lot of rooms yesterday. 6) a) Where is the hotel? b) Where was the hotel? 7) a) We lived near the sea. b) We live near the sea. Maximum result 7 Your result 9 • II. READING Read the letter and say what sentences after it are true Dear Meg. family were sea we loved there. Our was There were shops near cinema hotel concert very comfortable, cosy cafes modern too. The There was swimmi often went there. The room vK T' { W И ■ > i *» * T MB .Cv о ' V гл^ . c > I shower. The hotel was near television sea fridge tiful place. The weather July was wonderful very beau- sunny. We had a very good time ant people. The children enjoyed best holidays ever. ■ m тш1»т |||> d ■ < IP ■ ■! I I HPIH»U'M^34 ■ ■ ■ ,« л i ■ ■ >j , Ж| i Г i i ■! »i и шштш met some very pleas- Ill ui iii pAw'ii 'aWiaiuM ■ 11И M Ml ^nn Now we are home there are School begins next week work begins next week too. are going to visit parents weekend, clean ■Mg M ■! L <> ■ I iH^i ■ ^». house water Come soon. Martin summer Martin’s family lived in a big city, summer Martin’s family watched a lot of television summer Martin’s family lived in a nice place, summer Martin’s family went to cafes and shops. Maximum result 4 Your result 9 • III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) 3 Write these verbs in the past forms. Example: have — have — • • • - had 1) show - • • • 6) drink 2) take — • • • 7) write 3) do • • • 8) give 4) run — • • • 9) meet 5) eat — • • • 10) see - Maximum result 10 Your result ? • 4 Write it in a different way. Use as ... as, not so ... as. 1) The old square is smaller than the new square 2) Bob is taller than Roy. 3) Jane is seven. Pat is seven too. 4) Moscow is beautiful. London is beautiful too. 5) The Volga is longer than the Oka. 6) Summers are more pleasant than winters. Maximum result 6 Your result ? • IV. SPEAKING Read about Sasha's holidays and speak about your summer I usually go to the country for my summer holidays and I enjoy it there. Last summer I went to the sea with my parents. We travelled there by train. I liked the sea very much. Next summer I’m going to England. My sister and I are going to live at our friend’s place. We are going to see some interesting places in England and Scotland. I would like to go abroad to the USA and have my holidays in Florida. Maximum result 5 Your result 9 • V. WRITING 6 Write Dictation 1, Ф (20) 46 D Maximum result 7 Your result ? • step 10 Enjoy Yourself 1 Total result 39 Your result ? • DO IT TOGETHER What do you know about Aesop ['ksop]? Read the text about him to know more. Aesop’s Fables Aesop was an ancient [’einjont] Greek writer. He wrote short stories. People know them as Aesop’s fables. They teach moral lessons. Most of Aesop’s stories are about animals and birds, but these animals and birds are very much like people. These days people often read Aesop’s fables, and tell them to their children. These fables often end in morals. Эзоп басни древний истории как, похожий рассказывают заканчиваются 2 Read Aesop's fable "The Grasshopper and the Ant". кузнечик Choose the best moral (1—4) for it. 1) People who work a lot are not good friends. 2) If^ you have problems, people never help. 3) A short but happy life is the best. 4) Be ready for hard^ times and have some things for a rainy day'‘. enjoy yourself if [If] - зд,: для удовольствия если hard [hard] — for a rainy day тяжелый, трудный про запас, на «черный день» The Grasshopper and the Ant It was summer. A Grasshopper lived in the green grass near a high hill. He liked to sing and dance very much. He often hopped and played in the grass [gra:s] in the daytime and when it was dark, he looked at the stars in the sky and at the yellow moon. Sometimes he went to the mountains ['mauntanz] and walked in the woods. He had a very good time. He didn’t work, he didn’t think about food. He had a lot to eat and his house was a beautiful place in the grass under a flower. One day the Grasshopper saw an Ant. The Ant looked tired. He was hot. He had a big sack on his back. “Why are you working on such a lovely day?” asked the Grasshopper. “I am collecting food for winter,” answered the Ant. прыгал, трава горы 1/1 Ф тз о выглядел мешок, спина собираю But the Grasshopper didn’t like the idea. He liked to play, to dance and to sing. Soon winter came. There was a lot of snow. The Grasshopper had no food. He was very hungry. So, he went to the Ant and asked him for food. I worked all summer to collect my food,” said the Ant. U What did you do?” “I did a lot of things,” answered the Grasshopper. “I danced, I played, I listened to music.” u Well, if you dance and play in summer and if you do not work, you have no food in winter,” answered the Ant. 3 Act out the fable. 4 I V • “VV. 48 What Russian poet wrote fables? What by this poet is like Aesop's "The Grasshopper and the Ant"? In what way are they different’? Listen to the poem "Bed in Summer Russian. Why is it easier to get up in Read the poem in English. /I Ф (21). in English and read it in ; to ao to bed in winter? Bed in Summer (Bu R. L. Stevenson) In winter I get up at night. And dress by yellow candlelight ['kaendllait]. In summer, quite the other way, I have to go to bed by day. I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping on the tree. Or hear the grown-up people’s feet Still going past me in the street. And does it not seem hard to you. When all the sky is clear and blue. And I should like so much to play. To have to go to bed by day? свет свечи совершенно наоборот должен взрослый, здл шаги мимо кажется would like Зимой и летом Зимой, ещё не брезжит свет, А я уже умыт, одет. Напротив, летом спать меня Всегда кладут при свете дня. Средь бела дня я спать иду, А птицы прыгают в саду, И взрослые, покинув дом. Гуляют под моим окном. Скажите, это ли не зло: Когда ещё совсем светло И так мне хочется играть, — Вдруг должен я ложиться спать! {Перевод М. Лукашкиной) In what way are they different? В чём различие между ними? Роберт Льюис Стивенсон (1850 1894) известным писатель шотланд- ского происхождения. Его приключен- ческие книги «Остров сокровищ» и «Похищенным» хорошо известны детям во всём мире и любимы ими. 49 б Listen to the song and sing it along, Ф (22). The Ants Go Marching 1) The ants go marching one by one, Ф ■D hurrah, hurrah! The ants go marching one by one. hurrah, hurrah! идут маршем по одному о The ants go marching one by one. the little one stops to eat a crumb. And they all go marching down to the ground to get out of the rain. Boom, boom, boom! 2) The ants go marching two by two. hurrah, hurrah! (2 times) The ants go marching two by two. the little one stops to tie his shoe. And they all 3) The ants go marching three by three. hurrah, hurrah! (2 times) The ants go marching three by three. the little one stops to climb a tree. 4) The ants go marching four by four. hurrah, hurrah! (2 times) The ants go marching four by four. the little one stops to shut the door. крошка под землю, чтобы спастись от дождя по двое чтобы завязать башмак чтобы забраться на дерево чтобы захлопнуть дверь 5) The ants go marching five by five, hurrah, hurrah! (2 times) The ants go marching five by five, the little one stops to rob a hive. о D 6) The ants go marching six by six, hurrah, hurrah! (2 times) The ants go marching six by six, the little one stops to pick up sticks. 7) The ants go marching seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah! (2 times) The ants go marching seven by seven the little one stops to pray to Heaven, 8) The ants go marching eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah! (2 times) The ants go marching eight by eight, the little one stops to lock the gate. 9) The ants go marching nine by nine, hurrah, hurrah! (2 times) The ants go marching nine by nine, the little one stops to check the time. 10) The ants go marching ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah! (2 times) The ants go marching ten by ten, the little one stops to say “The End”, чтобы ограбить улей чтобы подобрать палочки чтобы помолитьс; небесам чтобы запереть ворота чтобы проверить который час чтобы сказать « Конец!» DO IT 01У YOUR OWiy 7 Read the fable "The Grasshopper and the Ant" again. Write the sentences in the right order. a) The grasshopper saw an ant. b) The grasshopper didn’t like the idea. c) A grasshopper lived in the green grass near a high hill. d) He had a big sack on his back. e) Soon winter came. f) “I am collecting food for winter.” g) He didn’t work and he didn’t think about food. h) “Why are you working on such a lovely day?” i) 66 f. 51 .1 Ln CD ID If you do not work in summer, you have no food in о winter. 8 The first’ letters of these words make a new word. What is it? Write it The word is ... . 1. 2. 3. Ч / V / I N 4. 5. 6 7 8. 9. 10. 11 9 Do Project Work 1. Complete a new page of your English Alburn^. Ask your family or friends to help if necessary. PROJECT WORK 1. Write an e-mail or a letter to your imaginary pen friend about your summer. Illustrate it with pictures. первый first [fsrst] — an album ['aelbaml альбом D KJ Family History Step DO IT TOGETHER Mrs Lessing travels a lot. Listen to what she says about her visit to Russia, What Nevsky Prospect Dvortsovaya Square The Pushkin Museum The Summer Gardens The Kremlin Tverskaya Street II.J p_4_i|.Xii IIJ Moscow, Red Square, Dvortsovaya Square, St Petersburg, the Kremlin, the Pushkin Museum, Moscow Zoo, Nevsky Prospect, the Russian Museum, the Summer Gardens, the Alexandrovsky Garden, Tverskaya Street history ['histari] история Щ 2 The capitals of what countries are they? Example'. Rome is Rome is the capital of Italy. 1) Moscow is 3) London is 5) Madrid is 2) Paris is 4) Helsinki is 3 Complete the two texts. Use the verbs in the right forms. Give names to the texts. 1) ? Last Friday Mike (take) his dog to the pond. He (play) with his dog. They (run) and (jump) a lot. They (meet) Mike’s friend Bob there. Bob (be) thirsty. Mike (give) him a bottle of mineral water he (have). Bob (thank) Mike and (drink) some water. 2) ? Yesterday Fred and Jim (decide) to go to the park. They (want) to ride their bikes. In the park they (see) their friends Kevin and Liz. They (have, not) their bikes with them, but they (have) a big brown ball. The children (begin) to play. They (play) three games. Then they (go) home to do their lessons. Fred (read) an English book and (write) an Eng- lish text. At 5 o’clock he (eat) his dinner. Прошедшее время, использование которого ты изучаешь, по-английски называется past simple [,pa:st 'simpl]. Так называемые правильные глаголы, образующие past sim- ple при помощи окончания -ed, имеют некоторые орфо- графические особенности. 1. Если глагол оканчивается на у, а перед ней стоит согласная, буква у меняется на i: try tried, cry cried, marry married. Ho если перед у стоит гласная. то замена обычно не происходит: play played. 2. Если глагол имеет краткую гласную, то согласная после неё удваивается: stop stopped, hug hugged, hop hopped. 3. Если глагол оканчивается на I, то эта буква в британском варианте английского языка удваивается: travel travelled. 4. Если глагол оканчивается на е, то эта буква опускается decide decided. (See Grammar Reference, pp. 151 152.) . . s-b - 53 Ln Ф "O 4 Write past simple of these verbs. Try, decide, play, want, live, hop, travel, skate, phone, stop, cry, marry, hug. © Bn 54 Запомни формы прошедшего времени следующих непра- вильных глаголов, ^ (24). 3 ISJ таке соте made came swim sing swam sang speak sit — sat spoke ences, (25), and repeat them. 1) Pam made porridge for breakfast. Ann made coffee for breakfast. 2) Pam came home at 3. Ann came home at 4. Pam swam swimming Pam sang at home. lake. Ann swam in the Ann sang 5) At school Pam spoke English. Ann spoke Russian at school. 6) Pam sat in the armchair and read a book of fables. Ann sat on the sofa and read a book of fables. V- . . *4. Когда вопрос ставится к подлежащему (who-question), вспомогательный глагол не используется. Who swam in the lake? Who played football? — — I did. John did. В ответах вместо смыслового глагола, чтобы избежать повторения, часто используется глагол do в соответствующем времени и форме. Обрати внимание, что в настоящем времени в этих числа и do 1меет форму does в 3-м j для всех остальных лиц. Who speaks English well? Alice does. Who goes to school on Saturday? We do. В прошедшем времени глагол имеет форму did для всех лиц. (See Grammar Reference, р. 159.) 6 Read the sentences (Exercise 5) again and answer the questions Example’. Who came home at 4? 