Английский язык Учебник 7 класс Деревянко

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 7 класс Деревянко - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия New Millennium English (Нью Миллениум Инглиш):

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Н. Н. Деревянко С. В. Жаворонкова Л. В, Козятинская Т. Р. Колоскова Н. И. Кузееанова Е, В. Носонович Л. В, Талэи NEW MILLENNIUM ENGUSH АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК НОВОГО ТЫСЯЧЕЛЕТИЯ •юошгаваж 7 Учебник английского языка для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Издание второе Рекомендовать присвоить гриф "Допущено Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации" Зэключеннв Федерального экспертного совета Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации Мв 586 от 23 июня 2004 г. BRITISH COUNCIL Brookemead Engush Language Teaching ТИТУЛ T I T U L 2005 iVViVViV.VJ f-J in П n ^ У] ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Д36 УДК 802,0(075.3) С любовью и благодарностью к нашим семьям за их бесконечное терпение, понимание и поддержку, С глубокой признательностью к коллегам и учащимся учебных заведений, в которых мы работаем, Авторы Authors’ thanks and acknowledgements This project would not have been possible without the unfailing commitment and enthusiasm ol Ye. A. Lenskaya, Assistant Director for Education and English Language, British Council, Moscow. Our special thanks and deepest gratitude go to Diana Lubelska and Rod Bolitho, from The College of St Mark and St John in Plymouth, UK, for consultancy advice and Inspiration and to Ruxandra Popovici of the British Council in Bucharest for generously sharing her professional experience with us. We would also like to give our thanks to Ye. G. Borovikova and 0. L Groza from the British Council, who contributed to the book by their efficient management, administration and academic coordination of the project. The aufhors would like to thank all the members of the SC ELT Advisory Soard, utiose comments and suggestions have helped with the book, especially David Crystal, John McGovern, Katherine Walter, S. G. Ter-Minasova, M. Z. Biboletova, J. M. Kolker and V. V. Kopylova. Our thanks go to the SPEX Project Team, St Petersburg, for their help in developing the assessment component of the book. We would also like to thank M. V. Verbitskaya (Moscow State University), T, G. Dobroskionskaya ^Moscow S(a/e UmVeTsrfy). 0, Ye. Podolyako (Education Centre ОАО "Gazprom"), M. D. Pospelova (School No 1971, Moscow), Ye. S. Ustinova (Ryazan Pedagogical University) for advice and support. The authors thank the following individuals for the oral and written materials contributed by them: Carrie Woif, Jarmee 7?i;eu, Olga Sokolova, Tatyana Karyakhlna, Malcolm Percy Wilhelm Whynott, Sherrel and Stephen Jones, Pamela Martin. Special thanks to music band "Western-S", Omsk, Russia and Sergei Gruzdev, Omsk State Railway University, tor their music and songs, and to Andrei Pospeiov (Krasnoyarsk) for photography, to Peter Loeffler for his photo and Siberian International Marathon for website materials. Деревянко H. H. и др. Д36 New Millennium English: учебник англ. яэ. для 7 кл. общеобраэ. учрежд, / Н. Н. Деревянко, С. В, Жаворонкова, Л. В. Козятинская, Т. Р. Колоскова, Н, И. Кузеваноеа, Е. В. Носонович, Л. В. Талзи.— Изд. второе.— Обнинск; Титул, 2005.— 160 С.: ил. ISBN 5-86866-291-1 УМК “New Millennium Enflllsh-T" является составной частью учебного курса “New Millemijrrt English" для учащихся 5-11 классов общеобразовательных учреадений России, соответствует требованиям федерального компонента государственного стандарта общего образования по иностранным языкам. УМК состоит из книги для учащегося, Книги для учителя. Рабочей тетради, аудиокассеты и может быть использован при трех часах обучения английскому языку в основной школе. В книге для учащегося большое внимание уделяется формированию учебных навыков, умений работать в группе и представлять полученный результат. Тематика текстов и заданий соответствует возрастным особенностям и потребностям учащихся. В книге имеются грамматический справочник и алфавитный список изученной лексики. ББК 81.2АИГЛ-922 ISBN 5-86866-29М Н. Н. Деревянко, С. В. Жаворонкова, Л. 8. Козятинская. Т. Р. Колоскова, Н. И Кузеваноаа, Е. В. Носонович. Л. 8. Толэи, 200^ The erltish Council, 2004 Brookemead Associates Unnited. 2004 Издательство "Титул*, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение. 2004 Н. Н. Деревянко. С. 8. Жаворонкова. Л. В. Козятинская. Т. Р. Колоскова, Н. И. Кузеваноеа, Е. 6. Мосонович, Л, В. Талэи, 2005, с изменениями The British Council, 2005, с изменениями Brookemead Associates Umltect. 2005, с изменениями Издательство "Титул", дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2005, с изменениями Содержание UNIT 1 Keep in touch............................................4 UNIT 2 Ready, steady, go!......................................20 UNIT 3 Sounds cool.............................................34 UNIT 4 Stars and Sripes...................................... 46 UNIT 5 On screen ............................................. 62 UNIT 6 Me in the world.........................................76 UNIT 7 Past, present, future...................................88 UNIT 8 The world of mystery.................................. 100 UNIT 9 The universe is calling ............................. 112 UNIT 10 Welcome to Russia.................................... 128 Information gap exercises.................................... 142 Грамматический справочник.............................. 145 Wordlist / Список слов i Условные обозначения; } — Номер задания = п — Домашнее задание 151 — Работа е парах на разных страницах — Слушай кассету iVVAVVivv; U] у п г. К ' I V Keep in touch Lesson 1 School small talk la Ш Listen and find who Is talking in the big picture. • There is one extra conversation on the tape. lb Read and answer the questions. 1 Where and when can you hear these conversations? 2 What are the conversations about? tVYAVViVYJ f' U) U\i > YiVf, UNIT 1 Lesson t 2 Change the words in italics and act out the conversations. 3a Look at the big picture and answer the questions. 1 Why doesn’t anyone come to talk to the boy? 2 Why doesn't anyone come to talk to the girl? 3b Read and group the pictures. Good body ioriguage Bad body language A, Do you ‘‘speak*' good BODY LANGUAGE? TIP FOR THE FIRST SCHOOL DAY "Body language" often communicates what we want to say to people even before we open our mouths. It shows people what we feel and if we really want to communicate. What is “body language"? Friendly body language is a smile, a lot of eye contact, open posture (your arms and legs uncrossed), a warm handshake, If your body language is unfriendly (no smile, little eye contact, dosed posture, leaning back), people think that you don’t feel like talking or you are thinking about something important. Then they don't come to talk to you. If you want to have a good conversation, you should learn to speak good body language. (V.YaVVaYVJ IJ in I V \l\syj ! Y i Vo UNIT 1 Lesson I 3c Read again and decide which person in Ex. 3b you would / wouldn’t like to talk to and why. Example: I'd like to talk to A. A is smiling. 4 Think of advice you can give to the children in the big picture. Example; He / She should smile. 5 Do the questionnaire and find out If you can communicate well. LOOK have eye contact keep your arms and legs crossed shake hands be leaning back use an open / closed posture COMMUNICATION QUESTIONNAIRE TO n CQ ■TO TO TO Л TO c TO О £ . О * to % iS£ I g> s tD .. E to > Ф О S ^ V) * c TO • * <л to A i ,| ™ D> E >» • CO s TO о о то >. то tn ^ s то .5^ и то с о то с л то с *□ то л то с то о. о О) о с ‘5 о о g eft 3 □* • ffl о «•^3 0 о то оГ о Z Е ” со о Q - >'3 со от о о : Q Q СЭ см г» 01 Complete the phrases. 1 Good body language is... means... means... 4 The “secret language" of bees is. 5 Some whales can... 6 SMS is... 7 Wan2go 2da cinema I8er 2nite? means... 8 Cats can say... means.. 10 in ancient Egyptian means. Look at the key. You get five points for every right answer. Your score is 0-20. You cannot say a lot about communication. Are you shy? Or do you want to live alone? If you don't, study Unit 1 carefully to improve your communication skills. Your score is 20-40. You know quite a lot about communication. You have friends and you talk a lot. But sometimes you can’t say what you want to say and people don’t understand you. Other times you feel you don't know how to ask people to do something for you. What is your problem? Do you speak bad body language? Study Unit 1 carefully and you’ll gel your point across. Your score is 40-50. You know everything about communication. You can talk to different people easily, But... Can you talk to animals? Can you read hieroglyphs? Can you understand signs? Do you know any codes? Can you send an SMS message in English? If you can’t, study Unit 1 carefully to learn how. WlK У) UNIT t Lesson 2 [,esson 2 Could you say that again? la Look and match the pictures and the phrases. Can / Could you ...? — Of course / certainly / OK. you think you could „.? — I'm afraid / Sorry, can't. 1b Choose an answer from the LOOK box to match each request from Ex. 1a. Read the conversation aloud. 1c Read the conversation and continue It. Act out more conversations like this one. — Could you give me your pen for a minute? — Of course. Here you are. _ 9 LOOK \ Thank you. / Thanks.— That's OK. Thank you very much. — You’re welcome. That’s very kind of you.— It's a pleasure. ■ V UNIT 1 Lesson 2 2a Read the conversation and answer the questions. — I really enjoy swimming. — Sorry, could you say that again? — I like swimming. 2b Act out the conversation. LOOK~^ How does the speaker ask his / her partner to repeat what he / she said? Do the first and the third phrases mean the same thing or different things? Does the speaker use the same words in the third phrase? Why? / Why not? 4b In Ex. 4a change the word in Italics and act out the conversations. Choose a topic from the box. school subjects sports football teams pop groups computer games 5 Think of six other things to ask your teacher or your friend. Add them to the list. 1 Could you say that again? 2 Can you give me your book, please? 3 ... UNIT 5 Le&son 3 [,esson 3 Please read carefully 1 Read the notices and write them in two columns. Oo thisi Don't do thisi KEEP RIGHT NO EXIT NO aOGS NO JEANS ^ ' PLEASE QUEUE OTHER SIDE DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS ( NO PARKING ) ( NO SMOKING ] PLEASE TAKE ONE LOOK DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS NO PARKING 2 Look and match with the Russian equivalents. --------0 1 HE ВЫХОДИТЬ 2 НЕТ ВЫХОДА NO PARKING 1 ПАРКОВКА ЗАПРЕЩЕНА 2 НЕТ ПАРКОВКИ I PLEASE QUEUE OTHER SIDE i 1 ПОЖАЛУЙСТА. HE ЗАНИМАЙТЕ ЭТУ СТОРОНУ 2 ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, НЕ СТОЙТЕ В ОЧЕРЕДИ KEEP RIGHT 1 ИДИТЕ НАПРАВО 2 ДЕРЖИТЕСЬ ПРАВОЙ СТОРОНЫ 3 Look and match. 6 Draw a T-shirt and write your message on it. 1 press 2 pick up 3 hang up 4 dial 5 insert 4 Read and put in order. To make a phone call, follow these steps: When you’ve finished your call, hang up. | [ Dial the number. □ Pick up the phone and wait for the dial tone. □ Insert coins or a phone card. □ ^ Talk with your partner. ^ Pupil A: Look at page 142, do your task and check Pupil B. Pupil B; Look at page 144, check Pupil A and do your task. >> V \4 ■ 'rKvJ 9 U UNIT 1 Lesson 4 Ijesson 4 Who said “Miaow”? 1 Match the pictures and the names ot animats, birds and Insects. 1 whale 2 dolphin 3 ape 4 bee 5 peacock Do you think that animals can communicate? Look at the pictures, read the opinions and say ft you agree. Of course animals communicate, especially with us. My little dog can tell me when she’s happy, when she’s angry, when she’s hungry. 3a Read and match the headings to the parts of the text. 11 [ 1 Dance Language | 2 | | Animal Sounds | 3 j [ Tails Talk l41 | Body Language _ ANIMAL ENCYCLOPEDIA____ There are many different ways in which animals, birds and insects can communicate. I A I No one is surprised when cats miaow and dogs bark. But dq you know that dolphins can also produce sounds? Scientists think they can tell each other about danger. Some scientists believe that dolphins have a language to communicate with each other. Whales also produce sounds called songs. No one knows why some whales sing. Some scientists believe that one day we wilt learn how to communicate with these amazing creatures. GLOSSARY scientist — ученый called — называемый UNIT 1 Lesson 4 0 0 Animals do not have "conversations" like people. They show what they want with their faces and hands. Chimpanzees l,tfimpsen'zLz] show fear, anger and amusement in nearly the same way as people. Apes like gorillas, orangutangs or chimpanzees also signal to each other by the way they walk or stand. Sometimes you can see the leader of a group of gorillas stand quite still, facing in a particular direction. It means that he wants the group to move to a new place. Bees, who cannot make sounds or show anything with their hands, have a secret language which they use to show other bees how to find food. They do a "round dance". Birds have a beautiful way of communicating. To attract a girlfriend a male peacock shows his beautiful feathers. He turns and dances to charm her with his wonderful tail. 3b Read again and answer the questions. 1 Which animals can tell others about danger? 2 Which animals can sing? 3 How do apes communicate? 4 What is the “secret language" of bees? 5 How does a male peacock attract a girlfriend? 4a Read part В in Ex. 3a again and translate the underlined phrase. 4b) Compare each English sentence and its Russian equivalent and answer the questions. GLOSSARY anger [’жрдэТ — тев signal [’signal] — сигнализируют still — неполвижно facing in a direction — повернув ЛИЦО в определенном направлении feather (Тебэ) — перо charm [‘yirm] — очаровать LOOK want somebody to do something He wants the group to move to a new place. He wants the group to move to a new place. Oh хочет, чтобы группа перешла на новое место. Му dog wants me to feed it. Мой пес хочет, чтобы я покормил его. What equivalent words are missing in the English sentence? What is different about the verb in Russian and in English? What is the difference between the words in bold? LOOK 5a Listen to a radio programme and say which is true. 1 Dolphins can make sounds to talk to people. 2 People can talk with dolphins in their language. 5b Listen again and find out what Elvar wanted Carl Sagan to do: 1 to talk to him 2 to give him food 3 to scratch him again 6 Discuss with your partner what animals say and why. Example: When my cat is happy, she smiles and miaows. When my dog wants me to play with him, he dances and barks. 7 Find out about how some other animals communicate. Write a short encyclopedia entry. 1 me we us you you you you he him she her it it UNIT 1 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 :-) © or:-(© ? 1 Turn these text messages into spoken language. ^ 2 How much do you know about SMS messages? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz. 1 What is "texting”? a) sending short texts by mobile phone b) writing texts on a computer c} sending letters 2 What does SMS mean? a) Standard Message Sent b} Short Messaging Service c} Send Message Soon 3 What is the maximum number of characters that can be used in a text message? a) 100 b) 150 c} none of the above 4 How many text messages are sent each month? a) 5 billion b) lObtIfion c) none of the above Rrsl published in Team, November / December 2001. Copyright GLOSSARY aniuunl of characters — количество тнаков can be used — можно использовать none of the above — ни один из вышеперечисленных are sent — посылают Магу Glasgow Magazines / Scholastic. За Look at tho photos and guess who said: 1 I don’t like it very much, but I want the boy to be nnore organised, 2 I think it’s OK. I just want them to work properly. V 1 И harVi UlsHT 1 Lesson 5 3b Read and check your guess. Ш§' ho o\ What do schools say? For many schools, mobile phones are a real headache. They are a problem in lessons and a target for thieves. Some schooisjban mobile phones, others fine the owners of phones that ring or bleep during lessons. What do parents say? “My kids spend a lot of time and money sending texts. Of course, I don't like it very much. But t think they are safer If they have a mobile,” said one parent. “When my son got a mobile, I was surprised. He stopped hanging around the phone. He became more organised. And he made lots of friends,” said another parent. First pubifshed in Team, November / December 2001. Copyright Mary Glasgow Magazines / Scholastic. 3c Read the text In Ex. 3b again and add to each list. ® cos ;»( iS) cos You stop hanging around by the phone. It is a real headache for schools. 4a l*wl Listen to Lindsey^, Lee's and Michelle's opinions and write their names in the right column. :-) © 4b l^vl Listen again and tick the reasons the children give. 1 Mobile phones are good at school, 2 You can’t say much on a mobile phone. 3 You can make plans by texting, 4 You can stay in touch with your friends on a mobile. Are mobile phones good or bad? Express your opinion and give reasons. Example: I think mobile phones are good. You can stay in touch with your friends on a mobile. 6 Use this SMS list to write a text message to your friend. d = the r = are m2 = me too u2 = you too w2 = where to dS = date hb = happy birthday np = no problem pp = people wz = was atb = alf the best brb = be right back btw = by the way cos = because dat = that dun = don't f2t = free to talk gr8 = great 13 [VJi'V'i UNIT 1 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Ring me back 1 Make new words with phone. phone Listen and choose the right answer. More than one choice is possible. 1 Who is calling? a) Nicoie b} Jessica c) Nicole's mother 2 What does she want? a) to take a message b) to ask her friend to ring her back c) to ieave a message 3 Read these two conversations and answer the questions. 1 What is the same / different in the conversations? 2 Are the conversations formal or informal? How do you know? 3 How do the conversations start? 4 How do the conversations finish? 5 How do we ask to leave a message in English / Russian? И Nicole's mother: Hello. Jessica: Hi. This is Jessica. Is that Nicole'? Nicole’s mother: No, sorry. I'm afraid Nicole isn't here at the moment. Jessica: Oh. Do you know when she'll be back? Nicole’s mother: Sorry, I don’t. Jessica: Nicole’s mother: Jessica; OK. Could I leave a message for her? 'ifes, of course. Could you ask her to ring me back this evening, please? UNIT 1 Lesson 6 Nicole’s mother: Sure. What’s your number? Jessica: Nicole’s mother: Jessica: Nicole’s mother; She’s got my number. Right. I'll tell her. Thanks very much. Bye-bye. Bye. Мама Нади: Настя: Мама Нади: Настя: Мама Нади: Настя: Мама Нади: Настя: Мама Нади: Настя: Мама Нади: Настя: Мама Нади: Алло. Это Надя? Нет. Нади нет дома, Это ее мама, Здравствуйте. Это Настя. А Вы не знаете, когда она вернется? Нет, не знаю. А Вы не могли бы ей кое-что передать? Конечно. Пусть она перезвонит мне вечером. Хорошо. По какому телефону? Мы учимся в одном классе. Она знает мой телефон. Хорошо, Я передам. Большое спасибо. До свидания. До свидания. Read and compare this telephone conversation with Conversation A In Ex. 3. Use the questions in Ex. 3. Secretary: Ryan Johnson: Secretary: Ryan Johnson; Secretary; Chesterton Community College. Good morning. Can I help you? Can I speak to Ms Bridge, please? Certainly. Who’s calling, please? My name is Ryan Johnson. Right, Mr Johr\son. Can you hold on a minute, please? Sorry, I’m afraid she's out. She'll be back in about ten minutes. Can 1 take a message? 5 Charrge the names in itaiics and act out one of the conversations (AorC). Choose a role and act out a conversation with your partner. Pupil A: You get a phone call. Be ready to take a message. Don’t be surprised to hear something unusual. Pupil B: Look at page 142. 7. Write out one of the telephone conversations you had In the lesson or invent your own telephone conversation. 15 ihdfVi UNIT 1 Lesson 7 ' Lesson 7 Progress page 1 ® Listen and choose the right ar>swer. 1 Who is calling? a) Christian b) Ben c) Christian’s lather 2 What does Ben want Christian to do? a) to take a message b) to ring him back c) to bring a book Score; 6(3x2) Write wtiat they want. Examp/e: Wiff says, “A/ex, he/p me with my (юте\люгк." — wants AJex to help him with his homework. 1 The teacher says to Natalie, “Bring me the exercise book." 2 Your mother says to you, "Buy some bread for dinner." 3 The boy says to his dog, “Jump over the bench,” Score; 6 (2x3) Ask people to help you in these situations. Example: Yoo can’t hear what the teacher is saying very well. — Could you speak louder, please? 1 2 3 4 6 You don't know what this word mear^s. You can’t find your pen to write down a word. You want to know the time, Tbu didn’t understand what your partner said. You want to leave a message for your friend. Score; 10(2x5) 4 Match the phrases and the translations. 1 My cat wants me to play with her, 2 My cat wants to play, 3 I want to play with my cat. a) MoH кошка хочет поиграть. b) Я хочу поиграть с моей кошкой. c) Моя кошка хочет, чтобы я поиграла с ней. Score; 6(2x3) Write pronouns Instead of nouns. Example: I like the flower. — it t I'm going to feed the peacock. 2 I keep in touch with my friends 3 I’m calling my mother. 4 I have a date with Ryan. 6 Write notices for these situations. Example: 7 Read and put the paragraphs in order. 0 HOW CATS “TALK” High strong sounds are used for cat-to-cat communication. The mouth is open wide and the sound is very strong. Cats may growl or hiss, or give an angry wail. It is not very pleasarrt when somebody communicates with you like this. The vowel sounds are stronger, with the mouth open wide to say "miaow", “mew" and “mew-wow". These sounds mean that a cat wants you to do something or is asking for something. This is also how cals show surprise and that they do not like something. You can easily recognise your cat by his or her miaow. Often people think that animats like cats cannot express themselves in a variety of ways. What we hear from cats is just “miaow". But cat language actually has three different types of sounds: purrs, vowels and high sounds. Cats make soft sounds like a purr when they say hello or thank you, or when they want people to look at them. When cats purr, they don't open their mouths. GLOSSARY are used — использукзтсй growl — рычать hiss ~ шипеть vowel — гласный звук recognise — узнать soft — мягкий Score; 8(2x4} Score: 4(1 x 4) Total: 50 /а\Г*- iVT UNIT 1 Lesson В [esson 8 Fun with codes ta Read the text from The International Secret Agent's Book and find out what a code is. Have you ever wanted to send someone a secret message? A message that only you and that person would understand? You could write backwards or upside down, but that wouldn't confuse anyone for long. So what could you do? Some codes use signs and symbols to represent letters or whole words. See if you can make up a code. You could begin by using numbers for fetters: A= 1, В = 2, C = 3, and so on. ^----------------- What would this say? 19 5 3 18 5 3 15 4 5 19 GLOSSARY backwards Ibsekwadzl — Ш10М наперед upside dow'ti — снизу вверх confuse |k3n'0n:z| — запутать ib Read again and work out the coded message. 2 Read this paragraph and find what the last words mean. This code is more difficult. It was invented by a man called Gianbattista della Porta, an Italian who lived in the sixteenth century. Here’s how you decode Gianbattista’s message. First, draw noughts and crosses boxes. GLOSSARY was invented — бы.1 изобретсп noughts [nausl and cros.ses — крестики-иолнки A В C J К L • • • s T U D E F M N 0 • • • V w X G H 1 P Q R • • Y 2 • * • • • • HEED 3 Read and code your answer. You’ve just received a message. It looked like this: yjgp yknn aqw eqog? When will you come? Work out the code. Write the word tomorrow in the code, 4 Make up a code and write a message. 17 (Vi V UNIT 1 Lesson 8 5 Read about another code — the Ancient Egyptian alphabet — and try to send a secret message of your own. • Use the “sound" hieroglyphs to write your message. Match the sounds rather than spelling. Long before anyone invented tetters, the Ancient Egyptians wrote using little pictures and symbols. Their writing looked like small symbols and pictures which we now call hieroglyphs rhajaraghfs). Hieroglyphic signs were used in different ways. Some signs vvere pictograms: = walk, go. Some signs were used as rebuses: swallow, great Some signs gave extra clues about tricky words that had more than one meaning. For example; XiOfl орел and hurry. To make the right meaning clear, other signs were added: with the sign tor door _Г means open. Л GLOSSARY invent — изобретать Ancient Egyptians ['emjant i'(tsip/?nz] лревнис египтяне swallow I'swnbul — ласточка clue Jkluul — подсказка tricky — мудреный were added — добавлядись similar [‘simda] — похожие with the sign for go And some signs were used just tor their sounds. Some of the hieroglyphs on this page made sounds similar to the letters we use. UNIT 1 Lesson 8 6 Read the text, then the runic message and find out what the runic alphabet is called. GLOSSARY Y I Щ Ф f w the Phoenicians (fi'ni/anzl — финики йиы trade — торговать the Mediterranean [.meditrreinjan] — Средиземное море the tJreeks — греки runic |‘ru:mk| — рунический weapon ['wepan) — оружие jewellery f’cbuiaJn) — драгоценности I he story of the modern Roman alphabet begins with the Phoenicians, who traded and travelled all over the Mediterranean and beyond. They took their alphabet with them everywhere they went. The Greeks learned to use the Phoenician alphabet too, but they made some changes. The Romans took the Greek alphabet and changed it again. Like the Phoenicians, the Vikings were great travellers and traders. They probably saw the Roman alphabet on their travels and invented the runic alphabet to write inscriptions on monuments, weapюпs and jewellery. The Vikings took the runic alphabet to Britain in the ninth century. As a result they wrote Old English texts in runic letters. 7 Write your own message using the runic alphabet. 2 Ready, steady, go! ^esson 1 At the sports centre 1 a Match the sports and their nances. a) squash b) ping pong c) fitness training d) aerobics [es'rsubiksi e} bowling Cbauliq) f) karate IkaVati] g) weight training [Veit tremtol h) wrestling ['resligj i) athletics (seO'letiksI 1b Write the sports in the right column. Add more sports to the categories. • Some sports suit more than one category. Ball games Team sports Outdoor sports Sports done to music Other sports . 1 c Describe a sport for the class to guess. Example; It is an outdoor sport. You can do it in winter. You can do it on your own or in a team. You need special equipment and ice to do it. — Is it skating? Id Answer the questions. 1 Do you have a sports centre / club in your area? 2 What sports can you do there? UNIT 2 Lesson 1 , 2 ^1 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions 1 Whal sports do the boys like doing? 2 What sport would they like to do together? 3 Look, read and answer the questions, t What sport does Stephen like? 2 What sport doesn't Stephen like? 3 What sport does Pete like? 4 What sport doesn't Pete like? 5 Do the boys like doing the same sport? 6 Do the boys not like doing the same sport? I like runningf^ I don’t like playing badminton. 43 Write about the activities you like / don't like doing. 1 1 love .... 2 1 enjoy .... 3 I always do / go / play . 4 ! don’t really like .... 5 I never do / go / play,,,, LOOK So do 1. Neither do I, But I don But I do n’t. I И я тоже. A я нет. А я да. 4Ь Talk to your partner to find out what you have in common. Use the LOOK box to answer. Example: A: I play hockey. B: But I don't I play volleyball. A: I don't really like wrestling. 5a Look at the table and write / say who does / doesn’t B: Neither do I. do the same sport. Example: Dina plays football, and so does Kate. Dina doesn't do karate, and neither does Terry. Karate Aerobics Football Athletics Weight lifting Basketball Dina ✓ / / Kate / / / Simon / / ^crry / / / / 5b Interview two people in your class, complete the table and report the results. Example: Do you do karate/aerobics /athletics / weight training? Do you play football / basketball? 6 Translate the conversations. 1 — Мне нравится играть в теннис. — И мне тоже. ^[1авай сыграем в субботу? — Давай. 2 — Не люблю боулинг, — Я тоже: скучная игра, 3 — Я смотрю спортивные новости по ТВ каждый день, — А и нет. Не люблю спорт. Мне больше нравятся передачи о природе. \^Л V' ’.Nj-fifl 21 UNIT 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Meet the champion la Read and complete the gaps with the verbs can or would. 1 A; I'd like to play football. B:So ... I. It’s my favourite sport. 2 A: I can’t do boxing. B: Neither... t. I’m not quick enough. lb Answer the questions and work out the rule. • Do Bs agree or disagree to do the same? • How do you know which verb to choose to fill in the gaps? Complete the sentences with the right verb. 1 The bananas are tasty. So ... the oranges. 2 I’m in Class 7. So ... my cousin. 3 My brother can't play golf. Neither... I. 4 I watched a football match on TV yesterday. So... my friends. 5 My mother doesn't like loud music. Neither... my father. 6 My sister would like to play tennis. So ... I. 7 The game wasn't good, neither... the players. Do the tasks step by step and find out which sports interests you and your partner have. 1 Complete the table. f t ( t f I f r r f f t f t I usually do / go / play .... I can do j qo j play / ... . I cl like to do j qo j play .... Yesterday I did / went / played ... Talk to your partner to find out what you have in common. Example: Pupil A: I would like to go to the sports club on Saturday. Pupil B: So would I. Report to the class. Example: Kostya would like to go to the sports club on Saturday, and so would i 4a Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1 Who is in the picture? 2 What sport does she do? 3 Why is she crying? 4b Listen and choose the answers. Why do you think Marion is the champion? a) She is hard-working, b} She is ambitious. c) She is lucky. d) She is well-organised. 4c lih*l Listen to the interview and say what sport does for Marion. 1 She has a strong character. 2 She looks fit, 3 She has a lot of fans. 4 She earns a lot of money. 5 She makes new friends around the world. 6 She travels a lot. 7 She is popular. 8 She is very tired after training. 9 She doesn't have time for other interests. 5a Write the phrases in two columns. I agree. Sorry, I don’t agree. It's true. but.. Yes, but... I think you are right. It's true. Agree Disagree UNIT 2 Lesson 2 5b Write a list of ideas; V№af does sport do for you? * Sport helps you to be disciplined. ♦ Sport builds up your character. 5c Agree or disagree witti the ideas from Ex. 5b. Sport helps you to be disciplined. :) I don't agree. Sports training takes all my time and I don't have time to do my lessons very well. /Ч 6 Read the text and do the quiz. It’s true. I get up early to do my lessons on time. ARE YOU AS AMBITIOUS AS MARION JONES? he is the fastest woman in the world. Last year at the Sydney Olympic Games she won three gold medals and two Ьгопге medals. Marion plans to win more gold medals this year. She is very ambitious. How ambitious are you? Do the quiz below to find out. Which of these sentences do you think is most true? a) If you really want to, you can do anything, b) If you work hard you can be successful, but you need tuck too. c) Never work too hard — you might fail. You really wanted to win the school competition, but you came second. What do you think? a) If s not for me, I shouldn’t do it again. b) Next time I should work harder. sorry, but I did well. You want the main part in the school play, but the other kids are really good. What do you think? a) If s OK. There are other parts to act b) Keep on trying c) Go home because you aren’t going to get the main part There is an exam for your best subject at school. Do you: a) do nothing because you don’t want to be the best? b) study hard to get the highest mark? c) do nothing because the exam is easy for you? You are the slowest runner in the school team. Do you: a) ask your friend to join the team because he’s / she's a slower runner than you are? b) leave the team because you can't be good at everything? c) do more training until you start winning races? You are probably good at a lot of things, but you don't try hard enough. You’ll never succeed if you don't try. You are ambitious, but you like to relax too. Well done. Congratulations! You are very ambitious. You believe in yourself and you never give up. a = 3 a = 1 b-2 b=3 c= 1 c = 2 5-7 a = 2 b = 3 c = 1 8-11 a = 1 a = 2 b = 3 b= 1 c = 2 c = 3 12-15 Rrst published in Crown, May / June 2001. Copyright Mary Glasgow Magazines / Scbotestic. iH 23 ‘'JfV 1 UNIT 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Why I miss sports lessons 1 Listen and match the speakers and their reasons for liking sport. • There is one extra reason. