Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева Баранова

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева Баранова - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Rainbow English (Рейнбоу инглиш):

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о. в. Acf)aiiacbeija, И. li. Михеева, К. М. Баранова гос АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ Е ГЭ л. t -n,'- '.Л^^ i^. - ' 'г^ V»' ВЕРТИКАЛЬ ■» врофа о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова ГЭС АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ задания ЕГЭ ВЕРТИКАЛЬ МОСКВА jp'DpoOa 2016 А i 9 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А94 В комплект входят аудиоприложения к учебнику и рабочей тетради, доступные для бесплатного скачивания на сайте https://www.drofa.ru/rainbow/ % Условные обозначения: предлагаемое задание имеет формат ЕГЭ предлагаемое задание имеет формат ОГЭ (общий государственный экзамен); личностные качества; метапредметные результаты. Афанасьева, О. В. А94 Английский язык. 9 класс : рабочая тетрадь / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. — М. : Дрофа, 2016. — 110, [2] с. : ил. — (Rainbow English). ISBN 978-5-358-15416-2 Рабочая тетрадь является составной частью УМК по английскому языку для 9 класса серии «Rainbow English» и соответствует ФГОС основного общего образования. Пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы учащихся в школе и дома и содержит задания для повторения и закрепления изученного по учебнику материала. Специальными значками отмечены задания, направленные на формирование метапредметных умений и личностных качеств учащихся. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-922 ISBN 978-5-358-15416-2 ©ООО «ДРОФА», 2016 Contents Unit One. Mass Media: Radio, Television, the Internet I. Listening ........................................................... 4 II. Reading ............................................................. 5 III. Speaking ............................................................ 9 IV. Use of English ...................................................... 10 Vocabulary Exercises ................................................ 10 Grammar Exercises ................................................... 17 V. Writing ............................................................. 24 VI. Bonus for Eager Learners ............................................ 27 Unit Two. The Printed Page: Books, Magazines, Newspapers I. Listening .......................................................... 30 II. Reading ............................................................ 31 III. Speaking ........................................................... 35 IV. Use of English ...................................................... 36 Vocabulary Exercises ................................................ 36 Grammar Exercises ................................................... 46 V. Writing ............................................................. 52 VI. Bonus for Eager Learners ............................................ 55 Unit Three, science and Technology I. Listening .......................................................... 58 II. Reading ............................................................ 60 III. Speaking ........................................................... 64 IV. Use of English ...................................................... 65 Vocabulary Exercises ................................................ 65 Grammar Exercises ................................................... 72 V. Writing ............................................................. 76 VI. Bonus for Eager Learners ............................................ 78 Unit Four. Being a Teenager I. Listening .......................................................... 82 II. Reading ............................................................ 84 III. Speaking ........................................................... 89 IV. Use of English ...................................................... 90 Vocabulary Exercises ................................................ 90 Grammar Exercises ................................................... 98 V. Writing .............................................................105 VI. Bonus for Eager Learners ............................................108 runitn L)jju Mass Media: Radio, Television, the Internet c D ^Listening О 3 Ф Listen to the interview, ® 1. and decide which of the facts below (1—6) are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS). 1. United Press International is the only international news agency in the USA. 2. Reporters and news agencies from abroad use Associated Press and United Press International news materials. 3. The largest international agency in the world was organized in the previous century. 4. The US news agencies do not belong to the US Government. 5. American journalists try to keep apart the news itself and their opinions about it. 6. American journalists seldom sign^ their news stories. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. % Listen to the text, and choose the appropriate variants (a—b) to complete the sentences (1—5). 1. A “typical American” usually watches television______________. a) six-seven hours a day b) less than six-seven hours a day 2. Young American men watch television____________ are over 55 years of age. a) less b) more than American women who 3. Statistics a) gives precise data about television viewing time, b) doesn’t give 4. According to the speaker, in America TV sets are used__ a) to avoid silence in the house b) to get varied news to sign [sam] — подписывать 5. According to the speaker, it is a day. a) possible to watch television 6—7 hours b) impossible Listen to the interview, ^ 3, and complete the sentences (1—6) in accordance with the text you've heard. 1. Doctors and specialists think it is harmful for young children--------------------------- 2. Doctor Heeley says babies under one year old shouldn’t ____________________ 3. Two- or three-year old children may watch television for no more than--------- c D О 3 4. Nowadays television is often used as a babysitter because 5. If young babies watch television a lot, they 6. Children whose language is below standard at the age of three Read the words in transcription, then write them down. 1. [hju:'milieit] — 2. [’kAront] —______ 3. [dis'kAjn] —_____ 4. [so'saioti] —____ 5. ['Gretan] —______ 9. [’s3:vis] — _ 10. [po'li:s] — 11. [’поЬф] — 6. [’ruidnos] — 7. [’Jeimlos] — - 8. [ins'ted] — _ 12. ['bro:dka:st9] — 13. [’aedvataizs] — 14. ['mi:di9] —______ 15. [’delta] —_______ Read the words, word combinations and sentences out loud. A.Broadcast, service, threaten, shame, advertise, main, citizen, serve, serial, series, shoot, spoil, police, spy. в. То discuss the current events, to discuss important problems, to serve in the army, to humiliate those who are weak, to spoil children, to spy on the members of the society, to inform the police, to broadcast the latest news; rude words, her current address, shameless behaviour, the main facts, a serious threat, an interesting serial, a series of TV programmes, helpful advice. C. The company advertises its toothpaste on television. You can find the details of that process on the Internet and in some other news media. The main idea of the game is to score points. I felt humiliated when I failed the test after telling everyone that I would do it well. It’s a shame that our team has lost. c D % Read the text and choose the appropriate variants (a—d) to complete the statements after it. The Internet О 3 Ф Since its first appearance some decades ago, the Internet has dramatically changed our lives. Yet, it has also brought a lot of debate about its advantages and disadvantages. Many arguments have been given to prove that this kind of mass media is the fastest, the cheapest, most convenient, in other words, the most effective of all. Few people can doubt the fact. First of all, for many people the Internet has become a true (and often the only one) way of communication. In the past, people used to be dependent on conventional mailing system or telephone that were rather expensive, inconvenient and time-consuming. Nowadays you can get to any place on any continent and have a talk with a person you need. Now no one can deny that due to the Internet people in modern society do have an easy access^ to the latest news, to the information that has been hidden from many of us. The worlds of trade, economy, as well as the worlds of science, culture, sports and entertainment have got a channel through which they can share their achievements, discuss their victories and defeats. The speed of this technology is really incredible. In fact, you can get the necessary data in practically no time, though there is, certainly, a lot of information in the world that is not open to the public. Equally important the Internet is in the field of advertising and shopping. Customers nowadays can easily deliver transactions from home with the help of a computer and make a payment by using the Internet banking service. Some people mention possible threats and other disadvantages of the Internet. One of the serious problems, psychologists speak of, is an individual’s isolation an access ['aekses] — доступ within the society. Doctors stress the fact that more and more people, especially teens, mix up real life and their online existence. There are other problems connected with the Internet: children and unsuitable sites, criminals and the online data that might help them to commit crimes etc. All these facts are true. However, the 21st century is definitely the epoch of the Internet and our life depends much on it. 1. The Internet came to existence__________ a) ten years ago b) in the 21st century c) some time ago d) about ten years ago 2. The Internet has a) seriously b) slightly 3. Most people_____ _____changed people’s life style. c) not practically d) not particularly the fact that the Internet facilitates our access to dif- ferent information. a) approve of b) disagree with 4. It is obvious that the Internet is c) admit d) are not sure of a) more reliable than the other ways of mass media b) not a perfect kind of mass media c) mostly spread in the field of advertising and shopping d) the only true way of communication. О 3 ж % Read the text and match its paragraphs (1—4) with their titles (a—e). There is one title you don't have to use. a) The Internet and Shopping b) A Habit Leading to Isolation c) A Threat to Firms and Companies d) The Possibilities of the Net e) Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet 1. The Internet has lots of users. It has lately become extremely popular and is being applied by people of all ages and professions. With its help you can easily get the information you need for academic studies as well as for other purposes, shopping, for example. Besides you can get in touch with your friends in no time and socialize as long as you like. The Internet is also a source of entertainment. You can play games, download films and music either for free or at a very low price. 2. When you work on the computer, you are aware of all these advantages. But have you ever thought that for some people the same things may lead to great problems? Instead of going out to meet friends and relatives, such individuals prefer to stay at home and sit before their computers for hours often just wasting time. These people have little or no exercise and some of them even develop computer dependence. They prefer to chat online and have difficulties in real communication often leading to loneliness and psychological problems. 8 С D О 3 Ф 3. Thus we have to agree that the world of the Internet is not so perfect as it seems to be and as the advertisements say. It is true that on the Net the latest news and the information you need is available^ to you when you are at home at any time. This is very convenient and fast. But with so much information available, it can take you quite a while to find what you really need. Besides there is so much advertising instead of real facts and true information. On the other hand, online shopping helps to save both time and money but often leads to the result you did not expect. 4. Nevertheless millions of people enjoy using the Internet. It’s real fun to play computer games, to find new friends and to chat with old ones^. But these are not the things people should do during their working hours. Yet, many Internet users do them. Computers have been installed^ in a great number of offices and it is next to impossible to make sure that all people there use their time properly. However, we all understand that modern life is not possible without the Internet. PARAGRAPHS 1 2 3 4 5 TITLES EXTRA % Л. Read the text silently and then out loud. Pay attention to: • your sounds and intonation; • logical pauses; • the tempo of reading. The Internet has brought a serious technological change into our life. Different people react differently to it. Some of them can hardly imagine their lives without the Internet, while others say that this change is irrelevant'*, unnecessary or even frightening®. For many of these individuals computers represent a threat to their freedom and independence. Many of them think that in the future all decisions will be taken by machines. But machines are not human beings, so they cannot feel and estimate® possible emotional reactions of this or that society. This is frightening, as human lives will more and more depend on machines. Such people often use the Internet to available [a'veibbl] — доступный old ones = зд.\ old friends to install [in'sto:!] — устанавливать irrelevant [I'relavant] — нерелевантный, неважный, незначимый frightening ['fraitnig] — пугающий to estimate ['estimat] — оценивать get the necessary information but they have little idea of how computers work. The unknown often seems mysterious and difficult to understand. B. Put 5 questions on the text (general, alternative, disjunctive, wh-question,the question to the subject) and write them down. 2. 3. c 13 4. 