1) Who spoke English at school? 2) Who swam in the swimming pool? 3) Who sang at home? 4) Who sat in the armchair? 5) Who sat on the sofa? 6) Who swam in the lake? 7) Who spoke Russian at school? 8) Who came home at 3? 9) Who made coffee for breakfast? Ann did fD "D 7 Look at the pictures and say what Jessica did last Saturday. School 1) come 2) swim 3) speak 4) make 5) sing 6) sit, watch DO IT OI\l YOUR OWN 8 i Use the right forms of the verbs to complete these sentences. Yesterday John (come) home late. He (make) a cup of hot tea, (drink) it and (go) to the swimming pool where he (swim) with his friend Colin. At nine o’clock the friends (be) at the cafe. They (decide) to have supper. They (sit) down at the table, (make) an order^ and (speak) about their plans for the weekend. 56 9 10 Write answers to these questions about your family. 1) Who made breakfast for your family yesterday? 2) Who goes to work on Monday? 3) Who watches television in the evening? 4) Who spoke on the telephone yesterday? 5) Who came home after school on Friday? 6) Who drinks tea in the morning? Write past simple of these verbs. Travel, stop, try, hug, play, sing, swim, sit Step DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (26), and say which sentences you hear. 1) a) Ann speaks Russian very well, b) Ann spoke Russian very well. 2) a) The girls make tea every afternoon, b) The girls made tea every afternoon. 3) a) In summer we swim a lot. b) In summer we swam a lot. 4) a) They sit on the park bench, b) They sat on the park bench. 5) a) Jane and Jill sing old English songs very well, b) Jane and Jill sang old English songs very well 6) a) The children come to school at eight, b) The children came to school at eight. T.'J ■AS •:i Чтобы сказать по-английски родиться, употребляют структуру to be born, I was born in May. He was born in March. She was born in August (27). We were born in Moscow You were born in France. They were born in Italy. ^ to make an order делать заказ, заказывать 2 А. Say when these children were born. Example: Roy was born in January nui aarv Roy toocber James mchra Alice ivlu Colin prali Kate moberven Dick gaustu Dolly debercem Fred rvfebrua berseptem John amv Jane Rob men Ann 57 to fD ■Q M R Say in what season they were born. Example: Roy was born in winter 3 Say where these people were born. Example: Steven/Paris Steven was born in Paris. Pedro and Carmen/Madrid Pedro and Carmen were born in Madrid. 1) Andrew/London 2) Stella/Madrid 3) Nick/Rome 4) Natasha and Alex/Moscow 5) Bob and James/Glasgow 6) Pete and Wendy/Leeds 4 Listen to the sentences. (28). What do the new words mean? 1) Mr Norton is a journalist. He works for television. 2) Journalists usually travel a lot and meet a lot of people. 3) My father’s hobby is photography, he likes to take pictures^ of our family. 4) Photography is very interesting and not at all easy. to take pictures фотографировать, делать снимки i Listen and read, (29). A. aunt [a:nt] learn [1з:п] тетя учить(ся), узнавать magazine [|maega'zi:n] newspaper ['nju:s,peip9] uncle ['лдк1] — дядя university [ju:ni'v3:s9ti] журнал газета университет в. aunt: my aunt. Aunt Polly, John’s aunt. My two aunts live in my home town. Aunt Liz is forty-two. learn (learnt/learned learnt/learned): to learn English, to learn Russian, to learn a lot of things. At our lessons we learn a lot of interesting things. When did he learn play the piano? magazine: a new magazine, my favourite magazine, to read magazines. I don’t read children’s magazines. We can read about it in this magazine. newspaper: a British newspaper, a school newspaper, write for a newspaper. My friend writes for our school newspaper. uncle: her uncle, Sally’s uncle. Do you often visit your aunt and uncle? Where does your uncle live? university: new university, London University, Moscow University, to be at university, to go to university. Do you want to be a university student? They met when they were university. 6 Read the text. Read out the sentences with the new words (ex. 4, 5). John Barker John Barker was born in London. He has mother, Margaret Barker, a father, Richard > - V. V Barker, and Barker ker teaches music younger sister Sally. Richard children’s doctor and Margaret Bar- school. The family live in London John’s aunt and uncle and Green Street. cousins live in Scotland but come to London to visit the Barkers. John went school when was five children in Great Britain do^). John wants ish well. John would like and meet speak French, Russian and Span- journalist, travel over the world interesting people. wants work for a newspaper or a magazine. Глагол do в этом предложении заменяет глагол g*o, чтобы избежать повторения. John isn’t always a good pupil. He has too many things to do. He loves football and photography. John takes the pictures of the places he visits. He has some very good pictures of the Lake District and Scotland. This year John is working a lot. He wants to be one of the best pupils in his class. After he finishes school, John wants to go to London University. 7 Say what you know about: John’s parents; John’s sister; John’s aunt and uncle; John’s interests; John’s hobbies; John’s plans. 59 'Л П) "D ISJ DO IT OIU YOUR OWN 8 9 Complete these sentences. Example: I make tea for my mum every day, yesterday ... too. I make tea for- my mum every day, yesterday I made tea for her too. 1) We speak English every day, yesterday ... too. 2) My aunt comes to see us every weekend, last weekend she ... too. 3) The children swim in the swimming pool every Friday, last Friday ... too. 4) Meg sings for her friends every evening, yesterday evening ... too. Write in what season and in what month you were born, your mother (father, brother, sister, cousin(s), aunt, uncle or friend) was/were born. Example: I was born in spring, in April. 10 Write answers to these questions. 1) Who teaches Russian in your school? 2) Who went abroad for summer holidays in your class? 3) Who goes to work in your family? Who reads family? 5) Who watched television yesterday evening? Step 60 D N DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (30), and match the names with the time and places. 1) January a) England К e, \/i 2) February b) Spain Patricl a 3) August c) Scotland Richa гЛ 4) November d) Italy \Л/е r\(iy 5) March e) France Mrs Green Если вопрос к подлежащему (who-question) строится при помощи одной из форм глагола to be (am, is, are, was, were), TO в ответе используется нужная по смыслу и согласующаяся с подлежащим форма данного глагола. Who is in Moscow now? Peter and Sam are Who is at school? Mary is. Who was abroad last summer? -Who was in London last May? -(See Grammar Reference, p. 159.) They were. John was. Listen again. (30), and answer the questions. Who was born in Scotland? Who was born in Italy? Who was born in Spain? Mrs Green was 4) Who was born in France? 5) Who was born in England? 6) Who was born in winter? 7) Who was born in summer? 8) Who was born in spring? 9) Who was born in autumn? 3 Say who they are. 1) Your father’s father is your ... 2) Your mother’s brother is your . 3) Your uncle’s son is your ... . 4) Your mother’s sister is your ... 5) Your father’s mother is your ... 6) Your mother’s son is your ... . 7) Your mother’s daughter is your 61 •t to ф ■о Ul 4 Read these words and word combinations. 1) an aunt, my favourite aunt, my mother’s aunt, aunts and uncles; 2) an uncle. Uncle Tom, to visit uncle Richard, to write letters to aunts and uncles; 3) a journalist, a good journalist, a British journalist, to want to be a journalist; 4) a newspaper, a Russian newspaper, a thin newspaper, to read newspapers in the morning; 5) a magazine, a thick magazine, a text in the magazine, my favourite magazine; 6) a university, a good university, an old university, to go to university, to be at university, to be a university student; 7) to learn, to learn English, to learn Russian, to learn photography, to learn a new song, to learn to skate. A. Listen and read the dialogues. 1) 2) (31). Act them out. Where do you live? What’s your address [a'dres]? I live at 25 Summer Street. Did you say at 25 Summer Street? Yes, that’s right! What’s your address? I live at 32 Green Street. Did you say at 32 Green Street? Yes, I did. 6 в. Make up similar’ dialogues about the places where you live. Act them out. Do the sums. Example: 12 + 36 Twelve and thirty-six is forty-eight 62 D tsi 1) 40 + 20 = 5) 19 + 8 = 9) 85 + 15 2) 57 -f 4 = 6) 68 + 15 = 10) 99 + 1 = 3) 18 -b 7 = 7) 42 + 45 = 11) 53 -b 47 4) 78 Ч- 14 = 8) 83 + 7 = 12) 27 + 73 T~^ ^ 4- e- того чтобы назвать год по-английски (например. 1998), нужно прочитать первые две цифры (19 nine- teen), а затем последние две (98 ninety-eight). Такой год, как 1901, следует читать [,nain'ti:n эи '\улп] (вместо нуля произносится название английской буквы о). А вот если цифры, обозначающие год, заканчиваются двумя нулями (например, 1900), то вместо этих нулей следует произносить слово hundred, т. е. nineteen hundred. Называть годы третьего тысячелетия следует так: 2000 2001 2002 2013 (the year) two thousand; (the year) two thousand and one; (the year) two thousand and two; (the year) two thousand and thirteen 7 A. Listen and repeat, (32). 1147 1492 2012 1957 1945 1961 1812 2003 B. Say when these people were born. Ken and Harry 1997 1799 1400 Queen Elizabeth 1926 1563 2010 Polly Stnd POOS similar ['similal похожий 8 Tim and Roy 1999 Mrs Brown 1628 C. Say when you and your parents were born DO IT OI\l YOUR OWN Ron ano( Jteue "D \ .4» У' ‘J.'M • « А» >^«ж« - « 66 D NJ 6 Запомни формы прошедшего времени следующих глаголов, ® (35). сап ring could rang fly grow flew grew blow know blew knew Listen to the sentences, (36), and repeat them. 1) Polly could count well when she was at school 2) Jane could play the piano when she was little. 3) They could answer your question. 4) Who rang the bell? 5) Greg rang the doorbell. 6) We flew to Moscow from Kiev. 7) They flew to Glasgow, they didn’t go by train, 8) My granny grew all these vegetables. 9) Aunt Polly grew roses in her garden. 10) The tea was hot. I blew on it. 11) A strong wind blew for a long time yesterday. 12) I think Uncle George knew about this. Герб шотландского города Глазго (Glasgow) включает в себя изображение целого ряда символов, связанных с чудесами, произошедшими по воле святого Манго (Mungo), покровителя города. Символы герба пере- числены в известном четверостишии. С ним ты можешь познакомиться в задании 7. 7 Listen, (37), and read the rhymeL Here’s the bird that never flew. Here’s the tree that never grew. Here’s the bell that never rang. Here’s the fish that never swam 1 rhyme [raim] четверостишие ijiL w DO IT OI\l YOUR OWN 8 When were these Russian writers born? When did they die? Write the dates^ in words. Alexander Pushkin Leo Tolstoy Mikhail Lermontov LO П) "O II.I I I ) I Anton Chekhov Ivan Krylov 9 Complete these sentences and write them. Ivan Turgenev 1) My sister is my parents’ ... . 2) My grandmother’s parents are my ... . 3) My brother is my grandparents’ ... . 4) Mrs Brown is her great-grandchildren’s 5) My grandfather’s father is my ... . 10 Ask your parents in Russian and write in English: where your parents were born; where your aunts, uncles and cousins were born; when your grandparents were born. a date [deit] дата, число step D DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the text, (38), and say which sentences are true A. 1) Jennifer was born in the US capital. 2) Jennifer grew up in New York. 3) Jennifer lives in New York now. Ь B. 1) Jennifer likes to star in films. tSJ 2) Jennifer loves sad songs. 3) Jennifer’s interests are sport and music. 2 Чтобы сказать по-английски не мог, не умел, не могла, не умела, не могли, не умели, нужно просто добавить к глагольной форме could отрицание not. Сокращённо это можно написать так: could not couldn't I'kudnt]. I could not (couldn't) read when I was four. He could not (couldn't) write when he was four. They could not (couldn't) swim when they were four. A. Say what John Barker could do and what he couldn't do when he was six. a) read books c) ride a bicycle d) ride a horse e) drive a car f) work on the computer B. Say what you could do when you were six. 3 Say what they could and couldn't do in the Middle Ages’. Check and repeat, (39). 