Английский язык Учебник 6 класс Деревянко

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 6 класс Деревянко - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия New Millennium English (Нью Миллениум Инглиш):

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Б6К 61 2 Ант-922 ЛЭ6 УДК 802.0 {075.3) С мОовмо и бЛФГйЛйриосгыо t нашии смьйм м m бесконечное гуление, лониманне н /юдеерхку С глубохоА лрюнегельносгыо ж ходеегем н умашммсе у^49бмш ммменнй. t которых мы реботдоы AJT0PW AotAore' телке ei>d есклоыМдетелО Пие woiaV лог лм оеел роеесйе мятосд те илмлр соттетел г ело eorftusie^ о/ и» А беоекеуе. AsMttnr Orecioi* гог £0Ьсе1^елО £»о*ел г^лриере. Bnmfi Coi/nci, Moscow. Ouf spocm» Pwtks 900 c/90po$f o^aifMe до fo Ото» UtoefsitB опО йоО Bodtno. from ThoCo>f0OOOtStMa/k$noStJohfnn^ymou9i. UK. for сопзиИвпсу e&iAce 9oo Ю$099М 9П0 » RwianOra P000^i0(l09 8fffisf\c0unc99yeuc09f0$tf0rge00r0ucfr sh9f$oQ o&f firofoasiooM охрегшке with ue iVe woufO 9($o Mce to pve our toanks foYa (3. Bof(Mko7 Книге дна ysauiaroee *New MflaiviMn EaQfttiw6* обеслечмаает обиэатаи» COOath »ами обоваоав1«и. oacomsi^ на ба>«сный учабмыА пеан пм часе а наеам>. cooraerctayet грофамые evoca *Nee ишагетап ЕлоМе%*. Kmra епА у ищегоса сбесгечнаоа t ыа> сто 1ит(шинеского и дк^тнчаскогопоекойоа асего к>еса 15* и каассы) и аалеагса осноаиой частые учебно-ыетодниемго ымллакта даа в класса Книга состоит иа tt раадалса. каядыД из катормк аклрчаат 6 уоокоа (празантациа и аа«рапнени« ааыиооого материала, раиитма рачааык иаакисе и учианиА, еомаииыа заданна), заеаиий дм грсаеоки достижата. vPO< проакп^о тела Книга снабжена грамматический сиреаочмнком и алфааитнми списком изучаиной лакенки. Таметека такстоа и заданий сеотаатстаует потрабностам и интересам учашкеса згой воороспюй трупом, болыиоа ам|жмшс удаоаатсифорМ1фоее1 ■■>уе6аяиаамссе. трушюасйработа.юаниоапразантацм бучабиика лоемлоаатеиано оее/т90$т коммумматиыю-котнмтианмА npoxcMt испомауатса комбипаииа сеаромев1мх и трщанеютетек техник Рассмотре>ыа страноеадчаского материала с фосе-куаыурнои поаииры пооаомат решать imeiy аосгмтаниа толараитиосте и уеаханиа к друттте MpdMW и rpaawew Б6К 81.2 Англ-922 ISBN 6 86866-240-7 0 К н. Дареамсо. С. 6 жааорсмоад. Л 8 Козатенскад. Т Р Коаосноа К и. Куаааытоаа. 5 В Носсисаит. И. А. Скаориоаа. Л. 6. Талзи. 2003 0 ТЪаВлор|Соипсл.2003 0 BrooMmaad Enpliih Unouapa Таастилд. 2006 0 Нштельстао *Тит>о*. w^saku, ищниа. рвепростретмые. 2003 Содержание иМГТ 1 Summer is fun!......................................... 4 UNfT 2 Reading? It’s great!...................................12 иМГГЗ What fun!..............................................24 UNIT 4 The English wortd......................................38 UNIT 5 Christmas and New Year.................................50 UNIT 6 Looks count............................................62 UNIT 7 Spooky stories.........................................74 UNIT 8 Keep m and healthy.....................................86 UNIT 9 Caring and sharing.....................................98 UNIT 10 Have a nice journey!.................................112 UNIT 11 Be nature-wise....................................... 124 Information gap exercises.................................... 136 Грамматический справочник....................................141 Список слов Summer is fun! Lesson 1 Welcome back! 1 Look and say. 2a Answer the questions. Book 6 Quiz 1 How many units are there in the book? 2 How many lessons are there in a unit? 3 What lesson is the project? 4 What Is Lesson 7? 5 Where can you find the words that you don't know? 6 What is Unit 1 about? 7 Where can you find grammar rules? 2b Match the pictures and the words. шЖ / >4 1- b L- ■ \ 1 read 2 look 3 say 4 homework 5 write 6 listen 7 match 8 translate '? ^Have you got a pen. please'^ 1 —( W U-------- 1 1 Here you are. 2 Please. 3 Is this right? UNIT 1 Lesson 2 Ijesson 2 This summer was fun! Match the words and the pictures. 1 go swimming 2 read books 3 ride a bike eat ice cream play football sunbathe go fishing 8 visit Granny 9 pick mushrooms and berries 10 make sandcastles 11 go travelling 12 go climbing UNIT 1 Lesson 2 2 Listen, write and say what Dima wanted to do. Example: Dima wanted to play football. 3a Read and say what Dima didn’t do. Example: Dima didn't tide his bike. Dear Max, How are you? Did you enjoy your summer holidays? I had fl great time. My holidays were wonderful. In June. I went to my granny's. I went swimming in the river, played football and went fishing with my uncle. It was fun. In July, my cousin Anya come to see us. We went to the cinema and ate a lot of ice creom. She enjoyed it, but I think it was boring. August was great! My Dad and I went to a campsite. It was high in the mountains and we went climbing. I took lots of photos. What about you? What did you do in the holidays? Please write soon. Yours. Dima Read again and say what Dima did which he didn’t plan to do. Example: Dima went fishing. Play Fantasy Holidays. Throw the dice and complete. In the summer I went to... I went there with... We saw a lot of... It was... I went... I ate a lot of... 1 our dacha the seaside the mountains Australia the planet Mars Braait 2 my dog my parents my friends my teacher B4 group the Queen 3 trees snowmen lakes parks houses dolphins 4 sunny hot rainy warm cold windy 5 swimming walking shopping to the beach fishing roller skating 6 fruit ice cream grass lish crocodiles chocolate XS Use the table In Ex. 4 and write a funny story My Fantasy Holidays. UNIT t Lesson 3 Lesson 3 My best holiday 18 Listen and say what Jane liked most on her trip. 1 b Write questions for the interview. Example: Where / you / 90? — Where did you go? 1 What / you / see? 2 What/you/do? 3 What / you / eat? 4 What / you / like most? 1c 1^1 Listen again and answer the questions in Ex. 1b. 2a Read and say H Max wrote about his real or fantasy holiday. My best holiday I went to the Amazon jungle in South Africa. I went with my grandfather. He likes travelling very much. We saw crocodile©, kangaroos, monk^rs and once we met a real ti^er. It was very hungry and wanted to have me for lunch, but I jumped in the water and ©warn away. We went swimming and fishing in the Amazon, we hunted zebras and giraffes and of course we took a lot of photos. There are a lot of cocoa trees there and we ate a lot of chocolate every day. I liked the hippo© most. Th^ are very clever, fast animal© It was fun to ride a hippo. And there was no school, no homework.! liked rt there. 2b Act out the interview with Max. 3 Role-play the programme. Pupil A; \bu are an interviewer Pupil B: You talk about your real / fantasy holiday. /Ч Write a letter to your English frlerKl about your holiday. Use the letter in Lesson 2 to help you. 8 UNfT 1 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 We were playing football Is Read and answer the question: Was the man angry? Найдите в тексте предложения, которые описывают: 1 обстановку 2 что произошло Му sister and I were at the seaside. We were р1ау1п9 football. There was a mon near us. He was eoting an ice cream. I kicked the boll up really high and it come down, down, dawn... right on the ice cream! We laughed and laughed. Luckily, the mon laughed, too. LOOK I was playing football. We were playing football. kick — iiHHUTb laugh — смеяться luckiiv — к счастью 1b Answer the questions. 1 Is the story funny? 2 Why did the man laugh? 1c Answer the questions in the box. Id Look at the picture in Ex. 1a and say what else was happening at the seaside. Example: shine — The sun was shining. 1 make sandcastles 2 swim in the sea 3 sunbathe 4 fish 5 read a book 6 eat sandwiches 7 play with a crab 8 play in the sea Play Are You a Good Witness? Open your books at p. 136. Choose a picture from pp. 137-138 and write the beginning of your story. READ AND SAV ng [ol thing reading fog| kangaroo English [пф| orange engineer bring everything jungles fishing dangerous boring evening England climbing cringe going angry travelling doing hungry skating UNIT \ Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Cringe! 1 Listen and repeat. I was walking, walking, walking fast I was late (clap-clap) I was late (clap-clap) I was running, running, running fast I was hot (clap-clap) I was hot (clap-clap) So I took a bus And I got a ride And I came to school Just on time (clap-clap) Right at nine (clap-clap) But on Sunday. Cringe! 0 2 Tell the beginning of the story you wrote at home and find an ending for It in Picture A, В or C. a ride — проехался on time — во врс.мм 3 Read and say which story A, В or C is missing. At our summer camp we did a show “Alice in Wonderland". I was Alice. I was speaking on stage. Suddenly I saw a big wasp. It flew after me. I screamed and ron around. My friends thought I wos crazy. They laughed and laughed. — сцсиа wa»p — oca In the summer I went to Peterhof with my cousins. It was a nice place ond I liked it very much. The sun was shining, the birds were singing. I wanted to put a coin in the fountain, but I slipped and fell into the fountain. My cousins er\|oyed the show! I laughed, too. ^ foiinfuin — фонтан s 4 Read again and find in the stories: the beginning / setting what happened the ending 5 Make up a cringe*making story about Picture B. 6a Write a cringe-making story for Picture B. 6b Write your own cringe-making story. 10 UNIT 1 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Summer story contest 1 Write a summer story for a teen magazine contest. Put in pictures or photos. 2 Tetl your story to the group and show your souvenirs. 3 Choose: ttie funniest story the most unusual story the most Interesting story the most beautiful pictures / photos the most interesting souvenir the most cringe-making story 11 Reading? It’s great! Lesson 1 Books, books, books 1 Read, look and match. Example: 'Star dog’ is a book about space adventure. ‘Tbe adventure of the wishing chair’ is a fairy tale. "Gladiator" is a story about historical events. adventure book magic things story people fairy tale about historical people and events poem animals comic wildlife legend monsters spies detectives space 2a 1*^! Listen to the children and say what kind of books they are talking about. 1 Mike a) a book about an interesting man 2 Uz b) a story about monsters 3 Jessica c} a book about space 4 Nick d) a book about historical places 2b Listen again and say what the children think about the books. Example: It’s interesting. 3a Look and say. Example: I think books about space are exciting. I think fairy tales are boring. great interesting exciting fantastic fun boring funny OK silly 3b Talk about books with your partner. Example: Pupil A: I think fairy tales are very boring. Pupil B: I disagree. I think they're very interesting. LOOK I agree. I disagree. \ 1? UNIT 2 Lesson 1 4 Do a survey about books you and your partner like. Example: Pupil A: What books do you like? Pupil B: I like books about space. Pupil A: Do you like fairy tales? Pupil B: No, I don’t. Me My partner 1 books about space 2 fairytales, legends 3 comics 4 stories about adventure, spies, detectives 5 books about animals, wildlife 6 poems 5 Do a group survey Books We Like. Example: In our group, three people like stories about monsters, two people like books about space. We all like stories about adventure. We don't like comics. 6 Look at the books in this lesson and choose five books for your friends. Example: “The Adventures of the Wishing Chair" is for Anya. She likes fairy tales. i.T 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Choose a book t LoaL &• AL _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Look at the page from a catalogue and find: 1 The Cet Mummy. What kind of book Is it? faify tales and legends poems a book about space a book about wildlife a book you can listen to on cassette stories about detectives new 8 new books [IIKADEL^^? NEW Cat Mumiriy ^~ to read The Cat Mummy Jacqueline Wilson Verity loves her cat so much. She is so sorry when Mabel is ill. One day Verity and her family look for the cat but cannot Hnd her. Where is the pet? Sherlock Hotmes Stories_____________________ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle The famous detective and his friend Doctor Watson can solve any mystery. They are going to find the truth in some new cases. But it can be very difiiciili, too difficult even for the best detective in the world. The Last Of The Mohicans James Fenimore Cooper 1757, North America. The French and the English arc at war. Generals give commands, soldiers fight. They come to the land of Indians. Indians start fighting loo. They are brave. Their life is full of adventures. Funny World 14 Short and funny, (he.se poems are about whai you sec every day: school, home, W4:aiher. Do you want to laugh? UNIT 2 Lesson 2 » LOOK What books would you like to read? You He / She / It would like = ’d like We They Five Famous Fairy Tales The Jungle Book Rmlyard Kipling Д liule boy lives in the jungle in a family of woh'cs. He meets a lot of animals. They leach him about their life. Is he going lo become a wolf? Foe Famous Fairy Tales [15 .Animals talk like people. Objects move when >ou do not touch them. People can do anything. It is a wonderful wrid of magic. You can gel there if you read this book. Star Weekend Peter Boost .Д group of children goes lo a science museum. They see a strange machine and get into it. Suddenly it start.s moving and takes them to a strange planet. Where is it? Who lives there? 2 Max read the catalogue and put ticks. Look and answer; What books would he like to read? 3 1^1 Listen and find in the catalogue the books Meg, Jana, Max and Mike would like to read. Example: Jarte would like to read “Five Famous Fairy Tales". 4a t#^l Listen to the conversation and find the books in the catalogue. 4b Fill in the books and act out. In the Library Librarian: Hello. Can I help you? Jane: Yes. I want a book. Librarian: What kind of books do you like? Jane: Fairy tales and legends. Librarian: Right. We’ve got... Which book would you like to read? Jane; Fantastic! I’d tike ... please. Librarian: Here you are. Jane; Thanks. Great! commu 5 Choose a) or b) for homework. a) Write about your favourite book for The Best Reader competition. Copy and complete. I like books about.... They are interesting and.... My favourite book is .... It is about... I like it because ... b) Write an ad (объявление) for the School Information Board about the books you would like to swap. Example: I've got "Five Famous Fairy Tales”. It's a book of fairy tales. It's about magic things and magic people and animals. I'd like to read a book about wildlife. 15 UNfT 2 Lesson 3 Ijesson 3 I can read English books la Read and answer the questions. • What is this book about? ♦ Would you like to read this book? Why? / Why not? A young boy, Jim Hawkins, lives near the sea with hismotherand father. One day, Billy Bones comes to live with them, and from that day things arc different. Billy watches the sea and the ships. He is afraid. But what — or who — is he afraid of? Vtry soon, Jim understands. Billy has a map. And a lot of people are interested in that map. Jim gets tlie map and looks for the treasure. He meets a lot of very dangerous |)COplc. He meets Long John Silver, a man with one leg. and Jim and Long John Silver go far across the sea in a ship called the Hispaniola to “Treasure Island". Steve nson 1b Read and answer the questions. 1 Could you answer the questions in Ex. la? 2 What helped you? a) You used a dictionary. b) You looked at the pictures. c) You read the title. 3 What else helped you to answer the questions? 2 Rnd the words in bold in the text in Ex. la and answer these questions. 1 Do you know these words? 2 Can you guess them? 3 What can help you guess them? 3 Find nouns in the text in Ex. la. Example: "Мар'Чз a noun. 4 Read the wordlist entry and match: LOOK word class — часть р>ечи noun (n) — существительное treasure I'tre^?! n — сокровище 1 treasure 2 n 3 Cire^al 4 сокровище a) translation b) word c) word class d) transcription 5a Put the words in bold in Ex. la in alphabetical order. 5b Check in the wordlist for the words in bold in Ex. la. 1 transcription 2 word class 3 translation /Ч 6 Copy the words in bold in Ex. la into your vocabulary book, write the transcription, n for nouns and the translation, or draw a picture. Learn the words. 16 UNIT 2 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 I love books 1 Look and match the words and the things in the picture. castle tower - - top ^ _ field ghost ^ bottom stone stairs f!l| \-4г[зП^ J^-L И lof Й iL: . _ 2 Read and check your guesses. • What do the words in bold mean? After lunch Claire said, “I want to go for a walk." .“Don’t gel lost," Aunt Min told her. There was a cold wind, and it got colder when she came to the castle field. But it was a nice, sunny 5 afternoon — an afternoon to laugh at stories about ghosts, she thought. Claire moved across and up the field quickly. Soon she was near the dark towers. There was no sun here and it was very cold. It was quiet. There 10 were no sounds of birds or animals. She went over to the tallest tower — the Black Tower, the boy called it. Did the woman die here? There was a door at the bottom. Inside, stone stairs went up to the top. 15 Suddenly Claire was afraid. “Why am I afraid?" she thought. “Ghosts?" Then she heard a sound. She thought it was a bird and looked up quickly ... and a big stone fell from the top of the tower. 3 Answer the questions. Rnd clues in the text. 1 What do you think Claire wanted to do? 2 Do you think she was afraid in the field? 3 How do you think Claire felt at the castle? Why? 4 How did you feel when you read about the castle? 5 Do you think she wanted to run away? Wfien? Where: In the field, at the castle, after the stone fell? 6 What do you think she did next? 4 Look at the picture and complete the description. The place was a real mystery. The castle was i n a (1).... The walls of the (2)... were dark. There was a (3)... in the tallest (4).... Stone (5)... went up to the top. At the (6)... of the tower there were many (7)... . 5 Complete Claire’s diary. Finish the last sentence. 23 December, '\oday I deci^ieii to go to the (1) ... . It was a (2) ... afternoon. I went quickly acroee» the (3) ... .I laughed at stories about (4) ... . $oon I 0Ot to the tallest (5) ... . There wae no (6) ... here. I was (7) .... I saw a (&) ... In the tower. Inside I saw stone (9)... .At first I wanted to there. Then I heard a (10) .... A bi^ (11) ... fell from the (12) ... of the tower.! jumped away and looked up. I saw (13) .... 17 UNIT 2 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Famous writers 1 can you be a top wnter? Answer the questions and find out. You see a pretty sunset when you ’ are on holiday. Oo you: a) Take a photo tor your holiday album. b) Write a poem about the sunset. c) Put your sunglasses on. 0 What’s your favourite subject at school? a) Art. You think it’s great to draw. b) Literature, Russian. English. Vbu like making up short stories. c) PE (Physical Education). It’s fun. 0 What do you write in your diary? a) Al! your friends' birthdays. b) What you do and feel each day. c) You don't have time to write a diary. ... 