Английский язык учебник 3 класс Азарова

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык учебник 3 класс Азарова - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Millie (Милли):

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Uf КЛАСС с. и. Азарова, Э. Н. Дружинина, Е. В. Ермолаева, Е В. Зогки Л. Г. Карпова, Е. М. Коренкова, Е. В. Костюк, И В. Kpaй.^eвa, Н. Н. Петрова, Н. Б. Пономарева, Р Ю Попова, Н С. Славщи Л. Л. Соколова. Л. Н. Струкова, Н. Ю. Шульгина АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Учебник для общеобразовэ'^ельных учреждений Начальный курс к учебнику “Английский язык нового тыcячeлeтия"/“New Millennium English для 5-11 классов Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации к использованию в образовательном процессе в образовательных учреждениях общего образованиг имеющих государственную аккредитацию (соответствует федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту начального образования) BRITISH COUNCIL BROOrCEMEAD ENGLISH Language Teaching T И У Л Т I т и L 2011 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А35 УДК 802.0(075.2) Witt, love to our Mnlie-husbands, Miilie-parents and MiHie-Hids arid all those Millie-people in Russia anc in the UK who always believed in u$ and in Millie. Your Miiiie-authors Authors' thanks and acknowledgements This project would not have been possible without the unfailing commitment of Ye. A Lenskaya, Assistant Director for Education and English Language, British Coundl, Mosuow. Our special thanks and deepest gratitude go to Mike Scholey, from the College of St Mark and St John, Plymouth, UK and Annamaria Pinter, the University of Warwick. UK, for consultancy advice, inspiration and faith in us in spite of all trials and tribulations of the project We are also very grateful to Rod Bolitho, Sieve Ansel! and all the tutors and consultants from the College of St Mark and St John, Plymouth, UK, and Shelagh Rixon, the University of Warwick, UK, who inspired us to laui loh into a wonderful joun ley of textbook writing. The authors would also like to thank T. M. Krasnopdskaya, Ye. G. Borovikova, S. M. Kuzmina and our "bigger sisters"— authors of the ’’New Millennium English" textbooks who contributed to the book by their efficient management, administrative support and generous sharing of their professional experience. We would like to thank Catherine Walter, N. N. Achkassova, I. A Kalinina, N. M. Rodina and K. V. Ronzhina for advice and support. Our thanks go to Konstantin Finov who wrote the music for the songs in the book. I he authors would like to thank the S. Ya. Marshak Charity Foundation and personally A. E. Marshak and Ya. £ Marshak, and the К I. Tchukovski Memoriai Museum and personally Ye. Ts. Tchukovskaya for their permission to use the translations of "Mother Goose Rhymes" made by S. Ya Marshak and K. I. Tchukovski. We would like to thank K. L Boutiagina and S. M. Doubovik. the project partners from the National Training Foundation. A big thank you goes to the teams of the Titul and Broc^emead publishers, especially S. N. Kononenko. S. V. Shirina, O. A. Denisenko, E. A. Valyaeva N. A. Valyaeva, Duncan Prowse and Lynn Strutt, whose commitment, enthusiasm and professionalism made this book happen. Азарова C. И. и др. A35 Английский язык: Милли / Millie: Учебник для 3 кл. общеобраз. учрежд / С. И. Азарова. Э. Н. Дружинина, Е. В. Ермолаева. Е. В. Зоткина, Л Г Карпова. Е. М. Коренкова, Е В Костюк, И. В Крайнева. Н. Н. Петрова, Н. Б. Пономарева, R Ю. Попова, Н. С. Славщик. Л. Л. Соколова. Л. Н. Струкова. Н. Ю. Шульгина.— Обнинск; Титул. 2011128с.; ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-395-6 УМК “Милли" / “Millie* 1зля 3-го класса теляется составнок частью учебного курса ‘Милли" / ‘Millie* для 2-4-х классов общеобразовательных учреждений России и составляет с УМК 'Английский язык нового тысячелетия ’ / "New MlllenniufTi English" единую учебную линию для 2-11 -х классов. УМК соответствует требованиям федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего образования. Учебни! предназначен для учащихся 3-го класса. УМК состоит из учебника, книги для учителя рабочей тетради, аудиоприложения, набора карточек для обучения говорению и чтению, обучающих компьютерных nporpaMN — “MiHie-3*, "Интерактивные плака1ь)' (1-4-е классы). Учебник предлагает разнообразный материал для развития речевых и общеучебных навыкоь. отобранный с учетом 1юихологических и возрастных особенностей детей. Задания включают тексты для чтения, игры, инструкции по выполнению поделок, страницы самоконтролт.. сквозную историю и др. Темы и ситуации общения близки учащимся начальной школь, г предлагаемый языковой материал позволяет им выразить свои мысли и чувства, стимулирует общение сс сверстниками не английском языке. Книга содержит интересный и познавательный материал страноведческого характера, а также двуязычный словарь активной лексики каждого раздела и страницу для родителей. ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-395-6 © С. И. Азарова. Э. И. Дружинина, £ В. Ермолаева Е. В. Зоткина. Л. Г Карпова, Е. М. Коренкова. Е. В. Костюк. И В. Крайнева. Н. Н. Петрова. Н Б- Пономарева. Р. Ю. Попова. Н. С. Славщик. Л. Л. Соколова. Г. Н. Струкова. Н. Ю. Шульгина. 2006 © The British Council, 2006 © Brookemead Associates Limited, 2006 © Издателоствс "Титул", дизайн, воспооизведение. оаспоостоанение. 2006 Cool school Unit 2 Let’s have fun! Unit 4 My handy robot ...36 ...14 CD CD CC Q. CO ' CD О •;= CsJ r Units Happy Birthday! ..26 Unit 5 The safari park Q. ZD ...48 Unit 6 You look fantastic! ...58 CD O) 03 ^CO CO I i- CO O) о C “ Л “ 7 00 (O Unit 7 The dragon party Unite What’s in the shopping bag? ...70 Unit 9 Whatever the weather Pi.92 Unit 10 Through the window ...102 ...80 CD O) 03 CL CO та ^ J 03 O) ^ E E Q. ZD О О) CNJ Wordlist Г..114 Write your name Г..119 Answer key Progress pages ...120 Parents’ page ...123 Условные обозначения: — номер задания слушай аудиозапись Cool school Lesson 1 1 Listen, look and soy Children, let’s decorate our classroom. Wendy, take Roger. Г Where is he? 1 Look, Steve! He’s under your desk. Catch him! vs: Oh dear! He’s run away! He’s on the timetable! I con catch him! P -----------\ otoble Hello, children! Meet Miriam. She’s Q new pupil in your class. This is Miss Fun, your English teacher. c' / ^ 4 m Hi, Miriam! Welcome to our class. Meet your new friends. (^Roger!!! You naughty mouse!!! Jnit 1 Cool SC'IUO' Look! He’s on the board! Martha, catch him! 2 Sing the song. A new pupil Where is my new classroom? Where is my new classroom? Here it is! Here it is! I like my new classroom. I like my new classroom. School is cool! School is cool! 3 Read and say. He’s near the window now. Martha, close the window!!! mi I can’t see him. Where is he? Where’s the parrot? The parrot’s on the board. The mouse is under the desk. The guinea pig’s under the window. The teacher’s at the window. Three big frogs are under the timetable. Two brown lizards are on the board. *». Unit 1 Cool school Lesson 2 1 Point, read and say. Г Music Nature Study Crafts I can draw a card with a farm and stars in Art. Look, listen and soy. f 9 t t [kj Miss Fun an Art teacher Mr Draw a Music teacher Mr Five a Maths teacher Mr Run IS an English teacher Miss Paper a PE teacher Miss Song a Crafts teacher Miss Butterfly a Nature Study teacher 3 Read and ask your friend. [What’s your favourite subject? I Our Class 1 Carlos 2 Martha English Maths It’s Maths. And what’s your favourite subject? / 3 Simon / Crafts ] Nature Stu Unit 1 Cool school Lesson 3 1 Sing the song. j I - ■^^51^4 ► > -•'tefe-V:, Every week Every week has seven days, See how many you can say. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Tell me please, what day is it today? ■J 2 Read and ask your friend. ^ What’s your favourite day?^ We can read Mrs Williams washes Wendy and W'endy ashes Walter everv W'ednesdnv Unji 1 Cool school I '• jV 1 Listen and say. My busy week with Alouette On Mondays I usually draw my pet. Oh! Do you, really? Yes, I do. That’s my cat Alouette. On Tuesdays I usually wash Alouette. Oh! Do you, really? Yes, I do. Then I take her to the vet On Wednesdays I usually bounce my ball. Oh! Do you, really? Yes, I do. And my cat plays with Paul. On Thursdays I usually ride my red bike. Oh! Do you, really? / Yes, I do. Oh! And that’s what I like. % On Fridays I usually feed Granny’s cats. Oh! Do you, really? Yes I do. And my cat catches rats! On Saturdays I usually climb in the tree Oh! Do you, really? Yes, I do. Alouette climbs with me! On Sundays I usually sing with my friend. Oh! Do you, really? Yes, I do. And she sings with her band! Lesson 4 1 Look, listen and say. I’m Mr Sum. I can do sums! Listen to me, and talk to me! The ford in the schcol zoo is cod!’ mcv s the cow. t » 5 i Watch, Miriam! Roger can jump! 1/ 10 Read and name the subject. 1 In this subject we do sums and write numbers. We don’t sing songs or Jump. 2 In this subject we run, jump, skip and play football. We don’t make toys or watch films about pets. 3 In this subject we draw pictures of our friends, teachers and pets. We don’t jump. 4 In this subject we listen to the stories, sing songs, play games, talk to our friends and read books. We don’t swim. 1 Let’s read a story about a clown and his dog. We can make a flying pen Л Can I go to this school, mum? У 3 Read and play the game. Cool school! Do you talk to the classroom ghost in English?^,__________________^ ^ fi^ we don’t. Г Do you listen to songs in Music? Yes, we do. 1- 11 (k- •3. unit I UOOl scnool I esson 5 Project: Our class album 1- Look and moke the album. A*' J I ?. Our classroom OUR TIMETABLE . I, / . , . Si^laha NtkclQevnct _ ^ [з] Our class teachers C. School is cool! I^^^^I^TEnglisb I Russian Russian |AAaThs j з^ц^у Welcome 1o our school' Lesson zjMaths 1 Maths ~I Mat!^ Lesson 3 Our ocMress till CMS* b A Scftooi No (I Cbruroir ISfCb^ Cc4tvrv Our class album 2' Read and say. Фдйл QP40K4 Фор&>^ Сервис Аейстеия &fpae«c jdOTf^M&HT^ yvieiKaie иписи'Г I Ц ^ % I SI I £ ; tjneuehciiity .. 