Учебник Английский язык 4 класс Афанасьева Михеева часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 4 класс Афанасьева Михеева часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Rainbow English (Рейнбоу инглиш):

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r-J O. B. Афанасьева И. В. Михеева АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык f juice МАЛ.^ SAM EDDY iil КОД . Ч ' -' ': Ыг Я/ М о КЛАСС .1 1-"*' tv! Mr •*'; /•■• УП' • •' ’ ■ * ■ с '■ - ’-■ 1 •!, -t -if -,f ISnned by Uambcanner 1 ■ V ’ •'' I ■ ' ■■■■■'■^iiiv^ t''-i . ’ Ш. ZJ . , .':. Mi' Ч"1*-И1 rr->rr T ix»-' ^ ' :mn I Love Food Step 1 DO IT TOGETHER Послушай диктора, ® (98), и скажи, чем сейчас заняты члены семьи Баркеров и где они находятся. John washing the plates Sally reading a book Margaret is playing with a ball ■ ; i Richard listening to music Chase sleeping 1 Smokey feeding birds in the bedroom. in the kitchen. in the garden. in the living room. in the hall, in the armchair. I Составь вопросы, расположив слова в нужном порядке, и от- веть на них I . Образец: how i^Ahere/are/books/in the book " case/?/(‘d) How many books are there in the book- Г) Seventy-three. Scanned by CamScanner C D «Л 1Л в. Повтори новые слова за диктором, (100). enjoy [,m'cfeoi] — получать удовольствие favourite ['feivrot] — любимый make [meik] — делать tasty ['teisti] — вкусный think [0iok] — думать, полагать walk [wo;k] — идти пешком, гулять wonderful ['wAndofl] — чудесный, прекрасный С Повтори за диктором новые слова, словосочетания и предложения с ними, ^ (100). enjoy: enjoy your tea, enjoy the song, enjoy the film. I always enjoy good music. Are you enjoying your breakfast? favourite: favourite tea, favourite dish, favourite season. What is your favourite season? I like many flowers but roses are my favourite, make: make tea, make coffee, make breakfast, make lunch. Can you make me a cup of tea, please? What are you doing? Гт making tea for breakfast. tasty: tasty food, tasty juice, tasty ice cream. There is a lot of tasty food in the kitchen. This soup isn’t tasty at all. think: think about school, think about your birthday. What are you thinking about? I think you can dance very well. I think so. I don’t think so. walk: walk in the park, walk in the street, walk together. Don’t walk late at night. I don’t take a bus to school, I walk there. I always walk my dog* before I go to bed. wonderful: wonderful cake, wonderful friend, wonderful day. Today is a wonderful day. I can show you a wonderful garden. Peter is a wonderful doctor. the dog = take the dog out Scanned by CamScanner 9 Выбери и прочитай те утверждения, которые верны для тебя. I think... I don’t think... winter is a beautiful season, coffee is very tasty, dogs make good friends. Monday is a wonderful day. apples are my favourite fruit, our classroom is always clean. all my friends enjoy their school lunch. I can walk to school, football is my favourite game. I enjoy cold tea. English is wonderful. The Thinker VI DO ВТ ОБИ YOUIR ОШШ Выполни задания 1—5 в рабочей тетради. Step 2 О о DO IT TOGETHER Послушай аудиозапись, Ф (101), и реши, где звучат диалоги, которые ты услышал. 1) 2) 3) 4) a) in the street b) in _ the classroom ‘ c) at home d) in the lunch room at school A. Выбери из этих слов только те, значения которых тебе известны. Проверь себя, (102). В записи прозвучат только изученные ранее слова. Bananas, oranges, plums, lemons, apples, grapes, cakes, eggs, soup, berries, rice, tea, jam, coffee, butter, beef, milk, sweets, crisps, oil, fish, juice, water. Scanned by CamScanner 8 В. Среди слов, обозначающих еду и напмт>^м . торые звучат одинаково на разных языках ПослушТй''^'"'"' ’'°' тор произносит следующие слова, и попробуй угал^^ " значат, ^ (ЮЗ). ^ Угадать, что они 1) pizza; 2) hamburger; 3) salad; 4) yoffurt- = л wich; 6) chocolate; 7) tomatoes; 8) oLfette’- 9) era! water. ’ ^ A Посмотри на картинки и назови эту еду и напитки, проверь себя и повтори слова ещё раз за диктором, ^ (104). Drinks* U1 1. Food 2. 5. 1. 6. 2. 3. * drinks напитки 4. 7. ' 8. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14. 5. 10. Scanned by CamScanner в. По образцу скажи, какие из нарисованных продуктов и напитков ты считаешь вкусными, а какие нет; какал ода и какие напитки доставляют тебе удовольствие. Образец: I think pizza is tasty. I enjoy pizza. I don’t think 1‘ish is tasty. I don’t like fish. I hate fish. 0 В английском языке многие существителгьиые и глаголы, а также прилагательные и глаголы пишутся и произносятся одинаково. Ср.: drink — напиток drink — пить answer — отвечать dance — танцевать clean — чистый water — вода work — работа answer — ответ dance — танец clean ^— чистить, очищать water — поливать work — работать Во многих случаях одно из слов в каждой паре было образовано от другого. Такой способ словообразования называется конверсией._____________ А Ты знаешь эти глаголы. Скажи, что означают парные им существительные. jump, help, kiss, walk, skate, ski The high jump is a sport . S Ttonks a lot for your h^. I some ^ are very sweet I like long wa^ m the park. 5) These are my new ska^ and sl^. В Ты знаешь эти существительные. Что значат парные им глаголы? colour, name, phone, lunch sport [spo-.t] — спорт, вид спорта С и • н- 1Л Scanned by CamScanner 10 VI 1) I like to colour pictures in my picture book. 2) What can we name this little dog? 3) Please phone me in the evening. 4) We can lunch together on Tuesday. Ответь на эти вопросы. А. 1) What is your favourite colour? 2) What is your favourite animal? 3) What is your favourite season? 4) What is your favourite month? 5) What is your favourite food? B. 1) Do you think grapes are tasty? 2) What food do you think is tasty? 3) What drinks do you think are tasty? 4) Are bananas usually tasty? 5) Is tea with milk tasty? C. 1) Can you make tea? 2) Do you often make tea for the family? 3) Who usually makes tea in your family? 4) Do you help your parents to make lunch? 5) Can you make coffee? Скажи, куда идут эти люди. i \ f ’ J ar\^- N\cX МГ5 Уоуп^ Scanned by CamScanner Kate, Pod CIINIMA Jess. Ti m 11 pOOL ^ Sue 1Л Образец'. Jane is walking to the bank. Поработайте в парах. Прочитайте и закончите эти диалоги. А затем придумайте свой собственный диалог. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Where is Kevin? I don’t know, but I think he ... Is mother in the kitchen? ^ I think so. I think ... . . Is Ben’s car blue? I don’t think so. He hates ... Is the shop open now? I think so. It opens at ... . Is Tom at home now? I don’t know. I think ... . I think it’s DO IT ON YOUR OWW О выполни задания' 1-5 в рабочей тетради. Scanned by CamScanner а + Л step В DO IT TOGETNEK Стол в доме Баркеров накрыт к завтраку. Послушай запись, (105), и посмотри на рисунок. В чём художник ошибся? Q Заверши предложения, выбрав нужную форму глагола. 1) It S seven o’clock in the morning. Mary (is/are) making sandwiches for breakfast. 2) (Do/does) Mar- irShafid SonVdoeS^ Sn^ vLurt breakfast? ^ borne yogurt and a hamburger. 4) (Are/isi there any hamSerf but”"' (bke/likes) sanliches and some mineral water 8) Th ^^”^begins) his day wi ing) salad for lunch But^^ usually (make/are nia ing) soup ’ Mum (cooks/is cook Scanned by CamScanner Совмести рисунки с предложениями. 1) Jane skates very well. 2) My skates are under the chair. 3) The room is clean. 4) Can you clean the carpet, please? 5) Drink this water, it isn’t cold. 6) Can you water the plants? 7) My little sister loves to colour pictures. 8) Yellow is uiy favourite colour. a. b. ' c. d. e. f. g. h. 13 1Л Scanned by CamScanner 14 U1 о a Чтобы сказать по-английски «холодно», «жарк^ «интересно», «славно» и т. д., нужно начать предложение с It is (It's), а затем добавить необходимое по смыслу прилагательное. It is cold. It is interesting*. It’s hot. It’s wonderful. Такие предложения называются безличными. К ним относятся и такие фразы, как: It is five o’clock. It’s ten thirty. Русским предложениям «Зима», «Осень», «Утро», «Вечер» также соответствуют личные предложения. английские без- Прочитай эти предложения и скажи, что они значат по-русски. A. 1) It is early. 2) It is late. 3) It’s wonderful. 4) It’s interesting. 5) It’s tasty. B. 1) It’s winter. 2) It’s summer. C 1) It’s afternoon. 2) It’s evening. 3) It’s early morning. 4) It’s late night. 6) It’s not cold. 7) It’s not hot. 8) It’s not good. 9) It’s not bad. 10) It is not dark. 3) It’s early autumn. 4) It’s late spring. 5) It’s a hot summer day- 6) It’s a pleasant spring evening. 7) It’s my birthday today* Как ты охарактеризуешь эти ситуации? Выбери подходяЩ*^^ ^ случаю вариант. 1) It’s four o’clock in the morning. 2) LookI The sun is in the sky again. a) It’s interesting* b) It’s very sad- Scanned by CamScanner 3) The book is about a boy and his dog friend. 