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 a) likes being part of a team b) enjoys doing sport c) thinks that sport helps him / her to keep fit d) likes looking smart in a tracksuit e) likes taking exercise in the countryside 2a Read the teenager's letter to a sports magazine and say what his problem is. At echool I do three hours of sport a week. iVe always hated sport. When I can, I miss the lessons. This term IVe pretended that iVe hurt my leg so I don't need to do any sports at school. I even go to the doctor every week to do special exercises for my leg. The problem is that I can't pretend that I've got a problem with my leg all year. ( really don’t know what to do, I’m in such a mess. I really feel so bad about this. What should I do? Sam, 12 GLOSSARY _______ pretend [pn'tend] — притворяться 2b Read and say whose advice you like best. Why? --------------------------------------^ If I were you, I’d tell my parents what I've done and ask for their help. If you V carry on with what you’re doing, your lies will be discovered one day. If 1 were you, I’d just get my sports kit and go to the lessons. J. If I were you. I'd pretend that 1 am slowly getting better. In a few weeks you will be able to go back to your sports classes and no one will know what you did. Which words do the teenagers in Ex. 2b use to give advice? 3b Choose the best translation. If I were you, I would take up sport. a) Давай займемся спортом вместе, b) Я бы на твоем месте занялся спортом. c) Если бы я был тобой, я бы взял спорт. LOOK If I were, you I’d take up sport. If I were you, I would take up sport. UNIT 2 Lesson 3 4a Match the problems and advice. ■i ь и 9; °o i 1 1 run slowly. 2 I feel lonely. 3 I often get colds in winter. 4 I'm overweight. 5 I’m often late for the first lesson. a) Do regular exercise. b) Go to bed earlier. c) Go running every morning. d) Join a sports club to be in a team. e) Take a cold shower. 4b Act out short conversations. Use Ex. 4a for ideas. Example: Pupil A: I run slowly. My classmates laugh at me. What should I do? Pupil B: If I were you. I'd take up jogging every morning. 5a Write short messages describing your problems for the Help box. • Don’t write your name if you don’t want to. * i-hat. 5b Read the messages and give advice. 6 Read about Joanna’s problem and write a letter to give her some advice. GLOSSARY self-con.scious (,seirkDn/3s| застенчивый, неловкий I've never been really slim, so when I started school I was worried about PE. We did badminton and volleyball, which were OK, but i still felt self-conscious. At first I didn't like putting on my sports kit in front of the other girls in the changing room, but after a few weeks it was OK. Then we started gymnastics, i really hated it and my teacher. Miss Bell, made it worse. Last week one by one my classmates jumped over the horse. Then it was my turn, it was really high and I was scared. 1 couldn't move. Miss Bell laughed at me and joked, "Hurry up. Fatty!" It was terrible, i ran out of the gym. My face was red and I was crying. I don't know whot to do about PE now. Joanna,13 25 UNIT 2 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Football mania 1 a Read the title of the text in Ex. 1 b and guess why Kelly was kicked out of the team. a) She broke the ruies of the game. b) She was a poor footbaii player. c) The team lost the game because of her. d) Your answer? lb Read and check your guess. I WAS KICKED OUT OF THE TEAM I was seven when I first kicked a football around with my brother. Most of my friends were boys and I just enjoyed playing with them. I loved football so much that I went to the park every Saturday to watch the boys play in real games Then one day they asked me to play too. “God, you’re fantastic!" they said all the time. They were surprised that a girl could play so well and I was just so happy to be part of the team. The real competition matches were great. It was funny. Nobody in the other teams thought I was a girt. I had short hair, and they didn’t expect to compete with a girl, so they thought I was a boy! My team were wonderful. I was the same as everyone in the team. We played lots of games and I became one of the best players in the team. But it all changed one day when someone shouted, “Go Kelly!” The second time they shouted this, the fans of the other team complained to their manager, and I got lots of problems from the players. It was really horrible when their parents started to complain too, “Get her out, get her out!" or “Don’t let her pass." It was a very difficult time for me. I just wanted to play the sport I loved! But soon word got around, and more and more teams did not want to play with us. In the end my new manager asked me — through my dad — to leave. (glossary^ expect lik'spckt] — ожидать through [0ru:l — через 1c Read the text in Ex. 1b again and answer the questions. 1 Who did Kelly start playing football with? 2 How did she join a football team? 3 Why did she like playing in the team? 4 Was it important for her to play in a boys’ or girls' team? 5 What did she look like? 6 How did her team members treat her? 7 Why did the fans shout "Go Kelly!"? 8 How did the opposite team know if Kelly was a girl or a boy? 9 How did the opposite team and their fans treat her? 10 Why did she leave the team? 2 ) Guess the meaning of the “football” words in bold. 3a Match two words to form a compound noun. Id Give advice to Kelly as her best friend, her father, her team partner or her manager. Example: Friend: If I were you. Kelly, I'd join another football club. 3b Listen to the tape to check the words and the stressed syllable. UN)T 2 Lesson 4 4a Read the opinions and sort them out into two cofumns. Football Is for boys. Football is for everyone. Everyone can do sports like football. They do you a lot of good. You feel strong and healthy. ______________________ I don’t think girls should play football. They might fall and hurt themselves badly. I never thought about it: for boys or girls? In my opinion, if you like it and can do it, then why not do it? It's how I spend my free time, Complete the sentences to collect as many Ideas as possible. I'm against It. Girls shouldn't play football because... I'm for it. Girts can play football because... 5 Learn to debate: agree or disagree and give reasons. Example: / agree that football is for boys because you need to be very strong fo play a long game. Girls are weak. 6 Write a letter to Kelly's manager to persuade him to take Kelly back. Give three reasons. P Dear Sir, I'm writing to say that I agree / don’t agree that Kelly. ^ * -Л , LANGUAGE SUPPORT j I agree that... I I don’t agree that... formal greeting the purpose of writing ■ЬГ Kelly is... In my opinion... Yours faithfully, Simon Brown description of Kelly as a player your opinion about \who can play football polite ending ''A\| Л|^ у 27 UNIT 2 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Welcome to the SIM! ta Read and say what SIM stands for. Answer the questions. 1 Where does the SIM take place? 2 Who can take part in the event? 3 When is the next marathon? 4 How much does registration cost? 5 VWiat are the main prizes? 2a Look at the photo of a SIM runner and guess the information to complete the table in Ex. 2b. 2b Listen to the interview with the athlete and complete the table. Name Job before running Nationality Country Age Loeffler UNIT 2 Lesson 5 2c Listen to the second part of the interview, and choose the right answer. Peter likes running because he T a) wants to do some exercise b) wants to be strong 2 a) can practise it in the gym b) can practise it anywhere 3 a) can do it in the fresh air b) can do it when the weather is good 4 a) doesn't need special equipment for it b) needs expensive trainers 5 a) thinks that running is quite difficult b) thinks that running is the easiest sport 6 a) feels tired after running b) feels great after running 3a Learn to debate; givirrg reasons and adding more reasons. Example: Running. Easy or difficult? — / think running is an easy sport. You just come out of your house and start running. And / What's more / Also you don Y need special sports equipment LOOK We say: And,.. / What's more... / Also... We write: Also... / In addition... / And,., 3b Debate Anyone can run a marathon. 4 Write an e-mail to the SIM committee. SUnfiilrd Ч«11»»«ГНШи L-.rr- fjfHet' tft* . - - g,*5;B i 1».г [email protected] S!M • Say that you want to take part in the marathon. • Give three reasons, • Give your personal details (name, age, address, school, class, interests) UNIT 2 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 A fan of the Olympics? 1 Read the different opinions about the Olympic Games and say who is for and who is against. I love sport, so naturally I love the Olympics. For me, each Games mean two weeks of happiness. Millions of people watch them. I think the Olympics are popular because they're so exciting. Everyone wants to know what’s going to happen... Who’s going to win? All the traditional side — the flags and the flame and everything — that's great. Gustav (Germany) Sport, sport, sport. TV’s full of it these days. Every time you switch on it seems to be either the World Cup or Wimbledon or some other stupid, boring thing. And when the Olympic Games are on it’s even worse. For two weeks nobody talks about anything else, which is fine if you’re a sports fan, but what if you’re not? Jasmin GLOSSARY (Hong Kong) full of (ful 3v]-чего-либо ■: г They should always organise the Games in the same place — that’s what I think. At the moment it’s ridiculous. Every four years a different city has to spend millions and millions. I'm sure It’s a total waste of money. Nico (Greece) ^glgssTry^ ridiculouii [n'dikjub&l — нелепый UNIT 2 Lesson 6 ЙЗИ '» " e cM m e^ i * -'^овь;fe f'• ‘m a fan of the Olympics because they make me feel optimistic. That's rare these days. I mean, just look at the news — it’s always about money, wars, politics, potiution,., OK, I know ail those things are important, but sometimes I just get tired of them. After all, why are we on this planet? I believe it’s to be as healthy and happy as possible. To work together and do our best. That’s what I think about the Games — a positive symbol in a negative world. GLOSSARY Miriam rare |геэ| — редкий pollution Ipa'luijsn) — загрязнение окружающей среды get tired of something — усгавать от чего-либо (Israel) 2 Guess the meaning of the words in bold. 3 Look through the texts in Ex, 1 again and write the phrases which help to express opinions. Example: t think... 4a In Ex, 1 find arguments to complete the table. I’m for the Olympic Games. I’m against the Olympic Games. Millions of people watch them, It’s a waste of money. L_—— Ш 4b Add your own ideas to the table. 5 Learn to debate: Do we need the 0/ympfC Games? express opinion give a reason to support your opinion add more reasons /Ч 6 Are you for or against the World Skateboard Competition? Write to a sports magazine to give your opinion. UNIT 2 Lesson 7 ' Lesson 7 Progress page 1 Ш Listen to the interview with a famous tennis player and choose two reasons why she became a champion. a) Her parents made her play tennis. СИ b) Her friends supported her. СИ c) She has a lot of fans. СИ d) She wanted it very much. СИ e) Her parents helped her. СИ f) She loves winning. СИ Score: 10(2x5) Match the words and write compound nouns. • More then one match is possible. Example: countryside Read and complete the gaps with the right verb form. — Hi Jane. You look happy. — Yes. I got a five in the PE lesson today. — So <1)... I. Usually I don’t do well in PE lessons — Neither (2)... I. — What are you doing at the weekend? — I'm going to the football match. — So (3)... I. Let’s go together. — Bowling is an interesting game. — And so (4)... squash. I play it twice a week. ; — The weather is bad. I don’t want to play outdoors — Neither (5)... 1.1 hate windy weather. Score: 10 (2 x 5) country — back ^ peeper 4 Read the letter and choose the answer. volley goal-^ skate-' Г ^^round side i What is Vicky’s problem? ( ache '»N;,^mate \ Tjoard j a) She doesn’t like sports lessons. play—^ b) She is overweight. black room c) She is very tall. Score: 10 d) She is very short, ('glossary') stare (steal — уставитю reach up — достигать It wasn't really a problem for me until I started school. But on my first day everyone stared at me like I was an alien. I had to hide somewhere behind the school doors. I heard people shouting, “There’s the Big Friendly Giant" - like in Roald Pahl’s book. It was a complete shock. I spent the first two weeks pretending 1 was ill so I didn’t have to go to school. Most of my friends only reach up to my chest -and that's when they’re in high heels! I’m 13, I’m 6ft 3in and wear size 12 trainers - and I’m still growing! Being so tall makes life hard. What should I do? Vicky. 13 Score: 10 Write a letter to Vicky to give her advice about how to fight her problem. Score; 10 Total: 50 UNIT 2 Lesson 8 |,esson 8 Class debate Debate the motion: PE SHOULD BE AN EVERYDAY SCHOOL SUBJECT 1 Find end choose four rules for the debate which everyone agrees with. Rnd good arguments. П Give reasons. □ Be polite. LJ Don’t interrupt when others speak, СИ Shout when you don’t agree, СИ Respect other people’s opinions. СИ Clap when you agree. СИ Raise your hand when you want to speak. СИ Listen to other people. □ Express your opinion and give reasons. СИ Keep to the time limit. СИ 2 Choose the chairperson. What does the chairperson do? • The chairperson welcomes the audience and announces the beginning of the debate. Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Class .... We are here today to debate the motion .... Pupils for the motion are sitting on my left, pupils against the motion are sitting on my right. We have ... minutes for the debate. Please, raise your hand when you want to speak, I decide who speaks first. Please be polite and don’t interrupt. No one may speak for more than a minute. At the end we are going to have a vote. Let’s begin. (Turns to Group A} • The chairperson keeps order and manages the lime. 3 Discuss the motion and make a list of arguments. • Group A discuss and make a list of arguments for the motion. • Group В discuss and make a list of arguments against the motion. 4 Take part in the debate. • Follow the procedure. • Vote on the motion. Your time is up. Next speaker, please. Order! Order! That's all we have time for. • The chairperson leads the voting, • The chairperson counts the votes. Please vote now. If you are for the motion, raise your hand. (Counts) И you are against, raise your hand. (Counts) • The chairperson announces the results of the vote. ... people out of... agree that it is a good idea to have PE at school every day. ... people out of... don't want to have PE at school every day. So the class thinks that PE should / shouldn't be on the timetable every day. • The chairperson thanks everyone for their participation and announces the end of the debate. i >Ji V 1Г’ 33 rv>> ■ 3 Sounds cool Lesson 1 Musical habits la Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1 What type of magazine is it? 2 What is the main topic of this issue? 3 How many teenagers took part in the interview? lb @ Listen to the interview and match the speakers and the answers. • There is one extra answer. a) "I collect CDs." b) “I can play a musical instrument." c) "I often go to concerts." d) *1 can’t live without music.” e) "1 want to be a musician." 2a Say what types of music from the box you know and add more types. pop opera folk classical rock jazz country techno rap 2b Listen to four pieces of music and say what types they are. 2c Say what music you like and why. • Use the words from the box. Example: I like listening to rock. It's fantastic. relaxing sad boring cheerful loud calm fast energetic fantastic 3a Look at the pie chart and say what it shows; how many pupils listen to pop music the number of pupils in Class 7A the musical tastes of Class 7A pop 40% Class 7A, School 23, Tula UNIT 3 Lesson 1 3b Read the report and complete the chart in Ex. 3a. REPORT Pupils in Class 7A, School 23, Tula, have different musical tastes. Forty per cent of pupils are interested in pop music and listen to it every day. Thirty-six per cent of boys and girls enjoy listening to rap. Twenty per cent of people love listening to rock. All pupits say that they never listen to classical music. Four per cent of boys and girls like listening to techno. Pupits in Class 7A have similar musical habits. Twenty-five pupils wake up to music in the morning and the same number go to sleep to music. All pupils in the class study to music. Eight girts and four boys read music magazines. Six people like singing in the shower. Two boys and two girls take dancing lessons. Two girls sing in a folk choir, 3c Read the report in Ex, 3b again and answer the questions. t Which part of the report does the pie chart illustrate? 2 What other information does the report have? 3 What musical habits do pupils in Class 7A from Tula have? 4 Which habit is the most common? It was brilliant! 4 Do a survey №haf are the musrca/ hgbits in your class? 1 Make pairs and interview each other. 2 Split into two groups and collect the results about boys and girls' musical habits. 3 Draw a pie chart to illustrate the results of the survey in your groups. 4 Report to the class the results your group has. MUSICAL HABITS Tick the answer which is true. Vou Partner 1 listen / music / every day? 2 read / music magazines? 3 sing / shower / bath? 4 study / to music? 5 wake up / to music? 6 watch / TV music programmes? 7 collect / CDs or cassettes? 5 Write a report Musical habits in my class. • Use Ex. 3b as a model. • Before writing the report think about: 1 What does the first sentence in the report say? Is it different from others? 2 Which verbs describe musical tastes? 3 What musical habits does the report talk about? 4 Which numbers show the results of the survey? 5 Do only numbers show the results of the survey? UNIT 3 Lessons 2-3 Lessons 2-3 A rap lesson 1 Listen to the song and say what type of music it is. 2 @ Listen to the interview and decide if the boy is: 1 a dancer 2 a composer 3 a guitarist 4 a singer 5 a poet 3a Read and answer the questions. i miss playing footbali with my friends. I used to be a member of the school team and we played every weekend. But now I have to tour a lot and can’t play in the team any more. 1 2 3 4 5 Did Lil Bow Wow play football in the school team? Was it a regular activity? Does be play in the team now? Did he give concerts when he was six? Does he give a lot of concerts now? 3b Choose the best translation for the first sentence in the LOOK box. 1 Я играл в школьной команде. 2 Раньше я играл в школьной команде. 3 Раньше я часто играл в школьной команде LOOK I used to play in the school team. I didn’t use to f>erform a lot. Did you use to play the guitar? I didn’t use to perform a lot when I was six but now I’m very busy with concerts. 5a Real name: Shad Moss Date of birth: 9 March I987 Hobbies: basketball, video games Albums: Beware of Dog, Doggy Bag Ask your partner about what he / she used to do when he / she was six years old. Example: Did you use to drink hot milk? — Ves, / did. / No, I didn 't. Listen and say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1 He used to go to school regularly. Q] 2 He used to give concerts. □ 3 He didn't use to play American football, HI] 4 He didn’t use to make records. □ 5 He used to have a lot of fans. □ 6 He used to tour with Snoop Doggy Dogg. CU 7 He didn’t use to work with a manager. D ride a tricycle go to kindergarten drink hot milk eat porridge listen to rap colour in pictures watch cartoons play with toys play hide-and-seek have fights with other boys and girls 5b Say what you both used / didn’t use to do when you were younger. Example: We used to ride tricycles. We didn’t use to drink hot milk. W" UNIT 3 Lessons 2-3 6a Write a short paragraph When my parents were younger.. 1 Inten/iew your parents about what music they used to listen to when they were teenagers. 2 Ask them about their music preferences now. 3 Write a short paragraph and express your own opinion about the types of music. 7a Read and match the headings and the paragraphs. • There is one extra heading. 6b Write a rap. ............ is my name. ............ is my game. ..............is my land. And.................... ji|^ my favourite band. |A| I Body language [d] 1 Future UK [b| I The history of the rap school 1E1 1 Deep thought fcl 1 Rapper’s ABC ГП 1 British accent — No thanks GLOSSARY RAP SCHOOL thought |0o:t] — мысль content I'konlcntj — содержание there's no point in — нет смысла в maintain [man'lem] — устанав- ливать Ghetto Grammar is a school with a mission — respect [n'spektl — уважение to teach young performers the art of rap, [T] For the teachers at London’s first rap school, there's much more to rap than just talking over music, There are five main parts to the schooi programme: ‘the art form" (how to rap and DJ), "the culture" (the history of rap music), “the science" (how to write rap lyrics), “the business" (how to work with managers and record companies), ^ Teachers at the school are experienced professionals, from America and the UK. The experts can teach you how to improvise lyrics over music. They also give advice about rhyming and content. Rap isn't just about words, it’s also the performance. There’s no point in having a brilliant lyric if no one can hear what you’re saying. It’s also important 10 maintain eye-contact with your audience, to keep them interested in your performance. If British rap is to have a future, young artists need all the help that they can get. Rap started in America, and British artists often find it hard to be successful in their own country. Strangely, many British rappers say that they are more popular in Germany or France than they are in the UK. Some people think that it’s a question of accent. British fans seem to prefer the sound of an American accent. But if the British artists try to imitate American accents, they quickly lose the respect of their audience. The future of rap in the UK is uncertain. Studying rap with Ghetto Grammar might help to improve the situation. The classes are fun, but it isn't easy. Only the very best have a chance of success In the music industry. First pwbtishec) in Club. September / October 1996. Copyright Mary Glasgow Magazines / Scholastic. 7b Work out the meaning of the words in bold in Ex. 7a. 37 'A\| ‘>- UNIT 3 Lessons 2-3 7c Use the words from Ex. 7a to coinplele the sentences. 1 It is hard to write the... for the song. 2 You can learn how to improvise from an ... teacher. 3 There are a lot of young ... in rap music. 4 You can win the ... of the audience if you perform brilliantly, 5 Why do British fans prefer an American ...? 6 Only hard-working and talented people can be successful in the music .... 7d Find the words in the text and complete the table. Verb Noun Noun (person) perform performance performer rap — musician manage management — scientist teach — — professional 7e In pairs answer the questions. t Would you like to be a student at the Ghetto Grammar school? 2 Which subjects at the school would you find interesting? Why? 3 Would you like to have rap lessons at your school? 6 Read the opinions and say if you agree or disagree with the teachers. lit. Definitely. Rap is a modern form of communication. Keisha Ray, geography teacher, New York 9 Write a letter to the headteacher asking for rap lessons once a week and explain why you want them. Dear Mr / Mrs .... I am writing to ask for rap lessons once a week. I think... Do you think we should study rap in school? ^ UNIT 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Meet the band 1 Match the musical instruments and their names. 1 guitar 2 drums 3 piano 4 flute 5 keyboards 6 bagpipes 7 violin 8 saxophone 9 banjo 2a Listen and say vtrhat musical instruments the musicians are playing. Listen and match the facts and the dates. a) record / the first CO b) give / the first concert c) start the band d) get / the band’s name e) a new musician / join the band f) do / the first tour 2d Talk to your partner about the band. Exampte: Pupil A: What happened in 1977? Pupil B: They started the band. 39 UNIT 3 Lesson 4 3 Read and answer the questions. LOOK We’ve been playing together. We have been playing together. 4 Read these two sentences and say which English word has no equivalent in the Russian sentence. I've been writing poems for two years. Я пишу стихи два года. 5а Use the clues in the lesson and say what the musicians have been doing for how many years. Example: record / CDs / 3 years — They’ve been recording CDs for 3 years. 1 give / concerts / 16 years 2 go / on tours / 10 years 3 play / in restaurants /11 years 4 give / charity concerts / 7 years 5 sing / in English /18 years 5b Ask questions to check your partner’s memory. Example: How long have they been recording CDs? 6a Complete the profile of a famous musician. Pupil A look at page 144. Pupil В look at page 142. 6b Role play an Interview with Mary Gold. 7 Rewrite the sentences using the present perfect continuous. Example: I started writing poems two years ago. — I have been writing poems for two years. 1 My friend started reading music magazines a year ago. 2 My elder brother started performing five years ago. 3 I started going to a music school three years ago. 4 I gave up watching TV music shows six months ago. 5 My granny started singing in a folk choir 17 years ago. UNIT 3 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 How long? LOOK 1 l@ Listen and complete the gaps with for and since. Dan: Hello. Alex: Hi, Dan. It’s Alex. Have you finished your homework? Dan: Not yet. I've been doing it... two hours. It's really difficult. Alex: Yes, very difficult. I've been doing it... I came home from school. Dan: Let’s have a break and listen to some music together. Come over. Alex: All right. 2 Choose since or for to complete the sentences. Western S have been playing together (1) for/since 1985. And (2) for/ since then people have been enjoying their country music. They have given a lot of concerts in this country and abroad. The leader of the group Sergey Gruzdev sings and plays the guitar. He has been playing the guitar (3) for/since he was 14. He likes music and he has been experimenting with different styles (4) for/since many years. His favourite music is the Beatles songs which he’s been listening to (5) for/since his childhood. He began playing their music when he got his first guitar. 3 Rnd who has been doing an activity the longest in the class. # Follow the steps. 1 Write three things that you started doing some time ago and still do. Example: I've been doing judo since September, 2 Compare them with your partner and choose the activity that someone has been doing longest. 3 Report the longest activity to the class. He has been playing the guitar for 25 years. He has been playing the guitar since 1974. 4a Interview two people in the class and complete the table. Example: Pupil A: Have you ever done karaoke? — Pupil B: Yes, I have. Pupil A: How long have you been doing it? — Pupil B: For two months / since August. Have you ever done it? Yes / No How long have you been doing it? do karaoke Yes play the guitar act in a school play go skiing write a poem collect posters / CDs 4b Report the results of the interview to the class. Example: I interviewed Lena and Kostya. They both do karaoke. Lena has been doing karaoke for two months, vdtile Kostya has been doing it for a year. Lena is fnferesfed in drama. She has been acting since 2002. Kostya is interested in sport. He has been doing judo for five years. /\ 5 Write a report based on your class interview. 41 UNIT 3 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Top hits 1 What makes a good song? Rank the categories. music lyrics voice singer's appearance special musical effects music video Look at the chart Top 100 OnLine and answer the questions. 1 Where is the chart from? 2 Whal is it about? 3 Is the information new or old? 4 Which song was the most popular that week? 5 Who sang it? 6 Which song was the most popular two weeks before? ifi TOP 100 OnLine FOR WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 8 TW LW 2W Weeks High Points 1 2 2 9 NUMBER ONE Cry Me A River, Justin Timberlake (#1 for 1 week) Lyrics 1 Listen | Reviews 1 93.2 2 3 3 12 Beautiful, Christina Aguilera Lvrics 1 Listen | Reviews 2 91.6 3 1 1 11 Pm With You, Avril Lavigne {#1 for 3 weeks) Lvrics 1 Listen 1 Reviews 1 91.1 [ 2r UNIT 3 Lesson 6 За Read the song reviews from the website and say what Justin Timberlake’s song is about. Review #5 Submitted: December 26 By: Lily Rating: 10 (out of 10) This song is very good. The lyrics are original and very well written. Catchy tune... Review #11 Submitted: January 7 By; Britney Spears Rating; 10 (out of 10) The new single from Justin Timberlake was soooooooo good. He has such a great voice!!!!!!! I think he is way better than Eminem and Nick Carter, Review #19 Submitted: January 22 By; Jay from Nottingham Rating: 9 (out of 10) Honestly, this track is brilliant in all respects. It has an excellent tune, interesting lyrics, and a well-made video. Continue with your success Justin! Click here to write a song review / Review #22 Submitted: January 29 By: Chris from New York Rating: 10 (out of 10) Justin Timberlake is one of the top five vocalists out there. I truly respect him as a person and an artist. Review #28 Submitted: February 5 By: Jaimee in Indiana Rating: 9 (out of 10) Justin has so much talent and I think that he is changing the face of music. I am really looking forward to what's to come. Justin, you are living your dream, be wise and enjoy it. Review #37 Submitted: February 13 By: Olivia Rating: 5 (out of 10) This song represents Justin at his best. He has had other good songs with N’sync. I am a big fan. It was good for him to go solo with his incredible voice. Justin has a great music video to go along with this great song. 3b Read and complete the table to decide why the song was a Number One hit. Music Lyrics Voice Singer’s appearance Music video Review # Review #5 3c Compare the answers and say why the song is popular. Example: It’s popular because of the lyrics. 3d Say how people describe the singer and his songs. Example: The lyrics are original. The tune is catchy. У7 . 