Английский язык Учебник 5 класс Деревянко

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 5 класс Деревянко - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия New Millennium English (Нью Миллениум Инглиш):

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АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык нового ТЫСЯЧЕЛЕТИЯ Н. Н. Деревянко С. В. Жаворонкова Л. В. Козятинская Т. Р. Колоскова Н. И. Кузеванова Е. В. Носонович И. А. Скворцова Л. В.Талзи NEW MILLENNIUM ENGLISH Учебник для 5 класса общеобразовательных учреждений ПЕРВЫЙ ГОД ОБУЧЕНИЯ Допущено Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации к использованию в образовательном процессе в образовательных учреждениях, реализующих образовательные программы общего образования и имеющих государственную аккредитацию STUDENT’S BOOK 5 BRITISH COUNCIL Brookemead Engush Language Teaching ТИТУЛ T I T U L 2010 ББК81.2АНГЛ-922 Д36 УДК 802.0(075.3) С любовью и благодарностью к нашим семьям за их бесконечное терпение, понимание и поддержку. С глубокой признательностью к коллегам и учащимся учебных заведений, в которых мы работаем. Авторы Authors’ thanks and acknowledgements This project would not have been possible without the unfailing commitment and enthusiasm of Ye. A. Lenskaya, Assistant Director for Education and English Language, British Council, Moscow. Our special thanks and deepest gratitude go to Diana Lubelska and Rod Bolitho, from The College of St Mark and St John in Plymouth, UK, for consultancy advice and inspiration and to Ruxandra Popovici of the British Council in Bucharest for generously sharing her professional experience with us. We would also like to give our thanks to Ye. G. Borovikova, T. M. Krasnopolskaya and O. L. Groza from the British Council, who contributed to the book by their efficient management, administration and academic coordination of the project. The authors would like to thank all the members of the BC ELT Advisory Board whose comments and suggestions have helped with the book, especially David Crystal, John McGovern, Katherine Walter, S. G. Ter-Minasova, M. Z. Biboletova and E. N. Solovova. Our thanks go to the SPEX Project Team, St Petersburg for their help in developing the assessment component of the book and to T. A. Kazaritskaya for consultancy on some language aspects. The authors thank the following individuals for the oral and written materials contributed by them: Sarah White, Andrey Willton (The College of Arts and Technology, Cheltenham, UK), Olga Yudanova (Bor, Nizhegorodskaya Oblast), Professor R. Honwitz (Columbia University, USA), Irina Spurgeon (Plymouth, UK). Деревянко H. H. и др. Д36 Английский язык: Английский язык нового тысячелетия / New Millennium English: Учебник для 5 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. Первый год обучения. / Н. Н. Деревянко, С. В. Жаворонкова, Л. В. Козятинская, Т. Р. Колоскова, Н. И. Кузеванова, Е. В. Носонович, И. А. Скворцова, Л. В. Талзи.— Обнинск: Титул, 2010.— 160 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-460-1 Данный учебник начинает серию “Английский язык нового тысячелетия”, предназначенную для общеобразовательных учреждений, где английский язык изучается с 5-го класса. Учебник соответствует обязательному минимуму содержания образования и рассчитан на базисный учебный план (три часа в неделю). УМК “Английский язык нового тысячелетия" для 5-го класса состоит из учебника, книги для учителя, рабочей тетради и аудиоприложения (двух аудиокассет и CD MP3) для работы в классе. УМК позволяет овладеть английским языком на уровне, соответствующем требованиям государственного стандарта. Тематика текстов и заданий отвечает потребностям и интересам учащихся этого возраста. Авторы последовательно реализуют коммуникативно-когнитивный подход, широко используют разнообразные современные и традиционные техники обучения. ББК81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-460-1 © Н. Н. Деревянко, С. В. Жаворонкова, Л. В. Козятинская, Т. Р. Колоскова, Н. И. Кузеванова, Е. В. Носонович, И. А. Скворцова, Л. В. Талзи, 2002 © The British Council, 2002 © Brookemead Associates Limited, 2003 © Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, издание, распространение, 2002 © Издательство “Титул", издание, 2008, с изменениями Содержание Unit 2 Му family.......................................................................16 Units My things.......................................................................26 Unit 4 House and home............................................................36 Unit 5 School and daily routines.......................................................46 THE ENGLISH PICTURE ALPHABET Aa [ei| Africa Ее elf Qq lkju;| aquarium Yy [wai] yogurt JJ [ctsei] jeans nose Rr [a:] robot villa cassette giraffe Ww ['dAb(3)Iju:] wigwam Hh ^ [eitJl Й) f ® hooligan - Примечание. Полного совпадения произношения английских и русских слов нет. Обрати также внимание на то, что название буквы и звук, который эта буква передаёт, как правило, не совпадают. Ударные слоги подчёркнуты. ТАБЛИЦА АНГЛИЙСКИХ ЗВУКОВ Г Согласные pizza пицца kangaroe кенгуру finish финиш tractor трактор SQfa софа shorts шорты Thank you (Спасибо!) chips чипсы lily лилия wigwam вигвам music музыка ping-pong пинг-понг banana банан gorilla горилла villa вилла doctor доктор zebra зебра garage гараж mQther мама jeans джинсы robot робот yogurt йогурт nose нос hooligan хулиган Гласные film фильм company компания monster монстр football футбол computer компьютер iceberg айсберг Cheers tourist турист mouse Микки Маус Greenpeace sport спорт sandwich сэндвич mask маска girl девочка goose гусь safe сейф boy scout бойскаут aeroplane аэроплан hello хеллоу Примечание. Совпадение звуков только приблизительное. Обрати внимание также на разницу в ударении; ударные слоги подчеркнуты. Это я / This is me Урок 1 Привет! / Lesson 1 Hello! la 1*^1 Послушай и прочитай I’m Max. What’: your name? My name’s Jane.^ СМОТРИ I’m Max. Я — Макс. I’m Max. = I am Max. What's your name? = What is your name? My name’s Jane. = My name is Jane. 16 Скажи, как зовут детей на картинках. Образец: This is Dave. А Bb Сс Dd Ее h Jj Кк L UNIT 1 Lesson 1 2a Назови предметы на картинках. Послушай, как они называются по-английски. > и™ киоск kiosk 26 Как читаются эти буквы? Найди слова с этими буквами. d t m к о 3 Переведи эти слова. Проверь себя по картинкам в алфавите (стр. 4) и по таблице английских звуков (стр. 5). doctor stop sport tennis computer football tractor music kangaroo mask 4a Запомни названия букв и звуки, которые они передают. Dd [Id]) doctor Dave М m [m] music million name Max Tt [t] tractor tennis Ted Kk M kangaroo kiosk kilogram Kate 46 Напиши эти буквы в тетради. 4в Какие слова из упр. 3 написаны в транскрипции? Образец: [futbo:!] — football — футбол ['tenisl [kam'pjuita] ['dokta) 5 1*^1 Послушай и спой песенку. 6а Напиши по строчке буквы Dd, Mm, Кк, Tt (строчную и заглавную) и два слова-примера с этими буквами. 66 Найди другие английские слова (названия шоколадок, марок машин, телевизоров, магнитофонов и т. д.), прочитай их и запиши в тетрадь. Nn Оо *-Ч; "Л, Ri S; Tt L W X' UNIT 1 Lesson 2 Урок 2 Как дела? / Lesson 2 How are you? 1 1^1 Послушай и скажи, какие слова пропущены. Hi... Hi... How are you? I’m fine, thank you. And you? Fine, too. Oh the bell! Bye,... Bye.... □ 2 Запомни названия букв и звуки, которые они обозначают. Напиши эти буквы в тетради. ВЬ НИ LI Nn banana bye football ill InT hooligan Hello Hi how Helen lily Hello nose name banana fine 3 Послушай, прочитай слова с буквой Аа и сформулируй правило. safe name late Jane Kate babe hate lake Dave sandwich hat bad dad Ann bat lab mad Max mat 4 1*^*1 Послушай и спой песенку. Hello. Hello. Hello. How are you? Fine. Fine. Fine. And you? Oh, the bell! Oh, the bell! Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Bye-bye. Расставь слова в нужном порядке (см. упр. 1) и перепиши предложения в тетрадь. 1 are / How / you? 2 thank/fine/I’m/you. 3 your/What’s/name? 4 Max / name’s / My. Bb D Ff a Hh li Jj LI Mm UNIT 1 Lesson 3 Урок 3 Ура! / Lesson 3 Hooray! la Послушай и прочитай. Teacher: Are you Jane? Jane: Yes, I am. Teacher: Are you in Class 5? Jane: Yes, I am. Teacher: Your test. Jane: Thank you. A! Hooray! Teacher: Are you Max? Max: Yes, I am. Teacher: Are you in Class 5? Max: Yes, I am. Teacher: Your test. Max: Thank you. F! Oh no! Are you Jane? '1' Ф '1' ___Ты Джейн? Are^yoUjJa^? Yes, I am. No, I'm not 16 Изучи таблицу соответствий отметок в русских и английских школах. Чем они отличаются? А = 5 В = 4+ С = 4-0=3 Е = 2 F = 1 • 2 * Запомни названия букв и звуки, которые они обозначают. Напиши эти буквы в тетради. Ff Jj Рр [f] finish film flag fine football Fanny four Ml: jeans Jazz jam jelly jacket Jane [Pl pizza stop sport computer Pat 3 Послушай и прочитай слова с буквами li и Yy. Сформулируй правило. М Yy iceberg fine hi my bye like bike I five film this is in it milk villa gorilla /Ч 4 Вставь пропущенные слова и ответь на вопросы. Образец: ... you Lena? — Are you Lena? 1 What’s ... name? 2 How are...? 3 ... you in Class 5? /Ч 5 Познакомься c разделом 2 в Грамматическом справочнике. Nn Оо Рр Qq t Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 9 UNIT 1 Lesson 4 Урок 4 Давай поиграем / Lesson 4 Let’s play la 1*^1 Послушай и выучи. A: What’s your phone number? B: It’s 123 350. A: 123 450? B: No! It’s 123 350. A: 123 350? B: Yes, that’s right. LOOK What’s your name? phone number? 16 1^1 Послушай и проверь, правильно ли записаны телефонные номера. Скажи их правильно: Ю name a 0) 0) Max 975 5579 (Q Dave 246 6064 О Jane 505 7413 1 в Расспроси одноклассников и составь список телефонов. 2а 1*^1 Послушай и прочитай. Какая буква 10 26 Прочитай и разыграй диалог в парах. Предложи поиграть в другие игры. Образец: Let’s play 3 Запомни названия букв и звуки, которые они обозначают. Напиши эти буквы в тетради. zebra zigzag Liz is music busy vase nose sofa safe stop sport Sam office iceberg pencil bicycle cassette computer doctor Clem 4 Послушай и прочитай слова с буквой Ее. Сформулируй правило. Pete he meet green tree me elf let’s pen ten yes Ed /Ч 5 Раздели на слова, перепиши, расставь знаки препинания и апострофы. Ответь на вопросы. Образец: howareyou — How are you? 1 \whatsyourname 2 areyouinClass5 3 whatsyourphonenumber 4 areyoubusy Gg (Г UNIT 1 Lesson 5 Урок 5 Новый ученик / Lesson 5 А new pupil la Переведи названия стран и континентов. Послушай, как они звучат по-английски. England Canada Africa France Australia Ireland Russia America India Brazil Italy 2 1*^1 Послушай и подбери ответ на каждую реплику. LOOK ^ Are you from Russia? 4^ My name’s Dima, j No, I am not./No, I'm not. ^-----7У _ ^ Yes, I am. What class are you in? I'm Jane. What’s your name? ^4----------- Where are you from?^ 3 I'm in Class 5, too. Let’s go. ^ Gg W w Vv Ш '-.|п Oo I giraffe gym ggntleman Germany gorilla hooligan flag goodbye wigwam what where why Winnie villa video visit Val volleyball :i Where are you from? I’m from Russia. 3 Запомни названия букв и звуки, которые они обозначают. Напиши эти буквы в тетради. 4 Послушай и прочитай слова с буквой Uu. Сформулируй правило. computer student music pupil number but up bubble fun gum 5 Напиши, какие вопросы были заданы: 1 Му name’s Мах. 2 Гт in Class 5. 3 I’m fine. 4 I’m from Russia. 5 It’s 579-4521. 6 Повтори материал из раздела 2 в Грамматическом справочнике. Uu Vv Ww 11 UNIT 1 Lesson 6 Урок 6 Привет на МТВ / Lesson 6 Hello on MTV 1 Ответь на вопросы, расспроси соседа по парте. What’s your number one 1 film? sport? TV programme? music hit? 2a 1^1 Послушай программу МТВ “По заявкам”. Расставь вопросы диск-жокея по порядку. CZI What’s your number one hit? LZI Where are you from? DU What’s your name? DU How old are you? DD What class are you in? 26 Подбери ответы к вопросам из упр. 2а, послушай и проверь. a) Му name’s Мах. b) Гт in Class 5. c) I’m ten. d) I’m from London. e) Let’s be friends. 2b Разыграй no ролям. He забудь, что диск-жокей обычно благодарит за звонок, а телезритель — передает привет друзьям: Диск-жокей: Thanks for calling MTV. Телезритель: This is my hello to Anya from Russia. How old are you? Сколько тебе лет? Are you from America Or are you from India? Are you from Africa Or are you from Italy? 2r 1*^*1 Послушай и спой песенку для Ани. Are you Ann Or are you Kate? Are you Pat Or are you Jane? Tell me, tell me What’s your name? Tell me, tell me Where are you from? Let’s be friends. Let’s be friends. Послушай и прочитай слова с буквой Оо. Сформулируй правило. Оо Tell me, tell me What’s your name? Tell me, tell me Where are you from? Let’s be friends. Let’s be friends. OK hello nose rose sofa go stop doctor dog smog 5 3 Запомни названия букв и звуки, которые они обозначают. Напиши эти буквы в тетради. 12 Q q + u [kw] aquarium queen Rr '[r]^ 1 robot 1 rap risk kangaroo Rob Xx [M 1 taxi extra fix express Aa Bd Cc Da _0 Найди место для глагола is или are в предложениях, вставь его и ответь на вопросы. Образец: Where you from? — Where are you from? 1 What your name? 2 How old you? 3 What class you in? 4 What your number one hit? 6 Повтори материал из раздела 2 в Грамматическом справочнике. J| r-n UNIT 1 Lesson 7 Урок 7 На уроке / Lesson 7 In class 1 Послушай и спой песенку об алфавите. ABCDEFG HIJ KLMNOP QRS and TUV W and XYZ This is the English alphabet. 2a Послушай, о чем говорят на уроке английского языка. Выбери правильный ответ и заполни пропуски. А: What’s “мороженое” in English? В: It’s ... . a) iceberg b) sun cream c) ice cream A: Please spell it. B: I"... - E C-R-E-A-M a) C b) S c) Z A: Thanks. 26 Спроси у соседа по парте слова и ответь на его вопросы. Ученик А Спроси, как будет по-английски и как пишется слово. Заполни таблицу. спасибо писать слушать учебник >jooqixet яиндэьА ue;si| qiBmAuo эщм чхвэии S>jUBLU одиовиэ :ьэ1этии яв» и h^ohhi/jhb-ou latfAg явя ‘ижвяэ Скажи, как будет по-английски и как пишется: пожалуйста please смотреть look читать read страница page BhHHBdiO чхвхиь qxadxowo ехэиАцвжои •AhHi/gBi HHi/ouee 'oaoi/o вэхэтии явя и ияоиишнв-ои latfAg явя ‘HOOduQ g линэьл Nn Оо Рр Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 13 UNIT 1 Lesson 7 3 Открой таблицу транслитерации на стр. 146 и подпиши свою тетрадь по-английски по образцу: 4 Спроси соседа по парте, как пишутся его имя и фамилия. Запиши и проверь себя по его тетради. Образец: What’s your пате? Please spell it. What’s your surname? Please spell it. 5 Подбери слово для каждой цифры. Назови цифры в правильном порядке. На листке в клеточку начерти “поле” (как в игре “Морской бой”) 10x10. Над верхним рядом над каждой клеточкой напиши буквы от А до J, а слева по вертикали — числа от 1 до 10. Закрась клеточки: F2 G2 Н2 12 F3 G3 НЗ 13 F4 F5 F6 А7 В7 F7 17 J7 В8 D8 F8 18 С9 D9 Е9 F9 G9 Н9 Что получилось? Подготовь таким же способом свою картинку. 14 Аа ВЬ Сс Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm UNIT 1 Lesson 8 Урок 8 Проект / Lesson 8 Project ^ PTLK la В этом разделе ты познакомился с этими ребятами. Посмотри страницы 6-12 и впиши недостающую информацию. Hi. Му name’s ... . Гт from London. I go to school. I’m in Class 5. I’m ten. I play .... My number one football team is Manchester United. My number one music hit is .... Hi. My name’s .... I’m from .... I’m ten. I’m in Class 5.1 play tennis and .... My number one film is Batman. 16 Послушай и проверь. Заполни оставшиеся пропуски. ггп from Suzdal an EnglishsohooU’-n - and very busy, rmin Class ...•'V'V number one film is-- team — команда now — сейчас very — очень games — игры Hi. My name’s Anya. I’m from Omsk in .... I’m .... I’m in Class 5. I do sports. I play computer games, too. My number one music hit is .... 2 Составь такой же рассказ о себе. Используй его для письма в http//www.penpalgarden.com, где можно найти друга по переписке из любой страны. tdt ^ look tP№i цф * Q d e & I Ш 0^ l^r ft- ir Г Hi. My name's Sasha. I'm from Tala. I'm ten. I'm in Class 5A. My number one music group is The Spice Girls. My number one football team is Spartak. I play football. ^_______________ What's yoar name? where are you from? — How old are you? Bye. Sasha He забудь задать несколько вопросов. Ч Напиши Вуе и свое имя в конце. Приложи фотографию или нарисуй свой портрет. 3 Ответь на полученное письмо. Начни так: Hi, Sasha. Thanks for your letter. 4 Проверь ynp. 66 стр. 14. “Продиктуй” свою картинку соседу по парте. Nn Оо Рр Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 15 Му Family / Моя семья Lesson 1 Family album / Урок 1 Семейный альбом V ^aJ Послушай, прочитай и переведи. mother father sister brother cousin grandmother grandfather mum dad LOOK ('тлдэ| — mother bfoVhef (15) 1b) Соедини слова из упр. la в пары по образцу. Какое слово не имеет пары? Образец: mother-father Закончи предложения в рассказе Макса. Послушай и проверь. LOOK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 That’s my m________. That’s my f_______. That’s my grandm_________. That’s my grandf________. That’s my little b_______. This is my big b That’s my cat. LOOK that is = that’s little — маленький, младший big — большой, старший That’s my c_______and that’s my c________, too. .’smothef 16 UNIT 2 Lesson 1 3) Расскажи от имени Ани и Димы, кто есть кто на их семейных фотографиях. (4 ] Расспроси Аню о ее семье по фотографии. Разыграй диалог по ролям. А: Is that your brother? В: Yes, that’s my big brother. A: Is that your mother? B: Yes, that’s .... LOOK That’s my mother. Is that your mother? Напиши имена своих родственников. Обменяйся тетрадями с соседом по парте. Догадайся, о ком идет речь. Образец: А: Elena — Is that your sister? В: No, that's my grandmother. Послушай слова. Найди “лишнее”. |б| mother that father thank [0J brother thanks thin thick 7a) Загляни в урок 8 и начни составление своей родословной по образцу семьи Макса. Размести фотографии или рисунки с изображением своих родственников на “фамильном древе” и подпиши их. Образец: Му mother. Му grandmother. 7Ь) Подготовь рассказ о своей семье. Образец: That’s ту mother. That's ту grandmother. 17 UNIT 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 A visit / Урок 2 В гости 1 ) Прежде чем пойти в гости, узнай имена членов семьи твоего друга или подруги. Образец: What’s your mother's name? My mother’s name is ... . LOOK mother’s — мамино 2 По фотографиям из семейного альбома расспроси соседа, как зовут членов его семьи. Образец: А: Is that your mother? В: Yes, that’s my mother. A: What’s your mother’s name? B: Lena. 3 1*^1 Послушай и прочитай. Заполни пропуски. 5 Max: This is my brother Pete. ~ This is Dave. 1 Мах: Mum, this is my friend Dave.^ Peter: Hi, Dave. Mother: Hello, Dave. Please come in. Dave: Hello Dave: .... Mrs Smith. ... (4) Продолжи составление своей родословной. Напиши имя члена семьи рядом с каждым портретом. Образец: Му brother’s пате is Slava. 18 UNIT 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Two plus three is five / Урок 3 2 + 3 = 5 Послушай, как произносятся числительные от 11 до 20 и заполни пропуски. Прочитай примеры вслух. Образец: 1 and 10 is 11. 1 + 10= 11 eleven 2 + 10= 12 twelve 3 + 10= 13 thirteen 4 + 10 = 14 fourteen 5 + 10= 15 fif... 6 + 10 = 16 six... 7 + 10 = 17 seven... 8 + 10= 18 eigh... 9 + 10= 19 nine... 10 + 10 = 20 twenty Составь три арифметических примера с числами от 1 до 20 и предложи соседу по парте решить их. Образец: 1 and 10 is... Посмотри на фотографии, послушай и прочитай три диалога. Кто отвечает на вопросы в каждом из диалогов — Мах, Jane или Dima? (1) А; Have you got а brother? В: No, I haven’t. I’ve got a sister. (2) A: Have you got a brother? B: Yes, I have. I’ve got two brothers. (3) A: Have you got a sister gr (или) a brother? B: No, I haven’t. Max’s tamiW Послушай еще раз и прочитай диалоги вслух. (1) 4 ) Расспроси одноклассников и заполни таблицу. Найди, у кого есть брат, сестра, двоюродные братья, сестры и т. д. Во вторую колонку впиши их имена. Образец: Have you got а brother? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. a brother a sister a cousin a dog a cat a sister and a brother ten friends (Л) 5 у Прочитай слова со звуком [i:] и выведи правило. fourteen meet street Lee feel see tree green sea please read speak tea peace team meat Буквосочетания___и___читаются как [i;]. Перечисли членов своей семьи. Помести этот список над своим “фамильным древом”. Образец: I have got а mother. I have got two grandmothers. (Tj) Познакомься c разделом 5 в Грамматическом справочнике. UNIT 2 Lesson 4 Ijesson 4 Brothers and sisters / Урок 4 Братья и сестры ч1 Сыграй в крестики-нолики с соседом по парте Задай вопрос, используя слова из таблицы, и поставь в этой клеточке крестик или нолик. Образец: Have you got а brother? а brother а cousin ,1 a friend \ а grandmother а big brother a grandfather , а cat two brothers two sisters 1 Послушай песенку единственного ребенка в семье. Впиши пропущенные слова. THE SONG OF AN ONLY CHILD Have you got, have you got, have you got a b...? — No, I haven’t. Have you got, have you got, have you got a s...? — No, I haven’t. Have you got, have you got, have you got a c...? — No, I haven’t. Have you got, have you got, have you got a lot of f...? — Yes, I have. I’ve got a lot of friends. look a lot of = many 3 ' Прочитай вопросы Димы и подбери к ним ответы Макса. 20 UNIT 2 Lesson 4 111 В рассказе Димы о своей семье есть пропуски. Заполни их. Мах: Have you got а sister or a brother? Dima: I've got a sister. Max: ...’s your sister's name? Dima: Her name's Katya. Max: ... old is she? Dima: She's five. LOOK she’s = she is my sister's name = her name Замени выделенные слова на he, she, his или her. Образец: Mv grandmother's name's Mary. = Her name is Mary. 1 My grandfather's name’s John. 2 My mother's name’s Trisha. 3 My brother's name’s Nick. 4 My brother's t\«elve. 5 My sister's name’s Carrie. 6 My sister's six. Расспроси соседа по парте, есть ли у него брат или сестра, двоюродный брат или сестра. Узнай, сколько им лет и как их зовут. Образец: Have you got а sister or a brother? How old is he / she? What's his / her name? 7a Послушай и прочитай слова со звуком [f]. shorts she finish fish ship dish shell 7b Прочитай слова и подчеркни слова со звуком [J]. he finish she sofa chips shorts safe hello fish '8a Прочитай слова в колонках. ship [е] [ae| elf sandwich pen pan men man set sat end and 8b Прочитай и распредели слова в две колонки, как в упр. 8а. best rap cat many friend tennis ten seven t\welve twenty dad Pepsi (i) 9 ) Напиши ответы Ани на эти вопросы. Have you got а brother or a sister? What’s your brother’s name? How old is he? (1^ Познакомься c разделом 3 в Грамматическом справочнике. 21 UNIT 2 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 We are friends / Урок 5 Мы - друзья Послушай рассказ Джейн о ее семье. Сколько человек у нее в семье? I’ve got а mother and а father. I’ve got a grandmother and a grandfather. But I haven’t got a brother and I haven’t got a sister. I’ve got a lot of friends. 2 Узнай у соседа по парте, много ли у него друзей и сколько их. Образец: А: Have you got many friends? В: Yes, a lot. / No, not many. A: How many friends have you got? B: Five. 4a; Ответь на вопрос сам и задай вопрос соседу. А: Who’s your best friend? В: Anya is my best friend. LOOK 1 Who’s = Who is (4b) 4b) Расскажи о своем лучшем друге, используя песенку Джейн, слова и картинки из бокса. Образец: Апуа is ту best friend. We play tennis. We like music. 