0 Your parents take you to the be. How do you spend the- ■' a) You ft '..7« />_ ...e oeach. the day? , loU make a sandcaslie. b) You гея<^ - УЪо '’Gaa, tflQ s©a Ok. sna Play 0 How do you keep in touch (поддерживаешь связь) with friends who live far away? a) Draw pictures or send them photos. b) Write a (ol of letters. c) Call them on the phone. Mostly a’s: Vbu're really good at art! You can be a good book illustrator. You enjoy making and drawing things. But don’t forget to read a book too — it can give you some ideas for your next picture. Mostly b’s: Vbu’ve got pen power (сила)! You really love writing. You can be a top writer, but remember that if you don’t gel out and have fun too. you don’t have much to write about! Mostly c's: You’re realty active! You think books are boring. You like playing sports. It’s great to do a lot of activities, but you can miss some exciting adventures if you don’t read. 18 READ AND SAY writer write wrong wrote wr—|r| written wrap wreck writ wrestle wren wry wrist UNIT 2 Lesson 5 write? do you start writing? did do after school? study at school? 2 Read and think of the questions you would like to ask John Escott. Where When What How Why How many... 3 I Listen and find the answers to your questions. 4 Look and find adjectives. Exampte: “Pretty ” is an adjective. LOOK word class — часть речи adjective (adj) — прилагательное 5 Read the wordlist entry and match. exciting [ik'saitiol ndj — возбуждающий, волнующий, захваты№1Ю1ций 1 возбуждаю1Щ4й, волнующий, захватывающий a) word 2 exciting b) word class 3 adj c) transcription 4 (iksaitiol d) translation б Read and ask your questions. Do you want to find out more about your favourite author? Read about J. K. Rowling and her books on the Nvebsite https://www.kidsreads.com/harrypotter/ikrowlinq.htmi. You can find out where to write to her and ask all those questions you want to ask! Like her character, Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling’s life is like a fairy tale. She lived with her little daughter in a small cold flat in Edinburgh, and every day she went to a warm cafe to write her book. The book was Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. And Harry Potter worked magic for her. First, the Scottish Alts Council (Шотландский Совет по искусству) gave her a grant (стипендия) to finish the book. After that, her first Harry Potter book was the Children’s Book of the Year at the British Book Awards (награды), and it won the Smarties Prize. People read about Harry Potter in England, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Greece, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Sweden and Russia. imp://www.kklsreads.oom/tiafTVpottqr/ikrowling.Wml 19 Unit 2 ^^SSOn Lesson 6 Favourite books la Read and answer. Would you like to read these books? Why? / Why not? Д ^ A Л ы_~ ** ** e ai ШС, 4 * Review written by Whitney. 1 i TREASURE ISLAND Robert Louis Stevenson “Treasure Island" Is a book about sea adventures, pirates and treasure. The main character is a boy, Jim Hawkins. He finds a treasure map and sails away on the ship Hispaniola for Treasure Island. The boy is clever and brave. He is my favourite character. Jim tries to find Captain Flint's gold. He finds the pirates’ plans and tells Captain Smollett. 1 like this book because it is really interestmg. I recommend this book to people who like real adventures and stories about pirates. Review written by Heather, 12 THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN Mark Twain This is a book about a boy who loves adventures. The main character is Huck Finn. At the beginning of the book, the boy lives in Mrs Douglas’ bouse. She is a kind woman. But Huck is not happy there. Everything in his life is boring. Then, one day. his father comes back to the town. He is a bad man. He hits Huck. So Huck runs away vritb a slave named Jim. My ^ favourite characters are Huck and Jim. The slave is , a runaway but he is kind and honest. Huck and Jim have a lot of adventures. I like this book because 1 like books with adventures. 1 think Mark Twain is a great writer. He wrote many stories but I like this one best. I recommend this book to people who like adventures. 20 UNIT 2 Lesson 6 1b Answer the questions. 1 Why do we write reviews? 2 What do these reviews Include? 3 Do the reviews tel! us what happened at the end? Why? 2a Read and find the four steps in the book reviews in Ex. la. Four Steps to Writing a Book Review pT| Write the title and the writer. Ш Write three or four sentences about the story. What is the story about? • Who are the main characters? • What do the main characters do in the story? • Who is your favourite character? Why? |~з] Your opinion Do you like the book? Why? |~4] Your recommendation Do you recommend this book to another person? 2b Answer the questions in Step 2. Think about your favourite book and complete the review. Title:... Writer; ... This is a book about.... The main characters are .... They.... My favourite character is.... He / She .... I like this book because .... I recommend this book to people who like .... Write a book review and bring it to class. E-mail your review to [email protected]. You can also e-mail your review to Dr Livesey of Treasure island at DoctorLivesev®home tucked uD.in.bed. 21 UNIT 2 Lesson 7 Ijesson 7 Progress page Listen to the children and say what kind of books they are talking about. a) a Story about detectives and spies b) a book about a real person c) a story about monsters d) a book about historical events e) fairy tales f) a story about wildlife Score; rO(2xS) Read and find a good book for these children in Lesson 1. I like stories about criminals and detectives, and the police. I think police work is realty interesting. My favourite books are stories about Sherlock Holmes. I also read historical books. I only hate books about monsters. к What I really like is books about adventure! Especially in the past. My favourite writer is James Fenimore Cooper. He wrote stories about Indians. They were very brave and were good hunters. I want to read all his books. I’d like to read... My favourite books are fairy tales. They're not very long but they're interesting. I like reading about magic things. I read tales from different countries. They're very exciting. I read a lot. I like books about space and adventure best. I think it's exciting to read about space and life on other planets. I also like reading about the future. Score; 10(2x5} 3 Ask questions for these answers. TREASURE ISLAND Robert Louis Stevenson 1 Robert Louis Stevenson began writing when he was a boy.—When...? 2 He finished his first book when he was sixteen.— When...? 3 He went to many different countries in his life. He lived in Scotland, in England, and after 1890 he lived on the island of Samoa with his wife, mother and son.— Where...? 4 He was ill (болен) and wanted to find a place with warm weather where he could live.— Why...? 5 He wrote poems and books about adventures.— What...? Scoro: 10(2x5) Read the notes and complete the review about a book you are reading. Title: ... Writer:... This is a book about.... It is .... The main characters are.... They.... My favourite character is .... He / She .... 1 like this book because .... I recommend this book to people who like.... Score: 10 (1X 10) You want to choose a book as a present for your partner. Ask him / her about. • books he / she likes • why he / she likes them • favourite books • books he / she would like to read • books from the catalogue Score; 10(2x5} Total: 50 22 UNIT 2 Lesson 8 l,esson 8 Project: A book fair Title? Writer? What’s it about? Characters? When? Prepare to talk about your favourite book. • Read your book review again. • Think what you can tell your friends about your favourite book at the book fair. • Draw a picture or a book cover for your favourite book to help you talk about it. • Bring your picture to the class. Talk about your book at the book fair. When you speak, remember these rules: • Do not talk too fast. Say each word clearly. • Look at the people in the class. • Tell people where they can get the book if they want to read it. When you listen, prepare to answer these questions: • What books do you know about? • What writers do you know about? • What books would you like to read? Why? • Choose the books you like best. What is your first choice? Second choice? Third choice? Talk about the book fair. Answer these questions. • Was it easy / difficult / interesting / exciting to talk about your favourite book? • Did you like doing it? 23 3 What fun! Ijesson 1 Things I like 1a Read and choose three things you would like to do this weekend. Example: I 'd like to listen to music, play with my pet and go dancing. 1 b Guess your friend’s choice. Listen and check. Example: Pupil A: I think Dima would like to draw and watch TV. Pupil 8: Right. / Wrong. I'd like to go dancing. 2a Read and match. [Ц Britain Emily is from Britain. She loves listening to music. Sometimes she goes to discos with her friends. She often watches music programmes on TV. 0 Australia Australia is a very warm country, so people like swimming. Diving is very popular. You can see the underwater world and feed the fish. Dick goes diving with his father. They are very good at taking underwater pictures. S America American teenagers love sport. Andy and John are good at surfing and roller skating. и Vietnam Children all over the world love animals and spend a lot of time with their pets. But some children in Vietnam have very exotic pets such as water buffaloes! S China Wan Yin and her friends like making kites. Wan Yin is very good at drawing, so her kites are always the most beautiful. Brazil Paolo has got an unusual hobby — he collects butterflies. His friends collect other things — stamps, badges, coins and toy cars, but Paolo thinks they’re boring. watch TV or video listen to music play computer games go to the disco play with my pet read play a musical instrument do sport go dancing draw sing LOOK ^ to make kites to take pictures 24 UNIT 3 Lesson 1 2b Answer the questions. • Which of the interests in Ex. 2a are the most interesting / unusual? • Which would you like to do? READ AND SAY ng [q] long strong wrong king sing song going watching playing swimming dancing reading LOOK 3 Complete the sentences. 1 I love... 2 I'm good at... 3 I hate... 4 I'd like to ... this weekend. I like dancing. He is good at swimming. We hate watching TV. BUT rd like to go to the disco. Write the number, listen and tick {✓). О c- letter I'm Josh and Гт from Texas. I like riding my bike, reading and watching videos. I love listening to music and ploying it. I have five cats, so I love animals. My other interests are computer gomes, the Internet, sport and lots more. Please write back. Interview your friend, or a famous person, or an alien (инопланетянина). 1 What / you / like doing? 2 Have / a pet? 3 What/you/collect? 4 You / like / sport? aj Read the ads (объявления), choose a pen pal and write a letter to him / her, or write your own ad to this magazine. vi aG AZi N E letter Hi, ffvffryontf! My name ie Brittany and I am 12 years old. I am in year 7.1 really love dancing, sinking, skateboarding, talking on the phone, having pen pals and like every girl, I LOVE shopping) I’d like to have a pen pal -a girl or a boy. Write to me and tel! me what you like doing. 6b Translate into English. 1 Я люблю книги. 2 Я люблю читать. 3 Я хотел бы прочитать эту книгу. 25 UNIT 3 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Friendly or dangerous? 1 Look and say. friendly poisonous harmless LOOK danger + ous = dangerous poison * ous = poisonous READ AND SAY ■OUS |э$] poisonous dangerous famous continuous humorous vigorous generous nervous previous 2a Look and answer the questions. 1 What can a tarantula do? 2 What does a tarantula eat and drink? 3 Would you like to have a pet tarantula? 2b Read the text and answer the question; What happened to Melissa's leg? My Brown Beauty Itx)ught Melissa in Monster House. She is a large brown tarantula with beautiful velvet skin and thick legs. When I came up to her box at the pet shop, she greeted me with her front legs. it is great watching her walk up the cage walls. Melissa is very friendly. She never bites. I thought she was dangerous. But she is really harmless like a mouse. One day she climbed up the plastic wall, tell off and hurt her leg. There was green blood from her fourth right leg. I put some medicine on her leg and gave her more water. She looked better. And two months later, before Christmas. Melissa’s fourth right leg was missing, it was not in the cage. 3a How much do you know about tarantulas? Look and write true (T) or false (F). 1 Tarantulas are the biggest spiders. (HI 2 Tarantulas like to eat cockroaches. C 3 Tarantulas can bite. П 4 Tarantulas can jump high. EH 5 Tarantulas are poisonous. EH 6 Tarantulas have more than four legs. EH 3b Listen and check. /Ч 4 Look at the picture and read the article. Write five questions for an interview with Matcoim Hughes. Malcolm Hughes, star of ITV’s “Mad About Pets", was our special guest at the Discover Dogs show last year. Malcolm is a famous specialist in training dogs. He and his boxer dog, Brave, are great fans of the show. 2c Read again and work out the words in bold. 26 UNIT 3 Usson 3 [,esson 3 Films, videos, TV 1 Look at the programme and say the new words. YOUR CHOICE TV 5.00 p.m. 5.15 p.m. News and Weather Gold Trip: Quiz show 7.10 p.m. The Big One: Comedy series LOOK 6.00 p.m. Wildlife; Documentary Showing tigers, 8.00 p.m. Music Time Greatest Hits The news ] Sports news 1 is fun 6.30 p.m. penguins and kangaroos. Peter Pan and the Pirates Cartoon Box 9.00 p.m. Videos High 5: Extreme sports Nature news J 2a Give the programmes a star rating. Example: Quiz shows are fantastic. * « • *• «« — boring -OK — tun — fantastic □ the news aquiz shows \i\C 32 UNIT 3 Lesson 5 3 ^ Listen and look at the picture. 1$ there anything behind the door? i want to go there and see. but I’m too big. Have you got anything that can make me smaller? I never help anybody, but I’m going to help ^u. 5 Till in the gaps and help Max to find the treasure. Hello, Max. Congratulations! Now you are big again, and you can have the treasure, If you fill in the right key words. Good luck! Computer Games 4 WW Listen and say what is happening. Example: Somebody is summing. (1)... body put the treasure in this room many years ago, but didn’t tell (2)... body where it was. So (3)... body could find the treasure for many years. We don’t know (4)... thing about the treasure, but people say it is (5)... thing wonderful. There are a lot of chests in the room, but there is <6)... thing Interesting in them. The treasure is in the black box in the comer. There is <7).. thing better than this. It’s yours! 6 Read and fill in the right word. See the LOOK box on page 32. Boy: Shop assistant: Boy; '//; Excuse me... Yes? Can I help you? I’d like О) something/ nothing new. Have you got (2) something / anything interesting? Shop assistant: Of course, we’ve got a lot of games. What kind of games do you like? Boy: I don’t want (3) anybody /anything about cars or monsters. I'd like (4) nobody / something about dinosaurs. Shop assistant; Dinosaurs? Sorry. I'm afraid we haven't got (5) anything / nothing about dinosaurs. There is (6) nobody / nothing about dinosaurs in the shops! (7) Nobody / Anybody has got what I want! Boy: 33 UNIT 3 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Computer games la Are you a computer fan? Oo the test and find out. 1 You play computer games: a) sometimes. b) three to four times a week. c) four hours every day. 2 If your friends invite you to go for a walk, you: a) go for a walk with them. b) invite them to play computer games with you. c) tell them to go away. 3 If your mum tells you to go to bed, you say: a) “OK. Mum." b) “Mum, please, can I play some more?” c) “I’m going to play all night." 4 When you play a computer game, you forget about: a) your homework. b) food. c) everything. lb Count your score and fir>d out the result. For every (a) answer score 1 point, For every (b) answer score 2 points. For every (c) answer score 3 points. 4-6: You like computers, but you also like many other things. 7-10: You sometimes think that computers are more important than people - and that’s not right! 11-12: >bu’re crazy about computers. Stop - it’s getting dangerous! 2a Read and match the game reviews and the titles. There is one extra title. CD The Fastest CD Fantasy Land □ My Kingdom П Make Friends CD- ■mis is a strategy ^ ^he king and yo^ ® d'ltterent сражаться 34 UNIT 3 Lesson 6 0- This game is one of the best car races. You can see the road from your car. Other cars want to knock you off. and when they do. •"'••Ve got a problem because your r is damaged. A great game for motor racing lovers. you' car in this game you design a family of small robots. You build them a house, give them food and friends. You can invite all your robots’ friends to a party, decorate the house, buy a big cake and choose the music for dancing. The pictures are beautiful, the music is nice and the game is really fantastic. design |d>'/ain| — KOHCTpyupoBuib. создавать decorate |'dckarc!l| — украшать race — гонка knock off ~ сбить damaged повреждена 2b Say which of the games you would like to play. 3 Listen and guess what game Max Is playing. 4 What can / can't you do with a computer? Example: I can read books. read books play games watch films cook food buy things listen to music do sports clean your room make friends write letters People who write in Internet chat rooms often use a special language. Read the letter and translate it into normal English. U = you R = are C = see B = be 4U = for you CU = see you 2B = to be gr8 = great f2f = face to face @ = at asap - as soon as possible Hi! It was gr8 2 hear from U. How R things school? I’m going 2B in London 4 a week next month. Can we meet? I’d love 2 CU f2f. Please write back asap. Love, Jack. /Ч 6 Homework. Write a short coded letter to your friend. 35 UNIT 3 Lesson 7 Ijesson 7 Progress page 1 Listen and tick (/] the programmes the children are going to watch. П 1 7.00 p.m. World Cup Athletics News 0 2 7.00 p.m. Motor Racing □ 3 7.45 p.m. The Last of the Secret Agents? Comedy. LJ 4 7.45 p.m. Magic Kite. Cartoon. □ 5 8.30 p.m. Music News 2 Look and write. Example: The two boys are flying a kite. 1 The two girls... 2 The gir! and the boy... 3 The old man... 4 The three boys... 5 The girl... play football play with a dog fly a kite play badminton read a newspaper feed the birds Read and choose the right word. If you are looking for (1) something / somebody new and exciting, buy our game Neveriand. The hero is travelling in a magic country, he is alone and there is (2) anybody / nobody to help him. He wants to find the castle where (3) somebody / nobody hid (спрятал) the treasure many years ago. He can’t find (4) something / anything without your help. There is (5) nobody/ nothing better than this game, so buy it and have great fun! 4 Read and write Luke’s interests. Hi! My name's Luke. I’m 12. I’m fond of diving, skateboarding and sea fishing. I keep a lot of pets at home: goldfish, two tarantulas and a do^. The do^’s my favourite. We like to watch TV and listen to music together. I also like writing to friends. Mary more Interests. Write to me. Score: 20(2x10} \ Luke Total: 50 36 UNIT 3 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Project: Гт a TV director! / 1 You are a TV director. Think of a TV programme. Make it interesting or funny! • Choose what you want to show and where: □ a club for the owners of exotic animals □ a football match □ a sports competition □ a computer club a your choice • Choose what programme you want to show: □ an interview □ a commentary Q your choice • Think about the name of the programme and pictures. fSboll fan/ Computer ''•V. .V. / n Make up your programme. □ Choose the kind of programme and a title. □ Agree who are the characters / the presenter, о Think what you are going to say and write the scenario. □ Prepare the studio. □ Have a rehearsal. Hello, I'm John Wilson. You’re with World Sports, the most exciting sports programme on SKY TV. Today we ’ re going to visit Russia and meet children doing some popular sports. 