1) They 2) They 3) They 4) They 5) They 6) They 7) They 8) They 9) They 10) They 11) They 12) They 13) They 14) They 15) They write and read books, fly planes, watch television, travel by train, ride horses, travel by sea. drive cars, ride bikes. play computer games, make houses, cook food in the kitchen, listen to CD players, play chess. speak on the telephone. eat cheeseburgers and drink Coke •. .. -• fD "O U1 4 Rhyme the words in the two boxes Box One grow had sang plate ate saw few sea Box Two bad rang met blow more played knew be И В ответах на вопросы к (who в которых есть модальный глагол сап (could), используется та же форма глагола, что и в вопросе. Who сап swim? Jack can. Who could read when they were five? Wendy could The Middle Ages ['eickiz] Средние века Listen to the text, (40), and then read it. Say why Sally and Joha sometimes go to Blackpool. Щ 70 D M 6 Margaret Barker Margaret Barker was born in Blackpool. She was the daughter of a pilot and a nurse. Marggu’et, or Margo, grew up in Blackpool near the sea. After school Margaret went to London University: she wanted to become a teacher. She had a talent for music, could sing and play the piano. Soon Margaret became a music teacher in a school. In London she met Richard, a young doctor, and married him when she was 24. Now they are a happy family. The Barkers have a son and a daughter. John and Sally sometimes visit their grandmother in Blackpool. Margaret’s father died three years ago. Margaret works in a school in London two days a week. Margaret enjoys her work. She likes to go out with her husband and children too. At weekends they sometimes listen to music or go to the cinema. In summer they like to go to Scotland, Blackpool or travel abroad. Margaret thinks she is a very happy woman. Make up questions about Margaret Barker's family and answer them. Example'. Who became a happy woman? Margaret Barker did. Who was born was grew up went could became visits died likes is sing and play the piano well? their grandmother in Blackpool? to London University? to travel abroad? in Blackpool? a happy woman? three years ago? a nurse? a schoolteacher? near the sea? 7 A. Listen, ^ (41), and read the names of some jobs 1) baker 2) banker 3) dressmaker 4) fisherman 5) sportsman 6) businessman 7) captain 8) dentist 9) actor 10) shop assistant 11) engineer 8 В. Match the names of the jobs (part A) with the pictures. a. c. d e f. 'it-; % h. 1 t i к DO IT 01У YOUR OWN Read about six friends. Then write answers to the questions. a) Mary a writer. She began to write at school. b) John is a driver now. He could drive cars when he was 10. c) Victor is a wonderful swimmer. He swam well when he was a little boy. d) Alice is our favourite singer. She began to sing at 5. e) Fiona is a well-known skater. She skated well when she was a little girl. f) Betty is a good dancer. She could dance well when she was 71 V/i Ф “O U1 eight. 72 D Ni 9 10 Questions 1) Who could skate when a child? 2) Who could sing well when a child? 3) Who could write books at school? 4) Who could dance when a child? 5) Who could swim well when a child? 6) Who could drive cars when a pupil? Write what you could and couldn't do when you were five years old. Example'. I could swim. I couldn’t play volleyball. Write the verbs in the past forms 1) know 4) have 7) fly 10) grow 2) ring 5) drink 8) can 11) sit 3) dance 6) blow 9) write 12) speak Step DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (42), and answer the questions. What dialogue? 1) What is Don’s job? 2) Where was Don born? 3) Is Dixton a big or a small town? 4) Is there a university in Dixton? 5) Do Don’s parents live in Dixton? 6) Who is a shop assistant? 7) Who is a banker? 8) Who is a dentist? 9) Who died two years ago? 2 Say what their jobs are. Example'. He works in a hospital. He is a doctor. They help doctors. They are nurses. Ш 1) He works in a bank. 2) She teaches at school. 3) You can see them in films 4) She works in a shop. 5) They work on a farm. 6) They write books. 7) She sings songs. 8) He makes bread. 9) He flies planes. 10) She cooks food. 11) She makes dresses 12) They drive buses. 3 Make up the names of some jobs. Use the words from the boxes. 73 rru.* tn Box One Box Two dress sports man maker business fisher woman assistant shop man rD ■o 01 i: Вопросы ко всему предложению называются общими (general questions). Обычно ответом на них являются «Да» (Yes) или «Нет» (No) Do you live in Russia? Yes, we do. Did you visit your granny yesterday? No, I didn't Are you a pupil? Yes, I am. Are there any chairs in the room? No, there aren't Was it cold last Saturday? Yes, it was. Were you at home on Sunday? No, we weren't Will they come soon? Yes, they will. Will you phone? No, I won't. Can you swim? Yes, can. Can you drive a car? No, we can't Общие вопросы с глаголом can в прошедшем времени строятся так же, как и в настоящем, но вместо сап перед подлежащим ставится форма could Could he read when he was two? No, he couldn't Could you swim well when you were young? Yes, I could 4 Listen, (43), and read. 74 D Could You? When you were ten, could you do it then? Could you run well? Yes, I could. Could you jump well? Yes, I could. Could you swim well? Yes, I could. But I couldn’t play tennis. Could you drive a car? No, I couldn’t. Could you ride a horse? No, I couldn’t. Could you fly a plane? No, I couldn’t. But I could make cakes. tSJ Listen, (44), and read. A. career [кэ'пэ] dream [dri:m] карьера 1) мечта; 2) мечтать get [get] interest ['intrast] — interested ['mtrastid] получать, покупать интерес интересуюш;иися leave [li:v] life [laif] spend [spend] stay [stei] уезжать, покидать жизнь тратить, проводить (время) жить, гостить В. career: а wonderful career, а career in medicine, to make a career. My brother wants to make a career in photogra- phy. dream: my dream, a big dream. My dream is to travel abroad. His biggest dream was to become a sportsman, dream (dreamed/dreamt): She dreams to be an actor. What are you dreaming about? get (got): to get presents, to get letters. What did you get for your birthday? Where did you get this beautiful picture? interest: a strong interest, a place of interest. James has a strong interest in farming. There are many places of interest in our city. interested: to be interested in sport, to become interested in music. We are interested in photography, leave (left): to leave home, to leave Glasgow for London. After their children finished school, they all left for London, life (lives): an interesting life, a long life, the lives of our great-grandparents. What do you know about her life? Life in a big city isn’t like life in a small place, spend (spent): to spend time on books, to spend two weeks at the sea. How much time did he spend on his breakfast? stay (stayed); to stay in/at a hotel, to stay with friends. That night I didn’t go home but stayed with my uncle and aunt. 6 Say what is true about you. 1) I’m dreaming about my winter holidays. 2) I’d like to spend more time on computer games 3) My dream is to become an actor. 4) I’m interested in sport. 5) I’m not interested in English. 6) My dream is to have a dog. 7) I will never leave my country when I grow up. 8) I love to stay at the sea in summer. 9) I love to get letters from my friends. 10) I’d like to live a long life. 11) I want to make a good career. 12) I’m not thinking about my career now. to Ф ■Q Ф 7 Listen to the text. (45). Read it. Complete the sentences after it Richard Barker Richard Barker was born into a farmer’s family. He spent his early years on his father’s farm. They always had a lot of animals. Richard usually helped his parents and worked on the farm. He often asked his father questions about his animals and got answers. Richard was interested in medicine. He wanted to know how to help animals. But his dream was to learn how to help people: he wanted to become a doctor, a children’s doctor. When Richard was eighteen, he left his home for London and went to London University. His university years were the happiest years of his life. He did what he liked and enjoyed it. When Richard was 26, he met Margaret. They got married and had two children a boy and a girl. They are a happy family. Now Richard Barker is working in a new hospital in London. He loves his job and is making a wonderful career. Children and their parents like him very much because he is a very good doctor. 1) Richard’s father was a ... . 2) When a young boy, Richard was interested in ... . 3) Richard’s dream was to become a ... . 4) When Richard was 18, he went to ... . 5) Children and their parents like Richard Barker: he ... . DO IT OlVI YOUR OWni 76 D 8 Write 5 sentences about your family. My father My mother My uncle(s) My aunt(s) My brother(s) My sister(s) My cousin(s) My grandparent(s) interested in books. old films. computers. music. sport. animals. dances. photography. 9 10 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in past forms. 1) My great-grandmother (spend) all her life in a small town near Moscow. 2) We (stay) at the Ritz Hotel when we were in London. 3) We (can) see a lot of places of interest in Kiev. 4) I (get) your letter but (can) not answer it. 5) They (leave) London early in the morning. 6) I never (dream) to become an engineer when I (be) a child. Match the pictures with the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. a) Nice to meet you. And what’s your job? b) Say “Cheese”! c) What’s the time, please? d) I asked Kate to marry me 50 years ago but she didn’t have time for it. Step DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the dialogues, (46), and say which sentences are true A. 1) Paul is Jill’s friend. 2) Paul doesn’t live with his parents. 3) Paul likes to play computer games. 4) Paul has a good job. S B. 1) Mary didn’t spend her weekend at home. 2) Mary’s grandfather is a farmer. 3) Mary’s grandfather writes children’s books. 4) Mary knows a lot about animals and their lives. 7^ 77 LO Ф "D обрати особое внимание на различие в употреблении предлогов с глаголом to leave в двух языках: Джон уезжает из Москвы. Moscow. Moscow for London. John is leaving __ John is leaving ___ из Москвы в Лондон. John is leaving for London tomorrow. Лондон завтра. Джон уезжает Джон уезжает в 2 Use for where necessary. 1) Yesterday the Barkers left London Scotland. 2) We never leave Moscow in winter. We always stay in the capital in that season. 3) Harry, when are you leaving Paris? How long are you going to stay in the capital of France? 4) Richard Barker always left London in summer when he was a student. He visited his parents in Blackpool. 5) We are leaving Moscow tomorrow. I will see the Krem- lin and Red Square soon. 6) If you want to be in time for classes, leave your flat at eight o’clock. 4^ Запомни формы прошедшего времени следующих глаго- лов, ф (47). drive ride steal drove rode stole say -feed hear said [sed] ■ fed ■ heard [hsid] D 3 (48), and repeat the sentences. Mike his car Listen, 1) I V 2) Jane rode her new bike yesterday and she loved it. 3) The dog stole a bone from the dinner table. 4) Father said he would like to stay at the sea for a week. 5) Sam fed the cats and left them in th 6) I heard that old fable long, long ago. house. 4 Jim does a lot of things every day. Say what he did yesterday Example: Jim meets his friends every day. Jim met his friends yesterday. Jim gets up early every day. He has a cup of tea and a sandwich. He leaves home at 8 o’clock. Jim drives to work. He stays in his office all afternoon. At five o’clock he goes back home. At home he feeds his dog Rocky and takes him out for a walk. Jim spends his evening with his friends Bob and Jake. They ride their bikes in the park and play basketball in the gym. Ты уже знаешь количественные числительные английского языка. Некоторые порядковые числительные следует запомнить. (49). первый (the) first — (the) second (the) third — Большинство языке образуются суффикса -th. - второй третий порядковых числительных в английском от количественных при помощи four five SIX seven eight nine - (the) fourth (the) fifth (the) sixth — (the) seventh ten eleven - (the) eighth (the) ninth (the) tenth — (the) eleventh twelve -thirteen fourteen fifteen - sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty — (the) twelfth (the) thirteenth - (the) fourteenth (the) fifteenth (the) sixteenth - (the) seventeenth - (the) eighteenth - (the) nineteenth (the) twentieth B. Обрати внимание на правописание выделенных слов, а также на то, что с существительными, которым предшест- вуют порядковые числительные, употребляют определён- ный артикль; Jane was the fourth child in the family. 5 A. Read the dates. 