Английский язык 10 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева Баранова

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 10 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева Баранова - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Rainbow English (Рейнбоу инглиш):

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о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, К. М. Барановой АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык Тестовые ЕГО задания L.I U гос БАЗОВЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ 10 ВЕРТИКАЛЬ л'врофа о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, К. М. Барановой АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык Учени.............. класса .................... школы Тестовые ЕГО задания Е1 U ■ -У-:: ВЕРТИКАЛЬ МОСКВА 4^орофа 2015 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А94 % Я Условные знаки: предлагаемое задание имеет формат ОГЭ (общий государственный экзамен); личностные качества; метапредметные результаты. Афанасьева, О. В. А94 Английский язык. 10 класс : рабочая тетрадь / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. — М. : Дрофа, 2015. — 96 с. : ил. — (Rainbow English). ISBN 978-5-358-15080-5 Рабочая тетрадь является составной частью УМК по английскому языку для 10 класса серии «Rainbow English» и соответствует ФГОС среднего (полного) общего образования. Пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы учащихся в школе и дома и содержит задания для повторения и закрепления изученного по учебнику материала. Специальными значками отмечены задания, направленные на формирование метапредметных умений и личностных качеств учащихся. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-922 Серия «Rainbow English» Учебное издание Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна, Михеева Ирина Владимировна Баранова Ксения Михайловна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 10 класс Рабочая тетрадь Зав. редакцией Е. Ю. Шмакова. Редактор И. П. Гончарова Художественный редактор Л. П. Копачева. Художественное оформление В. А. Кляшев Технический редактор Е. В. Баева. Компьютерная верстка Е. Ю. Кваскова Корректор Г. Н. Кузьмина Сертификат соответствия № РОСС RU. АЕ51. Н 16602. 12+ Подписано к печати 06.04.15. Формат 60 х 90 Vs-Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура «Школьная». Печать офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 18,0. Тираж 8000 экз. Заказ № м1490 (к-к). ООО «ДРОФА». 127254, Москва, Огородный проезд, д. 5, стр. 2. Предложения и замечания по содержанию и оформлению книги просим направлять в редакцию общего образования издательства «Дрофа»: 127254, Москва, а/я 19. Тел.: (495) 795-05-41. E-mail: chief(S)drofa.ru По вопросам приобретения продукции издательства «Дрофа» обращаться по адресу: 127254, Москва, Огородный проезд, д. 5, стр. 2. Тел.: (495) 795-05-50, 795-05-51. Факс: (495) 795-05-52. Сайт ООО «ДРОФА»: www.drofa.ru Электронная почта: [email protected] Тел.: 8-800-200-05-50 (звонок по России бесплатный) Отпечатано в филиале «Смоленский полиграфический комбинат» ОАО «Издательство «Высшая школа». 214020, г. Смоленск, ул. Смольянинова, 1 Тел.: +7 (4812) 31-11-96. Факс: +7 (4812) 31-31-70 E-mail: [email protected] https://www.smolpk.ru ISBN 978-5-358-15080-5 ©ООО «ДРОФА», 2015 CONTENTS Unit One. In Harmony with Yourself I. Listening........................................................ 4 II. Reading.......................................................... 6 III. Speaking....................................................... 10 IV. Use of English................................................. 11 Vocabulary exercises............................................ 11 Grammar exercises............................................... 19 V. Writing........................................................ 24 VI. Bonus for Eager Learners........................................ 25 Unit Two. In Harmony with Others I. Listening....................................................... 27 II. Reading......................................................... 27 III. Speaking....................................................... 32 IV. Use of English................................................. 34 Vocabulary exercises............................................ 34 Grammar exercises............................................... 43 V. Writing........................................................ 48 VI. Bonus for Eager Learners........................................ 49 Unit Three, in Harmony with Nature I. Listening....................................................... 51 II. Reading......................................................... 52 III. Speaking....................................................... 56 IV. Use of English................................................. 58 Vocabulary exercises............................................ 58 Grammar exercises............................................... 63 V. Writing........................................................ 71 VI. Bonus for Eager Learners........................................ 71 Unit Four. In Harmony with the World I. Listening....................................................... 74 II. Reading......................................................... 75 III. Speaking....................................................... 79 IV. Use of English................................................. 81 Vocabulary exercises............................................ 81 Grammar exercises............................................... 89 V. Writing........................................................ 95 VI. Bonus for Eager Learners........................................ 96 Unit One In Harmony with Yourself I. LISTENING C D О 3 A M Listen to the interview, ^ (1), and complete the following statements 1. Hobbies in Britain are a) the same as in other countries b) often exotic c) usually shared by a lot of people d) an inherent* feature of life 2. The British tend to work in their gardens a) in all seasons b) in spring 3. Sandra doesn’t have___________ a) a flower garden b) a kitchen garden 4. Walking as a pastime__________ a) is usually done in organized groups b) is always done with the help of maps c) became popular quite a long time ago d) became popular in the British countryside 5. Nowadays cycling is___________. c) in summer d) in spring and summer c) fruit trees in her garden d) grass in her garden a) the most popular pastime in Britain b) one of the popular pastimes in Britain c) extremely dangerous in the British countryside d) allowed only on cycling paths inherent [in'herant] — неотъемлемый 6. То win in an extreme ironing competition one must___________ a) find some hard conditions for ironing b) find the most unusual conditions for ironing c) do a lot of ironing as compared to the other contestants d) do more ironing than the other contestants in hard conditions STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 VARIANTS Listen to the text, ^ (2), and choose the appropriate answers (a—d) to the following questions. 1. Who were the first people to wear glasses? a) Europeans. b) Italians. c) The Chinese. d) There’s no evidence as to who did it first. 2. What sort of eyeglasses could people buy at the optician’s in the 19th century? a) Only glasses made to individual order. b) Only glasses owned by somebody else before them. c) Glasses recently made and never used by anyone before. d) Both secondhand and newly made glasses. 3. Who used lorgnettes [b:'njets] in the 19th century? a) Both men and women. b) Just men. c) Only women. d) Nobody did. 4. How did the appearance of cars might influence the popularity of eyeglasses? a) Women began to wear them more willingly. b) Men began to wear them while driving. c) Drivers had to wear them as it was compulsory. d) Drivers had to pay more attention to their eyesight. 5. What made a revolution in people’s attitude to glasses after the Second World War? a) The fact that people didn’t mind looking funny anymore. b) The new materials used for making frames. c) The new materials used for making lenses. d) The new technology of making lenses. 6. How many people in the world wear glasses nowadays? a) One sixth of the world population. b) One fifth of the world population. c) One fourth of the world population. d) One third of the world population. c D О 3 Ф QUESTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 ANSWERS II. READING С D О 3 Ф ж Read the texts (1—7) and match them with the statements (a—h). There is one statement you don't have to use. a) This b) This c) This d) This e) New 0 This g) This h) This person helped to improve the situation in the contemporary society, person became famous overnight. person’s health problem stood in the way of his creative activity, person was able to solve engineering problems of his time, technologies helped this person to make his artistic career, person’s contribution to science was widely acknowledged, person became famous when he was still fairly young, person’s tastes and lifestyle differ from those typical of young people. 1. William Armstrong had a passion for solving difficult problems. His company built machines using new technology invented by Armstrong himself. In 1863 he bought some land and began to build a house. His new house in northern England was called Cragside because of the many rocks in the valley. Armstrong started a massive project to create a large park. He hired a team of hundreds of gardeners and workers. They planted millions of trees and dug five artificial lakes. The water from the lakes was used to generate electricity for the house. Cragside became the first house in the world to use hydroelectricity. The house used this electricity to power all kinds of new gadgets that nobody else in England had: a lift, dishwasher, and central heating. William Armstrong 2. 1905 is known as his “Miracle Year”, as he published three important essays including one on the Special Theory of Relativity. Later Einstein would write the Theory of Gravity and the General Theory of Relativity. In 1921 Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics and became a worldwide celebrity. He modestly travelled third class to Stockholm to receive the prize. He used his influence to lecture around Europe and the USA to promote world peace. Albert Einstein 3. In Victorian England the most popular novelist was Charles Dickens. His books were funny and exciting, but with a serious message. He described the hard lives of poor people. The rich read the books and began to understand the terrible social problems which existed at that time. For example, after publishing the book Nicholas Nickleby, some of the cruel boarding schools were closed down. Charles Dickens 4. Daniel Jacob Radcliffe is one of the richest film stars in the UK but he does not have expensive tastes. When he turned 18, he said, “I don’t plan to be one of those people who, as soon as they turn 18, suddenly buy themselves a massive sports car collection or something similar. I don’t think I’ll be extravagant. The things I like buying are things that cost about 20 pounds — books, CDs and DVDs.” One of Daniel’s Daniel Radcliffe favourite things to do is to hide from everyone. “I lock myself up in my room and listen to music and read,” he said. And he doesn’t like parties. “I don’t know what to do with myself when I’m standing there.” Dan supports many charities. 5. Most of the well-known composers of that time worked for wealthy families. Beethoven was too independent and rebellious to work for anyone else, so he worked for himself. He was the first great composer to do this. His love of independence he also showed in music. Unfortunately, when Beethoven was in his late twenties, a terrible thing happened to him. He began to lose his hearing. Eventually, he would be completely deaf. Beethoven was very angry and upset by this. Sometimes he broke the strings of his piano because he hit the keys so hard to hear the notes. Ludwig Beethoven 6. Justin Bieber was born on the 1st of March, 1994, in London, Ontario. When he was a kid, he taught himself to play the piano, guitar and trumpet. When he was twelve, Justin took part in a local singing competition and won second place. His mother posted a video of his performance on YouTube for their family and friends to see. But it turned out that other people liked it too. Very soon Justin had thousands of Internet fans. His will-be manager clicked on one of Justin’s videos by accident and was greatly impressed by the boy’s performance. Justin Bieber Mark Zuckenberg 7. Mark Zuckenberg is best known as one of the co-founders of the social networking website Facebook. Together with his college roommates and fellow university students he launched Facebook from Harvard University. The project became a huge success and brought a lot of money. By the time Mark began classes at Harvard, he had already achieved a reputation of a “programmer prodigy”. He studied psychology and computer science. In his second year at university he created a new program and initially called it Facemash. The program let students select the best looking person from a choice of photos. This site built for fun was soon closed. The following semester in January 2004, Zuckenberg began writing code for a new website and a month later launched Thefacebook, which made him a true celebrity. TEXTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 STATEMENTS c D О 3 о EXTRA Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a—g). There is one phrase you don't have to use. a) immediately creates many more b) which have had attendance problems in the past c) when the pupils put the cards in the machine d) stay in prison up to two months e) very hard to say why they miss school f) are excluded for violence, criminal behaviour g) they may be committing crime 8 с 3 о 3 ф “Why aren’t you at school?” This is a question that many British schoolchildren may hear at some point in their school careers, when they are “playing truant”, “bunking off’ or absent without permission. About one million children a year bunk off school. In primary schools the average time missed per absent pupil is over five days in the year. For secondary schools it is 10 days. Why is it such a problem? The evidence shows that truancy is linked to crime and failure at school. When children are out of school ________, and they certainly aren’t learning. The government thinks that absenteeism (1)--------- is getting out of control in England, but what can they do to make sure children go to school? Some people think that the answer to this question is electronic registration: this is a chip in a card that the children have to swipe at the beginning of the school day. (2) the school headmaster can see immediately who is in the school and who is absent. Other schools resort to more extreme methods: when pupils don’t turn up, they get expelled. Thousands of children in England (3)_______and truancy. Of course, throwing children out of school solves one problem but (4)_______Some teachers want corporal or physical punishment brought back into the classroom (it was banned in the 1970s), but the government doesn’t agree. British parents can be even sent to prison for failing to make their children go to school. They may have to (5) if they are found guilty. Probably the best way of improving attendance is to make school and the breaks between the lessons more interesting. Some schools (6) have started lunchtime radio stations, sport, music and a breakfast club with morning TV and aerobics. STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 PHRASES EXTRA Read the paragraphs (a—g) and put them in a logical order to get the story of a girl's career. a) After that I was promoted and became an accountant manager. I stayed in that job for two more years, which makes four altogether. But then I really got bored. I decided to leave and apply for some other job in the area. My mother was ill and I couldn’t move far from her. b) At the university I studied economics. My ability to count quickly helped me in my studies a lot. Some of my university friends envied me and said I got a computer inside my head. They thought I would be in big business some day. They were mistaken. c) The new place was not far from the house where I lived which was really convenient. But, alas, I wasn’t very successful working in the restaurant. That was not my kind of thing. As it turned out I was quite clumsy and kept dropping things. In fact I was no waitress at all. So after a few weeks they gave me the sack and I really didn’t know what to do. d) While at school I was very good at mathematics. It took me practically no time to learn multiplication tables. I could multiply one number by another in my head and didn’t find it difficult. When I had a multiplication to do, 1 don’t know how, I almost instantly arrived at the right answer. e) I don’t know why but I had no luck getting a second job at all. Nobody seemed to need my “great” abilities. Mum’s medicines were rather expensive. Soon we became very short of money. I understood I just had to take any job available. So in the end I started working as a waitress in a restaurant. 0 But then, just by chance, I met an old friend who I was at the university with. He was working at television and he got me a job as a TV researcher on a program called “Business Today”. After a few months they decided to change a presenter of the program, they wanted somebody younger. Well, I got the job — and I love it. g) It didn’t happen like that at all. After graduation I got a Job as an accountant in a local department store. It was not what I wanted but it was my first Job. I thought I was lucky to get it so quickly. I worked as an accountant for two years. ORDER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PARAGRAPHS Read the text and complete the statements after it. There is a fell running event happening in North West Wales almost every weekend, especially during the summer. Also known as hill or mountain running, fell running is a little bit like cross country running, but is taken much more seriously. It’s not an easy sport, but it’s becoming more and more popular. Fell running started hundreds of years ago in the hills of northern England, Wales and the Scottish Highlands. In the past these races often took place in mountain villages as part of country fairs. It became a real sport about 60 years ago. In 1952, the first Lake District Mountain Trial took place. Later, in 1970, the Fell Runners Association was created. There are different types of fell running competition. Some races last 24 hours or even 48 hours. Other races are shorter. For example, there can be a race up and down Just one mountain. In other races, runners have to see how many mountains they can run up and down in one day. In 1932, Bob Graham ran up and down 42 mountains in one day. The men’s record now is 77 mountains. The record for women is 62 mountains. Fell running can be dangerous for people without experience. In competitions, all fell runners must have experience of the mountains. They must know how to use a map and compass. On long races, the rules say that everyone must take a map, whistle, compass, a very light tent (weighing less than two kg) and enough food. If you want to start fell running, you should Join a fell running club. In that way, you can learn about the sport from experts. At first, you can do easy runs. Wlien you have more experience, you can begin to try more difficult routes. When you are in the mountains, it is important to understand your own ability. It is also a good idea to check on the weather because mountain weather changes very quickly. And you must have a pair of good fell running shoes. 1. The number of people who take part in fell running---------------- a) has increased over the years c) has always remained the same b) has lessened with time d) is still changing c 3 О 3 (D 2. Fell running began as a) a traditional sport b) a national sport c) a kind of entertainment d) a country-wide entertainment 3. Rules for fell running competitions a) vary b) vary from time to time c) vary from area to area d) are firmly fixed 10 с 3 О 3 Ф 4. Fell runners needn’t learn how to---------- a) put up a tent b) make a camp meal c) find their position on the map d) use a piece of equipment which shows cardinal points (north, south etc) 5. Fell runners aren’t supposed — a) to choose easy routes b) to begin training on easy routes 6. Fell runners are advised a) to be well dressed c) to learn doing only easy runs d) to begin doing the sport on their own b) to go fell running only in good weather c) to know what kind of route they can cope with d) not to mind changeable mountain weather III. SPEAKING jjVj ж Choose one of the two pictures and comment on it. Mention the following: a) what the picture depicts*; b) what and who you can see in the picture (in its centre/at the top/at the bottom/on the left-hand side/on the right-hand side of it); c) what is happening in the picture; d) what thoughts and feelings does the picture arise. Imagine you are a football fan. You hear that your favourite football team is arriving at the place where you live. Ask 5 questions to find out some facts about their visit. You want to know: 1. the date of their arrival; 2. the hotel where they will stay; 3. the length of their stay; 4. the aim of their visit; 5. their plans for the stay. Compare the two pictures according to this outline. 1. Give a brief description of the pictures and say what is happening in them. 2. Say what the pictures have in common. 3. Say in what way the pictures are different. 4. Say which of the pastimes presented in the pictures you’d prefer. 