3 Show your programme to the class. 4 Talk atx>ut the programmes. 1 Which programme did you like best? 2 Who was the best presenter/character? 3 What did you like / did you not like about this activity? 37 4 The English world Lesson 1 I need English 1 Do the quiz How much English do you know? 1 Translate into Russian: a) Alice in Wonderland b) Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone c) Gulliver's Travels 2 Say the name of: a} three drinks in English b) three pop singers or groups who sing in English c) three English / American films d) three computer games in English e) three computer words 3 Translate into English: a) гостиница b) электронная понта c) Млечный Путь 4 Say а line from an English song. 5 Think of cartoon characters and say the English for: a) мышь b) утка c) Белоснежка 2a Listen and say why the children are at school in summer. Summer Language Sc" 2b fcj Listen again and complete. Azuko needs English to play (1).... to write (2)... to her friends, and to go to a college in (3).... /Cnnika needs English to be an (4)... in Hollywood and to listen to (5).... Sasha needs English to surf the (6)... and to read his favourite (7)... In English. 3a Read and say what job the person does: a pilot, a computer programmer, a fravef agent. © I’m .... I go all over the world with groups of tourists, i talk to airport, hotel and restaurant workers all over the world. I need English to travel. © m .... When I was at school t liked playing computer games. They were in English. I got interested in computers, and the computer helped me to learn English. I can't say some English words correctly but I read English very well. © m .... When I fly the plane I speak to air traffic control by radio. They speak English to me. and I speak English too. I must speak and understand English welt to fly a plane. correctly — пра1жлы1о uir (rafllc control — лиспстчсрская служба 3b Say what other Jobs need English. 4a Work in a group of three and make a list of reasons why you need English. Example: We need English to play computer games. 4b Ask five people In your class why they are learning English. Example: Pupil A: Why are you learning English? Pupil B: I'm learning English to listen to English songs. Interview five people: Why do they need English? Write about them. Example: My father is an engineer. He needs English to use the computer at work. 38 UNIT 4 Lesson 2 [esson 2 English in the world 1 Read and match. 1 300 a) seven million 2 5,000 b) one billion 3 7.000,000 c) three hundred 4 1.000,000.000 d) five thousand 2 Learn some interesting facts. Pupil A: Open p. 136, Pupil B: Open p. 137. 3a Look at Diagram 1 and say: 1 the three top languages* 2 how many people live on Earth 3 how many people speak Russian / English Diagram 1 The ten languages that have the most speakers Earth’s population — 4 billion _____________________ 1 (1,000 million) 2 (350 million) 3 (250 million) 4 Hindi (200 million) 5 Arabic (150 million)__________ 6 Bengali (150 million)_________ 7 Russian (150 million)_________ 8 PortuQuese (135 million) 9 Japanese (120 million) 10 German (100 million) million people______________100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1.000 3b Listen and check. Write the names of the languages that have the most speakers. 3c Talk about the languages in Diagram 1. Example: One hundred and twenty million people speak Japanese. 4 [ZJ Listen, complete and say what the green and the blue colours mean. Diagram 2 Speakers of English as a first and a second language 1,700 million Other countries with Er>glish as №e first language USA — 215 million UK — 58 million Canada —... million Australia —... million Ireland —35 million New Zealand —... million India —... million Other countries with English as s. a second language — 300 million Bangladesh — 93 million Nigeria — 90 million Pakistan — 87 million South Africa — ...million Singapore — 2.5 million Read and say which diagram it is. This diagram shows the top ten languages of the world. It says that 1,0СЮ million people speak Chinese. 350 million speak English. 250 million speak Spanish. /Ч 6 Do you know how many pages you are going to read this year? • Rnd out how many pages every textbook has. • Make a diagram like Ex. 3a. • Write a text like Ex. 5. 39 UNIT 4 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 England, Scotland, Wales,... 1 Look at the diagram and the map. Complete number 1 and 2 in the fact file. UK population diagram England — 49 million Scotland — 5 million Wales — 3 million Northern Ireland — 2 million Edinburgh York Bath London Thames LOOK the (river) Thames Fact Fite on Great Britain Country U 1 Capital 2 Population 3 Places of interest/ Interesting facts , 1 ID 40 UNIT 4 LoSDon 3 protect — iaiiiHiiiin b. охр!ШЯГ|> competition - copciidOKmiHe raiisenny — ламба: мостоная giant — великан I'-:/ »* "0 2a Read and match the facts and the pictures. Buckingham Palace is the London home of Queen Elizabeth II, the British queen. Big Ben is the name of the big bell in the clock tov/er of the Houses of Parliament. Baker Street In London is a street where the detective Sherlock Holmes lived in the stories about him by Arthur Conan Doyle. There is a museum about Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. Scotland’s national Instrument is the bagpipes. The Scottish piper is wearing a skirt, called a kilt. Wales is the country of music and song. Every year there is a competition, the Eisteddfod, to find the best poets, writers and musicians in the country. Loch Ness is the most famous lake in Scotland. There are a lot of reports of Nessie, a water monster that lives there. Wales Is the country of princes and castles, in 1301, Edward I of England made his son Prince of Wales in Caernarvon Castle. And today, Queen Elizabeth ll’s son, Charles, is Prince of Wales. The Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland has 40,000 stone columns. The legend says the giant Finn McCool loved a lady giant from an island near Scotland. He began to build this causeway to bring her to Ireland. Belfast in Northern Ireland Is the newest capital In the world. 2b Read the texts in Ex. 2a again and complete number 3 in the Great Britain fact file in Ex. 1. 3 Ask a partner what he / she would like to do in Great Britain. Exampie: Pupil A: W7iaf would you like to do in Great Britain? Pupil B: I’d like to visit the Tower of London. In London In Wales In England In Scotland In Northern Ireland I'd like to see to visit to walk along to take photos of to watch 4 Complete a fact file on Northern Ireland. Use the fact file In Ex. 1 as an example. 41 UNIT 4 Lesbon 4 Lesson 4 Bath and the Romans 1 Look at the map and find the names of the places A, B, C, D and E. 2a Read and say where you can: 1 see an old post office 2 go tx)ating on a river 3 see a collection of clothes 4 eat a famous bun 5 see the Roman Baths BATH Bf Sally Lunn's House and MuseunT| The Museum of Costume The Roman Baths Bath Boating Station on the river Avon Bath Postal Museum Victoria Park The American Museum The Roman Baths The place where the city began. The Baths are about two thousand years old. The water comes from a hot spring. It is the most famous place in Bath. You can drink the waters or tea in a special room. spring — источник Sally Lunn’s House The oldest house in Bath. More than three hundred years ago Sally Lunn baked famous buns that now have her name. You can visit a museum and see an old kitchen. Enjoy tea with a Sally Lunn bun and much more than that. bake — выпекать bun — булочка 42 UNIT 4 Lesson 4 Bath Postal Museum Famous for posting the first stamp in the world. It happened in this historic building on 2 May, 1840. The stamp’s name was Penny Black. In the museum there is an old post office, a collection of stamps, a film room, a tea room and a children’s activity room. post — oiiipaB.'iHTb building; — здание The Bath Boating Station ЛП old boating station with tea gardens and a museum with different boats. Enjoy watching water birds. You can go on a river trip or you can go boating. It's fun to spend a summer day on the river Avon. The Museum of Costume A collection of more than a thousand pieces of men’s, women’s and children’s clothes. You can see 200 dressed figures and follow how fashion changed from the 16th century till now. There is a shop and a library with books on the history of fashion. clothes — одежда dress — одсвать(ся) fashion — мола centurv — пек 2b Read and say what places you’d like to visit and why. Example: I'd like to visit the Bath Postal Museum because I collect stamps and I want to see a collection of stamps there. 3 Listen and follow the route on the map. 4a With your partner agree on the three most Interesting places. Example: Pupil A: Let’s go to the Postal Museum. There’s a collection of stamps there. Pupil B: Yes. let's. That's a good idea. Hove stamps. / Oh no, it's boring. Let's go to the Roman Baths. 4b Plan your route on the map. Example: fiirst we go to the boating station. then to the Museum of Costume and after that to the Theatre Royal. /Ч Choose a place you’d like to go to. Write why you want to go there. Use the notes: I'd like to visit... because 1) there is ...; 2) 1 can ... there: 3) it is fun to ... READ AND SAY [g] — began figure degree [efe] — college imagine gymnastics guide engineer legend Bengali Bangladesh Nigeria Singapore Germany Portuguese agent ecology geography geology bagpipe Pilgrims Gulliver 43 UNIl 4 Lesson 5 Ijesson 5 York and the Vikings la Find York on the map of the UK in Lesson 3 in this unit. • Is it in England or in Scotland? 1b Look at the postcards of York and put them in date order. READ AND SAY (i| — river lai] — Idea spring microphone children child activities machine website native Hindi Arabic Vikings invade radio kilt thistle pilot Listen and check. Listen again and write dates for each of the postcards. 1e Take turns. Ask and answer. Pupil A: When did the Romans build a fort in York? Pupil B: In AD 71. Romans / come / to York Vikings / come / to York People / build / the city walls People / build / the castle People / finish / the cathedral Edward III / call his son the Duke of York York / get its first mayor People / build / the Guildhall People / make / chcx;olate Nestle s LOOK BC — до нашей эры, e.g. 55 ВС AD — нашей эры. e.g. AD 71 in 1066 — in ten sixty-six in 1812 — in eighteen twelve In the 6th century 44 UNIT 4 Lesson 5 Read about the places in York. • Choose two places you would like to visit and tell the class why. Example: I'd like to visit the chocolate factory because I'm interested in chocolate and I’d like to try some English chocolate. Visit the York city walls. They are open every day. You can walk along them and see the city. Visit the 800-year-old Minster — the largest Gothic cathedral in Northern Europe. Climb the tower lor beautiful views of the city. See the famous stained glass windows. See the photos of the 1984 fire and the things it destroyed — and the beautiful new things children made. cathedral — собор vtaincd glass — coloured glass dvsiro) — разрушать Visit a living museum! The castle museum has streets with shops from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. See how much you could buy for 5p. Yorkshire Museum — come and find out about York and a thousand years of its history. Fantastic new displays show you York In Roman. Anglo-Saxon, Viking and medieval times. medieval — срел,исиековый Visit the Jorvik Viking Centre. Visit and see York a thousand years ago when Erik Bloodaxe was king. Travel back to AD 975. Everything you see and feel is authentic: Viking chickens, a Viking sock and ice-skates. Hear people speak “Viking” — and smell the smells of the Viking streets! New at the Centre is a Vlkmg longship — you can get on the longship and be a Viking! authentic — настояшмй. поллиимый sock — носок icc-skules — коньки Visit Clifford’s Tower — the central part of York castle — in the daytime OR — only for the brave — go on a ghost walk at night and learn about the ghosts of this old city. ghost — привиление Interested In technology? Want to know about the first trains and how they worked? Want to know about the trains of the future? Visit the National Railway Museum, the world’s largest railway museum. See Stephenson's Rocket and giant steam engines, the Eurostar and computer interactives. Drive a train yourself. train — поезд fnlurc — булушее 3 Write a postcard to your English teacher about your trip to York. AIR MAIL Dear..., I'm ... beet wiebce. f Write the name and address of the person you send the card to here. /\ 4 Write three true and three false sentences about the history of Great Britain. 45 UNIT 4 LCGSOn 6 Lesson 6 English in America la On the map find: Plymouth (2). America. England, the Atlantic Plymouth AMERICA North Atlantic Ocean A p\ytnO^ • 1b Read and complete with the new words from Ex. 1a. In September 1620 the Mayflower ship started for a new land from (1)... in (2).... There were 102 English men, women and children on the ship. They left (3)... because they wanted to start a new life, to be free. They crossed (4)... in 66 days and came to (5)... in December 1620. They started a new city and they called it (6).... More and more people came to (7)... from different countries. But they all began to speak English. In 1776 a new country started — the United States of (8).... The language of the country was English and they speak English In the USA now. But is it the same language as in England? 1c Answer the questions. 1 Why did people from England go to America? 2 Wily do the two cities have the same name? 3 Why do they speak English in the USA? 46 UNIT 4 Losson 6 2a I** Listen and answer: Is tho boy from the USA or from Great Britain? 2b Listen again and choose the correct answer. 1 Pat has: a) a younger brother b) a younger sister c) an older sister 2 He lives: a) in St Petersburg b) in Harrisburg c) in Hamburg 3 There are lots of... around the city, a) lakes b) mountains c] rivers 4 They often go: a) cycling b) swimming c) cycling and swimming 5 Pat isn’t at school now because: a) he is ill b) he is on holiday c) he doesn't like school 6 He says that he likes: a) going to school b) watching cartoons c) watching TV 7 He loves chocolate: a) sweets b) bars c) Ice cream 3 Match the American and the British words. ^ American (AmE)J British (BrE)^ 4 Rnd the words in the wordlist. Write: • If they are American (AmE) or British (BrE) • if they are a noun (n) or a verb (v) • the translation Example: apartment — AmE. n, квартира 1 elevator 2 lift 3 underground 4 subway 5 sneakers 6 trainers 7 mail 8 post 47 UNIT 4 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 1*^ Listen and complete the diagram. On-line population — 228 million people. % 1 . 91.656.000 2 . 22,344,000 3 . 20,976,000 4 Spanish 16.416,000 5 German 15,504,000 V uKb E5' ' million people 0 10 20 ■I........1.., 30 40 .......I... 60 70 80 90 100 Diagram 1 The five on-line languages that have most speakers Score: 15(3x5) 2 Look at the diagram and answer the question: How many people use Spanish on the Internet? • Write in words, not numbers! Score: 5 ff x 5) 3 Add the article where necessary. 1 ... London 2.. . Thames 3 ... England 4.. USA 5 ... Volga 6 ... Scotland 7.. . UK 8 ... Atlantic 9.. .York 10.. . Great Britain Score: 10(1x10) Say why these children need English. Example: Inna wants to be an engineer (use the computer at work) — She needs English to use the computer at work. 1 Katya: I love music, (understand English songs) Sasha: l*ve got a connputer. (write to my thenci$ In different countries) Igor: I love reading, (read books by British and American writers) Nika: I want to be chess champion, (go to the World Chess Championship) Semyon: I want to be a famous traveller, (travel to different countries) 2 3 4 5 Score; 10 (2x5) 5 Write which three places you’d like to visit in the UK and why. Score; 10 Total: 50 48 UNIT 4 Lesson 8 l,esson 8 Project: on Britain 1 Make a report about a country or part of a country. Speak about: • How many people live there • What language they speak • What interesting places they have • What you can do there If you visit the country 2 Prepare a poster about the country. • You may draw maps and use postcards and different diagrams. • Choose the most informative report. • Choose the most beautiful poster. 49 Christmas and New Year |,esson 1 Christmas celebrations 1 Listen and say. 2a Read and match the texts and the pictures. Christmas and New Year are the happiest and the busiest time of the year for millions of people all over the world. Ш Most families have a Christmas tree in their homes. They decorate the tree with colourful lights, tinsel and toys. They put presents for all the family under the Christmas tree. Before Christmas you can see colourful lights and decorations in the city streets and the shop windows too. The cities look beautiful. 0 On Christmas Eve children hang stockings for Father Christmas to fill with presents. In France, children put their shoes near the fireplace so Father Christmas can fill them with presents. [~3~| Singing Christmas songs is another old tradition. In England, Canada, the USA and other countries, groups of children and adults go from house to house and sing Christmas songs, called carols. Some people give them money, sweets and small presents. Ш British people have fun with crackers at Christmas lunch or dinner. The crackers go bang and inside you find a colourful paper party hat or crown, small presents and jokes. [~5~] Most Scottish families have a Christmas tree and sing carols but they have their most important celebration on New Year’s Eve. It is called Hogmanay. В In Australia and New Zealand. December comes during the summer. Many people celebrate Christmas by going on a picnic or going to the beach. Schoolchildren have a six-week summer holiday at Christmastime. 31 Hogmanay, 50 UNIT 5 Lesson 1 2b Read the text and find the meaning of the words. decorate tradition carol celebrate go bang 2c Read again and choose the country where you would like to celebrate New Year or Christmas. Example: I'd like to celebrate Christmas in Germany because they begin to celebrate Christmas on 24 December. 2d Answer the questions. 1 Which of the texts are about Christmas and New Year celebrations in Britain? 2 Which celebrations are the same in Russia and in Britain? 3 Which celebrations are different? Example: In Britain they decorate a Christmas tree and in Russia we decorate a tree too. In Britain children hang stockings near the fireplace, but in Russia we don't do that. 3a Interview your partner and find out his / her family traditions. Example: celebrate / New Year / with / family? — Do you celebrate the New Year with your family? 1 Who / invite / to celebrate / New Year? 2 How / decorate / your / New Year tree? 3 Where / put / presents? 4 When / get / presents? 5 What / do / on New Year's Day? 6 Where / go / on New Year’s Day? 3b Report about your friend’s New Year’s Day. 4 Write an A to Z of Christmas and translate the words. 