Английский язык Учебник 5 класс Деревянко 1 год обучения

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 5 класс Деревянко 1 год обучения - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия New Millennium English (Нью Миллениум Инглиш):

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Содержание Unit 1 It's me..................................................................4 Unit 2 School and daily routines..............................................20 Unit 3 My family..............................................................36 Unit 4 Yummy, yummy..........................................52 Unit 5 Animal life.....................................................64 Unit 6 Many years ago..................................................78 Unit 7 Let's go to the theatre.............................................92 Unit 8 Town and village..............................................................108 Unit 9 Summer plans......................................122 Unit 10 My planet ..........................................................136 Information gap exercises..................................................151 Grammar support............................................155 Write your name..........................................................165 Wordlist ...................................................................166 Условные обозначения: It’s me Lesson 1 My new English book 1a Listen and say what the children’s names are. 1b IZZI Listen and sing along with Jane and Max. The Back-To-School Song One, two Nice to see you. It’s really nice to see you. One, two, One, two, three Would you like to sit with me? Look, look Here’s my book This is my new English book. We’re back again We’re back again We’re back again at school It’s so cool! 2b Complete the library file for your new English book. My new English book Title: ___________________ How many pages: ______________________ How many units: ______________________ Grammar support: Page Write your name: Page Wordlist: Page 2a In your new English book find a page you like and talk about it. Example: Page 82 is very interesting. It’s about history. I love history. 3 talk about ten things in the classroom Example: A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a ruler. A: How do you spell it? B: R-U-L-E-R A: Thank you. UNIT 1 Lesson 1 Ss 4a Put these words in alphabetical order. crayon climb cupboard chain cut 4b Find these words in the Wordlist and say what they mean in Russian. • 1 crayon 3 sharpener 5 key ring " • 2 dictionary 4 glasses 6 extra (pen) • 5a Look at the Wordlist on page 167 and answer the questions. 1 What is the word you want to know? 2 What does this word mean? 3 Where can you find this word for the first time in the book? 4 How can you know how to say this word? 5b Say these words and find them on these two pages. [b{k] ... [pen] ... [sit] ... [k{n] ... ['lisanj ... [kl^s] ... [spel] ... [sk^l] ... [fram] ... ['lesan] ... ['плтЬэ] ... [in] ... 6 Answer these questions and fill in this information on the cover of your exercise book. • Use the table Write your name on p. 165. ^ What’s your first name? What’s your surname? First name Surname _ Your age _ Class _ City / Town _ ^ How old are you? J What class are you in? ^ Where are you from? ^ What number is your school? ^ School number UNIT 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 A new pupil 1 a IZZI Listen and say what the new pupil’s name is. 1 b Complete with are, is, ’s, or’m. Then listen and check. See Grammar support 2. LOOK Are you new? Yes, I am. How old are you? I’m ten. 2a Guess the answers to the questions the children asked Dima during break. 1 How old _? 2 Are you from _? 3 What’s your favourite _? 4 Are you good at _? 2b I^I Listen and check your guesses in Ex. 2a. 2c Talk to your classmates and find someone who is like you. • Use the questions in Ex. 2a. Л I [I] [iz] is ['pitsa] ... SOUNDS: Say the words and find them on these two pages 1 [э] '“’“""fej Лтег/< \to»' d\ Y'se Y'tfv®’ ,1эА ••• [з:] ^ [e] [w3:ld] [f3:st] [w3:dz] ^'1[11с1гэп1 world {^'ку/е81[эп21 check 6 UNIT 1 Lesson 2 3a Read the chat room conversation and answer the questions. 1 How many people are there in the chat room? 2 Who is this chat room for? 3 What are the rules? Id Hiliai Алрк: meet the world CHAT ROOM FOR CHILDREN AGED 8-11 Are you new? Read the rules first. No bad language. Speak good English. You can be here for no more than two hours a week. Your parents must know. 1 e Are you from America? 2 T How old are you? 3 Hello everybody. 4 e I’m 11. And you? 5 T No, I’m not. I’m from England. And you? 6 0 Hi. What’s your name? 7 T Are you good at sport? 8 0 I’m from India. 9 Ф My name’s Leila. 10 T What’s you favourite food? 11 Chocolate. I love it! 12 0 Pizza. 13 T I’m good at football. 14 And I play tennis. Do you play tennis? 15 T And guess my favourite food. 16 0 It’s ice cream. 17 It’s ice cream. 18 T Right. I love it. 19 How old are you, Ice cream? 20 0 Where are you from, Leila? 21 T My name’s Darrel. I’m 9. And you? 22 0 I don’t play football. I like swimming. 23 I’m from Australia. 24 I’m 10. 3b these children chat about six different things. Unjumble their chat. 1 Are you from America? ^ 5 ^ 8 2 How old are you? 3 Hello everybody. 7 Are you good at sport? 10 What’s you favourite food? 19 Where are you from, Leila? 3c Read and complete the children’s profiles. 4 Write an answer to this e-mail. [email protected] Hello, My name is Alex. I’m 11. I’m from Manchester. I’m good at football. My favourite food is pizza. What’s your name? Where are you from? Are you good at sport? What’s your favourite food? Let’s make friends. Please write soon, Alex in m & UNIT 1 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Me and my class LOOK 1a Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1 Who’s that on the right of Max? 2 Who’s that on the left of Max? 3 Who’s that behind Max? Who’s that? That’s Max. 1b Ш Look at the photo, listen to what Max tells his mum about his new class and find Vicky. 2a Help Max to put the captions on the correct photos in his class album. 5b CLASS ALBUM Look: what a wonderful bunch of pupi|s! by Max (aged 11) 1 This is our She's fair and kmd. We are see isn't maths. + rhristmas concert. We sang 3 That's us at J the front is Joyce. Christmas carols. The gir She is a very ^ j^e food is chocolate. sing well always has some chocolate 4 That's me in the middle of the picture. I'm with my classmates in the park. That's Jane. She is next to me on my right. Jane is my best friend. She's great. We [Ч like music and films and we both have dogs. We like walking and talking. Friends are for talking to. That's why you need them — you can talk to your friends. 8 UNIT 1 Lesson 3 2b Read the captions again and say true or false. 1 Miss Bennett is a teacher of English. 2 Jane’s favourite subject is maths. 3 Joyce likes chocolate very much. 4 Roy can play football very well. 5 Jane has got a cat. 2c Find adjectives in Ex. 2a and spell them out. 1 f_____ 4 b______ 6 g_______ 2 g________ 5 s___________ 7 h____________ 3 k 2d Say what adjectives Max uses to talk about his classmates and the teacher. Jane .............. Roy .............. Miss Bennett ............... Joyce .............. 3 Help Max to write about his class photo in Ex. 1 a. • Use the words in the box. That’s my class. That’s our Maths teacher. Her name is Miss Smith. She’s very nice. That’s me (1) ... of the teacher. The girl (2) _ of the teacher is Jane. Jane is my best friend. The boy (3) _ me is Dima. Dima is new. He’s from Russia. That’s Vicky (4) _ me. Vicky is a great football player. on the left on the right behind in front of 4 Talk about the people in your own photos / pictures. Example: A: Who’s that boy/ girl on the left of the picture? B: That’s my new friend. 5 Write about a photo of your classmates / friends. • Use Ex. 2a and Ex. 3 as an example. Ueftl ^'krisfflssl [^'rnseks] ЫЗ-.11 left [i:] thiz] [Щ [i:ts] [’yiki] [si:] ^[i] feac/i er И " iod Ms/ftat SOUNDS: Say the words and find them on these two pages ] lm^tn , [in 'ftAatavi ••• [pcubl [tdcusl N [u:] fbkj look fhurzj . [fvd] , fsJcurlJ fgodj 9 UNIT 1 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Do you collect anything? 1a Look at the pictures and match them with the words. 1 stickers 7 coins 2 CDs 8 dolls 3 robots 9 key rings 4 model cars 10 toy soldiers 5 clocks 11 posters 6 seashells 12 soft toys 1b What do you think these children collect? Why? Example: I think Jane collects dolls. Some girls like dolls. \bcva\ [Its \рх.г\ (dro'A anV [ql Ф [nl ['ki; riql [oi] [komz] coins f'toi dogzj kij L^ai] [laik] [oiaij • ^'^ksasaizj " Щу 9dV-k\ /f SOUNDS: Say the words and find them on these two pages Hr [sei] ^''агу [э ^ ^^gein] [01 Ф [si [0щк1 think ['геш0щ1 ••• 10 UNIT 1 Lesson 4 2 Read about Jane’s collection and complete her conversation with Dima. I'm crazy about dogs. I've got more than 300 dogs in my dog collection. I've got a real pet dog called Rover, a lot of toy dogs, a dog clock, dog cards and posters, exercise books with dogs on the covers, a dog T-shirt. I can draw dogs and I read lots of books about dogs. Dogs are clever and funny. Do you collect anything, Jane? Yes. I collect (1) _ . Do you collect toy dogs? Yes, I’ve got (2) _ . Have you got dog cards? (3) ^ . How many real dogs have you got? (4) ^ . Why do you collect them? (5) ^ . 3a 1^1 Listen and say whose collection is in the photo, Max’s or Dima’s. 4 Play Collectors’ Fair. 3b I I Listen again and put the phrases in the right order. □ A: Let’s swap. EH B: Have you got any Russian key rings? I I C: OK, it’s a deal. I I D: No, I haven’t. Have you got any stickers? I Yes, I have. Have you No, I haven’t. got any CDs? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Let’s swap. ——E J 1 DK, it’s a deal. No deal. 5 Make a photo of your collection and write a caption for it. • Use Ex. 2 as an example. 11 UNIT 1 Lesson 5 F son 5 }% щШ ___________ esson 5 Hello on Music Radio 1 a l^l Listen and answer: What’s the name of the radio game? A Read and Match B Perfect Match C Football Match 1 b l^l Listen and compiete the ruies of the game. Answer (1) ... questions. If your answers (2) _ our answers, you are a winner. You get (3) _ and listen to your (4) _ . Call us on 95590078 and good luck! 2a I^I Listen to the next part of the programme and answer the questions. 1 Who is the winner? 12 MUSIC RADIO 2с 1^1 Listen again and check your answers. 3a Write three questions and answers about each of: (a) friends, (b) school, (c) collections, (d) sports. 3b Role play. Pupil A: You are a DJ on Music Radio. Choose a prize for a winner. Talk to a caller and give him or her a prize. Pupil B: You are a caller to Music Radio. Talk about your favourite song. radiG Talk to the DJ and answer questions Thanks for calling Music Radio. 3c Listen and sing a song. Down, down! The leaves are falling over the town. September Is For Ьв5'"™'™Гмск'' It'S great to be back. School IS cool! The leaves are falling One by one. summer’s over. School’s begun. Off to school We go together. School Is cool In any weather. 4 Write three questions and answers for a Music Radio programme. ['weds] weather ['pTta] ['lAndan] [fu:z] [t^k] ['0{qks] [wAn] [he'laiyi ['ргэ [эи] SOUNDS: Say the words and find them on these two pages ^^дгзещ] iceidia^j hello ['гэо1 ^'эovэJ Plei] down tdi:'cfeeil DJ 13 UNIT 1 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 I’m good at computers! 1 a Look at the picture and match the words with the parts of the computer mouse screen processor disc keyboard button 1b Fill in the puzzle with the words from Ex. 1a and guess the password. Password enter 2 Look at the words, read and say them. ciick drag drop highiight 3 1 2 3 R 4 5 cut paste attach type copy Look at the screen and read the computer instructions. Draw your answers in the boxes (1-4) and write labels on the boxes. J lJ dl ■[^wi ^ kt|^* [ifilfc'i MAQtW gai^iTi^Aewbii kJ j ^ H ^ ■ u j =□ ^ -J ^ 1 ' i -HI «I ^ Ж I I 'Л 14 1 Click on the mouse. Draw it so you can drag and drop it into box 3. 2 Click on the keyboard. Draw it so you can drag and drop it into box 1. 3 Type (Write) keyboard under the picture in box 1. 4 Highlight the screen. Cut and paste it by drawing it in box 2. 5 Highlight the word screen. Cut and paste it by writing it in box 2. 6 Highlight the mouse. Copy and paste it by drawing J it in box 4. 7 Type (Write) the word mouse under the picture in box 4. 1 N N. *4 s N. 2 3 4 6 UNIT 1 Lesson 6 4 Look at the screens and say how you can do that. Документ! - Microsoft Word 15 UNIT 1 Lesson 6 Collectors' Fair Read, write about collections and swaps. 5 Look at the website pages and answer the questions. 1 What is the name of the website? 2 Who is it for? 3 What kind of collections can you find there? 4 What can you do on this website? 5 How can you swap? Coins, toy soldiers click to swap Robots, model cars click to swap Key rings, stickers, dolls, seashells click to swap Collectors' Fair Key rings, stickers, dolls, seashells attach a picture Hello, I collect key rings and football stickers. I've got some cool CDs in my collection, too. Let's swap CDs. Max 6 Write an e-mail to the “Collectors’ Fair” website. [wi61 [maos] ['ki;bo;dl [bAtn] [haul ['pa;sw3'.dl ['entol with 1 1 SOUNDS: Say the words and find them on these pages [dr{g] drag [dr^p] ... ['hailait] ... [peist] ... [pei^] ... [taip] ... 1 [kom'pjudo] Ou;] [!)u;nit] [a't{^] ... Ш there 16 UNIT 1 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 Listen and complete the new pupil’s profile. New Student’s Profile 45-50 40-44 35-39 < 35 Very good Good OK Look again Name: Rashi 1 From:____ 2 Age:_____ 3 Class:___ 4 Favourite food: 5 Sports:_________ Score:___/10 2 Look at the pictures and write down what the children collect. Example: Jane collects CDs, toy dogs and dolls. 3a Fill in the gaps with am, is, are or isn’t. This is my class. That’s our history teacher. Her name (1) _ Alla Petrovna. She (2) _ very nice. I’m Anya. That’s me on the left of the teacher. I (3) _ very good at history. History (4) _ my favourite subject. That’s Kate in front of me. Kate and I (5) _ very good friends. We (6) _ good at sport. We play ping pong and badminton. And that’s Natasha next to Kate. That’s our new pupil behind me. His name (7) _ Alex. He (8) _ very serious. He (9) _ good at maths and computers, but he (10) _ good at sport. Score:___/10 3b Read and find the people in the photo. Kate □ Anya □ Alex □ Natasha □ Score:__/ 8 17 UNIT 1 Lesson 7 4 Read the instructions. Write and draw your answers on the screen. г[д|>4 bu f4R±|r 1.-|6ччи &'мес4 W lj|BnWT-444-bcnAft J :jij J i ii . . Л / 'J - -■ ■ J J ;s И0 il ^ ™ - t- 4J.3T™ I -t;!?, * I ^ 44»*ч*и< - rp^NP^Kirv -It -[ж]* a Р1»ад:й' 1ееедд [□]- ^ - a -1 I I - !ja 1 Click on the mouse. Drag and drop it into box 2 by drawing it in box 2. 2 Highlight the word mouse. Cut and paste it by writing it in box 2. 3 Click on the book. Drag and drop it by drawing it in box 1. 4 Highlight the disc. Cut and paste it by drawing it in box 4. 5 Copy and paste the disc by drawing it in box 3. 6 Write CD under the picture in box 3. [kWi E^-i Ljpi C Irffta» dpH'l 4|±{е1 PC^ ' -4_ J j J J i ^ fi .1 ■!.. .Л j Ti - Г- A J :з 3 Itg{ о n ■W' . A.W- 11Г - nmUtTHaM - H - Д ■ :■ ■ 1= j= i> if |g I • ■ • I- - 4 ■ ■ % I 5 Answer the questions in Jane’s visitor’s book. 1 2 Ч N N S S 3 4 Score: _ 1 What'S your first name? 2 What's your surname? 3 HOW old are you? 4 Where are you from? 5 what class are you in? 6 what number is your school? 7 what's your favourite food? 8 What sport are you good at? Score:___/ 8 Total:___/ 50 18 UNIT 1 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Project Kidsj|5niinefmSga2ine§! 1 Read about the kids’ online magazines. Music Illustrated Crazy Collections That's me! Each week, Music Illustrated covers music the way teens like it. Free audio downloads. Subscribe Now! Crazy Collections is an online monthly magazine with everything for 9 to 14 year-old collectors. Computer World World Class Monthly full-colour magazine The only magazine for schools, with all the computer and all the classes and student groups latest, greatest games. everywhere. What’s fun about YOUR class? , 2 Send your article to an online magazine. • Follow these steps: 1 Choose a magazine. 2 Fill in the registration form. 3 Write your article for the magazine. Attach a picture. 4 Send. Every issue is packed with advice about friends, school, and relationships - real stories about REAL people. Let's Chat Award winning weekly news magazine for gir-ls aged 8 to14. Tell us about yourself. Let’s chat! Sports World The online school sports magazine. Who’s in your team? Who won the competition? Click here to send your article. Click here to attach your picture. 3 Read your own and your friends’ articles. 4 Vote for the best online article. 19 2 J!:»chool and daily routines Lesson 1 My timetable 1 a Look at Jane’s timetable and say the names of the subjects. fri ' 0®© Jane’s Timetable Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:55 -9:10 Registration 9:10 -10:00 PE Technology Drama French Maths 10:00-10:50 English Technology English PE English 10:50-11:05 Break 11:05-11:55 French Science Maths Science Technology 11:55-12:45 History Art PE History Technology 12:45-13:45 Lunch 13:45-13:50 Registration 13:50-14:40 Music French ICT English Geography 14:40-15:30 Maths Maths PE French о о о о m 1Ь I^I Look at the timetable, listen and say what day of the week Jane: 1 likes very much 2 doesn’t like (not) very much 3 doesn’t like at all 2a Read what Max, Jane and Dima say about their timetable and guess what the new words mean. Max: We’ve got maths four times a week. That’s great! Jane: We’ve only got drama once a week but I like drama. Dima: We’ve got science twice a week. That’s not much. 2b Look at your timetable and compare it with Jane’s timetable. Example: Jane’s got French four times a week. But we haven’t got French at all. Jane’s got history twice a week. We’ve got history twice a week too. LOOK once twice a week four times 20 UNIT 2 Lesson 1 3a Sarah is from New Zealand. Look at her timetable and decide what the letters stand for. t'dra-.msl I'deili] Iru-'ti’-n] ■■■ ■ ■ ■ I'sAbcfeikt] ^twais] [wans] once [breik] [fren^] ['saians] [^I'wgrafi] ['taim,teib3l] [sk^l] Ш [,red5i'strei/3n] registration ['saofal ,sUdiz] ... WORDS to find and say Mon Tues Weds Thur Fri 1 E M PE M M 2 F E SS PE E tea break 3 M L L E PE 4 SS A M T F Lunch 5 PE PE E SS Mu 6 PE ICT E M PE F English SS Social studies A _________________ T ICT Information and Communication Technology_______ Mu L Literature 3b Jane and Sarah are talking about their timetables. • Read and tick who says what. 1 We usually have six lessons a day. 2 We don’t go to school on Saturday and Sunday. 3 We’ve got English and maths every day. 4 We’ve got registration before lessons. 5 We’ve got registration before the fifth lesson too. 6 We’ve got tea break after the second lesson. 7 We’ve got four technology lessons a week. 8 We’ve got lunch after the fourth lesson. 3c tell Jane or Sarah about your timetable. Talk about: • how many lessons a day you usually have • the days you go and don’t go to school • the subjects you’ve got in your timetable • the lessons you have every day • the lessons you have four times a week • the lessons you have twice a week • the lessons you have once a week • when you have break and lunch 4 Write an e-mail about your timetable to Jane and Max. • Use Ex. 3c for help. Sarah Jane 3 21 9 UNIT 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Things about my school 1 a l^l Listen and put the pictures in the order you hear them. 22 UNIT 2 Lesson 2 c Do you get marks in letters? Yes, we do. V Tf]---------^ Do you put your marks in the school diary? Do you have lunch at school? 0 ^ No, we don’t. ^ f G Marking system A = 5 B = 4+ C = 4 -D = 3 F = 2 23 UNIT 2 Lesson 2 1b Match the Russian sentences with their English equivalents. 1 Мы ставим оценки в дневник. a) We wear a uniform. 2 Мы носим форму. b) We have breaks. 3 У нас есть обед. c) We have lunch. 4 У нас есть перемены. d) Parents get school reports in envelopes. 5 Нам ставят оценки буквами. e) We put our marks in the school diary. 6 Родители получают ведомость успеваемости в конверте. f) We get marks in letters. 7 Нам ставят оценки цифрами. g) We get marks in numbers. 2a Read Dima’s questions and Max’s answers in the LOOK See Grammar support 6. 1 What words show that something happens every time? 2 What words show that you are asking a question? 3 What words do you need to give a short yes-answer? 4 What words do you need to give a short no-answer? 5 What words do you need to give a complete no-answer? 2b Complete these conversations about school routines. D: Do you wear a school uniform? M: Yes, we do. D: Do you put your marks in the school diary? M: ^, we don’t. We don’t put our marks in the school diary. We only write down our homework in it. 24 UNIT 2 Lesson 2 3 Role play: talk to your partner who is from a different country about his / her school. A: Ask questions and fill in your Card 1. Then use your Card 2 and answer Pupil B’s questions. B: Look at page 151. Example: A: Where are you from? B: France Card 1 for Pupil A Country Uniform Marks Diaries Reports Breaks Lunch Card 2 for Pupil A Country Uniform Marks Diaries Reports Breaks Lunch Germany. Yes, in some schools. 1 — excellent 2 — very good 3 — OK 4 — bad 5 — very bad Yes. Yes, at the end of the year. A short break after each lesson; A longer break for lunch. A break for lunch; Some pupils bring lunch from home. 4a Read these questions from German children and write your own answers. 1 Do you like all your subjects? 2 Do you wear a school uniform? 3 Do you get marks at school? 4 Do your parents get school reports? 4b Write your own questions for Sarah from New Zealand about her school routine. 1 marks / Do / in / put / your / you / diary ? 2 wear / Do / uniform / you / school / a ? 3 have / lesson / you / breaks / every / Do / after ? 4 in / get / Do / you / marks / letters ? ^'o'.dsA sd\ yXA [ WORDS to find and say Ш \^'рбЭГЭ’ itvts^ Uu:] [jes ai 'du:j uniform [кэгп [aju: Pju:tg] 'zi:hnd] 25 UNIT 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 A day in my life 1a Learn to say the time. WHAT'S THE TIME? It’s twelve o’clock. It’s five to one^ It’s five past twelve. \ It’s quarter to one. ^10 2 It’s quarter past twelve. to 1 past 7 1 Ч' 6 5 It’s half past twelve LOOK in the morning in the afternoon in the evening at night 0 morning 12 18 " I 22 24 afternoon evening night 1b Play Bingo. 2a Read and match the verses with the pictures. Oh, dear! What’s the time? It’s five o’clock, It’s five o’clock in the morning. Get up, get up. I get up at five o’clock in the morning. Oh, dear! What’s the time? It’s quarter past five, It’s quarter past five. Wash and dress, wash and dress. I wash and dress at quarter past five in the morning Oh, dear! What’s the time? It’s half past five, it’s half past five Let’s have breakfast, Let’s have breakfast. I have breakfast at half past five in the morning. 26 UNIT 2 Lesson 3 2b Guess what the words in bold in verses mean. 2c 1^1 Learn to say the chant. Listen and practise saying all the verses of the chant. 3a Compare the questions and answers in the LOOK box. LOOK Q: Do you get up at five o’clock on Sunday? || A: No, I don’t. Q: What time do you get up on Sunday? A: At eight o’clock. Q: What do you do after you get up? A: Wash and dress. |^pa'.st^ ^'vs’.sxz^ ^'xntavfxi-^ ^'bretfast^ Ib-ri ^ quart®’' 3b interview your friend about his / her Sunday. Fill in the gaps in the questions. 1 _ you go to school on Sunday? 2 What _ you do on Sunday? 3 What _ you do after breakfast? 4 What time _ you have lunch? 5 What _ you do before dinner? 6 What time _ you have dinner? 7 _ you watch TV after dinner? 8 What time _ you go to bed? /Ч 4 r/i i Make a chant about your morning. Example: Oh, dear! What’s the time? It’s seven o’clock, It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Get up, Get up. I get up at seven o’clock in the morning. [r,] \\эА ( WORDS to find and say bear 0 Oh, dear! What’s the time? It’s ten past six, It’s ten past six in the morning. Go to school, go to school. I go to school at ten past six in the morning. Oh, dear! What’s the time? It’s quarter to seven, It’s quarter to seven The lessons start at a quarter to seven in the morning. I’m not late. I’m not late for Wizard School. 