4) My grandad is very-very old now. 5) We can have lunch and go to the cinema together. 6) Robin is late again. 7) They always give me lots of wonderful presents. 8) I can drive you to school. c) It’s early. d) It’s wonderful. e) It’s bad. f) It’s very pleasant. g) It’s very good. h) It’s nice of you. A. C помощью картинок и аудиозаписи, @ (106), познакомься с новыми словами, повтори их за диктором. eg 1) cheese [#z] 2) cornflakes ['ko:n,fleiks] 3) ham [h^m] 4) porridge ['рппф] CREAM, 5) sugar ['JnQs] 6) cream [kri:m] 7) bacon [-beikon] _ 8) f^dge [fnefe] Ответы ты сможешь найти в списке новых В. Скажи, что это. слов (пункт А). pat it hot, usually for breakfast. They say it ^ od for you. Many children don4 often like it. 15 1Л Scanned by CamScanner 2) 3) 4) 16 5) c 6) D r+ 7) U1 You eat them cold, often with milk or yogurt. Sometimes they are sweet and sometimes they are vno nut it in your sandwich. Its colour is light Sb» You u Jally have it for breaktet. You put it in your sandwich too. Its colour is pink. You can put it into salads too. You usually eat it hot ,ith В «««h breakfast but you can also eat it in the alter noon and in the evening. , + Ynn It’s white in colour and has a lot of fat. You can drink it or add* it to your tea or coitee. It’s very sweet and usually white in colour. Men, Imln Ind children often put it in their tea and coffee, or in the porridge. There is a lot of it 8) It’s a big box for food. You can see it in kitchen. In America its name is an icebox . Посмотри на картинку и скажи, что сегодня есть в холодияьни-ке у Баркеров. Образец: There are six eggs. There is some milk. What is there in the fridge? - * add [sed] — добавлять ** any — зд.: любой Scanned by CamScanner DO IT OIU YOUR OWN 0 выполни задания 1-s в рабочей тетради. Step 4 О 9 DO IT TOOET^aER Послушай запись, (107), и скажи, каким текстам соответствуют эти рисунки. 17 3.. Пофантазируй и составь названия своих собственных блюд. Образец: banana, orange/juice banana and orange juice ham, cheese apple, orange milk, chocolate apple, sugar lemon, sugar ham, egg cheese, butter bacon, egg cream, banana jam cake sandwich pizza cornflakes yogurt juice salad tea ice cream « • « 9 « • * Scanned by CamScanner 1Л щшо1Фия. 18 1Л Двое друзей нашли альбом со старыми фотографиями. К сожа. пению некоторые из них оказались испорченными. Друзьям, приходится гадать, что делают изображенные на них люди. Что говорят мальчики друг другу? Образец: I think she — I think Kate ... plates. — I don’t think she ... food. — I think Kate is washing the plates. — I don’t think she is washing the plates. I think she is cooking food. 1) — I think Jim ... a bike. — I don’t think he ... . I think he 2) — I think Bill ... a book. — I don’t think he ... . I think he 3) — I think Alice ... milk. — I don’t think ... .1 think she ... 4) — I think Dan ... the piano. — I don’t think ... .1 think he .., puter. ... a horse. ,.. a book, tea. on the com- Scanned by CamScanner Когда па атлл и Гипсом n;ii.iic(! iiiKVi,;iaraioT кому-то что-то сдо«'ат> ii.im yi’om,nio'i’ icoi’o-'ro ч()м-'го» чаото употребляют оборо'1' Would you 1Нс<» ...? (Но хочеш1| лп ...?/П(‘ xoTirre ли ...V). ('fb, (108): Would you llk<) Honui hou|>V Would you lik(‘ to ко i*o the (hianrin? Если реч1. идГуг о (у1,е, 'i*o иоаможиыс; о'пкггьг звучат тшс: Yes, please. (Дм.) No, tliaiik yon. (II(jt.) Обрати шшмапш;, 4'vo ио-мпглийски иеиорпо будет ответить “Yes, thank you.’' или “’Пшик you, по/’ Примеры правильиого уоил’реблеиия: Would you like some соПсе? — No, tlumk you. Would you like a cake? — Yes, please. 0 Используя картинки, составь вопросы и ответы на них, 1) Would you like some c^y^? No, thank you. 2) Would you like an ? Yes, please. 3) Would you like some 4) Would you like an V (-) 5) Would you like some 6) Would you like a ^ (‘^) ? (H-) 7) Would you like a ^ 8) Would you like some (”) 19 C D r~f M Scanned by CamScanner 20 ui 9) Would you like a 10) Would you like some ? r- (-) (+) Нр A. Соедини начала и концы предложений так, как ты счмта ешь нужным. Образец: It is nice to walk in the park. It is very pleasant It is wonderful It is not very pleasant It is OK It is nice It is not very interesting It is very good It is not very good to have good friends. to work in the garden. to listen to good music. to help your friend. to eat porridge. to say “hello” and “thank you”. to watch a lot of television, to eat tasty food. B. Составь несколько своих предложений по этому образцу. Сравнивать предметы и их качества можно упот- BoSonHoI''cTnJ®“*'r ® "Р^«™тельной или пре-два слога ппс ® слове один слог или нГ -V то’ обычнп®^^ заканчивается на у, то обычно степени сравнения обоазутотся пень)“и"еГгппе?*“*‘'^“ ('^Р^внитель^я'^ сте- пень) и est (превосходная степень), <$) noQ) ~ - (the) smallest f • Г f “t'ter - (the) coldest friendly* _ friendlier - (the) friendliest Ha письме у меняется ття i превосходной степенях. сравнительной я happy - happier - (the) happiest Обрати внимание на то к at. „ = тельные используются в ’речт ^(°бные прилага- * friendly t'frendli] дружелюбный Scanneci by CamScanner А. 1) The green pencil is longer than* the yellow pencil. 2) Charles is younger than Peter. ID for dinner make tea I think so. for supper make porridge I don’t think so. 35 ui Scanned by CamScanner 36^ с э U1 о о <Э5 а.»«, ка«и. И1 >тих ™ 6» выбрал себе ». и„„, ланч или обед. Breakfast Menu 1 Porridge Egg Cheese Tea with sugar Lunch Menu 1 Tomato salad Chicken and rice Apples Mineral water Dinner Menu 1 Vegetable soup Chicken and rice Mineral water Breakfast Menu 2 Omelette Bread and butter Coffee Banana Lunch Menu 2 Green salad Pizza Ice cream Oranges Dinner Menu 2 Chicken soup Fish and potatoes Tea Breakfast Menu 3 Bacon and eggs Orange juice Chicken sandwich Tea with milk Lunch Menu 3 Chicken salad Coffee Cake Grapes Dinner Menu 3 Fish soup Chicken and vegetables Plum juice Составь меню из любимых блюд и, работая и одноклассниками, выясни, что они хотели r своими втрак, обед и ужин. съесть на за- Ты уже можешь писать по-английски Напиши словарный диктант 5 (Dictation 5), ^ Maximum result 10 Your result ? Total result 30 Your result ? Scanned by CamScanner DO IT OIU YOUR OWIVI выполни задания 1^5 в рабочей тетради. Выполни проектное задание 4 (Project Work 4). Our Favourite Dishes Оформи пятую страничку своего английского альбома^ Нарисуй или сфотографируй любимые блюда твоей семьи. Напиши, что это за блюда, кто их обычно готовит, кто ему помогает и когда (на завтрак, обед, ужин или к чаю) эти блюда подаются к столу. 37 1Л Scanned by CamScanner } Лг Ур' The Weather We Have 0) step 1 О в в DO IT TOGETHER Послушай, что написал Джеф Хупер (Jeff Hooper) своему другу, (122), и скажи, какие вопросы он задаёт в конце письма. Как бы ты ответил на эти вопросы? Знакомые тебе глаголы walk и work часто произносят неправильно. Прочитай эти словосочетания за диктором, (123), обращая внимание на различие в произношении. walk [wo:k] walk а lot walk in the park walk together walk with me walk here walk at night walk in the street work [w3:k] work a lot work in the park work together work with me work here work at night work in the street Послушай запись, ^ (124), и скажи, какое слово в скобках следует выбрать, чтобы получились те предложения, которые произносит диктор. 1) Jane (walks/works) in а bank. . 2) Tom is (walking/working) in the garden. He is helping his mother. Scanned by CamScanner о 3) Do you son Bob? — Yes. I do. Me is (walking/ working) with his friend near the lake. J) My granny (walks/works) with children. Г)) My fatlier nevf?r fwalks/works). Ho always drives. 6) Do you (walk/wnrk) on Friday? — Yes, I do. 7) IОШ i.4 two. Hft can (walk/work) very well. H) Do you (walk work) in the garden? 9) IxK)kI \Az7,y is (walking/working) here. 10) Where* does your cousin (walk/work)? — He (walks/works) in tlie park. Срлр.ми эти предметы. OOpa.irn: 'Пи* yellow carpet is (wide/ narrow') than the green carpet. 'Die yellow' carpet is wider than the green carpet. 1) The white window is (clean/dirty) than the green wnndow. 2) Tlie brow'n coat is (short/long) than the grey coat. 3) The red belt is (short/long) than the blue belt. 4} Tlie red ant is (small/big) than the black ant. ' 5) The birch is (high/low) than the ap-pie tree- 6) The green tench is (high/low) than the purple tench. J M Q 39 C D * r-f- Ф Q 40%^ о A. Прочитай BCG формы этих прилагательных и скажи, какие изменения происходят на письме в тех прилагательных, котО' рые 1) заканчиваются на -у, 2) являются односложными и произносятся с кратким гласным звуком. 1) happy — happier — (the) happiest cosy — cosier — (the) cosiest early — earlier — (the) earliest hungry — hungrier — (the) hungriest 2) fat — fatter (the) fattest big — bigger (the) biggest hot — hotter (the) hottest sad — sadder (the) saddest B. Заверши предложения, используя сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных в скобках. Скажи, в каких случаях последняя буква в прилагательных будет изменяться или удваиваться. 