Английский язык 7 класс Рабочая тетрадь Деревянко

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 7 класс Рабочая тетрадь Деревянко - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия New Millennium English (Нью Миллениум Инглиш):

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АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык нового ТЫСЯЧЕЛЕТИЯ шаашш Н. Н. Деревянко С. В. Жаворонкова Л. В. Козятинская Т. Р. Колоскова Н. И. Кузеванова Е. В. Носонович Л. В.Талзи MILLENNIUM Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений 4-е издание? исправленное и переработанное ФФ BRITISH e# COUNCIL Brookemead Engush Language Teaching ТИТУЛ T I T U L 2013 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Д36 УДК 802.0(075.3) С любовью и благодарностью к нашим семьям за их бесконечное терпение, понимание и поддержку. С глубокой признательностью к коллегам и учащимся учебных заведений, в которых мы работаем. Авторы Authors’ thanks and acknowledgements The authors thank the following individuals for the oral and written materials contributed by them: Carrie Wolf, Jarmee Thieu, Olga Sokolova, Tatyana Koryakhina, Malcolm Percy Wilhelm Whynott, Sherrel and Stephen Jones, Pamela Martin. Special thanks to music band “Western S”, Omsk, Russia and Sergei Gruzdev, Omsk State Railway University, for their music and song, and to Andrei Pospelov (Krasnoyarsk) for photography, to Peter Loeffler for his photo and Siberian International Marathon for website materials. Деревянко H. H. и др. Д36 Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Английский язык нового тысячелетия / New Millennium English для 7 кл. общеобраз. учрежд./ Н. Н. Деревянко, С. В. Жаворонкова, Л. В. Козятинская, Т. Р. Колоскова, Н. И. Кузеванова, Е. В. Носонович, Л. В. Талзи.— 4-е изд., испр. и перераб.— Обнинск: Титул, 2013.— 96 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-641-4 Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику “Английский язык нового тысячелетия” для 7-го класса представляет собой систему упражнений, обеспечивающих дополнительную отработку лексики и грамматики, а также содержит задания для развития навыков речи и письма. Тетрадь предназначена для самостоятельной работы учащихся, поэтому снабжена ключами, однако она может успещно применяться на уроках. ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-641-4 © Н. Н. Деревянко, С. В. Жаворонкова, Л. В. Козятинская, Т. Р. Колоскова, Н. И. Кузеванова, Е. В. Носонович, Л. В. Талзи, 2004 © The British Council, 2004 © Brookemead Associates Limited, 2004 © Издательство “Титул", дизайн, издание, распространение, 2004 © Издательство “Титул", 2012, с изменениями Keep in touch Lesson 1 School small talk 1 Translate into Russian. communication________ signal_______________ company. code____ contact. 2 Complete the conversations. Sorry, I’m afraid not. What’s the matter? It doesn’t matter. Yeah, do you like it? 3 These people want to learn to communicate well. Give them advice. Example: 1 2 3 4 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Ipsson 2 Could you say that again? Complete the conversation. ^2^ Make up a conversation. t; ir — It’s a very nice dress. - (1). — I like your dress. (^3^ Match the phrases and the translations. 1 Could you give me your pen for a minute? 2 Can you give me your pen for a minute? Certainly. It’s half past three. (2)______________________________ — You’re welcome. a) Можешь дать свою ручку на минутку? b) Не могли бы Вы дать свою ручку на минуту? 4 J Read and choose the correct picture. Do you understand? What can you do if you are in a foreign country and you don’t know how to speak the language? You can speak with your body! You can move your hands and arms, and shrug your shoulders. You can use expressions and gestures like these to make others understand what you mean. You can rub your tummy and point to your mouth if you want to say that you’re hungry and you’d like to find a restaurant. Ш gesture [’cfeestfa] — жест, делать жест rub — тереть tummy — животик 11 IT ЕГ This can mean you are tired and would like to stop for a rest. This can mean you have toothache and you want to go to a dentist. If you talk to a person and he / she makes a gesture like this, you know that he understands. But if someone gestures like this, try again. As you can see she doesn’t understand. Unit 1 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Please read carefully Read and complete the notice. You can see this sign in a national park in the United States. smell — запах covered ['kAvad] — укрытый out of sight — спрятанный refuse containers — бачки для мусора stuff — вещи I in the open — на открытом месте DON’T EAT WITH BEARS American black bears love to eat, and they like a free meal even better. Bears follow the smell of food from a camping site, and they soon learn how to get food and can break into parked cars. Some simple dos and don’ts can help you save your food. They can also help bears to go back to the way they eat naturally. DO keep all food covered and out of sight inside your car. 1 put all litter in the nearest refuse containers. DON’T keep food inside your tent. _______________leave your car with the windows open. _______________leave any food, cooking equipment, or dirty plates in the open. try to get food back from a bear. ^ Z . Write notices for these situations. Example: You cannot smoke here. NO SMOKING. 1 You cannot cross here._____________________ 2 You cannot park here.______________________ 3 You cannot queue here. 4 You cannot dive here._ 5 You cannot run here. 3: Choose the correct translation for the sentences. 1 Pick up the phone and wait for the dial tone. 2 Insert coins or a phone card. 3 Dial the number. 4 When you’ve finished your call, hang up. a) Подними трубку и жди сигнала. [j b) Поднимите трубку и ждите сигнала. Ц a) Пожалуйста, вставьте монеты или карточку. Q b) Вставьте монеты или карточку. 0 a) Наберите номер. []] b) Не могли бы Вы набрать номер? Q a) Когда завершите звонок, повесьте трубку. □ b) По окончании разговора повесьте трубку. [J Unit 1 Lessons 3, 4.................................................................... 4 Ask people to help you in these situations. Example: You don’t have your book with you.— Could you lend me your book, please? 1 You don’t have your pen with you. 2 You didn’t understand what the teacher said. 3 You don’t know how to write a word. 4 You don’t know how to translate a sentence. Lesson 4 Who said “Miaow”? 1 Read and put the paragraphs in order. [I Ж swear — ругаться type — печатать Коко can ask for things and answer questions like “What’s thisYl-or “Are you happy?’’ When she wants someone to give her some apple juice, her favourite drink, she asks by using signs. There is a website where you can see pictures of Koko when she makes signs to ask for things. She even has her own way to say some words, for example “zebra”, using the signs for “white” and “tiger”. She also took part in the first human-animal chat on the Internet and told people about her pet kitten. Koko’s favourite colour is red and her favourite book is “The Three Little Kittens”. On television she likes to watch nature programmes. Gorillas can also learn sign language. Their thumbs are smaller than human thumbs, so gorillas have to make special signs — a kind of gorilla sign language. Koko, a gorilla born in California in 1971, knows more than a thousand signs. To talk to her teacher, Dr Penny Patterson, Koko uses sign language or a special computer, with pictures for words. When Koko chooses a picture, the computer speaks the word. Gorillas are the largest apes. They communicate with each other using their hands, bodies and faces, and making sounds and slapping their chests and drumming. 2 Write pronouns (местоимения) instead of the words in bold. Example: I like the flower— it 1 Look at these funny animals_____________3 I want my brother to play with me. 2 Can you lend me your book?______________ 4 I’m going to talk to Natalie______ 3 Write what they want. Example: Mike says, “Peter, help me with my homework.” — Mike wants Peter to help him with his homework. 1 My little sister says, “Mark, read me a story.” Unit 1 Lessons 4, 5 2 The teacher tells the pupils, “Open your books.” 3 The mother says to her daughter, “Wash your hands.” 4 Anna says to David, “Can you lend me a pencil?” Ijesson 5 :-)©or:-(©? Match the text symbols to their meaning. 1 B4 a) love 2 C b) please call me 3 L8 c) anyone 4 LUV d) can’t wait 5 NE1 e) before 6 PCM t) Bye-bye for now 7 CW g) see 8 BBFN h) today 9 2DAY i) thanks 10 THX j) late 2 Write the correct spelling for each of these text “words” and find the hidden word. 1 L8R 2 B4 3 TXT 4 2 5 2NITE 6 XLNT 7 GR8 Unit 1 Lessons 5, 6 Turn this text conversation into spoken language. Wan2go 2da cinema I8er 2nite? ^ ^ :-< cant go2nite hav a d8! Is w/end ok 4 u? Yes, Sat ok. wot do u wan2c? ^ Not a cartoon. Ih8 cartoons! Hav u cn SpyGame? no but iwan2! Iluvbradpitt! cu@7? D C ok CW2CU! bbfn! Ijesson 6 Ring me back Put the conversation in order. Yes. Who’s calling, pleaseTJ Fill in the words. phone directory phone card message answer phone phone box 1 Could you check the 2 Do you know where the nearest 3 Can I use a___________________ 4 Can I take a__________________ is? in this telephone? . for her? 5 Look up her phone number in the Unit 1 Lesson 6 3 i Read and choose the best title for the text. • Put a tick in the right bok. 1 Policemen at work CD 2 Talking with hands CD 3 Deaf people’s talk CD deaf [def] — глухой traffic — дорожное движение How do you speak to someone when they can’t hear you? One way is to use hand and arm signals. Deaf people use their hands, fingers and arms to talk to each other. We call this sign language. There are signs to stand for letters, words and numbers. All these signs are put together to make sentences or to ask questions. Other people use signals in their everyday lives too. Traffic policemen tell drivers when to stop, when to go, and when and where to turn. But drivers can’t hear instructions because of the noise. That’s why arm gestures are used to direct the traffic. Reading for pleasure THE GOLD-BUG ... Legrand handed the skin to me. In red print, between the skull and the goat, there were the signs: 53t1:t3‘’5))6*;4826)4$)4$);806*;48t8§6(»))8 5; if);:T*8t83)88)5*t;46);88*96*?;8)*|);485);5*t2:* $);4956*2)5*_4)8§8’»;4069285);)6t8)4l:$;i)i9;4808 i;8:8$i;48t85;4)485t528806’*8i)$9;48;)88;4)t?34;4 8)4Ф; i6i i88; Ф?; skin — кожа skull — череп goat — козленок figure ('figs] — цифра I '-p-t Unit 1 Lesson 6 I can’t understand what it means.” I said, returning the skin to him. And yet,” said Legrand, “it is not very difficult; Captain Kidd was a famous pirate but not a very clever man. The figures and signs have a meaning; and a little practice with puzzles of this sort has made it easy for me to understand them. I have solved others more difficult than this. The first question that you must usually ask is this: in what language is the message written? It is no problem at all; the drawing of a goat, or kid, in place of Kidd's real signature, shows that the language is English. The next step is to find the figure, or sign, that appears most frequently in the message. I saw that the figure 8 is the most common, but it is best to count them all. Now, in English, the most common letter is e. Let us say, then, that the figure 8, there are thirty-three of them in Kidd’s message, stands for the letter e. Let us see next if the 8 often appears in pairs — for the e is very often doubled in English, in such words, for example, as “meet”, “speed”, “seen”, “been”, “agree”, etc. We find that the 8 is doubled five times in this short piece. We now feel sure that the figure 8 represents e. Of all the words in the English language, the most common is “the”. If we look at the message, we can find groups of three figures or signs, the third of which is 8. They appear in the same order several times. We see that the group ; 4 8 appears in that order not less than seven times. We can believe, then, that i 4 8 is the word “the”. We now know that; is t and that the figure 4 stands for h. Look next at the last but one appearance of the group ; 4 8 — at the end of the message. We can write the known letters, thus: ; 4 8 ; ) 8 8 ; 4 the/t.ee/th We have here the word “the”, with parts of two other words. I say two, because there is no single word, of six letters in English, that begins with t and ends with eeth. By trying all the letters of the alphabet, we find that the letter must be r, giving us the word “tree”. The sign ), then, is the letter r. The group; 4 ^ helps us again if we look at its last appearance in the message. We see this: ;48;)88;4)Ф?34;48 s the/tree/thr...h/the The missing letters are oug, giving us the word “through”, and we now have three more letters, o, u, and g, which are Ф, ?, and 3. I continued in this way to find the other letters: t83)88 . e g r e e This can only be the word “degree”, giving me the letter d, which is the sign f. I have said enough to show how I solved the puzzle. When I was making a practical translation of Kidd’s message, I corrected one or two small mistakes. Here is my translation: A good glass in Bessop’s Castle in the devil’s seat — forty-one degrees — north-east and by north — the main branch of the tree — seventh limb east side — shoot from the left eye of the skull — a line from the tree through the shot fifty feet out.” signature ['signi^a] подпись degree — градус branch (bra:ntn — ветвь limb [lim] — сук shoot — стрелять shot — выстрел Edgar Allan Poe J 10 2 Ready, steady, go! Lesson 1 At the sports centre 2 Choose the right word to fill the gap. Example: Traditionally only men do b. a) ping pong b) weight training 1 It is so exciting to do_______to music. a) squash b) athletics c) aerobics c) motorcycling 2 I don’t like_____fitness exercises when there are a lot of people around. a) playing b) doing c) going 3 The best way to get fit is to_____cycling. a) play b) go c) get 4 My classmates enjoy playing ball games, like_______. a) wrestling b) chess c) baseball 5 Weight training, karate, aerobics are all____sports. a) team b) outdoor c) indoor 3 Fill in the gaps with so or neither. Example: Many people in the USA go jogging and §q do people in Russia. 1 Every time Spartak scores a goal in a football match my father goes wild and does my elder brother. They are Spartak fans. 2 I don’t play ping pong.—_______________do I. I find it boring. 3 I love watching skiing competitions and_______________does Max. 4 Ron is a bit shy. He does not take part in team games and________________do Rita and Vera. 5 Andy Metcalf is great. Every season he wins first prize in athletics and____________does Wendy Lincoln in gymnastics. 11 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Meet the sports champion 1 Л Fill in the chart. i , do / play / go kind of sport play squash Д ^ r swimming ping pong weight training athletics motor racing gymnastics ,2;; Fill in the gaps with the adjectives. • There is one extra word. Example: Paul reacts very quickly to changes on the basketball field. He is quick-thinkina. well-organised hard-working successful honest ambitious 1 Andy does a lot of exercise as he wants to win the first prize in the school competition. He is____________________ 2 The boys come to the town sports centre almost every day. They do a lot of running and at the end of the day they are very tired but their coach says they have made good progress. They are____________________ 3 Sara never tells lies. She is ___________ . 4 She always writes plans and makes notes in her diary for the next day. She is Complete the questions with the verbs from the box. Example: What sport do you do? 1 What sport______________you like to try? 2 What sport______________your brother do? 3 What sport______________you do last Sunday? 4 What sports equipment______________you got? 5 6 7 you ever gone bowling? you going to the football match tonight? you run five kilometres without stopping? 12 Unit 2 Lessons 2, 3 Complete the sentences with the right verb. Example: We must change in the changing room and so must you. 1 Laura spent a lot of time watching the last Olympic Games and so_________all her family. 2 Oh, no, I can’t play any ball games! — Neither_________I. Let’s go swimming instead. 3 I’ve never had time for doing sport and neither________my friend. But now we go to fitness classes twice a week! Kate. 4 Klara would like to buy a new pair of trainers and so________ 5 Nick and Val were the best team players last hockey season and so 6 I haven’t got a tennis racket with me today and neither______ so we are going to play tomorrow. David. my partner. Lesson 3 Why I miss sports lessons Cross the odd one out. Example: squash weight trainiqg bowling footbaH 1 football ping pong basketball volleyball 2 skiing skating windsurfing skateboarding 3 karate athletics boxing judo 4 skating fitness training aerobics disco dancing Read and complete the subject line in the e-mail. 1 A scary story □ 2 I’ve always been a shy guy □ 3 1 hate sport □ I’ve never enjoyed sport, but sometimes I have made the effort to join in. I’m not very quick and I’m not athletic at all, so I’ll never be good at it. And to make it worse I’m really scared that I’ll get knocked down or hit by the ball when I’m playing football. I always have this deep, deep fear inside which stops me from doing sport. I feel so unhappy. What should I do? i. [email protected] made the effort — приложил усилие get knocked down — сбит c ног Read again and choose the best advice for Tony. ^ . 1 If I were you, I would buy a very expensive ball and join a football club. , Q 2 If I were you, I wouldn’t play bail games. You should try a different kind of sport like cycling. Q 3 If I were you, I wouldn’t knock down other players in a football match. Q 13 Unit 2 Lessons 3,4"*'................................... 3 Read the problems and write advice using the prompts in the box. Example: I feel ill.— If I were you, I would ao to the doctor. •Л' a) play team games b) buy a new pair c) ask your father to repair it d) do regular exercise e) go to the doctor f) do not do winter sports t I have got problems with breathing in cold weather. 2 I have no friends and don’t get on with my classmates. I feel lonely. 3 Sam has broken her ski. 4 Charles cannot take part in the race because his trainers are worn out. 5 Sam wants to be fit. Lesson 4 Football mania 1) Read the dictionary entries and translate the underlined words in the sentences below. • Remember that you translate the words in the sentences. (iSr miss [mis] v \ 1) промахнуться; 2) уступить, пропустить; ! 3) пропустить, не посетить; 4) пропустить, I выпустить (слова); 5) скучать; 6) избежать 15 like I [talk] 1. adj 1) похожий, подобный; 2) одинаковый, равный 2. adv 1) подобно, так, как; 2) возможно, вероятно like II V 1) нравиться, любить watch I [wntf] и часы ! watch II V 1) наблюдать, следить, смотреть; j 2) бодрствовать, дежурить; 3) караулить ш match I [mget(] п 1) спичка; 2) фитиль щ park [реек] 1. п 1) парк; 2) место стоянки автомобилей; 3) заповедник 2. V 1) разбивать парк, огораживать под парк; 2) ставить на стоянку (автомобиль); 3) ... match II 1. п 1) ровня, пара; 2) состязание, матч; 3) равносильный, достойный противник; 4) брак, партия 2. V 1) подбирать под пару, сочетать; 2) подходить, соответствовать 13play [plei] ( 1. я 1) игра, забава, шутка; 2) азартная I игра; 3) пьеса, драма I 2. V 1) играть, резвиться; 2) играть I (во что-либо), участвовать в игре 1 Му older sister is on holiday and Г mTss her very much. 2 Hurry up! I don’t want to miss the bus.__________________ Match the words and their translations.