51 UNIT 5 Ipssnn ? Lesson 2 Dear la Read the letter everyone... and say What if i, about. »» True (T) or false (F)7 1 2 4 5 6 И 31 Edward Road Hostings Englond 10 December Dear Ann, 4 Thanks a lot for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you. Гт glad you're OK. You asked me to tell you about some Christmas traditions. |~5~| Christmas is my favourite festival. There are lots of reasons why I like it: a Christmas tree shining with lights and tinsel, colourful stockings hanging near the fireplace and presents. I love getting presents. Do you? My younger sister believes Pother Christmos comes down the chimney and puts his presents in our stockings. But I know our parents do it. Lost Christmas I was at my ount's in London. My cousin Susan and I went to Hyde Park to watch people swimming in the Serpentine. My uncle swam too. He likes swimming and he always swims on Christmas Day, Do you swim in winter? [б~| What arc your New Year traditions? Please write to me soon. [T| Love, Emma Emma likes Christmas. She doesn’t believe Father Christmas puls presents in the stockings. Emma celebrated last Christmas with her aunt's family in Oxford. Susan is Emma’s friend. Susan swam In the Serpentine. The girls - 52 LJ • «warn in the Serpentine. D The girls watched the swimmers in Hyde Park. CU □ □ □ □ □ 3 4 5 Answer the questions: 1 Do you like Christmas and New Year? Why* 2 Do you celebrate Christmas and New Year at home or with your friends? Where did you go last time? Do people swim In winter in your home tovr; Would you like to swim at Christmastime? UNIT 5 Lesson 2 3 Read the parts of Nikita’s letter and match them to the right place. a) It was nice to get a letter from you. Thank you for ycur story about your school. You asked me to tell you about our New Year traditions. fb) Best wishes, Nikita l cj 7 December fantastic festival. There’s a beautiful bl^ New Year tree tn the central sc^uare in cur city. A lot of people 0C there to have fun. sin^ son^s, dance and play ^ames near the New Year tree at ni^ht and In the daytime. You can meet Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter &negurochka there. Dear Alex О Flat 5 12 fvirov Street Samara Russia I lock forward to hearing from you. LOOK demonstratg + ion = demonstration — демонстрация instruct + ion = instruction — инструкция 4 Build new words. Exampl0: to demonstrate — demonstration to celebrate to act to translate to correct to dictate to illuminate to decorate Read and learn the poem. Christmas Morning I wake on Christmas Morning. My stocking on my bed; Christmas Eve has come and gone And Santa Claus has fled. My parents all around me: A bike! A ball to throw! I took through the window pane, At tootsteps in the snow. Peter Thabit Jones /\ 6 Write a letter to Emma about your New Year traditions. • Use the letters from Ex. la and 3 to help you. has come and gone — пришел и ушел has fled — исчез HindoH pane — оконное асюю footsteps — С.ЧСДЫ 53 UNIT 5 Lesson 3 Ijesson 3 I like presents la ^ Listen to the conversation and put the pictures in order. LOOK my — mine your — yours his — his her — hers its — its our — ours your — yours their — theirs 1b Read the conversation and find the tines to go with the pictures. Father: Now, it’s time for presents. Roger: Hooray! I can’t wait. Where’s mine? Kate: Here you are, this is yours from me. Roger: Thanks... mm... what is it? Oh, sorry, here's yours. Kate: Wow, Roger, It’s great! Thank you. Roger: Where are our presents for Mum and Oad? Kate: This is hers and that's his. Roger and Kate; Here you are, Mum. Here you are, Dad. Father: Thank you. children. Mother; Thanks, darlings. And this present is ours, your dad’s and mine, for you. Roger, and this one is ours for you, Kate. Roger: A camera! Just what I wanted. Thanks a lot. Kate: A Walkman! Just what I wanted. Thank you very much. Mother; I'm glad you like them. Oh. I do like Christmas Roger: Stop! Look at me! Say “cheese"! 1c Read the conversation aloud. 2 Read the conversation and find the meaning of the words in bold. 3 Match the English and Russian sentences. 1 This is my cracker. a) Этот дом наш. 2 This cracker is mine. b) Тот подарок её. 3 This is our house. c) Это моя хлопушка. 4 This house is ours. Ф Это наш дом. 5 That’s her present. e) Вот её подарок. 6 That present is hers. 0 Эта хлопушка моя. It’s my book. — It’s mine. Play Whose is this? Example: Pupil A: Whose pen is this? Pupil B: Ifs his / hers / mine. Write what present(s) you and your friend(s) would like to get for Christmas. Give reasons. Example: I'd like to get a ball because I like playing football. My friend would like to get a book because she likes reading. 54 UNIT 5 Lesson 4 Lesson4 Mmm... It’s delicious! 1 Look, listen and say. 2 S> Listen and match the countries and the dishes. 1 Britain О 2 Australia Q 3 Canada and the USA О 4 Germany □ 3 Answer the question: What are the most popular New Year dishes In Russia? popular Russian dishes cake 3 (^^pelmeni ^ chicken 4a Interview each other and find the most popular New Year dishes in your class. Example: Pupil A: What do you eat at New Year? Pupil B: Russian salad, chicken and chocolate cake. And you? 4b Report to the class. Example: The most popular New Year dishes in our group are Russian salad, pefmeni and chocolate cake S Write a letter to the radio programme about popular New Year dishes in Russia. My name la ... . I want to eay that in Russia there are no special New Year dishes. Families prepare different dishes for New Year. ... 55 UNIT 5 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 I promise, I will 1 - m Look, listen and translate what the children say. Granny: Here’s your bus. Bye. dear, be careful. Mary: Yes, Granny, I will. Granny: And phone me when you get home. Mary: I will, Granny. Bye. Peter: Pass me the ball. Gooaal! Max: Oh, no! Man: You? Again? Don’t play near my windows! Peter and Max: Sorry. We won’t. 2a Look, read and complete the conversations. Match them and the pictures. — Decorate the tree, children. — Be a good boy! — I promise... — Don’t eat ice cream. — Don’t talk in the lesson. — .... miss. 56 UNIT 5 Lttssort 5 LOOK I will do. I won’t do. = I will not do. 2b Read the conversations in Ex. 2a aloud. 3 Make the rule. 1 When do we say will? 2 When do we say won 'f? 4 Read the New Year resolutions and find out: • what the children promise to do next year. • what the children promise not to do next year. My New Yaar Raeolutione I will be 000^ naxt year. I will cho all my homework and 1 won’t be late for my leasone. I will aleo do aome eport ovary day. Dan My New Year Resolutions I won't eat lots of chocolate and sweets. I will eat more fruit and vegetables. I won't spend a long time on the phone and I will practise the piano every day. Jenny Mew Уевг Resolutions I will make my bed. I will do the washing up a|W dinner I will feed my dog and walk him in "the park. I won't watch Tv all day Long. Mike 5 Read the resolutions again and say true (T) or false (F). 1 Dan likes doing sport. 2 Dan is never late for his lessons. 3 Jenny loves sweets and chocolate. 4 Jenny doesn't like talking on the phone. 5 Mike doesn’t look after his dog often. 6 Mike likes watching TV. 6 Write your resolutions for the next week. Example: I will finish my Harry Potter book. I won't eat ice cream on Wednesday. 7 Write your resolutions for the New Year. □ □ □ □ П □ 57 UNIT 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Merry ssvim in an ice hole wear costumes and masks i play near the bonfire 1 a Look at the pictures and say the words. 1 b Play the Memory game. Example: Pupil A: What are the people in picture A doing? Pupil B: Theyre swimming in an ice hole. 2 Answer the questions. 1 Do any of the old Russian traditions happen now? 2 Which traditions would you like to take part in? Example: I would like to tell fortunes. 3a Listen and put the pictures in the right order. eat pancakes 3b Listen again and say what traditional Christmas activities Lisa would like to do. Example: I’d like to dance in a circle. 58 UNIT 5 Lesson 6 4 Play a chain game. Example: Pupil A: Would you like to sing ‘'kotyadkr? Pupil B: Vfes, that's a good idea. Let's dance round the bonfire too. Pupil C: OK. Shall we go swimming in an ice hole? Fhjpil D: Oh, no. It's very cold. But let's wear masks wfien we stng "kolyadki". Pupil E: OK. Shall we eat pancakes? Pupil F: Yes, they’re my favourite... 5 Look at the cards. Find differences between the British cards and the Russian cards. •СЛ. LOOK Let’s wear masks. Would you like to sing? Shall we play games? У-. .V .mjr Л 1 Дороглл^ _____ С Z^^O^AaJ с MoSbV-^AV СЛА-С^Ч-ЪС-vVcJ Ж&хЛЛиеил\. IV ojrtexHcunX. ^J.cм-г.xo8. ЮчЛ..$ь VC Ae^vcA.. ■1 i r: :- r;=i Is/ К ’■■1 p‘i ъ-J ;yi p-. :ri P-- /N 6 Design your own Christmas cards for your teacher and your friends. Christmas Greetings ❖ With best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. ?f> Wishing you every success for the New Year. ^ Wishing you a Christmas filled with love and friendship. ::•* May your Christmas be filled with happy surprises. © Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ❖ With warm and friendly wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Season’s greetings. I 59 UNIT 5 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page la lir Listen to Martha and Paul. What presents did they get? lb Listen again and write why the children enjoyed their presents. Example: ...can paint. ...is his/her favourite sport. . .likes... Score: 5 {1 x 5) 2 Ril in the gaps with mine, his, hers, ours, theirs. Example: Is this poster yours? — Yes, it's mine. 1 This Is Mary’s cracker. It’s... 2 This is our camera. It's... 3 These are her children’s toys. They’re... 4 This is my bike. It’s... 5 These are John’s cassettes. They’re... 4 Read the letter and invite Ann to go to the party with you. Dear Natasha, Would you like to come to a Christmas party at our school? It starts at four o’clock on 7 January. It will be very interesting; dancing, singing songs, playing games and having a Christmas tea. You can bring your friend with you. See you soon, Helen Score: 5(1 x 5) 3 Read about Jack and write Jack's five New Year resolutions. Example: I will be organised. SCHOOL REPORT Jack Wilson is not organised. He is often late for school. He doesn’t do his homework every day. He doesn't like reading books. Jack is good at sports. But he spends too much time on the football field. So he can’t spend more time on his homework. Dear Ann. Helen invited me to come to the (1)... at (2).... It starts at (3)... on (4) .... She says they are going to have great fun. They’re going to (5).... (6).... (7)... and (8).... (9). to come with me? Best wishes, (10)... Score; fSfSjtSJ Score: 15 (3x5) Total: 50 60 UNIT G Lesson 8 [esson 8 Project: Christmas party 1 Before the party. Make Christmas biscuits and bring them to the class. Make Christmas crackers. Decorate your classroom with tinsel, pictures and other Christmas decorations. Display your invitation cards, letters and New Year resolutions on the walls and the blackboard. Read and put the activities in order to make a good party programme. Read, do the quiz and get your prize. Christmas Quiz When do British people celebrate Christmas? 1 2 3 CHRISTMAS PARTY Programme Awards for the winners The song “Jingle, bells!” Cracker “salute” Card “parade” Christmas poems Tasting Christmas biscuits Guessing game Christmas quiz Playing Forfeits Name five British Christmas traditions. What is the traditional Christmas food in Britain? 4 How does Father Christmas go into houses? 5 Where are the presents for all the family? 6 When do Russian people celebrate Christmas? 7 When do people in Australia celebrate Christmas? 8 What do Scottish people call New Vbar’s Eve? 9 What can you find inside Christmas crackers? 10 What are “kolyadki"? Read the poem and fill in the gaps with the words: boys, tree, tea, toys. Learn the poem. A Christmas Party We’re going to have a party And a lovely Christmas (1).... And flags and lighted candles Upon the Christmas (2).... And then there will be crackers And caps and hats and (3).... A Christmas cake and presents For all the girls and (4).... Adeline White candle — свеча cap — шапка 61 6 Looks count Lesson 1 What we wear 1 Read and choose the answer. □ what my parents tell me to wear □ coo/clothes □ comfortable clothes □ clean clothes □ my brother's/ sister's clothes 2 Read and say the new words. Match the words and the pictures. • swimsuit jeans Reebok trainers • • sweater shorts blouse • 3 Imagine you have got £80. What clothes from the catalogue would you like to buy? Example: I 'd like to buy blue jeans and a sweater. 4a Group the adjectives in the box like in the LOOK box. LOOK funny мнение blue American jeans цвет страна / фирма ! nice red cool warm Wrangler long I • beautiful American old black Italian I Reebok short white 1 nice.... 3 red,... 2 old. ... 4 Wrangler, 4b Play in two teams. Make descriptions of clothes and find people who are wearing them. Example: Team I: New blue jeans. Team 2: Dima Is wearing new blue yeans. nice red sweater beautiful blue blouse new white shin cool black shoes long green jeans short brown trousers T + shirt = T-shirt swim + suit = swimsuit 62 UNIT б Lesson 1 Sa Mike and his sister Sue are going to go to their school party. Look at the picture and guess what they are going to wear. Example: / think Sue is going to wear a yellow blouse. Parti Mother: What are you going to wear, Sue? Sue: I’m not sure. I've got that red dress. Mother; Yes, It’s lovely. Sue: But it’s old. I wore it for the last party. Mother; Why don’t you wear your new blouse? Sue: Oh, no. I hate it. Mother: Why? I think it’s very pretty. Sue: Mum, can I wear your white sweater? Mother: This sweater? isn’t it too big for you? Sue: Oh, no. it’s cool. Please, Mum. Mother: OK, OK. Part 2 Mother: And you, Mike? What are you going to wear? Mike: I don’t know. I don't care. Mother: What about your black suit? Mike: No. I look stupid in it. Mother: No, you don't. Come on, be a good boy. Mike: I’m going to wear my jeans and a T-shirt. And my new trainers. 6b Act out one of the conversations. Find a photo from a magazine or draw a picture. Write what the person in the picture is wearing. Example: He is wearing blue jeans, a white T-shirt and Reebok trainers. MAGAZINE Sb Listen and check. 6a Read and say whose things they are. • a red dress • a white sweater • a black suit • trainers UNIT 6 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 show 1 Answer the question. Do you wear school uniform? Yes, Ido. TZ Do you like it? No. I don’t. comfortable / uncomfortable beautiful / ugly OK / boring Would you like to wear a uniform? Yes / No, because it's... 2a Look and say who Is wearing: • a uniform • everyday clothes 64 UNIT 6 Lesson 2 2b Look, listen to Part 1 and find Alan, Nigel and Amanda. 2c t#yj Listen again and guess the words: jacket, tie, socks, skirt. 3a Look, listen to Part 2 and find Barbara, Jack and Liz. 3b Read the text and guess the meaning of the words in bold. And here comes Barbara in a beautiful blue suit with big white buttons. She’s also wearing dark blue shoes with high heels. Thanks. Barbara. Jack looks fantastic in a bright orange uniform: a cap, trousers with small pockets and a T-shirl with a hamburger on it. He works for the best last food cafe in the city. And finally, meet Liz. She’s wearing a warm winter coat, warm boots, a white hat and a white scarf with stripes. READ AND SAY ar [a:] park dark garden large far scarf ir [з:1 third first girl shirt T-shirt skirt or (a) sort lord Ford short shorts dark lord girl T-shirt park third short far scarf shorts shirt sort garden skirt large first PlayAucfton. Read and complete. a ... with big buttons a. .. with a lot of pockets a ... wth a picture on it a... with stripes ... with high heels LOOK a blue suit with white buttons S Play Fashion Show* Example: And here's our model. She is wearing a short blue skirt, a beautiful sweater and shoes with high heels. 6a Translate into English using the verb wear. 1 Ha мне теплое пальто, шапка и шарф. 2 Дома я хожу в шортах и майке. /ч 6Ь Draw and describe а school uniform. Example: This is a picture of a new uniform. Our model is wearing a yellow T-shirt with green stripes, green trousers, a green cap and black shoes. The new uniform is beautiful and comfortable. 65 Lesson 3 What did he look like? 1 Read and guess the words in bold and find the boys in the picture. Jim is tail. Mike is as tall as Jim, but he is thinner. Dave isn’t as tall as Jim and Mike. Nick is shorter than Dave, and he is very thin, but his dog is as fat as a hippo. LOOK as tall as not as tall as 2 Say who in the class is as tali /strong /good at English / Maths / computers, etc. as you. 3a Look at the photos. Say who you think is the thief (вор). Somebody has stolen (украл) a picture from the museum. The policeman is showing photos to Mr Srown, who saw the thief. 3b Listen and check. Explain. 3c Listen again and act out the interview. When / it / happen? What / you / see? Wiat / he / look like? What / he / wearing? What / he / do? He / thin or fat? 66 UNIT 6 LcoGon 3 Read the extract from a story by Arthur Conan Doyle. Act out the conversation between Mrs St Clair and a policeman. Use the questions from Ex. 3c. Mr St Clair is a man of thirty-seven, a good husband and a loving father. Last Monday his wife went Into town. When she was in the street, she suddenly heard a cry. and saw her husband in a second-floor window. He was wearing a dark coat, but no shirt or tie. Suddenly he disappeared (исчез). She ran into the house, but found only his clothes and a strange ugly man. The police arrested him. Look at the picture and write to the police about the burglary that you saw. Use: • the questions from Ex. 3c • the words: three days ago, a heavy bag, taff, blue Jear)s and a black T-shirt, to jump out of the window, thin. 67 UNIT б I esson 4 L,esson 4 Different colours - different people la Read and find out what you are like. pO TSgf. ^ > People who like red ore strong =»'“'^cter and love to be active you always know what you want. ’ “hi ftZ. ond don't like surp^ses. , i„ y|^ho V'’„T.f,™ r. - other P®“P'^l'^It friendly end hones ------- People who too much, ready to help. SofJ^et Y People who like oronge ore very active and cheerful. You are fair and very good at orgonising people. Your room is always clea^ VouVre^aK^ and aad show your ^ ^''•endly 1b interview your partner. Example: Pupil A: Vi/hat’s your favourite colour? Pupa B: Green. Pupa A: What does the colour test say? Pupil B: It says I’m clever and calm and I don’t like surprises. Pupil A: Do you agree? Pupil B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t (0 be read}) — бып. готовым to show — показывать ... 