5. О 3 Ф A. Choose one of the pictures and say what you can see in it. B. What, in your opinion, is the story behind the picture you've chosen? Remember your favourite TV programme (a film, a TV show, a sports programme etc) and speak about it. Say: • when you watch(ed) it; • what it is/was about; • who are/were the participants of the programme; • if you like(d)/dislike(ed) the programme and why; • if you would/would not recommend it to your friends and why. 10 с о 3 ф Work In pairs and act out one of the following situations. Situation One. Two friends are discussing the role of television in our life. One of them thinks that it is a waste of time to watch television because there are very few interesting programmes there and thinks that it is much more interesting to express oneself speaking with friends online. The other doesn’t like the Internet because it takes a lot of his/her time and people are not able to meet each other to discuss their problems personally but admits that when he/she needs this or that data or information he/she uses the Net. Each of the two puts forward arguments to support their points of view. Situation Two. Two friends are discussing the role of radio in modern life. One of them thinks that radio has become useless as it is more interesting to watch television or to use the Internet. The other friend believes that radio remains useful even in modern life. He/she mentions distant villages high in the mountains, trips in cars and even his/her granny who always listens to the radio when she does certain things about the house. Answer the questions on the topic "Mass Media". 1. What kinds of mass media do you know? Which of them do you consider the most important? Why? 2. What is the role of radio nowadays? Do many people, in your view, listen to the radio? In what situations is radio a more convenient source of information than television and the Internet? 3. What do you think of television? What is it more a source of information or a kind of entertainment? Can you say that the 21st century is an era of television? Why/Why not? What TV programmes are very popular among teenagers (grown-ups) now? How can you explain the fact? Do you think their preferences depend on their age? What TV programmes are mainly watched in your family? Do you find any disadvantages or threats to people who enjoy watching television non-stop? 4. What is the role of the Internet in our society? Can you say that modern people are very dependent on the Internet? Why so? In what way do different people use the Internet? How can you characterize this source of information? Can you absolutely rely upon the facts given on the Net? IV^ I Use of English Vocabulary Exercises A. Write the same in English. 1. текущие события —_________________________ 2. употребляться вместо чего-то {часто в тексте) 3. транслировать по радио —__________________ 4. последние новости —_______________________ 5. жители Москвы —___________________________ 6. рекламировать в местной газете 7. услуги юриста —_____________ 8. вместо денег —_______ ______ 9. грубость инспектора —_______ 10. бессовестный человек 11. угрожать чьей-либо свободе — 12. снимать фильм —____________ В. Write the same in Russian. 1. to spoil the child 2. to spy on the actor — 3. to broadcast on the radio — 4. to feel humiliated —______ 5. to shoot at the flying duck — 6. instead of rudeness — ___ 7. the threat of terrorism —_ 8. without shame — 9. a multicultural society —_ 10. to shoot someone dead — 11. citizen’s rights —____ 12. a hit television serial — 13. fellow citizens — 11 c о 3 Ф Jl Use the prepositions where necessary to complete the sentences. as, at, for, in, of, on, to, with 1. In the texts the letters PC stand the expression “personal comput-_ a nurse long ago, and since that er”. 2. Jane offered us her services_____ time she has been serving_________our health centre. 3. It was rude_______ her to mention my defeat. 4.__________their shame they had no information about Mr Johnson’s services. 5. Terrorism is a real threat________modern society. 6. Please let us know if we can be any further service you or your family. 7. Doris, did you really hear about it 12 С D О 3 Ф the news? Isn’t it just your imagination? 8. All dishes here are served____ a salad. 9. They said Agatha had brought shame and disgrace____________her family. 10. Mr Foster was shot___________the head when he was getting out the car. 11. Journalists were shooting questions us but the only answer they got was “No comment”. 12. The young singer, in fact, was spying__________the German government and paid for this job. 13. Where is the key_________the door? 14. My dad met my mum while serving___________ the Navy. Complete the sentences using the words from the box. shooting, threatening, humiliated, advertise, rudeness, broadcast, spoiling, stands, broadcaster, current, spying, citizens 1.1 don’t think they are they____________ the goods effectively. 2. What film ________? Is it a comedy? 3. Which channel has political on it? 4. Her______________________shocked me. She had forgotten her good manners. 5. Look at the sky I Don’t you think the clouds are ____________________ rain? 6. Stop ____________________ your grandchildren. Mum! 7. Kate said, “I was ‘nobody’ and couldn’t do anything properly. You know I have never felt so _____________________before.” 8.1 think they are ____________________on me. I can’t understand why they are doing it. 9. Peter Foster is a famous grammes. 10. The abbreviation MP ment. 11. The__________________ .. I like to listen to and watch his pro-__________________for Member of Parlia- of our city were against the increase in bus fares. 12. He used to live in High Street, but I don’t know his___ address. Write English equivalents for these Russian phrases. 1. искать информацию в Интернете {переходя с сайта на сайт) — 2. глобальная сеть — 3. взламывать программу — 4. находить и сохранять сведения (в Интернете) 5. быть подключённым к компьютерной сети — 6. в Интернете — 7. создавать программу — 8. информационная безопасность — 9. обмениваться информацией —__ 10. сообщение, отправленное по электронной почте — Choose and circle the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 1. The music sounds too loud. Could you, please, turn (up/down) the radio? 2. A (serial/series) is a long story whose parts are presented on television or radio. 3.1 have always admired Julia’s hair. — Oh, yes, (it is/they are) so beautiful. 4. The famous explorer gave a (serial/series) of talks at our school. 5. Robert Weston is a popular (broadcast/broadcaster). 6. Do you agree that (media/medium) influence and form the public opinion? 7. The new (serial/series) is based on his latest bestseller. 8. Ron is spying (on/for) Walter Mason, he is spying (on/for) his detective agency. 9. The police (has/have) arrived. 10. These (datum/data) are very important. 11. Radio is a (medium/media) of communication. Use the phrasal verbs to turn down, to turn into, to turn off, to turn on, to turn over, to turn up in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences. 1. Jane, the cooker, please. I would like to warm up the supper. 2. In the famous fairy tale written by Hans Andersen an ugly duckling ________________________a beautiful swan. 3. Look, Susie_________________________ her computer. I think she is through with her homework. 4. Last night I could not sleep at all and_____________________in bed for hours. 5. Victor________________________the television because his sister said the sound was too loud. 6. Lady Grey________ the photo. She wanted to read the words on its back. 7.1 can’t hear what the actors are saying, sion, will you? 8. Very slowly the water in the bowl___ process was over. 9.1 know it’s my turn to wash up. I____ a minute. the televi- ice. At last the the dishwasher in 13 c D О 3 14 С D О 3 Ф 10. When I entered the kitchen, mum the frying pan. a pancake on Decide which adjectives from the box can be used with the nouns below and write them down. current, rude, irregular, irresponsible, humiliating, shameless, unbelievable News: Words: Verbs: Address: Success: People: _ Behaviour: Remember your Social English section and decide which variants (a or b) sound more polite. Circle the more formal variants. 1. a) Sorry, sir, but that is not exactly what happened yesterday, b) You are quite wrong. This is not what happened yesterday. 2. a) Auntie, I’m sure you’re absolutely wrong. It’s Julia Roberts who is play- ing the leading part in “Pretty Woman”, b) Sorry to correct you. Auntie, but Julia Roberts is playing the leading part in “Pretty Woman”. 3. a) Forgive me if I keep correcting you, but the first televisions appeared be- fore the war, not after. b) You’re quite wrong, you know the first televisions appeared before the war, not after. 4. a) I’m afraid you’re mistaken, “War and Peace” was written by Leo Tolstoy, b) Not exactly, “War and Peace” was written by Leo Tolstoy. 5. a) It is not quite as I see it. I think the school year in Britain doesn’t usually start on the 1st of September. b) You are wrong, it’s quite the other way round. I think the school year in Britain doesn’t usually start on the 1st of September. 6. a) Yes, but they became champions in 2013, not in 2012. b) On the contrary, they became champions in 2013, not in 2012. A. Write the words with the opposite meanings. 1. polluted —---------------------- 6. proper — 2. moral —------------------------- 3. regular —--- 4. agreement — 5. healthy — — 7. responsible — 8. literate —---- 9. violent —----- 10. appearance — 11. standard — 12. active —____ 13. ability —___ 14. significant — 15. official —____ 16. important — _ % Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the sentences, 1. Who was the_______________________of the Internet? 2. The BBC is a_______________________ radio and television system. 3. As you know, the BBC has four________________________ra- dio channels. Radio 1____________________ sic. Radio 4 offers news reports, _____________________s. offers pop mu-talks and 4. There is so much travelling through ________________to the Net that it has become nearly_________________ control it. 5. Some data you can get from the Internet may be ___________________or even____________________. 6. I watch television quite a lot. 7. Radio is a medium of 8. It’s______________ to crack computer programmes. 9. Doctors object to our work on the computer ________________If people work on the computer for many hours, they can develop computer____________ 10. All people admit that the Internet has changed our life __ ___ _, but some of them_____________________ that this is for the better. Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the text. Radio Today % What is the role of radio nowadays? (1)_____________________ try to answer the question analysing the number of (2) to (3) _ _ radio programmes and to decide what programmes in particular interest the radio audiences, when people usually listen to the radio. wanted, danger personal communicate legal stop depend complete, agree science listen differ invent commercial 15 C nation D most ■ r+ о ■w discuss Ф inform possible 16 с D О 3 ф and to what age groups radio is more (4)---------------------- than the other types of mass media. As the latest surveys^ show, radio use is declining. Even music (5)-------------------s who used to listen to music programmes on the radio often buy modern sophisticated^ devices and their (6)-------- and variety are (7) -----------------increasing. About 60% of the (8) ____________________s listen to the radio “more than once a month” and most of them listen to it “while doing something else”. Though (9)--------------- programmes refer to (10) a ____________________ popular programme genre as well as news programmes or weather forecast, radio is no longer a (11)-----------media to fulfil the music needs of young people. In (12)-------------------it’s possible to say that more than half of the people who listen to the radio regard it only as “something that can be convenient if you own one” and only 23 percent regard it as “essential”. Choose the appropriate variants (a—d) from the rows below to complete the text. prefer love grow constant respond music remarkable lead conclude % Media and Advertising Television has always been used for (1) years of television, it seems only (2) _ -things. After nearly seventy to conclude that television is i . ^ a survey [sa'vei] — обзор ^ sophisticated [so'fistikeitid] — усложнённый (о технике) here to (3) There have been a lot of objections (4) it and on different grounds. Doctors are sure that watching television can lead to various diseases, eye strain (5) ___________them. People say that TV screens are constantly bombarding us with radioactivity, that children (6)________________to vio- lence through watching it. Many (7) . are against those advertisements in TV programmes that make us buy more and more. I can mention (8) disadvantage of television. It often creates such an atmosphere at home that you simply don’t want to (9)_________it turning into a passive user of the in- formation you get and buying practically anything that is being advertised — whether you need these things or not. All this is true. Yet we (10)_______ staring at the screen and buying the unnecessary things. 1. a) advertise b) advertisement c) advertising d) advertised 2. a) obscure b) obvious c) dramatic d) doubtful 3. a) move b) exist c) be d) stay 4. a) on b) for c) to d) over 5. a) between b) among c) in d) within 6. a) develop b)involve c) turn d) aim 7. a)shoppers b)shops c) shop d) shoppings 8. a) the other b) another c)other d) others 9. a) go b) come c) leave d) get 10. a) keep b)approve c) refuse d) give up 17 О 3 Ф Grammar Exercises Choose and circle the appropriate verb forms to complete the sentences. 1. An interesting serial (is being shown/was being shown) on TV now. 2. The computer programme (is still being created/ was still being created) at 10 p.m. yesterday. 3. Peter’s future (is being discussed/was being discussed) at the parents’ meeting yesterday. 4.1 can’t give you this contract now. It (is being signed/was being signed) by the President of the company. 5. Where are my blue jeans? — Sorry, they (are being washed/were being washed). 6. The new laptop (is being advertised/was being advertised) when I came into the hall. 7. When the new actors arrived, the film (is being shot/was being shot). 