__________________ I watched a fantastic match yesterday evening on TV. The box is full of matches______________________________ 14 Unit 2 Lessons 4, 5 6 It’s so nice to play badminton outside. Fresh air and lots of sun! 7 Did you like the plav? Very much. The actors were really good. _ 8 There is a nice park near the school._____________________ 9 Sorry, you can’t park your car here.______________________ 10 Like many other pupils in the class Monika likes swimming.__ 11 Would you like to watch the game at the stadium? I’ve got tickets. 12 It’s half past eight by my watch._____________________ ; 2, Read the interview and answer the questions. Interviewer: Kelly: Interviewer: Kelly: Interviewer: Kelly: Interviewer: William: Interviewer: William: Interviewer: William: Are you sporty, Kelly? Yes, I think I am. I play squash three times a week. And I do aerobics when I have time. Do you do winter sports? Yes, I go skating every Sunday in winter. I usually go to the skating rink with my friends. OK. Are there any sports you’d like to try? Yes, I think karate is interesting. William, are you sporty? Yes and no. I play squash sometimes. But I don’t think it’s an interesting game. Do you like watching sport? Yes. I like watching wrestling and boxing on TV. Once I went to a real boxing match. It was cool! The boxers were strong and fit. Would you like to try it? Not, really. But I’d like to try windsurfing. 1 Who is sporty, Kelly or William?_ 2 How often does Kelly play squash? 3 When does she do aerobics? 4 Who does she go skating with? 5 Why doesn’t William play squash often? 6 What does William like about boxing? _ 7 Would they like to try the same sport? Lesson 5 Welcome to the SIM! Read about these athletes and cross out the statements that are wrong. 1 They are both Olympic champions. l] 2 They are taking part in the Youth Games. Q 3 They think that the Youth Games are as important as the Olympic Games. О 4 They give some advice to young sportsmen. L] 5 They think that all athletes are going to win in the World Youth Games. Q 15 Unit 2 Lessons 5, 6 ’ VLADIMIR SALNIKOV: I first took part in the Olympic games when I was 16. That time the slogan “Taking part means more than winning” described me. The Youth Games are a great holiday for all young athletes, no matter whether they win or lose. They can feel the Olympic atmosphere, can meet famous athletes, gain experience of a world sports event and enjoy staying in Moscow! If I were a younger swimmer, I would definitely take part in the Youth Games. VALERY TIKHONENKO: The World Youth Games is a great sports event. The advantages of such competitions are clear. There’s the great experience of a big championship and it’s an important step to the Olympic Games. And I just want to wish good luck and lots of medals for all the athletes. If I were you, I would work hard and never lose hope. This is how I became a winner in the Olympic Games. Read again and write out a list of advantages of the World Youth Games in Moscow. Example: a great holiday for all young athletes / great sports event '' 1 2 3 _________________________________________________________________ 4 _________________________________________________________________ 5 _________________________________________________________________ Ijesson 6 A fan of the Olympics? Fill in the gaps with so or neither and the right verb. A: I’ve never done judo or karate. B; (1)_____________________I, but I’d love to. A; Oh, yes, (2)___________________I. A: Have you ever taken part in a sports competition? B: No, I’m afraid not. I’m not at all sporty, you know. 16 Unit 2 Lesson 6 A: (3) B: (4) I, but I’m going to take up jogging. I like to be on my own. I. 2a Read and choose the answer to the question: What is the text about? • Remember that it is not necessary to understand every word. 1 How athletes won the ancient Olympic Games. П 2 How the Olympic Games started. CU 3 How to compete in the best way. CU 4 The sports in the original Olympic Games. CD It was the ancient Greeks who first invented the Olympic Games over 2,500 years ago. They held them at a place called Olympia every four years in honour of the god Zeus. Some of the events would seem quite familiar today — running, discus, long jump, javelin, boxing. Other events included horseracirig and chariot racing, as well as wrestling. One event was called pankration. This wrestling contest went on until one man admitted defeat. In this picture the trainer is about to punish one of the wrestlers because he is trying to gouge out the eyes of his opponent! The long jump looked different from the event that we know today. The athlete jumped from a standing position — he was not allowed to take a run-up. He held a weight in each hand to help him go further. See how far you can jump like this. 2b Choose what these words mean in Ex. 2a. Example: god a) год b) бог c) хороший 1 discus a) обсуждать b) метание копья с) метание диска 2 long jump а) длинный прыжок Ь) прыжки в длину с) далекие прыжки 3 admit defeat а) признавать свою победу Ь) признавать свое поражение с) признавать свой дефект 4 punish а) наказывать Ь) указывать с) показать 5 take а run-up а) разбегаться Ь) подбегать с) подниматься 17 3 Sounds great Lesson 1 Musical habits 1 Match the questions and the answers. • There is one extra answer. How often do you listen to music? a) The nice music of the alarm clock. 1 What music magazine do you read? b) Because it’s energetic. 2 What wakes you up in the morning? ^ c) Every day. 3 Do you sing in the shower? d) Yes, my grandfather. 4 Why do you like listening to rap? e) 1 love music. 5 Can anybody in your family play a musical instrument? f) “Music World”. 6 What is your favourite music? g) Yes, always. h) Country. 2a Read and choose the type of music people are discussing. • A classical В pop C rock • wallpaper — обои rubbish — мусор, ерунда I don’t really listen to much rock and pop these days. I prefer classical music. Why? Well... pop’s lost its direction, I think. Everything’s controlled by machines and technology. Ten or twenty years ago there were real artists writing real songs — now all you get is synthesisers and dance music. It’s like wallpaper... everything sounds the same. Sergey I think pop music is better today than ever before. There are stars from all over the world — lots of different styles and images — it’s great! Yes, of course there’s a lot of rubbish, too, but so what? There always was and there always will be. What you have to do is to choose. Pop’s ^ like a big funfair. If you can’t have a good time, it’s your problem. Petra Pop music gives pleasure to billions of people. It saves lives, too. Think of all the money that Band Aid sent to Africa, for example. Things like that are important. After all — how else can 14 or 15-year-olds do anything about the world’s problems? They can’t vote, can they? Conchita I don’t understand why some people take music so seriously. I’ve got friends who are like that. They criticise new pop records — analyse what lyrics mean — argue about which songs are better than others... it drives me crazy! Why can’t they just relax and have fun? Joao For me, pop is a kind of global language. A really unusual, exciting one too. It cuts across all the barriers — age, colour, class, sex, religion — and brings people together. I think that’s why everyone likes it so much. It’s a way of sharing all our hopes and fears. Jamila global language — язык мира 18 Unit 3 Lessons 1, 2-3 2b Read and find who said this. 1 Music is only for entertainment________________ 2 Pop music today is like a big festival. Petra 3 Music today is too technical.________________ 4 Pop music joins people together. 5 Music is not only entertainment, it can be for charity too.________________ Rewrite the sentences using the past simple. Example: Dennis has a computer — Dennis had a computer. 1 Dennis loves techno music.—_______________________ 2 Dennis doesn’t like cold weather.—________________ 3 Dennis walks to work.—____________________________ 4 Where does he work? — _______________________ 5 Why does he get up early? — 6 Dennis doesn’t play any musical instrument. Lessons 2-3 Young musicians Write about George’s life four years ago and now. Four years ago i Now ate a lot of chocolate prefers fruit 1 spent a lot of time with his parents likes mixing with his friends 2 lived in the country lives in the town | 3 played in a football team plays tennis | 4 listened to pop enjoys jazz concerts ' 5 read adventure stories enjoys reading science fiction | 6 went to school on his own usually walks to school with Tony ' Example: George used to eat a lot of chocolate but now he prefers fruit. 1 ____________________________________________________________________ 19 Unit 3 Lessons 2-3 2 Look at the table and write what George’s parents used to and didn’t use to do before George was born. Example: They used to go boating, but they don't do it now. They didn’t use to travel by car, but now they do. Parents Before George was born Now go boating / X 1 have a dog / X 2 go on holiday every year / X 3 travel by car X / 4 live in a town Л / 5 play board games X / 6 watch football matches together X / 3a Read the letter to a magazine and choose the answer to the question: What happened to Fiona? 1 She has changed. П 2 She makes a lot of noise. [Ц 3 She gave up music school. D Dear Reader, Fiona is a twelve-year-old ^irl who lives next to me. Her family moved / ueed to move to our block of flats seven years ago and I have known her since then. When she was younger she liked music very much. She (1) didn’t go / didn’t use to go out very often. She (2) went / used to go to music school. I could hear the sound of her piano every morning. She (3) practised / used to practise playing it every day. Last year I (4) was / used to be at her concert where she played Tchaikovsky’s music. She was brilliant, all the audience (5) applauded / used to applaud at the end of the concert. I thought she would be a pianist. Everything has changed now. Six months ago she (6) started go/ng / used to go 20 Unit 3 Lessons 2-3, 4 to a new school. 6he (7) t^ave up / used to qlve up music school and now she sings in a school rock band. She (3) was / use-inda write a letter / Л ^ , \ ' X play the drums Л / X swim in the pool / Л / / listen to music / / X X chat Л X / / 4 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the right verb form. WHO ARE U2? In 1976 four school friends decided (decide) to form a band. Since then they (1)______________________(sing) together. Now, signed [saind] — подписали контракт released — выпустили (альбом) track — запись, песня poverty ['pnvati] — бедность twenty years later, the four are still friends. Their band is now famous all over the world as U2. In 1978 they (2)______________________________(win) a talent contest and got a manager. In 1980 they signed to Island Records and (3)____________________________ (make) their first album. Boy. During the next two years they released October and War. Two tracks from this latest album (4)___________________________________(become) rock classics. What’s the secret of their success? “We love music and don’t take our success seriously,’’ the musicians say. U2 are also famous for their charity work. Since the beginning they (5)_________________________________(support) a number of international organisations. They help Greenpeace, they help people in poor countries, they sponsor Netaid, the charity that uses the Internet to fight extreme poverty. 23 Unit 3 Lesson 5 ‘ Lesson s How long? 1) Write the words in the correct coiumn. September two years four months a few minutes my birthday Monday Christmas ten seconds I was five 10 o’clock 2000 a long time a week 2 j Translate into English. Pay attention to the prepositions. 1 Я живу в Омске много лет,—_______________________ 2 Катя делает домашнюю работу с двух часов.— 3 Мама ищет книгу полчаса.- 4 Саша ухаживает за кроликом с тех пор, как получил его в подарок на день рождения.— 5 Дима разговаривает по телефону уже 40 минут.— 3 Маке questions. What would you ask about these people? Example: Stella is a singer. — How long has she been singing? — How many records has she made? 1 Your friend is learning to play the violin. How long _____________________________________________ How many lessons 2 Your mum is baking rolls. How long _________________ How many rolls ? 9 ? 9 24 Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6 3 Your friend is eating sandwiches. He likes them very much. How long________________________________________________ How many sandwiches 4 Your sister is writing New Year cards. How long__________________________________ How many cards. 5 Your guest is a famous traveller. How long__________________________________ How many countries Read and complete the interview with the right phrase from the box. Interviewer: Leo, when did you start playing the drums? Leo: (1) ♦ • Interviewer: Why did you choose drums? a) How long have you been playing Leo: (2) • the guitar? Interviewer: (3) b) Do you play any other musical Leo: Yes, 1 play the guitar and the violin. instruments? Interviewer: (4) ' c) When 1 was 17. Leo: For five years. It was my first musical instrument. • d) About two years ago. Interviewer: And when did you give your first concert? e) Because 1 love rhythm and they Leo: (5) • make it. Interviewer: Have you made any records? • f) Since 1 gave my first concert. Leo: (6) * g) Yes, I’ve made seven. Interviewer: How long have you been making them? ’ Leo: (7) ? ? ? 9 ? 9 Lesson 6 Top hits Make up new words from the verbs in the box and fill in the gaps. A pop group can have many forms, but a traditional one has a single lead singer There is nearly always a (1)______________________________sitting behind his drums and two or three (2)______________________________playing electric guitars. Nowadays there is always a keyboard (3)__________________________________ Finally some groups have a saxophone player and might even have one or two (4)__________________________. Some groups have their own songwriter and (5)___________________________who write the lyrics and music for them. sing drum guitar play dance compose 25 Unit 3 Lesson 6 2 Rewrite the first part of the sentences using used to. Example: I listened to folk music but now I prefer pop.— I used to listen to folk music. 1 Peter played the guitar but then he gave it up.—_______________________ 2 Her parents travelled a lot when they were students.— 3 Sam went swimming every weekend but now he plays tennis.— 4 I was bad at maths when I was in the first form, now I like it and do well.—_ 5 Marion did her homework to music when she was at school.— 6 Richard got up very early when he was at summer camp.— 3 Read the text and choose the right answer to the questions below. drugs — наркотики violence — насилие BE POSITIVE Many people think rap is all about drugs and violence, but think again and listen to Speech. This rapper wants to talk about real life, but he has an original idea — he wants to be positive. Speech (real name Todd Thomas) grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where his parents published a newspaper. He moved south to Atlanta, Georgia, to study at the Art Institute there, but he got involved in dangerous activities. Speech soon realised this was not the life for him and formed a rap group to make music his own way. This became the award-winning rap group. Arrested Development, and since 1992 Speech has been rapping about positive values, singing to make the world a better place. In 1996 Speech went solo. On Speech’s latest solo CD, Spiritual People, he has songs called The Simple Love of Life and Livin’ in the Real World. These days Speech is even more interested in rapping about family life, saying “I have two kids now, and I’m married." What kind of music does Speech play? a) pop b) rock c) rap What does he sing about? a) drugs b) positive values c) violence What happened to him when he was young? a) He used drugs, b) He understood what to do in life, c) His life was in danger. Where do his lyrics come from? a) from his experience b) from Atlanta c) from his friends How did he start his career? a) He sang solo, b) He sang in a band, c) He recorded his first CD. 26 4 Stars and stripes Lesson 1 From CA to the NY Island la Study the map, read and complete the text. « ALASKA ■ □ The Northeast The South □ The West □ The Midwest GEOGRAPHY OF THE UNITED STATES The continental United States is very large. It stretches from the (1)______________Ocean in the east to the (2)_______________Ocean in the west. This is about 4,800 kilometres. To the north of the United States is (3)______________________: to the south is (4)_______ separated ['separeitid] — отделен settlers — переселенцы marsh [ma:J] — болото (покрытое травой и мелким кустарником) swamp [swomp] — болото (часто покрытое водой) There are 50 states in the United States. Forty-nine of these states are on the North American continent, but (5)_______________________is not. It is a group of eight islands in the middle of the (6)_____________________Ocean. (7)________________________is on the North American continent, but it is separated from the other 48 states. The continental states fall into four regions: the Northeast, the South, the Midwest, and the West. Each of these regions has special features. 27 Unit 4 Lesson 1 The Northeast When the first European settlers came, they settled in the Northeast region first. There are many large cities in the Northeast: (8)______________, New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. New York is one of the largest cities in the world. Large companies and corporations from many different countries do business from their offices in New York. The most important mountain range is the (9)____________________ It begins in Canada and continues to Alabama in the South. The South The South has been a very important region in the history of the United States, first of all because of its seaports: (10)_____________, Miami, Savannah and Charleston. It also has a very warm climate and ideal conditions for growing cotton, tobacco, rice, peanuts and fruit. The South also has many marshes and swamps. In 1947 the southwestern part of the swamps became the Everglades National Park. It is home to alligators, deer, panthers, bears, snakes, and hundreds of kinds of water birds. The Midwest The Midwest is in the center of the continental United States. There are no mountains in the Midwest. It is flat and there is much good farmland. Americans sometimes call the Midwest the breadbasket because of all the wheat that is grown there. The Midwest is also an important industrial region. (11)_______________, largest city in this region, is famous for its meat-packing industry. Many US cars are made in Detroit. The four Great Lakes make up the largest body of fresh water in the world. The (12)____________________River, the greatest river in the United States, flows through this region. It starts in Minnesota and runs into the (13) ------------------- The West The West is the largest region. There are many important cities in the West: (14) ___________________, San Francisco, Seattle, Las Vegas, and Dallas. The West is famous for its many mountains. The most famous are the (15) ___________________Mountains. The West has many national parks. One of the most famous is the Grand Canyon formed by the (16) ___________________River. Because of the national parks, people from all over the world come to the West to take their vacations. lami the Grand 28 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Write the answers to the questions. 