2 Read and translate the words. disagree dislike dishonest unusual uncomfortable unfair unfriendly Say what kind of people you like / don’t like. Use the words in the box. Example: I like people who are kind. beautiful dishonest stupid warm kind unfair cheerful friendly angry cold fair ugly honest unfriendly clever boring Say what you think about the man you see in the picture. Pupil A: Look at p. 67 (Lesson 3. Ex. 4). Pupil B: Look at p. 138 (at the end of the book). /Ч Continue the text in Ex. la. Write about people who like white. Check vrith the teacher in the next lessot 68 [esson 5 Describing peopie UNIT G Lesson 5 1 Read and find the photo. The police arrested a man for killing Mr Si Clair. We went to the prison to look at him. The man was asleep. He was wearing a coloured shirt under his coat. He was very dirty and ugly, and there was an old scar on his face. His hair was very bright red. “He’s beautiful, isn’t he?" said the inspector. “He certainly needs a wash,” said Holmes. He opened his bag and took out, to my great surprise, a very large sponge. “Ha! ha! You are a funny man," laughed the inspector. He opened the door and we went in. Holmes took the sponge and washed the man's face. “Let me introduce you," he said, “to Mr Neville Si Clair." The man's face with the horrible scar and red hair disappeared! We saw a sad, good-looking man with black hair. He was sitting in his bed and looking around in surprise. Play Detectives. Example: Pupil A: Hello. I’m a policeman /policewoman. I'm looking for a tall man with long fair hair and black eyes. Pupil B: Гт sorry, I can’t help you. /1 think I know him. prison — тюрьма bath sponge — lyGKa let me introduce you — позвольте вам представить disappear — исчсзн>ть sad — печальный 3 Read and make your own descriptions. Meet Mr Smart — a famous detective. He is very clever. He can look at clothes and guess v\^o wore them. /' I think these are a teenager's jeans. He is 13 to 14 years old. ' He is tall and thin, with an oval face. He has short fair hair I and blue eyes. He is open and friendly. And... oh, yes, he ‘ plays the guitar, and his favourite food is fish and chips. '■ It isn’t difficult. You can do it! 4 Write a description of yourself. Don’t show it to your classmates. 69 UNIT 6 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Different or alike? la Read and find pictures of Jerry and Mr Smith. Mr Smith’s dog Jerry looks very much like Mr Smith. They are both quite fat. with brown hair and big brown eyes. They both look very kind, 1b Match the dogs and their owners. Explain your answer. 1c Think about the owner of the lone dog. What do you think he / she looks like? LOOK both + V We both like chocolate. Say what you and your friend: 1 both like/both have/can both do well. Example: We both like computers. We can both swim. 2 have in common Example: We are both calm. LOOK are / were *•* both can -f both They are both quite fat. We can both speak English. You are a film director. You need actors to play the roles of two brothers / sisters in your new film. • Choose the actors from your classmates. • Prove that they are alike. Example: Nina looks like Natasha. They are both tall, they both have blue eyes and fair hair. Read, listen and find Steve in the picture. Twelve British teenagers are going to come to Russia. They are going to live with Russian families for 10 days. Dima is going to meet his British friend Steve at the airport. Dima and Steve are pen pals, but Dima doesn’t know what Steve looks like. They are talking on the phone. 70 5а Read and answer: iw»afwntf o1 book is this? UNIT 6 Lesson 6 lace dress loot head hair ear mustache beard a T'SWrt leans shoes Name: people Home: planet Earth Food: meat, fruit, vegetables, bread. chewing gum Description. People are quite tall, with long legs and short arms. They have got small eyes and ears. Men are usually taller and stronger than women. Women have got long hair on their heads, and some men have got hair on their faces {moustache and beard). General Information. People live in groups of three or four They can hunt, make houses, read and vrrite. They can also talk to each other. People usually wear clothes on their bodies. The most popular are jeans, sweaters and T-shirts. Behaviour. People are usually friendly and active. They are quite clever. They love children very much. Many people do sports and have different hobbies. ^ % Луа 5b Do you think this Information is true? • If it isn't, say why. • Add more facts about people (their interests, appearance, clothes, food, etc.). 5c Look at this Flippean boy and compare people and Ftippeans. Example: Ftippeans are as iatl as people. People and Flippeans have both got two ears. Ffippeans haven't got hair on their heads. /Ч 6 What do you think about Rippeans? ПК in the gaps. Name:... Home:.. Food:.. Description. Flippeans are . .. with ... legs and ... arms. They have got... eyes and ... ears. They have got... hair on their.... General information. Flippeans can .... Behaviour. Rippeans are ... . They like ... . read and say ear {19} ear near hear clear fear beard air (еэ| air hair chair Claire fair ear —air clear — Claire fear - fair hear - hair 71 UNIT б Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 Listen and find the girl’s mother in the pHcture. This little girl is looking for her mum in the shop. She is crying. Help the policeman to find the girl’s mother. Look at the picture in Ex. 1. True (T) or false (F)? 1 Jane is not as tall as Sue. П 2 Jane’s hair is as long as Sue’s. D 3 Jane and Sue both look cheerful. П 4 Sue is not as slim as Jane. D 5 Jane looks like Sue. П Score; 15 3a Look at the picture, read Card 1 in Ex. 3b and write the name of the criminal (преступник). Score: 10 3b Fill in Card 2. Ш WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE Name:... Body shape: tall, thin Face: small grey eyes, a long scar Hair: lair, curly Ш WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE Name: Rob Body shape: (1)... Face: (2)... Hair: (3) ... Score: 15 Total: SO 72 UNIT б Lesson 8 [,esson 8 Project: Space Encyclopedia 1 Work in groups. Draw an alien, think of a name for him / her and design his / her clothes. 2 Write an encyclopedia entry for your aliens, label the parts of their bodies and their clothes. See the examples. 3 Present your page of the Space Encyclopedia, 4 Give each alien entry a title: the funniest the cleverest the most unusual • the most cheerful • the most dangerous • space fashion show model, etc. 5 Join all the pages together and give your book a title. Display your encyclopedia in the classroom. 73 7 Spooky stories Lesson 1 What are you afraid of? la Look at the scary (страшные) things. Listen, match the words and the pictures. C] skeleton П witch П vampire СИ injection CD the dark 1b Read, tick {/) the things you are afraid of and score your answers. Give one point for each tici Are you a scaredy-cat (трусишка)? What are you afraid of? ghosts cockroaches Read what your score means. 8—13: You are a scaredy-cat! Watch out! It's not good for your nerves. 4—7: You’re not a scaredy-cat but very caret 0—3: You are as brave as an astronaut. 74 UNIT 7 LebsuM t 2 Interview your partner and find the things he / she is afraid of. afraid of ghosts?^ Ghosts? No. I’m not. They’re funny. Are you afraid of the dark? The dark? Yes. l am. It’s scary. 3a Listen and answer the question: Are Max, Tom and Jane afraid of any scary things? 3b Listen again. Explain your answer. Exampte: Max is rtot afraid of any scary things. He thinks that ghosts and vampires aren’t real. 4a Read and fill in the gaps widi words from the box. SpookyIStory It was a black, black night. In the black, black forest there was a black, black (1).... in the black, black (1)... there was a black, black (2).... In the black, black (2)... there was a black, black (3).... On the black, black (3)... there was a black, black (4).... In the black, black (4)... there was a SPOOKY (5) ...! BOO!!! room box forest table house (your word) 4b Listen and check. Tell the story. Make your friend jump. 5a Find out what things your family and your friends are afraid / aren’t afraid of. Write about them. Example: My little sister is afraid of spiders. My brother is not afraid of snakes. 5b Write a spooky story. Use Ex. 4a as an example. 75 -iNli 7 i* isnn Lesson 2 It was dark... 1 Look and say. What were the children doing? Use words from the box. Example: Alan was making a fire. read a book play volleyball play the guitar cook dinner make a fire 76 UNIT 7 Lesson 2 2 Listen to the beginning of a spooky story and say what happened. 3a Read the text and answer the questions. II was a warm summer evening. It was getting dark. There were no clouds in the sky. The moon was big and orange above the trees. The scouts were having a rest near the forest. Alan was making a fire. Tom was olavina the guitar under the tree. Pat was making dinner. Jane and Pete were playing valleyball. Tony was reading a book. Suddenly the children heard a strange scream (крик) from the forest “Toowit-toowoo..." (To be continued — продолжение следует) 1 When was it? 2 Who? 3 Where? 4 What were the children doing when...? 5 What happened? 3b Cover the picture and the story. In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Example: Pupil A: What was Alan doing when he heard the strange scream? Pupil B: Alan was making a fire. 1 What was Tom doing when he heard the strange scream? 2 What was Pat doing when she heard the strange scream? 3 What were Jane and Pete doing when they heard the strange scream? 4 What was Tony doing when he heard the strange scream? 4 Play What Were You Doing When The Teacher Came In? • Mime different actions and stop when your teacher comes in, • Check your teacher's memory. Correct your teacher if he / she can’t remember. Example: You: What was Katya doing when you came in? Teacher: Katya was jumping (when I came in). You: Katya wasn’t jumping. She was running. /Ч Sa Translate into English and finish the last sentence. Был холодный зимний вечер. Темнело. Маша и Петя шли домой после школьного новогоднего вечера. Петя рассказывал Маше про своего нового питомца, черного кота, как вдруг они услышали... LOOK Alan was making a fire when he heard a strange scream. № Write the beginning of a spooky story. • Think of two or three characters and write what they were doing when .... « Use the questions in Ex. 3a as a plan It was.... (They) were • • (He/She) was ... when (he/she/it).... после — after рассказывать — tell как вдруг — when suddenly 77 UNIT >■ Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Suddenly... 1 Make word combinations and label the picture of a funny creature. Example: whiskers — (1) the whiskers of a cat snake 2a Read and complete the descriptions of the creatures. IT| — 1_I ® is a tall man with long black (1).... He wears Fl long dark clothes. He has a white face with little red (2).... When he opens his mouth you can see a long (3).... small yellow teeth and the sharp (4)... of a wolf. He bites you on your neck, drinks your blood and kills you. Hor-r-r-riblel It has the (5)... of an old woman. It has an ugly, scary (6)... with angry little eyes and a long (7)... It can grab you with its big strong (8)... of a tiger. It wears a long black dress and a black hat. It does black magic and it can turn you into a spider. Watch out! it is very dangerous. 2b Find the creatures in the picture. What are they? 78 UNIT i lPS«ion3 3 Listen and answer: What did the boys see in the ne$t7 4 Read and find the description of the picture in the text. I know what It is,” said Alan. “It’s an owl." ‘I want a pet owl," said Tom “Let’s find one." Because owls hunt at night and it was dark, Alan and Tom decided to find the owl the next day. Behind the camp there was a wood. The boys went there. They wanted to find the nest. Alan said, “Look, up there." There was a nest on the tree. They climbed up the tree. The owl was there. It was sleeping. Suddenly the owl moved, and the boys saw its other face. It was the ugly face of a witch with big yellow eyes and sharp fangs. The Witch Owl grabbed the boys with its strong claws and it flew up into the sky. Alan and Tom screamed and screamed, but nobody could hear them. (To be continued) READ AND SAY picture nature creature literature •ture [tf^l lecture culture temperature adventure feature furniture future teacher kitchen cheap chips watch (t)ch witch which each catch match sketch Scotch chess chest chair cheese /Ч Complete the description of a spooky creature with the right adjectives, draw a picture and think of a name for it. It looks very frightening. It usually has the body of a man and the head of a monster with (1).....hair and (2).....ears. It has an ugly (3)... face with (4)...eyes and a (5)......nose. You can see (7).....fangs and a (8)......tongue in its (9)... mouth. It is (10)... and it wears (11)... clothes. It can walk through (через) walls, climb trees and run fast. You can hear its low scary voice at night when it grabs its victims (жертвы) with its (12).....claws. Watch out! 79 UNIT 7 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Finally... 1a Remember the beginning of the story about the two boys and the Witch Owl. Answer the question: What do you think happened in the end? 1b Listen and check. 2 Read and fill in the gaps with verbs from the box. cry fall (fell) answer decide want begin (began) be run away (ran) The Witch Owl dropped Alan and Tom Into its mountain nest. There (1) were a lot of other children there: Pete and Jane, and Pat and Tony. They (2).... “We want to go home," but the nest was too high. There were no branches to climb down and they couldn't jump. Then a low. creepy voice voice (3).... "Ha, ha, ha! You (4)... to keep me as a pet. Well, now you are all my pets." Suddenly, a storm (5).... Lightning struck the branch under the nest and it (6).... The children (7)..., they were all free. Alan and Tom (8)... to get a dog. Not an owl. drop — бросать brunch — ветка creep} x>TKHii lightening — матния strike (struck) — ударять free — свободный За Put the events in the right order. a The boys went to the forest the next day. There they found the nest where the owl was sleeping. b The scouts were having a rest when they heard a strange scream from the forest. They thought it was an owl. c The Witch Owl wanted to keep the children In its nest as pets. A thunderstorm began, the branch fell and the children ran av/ay. d It turned round and they saw the ugly face of a witch. The boys screamed but nobody could hear them. The Witch Owl grabbed them and took off into the sky. e Alan and Pete decided to find the owl in the forest because they wanted to have a pet owl. 80 UNIT 7 Lesson 4 3b Read and discuss. 1 Were the children happy to be pets? Why / Why not? 2 Can you keep an owl as a pet? What do you think? 3 What kind of animals can’t you keep as pets? 4 Choose the best trtie for the story. 1 A Strange Scream 2 A Pet Owl 3 The Nest Of The Witch Owl 4 Your own title /Ч 5 Look at the cartoons and write a spooky story. Use the phrases under the pictures. Ш When... were walking.....saw candlelight....decided... ...came into the hall... took the candle. Then... saw a lady upstairs. She had.... She was wearing... Ш ...was standing in front of the mirror. Suddenly. .. saw a witch... ...screamed. ‘Aaaargh!!"... ran away. Finally., decided... 81 UNIT 7 LtKistMi 5 Lesson 5 Dear Spooky 1 Listen, follow and answer: What is IT? When I heard IT The wind was blowing The dark wag growing But I heard IT. What did you hear? I don't know. IT was horrible. When I saw IT The rain was pouring (лил) And trees were falling But 1 saw IT. What did you see? I don’t know. IT was horrible. Aaaaaarrrrgh! 2a Read the two letters to Spooky and answer the question in each letter. •f-Ш spooky. ( wae speotflln^ xhe nl^ht in a beautiful house (1) ... my friend \We&. The bedroom was big and dark (2) ... we left th5 nightllght on. I ^-11 - © Dear Spooky, I was a&leep on the sofa in tho room where my granny live©. Suclclcnly I of?oncd rny eye& becauee something woke me up. The front door was shaking! I wanted! to go to my mum. but I was too scared to get up so I called her. The front door was still shaking when my mum came into the living room. 6he opened the door. &ut there was nothing there! VJHo was shaking the door? Love. f4ate — ..lynwignt on. I was looking at my friend's doll collection (3) ... Suddenly one of the dolls turned her head, pointed at me, (4) ... then clenched her fist. I screamed (5) ... nothing happened. 1 couldn’t sleep ail night (6) ... 1 was too scared tvas it? Love, Rose scared. shake — трясти clenched her fisls — сж^ыа кулаки 2b Read the letters again and join the sentences in Letter В with buf, so, and, because, when, where. 3 Match the answer to one of the letters in Ex. 2a. Dear .... I think the doll didn’t like you because you didn’t soy goodnight to it or you didn’t ploy with it. The doll was angry with you. And don’t watch horror films at night. Happy spooking, Spooky 4 Think of a moment when you were scared. Describe the moment. /X 5 Write a letter to Spooky. Use Ex. 2a to help you. Dear Spooky, One day / Yesterday I.... I was .. .Ing when suddenly ... grabbed .... I felt... so 1 ... but nothing .... What was it? Love, (your name) 82 UNIT 7 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 How to fight your fears ta Read and answer: a) Who wants acMce? b) What is the ргоЫет? 0 I’m sure your parents can understand your problem If you just tell them. If you decide to go, you should sit in a window seat and enjoy the view. It is really fun! Remember, your parents love you and they don’t want you to be unhappy. Laura, 12 My mum and dad love travelling. Flying in a plane is easier than driving in a car. I don’t want to fly because I'm afraid of heights. How can I tell my parents this, but not give up our trips? Haley. 12 I am afraid of heights myself so when we get on a plane, I turn on my Walkman. Then I just relax and forget that I am on a plane. You should say this to your parents: “Mum and Dad, I love travelling but there is a problem. I’m afraid of heights. Please, help me." Watch their reaction and see If they can help you. My mum helped me to fight my fear. I wish you luck! Henry, 11 hnp; //WWW. Im. com/chat 0 lb Answer the questions. 1 Who advises the girl to tell her parents about her fears? 2 Who thinks that flying is fun? Why? 3 Who listens to music on the plane? 4 Which advice do you like best? Why? You should ask your parents for help. You shouldn’t watch horror films before you go to bed. Read the Tips for Kids and answer: What advice would you give Haley? Ask your parents for help. Talk to your friend. Think of something funny. Ask your teachers for advice. Read out funny stories or jokes. Sing a nice song. Sleep with a nightlight. Repeat; “I CAN do it" three times. Think that this is not real. Close your eyes, count to 10 and relax. 3 Play Fight Your Fears With a Smile. 4a 4b Write some tips about how to fight your fear if you see a spider / have a maths test today / report to the whole class / take part in a competition. Swap your letter to Spooky from Lesson 5 vWth a partner and write an answer. Use the notes to help you. Dear (your partner’s name), I think it was.... You should / shouldn’t.... Happy spooking, Spooky 83 UNIT 7 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 Listen to the conversations and answer: IVho or what are the people afraid of? 3: ^ Score: 10 (2.5 x 4) 2 Complete the description of a spooky creature. Use the words from the box. There is one extra word. whiskers claws body tongue hair fangs This creature has the head of a man and the (1) of a snake. It has an ugly face with small yellow eyes and the (2)... of a cat. You can see sharp white (3)... and a long red (4)... in its mouth It has two hands with strong scary (5)... . It moves quietly and grabs bad pupils with its strong tail. Score: 10(2x5} Choose the right form. One day l (1) was walking/ walked\n park, when suddenly I (2) was hearing/heard a strange noise coming from the bushes (кусты). There I saw a real monster. It had the head of a wolf and the body of a man. It (3) was looking/ looked at me. I screamed and fell over. When I (4) was opening / opened my eyes, I (5) was seeing / saw a man with a monster mask In his hands. Cringe! Score: 5(1 x 5) Join sentences with but, when, so, where and because. One day I was walking my dog Argus in the park (1)... there were a lot of rabbits. It was HailONveen and the people were wearing spooky costumes (2)... I put on my favourite monster mask. Suddenly Argus saw a rabbit and ran after it. t called my dog (3)... he didn't come from the bushes. I was looking for Argus (4)... I saw a man on the road. He screamed and fell over. I thought he was scared of my mask (5)... it was horrible. I took off the mask and went up to the man. We laughed together in the end. Score; 10(2x5} 5 Write Katie a letter and advise her how to fight fears. Use should / shouldn’t. I'm afraid of the dark and qbo&te. Can you help Katie Score; 15 Total: 50 64 UNIT . Lesson 8 l,esson 8 Project: Spooky stories 1e In groups, make up a spooky story. • Read or think of the beginning of the story. Example: It was a stormy autumr) night. The sky was dark with clouds and a strong wind was blowing. My brother and i were at Our granny’s. We were on holiday. Granny's old house stood alone on the other side of the village, near a forest We were telling spooky sforres in bed, when we heard a strange scary sound outside. When we looked out of the window, we saw... When was It? What was the weather like? Who? Where? What were you (he / she / they) doing when It happened? What did you (he / she / they) see (hear, meet)? lb Continue the story. Use the questions as a plan to write a first draft. • Use when, then, suddenly, finally. 