3 ) 1^1 Послушай и прочитай рэп о Джейн и ее лучшей подруге. Переведи выделенные слова. music Напиши о своем лучшем друге. Помести этот рассказ с фотографией или рисунком под описанием своей родословной. Образец: I’ve got а lot of / not many friends. My best friend is... . She/ He is great! We play... . We like .... Попробуй написать песенку в стиле рэп, подобную той, которую написала Джейн. 22 UNIT 2 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Have you got a cat or a dog? / Урок 6 У тебя есть кошка или собака? Ответь на вопрос. Спроси соседа по парте: Расспроси подробно о собаке или кошке. А: Is it а boy or а girl? В: It’s а girl. / It’s a boy. A: What’s her name? / What’s his name? B: Her name’s... / His name’s... A: How old is she? / How old is he? B; She’s... / He’s... Have you got a cat or a dog? No, I haven’t. I’ve got a dog. I’ve got a cat. З) Собаки и кошки тоже могут рассказать о себе и своих хозяевах. Послушай и прочитай. Подбери картинку к каждому высказыванию. Гт funny (забавный). That’s my owner. He’s funny, too. We’re funny. I’m beautiful (красивая). That’s my owner. She’s beautiful, too. We’re beautiful. I’m clever (умная). That’s my owner. She’s clever, too. We’re clever. I’m strong (сильный). That’s my owner. He’s strong, too. We’re strong. I’m kind (добрый). That’s my owner. She’s kind, too. We’re kind. 4* Расскажи о своей кошке или собаке. Образец: Му cat’s funny. Му dog's clever. Послушай и прочитай слова. ег ir [з:1 her service person university verb girl bird skirt fir dirt sir LOOK I'm = I am he’s = he is she’s = she is we’re = we are (6) 6 } Скажи, каким прилагательным можно охарактеризовать каждого члена твой семьи? beautiful clever strong funny old great big little kind Образец: My mother is kind and beautiful. My brother is little. My father is big and strong. He is kind. 23 UNIT 2 Lesson 7 Ijesson 7 Progress page / Урок 7 Проверь себя 45-50 40-45 35-40 <35 very good good OK look again 1 Переведи слова. 1 football 2 robot 3 music 4 banana 5 film 6 gorilla 7 sport 8 Africa 9 doctor 10 computer Баллы. ./5 Подчеркни звук, который обозначает выделенная буква / буквы. mother [z] [d] fine |ai| |i| cat [s| |k| safe |ai] |eil she Lf] |s| Баллы____ ■ /5 Вставь пропущенные буквы. (1) m_ther (2) be_utiful (3)_nglish (4) nam_ (5) t_ank you (6) hav_ (7) _riend (8) sixte_n (9) clas_ (10) wh_t Баллы. /10 Реши примеры. 1 eleven + seven =____ 2 fourteen + three =__ 3 tw/elve + eight =___ 4 five + nine -___ 5 six + thirteen =___ Баллы. /10 Впиши are, am или is. a) My name ... Sasha. b) Where ... you from? c) I... in Class 5. d) My mother... beautiful. e) We ... friends. Баллы. ■ /5 6 Подбери ответ на каждую реплику. 1 Hello. 2 Have you got a brother? 3 What’s your mother’s name? 4 Goodbye. 5 I’m Tanya. What’s your name? a) Yes, I have. b) Her name’s Ann. c) Hi. d) My name’s Dima. e) Bye. Баллы. ■ /5 7 Ответь на вопросы. a) What’s your name? b) How old are you? c) Have you got a brother? d) Have you got a cat or a dog? e) Who’s your best friend? Баллы. ./10 24 UNIT 2 Lesson 8 [jesson 8 Project / Урок 8 Проект A/ly family tree Моя родословная 1 Принеси фотографии-портреты членов твоей семьи. 2 Сделай постер “Моя родословная”. • Нарисуй свое “фамильное древо” и прикрепи к нему портреты. • Напиши над “фамильным древом”, кто есть в твоей семье. • Напиши о каждом члене твоей семьи рядом с портретом. • Нарисуй ниже портреты своих друзей или прикрепи их фотографии. Напиши о них. • Если у тебя есть кошка или собака, не забудь написать о них! 3 Повесь свою работу на стену в классной комнате. 4 Посмотри работы своих одноклассников. Расспроси их о семье. Образец: Is that your sister? What's your sister’s name? How old is she? Have you got many friends? Who's your best friend? Have you got a cat or a dog? What's your cat’s name? Is it a boy or a girl? That’s my grandmother and that’s my grandfather. I’ve got a lot of friends. That’s my best friend. His name’s Dave. We like Coke and pizza. We play football. f Y ^ i. 25 3 Му things Lesson 1 Things for school Look, listen and repeat. Посмотри, послушай и повтори. LOOK pencil + case = pencil case school + bag = school bag exercise + book = exercise book [Si [z] [iz] books pens pencil cases 2) Ask your friend. Расспроси своего соседа no парте. Example: A: Have you got your books? B: Yes, I have. A: How many have you got? B: I’ve got five. Read and say. Прочитай вслух. [и] book look exercise book oo [u:] school tool school bag Listen and repeat. Послушай и повтори. A: Have you got an extra pen? B; Yes, here you are. A: Thank you. B: Have you got an eraser? A: Sorry, I haven’t. [e] pen pencil case extra red desk left end ten extra — запасной, лишний Match. Соедини картинку и задание. a) listen b) homework c) ask d) say e) look f) read g) match ^6^ Make a list of things you must take to school tomorrow. Составь список вещей, которые ты должен завтра взять в школу. Example: 1 three exercise books 2 ten crayons ^ 3 a ruler... /Ч {7^ See Grammar Support 4. 26 UNIT3 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Whose is this? Listen and read. Послушай и прочитай. Teacher: Whose exercise book is this? Pupil 1: It’s Ann’s. Pupil 2: No, it’s Pat’s. Pupil 3: No, it’s Max’s. Teacher: Max, is this your exercise book? Max: Yes, it is. Teacher: Oh, Max! Look and say. Посмотри и скажи. Example: It's Jack’s pen. 'L 3a) Read and guess. Прочитай, догадайся о значении выделенного слова. Hi. I’m Dima. Look at my school bag. It’s heavy (тяжелая). I’ve got a lot In it. I’ve got five books, seven exercise books and a pencil case. I’ve got ten crayons and three pens. And you? What have you got in your UNIT 3 Lesson 2 3bj Compare. Сравни. Example: I have got four books. Dima has got five books. LOOK I I you we have I has she J he has got = he’s got (3^ See Grammar Support 5. Read and say. Прочитай вслух. wh wh + о (wj (hi what where white when whose who whom what who where whose white when whom Work out the rule. Выведи правило. GO = six + ~^0 = seve-Vb' -by 90 = + -by Finish the list. Закончи список. i i i' i Г 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 twelve thirteen four... fif... 20 — twenty 30 — thirty 40 — for... 50 — fif... 60- ... 70- ... 80- ... 90- ... 100 — a hundred Do the sums. Реши примеры. Example: Seventeen and thirteen is thirty. /4 8a) Do Ex. 2. Write the answers in three columns. Сделай письменно упр. 2. Запиши ответы в три колонки. 8Ь) Маке а Bingo card. Сделай карточку для игры в Бинго. /f= 44 27 (27 —— 23 36 45 35 41 — (32 28 UNIT 3 Lesson 3 Lpsson 3 Things I like Read and say. Fill in. Прочитай вслух. Заполни пропуски. a) 21 — twenty-one, 22 — twenty-two, 23 — twenty-three, 24,.. b) 24 — twenty-four, 34 — thirty-four, 44, 94 c) 52 — fifty-two, 54 — fifty-four, 56....... ...,........ 70 d) 81 — eighty-one, 84, 87, 90......... 99 ....29 2a) Match the pictures and words. Подбери слова к картинкам. а) CD iOOSM ' ^ ;«;г . b) cassette c) toy dog d) toys e) calendar 2b) Listen and repeat. Послушай и повтори. ::S. badge Ci) з)® Listen and read. Послушай и прочитай. Teacher: What have you got in your school bag. Max? Max: Oh, I’ve got a lot in it: badges, stickers, CDs, cassettes, toys, a key ring... Teacher: And your English book? Have you got it? Max: My book? Talk about the things you’ve got. Расскажи о том, что у тебя есть. Example: А: I've got ten toys. And you? B: I've got forty-five toys. Ask your friend about his / her collection. Спроси своего друга о его коллекции. Example: What have you got? How many have you got? Read and say. Прочитай вслух -У li] funny sunny twenty thirty forty fifty -oy (m toy boy joy enjoy (^7^ Write about your collection. Напиши о своей коллекции. Example: I like stickers and badges. I've got twenty-eight stickers and fourteen badges. And I've got three great key rings. 29 UNIT 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Rainbow Listen and repeat. Послушай и повтори Learn and sing the song. Выучи и спой песенку. Let’s sing the colours Red and orange, Blue and purple, Yellow and green. Let’s sing the colours. Let’s sing! Let’s sing the colours.— Давайте петь о цветах. Read and say. Прочитай вслух. Г~Г^7~Л yes yet yellow ow Listen and read. Послушай и прочитай. — Hi, Hedgehog. — Hi, Bunny. What have you got? — Balloons. — Balloons! My favourite toys! How many have you got? — I’ve got two. — What colour are they? — They’re red. — Red! My favourite colour! — They’re for you. Hedgehog. — Oh, Bunny! You’re my best friend! favourite — любимый how now cow gown brown low flow grow yellow LOOK 1 Say what colours you like / don’t like. Скажи, какие цвета тебе нравятся / не нравятся. Example: I like red and yellow. I don't like black. Do the “colour sums”. Реши “цветные примеры”. Example: White and red make pink. ... +blue = green red + blue = ... black+ ... = grey red + yellow = ... white + ... = light green brown + yellow = ... — I’ve got a crayon. — What colour IS it? — It’s red. it is = it's — I’ve got a lot of crayons. — What colour are they? — They’re blue, yellow and orange. they are = they're /Ч Draw your own rainbow with all the colours you know and write the colours. Нарисуй радугу со всеми цветами, которые ты знаешь, и подпиши цвета. 30 UNIT 3 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Lost and found (jJ) Read and find the pencil case. Прочитай и найди пенал Lost and Found Бюро находок 2a) Listen and find Jane’s pencil case. Послушай и найди пенал Джейн. 2Ь) Put the sentences in order. Восстанови порядок предложений в диалоге. lost — потерян LOST! А green pencil case. I've got a pen, a lot of crayons, five stickers and a yellow eraser in it. Dima Petrov, Class 5 B. a) (^It’s pink and purple/^ e) ^What's in it? ^ b) ^Oh, yes, thank you.^^ f) ^Hello. Have you got my pencil case?^ c) ^What colour is it? ^ g) ^Three pens, a ruler, an eraser and a key ring. ^ d) ^Is this your pencil case, Jane?^ 3aJ Look, listen and repeat. Посмотри, послушай и повтори. LOOK ^________________________________ I’ve got a chair. The chair is brown. What colour are the tables? — They’re white. 3b) Play the Memory game. Сыграй в игру Проверка памяти. Example: What colour is the bookcase? — It’s green. blackboard UUUUL i tjM JMi Ini/ > ’ iU. tAU. iJ-'.’-l / тштл JMpu u<.i Read and say. air [еэ] j ai air chair hair fair pair (sj Write a note about a lost pencil case. Напиши объявление о потерянном пенале. See Grammar Support 11. 31 UNIT 3 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Where’s the mouse? Look, read and guess. Посмотри на картинки 1 и 2, прочитай и догадайся о значении выделенных слов. Finish the sentence. Закончи предложение под картинкой 3. 0 The cat is on the chair. The mouse is under the chair. The cat is near the mouse. The mouse is. Listen and repeat. Послушай и повтори. Max is on the book, The book is on the bag, The bag is on the chair. The chair is on the desk. The desk is on the floor Oh, they all fall! Boom! all fall — все падают Play Auction. Talk about your classroom. Игра Аукцион. Скажи как можно больше предложений о своем классе. Example: The books are in the bookcase. The bag is brown. Play the Guessing game. Find an object. Игра Угадай. Найди спрятанный предмет. Example: Is it in the desk? — No, it isn't. / Yes, it is. (£) Picture dictation. Диктант no картинке. Pupil A: See page 133. Cm. стр. 133. Pupil B: Draw the room. mm m UNITS Lesson 6 6aJ Look at the picture and answer the questions. Посмотри на картинку и ответь на вопросы. Мах: Where’s my school bag? Where’re my books? Where’re my exercise books? Where’s my pencil case? Where’re my pens? Where’re my crayons? Where’s my eraser? Where’s my ruler? Where’re my cassettes? Where’s my key ring? Where’re my badges? Mother; — It’s under the desk. — They’re on the floor. — They’re... — It’s... LOOK _________ Where’s my school bag? — It’s under the desk. Where’re my toys? — They’re on the desk, where is = where's — where are = where’re 6b; Act out the dialogue. Разыграй диалог. Example: A: Where's your school bag, Max? B: It’s under the table. Read and say. Прочитай вслух. ear dear hear fear near clear ( 8 j Write questions and answers about the pictures. Составь вопросы и ответы к картинке. Where’s the cat? —................... .................? — They’re in the bookcase. Where’s the mouse? —................. 33 UNIT 3 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page (^1 45-50 40-45 35-40 <35 very good good OK look again 1 ^ |e^l Послушай и напиши, чей это пенал, Димин или Анин. It’s ...’s pencil case. Напиши: а) цвета радуги (7) б) цвета светофора (3) Score. /10 Заполни пропуски. a) 24 = twenty-four c) 53 = .... e) 91 = ... b) ... = thirty-six d) ... = seventy-nine f) 83 = ... Score. ./6 Закончи предложения, используй слова: in on near under 5^ Посмотри на карточку из Бюро находок и найди с ее помощью потерянный портфель. Example: The toys are ... the bookcase.— The toys are in the bookcase. 1 The books are ... the chair. 2 The school bag is ... the desk. 3 The pens are ... the pencil case. 4 The chair is ... the blackboard. 5 The mouse is ... the desk. LOST AND FOUND A_SCHQQLBAG 2 School ^"^95 V two books, a pencil case, a toy. a calendar 5b Заполни пустую карточку, как на странице 11, для другого портфеля. i UNIT 3 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Project Д4у Prepare things for the project. Приготовь вещи, необходимые для проекта: □ White and coloured paper (белая и цветная бумага) □ Crayons or paints (цветные карандаши или краски) □ Glue (клей) □ Scissors (ножницы) Read about Jane’s dream pencil case. Do you like it? Make your dream pencil case. Прочитай, о каком пенале мечтает Джейн. Он тебе нравится? Сделай пенал, о котором мечтаешь ты. Му Dream Pencil Case I haven’t got a pencil case — it’s lost. I want (хочу) a new (новый) pencil case — yellow, pink, and orange. Look at my dream pencil case. I’ve got a lot in it: small toys, stickers, erasers, key rings. And I’ve got a lot of crayons and pens. Great! Play Lost and Found with your friend. Fill in the card. Сыграй c соседом в Бюро находок. Заполни карточки. LOST AND FOUND А PENCIL CASE 1 Colour: 2 School things: 3 Other things: Display your projects. Find the owners. Сделайте выставку проектов. Найдите владельцев пеналов. 3 jT ы 1 |У| Iu> О ^l_J ШЕШ SB 4 House and home Lesson 1 Where do you live? 1 Look, listen, fill in, make sentences. Посмотри, послушай, заполни пропуски к картинкам 1 и 2. Составь предложения к картинке 3. Hello. I... Dima. 1.. . from Russia. 1.. . in Suzdal. 1.. . in Vasilyevskaya my name / hi / I’m / in / Omsk / is / I / live / from / Anya / Lyubinsky Prospect / in / live / I / Russia Hello. 1(1) (2). I (3) from (4). I (5) in (6). I (7) in (8) Street. a) England b) ’m c) live d) Jane e) Fore f) ’m g) Middle Zeal h) live 2 Talk about yourself. Расскажи о себе Example: I'm... I'm from... I live in... ••eft. 3 Л Look, listen and repeat. Посмотри, послушай и повтори. 36 I. UNIT 4 Lesson 1 4 Talk about yourself. Расскажи о себе. Example: I live in ... Street / Prospect. I live in a flat/cottage / house. 5a) Read and guess. Прочитай и догадайся. Мах: Where do you live? Dima: In Suzdal. Мах: What’s your address? Dima: 65 Vasilyevskaya Street. Мах: What’s your postcode? Dima: S0/960 _ Ask your friend about his / her address. Узнай у соседа no парте его адрес. LOOK Where do you live? What’s your address? What’s your postcode? 6a Look at the addresses and compare them. What do you notice? Посмотри на адреса и сравни их. Что ты заметил? Мах Lewie Flat 5 59 Muegrave Garc^lene London 5E14 5PF England 6b Write Anya’s address in English. Напиши Анин адрес по-английски. 7 Write your address in English. Напиши свой адрес по-английски. /Ч 8 See Grammar Support 2. Koec TQnesL петрова Аня 21, кв. 72 ^ любынскыи проспект. ОМСК, 644076 Россия 37 UNIT 4 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 I live on the eleventh floor 1^- llkl Listen and repeat. Послушай и повтори. Where do you live, dear Pat? My home is a big flat. 38 Where do you live, Mrs Hottage? I live in a green cottage. Where do you live, pretty mouse? I live under the house. Where do you live, little Pete? I live in Rainbow Street. 2a Read and find out the addresses. Прочитай и узнай адреса Олега, Насти и Саши Oleg is а new pupil in the class. Nastya: Hello. Nice to see you in the class. I’m Nastya. Oleg: Hello, Nastya. I’m Oleg. Nastya: And this is Sasha. He’s my friend. Sasha: Hi, Oleg. Where do you live? Oleg: I live at 49 Pobeda Street, Flat 35. Nastya: Oh, it’s near my home. I live at Flat 10, 51 Pobeda Street. And where do you live, Sasha? I live at Flat 14, 17 Raduzhnaya Street. Please come round. OK. Thank you. Bye. LOOK I live in Samara. I live at 49 Pobeda Street. I live on the third floor. Which floor do you live on? Oleg: Sasha; LOOK Oleg: Nastya: Bye. 2b Read the dialogue aloud. Прочитай диалог по ролям. 2с Маке your own dialogue. Act it out. Составь свой диалог. Разыграй его с соседом. 1^ Listen and find out which floors the boys live on. Послушай и узнай, на каких этажах живут мальчики. one — the first two — the second three — the third four — the fourth five — the fifth six — the sixth seven — the seventh eight — the eighth nine — the ninth ten — the tenth eleven — the eleventh twelve — the twelfth Play the Guessing game. Угадай! A: Which floor do you live on? B: Guess! A: The fifth? B: No. A; The tenth? B; Yes. I live on the tenth floor. 5 Look and say. Посмотри и скажи. Example: The first floor is brown. □ The second floor is... The... floor is... 6 Learn the rhyme from Ex. 1. Выучи стихотворение из упр. 1. the ground J UNIT 4 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Welcome to my home! 1 « Look at the pictures on the left, listen and repeat. Посмотри на картинки слева, послушай и повтори. 2 Read the text and find the picture. Прочитай текст и найди картинку. I live in а house. Му house is nice. I have got two rooms. They are a living room and one bedroom. My living room is big and comfortable. My bedroom is small. I have also (также) got a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall. The kitchen is small and the bathroom is small too. Listen and match the pictures in Ex. 2 and the speakers. Послушай и определи, у кого какой дом на картинках из упр. 2. Одной картинки не хватает. 4 Play Snowball. Сыграй в Снежный ком. Pupil 1:1 have got а living room in my flat. Pupil 2:1 have got a living room and a bedroom in my flat. Pupil 3:1 have got a living room and two bedrooms in my flat.... 5a Do a survey. Проведи опрос. Rooms Bathroom Bedroom Hall Kitchen Living room This group 4 7 4 4 4 Group 2 + 1 + Group 3 Group 4 TOTALS a) Have you got a living room / iiain a) Have you gg^^s nave yon got in your home? 5b Tell the class what you found out. Расскажи классу, что ты узнал. Example: We have got four bathrooms, seven bedrooms, four halls, four kitchens and four living rooms in our group. 6 Describe your home. Опиши свой дом. 39 UNIT 4 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 There is..., there are... Look, read and work out the rule. Посмотри, прочитай и выведи правило. all И ball hall mall small 2 Compare the sentences. Сравни предложения. There is a living room in my flat. В моей квартире есть гостиная. There are three windows in the living room. В гостиной есть три окна. За Look, read and fill in. Посмотри, прочитай и заполни пропуски в предложениях. Example: There is а calendar on the door. a) There are ... on the desk. b) There are ... on the wall. c) There is ... on the chair. d) There is ... near the desk. e) There are ... in the pencil case. f) There is ... under the desk. 3b Listen and check yourself. Послушай и проверь себя. 4 Play Auction. Игра Аукцион. Example: There are three windows in the classroom. There is a door in the classroom. 5 Interview each other about your pencil cases. Расспросите друг друга о том, что есть в ваших пеналах. Are there two pens in your pencil case? Л Is there an eraser in your pencil case? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t Yes, there are. No, there aren't. LOOK There is a pen on the desk. There are two chairs in the room. Is there a pencil on the desk? Yes, there is. / No, there isn't. Are there three chairs in the room? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. 6 Write about what there is in your school bag. Напиши о том, что есть в твоем портфеле. /Ч 7 See Grammar Support 7. 40 UNIT 4 Lesson 5 [jesson 5 This is my room la Listen and repeat. Послушай и повтори. 1b Listen and say. Послушай и скажи. 1c Listen and point. Послушай и покажи. 3 Interview your friend. Задай вопросы соседу по парте. Используй слова из боксов. Example: А: Is there а poster in your room? В: Yes, there is. (No, there isn't.) A: How many posters are there? B: There are two. (There is one.) 2a Describe Pavel’s and Dasha’s rooms. Опиши комнаты Павла и Даши. Example: А: There is one chair in Pavel’s room. B: Right. A: There are three posters in his room. B: Wrong. There are two. LOOK Right [raitj. — Правильно. Wrong [гор]. — Неправильно. 2b Play H/haf’s fbere...? Поиграем. Example: A: ...on the desk? B: There's a book on the desk. Living room armchairs television table telephone bookcase sofa Bedroom posters computer bed sofa chairs table 4 Describe your friend’s room. Опиши комнату твоего друга. Example: In Sasha’s room there is/are...,.... /Ч 5 Draw a plan and describe your room. Нарисуй план своей комнаты и опиши ее. 41 UNIT 4 Lesson 6 ■ Lesson 6 Where are my things? la Listen and repeat. Послушай и повтори. [I] le) [i:l |a;| kitchen bed street armchair art picture bedroom green carpet car video desk between dark darts 1b Read and say the words. Прочти и произнеси вслух слова. window park see pencil big address yard week which best cheese above between in in the corner near on on the iett on the right under 2 Listen and say. Послушай и повтори. on the left on the right under За Listen and say. Послушай и повтори. What’s on the left? What’s on the right? Where’s the poster? What’s under the desk? What colour is it? Where’s the picture? Where’s the carpet? Where’s the bookcase? — The sofa. — The computer. — On the wall. — My ball. — Red. — Above the bed. — On the floor. — Near the door. 3b Talk about the classroom. Расспроси о классной комнате. Example: А: Where is the blackboard? B: On the wall. A: What's on the left? B: The door. few 5 ^ J 42 i UNIT 4 Lesson 6 _L^ L ( Pink room Read the text and find the room. Прочитай и догадайся, о какой комнате говорится в тексте. In my room there is a sofa, a chair, a bookcase and a television. The bookcase is near the door. There is a desk near the w/indovi/ and there is a lamp on the desk. The sofa is on the left and the TV is in the corner on the right. There are posters above the sofa. Compare and find ten differences. Сравни картинки и найди десять различий. Example: There is а sofa on the right in the green room. There is a sofa on the left in the pink room. Play Describe and Draw. Игра Опиши и нарисуй. Describe your room to your friend. Опиши соседу по парте свою комнату. Draw your friend’s room. Нарисуй его комнату. Compare the pictures. Сравни его рисунок со своим. Green room 7 Write а letter to your pen pal about your home. Напиши письмо о своем доме твоему другу по переписке. 43 UNIT 4 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 Найди в каждой строчке “лишнее” слово. Example: in ту on under a) bed carpet chair desk b) hall bedroom kitchen lamp c) cottage flat picture house d) clock floor wall window e) radio sofa television telephone 44 Score. ./5 Напиши порядковые числительные, которые стоят до и после заданных. Example: the fourth — 5 — the sixth a)...