1) The TV tower is the (high) in your town. 2) Bikes are (slow) than cars. 3) Our classroom is (cosy) than your classroom. 4) Today is the (hot) day of the week. 5) Big Tom is the (funny) clown. 6) The green frog is (fat) than the brown frog. 7) Who is the (happy) man here? 8) This little chimp is the (cute) animal in the zoo. Познакомься c новыми словами. Повтори новые слова словосочетания и предложения с ними за диктором, А (125) А. ago [э'дэи] — тому назад last [lo:st] — последний then [беп] — тогда was [wDz] — был, была were [w3:] — были yesterday ['jestadi] — вчера ago: two days ago, three months аго ago. We were in London a week ago^ ’ ^ last: last Monday, last Thursday, W „„ was in Africa last summer. Уваг. Jill then: I was in Florida l^t year Mo.. Scotland then. ^ was in was: was happy, was sick, was tired woo .u-John was sad but Jane was sadder. ’ thirsty. B. bcannea oy uambcanner о were: were sick, were hungry, were hot, were cold. Bob and Jack were together in the park, yesterday: yesterday morning, yesterday evening, yesterday afternoon. We were in the cafe yesterday. They were not at home yesterday evening. Скажи, где были Баркеры в указанное время. Образец', Margaret Barker was at the cinema у ester- S day night. Margaret Barker Sally Barker Mary Barker Tom and Meg Barker Richard and Margaret The Barkers Chase ( in the ----park in Scotland in France on the farm in Italy at the cinema at school last Wednesday. yesterday. last year. last month. yesterday night. three days ago. last autumn. C ZJ я r+ Ф bcannea oy uambcanner DO IT 01У YOUR ©WM g выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради. ’■л"''' ■ё ■::-Р «ма • г+ 0^ о 8 Step 2 DO IT TOGETHER Послушай четыре разговора, (126), и реши, где происходит каждый из них. a) In the street. b) In the cafe. c) At school. d) In the kitchen. [Дочитай следующие слова и словосочетания, проверь себя, ® (127). А [d]: was, what, watch, often [з;]: fern, her, were, bird, sir „ [a:]: class, last, classroom, garden, armchair [эи]: ago, piano, lotto, photo [e]: men, then, tent, hen, pen B. last Monday ■ last Tuesday last Thursday last Wednesday was twelve then was thirty then was forty-five then \was .sixty, then were in the park were in the garden yesterday evening yesterday morning afternoon yesterday night three weeks ago sfven days ago ' tfn -go years ago '^-re in town . at the Cinema ©Выбрав правильную форму глагола зав ' -^^верши эти п 1) Mr Robinson and his 'wife (was Р®Дложения. ma yesterday night. Their pets the cine- 2) My friends and I, (was, were) at’ 'T®*'®) at home. И afternoon. 3) Last summer щу ^^andparents (was, Scanned by CamScanner е were) in Spain, I (was, were) in London with my parents then. 4) I think John Barker (was, were) in his garden yesterday evening. 5) Sally Barker (was, were) at home five days ago. 6) We (was, were) in the bank last Wednesday. 7) They all (was, were) at the zoo a week ago. 8) My cousin (was, were) in the cafe yesterday. Скажи, когда и где были эти люди. Образец: 1) The Greens 2 days ago. The Greens were in London 2 days ago. 2) Helen Brown 3) Walter Cox last January. five days ago. 4) Mel and Dick 5) Denis Linton 6) Harry Hobbs last Tuesday. yesterday afternoon. last December. Поочитай следующие предложения и скажи, как образуются отрицательные предложения с глагольными формами was и were. А. .ч J not at school yesterday. It was Sunday. 04 Mv cousin was not in town yesterday morning. Rov was not in the park at 9 o’clock in the evening. He was at home ^ 4) We were not in France last year. We were in .4 You^were not in the bank then. 6) My parents were not in Italy three years ago. Scanned by CamScanner c 3. 0) т> s et 0 В Используя английские слова, которые ты знаешь, скажи, где не бьГв?ера, в прошлое воскресенье, два дня тому назад. ' Запомни, как образуются от прилагательных good и bad, ^ (1^ )• good — better — (the) best Your answer was better than his. Tom^s test was better than John’s. Alice’s test was the best. bad — worse — (the) worst May’s photo was worse than Ann’s. Your work was worse than her work. Jack’s work was the worst. Дайана (Diana) завидует всем своим друзьям, хотя это очень скверная привычка. Закончи правильно следующие предложения, чтобы узнать, что думает девочка. 1) 2) 3) Образец, Lizzy s coat is (good/better) than my coat. Lizzy s coat is better than my coat. I think Mark’s toys are (better/worse) than my toys. His toys are the (best/worst) in our class. Sue s computer is (better/best) than my comnnter I love my new doll, but Marv’c a • mpute . better). IS (worse/ 4) Polly’s books ^e (better/best) than my books Mv books are the (worse/worst), I dooks. iviy 5) My blouse is (better/worse) than > ui Her blouse is the (best/worst) of яЛ 6) My bike is (worse/worst) than ® girls’. (bad/ bike is the (good/best) and bike, worst) in my class. ^ oiice is the Прочитай текст и скажи, какие рисунки из его параграфов. ‘^^^'^стрируют каждый а) Last weekend Ron was verv h a cafe with his girlfriend. The '^as in were good and the chicken salaricakes were in the cafe all evening ^ ^asty. They Scanned by CamScanner 1. 3. b) с) e) 4. On Monday Ron was in the food shop. It was late at night and there was no bread and no milk in the shop. There were only some vegetables. Ron was not happy at all. Yesterday morning Ron was at home. He was sick. It was a bad day for Ron. He was in bed all morning and all afternoon. In the evening Ron was better and a little happier, d) Two days ago Ron and Meggie, his girlfriend, were in the cinema. The film was very interesting. There were a lot of good actors ['sektsz] in the film. The music in the film was wonderful too. Last Friday Ron was in the park. The day was hot and there were no clouds in the sky. There were a lot of flowers in the flowerbeds and a lot of birds in the green trees. It was a wonderful spring day. DO IT OW YOUB OWIU Q Выполни задания 1—5 в рабочей тетради. - niaiiliiiiii Ф Scanned by CamScanner 46 w' в step 3 DO IT TOGETHER jn Послушай рифмовку, ф (129), и скажи, каких слое в ней не стаёт. Shorter, Taller (After Carolyn Graham) Shorter, 1) bigger, 2) Bigger, 3) shorter, 4) Shorter, 5) ..., weaker, 6) Weaker, 7) shorter, 8) ... . This desk is small. This desk is smaller. This teacher’s 9) ... . That teacher’s 10) ... . This class is big. That class is 11) ... . That teacher is very-very tall, ; “Закончи фр^ы, используй нужные слова вместо картинок Проверь себя, ^ (130). ' ^ А. good = better = the best — 1) Mary’s bike is Alice’s bike IS: Д-А Kate’s bike is . 2) Kate’s house is than Mary’s house. Alice s house is very it is ouaimeu uy c-ramouaimei 3) Mary is a tennis player than Alice. But Alice is a tennis player too. The tennis player is Kate. 4) Mary is a friend. Kate is a friend. And ■Ш Alice is Jfe'K friend. V=:?/ B. bad = worse = the worst = } -. j 1) Alice’s old car is O- Kate’s car is , and Mary’s car is ' . 'чч/то 2) Alice is a ^ cook than Kate. Kate is a Щ cook, but Mary is Щ cook. 3) Kate is a ф driver. Mary is a ф driver than Kate, but ^ driver of the three friends is Alice, ■ , . • о chess player than . Alice and 4) Mary IS a Alice is a very ^ chess player. I thick ^ chess player is Kate, } i..> '.r.j • о 0^ О Прочитай два текста и реши, какие из четырёх заголовков . подходят. Им a) А Good Day in Summer b) A Bad Day in Autumn c) A Good Day in Winter d) A Bad Day in Early Spring 1) The sun is high in the sky and there are no clouds in it, the sky is blue and clear. The trees are green and you can see a lot of bright colours in the streets, parks and gardens. It is very pleasant to swim in the open swimming pool or in the lake. It is nice to sit on the park bench and to eat ice cream too. The day is very hot. 2) The day is grey and not very pleasant. There is no sun in the sky. The clouds are low and dark. There are not many bright colours but the birds are beginning to come home to their nests, and you can see small early flowers under the trees in the woods and in the parks. Описать погоду нам помогают прилагательные. Послушай и повтори за диктором некоторые из них, а также словосочетания и предложения с ними, ^ (131). А. cloudy ['klaudi] — облачный dry [drai] — сухой foggy [Togi] — туманный rainy ['reini] — дождливый snowy ['snsui] — снежный sunny ['sAni] — солнечный warm [wo:m] — теплый windy ['wmdi] ^ ветреный В. a cloudy sky a windy morning a sunny day C. ^ foggy afternoon a rainy evening a snowy season Last summer was dry and hot. It was warm in the morning. Lookl The sky is cloudy. It's sunny but windy today. I can’t see cars in front of me. f^Sgy in the street. Winters in Moscow nre usually cold and snowy. , canned by (Jambcanner в Посмотри на рисунки и, используя новые слова, скажи, какая была погода в каждый из дней прошлой недели.