7 What did it look like? 8 What did you (he / she / they) do? 9 What happened then? 10 What happened in the end? 1c Write your final story and think of a title. 2 Read out the stories in class. 3 Say what you like about each story and why. 85 8 Keep fit and healthy Lesson 1 What’s the matter? 1 a Match the pictures and the words. a sore throat a cold a headache stomachache 1 2 3 4 1 b Listen and answer: WhaVs the matter with Jake? 2a Read and act out the telephone conversation. LOOK tooth + ache * toothache stomach + ache = stomachache 2b Act out more telephone conversations. 1 Mike can’t speak. 2 Jane can’t go to the party. 3 Tom can’t go out. 4 Kate can’t eat sweets. 3 Role play. Pupil A; You invite your friend to do something. But he / she is ill. You give him / her advice Pupil B: You are ill. You can't go out. keep warm stay in bed Example: Pupil A: Let's go swimming. Pupil B: Гт sorry, I can't. I'm not well. {I don’t feel well.) Pupil A: What 's the matter? Pupil B: I’ve got a sore throat. Pupil A: Oh no. You should drink hot milk. I hope you get better soon. /Ч 4 You are ill. Your mother / father writes a message to your teacher. Example: 10 March Dear Mrs Brown. John can't come to school because he's got stomachache. Yours sincerely. Mrs Smith 86 UNIT 8 Lesson 2 [esson 2 At the doctor’s 1 Listen and answer: What’s the matter vrith Mike, Jane and Max? 2a Read and answer: Why is Mike Ш? Mike: Good nr»orning, doctor. Doctor: Good morning. How can 1 help you? Mike: Doctor, I’ve eaten four ice creams and I feel ill. Doctor: Open your mouth, please. Oh, it’s red. Temperature? Headache? Mike; Yes, doctor. Doctor: Well. I think you’ve caught a cold. Stay in bed and take these tablets. Drink a lotof tea with lemon. ...And no more Icecream. Mike: Thank you. doctor. 2b Look at the pictures and answer: What’s the problem? Example: Mike (hurt) his leg — Mike hurt his leg. 1 Jane (eat) a lot of sweets. 2 Max (catch) a cold. 3 Henry (break) his arm. 4 Mary (cut) her hand. LOOK eat — ate — eaten break — broke — broken catch — caught — caught hurt — hurt ~ hurt cut — cut — cut have an X-ray LOOK have / has + broken I've broken my leg. He’s cut his finger. 3a Read and complete the conversation. — Hello. What’s the matter? — I don’t feel well. I’ve (1)... my leg and I’ve (2)... my arm. — Show me. Where? — Oh. doctor. Don’t touch it, please. — Yes. mmm, your leg is OK but I’m afraid you've (3)... your arm. You should have an X-ray first. — Thank you, doctor. 3b Listen and check. 3c Look at patients 3 and 4 in Ex. 2b and act out the dialogues. 4 Role play 4f the Doctor’s. Pupil A: You are ill. You visit the doctor and answer his / her questions. Pupil B: You are a doctor. Ask your patient questions and give him / her advice. /Ч Write the sentences from Ex. 2b and translate them into Russian. 87 UNIT 8 Lesson 3 Ijesson 3 If you have flu, you should... 1 Look at the picture, listen, point and say. r toothache 2e In pairs, read the texts and complete the tables. Pupil A; Read texts a, b and C. Pupil B: Read texts d, e and f. It's important to know what to do to feel better Mrs Herb gives her advice. _______________________ seinujuj ot 019 J0| siqt oq 'Jeie/w бишит р|ОЭ japun luje jpoA )nd 'ujnq e элец noA ■(i 'ueo noA se A)>jomb se leijdsou o; )вб pue )| uo эбершед e uvd d|84 JO) iieo pue (enaxOMOxcxjo Э1иьнеОхоэ) ш|еэ Aets 'Бэ| jo ujj€ jnoA u8M0jq ел.поА )| 'uoos jaueq )эб tl!M noA pue 10] e deeis asou Auunj jnoA dois IIMN Аещ POO) uj рооб eje uojuo pue 0!|jeo 'spjoo ;цб!) о; поЛ djeq ueo eei leqjOH 'uouiai U)tM ea) )0 )0| e >]ирр pue ujjbm de9>i ^p|00 v <3 ‘иошэ| Щ1М еэ) ‘ujjeM deax Picx>e ;ueuqeejx uieiqoi^ 88 UNIT 8 Lesson 3 It you have a sore throat or a bad cough, drink hot milk with baking soda or honey. Herbal tea kills bacteria. & If you have a small cut, wash it and put a plaster on it. But if you have a bad cut, call the doctor. Ru? When this dangerous virus attacks you, you get ill at once. If you have flu. drink a lot of water, tea, juice or soup (chicken soup is OK). They help you to get the virus out of your body. If you have a high temperature, go to bed earlier and sleep a lot. '(bu should stay home from school. Relax and use the time to read, listen to music or watch television. 1 Problem Treatment a sore throat 1 hot milk with baking soda For kids to remember: Never treat any illness on your own. Always talk to your parents and a doctor first! 2b In pairs, ask the questions and get advice. Example: Pupil A: rve cut my hand. What should I do? ; a cut a sore throat flu Pupil B: Oh dear. You should put a plaster on it. ! a cold a broken leg a burn ! 2c Which part of Mrs Herb’s advice is new for you? 3a What do you usually do if you have flu? Complete the chart. If you have flu, Russian you should children eat drink do American children 3b Listen and complete the chart for American children. /Ч 4 Make a poster about WHAT you should DO, if you have FLU. Use Ex. 2a and 3a to help you. Example: If you have flu. you should drink a lot of water, tea or juice. UNIT 8 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Taking your pet to the vet 1 Look and answer; What questions does the vet ask Max? What is Max’s answer? Have you walked your pet? You should walk him twice a day. veT Have you walked your dog? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. 2 Say what you should do to look after a pet. You should walk once feed twice clean the cage of your pet three times play with many times take your pet to the vet a day. a week, a month, a year. 3a Look, read and answer: What kind of programme is this? What is it about? 3b ^ Listen to the telephone calls and answer; What problems have the animals got? Radio Times • Sunday ^7 April Radio 1 9-00 “Sit. Stay and Listen” with animal specialist. Dr Ted McGregory or Ted the Vet (phone 3997124 with your pet’s problems). LOOK feed — fed — fed 3c Ш' Listen again and say what you should do in each situation. Clean your pet’s cage, play with your pet once a day. give your pet more love and care, walk your pet twice a day. take your pet to the vet. have an X-ray. have injections, have fresh food and water. If your pet doesn't eat has a broken leg you should is bored he / she should looks unhappy ЯП UNIT 8 Lesson 4 3d Complete the conversation with the questions in the box. Jim: Hello. Ted. Can you help my green iguana? Ted: Hello. What’s the matter? Jim: She's bored and looks unhappy. What should I do? Ted: (1)...? Jim: Yes, I have. Ted: Good. She should have fresh food and water every day. (2)...? Jim; No, I haven’t. Ted: You should walk her several times a week. (3)...? Jim: No, I haven’t. Ted: You should play with your Iguana once a day. Give her more love and care. Good luck. Jim: Thank you, Ted. Have you played with her? Have you fed her well? Have you walked your pet? 4 Role play At the Vet’s. Pupil A; Think of a pet and take it to the vet. Use Ex. 3d as an example. Pupil B: You are a vet. Ask what problem the pet has and give your advice. /Ч 5 You are a vet. Write your advice to answer the letters in a children's magazine. Example: You should take your pet to the vet. You should walk your pet twice a day. If you have an animal question or problem, our pet vet is here to help. My hamster, Sophie, has eaten my eraser. she's not eating or drinking, what should / do? Jessica Newman My thrcd-year-oW pit bull terrier, borro. ie bored and doesn't pl^ with hie ball What’e the matter with him? Victor Grown READ AND SAY о (ou) + m, n, V, th — (л) son done come young brother Stomach cover country money monkey glove none stomachache 91 UNIT 8 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 How to be healthy 1 a Look and answer; Which Is your favourite food? Make a list of six things. eggs / 9 % “(S' app\es tomatoes chicken a honey popcorn s cheese hamburgers i salad carto'^ cabhape 'oq lb Write the words on your list in two columns. Food healthy unhealthy 1c Compare your answers with your partner. Example: We both think that meat is healthy. I think that pizza is healthy but my friend thinks that it’s unhealthy. 2a Listen and answer: What Is the TV programme about? 2b Complete the table with the words from the box. Keep you healthy Give you energy Help you to grow and make you strong Empty foods 1... cereals cheese 7... 2 ... 3 ... 5 ... cola pasta 6 ... 8 ... 4 ... nsh bread eggs meat nuts sweets fruit crisps vegetables 92 UNIT 8 Lesson 5 READ AND SAY meat dean speak tea Г head health eat weather ~1 dean please bread healthy 1^1 least team ready dreadful 2c Listen and check. 2d True (T) or false (F)? 1 All foods are good for you. СИ 2 Vitamins and minerals help you to keep healthy. CD 3 Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat. СИ 4 Sweets, crisps and cola keep you healthy. СИ 5 You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong. СИ 2e Compare the table in Ex. 2b and your answers in Ex. 1b. 1 Is your favourite food healthy? 2 Were you right? 3 Was your friend right? 3a How healthy is your frteiKl? Ask and write the answers. Example: Pupil A: Did you have breakfast yesterday? Pupil B: No. Pupil A: Do you have breakfast every day? Pupil B: Yes. Do / Did you ...? Yes (/) No (X) 1 have breakfast yesterday 2 have breakfast every day 3 eat fresh fruit and vegetables once a day 4 eat cakes and sweets three times a day 5 drink cola many times a week 6 eat late yesterday evening 7 clean your teeth twice a day 6 do your exercises yesterday 9 do some sport every week 10 play computer games for more than one hour a day 11 watch TV late at night 12 go to bed late 3b Score your answers on p. 139. Give advice to your friend. Example: Eat fruit arid vegetables every day. You shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets. Don’t watch TV for more than one hour a day. You should go for a walk every day. 4 Write a poster How to be Healthy. Use Ex. 3b as an example. HOW to be Healthy 93 UNIT 8 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Laughter is the best medicine 1 Read and answer: is it true that a joke a day keeps the doctor away? Sometimes vvhen I’m ill, my mum tells me a really good joke and I laugh. Then I feel better. I feel better when I take some medicine and when my family tells me funny jokes. 2 Ask and answer the questions. Listen to your friend’s advice. Do you laugh? -------lYcsr^ How many times a day do you laugh / smile? Do you smile? ] z о Less than twice a day. More than twice a day. 1 1 Look at the picture You've read the joke. and read (he joke. Have you laughed? You are very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very serious. You’ve heard the answer. Have you smiled? У Ч Start again. Do you want to listen 7 Have you smiled? 5 a joke? a funny story? a spooky story? П 1 Г ^ Read i.p 139 Read2, p 139 Read 3. p. 139 Read the joke. Start again. My dog thinks he’s a chicken Take him to a vet. ' I can’t - we need the eggs. Я4. UNIT 8 Lesson 6 За Rnd the last sentence for each of the jokes. Read and translate them. 4 Make up a story. Work in groups of three or four. • Complete the sentence. Fold the paper over and pass it to your friend. A: (When)... (he / she)... went to the doctor. B: He/She said .... C: The doctor said .... He / She felt much better. ✓4 5 Write your own funny story about a visit to the doctor. Last week the vet went to the doctor. He said, “I’ve broken my tooth.” The doctor said, “You should put a bandage on it.” He.- be;bfce-r. READ AND SAY ch - match chose chips watch check chair catch chess character technology toothache |kl earache backache chemistry mechanic 95 UNIT 8 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page Listen to the conversation at the doctor’s. 3 Write the verbs in the present perfect. Write true (T) or false (F). □ Example: Mike (hurt) his arm.— Mike has 1 Mike has hurt his arm. hurt his arm. 2 He fell over when he was playing □ 1 1 (hurt) my leg. basketball. 2 My friend (catch) a cold. 3 The doctor thinks that Mike has broken □ 3 My cat (break) its tail. his arm. 4 She (eat) some bad mushrooms. 4 Mike should have an X-ray. □ 5 He (cut) his hand. 5 He should stay away from school for two weeks. □ Score; 10(2x5) Score: f0(2x5) 2 Look and write a senter>ce for each picture. Example: He's got a cold. 'Л' И 4 Put the lines of the conversation in №e right order. □ A: You can’t. Stay In bed and Sleep a lot. Eat garlic it helps to tight tiu. □ B: I’ve got a terrible headache and a sore throat □ C: Thank you, doctor. [T] D: Hello, Max. How can I help you? □ E: Have you got a temperature? Stomachache? I I F: Yes, right, I think you’ve got flu. Take some vitamins, keep warm and drink a lot of tea with lemon. Don’t take any tablets. □ G; Yes. doctor. And I’ve got backache. Q H: Can I go out and visit my friends? Score: 10 Look at Pat and his lunch bag. Write advice about what he should or shouldn’t eat. • Write at least six pieces of advice. Example: You shouldn't eat hamburgers. They are not good for you. Score: 10 (2x5) 96 UNIT 8 Lesson 8 l,esson 8 Project: How healthy are we? Class survey How healthy are we7 1 In groups A, 8, C (four or five pupils), copy the questionnaire for your group. For example, Group A copies Questionnaire A. t In the questionnaire write the names of four or five pupils from other groups. • Use your questionnaire to interview the pupils on your list to find out your class’s health habits and fill in the questionnaire. 2 Make a report for your group. • Draw a bar chart and decide how healthy you are. • Make a poster and present it in pictures to the class. To keep healthy we should: 1 do some sport three or four times a week. 2 play computer games and watch TV less than two hours a day. 3 sleep eight to nine hours a day. 4 go for a walk every day. 5 eat fresh fruit and vegetables four or live times a day. 6 not eat cakes and sweets every day or eat them only two or three times a week. Keep Fit and Healthy 0 How often ... do some sport? 1 Times a week How often ... go fora walk? Times a week ...pijpil(s) does / do some sport... ...pupil(s) goes/go lor a walk... How many hours a day ... play computer games and watch TV? 1 How many hours a day . sleep? ...pupil(s) plays/play... ...pupil(s) sleeps / sleep... How often... eat fresh fruit and vegetables? 1 • • • Times a day How often... eat cakes and sweets? 1 • • • Times a day ...pupit(s) eats/eat... ...pupil{$) sleeps/sleep... 97 ^ Caring and sharing Lesson 1 Do you help at home? la Look, read and match the robots and the words. a) dusting b) shopping do the c) hoovering d) washing up e) cooking make f) my bed feed g) my cat take out h) the rubbish water i) the plants Say what housework you do. &ramp/e; / do the dusting. / make my bed. Answer the questions and count the points. How often do you A / S / N 1 do the washing up? 2 do the hoovering? 3 do the dusting? 4 do the shopping? 5 do the cooking? 6 water the plants'^ 7 food your pet? e make your bed? 9 lake out the rubbish? How to score: Always / Often (A) = 2 points Sometimes (S) = 1 point Never (N) = 0 point 2b Score your answers and read w4iat your score means: 13-18 You really help your parents. They are proud (гордиться) of you. 7-12 You help, but you should help more. Think what else you can do or ask your parents. “Can I help you?’ 0-6 Your poor parents! They work hard and you play. You need a babysitter! 98 UNIT 9 Lesson 1 За Listen to the radio phone-in competition Parents' Helping Hand. • Answer the question: Is Laura a good candidate to win the competition? 3b Listen again and count Laura’s score. • Look at the table in Ex. 2a. • Write Laura's answers. 4a Interview your partner. Write down the answers and count the score. Example: Pupil A: How often do you do the cooking? Pupil B: Sometimes. 4b Compare your score to Laura’s and your partner's. Who is the winner? Why? Example: I win the holiday. I always do the hoovering. Laura iwns the holiday. She always does the washing up. 5 Write an e-mail to the phone-in competition Parents’ Helping Hand about what housework you do. £ Jr»4<4 4‘n«rt ^2^.4 {prii ьлхй» bac a A ! i И To: Parent*^* Mcipi^n HNbabV , ftead and name the in the picture Add more y ever travelled by /. / plane? tram? car? ship? bike? helicopter? 3b Report to the class. Example: Everybody has travelled by car. Four people have travelled by car. Three people have travelled by car twice. Nobody has travelled by car. 4a Ask your partner about his / her past experiences. Use the verbs from the box. Example: Pupil A: Hsve you over ridden a horse? Pupil B: No, never. But Td love to. / Yes. once. LOOK ride — rode — ridden see — saw — seen sleep — slept — slept drive — drove — driven fly — flew — flown eat — ate — eaten miss — missed travel — travelled climb — climbed a mountain a horse a tractor an Italian pizza on the beach a lesson by car a ghost 4b Tell the class about your and your partner’s experiences. Example: Both Sasha and I have climbed a mountain. / Sasha has eaten an Italian pizza bu / haven’t. 5a Look at John Duval’s photo album. Guess what places he has been to. 112 UNIT 10 Lessor 1 I have been to Moscow. I've been to Moscow. 5b * - Listen and check your guesses. 6a Look at the pictures and teii your partner about the pieces you have been to or never been to. Example: I’ve been fo lots of museums. I’ve never been to the mountains. Welcome to [T] Ш A И ^afe 0 liiiRED v;:;^^SQLARE Й ■ и ТН£у\ТГ'К 6b Change partners and ask and answer about the places in the pictures. Example: Pupil A: Have you ever been to London? Pupil B: No. I haven’t. / No, never, but I’d love to /Ч 7 Read the postcard. Imagine you are in Australia and write a postcard from that place. Example: «WSJ» gg 2» Vt Ocar Ttfd, I’m here in Siberia. lT*e the moot interesting place IVe ever been to. There’s a lot ut the dangers of the road — It was a real discovery for him, • It gives us a chance to get exercise and get some fresh air. • We can chat when we walk to school. • Sometimes it takes a lot of time. You can be late for school. 5a Read and complete the table. Advantages Disadvantages Healthy, ft’s fun. You can learn a lot. It's hard. There are a lot of cars on the roads. 5b Add more ideas to the table. 5c Say why you like or don’t like walking. Example: There are a lot of advantages of walking. For example...../ / like walking because.... There are a lot of disadvantages of walking. For example,... ./I don't like walking because... 