5. Explain why you prefer them. to depict [di'pikt] — изображать You may find these phrases useful I would like to tell you a few words about these pictures. Let me describe the first picture... In the second one you can see... I’d like to stress/emphasize... First..., secondly... As I was saying... Another point is... Next... Finally... In conclusion... It’s quite difficult /easy to compare them... The pictures have some things in common... They both show.../ There are... in both of them... They both have got... And yet I can trace some differences... The first picture.../ The picture on the right... While in the first picture the viewer’s attention is drawn to... the second one emphasizes. The setting is different... The impressions produced are not alike. IV. USE OF ENGLISH Vocabulary exercises 11 c 3 О 3 Ф Ц|] Revise the vocabulary of Unit 1. Words: admit, additional, appreciate, bark, beat, belief, bunch, buzz, capable, cluck, cock-a-doodle-doo, crackle, cuckoo, delight, familiar, female, furniture, generally, hiss, howl, income, key, knit, level, male, mew, mirror, moo, neigh, nil, pale, plump, precious, quack, raise, research, roar, satisfy, sharp, shy, single, skinny, solve, suppose, tend, vain, wealth, youth Phrasal verbs: to beat down, to beat off, to beat out, to beat oneself up Word combinations: according to at least at twilight bare necessities for instance had better have sth in common in someone’s way in the twilight in vain neither... nor out of the blue senior citizens so far to a certain extent to some extent would rather 12 с D О 3 ф Phrases to describe feelings and emotions: to be over the moon to be good-natured to be/feel content to be sociable to be/feel self-confident to be in high spirits to look on the brighter side to be in a black mood Idioms: to be as fit as a fiddle to be as right as a rain to be in good health to be the picture of health to be on the mend to be on one’s way to recovery to be/feel aggressive to be/feel disappointed to be/feel irritable to be/feel blue to be/feel resentful to be/feel touchy to be/in low spirits to be under the weather to feel off-colour to need to recharge one’s batteries to have weak/delicate health to need to consult the doctor (dentist) to look like death warmed up Use the new words from the box to complete the sentences. beating, common, extent, familiar, furniture, incapable, income, mirror, precious, sharp, stand, tend, twilight, raise 1. To a certain ___________________ their distrust continued throughout the 1990s. 2. I don’t want to have anything in__________________with those neighbours of ours. with the latest changes in the plans of the firm. . wildly. 5. She has always said that her children 3. Mr McGregor is not________________ 4. I could feel my heart____________ are more to her than her job, or her success or even her husband. 6. “If you_________________in my way, I’ll kill you without hesitation,” said the pirate. 7. We agreed to meet in the_________________at 9 p.m.___________________8. Art can be seen as a___________________ image of society. 9. The child was_________________about cost a lot. 11. What is ___________________ it? speaking to strangers. 10. Nowadays old pieces of_____________ your monthly ? Aren’t the firm owners going to 12.1------ to believe the children are________________________of finishing this project themselves. It’s too difficult. Write English equivalents for these Russian phrases. 1. Что вас беспокоит? — ______ 2. Позвольте мне осмотреть вас. —______ ______________________ ___________________ ^ 3. Когда появилась боль? —________________________________________________________ 4. Я пропишу вам лекарство от кашля. — 5. Сколько времени вы нездоровы? — 6. Надеюсь, вы скоро поправитесь. — 7. Когда вы простудились (слегли с простудой)? 8. У меня болит спина. — 9. У меня болит голова. — 10. У меня болит горло. — И. Я простудился. —___ 12. Я чихаю и кашляю. — 13. Мне больно ходить. — 14. У меня болит живот. — 13 с 3 о 3 ф 15. Мне не по себе (нездоровится) несколько дней. — А. Write the full forms for these abbreviations and shortenings. Use a dictionary if necessary. 1. fridge — 2. BFF - 3. the BBC — _ 4. veg — 5. PC- 6. tater/tattie — 7. MP - 8. prof-_______ 9. mike — 10. vac —. 11. Hu- 12. g.f.- _ 13. ad — 14. gent — 15. specs —. 16. lab - _ B. Write Russian equivalents for these English compounds. 1. blue-eyed — _____ 2. old-fashioned— ______ 3. broad-shouldered — 4. absent-minded — _____ 5. hand-written—____ _ __ ________ 6. home-made — 7. weather-beaten—_______ _____ 8. well-paid — _ 9. poorly-dressed — ______________ 10. fast-developing— __________ 14 с D О 3 (D И. progress-making — 12. heart-breaking — _ 13. well-educated — __ 14. easy-going — _____ 15. low-paid —________ 16. smart-looking — 17. well-meaning — _ 18. sea-loving — 19. low-lying — 20. narrow-minded — Paraphrase the word combinations and write down the appropriate compounds. 1. a building that is 10 years old — ____________________________ 2. a bag that costs 70 € — ______________________________ 3. a walk that lasts 40 minutes —_________________________________________ 4. a play that has 2 acts —_________________ _____________________________ 5. a poem that was written in the 18th century — 6. a flat that is situated on the second floor —_ 7. a road that is 5 kilometers long — 8. a box that weighs 10 kilos —__________________ 9. a film of the highest quality, very good — 10. a car that was owned by someone else — Write what animals produce these sounds. buzz 5. quack neigh howl cock-a-doodle-doo cuckoo 4. hiss mew 9. roar И. croak 10. bark 12. cluck Use the prepositions from the box to complete the sentences. 1. Jonathan appeared__________the blue. “Is there anything I can do for you?” he asked. 2. Her son and daughter had practically nothing__________common, except their sincere love for their grandmother. 3. lam not familiar_________these papers. Where have you found them? 4. This ring is very precious_______me. It has been given to me________my parents. 5. Georgina is not capable_____ deceiving her parents. 6. Further research_________the topic has not produced any result. 7. Helen was extremely tired and could hardly raise herself______the armchair. 8. Where is the key________the front door? Has anyone seen it? 9. According__________my estimation we’ll arrive________Rome in two hours. 10. The child is so shy 11. Jane was vain___ reciting poems in public. _____her elder daughter: her looks, her success, her ambitions. 12. All my attempts to calm the old lady were______vain. She was not able to listen to any explanation. Use the appropriate function words to complete the phrasal verbs in the following sentences. 1. I wonder how the girl managed to beat the attack of the dog. 2. My friend was asked to beat _ _ the rhythm of the song on a small drum. 3. The man said that he’d been beaten by someone whose face was covered with a mask. 4. The hot sun was beating_____on the desert sand. 5. About half an hour later the enemy’s attack was beaten _ _ ,. 6. You have absolutely no reason to beat yourself__because of our failure. 7. He was badly beaten ^. by a gang of thugs. 15 c о 3 о 16 8. It was a cold day with the rain beating , so we decided to stay indoors. 9. It was in the newspapers that the singer’s boyfriend had got drunk and beaten her 10. The maracas were beating_______ the rhythm, producing a strange continuous sound. 11. The politician was able to beat _ the attempt to compromise him. 12. Why does she beat herself^ over their refusal? She is not to blame. Complete the health idioms in the following sentences. c □ О 3 Ф 1. My Uncle Oscar often boasts that he is in excellent health for his age, “as right as _____________________,” he says. 2. What’s up? Have you got a headache? — No, I’m just feeling under the_______________. 3. From his childhood Max has had _______________________ health and nowadays he often requires services of a doctor. 4. How’s Alice? — Much better, thank you. It looks like she’s on her way to 5. Susan isn’t coming with us today. She says she’s feeling off-_______________. 6. The child in the advertisement was the__________________of health: red-cheeked, plump and smiling. 7. Don’t worry about me, I’m as fit as a . In fact, I’ve never felt better before. 8. Nick claims he’s too tired to work today. He needs to his batteries. 9. Are you feeling better? — Oh, yes, thank you. My doctor says Tm definitely on the lO.Poor Jim needs to consult the doctor. I’ve seen him today. He looks like death ___________________up. Practise using the words of sympathy and complete the following microdialogues. Ж 1. How terrible! 2. I’ve lost my mobile. What shall I do? 3. Timothy’s mother is in hospital getting ready for a serious operation. 4. I can imagine that! 5. Mary and I have fallen out. 6. I’m sorry. Don’t forget I’m here for you if you need anything. 7. I’m sorry to hear that. 1 hope that’s nothing serious and she will recover soon. 8. I have a bad stomachache. I’m on my way to see the doctor. Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the sentences. 1. Meredith, don’t you dare to go to the river alone, it’s__________________ 17 c D О 3 danger 2. Mrs Sanderson scolded the child, but she did it so______________ and her ________________________ was so loving as it always was. 3. The woman sighed under her 4. “That’s fine,” Kate responded, and forced a smile despite her growing _________________________ 5. The day was______________________but The bright sky was_______________________ 6. The kitchen was the hub of the house and the room they used most. There was a massive_____________________table in the middle and a______________________coloured rug on the stone floor. 7. Kate took pride in her home, and this showed in the care and she gave it. 8. Mrs Wilson sat waiting______________________She watched the girl moving_______________________, bringing plates of sandwiches and scones to the table. 9. The child loved her mother and the mutual. soft express breathe irritate sun, wind cloud wood bright attentive patiently swift was feel 18 с D О 3 ft 10. There was a strong the town’s most — ______that she could get a job at -----------------dress shop. 11. As so often happens in England, the warm August afternoon turned into a----------------------evening. 12. There was a ^ for a salesperson in the shop and the .. ______ _ told her to come back on Friday to meet the------------------------ possible fashion chill vacant manage own Use the derivatives of the words on the right and complete the text. The child sat on a rock and looked at the river. She sat (1) ---------------- ----------------still, looking at the family of ducks circling around on the surface of the dark water. Her eyes perfect were large (2) m was a (4) (5) ------ (6) - on this (7) _ colour and solemn. It was a (3)________ ----- day in August. The sky _ - - blue arc _______ by cloud, the -----sun — a perfect sphere, and summer’s afternoon nothing stirred. The only sounds were the faint (8) of a bee grey wonder beauty touched gold colour buzz concentrate child flying above the roses. The child remained fascinated by the wildlife on the river, and so intent was she in her (9)__________________________ that she hardly moved. Isn’t it an ideal picture of one’s happy (10)------------------------? % Q Choose the appropriate words (a—d) to complete the text. I was badly homesick during the whole of my first term at St Peter’s School. So I decided to do something to get myself sent home. My idea was that I should all of a sudden develop (1) of acute appendicitis. You will probably think it silly that a nine-year-old boy should imagine he could get (2) with a trick like that, but I had good reasons for trying it on. Only a month before my elder half-sister had actually had appendicitis, and for several days before her operation I was able to (3) her behaviour. 1 noticed that the thing she (4) about most was a severe pain down in the lower right side of her tummy. As well as this, she kept being sick and refused to eat and (5)______a temperature. You might, by the way, be interested to know that my sister had her appendix (6)---------- not in a fine hospital operating-room full of bright lights and efficient nurses but on our own nursery table at home by the local doctor and his anesthetist. In those days it was fairly common practice for a doctor to (7) _ at your own house with a bag of instruments, then drape a sterile sheet over the most convenient table and get on with it. (after Roald Dahl) 1. a) an attack b) a battle c) an illness d) a disease 2. a) along b) on c) away d) down 3. a) view b) look c) observe d) experience 4. a) mentioned b) told c) declared d) complained 5. a) ran b) rode c) drove d) went 6. a) returned b) removed c) redone d) revised 7. a) come b) go c) arrive d)travel Grammar exercises Щ Complete the sentences with had better or would rather. 1. David doesn’t want to go to the club tonight, he says he-------------------stay at ___________you watch a film or read a good ________ not mention these facts to Jane, they will definitely upset her. 4. If they want to take part in the competition, they--------------make home. 2.------ book? 3.1 know I sure that their names are on the list. 5. A lot of people on TV than play them themselves. 6. Lily------------- watch games feel tired and irritable tomorrow morning. 7. I---------- eat out for a change. 8. -- not we We may easily miss our train if we don’t. 9. My sister . countryside while I prefer big cities. 10. You----------- not sit up so late, she’ll — not cook today, let’s ---------------hurry up? --------------live in the read the text again if you want to retell it well tomorrow. 11. Everyone knows that Sue wear a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, she doesn’t like smart clothes. 12. If they want to stay here, they------------------------remember some basic rules. Choose and circle the appropriate verb forms to complete the situations. 1. Grace (does not usually keep/is not usually keeping) her precious Jewels at home. She (puts/is putting) them in the bank. 2. — Could you speak louder, please? I (don’t hear/am not hearing) anything. — But I (speak/am speaking) loudly enough and (don’t understand/am not understanding) why you can’t hear me. 3. At least John (admits/is admitting) he was wrong yesterday to a certain extent. 4. When Greg (comes/is coming), he will solve all the problems. 5. Sofia (thinks/is thinking) you (make/are making) a mistake but she is too shy to tell you about it. 6. — When (do the Johnsons leave/are the Johnsons leaving) for St Petersburg? — I (don’t know/am not knowing). 7. Mrs Morrison usually (leads/is leading) a very quiet life. She (meets/is meeting) very few people and seldom (leaves/is leaving) her village. 19 c D О 3 Ф 1. 2. 20 С 3. D Г+ О 4. 3 л 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 8. Snakes (hiss/are hissing) when in danger. 9. Where’s George? — He (hangs/is hanging) the new mirror in the hall. 10.1 can’t believe my eyes: Margaret (knits/is knitting)! Use present simple or present progressive of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. What (you think)_____________________________________of my new hairstyle? Do you like it? I can’t agree with you here. I believe you (make) _______________ a bad mistake. Ben (constantly repeat) ________ tired of it! the same old story. I’m so antibiotics. _______a little sick. colours'. Congratulations! 7. At the moment James (have) you’ve passed all your exams with flying problems with mathematics, though usually he’s fairly good at it. to them again. my job. 10. ( 7vvo women are walking along the street) — What (you read) ______________at the moment, Rebecca? 11. Have you really seen a ghost or (you imagine)______________ 12. Don’t worry, such things (happen)__________________________ 13. They (forget)_____________________________ things? all the time. who plays the leading part in the film. 14. Your garden looks absolutely different. What flowers (you grow) ________________this year? 15. They (constantly talk) . illnesses. It’s so boring! about health problems and Choose and circle the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. 1. Just as I (left/was leaving) the house, my mobile (rang/was ringing). 2. We asked Nick what he (did/was doing) at seven o’clock in the evening and where he was. 3. The clock (struck/ was striking) midnight, we waited for it to stop chiming and then (entered/were entering) the cottage. 4. The other day I (saw/was seeing) my cousin in Apple Street. She (walked/ was walking) very fast in the direction of the bank. 5. I opened the window, it (rained/was raining) heavily. A cold wind (blew/was blowing). Red, yellow and brown leaves (fell/were falling) down onto the ground. I (understood/was understanding) that autumn (came/was coming). 6. When 1 was a student, I (liked/was liking) to spend my holidays with my friends in a small Mediterranean village. 7. When we turned the comer, we (noticed/were noticing) with flying colours — на ура Jill. She (spoke/was speaking) to a young man in a military uniform. 8. We were well aware of the fact that Harry (worked/was working) at some project at the moment. 9. We were in the house. Our pets, Duke and Socks, (ran/were running) in the yard barking loudly. 10. While we (approached/were approaching) the zoo, we could hear different sounds of zoo animals. Some of them (howled/were howling), others (neighed/were neighing). The lions (roared/ were roaring). Use past simple or past progressive of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. 1. It was a cold winter night: a harsh wind (blow)___________________________and it (snow) (eat) _ heavily. 2. During the interval between the acts we ice cream and (drink) lemonade in the refreshment room. 3. It was clear that the criminal was frightened and (not take) __________________________________________ any chances. 4. While 1 (wait) _____________________________for my meal to arrive, I saw two strange-looking men enter the cafё. 5. For a long time the child (refuse)____________________________to take part in the game but just (watch) clear that the boy (have) the others playing. 6. It was _ difficulty trying to make himself understood. 7. I heard noise and music coming from one of the classrooms: the pupils (prepare) _____________________________ for their party. 8. That winter we (go) _____________________________ skiing in the park nearly every day. 9. I looked out of the window: it (rain) _______________________________ heavily again. 10. While we (get) (ring) — ready to go out, the doorbell suddenly .. 11. The tourists (walk) for about an hour to get to the ancient castle. 12. The expression of Alice’s face told me at once what she (feel) ^ ^ . 13. At that time it (become) more and more difficult to find a job both in the countryside and in big cities. 14. That morning the child (be)_____________________________ difficult and we didn’t know how to calm him down. 15. Suddenly the door (open)_____________________________and my two friends (come)_______________________________ into the crowded room. Choose and circle the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. 1. If Doris (retums/will return) not later than six, we (are able/will be able) to go shopping this evening. 2. Mr Lewis said Roy (will/would) do everything according to our plan. 3. Steve promised they (will/would) carry out research on time. 4. They say there (will/would) be a new medical centre for senior citizens in the town. 5. We are not sure if a car parade (will hold/will be held) this year. 6. Everybody asks when Mrs Morris (arrives/will arrive). 7. Neither David nor his sister (tell you/will tell you) the secret. 8. I asked the doctor when the patient (will/would) probably recover. 9. We agreed that when Arnold (recovered/would recover), we (shall/should) go to the theatre together. 10. John, thank you so much for the invitation. If I (am/will be) free on Saturday, I will be delighted to join your party. 21 c 3 о 3 Л) Use the verbs in brackets in one of the perfect forms to complete the sentences. 22 c 3 о 3 Ф 1. She said she (be) (not have) beating herself up for the incident. 2. Lately we why Jessica (raise) carry) 6. Anthony (feel) _ 7. Emma (stop)____ ____________enough money for our bare necessities. 3. Jack (lose) the key to the house and we can’t get in. 4. I couldn’t understand ^ ____ ^ her voice while speaking to us. 5. They (already out the research for two months, and there is no result yet. ________________irritable for several days and everybody can see it. _____________________wearing her hair over her shoulders. 8. Did you hear that England (beat). _ ___ Scotland in the final? 9.1 can’t explain why Phil (begin) to speak to me with such familiarity. 10. We (already do) _______our work for two hours and we (not finish)__________________________ it yet. 11. How long (leam)________________________this poem by heart? Complete the sentences using the words on the right in the appropriate forms. 1. “Now it is time for you __________ you ________ to sleep. always remember to say And I . your prayers? You must ____ ., Mary. I do. I this since I was as small as you now. 2. The sunshine awakened the little girl. She her eyes and adjusting_____________________ she _ _ 3. Constable Harris to the morning light, up. and he was well aware she Mary all of her young life, ___________a good little girl. 4. Fletcher understood at once that something wrong at the cottage. 5. She said that much to___________________ surprise the children 6. “What nowhere. _______, Andrew? Why you excited so much?” his mother asked. 7. It’s the ________________time I 8. The officer made me _________________________ a car. the suitcase and it thoroughly. 9. “John, what here?” Patsy asked. “I friends. ^ _________ you tea with you us?” go say they do be open she sit know be go she see happen, be three, drive open examine do have, I join 10. At precisely six-thirty there was a knock on the door. Meredith a pleasant smile on_______________________________________________________ face before she it. She assistance. 12. He knows Spanish much sister. It that. Complete the text using the words on the right in the appropriate forms. Mary sat on the riverside watching baby ducks. Suddenly she (1)__________________her name being called. The girl (2) ______________ to her (3) __________________ and glanced over her shoulder. “Mum! Mum! You (4)_________________back,” Mary (5)____________________It (6)__________________her only a moment to open the iron gate in the brick wall, and then she (7)__________________ along the garden path, (8)_____________ than ever! She rushed straight into the (9) The young woman (10) outstretched arms. _ her daughter. (11) (12) her close and kissed her neck. “I a special treat for tea,” she (13) arange, she open, stand into the walk back in order to let the gentleman_____________________ suite. 