27 UNIT 2 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Who does what 1a Read about Asya and complete the table. I've got a dog. Her name is Asya. She is big. I get up at 7 o'clock. Asya gets up at 9 o'clock and has breakfast. I don't take her for a walk in the morning. My brother does it. I come home at 1 o'clock. My dog meets me at the door. She barks and gives me a paw. I hug and stroke her. I have lunch at 1:30, and Asya sits and looks at me. She usually eats special dog food. Mum cooks it for her. In the evening I take her for a longer walk. And my brother helps me. Then she sits on the sofa and watches TV. We live in a flat and Asya needs lots of exercise, so at weekends Dad takes us all to the park. Dad throws a ball and Asya brings it back. Who does what I My brother Mum Dad Asya get up at 7 o'clock helps me cooks special dog food for Asya takes us to the park gets up at 9 o'clock 1b Compare the columns in the Who does what table and say when we add -s. 1c Compare the sentences in the LOOK box and work out the rule for don’t and doesn’t. See Grammar support 6. LOOK i don’t take Asya for a walk in the morning. Asya doesn’t get up at 7 o’clock. 2 Ш Listen, work out the rule and say the words in the box below. -s -es 3a Help Anya to finish a poem about her dog. I really wish I were my dog. She (not get up) at 7 o’clock, I go to school — she (walk) and (sleep), I do homework — she (play) and (eat). [gets] gets up [pleiz] plays ['wotfiz] watches gets up cleans does meets gives barks sits says eats cooks becomes helps watches needs takes throws brings washes jumps dresses 28 UNIT 2 Lesson 4 4a Read about Max’s pet. What kind of animal is he? / is he a bird? is he an animal? His name is Richard. He’s very funny. He doesn’t eat meat or fish. He usually eats pet food and he likes apples and bananas very much. He gets up at 6 o’clock and starts talking. He says: “Max, Max, Max, get up, get up, get up.” 4b Play the Guessing game. A: Write down the name of a person or a pet. Talk about him / her e.g. • what he / she usually does; • what he / she doesn’t do. Let your partners guess who / what it is. B: Guess who or what Pupil A is describing. 5 Look at the picture and write about Vicky’s pet. Vicky has got a pet. It’s a_ ■■ \bnQZ.^ ■ \^ро-Д WORDS to find and say {&Kl\ fei [us] Did you know that In Britain the most popular black cats’ names are Africa, Abracadabra, Midnight, Chimpanzee, Pepsi, Bat. White cats are usually called Cloud, Milky, Foggy, Ghost, Snowflake or Snowy. 29 UNIT 2 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Always, sometimes or never? 1a Look at the stickers and say what Alina does on weekdays and at weekends. Example: Alina goes to the English drama club on Monday and on Wednesday. Alina always goes to the chess club after school. She sometimes goes to the swimming pool. She never goes to school on Sundays. 2 Play the Nonsense game. What do you always do in the morning? What do you sometimes do in the _? What do you never do _? write and read eat my breakfast do homework walk my dog 30 UNIT 2 Lesson 5 3a Read the text and say what helps Alina to study well. Alina Shevchuk is from Russia. She is in class 5. Alina is the best pupil in her class and she became a chess champion at the age of 11. Some people think that she is a perfect pupil. Read what they say about Alina and what Alina says about herself. inna Nikolayevna (maths teacher): Alina is a perfect pupil. She is neat, well organised and intelligent. She is very good at maths. Her marks are always excellent. nadezhda Petrovna (grandmother): Alina is a hard-working girl. She plays chess and tennis. She plays tennis three times a week and chess every day. She helps me in the house, reads a lot and never gets bad marks at school. Alina: I started playing chess five years ago. At first it was just a hobby. Then I started to take part in tournaments. After school I go to the chess club and play chess with my teacher. At home I play chess with my computer. Sometimes my dad plays with me. I travel to other places to take part in tournaments. I love chess, but I’ve got lots of other interests, too. I like playing tennis, going dancing, listening to music. I don’t think I am a perfect pupil, but I know that playing chess helps me to study well. tournament — турнир 3b Read the text in Ex. 3a again and answer the questions. 1 Does Alina always get excellent marks at school? 2 Does she always play chess after school? 3 Does Alina like reading? 4 Does she get bad marks? 5 Does playing chess help her to study well? 6 How often does she play tennis? 7 How often does she play chess? 4a Compare the questions in the LOOK box. LOOK Q: What do you always do in the morning? A: I walk my dog. Q: Does Alina always get excellent marks? A: Yes, she does. Q: Does Alina play volleyball? A: No, she doesn’t. Q: How often does she play chess? A: Every day. 4b Complete the conversation using the words in the box and act it out. does do does does watch A: How often (1) _ your father (2) _ football on TV? B: He never (3) _ . He never has time in the evening. A: What (4) ^ he (5) ^? B: My homework. Write eight questions for your friend. Example: play computer games — How often do you play computer games? 1 watch TV 2 help your mum 3 play the guitar 4 eat chocolate 5 read books 6 play football 7 get up at 6 o’clock in the morning 8 walk your dog 31 5 UNIT 2 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Let’s work together 1a Look at the picture and say who is the writer, the photographer, the designer, the editor and the illustrator. 1b Write who does what 1 a designer a) 2 a photographer b) 3 an editor c) 4 an illustrator d) 5 a writer e) makes the pages takes photos draws pictures interviews people and writes about them corrects mistakes 2a Read the interview with Natasha and write the missing questions. Interviewer: Congratulations! Your newspaper won the first prize. Your newspapers are always interesting. (do / How / them / make / you / ?) Natasha: We work in a group. Artyom takes the pictures, he’s our photographer. Interviewer: Really? The photos are really nice. (him / Who / helps / ?) Natasha: His dad. Interviewer: (draws / who / the cartoons / And / ? ) Natasha: Ira does. She’s very good at drawing. Interviewer: What about the articles? (Who / the articles / writes / the newspaper / for / ?) Natasha: Vicka. She interviews people, and writes the articles and funny stories. Interviewer: The pages look nice. (designs / Who / the pages / ?) Natasha: Pasha designs the pages on the computer. He’s very good at ICT. He knows how to use the scanner and the design software. Then we print the pages. I read them and correct any mistakes. Then our ICT teacher helps us to print out the whole newspaper in colour. 2b 1^ Listen to the interview and check your questions. 32 UNIT 2 Lesson 6 LOOK Where do you print out your newspaper? Who takes the pictures? WORDS to find and say des'9'^®'^ us'geS®^ , ■" ^'dtoaX)^ VptVpe®^ 2c Read the questions in the LOOK box and work out the rule. 1 Which question word is used in each question? 2 What is different in the questions? 3a Make a project group. Say who can be what in your group and why. • Use Ex. 1b for help. Example: A: Natasha can be the illustrator. She’s (very) good at drawing. B: Vitya can be the editor. He’s good at English. C: ^ 3b Decide who does what in your project in Lesson 8 (p. 35) and talk to the other project group. Example: A: Who draws pictures in your project group? B: Natasha does. She is good at drawing. She’s our illustrator. /Ч 4 Prepare to do your project. • take / find / draw and bring to class some pictures of your school • write about your timetable and favourite subjects • write about things you usually do after school (sports, clubs, pets, etc) • bring crayons, scissors, glue, paper 33 UNIT 2 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 l^l Listen and find Anya’s iist. 'i 'i 'i 'i 'I i i '> 'i 'i j Ч Vl> 0 Things to do after school 1 Take the dog for a walk 2 Cook lunch 3 Go to the English club 4 Do homework 0 2 Ие\р ГвоГ:>-""^ Things to do after school 1 Have lunch 2 Go for a walk 3 Watch TV 4 Listen to music 45-50 40-44 35-39 < 35 Very good Good OK Look again 2 Read and complete the timetable. Hello. I’m Mr Brown, a headteacher (директор). My school is the best. There are a lot of subjects in our timetable. Every day there is maths and English. The first lesson is always maths. Biology is on Monday and Thursday, and history on Tuesday and Friday. Our pupils like ICT It’s on Wednesday and Friday. Come to our school. Monday Thursday 1 Maths 1 (c) ^ 2 Science 2 English 3 Biology 3 (d) ^ 4 English 4 Technology 5 Art 5 Music Tuesday Friday 1 Maths 1 Maths 2 English 2 Geography 3 (a) ^ 3 History 4 PE 4 English 5 Technology 5 (e) ^ Wednesday 1 Maths 2 (b) ^ 3 Drama 4 PE 5 ICT Score:__/15 3 Write five sentences. Example: Jane and her brother go for a walk after school. Score: / 20 '"^^^What Who^^\„_ go for a walk play computer games watch TV help his mum do their homework Jane and her brother Max We Dima When after school sometimes in the evening often at 5 o’clock Score:__/15 Total:___/ 50 34 UNIT 2 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Project We’d like to know 1 Read the letters and choose one to answer. • Explain why you would like to answer this letter. CE iJOau» ■■ ^.''V Г.-Ф-Ш1Ч-к-ГЯ[ч1*ткжа1>.ГГкжл» A ! D lY 0| 'From Thread Hello. We live in a small town near Beijing. We are 10 and 11 years old and go to ^ school. We usually walk to school or ride our bikes. The school year begins in September. We have winter holidays from the 16th of January to the 1st of March and summer holidays from the 1st of August to the 1st of September. School usually starts at 8:30 a.m. and finishes at 6 p.m. We have seven or eight lessons every day. We study Chinese, English, maths, geography, biology, music, art, ICT. We always have a two-hour break for lunch. After school we play football and basketball. Xiangai is our favourite board game We would like to know about your school and your class, your timetable, your favourite games. Bye, Bao, Feng, Chen, Hua, Lian,Yun D iT 0l From Thread Hello, my name is Ricardo and I go to school in Turin. My friends go to school by bus or they walk, but I usually go by car. We wait in the hall and then we go into the class at 8:15. In the morning we have six lessons of 50 minutes each. We study: maths, geography, science, Italian, history, PE, ICT, music, art, design and technology, religion and English. At 10:45 we have a break for ten minutes. School finishes at 1:25 p.m. but some pupils stay at school for music lessons or other extra curricular activities. Afternoon lessons start at 2:30 p.m. and finish at 6 p.m. On Monday and Wednesday I have a piano lesson from 2:30 to 3:30, together with my friend Eleonora. Then I go home. I have a break and I do my homework; I watch TV and have dinner at 7:30 with my family and at 10:45 I go to bed. I’d like to know about your school day. Bye, Ricardo 2 in your project group write an answer. Follow these steps: 1 Decide what you are going to write about: • your school and your timetable • your favourite subjects • what you usually do after school • questions about the children’s families, friends, pets, classmates, etc • the beginning of the letter and the end 2 Decide what materials prepared at home you are going to use. 3 Decide who does what. 4 Do your part of the project and put it all together. 3 Put your letter on the wall and read all the other letters. 35 В 3 l^ol y family Lesson 1 Family album 1a Listen to the conversation between Dima and Jane. Answer Jane’s questions. 1 How many brothers and sisters have you got, Dima? 2 What are their names? 1b Write the names of three of your relatives and let your classmates guess who they are. Example: A: Is Olga your mum? B: No, she isn’t. A: Is she your sister? B: Yes, she’s my younger sister. LOOK Л younger sister / brother older sister / brother Welcome to 2 Read and match the texts and the photos. 36 UNIT 3 Lesson 1 the Family Album Pages On this website you can: • display your treasured family photos • design your own photo page This is my mum. Her name is Svetlana and she is 45 years old. She likes talking to her friends and family on the phone every evening. Hi there! This is me. My name's Aigul. I'm 11 years old. In this picture I'm with my mother's sister. She's my Aunt Lena. And that's her husband, my Uncle Dima. We're on holiday at Lake Borovoe. They say I'm very pretty and clever. I think they're really sweet. < This is my dad. His name's Arman. He's 49. He's very tall and strong He looks like a Superman! He can ski very well. This is my older brother Kairat. He's 26 and he's very clever. He's married. In this picture he and his wife Karina are with their baby. She's my niece, Alina. She's so cute and funny. This is my younger brother. His name's Renat. He's six years old. He's lost all his front teeth. He's got a funny smile now. He starts school next year. These are my grandparents. They're my father's parents. They're lots of fun. My grandmother Dania is 68 and she still rides a bicycle. My grandfather Chingeez is 70 and he plays football with me and my friends. They live in a village in Kazakhstan. I love them. 37 UNIT 3 Lesson 1 3 Match the words and phrases in the left and right hand columns. • Sometimes more than one match is possible. 1 mother 2 father 3 husband and wife 4 niece 5 grandmother 6 grandfather 7 grandparents 8 parents a) a brother’s daughter b) married c) dad d) mum e) granny f) grandpa g) a sister’s daughter 4a Read the text again and answer the questions 1 Who is Lena? 2 What’s her husband’s name? 3 What does Aigul’s mother like doing in the evening? 4 Who is her brother’s wife? 5 What does ’s mean? LOOK ^ mother’s sister — мамина сестра (разг.) Aigul’s father — папа Айгуль -’s 4b Look, work out the rule and say the words See Grammar support 5. Aigul’s [ai'gulz] Kairat’s ['kairats] Max’s ['m{ksiz] mum’s phone Aunt Lena’s husband grandma’s house my father’s skis 5 in groups, complete Aigul’s family tree 38 UNIT 3 Lesson 1 6 Draw your family tree on a sheet of paper. 1 Write a short story about your family. Example: This is my mum. Her name’s Marina. She’s thirty-nine years old. She likes watching TV every evening. 2 Add photos or drawings. 3 Make a web page like Aigul’s. 39 UNIT 3 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 i look like my^ 1a Listen to what Jane tells Dima about her brothers and write T (true) or F (false). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The twins have got short fair hair. Jane is taller than her brothers. The twins have the same interests. Dan looks like his dad and Will looks like his mum. Jane looks like her father. Jane is younger than her brothers. 1b 1^ Listen to the conversation again and decide what Jane can answer. Is that your father? ^ Is that your mother? ^ 2 Ask your classmate about who he / she looks like or doesn’t look like in his / her family. Example: A: Do you look like your sister / your mum / uncle / etc? B: I look like my sister. /1 don’t look like my sister. / My sister and I look the same. 3a Study the LOOK box and work out the rule. See Grammar support 7. When we want to compare things or people we 1 add -er if the word is _ 2 add more if the word is _ 3b Compare Jane with her brothers. • Use the words in the box. Example: Jane is taller than her brothers. long short tall small big slim fat / plump dark fair old young interesting naughty LOOK \ I look like my father. We look the same. I don’t look like my brother. LOOK young + er old + er fair — fairer ['fears] interesting — more interesting big — bigger intelligent — more intelligent nice — nicer naughty — naughtier famous — more famous 40 UNIT 3 Lesson 2 4 Read the comic story and say who: gets a bar of chocolate reads an interesting book plays football with his dad plays on computer gets his parents’ praise Will Dan Double Trouble Jane: What are you doing? Will and Dan: Don’t bother us. We’re busy. Jane: WiN!!! Stop it! Go and read your book! Mum: Good boy, Will! We’re proud of you. Dad: Well done, Will. Let’s play football. Will: Oh no! It’s my game! Mum and Dad: Dan?! Will?! Dan: Alnwick Castle is famous as ‘Hogwarts’ Harry Potter’s magic schools Huh? That’s more interesting than computer games. Jane: See! You’re learning, Will. Dan, you can play computer games. Will: Thank you, Jane_ Ha, ha! My plan is working. 5 Write a short story about who you look like and who you don’t look like in your family. • Add photos or drawings. Example: I’ve got a sister. Her name is Nina. She is younger than me. I don’t look like my sister. I look like mum. She looks like dad. I’m taller than her. My hair is longer and darker than my sister’s hair. 41 UNIT 3 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 My home is my castle 1a True or false? 1 You can only see castles in films and pictures. 2 Children can play in castles. 3 People do not live in castles now. 1b Read the text and check your answers. My home is my castle I’m really happy to welcome you to my home, Alnwick Castle. It is a beautiful castle in the North of England. It is about 1,000 years old. My home is a special place where history lives. It is a wonderful family home and I love it very much. My children use the castle as a big playground. You are welcome to visit many of the rooms. There is a big library, a study, a dining room, a breakfast room and a picture gallery. There are two living rooms. In the evening my family like sitting in the library reading books or talking. It is smaller than the living rooms. But it is our favourite place because it is very warm and comfortable. There are three fireplaces in this room. My wife and I hope you enjoy your visit. For more information visit our website: www.alnwickcastle.com The Duke of Northumberland 1 c Read the text again and complete the table. Alnwick Castle is beautiful, old, ... There is There are The family’s favourite place is _ because^ 42 UNIT 3 Lesson 3 .I a bedroom a kitchen a dining room a sitting room a bathroom a study 2a Compare the Russian and the English sentences and say what is different. У тебя дома [есть столовая? Is there a dining room in your home? 2b Choose the home you like and get your friend to guess it by asking only yes / no questions. Example: A: Is there a dining room in the home? B: Yes. ['k^sl] ['^nik] [na0 'mgland] ['wAndaful] ['laibrari] ['stAdi] ['damiQ r^:m] ['piktfa 'g^lari] [is'Dea] ['devan 'kwti^] ['wmd,mil] ['kiQ.fifa] ['sitiQ r^:m] castle a bedroom a kitchen a dining room a sitting room a library a bathroom a bedroom a kitchen a dining room a sitting room a study a bathroom in _ [ДД 3 Tell your friend about your home. Talk about: • the rooms in your home • your favourite / special place at home • why it is your favourite place • what you like doing there 4 Write about your family home / your grandparents home / your dacha. • Add a drawing or a photo. 43 UNIT 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Memories 1 Match the children’s memories (1 -5) with the pictures (A-E). 1 my favourite toy 2 my first day in school 3 my summer holiday 4 Christmas time 5 my first pet 2a Read Jane’s story and choose the matching picture on these pages. Look at this picture. I was about six years old. It was so funny. It was in Australia. I remember that day. The weather was sunny and very hot. I was with my mum and dad on the beach. There \Nere lots of seashells everywhere. And there was a very beautiful big seashell just near the water. I was so happy to find it. It was exciting. Suddenly my hand was in the seashell to explore the inside. For me it was fun, but my parents were scared. remember — помню suddenly — вдруг inside — внутри 2b Answer the questions about Jane’s story. 1 How old was Jane? 2 Where was she? 3 Who was with her? 4 What was there? 5 Why was Jane happy? 6 Why were Jane’s parents scared? LOOK О О 00 ooN г A..,-, о ^ IF 0 /о j 1 О [J> (k) ё 0^ о I was six years old then.— I am eleven now. They were thirty then.— My parents are thirty-five now. 3 1^1 Listen to Aigul talking to Jane and find a matching photo on this page. 4a Read what the children say and answer the questions. See Grammar support 11 [A] D Jane: How old were you? Aigul: I think I was three. Jane: Where were you? Aigul: We were in Moscow. Jane: Were you happy? Aigul: Yes, I was. Jane: Was it winter? Aigul: No, it wasn’t. 1 Are they talking about the present or the past? 2 How do you know? 3 How do you ask questions with yes / no answer? 4 How do you ask if you want to know a special piece of information? 44 UNIT 3 Lesson 4 /£7 4b Order the words to make questions. Example: you / were / old / how / ? How old were you? 1 you / happy / were / ? 2 you / were / where / ? 3 it / good / was / ? LOOK A: How old were you? B I was three. A: Where were you? B I was in Moscow. A: Were you happy? B No, I wasn’t. A: Was it fun? B Yes, it was. 5a Read Dima’s answers and choose the matching picture. 1 I was about four. 2 I was at my grandmother’s cottage in the village. 3 My granny, grandpa and our dog Bim. 4 It was warm and rainy. 5 No, it wasn’t. It was summer. 6 Yes, I was. Very happy! 5b Write Jane’s questions for Dima’s answers in Ex. 5a. Example: Jane: How old were you? Dima: I was about four. 6 Ask and answer questions about your earliest memories. Example: A: What’s your earliest memory? B: I think it was when I was four. C: Where were you? 7 Write about your special memories. 1 Think of: • first memories • birthday memories • summer holiday memories • first friend memories • first day at school memories 2 Add old photos. 3 Use Ex. 2a as an example. 45 UNIT 3 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Family history 1a Match the words and their phonetic script and learn to say the new words. 1 an engineer [,en^i'ni3] 2 a dancer ['d^nsa] 3 a policewoman [pa'liSiWuman] 4 an athlete ['{0lit] 5 a student ['stj^dant] 6 a doctor ['dckta] 7 a farmer ['f^:m9] 8 a cosmonaut ['kczmanat] 9 a policeman [pa'lisman] 10 a teacher ['titja] 1c Listen, write and practise saying. 1b Explain what the people in the professions in Ex. 1a do. Match the people and their jobs. Example: An engineer makes cars. a) He works on a farm. b) She dances in the Bolshoi Theatre. c) He makes cars. d) She studies biology. e) He does sports. f) He goes on space flights. g) She helps people. h) He works in the police i) She works in the police. j) She works in a school. ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ engineer 2a Look at the pictures and say who was what 35 years ago. Example: I think the man in Picture B was a dancer 35 years ago. 2b 1^ Listen and check your answers in Ex. 2a. 46 UNIT 3 Lesson 5 LOOK ^ I He She was, wasn’t = was not It We You were, weren’t = were not They ...days /...weeks /^years ago 3a Read what Dima tells Max and choose the pictures which are from Dima’s family album. Dima: Look! That’s my great grandmother. She was born in 1922. In this photo she was 30 years old. Max: She was beautiful! Dima: Yes. She was a policewoman. And that’s my great grandfather. He was born in 1920. He was a soldier during World War II. After the war he was a teacher. They were both good dancers. Max: Were they famous for dancing? Dima: No, they weren’t. It was their hobby. Max: And who are the other people? Dima: They are their friends. They were very famous dancers. World War II — Вторая мировая война 3b Read the questions and complete Dima’s answers. 1 Q: Was your great grandfather a soldier in 1944. A: Yes, he ^ . 2 Q: Was your great grandmother a policewoman in 1940? A: No, she ^ , she was a student. 3 Q: Were they good dancers? A: Yes, they good dancers, but they famous. 4 Q: Was your great grandfather a teacher in 1950? A: Yes, he . Read Max’s guesses about your great grandparents and correct if they are not true. Example: Max: Your great grandfather was a soldier during World War II. You: No, he wasn’t a soldier during World War II. / Yes. He was a soldier during World War II. / I don’t know. Max: Your great grandfather was born in 1928. You: _ Max: Your great grandfather was a famous athlete. Max: Your great grandmother was a little girl during the Word War II. Max: Your great grandmother was a teacher after the war. Max: Your great grandmother was a doctor when she was young. Max: Your great grandparents were astronauts. Max: Your great grandparents were married in 1951. 