Английский язык учебник 2 класс Азарова

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык учебник 2 класс Азарова - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Millie (Милли):

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КЛАСС с. и. Азарова, Э, Н. Дружинина, Е. В. Ермолаева, Е. В. Зоткина, Л. Г. Карпова, Е. М. Коренкова, Е. В. Костюк, И. В. Крайнева, Н. Н. Петрова, Н. Б. Пономарева, Р. Ю, Попова, Н. С. Славщик, Л. Л. Соколова, Л. Н. Струкова, Н. Ю. Шульгина Английский язык Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений милли/MILLIE Начальный курс к учебнику Английский язык нового тысячелетия / New Millennium English для 5-11 классов Допущено Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации к использованию в образовательном процессе в образовательных учреждениях, реализующих образовательные программы общего образования и имеющих государственную аккредитацию 07.12.2005 BRITISH COUNCIL Brookemead English LanguacJIe Teaching ТИТУЛ T I T U L 2007 ГИМНАЗИЯ ы»Э г. Красноярск ББК УДК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А35 802.0(075.2) With love to our Millie-husbands, Millie-parents and Millie-kids and all those Millie-people in Russia and in the UK who always believed in us and in Millie. Your Millie-authors Authors" thanks and acknowledgements This project would not have been possible without the unfailing commitment of Ye. A. Lenskaya, Assistant Director for Education and English Language, British Council, Moscow. Our special thanks and deepest gratitude go to Mike Scholey, from the College of St Mark and St John, Plymouth, UK and Annamaria Pinter, the University of Warwick, UK, for consultancy advice, inspiration and faith in us in spite of all trials and tribulations of the project. We are also very grateful to Rod Bolitho, Steve Ansell and all the tutors and consultants from the College of St Mark and St John, Plymouth, UK, and Shelagh Rixon, the Univercity of Warwick. UK, who inspired us to launch into a wonderful journey of textbook writing. The authors would also like to thank T. M. Krasnopolskaya, Ye. G. Borovikova, S. M. Kuzmina and our “bigger sisters” — authors of the "New Millennium English" textbooks who contributed to the book by their efficient management, administrative support and generous sharing of their professional experience. We would like to thank N. N. Achkassova, I. A. Kalinina, N. M. Rodina and K. V. Ronzhina for advice and support. Our thanks go to Olga Yudanova, Konstantin Finov who wrote the music for the songs in the book. We would like to thank K. L. Boutiagina and S. M. Doubovik, the project partners from the National Training Foundation. /А big thank you goes to the teams of the TituI and Brookemead publishers, especially S. N. Kononenko, S. V. Shirina, 0. A. Denisenko, E A. Valyaeva, N. A. Valyaeva, Duncan Prowse, Picot Cassidy and Lynn Strutt, whose commitment, enthusiasm and professionalism made this book happen. 4 Азарова C. И. и др. A35 Английский язык: Милли / Millie: Учебник англ. яз. для 2 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. / С. И. Азарова, Э. Н. Дружинина, Е. В. Ермолаева, Е. В. Зоткина, Л. Г. Карпова, Е. М. Коренкова, Е. В. Костюк, И. В. Крайнева, Н. Н. Петрова, Н. Б. Пономарева, Р. Ю. Попова, Н. С. Славщик, Л. Л. Соколова, Л. Н. Струкова, Н. Ю. Шульгина.— Обнинск: Титул, 2007.— 128 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-369-7 УМК “Millie-2” является составной частью учебного курса “Millie” для 2-4-х классов общеобразовательных учреждений России и составляет с “New Millennium English” единую учебную линию для 2-11-х классов. УМК соответствует требованиям федерального компонента государственного стандарта начального образования по иностранным языкам. Учебник предназначен для учащихся 2-го класса (первый год обучения, 2 часа в неделю согласно Новому базисному учебному плану). УМК состоит из книги для учащегося, книги для учителя, рабочей тетради, аудиокассеты и набора карточек для обучения говорению и чтению. Книга для учащегося предлагает разнообразный материал для развития речевых и общеучебных навыков, отобранный с учетом психологических и возрастных особенностей детей. Задания включают тексты для чтения, игры, инструкции по выполнению поделок, страницы самоконтроля, сквозную историю и др. Темы и ситуации общения близки учащимся начальной школы, а предлагаемый языковой материал позволяет им выразить свои мысли и чувства, стимулирует общение со сверстниками на английском языке. Книга содержит интересный и познавательный материал страноведческого характера, а также двуязычный словарь активной лексики каждого раздела и страницу для родителей. ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-369-7 © С. И. Азарова, Э. Н. Дружинина, Е. В. Ермолаева, Е. В. Зоткина, Л. Г. Карпова, Е. М. Коренкова, Е. В. Костюк, И. В. Крайнева, Н. Н. Петрова, Н. Б. Пономарева, Р. Ю. Попова, Н. С. Славщик, Л. Л. Соколова, Л. Н. Струкова, Н. Ю. Шульгина, 2005 © The British Council, 2005 © Brookemead Associates Limited, 2005 © Издательство “Титул", дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2005 тт Содержание Unit 1 Hello! ..................4 Unit 2 Schoolbag...............14 Progress page Units 1-2.........24 Unit 3 Do you like the circus?.26 Unit 4 My pet..................36 Progress page Units 3-4.........46 Unit 5 Merry Christmas! .......48 Unit 6 I love my family........58 Progress page Units 5-6.........68 Unit 7 Toyland.................70 Unit 8 Where’s the mouse?......80 Progress page Units 7-8.........90 Unit 9 My lunchbox.............92 Unit 10 Granny’s farm..........102 Progress page Units 9-10....... 114 Wordlist.......................116 Write your name................121 Answer key Progress pages......122 Parents’ page..................124 Условные обозначения —'номер задания I?; J — слушай кассету 4 3 Аа Bb сс Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI J Unit 1 Hello! 2 Read and play. Nn Oo Pp QQ Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx шештв Unit 1 Hello! Lesson 2 1 Listen, look and soy. 2 Read and say. Hello! What’s your name? Dima. And what’s your name? Aa Bb Cc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li Kk LI 'V Unit 1 Hello! 3 Read and play. (u it A?) (Is it C^) LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Unit 1 Hello! Lesson 3 1 Look, listen and say. 1 At the zoo Aa Bb cc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI I Unit 1 Hello! Lesson 4 1 Listen and say. One, one, one. Run, run, run. Two, two, two. Go to the zoo. Three, three, three. Climb a tree. Four, four, four. Touch the floor. Five, five, five. Swim and dive. Six, seven, eight. That was great! Nine and ten. Count again! Sing the song. ^Hello! Whgfs your name?) (^My name*s Kate! ^ ow old ore you? } m eight! I’m eii (^Hello! What’s your name? ^My name’s Ben! } h (^How old are you?^ I’m ten! I’m ten! ^ Mm Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx уу Zz ШШ Lesson 5 1 Look, listen and soy. a) Ч602893Г b) 4620839 . C) 57103025 d) 5710203 2 Make the phone. .w '' Л [IK K' Aa Bb Cc Gg Hh li Jj Кк LI 3 Read and play. (whgfs your phone number?^ m And what’s your phone number? It’s 5673402. ‘Tf.l Thank you! Thank you!^ ii Mm Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww^x уу Zz ■ш 11 Гг !I ЧН 6o id ЭЗ PQ DV Up§ide down world •XdS pUD U04Sj( ^>j001 [ 9 uossa*^ iO||0H I imn г Unit 1 Hello! '(U I t Ekaterina Vo you know! ^^orgaret Margarita VsWKoto' ^icl^ 2 Read and match. ;^Whgfs your name? ') X. It’s 1581073 How old are you?) ^ Goodbye. What’s your phone number? 5 --------V Goodbye! j ^ Hello. I’m eighhj Mm Nn Oo 13 Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx уу Z2 ■т 9 ! е! к Unit 2 School bag Listen, look and say. 15 Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx у \ r Yv Z7 I ■ f й.<. r ■ Ш' ilr? ' s'-V ;■’ Unit 2 School bag Lesson 2 1 Listen and chant. .What's What’s this? It’s a pen. A pen? A pen! What’s this? It’s a rubber. A rubber? A rubber! What’s this? It’s a pencil. A pencil? A pencil! 2 Look, read and say. What’s this?} It’s a pen. No, it’s g penciLJ Aa Bb cc ^9 Hh li Jj Kk , LI I t/ Try again!) ---- Unit 2 School bag 3 Read and play. Pass the letter! Vo you knowl 5 cm / 1_____________23 cm________________I a millipede Mm Nn ' ' 4 “ ^ Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tf Uu Vv Ww Xx уу Z/ 17Г I f I ■ £•' ? One little, two little, three little pencils. Four little, five little, six little pencils. Seven little, eight little, nine little pencils, Ten little pencils in my pencil case. Ten little, nine little, eight little pencils Seven little, six little, five little pencils, Four little, three little, two little pencils One little pencil in your pencil case. 2 Look and say. 18 Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk Unit 2 School bag 3 Look and say. LI . Mm Nn Oo ^0 Vo you know? British schoolchildren have pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers, books, exercise books and... a lunchbox in their school bags. Look at the lunchbox. Pp Qq; Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz -iJ 19' л 1 1 !: ■ I I: It In !-И4 Р5 л:1 Ы II i£ f ^ ni Unit 2 School bag Lesson 4 1 Listen, look and soy. Draw a picture. ^ Cut out a page.^ Look at the picture.:^ . Give it to your friend. Take 0 pencil.C It’s great! f Open your exercise book.^ 8 Write C-A-T.g Dd Ее Ff ^ Gg Hh 'tJ li Jj -X Kk I X/' ■-Г Unit 2 School bag Lesson 5 1 Look, listen and say. Circus school Can I borrow your pen, please? Can I borrow your pencil, please? Can I borrow your ruler, please? Whafs this?^ Oo Pp Qci Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx V\/ 77 П >1>1 Гг !1 ЧН 6о у эз PQ qa dv Upside-down world (The school l^gs! } гг Oh, my books and my exercise books! (I’m Philip.) ' XdS pUD U94Sj| '^oo-\ [ 9 uosssi 6eq lOOLjOS Z your pen to your friend. Open your pencil case. Take a ruler. 2 Play the game. What’s your name? What’s this? Draw a cat. How old are you? What’s this? What’s your phone number? Can I borrow your rubber? Open your exercise book. What’s this? Can I borrow your book, please? What’s your name? Unit 2 School bag What’S this? What’s your phone number? Open your pencil case. , Mm Nn Oo Pp Qci Rr Ss Tt ' . How old are you? Take a pen. What’s this? Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy \ Л ■1.^’' iZ>- • -a- Zz ш Progress page Units 1-2 Progress page Units 1-2 24 1 Listen and match. Послушай, выбери правильный вариант и запиши его. АВС bt Баллы __ /5 2 Read and match. Прочитай, выбери правильный вариант и запиши его. What’s your name? ( ^ b) Sure. How old are you? yt a) It’s a pencil case.y:^^^ b) I’m seven. What’s your phone number? a) It’s an exercise book. b) It’s 3517067. Can I borrow your pen? Л. A, What’s this?> Л. a) It’s Ben. b) No, I’m sorry. a) It’s a little pencil. b) I’m seven. Is it a banana? AL a) Yes. b) It’s 3467182. Баллы __ /б| Aa Bb cc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li _ Jj Kk ыи /5 Progress page Units 1-2 3 Match the sentence to the picture. Прочитай, выбери правильный вариант и запиши его. 1 It’s а pencil case. 2 It’s а pencil. 3 It’s a cat. 4 It’s a ruler. 5 It’s a school bag. 6 It’s an exercise book. E / В в в в в в в в Баллы __ /5 4 Write in small letters. Напиши слова в тетради строчными буквами. 1 PEN - реп 3 MOUSE - 5 RULER - 2 SCHOOL BAG - 4 BOOK - 6 FRIEND - Баллы __ /5 5 Ask your friend. Спроси у своего друга. - как его зовут - сколько ему лет - номер его телефона MfTi Nn Оо Рр ^4. Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx уу Zz ... •.y' Ч Do you like the circus? Lesson 1 1 Listen, look and say. Look, it’s a clown. He’s orange, green and brown He’s purple, red and blue. And he’s too. \ \ 1 »:• ^ r red orange yellow green blue dark blue purple Aa^ Bb cc - Do you know? A rainbow has seven colours. KAc4- ti&ifL: Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh ' li Jj ^кк LI V—^ ^ .............................*........... Unit 3 Do you like the circus? Lesson 2 1 Sing the song. What’s your favourite colour? What’s your favourite colour? What’s your favourite colour? What’s your favourite, What’s your favourite, What’s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is orange. My favourite colour Is orange. My favourite colour. My favourite colour. My favourite colour is orange! 2 Look, listen and say. Unit 3 Do you like the circus? 1 Sing the song. I like butterflies I like butterflies, Red and butterflies, Pink and purple butterflies. Blue and orange, too. I like butterflies. Green and brown butterflies. Black and QQQS butterflies. Do you like them too? 2 Read and say. ^----------------- I like pink, I like green, I like orange, I like black, I like yellow. Yes. Your turn. It’S a 30 - Aa Bb cc Dd ^ Ee^ Ff ^ Gg Hh ^ li Jj Kk Ll^ 3 Look and make. Unit 3 Do you like the circus? 4 Read and say. I like my butterfly. Its red, yellow and green • v. _ (■( Mm Nn Oo Pp , Rr Ss Tt (Ju Vv Ww Xx Unit 3 Do you like the circus? Lesson 5 1 Listen, look and say Do you like the circus? Do you like clowns?^ Do you like butterflies? о Ao Bb Qc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li Unit 3 Do you like the circus? JUphabet chant A, B, C, D. E, F, G Look at her, at him, at me! H, I, J, K, L, M, N Look at them and say it again! O, P, Q, R, S, T, U We like fun, and what about you? V and W, X, Y, Z That’s the alphabet, that’s what I said Vo you know! This is the Butterfly Garden in Hiroshima, Japan. Mm Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt (Ju Vv Ww Xx , уу Zz >l>l ff !I ЧН 6o id 03 pa qg ov Upside-down world I’ve got a lot of npnrilQ *XdS pUD U0|Sj| '>|001 [ g uossa*! ^snojp 0Щ 0>|!| поЛ OQ £ jmn Unit 3 Do you like the circus? 2 Play the game. got three! One, two, three. Mm Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt iju Vv Ww Xx уу Zz Му pet Lesson 1 1 Listen, look and point. й Ш • • 2 Listen, look and soy. 3 Read and say. It’s my pet i It’s a kitten! ilt’s a black, kitten. ^Stroke the kitten! //It’s a hungry kitten. 5Feed the kitten! ^It’s a little kitten. ,Hug the kitten! .Take the kitten home. Jt’s my pet. I love it. ■ Vo you know? 1 h the smallest: 19 cm long, 7 cm tall name: Tinker Toy country: the USA the biggest: 23 kg name: Kathy country: Russia Mm Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt ^ Uu Vv Xx^ уу г;' - '.i Unit 4 Му pet " ’ Lesson 2 И 8 a fish Ш a parrot I feed and stroke my pet I feed and stroke my cat. I feed and stroke my cat. My little cat, my little cat. I love my little cat. I feed and stroke my dog. I feed and stroke my dog. My big black dog, my big black dog. I love my big black dog. 2 Look and soy. ^ 3F3BBv 1 Sing the song. a kitten a dog a hamster a snake a hedgehog Cc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk Щ Unit 4 My pet I» Lesson 3 Look, listen and say. I’ve got a rabbit, I’ve got a rat, I’ve got a guinea pig I’ve got 0 cot. What have you got? I’ve got a lizard, I’ve got 0 dog. I’ve got 0 hamster. I’ve got a frog. What have you got? 2 Look, read and say. I’ve got a pet. It’s purple. It’s little. LI Мгл Nn Oo Pp Rr ^ Ss Tt . iju Vv Ww Xx ^ уу Zz f -'У''-. _ i -■'Wr. Шт- llif I ! r ;i •• ••• ' У, '?*' У^ ^'•Ji 'г , ■ -ПК- г<. И ^Have you got a ■..?