*^ 1S- $ - Ь) Tuesday / ' \ d) ... с) Wednesday ... . а) Monday was warm. е) ... S) • • • f) ... Если и прилагательные состоят из двух, трёх более слогов (pleasant, beautiful, interesting), кро ме тех случаев, когда двусложное слово заканчивается на -у, они образуют сравнительную и превосходную степени при помощи слов тоге (более) и most (самый), в> (132). modern — more modern — (the) most modern pleasant. — more pleasant — (the) most pleasant beautiful — more beautiful —^ (the) most beautiful Двусложные прилагательные, заканчивающиеся на -er, -ow, могут образовывать степени сравнения двумя способами: clever* г--cleverer — (the) cleverest more clever — (the) most clever narrower — (the) narrowest more narrow — (the) most narrow narrow * clever ['klevo] — умный bcannea oy uambcanner % 49.S^ C 3 0) Ot Закончите предложения, используя нужную форму прилагат^^^ ных. 1) The film is (interesting) than the book. 2) This is the (wonderful) programme of all. 3) Chase is John’s (favourite) pet. 4) The new museum is the (interesting) museuin in our town. 5) Queen Mary is (beautiful) than the Queen Ann 6) I think the last weekend was the (pleasant). 0 B. year. 1) Ben is (strong) than his brother. 2) In summer it’s (hot) than in autumn. 3) Winter is the (cold) season of the I think it is the (good) season too. 4) Val is a (bad) runner than his friend Rick. 5) I think Alexander Pushkin is the (ffoodl Russian poet*. 6) I think Monday is the (bad) day of the week. О Соедини английские и соответствующие им русские фразы 1) Было облачно. 2) Было сухо. 3) Было дождливо. 4) Было тепло. 5) Было рано. 6) Было солнечно. 7) Сухо. 8) Плохо. 9) Было туманно. 10) Славно (мило). a) It b) It c) It d) It e) It f) It g) It h) 'It i) It j) It is nice, was dry. was early, was foggy, was sunny, was cloudy. rainy, was warm, is bad. is dry. DO IT Oni YOUR OWIU tjiS Выполни задания 1—ч n ^ ^ ■ ПОЭТ * poet ['psuit] ti Scanned by CamScanner step 4 О DO ВТ Послушай, что диктор рассказывает о погоде, которая была вчера в разных городах, ^ (133), и соедини описания погоды с названиями городов. +12^ Paris -3^ \т Xlljill )1И (til : London (Т^лппп А ГгТпп Щ . Moscow Glasgow Madrid .^*‘51 ■m 3:- r+ 01 О О A. Выгляни в окно и ответь на вопросы. 5) Is it dry today? 6) Is it snowy today? 7) Is it cloudy today? 8) Is it pleasant today? 1) Is it hot today? 2) Is it foggy today? 3) Is it windy today? 4) Is it rainy today? B. Скажи, какая обычно бывает погода. I) зимой; 2) весной; 3) летом; 4) осенью.- > Обпазеи- It is usually cold and snowy in winter. иоразец. it is warm and rainy. * ■' - * I . ^ TToe иягти таблицы и скажи, как образуются вопросы с А. Сравни две части та ^ глаголом to ое в просы и ответы за дик р • 52 Jane was in the park last Monday. — Was Jane in the park last Monday? — Yes, she was. — Was she at school last Monday? — No, she wasn't. I was in Italy a week ago. — Were you in Italy a week ago? — Yes, I was. — Were you in America a week ago? — No, I wasn’t. We were at home yesterday. — Were you at home yesterday? — Yes, we were. — Were you at the cinema yesterday? — No, we were not. They were in Florida last summer. — Were they in Florida last summer? — Yes, they were. — Were they in Africa last summer? — No, they weren’t. J в. Узнай у своего соседа по парте, был ли он вчера: @ в кино о в банке О в зоопарке ® в бассейне Ф в кафе © в парке ® в книжном магазине © на улице I А. Посмотри на карту и скажи, какие столицы обозначены цифрами 1—6. Rome, Moscow, Paris, Berlin, London, Madrid. ^ciiiiiuu uy ocimoucimiui в. Скажи, в каком месяце Рой (Roy) побывал в каждой из этих европейских столиц. Образец: 1) January Last January Roy was in Moscow. 2) March; 3) June; 4) July; 5) August; 6) October C Закончи вопросы, которые задал Рою его приятель Билл. 1) Were you in .__________ in January? — Yes, I was. 2) _________ in London in March? — No, I wasn’t. 3) __________ in Paris ________? — Yes, I was. 4) _________ in July? — Yes, I was. 5) _________ in Berlin________^—? — No, I wasn’t. 6) Were — 7) --------- ____ in October? — Yes, I was. in London ----------? — No, I wasn’t. 53 0 Прочитай как семейство Баркеров провело прошлое воскресенье, а затем выполни задания после текста. Last Sunday ' I,a4t Sunday was very nice. It was not cold and it was not hot. It was warm, sunny and^ dry There were some white clouds in the blue sky, but not Rnrkers were not at home. John was at .Til OL^CIIIIICU uy well I lOL^ai II ICI о ^яч in the park with their dog Chase, with him. She There was no Sally was no toys. Mr and Mrs Barker bone and park with their daughter. Mrs Bark- were not 1 1 P ipiming pool near the house, Sr № wa. in the garage. In the evening ft. Barkers were at home. They were tired but happy. A. Ответь на вопросы. 1) Was last Sunday warm? 2) Were there any clouds in the sky? 3) Was John at the zoo? 4) Was Sally in her garden? 5) Were the Barkers in the park in the evening? B. Составь вопросы к этим ответам. 1) ? — Yes, Sally was happy. 2) ? — No, Chase was not happy. 3) ? — Yes, Sally and Chase were in the park. 4) ? — No, Mrs Barker was not in the shop. 5) ? — Yes, the Barkers were at home in the evening. A. Знакомые тебе прилагательные cloudy и sunny образованы от существительных cloud и sun. fog, snow, rain, wind 1) Last winter was very cold. There was a lot of in iVip 4'fT'pp't' 2) It was windy yesterday and the ... was very strong. * cloud + у = cloudy sun + у = sunny Как ты думаешь, что значат в английском языке такие существительные, как fog, snow, rain, wind? В. Закончи эти предложения, используя в них существительные из рамочки. Scanned by CamScanner о о о 3) I can’t see cars and buses in the street. The ... is thick. 4) ..., come again. The flowers and trees would like to have more water. Элис (Alice) и её подруга Сью (Sue) рассказали, какая погода была каждый день на прошлой неделе, но сделали это по-разному. Прочитай то, что сказала Элис. А как рассказала об этом Сью? Alice Monday was rainy. Tuesday was sunny. Wednesday was cloudy. Thursday was foggy. Friday was windy. Saturday was snowy. Sunday was pleasant and warm. Sue It was rainy on Monday. DO IT Oni YOUR OWIU Выполни задания 1—5 в рабочей тетради. Step 5 DO IT TOGETHER Послушай, что написала Милл1^(МШу) своей подруге Мэй (May) о°п7ошедшем дне рождения, ^ (135). Скажи, какие утверждения верны, какие ошибочны, а о чем в письме не говорилось. 1) МШу asks May some questions. 2 Mill? Uk.. her new d“k v.„ 3) МШ/. b№d«^_.rty 4) 5) Milly was 4 There were a lot of flowers in the garden. ЙЧ MHlv was fourteen last Saturday. Ct 8 A В прошлые выходные у соседей Баркеров произошло и^о,, Гт'ье п^а мистер и миссис Грин (Green) были в отъезд^ дом' ограбили. Следствие ведёт детектив Джонс (Jones), на рисунки, скажи, какие вопросы он задает дяде Уиль^^ (William), rocTHBmeiw у Баркеров. Что Уильям отвечает детект!^, ву? Проверь себя, @ (136). 1) Were you at home last weekend? Yes, I 2) Were they at home last weekend? No, they weren’t. 3) ...? — No, ... . 4) ...? — No, ... . 5) ...? — Yes, ... 6) ...? — Yes, ... . 7) ...? — Yes, ... . 8) ...? — No, ... . Ot 5. 4. 6. bcannea oy uambcanner 0 д. Поработайте в парах. Прочитайте по ролям и разыграйте диалоги. Where were you yesterday? I was in the park. Were you with your parents? No, I wasn’t. I was there with my sister. Was it cold or warm? It was warm. Was it a nice day? Yes, it was good. a) last Saturday; b) yesterday morning a) wood; b) near the lake a) friends; b) grandparents a) brother; b) cousin a) sunny/rainy; b) cloudy/sunny a) sunny; b) cloudy a) pleasant; b) wonderful B. Составьте свои диалоги, используя слова справа, и разыграйте их. 57 0) о Обрати внимание, что словосочетания I like и I would like имеют разный смысл. I like мне нравится, я люблю; I would like — мне бы хотелось. Постарайся пользоваться ими правильНО Если речь идёт о еде и напитках, по-английски PH "if^e some bread/porridge/water (с неисчис- ляГмыми существительными), ...would like some apples/plums (с исчисляемыми cvтпecтвитeльными во множественном числе), would like an apple/a plum (c исчисляемыми сУттйствительными в единственном числе). Выбери правильный вариант и закончи предложения. 1^ _ П like/I would like) spring very much. xay favourite season too. Scanned by CamScanner 2) 3) 4) ■ . •s? ■—Ч!