79 Example: It is the first of January B. Say when they were born. Ф ■D vj Example: Roger: 12.12.1999. Roger was born on the twelfth of December nineteen ninety-nine. Denis: 02.03.1985 Alice: 03.06.1948 Helen: 20.07.2000 Charles: 14.07.1994 Ruth: 06.08.2001 John: 18.08.2010 Lizzy: 01.02.1980 Tony: 13.09.2012 Обрати внимание на дефис при написании сложных числительных; (the) twenty-first (the) sixty-fifth (the) thirty-second (the) seventy-sixth (the) forty-third (the) eighty-seventh (the) fifty-fourth (the) ninety-eighth one hundred and twenty-second Постарайся запомнить написание следующих числительных а) four fourteen fourth fourteenth forty fortieth b) five fifteen fifth fifteenth fifty forty-fourth fiftieth c) twelve twelfth fifty-fifth r 6 Read and check, (50). A. 1, 11, 5, 30, 40, 84, 98, 100, 1000. B. 21st, 22nd, 38th, 43rd, 50th, 66th, 79th, 95th, 100th 7 80 tsj A. Read the text. Give it a name. David Beckham is a sportsman. Football is his first love. His career is very good. He is an English football superstar ['su:pO|Sta:]. Journalists in many countries write about him. You can see his photos in many magazines and newspapers. Young people often talk about him and his career and get his photos. David’s second love is cars. He has seven cars. His favourite car is Mercedes [mo'seidiiz]. David is married. His wife’s name is Victoria. David and Victoria have four children. Their sons’ names are Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, their daughter’s name is Harper. David is a good father and a good husband. If he plays football abroad, he always makes telephone calls to his family. He loves his wife and his children very much. B. Match them. - 1) David’s wife’s name is 2) His daughter’s name is 3) David is 4) His favourite car is 5) David’s first love is 6) David’s second love is a) Mercedes. b) a good father and a good husband. c) football. d) Victoria. e) Harper. f) cars. DO IT OI\l YOUR OWIU 8 Use the right forms to complete the sentences. 1) Last week my friend (hear) a new song and liked it a lot. 2) Yesterday mum (feed) my cat in the morning and I did it in the evening. 3) On Friday my dad (come) home from work and (say) he was very tired. 4) Last summer a lot of people (leave) the city when the weather was hot. 5) Yesterday evening they (drive) to the cinema in a taxi. 6) Last week some man (steal) Ben’s bike, (ride) it to the park and (leave) the bike there. 9 Write five sentences about when your family were born. 10 Example'. My aunt was born on the twenty-third of April Match the sentences with the pictures. a) Who said that dry weather was pleasant? b) We always go abroad in autumn. c) Bye, dear! Enjoy your first ride. 1. 2. 81 to (D TO 00 3. Step Round-up DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the text. (51), and read the sentences in the right order a) Anna was a very good student at the university b) Anna had a lot of pets when she was a child. c) In India Anna began to work as a veth d) Anna was born in summer. e) Anna’s career began when she was eighteen. f) Anna got married. g) Anna lived in a small English town when she was a little girl. 2 Read the word combinations. the first step the first child the first thing the second month the second aunt the second daughter the third week the third class the third thing a vet ветеринар the tenth hotel the twentieth capital the thirtieth city the fortieth day the fiftieth night the sixtieth street the seventieth place the eightieth pupil the ninetieth fable the hundredth visitor D 3 4 The people in the picture are staying in a small American hotel. Say where they are now. Mr AND Mrs Example: Barry and Jane Nelson are on the first floor. They are in Room Nine. Read the texts and match them with the names. Names: 1) Emma, a doctor. 2) Julia, a journalist. 3) Charles, a teacher. 4) Patric, an actor. 71 FREDDY ROGERS RUTH PERRY \ ROSIE AND KATE SlA/lFT ^9 CHARLES TAYLOR 33 SHARON BELL MISS SKINNER JAKE ROBINSON Texts: a) After school she went to university. She was a very good student and had a strong interest in medicine. Now she works in a small hospital. She knows and loves what she is doing. b) He began to work when he was at university. His first pupils loved him and enjoyed his classes. He liked to spend time with them too. Now he is older. People say he is making a very good career. c) She can write very well. When she was younger, she tried to write stories. They were good: some were funny and some were sad. Now she is working for a newspaper and writes about interesting people. d) When he was a child he liked to sing and to dance. People said he could do it very well. His dream was to become a film star. Last year he starred in his first film. A lot of people watched and enjoyed it. Now he is making a very good career. BARKY AND jane NELSON Sam is a photographer. These are the things he usually does. Say what he did yesterday. Example'. Sam spends some time in the park. He spent some time in the park yesterday. 1) Sam gets up at 7 in the morning. 2) Sam says hello to his wife Jane. 3) He has breakfast at 7.30. 4) Sam leaves for his work at about 8. 5) He drives to his work. 6) He takes his lunch with him. 7) He eats his lunch in the park. 8) He feeds birds in the park. 9) Sam takes pictures in the park and in town. 10) At seven in the evening he is at home. 11) He enjoys his evening at home. Имя существительное family может употребляться с глаголами в единственном и множественном числе. Если речь идет о семье в целом, глагол используется в единственном числе: Му family is big. Му family has a lot of friends. Если же речь идёт о членах семьи, то глагол употребляется во множественном числе: Му family (члены семьи) are interested in photography. 83 V/1 Ф "О 6 A. Say who in your family: 1) usually makes breakfast; 2) made breakfast yesterday; 3) does the rooms in the flat/house; 4) did the rooms yesterday; 5) spent a lot of time in the country last summer; 6) is interested in sport; 7) was interested in animals when a child; 8) could ride a bike when a child; 9) can swim well. B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your families what they are interested in; what they can do well; what you like to do together. 7 Read about Yura and speak about yourself. D Yura Smirnov My name is Yura Smirnov. I live in Moscow, the capital of Rus- sia. I have a mother, a father and a sister. My grandmother, grandfather and great-grandmother live near Moscow in Sergiev Posad. My mother and father are teachers. They teach in a school in Moscow. Lena, my sister, and I are pupils in School 1210. Lena dreams of being a vet. She loves animals and wants to help them. I would like to become an engineer and make modern cars. I like cars and know a lot about them. Father says, he will teach me to drive soon. I’m interested in many things: films, books, sport and photography. I want to learn to play the guitar [gi'ta:]. All my family like to travel. I have a pen friend in Great Britain. His name is John Barker. I write letters, cards and e-mails to him and he writes to me. It helps me to learn English. You My name is I live... I have... My... I’m a pupil in school... I would like... I’m interested in My family like... I have... DO IT 01У YOUR OWN 8 Complete the sentences. at (2), about, in, for, of (2), in, up, with 9 10 Example'. Jill was ... university when she was twenty-two. Jill was at university when she was twenty-two. 1) Some children say they don’t want to get early in the morning. 2) What’s your address? I live 26 Apple Street. 3) When are they going to leave France Italy? 4) He is interested photography. 5) Jack began to dream a medical career when he was a child. 6) I think you’ll visit a lot of places ... interest in New York. 7) When we go to London we never stay ... a hotel, we stay our grandparents. 8) Sam always spends a lot of time ... books, newspapers and magazines. Use the where necessary. 1) C is third letter of the English alphabet. 2) The picture is on page three. 3) The writer was seventh child in the big family. 4) I take Bus Forty to go to school. 5) The Browns are staying in Room One of our hotel. 6) The English Room is on third floor of the school. 7) second story in the book is more interesting than first. 8) The new text is in ... Step Two. Get ready to write Dictation 2. Dictation 2 To be interested In, to stay at a hotel, the first lesson, to leave Moscow for London, a medical career. to become an engineer, to grow vegetables. to be a good daughter, to marry a shop assistant. to die young. ■D О actor, aunt, baker, banker, become, born, businessman. career, captain, daughter, dentist, die, dream, dress- box maker, engineer, fifth, fifty, first, fisherman, forty. < < ^ * Л" 85 tn fD "O 00 I “О i о box 86 3 Ы forty-four, fortieth, interest, interested, get, greatgrandchild, great-grandchildren, great-granddaughter, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, great-grandson, great-grandparents, grow, journalist, leave, learn, life (lives), magazine, marry, newspaper, ninth, photography, second, shop assistant, spend, sportsman, stay, third, twelfth, uncle, university become blow — became can come dream drive feed - fly - get -grow hear know blew could came dreamed/dreamt drove fed flew got grew heard knew learn leave make ride -ring say -sing sit — learned/learnt left made speak spend steal swim rode - rang said - sat sat — spoke — spent stole swam Step Test Yourself I. LISTENING Listen, (52), and say when the children in the Johnson family were born 1) Sofia was born on the ... of January. 2) Bernard was born on the • • of July. 3) Linda was born on the ... of April. 4) Mark was born on the 5) Polly was born on the 6) Sam was born on the of September of May. of December. 7) Ruth was born on the ... of November And when were you born? Maximum result 8 Your result ? • II. READING 2 Read the text and complete the sentences after it. Muhammad Ali He was born on January 17, 1942 in the USA. When he was a young boy, he decided to become a sportsman. He wanted to be strong and he began boxing ['boksiq]. When he was 21, he took the name of Muhammad Ali. Ali was a wonderful boxer and people were interested in Ali’s life. He was an interesting man too. He often wrote poems about boxing. One day he came to a cafe to have a cup of coffee but he couldn’t. He was black. Some time ago there was a lot of racism ['reisizm] in America. Ali was very unhappy. He took his Olympic medal and threw^ it into the lake. He showed his protest. Some people say Ali was the best boxer in the world. 1) Ali wanted to become a sportsman when ... . 87 i/> a> ■o (O a) he was a child b) he was 21 2) When the child was born his name a) was Muhammad Ali 3) Ali was an ... boxer, a) American 4) Ali liked to write about b) wasn’t Muhammad Ali b) African a) music 5) b) sport people think Ali was the best boxer in the world a) all b) some Maximum result 5 Your result ? • 3 III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) Complete the sentences. up, on, in, about, for, with, at, of 1) When my granny was young she dreamt career. a teaching ^ threw [0ru:] бросать) бросил {прошедшее время от глагола to throw [0гэи] 88 3 ISJ 2) I like to stay ... my cousins: we play, talk and watch TV together. 3) Sam didn’t want to live in the capital and left London ... Blackpool. 4) I think Mary lives ... 15 High Street. 5) The little town of Sergiev Posad has some places ... interest. 6) John says he wants to become a journalist when he grows ... . 7) My brother is interested ... music and is learning to play the piano. 