8. The current news (is being broadcast/was being broadcast) on the radio at the moment. 9. When dad returned home, the show (is being watched/was being watched) with a lot of interest by his teenage kids. 10. The Net (is being surfed/ was being surfed) by our students at the moment. Use the verbs in the appropriate passive forms to complete the sentences. 1. Yesterday my glasses (find)___________________by one of the cleaners. 2. As I was driving to our cottage, I noticed that the road (rebuild) _______________________in many places. 18 С О 3 Ф 3. Where is Laura? — She (question) _ police about the accident. 4. “Your drinks (bring)______________ the manager said. 5. A lot of meetings (hold)__________ 6. Rice (grow) ---------------------- countries. 7. “Helen, we want to know what (do) _ moment,” Grace cried. 8. Generally, in this city bicycles (use) — public transport. 9. They said that all the documents (sign) 5 o’clock p.m. the previous Tuesday. 10. The boxes (not pack)_________________ them later. by the in a minute,’ lately. in China and some other Asian at the instead of by yet. We will pack Make the passive forms in these sentences negative. Make other necessary changes. 1. A new show is being broadcast on TV at the moment. —----------------- 2. The letter has been sent today. 3. When Bob returned home, the cakes were being baked in the oven. — 4. Peter said the film had already been shot. 5. The scary fairy tale is being read to the children now. — 6. The policeman said that the criminal had been already caught. — 7. The old fable is being read to the children now. — 8. The stage director said the sceneries had been replaced. — 9. Your camera is being looked for now. — 10. А new play was being staged when Mr Walters returned from his trip. — Make questions out of these sentences. 1. These trousers haven’t been worn by Mike for a long time. — Why 2. The report that was made at the conference puzzled everyone. — Where 19 C D 3. The room is being cleaned by the maid. — What 4. The police informed us that 4 new laptops had been stolen. — How many О 3 Ф 5. A lot of silly commercials have been broadcast recently. — What kind of 6. Martin was watching TV while dinner was being cooked. — When 7. Mr Barker’s new book had been published by the end of the month. — Whose book_____________________________________________________________________ 8. The children are being watched by this strange woman. — Who 9. The car was still being repaired at 7 o’clock yesterday. — Was 10. A lot of answers have been given by the headmistress during the meeting. How many______________________________________________________________ Use the verbs in brackets in present perfect passive or past perfect passive to compete the sentences. 1. The news about this terrible event (broadcast) -------------all over the world by now. 20 С D О 3 ф 2. The police informed us that some of our programmes (crack) 3. Meg said that all the invitation cards (write)________________________________ ___________lately. 4. The teacher was told that after her lesson the two little sisters (laugh) ________________________________________at by their friends. They (humiliate) by their friends. 5. The history quiz (show) on TV lately. 6. Helen said that the data of the experiment (discuss) by her partners but they hadn’t come to one and the same conclusion. 7. John said they (inform)___________________- improper behaviour. 8. The reporter said that Disney cartoons (admire) _________from the very start. 9. Moris knows that the Net (surf) _______________ about Dick’s by his students and the necessary material for the presentation (find) 10. The scientists said that the results of the work (send) ________________________________to their colleagues. *] Write the same in a different way using passive verb forms. 1. Dad said he had filled the car. — ----- ------------- 2. At 9 o’clock yesterday Sam was still doing his homework. 3. Julian hasn’t noticed his friend’s humiliation. 4. The engineers have invented a new computer gadget recently. — 5. They are advertising a new educational online programme now. 6. When Lulu entered the classroom, the teacher was handing out the tests. — 7. We have discussed the principal’s report. — 8. Look, they are broadcasting the latest terrorist attack on Channel Four. — 9. Tim said he was still using the cord mouse as he was used to it. — 21 10. Bess told us she had already prepared all the wedding invitations. — Insert the, a (an) where necessary to complete the sentences. 1. There has been____________bank robbery____________police are coming soon. 2. You should take___________ umbrella with you as there is____________great ______TV tonight? — I think_____________ threat of rain today. 3. What’s on_ amusing serial is beginning. 4_____ ening. 5. Hollywood is________home to 6._________BBC is___________best-known radio and television system in Great news I heard today was really threat-___________American film industry. Britain if not in world. 7. _______ main discussion was about current events which were not very pleasant. 8. It is_________great shame to say such words. You should be really sorry that you have used such __________ vulgar idioms. 9. No ___________ news is ___________ good news. 10-----------Internet is___________ global computer network. 11. Some pro- grammes on TV give examples of humiliation and commercials while __________bad taste. 12. It’s so annoying to have______ watching___________interesting films or__________other programmes. Choose and circle the appropriate verb forms to complete the sentences. 1. The police (have/has) been here for an hour already. 2. This data (is/are) very important to create a new programme. 3. The news about the coming storm (is/ are) threatening. 4. Radio as well as television (is/are) media that form public opinion. 5. My pyjamas (have/has) been washed by my mum. 6. This advice (sound/sounds) really cruel. 7. The information on Channel Six (is/are) not always reliable. 8. The toast (have/has) been burnt a bit. You can have some bread instead. 9. The Internet (have/has) a lot of influence on people. 10. These data (is/are) wrong, there are a lot of mistakes here. О 3 Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the sentences. 22 О 3 Ф % 1. Fred told us the game___________ the rain. 2. When I entered the hall, the poem by my younger brother. 3. This programme _______ because of so people in the office can’t use it any more. 4. If they __________________________ showing such violent a very cruel generation. to the kids? It the spoil recite crack films on TV, we 5. What fairy tale seems familiar but I name. 6. Sam _______ I _ __sure it will shock him. 7. Greg said ___ ___ _ at the moment. He added they build going _____ -^ ! be, buy not stop have read not remem- I ' ber the current news yet. not hear I new garage I they car in the summer. 8. Yesterday when everybody a break, our team_________ a new experiment. 9. The police showed us the place where the crime 10. While my mother dinner a nap, the _____________ ________by my father. 11. Professional spies usually feel when they __________. But yesterday Bob_______ body__________ him. 12.1 don’t know where my jeans _____ — Has anybody seen _______________ no- I have make commit^ take cook follow notice follow put they to commit (committed, committed) — совершать {самоубийство, преступление) Щ Use the appropriate forms of the verbs on the right to complete the text. % Broadcasting % The movie and sound-recording changed popular entertainment in the previous century as they (1)___________________ performances to be reproduced over and over again. But there (2) _________________ still ano- ther revolution to come. Today we call it broadcasting, and it (3) _______________________enter- tainment from public places into the home. The telegraph was the first invention that allowed transmission of information over long distances, the telephone allowed transmission of voices by wire. Then the radio (4) _________________________. At first only code signals (5) ____________________and (6) _________________ , but soon voice communication (7)_____________________also pos- sible. Between 1920 and 1927 several million radio receivers (8)_____________, and radio stations (9)__________________ up in many countries. Radio’s golden age (10)_____________ from 1927 to about 1950, the same years as the golden age of movies. Radio programmes (11) ______________for by sponsors, who (12)________________________their goods. They hoped that listeners (13)___ ing their products. Open the brackets to complete the text. A True Rembrandt When I was at school, 1(1) (know) by buy- allow be bring appear send, receive become sell, spring run pay advertise respond that I certainly (2) (visit) ___________________ the National Gallery some day, as I (3) (hear) ___________________ so much about it. And this day (4) (come) ___________________when I was fourteen. My friend Dick and I (5) (take) ___________________to London, the city of our dreams, by our parents. On the first morning of our stay in the capital we (6) (take)______________our 23 О 3 Ф 24 С 13 О 3 ф cameras which we (7) (bring) with us and walked to Tra- falgar Square. But alas, in the National Gallery taking pictures (8) (not allow) ________ - -____. Nevertheless, we decided to go to the gallery and see its collection of paintings. Very soon I realized how much Dick could tell me about artists and their paintings. I certainly (9) (understand) --------------------that my friend (10) (show)--------------------off a bit but I really (11) (impress) by his knowledge. Dick was ready to tell an interesting story about practically any picture. Evidently he (12) (read)______________ lots of books about the gallery and its pieces of art. I (13) (feel) __ _ - that my knowledge of art (14) (improve) ___________________greatly by the end of our visit to the Gallery. Suddenly Dick stopped and looked at something that (15) (hang)------------------in the corner. Then thoughtfully he said that what he (16) (see)------------ looked like a true Rembrandt to him. He (17) (step) -----------back and let me (18) (come)__________________up to the masterpiece. Great was my surprise when from the canvas my own face (19) (stare) at me! It was a mirror. “That is really an awful mistake I (20) (make) _____________________Please don’t tell anybody about the incident!” said my friend. Writing Choose one of the pictures and describe it. Use the following outline. Mention: a) what the picture shows; b) what and who you can see in the picture (in its centre/at the top/at the bot-tom/on the left-hand side/on the right-hand side of it); c) what is happening in the picture; d) what you think and what you feel when you look at the picture. © Expand on the story. Add details to make it more colourful and interesting. Ann was in her flat. She looked at the kitchen window of the flat opposite hers. She knew that the people living in the flat were at work but she could see a man in the kitchen. He opened the fridge, then he opened the cupboard. Ann thought the man was looking for something. She couldn’t understand what he was doing in her neighbours’ flat. She came up to the telephone and called the police. The man turned out to be the neighbour’s relative. 25 C D О 3 Ф VD ГМ Unit One In one paragraph comment on this quotation. “Languages are pedigrees^ of nations.” {Samuel Johnson) 27 C D О 3 Ф Vl.^ Bonus for Eager Learners A. See how much you know about English idioms and choose the appropriate variants. Try to explain what the idioms mean. (You can find the answers on page 110.) 1. A person who is not what he seems is known as____________. a) a Catcher in the Rye b) a wolf in sheep’s clothing 2. When you’re in hot water it means a) you’re taking a bath b) you’re in a sauna pedigree ['pedigri:] — зд.\ гордость, ценность c) an entrepreneur d) an eye witness c) you’re in a spa d) you’re in trouble for something 28 С D О 3 (О 3. А leopard cannot____ a) outrun а fox b) change his tunes 4. Having cold feet means. a) you’ve changed your mind b) you’ve forgotten to put your socks on 5. Does someone who has a bee in his bonnet. a) risk getting stung b) like to wear hats c) change his spots d) change his mind c) you’ve fallen through the ice d) none of the above c) run a bee farm d) get obsessed with some idea B. Read the verse and try to sing it to a melody you think suitable. How will you answer the question the poem asks? Television, the curse of the nation. Feeding ignorance from channel to channel, from station to station. Television, the curse of the nation. We are glued to the screen with zest^ and admiration. Shallow programmes with useless information Give you no grounds for thinking and creation. Television that hasn’t taught you anything yet. Thousands of kids without any knowledge of their alphabet. Television, the curse of the nation. No answers to questions and strange explanations Giving you no ideas and no inspiration. A lot of violence to see on the screen And people becoming cruel and mean... Then why generation after generation Do we watch television with zest^ and fascination? C. Read the lyrics of the song. Find its recording and listen to it. Sing the song along if you find it enjoyable. The Best Day {Taylor Swift) I’m five years old, it’s getting cold. I’ve got my big coat on I hear you laugh and look up smiling at you, I run and run Past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides, look now, the sky is gold I hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home. I don’t know why all the trees change in the fall I know you’re not scared of anything at all Don’t know if Snow White’s house is near or far away But I know I had the best day with you today. I’m thirteen now and don’t know how my friends could be so mean I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys And we drive and drive until we found a town far enough away And we talk and window shop till I forgot all their names. zest [zest] — энтузиазм I don’t know who I’m gonna talk to now at school But I know I’m laughing on the car ride home with you Don’t know how long it’s gonna take to feel ok But I know I had the best day with you today. I have an excellent father. His strength is making me stronger God smiles on my little brother. Inside and out, he’s better than I am I grew up in a pretty house and I had space to run And I had the best days with you. There is a video I found from back when I was three You set up a paint set in the kitchen and you’re talking to me It’s the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarfs Daddy’s smart and you’re the prettiest lady in the whole wide world. Now I know why all the trees change in the fall I know you were on my side even when I was wrong And I love you for giving me your eyes For staying back and watching me shine And I didn’t know if you knew So I’m takin’ this chance to say That I had the best day with you today. 