5 Write a short story about your (great) grandparents. • Add old photos. Example: My great grandfather Victor was born in 1928. In 1941 he was a student. In 1950 he was a doctor. My great grandmother Anna was born in 1935. She was a teacher. 47 4 UNIT 3 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Everyone has a story to tell 1a Read the titles of the children’s stories and match them with the photos. Ш My first holiday abroad by... 0 Friends 4 life by... 1b l^l Listen to the interviews with the chiidren and name the authors of the stories in Ex. 1a. EH Chris Thomson EH Michael Down EH Karla Gray 2a Read the stories quickly and choose which one you like better. / iittle sister by... 1 L > ‘ ‘ 1 j. j 1 i t i j ■i ^ ''■IS --TI * 'V I' II I My first holiday abroad It was in March 2006. It was my first time in Italy snowboarding with my family. First it was a very long and boring long trip by car up to the mountains. But when we were finally there I was happy. It was fantastic. Beautiful mountains with real snow. I was nervous about going snowboarding for the first time. My mum was also scared. Our instructor, Kelly was helpful and kind. She was great. I remember I was at the top of the mountain with snow all around and my mum next to me smiling^ I was happy, excited. sister ,ctober 4,1999 «oSJ greot day „e. №V Vie tiny thing. Her hands -i:i.:;9:bo.ot.oiches. Now she is eight. 2b Read the story you liked again and answer the questions: 1 When was it? 2 Where was the boy / girl? 3 What does he / she remember? 4 Was he / she happy? 3a Tell your partner about something that you remember. • Use the questions in Ex. 2b for help. 3b Write a story about something you remember. 1 Write about someone from your family, a family event, a family holiday, or a family trip. 2 Add photos or drawings. 48 UNIT 3 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 Listen and complete Mike’s family tree. • Use the information from the box. 45-50 40-44 35-39 < 35 Very good Good OK Look again 2 Read Masha’s e-mail to her new friend and write T (true) or F (false). Addressg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dear Chris, My name is Masha and I’m 11. I’ve got a brother, Oleg and a sister, Lena. Oleg is two years younger than me. My sister is older than me. She is 15. In my family we are all tall and thin, but Oleg is a bit shorter. He looks like mum. He has got fair hair and green eyes. Lena looks like dad. She’s got short dark hair and brown eyes. I look like my Aunt Luda. I’ve got long dark hair and blue eyes. We both look like granny. What about your family? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Hope to hear from you soon. Love, Masha Masha’s got two brothers and a sister. EH Oleg is shorter than Masha. EH Lena is three years older than Masha. EH Oleg is nine years old. EH Masha looks like her mother. EH Lena looks like her father. EH Aunt Luda has got dark hair and blue eyes. EH Score:__/14 49 UNIT 3 Lesson 7 3 Look at the picture and complete the sentences about Max’s home. It is a a big (1) _ . There are (2) (4) ^, (5) ^ and (6) ^ . There is a (3) П': ШШЗ (L -■■-sA- ^ I m у/ - ■ Score:__/ 6 1] Ш M 4 Read the sentences and choose the right verb. 1 I think I was / were four. 2 My mother and my sister was / were with me. 3 We was / were on holiday abroad. 4 It was/were a happy time because... 5 ...people was/ were friendly there. Score:___/ 5 5 Write the questions for the answers Ex. 4 1 How old_? 2 Who^? 3 Where^? 4 Why^? Score:__/ 4 Total:___/ 50 50 2 4 Lesson 8 Project UNIT 3 Lesson 8 1 At home: 1 Collect information about your family. • Use the material from your homework (Lessons 1 -6). 2 Think about the design of your family website. • Make sure that you have got some photos or drawings. 3 Think about what to say about your family. • Choose one of the topics on this page. 2 Make a poster to present one of the pages from your family website. My family tree I look like my_ My family home / our family dacha... My memories Family histories 3 Present a page from your family website. • Put your poster on the blackboard / wall. • Talk about what you have on it. 4 Listen to other pupils and ask questions for more information. Example: Have you got an aunt or an uncle? What’s your earliest memory? 5 Say what you like in every web page. Example: I like the photos on this web page. 51 4 Yummy, yummy Lesson 1 I love bananas! 1a Listen and say what food the children like. 1b With a friend / partner ask and answer what food you like. Example: I like ice cream. And you? 2 Read the menu and match the words with the pictures. 0 v.u МЕШ Tomato and cucumber salad Chicken and potatoes £ 2.00 £ 3.50 Salmon and rice £ 350 With peas, carrots and mushrooms £ 200 Strawberry cake £ 1.50 Chocolate ice cream Bananas, oranges apples 3 Use the food words in the menu to complete the table. Meat / Fish Vegetables Fruit 1 What is the same and what is different in these words? 2 Why do we have -s at the end in some words? 3 Can we count vegetables and fruit? 4 Can we count meat? 52 unit 4 Lesson 1 4a Read the conversation and answer the questions. See Grammar support 8. Jane: OK, Max. Let’s see what food we’ve got for the party. Max: Well, we’ve got some cheese and_ a kilo of meat and... um... Ah, here we are. We’ve got some tomatoes and six oranges. Jane: That’s good. But we haven’t got any juice and we haven’t got any ■: bananas and we haven’t got any ice cream! No bananas? No ice cream! That’s a disaster! Let’s go and buy some. Max: Jane: What does some /any mean? How do you translate them into Russian? Why do we need them here? Well, we’ve got some cheese and_ some tomatoes. 4b Look at the conversation and complete the table Uncountable Countable We have got ... cheese ... tomatoes We haven’t got ... ice cream ... juice ... bananas 4c Look at the table in Ex. 4b and answer the questions. 1 When do we use some? 2 When do we use any? 5 Discuss what you have and haven’t got for a party. Example: A: Let’s see what we’ve got for the party. We’ve got some cheese and some tomatoes. B: But we haven’t got any oranges or juice. Let’s go and buy some. C: OK. Let’s. 6 Write a list of five food items you have got in your kitchen. Example: We have got some rice. We have got some cucumbers. 53 unit 4 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Have you got any bananas? Read the words and match them with the pictures. 1 onion 2 water 3 butter , ^ 4 chocolate 5 bread 2 Listen and say what food Max’s dad needs to buy. Example: They’ve got some tomatoes. They need some cheese. 3 Guess what is in the shopping bag. Example: A: Have you got any apples? B: No, I haven’t. / Yes, I have. Study the LOOK box and answer the teacher’s questions. ^ LOOK ^______________________ Q: Have you got any cheese? A: No, I haven’t. Q: Have you got any apples? A: Yes, I have. 0hoipip'^0 cheese 2 mi'h 5 eg^s 4 tornadoes 5 cuoumhers 6 huh-ter ^ ^ 7 orange juice Play Are you ready for a picnic? • In groups ask and answer questions about the food you’ve got for a picnic. • Report to the class. Example: • We’ve got some chiken and bread. We’ve got some chocolate and some water. We’re ready. • We’ve got some tomatoes and carrots. But we need some oranges and some juice. No... we’re not ready. Write down which of the things on the list your mum bought / didn’t buy yesterday. Example: She bought some butter. She didn ’t buy any apples. Shopping list 1 apples 2 butter 3 eggs 6 4 orange juice 5 bread 6 carrots 7 fizzy water 8 onions 9 tomatoes 10 salmon Yesterday Your mum 54 1 4 5 6 unit 4 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 A packet of crisps, please 1a Make as many pairs as you can. 1 a carton of 2 a cup of — 3 a bottle of 4 a kilo of 5 a bar of 6 a piece of 7 a packet of 8 a loaf of 9 a spoonful of a) chocolate b) lemonade - c) tea d) cheese e) sugar f) bread g) juice h) crisps i) salt LOOK Л a cup of tea [э ,клр 3v 'ti] 1b Listen and practise saying. 2a Read and write C for customer or S for shop assistant. EH Hello. Can I help you? EH Yes, please. I’d like a kilo of bananas and two kilos of apples. EH Anything else? EH a packet of crisps, please. EH Here you are. EH Thank you. 2b Practise saying the conversation. 2c With a friend / partner practise asking for food in the shop. 3 Max wants to make a Sunday breakfast for his family (4 people). • Look what there is on the table and make up a shopping list for him. CHEESE OMLETTE Makes 2 servings Cooking time — 15 minutes You need • 4 eggs • 2 tablespoons of milk • 1 teaspoon of butter • cheese • salt ch, ibt 4 Write a shopping list for your birthday party. 55 unit 4 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 The lost trolley 1 Max’s trolley is missing. Listen and complete the report. All Foods Supermarket SECURITY REPORT Name: ^ Address: ^ Missing things: Supermarket trolley. ....... bananas .......juice 1 kilo 2 packets chocolate 2 Ask and answer questions about the shopping trolleys and decide which one is Max’s. Example: Is there any milk in the trolley? Yes, there is some milk. How many cartons of milk are there? There are three cartons. 3a Read the beginning of the article and the LOOK box and answer the questions. See Grammar support 12. 1 Is the article about the past or the present? 2 When do we use was? Were? THE CASE OF LOST TROLLEY Yesterday in All Foods Supermarket two people lost their shopping trolleys. The supermarket security officer looked into the case. Max and Victoria reported that their trolleys were missing, and that there was a lot of food in LOOK ^ There was some milk in the trolley. them. There were three cartons of milk in the trolley. 56 unit 4 Lesson 4 3b Read the article to the end and say why Max lost his shopping trolley. THE CASE OF LOST TROLLEY Yesterday in All Foods Supermarket two people lost their trolleys. The supermarket security officer looked into the case. Max and Victoria reported that their trolleys were missing and that there was a lot of food in them. There (1) ^ five bananas in Victoria’s trolley. There (2) ^ five bananas in Max’s trolley. There (3) ^ a packet of crisps in her trolley and there (4) ^ two packets of crisps in his trolley. There (5) ^ two kilos of rice in the girl’s trolley and there (6) ^ some rice in the boy’s trolley. There (7) ^ some cheese in her trolley, but there wasn’t any cheese in his trolley. There (8) ^ one bottle of juice in her trolley and there (9) ^ four bottles of juice in his trolley. So, they had nearly the same things in their shopping trolleys. No wonder they mistook them. 3c Fill in the gaps in the article in Ex. 3b with was / were. 4a Read the examples in the LOOK box and answer the questions. 1 How do you ask questions with yes / no answer? LOOK \ Was there any milk in your trolley? How many cartoons of milk were there? 2 How do you ask questions if you want a special piece of information? 4b Play At the Security Desk. 5 Help Victoria to write a report to the security officer about her lost lunchbox. Victoria May Form 5B 15 Park Avenue, Millbery, England 57 unit 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Let’s make a fruit salad 1a Do you know how to make a fruit salad? • Put the pictures in the correct order. 1 a) mix b)take c) add d) cut e) put f) wash 1b Listen to the conversation and check. 2 Read the recipe and fill in the missing words. Fruit Iceberg Take (1) ^ apples and (2) _ them. Take two bananas. (3) ^ the fruit into pieces. (4) _ five strawberries. Mix with (5) ^ yogurt. You don’t need (6) ^ sugar. Put (7) _ ice cream on the top. Enjoy your fruit salad! a) any b) some c) a spoonful of d) wash e) some f) cut g) add 3a Read this recipe and find the odd one out a) Take three bananas and an apple b) Wash the fruit. c) Cut it into pieces. d) Add some lemon juice. e) Mix with cream. f) Add some tomatoes. g) Put some pieces of orange on the top. 3b Choose the best name for the recipe and give reasons for / explain your choice. Example: I think the best name is Fruit Tower. • Fruit Tower • Chocolate Gift • Apple Salad Ask your partner about what you need to make a Russian Salad. Pupil A: Ask your partner what things you need. Example: How many do we need? RUSSIAN SALAD ^ potatoes 2 eggs ^ small onions 5 tomatoes ^ spoonfuls of oil 5 Pupil B: Go to page 151. • ^“'T,:,o:sr«obana.as/ .^'S"/~,a..es,n,osnaa.p.eces ,hem № vegetables with vogat / mavonnais . Mix the fruit / pepper- .дйЬеотееида/^ ' „,,etop. . put some cherries / Finish writing out the recipes for two salads. • Choose words from the box. • Look up any new words in the Wordlist. FRUIT SALAD For this salad you need two bananas, VEGETABLE SALAD For this salad you need two potatoes, 58 4 unit 4 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Have you got a sweet tooth? 1a Look at these sweet things and match them with the words. ^OCOLAtt 1b Say which word in Ex. 1a is the odd one out. 2a Do the questionnaire. 1 Do you put sugar in your tea? a) yes b) no 2 Can you eat a jar of jam? a) yes b) no 3 Do you eat chocolate every day? a) yes b) no 4 Are carrots sweet? a) no b) yes 5 Did you have a lollipop or any other sweets yesterday? a) yes b) no 6 Do you drink a lot of lemonade, Coke or Pepsi? a) yes b) no 7 Do you like pastry more than fruit? a) yes b) no 2b Add up your score: one point for every (a) answer, no point for (b) answers. 2c Read what your score means. Compare the results with your partner’s. 6-7 You’ve got a really sweet tooth. Do you go to the dentist often? Eat less sweets! 3-5 You’ve got a sweet tooth, but you don’t eat too many sweet things. Good! 1 -2 You haven’t got a sweet tooth and you don’t like sweets. Isn’t your life boring?! 3a 1^ Listen to the morning radio programme and say who it is for. • parents • children • parents and children 3b Listen to the radio programme again and answer the questions. 1 What food is sweet but good for you? 2 What vegetable is good for dessert? 3 What diet lets you eat a lot of sweet things one day a week? 4 Why is it good to eat an apple after you eat something sweet? 3c Say which part of the doctor’s advice you would like to follow. 59 unit 4 Lesson 6 4a Read and choose the best title. • Great news for a sweet tooth • What to say to your parents if you want some chocolate • Why chocolate is good for you Back Home TV Radio Forum Where I live Contact us Science & Naturerrop ^дд1мапмизпадямидимадк1ЯР^и^и1ЯДЕпадйя topics Home > Science & Nature > Topics > The Science of Chocolate I Chocolate □ Great news for every sweet tooth — chocolate is good for you. If you eat chocolate three times a month you can live a year longer than those who don’t eat it at all. Of course don’t eat too much and choose ‘real’ chocolate — that which has a lot of cocoa (70%). They also call it dark chocolate. It tastes a little bitter. But this kind of chocolate is your friend! Why? • Chocolate has a lot of minerals which are good for you. • Chocolate is good for your heart. • You feel happy when you eat chocolate because it tastes good and because it has the right chemicals. • Chocolate helps you to think and concentrate. Pilots always take some chocolate when they fly a plane. So if you have a test, eat some chocolate to prepare for it. heart [h^t] — сердце 4b Read the text again and guess the underlined words. 4c Answer these questions. 1 What kind of chocolate is best for you? 2 Why do pilots take some chocolate with them? 3 Why do you feel happy when you eat some chocolate? 5 Can you help this boy? • Think of three things to say to his father. 6 Write down the conversation between the boy and his father. Example: Boy: Please buy me some chocolate, Daddy! Father: No, not today, Jimmy. Chocolate is not good for you. Boy: _ Father: _ 60 unit 4 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 45-50 40-44 35-39 < 35 Very good Good OK Look again 1 l^l Listen and number the pictures. There is one extra picture. Score:___/10 2 Write the words in each group. carrot apple cheese tea juice egg lemon cola tomato milk bread fizzy water orange ice cream coffee lemonade ham banana potato strawberry FOOD DRINK vegetables fruit other hot cold carrot apple cheese tea juice Score:___/ 15 3 Which are the odd ones out in each line? 1 tomato crisps potato onion 2 eggs cheese salt chocolate 3 loaf bread salmon sandwich 4 onion kilo spoonful cup 5 pastry skittles tomato sweets Score:___/ 5 61 unit 4 Lesson 7 4 Fill in the gaps with some / any. [X] C: I’d like (1) _ strawberries. Have you got (2) _? S: Sorry, we haven’t got (3) _ strawberries at the moment. B C: Is there (4) _ cheese? S: Yes, here you are. Anything else? C: Have you got (5) ... mushrooms? S: Of course, we have. Here you are. 6 Read and number the pictures. TRAVE 1,-THROUGH-TIME DRINK 1 First break two eggs into a bowl. Mix the eggs together. 2 Take two lemons and cut them into small pieces. 3 Add one spoonful of salt and two spoonfuls of Brazilian coffee. 4 After that add some black pepper and six spoonfuls of snow water. 5 Add one spoonful of strawberry jam and mix well. Drink slowly from pink glasses six hours before you plan to travel. This drink is only for wizards who fly through time! a B 62 UNIT 4 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Project 1 Prepare at home and bring to the class: 1 paper 2 scissors 3 glue 4 crayons 5 drawings or photos of food 2 In class: 1 Decide what dish (Блюдо) you would like to present in the TV show. 2 Decide what food you need. Look at the pictures in the unit and make a list. 3 Write the recipe for your dish. 4 Think of a good name for your dish. 5 Think of the design of your dish. 6 Appoint the TV host / hostess (the cooK); all the other pupils will make up the audience. 3 In the TV food show: Present your dish: show and explain how to cook it. 2 Watch the other presentations. 3 Vote to choose the winners for these awards: 4 Hand out prizes. 4 Treat your classmates to your dish. 5 Animal life Lesson 1 Mini beasts 1 a Look at the pictures and find these insects. 1 Butterflies Ants Ladybirds Dragonflies Grasshoppers Spiders Honeybees 1b Say what you know about these insects. Example: Bees make honey. Insect information the honeybee The bee is yeWoy\j and black, it has six legs, four wings and a small head with two eyes. All honeybees live in nests or hives. They eat sweet nectar from flowers. Bees make honey. .make honey .have black spots .make webs .carry heavy things .fly very fast .live in hives 2a Study the LOOK box and answer the questions. 1 Is this true of one bee or all bees? 2 How do we show it in the first sentence? 3 How do we show it in the second sentence? look A Bees make honey. The honeybee is yellow and black. 2b Choose the right answer to the questions. 1 Which insect makes honey? a) The bee b) A bee c) Bees 2 Which insect carries heavy things? a) An ant b) The ant c) Ants 3 Which insect has black spots? a) Ladybirds b) A ladybird c) The ladybird 4 Which insect flies fast? a) Flies b) The fly c) A fly 5 Which animal makes a web? a) A spider b) Spiders c) The spider 3 Look at the insect information box and help Dima to fill in Observation sheet 1. 64 UNIT 5 Lesson 1 4a Ш Listen and fill in Observation sheet 2. Observation sheet 2 Name: Colour: Lives: Food: Has: Does: ь И ^ - r-t- ^ ' Л- - ' Г\Г' ' -Л Ч , 5b Talk to your partner and ask for the missing information. Pupil A: Use these Observation sheets. A I Observation sheet 3 Name: the ant Colour: yellow, brown, red, or black Lives: in forests Has: six legs, a small head and a long body Does: carries heavy things Observation sheet 4 Name: the butterfly Colour: colourful Lives: in forests, gardens, fields Has: four wings Does: eats nectar Observation sheet 5 I Name: the dragonfly Colour: Lives: Has: Does: Observation sheet 6 Name: the ladybird Colour: Lives: Has: Does: 4b Spot the differences between the bee and the spider. • Use Observation sheets 1 and 2. Example: The bee has six legs. The spider has eight legs. 5a Study the LOOK box and say when we use a and when we use no article. 1 look 1 in a hive in forests in a house in gardens in a kennel in fields Pupil B: Go to p. 152. 6 Choose an insect and fill in an Observation sheet. Cockroach ['kvkrsutj] Your choice 65 UNIT 5 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 The giant squid 1a Read the newspaper article and say what Dr Bukodera knows and what he doesn’t know about the giant squid. Dr Bukodera works at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC. He is a scientist who studies the giant squid. Dr Bukodera tells us: ‘The giant squid is a very big animal. It lives deep in the sea. So it’s an unusual animal. We know the giant squid is very long — about 18 metres. It’s longer than a big bus! The giant squid has got eight arms and two long tentacles. The tentacles can be 15 metres long. It has a beak and a large head with very big eyes. They are thirty-eight centimetres wide — the size of a basketball. But there are many questions about the giant squid. How does it swim? How does it hunt? What does it eat? For many other animals, scientists have the answers to such questions — but not for the giant squid.’ 1b Read the article again and label the parts of the giant squid’s body using the words in the box. 2a 1^ Listen and say what Dr Bukodera’s interview is about. 1 How the giant squid hides. 2 How the giant squid hunts. 2b Read the sentences and complete them with the words in the box. 1 The giant squid has big eyes to _ its prey. 2 The giant squid uses its long tentacles to _ its prey. 3 It uses strong arms to _ its prey. 4 Then it uses its hard beak to _ its prey. 5 When in danger, it uses its inky cloud to ^ its enemy. 3a Study the LOOK box and answer the question. What words say how the giant squid uses its tentacles? LOOK ^________________ D tentacles ' arms eyes beak head о a) scare b) see c) hold d) catch e) bite The giant squid uses its tentacles to hold its prey. 66 sqisOd UNIT 5 Lesson 2 3b Make two true and two false sentences about the animals. Let other pupils guess which sentences are false. Example: The giraffe uses its long neck to get food. The monkey uses its arms to catch mice. climb trees swim run fast get food jump catch fish / mice eat fish / mice The squirrel tail fox long neck monkey claws giraffe teeth kangaroo uses legs to bear its mouth tiger arms 4 Choose an animal and write about how it eats. Use the example in Ex. 3b. О Your choice 67 UNIT 5 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Perfect parents 1a Look at the pictures and say true (T) or false (F). The mother kangaroo can fight. EH The father penguin keeps the eggs warm. EH How exciting! The mother dolphin doesn’t sleep for a month. EH 1b Read and find evidence for or against. Crocodiles eat their babies. EH Nile crocodiles with lots of teeth in a hugo^nnoohr aresu™;teat'y^;ov^^g t'oTehree and small fish. A baby kangaroo is ca||ed a joey. When a joey is born, it is very smaN — on|y the size of a finger. A|1 kangaroos carry their babies in a pouch at the front of their stomachs. The joeys stay there for about eight months. Kangaroos are very brave mothers. When they fight, they jump in the air and then kick their enemies. isbrri'-». 6hey fled the chicks from their throats. When the mothertpengums come back to their babies, the fathers g° to sea to eat and rest. Do|phins are very attentive mothers. A baby dolphin does not sleep for the first whole month of ita life. Its mother does not sleep either. She keeps an eye on her baby. 68 1 4 UNIT 5 Lesson 3 2a Read the text again and find the English words that mean the same. 1 готовый прийти на помощь 2 любящий 3 храбрый 4 заботливый 5 внимательный 2b Read about these animals and finish the sentences. Example: I think the wolf is a very caring and brave father. The marmoset father takes care of the babies from birth. When the baby is born, the father cleans it. When the baby can eat food, the father feeds it. I think he is a very^ Prepare a talk about animal parents. • Choose an animal from the box. • Find out interesting facts about these animal parents. Use the internet. • Use Ex. 2b as an example. The father wolf cares and watches over the babies. He brings food to the mother and pups. As they grow up, he not only plays with them but he also teaches them how to survive. I think he is a very^ cat cow dog hamster giraffe guinea pig duck koala rabbit seahorse hedgehog frog 69 3 UNIT 5 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Wild visitors 1a Look at the picture and guess what the people on the bridge are watching: a) birds b) bats c) cats 1 b l^] Listen to the TV reporter and check your guesses. 1c In] Listen again and choose the correct answers to the questions. 