8) The girl spends a lot of time ... television, her parents must talk to her about it. Maximum result 8 Your result 9 • 4 Say how the boys are coming to the finish. Example'. Ben Ross is going to be the first Ben Ross is a black runner in red and white Donald Grey is from Canada. Moris has red socks. Pavel is the youngest of all runners. A1 is a black runner in green and yellow. Rob is the tallest runner. Maximum result 6 Your result 9 • IV. SPEAKING Speak about one of your family (mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin, brother, sister). Use the plan. Plan 1. Name 2. Place of birth 3. Date of birth 4. Address 5. Interests when a child 6. Job/occupation 7. Interests now 8. Family 89 LO Ф “O о Maximum result 5 Your result ? • V. WRITING 6 Write Dictation 2, (53) Maximum result f 10 Your result ? • Total result 42 Your result ? • Step 10 Enjoy Yourself DO IT TOGETHER Read Aesop's fable "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse" and choose the best moral for it. Morals: a) It is better to be poor than to die. b) It is better to live in the country than in town. c) It is better to have a lot of good friends than to have a lot of good food. бедный 90 D The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse A town mouse and a country mouse were friends. One day the country mouse asked his friend to come and see him at his home near the wood. The town mouse liked the idea. Soon he visited his friend. He drove to the country in his car. The country mouse’s house was small. There was only one room in it, but it was cosy and nice. The country mouse grew flowers near his house. The mice sat down to the table. There were seeds [si:dz] and roots [ru:ts] on the table. They spent some time at the table, ate some seeds and drank some water. The town mouse didn’t like the food. He said: “My dear friend, you live here no better than the ants. Come and see my house and all the things I can eat.” So when the town mouse was ready to leave, he decided to take the country mouse with him. It was evening when they came to a big beautiful house. The town mouse showed his friend a big larder ['la:d9] with lots of good food. There was cheese, butter and eggs. There was a lot of milk and cream too. The country mouse liked the food very much. Soon they began their supper. But before they started to eat they heard some voices [Vdisiz], the door opened and a man came in. The two mice ran into a narrow dark hole [haul] under the floor. Soon the door closed and the mice wanted to have their supper, but again they heard some voices, and the door opened again. This was too much for the visitor. деревенский “Goodbye,” said the country mouse. Im going home. I can see that you live in a rich house with a lot of food, but your home is a dangerous ['deinc^aras] place. In my house I can enjoy my food, in your house I couldn’t.” семена коренья кладовая голоса нора опасное 2 3 4 Say who did it in the fable. 1) Who visited his friend in the country? 2) Who grew flowers near his house? 3) Who didn’t like the food? 4) Who came to the big town house in the evening? 5) Who had a lot of good food? 6) Who opened the door and came in? 7) Who left the rich house? Imagine’ the places where the mice lived and speak about them Act out the fable. A. Listen to the poem. Swing, Swing William Allingham Swing, swing, Sing, sing, Here’s my throne and I (54), and read it. Swing, swing. Sing, sing. am a king! Farewell, earth, for I’m on the wing! Low, high. Here I fly. Like a bird through Free, free. Over the lea. sunny sky; Over the mountain, over the sea! качайся, качайся Прощай, земля через, по свободный над лугом за гору .V 91 to Ф “O О \r, f Г'- «f/* B. What is true about you? I feel like a king when I go home from school. eat my favourite food. meet my best friends. go out with my parents. listen to my favourite music play computer games. get a nice present. watch television have a go on a swing. Imagine [х'таефш] Представь себе Уильям Аллингхэм (1824—1889) — ирландский писатель и поэт. Один из известных сборников его стихотворений называется // Day and Night Songs #/ с 92 стихотворением из этого сборника вы только что познакомились. Аллингхэм известен не только собственными стихами, но и тем, что он стал составителем и редактором популярной в его время книги стихов для детей. D К) б Listen to the song and sing it along. (55). The Bear Went over the Mountain 1. The bear went over ['эиуэ] the mountain, The bear went over the mountain, The bear went over the mountain To see what he could see. Chorus: To see what he could see. To see what he could see. The bear went over the mountain. The bear went over the mountain. The bear went over the mountain To see what he could see. 2. The other ['лбэ] side of the mountain. The other side of the mountain. The other side of the mountain Was all that he could see. Chorus: Was all that he could see. Was all that he could see. The other side of the mountain. The other side of the mountain. The other side of the mountain Was all that he could see. за ropy другая сторона DO IT ON YOUR OWN 7 Read the fable "The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse" again and write the sentences in the right order. a) The country mouse couldn’t enjoy his supper in town. b) The country mouse invited his friend to his house in the country. 8 c) The mice heard some voices. d) The mice ran into a narrow hole under the floor. e) The country mouse’s house was small. f) The town mouse didn’t like his friend’s food. g) The town mouse showed the larder to his friend. h) The country mouse said his friend’s home was a dangerous place. 93 The first letters of these words that name things in the pictures make up a new word. What is it? Write it. The word is ... . Ф ■o о 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9 Do Project Work 2. Complete a new page of your English Album. Ask your family or friends to help if necessary. PROJECT WORK 2. Write about your grandparent or great-grandparent. Illustrate your story with pictures. \ • .. D Ы Healthy Ways 1 Step DO IT TOGETHER A, Listen, Ф (56), and complete the rhyme. Read it in pairs When I Was One (By Carolyn Graham) When I was one It wasn’t much fun^ What did you do When you were two? When I was two. I (I) ... . What did you do When you were three? When I was three, I (2) ... . What did you do When you were four? * healthy ways — здоровый образ жизни ^ It wasn’t much fun. — Было не слишком весело. I \ • ^ When I was four, I learned to dive^ What did you do When you were five? When I was five, I learned new tricks^ What did you do When you were six? When I was six. It was really heaven^. What did you do When you were seven? When I was seven, I (3) ... What did you do When you were eight? When I was eight. It was really great^. But when I was one. It wasn’t much fun. 95 Ln Ф "D B. Say what the girl could do when she was 2, 3 and 7. When could you do these things? When did you learn to do them? 2 A. Read the text and complete the sentences after it Sandra, the Pop Star Look, this is Sandra Connor’s picture when she was twenty-three. She was a pop singer then and she was a star. All music lovers listened to her songs. She flew to many countries and gave concerts ['konsots] there. In those years Sandra lived in Europe, in the capital of Italy. to dive (dived) new tricks — нырять новые проказы It was really heaven [’hevn] — Было действительно божественно. It was really great [greit] Было действительно здорово. 96 3 W She usually sang in the evenings and her days began very late, sometimes at one or two o’clock in the afternoon. She always had breakfast in bed and watched television. Then she drove her Ford to town. There she met her boyfriend and often went to the shops. She had a lot of time before the concert, so she could swim in the swimming pool, listen to music or go to her fitness clubh She spoke on the telephone a lot, often with her family. At eight she was ready for the concert. She knew and sang a lot of beautiful songs. Her concert usually finished at about eleven. After it she had dinner with her friends and then drove home. At home she went to bed at two or three a.m. At that time she was young and happy and never tired. Now she is living in the USA in a very big house. Sandra often thinks about the young years of her life. 3 1) When Sandra was young she .. a) danced 2) Her days began ... a) early 3) She had ... in bed a) breakfast b) sang b) before 12 b) lunch c) drove buses c) late ■ c) dinner 4) It those years she often drove her car to a) the country b) the hotel c) town 5) She went to the shops. a) never b) always c) often 6) After the concert Sandra usually had dinner with a) her family b) her friends c) her boyfriend B. Read out the verbs in the past forms from the text. Jake had a very bad day yesterday. All things went wrong. Describe his day Jake wanted to get up early but he got up late. He wanted to leave home at 8 o’clock but ... . He wanted to drive his car to some nice place but ... . He wanted to spend the afternoon with his friends but ... . He wanted to speak to his grandmother on the phone but ... . He wanted to say “I love you” to his friend Rose but ... . fitness club ['fitnss ,к1лЬ] оздоровительный центр, фитнес-клуб i He wanted to ride his new bike in the evening but He wanted to sit in the armchair and watch a football match but ... . He wanted to go to bed early but I’m so sorry for him!^ ■ f. .s. ^ 'Al L/л...................... V-s •• • •••• ••• • t .. .T-" r 4 Запомни формы прошедшего времени следующих 97 глаголов. (57): think bring thought [0D:t] put put [put] brought [brort] sleep slept [slept] Ф ■O teach taught [tD:t] spell spelt [spelt] (spelled) Listen and read. (58). 1) I thought. I thought about the moon. I thought about the moon and the stars. 2) My friend brought me a present. My best friend brought me a present. My best friend brought me a lovely present. 3) My dad taught me. My dad taught me to swim. My dad taught me to swim well. 4) She put on her best dress. That day she put on her best dress. That day she put on her best dress for the party 5) We slept in tents. We slept in tents near the lake. We slept in tents near the beautiful lake. 6) He spelt “mountain 99 He spelt “mountain” right. He spelt “mountain” right again. Choose the right forms to complete the sentences. 1) I asked mum (to teach/taught) me to bake cakes. 2) Sue (puts/put) her bag on the chair and left the classroom. 3) (Spell/spelt) your name, please. 4) Last summer dad (teach- es/taught) me to play tennis. 5) Pupils mustn’t (bring/brought) their toys to school. 6) I (think/thought) about you all day yesterday. 7) Did you (sleep/slept) well? Yes, I (sleep/slept) very well, thank you. 8) He saw the cat in the street and (bring/brought) it home. 1 I’m so sorry for him! Мне так его жаль! fr. с. • - 98 D Ы После глаголов love, like, hate, enjoy в английском языке часто используют не только инфинитив (I love to go to the sea), но и другую форму глагола с окончанием -ing. I love going to the sea. He hates washing up. We like playing the piano. They enjoy going to the shop. Это же относится к глаголам, обозначающим начало и конец действия: begin, finish, stop. John began reading books at 5. We stopped playing football in the evening. They finished washing the plates late. 6 7 Read the text and say what John likes/loves doing and what he hates doing. Our Likes and Dislikes^ Hello! I’m John Barker from London. I love going to school. I have a lot of friends. We like playing football and volleyball, ping-pong and tennis. We like reading books, listening to pop music and playing computer games. We often go to f the park together. We love running and riding bikes there. We like feeding birds too. We hate coming back home early. It’s fun to be with your friends in the park. Listen to the dialogues, (59). Read them and make your own dialogues. Use the words on the right. Dialogue 1 Hi, Mike. I see you love playing badminton? I do. I like this game very much. When did you begin playing badminton? Oh, I was a small boy then. We often played badminton with my friends in the country. football, tennis, volleyball, ping-pong I, girl likes and dislikes TO, что мы любим и что не любим Dialogue 2 Do you like dancing, Olga? I do. I love it very much. I have dancing classes five times a week. Oh! When did you begin dancing? I think I began dancing when I was seven. DO IT ON YOUR OWm singing, swimming, skating, skiing 4, 3, 2, ... 5, 6, 8, ... 99 to ф “D NJ 8 Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. mJS, r I I •j'I. Гу У‘:" *■ j T" --------------—— singing, washing, driving, going, feeding, playing 1) We like old and new songs. 2) My friends and I love computer games. 3) I hate plates after dinner. 4) My sister loves to the shop. 5) Jack began his car when he was nineteen. 6) We stopped birds when summer came. 9 Write 4—6 sentences about what you like/love and hate doing 10 Write the verbs in the past forms teach put - bring sleep think spell Step DO IT TOGETHER say which sentences you can hear. 1) a) Steve and Liz grow up in a small town, b) Steve and Liz grew up in a small town. 2) a) I think a holiday at the sea is the best. b) I thought a holiday at the sea was the best 100 D 3) a) Father brings newspapers home every day. b) Father brought newspapers home every day 4) a) My two sisters sleep next door, b) My two sisters slept next door. 5) a) Little Nick spells his name to me. b) Little Nick spelt his name to me. 6) a) His parents teach in a London school, b) His parents taught in a London school. 