29 О 3 Ф 30 llni t J /Ш!; The Printed Page: Books, Magazines, Newspapers c s' о . Listening % Listen to the texts, ® 4, and match them with the titles (a—f). There is one title you don't have to use. a) Shakespeare Made Easy for Young Readers b) Evil Actions Bring the Main Character to a Bitter End c) The Great English Author and His Comedy d) Impressive Pictures for Books of Poetry e) He Was Born to Fight for Freedom f) One of the First Books to Come out in Print TEXTS 1 2 3 4 5 TITLES EXTRA. % Listen to the dialogue, ^ 5, and choose the appropriate variants (a—c) to complete these sentences. 1. Ron and Clare have-- a) the same b) similar 2. Ron claims that science fiction---- a) appeared in ancient times b) is based on older works of literature c) is a modern phenomenon tastes in literature, c) different 3. There is no doubt that a) Edgar Allan Poe — is a science fiction writer. b) Jules Verne c) Jonathan Swift 4. Н. G. Wells wrote that science__________ a) must serve the society b) develops means of travelling c) should be more powerful Listen to the text, ®6, and answer the questions below. 1. What did Samuel Johnson’s father do for his living? —______________________________ 2. Where did Samuel Johnson begin writing for periodicals? —__________ 31 c D 3. What was Johnson’s book of criticism called? — 4. What is Johnson’s best-known book? — 5. Why was the Dictionary so important in the 18th century? — 6. What can instability of the language lead to? — Read the words in transcription and write them down. 1. [э'кехзп] — _ 2. [ju:'ni:k] — 3. ['pAbliJ] — _ 4. ['faesineitig] — 5. №fl]-________ 6. [m'vestigeit] — 7. ['streincfeo] — _ 8. ['геэИ] —________ 9. [so'pouz] —- 10. ['клпф] — 11. ['d:09]—_ 12. [’feilja] —_ 13. [in'venjn] - 14. ['тлтЫ] — 15. ['wispa] —. 32 С D t О % Read the words, word combinations and sentences out loud, A. General, rewarding, private, fascination, investigation, courageous, murmur, occasionally, author, source. B. To say something in a whisper, an inventive mind, a cheerful voice, to rain occasionally, to earn good money, to be a failure, a rewarding profession, a great quality, to have enough courage, the latest invention. C. I look forward to seeing you in my home town again. How will they understand you if you keep mumbling and murmuring? One can rarely see a unique publication like this sold in our bookshops. The investigation will be carried out in August; keep it in your mind. I looked through the story and realized that it was of rather low quality, in fact it was trash. Read the text and match its paragraphs with their titles. There is one title you don't have to use. a) The Unheroic Race b) The Adventure that Goes on c) The Universe Created by the Writer d) The Tolkien Fans e) The Scholar of English f) The Book’s Second Life g) The Trilogy Finds Its Readers 1. The Lord of the Rings is one of the most popular fantasy novels. Its author, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, was born in 1892 in South Africa and grew up in England, in a village near Birmingham. He took part in the First World War. Then he became a professor of English at Oxford University. 2. It all began with The Hobbit, the story made up for his sons and published in 1938. The main characters of this book later appeared in The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien hated technology, he wanted to see England as it was before the invention of engines. He loved ancient myths and borrowed his characters from Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and other European mythology. In his books he created his own world inhabited by wizards, elves, dwarfs, goblins and hobbits. 3. Hobbits are Tolkien’s own invention. The word is a combination of Homo (meaning ‘man’) and rabbit. In 1970 the word ‘hobbit’ was included in the Oxford Dictionary. Tolkien tells his readers that hobbits are peaceful rather short creatures with furry legs. Hobbits are fond of their cosy underground homes and lovely gardens. They don’t like adventures of any kind. Nevertheless, the main character of The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, is forced to take part in a long and dangerous journey full of extraordinary and risky adventures. 4. In The Lord of the Rings, a second book about hobbits. Bilbo’s nephew, Frodo Baggins, is given a dangerous task. He must destroy the magic ring which gives its owner great power. If the ring falls into the hands of Sauron, the Dark Lord, he and his dark forces will rule the world. So Frodo has to take the Ring to the Dark Lord’s own territory and throw it into the fires of Mount Doom. 5. The book took 11 years to write. It has three parts and is more than 1000 pages. When it was published in 1954, it became an immediate success. Tolkien’s magic world caught readers’ imagination and became a cult on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. 6. For many years film-makers didn’t take the risk to make a film based on the book. But finally the phenomenon that Tolkien hated so much — technology — helped. With modern computer effects it became possible to create a realistic interpretation of the book. The director Peter Jackson found suitable settings in his native New Zealand and made them look as real as possible. Some people believe that both the book and the three-part film are among the greatest works of nowadays. PARAGRAPHS 1 2 3 4 5 6 TITLES 33 c D 0 EXTRA Read the text and choose the appropriate variants (a—d) to complete the sentences after it. % People have always loved the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. But did Arthur, his knights and the peaceful castle of Camelot really exist or were they created by people’s imagination? Historians disagree on the facts behind King Arthur legends. There are several theories about King Arthur and his true home. The first stories about Arthur were found in old Welsh texts. In these stories Arthur is a great warrior who won many battles against enemies from other lands. At the same time we can see elements of myth in these texts. For example, Arthur doesn’t only fight against enemies, but also defends his people from mythological creatures — dragons and giants. In the 9th century, a monk named Nennius wrote the book Historia Britonum. It was a history of Britain in which he described the life of a brave Celtic leader called Arthur. Nennius wrote that Arthur lived at the end of the 5th century and the beginning of the 6th century and fought against the Saxons. He and his men won 12 such battles. In the 12th century, Geoffrey of Monmouth, a Welsh monk and historian, wrote his History of the Kings of Britain. The book tells us that Arthur was the King of Britain and Ireland and describes most of the important elements of the Arthurian legend. Geoffrey claimed that he had got his information from an ancient manuscript that was later lost. But how much of the story can be trusted? Geoffrey Ashe, a modern British historian and author of many books about Arthur, believes that there was a real Arthur. He probably came from an important family — English or Welsh. He lived around the end of the 5th century and the beginning of the 6th century. In Ashe’s opinion, Arthur was respected all over the country for being a great warrior. People considered him a national leader. However, Arthur never became king. 34 С t О ________that Arthur was a mythological character. c) are trying to prove b) are uncertain about the fact d) don’t think 1. Specialists a) know 2. Nennius wrote about Arthur---------- a) before anybody else b) at the same time as Geoffrey of Monmouth c) before Geoffrey of Monmouth did it d) after he read some ancient manuscripts 3. Two of the three historians mentioned in the text write a) that Arthur was king of the country b) how many battles Arthur won c) where Arthur was born d) that Arthur’s reputation was very high 4. Arthur fought with_________ a) other British kings b) foreign invaders only c) not only foreign invaders d) characters from fairy tales and ancient legends A. Read the text silently and then out loud. «к Pay attention to: • your sounds and intonation; • logical pauses; • the tempo of reading. Britain's Favourite Poet Everybody knows that Rudyard Kipling is a wonderful children’s writer, the author of stories like The Jungle Book or Just So Stories, But Kipling also wrote many beautiful poems. It may be interesting to know that when the BBC held an opinion poll to find the nation’s favourite poem, Kipling’s poem If was voted number one. The future poet was born in India. When he was only six years old, his parents sent him to England. There Rudyard spent several unhappy years in a foster family, then went to a boarding school where he was first noticed as a talented young writer. After leaving school, he returned to India and worked as a journalist. He also wrote poems and stories describing the lives of the British and Indian people. On returning to Britain the author continued writing full time and gained great popularity. He became the first English writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907. B. Put 5 questions on the text (general, alternative, disjunctive, wh-question, the question to the subject) and write them down. 1___________________________________________________________________________________ 2____________________________________ ________________________ _________ ___________ 3____________________________________ ______________________________________________ 4._ _______________ ___________________________ ____________________________ 5_____________________ ___________________________ _______________________________ 35 c 0 A. Choose one of the pictures and say what you can see in it. % % B. What, in your opinion, is the story behind the picture you've chosen? Remember a certain publication you've read (a book, a magazine or a newspaper copy) and speak about it. Say: • when you read it and how it happened; • what it is about or devoted to; • what attracted your attention in it; • if you would or would not recommend it for reading and why. Work in pairs and act out one of the following situations. Situation One. Two friends are discussing the future of paper publications. One of them believes that their days are numbered and the near future belongs to electronic books, magazines and newspapers. The other supposes that paper editions will survive and there will always be people who prefer using them. Each of the two put forward arguments to support their points of view. 36 с о Situation Two. Two friends are discussing the future of public libraries. One of the friends thinks that borrowing books from public libraries is outdated and they will soon disappear. The other friend believes that public libraries are undergoing some changes and may soon turn into clubs of book lovers or something else. The first friend likes this idea and both of them begin talking about what libraries of the future will be like. Situation Three. Two friends have been asked to produce the first copy of a school weekly. They are discussing the details, for example, what kind of information they want to give in it, if there will be articles, reports, interviews etc, how the weekly will be illustrated. Answer the questions on the topic "The Printed Page". A. 1- What do books give people? 2. What makes children’s books especially important? 3. What should children’s books be like? 4. What was the first book which you really enjoyed and still remember? 5. In what way should literature be taught at schools? 6. Should pupils know about literatures of foreign countries? 7. What difficulties do translators face? What makes their work interesting? 8. What can be done to make reading more popular? B. 1. In what way is the Internet replacing periodicals? Can the Internet become equivalent to periodicals? In what way are they different? 2. What kind of information do periodicals usually publish? 3. Why are there so many different types of periodicals? 4. How do periodicals try to attract their readers? 5. What are periodicals usually praised and criticized for? 6. What should a journalist or a reporter know and be able to do? 7. In what situations may a journalist need to speak a foreign language? Use of English Vocabulary Exercises A. Write the same in English. 1. уникальная храбрость — 2. странное изобретение — 3. редкий случай 4. с нетерпением ожидать этого дня 5. увлекательная история — 6. пробормотать что-то — ______ 7. высочайшее качество — ______ 8. радостная улыбка — ж 9. продавать по высокой цене — 10. изобретательный ум —_______ В. Write the same in Russian. 1. a source of fresh water —___ 2. to feel lonely —___________ 3. a general remark —__________ 4. to pull at somebody’s sleeve — 5. to earn a good reputation —_ 6. a total failure —___________ 7. no better than trash — 37 C 0 8. to have trouble remembering the name — 9. to speak in a whisper —____ _________ 10. to investigate a crime —____________ Write the same with the help of one word. 1. to get money for work —_____________ 2. to be the first person to make a machine, use a method —_________________ 3. to move something towards yourself—______________________________________ 4. to speak very softly —_________________________ 5. to give something in exchange for money— ^ — 6. to be unsuccessful, not to manage to do something —______________________ 7. to interest somebody very strongly —_____________________________________ 8. to say things that are not true —__ ______________ ______________________ 9. to prepare, print and produce a book, a paper etc —__________ ___________ 10. to speak so that the words are difficult to hear and understand —------- 11. to believe, to guess— _ ________ ___________ Match the words in the columns and then complete the sentences with the word combinations. 