1 How many countries are there on the North American continent? 2 Why do they call the Midwest the “breadbasket”? 3 What is the name of the greatest river in the United States? 4 Which state is the smallest? 5 Why do many people take their vacations in the West? 6 How many islands does Hawaii have? 7 Where did the first European settlers come to? Ч 8 Why is the South economically important? Number the parts of this holiday postcard in the right order. ШП [Ю ШЗ D n Today 'нёгс in the Evergla^^es. We got here last night. Natalie XXX ^ ^ This place looks exactly like the picture on the postcard. It’s full of all kinds of water birds. They’re fantastic. We were lucky birders and saw a short-tailed hawk sail high above other birds. I guess it was about to pick up some lunch. I must come here again. Hi, Jake! Love, hawk [hD:k] — ястреб sail — зд. парить 3 Make one sentence out of two. Example: Lisa ate an orange. I saw her.— I saw her eat an orange. 1 Your cat jumped from the fifth floor. I saw it. 2 The window broke. I heard it. 3 Nick walked his dog in the park. I watched him. 4 The baby cried. I heard him. 29 Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 ........................ 5 The children laughed. I heard them. 6 Dan rode your bike. I saw him. 7 Ben and Kelly played tennis. I watched them. 4 Translate the sentences. 1 Я видела, как мальчишки играли в футбол. 2 Я слышала, как мама открыла дверь и вошла. 3 Я не слышала, как звонил телефон. 4 Мы наблюдали, как дельфины играли. 5 Я не видела, как Дима вышел. Ijesson 2 School diplomacy 1 а Mark with + if it is a good thing to do or — if it is a bad thing to do. 1 cut class □ 5 cheat in a test □ 2 miss class □ 6 have no excuse for missing school □ 3 do well on a test □ 7 talk in class □ 4 be late for school □ 1b Complete a teacher’s report about a student and answer the question: Is Jake Peterson a good student? Jake Peterson his final algebra (2) Jake Peterson did not do very well (1)_______ Last month he (3)_____________ten classes, and when he did come to class, he was ten minutes (4)______________When I asked him to bring a note from his parents, he said that they were away on business. In fact he had no (5)____________for missing lessons. Several times during the year I gave him a zero because he (6)____________in tests. In addition, he always (7)____________in class and fools around. In my opinion, Jake is not a hard-working student. 30 2а ........*............. *.................... • *....... ■ ........*......... Unit 4 Lesson 2 Match the questions and the answers from an interview. j I homecoming AmE — встреча выпускников • There is one extra question. . „ ^ prom AmE — вечер для учащихся старших a) Do you have the same subjects in Russia? классов в конце года b) Are school dances the same in Russia? Participation in Government — участие c) Is the timetable similar or different? в работе правительства d) How many lessons do you have a day? i mayor — мэр e) Are the subjects here more or less difficult? > pants AmE — trousers BrE 1 Math AmE — Maths BrE I % k\'^ L у 4 V t I i ^ h' favorite — favourite Brfi Question: (1)__________________________________ Olga: Not quite. School dances are something very special here. Nobody wears jeans and no girl wears pants — at least not to the homecoming dance or the prom. Boys wear a suit and a tie. Girls wear a fancy evening dress, some with a long skirt. And they play rap music and disco music. So girls look really funny in their ballroom dresses dancing to Eminem. There‘are less formal dances throughout the year though (on Valentine’s Day, for example) when you can wear jeans. Those dances are just like they are in Russia. fS. ^ Ч ^ V ТЧ ..-Ч ^ v"- ^ . .t 4 t i C i S i ^ L I Question: (3)__________________________________ Olga: Some are the same, but some we don’t have. There is a class here called Participation in Government I went to one lesson. The lecturer was, I think, the mayor of the city. She looked very serious. The class was about politics. And there are lots of cooking classes too, and they are very popular with boys! Л - L 4 4 ^ ^ A'l 4 U I L к к t Question: (2)___________________________________ Olga: It’s very different. You have the same subjects every day. For example. History is five days a week. At the end of the week there is often a test. There are different students in each class, because everybody chooses different subjects and each student has his / her own timetable. It also means that you don’t study all the subjects with the same group of students as we do in Russia. 2t)« Complete with can or can’t. • Use the information from the interview in Ex. 2a. Question: (4)_____________________________ Olga: As far as I can see, there are sometimes different levels in certain subjects and you can choose the level you need. For example if you want to study history at college you don’t really need much math. So you take math, then you can stop (at “Algebra 11”, for example). Someone who wants to study math would continue with Higher Math classes. But math is very different from what we have. I just don’t understand anything in math here, though Math is my favorite subject in Russia. 1 Girls. 2 Boys 3 You- 4 You — 5 You — wear pants to the homecoming dance. _ wear jeans to the prom. 6 Boys wear jeans to less formal dances, choose the level of difficulty in a subject. . choose your own subjects. _ take a cooking class. 31 Unit 4 Lessons 2, 3 '' ‘ Read and circle the answer to the question: Do they have the same laws in every state of the US? a) yes b) no c) there is no answer in the article IT’S THE LAW county ['kaunti] — округ license AmE, licence BrE — лицензия similarities [,simi'l3entiz] — сходства break a law — нарушать закон driver’s license AmE, driving licence водительские права BrE It’s the law, but which law? Federal or state law? In the United States there are different laws. At the top is federal law, which Congress makes for all people in the United States. Then each state makes laws about things in its own territory. The laws that each state makes must not go against federal laws. Counties and towns also make rules. A town may want that you have a license for your bicycle, for example. Here are some similarities and differences in state laws. In California children must go to school from age seven to sixteen. In the state of Oregon they must go to school from age seven to eighteen. Similarly, there are differences in how you get a driver’s license. In California you can get a driver’s license, without driver education, at age eighteen. In contrast, in Colorado you must be twenty-one. Some states have a number of very special old laws. Most people have never heard of these laws. Nobody gets arrested for breaking them, but they are still “laws”. For example, in Kentucky, everybody must have a bath at least once a year. In Indiana you cannot travel on a bus less than four hours after you eat garlic. In California it is against the law to enter a restaurant on horseback. ^3^ Read and write true (T) or false (F). 1 Each state can make laws against federal laws.________ 2 A town can make its own rules._________ 3 In the United States children must go to school from age seven to eighteen. 4 In Oregon children must go to school until they are eighteen._______ 5 In Colorado you can get a driver’s license at age 18._______ 6 You can enter a restaurant on horseback in California._________ 3c In the article find the English for these phrases. 1 противоречить_____________________________________________________________ 2 никого не арестовывают . 3 верхом на лошади______ IjSssonS Busy teens Match the words and their definitions. 1 responsible a) some money that you can use to buy small things 2 independent b) to look after children while their parents are away for a short time 3 practical c) you can do things by yourself in your own way, without asking anyone for help or advice 4 babysit d) useful, real 5 pocket money - e) you can trust this person to do something important for you 32 Unit 4 Lesson 3 Complete with the words from Ex. 1a. 1 You can leave your dog with Jerome for the whole summer: he is very____________________ 2 I can’t go out tonight: I am____________________________my younger sister. 3 You can’t learn anything______________________________at school. It’s just theory and ideas. You should start a real job. 4 Jane ____________________________ ______________________________with her new friends every night. Read the text and circle the right answer to the question. How many hours can a fourteen-year old person work a week in Maine? a) 50 b) 10 c) 40 CHILD LABOR LAWS IN THE STATE OF MAINE labor laws AmE, labour laws BrE — трудовое законодательство work permit [pa'mit] — разрешение на работу superintendent AmE [,su:p3nn'tend3nt] — f управляющий округом equipment [ikkvipmant] — оборудование cash-based — связанный c наличными деньгами In the State of Maine children at age 14 and 15 must have a work permit if they want to work, even if they don’t go to school. When a young person has a job offer, he / she must go to the office of the superintendent in the school district in which they live and ask for a work permit. Work permits help make sure that the youngest workers in Maine work in jobs that are safe and agree with child labor laws. Each time teens under 16 get a new job, they must ask for a new work permit. Teens can have two work permits in the summer (for two different jobs), but only one during the school year. Child labor laws limit the number of hours teens can work. During the summer, 14- and 15-year-olds can work a maximum of eight hours a day, 40 hours a week. Teens can’t take dangerous jobs. They can’t work with most mechanical equipment, they can’t be drivers and they can’t work in a cash-based business. Choose the right answer. 1 To get a work permit a 14- or 15-year-old person must ask a) his / her parents [Z1 b) the school principal СИ c) the superintendent СИ 2 Jobs for teenagers must be 4 It is against the law for a fourteen-year-old to work a) well-paid □ a) forty hours each week □ b) safe □ b) eight hours a day □ c) easy □ c) ten hours a day □ Teens can take 5 A teenager can’t take a job as a) two jobs in winter □ a) a car mechanic □ b) two jobs in summer □ b) a cleaner at a hospital □ c) as many jobs as they want □ c) a shop assistant □ 33 Unit 4 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 The story of jeans 1 Write sentences under each picture. US ORIGINALS potato chips AmE, crisps BrE — чипсы Example: Potato chips / cook / George Crum / 1853 — The first potato chips were cooked by George Crum in 1853. 1 The hamburger / serve / on a bun / 1904 2 Safety razors / make / King Gillette / 1903 3 The crossword puzzle / publish in a newspaper / Arthur Wayne /1913 4 The Superman story / write / Jerry Siegel and John Shuster / 1939 5 The dishwasher / design / Josephine Cochrane / 1886 6 Traffic lights / invent / Garret A. Morgan / 1920 34 Unit 4 Lesson 4 42p Read and put the paragraphs in the right order. fUJ i B1 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN T-SHIRT Today, the T-shirt has made its way to every corner of the world. People of every age and nationality wear it. It tells others what we like, where we have been, and the things we have done. It acts as a conversation starter and a chronicle of our time. The American T-shirt began during World War I. The European soldiers wore a comfortable cotton knit undershirt as part of their military uniform. The Americans’ uniform was made of wool and it felt very hot. The American soldiers liked those comfortable cotton undershirts and started wearing them. Because of their simple design in the shape of a letter T, these shirts became known in the USA as T-shirts. The word “T-shirt” became an official word in American English after 1918. In the 1960s people began to'color T-shirts. The T-shirt started to talk — words and pictures were printed on them. It could say anything its owner wanted. Rock ’n’ roll bands began to realize that they could make big money selling their T-shirts. Professional sports groups started making T-shirts for their fans and made lots of money out of it. Different styles of T-shirts were introduced: V-neck, tank top, scoop neck, muscle shirt and many others. But in the 1950s the T-shirt came to the big screen in the Hollywood movies. In 1951 Marlon Brando rode into town on his Triumph motorbike, wearing a black leather jacket, blue jeans and a tight white T-shirt. Things were never the same again. White T-shirts and baggy pants became the “cool”, stylish thing to wear. IE I i After the war, T-shirts came home with the soldiers to the US. By then all the men were wearing them, but only as underwear. The T-shirt was out of sight. шз iDi knitted ['nitidj — трикотажный underwear ['Andoweaj — белье out of sight [salt] — не видна tank top — футболка-безрукавка scoop — глубокий круглый вырез chronicle ['kromklj — летопись Complete the sentences with a date. 1 T-shirts were first made in Europe during 2 The T-shirt was first introduced to the US after 3 The T-shirt was only worn as underwear until __ 4 The T-shirt was first shown in the movies in___ 5 T-shirt were first made in colour in___________ 6 Words and pictures were first printed on T-shirts in 7 Different styles of T-shirts were introduced in____ 35 Unit 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Tornado 1 Look at the picture and complete the news report about a tornado with the verbs in the box. • Change the form if necessary. hit destroy injure throw pick up push over kill damage April 28, 2002 7:00 p.m. Charles County in southern Maryland (1) About a dozen people (2)_____________ by the F4 tornado. Nearly a thousand buildings (4). in this storm. Cars (6)_________ but no one (3). --------or (5) — .and (7) hundreds of feet. Most of the trees in the area (8) 2a Read and write the answer to the question: What destroyed many towns in Hawaii and Japan? THE EARTHQUAKE OF 1964 earthquake ['3:0kweik] — землетрясение thunder — гром crack — трескаться hole — яма tidal wave — приливная волна traveled AmE — travelled BrE escape — спастись бегством predict — предсказывать March 27, 1964, was a holiday in Alaska. Most people were at home, and everything was peaceful. Then it happened. Suddenly, there was a sound, like the sound of thunder. Next, people’s houses began to shake. Buildings cracked and fell. In the town of Anchorage, the main street went up ten feet, holes opened in the earth, and buildings fell in., The earthquake that hit Alaska measured 8.3 on the Richter scale. In the Pacific Ocean the earthquake made a tidal wave. This wave traveled at two hundred miles an hour. Shortly after, at about 6 p.m., it hit the coast of Alaska. It took away with it a piece of land four thousand feet long and six hundred feet wide. It traveled down the West Coast, and across to Hawaii and Japan. People tried to escape, but it destroyed many towns. The earthquake of 1964 killed 130 people. It was one of the strongest earthquakes in North America. Scientists do not know when the next earthquake will happen. Earthquakes are difficult to predict, but you will know when it hits. Write true (T) or false (F). 1 A measurement of 8.3 on the Richter scale is not strong. _ 2 The tidal wave first hit Hawaii and Japan, and then Alaska. 3 Thousands of people were killed._____ 4 The town of Anchorage was badly damaged._______ 5 Scientists can always predict earthquakes____ 36 Unit 4 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Happy birthday, America! Read and write which holidays they also celebrate in Russia. Holidays and Special Days in the USA January New Year’s Day is January 1. People begin celebrating on December 31. They have parties through the night. Many people watch the Rose Bowl football game on TV. In Times Square, in New York, at a minute before midnight, a lighted ball goes down from one of the buildings. Martin Luther King Day is the third Monday in January. On this day people remember the African-American civil rights leader who fought discrimination against black Americans. discrimination — дискриминация, ограничение -прав отдельных групп населения The Chinese New Year is in early February. People carry huge, colorful dragons through the streets and play drums and gongs. They also eat traditional Chinese New Year food. February Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday is February 12. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) was the sixteenth president of the USA. He won the Civil War between the North and the South, and this victory put an end to slavery in the USA. George Washington’s Birthday is February 22. George Washington (1732-1799) was the first president of the United States. During the War of Independence he took command of the Continental Army for eight years, until the colonies won their independence from Britain. St Valentine’s Day is February 14. On that day most people send “valentines”, candy or roses to people they love. Valentines are greeting cards in the form of a heart, or they have hearts, the symbol of love, on them. slavery — рабство t 4 T.- i c 'k I 37 Unit 4 Lesson 6 March St Patrick’s Day is March 17. Irish Americans remember St Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. People wear green. Green is one of the national colors of Ireland and it also means the beginning of spring. There are parades. People sing and dance, and wear Irish clothes and eat Irish food. L I May patron saint — святой покровитель July Memorial Day is the last Monday in May. Americans remember the US soldiers who died in wars. Families and individuals remember their loved ones who died. People visit cemeteries and put flowers on graves. cemetery — кладбище grave — могила J,- Independence Day is July 4. { It is the United States’ birthday. • September Labor Day is the first Monday in September. In 1869 the first labor union to defend workers’ rights was started. Workers got the right to an eight-hour workday. Most people do not go to work on Labor Day. They have a three-day weekend. In some cities there is a parade. Some people go to the beach, and others have a barbecue or a picnic. I labor union AmE, trade union BrE — профсоюз October Columbus Day is the second Monday in October. On this day Americans remember Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer. He sailed west across the Atlantic to find a faster route to travel to Asia from Europe. On October 11, in 1492, he reached some islands near North America. He thought he was in India and he called the people of the islands Indians. Halloween is October 31. The Celts believed that on this day ghosts walked the earth and mingled with the living. At night people dressed up in costumes and tried to look like the souls of the dead. Today people, especially children, still wear costumes on this day and have masquerade parties. soul — душа mingle смешиваться 38 Unit 4 Lesson 6 November Veterans’ Day is November 11. On this day Americans give thanks to war veterans for peace. At 11:00 in the morning, most Americans observe a moment of silence to remember those who fought for peace. Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday in November. Families get together and have a big dinner. They eat turkey and pumpkin pie. ’i observe — соблюдать turkey — индейка pumpkin — тыква Christmas is December 25. Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. People cjecorate a Christmas tree, and Santa Claus brings presents to children. December lb Read and complete the sentences. 1 The United States’ birthday is on 2 February 14 is__________________ 3 People remember George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in_________________ 4 Martin Luther King fought_________________________against black Americans. 