^ a hedgehog 2 Look and say. Have you got a little dog? Have you got a little dog? l-ln\/o \/ni I nnt n littifa Hnn9 No, no, no, no. I’ve got a big frog. Have you got a little cat? Have you got a little cat? 3 Read and play. (Have you got a lizard?) (Have you got a rabbit?^ ^Yes, I’ve got a lizard. No, try again. : LI “ve Can read Pat’s pet is pink and Paula’s pet is purple. Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Unit 4 My pet Lesson 5 1 Read and play. A lost pet n a Ifll jft j Oh! My pet! Is it big? =( No, it’s little. I жащ= Is it black? No, it’s red, green and white. Ш 42 Aa Bb " cc " Dd ^ Ее . Ff Gg Hh li jj Kk Unit 4 My pet 2 Read and say. Find the pets My pet’s Ъ'щ and green. Its name is Jack. It’s three. to S to c\j ^ Л/ly pet's little and qrey. Its name is Л/lolly. It's one. m rv. r- i V m c CTi о Oi О i i cr> о 00 E 00 g ' T 00 E 1Л 1Л \n / LD *00 My pet's little and brown. Its name is Funny. It's two. Ю vO CO (i) lO^ c\j;^ OvJ < \Р*3 ^ Sing the song. I’ve got a little friend I’ve got a little cat, Little cat, little cat. I’ve got a little cat. Its fur’s as white as snow We can read The rabbit with the red ruler runs after the rat. LI Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss . Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx >1>1 ff !I ' L|H 6o U 93 PCI DV < ■/ Upside-down world •Xds puD u04Sj| '^oo-\ [ g uosss^ lad AiAi p iiufi IP ... Jl ■ .;P'I 3 Read and act out. Sorry, no. Is it a parrot? 1Ш Yes. It’s green, red and blue. Here it is. Feed it, stroke it, take it home. LI Oo Pp Qci Rr Ss Tt • Wi Du Vv ,Ww Xx Yy Zz 1 Listen and match. Послушай, выбери правильный вариант и запиши его. 2 Read and match. Прочитай, выбери правильный вариан и запиши его. Lisa: Have you got any pets at home? Molly: Yes, I’ve got a hamster. Its name’s Kay. Lisa: What colour is it? ' , Molly: It’s white. It’s a big white hamster. Have you got any pets? Lisa: Yes, I’ve got a green lizard and a big black puppy. Its name’s Spot. I love my puppy. 1 Kay’s a white a) kitten b) rat c) hamsterV a) green b) black c) yellow a) a black puppy b) a white hamster c) a green lizard 2 The puppy’s 3 Molly’s got Dd Ее Ff ^ Gg Hh li Jj Kk Ьный Яриант Ц Lisa’s got 5 Spot’s 6 The hamster’s Progress page Units 3-4 a) a black puppy and a green lizard b) a white hamster and a green lizard c) a big rabbit and a green lizard a) a big rabbit b) a little lizard c) a big black puppy a) big and white b) little and white c) big and black Баллы __ /5 3 Copy the odd one out. Прочитай и выпиши ненужное слово. 1 bkte, cat, puppy, hamster 2 black, brown, Шогй, green 3 guinea pig, hedgehog,-TSffe^rabbit 4 yellow, green,Jike, red' 5 feed, stroke, take, pet 6 pencil, pen, exercise book, kitten Баллы __ /5 4 Write the letters in the correct order. Поставь буквы в правильном порядке. 1 loncw - clown ^ 2 eegghdoh 5 3 ribtab-2^b6‘^^'£ 6 elolwy^ ea m hts r Бал 5 Ask your friend. Спроси у своего друга. - кто у него на рисунке - какого цвета его питомец - нравятся ли ему какие-либо другие животные, приведи пример 5 Merry Christmas! 1 г М‘ i i:au;- II'- :St’ llifi Ф.МШ: fill ll;''"' ^ I 1 Ш i r "rv,v,:; rfr Lesson 1 1 Look, listen and say. It’s winter time! It’s winter time! Decorate a tree! What tree? The Christmas tree! Decorate the tree! Take some crackers, Take some bells, Take some stars. Take some lights, Take some baubles. And put them on the tree! :>oo'^o a star a bauble winter a cracker! a Christmas tree Unit 5 Merry Christmas [esson 2 1 Sing the song. Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride, In a one-horse open sleigh! I’ve got three green bells and two red baubles. I’ve got a green V Christmas tree. ^ у • - •" I’ve got four crackers \ and two yellow stars. -... ^^I’^e got g yellow star. ) I’ve got two blue stars and three purple bells. Cut out the Christmas card. Colour the Christmas card. Stick stars or bells on the card. Oo, Pp ОЧ Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz «If m Merry Christmas, LIUi children! >—n—r—ГМВЯИ Sing the song. We wish you a Merry Christmas! We wish you a Merry Christmas! We wish you a Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year! We can read Unit 5 Merry Christmas Lesson 4 1 Listen, look and say. --------------------------- It’s Christmas time! Let’s buy some presents! Ш What about a box of lollipops, Wendy? Wow! Look Mum! It’s a fluffy rabbit! Bb cc Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk h 2 Look and say. ■d Sorry dear, no! fftO T О 0 Can I have a fluffy jabbit, please? Sorry Wendy, no! Unit 5 Merry Christmas /Jj What about a book? } No! Can I have a fluffy rabbit? Please, Santa Claus! LI О «0 о о о “ QO О Five fluffy fish play football with four funny frogs. Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww уу Zz Unit 5 Merry Christmas • • * • • Lesson 5 1 Look, read and say. It’s New Year’s Day! I’ve got a lot of presents. A book from my Mum, a computer game from my Dad, and a fluffy toy rabbit from Mike. What’s this? A present from Father Frost! It’s a kitten! I’m so happy! Vo you know? Дед Мороз Dun Che Lao Ren; Babbo Notole Father Christmas or Santa Claus We can read What colour is the cat in the clown’s computer? Aa Bb cc' Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh ; li . Jj Kk Unit 5 Merry Christmas 2 Read and make. Щ b - : ... . Cut out four presents. Colour the presents. Fold the Christmas stocking. Cut out the Christmas Colour and stick the stocking. Christmas stocking. Put the presents in the Christmas stocking. Look at my Christmas stocking. I’ve got a fluffy toy rabbit, a computer game, and a box of lollipops. Lena, this doll’s for you. Merry Christmas! Thank you 4 551 ‘V4., Nn Оо , РРдОЧ Rr Ss Tt , Uu Vv VVw Xx Yy ZzYf Jl Unit 5 Merry Christmas ' Lesson 6 1 Read and say. \ "ЯШ0^^ I’ve got a lot of presents: a new репс case, two computer games, a box of lollipops and a football. I’ve also got nice little rat. It’s white. I like my rot. 2 Read the Christmas cards. hear Mummy, 'J'e wish you a 'Werry Christmas! Steve and Annie Lirve, Dear Santa Claus, we wish you a Merry Christmas! class 2a Dear Dad, I wi5h you a Happy Now Year! Lovo from Wendy Aa Bb Qc'^Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk jl " ^ I love my family Lesson 1 1 Look, listen and say. This is my family Find the odd one out. 1 cat, mum, dad, sister 2 sister, granny, brother, hamster 3 dad, mum, book, brother 4 sister, rabbit, dad, granny 5 his sister, his dad, my brother, his granny Aa_ Bb cc' Dd Ee^ Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk .........._k Do you know? Beatrix Potter’s book is called “The Tale of Peter Rabbit”. The book is about a family of rabbits: Mum - Mrs Rabbit, Dad - Mr Rabbit, four brothers: Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter, and their cousin Benjamin Bunny. Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Unit 6 I love nny family 2 Read and say. My family is big. IVe got a mum and a dad, two grannies and a grandpa. I’ve got two sisters, Molly and Dolly. They are twins. Molly and Dolly are little. They are two years old. My brother’s ten. His name’s Paul. I’ve got a pet. It’s a guinea pig called Joseph. I love my family. / Sing the song. Thank you, Mum! Thank you. Mum! Thank you. Mum! Thanks for loving me. Hugs ofid kisses. Hugs and kisses Go to you from me. r- / 1 Unit 6 I love my family 2 Read and say. a) Run to your uncle. Skip together! b) Well done! Clop your hands. c) Take a skipping rope. Skip! d) Oh, no! He can’t skip! e) Run to your aunt. Skip together! f) Oh! You can’t skip. g) Run to your Granny. Skip together! h) Oh! She can’t skip. i) Oh, she can skip! 3 Read and say a) This b) This c) This d) This e) This f) This s my brother. He s my mum. She can swim, s my sister. She can draw, s my cousin. He can’t write, s my father. He can climb, s my granny. She can sing. can read Guinea pig’s going to Guinea in 'a big green bag. Goodbye, guinea piggy. Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx I J' I - * Unit 6 I love my family Lesson 4 1 Listen, look and say. j i 64 3 Aa Bb Cc Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk Unit 6 I love my family 2 Read and say. Can he sing? I’m Anton Chan from St Petersburg. This is my dad and my brother Max. Max is little. He’s two. He can’t read. I can read for him. My dad’s very sporty. He can run, jump, climb and swim! My mum can sing. And I can play garmoshka. This is my cousin Dima. He’s from Kaluga. He can swim. Can he sing? 65 LI IMm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww, Xx Yy Zz ' • Unit 6 I love my family Lesson 5 1 Listen, look and 2 Read and moke. Family album stick the photos. This is my family. This is my mum. She can swim. My dad can run. I’ve got a granny and she can sing. I’ve got a sister. She is little and she can’t sing. I love my family. What about you? Write. We can read Dan’s dog feeds Dan’s dad. Good dog. Good dad. L T 4 4. c Gg Hh li Jj Kk ZZ “Л XY ''^'M ^Л nn IX ss •'У bn *^d °0 Upside-down world /■: :-----^______ ^ •XdS pUD U0|Sj| ")jOO-| [ g uossdl Ч Л||шв^ Лш 0ло| I 9 jjun Progress page Units 5-6 '-i'f ; [•’ f- S Progress page Units 5-6 1 Listen and match. Послушай, выбери правильный вариант и запиши его. 2 Read and match. Прочитай, выбери правильный вариант и запиши его. a) This is my dad. He can draw. Look at the picture of my family. I love this picture. b) this is^nfiy TOum dqd^y granc And this IS rtie. I camcliitib. grandpa and my uhb1 ............................................... Progress page Units 5-6 , ^^ c.ec/^^ АА'жг с) Thi^^4S my family, and this is my sister. She can I nis^ IS ^ my tqmi.iy, ang tnis is my sW|m'.'^ IVTy fas h^d^ ^ ^ IS m^ TKeV are bf^T eff. And this is my brother Mike. (>F9 e) t^QK^f^ny mum^. 8?ю^ ca^Sfaw \Q\^er%ieW. We сЙп^^ cut^'but^dolls together. . ^ ^APa^uo f) jiHs is^love^^her. She can reaS'^^ IIS IS my books. ^ Баллы _ /5 3 Find and copy five words. Найди и выпиши 5 слов. I ■ то Баллы /5 Write the letters in the correct order. Поставь буквы в правильном порядке. 