4 Listen to the hit of the week and say what you like about this song: the singer, his / her voice, etc. /Ч 5 Write a song review for the web site Top 100 OnLine to vote for the song you like. 43 ' M У' UNIT 3 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 Complete the table. Noun Noun (person) song singer 1 performance 2 music 3 guitar 4 rap 5 compose Score: 10 (2x5) Read the interview with a famous singer and match the questions and the answers. • Number 1 is done for you. How long have you been in show business? When did you first understand that you wanted to be a singer? What is your favourite film? How did your family help you to enter show business? Do you travel a lot? Where do you come from? What do you like doing? GLOSSARY ulTection — npMBHiaHHOCTb, любовь slippcni — тапочки touching I'tAtfiol — трогательный hcBrihrcuking (*ha:tbreikiri| — вызывающий глубокую печаль 1 F From a very big Canadian family. I'm one of fourteen children, nine girls and five boys. I always wanted to sing. I was born into a family of musicians. My mum played the violin, my dad played the accordion. All my brothers and sisters play different musical instruments: drums, guitar, bass, etc. My parents used to tour a lot. We never had any money but we children had everything we needed — lots of love, attention, affection and music. H It was my mum who kept telling me that I had to do it professionally. My brother wrote a song for me and sent a demo tape to a record company, where I found my future manager, my future producer and husband. When 1 first visited a record company I was twelve. Since then I've been singing. I travel all the time, so I miss my home, I miss normal life. I do love housework. I love doing everything around the house: cooking, washing, ironing, everything. The perfect holiday for me is to be at home, in my slippers. It’s Titanic, an incredible love story, very touching and heartbreaking, and I'm happy to be a part of it. Score; 15 (3x5) 3 Choose the right verb form. 1 The singer has given/has been giving three concerts. I have been doing / have done my homework for three hours. How long have you been composing / did you compose music? I have been listening / listen to music for two hours every day. The band have been touring / toured since 2000. Score: 15(3x5) Write a letter to a music magazine about your favourite singer. • Write who is your favourite singer. • Give two or three reasons why you think he / she is the best. • Explain why his / her last song is popular. Score: 10 Total: 50 I v’lV' UNIT 3 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Fan club PATE. 24 Pecemkr Иемие: 5cimi Z7, IP H6tBiPA • Tfie Mie$: Nine hundred Mib • Mtffkmfte Ihe hit? if the neek (Vi?cu?$m) Nine Hundred Miles I'm a-ridin' on the train. I’ve got tears in my eyes Try'n to read a letter from my home. If that train runs me right. I’il be home Saturday night 'Cause I'm nine hundred miles from my home. Chorus And I hate to hear that lonesome whistle blow. It's that long lonesome train a-whistlin’ down. Well this train I ride on Isa hundred coaches long, Vbu can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles And the lonesome whistle call Is mournfullest of all, ‘Cause it's nine hundred miles from my home. Chorus Well, Г1) pawn you my watch And I'll pawn you my chain, I’ll pawn you my gold diamond ring, For if this train runs me right. I’ll be home Saturday night. 'Cause I'm nine hundred miles from my home. Chorus If my woman says so I’ll railroad no more. I'll sidetrack this wheeler and go home, If this train runs me right I'll be home Saturday night, 'Cause I'm nine hundred miles from my home. Chorus Talk about a famous singer / group. • Use the poster to illustrate some facts about his / her / their biography. • Play a recording of his / her / their best song. • Explain why you think it is the best. 1 Make a poster about a famous singer / group. • In groups, choose a singer / a group. • Collect facts, dates, photos, cuttings, song lyrics, concert tickets, badges, stickers... anything and a recording of a song. • Write a profile of the singer / group, using the dates and facts. • Arrange your materials as a poster, write labels for the photos and cuttings. • Prepare to talk about a famous singer / group. 3 Make a chart Three Top Hits, 1 Make a list of ten songs popular this week. 2 Rate the songs out of ten and choose three top hits of the week. 3 Write short song reviews for the Number One hit. 4 Arrange the information about the Number One hit and the short reviews as a poster for the school notice board. 45 4 Stars and Stripes Lesson 1 From CA to the NY Island l.iKalion; Nonh America I’opulution: 290 million Capital: W:ishington, D.C. (District of Columbia) Languages: No olTidal language; hundreds of world languages; most common language: English Race: 81% white, 13% black. 4% Asian. 1% American Indian and Alaska Native шМ Listen and find the places from the song on the map. This land is your land, this land is my land, From California, to the New York Island: From the redwood forest, to the Gulf Stream waters This land was made for you and me. ® Ludlow Music. Inc. Read the questions and find the answers in the fact file or on the map. Where is the USA? How many people live in the USA today? V№iat is the capital of the USA? What language do they speak in the USA? Which is the largest state in the USA? How many states are there in the USA? In what state is Hollywood? Which state in the USA is closest to Russia? IИ rKv; UNIT 4 Lesson 1 За Match the postcards and the texts. (X) © Hi, Pan! I’m finall;/ in California. I'm writing from Sequoia National Park, Sequoias (th^ call them nedwooris too) are gianttrees and they’re very old. Thi^’re huge. The one in the picture is over a thousand years old. I saw a car drive through an arch in the tree. It was amazing! &ut my tour ends here. I’m coming back home tomorrow. See you soon. Love, Jennifer )0.Vi>YiVVJ I У Lesson 2 School diplomacy UNIT 4 Lesson 2 1 Answer the questions. 3b Listen and tick (/) the topics Olga talks about. 1 Would you like to take part In a school exchange 1 school discipline □ programme? 2 tests П 2 Do you think it’s a good idea? Why / Wiy not? 3 sports □ 4 school discos □ Match the verbs in the first column and the words 5 clothes □ 1л the second column and translate the phrases 6 eating in class □ mat you get. 7 school timetable □ Example; cut / miss a class 3c Listen again and say if these rules are true for 1 cut / miss a) an excuse for missing class American schools. 2 cheat b] a class 1 You can’t cut class. 3 be c) in class 2 You can’t cheat in a test, 4 bring d) in a test 3 You can talk during a test. 5 talk e) late for school 4 You can’t miss PE, 6 have f) a note from your parents 5 You can’t wear jeans to school. 7 do g) well in the test 6 You can wear your pyjamas to school Read ajbout Olga and say what questions you would like to ask her about American schools. 7 You can eat in class. LOOlT^ You can’t be late for school You can talk in the lesson, 3d Say which rules are the same for your school and which are not. 4 Say what surprised Olga and why. Example; In the American school they do a lot more sport and you can’t miss a PE lesson. In my school we have only two lessons of PE a week and you can miss PE if you have an excuse. LOOlT^ soccer Am£ — BrE football math AmE — BrE maths sneakers AmE — BrE trainers pajamas AmE — BrE pyjamas you better AmE — BrE you’d better school student AmE — BrE pupil In October 2001 Olga Sokolova, a pupil at Moscow School 1234, spent four weeks at Arlington High School in the state of New ftrk, together with her fifteen classmates. Each pupil stayed with a host family. /N 5 Write the rules of your school that a foreign student should know if he / she comes to your school. • Cover the topics in E;<. 3b. Example; You can't eat in the lesson. 49 UNIT 4 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 How to be independent Answer the questions. • Do you get any pocket money? • Where do you get your pocket money from? • Would you like to have more pocket money? Read and say what all these people have in common, FAMOUS FIRST JOBS Eighty per cent of U.S. teens have had a job by the time they finish school. Here are some famous examples; Walt Disney, an animator, sold his first drawings to neighbors when he was only seven years old. From age 8 to 14 he got up at 3:30 each morning to sell newspapers. Bill Gates, the founder of a software corporation, began programming computers at 13. He started his first computer company, Traf-O-Data, when he was in high school. He and his classmates created programs for making schedules for city buses. Harrison Ford, an actor, worked as a visual assistant whose job was to push projectors from room to room. LOOK American money is dollars and cents. GLOSSARY neighbor AmE, neighbour BrE I'neibsj — сосед high school AmE — старшая школа 3 Listen and say what kind of job each speaker does and why. Dan babysits Malcolm does yard work because he / she Melissa sells popcorn at the zoo wants to be a vet. is saving for a TV. wants to have more pocket money. '^a\i '■ [XAV1 iKv; UNIT 4 Lesson 3 4t Read and go«5S what these people are: a pupil, a schoolteacher, 9 parent or a company manager. F'KK) г [■ I t > Г? GLOSSARY mom AniE — мама paycheck AmE — зарплата, аылаваемая в форме чека resume |'rezumet| АтЕ — краткое описание образования и опыта работы school sludeni АтЕ — ВгЕ pupil Maggie Martin: I think after-school jobs and summer jobs are good for kids because they leam good habits: how to be on time, how to be responsible, and how to be independent. They teach kids about working for the things they want and not Just waiting for their mom and dad to buy things for them. Steve Jones: When I hire teens, 1 look for those who will make it to work on time, who understand that a job is an important responsibiiity and that hanging out with friends on a Friday night is not more important. Teens have a lot of energy, they leam quickly and they work hard to get their paychecks. Pamela Wolf: I get a summer Job at a hospital because I want to be a doctor, 1 want to know if I can be one and if I like it. A summer job is a great way to find out what you really like to do. And 1 can write it on my resume to help me get a good job in the future. Joan Davis: Summer jobs are fine for high school students, But an after-school job can be a problem. If a student works for too many hours, he / she sleeps during class and doesn’t do any studying at home. Well, some parents think that if their child doesn’t do well at school, he / she better gel a job and leam something practical. But I don’t really agree. School is more important at this age. 4b Read again and answer the questions. 1 Who doesn’t like the idea of after-school jobs? Why? 2 Why do parents tell their children to get a job if they don't do well at school? 3 Why do companies give jobs to teens? 4 What good habits can kids learn if they work? 5 Work in groups and think of arguments for or against school students working. 6 Write an article to a newspaper like the one in Ex. 4a on the topic Should schootchiidren work or not? 1 Give reasons to support your view, 2 Begin with; I (don’t) think schoolchildren should work because. MX U/i bi MViVi’i UNIT 4 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 The story of jeans 1 Read and match the things in the picture and the paragraphs which tell about them. E] The first jeans were made in 1873 in California by Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis. Levi was a German who came to San Francisco during the Gold Rush. He was a successful businessman. He sotd a lot of things that gold miners needed, Among other things gold miners needed strong clothes for their work. At first miners' work pants were made of canvas. But the miners complained that the pants were uncomfortable. Later denim was used. This material felt comfortable, it was strong, practical and perfect for work clothes. В 0 “Jean" was a material made in Europe. It got its name from sailors in Genoa, Italy because their clothes were made from it. Before the 1960 jeans were called overalls. The name “jeans" was given to them by teenagers who turned jeans into sportswear and play ctothes. Jean material was used to make work clothes in the 18th century. It was dyed with indigo, indigo was taken from plants in the Americas and India, and it colored the jean material dark blue. The dark color was practical for work clothes. 0 The first jeans with rivets were made in 1873. Jacob Davis bought denim from Levi Strauss and made pants. The miners liked the pants because they were strong. But a big problem with the miners' clothes were the pockets. They were easily torn away from the jeans. Rivets held the pockets and the jeans together and the pockets didn't tear. Jacob didn’t have the money to take out the patent for his invention so he asked Levi to hold the patent with him. It was placing rivets in these traditional pants that made what we now call jeans. The first Levi's label was made in 1886. It had a picture of a pair of jeans and two horses. One horse pulled one leg to the right; the other horse pulled the other leg to the left. This was to advertise that Levi's jeans were very strong. GLOSSARY Levi Slrauss |'li:vat 'strausj German |'фз:тлп| — немец Gold Ru.sh ['gould глЛ — Золотая лихорадка gold miner I'gsuld mainaj — золотоискатель pants A/n£ — Br£ trousers Genoa ['cfeenaual — Генуя, rapoit ti Италии dye — красить (о тканях, волосах) indigo ['mdjgaiij — инлиго (краска) color AmF — ВгЕ colour rivet ['nvttj — заклепка 2a Read the examples in the LOOK boxes and answer the questions. 1 Do we know who made the first jeans from this sentence? 2 Did the speaker want to tell us who made the first jeans? 3 What did he want to tell us? 4 What preposition do we use if we want to say who made the first jeans? LOOK The first jeans were made in 1673. LOOK They were made by Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis. \^XV m UNIT 4 Lesson 4 130 YEARS 2b Say the past participle of the verbs and complete the sentences. make (2) give call dye 1 At tirst work pants were of canvas. 2 The name "jeans" was ...to them after sailors from Genoa. 3 Jeans were ... overalls before the 1950$. 4 The first Levi’s label was ... in 1836. 5 Jean material was ... dark blue. 3 Read the texts in £x. 1 again and answer the questions. 1 Where was Levi Strauss from? 2 Why was canvas changed fo denim to make work clothes? 3 Why were rivets used on the jeans pockets? 4 What did the Levi's label advertise? 5 Why was jean material dyed with indigo? 6 Who were the first people to give jeans this name? 4a Look at the jeans and say the names of the styles. 4b l^*^H Listen and match the Jeans and the date. / baggy jeans 1 the 1960s 2 the 1970s (2) д 3 the 19S0s /А 4 the 1990s 4c Make sentences about when each style of jeans was introduced. Example: Painted jeans were introduced in the 1960s. 5 Answer the questions. • What style of jeans do you like most? • What style of jeans do you wear? • Why do you think jeans are so popular all over the world? € Translate into English. Рабочую одежду из брезента делали еще в XVIII веке. Позже стали использовать деним. Ткань окрашивали индиго — краской темно-синего цвета. Заклепки появились в 1873 году, а фирменная нашивка “Левайс" — в 1886. rv 53 r>iV’ UNtT 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Tornado 1 Read the advertisement and say if you would like to go on the tour. j f Want to SEE a taraada? Jain as aa aar aaxt taraada trip. 'ап‘гЕ raadfi tn traml aiilas aad to wait tar Imars, tdE niEst taatasOc viEw is №еге far gaa. Eaii 1 ■ Ban - такша 2 Match the questions and the answers. Frequently asked questions about OrritirlDa _ И GLOSSARY QU q£ .0 3: What is a tornado? How long do tornadoes last? How many tornadoes are there a year? _Q 4:j What is the speed of tornado winds? Q 5: ^ What do the numbers F2 or F5 mean? rotating — врашаюшнйся funnel — воронка reach [ri-lfl — достигать ground Igraundj — земля scale — шкала a) A tornado is a very strong, rotating wind. It looks like a funnel coming down from a storm cloud. When it reaches the ground, a tornado acts like a giant hoover. b) The speed of tornado winds can be from 72 to 300 mph (480 km / h). c) There are about 800 tornadoes a year in the USA. d) Tornadoes can last from a few seconds to more than an hour. e) The numbers are ratings of tornado wind speed. The letter F comes from the name of Dr T. Fujita, the scientist who created the scale for classifying tornadoes. https://www.tornado.com. ______________ ___________ ■0/ \iv- iV^' v'l UNIT 4 Lesson 5 38 Say why a tornado is dangerous. Use the verbs in the box. Example: It can destroy houses. destroy Injure throw damage pick up push over tear off kill 3b Read and answer; Was it a “killer” tornado? Why? NOVEMBER 10, 2002 7:45 PM The town of Clark, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, was hit by a tornado. Four homes were destroyed and an old man was killed. He was thrown 100 yards from his home. Nineteen people were injured. The tornado was rated F4. 3c Say what damage was done by the tornado. 4a Look at the key words from a radio programme about a tornado: What do you think happened? LOOK hit — hit — hit throw — threw — thrown tear — tore — torn four years old at her grandmother’s house rain darker as black as night the cellar the cellar door got out a tree the top of the car /Ч ^1 Listen to the radio programme and answer the questions. 1 When did the Tri-State Tornado hit the US? 2 What was the weather like on that day? 3 Why did they all go to the cellar? 4 Why couldn't they come out of Ihe cellar when the tornado was over? 5 What happened to the car? 6 What was the first thing the woman's father did when they got home? Put the verbs in the right form. Example: Three states (hit) by a tornado in 1925.— Three states were hit by a tornado in 1925. 1 It (call) the Three-State Tornado. 2 Six hundred and ninety-five people (kill) and thousands (injure). 3 The town of Ptumfietd (badly damage) by a tornado. 4 Cars (pick up) and (throw) a long way away. 5 The tops of cars (tear off). 6 A lot of houses (destroy). 7 A lot of trees (push over). Write Sadie Jenkin’s story as a news report. • Use Ex. 4c for information. • Begin with the date and the time; MARCH 18, 1925 4:30 PM UNIT 4 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Happy birthday, America! 1 Think how the pictures are connected with Independence Day. 2a Read and translate the phrases. a colony the British Empire Congress the Continental Army the Declaration of Independence protest against take command 2b Look at the time line, read the paragraphs A-E and put them in the right order. 13 British "J 7170 colonies the Boston Tea Party 0 The War of Independence was over. Independence Day was made an official holiday. В 0 Ш The War of Independence began. George Washington took command of the Continental Army. There were thirteen British colonies in the North American continent. They were part of the British Empire and they paid taxes to the British king, who was 3,000 mites away across the Atlantic. The Declaration of Independence from Great Britain was signed by Congress. A new country, the United States of America, was started. The Declaration was read in pubfic in every colony and people celebrated when they heard it. Colonists threw a cargo of the East India Company tea into the sea in Boston. The East India Company was owned by Britain. The company was losing money, To save the company Britain raised the tax on tea in the colonies. Colonists protested against it. :vr • UNIT 4 Lesson 6 2c Answer the questions using the text and the time line in Ex. 2b. 1 Who did the American colonies pay taxes to and why? 2 Why was the tax on tea raised in the colonies? 3 What was called the Boston Tea Party? Why? 4 What happened in 1776? 5 What did Americans do when the Declaration of Independence was read to them? 6 Who took command of the Continental Army? 7 How long was the War of Independence? 57 UNIT 4 Lesson 6 За Read and say how Americans celebrate Independence Day. Example: They celebrate it with fireworks. THURSDAY, JULY 4 {Rain or Shine) 9:00 York Radio Control Airplane Club Show, Elementary school playsround Pet Parade, Lily Park (brins your pets) Electric Car Race, Hi3h School parking lot 10:00 Carnival opens, Middle School Children’s Big Wheel Cycle Races, City Park Barbecue, Rocky Lake Beach 11:00 Free Aerobatic Airplane Show, Municipal Airport Bubble Gum / Apple Eating Contest, Grand Theater 11:30 Special United States Birthday Cake Giveaway, Grand Theater 12:00 Musical Favorites & Patriotic Song Festival, Civic Center 3:00 Nationwide Bell Ringing — Let Freedom Ring, bells will ring 13 times citywide and nationally 4:00 GRAND PARADE, begins at 1 St Avenue and goes west to City Park 5:30 Mayor's Welcome — Crowning Miss Independence, Grand Theater 8:00 Parachute Jump, Creek Park 10:00 GIANT FIREWORKS - State’s Best Show, Creek Park (bring a blanket or beach chair) Plan to spend the Fourth of Juty in Neward! GLOSSARY airplane ['eaplein) AmE — BrE plane carnival I'kcemvpl) AmE — a school event when children dress like animals or cartoon charactere theater AmE — BrE theatre giveaway j'givawai) — бесплатное угощение favorites AmE — BrE favourites center AmE — BrE centre Mayor [mea] — мэр crowning I'kraunih) — коронование blanket |blseokttI — одеяло 3b Read again and answer. 1 What time does the Grand Parade start? 2 When are the fireworks? 3 Where is the Bubble Gum / Apple Eating Contest? 4 How many times will the bells ring? 5 Who will crown Miss Independence? 6 When and where can you do a parachute jumpl 7 When and where can you listen to songs? 4 4 Listen and tick the events in Ex. 3a that the children are going to attend. 5a Look at the list of events in Ex. 3a and say what you would like to visit in this city on 4 July. Example: First, f'd like to see the pet parade. Then... After that... And in the evening... 5b Find others who want to attend the same events. Example: Pupil A: Would you like to go to the barbecue? Pupil S; Yes, I'd love to. / No, I think the Bubble Cum Contest would be more fun. 6a Copy and complete the file with the information about Independence Day. Festival Date Things to do Special food Origin (происхождение) Independence Day The Declaration of Independence was signed (1776) and a new country, the United States of America, was started. 6b Read about Thanksgiving and powwows (p. 142-143) and make files about these festivals. V I И) UNIT 4 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page ^ 1 Listen to the American girl and choose the right answer More than one choice is possible. How many jobs does Jennifer have? a) one b) two c) three Why does she work? a) to save up for college b) to watch movies for free c) to put it on her resume d) to have some pocket money. Score: В(2ж4) Write the rules that are in your school. • Use the phrases in the box. Example: You can't/can wear jeans in school. wear jeans eat in class talk in class cheat in a test be late for class Score: 4(1 x 4) Make one sentence out of two. 1 Jane cheated in the test. I saw her. 2 A car stopped at our house. I heard it. 3 Mike rode a horse. I watched him. Score: 6 (2x3) 4 Make sentences without changing the word order. 1 The first McDonald's restaurant / open / Maurice and Richard McDonald / 1949 2 Coca-Cola / invent / Dr John Pemberton / 1886 3 Television / invent / Philo Farnsworth and Vladimir Zworykin / the 1920s 'A The first successful flight / make / the Wright brothers / 1903 5 The first chewing gum / make / William Wrigley / 1892 Score: 5 (1 x5J 5 Choose the right verb from the box and change the form to fill in the gaps in the text. APRIL 28, 2002 7:00 PM The town of La Plata, Maryland, {1) was... by an F4 tornado. Three people (2) were ... and 122 others (3) were .... Sixty-five per cent of the buildings (4) were ... in the downtown area. A house in the southern part of the town <5) was ... and (6)... 80 feet. Half of the trees (7) were .... 6 Read the texts and answer the questions. 1 Who made the first American flag? 2 Why are there thirteen stripes on it? 3 Why did France give the Statue of Liberty to the United States? 4 When was the Statue of Liberty put up? 5 Why did the Liberty Beil ring in July 1776? destroy pick up push over hit kill injure throw Score; 7 (1 x7) .M ^ 69 UNIT 4 Lesson 7 AMERICAN SYMBOLS GLOSSARY torch ri — факел crack V — треснуть The Flag of the United States The first American flag was made by Betsy Ross during the War of Independence on January 1, 1776. It had seven red and six white stripes for the thirteen American colonies, and there were thirteen stars in the field of blue in the corner. Now the flag has fifty stars for the fifty states. But the number of stripes is the same — thirteen. The Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty stands on an island in New York Harbor. It is a woman who holds a torch up high. It was put up in 1886. The statue was given to the United States by the people of France for the US hundredth birthday. It was a symbol of friendship between the two countries. Now the Statue of Uberty is a symbol of freedom for new immigrants to this country. The Liberty Bell The Liberty Bell rang out in July 1776 in Philadelphia, when the Declaration of Independence was signed by Congress. The great belt rang out at every event of national importance until it cracked in 1835, Now the bell is on display in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, but it never rings. The bell weighs over a ton and it is 12 feet wide at the bottom. 7 Translate into English. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE BASEBALL CAP Когда бейсбол только начинался в 1850-х годах, бейсбольные кепки делали из соломы (straw). Современные (modern) бейсболки стали делать (first made) в 1860-х годах. Носить их начали игроки одной бруклинской (Brooklyn) команды. А длинный козырек (visor) появился только в 1940-х годах, когда внутрь козырька стали вставлять латекс (latex). Score: 10 Total: 50 60 tVVAVViVVJ г J J) ui UNIT 4 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 My American scrapbook 1 Make a page for an American scrapbook for your class. • Choose a theme for research. FESTIVALS INVENTIONS CITIES EVENTS PLACES NATIONAL PARKS PEOPLE • Find information and illustrations: pictures, cuttings from newspapers or magazines, or your own pictures. • Write about what you find in the form of a postcard, a newspaper article or a table. (See examples in Lessons 1-6.) • Make a clean copy of your text on an A4 sheet of paper, and put in or draw pictures. • Think of two questions to ask your classmates about your text and write them down on two small pieces of paper, • Bring everything to your English class. The Rocky Mountains Niagara Falls Great Salt Lake (Utah) ^ „ .-•Г Today we’re going to tell you about... 2a Tell your classmates about what you have found and prepared. 2b Listen to your classmates. * 2c Put all the pages together to make your American scrapbook. 2d Write your name on the front cover together with the other authors and mark the place you talked about on the map. 2e Number the pages and make a list of contents. Example: Niagara Falls by Olga Belova... page 1. ’)■ Thank you for your attention. 3 Take part in the USA Quiz. 1 Put all the questions in a box, 2 Take a question and read it out. 3 Answer the questions and get a point. 4 If it is your question and nobody knows the answer, say the page number where the answer is. 4 Taking turns, take the scrapbook home to show your family. 61 'a\[ “ ■L" -■’ IV 5 On screen Lesson 1 Film favourites 1 a Read and say what the children are writing about. \il ovies unune Melanie Well, my favourite film was TTie Matrix — 1 couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. I don’t think there has been a film like it before. And I liked The Craft. It’s a film about four girls who are witches. It wasn't a big hit, but I thought it was really exciting. The Secret Garden was sad, touching. I cried at the end. X-JWen... I thought it was rubbish, and I was bored Tom For me, TheX-Men had really good fights. I liked that, and I liked James Marsden in it too. The Matrix was brilliant because it was so action-packed. Films with special effects like these can’t be disappointing. All my friends who saw it thought it was extremely impressive. As for The Craft, I must say I was extremely Interested in it. 1 b Read again and say if it is true (T) or false (F). 1 Both teenagers like films with magic. I Duui Lcfci& lint: mmawiui iricsyiu^ 2 Both teenagers liked one of the films very much. П 3 Both teenagers have similar opinions about the films. СИ 1c Find the adjectives in bold in the text and answer the questions. 1 Is '"exciting" about Melanie or the film? 2 Is “touching" about Metanie or the film? 3 Is “bored" about Melanie or the film? 2 Translate the sentences into English. 1 Oh скучный, 2 Ему скучно. LOOK The him was exciting. I was excited to see it. MV "ITKVJ UNIT 5 Lesson 1 3 Choose the right form of the adjective. ovies unune li I recommend The Matrix with Keanu Reeves. The acting is excellent. It's the best film this year. Usually, I'm not really (1) interesting/ interested in gangster films, but I liked Snatch. It's a (2) fascinating/ fascinated film, with Brad Pitt as the star. I hated the Mr Bean movie. It was just silly and (3) boring / bored. SENDIi-’ 4a Read the statements and say which of them expresses more feeling. 1 It was exciting, 2 It was really exciting. 4b @ Listen and repeat. Notice the Intonation in the sentences. 4c Ш Listen and say the sentences with more feeling. Example: You hear: The film was boring, (extremely) You say: The film was extremely boring. Use the adverbs and the adjectives from the box to give your opinion about any three films. £iramp/e; Beethoven 1 was funny The special effects in Mortal Combat were really fascinating. LOOK Adverbs (adv) extremely, really It's extremely interesting. interesting — interested relaxing — relaxed thrilling — thrilled touching — touched disappointing — disappointed fascinating — fascinated exciting — excited Write your opinion of two or three films you have seen for Movies Online on the Internet. UNIT 5 Lesson 2 ................... ' Lesson 2 A film review la Match the pictures and the types of films. • There is an extra picture. 1 an action film I 1# f ^ i i 2 a cartoon ^ ---—Я ' ft 3 a science fiction (sci-fi) film 1 b Translate the types of films. 1 a western 2 a horror film 3 a love story 4 a historical film 5 a fantasy film 6 a thriller 7 a documentary 8 a comedy UNIT 5 Lesson 2 2a Read and find the right picture in Ex. 1a. lUNGLE 2 JUNGLE If you are looking for something relaxing, go and see Jungle 2 Jungle. Have you ever thought that if a joke is funny first lime round, it is even funnier the second? And this is not very new. Do you taugh when Tim Allen falls out of a hammock? Wait until he does it again! Do you laugh when he is bitten by a piranha? Wait until he puts his fingers back into the water later. The comedy is directed by John Rusquin. The main parts are played by Tim Allen and Sam Huntingdon. ______________________________________ GLOSSARY piranha | pi'rainjnj — пираньч, кеболышы хшиная рыбка А businessman (Tim Allen) comes to the Amazon jungle because he wants to speak to his wife about their divorce, He returns home with a 13-year-old son (Sam Huntingdon) he never knew he had. The boy has lived with Indians deep in the Amazon region. Like Crocodile Dundee, the comedy centres on the adventures of a charming outsider in the New York Jungle. So. white the son learns that cats are not for eating and that an aquarium is not for fishing, Allen practises the art of using a blowpipe and starts to understand what is right and what is wrong in life, and finally becomes an excellent father. The movie has a really funny story and extremely good acting, it raises smiles but never a lot of laughs. The comedy can be seen now al the Odeon. ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆------------------------------- I Whose name is this and why it Is given like this? — 2 Is the present simple used: a) to talk about usual actions / habits? b) to make the reader feel as if he is seeing the film? 3 What is this for? 2b Read and answer true (T) or false (F). 1 Jung/e 2 Jung/e is a funny film. 2 The film is very unusual for this type of film. 3 A businessman tries to find his son. 4 Allen’s character does not know how to live in the jungle. 5 The son easily adapts to the city. 6 The father and the son learn a lot from each other. 2c Find any three new words in the text and translate them. 3 Find the sentence from the LOOK box in the text and answer these questions. 1 Wftiat does "direct" mean? 2 Did the comedy direct John Rusquin or did John Rusquin direct the comedy? 3 Can you translate the sentence so that the Russian translation begins with The comedy and ends with John Rusquin? LOOK be +Ved(3) The film is directed by John Rusquin. 