5 The first Monday in September is_________________________ 6 People wear ghost costumes on___________________________ 7 Americans eat pumpkin pie on___________________________ 8 Columbus called Native Americans Indians because he thought he was in 9 Americans observe a moment of silence on______________________ 10 The last Monday in May is________________________ Write the words in British English. color favorite labor _ center theater elevator movie _ mom traveled math program pants __ school student chips _________ vacation 39 5 On screen Lesson 1 Film favourites la Read what the teenagers said in an interview and write the question they answered. Tanya (Russia) Horror movies? I don’t know. Because they’re (1) exciting / excited, I suppose. You’re (2) frightening / frightened, but at the same time you’re safe — maybe that’s it. I mean everybody’s afraid of things in real life, aren’t they? The difference when you see a (3) frightening / frightened movie is that you know that nothing will really harm you. Afterwards you can just laugh and forget about it. Kelly (USA) Well... there are horror movies and horror movies — I think you have to divide them into two groups. First there are the modern ones — Elm Street, Friday the 13th... I hate all those — they’re really violent and stupid. Then you’ve got all the old, black and white ones they show on TV — Dracula, Frankenstein... To me those are much more (4) entertaining / entertained. I mean, for one thing, they’re not all about killing teenagers. Brian (Britain) Personally, I go to horror films very often. There’s nothing better than a good horror film. It takes you into another world where really unusual, dangerous things happen. That’s got to be more (5) interesting / interested than reality, hasn’t it? After all, most people’s lives are (6) boring / bored. They don’t go to the cinema looking for more reality — they want fantasy. They want to escape! Circle the right adjective in Ex. la. Ис) Read the answers in Ex. la again and write true (T) ^ or false (F). 1 All the teenagers go to horror films. 2 All the teenagers like horror films. _ 3 People look for real life in horror films. 4 People like to be safe while watching danger. 5 Horror films give people excitement.__________ 6 Horror films show reality. ________ 2 Choose the right translation. “Крик” — просто жуть! A The Scream is really terrifying. Q В The Scream is terrifying. 40 ■ Unit 5 Lesson 2 |,esson 2 A film review Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. Example: A film with spaceflights, space fights or space travel is science fiction. I cartoon love story science fiction documentary thriller I • fantasy film comedy western horror film action film 1 is one with a lot of action. 2 The film which has fights and horse chases in the Wild West is called a _ 3 A film with a lot of funny situations, which make you laugh, is definitely a 4 A______________________________presents real-life situations and facts. 5 In a 6 A_ __, there is always a touching story of two people with a happy ending. is a film which is especially popular with children. 2^ Put the parts of the film review in the right order. \ Lordj^. the Kings "aI I The Feilowship of the Ring is the first of three films, all based on the famous book called The Lord of the Rings. The story is about Middle Earth. This is a place where hobbits, humans, dwarves and elves fight evil Sauron, Lord of the Rings. "bT j ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ The Fellowship of the Ring "dT 1 This film is fantastic! You really feel as if you’re there in Middle Earth, with all the characters. There are brilliant special effects too. Go and see this film. I can’t wait to see the other two Lord of the Rings films. E I j Have you ever been to Middle Earth? Have you ever made friends with fantastic creatures? Have you ever had a fight with a goblin? Enjoy the adventures of hobbit -Frodo (Elijah Wood), magician Gandalf (Ian McKellen) and their friends in a new film. *■ ...I F I I This fantasy film is directed by Peter Jackson. A''’"' 41 Unit 5 Lessons 2, 3 Answer the questions. 1 What is the title of the film? 2 What type of film is it?____ 3 Is the film based on a book? 4 Who is the director of the film? 5 Who plays the main parts in the film? 6 Who are the main characters? 7 Where does the action take place? _ 8 Does the writer of the film review like the film? 9 Does he / she recommend that you see it?_ Lesson 3 Kid’s siuff? Write the past participle of the verbs. draw — project — make — [ add — sit — write — call — use — photograph — (2^ Read the text and choose the best title. 1 Animation [Ц 2 How it is done CD 3 Movies are moving fast П A (2) II movies are a series of pictures or “frames”. In cartoons the pictures are drawn (draw) on sheets of transparent film which (1)______________________(call) “cells” and then they _________________(photograph). Each drawing is very slightly different from the one before. For example, a character’s right arm may be a centimetre higher or lower. It’s these tiny differences that make the character “move” when the film (3)_______________________(project) at 24 frames per second. Computer animation is very similar to this. Before any cartoon (4)___________________(make), someone decides what it will be about and then a story (5). (write). But instead of drawing with crayons or pencils, the people who make the drawings use special computer programmes. Then movement (6)____________________(add). The computer programmes (7)____________________ (use) to make animation easier and faster to do. The last step is to put this onto film. One big file with all the pictures and the motions (8)________________(split) into many different, individual files, then I you can view these files like a movie 42 Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 (2^ Read the text in Ex. 2a again and put the verbs in the right form. 3 ) Choose the right translation. The Lion King is good? Oh, no, it’s really fantastic! П a) “Король Лев” — хороший мультфильм? Да, он просто замечательный! Ь) “Король Лев” — хороший мультфильм? Ну нет, это реальная фантастика! с) “Король Лев” — хороший мультфильм? О да, он совершенно нереальный! Lesson 4 Making а storyboard Щф Read the description of the storyboard for The Fifth Element and put the verbs in the right form. With a bag of water, Omar (1) narrow corridor that (2)______ (make) his way down a old scientist. Professor Massimo Pacoli (3) (open) into a large room. An ___________________(stand) on a small wooden ladder against the wall. His fingers (4) ___________________(move) across the wall, which (5) ________________(be) covered with symbols and strange ladder — приставная лестница trace — следить evil — зло, дьявол eclipse — затмение sketchbook — альбом для рисования hieroglyphs. The professor (6) (point) to the snake, the symbol of evil. coming through the door between the three planets in eclipse. A young man (7)_____________________(be) beside him, Billy Masterson, aged 25, an American student. He (8)____________________(have) a large sketchbook in his hands. Aziz, aged 10, (9). (be) behind them. Aziz (10) (have) a mirror which (11). (shine) light into the room. 43 Unit 5 Lesson 4 (_1b) Read the description of the storyboard and put the scenes in order. a) Billy hi Biliv anrl Professor’s voices g) Professor’s voice: Aziz! Can vou shine the light right here, at the picture? Цс Choose the right phrases for each picture. 1 ... \when the three planets are in eclipse ... the black hole is like a door and it is open ... Evil comes ... horror is everywhere. See? 2 ... And I can’t see the way. 3 Yes, Billy, I’m being careful with the ladder. I’m OK. Now... 4 What a picture!!! 5 The snake, Billy. The evil one ... make sure you get the snake! 6 Aziz! Can you shine the light right here, at the picture? 44 Unit 5 Lesson 5 Ijesson 5 Devil’s Cliff 1 Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. • There is one extra word. mutter huge poke rich 1 I’ve never been 2 Film and pop stars like 3 “Please, leave me alone,” she ., so I can’t buy this big house. ________cars. ______________and went away. 2 Read the text and put in the right punctuation marks. I entered the room. My mum and dad were glued to the screen. Ah I thought this stupid game again. I coughed, but they didn’t turn their heads. Are we ooino to have dinner today? I asked, not meaning to sound angry. What? asked mum without looking at me. I’m hungry. I answered. Being hungry always puts me in a bad mood. Besides, what was so exciting about that quiz on TV? But I asked enthusiastically dad, do vou think this tall guv’s ooino to win? No. I don’t think so he said. I couldn’t hide my disappointment, as it meant another half an hour without food. I sat down quietly and stared at the screen. 3 Read part of the fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears and put the parts of the fairy tale in order. sob — рыдать burrow — нора knock — стучать an All alone in the forest. Goldilocks started to cry. She was frightened of the dark and the animals in the forest. She sobbed louder and louder. The noise she made filled the whole forest. A little bird in its nest high up in a tree looked down at her. The rabbits came out of the burrows to see who was crying so loudly. “Well,” decided Goldilocks, “I’ll look for someone, but how can I find the way?” Then she saw the sky and all the stars. “Oh, I can use the stars to help me,” she said to herself. She walked on and on, following the stars, until she saw a light. One day in the forest where the three bears lived a girl called Goldilocks was going home. It was getting late and she couldn't find her way. First she tried one path, then a different path, but each time she came back to the same place. She was lost. She thought about her parents. They were waiting for her at home, dinner would be ready. “Oh, a house. I’m so glad. I’m so tired that I can’t walk another step,” thought Goldilocks. She walked to the door and knocked. There was no answer, so she opened the door and went inside. When Goldilocks thought about dinner, suddenly she felt so hungry. Perhaps if she walked further, she would find a house, a cottage in the forest. Somewhere there must be some kind people, to give her something to eat and help her to get home. She sat on a stone to think. She felt so scared. 45 Unit 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Writing a film script la Read and choose if the text is about: 1 dangerous moments in film-making 2 people who play main parts 3 people who do dangerous things in films □ □ □ Film stars are expensive. If they break an arm or a leg, the film-making process stops and that can cost a movie company millions. So the dangerous scenes in films are usually done by “stunt” artists. These are the brave, highly-trained men and women who fall off high buildings, run through fires, fight sharks, jump out of moving cars. Before the 1970s, their names never appeared on film credits. Audiences believed that stars did all the dangerous scenes themselves. Now, though, the important, difficult work which stunt artists do is recognised. These days, modern technology makes their lives easier than in the past. There are special air-bags, for example, which make “falls” less dangerous. Explosions and fires are controlled better, too. But nevertheless, doing stunts is still risky and deaths are not unknown. So ... next time you gasp at a movie star’s bravery on the screen, remember who you are really watching. film credits — титры shark — акула gasp [gcrsp] — задержать дыхание bravery — храбрость 1b Match the titles with the paragraphs. • There is one extra title. 1 Movie companies did not want to tell people their secrets. 2 The job is dangerous now. 3 There is a way out. 4 Some things have changed. 1c Find the right words in the text and fill in the charts. Noun Noun (person) Noun (process) stunt Adjective Noun bravery Choose the right translation. 1 Вчера был ужасно трогательный фильм с Деми Мур. a) There was а very touching film with Demi Moore yesterday. b) There was a really touching film with Demi Moore yesterday. 2 Я тоже видела этот фильм — страшно разочарована. a) I’ve seen the film too and was very disappointed. b) I’ve seen the film too and was extremely disappointed. □ □ □ □ 46 Me in the world Lesson 1 What am I like? Complete the lines with the adjectives from the list. • There are some extra words in the box. adventurous artistic bossy bubbly caring chatty cheerful confident dreamy fun-loving happy hard-working home-loving outgoing romantic secretive selfish sensitive shy unselfish cheerful 1 -ive secretive_________________________________________________________________ 2 -y dreamy____________________________________________________________________ 3 -ic romantic 4 -ing caring___ 5 -ish selfish__ Describe these people with an adjective from Ex. 1. Example: Peter likes doing sport— Peter is sporty. 1 Andrew likes dreaming.— _____________________ 2 Boris never stops chatting.— 3 Kate always does her homework and she works hard at school.— 4 I always talk to Jane about my problems and feelings. Jane can always understand me.— 5 Max is always nervous when he meets new people.- 6 Ann always feels sure that she is doing the right thing.— 7 Bob is always up for some fun.— ____________________ 8 Laura always thinks only about herself and never about other people.— (3^ Read and find out your lucky number. LUCKY NUMBERS To find your lucky number; add together all the numbers in your date of birth and add them again and again until you get a number between 1 and 9. This is your lucky number. For example, you were born on 17th September, 1992 — 27.09.92 2 + 7 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 29, 2 + 9=11, 1 + 1 =2. So your lucky number is 2! 47 Unit 6 Lessons 1,2.............. 3b Read about your lucky number. You are You like You hate | 1 friendly, hard-working, confident school holidays and having parties homework and being alone ! 2 romantic, dreamy, shy romantic films and sleeping late 1 horror films and saving money 'з outgoing, energetic, cheerful shopping for clothes and going to bed late staying in and not having any money 4 ’i honest, practical, serious summer and making presents having nothing to do and going to bed early ' 5 adventurous, fun-loving, chatty funny films and making new friends cold weather and spending your -holidays at home '■ 6 sporty, punctual, active picnics in the park and talking on the phone fast food and being late ; II 7 ■ 1 home-loving, secretive, caring spooky stories and spending time with your family nosy people and going away 8 easy-going, bubbly, kind computers, walking and talking Monday mornings and making your bed 1 9 sensitive, artistic, full of ideas listening to CDs and reading in bed rainy weather and getting up early 3c Do you agree that it is about you? Why (not)? • Write about it and explain why (not). Lesson 2 Making friends 1 Match the questions and the answers. 1 Have you got the time? a) No, nobody is. 2 Is anybody sitting here? b) I’m Jane. 3 I’m Max. And you? c) It’s almost five. 4 What’s the teacher like? d) She’s very friendly. 5 Is that yours? e) Yes, it is. 2a Read and choose the best title. 1 Where to find friends 2 Finding friends 3 Making friends is easy |x| For some teenagers, finding friends is easy. For others, it can be harder. For teenagers who are shy or have recently moved (недавно переехали), making friends is a serious problem. L 48 Unit 6 Lessons 2, 3 ta Щ] Many children make friends in school, but some don’t. That’s OK — just because you are in the same class with the children doesn’t mean you like the same things. Think about things that you like doing and that make you happy. If you take part in those kinds of activities, you can meet other children who like the same thing — a great way to start a friendship! Here are some places to find friends: • sports teams in your school • sports classes (karate or ice skating, for example) • music classes • art classes • theatre groups • pen friend clubs 3 Wherever you meet a new person, an easy way to make friends is simply to walk up, say hi and introduce yourself. And someone who you don’t know today may become a future friend! 2b Read again and match the titles to the paragraphs. 1 Who to make friends with \Ш 3 How to make friends EH 2 Finding friends is not always easy EH 4 Where to make friends D Lesson 3 How it all began 1 Read the story about how Sally met Richard and put the verbs in the correct tense. I (1)_______________________(meet) Richard in the park, about two years ago. It (2)______________________(be) a warm summer evening. I (3)_______________________(walk) my dog in the park. My dog’s name is Richie. He is a small black poodle with his tail cut short. A few other dog owners (4)______________(walk) their dogs too, but not many. I let Richie off the lead. Suddenly he (5)___________ away. I (7)___________________ and I (9)____________________ (start) barking loudly and (6) (run) (follow) him but he (8) (run) very fast here.” But he (10) (lose) sight of him. I started calling his name, “Richie, Richie, come _____________(not come). Then a boy (11)__________________________________________________________(come) out of the bushes and (12) name’s Richie.” I (13)________ ______(say), “Hi, there. Are you looking for me? My (go) all red and (14)____________________________(say) _________________(begin) laughing and me, too. (say), “OK, let me help you to find your Richie." We that Richie was my dog. The boy (15)_____ Then he (16)__________________________ (17) ___________________________(go) around the park looking for Richie. When we finally (18) _________________(find) him, he (19)______________________________(play) with a small brown dog. On that day Richie (20) friends ever since. (make) friends, too. Richard and I have been best 49 Unit 6 Lesson 4 |,esson 4 A true friend 1,^ Write sentences using these words. Pay attention to the word order. 1 best / long / friend / have / How / your / known / you / ? 2 I / known / my / for / years / have / friend / best / five /. 3 Pete / has / long / his / How / friend / known / best / ? 4 for / known / Pete / best / has / his / years / friend / ten /. 5 each other / known / not / time / We / have / a / for long /. Match the adjectives and the definitions (определения). 1 caring — a) 2 home-loving b) 3 secretive n. c) 4 sporty cl) 5 honest ^~-e) 6 outgoing f) 7 practical g) s someone who always tells the truth. s someone who doesn’t tell people much about himself / herself, s someone who is good at sport, s someone who likes meeting and talking to new people, s someone who tries to help other people, s someone who likes staying in. s someone who is good at making or repairing things. 31 Read and complete the description of a BEST FRIEND. Example. fr/en^f /s the only person who really understands the way I think... | understands the wav you think. A BEST FRIEND is someone who I love my hest friend because I can tell her all my secrets. It’s like we are sisters and I’ve known her since we were children... My best friend understands me better than anyone. I can talk to him about anything. We always have fun when we’re together... I love my best friend because she always cheers me up when I’m sad. We have known each other since the first grade... I love my best friend because she gives me advice when I really need it... 50 Unit 6 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 How to stop bullies Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Example: He felt anarv this morning when he couldn’t find his pen. 1 She was__________________when they didn’t invite her to the party. 