1 lights - lights 2 rcacerk 3 tnwsi Ц afymil 5 renestp 6 iwernt Баллы __ /5 Ask your friend. Спроси у своего друга. - есть ли у него / неё сёстры и братья - нравятся ли ему / ей такие подарки, как футбольный мяч, книга или компьютерный диск - умеет ли он / она плавать, рисовать, прыгать через скакалку % Toyland Lesson 1 1 Look and soy. Si J m iii: ' 1 a ball 2 a kite / 3 a teddy bear ■ 4 a bike 5 a superhero 6 a car [ Aa Bb cc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk Sing the song. What’s your favourite toy? What’s your favourite toy? What’s your favourite, What’s your favourite, What’s your favourite toy? ^ "-/\у ^ Ч My favourite toy’s a ball. My favourite toy’s a ball. My favourite toy. ~ My favourite toy. teddy bear ^ My favourite toy’s a ball. Vo you know? On Boys’ Day in Japan families fly kites in the form of a carp (a fish) - big kites for fathers and small ones for sons. Unit 7 Toyland Lesson 2 1 Read and play. [g parrot ^:r::^Have you got a teddy bear?^ Unit 7 Toyland 2 Listen, look and say. V Look at that! Look at that! Here comes a magic cat. He’s got a lot of presents In his funny little hat Fly the kite, Kiss the doll, Hug the teddy bear. Ride the bike. Bounce the ball. Catch it in the air! We can read ^ Have you ever hugged II a happy hedgehog? Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss , { Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Unit 7 Toyland Lesson 3 1 Listen, look and say Teddy bear's granny 2 Read and match. a) Run to your granny. Run, run, run b) Go to your granny. Go, go, go... c) Moke 0 present for your granny. d) She’s happy. e) She’s sad. f) Give your granny the present. g) You’re tired. h) Hug your granny i) Phone your granny. Unit 7 Toyland 3 Sing the song. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you’re happy and you know it. If you’re happy and you know it. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. Vo you know? I The first teddy bear was made in 1902. This is the Teddy Bear Museum in England. Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Unit 7 Toyland Lesson 4 1 Listen, look and soy. The world’s top toy Cl like riding ЫкезЛ I like playing with clowns. I like playing with dolls. I like flying kites, j ( I like swimming I with It. What is the world’s ^top toy? i We can read Seven snakes sing sad songs ^ in Simon’s school Les 1 c Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk Unit 7 Toyland [esson 5 1 Guess, read and say. 1 I like swimming. 2 I like flying a kite. 3 I like climbing a tree Ц I like catching a ball, 5 I like riding a bike. 2 Read and make. Cut out your favourite toy. Colour your favourite toy. Stick your favourite toy to a pencil. I’ve got a superhero. His name’s Jeff. He can fly, run, swim and climb trees. I like playing with Jeff. We can read Dad’s catching a big Yat and a happy cat’s sitting in the hat n'>1» ff !I ЧН 6o id ЭЗ pa qa DV Upside-down world •XdS pUD U04SI| ')|001 [ g uossa*! pueiAoi I i!un \ ) Г.’Я • Unit 7 Toyland 2 Play the game. Toyland 1 I Draw a rabbit KPC^ I What’s your favourite ^ду.? What Go to 9 colour is this?> ’'^^TV Go to 5 I Can you fly? tf 11 lave you got a pet? Do you like playing with teddy bears? , , What colour _ l! Do you like playing with dolls? What’s this? 12 Go to 13 Say a rhyme 1'5— Ч / Finish 20 What’s this? Ь Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx уу Zz 8 Where’s the mouse? };■ * it; esson 1 80 1 Listen, look and say. It’s a table. rr:) Open the door. eu ч^ % A Look! An old house! ^■5\v Ч What a big room! Vo you know? An igloo is a house of the Inuit people (Canada). Aa Bb cc Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk Unit 8 Where’s the mouse? I’m Edwin, the sad ghost A ghost!!! It’s g cupboard [ It’s a very, very It’s a chair 2 Look and say. (^What’s this?)(l think it’s a chair.) No, I think it’s a table. ^ r J fL.E3S иши > l_JOt Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Unit 8 Where’s the mouse? Lesson 2 1 Listen, look and say bedroom bathroom ICDC living room kitchen hall t Ш l(g- ,2й W jT Щшг-^—A*— Aa Bb cc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk Unit 8 Where’s the mouse? * * • • • * ■ Lesson 3 4*l#v Listen, look and say. i") oo oo и we can TSSd 1 Ten teddy bears are in I the toy tree today! \ 4 84 a 2 Read and say. a) Here’s the ghost! b) Take a piece of cake. c) The cake’s in the ghost! d) Put it on the plate. e) Look around. Where’s the ghost? f) Look! Is it in the cupboard? g) But where’s the coke? h) Look! A hungry ghost. i) Look under the table. It’s not there. li JJ Kk LI Unit 8 Where’s the mouse? 3 Look and say. Where’s the mouse? Is it near the table? 85 Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx уу Zz ! I Unit 8 Where’s the mouse? Lesson 4 1 Listen, look and say. Where’s the mouse? It’s in the house. Where’s the cot? It’s under the hot. Where’re the bears? They’re on the chairs Where’re the foxes? They’re in the boxes. And where’s the toast? It’s in the ghost. 2 Read and play - Can you say nine Russian names? - Nina, Nadya, Nastya,... Aa Bb cc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh ^ li Jj Kk Unit 8 Where’s the mouse? [,esson 5 1 Sing the song. Where’s the ghost? The ghost is on the box, The ghost is on the box, Hi-ho, the derry-o. The ghost is on the box. The box is on the choir,... The choir is on the bed,... The bed is in the room,... The room is in the house,... 