7 Kociy.. II ' Aim! Bee ДКГ6 вопрос i[io~^!A.! ж /С a I» * я ;= 1= tS iff — Hofia... r ‘''-j - Hello! We’re the pupils of Class 3W, High Hill Primary School, England. We have Nature Study, Art, English and Maths every day. Our teachers are Miss Green and Mrs Fiower. On Mondays we usually sing and play musical games in our Music Club. Every Thursday we have Football Club. We’ve got ten girls in our football team! We’d like to know about your school and your class. What’s your address? Bye! Amy, Helen, Peter, Rosy, Paul, David and Liz • ) • V I А 1 ei Listen, read and say. New adventures in upside donn world Children! This is a new pupil, his name’s Nikita. Nikita, take a se; over there, pleas I’ve got an old book. It’s not an English one. и Yes! Look! We . I Where’s our ---------------- g uossal lOOUOS icon L liun Let’s have fun I I esson 1 14 1 Listen, look and say. Listen and say. What are you doing? Are you drawing your pet? What are you doinp? ’m fishirvg. I ■ like fishing and singing. Lesson 2 1 Sing the song. Simon’s riding a green scooter, And the scooter’s going fast. Rattle, rattle, rattle, blast! Simon’s riding very fast! Honk, honk, Simon’s riding a scooter. Crash, beep, beep. He’s riding fast! Happy Wendy’s roller-skating. She is roller-skating fast. Rattle, rattle, rattle, blast! Wendy’s roller-skating fast. Honk, honk, Wendy is roller-skating. Crash, beep, beep. She’s skating fast! 2 Look and say. Look at my picture! I Steve’s riding a green scooter. Simon’s riding a blue scooter. Steve’s riding slowly. Wendy’s roller-skating fast. Annie’s playing with a doll. 15 ^ ф Unit 2 Let's have fun! Lesson 3 1# Look, listen and soy. I What are you doing, Carlos? I’m playing a new computer game. It’s about a brave boy scout. T Good! Let’s play! J The boy s skateboarding to the house. В He’s opening box number twelve. He’s taking ^ the scooter! J He’s riding fast! 11 Look! The boy’s eating a cake. f The ghost’s scared! j Whafs he doing? He’s running away ■^IJast! And the boy’s [ skateboarding away! \ 1 I Ter ' > "RvTTr J . --МП1 ■ i ^ Look! He’s so big! . i T • C ' !• - 4v Brove Jake takes a coke and gives it to a snake on roller skates. 1 boy scout Unit 2 Let’s have fun! Look at the doors. Let’s open door number eleven. What’s he doing? Look! A ghost! 1 ) Look at the cokes on the table! One two, three, four... eleven, twelve,... thirteen cokes. Ш Hooray! We’ve got о bonus! 10 2 Look, read and answer, We’ve got eleven cokes, twelve lollipops and thirteen crackers. What’s the brave boy doing? Who’s skateboarding? Who’s scared? • / >4 Unit 2 Let’s tiave fun! Iesson 4 - 18 t Ч 1 Look, listen and soy. My friends all say, ‘Let’s run!’ They say, ‘Let’s climb a tree!’ But I’m a couch potato, And I’m watching TV. I’m watching channel fourteen. The cartoon’s about a boy. I’m watching channel fifteen. The cartoon’s ‘My cuddly toy’. My friends all say, ‘Let’s run!’ They say, ‘Let’s climb a tree!’ But I’m a couch potato. And I’m watching TV. I’m watching channel sixteen. The cartoon’s about a cat. And then on channel seventeen The cartoon’s ‘My magic hat’. My friends all say, ‘Let’s run!’ They say, ‘Let’s climb a tree!’ But I’m a couch potato, And I’m watching TV. On channels eighteen. Nineteen and twenty. There’s a lot to see. I’m a couch potato. And I’m watching TV. 2 Read and play. I’m watching TV. The cartoon’s about a boy. ^ What’s he doingYV He’s flying a kite. ^ ’I- Is it channel number nineteen? Yes, it is. ntm'irf m г '?- Let'^ t^iav ■ 1ьп' 3 Look, read and soy. iMilBie the Miiigpede and her friend Ш Millie the Millipede lives in a big house. Look at the picture and soy where she lives Is it door number eleven or twelve? Her friend’s name is Vic. He likes apples. Who’s he? 'I Millie’s sitting near the door. Vic’s eating an apple. Where’s Vic? What’s Millie doing'? I an’s watching channels fi e, se en, eleven and twel e in the living room. 1£ Unit 2 Let's have fun! Lesson 5 1 'g'r Listen, look and soy. LbVw. have fyrgE i' E Ш 0 i SlONN'y s 2 Read and say the letter of the picture. к Ol! 1 I like this photo. It’s Spike, my dog. He’s so funny. He’s feeding me. Hove you got a dog? 2 It’s my family. I’m riding with my father. And who’s riding with my mum? 3 Hove 0 look. My granny and grandpa are roller-skating They like roller-skating together. Who can roller-skate in your family? 20^ Ш в Гс Read and make Unit 2 Let’s have тип! 1 Cut the paper. Stick two strips together. Fold the paper and cut out the square 10x15 cm. »r—• stick the ptiotos on the strips. — Fold and stick the two sides together. 4 Read and say. Г Who’s this? ----------- f What’s she doing? ---------—--------- Г And who’s this little girl? -------------------------------P [What ore you doing? ---------------------- It’s my mum. J She’s playing with 0 dog. It’s me. I’m four in this picture. ! - I I’m drawing my mum. 21 1 Look, listen and soy. New adveiiturei!» in upside-down Nikita, where are we?)_________, t ’ t 1 zz Wow! Look at that girl! What’s she doing? u Oh dear! I think she’s riding a scooter! Look! I’m riding my scooter') {I’ve got... something... о frog?! j fast! I con do it! Hooray! ~r What ore you doing, Nikita?! Nikita, get out of the water! ...ten, eleven... Eleven frogs! Great! You’re 0 brave frog boy. "Л Nikita, look at the boy and girl. They are funny! e (Let’s talk to them, ft ~Г7Т 9 uossal juni алЕ'-| 8Д0-1 г i!un 2 Play the game. ^ What’s his name? e о о Where is he? 1. ^ His name’s Sasha. ^ He’s in room number fourteen. What’s he doing? He’s playing a computer gome. 24 ; 'ОйГйГ ,, Progress page Units 1-2 1 Listen and write true or false. 1 Pupils are having a PE lesson. 2 Mike’s drawing a boy with a scooter. 3 Fourteen boys hove got scooters. 4 Three boys ore riding fast. 5 Nine boys ore roller-skating. 6 Mike soys, ‘No problem. Three boys ore riding slowly!’ Look, read and write. Spiky: Buggy, con I borrow your bike? Buggy: It’s not my bike. Ask Octave. Spiky: Where’s Octave? Buggy: He’s reading the book under the umbrella. Spiky: Hi, Octave! Can I borrow your bike? Octave: It’s not my bike. Ask Millie Spiky: What’s she doing? Octave: She’s skipping under the tree. Spiky: Hi, Millie! What a nice bike you’ve got! / Can I borrow it? I Millie: It’s not my bike. Ask Boggy. He’s doing \ sums and drinking cola under the tree. Spiky: Can I borrow your bike, Boggy? Boggy: Yes, sure. Score Progress page Units 1-2 3 Unscramble the words. Then complete the sentences. I’m Millie. Mollie’s my twin sister. We like doing things together. We do usms (1) on oynoMds (2) together. We listen to the csurri (3) on endeWydsos (4) together. But it’s yduSon (5) today. Mollie’s (6) and I’m (7) . My friend Octave’s (8) о book. His brother’s (9) in the river. Octave’s a teacher. His pupils ore MOt stars. 4 Spot the difference. — rimeiobta At» Thursday ^■UESOAY fKtOftY Arf WEDNESDAY И 2й1'л “Q>—I Great! xj^rea ill Wit n-15 Г"-, .Xfc. ^арру Lesson 1 £' е е е С et е 26 1 Listen and point, / / ^^oary My birthday’s in December In January, February, March, In April and in May, In June, July, and August I’m happy every day! In September, October and November I always like to play! | My birthday’s in December! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! November к ^9 A it* $ ^ SeotemhRr . . / -ni^ -HP' T.. March , i Apr// .Л'' '’'?»'*ЯЛ— 2 Read and sequence. a) I go to school in September. b) In April our class usually goes to Moscow c) I usually go to my granny’s farm in June. d) I swim in the river in July. e) I like winter and January’s my favourite month. f) I can’t swim in February, but I go fishing. g) I decorate a Christmas tree in December. h) I write a card for my mum in March. And what about you? i) Sometimes in October I go to Yasnaya Polyana. j) My sister comes in May and we fly kites together. k) I buy new books and pens for school in August. l) I eat my birthday cake in November. 27 Unit 3 Happv Birthday! I esson 2 1 Listen and say. [when’s your birthday? Г Oh! What a fluffy cat! 28 - ,• Ч . 'Y‘ It’s Miss Black, my little cat. Miss Black’s birthday’s on Saturday! Come to the party! Bring your pet! Thank you, Wendy! My dog likes birthday parties! Simon’s Martha’s birthday birthday January February __ J 1. Wendy’s birthday Steve’s birthday Unit 3 И?'! ;-v -^irui iny! 2 Read and say. Martha’s birthday’s in May. And when’s your birthday, Carlos? r Guess! It’s not in winter. Ifs when ^ I buy new books and pens for school. It’s in... 3 Read and guess. ’ '} Dima’s birthday isn’t in winter. His birthday’s not in September, October or November. Dima can swim in the river and go fishing on his birthday. His birthday isn’t in April, May, July and August. When’s Dima’s birthday? Katya’s birthday’s in winter. It’s not in January. Her father’s birthday’s in February. Her birthday isn’t in February. She decorates a Christmas tree on her birthday. When’s Katya’s birthday? A fe': R * и t • 29 ! Unit 3 Happy Birthday! Lesson 3 1 Listen, look and say. What would you like for your birthday, Lucy? ---------------- Little Witch Lucy’s birthday magic pen? It can do your homework. 30 , il. > 4^ I don’t know. Mum, let’s go into this shop m V rd like something ummm. I don’t know. Hello! Welcome to our magic shop! What would you like for your birthday, Lucy? Sing the song. у What would you like for your birthday? What would you like for your birthday? What would you like for your birthday? A scooter, a book or a bike? I’d like a CD and a bike. I’d like a book and a kite. I’d like a video cassette And a cuddly and fluffy pet. Unit 3 Happy Biitliday! a video cassette y. a CD player a cQineru a CD Q magic A wand a flower What would you like, Lucy? Would you like a magic book? It can read and show you magic stories. a Thank you very much < Unit 4 I/iy hanriv lobot Officer, con you help us? Spike, our dog, is lost. We can’t find him. Con you describe him? f Has he got [ long legs? Spike! Spike! Look, о policeman! Let’s ask the policeman. No he hasn’t. He’s got 0 block nose... 3 Read and play the game. ^ My dog’s lost. Her name’s Spotty. J ^ Con you describe her? 'j She’s big. She’s block and white. ^ ^ Has she got short legs? ^ No, she hasn’t. She’s got long legs. J Thelma’s got three teeth in her mouth. Uni I : pnnci v robot Lesson 5 1 Read and say. ^ Mum, look! Spike’s home! OK! And where’s Robby? ^ Robby? Oh, no! Robby’s lost! Steve, I know what we con do. Look at Moliie’s Lost Dog notice. We can write the Lost Robot notice like this one. ■ '.4Г,) LOST DOG. Please help us find our dog. He's brown and white. He's got short legs and a short tail. His name's Jackie. We know that he's very scared now. Please don't try to catch him. If you see him, please call me on 374-34-98. Ask for Mollie. 2 Read and make. / U Cut it out. ' ? ' Glue it to a matchbox 4- X ^ f □row the lees end arms 42 /) 0 Make a head. Bend the arms. ■? Drevs *r.e eyes, nose arc mouth. unit 4 му nanay гооот 3 Read and play the game. Sure. ( Can you find nny robot, please? ^ Has It got long legs? ---------- Г No, it hasn’t. Г Has it got blue eyes? Yes, it has. Can it j jump? f Y No, it can’t. \/-v \ Draw the hands and feet 10 Draw the symbols Ч \ Cut them out Put the arms and legs through the box. A % (t> walk run jump skip Л swim cook read ride c bike / У 43 1: clean the room draw sing hy a kite •r Would you like to play noseball? \ 2 Look, read and say what's wrong Tricksy’s got blue eyes, short hair, 0 long nose and small ears. He’s got a book and roller skates. He’s skateboarding. ive us back our book! g uossal i- JOQOJ Лривц Л1Л1 p Jiun I’* ч ^ 1 Listen, read and say. New adventures in upside-down world Nikita, look! They’re walking on their hands. (Hello! My name’s Polina. J [ Hi! I’m Nikita. ] — Yes. They look j [ funny, don’t they? Can you run on your hands? Hello’ I’m Neatsy. And this is Tricksy i We are upsies from upside-down world. Hee-hee... NikitsyM! Shoot! Shoot' C What’s this? My ears!!! Help! My feet! у Hold on! That’s Tricksy! Catch him! J loqoj Apueg Aiai Jiun Progress page Units 3-4 Progress page Units 3-4 1 Listen and choose the letter. 