11. The two entered the room. Five clerks woman _______________________ behind the inquiry desk, ready to be of stand than his bad always like young, be hear jump, foot come, cry take run fast woman catch hold bring, say Open the brackets and make the story complete. The Selfish Giant Spring came but in the garden of the Selfish Giant it was still winter. The birds (1) (not care) ________________________ to sing in it as there (2) (be)____________________________ no children. The only ones who were pleased were the Snow and the Frost. “Spring (3) (forget)________________________ this garden,” they cried, “so if it never (4) (come) ________________________, we (5) (live)______________________here all the year round.” Then they (6) (invite) the North Wind (7) (stay) with them, and it came as it (8) (want) a long time. It (9) (wrap)_______________ to visit the garden for 23 c 13 о 3 Ф in furs, and even the Snow and the 24 с 3 О 3 ф Frost (10) (frighten) they (11) (see) __________ (12) (wait)_______________ when it. The giant for two weeks already when he understood that spring was so late. “I can’t see the Spring (13) (approach) ________ my garden,” said the Selfish Giant, as he (14) (sit)___ ___________at the window (15) (look)________________ out at his cold white garden. But the Spring never (16) (come), _____________________ nor the Summer, nor the Autumn. One morning the Giant (17) (lie)____________________awake in bed when he heard some lovely music. It sounded so sweet to his ears that he (18) (think) _____________________ that the King’s musicians (19) (pass) _____________________. The Giant (20) (not hear) castle. “I believe the Spring (21) (return) He jumped out of bed and looked out. such lovely music since he came to his _________________at last,” said the Giant. V. WRITING Write a one-page essay on one of these topics. 1. My Favourite Hobby You can mention the following: a) what your hobby is; b) how long you have had it; c) why this activity seems so attractive to you; d) if you share your interests with your friends or relatives; e) if some of them help you. 2. My Personal Profile You can mention the following: a) your appearance; b) your character; c) your interests; d) relationship with your friends and family; e) your future plans and ambitions. 3. Things I Do to Live a Long Life You can mention the following: a) how fit you are; b) what you do to keep fit; c) your attitude to physical activities; d) if you visit doctors regularly to have general check-ups. 4. The Importance of Being Happy You can mention the following: a) what happiness is as you see it; b) if you consider yourself to be happy; c) what generally makes you happy; d) why harmony is important for happiness. VI. Bonus for Eager Learners A. Read the lyrics of the song. Find its recording, and listen to it. Sing the song along if you find it enjoyable. Forever Young (Boh Dylan^) May God bless and keep you always May your wishes all come true May you always do for others And let others do for you May you build a ladder to the stars And climb on every rung May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young May you stay forever young. May you grow up to be righteous May you grow up to be true May you always know the truth And see the lights surrounding you May you always be courageous Stand upright and be strong May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young May you stay forever young. May your hands always be busy May your feet always be swift May you have a strong foundation When the winds of changes shift May your heart always be joyful And may your song always be sung May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young May you stay forever young. B. What piece of music is your favourite at the moment? Let your classmates listen to it. Find Щ out what they think of it. C. Read the popular humorous poem below and try to translate it into Russian, alternatively, find some existing translations of it. Discuss the translations and choose the best one. 25 c D О 3 Ф The Owl and the Pussy Cat {Edward Lear) The Owl and the Pussy Cat went to sea In a beautiful pea-green boat. They took some honey, and plenty of money Wrapped up in a five-pound note. The Owl looked up to the stars above, And sang to a small guitar. ' Bob Dylan (1941—) — an American singer and writer of music in the 1960s. His early songs were often protest songs, on the subjects of war and the Civil Rights movement in America, and many young people were influenced by the words of his songs, e.g. Blowin’, in the Wind. Now his songs are considered to be classics. 26 с D О 3 Ф “О lovely Pussy, О Pussy, my love. What a beautiful Pussy you are. You are. You are! What a beautiful Pussy you are!” Pussy said to the Owl, “You elegant fowl! How charmingly sweet you sing! О let us be married! too long we have tarried: But what shall we do for a ring?” They sailed away, for a year and a day. To the land where the Bong-tree grows And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood With a ring at the end of his nose. His nose. His nose. With a ring at the end of his nose. “Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling Your ring?” said the Piggy, “1 will.” So they took it away, and were married next day By the Turkey who lives on the hill. They dined on mince, and slices of quince, Which they ate with a runcible spoon; And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand. They danced by the light of the moon, The moon. The moon. They danced by the light of the moon. Unit Т In Harmony with Others I. LISTENING 01 Listen to the letter that Ruth has written to Judy Bennett, a children's writer, (3), and decide which facts below are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS) in it. 1. Young readers have more problems than older ones. 2. Ruth and her sister go to the same school. 3. Ruth thinks her teachers aren’t being very objective. 4. Ruth is sure her teachers compare her with her sister. 5. Ruth is not fond of pop music. 6. Ruth thinks every person has the right to listen to the kind of music they love but on a certain condition. 7. In Ruth’s opinion record shops give equal space to pop music and classical music records. 8. Ruth thinks that pop music lovers would hardly object to the permanent sound of classical music in record shops. FACTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VARIANTS Listen to the New Zealand legend "The Story of Hinemoa", ^ (4), and match its paragraphs [M] (1—7) with the titles (a—h). There is one title you don't have To use. a) Desperate Decision b) The Girl’s Confession c) Mother Nature Coming to Rescue d) Life on the Island e) Father and Daughter f) Guided to the Island g) Winning the Girl’s Heart h) The Father’s Final Word 27 c PARAGRAPHS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TITLES EXTRA II. READING Read the texts (1—7) and match them with the titles (a—h). There is one title you don't have to use. a) Easy to Deal with b) Choosing Looks, not Books c) Ал Extraordinary Child Ро8.1ьд Да1ь МАТИЛЬДА 28 с D d) Very Much Alike e) An Orphan 0 Being Neglected g) The Picture of Friendliness and Comprehension h) An Unexpected Fortune 1. I’m twenty-three years old. When I was born, my father, Marcus Honey, was a doctor in the village. We had a nice old house, quite large, red-brick. I was born there, and then came the first tragedy. My mother died when I was two. My father, a busy doctor, had to have someone to run the house and to look after me. So he invited my mother’s unmarried sister, my aunt, to come and live with us. She agreed and she came. I hated her from the start. I missed my mother terribly. And the aunt was not a kind person. I’m sure she hated me too. Then came the second tragedy. When I was five, my father died very suddenly. 2. On the second morning Miss Honey received a letter from a firm of local solicitors informing her that the last will of her father. Dr Honey, had suddenly and mysteriously turned up. The document revealed that ever since her father’s death. Miss Honey had in fact been the rightful owner of a property on the edge of the village known as The Red House. The will also showed that her father’s lifetime savings, which fortunately were still safely in the bank, had to be left to her. The solicitor’s letter added that the property and the money could be transferred into her name very rapidly. 3. Miss Jennifer Honey was a mild and quiet person who never raised her voice and was seldom seen to smile, but there is no doubt she possessed that rare gift for being adored by every small child under her care. She seemed to understand totally the bewilderment and fear that so often overwhelm young children, who for the first time in their lives are shown into the classroom and told to obey orders. Some curious warmth that was almost tangible shone out of Miss Honey’s face when she spoke to a confused and homesick newcomer to the class. 4. Among Matilda’s new-found friends was the girl called Lavender. Right from the first day of term the two of them started wandering round together during the morning-break and in lunch-hour. Lavender was exceptionally small for her age, a skinny little nymph with deep-brown eyes and with dark hair that was cut in a fringe across her forehead. Matilda liked her because she was gutsy and adventurous. She liked Matilda for exactly the same reason. 5. The nice thing about Matilda was that if you had met her casually and talked to her, you would have thought she was a perfectly normal five-and-a half-year-old child. She displayed almost no outward signs of her brilliance and she never showed off. “This is a very sensible and quiet little girl,” you may think. It was not therefore difficult for Matilda to make friends with other children. All those in her class liked her. They knew of course that she was “clever”. But children of their age do not search deeply for reasons. They are far too wrapped up in their own small struggles to worry overmuch about what others are doing and why. 6. It’s a funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when their own child is the most disgusting little thing you could ever imagine, they still think that he or she is wonderful. Some parents go further. They become so blinded by adoration that they become absolutely sure their child has qualities of a genius. But occasionally you come across parents who take the opposite line, who show no interest at all in their children. Mr and Mrs Wormwood were two such parents. They looked at their daughter Matilda as nothing more than a scab, something you have to put up with until the time comes when you can pick it and flick it away. Matilda felt that attitude from her parents, their deep indifference to her and resented it. 7. Mr and Mrs Wormwood had a son called Michael and a daughter called Matilda. Matilda’s brother was a perfectly normal boy, but the five-year-old sister was something to make your eyes pop. She was sensitive and brilliant. Her achievements in reading were incredible. She could multiply complicated figures in her head with such facility and so quickly. Her teacher was sure that she had a truly mathematical brain, and words like child-genius and prodigy went flitting through her head when she was thinking of Matilda. TEXTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TITLES EXTRA Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a—g). There is one phrase you don't have to use. a) from the 17th century b) to support themselves c) butterflies and birds d) is situated in e) its name is 0 with central heating and various electric devices g) until they became a museum The Geffrye Museum in London There are lots of various museums in the world. The museum we want to acquaint you with is quite unique. In the United Kingdom it is the only museum which specialises in furniture and domestic interiors of town houses. (1) the Geffrye Museum. The Geffrye is one of the most friendly and enjoyable museums in London. Situated in the east of the capital, the museum gives a wonderful opportunity to see how English homes have developed (2) to the present day. The exhibition is designed as a series of rooms. Each room shows furniture, costumes and interiors of a particular period, for example during the reign of Queen Victoria. As you walk along, you can see how the dark and gloomy houses of the Henry VllI (Tudor) era were gradually replaced by the houses of today, (3) — it is a real walk through time. The museum uses former almshouses built by Sir Robert Geffrye in 1715. Almshouses were houses for old people who did not have any money (4) Robert Geffrye was a wealthy and successful merchant who made his fortune through trade with India and China. For his good deeds and success in business, Sir Geffrye even served as a Mayor of London. The Geffrye almshouses were beautiful buildings surrounded by big trees and attractive gardens. The almshouses provided a home to poor pensioners and widows (5) ______________________ in 1914. Shoreditch, the area where the museum is situated, is well-known for its fine local furniture makers. Originally, the main purpose of the museum was to support and encourage local furniture makers. 29 c 30 с 3 Н t О Today, the museum is not only a collection of English furniture and interiors but also an active education centre. Children and young people can come here to leam the basics of design, take part in theatre shows, lectures and seminars. The Geffrye Museum also has a sequence of chronologically arranged period gardens. They highlight the past four centuries of middle-class domestic gardening and explore the connections between home interiors and gardens. The beautiful herb garden where people can see herbs from many countries has over 170 different plants. Most of the plants are traditionally associated with English herb gardens, such as roses, honeysuckles and lilies. They attract insects, (6) providing a valuable urban habitat and a useful learning resource for people interested in the ecology of gardens. Here visitors can get some information about how different herbs can be used in medicine, cosmetics and cooking. STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 PHRASES EXTRA Read the text and then choose the appropriate answers (a—d) to the questions after it. Pocket Money My daughter Tracey was born to spend. She therefore needs huge amounts of pocket money. It is her life blood, she can scarcely move without it. She spends it, lends it, gives it away, loses it. She buys snacks, tickets, make-up and presents. She is a fountain of pocket money and I am a source of her wealth — the magic porridge pot. Tracey says the correct words and up comes more pocket money. Because without it she is a prisoner in the house, an unpleasant situation for both of us. “I must have some,” she begs. “I need it. I had to pay all the taxi fares yesterday because no one else had any money. They’re all going to pay me back.” “Good. Then you’ll have some money,” I say. Tracey is desperate. “But I haven’t got enough money to get to them. You don’t understand how much I spend on fares. Fares are very expensive.” Tracey’s needs are always pressing. She is always ready to explain why. This month has been particularly pressing because it was Peter’s birthday and Chloe’s birthday and she had to buy Easter eggs. I would like to know how much pocket money her friends get. Tracey doesn’t know. Her friends don’t know either. They become confused when asked. They don’t even remember whether they have to earn it by doing the odd household tasks. This is a mysterious grey area. Tracey is meant to do certain chores to earn money. She doesn’t refuse. She will do them, she says. She promises that, but as it turns out she has other more urgent duties — dancing in her room, hugging the dog, phoning her friend Rosie, going to sleep. In my weak way I have not always enforced these rules. Naturally people have criticized me. “You’re making a rod for your own back,” says grandma. She compares her lazy grandchild to the girls who used to live next door. They peeled potatoes, made beds, washed up, never answered back. She tells me what I must do to change the situation. Then she tries Tracey. “There is only one thing I want you to do,” grandma says to Tracey in a tragic way. “Just help your mother. That’s all I want you to do.” This request always makes Tracey ftirious. Grandma’s wishes have never been realized. I continue to hand out pocket money. But at least my daughter is a generous child. She spends a lot of her pocket money on presents for us. I get chocolates, flowers, disks and my birthdays are full of gifts. Nevertheless I have cut the pocket money now and then when Tracey’s behaviour has gone too far. Maybe one day I will become strict about pocket money. (after Gina Davidson) 1. Why does Tracey have lots of pocket money? a) Because she was born to spend. b) Because it is her life blood. c) Because her mother gives it to her. d) Because Tracey tries to avoid unpleasant situations for herself and her parent. 2. What does the girl say to her mother asking for pocket money? a) You must give it to me. b) Г11 pay you back. c) All my friends have lots of pocket money. d) I require it. 3. Why does Tracey’s mother give her daughter huge amounts of pocket money? a) Because her daughter can scarcely move without it. b) Because she is a weak-willed person. c) Because she wants her daughter to be in the house as little as possible. d) Because she wants more presents from her daughter. 4. What information about the pocket money Tracey’s friends have did her mother manage to get? a) They have as much pocket money as Tracey has. b) They have less pocket money than Tracey has. c) Practically none. d) They get pocket money doing different household tasks. 5. Why doesn’t Tracey earn her pocket money? a) The girl refuses to do it. b) She hates house chores. c) She is sure it is not her urgent duty. d) Her mother does not insist on her daughter doing it. 6. What does Tracey’s granny mean when she says, “You’re making a rod for your own back”? a) You allow Tracey to have anything she wants, as a result she is lazy as the girls who used to live next door. b) You allow Tracey to have anything she wants, as a result she will talk back soon. c) You allow Tracey to have anything she wants, as a result you’ll have problems in the future. d) You allow Tracey to have anything she wants, because you are too weak to say “No”. 7. How does Tracy’s mother react to the words of criticism? a) She stops giving Tracy her pocket money. b) She stops handing out pocket money to her daughter. c) She doesn’t pay any attention to them. d) She tries to enforce strict rules on her daughter from time to time. 31 c D QUESTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ANSWERS Ж Read the mixed up story by Jeff Kinney and put its parts (a—g) in their logical order. a) The second mom and dad walked out, Roderick jumped off the bed and picked up the phone. Then he called every friend he knew and told them he was having a party. b) Yesterday, mom and dad made a surprise announcement. They said they were going away for the night, and that me and Roderick, my elder brother, were in charge of the house. 32 с D i diary ® l§: SCHOOL DXL£MMA‘^ H I О c) It sounded like it was a pretty wild party. I think some girls even showed up at one point, but I couldn’t be too sure, because it was hard to keep track of what was going on from behind the door. The party was still going strong at 2:00 a.m., but that’s when 1 gave up. I spent the night on one of the spare beds in the basement. d) That was some pretty big news, because mom and dad have never left me and Roderick on our own before. I think they’ve always been afraid that if they go away, Roderick is gonna have a huge party and trash the house. But with Roderick in bed with the flu, they must’ve seen their big chance. So after mom gave us a speech about “responsibility” and “trust” and all that, they took off. e) Somebody must’ve unlocked the basement door overnight, because when I woke up this morning, it was open. Aлd when 1 walked upstairs, it looked like a tornado had touched down in the family room. f) I thought about calling mom and dad to tell them what Roderick was up to, but I’ve never actually been to a high school party before, so 1 was curious. I decided to just keep my mouth shut and watch. g) Roderick’s friends started to show up around 7:00, and before you knew it, there were cars parked up and down the street. Roderick told me we were going to need more tables. So I went downstairs to the basement to get them. But as soon as I stepped foot in the basement, I heard the door lock behind me. I pounded on the door, but Roderick just cranked up the music to drown me out. So I was stuck down there. I should’ve known Roderick would go and pull something like that. I guess it was pretty dumb of me to think Roderick was gonna let me in on the action. ORDER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PARAGRAPHS III. SPEAKING Qj Choose one of the two pictures and comment on it. Mention the following: LJ a) what the photo depicts; b) what and who you can see in the photo (in its centre/at the top/at the bottom/on the left-hand side/on the right-hand side of it); c) what is happening in the photo; d) what thoughts and feelings the photo arouses; e) why in your opinion the photo was taken. ж " j36 Your parents are arriving from a holiday. You are calling them to find out in what way you can be helpful. Ask 5 questions to find out the following: a) the date and time of their arrival; b) if they need to be met; c) the amount of their luggage; d) their plans for the evening; e) their preferences for the evening meal. Compare the two pictures according to this outline. a) Give a brief description of the pictures and say what is happening in them. b) Say what the pictures have in common. c) Say in what way the pictures are different. d) Say which of the pastimes presented in the pictures you’d prefer. e) Explain why you prefer it. 33 c D You may find these phrases useful I would like to tell you a few words about these pictures. Let me describe the first picture... In the second one you can see... I’d like to stress/emphasize... First..., secondly... As I was saying... Another point is... Next... Finally..., In conclusion... It’s quite difficult/easy to compare them... The pictures have some things in common... They both show.../There are... in both of them.../They both have got... And yet I can trace some differences... The first picture.../The picture on the right... While in the first picture the viewer’s attention is drawn to... the second one emphasizes. The setting is different... The impressions produced are not alike. 