4a Read and answer the questions alongside the text. /Ч ' 4b Write a review of a film you have seen recently. • Follow the plan. 1 Introduction (title, type of film, director, actors). 2 The plot (place and time, characters). 3 Opinion (likes / dislikes about the film, the acting, the story, if you would recommend it to other people to see). 65 UNIT 5 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Kid’s stuff? 1 a Read the title of the text in Ex. 1 b and say If the text Is about 1 the history of cartoons 2 steps in cartoon-making 3 the life of an animator 1b Read and check your guess. HOW TO BE AN ANIMATOR Peter Lord and David Sproxion. who founded mode! animation studio Aardman, started animating when they were teenagers. Here is their advice about how to become an animator. Start with an easy idea. Why not start with a simple figure drawn on a whiteboard? Or you could animate an ordinary object, like a lamp or a computer mouse. Then you need a story but keep it simple. Make з storyboard — a plan of each stage of your animation with drawings. It doesn’t matter if you're not very good at drawing. The most important thing is that you have a detailed plan of what you’re going to do. Start with simple figures. The best material is piasticine because it is cheap, easy to find and easy to use. The easiest shape to make is a worm. In the most successful animations the characters move in a realistic way. First, act out your character's movements. Then, move your models so that they copy the movements that you made. The most important thing is to keep practising and having fun whth animation. Ficsl published in Team, April 2001. CopyriflM Mary Glasgow Magazines / Scholastic. tc Read the text again and put the steps of cartoon making in order. The character is made into a model. The movements you make are copied by the models. The story is transformed into a storyboard. An idea is formulated. The character’s movements are acted out. The idea is put into a story. GLOSSARY worm (w3:m] — червяк A В C D E j. 2 Complete the chart and make sentences with the words. Verb Noun (person) Noun animation 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the right form. 1 In cartoons, all sounds (create) in a very funny way. 2 Making models is quite a long process: first a model (make) tn clay (глина). 3 Some models (operate) by hand. 4 Radio controls (use) for making the eyes move left and right. 5 How is a dinosaur (construct) on a computer? 6 Drawings in computer graphics (not make) with crayons or pencils. i| ......UNITS Lessona 4a Read and say if you agree or disagree with what people say about cartoons. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 a) You can find everything you dream about in cartoons, b} It’s just kid's stuff. c) Cartoons are usually funny — usually, but not always, d} It’s extremely exciting when there are real actors in cartoons. e) Computer animation is realfy great! f) Cartoon music is lovely. 4b KM Listen and match the speakers In Ex. 4a with their statements. • There is one extra statement, 4c Talk about what made a cartoon you have seen recently a success with you and what you were disappointed with. 5a Follow the steps to translate the sentence. These davs. Disney films need more than a good storv. 1 Choose the best equivalents for the underlined words. These davs: a) эти дни storv: a) история b) в эти дни b) сюжет c) сегодня 2 Think of а few ways to translate need. 3 Choose the best translation for the whole sentence, a) Сегодня диснеевские фильмы требуют больше, чем хороший сюжет. b) Сегодня в фильмах Диснея должно быть нечто большее, чем просто хороший сюжет. 5Ь Choose the best translation. 1 The John Smith voice in Pocahontas is done by Mef Gibson. a) Джона Смита в “Пакахонтас*' озвучивает Мел Гибсон. b] Джон Смит в "Пакахонтас" озвучивается Мелом Гибсоном. 2 Drawings in cartoons are made by animators, a) Рисунки для мультфильмов делают аниматоры. b) Рисунки для мультфильмов делаются аниматорами. /Ч 6 Write а paragraph In which you agree or disagree with the statement: Cartoons are just kid’s stuff. kv.vi'vvivv; vjT 67 in.-) УтЛ UNIT S Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Making a storyboard la Look at the scenes and arrange them in the right order. ' —— Ssh! Come in. Quickly! M V- '‘mv. UNIT 5 Lesson 4 Ш Read the description of the storyboard and check your answers rn Ex. 1a. A 12'уеаГ'0!с1 boy, Andy, is sleeping in his bed late at night when a loud knock at the window makes him jump up. He stares at the window and sees an extremely tall, dark Figure outside. Andy gets scared, slips deeper under the blanket and hotds his breath. He hears Raif calling his name. Andy opens the window with a loud bang and makes a sign to Ralf to be quiet. Ralt has a book Treasure Island in his hand and wants to read it now, in the middle of the night, Andy is extremely surprised at his suggestion and asks Ralf to explain why, Ralf does not explain. He just asks for a torch. Andy gets down on his knees and looks for it under his bed. Suddenly they see Andy's father with the torch in the doonway, 2a Match the right phrases to each scene. "Arghhh!" ^2 "Andy, it's me, Ralf. Andy, let me in!" 3 "I can't see anything. It's too dark in here." ^,4 "I'm cold." ^5 "Ssh! Come in. Quickly!" ^ 6 “Are you crazy? Do you think it's the time to p. read a book?" ^ Bang!!! И 8 “Dad!!!!" 19 “Don’t be silly. I'll explain everything in a minute. Have you ever heard of treasure hunting?" 10 "Who’s mere?!" 11 "Have you got a torch?" 2b Think of what Andy’s father could say in this situation if it is: 1 a horror film 2 a thriller 3 a comedy 2c Role play the scene. 3a Write a storyboard to go with the film scenes. 3b Write a description of the storyboard. UNIT 5 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Devil’s Cliff 13 Read and say if it is; 1 a storyboard 2 part of a story 3 a film script GLOSSARY There we were. At last I saw the Devil's Cliff — it was big, no, it was huge! And suddenly I felt sick, a iot of butterflies in my stomach. And I got thirsty. Maybe it was all the sun. There was a lot of sun, too much. I put my sunglasses on, but it did not work. I was thirsty, too thirsty to talk and too sick to climb the rock. t poked Ralf in the side. He didn’t pay any attention. He had one hand up to his forehead, shielding hts eyes from the bright sun. "It's great, it’s really great,” he muttered. "Let's find some water. Half, t’d like some wafer.” "Not now," he said, He was looking up at the top of the cliff. I got angry. "Not funny, Ralf. You want me to die here, don't you?" He didn’t turn his head as he kept staring at the cliff. “Stop acting like you’re a kid. Remember why we came here. There must be treasure here somewhere. We'll be rich, Andy, we'll be rich." I couldn't tell him that all t wanted was to get on my bike and ride back home as fast as I couid. "Can I have a drink first?” I sounded firm, or at least I hoped I did. He seemed irritated, but at last 1 got his attention. "Now, look," he said, pulling out the map I knew so well, "we have to hurry and get to the top before the sun starts to go down." “Oh, no,") thought, but took my backpack and made myself take the first step up the tiny path. lb Read and answer the questions. 1 Who are the main characters of the story? 2 Where does the action take place? 3 What are the boys going to do? 4 How does each of them fee! at the moment? 5 Are they going to go home? 1c Match the words with their meaning. butterflies in my stomach — иолпемис накануне аажного дела 1 cliff (n) a) feeting that you want a drink 2 huge (adj) b) very small 3 mutter (v) having a lot of money 4 irritated (adj) d) a high rock 5 thirsty {adj} e) look at something for a long time 6 tiny (adj) f) extremely big 1 rich (adj) g) a tittle angry because of someone being silly 8 stare (v) h) speak quietly or in a low voice Look through the text again and answer the questions. 1 When does the action take place, in the present or in the past? 2 How do you know? 3 Are there quotation marks? Why? 4 Is there anything special in how the names of the characters, place and time are written? 5 How do you know how the speaker says the words? 1 UNIT 5 Lesson 5 3 Rewrite the sentences and punctuate theni correctly. 1 Look Andy there's a tree at the top 2 I'm sick and tired muttered Andy 3 Where are we going asked the boy 4 Help he shouted Help 5 He whispered I can’t believe my eyes LOOK “Not funny. Ralf," said Andy. Andy said. "Not funny. Ralf." “Can 1 have a drink first?” asked the boy. The boy asked. “Can I have a drink first?" “Now," he said, "we're going up the cliff." 4 Read the next part of the story and put in the punctuation marks. We went up and up and sometimes I thought I could not go another step — my arms ached and t feit dizzy when I looked down. It seemed I could touch the sky if my arms hadn't been so busy. (1) Ralf turned his head What's wrong t didn’t answer as a stone suddenly slipped under my feet and I clutched tighter on the rock. (2) Nothing I breathed out. (3) Come on Andv hold my hand he shouted, but I was paralysed. (4) I can't i whispered I'm qoind to fall And suddenly I heard (5) mv dad's voice as if from inside mv head Do it son I looked up and saw the root of a tree just a bit above me. (6} Now I thought now and the next moment i was hanging from the root with my feet in the air. /Ч 5 Write about what happened when the boys reached the top of Devil’s Cliff. • You can use one of the pictures here or think of your own ideas. rKVj 71 (Vivi UNIT 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Writing a film script la flead and say if it is; 1 a storyboard 2 part of a story 3 a film script GLOSSARY swalluH I'swobu] — глотать Scene 1 MIDDAY, The sun is hot and bright. The air seems still. There is no wind. The green fields are sleepy. ANDY and HALF are coming to DEVIL'S CLIFF. ANDY stares at DEVIL'S CUFF. He is paralysed with fear at the view. RALF Here we are. At last. ANDY (paralysed with fear staring at the CUFF, his mouth open} Yeah... RALF Big, isn’t it? ANDY (not taking his eyes off the CLIFF) Big? It's huge! RALF Yeah, I didn't think it would be like this. Fortunately, we’ve got a rope. ANDY (hypnotised by the view of the CLIFF) Why? RALF (one hand at his forehead, shielding his eyes from the sun) We're going to get to the top, aren't we? ANDY (swallows with difficulty and puts his sunglasses on) It's too hot. I’m thirsty. RALF (RALF seems to be hypnotised by the CLIFF too. He pays no attention to ANDY and mutters) Wow! It’s great. It’s really great to be here. ANDY (turning to RALF) I'm thirsty and... feel a bit sick, you know. Let’s find some water, Raif. I’d like some water. RALF (not looking at ANDY) Not now, Andy, not now. ANDY (getting angry) Not funny, Ralf. You want me to die here, don’t you? (ANDY pokes RALF in the side. RALF keeps staring at the CLIFF.) • UNITS Lesson6 Scent- 3 lb Read and say true (T) or false (F), 1 The main characters are treasure hunters. О 2 The action takes place near an extremely big rock. П 3 The characters are going to take photos of the place. Q 4 They are both scared. П 5 They both want to go home. [~1 Choose the right translation. 1 He is paralysed with fear at the view. a) Oh парализован открывшимся видом. b) Открывшийся вид приковал его к месту. 2 Не is hypnotised by the view. a) Открывшийся вид приковал его внимание. b) Открывшийся вид загипнотизировал его. c) Он, как зачарованный, смотрел на открывшийся вид. Answer the questions about the text in Ex. la. 1 Where is the description of the setting given? 2 How many scenes are there? How do you know? 3 Which letters, capital or small, are used for giving places and times, and the names of the characters? Why? 4 Where are the rrames of the characters put? Why? 5 Are there any quotation marks? Why? 6 Why are the stage directions given in brackets and italics? 1 Are the stage directions written in the present or past simple? Why? 8 How do you know how the speaker says the words? 6 Write a film script of your story In Lesson 5, Ex, 5. • Think about the type of film. ilV'l ■VI IfKVJ 73 UNIT 5 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 @ Listen and find the type of film each person enjoys most. • There is one extra type. • 1 Emma a) historical films a) 2 Sally b) science fiction b) 3 Arnold c) thrillers d) fantasy films c) Score; 15 (5 x 3) u) e) Put the verbs in the right form f) Millions of pictures (use) to make a one-minute cartoon. The film script (write) by an unknown scriptwriter. The special effects (done) in Hollywood. The main part (play) really weil. The talent of many people (put) into the cartoon-making process. Score: 5 {1 x 5} 3 Choose the right word. 1 Both of us were really excited ( exoiXmg after the Oscar ceremony. 2 G/iosf Busters is not temtied / ternf^ing at ail, it is very funny. 3 The ending of Cffy of Angels is extremely touched j touching. 4 I was really amazed j amazing at his acting in the school play. 5 Cartoons are interested f interesting both for children and adults. Score: 5 x 5> 4 Choose the right translation. 1 This documentary is extremely frightening, a) Этот документальный фильм очень страшный. b) Этот документальный фильм экстремально пугающий, 2 I was disappointed with his last film. a) Последний фильм был разочарованным. b) Я разочарован последним фильмом. Score: /О {5 х 2) Read Vince Vaughn's answers and match them to the questions. There is one extra question. you wanted to act? 1 1 think of ait the years I tried to get a chance. I’ve been acting for nine years, but for seven of them I didn’t work much. So I’m happy I got a chance to make films. ! don't think I had a bad time. It's not easy to begin your career in this town, but what helped me was that I really liked acting, I never thought about being famous or that I wanted to get the best table in a restaurant t just wanted to be a part of movies, I wanted to act and bring characters to life in films. They were always telling me that if you want something it's possible, and f believe you can change your life if you work hard at it. D Yes. but I never liked acting classes. I like to play a variety of roles ~ it keeps things fresh. For example, I met dinosaurs in The Lost World and I piay a killer in Psycho. Score: fS (3x5) Total: 50 UNIT 5 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Lights, camera, action! Prepare for filming. • Choose a person who is going to read the story to the class. • Decide on the type of film for the fitm script you have written. • Choose the director and the actors. Rehearse PutfeeVmg into yooi tprs and their feelings. instructions. otBecTOB to the actors. 2 Present your film to the public. 1 Tell the audience who the author/s of the script and the director of the film are, and who plays the main parts. Ask the audience to guess the type of film. Act out your version. Listen to the applause you get. 3 Evaluate your presentation according to the following criteria. Self-evaluation criteria 1 Did 1 take an active part in the project? 2 What things did 1 do well? 3 What thing did 1 not do so well? 4 Listen to the teacher’s comment on your performance. Evaluation card for the teacher Yes / No / Partly 1 Is the plot clear? 2 Is the plot exciting? 3 Does the film give details of what is going on? 4 is the way it is written interesting? 5 Is the way it is presented interesting? 6 Was it possible to understand which type of film it is? 7 Was it possible to understand who is who in the film? В Wtiat did you like most? 6 Me in the world Lesson 1 What am I like? 1 Listen, translate and check with the wordlist. 1 shy, confident, bubbly, selfish, secretive, caring, outgoing, chatty, adventurous, dreamy 2 fun-loving, home-loving, hard-working 3 romantic, artistic 4 friendly, sensitive, cheerful, kind 2a Do a personality test. • Take a piece of paper and draw a face. • Look at it and answer the questions. 1 Is it happy or sad? 2 Does it look like you or anyone you know? 3 Does it look weird or unusual? 4 Has it got a big mouth or a small mouth? 5 Is the mouth open or closed? 6 Are the eyes small or big? 7 Has it got a lot of hair or a little hair? 2b Read the interpretations (A-L) and match them to the pictures (1-12) and say. Example: !f the eyes are big, you are an adventurous, outgoing and fun-loving person. What your doodles really mean И s о о Eyes A You are fun-loving adventurous, outgoing and В You are shy. home-loving and dreamy. Faces. с You are sensitive and caring. D You are a happy, cheerful p>erson. You are not very confident. UNIT 6 Lesson 1 Murh F You are secretive. Hair G You are very confident. О Mouth H You are romantic and artistic. I You are unselfish and kind. J You are shy and unsure of yourself. You are friendly i and caring, 2c hnj Listen and check your answers. 3 Look at the picture you drew in Ex. 2a and answer the questions. 1 What does it say about you? 2 Do you agree that it says the truth about you? 4 Award medals to your classmates for being very special. 1 Make medals as shown in the picture. 2 Write an adjective on them. 3 Hand out the medals and say Congratulations'. 5a Say what the test says about you and if you agree with it or not. Why? Example: The test says that I am romantic, dreamy and shy. I agree that I am dreamy sometimes. I don't agree that I am romantic and shy, 5b Test a friend or a relative and write about it following the plan. 1 Write what the test says about your friend / your relative. 2 Write if it is true or not. 'a\i »• n rt J 77 ''ЛУ] UN(T 6 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Making friends 1 Answer the questions. 1 Have you got many friends? 2 Where and how did you meet your friends? 3 Do you make friends easily? 4 Do you feel nervous when you talk to new people? 2a Read the tips for making friends and match the headings and the paragraphs. UJ jo№ ac’ ,\ub ■Ш to •veryon* © *^on’tfalktothe«m« or two to other r. ^ word tons of friends! ^sk Quoti 'Ons Sign un fft- . you don't like »Гуои'!2!Г «od and you can a,Г of new you want! " leave latent Think of some universal questions and fill in any gaps in the conversation with a question... Do you know Peter in Grade 8b? What do you think of the English teacher? Have you seen “Harry Potter"? Did you like it?... You can chat for hours as long as you have questions to ask! 2b Read and talk. 1 Which tip do you think is the best to make friends? 2 Which tip do you usually use? 3 Have you joined any clubs this year? If yes, have you made any friends there? 4 How do you usually start a conversation with a new person? 5 What questions can you ask a new person? 3a Match the parts of sentences to make tips on how to make friends. Example: If you join a club, you 'll meet a lot of new people. 1 If you join a club. 2 If you have questions ready to ask, 3 If you talk to other people who look as lost as you are, 4 If you talk to a lot of people, not just one. a) you can chat for hours. b) you'll meet a lot of new people. c) you can cheer them up and you'll feel better, too. d) you’ll have tons of friends. 3b Think of more tips on how to make friends. 78 iV.ViVViV.V ('1 '^a\i *■ UNIT 6 Lesson 2 (^гглЛ^^ friCMas tke cooUst tkmg хЬо1аЛ> sckauL 4a Read the phrases to start a conversation and think of an ansvirer. 1 Have you got the time? 2 Have you been here long? 3 What's the teacher like? 4 Is that yours? 5 Is anybody sitting here? 6 I'm Max. And you? 4b Talk to five people using the phrases in Ex. 4a to start a conversation. 5a Listen and tick the questions (in Ex. 4a) you hear. 5b Listen again and choose the right word. 1 The class starts at nine / eight. 2 The teacher gives tests every day / week. 3 Ryan gave Lisa a pencil / sharpener. 5c Read your card and role play Chatterboxes, Pupil A; You are at a new school. You don't know anyone. You come to a new class five minutes before the lesson. You see a boy / a girl who is sitting alone at a desk. You decide to start a conversation. Pupil B; You are sitting at a desk in the classroom and getting ready for the lesson. A new boy / girl comes up to your desk. 6 Write two or three tips for making friends and explain how they work. Example: Smile.— If you smile, people will not be afraid to talk to you. tV.VAV.VAV.Vi 79 IV UNIT 6 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 How it all began la Read and answer: Which name is missing, Lisa or Ryan? 1 Where and when did you meet? 2 What were you doing? What else was happening around you? 3 How did you see each other? 4 What did you say to each other? © Monday momidg I mel...class and waiUng in Novcmncr. I wa«9 so i pr die lesson to s art^ "«9^, ruler took out my pe«9 ca ^„^r when „„O was '"9 , looked up a"d saw 1 heard a boys gygt. не asked, 's , didn't know h.s na )/ j^^.dan was anybody sitting alone, so i said, ill ?hat day and i ” ^ed asking me all "NO." не sat t seboot. tbe teacbers. kinds Of di^^stions abou^^^ ^ chatterbox! everything. rolled off the desk 5 What happened next? 6 Why did you become friends? © I met^.Von my first day at a new school right before an English lesson. It was in winter. I was feeling nervous. I always do when i am in о new place. When I came into the class, there were about ten people there. They were chatting to each other and didn't even look at me. Then I saw... She wos sitting alone and she wasn't talking to anyone. So I went up to her and asked her about the time. She said it wos nine o'clock and her voice wasn't very friendly. Then suddenly her pencil fell off the desk and got broken. I gave her my sharpener and then she smiled at me. It wos a very nice, friendly smile. I sat down next to her and we started chotting. ... has been my best friend since then and I can talk to her about anything. 1 b Read again and spot the differences. 2 Find the equivalents for these Russian words. Lisa’s story a) болтун b) точилка c) покатился d) взглянула Ryan’s story , e) подошел f) сломался g) сел рядом c ней Find the sentences with the past continuous and explain why it is used in the story. 4 Interview each other about how you ^ Remember how you met a friend and write about it. • Use the questions in Ex. la to help you. met a friend, using the questions in Ex. la. 80 iVViVViVVi f J |У‘’ rj Р» Lesson 4 A true friend la C___i Read, listen and repeat. UNIT 6 Lesson 4 Who’s your true friend? X о have you known her? How long have For six years. How tong? her for sir уе<"^ For six years, yes, i SKyeo'SK»'*'’’'" ® 1 b Change the words in italics for a real name and a real time and act out with a partner. 2a Read the sentence in the LOOK box and answer the questions. 1 When did I meet Jane? 2 Are we still friends? LOOK I’ve known Jane for six years. I’ve known Jane since the first grade at school. 2b Make dialogues. Example; Pupil A: Do you know Mary? Pupil B: Vfes, / do. Pupil A: How long have you known her? Pupil B: I've known her for six years. 1 live here / for two years 2 have a bicycle / since I was ten 3 have a computer / for three years 4 be ill / since Monday w IV^' 81 fVjfV'l UN(T 6 Lesson 4 За Work in pairs, find three ideas that you both agree with. Young Writers’ Club n TAU€ FRICND Activity 357 There aren't many peopie who you can cail a true friend. Who are these very speciai people? What makes a true friend? by Alice (11) (c) copyright — Alice — Jan 31 A true friend is someone you can trust with your deepest, darkest secrets and feelings (Ashley, 13). A true friend is someone who gets on your nerves. Strange, but true. If he doesn't get on your nerves so often, he isn't a true friend (Scott, 12). A true friend is someone who doesn't talk about you behind your back, only if it is something nice about you (Natalie, 11). A true friend is someone who you can rely on and who is always there for you (Lindsey. 12). A good friend is someone who can get angry at you but make up \with you after the fight (Carly, 11). A true friend is someone who hears what you say (Darren, 14). A true friend is someone who cheers you up when you are down (Nikki, 12), A true friend is someone who is fun-loving and who is great fun to hang out with! (Conner, 13). To take part in this activity, fill in the form below and press the SEND button. Your pen name | ' ~[ Your contribution iSENDh 3b Find a word in the text which means; 1 доверять тайну / секрет (1) 2 действовать на нервы (2) 3 положиться (4) 4 помириться (5) 5 утешить, подбодрить (7) 6 когда тебе грустно (7) 7 проводить свободное время (8) Зс Add your own sentence to describe a best friend. 4a Listen to Nicole’s story about her best friend, Barbara, and say If Nicole and Barbara are very different. 4b Listen again and say why Nicole and Barbara are true friends. 5 Enter the competition My Best Friend and win a prize for your best friend. • Write about him / her. • Use these questions to help you. 1 How long have you known your best friend? 2 How did you meet? 3 What's he / she like? 4 What does he / she look like? 5 What do you do when you get together? 6 Why is he / she your best friend? UNIT 6 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 How to stop bullies \ ■ 1 Look at the photo and answer. 1 Is the girl happy? 2 What do you think the pupils are doing? 3 What do you think they are saying? 4 What problems do you think the girl has got? 2a 1^-! Listen and check your guesses. 2b 1^' Listen again and answer the questions. 1 VWiy doesn’t Stella want to go to school? 2 How does she feel? 3 What does she want to do? 4 Did she tell her mum about her feelings? 3a Read the poem and find the phrases which mean: 1 be bored and tired 2 a bad effect 3 horrible y,' 4 bully, tease Please don’t make me go to school. I’m fed up with being the fool. All the children call me names. They won’t let me play their games. Every one, they laugh at me. The hurt inside they cannot see. They pick on me now every day, And I just want to run away. I’ve no one I can call my friend. I fee! I want my life to end. I’m so sad, I cry and cry. For I am living a dreadful tie. I feel I cannot tell my mum, Of all the things that they have done. So if you think that bullying’s for you, Just look at the damage you can do. 3b Discuss in pairs and answer the questions. 1 Why did Stella write this poem? 2 Can anybody help her? 3 What would you do if you were Stella? 4a Read the examples in the LOOK box and answer the questions. 1 Are the examples about real or unreal situations? 2 How do you know? LOOK What would you do if someone bullied your friend? If someone bullied my friend, I would stop him. 1: К>/Л1 83 I VJr у 1 UNIT 6 Lesson 5 4b Read and add to the list. How to stop bullies? Do Don’t • Turn their comments into a joke. • Be confident. Hold your head up and stand up straight. • Keep a diary (дневник) about your problems. • Change schools. • Look at the bully. • Bully the bully. • Think you're worse than others. • Walk alone. • Bring expensive things or money to school. 4c Use Ex. 4b and answer the question: What would you do if someone bullied you? Example: If someone bullied me, I would ignore them. 5 In groups of three, talk to Stella and give her your advice. • Use Vbu should / shouldn't... / If I were you, I would... Example: You shouldn't cry, get angry or show you're depressed. /\ 6 Read the letter to Sarah from Shout magazine and write your answer with advice. YOU tell US! If you have a story to share, get writing to me, Sarah, at: You Tell Us! Shout magazine, P.O. Box 305, London NWl ITX Or you can e-mail me on [email protected]. b. ... Dear Sarah, People tease me about my name. I'm just writing to say how stupid I think they are. My name is Donna Daniels and because my friends coll me DD, all the boys in my class make stupid noises like "Deee Deee, Deee Deee!” I hate it. What would "Shout" reoders do if they had the same problem? Donna, Dear Sarah, I‘m writing in reply to the letter from Donna in Yorkshire. She shouldn't..., If I were Donna, I would.... If someone called me names, I would.... She should..,. Your name, city / town. Yorkshire У I Т'и UNIT б Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Win-win 1 Answer the questions. 1 Do you think you usually get what you want in an argument? 2 Do you ever try to find a compromise to please you both? 2a Read and answer: What is a win-win so/ut/ол? PSYCHOLOGY FOR EVERYDAY USE How to stop an argument What is the best way to stop an argument? A solution that pleases both people. A solution where both people get what they want, or get most of what they want. This type of solution is called a “win-win" solution because both people feel pleased, so they both win. For a win-win solution, both people must listen to and understand each other's ideas. They must also work out the problem fairly and find a compromise. This is the best way to stop an argument. But sometimes people can't listen to each other, and just argue to get only what they want. When that happens, the solution can be: • win-lose — one person gets what she / he wants but the other doesn't. • lose-win — the first person doesn't get what she / he wants but the other does. • lose-lose — neither person gets what she / he wants. Sometimes a helper {or “mediator") helps people to work out a solution. Each person tells his / her story. The mediator asks questions to understand the problem behind the conflict and helps them to find the best solution to please both parties. GLOSSARY please — удовлетворить 2b Form as many meaningful combinations as possible and translate them. 1 work out 2 3 4 5 find please stop understand a) a solution b) an argument c) a compromise d) both people e) a problem 2c 2d 3a Read the text in Ex. 2a again and answer the questions. 1 How can people find a compromise? 2 What happens if people can't listen to each other? 3 How does the mediator help? Think and say: Which solution do you usually use after an argument? • Give examples. Read about Ronan and Tommy's argument and answer the questions. 1 What does Tommy want? 2 What does Ronan want? Tommy asked Ronan to cheat in a test. Ronan said no, and told the teacher. Tommy got a zero, so he is angry with Ronan, because his basketball coach is going to take him off the school basketball team for bad marks. Tommy wants a good mark for this test because he wants to stay on the team. Just a week ago the coach made Tommy a starter. Tommy is very happy about it. Ronan is on the basketball team, too. but he is a reserve and starts the match on the bench. He wants to be a starter, too, 3b Think of the possible solutions to Tommy and Ronan’s problem. 4 l4Rvi Listen and say which solution Ronan and Tommy chose. • Do you think it was a good solution? Why? / Why not? 5 Write about a problem with your parents, friends or classmates. • Follow the plan: 1 State the problem. 2 Think of two possible solutions. 3 Say which solution is better in your opinion. 4 Explain why you think so. 85 UNIT 6 Lesson 7 Ijesson 7 Progress page la Ш Listen and choose the right answer. Can girls and boys be true friends? a) Yes. b) Sometimes, c) No. Score: 5 1 b 1*^»! Listen again and choose the right answer. 1 Harry has known his friend... a) for six years. СИ b) for three years. СИ c) for seven years. СИ 2 Harry met Kristen for the first time when she was... a) moving to another town. СИ b) playing with her pet. СИ c) cycling in front of her house. СИ 3 Harry came up and said, “Hi... a) Where are you from?" □ b) I’m Harry. What’s your name?" СИ c) What's the time, please?” СИ 4 Kristen is... a) romantic and kind. СИ b) chatty and bubbly. СИ c) easy-going and kind. СИ 5 Harry and Kristen like... a) playing basketball. СИ b) playing computer games. СИ c) going to the cinema. СИ 6 Kristen is Harry's best friend because she... a) is beautiful. СИ b) can keep secrets. СИ c) looks cool. СИ Score: 15 (2.5 x 6) Rll In the gaps with the verbs from the box. • Each word can be used only once. Example: His words sometimes get on my nerves. 1 My friend always tries to ... me ... when I feel depressed. 2 A true friend is someone you can .... 