1. unique 2. rare 3. strange 4. private 5. general 6. lonely 7. rewarding a) mind b) quality c) failure d) road e) look f) talent g) event 38 С 8. inventive 9. complete 10. human 1. We knew about the artist’s pictures. 2. We met nobody on the____ 3. His_______ h) idea i) work j) letters and went to look at his late in the evening. produced one crazy plan after another. _______________ were published after his death. ______________________that everyone needs. 6. Try to find some_ _ _todo. 7. An eclipse^ of the sun is a very-------- ---------; it happens once in 4. The writer’s 5. Kindness is a many years. 8. Why did she have that 9. I’ll just give you a_ 10. The show was a _ on her face? Was she lying to us? of my plan. ; by its end the hall was nearly empty. Choose and circle the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 1. Don repeated the name very quietly, he (screamed/whispered) it into my ear. 2. If you (murmur/shout), I won’t be able to hear the other children. 3. From time to time I like to be (alone/lonely) — listen to music or read a book. 4. The new novel will be (printed/published) on good paper and beautifully illustrated. 5. The police are (inventing/investigating) the murder of the postman. 6. The girl (pulled/pushed) at the door but couldn’t open it. 7. Morris never (lays/lies), he always tells the truth. 8. A secretary should be able to (print/type) well and work with papers. Use the prepositions from the box to complete the sentences. about, at, by, for, in, of, out 1. What sources __information did the author use for his article? ________which bread is sold should not be high. 3.1 can’t give you any details. I’m only speaking_________general. 2.1 suppose the price 4. If you change your mind_________joining us, please, let us know. 5. There are certain matters that can be discussed only______private. 6. Do you think children should be rewarded_________good marks or good be- haviour? 7. Some teachers call their pupils_______their second names, but others pre- fer to use first names. ^ an eclipse [I'klips] — затмение 8. Some people prefer to lie________their age. 9. He spoke___________whispers as he didn’t want the others to hear him. 10. Don’t worry, I’m not________of my mind: I’m simply trying to be realistic. 11. Our new achievements seem to be a good occasion__________celebration. 12. Parents are always rewarded_____ their love and care. 13. Have you heard your name called their children’s achievements and 14. While I was out of the classroom, somebody typed a funny poem____ my computer. Write English equivalents for these Russian phrases. Use the appropriate phrasal verbs. 1. Каких праздников ты обычно ждёшь с нетерпением? —_________________ 39 С 2. Я уже давно ищу в книжных магазинах этот сборник рассказов. — 3. Я люблю листать альбомы со старыми семейными фотографиями. — 4. Если держишь домашних питомцев, нужно заботиться о них. — 5. Большинство людей сначала бегло просматривают газеты, а только потом начинают их читать. —___________________________________________ 6. Я сам слежу за своей одеждой и обувью. — 7. Дети всегда с нетерпением ждут своих дней рождения. — 8. Ты всё ещё ищешь свои ключи? Давай я помогу тебе. — Write sentences with the word mind to express the same ideas. A. 1. Please tell us about this new 1. invention. 2. Could you help me with this translation, please? 40 3. Will you look after my cat while I’m on holiday? 4. Can you call back later, please? 5. Please look through these papers before we discuss them. 6. Can we talk in private, please? 7. Will you come to the blackboard? 8. Could you investigate this strange case for us? 6. 8. B. 1. We have nothing against Paul’s joining us today. 2. I have nothing against watching this old film again. 3. He has nothing against you earning some money during the holidays. 4. Mother has nothing against you buying some souvenirs. 5. My friends have nothing against me singing. 6. Who has anything against Don writing an article for us? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7. Sally is not against going to this lonely place. ________ 8. Do you have anything 8.____ _____________ against the boys using your computer? Write the same in English. Use the idioms with the word mind. 1. Ты хотел пойти в библиотеку. Почему ты передумал? — 2. Это простое правило. Советую вам его помнить. — 3. Они ещё не решили, принять ли участие в соревнованиях. —. 4. Запах свежего хлеба обычно вызывает воспоминания о доме. —. 5. Нужно быть сумасшедшим, чтобы верить этой информации. 6. Жаль, что эта мысль пришла тебе в голову так поздно. —_ 7. Я ещё не решил, кем стать. — 8. Полезно держать самые важные номера телефонов в памяти. —. Match the names with their definitions. a) a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine b) a book telling a long story c) a narration about something exciting that people do or that happens to them d) a paper published every day e) a drama or an acted story f) a narration about scary events g) a narration about future times on earth or in space h) a narration about something imagined and very different from real life i) a regularly published paper with articles and stories j) a narration (usually about animals) that teaches a lesson 1. a play 2. a fable 3. a fantasy 4. a sci-fi story 5. an adventure story 6. an article 7. a daily 8. a magazine 9. a novel 10. a horror NAMES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DEFINITIONS Remember at least 10 ways a) to praise a book and 15 ways b) to criticise it. a) This book is good fun,_____________________________________________________________________ 41 C r+ s' 0 b) This book is a waste of time, 42 I 0 Peter is making a telephone call to Sally. Mark Peter's words with P, Sally's words with S and the words of Sally's mother with M. Revise your Social English section. A. Sally takes the phone herself. 1. Fm calling to invite you to my birthday party.__________ 2. Who’s calling ?___________ 3. Is that you, ...?_________ 4. It’s ... here._________ 0 B. Sally’s mother takes the phone. 1. Who’s there?_________ 2. Can I take a message?_____ 3. Will you hold on?_________ 4. May I speak to ..., please? 5. It’s ... speaking._______ 6. Shall I call back?_______ The newspaper headlines below don't sound quite typical. Improve them. l.THE RUSSIAN TEAM HAS WON AGAIN 2. MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT DISAGREE ON THE MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM 3. R NEUI GHLLERV UIILL OPEN ITS DOORS TO THE PUBLIC 4. THE SITUATION IS CHANGING DRAMATICALLY 5. THE CITY WILL GET A MODERN STADIUM 6. THE UNITED NATIONS 0R6ANIZATI0N IS FACIN6 A NEW PROBLEM L Use the given affixes to make up new words and write them down. 1. danger a) 2. day b) 3. agree c) 4. achieve d) 5. love -ly -ment e) 6. improve -ous f) 7. nerve g) 8. mystery h) 9. enjoy i) 10. month j) B. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words from part A. 1. There has been a great _______in your work. I congratulate you. 2. Your brain and nerves are parts of your _________ _________________system. 3. It was a____________________day with the sun shining in the clear blue sky. 4. The meal was delicious and we ate it with great_______________________ 5. “Story” is one of my favourite I trust you after you’ve broken our fully: this is a rather ^ eign language well is a great of __________________ magazines. 6. How can ? 7. Please drive care- there are lots of __road. 8.1 think that speaking a for- _________ .9. There have been a number happenings in this quiet place. 10. In every country ___________papers to choose from. % Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. 1. Melissa is sad because of her failure at the 2. Mr Bird greeted us with some kind words and a_____________________smile. 3. The children found his story______________ ________and asked him to continue. 4. Everyone praised the young man’s________________________ behaviour. examine cheer fascinate courage 43 C 44 С О 5. The— years. 6. Jim— of the mystery took at least four goes to bed before midnight. 7. I’ve met her once before, so she is not a complete to me. 8. What a wonderful-------------------the washing ma- chine is! 9. They took trips to the capital to visit their friends. 10. He has written a new novel and is looking for a good % % Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right. Some Interesting Facts At some point Arthur Conan Doyle became tired of writing about Sherlock Holmes. He tried to kill him off in a (1) ---------------- struggle with his enemy, Professor Mo-riarty. But the protest of the (2)---------------public was so loud that he had to bring him back to life. The Sherlock Holmes Museum at 221b (3)------------------ Street is one of the most visited museums in London. It’s (4) -----other museums because very little here is locked up in glass cases. You can sit in Holmes’s (5) ----- armchair by the fireplace and ex- amine his things. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Sherlock Holmes is the most portrayed (6)-character with over 70 (7)----------------s playing the part in over 200 films. Vasily Livanov’s (8)------------------of Sherlock Holmes is considered to be one of the best. investigate rare strange invent occasion publish dead read Bake like comfort move act portray Choose the appropriate variants (a—d) from the rows below to complete the text. Benedict Cumberbatch Benedict Cumberbatch was born with theatre in his blood. His parents were well-known television actors. When a teenager, Cumberbatch went to Harrow public school. At school he began thinking of a (1) _______in the law. But when young Cumberbatch (2) ________a drama circle. theatre caught his imagination. His drama teacher called him “the best schoolboy actor” he had ever worked with. At Harrow Benedict was also interested (3) __________painting and was a member of a rugby (4)__________. Before he began (5)__________drama at Manchester University, he went to a Tibetan monastery, where he taught English to the monks. Benedict Cumberbatch began his career with roles in classic plays and small television shows. In 2004 he had (6)________in the role of Stephen Hawking in a film about the famous (7)________life. But it wasn’t until 2010 when he played eccentric detective Sherlock Holmes that he really became a star. This role is the actor’s favourite. Off-screen Cumberbatch is a fan of extreme sports. In his free time he has taken (8) _________in skydiving, hot-air ballooning, high-speed motorcycling and scuba diving. He is also (9)_______of reading, “because reading is one of the joys of life, and once you begin, you can’t stop, and you’ve got so many stories to look (10)_________to.” 45 C D t о 1. a)job b) work c) profession d)career 2. a) entered to b) entered into c) joined d) joined in 3. a) — b) of c) in d) over 4. a) crew b) team c) group d) players 5. a) studying b) learning c) going in for d) engaging 6. a) progress b) success c) fame d) hit 7. a) science b) sciences c) scientist d) scientist’s 8. a) part b) place c) action d) activity 9. a) in love b) keen c) fond d) interested 10. a) for b) forward c)forth d) fro 1. 46 2. C 3. D r+ 4. 5. 0 6. 7. 8. 9. Grammar Exercises Mark the sentences where you can use the pronoun one/ones instead of the words in italics. I suppose you’re working on the new article. — No, I’m correcting the old article_____ work for me.. ing books. praised and admired. 7. Which book do you want to read first? — The book by Jerome. 10. I’m not talking about the polluted air of big cities. I’m talking about the clean air of the countryside smelling of flowers and grasses_____________ Turn the verbs below into participles and write them down. Verb Participle 1 Participle 2 1. publish 2. make 3. speak 4. grow 5. enjoy 6. recommend 7. choose 8. borrow 9. educate 10. write 11. forget 12. type Choose and circle the appropriate participle forms to complete the sentences. 1. (Speaking/Spoken) to my friend the other day I mentioned my recent visit to the local public library. 2. They had a big home library (collecting/collected) by their parents and grandparents. 3. (Rewarding/Rewarded) for the hard work he had done, my friend felt really happy at last. 4. (Keeping/Kept) my mother’s words in mind I decided not to give up. 5. The recently (completing/completed) investigation gave us very interesting results. 6. The play is about a poor cockney girl (selling/sold) flowers in the streets of London. 7. The (fascinating/fascinated) children couldn’t take their eyes off the screen. 8. He didn’t want to spend the money (earning/earned) with a lot of difficulty. 9. It was Jane’s first (failing/failed) exam and she felt really awful about it. 10. The book (publishing/published) centuries ago soon became the object of general interest. 11. The orator ended his speech with an effective quotation and heard some (cheering/cheered) voices from the audience. 12.1 felt sorry for the boy (mumbling/mumbled) at the blackboard. 47 Write the same in one sentence using the appropriate -/ng forms. 1.1 want to read this book. I look forward to it. — 2. My friends dance a lot. They enjoy doing it. — 3. You can help us. I don’t mind it at all. — 4. Father is busy. He’s working in the garage. — 5. Anna plays the piano. She started her music lessons when she was five. — 6. Tom talks about his hobby all the time. He keeps doing it. —. 7. Read the novel to the end. Go on. — 8. Mary gets up early. She hates it. — 9. Philip cooks breakfast himself. He prefers it. — 10. Dorothy played tennis. She stopped doing it long ago. — 11. My older brother drives our car. He loves it. — 12. Tell us the whole story. Go on. — 48 C D A. Look at the pictures and write what Jack doesn't mind others doing. Jack's mother Tommy Sam Jack May I ride your bike? May I borrow one of your books? Hello, Jack! May I come in? I’d like to draw you a picture. Jack. May we play in your garden. Jack? Kate Sue 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 49 С В. Ask Jack if he minds others doing these things. Write down your questions. 