34 С D IV. USE OF ENGLISH Vocabulary exercises Ц2] Revise the vocabulary of Unit 2. Words: accident, affection, appeal, attitude, average, avoid, conflict, contrast, decent, deserve, establish, establishment, experience, export, hardship, import, incident, increase, independent, inherit, inspire, involve, option, patience, peer, praise, present, promise, quarrel, recently, reign, reject, rejection, relation, relationship, remain, remaining, severe, sign, suffer, treat, treatment, unity Phrasal verbs: to sign in, to sign off, to sign on, to sign out, to sign up Word combinations: to be aware (of) to make progress to do the sights/city to be above average to make a bed to do exercises to be below average to make a fire to do a room/flat to fall out with sb to make a choice to do the cooking retired people to make a fortune to do homework/housework on sb’s behalf to make money to do a subject to make a big deal of sth to make an effort to do one’s best to make a mistake to make friends to do well to make dinner/tea to make enemies to do a translation to make a decision to make a law to do one’s hair/teeth to make a noise to make a list/notes to do sb good/harm Phrases to describe house chores: to do (the) shopping to pick up things and put them in their places to lay/set the table to take care of food for pets to mind a baby sister/brother to take care of clean water for pets to wash up to wash and hang up clothes to dust the furniture to do the ironing to prepare meals to take out the rubbish to make tea to repair things in the house to make the beds to mend clothes to clean/mop the floors to walk the dog Words and phrases to speak about the family budget: allowance bank cards budget cash cash point to waste money change to afford to do sth to exchange money debt to budget money to lend money expenses to borrow money to pay money income to change money to save money pocket money to cost to spend money Spell the words and translate them into Russian. 1. [in'kri:z] — 2. f'ekspDrt] — 3. ['konflikt] — 4. [pn'zent] — ___ 5. [preznt] — ___ 6. [im'pDit] — 7. ['impD:t] — - - 8. [kan'tmrst] —____ 9. [kgn'flikt] —____ 10. [ik'spDit] — A. Write English equivalents for these Russian phrases. 1. подписать бумаги — --- 2. от имени директора — 3. унаследовать ферму от родителей — ^ 4. усилить единение — _ - здоровье/негативно влиять на чьё-либо здоровье 35 С 5. подрывать 6. оставаться в тени —---- 7. по моему собственному опыту 8. держать обещание — _____ 9. избегать ссор —-------- 10. суровое наказание —----- _ . _ ------ -------- --------- 11. заел ужи вать похвал ы — ^- -- ----- ----------- --------- 12. приличная одежда — ----- — ----- ------------- В. Choose and circle the appropriate words in brackets to complete the sentences. 1. Let’s (appeal/avoid) to the facts. 2. Teachers should have (praise/patience) with slow learners. 3. His (relation/attitude) to his younger brother was surprisingly cold. 4. What was your (relation/relationship) with your mother like? 5. John has always been popular with his friends especially with his (peers/siblings), but he could never gain as much respect from his family, his (peers/siblings) in particular. 6. The number of young people who do not smoke has considerably (increased/strengthened) recently. 7. My sister was advised to (reject/ remain) indoors for a week. 8. They got the VIP (treat/treatment). 9. In the process of the repairs we had to (increase/strengthen) the foundation of our cottage so that it could take more weight from the stone walls. 10. Why don’t you try to (establish/involve) at least decent relations with your opponents? Write what they are. A. 3. д Ш V.- чО РП 04 I I fN Unit Two »о CQ Tf 40 (N ro r> fn Unit Two о чо OO ON < 1Л Tf Ю 40 fS ГО Tj- *n (N cn Match these Russian and English phrases. jMj 38 c A. 1. быть настоящим другом а) to feel lonely 2. поссориться с другом Ь) to depend on each other 3. привязанность друг к другу с) to be based on respect and tolerance 4. возобновить дружбу d) to fall out (to break up) with a friend 5. чувствовать себя одиноко е) affection for each other 6. установить дружеские отношения 0 to renew a friendship 7. быть ненадёжным другом g) to be a “fair weather” friend 8. иметь много общего h) to be a true friend 9. иметь одинаковые интересы i) to have much in common 10. преданные друзья j) loyal/devoted friends 11. зависеть друг от друга к) to establish friendly relations 12. основываться на уважении 1) to share interests и терпимости 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.. 11. 12.. B. 1. копить деньги a) to cost a lot 2. семейные расходы b) to spend money within your means 3. наличные (деньги) c) to spend money on clothes 4. карманные деньги d) to lend money 5. давать кому-либо деньги в долг e) to save money 6. занимать деньги, брать деньги 0 cash money в долг g) a/the family expenses 7. тратить деньги на одежду h) pocket money 8. позволить себе покупать дорогие i) to afford to buy expensive things вещи j) future income and spendings 9. тратить де н ьги зря k) to waste money 10. стоить дорого (больших денег) 11. будущие доходы и расходы 12. тратить деньги по средствам 1) to borrow money from sb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Q 10. 11. 12 C. 1. чинить одежду a) to dust the furniture 2. накрывать на стол b) to mop the floors 3. убирать постель c) to take care of (the) pets 4. ходить в магазин d) to mind a younger brother 5. протирать полы e) to lay/set the table 6. мыть посуду f) to mend clothes 7. заботиться о домашних g) to do (the) shopping любимцах h) to wash up/to wash the dishes 8. чинить сломанные вещи i) to take out the rubbish 9. вытирать пыль с мебели j) to make the bed 10. гладить бельё k) to do (the) ironing 11. вы носить мусор 1) to repair (the) broken things 12. присматривать за младшим братом 1. 2. 3. 4... 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.. 11. 12. _ Choose and circle the appropriate words in brackets to complete the sentences. 1. Jane has been working (as/like) a shop assistant for several years. 2. It was reported that three people had been killed in the (accident/incident) in High Street yesterday. 3. I have always felt a deep affection (for/to) all members of your family. 4. Can you explain this rule to me? I (don’t understand/am not aware of) it. 5. (As/How) I said, it’s preferable to establish friendly relations with your opponents. 6. Did you meet by (accident/incident) or did you come there on purpose? 7. Charles climbs trees (as/like) a monkey. 8. (Do/Make) an effort and stop coming late. 9. She never (does/makes) the cleaning herself 10. Wliy are they (doing/making) such an awful noise? 11. (Do/Make) a list of the house chores you should (do/make) at the weekend. 12. When people ask you to give them some money for a certain period of time, they (borrow/lend) it. 13. All the money you get from working or from investing money is your (allowance/income). 14. Put the (kettle/teapot) on the cooker to boil the water. 15. When a product from another country is bought, it is (exported/imported). Use the appropriate prepositions from the box to complete the phrases below. 1. a deep affection 3. their appeal_____ the children. 2. to be aware what is going on. help. 4. his attitude our success. 5. to be independent ___________her influence. 6. an heir the throne. 7. our rejection their plan. 8. to rely__________the latest information. 9. to meet one’s friend accident. 10. to make a big deal_____________their arrival. 11. to treat visitors respect. 12. to suffer__________cold. 13. a new treatment______________the illness. 14. to be dependent______________the relatives. 15. to be rejected__________the peers. Use the appropriate function words from the box to complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences. 1. We all decided to sign ned________ ________for Professor Stewart’s course. 2. The company sig- two security guards last week. 3. You should sign___________to start working a computer system. 4. When you sign______________at a hotel, you write your name and other particulars at the reception desk. 5. She signed_______with a lot of Xs‘ as usual. 6. We were ready to leave. John went downstairs to sign________while I was finishing to pack our last bag. 7. They agreed to sign________for French conversation classes. 8. It’s a voluntary course. Those who want to attend just sign__________9. How do you usually sign____________when you write to your bank manager? 10. I’m signing_____________now. Bye! 39 c XXX or XXXX at the end of a letter or a note means a lof of kisses. Choose the appropriate verb to beat or to sign to complete the sentences. 40 c о 1. Some people out the rhythm while listening to music. 2. Celia, up animals. 4. Where us out, please. The taxi has already arrived. 3. Never__________ can they_____________up for drama classes? 5. The big white goose was really aggressive. I had to____________it off with a stick. 6. How do you__________off your text messages? Write Russian equivalents for these English idioms. 1. a very wealthy person — _ ______ ______________ ________ 2. to be a bit hard up —__________________________________________________________________ 3. to run into debt —_____________________________________________________________________ 4. to be up to one’s ears in debt —_______________________________________________________ 5. to become a multimillionaire — 6. to be comfortably well-off/to be quite well-off — 7. to be made of money —_______________________ 8. a business tycoon —_________________________ 9. to be on the breadline — Write the missing parts of the "money" proverbs. 1. Lend your money _ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ___ __________ 4. Easily earned money _ ______ 5. Time __ _ 6. _ ___________ ___________ _______________ 7. Money doesn’t buy happiness _ before you have it. is the root of all evil. are soon parted. Paraphrase the words and word combinations in brackets using their politically correct variants and write them down. 1. 1 think that (old people) should be taken care of. 2. Whoopi Goldberg is a famous US comedian and a film (actress) .. 3. (Negroes) are people with dark skin that came to the US from Africa. 4. (Pensioners) are people who receive their pensions, especially old age pensioners. 5. Mr Miller never fully recovered and spent the rest of his life as an (invalid) _______ _________ 6. When Europeans arrived in the New World, North America had been inhabited by Indian tribes. Nowadays (Indians) ____ „ in the USA are in the minority. 7. Do you know which of the (sportsmen)______________________________ is going to take part in the autumn competition with the world-class runners? 8. (Firemen)---------------------------------are people whose job is putting out fires. 9. The police told everybody to remain in (his)-------------------------------cars. 10.1 know every child is important here, (he is) very well ___of 70. taken care of. 11. Mrs Thompson was an (old lady)- 12. Anna Bradstreet was the first American colonial (poetess) You would like to bring your apologies for what you have done. Write what you could say in each situation. Use your Social English phrases. 1. You haven’t done the shopping you promised to do. — 2. The vegetables have burnt. —__ _____ 3. You said something tactless to your parents. — 4. You forgot your best friend’s birthday. — 5. You made your classmate wait for you for a long time. — - 6. You haven’t kept your promise. — - --------- 7. You have stepped on somebody’s foot. — 8. You have been rude to your elder relative. — - 9. You have broken your mum’s favourite cup. — 10. You shouted at your younger sibling and the child began sobbing. — 41 c 3 Use the derivatives of the words on the right and complete the sentences. 3. The boys were 1. Sam is a young actor. 2. Have the_______________________to admit your mistakes. ____________________punished. 4. Mr Robertson is a very coach. 5. The doctor prescribed a new _ for Jane’s sore throat. 6. The country gained its _ two centuries ago. 7. Their in the process is obvious. 8. s between people of — races and cultures are often------------------------difficult. 9.1 can’t see any reason for their---------------------------of our proposal. lO. Mrs Morgan is a very------------------------teacher. promise decent severe patience treat dependence involve relation, differ extreme reject experience и. The 42 с 3 countries is very important. 12.1 have always felt a deep__ of diplomatic relations between the for your parents. Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the text. During their first family visit to Australia in 2014, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Narrow Neck Lookout — a vertical cliff, 60 miles outside Sydney. It is one of the most(l)*_________________ spots in the Blue Mountains. Looking cool and composed Kate gazed at the three (2) ______________________ peaks known as the Three Sisters. According to the (3) ___________________________ legend the peaks got their names after three siblings had been turned to stone as a kind of (4)--------------------------The sisters had fallen in love with young men from a rival tribe. William was (5) __ impressed. “It’s a (6) (7) — amazed at the (8) place for a picnic,” he said. His wife seemed enchanted too. Kate was _____________of the cleft' and how far you could see. She added she would be keen to come back one day so great her (9)___________________was. Choose the appropriate variants (a—d) to complete the text. In spring 2014 the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (1) _________ establish affect beauty rock aborigine punish certain wonder charm deep admire _ in Sydney with Prince George. The young family got the warmest welcome from Australia’s largest city. George — or the “Prince of Cuteness” as he was nicknamed — (2)_________________his (3) -----------and waved. After the ceremonial welcome that included an Aboriginal dance display. Prince William (4)____________warmly of his love for Australia. “This visit to the country has been one that Catherine and I have been looking (5)______________for a long time,” he said. “On my first visit here as an adult, in 2010, I can (6)______just a cleft [kleft] — расщелина how impressed 1 was by Sydney, seeing the energy and diversity of this beautiful city and understanding how much Australia is the home of innovation, opportunity and possibility. I was well prepared: the (7) that my grandmother the Queen has for this nation is infectious. Her Majesty spoke recently of how, since her first visit here 60 years ago, she has been privileged to witness Australia’s growing economy and flowering self-confidence. 1. a) got b) arrived c) reached d) came 2. a) raised b) picked up c) lifted d) rose 3. a) toes b) fingers c) fists d) arms 4. a) spoke b) told c) said d) talked 5. a)to b)for c) forward to d) forward 6. a)think b) reflect c) remember d) brood 7. a) affect b) effect c) affectation d) affection Grammar exercises 43 c □ Write the appropriate verb forms {present perfect or past simple) to complete the sentences. 1. — How long (you be)__________________________________friends? — For six years. — When (you fall)_______________ — Last week. 2. I (see) _________________________ out? happen) 3. As a journalist I (visit) 4. Mr Morgan (make) _ during our last meeting. 5. I (know)______________ 6. (You sign) 7. — I (spend) — Where and when did you do it? -1 (buy)------------------------ 8. (You sign)_____________________ 9. Jane, when (you do)______ 10. I admit I (make) 11. The Lovedays (just arrive) 12. I (speak) _____________ an awful auto accident the other day. — Where (it 9 a lot of unusual places lately. a speech in our Principal’s honour Lucy for all my life. _ up for the language courses yet? all my allowance. an IPod last Saturday. -the papers yet? — Not yet. I’ll do it later. __________your bedroom last? a mistake. Please forgive me. he (know) to the chairman just now and he (say) ______________________nothing of the incident. 44 с A. Read the questions and say in which of them the English word where means куда and in which it means где? 1. Where has he gone? 2. Where have you put the silver box? 3. Where did you buy your camera? 4. Where did she see Roland? 5. Where have you placed the computer? 6. Where did they find their mobile? B. Complete the sentences below using the verbs in brackets in present perfect or past sim- ple. The meanings of the word where can help you. WHERE КУДА 1. I can’t find my purse. Where (I put)------ 2. That’s a nice blouse! Where (you buy)_____ 3. Wliere (John go)__________________________ 4. Where (he meet)______________________Sarah? (Be) 5. Wliere (they spend)----------------------- 6. Where (she vanish)-----------------------? I (not see) it? -it? ? He is wanted on the phone. ----------------it in Paris? their honeymoon? 7. She looks so stylish. Where (she have) - —____________ 8. — I think I have lost my mobile. Where (I use) — You’d better think where (you put)----------------- --------for ages. her hair done? ------------it last? It. 9. Where (Liz find) 10. Where (you refer) the money for the purchase? _ your students? Make these sentences passive. 1. They grow coffee in Kenya. — 2. Travellers often require such things. — 3. I will inform you about the results. - 4. We bought those souvenirs in Spain. - 5. They close their shop on Sunday. — 6. The bank accepted our payments. — 7. Магу will lead you to the cash point. — 8. They easily found the hotel. — ____________ 9. I will sign up my students for the shorthand course. — 10. People speak much about this couple. — 11. People often ask such questions. — _ _ ^ 12. Politicians often refer to Winston Churchill’s speeches. Use the verbs in brackets in present progressive passive or past progressive passive. 1. The secretary says the papers (sign) ______________________________________ at the moment. 2. When I entered the office, the papers (sign) ______________________________. 3. We came to the counter. Our purchase (wrap) _____ 4. Don’t worry, the gift for Kevin (just buy) _ 5. I assure you that the money (exchange) _ __________ now. at the moment and will be brought here in a minute. 6. When we visited your city last, we noticed that lots of new houses (build) _ in it. 7. Don’t mention the bags again. They (pack) _ ______ now. 8. When I was leaving the office, your reports (look) ^ through. 9. (You serve) ____________________________________when I arrived? I didn’t see any shop assistant nearby. 10. Your trousers (iron)___ when you asked about them. Look at the list of things Mary was asked to do. But she hasn't done anything yet. Write what has not been done yet. Use passive constructions. n q) to vacuum the floors b) to clean the windows c) to wash the linen d) to iron the skirt Things to do e) to do the shopping f) to cook the main dish g) to lay the table h) to take the coat to the cleaner's 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 45 c D 6. ____________ 7. _ 8. ___________ _ Write the same in Russian. A. 1. Ann will be spoken to. — 46 2. Ann was spoken to yesterday. — c 3. Ann has already been spoken to. — D 4. Ann is being spoken to now. — H 5. Why is Ann never spoken to? — t 0 B. 1. This film is much spoken about. — 2. Charlie was always laughed at. — 3. The papers have not been looked through yet. 4. The letters were sent the day before yesterday. - 5. The lost bag is being looked for now. — 6. We were told that Andrew had returned. — _ 7. Grapes are usually grown in warm countries. 8. These children will be punished. — __ 9. Tea and cakes will be served in a minute. — _ 10. Have the tickets been bought yet? — Use the appropriate forms of the verbs on the right to complete the sentences. 1. Richard when he was eighteen. 2. The boys said they_____ economically independent ________fairly enough. become treat 3. John admits he this project and is proud of it. 4. Sue smiled and in mountains________________ 5. Statistics says an average pupil____ five hours on his/her daily homework. 6. I know that Patricia always _ with her peers and her popularity____ every year. 7. If May______________________________ some of his friends in that sleeping in a tent to her. . . ____about very popular _______with our help, we won’t be able 8. Mr Wilson says he __________ this conflict. 9. I want to know when they between the schools. 10. She ______________________ anything. anything about a real link in this hospital since it in 1996. First she was a nurse, now she is a doctor. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs on the right to complete the text. Princess Charlene of Monaco, the wife of Prince Albert II, is the (1) ______________ Lady of the Principality and as such a key figure in the history of a state (2) _________________________ by the Grimaldi family since the (3) _________________ century. Monaco may be small in size (the second (4) __________________ state in the world, after the Vatican), but it’s huge in influence. It has the (5)______________ density of millionaires and billionaires per square metre anywhere on earth. Princess Charlene (6) ____________________ the former South African Olympic champion. She (7)_______________________________the Princess Charlene Foundation, (8) __________________________ aim is (9) __________________ kids to swim and to raise public awareness of the need for safety around water. In many cases, the Princess (10) _______________________ her swimsuit on and personally (11) _______________________________ the children to swim. involve say not appeal spend be increase reject do not hear establish work build one govern thirteen small high be set who teach put teach 47 c 3 48 с Some children think that Princess always (12) ______________________ around (13) _______________________ for a ball and (14)________________________a crown and they can’t believe the Prin- cess can swim, that she will dive into the water alongside them. Open the brackets and make the story complete. A Difficult Student Some boys join the navy when they are young. One of the important things they (1) (teach)_______________________(2) (be) _______________________how to swim. In one go dress wear school for sailors the swimming instructor was very good. One year, however, he (3) (have)_________________________one particular boy who (4) (seem)_____________ quite unable to learn to swim. The instructor (5) (give)__________________________him extra classes. He (6) (throw) him up with the boy into the pool at the deep end, and (7) (hold)_________________________ a rope which (8) (tie) _ to the end of a fishing-rod. The poor man (9) (use) _ _ _______ every possible way before he (10) (admit)______________________ defeat. One day the boy (11) (call) ______________________________ aside by the instructor. “John, I (12) (try) _________________________ very hard to teach you for a very long time, but I (13) (fail)_______________________for the first time in my life. I can’t do anything more,” said the instructor. “But before we part, I want (14) (give) you a piece of advice. If you (15) (be) begins (16) (sink),___________________ _______________ever on board a ship, and it Just (17) Jump)__________ into the sea, (18) (go) right to the bottom and (19) (run) to the shore as fast as you can! This is the only way you (20) (be) able to save your life.” V. WRITING Write a one-page essay on one of the following topics. ^ 1. The Best Friend of Mine You can mention the following: a) how old your friend is; b) what his/her occupation is; c) when and how you became friends; d) what your friend looks like and what he/she is like; e) why you regard him/her as the best friend. 