- 2-... b) .. c) .. d) .. e) .. - 6-... - 10-... - 11 - ... - 9-... Score . /10 Посмотри на картинку, прочитай текст и узнай, как кого зовут. a) Мах is on the left. b) Jane is on the right. c) Sam is between Emma and Denis. d) Denis is between Sam and Linda. e) Linda is near Max. f) Emma is near Jane. Составь предложения. Example: England /am /1 / from — I am from England. a) house / a / live / I / big / in b) three / are / house / there / in / rooms / my c) is / floor / my / on / the / room / first d) my / there / computer / in / room / a / is e) my / I / room / like Score . /10 45-50 40-45 35-40 < 35 very good good OK look again 5 ., lyw; Listen and find Dima’s room. % .* Послушай и найди комнату Димы. Lesson 8 Project UNIT 4 Lesson 8 1 Before you start your project. Подготовка к проекту. • Choose (выбери) your partners. You can work in groups of three or four, in pairs or on your own (один). • Decide what your project will be about. Выбери тему проекта. • Collect (подбери) pictures, photos and drawings for the project. • Bring (принеси) crayons, scissors and paper to write your project on • You can make a poster or a booklet. 2 Project. ]Vly Dream Home • Draw a plan of your home and label the rooms. • Write about your home. Say: • where you live • how many rooms you have got • what rooms there are. • Glue (приклей) a photo or draw a picture or a plan of your room and describe what there is in it. • Do you like your home? Say why. Example: I like my dream home. It is nice / comfortable / big... 3 Presentation. • Put your project work on the blackboard or on the wall. • Read your friends’ projects. Which project do you like? Why? • Report on your project. paper crayons My Dream Room Barbie's Ноше 4 Read the poem. My Dream Home plenty of = a lot of I dream of a home so light and warm That isn’t afraid of rain and storm. And everyone can find their place. As my dream home has plenty of space: A room for my mum, A room for my dad, A room for me and my brother Fred. And one sitting room Where we get together And feel very nice in any weather. 45 5 School and daily routines Lesson 1 Are you good at maths? 1 Look, listen and answer. 2 Read and match. Example: a) — 9 1 Russian 2 Literature 3 English 4 Mathematics (Maths) 5 History 6 Technology 7 Geography 8 Music 9 PE (Physical Education) 10 IT (Information Technology) 11 Art 12 Biology School Subjects 3a Listen and say. 3b Play the Word game. Example: A: What subject is it? B: It’s IT. A: What's number one? B: It’s Russian. 4 Interview your friends. Example: A: What’s your favourite subject? B: My favourite subject is... My favourite subjects are... and... /. 4^ ‘ч. Tanya Lena Slava Misha Russian X Literature X English X Maths X History X 5 Make a report. Example: My favourite subject is maths. Lena's favourite subjects are English and literature. 6 Look, read and guess. Look at Dima’s diary. He is good at English. He is good at maths, IT and PE. But he is not good at geography or biology. What are Dima’s favourite subjects? Talk about yourself. Example: I am good at... LOOK I am good at maths. He is good at history. What subject are you good at? English EH story E/hjsic ^3ths ^^ography Biology PE IT Listen and say. ph [f] 'Ш telephone photo geography alphabet physical dolphin Write what subjects the pupils are good at. Example: Laura is good at technology. • UNIT 5 Lesson 1 5 4 3 4 5 2 3 5 5 47 UNIT 5 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 My timetable 1 Listen and repeat. 4 Monday ['niAndi] NANCY’S TIMETABLE Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9.30- 10.20 English Geography French English IT 10.20-11.10 History English Maths Maths IT 11.10- f 1.25 Break 11.25-12.15 Art Music English History Science 12.15-13.30 Lunch 13.30-14.20 Maths French Maths PE Science 14.20-15.10 Science Art Geography PE Music 2 Look, read and complete the text. There are (1)... lessons a week in Nancy’s school. There are (2)... lessons on Monday, (3)..., (4)..., (5) ...and (6).... There are no lessons on (7)... or (8).... There are (9)... lessons a day: three lessons before lunch and (10)... lessons after lunch. There is a (11)... after two lessons. There are (12)... subjects in Nancy’s timetable. There are (13)... English lessons, (14)... French lessons and (15)... maths lessons a week. 3 Read and say true or false. Example: a) There is a break after two lessons.— True. b) Science is on Monday. LOOK c) Music is on Tuesday and on Monday Thursday. d) There are three geography lessons a week. e) Art is on Tuesday. f) There are PE lessons on Saturday. g) There are two IT lessons on Friday. 4 Listen and say the day of the week. 5 Look and compare. Example: a) There are two PE lessons a week in England and ^ there are two PE lessons a week in Russia too. b) There are two music lessons a week in England. There is one music lesson a week in Russia. one English There is two history lesson a week in England. There are three maths lessons in Russia. five music /Ч 6 Write your timetable in English. 48 UNIT 5 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 What’s the time? la Listen and repeat. "Tick-tock, tick-tock”, Says the clock. “Tock-tick, tock-tick, Be quick!" ck [k] clock 1b Read and say it quickly. Jack wears black socks and a thick jacket. 2 Look, listen and say. WHAT’S' THE TIME? 3 Look at the timetable (Ex. 1 Lesson 2) and say. Example: A: What time is English on Monday? B: It's at 9.30. a) What time is break? b) What time is lunch? c) What time is French on Tuesday? d) What time is music? 4 ' 1*^1 Listen and complete the timetable. LOOK What's the time? It’s five o’clock. LOOK at five o’clock PAUL’S TIMETABLE Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 9.30 Science English Science 10.20 > < ^ JL-: English Maths English Friday^ 11.10 11.25 English 12.15 13.30 Maths 14.20 Break “y T- Art Lunch Science Maths , Science Art PE PE 5 Talk about the timetable in Ex. 4. Example: A: Geography is at 12.15 on Thursday. B: Right. / Oh, no. Geography is at 2.20 on Monday. /Ч 6 Look at your timetable and write what time your lessons are. Example: History is at Won Tuesday. My English lessons are at 11.30 on Wednesday and Friday. 49 UNIT 5 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 A day in my life 1 Look and say. Example: It’s four o’clock in the morning. LOOK in the morning in the afternoon in the evening at night 2a Look and match. 12 morning afternoon 18 22 24 evening night a) I play computer games. b) I have lunch at school. c) I do sports after school. d) I get up at seven o’clock. e) I take my dog for a walk. f) I go to school at 8.30. g) I have breakfast at 7.45. h) I watch TV in the evening. i) I do my homework. j) I go to bed at 10.30. k) I have dinner at six o’clock in the evening. l) After dinner I go for a walk. m) I come home at four o’clock in the afternoon n) I help my mother. 2b Listen and check. 6 Interview your friend. 3 Look and talk about your daily routine. 4 Look and work out the rule for do. A: Do you go to school in the morning? B: No, I don’t go to school in the morning. A; When do you go to school? B: I go to school in the afternoon. 5 Play the Chain game. Example: A: I play football at night. B: I don’t play football at night. I sleep at night. What do you do on Sunday? {c[ueet\oma\re) 1 Do you go to school on Sunday? 2 When do you get up on Sunday? 5 Do you have breakfast at home? 4 What do you do in the morning after breakfast? 5 When do you have lunch? 6 Do you go for a walk? 7 What do you like playing? 3 Do you do your homework on Sunday? 9 When do you have dinner? 10 What do you do in the evening? 11 Do you watch TV? 12 What TV programmes do you like? 15 When do you go to bed? /Ч 7 Describe your Sunday. 8 See Grammar Support 6. 50 UNIT 5 Lesson 5 LjBsson 5 Who does what 1 Read, compare and learn. I really wish I were my dog. He doesn’t get up at seven o’clock, I go to school — he walks and sleeps, I do my homework — he plays and eats. I really wish I were хотел бы быть to sleep — спать — я очень 2а Read and say. LOOK I go to school.— He / She goes to school. I don’t go to school on Sundays.— He / She doesn’t go to school on Sundays, does not = doesn’t Is] s (-es) [z] gets up looks works walks eats drinks sleeps helps takes writes cooks plays listens goes comes reads sings draws watches washes 2b See Grammar Support 6. 3 Read and choose. Example: I like Abby, because she likes pop music and writes poems. I write poems, too. And I like pop music. PEN-PAL CLUB Name: Amoiidg. What do you like? History. Disney filnis. calendars. What do you do after school? wntrh TV or video^ Name: Alan. What do you like? QOlMuters. Coca-Cola. st/Virors What do you do after school goes watches comes sleeps plays works sings looks gets up reads listens takes draws writes helps 4a Put the sentences in order and say what Jane does on Sundays. a) I go to bed. b) I watch TV. c) I go for a walk. d) I do my homework. e) I get up. f) I visit my Granny. g) I help my mum. 4b Listen and check. 4c Compare Jane and your friend. 5 Write about Jane’s day. 51 UNIT 5 Lesson 6 \ Ijesson 6 Always, sometimes or never? la Read and find the differences. Monday - Friday Morning - take my do(^ for a walk - 00 to school ^3turd Morn/nq ~ take and Sunday Afternoon - play football (Mon^iay, 'Nednee>da)j and Friday) - go to the English club (Tuesday and Thursday) my dog for a walk go for a walk Afternoon - play computer games, read books or listen to m> ■.=!'• Evening - do homework, watch TV to music Evening - do homework, watch TV 1b Read and guess. Dima always takes his dog for a walk in the morning. Then he usually goes to school. I 1 He often plays football. He sometimes reads books. He never goes to school on Sundays. Play Nonsense. Example: A: What do you usually do in the morning? B: I usually go to bed in the morning. Listen, read and act out. — Does your father often watch football on TV? — No, he never does. He is always busy (занят) in the evening. — What does he do? — My homework! LOOK She often watches TV in the evening. Does she often watch TV in the evening? — Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Who often watches TV in the evening? What does she do in the evening? When does she watch TV? How often does she watch TV in the evening? 52 1 UNIT 5 Lesson 6 4a Play 10 Questions. Example: Does/ who /do /it? Does / who/what? Does / who / what / when? Does / who / how often / what / when? 4b Play 4 questions. does homework \\)S^ '^^tches TV What? plays the guitar bottle ф-” sometimes WO'^ never % У 5 See Grammar Support 2. /Ч 6 Write how often you: 1 play computer games 2 watch TV 3 help your mother and father 4 play the guitar 5 eat chocolate 6 drink Coca-Cola 7 read books. Example: I always play computer games in the evening. 53 UNIT 5 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 45-50 40-45 35-40 < 35 very good good OK look again 1 Write sentences. Составь предложения. Example: Jane and her brother go for a walk after school. who ^ go for a walk play computer games watch TV help Mum do homework Jane and her brother Max We Dima Score /15 after school sometimes in the evening often at five o’clock 2 1^ Listen and find Anya’s list. Послушай и найди Анин список дел. г rrrr г г г г / г г г ' г . /*‘1-1 Things to do after school 1) Take the dog for a walk 2) Cook lunch 3) Go to the English club 4) Do homework Ш ecboo\ for 3 2) He'? Things to do after school 1) Have lunch 2) Go for a walk 3) Watch TV 4) Listen to music score 3 Read and fill in the table. Прочитай и заполни таблицу. Hello. I’m Mr Brown, a school headteacher (директор). My school is the best. There are a lot of subjects on our timetable. Every day there is maths and English. The first lesson is always maths. Biology is on Monday and Thursday, and history on Tuesday and Friday. Our pupils like IT. It’s on Wednesday and Friday. Come to our school. ./15 Monday 1. Maths 2. Science 3. Biology 4. English 5. Art Tuesday 1 Maths 2. English 3. (a) 4. PE 5. Technology Wednesday 1. Maths 2. (b) 3. Drama 4. PE 5. IT Thursday 1. (c) 2. English 3. (d) 4. Technology 5. Music Friday 1. Maths 2. Geography 3. History 4. English 5. (e) Score. /20 54 UNIT 5 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Project la Read Max’s story. Прочитай рассказ Макса. My mum and dad sometimes go to America for a week. I’m alone (один) at home. I do what I want (хочу). I don’t go to school. I get up at 11 o’clock. I have breakfast in bed. Then I go for a walk and play computer games. I have chocolate and Coca-Cola for lunch. My friends come to play with me. We play football in the living room. In the evening I listen to music, watch TV or videos and go to bed at 12 o’clock. It’s great! Alone at hom^ lb Find the differences. Найди, чем отличаются эти дни от обычного распорядка дня Макса. Example: Не doesn’t get up at 7 o’clock, he gets up at 11. 7.00 7.30 14.00 14.30 15.00 MY DAY f ’гоо get up ’<.00 have breakfast ifay ^^■ONe at home 11.00 GET UP 11 -30 have breakfast in bed NO SCHOOL ^«'UnoP-CHOCOUTES - . ° ^oca-Cola 8.00 go to school come home have lunch '^the Oo f rnyf, ’’lend Or ‘ea Os go for a walk 17.00 do homework 19.00 help Mum 20.00 watch TV, read books 22.00 go to bed Write your usual timetable. Напиши свой обычный распорядок дня. Write the timetable for your day alone at home. Придумай историю о том, что ты делаешь, если остаешься дома один. Составь распорядок дня подобно Максу. 3 Tell your friend your story. Расскажи соседу по парте свою историю. 55 Interests and sports Lesson 1 Sports and games 1 Ask and answer. go for a walk walk and talk read books watch TV play the piano Example: A: What do you do on Sundays / in your free time? B: i play football. LOOK basket + ball = basketball 2a Look at the pictures, listen and compare. /1 UNIT 6 Lesson 1 (2b) @ Look and listen. Put the pictures in order. Compare in pairs (^Talk about your favourite game. Example: A: What is your favourite game? B: I like football. And you? C: I like... 3b Say what you like / don’t like. LOOK I like I don’t like football badminton tennis because it’s fun interesting boring 4a Read about the games. In groups of four guess the games. 1 This game is for two players or two pairs. They play it with a small ball on a court (корт). This game is popular in Russia and Canada. Two teams play it on ice (лёд). LOOK play + er = player It is an old game. Two teams of eleven players play it. They kick (пинать) a ball around. Two teams of five players play this game. They throw (бросать) a ball into a basket. (^Talk about your favourite game. Say • why you like the game • how many players play it • how to play it • your favourite team / player. 5 Write about your favourite sport / game. Use the plan in Ex. 4b. 57 UNIT 6 Lesson 2 Ijesson 2 What sports do you do? 1 Read. Xx six box boxing exercise book 2 Match the words and pictures. 3 . Listen and write. play go do football swimming judo 5a Talk about your friend. Example: Petya goes swimming. 5b Do the class survey on the blackboard. 4 Ask and answer. Example: A: What sports do you do? B: I play tennis and go skating. And you? What sports do you do? A: /... LOOK do sports — заниматься спортом Sports How many Total swimming /// 3 basketball // 2 judo / 1 6 Write about the results of the class survey. Example: In our class three pupils go swimming, two pupils play basketball, one pupil does judo. 58 UNIT 6 Lesson 3 Ijesson 3 I play football every day 1 Say who likes what. Example: A: I like swimming. B: Anya likes swimming and I like tennis. C: Dima likes tennis and I like... 2a Talk about you and your family. Example: Every morning I... (get up at 7) Every morning I get up at 7. Every day she... (go to school) Every week we... (play the piano) Every Saturday he... (swim) LOOK every morning / day / week / Saturday 2b Read and say. A: How often do you do judo? B: Every day / week. A: When do you do it? B: Every Thursday. A: What time do you start? B: At 10. A; Why do you do judo? B: It makes me strong / clever.. LOOK What sports do you do? How often When Why do you do it? 3a Write questions for football star Baracona. Example: live / where / you /do? — Where do you live? you / do / football / like? often / you / how / do / it / play? football / do / play / you / why? you / do / what time / start? friends / you / a lot of / have / got? do / you / get up / when? 3b 1*^*1 Listen to the interview. Match the questions and the answers. We interview Baracona. Questions Answers__________________________ ___________ Yes, I do. It's my favourite game. ___________ Every day. ___________ At 9 and again at 4. ___________ At 7. ___________ Yes. My friends are in my team. ___________ I live in Milan. ___________ Football is my life. 2c Make your own conversation. 3c Listen again and check the questions. 3d In pairs act out the interview. 4 In pairs prepare an interview with a real sports star. Write it and act it out. 5 Write an article about Baracona. Example: Baracona lives in... He gets up at... He... 59 UNIT 6 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Play games, don’t cheat 1 Read and play the Please game. Please open your books. Open your books. To play Please game use: You open your book. You don’t open your book. 2a Look and compare. LOOK Don’t walk Open your books. Don't open your books. ( Walk 1" —1 Example: Don't talk. Read. 60 Stand up. Sit down. Open your books. Close your books. Come here. Talk. Count to five. Raise your hand. 3a Look and read. 3b Look and say. 3c Look and say. Example: A: Do you play chess? B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. A: Who plays with you? B: My friend Sasha plays with me. i UNIT 6 Lesson 4 Look at the board game and read the rules. Rules • 1 Put your counter on START. 2 Throw the dice. 3 Do Move two places. 4 Don’t Move back < 5 Miss a turn. (Пропусти ход.) 2 Do sports Do your homework 12 Don’t speak Don’t watch TV 13 Go back to (^Play the game with your friends. 5 Do you like puzzles? Example: A: I like jigsaw puzzles. B: I like jigsaw puzzles too. C: I like crossword puzzles. D: I don’t like puzzles. /Ч 6) Write “Useless / Harmful Advice’’ (“Вредные советы”). Get up at 12. Don’t clean your teeth. 61 UNIT 6 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Let’s go out and play! la Say. Let’ s play tennis. ) ^ No. Let’s play basketball. No. Let’s go cycling. ^ c No. Let’s do judo. 1 b In pairs talk about what you want to do. Example: A: Let’s play volleyball. B: No. Shall we go swimming? Л.- Fine. / OK. LOOK Let’s Shall we play football go swimming -J Listen. Mime in pairs A and В A: Count to three. B: Run to the tree. Hide behind it. A; Come and find me. A+B: We play hide-and-seek! count [kaunt] — считать run — бежать hide [haid] — прятаться find [faindj — найти hidc-and-seek — прятки За Look and read with your partner. 3b Look at Ex. 2 and complete the conversation. Let’s play hide-and-seek Fine. Shall we hide and you find us? 4 Write the rules of hide-and-seek. How to play hide-and-seek Talk to your friends about the rules. You. They... 62 UNIT 6 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Interests (^Look and say to your friend what you collect. A: stickers B; badges key rings calendars CDs cassettes toys dolls collect — собирать, коллекционировать collection [ka'lekfanj — коллекция 2 In groups of three or four talk about your collections. Example: A: What do you collect? B: I collect stickers. A: How many have you got? B: Nineteen. 3a) Play the Swap game. Make a list of five objects (предметов). One object is for your collection. LL^b 1............ 2............-............ 3 ...........-............ 4 ...........-..... 5 ........... 3b Swap four objects to add to your collection. A sticker for a badge. Let’s swap. No deal! Two for one. That's a deal. swap (swdpI — обменяться deal |di:l| — сделка, “Договорились!” Зс What have you got now? Example: I've got five cassettes. 4a Read. I’m Max. I like playing football. We have a football club at school. My favourite team is Manchester United. I’ve got fifteen stickers of football players. Щ Ш i 'O' и«- I’m Jane. I’m good at music. I like playing the piano and reading books. I have a good collection of CDs. I’m Dima. I’m good at tennis. I collect tennis balls. I’ve got twenty! My cat likes playing with my tennis balls. And I play the guitar. 4b Read the texts again and complete the table. Interests Max playing football, collecting stickers Jane Dima /Ч 5 Write about your interests. 63 UNIT 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 -^] Listen to Computery and choose the answer. Послушай Компьютери и выбери ответ. w — .1 L ’ 1.1 0\ 1.2 0 1.3 1.4 1.5 a) in Moscow b) in London c) in Computertown a) computer games and chess b) computer games and darts c) board games a) every day b) every week c) every two weeks a) at 8 b) at 9 c) at 10 rO a) It’s interesting. b) It makes him clever. c) His brother and sister like it. (KA. J~ Score. /10 Do the puzzle. Write the names of five sports. Разгадай и напиши пять названий видов спорта. а) COKEHY Ь) NISNET с) LALBOTOF d) SABALBEL е) NIKSIG Score. ./5 3 Write captions. Подпиши картинки. I© : I® H. ~ Example: Don’t talk. 45-50 40-45 35-40 <35 very good good OK look again Look at the room and answer the questions. Посмотри на комнату и ответь на вопросы. a) What sports does Jack do? b) What does he collect? c) What games does he play? d) What hobbies does he have? e) Does he play the piano? Put the hide-and-seek rules in order from 1 to 5. Расставь правила игры в прятки по порядку от 1 до 5. a) When you find your friend you run back. b) You go and find one of your friends. c) Your friends run and hide. d) Now you hide and your friend finds you. e) You count to ten or twenty. Score. /10 64 UNIT 6 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Project ' 1 Talk about your interests. • Choose your pictures. • Arrange your pictures on paper. • Get ready to tell a story “My interests" • Choose the best story. • Choose the best picture. \nteresfe 65 7 Animal world Lesson 1 Crocodiles live in...? la Listen and read. kangaroo zebra cheetah crocodile tiger monkey lion puma 1b Read and match. kangaroo zebra cheetah crocodile tiger monkey lion puma 2[, •] 3 ['•••] 2 Read and learn. ng Ш English jungle bingo stronger longer 3a Find the animals in the picture. Say where they live. Example: Crocodiles live in Africa. Crocodiles live in vjater. 3b Say what animals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 live in Africa. live in the Americas. live in Australia. live in Russia. live in water. live in the jungle. live in the forest. hunt (охотиться) small animals. 4a Say what animals are big, small, kind, clever, beautiful, funny. Example: A: Lions. B: Lions are big and clever. Pumas... 4b Say what animals you like / don’t like and why. Example: I like monkeys. They are funny. 66 1 UNIT 7 Lesson 1 5a Read and match. [~a~| It is a wild animal. It is black or brown. It is small. It lives in Africa. It lives in a family. It talks with its hands and face. It is a wild animal. It is yellow and brown. It lives in North and South America. It hunts small animals. It jumps and climbs trees very well. It is a wild animal. It is very clever. It lives in Africa. It hunts small animals. It has got spots (пятна). They hide it in the jungle. (5^ Say what the words in Ex. 5a mean. *•6^ Listen and complete the Animal Encyclopedia. The tiger is a (1)... (2).... It is (3)..., orange and (4).... It is big and (5) .... The tiger lives in the forest or (6) .... It (7)... small animals. Its stripes (полоски) (8)... it. The crocodile is a wild (1).... It is (2).... It is not (3).... The crocodile (4)... water. It lives in (5)... . aon’tdfa'W"-its -i 4 hoots O' 67 UNIT 7 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Zebras can run fast 1 Look and say what animals and birds you see and what they do. climb 2 “ Listen to how Dima trains his dog and repeat. 