1. Jack, do you mind_____________________________________________________ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. 10. Use the words from the boxes in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences about you, your friends and family. fishing, swimming, skiing, (figure) skating, skateboarding, roller skating, mountain climbing, boating, cycling, horse riding 1. I have never wanted in my whole life. 2. Most of my friends hardly ever 3. I have alwavs wanted some day. 4. Everyone I know occasionally 5. My family and I when we have free time. 6. For me summer is the best time 50 С D t о 7. In winter my friends and I often 8.1 usually feel excited when I-- 9.1 remember well the last time I 10.1 can hardly remember the first time I Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the sentences. % fire burning in the fireplace. 2. “Tom Sawyer” was the________ sight I know is the book Jenny borrowed from the local library and thoroughly enjoyed. 3. Simon couldn’t take his eyes off the screen _________________________________________by the unusual picture. 4. We had a lot of trouble we needed. for the street 5. the door open, Larry invited us to come in. 6. The inspector promised to carry out the investigation 7. That evening Nina felt than usual with all her family away from home. 8. No one minded__________________ the floor. speaking, so I took 9. Ben said the idea of publishing his poems to his mind before. 10. All the____________________and______________________I met in the office that day were newspaper reporters. 11. Tomorrow the pupils______________________________ to meet the popular author and ask _____ about_____________recent publication. 12. Kate_______ _____________________ questions the article in to the computer since morning. cheerful two fascinate look push he lonely not come man, woman invite he he type Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the text. % % Don, a (1) -year university student phoned his mother and asked her for some money because he (2)___________________ everything he had. His mother sighed, “OK, Don, I (3)_________________you some money.” Then she added that Don (4)_______________ (5) his economics book at home and wondered if he _______ it back. “Oh, yeah,” Don replied without much enthusiasm. So his mother (6)________________ Don the book together with two checks. When she came home from the post office, her husband asked her, “Well, how much___________you (7)_____________ the boy this time?” “I (8)________________________ out two cheques — one for 20 dollars and the other for 500 dollars.” “That’s 520! Isn’t it too much?” cried her husband. “(9)_____________________________________________, dear,” (10)_________________ mother said, (11)__________________ her husband on the cheek. “ I put the 20 dollar cheque on the cover of his book and the 500 dollar one between the pages of chapter 20. So he (12)____________________________ the second cheque for a long time.” one spend send leave want send give write not worry Don, kiss not get Open the brackets to complete the text. In this famous work by the American author O. Henry a very poor man, Tripp, tells the narrator, a newspaper journalist, a true story in return for one dollar. This is the beginning of his story. 51 C D 52 С D О ‘What is the story?” I asked. ‘I (1) (tell)-------------- ‘It’s a girl. A beauty. She (2) (live) you,” said Tripp. in the country twenty years and (3) (not see) New York City before. I ran against her on Thirty-fourth Street. She (4) (stop)___________________me on the street and (5) (ask) ________________ me where she (6) (can) -------------------- O. Henry find George Brown. What do you think of that? Some years ago George Brown, her sweet-heart, (7) (set) _______________ off for New York to make his fortune. He (8) (not see) ____________________________since then. So this morning Ada — her name’s Ada Lowery — came to the city (9) (look)__________________for George Brown. She thought the first person she (10) (meet) _________________________ (11) (say) -------------------: ‘George Brown? — why, yes — let me see — he’s a short man with light-blue eyes, isn’t he? Oh yes— he can (12) (find) on One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street, right next to the grocery.’ That’s about how innocent she is. What (13) (can)____________________I do? I (14) (have)________________ no mon- ey, as usual, and she (15) (pay) for her railroad ticket.” her last cent of pocket-money Writing Choose one of the pictures and describe it. Use the outline below. Mention: a) what the picture shows; b) what and who you can see in the picture (in its centre/ at the top/ at the bottom/ on the left-hand side/ on the right-hand side of it); c) what is happening in the picture; d) what you think and what you feel when you look at the picture. Expand on the story. Add details to make it more colourful and interesting. ж 53 C D That evening the two librarians were at the library working. There were few people in the room. Pamela pushed a trolley filled with books. She was walking between the rows of shelves. She stopped now and then and put the books into their places. Suddenly she saw two men near the shelf. She told them that readers were not allowed in that section of the library. One of the men said he was sorry. He said that his friend Roger didn’t feel well and asked Pamela to help him take Roger to the door. But when Pamela looked at him she understood he was a criminal wanted by the police. 1Л Unit Two In one paragraph comment on this quotation. “I love to lose myself in other men’s minds.” {Charles Lamb) 55 c D г 0 A. See how much you know about books and writers. Choose the appropriate variants. (You can find the answers on page 110.) 1. Which of the Knights of the Round Table fell in love with Queen Guinevere? a) Sir Galahad b) Sir Gawain c) Sir Lancelot d) Sir Percival 2. Who invented the printing press? a) Thomas Edison b) Benjamin Franklin c) Louis Pasteur d Johann Gutenberg J. Gutenberg B. Franklin T. Edison 56 С D t О 3. During which period did Charles Dickens write? a) Enlightenment b) Age of Technology c) Age of Reason d) Industrial Revolution Ch. Dickens 4. Who wrote the fairy tale The Emperor's New Clothes? a) Grimm Brothers b) Aesop c) Hans Christian Andersen d) Charles Perrault 5. Who wrote The Martian Chronicles in 1950? a) Herbert George Wells b) Ray Bradbury c) Isaac Asimov d) Robert Heinlein Ch. Perrault H, C. Andersen R. Bradbury B. Read the verse and try to write your own verse in the same manner. You may find some ideas in the box. The more you travel... The more you help people The more you eat... The more you learn ... The more you dream ... More The more you read, The more you know. The more you know. The smarter you grow. The smarter you grow. The stronger your voice. When speaking your mind or making your choice. с. Read the lyrics of the song. Find its recording and listen to it. Sing the song along if you find it enjoyable. It's a Man's World (Joss Stone) This is a man’s world, this is a man’s world But it would be nothing Nothing without a woman or a girl. You see, man made the car to take us over the road and Man made the train to carry heavy load Man made electric light to take us out of the dark Man made the boat for the water Like, like Noah made the ark. This is a man’s, a man’s world But it would mean nothing Nothing without a woman or a girl. Man thinks about the little baby girls And the baby boys see Man makes them happy ’Cause man makes them toys And after man has made everything. Everything he can You know that man makes money To buy from other man. This is a man’s, a man’s world But it would be nothing, nothing Without a woman or a girl. 57 C D 58 Science and Technology c D Ф Ф Listening % Listen to the texts, ® 7, and match them with the titles (a—f). There is one title you don't have to use. a) Talkative Machines b) Reaching for the Stars c) Eastern Invention Popular in the West d) New Technologies in Education e) The Oldest Source of Energy Doing a New Job f) How It Began TEXTS 1 2 3 4 5 TITLES EXTRA % Listen to the dialogue, ^ 8, and choose the appropriate variants (a-sentences below. 1. James travelled by train because :) to complete the a) he doesn’t like travelling by air b) he wanted to see some European countries on his way c) he wanted to see a certain construction with his own eyes 2. James__________ a) doesn’t know much about the Channel Tunnel b) thinks very highly about the Channel Tunnel c) thinks the Channel Tunnel doesn’t save time 3. The construction of the Tunnel a) took a long time to begin b) began about two hundred years ago c) began in the 21st century 4.----------under water. a) The whole length of the tunnel runs b) Fifty kilometers of the Tunnel is c) A part of the Tunnel runs 5. The third tunnel was built-------- 59 a) for technical purposes b) for safety purposes c) for fire brigades 6. Three hours is the time — Ф Ф % a) one needs to journey between the capitals b) passengers spend in the Channel Tunnel c) people takes to cross the Channel by sea Listen to the text, ^ 9, and decide which of the facts below are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS). 1. The London Underground has always worked on electricity. 2. The Underground changed a lot with years.---------- 3. The original trains had just three carriages while modern ones have seven or eight___________ 4. The passengers in the early trains had no chance to see the inside of the tunnel_____________ 5. The complexity of the Moscow and London undergrounds can’t be compared. 6. Unlike the London Underground, the un- derground in Moscow took a long time to develop.--------- 7. “Tube” is the name given only to the London Underground_____________ 8. Harry Beck was the author of a brilliant idea__________ Reading Read the words in transcription and write them down. 60 c и Ф Ф 1. [di'vais] — 2. [a'fD:d]—_ 3. [ik'spb:] — 4. ['b:nfl — _ 5. ['wepan] — 6. [,фепэ'ге1|п] 7. [’saetisfai] — 9. [pru:v] —____ 10. [kost] —____ 11. ['a:gju:]—_ 12. [hju:cfe]-_ 13. [kan'strAkt] 14. [kan'sida] — 15. [flait]—___ 8. ['memarabl] — Read the words, word combinations and sentences out loud. A. Weapon, guilty, succeed, participate, an aciueduct, a plough, an era, a waterfall, a hoe, a spear, a basket. B. A bow and arrows, use of fire, to look forward to the performance, to argue over the project, to explore the oceans, to afford to pay the price, on the other hand, to cost a fortune, to encourage the pupils, to enlighten the students. C. Where do you keep your rakes and spades? I won’t forgive you for these words. They have considered constructing a new bridge. What are the main crops in this region? These textbooks are not in use anymore. m Read the text and choose the appropriate variants (a—d) to complete the statements after it. % In 1609, Galileo became the first man to turn his telescope to the night sky. He made amazing discoveries that changed mankind’s idea of the world. He saw mountains and craters on the Moon, rings around Saturn, moons around Jupiter and a lot of formerly unknown stars. Galileo’s discoveries in astronomy went against Church teachings. In his time the Roman Catholic Church taught that the Sun and the stars and planets moved around the Earth. Galileo proved that Copernicus was right when he disagreed with the Earth-centric theory. To say that the Earth was not the centre of the universe was a crime. Galileo had to stop his study and stay at home under house arrest until his death in 1642. Today, 400 years later, Galileo would be surprised at the modern discoveries made with the help of new powerful telescopes. Here are some examples. Saturn is one of the most beautiful planets in the solar system. It is also one of the windiest. Wind speeds on Saturn can reach 1,800 km an hour. Galileo thought that Saturn had 2 moons, but now we can say that the number of moons is 61. In 2009 a new ring around Saturn was discovered. This largest of Saturn’s rings is hiding in the dark. Likewise, in 1610 Galileo discovered four large moons of Jupiter. To us they are known as Galilean. Since then scientists have discovered many more of Jupiter’s moons. Today, the number of known moons around the planet is 63. It is common knowledge that there are lots of galaxies in the universe. Photographed with the help of powerful telescopes they all look unique. There’s a bright shiny galaxy nicknamed the Silver Dollar Galaxy because it looks like a silver coin with some black holes near its centre. The Sombrero Galaxy in its turn is like a Mexican hat; it’s breathtakingly beautiful too. Great minds in astronomy armed with new technologies keep making new and new discoveries. Anyhow, the secrets and mysteries of the universe remain endless. 1. Galileo was the first man__________ a) to change people’s idea of the universe b) to use the newly invented equipment for looking at celestial bodies c) who managed to surprise other astronomers d) who didn’t agree with the Earth-centric theory 2. Galileo__________ a) supported the Church b) didn’t see eye to eye with Copernicus c) had to agree with the churchmen d) never completed his work 3. The latest discovery connected with Saturn was difficult to make because 61 c D Ф Ф a) the telescopes are still not powerful enough b) all the rings were hardly visible c) the largest ring was hard to detect d) scientists didn’t believe the large ring existed 4. The recent photographs of galaxies prove that__________ a) each of them differs from the others b) they all have something in common c) they are keeping their mysteries from us d) only great minds can solve the mysteries of the universe 5. People tend to give space galaxies_ a) funny names b) names that reflect their appearance c) names reflecting their importance d) human names 62 C D Ф Ф A. Read the text and match its paragraphs (1—7) with their titles (a—h). There is one title you don't have to use. a) A Cheaper Choice b) The Great Cure c) A Special Celebration d) The Revolution in Transportation e) The Revolution in Communication f) The Creator of the Electronic Machine g) The Best Engine h) Lots of Attempts, One Winner The Inventions that Changed the World Forever 1. Inventor’s Day is celebrated on 29 September by several countries, as it is the birthday of Laszlo Jozsef Biro [Ъаюгэи], the inventor of the bail-point pen. From the discovery of the wheel to the launch of the World Wide Web, several key inventions have changed the way the human beings live. Here are some inventions that made the world different for ever. 2. Paper was invented in ancient China during the Han dynasty (206 BC—220 AD) and spread slowly to the West via^ the Silk Road. Earlier materials used instead of paper, such as papyrus [po'paiaros] or palm^ leaves, were expensive and in short supply. But paper, made from wood and rags^ which could be found everywhere provided that the production of paper is not so expensive. 