2. Teenagers and Money You can mention the following: a) if money is important for teenagers; b) what they usually spend it on; c) where pocket money can come from; d) your attitude to the idea of allowances; e) if it is possible for teenagers to earn money; 0 pros and cons of teens’ earning money. 3. The House Chores I Dislike Most of All You can mention the following: a) the distribution of chores among the family members; b) when you do the house chores and how long it takes; c) the chores you’re responsible for; d) the things you dislike to do about the house and the feelings you have when they are done. 49 c Comment on one of the following proverbs in writing. a) Easily earned money is quickly spent. b) Money doesn’t buy happiness but it helps. c) A fool and his money are soon parted. d) The love of money is the root of all evil. e) Never spend your money before you have it. f) Time is money. VI. Bonus for Eager Learners A. Read the lyrics of the song. Find its recording and listen to it. Sing the song along if you find it enjoyable. You Angel You {Bob Dylan) You angel you You got me under your wing The way you walk and the way you talk 1 feel I could almost sing You angel you You’re as fine as anything’s fine I just want to watch you talk With your memory on my mind You know, I can’t sleep at night for trying. Yes, I never did feel this way before I never did get up and walk the floor If this is love then give me more And more and more and more and more. You angel you You’re as fine as can be The way you walk and the way you talk Is the way it ought to be. You know, I can’t sleep at night for trying Never did feel this way before If this is love then give me more And more and more and more and more. 50 c 3 H t о You angel you You got me under your wing The way you walk and the way you talk I swear it makes me sing. B. Read the jokes. Find some more English jokes and share them with your classmates. Say 21 what kind of jokes you like. a) — Which is the longest word in the English language? — I don’t know. Do you? — Yes, I do. — Well, fire away. What is it? — Smiles. — That isn’t very long. Only six letters. — Ah, but there is a mile between the first and the last one. b) — Which word becomes shorter if you put another syllable on its end? — There is no answer to this question. You can’t make a word shorter if you add a syllable to it. — Oh, yes, you can. It’s the word “short”. If you put the syllable -er on the end, it’s shorter. c) “Johnny, where’s your homework?” Miss Martin said sternly to the little boy holding out her hand. “My dog ate it,” was his solemn response. “Johnny, I’ve been a teacher for eighteen years. Do you really expect me to believe that?” “It’s true. Miss Martin, I swear,” insisted Johnny. “I had to force him, but he ate it!” d) Teacher: You aren’t paying attention to me. Are you having trouble hearing? Pupil: No, teacher. I’m having trouble listening. e) Should you have any questions during the exam, just raise your hand. This should cause enough blood to flow to your brain to answer it yourself. Unit Three In Harmony with Nature I. LISTENING [M] Listen to six people speaking, ^ (5), and match what they say with the statements (1—7) below. There is one statement you don't have to use. 1. Different people have different ideas of how to keep the Earth unpolluted. 2. Some people try to create safe places for sea creatures. 3. Forest fires produce a lot of damage to Nature. 4. The time has come for our civilization to save the Earth. 5. Let’s have an experiment to see how dangerous pollution is. 6. One of the natural phenomena that can become a killer. 7. Lack of plants can lead to a species extinction. 51 c H T A A SPEAKERS a b c d e f STATEMENTS EXTRA Listen to the interview, ^ (6), and complete the statements below. 1. Emily visited Australia_______ a) when it was winter there b) in the middle of February c) during English summer d) when it was hot in England 2. Emily____________ a) has never thought that the climate in Australia is so different b) preferred the Australian climate to the English one c) could hardly believe that in February Australia had heat and sunshine d) enjoyed the Australian weather at the airport 3. Emily’s enthusiasm about travelling around Australia was reduced because —------------- a) the weather changed after her arrival b) the girl saw a lot of crocodiles in the river c) the girl became afraid of spiders, snakes, Jellyfish and crocs d) she understood it could be rather dangerous 4. Australians a) take the risk of being attacked by wild animals quite seriously b) absolutely ignore the risk of being attacked by wild animals c) are not much concerned about the possible wild animals’ attacks d) do not believe that wild animals’ attacks are possible in towns 52 с 3 ■ч Ф Ф 5. Australians____________. a) think it’s very dangerous to sunbathe in their country b) try to be as much in the sun as possible c) try to protect tourists from the sun d) everywhere hang notice boards telling how dangerous ultraviolet rays are 6. Emily thinks Australians are____________. a) not equally helpful in all parts of the country b) cool and reserved in the capital but helpful in small towns c) inquisitive people d) absolutely different from the British 7. Emily finds Australian food______________. a) more delicious than British food b) always fattening c) absolutely unique d) most often tasty STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VARIANTS II. READING Read the text and decide which of the facts (1—8) are not stated in it. 1. The earliest attempts to fix time. 2. The people who began to count day time and night time separately. 3. The place where the mechanical clock was invented. 4. The places where people began to use calendars first. 5. The starting point of some of the ancient calendars. 6. The reason why one more day is occasionally added to the solar year. 7. The fact that the Ancient Mayans calendar followed the solar system. 8. The reason why the Ancient Mayans calendar ended on 21 December, 2012. Counting Time The first people who used a system of counting time were the Sumerians who lived in Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago. Sixty was the basic number they worked with. They also used 60 as the basic number for longitude. This is why the map of the world is divided into 360 degrees. The seven-day week also started in Mesopotamia. The Ancient Egyptians were the first people who divided the day into 24 parts. That was 5,500 years ago. They divided daylight and darkness into periods of 12 hours each. The length of each hour changed when the nights got longer and the days got shorter. About 50 years later, the Babylonians made all 24 hours the same length. Equal hours became common in Europe only 700 years ago — 100 years after the invention of the mechanical clock. People started using calendars thousands of years ago when scientists began studying the seasons and the movements of the Sun. But everyone did things differently. The Romans thought that time began when the city of Rome was built. The Ancient Greeks started their calendar when the first Olympic Games took place. The Muslim calendar started around the year 1400. So using this counting, the year 2010 is 1431. Some calendars follow the solar year — the time it takes for the Earth to go round the Sun, which is 365.242 days. An extra day is sometimes added to make sure that the new year starts with a new moon. The Ancient Mayans were fantastic scientists in astronomy and mathematics. They made a “universal” calendar — a calendar that ends on the 21st of December, 2012. Many people believed that the world would end on that day. But the truth is that the Mayans made a calendar of 2000 years and they needed a day to end it. They chose 21st of December 2012 because it was their new year. FACTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NOT STATED Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a—h). There is one phrase you don't have to use. a) no longer think of b) took the trouble to wash and save tins c) cool drink tins and plastic bags d) responsible for recycling e) means money to them 0 after a sports meeting g) to organize their own recycling schemes h) successful efforts Turning Trash into Cash At Green Grove Primary School, children are thinking about (1)-------------in a new way. They are learning the three Rs‘ of recycling (reduce, recycle and reuse) and making money for their school at the same time. Since June last year, the school has made a lot of money — simply because mothers of the pupils (2). -, plastic containers, paper and glass which are sold to recycling companies. “That money means our school fees stay low!” said one mother. Fired by the enthusiasm of the Grade 5 teacher, Helen Howes, the learners (3)------- bottles and tins as garbage. It (4)-------now, and they no longer leave them to litter -------, home or away. the sports fields and other public places. Ms Howes says, “(5)---------- there is not a single scrap of litter left on the school grounds.” She has received calls from many other schools wanting (6)--------------after learning of Green Grove Primary School’s (7)------------- STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PHRASES 53 c D T n Ф Ф EXTRA ‘ three Rs — the expression comes from the sound at the beginning of the words reading, writing and (a) rhythmetic considered as forming the base of children’s education. In the text the expression refers to three other words beginning with “r”. Read the text and complete the statements after it. Uri»eni Problems of Our rime fr’ . T . T I*' •Те* : .<7 54 c 3 Air is a mixture of gases, water vapour and dust particles. Air is part of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is the 10 km thick layer of gases that surrounds the earth. In a day a person breathes in about 5,000 litres of air. Nowadays the problem of clean air has really become urgent. Roughly 30 percent of all asthma cases occur in children, especially those who live in cities. Asthma is also more common in poor urban areas and suburbs located near industries. The number of asthma patients have increased in recent years. Scientists believe that exposure to cigarette smoke, vehicle exhaust fumes, smoke from coal fires, and living in poorly ventilated houses, all cause asthma. When people bum fossil fuels to produce energy, many other gases and substances are also produced. These substances are passed into the air. They change the composition of the air by adding gases and solids to it. If large amounts of these substances enter the air, the air becomes polluted, which means it is not clean and may be harmful to people’s health. Air pollution is a serious hazard in many cities across the world. One of the effects of air pollution is global warming. Burning fossil fuels releases large amounts of pollutants (substances harmful to the environment) into the atmosphere. Many of these pollutants are called greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases trap heat inside the earth’s atmosphere, in the same way as glass traps heat inside a greenhouse. These gases collect in the upper atmosphere and prevent heat from escaping into space. This causes the temperature of the earth to rise. This process is called global warming. The two most serious effects of global warming are changes to the climate and a rise in sea levels. A warmer earth means that the weather patterns will change, so some places will become hotter and drier, while other places will become wetter. A warmer earth will cause the large areas of ice in the north and south poles to melt. This will release large amounts of water into the world’s oceans. This could raise the sea level in some places by several metres. In December 1997, more than 10 nations met in Kyoto, Japan, to negotiate ways for developed nations to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The outcome of the meeting was the Kyoto Protocol. This was an agreement in which the developed nations agreed to limit their greenhouse gas emissions, relative to the levels emitted in 1990. The United States only agreed to limit emissions starting in the period 2008 to 2012. 1. Air a) is the atmosphere b) is the 10 km layer of gases that surrounds the atmosphere c) includes gases, water vapour and dust particles d) is space above the ground 2. It is a well-known fact that______ a) asthma is a disease of the 21 century b) children suffer from asthma more often than grown-ups c) many more people have become asthma patients lately d) scientists have not discovered causes to get asthma 3. Burning fossil fuels--------- a) pollutes the atmosphere b) exhausts more fumes nowadays than before c) produces oxygen d) is more dangerous in cities 4. __________doesn’t produce asthma. a) Smoking cigarettes b) Smoke from coal fires c) Breathing about 5,000 litres of air daily d) Having badly ventilated accommodations 5. Global warming____________ a) has increased a number of pollutants b) leads to climatic changes c) releases a lot of heat into the atmosphere d) prevents heat from escaping into space 6. Greenhouse gases-------------- 55 c a) are a lower part of the atmosphere b) trap heat inside greenhouses c) make the earth’s temperature rise d) are not pollutants 7. The Kyoto Protocol a) made all the countries reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere b) was not signed by the USA c) was signed in 1997 d) made all developed countries limit their greenhouse gas emissions STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VARIANTS Read the text and choose the appropriate answers (a—d) to the questions after it. The Eden Project began as a dream. In the late 1990s, Tim Smit — an archeologist turned pop-music producer — decided to build a new Eden. In his imagination he saw a beautiful park with huge greenhouses filled with exotic plants from all over the world. He even found a place for his park — a disused clay pit in Cornwall. All he needed was the money. Amazingly, many people agreed to help him and Tim’s dream came true. In the spring 2001, the Eden Project, a large environmental park in Cornwall, opened to the public. The press called it “The English Wonder of the World”. Since its opening, millions and millions of people have visited the Eden Project. It has become the country’s top tourist attraction, more popular than the Tower of London. 56 С D У ф ф The Eden Project consists of two giant greenhouses, shaped like grapefruit halves, and an outdoor area. These are called “biomes”. They recreate the natural environment of three different climates found around the world. The Humid Tropics Biome recreates the natural environment of the world’s hottest regions. It houses hundreds of trees and other plants from the jungles of South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. There one can see banana trees, rubber trees, cocoa, bamboo and mahogany. It is the largest of the three biomes and the most impressive. In the Warm Temperature Biome you can travel to South Africa and California and walk among orange and lemon trees, old olive groves and grape vines. There is also the Roofless Biome, an open outdoor area with plants from the Cornwall and similar climates in Chile, the Himalayas, Russia and Australia. It tells the story of plants that have changed the world. Tim Smit and other creators of the Eden Project see the site as much more than a collection of plants. The main purpose of Eden is to educate the public about the natural world, to show how we depend on plants and what we can do to save them. 1. What helped Tim Smit to fulfill his dream? a) The fact that he is a music producer and has enough money. b) The fact that the site in Cornwall turned out to be absolutely suitable for it. c) The fact that he had some financial assistance. d) The fact that the park promised to be fairly unusual. 2. Why are there several separate zones in the park? a) Because one is not enough for the millions of visitors. b) Because some of the exotic plants cannot grow together. c) Because the park needs an outdoor area. d) Because the zones need to be suited to different natural conditions. 3. Which biome(s) is/are worth seeing more than the others? a) The Humid Tropics Biome. b) The Warm Temperature Biome. c) The Humid Tropics Biome and the Warm Temperature Biome. d) The Roofless Biome 4. What makes the Eden Project “more than a collection of plants”? a) The huge size of the collection. b) The project’s educational value. c) The project’s financial success. d) The unique character of the project. QUESTIONS 1 2 3 4 ANSWERS III. SPEAKING Q Choose one of the two pictures and comment on it. Mention the following: 0 a) what the photo depicts; b) what and who you can see in the photo (in its centre/at the top/at the bottom/on the left-hand side/on the right-hand side of it); c) what is happening in the photo; d) what thoughts and feelings the photo arouses; e) why in your opinion the photo was taken. А well-known ecologist has come to your school. Ask him her 5 questions to find out the following: 1. his/her choice of the career; 2. sphere of interests; 3. the most urgent ecological problems today; 4. problem territories in Russia; 5. recent achievements in ecology. Compare the two pictures according to this outline. a) Give a brief description of the pictures and say what is happening in them. b) Say what the pictures have in common. c) Say in what way the pictures are different. d) Say which of the pastimes presented in the pictures you’d prefer. e) Explain why you prefer it. 57 c T Ф Ф You may find these phrases useful 1 would like to tell you a few words about these pictures. Let me describe the first picture... In the second one you can see... I’d like to stress/emphasize... First..., secondly... As I was saying... Another point is... Next... Finally..., In conclusion... It’s quite difficult /easy to compare them... The pictures have some things in common... They both show.../ There are... in both of them... They both have got... And yet 1 can trace some differences... The first picture.../ The picture on the right.../ The (top/bottom) picture. While in the first picture the viewer’s attention is drawn to..., the second one emphasizes... The setting is different..., the seasons are different... The impressions produced are not alike. IV. USE OF ENGLISH -Л-.- ■■ /,-.-j - ______^ 58 c D H T •% m Ф Vocabulary exercises Revise the vocabulary of Unit 3. Words: acquire, acquisition, attend, beneficial, benefit, coast, coastal, condition, conquer, convenient, crowd, disaster, drought, earthquake, eastern, encourage, evident, evidently, feature, flood, heritage, hurricane, invaluable, landscape, northeastern, northern, northwestern, nuclear, poison, poisonous, population, predict, property, rainfall, recycle, rescue, revenge, save, scenery, scream, self-evident, shortage, southeastern, southern, southwestern, spill, suburb, surface, swear, thus, tornado, tsunami, valuable, value, view, volcano, wave, western, witness Phrasal verbs: to cut down, to cut off, to cut out, to cut up Word combinations: acid rain free of charge get rid of something heavy shower lack of something oil spill rush hour shortage of something traffic jam volcano eruption Phrases to give psychological support: Calm down. Don’t take it to heart. I’m sure you can cope with this. 1 shouldn’t worry about it/that. Take it easy. Don’t bother about it/that. Idioms: as black as coal as dead as a dodo as high as a kite as nervous as a cat as weak as a kitten Don’t be afraid. Don’t worry your head about it. I assure you: everything will be fine. I think you’re overreacting. Where there’s life there’s hope. as brave as a lion as as fresh as a daisy as as happy as a lark as as old as the hills as Express the same in one word. Use your new vocabulary. 1. to get something — 2. things that are owned by someone — 3. an area near a large city but away from the centre where there are a lot of houses — 4. to treat waste materials so that they can be used again — 5. the art, buildings, traditions etc that a society considers important to its history and culture —_______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. easy to see, notice or understan 7. to take control of land or people using soldiers — 8. to save someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation — 9. a lack of something you need or want — 10. the outside part of something — _ 11. the physical state of someone or something —________ 12. a large number of people in the same place —________ 13. something very bad that happens and causes a lot of damage, kills a lot of people — 14. the degree to which someone or something is important or useful — 15. a part of your face such as your eyes, nose or mouth — Give English equivalents fo these Russian phrases. 1. нехватка питьевой воды — 2. извержение вулкана —_____________ 3. исчезающие и исчезнувшие виды животных — 59 с 3 н т ф ф 4. вспышки молнии и раскаты грома — 5. в полном цвету — ____________ 6. ужасающая засуха — 7. ливневые дожди и наводнения — 8. уничтожение лесов —_________ 9. живописные виды —___________ 10. захватывающие дух планы —_______________ И. поддерживать переработку вторичного сырья — 12. широкие равнины и огромные горы — 13. может разразиться землетрясение — 14. снизить количество сжигаемого угля, нефти и газа — 15. нефтяные пятна — Choose and circle the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 1. The (landscape/scenery) through which our train was running looked gloomy and unattractive. 2. A (hurricane/tsunami) is a very large wave causing a lot of damage. 3. How many people (attended/visited) the meeting yesterday? 4. If 1 have a long way to walk, I put on my most (comfortable/convenient) shoes. 