3 Look and say what you can / can’t do. 4 Look and find the champion. Say who can do what. Example: Penguins can run. Giraffes can run fast. fast very fast fast very fast LOOK I, you, he, she, it, we, they can run I, you, he, she, it, we, they can't fly cannot 5 Say what animals: ... can run fast. ... can fly. ... can swim very well. ... can climb very well. ... can jump very well. ... can’t fly. ... can’t climb. ... can’t swim. ... can’t run fast. ... can’t jump very well. 6 Play the Guessing game. Choose an animal and tell your friend what it can / can’t do. Don’t name the animal. Let your friend guess the name. Example: A: It can fly. It can swim. It can't climb. B: Pelican. 7 Read and learn. ----- little jungle name [-] crocodile type love giraffe face favourite have tense well very well 8 Write what your favourite animal can / cannot do. 68 UNIT 7 Lesson 3 Ijesson 3 What’s that called? 1 Listen, read and act out. Boy: I don’t like budgies. What can they do? They can’t run, they can’t jump, they can’t swim. But my dog can do a lot. Girl: But can your dog fly? Budgie: Boy: LOOK Can your dog talk? Fly? Talk? No, he can’t. He can swim. Can he swim? Yes, he can. No, he can’t. What can he do? budgie — волнистый попугайчик Play the Guessing game. Use your cards. Example: A: Can it swim? B: Yes, it can. /No, it can’t. A: It's a crocodile. B: Right. / Wrong. 3a) Read and say. LOOK tooth — teeth 3b Read, guess and continue. long tails: kangaroo, tiger, ... short tails: hippo, pelican, ... long legs: giraffe,... short legs: hippo, ... sharp teeth: lion, tiger,... dangerous animals: leopard, crocodile, ugly (not beautiful) animals: ... Read and say true or false. Example: All animals and birds with wings can fly. — False. Penguins have got wings, but they can’t fly. 1 All animals with sharp teeth can hunt. 2 All big animals are dangerous. 3 All wild animals are dangerous. 4 All animals with long legs can jump well. Odd one out. Example: All animals have got long legs, but the hippo has got short legs. 1 tiger, giraffe, hippo, puma (legs) 2 monkey, cat, penguin, kangaroo (tail) 3 crocodile, hippo, cheetah, tiger (teeth) 4 zebra, kangaroo, crocodile, monkey (jump well) 6 Read and guess the name of the animal dragon passport NAME: ... COLOUR; green and black LIVES; in the forest HAS GOT; a long tail, big w.ngs, short legs, sharp teeth CAN- fly ^ast. hunt well, hide " VcTERlST.CS: strong, ug.V and dangerous Choose a dragon from Ex. 6 and make a passport for it like in Ex. 6. 69 UNIT 7 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Monsters la Look, listen and repeat. 1b Whose head (ear, eye, ...) is it? 2a Read and learn. What To Do If You See a Monster If you see a monster, Look at its eyes, Look at its nose. Look at its ears. Look at its toes. Look at its teeth. And at last. If it’s real. Get lost FAST! LOOK he — his she — her it — its if — если toes — пальцы на ногах at last — наконец real — настоящий get lost — исчезайте 2^ Look and compare. Find six differences. Example: The left head has got green eyes. The right head has got blue eyes. 3 EB Listen and tick. I I a) long legs Q c) a big head 1^ b) a long tail | |d) a long neck I I e) big clever eyes I I f) sharp teeth 70 I I g) wings I I h) long ears UNIT 7 Lesson 4 Look and answer the questions a) Is it strong? b) Is it dangerous? c) Does it hunt? d) Can it run fast? e) Can it fly? f) What colour is it? g) How many teeth has it got? h) Are they sharp? 4b Read and check. This monster is very big, strong and dangerous. It has a very big head and sixty sharp teeth. It walks on its two long legs and can run fast. It hunts small animals. We don’t know what colour it is. It’s not a very beautiful animal! know — знать ^~>RUS 5 Play the Guessing game with your friend. Example: Does it live in the forest? Is it dangerous? Is it white? Has it got wings? Can it fly? 6 Write about the monster in Ex. 2a. 7 See Grammar Support 1. 71 UNIT 7 Lesson 5 Ijesson 5 A hedgehog’s autobiography 1 How much do you know about hedgehogs? What does the hedgehog eat (ест)? Can the hedgehog swim? What does it do in winter (зимой)? How many prickles (колючки) does it have? 2 Say the words and put them in order. minute ['mmit] week [wi:k| hour [аиэ] month [тлп0] day [dei] year [jia] (1) minute (2)... (3)... (4)... (5). (6) year 3 Л 1^'-' Listen and read. Fili in the gaps. a) I am.....s old. I am white. I have no prickles. I can’t see. I can’t roll up. I have got a short tail and four long legs. b) I am.....s old. I have got prickles. They are white. I am prickly! I eat my mother’s milk. 1 c) I am.....s old. I can see. I can roll up, too. I have got four brothers and sisters. We roll up. It’s fun! d) I am...s old. I sleep from morning till evening. At night my mother takes me and my brothers and sisters for a walk (на прогулку). She teaches us what we can eat. e) I am...old. I am big! I don’t eat my mother’s milk. I eat insects (насекомые). I eat and eat and eat. But I don’t eat fruit. 1 f) lam......s old. I can run fast, I can swim, I can roll down a hill (холм). I have got five thousand (5,000) prickles. I can jump and jam (воткнуть) my prickles into a fox’s nose. I am safe. g) It is winter. I am in bed. Good night. See you in March! I can help you in your garden. UNIT 7 Lesson 5 4 Answer the questions in Ex. 1. What is this in English? Find the words in the text 6 Read again and do a) to g). a) Answer: What colour is the hedgehog? b) Make more words with “y”: Example: prickle — prickly fun — funn..., sleep — sleep..., fluff — fluff. c) Look at the picture and translate: roll up d) Correct: My mother take me and my brother and sister for a walk. e) True or false? The hedgehog likes apples. f) Answer: What can the hedgehog do? Can you do it? Ask your friend: Example: Can you swim? g) Answer: How can the hedgehog help you in the garden? 7 Cover the text, look at the pictures in Ex. 3. Say what you remember. 8a) Listen and say. Yy Ul [I] yogurt year yes yellow you your York yummy-yummy prickly funny fluffy pretty yummy-yummy baby 8b Fill in the gaps with “y” and read. ...es fluff...ou funn........ellow ...ogurt bab.....umm... /S 9a Write your autobiography. Get three to five photos from your family album. Ask your mother or father to help you. Example: I am two days / months / years old. I can / can’t sleep all day, sit, walk, crawl (ползать), talk, read, write, swim, run, jump, dress, help my mother. I have got a brother/ a sister. I have no teeth / hair. 9b Write the autobiography of the animal in your project file. 73 UNIT 7 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Pet hotel 1 ly^-i Look at the pets. Listen and say their names. a budgie a dog a hamster a tortoise a guinea pig a mouse a fish ^ 2" Tom works at the pet holiday hotel BOW-MIAOW. Listen and answer the questions. What is a pet hotel? What animals stay in it? My name’s Fluffy. I’m three years old. I’ve got long whiskers and a long tail. I’m black, but my left ear and my legs are white. I like milk and I like sleeping (люблю спать) on the sofa. I have milk at the hotel and I can sleep all day. But I miss (скучаю no) my home. 3b ЁЕ] Listen and check. 4 Read about the dog. Fill in the gaps with these words: is play am (2) have are run like My name (1)... Brownie. I (2)... five years old. I (3)... long and my legs (4)... short. But I can (5)... very fast. I don’t (6)... cats. I (7)... got many dog friends at the hotel. We (8)... all day. I don’t miss home. 74 UNIT 7 Lesson 6 5 What does the fish say? Make up its story. Use these words. Bubble (Пузырик) five months old small red a long tail swim eat worms [w3:mz] no friends at the hotel miss home 6a ly*-! Listen and fill in the gaps. Oh where, oh where has my little ... gone? Oh where, oh where can it be? With its ... cut short. And its ... cut long Oh where, oh where can it be? gone — ушла cut — подрезанные 6Ы Listen and sing. 7 Read the words with the letter Gg. Make two groups. guinea pig hedgehog garden giraffe good budgie gorilla Ш [g] page,.. go,... /Ч ^8^ Write an ad (объявление) for this dog. It has no home. It needs (ей нужен) a loving friend. <4-^^ж1л1лХм My name is_ lam ... years old. lam ... (colour). I have got ... ears, ... legs and ... eyes. I can_ I like_ 75 UNIT 7 Lesson 7 Ijesson 7 Progress page , 1 1*^1 Listen and find the animal. 45-50 40-45 35-40 <35 very good good OK look again Score. ./15 2 Read and write T (true) or F (false). Yi'i 'i 'i 'i 'i U 'i 'i 'i 'i 'i 'i Hello, friends. My name is Mike. My telephone number is 43d 692. Please help me find my dog. His name is dump. He is brown. He can hunt, jump, swim, run fast and climb well. His ears are long and his nose is black. He has got a small white spot on his right ear. I like 3ump very much. Please find him and call me. 3 Choose can or can’t. 1 Zebras ... climb. 2 Pelicans ... fly. 3 Dolphins ... swim very well. 4 Tigers ... run fast. 5 Penguins ... jump very well. Score. /10 4 Odd one out. 1 in water, in the forest, in Africa, in the jungle 2 pelican, monkey, zebra, cheetah 3 tail, head, eye, teeth 4 long, sharp, bird, short 5 jump, swim, climb, dangerous Score. ./10 1 Bump is brown. 2 Bump can run fast, [jjj] 3 He cannot climb. 4 His ears are short. 5 His nose is black. Score. ./15 76 UNIT 7 Lesson 8 [,esson 8 Project Animal parade 1 Draw an animal. Label its legs, tail, eyes, ears, etc. 2 Look at Heffalump’s passport and write a passport for your animal. Name: HEFFALUMP Age: 99 Colour: green, black, and yellow Lives: in England Has got: a big head, four legs, two big ears, and three green eyes Can: run, swim, speak English and play football Likes: flowers and Coca-Cola Characteristics: funny, not dangerous 3 Put up your picture on the wall. 4 Make two teams. • Team A: Take turns to talk about your animals. Team B: Listen and give medals to team A. • Team A: Listen and give medals to team B. Team B: Take turns to talk about your animals. 5 Give the medals and say. Example: To Dima for a Funny Animal. Congratulations (поздравления)! To Dasha for an Animal with Big Eyes. Congratulations! L 77 Down Memory Lane Lesson 1 Dates la Guess. 1b Look at the calendar. Listen, repeat and translate. 2a* 1^ Listen and say. Example: 19 January — the nineteenth of January January a February a March 7 14 21 28 411 18 25 411 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 411 18 25 1 8 15 22 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31 April О May О June 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 411 18 25 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 Q July О August о September 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 October О November December 7 14 21 28 411 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 411 18 25 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 1 c Ask your partner. Example: A: What’s the first month? B: January. 1 d Guess your classmates’ favourite month. Example: A: Is April your favourite month? B: No it isn’t. / Yes, it is. 78 a) 19 January f) 1 September b) 25 December g) 31 May c) 3 November h) 2 December d) 3 March i) 7 January e) 1 January 2b Listen and write. (2^ Do Jenya’s puzzle: When’s my birthday? 3a Ask your friends and fill in the table. Example: Jane: My birthday is on the third of November. When’s your birthday, Anya? Anya: It’s on the first of February. Name Birthday Dima 19 January 3b Report the results to the class. Example: Dima’s birthday’s on the nineteenth of January. It’s in winter. 4 Write down your relatives’ and friends’ birthdays. Report them to the class. LOOK We write: 3 November We read: the third of November When’s = when is on 3 November in November in summer UNIT 8 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Space firsts „1 j |«V: Read aloud, listen and check, 2a Look and match the pictures with the names. Astronauts a) Alexei Leonov b) Strelka c) Valentina Tereshkova d) Yuri Gagarin e) Neil Armstrong 0 2b 1^1 Listen to the radio programme. Answer your teacher’s questions. 2c Read the descriptions and match them with the space firsts in Ex. 2a. a) It was the first dog in space. It was from Russia. b) He was the first man in space. He was from Russia. c) She was the first woman in space. She was from Russia. d) He was the first man on the moon. He was from America. e) He was the first to walk in space. He was from Russia. (2d) Match the questions with the answers. 1 Was Neil Armstrong Russian? 2 Was Yuri Gagarin the first man to walk in space? 3 Was Strelka the first dog in space? 4 Was an American the first on the moon? 5 Was Valentina Tereshkova an actress? 6 Was Alexei Leonov the first man in space? 7 Was Valentina Tereshkova French? a) No, he wasn’t. It was Alexei Leonov. b) Yes, it was. c) Yes, he was. It was Neil Armstrong. d) No, he wasn’t. He was American. e) No, she wasn’t. She was Russian. f) No, she wasn’t. She was an astronaut. g) No, he wasn’t. He was the first man to walk in space. Write questions and answer them. Example: the/was/ first/when/walk/in space? When was the first walk in space? — In 1965. a) in / woman / first / space / the / who / was? b) she/was/Russian? c) when/the/was/manned/first/flight / in space? d) astronaut / who / the / was / first? e) to the moon / was / the first / flight / when / ? f) flight / was / it / whose? What was there in the history of space flights in the years in Ex. 1? Make a space calendar. See Grammar Support 8. LOOK I, he, she, it — was / wasn’t wasn't = was not Was he an astronaut? — Yes, he was./No, he wasn’t. Where was he? He was on the moon. L 79 UNIT 8 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Grandparents -1 a < Listen, read and say, 1 an engineer 2 a dancer 3 a policewoman 4 a sportsman 5 a student 6 a doctor 7 a farmer 8 an astronaut 9 a policeman 10 a teacher 1 b Match the professions in Ex. 1 a and the descriptions. Example: 1 — c) a) He works on a farm. b) She dances in the Bolshoi Theatre. c) He makes new “Volgas”. d) She studies biology. e) They do sports. f) He goes on space flights. g) She helps people. h) He works in the police. i) She works in the police. j) She works in a school. 1c Listen and write. 1 • • • 2 • • 3 • • • 4 • • • 5 • • • • a) engineer 2a Look at the pictures and say who was what. Example: He was a dancer. (2^ Listen and check. 80 UNIT 8 Lesson 3 Read Dima’s story and choose the pictures which are from Dima’s family album. These are Dima’s answers. Guess the questions. Example: Were your grandparents old forty years ago? Dima: No, they weren’t. They were young. a) Yes, they were students. b) No, they weren’t Olympic champions. c) No, my grandma wasn't a doctor, she was a policewoman. d) Yes, she was a good dancer, but she wasn’t famous. e) No, he wasn’t a doctor, he was a teacher. Play Who was what? Example: A: Excuse me, were you a doctor thirty years ago? B: No, I wasn't. A: Were you a teacher? B: Yes, I was. A: Thank you. 6 Write about your grandparents and illustrate your story with photos or pictures. /4 7 See Grammar Support 8. LOOK Ask your friend three or four questions about his / her grandparents. I, he, she, it — was, wasn't = was not We, you, they — were, weren’t = were not ... days / ... weeks / ... years ago L 81 UNIT 8 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Now and then 1 Look at Dima’s photos. Read and say which story belongs to the past. .r I live in a big house. I have my own room. In my room I play the guitar and computer games. I do my homework too. I like colouring in pictures in my English workbook. English is my favourite subject. I go to Britain every summer. At school I have a lot of friends. I like my lessons at school. I like the clubs at school too. I dance in our school dancing club. On my birthday I always have a party and invite all my school friends. We dance and play games. I was five I lived in a small flat. I played with toys all day long or coloured in pictures in my picture books. I liked it! I travelled to Moscow with my Dad. I danced at parties in my kindergarten. I invited my grandma to the parties to watch me. 1^ Listen and put the verbs into the right columns. closed asked stopped started played cooked coloured watched invited travelled 3 Look at the pictures and say what Anya did yesterday. Example: Anya cooked her breakfast yesterday. cook help 4 Ask your friend about his / her early childhood. Example: Did you visit your grandparents when you were five? — Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. LOOK Did you visit watch play like ask fairy tales? the piano / the guitar? a lot of questions? football matches? the Moscow Kremlin? dancing? Did you play chess? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t, didn’t = did not Did he / she / we / they play chess? 5 Write about yourself when you were five. Illustrate the story with pictures. See Grammar Support 9. work + ed = worked play + ed = played live + ed = lived stop + ed = stopped try + ed = tried 82 J UNIT 8 Lesson 5 j Lesson 5 At the birthday party la) Say true or false. a) Jane invited her friends to her birthday party. b) Jane played the guitar. c) Tom danced. Listen and check. (!S) Look and say what Alice / John did or didn’t do at Jane’s party. Example: Alice decorated the birthday cake at the party. John didn’t decorate the birthday cake. Alice and John didn't tell fairy tales at the party. ^Icj Answer the questions. a) When was the birthday party? b) Who was at the party? c) What did Tom do at the party? d) Did he dance at Sarah’s birthday party last year? e) Did the children play games? f) Did they play board games? Alice John tell fairy tales Л Л play the guitar Л / take photos Л Л watch a monkey / X watch TV Л X play hide-and-seek / X play chess / X decorate the cake / X Ask your friends about their last birthday. Example: A: Did you have a party with your friends? B: Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t. Ask your friends about what they did last week. cook breakfast decorate a room read a story (б) Write about your friends. Example: Mary visited her granny, but Sasha didn’t. L 83 UNIT 8 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Souvenir Listen and make pairs. past (^won^ (^^made^ (^ook^ 2 ^ Play the Mime game. Use Ex. 1. Example: She flew. Z Say aloud. aw [m saw law raw jaw draw ought aught [o:t] brought bought thought caught taught 4a Look at Max’s teddy bear. Read and say which sentence is true. Max likes this teddy bear because... a) it was his first toy when he was a baby. b) it was his prize in a game. c) it was his birthday present. 4b Read Max’s diary quickly and check. 4c Read the text again. Look at the photos. Which of them did Max take at Alton Towers? 19 July My diary It was my birthday yesterday, it was fantastic! It started like a usual day: i got up at 7 in the morning and had breakfast. At 8 a.m. my grandad came round. He took me to ... Alton Towers! it's a fantastic funfair in the centre of England. How I love it! We sang together with funny characters at the children's show. We went up and down on the helter-skelter, we saw an old castle and had a walk in the beautiful gardens. A storyteller told us a fairy tale. In the Black Hole l sat in a space ship and "flew" through space. I was an astronaut. Great! Finally, I won a teddy bear because 1 was good at a game. I keep it in my room on the sofa, l took some photos. I had a great time! helter-skelter — спиральная горка castle [ka:sl] — замок hole — дыра 84 UNIT 8 Lesson 6 4d Put the sentences in order. a) He won a teddy bear. b) He was an astronaut. c) They had a walk in the gardens. d) They sang. e) They went up and down on the helter-skelter. f) His grandfather came round. g) They listened to a fairy tale. 5 Make questions. Ask your friend about his / her souvenir. Example: a souvenir /do/ have / you / ? Do you have a souvenir? a) did / get / it / when / you / ? b) buy/did/you/it/? c) did / win / you / it / ? d) it/did /you / find /? e) your / did / friend / give / to you / it / ? f) it / did / where / you / get / ? g) is/it/what/? h) do / where / you / it / keep / ? i) do / it / like / you / ? 6 Write about your souvenir. Use the questions from Ex. 5 as a plan. I have got a souvenir... 85 UNIT 8 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 45-50 40-45 35-40 <35 very good good OK look again 86 Write the dates. Example: The twenty-first of June — 21 June. a) the fifth of May b) the thirtieth of January c) the second of February d) the third of November e) the tenth of July f) the eighth of March Write questions for the answers. Example: We were at the zoo. (Where...) — Where were you? a) I bought this bicycle last week. (When...) b) No, we didn’t. We danced at the concert, not at the party. (Did...) c) I played chess with my dad. (What...) d) Yes, I was very happy there. (Were...) e) Yes, I did. I made this space ship for my brother. Score. ■ /10 3 Make three groups. climbed jumped decorated lived looked watched visited worked loved started opened It] [d] [Id] climbed ... Score. /10 4 Read and write the correct form. Last summer Anya stayed (stay) at her granny’s. It (1 be)... great! Every morning she (2 get)... up at six o’clock and (3 go)... out into the yard. There she (4 help)... her grandmother. Then she C5 have)... warm milk and (6 go)... swimming. She (7 like)... swimming. Anya and her friends (8 p/ay^l... games. Anya (9 score)... two goals in a football match. The children often (10 go)... to a farm and (11 work)... there. Once they (12 see)... a hedgehog, but they (13 not take)... it home. On Sundays she (14 talk)... to her mum and dad on the telephone. She (15 enjoy)... her time. Score. ■ /15 5 Read the text again and put the pictures in order. Score. ■ /9 Score /6 У t © UNIT 8 Lesson 8 [jessonS Project la Look through the Student’s Book and your project file. 1b Say what you did in your English lesson. 1c Make a calendar of the memories of your class. Put each month on a separate sheet of paper. Memory wove 2 Draw a big picture of a boat. Put your faces in the windows. Make sails out of your calendar — one sail for each month. Put them on the boat. Give your boat a name. Now you are ready to sail. Catch the wind! 4 Talk about your memories with your class. 87 Town and village Lesson 1 Where do you live? 1 a Look at the pictures, choose and say. Where do you live? 88 1 UNIT 9 Lesson 1 Listen and put the words into four groups. • • • • • • • • bank office hotel library bank office hotel library bridge shop market theatre park zoo hospital cinema police station bus river I (4a) Look at the map in Ex. 2 for a minute. Cover it. Tell your partner what there is in the city. Example: There’s a bank in the city. Tell your friends where you live. What is there in your town / village? Example: A: I live in Omsk. There’s a big park here. B: I live in Omsk too. There’s a long bridge here. 5a) Read Anya’s letter. What places did she visit in Moscow? Omsk 14jcinuary Dear Jane, The winter holidays are over and school started three days ago. In January i was in Moscow with my mum and dad. we had a good time there, we stayed in a hotel in the centre of Moscow. Our room was on the 25th floor and we had a nice view of the river Moskva. we went to the Bolshoi Theatre and the Pushkin Museum. We went to Gorki Park too and that was fun! And the Christmas tree in the Kremlin was fantastic. There were a lot of children in the square. We played games, sang and danced a lot and got presents at the end. what aboutyou? where did you go for your winter holidays? Write soon. Love, Anya (5b) See Grammar Support 9. 