2 The boy was__________________to get a lot of presents. 3 Chris felt_______________when he lost his dog. 4 He never feels_______________because he’s got a lot of friends. 5 She’s got a lot of freckles (веснушки) on her face but she doesn’t feel__ Make sentences. Example: if/ you /1 / join /а/ drama / club — If I were vou. I would join a drama club. 1 if / you / I / try / make / more / friends — ____________________________ 2 if / you / I / ignore / the / bullies —__________________________________ 3 if / you / I / talk / to / them —________________________________________ lonely angry happy depressed unsure hurt 4 if / you / I / tell / your / mum —_ 2b 5 if / you / I / invite / him / to / the / party —_ Match these problems and advice from Ex. 2a. • One or more answers can be correct. Example: I feel bored.— 1 a) My classmates call me names.—_____________ b) My friend feels hurt.—__________ c) I feel lonely.—_________ d) My parents don’t understand me.— e) I’ve got a headache and feel depressed.— Read the text and circle the right answer. This text a) describes a problem b) explains a problem c) gives advice IF YOU’RE FIGHTING WITH FRIENDS Even if you are best friends, you can have disagreements. If this ever happens to you, it doesn’t mean anything is wrong — in fact, all friends have fights at some time. You feel different emotions when you start fighting with a friend. You feel hurt, angry, sad or unsure of yourself. Sometimes when friends fight, it is not important what they fight about. What is important is talking to your friend about the way you feel. Tell your friend that you feel hurt. Try not to blame (обвинять) your friend and never shout or push. Listen to what your friend says and never be afraid to say, “I’m sorry.” It is hard to do this but you can do it because true friends are always worth it (стоят этого). 3bj Read the text in Ex. 3a again and write true (T) or false (F). 1 There can be some disagreements between friends.__________ 2 True friends never fight.______ 3 You don’t fight with your friend about something that is not important. 51 Unit 6 Lesson 5 4 It’s good to tell your friend about what you feel.___ 5 Never say “I’m sorry” first._____ 6 True friends understand how important it is to stay friends.___ 4 p Complete the sentences. Example: He’s very depressed. It's difficult for me to cheer him up. 1 Stop chatting, please. It gets__________my nerves. 2 After the fight they made__________again. 3 I don’t think he’s a person you can rely_________ 4 I’ve got a lot of friends to hang________with after school. 5 She was unsure of herself. Her classmates picked___________her every day. 5 Rewrite these sentences replacing the underlined words with the phrasal verbs in Ex. 4. Example: He was sad and depressed.— He was down. 1 He spends his time with his friends at the computer club.— ______________________ 2 When I’m sad, my friend always tries to make me smile. 3 Sometimes bullies bully someone who is smarter than they are or different from them.— 4 Paul and Max didn’t talk to each other but then they decided to become friends aaain.- 5 You should have somebody to trust.— 6 Do the quiz Could You Be A BULLY? Count your score and read the answer on page 91. A girl with freckles on her face comes into your class one day. Do you... a) make a joke and laugh at her? b) smile at her? c) feel sorry for her? Г j The most popular pupils in school have started speaking to you. You’re pleased but there’s just one problem — they don’t like your best friend. What do you do? a) Ignore your best friend. b) Stay friends but only speak to your friend when the others aren’t around. c) Keep your best friend. At lunchtime you see a boy grabbing a girl’s school bag and throwing all the books on the ground. What do you do? b) Find the nearest teacher and tell him / her what you saw. a) Ignore what you saw. c) Go straight up to the boy and tell him to leave the girl alone. What do you do when you walk past the school and meet bullies? a) Smile at them and laugh at their jokes vyith them, even if the jokes are about you. b) Keep your head down and walk past them as soon as possible, hoping they don’t see you. c) Hold your head up and ignore them. 52 Unit 6 Lesson 6 Ijesson 6 Win-win Read the text and answer the questions. 1 What does Kate want? —_____ 2 What does Laura want? — ___ Kate and Laura are good friends who usually spend every Friday evening together. Sometimes they go to the cinema, sometimes they get together with other friends, sometimes they go shopping, sometimes they just hang out at home. This week Kate wants to rent a video and watch it with Laura at her house. They agreed about it a week ago. But Mary, another friend of Laura’s, has invited her to a concert. Kate feels left out (покинутой) because Mary didn’t invite her to the concert, and she feels that Laura should put their friendship above anything else and stay at home with her. Laura wants to go to the concert very much and is angry that Kate is standing in her way (стоит у нее на дороге). Write the following solutions in the win-lose table. a Kate watches the video with Laura on some other day or before the concert. Laura goes to the concert with Mary. Kate doesn’t watch the video on her own. Laura goes to the concert. Kate watches the video with Laura. Laura doesn’t go the concert. Kate doesn’t watch the video on her own. Laura doesn’t go the concert. WIN-WIN Both people get what they want. WIN-LOSE Person 1 gets what s/he wants, but Person 2 doesn’t. LOSE-WIN Person 1 doesn’t get what s/he wants, but Person 2 does. LOSE-LOSE Neither person gets what s/he wants. 53 7 Past, present, future Lesson 1 Things from the past 1 Do the crossword. Across 1 Shoes are made of... Down 2 Windows are made of... 3 Keys are made of... 4 Telephones are made of. 5 Trousers are made of... 6 Books are made of... 2j Write two sentences about each of the objects, using the verbs in the box. to write to play music to send letters to work in the garden to talk to other people i It is made of metal and plastic. It is used for cooking. 54 Unit 7 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Be a historian 1a Read the sentence (предложение) and decide what it was. It was made of fruit, talcum powder, honey, dried flowers, mice, rabbit heads and lizard livers (печень ящерицы). a) medicine b) toothpaste c) face cream 1b) Read the text and check your answer in Ex. la. Dentistry has changed a lot through the ages. Many of the most common dental tools were used in the Stone Age. The first toothbrushes were small sticks mashed at one end. The first bristle toothbrush was invented in China. People in Europe began to use a brush in the 17th century, and many dentists advised their patients to use a brush. Toothpaste also appeared in ancient times. Early toothpaste was made of fruit, talcum powder, honey, (^ried flowers, mice, rabbit heads and lizard livers. Can you imagine the flavour? Modern toothpaste appeared in the 1800s. It was made of soap and chalk. dentistry — стоматология tool — инструмент Stone Age — каменный век bristle [brisl] — щетина mashed — расщепленные flavour ['fleiva] — аромат soap [soup] — мыло chalk [tfD:k] — мел 1c Fill in the gaps. 1 The first dental tools 2 The first toothbrush _ 3 Early toothpaste_____ mice, rabbit heads and lizard livers. 4 In 1800 toothpaste__________________ in ancient times. in China. fruit, talcum powder, honey, dried flowers, of soap and chalk. .2 - Translate the highlighted sentences in Ex. 1b into Russian. 55 Unit 7 Lesson 3 Ijesson 3 Table manners QlJ) Write what the mother says to the boy. Don’t talk with your mouth full. j 1 2 3 4 5 2 Open the brackets. Example: Money (change) at the bank.— Money is changed at the bank. St Petersburg (build) in the 18th century.— St Petersburg was built in the 18th century. 1 The first metro (build) in London.—________________________________________________ 2 Tea (produce) in India.- 3 The book about table manners (write) by Erasmus.— 4 Bread (sell) at the baker’s (хлебный магазин).— 56 Unit 7 Lessons 3, 4 (З^ Fill in the gaps with used to or used. 1 I_________________travel a lot, but now I don’t have time for it. 2 In the 19th century people__________________feathers (перья) for writing. 3 Jane’s car is not working, so she________________my car yesterday. 4 People___________________eat with their fingers. 5 He’s got bad teeth because he____________________eat a lot of sweets when he was a child. 6 In the Stone Age people didn’t have toothbrushes. They__________________sticks mashed at one end. 3b Translate into English. 1 В XVII веке немногие люди (very few people) пользовались зубными щетками.—________________________ 2 Раньше люди писали друг другу письма, а сегодня мы пользуемся телефоном, чтобы общаться (to communicate) с людьми на расстоянии.—_________________________________________________ Lesson 4 Tell me about the past Look at the pictures and report what the people said about their childhood. Example: I was a bad pupil- ^ He said he was a bad pupil- I was quite a good singer.^ When I was a child, I had three dogs I grew very quickly, and my mother bought me new shoes every six months. During the war my father was in the services. didn’t like summer camp, because I felt very homesick. 57 Unit 7 Lesson 4 2a Read and number the following things in the order in which they appear in the text. • There is one extra thing. ___going back into the house ___noise ___at school ___news ___strange light survive [s3:'vaiv] — пережить earthquake ('3:0kweik] — землетрясение shake — дрожать Richter scale — шкала Рихтера I SURVIVED AN EARTHQUAKE i; ■got home late in the evening. I was really tired and .went to bed. Later I woke up suddenly because my bed started to shake, and the walls and the windows — the whole house was shaking! Even the shampoo fell out of the bathroom cupboard! I was so scared and my heart was beating quickly. There was a really loud noise, but I couldn’t understand what it was. I ran into my mum and dad’s bedroom, but they were already outside. It was dark, and there were no lights in the street. Some of the neighbours were outside, and everyone was talking about an earthquake. Nothing else happened, so we all went back to bed, but I was really scared. In the morning as soon as we woke up, I turned on the radio. On the news they said the earthquake was quite strong — 4.8 on the Richter scale. At school the teacher told us that Britain gets about 200 earthquakes every year, but they’re not usually very strong. This was the strongest one there’s been for twelve years. 2b^ Report what the girl said. Example: I got home late in the evening — She said she got home late in the evening. 1 I was really tired.— __________________________________________________ 2 My heart was beating quickly.— 3 I couldn’t understand what it was.— 4 I ran into my mum and dad’s bedroom.— 5 I turned on the radio.— 58 Unit 7 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 What will the future bring? 1 Match the beginnings and endings to compiete the superstitions. • Some endings can be used several times. 1 If you see a black cat... a) ...you will have good luck. 2 If your left hand itches (чешется)... b) ...you will have bad luck. 3 If you break a mirror... c) ...your wish will come true (сбудется). 4 If you walk under a ladder (лестница)... d) ...you will get a lot of money. 5 If you break a cup or a glass... e) ...you will soon have a visitor. 6 7 If you drop (уронить) a fork... If you see a falling star... 2 Look at the pictures and write: a) What robots will do in the future. b) What people won’t do in the future. • Use the phrases: to clean their cars, to do the shopping, to do the cooking, to build, to do the hoovering 1 Example: | ^ Robots will do the washing up. People won’t do the washing up. 59 Unit 7 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 School in the old days Choose the answer to the questions. 1 What does a mechanical teacher look like? a) a robot b) aTV c) an alien Read and check your guesses. 2 What is a “telebook”? a) a book that is shown on a TV screen b) a book on a CD c) a book about television THE FUN THEY HAD Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2157, she wrote, “Today, Tommy found a real book!” It was a very old book. It was printed on paper, not on a television screen. They turned the yellow pages, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still and didn’t move. “It’s stupid,” said Tommy. “When you finish the book, you just throw it away, I guess. Our television screen has a million books on it. I wouldn’t throw it away.” Margie agreed. She was eleven and Tommy was thirteen. He had read a lot of telebooks. She said, “Where did you find it?” “In my house.” “What’s it about?” “School.” “School? What’s there to write about school? I hate school.” Margie always hated school. Her mechanical teacher was large, black and ugly, with a big screen on which all the lessons were shown and the questions were asked. Most of all Margie hated the slot where she had to put homework and test papers. So she said to Tommy, “What’s there to write about school?” Tommy looked at her with a smile. “Because it’s not our kind of school, stupid. This is the old school that they had hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Centuries ago.” Margie said, “Well, I don’t know what kind of school they had all that time ago. Anyway, they had a teacher.” “Sure they had a teacher, but it wasn’t a mechanical teacher. It was a man.” “A man? How could a man be a teacher?” “Well, he just told the boys and girls things and gave them homework and asked them questions.” “A man isn’t clever enough. And I wouldn’t want a strange man in my house to teach me.” Tommy laughed. “You don’t know much, Margie. The teachers didn’t live in the house. They had a special building and all the kids went there.” Suddenly Margie’s mother called, “Margie! School!” Margie looked up. “Not yet. Mama.” She wanted to read about those funny old schools. “Now!” said Mrs Jones. “And it’s probably time for Tommy, too.” Margie said to Tommy, “Can I read the book some more with you after school?” “Maybe,” he said and walked away. Margie went into the schoolroom. It was next to her bedroom, and the mechanical 60 Unit 7 Lesson 6 teacher was waiting for her. It was always on at the same time every day except Saturday and Sunday. The screen was lit up, and it said: “Please put yesterday’s homework in the slot.” Margie was thinking about the old schools. All the kids came to school, laughing and talking. They sat together in the schoolroom and went home together at the end of the day. They learned the same things, so they could help one another on the homework and talk about it. And the teachers were people... Margie was thinking about the old schools and how kids loved them. She was thinking about the fun they had. Isaac Asimov Write who the statements may belong to (принадлежат): Margie, Margie’s mother, Tommy, the mechanical teacher. 1 “I hate schools.” — ___________________ 2 “I’ve read a lot of telebooks.”, 3 “Put your test in the slot.” —_ 4 “A man can’t be as clever as a machine.” — 5 “Time for school!” — _____________________ 6 “You don’t know anything.” — 7 “I think old schools were better than ours.” — Read Margie’s essay about schools and fill in the gaps with the words and phrases in the box. because but I don’t believe Many people believe that so and I think ; In the past children didn’t have mechanical teachers. They all went to a special building and studied together. And teachers were people. (1)_______________________________________our schools are better, (2)_______________________________________no one disturbs you during the lesson and the teacher works with you individually. (5)______________________________________1 don’t agree. I think old schools were much more fun. The kids met every day (4) _____________________________________they became good friends, (5) _____________________________________they could help each other with their homework. (6) _____________________________________that a mechanical teacher is better than a person, because it has no heart and you can’t talk to it. I’d like to know more about old schools and I’m so sorry that our modern schools are different. In the old days, (7)_____________________________________kids really loved their schools and their teachers. They had so much fun! 61 Investigations Ijessons 1 -2 .Find а clue and solve the mystery t Guess the code and write the words. Example: investigator 9 14 22 5 19 20 9 7 1 20 15 18 a) 5 22 9 4 5 14 3 5 9 14 22 5 19 20 9 7 1 20 5 b) 1 12 9 2 9 e) 19 21 19 16 5 3 20 c) 3 12 21 5 f) 23 9 20 14 5 19 19 2 ) Complete the chart. Verb Person -er travel teach traveller read -or translate decorate investigate suspect witness ( 3 | Make the questions more polite. Example: What’s the date today? — Can you tell me what the date is today? 1 Where’s Peter? — Do you know ______________________________________9 2 Who wrote this message? — Can you tell me ______________________________________ 9 3 What’s the time? — Do you know ? 4 Where was he? — Can you tell me 5 What do snakes eat? — Do you know \ Read and complete the title of the mystery. THE CASE OF i: t was a cold winter morning. Mr Kunkel, the director of the museum, opened the door and saw that the most expensive thing in the museui a red ruby, was gone. He called the detective agency. “This is Mr Kunkel. I’d like to report a robbery in the museum. Could please send someone?” “Detective Jones is on his way.” Mr Kunkel was waiting for the detective when he came into the hall. “Hey there!” said Detective Jones. “What’s the robbery you would like to report?” Mr Kunkel answered, ‘T^n expensive ruby has been stolen.” Detective Jones and Mr Kunkel walked into Mr Kunkel’s office. Detective Jones sat down and opened his notebook. 62 ruby [’ra:bi] — рубин Г power [’раиэ] — электричество f lock — запирать Unit 8 Lessons 1-2 “I’d like to interview everyone who was here last night,” said Detective Jones, think only Martha, my cleaning lady, and I were here last night answered Mr Kunkel. Well first I’ll start with you. Can you tell me what you did last night before you left asked Detective Jones. Well first I said good night to Martha. Then I turned off all the power. Martha said she would lock the doors when she left. I don’t think that she took the ruby because she’s very honest said Mr Kunkel. Could you please tell her to come here? I’d like to ask her about last night, said Detective Jones. Yes of course said Mr Kunkel. (4b) Write the highlighted passage again and put in the punctuation. Read the second part of the mystery and answer the questions. excursion [eks‘k3:j3n] экскурсия arrest — арестовать thief [0i:f] — вор Mr Kunkel called Martha. She finally came five minutes later. “What’s the problem. Detective Jones?” said Martha. “Well,” said Detective Jones, “someone has stolen the red ruby.” “Oh, no!” said Martha. “That’s strange. It was there when 1 left last night.” “Did you see anything unusual last night when you were leaving work?” asked Detective Jones. “I saw Judy parking her car when I left. I talked to her and she said she was going to check her computer to see how many people she was going to take on an excursion,” answered Martha. “OK, thank you,” said Detective Jones with a smile. “Could you please call Judy? I’d like to ask her some questions.” “Yes, I will,” answered Mr Kunkel. Judy came into the room. She looked a bit frightened. “What’s happened?” she asked. “The red ruby was stolen last night,” said Mr Kunkel. “Oh! How did it happen?” asked Judy. “I’d like to ask you a few questions,” said Detective Jones. “Where were you last night?” “I was reading at home, then I came here just to check my computer. It only took me ten minutes and then I went home,” answered Judy. “Was there anything unusual?” asked Detective Jones. “No, I can’t remember anything,” answered Judy. Detective Jones called the police and told them to send some policemen to the museum to arrest the thief. 