5. The (rescue/save) team consisted of eight mountain climbers. 6. (Acid/Poison) rains damage buildings as well as trees and other 60 с plants. 7. The hotel was (comfortable/convenient) enough, the food tasty. 8. The (scenery/ view) from the hill top was absolutely breathtaking. 9. Let’s try to find a more (comfortable/ convenient) place to park the car. 10. We occasionally (attend/visit) this caf6 for a cup of tea and some pastry. 11. We loved the place, everyone agreed that it was (awful/awesome). 12. If you find five o’clock (inconvenient/uncomfortable), we can meet some other time. Use the appropriate prepositions from the box to complete the sentences. 1. What are you saving money________? — I want to buy a new pair of roller skates. 2. I wonder how this contract can be ___any benefit to your company. 3. The painting _ great value was kept in a glass case. 4. There were several witnesses the accident who claimed they had seen the car’s license number. 5. The whole country has the population _ seven million. 6. I can’t get rid the feeling that things may go wrong if we don’t interfere. 7. This small island is situated the coast of Norway. 8. How long does it take your dad to get to his work rush hour? 9. The fog moved _____waves and became thicker and thicker. 10. After their long walk they were___no condition to dance at the disco. 11. It was clear from the very start that the adventure was destined to end_disaster. 12.1 felt like screaming _ the silly boy but managed to control myself. 13. What if he is still dreaming to take revenge his enemies. 14. It’s hard to believe but the girl actually swore the other children. 15. The computer broke down after some water had been spilled all _ it. Choose and circle the appropriate function words in brackets to complete the phrasal verbs. 1. If you cut the cake (up/down), everyone will be able to get a piece. 2. We decorated the classroom with geometric figures cut (off/out) of coloured paper. 3. If all the woods on the planet are cut (down/out), what kind of air will we breathe? 4. I don’t need such a long ribbon, please, cut (oflf/up) a short piece for me. 5. Doctors often advise smokers to cut (up/down) on cigarettes first and then give up smoking altogether. 6. They say that several scenes have been cut (down/out) of the film. 7. When long hair went out of fashion, Ken immediately cut it (off/up). 8. There are several ways to cut (down/ofO the risk of cancer. 9. It’s advisable to try and cut (down/out) on salt and sugar. 10.1 cut (off/down) a thick slice of bread and spread it with butter. Use the appropriate idioms with as... as... to express the same as the words in brackets. 1. Julia rushed into the room (very pleased about something)___________________________ _________and said she had some great news for us. El 2. The Robinsons were in great need of money, in fact, they (had almost nothing to live on) ______________________________________and required urgent help. 3. When Anna feels nervous, her hands get (very cold)__________________________________ and begin trembling. 4. The town we were passing was (ancient)_________________________________ and had a number of excavation sites which were very interesting to visit. 5. What’s up with Irene? Recently she’s been (extremely nervous) _ This morning she actually shut the door on me and refused to talk. 6. This little lap dog is (not afraid of anything)___________________ .. It is also known to be greatly devoted to its masters. 7. After his long illness the child (has neither energy nor strength)_ _________, so we take him out in a wheelchair. 8. Now all the problems were forgotten and the girl looked (rested)___ _________and cheerful again. 9. There was no hope left: the poor old dog (was not breathing)_______ _________We knew we had lost him. 10. It took them hours to dig the hole. The ground was dry and (very firm) 61 c 3 Practise using the words of encouragement and complete the following microdialogues. 1. Don’t be afraid. 2. We’re terribly late! I’m sure we’ll miss the school bus. 3. There’s so much work to do! 4. Where there’s life there’s hope. 5. It’s definitely the worst day in my life. 6. Why are you all so mean to me? 7. I shouldn’t worry about it. 8. Take it easy. 9. Why should 1 wait? I hate waiting. 10. The test is coming tomorrow. I’ve never felt so nervous before. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. 1. The cobra is a common__________________________snake. 2. People were to know why the accident had happened. poison curiosity 62 С 3 3. The ring doesn’t only look expensive, in fact, it’s really 4. For a very long time the disease wasn’t considered to be_______ 5. He apologized for the . caused by his late arrival. 6. Farming in this area is hard to develop because of the_ ________ . of water. 7. Here a large _____of population can’t read or write. 8. It’s common knowledge that swimming can be really______________ to your health. 9. At last the children were ____________________________with their parents. 10. You should ------------------------------ Peter to sit the exam again. 11. Don’t be angry with Jane: she just ____________________________ to your words, that’s all. 12. They climbed the mountain from the_____________________________ side. 13. The TV programme is believed to have about five million ______________s. 14. Brighton is a ___________________________town in the south of England. 15.No one likes travelling in buses. % Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right. An Old Joke A gorilla went into a coffee shop, sat down and ordered a cup of coffee. The waiter was a bit (1)----------------------- at first, but there weren’t any other customers and the gorilla seemed quite (2) ____________, so he let him sit in peace. Who would like to have an (3) ________________________with a gorilla, anyway? value cure convenience short percent benefit united courage reacted southwest view coast trams or i crowded nerve friend argue In the kitchen the waiter made a fresh cup of coffee and took it in. The (4)------------------------gorilla handed him a five-pound note and I concerned went on drinking the coffee. The waiter went back to the kitchen to get some change. From there he watched the gorilla, who drank the coffee staring at the ceiling and looking absolutely (5) . disturbed The waiter thought to himself, “That gorilla won’t know the (6) -----------------------between a pound note and a five-pound I different note — he’s only a gorilla, after all.” So he took a pound coin and went in to give it to the gorilla. As he handed it over, he said: “With your (7) -----------------------, sir, we don’t get many gorillas in here.” permit The gorilla took the pound and replied, “I’m not (8) -----------------------, with coffee at four pounds a cup.” i surprise %B3 I Complete the text choosing the appropriate variants (a—d). Underwater Museum The waters around Mexico are (1) ^ with drivers. They come here from all over the world to (2) the beautiful coral reefs. But (3)---------divers do a lot of (4) to del- icate corals. So it was decided to build a new attraction to divers — the world’s largest underwater museum. “The museum will draw many tourists, (5) to give a rest to the natural reefs,” says Jaime Gonzalez, director of the West Coast National Park. Before the area became the (6) park, the tourists (7) climbed up the corals and walked on top of them. breaking and shattering them! There are supposed to be about 400 sculptures in the underwater museum. It was famous underwater artist Jason de Caires Taylor, who (8)------the world’s first underwater sculpture park. 1. a) favoured b)loved c) attractive d) popular 2. a) explore b) watch c) learn d) discover 3. a) experienced b) disexperienced c) inexperienced d) unexperienced 4. a) injure b) damage c) bad d) ill 5. a) letting us b) ensuring us c) assuring us d) allowing us 6. a) nation b) native c) national d) nature 7. a) although b) even c) thus d) nearly 8. a) created b) manufactured c) prepared d) caused 63 c Э Grammar exercises Qjj Complete the sentences with the indefinite articles where necessary. 1. Kate is excellent basketball player; she’s also good at tennis. 2. I’m sure Tom will be great success as teacher. 3. There’s wooden house with big garden at the end of the road. 4. Rucksack is bag that you carry on your back. 5. Jeremy gave his friends look of surprise but didn’t say anything. 6. Can you give me piece of advice? You’re the only person to whom I can turn for help. 1. 64 2. 3. c 4. D 5. Г+ 6. H T 7. 8. Ф Ф 9. 7. This could be excellent solution to our problem. 8. What terrible disaster it was! 9. Don’t make such fuss. Everything will be fine. 10.1 have friends who are constant support to me in my work. 11. My little sis would like to have hamster or guinea pig, she’s animal lover. 12. Friend in need is friend indeed. Complete the sentences with the definite articles. Whole world is waiting for a cure for this fatal disease. It’s only book of its kind, you’ll agree with me when you read it. 10.Today wind is blowing from north. 11.1 usually buy Christmas cards in local bookshop. Complete the text with the appropriate articles. When I was about to turn six years old, all I wanted for my birthday was (1)______cat. 1 didn’t care what kind of cat. I just wanted one — (2)_cat of my very own. Once we went to visit my mom’s parents at (3) farm in Indi- ana, and they had (4) lot of cats. One of them had had kittens — little fluffy orange and white ones. More than anything in (5). world, I wanted to keep one of those kittens. I should mention that, at (6)_____time I had (7)________thumb-sucking problem. My mother had tried everything to get me to stop sucking my thumb. Nothing worked. So when I started whining to her about wanting (8)_______kitten, my mom came up with (9) plan. She told me she would get me (10) kitten for my birthday if I stopped sucking my thumb. Which 1 did, immediately. And yet, as my birthday rolled around, I had my doubts my mother would live up to her end of (11)__bargain. I wasn’t sure she’d remember about (12)________kitten. So as you can imagine, when (13)________morning of my birthday came, I wasn’t holding out much hope. But when my mother came into (14) living room holding this tiny ball of yellow and white fur, and I looked into its great big blue eyes (this was before (15) eyes turned green), I knew (16)_____joy such as I had never known before in my life and never expected to feel again. (after Meg Cabot) Express the same in a different way. Use passive structures with the infinitive. 1. Newspapers report that two rescue teams are on their way to find the lost travellers. — 2. It’s common knowledge that the volcano eruptions in this area are very dangerous. — 3. We consider that the conditions for work here are ideal. — 65 4. A lot of people suppose that oil spills are among the worst ecological disasters. — c D 5. All my friends decided that the mistake was self-evident. —. 6. The government declared that the recent events were of great benefit to the country. — _ 7. The tourists felt that the landscape there was absolutely unique. 8. All readers thought that the new collection of stories was of immense value. — 9. The inhabitants of the big city hoped that the new museum was free of charge. — 10. The pupils discovered that the suburbs of the city had some places of interest. — Complete the sentences using passive structures with the infinitive. 1. Newspapers are expected to _ ^ 2. This African country is said to _ 3. The disease is understood to 4. The city centre was discovered to . 5. The problem was agreed to 6. Tsunamis are believed to____ 7. The water in the lake is considered to 8. The Ural Mountains are known to Write the same in one sentence. Use perfect and progressive infinitives with passive structures. 1. The house has been acquired at a fairly low price. It is believed to be so. —_______ 2. The volcano is erupting again. The fact is reported in newspapers.— 3. Scientists are working at the problem. It is a well-known fact.— 66 c 3 H T ■I Ф Ф 4. Drought has struck the central part of the continent. It is supposed so.— 5. Teachers are encouraging schoolchildren to sit more exams. It is said so.— 6. Glossy magazines are publishing articles about the new pop star. It’s hoped to be true.— 7. This rare species of cats has been saved from extinction. It’s declared to be a fact.—____ 8. People have become more aware of ecological problems. It’s considered to be so.—__________ 9. The stolen painting has been found in a private collection. It is known for a fact.—______ 10. The local people are trying to stop the factory polluting the river. It’s thought to be so.— Combine the adverb very with as many adjectives as you can. Find its equivalents for the rest of them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. incredible 9. understandable attractive 10. perfect awesome 11. fantastic frightening 12. _ horrible excellent 13. heavenly huge 14. wonderful breathtaking 15. common impressive Use a, the or zero article to complete the sentences. 1. My friend Jane went to college after she had finished _______school. 2. After the train crash the injured people were taken to __________ hospital. 3. The advocate had to go to-------city prison to visit the man he was defending. 4. It’s time to put the baby to ------bed. 5. During the war she was a nurse in_________field hospital. 6. Dustin said he wouldn’t go to work the next day. 7. In_______________church there were lots of admirable ancient frescos. 8. It’s only ten o’clock and you are ready for bed. What’s up with you? 9. Are you planning to go to______university after you leave school? 10. work was completed only in 1816. 11. Did you begin going to church when you were very young? 12. Let’s meet near____ university, I want you to see the campus. 13. He was sent to prison when he was 23 and left it only five years later. 14. There was a body on bed. But whose body was it? 15. My father is a teacher in comprehensive school. Use the definite article where necessary. 1. _ _ Royal National Theatre is a modern building on London’s South Bank. 2. Red River is a long river in the south of US. 3. _ Prague is the capital of Czech Republic, a port and an industrial centre. 4. Chile is a South American country bordered in the west by Pacific Ocean. 5. Central Park is the main park in Hague is a city in Netherlands where the country’s govern-Alps are a mountain range in Europe popular with tourists, ______Hermitage is one of the world’s greatest museums in Russia. 9. Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa on Uganda, . Tanzania and Kenya. 10. North Sea is an Atlantic Ocean between _ Great Britain and northwestern Europe. The Royal National Theatre New York City. 6. ment is based. 7. especially for skiing. 8. St Petersburg, the borders of_________ arm of 11. Prado is the national Spanish museum of painting and sculpture situated in Madrid. It has many important works of art. 12. La Scala is a famous theatre in Milan where operas are performed. Most of the very best singers have sung there. 67 c D Use the definite article where necessary. 1. Mayfair Hotel is situated in a fashionable area of London. 2. - Maldives are a group of small islands forming an independent country in Indian Ocean. 3. Snowdon is a mountain in Wales. It is the highest point in England and - - Wales. 4. Victoria is a large train station in central London. 5. Suez Canal in Egypt joins Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Suez and Red Sea. 6. Sunday Telegraph is a serious British newspaper which is printed and sold every Sunday. 7. Shannon Airport is an airport for transatlantic flights in Republic of Ireland. 8___Gobi Desert is one of the world’s largest deserts covering half a million 68 с square miles in____ Central Asia. 9.______ Cape Canaveral is the place in_________Florida from which rockets are sent into space. 10._______Princeton University is one of the oldest and most respected American universities. 11. _______Crimea is a peninsula in_________ Black Sea. 12._____ University of London is the third oldest university in England; it consists of many different colleges. 13. Titanic was a British passenger ship, thought of as impossible to sink, which on her first trip in 1912 hit an iceberg and sank, causing over 1,500 deaths. 14. ^ Man is an island in _ Irish Sea which is under British control and which has its own government and laws. 15.________Westminster Palace is the official name of the Houses of Parliament, London. Use a, the or zero article to complete the sentences. 1. ______Breakfast is the first meal of the day. 2. 1 had coffee and toast for breakfast. 3. ____breakfast was cold and unappetizing. 4. They had_______nice breakfast of omelet, cheese and sausages. 5. A meal that combines breakfast and____________lunch is called_______brunch. 6. Take lunch to work. 7. How much did you pay for____ lunch? 8. I prefer hot lunch to cold one. 9. They met at lunch to discuss some problems. 10. Mr Peck found________dinner most satisfying. 11. There will be____ black-tie dinner on May 15th. 12. The restaurant is open for_____dinner from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. 13. It was_____lavish dinner,______dinner to remember. 14. What’s for_______supper? 15.1 usually have quick supper when 1 get home from work. 16. _____supper is ready. Come quickly. 17. Thank you very much for supper. 18. We usually have _ . tea in the early evening. 19. She invited him to tea. 20. ^ tea consisted of some sandwiches and salad. Choose the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the sentences. 1.1 was told that if I with the test, I part in the competition. cope,take 2. It was in the news yesterday that a powerful tornado_________________ the eastern part of the country. 3. The cultural heritage of the country must _ ____ 4. This museum seems to have the _ paintings of Russian artists. 5. Come with me and you’ll see the suburbs of the city__________________. 6. Do you know the news? Jim_____________________________lectures on art in the picture gallery. 7. My___________________________question is about the living conditions in the summer camp. 8. Look, someone __ water over the floor. Be careful, it’s slippery. 9. Do you think electronic books are paper ones? 10. The terrible disaster, ago. Choose the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the text. than by scientists a long time strike save valuable you attend 69 c three 3 r+ H spill Ф Ф convenient predict In 1844 Charles Darwin wrote the (1) pages of his future book. By that time he already (2) _ his theory of evolution. Any- how, Darwin didn’t publish the book but just showed it to the (3) ____ _ friends. He knew very well the book (4) . _ ___ religious people. When The Origin of Species (5) _______ in 1858, many people got really angry because it didn’t agree with the Bible: one formulate close upset publish 70 с D if evolution was true, it (6) ______ ________________________ that mean humans, like all other living things, were descended from some primitive creature or other. The (7) _------- can- likely didate for our ancestor was the monkey. At the time Darwin died in 1882, some scientists gradually (8) — to think he might be right. begin Today, many scientists agree that living things change, but that evolution is much (9) than Charles Dar- complicated win realized. Open the brackets and make the story complete. A Portrait for a Pound It happened on a warm summer morning. The sun (1) (shine)___________________________ brightly in the blue sky. Mr Grant, a painter (2) (sit) _______________ ______________ at the window, (3) (look) ______________ (4) (walk) _ (5) (strike) out of it. He saw an old country man ____ _____ ________nearby. The painter ------------------------- by the man’s appearance as he (6) (never see) (7) (pull) such a tall man with so long grey hair which ___ down his face. Suddenly Mr Grant became eager to make the portrait of the man at once. So his female servant (8) (send) _ _ . out to tell the grey-haired man that her master wanted to paint him. The old man (9) (ask)___________________________________________ what sum of money the painter (10) (pay) _______________________________________ him. The girl replied that the model (11) (give) __________________________________ a pound if he (12) (agree)________________________________ _______________ Then the servant added, “It (13) (be)_________________________an easy way (14) (get)________________________________ this pound, I (15) (believe) you really (17) (need) And I (16) (notice)__________ money,” she added. “Oh, I (18) (do)! ! I (19) (be) in need of it all my life. I was only thinking how the paint (20) (get) ____________off afterwards,” came the reply. V. WRITING Write a one-page essay on one of the following topics. 1. The Worst Ecological Threat to Our Planet You can mention the following: a) what the threat is; b) why, in your view, it presents a great danger; c) how the problem can be solved; d) how deeply you feel about the threatening situation. 2. People Against Mother Nature You can mention the following: a) some examples of people ruining the natural world; b) why it happens; c) what you feel about it; d) if other people always share your opinion. 3. Mother Nature Against People You can mention the following: a) some examples of natural disasters shaking the planet; b) if natural disasters can be predicted; c) if people unwillingly cause some of them and how; d) how people can help each other in case of a disaster. 4. The Natural World and What Role It Plays in Your Life You can mention the following: a) where you can be at one with nature; b) what effect watching wild life makes on you; c) if our planet can be a friendly place for all — people, animals and plants; d) in what way you (can) help wild life to survive. 5. The Idea of Having Zoos and Botanical Gardens You can mention the following: a) when zoos and botanicals appeared and why; b) if they are often visited and by whom; c) what scientific work they do; d) what sort of zoos and botanicals could be called ideal. 