5d 1 5c) Correct the sentences. Example: Anya didn’t go to Moscow in the summer holidays. She went there in the winter holidays. Anya went to Moscow in the summer holidays. They stayed on the 15th floor of the hotel. There was a view of the park from the window. The family had a lot of fun in the museum. There were a lot of Christmas trees in the Kremlin. The children watched films in the Kremlin. Ask Anya about her holidays in Moscow. Example: When did school start? — Three days ago. Where...? — I went to Moscow. When...? — In January. Where...? — In a hotel. What...? — I liked the Christmas tree. What...? — We sang and danced. 2 3 5e In pairs ask your friend about his / her winter holidays. 4 5 /Ч Draw a map of the city, town or village you live in. Write the names of the streets and other places. Are there any interesting names? L 89 UNIT 9 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Around your home town la Look and say. Example: There is a museum in Dima's town. 1b Complete the sentences. There is one extra word. a) between e) in front of ! • b) on the corner f) under • • c) behind g) next to • ; d) opposite LOOK ■ 2 i Look at Anya’s plan, p. 88. Listen and find. a) bus stop — b) theatre — c) library — d) hospital — 1 e) bookshop — f) museum — Was there a park? Yes, there was. No, there wasn't. Where was it? Dima’s house is ... of the street. The post office is ... his house. The bookshop is ... the school. The school is ... the park and the bookshop. The sportsground is ... the school. The bus stop is ... the bank. ^ 3 ’ Look at your plan and tell your friend about your home town. In pairs talk about Dima’s town. Pupil A; Ask about Dima’s town a hundred years ago. Pupil B: Turn to p. 134. Look and answer. 1c Look, read and correct the sentences. Example: No, the park is near the school. 1 The park is next to Dima’s house. 2 The school is between the post office and the bank. The bank is opposite the bus stop. The museum is on the corner of the street. Dima’s house is behind the bookshop. park school sportsground bookshop museum market garden shop bus stop supermarket 3 4 5 ^ 5Write about your home town. '‘■W I live in a ... in ... Street. There is ... near (next to / opposite / behind) my house. I like my town, because it is .... 90 к UNIT 9 Lesson 3 |,esson 3 Can you tell me the way? ^ Listen and say. aa turn left go straight on go past the bank turn right cross the street Follow the directions. Play the game in class. 3a) 1^ Listen to the conversation. Read and act out. A: Excuse me? B: Yes? A: Can you tell me the way to the market, please? B: Yes. It’s in Milford Street. Go straight on. Turn left. It’s next to the post office. A: Thank you. Make UP a conversation. Change the underlined words. 4 ) Work in pairs. You are a stranger in the town. Ask about the way to the places you want to go to. L 5a Read and answer. What is the museum famous for? MADAME TUSSAUD'S Madame Tussaud’s is a wax museum. There are a lot of kings, queens, politicians and stars. You can see famous people from the past and famous people of today — Charlie Chaplin, Princess Diana, Sylvester Stallone and many others. It is very popular — two million people visit it every year. There are about four hundred figures in the museum. It takes about six months to make a new figure. Artists make the faces and hands from wax. They make the bodies from plastic. They use real human hair on the heads. Often, famous people give their clothes for the figures. 5b Is there a museum in your town? What is it famous for? /4 6a) Read and copy the message. Think about punctuation marks and capital letters. г %n\o° /Ч 6b Your teacher doesn’t know where you live. Write how to get to your house from the school. "You are in front of the school. Turn..." 91 UNIT 9 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 The London Eye la Read and match. 1 Big Ben ^ a) a shop 2 The Thames ( b) a museum 3 The Tower of London j c) a bell 4 Hamleys ^ d) a river 5 Madame Tussaud’s e) a library 1b Read and check. ., V Buckingham Palace is the most famous place in London. It is the home of the Queen. There are 600 rooms in it. It has an indoor swimming pool and a cinema. i IT Trafalgar Square is the most popular place for people to meet. In the middle of the square there is Nelson’s Column, which is 51 m high. Hamleys is the biggest toy shop in London. There are six floors with millions of toys. 92 UNIT 9 Lesson 4 2a Read the texts and find the phrase. 1 самое популярное место встреч 2 самое большое колесо 3 самый известный парк 4 5 самая красивая река самый старый мост 2Ь Compare. Madame Tussaud’s is the world’s most famous waxwork museum. Over two million people go there every year to see wax figures of presidents, film stars and pop stars. Tower Bridge is one of the oldest bridges in London. It Is over a hundred years old. Hyde Park is the most famous park in London. It’s a pleasure to watch Londoners walk and jog in the park, eat their sandwiches, talk, sunbathe, read books and enjoy music. There are no signs like “Do not walk on the grass”. The Tower of London is a very big castle. It is the oldest place in London. It was a castle, a palace, a zoo, a prison and a museum. The most famous things in the Tower of London are the Crown Jewels. They have the biggest diamond in the world — the “Star of Africa”. L old — the oldest 4 beautiful — the most beautiful 4 1 short word 1 ? word 3 Complete the sentence. Example: I want to visit... because it is ... 4 Do the London Quiz. 9 10 Listen and guess. What is this? Which is the noisiest place in London? Where can you see the most famous people in the world? What is the most popular place to meet in London? Which is the most beautiful bridge? Where can you buy any toy you want? Which is the deepest river in Britain? Where is there the most beautiful view of the city? What is the “Star of Africa”? Where is it? Where can you play on the grass? 5 In groups make your own quiz about your town, village, school or class. LOOK beautiful — the most beautiful Buckingham Palace [Ълкпзэт 'paelisj — Букингемский дворец Tower Bridge ['taua 'bnctsl — Тауэрский мост Hyde Park ['haid 'pa;k] — Гайд-парк Trafalgar Square [tra'faelga 'skwea] — Трафальгарская площадь Thames [’temz] — Темза Hamleys ['haemlizj — Хамлиз Madame Tussaud’s ['maedam ta'sadzj — мадам Тюссо wheel ['wi:lj — колесо обозрения Tower of London ['tauar av 'lAndanj — Тауэр 93 UNIT 9 Lesson 5 Ijesson 5 East, west, home’s best >k1 ^ Look, listen and say. Example: Max is happy, but Nick is sad. Max / Nick happy / sad man / boy tall / short market / park noisy / quiet streets / yard clean / dirty prospect / street wide / narrow 2a Read about the town. Choose the right picture. Cheltenham Cheltenham is a small clean town in the centre of England. It is a very beautiful town. The streets are long and wide. The houses are small. There is a garden with nice flowers in front of each house. There aren’t many cars in the streets, but there are a lot of noisy tourists. The most interesting garden is in the centre. There are always a lot of people there. They have picnics, play games or just have a rest in a quiet place. 2b Look at the picture of the same town a hundred years ago. What was it like? Example: A: There were no cars in the streets a hundred years ago. B: They are many cars in the streets now. 94 3a Read and answer your teacher’s questions. Jane My village is the quietest place. Max I live in London. It’s the oldest and biggest city in England. Anya I live on the 11th floor. It’s the tallest block of flats in the street. 3b Work out a rule. To make the oldest we add ... to the word old. Find opposites. Example: longest — shortest tallest youngest shortest biggest oldest cleanest coldest saddest smallest dirtiest hottest happiest LOOK the + long + est = the longest the + big + est = the biggest the + happy + est = the happiest Listen and say whose hometown is: a) the oldest 1) Sam’s b) the noisiest 2) Tom’s c) the newest 3) Margaret’s 6a Talk about your hometown / school / class. — Which is the longest street? — Who is the tallest in the class? — Whose bag is the biggest? 6b Ask questions. The shortest street The quietest yard The smallest classroom The noisiest class The girl with the longest hair The boy with the biggest smile, etc. What is special about your house, family and you? Write five sentences. Example: — I live in the longest street. — My father is the tallest in the family. /Ч 8 See Grammar Support 15, 16. i UNIT 9 Lesson 6 [,esson 6 Village festival ^ Look and make pairs. big—X smallest bad \ cleverest small ^ biggest funny worst clever funniest fastest strong youngest fluffy strongest fast best young fluffiest good : 2a" Listen to the radio programme and say what it is about. '2b ® Listen and match. LOOK good — the best bad — the worst 1 Jim a) made the biggest chewing 2 Tracy gum bubble. 3 Max b) gave the rabbit the biggest 4 Annie carrot. c) has the longest hair. d) is the best cyclist. e) made the highest jump. Welcome to a British village festival И Go round and say who the winners are. 0^^ [ Nancy ] Ш Whose cat is the best? L 4 Read the letter about the village festival. Finish the letter. Dear Dima, Last spring I went to see my grandmother. She lives in a very old village called Frome. I had a good time there. The most fantastic thing was the Village Festival. There were a lot of unusual and funny competitions. I took part in one of them. I made the biggest chewing gum bubble. My friend Sid was the best at eating apples. Best wishes, Max 95 UNIT 9 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 Unscramble the places. a) vreri b) eloht c) krpa d) ehatret e) raektm f) rneagd g) iebgdr h) mmuuse i) wnto j) llvegai Score. /10 Complete the sentences. Put the words in the correct form. a) This book is (interesting) book you can find in the library. b) Yesterday was (bad) day for me this week. c) Dave is (tall) boy in the team. d) My grandfather is (old) in the family. e) Who is (good) pupil in your class? Score. /10 ■3?® Listen and match. Where do they live? 1 Nick a) in a village 2 Sarah b) in a town 3 Dave c) in a city 4 Sarah’s aunt 5 Dave’s dog Score. /10 У 1 ^uarene^'^'^'^ 45-50 40-45 I 35-40 < 35 very good good j OK look again 4 Read Jane’s letter to her pen friend. Write T for true sentences and F for false sentences. Dear Maria, Thank you for the letter. It was interesting to learn aboutyour place. It is really beautiful. I live in a very small village near a river. There's a nice view from my window. You can see a river and a big park near it. I live in Market Street. But there is no market in the street just a food shop. Next to it there is a post office. Opposite the post office there is a bus stop. Behind it there's a bookshop. Between the bookshop and the village museum there are three houses. My friend Tom lives in one of them, we go to school together. I like walking and playing in the park. It is my favourite place, what is your favourite place? Please write to me soon, jane Maria lives in a village. There is a big park near the river. Jane lives near the market. The bookshop is behind the bus stop. Tom lives between the bookshop and the village museum. Score. ./10 ■ 5 'I) Read and write how to get from Jane’s school to her house. Put punctuation marks and capital letters where necessary. 96 Lesson 8 Project 1 Прочитай, чему могут быть посвящены странички Книги рекордов. Выбери понравившуюся страницу. UNIT 9 Lesson 8 yourhorneto^ . rtoUhe «u ^lome tovwn^ building'? ^ yybich \s th „5^ shop'? ^'^"'"ТГозГрорп1агс^' Vjbich >s the ^ street? T ruest school? NAmich is the brgP ,gapest? V^ose garden >s the Which was the happiest day of the year? Which was the funniest day- . .-уы? Which was the most interesting festival. Which was the most popular sports ™s, interesting even, 0, the year? fates, pet, ^ ^“se birthday is (ь??''' aPorlest hairt '’as got ftp f ■ te the bea j^'Ses, faa,„y. Mvaecoiacis Собери фотографии, рисунки, открытки, подходящие к твоей странице. В группе вместе с одноклассниками обсудите, что вы хотите поместить на страницу, придумайте надписи и заголовки. Подумайте, как рассказать об этом всему классу. Оформите страницу на большом листе бумаги и представьте ее классу. Обязательно найдите на странице место для сообщений о своих собственных рекордах. Прикрепите свои фотографии или рисунки. Напишите и расскажите о своих успехах. 97 о Yummy, yummy... Lesson 1 I love apples! 1 Listen to the children. Say what food they like. Find it in the picture. Example: Max likes... /Sarah... 2a Listen and say. [ae] le] [0] [i:l dl [Ш] apple lemon shop cheese fish fruit sandwich bread popcorn tea milk juice ham vegetable chocolate cream pizza 2b Read and say. packet egg coffee orange carrot water add mix wash meal salad butter banana 1Ьэ'па;пэ| onion ['лп]эп| potato (pa'teitoul pizza ['pirtsaj Look at the pictures. Listen and repeat. bread head ready tea cream read 3b Choose two things you like and two you don’t like. Tell your friend. 3c Find someone in the class who likes the same food and someone who doesn’t. Example: A: Do you like cheese? B: Yes, I do. I love it. A: Do you like milk? B: No, I don’t. I hate it. 98 UNIT 10 Lesson 1 4 Look and say. What’s in the shopping bag? Example: There’s a banana. / There are some apples. / There's some milk. Odd one out. 1 apple cheese orange 2 bread potato onion 3 packet banana milk 4 butter lemon egg What’s in your shopping bag? Make your own shopping bag. Tell your friend about it. Example: I've got an orange. I've got some apples. I’ve got some cheese. 7 Make a picnic basket. Work in groups of four. Jane: Let’s take three bananas. Dima: OK. Let’s take some eggs. Anya: No, I hate eggs. Let’s take some ice cream. Max: Great! I love it. LOOK There is a banana. There are some bananas. There is some juice. 8 Check your memory. Label pictures 1-18. /Ч 9 See Grammar Support 12. L 99 UNIT 10 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Have you got any bananas? И b I Listen and check. la Look and write a/an/some. I’ve got some apples. I haven’t got any oranges. Have you got any cheese? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. 5 Max’s mum was at the shop yesterday. Listen and say what she bought. 2 Look and answer. Cover the picture. What’s in the picture? Example: There's some lemonade. There’s an onion. There're some nuts. 3 Guess what is in the shopping bag. Ask questions. Example: A: Have you got any apples? B: No, I haven’t. 1 applee 6 carrote 2 butter / 1 сИеебе b tomatoea 4 огап0е juice 9 Sprite 5 bread Example: She bought some butter. She didn't buy any apples. 4 Look and compare. ©> You’ve got some rice in your shopping bag. Sorry. I haven’t got any rice. I’ve got some nuts. ' 6a Read the conversation and fill in the gaps with some or any. A: Have you got (1)... bananas? B: Sorry, we haven’t got (2)... bananas today. But we’ve got (3)... oranges. A: OK. Four oranges, please. B: Here you are. A: Thank you. 6b Listen and check. 7 Write which food your mother bought yesterday. Use Ex. 5. 8 See Grammar Support 12. 100 UNIT 10 Lesson 3 Ijesson 3 A packet of crisps, please la Make as many pairs as you can. 1) a carton of 2) a cup of 3) a bottle of 4) a kilo of b) a bar of 6) a piece of 7) a packet of a loaf of a) chocolate b) lemonade c) tea______ d) coffee e) sugar LOOK a cup of tea la] |av| f) bread g) juice h) crisps 1b Listen and say. 2a Read and write C for customer and S for shop assistant. П Hello. Can I help you? EZI Yes please. I’d like a kilo of bananas and two kilos of apples. CZI Anything else? n A packet of crisos. please. CZI Here you are. CC Thank you. 2b Listen and say. 2c Ask for food in the shop. 3 Max wants to make ten sandwiches. See what there is in his fridge. Work in pairs and make a shopping list for him. RECIPE Shopping list 1 200 grams of butter A sandwich A piece of bread A small piece of butter Two pieces of tomato A piece of cheese 4 it’s your birthday. Write a shopping list for your party. 101 UNIT 10 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Who is the burglar? 1 There is nothing in Max’s fridge. Listen and complete 2a Look and guess: Who is the burglar? 102 2b Answer the questions about each picture. — Is there any milk in the basket? How many cartons of milk are there? — Is there any lemonade? How many bottles of lemonade are there? — Is there any cheese? How many kilos of cheese are there? — Is there any fruit? What kind of fruit is there? — How many lemons are there? How many apples are there? 2c Play At the Police Station. 2d Help the policeman to find the burglar. Fill in the gaps with is /are, was /were. Who is the burglar? The first man is not a burglar. There (1)... five apples in his basket. There (2)... five apples in Max’s fridge. There (3)... four bottles of lemonade in the basket and there (4)... four bottles of lemonade in the fridge. There (5)... some milk in the basket and there (6)... some milk in the fridge. There (7)... some cheese in the basket, but there wasn’t any cheese in the fridge. So, this man is not the burglar. Who is the burglar? 3 Ann lost her bag at an airport Help her to write a report for the police. 4 See Grammar Support 7. UNIT 10 Lesson 5 [jesson 5 Let’s make a fruit salad add L la Do you know how to make a fruit salad? Put the pictures in the correct order. 1b Listen and check. 2 Read and fill in. Fruit Iceberg Take (1)... apples and (2)... them into small pieces. Add (3)... strawberries. Cut the (4)... into pieces and (5)... them to the salad. Mix with yogurt. You don’t need (6)... sugar. Put (7)... ice cream on the top. Enjoy your salad! bananas some (2) five any cut add 3a Read and find the odd one out Fruit Salad g) Put some pieces of orange on the top. 3b Choose the best name. a) Take three bananas and an apple. b) Wash the fruit. c) Cut it into pieces. d) Add some lemon juice. e) Mix with cream. (^CLjxcjtIa^x^ ^гглемЛ:- f) Add some tomatoes. ^ 4 Talk about what you need to make a Russian saiad. Pupil A: See p. 133. Pupil B: See p. 134. Finish writing the recipes for two salads. Choose the words from the box. Look up the new words in the Wordlist. put ; A Fruit Salad For this salad you two bananas,____ к Russian Salad A_____________ For this salad you fwo potatoes,___ need ba°nanj^'®">'“>'neea(v„ P^PPer. ^orne Ч11Г, ^ ''®9efяh/ 103 UNIT 10 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Have you got a sweet tooth? 1 Look at the pictures, match and say where this food comes from. a hamburger 2 Look and say. \ ж Made h China N Ч раскопа 104 Russia Italy America China tj .* pelmeni - v'Ji J This is a carton of s. orange juice. It comes 1 from Greece. Ч J \ \Л> J UNIT 10 Lesson 6 За Read and choose the best title. a) Chocolate factory b) The birth of chocolate c) I love chocolate DO YOU KNOW? The story of chocolate starts in the green jungles of Africa. There are cocoa trees there. They need a lot of sun. In November the farmers collect cocoa beans. They are white as milk. Then the farmers dry the beans in the sun for a week, and they become brown. Ships bring the beans from Africa to Germany, France, Russia, England and other countries. In chocolate factories people make cocoa powder from the beans, add sugar, milk and nuts, and the chocolate is ready. к 3b Read again and guess the words in bold. 3c Read and say true or false. 1 Cocoa trees need a lot of sun. 2 Cocoa trees are white. 3 Cocoa beans become brown in summer. 4 The farmers dry the beans for seven days. 5 There is milk, cocoa powder, sugar and nuts in a bar of chocolate. 4 Listen and say. What presents did the children get for Easter? Fill in the table. What? How many? Jane Dave 5a Interview two people in your class. Fill in the table. Pupil 1 Pupil 2 What chocolate do you like? How many bars of chocolate can you eat a day? 5b Say who has got a sweet tooth. Example: Pat loves “Milky Way”, but Helen likes “Nuts" very much. Pat can eat five bars of chocolate a day, but Helen can eat three. So, Pat has got a svi/eet tooth. 6 Who has got a sweet tooth in your family? Interview your family and write a report. 105 UNIT 10 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 > Listen and number the pictures. Put in order. 45-50 40-45 35-40 <35 very good good OK look again 2 Write words in each group. Food Drink Vegetables Fruit Other carrot apple cheese water egg lemon juice onion tomato bread tea orange rice ice cream milk ham lemonade banana potato strawberry cola chocolate pizza Score. /20 3 Fill in the gaps with some / any /a /an. a) — I’d like (1)... strawberries. Have you got (2)...? — Sorry, we haven’t got (3)... strawberries at the moment b) — Is there (4)... cheese? — Yes, here you are. Anything else? — (5)... big apple, please. Score. /10 4 Look and write T (True) or F (False). 1 She likes bananas. СИ 2 She liked apples. СИ 3 She hates onion. СИ 4 She didn’t like yogurt. СИ 5 She loved milk. СИ Score_______/10 106 UNIT 10 Lesson 8 IjessonS Project 1 Prepare: □ paper □ scissors □ glue □ crayons □ pictures or photos of food. In groups make your cookery book. a) Talk about what you would like to cook and what food you need. Look at the pictures in the unit and make a list. b) Write a recipe. c) Think of the name. d) Think of a design for your recipe. in class: \ a) Talk about your dish (блюдо). b) Make a book from your pages. c) Hand out prizes. awards For a creative RECIPE For an interesting NAME For a creative DESIGN «4 Sing the rhyme and act it out. FIVE CURRANT BUNS Five currant buns in a baker’s shop, Round and fat with sugar on the top. Along came a boy with a penny one day, Bought a currant bun and took it away. Summer plans Lesson 1 What’s the weather like? Look and say. What’s the temperature? Example: It’s 5 degrees. It’s minus 10 (degrees). It is cold. = It’s cold. It is not hot. = It's not hot. Is it cold? degree zero minus Read and learn. -ture picture literature nature temperature adventure lecture culture Look and say. Example: The soup is hot. 108 *4^ Look at the map and discuss the weather with your partner. Example: A: What’s the weather like in Moscow? B: It’s warm. A: What’s the temperature? B: It’s 10 degrees. UNIT 11 Lesson 1 1^ Listen and answer. 1 What is the weather like? 2 What is the temperature? 3 Is it cold? 4 Is it warm? 5 What city does Max live in? 6 Do you like this weather? In pairs talk about the weather in different places. City t'C In short Moscow 25 hot Pupil A: Ask your partner about the weather and fill in the table. Pupil B: Turn to page 134. Omsk -3 ‘C UNIT 11 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Is it rainy? Play Cold — Warm — Hot. Example: A: Am I warm? Class: You’re warm (er). Read and say. snow wind LOOK cloud + у = cloudy sun + у = sunny Read and learn. ai ay ey [ei] ram pain gram mam claim stain waist gain jail chain day may way grey they (4) 4*) Read the text and choose a symbol from Ex. 2 for each sentence. In summer it is usually hot and sunny in our place (1).... But there is sometimes heavy (сильный) rain (2).... When it is rainy, it is cloudy (3).... It is not windy (4).... But in the morning it can be foggy (5).... Play the Decoding game. a) Draw three weather symbols in your exercise book. b) Describe the weather to your friend. Let him / her draw it in symbols. c) Compare your drawings. 