7) a) People say it’s never late to learn, b) People said it’s never late to learn. 2 w Listen, (61), and read. A. face [feis] — half [ha:f] -hand [haend] hour ['аиэ] minute ['minit] past [pa:st] quarter [’kworto] second ['sekand] watch [wotf] — 1) лицо; 2) циферблат половина 1) кисть руки; 2) стрелка на часах час минута после — четверть — секунда часы {наручные) В. face: 1) the girl’s face, the children’s faces. I’m happy to see Wendy’s face again. 2) the face of a clock. A clock has a face. halves: the first half of the text, the second half half of the poem, half an apple, half a day. The first half of the fable was not interesting. Put the two halves together. hand: 1) my right hand, my left hand. The boy’s hands were not clean, his hands were dirty. 2) the hands of a clock. A clock has two or three hands, hour: an hour, two hours, three hours, half an hour. We stayed at the hotel for about an hour. You can play football for about two hours, not more. minute: a minute, sixty minutes. There are sixty minutes in an hour. How many minutes are there in two hours? past: past four, past seven, past eight. It’s twenty past four. It’s ten past eight. It’s half past eight, quarter: a quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, three quarters of an hour. It’s a quarter past five, second: a second, a hundred seconds. There are sixty seconds in a minute. watch: a good watch, a beautiful watch, two watches. My father has two watches. Я1 3 А. Look at the pictures and read the sentences. To Past It’s one minute to twelve It’s one minute past twelve It’s one to twelve. It’s one past twelve. It’s five minutes to three It’s five minutes past three. It’s five to three. It’s five past three. if It’s a quarter to four. It’s a quarter past four It’s half past two. It’s half past six. The clock shows half past The clock shows half past two. SIX. B. What's the time? Say it in English. 1) a) без четверти 5 2) a) четверть второго b) без десяти 6 b) двадцать минут шестого с) без трех минут 10 с) пять минут одиннадцатого 3) а) половина девятого Ь) половина седьмого Look at the clocks and answer the questions. 1) Is it twenty to ten or twenty past ten? ? иШ 2) Is it half past five or is it half past three? 3) Is it a quarter to four or a quarter past four? 101 4) Is it six minutes to seven or six minutes past seven? Ln CO "D NJ /> ^ • It' i 102 D Ы 5 1. 5) Is it seventeen minutes to nine or seventeen minutes past nine? 6) Is it half past two or half past eight? 7) Is it a quarter past one or a quarter past three? /75 8) Is it eight to six or eight to seven? a Look at the pictures and say what time it is by these clocks and watches. 2 3 4 5. 6. 8 9 10. 6 Look at the pictures and the title. What do you think the text is going to be about? Listen, (62), and read the text. Answer the questions after it. What’s the Time? These are clocks and these are watches. A clock has a face and two hands: a long hand and a short hand. The short hand shows hours. It’s the hour hand. The long hand shows minutes. It’s the minute hand. Sometimes clocks have three hands and they can show seconds. Clocks are usually big. They are on the wall, on the desk or on the shelf. Some clocks are very big: Big Ben in London or the Kremlin Clock in Moscow. Watches are small but they have faces and hands too and they can show hours, minutes and sometimes seconds. Clocks and watches show time. A day has 24 hours. An hour has 60 minutes, a minute has 60 seconds. What’s the time now? 1) Does a clock have two faces? 2) How many faces does a clock have? 3) How many hands do clocks usually have? 4) What does the long hand show? 5) What does the short hand show? 6) Can a clock show minutes, hours, seconds? 7) Are clocks usually big or small? 8) What do clocks show? 9) How many hours does a day have? 10) How many minutes does an hour have? 11) How many seconds does a minute have? 103 to Ф ■D M Дети BO всём мире любят играть. Одна из популярных игр в англоязычных странах называется Simon says. В неё играют так: сначала выбирают водящего (It). Затем водящий просит всех остальных выполнить какое-либо действие. Если он начинает фразу со слов Simon says, его задание выполняют. Например, Simon says, "Stand up". Все встают. Если слова Simon says в этой фразе отсутствуют, задание выполнять не следует. Те, кто не был внимателен, выходят из игры. Последний оставшийся в игре становится победителем и водит в следующий раз. 7 А. Listen, (63), and read the count-out rhyme Dip, dip, dip. My blue ship. Sailing^ on the water Like a cup and saucer Dip, dip, dip. You’re It. B. Play the game "Simon says u ^ sailing [seilig] - ^ a saucer [’sd:s9] плывущий - блюдце •f. 104 w DO 8 9 IT OI\l YOUR OWN Write it in two ways. 1) It’s a quarter past one. 13.15 It’s one fifteen. 2) It’s twenty to three. 14.40 It’s two forty. 3) It’s half past five. 5.30 It’s five thirty. 4) It’s fourteen to eleven. 10.46 It’s ten forty-six. 5) It’s six to ten. 21.54 It’s nine fifty-four. 6) • • • • 1.27 • • • • 7) • • # • 19.38 • • • • 8) • • • • 22.12 • • • • 9) • • • • 24.00 • • • • 10) • • • • 6.50 • • • • Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. half, quarters, face, hand (2), hours, minute, seconds, watch 1) The hour is on two and the minute is on twelve What’s the time? 2) Please stay here. I’ll be back in a ... . 3) Mother usually leaves home at ... past seven in the morning. 4) There are sixty ... in a minute. 5) Every day has twenty-four 6) Every hour has four ... . 7) Sue got a for her birthday. 8) I think I know this boy. Where did I see his ...? 10 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the past forms. 1) We (enjoy) playing tennis last Sunday. 2) Masha (begin) learning English at school. 3) Granny (like) growing cucumbers when she lived in the country. 4) I (hate) washing up when my parents were on holiday. 5) Jenny (stop) dancing when she was 13. Step DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (64), write down the time you hear Example'. It is a quarter to ten. 9.45 2 Look and say when Jim, a sportsman from Blackpool, does it. Example: Jim plays volleyball at Ио_по1а'у a quarter to six on Monday. 5:Ч5 В отличие от русского слова часы английские слова watch и clock имеют формы единственного (а clock watch) и множественного (clocks, watches) числа. Они могут употребляться с глаголом и в единственном, множественном числе: Where is your watch? It is on the table. Где твои часы? Они на столе. There are three watches here. Здесь трое наручных часов Г) ■л. >}И 105 LO "О ы 3 Use is, was, are, were to complete the sentences. Example: Where my watch? Where is my watch? 1) Look! All the clocks slow. It is half past six, not a quarter to six now. 2) Yesterday I was late for classes. My watch slow. 3) Do you know where my watch ? 4) There 106 a lot of clocks in the shop but Jack didn’t like them. 5) Where the black clock and the brown clock now? They on the table in the living room. D 4 Listen, (65), and read. Ы A. difficult r'difikolt] трудный # • easy ['i:zi] — health [hel0] -healthy ['helGi] keep ['ki:p] — regular ['regjulo] useful ['ju:sfl] — легкий, простои здоровье — здоровый оставлять, держать, хранить регулярный полезный В. difficult: а difficult test, а difficult thing to do. Learning to play the piano was a difficult thing to do. Is it difficult to speak English? easy: an easy text, an easy thing to do. I can show you how to make tea, it’s easy. It’s not always easy to understand English texts. health: in good health, in bad health, health club. I always ask granny about her health. People must think about their health. healthy: healthy food, a healthy diet. I try to stay as healthy as I can. keep (kept): to keep healthy, to keep fit, to keep regular hours, to keep (to) a diet. We keep milk in the fridge. Some people keep (to) a diet of fruit and vegetables. Keep well! Keep in good health. regular: regular hours, regular classes. It’s good for your health to keep regular hours. useful: a useful book, useful English, to be useful for people. Computers are very useful. It will be useful for you to watch this film. be good at: What sport are they good at? Jane is not very good at singing but she’s a very good dancer, do morning exercises: Doctors say that it is very good to do morning exercises. Do you always do your morning exercises? 5 6 Listen, (66), and read the word combinations. an easy thing a difficult text an easy game a difficult book easy exercises difficult exercises to be healthy to keep fit to look healthy to keep well 4 to stay fit and healthy to keep in good health 107 regular exercises good at sports regular walks good at dancing regular hours good at singing to keep regular hours good at cooking Ф T3 Ы Say what is true about you. 1) I’m an early bird. I like to stay in bed long. I hate getting up early. 2) I always do my morning exercises. I sometimes do my morning exercises. I never do morning exercises. 3) I try to keep regular hours. I get up and go to bed when I want. I eat when I’m' hungry. 4) I try to eat only healthy food. I sometimes eat food that is not good for me I always eat what I want. 5) I go to a health club. I love sport and I’m good at it. I never think about keeping fit. 6) I’m doing a lot to keep in good health. I’m doing all I can to keep in good health. I’m doing little to keep in good health. В английском языке существуют разные способы попросить о чем-либо вежливо. Ты уже знаешь некоторые из них: Give me а реп, please. Please give me a pen. Can you give me a pen, (please)? Ho ещё более вежливо использовать в вопросе форму could Could you give me a pen? Could you come on time, please? 7 Say it in a different way. Use could. 1) Spend 2) When 3) Leave 108 4) Please c 5) Learn D 6) Please r+ 7) Think Ы 8) Please 9) Please 10) Please Example: Close the door, please. Could you close the door, please? more time in the gym, please, in London, stay at a hotel, please, for Moscow tomorrow, please, go to the shops. English, please. Please visit your great-grandparents. about your career, please. read more books, newspapers and magazines, learn to work on the computer, take a picture of our garden. DO IT ON YOUR OWni 8 Complete the sentences. Use the new words good (2), fit, keeps, healthy, difficult, easy, useful 1) Ronald is a good sportsman. He always regular hours. 2) It is an question. I can answer it now. 3) Jane always eats food, she thinks it is very for her. 4) Alex is at swimming. He is a good swimmer. 5) I couldn’t do it. It was very to keep . • • 6) It is very to know English. 7) It is good 9 Write it in a different way. Example: Speak English, please. Could you speak English? 1) Help me, please. 2) Keep regular hours, please. 3) Do morning exercises every day, please 5) Read more useful books, please. 4) Eat more healthy food, please. 6) Take the dog out, please. 10 Look and think what names you can give to these clocks. Write them down. 2 4. 6 109 Ф ■О 1. 3. 5. a) a tower clock d) a wall clock b) a cuckoo ['kuku:] clock e) a bedside clock c) a grandfather clock f) a kitchen clock Step DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the dialogue, (67). Are these facts true, false or not stated’? 1) Sue is having a birthday. 2) Sue is in a flower shop. 3) It is a big flower shop. 4) Sue wants some flowers for her mother 5) Her mother lives at 19 King Street. 6) Sue’s mother lives in a very cosy flat. 7) The shop assistant says they have roses from France 8) Sue wants white roses for her mother. 9) The red roses in the shop are better than white roses 10) Sue is going to write a card to her mother. 2 Answer the questions. What do you do to be fit? 1) Do you do morning exercises every day? How much time do you spend on morning exercises? 2) What sports and games are you good at? How often do you play these games? 3) Do you eat healthy food? Do you eat many vegetables? What food do you like to eat? ’ not stated В тексте нет информации об этом J-.Ti’ 110 D W 3 4) Do you walk a lot? Do you often run or ride your bike? How often? 5) Do you take a cold shower in the morning? Do you swim a lot? 6) Do you often yisit doctors? How often? 7) Is it difficult for you to keep regular hours? Do you try to do it? 8) What sports do you like? Do you watch them on TV? A. Say what games John and Sally played yesterday. # * # r 4^3 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6 В. Say what John and Sally are good at 1. 