1 Sveta’s birthday is a) in March b) in April c) in May 2 Sveta would like a) a doll and a book b) a doll and a 3 Sveta’s got a) two dolls b) four dolls c) six dolls 4 Ann and her mother buy a) doll number 1 b) doll number 2 c) doll number 3 5 The doll can a) walk b) dance c) sing 6 The doll can say a) Jingle Bells! b) Happy Birthday to you! c) We wish you a Merry Christmas! 2 Read the text. Then unscramble the words. CD c) a book and a CD My mum’s got short brown rahi (1). She’s got big blue syee (2) and a Imals (3) oens (4). My mum can ocko (5) very well. Her birthdays in orNevmeb (6). She likes lefowsr (7). And here’s a new caaerm (8) for my mim. 3 Look at the picture and complete the sentences. My mum’s got She’s got (2) hair. My mum can Her birthday’s in She’d like an a small (7) . eyes and a small X4}_- Ш for her birthday and Score /7 K^ogress page ип»т5 ^ ч 4 Look, ask and guess the child's name. Is it a boy? Has he got long legs? Can he swim? Can he fly a kite? Is it...? Yes, it IS. Yes, he has. No, he can’t. Yes, he can. /n Yes, it is. n-15 6-10 V" 0-5 Jr^ a^acn ! 47 D The safari park esson 1 1 Listen, look and say. [^Children, look at this little panda! I’m sorry, Miriam, but pandas can’t smile. Wendy can smile. You can smile, but animals can’t. Oh, look! It’s sleeping. i } I i 1 2 Read and say. Amanda the Panda wakes up early. She can’t sleep. She’s srr.iling. She’s so happy! Her cousin’s coming today. Ding-dong! Amanda opens the door A small red cuddly animal with bamboo leaves in its hands is standing near the doer. Amando: Hello! Who are you? Jessie: Гт Jessie the Red Pando your cousin. Amando: A panda? Pandas are big and strong. And you are so small... <2> 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jessie’s a big strong panda. Jessie wakes up early. Amanda can’t sleep. Jessie has got bamboo leaves in her hands. A small cuddly rabbit’s standing near the door Jessie is Amanda’s cousin. t о ‘ Unit 5 The safari park Miss Fun, what do pandas eat? Let’s watch, Wendv. Hey, little panda, wake up! Do you eat bananas? It’s eating leaves! And the small panda! It’s eating leaves too! Oh. Look at that big panda! 3 Spot the difference (V • * s In picture A the panda’s under the tree. In picture В the panda’s in the tree 49^ Unit 5 The safari park Iesson 2 1 Sing the song an elephant I a bear Let’s go to the safari park And see the animals before it’s dark. The lion’s big and very strong And the kangaroo is jumping along! The elephant is strong and grey, The little panda is sleeping all day. The big and hungry crocodile Is watching me with a big toothy smile. A monkey high up in the tree, Is looking down and smiling at me! Now have a look at the big brown bear; And the tiger too, but please don’t stare! Unit 5 Thp i p^i! 2 Read and say ^oinasid^ Sr-^ if Щ/ I can decorate the trees with flowers. Little cuddly kangaroo can help me. I can cut bamboo. Can you help me, bear? J I can make a cake from ^ your bamboo leaves. Hey, elephant, listen! I can peel bananas and make banana jam. Ч----------------------- I can draw a birthday card with my tail. Tiger, can you write [something nice on the card? Sure, lion! And I can sing a ^ birthday song. Grrrr to you' Happy grrrrrr to... I like monkey’s banana Jam so grrrrrrrr! Ч---------------------------- I’m so hungry. I can eat your bamboo birthday cake, your banana Jam and your ^ birthday card. ] \Aaj V Jnit 5 The safari park Iesson 3 1 Listen, look and soy Elephants live a) Russia b) India c) China 2 Read and play. Right! Buffaloes live in America. Take the card. Unit 5 The safari park ГПА*4Г M C* 4< Buffalos eat leaves, but dr meat, tea and ice creem. о m about 3 Read and say. I Billy the Buffalo wakes up and runs to Safan Park School. His mum and dad are from America, but they live in the safari park now. ^ Hello Billy. Hi, Aunt Amanda. I’m going to school! Oh! You are so big and strong. Have you got a lunchbox with you? Yes. I’ve got sandwiches with fresh leaves. We’ve got Nature Study today! -------- ^ And what do you do ^ in Nature Study? ___________________У Miss Monkey reads us a book about bears. ^Good luck, Billy! о о о о Л СО г Unit 5 The safah park Lesson 4 1 Look, read and say, a domestic cat a Siberian tiger iP"*'* ,,, ^ ‘ •л Щг Г- . * * * *• •'! - Лл4и 7 a fishing cat . 5 a lion a jungle cat a white (Bengal) tigi .. 54 ^-Ж0~ It’s a wild cat. It’s not domestic. This cat’s got a big family. Father’s got long hair. Mother cat hunts for big buffaloes. She usually hunts in the day and sleeps at night. 'evin’s feeding a little nangaroo, a oaia and a Mtten in the itchen ®rr-in Unit 5 The safari park 2 Read and say. Hooray, 0 Christmas cord from my cousin, Brown Bear. It’s from him and his big family. Where do they live? Л My mother and father are Siberian tigers and they live there too. My little cousin, wild cat, lives in Siberia. He likes hunting at night. He’s a great hunter, r. , Г __^ ^ ^ [ I like hunting in o> Let’s write Christmas cards to all of them. Let’s wish them a Merry Christmas and happy hunting. And my mother lives in Australia. Listen, look, read and say, ^ Do little koalas eat leaves? I^No, they don’t koala ^ Do little koalas drink milk? j^Yes, they do. Г'^ттч^":' > Ч -J- V Unit 5 The safari park Lesson 5 1 Read and make % ♦ Fold and open the paper Cut out two small squares. 1 1 1 / Fold. Stick on the hands. Cut and stick on the head. 6 It's a bear. It lives in Russia. It's got four legs and a big head. It's got two small ears and a big nose. It eats meat and leaves. Describe the animal. 2 Read and do the quiz. A в c 1 Where do lions live? Russia India America 2 What do lions eat? meat apples hay 3 What can lions do? jump into trees climb trees run t^ast 4 Lions usually hunt at night sleep in the day hunt in the day 5 Lions have got short tails long hair big ears t\0 Freddy the funny elephant is a photographer. 1 1 Listen, read and say. ■s» ) 4 ^ . '.9 Xew adventures in upside-down ivorld You’re wrong, Sodsy' It’s a panda j_j Let’s go to the safari park and see what pandas eat. m 7У— L^i: fvl What do ^ /• ! they eat? 1 s i 4^ / .tK IV, J 1 We’ve got elegaroos, crocophants, but we’ve got no pandas. .1 % » к 2 I hope they don’t eat upsies. Come on! The pandas are eating ice cream! V Yuk! What’s this? I don’t like it. I want my ice cream! Л ■y ./ i Iv ь I can’t climb trees!!! 4^ Sadsy, Jumpsy, run! FastlJ Where’s my ice cream? No ice cream! They eat bamboo leaves! N / 'S 'Ч The pandas are so cuddly! Ч I / /'--------^ I like our j pangers and i monons. I _________^ g uossal цшб ue^BS 0LJJ_ Q }iun You look fantastic! Ш S Ф \ I esson 1 1 Look, listen and soy Listen and say. What a mess! What a mess! What a mess! No jacket! No dress! Where’s my sweater and my blouse? Can you find my hat in the house*^ What a mess! What a mess! No jacket! No dress! Where’re my trainers and my shoes? Can you help me? Give me some clues! What a mess! What a mess! No jacket! No dress! Where’re my trousers and my dress? Can you help me? Clean up the mess! unit о YOU юок tantastic! 3 Read and say. Julia lives on the farm. Willie and Julia are friends. Willie’s the wind (ветер). He’s very naughty. Jessie’s washing her blouse, dress and trousers. flet’s play! Whooohhh! Jf .'7^ I J - Let’s play! Whooohhh! I can’t. I’m cleaning my rucksack. I I I can’t. I’m washing my sweater. Г Let’s play! 1 -T I „ > % Where’s my blouse? Where’s my dress? Where’s my jacket? Where are my trainers, shoes and trousers? Great! Whooohhh! The blouse’s... The dress is... The Jacket’s... The rucksack’s... The sweater’s... The trainers are... The trousers are... The shoes are... Unit 6 You look fantastic! Lesson 2 f 1 Look, listen and say, Read and say the letter. a) Oh, no! You missed the bus! b) Let’s go to the safari pork. c) You’d better wear your jeans and sweater! d) You’d better wear your T-shirt and shorts. e) Oh, it’s hot! f) Oh, it’s cold! g) You’d better wear your jacket and cap! I’m in America It’s cold in America & t. r 3 Read and say. You’d better wear... Your rucksack’s very big, Miss Flying Frog. What have you got in it? I’ve got a dress and my favourite blue shoes, a T-shirt and shorts. My cousin. Red-eyed Frog, lives in Australia. Then I’m going to Indie. This sweater’s for my Aunt Hoiry Frog. She lives in India. I’ve got trainers, a jacket and Jeans. It’s hot in Australia and India. Your rucksack’s 20 kilos. You can take 12 kilos when flying with Duck Airlines. You’d better wear a sweater and jeans. II iiH'' ¥ Iesson 3 1 Sing the song Would you like to be a robot? A robot, 0 robot. Would you like to be a robot? Let’s dress up and ploy. Yes, I’d like to be a robot. A robot, 0 robot. Yes. I’d like to be a robot. Let’s dress up and ploy. J Look, read, listen and soy f I’d like to be Bobo Yogg^J Put on 0 block dress and blue shoes. [ I’d like to be 0 robot. We can read ock’s wearing a acket with a uice spot, effs wearing eans with a am spot. unii D rou looK raniasnc Л 3 Read, draw and say. Ci г Would you like to Wbar black trousers? Would you like to wear violet trousers? Would you like to wear a black dress? - Would you like to wear a blue and white dress? V n. 1 Ч A Would you like to wear black shoes? Would you like to wear a black hat? ■i Ч' You’d like to be Koshchey Bessmertny. г''/i s Would you like to wear a black j sweater? * // Would you like to wear a green jacket? Would you like to wear a brown jacket? 'V Would you like to wear a blue and red jacket? ra.. t-V rcT •i-. ' V/- Would you like to wear big green shoes? h. Would you like to wear brown shoes? Would you like to wear blue shoes? Ч- * А/ф: - Would you like to wear a violet hat? ■4 b» • Г Would you like to wear a black scarf (шарф)? ----------> Would you like to wear a blue scarf (шарф)? / You’d like to be Solovey Razboynik. TO- yCrr You’d like to be Baba Yaga. You’d like to be Vassilissa Prekrasnaya, V L Lesson 4 1 Look, listen and say, I I Have a look at the castle with a prince and princess.