63 Unit 8 Lessons 1-2, 3 1 What happened? — 2 When and where did it happen? — 3 Who was investigating the case? — 4 Who were the suspects? — __________ 5 Did Martha have an alibi? — _______ 6 Did Judy have an alibi? — _________ 7 Who did Detective Jones want to arrest? — _ 8 What clues helped him to solve the mystery? Lesson 3 Writing mystery stories Write the missing words and find the mystery word. He wasn’t there so he couldn’t... the ring. 1 Why is it difficult to ... this mystery? 1 ___ 2 The grass is high. We need to cut the ... . 2 3 Is anybody hiding in the ... ? 3 ___ 4 Max saw the thief so he is the main .... 4 ___ ___ 5 They suspect him because he has no ... . 5 ___ ___ 6 ... is investigating this case? 6 ___ ___ 7 The girls were sitting on the ... in the park. 7 ___ ___ (2^ Write the detective’s questions. • Start with Do you know? / Can you tell me? Example: Where was Fred hiding? 1 Where was Roy hiding? 2 Who was in the bushes? Detective: Can you tell me where Fred was hiding? Laura: I don't know. Detective:___________________________________________ Laura: He was hiding under the bench. Detective:__________________________________ Jenny: I think Mike was there. 3 Who was hiding behind the tree? Detective:______________________________ 4 Where was Jenny? 5 Where did you see Fred? Roy: I don’t know. I only saw Laura. She was behind the bench. Detective:___________________________________________________________ Mike: She was hiding behind the tree. Detective:___________________________________________________________ Jenny: I saw him hiding with Mike. 64 Unit 8 Lessons 3, 4 2b Read the mystery in Ex. 2a and guess where Fred was. • Remember that all the children told the truth. Fred was hiding _______________________________ 2c Write the solution for the mystery. Mike was________________________ So_______ ___________________ Fred was Ijesson 4 The Tunguska mystery 1 What are the words? Example: rothye — theory 1 loexedp —____________ 2 teoretime —___________________ 2 Read and answer the questions. 3 stiincste —___ 4 idsteaor —____ 5 oipnseloxs — CROP CIRCLE APPEARS NEAR STONEHENGE (glossary). One of the country’s largest crop circles has appeared in a field near Stonehenge, England. It is 228.5 metres in diameter. Some people think that it connects three burial places from the Bronze Age. Scientists say that it's the second largest circle found in the UK. The biggest circle was 467 metres in diameter and had 400 small circles around it. It appeared in 2001, 30 miles away in Alton Barnes. Crop circle researcher Steve Alexander said, “A lot of people think that crop circles are made by people. But it is still a mystery because there is no evidence that they do this.” crop circles — круги на засеянных полях researcher — исследователь burial places [Ъепэ1 ’pleisiz] — места захоронения CROP CIRCLES PUZZLE QUEBEC FARMER A Canadian farmer has discovered large geometric crop circles in his field. There are 12 large and small circles. One of them is more than 20 metres in diameter. The farmer said that no one heard noises during the night. There are other reports about crop circles in Canada, but nobody can explain how they appeared. Different theories explain crop circles: rain, tornadoes or even UFOs, but scientists have no clear answer yet. 1 Where were the crop circles discovered?. 2 Where is the largest crop circle?. 65 Unit 8 Lessons 4, 5......................... 3 What is mysterious about crop circles? 4 How do people explain crop circles?_ 5 Can scientists explain how crop circles appear? Lesson 5 The Unexplained 1 Complete the table with the words from the box and translate the nouns. j investigation collection solve demonstration correction explode appear solution I correct disappear decorate explosion celebrate disappearance translation : decoration collect celebration demonstrate solution appearance translate investigate Verb Noun T“ investigate investigation расследование . ^ Fill the gaps with the where necessary. Mr Chung has written a lot of books about (—) China and the Chinese. 1 ______Americans are very different from_______English. 2 Have you seen________Eiffel Tower in______Paris? 3 There is a house in the village built in_ 4 Mike is going to travel to___UK this summer. 5 They visited_____Pyramids when they were in . Middle Ages. - Egypt. Stonehedge is in Great Britain. 7 These ancient bracelets were made at the beginning of________ Read the questions and change them into newspaper headings Example: What did the scientists see in the mountains? 1 Where did the mummy of the Pharaoh disappear to? The archaeologists can’t explain where 5_____________ Bronze Age. The scientists can’t explain what they saw in the mountains. 66 Unit 8 Lessons 5, 6 2 What did people see in Loch Ness? Scientists can’t explain what ____________ 3 Why did aeroplanes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle? Scientists can’t explain why ships and _________________ 4 Translate the sentences from Russian newspaper articles into English. 1 Сейчас ученые могут объяснить, что произошло в лесах Тунгуски. 2 Археологи могут рассказать, что было обнаружено под сфинксом (the Sphinx). 3 Сейчас ученые могут объяснить, почему люди смеются. 4 Археологи могут рассказать, как жили люди в Средние века._ 5 Археологи не знают, что находится за дверью комнаты в пирамиде Хеопса (the Great Pyramid). Ijesson 6 Who built the Pyramids? 1 Do the crossword. Across 2 very old 4 a word in the Egyptian writing system 6 someone who investigates very old things 7 a creature from another world Down 1 a shop where you can buy bread and cakes 3 a country next to the Red Sea 4 a person 5 to cook food in a hot oven 67 Unit 8 Lesson 6 Translate the sentences. 1 Я думаю, что он не был в Египте. 2 Я думаю, что ты не знаешь эту девочку. 3 Я думаю, что древние люди не знали, как выпекать хлеб. 4 Я не думаю, что она умеет читать иероглифы. Work out the results of the contest and fill in the table. DJ Contest Once, four disc jockeys from Liverpool took part in a contest. Each of them wore a number: 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each had a mike (microphone) of a different colour: red, yellow, green and blue. Each of them wanted to win a prize. 1 DJ Sam Scott came first. 2 Only one DJ wore the same number as the place he finished in. 3 DJ Dave Duck wore number 1. 4 The DJ who wore number 2 had a red mike. 5 DJ John Jones didn’t have a yellow mike. 6 The DJ who came last had a blue mike. 7 DJ Pete Parker beat DJ Dave Duck. 8 The DJ who wore number 1 had a green mike. 9 The DJ who came second wore number 3. Name Number Colour of the mike Place in the contest 68 9 * ■ - Irhe universe is caliing Ijesson 1 Our solar system Find seven planets in the word grid. • Which planet is missing? J U P 1 T E R В E R Y P L A T U M A R S 0 D 1 M S N E P T U N E T U E W 0 D X A A S A T и R N R R 0 P L A N E T M E R C U R Y H than on Earth. 12 i Compare the planets. Put the words in brackets in the right form. 1 The year on Mercury is (long)________________________________ 2 The Sun is (big)______________________________________object in our solar system. 3 A day on Venus is nearly as (long)_________________________________as a year on Earth. 4 Uranus is four times (big) 5 Venus is a (hot)______ than the Earth. 6 I think Earth is (beautiful) 7 Neptune is (cold) _________ than Mercury. _______planet. 8 Venus is nearly as (large)___________________________ Rewrite the sentences beginning in the way shown. Example: “Is Jupiter cooler than Uranus?” asked Laura. Laura asked if Jupiter is cooler than Uranus. 1 “Why is Mercury so hot?” exclaimed Muhammad. Muhammad wondered_____________________________________ than Saturn. _ as the Earth. 2 “Will anyone go to Mars in the 21st century?” asks the interviewer. The interviewer wants to know ______________________________________________ 3 “Is it true that Venus is almost as big as the Earth?” my brother asked me. My brother wanted to know____________________________________________________ 4 “Does the Sun really rotate round the Earth?” asked Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer, in 16th century. Galileo Galilei wondered ________________________________________________________________________ 5 ’’Which planet in our solar system has the longest orbit?” my teacher asks me. My teacher asks me_______________________________________________________________________________ 6 “Can you name all the planets with more than one moon?” Charles asks me. Charles wonders _________________________________________________________________________________ 69 Unit 9 Lessons 1,2' 4 Read the text and underline the answers to these questions in the text. 1 Why is Venus sometimes called “the star”? 2 How is Venus similar to the Earth? 3 How is it different? 4 Why is Venus the hottest planet of the solar system? ------- VENUS Venus, which is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, is known as the morning star and evening star. It is the brightest object in the sky except the Sun and the Moon and you can see it with the naked eye. Astronomers refer to Venus as the Earth’s sister planet. Both are similar in size, mass, density and volume. Both were formed about the same time. Because of this, people thought that Venus might be very like the Earth and might even have life. However, Venus is very different from the Earth. It has no oceans. It rotates from east to west. To an observer on Venus, the Sun would rise in the west and set in the east. The atmosphere of Venus is composed mainly of carbon dioxide. It produces a greenhouse effect, which raises Venus’s surface temperature to 482 degrees. This makes Venus hotter than Mercury. Venus probably once had large amounts of water like the Earth, but it all boiled away. Venus is now quite dry. We may learn a lot about the Earth by learning why Venus, which seems similar to the Earth, turned out to be so different. except [ik'sept] — кроме with the naked [’neikid] eye — невооруженным глазом mass — масса density [’densiti] — плотность volume [’volju:m] — объем carbon dioxide ['ка:Ьэп ’daioksaid] углекислый газ surface [’S3:f3s] — поверхность boil away — выкипеть turn out to be — оказаться Lesson 2 What’s the ISS? 1) Read the sentences and fill in the gaps with the article the if necessary. 1 Sun gives us light and energy. 2 The biggest planet in our solar system is_______Jupiter. 3 _______Neil Armstrong was the first man on__________Moon. 4 I live on______River Volga, but my friend lives near________Lake Baikal. 5 This wonderful world of galaxies, stars and planets is______Universe. 6 It’s very cold in______space. 70 Unit 9 Lesson 2 2 Complete the answers to the question below with will. • How will our life be different in the future? Example: I don’t think/ have wars/ with aliens — I don’t think we’ll have wars with aliens. 1 I’m sure people / fly / to Mars.—____________________________________________ 2 Perhaps we / travel / at the speed of light.- 3 We probably / build / a space colony.— 4 I think / we / create / new technologies.- 5 I don’t think / we / meet aliens / on other planets.— Read the text and answer the questions. 1 When was the Mir Space Station launched? — 2 How long did it orbit the Earth? —___________ 3 When did it stop orbiting? —_________________ 4 Where is Mir now? — THE MIR SPACE STATION The Mir Space Station spent fifteen years orbiting 390 kilometres above the Earth. It completed over 86,325 trips around our planet. In its fifteen years in orbit astronauts from different countries lived on the station and performed experiments of historical significance. The first element of the station, the Mir module, was launched on February 20, 1986. It had five docking ports, and other modules were added and moved around like a giant toy construction set in the sky. The later years of the station were years of accidents and near disasters, so it was decided to take Mir out of orbit safely. On March 23, 2001, the Mir Space Station completed its triumphant spaceflight and found its final resting place in the South Pacific Ocean. toy construction set — конструктор accident ['aeksidant] — несчастный случай disaster [di'zcusto] — катастрофа triumphant [trai'Amfont] — триумфальный 71 Unit 9 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Living in space You have just returned from your grandmother. You had a talk with her about space. She asked you the following questions: ■у\ Is the Earth similar to any other planet in our solar system? How far is the Earth from the Sun? Is there any atmosphere on Mars? many moons does Saturn have?^ Is there any life on Venus? 6 ) Is Neptune covered with ice? D * Tell your parents what your granny asked you: Example: 1 Granny asked if the Earth is similar to any other planet in our solar system. 2 Granny asked ___________________________________________________________ 3 Granny asked ___________________________________________________________ 4 Granny asked ___________________________________________________________ 5 Granny asked ___________________________________________________________ 6 Granny asked ___________________________________________________________ 24 Read the text and choose the right answer. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), a famous Italian mathematician, astronomer and physicist, was born in Pisa. In 1589 he became professor of mathematics at the university there. Later, in 1592, he became a professor at the university in Padua where he lived up to 1610. Galileo developed the first astronomic telescope and was the first to see sunspots, the four main satellites of Jupiter, mountains and craters on the Moon, and the appearance of Venus, which proved it was orbiting the Sun. sunspots — солнечные пятна Galileo came from □ 3 In 1600 he lived in a) England a) Pisa b) Italy □ b) Padua c) Spain □ c) Rome Galileo was a famous 4 He worked a) doctor □ a) at the university b) teacher □ b) in the laboratory c) astronomer □ c) in the library □ □ □ □ □ □ What made him famous? a) He invented the first telephone. П b) He invented the first microscope. П c) He invented the first telescope. О 72 Unit 9 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Could you be a crew member? Read and translate the sentences. • Write Ц n or adj near the words in italics. 1 Eight planets orbit ( ) the Sun. 2 The astronauts do a lot of experiments in orbit ( ). 3 Scientists from Russia and the USA researched ( ) the surface of the Moon. 4 Their research ( ) helped to discover many interesting things. 5 A crew member must be a very patient ( ) person. 6 Some patients ( ) were waiting for the doctor in the hall. gtt Read the text and tick the sentence which says what the text is about. A Valery Polyakov’s flight В Russian and American astronauts C It is difficult to become an astronaut. □ □ □ THE QUEUE FOR SPACE i4 Twant to go into space.” “How can I become an astronaut?” AHundreds of people from all over the world would like to go into space and say hello to the universe. In the last forty years, 429 people have gone into space. Ninety-eight of them were Russian cosmonauts, 232 American astronauts and 99 people from other countries. But the number of candidates was much bigger. Cosmonaut and professor of medicine Valery Polyakov went on the longest spaceflight of the 20th century. He spent 427 days and nights in space. His second space flight lasted for 240 days and nights. His 14-month flight was very important for the future development of space travel. It proved that a human could go to Mars. Perhaps the next generation of astronauts will go to the Red Planet. Here’s what Valery said to our reporter. Reporter: Is it easy to pass the medical test? Valery Polyakov: It’s very difficult to choose new cosmonauts now. Ninety per cent of the volunteers don’t pass the medical test. If you pass it, the way to space will be open to you. prove [pru:v] — доказывать volunteer [.vnbn'tia] — доброволец quality [’kwoliti] — качество "m-“w 73 Unit 9 Lessons 4, 5 Reporter: Can any healthy person become an astronaut? Valery Polyakov: No! Besides good health, you need certain personal qualities, a special kind of character. You need to be very patient, hard-working, honest, careful and at the same time brave, determined and not afraid to take risks. 2b Read the text in Ex. 2a again and fill in the table. Number 98 Numbers in words What the numbers stand for 99 1 232 240 Two hundred and forty Days and nights Valery Polyakov’s space flight lasted. 427 429 3 Look through the text, write out the adjectives for the personal qualities for astronauts and translate them into Russian. Careful (осторожный, тщательный),________________________________________________ Lesson 5 A weekend in orbit 1 Write the verbs in the correct form and complete the sentences. Example: If I__a lot of money, I_to the ISS (win / go). 1 If I If I won a lot of money, I would go to the ISS. _____________________to the ISS, I______ a camera with me (go/take). 2 If I__________________________a camera with me, I photos of the Earth (take/take). 3 If I____________________________photos of the Earth, I them to a magazine (take/send). 4 If the photos to the magazine, they 5 If they them (send/publish). _______them, I_________ famous (publish/be). PHOTO '^^gazine 74 Unit 9 Lessons 5, 6 2a Read the text The Hotel in Space and correct the mistakes. • There is only one mistake in a line. • Not every line has a mistake. Example: There are a lot of people who dreem about flvino into soace. dream The hotel in space where tourists would stay for a few days would be / 1 the ISS “Alpha”. Russian Soyuz rokets have three seats. There 2 is one tourist seat in each Soyuz spaseship. The other two seats are 3 for the flight commander and the flight ingineer. A Soyuz taxi flight to the 4 station takes two days and the stay on the station is usualy eight 5 days. Two tourists have already visited the space hotel. California 6 milionaire and rocket engineer Dennis Tito, 60, was the first space 7 tourist. He was bunched into space in April 2001. The second tourist 8 was Mark Shuttleworth frorri South Africa. He made his trip to “Alpha” 9 in April 2002. They both trained with real cosmonouts in the 10 cosmonaut centre near Moscow and prepared for their spacefligt. 11 They paid $20 million for their “ticket” to the space station. 12 Mark also boght his spacesuit after his flight. 13 Who will be the next space tourist? 2b Read the text again and write true (T) or false (F). 1 The space hotel is the ISS “Alpha”.___________ 2 It takes three days to get to the station._________ 3 A Soyuz spaceship can take two tourists at a time. 4 Dennis Tito was sixty years old when he flew into space._____ 5 Dennis Tito and Mark Shuttleworth were launched into space in April 2001. 6 Mark Shuttleworth bought a space ship after his flight into space.____ Ijesson 6 Space cities (jJ) Write ten words and expressions beginning with “space”. Spaceman (космонавт), _____________________ 75 Unit 9 Lesson 6 Put the verbs in the right form. 1 The other side of the Moon _ 2 Water and air_____________ (photograph) by Luna 3 in 1959. 