3 Jane, Lucy feels sorry and wants to ... with you. 4 When bullies ... you, don't bully back. 5 I have people I... with at school but I haven’t got any real friends. rely on hang out get on pick on cheer up make up 3 Choose the right form. 1 If I saw a ghost in my room, I laughed / would laugh. Nikki is lonely. If she would join / joined a club, she would make a lot of friends. Jake would have / will have better marks if he studied more. If I lived / will live in England, I would speak English better. I told ! would tell my parents if my classmates bullied me. Score; 5 (1 x5j 4 Read the text and write true (T) or false (F). Example: It was a football match with a team from Castle Hill School. This is David’s story about how he met his best friend. David and Max studied together a year ago. David and Max talked before the match. David had no friends at school. Ш □ □ □ □ Max can trust David with his secrets and feelings. D We had a picnic with a football team from Castle Hill School. I was sitting at a picnic table when somebody called me: “Hi. Max". It was David Traynor. We used to go to the same school. He moved to another house and changed schools a year ago. We were watching the other boys' football practice when he started talking. He said that he felt lonely because he could not make new friends at school. Then he told me about his new home, his interests... Funny, we hardly knew each other then, but there was something about him I trusted. Now we are best friends. Score: 10(2x5) Read the letter from Shout magazine and write your advice. I go to Q drama club but my friends don't want me to go there. They sometimes call me names and I go home crying. What should I do? "Shout" reader, aged 12. Score: 10 Score: 5(1 x 5) Total: 50 I и nncvi UNIT 6 Lesson S Lesson 8 Talk show Behind The Mask 1 Choose or think of some problem in your life. See the examples below. □ You often have arguments with your parents. □ You had an argument with your best friend. □ You are not happy with your appearance. □ Somebody is buiiying you. □ You don’t have enough time to do your homework. □ You are always late. □ ??? 2 Write on a piece of paper about your problems. • Try to give as much detail as possible. • Change your handwriting — write with your feft hand or write it in capital letters. • When everyone has finished, fold your paper and give it to the teacher who will mix up all the papers. 3 Prepare to talk about the problem. • Pull out somebody eise's problem and read it carefully. • Try to understand the problem as fully as possible. • Think how the person who wrote it feels about it. • Think of how to describe this problem as If it were your own. Make any changes necessary. Use the first person "t...” 4 Play Talk show. • Sit in a circle so that you can see everyone. • Choose the first speaker. The speaker puts on the mask and talks about the problem on his / her piece of paper. • Listen carefully to the speaker. Do not try to guess who wrote about this problem. • Give your opinion on the problem. Provide some advice ^ on how to solve it. 'f txdjias) 7 Past, present, future Lesson 1 Things from the past la Look at the pictures and choose the right answer. 1 What is the floor made of? a) wood b) stone c) earth 2 What was the stick used for? a) drawing pictures b) cleaning the floor c) walking lb Read and check your guesses. 2a Make as many sentences as you can using the tables. 26 March A light snow fell. Father has bought some fine wood to make a good wooden jioor. Mother is happy. GLOSSARY design (di'zainl — here: рисунок, yiop to look forward ['b:wod] to something — ждать чего-либо с нетерпением This is a page from a diary written by an American boy in 1805. Why is the mother happy about a wooden floor? In those times many country houses had an earth floor, which was swept every day. Women sometimes made designs on the earth floor, A long stick was used for drawing, and the floor looked like a carpet. The "earth carpet" changed: on a birthday, for example, there was a birthday greeting near the fireplace. It was a lot of fun, but the family looked forward to having a hard, dry wooden floor. paper plastic is metal 4.. are made of wood was leather were glass LOG к cloth Shoes are made of leather. cooking doing sums is playing are used for writing was drawing LOG were »K ^ travelling eating taking pictures In the past feathers were used for writing. 88 iVVAVViVY UNIT 7 Lesson 1 2b Translate Into English. Карандаши делают из дерева. Карандашами рисуют и пишут, За Look at the objects and say what you think they were used for. Example: I think Number Five was used for playing games. 3b Fill in the numbers of the objects. • Say which objects are still used today. (a) ... is made of wood. It was used tor playing indoors. © © ... is made of glass. In some British homes it was hung in the window and was used for stopping “the evil eye" (дурной rnaaj. ... is made of wood. In the seventeenth century it was used for teaching children the alphabet. ... was used for washing clothes more than a hundred years ago. ... was used for talking to people who live far away. 0 ... was used for playing music. 4a I -■ I Listen to how people describe objects and find them In the picture. Example: it’s Number 9. 4b Describe the other objects in the picture. Example: It is made of plastic. It is used for listening to music. /Ч 5a Write two or three descriptions of different objects and play Giressfng Game with your friend in the next lesson. 5b Think of an interesting invention, and draw and describe it. Example: This is a very clever machine. It is made of metal and plastic. It is used for finding things in your room. It can understand what you say. You say "socks" and it finds your socks in 30 seconds/ 89 С^'Л'У) UNIT 7 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Be a historian 1a Look at the picture and answer the questions. How oid is the house? Was there any gas in the house? How did people cook / warm the room? How many rooms were there in the house? What were the objects in the picture used for? LOOK Which of them were made at home? Perhaps it was a farmer's house. This object was probably used for cooking food. 1 b Read, find out the names of the objects and check your guesses. This house is a typicai Yorkshire home of the middle of the eighteenth century. There was usually only one room. The fireplace was the centre of family life. It was used for cooking, warming the room and heating water. People washed clothes and bathed in a tin bath. In cold weather hot coals were put in a warming pan, which was used for warming beds. Babies slept in a wooden cradle. Most of the things in the room are homemade, such as a patchwork quilt on the bed or a wooden doll. Yarn was made on the spinning wheel and was used for making the family's clothes. The witch bal) at the window was used for stopping "the evil eye”. GLOSSARY coal — уголь patchwork quilt — стеганое лоскутное одеяло yam — пряжа the evil eye — дурной глад UNIT 7 Lesson 2 2 Look at the picture and make your “investigation", • Use perhaps and probably. 3a Imagine that you are going to send some objects to the 25th century In a time capsule. * Finish the notes. This is money. It is used for buying things. It is made of metal or paper, This Is a computer. At the beginning of the 21st century computers are used for,.. This is a CD, 3b Add some more objects that you want to put In the time capsule. • Explain what they are used for, /Ч 4 Imagine that in the year 2400 some historians visit your room. What can they learn about you? Complete the report, write about five objects. REPORT Date: 24 March 2400 Name of the object Description 1 Telephone It is made of plastic. It was probably used for talking to other people or for listening to music. 2 Clock It is made of metal and plastic. Perhaps it was used for doing sums. iVViVViVVJ r J , ч1 > in ,|Vi 91 UNtT 7 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Table manners 1 Match the pictures and phrases. Say what you should / shouldn’t do at the table. lick your lingers say thank you when you finish your meal use your knife and fork, or spoon put your elbows on the table throw bones on the floor sit up straight talk with your mouth full wipe your fingers on a serviette 2a Read and put the paragraphs in the right order. TABLE MANNERS MI Do you hate sitting up straight at table? In the times of America's early settlers children didn't even sit at the table. They stood behind the adults and ate what was given to them. К GLOSSARY settler и — поселенец blow one’s nose ^ сморкатЕ>ся spit V — плевать stale adj — черствы й POI fl — КОТСЛ allow V — ратркшать, позволять In 1530, a man named Erasmus wrote a book on manners, Erasmus told people not to blow their noses or spit at the table. In those days people didn’t have plates. They used big pieces of stale bread. After the meal, the bread was given to poor people. Bones were thrown on the floor. .M К UNIT 7 Lesson 3 Ж Table manners are even older than tables. The first rules appeared about 9,000 years ago. People ate from big pots. Men went first, then women and children. Sometimes they didn't use spoons. They just picked out pieces of meat with their fingers. Ж Later, children were allowed to sit at the table, but they couldn't speak or ask someone to give them something. Ш Later, new rules appeared. People learned not to lick their fingers, but to wipe them on the tablecloth. They were also told not to put their faces in their food. They ate from plates, and everyone had his own cup. Bones were not thrown on the floor, but left on the plate. !b Find sentences from the text in Ex. 2a to match the pictures 1 to 4. 'i i 4 J гг L i'* 5 Щ4И 3a Say which of the old rules you find funny or weird. £jramp/e; People used to eat from big pots. People used big pots tor cooking. 3b In pairs, make a list of differences and say how table manners used to be different from now. Example: People in the past used to eat with their fingers. We usually use a spoon, or a knife and a fork. Translate the sentences. People used to eat with their hands. They didn't have plates and used pieces of stale bread. Make a poster about table manners for your school canteen: Dos and Don'ts. Example: Don't use... Always eat... You should... You shouldn’t... 93 '-Л V UNIT 7 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Tell me about the past la Look at the photo of Nancy Potter. ------------------------------^ 1 When do you think the photo was taken? 2 How old is the girl? 1b ievi Listen and check your guesses. 1c Listen again and say if the statements are true or false (F). 1 She learned about the war from a newspaper. □ 2 She worked in a hospital. П 3 Working in a hospital was very difficult. □ 4 Servicemen met their parents and girlfriends in the club. СИ 5 Nancy was in the services. СИ 6 She thinks she had an easy life. СИ LOOK iL “It was a difficult time for me." She said (that) it was a difficult time for her. 2 Read and report what Nancy said. 1 “I heard it on the radio." 2 “I worked in a hospital in Boston." 3 “I didn't know there was so much pain in the world.” 4 “We met people from different parts of the country." 5 “I had friends who were in the services." 6 *We grew up quickly because of the war." 7 “I thought about the war every day." 8 “We were very serious about life." 3 Read the interview published in a newspaper and say what Tina said to the journalist. In 1939 Tina Johnson was in junior high school. Many boys from her class left school and joined the army. She said she wanted to join the army, too. She even wrote to the President and said she Just wanted to go, but she didn’t get any answer. Example: In 1939 Tina was in junior high school.— "In 1939 I was in junior high school. ’ 4 Brainstorm questions that you can ask adults about their life when they were your age. • Ask about: □ their interests □ the music they listened to □ school □ clothes □ etc. 5 Ask your older relatives about their life when they were your age and write what you have learned (8-10 sentences). Example: Grandma said that discipline in her school was very strict. .M h rKvJ UNIT 7 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 What does the future hold? 1 Look at the time line, read and complete the table. ' —1^ ... - --------- ^ In the past Today In the future People lived to about 40 to 45. People live to 70 to 75. People will live to be a hundred. People used to eat with... People... People will eat with automatic spoons. People used to... People travel by train, car and plane. People... People didn’t have books. People... People... 1 Do we know H? 2 Are we sure? 2a Listen and tick udiat you hear. 1 People will live on the moon. □ LOOK 2 All transport wi(l be underground, □ 3 Families will spend more time together. □ In the future people will read books. 4 New animals will appear. □ In the future people won’t write letters. 5 People will have food tablets. □ 6 There will be new school subjects. □ 7 Students will have longer holidays. □ 2b Say which of the predictions you believe / a People will wear jeans. □ don’t believe. g Everybody will be happy. □ Example: People will read books. to People won’t read books. □ People won't live on the moon. Make predictions about your friend when he / she is 30. Questions Your predictions Your friend’s answers 1 Will he / she live here? yes / probably / no 2 If not, where will he / she live? 3 Will he / she travel a lot? 4 Will he у she have a big family? \ 5 What will his / her job be? LUNCH 6 Will he / she need English in his / her work? 3b Ask him / her and compare your predictions. /Ч 4 Write five predictions about tomorrow. • Here are some ideas: How many pupiis will be in class? Who wHt get a good mark? Will the teacher give you a lot of homework? What will the weather be like? What will you have for your lunch? •4 * 2084 V' t tKv; 95 [VjfV'i UNIT 7 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 School in the old days la Look at the picture and say what Is happening and why the teacher is angry. 1b Read, check your guesses and answer the questions. 1 What's the boy’s name? 2 Who wrote the story? How does Tom know that the teacher is angry with him? Is Tom often late? How do you know? Translate the words in bold, using the picture to help you. Do boys and girls sit together? Find evidence in the terct. Why doesn’t Tom lie to the teacher? How do you know? When Tom came to the school-house, he came in quickly and took his seat. The teacher was sleeping in his armchair, but when Tom came in he woke up. "Thomas Sawyer!" Tom knew that when the teacher said his name in full, it meant problems. “Sir!" “Come up here. Now, sir, why are you late again, as usual?" Tom wanted to lie, when he saw a new girl with long yellow hair; and by that girl was THE ONLY VACANT PLACE ОЛ the girls’ side of the classroom. He said; "I STOPPED TO TALK WITH HUCKLEBERRY FINN!" The teacher opened his eyes wide. The pupils thought this boy was crazy. The teacher said: ’You — you did what?" "Stopped to talk with Huckleberry Finn." “Thomas Sawyer, this is the most unusual confession I have ever listened to. Take off your jacket." The teacher took a stock of switches and worked with his arm until it was tired. Then he said, “Now, sir, go and sit with the girls!" Tom sat down beside the new girl. There was laughter and whispers in the room, but Tom sat still, with his arms upon the long desk before him, and looked into his book. Then he began talking to the girl. “What's your name?" “Becky Thatcher, What’s yours? Oh, I know. It’s Thomas Sawyer.” “I'm Tom when I’m good. You call me Tom, will you?" Yes." 1 c Read the text in Ex. 1b again and answer the questions alongside the text. 2 Which of the following do you agree with? Corporal punishment 1 was a quick and easy way to discipline pupils. 2 made people aggressive. 3 helped pupils to study better. 4 mustn’t be used, UNIT 7 Lesson 6 За Read and say what the author thinks about corporal punishment. Corporal punishment i& when children are hit. It was mainly done by parents and school teachers. Today ft !s not used in schools. However, many people think that corporal punishment was good because it disciplined children. When one of the class was punished, it was an example for the others, and so they were scared out of doing anything wrong. &ut I think corporal punishment is a bad thing. It may make the person angry and aggressive. It also gives children a lot of bad memories about school. i don’t believe that corporal punishment will come back, because teachers will never agree to hit their pupils and because things have changed. 1 makes a conclusion 2 gives his personal opinion 3 explains the problem 4 gives other people's opinions and says why they are wrong to start an essay to join ideas to contrast ideas to give your opinion More than one word can match a role. a) Many people think / say / believe that... 1 b) I think / believe that... 2 c) I don't think / believe / agree (that...) 3 d) but 4 e) so f) also g) however h) because Look back at the text in Ex. 1b and answer the questions. 1 Do you like the idea of boys and girls sitting separately? 2 What is good and what is bad about it. Write an essay about Sitting separately. • Use the plan and the expressions in Ex. 3c. 1 Say whether boys and girls used to sit together in the past / whether they sit together in your school. 2 Say why some people think it's bad / good. 3 Say why you think it's good / bad. 4 Make a conclusion, say if you want boys and girls to sit separately in your class. UNIT 7 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page la l4i*i Listen to the radio programme and 1 b Listen again and find five things that are mentioned. write what it is about. 1 mobile phone □ 6 photos □ 1 travelling to the future 2 exercise book □ 7 telephone IZI 2 sending things to the future 3 poster П 8 uniform □ 3 making a film about the future 4 newspaper □ 9 baseball bat П Score; 5 5 magazine □ 10 baseball glove О Score; 10(2x5} 2 Read and complete a report made in the year 2400 of a historical investigation about our time. • Use the verbs in the box, take pictures write eat open REPORT Date: 24 March 2400 Name of the object Material Use 1 Towel 1 It was made ... cloth. 1 11 was used ... (wipe your hands). 2 Camera 2 2 3 Spoon 3 3 4 Exercise book 4 4 5 Key 5 5 Score; 10(2x5) ^3a Read and fill in with the words from the box. many people think that ! don't agree but also so When I was young, we didn’t have a lot ot technology. There were no videophones. (1)... we used the telephone for talking to other people. I (2}... used e-mail to write to some of my friends. My computer was very primitive — very big and heavy, (3) I was very proud of it. (4)... life in the past was boring, but (5J.... It was real fun! Probably because I was young. Score: 10(2x5) 3b Report the first five sentences of the teacher’s talk in Ex. 3a. 1 She said that... Score: 15(3x5) Total: 50 i(VT vjfV UNIT 7 Lesson 8 ^esson 8 The past, present, future of things 1 Find material for a short talk about some object, tradition, habit, etc. and how it developed. You can talk about: □ schools in the past and today □ how people celebrate holidays □ what people eat □ what people wear □ what people do in their free tinne □ what people do when they’re ill □ etc. 3 Write your talk. Use the expressions in the box. ...has changed a lot through the ages. In the past people used to... It was made of... Today we have / use... I think in the future people will,.. but also however In groups of three, choose the most interesting material and plan your talk. 1 Say what you are going to talk about, why it is important, how it has changed through the ages. 2 Say what the object looked like, what it was made of and how it was used in the past. 3 Talk about the present state of things. 4 Make predictions about the future. Prepare for the presentation. • Rehearse the talk, so that you talk, not read. • Choose and arrange pictures to go with your talk. • Prepare questions for the audience. Present your talk to the class. Pupil A; Talk about the past, present and future of your object. Pupil В and C: Ask questions you prepared to check what other pupils have learned from it. Past Future 6 Fill in the evaluation card for each group. EVALUATION CARD CRITERIA Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 1 Is the material interesting / unusual? 2 Is the talk well planned? 3 Are the questions interesting? 4 Are there any pictures to help people to understand? 5 Did the presenter talk clearly and distinctly? I VI iV*’ 'I VJry ' 8 The world of mystery Lessons 1 -2 Find a clue and solve the mystery la Look at the pictures, say and guess the words. ^-1 1 b Look and say the words. QgpRT^^l^i=^ 1c Read and translate the underlined words. a) A detective came to investigate the robbery. b) This detective is a very good i LOOK The police suspected two men, Two suspects were arrested yesterday. a) Were there any witnesses? b) No, nobody witnessed the robbery. 'a\i »• \VJ UNIT В Lessons 1-2 2a Read and answer: Who are the main characters in the mystery story? THE CASE OF THE RUfNEO ROSES "That was a good programme on UFOs," said Nina to her cousin Max as they waiked down the street. "It's ama2ingf UFOs were reported as early as 1800." “That’s pretty hard to believe,” said Max. “Anyway, do you really believe there are such things?" Nina started to answer when they heard a loud scream coming Irom Coach Thornton's house. "Come on," shouted Max and they ran there. The coach was standing in front of his house and iooking at ten rose bushes puiied from the ground. "Look at that!" he cried, "Just look at that.” “That’s terrible," cried Nina. "Do you know who ruined the roses?" Coach Thornton looked upset. “I had to bench three of my best football players for missing a class. They were pretty angry with me." “First thing, let’s get these roses back in the ground," said Max. “Then we'il find out who did it." Nina and Max helped Coach Thornton to replant the roses. Then he invited them in for milk and biscuits. “Now," said Nina. “Am i right? You benched Sam Cartland, Mike Brooks and Alex Avery." "And you lost the game," added Max. "I know," said the coach. “But rules are rules. Do you think they ruined the roses?" “I'm sure one of them did it," said Nina. “Let’s see," said Max after they left. "Coach said the roses were all right when he looked out at nine. But after ten, he found them pulled up." “So, we have to check who doesn't have an alibi for between nine and ten. Look!" Nina pointed. "There's Alex Avery over at the Dairy Bar." “Hi, kids," said Alex as they came in. “Hello," said Max. "We didn’t see you in the football game," “I was benched but I guess the coach didn’t have any choice." “Can you teif us what you were doing between nine and ten this morning?” asked Nina. “I've been here since nine." He turned to the girl behind the bar counter. “Isn’t that right, Amy?" “Uh huh. You helped me to carry that heavy box.” “Have you been anywhere near Coach Thornton’s house?" asked Max. Alex looked surprised. “No, I'm not going to visit him." GLOSSARY UFO - НЛО couch Iksutfl AmE ~ тренер pull — вытянуть bench AmE — посадить на скамейку, дишить игры 1 What happened? Where? 2 Who were the detectives? 3 Who were the suspects? Why? 4 When did it happen? 5 Did Alex have an alibi? 2b Read the text in Ex. 2a again and answer the questions alongside the text. 2c in pairs, copy and compiete the file. What happened? I Where? When? ... ... Evidence? Witnesses? Clue? none ... Suspects Reason Alibi Alex the coach benched them at the bar / helped Amy T( 101 ■ I'vJrV'l UNfT 8 Lessons 1-2 За @ Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 1 Did Sam have an alibi? 2 Did Mike have an alibi? 3b l*^*i Listen again and discuss in groups of three or four. • Do not report the results of your discussion to the class yet. 1 Who do you think Max suspected? 2 Who would you suspect? Why? 3c Fill in the gaps with the words from the box and report the results of your discussion to the class. Max and Nina {1)... the case of the ruined roses. It was a very difficult case because there were no (2)... or (3).... There were three (4)Sam Cartland, Mike Brooks and Alex Avery. Max and Nina (5)... the boy who had no (6).... The {7)... found a (8)... that helped them to solve the mystery. It was (name)... who ruined the roses. alibi suspects (n) investigated suspected wfltnesses (n) investigators evidence clue 4a Rnd in the text in Ex. 2a the ending to the questions to make them complete. Do you know who..,? Can you tell us what...? LOOK Where have you been all morning? Can / Could you tell us where you have been all morning? 4b Make questions 1,3,5 and 7 more polite. Example: Why do you suspect Sam, Alex and Mike? — Can you tell me why you suspect Sam, Alex and Mike? / Do you know why Max and Nina suspected Sam, Alex and Mike? 1 Why do you suspect Sam, Alex and Mike? 2 Do you think that all of them have alibis? 3 Where was Alex in the morning? 4 Did anybody else see him? 5 What was Sam doing from nine to ten in the morning? 6 Was he really watching that programme? 7 Why do you think so? 8 Do you really think that Sam ruined the roses? 5a Match the questions in Ex. 4b with these answers. a) No, not all of them. b) No, he wasn't. c) He was watching a programme on UFOs. d) They were benched tor missing a class. So they were very angry. e) He was at the Dairy Bar. f) Yes, Amy asked him to help her with a box. g) Yes, it was Sam who did it. h) His answer about the first UFOs was wrong. So he didn’t see the beginning of the programme and had no alibi. 5b Imagine and act out the last episode of the mystery story. Pupil A: You are Coach Thornton. Ask Max and Nina about how they investigated the case of the ruined roses. Use direct or indirect questions. Pupil B: You are Max, Answer Coach Thornton’s questions about the case. Use Ex, 4b to help you. Pupil C: You are Nina. Answer Coach Thornton’s questions about the case. Use Ex. 4b to help you. Look at the pictures in Ex. 1 and write five more polite questions you could ask the investigator. 1 How did you investigate the case? 2 Who witnessed the robbery? 3 What evidence did you collect? 4 Who were the bank robbers? 5 Why did you suspect them? [jesson 3 Writing mystery stories UNIT 8 Lesson 3 la Read the beginning of a mystery story and answer; What happened after the party? THE CASE OF THE... At the birthday party Peter decided to show his friends his treasure — a rare Egyptian stamp. He kept it in a black album in the living room. Fred said, "Wow! I'd love to have it in my collection!" Roy who collected toy cars said, “If I were you, I'd sell it and buy a toy sports car." Mike, the best football player at school, said, "Stamps are boring. Let’s play football on the lawn.” Laura said, “I can’t play football. What about hide-and-seek?" Jenny was still looking at the stamp and didn’t hear Laura's words. She said, “Oh, what a beauty! I love all beautiful things!" “OK," said Peter, “Let’s play hide-and-seek. You hide and I’ll look for you.” In the evening when they came back to the living room Peter saw his black album on the floor. It was open. His treasure, the rare Egyptian stamp, was not there! It was gone. Peter noticed some green grass on the floor when he was picking up his album. He called Detective Johnson and asked him to come. LOOK Steal — stole — stolen tb Read the text in Ex. la again and complete the pages in the detective’s notebook. 2 5 4 5 What happened? Where?_________ When?__________ Witnesses? Evidence? 6 Suspects? 2a Listen to what the suspects say and mark on the plan where each of them was hiding. bench 2b In pairs, complete the second part of the mystery story on p. 144. 2c @ Listen and check. 3 Discuss the clues and answer: Who stole the stamp? 4 Read the solution on p. 143. Did you guess the right answer? /Ч 5 Write the beginning of your own mystery story. • Use Ex. la as an example. 103 UNIT 8 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 The Tunguska mystery la Read and answer; Has anyone explained the Tunguska explosion in 1908? SIBERIAN HVSTERy On 30 June, 1908, a huge HrebaLl crossed the night sky and then exploded. The explosion happened in Siberia, in Russia, in a place called Tunguska. It was very strong. Forty thousand trees in the region of the River Podkamennaya Tunguska were burned and hundreds of animals were killed. Shock waves from the explosion were detected in different places around the world; in England, Germany and America. Since the explosion people in northern Siberia still watch glowing silver clouds in the night sky. In London you can easily read a newspaper at night. White nights are reported from other places in the British Isles and in Europe. What exploded above the Tunguska forest? Why? Tbcre are no answers yet. 10 July. 1908 1b Read the text in Ex. la again and answer questions 1-4. • Write the answers in the table. The Tunguska mystery 1 What happened? 2 When? 3 Where? 4 What did the witnesses see? 5 Who investigated it first? 6 When? 7 How? 8 What were the theories? 9 What did scientists find out later? 10 When? 11 How? 12 Can we explain the mystery now? GLOSSARY shock wave — ударная во;1на delect (di'lekt) — обнаруживать glowing — ярко светящийся Siberia |sai'b[ana| cornel |‘квтэ1| — комета Discuss and answer: What do you think exploded in Tunguska? 1 a meteorite 2 an asteroid 3 a spaceship from another planet 104 tvYivvivv; UNIT В Lesson 4 ^ ' ’■ n I 2a Read and answer: When was the Tunguska mystery investigated first? Leonid Kulik is the first Soviet scientist who visited Tunguska. He saw more than a hundred kilometres of burnt trees there. Kulik and his team looked for a crater and a piece of asteroid or meteorite, but found nothing, In the villages they found some witnesses who remembered a fireball in the sky, a loud noise and then an explosion. What exploded above the Tunguska forest? A meteorite or an asteroid? A comet? A spaceship from another planet? ft is still a mystery. Soviet Science, 1927 2b Read the text again and answer questions 5-8 in the table in Ex. 1b. 3a Itn Listen to the radio news programme and answer: Was the Tunguska mystery finally solved? 5 November, 2003 5.55 Weather 6.00 Six O’clock News 6.30 Mysteries of the World 3b [ 1 Listen again and complete the table in Ex. 1b. 4 Complete the summary of the mystery. Use the table in Ex. 1b. • There can be more than one word in a gap. On {1)..., (2).... a huge fireball (3)... in a place in (4)... called 15).... The explosion killed (6)... and burnt (7)..., After that witnesses watched (8).... (9)... investigated the explosion in (10)... . They looked for (11)... or (12)... but found nothing. There were different theories from (13)... or (14)... to (15).... In (16)... a group of American scientists used (17)... and found out that it was a stony (18).... 40 m in diameter. But why did it explode? There is no final answer yet. 5 Read the text and write the main facts in a table like the one in Ex. 1b. SIBERIAN MYSTERY 2 On September 25, 2002, in the north-east of the Irkutsk region in Russia, night turned suddenly into day. Witnesses saw a huge fireball fly very fast across the sky. They heard a loud noise and later there was an explosion. A message was sent to the Irkutsk Institute of Sun and Earth Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The people asked the scientists to explain the strange explosion in their region. In October a group of Irkutsk scientists went to investigate the place where a meteorite fell on the night of September 25. They saw a lot of broken trees there but they could not find any pieces of the meteorite because of the snow. Scientists are going to visit this place again in June 2003 and explain what happened there. At the moment it is stilt a mystery. Science News, June 2003 tvVAV.ViV.v; r j 105 iV^ UNIT 8 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Mysteries of the world la Read and match the texts and the places on the map. Brisbane Water National Park has a special secret. The Egyptian hieroglyphs are written on the walls of a rock which is 10 to 15 metres high. Who wrote the hieroglyphs? Why? Some scientists think that two men were in Egypt during the First World War and wrote the hieroglyphs after they came back to Australia. But other scientists think that the hieroglyphs were written by the ancient Egyptians, who discovered Australia when they sailed in search of new lands rich in minerals, metals and adventure. The answer is not yet clear. AtL:. : BermiKla Triangit и Not long ago on the beach at Holme-next-the-Sea in Norfolk, English archaeologists discovered a circle of 55 oak timbers with an oak upside down in the centre. They have found out that “Seahenge* is 4,050 years old. Some scientists believe that it was used to communicate with the underworld or that it was used as a ceremonial site. Why did ancient people build Seahenge? Why was it important to them? What instruments did they use at the very start of the Bronze Age? It is a mystery. [сП The Bermuda Triangle, or the Devil’s Triangle, is in the Atlantic Ocean. Over the last sixty years more than fifty ships and twenty aeroplanes have disappeared without a trace there. Why did they disappear? Many reasons are given for their disappearance; tornadoes and other meteorological factors, huge sea creatures, transportation to other times and places, and even UFOs. But the Bermuda Triangle is still a mystery. GLOSSARY Bermuda (bam'jadsl Norfolk I'nsfokI Seaheniic I'srhenr^] .sail — luibiTb под парусом in search — a iioncici.x oak timbers — стволы луба upside down — здесь перевернутый корнями внер-х 106 |V' UNIT 8 Lesson 5 ■'•Ф: 1 1Ь tn groups, read the texts in Ex. la again and answer the questions In the quiz. 1c Discuss and say: What do these mysteries have in common? 