( He’s wearing blue jeans. And she a red dress. She looks fantastic! Ч Princess Pretty Jess Is going after the prince. She’s wearing a T-shirt And violet jeans. But what is that noise From far, far away? A dragon’s taking the prince!_^ What a terrible day! What is she wearing? It isn’t a dress. She’s wearing jeans. Look at the princess! 2 Look and play. He looks frightening! i ^ What’s the prince wearing? Black shoes7~^^ She looks fantastic! t. 3 Read and say. The princess and the dragon The dragon looks frightening He’s very big and strong. The princess is sou. She looks frightening! V Give me my prince back Dear prince! Let’s go to our castle! I don’t like you! The prince is going away. Oh! My jeans! My T-shirt! It's so cold! Who’s this? He’s wearing a green blouse and green trousers. He looks fantastic! ^ Dear princess, I love you! But, you’re no^ a dragon! You are Jack! .. J i1 1 The dragon’s small. 2 The prince doesn’t like the princess. 3 The prince is going away. 4 The princess looks fantastic! 5 The princess is wearing a green blouse and black trousers. W© СЭП resci ^ i.- Mr Trousers and Mrs Blouse need a hoi se with a big angry mouse. «ЧЛ AJ. I esson 5 1 i#_J Listen, read and say. Mick: Millie, look at this tiger! It’s so big and strong. Millie: Blit, it’s a white tiger. Where do white tigers live? Mick: In India. And that’s a buffalo. Look, over there. Millie: Where do buffaloes live? Mick: In America. I’d love to go to America. Millie: Look, it’s got such long fur. Is it cold in America? Mick: Not always But it’s very cold there in winter. Millie: Let’s go and watch the koalas. Mick: And I’d like to watch the pandas too. They’re my favourite animals. 2 Read and play. What’s Millie wearing? A yellow sweater. Has she got a long nose? f No, she’s got a small nose. \ In her rucksack Ma a’s got: a T- nrt, red ■^'hoes, fi and chips, an umbrella, a ort pencil and fi ing rod. 1 Look, listen and soy. Mew adventareg in upside-down world Where’s Tricksy? P He’s near the boy in a red T-shirt and black trousers! Yes, that boy with a rucksack! Polina! What are you doing? Something’s drawing on my dress. It’s Tricksy! He’s wearing a magic hat! Catch him! Polina, look! The cat’s wearing a dress! The jacket! It’s flying! Can bananas fly in upside-down world? It’s Tricksy! Run after him. g uossal Progress page Units 5-6 i г Progress page Units 5-6 1 - i#w! Listen and write true or false. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The pupils are at a carnival. Miriam’s wearing a green dress. Steve’s wearing grey trousers, a grey sweater and a dragon mask. Wendy looks frightening. Carlos is running after Steve. Carlos is an elephant. Read and guess. 1 I’ve got something in my rucksack. I wear them when it’s hot. It’s not a T-shirt. It starts with the letter s. 2 I’d like to wear a violet hat and trousers, big green shoes and a green jacket. I’d like to be ... . 3 It lives in trees. It’s got a long tail. It likes to jump and eat bananas. 4 It’s 0 wild animal. It’s got long black and yellow hair. It hunts in the day. 5 I’d like to be ... . I’d like to wear black trousers, a black sweater and a black hat. Who am I? I’m not Baba Yaga. 6 I’ve got something in my rucksack. I wear it when it’s cold. It’s not a jacket. It starts with the letter s. Score /5 Make up words, b t d I 1 b _ 2 t _ 3 d pcriaoonac use 4 I _ 5 P . 6 c r s 4 Read and match the questions and the answers 1 Where do elephants live? 2 What do pandas eat? 3 Would you like to be a robot? 4 What’s Cinderella wearing? 5 Can crocodiles smile? 6 Have pandas got tails? a) No, I’d like to be a clown. b) They live in Africa. c) No, but they can swim. d) Yes, they have. e) She’s wearing a white dress f) They eat bamboo leaves. 5 Describe an animal, character or an object. Let your friend guess. (((ОЛ' The dragon party Lesson 1 1 Sing the song. I am the Music Man I am the Music Man, I come from down your way, And I can play. What can you play? I can play the piano. I am the Music Man, I come from down your way. And I can play. What can you play? I can play the big bass drum I am the Music Man, I come from down your way. And I can play. What can you play? I can play the violin. I am the Music Man, I come from down your way And I can piay. What can you play? I can play the guitar. I am the Music Man, I come from down your way. And I can play. What can you play? I can play the flute. uniT ! I ne aragon рапу Listen and say. I can play the flute. ^ violin drum guitar flute piano Wendy / Steve Mike Martha Miriam Miss Fun 3 Read and say. I can’t... I can’t play the guitar or flute! ^ Can you play the violin?^^ Can you play the drum or the piano? I can’t play the drum or the piano! j ^ But you can dance and draw. ^ Hooray! I like dancing. I can dance. And I can draw. Unix / I ne aragon parxy Lesson 2 1 Listen and say. Who’s going to ...? Are you going to ...? ^ Martha’s going^... 2 Read and say. Я72Р Mike’s secret Hi, Mike! Who’s going to ploy the guitar? imon But what’s this? Are you going to ploy the guitar? [No, Im not. Sorry! ' 1.1.^ But what hove you got in there? He’s got 0 kitten. He’s going to give it to Miss Fun. But it’s 0 secret ипц / me aragon рапу Lesson 3 1 Look, lisfen and say. 2 Read and say. ^ I need scissors, paper, pencils, lights. J Are you going to make the decorations, Natasha? Yes. And I’m going to make some puppets. going to make some food. I need... And I need..., because I’m going to start the music. Dashc Can I borrow your...? I’m going \ to send the invitations.____________p I’ve got a new... I’m going to take some pictures. Wg сэп Г6Эс1 г A blue flute and a ruler are going to visit America in J ne. Unit 7 The dragon party Lesson 4 Л Read and tell the story The Dragon’s tale i Princess Jess: The King; Prince Rat: The King: Princess Jess: Prince Rat: Witch Hazel: i' Prince Rat: Jack / Prince Dragon: Prince Rat: Prince Rat: The King: Princess Jess: I’m not going to marry Prince Rot. I like Jack. But he isn’t a prince. Hello King, hello Princess. I’m Prince Rat I’m going to marry you, Princess Jess! He looks fantastic! I’m not going to marry Prince Ret. Help me. I can give you some money. Put this magic hat on Jack. Give this magic coffee to Princess Jess. Say the magic words. Abracadabra! Boom! Uhrrr! Ohrrr! Go away! You look frightening! Great! I’m going to marry Princess Jess! Hello King, hello Princess. Would you like some coffee? Sit down, olease. Unit 7 The dragon party 7 z и i ‘ r Princess Jess: Oohhh! Yummy! Prince Rat, you look fantastic! Please marry me! OK! What are you going to do? I’m going to fly to the castle and take Prince Rat away. Merlin: Take him to my castle. Prince Rat: Princess Jess: Merlin: Jack / Prince Dragon: ■4. We can read A terrible day! The King’s eating hay, The Witch’s flying awjy. The Dragon’s sad today. • • Jnit 7 The dragon party - • • - • • Lesson 5 1 Read and say. Natasha’s going to have a music party. She’s going to make a cake and write invitations to her friends. She’s got a lot of friends. They can help Natasha. Nikita can play the guitar. Lena can play the piano and sing. Dasha’s got a box with lights, stars, bells and baubles. Vova likes drawing and Dima likes riding a bike. Roman’s got a camera. Look, they’re sitting at the table and writing. What are they going to do? Where’s Natasha? Where’s Nikita? What’s Dima gomg to do? Who’s going to take pictures? The pupils play m.sic on computers on Tuesday. ■Jmr '■ Тпе drawc-.i party 2 Read and make 1 i Cut out the hair. Stick on the hair. Stick on the eyes. Prince Rat’s got black eyes and black hair. Put the puppet on your hand. 3 Read and say. What are you going to do? Are you going to make the puppets? V t * 1 r No, I’m not. I’m going to make the decorations. I’m going to make the decorations too. Let’s make them together. We need... Unit 7 The dragori paity Lesson 6 Do you know? People in Tula like tea. They drink tea from samovars. They sit at the table around a big samovar with their friends. They eat special cakes called (называемый) ‘pryanik’. It’s fantastic to drink tea from the samovar and eat honey (медовый) pryaniks too! 1 Read and say. 1 Dear Mary, Please come to our party. It’s going to be on Tuesday in school Bring a guitar with you. We’re going to sing and dance. teddy bear party Dear Paul, ^ It’s party time! Have a cup of tea with your friends. We’re going to drink tea with Mike’s grandma’s fantastic jam. Don’t forget your favourite cup f78 .•I'* I • Dear Steve, We’re going to have a party at our place. We’re going to have teddy bear cake with honey! Come and have a good time! music party Listen, read and say. New adventures in upside-down world School concert on Saturday. Can you dance? Con you sing?.. Be a superstar! Come to auditions today! Well, Sadsy and Jumpsy! What are you going to do? can dance. Wow! That’s for us! Is that a break dance?! We’re fantastic at breakdancing! OK, I’m going to play the drums. Yes! And I’m going to play the violin. VT~' Er... Stop it, please! ] I can send decorations 0 Please help me make the decorations and send the invitations. OK! And I can .. I can... eat the invitations. f Hmmm. W..a.’s ..ere? J AuBd LioBejp am i tiun What’s in the shopping bag? f Iesson 1 1 I 80 ;n ff. Look, listen and say. Have you got any apples? Hello, can I - help you? Have you got any apples? No, we haven’t. Have you got any pizzas? No, we haven’t. Have you got any ice cream? Have you got any coffee? Have you got any trousers? No, we haven’t. We haven’t got any apples in the shop. We haven’t got any pizzas in the shop. We haven’t got any apples. We haven’t got any pizzas. We haven’t got any trousers in the shop. Would you like to have some rulers or some pens? Would you like to have some rubbers or some books? Would you like to have some rulers? Would you like to have some rubbers? Would you like to have some pencils? Pencils, please. ^ Let’s Has he got ^^any apples? ^ Is it Simon? A* 7 Have I got any clean socks? Jeff? ^ > ^ uri't о wnai s in tne snopp ig oagr 2 Read and say. Have you got any footballs? Yes, look! We’ve got an excellent football! We need three skateboards and a football. Have you got any roller skates? No, we haven't got any. But we’ve got some fantastic blue red scooters. _ ^ r 3 Read, look and say go shopping! Yes, he has. No. He’s got some apples and some cola. T 81 I n Whil'b U- i'Эд? Lesson 2 1 Listen, look and read. Look in the cupboard, please. Hove we got any sugar? У Have vve goi any. a ■ 82 Hove we got any tea? 4-^ No, we haven’t. But we’ve got some nuts! Have we got any ice creom? ...some stickers and a hairgrip... ■N ...some chewing gum and a new comic. Mum? Yes. But we haven’t got any juice or lemonade. A. L. t* V ьЧЧЧ't i ^ ь Shoppifig I'S'f i- a1 tea juice lemonade nuts chewing hairgrip corriic ctickers tea juice coffee 'ce cream chewing g^Jrr^ hairgrip comic shckers tea Juice ^°rriic ®''4ers unii tt wnai s in me snoppmg oagr Listen, look and say. What have they got? Steve’s got some sugar, and some comic books. Wendy’s got a fishing rod and a box with hooks. I’ve got some and some .... Annie’s got a and a » • • • Hi lyiibny slickers hairgrip lemonade nuts chewing gum orange tea big bass drum picture of a tree 3 Read and play. Lost property Is it bag 5? I’ve got two hairgrips, three comics, two stickers and some chewing gum. ** * - 83 > 'v-v -i;-, uniT о vvndT s m me snopping nag^- 84 I esson 3 1 Look, listen and say the prices. 