1 Where do the bats usually live? a) in caves b) in trees c) in water 2 How many bats live under the bridge? a) 1,500,000 b) 1,050,000 c) 1,500 2a Look at the photos of animals and answer the questions. Which of these animals live 1 at the North Pole? 3 near lakes and rivers? 2 at the South Pole? 4 in the forest? 70 UNIT 5 Lesson 4 2b' 1^] Listen to children talking about the animals they saw and match the speakers with the photos of animals on page 70. 0 Julia 3a Guess the meaning of the new words in the box below. 3b Read and match the questions and answers. 1 What wild animals visit your town? a) No, they aren’t dangerous at all. They are funny and friendly. 2 What is their habitat in the wild? b) We can see them in the park. 3 Where can you see them in your town? c) I think because people give them food. 4 Why do they come to the town? d) Squirrels. 5 Are they dangerous to humans? e) They usually live in the forest. 4 Talk about these wild creatures. • Use questions 2, 4, 5 in Ex. 3b. ^ t r h 5 Write a story about ‘wild visitors’ to your hometown. • You can use the pictures in Ex. 4 and questions in Ex. 3b. 71 UNIT 5 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 When i was little^ 1 Look at the pictures, read about animal babies and complete the sentences. a) Baby _ are white and have red eyes. b) Baby _ are born in a snow cave. When they are born they are very small. c) Baby _ come from eggs. When they are older they can change colour. They eat small insects and spiders. d) Baby _ are very small. When they are born they are one hundred grammes. When they are three months they can walk. 2a Look at the pictures (1-7) and match them with the texts (a-g). Fill in the gaps with the words from the captions. Example: I am 5 minutes old. a) I am.....old. I am white. I have no prickles. I can’t see. I can’t roll up. I have got a short tail and four long legs. b) I am.....old. I have got my prickles now. They are white. I am prickly! I eat my mother’s milk. c) I am.....old. I can see, hear and smell. No worm can hide from me. I can roll up, too. I have got four brothers and sisters. We all roll up. It’s fun! d) I am.....old. I sleep all day from morning till evening. At night my mother takes me and my brothers and sisters for a walk. She teaches us what we can eat. Our mum is very helpful. e) I am.....old. Now I am big! I don’t drink my mother’s milk any more. I eat insects, spiders, snakes and mice. But I don’t eat fruit. f) I am.....old. I can run fast, I can swim; I can roll down a hill. I have got five thousand (5,000) prickles. I can jump and jam my prickles into a fox’s nose. I am safe. Only cars and people are dangerous. g) It is winter and I am in bed. Good night. See you in March! I can help you in your garden. 2b 1^ Listen to the story and check. 72 UNIT 5 Lesson 5 2c Answer the questions. 1 When does the mother take the small hedgehogs for a walk? 2 What does the mother teach them to do? 3 Are hedgehogs good mothers? Why? 3 Read the text again part by part. Do one task for each part. a) Answer the question: What colour is the hedgehog? b) Make more words with y at the end: Example: prickle — prickly sleep — sleep^, fluff — _, smell —_, sun — sunn^, snow — ^ c) Look at the picture and translate roll up into Russian. d) What does mum teach the baby hedgehog? □ e) Is this true (T) or false (F)? Hedgehogs like apples. f) Answer the questions: What can the hedgehog do? Can you do it? Ask your friend: Can you swim? g) Look at the pictures and answer: How can the hedgehog help in the garden? 4 Cover the text, look at the pictures in Ex. 2a and talk about when the hedgehog was little. Example: It is five minutes old. It is^ 5a Write about how baby animals grow up. • Get three to five pictures of animals at different ages. • Write short texts about these pictures. • Use Ex. 2a as an example. 5b if you can’t find pictures and facts about baby animals write about when you were little. Did you know that 3;' baby animals have special names? A guinea pig’s baby is called a pup A hedgehog’s baby is called a piglet or a pup A penguin’s baby is called a chick A sheep’s baby is called a lamb A goat’s baby is called a kid A cow’s baby is called a calf 73 UNIT 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Big and beautiful 1a Read the information on the website and answer the question. What do you think the zoo-keeper does? Ackkvu- ' WMwiiiH [search ^ iS NEWS Zita the black rhino at London Zoo has a baby! It was born at around 8 p.m. on Satuday 5 April 2008. The Zoo used the internet to bring mother and baby to your computer. Forum 'Would you like to be a zoo-keeper?' Philip: ... Bob: ... Svetlana: ... Jane: ... Click here to watch video. Click here to listen to the interview with the zoo-keeper. ib‘ Ш Listen to the interview and check. Cleans the animals □ Writes about the animals □ Feeds the animals □ Plays with the animals □ Cooks for the animals □ Takes animals for walks □ Watches the animals □ 74 UNIT 5 Lesson 6 2 Role play the interview with the zoo-keeper. Pupil A: You’re a zoo-keeper. You look after a rhino called King, the newborn’s father. Answer the visitor’s questions. Use the information in the table. Name Age Weight Character Food Other facts King (the black rhino) 23 1.8 tonnes friendly lazy doesn't like noise grass, leaves, fruit, loves apples runs fast Your job: feed the rhino, clean the cage, wash the rhino, play games with the rhino, watch it and write reports. Pupil B: You are a visitor to the zoo. Ask the zoo-keeper questions 1) after/ look / animals / What / you/ do / ? 2) his / name / What’s / ? 3) is / old / King/ How / ? 4) do / he / What / can / ? 5) does / What / he / eat / ? 6) friendly / he / Is / ? 3a Listen to the conversation between Max and Jane after visiting the zoo and say who wants to be a zoo-keeper. 7) 3b Listen again and write down why Max and Jane want / don’t want to be zoo-keepers. I’d like to be a zoo-keeper I wouldn’t like to be a zoo-keeper I want^ I like^ I don’t want^ I hate_ fyjAwjw I 3c Say if you would like to be a zoo-keeper. Why? Why not? • Use the table in Ex. 3b for help. 4 Read a report about Zita and write a report about King. • Use Ex. 2 for information. [search ^ iS NEWS I INTERVIEW | VIDEO | FOTO | FORUM REPORT ■ REPORT Zita is the Black rhino. She's 1 2 years old. She is 1.5 tonnes (the weight of a small car). She likes fruit. She doesn't like noisy visitors. She is friendly and pretty but can be dangerous when she is angry. Zita is an attentive mother, she never leaves her baby alone. 75 UNIT 5 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 45-50 40-44 35-39 < 35 Very good Good OK Look again Listen to the interview and choose the right answer. 1 The zoo-keeper looks after a) tigers b) rhinos c) mammoths These animals have got fur which is a) orange b) white c) yellow The baby’s mother never a) leaves her baby alone b) goes outside c) strokes them Score: . /15 Score:___/ 5 3 Use the or zero articles to fill in the gaps. (1) _ bat is a night animal. During the day, (2) _ bats usually roost in large groups in (3) _ caves, (4) _ attics, or (5) _ trees, hanging upside-down. Score:___/ 5 4 Put the words in the correct order. 1 catch / arms / octopus / prey. / to / its / uses / The / its trunk / uses / its / The / elephant / food. / get / to kangaroo / legs / strong / The / uses / its / run. / jump / and / to swim. / to / uses / tail / its / The / crocodile The / uses / octopus / inky / its / cloud / scare / to / enemies. / its Score:___/ 5 Read the article from a website and answer the questions below with true (T) or false (F). Addreu WiVW.£oo 2 Complete the sentences. 1 Rhinos are l_______mothers. They look after their young for years, protect them from enemies and teach them how to survive. 2 Bats are h_________mothers. They feed their babies on mother’s milk, care for them and teach them to fly and find food. 3 Fox is a very a____________father. It brings food to the mother and pups (babies). The father plays with little foxes and teaches them how to survive. 4 A mother octopus is very c_____. She doesn’t eat for 2 months as she cares for her eggs. 5 A mother moose is very b_______. I search ■3 n. w NEWS | INTERVIEW | V White (Bengal) tigers. Update 4 August Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. They live in hot jungles as well as in icy cold forests. White tigers have stripes all over their body. The stripes are like finger prints. No two are the same. Bengal tigers have a strong sense of smell. They also have a great vision which helps them to hunt during the night time. Bengal tigers can swim and move in the water. They have the ability to grow body hair according to how cold or hot it gets. Tigers are caring mothers. They get really angry when people come near the cubs to take pictures. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tigers have black spots all over the body. White tigers can live in cold forests. The stripes on their bodies are the same. Tigers can smell well. Tigers hunt at night. Tigers are good mothers. All the cats can’t swim. The white tiger’s fur is thicker in winter. White tigers can be dangerous. People often come close to the cubs to take pictures. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Score:___/ 20 Total:____/ 50 76 1 5 2 3 2 3 UNIT 5 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Project 1 Prepare at home. 1 Choose an animal you would like to talk about 2 Choose a role: zoo-keeper, scientist, reporter 3 Read your role card and do the task. Role card for a scientist • Read about the animal. Use encyclopedias, books about animals, magazines and the internet. • Use a table to make notes. Example: Name Polar bear Habitat The North Pole How big it is 3 m long, 770 kg What is looks like While fur, small head, big claws and strong teeth, a small tail, four strong paws What it eats Meat, fish How it gets food Hunts alone for seals and large fish, uses teeth and claws, swims in the sea Babies Usually two cubs interesting facts Is a very good swimmer and runner. Can swim in very cold water. Role card for a zoo-keeper • Prepare to answer questions about your animal. Example: Q: What do you feed polar bears at the zoo with? A: They get fish and they like apples, strawberries and pears. Animals and us Role card for a reporter • Write a report about your animal. Use Ex. 4 Lesson 2, Ex. 3 Lesson 3, Ex. 5 Lesson 4 in this unit. Example: Polar Bears are very large bears. They live at the North Pole. They are good swimmers and runners. Polar bears can run at 40 kph and swim in icy cold water. Polar Bears are up to 3 metres long and weigh about 770 kg. They have a small head, 42 strong teeth and long claws. Their fur is while but their noses are black. They can smell well. They have a small tail. Polar Bears are meat-eaters. They use their claws and teeth to catch their prey in the water. They eat seals and big fish. Polar bears don’t drink water. Polar Bear mothers usually have two cubs. • Use pictures to illustrate your report. • Make sure you use complete sentences. • Check your grammar, spelling and punctuation. 2 in class: 1 Split into three groups: a scientist, a reporter and a zoo-keeper in each group. 2 In your groups talk about your animal using what you have prepared at home. 3 Listen to the other speakers and fill in two answer sheets: Answer sheet name: Colour: Food: Has: Does: 77 6 Many years ago_ Lesson 1 They lived many years ago LOOK \ Read the encyclopedia entries and answer the questions. See Grammar support 9. 1 Which animal can you see in the zoo? 2 Which animal can you see only in a book? 3 Which animal lives now? 4 Which animal lived many years ago? Woolly rhinoceros The woolly rhinoceros lived in Siberia over ten thousand years ago and was a huge dangerous animal about two metres high. It was up to four metres long. It was a plant eater. It lived at the same time as early man, who hunted and ate it. Rhinoceros The rhinoceros lives in Africa and Asia. It is a large animal with a very thick grey skin and one or two horns. It cannot see well but can hear very well. It eats leaves and grass. People hunt it for the meat and horns. It is an unfriendly animal. It is also an endagered animal. Many years ago 10,000 years ago — ten thousand years ago A . - i 2a Listen to the guide and put the pictures in the same order as the guide talks about the animals. 2b Read and choose the right words to complete the Museum web page Address The Prehistoric Animal Museum ' THE PREHiSToRic ANIMAL MuSEuM Earth before Time During the last Ice Age, there were many (1) small /large animals, like the sabre-toothed cats, woolly rhinos, and mammoths. These animals disappeared about (2) ten thousand / million years ago. Mammoths were (3) plant eaters /meat eaters and had a long (4) tail /nose, and long (5) tusks / ears. The sabre-toothed tiger was a (6) friendly /dangerous animal. It was a (7) meat eater / plant eater, of course. Archaeologists think that mammoths and sabre-toothed tigers lived long (8) after / before dinosaurs. 78 1 UNIT 6 Lesson 1 2c I^I Listen to the guide again and check your answers in Ex. 2b. 3 Study the two LOOK boxes and answer these questions. See Grammar support 11. 1 What time are we talking about? 2 Why do we use it? 3 Why do we use they? look The sabre-toothed tiger was a large animal. It was a dangerous animal. Sabre-toothed tigers were large animals. They were dangerous animals. Fill in the entries for the exhibits in the museum with they were and it was. Mammoth Mammoths lived between 2 million years ago and 9,000 years ago. The mammoths could live in very cold weather. (1) ...huge and hairy animals. (2) ...dangerous animals with long tusks. (3) ...plant eaters. о Sabre-toothed tiger tsabre-oched tiger Uved in .he North and South Americas and m «brl'Leih to шГыг Ltoals like horses and buffaloes. Read the example and ask more questions about the woolly rhinoceros and other animals. Example: Was the woolly rhinoceros a big animal? о • big small dangerous huge • • friendly unfriendly frightening large Role play Welcome to the Prehistoric Animal Museum. Pupil A: Choose a prehistoric animal and be a guide. Look at page 151. Pupil B: You are a visitor. Ask the guide about the animal. Look at page 153. 7 Write about a prehistoric animal. • Use Ex. 1 as a model. 79 4 5 UNIT 6 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Native Americans 1a Read and answer the questions. 1 Did the Native Americans hunt mammoths? 2 Do the have relatives in Siberia? The first Native Americans travelled to North America from Siberia during the Ice Age. Today Siberia is a part of Russia. They travelled across the Bering Sea when there was dry land between Alaska and Russia. Archaeologists know that the Native American people had hundreds of different tribes that could speak many different languages. They hunted and fished and had many different customs (обычаи). Christopher Columbus visited America in 1492. The Europeans who arrived later killed many Native Americans and took their lands. 1b Match the words with the pictures. 1 2 3 tribe [traib] 4 teepee ['tipi] 7 soldier ['sauli^a] buffalo ['bAfslau] 5 hunter ['hAnta] 8 farmer ['f^:ma] smoke signal ['smauk .signal] 6 fisherman ['fifaman] 9 horseman ['hasman] 2a Read the example in the LooK box and answer the questions. See Grammar support 13. 1 When was it? In the past or in the present? How do you know? 2 What happens to the word visit? 3 How do we make the past form of visit? 2b‘ 1^1 Listen and put the verbs into the right coiumns. look [t] [d] [Id] used collected travelled hunted farmed killed visited fished lived played 80 Did they hunt dinosaurs? No, they didn’t. Did they visit America? Yes, they did. UNIT 6 Lesson 2 3a Listen to the interview with a Native American and match the tribes with the pictures in Ex. 1b. A The Iroquois ['irakwa] B The Comanche [ka'm^ntji] C The Lenape [le'n^pei] 3b EZ] Listen to the interview again and answer the questions. 1 Was the Native Americans’ life easy or difficult? Why? 2 What did these Native Americans do really well? 3 Where did these Native Americans live? 4 What did they hunt? 4 Read the examples in the LOOK box and answer the questions. See Grammar support 13. 1 What is did? 2 What happens to the words visit and hunt in the question? 3 Can we have did and visited or hunted in the question? 5 Read the smoke signals and ask your partner about the tribe. Example: Were they soldiers? Did the Lake people collect plants and nuts? Pupil A: Use these cards. Pupil B: Go to page 152. card 1 for Pupil A card 2 for Pupil A 'A Cannp bi^ tbe L^ke' You came to America with Ghristopher Golumbus. Write a diary page about Native Americans. December, 12 When we fi/rst saw them, we were very surprised.. They did a lot of exciting things. ^ play ball hunt buffalo farm the land live in teepees use smoke signals fishermen horsemen hunters collect plants and nuts 81 UNIT 6 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 On a dig 1a Look at the picture and say the names of the ancient countries. 1b Read the names of the ancient peoples in the LGGK box and say when they lived. See Grammar support 14. 2 Read the letter and answer the questions. 1 Where is Mark Brett? 2 Who is the letter about? Greece — the Greeks Rome — the Romans China — the Chinese Egypt — the Egyptians Dear Max and Victoria, I'm on a dig in Greece. Last week I discovered a lot of interesting facts about the ancient Greeks. They studied maths and astronomy. They went to the theatre, like us. They built houses with central heating, made wine and had parties. Athletes took part in the Olympic Games. It's all very interesting. Where are you now? Write to me soon. With best wishes, Mark Brett 3a Find these words in the letter and fill in the second column. go went build make have take 3b Read the words in the Ex. 3a, listen and learn to say them. 82 UNIT 6 Lesson 3 4 Read the examples in the LOOK box and answer the questions. See Grammar support 13. 1 When was it? In the past or in the present? How do you know? 2 What happens to the word take when it is used in the past? 3 Does it take -ed at the end of the word? 4 What happens to the word take in the question? 5 Read and ask the teacher for the information. look The ancient Greeks took part in the Olympic Games. Did the ancient Greeks take part in the Olympic Games? Yes, they did. Example: Did the ancient Romans build theatres? 1 the ancient Romans / have houses with central heating? 2 the ancient Romans / make a lot of laws (законы)? 3 the ancient Romans / go to see gladiators’ fights (бои гладиаторов)? 4 the ancient Romans / build good roads (дороги)? 5 the ancient Romans / build public baths? 6 the ancient Romans / take part in the Olympic Games? 7 the ancient Romans / go to the theatre? 8 the ancient Romans / have a strong army? —s 6 Write a letter to Mark Brett about the ancient Romans or some other ancient civilisation. Dear Mark, I'm on a dig in^ Looking forward to seeing you. Best wishes, 83 UNIT 6 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Ancient Sparta 1 Read and make pairs. run swim think wear feel Example: run - ran choose see thought chose saw felt ran swam wore 2a Listen to the radio programme and choose a title for the story. • Soldiers of Sparta • A Strong Boy 2b; 1^1 Listen again and put the sentences in the correct order. A He chose the child and took him away. B The man thought the child could make a fine soldier. C He saw that the boy was strong. D The tall man felt the arms and legs of the boy. 3a Read the newspaper interview with Professor Harris and find the answer to the question. • Why were the Spartans the strongest soldiers in ancient Greece? Q.: Professor Q.: Professor Q.: Professor Q.: Professor So life in Sparta was different from life in other parts of ancient Greece? H.: Absolutely. Sparta was a difficult place to live. People didn't have good food and good clothes. In fact the Spartans couldn't have gold or silver. And how did they teach their children? H.: Spartan soldiers chose boys and trained them a lot. The Spartan army was very strong. But it was a hard life. The boys had only one tunic a year. They had no baths, they could only wash in the river - which was icy cold in winter. Did they have enough food? H.: The food was simple and poor and there wasn't very much of it. So, it was a really hard life, wasn't it? H.: It was. But they were great soldiers, strong and brave. We still use the word Spartan today to describe someone who lives a very strict and simple life. 84 UNIT 6 Lesson 4 3b Complete the Professor’s table with 3 and 7. Boys in ancient Sparta Modern children 1 train a lot to be soldiers 3 7 2 wear tunics 3 have a lot of food 4 have baths 5 swim in the icy river 4 Read the examples in the LooK box and explain the rules. look A Boys in ancient Sparta trained a lot to be soldiers. Modern children don’t train to be soldiers. Boys in ancient Sparta didn’t have a lot of food. Modern children have a lot of food. 5a Look at the Professor’s table in Ex. 3b and say what modern children do / don’t do. Example: Modern children don’t train a lot to be soldiers. Modern children have a lot of food. 5b Look at the Professor’s table in Ex. 3b and say what boys in ancient Sparta did / didn’t do. Example: Boys in ancient Sparta trained a lot to be soldiers. Boys in ancient Sparta didn’t have a lot of food. 6 Look at the cartoon strip and find what is wrong. Example: The ancient Spartans didn’t have a lot of good food. ^im4 . 85 UNIT 6 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Meet the great 1a Read the words in the LOOK box and explain the rule. 1b Write the past form of the verbs, explain the rule. • use collect hunt farm kill fish live • j play study train like visit travel • look \ play + ed = played use + ed = used stop + ed = stopped study + ed = studied 2 Look at the screens at the Interactive History Exhibition, listen to the computer and answer. 86 3a Look at the pictures and find the objects from the box below. Prince Peter was always a leader. He was a big, strong boy. His friends knew that one day he’d be King of Russia, so they did what he told them. Peter liked games very much. He played soldiers with his friends. Because he was a prince, he could use real guns! toy guns real guns soldiers prince castles The prince didn’t make castles out of boxes, or use toy ones. He had a real castle where he could play. 3b Look at the pictures again, read the cartoon stories and find a mistake in each picture. Example: There is a mistake in the picture because .... 4 Compiete the history book. 1 ^ of Macedonia. a sc&iiei, rUcc !us fatl,er. Ke (4) ^ (study) tie hlsto -u, of wars. r (5^ (be) stdony and. b-ui.vc. He (6) _ (вГаи) ^oidiers^ шМгlis J^nesuts arU (7) (swim) n tic U',cr. Jtesa ^ ,^cx ^(8) (euce) lorses 'ery much. Hisfavourite io^c (9) (be) BHceplaius. Kby AeaxancUr (Ю) (He) a.great safdLcr. 87 UNIT 6 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Time travel 1 You are going to be time travellers and visit different times and places in a Time Machine. • Make up groups of four • Read the role cards and choose your roles Role card 1 Navigator You are the navigator in your team. Your job is to collect information about the time. Role card 2 Archaeologist You are the archaeologist in your team. Your job is to collect information about the place. Role card 3 Historian You are the historian in your team. Your job is to collect information about the people who lived in the place. Role card 4 captain You are the Captain in your team. Your job is to help the other members of the team collect the information and to write the report for the Time Travel Centre. 2 Listen to the Time Travei Centre, iook at the time iine and find out where your team is. TiME LinE -O- 2,500 years ago _ L_____________ 2,330 years ago .1 4 2,000 years ago 500 years ago 300 years ago f4':i 3 Read the questions and find the answers in Lessons 1-5 in this unit. 'V. _ Questions for the Navigator; 1 What time did you visit? 2 Was it before or after the ice Ag ■ 3 Who lived then? 4 What did the people do. for the i\o9'S^’* Questions for the Historian: 1 Who lived there? 2 What did the people do. 3 What did the people mate ■ 4 What did the people build^ 5 What did the people have. Task for the Captain Prepare a report for the Time Travel Centre. See Ex. 4. 