2 Guess the meaning of these words: a) the underlined words in Ex. 1a. b) meteorological factors, transportation, instruments, the Bronze Age 3 Find the phrases in texts A and C and complete them with articles. ... Egyptians ... First World War ... Bermuda Triangle ... Atlantic Ocean LOOK names of oceans the Pacific the + nouns which the Earth are unique historical references / the Middle Ages events 4 Find questions in the texts and report them. Example: Who wrote the hieroglyphs on the rocks in Australia? — Scientists can't explain who wrote the hieroglyphs, LOOK Why did ships disappear in the Bermuda Triangle? Scientists can't explain why ships disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. 5 In pairs, ask and answer about these world mysteries. - Do you know why ships disappear in the Bermuda Triangle? No, I don't. Scientists can't explain why they V^disappear there. What's your opinion | about it? I believe they disappear because of tornadoes. •Pupil A Pupil в 1 Why do ships disappear in the Bermuda Triangle? 1 Who wrote hieroglyphs on the rocks in Australia? 2 How were hieroglyphs written on the high rocks? 2 Why was there an explosion in the Tunguska forest? 3 Why did people build Seahenge? 3 How did people build Seahenge? 4 Why do strange things happen in some houses? 4 Why can some people tell the future? 6 Write the answers to question 4 in Ex. 5. • Use the example to help you. 107 [V' UNIT 8 1е530Л 6 Lesson 6 Who built the Pyramids? 1 a Read the text and answer the question; Do we know who buitt the Pyramids? It is known that the Pyramids were built for the ancient pharaohs o1 Egypt. They were monuments to the pharaohs' greatness, filled with great treasures for the afterlife. However, there are some mysteries about the Pyramids. Who built them? Some people believe that the Pyramids were built by humans. Others think that they were built by aliens who wanted to send people a message. For thousands ot years it has been a mystery. Today scientists and archaeologists can explain who built the Egyptian pyramids. lb Who do you think built the Pyramids, aliens or Egyptians? 2a Listen to the interview and say what the famous archaeologist thinks about who built the Pyramids. 2b Read the statements and find evidence for or against in each statement that Professor Zahid really said. • More than one match is possible. Statement What the archeologist really said 1 Archaeologists have no evidence that the Egyptians built the Pyramids, A “Scientists used carbon dating to find out the age of the Pyramids," 2 Scientists know how many people built the Pyramids. В “Archaeologists found the skeletons of 600 ancient Egyptians," 3 Archaeologists have evidence that the builders were humans. C "Archaeologists found evidence of 36,000 workers and the camp where they lived," 4 The Pyramids were built 4,600 years ago. D "Archaeologists found the bakeries where the Egyptians baked bread to feed the builders." 5 Scientists cannot explain how the Egyptians built the Pyramids. E "The builders worked for the king and called themselves ’Friends of Khufu'." 6 The Egyptians wanted to take part in building the Pyramids. F "The hieroglyphs tell us how the Egyptians worked." U№T8 Lesson 6 За Compare the sentences and find the rule I think (that) aliens built the Pyramids. I don’t think (that) aliens built the Pyramids. I think (that) Egyptians built the Pyramids. 3b Translate into English. Я не верю, что египтяне построили пирамиды. Я думаю они не знали математику. Зс Change the teacher’s statements into opinions using I don't think (that). Example: The Pyramids were riot built by aliens. — I don't think that the Pyramids were built by aliens. 4 Read the letter to Voung Sctenfisf magazine and write your answer to it. • Use the notes to help you. We know that the Pyramids of Ancient E^ypt were built for the Egyptian pharaohs by armies of slai/es. The Pyramids were built in such a way that they line up with certain stars and planets at certain times, it's really amazing! How did the slaves do it? Pid they know about astronomy? Were they really humans? I’m sure the builders were aliens. The Ancient Egyptians described their life in hieroglyphs. &ut why don't we know when and how they built the Pyramids? Lindsey GLOSSARY slave -- раб line up — выстраиваться в линию certain — определенный Dear "Young Scientist", Reason(s) for writing (1-2 sentences) Lindsey thinks that... Your opinion and evidence I don't think that... I think... Firstly... Secondly... Thirdly... Finally... Yours... 109 I v> V UNIT 8 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page la Listen and choose the right answer; When did dinosaurs first appear on Earth? a) 230 thousand years ago b) 230 million years ago c) 240 million years ago Score: 7 1 b Listen again and write true (T) or false {F). 1 People and dinosaurs lived at the same time. П 2 Scientists canT explain why the dinosaurs disappeared. П 3 The dinosaurs lived on all continents. D 4 Dinosaur skeletons were first found in England, D 5 Richard’s friend thinks that dinosaurs are real. D Score; 15 (3 x 5) 2a Make the questions more polite. • Use Do you know,.. / Can you tell me... Example: Where is Max? (Do.,.) - Do you know where Max is? 1 How did they solve it? (Do...) 2 Why does Alex suspect them? (Can...) 3 What exploded in the air? (Do...) 4 Who stole the gold bracelet? (Can...) Score; 8 (2x4) 2b Make the statements more polite. £jrampfe; Vbu're not right, (think) — I don‘t think (that) you're right. 1 It wasn’t an explosion, (think) 2 They weren't humans, (believe) 3 James hasn't got an alibi, (think) 4 Scientists can't explain their disappearance, (believe) Score: 8(2x4) 3 Read and choose the right answer. THE INCAS The Incas in Peru were the strangest civilisation on Earth. They had no written language, they had few machines, did not use the wheel and had no iron. Inca technology was simple but the Incas built fortresses of huge stones, They put the stones together so that you cannot put a ruler between them. How did the Incas make and put together 100-ton blocks of stone without any iron instruments? It is a mystery. GLOSSARY The Incas a) knew mathematics and wrote books b} didn’t use the wheel, had no iron and couldn’t write c) couldn't write but had metal machines and used the wheel The Incas a) could build stone fortresses b) could not build fortresses c) could build iron fortresses The Incas a) put together 100-ton blocks of stone using iron instruments b) put together 100-ton blocks using rulers between the stones c) put stones together without any iron instruments It is a mystery a) who put the stones together b) what the Incas made of stone c) how the Incas built their fortresses Score: 12 (3 x 4) Total: 50 viVli UNIT 8 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Be a detective In groups of four or five, prepare to present a mystery story. • Read the beginnings of the mysteries you wrote in Lesson 3 of this unit. • Choose one to develop and present in class. • You may choose the mystery on this page if you prefer, GLOSSARY sand — песок locker room — раздевалка THE CASE OF THE BEACH SAND Lucy won the race at school. Angela came second and Sally, who was the best runner, came last. Chris laughed at her and called her names. Sally was upset. Angela was not happy either. She didn't win in the next race. V№en Sally took off her trainers in the locker room, there was some sand from the beach in them. That's why she couldn’t run fast! Who put the sand into Sally's trainers when she was having a shower? 2 Prepare to present your story and your alibi. Presenter “Suspects” • Practise telling the story clearly and distinctly • Remember to mention all the details and necessary clues, but do not reveal (не раскрывай) all of it. • Make the beginning of your story sound interesting for the class. • Think of what really happened and who did it, • For each of the suspects think; where he / she was what he / she was doing who / what he / she saw what he / she was wearing etc. • Remember that alt the “suspects" are part of the same story. • Remember to give some clues. 3 Tell your mystery to the class and let them investigate the case. 4 Be the detective in your group: • Ask the “suspects” questions. • Take notes of their answers. • Find the clues and solve the mystery. 5 Say what you like in each mystery and why. 9 The universe is calling Lesson 1 Our solar system ia Look at the fact file on p. 113, read and say the names of the planets. 1b Look at the chart and answer the questions. 1 Which planet has a longer day than year? 2 Which planet has the most moons? 3 Which is the hottest planet? Can you say why? 4 Which planet has the longest year? 5 Which planet has the closest length of day to the Earth’s? 6 Which planet has the shortest day? 7 Which Is the smallest planet? 8 Which planet is nearly as large as the Earth? 2a Read the text and say which planet it Is about. This planet is the most mysterious planet in our solar system. It is the smallest and the coidest of all the nine planets. It takes 248 years to orbit the Sun, so its year is the longest. A day on this planet is longer than on Earth but shorter than on Mercury. It has as many moons as Mars, It is nearly as cold as Uranus. There is no water or air on it. so there is no life there. This planet is the most distant planet from the Sun. 2b Read and translate the sentences. 1 Юпитер почти такой же холодный, как и Марс, 2 День на Сатурне почти такой же длинный, как на Уране. 3 У Юпитера почти столько же лун, как и у Урана. Look at the chart and compare any two planets. Example: Venus is hotter than the Earth. The day on Venus is longer than on the Earth but the year is shorter, Venus is nearly as large as the Earth. Play The Best Astronomer. Example: Pupil A: Venus is closer to the Sun than Mercury. Pupil B: Wrong. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. A day on Earth is nearly as long as on Mars. PupilC: Right.... Say what planet you would go to if you were an astronaut. Example: If I were an astronaut, I would go to Mars because it’s the closest planet to the Earth. Write about the planet you like on a piece of paper but do not write the name. The other pupils will guess it. Mercury Venus in space in orbit f^'ll UNIT 9 Lesson 1 fA Neptune Solar System Fact File Name Moons Average |'aev3nct;| temperature (’C) Rotation ['rautei/nj Orbit Diameter |с1аГгст11э| (kilometres] Mercury l’m3:kjun| 0 -167* to 427’ 58.6 days 88 days 4.880 Venus ['vi;nasl 0 472" 243.2 days 224.70 days 12,100 Earth ['з:0] 1 -51* to 48' 23.9 hrs 365.26 days 12,800 Mars I’mctz] 2 -123* to -30* 24.6 hrs 686.98 days 6,780 Jupiter ['^u:pit3) 16 -117* 9.8 hrs 11.9 years 142,600 Saturn Cstetan] 18 -180* 10.2 hrs 29.46 years 120,000 Uranus (‘juaranas] 17 -221* 10.8 hrs 84.01 years 50,800 Neptune (’ncptja-n] 7 -216* 15.7 hrs 165 years 49,500 Pluto |'plu:t3tr| 2 -230' 6.3 days 248 years 2,300 Mars Earth Saturn UNIT 9 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 What’s the ISS? 1 Read about why people explore space and say which ideas you agree with. Example: t think peopfe explore space because they want to know where the Earth and other planets came from. a} ... 1o know our planet better. b) ... to study our solar system better. c) ... to defend our planet from aliens. d) ... to meet aliens. e) ... to make our life safer. f) ... to create new technologies. g) ... to find new planets. 2a Do the quiz. 1 When was the International Space Station launched into space? a)1998 b) 1999 c)2000 2 How many astronauts at a time can live and work there? a) three b) five c) seven 3 How many countries are building the station? a) to b) 16 c) 20 4 Look at the flags. Which countries are they? 2b Read the text about the ISS and check your answers In the quiz. THE ISS The International Space Station is a world programme. Sixteen countries are working together to build the ISS: Russia, the United States, Canada, Japan, Brazil, and the nations of the European Space Agency (Belgium, Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland). 114 .VA-V fVjVl UNIT 9 Lesson 2 The countries are constructing the ISS piece by piece in space. It is very big and heavy, so they can only construct it in microgravity. The first part of the ISS was Zarya, the control module, which was built by Russia. It was launched into orbit by Proton rocket from Baikonur Cosmodrome on 20 November 1998. A few weeks later the US module Unity was launched. The two modules were connected in space. This was the beginning of a space station that will have more than 70 parts, and where seven astronauts will live and work. But while building is going on, only three astronauts will live and work on the station. The station begins a new era in space exploration. The ISS will orbit the Earth, and people will live and work in space for several months. The station will be an orbital laboratory for scientific research in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, human physiology, space and Earth science. We will learn many new things about how to live in space. And one day this new knowledge will help us to explore other parts of our solar system. 3 Answer the questions. 1 Why is the ISS a world programme? 2 Why is the ISS being constructed piece by piece in space? 3 Why does the station begin a new era in space exploration? 4 Look through the text again and say vvhat was interesting for you. Exempie: It was interesting for me to know that 16 countries are building the ISS. 5 Read and say how space research will change our life in future. Example: create new materials — Space research will help to create new materials. 1 space research / make new medicine 2 people / make friends with aliens 3 space technologies / develop more powerful computer chips 4 space research / change the weather 5 we / have new professions in space and on Earth 6 the ISS / solve the Bermuda Triangle mystery 6 You are a young researcher working on the iSS. Compiete an article for a children’s magazine about how your research work wiii change life on Earth. We are living and working on the ISS now. We are doing lots of experiments, Tliey are very important for our future here on Earth... ... So I believe there will be great changes in our lives soon. UNIT 9 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Living in space la Read the text and choose the best titEe. 1 Watching the Earth 2 Space sleep 3 Eating in space After a long day at work, just like on Earth, a worker in space goes to bed at night, then wakes up the next day and prepares for work all over again. There are a few differences, though. In space there is no up or down and there is no gravity. As a result, astronauts are weightless and can sleep in any position. However, they have to attach themselves to a wall, a seat or a bed inside the crew cabin so they don't float around. Space station crews usually sleep in sleeping bags. On the space station there are two small crew cabins. Each one is just big enough for one person. Inside both crew cabins is a steeping bag and a large window to look out into space. Now, space station crews have three astronauts living and working in space for months at a time. Where does the third astronaut sleep? He / she can sleep anywhere in the space station, they just attach themselves to something. Expedition Two commander Yury Usachev and flight engineer James Voss slept in the crew cabins inside the Zvezda service module. Flight engineer Susan Helms slept inside the Destiny Laboratory. Usually, astronauts sleep for eight hours at the end of each day. When it is time to wake up, the space station crew uses an alarm clock. I Yi UNIT 9 Lesson 3 У 1b Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 How long do astronauts sleep? 2 Where do they usually sleep? 3 What do they have to do before they go to sleep? 4 How many crew cabins are there on the ISS? 5 Where does the third astronaut sleep? 6 What helps them to wake up? 7 What is the difference between sleeping in space and sleeping on the Earth? 2a Look at the food trays and say which one is for an astronaut. 2b Listen to the interview and check your guess. : 2c l*k>l Listen to the interview again and say true (T) or false (F). GLOSSARY lorlillii.s |to:'ti:j^s| — Mexican pancakes brownies Cbrairnizl — chocolate cakes straw |str3:| — соломинка candies Am£ — BrE sweets crew commander flight engineer 4 Write a space menu for a three-day mission. 1 Astronauts eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. 2 They eat brown bread. 3 They eat tortillas instead of bread. 4 There is chicken, beef and seafood on their menu. 5 Astronauts don't drink coffee or tea. 6 All the drinks are in bags with straws. 7 Astronauts have sweets and brownies for their dessert. Say what food you would miss if you lived In space. Example: If I lived in space for a tong time, I would miss pelmeni because it’s my favourite food. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ First course ... Second course Dessert... UNIT Э Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Could you be a crew member? l a Read the words and find out who can be chosen to be a crew member. A can communicate in different languages В can speak and read English and Russian c can work in a team D ambitious E experienced F fivexible G friend (y H healthy ) honest J intelligent К kind L reliable 1 b Choose the three most important things for being a crew member in the list In Ex. 1 a and report to the class. Example: We think the most important thing is that he/she can work in a team. Then... And finally... 2 Listen to Charles Precourt, one of NASA's chief astronauts, talking about the requirements to be a crew member and tick them in the list. 3a Read and say who would be the best crew member. Martin sneaks English and Russian very «ell, ambitious, healthy. UNIT 9 Lesson 4 Pablo — speaks and reads Spanish and Russian verv weii, works best in a group, kind and friendly, honest, reliable and well-trained, a good athlete. Лех — speaks and reads English Italian and Russian, never gets scared in dangerous situations, healthy and sporty a good friend, likes to help other people.' 3b Decide who would be the best crew member in your group. 4 Fill in an application form with short statements to give reasons why you should be chosen to be a crew member. Application Form Name ---------------- Address Date of birth Heaith Sports What foreign languages do you speak / read? Are you afraid of the dark? How do you react in dangerous or stressful situations? Can you communicate weli with other people? How do you work best: on your ovim, in pairs, in a group? Signature Date Sex: male / female (underline) UNIT 9 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 A weekend in orbit la Read the adverts and say which hotel: t is ал ideal place for watching the Earth is ал ideal place for viewing space is an (deal base for space exploration 2 has got twin cabins has got TV in each cabin has got a zero-gravity sports centre has got space scooters 3 provides tea and coffee provides homemade cakes provides spacesuits for space walks % , ™univa,.eHo,eUs anneal base lor exploring , single and b»in ^ ^am and other , Homemade soups, cakes, ice ere our telescopes. н €nr чпасе walks. ; ss=---r.r* • Watching nine sunrises every day. „ehopevoullndvour^allloourhol^lnlerealaig and enjoyable. --Г- -:r The Five Stars Hole ■ J* ■ V - l-jiiov vour stay at our hotel GLOSSARY Alt the comfort of home in our fully-equipped cabins, The cabins overlook the beautiful blue Earth. The Five Stars is in the right-hand module of the ISS closest to Earth. Alt the usual facilities such as TV. tea and coffee are provided for your comfort You will have an excellent opportunity to watch the Earth. fully-tiquipped I’fulirkwipij — оборудован 14МЙ всем необходимым You’ll enjoy visiting our zero-gravity sports centre and doing some space sports. 120 UNIT 9 Lesson 5 За Write a plan for a day at a space hotel. 3b Compare your plans with other pupils. 4 Most of the plans you made in Ex. 3a and 3b have come true. Describe the day in your diary. Example: 1b Read the adverts again and say what activities you could do in the hotels. Example: I could view the stars at the Universe Hotel. 2 Say which hotel you would like to stay in. Why? Example: If I went into space, I would like to stay at the Universe Hotel, because I could watch nine sunrises in one day. Here I am on the spa and 1 СЗП float inside the st 1 slept In my sleeping b ^ Incredible! ШУ Wra 121 UNIT 9 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Space-age cities la И Read the texts and match the space city to the picture. Pupils A read Text A. Pupils В read Text B. GLOSSARY emergency (i'm3;cfe3nsil — экстренный nearby I'mobai] — соседний We have built a lot of space cities. The City of Stars is one of them. It is a very big city. Two thousand people live here. There are two spaceports in the city. The first one is the main one and the second is an emergency one. You can get to any place in the city by teleportation or by railroad. The teleports are in every area. People travel by teleportation. The railroad is for transporting things. We want people to have a comfortable, healthy life in the city. There is a big zero-gravity sports centre and a stadium. People can play space volleyball, basketball or other games here. There are a lot of factories in the city where robots work. Rockets take minerals from nearby planets to the factories, and the factories make many useful things. The City of Stars has also got factories, where robots and rockets are made and repaired. Nothing is thrown away in our city, everything is recycled. The air and water are purified, so we breathe clean air and drink clean water. Lasers defend the city. If unfriendly alien spaceships come to the city, the lasers will exterminate them. 122 UNIT 9 Lesson 6 The city where we iive is called FruitiHa 5. It looks like a giant red apple turning in space. The apple has a spaceport. It is opened when rockets arrive or leave. You can get anywhere in the city by SFM (Special Flying Machine) and it doesn't take very long. There are special levels inside the apple. There is a space port on the tirst level. On the second level there are three farms where all kinds of vegetable, crops and fruit are grown. There are a lot of things to do and places to go in our city, for example a theatre, a cinema, a zoo and some discos. The city has also got a lot of shops and hotels. There are a thousand people in Fruitilta 5 and we all live on the third level. Our houses look like exotic fruits. The climate here is very nice and the life here is the same as on Earth. Giant mirrors collect energy and direct sunlight onto the apple, so we have a forest and a great park where people walk, a river and some lakes, just like on Earth, so we can go swimming, Ail the water in the city is purified and recycled again artd again. The people in our city are very friendly and helpful. They come from different countries, but they can easily communicate with each other. When people are thirty, they have a speciai injection. They never get old after that. It is incredible to think that a hundred years ago on Earth people became old and then died. GLOSSARY crops — хлеба. 1лаки 123 UNIT 9 Lesson 6 1b Read about the space cities again, answer the questions and fill in the chart. Fact file for the space city Project A Project В 1 What is the name of the space city? e 2 What does it look like? 3 How many people live there? 4 Where do people live? • 9 5 What do people eat and drink? 6 What transport is used in the city? 7 Where do people work? 8 Are there any places to go and things to do? 9 How do people take care of their health? 1c Interview your partner and complete the chart. 2 Read and say what ideas you like most. Example: Pupil A: I like the way that nothing is thrown away and everything is recycled. Pupil B: It’s great that we can do sports there. 3 Rnd the words in the texts which mean: a) are produced b) is / are cleaned c) is / are used again Example: are produced — Robots and rockets are made in the factories. 4 Read and match the Russian and English sentences. 1 В городе ничего не выбрасывается. 2 Мы очищаем и вторично используем воду. 3 Они ничего не выбрасывают. 4 Театр построен два года назад. 5 Воду в нашем городе очищают и используют вторично. 6 Наша страна называется Россия. a) The theatre was built two years ago. b) All the water in our city is purified and recycled. c) Our country is called Russia. d) Nothing is thrown away. 5 Work in groups of three or four and think of your own space city. • See Ex. la for help. 6 Design your own space city and complete the fact file about ft. • See Ex. la for help. UNIT 9 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 |y*>' Listen to the children and tick (✓) the things they are going to take to another galaxy. Score; 10 (2 x 5) 2 R)l in the gaps with the words in the box. orbited spaceship exploration launched solar The Soviet (1)... “Vostok” was (2)... into space on 12 April, 1961, The fii^st cosmonaut who (3)... our planet was Yury Gagarin. His flight began a new era of space (4)... and brought the (5)... system nearer to us. Score: 10 (2 x 5) 3 Put the verbs in the correct form. 1 If I (can) visit any planet, I (go) to Mars. 2 We (collect) some rocks if we (land) on the Moon. 3 If we (build) a space city, a lot of people (like) to live there. 4 If I (meet) an alien, I (talk) to him. 5 We (go) to the Space Flight Control Centre if we (win) the competition. Score: 10 (2 x 5) UNIT 9 Lesson 7 4a Read the text and put the pictures in the right order. THE MOON [1 The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth. It was called Luna by the Romans. Selena and Artemis by the Greeks, it is the second brightest object in the sky after the Sun. m The Soviet spacecraft Luna-2 flew round the Moon in 1959. The same year Luna-3 photographed the far side of the Moon. The first landing was on July 20, 1969. The American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first men to step onto the Moon. The Moon has no atmosphere. But perhaps there could be water or ice in some deep craters near the Moon’s poles. The Moon’s gravity is six times weaker than on Earth; a man who weighs 120 kg on Earth weighs only 20 kg on the Moon. The Apollo and Luna missions brought 382 kg of rocks to the Earth. They will help to discover the history of the Moon, the Earth and the solar system. Score; 12 (3 X 4) GLOSSARY atmosphere I'stmasria) — атмосфера weigh |wci] — весить 4b Read the text again and choose the right answer. 1 The Moon was called Selena by a) the Indians b) the Greeks c) the Romans 2 The Moon is a) as bright as the Sun b) brighter than the Sun c) not as bright as the Sun 3 The far side of the Moon was photographed in a) 1959 b) 1969 c) 1979 4 The Moon's gravity is a) six times stronger than on Earth b) six times weaker c) sixteen times weaker Score; 8(2x4} Total: 50 UNIT 9 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Our space city home vesiqAT уоия oti/лг sPAce crvf ллф маг л ppjze Spxce City Vesigui СомркШ(м is looking for talented young people from 13 to 15 years old from all over the world. How do you imagine your space home? Please brainstorm your ideas and write to us about your space city. What will it be like? What will life in your city be like? Prize: Free one-week trip to the ISS or to the Space Flight Control Centre. Closing date: one week after the publication of the information. 1 Read the information about the competition and prepare your design project. • Work on your own or with your friends. • Write your design in the form of a leaflet or a poster. • Describe your space city (see Lesson 6). • Use the fact file. • Draw a plan or make a model of your space colony. 2 Present your project to the class. • Decide who will present each part of your project to the judges of the competition. • Talk, do not read. 3 Listen to the candidates’ presentations and think of questions to find out details. 4 Fill in the evaluation card to choose the best space city design EVALUATION CARD CRITERIA Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 1 How many aspects are covered in the project {see Ex. 1b in Lesson 6)? 2 Is the layout clear and accurate? 3 Is the presentation interesting? 4 Are there any unusual / good ideas? 5 Are the speakers clear and easy to follow? V1V’ 127 Е Welcome to Russia Lesson 1 Beautiful and amazing 1 a Look at the titles of the texts in Ex. 1b and say which text can tell you about: 1 the people of Russia 2 the biggest cities of our country 3 Russia’s nature and animals 4 the weather in different parts of Russia tb Read the texts and check your answers. В Scenery and wildlife The scenery of Russia is diverse and amazing. There are many large forests, high mountains, impressive rivers and beautiful lakes, Russia is also famous for its vast steppes and the tundra, "the cold desert" which is in the extreme north. The wildlife and flora are very rich, and the birch tree and the bear have become the symbofs of Russia. Population Russia is home to nearly 150 million people from different groups. More than a hundred ethnic groups live in Russia. Eighty-five per cent of the population is Russian. There are also about 5.5 million Tatars, 4.4miti!on Ukrairtians and the ethnic groups of the Volga region, Germans and others. They all speak Russian, but every ethnic group has its owm language and culture. c Climate Russia is a very large country and lies both In Europe and Asia. It stretches across eleven time zones and includes many types of climate. It has a tundra climate in the north, with very cold, snowy winters and short, cool summers. Verkhoyansk in Siberia is one of the coldest places in the world (-70 *C). Most of Russia has a temperate climate with cold winters and hoi summers. The southern part of Russia in the Far East has a monsoon climate with lots of rain, and on the Black Sea the climate is subtropical. D Cities Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation. It's one of the biggest and most beautiful cities in the world. W/ith a population of more than 13 mlition people, it is the biggest city of Russia, St Petersburg is the second biggest city. With its magnificent buildings and romantic atmosphere, it's really a living museum. There are eleven more cities with a population of more than one million people. Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Novorossiysk and Murmansk are the country's main ports. UNIT 10 Lesson 1 2a Read the texts again and guess the meaning of the words. ethnic groups own time zone culture temperate monsoon subtropical tundra 2b Look through the texts again and write the adjectives describing the country. • What adjectives can you use to describe your place? Example: Amazing. We’ve got an amazing lake in our area. 2c In the texts A-D find the things which are special about Russia. Example; Russia is in two continents, Europe and Asia. In groups, prepare to make a tourist leaflet about your area. • Be sure you have included information about the following: 1 where you live (in the north, south, east or west) 2 how far it is from Moscow 3 what the centre of your region is 4 how many people live in your area 5 what ethnic groups live there 6 if you can speak any of the national languages 7 if there are any rivers, lakes or other geographical sights in your area 8 if there is a plant, bird or animal which is a symbol for your area 9 what climate you have got in your area and if you like it 4 Make a leaflet about your home town or area. 1?9 UNIT 10 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 People we are proud of 1 Discuss and say which statement you agree with. We are proud of people who... 1 ...have become heroes. 2 ...have achieved a lot in their profession or career. 3 ...have done a lot for their country. 4 ...are very rich. 5 ...travel around the world a lot. 6 ...do exciting and unusual things. 2a Look at the pictures, read and say who these people are and why they are famous. I think ... is a great Russian because he did a lot to reorganise the country. He modernised the army and founded Russia’s fleet. He built a new capital. St Petersburg, on the Neva river. I think ... is a great Russian because he was a famous scientist and writer. He wrote a history of Russia and a Russian grammar. He founded Moscow State University in 1755. I think ... is 3 great Russian because: became the first female astronaut in the world. She orbited the Earth 48 times. 2b Say what other famous Russians you know about and why they are famous. • Use the words in the box. Example: Alexey Nemov. He’s an Olympic champion in gymnastics. built created discovered introduced invented set a record wrote 3a Think of ten great Russians. Give reasons why they could be chosen. Ten Great Russians Name Lived / lives (date, place) Did / does (what, when) Why was it so important? 1 2 1 I-' 1 1 ' 3b Report to the class. 4 Do some research about one of the people on your list and write a story for a TV programme called / Want to Tell You About... • Give three reasons why he / she is famous. UNIT 10 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Legend and history Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1 Whal do you see in the picture? 2 What is unusual about it? 3 Where is the town? 4 What do you think happened to the town? Perhaps... Probabiy... f think... {don’t think. 2 Listen to the legend and find out what happened to the town. 3a Read the sentences and put thenn in order to make a story. A Khan Batiy left the horrible place. В Prince Vsevolod, Yury’s son, led his army at the battle of Kerzhenets, but the Tatars defeated and killed all the warriors. C Since then only really good and kind people can find the way to Kitezh Grad. D Prfnce Yury built the city of Kitezh on the shore of Lake Svetloyar. He made the city beautiful and rich. E When the Tatars came to the lake, the city suddenly disappeared; it became invisible. F When Tatar Khan Batiy came to Rus, he wanted to conquer Kitezh. rob it and take all the people prisoner. 3b Listen to the legend and check the answer. 5a Compare the recorded story and the story in Ex. 3a and answer the questions. 1 How are the stories different? 2 Which story is more interesting? 3 Which story has more detail in it? 4 Which characters are more like real people? Think of a legend and write a summary of it. Example: Two young men loved a girl. She loved both of them too and she couldn't choose one of them. Then a miracle happened. The girl became a river and the young men became the banks of the river. 5b Add some descriptions to your summary. Example: Many years ago there were fwo young men. Both of them were strong, handsome and kind... /Ч 6 Choose and do one task. 1 Finish the legend in £x. 5b. 2 Write your own legend. 3 Write a legend from your home town. 131 ^ ,y )V(i UNIT 10 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 My home town is famous for... la Look at these things and say what souvenir you would choose for your foreign friend. Example: l‘d choose a matryoshka. It's really Russian and it's funny. lb Say what other typical Russian souvenirs you know. 2 Look at the pictures and say what these places are famous for. Example: Vologda is famous for its butter. Kamchatka Palekh Togtiattj Vologda mm crafts [! : M У AVlX UNIT 10 Usson 4 Read the texts and find the answers to the questions. 1 What is the place famous for? 2 When did the industry start? 3 What is the thing made from? 4 What is it used for? 4aocc^ Gzhel, a small town 50 km from Moscow, is famous for its porcelain. People started making pottery there in the fourteeth century. The name G?hel comes from the Russian verb ^hech, which means burn. Gzhel porcelain is made from clay. Vases, tea sets and coffee sets made of blue and white Gzhel porcelain are extremely popular. They make a nice present for anyone. Samara on the Volga river is famous for its chocolate. Since 1970 Russians have enjoyed the excellent chocolate made by the Ross/a Chocolate Factory. Every year it produces more than 30,000 tonnes of chocolate bars, sweets and boxes of chocolates of more than a hundred types, flossia chocolate is made from the best Brazilian cocoa beans. It is really delicious. It makes a good present for children and adults. ♦V 4a Read the sentences, answer the questions and explain the difference. 1 Porcelain is made from clay. 2 Vases are made of porcelain. a) If you see or touch some porcelain, can you say what material is used to make it? b) If you see or touch a vase, can you say what material is used to make it? 4b Complete the sentences with of or from. 1 Glass is made ... sand. 2 The table is made ... wood. 3 My skirt is made ... leather. 4 Cheese is made ... milk. LOOK Teacups are made of porcelain. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. 5a Tell a visitor what your home town is famous for. • Use questions In Ex. 3a as a plan. 5b Read the results of your group work to the class. /Ч 6 R'esent something your area is famous for. Write your story in the form of; • a leaflet • a newspaper advert • a story on an Internet website 133 UNIT 10 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Traditions and celebrations 1 Look at the pictures and compare them. 1 2 3 What can you see in the pictures? Are the events ofd or new? Have you seen or taken part in these events? Would you like to? What are they celebrating? V№at other celebrations / traditions do you know? Read the magazine article and put the pictures in the right order. Sabantui GLOSSARY plouiiihiniit jplauiol пахота It’s June again and I've just finished taking part in Sabantui — the traditional Tatar festival that celebrates the end of spring ploughing. I love Sabantui because it’s noisy, colourful and exciting, The streets of Kazan are crowded with people wearing traditional costumes. This year I watched Udmurts, Chuvashes, Maries, Bashkirs and Russians in national dress sing and do traditional dances. There are sack races, wrestling and tug-of-war competitions, and lots of games with prizes, I tried my hand at a traditional one called “break the pot". With your eyes closed, you throw a ball at a pot. If you break the pot, you get a prize. I didn’t this time, but Г11 be back to try again next year. The grand finale of the day is the horse racing. Anyone can take part. Last year my brother took part and came second. The celebrations end when the prizes are presented. The winners of the wrestling and horse racing get traditional prizes; six sheep and a cart Then Sabantui is over for another year — and I’m looking forward to next year’s Sabantui... and another chance to break a pot! UNIT 10 Lesson 5 За Read the advert and answer the questions. 1 How are Sabantui and Maslenitsa different? 2 What do they have in common? Russian Maslenitsa Celebrations ^ '■ 11-17 March, 10.00-16.00 Say goodbye to winter and welcome spring with a Russian-style celebration — Maslenitsa Monday — Sleigh-riding and tobogganing (City Park) Tuesday — Snowball fight (Central Square) Wednesday — Visit friends and parents Thursday — Horse-riding (City Park) Friday — Slide down the hill (City Park) ----------- Saturday — Folk dancing and singing (City Park) ---- Sunday — Lady Maslenitsa Parade (Central Square) - Play games with Petrushka Fun competitions Burning Maslenitsa Every day eat deiicious pancakes Enjoy every day of Maslenitsa 3b Read the texts again and say what activities you would like | to take part in. 4 Ш Listen to the conversation and complete the chart. 1 What festival is it? 2 How old is the tradition? 3 When is it heid? 4 Who takes part in it? 5 What are the main events? 6 How does the festival end? 5a Make a list of the popular local celebrations and festivals in your area. 5b Describe your favourite festival. • Use the questions in Ex. 4 as a plan. 6 Choose and do one task. • Write a leaflet with a programme for your local festival. • Describe one of the local celebrations in your area to your English pen pal 135 UNIT 10 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Have a nice holiday! la Look and choose the activities which are popular in your area. 1b Say what other activities people in your area like doing. Example: A lot of people in our area like picking berries and mushrooms. 2 Read the adverts, and choose the place you like and say why. A DAY OUT FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS! An ideal place for walking There are attractions to interest everyone. The country walks are pleasant and relaxing. Follow the paths along the banks of the river. Enjoy the countryside and wildlife. Rest for a while at one of our picnic places. Discover the beauty of an old church. Stay in a campsite for a night and watch the sunset and the sunrise. Don’t forget to bring your camera 20% discount for groups GLOSSARY pleasanl I'ptesantj — приятный discount [dis'kauml — скидка embroider) jim'broidan] — яытивка panel Срапэ1| — панно straw [slrD:| — солома bark [bo; к I — кора board |bD:d) — борт NEW EXHIBITION OlAT Don’t miss your chance Paintings and dravwngs Lace and embroidery from Northern Russia Pottery and porcelain — 20th century Panels, boxes and other objects made of straw and birch bark Want to try some traditional crafts? Welcome to our Do-It-Yourself Centre! Open 10.00-18.00 Adults - 20 rb. Children - 5 rb. Children under 7 - free There’s so much to enjoy for all ages on board our boat • Relax by the water • Breathe fresh air • Cool off in the water • Enjoy the fantastic variety of scenery • Short stops to enjoy the beauty of nature • Fun every day • Dancing and karaoke singing • Fishing Come and find out why a rest with us is the best! June-August: For information call 520-63-94 136 UNIT 10 Lesson 6 За Read the letter and say what type of letter H is. 1 a “thank you" letter 2 a letter inviting a friend 3 a letter to introduce yourself GLOSSARY 15 May 2003 Dear Betty, sighLseein}* |'$ait,si:io| ~ осмотр ДОСТОП p и мечател ьностей church Itfartfl — церковь monastery |'тппж1п| — монастьЕрь medieval (,medi'Lvl) — средневековый It's nice to hear you, your mutri and dad and your brother are coining to visit Russia. You can stay with my family in our house. it’s nice here at arty time of the year, but I think July is the best time to come. It's usually hot. although there may be some rain. My home is near the Volga, so we can go swimming and sunbathing every day. and can go walking and have a picnic in the woods near the town, I know you like sightseeing, so you’ll be pleased to hear there are a lot of beautiful old churches and monasteries in Yaroslavi as well as a medieval kremlin. What’s more, we can go on a boat trip up or down the Volga and admire the beauty of the river banks. There’s a disco there! I know you like dancing. You can take pictures and buy lots of souvenirs. If your brother and dad like fishing, they’ll love fishing in the Volga. Fishing is my father’s favourite activity. Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Nastya 3b Read the letter again and answer the questions. 1 How big is Betty’s family? 2 Have they decided the date of their visit to Russia yet? 3 What is Nastya's favourite season? 4 What interesting places are there in or near Nastya's town? 5 What can Nastya's guests do and see? 6 What activities do you think they would like best? 3c Say if you would like to visit Nastya and why. 3d Discuss and say what you would show Nastya If she came to see you. Example: We can take her to the lake. It's very beautiful. And we can go swimming and boating there. /Ч 4 Write an invitation letter to your friend. 137 UNIT 10 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page la Match pictures 1-7 with descriptions A-G. [X] Welcome to Krasnoyarsk on the Yenisey river. The best thing to do here is to walk in Stolby Nature Park, a hilly area of woods and strange rock pillars. В Have you ever been to the beach on the Irtysh river? Go to Omsk then and have a nice time. C This is Ekaterinburg, the capital of the Ural region. The Lady of Copper Mountain lives here. D Do you want to go into space? Then go to Samara. The rockets for space travel are built here. E This is Tula. There is a unique museum here — the Samovar Museum. It's so interesting. |~F~| Moscow is the heart of Russia. The Ostankino TV Tower is one of the tallest in Europe. [g"! St Petersburg! This is the city called “the Window on Europe". There are a lot of museums and parks here. Score: 14 (2 x 7) 1 b Say what places you would like to visit and why. 2a [*j-J Listen to what the children are saying about their home towns and answer the question: Who do the photos belong to? • There is one extra photo. Score: 6 2b Look at Picture A and say what attractions there might be in the city and what visitors can do or see there. Example; There are probably a lot of museums, and visitors can go sightseeing. I think there is a big park where people like walking and jogging. Score: в (2x4) UNIT 10 Lesson 7 Read the text and answer the questions. 1 Why is Baikal a unique lake? 2 What activities could you do if you went to Lake Baikal? BAIKAL, THE PEARL OF SIBERIA Baikal is the largest lake in Eurasia (636 km long and almost 80 km wide), and it is the deepest lake in the world (1,620 metres). The lake is one of the world's most impressive natural wonders, and rightfully so — Baikal is so large that all of the rivers on Earth combined would take an entire year to fiil it. Baikal is situated in a very beautiful place, surrounded by forests and the Barguzin Mountains. In the winter Baikal freezes over, with ice so thick that you can go sleighing on the lake. In the summer, its crystal blue waters are transparent to a depth of forty metres, and there are many seasonal wildflowers by the side of the lake. Boat tours during the warm months and hiking in the forest, along the streams and waterfalls of Baikal's parks, are very popular. The lake region is home to a great variety of plants and animals, most of which — like nerpas and the omul salmon — are found nowhere else in the world. Lake Baikal long ago became famous for the purity of its water. Since1992, Lake Baikal and the entire surrounding area have become a national park, and today Baikal is a naturalist's paradise and an idyllic holiday area. With fine beaches, excellent hiking, birdwatching, and pleasure boating. Baikal is one of the most attractive tourist areas in Asia. 4a Read the text in Ex. 3 again and write seven questions that the text gives an answer to. • Use the ideas alongside. 4b Make the questions you wrote in Ex. 4a reported. Example; Why is Baikal a unique lake? — Marina asks why Baikal is a unique lake. / Marina wants to know why Baikal is a unique lake. GLOSSARY entire [mtaia] — весь, целый transparent [сгэеп'вржгэш] — прозрачный Salmon I'ssmanl — лосось How deep? How tong? Where? Score; 6(3x2} Score: 14 (2x7) Score: 14(2x7) 5 Find the best word to fill each gap. 1 I would like ... hiking this summer, a) going b) go c) to go 2 When I was in Suzdal, I... a nice souvenir there, a) brought b) broke c) bought 3 Maslenitsa is a very... festival. Lots of people celebrate it, a) positive b) popular c) possible 4 The Russian ... flag is white, blue and red. a) nation b) national c) nationality 5 They have a ... climate with lots of rain. a) monsoon b) subtropical c) temperate 6 Read this carefully and find six spelling mistakes. Dear K(?lly, IVe just come from 5ochi. I went their with my mum and dad. The wether was sunny and hot, and we went swiming every day. We went to a consent. It was great! We also had a bout trip on the Black Sea. I had a nfse time. Nina Score: 10(2x5) Score: 6 (1 x 6) Total: 80 139 UNIT 10 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Planning a trip 1 Prepare for your project work. 1 Work on your own or with your friends. 2 Bring the pictures, photographs or drawings you’ll need for your project work. Don’t forget paper, scissors and crayons. !У - UNIT 10 Lesson 8 2 Read about the people and say who is who in the photos. 1 Mo Wilson likes travelling very much. She also likes going shopping and buying souvenirs for her friends. She likes painting a lot. 2 Bobby Hard is crazy about sports and outdoor activities. He loves music too. 3 Milly Green is fond of reading. She is interested in history, national costumes and traditions. 4 Steve Green likes nature and wildlife. His hobby is bird-watching. He also likes fishing. 3 Planning a trip. Bobby Hard, Mo Wilson and Milly and Steve Green are coming to Russia. They have only a four-hour stay in your home town. • Decide what things you could show your guests in your home town. Think about their interests and needs and what activities they can do there. Example: A. There’s a small mountain on the way, so we can climb to the top and see a beautiful panorama of the town. B. Let’s visit the supermarket on the way, so Mo can buy some lace or Palekh boxes for her friends. C. There's a history museum here, so we can see an exhibition of national costumes there. • Draw a plan of your area and work out a route. • Give reasons for your choice. 4 Present your project work to the class. • Decide who will present each part of your project to the class. • Put your trip poster on the blackboard or the wall so everyone can see it. • Speak loudly and clearly. Don’t read your notes if you want to be a success. 5 Listen to your friends’ presentations and choose the most interesting route for your foreign guests. EVALUATION CARD CRITERIA Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 1 Is the layout clear and accurate? 2 Is the presentation interesting? 3 Are there any unusual ideas? 4 Do the speakers speak clearly and loudly? Information gap exercises Uniti Lesson 3 5 Look the signs and say the instructions. Pupil В will check you. Pupil A Pupil 6 will read his / her signs. Check him / her. How to play recorded messages on your answer phone. Pick up the phone or press T for the loudspeaker. Press ► to play the message. To stop, press # (hash). To call back, dial 00. When you've finished your call, hang up. Uniti Lesson 6 Pupil В 6 Make a phone call. You want to talk to the director, your friend, the president, the Queen of England, a film star, a football star, etc, Unfortunately he / she is out. Leave a message. UnH 3 Lesson 4 Pupil В 6a Ask Pupil A for missing information. Example: Pupil B: How long has she been singing? Pupil A:... years. Name -... Country - Great Britain Music career • singing-... • performing - five years • working with her manager - ... Interests • playing tennis - ten years • collecting mugs - ... Unit 4 Lesson 6 6b Read about thanksgiving and powwow and make flies about these festivals. THE POWWOW I'pauwao] The Povmow is a Native American gathering. It focuses on dance, song and family celebration. Traditionally, it Is a celebration where one tribe vi/elcomes and honors others. Powrtvows are usually three*day weekend events, and people may travel great distances to see a powwow. The main powwow season is summer. All people (not just Native Americans) are wefcome at powwows. GLOSSARY tribe fl - племя honor ('о:пэ| V/tmE—йгЕ honour [’опэ] оказать должный прием Information gap exercises There are several different kinds of po\«wows. The two most common kinds are traditional and competition powwows. In traditional powwows everyone who takes part in the dance or singing gets some “day money." A competition powwow has much bigger prize-money for the dancers. Everyone can compete and dance, but only the dancers who take the top places receive prize money. Drum groups also compete for prize money. Judges judge dancers on their style and form, regalia, and ability to stay in time with the drum and stop on the final beat. GLOSSARY judge (cfeACfel я — судья Judge (ctsAtfel V — судить regalia [n'gcilisi n —церемониальная одежда и украшения ability jabilitil п — умение THANKSGIVING On the fourth Thursday in November, in houses around the United States, families get together for a large meal. Almost all families eat turkey and cranberry sauce for this meal, and have pumpkin pie for dessert. This is a very special day, the holiday of Thanksgiving. In 1620 the Pilgrims made a difficult trip across the ocean from England. They landed in what is now Massachusetts. In England the Pilgrims couldn’t practice their religion. So they went to the New World in search of religious freedom. The Pilgrims' first winter was very hard, almost half of the group died of cold, hunger, and disease But the native Americans of Massachusetts (formerly known as “Indians") taught the Pilgrims to plant corn, to hunt and to fish. When the next fall came, the Pilgrims had plenty of food. They were thankful and had a feast to give thanks. They invited the Native Americans to join them. This was the first Thanksgiving. It became a national holiday many years later. How much is Thanksgiving today like the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving? In many ways it is different. For example, historians think that the Pilgrims ate deer, not turkey. But the idea of Thanksgiving is the same: it is a day to give thanks, GLOSSARY turkey I'txkil n —индейка cranberry sauce ('кгаелЬэп S3:s] клюквенный соус pumpkin pie — тыквенный пирог disease |di'zi:z| n — болезнь com AmE — кукуруза fall AmE — осень feast |'fi;stl — пир, праздничный обед Unit 8 Lesson 3 4 Read the solution to the mystery. Jenny took Peter’s stamp. She couldn't see Fred from the bushes behind the house. Then she said she ran across the lawn so she was hiding in the bushes in the far corner of the garden. There was some grass on the floor in the living room. Jenny got some grass on her shoes when she was running. She came back to the room first and took the stamp when Peter was looking for Mike and Laura, and Fred and Roy were looking for the keys. 143 Information gap exercises Unit 8 Lesson 3 2b In pairs, complete the second part of the mystery- Detective Johnson looked around and saw some grass on the carpet in the living room. He didn’t say anything about it and decided to talk to each of the children. “OK, Laura," he said." Can you tell me (1)...?" “Well, Mike and 1 were hiding (2).... Peter found us there,” said Laura. “Thank you. Mow you, Fred. <3)...? (4}.... Did you see anybody else around?" said Fred, “I saw Roy (6) ... . Later I helped him to look for his keys. When we came to the house, everybody was there." “All right, thank you. Now you, Jenny. (7)...?" (8)... said Jenny. “Did you see Mike or Laura?" “No, i didn’t," said Jenny. “But I saw Fred behind the tree," “OK. Did you see who came back to the house first?” “Fred came first, I think. I ran very fast across the lawn but I came second," “Thank you, Jenrry. Now I know who took your stamp, Peter," said Detective Johnson and looked at one of the children. Unit 1 Lesson 3 1 Look at the signs and say the instructions. Pupil A wifi check you. Pupil В Pupil A will read his / her signs. Check him / her. How to use your phone card. 1 Do not insert the card into the phone. 2 Pick up the phone. 3 Dial 0800 067 0077 and wait for instructions. 4 Dia! your card number and phone number. 5 To make another call, press ## {hash) and return to step 4. Unit 3 Lesson 4 Pupil A 6a Ask Pupil В for missing information. Example: Pupil A: How long has she been performing? Pupil B:... years. Name — Mary Gold Country — ... Music career • singing — seven years • performing—... • working with her manager — two years Interests • playing tennis — ... • collecting mugs — three years i V'l Грамматический справочник UNIT1 Requests (Просьбы) Если ты хочешь вежливо попросить, особенно незнакомых людей или людей старше тебя, используй Сап you..,? Could you...? и Do you think you could...? Например, Do you think you could show me the way? (He Ы0ГЛУ1 бы Вы показать дорогу?} Can / Could you give me your pen for a minute? (Дайте, пожалуйста, ручку на минутку.) No + V + ing На запрещающих знаках и объявлениях можно часто увидеть фразы вида No + V + ing. Например, NO PARKING (Парковка запрещена) Pronouns (Местоимения) Используй эти местоимения после таких глаголов, как see, help, like, и таких предлогов, как with, for, at. Например, Му mother is cooking dinner. I am helping her. These flowers are beautiful. Look at them. Кто? Что? Кого? Кому? Кем? О ком? Чего? Чему? Чем? Что? О чем? you me you he him she her we us they them Want somebody to do something Если ты хочешь, чтобы для тебя что-то сделали, используй конструкцию want somebody to do something. В русском языке вместо неопределенной формы глагола to do используется придаточное предложение с союзом чтобы. Например, / want him to до there. (Я хочу, чтобы ом сходил туда.) UNIT 2 50.. . / Neither... Если ты хочешь сказать И я тоже, то есть, ты любишь то же, что и твой собеседник, умеешь делать то же, что и твой собеседник, используй 50.. . /.— So do I. / So am I./So would I. / So can I. /So should I. Выбери подходяш>1й глагол. Например, Stephen: I like running. Pete: So do I. (И я тоже.) Pete: I can play ping pong. Stephen: So can I. (И я тоже.) Если ты говоришь о ком-то другом И он тоже. / И она тоже. / И они тоже, и т. д., выбери подходящее местоимение и соответствующий глагол (So does he. / So is she. / So are they, и т. д.). do 1 / you / we / they. does he / she / it. am 1. is he / she / it. So are you / they. Neither did 1 / you / he / she / it / we / they. have 1 / you / we / they. has he / she / it. would I / you / he / she / it / we / they. can 1 / you / he / she / it / we / they. 145 грамматический справочник Если ты хочешь сказать И я гоже we.... то есть, как и твой собеседник, ты НЕ любишь, НЕ можешь, НЕ делаешь что-то, используй Neither do I. / Neither have L / Neither would I. Например, Stephen: I wou/dn't like to go to the gym, Pete: Neither would I. (Ия тоже, j Pete: I haven’t done it Stephen; Neither have I. (Ия тоже.) О других людях ты можешь рассказать и так: Sasha is sporty, and so is Lena, The boys didn‘t watch the match, and neiWer did their father. UNITS Used to Если ты говоришь о том, что ты делал раньше, но we делаешь сейчас, используй used to. Обрати внимание на произношение ('juistu]. Например, I used to fide а tricycle. {But I don't do it now,) I didn't use to play the guitar. (But i play it now.) Have / Has been doing (Present perfect continuous) Если ты говоришь, что действие началось в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор, используй have/has been doing. Например, He has been playing in the band for ten years. (Oh играет в музыкально1Я группе десять лет, / Он играет а ней в течение периода времени, равного десяти годам.) Не has been playing in the band since 1985. (Oh играет a музыкальной группе с 1985 года. / Он начал играть в 1985 году и играет до сих пор.) since 1985 сейчас Ю-уеаг period сейчас UNIT 4 See somebody / something do something Чтобы сказать: я видел или слышал, как произошло какое-то событие, используй конструкцию see + sb. / sth. + do sth. Эта же конструкция используется с глаголами watch, hear. Например, I saw а саг drive through an arch in a tree. (Я видела, как машина проехала через арку в дереве. J I heard him open the door. (Я слышал, как он открыл дверь.) see / watch / hear children John him do something her 146 IVViVViVV) f-J in |Пммматический справочник Was / Were + Ved(3) (Past passive) Если ты говоришь о прошлом и Х1ЛЯ тебя важнее нш произошло, а не кш это сделал, используй глагол в форме was / were + Ved(3). например. The first jeans were made in California. (Первые джинсы сшили в Калифорнии.) Если ты хочешь уточнить, кш это сделал или аем это вызвано, используй предлог by. Например, The first jeans were made by Levi Strauss. (Первые джинсы сшил Леви Страус.) Money, news Слова money, news употребляй только в единственном числе. Например, Money — деньги News — новость, новости Money doesn't grow on trees. People earn it. (Деньги не растут на деревьях. Их зарабатывают.) No news is good news. (Отсутствие новостей — хорошая новость.) Сап / Can’t для разрешения и запрещения Говоря о том, что можно или нельзя делать, потому что есть такие правила или законы, используй сап/can't, например, You can't be late for school. (B школу нельзя опаздывать.) You can wear jeans to school. (B школу можно носить джинсы.) UNITS Interesting / Interested Чтобы сказать, что люди или объекты вызывают определенные чувства, например скуку, употребляй прилагательное с окончанием -ing. The film was boring. (Это был скучный фильм.) Чтобы сказать о том, чю человек чувствует, употребляй прилагательное с окончанием ■ed. Например, I №35 bored. (Мне было скучно.) Ат / Is / Are + Ved(3) (Present passive simple) Если ты говоришь о настоящем, и для тебя важнее уш происходит, а не |сш это делает, используй am / is / are + Ved(3). Например, Making models is a long process: first a mode! is made in clay. (Изготовление моделей — процесс длительный; сначала ьюдвль делают из глины.) Если же ты хочешь уточнить, ktq это делает или уеы это вызвано, используй предлог by. Например, The main parts are played by unknown actors. (B главных ролях заняты неизвестные актеры.) 147 грамматический справочник Direct speech (Прямая речь) Обрати внимание на знаки препинания в предложениях с прямой речью. Например, Не muttered, “The treasure's somewhere here. ’ “The treasure's somewhere here," he muttered. “Help!" he shouted, “My foot is stuck." UNIT 6 Have known / Have been / Have had + for/since (Present perfect simple) Когда ты хочешь сказать, что ты кого-то давно знаешь, что вы друзья вот уже много лет, а компьютер у тебя с трехлетнего возраста, то используй have + known, have + been, have + had. Например, / have known my best friend for five years. (To есть первый раз вы встретились пять лет назади до сих пор дружите.) We have been friends since then. (To есть подружились вы давно, и до сих пор вы друзья.) / have had а computer since I was three. (To есть тебе пгщарили компьютер, когда тебе было три гада, и сейчас у тебя он тоже есть.) If I were you, I would... Если ты хочешь дать совет или сказать, как бы ты поступил на месте другого человека, используй If I were you, I would... Например, If I were you, I would go jogging every morning. (Советую тебе бегать по уграм. / Будь я на твоем месте, я бы бегал по утрам.) Conditional 2 Если ты воображаешь / представляешь, что бы ты сделал при определенных условиях (но сделать этого ты не можешь, поскольку эти условия сейчас не существуют), то используй конструкцию if... V(2), would V(1)... (conditional 2). Например, If someone bullied me, I would stilt hold my head up. (Если бы кто-то дразнил меня, я все равно был бы уверен в себе и ходил с высоко поднятой головой.) If someone bullied те, I wouldn’t think that I’m not as good as the others. (Если бы кто-то дразнил меня, я бы не стала бы думать, что я хуже других.) Ставь запятую после первой части предложения, если начинаешь предложение с if. UNIT? Reporting past statements (Косвенные утверждения) Когда ты пересказываешь чужую речь, измени подлежащее и используй соответствующие местоимения. Например, “I was very scared," she said. (“Я была очень напугана", — сказала ома.) She said (that) she was very scared. (Она сказала, что (она) была очень напугана.) Можно использовать два глагола say и tell. При использовании глагола tell указывай, к кому обращался говоривший. Например, She said, "Магу, you were а very beautiful child. ° — She said that Mary was a very beautiful child. / She told Mary that she was a very beautiful child. 