3. Charles Babbage, an English mechanical engineer, invented the concept of a computer. Considered the “father of the computer”, he made the first mechanical computer in the early 19th century. The principle of the modern computer was first described by computer scientist Alan Turing in 1936. 4. Penicillin is a group of antibiotics derived from Penicillium fungi [’fAqgi:]. The discovery of penicillin is attributed to Scottish scientist and Nobel laureate ['iDrrieit] Alexander Fleming in 1928. Chemists further developed the via ['vai9] — посредством, через, с помощью ^ а palm [pa:m] — пальма ® rags [raegz] — лоскутья, лохмотья drug penicillin, which fights a great number of bacterial infections in humans without harming the humans themselves. It was mass produced and advertised as early as in 1944. 5. The wheel was invented in about 3500 BC and facilitated agriculture and commerce by enabling the transportation of goods to and from markets. Wheels have transformed our lives and are used in everything from clocks to vehicles. 6. According to historians, two dozen people tried to invent lamps throughout the 1800s. Thomas Edison is credited as the primary inventor because he created a completely functional lighting object, including a generator and wiring as well as a bulb^ 7. Alexander Graham Bell was the first to be awarded a patent for the electric telephone in 1876. The first successful transmission of clear speech by Bell and his assistant Thomas Watson was made in March 1876. The invention quickly took off, and people got the ability to speak being thousands kilometers from each other. PARAGRAPHS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TITLES 63 c D Ф Ф EXTRA % B. Choose one of the inventions mentioned in the text, describe it and say how it is used. A. Read the text silently and then out loud. Pay attention to: • your sounds and intonation; • logical pauses; • the tempo of reading. How Did Forks Originate? The first man to use a kind of fork for eating probably lived thousands of years ago. But the everyday use of forks is a very recent development in the history of man. The primitive savage used to pick up their meat with the help of small twigs. Actual forks were used only for cooking. These first were long. They were made of iron, bone, and hard wood. It took a very long time for forks to be accepted in general use in dining. Only 300 years ago they were great curiosities in Europe. In fact, in France everyone ate with fingers until the 17th century. Even at the very elegant Court of Louis XIV no one used a forki When people first began to use forks for eating, other people used to laugh at them. From the 17th century on, table manners developed along modern lines. And by the end of the 18th century, the fork was accepted as a necessity in the homes of most cultivated people. a bulb [Ьл1Ь] — лампочка в. Put 5 questions on the text (general, alternative, disjunctive, и/Ь-question, the question to the subject) and write them down. 1. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 64 C D 3. 4. Ф Ф 5. A. Choose one of the pictures and say what you can see in it. [M] % Ф © Ф В. What, in your opinion, is the story behind the picture you've chosen? Speak about a certain discovery or invention which impressed you. Say: • what it is like (describe it in as much detail as you can); • why it is important for the mankind; • who made it or helped to make it (if you know); • when it was made; • why you’ve chosen it. Work in pairs and act out one of the following situations. Situation One. One of the two friends is extremely fond of all sorts of gadgets. He/She would like to have every new model of the mobile, iPod or computer that appears on the market. The other friend, on the contrary, thinks that peo- pie should be happy with what they have and that new gadgets only make you waste money. The friends are in the shop discussing a possible purchased Situation Two. One of the two friends dreams of an engineering career. He/She wants to make new inventions that may help people in their everyday lives. The other friend believes that new inventions just make people lazy and physically unfit. The two friends argue giving some arguments to support their points of view but finally agree to differ. Answer the questions on the topic "Science and Technology". 1. What discoveries and inventions do you consider to be the most important for the mankind and why? 2. What important inventions and discoveries may be made in the near future? 3. What, in your view, is the future of space exploration? 4. Which of the sciences — physics, chemistry or biology — do you like most and why? 5. In what spheres of life have the most important inventions been recently made? 6. Which gadgets will you consider absolutely necessary for a modern person? 7. Why are the results of modern scientific research especially important in medicine? 8. Are achievements in science and technology, in your view, a curse or a blessing? 65 C D Ф Ф Use of English 0 Vocabulary Exercises A. Match the synonyms in the columns. to go on a) to discover to work b) to draw to build c) to function to find d) to argue to create e) to consider to quarrel f) to manage to believe g)to invent to pull h) to construct to succeed i) to continue B. Make up your own sentences with the words from the right-hand column. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a purchase ['рз:^э8] — покупка 66 с D Ф Ф 7. ___________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________ 9._____________________________________________________ Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. size, crops, explanation, dig, trade, skill, use, devices, method, weapons, purpose, promise 1. Modern kitchens are full of labour-saving the mystery must have some simple .. 2. I’m sure ____3. The ___________________ with which the silver chain was made seemed amazing. 4. They used to grow a variety of________________including cabbages, carrots and onions. 5. The girl shows great_________as a future singer. 6. The area was the of a football field. 7. It’s no ____________________ offering to help when it’s too late. 8. The ____________________ of this button is to stop the machine when necessary. 9. The two countries do a lot of___________________with each other. 10. Guns, arrows, bombs and tanks are all____________________________. 11. Follow the _______________ shown in the instruction book. 12. We had to_________________ the car out of the mud. Use the prepositions from the box to complete the sentences. about, at, in, to, without, on, of, for, from 1. Dad objected____________constructing a new barn as we didn’t have enough money. 2. Mark wanted to participate_____________the discussion very much as it was his project. 3. Sally looks forward__________using this modern device as she is fond of new gadgets. 4. Dolly was used___________leaving the house rath- er early as she lived far from the office and hated to be late. 5. The new gadget functions____________ any difficulty. 6. Albert said he had hidden the papers __________purpose. 7. We all believe_____________the power of modern technolo- gy. 8. The fridge has been_______ friends__________going there. 10.1 think you should apologize use for twenty years. 9.1 will prevent my ______your words. 11. Jane has complained___________the low level of service in the hotel. 12. Who is to blame___________our defeat? 13. The athletes decided to win the match____________all costs. Д. Write the names of these objects 67 C D Ф Ф B. Write where the objects in the pictures are. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 68 Ф Ф Choose and circle the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 1. France is heavily dependent on foreign (trade/trader). 2. Nowadays teachers use more imagination and (skill/skilled) in explaining things to children. 3. Writing was one of the most revolutionary (inventions/inventors). 4. The neighbours (complained/complaint) about the noise. 5. John phoned and was full of (apologies/apologize). 6. Then we (discovered/invented) that there was a way out. 7. The (discovery/invention) of adrenalin came about through a mistake. 8. Arthur Chillingarov is a famous Russian (explorer/ex-plore). 9. A (plague/plough) is a large farming tool. 10. That was a (memory/ memorable) meeting. Write the same in English. 1. космический полёт — 2. старшее поколение — 3. доказать старым друзьям — 4. запустить ракету в космос — 5. достичь цели —___________ 6. утолить голод —__________ 7. нарушить обещание —______________ 8. считаться с чувствами других людей — 9. спорить с родителями —___________ 10. раздвинуть занавески —________ 11. с одной стороны —_____________ 12. удовлетворительные результаты — 13. способные ученики —____________ 14. его отказ пойти туда —__________________ 15. исследовать космическое пространство — Write the same in Russian. 1. to widen the road —____________________- 2. to enlighten the students about the new course — 3. to encourage Peter to read books — __ _______ 4. to enclose the rose garden by a hedge —_______ 5. to enlarge the students’ vocabulary — _ _____ 6. to lengthen the rope —_______________________ 7. to enable his daughter to go to Canada — 8. to enrich and enlarge the library —_ 9. to strengthen the political party —_ ж 10. to redden in anger — 11. to sadden the relatives — 12. to enforce the arguments — Match these English idioms with their Russian equivalents. 1. once in a blue moon 2. to ask/cry for the moon 3. to be over the moon 4. to come down to earth 5. to promise the earth/the moon 6. to aim at the stars 7. to have stars in your eyes a) быть в восторге b) наобещать с три короба c) ставить перед собой высокие цели d) смотреть в будущее с надеждой и оптимизмом e) после дождичка в четверг {очень редко) f) спуститься с небес на землю g) мечтать о несбыточном Write out the names of the subjects a) which are not studied in general secondary schools in Russia, b) which are not sciences. acoustics, astronomy, biology, geography, geology, linguistics, mathematics, meteorology, physics, statistics a) 69 C D Ф Ф b) Use the function words from the box to complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences. up, down, in, into, out, through 1. We can’t move further. Our jeep has broken____________. 2. The joke was so funny that Mrs Finch broke ______________ laughter. 3. World War II broke ----------in Europe in 1939. In our country the Great Patriotic War began in 1941. 4. “It happened on Thursday, not on Friday,” Kelly broke__________my talk with Margaret. 5. Max’s rude words offended Joyce and she broke __________tears. 6. The police say the criminal broke _________through the window. 7. Some of the people tried to break ____________the police cordons. 8. The sun managed to break____________for a while in the afternoon. 9. When Rudolph saw the police officer, he broke_________a run. 10. The performance of the actors was fantastic and the audience broke_______applause. 70 С D Ф Ф ^3 Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the sentences. % 1. They are having an----------------------about whose turn % [M] it is to wash the dishes. 2. Speedy driving------ many people. 3. They have decided to place. the lives of the road in this 4. Ben reached out his hand, took a --------------------- piece of cake and began eating it. 5.1 felt ------------------- in the company of complete strangers. 6. We’ve read a lot about space-------------------------- in the new century. 7. The money I earned-------------------- ling. 8. I’m afraid this translation of the word is me to go travel- 9. The building will look quite different after the 10.1 find this experiment too difficult or------------ to make. 11. These small old coins look so simple, but in fact they are 12. At school subjects. was among my favourite % % Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the text. Progress in Technology Technological progress has made such a (1) ----------- development in the past twenty years that nobody knows what other changes will take place during the 21st century. (2) ----------------------------s think that by the end of the century people will use most of the earth’s (3)----------------------------resources and will rely on sun and wind power to produce energy. Researchers hope to argue danger wide size easy explore able correct construction possible price chemist fascinate science nature find cures for (4) cer and Aids4 diseases such as can- It is quite possible that by the end of the century a person’s life will increase and will last for about 100 years. We all will enjoy a healthier (5)________________than it is possible to have now. In schools computers will (6)____________ teachers and many students will get (7)___________________ with the help of (8) ___________________________ learn- ing. Statistics says that a lot of common jobs will (9) ________________________and many people can become (10) _____________________________. So, technological progress can lead to a certain (11)____________________ fate exist place educate distance appear employed advantage % Choose the appropriate variants (a—d) from the rows below to complete the text. gia are among them. From (2) times the economy of the South of the USA had been mainly based on agriculture. Today the South (3) _______________ an important farming region, but it is (4)_________a region where people work in many different kinds of industries. All the ingredients that industries need are found in the South. The South has (5)__________water, electric power, oil and gas. Transportation along rivers, railroads, highways and through ports is well developed. Today thousands of factories in the South produce goods that both people and other industries want to buy. ^ cancer and Aids — мед. рак и СПИД 71 С D 2Г t Ф Ф The South also is a centre for the (6) 72 C D Ф Ф and development of communica-________Much of the aerospace tion equipment, computers and electric (7)_______ industry is (8)__________in the South. People from other states and countries (9)__________to move into the region. They are attracted by the region’s warm climate and economic opportunities. 