71 c 3 У A Ф VI. Bonus for Eager Learners A. Read the lyrics of the song. Find its recording and listen to it. Sing the song along if you find it enjoyable. Man Gave Names to All the Animals {Bob Dylan) Refrain Man gave names to all the animals In the beginning, in the beginning Man gave names to all the animals In the beginning, long time ago. He saw an animal that liked to growl Big furry paws and he liked to howl 72 С D Great big furry back and furry hair Ah, think Г11 call it a bear. Refrain He saw an animal up on a hill Chewing up so much grass until she was filled He saw milk coming out but he didn’t know how Ah, think I’ll call it a cow. Refrain He saw an animal that liked to snort Homs on his head and they weren’t too short It looked like there wasn’t nothing that he couldn’t pull Ah, think I’ll call it a bull. Refrain He saw an animal leaving a muddy trail Real dirty face and a curly tail He wasn’t too small and he wasn’t too big Ah, think I’ll call it a pig. Refrain Next animal that he did meet Had wool on his back and hooves on his feet Eating grass on a mountain side so steep Ah, think I’ll call it a sheep. Refrain He saw an animal as smooth as glass Slithering his way through the grass Saw him disappear by a tree near a lake... B. Read the poem. In its lines the author calls ducks beautiful comical things. Discuss with your classmates what other animals can be referred to this category. Explain why. Ducks (F. W. Harvey) 1. From troubles of the world I turn to ducks. Beautiful comical things Sleeping or curled Their heads beneath white wings By water cool. Or finding curious things To eat in various mucks Beneath the pool. Tails uppermost, or waddling Sailor-like on the shores Of ponds, or paddling Left! Right! — with fanlike feet Which are for steady oars When they (white galleys) float Each bird a boat Rippling at will the sweet White waterway... When night is fallen you creep Upstairs, but drakes and dillies Nest with pale water-stars. Moonbeams and shadow bars. And water lilies: Fearful too much to sleep Since they’ve no locks To click against the teeth Of weasel and fox. And warm beneath Are eggs of cloudy green Whence hungry rats and lean Would stealthily suck New life, but for the mien The bold ferocious mien Of the mother-duck. 2. Yes, ducks are valiant things On nests of twigs and straws, And ducks are soothy things And lovely on the lake When that the sunlight draws Thereon their pictures dim In colours cool. And when beneath the pool They dabble, and when they swim And make their rippling rings, О ducks are beautiful things! But ducks are comical things: As comical as you. Quack! They waddle round, they do. They eat all sorts of things. And then they quack. By barn and stable and stack They wander at their will, But if you go too near They look at you through black Small topaz-tinted eyes And wish you ill. Triangular and clear They leave their curious track In mud at the water’s edge. And there amid the sedge And slime they gobble and peer Saying “Quack! Quack!” 3. When God had finished the stars and whirl of coloured suns. He turned his mind from big things to fashion little ones; Beautiful tiny things (like daisies) He made, and then He made the comical ones in case the minds of men Should stiffen and become Dull, humourless and glum. And so forgetful of their Maker be As to take even themselves — quite seriously. Caterpillars and cats are lively and excellent puns: All God’s jokes are good — even practical ones! And as for the ducks, I think God must have smiled a bit Seeing those bright eyes blink on the day He fashioned it. And he’s probably laughing still at the sound that came out of its bill! 73 c □ “I Ф Ф Unit Four In Harmony with the World 74 I. LISTENING c □ "П 0 c Listen to the dialogue, ^ (7), and complete the following statements. 1. Canada^ population is_____________. a) the second largest in the world b) the second smallest in the world c) proportional to the size of its territory d) not proportional to the size of its territory 2. Canada's motto is_____________ a) “From ocean to ocean” b) “From sea to sea” c) “From shore to shore” d) “From east to west” 3. In their free time Canadians enjoy__________ a) hunting whales b) feeding whales c) looking at whales out of interest d) looking for whales in the ocean 4. Canada has a lot of a) minerals b) waterfalls c) greenery d) lakes and rivers 5. The Niagara Falls belong_____________. a) to Canada b) to the USA c) both to Canada and the USA d) neither to Canada nor the USA 6. The Niagara Falls attract crowds of_________ a) photographers b) newlyweds c) athletes d) artists 7. Mr Weaver advises Peter to visit Canada's a) parks b) forests c) Arctic territory d) northern territory STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VARIANTS Listen to the dialogue, @) (8), and decide which of the following facts are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS). 1. Wendy and Gregory travel a lot. 2. Wendy and Gregory have never been to Africa. 3. Wendy and Gregory spent more than two weeks in Moscow. 4. Wendy and Gregory don’t think they will ever forget “Swan Lake”. 5. Wendy and Gregory visited South America in 2008. 6. The Day of the Dead is a festival that people celebrate in Mexico. 7. Wendy and Gregory don’t think there is anything sad about the Day of the Dead. 75 c D FACTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VARIANTS II. READING Read the texts (1—7) and match them with their titles (a—h). There is one title you don't have to use. a) Land of Many Tongues b) Home Acquired Again c) Country of Ice and Snow d) Source of Inspiration e) Variety and Unity f) Hardworking City g) Hospitable City h) Travellers from Far Away 76 с э 1. Historically, Canada has been influenced by British, French and aboriginal cultures and traditions. Many Canadians see their country as a multicultural mosaic — a collection of several regional, aboriginal, and ethnic subcultures. For example, aboriginal peoples continue to influence the Canadian identity through their language, art, and music. At the same time English influence is stronger in English Canada while French influence dominates in French Canada. 2. Ottawa, the capital of Canada, is one of the country’s most attractive cities. It’s the public face of Canada for many people so the city has been kept lovely and welcoming. It has many parks, museums, art galleries and universities. Some of Ottawa’s historic buildings go back to the early 1800s. 3. About 77 per cent of Canadians live in cities and towns. The largest city in Canada is Toronto. If you ever go there, you’ll see one of the world’s tallest buildings, the CN Tower. Toronto is the country’s business centre and home to the largest companies and banks. Canada’s official languages are English and French. But many other languages are spoken there, including Inuktitut (the language of the Inuit, or Eskimos) and other Canadian Indian languages. Canadian Indians are also known as First Nations people. In 1999, one half of Canada’s territory was officially returned to the Inuit people. The name of this new territory is Nunavut. In Inuktitut it means “Our land”. The Inuit live throughout most of the Canadian Arctic and subarctic in the northern third of Quebec, in Labrador and in various parts of the Northwest Territories, particularly around the Arctic Ocean. 6. The Vikings first landed in North America well before Christopher Columbus was even bom. It happened about 1,000 years ago. But the territory of Canada had been inhabited for thousands of years before the Vikings arrived. The first people came to Canada from Siberia. It happened in the middle of the Ice Age, about 27,000 years ago. They crossed a bridge of land which joined Siberia and Alaska. 7. The Yukon is a territory in northwest Canada where the Klondike Gold Rush took place in the 1890s. Jack London came to the Yukon in September of 1897. He was 21 years old and full of hopes to find gold. Although he didn’t become rich, he later turned his Юondike adventures into fame and fortune with his legendary short stories and books. 4. 5. TEXTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 TITLES EXTRA Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a—h). There is one phrase you don't have to use. a) a third of those go abroad b) chose to stay at hotels c) is still the favourite holiday d) sent postcards e) 21 per cent go away several times 0 favourite holiday was g) prefer to do it at home h) couldn’t afford one Seaside Holidays Still Tops Lazing around on a beach (1) ___________for Britons. And most of the British people (2) ., despite the popularity of foreign sunspots. According to one of the national surveys, nearly 60 per cent of holidaying Britons head for the seaside and only (3) Forty per cent of them take one holiday a year, but (4) Last year 39 per cent didn’t have a holiday at all, explaining that they (5)_____A third of those who went away (6)------------or guest houses. A fifth preferred to camp or caravan. The least (7)-----------the two-wheeled sort cycling or touring by motorbike. STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PHRASES EXTRA 77 c D Read the text and complete the statements after it. Scotland and Aberdeen Scotland has many different faces. It has busy cities, quiet islands, mountains, lochs (the Scottish word for lake) and large areas of beautiful and empty countryside. It has Highland Games, Highland dancing, bagpipes and traditional music. It has strange and dark stories from history and beyond. And there is present-day Scotland, a small but dynamic country, with its own special character and identity. Traditions and history come together with new ideas from the young Scots of today to make Scotland an exciting and modern country. Aberdeen is Scotland’s third-largest city with a population of just over 200,000. It is situated in the cold northeast comer of Scotland and it is a city that people either love or hate. Those who hate it describe it as grey, cold and unwelcoming. It is true that the city is grey; it is often called as ‘Granite City’ because most of the buildings are made out of grey granite stone. It is also true that the weather can be bad: the city is further north than Moscow and there is often snow, icy rain and strong winds. And the grey and cold make it seem unwelcoming. However, that is not a full story. Aberdeen is one of the cleanest cities in Britain. Also, almost any open space seems to be a park: there are beautiful flower gardens and green areas in all parts of the city. There is a busy harbour. There are fantastic museums and art galleries. There are theatres, concert halls, cinemas and clubs. It has the best beach of any large city in Britain — though only a brave person goes swimming that far north in the North Sea! And since the 1970s Aberdeen has been the ‘oil’ city of Britain. Oil from the North Sea has brought money and people to Aberdeen, making it a busy, exciting place. City or country, castle or hut, mountain or loch, there is so much to enjoy about Scotland. Its history is rich and interesting; its traditions alive and colourful. There are dark stories of the past full of bloody fights and murders, but the Scotland of today is an exciting country 78 с э looking forward to a bright future. Its people are friendly and generous — do not believe those who tell you something different! It is a country that has moved into the 21st century with hope and promise. 1. Scotland is_______ a) a country of talanted musicians and dancers b) very much different from other countries of the world c) a country where habitual things are opposed to modern ones d) a quickly developing country full of various aspects of life 2. In Aberdeen------------ a) all houses are made of granite b) the population is not friendly c) people can have very unpleasant weather d) the population mostly dislikes their native city 3. Some people dislike Aberdeen because-------- a) all its buildings are made of stone b) the city is not warm and inviting c) it is further north than Moscow d) it has a very large population 4. Lots of people find Aberdeen exciting as - a) there are a lot of places to see there, a lot of events to take part in b) it is really great to swim that far north c) only brave people can live there d) it has become a city for rich people 5. Aberdeen is____________ a) the richest city of Scotland b) the city without empty spaces c) better than any other large city in Britain d) a city full of vegetation 6. The Scotland of the past-----------. a) had castles and huts b) was never friendly and generous c) had some very painful and sad events d) was rich and colourful 7. The Scotland of today________________ a) is an industrial country b) has lots of frightening traditions that came from the past c) has lots of outgoing people who have great hopes for their future d) is different from the other British territories STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VARIANTS Read the text and decide which facts in the statements after it are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS). Family Taking to the High Seas The Koehorst family are setting off on a family adventure of a life time, which will take them to exotic places all over the world. Dina and Pete Koehorst live in Cape Town, South Africa. They have two sons — Robin and Matthew. The elder boy Robin is eight, his brother is five. Dina and Pete are experienced sailors. They say they have always wanted to go on a sea voyage, they have wished to do it for more than ten years. “We have always been dreaming about the day when we can sell our house and business in exchange for a life on the sea,” said Mrs Koehorst in the interview last Friday. “We suddenly realized it was now or never. Our sons are young enough for us to cope with their education on board. The school staff have been very supportive. They have given us enough notes to use. I think they can last two years,” she added. The Koehorsts put their house on the market and were surprised when it was sold within a week. Two weeks later they sold their business and looked around for a yacht. They bought just a lovely one. It was given the name of Coquette III. Dina’s brother Richard Dennison is going to join his sister’s family together with his girlfriend Lisa Templeton. “It’s the right time to go,” they say. “We hope to reach the US by December and will decide then whether to go to the Mediterranean or back to the Pacific,” explains Richard. The crew will leave Cape Town this week sometime — weather permitting — and head for St Helena. Next stop will be an island off Brazil and from there they plan to cruise the Caribbean. But how are the six people going to cope on a 13.6 m yacht with three cabins for weeks and weeks on end? Dina said, “That shouldn’t be a problem. We have always lived closely together and Pete and I worked together for years.” 1. Mr and Mrs Koehorst have often been to the sea before. 2. They didn’t expect to sell their house so quickly. 3. It was Richard Dennison who gave the name to the yacht. 4. They have planned the voyage all together. 5. Pete and his wife began to think about such a trip before their sons were born. 6. The final place of their voyage is Brazil. 7. They are planning to be away for a long time. 79 c STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VARIANTS III. SPEAKING Ж Choose one of the two pictures and comment on it. Mention the following: a) what you can see in the picture; b) what and who you can see in the picture (in its centre/at the top/at the bottom/on the left-hand side/on the right-hand side of it); c) what is happening in the picture; d) what thoughts and feelings the picture arouses. 80 с 3 Your relative has just come back from Brazil. You want to know his impressions. Ask 5 questions to find out the following: 1. the time he/she spent there; 2. the places he/she visited; 3. the people he/she met; 4. memorable events during his/her stay; 5. the weather during his/her stay. Compare the two pictures according to this outline. 1. Give a brief description of the pictures and say what is happening in them. 2. Say what the pictures have in common. 3. Say in what way the pictures are different. 4. Say which of the pastimes presented in the pictures you’d prefer. 5. Explain why you prefer it. You may find these phrases useful 1 would like to tell you a few words about these pictures. Let me describe the first picture..., in the second one you can see... I’d like to stress/emphasize... First..., secondly... As I was saying... Another point is..., Next... Finally..., In conclusion... It’s quite difificult/easy to compare them... The pictures have some things in common... They both show.../ There are... in both of them.../They both have got... And yet I can trace some differences... The first picture.../ The picture on the right.../ The (top/bottom) picture... While in the first picture the viewer’s attention is drawn to..., the second one emphasizes... The setting is different... The impressions produced are not alike. Kwssflapswf» IV. USE OF ENGLISH » - . - ^ t- Vocabulary exercises Revise the vocabulary of Unit 4. Words: afire, afloat, afraid, airsick, alight, alike, alive, alone, amazing, ashamed, asleep, awake, awesome, breathtaking, defeat(ed), divide, fear, gather, handsome, homesick, huge, journey, pour, recall, remarkable, request, seasick, settle, sick, skill(ed), slip, striking, superb, tie (v), travel (n), travelsick, trip, trouble Phrasal verbs: to set about, to set aside, to set down, to set off/out 81 Word combinations: c ill effects ill news to gather mushrooms ill feelings ill results to gather together ill fortune on board a ship to set out/off on a journey 0 ill luck to accept a defeat to suffer a defeat c Words and phrases to speak about shopping: a boutique at the baker’s a tableware shop a cash desk at the butcher’s to go shopping a cashier at the chemist’s to do window shopping a customer at the florist’s to buy sth on a credit a fitting room at the greengrocer’s to accept one’s payment a department store at the grocer’s to pay by cheque a shop assistant at the stationer’s to pay by card a shop window a footwear shop to pay in cash a shopping centre a ready-made clothes shop a shopping list a jewellery shop a purchase a home furnishings shop Words and phrases to speak about travelling: a direct flight an arrival a carriage (car) a delayed flight a departure a sleeping car/a sleeper a boarding pass/card an arrival/departure board a smoker a departure lounge a destination a non-smoker a luggage claim area a through train a compartment to book a flight a long-distance train a restaurant/dining car a luggage claim area a fast train a buffet car a duty-free shop a local train to go through the customs a single ticket a flight attendant a return ticket Words and phrases to speak about staying at a hotel: to stay at a hotel a five/four star hotel a receptionist at the reception desk the hotel staff to check out to put on the customer’s bill a single room a double room a twin room to give a tip to a porter/to give a porter a tip Idioms: to have the world at your feet to see the world to do somebody a world of good to think that the world is your oyster to be worlds apart to mean the world to somebody (not) to set the world on fire Match the words in the two columns and complete the sentences with the word combinations. Ж 1, request 2. recall a) the class b) the enemy 82 с D 3. settle c) out of the room 4. defeat d) out on the journey 5. gather e) the exact details 6. divide f) some water 7. pour g) in Manchester 8. slip h) your shoe laces' 9. tie i) something 10. set j) together 1. Could you 2. I would like you to 3. Let’s_____________ grown-ups are discussing their problems. 4. When are we going to _________________ the expedition? 5. Can you put on your jacket and _______ house? 6. If you________ ________ ______________ into the jar? _________ into three groups. unnoticed and join Clara and Tom while the ________________and discuss all the details of before leaving the you ask for it and usually have a chance to get what you want. 7. They got married and decided to 8. We are all sure that we’ll be able to the end. 9. He says he can’t_____________________________ about its general idea. 10. The travellers decided to____________________ to arrive at the coast at noon. and win in of the report, but he can speak _______early in the morning and IM Write English equivalents for these Russian words and phrases. A. 1. администратор гостиницы —__________ _______ 2. пятизвёздочная гостиница — . _________ 3. остановиться в гостинице —_________________ 4. дать чаевые носильщику — _____________________ 5. благодарить служащих отеля — 6. выписаться из отеля —______ 7. записать на счёт посетителя — . 8. одноместный номер —________ laces ['leisiz] — шнурки 9. двухместный номер (с одной двуспальной кроватью) —_________________ 10. двухместный номер с двумя односпальными кроватями —_______________ B. 1. прямой рейс — „ ___________________ 2. стюард/стюардесса —________________________________________________ 3. пройти таможню —________ _ ________________________ 4. посадочный талон —______ __________________________________________ 5. зарегистрироваться на рейс — ^ _________ 6. зона получения багажа — ____ _ _____ 7. зал ожидания — _ _ 8. магазин беспошлинной торговли —____ 9. забронировать рейс — ^ _ 10. задерживать рейс — _ . C. 1. скорый поезд — . _ 2. спальный вагон — . 3. вагон для некурящих — ____ 4. вагон-ресторан — __ - - _ 5. купе — __ ^ - 6. отправление — . _ — - 7. прибытие — ___ ____ - - — 8. билет в одну сторону — - - 9. место назначения — — — — \Q. o^pdcmbiVi {туда и обратно) — _ . - Paraphrase the parts of the sentences in brackets. 1. (Sign out) - at the reception desk before leaving the hotel. 83 c 3 2. You (are requested)____ conference. 3. The view was (striking) to register before the beginning of the ___and really incredible. 4. His bad habits are sure to get him into a (mess) 5. 1 seem to (remember)_______ ___ 6. When did they (set out) _ ___ 7. We usually (make purchases) ^ that she mentioned this fact, on their trip? on Saturdays. 8. As he’s often seasick, he tries not to travel (by ship) _ 9. There were many people in the hall and she easily (left the place unnoticed) 84 с э 10. Не was shaking with (fright)____________ 11. Passengers show their boarding (passes)_______ aircraft. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. when they enter 1. I get_________________if I travel in the back seat. 2. The young woman was____________________twice before she could even get to the bathroom. 3. Mr Foley never goes on a voyage as he always feels_______________travelling by ship. 4. I’m afraid I’ve got some________________news. 5. Eric misses his family and friends so much. I’m sure he’s being _ and can’t wait to return to Spain. 6. Nowadays very few people feel __________ during flights. 7. Don’t apologize, I don’t have any_____ _____ feelings, let bygones be bygones. 