6 Make a poster to support walking. Write a slogan. § walking^ VJw ’ ■"AND FAST! i> READ AND SAY 1 |з:| - work tall small word war . walk worker ball call salt \x\ wall also worst chalk talk warm walk warm world 120 UNIT 10 Lesson 6 [esson 6 Where to go? I Ask and find out whose journey to school is the longest or the shortest. Exsmple: How long does it take you to get to school? - It takes me five minutes. 2 Make a list of places in your town where you usually walk to and write how long it takes you to walk to the places. • How much do you walk every day? 3a Read and answer: Who wrote the letter? What Is It about? Dima. ^ interest, My favourite „get „ith iote of n4. If Jane..., go to the hospital for hedgehogs help to look after the animals -*• feed the hedgehogs there -► watch the hedgehogs in their garden do the “Hedgehoggy” quiz -• also play in the children’s play area - 999 What can Max do if he visits Prickly Farm? He can see different animals. 126 UNIT 11 Lesson 2 Example: 2a Read the leaflet again and choose three things you are going to do if you visit Prickly Farm. Example: If I visit Prickly Farm, Гт going to wash a horse. 2b Find another pupil in your class who is going to do the same if he / she visits the farm. Лк If you visit Prickly Farm, are you going to wash a horse? Yes, I am. / No. I’m going to feed the ostriches. 2c Report to the class. Example: If Marina visits Prickly Farm, she's going to wash a horse, but I’m going to ride a donkey. And we ’re both going to buy “Hedgehoggy” souvenirs. 3 Say what you should do if you go to Africa on a safari. Example: If you go on a safari, you should plan your route. plan your route get a guide book write a poem get a camera get a sketch book have injections put on a hat take a TV set watch wildlife get out of the big animal's way take a compass take photos see lions watch zebras and giraffes 4 A lot of people visit Prickly Farm, but not all of them behave in the right way. • Look at the picture and make rules for the farm. • Translate the rules into Russian. Example: Drivers mustn't park on the grass.— Запрещается парковать машины на граве. 127 UNIT 11 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Weird animals 1 a Make up questions for the quiz What do you know about penguins? Example: How many penguins are there? 1 types of penguins / How many / are there? a) 75 b)70 C)17 2 Where / find / can’t you / penguins? a) South America b) the Arctic c) the Antarctic 3 can't they/What / do? a) fly b) jump c) swim 4 Which is / penguin / the largest? a) Blue penguin b) Emperor penguin c) Macaroni penguin 5 takes care of / Who / the egg? a) Emperor mother b) Emperor father c) both parents 6 Where / Emperor penguins / do / put their chicks when they go to sea? a) school b) pocket c) kindergarten lb Choose the right answer in Ex. la. 1c Listen and check. 2a Write questions you would like to ask about each of the animals in Ex. 2b. 2b Read and check if you can find the answers to your questions. Sifakas You can see sifakas in Madagascar, a big island near western Africa. Sifakas live in trees and eat leaves, flowers and fruit. They can jump up to 10 metres from one tree to the next tree. When sifakas are not in the trees, they move on two legs in small jumps. It looks strange, like dancing. Sifakas make noises like speaking. In the past, people thought that they were ghosts, not animals. Dodos Dodos were strange birds, which lived on an island in the Indian Ocean. They were gigantic, about 1.2 metres high, but they couldn’t fly. They ate fruit and leaves and made their nests on the ground. In 1507, Portuguese sailors came to the island and discovered the birds. They killed the birds for food. By 1680. there were no more dodos on the island. When we say something is “dead as a dodo”, we mean that it is gone forever. 2c Answer the questions. 1 Why did people think that sifakas were ghosts? 2 Wily did dodos make nests on the grountf? /Ч 3 Make a quiz about an animal. Use Ex. la to help you. 128 UNIT 11 Lesson 4 [esson 4 A great day out la Listen and say where the children are: a) a zoo b) a wildlife park c} jungle lb Listen and decide true (T) or false (F). 1 The animals are in cages. C 2 The children mustn’t feed the animals. П 3 The children can ask questions about the animals. Q 4 The children can touch the animals. IZl 5 The children are happy. □ 2a Read and say what information is in the leaflets. 2b Read and find the best place for a family day out. The family are interested in ail kinds of monkeys, tigers, lions, kangaroos and other exotic animals, they would like to watch, learn and touch, to have lunch at midday and to take their dog with them. t Ш r E E- 'UnODf Meet, Touch and Learn Pelican feeding at the main lake 10 a.m. Big cat feeding time 3.30 p.m. Meeting kangaroos and their keepers 2 p.m. and 3.15 p.m. Bear feeding time 4.30 p.m. Jaguar restaurant all day Picnic place Adventure playground bogs welcome ~ Open 10 o.m. till 6 p.m.. 365 doys о year. ^ For further information pleose ring ^ 01752-837209. Have fun and help! °™9utan feeding time 12 a.m. Meeting Australian animals * 115 Dm a talk aboirt Australia ® and tiger feeding time and a talk 2 p.m. Chimpanzee show 3.45 p.m. Meet the elephants 5 p.m. Hedgehog hotel. Уои can help us feea them • P-m. See the rest of the zoo о p.m. Pony rides ----—lr.')ns| л — внешность (U3L6) Arabic I'rcrobik] л — арабский язык (U4L2) arm |o:m) л ~ рука (от кисти до плеча) (U6L6) при составле>ян« этого Списка слоя были использоваиы; Longman Djctionary of Conlemporary Engish.— Longman Group Ltd.. 1995. Oxford Russian dictionaiy.— OUR 2000. Большой англо-русский словарь: В 2 т. / Под общ. ред. И. Р Гальперина,— М.. 1972. Мюллер в. К. Амгло-руссоач словарь Изд 22-е.~ М.. 1988 148 Wordlisl A-C around |o'raund| — вокруг (U1L5) arrange |.Vrcnu^j v — организовать (U2L3) arrange in alphabetical order — поставить в алфавитном порядке (U2L3) arrest I э'гся! | v — арестовать (U6L3) astronaut |'ics(ra'no:ll n — космонавт (U7L1) athlete |'ж01|Л| л » спортсмен, спортсменка (U3L4) Atlantic, the |o'tl;cniik] л — Атлантический океан (U4L6) at once 1ая %vaiis / oi w\ns| — немедленно (U8L3) attack |.Viiok| v — атаковать (U8L3) attention (a'(ei\fn) n — внимание (U9L6) Avon, the I civanJ n — Эйвон, река в Англии (U4L4) aqua park |‘!Ckwapu;k{ n — аквапарк В babysitter |Ъс|ЬГм1.’>| n — няня (U9L1) backache |'bickok| n — боль в спине (U8L1) bacteria I'bakiidna) n ~ (mh. число) бактерии зина be |Ы:] (was, were, been) v— быть, существовать, находиться be III V— болеть (U6L1) be scared of — пугаться {U7L5} beach |bi;ijl л — пляж (U1L4) beard |biodl л - борода (U6L6) because (bi'kozl — потому что behaviour Ibi'heivio) n — поведение (U6L6) Belfast I'heirostJ n — Белфаст, столица Северной Ирландии (J4L3) Bengali |bcn'g.rli| n — бенгальский язык {U41.2) billion Itnlionl — миллиард (U4L2) bird table |b'j;dlcihl) n — кормушка для птиц (1111L6) bit |hii| — see bite bite Ibiin) (bit, bitten) ir— кусать, жалить (U3L2) blew |bUi;| — see blow blini I'blim) n — блины (U1L3) blood |bUd| Л - кровь (U3L2) blouse (blau/) n — блузка (U6L1) blow Iblou) (blew, blown) v — дуть (U7L5) body llrndil Л — тело (U7L3) Bolshoi Theatre (the) I'bolfoi '0|Л1л| л — Большой театр (U1L3) bonfire |'ЬпгтГшл| л — костер (U5L6) boot (bu:t) л — ботинок (U6L2) bored |bo:d) adj — скучающий (U8L4) feel bored — скучать I feel bored. — Мне скучно (U9L5) boring |Ъп:по1 edj — скучный, надоедливый (U2L2) bossy ]Ъо$|| ad/ — о человеке, который любит командовать (U9L6) both IbouOl - оба (U6L6) bother I’bodo] и — беспокоить. волновать(и7и) bottom |Ьшт| л — дно, низ (U2L4) brain (brem| п — мозг, ум; (во мн. числе) умственные способности (U3L3) break (hrcik) (broke, broken) v — ломать break a record — побить рекорд (U3L4) broke ibr^ttk] — see break brush (br^П V— чистить щеткой (U9L2) Buckingham Palace ilTAkiodm ')Kelis| n — Букингемский дворец, резиденция британской королевы (U4L3) buffalo СЬлГл1лт»| л — буйвол (U6LI) burglar |Ъ):дЬ| л — грабитель, взломщик building |Ъ|И1о| л — здание (U4L4) built Ibilt) — построенный (U2L1) bun |Ьлп) п — сдобная булочка (U4L4) burn [Ьг):п| л — ожог (U8L3) bush [bof] п — куст (U11L6) but [Ьат| — но. а button (Ь.мп! л — кнопка, пуговица (U6L2) by |Ь;м] — указывает на способ передвижения travel by plane путешествовать самолетом, на самолете (U10L1) © Caernarvon (кэ'палэп) л — Карнарвон, городок в Уэльсе, который знаменит замком, где король Британии или старший сын королевы получает титул принца Уэльского (U4L3) саде |кскф>| л — клетка (U3L2) call |ка:1) и— звать, называть(U4L6) calm |ku:m| ady — тихий, спокойный (U6L4) camel |ka;ml| л — верблюд (U10L1) campsite |'кжтр$аИ| л — специально оборудованное место для отдыха туристов (U10L3) candle [kicncllj п — свеча (U5L6) cap |кагр| л — кепка, фуражка (U6L2) card |ku:d] п - открытка (U5L6) Cardiff I'kcudill л — столица и главный порт Уэльса (U4L3) саге 1кео| v — заботиться I don’t саге.— Мне все равно. (U6L1) carnival I'karniv^l) ad/ — карнавальный (U5L6) carol I'kTcralj n ~ рождественская песня (USLf) cartoon (каЧит) л — мультипликационный фильм, карикатура (U3L3) cassette |k.Vset| л — кассета on cassette — на кассете (U2L2) catalogue |'ка'1э1од| л — каталог (U2L2} catch а cold ('kivir р ‘kould] v — простудиться (U8L2) celebrate r<;clibrcii| v — отмечать, праздновать (U5L1) celebration {,$с1|Ъгс1/п| n — празднование (U5L1) century I'scntfon] n — век, столегие (U4L5) cereal |'si9nal| n — изделия из дробленого зерна, в США и Великобритании часто кукурузные хлопья и др. (U8L5) 149 Wordlist C-D champion |'i/{vmpion| n — чемпион (U3L4) championship |'tfa;mpi;)nj'ip) л — чемпионат (U3L4) chance |ya:ns| n — случай (U10L5) character |'k«;rikto| n герой, действующее лицо; характер (U2L6) chat ИДсч] V— разговаривать, болтать (U10L5) check |t/ekl v — проверять (U9L5) cheer ItTin] v— приветствовать громкими возгласами, ободрять, поощрять (U3L4) cheerful I'tTiafoll adj — веселый (U6L4) chew |ifu:| v— жевать (U9L6) chewing gum — жевательная резинка chick |tfik| Л — цыпленок, птенец (U11L2) chimpanzee [J1mp;uii'/.i:| n — шимпанзе (U11L4) chimney [‘ifimnil n — труба, дымоход (U5L2) Chinese |,ifni'ni:7| n ^ китайский язык (U4L2) choose {tTu:z| (chose, chosen) v— выбирать (U9L6) chose l^ouz) — see choose Christmas I'krismosi n — Рождество (U5L1) Christmas pudding |,knsmas 'pudiol о -- рюждествен-ский пудинг (U5L4) Christmas tree |'кпятяя tri:| л — рождественская елка (U5L1) Christmastime |‘knbtnoslaim| п — Святки (U5U) cinema I'simmo] п кино (U4L6) circle {'яз:кя1) п — круг, хоровод (U5L6) class Ikluis] л — класс, разряд word class — часть речи (U2L3) claw (kb:) п — коготь, лапа с когтями (U7L3) clean |kli:n| чистить, убирать (U9L2) clean up (after) — убирать (за кем-либо) (J9L2) cleaning |k)i:nio) п — чистка, уборка do the cleaning — делать уборку (U9L1) clever {'klcva) adj — умный, сообразительный clothes Ikloudz) n — одежда (U5L6) clue |klu:| л — ключ (к разгадке чего-либо) (U2L4) coach (koutTI п — автобус (междугородного сообщения) (U10L1) coat (кот) п пальто, куртка (U6L2) cockroach ('knkMtrtf) п — таракан (U3L2) coin (кэш) л — монета (U1L5) cold I kaold) п — простуда (U8L1) college I'kolubl — колледж (U4L1) comedy I'kom^di) п — комедия (U3L3) Соте on! v - (разг.) Давай! — возглас, которым подбадривают (U6L1) Соте off! V— (разг) Перестань! — фраза, с помощью которой дают понять, что то, о чем говорится,— неправда или глупость (U6L1) comic ('кпппк) л — комиксы, журнал для детей, в котором истории представлены в картинках (U2L2) common ('кптоп| adj — общий {U6L6) competition (,knmpi'it.fn| п — соревнование (U9L1) consist of (koiVsist dv| v— состоять из (U4L3) contact I'kDnUekt) v— устанавливать связь, связаться (U7L5) contest ('ki)iiiesil n — соревнование {U1L3] conversation (.konva'seijn] n — разговор cooking {'knkio) л — приготовление еды do the cooking — готовить еду, обычно для всей семьи (U9L1) cool |ku:l] adj — (разг.) крутой (U6L1) costume I'kostjum] п — костюм (U4L4) cough |коП л — кашель (U3L3) country code |'клтп koud) л — свод правил поведения в сельской местности (U11L1) cracker I'knuka) гг — хлопушка (U5L1) cranberry |'knenb?n| п — клюква (U8L3) crazy ('krcizi) adj — сумасшедший (U1L5) creature Гкп:1/э) п — существо (U7L1) cringe | кппф) л — жуть, кошмар (U1L5) cringe-making (kriiubl 3idj — кошмарный (U1L5) crisps (krisps) л — (BrE) картофельные чипсы (U4L6) crown Ikraun) л — корона (U5L1) cry (kmi) V — кричать, плакать (U6L3) cub I клЬ| n — детеныш (зверя) (U1L3) culture i'kAltfol n — культура (U4L1) curly |'кз:1|] adj — кудрявый, волнистый (U6L5) cut |кл() (cut, cut) V — резать (U8L2) cut down — рубить (U11L1) cut IkAtl n — порюз (LI0L3] cycling ['saikho] n — езда на велосипеде (U3L4) cyclist I'&aiklist) n — велосипедист (U3L4) dacha I'duitfa:) n — дача (U1L2) daffodil i'd^clbdil) n — желтый нарцисс (U4L3) dance |du:nsj ъг —танцевать danger ('dcincbo) л —опасность (U10L5) dangerous |'dciru^Ar9s| adj — опасный (U3L2) dark (the) |da:k| Л — темнота (U7L1) darling |'da:lir)] n — дорогой (U5L3) dead [dcd] adj — мертвый (U3L2) decorate I'dck^reitl v — украшать (U5L1) decoration |,deka'rcjjn| n — украшение (U5L1) delicious (dt'Ii/os| adj — вкусный (U1L3) dentist I'dcntist) л — зубной врач (U8L2) description (dis'knpjbn) n — описание (U6L6) design |di'zam| v —составлять план, разрабатывать (U6L6) detective Idi'u’kljv) л — детектив, сыщик (U2L1) diary I'dniari] л — личный дневник (U2L4) dictionary I'dik/an^n) п — словарь (U2L3) difficult I'difikdlTl adj ~ трудный (U4L6) die |dai| и —умирать, умереть(U2L4) different I'dibrcm) adj другой (U4L6) dinner ('dmoj n — обед make dinner — приготовить обед (U7L2) disadvantage I.Uisdd'vurnlKtsJ n — недостаток (U10LS) disappear |,disd'p[^| v — исчезать, исчезнуть (U6L3) discipline I'disjplm) V— наказывать, дисциплинировать (U9L3) 150 Wordlist D-F discover Idis'kAvol v— открывать, сделать открытие (U3L3) discovery |di!>‘k.\v9ri| n — открытие (U10L5) dish |dijl n — блюдо, кушанье (U5L4) dishonest |dis'Dnis() adj нечестный {U6L4) documentary |,dnkju'mcntari] n — документальный фильм (U3L3) dodo I'daudaul Л ~ дронт, вымершая птица (U11L3) be as dead as a dodo ^ давно и полностью забытый (U11L3) Dog’s Home n — приют для бездомных животных (U11L5) donkey I'dnoki) л — осел (U11L2) dress |drcs| п — платье {U6L1) dress Idrcs) v — одевать, наряжать (U4L4) get dressed — одеться, одеваться drive Idraivl (drove, driven) v — вести, ехать в автомобиле (UI0L1) drove — see drive duck ld.\k| Л — утка (U4L1) dusting I'dAStir)! n — стирание пыли do the dusting — стирать пыль (U9L1) earache I'lDreikl n — ушная боль (U8L1) Earth (з;0) n — Земля (планета) Earth Day — День Земли (U11L6) Earth Day event — мероприятие в рамках Дня Земли, субботник (U11L6) east |i:st| л — восток (U4L5) Edinburgh I'cdinbaral п — Эдинбург, столица Шотландии (U4L3) edition li'dijnj п — выпуск (U2L5) Eisteddfod lai'siedioJl п — ежегодный фестиваль в Уэльсе, на котором проводятся соревнования уэльсских поэтов, певцов и музыкантов (U4L3) e-mail rnmcin v — отсылать письма по электронной почте (U2L6) empty [‘empUl ad) — пустой (U8L5) end (end] п — конец energy |'сп.->ф1 л — энергия (U8L5) England |'ioqbnd| п — Англия, часть Великобритании (U4L3) entry I’cntn) п — словарная статья (U3L3) equipment frkwipmsnti n — снаряжение, оборудование (U10L8) eve |i>'] п - канун (U5L1) event (iVcntj п — событие (U2L1) ever (’cv^l — когда-либо, когда-нибудь (U10L1) everybody ['cvnbndij — каждый, все (U10L1) everything 1‘evnGinI — все (U1L3) example |ig'zu:mpl| n — пример for example — например excellent |'cksal^ni| adj — отличный (U10L6) exciting |ik'samr)| adj — захватывающий, увлекательный (U2L2) exercise |'ck.sAsai/| n ~ упражнение, физическое упражнение (UtOLS) exercise I'eksjsaiz) v— упражняться, заниматься физическими упражнениями (U10L5) experience Iik’spidnons] л — жизненный опыт (U10L1) extreme |ik'stri;ni| adj — крайний, чрезвычайный (U3L3) 0 fail |('eil| провалить, не сделать что-либо (UlOLS) fair [Гея] л — ярмарка (U2L8) fair |Ге9) aef; — светлый (U6L5). справедливый (U6L4) fairy |Тс9п) adj — волшебный, сказочный fairytale — сказка (U2L1) fall |Гэ;1| (fell, fallen) v— падать (U1L5) fall down V—падать (U10L3) fall lfn;l) n-(AmE) осень (U4L6) false (I'tIsI adj — непргавильный famous I'feimas] adj — знаменитый, известный (U2L6) fan (facn) n — болельщик (U3L3) fang n — клык, ядовитый зуб змеи (U3L2) fantastic (fkn’l^stikl adj — потрясающий (U6L2) fantasy ['laMiiazi) n — воображение, фантазия (U1L3) far [fa:] adj ^ далекий, дальний how far — как далеко (U2L3) fashion I'ftcjnl л — мода (U4L4) fast food ['forst fu:d) n — еда быстрого приготовления. продающаяся в кафе (налр., гамбургеры) (U6L2) fat (Гап) п — жир {U8L5] fat |Пи1| adf — упитанный, полный (U6L3) Father Christmas |,1'и:0э 'kribmosi л — (ВгЕ) Дед Мороз (U5L1) favourite ('fciv.Tritl adj — любимый (U2L2) fear 1Гю) п — страх (U7L6) fed ~ see feed feed |11;с1| (fed, fed) v кормить (U5L5) feeding time (Tt:Uio laim) л — время кормления (U11L4) feel (П:11 (felt, felt) v~~ чувствовать fell — see fall festival (Tcsuvall n — праздник (U5L2) field Iri:ldln-поле (U2L4) film [film) n — фильм (U3L3) finally |Tainaii| — в заключение, в конце концов, наконец (U6L2) find (famdl (found, found) v — находить find one’s way ~ найти дорогу (U31-2) find out — узнавать, выяснять (U3L2) finger {'Пг)дл| n — палец (на руке) (U6L6) finishing line ITimJiQ lam) л ~ финиш, финишная черта (U3L4) fire 1 faio) n — огонь, костер (U3L4) make a fire — развести костер (U7L2) fireplace ITaiopIcis) П — камин (U5L1) first llrst] — первый, во-первых at first — сначала (U9L2) 151 Wordlist F-H first aid kit |,f3:si 'cid .ku| n — аптечка (U10L3) flat Iflactl n — (BrE) квартира (U4L6) flu |llu:| Л — грипп (U8L1) follow |'Г1)1.'н;| V — следовать (U9L3) foot |l\ii| n — ступня (mh. Ч. feet) (U6L6) on foot — пешком иь(| л — приведение, дух (U2L4) gigantic |(1заГуа;п(1к| adj — громадный, гигантский (U11L3) give |giv| (gave, given) v — дать, давать give a commentary ('knmantsnj v — прокомментировать (U3L4) give up V — уступить, отказаться (U7L6) give an injection — сделать укол (U9L3) glad |gla:d| acfy — рад, доволен (U9L4) glove |glAv| n — перчатка (U10L5) go Iqn?)] (went, gone) v — идти, ехать go bang V- взрываться (U5L1) go diving v - нырять (U3L1) go out V — выйти, выходить, гулять (U10L6) go roller skating I'raub skciunl v — кататься на роликовых коньках (U1L2) goat |qj>tn| л — коза, козел (U11L2) good (qud| adj — хороший good at (doing) sfh — умелый, способный (U3L1) good at (e.g. maths) — способный к (напр . к математике) (U3L1) feel good — чувствовать себя хорошо (U9L5) Good luck! I'qrid 'lAk| — Удачи! Счастливо! (U3L4) goose |gu:s| n — гусь (мн. число geese) (U6L4) Gothic IgnOikj — стиль архитектуры, распространенный в Западной Европе в XII-XV веках grab (gncb) v — хватать, схватить (U7L3) Grandfather Frost I'grrcnd.fada Tmsi| n — Дед Мороз (U5L2) great |qrcit) adf — великий (U2L2) It’s great! — Здорово! Отлично! великолепно! greet |gri:(| v — приветствовать, здороваться, встречать (U3L2) greeting |’cjri:i i rj) л — приветствие (U11L4) grew — see grow grow Igrdol (grew, grown) v— расти grow up — вырасти (U9L7) guide |gaid| n — гид {U4L4} guitar [gi'iu:| л — гитара play the (e.g. guitar) — играть на (напр.. на гитаре) play (e.g. volleyball) — играть (напр., в волейбол) gum |длт| л — жевательная резинка (U9L6) hang [hicg] (hung, hung) v — вешать, висеть hang out — (разг) отдыхать, развлекаться (U10L6) happen I'h^oponl v— случаться, происходить(U6L3) happy I'haepil adj — счастливый feel happy — чувствовать себя счастливым (U915) hard |hu:d| adj — тяжелый, трудный (U10L5) harmless ('ha:m!as) adj — безвредный, безобидный (U3L2) hat [hjctl n — шляпа (U6L2) hate (doing sth) v— ненавидеть, не любить (делать что-либо) (U3L1) have an X-ray |'екь i-cil — делать рентгеновский снимок(U8L2) have а rest Ircsij — отдыхать (U7L2) have one’s tooth out — удалить зуб (U8L2) head |licd| n — голова (U3L4) headache I'hedcikJ n — головная боль (U6L1) health |Ие1в| л — здоровье (U8L1) healthy I'hciei] adj — здоровый (U8LS) heel [hi;l| n — каблук (U6L2) height |hait| n — высота (U7L6) helmet I'hclmic] n — шлем cycle helmet — шлем велосипедиста (U10L3) help at home — помогать no дому (U9L1) herbal |'Нз:Ьо1] adj — травяной, сделанный из трав (U8L3) hers (h3:z| — ее (U5L3), see Grammar Support US high [hai| ad/— высокий (U1L2) Hindi I'limdi] Л — хинди, язык одного из народов Индии (U4L2) his (hiz| — его (U5L3), see Grammar Support US historical |ht4innknl| ad/ — исторический {U4L2) hit |hii) (hit, hit) V — ударить, ударять {U10L3) holiday I'hohdi) л — праздник (U4L£) 152 Wordlist Н Hollywood I'hnhwodI n — Голливуд, район в городе Лос-Анджелес, где расположены знаменитые американские киностудии (U4L1) honest I'nnistI ad/ — честный (U6L4) honey riiAml n — мед {U8L3) hoover ('hu:v?