10.12 7.15 1.20 18.00 8.00 Listen and chant. How much are the stickers? How much are the stickers?\ 10 roubles. V C How much are the socks? V 5 roubles. How much is the comic? ^ 15 roubles. ^ How much is the box? 20 roubles. unit b wnai s m ,e snopping oagr 3 Read the questions and find the answers. 1 How much is the chewing a) No, sorry, we haven’t got gum? any stickers. 2 Hove you got any stickers? b) It's 8 roubles. 3 How much ore the hairgrips? c) No, but we’ve got some 4 Have you got any comics? interesting books about castles. d) They’re 20 roubles. 4 Read and play the game. Twenty rouble shop How much is the chewing gum? How much ore , the comics? ,: V ^ It’s eight rouble^^ TJ 4^ % They’re seven roubles. I’ve got twenty roubles. So, I con buy the chewing gum and a comic. We can read Fo ty shoit hoises ore very spoity. 85 uniT о wnai s m me snopping oagr Lesson 4 Vo you know? - Ш ОМКЛ йО«/т I UlM^t SO^yps 1 dollar = 100 cents 1 euro = 100 cents 1 rouble = 100 kopecks 1 pound = 100 pence USA Europe (EU) Russia UK How much is a computer game? I Ч We can read Thirty girls aged thirteen in T-shirts are having a birthday party. 1 Read and say. Can Wendy buy a book? Wendy: Mother Wendy Mother Wendy Mother: Wendy Wendy’s piggy bank Wow! It’s Steve’s birthday. He’s ten today. Mum, can you help me? Yes, dear. What is it? I’d like to buy a present for Steve. Yes, sure. What does he like? Like? Books! Yes. books about robots. Let’s buy him a book. How much is a good book? Oh... A book about robots? It’s about £7. Have you got £7? I don’t know. I’ve got some money. Where’s my piggy bank? Let’s count. 20p and 10p is... Ш 2 Read and play the game. The clever calculator m Г That’s thirty-five roubles. 87 umi d wnai s m ine snopping oag/ Iesson 5 Jack’s got a sticker with a cockroach on his rucksack, Mike’s got a cracker in his jacket pocket. 88 1 Read and put in order. Listen and check. A; Yes please, have you got any hairgrips? B: Hello. Can I help you? C: It’s 25 roubles. D; Yes, we have. E: They’re 15 roubles. F: How much is it? G: How much are they? H; Sorry, we haven’t got any. But we’ve got some fantastic Juice. I: One. please And I’d like some chewing gum. J: No, thank you. 2 Play the game hopping race Have you got any comics? Г Yes, we have How much are they? C 15 roubles. Can I have one, please. And I’d like some ice cream too. Sorry, we haven’t got any. But \ we’ve got some lollipops. \ ^ No, thank you. в 1 Look, listen and say. 68 I’m hungry! I’d like one more flying apple! ir^ r Л You can have some sugar elephants. How much is your bananaorange teacoffeeapplelemonade? ^ у 1 ...mm...like...s sugar...odiles. Wow! Your nose and ears are normal again! -----^ Have a look at your legs and feet! Hooray! Hello, children! Look! Tricksy’s, near the upsy with stickers and comics! Mag Upsy!... Can you help us? ^Tricksy’s got our magic book! It’s two smiles and one hug. Give us back our book! It’s my magic book. I lost it. Tricky-tricksy-trop, Running Tricksy, stop! g uossa^ Progress page Units 7-8 Progress page Units 7-8 90 1 Read, listen and choose. 1 Carlos needs a) his camera b) his CD player c) his camera and CD player 2 Wendy would like a) some hairgrips and comics b) some comics and chewing gum c) some hairgrips and chewing gum 3 Simon’s mum and dad are going to buy a) some pizzas and lemonade b) some pizzas and nuts c) some cheese and nuts 4 Miriam’s going to a) sing and dance b) sing and play the piano c) sing and play the drums Score /6 2 Read and find the shopping list. Then complete it. We’re going to have a party on Friday. Let’s make a list of the things we need. I’m going to make the decorations. I need some candles, flowers and crackers. I can write the invitations. Let’s buy some cards. Let’s buy some stickers, comics and chewing gum for the games. Are we going to buy any food? ...some nuts!... and lemonade I’d like some ice cream! A В C ice cream ice cream ice cream flowers flowers flowers crackers crackers tea hairgrips cards cards stickers stickers stickers Score /10 • M..'V»icoo \ 3 Write the words. yistx — sixty eetrhitn yofrt einytn tiyff 4 Find eight differences. Score j 91 r, 7 • ^ . к 9 Whatever the weather 1 Iesson 1 1 Listen, look and soy. •Л. Ч 1 Sing the song. What’s the weather like today? What’s the weather? What’s the weather? What’s the weather like today? Tell us weatherman, What’s the weather? What’s the weather like today? ,92 VX ~‘i ■ Ч It’s snowy in Russia. In China it’s not. It’s rainy in America, In India it’s hot. itr* ^ W * ж ■i-ш UniT 9 Whatever the wea;her 3 Read and make. ( ttair b©x Fold your paper like this. Now cut it like this. Fold the paper like this. % Now oper the paper like this. Fold the corners like this. Turn the paper over and fold the four corners like this. Draw the symbols like this. Turn the paper over and colour the squares. Fold the square in both directions like this. I Now unfold it and pull the four ends together like this. I'l • ■'‘^4 4 Read and play the game. What’s the weather like today? Four ... red. i You can play computer games and watch TV. . 'п;' /Vnateve, ;he ^-aalher Lesson 2 1 Look, listen and say, -i- >■» 2 Read and say. Dear Wendy. I’m in Magnitogorsk. It’s a Russian city near the mountains. It’s so windy here. Can you find the name of the mountains on the map? Sochi’s near the sea. It’s ho and sunny here. Can you fin the name of the sea on the map? Unit 9 vi/ha^five : ne weather The \оуе\ .. WP -«•" i t This is Lake Baikal. It’s rainy and foggy, but you can see that the lake’s very big. What’s the name of the city near the lake? I’m in Yakutsk. It’s near the river. It’s cold and snowy, but my friend Dima’s swimming! Where’s Yakutsk? 3 Read and play .0 4 ^ • *■ * . • г • • • •- . Л ■' < f Unit 9 Whatever the weather Lesson 3 1 Look and soy. December 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 411 18 25 5 12 19 26 ###^# June 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 £9 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 2Б 6 12 19 26 Wml6l5 January 3 10 17 24 31 411 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 February 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 411 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 t': ^Гt/r• March 7 14 21 28 ' 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 411 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 1 2 3 April 411 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 I4 21 28 8 15 гг 29 9 16 23 30 10 17 24 July 1 2 3 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29 9 16 23 30 10 17 24 31 August 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 6 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 <5. ' September 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 411 18 25 1 2 October 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29 9 16 23 30 November 7 14 21 28 1 В 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 411 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 What’s your favourite season?) When does ... begin? My favourite It begins in. season s.. Read and fill in. Listen and check. Holiday! ... holiday! It’s snowy! Wow! I’d like to ploy in the snow just now. Let’s hove fun with our friends every day! ... holiday! It’s time to ploy! Now ... holiday! It’s rainy and foggy! I ploy in the rain with my little doggy. Let’s hove fun with our friends every day! ... holiday! It’s time to ploy! And now ... holiday! There’s lots of sun We ploy on the beach. It’s so much fun! Let’s hove fun with our friends every day! It’s our ... holiday! And it’s time to ploy! I гъ May 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 411 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 2U 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29 Now it’s We ploy But let’s Now it’s ... holiday! It’s windy and cool! at home and don’t go to school, hove fun with our friends every day! ... holiday! And it’s time to ploy! Unit 9 Whaiever the weathe'' 3 Read and answer. When does winter begin in Yakutsk and in Sochi? I’m Marina from Yakutsk. It’s near the River Lena. It’s very cold and windy in Yakutsk in winter {-50°C). Winter begins in October. It’s long and snowy. Spring is short. The weather’s cloudy and rainy in spring. Summer’s very short too. It’s in June and July. It’s hot and sunny in Summer (+40°C in July). The weather’s foggy and rainy in autumn. Children climb the snowy mountains in autumn. CAW ^ Ф ^ 'I My name’s Misha. I live in Sochi. It’s near the Black Sea and the Caucasus Mountains. Winter begins in January. It’s not snowy in winter. It’s cloudy and rainy then. Spring is short (in March and April) and warm. Summer begins in May. It’s hot and sunny in summer (+45°C). Autumn starts in November. It’s short. It’s warm too. The brave children swim in the sea in October and November. 4 Read and play the game. I I r. f When does winter begin in Moscow? ^In December.^ О 'f- S' Unit 9 Whatever the weather I esson 5 Whether the weather is cold, Or whether the weather is hot, We’ll be together whatever the weather. Whether we like it or not. 1 Read and make a poster. ^Can I fly g dragon? Can I swim in the^ Ice Cream River? What’s the weather like in the Dragon Mountains in winter? a .rjT When does summer begin in the Dragon Mountains? It’s a fantastic place near the Ice Cream River and the Lollipop Forest. It’s very hot here in summer. You can go fishing, ride crocodiles and elephants, climb the mountains, and dance to the music with monkeys. Have a nice time in the Dragon Mountains! / Do you know? ! у’-’-, .100. -S' ¥ Summer in Australia begins in December. December, January and February are the summer months. People often celebrate Christmas on the beach. 