2 Look and say. Where're the toys? The teddy bear’s near the bed in picture A. It’s on the bed in picture B. Can you see red-haired Fred in the red bed? Mm Nn Oo Pp . Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx уу Zz Ш|Л| П Гр !1 ЧН 69 эд PQ ^0 qg оу ■V- г Р г Upside-down world •XdS pUD Ud4S|| 'iJOO'] [ g uossa^ <;,0snouj 0L|i s,0j04/v\ 8 ;mn H Unit 8 Where’s the mouse? 2 Read and say. Hi! This is my living room. It’s small. I’ve got a small white table and .three small white chairs in it. There’s a white cupboard in my room. Do you like my room? 89 m Nn Oo Pp , Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww, Xx ^ Yy ■ ili! m Progress page Units 7-8 - Progress page Units 7-8 1 Listen and match. Послушай, выбери правильный вариант и запиши его. ш Dad ^ Мит^ (^Aunt Ritg^ Granny^ (Grandpa^ Баллы __ /5 2 Match the words with the picture. Прочитай, выбери правильный вариант и запиши его. # i » « / ^ /( ——f 1 - а bike 2 - а chair 3 - а bed 4 - а kite \ 5 - а tab|e " 6 - а cupboard Баллы __ /5 3 Read and match. Прочитай, выбери правильный вариант и запиши его. 1 Where’s the ghost? 2 Where’s the rabbit? 3 Where’s the school bag? 4 Where’re the teddy_b§ars?^ 5 Where’re the dolls? 6 Where’re the books? a) They’re in the cupboard. b) It’s or) the cupboard. c) They’re on the bed. d) It’s under the bed. e) It’s on the chair. f) They’re on the table. 90 Баллы __ /5 Aa Bb cc ^9 Hh li Jj Kk LI ,4 Ml Progress page Units 7-8 4 Match the halves. Соедини половинки фразы. I like 1 playing 2 flying 3 riding^ 4 bouncing 5 feeding 6 playing with a) a kite. b) my cat. c) in the living room. d) a ball. e) my teddy bear. f) a bike. Баллы __ /5 5 Guess the toy. Угадай игрушку. Му lunchbox г Lesson 1 1 Listen, look and say. Would you like fish and chips? (let’s go to Our Little Chef.^ L ГоШ.§^ CIbrf msHk fish and о чО ш ...and white coffee for you, Madam. ’chips Ы ii; /-М------ Would you like an orange juice? >12: Ish ^ ff !I ЧН 60 03 PQ ^0 qg ov Upside-down world *XdS pUD U0jSjj '>|001 [ 9 uossa*! xopLjOuni А1Л1 6 }!un 2 Read and say. Can I have ice cream in my lunchbox? No, but you can have a banana. <11 til I Vo you know? The biggest hamburger (2.5 tons) was made in Seymour (USA) on 5 August, 1989. Chips with cheese! Crunch, crunch, crunch! A chocolate sandwich! That’s my lunch! Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt i «rt.'s 10 Granny’s farm Lesson 1 1 Look, listen and say. 102 О ,/i Aa Bb Qc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Кк LI Ml Unit 10 Granny’s farm Sing the song. On the farm The ducks are in the kitchen, Quack, quack, quack. Chase them away please. Dear Granny! The chicks are in the cupboard. Cheep, cheep, cheep. Chase them away please. Dear Granny! The pigs are in the bathroom. Oink, oink, oink. Chase them away please. Dear Granny! The cows are in the bedroom. Moo, moo, moo. Chase them away please. Dear Granny! And where are the horses? A big brown horse lives ^n the farm. Mm Nn Co Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww, Xx уу I: Unit 10 Granny’s farm |,esson 2 1 Look, listen and say. This little cow eats grass, ^ That little cow eats hay, Every day, every day That little cow eats hay. This little cow drinks water. That little cow runs away, Every day, every day That little cow runs away. _ This little cow does nothing. She dreams of the Milky Way. Every day, every day She dreams of the Milky Way. She never eats grass, she never eats hay. She never drinks water or runs away. Every day, every day She dreams of the Milky Way. 4 04 -nt\ r Aa Bb cc Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI 2 Read and make. Cut out the cows. Colour the cows. 3 Read and say. stick two sides together. rt A Milky Way dream Every day Molly makes some pizza. And every day a little mouse eats Molly’s pizza. Molly’s angry. Her cat never chases the mouse. He never eats mice because he’s a vegetarian cat. He does nothing all day. He just drinks milk and dreams of the Milky Way. V' A vegetarian friend Lilly is a little mouse. She lives on a farm. She’s got a friend. His name’s Pat. Pat likes fish and chips, tomato sandwiches and cheese. He never eats ham % sandwiches, because he’s a vegetarian. Pat’s a cat. Mm Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss V Uu Vv Unit 10 Granny’s farm ' • • • * Lesson 3 1 Listen and say. Aa Bb cc Dd Ее Ff Gg J \ 'll Kk LI M Ч I take my .... I run to the .... I take a .... У I put the worm on the ... . I cast the line. I’ve got it! A big, big fish! My granny asks “How can you catch such a big, big fish?” I say “I take my ... .” IVe got it!) ^ r we can read Six big pink pigs lick fish and chips. <гз> Mm Nn Oo ' Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv ,Ww Xx Yy Zz I J Unit 10 Granny’s farm Lesson 4 1 Listen, read and say. 1 Miguel Potato lives on the potato farm. 2 The farm’s very Ы^. ^ 3 The potato dog lives jDjp^the potaro farm. Ц Maria Potato likes fish and chips. 