3 The sleeping bags on the ISS 4 A lot of scientific experiments 5 Our river_______________ (purify) on the station. __________________(attach) to the wall. __________________(do) on the ISS. 6 The telescope (pollute). There are no fish there now. ______(use) for watching the stars. 3 ) Read the text and complete the fact file. INTO ORBIT Svetlana Savitskaya, the world’s 111th astronaut, was born on 8th August 1948, in Moscow. Her father was Yevgeny Savitsky, a very famous pilot and twice a Hero of the Soviet Union. After school hours, Svetlana took up music, English and swimming. She liked reading and she also went figure skating and running. Svetlana decided to become a pilot at the age of 16. She joined the Chkalov Flying Club and began parachute training. By her 17th birthday she had completed 450 parachute jumps. When she was 17, she made a record parachute jump from the stratosphere. At the age of 18, Svetlana began pilot training and entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). The British newspapers called her “Miss Sensation” in 1970 when she became the aerobatics world champion. Svetlana set 18 world records and made 600 parachute jumps. She worked as a flying instructor and a test pilot before she was chosen as a cosmonaut in 1980. In 1982, Svetlana Savitskaya became the second woman in space. She also became the first woman to walk in space in 1984. After the birth of her child she continued working as an engineer. take up — заниматься aerobatics — высший пилотаж parachute ['раегэ/иТ] — парашют flying instructor — летчик-инструктор complete — совершить test pilot — летчик-испытатель Г Fact File ^ Name Svetlana Savitskaya Birthday and birthplace Family Favourite sports Hobbies Joined a flying club Completed a jump in the stratosphere Entered the MAI Became a world champion in aerobatics Became a cosmonaut Number of parachute jumps Number of spaceflights Number of spacewalks Jobs 76 о Welcome to Russia Lesson 1 Beautiful and amazing Cross the odd one out. 1 monsoon subtropical temperate vast 2 bear desert steppe mountain 3 lake ocean tundra sea 4 amazing impressive magnificent nationality 3 Complete the tables. Read and underline the correct word. 1 Russia has got a lot of tradition / traditions. 2 Russian people like different music / musics. 3 Russian money / moneys is roubles. 4 The Ural Mountain / Mountains divide Eurasia into Europe and Asia. —) Adjective Noun adventurous argument beautiful dreamy energetic independence orbit typical Verb Noun addition attract compose construct director disappear exploration purity Lesson 2 People we are proud of 1 Fill in the gaps with words from the box • There are two extra words. 1 Prince Vsevolod the Great Nest 2 Vladimir Zworykin______________ the town of Vladimir. the television. 3 The famous chemist Alexander Borodin__________________ 4 Afanasy Nikitin___________________to India. 5 Dmitry Mendeleev_____________________the periodic table of elements. the opera Prince Igor. composed : created ; explored ' founded : invented ; made j played ; travelled ; won 6 Nikolai Przhevalsky. Mongolia and__________ the mountain regions between Tibet and a collection of plants and animals. 77 Unit 10 Lesson 2' 2 Answer the questions. • Which great Russian... ^ 1 ...defeated (одержать победу над) the Swedes and the Germans in 1240 and 1242? 2 ...defeated the Mongolian Khan Mamay at the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380? 3 ...defeated the Turks in 1791? 4 ...defeated the French in 1812? Read the text and find true (T) and false (F) sentences. a) Dmitry Donskoy b) Georgy Zhukov c) Mikhail Kutuzov d) Alexander Nevsky e) Alexander Suvorov --------V.,------- inspire [ins'paia] — вдохновить scarlet fever [.skcdot 'fi:v3] — скарлатина Konstantin Eduardovich Tsioikovsky (1857-1935) was a brilliant Russian scientist and inventor, a pioneer in rocket and space research. He played an important role in the development of the Soviet and Russian space programmes. He was a truly great thinker. He was born on 17 September, 1857. His family was not rich, but it was very large. Konstantin had 17 brothers and sisters. At the age of 10, he lost his hearing as the result of scarlet fever. After that he couldn’t go to school, and he educated himself at home. His books were his teachers, and he read every book in his father’s library. For some years Konstantin lived in Moscow. His visits to the main Moscow libraries helped his education too. At the age of 17, while living in Moscow, he first dreamed about spaceflights. The novels of Jules Verne inspired him. Konstantin not only thought about going into outer space, but also about living in space. After passing his exams, he received his Teacher’s Certificate and began working as a maths teacher. At that time he began his scientific research. From 1892 to 1935 he lived and worked in Kaluga. There in Kaluga |ie became a well-known scientist and wrote and published his theories of spaceflights and interplanetary travel. His first article on rocketry appeared in 1903. He wrote over 500 scientific papers. He never created any rockets himself, but he influenced many young Russian engineers and designers. Among them was Sergey Korolev, the “Chief Designer” of the Soviet space programme. Konstantin Tsioikovsky, the father of cosmonautics, died in Kaluga at the age of 78 on 19 September, 1935. A crater on the far side of the moon is named after him. 1 Tsioikovsky was a famous Russian scientist in the eighteenth century. _ 2 He was born in a large poor family._________ 3 He got his education at home.__________ 4 He liked reading very much._________ 5 He was an engineer.__________ 6 He wrote and published more than 500 scientific papers in Moscow.________ 7 He inspired many young engineers and designers to create spaceships. 8 One of the craters on the Moon is named after Tsioikovsky.___________ 78 Unit 10 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Legend and history 1 Read the paragraphs of the legend and put them in order. 79 Unit 10 Lesson 3' The next day the rich man sent Ivan to the forest again. Ivan set out for the Crystal Lake. He came to the lake and hid behind a large stone. Some minutes later the twelve swans flew down and began to splash and play on the water. Ivan couldn’t kill the beautiful birds and returned home empty-handed again. And again he was punished. Ivan set out early in the morning. After walking for a long time, he heard the sound of water. Just as the sun cut through the trees, Ivan saw the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. A lake. The lake was as clear as if it was made of glass. He called it “Crystal Lake”. rf. / ■“1 When the maidens finished the dance, they took off their shoes and went for a swim in the lake. Ivan crawled to the shoes and took the shoes of the youngest maiden. Then the maidens stepped ashore, put the shoes back on, turned into white swans and flew away. Only the youngest maiden couldn’t find her shoes and fly away. 80 ' Unit 10 Lesson 3 11 -Mi \ V Д1 Twelve snow-white swans were peacefully swimming in the lake. Ivan was so impressed with the wonderful birds that he couldn’t kill them. He came home empty-handed. The rich man was very angry. He ordered punishment for the hunter. Ш Ш %■ тш 1 Two days later Ivan was given a final chance to hunt. He came to the Crystal Lake again and hid behind the stone. Some time passed and the swans appeared again. They touched the ground and turned into beautiful maidens. The youngest maiden was the most beautiful. The maidens began singing and dancing in a circle. Ivan was very surprised. m № CD <3> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 1 81 Unit 10 Lessons 3, 4 2 Read the text again and choose the correct word. 1 Ivan was a) a fisherman С b) a hunter Q c) a rich man П 2 The rich man sent Ivan to a) the forest П b) the river Q c) the steppe Q 3 In the forest Ivan found a beautiful a) river □ b) flower О c) lake □ There were a) ten b) eleven c) twelve swans in the lake. □ □ The swans turned into a) monsters Q b) maidens П > c) mice CD Ivan took the youngest maiden’s a) shoes ,O b) dress Q ' c) hat ■ ’ CD The youngest maiden couldn’t fly away because a) she fell in love with the hunter b) she liked the lake very much c) she couldn’t find her shoes n Lesson 4 My home town is famous for. Divide the words into two groups. bag clay glass leather metal paper plane plastic porcelain poster table vase window wood Materials: clay, Things; bag, Complete the sentences with of or from. 3 ) Read the text and answer the questions. 1 Paper is made wood. 5 Chocolate is made cocoa beans. 2 Books are made paper. 6 Porcelain is made clay. 3 The bag is made plastic. 7 Shoes are made leather. 4 Windows are made glass. 8 My mother makes butter milk. Vologda is in the north of European Russia on the Vologda River. It was founded in 1147. From the 15th to the 17th century it was a big trade centre. In the Vologda’s old kremlin you can see St Sophia’s Cathedral, built from 1568 to 1570 by Ivan IV, and the 18th-century Bishop’s Palace. The Spasso-Priluki Monastery, founded in 1371, is nearby. 82 Unit 10 Lessons 4, 5 Vologda is famous for its lace. People started lace-making in the late 18th century. Vologda lace is made of linen thread, and it is really beautiful. It is used for decorating curtains, bedcovers, towels and clothes. Delicate table mats and collars are specially good as presents. trade — торговля bishop — епископ palace — дворец linen thread ['linm '0red] — льняная нить cover ['клуэ] — покрывало towel [Чаиэ1] — полотенце delicate ['delikit] — изящный table mat — салфетка 1 Where is Vologda? 2 In what century was it founded? 3 What places of interest can visitors see in Vologda? 4 What is Vologda famous for? 5 When did this industry start? 6 What is the lace used for? Lesson 5 Traditions and ceiebrations Read the sentences and write noun or verb for the words in CAPITALS. Example: What’s the MATTER? noun 1 In this cafe you can TASTE very delicious ice cream_ 2 House RHYMES with mouse._______ 3 “There’s somebody in the room,” he said in a WHISPER_ 4 The LAUNCH of the spaceship is planned for Friday.__ 5 Who do you SUSPECT?________ 6 The astronauts worked in ORBIT for forty days. 83 Unit 10 Lesson 5' Read the text and fill in the table. fib’ Hi, my name is Lisa. I live in the country and go to a country school. We have got a festival called “Golden Autumn”. It is held in October. It has been held for more than fifty years. The school is decorated with yellow leaves. Children bring the best flowers, fruit and vegetables they have grown in their gardens. Our parents and grandparents come to school to look at the exhibition. It’s really beautiful. The winners are awarded prizes. I got a prize last year. 1 What festival is it? 2 How old is the tradition? 3 When is it held? 4 Who takes part in it? 5 What are the main events? 6 Hov/ does the festival end? I 3i Read the table and write about the festival. • Use Ex. 2 as an example. 1 What festival is it? The Day of the Town 2 How old is the tradition? One year old 3 When is it held? 25 May 4 Who takes part in it? Adults and children 5 What are the main events? Competitions in running and bike riding, concerts 6 How does the festival end? Fireworks in the evening 84 Unit 10 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Have a nice holiday 1 Find seven holiday activities in this puzzle. ~db Ж H 1 К 1 N G N 0 у E S 0 S w 1 M M 1 N G F 1 Q К D P S A 1 L 1 N G W 1 В E H 0 Z N V R H V 1 L F C X F W Q U T В N C Y c L 1 N G 0 s К G Y M A P S F V C E О 1 J К L F H S D C E Q X Z D S T 1 J G N N М N В V C X N z X A G A S D F G H G J К L T 2 Read the questions and choose the correct answer. 1 Would you like a lace collar? 2 Would you like to go to the concert? 3 Would you like to go on a bus tour? 4 Would you like to work on the computer? 5 Would you like a sandwich? 6 Would you like to see the new film? a) No, thanks. I’m not hungry. b) No, thanks. I don’t like sightseeing. c) Yes, please. 1 want to send an e-mail to my friend. d) No, thanks. 1 have already seen it. e) Yes, please. It will make my dress much nicer. f) Yes, please. I like this group very much. Read the text and find a mistake in every line. When my granny and my granddad lived near the see. sea 1 we used to visit them every sumer. Though 1 was only 2 ten years old, 1 remember that time wery well. There was 3 always a lot for us to do and to see. Of coarse, when the 4 wether was sunny we used to go swimming in the sea. 5 But the most interisting thing for me was having a 6 picnik somewhere on a hill in a nice green place with 7 lots of birds singing in the trees and colourful butterflys 8 flying from flouwer to flower. My granddad used to 9 organise james or other activities for us children. 10 We picked harries and beautiful leaves, or went 11 birdwatching or just wachted clouds floating in the sky. 12 Granny’s sandwitches were the most delicious in 13 the werld. Tired but happy, we went home. 85 Answer keys Unit Lesson 1 1 1 общение 2 сигнал 3 контакт 4 компания 5 код 1 What’s the matter? 2 It doesn’t matter. 3 Yeah, do you like it? 4 Sorry, I’m afraid not. 1 He should look at people’s eyes and faces / have eye-contact with other people. 2 She should use an open posture. 3 He should shake hands / shouldn’t have her arms and legs crossed. 4 She shouldn’t lean back. Lesson 2 1 Sorry, I don’t understand. Could you say that again? 2 1 Could you tell me the time? 2 Thank you. / Thanks. / Thank you very much. 3 1b 2a 4 IB 2D 3C 4A Lesson 3 1 1 DO 2 DON’T 3 DON’T 4 DON’T 2 1 NO CROSSING 2 NO PARKING 3 NO QUEUING 4 NO DIVING 5 NO RUNNING 3 1b 2b 3a 4b 3 1 Could / Can you lend me your pen, please? 2 Could you say that again? 3 Could you spell the word, please? 4 Could you translate the sentence, please? Lesson 4 1 C в A 1 them 2 3 2 it 3 him 4 her 1 My little sister wants me / Mark to read her a story. 2 The teacher wants the pupils to open their books. 3 The mother wants her daughter to wash her hands. 4 Anna wants David to lend her a pencil. Lesson 5 1 1e 2g 3j 4a 5c 6b 7d 8f 9h lOi '1 a t e r "b e f 0 r e e X t 0 ®t о n i g h t X c e 1 1 e n t r e a t 3 1 — Do you want to go to the cinema later tonight? — I can’t go tonight. I have a date! Is the weekend OK for you? 2 — Yes, Saturday is OK. \Nhat do you want to see? — Not a cartoon. I hate cartoons! Have you seen “Spy Game”? 3 — No. But I want to! I love Brad Pitt! See you at 7? — OK. Can’t wait to see you! Bye-bye for now. Lesson 6 1 D C E в A 1 answer phone 2 phone box 3 phone card 4 message 5 phone directory 3 2 ' ^ Unit Lesson 1 1 Winter sports: ice hockey, skating Indoor sports: gymnastics, sguash, swimming, ping pong Sports which you play with a racket and a ball: tennis, ping pong Water sports: sailing, windsurfing 2 1c 2b 3b 4c 5c 3 1 so 2 neither 3 so 4 neither 5 so Lesson 2 1 go swimming, play ping pong, do weight training, do athletics, go motor racing, do gymnastics 86 Answer keys 2 1 ambitious 2 hard-working 3 honest 4 well-organised Lesson 6 1 1 Neither have 3 1 would 5 have 2 so would 2 does 6 are 3 did 7 can 2a 4 4 have 2b 1c 2b 3b 4a 4 1 did 2 can 3 has 4 would 5 was 6 has Lesson 3 В Unit 1 1 ping pong 3 athletics Lesson 1 2 windsurfing 4 skating 3 Neither am 4 So do 2a 2 2b 2 3 If If I were you, I wouldn't do winter sports. 2a If I were you, I would play team games. 3c If I were you, I would ask your father to repair it. 4b If I were you, I would buy a new pair. 5d If I were you, I would do regular exercise. Lesson 4 1 1 скучать 2 пропустить 3 найди соответствия 4 матч 5 спичек 6 играть / поиграть 7 спектакль 8 парк 9 парковать / парковаться 10 как/любит 11 посмотреть 12 часы (^1 Kelly. 2 Three times а week. 3 When she has time. 4 With her friends. 5 It’s not interesting. 6 Strong, fit boxers. 7 No. Lesson 5 Wrong statements; 2, 3, 5 1 Young athletes can feel the Olympic atmosphere. 2 Young athletes can meet famous athletes. 3 Young athletes enjoy staying in Moscow. 4 Young athletes gain experience of a world sports event / feel the great atmosphere of a big championship. 5 It’s an important step to the Olympic Games. 1 If 2a 3g 4b 5d 6h 2a В 2b 1 Joao 3 Sergey 4 Jamila 5 Conchita 3 1 Dennis loved techno music. 2 Dennis didn’t like cold weather. 3 Dennis walked to work. 4 Where did he work? 5 Why did he get up early? 6 Dennis didn’t play any musical instrument. Lessons 2-3 1 1 George used to spend a lot of time with his parents but now he likes mixing with his friends. 2 George used to live in the country but now he lives in a town. 3 George used to play in a football team but now he plays tennis. 4 George used to listen to pop but now he enjoys jazz concerts. 5 George used to read adventure stories but now he enjoys reading science fiction. 6 George used to go to school on his own but now he walks to school with Tony. .2 „ 1 They used to have a dog, but they don’t have one now. 2 They used to go on holiday every year, but they don’t go now. 3 They didn’t use to travel by car, but now they do. 4 They didn’t use to live in a town, but now they do. 5 They didn’t use to play board games, but now they do. 6 They didn’t use to watch football matches together, but now they do. didn’t use to go 5 applauded used to 6 started going used to practise 7 gave up was 8 used to be 87 Answer keys * * 1 You should talk to Fiona. / If I were you, I would talk to Fiona. 2 If I were you, I would talk to Fiona’s parents. / You should talk to Fiona’s parents. 3 I think you should try to understand rock. It’s great. / If I were you, I would try to understand rock. i Type of music: techno, country, folk, jazz. Musical instrument: guitar, drums, keyboards, banjo, flute, violin. Person: pianist, musician, singer, composer, guitarist, rapper. A The girl has been listening to her CD player. В The girl has been sunbathing. C The boy has been playing the guitar. D The boy has been riding his bike. E The girl has been doing her homework. Jon has been playing the drums for two hours. Vicky and Linda have been swimming in the pool for two hours. Gregory and Jon have been listening to music for two hours. Vicky and Linda have been chatting for two hours. i 1 have been singing 2 won 3 made 4 have become 5 have supported i For: four months, a few minutes, ten seconds, a long time, a week. Since: my birthday, Monday, Christmas, 1 was five, 10 o’clock, 2000. 11 I have been living in Omsk for many years. 2 Kate has been doing her homework since two o’clock. 3 Mother has been looking for a book for half an hour. 4 Sasha has been looking after his rabbit since his birthday. 5 Dima has been talking on the phone for 40 minutes. f 1 How long has she / he been playing the violin? How many lessons has she / he had? 2 How long has your mum been baking rolls? How many rolls has she baked? 3 How long has he been eating sandwiches? How many sandwiches has he eaten? 4 How long has she been writing New Year cards? How many cards has she written? 5 How long has he / she been travelling? How many countries has he / she visited? Id 2e 3b 4a 5c 6g 7f ssone 1 drummer 2 guitarists 3 player 4 dancers 5 composers 1 Peter used to play the guitar. 2 They used to travel a lot. 3 Sam used to go swimming every weekend. 4 1 used to be bad at maths. 5 Marion used to do her homework to music. 6 Richard used to get up early at summer camp. 1c 2b 3c 4a 5b |\Jnit sson 1 11 Atlantic 9 Appalachians 2 Pacific 10 New Orleans 3 Canada 11 Chicago 4 Mexico 12 Mississippi 5 Hawaii 13 Gulf of Mexico 6 Pacific 14 Los Angeles 7 Alaska 15 Rocky Mountains 8 Boston 16 Colorado f 1 Three (the USA, Canada and Mexico). 2 Because a lot of wheat is grown there. 3 The Mississippi 4 Rhode island. 