6^ Work in pairs. Look at the map on pp. 108-109, ask and guess. Example: A: Is it hot? B: Yes, it is. A: Is it rainy? B: Yes, it is. A: It’s Moscow. 110 Listen and find the film. . 8 In pairs choose a film and write a film script. /Ч 9 Write about good weather for: a) going skiing and skating b) playing football c) doing homework d) going for a walk. Example: It is cold and sunny. тшк штшшк J\ UNIT 11 Lesson 3 [jesson 3 Making plans Look and listen. What is the conversation about? 4a Mother asks Max about his plans for Sunday. What questions do you think she asks? What are you going to do tomorrow (завтра)? What? Where? When? How? Who... with? How many? Why? LOOK What are you going to do? I’m going to... I’m not going to... Are you going to...? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 1b Who says what? Dima / Anya / Natasha says: 1 2 3 4 I’m going to read a book. I’m going to play tennis. I’m going to do my homework I’m going to listen to music. Guess what your partner is going to do tomorrow and on Saturday and Sunday. study maths play football listen to music visit your granny read a book go to the park play computer games ride your bicycle Listen and check. (4^ Write questions for these answers. 1 Mozart. I like classical music. 2 Gulliver’s Travels. It’s my favourite. 3 In the concert hall. 4 You and Dad. 5 After the concert, of course. Example: A: Are you going to study maths? B: No, I'm not. / Yes, / am. 3aj Fill in the gaps. 1 Dima, what... you going to do tomorrow? 2 Anya, what are ... going to read on Sunday? 3 Natasha, what are you going ... do tomorrow? a) I... going to listen to music. b) I’m ... to play tennis. c) I’m going ... read an interesting book. 5 ) With your partner act out the conversation between Max and his mother. Example: Mother: What are you going to do tomorrow? Max: I’m going to read a book. Mother: When are you going to read it? Max: After the concert, of course. /Ч 6 You are Max in the picture. Write what you are going to do on Sunday. 3b Match the questions and the answers in Ex. 3a. 7 See Grammar Support 13 L 111 UNIT 11 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 If the weather’s fine... What are you going to do at the weekend? Copy the table and fill in with your answers. You Your partner 1 play chess X 2 watch TV X 3 read a book 4 go skiing 5 play football 6 go swimming 7 cook breakfast 8 get up at 7 o’clock LOOK on Saturday on Sunday = at the LOOK I’m (not) You’re He’s \ (aren’t) She’s 1 It’s J We’re 1 (isn’t) You’re 1 They’re J (aren’t) going to watch TV. (1^ Ask your partner and fill in the table. Example: A: What are you going to do at the weekend? B: I’m going to play chess. A: Are you going to play badminton? B: Vfes, / am. / No, I'm not. 1c) Are you going to do the same things or different things? Report to the class. Example: We’re going to watch TV at the weekend. We aren’t going to play football at the weekend. 2a) Look and say what you are going to do if the weather is like in the picture. Example: I’m not going to play tennis. I’m going to read a book. (2^ Listen to other pupils in your class and say what each of them is going to do. (3^ Listen and talk about the weather in each picture in Ex. 2a. Example: Misha’s going to read a book. He isn’t going to play football. Natasha and Sergey are going to play computer games. They aren’t going to play tennis. 3b Listen again and talk about the children’s plans. Example: Dima’s going to watch TV. 112 i UNIT 11 Lesson 4 Ci) ^ Fill in. 1 If the weather is Max is going to sunbathe. 2 If the weather is rainy, Natasha is going to... 3 ...the weather is ..., Anya is going to visit her granny. 4 ...the weather is windy and cloudy, Dima is going to.. Say what you are going to do, if: ...it is cloudy and rainy. ...it is hot and sunny. Example: If it's rainy, I'm going to read books. 6 Play Nonsense. In groups write a funny story about who is going to do what. On a sheet of paper write in turn answers to the questions: -Who? — Is / Are going to do what? — Where? — When? — Who with? — If it is ... I, . „tosunbatbe is ,N wt POST office a, the weekend ^ with his grandfather if it is foggy (l^ Read and say the words with [ei], then with [ae] and with [a*]. game man park place space had camp car farm sand market space (7^ Write the words in the right box. car fat farmer skating make garter start take map dad pane fat [ei] [зе] [a:] go swimming 8) Write a nonsense story about what you are going to do at the weekend if the weather is hot, cold... 113 UNIT 11 Lesson 5 Ijesson 5 I CP holidays Listen and say what Dima does in summer. Example: He’s on holiday in summer. He goes fishing. 1 b Discuss with a partner what you do in summer. Example: A: I ride my bike. It's good fun. What about you? B: I go fishing with my father It’s wonderful. Do you go fishing? Look and match. 2b Read and match. good fun sunbathe wonderful pick mushrooms and berries fantastic go fishing make sandcastles do sports have a picnic sing songs 2c Say which holiday you like and why. Example: I like seaside holidays because I can swim in the sea. It’s good fun. 3 Read and say who did what. Anya. Last summer I went to the seaside. It was really fantastic: the sun, the sea and the sand. I swam in the sea and got a nice suntan (загар). I made sandcastles with my friends. It was good fun. Natasha. My favourite holidays are in the country. I went there in July to visit my granny. I helped to water the vegetable garden. We picked mushrooms in the forest. When Dad came, we went fishing. Dad says I’m good at fishing. I got a big carp. Dima. Last summer I went to a camp. It was wonderful. I played tennis and made model ships at the Busy Hands club. I learned to play the guitar. I’m going to go there again this summer. 4 Guess what your partner is going to do. Pupil A: Say a place. Example: In the country. Pupil B; Say what Pupil A is going to do. Example: Pick mushrooms and berries. . 5'' Write a letter to a pen pal about what you usually do in summer. Dear Pen Pal, It is summer and I am on holiday. I like holidays very much. I usually have a lot of fun. I don’t go to school. I play with friends and my dog. I ride my bike and read my favourite books. I go to the seaside and swim in the sea. Holidays are great fun. What do you do in the holidays? Write to me soon. Max 114 J UNIT 11 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Summer adventures Look and say what attractions there are in the city. Example: There is a zoo. )0 History and Art Museum ©O Space Cinema 2 ^ Listen and find. What is not mentioned (не упомянуто)? Study the map symbols. What do they mean? Example: You can play football in the sports centre. 5 Talk to your partner about what the children in Ex. 4 are going to do. Example: They're going to go to the cinema. watch a historical show watch animals In pairs talk about interesting places. Choose them on the map. 4 ^ Listen and say what places the children are going to visit. Write down their route with letters. Say the word. You are in this city. Write what you are going to do. Example: I am going to look at the flowers in the flower gardens. L 115 UNIT 11 Lesson 7 1 Lesson 7 Progress page 45-50 40-45 35-40 < 35 very good good OK look again Listen, draw the weather symbols and write the temperature. Moscow Omsk London Suzdal Samara ”C 'C “C ”C °C Score /15 2 Read and find where you can: 1 2 3 4 5 watch animals have a picnic watch historical shows do sports see plants. Score. ./10 Ci) Write complete weather forecasts (прогнозы погоды). Write what season it is. 25’C. Sunny after morning fog. 8°C. Fog in the morning. Clouds. -4”C. Sunny. No snow. 13'C. Rain. Wind. -25 "C. Snow. Wnd. Example: It is hot and sunny. It is summer. Score. ./15 Complete the text. p\aot SV40>N The weather (1)... going to be fine. Our family (2)... going to spend the holidays in the country. Mother (3)... going to pick flowers and mushrooms. Father (4)... going to go fishing. My sister asks, “(5)... you going to swim? I (6)... going to go with you!” My friends say, ‘You (7)... going to sunbathe. And we (8)... going to watch TV.” They (9)... going to have fun. And I want to spend the summer in the city and ride my bike but nobody (никто) (10)... going to listen to me. Score. ./10 [jesson 8 Project 1 Before you do your project: Our class , in the holtaays • Answer the questions in the questionnaire. • Collect pictures, photos, or make drawings about your summer holidays (a favourite place, what you like doing best). • Bring your pictures, crayons, white and coloured paper to class. 2) Make a poster. • In groups compare your answers. Are you going to do the same things? • Make a poster of how your group is going to spend (провести) the holidays. • Write a group story. Our Class in the Holidays We all like summer. Summer is... We like summer because... We like it when the weather is fine. It is... We are going to have fun. We are going to visit a lot of places:... We are going to do a lot of things:... We all think that summer is... 3 Present your project. • Put your group posters and stories on blackboard or on the wall. • Report on your group projects. • Read your friends' projects. Say what your friends are going to do in the summer. 4 Write a rhyme. <3 SUMMER QUESTIONNAIRE 1 Do you like summer? 2 Where are you going to spend (провести) your holidays? 3 What are you going to do in the holidays? 4 What do you like doing best? 5 Why do you like summer holidays? summer. .. hot and sunny- swim, ummer holidays. Sutnrrigj- ................sun. ......;;••• and fine •■■^walk, read and play. ^ like summer time. ^ ........... holiday. % I L 2 Му planet Lesson 1 My planet — my home 1 Listen and say. What’s the name of this planet? Dima: Wow! Look! What a beautiful planet! There are long yellow rivers and a lot of blue lakes. Jane: And a lot of big brown mountains and red hills. Dima: Yes, the view is wonderful. But look! I can’t see any plants or grass. There are no green forests there. Jane: There’s nothing green on this planet at all. Dima: Guess what. I know the name of this planet. There is no green. So it’s ...less. Let’s go there and explore it! 2 Complete the captain’s logbook. 5 November 2080 12.00: We see a big planet with a lot of brown (1)... and red (2).... There are no seas or oceans but there are a lot of blue (3)... and yellow (4).... It's so beautiful. And very strange. There are no green (5)..., there (6)... no grass. Nothing green. It's (7).... s 6 \ . »•. Ч fore. St i fv /fV UNIT 12 Lesson 1 ■© —\ Ч' 7 Write three questions you can ask Mr Green 4j < about his house / family / the weather in his village. 8 See Grammar Support 15, 16. ■'УЩ1 123 UNIT 12 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Tell me about yourself UNIT 12 Lesson 4 Play the Memory game. Work in teams. Look at the picture for three minutes, close your books and see how much you can remember. Use a or an with nouns. • Family • Homes • Food Example: Team A: a banana Team B: an apple 3a) Listen and read. a football a badminton racquet a tennis racquet a basket a baseball bat a bicycle a fishing rod 3b) Listen again, look and match. CD 4) Look and answer. What are the families going to do? Example: The Pinks are going to have a picnic. There is a basket of food in the mother's hand. \ ( S) In pairs interview a family from Underground ^ Land. Pupil A: You are Jane (Dima). Prepare questions you’d like to ask. Pupil B: Choose a family: the Pinks, the Greens or the Oranges. You are a member of the family. 1 What / name? 2 Where / from? 3 your place / beautiful? 4 there / mountains and hills? 5 there / lakes and rivers? 6 there / forests? 7 Where / people / live? 8 there / animals and birds? 9 What / the weather / like? 10 What / favourite season? 11 Where / you / live? 12 What / your house / like? 13 have got / a family? 14 have got / a pet? 15 have got / a lot of friends? 16 What / you / like doing? 17 What / favourite food? 18 you / play sports? Can / swim? you / like / your home tawn? 6 Write questions for Ex. 5 and answer them. UNIT 12 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Follow the map I think you should talk to our Governor. Take this map. It \will help you to find him. Listen and say. Who do the children meet? What do they see? 1*^1 Listen and follow their route on the map. Where are they? (^3j) Find your way to the castle. Use the map. Pupil A: You are Jane or Dima. You are: a) near the cafe b) in front of the sports centre c) opposite the post office d) in the park Pupil B: Give your partner directions to get to the places. Example: A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the castle, please? B: Yes. It's opposite the museum. Go along the street... You can’t miss it. A: Thank you. on the left on the right next to in front of behind between opposite near in the centre of on the corner go along go past turn left turn right cross 126 UNIT 12 Lesson 5 Use the words from the box to complete the captain’s logbook. 12 November 2080 18.00: We were in the centre of the city. There we (1)... many robot cars in the streets. We lost our map and didn't know how to get to the castle. Then we (2) ... Headless and Brainless. They (3)... to help us. Why did we listen to them? They had very strange names. We (4)... the street and went as far as the river. Then we (5)... right and (6)... past a beautiful lake. There (7)... a bridge opposite the lake. We crossed the river over the bridge and (8)... to the forest. There was no castle there. It was a trap! ^ V (5) You are in the centre of the city. Describe the way to get to the castle. Use Ex. 2. Example: Turn right at the cinema. Go along... 127 UNIT 12 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 The mystery of Underground Land Listen and fill in the gaps. Use these words: Ask and answer about the life of the people on the planet. Example: A: Did they keep the planet clean? B: No, they didn’t. A: Did they litter the planet? B: Yes, they did. 2b Why is the planet lifeless? Write your answer. Example: I think the planet is lifeless because they cut down the trees. keep the planet clean litter the planet grow trees and flowers light fires cut down the trees keep the water clean kill the animals make the planet a better place 128 w и гиЛ J UNIT 12 Lesson 6 L (3^ Are you a friend of the Earth? Complete the table for yourself and your friend. Example: A: Do you water the plants at home? B: Yes, always. Do you: You Your friend 1 Water the plants at home? b) 2 Water the plants at school? 3 Keep your home town clean? 4 Help animals and birds? 5 Grow trees and flowers? 6 Make the planet a better place? a) always b) usually c) sometimes d) never (3^ How did you score? Look at p. 134 and check. (4) Read and explain the reading rules. Гд1 I rnum sun mother young bus love come bun stuff ■* I some brother done son country cover cut summer Исключения: colour does study [e] bed well bread ready help next head chess get tennis weather red collect ten Исключения: any breakfast clever eleven friend never present said says second seven /Ч 5 J Make a poster about our planet the Earth and write some rules about how to keep it. Example: 1 Don't litter. 2 Be a friend to animals. clean 129 UNIT 12 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Board game How to play You need: 4-5 players, a counter for each player, a dice. Aim: to get to the FINISH first. 1 Put the counters on START. 2 Players throw the dice and move their counters from the start line. • When you land on a green square, speak about what you are going to do here. Example: I’m going to swim in the river. • When you land on a blue square, ask another ^ player about what he / she can do here. ^ Example: Can you pick flowers in a field? DANGEROUS!^^' 130 i No Irespassing! UNIT 12 Lesson 7 • When you land on a red square, speak about what you did on the square behind you and go back one square. Example: I saw a crocodile at the zoo. • When you land on , talk about the weather. Example: The weather is fine. It’s warm and sunny. • When you land on a grey square, miss a turn. Example: The weather is bad. Tm going to wait here. The winner is the one who gets to the FINISH first. If you go past FINISH, miss a turn. ^ Don’t light fires! 131 UNIT 12 Lesson 8 Ijesson 8 Project MV FAVOVltfri. 1 Talk about your favourite project. • Display all your projects in class. • In groups of three or four choose a nominee HL^ for each of the categories ЧШШ "■fl'l • Fill in the voting form. w' Favourites Winners Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 The Funniest The Smallest The Biggest The Most Interesting The Most Beautiful The Most Unusual 2 Talk about your favourite thing in your English textbook. Exercises Stories Pictures Rhymes Games Songs Favourite The most difficult The easiest In groups of three or four look through your textbook and fill in the table. Choose the winner in each of the categories. In class, do the exercise which is the class favourite again. jCiK ■T. < , f 132 Information Gap Exercises Unit 3 Lesson 6 ^5^^ Describe the picture. Опиши картинку. Unit 10 Lesson 5 f 4) Ask your partner to complete the recipe. How >^many ... do we need? Pupil A A ЗАШ> ____________p(rfcA;t(re-^ (rv\JUO'V\^ 3 -ЪоуукмЛхггл ____^ crj- ObL Unit 8 Lesson 5 (зу Look and guess. 133 '-Idiilii ' ' I Information Gap Exercises Unit 9 Lesson 2 ^^This is Dima’s town 100 years ago. Look and answer. Unit 10 Lesson 5 ^^Ask your partner to complete the recipe. How many ... do we need? Unit 11 Lesson 6 Pupil В 6j Role play. Choose interesting places on the map. Think what you are going to do there. Discuss with a partner. A SALAD 3 jxrhaJure^ --- 2. omJutv\^ -Ьоу<\,л;Ьо^ Pupil В You like the library, the zoo, the history and art museum, and the amusement park. Invite your partner there. Say why they are wonderful. /00 ^ obU Unit 12 Lesson 6 Unit 11 Lesson 1 Check. ^a)-10 b)-8 c)-4 d)-2. (^^Pair work. Ask your partner about the weather and fill in the table. Pupil В Saint-Petersburg 10“C Liverpool 12°C Oxford 20‘C О Suzdal 14'C Tula 24-C Nizhny Novgorod 23 'C >40 30-40 15-30 < 15 Q 0 0 134 Л.1 111 11 ■ " —" ■ -- Грамматический справочник Чтобы найти описание необходимого грамматического явления, сначала найди его в Алфавитном указателе и узнай номер страницы, на которой оно находится. В скобках указан номер раздела, например, he — стр. 1(1). Алфавитный указатель грамматических явлений а am ап any are be better best can cannot can't did do does doesn’t don’t -ed -er -es -est has got have got he her his I CTp. 143 стр. 136 стр. 143 стр. 144 стр. 136 стр. 136 стр. 145 стр. 146 стр. 142 стр. 142 стр. 142 стр. 140 стр. 138 стр. 138 стр. 138 стр. 138 стр. 140 стр. 145 стр. 137 стр. 146 стр. 138 стр. 138 стр. 135 стр. 135 стр. 135 стр. 135 -144(11, 12) (2) -144(11, 12) (12) (2) (2) (15) (16) (10) (10) (10) -141(9) (6) (6) (6) (6) -141(9) (15) (4) , 138 (6) (16) (5) (5) (1) (1) (1) (1) I am going to is it its more most my our some the their there are... there is... they to be -s ’s she was we went were worse worst you your CTp. 145 стр. 136 стр. 135 стр. 135 стр. 145 стр. 146 стр. 135 стр. 135 стр. 144 стр. 143 стр. 135 стр. 139 стр. 139 стр. 135 стр. 136 стр. 137 стр. 137 стр. 135 стр. 140 стр. 135 стр. 140 стр. 140 стр. 145 стр. 146 стр. 135 стр. 135 (13) (2) (1) (1) (15) (16) (1) (1) (12) (11) (1) (7) (7) (1) (2) (4), 138(6) (3) (1) (8) (1) -141 (9) (8) (15) (16) (1) (1) 1. Личные местоимения и притяжательные прилагательные КТО? что? ЧЕЙ? ЧЬЯ? ЧЬЕ? я 1 my МОЙ, моя, моё, мои он he his его она she her её неодушевленный it its его, её (о неодушевленном предмет или животное предмете или животном) мы we our наш, наша, наше, наши ТЫ 1 (■ you your твой,твоя, твоё, твои. вы J ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши они they their их 135 Грамматический справочник 2. to be = am, is, are Этот глагол и его формы поможет тебе представиться, сказать, сколько тебе лет или откуда ты. I he / she / it we /you/they to be Ha русский язык этот глагол иногда не переводится, например: I am from London. Я из Лондона. LOOK ©- утверждение 0- отрицание вопрос, на который отвечают “да” или “нет" (у Yes / No^ - вопро( where, why, how, who, what (y Wh^ — словами when. When do you get up? At seven o’clock. Who is your friend? Max is my friend. Why do you do football? It makes me strong. I Max is from London. ; i Макс из Лондона. >- Where do you live? Где ты живешь? Г I live in England. Я живу в Англии. is got a sister, Jane hasn’t got a sister. You have got a lot of friends. Have you got a lot of friends? — Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. ? Yes / No ) ^How many friends have you got?^ Wh^ Если ты хочешь рассказать о том, что ты делаешь каждый день, например, о том, что происходит в школе, дома и так далее, используй форму present simple. I get up at 7 o’clock. He gets up at 7 o’clock. don’t I get up at 5 o’clock, doesn’ He get up at 5 o’clock. you get up at 7? — Yes, I do. No, I don’ Yes, he do No, he doesn’t. ’‘(?Yes/No) he get up at 7? - When'^’<^y):^ou get up? doe^ he get up? 2 (rwi^ 138 7. There is... / There are... Грамматический справочник Когда ты хочешь подчеркнуть, что предмет или человек СУЩЕСТВУЕТ / ЕСТЬ, нужно использовать there is... / there are.... При этом ты можешь упомянуть, где находится этот предмет или человек: There is а rabbit in the hat. (В шляпе есть кролик.) What is there? Что там (есть)? There is а rabbit! Там (есть) кролик! There is no rabbit! Там нет кролика! There is а bird! / | Там (есть) птичка! J Если ты говоришь об одном предмете или человеке, то используй there is... . Если людей или предметов больше, чем один, используй there are.... Если ты хочешь подчеркнуть, что чего-то НЕТ / НЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ), используй there is no... / Грамматический справочник • • • • 8. was/were Если ты хочешь рассказать о том, что было, например, какая вчера была погода, какими были в молодости твои родители, тебе помогут was / were. I / he / she / it was | We / you / they were j to be The weather was fine yesterday. My parents were very young 10 years ago. Was / were поможет тебе рассказать, где ты был(а) вчера, прошлым летом, год назад. Мах was at а birthday party. Iqolt- Anya was‘"^v~^at a birthday party. /_ Anya wasn’t at a birthday party. Max was at a birthday party. Was Max at a birthday party? (^? YgS / No^ Yes, he was. / No, he wasn ’U Where was Max? — He was at a birthday party. r^Wh) I was grey in summer. Летом я был серым. ^ I am white now. ^ Сейчас я белый. ! и i\\ 9. -ed, did, went I went to kindergarten. I played with toys. (When I was 5) I go to school. I play computer games. (When lam 10) Если ты хочешь рассказать о событиях в прошлом, о том, что ты или кто-то другой делал вчера (в воскресенье, летом), или рассказать историю, используй past simple. Г Не played hockey. I went to the zoo. —LD°li id play hockey. I did He did I not |go to the zoo. did not = didn’t he play hockey? ^-----------------n he go to the zoo? (^? Y6S / No J did What you do? (fw^ 140 Грамматический справочник Окончание -ed читается по-разному: It] [d] [Id] walk + ed = walked like — liked stop — stopped после глухих согласных open + ed = opened play — played после звонких согласных и гласных want + ed = wanted hunt — hunted после t и d present past simple present past simple be (am, is, are) быть was / were ‘lose терять lost eat есть ate make делать made begin начинать began run бежать ran bring приносить brought [Ьгэ:1| read |ri:dj читать read [red] buy покупать bought [bo:t] ‘ride ехать верхом rode come приходить came say говорить, сказать said [sedj can мочь could [kud] see видеть, смотреть saw |sd:| choose выбирать chose send посылать sent ‘cut резать cut sing петь sang do делать did sit сидеть sat drink пить drank sleep спать slept draw рисовать drew spend проводить spent dream мечтать dreamt [dremt] или spell писать или spelt dreamed [dri:md] произносить или spelled feel чувствовать felt (слово) по буквам find находить found swim плавать swam fly летать flew [flu:] take брать, взять took ‘get доставать. got tell говорить. told добираться рассказывать ‘go идти, ходить went throw бросать threw grow расти. grew win выиграть won [WAn] выращивать write [rait] писать wrote [raut] ‘have иметь had Другие значения слова смотри в Списке слов (Wordlist). 