| n — {Br£) пылесос do the hoovering — чистить при помощи пылесоса (U9L1) horrible Thnnh^l) adj — ужасный, страшный (U7L1) feel horrible — плохо себя чувствовать из-за болезни или обстоятельств (U9L5) horse (hos) л лошадь (U10U) hotel |hnu’tel| п — гостиница house-train ( haostrcin] v — приучать домашнее животное ходить в туалет (U9L2) hung — see hang hungry I'liAiignl adj — голодный feel hungry — хотеть есть, быть голодным (U9L5) hurt |1п:1| (hurt, hurt) v — причинить боль, повредить, ушибить (U3L2) ice hole i'ais ho<;l] n полынья, прорубь (U5L6) ill |il| ed; - больной (U2U) illness I'tlnis) Л — болезнь (U8L3) illustrate |'ttd.4ircu| v — иллюстрировать (U5L3) illustrator I'llosirciiDl n — художник-иллюстратор (U2L5) information l.mfb'mci/onl n — информация (U11L4) injection [in'ctjek/onl n — укол (U7L1) give an injection — сделать укол (U9L3) insect ['insckij n — насекомое (U3L2 Workbook) instruction ||п'я1глкГдп| n — инструкция (U9L3) follow instructions — следовать инструкции interest (‘ininsij n — to, чем интересуешься, любишь делать, интерес (U3L4) interested ['intnsiidj adj заинтересованный (U2L3) interesting |‘intristio| adj — интересный (U2L1) invite lin'vaiij v— приглашать, пригласить (U9L4) iron I’aionj n — yrior{U9L4) Ironing I'aioniril v — глажение do the ironing — гладить (обычно для семьи) (U9L5) island I'aibmi) л — остров (U2L3) its |itsj — его, ее (о предметах и животных, но не о людях) (U5L3). see Grammar Support U5 Q jacicet л — пиджак (U6L2) Japanese {,Nog?ll л — джунгли keep |ki:p| и — содержать keep а pet — держать, иметь домашнее животное (U9L2) keep in touch — поддерживать связь (U2L5) keeper j'khpo] п — смотритель (U11L4) kick jkikj V—> пинать, пнуть (U1L4) kilt (kill I n — юбка шотландского горца или солдата национальной гвардии, национальный шотландский костюм (U4L3) Kremlin, the ('kix;mlin| л — Кремль (U1L3) © laugh |1а:Г) v — смеяться (U1L4) lay eggs I'lci ‘cgzj v — откладывать яйца (U11L3) leader ('Ikdoj л — лидер (U6L4) leaf lli:tl n — лист (мн. число leaves) (U11L3) learn (1з:л| (learnt, learnt) v — учить, узнавать (U4L1) learnt — see learn leave (Пл | (left, left) v — оставлять, покидать (U4L5) left I left I adj — левый on the left — слева to the left — налево left — see leave legend |'lcand| n — легенда (U2L1) light (laitj (lit, lit) v— зажигать, поджигать light Halt] n — свет (U9L3) lights {luiisj Л — огни, электрическая гирлянда (U5L1) like (laik) v - любить, нравиться 1 like — мне нравится 1 would like — мне бы хотелось line jlainj л — линия finishing line — финишная черта (U3L4) lit — see light litterbin I’lito bin] n — ящик для мусора (Ul IL6) Loch Ness j'lnx nesj л — озеро Лох-Несс в Северной Шотландии, в котором, по местным поверьям, живет огромное доисторическое чудовище (U4L3) London I'lAndanj л — Лондон, столица Великобритании (U4L3) lone I'laonj adj — один, сам по себе, без хозяина (о животном) (U9L3) look [kikj V— смотреть, взглянуть look after — ухаживать, присматривать (U9L2) look like sb быть похожим на кого-либо (U6L6} look adj — выглядеть, казаться (look kind - быть добрым с виду) (U6L1) lose |lu:/| (lost, lost) v — терять, потерять lost - see lose get lost — заблудиться love |1av] V — любить I’d love to. — C удовольствием. (UlOLl) lovely i'lAvlij adj — красивый, прекрасный (U6L1) luckily {’lAkiiij — к счастью (U1L4) 153 Wor(Jlir.! М-Р @ magic Гтжфк! n — магия, колдовство картина, картинка, фотография take pictures — фотографировать (U3L1) pilot I'paibtj п — летчик (U4L1) pincer I'pinssl п (обычно мн. число pincers) — хватательные челкхти V пауков (U3L2 Workbook) piane Iplein] п — самолет (U9L5I piant IplccntJ п — растение water the plants — поливать домашние растения plaster I'plarsia] п — пластырь (U8L3) plastic I'pla^stik) adj — пластический, пластмассовый (U3L2) play Ipicil V — играть play the guitar — играть на гитаре (U7L2) pocket ['pnkiil n — карман (U6L2) poem I'pAuim) n — стихотворение, поэма (U2L2) poisonous f'poi/dnasl adj — ядовитый (U3L2) police Ipo'lLsj n — полиция (U2L1) poor 1рил| ad/ — бедный (U9L1) popular [ pDpjuldJ adj — популярный (U9L3) population l.pDpjir’IeiJon] n — население (U4L2) Portuguese |,ponJiT’gi:?| adj — португальский (U4L2) potato chips (р^Чспли i/ips] n — (AmE) картофельные чипсы (U4L6) post |poui>i) V — отправить no почте (U4L4) postal I'paobtl) adf — почтовый (U4L4) pour (po:l V — лить (U7L5) powder Сртк1л] л — порошок, пыль, пудра (U3L2) power I'patTd) л — сила (U2L5) practical I'pricktiksl) adj — умеющий все делать, мастер на все руки (U9L5) present ('|>гс/.э111] л — подарок (U5L1) presenter IpnV.cnio] п — ведущий программы (U3L4) press Iprcsj и — нажимать, нажать (U9L3) pretty I'pntil adj — хорошенький, симпатичный (U6L1) prize Ipraizj гг — приз (U1L3) programme Гргэидггст] п — программа, телевизионная передача (U3L3) programmer I'prnugncmoj п — программист, специалист по компьютерным программам (U4L1) promise |'prtimis| п — обещание (U5L5) promise |'pmmis| v — обещать (U5L5) proud Ipraudi ad) — гордый be proud of sb / sth — гордиться чем-либо / кем-либо (U9L1) pudding ^ — пудинг (U5L4) pump (рлтр! n — насос (U10L3) put (put, put) V — класть, положить put out V— гасить (огонь, свет) (U11L1) put up V — устанавливать, водружать (U11L6) puzzle |'рл/о1] n — загадка (U3L5) @ quick |kwik| ad/ — быстрый (U3L4) quietly I'kwaidihl — тихо, спокойно (U2L4) quiz |kwi/| n — викторина quiz show — телевикторина, телеконкурс (U3L3) race [reis| n — состязание в беге, скорости; гонка (U3L4) radio ['tvidiati) п — радио (U4L1) ran — see run raspberry {'ra:zbon| n — малина raspberry jam — малиновое варенье (U8L3) rating |'remi]| n — оценка; список, который показывает, какие фильмы, телепрограммы наболее популярны; рейтинг (U3L3) reaction |п‘а^к/эп| п — реакция (U7L6) realistic |no'li$tik| adj — реалистичный, как настоящий (U9L3) reason ['ri:/.anl п — причина (U5L3) recommend (,rcki>mcnd| v— рекомендовать (U2L6) record ('rek.Tdl л — рекорд break а record — побить рекорд (U3L4) Red Square [red 'skwcd| л — Красная площадь (U1L3) relax Iri'la^ksl v^— расслабляться, расслабиться (U7L6) remember [п'тетЬл| v'— помнить (U1L3) repair kit [гГрея kii | n — набор инструментов /У1Я ремонта {U10L3) resolution l.rezo'lirfanl n - обещание, решение (U5L5) make a resolution — принять решение rest (rest! n — отдых, покой (U7L2) have a rest — отдыхать (U7L2) restaurant I'rttsiarmiij л - ресторан (U4L1) review |n‘vju;l n — обзор, обозрение (U2L6) book review — рецензия, обзор книги (U2L6) ride Iraidl (rode, ridden) v— кататься, ездить верхом ride across — переезжать через, ехать через ride а bike — кататься на велосипеде (U3L4) ride |niid) п — катание, поездка (U10L3) до on а Ыке ride — прокатиться (U10L3) rides fraidzl л — горки (аттракцион) (U10L6) right (гаи) л — право (на что-либо) (U9L6) right |rait] adj— верный, правильный (U3L1) That's right.— Правильно, right |ruit| adj — правый (U9L6) to the right — направо on the right — справа road |roud| л — дорога (U10L3) rode — see ride Roman I'roumotj) n — римлянин, гражданин государства Древний Рим, существовавшего с Vlll века до н. э. по IV век н. э. и завоевавшего Британию в I веке н. э. (U4L4) Roman ('глитэп| adj — римский (U4L3) 155 Wordllst R-S round (raundl — вокруг round the world — вокруг света (U10L2) rubbish ГглЫЛ n - мусор (U9L1) run 1глп| (ran, run) v - бежать, бегать run away — убегать, убежать (U1L5) run around — бегать без определенного направления и цели (UU5) runny nose I'r.Mu пэи/.) л » насморк (U8L3) sad |fMC(Jl adf — грустный feel sad — грустить, чувствовать грусть (U9L5) safari ($эТа:г|) л — сафари, поездка по африканской саванне, в которой можно охотиться на диких животных, либо наблюдать за ними (U11L2) sailor I'seib] л — моряк (U11L3) same |seim| — тот же самый, такой же (U4L6) sang — see sing save |seiv| v — спасать, спасти (U10L3) scar |&ku:| л — шрам (U6L5) scare |skea| v— пугать be scared of — пугаться, бояться (U7L1) scarf (skarfl n — шарф (U6L2) scary ('skconi adf — жуткий, пугающий (U7LI) science I'saionsl n — предк1еты естественно-научного цикла, наука (U2L2) science fiction n научная фантастика Scotland ('sknibndl n — Шотландия, одна из стран, составляющих Соединенное Королевство Великобритании (U4L3) scout |skaut| л — бойскаут, член детской организации, которая учит детей практическим умениям, например разводить костер, ставить палатку, ориентироваться по компасу и т. д. (U7L2) scream |skri;m] n — крик, вопль (U7L2) scream |skri:m| v— кричать, вопить, визжать (U1L5) second i'sekondl — второй (U4L2) send IscnJI (sent, sent) v — посылать {U5L6} sensitive I'sensiiiv] adj — чувствительный (U3L2) sent - see send series |4t9ri:z| n — сериал, сериалы (формы ед. и мн. числа совпадают) (U3L3) set (scti (set. set) v — ставить, устанавливать set an alarm clock — ставить бу/^льник (на определенное время) (U9L4) shamrock (’Дсттк) п — трилистник (растение), также эмблема Ирландии (U4L3) sheep |.П:р| п — овца (мн. число — sheep) (U11L2) shine Lfatnl (shone, shined) v — светить (U1L5) shirt |.Гз:1| n — рубашка (U6L1) shoe Uu:| n — туфля (U5L1) shone — see shine shop Ifnp) n — магазин do the shopping — делать покупки (U9L1) shore Цэ:) п — берег (U10L8) short Uo:il adj — короткий, низкого роста (о человеке) {U6L3} short story — рассказ (U2L5) shorts I'foHs] п — (всегда мн. число) шорты (U6L1) show IfoTj) п — зрелище, спектакль quiz show — телевикторина, телеконкурс (U3L3) dog show — выставка собак, телепередача с участием собак (U9L2) side |siiid| л — сторона (U7L5) silly I'sili] ad/ — глупый, простой (U2L1) simple ('.sjmpslj adj — простой (U4L6) sing |я1Г|| (sang, sung) v — петь (U5L1) Singapore |,$iQd'po;] n — Сингапур, независимый город-государство в Юго-Восточной Азии, бывшая колония Великобритании (U4L2) singing {sioiol n — пение (U5L1} skeleton I'skeluonl л — скелет (U7L1) skirt |sk3:il n — юбка (U6L2) sleigh |slci| n — сани (U5L3) slim [slim) ad/— стройный (U6L5) slip [blip) V — поскользнуться (U1L5) slogan I'sloug.Tii) n — лозунг (U10L5) smile Ismailj v — улыбаться (U8L6) snake | sncik) л — змея (U7LI) so |s^u| — так, таким образом, поэтому (U7L5) sock |sok| л — носок (U6L2) solve \я>\\ IV — решать (задачу, проблему) (U3L5) somebody ['sAnibodi| — кто-то, кто-нибудь (в утвердит, предл.) (U3L5) something |'ялт011)) — что-то, что-нибудь (в утвердит. предл.) (U3L5) song (soo) л — песня (U5L1) soon |su:n] — скоро, вскоре (UIL2) sore |so:| adj — больной, воспаленный I’ve got а sore throat.— У меня болит горло. (U8L1) sound |saund| п — звук (U2L4) sound (saundj v — звучать (U1L2) soup Isu:p| л — суп (U9L5) south IsauO) л — юг (U4L5) space [spcisi л — космос (U2L2); место, клетка в настольной игре (U10L8) space flights — космические полеты special ('speJol| adj — специальный, особый (U3L4) specialist I'spcjolistl л — специалист (U6L4) Spanish |'$ра;шП л — испанский язык (U4-L2) spare |speoJ adj ■— лишний, запасной spare tyre — запасная шина (U10L3) speech [spi:ij] л — речь (U9L6) spider I'spaida] л — паук (U3L2) spooky (4pu:ki) adj — страшный (U7L1) spring Ispnul — источник (U4L4) spy Ibpui] n — шпион (U2L2) spy stories — шпионские истории (U2L2) stage [steicfel л — сцена (U1L5) stairs |sie97.1 n ~ лестница (согласуется с глаголом во мн. числе) (U2L4) stamp Isuempl л — марка (U3L1) 156 Wordlist S-T station |'stei/on| n — станций (U4L4) stay [stcil оставаться, останавливаться (U10L3) step |sicp| n — шаг (U2L6) stocking С>;шк1Г)| n — чулок (U5L1) stomachache ['stAmakcik] n — боль в животе (U8L1) stone (st;!)un] n » камень (U2L4) stone |ыоип| adj — каменный (U3L4) Stonehenge l.siaun 'hencb) n — Стоунхэндж, памятник доисторической культуры в Англии (U4L3) store Isi.rl п - (АтЕ) магазин (U4L6) story I’sioTil n — история, рассказ (U2L6) straight |strcil| — прямой, прямо straight ahead — прямо вперед go straight — идти прямо вперед (U4L4) strange |strcmd3| adj — странный (U7L2) strategy I'smcnd.^il n — стратегия {U3L6) studio |'stju;diMi) n — студия (U1L3) stupid I'stjuipidl adj — глупый {U6L1) suddenly (s\dnli| — внезапно, вдруг (U1L5) sunglasses |’sMi,glu:si/.] n — солнечные очки (U2L5) sunset I'sMiseti n — закат (U2L5) sure (Jiwl adj — уверенный I’m not sure.— Я не уверен. (U6L1) make sure — убедиться surfing j's3:fiijl n — серфинг, вид спорта, когда спортсмен катается на специальной доске на волнах прибоя(U4L1) survey I’s-JlVCll л — список вопросов, с помощью которых опрашивают большое число людей, чтобы узнать их мнение о чем-либо, отношение к чему-либо; обзор,исследование do а survey — провести исследование, опрос (U2L1) swan (swoni п — лебедь (U11L4) swap Isw-.-ip) V— обменивать (U2L2) sweater |'swota| п — свитер (U6L1) swimming trunks I'swimip trApksI n — плавки {для купания) (U5L1) swimsuit rswimsu:l| n — купальный костюм {U6L1) tablet rtjebhil л — таблетка (U8L2) take (leikl (took, taken) v — брать, взять (U10L6) take a pet to the vet — сводить домашнее животное к ветеринару (U9L2) take off — взлететь (U7L3) take out (e.g. the rubbish) v - выбрасывать {например, мусор) (U9L1) take part in sth - принимать участие (U5L6) take pictures — фотографировать take tablets — принимать таблетки (U8L2) How long does it take? — Сколько времени это займет? It takes five minutes.— Ha это потребуется пять минут tale |ieil| n — рассказ, сказка {U2L1) fairy tale ГГсэп tcil] — сказка (U2L1) talented {'teehmid) adj—талантливый, одаренный {U6L4) tall |io:l| adj — высокий (U6L3) tarantula [la'nuntjida] n — тарантул (паук) (U3L2) taught - see teach teach ]б:тЯ (taught, taught) v — учить {U10L5) temperature Г!стрэгэ!/э| n — температура (U8L1) teens |ti:tu] л — подростки (U1L2) tell |lcl| (told, told) V — рассказывать tell fortunes I'tcl Toitfansl v — гадать, предсказывать судьбу (U5L6) tell sb to do sth v ~ велеть кому-либо сделать что-либо (U9L6) Thames, the |(cmz] n — Темза, главная река Англии (U4U) theirs |0coz| — их IU5L3) See Grammar Support U5 theme park |ei;m {Ki:k| — тематический парк then |йеп) — затем (U7L4) thin (От) adj — худой, тонкий (U6L3) thing (Oiol ri — вещь (LML2) thistle I'Oisoll n — чертополох (растение), также эмблема Шотландии (U4L3) throat (вгаш) л — горло (U8L1). see also I’ve got a sore throat. thousand ('Oairzandl — тысяча (LI4L2) thunderstorm I'OAnd3sio:mI л — гроза (U7L1) tie |tai| Л — галстук (U6L2) time liaini] n — время; раз three times — три раза (U8L) tinsel (‘imsal] n — мишура (U5L1) title I'taiil] Л — заглавие, название (U2L3) toilet ('loilitl n — туалет (U9L3) tongue ItAol Л — язык (U7L3) took — see take toothache |'iu:Oeik| n — зубная боль (U8L1) top (шр] л — верх (U3L5) top |inp] adj — верхний, наивысший, самый главный top writer — лучший писатель (U2L5) torch n — фонарик (U10L3) tower I'tauaj n — башня (U2L4) Tower, the |'taua| n — (полное название the Tower of London) крепость на берегу реки Темзы, построенная в XI в., первоначально резиденция королей, затем государственная тюрьма, в настоящ,ее время музей(U4L3) toy Цэ1| п — игрушка tradition (ir^'dijan] л — традиция (U5L1) train [trem] п — поезд (U10L1) train (trcml v — тренировать (U9L2) train а dog — дрессировать собаку (U9L2) trainer ('ircmal л — кроссовка (U6L1) transcription Itrren'sknpjonl л — транскрипция (U2L3) translate Ura*№'leit| v— переводить (с одного языка на другой) (U5L1) translation [mcn'slci/n| п — перевод (с одного языка на другой) (U2L3) travel agent I'traivol .cid^^ntl л — агент туристической фирмы (U4L1) 157 w treasure I'lrc.vl n — сокровище {U3L5) treat |tri:t| n — лакомство (U9L7) treat |iri;t| v — лечить o| ad/ — неверный, неправильный (U3L1) That’s wrong.— Неправильно! (E) X-ray I'eksrcj) n — рентген (U8L2) (v) yours — твой, ваш (U5L3) See Grammar Support U5 yummy |!}лпи| adj — вкусный, объедение (U4L4) © 200 [/u:l n — зоопарк (U11L4) TTic authors and publishers would like to thank the following teachers, their students and their school administrators for the help in piloting and commenting on the materials in the autumn of 2001: Nekhorosheva Albina (Tambov, School No 6), Tyotushkina Lilia Ivanovna (Tambov. School No 28). Golubtsova Irina Mikhailovna (Tambov, School No 28). Kobzeva Olesya Olegovna (Tambov, School No 6), Blednykh Valentina Ivanovna (Tambov, School No 6). Yegorova Svetlana Alexandrovna (Ekaterinburg, School No 152), Stenia \Tictoria Edvardovna (Ekaterinburg. School No 152), Tyurina Natalia (Samara, School No 29). Khusinova Elena Pa'riovna (Samara. Bezenchuk region, School No 1), Ulyanova Larisa VUaljevna (Krasnoyarsk, School No 6), Filimokhina Tatyana Valentinovna (Krasnoyarsk. School No 143), Dontsova Olga Anatolyevna (Ryazan. School No 47). Badenko Tatyana Anatolyevna (Ryazan, School No 47), Krasnova Gaiina Ilyinichna (Cheboksary, School No 51). Maryashkina Liubov Alexandrovna (Cheboksary, Lyceum No 3). Sorokina Margarita Nicolaevna (Cheboksary, Lyceum 3). Smirnova Julia Vladimirovna (Tula, School No 60), Burmistrova Olga Sergeevna (Tula, School No 8). DeT Olga Nicolaevna (Omsk, School No 62). Pinchuk Liubov Mikhailovna (Omsk. School No 11), Zabehan Valentina (Sochi, School No 76). Prubniak Alevtina (Sochi. School No 60). Rogushkina Una Vladimirovna (Nevelsk. Sakhalin, School No 1). Orlova Lidiya Sergeevna (Nevelsk, Sakhalin, School No 2). Moskalyova Tatyana Georgievna (Irkutsk, School No 4), Glatskova Larisa Anatolyevna (Irkutsk, Gymnasium No 44). Chernysheva Vera Nikolaevna (Volgograd, Liceum No 3), Vorobyova Irina Vladislavovna (Volgograd. Gymnasium No 11), Burmistrova Nina Guseinovna (MoscoY/. ‘Gazprom’’ school). Chumakova Irina Anatolievna (Moscow. “Gazprom” school), BeUkova Liudmila Georgievna (Moscow. Korolev, Gymnasium No 9). Kuznetsova Tatiana Alexandrovna (Moscow. Novopodrezkovo, Novopodrezkovo secondary school), Stavschik Nataliya Stanislavovna (Nizhni Novgorod. School No 44), Yakovleva Galina Konstantinovna (Nizhni Novgorod. School No 44), Popova Irina Vladimirovna (St Petersburg, Vyborgski region, School No 90). Slepukhina Irina Borisovna (St Petersburg. Nevski region. School No 667) 159 BRITISH COUNCIL издАТьльстео Brookemead English Language Teaching T his textbook is written by « team оГашИсгь, who arc practising sdiooi teachers from (JinTcrent cities in Russia. The British consultant and trainer is Diana Liitielska from the International Education Centre at I he College of St Mark & St John in Plymouth. UK. She has worked as inicniational consultant to textbook projects in Uzbekistan. Vietnam. Turkmenistan as well as in Russia, and as a trainer in many parts of the world. Book 6 consists of: • Student's Book • Teacher's Book • Workbook • Class cassettes ISBNS