88 UNIT 6 Lesson 6 4 Report in your teams and help the Captain to fill in the chart. Time Place People 89 UNIT 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1a EZ] Listen and choose who the programme is about. A the ancient Greeks B the ancient Romans 45-50 40-44 35-39 < 35 Very good Good OK Look again Score / 4 1b Listen again and tick what is mentioned. They: a) built baths b) had a strong army c) took part in wars d) went to the theatre 2 Write the time. -----у------- Score / 8 4 Ь*Д Qn*m ~ О • у Л| ...i /Т1*1Я : j uj - . -t i ffi ' ' ' ' ' " ~ ' '' ' ■3 wihgfiPs®n —ChOQdren’sShswshu Sunday 8 February ■ Welsh Theatre Hywel [haual] and the Mermaid. A beautiful Welsh legend about a fisherman and a mermaid who saves his life. Ages 8-11. 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. ■ Puppet Theatre Punch and Judy [,pAnf an '^^:di]. A traditional ‘Punch and Judy’ puppet show. Don’t wait to see it on a summer beach, watch it now. Ages 2-99. 2 p.m. ■ Arts Theatre The Bear that wasn’t there. A group of scouts are camping deep in the forest. A bear comes out of the forest. What happens next?! Ages 9-12. 10 a.m. & 12 a.m. ■ New Millennium Theatre A Robot Father. A great play for kids and their dads to watch together. A mad professor designs a super robot. But he can’t program this robot to be like a real dad. Ages 4-15. 11.30 a.m. & 2 p.m. ■ Drama Centre Midas the King ['maidas 5э ki^]. A myth from ancient Greece about a greedy king who loved gold. But in the end he understands that there are things more important than gold. Ages 10-12. 11.30 a.m. & 2 p.m. MiPAS THE KINg n>fpi|, Л у _j 92 fi5 _________________I Ш UNIT 7 Lesson 1 2b Choose a show and invite your partner to see it. Example: A: Would you like to see ‘Punch and Judy’? It’s a puppet show. B: I’d love to. I love puppet shows. C: No, thanks. It’s for little children. I’d like to see ‘Midas the King’. ,, 3a Look at the ticket and complete the conversation with the information from the ticket. Max: Can I have two tickets for (1) _, please? Clerk: Sure. What time? Max: At (2) _ o’clock. Clerk: Let me see. Is row (3) _ OK? Max: Yes, that’s fine. Somewhere in the middle, please. Clerk: Here you are. That’s (4) _ pounds, please. Max: Thanks. Clerk: You’re welcome. •J \’~ BvGAMVNew SEA \2. \ SE« \ РЯСЕ 5 EOUNOS 3b I^I Listen to the conversation and check your answers of Ex. 3a. 3c Act out the conversation. Pupil B: Look at p. 153. Card for Pupil A 1 You sell tickets at the box office. Talk to Pupil B, complete the ticket and give it to him / her. 2 You want to buy two tickets for Punch and Judy. You want to see it at 2 o’clock. 4 Choose a show from Ex. 2a and write a note to invite a friend. Example: Let's go to the theatre on Sunday and see 'The Blue Bird'. It is on at the Drama Centre. It starts at 5 p.m. It's a fairy tale. Would you like to see it? 93 UNIT 7 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 The bear that wasn’t there 1a Discuss these questions in pairs and report in class. • Are you scared of the dark? • Are you scared of bears? • Are you scared of snakes? 1b Pretend you are very scared and answer the questions again. 1c Talk to a person who is scared and comfort him / her. • Don’t be scared! Don’t be silly! • There’s no reason to be scared. • There are no snakes here. • There are no bears here. 2a 1^1 Listen to the play and put the pictures in the right order. 2b Look at the play and find: 1 The playwright’s name. 2 Name the characters who say the words of the dialogue. 2c Divide the text of the play into six scenes, one to match each picture. 3 Prepare for the performance. 1 Choose the character you want to play. 2 Read these drama tips and follow them while preparing and performing. Drama tips • Face the front and look directly at the audience. • Don’t just read your script, speak out loudly. • Don’t hide your face, act out the part. • Move around with actions to suit the part. 3 Repeat your scene a few times until you can do it well. 4 Put on your hats and act out the play. 5 Your friend is going camping in the forest. She / He is scared. Write a note to cheer him / her up. Make it funny. It’s OK. Bears don’t like scout hats! 94 UNIT 7 Lesson 2 DEEP IN THE FOREST By Carolyn Graham Characters: Scout leader Scout One and Scout Two Bear Chorus of scared scouts 1 Leader Deep in the forest, away from home. Isn’t it fine? Scout one I’m scared. 5 Scout two Me, too. Chorus We’re scared Away from home, Deep in the forest, We’re scared. 10 Leader Don’t be silly. You’re safe in the forest. There’s no reason to be scared. 15 Scout one Mama said to be careful, Mama said to watch out. Chorus Watch out, watch out, Mama said to watch out. Mama said to be careful, 20 Mama said to watch out. Leader Watch out? For what? Scout two Snakes and bears. Chorus Snakes and bears, 25 Snakes and bears. Mama said to watch out. Leader Snakes and bears? There are no snakes or bears here. Scout one NO? Are you sure? Leader Of course I’m sure. 30 No snakes, no bears. Chorus No snakes, no snakes, No bears here. No snakes, no snakes, No bears here. 35 Leader Now, close your eyes and go to sleep. Remember, NO bears. Chorus Close your eyes and go to sleep. No snakes, no snakes, no bears. 40 Leader Look at that. They’re sleeping. The sweet little scouts are sleeping. Chorus Sleeping, sleeping. The sweet little scouts are sleeping. 45 Leader Where’s the moon? Where are the stars? It’s very dark tonight. Chorus Where’s the moon? Where are the stars? 50 It’s very dark tonight. Leader Oh, what’s that over there? Chorus What’s that? What’s that? What’s that over there? Leader Is that a man over there? 55 Chorus A man over there? Bear I’m not a man, I’m a bear. I’m a bear that wasn’t there. Leader What? A bear? 60 Bear I’m the bear that wasn’t there. You said there were no bears here. Well, I’m the bear that wasn’t there. He’s the bear. He’s the bear. He’s the bear that wasn’t there. I’m scared. I’m scared. Deep in the forest, I’m scared. 70 Bear Don’t be silly. You’re safe with me. There’s no reason to be scared. You don’t eat scouts? Who me? Eat scouts? I don’t eat meat, I’m a vegetarian bear. He doesn’t eat meat. He doesn’t eat scouts. He’s a vegetarian bear. 80 Bear Go back to sleep. Close your eyes and go to sleep. You’re safe with me in the forest. Chorus Go back to sleep, Go back to sleep. You’re safe with him in the forest. 65 Chorus Leader 75 Leader Bear Chorus 85 95 UNIT 7 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 A Robot Father 1a Make rhyming pairs. Example: think — drink 1b Make up a rhyme and act it out. I am a robot I am a robot I can think I can hop I am a robot I am a robot I can drink I can’t stop 2a Say what your Robot Father does. gives me a hug when I’m sad plays games with me tells interesting stories buys me sweets is kind A Father • is fun gives my mum flowers helps me with my homework knows how to fix stuff loves me ??? 2b Choose the three top functions for a father. 3a Look at the play and find: 1 The title of the play 2 The playwright’s name 3 The list of characters 4 The dialogue (the words that characters say) 5 The stage directions (they show what the characters do and how they feel) Й Q3B0Q 03uBE^ By Gwyneth Bedford Characters Mad Professor E. Centric Robot Kids Professor: Hello, hello, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, cats and dogs, goldfish and budgies, come and see Professor E. Centric’s fantastic robot. You can program it. It can be your servant, your friend, your bodyguard, your pet — in fact anything you want! Let me demonstrate this amazing machine. (Robot moves mechanically across the stage and shakes hands with professor. Touches his toes and makes other robotic movements.) Robot: Would-you-like-me-to-help-anybody? (Speaking in robot voice.) Kids: Me, me, me! Professor: Ok, you — small and important person. What do you want my robot to be? Your servant — to keep your room tidy, or your driver — to take you everywhere, or just be your friend? Kid 1: Er, how about a Dad, make him like a Dad. Kids: Yeah, great idea. Professor: OK, boys and girls. What do I need to program him to do? Kid 2: Give me a hug when I’m sad. Kids: Yes, a really good hug. (General agreement.) Professor: OK, a hug, let’s try that. (Prof does something with robot and then the robot comes up to a child and hugs him / her so tight that it lifts his / her legs off the ground and then drops him /her.) 96 UNIT 7 Lesson 3 Kid 2: Professor: Kid 3: Kid 4: Kid 1: Kid 2: All kids together: Kid 3: Kid 4: Kid 2: Kid 1: Kid 2: Kid 4: Kid 3: Professor: Kid 4: Kid 2: Kid 3: Kid 4: Kid 1: Professor: Kids: Kid 1: Kid 2: Professor: Not like that! That was awful. Hmm, well I can change that. What else does a robot dad do? He’s fun. He’s kind. He helps me with my homework. He buys me sweets. servant ['s3:vant] — слуга bury ['beri] — хоронить drawing board — чертежная доска it’s back to the drawing board — опять все сначала human being [.hj^man 'b^i^] — человек barbecue ['b^bikj^] — барбекю No, he doesn’t! He loves me even when I’m naughty. He buys my mum flowers. He cooks delicious meals. He comes shopping with me and buys me clothes. He tells lots of interesting stories. He picks me up from school and he’s at all my football games. He takes me to music lessons. He does funny voices. He makes me laugh. Wait, wait, stop — are you sure he has to do ALL these things? Yes, and more. He plays computer games. And he buries my goldfish when it dies. He knows how to fix stuff. He can make things. He buys us ice cream. And does all the barbecues. Wait a minute! I think it’s impossible for a robot to do all these things. I think your ideas are unrealistic. No one can do all these things — no one can be so multitalented! Well, my dad is! And mine. And mine. Come on, let’s go and find our dads and get a real hug. And a real ice cream! (Kids run off stage.) It’s incredible that any human being can be more efficient than my super robot. (Big sigh.) Oh well, it’s back to the drawing board. (Exit professor and the robot.) 3b 1^1 Listen, read and answer the questions. 1 What functions do the children want Professor E. Centric to program into the Robot Father? 2 Which functions are the same as in Ex. 2a? 4a Choose the character you would like to play and practise your lines. 4b Act out the play. 5 Do you think you can make a robot which is like a real human being? Why? / Why not? /Ч 6 Professor E. Centric wants to invent a new robot. • Choose a robot and list what this robot does: A Robot Mother A Robot Friend A Robot Teacher A Robot Grandmother A Robot Teacher is kind and fair. He / She gives pupils good marks^ 97 UNIT 7 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Hywel and the Mermaid 1 Look at the pictures, listen to and repeat the words. fisherman Hywel [haual] rock [rok] — скала mermaid Modlen [modlan] net [net] — сеть wave [weiv] — волна shore [fa] — берег моря 2a Look at the pictures and put them in order. • There is one extra picture. A □ B □ C □ D □ E □ F □ G □ 2b 1^1 Listen to the story and check your answer in Ex. 2a. 98 UNIT 7 Lesson 4 □ □ 3a Read and match the pictures and the paragraphs. • What paragraphs have no picture? I I 1 Once upon a time, there was a fisherman called Hywel. One day, he saw a very beautiful mermaid with long golden hair. She sat on a rock and sang a gentle song. Her name was Modlen ‘She can come and live in my house’, Hywel thought. ‘I’ll look after her.’ I I 2 Modlen often saw him in his boat and she liked the fisherman. She agreed to go with him. But she was afraid to live on land with people. So, after a while the mermaid said, Please, let me go back to the sea!’ But Hywel didn’t listen to her. 3 He gave her food and water, but she was sad. She missed her home in the sea. 4 Hywel’s friend said, ‘Let her go.’ But Hywel didn’t like the idea. ‘She can bring you bad luck if you don’t let her go,’ his friend said. I I 5 The mermaid lived in Hywel’s house for a long time. She became very thin. ‘Oh Hywel, I want to go home,’ she said... ‘I can help you if you are ever in danger at sea.’ Q 6 So Hywel agreed to let her go. He took her to the sea and kissed her goodbye. ‘I will call your name three times if ever you are in danger,’ said Modlen. I I 7 Many years passed by, but Hywel never forgot about Modlen. Then one evening when he was out fishing, he saw Modlen swimming near his boat. ‘Hywel, Hywel, Hywel! Draw in your net and go home!’ she cried. The sea was calm and there were no clouds in the sky. But Hywel went home. The other fishermen laughed at him. I I 8 Suddenly a big storm started. There were huge waves, wind and rain but Hywel was safe back on land. ‘Thank you, Modlen the mermaid,’ said Hywel. He was now happy. 3b Answer the questions. 1 Does the story have a sad or happy ending? Why? 2 How many scenes are there in the story? What are they? 3 How many characters are there in the story? Who are they? 4a in groups read the story again. 1 Find where the characters are speaking. 2 Write more lines for the characters to speak. 4b Read the drama tips and prepare to act out your play. Drama tips • If somebody in the audience laughs, don’t laugh with them. • Stop and wait in silence. Start when they can hear you again. • If somebody talks in the audience, don’t listen. • Make an imaginary ‘wall’ between you and the audience. 4c Act out the story. 5 Choose a scene from ‘Hywel and the Mermaid’. Write a script for it using the lines you wrote for the characters in Ex. 4a. 99 UNIT 7 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 A puppet show 1 Read and say the names of the puppets in the pictures Long before we had radio, cinema or television there were puppet shows. Children and their parents saw them in many countries. In Russia we had Petrushka. In England they had Punch and Judy. In England you can still see some traditional Punch and Judy shows on the beaches in summer. 2a I^I Read and listen to the beginning of the puppet show and say what name of a fruit Punch calls children. Punch: (Comes up and dances jumping about, clapping, bowing and singing ‘how-de-do-de-doo’.) Oh hello everybody well every _ . Judy! Judy! Where are you? Come here, my dear. Judy: Oh, Mister Punch, I’m here. Are you hungry Mister Punch? (Punch nods his head.) OK then, would you like a sandwich? (Punch nods.) I’ll go to the kitchen and make you a sandwich. Punch: OK. OK. Then I can look after the baby. (Punch laughs.) 2b Make two finger puppets of Punch and Judy. 1 Make a red hat for Punch and a white cap and a skirt for Judy. 2 Draw their faces on your index fingers. 3 Put on the hat, the cap and the skirt. 2c Show the scene to your classmates. 1 Practise the lines with your partner. 2 Turn round and act out the play for your classmates from behind their desk. 100 UNIT 7 Lesson 5 3a Read what happens next and say how many puppets there are in the play. Scene 1 Judy brings the baby to Punch. Punch puts the baby on the table and falls asleep. The baby is crying. Scene 2 Judy comes in. Judy wants to teach Punch a lesson. She runs after him. She calls a policeman. Scene 3 The policeman comes up. He wants to arrest Punch. Punch makes a fool of him. Scene 4 The clown Joey comes up. He has five sausages. Punch runs after him. Joey gives Punch the sausages. Scene 5 Punch has the sausages. A crocodile comes up and takes them. Punch runs after the crocodile. The crocodile wants to bite Punch on the nose. Scene 6 Punch is lying on the stage. The doctor comes up. The doctor sees that Punch is not ill. The doctor examines Punch and wants to give him an injection. Punch runs away. 3b Answer the questions. 1 What does Punch do with the baby? 2 Why does Judy teach Punch a lesson? 3 What does the Policeman want? 4 Who gives Punch some sausages? 5 What does the crocodile do? 6 Why does the doctor come? 101 UNIT 7 Lesson 5 4a 1^1 Listen to an extract from the show and say which scene it is. 4b Read these lines and say what Punch really means. Policeman: Well I’m very sorry Mister Punch but I have a warrant for your arrest! Punch: You’ve left your wallet in your vest?! Policeman: No, no, no. I have a warrant for your arrest! Punch: I need to go and have a rest? Well, I can’t do that! We’re in the middle of a show! warrant — ордер на арест wallet — бумажник vest — жилет have a rest — отдохнуть 5a Look at what happens in Scene 6 on page 101. Match these phrases to make up the dialogue between Punch and the doctor. Punch: Doctor: 1 Help! Help! Please call me a doctor. a) What’s happened to you? 2 Yes, doctor. b) Well, Mister Punch. You need an operation. 3 Terrible. c) Hello. Can I help you? 4 I had a fight with a crocodile. He hurt my d) How do you feel? nose badly. 5 Oh no! It’s OK. I’m off. Goodbye! 5b Choose the funniest ending or invent your own and act out the last scene. Punch: a) Doctor: Mr Punch, you must do your hair. Punch: Me, eat a chair? Oh, no! b) Doctor: Well, Mr Punch... Punch: Time for lunch? OK, let’s go! 6 Write your own script for Scene 6. include the title, the name of the playwright, list of characters, dialogue and stage directions. Punch and the doctor By (your name) Characters: Punch Doctor Punch: Doctor: Scene 6 (lying on the stage) _ Did you know that Puppetry is a very ancient art form. There is evidence that puppets were used in Egypt as early as 2000 BC. Puppets made of clay and ivory were found in Egyptian tombs. Puppets are controlled by people. Some puppets fit over the hand or a finger. Others have strings or rods that are moved from above or below. 102 UNIT 7 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 How did you like it? 1a Read the sentences. Put a plus (+), a minus (-), or plus / minus (+/-) next to them. That was great / incredible / fantastic. EH That was alright, I suppose. EH It was long and very boring. EH I’ll never go to the theatre again. EH I really enjoyed the show. EH It was terrible. EH It was OK, but not great. EH 1 b Listen to the end of the show. Did aii the children like it? 2a I____I Listen again and say who iiked the show (+), who thought it was OK (+/-) and who didn’t like it (-): a) the first boy b) the girl c) the second boy 2b Listen again and tick the things the children talk about. Boy 1 Girl Boy 2 story actors music costumes acting 3a Read about this theatre and say who acts in it. M.E.S.S. (Mr English Stage Stars) is a drama school for both children and adults specialising in musicals. The school does London and Broadway musicals. All the shows are in English. The school is for professional actors and for those who are not professionals, but everybody acts professionally here. This is real theatre! Let’s start at the very beginnings 2c Ask your partner what he / she thinks about the plays in Lessons 2, 3, 4 and 5 and talk about your impressions. Example: A: How did you like the story in Lesson 2, ‘The bear that wasn’t there’? B: I liked it very much. It was great And what about you? How did you like it? A: I think it was long and very boring. M.E.S.S. UNIT 7 Lesson 6 3b Read the interview with the actors and match the questions with their answers. 1 Why did you join the theatre? 2 Are you afraid you may forget your lines? 3 Do you feel nervous on stage? 4 Do you want to be a professional actor? A wig — парик I’m aware of it.— Я это понимаю. bow — кланяться Irina (12): One day my mum took me to the theatre and I really liked it. So I decided to join this theatre. I like acting very much. It’s fun when you’re not being you but somebody else. You show that you’re happy or sad or that you’re in love. In Cinderella I play three parts in one show. Lyuba (13): I like acting very much. In my real life I sometimes act too. I mean when I make up a story, it’s not true, but I really believe in it when I’m acting, so other people believe in it too. But I’m just imagining it and acting. B______________________________ Lyuba (13): I don’t know yet. Sometimes I want to be an actor, sometimes I want to be a singer. Arthur (12): I don’t think I want to be a professional actor when I grow up. Drama helps me to learn English better and not to forget it. Doing drama in English helps me to see what it is like to be an actor. C______________________________ Sasha (13): Just a little bit. The audience are just ordinary people. They don’t want to do you any harm. When I act on stage I do my best and I feel sure they like me, so I’m not scared. One day I even got some flowers after the show. A lady came up on the stage and gave them to me. I felt great. It was my Granny. But I didn’t recognise her because she was acting too — she had a wig on! Arthur (12): Yes, I do feel nervous. I’m scared of being on stage. But I’m aware of it. And at the same time I like the feeling very much. It’s exciting. At the end of the show all the weight falls off your shoulders. You hear applause and you bow. It feels great. D_______________________________ Lyuba (13): I don’t worry about the words. If I forget them I can always make something up and hide any mistakes. People in the audience don’t know what is right. Sasha (13): I never forget my words. I learn my words very well and I practise a lot before the show. 3c Read again and say who: 1 feels scared on stage 2 practises acting in real life 3 practises his lines a lot before the show 4 got some flowers from his grandmother 5 is not afraid to forget her lines 6 doesn’t want to be a professional actor Write a review for the class newsletter giving your opinion of the performances in this unit. Say whether you liked acting in them • Follow the plan: I liked (Title of the play) very much. The story was _ . The actors were _ . The costumes were _ . The music was _ . I played _ in it. I practised my lines a lot. I didn’t feel / felt scared / nervous. Acting in the play was _ . I really enjoyed it. I want to be a professional actor now. great good fantastic incredible exciting interesting cool fun 104 4 UNIT 7 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1a I I Listen and find Jane’s ticket. 45-50 40-44 35-39 < 35 Very good Good OK Look again Time. P.m. Beast date ^Чыо^Елиту The Mermaid 0 '"Sear 12 date_ price. c\j - CO Price Score:___/5 1b IZZI Listen again, read the theatre guide and compiete the information on Jane’s ticket. Children’s Drama School 7 March Cinderella 10 a.m. Mermaid 2 p.m. 8 March The Beauty and the Beast 12 p.m. 2 Program your Robot Mother. • Write down three things your Robot Mother can do. Example: My Robot Mother loves me. Show (a) _ Date (b) _ Time (c) _ Row (d) _ Seat 12 Price 5 pounds Score:__/12 3 Write down the words for the things in the picture. 1 sea 5_______ 2 6 Score:___/ 9 3 7 105 4 UNIT 7 Lesson 7 4 Find and write the first four lines for the characters in the story. The Rabbit and the Fox One day a fox saw a rabbit. The Fox ran after it. He caught the Rabbit in his mouth and said, ‘Little Rabbit, I want to eat you. ’ What couid the poor Rabbit do? He said to the Fox, ‘Very weii, Mr Fox, eat me up! But first piease sing to me. You sing so weii. ’ The Fox was very happy to hear these words. He opened his mouth a iittie and began to sing: ‘I’m a fox, iookatme! I’ve caught a rabbit, fat is he!’ The Rabbit said, 7 can’t hear you very weii, Mr Fox. Can you sing a iittie iouder?’ So the Fox opened his mouth a little more and began to sing a little louder: Tmafox, Iookatme! I’ve caught a rabbit, fat is he!’ ‘Oh, that’s better, Mr Fox,’ said the Rabbit. ‘But I know you can sing much better. Put me down on the grass near you. Then you can open your mouth very wide and sing very well.’ The Fox put the little Rabbit down on the grass near him, opened his mouth very wide and began to sing: ‘I’m a fox, look at me! I’ve caught...’ ‘Oh, no, you haven’t, you haven’t,’ cried the Rabbit, and ran away. Before the Fox had time to close his mouth, the little Rabbit was far away. Fox: Little Rabbit, I want to eat you. Rabbit: (1) ^ Fox: (2) ^ Rabbit: (3) ^ Score:__/6 5 Write two sentences for each child: Question: How did you like the show? 1 2 1 2 Score:__/12 Total:___/ 50 106 UNIT 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Project Let’s play at theatre 1 In your group prepare for your show. 1 Choose a story from the unit. 2 Choose a director and actors for the characters. 3 Think of sound effects. 4 Choose some music for your play. 5 Choose the costumes, props and make-up. 2 Arrange the classroom into a theatre. 1 Make tickets. 2 Invite your parents, friends and relatives. 3 Act out the play for your teacher and classmates. 4 Watch the plays and complete the review form. Give one star (^) for a good try up to 5 stars (★★★★★) for best shows. Title of the play Acting Story Music and sound effects Costumes, props and make-up Actors 5 Vote for the Academy Awards • best actor (a boy) • best actor (a girl) • best costume • best music • best sound effects 6 Use pictures to make a show poster. 