141 Грамматический справочник 10. сап, can’t, cannot Рассказать о том, что ты умеешь или можешь делать, тебе поможет глагол сап. I сап fly. Я могу летать. I сап swim. Я могу плавать. Чтобы рассказать о том, чего ты делать не можешь или не умеешь, используй cannot = can’t. Г' I LnotJ can swim. cannot swim, can’t swim. Can you fly? Ты можешь летать? I can’t fly. Я не могу летать Ты можешь также спросить о том, что может или умеет делать, например, твой одноклассник. I сап swim. j Can you swim? Г? YeS /No^ Yes, I can. ^ No, I can’t. ' Сап I...? Сап we...? Сап he...? Сап you...? Сап she...? Сап they...? Сап it...? C помоидью этого глагола ты можешь также попросить о чем-то или спросить разрешения что-то сделать. 142 11. а, an,the ■ Грамматический справочник Если ты говоришь об одном из многих предметов, и тебе не важно каком именно (на рис. 1 мальчик съел бы любой бутерброд), поставь артикль а (или ап, если слово начинается с гласной — ап apple). ^_______________ ^\ am hungry. Can l'^ have a sandwich. Если ты сообщаешь что-то новое для тех, кто тебя слушает (твои друзья впервые слышат об этом, например, о том, что у тебя есть бутерброд, как на рис. 2), также используй а / ап. Если ты говоришь о совершенно определенном предмете (на тарелке на рис. 3 всего один бутерброд и нет никаких других), то используй the. Сап I have the sandwich? Также используй the, если предметов много, но всем понятно, о каких предметах ты говоришь (как на рис. 4). Если же ты говоришь о каких-то предметах вообще, не имея в виду ничего конкретного (мальчик на рис. 5 говорит о том, что он любит вообще, а не о том, что перед ним), то артикль использовать не следует. 143 Грамматический справочник 12. а (ап) / some / any а саке а lemon some lemons some rice Если ты хочешь съесть целый торт или целый лимон, то попроси об этом вот так: А саке and а lemon, please. Если ты не хочешь или не можешь съесть весь лимон, то попроси часть от целого, вот так; Some саке and some lemon, please. Если ты хочешь риса (макарон, масла, сахара, то есть того, что покупают на вес, а не поштучно), то попроси об этом вот так: Some rice, please. Если ты хочешь узнать, есть ли, например, какая-нибудь еда в корзинке, спроси вот так; Is there а sandwich? Is there any butter? Are there any apples? A/SOME © A/ANY 144 Грамматический справочник 13. lam going to Если ты хочешь рассказать о своих планах, тебе поможет выражение be going to. I am 1 He, she, it is у going to We, you, they are r -4Г I am going to watch TV. I’m going to watch TV. Я собираюсь смотреть телевизор. Не is not going to watch TV. ^ He’s not going to watch TV. собирается смотреть телевизор. ^___________< Ло / МлЛ Are you going to watch TV? _ _ f Yes / NO J Yes I am / No I’m not Вы собираетесь смотреть телевизор- (? Wt^ What are you going to do? Что ты собираешься делать? 14. Порядок слов в предложении в английских предложениях очень строгий порядок; каждый член предложения знает свое место. © (?Yes/No) (?wy Do When I подлежащее you подлежащее do play сказуемое play сказуемое you подлежащее tennis дополнение tennis дополнение play сказуемое every day. обстоятельство every day? обстоятельство tennis ? дополнение 15. -er, more, better, worse Если ты хочешь сравнить предметы или людей, то тебе помогут прилагательные в сравнительной степени. Если прилагательное короткое (1-2 слога), прибавь к нему -ег. Если прилагательное длинное, то поставь перед ним more. Запомни исключения: good — better bad — worse I am stronger, bigger, cleverer I 145 грамматический справочник 16. -est, most, best, worst Если ты хочешь сказать, что что-то или кто-то “самый-самый”, то тебе понадобится превосходная степень прилагательного. Если прилагательное короткое (1-2 слога), прибавь к нему -est. Если прилагательное длинное, то поставь перед ним most. Так как “самый-самый” может быть только один, то не забудь поставить перед ним the. Запомни; у меняется на i: busy -» busier -> the busiest (day) pretty prettier -♦ the prettiest (girl) конечная согласная после краткого гласного звука удваивается: big -* bigger -* the biggest (stone) hot -» hotter the hottest (climate) V.' Запомни также исключения: good — better — best bad — worse — worst ТАБЛИЦА ТРАНСЛИТЕРАЦИИ Буква русского алфавита Написание буквы через английский алфавит Буква русского алфавита Написание буквы через английский алфавит A a Аа Рр Rr Бб ВЬ Сс Ss В в V V Тт Tt Гг Gg Уу Uu Дд Dd Фф Ff Ее Ее Хх Kh kh Ёё Yo уо Цц Ts ts Жж Zh zh Чч Oh ch Зз Zz Ш ш Sh sh И и 1 i Щщ Shch shch Й й Yy ъ It Кк К к 1 Ь1 У Л л LI 1 ь ’ М м М m Ээ Ее Н н N n Ю ю Yu yu Оо Оо Я я Ya ya П п Pp примеры написания русских слов в английской транслитерации; Аня Смирнова Anya Smirnova Дима Малахов Осенняя улица Новосибирск Красноярский край Dima Malakhov Osennyaya ulitsa Novosibirsk Krasnoyarski/iy/y krai 146 Wordlist / Список слов в этом Списке слов* ты найдешь все слова, которые встречаются в учебнике. Он поможет тебе перевести слово с английского языка на русский и подобрать нужную форму слова. Для того чтобы правильно и быстро отыскать нужное слово и его значение, надо хорошо знать, как он устроен. Обычно словарь состоит из заглавных слов и словарных статей. Заглавное слово — это первое слово в словарной статье. А вся словарная статья объясняет произношение, значение и употребление заглавного слова. Все заглавные слова, включая имена собственные и сокращения, располагаются в словаре в алфавитном порядке. Если первые две буквы в словах одинаковые, то учитываются третьи, четвертые и т. д. Если заглавное слово имеет несколько значений, каждое из них рассматривается в новой словарной статье. К сожалению, слова нельзя переводить с одного языка на другой механически. Поэтому, чтобы выбрать правильный перевод, надо знать, в какой ситуации (контексте) слово употребляется. В словарной статье на контекст указывает уточнение. Чтобы сделать точный перевод, запомни, из чего состоит словарная статья. Обычно она включает; заглавное слово, [транскрипцию], перевод. В этом списке слов можно найти такие сведения: its [its] — его, ее (о предметах и животных), see Grammar Support 1 (U7L4) t перевод транскрипция заглавное слово уточнение ссылка на Грамматический справочник ссылка на урок в учебнике В статьях могут быть такие ссылки: see go — смотри другую форму слова see Grammar Support 1 — смотри Грамматический справочник, раздел 1 (U7L4) — Unit 7 Lesson 4 — смотри урок в учебнике, где появляется это слово В словарной статье могут быть даны выражения с заглавным словом; другие формы слова, например, множественное число существительных, прощедшее время глаголов (для неправильных глаголов), сравнительная и превосходная степень некоторых прилагательных. Иногда даны грамматические пояснения. Теперь ты сможешь быстро и правильно перевести слово. Удачи в работе переводчика! а [э], |eil — неопределенный артикль, see Grammar Support 11, 12 above |з'Ьлу| — над (U4L6) activity [sk'tivitil — деятельность, действия (U11L6) actress I'aEktrisI — актриса (U8L2) ad |aed| (сокращение от advertisement) — объявление, реклама(U7L5) add (ied| — прибавлять, присоединять, складывать (U10L5) address [a'dres] — адрес (U4L1) adventure [sedVentfal — приключение (U11L6) afraid laTreid] — испуганный (U4L8) Africa I'aefriko] — Африка (континент) (U1L5) after |'а:Лэ1 — после (U5L2) afternoon [,a;ft3'nu:n| — вторая половина дня (U5L4) in the afternoon — днём (U5L4) ago [э'дэи] — тому назад long time ago — очень давно (U8L2) airport 1'еэрз;1| — аэропорт (U10L4) all|D:l|-Bce(U7L3) album I'selbam) — альбом (U8L2) alone la'loun] — один (U5L8) a lot of |э'1ш 3v| — see lot alphabet I'selfabetl — алфавит (U1L7) also ['d:1s3u| — тоже, также (U4L3) Alton Towers [,з:11эп 'tau3z| — Элтон Таурз (большой парк развлечений в центральной Англии) (U8L6) always l'3:lwiz| — всегда (U5L6) При составлении этого списка слов были использованы: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.— Longman Group Ltd., 1995. Большой англо-русский словарь: В 2 т. / Под общ. рук. И. Р. Гальперина.— М., 1972. Мюллер В. К. Англо-русский словарь. Изд. 22-е.— М., 1988. 147 Wordlist A-В am [m, am, жт| — форма глагола be, see Grammar Support 2 America [э'тепкэ] — Америка (континент) (U1L5) amusement |a'mju:zmant| park — парк развлечений (U11L6) and |агпс1, and] — и, a (DILI) animal l'aemmal| — животное (U7L1) any ['emI — какой-нибудь, любой, никакой, see Grammar Support ?2(U10L2) anybody l'eni,bDdi| — кто-нибудь (U12L2) Anything else? |'cni0io els] — Что-нибудь еще? (U10L3) April I'eipral] — апрель (U8L1) apple Itepll — яблоко (U7L5) are |a:, o:r| — форма глагола be, see Grammar Support 2 area I'earia) — площадь, пространство (U11L7) armchair ('arntfea) — кресло (U4L5) art 1 |a;t| — искусство (U5L1) art 2 — рисование (U5L2) ask |o:sk| — просить, спрашивать (U3L1) astronaut I'aestrsnoT] — космонавт (U8L2) at all |э1'э:1| — вообще, совсем (U7L1) at last [э1 'la-st| — наконец (U7L4) at |э1, aet) — в, на to live at 37 Pobeda Street — жить no адресу: улица Победы, дом 37 ate |eii, et| — see eat attractions [a'traekjanz] — аттракционы (U11L6) August ['Digost] — август (U8L1) Australia [D'streilia] — Австралия (континент) (U1L5) autumn |D:lml — осень (U8L1) away laSveij — прочь (U12L2) baby I'beibi) — маленький ребенок, младенец (U8L6) bad Ibtedl — плохой, see Grammar Support 15, 16 (U9L6) badge [baecfel — значок (U3L3) badminton I'bccdmintanl — бадминтон (U6L1) ball (bo:l) - мяч (U1L1) balloon lb.Vlu:n) — воздушный шар (U3L4) bank 1Ьагг)к| — банк (U9L1) bar |ba:| — плитка (шоколада) (U10L3) baseball ['beisbo.l] — бейсбол (U6L1) baseball bat — бейсбольная бита (U6L1) basket |'ba:sktt| — корзина (U10L4) basketball ('ba:skitbD:l| — баскетбол (U6L1) bathroom |'Ьа:0гит| — ванная (комната) (U4L3) be |bi:j — быть; для настоящего времени имеет формы am, is, are; для прошедшего was |wdz] / were |w3:| — был / были, see Grammar Support 2, 8 (U1L6) bean lbi:n| — боб (какао) (U10L6) be asleep |3'sli:p| — спать (U8L6) be ready |'redi| — быть готовым (U10L6) be over ['auval — заканчиваться (U9L1) beautiful |'bju:tif3l| — прекрасный, красивый (U2L6) became |bi'keim| — see become be careful I'keafal] — быть осторожным, внимательным (U12L5) because Ibi'karz) — потому что (U5L5) become [ЬГклт] — становиться; became |bi'keim] — становился, стал (U10L6) bed |bed| — кровать(U4L5) bedroom |'bedrum| — спальня (U4L3) before |bi'f3:| — до, перед (U5L2) began Ibi'gasn] — see begin begin |bi'gm| — начинать; began |bi'ga:n| начинал, начал behind [bi'haindl — сзади, позади, за (U6L4) bell [bel] — звонок, колокол (U1L2) berry I'beri] — ягода; berries — ягоды best |best| — лучший, наилучший, see good, Grammar Support 15. 16, (U9L6) better ['bet3| — лучше, see good, Grammar Support ?5,/6(U12L3) between |bi'twi:n| — между (U4L6) bicycle I'baisikl] — велосипед (U11L3) big |big| — большой (U2L1) bike |baik| — велосипед (разговорное) (U11L3) biology Ibai'Dbcfeil — биология (U5L1) bird |b3:d| — птица (U7L2) birthday ['b3:0dei| — день рождения (U8L1) birthday party — вечеринка no поводу дня рождения (U8L5) black [bla;k| — черный (U3L4) block of flats — многоквартирный дом (U4L2) blue |blu:| — синий, голубой (U3L4) board |bo:d| — доска (U3L5) board game — настольная игра (U6L5) body Tbodi] — тело (U9L3) book |buk| — книга(U3L1) bookcase |'buk-keis| — книжный шкаф (U3L5) booklet I'buklit) — брошюра, буклет (U4L8) bookshelf ['bukjelfl — книжная полка (U4L5) bookshop I'bukjbpl — книжный магазин (U9L1) borsch [boiftfl — борщ (U10L6) boring (Ьэ:пд| — скучный (U6L1) bottle |bml| — бутылка (U10L3) a bottle of — бутылка (чего-либо, напр., молока) bought (Ьз:1| — see buy (U8L6) bowl |Ьзи1] — чашка (U10L5) boxing I'boksig] — бокс (U6L2) do boxing — заниматься боксом (U6L2) boy (boi] — мальчик (U2L6) Brazil Ibrs'zil) — Бразилия (U1L5) bread (bred) — хлеб (U10L1) break (breik) — перемена (U5L2) breakfast ['brektsst] — завтрак (U5L4) have breakfast — завтракать (U5L4) bridge [bnctj] — мост (U9L1) bring (Ьпг)| — приносить, brought |Ьгэ:1] — приносил. принес(U10L6) brother |Ъглдз| — брат (U2L1) brought |Ьгэ:1| — see bring 148 Wordlist В-С brown |braun| — коричневый (U3L4) bubble |ЬлЫ| — пузырь (U7L5) budgie I'bAcfei) — волнистый попугайчик (U7L3) burglar |'Ьз:д1э] — вор, взломщик (U10L4) bus stop |Ъл5 stop) — автобусная остановка (U9L1) busy I'bizil — занят(ый) (U1L3) Busy Hands Club — клуб “Умелые руки” (U11L5) but IbAtl - HO (U5L1) butter |'Ьа1э] — масло (U10L1) buy |bai| — покупать, купить; bought |Ьэ:1| — покупал, купил (U10L2) bye (bail — пока (U1L1) calendar I'kaclmda] — календарь (U3L3) came (keimj — see come (U8L6) camp [kaempi — лагерь (U11L5) can (kaenl — мочь; could [kud] — мог, мог бы, see Grammar Support 10 (U7L2) Can I help you? — Вам помочь? (U10L3) Can you tell me the way to..., please? — Скажите, пожалуйста, как пройти к (до)...? (U9L3) Canada ('kaenodal — Канада (U1L5) captain |'кагр1т| — капитан (U12L1) caption ['kaepjnl — надпись (U6L7) саг (ка) — машина, автомобиль (U9L4) careful I'keafol] — осторожный (U12L5) carp (карI — карп (U11L5) carpet ['ka:pil| — ковер (U4L5) carrot |'каггэ1| — морковь (U10L2) carton |ka:tn| — картонная коробка (часто для жидких продуктов, напр. соков) а carton of juice — коробка сока (U10L3) cassette (ka'set) — кассета (U3L3) castle |ka:sl( — замок (U8L6) cat [kasll — кошка, кот (U2L1) CD ['si:'di:| — компакт-диск (U3L3) centre I'senla] — центр (U11L6) in the centre — в центре (U11L6) chair [tfeaj — стул (U3L5) chance ltja:ns| — возможность, шанс (U11L6) change (tjemctjl — изменить (U12L6) character I'kaerikia] — персонаж (U8L6) characteristic [kasnkta'nstik] — характеристика (U7L3) cheat (tfr.tl — обманывать (U6L5) cheese (tfi:z| — сыр (U10L1) chess [tfes| — шахматы (U6L5) cheetah — гепард (U7L1) chewing gum bubble ['tfu:ir) gxm ЪаЬ1| — пузырь из жевательной резинки (U9L6) chocolate ('tfokolii] — шоколад (U5L5) choice |t/Dis| — выбор (U12L4) choose |tfu;zl — выбирать; chose [tfauz] — выбрал (U4L8) chose [t/ouz] — see choose cinema I'simma) — кинотеатр (U9L1) city I'sitil — город (большой) (U9L1) class (kla:s| — класс (U1L3) classroom |'kla;srum| — классная комната (U3L5) clean (kli:n| — чистый (U9L4) clever I'kleva] — умный (U2L6) climate I'klaimit) — климат (U7L2) climb [klaim] — подниматься, карабкаться, влезать (U7L1) clock [klDk] — часы (стенные, настольные, башенные, но не ручные)(U4L5) close [klauz] — закрывать (U1L2) Close your books.— Закройте учебники. (U1L3) clothes (klaudzl — одежда (U9L3) cloud I'klaud) — облако (U11L2) cloudy 1 — облачно (U11L2) cloudy 2 — облачный (U11L2) club [klAb] — клуб (U5L5) cocoa ['кэикэи] — какао (U10L6) coffee ['kofi] — кофе (U2L2) coke I'kauk] — кока-кола (U2L2) cold 1 (kauld] — холодно (U11 LI) cold 2 — холодный (U11 LI) collect [ka'lekt] — собирать (U6L6) collection (ka'lek/n) — коллекция (U6L6) colour I'kAb) — цвет (U3L4) What colour...? — Какого цвета...? (U3L4) colour in I'kAb ,m| — раскрашивать (U8L4) come [kAm| — приходить, приезжать; came |keim| — приходил, пришел; приезжал, приехал (U1L2) come around |'клт 3,raund) — заходить, заезжать (U8L6) come from ('кАШ ,Ггэт| — происходить из, родом из соте home ('кАШ 'Нэит| — вернуться домой (U5L4) соте in I'kAm in| — входить (U2L2) come round I'kAm ,raund| — заходить, заезжать (U4L2) Come to the board.— Подойди к доске. (U1L3) comfortable I'kAmbtabl] — удобный (U4L3) comic book I'komik ,buk( — детский журнал с комиксами (U11L3) comics I'knmiksI — комиксы compare (with) |кэт'реэ| — сравнивать (U3L2) complete (kam'pirti — завершить (U12L5) computer |кэт'р|и:1э| — компьютер (U4L5) congratulations Ikan.grsetfu'leijanzl — поздравления (U7L8) concert I'konsat] — концерт (U11L3) concert hall I'konsat ,Ьэ:1] — концертный (зал) cook |kuk| — готовить (кушанья), стряпать, варить, жарить, печь(U8L4) cookery book |'кокэп Ьок| — кулинарная книга (U8L8) cool 1 |ku:l| — прохладно (U11L1) cool 2 — прохладный (U11L1) corner |'кз:пэ| — угол in the corner — в углу (U4L6) on the corner (of the street) — на углу улицы (U9L2) cottage ('kotictsl — коттедж (U4L1) could I kud, kad) — see can count Ikaunil — считать (U6L4) 149 Wordlist C-E counter I'kaunta] — фишка (U6L5) country 1 I'kAnlri] — страна (U11L5) country 2 — деревня, сельская местность (U11L5) in the country — в деревне, в сельской местности (U11L5) countryside I'kAntrisaid] — сельская местность (U11L5) cousin [kAznl — двоюродный брат, сестра (U2L1) crayon I'kreisnl — цветной карандаш (U3L1) cream lkri:m) — крем, сливки (U10L1) crisps [krisps] — чипсы (U10L3) crocodile I'krokadaill — крокодил (U7L1) cross — пересекать, переходить (U9L3) cross the street — переходить улицу crossword (puzzle) I'kroswardl — кроссворд (U6L5) cup [клр| — чашка (U10L3) a cup of tea — чашка чая curtain |кз:1п| — занавеска, штора (U4L5) customer |'кл51этэ| — покупатель (U10L2) cut |кл1] — резать; cut — резал (U10L5) cut down — рубить (деревья) (U12L6) cycling (saiklir)] — велосипедный спорт (U6L2) до cycling — заниматься велосипедным спортом (U6L2) cyclist [saiklist] — велосипедист (U6L2) dad |daed| — папа (U2L1) daily routine I'deili ru:'ti:n| — распорядок дня (U5L4) dance lda:ns| — танцевать (U8L4) dancer [’da:ns9| — танцор (U8L3) dangerous ['demcfeorasl — опасный (U7L3) dark |da:k] — темный (U3L4) dark green — темно-зеленый (U3L4) darts |da;tsl — дартс (U6L5) date Ideit] — дата (U8L1) day [dei| — день (U5L2) deal |di:l| — сделка (U6L6) It’s a deal.— Договорились. (U6L6) No deal.— He пойдет (не договорились). (U6L6) dear [dial — дорогой, дорогая (обращение) (U3L6) December Idi'semba] — декабрь (U8L1) decorate I'dekareit] — украшать (U8L5) deep [di:p| — глубокий (U9L5) degree |di'gri:| — градус (U11L1) desk [desk] — письменный стол, парта (U3L5) Devon I'devon] — Девон (область на юго-западе Англии, славящаяся красивой природой) (U4L1) diamond ['daiamandj — алмаз (U9L5) dice [dais] — кубик для игры в настольные игры (U6L5) did 1 [did] — see do. Grammar Support 6, 10 (U8L4) did 2 — вспомогательный глагол, see Grammar Support 9(U8L4) difference ['difaransj — разница, различие (U4L6) different ['difarantj — другой, различный, разный (U11L1) dining room ['dainip ,rum| — столовая (U4L3) dinner ['dinaj — обед, ужин (если вечером) (U5L4) have dinner — обедать, ужинать (U5L4) direction |dai'rekjn] — направление (U9L4) dirty |'d3:ti| — грязный (U9L4) do 1 [du:j — вспомогательный глагол, see Grammar Support 6 do 2 — делать; did — делал do boxing — заниматься боксом (U6L2) do homework — делать домашнее задание (U5L4) do sports — заниматься спортом (U5L4) do gymnastics — заниматься гимнастикой (U6L2) doctor I'doktaj — врач (DILI) does 1 [dAz] — вспомогательный глагол, see Grammar Support 6 does 2 — делает, see do. Grammar Support 6 dog [dog] — собака(U2L3) doll [dDlj — кукла (U6L6) dolphin I'dolfinj — дельфин (U7L2) door |dD:l — дверь (U4L4) door-bell |'dD:bel| — дверной звонок (U8L6) down [daunj — вниз (U7L5) drama [’drams] — драма (U5L7) drank [draegk] — see drink draughts [drafts] — шашки (U6L5) draw [dro:| — рисовать, чертить; drew [dru:| — рисовал, чертил(U3L4) dream 1 [driirn] — мечта (U3L8) dream 2 — мечтать; dreamed [dri:md| / dreamt [dremt] — мечтал dreamt [dremi] — see dream drew [dru:[ — see draw drink [driok] — пить; drank [drsegk] — пил (U5L5) dry [drai] — сушить (U10L6) each [i:if] — каждый (U9L4) ear [is] — yxo (U7L4) Easter ['ksts] — Пасха (U10L6) eat [i:t| — есть, кушать; ate [et, eit] — ел (U5L5) egg [eg] — яйцо(U10L1) eight [eit] — восемь (U1L3) eighty ]'eiii| — восемьдесят end [end] — конец(U12L6) engineer [.епф'тэ] — инженер (U8L3) England ]'ir)glsnd| — Англия (U1L5) English ['iggliJl — английский (язык) (U1L7) enjoy [m'cfesi] — получать удовольствие от чего-либо (U3L3) eraser [I'reizs] — ластик (U3L1) evening |'i:vnir)[ — вечер (U5L4) in the evening — вечером (U5L4) event [I'vent] — событие, происшествие (U11L6) every day ['evri dei] — каждый день (U5L7) everyone ['evriwAnj — каждый (о человеке) (U4L8) Excuse me. [iks'kjaz ,mi;[ — Извините. (U9L2) 150 Wordlist E-G exercise book I'eksasaiz ,buk| — тетрадь (U3L1) exotic lig'zotikl — экзотический, необычный для данной страны (U11L6) explore |iks'plD:| — исследовать, изучать, разведывать (U12L1) extra I'ekstra] — запасной, лишний (U3L1) eye [ai| — глаз (U7L4) © face |feis| — лицо (U7L1) fairy tale |Теэп teil| — сказка (U8L6) famous I'feimssl — знаменитый, известный (U8L3) fantastic [fan'tjestik] — фантастический, необыкновенный (U8L6) farmer [Та:тэ| — фермер (U8L6) fast 1 (fa:st| — быстро (U7L2) fast 2 — быстрый father Г1а;бэ| — отец (U2L1) favourite I'fcivarit] — любимый (U3L4) February I'februanl — февраль (U8L1) feel [fi:lj — чувствовать; felt |felt| — чувствовал (U4L8) felt [felt] — see feel fifty (Tiftil — пятьдесят fill in I'fil ,ml — заполнять (U3L3) film |film| — фильм (U1L6) film script — сценарий фильма (U12L1) find |famd) — находить; found |faund| — нашел (U6L4) find out ['ftund ,aut| — узнать, выяснить; found out — узнал, выяснил (U12L2) fine 1 |fain| — прекрасный (U1L2) I’m fine, thank you.