8. I don’t think you’ve done anything wrong, that’s just____________luck. 9. She is visiting her _ grandad who is in hospital. 10. We never travel by coach or by car: little Albert is always_________ _ on such journeys. 11. The house has accommodation for up to 60 chronically ____________ or disabled residents. 12. His mother is _ ____with a bad cold. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words (a—d). 1. Charlie Woodman was___________ a) travelsick b) seasick 2. The ship’s a) trip 3. You are a) requested 4. You can hardly more. a) avoid during the first month in the army. c) homesick d) airsick ____across the Atlantic took one week. b) journey c) travel d) voyage _ to follow the manager. b) required c) rejected d) recalled __________all the courses offered. Sign up for two or three not b) acquire c) appeal d) attend 5. I don’t think your aunt and uncle a) delay b) deserve ______such treatment. c) departure d) defeat 6. Constance Morgan was not very tall. She had regular features, a shapely figure and strikingly fresh complexion. In other words, she was as_____as a Greek goddess. a) handsome b) good-looking c) beautiful d) pretty 7. During the storm we managed to keep the ship a) alive b) awake c) afloat d) alight 8. Our opponents have__________ a) given up b) recalled the proposal point-blank Ч c) refused d) offered 9. We met some very interesting people in our______________about the world. a) travels b) voyages c) journeys d) trips 10.Disneyland is only a short _ a) travel b) voyage from here. c) trip d) destination Use the appropriate prepositions from the box to complete the sentences. 85 c D 1. In early spring they set out_________a trip____________the mountains. 2. The old cowboy tied his horse__________the tree and lay down-------------the grass. 3. Phil slipped__________the wet floor and nearly fell down. 4. Divide the apple pie___________the children and grown-ups. 5. No special skills are required_________the job. 6. I’ve always had trouble__________Greg: he’s so naughty. 7. These jokes of yours will get you__________trouble. 8. What will you get if you divide twelve________four. 9. Sarah quietly slipped__________of the house while the others were discussing their future journey. 10. You should divide the textbooks the two groups. _____the final. 11. Our basketball team was not defeated___________ 12. We buy medicines______________the chemist’s. 13. How did the battle end? — It ended----------------a defeat. 14. They did it____________the host’s request. 15______________the year 1996 they settled-------------California. point-blank — наотрез А. Use the appropriate function words from the box to complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences. 1. 2. 86 3. c 4. 3 5. ■П 0 6. c 7. 8. 9. 10 the problem of finding somewhere to live. some money for my children’s education. all those events in her diary. _ a third of his salary every month. She set I set some of the fruit for decorating the table. jtting___________for the coast? ----the problem with her usual energy. ;et-----------what you should buy for the party? the task of proofreading my essays before sending them to the editor. ik they set----------on their journey again. B. Use the verbs from the box in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences. 1. The members of the expedition________________off at dawn. 2. We had to--------------off the angry goat with a stick. 3. The President decided to--------------off financial help to these countries. 4. At the end of his letter Jim wrote, “I’d better___________off now. Love, Jim.” 5. We out at the hotel, hired a taxi and started for the airport. ---------out the rhythm on the drums. 6. On the stage the drummer was. 7. When are you going to______ 8. She-----------the advertisement out of the newspaper. out of the hotel? 9. Outside the rain was _ down. 10. The damaged trees were___________down. 11. I decided to--------down all my monthly expenses in my diary. Write the same in Russian. 1. The medicine did me a world of good. —_____ 2. Rose has been to many European countries, to India and China. I can say she has seen the world. — _ _ 3. Jim isn’t one of those who can set the world on fire. — 4. At the beginning of their career many people tend to believe they have the world at their feet. — ---------------—-------- ---------------------------------- 5. Her children mean the world to her. — 6. Gregory is so happy and inspired, he feels like the world is his oyster. — 1. Tom and Jim, my two cousins, are worlds apart especially when they speak about sport. —----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 87 c D Match the marked parts of the English phrases with their Russian equivalents. 1. Penny Bell seems to be able to solve any problem. — You bet. 2. I’m sure Hugh doesn’t get it. 3. Kelly has been doing the flat since morning. She’s absolutely knackered. 4. Boxing isn’t my cup of tea. 5.1 don’t think Aden can afford to buy a Volvo now, he’s a bit hard up these days. 6. Where are the papers, George? — I haven’t got the foggiest idea. 7. Oh, it’s 10 p.m. already! I must be off. 8. In ten days you’ll be lying on a beach getting suntanned. — Touch wood. 9. Thanks a lot, but I can’t have anything more, I’m lull. 10. Two days are left before the departure. I’m really up to my eyes. a) не имею ни малейшего представления b) да уж конечно c) постучи по дереву d) мне не нравится e) в стеснённых обстоятельствах о очень устал(а) g) у меня дел по горло h) я сыт(а) i) мне пора j) не понимает 1. 6. 2. 7. 4. 9. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. 1. Douglas is an ------basketball player to watch. 2. The ------of the house into apartments provided homes for five families. 3. Chicken poxMs usually a childhood----------------------- . 4. Rain made the roads -- 5. The incident raises - -- questions. 6. Cyprus is a perfect----------------------for a beach holiday. 10. amaze divide sick slip trouble set chicken pox ['фкт, poks ] — ветряная оспа, ветрянка 88 С D 7. The builders were and experienced. 8. The young girl was very beautiful, her companion was----- handsome. 9. A works at the reception desk. 10. Where is the_______________________desk, please? 11. You can try on clothes in a 12. Roy looked sad and_______ room. Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right. skill striking reception inform fit defeat Gibraltar is a (1) in the most (2) — enclave’ located extremity of the Ibe----------------- posi- rian peninsula with a (3) ---------------------- tion over the narrow strait that bears its name. This (4) ------------------------ position between the Mediterra- nean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, between Europe and Africa, and its (5) ___________________________ Rock are, undoubtedly, the two (6) -------------------- aspects that most influ- enced its history. The city of Gibraltar extends on a two-kilometre strip between the Rock and the bay, with land (7) ----------------------- gained from the sea. On the (8) -----------------------side you find the port of Gibraltar. On the (9)-------------------------side there is room only for abrupt cliffs and a (10)----------------------work of engineering for the storage of rainwater. Britain south dominate strategy fame geography partial west east skill ’ enclave ['enkleiv] — анклав {территория государства или часть её, окружённая со всех сторон территорией другого государства и не имеюи^ая выхода к морю) Choose the appropriate variants (a—d) to complete the text. Russians and Europeans (1) to the Far East because it is a unique destination. It is a home to many (2) _____________ cities and is considered the gateway to Asia and Alaska. Amurskaya Oblast (3) ___________ on the border of Russia and China. Its capital, Blagoveshchensk, is largely (4) ____________ to the cold version of New Orleans in the US. The city (5) ___________on the eastern (6) ____________of the Amur River. It is one of the longest waterways in the world. They say that’s the (7)____________point for trips to the Russian Far East. Most tourists are attracted to boat (8)__________on the river which (9)____________the (10)____________border between Russia and China. 89 c 3 0 C 1. a) visit b) arrive c) reach d) come 2. a) handsome b) beautiful c) pretty d) cute 3. a) laid b) lay c) lies d) lie 4. a) similar b) same c) alike d) like 5. a) is put b) is focused c) is located d) is settled 6. a)bank b) shore c) coast d) beach 7. a) leading b) first c) beginning d) starting 8. a) journeys b) travels c) voyages d) trips 9. a) formulates b) forms c) organizes d) does 10. a) nature b) national c) natural d) nation Grammar exercises Match the phrases (1—10) with the replies (a- 1. Jason is never travelsick. 2. We’ll avoid meeting them. 3.1 couldn’t have ill feelings for Sam. 4. You should always come on time. 5. You shouldn’t beat animals. 6.1 won’t go there by bus. 7. At this time yesterday they were buying tickets at the airport. 8. 1 prefer to spend my holidays in warm countries. 9. Two years ago the Websters spent a week in Brazil. 10.1 don’t like to go shopping. -j). a) Neither could we. b) So did my neighbour. c) Neither should your elder brothers. d) So were my colleagues. e) Neither is Roy. f) So should your friends. g) Neither will my children. h) So do 1. i) Neither does my sibling. j) So will they. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 5. 10. Write your reaction to these phrases (1—12). Use: • So do (did, will, have, am etc) I; • Neither do (did, will, have, am etc) I; 90 с 3 • But I do (did, will, have, am etc); • But I don’t (didn’t, won’t, haven’t, am not etc). 1. I never travel as a stowaway. —________________ 2. I always follow the advice I’m given. — 3. 1 have never been to Alaska. — ____ 4. I was flying over the Atlantic last afternoon. — __ 5. I have seen some cartoons about Winnie-the-Pooh. — 6. I’m doing my best to prepare for my national exams. — 7. I will go to Greece in spring. —-------------------------- 8. I should think more about sports. — 9. I don’t have pets. —___________________ 10. I’ve got a family of my own. — 11.1 can’t drive a car. —__________ 12.1 must take my national exams in June. — - . Use participle I or participle II of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. 1. The doctor (write) _______________________ out a prescription for my cousin is Mr Lenox. 2. You can’t use prescriptions (write) buy medicine now. 3. Not all the riddles (solve) appropriate way. 4. Barbara’s (bore)_______________ _ out two years ago to _____ were done in the the performance. 5. The travellers (exhaust) _ look evidently showed she didn’t like _______________ by their trip could hardly move their arms and legs. 6. It has been a very (exhaust)---------------------day. 7. The listeners (bore) _________________by the chairman’s very long speech nearly fell asleep. 8. The (explore)_________________territory was vast and uninhabited. 9.1 would say 75 dollars is the (sell)_______________price for this product. 10. (Love)----------------- parents are absolutely necessary for teenagers. 11. (Lose)________ friendship can be renewed. 12. The (expect)__________________results have never been achieved. Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences. 1. Our efforts were not in vain and half an hour later the boat was afloat. 2. It was midnight and the children were asleep in their cosy beds. 3. Mrs Stewart has been Gregory couldn’t sleep. He lay alone since her husband’s death. 4. Old awake thinking about his dismal* future. dismal ['dizmal] — мрачный, унылый 5. Гт ________ashamed for what I have said. 6. My mum and me are alike in many ways. Use the most appropriate modal verbs and their equivalents to complete the sentences. 1. I order you to go there. I am sure you do it. 2. {In a restaurant, speaking to the unknown girl sitting next to you) you pass me the salt, young lady? 3. Mum,_________________________I go and play football? 4. John is only six but he __ read very well indeed. 5. I work on your computer, Mr Fox, please? ____ come to the meeting exactly on time. I’m sure that 6. I think you_________________ will be appreciated. 7. Must I go shopping today, Mrs Harrison? — No, you_________________________We’ve got plenty of food. 8. On Monday I_________ . _ __ get up at half past six not to be late for work. 9. In the end we____________ . to find the building we needed. 10. You_________________________do it again, son. It is dishonest. Write what you are likely to say in the following situations. Decide which of the modal verbs from the box are the most appropriate and write down the sentences. 1. You are speaking to your mother. Ask her if it is possible for you to return at ten. — 2. Ask your friend to help you to carry the box upstairs. — 3. Ask the shop assistant to show you the camera. — 4. You’d like to look at the new dictionary that is in the shop window. Ask if it is allowed. — 5. You’dliketovisityourrelativewhoisinhospital.Askthedoctorifitisallowedandbepolite.— 91 c 3 6, Ask your teacher if he/she is not against your using his/her pen. — 7. You’d like to help your friend to take off her coat. — 8. You’re carrying two suitcases. You’d like a passer-by to open the door for you. 92 c D 9. You’d like your sister to pour you a cup of tea. — 10. You are busy and ask your friend to wait a minute before the two of you can talk. Think how probable the situations below could be for you in real life and complete them using the modal verbs from the box. 1. My family ____________ go abroad next summer. 2. My parents ___________ buy a pet for me. 3. I _____________ be invited to my best friend’s birthday. 4. It be pleasant outdoors tomorrow according to the weather forecast. 5. My friends and 1 ____________ see each other in July and August. 6. All my friends ___________ be happy to see each other on the 1st of September. Match the situations and the sentences. Take the degree of probability into account. Ж 1. You are absolutely sure that your holidays will be interesting and enjoyable. 2. You think that your holidays will be rather boring but there is a little hope that something interesting will happen. 3. You are sure that your holidays will be fairly enjoyable but there is a small chance that something will spoil them. 4. You are 50 per cent sure that you’ll have wonderful holidays. 5. You know that there is a high degree of probability that some serious problems will occur during your summer holidays but you tend to believe you’ll be able to cope with them. a) I think my holidays may be interesting and enjoyable. b) I think my holidays must be interesting and enjoyable. c) I think my holidays can be interesting and enjoyable. d) 1 think my holidays could be interesting and enjoyable. e) I think my holidays might be interesting and enjoyable. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0 Match the questions with the answers to them 1. Where is Sid? 2. That’s a wonderful tablecloth. 3. Roger and Tina have been away for several days. 4. Why are you so late? 5. Wow! They have won! 6. It’s so quiet at home! Is anybody in? a) They could have gone to Spain. b) I know I should have come earlier, but I got in a traffic jam. c) He is in the office. He may be finishing his report. d) Everybody is but they can be sleeping. e) Yes, indeed. The team must have played very well. 0 It is. Mum must have bought it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs on the right to complete the sentences. 1. Philip says he______________________English since his childhood. learn Now he speaks English fairly well. 2. Do you know when nylon _ __? 3. Where is Chris? — He is in the garage. He_______________________ petrol into the car tank. 4. All the boys______________________awake in their beds. Everybody expected Santa Claus 5. The cake_____________ the table. 6. Jack said they ______ in the fireplace. into 6 pieces was in the middle of ______ an amazing time at the moment when I phoned. 7. Alice left the room unnoticed, she Just of the house and_______________________ out 8. He entered the hall and hook. 9. I knew that Jack_______ to bus station. his coat on the returned to Liverpool. 10. He said he___________ to visit that far-away island, in London. ________by car all his life till the 11. I don’t know when he _____ 12. James was sure he____________________ last day. Complete the text with the appropriate forms of the words on the right. It is common knowledge that Christopher Columbus (1) ----------------------------- America in 1492. But scho- lars believe that some people from the north of Europe invent pour lie appear divide have slip go hang into trouble long before we get request arrive travel discover 93 c о 94 С 3 (2) it 500 years i do before Columbus. They say that Erik the Red, a rich farmer from Iceland, once (3)________________________into trouble and had to leave (4)------------------ country. He (5)----------------------- his family and (7) (8) -------------- of another island to the west of Iceland and so he (6) ----------------------- --------------out to find it. The place ------------------ the and (9) get he hear take set find, give become become they run see, cover grow write one name of Greenland. Erick’s son, Leif, in the year 1000 sailed to Norway where he (10)-----------------------a Christian. He wanted his people in Iceland (11)----------------------Christians too. So he sailed home with two priests. On (12)---------------------way back they (13)----------------------into storms and fog. Eventually they (14)----------------------land. It (15)--------------------- with forests and was full of various animals. There were even grapes (16) ---------------------there! These made such good wine that Lief called the country Wineland, or Vinland. Later this saga (17) ---------------------down. Nowadays scholars tend to believe that Lief and his men were probably the (18)--------- -------— Europeans who reached North America. Open the brackets and use the appropriate verb forms to complete the text. An Improper Day Before the last war, officers in the navy when the ship was in port (1) (have)______________________ a lot more freedom than they do nowadays. Then they (2) (expect) _____________________ (3) (lead)______________________a busy social life, and they also (4) (take)---------------------an active part in sports activities ashore. It was therefore quite difficult for them (5) (find) —----------------------time for all their other duties. Usually, all the officers of a ship (6) (meet)____________________ _______together once a week to dis- cuss business plans for the coming week. One meeting (7) (hold) on board a ship one day at 5 o’clock, and after the regular business matters (8) (complete) ________________________it was the time (9) (arrange)__________________________the date of the next meeting. Friday of the next week (10) (suggest)____________________________by the captain, and Monday of the week after (11) (also mention)_____________________________, but neither of them (12) (suit) (already make)______________ (14) (agree)---------------- the members of the crew. They (13) _______________their arrangements for the weekend. So in the end it _______________ that the meeting (15) (take)_____________________ place on Wednesday since this day of the week (16) (be)_____________________just in its middle. As the officers (17) (leave)__________________, one of them (18) (hear) one of the sailors (19) (say the worst day because it (20) (interfere) , “Wednesday is with two weekends.” 95 c □ ЧУ 0 c V. WRITING Write a one-page essay on one of the following topics. 1. The Best Travel of My Life You can mention the following: a) when it was and how long it took; b) where you went; c) with whom you went there; d) what made it so memorable. 2. The Worst Trip I Can Remember You can mention the following: a) when it was and how long it took; b) where you went; c) with whom you went there; d) why it was so bad. 3. The More I Travel, the More I Like It You can mention the following: a) how much you generally travel; b) what ways of travelling you prefer; c) where you have been; d) why your interest in travelling increases. 4. Travelling Is not My Cup of Tea You can mention the following: a) what disadvantages you can see in travelling; b) negative experiences you had or may have while travelling; c) things you would rather do instead of travelling; d) if you think your attitude towards travelling could change. 5. It’s So Important to See the World You can mention the following: a) the world is full of wonders; b) the variety of striking things and awesome places; c) cultures, habits, traditions which are not alike; d) travelling as a way to understand life and people better. 96 c D VI. Bonus for Eager Learners A. Read the lyrics of the song. Find its recording and listen to it. Sing the song along if you find it enjoyable. Girl of the North Country {Bob Dylan) If you’re travelling in the north country fair Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline Remember me to one who lives there She once was the true love of mine. If you go when the snowflakes storm When the rivers freeze and summer ends Please see if she’s a coat so warm To keep her from the howlin’ winds. Please see if her hair hangs long If it rolls and flows all down her breast Please see from me if her hair hangs long That’s the way I remember her best. I’m a-wonderin’ if she remembers me at all Many times I’ve often prayed In the darkness of my night In the brightness of my day. So if you’re travelling in the north country fair Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline Remember me to one who lives there She once was the true love of mine. B. Read the jokes. Find some more English jokes and share them with your classmates. Say ^ what kind of jokes you like. 1. What’s the difference between dogs and cats? A dog thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice, warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... They must be gods! A cat thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice, warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... I must be a god! 2. Wife: There’s trouble with the car. It has water in the carburetor. Husband: Water in the carburetor? That’s ridiculous. Wife: I tell you the car has water in the carburetor. Husband: You don’t even know what a carburetor is. I’ll check it out. Where’s the car? Wife: In the pool. 3. — Do you think my salary is sufficient for you? — It is sufficient for me, but how will you survive?