7 Write the title of the show and the actors’ names under each photograph. 107 8 Town and village Lesson 1 Where do you live? Match the photos and the words 1 an island 2 a city 3 a town 4 a village 2a Listen and say who lives where. 108 UNIT 8 Lesson 1 2b Em Listen again and tick the boxes with the answers. • Why do you like living in your place? i like living in / on ^ because^ Lisa Damon Kirsty Matthew I like going to the city centre. we can go and see wildlife. it’s nice to go round with friends. there isn’t much traffic here. you can walk in the fields. it’s a very beautiful town with lots of old buildings. we have lots of open space. people don’t lock their doors. it’s a big city and there are lots of shops and restaurants. people are really friendly here. there are lots of sights, cinemas and things to do. I like the school I go to. it is a safe place. 2c I* I Listen and check if your answers are correct. 3 Tell your friend about the place where you live and why you like living there. • Use sentences from Ex. 2b 4 Write about the place where you live and why you like living there. Example: I like living in Perm because I like going to the city centre. There are lots of cafes and shops there... Did you know that \ The world’s biggest cities by population are Mumbai (India), Tokyo (Japan), Karachi (Pakistan), Delhi (India), Sac Paulo (Brazil), Moscow (Russia). 109 UNIT 8 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 The London Eye A TOUR OF 1a Say the names of places and find them in the photos. Buckingham Palace [,Ьлк1цэт p{lis] Trafalgar Square [1гэ,Гэг1дэ skwea] Tower Bridge [,tau9 'bndj] The Tower of London [,tau9 of 1лпс1эп] Big Ben [,big 'ben] A The Tower of London The Tower of London is a castle next to the River Thames. It is now a museum. The most famous things in the Tower of London are the Crown Jewels. Buckingham Palace It is the home of the Queen. It’s the largest house in London with more than 660 rooms in it. It has an indoor swimming pool and a cinema. Big Ben The name of the biggest bell in the clock tower in the Houses of Parliament building. 1b Say the words and match them with the Russian words. 1 popular ['pnpjulo] a) колонна Нельсона 2 Crown Jewels [,kraun '^^ols] b) символ 3 symbol ['simbol] c) знаменитый 4 famous ['feimos] d) популярный 5 Nelson’s Column [,nelsonz 'knlom] e) Сокровища Британской короны 2a Read the leaflet and do the Quickie London Quiz. Quickie London Quiz 1 What is in the middle of Trafalgar Square? 2 What is Big Ben? 3 Name the bridge which is a symbol of London. 4 What place is the home of the Queen? 2b What place in London would you like to visit? Why? Example: I’d like to visit Buckingham Palace because the Queen lives there. \ 3a 1^ Listen to a tour guide and match the parts of the sentences. 1 In front of you is _ . a) the Tower of London 2 Straight ahead you can see _ . b) Hyde Park Corner 3 On the right you can see _ . c) the Roman Wall of the City 4 Behind us over there is _ . d) No 10 Dowing Street 5 On the left is _ . e) Buckingham Palace ^ 3b Take your partner on a guided tour of these famous places in London and say where to look. Example: Straight ahead you can see Trafalgar Square. ■ir'V, ^ r, . V. I -■ r-' 110 LONDON Trafalgar Square It is a very popular place for people to meet. In the middle of the square there is the Nelson’s Column, which is 51 m high with four huge lions. UNIT 8 Lesson 2 4a Study the words in the LOOK box and answer the questions. See Grammar support 15. 1 Which words are short and which are long: big / old / famous / popular? 2 When do you use -est, with short or with long words? 3 When do you use most? 4 What do all these forms have in common? LOOK big — the biggest old — t^ oldest large — the largest famous — t^ most famous popular — the most popular E Tower Bridge One of London’s best known sights, it is often used as a symbol representing London. It opens when big ships pass through. Not the same as London Bridge! T 4b Complete with the words in the box. • Use the right form. Straight ahead you can see one of the (1) _ and (2) _ sights in London. It is The London Eye. It was opened on the 1st of February, 2000. It is (3) ^ wheel in the world. It is 135 metres high. It has 32 capsules. You go up for twenty-five minutes and get (4) ^ view from it. The Eye can give you a great view of (5) _ places: St Paul’s Cathedral — one of (6) _ cathedrals in the world, Big Ben, Westminster and a lot of other (7) ^ places. ---------------------■ ■ — Ш I--------------------»T 5a Act out a tour of a famous place in your city / town / village. A Straight ahead you can see. B Now we’re going over. ;C C Now we’re in. 1 r #»*T ffi-dD E *i| F -r - 1 G D We’re turning into. 5b Write about the most popular, beautiful or newest place in your city, town, village. • Use Ex. 2a for help. G On the right you can. ^H In front of you there is... ^ 111 UNIT 8 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Where dreams come true 1a Look at the pictures of the town and the village and answer the questions. 1 Do you like this town? Why? / Why not? 2 Do you like this village? Why? / Why not? 1b Read these leaflets and answer the questions. 1 What can you find in these places? 2 What can you do there? watch birds / animals / wildlife go to the cinema / the theatre / a sports centre / school visit museums / libraries see cottages / shops / buildings / parks / restaurants boring / exciting / tall / small / new / beautiful / historic ‘^‘5' oi Discover the magic of Holy Island This beautiful, peaceful, historic island is in the North of England. 1, is not like the city. It has a sma village with one school, shops and cottages where 1 P P live You can watch sheep, seals or oth wildWe there. Conte and visit the famous castle. It's 450 years old. You can wonderful views from this magica p ac ‘lwhich is on top of an extinct volcano. 112 UNIT 8 Lesson 3 1c Ask your friend if he or she would like to live in U-City or on Holy Island and why. See Grammar support 16. Example: Would you like to live in U-City? ? Yes. I would. I like modern buildings and I can go to the cinemas, theatres, museums, cafes, libraries, sports centres there. What about you? No, I’d like to live in this village on Holy Island because I like the country and the sea and can go fishing there or watch sheep and seals or other wildlife like birds. LOOK Would you like to live in / on_? Yes, I would. No, I wouldn’t. 2a 1^^ Listen to the interview and say where Jane and Dima would like to live. 2b Read and complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. 1 I’d like to live in a big _ place near the sea. 2 Because I love modern cities with.....and wide streets. 3 I’d like to live in a town with _ . 4 I’d like to live on _ . 5 I’d like to have many interesting places in my dream town: cinemas, theme _ , _ , _ , sports centres. 6 I can go sailing on the sea, _ in the sports centre, watch films in the cinemas, drive a car or _ in a balloon. play tennis modern cafes lots of parks and lakes shops tall buildings travel parks an island 4 2c 1^ Listen to the interview again and check your answers in Ex. 2b. 3a Interview your friend about his / her dream place. • Take notes and then report to the group. Example: A: Where would you like to live? B: I’d like to live in a village. 1 Where / you / live / ? 2 Where / you / like / to live / ? 3 Why / you / like / to live there / ? 4 What / you / like / to have in your dream place / ? 5 What / you / do / in your dream place / ? 3b In groups make a survey of popular dream places. Make a leaflet about your dream city / town / village. • Draw a picture or a plan. • Write about what you would like to have in your city / town / village. • What can you do there? Example: I’d like to live In a village near the sea because I can go swimming and fishing. I can watch birds and dolphins. I’d like to have a cinema In my village. I can watch all the new films there. 113 UNIT 8 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 incredible buildings 1a Match the names of the buildings with the photos. 1 St Peter ■ Jnext ?o^the market place ) Norwich, ^ It is one of the most ) ^^?i^r«sinEnglond.Itisfomousfor.s special colourful window. beoutiful fro. all 114 UNIT 8 Lesson 4 1b Look at the information in the tables and name the buildings. ,^esco Loc ;at»on tne вер’ Каге''^ i К\хП' OneQ^ ■\s' i\and on Lake con ;ted W\a^ Use )X\^\ ^usenn^ агсРЛес^ — 3 UNESCO World Heritage Location t>yciney, Australia Constructed 1973 Use Architect Theatres, Arts Complex 1c Read the texts in Ex. 1a and 1b again and answer the questions. 1 What is St Peter Mancroft famous for? 2 How old is the Petronas Twin Towers building? 3 How tall are the towers? 4 How many floors has the building got? 5 Who is Cesar Pelli? 6 What is one of the most beautiful wooden churches in Russia? 7 What design is the Sydney Opera House? 8 What shape is its roof? 9 What kind of walls and floors are inside the building? 2a Look at the photo of the Transfiguration church and say how many domes the church has got. 2b 1^ Listen to the tour guide and check. 3 In pairs find out which of these buildings your partner would like to visit and why. Example: A: Would you like to visit the Sydney Opera House? B: No, I’d like to visit the Twin Towers because they are the tallest towers in the world. 4 In groups decide which building is: • the most beautiful • the most unusual • the most famous 5 Think about a building you would like to have in your place and write about its design. • Mention what is special about it: — the most unusual — the most beautiful — the most popular in your town / village • Draw a picture or a plan. Example: I’d like to have a big sports centre in my village. It is a modern design. The roof has the shape of a football. Inside the building there are black and white granite walls and floors. 115 UNIT 8 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Build it yourself 1a Read the words and match them with the materials. wool paper glass wood steel straw brick plastic 1b Read the article about the winners of the competition “Build it yourself” and say which house is: 1 the most modern 2 the most impressive 3 the most colourful This handmade house is colourful and unique. The walls, windows and roof are made of wool. A group of knitters in Britain knitted the house, trees and even the sculptures. It looks peaceful and wonderful. It’s a local sight. You can build your own too. A Johnson from the USA ^ ^built this house. It has glass walls. It’s one 1c Choose and say what nominations you would give. Example: I think a wool house is the most unusual. гг'акааИ Kihara made “t own paper house. unique peaceful beautiful big unusual 116 UNIT 8 Lesson 5 2a IZZI Listen to the children and match their names with the houses. 2b Say what houses the children want to build. Example: Mat wants to build a^ 2c Who do you think will win the ‘Build it yourself’ competition? Why? Example: I think Mat will win because his house is the most^ 3 In pairs find out what kind of houses your partner would like to build. Example: A: Would you like to build a straw house? B: No, I’d like to build a house of steel and glass. 4 Take part in the ‘Build it yourself’ competition. • Think about the house you would like to build. • Draw a picture or a plan. Write about the materials you want to use. Example: I’d like to build a straw house. It has got straw walls and the roof is covered with straw. It’s easy to build with my friends. 117 UNIT 8 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Moscow 1 Read about places in Moscow and say where you would like to go. ;^J^OIUEK Yury It is a zoo children to ■ ^‘^^Quanums. ®^®area/so Kuklachev’s House of Cats ==S“HrS= The Spasskaya Tower It is the tallest of the twenty Kremlin towerS;,)tC';nrk 657.3 metres high. The tower is famous fOrc!kssCr‘ikeks m^etde in the 16th century. The Kremlin c|ockrs^;'kees every hour, half hour and every quarter hour. The minute hand is 3.38 metres long. El mm b). Poklonnaya Gora It is a special place in the history of MoscoW' Napoleon waited on Poklonnaya Mountain for the keys to Moscow. During World War 11 the solders passed by the Poklonnaya Mountain leaving for the front to defend Russia. Tretyakov Gallery Russian The State Armoury Crown of Monomakh fho 'UQendary collection 0, ВпГа! '“Host “'oepons, crowns and r'”' ™ --------------rulers. UarV bisto^V. tbe bistorv ot -(-here are 24 . ^iavy from the the Bussianj«W anting beginning otthe^^_-------------------- 118 UNIT 8 Lesson 6 Red Square . beautiful Rpd с;^ ^ name means and S, Basil’s Ca,til Look at the colourful squares and listen to your teacher’s instructions. Play the board game Moscow for kids. Rules: Miss a turn Miss a turn Choose A, B, C or D and put the counters on the START square. Throw a 6 to start. Then move clockwise. When you land on a red square answer a red question, on a green square answer a green questions etc. When you land on a black square you have to go back to START When you land on a white square you have to miss a turn. You are the winner if you get to the Ostankino Tower first. Miss a turn The Ostankino Ostankino Tower iS a I in MOSCOW. It ^ . -fv tower in Europe nign and its J^ltondars of Moscow and Asia,Yoo can seer tire viewing platform ar Moscow 119 2 UNIT 8 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 l^l Listen and match. • Where do these people live? 1 Nick a) in a village 2 Sarah b) in a town 3 Dave c) in a city 4 Sarah’s aunt d) on an island 5 Dave’s uncle Score:___/10 2 Complete the sentences. Put in the words in the correct form. Example: This is (modern) house in the town. This is the most modern house in the town. This book is (interesting) book you can find in the library. I think this building is (beautiful) in the town. The Petronas Twin Towers are (tall) twin towers in the world. Buckingham Palace is (large) house in London. What is (old) building in Moscow? Score:___/10 3 Read and write where the children would like to live. Mike: I live in Belfast. Well, it is really good because there are lots of places to visit. I like visiting my uncle who lives in the country near the city. I like to go swimming and fishing with him. I would like to live in a village near the sea because I then can go sailing in a boat. Nancy: I live in Plymouth. I enjoy going to the Aquarium and the skating rink. I like going to the city centre because it’s really nice just walking about with my friends and looking in shops at things that you’d like for Christmas. I love to walk to the Hoe and watch the sea. Dave: I love to live in Norwich because the people are really friendly and sometimes you meet all your friends and you get to go out playing with them. I’d like to live in London in 2012 because there will be Olympic Games and I’d like to watch this event. 1 Mike would like to live^ 2 Nancy would^_____________ 3 Dave. 45-50 40-44 35-39 < 35 Very good Good OK Look again 4 Jenny wants to be an architect. Look at her plan of a new project and write five sentences about the building. Example: It is a tall building. It is a modern... Score:__/15 Score:__/15 120 UNIT 8 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Project A friendly place 1 Split into three groups / teams. 2 Brainstorm a list of buildings and do the research as a team. Ask each member of your team which buildings you would like to have in your home town or city. Sum up the results of your project. Example: Would you like to have a leisure complex? Misha Lena a leisure complex a church / cathedral a) Think of materials you are going to use (stone, wood, glass, metal) for buildings. b) Build a city / town / village / island. • Draw the buildings • Find the pictures, cut them out and paste them on to the poster. • Use cans, plastic bottles, boxes, cloth and other stuff to construct your project. • Use Lego to construct your project. 3 Make a sightseeng tour of your project for tourists. Check list: 1 Did you build all the places you planned for your project? 2 Do you know how to name all the buildings? 3 Can you say what kind of materials you used? 4 Can you name the parts of your buildings? 5 What can you do in each of your buildings? 6 Would you like to live in the place you have built? 4 Make a presentation of your project. You can start like this: This is our project of a friendly place called ‘^’. It’s a village / town / city / island. You can_ and_ ^ LANGUAGE SUPPORT^____________________________________________ You can_ and_ On the left there is_ On the right you can see_ It’s a swimming pool_ This is a building with glass walls and a roof covered with. It has. It’s the tallest. It’s the most beautiful building. 5 Choose a certificate for each project. 121 9 Summer plans Lesson 1 What’s the weather like? 1 Look at the pictures, read and match the words and the pictures. 1 stormy 2 windy 3 cloudy 4 wet 5 foggy 6 sunny 7 snow(y) 8 hot 9 warm 10 cool 11 cold d2b ала b & t Ь b Ь Ь Ь пО -20° 5° 2a Look and say the temperature. Example: It’s 5 degrees. It’s minus 10 (degrees). 4 .21 2b Look at the map and talk about the weather with your partner. Example: A: What’s the weather like in Tula? B: It’s cloudy and wet. A: What’s the temperature? B: It’s plus eight degrees. 2ci I^I Listen and find where Jane is on the map °M®©ctew о ©QffiSM] T ® kfl> Tula-- ° 7 ° о NQZtornB N©ag®r©d' о Tambov ’I- о ёшши© о Volqoqra'd А, •т 1 12 ° IRostov-on ^ . ' o,S®®(hft ■■ > e ■J /? ■■ H lyr.. 122 UNIT 9 Lesson 1 3 Look at the map, read the weather forecast and fill in the gaps. Weather Forecast for Thursday, 28 April Much of the European part of Russia has cloudy skies today. It is _ and cool in Moscow, where the temperature's _ degrees. It's _ in Tula, _ in Nizhni Novgorod and _ in Suzdal. In Samara it's _ . Occasional rain is possible in the evening. Light snow and low temperatures are possible over the eastern part of Russia in Omsk, Verkhoyansk, Ekaterinburg and Vladivostok. In Verkhoyansk it's _ . The temperature's _ . In the south of Russia warm, sunny weather is expected until Thursday afternoon. It's _ in Sochi and Rostov-on-Don. The temperature in Sochi is _ degrees. 4 What’s the weather like in your region? Write the weather forecast for your region. Example: It’s wet and windy in Moscow. The temperature is seven degrees. In Podolsk it’s warm and sunny. The temperature is eight degrees. Light snow and low temperatures (three degrees) are possible in Dmitrov. У о -5° / о VegMhQyanFlk: ■ I South VDadv®saofe -o- ^ ° ^ -8^ If 123 UNIT 9 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Weather facts 1a Look at the pictures and say the names of the places 1b Look at the fact file and answer the questions: 1 Which place is wet in summer and dry in winter? 2 Which place has mild weather in winter and hot weather in summer? 3 Which places are very dry? 4 Which place is damp in August and September and humid in June and July? 5 Which place is very cold in winter and foggy in summer? 6 Which places have summer in December? Name What are the seasons? What’s the weather like? What’s the temperature? How often does it rain? 'c a <5 Ф ^ 5 Wet season (summer) — May to September Dry season (winter) — October to March cloudy and wet sunny 20 ... 30 °C 16 ... 25 °C It rains almost every day, heavy rain. There’s no rain for weeks. £ t: О Ф Summer — October to March Winter — April to September windy and warm cool, cloudy 14 ... 27 °C 0 ... 25 °C In some places it rains only once every 100 years. .2 *-Ф < 0) Ш ■о Winter — May to September Summer — October to April warm, sometimes hot sunny and hot 20 ... 25 °C 40 ... 50 °C max. 58 °C Occasional rain in winter. £ 4-> 0 Ф z 0 Ф 0£ H Winter — November to March very cold and windy -30 ... -45 °C Summer — March to November cloudy, foggy and warm in June and July, sometimes sunny and hot. wet and cool in August and September 0 ... 25 °C It often rains from April to September. £ 4-> о o> w о 0) Q-£ 1- Winter — March to November very cold, windy, stormy -60 ... -85 °C min. -91 °C It never rains. Summer — November to March cold, windy -40 ... -60 °C 124 UNIT 9 Lesson 21 1c Look through the fact file again and answer the question: Which place is the hottest / the coldest / the driest / the wettest ? 2a I^I Listen to the radio programme and say which place it is about. 2b' I^I Listen again and answer. What is the hottest month in this place? 2c Answer the questions. 1 Would you like to go to Cherrapunji? 2 When would you like to go there? 3 Play the Guessing game. Example: A: It’s windy and dry in summer. The temperature is between 14-27°C. It’s cool, cloudy and dry in winter. The temperature is between 0-25oC. It’s the driest place on earth. B: Is it the Atacama desert? A: Yes, it is. 4 Answer the questions about the climate and seasons where you live. 1 What is the hottest / coldest month where you live? 2 Is there a wet / dry season where you live? 3 When does winter / summer begin where you live? 5 Write about the climate and seasons where you live. • Use this plan to help you. Example: I live in St Petersburg. It is a damp place. It isn’t a humid place like Sochi. Did you know that Hurricanes are very damaging. They can destroy a city in minutes. Hurricanes are given girls’ and boys’ names. Atlantic hurricanes are given their names in alphabetical order from the beginning of the season. This makes them easier to identify. Plan Winter begins (?) Weather in winter (?) Temperature (?) Summer begins (?) Weather in summer (?) Temperature (?) The hottest month (?) The coldest month (?) 125 UNIT 9 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Making plans 1a* I^I Look at the picture, listen and say what the children are talking about: A their plans for tomorrow B what they did yesterday C what they usually do LOOK What are you going to do? I’m going to^ I’m not going to^ Are you going to_? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 1 b 1^^ Who says what? Listen and tick. i’m going to Dima Aigul Jane Max take pictures go out go swimming play football play tennis go fishing 126 UNIT 9 Lesson 3 2 Find out what your partner is going to do tomorrow. Example: A: Are you going to study maths tomorrow? B: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. go horse-riding fly a kite play ping pong go sailing go to the amusement park go camping go fishing go to the zoo go shopping play computer games read a book go skiing do your homework go for a walk with friends visit granny help with the housework play football go to the park go skateboarding play the guitar ride a bike do karate watch TV listen to music 3a A boy is talking to his sister about his plans. What is he going to do at the North Pole? 3b‘ 1^1 Listen to the conversation and check your guesses. 3c Write the girl’s questions beginning with the words from the box. What? Where? When? How? Why? LOOK \ Where are you going to go? Example: When are you going to go? 4 Play the Nonsense game. • In groups write a funny story about who is going to do what. • On a sheet of paper write in turns answers to these questions: Who? What? When? Who_ with? Where? 1 Dima’s dog Rex 2 is going to ride a bike 3 on Sunday 4 with his grandmother 5 in the park У 5 Your friend is going to go on holiday. Ask five questions about his / her plans. Example: Where are you going to go? 127 UNIT 9 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 if the weather’s fine. 1a What are you going to do at the weekend? • Copy the table and fill it in with your own answers. You Your partner play chess 7 watch TV 7 play computer games get up at 7 o’clock read a book ride my bike help my mum go fishing go swimming go skiing 1b Ask your partner questions and fill in the second column in the table (Ex. 1a). Example: A: What are you going to do at the weekend? B: I’m going to ride my bike. A: Are you going to play computer games? B: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 1c Are you both going to do the same things or different things? Report to the class. Example: We’re both going to watch TV at the weekend. We aren’t going to play football at the weekend. look I’m You’re He’s She’s It’s We’re You’re They’re going to watch TV. We aren’t You aren’t They aren’t He isn’t She isn’t It isn’t 128 UNIT 9 Lesson 4 2a Look at the pictures and say what you are going / not going to do if the weather is like it is in the picture. Example: It’s windy. I’m not going to ride my bike, I’m going to read a book. 2b I I Listen and number the pictures from Ex. 2a in the order this weather appears in the conversation. ^^ LOOK ^ 2c Study the LOOK box and answer the questions. 