1. a) includes b) consists c) comprises d) unites 2. a) colonist’s b) colonial c) colony d) colony’s 3. a) keeps b) goes on c) continues d) remadns 4. a) as well b) also c) either d) too 5. a) many b) a lot c) plenty of d) a great number of 6. a) research b) exploration c) discovery d) explanation 7. a) machine b) machinery c) car d) automobile 8. a) locates b)locate c)located d) location 9. a) go on b) keep c) do not stop d) continue Grammar Exercises Choose and circle the appropriate verb forms to complete the sentences. In some cases using both verb forms is possible. 1. When Nick was four, he (couldn’t/wasn’t able to) read. 2. They couldn’t find the Thompsons’ cottage at first but half an hour later they (could/managed to) do it. 3. We (couldn’t/were not able to) buy bread as the shop was closed, but we (could/managed to) buy the medicine as the drug store was open. 4. They (could/ were able to) convince the researchers to continue their experiments. 5. They (managed/were able) to buy tickets for the ballet. 6. The test was fairly difficult but Rose (could/managed to) write it without mistakes. 7. They (couldn’t/ didn’t manage to) arrive on time because of the traffic jam. 8. There were free dance classes on board the ship and we (could/were able to) attend them. Use the verbs can, could, may, might, mustto complete the sentences predicting the future. 1. It______________be cold and snowy tomorrow afternoon. (90% sure) 2.1________________buy a new e-book as my old book isn’t working well. (75% sure) 3. Our friends___ 4. This new story 5. They__________ join us for lunch today. (30% sure) ___have a happy ending. (50% sure) win the match if they try very hard. (25% sure) Choose the appropriate verbs to complete the sentences. 1. Teddy has been given a mobile as his birthday gift. He (must/could) be happy. (I know that it has been Teddy’s dream to get a mobile). 2. Laura (may/might)______________be late but I doubt it. Laura left the house very early, I don’t see any reasons for her to be late. 3. Bob phoned and said he (could/ might)________________come to see us in the evening if nothing delayed him at work. 4. There is a great possibility that Fred will learn to swim soon. He is a capable boy. I really think he (may/might)________________ swim very well soon. 5. Look at the sky. It’s blue and cloudless. But I am sure it (could/might) _______________rain in the afternoon. Open the brackets using the appropriate infinitive or gerund forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. 1. Angela is looking forward to (see) 2. Nigel agrees (stay)_____________ her aunt and uncle. 3.1 can’t afford (buy) with us for another week. __ this expensive gadget. 4. We all got used to (work) in (decorate) ______________ a lot. 5. Clive Wood succeeded the assembly hall. 6. The Bennets felt to the party too late. 7. It was the best gift guilty of (come)_________________ (buy)_____________________for the kid. 8. He has an American accent, that’s why he is difficult (understand)____________________9. They managed (continue) ____________________their experiments even in such difficult times. 10. We strongly object to your (participate)__________________in this dangerous voy- age. Write the same in English. 1. Солнце встаёт на востоке и садится на западе. —___________________________ 73 Ф Ф 2. Северный Ледовитый океан находится на севере нашей страны. 3. Небо было голубым и безоблачным. — 4. Люди начали исследовать вселенную много лет тому назад. — 5. Первым человеком, полетевшим в космос, был Юрий Гагарин. — 6. Я уверен, в будуш;ем мы будем жить лучше. — 7. Фердинанд Магеллан (Ferdinand Magellan) был первым исследователем, кто прошёл под парусами вокруг земли. —________________________________ 8. Антарктида находится на севере или на юге? — 74 С D Ф Ф 9. Жёлтая луна поднималась над холмами. — 10. Кто первым ступил на поверхность Луны {приземлился на Луну)? Нил Армстронг, американский астронавт. —________________________ Use а, the or zero article to complete the sentences. 1. All cars have __________ speedometers. What is _________ 2. _________rose is a beautiful flower.__________red rose is speedometer? ______symbol of England. 3.________ 4.----------man can’t live without air. 5. My mum is birches grow in Russia as well as in Canada. _______nice caring woman. 6.________ 7.__________tigers and lion is believed to be king of all the animals. ________elephants are in danger nowadays. They can disappear from our planet. 8.____________ lily of the valley appears early in spring. Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the sentences. % 1.1 don’t think she _____________ever ________________________ Alfred for being so impolite with her. 2. In the Stone Age people__________ different tools. 3.1 always__________________________ to use ______ _______to come to Italy and see its beautiful churches with domes and columns. 4. Philip said his typewriter_____________________________ for many years. 5. If Rachel____________________ ____there on purpose, it will be even worse for her. 6. I’ll try to prevent them from__________________________ these tools. forgive begin want not use go use 7. They are used to 8. While Miss Gordon her brother---------- up early and to bed not later than 10 p.m. ------------------------their land. to enlarge the num- ber of their customers. 9. In war days windows 10. “You —--------- your sister, dear, look at her, she’s nearly crying.” 11. Emily tried to calm everybody and said she her family soon. 12. “How long---------------you---------------------this story?” Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the text. Recently, a couple in New Zealand weren’t allowed to name (1)------------ get go widen try darken sadden not leave write baby son 4Real. Even though New Zealand has quite liberal rules about naming (2) -------------------, names (3) ------------------- with a number (4) -----------------------. Then the parents decided to call their child Superman instead. In many countries around the world, unusual names for children (5)---------------more pop- ular nowadays. Some parents choose names which come from popular culture. In Britain, for example, there (6)------------six boys (7)-------------—— Gandalf after the character in the Lord of the Rings novels and films. Names connected with sport are also popular — since 1984, 36 children (8) --------------Arsenal after the football team. The (9) ---------------- parents like to make up names. Jordan, a famous British model, recently invented the name Tuaamii for her daughter. She said that the girl (10) ---------------- her for this name when she (11) ---------------up. they child begin forbid become be, name call creative thank grow 75 C Ф Ф 76 С D Ф Ф Writing Choose one of the pictures and describe it. Use the outline below. Mention: a) what the picture shows; b) what and who you can see in the picture (in its centre/at the top/at the bot-tom/on the left-hand side/on the right-hand side of it); c) what is happening in the picture; d) what you think and what you feel when you look at the picture. © ® Expand on the story. Add details to make it more colourful and interesting. A ship was crossing the Indian Ocean. Suddenly a storm began. It lasted several days when at last the wind died down. The captain and his people didn’t know where they were. There was food on the ship but the people needed fresh water. Suddenly they saw a shore. Somebody cried, “Land!” It was an unknown country. The sailors took a boat and headed for the shore. There was no river where they landed, so the people began to look for fresh water and went into the depth of the forest. Unit Three In one paragraph comment on this quotation. “Every man’s life lies within the present for the past is spent and done with and the future is uncertain.” {Marcus Aurelius) 78 C D Ф Ф VI.1 Bonus for Eager Learners Д. See how much you know about science and technology. Choose the appropriate variants (a—b) to complete the sentences. (You can find the answers on page 110.) 1. On the Earth, an astronaut in his/her spacesuit weighs about 135 kg. On the Moon they weigh about_____________ a) 10 kg b) 23 kg c) 50 kg d) 75 kg щт 'S' ^ у Ч 2. The real beginning of the space age started when the first sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union in________. a) 1957 b) 1961 c) 1972 d) 1984 3. Raduim was discovered in 1902 by a) Albert Einstein b) Dmitry Mendeleev c) Michael Faraday d) Pierre and Marie Curie 79 C D Ф Ф A. Einstein D. Mendeleev M. Faraday Pierre and Marie Curie 4. The first person to claim that the Earth revolves round the Sun was a) the Greek mathematician Pythagoras b) the Greek astronomer Aristarchos of Samos c) the Polish astronomer Copernicus d) the Italian astronomer Galileo 5. It takes the Moon about a) twenty two days b) twenty five days c) twenty seven days d) thirty days to travel round the Earth. 80 Ф Ф Вш Read the verse and correct the spelling mistakes in it. (You can find the answers on page 110.) Ode to the Computer Spell Checker I have a spelling chequer It came with my PC It plainly marques four my revue Miss takes eye cannot sea. Eye strike a key and type a word And weight four it to say Weather eye am wrong or eye am write It shows me strait a weigh. As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose be four two long And eye can put the error rite Its rare lea ever wrong. Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer tolled me sew. C. Read the lyrics of the song. Find its recording and listen to it. Sing the song along if you find it enjoyable. The 24th Letter {Dan Balan) I’ve checked the mail box But it’s all the same, I won’t ask about it anymore. I just had another crazy day And you know, your letters make me strong. But don’t worry, baby... I’m O.K. I can handle it till 9 p.m. ’Cause when the sun goes down And everyone is gone You’re my door, my open door. When the sun goes down And everyone is gone You’re my door, my open door. I’ve prepared so many things to say But when I talk to you my voice is numb. So I’ll keep writing letters till I’ll break That’s the only thing that makes me smile. But don’t worry, baby... I’m O.K. I can handle it till 9 p.m. When the sun goes down And everyone is gone You’re my door, my only open door. Don’t let me down ’Cause nothing helps me more Than just a thought from you You’re my door, my only open door. When the sun goes down And everyone is gone You’re my door, my only open door. 81 n Ф Ф 82 Unit j-'iJiJj' Being a Teenager c D О c Listening You will hear five people speaking, ф 10. Match what they say with the statements (a—f). There is one statement you don't have to use. a) The speaker talks about his/her life habits and interests. b) The speaker talks about the problem of health in teens* lives. c) The speaker talks about the place of schooling in teens’ lives. d) The speaker talks about his/her life during some season of the year. e) The speaker talks about his/her life outside school. f) The speaker talks about teens’ relationships with adults. 0 SPEAKERS 1 2 3 4 5 STATEMENTS EXTRA Listen to the interview with a British teenager, ^11, and write answers to the questions. 1. Does Frank live in the northwest or southwest of Great Britain? 2. Do you think Frank likes his school? Why do you think so? 83 3. In what way do you understand the words of Frank’s teachers, “You should get through your school days driven by a burning intellectual curiosity”? c 13 4. In what way does Frank communicate with his friends? T1 О c 5. Frank says he trusts his parents more than any other authority. 6. How can you characterize Frank’s relations with his parents? 7. What does he say about his family? 8. Do you think it is a typical attitude towards one’s family and parents among teenagers? 9. Are you surprised at the results of the survey that tried to find out what helps 17-year-old girls to feel confident? 10. Do you think that clothes are more important for teenagers than friends? 11. Would you agree with Frank that for teen girls friends are less important than for teen boys? 84 С 3 "П о С % Listen to the text, в 12, and decide which of the facts (1—7) are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS). 1. Parents all over the world are worried about bad manners of their kids. 2. Children often get bad manners from television programmes---------- 3. “Manners camps” teach children what they should do according to the conventional rules of behaviour______________ 4. “Yuck!” is definitely one of the words you are not likely to hear during formal public occasions___________ 5. Milfield private school charges 100 pounds for its 14-week courtesy ['ksitosi] classes------------ 6. “Manners camps” in the US give classes all the year round----------- 7. After classes in “manners camps” teenagers are sure to get good jobs. Reading Read the words in transcription and write them down. _______________________ 9. [э'пэ1] — 1. [ veorias] — _ 2. [ik'spekt] —_ 3. [ik'stri:m] — 4. ['^аеЬпф] —_ 5. [Wri] —______ 10. ['noutis] — 11. [juk]---- 12. [U^]----- 6. [pri'z3:v] — 7. [tea] —------ 13. [,Anim'pbid] 14. [ig'zist] —___ 15. [*клр1] — — 8. [ri'belian] — Read the words, word combinations and sentences out loud. % фа» Комфортный перевод бесплатно и без рекламы Ш AppStore Мобильные словари издательства «Дрофа» Доступно в AppStore и Google play [V G(.x>^lc play