2. 3. 9^ 4 5 4. 5 6 Speak about William and Jerry and say what style’ of life you like more. William Jerry 1) to get up early 1) to get up late 2) to do morning exercises 2) to eat breakfast in bed 3) to eat porridge in the 3) to drink three cups of morning coffee in the morning 4) to drink orange juice 4) to drive to work 5) to keep regular hours 5) to spend much time on computer games 6) not to spend much time 6) to watch television a on computer games and lot television 7) to run in the park on 7) to stay at home at Sunday morning weekends 8) not to eat many cakes 8) not to walk in the park and much bread 9) to go to the swimming 9) not to go swimming pool three times a week 10) to do what is good for 10) eat a lot for supper health 11) not to go to bed late 11) not to go to bed before 2 or 3 in the morning Mrs Green is 79. It is difficult for her to do often say to her granddaughter Emma? What 111 CO 0) T3 Example', to wash up Could you wash up, Emma? 1) to go to the shops 2) to do the flat 3) to take Rex, the dog, out 4) to water the plants 5) to go to the bank with me 6) to answer my friend’s letter style [stall] стиль 7) to make a cup of tea 8) to cook some potatoes 9) to clean the windows 10) to help me to make a salad 112 D W I«TT r Если нужно предложить кому-то сделать что-то вместе, часто используется оборот let's (let us) do (давайте Yes, let's. Давай(те) пойдем туда. сделаем). Let's go there. — Давай(те). Обратите внимание на то, что после let's инфинитив глагола употребляется без частицы to. Let's feed Rex. — — Давай накормим Рекса. Отрицательные предложения с let's могут образовываться без вспомогательного глагола do. Let's not go there. — Однако возможно вспомогательного do Let's don't go there. Да не пойдем туда в этих случаях и употребление Давайте не пойдем туда. 6 А. Alice has а lot of ideas. What are they? Example'. Let’s have a party. Let’s not fly there by plane ^, - 7 1—L_J_ cirv painful = joy — радость + ful ^ joyful = ? 9 9 B. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box successful, wonderful, healthy, painful, joyful, beautiful 1) Fred is a very writer. People love his books. 2) It is very to eat vegetables. 3) Wendy’s mother died two years ago. Wendy feels it is 4) The letter was ... . ... for her to speak about her mum. There were so many pleasant things about Alex in it. 5) I think roses are the most flowers. 6) Alice’s friends say she is a girl. She is always happy. И have got/has got В английском языке вместо форм глагола have/has часто употребляется оборот have got/has got. I have got a car. = I have a car. (У меня есть машина.) They haven't got a car. = нет машины.) Nick has got a bike. = велосипед.) Jane hasn't got a bike. (У Джейн нет велосипеда.) They don't have a car. (У них Nick has a bike. (У Ника есть Jane doesn't have a bike. 5 6 Listen and repeat, (72). I have got we have got you have got they have got he has got she has got I’ve got we’ve got = you’ve got = they’ve got he’s got she’s got it has got it’s got my mother has got my mother’s got Mary has got Mary’s got Say what these people have and haven't got. Example'. Pussy’s got a ball. It hasn’t got toy mice. 1. Pussy 2. Mr Clark 6. Helen 3. Mr Barton 7. Mrs Morrison 4. Jack 5. Alice 121 to Ф “O 0^ 8. Bobby 9. Ruth and Rosie 7 A. Listen, (73), and read the rhyme. Saturday Morning {After Carolyn Graham) First I called my mother, we talked for an hour^ Then I played tennis, went home and took a shower I went to the kitchen, made a cup of tea, took out my English book, and read Text Three. I finished doing English and watched TV. B. Read out the verbs in past simple. DO IT OIU YOUR OWN Complete the sentences. Use have got or has got 1) I an aunt and two uncles. 2) Sam a new computer at home. 3) The city a big green park. 4) All the children new toys. 5) The garden a lot of fruit trees. 6) The shops in this street beautiful windows. ^ for an hour в течение часа Continue as in the example. r»' 122 3 w 10 Example'. I’m tired. Let’s sit down. 1) I’m thirsty. 2) I’d like to watch television. 3) I’m dying for a cup of teah 4) I want to buy a present for my friend. 5) I’m hungry. Match the pictures with the words a) helpful b) painful 1. c) joyful d) playful 2. 3. 4 Step DO IT TOGETHER A. Listen, (74), and say what they decided to take up. 1) a) Barbara decided to take up skating, b) Barbara decided to take up skiing. 2) a) Boris decided to take up playing basketball b) Boris decided to take up playing volleyball. 3) a) Nancy decided to gymnastics b) Nancy decided to take up athletics. 4) a) George decided to take up ice hockey, b) George decided to take up cycling. 5) a) Betty decided to take up water polo, b) Betty decided to take up water skiing. 6) a) Melissa b) Melissa to take up skateboarding, to take up snowboarding. B. Say what you decided to take up. I’m dying for a cup of tea. — раза. Умираю, хочу чаю. 2 3 I ТОГО чтобы задать вопрос с оборотом have got/has got, следует поставить формы have/has перед подлежащим; Have you got any good friends? Yes, I have Has Denis got a new bike? No, he hasn't How many flowers has she got? She has a lot. В прошедшем времени структура с have got/has got обычно не употребляется. Tim had some free time yesterday. В вопросах и отрицаниях пользуются вспомогательным глаголом did Did Rose have breakfast early? No, she didn't Mary didn't have any friends in her old school. King John is rich’. King James is rich too. Complete their talk. Use the words from the box. King John: I’ve got fifteen cities. How many cities have you got? King James: I’ve got twen- ty and I’ve got forty ships. How many ships have you got? King John: and ^ - boats, castles, horses, cars, planes, computers, mobiles. bikes, airports, hotels, garages A. Answer the questions about people in the Middle Ages. Example' Did they have playstations? No, they didn’t Did they have ships? Yes, they did. 1) Did they have televisions? 9) Did they have computers? 2) Did they have big castles? 10) Did they have schools? 3) Did they have gardens? 11) Did they have teachers? 4) Did they have books? 12) Did they have doctors? 5) Did they have clocks? 13) Did they have planes? 6) Did they have cars? 14) Did they have mobiles? 7) Did they have lamps? 15) Did they have theatres? 8) Did they have boats? rich [n^l богатый 123 to 0) T3 4J в. Say what they had and didn't have in the Middle Ages Example’. They had big castles. They didn’t have televisions. 4 (75). What 1) Where is the start and where is the finish? “To start” 124 IS “to begin”. Let’s start running together in the mor- ning. c 2) a) D mmm ш Ы b) What’s the problem? Ann is away from the lesson again. I think she is ill I can’t do it. It’s very difficult. No problem. I will help you. Listen, (76), and read. A. different ['difrant] exercise ['eksa,saiz] ческая активность разный, различный - 1) упражнение; 2) моцион, физи- if если just [d^ASt] kind [kaind] once [wAns] просто, только, как раз, именно род, сорт, вид, разновидность однажды, когда-то outdoors [aut'daiz] without [wid'aut] на открытом воздухе, снаружи без take part in принимать участие в {чём-либо) В. different: different countries, different people, different newspapers, to be different from something. The three children all go to different schools. This car is different from the car I drove yesterday. exercise: 1) exercises in the textbook, to do exercises. Exercise Three. The teacher asked us to do three exercises. 2) to get more exercise, to take some exercise. Please run, swim or cycle, but get some exercise. if: if you are unwell, if he is happy, if you understand me, if you want to go there. Stay at home if you’re ill. just: just an exercise, just a poem. That’s just what I wanted. You are just like your brother. kind: all kinds of people, different kinds of books, different kinds of exercise. The film was OK, I think you like this kind of films. once: once a week, once a month, once a year, once upon a time. They go to the swimming pool once a week. He once lived in Rome. Once upon a time there lived (was) a king. 6 outdoors: to play games outdoors, to spend a lot of time outdoors. Their cat lives outdoors. Do you play table tennis outdoors? without: without a coat, without books, without John. He left without saying goodbye. take part in: Alice always takes part in our games. Would you like to take part in our concert ['konsat]? Ask them to do these exercises. Example: Ron/No. 13 Ron, do Exercise Thirteen, please 1) Alice / No. 25 2) 3) / No. 14 i / No. 15 4) Don / No. 3 5) Sarah / No. 34 6) Mary / No. 18 7) Silvia / No. 22 8) Richard / No. 1 125 tn ф ■о SJ 7 Make up sentences and read them. 1) You can’t make tea 2) You can’t write 3) You can’t play football 4) You can’t leave 5) You can’t be fit 6) You can’t make butter without saying goodbye milk. water. pens or pencils some exercise, a ball. DO IT 01У YOUR OWN 8 Write where the Wilsons once lived Example: The Wilsons once lived in Rome 126 D W 9 10 Match the parts of the sentences 1) If you aren’t well, 2) If you are tired, 3) If you want to be fit, 4) If you want to have fun, 5) If you want to play outdoors in winter, 6) If you stay outdoors a lot. a) take part in the new game with us. b) put on some warm clothes. c) you’ll feel better. d) have a lot of exercise e) go to bed early. f) don’t go to school. Write 5 sentences about what you can do outdoors. Step Round-up DO IT TOGETHER Alice, Betty and Diana live in three different places. Listen, who is who in the pictures. (77), and say 1. 2. 3. 2 Read the word combinations. once a week once a month once a year once upon a time different cities just a question different countries just a fable different squares different towns to sleep outdoors to start cycling to stay outdoors to start boxing just a book just a small problem to take up karate to take up judo to play outdoors to start swimming to take up water polo I I 3 Say what you do if you are feel tired feel cold feel hot e) want to take up swimming f) are hungry g) want to do athletics or gymnastics 4 Look at the picture, read the name of the text and say what it can be about. B. Read the text and complete the sentences after it Run Your Life^ How healthy are you? And are you happy? Doctors say many people are not fit and happy now. But they know the answer this problem. It is running. Running is good for you and running is fun. a year thousands of people Once a London don’t stay at home to read their Sunday newspapers but go to Hyde Park to take part in the National Fun Run^. They come with their friends, often in families. They are Fun Runners. They are people of different jobs. Many of them work offices and sit before computers all day. Their jobs give them no exercise. Engineers and doctors, nurses and bankers think it is good for them to start running. “Running is good for your health,” they say. “You begin eating more vegetables and fruit.^ You spend much time outdoors. It is good for you too. Soon you understand you can’t live without running.” There are different kinds of exercise. You can do swimming, running, cycling or just walking. They all will help you if you’re not fit. 1) Doctors say that now many people are ... . a) happy and fit b) happy and not fit c) not happy and not fit 2) Once a year of people go to Hyde Park to take part in the National Fun Run. a) hundreds b) millions c) thousands 127 to Ф "O 00 ^ Run for Your Life ^ National Fun Run Бег ради жизни общенациональные соревнования по бегу, проводи- мые ежегодно в Гайд-парке для всех желающих. fruit [fru:t] фрукты 128 D W 6 I I 3) A lot of office jobs a) don’t help people to keep fit b) help people to keep fit c) are good for people’s health 4) Running is good for people of jobs. a) difficult b) different c) outdoor 5) Start doing different kinds of if you are not fit a) exercise b) games c) jobs Гайд-парк {англ. Hyde Park) королевским парк в центре Лондона. Главная достопримечательность пар- I ка озеро Серпантин (the Serpentine), в котором разрешено купаться. За пределами Англии Гайд-парк известен прежде всего тем, что в нем находится уголок ораторов (the Speaker's Corner), где по традиции любой человек может провозглашать и отстаивать свои идеи. гН-fT ’' л' • 'О Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. I regular, successful, fit, healthy, different, good, busy, well 1) My brother took up karate not so long ago: he is not very at it. 2) I’m doing a lot to keep I do athletics and spend two hours a day outdoors. 