1 Look, listen and soy. Mew ad^^cntnrc;s in up^^itle clowii world Look! Something white’s falling from the sky. What is it? I know! It’s sugor! No, it’s too cold. It’s ice cream rain! Don’t eat it! It’s too cold! Stop eating that white SOMETHING! No, it’s not sweet Hmmmm... But it’s tasty! Hello! My name’s Jumpsy! And you? f Very tasty! I like eating this white SOMETHING! ^ ^This white gentleman with... ] the red nose... mmm... is looking ...mmm... at you! Hey! What are you doing! It’s not funny! It’s dark in here! This gentleman doesn’t answer! He’s not gentle at all! Very tasty! Jumpsy, take a little bit of the white SOMETHING. Hey! Where am I? It’s dark n here! 9 uossa^ JЭШlзaл^ эц\ 6 I'un Through the window у « Lesson 1 1 Sing the song. 1 Ш)© ©MOD -O’ Ч-- -O- o -^^X13Jth< the moon ТГ Л bird 4. 7: r Л '■Tv. i' \ Ч a fluffy cloud the silver moon a flying bird a coloured rainbow t'che s5f^ / Can you see in the Can you see щШтз ©иги in the Can you see Шт ^®(ID®w шоя? can see iflhi® у/®0[!@ш шш. can see itIJi)© @®k. can see ^®0С®\!й ши in the sky sky? sky? \ 4 Л- I I I C2? /=: 1Л.ЛУ 0<^J <лл^ t » Q CD .хГ» ч ae (k7 ^ ^ e ) ) <9^ О G> Unit 'О Т' the v/indo'v 2 Read and make the window. Play the game. • « Fold the paper like this. Draw the lines. . I fC ^ Now cut it like this Next cut it like this. Now open the window. Can you see a bird?J C Yes. I can see two birds Can you see a red car? No, I can’t. - it' I* i, Rose is going home with a phone on her nuse. 3. 4.N - V f V- 4.' i Sf 1) . . s о 3 Read and say. I’m from Murmansk. If you think this is daytime, you are wrong. In summer the sun’s in the sky at night too. It’s called a ‘white night’. I love ‘white nights’. ,4103 К\:-Л 1"*' ' I и I oroiiCit' ' ;;v< Iesson 2 1 Listen, look and say. 2 Read and play the game. Can you see the man in my picture? 104 V No, it’s a woman. She’s wearing a sweater and jeans. j и li' Г - Th:-::.igh f;' v/indow I esson 3 1 Look, listen and say. 2 Read and fill in the names. It' Sun Sky Clouds Birds ,’s birthday today. She puts on her favourite blue dress. She’s going to invite some friends to her birthday party. She sends invitations to _____, ____ and___________ are twins. They live in a white house near the White River. They like dancing. ______ lives in the mountains. ___ is yellow and very hot. _______ lives near the Blue / J . * Г T Se G- is cold. He likes dancing with Then thinks, ‘We need some music at the party.’ _____________ are grey and brown. They can So she invites_____________ sing. ____ likes listening to their songs. The friends come to the party. __________ is smiling. are singing. are dancing. is dancing, too. But what is that? Something coloured! It’s blue, green, yellow, orange, red and purple. ‘It’s our birthday present,’ say the friends. ‘It’s a rainbow. Happy birthday to you!’ ‘Thank you very much,’ says_______She is happy. Unit 10 Through the window Lesson 4 1 Read and say. 1 The alien from the planet called Nuts This is my friend. ~V What’s your name? [ Where do you live? J -----------—V— Have you got a big family? 'N My name’s Slowly I live on Nuts. Would you like some cake? Do you like cake? РГ Happy Birthday, Jessica! Do you like skateboarding? Let’s skateboard together' ---y- 9 Oh, I like eating candles! We can read I Frark thi... s he can dri к pink ink Yes, look! This is my family. I've got Twenty-eight sisters and Ihifty-tVv'O /И brothers. This is our school. Do you go to school? What’s your favourite subject? Yes, I do. We start going to school when we are seventy. I’m ninety. My favourite subject is Dragon Hunting. This is a crocodile What anirrcls It’s hot and sunny A c'GCodile? It’s so cuddly! We hove elecrocks. Can you dive? 2 Read and play the game No, but I can fly and climb mountains. / Name Age Lives Has got Favourite ' Favourite food subject Likes Can Usually does 107 1 Thi il и Lesson 5 1 Read and say. What’s your favourite subject? Do you go to school on Saturdays? What do you do in Maths? Have you got a Pets Corner in your classroom? What do you do on Sundays? Do you go to the zoo or a safari Do you go fishing or camping? What do you do at parties? I When’s your birthday? What would you like for your birthday? Do you hove birthday parties at school? When do summer holidays begin? Do you go to the mountains in winter holidays? What do you usually do after classes? Do you play together? Do you like watching TV? What’s your favourite computer game? 108 When and where can we see a Uiilt v.; TiiK,ugh ?he \vii;dov Л We’re the pupils of Class 3K. We hove Nature Study, Art, English and Maths every day. Our teachers are Miss White and Mr Read. On Mondays we have Music Club We usually sing and play drums, guitars and flutes. Miss Fun plays the piano. J PE is my favourite subject. I like running, Jumping and playing football with my friends. After classes we like skateboarding and riding bikes and scooters together. I can roller-skate too. ----- I like going to the safari park with my class on Sundays. We watch the animals and help to feed them. The panda’s my favourite animal. Pandas eat bamboo leaves and sleep on bamboo. It '.‘■'s • ^ t We’re going to have a goodbye party on Wednesday. Will you come? We’re go ng to dance, sing and play games. I’m going to make a cake. Д10 Give me forty Y oranges and five silver stars. i^[ Can you help me, NikitaY ou ...and take some moon lemonade. It’s in the cupboard. Thank you, Mr Mag Upsy! ) Ч ( 14 \ Thank you, Neatsy! n c * Гв~Ъ^ Goodbye, Polina! Goodbye, Nikita! ”^”ТГЖГГТ5^ 2 Make the map and talk about upsies. Upsies live in upside-down world. They live in... They’ve got... They walk... They eat... They can... They wear... Upsycijy I uosymountI j Г ' V '■'•Ч ^ fo Upsyforesi Mop of upsido-dowr wot\d g uossal 1 Look, listen and say. '"you naughty Tricksy!^ Give me back my magic book! i. Ll I’m... I’m sorry, Mag Upsy. !M>Sit*e4lowii worid Mag Upsy, can you help us to get bcc'< home again? TfJP I can, but I need c'-frogs, a blue loke, c lirtie bit of yellow sun... It’s ready. Open the window! Г What’s going on? -----Г-'’--—Z---------1 I Hurry up. ^olinc! Come on, Ni;-:itc> Climb onto the ro'Trow. This is your woy ’■cme! Don’t fall of*' me minbow! г о t- Л «0 г ( Where are we? (I \ NikiTc! I can’t see anything. J on Polina! Take my hand! wpui/v. ai.!4 qfinnjij I r,\ iiua Progress page Units 9-10 Progress page Units 9-10 1 1 Listen, read and complete the sentences. c) the sea The children are talking about a) the weather b) their summer holidays c) a party Martha’s going to a) her granny’s farm b) the mountains Miriam’s going to a) swim and sail b) swim and dive in the lake c) climb in the mountains Steve’s uncle lives in a) Australia b) America c) China Wendy likes a) rainy weather b) cold weather c) hot weather Miss Fun’s going to a) ski in the mountains in China b) stay in her friend’s house near the lake c) ride a mountain bike with her friend 2 Read and unscramble the words. It’s nusyn (1) and hot today. Let’s go to the hebca (2). Л But the water’s still cold! We can’t swim and idev (3). We can play football on the beach and thnueasb (4). Boys, I’m going to the seaside. Let’s go gasiiln (5) together! Great! Can we take niir fishinn rnri*;'? our fishing rods? ^ (^Yes! And a camera too, Score /5 3 Reed and find ten mistakes. Froyress paye Units 9-10 1 2 3 It’s sunny and hot. It’s rainy and cold. It’s snowy. We can swim go cc'"Z'ing go 10 ’пе beach moke 3 snowman ski skaieoccrd ride c DiKe walk ■’~e rain wifh C-- jmbrella sunbathe (1) climb mountains watch TV play computer games read books listen to music make snow castles go soiling ride a scooter have snowball fights dive take pictures of snowy mountains roller-skate play football Score /1 0 4 Coma e;e card A. Then ask your friend questions and complete card B. p. jif fc»-. 16-20 11-15 6-10 Great! done! i в A В My nc^e = My bin'-^c.. s in... I like My fcvc_''e school subject is... At scnc: • -isually wear... I con. I’ve Gcr w My fovc_r'e holidays are... I like . My friend’s name's... My friend’s birthday’s in... My friend likes... My friend’s favourite school subject is... At school my friend usually wears... My friend can... My friend’s got... My friend’s favourite holidays are... My friend likes... ti Wordlist Unit 1 Cool school Art — урок изобразительного искусе Iва board — классная доска classroom — классная комната Crafts — урок ручного труда desk — парта do sums — складывать (цифры) English — английский язык Friday — пятница jump — прыгать listen to — слушать make — делать Maths — математика Monday — понедельник Music — музыка Nature Study — природоведение new — новый РЕ — физкультура pupil — ученик read — читать Saturday — суббота subject — школьный предмет Sunday — воскресенье talk to — говорить с кем-то teacher — учитель Thursday — четверг timetable — расписание Tuesday — вторник usually — обычно watch — наблюдать Wednesday — среда window — окно Оо you usually do sums in Maths? — Ты обычно занимае сложением на уроках математ No, we don’t.— Нет. Yes, we do.— Да. Unit 2 Let’s have fun! 114 boy — мальчик brave — храбрый eighteen — восемнадцать eleven — одиннадцать fast — быстро fifteen — пятнадцать fourteen — четырнадцать girl — девочка nineteen — девятнадцать ride a scooter — кататься на самокате roller-skate — кататься на роликовых коньках scared — испуганный seventeen — семнадцать sixteen — шестнадцать skateboard — кататься на скейтбооле slowly — медленно thirteen — тринадцать twelve — двенадцать twenty — двадцать watch TV — смотреть телевизо|: Are you riding а bike? — Ты катаешься на велосипеде? Гт riding а bike.— Я катаюсь на велосипеде. No, I’m not.— Нет. Simon’s riding a yellow scootei Саймон катается на жёлтом самокате. What are you doing? — Что ты делаешь? What’s he doing? — *-40 он дет Yes, I am.— Да. f Wcdlist Unit 3 Happy Birthday! April — апрель August — август birthday party — день рождения blow candles out — задувать свечи camera — фоюаппарат CD — компакт-диск CD player — плеер для компакт-дисков dance to the music — танцевать под музыку December — декабрь February — февраль flower — цветок January — январь July — июль June — июнь magic wand — волшебная палочка March — март May — май November — ноябрь October — октябрь September сентябрь something — что-нибудь stories — истории tell jokes — рассказывать шутки video cassette — видеокассета Happy Birthday to you! — C днем рождения! I’d like something magic. — Мне бы хотелось что-нибудь волшебное. It’s in November.— В ноябре. Му birthday’s in December.— Мой день рождения в декабре. Wendy’s birthday’s in December.— День рождения Венди в декабре. What would you like for your birthday? — Что бы ты хотел получить на день рождения? When’s Wendy’s birthday? — Когда день рождения Венди? Unit 4 Му handy robot arm — рука ask — спрашивать clean — чистить, убирать cook — готовить describe — описывать ears — уши eyes — глаза feet — ступни ног find — находить floor — пол hair — волосы hand — рука head — голова help — помогать know — знать leg — нога long — длинный lost — потерянный mouth — рот nose — нос robot — робот short — короткий small — маленький tail — хвост walk — гулять Has she got long hair? — У неё длинные волосы? No, she hasn’t.