— 5) c -D ■ 6) r+ 91 7) в park with me? ^ i *4-» __ Oh, yes. The day is wonderful: it s sunny and warm. ^ ^ ^ V n — (Do you like/Would you like) some chocolate cake? — Thank you. I’d love some. , . n — (Do you like/Would you like) mineral water? — No, I never drink it. -j « — (We like/We would like) some porridge for breakfast, please. — Here you are. It’s nice and hot. — (He doesn’t like/He wouldn’t like) this song. — I know. He never listens to it. — (Do you like/Would you like) to come to the skating rink with us7 — No, thanks. It is cold and windy today. Познакомься c новыми словами. A. Прочитай незнакомые слова по аналогии со знакомыми. Проверь себя, (137). ready — weather was — want low — blow fine — shine B. Повтори новые слова, словосочетания и предложения с ними за диктором, (137). blow [Ыэи] — дуть nasty ['no:sti] — неприятный, скверный nasty ['na:sti] — неприятный, скверный put on [,put 'nn] — надевать shine [fain] — светить, сверкать , take off [,teik ’nf] — снимать want [wont] — хотеть weather ['weds] — погода C blow: A strong wind is blowing. I think yo^^ coffee is very hot. Blow on it. I always blow my tea to make it colder, nasty: a nasty day, a nasty man, very Kevin was nasty to his younger sister. Yestero^ evening wasn’t fine, it was nasty. “Scanned by CamScanner Ч, К} to \ №№4 0^- put on: put on your hat, put on your boots. It is cold today. Put on your warm coat, shine: shine in the sky. The sun is shining in the sky. take off: take off your coat, take off your cap. It’s very hot here. You can take off your coat, want: want to go, want to read, want to watch TV. I want to go home. I’m tired, weather: fine weather, rainy weather, nasty weather. What’s the weather like today? What was the weather like yesterday? ■ 59 Послушайте, (138), прочитайте и спойте песенку все вместе. WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE TODAY? Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. What’s the weather like today? Is it sunny? What’s the weather like today? Is it rainy? What’s the weather like today? Is it cloudy? Is it warm? We don’t want a storm*. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Wmter. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Yesterday the day was windy, Yesterday the sky was cloudy, Serday the park was muddy-. No walks, no play; , л • What a day! What a nasty day. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Spring summer. Autumn and Winter. * storm [sto:m] " гроза ^ ** muddy [mAdi] грязнь 5 01 I Scanned by CamScanner 0 подбери подписи к этим картинкам 60' с 3 1 г+ 01 о Юг ;• 2. 4. ft* ^ 5. a) Little Ann is putting on her new coat. b) The weather is nasty today. c) The sun is shining in the sky. d) A strong wind is blowing. e) Mr Cox is taking off his coat. DO IT Oni YOUR OWIU Q Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради. step 6 DO IT TOGETHER Послушай, что диктор говорит о погоде, кие из следующих вариантов верны. ' (139), и скажи, 1) Yesterday morning was . а) warm Ь) foggy 2) Yesterday afternoon was a) rainy b) dry 4) Yesterday night was ... a) fine b) nasty c) windy i ■ • c) hot c) dry Scanned by CamScanner 0 О 4) This morning was a) windy b) snowy 5) This afternoon was . a) foggy b) sunny Прочитай эти словосочетания и а foggy day а windy night a nasty afternoon A strong wind is blowing. The bright sun is shining. Rain is coming. want to be want to have I want some water. I want some chocolate. c) cloudy к c) cold предложения. a lot of rain a lot of snow a lot of fog fine weather nasty weather snowy weather Put on this hat. Put on a warm coat. Take off the blouse. Take off your boots. 61 Совмести картинки c этими словами. а) sunshine f) snowball b) raincoat g) snowboard с) rainwater h) snowman d) sunflower i) weathercock e) sun hat j) weatherman 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. Scanned by CamScanner //IV 8. 9. 10. о а в Ппочитай тексть], которые рассказывают о погоде в разных горо. пах в этом месяце. Как бы звучали эти тексты, если бь, шла о погоде в прошлом месяце. 1) The weather in Rome is very hot this nionttL There are no clouds in the sky. The sky is clear and blue. Some days are rainy and then the rainbow is in the sky. The weather in Rome was very hot that month. .. 2) The weather in Paris is nasty this month. There are a lot of rainy days with a strong wind. There is some snow too. 3) The weather in London is very foggy this month. Some days are warm and nice and some days are windy and cold. There is not a lot of sunshine. 4) The weather in Moscow is snowy this month. It is cold too. The streets, parks and gardens are white with snow. But the wind is not strong and the weather is comfortable. Сравни между собой несколько месяцев. Используй прилагательные в рамочке. pleasant, rainy, foggy, warm, cold, hot, windy, sunny, dry, beautiful, nasty, wonderful, comfortable October • /V о Образец: February is windier than April. July is more pleasant than October. ■vj Прочитай, что Джон Баркер рассказывает о вчерашнем Я’Р®' и скажи, где вчера утром был ты и какая была погода в время. . , canned by CamScanner о John Barker You Early in the morning I was at home. At nine о clock I was at school. After school I was in the park. My friends were not with me. I was there with my pet. The weather was wonderful. The sun was high in the sky. It was not hot, but it was warm and dry. There were some clouds in the blue sky. It was not windy. . I was happy. In the evening I was at home again. A. Составь правдивые предложения о себе, используя слова, данные ниже. \ soup for dinner, banana now. bacon and eggs for breakfast, orange for lunch. " - omelette for supper. ,, ^ vegetables when they are new.' 63 '1 would like like a an some B. Скажи, куда ты любишь ходить и что ты любишь делать, а затем скажи, куда бы ты хотел пойти сейчас и что бы тебе хотелось сделать. ^ Образец: I like to go to the zoo. I like to play tennis. I’d like to go to the wood now. Fd like to have lunch now. II 14.^4^ K/y Ч./(.Д1 I IV./\./(.4l II 14.^1 DO ВТ ON YOUR OWN Выполни задания 1—5 в рабочей тетради. ^ Повтори эти новые слова. Будь готов написать словарный тант б (Dictation 6) на следующем уроке. Ж с 13 Dictation 6 Dry, foggy, nasty, rain^ _ _ want, warm, weather, worse, yesterd^. step 7 о Л / ^ Summing Up DO IT TOGETHER Ты уже умеешь понимать на слух многие английские слова, фразы и целые тексты. Миссис Росс (Mrs Ross) уже много лет. Она любит делиться воспоминаниями. Послушай, что она говорит о погоде, (140), и выбери правильный вариант. 1) Last autumn was ... .■ а) warm b) foggy c) windy 2) Last spring was ... , c) hot d) The weather was ... last weekend. A\ T i nasty c) snowy 4) Last Tuesday was .... a) rainy b) snowy c) cloudy o) bast summer was 6) The weather was ... three days ago a) sunny b) nasty c) cold Mrs Ros5 cannea oy uambcanner г 9 Maximum result 6 Your result ? рассказывает по телефону бабушке о своей поездке в Па- утверждений^ Rpn Разговор, (М1), и скажи, какие из говорили какие нет, а о чём бабушка с внучкой не 6) Sarah is in her Granny’s new house. Sarah was in Paris some time ago. Sarah likes Paris more than London. Paris is green. When Sarah was in Paris, the weather was bad all the time. There are a lot of small cosy cafes in Paris. Maximum result 6 Your result ? Ты уже можешь читать слова, словосочетания и целые тексты. прочитай текст и скажи, какие из утверждений, данных после текста, ему соответствуют. А Day on the Farm ^ On Saturday John and Sally were on the farm. The day was warm and pleasant. There was a lot of sun- *hrni 'илскиа ^car ^ Kn.4.i 65 C • r-f 01 canned by CamScanner а shine and no rain. The children were happy to see their grandparents who live on the farm. Now John and Sally are at home but they often talk* about the farm. John. Grandad looks older now. grandad of Jr’ ^ fate cVe wal'^fery'TaJy^' ^oo. Her choco- John: Td likp +Л and all the animals. I can do it when I come to ^the Sally: And I’d Uke to Г are cute, cuter than little rl t chickens. They John: I think the 1агтГгй .u. like to live there. better than home. I’^ Sally: Don’t sav th + tt like to go to the farm гаГе оНеГ^ 1) a) Jonn and Sally often „ b) John and Sally f Г c) John and Sally sn ^he farm 2) “) The day was finl ° ^^e farm sometimes. M тГ "«sty. c) The day was rainy. * talk [to:k] - разговари вать 3 0 Scanned by CamScanner : Л S John toulf гГ ^ horse. с) Яя1Ь^ .. hke to ride а horse, с) Sally would like to ride a horse. Maximum result Your result ЗЫ слова, словосочетания и фра- исгвользовать их в речи. ШГ67 ммМц blow, cloudy, dry, fog, snowv\ ^"r!’ «hine, .now, y, unny, then, warm, was, want, weather, were, wind, windy, worse, worst to put on, to take off What’s the weather like? J Q Закончи предложения, выбрав правильную форму глаголов. 1) There (is/are) а lot of dark clouds in the skv today. » 2) (Is/Are) there many sunny days in March? 3) Vegetables (is/are) tasty and good for you. 4) This weekend (is^re) more pleasant than the last one. 5) My garden (is/are) the most beautiful in June when there (is/are) a lot of flowers in 4t. B. 1) (Was/Were) there much snow last December? 