3) Doctors say it is very good for health to keep hours. 4) I choose to have a diet of vegetables, fruit, fish and meat. 5) They live in a town but try to spend some time in the country. 6) My brother wants to be a sportsman and trains a lot. 7) Listen to your doctor and you’ll get soon. 8) Life in a big city is from living in the country. What 1) 8:15 a.m. 3) 2:45 p.m 5) 8:20 p.m 2) 10:30 a.m. 4) 6:30 p.m 6) 11:30 p.m л. Read about the Smirnovs and speak about your family. The Smirnovs The Smirnov family think a lot about keeping fit. In summer the father and his children, Yura and Lena, play tennis or badminton. In winter they go skating or skiing. The father is very good at tennis. On weekdays he does karate if he has free time. The mother doesn’t play tennis. She likes swimming and goes to the swimming pool once a week. She is a very good skier too. Lena is good at roller skating and Yura is good at swimming and football. He plays ice hockey but not very often. All the family try to stay outdoors one or two hours a day. They do morning exercises every day. They keep regular hours and eat healthy food. They don’t get ill very often. But if they do, they get well soon. Their lifestyle is healthy. Your family My family . In summer In winter ... ... is very good at On weekdays ... ... doesn’t/don’t ... like(s) ...ing ... is very good at ... but not very often. My family try . We every day We and eat .. We ... Our lifestyle is 129 Ф t: 00 8 B. Work in pairs. Talk about keeping fit. Ask and answer questions about what you do; what you don’t do to keep fit. DO IT 01У YOUR OWN Complete the text. Use the verbs in past simple. What name can you give to the text? Last summer Victor (decide)^ to take up water polo. He (to think)^ the game (be)^ easy but he (find)^ it difficult. Victor (choose)® to go to the swimming pool once a week. He (play)® there with some people from his office who (want)^ some ex- k ercise too. That (help)® Victor to keep fit. Soon he (start) 9 running and (have got)^^ a diet of vegetables and fruit. At the end of summer he (feel)^^ healthy and happy. 130 D Ы 9 10 Complete the sentences. in, without, at, in, up, after, from, past, upon 1) My sister and I look our cat. 2) When did Ron take snowboarding? 3) My great-grandmother is old but she is good health. 4) I can’t live sport and games. 5) Sue isn’t very good basketball, she’s just learning. 6) Their new house is very different the house where they lived before. 7) All my friends enjoy taking part outdoor games. 8) Once a time there lived a brother and a sister. 9) Mother usu- ally comes home from work at half SIX. Get ready to write Dictation 3. Dictation 3 Half past three, at a quarter to twelve, to look after the children, to do morning exercises, to spend time outdoors, successful sportsmen, to keep regular hours, once upon a time, to be different from, to take up cycling. box .1 ; I, -Л.- Ц .4 I ■■ -ta -T^ J,-.-. athletics, basketball, boating, boxing, busy, colourful, cycling, decide, easy, exercise, different, difficult, face, finish, free, gymnastics, half, hand, health(y), hour, if, ill, joyful, judo, just, karate, kind, like, minute, mountain, once, outdoors, painful, problem, quarter, regular, roller-skating, second, skateboarding, snow- boarding, start. success(ful). useful. watch, without buy — bought keep - — kept choose — chose spell - — spelt/spelled feel — felt sleep — slept have got/has got — had got think — thought find found Step Test Yourself I. LISTENING Listen to the text "Run a Marathon true, false or not stated. (78), and decide what facts are 131 1) A lot of people can run a marathon. 2) People run marathons in different cities. 3) Old people never take part in marathons. 4) George Brenan was the oldest marathon runner in 1982. 5) He came the first in the London marathon. 6) The weather on the day of the Glasgow marathon was not very good. 7) George finished the Glasgow marathon in three hours and twenty-five minutes. in (D JD KD Maximum result 7 Your result 9 • 2 II. READING A. Read the text and say if Dave Dyke is right or wrong w Marathon from an Armchair My name is Dave Dyke and I’m not a marathon runner. It is the worst thing in the world to run a marathon,” my friends say to me. “But it is the best thing to finish a marathon.” I don’t try. I just watch marathons on TV and read about them in newspapers and magazines. And I think it’s fun. I know now a lot of interesting things about different marathons and about many runners. I don’t think people must take part in marathons. If you are not fit, marathons can’t help you, I know. When some men and women get up early and start running, I stay in bed. And I’ve got a healthy, happy life. I’ve got a lot of sleep, my comfortable armchair, my favourite television and good friends. Run a marathon? Run for fun? Never. a marathon ['таегэ0эп] марафон, состязание в беге на дистанцию 42 км \ 132 D W В. Say what was not in the text. 1) Dave thinks marathons are not for all people. 2) Dave took part in marathons when he was young. 3) Dave says he will never run a marathon. 4) Dave gives his friends’ idea of a marathon. 5) Dave knows a lot about marathons and runners from magazines and newspapers. Maximum result 5 Your result 9 • III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) 3 Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. ", I after, in, for, from, without, up, upon 1) Take ... running. You’ll be fit and healthy. 2) I can’t look your flowers. I’m leaving London tomorrow. 3) My friends didn’t take part ... the marathon last year. 4) My sis- ter is different ... 6) You can’t leave me. 5) Once ... a time there lived a queen. ... saying goodbye to granny. 4 Maximum result 7 Your result 9 • Look at the picture and what kinds of sport Adam what games he plays. write does. Adam does ... Adam plays ... Adam goes ... Maximum result 8 Your result 9 • 5 IV. SPEAKING Speak about your family's ideas about keeping fit. Say what your family and you think about: staying outdoors; keeping to a diet of fruit and vegetables; • drinking a lot of coffee; doing swimming, boxing, cycling, water polo, running, marathon running; doing morning exercises; • skating, skiing, roller skating, snowboarding, skateboarding; playing tennis, ping-pong, basketball, volleyball, football. Maximum result 5 Your result ? • V. WRITING Write Dictation 3, ® (79) 133 Ф "O О Maximum result 10 Your result ? • Total result 42 Your result ? • Ste p 10 Enjoy Yourself DO IT TOGETHER Read Aesop's fable "The Peasant [peznt] and the Apple Tree" and choose the best moral for it. a) People mustn’t cut down trees. b) Don’t say a thing is bad before you know this thing well. c) Honey ['liAni] is tasty and very useful. крестьянин срубать # # мед The Peasant and the Apple Tree Once upon a time there lived a peasant, he had an apple tree in his garden. That apple tree gave no fruit but it was a home for sparrows and grasshoppers. The farmer thought the tree was no good and decided to cut it down. He took an axe [aeks] and came up to the apple tree. The sparrows and grasshoppers saw the axe. It was clear to them what the peas- топор 134 D Ы 2 3 4 5 ant was going to do. They asked him not to do it. “Your garden can’t be beautiful r if we are not in it,” they said. “The tree is our home. If we don’t have we can’t live here. We’ll go any home, away.” But the peasant didn’t want to listen to them. He was interested in apples and the apple tree didn’t give him any. So he began cutting the tree down. But soon he saw a lot of bees inside [in'said] and a lot of honey. The peasant became very happy. He put down his axe and said. This old tree can be useful and I am go- ing to keep it. внутри положил Say who did it in the fable. 1) Who had an apple tree in the garden? 2) Who decided to cut down the tree? 3) Who took an axe and came up to the apple tree? 4) Who saw the axe? 5) Who asked the peasant not to cut the tree down? 6) Who couldn’t live in the garden where there was no apple tree? 7) Who was happy when he saw the honey and the bees? Describe the house where the peasant lived and his garden. Act out the fable. A. Listen to the poem "Dame Trot n (80), in English and in Russian. Read the poem in English. Why do you think Dame Trot spoke to her pet? Dame Trot Dame Trot and her cat госпожа, дама Sat down for a chat; The Dame sat on this side And puss [pus] sat on that. u Puss,” says the Dame, Can you catch a rat? Or a mouse in the dark? u Purr [рз:],” says the cat. болтовня, разговор сторона киска поймать крысу темнота МУР Разговор Тётя Трот и кошка сели у окошка. Сели рядом вечерком Поболтать немножко. Трот спросила: Кис-кис-кис, Ты ловить умеешь крыс? Мурр!.. сказала кошка, Помолчав немножко. {Перевод С. Я. Маршака) В. Do you think people often speak to their pets? Why do they do it? Do you speak to your pets if you've got any? 135 V/1 Ф “O О Самуил Яковлевич Маршак (1887— 1964) был поэтом, переводчиком и драматургом. В России трудно найти человека, который не знает таких его произведений для детей, как «Сказка о глупом мышонке» или «Двенадцать месяцев». Благодаря его переводам миллионы читателей в нашей стране познакомились с творчеством великих английских поэтов, - - Шекспира, Блейка, Бернса, а также с народными балладами, песнями и стихами. Try to tell one of Marshak's tales in English. Tale of Silly Little Mouse Once upon a time there lived a little mouse. He lived with his mum in their little cosy house. One night Little Mouse went to bed but couldn’t sleep. His mother began singing a lullaby ['ЫэЬах] song to him. But Little Mouse didn’t like her singing. He thought her voice was very thin. Mother Mouse ran away and came back with a duck. The duck began singing but Little Mouse thought her voice was very loud [laud]... ... a horse (Her song was scary ['skeari].) ... a frog (Her song wasn’t interesting.) глупый колыбельная громкий пугаюш;ии ... а pig (Her song wasn’t sweet.) ... a hen (She couldn’t sing him to sleep.) ... a fish (He couldn’t hear her song.) ... a cat (Her song was very good-sweet and beautiful.) But ... . .. : -A 136 D w DO IT 01У YOUR OWIU 7 Read the fable "The Peasant and the Apple Tree" again and write the sentences in the right order. a) The peasant didn’t want to listen to the sparrows and grasshoppers. b) The peasant was happy to see a lot of honey. c) A peasant had an apple tree in his garden. d) “We’ll go away!” e) The peasant began cutting down the tree. f) The sparrows and the grasshoppers asked the peasant not to cut the apple tree down. g) The apple tree didn’t give any apples. h) The peasant decided to cut down the tree. 8 The first letters of these words make a new word. What is it? Write it down. The word is ... . I 9 Do Project Work 3. Complete a new page of your English Album. Ask your family or friends to help if necessary. PROJECT WORK 3. Write what you do to keep healthy. Illustrate your story with pictures. Contents Book Guide 3 I UNIT 1. Holidays Are Over Step 1 Step 2 ............ Step 3 ............ Step 4 ............ Step 5 ............ Step 6 ............ Step 7 ............ Step 8 Round-up . . . Step 9 Test Yourself Step 10 Enjoy Yourself 5 10 15 19 24 29 34 39 43 46 UNIT 2. Family History Step 1 Step 2 ............ Step 3 ............ Step 4 ............ Step 5 ............ Step 6 ............ Step 7 ............ Step 8 Round-up . . . Step 9 Test Yourself Step 10 Enjoy Yourself 52 56 60 63 68 72 77 81 86 89 UNIT 3. Healthy Ways Step 1 ............ Step 2 ............ Step 3 ............ Step 4 ............ Step 5 ............ Step 6 ............ Step 7 ............ Step 8 Round-up . . . Step 9 Test Yourself Step 10 Enjoy Yourself 94 99 105 109 114 118 122 126 131 133 ВЕРТИ КАЛЬ Учебник рекомендован Министерством образования и науки РФ К каждому курсу выпускаются Учебно - методический комплекс о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова Английский язык 5 класс О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова Английский язык 6 класс О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова Английский язык 7 класс i 3? j учебник рабочая тетрадь для учащихся аудиоприложение книга для учителя диагностика результатов образования О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова Английский язык 8 класс О лексико-грамматическии практикум О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова Английский язык 9 класс WWW методическая поддержка на www.drofa.ru ISBN 978-5-358-14456-9 9 785358 144569 □ 4fDpO0Q -иР ■ □