— Нет. She’s got (no) legs.- У неё есть (нет) ноги (ног). What сап she/he/it do? — Что она/он может делать? Yes, he has.— Да, у него есть Word list Unit 5 The safari park America — Америка animals — животные Australia — Австралия at night — ночью buffalo — бизон China — Китай crocodile — крокодил cuddly — миленький domestic — домашний elephant — слон father — отец hungry — голодный hunt — охотиться India — Индия in the day — днём kangaroo — кенгуру koala — коала leaves — листья lion — лев monkey — обезьяна mother - мать panda — панда Russia — Россия sleep — спать smile — улыба1ься strong — сильный tiger — тигр wake up — просыпаться wild — дикий They live in America.— Они живу в Америке. What do pandas eat? — Что едят панды? Where do buffaloes live? — Где живут бизоны? Unit 6 You look fantastic! blouse — блузка cap — шапочка castle — замок cold — холодно dragon — дракон dress — платье frightening — пугающий jacket — куртка jeans — джинсы prince — принц princess — принцесса rucksack — рюкзак shoes — туфли shorts — шорты sweater — свитер trainers — кроссовки trousers — брюки T-shirt — футболка wear — носить I’d like to be a robot. Мне хоте бы быть роботом. It’s hot.— Жарко. She looks fantastic! — Она выгля великолепно! Would you like to be a robot? — Ты бы хотел стать роботом? You’d better wear your shorts.— Тебе бы лучше надеть шорты. 1116 ' * ' • «; f ' a - Unit 7 The dragon party drum — барабан flute — флейта king — король make food — готовить пищу make puppets — делать кукол маоионеток make decorations — делать украиения need — нуждаться (в чём-то) piano — пианино play the guitar — играть на гита;: send invitations — посылать приглашения start the music — включать музыку take pictures — фотографировать violin — скрипка witch — ведьма Are you going to play the guitar? — Ты собираешься играть на гитаре? Гт going to make decorations.— Я собираюсь делать украшения. I’m not going to inake the decorations,— Я не собираюсь делать украшения. She’s going to play the guitar.— Она собирается играть на гитаре What are you going to do? — Что ты собираешься делать? Who’s going to play? — Кто собирается играть? Unit 8 What’s in the shopping bag? any — любой chewing gum — жевательная резинка comic — комикс eighty — восемьдесят fifty — пятьдесят forty — сорок hairgrip — заколка для волос hundred — сто lemonade — лимонад ninety - девяносто nuts — орехи piggy bank — копилка seventy — семьдесят shopping — покупки sixty — шес^^ьдесят some — некоторые, несколько sticker — наклейки sugar — сахар tea — чай thirty — тридцать How much is the banana? — Сколько стои^ банан? How much are the bananas? -Сколько стоят бананы? Unit 9 Whatever the weather autumn — осень beach — пляж camp — разбивать лагерь city — город cloudy — облачно dive — нырять foggy — туманно forest — лес have a snowball fight — играть в снежки holiday — каникулы lake — озеро make a snowman — делать снеговика mountains — горы rainv — дождливо sail — кататься на парусной лодке sea — море season — время года see — видеть ski — кататься на лыжах snowy — снежно spring — весна summer — лето sunbathe — загорать warm — тепло windy — ветрено It’s sunny.— Солнечно. What’s the weather like today? — Какая сегодня погода? When does winter begin? — Когда начинается зима? ■^117? Wordiist Unit 10 Through the window alien — инопланетянин bird — птица cloud — облако coloured — цветной man — человек people — люди olanet — планета rainbow — радугс silver — серебрян the moon — луна the sky — небо the sun — солнце woman — женщин f Write youf name \Afrite your name Буква русского алфавита Написание буквы через английский алфавит Буква русского алфавита Написание буквы через английский алфавит Аа Аа Pp Rr Бб ВЬ Cc Ss Вв Vv Tt Tt Гг Gg yy Uu Дд Dd Фф Ff Ее Ее Xx Kh kh Ёё Yo уо Цц Ts ts Жж Zh zh Чч Ch ch Зз Zz Шш Sh sh Ии li Щш Shch shch Йй Yy Ъ Кк Kk ы У Лл LI ь » Мм Mm Ээ Ее Нн Nn Юю Yu yu Со Oo Яя Ya ya Пп Pp - « Примеры написания русских слов в английской транслитерации: Аня Смирнова Дима Малахов Саша Чижов Наташа Никитина Женя Щербаков Anya Smirnova Dima Malakhov Sasha Chizhov Natasha Nikitina Zhenya Shcherbakov 119 •e Г Answer key Progress pages Answer key Progress pages Units 1-2 120 1 Listen and write true or false. 1 - - false 4 — false 2 - - true 5 — true 3 - false 6 — true Look, read and write. Buggy — 11 Spiky Millie — Boggy - 17 20 Octave 13 - 14 3 Unscramble the words. Then complete the sentences 1 - - sums 6 - - singing 2 - - Monday 7 - - skipping 3 - - music 8 - reading 4 - - Wednesday 9 - - swimming 5 - - Sunday 10 - - counting 4 Spot the difference. Picture A Picture В 1 The board’s green. 1 The board’s black. 2 The teacher’s standing 2 The teacher’s standing near near the board. the window. 3 Carlos’s writing something 3 Carlos’s reading a book. in the exercise book. 4 The scooter’s near Steve’s 4 The scooter’s near the desk. board. 5 The scooter’s red. 5 The scooter’s yellow. 6 Pupils have Maths 6 Pupils have Art on on Mondays. Mondays. 7 Pupils have got four 7 Pupils have got five lessons on Wednesdays. lessons on Wednesdays. 8 Pupils have got one PE 8 Pupils have got two PE lesson on Wednesdays. lessons on Wednesdays. 9 The picture of the boy 9 The picture of the boy and and the butterfly is on the butterfly is under the the wall. desk. 10 The pen’s on the desk. 10 The pen’s under the desk. Answer кеу progress pages Units 3-4 1 Listen and choose the letter. 1 - a) 4 Q) 2 - - a) 5 — c) 3 - - b) 6 b) Read the text. Then unscrambi 1 - - hair 5 — cook 2 - - eyes 6 — November 3 - - small 7 — flowers 4 - - nose 8 — camera 3 Look at the picture and complete the sentences 1 - - short brown 5 April 2 - - small green eyes 6 - an umbrella 3 - nose 7 puppy 4 - - sing 4 Look and guess the child's name Sergey. Units 5-6 1 Listen and write true or false 1 — true 4 - 2 — true 5 - 3 — false 6 - - true - false - true Read and guess. 1 — shorts 4 - - a lion 2 — Solovey Razboynick 5 - - Koshchey Bessmertny 3 — a monkey 6 - a sweater 3 Make up words 1 - - blouse 4 - - lion 2 - - trousers 5 - - panda 3 - - dress 6 - - crocodile 4 Read and match the questions and the answers. 1 - - b) 4 - - e) 2 - f) 5 - - c) 3 - 3) 6 - - d^ 12lP answer кеу progress pages Units 7-8 1 1 Read, listen and choose. a) 2 — c) 3 — b) 4 c) 2 Read and find the shopping list. Then complete it. B: lemonade, candles, comics, chewing gum, nuts 3 Write the words. thirteen, forty, ninety, fifty 4 Find eight differences. Picture A Picture В 1 The dog’s got some food. 1 The dog hasn’t got any food. 2 Annie’s got some yellow 2 Annie’s got some green lemonade. lemonade. 3 Steve’s playing the guitar. 3 Steve’s reading a comic. 4 The father’s taking some 4 The father’s making some pictures. food. 5 The mother’s making some 5 The mother’s taking some food. pictures. 6 Wendy’s got some orange 6 Wendy’s got some apple juice. Juice. 7 Wendy’s got two hairgrips. 7 Wendy hasn’t got any hairgrips. 8 The car hasn’t got any 8 The car’s got three stickers. stickers. > Units 9-10 ^ . \ «4. ,122; t - 1 » ' . i 1 1 2 Listen, b) a) read and complete the sentences 3 — b) 5 — c) 4 — a) 6 — c) 2 Read and unscramble the words. 1 — sunny 3 — dive 2 — beach 4 — sunbathe sailing 3 Read and find ten mistakes. make a snowman (3), ski (3), walk in the rain with an umbrella (2), climb mountains (1), make snow castles (3), go sailing (1), ride a scooter (1), dive (1), roller-skate (1), play football (1) Parents’ page L> Дорогие родители, бабушки, дедушки, дяди, тети и другие взрослые! Поздравляем вас и ваших детей с началом увлекательного путешествия в мир английского языка! Мы надеемся, чтс захватывающие приключения Милли и других героев учебника не оставят ваших детей равнодушными и привьют им интерес и любовь к английскому языку. Мы включили в книгу много веселых песен, историй, стихов, рифмовок и игр, которые не только занимательны, но и познавательны. К концу первого года обучения дети освоят не только простые формы общения на английском языке, но и начнут знакомиться с культурой других народов. Но в начале этого нового большого пути де^ям никак не обойтись без помощи взрослых — нас, учителей, и вас, уважаемые родители. Мы как учителя знаем, что многие родители очень хотят помочь своим детям, но часто не знают как. Поэтому мы решили прямо в учебнике ответить на некоторые вопросы, которые чаще других волнуют родителей. Надеемся, что наши советы пригодятся вам и вашим детям и помогут сделать изучение английского языка легким и увлекательным! Стоит ли так рано начина! ь? Бабушка, 56 лет, пенсионерка Конечно — стоит! Дети этого возраста более восприимчивы к языкам, легко и с удовольствием копируют взрослых, не боятся сделать ошибку. Что делать, если ребенок не хочет заниматься английским? Мама, 30 лет, домохозяйка Поговорите с ребенком и выясните, чем вызвано его нежелание: ему неинтересно или трудно? Постарайтесь заинтересовать его с помощью компьютерных игр, обучающих программ и видео. Если у Вашего ребенка возникли трудности, посоветуйтесь с учителем. Учитель подскажет Вам, как помочь ребенку запоминать новые слова, выполнять домашнее задание и т. д. Ведь есть множество маленьких секретов успешной учебы, которых ребенок пока еще не знает! 3) Должен ли ребенок знать все слова и фразы из учебника? Папа, 39 лет, экономист Вовсе не обязательно! В конце учебника мы приводим перечень слов и фраз, которые ребенок должен научиться употреблять к концу года. Предполагается, что о значении остальных слов из песен, стихов, рифмовок и небольших текстов ребенок будет догадываться. Если же Ваш ребенок увлечен языком, это даст ему возможность узнать больше. arenis page i> !> !