1 It’s warm. Am I going to ride my bike in the park? 2 It’s windy. Am I going to ride my bike in the park? 2d How do you know the answer to these questions? 1 Which word tells you? 2 What is the Russian for this word? 3 Translate the sentences in the LOOK box into Russian. What do you notice about the verbs? 3^ 1^1 Listen again and taikto your partner about the chiidren’s pians and how they can change because of weather. Example: Dima is going to ride a bike if it’s warm. If it’s windy, he’s going to watch TV. 4 Fill in the missing words. 1 If the weather is _, Max is going to go to the beach. 2 If it’s wet, Aigul’s going to _ . 3 _ the weather’s _, Anya’s going to go to the zoo with her friend. 4 _ it’s windy and cloudy, Dima is going to _ . 5 Play the if game and say what you are going to do, if it’s^ • Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow? • Join two halves and read a sentence. i’m going to ride my bike in the park if it’s warm. if it’s windy, i’m going to watch TV. If it's hot, I am going to make a snowman. 6 Write a nonsense story about what you are going to do at the weekend if the weather is hot, cold, wet^ Example: If it’s sunny and hot, I’m going to go skiing. If it’s cloudy and wet, I’m going to go swimming. 129 UNIT 9 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 I ^ holidays i1a) Ш Listen and say what Misha and Katherine are going to do in June. Example: Misha is going to visit his grandma. 2b Make as many sentences as you can It's good fun swim in the sea. great pick mushrooms. wonderful make sandcastles. fantastic ride a bike all day. exciting to go sailing. brilliant live in a tent. amazing go camping. do sports. make new friends. 2c Say what holidays you like and why. Example: I like summer camp, because I can play football, swim in the river. It’s good fun. 130 UNIT 9 Lesson 5 [ 3a Help Misha and Katherine to choose a summer camp. Misha likes adventures and sports. If you are interested in acting, puppetry ballet, rock music, jazz, choreography, folk dance, modern dance, circus drama, arts and crafts -our camp is for YOU! Katherine likes dancing. SMART You enjoy school and want better marks... Welcome to our camp! You'll explore fun ways to make learning easier. There are special courses in geology, maths, gardening, astronomy, ecology, aviation and foreign languages (English, German, French). Olympiis я 4chool holiday “f action excitement and adventure. qnendaweekinourcamp. our programme will give you other team sports. 3b Choose a camp and say what you are going to do there. Example: I’m going to go to Smart camp, because I like English and maths. 4 Write a letter to a pen pal about your summer plans and invite him / her to join you. • Change the underlined words where necessary. A typical day offers f many opportunities 'Or campers to participate in a wide range of outdoor activities such as h'king, camping, rock climbing, saiiing and swimming, plus tennis and archery. Dear Jane, I really love holidays. They are such fun. In June I'm going to play all the time with my friends, ride my bike and read books. If the weather is fine we are going to go fishing and swimming in the river. In July I'm going to visit my grandparents. We pick mushrooms in the forest. In August I'm going to go to a sports camp and spend two weeks there. We are going to play football and basketball. If it's hot, we are going to go to the swimming pool every day. Holidays are great fun! What are you going to do in the holidays? Let's go to the camp together. Write me soon, Anya 131 UNIT 9 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Where to go? 1a Read the letters from Dima’s new friends and match them with the pictures. There is one extra picture. Hello, Dima, What are you going to do on holiday? Come to my place. I live near the sea. Alaska's a great place to visit. In summer you can do a lot of things, like go sea fishing, flyfishing and horseback riding. In winter you can go skating, ice fishing and snowboarding, or you can drive your own team of sled dogs across the tundra. Hope to hear from you soon, James Hi, Dima, How are you? Where are you going for your holidays? Can you come and visit me this year? Spain's beautiful at any time of year, in winter it isn't very cold, and in summer it's dry and sunny. The best time to visit Spain is May, June or September (when it's not too hot). We can go to the beach, the wild life park, or to the Flamenco Dance Festival — one of the most famous festivals in Spain. Best wishes, Camila Hello, Dima, Thanks for your letter and the pictures. Your city looks great. Do you often have snow in winter? I’ve never seen snow. Here it’s always warm or even hot in winter. Why don’t you come and see me in the holidays? We can visit National Parks. We can go on a camel safari, go fishing or even water skiing. Hope to hear from you soon, Maria 132 UNIT 9 Lesson 6 1b Read the letters again, find the words in bold type and guess what they mean. 1c Answer the questions. 1 What’s the weather like in Alaska in summer? 2 What can you do in Alaska in summer? 3 What can you do in Alaska in winter? 4 What’s the best time to visit Spain? Why? 5 What’s the most famous festival in Spain? 6 What’s the weather like in India in winter? 7 What are the best places to visit in India? 1d Where do you think Dima is going to go? Why do you think so? Example: I think he’s going to go to Alaska in winter. He can go snowboarding and drive a team of sled dogs across the tundra. It’s fantastic! 2 Complete the fact file about your place. My place Place (city, town, village) Weather in winter What can you do in winter Weather in summer What can you do in summer Places to visit 3 invite an English pupil to visit your place. • Find some pictures of your place. • Write about the weather in different seasons and the most popular activities. Did you know that The Snow Castle of Kemi is the biggest snow castle in the world. It is rebuilt every winter with a different type of architecture. About 300,000 people visit it every year in Kemi, Finland. The area of the castle is between 13,000 and 20,000 square metres. The highest towers are over 20 metres. Some of the walls are over 1,000 metres long. The snow castle has a chapel, a restaurant and a hotel. The Snow Restaurant has ice tables and seats covered with reindeer fur (мех оленя), as well as ice sculptures. 133 UNIT 9 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 45-50 40-44 35-39 < 35 Very good Good OK Look again I^I Listen, draw the weather symbols and write the temperatures for each city. One weather symbol and one temperature are extra. есть d d 4 О 15°C 25 °C 20 °C 18°C 27 °C 17 °C Moscow Madrid Paris Rome Berlin 2 Read and find the best place for the family in the picture to go to on holiday. Score:___/14 A We are a family of four and live in a big city. Our city is very beautiful. There are a lot of interesting places to see and things to do here. But it is a little bit noisy, especially in summer when many tourists come to visit. We are going to go on holiday in summer and want to find the best place for everyone in the family. My dad is fond of water sports; mum likes comfort — she's not going to live in a tent! My brother and I like adventures. We are going for a treasure hunt somewhere in the mountains or in the sea Suzdal Plan a great day out with your family in this ancient Russian city! There is always a lot to see and do for all the family: • explore many historic places • visit our museum • enjoy a cup of traditional Russian tea in a cafe B GOLDEN LAKE This is a beautiful, quiet place in the mountains. There is always a lot to see and do for all the family: • comfortable holiday cottages • guided tours to caves and waterfalls • horse-riding • mountain hiking and climbing • water skiing Rainbow Valley Enjoy this / and of forests and rivers, where you can: • live in a tent • cook on a camp fire • swim and fish in the river • have adventures in the forest Score:___/12 3 What are children going to / not going to do at the weekend? Example: If it’s hot and sunny, Aigul is going to swim in the river. If it’s wet, she is not going to walk in the park. wet windy foggy hot and sunny Aigul walk in the park swim in the river Dima fly a kite ride a bike Max play football watch TV Jane play tennis go sailing Score:___/ 24 Total:____/ 50 134 UNIT 9 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Project PLANNING A MOLSDAY Get into groups of four. In your group choose a place and a season you want to present. Decide who is the meteorologist, archaeologist, tour guide and photographer for your group. Study your role cards. ^.f^^METEOROLOGiST • You write about the climate of your place. • You report about the weather in this season. Example: In Egypt winters are mild, summers are hot^ 2 ARCHAEOLOGiST • You talk about the historical sights of your place, name the most interesting places. Example: The most interesting place in Egypt is the Pyramids. PHOTOGRAPHER • You collect pictures and photos or make 1 drawings of your place. Show them to the other pupils and talk about them. Example: This is the museum in Cairo. It’s the oldest building in the city. ^ \ TOUR GUiDE 1 • You talk about the most popular seasonal activities in your place. Example: You can go horse riding or camel riding, go swimming. 2 Make a poster to present your holiday place. 3 Present your place using your poster and ideas. • Put your group posters on the blackboard or on the wall. • Talk about your place (the weather, climate, famous sights and the most popular activities). 4 Listen to other groups’ presentations and ask questions for more information. Example: What’s the weather like in^ in summer? Can we go fishing there? 5 Choose the best place to go on holiday. • Vote for the place you like best. • You can’t vote for the place your group presented! 135 10 My planet Lesson 1 A strange planet 1»Д Listen to the conversation, read and answer the question. • Do the children know the name of the planet? Jane: Dima: Jane: Dima: Jane: Eva: Dima: Wow! Look! What a strange planet! There’re a lot of red rocks and deserts here_ And black hills... Those are not just hills, Jane. They’re volcanoes. Look! There are a lot of dried-out rivers and lakes around them. And I can’t see any plants or forests^ It’s a horrible place! Yes, the view’s scary. But look! Can you see those huge stones? They look like the ruins of a big city_ Yes, that’s really strange. Let’s ask our central computer about this planet. OK, Eva, tell us the name of this planet, please. Captain, that’s impossible. The navigation system’s out of action. You need to call the control station on Earth. O-o-ps! We’ve got a problem. 2 Complete the Captain’s logbook. 5 November 2085 12.03 p.m- coptai" f red (1) we see a big P'""'’*" or oceans bat there are a “ ° ery scary, no life there. ,November .OSO 12.41 p.W. captain jane ^e are lost, our hovigatio У we need to call Earth. 136 3a Look at this Planet Atlas and answer the questions: • Which do you think is the planet from Ex. 1? Why? UNIT 10 Lesson 1 4 Role play. Pupil A: You are Craig Norman from the control station on Earth. Ask Jane / Dima questions about the planet. Pupil B: You are Jane / Dima. Answer Craig Norman’s questions about the planet. 5 Play the Guessing game. Pupil A: Imagine you are a cosmonaut. Look at p. 153, choose a planet you are going to fly to and describe it to your partner. Example: This planet is large. There are mountains and hills there. The temperature is from -30 to 30 °C. Pupil B: Look at the planets in the Planet Atlas. Listen to your partner and guess her / his planet. Think of your own planet, draw it and write a description. 6 137 UNIT 10 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Underground Land 1a Look at the pictures and put them in the right order. I thought I saw something on that rock. Looks like the footprint of a giant bird. 1b Listen to Dima and Jane talking and check the order of the pictures. • What happened after the landing? 2a Listen to the conversation with Zirt and say if he is happy to live underground? 138 UNIT 10 Lesson 2 2b ^ Listen again and complete the notes about the climate on Antharas now. Climate g о c seasons (1) weather above ground (2) (3) to weather underground (4) (5) to 3 Look at the picture and complete the notes about people in Underground Land. People height eyes ears (1) short (2) (3) 4a in pairs compare: 1 the climate and life on Antharas many years ago and now; 2 people on Antharas many years ago and now. Example: Now it’s colder on Antharas than before. People are shorter now. They were taller many years ago. tn Ш > о > я я E Antharas: Climate seasons weather t° winter cold, sunny, snow -15° spring / autumn warm, cloudy, rain 16° summer hot, sunny, dry 30° Antharas: People height tall eyes big, blue or brown ears small (Л Ш > я я E 4b in groups, report about how the climate and people on Antharas changed. Use the information in this lesson. Complete the Captain’s logbook using the adjectives in the correct form. 5 November 2085 22.03 p.m. There is life on Antharas. But the people live uhdergroith 40 О 30-40 15-30 О < 15 154 Grammar support 1. Личные местоимения и притяжательные прилагательные Кто? Что? Чей? Чья? Чьё? я I my мой, моя, моё, мои он he his его она she her её он, она, оно it its его, её (о неодушевленном (неодушевленный предмет или животное) предмете или животном) мы we our наш, наша, наше, наши ты you your твой,твоя,твоё,твои вы you your ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши они they their их 2. to be (am, is, are) Этот глагол поможет тебе представиться, сказать, сколько тебе лет и откуда ты. У этого глагола три разные формы. Если ты говоришь о себе, используй форму am. Если ты рассказываешь о своем друге или подруге, то тебе нужна форма is. Ну а если тех, о ком ты говоришь, много, то тебе ^______ нужна форма множественного числа are. I am 1 He/She/lt is > from London. We/You/They are J V-------- Обрати внимание, что в русском языке этот глагол в настоящем времени обычно отсутствует и на русский язык не переводится. Например: I am Max. / Я — Макс. Когда ты о чeм-то рассказываешь и хочется рассказать обо всeм как можно быстрее, используй краткие формы: Ann, ^ am Мах. Г am ten. Г am from London I’m Max. I’m ten. I’m from London I am I’m he is he’s she is she’s we are we’re you are you’re they are they’re Краткие отрицательные формы выглядят так: I am not I’m not is not isn’t are not aren’t LOOK 1. утверждение отрицание © — О— (? Yes / No) (? Wh) — вопрос со словами when, where, why, how, who, what вопрос, на который отвечают “да” или “нет” (? Who / What) 155 Grammar support Max’s from London. Макс из Лондона. Anya is from London. Anya isn’t from London. Аня не из Лондона. Обрати внимание, что в вопросе глагол am / is / are меняет своe место и становится перед подлежащим. Не забудь, что недостаточно просто ответить Yes или No. Необходимо ещe добавить соответствующее местоимение и нужную форму глагола. Are you new? Ты новенький? No, I’m not. Нет. (? Yes / No ^ ^ ^ 3. have got / has got Если ты хочешь рассказать о том, что у тебя есть (к примеру, похвастаться, что у тебя есть большая коллекция брелоков), тебе поможет have got. Когда же ты говоришь, что есть у твоего друга или подруги, то нужно использовать has got. I We You They J 55 key rings. He 1 She > has got It J При этом в устной речи от have остаeтся только ’ve, а от has — только ’s. have got 156 Grammar support Обрати внимание, что в вопросе глагол have / has меняет свое место и становится перед подлежащим. Не забудь, что недостаточно просто ответить Yes или No. Необходимо ещe добавить соответствующее местоимение и нужную форму глагола. Have you got any Russian key rings? What have you got in your collection?^ I’ve got 53 key rings. ? Wh) 157 Grammar support 4. Imperative (Повелительное наклонение) На уроке ты, наверное, часто слышишь, как учитель говорит, обращаясь к классу: Listen to me. Look at the board. Open your books at page 25. Таким образом, учитель ведeт урок и говорит, что вам нужно делать. Иногда он говорит, что не нужно делать. Don’t talk. Don’t write in your book. Don’t cheat. Форму повелительного наклонения можно также использовать, чтобы попросить о чем-нибудь. Чтобы быть вежливым, добавь слово PLEASE. Say that again, please. Spell that, please. Homework p. 25 5. Притяжательное ’s Чтобы сказать, чей это родственник или друг, прибавь ’s. mother’s sister — мамина сестра Aigul’s father — папа Айгуль Чтобы сказать, чье это имя или чей предмет, прибавь ’s. older brother’s name ’s читается по-разному: [ai'gulz] Aigul’s mother (после звонких согласных и гласных) 158 Grammar support 6. -s (-es), do, does, don’t, doesn’t Если ты хочешь рассказать о том, что ты делаешь каждый день, например, что происходит в школе, дома и так далее, используй форму present simple. d> (б) 7. -er, more Если ты хочешь сравнить предметы или людей, то тебе помогут прилагательные в сравнительной степени. Если прилагательное короткое (один-два слога), прибавь к нему -er. Если прилагательное длинное, то поставь перед ним more. long — longer beautiful — more beautiful (? Wh) Spelling e + r y ► ier Гласный ударный звук между двумя согласными удваивается large — lager heavy ► heavier big — bigger но: old — older 8. Исчислямые и неисчисляемые существительные Некоторые предметы (например, продукты) легко посчитать по одному. Это исчисляемые существительные. Другие вещества трудно посчитать по одному, мы говорим о них как о некотором количестве. Это неисчисляемые существительные. meat carrots chicken apples salmon oranges coffee tomatoes juice cucumbers 159 Grammar support Когда мы говорим о количестве продуктов, мы используем какие-то способы измерения, например, бутылка молока, плитка шоколада, пакет чипсов и т. д. a bottle of milk a bar of chocolate a packet of crisps Если продукты можно посчитать по одному, то, говоря об одном продукте, можно сказать так: a lemon, an apple Если ты хочешь сказать, что у кого-то есть какие-то продукты (неопределенное количество), скажи так: We’ve got some apples and juice. Если ты хочешь сказать, что продуктов нет, скажи так: I haven’t got any oranges or cheese. Если ты хочешь узнать, есть ли у кого-нибудь какие-нибудь продукты, спроси так: Have you got any cheese? Have you got any apples? 9. 2,000 years ago Когда мы говорим о том, что какие-то события произошли какое-то время назад, мы используем фразу ^years ago. Например, пять тысяч лет назад — 5,000 years ago — five thousand years ago 300 лет назад — 300 years ago — three hundred years ago Слова thousand и hundred в этой фразе используются в единственном числе, без окончания -s. 10. There is^ / There are^ Когда ты хочешь подчеркнуть, что предмет или человек СУЩЕСТВУЕТ / ЕСТЬ, нужно использовать there is^ / there are^ При этом ты можешь упомянуть, где находится этот предмет или человек: There is a rabbit in the hat. (В шляпе есть кролик.) What is there? Что там (есть)? There is a rabbit! Там (есть) кролик! Г There is a bird! / | Там (есть) птичка! I 160 Grammar support Если Если ты говоришь об одном предмете или человеке, то используй there is. людей или предметов больше, чем один, используй there are... There are some flowers in the hat. В шляпе цветы. Если ты хочешь подчеркнуть, что чего-то НЕТ / НЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ, используй there is no... / there are no... There is no bird. There are no flowers. Нет птички! Нет цветов! 11. was. / were. Если ты хочешь рассказать о том, что было, например, какая вчера была погода, какими были в молодости твои родители, тебе помогут was / were. I / he / she / it we/you/they was were to be The weather was fine yesterday. My parents were very young 10 years ago. Was / Were поможет тебе рассказать, где ты был(а) вчера, прошлым летом, год назад. Max was at a birthday party. ;{n^ Anya was at a birthday party. Anya wasn’t at a birthday party. Max was at a birthday party. Was Max at a birthday party? — Yes, he was. / No, he wasn Where was Max? — He was at a birthday party. Л_______^ C? Yes / No) (? Wh ) 12. There was. / were. Если ты хочешь сказать, что где-то (в каком-то месте) был какой-то предмет (предметы) или человек (люди), используй there was. / there were. There was some milk in the trolley. There were three cartons of milk in the trolley. Если ты говоришь об одном предмете или человеке, используй there was. There was a bottle of juice in the trolley. В тележке была бутылка сока. Если предметов или людей больше, чем один, используй there were. There were two kilos of rice in the trolley. В тележке было два килограмма риса. 161 Grammar support 13. -ed, did Если ты хочешь рассказать о событиях в прошлом, о том, что кто-то сделал или делал некоторое время назад, или рассказать историю, используй past simple. Boys in ancient Sparta trained to be soldiers. They swam in the icy river. They did not train to be farmers. They did not swim in the swimming pool. did not = didn’t Did they train to be soldiers? Did they swim in the swimming pool? N____^ (? Yes / No) c Where did they swim? (? W h ) Если ты хочешь рассказать о том, что ты или кто-то другой делал вчера (в воскресенье, летом), используй ту же форму past simple. I swam in the swimming pool yesterday. He swam in the swimming pool yesterday. Окончание -ed читается по-разному: после глухих согласных [t] после звонких согласных и гласных [d] после tи d [Id] walk + ed = walked like — liked stop—stopped open + ed = opened play—played want + ed = wanted add—added 162 Grammar support Present Past simple be (am, is, are) быть was / were eat есть ate begin начинать began bite кусать bit bring приносить brought [br^t] build строить built buy покупать bought [b^t] catch ловить caught [k^t] come приходить came can мочь could [kud] choose выбирать chose cut резать cut do делать did drink пить drank draw рисовать drew dream мечтать dreamt [dremt] или dreamed [dr^:md] feel чувствовать felt find находить found fly летать flew [fl^] get доставать, добираться got go идти, ходить went grow расти, выращивать grew have иметь had lose терять lost make делать made run бежать ran read [r^:d] читать read [red] ride ехать верхом rode say говорить, сказать said [sed] see видеть, смотреть saw [s^] send посылать sent 163 Grammar support Present Past simple sing петь sang sit сидеть sat sleep спать slept spend проводить spent spell писать или произносить spelt или spelled swim плавать swam take брать, взять took tell говорить, рассказывать told think думать thought throw бросать threw wear носить одежду wore win выиграть won [wAn] write [rait] писать wrote [raut] 14. the Greeks О людях, которые жили или живут в каком-либо месте, говорят так: Rome — the Romans Sparta — the Spartans Russia — the Russians China — the Chinese 15. -est, most Если ты хочешь сказать, что что-то или кто-то “самый-самый”, то тебе понадобится превосходная степень прилагательного. Если прилагательное короткое (один-два слога), прибавь к нему -est. Если прилагательное длинное, то поставь перед ним most. Так как “самый-самый” может быть только один, то не забудь поставить перед ним the. big — the biggest famous — the most famous 16. would like Если ты хочешь рассказать, о чем ты мечтаешь, тебе поможет выражение would like. I’d like to live in a village near the sea. Would you like to live in / on_? Yes, I would. 