148 грамматический справочник No article Не используй артикль с существительными, обозначающими материалы. Например, Му shoes are made of leather. Will / Won’t Если ты хочешь сказать о том, что, по твоему мнению, может случиться в будущем, используй глагол will (won't). Например, In the future people will have food tablets. They vvon'f eaf full meals. UNIT8____________________________________ _ __ Article the Артикль the используй c: 1 названиями океанов и морей (the Atlantic Осеал, the Black Sea) 2 названиями явлений или объектов, которые люди считают уникальными (the Earth, the Bermuda Triangle) 3 названиями исторических событий или исторических периодов (the Bronze Age, the First World War) Indirect questions (Косвенные вопросы) Если хочешь задать вопрос з более вежливой форме, то начни его слонами Оо you know... Can / Could you tell me... Обрати внимание, что вопросы после этих фраз имеют прямой порядок слов. Например, Why did ships disappear in the Bermuda Triangle? — Do you know why ships disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle? Если ты хочешь передать чью-либо речь или вопрос, измени порядок слов в предложении на прямой. Например, Why did ships disappear in the Bermuda Triangle? Scientists can't explain why ships disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. Negative sentences with t don’t think (Отрицательные предложения с I don’t think) Если Tbi не согласен с собеседником и хочешь сказать ему об этом, начни предложение с / don't think.../1 don't believe... Глагол во второй части предложения не должен иметь отрицательную частицу. Например, Не сап 't swim well.— I don't think (that) he can swim well. UNIT 9 No article He употребляй артикль с названиями планет. Например. А spaceship will soon до to Mars. He употребляй артикль в выражениях in space, on Earth. Например, Walking in space is exciting. Article the Используй артикль the c названиями космических объектов, которые земляне воспринимают как уникальные, the sun, the moon, the earth, the universe. Например, The sun is a hot star. Грамматический справочник Irregular verbs Present Past simple Past participle Present Past simple Past pasticiple be was / were been learn learnt learnt become became become leave left left begin began begun let let let beat beat beaten lose lost lost break broke broken make made made bring brought brought meet met met build built built pay paid paid buy bought bought put put put catch caught caught read read read choose chose chosen ride rode ridden come came come ring rang rung cost cost cost run ran run cut cut cut say said said do did done see saw seen draw drew drawn sell sold sold drink drank drunk send sent sent drive drove driven sit sat sat eat ate eaten show showed shown feel felt felt smell smelt smelt fly flew flown speak spoke spoken get got got spend spent spent give gave given stand stood stood go went gone steal stole stolen grow grew grown sweep swept swept fall fell fallen swim swam swum feed fed fed take took taken fight fought fought teach taught taught find found found tell told told forget forgot forgotten think thought thought hang hung hung throw threw thrown have had had understand understood understood hear heard heard wake woke woken hurt hurt hurt wear wore worn keep kept kept win won won know knew known write wrote written Wordlist / Список слов в этом Списке слов* ты найдешь все новые слова, которые встречаются в учебнике. В английском языке однокоренные слова, принадлежащие к разным частям речи, часто совпадают по форме, например love существительное и love глагол. Тогда каждое из ник рассматривается в новой словарной статье. Если слово имеет несколько значений, то они приводятся в отдельной словарной статье. К сожалению, слова нельзя переводить с одного языка на другой механически. Поэтому, чтобы выбрать правильный перевод, надо знать, в какой ситуации (в каком контексте) слово употребляется. В этом тебе поможет ссылка на раздел и урок, где это слово встречается впервые, например. (U5L1). Чтобы сделать точный перевод, запомни, из чего состоит словарная статья. Обычно она включает: заглавное слово, [транскрипцию], часть речи, к которой относится данное слово, и перевод. Если данное слово — неправильный глагол, то его формы даны рядом в скобках, например до (went, gone). В словаре гы найдешь такие сокращения: ВгЕ British English британский вариант английского языка АтЕ American English американский вариант английского языка aof; adjective прилагательное adv adverb наречие n noun существительное V verb глагол sb somebody кто-либо sth something что-либо Теперь ты сможешь быстро и правильно перевести слово. Удачи в работе переводчика! abroad |э'Ьгэ:0| adv—5S границей (U3L5) accent ['Ecksoiitl п — ударение, произношение, акцент (U3L2] achieve [s'tjiivl и —достигать, добиваться (U10L2) act [aekl] и — вести себя (U5L5) acting ['scktip] п актерская игра (U5L1) action 1'аек/эп| п — действие {U5L5) action film |,£ск/эп 'frimj п — остросюжетный фильм (U5L2) action-packed l.sek/an'packt] adj — динамичный, полный событий(U5L1) adapt la'diepii /- адаптирс)вать(ся), приспосабливать(ся) (U5L2) addition (s'dijbn) л — дополнение, прибавление; in addition to — в дополнение к, вдобавок, к тому же (U2L5} admire (ad'maia) v — любоваться (U10L6) adventurous [adVeniJarosj ad) — безрассудно смелый, любитель приключений, рискованный (U6L1) advertise |'%dv3taiz| и рекламировать aerobics |еэТэиЬ1к$1 л — аэробика (U2L1) afterlife I'ccftalaif] л — жизнь после смерти {U8L6) against [o'genMl — против (U2L4) agency I'CHfcansi] л — агентство (U9L2) aggressive (a'grcsivj adj — агрессивный (U7L6) alibi ['aelibaij n - алиби (U8U) alien I'ciiion] n — чужестранец, инопланетянин (U9L6) allow [a'laul v — позволять, разрешать (U7L3) alongside [g.lori'said! adv - рядом (U7L6) also I'olsatJ] — также (U2L5) amazing [o'meizjpl ad) — удивительный, изумительный (U4L1) ambitious jscm'bi/as] adj — честолюбивый, стремящийся к достижению цели CU2L2) ancient J‘einXant| ad} - древний (UBL6} animate I'aenimenj v — снимать мультфильм (U5L3) animation l,seni'meijim| n — анимация, мультипликаций (U5L3) animator | жштепэ] л — аниматор, мультипликатор tU5L3) announce Jo'naunst v — объявлять, сообщать (U2L8) answer phone ['шшэ faun| n — автоответчик (U1L6) anywhere I'Eeniwea) — везде, в любом месте {(J2L5) ape |eip) л — человекообразная обезьяна (U1L4) aquarium la'kwcanoml п — аквариум {U5L2) arch [о;if] п — арка {U4L1) archaeologist [.tcki'DiatfeTst] л — археолог [U8L5) area ['еэпэ] п — район, участок argument Го;д|итэт| л — 1) аргумент, довод: 2} спор, ссора, конфликт (U2L4) arguments for/against - доводы за / против argumentative (,o;gju'mont3tiv| ас1/— доказательный, приводящий доводы, аргументы (U2L6) armed forces [c:md 'f3:siz| п— вооруженные силы army I'lcmi] л — армия (U10L2) arrange [a'reincfe] и — оформлять, располагать, например, на листе бумаги (U5L6) При составлении этого Списка слое были использованы: Longman Dictionary at Contemporary EngUst^.— Longman Group Ltd,, 1995. Oxford Russian Dictionary.— OUR 2000. Большой анто-русский словарь; В 2 т. / Под общ. ред. И. Р. Гальперина,— М., 1972. Мюллер В. К. Англо-русский Словарь.— ИЗД 22-е.— М.. 1988. iV' мт Word list A-C artistic [a:'iistik| adj — артистический, способный к творчеству (U6L1) as long as — пока (U6L2J asteroid I'sestaroid) л — астероид {U8L4] astrorraut ('Kstranaa] r> ~ астронавт (U9L1) at last — наконец-то, наконец (U5L5) at least — no крайней мере (U5L5) athletics [reO'leiiksj n — атлетика (U2L1) atmosphere |'a;tmcsfi3l n — атмосфера (U10L1) attach la'tait/] v— прикреплять, привязывать (U9L3) attract |o'ird£;kti v— привлекать (U1L4) attraction (э'1гжк/эп| л — привлекательность, достопримечательность (U10L6) audience |’o;dians| л — публика, зрители (U3L2) availabie [sVeilobalj adj ~ имеющийся в наличии, доступный {U9L5) average |'revon<^5] sdj — средний (U9L1) award [a'wo:d| n - награда, премия [U2L6) awful |’э:Гэ|[ adj — ужасный (U7L4) blowpipe I'blwpaip) л — трубка для выдувания отравленных стрел (U5L2) blow {blew, blown) nose -- сморкаться (U7L3) boat [boutI Л — лодка, пароход |U10L6) body ['bodij n — тело (U3L2) body language — язык тела, жестов bone jbaunj n — кость (U7L3) bookcase j'birk-keisl n — книжный шкаф bowling ['baulml n - боулинг (U2L1) breathe [bn;di v —дь1шать breathe out — выдохнуть (U5L5) brilliant I'briljant] adj — блестящий, выдающийся (U3L6) bronze jbronzl adj — бронзовый (U8L5) bubbly |ЪлЫ|] adj — шумный, веселый, обладающий кипучей энергией {U6L1) build up I'bild ,лр| (built, built) к — строить, укреплять, повышать (U2L2) bush [bull п — куст (U8L3) busy I'bizij adj — занятой (U3L1) © babysit j'betbisitl v— присматривать за детьми, пока родители отсутствуют (U413) background [baskgraundj л — фон, задний план baggy I'bicgi] adj — мешковатый {об одежде) (U4L4) bagpipes ['baegpaipsj л — волынка (U3L4} bake jbejk j v— печь, выпекать (U8L6) bakery jbcdkanl л — пекарня |USL6) ban [ЬфпI V — запрещать (Lf1 L5) band jbrend] n — музыкальная группа (U3L2) banjo (Ъаепс^эи) n — банджо (музыкальный инструмент) (U3L4) bank [Ьзедк] п — берег (реки) (U10L3) bank robber I’brcrik п>Ьэ) л — грабитель (U8L1) barbecue (bu;btkju:[ л - барбекю (мясо, зажаренное на решетке над углями) (U4L6) bark (Ъо;к| v — лаять (U1L4) battle |Ъж11] л ~ битва (U10L3) Ье [Ьк| (was / were, been) v — быть, находиться be against Is'genslt - быть против, возражать (U2L2) be back — возвращаться (U1L6) be busy with — быть занятым чем-либо, заниматься (U3L2) be down — быть a плохом настроении (U6L4) be for |fo;j — быть За, поддерживать идею (U2L2) be out — отсутствовать (U1L6) be present ['prczanij — присутствовать be proud of — гордиться (U10L2) be thirsty j'Gaisii] — испытывать жажду, хотеть пить (U5LS) beer [bcDl л - медведь!и 10L1) beauty fbju:til л — красота (U10L6) bee [bi:| n — пчела (U1L4) believe (bi'lkvj v — 1) верить, 2) полагать, думать (U2L6) bench (benill л — скамейка (USL3) Bermuda Triangle, the |bam,.ju:da trai'EegglJ — Бермудский треугольник (U8L5) birch |Ьз:\Л (tree) Л — береза (ШОП) blanket [Ъ1серкп[ n - одеяло (U5L4) bleep [Ы1:р[ v— подавать сигнал {U1L5) blow jblaol (blew, blown) v —дуть cabin I'kaebinj n — кабина (U9L3) call [кэ:1| n — звонок (no телефону) (U1L6) call (v) someone names — обзывать (U6L5) camping I'karmpig] n — кемпинг {LH0L6) canvas j’kaenva!!) л — брезент, парусина (U4L4) capital I'kacpctall n — столица (U4L1) carbon dating f'kccban 'deitirij л — метод для определения возраста старых объектов (U8L6) career [кэ'пз| л — карьера (U3L4) caring 1'ксэпг)| adj — внимательный, заботливый (U6L1) cartoon [кшЧи:п] л — мультфильм, смешной рисунок (U5L2) case [keisj п — случай, дело (U8L1) catchy [‘kaetjij adj — привлекательный, легко запоминающийся (U3L6) cellar j'selal л - подвал (U4L5) centre [semal on sth v — сосредоточиться, сконцентрироваться на чем-либо (U5L1) ceremonial [,scn'maunial| adj — обрядовый, церемониальный (U8L5) ceremony [ senтэт] л — церемония (U5L7) certainly |Чз:1п11| adv— конечно, непременно, несомненно (U1L6) certificate (sa'tifikoi) л - сертификат, справка (U9L4) chairperson |'1Геэ,рз:5Эп| п — председатель, ведущий (U2L8) chance (iftcns) л — шанс, возможность (U10L5) change |1.Гс1п4;[ v — менять; переодеваться (U2L4) charming [1fa:mii}| adj — очаровательный, симпатичный (U5L3) chart I'tJtLiI п — таблица chatterbox |'t|'set3bDks[ л — болтун(ья) (U6L2) chatty (‘ijEetij adj — разговорчивый, болтливый (U6L1) cheer sb up ['(/la ’лр) и — подбодрить кого-либо (U6L4) chief !(Я:П sdj — главный, старший (U9L4) childhood j't/aildhudj л —детство (U3L5) chip (г/ipj п — микросхема (U9L2) choir |kwaia| n - хор (U3L1) chronological [,kmna’)iH(;rkolJ adj — хронологический (U7L3) Civilisation l^itvalai'zejJ'anj л — цивилизация (U8L7) Wordlist C-E classical I'klaesckslf attj — классический (U3L1) classmate ('kla:smejl| n — одноклассник {U2L4} clay [ktei] n — глина (U10L4) cliff [kljfl П - скала (U5L5) close [kIsLLs] adj — близкий (U9L5) cloth (klti0| fi —ткань (U7U) due jkhi:| n — ключ (к разгадке чего-либо), улика (U8L1) clutch [к1л(Я V — схватить, ухватиться {U5L5) coal (кли11 п ~ уголь (U7L2) colony (‘kolam) л — колония (U4L6) color |'кл1?| V— АтЕ красить (U4L4) colour (кл1э) V — ВгЕ красить (U4L4) comedy I'knmidi) л — комедия (U5L2) comet I’komuj л — комета (USL4) commander [ka'mo:nd9j п — командир (U9L3) common [’knmanl adj — общий, похожий {U2L2) have stti in common — иметь что-то общее (U2L2) communicate |ka'mju:n)ke]t] v — сообщать, общаться (U1L1) communication jk3,mju;nrkei/an| о — сообщение, общение (U1L1) compete |k3m’pj:t| и — сореановаться. состязаться (U2L4) complain [kam'pleinl и — жаловаться (U2L4) compose [kam‘pauz] v — сочинять, создавать (U3L2) composer |кат'рэлигэ) п — композитор {U3L2) compromise |'knmpramaiz| п — компромисс (U61J6) conclusion |кэп'к1и:зап| п — заключение (U7L6) confession [ksn'fcjbnl л — признание (U7U6} confident I'konfidsnil adj — уверенный в себе {U6LI) Congress |‘kDijgres| л — конгресс fвысший законодательный орган США} (U4L6) connect |кэ'пек1) v ~ соединять (U9L2) conquer Гкоркэ] и — завоевать, покорить (ШОкЗ) construct [kan'sirAki] v — сооружать, строить (U5L3) construction I кэп'5гглк/эп I л — сооружение, конструкция (U9L2) Continental |,komi'iientll ad} — относящийся к американским колониям е эпоху войны за независимость (U4L6) conversation [.knnva'seijon] л — разговор (U1L1) cool oft I'kuil ,оГ| V — охладиться (LM0L6) copper [‘knpo] adj — медный (U10L7) corporal [’кэ:рэгэ1) adj — телесный (U7L6J country |’клпЕл1 п - кантри (музыкальный стиль) (U3L1) countryside |'kAnirisaid| п — сельская местность (U5L7) course (ko:s| л — блюдо (U9L3) cradle (‘kreidlj п ^ колыбель (U7L2; craft [krtcft] л - ремесло (U10L4) create 1кп'си| V — создавать, творить (U5L3) crew [km:[ л — экипаж (U9L2) crew member ['kncmembal л — член экипажа (U9L4) crossed I krostj adj — скрещенные (ноги или руки) (U1L1} cut |кл[| (cut, cut) V— резать cut class — прогуливать уроки (U4L2) deep |di;p) adv — глубоко (U5L2) deer Idjot n — олень, олени (U4L1) defend (diTend) v— защищать (U9L2) denim I’dcntm] л ~ деиим (ткань) (U4L4) depressed |di'prcsL| adj— подавленный (U6L5) desert Tdczat | n — пустыня (U10L1) destroy Idi^rai] v — разрушать (U4L5) detailed |‘di:tcildj adj — падаобный, детальный (U5L3) detective |di'tekiiv| л — следователь, детектив (U8L1) determined ]d['t3:m[nd| adj — целеустремленный, решительный (U9L4) develop [diVelapj к — развиваться (U7L8) devil I'dcval] л — дьявол (U5L6) dial (daioli v — набирать номер (U1L3) diameter {dai‘a;mit3| n ~ диаметр (U8L4) die |dai| v — умирать (U5L6) difference f’dtfartmsl л — отличие (U9L3) direct |di'nekl| v — направлять; снимать (фильму, режиссировать (U5L2) director |di'rekt»( п — кинорежиссер (U5I-2) dirt |d3;t| л — грязь (U7L1) disagree l.diso'gri:] v — не соглашаться (U2L2) disappear |,disa'pi3| v— исчезать, пропадать (U8L5} disappearance |,disa‘pi?r3iis| n — исчезновение, пропажа (U8L5) disappoint I,dis3'p3ini] v — разочаровывать (U5L1) discipline ('disipiml л — дисциплина (U7L6) discipline (‘dtsiplmi v — дисциплинировать (U7L6) distant I'distant I adj — далекий (U9L1) district (’disiriktl n — округ, район {U4L1) diverse {dm'vaisj adj — разнообразный (U10L1) divorce |di'v3,-s| Л — развод (U5L2) do |du:| (did,done) v — делать do well on a test — хорошо написать тест (U4L2) documentary |,dDkjo'mentori| л — документальный фильм (U5L2) doodle ['du:dl] л — каракули, рожица, машинальный рисунок (U6L1) drawing |'dro;irj| п — рисунок (U10L6) dreadful I'drcdr^l) adj — отвратительный, ужасный (U6L4) dreamy ('drirmt) adj — мечтательный (U6L1) drum [drAiTi] n — барабан (U3L4) drums — ударные инструменты (муз.) (U3L4) dry |drai) adj - сухой (U7L1) damage I'dEemicbl v —наносить ущерб, повреждать (LI4L5) date [den] n — свидание (UlLS) debate |di'hejl| v — дебатировать, дискутировать, обсуждать, спорить (U2L5) declaration |,dekb'rei/3n| л — декларация (U4L5) earn |э:п1 v — зарабатывать (U2L2) earth |з;0| л — земля (U7L1); Earth — планета Земля (U9L1} effect jrTeki) п — эффект (U3L6) Egypt ['i;Kt;iptl — Египет (UBL6) Egyptian |i'cbip/an] п — египтянин {U8L6) Egyptian ircfetp/anj adj — египетский (U813) elbow I'eltou] л - локоть (U7L3) elevator ('clivciiaj л — AmE лифт (U4L1J empire f'empaia] л - империя (U4L6) ending ['cndipj n — окончание (U5L2) energetic [.enD'cfeettkj adj — энергичный (U3L1) energy ('cnatfed П — энергия (U9L6) engineer [.entfei'nia] n — инженер {U9L3) flight engineer ],flaii cndji’niaj n — борт-инженер (U9L3) entry fee I'entn fi;| n — оплата за вход, участие (U2L5) 153 Wordlisl E-H era |'|эгэ) n - эра (U9L2) equivalent ji'kwivdlaml adj — эквивалентный efipectaJly li'spe/ali) adv — особенно (U5L1) essay I'eseil n — эссе, сочинение (U7L6) ethnic group |,e€n]k'gru:p| — национальность (U10L1) evaluate |i'va;IJut;it| v— оценить (U7L8) even [’i:v3n | adv - даже (U7L3) evidence I'cvidansj n ~ доказательство, подтверждение, улика (U7L6) excellent I'cksabm) adj — превосходный (U3L6) exchange [rkstjeintfel о — обмен (U4L1) excuse |ik'sk)u;z] л — причина (U4L2) exercise I'eksasaiz] v —упражнять exhibition lieksiTDc/anl л ~ выставка (U10L6) exit I'cgzit! П — выход (U1L3) exotic (jg'7Dtik| adj — экзотический (U9L6) expedition [.ekspi'di/anl n — экспедиция (U9L2) experienced [ikspiart^nstj adj — опытный, знающий {U3L2) experiment )jk'spenmani) v — экспериментировать (U3L5) expert ('ckspa:!) n ~ эксперт, знаток, специалист (U3L2) explanation |,ckspb'nciJonj л — обьяснение (U4L2] explode {ik'spbud| v ^ варывать(ся] (U8L4) exploration t,ekspto'reiJ;3n| n — исследование, освоение (U9L2) explore [[k'spl3:| v — исследовать, изучать (U9L2) explosion |1к'ярЬиз9п| n ~ взрыв (U8L4) express |ik’spres| v— выражать, выразить (U7L6) express an opinion — выражать мнение (U2L3) expression lik'sprcjon] n — выражение (U7L8) extreme (jk'stri;rnJ adj — крайний (U10L1) extrererety |[k'siri:mli] adv — очень, крайне, чрезвычайно, a высшей степени (U5Lt) eye contact riuknnCfekt] — смотреть в глаза (U1L1) © facility (fa'siliii] n — услуга, приспособление (U9L5) factor ffiffiklo) П - фактор (U8L5) fame ffeim| n — слава (U5L7) fantasy i'fasmwiti n — фантазия (U5L2) fascinate |T£sincit| v — очаровывать (U3L1) fascinated |'fesinettid| adj ~ очарованный (U3L1) fascinating |'riEsinc]tii;i| adj — очаровательный, поражающий воображение (U5L!) fed up — сыт no горло (U6L5) feed [fi:d| (fed, fed) — кормить feel (felt, felt) — чувствовать (U5L5} feel dizzy I'dizi] v— чувствовать головокружение (U5L5) female |'П;те||| adj ** женский, женский пол (U2L4) fight [fan] л - драка, бой, ссора (U5L1) fight ffait) (fought, fought) v- драться, бороться, ссориться figure |'бдз| л — фигура (U5L5) fill |fil) V — наполнять {U8L6) fill with — заполнять чем-либо (U8L6) film (filmI п — ВгЕкино, фильм (U4L3) film script I'fiJm ,sknpt| n — киносценарий (U5L5) fine [Гаш] v — штрафовать (U1LS) fireball |Тя1эЬэ:11 л —шаровая молния (U8L4) firework |T3iaw3:k| л — фейерверк (U4L6) firm |(’з;т) adv — твердо (U5L5) first [T3:stl adj - первый first time round — s первый раз / заход (U&L2) fitness training [Tunis treiiiio) n— фитнес, физическая подготовка (U2L.1} flame jlleim) л — пламя, огонь (U2L6) flared (fleodi adj — расклешенный (U4L4) fleet |ni:t]n-флот (U10L2} flexible I'ficksibolJ adj — гибкий (U9L4) flight engineer [.flail entfei’nia) n — борт-инженер (U9L3) float [flaui) V— плыть no воде или no воздуху, оставаться на плаву, в воздухе (U9L3) fluent |'Пи:эп1) adj — без запинок, беглый (о речи) (U7L2) flute [fiu:tj п - флейта (U3L4) folk |Гзик| adj — народный, народная музыка (U3L1) football |Ти1Ьэ:1| л — футбол forehead ['fond] л — лоб {U5L5) fork [fo:k] л — вилка (U7L3) formulate [To;mjuleit{ v — формулировать (U5L3) found [faundl v — основать (U5L3) friendship [Trend/ip] л - дружба (U6L2) full [full adj — полный (U7L3); in full — полностью (U7L6) fun-loving (Тлп1лУ1д1 adj — веселый, любитель повеселиться (U6L1) galaxy ['gaslaksij n — галактика (Lf9L7) garden ['ga:dn] л — SrEсад c лужайкой и цветами вокруг дома (U4L3) get [get] (got, got) v— получать, доставать get on sb’s nerves — действовать на нервы (U6L4) get one's point across — добиться, чтобы тебя поняли, донести свою мысль (U1L1) giant f'cbaiamf adj — гигантский (U9L6) glass [gla:s| n — стекло (U7L1) go [geu| (went, gone) v — идти go along with — сопровождать (U3L6) go up [gau лр] v — подойти к (U6L3) goalkeeper |'дэм1,к];рл) л — вратарь (U2L4) grammar j'grsemsj л — грамматика (U1012) graphics ['graefiks] л — графика (U5L3) gravity ['grsevut) п — притяжение (U9L7) grow jgrsuj (grew, grown) v — расти (U7L4) grow up — расти, взрослеть (U7L4) guitarist jgi'ca:nst| n ~ гитарист (U3L2) gym [cfcim] л — спортзал (U2L5} © habit [ habit] n - привычка (U3L1) hairdo [‘heodu:] л — прическа, шевелюра (U6L1) hammock ['На;тэк| п — гамак (U5L2) hang [hsi;]) (hung, hung) v— висеть, вешать (U7U) hang out ('hsp awt] v — болтаться без дела (U6L4) hang around by the phone — висеть на телефоне (LH L5) hang up — повесить, вешать трубку телефона (U1L3) hard [htcclj adj — твердый (U7L1) hard-working [,ho:d ‘waikigj adj — трудолюбивый, прилежный, работающий усердно (U2L2) 154 .ViV^ Wordlisl H-L have [hiev / hsv] (had, had) v — иметь have in common — иметь что-то общее, быть похожими (U2L2) heading ['licdtql п — заголовок (U1L4) heart [httij п — сердце (U10L7) heat |hi;l| v — обогревать (U7L2) heating |'hi:tiol n — отопление (U7i5) her ]ho:! бэ[ — ее / нее, ей / ней, ею j неюfcM. Грамматический справочник U1) hieroglyphs [.harro'glifst л — иероглифы, иероглифическое письмо (U8L5) hiking ['haikiril л — пеший туризм (U10L6) him |hmi] - его / него, ему / нему, нём (см. Грамматический справочник U1) hire jhaia] v — нанимать (U4L3) historian [Ьт'Яэ:пэп] л — историк (U7L2) historical fiim [hi'storikal 'film| rt — исторический фильм (U5L2) hit fhit] (hit, hit) И — ударить, нанести урон (U4L4) hold [hstridj (held, held) и — держать, проводить Hold on.- Подождите минутку, (U1L6) hoid one’s breath — затаить дыхание (U5L4) holiday l'holtdr| n — 8rEотпуск (U4L1) home-loving |Ьэшп 'Uvig) adj — любящий бывать дома, домосед (U6L1} homemade l.hoirni'meid) adj — домашнего приготовления (U9L5) homesick f'haum,sik| adj — тоскующий полому, по родине(U7L4) hope jhaupl V— надеяться (U5L5) horror film j'hnra film] л — фильм ужесоа (U5L2) horse |ho:s) n — лошадь (U10L5) however [ЬагУсУэ] — одоако (U7L6) huge [hjicdvl adj — огромный (U5L5) human (‘hju:mon| n — челоеек (U6L6) hurry ['Илп) V- торопиться, спешить (UlLI) hypnotise |'hipnataiz| v — завораживать, гипнотизировать (U5L6) Ф ice-fishing j'ars n — подледная рыбалка (U10L6) I’m afraid not.— Боюсь, что нет. (U1L1) imagine |Ггп£ес);т| и — представлять, воображать (U4L1) impressive (im’presivl adj - впечатляющий, внушительный (U5L6) improvise t'irnpT^vaiz| и — импровизировать (U3L2) incredible Im’krediball adj — невероятный (U3LS) independence [.indi'pendonsl л — неэеаисимооть (U4L6) independent I.mdr'pendanl] adj — независимый, самостоятельный (U4L3) indirect J.indi'rekt] ad/ — непрямой, косвенный (U8L1) indoors (,m'dp:z) adv — дома, a помещении (U7L1) Industry I’lnd^stn] П — индустрия, промышленность [U3L2] initiative li'mfaiiv) л — инициатива (U10L2) injure ['rncfesj V- ранить (U4L5) insect I'insekt] Л — насекомое (U1L4) insert |in's3:t] /— вставлять (U1L3) institution liinsti'ljiLfanl л - учреждение (U7L8) intelligent jjn’telu^nntf adj — умный, сообразительный (U9L4) interrupt |,1п1а'глр1) v — прерывать, вмешиваться (U2L6) interruption [,ш1э'глр/зп| n - помеха (U7L6) introduce [.mlm'd/uisj v— представить, ввести (U10L2) invent fmVcml v - изобретать (U10L2) invention [mVenJsn] n - изобретение (U7L1) investigate finVcsugcitj v - расследовать (U8L1) investig&tion [m,vesn’gei/5nt л — исследование (U7L2) invisible ImVizibslI adj — невидимый (U10L3) irritate ['trtteitl v— раздражать (U5L5) be Irritated — раздражаться К I It] — ее / нее, ей / ней, его / него, ему / нему, его / него (о предметах и животных) (см. Грамматический справочник Ш) Jazz [(fesezi л — джаз (муз.J ( U3L1) jog itbogj и — бегать трусцой (U2L3) Jogging I'tfeogn)) n — бег трусцой, оздоровительный бег (U2L3) Join [dpinj V— присоединяться, вступать join а club — вступить в клуб (U2L3] Junior ('сЬи;пщ| high school п — АтЕ неполная средняя школа (U7L4) Jupiter i'tfeitpita] п — Юпитер, пятая планета Солнечной системы (U9L1) karaoke [,k$n'3okt| п — караоке do karaoke — исполнять караоке (LI3L5} karate Iks'radi] л — карате (U2L1) keep |ki:p] (kept, kept) и —держать, хранить keep arms and legs crossed — скрестить руки и ноги (U1LT) keep fit |К):р'П1| v — быть в форме (U2L3) keyboard |'ki:bo:d] п — клавиатура keyboards — клавишные (муз. инструмент) (U3L4) kick [kikj V— пинать, ударять ногой (U2L4) kick out — убрать, выгнать, избавиться (U2L4) killer J'kilsj л — убийца (U5i.7) knife Jnaifl п — нож (U7L3) label [iciblj — этикетка (U4L4) lace jleis] п — кружево (U10L4) language ['lECOgwids] л — язык (U1L4) laser ('leizs] п — лазер (U9L6) laughter ['loiftsj л — смех (U7L6) launch |Jo:n1Jl п — запуск (U9L2) launch |io:ntJ] v — запускать (U9L2] lawn [b;n] П - газон, лужайка (U0L3) lean jlcnj V — отклониться, опереться (UlLl) lean back — отклониться назад leather ['ledaj n — кожа (U7L1) lend [lend] (lent, lent) v— давать взаймы, одалживать (U1L2) level f'levalj n — уровень (U9LB) liberty riibair] n - свобода (U4L5) Liberty Bell, theAm£ — Колокол свободы (U4L6) lick |ljk] V - облизывать (U7L3) iV' у iV(l Word list L-0 lie I lai 1V' — лгать (U7L6) lift [lift) n - BrE лифт (U4U} location |l3u'keijbti| n — месторасположение, размещение (U2L5) log book I'log buk] n — вахтенный журнал (U8L1) lonely ['launlil ad/ — одинокий (U6L5) lost I lost I adj — потерянный (U6L2) loud |taud| adj — громкий, звучный, шумный (U3L1) love story ['Iav ,s{o:n| л — мелодрама (U5L2) lyrics I'linksJ n — лирические стихи, лирика (U3L2) (м) magazine |,таедэ'г1;п| п — журнал (U3L1) magnificent |m;jEg'nifiS3ni| ad/ — великолепный (U10L1) main |mcin| ad/ — главный, основной main part — главная роль (U5L2) make |mcik| (made, made] v —делать make records — делать запись, записывать {U3L2) make up with — мириться (U4L6) male |mcil| ad/ — мужской, мужской пол (U1L4) marathon |'та;гаВэп| n — марафон (U2L5) Mars lma:z| n — Mapc, четвертая планета Солнечной системы (U9L1) mate 1теК| п — товарищ ( U2L4) material [ma'iisriol] п - ткань, материал (U4L4) matter |'тзею| л — дело, вопрос matter |*та:к-)| v — иметь значение It doesn’t matter,— Это не имеет значения. Неважно. Ничего. (U1L1) What's the matter? — В чем дело? (U1L1) те (mi: / mi| — меня, мне, мной (U1L4) meal |mi:l| л — прием пищи, еда (U7L5) mean |mi:n| (meant, meant) v — означать, иметь в виду(U7L6) mediator |‘mi:diciio] л — посредник (U6L6) Mercury |'тз:к/иг|| л — Меркурий, первая планета Солнечной системы (U9L1) metal |’mctl| л — металл (U7L1) meteorite ['mi:tiarait| л — метеорит (U8L4) meteorological |т1:11эгэ'1пф[к1| ad/ — метеорологический (U8L5) miaow |тГаи| v — мяукать (U1L4) microgravity |‘maikr3u'gr£eviti| Л - микрогравитация, невесомость (U9L2) miracle I'mirakal) п — чудо (U10L3) miss [mis| V — 1) пропускать: 2) скучать (U2L3) miss а class - пропускать занятия (U4L2) mission ('mijanl л — задание, задача, космический полет (U9L3) mobile phone ['тэиЫи! Гэип) п— мобильный телефон (U1L5) model ('mndll п— модель, кукла (U5L6) modelling I'nindlio) л — моделирование (U10L6) modernise I'mndanaizl v— модернизировать (U10L2) module l'niDdju;l| n — модуль (U9L2) mom I mom I л — AmE мама (U4L2) money |‘тлт| n — деньги make money — зарабатывать деньги pocket money — карманные деньги save money — экономить monsoon |mnn'su:n| л — муссон (U10L1) moon |mu:n| л — луна moon, the — спутник планеты Земля (U9L1) mother ship |'тлдэ Jip| n — космический корабль-нсх;итель (U4L1) motion I'maujen] л — предложение, вопрос для обсуждения и голосования (U2L8) motor racing ('таитэ ,rcisig| л — автогонки (U10L6) mountaineering 1,гпаотГтапг)) л — альпинизм (U10L6) movement ['murvmanrl n — движение (U5L3) movie ['mu:vi| л — AmE кино, фильм (U4L3) mum |тлт| n — BrE мама (U4L2) musical |'mju:zikal| adj — музыкальный (U3L1) musician |mju:'zij3n| n — музыкант (U3L1) music video — видеоклип mutter ['гплГэ) v — бормотать {U5L5) NASA Гпж«| Л — Национальное управление по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (U9L4) nation I'neijan] п — нация, народ (U10L1) national ['п<с/эпо1| ad/ — национальный (U10L1) nationality [.nseja'nseliii] л — национальность, гражданство (U10L1) naturally [‘пае(Гагэ1|| adv — естественно, конечно (U2L6) nearly |'п1э1|| adv — почти (U9L1) negative |'neg3Uv| adj — отрицательный (U2L6) Neptune ('neptju:n| л — Нептун, восьмая планета Солнечной системы {U9L1) nervous |'пз:уэк| adj — взволнованный, нервничающий (U6L1) notice I'nautisl л — знак, вывеска (U1L3) notice I'noijtisl V — замечать (U5L1) noise (noiz) л — шум (U1L4) nominee (.nomi'ni:! л — кандидат (U10L2) object I’nb^iktl п — предмет, обьект (U5L3) Olympic Games (a'lirnpik 'gcimzj л — Олимпийские игры (U2L6) opera 1'орэгэ) л — опера (U3LI) operate CDpareit] v — управлять (U5L3) opinion (a'pinjanj п — мнение, взгляд in my opinion - по моему мнению (U2L6) optimistic (.Dpti'mistik] adj — оптимистичный (U2L6) orbit f'oibit) Л — орбита, виток (U9L1) orbit |‘э:Ьи| V— обращаться вокруг (U9L1) orbital |’3:bitlJ adj — орбитальный (U9L2) ordinary ['o:dinon! adj — обычный, простой (U5L3) organised |'o;gonaizd| adj — организованный (U1L5) original |а'пс(;1пэ1| adj — оригинальный (U3L6) Oscar ceremony I'osko ‘senmoni] — церемония вручения премии Американской киноакадемии Оскар (U5L7) outdoor l.aut'dxj adj — находящийся вне дома, на открытом воздухе, внешний (U2L1) outgoing |,atrt'gauiin) adj — общительный (U6L1) outsider laut'saido) л — непринятый а данной среде, отвергнутый, аутсайдер (U5L2) overlook [,3uv3'lok| v — выходить на (например, об окнах) (U9L5) Wordlist O^R oversleep |,3uva'sli:p] v — проспать (U4L2) overweight [.anva'weit] л — излишек веса (U2L3) own |эоп| ad} — собственный (U10L1) on his own — сам, самостоятельно © package I'pskicb) n — пакет (U9L3) pain |pein| n — боль (U7L4) painting I'peinuol л — живопись; картина, написанная маслом (U10L6) pajamas |рэ'сЬа:тэг:| п —АтЕпижама (U4L2) pants |pa;nts| л — ЛтЕброки (LI4L4) paper I'petpa) п — бумага (U7L1) parade [pa’rcidl п — парад (U4L6) paralyse I'paeralai?:] v — парализовать, заставить застыть на месте (U5L5) park |ро:к[ v— парковатьfo граиспорте) (U1L3) part Ipoit) л — ролька фильме/пьесе) (U5L2) participant {pa'tisipantl п — участник (U2L8) pass (pees) V - передать; передать пас (в спорте) (U2L4) patchwork quilt |,ptetfwj:k ’kwilt) л — лоскутное одеяло (U7L2) peacock |'pi:kDkj л — павлин (U1L4) per cent Ipa'sent] — процент perform |рэТэ:т] v — исполнять (U3L2) performance |рэТо:тэпк| п “ исполнение, представление (U3L2) perhaps [po'haspsl adv— возможно, может быть, выражает меньшую степень вероятности, чем probably (U7L2) pharaoh |Тс»гэи] л — фараон (U8L6) phone [faun] л — телефон phone boK ['faun hnks] п — телефонная будка (U1L6) phone call [Taun кэ;1[ п ~ телефонный звонок phone directory |‘Гэип daiVektari] л — телефонный справочник(U1L6) phone number j'fsun плтЬэ] л — телефонный номер (U1L6) phonecard [Taunkad] л — телефонная карточка (U1L6) pick on I’pik on] — придираться {U6L5) pickup I'pik лр| V— поднимать, снимать трубку (U1L3) pillar j’pti3| л — столб, колонна (U10L7) ping pong |'pn;i рпр) л — пинг-понг, настольный теннис (U2U) pipe Ipaip] л — дудка, волынка (U3L4) piranha [рг'го:п]э| п — пиранья (U5L2) planet I'plaenit] п — планета (U9L1) plastic I'plrestik) л — пластмасса (U7L1> plasticine ['plaestisknj л — пластилин (U5L3) plate jplcitl л — тарелка (U7L3) play (plei) л — школьный спектакль playground I'plcigraund] л — детская площадка (U2L7) Pluto ['plu;t3u| л — Плутон, девятая планета Солнечной системы (U9L1) pocket money ['pnkit ,тАш1 л — карманные деньги [U4L3) роке [psukj V— ткнуться бок) (U5L5} polite [pa'lait] adj — вежливый (U2L8) pot |рэ1| л — горшок (U10L5) porcelain [‘porslinl л — фаянс (U10L4) porridge ('poncfel л — каша (овсяная)