> D Как c ребенком учить слова? Папа, 34 юда, программист Вот несколько совегов, которыми Вы можб1е воспользоваться; • попросите ребенка научить словам koi о-нибудь из членов семьи; • вместе с ребенком создайте копилку слов, в которую помещайте карточки с пройденными словами; о развесьте карточки со словами, картинки с подписями на английском языке на cienax в комна1ь ребенка; • узнайте у учителя или придумайте свои собственные игры со словами. Вот увидите, рано или поздно все, даже самые трудные, слова запог\/ нятся! Как научить моего сына правильно произносить слова? Мама, 41 год, торговый работник У многих детей в начале обучения английскому языку могут возникну проблемы с произношением. Постановка правильного произношения это долгий процесс, требующий большогс количества упражнений на развитие у ребенка слуха, умения различать звуки своего и иностранного языков, умения правильно эти звуки произносить. Слушая речь учителя и кассету с записями диалогов, песен и рифмовок и noi торяя за ними, ребенок постепенно овладеет правильным английскик произношением. Для дополнительной тренировки Вы можете использовать кассету дома. Должен ли ребенок переводить то, что он прочитал или услышал? Дедушка, 51 год, военнослужащий в отставке Пожалуйста, не заставляйте Вашего ребенка переводить каждое слово! Если Вы хотите убедиться, что он понимает текст или предложение, попросите передать Вам его общий смысл. Ведь перевод — это непростое умение. Ему нужно специально учиться. В нашем курсе это обучение начинается с 5-го класса. Нужно ли читать вслух тексты учебника? Мама, 28 лет, служащая Обычно, когда мы хотим что-то узнать из текста, мы читаем его не вслух, а про себя. Тем не менее чтение вслух текста на иностранном языке является важным умением, которое складывается у детей в течение нескольких лет. На первом же году обучения предполагается, что дети учатся читать вслух тексты известных песен, стихов и рифмовок. Поэтому такие тексты, ПОСЛЕ тренировки в классе, хорошо было бы повторить дома. Parents' page У Почему в учебнике нет правил чтения? Смогут ли дети научиться читать? Бабушка, 63 года, учительница Учебник предполагает обучение ‘-■тению через узнавание знакомых слов и предложений. Сначала дети учатся произносить и употребля^'ь новые слова, а затем знакомятся с письменной формой этих слов. Тем не менее, если ребенок самостоятельно обнаружит некоторые закономерности в чтении, Вы должны это только приветствовать. Более подробно эти закономерности начинают изучаться уже в 3-м классе. А в 5-м классе средней школы дети познакомятся с транскрипцией. Дети на уроках только играют. Когда же они будут ч'^'о-нибудь учить? Папа, 42 года, строитель Дети этого возраста любят играть, придумывать правила для игр и следовать им. Мы добавили еще одно правило: игра будет проходить на английском языке. И мы играем вместе с ними в “Семью”, “Рождество" и т. д. Именно в игровой форме незаметно для детей мы постепенно приучаем их учиться. Так, к концу года они научатся очень многому: например, расспрашивать одноклассников о любимых занятиях и предметах, оценивать свои успехи, читать текст и находить в нем нужную информацию и т. д. S>- Зачем детям вырезать, клеить и рисовать на уроках английского? Какой в этом смысл? Мама, 40 лет, медработник Учитель объясняет детям, как сделать игрушку, закладку для книги или фишку для игры. Дети слушают учителя и выполняют его указания Но общение-то при этом происходи’^ на английском языке! Все поделки используются в последующих играх и упражнениях. Например, раскрасив картинки с фруктами и овощами, вырезав и приклеив их на тарелку, дети показывают ее друг другу и рассказывают о своем любимом блюде. .!/ Почему в учебнике не объясняются правила грамматики? Будут ли дети правильно говорить? Бабушка, 62 года, инженер Когда ребенок начинает говорить на родном языке, он ничего не знает о его грамматике. Это говорит о том, что дети усваивают грамматику не через правила, а через образцы языка, которые они постоянно слышат и видят. На наших уроках дети также усваивают язык не через объяснения грамматики, а с помощью многократного повторения рифмовок, простых песенок, стихов и фраз в играх. А обучение грамматике с объяснением правил начнется в средней школе. 125 ^ 4 , ■ '' -7 ’arenls' page lD----------------------------------------------- Как помочь ребенку, если он пропустил урок? Мама, 34 года, бухгалтер Не пугайтесь, если Баш ребенок пропустил занятие. На странице учеб ника все новые слова и фразы выделены специальным шрифтом. Вы можете также приобрести кассету к учебнику и послушать вместе с ребенком диалоги, песни и рифмовки, которые звучали в классе. Мы построили учебник так, чтобы весь материал повторялся на последующих уроках и ребенок мог бы легко наверстать пропущенное. 13^ Мне кажется, что мой ребенок не усваивает материал. Что делать? Папа, 33 года, преподаватель вуза Не будьте слишком требовательны, это ведь только начало! Если ребе нок с удовольствием ходит на уроки, охотно рассказывает о том, чем занимается в классе, все ие так уж и плохо! Наша главная цель в начале обучения — развивать и поддерживать интерес к языку. Совершенно нормально, если вначале ребенок отвечает на речь учите ля лишь жестами или отдельными словами. В это время он незаметно (даже для самого себя!) “впитывает” язык, который слышит и видит. Вспомните, ведь именно так происходило и с родным языком. Сначал; ребенок Вас только слушал, потом начал жестикулировать в ответ на Ваши слова и, наконец, стал отвечать Вам отдельными словами и фразами. Поэтому не торопите ребенка, дайте ему время освоиться с новым языком. И, наконец, несколько полезных советов: • почаще проявляйте интерес к успехам ребенка; • поощряйте желание ребенка спеть вам разученную на уроке песню или рассказать стихи; • не отказывайтесь поиграть в игру, в которую ребенок играл на уроке; • почаще просите ребенка рассказать вам / научить вас, чему он сам научился на уроке; • советуйтесь с учителем всякий раз, когда у вас появляются вопросы или сомнения; • не заставляйте ребенка говорить по-английски, когда он этого не хочет; • не заставляйте ребенка учить материал, еще не пройденный в классе,— это лишит ребенка чувства новизны, и ему будет скучно на уроке. Желаем удачи! Авторы “Millie” » Л ■ The authors and publishers would like to thank the following teachers, their pupils and their school administrators for their help in piloting and commenting on the materials in April-May 2004: Kolosova Renata Valerievna (Angarsk, School No 27), Shukhina Natalia Veniaminovna (Cheboksary, School No Ы), Starostina Natalya Vasilievna (Cheboksary, School No 27), Morenova Olga Rudolfovna (Dzerzhinsk, School No 34), Yamova Yelena Vladimirovna (Ekaterinburg, School No 93), Zubareva Tatiana Petrovna (Ekaterinburg, School No 154), Dremova Vera Ivanovna (Irkutsk, Gymnasia No 6), Pershina Elizaveta Vitalievna (Krasnoyarsk, School No 113), Petukhova Irina Stepanovna (Krasnoyarsl^ School No 48), Baber Irina Mikhailovna (Moscow, ‘Gazprom Educational Centre), Tchumakova trifta Anatolievna (Moscow, ‘Gazprom* Educational Centre), Kuznetsova Tatiana Aleksandrovna (Moscow Region, Novopodrezkovo School), Yakovleva Galina Konstantinuvfia (Nizhny Nvvyofud, Scnoul No 44) Guseva Irina Viktorovna (Novosibirsk, Lyceum No 130), Malinovskaya Marianna Lvovna (Novosibirsk, School No 21), Kiylova Natalia Vadimovna (Omsk, School No 38), Lapikova Ludmila Alekseevna (0ms. School No 73). Maksimova Tatiana Nikolaevna (Ryazan, School No 14) Tokmakova Olga Viktorovna (Ryazan, School No 22), Dzhanserenkova Svetlana Olegovna (Samara, School No 177), Maslova Natalya Yurievna (Samara, School No 6), Maksimova Liudmila Aleksandrovna (Sochi, School No 13), Pitina Natalya Vladimirovna (Sochi, Gymnasia No 44), Korotyachenkova Nina Aleksandrovna (St Peter burg, School No 624), Yevgrafova Irina Igorevna (St Petersburg, School Nc 628), Nesterova Svetlana Aleksandrovna (Tambov, Lyceum No 6), Starovoitova Irina Yurievna (Tambov, Lyceum No 6), Stempen Ekaterina Aleksandrovna (Tula, School No 4), Nikiforova Yulia Alexandrovna (Volgograd, Gymnasia No 5), Solovieva Liudmila Petrovna (Volgograd, Gymnasia Nc13), Sulzhenko Lyubov Viralievna (Yaroslavl, School No 16), Tulupova Yelena Genrikhovna (Yaroslavl, School Nc 18), Loginova Lidiya Ivanovm (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, ‘Eastern’ Lyceum No 1). The authors and publishers would also like to thank the piloting facilitators for their help in organising and monitoring of the piloting process and commenting on the materials in April-May 2004: Shelukhina Tatiana Vladimirovna (Cheboksary, Chuvash Republican Institute of Education), Masharovi Irina Sergeyevna (Ekaterinburg, Secondary School Not52), Kournaya Maria Yurievna (Irkutsk, British Council), Lagutochkina Marina Viktorovna (Krasnoyarsk, Lyceum No 3), Gribkova Bella Pavlovna (Nizti Novgorod, British Council), Koptyug Nina Martievna (Novosibirsk, Lyceum No 130), Bondarenko Olga Anatolyevna (Omsk, ‘Perspektiva’ Educational Centre), Ustinova Yelena Sergeyevna (Ryazan, Ryazan State University), Molchkova Larissa Viktorovna (Samara, Internationa* Market Institute), Sipatova Marina Vadimovna (Samara, British Council), Kostyuk Natalia Vladimirovna (Sochi, International Cooperation Office of Education Department), Sivertseva Katerina Mikhailovna (St Petersburg, St Peters burg State University), Milrood Radislav Petrovich (Tambov, Tambov State University), Malchenko Alla Anatolievna (Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University), Ostrovskaya Svetlana Vladimirovna (Volgograd, Volgograd State Pedagogical University), Isaeva Nadezhda Pavlovna (Yaroslavl, School No 16), Lapshi Vlada Igorevna (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, British Council). The publishers would like to thenk the following for permission to reproduce images: © f i AH-1 aSS Khoto Agency 46, yif, 9d, 97 © PhotoXpress 92. 93 © RPG / Corbis Corporation / Zefa / JBJ Productions 99 © RPC/ Coibfs Cufpmation/Douglas Peebles WO Every effori has been made to trace the copyright holders of material in this book. The publishers apologise tor any omissions and will oe pieasea to make the necessary arrangements when Millie is reprinted. Учебное издание С. И. Азарова. Э. Н. Дружинина, Е. В. Ермолаева, Е. В. Зоткина, П. Г Карпова. Е. М. Коренкова, Е. В. Косиок, И. В. Крайнева. Н. Н. Петрова, Н. Б. Поно1«»арееа. Р. Ю. Попова, Н. С. Слави^ик, il. Л. Соколова. Л. Н. Орукова, Н. Ю. Шульгина АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК МИЛЛИ/М1ШЕ Учебник ДЛЯ 3 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина Корректоры Г А. Киселева, Г. П М^тыненко Дизайн макета, верстка В. КиН, Н. С. Вишенковой Иллюстрацией Т. С богомягких, Д. В. Жеребцова. Н. В Китаевой. Д. 6. Костиной, А С. Кудашкиной, А. А. Никитина. М. В. Парнышковой. А. В. Савельевой, Г Ю. Скрипалыдиковой Фотографии Л н. Новоселова, н, С. Вишенковой. Л. Л. Соколовой Художественный редаки:^ Е. А. Валяева Цифровая обработка изображений Л. Н, Новоселова Санитарно-эпидемиологическое заключение о соответствии санитарным правилаг-* РФ N9 77 99.60.953.Д.008314.08.08 О’’ 05.08.2008 Подписано в печать 17.02.2011. Формат 60x90/8. Гарнитура Тельветика". Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная Уел. печ. л. 16,0. Уч.-изд. л. 26,3. Уел. кр.-отт 65,0 Тир. 40000 экз. Зак N9 П-924945. Издательство ‘Титул" 249035. г. Обнинск Ка/тужской обл.. а/я 5055. Тел. (48439) 9-10-09. E-mail pochta^itul.ru (книга почтой). umk(§>titul.ru (оптовые покупатели). Brookemead Associates Ltd. London N1 IHS. Lyn Strutt (Editor), Veena Hotkar (UK Photo research). Отпечатано в типографии “NEOGRAFIA a.S.036 55, Marlin, uL Skultelyho 1, SLOVAKIA Телефоны: ++421 (43) 420 12 73. 420 12 95. 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