— Я в порядке / хорошо себя чувствую. (U1L2) fine 2 — ясный, хороший, сухой (U11L1) (U11L4) fire I'faia] — огонь, пожар (U12L5) Don’t light fires! — Не жгите костры! (U12L5) fish IfiJl - рыба (U7L6) fishing I'fijiii] — рыбалка (U11L5) fishing rod — удочка (U12L4) go fishing — рыбачить (U11L5) five |faiv| — пять (U1L3) flat Iflset] — квартира (U4L1) flew |flu:| — see fly (U8L6) flight Iflail) — полет (U8L2) floor 1 1Пэ:| - пол (U3L5) floor 2 — этаж (U3L5) flower |'11аиэ| — цветок (U11L6) fly [flail — летать; flew |flu:j — летал, летел (U7L2) fly a kite jflai э kail] — запускать воздушного змея (U11L2) flying skateboard ['flaiig 'skeitboidj — летающий скейтборд (фантастический вид спорта) (U12L5) fog [fng] — туман (U11L2) foggy 1 [TDgij — туманно (U11L2) foggy 2 — туманный (U11L2) follow I'l'Dbuj — следовать, идти за кем-либо, следить за кем-либо(U12L2) food (fudj — пища, питание, еда (U10L1) football [TutbD:lj — футбол (U1L3) forest I'fDnsi] — лес (U7L1) form 1 |fD:m| — форма (например, глагола) (U4L8) in а form of — в форме, в виде form 2 — бланк, текст с пропусками для заполнения (U12L8) voting form j'vautio ,b:ml — бланк для голосования (U12L8) forty [Тэ:п| — сорок (U3L2) found [faund] — see find four [fo:| — четыре (U1L3) fox [foks] — лиса (U7L5) France [frainsj — Франция (U1L5) free time [Tri: 'taimj — свободное время (U6L1) French [freniJI — французский (язык) (U5L2) Friday ('fraidij — пятница (U5L2) fridge [Гиф] — холодильник (U10L3) friend [frendj — друг, подруга (U1L6) from [from, from] — из, от (U7L5) from... till — c ... до (U7L5) fruit [fru:t[ — плод / плоды, фрукт / фрукты (U7L5) fun [Глп[ — веселье, забава (U11L4) funfair [ТлпГео] — увеселительный парк (U8L6) funny [Тлт[ — забавный, смешной (U2L6) game [geim[ — игра (U1L8) gap [gaep[ — промежуток, пропуск (U7L5) garden [ga:dn[ — сад, огород (U7L5) geography [cfei'Dgrofi) — география (U5L1) Germany ['cfe3:mom[ — Германия (U10L6) get 1 [get] — доставать; got [got] — достал (U7L5) get 2 [get] — добираться; got [got] — добрался (U9L3) get dressed [drest] — одеваться; got dressed — одевался, оделся(U5L4) get lost 1 [Inst] — исчезать; got lost — исчез (U7L4) get lost 2 — заблудиться; got lost — заблудился (U12L5) get ready — приготовиться; got ready — приготовился (U6L8) get together [ta'geda] — собираться вместе got together — собирались / собрались (U4L8) get up ['gel ,лр[ — вставать (часто с постели) got up — вставал, встал (U5L5) get washed [wd/i] — умываться; got washed — умывался, умылся (U5L4) giraffe [ф'га:1] — жираф (U7L2) girl [дз;1[ — девочка (U2L6) glue 1 [glu:[ — клей (U4L8) glue 2 — приклеивать (U4L8) go [дэи[ — идти; went [weni[ — шел, ушел (U1L5) go cycling ['saiklig] — заниматься велосипедным спортом (U6L2) 151 Wordlist G-H go fishing |Т|/|Г)1 — ходить на рыбалку (U11L5) go for a walk |'дэи far з 'w3:k| — ходить на прогулку (U5L4) go past rg3u,pa;st| — идти мимо, проходить мимо (U9L3) go straight on — идти прямо вперед (U9L3) go to bed — ложиться спать (U5L4) go to school — идти в школу, ходить в школу, иногда учиться (U5L4) goal |дэи1| — гол (U8L7) good |gud| — хороший; better |'bet3| — лучше; best [best] — наилучший, лучший, see Grammar Support 16 good fun 1 I'gud Тлп| — весело (U11L5) good fun 2 — веселый (U11L5) goodbye |gud'bai| — до свидания (DILI) got I got I — see get governor |'длуэпэ| — правитель (U12L5) grandfather ['gra:nd,fa;d3| — дедушка (U2L1) grandad I'grasndsed] — дедушка (U2L1) grandmother |'дгаеп,тл5э] — бабушка (U2L1) grandparents |'дга:п,реэгэп15] — дедушка и бабушка (U8L1) grass lgra;s| — трава (U9L5) great Igreit] — замечательный, великолепный (U2L5) green |gri:n| — зеленый (U3L4) grew |gru:| — see grow grey |grei| — серый (U3L4) ground floor |,graund 'Пэ:| — первый этаж (U4L2) group |gru:p| — группа (U1L8) grow [дгэи| — расти, выращивать; grew |gru:| — рос, выращивал, вырастил (U12L1) guinea pig |'gim pig| — морская свинка (U7L6) guitar Igi'to:) — гитара (U5L6) “Gulliver’s Travels” ['gAlivaz 'trasvlz) — “Путешествия Гулливера" gymnastics [cfeim'nasstiksl — гимнастика (U6L2) do gymnastics — заниматься гимнастикой (U6L2) © had (haed| — see have (U8L6) hall [Нэ:1| — прихожая, коридор (U4L3) hamburger |'ЬагтЬз:дэ| — гамбургер, рубленый бифштекс (U10L6) hamster I'hsemslsl — хомяк (U7L6) hand |haend| — рука (кисть руки) (U7L1) happen [haepn] — случаться, происходить (U12L2) happy I'haepil — счастливый (U9L4) has |h3z, haez) — форма глагола have, see Grammar Support 5 (U3L2) has gone |h3z, hsz gon] — ушел, убежал (U7L5) has got [hsz, haez got) — форма глагола have got, see Grammar Support 5 (U3L2) hate [heit| — ненавидеть (U10L1) have |h3v, haev| — иметь; had [hod, ha;d| — имел have breakfast I'brekfsst] — завтракать (U5L4) have dinner ['dins] — обедать / ужинать (LI5L4) have lunch llAntJ] — обедать (U5L4) have a picnic I'piknik] — отправляться, отправиться на пикник (U11L5) have fun [Гап] — веселиться have got [hsv, haev gm| — иметь; had got [hod, had gm| — имел (U2L1), see Grammar Support 5 have got a sweet tooth — быть сладкоежкой (U10L6) he (hi:| - он (U2L4) head |hed] — голова(U7L4) heavy 1 |'hevi| — тяжелый (U3L2) heavy 2 — сильный (U11L2) heavy rain — сильный дождь (U11L2) hedgehog I'hecfehogl — ёж (U7L4) helicopter ['heliknptsl — вертолет (U12L5) hello |he'l3ul — здравствуйте, привет (U1L1) help I help] — помогать (U5L4) helter-skelter [helts'skelisl — спиральная горка (аттракцион)(U8L6) her (Ьэ, Из: I — её (U2L4), see Grammar Support 1 here [his] — здесь, тут (U12L2) Here you are. |hi3 ju: a:) — Пожалуйста (возьмите). (U3L1) hero I'hisrsul — герой, главное действующее лицо hi [hai] — привет (U1L1) hide |haid| — прятаться (U6L4) hide-and-seek |,haid3n'si:k| — прятки (игра) (U6L4) hill |hil| — холм, возвышенность (U7L5) hippo I'hipsu] — бегемот (U7L2) his |hiz| — его (U2L4), see Grammar Support 1 historical [his'tDriksll — исторический (U11L6) historical event |i'vent| — историческое шоу (U11L7) history I'histonl — история (U5L1) hit |hit| — ХИТ (U1L6) hockey ['hoki] — хоккей (U6L1) hole |li3ul] — дыра, нора (U8L6) holiday I'holidi) — праздник, отпуск (U11L5) be on holiday — быть в отпуске, на каникулах (U11L5L8) holidays I'hnlidizl — каникулы (U11L5) in the holidays — во время каникул, на каникулах (U11L5L8) home |li3um| — дом, жилище (U4L1) home town |,Ьэит 'taun] — родной город, город, где мы живем (U9L2) homework ['h3umw3;kl — домашняя работа / задание (U3L1) do homework — делать домашнюю работу / задание hooray [hu'reil — ура (U1L3) hospital ['hnspiil] — больница (U9L1) hot 1 [liDtl — горячий, жаркий (U11L1) hot 2 IliDt) — горячо, жарко (U11L1) hour |'аиэ| — час (U7L5) house |haus| — дом, здание; houses |'hauziz| (U4L1) how [haul — как (DILI) How are you? — Как поживаете? (U1L2) how many [hau ’mem) — сколько how old [hau 'ouldj — сколько лет (U1L6) 152 Wordlist l-L human I'hjuiman) — человек (U9L3) hundred ['hAndrsdl — сто hunt |Ьлт1 — охотиться (U7L1) © l|ai|-n(U1L1) I’d like... — я бы хотел... (U10L3) ice cream I'aiskrhm) — мороженое (U1L7) if [if] — если (U7L4) imagine [i'm£ecfein| — воображать, представлять себе in |in] — в (U3L2) in front of |m Тглш avj — перед, впереди (U9L2) in the centre |in бэ 'senta| — в центре (U9L1) in the corner (in бэ 'кэ:пэ| — в углу (U4L6) India I'lndia] — Индия (U1L5) indoor |'mdo:| — домашний, находящийся в помещении (U9L5) insect I'msakt) — насекомое (U7L5) interest (‘intrastl — интерес, любимое занятие (U6L8) international space project (inta'nre/anal 'speis 'piDcfeiki] — международный космический проект (U12L1) interview 1 I'mtavju:) — беседа, интервью (U6L3) interview 2 — беседовать, интервьюировать (U6L3) invite (mVait) — приглашать (U8L4) Ireland I'aialand] — Ирландия (U1L5) is 1 iz| — форма глагола be, see Grammar Support 2 IT ['ai'ti:! — информатика (сокращение от Information Technology) (U5L1) it [it] — OH, она, oho: обо всем, что не является человеком, see Grammar Support 1 (U1L4) Italy ['italil — Италия (U1L5) its |its| — его, ее: обо всем, что не человек, see Grammar Support 1(U7L4) jacket I'cfeaskiil — куртка, жакет (U5L3) jam (фжт] — варенье, джем (U7L5) January ['ctjaenjuaril — январь (U8L1) jigsaw ('cfeigso:] — джигсо (мозаика) (U6L5) judo l'cfeu:doul — дзюдо (U6L2) do judo — заниматься дзюдо (U6L2) juice [ct5u:s| — сок (U10L1) July [cfeo'lai] — июль (U8L1) jump Сфчтр] — прыгать (U7L1) June 1фи:п| — июнь (U8L1) jungle (cfjAogll — джунгли (U7L1) kill (kill — убивать (U12L6) kilo f'kibu] — килограмм (U10L3) a kilo of — килограмм чего-либо kind (kaindl — добрый (U2L6) kindergarten |'kmdoga:in| — детский сад king (kigl — король (U9L3) kitchen Ikit/n) — кухня (U4L3) kite |kait( — бумажный змей (U11L3) fly a kite — запускать бумажного змея (U11L2) kangaroo |,кагг)д.')'ги:| — кенгуру (U7L1) keep |ki:p) — хранить (U8L6) key ring I'ki.rig) — брелок (U3L3) lake (leikl — озеро (U12L1) lamp (lajmpl — лампа (U4L5) land 1 [laendl — страна, государство (U8L6) land 2 — приземляться, совершать посадку (U12L2) landing ['laendiol — высадка, посадка (U12L2) lane |lein| — узкая улочка, тропинка (U12L5) last |la:st| — прошлый, последний (U8L5) last name |,lu:st'neim| — фамилия left I left I — левый leg (leg) - нога (U7L3) legend |'1ефэпб1 — легенда (U11L6) leisure (Чезэ) — досуг, свободное время (U5L1) lemon I'lemanI — лимон (U10L1) lemonade |,lem3'neid| — лимонад (U10L2) let’s (lets) — давай, давайте (приглашение делать что-то вместе) (U1L3) Let’s take...— Давайте возьмем... (U10L1) letter 1 I'leto) — буква (U7L6) letter 2 — письмо (U1L8) library I'laibrnn] — библиотека (U11L6) life |laif| — жизнь (U5L4) lifeless I'laiflas] — безжизненный (U12L6) light 1 |laii| — зажигать (U12L5) Don’t light fires! — He разводите костры! (U12L5) light 2 — свет light 3 — светлый light blue — голубой (U3L4) like 1 |laik( — любить, нравиться (U2L4) like 2 (laikj — похожий на lion [laian] — лев (U7L1) listen |lisn( — слушать (U1L1) literature I'litarotfo] — литература (U5L1) litter ('lital — сорить (U12L5) Don’t litter! — He сорить! (U12L5) little (lit!) — маленький, младший (U2L1) live |liv| — жить (U4L1) Liverpool |'liv3pu:l| — Ливерпуль, город в Великобритании living room l'livn3ru:m| — общая комната, гостиная (U4L3) loaf |1эиП — булка (хлеба); loaves |buvz| — булки (U10L3) а loaf of bread — булка хлеба (U10L3) logbook I'lngbuk) — бортовой журнал (U12L1) London ('Undsnl — Лондон, столица Великобритании (U1L6) 153 Wordlist L-N long |lor)I — длинный, долгий (U7L3) long time ago — see ago look |luk) — смотреть (U1L1) look after I'luk ,о;1Ъ| — ухаживать, заботиться Look at the board. |bD:d| — Посмотри на доску. (U1L2) Look out! ['luk ,aut| — Осторожнее! Берегись! (U12L5) lose |lu:z| — терять; lost (iDst] — потерял (U3L8) lost [iDstJ — see lose (U3L8) lot |lDt| a lot of, lots of — много (U2L4) lotto I'lDtau] — лото (U6L5) love [IavI — любить (U10L1) loving I'Uvioj — любящий (U7L5) lovely ['IavIi) — красивый, прекрасный, восхитительный (U12L3) Lucky you! |'1лк1 Ju:| — Везет тебе! lunch 1'1лтЛ — обед have lunch — обедать(U5L2) 0 made |meid] — see make (U8L6) make |meik] — делать; made |meid| — делал (U11L4) make sad |meik saed| — печалить (U3L4) (U11L4) make sandwiches |'saenwic^iz| — делать бутерброды (U11L5) make a snowman I'snaumsenI — лепить снеговика (U11L2) man |гпзЕп| — мужчина, человек; men |men| — мужчины, люди, see Grammar Support 4 mankind [,maen'kaind| — человечество manned flight — полет c человеком на борту (U8L2) manuscript |'ma;njusknpt| — рукопись (U12L6) many ('meni| — много map |тжр] — карта (географическая) (U7L1) March |та:(П — март (U8L1) market |'ma:kit| — рынок (U9L1) mathematics |,таг0Гтаеик$| — математика (U5L1) maths [mseOsl — математика (разговорное) (U5L1) May |mei| — май (U8L1) me [mi:| — мне, меня (U1L6), see Grammar Support 1 meal |mi:l| — принятие пищи, еда medal ['medall — медаль (U7L8) men I men] — see man mice |mais| — see mouse milk |milk| — молоко (U7L5) minus I'mainasl — минус (U11L1) minute ['minit| — минута (U7L5) miss 1 |mis| — скучать (U7L6) miss 2 — пропустить (U6L5) miss a chance |tfo:ns| — упустить удачу, случай (U11L6) miss a turn |1з:п| — пропускать ход (U6L5) mission |mi/n| — миссия, экспедиция, цель приезда (U12L5) mix (miks| — смешивать, мешать, примешивать (U10L5) modern |modn| — современный, новый (U12L4) Monday I'niAndil — понедельник (U5L2) monkey I'mApkil — обезьяна (U7L1) month |тАП0| — месяц (период времени) (U7L5) morning I'mainiol — утро (U5L4) in the morning — утром (U5L4) moon |mu:n| — луна (U8L2) Moscow I'mDskau] — Москва, столица Российской Федерации mother ['тАбэ] — мать (U2L1) mountain |'rnauntin| — гора (U12L1) mouse |maus| — мышь; mice |mais| — мыши (U3L6), see Grammar Support 4 move |mu:v) — двигаться move back |'mu:v 'baek| — двигаться назад (U6L5) Mozart I'mautsoii] — Моцарт Mr ['mists] — господин (U5L6) Mrs I'misiz] — госпожа (U4L2) MTV ['em 'ti; 'vi:| (Music Television) — музыкальное телевидение (U1L6) mum [mAmj — мама (U2L1) museum [mjui'zksmj — музей (U9L1) mushroom I'mAjmim] — гриб (U11L5) music ['mju:zik| — музыка (U5L1) music hit — очень популярное музыкальное произведение(U1L6) my [mail — мой, моя, мое (U1L1) mystery ['mistsrij — тайна (U12L2) name jneimj — имя (U1L1) narrow j'naersuj — узкий (U9L4) near [nisj — рядом, у, около (U3L6) neck [nek] — шея (U7L4) need |ni:d| — нуждаться (U10L5) never ['nevsj — никогда (U5L6) new |nju;| — новый (U1L5) New Year [,nju: 'jisj — Новый год (праздник) New York |,nju: 'jsikj — Нью-Йорк, крупнейший город США New Zealand |nju: 'zklsndj — Новая Зеландия (страна) next to [nekst ts] — рядом, около (U9L2) nice jnaisj — хороший, приятный (U4L3) Nice to meet you. — Приятно познакомиться. (U4L2) nine Inainj — девять (U1L3) ninety I'namtij — девяносто no [nsu] — нет (U1L3) No trespassing, [nsu 'trespssioj — Проход запрещен. (U12L5) noisy I'nDizi] — шумный (U9L4) nomination [,nDmi'neiJn| — номинация, выставление / выдвижение кандидатов (U7L8) nominee [.потГпк] — кандидат (U7L8) North 1 |пэ:0| - север (U7L1) North 2 — северный nose [nsuzj — нос (U7L3) nothing ГпА01о) — ничего (U12L1) November [пэи'уетЬэ] — ноябрь (U8L1) now [паи] — сейчас, теперь (U1L8) 154 Wordlist 0-Q number |'плтЬэ| — номер (U1L3) number one film — самый лучший / любимый фильм (U1L6) nut |пл1| — орех (U10L2) object I'nbcfeikt) — предмет (U6L6) o’clock |э'к1пк| — употребляется, когда говорят о времени, например. It is 5 o’clock. — Сейчас пять часов. (U5L3) ocean I'aufnl — океан (U12L1) October [ок'1эиЬэ| — октябрь (U8L1) of course [ov'k3:sj — конечно (U11L3) offer |'оГэ| — предлагать often I'ofan, ЪГ1зп| — часто (U5L6) how often — как часто (вопрос) (U5L6) oh [эи| — ой oil IdiII — масло (растительное) (U10L2) ОК |эи'ке|| — все в порядке (U1L3) old |3uld| — старый, старинный (U8L6) Omsk |nmsk| — Омск, город в Российской Федерации on [эп, on I — на on the corner of the street — на углу улицы (U9L2) on the left — слева (U4L6) on the right — справа (U3L6) one (wAn| — один (U1L3) onion I'Aiijan) — лук(иЮ11) open |эирп| — открывать, открыть (U1L2) Open your books. — Откройте книги. (U1L2) opposite I'opazitl — напротив (U9L2) or |э;| — или (U2L3) orange 1 I'ormcfel — оранжевый (U3L4) orange 2 — апельсин outer space |,aut3'spcis| — открытый космос (U8L2) over 1'эиуэ| — через be over — заканчиваться (U9L1) owner |'эипэ| — владелец, хозяин (U2L6) Oxford I'oksfadj — Оксфорд, город в Великобритании packet I'paskit] — пакет (U10L3) а packet of — пачка чего-либо раде Ipeicfel — страница (U1L7) parents ГреэгэШ5| — родители (U9L1) park Ipakj — парк (U9L1) party Гра:п| — вечеринка (U8L5) past lpa:st| — see go past past memories |,pu;st 'memariz) — воспоминания о прошлом (U8L6) PE |'pi:'i:| — физкультура (сокращение от Physical Education) (U5L1) pelican ('pelikan) — пеликан (U7L2) pelmeni |pel'meni| — пельмени (U10L6) pen (pen) — ручка (шариковая) (U3L1) pencil I'pensol) — карандаш (простой) (U3L1) pencil case I'pensolkeis) — пенал (U3L1) penguin |'pepgwm| — пингвин (U7L2) people [pi:pl| — люди, население, жители (U12L2) pet holiday hotel I'pet 'hnlidi hau'tel] — гостиница для домашних животных (U7L5) phone [faun] — телефон (U1L3) photo [Тэтэи] — фотография (U8L2) piano Ipi'aenaul — пианино pick lpik| — собирать (U11L5) pick mushrooms and berries — собирать грибы и ягоды (U11L5) picnic I'piknikI — пикник (U9L4) have a picnic — ехать на пикник (U11L5) picture I'piktjal — картина, картинка (U4L4) piece lpi:sl — кусок, часть (U10L3) a piece of — кусок чего-либо pink |рщк| — розовый (U3L4) pizza l'pi:ts3| — пицца (U10L1) place (pleisl — место (U6L5) plan Iplgen] — план (U4L5) plane Iplein] — самолет planet I'plaemtl — планета (U12L1) plant |pla:nt| — комнатное растение (U4L5) play Iplei) — играть (U5L1) player Ipleia] — плеер (U6L1) please |pli:z| — пожалуйста (U1L7) pleasure Гр1езэ| — удовольствие (U9L5) plenty of I'plenu sv| — много (U4L8) poem I'pouim) — стихотворение (U5L5) police station |po'li;s 'stei/n| — полицейский участок (U10L4) policeman (pa'llismanj — полицейский (мужчина) (U8L3) policewoman Ipa'liiswumanl — женщина-полицейский (U8L3) politician l.pnli'iifanl — политик (U9L3) pop music |'pDpmju:zik| — поп-музыка (U5L5) popular I'popjola] — популярный (U9L5) postcode I'pansiknud) — почтовый индекс (U4L1) post office I'poust 'ofisl — почта (U9L1) poster I'poustol — плакат (U4L5) potato [po'teitaul — картофель (U10L1) powder ['paudal — порошок (U10L6) present I'prezantl — подарок (U8L6) presentation |,prez3n'teij'n| — представление (U4L8) pretty I'pritil — хорошенький, прелестный (U4L2) prickle |pnkl| — колючка (например, ежа) (U7L5) prickly I'pnkli) — колючий (U7L5) prison [prizn] — тюрьма (U9L5) programme |'ргэидгшт| — программа (U1L6) prospect I'pmspektl — проспект (U4L1) puma rpju:mo| — пума (U7L1) purple |рз:р1| — фиолетовый (U3L4) put |put| — класть, положить; put [put] — клал, положил (U10L5) puzzle IpazI] — головоломка (U6L5) 155 Wordlist R-S queen |kwi;n| — королева (U9L3) questionnaire l.kwest/s'neal — анкета (U11L8) quiet I'kwaiatl — тихий, спокойный (U9L4) racquet I'raskit) — ракетка (U12L4) rain [rein] — дождь (U11L2) rainbow I'rembau] — радуга (U3L4) rainy 1 I'remi] — дождливо (U11L2) rainy 2 — дождливый (U11L2) ran (raenl — see run rap |ггер1 — рэп (U2L5) read |ri:d] — читать; read |red| — читал (U1L2) real [rialI — настоящий (U7L4) recipe I'resipi] — рецепт (U10L5) red [red] — красный (U3L4) report 1 [n'po;t] — отчет, сообщение, доклад (U10L4) report 2 — сделать сообщение (U4L8) rest [resll — отдых (U9L4) Rex |reks| — Рекс (собачья кличка) rice |rais| — рис (U10L2) riddle |ridl| — загадка (U12L2) ride [raid] — кататься верхом; rode |raud| — катался верхом ride a bicycle — кататься на велосипеде (U11L3) right 1 [rait| — правильно, правильный (U1L4) right 2 — правый (U4L6) Right? 3 — Правда? (U11L3) river ['rival — река (U9L1) “Robinson Crusoe” ['robinsan 'kruisauj — “Робинзон Крузо" robot I'raubDij — робот (U12L1) rode [raudj — see ride room |ru:m| — комната (U3L6) route [ru;tj — маршрут, путь (U11L6) rucksack ['глквжк) — рюкзак, заплечная сумка (U10L4) rule |ni:l| — правило (U3L2) ruler I'rudaj — линейка (U3L1) run [глп] — бежать, бегать; ran Iraenj — бежал, бегал (U6L4) run away ['глп a,wei| — убегать (U12L2) run back ['глп ,Ьшк[ — бежать назад (U6L4) Russia ['гл/а| — Россия (U1L5) Russian |'гл/ап[ — русский (язык) (U1L5) sad [sisd[ — печальный, грустный (U9L4) safe [sell! — в безопасности (U7L5) salad ['saeladi — салат (блюдо) (U10L1) salt [sd:Ii[ — соль (U10L2) Samara [5э'та:гэ[ — Самара, город в Российской Федерации (U11L7) sand [s£end[ — песок (U11L5) sandcastle ['saendka;sl| — песочный замок (U11L5) make sandcastles — строить замки из песка (U11L5) sandwich ['saenwicfej — бутерброд (U10L3) make sandwiches — делать бутерброды (U11L5) sang [sasol — see sing (U8L6) sat [saet[ — see sit (U8L6) Saturday ['sastadi) — суббота (U5L2) saw [so:] — see see (U8L6) say [sei[ — сказать; said [sed| — сказал (U1L2) Say “Hello”. — Передай привет. (U1L2) school [sku:l[ — школа (U1L7) school bag ['sku:lbeeg| — школьная сумка, портфель (U3L1) science [saions[ — естественно-научный предмет (U5L2) scissors ['si:zoz| — ножницы (U4L8) score 1 [sko:[ — забивать гол, набирать очки (LI4L7) score 2 — баллы (U4L7) script [sknpt[ — see film script (U12L1) sea [si;| — море (U11L5) seaside ['si:said[ — морское побережье (U11L5) season ['si;zon| — время года, сезон (U8L1) section I'sek/on] — секция, часть (U12L2) see [si:j — видеть, смотреть; saw [so:[ — видел, смотрел(U3L6) send [send[ — посылать, отправлять; sent [sent] — послал sent [sent[ — see send September [sep'temba] — сентябрь (U8L1) seven [sevn] — семь (U1L3) seventy ('sevantil — семьдесят sharp [fa:p| — острый (U7L3) she LTi:| - она (U2L4) ship [/ip] — корабль (U10L6) shop Lfopl — магазин (U9L2) shop assistant ['jDp3,sistant[ — продавец (U10L2) shopping bag ['Jopip ,baeg[ — хозяйственная сумка для покупок (U10L1) shopping list ['/opio ,list[ — список покупок (LI10L3) short ['J3:t[ — короткий (U7L3) show Lfau) — представление (U8L6) sing [siol — петь; sang [saeg[ — пел (U3L4) sister I'sista] — сестра (U2L1) sit [sit[ — сидеть; sat [sst] — сидел sitting room ('sitir) ru:m] — гостиная, общая комната в квартире six [siks| — шесть (U1L3) sixty ['sikstil — шестьдесят skating ['skeitig[ — катание на коньках (U6L2) go skating — кататься на коньках (U6L2) skiing [skiiQ] — катание на лыжах до skiing — кататься на лыжах (U6L2) skateboard ['skeitbD;d| — (U12L5) sleep [sli:p[ — спать; slept — спал (U5L5) slept [slept[ — see sleep 156 Wordlist S-T small |smo:l| — маленький (U3L8) snow |5пэи| — снег (U11L2) snowman |Чпэитэп| — снеговик (U11L2) snowy 1 I'snaui] — снежно (U11L2) snowy 2 — снежный (U11L2) so on I'sau ,Dn| — и так далее sock IsDk] — носок (U5L3) sofa I'saufa] — софа, диван (U4L5) some |sAm| — несколько, некоторое количество, see Grammar Support 72 (U10L1) sometimes Isam'taimz] — иногда (U5L6) song IsDol — песня (U11L5) sorry ['son I — извините, очень жаль (U3L1) South 1 lsau0) — юг (U7L1) South 2 — южный (U7L1) souvenir I,su:v3'ni3| — сувенир (U8L6) space 1 [speis] — космос (U8L2) space first I'speis 'f3;st| — первый космонавт (U8L2) space ship I'speis ,/ф] — космический корабль (U8L2) space 2 — место, пространство (U81.2) spaghetti (spa'geti) — спагетти (U10L6) spell |spel| — писать или произносить (слово) по буквам; spelt (spelt| — писал, произносил, произнес(U1L7) spelt Ispelt) — see spell spend |spend| — проводить; spent |speni| — проводил, провел (U11L5) spent (spenti — see spend sport (spoa) — спорт (U1L6) do sport — заниматься спортом sportsman ['sportsman) — спортсмен (U8L3) sporty I'sporti) — спортивный (U1L6) spot |spm| — пятно (U7L1) spring [spriol — весна (U8L1) square |skwea| — площадь, сквер (U9L5) St Petersburg |semt ‘pitazbsrg) — Санкт-Петербург, город в Российской Федерации star Istor) — звезда (U9L3) Star Wars ['star 'wo:z| — звездные войны start 1 (start) — начало (U6L8) start 2 — начинать, стартовать (U5L8) stay Istei) — оставаться (U7L6) sticker I'stika) — наклейка (U3L3) stop (stnpl — останавливать(ся) (DILI) storm [storm) — шторм (U4L8) storyteller ['storri,telo| — рассказчик (U8L6) strange ('streindil — странный, удивительный (U12L1) strawberry I'strorben) — клубника (U10L5) street (strirt) — улица (U4L1) stripe (straip) — полоса (U7L1) strong |stror)| — сильный (U2L6) student I'stjurdont) — студент (U8L3) study I'sudi) — изучать, учить (U11L3) subject ['sAbcfeikt) — предмет (школьный) (U5L1) sugar C/ugo) — сахар (U10L2) summer I'sAmo) — лето (U8L1) sun |sAn| — солнце (U10L6) sunbathe I'sAnbeid) — загорать (U9L5) Sunday ['sAndi) — воскресенье (U5L2) sunglasses |'sAn,gla'siz| — солнцезащитные очки (U8L5) sunny 1 I'sAniI — солнечно (U11L2) sunny 2 — солнечный (U11L2) suntan I'sAntaen) — загар (U11L5) supermarket )'surp3,markit| — супермаркет (U9L2) Suzdal I'surzdol) — Суздаль, город в Российской Федерации (U4L1) surname I'sarneim) — фамилия (U1L7) swam |swaem| — see swim swap (swop) — обменяться (U6L6) swim |swim| — плавать (U7L2); swam Iswasm) — плавал (U6L2) swimming ['swimig) — плавание (U6L2) go swimming — заниматься плаванием (U6L2) swimming pool I'swimir) ,purl| — бассейн (U6L2) indoor I'lndor) swimming pool — закрытый бассейн (U9L5) Sydney I'sidni) — Сидней, город в Австралии symbol I'simbal) — символ (U11L2) © table Iteibl) — стол (U4L5) tail |teil) — хвост (U7L3) take Iteikj — брать, взять; took |tuk| — брал, взял (U10L5) take away (‘teik 3,wei| — вычитать, отнимать (U10L8) take for a walk I'teik for э 'work) — брать на прогулку (U5L4); take photos ('teik 'f3ut3uz| — фотографировать (U8L5) talk (tork) — разговаривать, болтать (U3L3) tall Itorl) — высокий (U9L4) Tambov I'taembov) — Тамбов, город в Российской Федерации (U1L8) tea (tir) — чай (U2L2) teacher ('lirtfs) — учитель (U1L3) team (tirm) — команда (U1L8) technology (tek'nnlscjji) — технология (U5L1) teddy bear ('tedi ,Ьсз| — игрушка плюшевый медведь (U8L6) teeth |tir0| — see tooth telephone ['telifsun) — телефон (U4L5) television [,teirvi3n| — телевизор, также TV (U4L5) tell |iel| — говорить, рассказывать; told |i3uld| — говорил, сказал, рассказывал, рассказал (U1L6) temperature ['1етрэгэ(Гэ| — температура (U11L1) ten (ten) — десять (U1L3) tennis I'tenis) — теннис (U6L1) test (test) — тест, контрольная работа (U1L3) textbook I'tekstbuk) — учебник (U1L7) than (бгеп, бэп) — чем Thanks. )0