2) My friend (was/were) happy to see me again. 3) Yesterday the fog (was/were) very thick; we (was/were) .cold and not comfortable. i 4) The streets (was/were)) cleaner and more beautiful after the rain. , ^ ^ 5) There (was/were) some vegetables in my granny’s kitchen garden. ' , . . , , Maximum result IQ Your result Scanned by CamScanner w 1 Ci ■7.1 It: 0 С а Ф в SZ- “ ТПРТЫ Венди (Wendy) на вопросы о её BMepa^j^ Прочитай какими могли быть вопросы. И Прогулке и скажи, 1) I was in the park. 2) In the afternoon, I was there after 12 o’clock. 3) Yes, they were, my friends were with me. 4) The weather was fine. 5) No, it was not hot, but it was sunny. 6) Yes, there were some clouds in the sky. 7) Yes, it was. It was pleasant in the park. Maximum result 7 Your result 9 ■ Проверь, хорошо ли ты знаешь древнюю историю. Скажи, были ли эти предметы у древних римлян. 1) Were 2) Were 3) Were 4) Were 5) Were 6) Were 7) Were 8) Were there pianos then? there schools then? there ships then? there pens and pencils then? there books then? there towns then? there cinemas then? there banks then? Maximum result 8 Your result ? kjy WC4I I II 1^1 Ты y>KG можешь писать по-английски. Q Напиши словарный диктант 6 (Dictation 6), 0 (142). У Maximum result 10 Your result ? У Total result 50 Your result ? С 3 DO IT от YOIDR OWni Q Выполни задания 1—5 в рабочей тетради. Выполни проектное задание 6 (Project Work 6). Му Favourite Season r+ ф о Оформи шестую страничку своего английского альбома. Напиши, какое время года ты любишь больше всего и почему. Помести на эту страничку фотографии и рисунки. Если тебе нравятся разные времена года или все они, напиши об этом. 1111 ^ ^ III I I I I I -'С .’iPS .a * *' / ’ ^ t * ,r ■ • . ^s;/ . . /л; '• - i ' . • t- At the Weekend i'/ .. #-;:-''.'Л'Ш step 1 DO IT TOGETHER A. Послушай диктора, ^ (143), и скажи, какие из этих продуктов были, а каких не было вчера вечером в магазине. Образец: There were some tomatoes in the shop. There were no cucumbers there. Food List tomatoes cheese oranges ham apples yogurt bananas milk chocolate sugar cornflakes butter eggs mineral water cucumbers potatoes Scanned by CamScanner о в. Поработайте в парах. Глядя на картинку, задайте несколько вопросов о том, что было вчера на полках в магазине. Образец: — Was there any sugar in the shop? — Yes, there was. — Were there any grapes in the shop? — No, there weren’t. Посмотри на картинку и скажи, что было и чего не было в холодильнике у госпожи Браун вчера утром. А. В. 1) There was а pizza in the fridge. 2) There was a ... in the fridge. 3) There was a ... . 4) There was a ... • ' 1) There was some bacon in the fridge. 2) There was some ... in the fridge. 3) There was some ... . 4) There was some ... . 71 c 3‘ 'I ' г' с D. 2) There та ta the triage. =sr:;: 2) Thprp *** fridge. 3) Ss ZT„Z - ‘- ‘b' 4) There were no i:.' ложения."'^^^'^^'’^^® '■^згола, чтобы закончить эти пред. (was/were) rainy and cold. There (was/were) no children in the parks. 2) Last уем ere (was/were) two cinemas and one hotel in Aonle Street. There (is/are) one cinema and two hotels there (was/were) there in the middle of the room? There (was/were) a table and four chairs there. 4) There (was/were) four desks and a teacher’s table in the classroom. 5) There (was/were) some juice and some vegetables on the kitchen table. 6) There (wm/ ГаЫ? TTheTe^fwa ? *he kiffi table. 7) There (was/were) a bus stop and a pet shoo in front of John’s house. 8) There (was/were) a lotof new toys m the toy shop yesterday. ® “1 В русском языке глаголы имеют специальный суффикс времени гуляли. Такой же приметай прыгал, играла, ских глаголов в пппттт«ттт многих англий- окончание -ed, kotodop времени является разному. Всё зависит от *о?о "Р^^^^^ситься по-предшествует. Послушай звук ему прошедшем времени, ^ П441 ®®У^ат глаголы в 1. Если это глагтгт,тм ST ’ ' (кроме [d]), окончание ^®°нкий oyed, showed. После глухих , произносится как согласный °P«^ed, 'с1о8еГ™®^“ .. звуков (кроме [t]) -ed walked, dressed, finished jumped, looked, После звуков rtl ыт ’ j ^ed, hated, wanted,^ skateT*'"'*°"“™^ Scanned by CamScanner 0 в в Послушай, как диктор произносит знакомые тебе глаголы в прошедшем времени, и повтори их, (145). [d] called closed [t] watched liked [id] counted played answered enjoyed opened cleaned lived loved showed jumped looked walked dressed finished thanked worked washed hated skated wanted A теперь прочитай эти глаголы в и проверь себя, Q) (146). прошедшем времени closed jumped showed answered opened walked dressed worked looked played watched cooked loved asked cleaned phoned counted liked hated listened В прошлые выходные генерал Грин никуда не торопился. Используя глаголы в рамке, расскажи, что он делал в прошлое воскресенье. Проверь себя, ^ (147). Ты можешь начать так: Last weekend General Green ... . walked, washed, played, listened, dressed, helped 1. 5. I I IW4«I У I I I II IW I 74 пела^ТаТ« словосочетаниями, расскажи о том делал(а) в прошлые выходные дни. ' ть| Образец, Last weekend I played with my friends play with my friends walk with my dog wash the plates clean my room play on the computer help my mother (father) about the house play the piano cook a nice dinner (1ипсЫ work in the garden work in the garage walk in the park listen to music watch a new film in the cinema (on television) enjoy a good book DO IT Oni YOUR OW5U Выполни задания 1—5 в рабочей тетради. о о step 2 DO IT TOGETHER Послушай запись, утром. 1) John 2) Sally 3) Margaret 4) Richard 5) Chase 6) Smokey (148), и скажи, что делали Баркеры вчера a) enjoyed her morning sleep b) wathed the news on television c) washed the plates after breakfast d) worked in the garage e) played football with some friends f) looked out of the window at some roller-skaters Распредели эти глаголы ки, в -зависимости от ^ Проверь себя, (149). ки, в завмгммпгт... ^ прошедшем времени на три колоН' ^ того, как произносится окончание I Scanned by CamScanner о • opened, loved, looked, hated, en- tbank’pH ^ Pl^yod, cooked, wanted, skated, ИччеН iipf "'^^ohed, worked, counted, lived, kissed, helped, skied, washed, closed, asked. [d] [t] [Id] делал^а)'”*в nnou*^ ‘Шовосочетаниями, расскажи о том, что ты делал(а) в прошлые выходные дни. Образец: Last weekend I played with my friends. ® play with my friends « Zfv ‘h® garage) © walk with my dog ® listen to music О clean my room © watch a new film in the cinema © play computer games Ф enjoy a good book ® help my mother (father) about the house ® watch television • play the piano ® roller-skate • wash up A. Прочитай текст о том, как Баркеры провели выходные дни Прочитай вслух все глаголы в прошедшем времени, которые ты в нём встретишь. ' ^ А Picnic* Last weekend the weather was wonderful. It was warm and sunny. On Saturday morning the Barkers finished their breakfast early. They wanted to have a picnic in the park. The park is very nice and big, and the Barkers like to go there in late spring and in summer. Sally helped Mrs Barker to make some tasty sandwiches and John helped Mr Barker to wash his car. At ten o’clock they were ready for the picnic. * 75 * picnic ['piknik] — пикник у CamScanner 76 In the park Sally and John played badminton. Chase wanted to play the game too: he jumped high. Mr and Mrs Barker walked near the lake under the tall trees and watched the water birds. At two o’clock the family enjoyed the sandwiches with some tea and played lotto together. At six they were at home. After a tasty dinner they watched a new comedy on television. It was a very happy day for the Barkers. B. Прочитай текст ещё раз и закончи следующие предложения. 1) Last Saturday the Barkers were ... 2) Sally and John .... * 3) Chase ... . 4) Mr and Mrs Barker .... 5) In the evening the Barkers ... . знаешь, как построить вопросы и как кратк вопросах и « ° прошлом, • глаголя Нг> /А вместо вспомогательног а do/does употребляется did, ^ (150). volleyball yesterday? - Yes scanned by uambcanner о l)i 2) Blackpool 4) Moscow 7) •'Ч |‘! \ Ч t m *• \ France Scotland Kiev ooaimc^u uy \.^ai i looai ii ic;i i^inland I ! Ж « , ? S * с ^ f I -in :f i -2* 5 « V -* C о w — rt ra Q On 11 7 5 t I e y. |i i i :« > 1 f >> • ir f;! » I ? 5f Д V # ft «« > 5-^ jr ^ •* S X X $ X X ^ i ^ > 8 3 « ^ , 5 4 '' i ^ ^ Л ,2 it s Zi» is if if if 'S' a *1, I! *1 n,, О « f f ■£ I ^5T li - I? Ч ■* a f 11 e « f It 5 JZ % t c •9 m t w f г • i *^1 5 tlfijltSil 1 4 I M £ I I П I еж CD C c CD О /5 E CD J >4 Q D CD C C CD О /5 0 Ск.ши. куд;, „о ,,„,.ду, „и Образец. ^ .lllson won’!, ,ro (,„ (iliiHfroW. о ^(’1И to(j/li()I|(|oM Г'Ч 1> I /лл ‘А ni.-IWh'i, . •>) Koh/MOHCOW l()l |(1д /*ч I»; I Iff • •и 4.iiuwi> ■ Kick/Spam bally/l’nri;-;......7\ A I /i/- -" .............. J) 0 »1Н!