5 Chip is a potato cat. / 2 Read and say. Miguel Potato’s big catch Maria, feed the cow, the horse and the pigs! Let’s go to the river IVe got it! Such a big, big fish! Miguel, I’m hungry! ^ 1 Have you got a fish? -хЧ------------^ ^^ I can’t. I’m tired Look! so big 108 II 0 Aa Bb cc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk Where’s the fish? Who stole the fish? My gold!!! What’s this?!^_____ Gold? Mario, can I have a new fishing rod and ten hooks? Vo you know/1 ^ 3 Choose and moke. potato couch potato a cow a pig a chick The fluffy duckling’s having lunch under the cupboard: V, Maria Potato a horse Crunch, crunch! Munch, munch! Miguel Potato a duck Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yv Zz f ^ -J .........." Unit 10 Granny’s farm Lesson 5 1 Listen, look and soy. Photos from the form I like feeding animals What about you? like ridh^g a bike.) iiio JT^w,. r">- Aa Bb cc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li --Д, Jj Kk LI к F ’ Unit 10 Granny’s farm 2 Look and say V ( It eats fish and chip^ Mm Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx уу Zz 111 Л7 ' п Гг !1 ЧН 6о ©3 РО (* . ____________^ Upside-down world (We’re sorry!) / ^ (у^, 7 psv ^s. \ j • 1 □V Zil m e can be your friends! ~jy\ \ / r It’s tinne to go home! 14. у You con ride my horse. We con draw a door! We’ve got an idea! Goodbye, Sir Charles! w. 5?b)|. e0\ j^senno^ ШМ. M Goodbye! Ш ai / 'XdS pUD U9)Sj| '>|001 [ g uossa*! LUje^ s.AuuBJO OL l!un -j/i •• Unit 10 Granny’s farm Sing the song, ^oodby^ Stamp your feet! Wave your hands! Say goodbye to your friends! Goodbye to Wendy! Goodbye to Steve! Goodbye to Millie! Goodbye to Jeff! Goodbye to Wendy! Goodbye to Steve! Goodbye to Millie. See you in September! Give a smile and wipe your eyes Friends, it’s time to say goodbye! Goodbye to Lena! Goodbye to Sasha! Goodbye to Victor! Goodbye to Masha! Goodbye to Lena! Goodbye to Sasha! Goodbye to Victor! See you in September! Mm Nn Oo Pp 0*1 Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx уу Zz Progress page Units 9-10 Progress page Units 9-10 1 Listen and match. Послушай, выбери правильный вариант и запиши его. 2 Read and match. Прочитай, выбери правильный вариант и запиши его. 1 Who’s this? 2 Would you like fish and chips? 3 What does Granny dream of? 4 Do you like soup? 5 What’s this? 6 Can your sister skip? a) Yes, please. b) No, I don’t. c) Yes. She can skip well. d) It’s my uncle. e) It’s my toy. f) She dreams of a new house L - .....* ' ................ ..... .... Progress page Units 9-10 3 Odd one out. Прочитай и выпиши ненужное слово. 1 banana, potato, puppy, oronge 2 cow, chick, horse 3 doll, bike, kite 4 pink, green,^ cake, red 5 grass, stroke, take, swim 6 lives, dreams of, jam, does nothing Баллы __ /5 4 Find and copy five words. Найди и выпиши 5 слов. s a n d w i c h к q 0 s I и n c h b 0 x и c s c f g i e V e p w 0 r m f c q к I e h 0 r s e к I e к Баллы __ /6 5 Ask your friend. Спроси у своего друга. - что бы ему хотелось иметь в коробке для школьных обедов - хотелось бы ему плавать, запускать воздушного змея и т. д. - что обычно животные и люди делают на ферме ^ X' . ■ Mm Nn Оо Рр Qd. Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv ,Ww Xx Yy Zz Write your name Wfr'ite your name Буква русского алфавита Написание буквы через английский алфавит ^ Буква русского алфавита Написание буквы через английский алфавит Aa Аа pp Rr Бб ВЬ Cc Ss Вв Vv Tt Tt Гг Gg yy Uu Дд Dd Фф Ft Ее Ее Xx Kh kh Ёё Yo уо Цц Ts ts i Жж Zh zh Чч Ch ch 1 Зз Zz Шш Sh sh Ии li Щщ Shch shch Йй Yy ъ Кк Kk ы У Лл LI ь % j Мм Mm Ээ Ее Нн Nn Юю Yu yu Оо Oo Яя Ya ya \ Пп Rp Примеры написания русских слов в английской транслитерации: Аня Смирнова Дима Малахов Саша Чижов Наташа Никитина Женя Щербаков Anya Smirnova Dima Malakhov Sasha Ghizhov Natasha Nikitina Zhenya Shcherbakov ^121 Mm ■ Nn ■ Oo Pp Q4 Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx уу Zz . к'.'/-- 'ЯММНМК Answer key Progress pages Answer key Progress pages Подсчитай СВОИ очки (1 правильный ответ = 1 очко). Units 1-2 реп school bag mouse book ruler friend Units 3-4 1 - f) 2 1 - c) 3 1 - blue 4 1 - clown 2 - e) 2 - b) 2 - lizard 2 - hedgehog 3 - a) 3 - b) 3 - little 3 - rabbit 4 - d) 4 - a) 4 - like 4 - yellow 5 - b) 5 - c) 5 - pet 5 - hamster 6 - c) 6 - a) 6 - kitten 6 - umbrella I .14 1 Units 5-6 1 1 - b) 2 1 - c) 3 lollipop 4 1 - lights 2 - c) 2 - b) mum 2 - cracker 1 3 - e) 3 - a) swim 3 - twins 1 4 - a) 4 - d) Christmas 4 - family ■f." 1 II 5 - d) 5 - f) cousin 5 - present 6 - e) 6 - winter (122 Aa Bb 4r и Cc , . Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh . li vJj кк LI N LI Answer key Progress pages Units 7-8 1 1 - f) 2 1 - e) 3 1 - b) 4 1 - c) 2 - e) 2 - c) 2 - d) 2 - a) 3 - c) 3 - f) 3 - e) 3 - f) 4 - d) 4 - a) 4 - a) 4 - d) 5 - a) 5 - b) 5 - f) 5 - b) 6 - b) 6 - d) 6 - c) 6 - e) Units 9-10 1 1 - d) 2 1 - d) 3 1 - puppy 4 sandwich 2 - a) 2 - a) 2 - coffee soup 3 - c) 3 - f) 3 - pig chick 4 - b) 4 - b) 4 - cake lunchbox 5 - e) 5 - grass worm 6 - c) 6 - jam horse Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq, Rr Ss - / ■ A- A. Tt и и Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz X JJ'