164 Write your name ^Write your name Буква русского алфавита Написание буквы через английский алфавит Буква русского алфавита Написание буквы через английский алфавит Аа Aa Pp Rr Бб Bb Cc Ss Вв Vv Тт Tt Гг Gg Уу Uu Дд Dd Фф Ff Ее Ee Xx Kh kh Ёё Yo yo Цц Ts ts Жж Zh zh Чч Ch ch Зз Zz Шш Sh sh Ии Ii Щщ Shch shch Йй Yy ъ Кк Kk ы y Лл LI ь ’ Мм Mm Ээ Ee Нн Nn Юю Yu yu Оо Oo Яя Ya ya Пп Pp Примеры написания русских имен в английской транслитерации: Аня Смирнова Саша Чижова Женя Мальцев Андрей Малахов Евгений Щеглов Anya Smirnova Sasha Chizhiova Zhenya Mal'tsev Andrey Malakhov Yevgeny Shcheglov 165 Wordlist В этом Списке слов* ты найдешь все слова, которые встречаются в учебнике. Он поможет тебе перевести слово с английского языка на русский и подобрать нужную форму слова. Для того чтобы правильно и быстро отыскать нужное слово и его значение, надо хорошо знать, как он устроен. Обычно словарь состоит из заглавных слов и словарных статей. Заглавное слово — это первое слово в словарной статье. А вся словарная статья объясняет произношение, значение и употребление заглавного слова. Все заглавные слова, включая имена собственные и сокращения, располагаются в словаре в алфавитном порядке. Если первые две буквы в словах одинаковые, то учитываются третьи, четвертые и т. д. Если заглавное слово имеет несколько значений, каждое из них рассматривается в новой словарной статье. К сожалению, слова нельзя переводить с одного языка на другой механически. Поэтому, чтобы выбрать правильный перевод, надо знать, в какой ситуации (контексте) слово употребляется. В словарной статье на контекст указывает уточнение. Чтобы сделать точный перевод, запомни, из чего состоит словарная статья. Обычно она включает: заглавное слово, [транскрипцию], перевод. В этом списке слов можно найти такие сведения: its [its] — его, ее (о предметах и животных), I see Grammar support 1 (U7L4) перевод транскрипция заглавное слово уточнение ссылка на Грамматический справочник ссылка на урок в учебнике В статьях могут быть такие ссылки: see go — смотри другую форму слова see Grammar support 1 — смотри Грамматический справочник, раздел 1 (U7L4) — Unit 7 Lesson 4 — смотри урок в учебнике, где появляется это слово В словарной статье могут быть даны выражения с заглавным словом; другие формы слова, например, множественное число существительных, прошедшее время глаголов (для неправильных глаголов), сравнительная и превосходная степень некоторых прилагательных. Иногда даны грамматические пояснения. В словаре ты найдешь такие сокращения: adj adjective прилагательное adv adverb наречие n noun существительное prep preposition предлог v verb глагол sb somebody кто-либо sth something что-либо Теперь ты сможешь быстро и правильно перевести слово. Успехов в работе переводчика! При составлении этого списка слов были использованы: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.— Longman Group Ltd., 2003. Большой англо-русский словарь: В 2 т. / Под общ. рук. И. Р. Гальперина.— М., 1972. Мюллер В. К. Англо-русский словарь. Изд. 22-е.— М., 1988. 166 Wordlist A — C 0 a [э], [ei] — неопределенный артикль about [э'baut] prep — о (U9L1) above ground [э'Ьлу 'graund] — над землей (U10L2) abroad [э'brad] adv — за границей (U3L4) acting ['{kti^] n — игра актеров (U7L6) action ['{к/эп] n — действие (U9L5) add [{d] — добавлять (U4L5) adult ['{dлlt] n — взрослый (U7L6) after ['шftэ] prep — после (U2L1) aggressive [э'gresIv] adj — агрессивный (U10L1) always ['alwiz] adv — всегда (U2L5) am [эт] v — форма глагола be, see Grammar support 2 amazing [э'meIZIц] adj — удивительный, изумительный (U9L5) amphitheatre ['{mfI,0Iэtэ] n — амфитеатр (U8L4) ancient ['emJэnt] adj — древний (U6L3) Ancient Greece ['emJэnt 'gris] — Древняя Греция (U7L1) ancient Sparta ['emJэnt 'spшtэ] — древняя Спарта (U6L4) ant [{nt] n — муравей (U5L1) applause [э'plaz] n — аплодисменты (U7L6) archaeologist [,шki'лlэфIst] n — археолог (U6L1) archaeology [,шki'лlэфi] n — археология (U6L6) are [ш] v — форма глагола be, see Grammar support 2 army ['^mi] n — армия (U6L3) arrest [э'rest] v — арестовать (U7L5) astronomy [э'strюnэmi] n — астрономия (U6L3) at the weekend [,wik'end] — на выходных (U9L4) athlete ['{0lit] n — атлет, спортсмен (U3L5) attach [э't{t|] v — прикрепить (U1L6) attentive [э'tentIv] adj — внимательный (U5L3) aviation [,eIvi'eIfэn] n — авиация (U9L5) © back at school [b{k эt sk^l] v — возвращаться в школу (U1L1) bark [Ьшк] v — лаять (U2L4) bar [Ьш] of n — плитка (шоколада) (U4L3) baseball bat ['beisbal ,b{t] — бейсбольная бита (U10L3) bat [b{t] n — летучая мышь (U5L4) bath house ['Ьш0 ,haus] — баня (U8L4) baths [bш0s] n — бани (U6L3) be [bi] v — быть; для настоящего времени формы am, is, are; для прошедшего was, were, see Grammar support 2, 11 be careful ['кеэ£э1] — быть осторожным (U10L4) be expected [ik'spektid] — ожидается (U9L1) be on ['bi 'лп] — идти (о спектакле, кино) (U7L1) be out of action ['{к/эп] — не работать (U10L1) beak [bik] n — клюв (U5L2) bee [bi] n — пчела (U5L1) before [bi'fa] prep — перед чем-либо (U2L1) best [best] adj — лучший, see good Grammar support 15 better ['betэ] adj — лучший see good Grammar support 7 binoculars [bI'nюkjulэz] n — бинокль (U10L5) biology [baI'юlэфi] n — биология (U2L1) bit [bit] v — форма глагола bite, see Grammar support 13 bite [bait] (bit) v — кусать (U5L2) bodyguard ['bюdigшd] n — телохранитель (U7L3) bottle ['b^tl] of juice n — бутылка сока (U4L3) brave [breiv] adj — храбрый (U5L3) bread [bred] n — хлеб (U4L2) break [breik] n — перемена (U2L1) buffalo ['bлfэlэu] n — бизон (U6L2) butter ['bлtэ] n — масло (U4L2) butterfly ['bлtэ^laI] n — бабочка (U5L1) button ['bлtn] n — кнопка (U1L6) © caller ['ка1э] adj — звонящий (U1L5) calm [кшт] adj — тихий (U7L4) came [keim] v — форма глагола come, see Grammar support 13 camel safari ['k{mэl sэ'fшri] — сафари на верблюдах (U9L5) captain ['k{ptin] n — капитан (U6L6) careful ['keэfэl] adj — осторожный (U7L2) caring ['keэпц] adj — заботливый (U5L3) carrot ['k{rэt] n — морковь (U4L1) carton [kшtn] of milk n — картонная коробка молока (U4L3) carry ['k{ri] v — нести (U5L1) case [keis] n — случай, происшествие, дело (U4L4) catch [k{^] v — поймать, схватить (U5L2) caught [kat] v — форма глагола catch, see Grammar support 13 cave [keiv] n — пещера (U5L4) CD [,si 'di] n — компакт-диск (U1L6) central heating [,sentrэl 'hiti^] — центральное отопление(U6L3) chameleon [kэ'miliэn] n — хамелеон (U5L5) change [fein^] v — изменить, измениться (U10L2) changeable ['femфэbэl] adj — изменчивый (U9L1) character ['k{пktэ] n — герой (пьесы, книги) (U7L2) 167 Wordlist C-F chat room ['f{t r^:m] — чат (U1L2) chatting to friends ['f{tiQ ta 'frends] — болтать с друзьями (U1L2) chicken ['fikin] n — курица (U4L1) Chinese [,fai'niz] 1 n — китаец, китаянка, 2 adj — китайский(U6L3) chocolate ['foklit] n — шоколад (U4L2) choose [fu:z] v — выбирать (U6L4) choreography [.kori'ografi] n — хореография (U9L5) chose [fauz] v — форма глагола choose, see Grammar support 13 church [f3:f] n — церковь (U8L1) city centre [,siti 'senta] — центр города (U8L1) classmate ['kl^smeit] n — одноклассник (U1L2) click [klik] v — щелкнуть (U1L6) climate ['klaimit] n — климат (U9L2) clock [klok] n — часы, настольные, башенные и т. д., но не ручные (U1L4) coin [koin] n — монета (U1L4) collector [ka'lekta] n — коллекционер (U1L6) come [kAm] v — приходить, приезжать (U6L2) come true ['kAm 'tr^:] — сбываться (U8L3) complete [kam'plit] v—заполнить, завершить (U10L4) computer [kam'pj^ta] n — компьютер (U1L6) control station [kan'traul 'steifan] n — центр управления (U10L1) cool [k^:l] adj — прохладный (U9L1) That’s cool! — (в разговорной речи) Здорово! (U1L1) copy ['kopi] v — копировать, переписывать (U1L6) costume ['kostjum] n — театральный костюм (U7L6) cottage ['koti^] n — деревенский домик (U3L3) cosmonaut ['kozmanat] n — космонавт (U3L5) crayon ['kreian] n — цветной карандаш (U1L1) crisps [krisps] n — чипсы (U4L3) Crown Jewels [,kraun '^^alz] — Сокровища Британской короны(U8L2) cucumber ['kj^kAmba] n — огурец (U4L1) cup [kAp] of tea n — чашка чая (U4L3) customs ['kAstamz] n — обычаи (U6L2) cut [kAt] v — удалить, вырезать (U1L6), резать, рубить (U4L5), see Grammar support 13 cut down ['kAt 'daun] — срубить (U10L6) daily routines ['deili r^:'tinz] — повседневная жизнь, распорядок дня (U2L1) damp [d{mp] adj — влажный и холодный (о климате) (U9L2) dancer ['d^nsa] n — танцор (U3L5) day [dei] n — день (U2L1) deep [dip] adv — глубоко (U5L2) deep in the forest ['dip in 5a 'forist] — в дремучем лесу(U7L2) degree [di'gri] n — градус (о температуре) (U9L1) desert ['dezat] n — пустыня (U9L2) design [di'zain] v — сконструировать (U7L3) designer [di'zaina] n — конструктор, дизайнер (U2L5) dessert [di'z3:t] n — десерт (U4L6) diary ['daiari] n — дневник (U2L2) dictionary ['dikjanari] n — словарь (U1L1) different styles ['difarant 'stailz] — разные стили (U8L3) dining room ['dainiq r^:m] — столовая комната (дома) (U3L3) DJ [,di '^ei] n — диджей (U1L5) do homework ['haumw3:k] — делать домашнее задание(U2L3) do the gardening ['g^dnig] — работать в саду (U10L3) Don’t light fires! ['lait 'faiaz] — Костры не разжигать! (U10L4) Don’t litter! ['lita] — Не мусорить! (U10L4) drag [dr{g] v — тащить, тянуть (U1L6) dragonfly ['dr{ganflai] n — стрекоза (U5L1) draw (a net) [dra] v — вытащить (сеть) (U7L4) dry [drai] adj — сухой (U9L2) dress [dres] 1 n — платье, 2 v — одеваться (U2L3) dried-out ['draid 'aut] — высохший (U10L1) driving sled dogs ['draivig 'sled ,dogs] — езда на собачьей упряжке (U9L5) drop [drop] v — уронить, упасть (U1L6) earliest memories ['3:liast 'memariz] — (ранние) детские воспоминания (U3L4) Earth [з:0] n — Земля (U10L1) ecology [i'kola^i] n — экология (U9L5) editor ['edita] n — редактор (U2L5) effective [i'fektiv] adj — эффективный, полезный (U7L3) Egyptians [i'^ipjanz] n — египтяне (U6L3) end [end] n — конец, окончание (U10L6) engineer [,en^i'nia] n — инженер (U3L5) enter ['enta] v — войти (U1L6) Europeans [^juara'pianz] n — европейцы (U6L2) evidence ['evidans] n — доказательство, свидетельство (U5L3) excellent ['eksalant] adj — отличный (U2L2) excitement [ik'saitmant] n — радость, возбуждение (U9L5) explore [ik'spla] v — исследовать (U10L1) 168 Wordlist F-I extinct [ik'sti^kt] adj — вымерший (U8L3) extra ['ekstra] adj — дополнительный, лишний (U1L1) © fair (hair) [fea] adj — светлый (о волосах) (U3L7) family home ['f^mali .haum] — дом для семьи (U3L3) famous ['feimas] adj — знаменитый (U8L2) fat [f{t] adj — толстый (U7L7) father ['f^:5a] n — отец (U3L1) favourite ['feivarit] adj — любимый (U2L2) feel [fil] (felt) v — чувствовать (U6L4) felt [felt] v — форма глагола feel, see Grammar support 13 fires ['faiaz] n — огни, костры (U10L6) fisherman ['fijaman] n — рыбак (U6L2) fix stuff ['fiks 'stAf] — чинить вещи (U7L3) flamenco dancing festival [fla'me^kau d^nsi^ 'festival] — фестиваль народного испанского танца “Фламенко” (U9L5) flat [fl{t] n — квартира (U2L4) flew [fl^] v — форма глагола fly, see Grammar support 13 fly [flai] (flew) v — летать, лететь (U5L1) flyfishing [flai'fifi^] v — ловить рыбу на крючок в виде мухи (U9L5) follow ['fblau] v — следовать (U10L4) footprint ['fut,prmt] n — след (U10L2) fox [f^ks] n — лисица (U5L4) French [fren^] adj— французский (U2L1) from^ till [fram til] prep — с^ до (U5L5) fruit [fr^:t] n — фрукты (U4L1) © garden ['g^dn] n — сад (U8L3) geography [^i'^grafi] n — география (U2L1) get a mark [m^k] — получить отметку / оценку (U2L2) get up ['get 'лр] v — вставать (с постели) (U2L3) giant squid ['^aiant 'skwid] — гигантский спрут (U5L2) give a paw [pa] — дать лапу (о собаке) (U2L4) glass [glas] n — стекло (U8L4) glasses ['glasiz] n — очки (U1L1) go for walks [waks] — ходить на прогулку (U8L1) go round with (friends) [gau raund wi5] — общаться с (друзьями) (U8L1) good fun [gud (Лп] adv — весело, забавно (U9L5) Governor ['gлvana] n — правитель (U10L4) granite ['gr{nit] n — гранит (U8L4) grasshopper ['gras.h^pa] n — кузнечик (U5L1) great grandfather ['greit 'gr{nd,fa5a] — прадед (U3L5) great grandmother ['greit 'gr{n,mл5a] — прабабушка (U3L5) great grandparents ['greit 'gr{n,pearant] — прародители (прадед и прабабушка) (U3L5) grew v — форма глагола grow, see Grammar support 13 grow up ['grau 'лр] v (grew) — вырасти (U7L6) habitat ['h{bit{t] n — место обитания (U5L4) half [haf] n — половина (U2L3) hard-working [had 'w3:ki^] adj — трудолюбивый (U2L5) have [hav] smth on — быть одетым во что-либо (U7L6) have sth in common ['k^man] — иметь что-либо общее (U2L3) heavy ['hevi] adj — тяжелый (о весе) (U9L1) heavy rain ['hevi rein] — сильный дождь (U9L2) height [hait] n — высота (U10L2) held [held] v — форма глагола hold, see Grammar support 13 helpful ['helpfal] adj — готовый прийти на помощь, оказывающий помощь (U5L3) high temperature ['hai 'temparafa] — высокая температура (U9L1) highlight ['hailait] v — выделить цветом (U1L6) hill [hil] n — холм, небольшая гора (U5L5) historian [hi'starian] n — историк (U6L6) history ['histari] n — история (U2L1) hit song [hit s^^] — очень популярная песня, хит (U1L5) hive [haiv] n — улей (U5L1) hold [hauld] (held) v — держать (U5L2) homework ['haumw3:k] n — домашнее задание (U2L2) horseman ['hasman] n — всадник, наездник (U6L2) houseboat ['hausbaut] n — плавучий дом (лодка или баржа, приспособленные для жилья) (U3L3) hug [hлg] v — обнять (U2L4) huge [hj^^] adj — огромный (U6L1) human ['hj^man] n — человек (U5L4) humid ['hj^mid] adj — влажный и теплый (о климате) (U9L2) hunter ['hлnta] n — охотник (U6L2) husband ['hлzband] n — муж (U3L1) 169 Wordlist J-N © Ice Age ['ais ,ei^] — ледниковый период (U6L1) icy ['aisi] adj — ледяной (U6L4) illustrator ['ilastreita] n — иллюстратор (U2L5) impressive [im'presiv] adj — выразительный ((U8L5) in danger ['dein^a] — в опасности (U5L2) in the wild [waild] — в дикой природе (U5L4) Indians ['indianz] n — (историческое значение) индейцы(U6L2) inky cloud ['i^ki 'klaud] — чернильное облако (U5L2) insect ['insekt] n — насекомое (U5L1) inside [in'said] prep — внутри (U8L4) intelligent [in'teli^ant] adj — умный (U2L5) interests ['intrists] n — интересы, увлечения (U3L2) It’s a deal. [dil] — Договорились. (U1L4) lock a door ['Iwk a 'da] — замкнуть дверь (U8L1) logbook ['Iwgbuk] n — бортовой журнал на корабле (U10L1) look after ['luk 'afta] v — 1) ухаживать за кем-либо (U5L6); 2) следить за кем-либо (U10L3) lose [l^z] (lost) v — терять (U4L4) lost [lwst] v — 1) потерянный (U4L4); 2) форма глагола lose, see Grammar support 13 lots of space ['lwts av 'speis] — много места, просторно (U8L1) loving ['Iaviq] adj — любящий (U5L3) low temperature ['lau 'temparafa] — низкая температура (U9L1) lunch [lAnf] n — обед (U2L1) lunchbox ['lAnfbwks] n — контейнер для переноски и хранения обеда (U2L2) jam [ф{т] n — варенье, джем (U5L5) jazz [^{z] n — джаз (U9L5) jump [флтр] v — прыгать (U5L1) key ring ['ki ,пц] — брелок для ключей (U1L4) keyboard ['kibad] n — клавиатура (U1L6) kill [kil] v — убить (U6L2) kilo ['kilau] n — килограмм (U4L3) kiss goodbye ['kis gud'bai] — поцеловать на прощание (U7L4) © ladybird ['leidib3:d] n — божья коровка (U5L1) land [l{nd] v — 1) высадиться на землю после путешествия по воде (U6L2); 2) приземлиться после полета (U10L2) landing ['l{ndiQ] n — посадка (U10L2) landscape ['l{ndskeip] n — пейзаж (U10L1) lane [lein] n — улица (U10L3) lava ['lava] n — лава (вулканическая) (U10L5) law [la] n — закон (U6L3) leader ['lida] n — вождь, лидер, руководитель (U6L5) Let’s swap. [swwp] — Давай меняться. (U1L4) library ['laibrari] n — библиотека (U1L1) life [laif] n — жизнь (U10L1) light [lait] adj — легкий (о весе) (U9L1) literature ['litarafa] n — литература (U2L1) litter ['lita] 1 n — мусор; 2 v — мусорить (U10L6) loaf [lauf] of bread n — булка хлеба (U4L3) magnifying glass ['m{gnifaiiQ ,glas] n — лупа, увеличительное стекло(U10L5) make a web ['meik a 'web] — плести паутину (U5L1) make a fool of ['meik a 'fu:l av] — одурачить (U7L5) make honey ['meik 'hAni] — давать мед (о пчелах) (U5L1) make up ['meik 'Ap] v — придумать (U7L6) mammoth ['m{ma0] n — мамонт (U6L1) man-made [,m{n'meid] adj — созданный человеком, искусственный (U8L3) manuscript ['m{njuskript] n — рукопись, манускрипт (U10L5) many years ago ['meni jiaz a'gau] — много лет назад, давно,давным-давно(U6L1) married ['m{rid] adj — женатый, замужем (U3L1) material [ma'tiarial] n — материал (U8L4) meat eater ['mit,ita] n — хищник (U6L1) mermaid ['m3:meid] n — русалка (U7L4) metal [metl] n — металл (U8L4) microchip ['maikrau,fip] n — микросхема (U10L2) mild [maild] adj — мягкий (о климате) (U9L2) microscope ['maikraskaup] n — микроскоп (U10L5) mineral ['minaral] n — минерал (U10L3) minute ['minit] n — минута (U5L5) missing ['misiq] adj — потерянный, отсутствующий (U4L4) mission ['mijan] n — цель, миссия, задача (U10L4) mix [miks] v — смешивать (U4L5) model cars ['m^dl 'kaz] — модели автомобилей (U1L4) modern dance ['m^dn 'dans] n — современный танец(U9L5) modern design ['m^dn di'zain] n — современная конструкция (например, здания) (U8L3) 170 Wordlist N-R mosaic [mau'zeik] n — мозаика (U10L5) mosque [mwsk] n — мечеть (U8L4) mother ['шл5э] n — мать (U3L1) mouse [maus] n — мышь (компьютерная) (U1L6) multi-talented [,шлlti't{lэntId] adj — разносторонний (U7L3) mushroom ['шл/г^:ш] n — гриб (U4L1) music programme ['mj^zik 'ргэидгшш] — музыкальная радио- или телепрограмма (U1L5) mystery ['mistari] n — тайна (U10L2) (N) narrator [na'reita] n — рассказчик (U7L4) Native Americans [,neitiv a'merikanz] — коренные американцы (U6L2) nature ['neifa] n — природа (U8L3) navigation system [,n{vi'geifan 'sistim] n — система навигации (U10L1) navigator ['n{vigeita] n — навигатор (тот, кто умеет прокладывать маршрут корабля) (U6L6) neat [nit] adj — аккуратный (U2L5) net [net] n — сеть (U7L4) never ['neva] adj — никогда (U2L5) newborn ['nj^ban] adj — новорожденный (U5L6) niece [nis] n — племянница (U3L1) No deal. [nau dil] — Не договорились. (U1L4) No trespassing. ['nau 'trespasi^] — Проход запрещен. (U10L4) observation sheet [,wbza'veifan Jit] — форма для записи наблюдений (U5L1) occasional (rain) [a'keizanal] adj — кратковременный (дождь) (U9L1) o’clock [a'klwk] adj — часов (например, 6 o’clock — 6 часов) (U2L3) official [a'fijal] adj — официальный (U8L3) older ['aulda] adj — старше, старший (U3L1) on a dig [,wn a 'dig] — (разг.) на раскопках (археологических или палеонтологических) (U6L3) onion ['лnjan] n — лук (растение) (U4L2) packet ['p{kit] of rice n — пакет риса (U4L3) paintbrush [pemtbглJJ n — кисть (U10L5) parents ['pearants] n — родители (U4L1) password ['p^sw3:d] n — пароль (U1L6) past [p^st] n — прошедшее, прошлое (U2L3) paste [peist] v — приклеивать (U1L6) peas [piz] n — горох (U4L1) peaceful ['pisfal] adj — мирный (U8L3) penguin ['pe^gwin] n — пингвин (U5L4) perfect ['p3:fikt] adj — совершенный, без недостатков (U1L5) photographer [fa'twgrafa] n — фотограф (U2L5) pick mushrooms ['pik 'шлJг^:шz] — собирать грибы (U9L5) piece [pis] of cheese — кусок сыра (U4L3) plant [pl^nt] n — растение (U10L1) plant eater ['pl^nt,ita] n — травоядный (U6L1) playwright ['pleirait] n — драматург (U7L2) polar bear [,paula 'bea] — полярный медведь (U5L4) policewoman [pa'lis,wuman] n — женщина-полицейский (U3L5) popular ['pwpjula] adj — популярный (U8L2) possible ['pwsibal] adj — возможный (U9L1) poster ['pausta] n — плакат, постер (U1L4) powerful ['pauafal] adj—обладающий властью (U6L5) prey [prei] n — добыча (животные, на которых охотятся другие животные) (U5L2) prickle ['prikal] n — колючка (ежа) (U5L5) prickly ['prikli] adj — колючий (о еже) (U5L5) prince [prins] n — принц (U6L5) processor ['prausesa] n — процессор (U1L6) professional [pra'fejanal] adj — профессиональный (U7L6) program ['praugr^m] v — программировать (U7L3) props [props] n — реквизит, декорации (U7L8) proud of ['praud av] adj — гордый чем-либо (U8L6) put a mark in diary ['put a 'm^k in 'daiari] — поставить оценку в дневник (U2L2) quarter ['kwata] n — четверть (U2L3) quick sands [,kwik 's{nds] — зыбучие пески (U10L5) racket ['r{kit] n — теннисная ракетка (U10L3) ran [r{n] v — форма глагола run, see Grammar support 13 recipe ['resipi] n — рецепт (U4L5) recognise ['rekagnaiz] v — узнать (U7L6) registration [,re^i'streijan] n — регистрация, перекличка, которую проводят по утрам в английских школах (U2L1) remember [ri'memba] v — помнить (U7L2) 171 Wordlist S-T report [n'pat] 1 n — доклад, 2 v — доложить, сообщить (U4L4) rhino ['ramau] n — сокращенно от rhinoceros (U5L6) rhinoceros [rai'nwsaras] n — носорог (U5L6) rice [rais] n — рис (U4L1) roads [raudz] n — дороги (U6L3) rock music ['ruk ,mj^zik] n — рок-музыка (U9L5) Romans ['reumanz] n — римляне, граждане древнего Рима (U6L3) roof [r^:f] n — крыша (U8L4) routine [r^:'tin] adj — обыденный, обычный, повседневный (U2L2) row [rau] 1 v — грести (U7L4); 2 n — ряд (U7L1) ruins ['r^:inz] n — развалины (U10L1) rules [r^:lz] n — правила (U1L2) run [глп] (ran) v — бежать (U6L4) sabre-toothed tiger ['seibat^Gt 'taiga] n — саблезубый тигр(U6L1) safe [seif] adj — безопасный (U5L5) safe place [,seif pleis] — безопасное место (U8L1) salad ['s{lad] n — салат (U4L5) salmon ['s{man] n — лосось (U4L1) salt [salt] n — соль (U4L3) same [seim] adj — такой же (U4L1) sausages ['swsi^iz] n — сосиски (U7L5) saw [sa] v — форма глагола see, see Grammar support 13 scare [skea] v — испугать (U5L2) scene [sin] n — сцена из спектакля (U7L2) school subjects ['sk^l 'sлbфIkts] — школьные предметы (U2L1) science ['saians] n — учебный предмет в английской школе, который включает биологию, физику, химию и некоторые другие естественные науки (U2L1) scientist ['saiantist] n — ученый, занимающийся какой-либо из естественных наук (U5L2) screen [skrin] n — экран (U1L6) sea fishing ['si ,fiJiQ] — рыбная ловля в море или океане(U9L5) seal [sil] n — морской котик, тюлень (U8L3) seashells ['si^fels] n — морские раковины (U1L4) seaside ['sisaid] n — морское побережье (U9L5) seat [sit] n — место (U7L1) security guard [si'kjuariti ,gad] n — охранник (U4L4) see [si] (saw) v — смотреть, видеть (U5L1) shape [feip] n — форма (U8L4) sharpener ['Japana] n — точилка shore [fa] n — берег моря (U7L4) sight [sait] n — туристическая достопримечательность (U8L1) silly ['sili] adj — глупый (U7L2) simple ['simpal] adj — простой (U6L4) skeleton ['skelitan] n — скелет (U10L5) skull [skлl] n — череп (U10L5) smoke signal ['smauk .signal] n — дымовой сигнал (U6L2) snowboarding ['snau.badiq] n — катание на сноуборде (U9L6) soccer ['s^ka] n — американское название футбола (U9L5) social studies ['saujal .stлdIz] n — общественные науки (U2L1) soft toys [.s^ft 'toiz] — мягкие игрушки (U1L4) sometimes ['sлmtaImz] adv — иногда (U3L1) space flights ['speis flaits] — космические полеты (U3L5) spade [speid] n — лопата (U10L5) special ['spejal] adj — специальный, особый (U2L4) spider ['spaida] n — паук (U5L1) spoonful ['sp^nful] of oil n — столовая ложка масла(U4L3) squid ['skwid] n — кальмар (U5L2) squirrel ['skwiral] n — белка (U5L4) stage [stei^] n — сцена (U7L6) star [sta] n — звезда (U7L2) Star Wars ['sta .waz] — “Звездные войны” (название кинофильма) (U10L4) stepmother ['stepmл5a] n — мачеха (U3L1) stick [stik] n — палка, дубинка (U7L5) stork [stak] n — журавль (U5L4) storm [stam] n — буря, шторм (U9L1) stormy ['stami] adj — штормовой (U9L1) strange [strein^] adj — странный (U10L1) strawberry ['strabari] n — клубника (U4L5) strict [strikt] adj — строгий (U6L4) stroke [strauk] v — гладить (например, животное) (U2L4) strongest ['strw^ist] adj — самый сильный (U6L4) stuck [stлk;] — застрявший, форма глагола stick see Grammar support 11 study ['stлdi] v — изучать (U2L5) subjects ['sлbфIkt] n — предметы (школьные) (U2L2) suddenly ['sлdnli] adv — неожиданно, вдруг (U7L4) summer camp ['sлma .k{mp] n — летний лагерь отдыха (U9L5) sunglasses ['sлn.glasIz] n — солнечные очки (U10L5) swam [sw{m] v — форма глагола swim, see Grammar support 13 172 Wordlist T-Y sweet [swit] — 1 n сладость (U4L6); 2 adj сладкий sweet tooth [,swit 't^0] — сладкоежка (U4L6) swim [swim] (swam) v — плавать (U6L4) © © take [teik] (took) v — брать (U6L2) teepee ['tipi] n — вигвам (вид жилища) (U6L2) temple ['tempal] n — храм (U8L4) ten thousand years ago [ten '0auz3nd jiaz э'дэи] — десять тысяч лет назад (U6L1) tentacles ['tentikalz] n — щупальца (U5L2) theatre ['0iata] n — театр (U6L3) thin [0in] adj — тонкий, худой (U3L2) things to do ['0iQz ta 'du] — то, чем можно заняться (U8L1) think [0!дк] (thought) v — думать (U6L4) thought [0at] v — форма глагола think, see Grammar support 13 threw [0r^:] v — форма глагола throw, see Grammar support 13 time [taim] n — время (U2L3) title ['taitl] n — название (пьесы) (U7L2) to [ta] prep — без (о времени, например, five to ten — без пяти десять) (U2L3) tomato [ta'm^tau] n — помидор (U4L1) took [tuk] v — форма глагола take, see Grammar support 13 tourist ['tuarist] 1 n — турист; 2 adj — туристический (U8L4) toy soldier [toi 'saul^a] — оловянный солдатик (U1L6) traffic ['tr{fik] n — уличное движение (U8L1) trap [tr{p] n — ловушка (U10L4) tribe [traib] n — племя (U6L2) trolley ['troli] n — тележка (U4L4) tunic ['tj^nik] n — туника (одежда) (U6L4) tunnel ['tAnl] n — туннель (U10L5) type [taip] v — печатать (U1L6) underground ['Andagraund] adj — подземный (U10L2) Underground Land ['Andagraund 'l{nd] — Подземелье, страна, расположенная под землей (U10L2) unrealistic [,Anria'listik] adj — нереалистичный (U7L3) unusual [An'j^zual] adj — необычный (U10L3) use [j^z] v — использовать (U5L2) vegetable ['ve^tabal] n — овощ (U4L1) vegetarian [,ve^i'tearian] n — вегетарианец (U7L2) video camera ['vidiau ,k{mara] n — видеокамера (U10L2) view [vj^] n — вид (U8L3) village ['vili^] n — деревня (U8L1) volcano [vol'keinau] n — вулкан (U8L3)