м(пт n оГ)П(их допросах глагол will I wni /N, У”" - Yes, 1 Win./No, W(i won’t. Will^thoy visit you? _ Yes, they will./No, they Will sheVhe see? - Yes, she will./No, he won’t. Will it bo sunny? — Yes, it will./No, it won’t. В специальных nonpoeax перед вспомогательным глаголом стапится попросителыюо слово. When will you come? Why will she go? What will he see? Who will do it? Where will they meet? A. Поработайте в парах. Послушайте, ^ (154), и прочитайте диалоги (1—3), а затем составьте свои собственные, используя ГППЯРЯ слова справа. 1) — Will you go to London, Jane? . , , — Yes, I will. — When will you go there? ‘ — I think Г11 be in London - in May. ' ■ 2) _ When will you come to Sally’s party? - —__I think Г11 come at seven. ___ Who will come with you? — Jane and Steve. Paris, Madrid, Moscow ) -M'.t ' ' ' > . June, August, January ., six, five, eight my sisters, my cousins, Rose 87 C D Salb give — W^l ^ present‘d f '=i'°oo- We 11 give her a book ^ disk, a computer "■ - диалогов no ролам. a эти вопросы о своём следующем школьном дне. 2) What '”'^41 morning? 3) Who* breakfast? Who will you meet at school? wT will you have? «Л wi? ® SO after school? 74 wu f '^^}} do your homework? Q\ do in the evening? o) When will you go to bed? DO IT ON YOUR OWN Выполни задания 1—5 в рабочей тетради. Step 5 О DO IT TOGETHER Послушай запись, (155), и скажи, о настоящем или о будущем идёт речь в этих фразах. 1) They (talk/’ll talk) on the phone after school. 2) The boy (tries/’ll try) his best. 3) These children (show/’ll show) you the school gym. 4) The sun (shines/’ll shine) bright in summer. 5) I (finish/’ll finish) my work in the evening. 6) I know, Kate (enjoys/’ll enjoy) this new film. 7) You (cook/’ll cook) very well. Sy The children (ask/’ll ask) a lot of questions. oocii ni^u uy v^ciiiioocii 0А. Попробуй помечтать о своём будущем дне рождения. Каким он будет? 1 ' ^ Щ in - 89 Г11 have my birthday party at home, in a cafe, in the garden. Г11 invite Before the party I’ll help my parents my friends, my classmates*, my teachers. to cook, to clean, to make tea. cakes, sandwiches, salads, hot dishes, ice cream. Scanned by CamScanner 90 I О We’ll sing. dance. listen to music, gay a lot of I и have some wonderful good interesting beautiful We’ll all enjoy the party. food. 1 drinks. I’ll be very happy. tired. pleased. presents. B. Представь себе, что вы готовитесь провести праздник по поводу окончания школьного года. Ответь на следующие вопросы. 1) Will you come to the party? 2) When will you have the party? 3) Where will you have it? ^ 4) Who will you invite? ,, . 5) What will you eat? 6) What will you drink? V 7) Who will cook? 8) What music will you listen to? 9) Will you dance or sing? - 10) Will you play any games? 11) Will you enjoy the party? Познакомься c новыми словами. Повтори их, словосочетания и предложения с ними за диктором, ^ (156). А. country ['kAntri] - страна ^ holiday ['holidei] — выходной день, праздв отпуск, каникулы ' > ! Scanned by CamScanner next [nekst] — следующий people ['pi:pl] — люди place [pleis] — место soon [su:n] — вскоре tomorrow [to'rnorou] — завтра В. country — countries: a big country, a lot of countries. I’d like to visit some countries. When will you travel to this country? holiday: long summer holidays, school holidays, on holiday. Where will you go for your holiday? His parents are on holiday now. next: next week, next month, next year. They’ll visit Great Britain next month. I can meet you next Monday. people: good people, English people, Russian people, a lot of people. It’s very interesting to meet new people. These people are from Africa, place — places: a nice place, an interesting place. What places would you like to see in London? Can you come to my place tomorrow? ^ soon* very soon, come soon, phone soon. She 11 come home soon. I’ll write to you soon, tomorrow: do it tomorrow, decide tomorrow. The ' children will go to the zoo tomorrow. They won’t go to the cinema tomorrow. I Закончи эти предложения, используй новые слова. —holiday, ^ holidays, tomorrow, next, soon 1) Great Britain is not a big (1) the USA is bigger. ^2) ... Sunday? — I don’t think 2) Will I on (3) ... . so. I’ll be in interesting (4) ... in Russia. 3) There are a ^ (5) is Wednesday. 4) Today is Tues У . early June and finish in 5) School (6) ^ August. Scanned by CamScanner 91 I 92*-. С 3 6) Russian (7) ... speak Russian and English (8) Speak English. . . i i * i 7) It’s 2 o’clock. James is at home now but he 11 be at work (9) at 2:30. . /11ч 8) (10) ... travel to see interesting' (11) ... . Для того чтобы рассказать о каком~то действии в будущем, в английском языке часто используется оборот to be going to, который напоминает типичное для русского языка вырал^ение собираться сделать что-то. I ат/Гт going to read. We аге/We’re going to cook. He is/He’s going to play. You are/You’re going to swim. She is/She’s going to sing. They are/They’re going to travel. It is/It’s going to close. Посмотри на картинки и скажи, что собираются делать люди, изображённые на них. Образец: The boy is going to take his dog out (to walk his dog). Scanned by CamScanner Посмотри на таблицу и скажи, как образуются вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с to be going to. [ТЬ it I О Выбери нужный ответ к этим вопросам о том, как ты собираешься провести лето. П - Are you going to swim in the summer? _ Yes, I going “to"° play games with your 2) — Are you going friends? ^ not. _ Yes, I to sleep a lot when you are on 3) — Are you g S holiday? T»ni' not. __ Yes, I uin./No, ^ of films on 4) __ Are you goius ^ >: television- ^_/No, books when you are 5) - Are you ' ’ j’m not. «./N- ? « — Am I going to read soon? I am not (Fm not) going to read soon. Is he going to cook soon? He is not (he’s not/he isn’t) going to cook soon. Is she going to write soon? She is not (she’s not/she isn’t) going to write soon. Is the shop going to close soon? It is not (it’s not/it isn’t) going to close soon. | Are you going to dance soon? You are not (you’re not/ you aren’t) going to dance soon. Are we going to play tennis next weekend? We are not (we’re not/we aren’t) going to play tennis next weekend. Are they going to swim next weekend? They are not (they’re not/ they aren’t) going to swim next weekend. :^93 C fl 'll Scanned by CamScanner 6) — Are you going to visit your granny and dad in the summer? — Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 7) — Are you going to write to your friends? — Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 8) — Are you going to visit a lot of places when you are on holiday? — Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 9) — Are you going to travel by plane? — Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 10) — Are you going to speak English? — Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 11) — Are you going to travel in our country in the summer? — Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 12) — Are you going to meet many people in the summer? — Yes, I am./No, I’m not. DO IT OIU YOUR OWN о Выполни задания 1—5 в рабочей тетради. step 6 * - РЪ- DO IT TOGETHER вЛ Послушай диктора, (157), и 'скажи, что из перечисленного Алиса собирается делать летом. л. л Alice is going to i '.i О Ч i .• Scanned by CarinScanner live on the farm, travel. meet friends. ' play basketball, swim. listen to music, have picnics. _ work on the computer, read books, watch birds. 0\]\,\вари и I .)1их продложсний и прочитай вслух только те, которые COOTtUv,c,„y,OT дойстпитолыюсти. Му Sunday Г) Он .Sumljiy |?ш догпд to ^et up late. ,1 /to linvo a nice breakfast. •j) I rn p.omp; to do rny room and clean the floor in it. , 4) I tn poinp; 1,0 walk in the park with my parents, a) I rri not д’огпд’ Lo meet my friends, b) Ihn not догпд to watch a lot of television. 7) I tn p'oin/*' to до to the cinema. И) 1 Ш До)пд to read an interesting book in the evening. 9) Гш not going to my friend’s birthday party. TO) Ггп going to do my homework. 1,1) T’rn going to have a very good time on Sunday. 1^очитай эти слова и словосочетания, а затем проверь себя, ф (158). 95 а) travelled cleaned answered helped visited asked wanted watched skated b) to travel by bus to travel by plane to travel by train to invite to a party to invite to the cinema to invite for dinner last summer this summer next summer wonderful place Interesting? place beautiful place last week this week next week last year this year next year summer holidays winter holidays ‘ school holidays li; tomorrow . tomorrow evening tomorrow' morning Scanned by CamScanner i ■} г, мгпппьзуя глаголы в нужной форме Закончи предложения, испо У ^ . 