5 Because there are many national parks there. 6 Eight. 7 They came to the Northeast. 8 Because of its seaports and it has ideal conditions for growing cotton, tobacco, rice, peanuts and fruit. fA2 B5 C3 D1 E4 1 I saw it (your cat) jump from the fifth floor. 2 I heard it break. 3 I watched him / Nick walk his dog in the park. 4 I heard him / her cry. 5 I heard them laugh. 6 I saw him ride your bike. 7 I watched them play tennis. f 1 I saw the boys play football. 2 I heard Mum open the door and come in. 3 I didn’t hear the phone ring. 4 We watched the dolphins play. 5 I didn’t see Dima go out. 88 * * *' Answer keys И 2-3+4 7 - ) 1 in 2 test 3 missed / cut 4 late 5 excuse 6 cheated 7 talks ^ 1 b 2c 3a 4e d is extra p 1 can’t 2 can’t 3 can 4 can 5 can 6 can pb ^1F 2T 3F 4T 5F 6F P 1 go against 2 nobody gets arrested 3 on horseback Ljes^onS ^l|1e 2c 3d 4b 5a AM 1 responsible 2 babysitting 3 practical 4 hangs out 1c 2b 3b 4c 5a Lesson 4 J__Ш i 1 The first hamburger was served on a bun in 1904. 2 The first safety razors were made by King Gillette in 1903. 3 The first crossword puzzle was published in a newspaper by Arthur Wayne in 1913. 4 The first Superman story was written by Jerry Siegel and John Shuster in 1939. 5 The first dishwasher was designed by Josephine Cochrane in 1886. 6 The first traffic lights were invented by Garret A. Morgan in 1916. feA5 B1 C4 D3 E2 ^ 1 World War 1 2 World War I/1918 3 1951 4 1951 5 the 1960s 6 the 1960s 7 the 1960s LessooS 11 was hit 2 were injured 3 was killed 4 were damaged (A tidal wave. MF 2F 3F 4T 5F 5 destroyed 6 were picked up 7 thrown 8 were pushed over Lesson 6 1e New Year and Christmas 1 July 4 6 Halloween 2 Valentine’s Day 7 Thanksgiving 3 February 8 India 4 discrimination 9 Veteran’s Day 5 Labor Day 10 Memorial Day AmE BrE color colour favorite favourite labor labour center centre theater theatre program programme pants trousers vacation holiday elevator lift movie film mom mum traveled travelled math maths school student pupil chips crisps 1 Unit 1: St" Do you like horror movies / films? lb 1 exciting 2 frightened 3 frightening 4 entertaining 5 interesting 6 boring IT 2T 3F 4T 5T 6F A Lesson 11 action film 2 western 3 comedy 4 documentary 5 love story 6 cartoon I Cl D2 A3 F4 E5 B6 89 Answer keys 1 The Fellowship of the Rings. 2 Fantasy. 3 Yes. 4 Peter Jackson. 5 Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen. 6 Hobbit Frodo, magician Gandalf. 7 In Middle Earth. 8 Yes. 9 Yes. Lesson 3 drawn made sat called photographed projected added written used Lesson 6 3 2C 4B , Noun Noun (person) Noun (process) I stunt artist doing stunts 1 stunt Adjective Noun brave I bravery ila 2b ! 1 are called 2 are photographed 3 is projected 4 is made LessonM^ rich huge 5 is written 6 is added 7 are used 8 are split 7 is 8 has 9 is 10 has 11 is shining Id 2c 3e 4b 5f 6a 7g 1e 2d 3c 4a 5f 6g 7b 3 muttered ^ I entered the room. My mum and dad were glued to the screen. “Ah," I thought. “This stupid game again.” I coughed, but they didn’t turn their heads. “Are we going to have dinner today?” I asked, not meaning to sound angry. “What?” asked Mum without looking at me. “I’m hungry.” I answered. Being hungry always puts me in a bad mood. Besides, what was so exciting about that quiz on TV? But I asked enthusiastically. “Dad, do you think this tall ouv’s going to win?” “No. I don’t think so.” he said. I couldn’t hide my disappointment, as it meant another half an hour without food. I sat down quietly and stared at the screen. WA3 B4 Cl D5 E2 Lesson 1 i 1 sensitive 2 bossy, bubbly, chatty, dreamy, happy, shy 3 artistic, romantic 4 fun-loving, hard-working, home-loving, outgoing 5 unselfish 1 Andrew is dreamy. 2 Boris is chatty. 3 Kate is hard-working. 4 Jane is sensitive. 5 Max is shy. 6 Ann is confident. 7 Bob is fun-loving. 8 Laura is selfish. _ 1 Lesson 2 yyic 2a 3b 4d 5e felB 2A 3B 4C Lesson 3 met 11 came 2 was 12 said 3 was walking 13 went 4 were walking 14 said 5 started 15 began 6 ran 16 said 7 followed 17 went 8 ran 18 found 9 lost 19 was playing 10 didn’t come 20 made 90 Answer keys Lesson 4 1 How long have you known your best friend? 2 I have known my best friend for five years. 3 How long has Pete known his best friend? 4 Pete has known his best friend for ten years. 5 We have not known each other for a long time. i 2f 3b 4c 5a 6d 7g A BEST FRIEND is someone who: you can tell all your secrets. gives advice when you really need it. understands you better than anyone. you can talk to about anything. you always have fun with when you’re together. cheers you up when you are sad. Lesson 5 1 hurt 2 happy 3 depressed 4 lonely 5 confident 1 If I were you, I would try to make more friends. 2 If I were you, I would ignore the bullies. 3 If I were you, I would talk to them. 4 If I were you, I would tell your mum. 5 If I were you, I would invite him to the party. ^a2,3 b5 cl,4 d1,3,4 e4 Ф IT 2F 3F 4T 5F 6T 4) Ion 2 up 3on 4 out 5 on 1 He hangs out with his friends at the computer club. 2 When I’m sad, my friend always tries to cheer me up. 3 Sometimes bullies pick on someone who is smarter than they are or different from them. 4 Paul and Max didn’t talk to each other but then they decided to make up again. 5 You should have somebody to rely on. How You Scored: Mostly As: You’re a Budding (подрастающий) Bully! OK, so maybe you’ve never bullied anyone yet but that doesn’t mean to say you couldn’t. Learn to control yourself now, so you don’t get into trouble later on. Mostly Bs: You’re a Borderline (находящийся на грани) Bully! You don’t have time for bullying but you can be a bit bossy at times. Try to remember that if someone doesn’t agree with you, just take it as it is. Mostly Cs: You’re Bored With Bullies! You think bullies are really horrible and would never ever want to be one — good for you! Try to do what you know is right. Lesson 6 1 Kate wants to watch a video with Laura this Friday night. 2 Laura wants to go to the concert with Mary. (^win-win — A lose-win — В win-lose — C Qtinit lose-lose — D Lesson 1 1 leather 4 plastic 2 glass 5 cloth 3 metal 6 paper 1 It is made of metal and wood. It is used for working in the garden. 2 It is made of wood. It is used for playing music. 3 It is made of paper. It is used for sending letters. 4 It is made of plastic. It is used for writing. 5 It is made of plastic and metal. It is used for talking to other people. Lesson 2 1 were used 2 was invented 3 was made of 4 was made of C5) 2) Possible translation: Многие привычные средства no уходу за зубами использовались еще в каменном веке. Зубную щетку из щетины изобрели в Китае. В древности зубную пасту делали из фруктов, талька, меда, сушеных цветов, мышей, кроличьих голов и печени ящериц. Ее делали из мыла и мела. 1 Don’t lick your fingers. 2 Wipe your fingers on the serviette. 3 Don’t put your elbows on the table. 4 Sit (up) straight. 5 Say thank you when you finish your meal. 1 was built 2 is produced 3 was written 4 is sold 91 Answer keys ' ’ * used to used used 4 used to 5 used to 6 used In the 17th century very few people used toothbrushes. People used to write letters to each other, but today we usually use the telephone to communicate. Lesson 4 11 He said he was quite a good singer. 2 She said that when she was a child, she had three dogs. 3 He said he grew very quickly, and his mother bought him new shoes every six months. 4 She said that during the war her father was in the service. 5 She said she didn’t like summer camp because she felt very homesick. (2 1 4 3 The extra thing is “strange light”. going back into the house noise at school news 1 She said she was really tired. 2 She said that her heart was beating quickly. 3 She said she couldn’t understand what it was. 4 She said that she ran into her mum and dad’s bedroom. 5 She said she turned on the radio. Lesson 5* *“ Ш1Ь 2d 3b 4b 5a 6e 7c 11 Robots will clean rooms. People won’t clean rooms. 2 Robots will go shopping. People won’t go shopping. 3 Robots will cook meals. People won’t cook meals. 4 Robots will clean cars. People won’t clean cars. 5 Robots will build houses. People won’t build houses. 1b 2a 11 Margie 2 Tommy 3 the mechanical teacher 4 Margie \ 1 Many people believe 2 because 3 but 4 and Unit Lessons 1-2 _____________ a1 evidence d) investigate b) alibi e) suspect c) clue f) witness teach — teacher read — reader translate — translator decorate — decorator investigate — investigator suspect — suspect witness — witness 11 Do you know where Peter is? 2 Can you tell me who wrote the / this message? 3 Do you know what the time is? 4 Can you tell me where he was? 5 Do you know what snakes eat? 4a The Case of the Stolen Ruby 4b “I think only Martha, my cleaning lady, and I were here last night,” answered Mr Kunkel. “Well, first I’ll start with you. Can you tell me exactly what you did last night before you left?” asked Detective Jones. “Well, first I said good night to Martha. Then I turned off all the power. Martha said she would lock the doors when she left. I don’t think that she took the ruby because she’s very honest,” said Mr Kunkel. “Could you please tell her to come here. I’d like to ask her about last night,” said Detective Jones. "Yes, of course,” said Mr Kunkel. Ч 1 Someone stole / has stolen the red ruby. 2 It happened at night. 3 Detective Jones. 4 Mr Kunkel, Martha and Judy were the suspects. 5 Yes, she did. She talked to Judy and then she went home. 6 No, she didn’t. She was in the museum alone. 7 He wanted to arrest Judy. 8 Mr Kunkel said, “Then I turned off ail the power.” Judy said, “I came here just to check my computer. It only took me ten minutes and then I went home.”— Judy couldn’t check her computer 5 Margie’s mother 6 Tommy 7 Margie Lesson 3 Щл 1 solve 5 alibi 5 so 2 lawn 6 who 6 1 don’t believe 3 bushes 7 bench 7 1 think 4 witness Mystery word: solution 92 Answer keys 1 Do you know / Can you tell me where Roy was hiding? 2 Do you know / Can you tell me who was in the bushes? 3 Do you know / Can you tell me who was hiding behind the tree? 4 Do you know / Can you tell me where Jenny was? 5 Do you know / Can you tell me where you saw Fred? Fred was hiding in the bushes. ^ Mike was in the bushes. Fred was hiding with Mike. So Fred was in the bushes too. Lesson 4 ; ;1 ‘ 1 explode 2 meteorite 3 scientist 4 asteroid 5 explosion • g ■ 1 They were discovered in England and in Canada. 2 The largest circle is near Alton Barnfes in the UK. 3 Nobody can explain how crop circles appeared. 4 People think that crop circles are made by people or they appear because of rain, tornadoes or UFOs. 5 No, they can’t explain. 4 Archaeologists can tell how people lived in the Middle Ages. 5 Archaeologists don’t know what is behind the door of the room in the Great Pyramid. Lesson 6 .1 Lesson 5 collect — collection — коллекция solve — solution — решение demonstrate — demonstration — демонстрация correct — correction — исправление explode — explosion — взрыв appear — appearance — появление disappear — disappearance — исчезновение decorate — decoration — украшение celebrate — celebration — празднование translate — translation — перевод 2 1 the, the 2 the, — 3 the 4 the 5 the, — 6 the, — 7 the . 1 ... the mummy of the Pharaoh disappeared to. 2 ... what people saw in Loch Ness. 3 ... and aeroplanes disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. 4.. 1 Now scientists can explain what happened in the Tunguska forest. 2 Archaeologists can say what was discovered under the Sphinx. 3 Now scientists can explain why people laugh. Across 2 ancient 4 hieroglyph 6 archaeologist 7 alien Down 1 bakery / baker’s 3 Egypt 4 human 5 bake 1 I don’t think that he’s been to Egypt. 2 I don’t think that you know this girl. 3 I don’t think that ancient people knew how to bake bread. 4 I don’t think that she can read hieroglyphs. j. Name i Number Colour of the mike Place in the contest Dave Duck 1 green 3 Sam Scott 2 red 1 Pete Parker 3 yellow 2 John Jones 4 blue 4 Unit (дР Venus (2^1 is) longer the biggest as long as bigger 5 more mysterious 6 the most beautiful 7 colder 8 as large as 'S)' why Mercury is so hot. if anyone will go to Mars in the 21st century. if it is true that Venus is almost as big as the Earth / if Venus is almost as big as the Earth. if the Sun really rotates round the Earth. which planet in our solar system has the longest orbit. if I can name all the planets with more than one moon. It is one of the brightest objects in the sky and you can see it with the naked eye. Venus and the Earth are similar in size, mass, density and volume. Both were formed about the same time. Venus has no oceans. It rotates from east to west. It is because of the greenhouse effect, which raises Venus’s surface temperature to 482“. 93 Answer keys Lesson 2 1 1 the 2 — 3 —, the 4 the, — 5 the 2 1 I’m sure people will fly to Mars. 2 Perhaps we’ll travel at the speed of light. 3 We will probably build a space colony. 4 I think we’ll create new technologies. 5 I don’t think we’ll meet aliens on other planets. 3 1 20 February 1986 2 15 years 3 23 March 2001 4 the South Pacific Ocean 6- patient (терпеливый) hard-working (трудолюбивый) honest (честный) careful (осторожный) brave (храбрый) determined (решительный) Lesson 5 1 went / would take 2 took / would take 3 took / would send 4 sent / would publish 5 published/would be Lesson 3 1 2 how far the Earth is from the Sun. 3 if there is any atmosphere on Mars. 4 if there is any life on Venus. 5 how many moons Saturn has. 6 if Neptune is covered with ice. 2 1b 2c 3b 4a C2a)1 2 3 4 5 6 rocket spaceship engineer usually / millionaire 7 launched 8 / 9 cosmonauts 10 spaceflight 11 / 12 bought 13 / 3 c Lesson 4 (1) orbit (v) Восемь планет вращаются вокруг Солнца. orbit [п) Космонавты проводят множество экспериментов на орбите. research (v) Ученые из России и США исследовали поверхность Луны. research {п) Их исследования помогли открыть много интересного. patient (adj) Член экипажа должен быть очень терпеливым человеком. patients (п) Несколько пациентов ожидали врача в приемной. 2а С 2Ь Ninety-eight Russian astronauts have been / gone into space. Ninety-nine representatives of other nations have gone into space. Two hundred and thirty-two American astronauts have gone into space. Two hundred and forty days and nights: Valery Polyakov’s second spaceflight. Valery Polyakov spent four hundred and seventy days and nights in space. Four hundred and twenty-nine people have been into space. (^1T 2F 3F 4T 5F 6F Lesson 6 1 Possible answers: space flight, spaceship, spacesuit, spacewalk, spaceport, space station, space tourist, space tourism, space exploration, space travel, space programme, space environment is washed are purified are attached are done^ is polluted is used 8 August 48 / Moscow; father, famous pilot. Hero of the SU; swimming, figure skating, running; music, reading, English; at the age of 16 in 1964; 1965; 1966 1970 1980 600; Two; One; a flying trainer, a test pilot, a cosmonaut, an engineer. 94 Answer keys Unit Lesson 1 ^1^ 1 vast 2 bear 3 tundra 4 nationality 1 traditions 2 music 3 money 4 Mountains Adjective Noun adventurous adventure argumentative argument beautiful beauty dreamy dream energetic energy independent independence orbital orbit typical type Lesson 4 Materials: clay, glass, leather, metal, paper, plastic, porcelain, wood Things: bag, plane, poster, table, vase, window (2) 1 from 2 of 3 of 4 of 5 from 6 from 7 of 8 from (З^ 1 Vologda is in the north of European Russia on the Vologda River. 2 1147 3 The Cathedral of St Sophia, the Bishop’s Palace and the Spasso-Priluki Monastery. 4 Lace-making 5 In the late 18th century 6 For decorating curtains, bedcovers, towels and Verb Noun ^ add addition Lesson 5 attract attraction compose composer 1 verb 2 verb 3 noun 4 noun 5 verb 6 noun composition construct constructor 1 “Golden Autumn” construction 2 More than fifty years disappear disappearance 3 October direct director 4 Children, their parents and grandparents explore exploration 5 Decorating the school, an exhibition of flowers, explorer fruit and vegetables purify purity 6 The prizes are presented. Lesson 2 1 1 founded 2 invented 3 composed 2 Id 2a 3e 4c 4 travelled 5 created 6 explored, made 3 IF 2T 3T 4T 5F 6F 7T 8T Lesson 3 1 1A 2D 3F 4C 5G 2 1b 2a 3c 4c 5b 6a 7c Lesson 6 QlJ Across hiking swimming sailing cycling Down skiing fishing sightseeing 2f 3b 4c 5a 6d 1 summer 8 flower 7B 2 very 9 games 3 course 10 berries 7c 4 weather 11 watched 5 interesting 12 sandwiches 6 picnic 7 butterflies 13 world 95 The authors and publishers would like to thank the following teachers, their students and their school administrators for their help in piloting and commenting on the materials In the spring of 2003: Golubtsova Irina Mikhailovna (Tambov, School No 28), Tyotushkina Lilia Ivanovna (Tambov, School No 28), Kobzeva Olesya Olegovna (Tambov, School No 6), Blednykh Valentina Ivanovna (Tambov, School No 6), Masharova Irina Sergeevna (Ekaterinburg, School No 152), Mayorova Valentina Ivanovna (Ekaterinburg, Gymnasia No 161), Tikhonova Natalya Ivanovna (Samara, School No 148), Khusinova Elena Pavlovna (Bezenchuk, School No 1), Titova Elena Nikolaevna (Yaroslavl, Gymnasia No 1), Okrugina Larisa Anatolievna (Yaroslavl, School No 2), Ulyanova Larisa Vitalievna (Krasnoyarsk, School No 6), Lagoutochkina Marina Viktorovna (Krasnoyarsk, Lyceum No 3), Raiskiy Sergei Alexandrovich (Ryazan, School No 47), Gritsenko Natalia Viktorovna (Ryazan, School No 4), Krasnova Galina Ilyinichna (Cheboksary, School No 51), Phandyushina Svetlana Valerievna (Cheboksary, Gymnasia No 4), Semushkina Elena Nikolaevna (Tula, Gymnasia No 2), Vinokurova Tatiana Nikolaevna (Tula, School No 3), Melnikova Inna Nikolaevna (Omsk, School No 20), Ponomareva Tatiana Anatolievna (Omsk, School No 72), Chkhaidze Elena Yurievna (Sochi, School No 16), Fedotov Anton Vladimirovich (Sochi, School No 57), Rogushkina Lina Vladimirovna (Nevelsk, Sakhalin, School No 1), Orlova Lidiya Sergeevna (Nevelsk, Sakhalin, School No 2), Michka Marina Alexandrovna (Irkutsk, Lyceum No 3), Krestianskikh Julia Mikhailovna (Irkutsk, Lyceum No 3), Sobko Viktor Anatolievich (Volgograd,Liceum No 8), Kargalova Marina Nikolaevna (Volgograd, School No 5), Chumakova Irina Anatolievna (Moscow, 'Gazprom' School), Baber Irina Mikhailovna (Moscow, 'Gazprom' School), Slavshik Natalia Stanislavovna (Nizhni Novgorod, School No 44), Yakovleva Galina Konstantinovna (Nizhni Novgorod, School No 44), Slepukhina Irina Borisovna (St Petersburg, School No 667), Tribelskaya Tatiana Alexandrovna (St Petersburg, School No 206) The publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce images and copyright material: Adaptation of selected text from ART AROUND US, Volume 15 of CHILDCRAFT © 1996 World Book, Inc. By permission of the publisher. www.worldbook.com 4. 9; Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic 7, в; “Phoenix Dossiers: Rock and Pop” by Stephen Rabley, © Prentice Hall Europe 1997/Pearson Education Limited 18\ © ELI Publications/KID Magazine 23; Extract from Shout magazine © DC Thomson & Co.. Ltd. 47, “The Fun They Had", copyright © 1957 by Isaac Asimov, from ISAAC ASIMOV: THE COMPLETE STORIES OF VOL.I by Isaac Asimov. Used by permission of Doubleday, a division of Random House Inc. 60, 61; “The Case of the Stolen Ruby” © 2000 April Bundy and Katie Vavra/Dakota Meadows Middle School 62; REPRINTED BY PERMISSION OF PEARSON EDUCATION, INC. White Plains, New York © PEARSON EDUCATION. INC. 27, 28; Permission for Weaving It Together 2, 1st edition, by BROUKAL, copyright ©1993 Heinie, a division of Thomson Learning, has been granted for class use. All rights reserved. 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