1) Last Friday Mike (be) in the park with his dog ®p°t. He (play) with Spot and (watch) water birds in the little park lake. Mike and Spot (enjoy) the day in the park very much. 2) Every summer Fred and Jim (travel) in the USA. They (see) a lot of interesting' places and (meet) new people. Fred (like) green hills and thick woods. Jim (like) towns, streets, cars and buses. But the friends always (go) on holiday together: they (be) very good friends. Tomorrow Sue (be) 12. It (be) a very happy day for her She (have) a birthday partv in the garden. HeJ Vm (cook) a lot of nice dishes (put) bright lights* on the trees. In the evening-the garden (look) very ЬеапЛ’ ful. Sue’s friends (^ошеГ^ say happy birthday 'тч>.: (give) Sue their presents too It’s an English lesson Tn„i the teacher (read) a from an English book anH the pupils (listen). Thew Ч look) into their books'^ ttn? 3) 4) * lights - 3d.-, огоньки, лампочки Scanned by CamScanner 9 А. Прочитай текст "Jania тельно, а затем велел ^ Moscow" сначала самостоя- тай вслух предложения с to Ье° goring to И прочи- Jane Comes to Moscow Jane is from Glasgow. But now she is living with her friend’s family in Moscow. Her friend’s name is Lena. Jane is in Moscow for her summer holidays. She is going to be in Moscow next week. Lena is going to take Jane to see a lot of interesting places — the Kremlin ['kremlin], Moscow Zoo, Gorky Park. The girls are going to walk the streets of Moscow. She would like to see some Russian films. She speaks some Russian and understands it a bit*. Lena is going to take her friend to the cinema tomorrow. Jane would like to meet Russian people and talk with them. So, Lena and Jane are going to visit Lena’s friends soon. The girls think they will have a very good time together. B. Скажи, какие из этих утверждений правильные, какие нет, а о чём в тексте не говорилось. П Тяпе is from London. 04 tt - living in Moscow now. 2) She IS Moscow. 3) Last ® see the Kremlin. 4) Jane IS ^ the shops next Monday. 5) The girls Russian, but not very well., 6) 7) 8) The girls к Russian, but not very well.. Jane can sp« some Russian people in Jane is going Moscow. to decide what places to see The girls are trying in Moscow. * a bit - немного Scanned by CamScanner о Повтори эту рифмовку за диктором. .гг Ш-шу ■ (160). What are you going to do tonight*? Tonight. Tonight. What are you going t a I’m going to meet Fiona. ^ ^ tonight? I’m going to meet Fiona. Where are you going to meet her? Where are you going to meet her? In the garden, in the garden. I’m going to meet her in the garden. Why are you going to meet her? Why are you going to meet her*^ Fd like to talk to Fiona. Fd like to talk to Fiona. What are you going to talk about? What are you going to talk about? We’re going to talk business**. We are going to talk business. Talk business? Talk business? Are you going to talk business in the garden? Yes, we are going to do it. Yes, we are going to do it. A garden is the best place to talk business. Вот что рассказывает о своём воскресном дне Сэлли. А что можешь сказать ты? Sally You 1) On Sunday I’m going to get up at 10 o’clock. 2) I think I’ll have late breakfast with my family* ' * tonight - сегодня вечером ^ ** to talk business [biznos] Scanned by CamScanner э о 3) Then I’ll help my mother to wash up. 4) In the afternoon weTl go to the shops. 5) I think weTi have dinner in our favourite cafe. 6) Later I’m going to meet my best friend Rose. 99 7) John, Rose and me are going to the cinema together. 8) In the evening weTl play lotto or watch TV. C 3 DO IT 01У YOUR OWN Выполни задания 1—5 в рабочей тетради. Повтори эти новые слова. Будь готов написать диктант 7 (Dictation 7) на следующем уроке. Dictation 7 Country, decide, holiday, invite, join, people. place, talk, tomorrow, travel. Step 7 Summing Up DO IT TOGETHER -„.uMuiaTb на слух многие англий-Ты умеешь целые тексты, ские слова, фразы и ч И скажи, В каком порядке следуют Послушай запись, fy ^ ' рассказы этих людей. I II I W I а) Mr Green b) Mrs White c) Mr Black 8 Maximum result 3 Your result 9 • Послушай, о чём говорят между собой Баркеры ф ОбЛ и подбери подходящий заголовок к каждому тексту. Оди ЛОВОК лишний, a) At the Lake b) At the Bedroom Window c) In the Street d) In the Kitchen Maximum result 3 Your result ? • Scanned by CamScanner о Ты уже умеешь читать английские слова, фразы и тексты. Прочитай три текста об одном человеке по имени Мартин Росс ( а in Ross) и выбери для каждого из них подходящий заголовок. a) Now b) Yesterday c) Soon A. ? Martin Ross is going to Scotland for the weekend. He is going to visit his friend Peter who lives in Glasgow. Martin will live in Peter’s house. The house is big, with four bedrooms upstairs. The friends are going to travel about Scotland. B. ? Last weekend was Mr Ross’s birthday. A lot of his friends wanted to say “Happy Birthday” to him. So there were a lot of people in Mr Ross’s house last Saturday. They danced, played games and watched a new video film. The food was wonderful It was tasty. There were a lot of vegetables, fruit cakes and sweets on the table. ’ C ? Maximum result 3 Your result ? ■ ■ Mr Ross is on holiday. He is not in town. He is near the lake with his family. The weather is wonderful. It is not hot, it is not cold. It is warm and sunny. There are no clouds and it is not windy. The children are playing at the^ water. Mr Ross and his wife are going to swim. It’s a very happy day Mar-1__________ )canne( )canner о С л. прочитай текст и скажи, куда Вера и её брат Виктор соби. раются поехать летом. In Russia we have school holiday in spring, in summer in autumn and in winter. Our summer holidays are ’the longest. They usually begin in June or July and finish in August. School begins in September. Russian children say that they like their summer holidays very much. Some boys and girls travel in Russia a lot. They travel by car, by bus, by train and by plane. Russia is a big country and it has a lot of interesting places to see. Many people come to Moscow. Moscow is very green and beautiful in summer. This summer Vera and her brother Victor are going to Lake Baikal. They know this is one of the most beautiful places in Russia. This lake is the deepest ФТ. * u® is very clean. tu f ti-avel by plane, and then by car. They say they are going to have a very good time there. They are e-oitfa. + • a walk in the forest. ^ ® ® B. Заверши эти предложения, выбрав оли^ вариантов. ДИн из предложенных 1) In Russia summer holidays a) are longer than in England ' b) always begin in June ^ - c) are not longer than winter d) are longer than school holidlvs holidays 2) Lake Baikal .... autumn a) is the cleanest lake in Russia *’1 ,*be “lost beautiful place in t? d) 18 bigger than Lake Seliger Maximum result Your result ? Scanned by CannScanner Ты знаешь новые слова, словосочетания и фра-зь1 и можешь использовать их в речи. о сопп ту, decide, holiday, invite, join, next, people, p ace, soon, talk, tomorrow, travel, try, visit to travel by plane (car, bus, train), to invite invite for supper, to be on holiday 03 Ответь на вопросы о своих летних каникулах. 1) Where do you usually go for your summer holidays? 2) Where were you last summer? 3) Where are you going this summer? 4) What are you going to do there? 5) How will you travel to this place — by train, by plane, by bus or by car? 6) Do you like to travel? 7) What can you do when you are on the train? 8) Is the place you live in an interesting place? 9) What can you do in this place in summer? Прочитай, что Джон говорит о своих летних каникулах, и расскажи о своих, используя рассказ Джона в качестве образца. John 1 Лау еп)о, ту —г Му sister and 1 usuauy e grandfather’s farm.^^ . We have ^ our grandparents, our old friends and № Last summer 1 travelled by train, with my family- vv® I liked ScoUima This summer I m ё You Scanned by CamScanner York is very old, it has a lot of interesting places. Vm going to see them all. Some day* Td like to go to Russia, the USA or Canada. Ты уже можешь писать по-английски. g Напиши словарный диктант 7, (Dictation 7), (163). Maximum result 10 Your result 7 ■ о ь.. I- “OX/tainnOCi Total result 21 Your result 9 • Выполни проектное задание 7 (Project Work 7). Our Weekend Оформи седьмую страничку ангтгт,^ Напиши, чем любят занимат альбома члены твоей семьи, что вы ® выходные дн) разные времена года. Делаете все вместе The school year ---------------- than before. You can read q ^ ^ you understand and speak ,ч°"м English, summer holidays are coming ENJnv wonderful See you again in September, ^ Lots of love. The authors * some day — когда-нибудь Uy I II 14.^1 г <« *' • ''U: « - Содержание 126 Unit 5- I Love Food step 1 Step Step Step Step Step Step 2 3 4 5 6 7. ..3 ..7 .12 .17 .23 .28 .33 Unit 6. The Weather We Have Step 1.. Step Step Step Step Step 2 3 4 5 6 Step 7.. Unit 7. At the Weekend Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 .38 .42 .46 .51 .55 .60 .64 .70 .74 .78 Scanned by CamScanner