Английский язык учебник 1 класс Колтавская Костюк Крайнева часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык учебник 1 класс Колтавская Костюк Крайнева часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Millie (Милли):

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ПРОЕКТ “ИНФОРМАТИЗАЦИЯ СИСТЕМЫ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ” MILLIE & NEW MILLENNIUM ENGLISH PUPIL’S BOOK НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ФОНД ПОДГОТОВКИ КАДРОВ Издательство “Титул” выпускает единую линию учебно-методических комплектов для 1-4 классов “Millie”: для 1 класса (Millie-Starter) — учебник (в 2-х частях), книга для учителя, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), обучающая компьютерная программа для 2 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), набор карточек для обучения чтению и говорению для 3 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), набор карточек для обучения чтению и говорению для 4 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), набор карточек для обучения чтению и говорению Авторская программа курса Интернет-поддержка учебников и дополнительные материалы — на сайте www.titul.ru — на интернет-портале www.englishteachers.ru По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”: 249035, г. Обнинск Калужской обл., а/я 5055, тел.: (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). ISBN 978-5-86866-369-7 9 785868 663697 > ПЕРВЫЙ ГОД'^БУЧЕНИ 5 When mum’s at work Lesson 1 Home with Dad Zl Послушай и пронумеруй рисунки. Му dad’s at home. My brother’s at school. My sister’s on holiday in India. 2 Пропиши слова и фразы. brother brother brother brother brother sister sister sister sister sister__ mum mum mum mum mum ________________ dad dad dad dad dad at work at work at work at work _____________ at home at home at home at home _____________ on holiday on holiday on holiday on holiday on holiday _____________________________________ UNIT 5 Lesson 1 3 Найди и напиши 6 слов. Составь слово из оставшихся букв. bonhOl“^°yi'sist®''°mumtdadhathomeeatwoi'kr 4 Подчеркни предложения, относящиеся к картинкам, карандашом соответствующего цвета. Зачеркни лишнее предложение. Гт on holiday in Australia. My dad’s at work. My dad’s on holiday too. This is my sister Sophie. I’m at work too. I’ve got a computer. I don’t like sandwiches. We like apples. My brother’s in India. I like pies. I’m at school. My mum’s at home. 5 1 UNITS Lesson 1 UNIT 5 Lesson 2 • Зачеркни лишнее слово. pen, pencil, red, pencil case, sweet, exercise book, lemonade, bed 5 Прочитай и поиграй. [ My sister’s at home. ^^ Lesson 2 Everybody likes pizza Послушай и соедини каждого члена семьи с блюдом, которое он любит. MENU pasta potatoes meat ^ fish ^ pizza [ He likes^ 2 Пропиши слова и фразы. pasta pasta pasta pasta pasta potatoes potatoes potatoes potatoes meat meat meat meat meat ____________ fish fish fish fish fish She likes pizza. She likes pizza, 3 Подпиши картинки. 1 UNITS Lesson 2 UNIT 5 Lesson 2 4 Прочитай предложения и поставь галочку (3) около правильных предложений. a) She likes lemonade, pies and pizza. □ b) And he likes pies, pizza and apples. □ a) She likes fish and potatoes. □ b) He likes fish and potatoes. □ a) He likes pasta and fish. □ b) She likes meat sandwiches. □ a) He likes sweets, apples and meat sandwiches. □ b) She likes sweets, meat sandwiches and bananas. □ Learning to read 5 Прочитай, заполни таблицу и расскажи, что любит твой друг. ________________И. I like bananas, pizza and potatoes. And you? V - ( I like apples, pizza and lemonade. I like She likes He likes bananas apples sweets pies lemonade sandwiches meat fish potatoes pasta pizza 9 1 UNITS Lessons Lesson 3 Home alone 1 Реши кроссворд. Послушай и скажи, где находится каждый член семьи. mum dad Sophie (sister) Danny (brother) at work at home at school on holiday UNIT 5 Lesson 3 Learning to read (Duncan Rubber, run! Have lunch with your mum. ) Вычеркни лишнее слово. 1 pencil, picture, red, bed, lemonade, pen 2 fish, lunch, sister, sing, ship, six, sit down 3 under, run, mum, cupboard, jump, rubber, pizza 3 Прочитай, напиши и скажи, что любит мама. [ What have we got for lunch?^ ^ WeVe got fish, meat, potatoes, pasta. ] ( Mum likes fish and potatoes. No, she likes fish and pasta. And she likes apple lemonade. [ And sweets! X She likes 111 UNIT 5 Lesson 3 .......................................... Закончи списки слов. run, meat, on holiday, pasta, jump, pizza, dad, at work, sing, brother, at school, sister, fish, draw potatoes UNIT 5 Lesson 4 mum at home play 5 Нарисуй продукты в корзинке для пикника. Расскажи о своей корзинке друзьям. Picnic Basket ^ lemonade My sister likes sweets. My dad likes pizza. My mum likes fish. My brother likes lemonade. I like apples. fish meat potatoes (2) f pasta pizza apples bananas sweets pies sandwiches Lesson 4 My grandpa likes chocolate Послушай и назови номер рисунка. 2 Пропиши слова и фразы. granny granny granny granny granny grandpa grandpa grandpa grandpa grandpa chocolate bar chocolate bar chocolate bar , pineapple pineapple pineapple pineapple ________ He’s got a kitten. He’s got a kitten. __________ 3 Разгадай и допиши слова. granny kitten grandpa granny kitten grandpa granny kitten grandpa granny chocolate bar pineapple meat chocolate bar fish chocolate bar sweet m( eat j sweet fish / ^ She’s got an apple She’s got a pineapple I’ve got a pineapple I’ve got a pineapple She’s got an apple UNITS Lesson 4 UNIT 5 Lesson 4 4 Прочитай текст и назови номер соответствующего рисунка из упражнения 1. □ Granny’s got a pineapple. Grandpa’s got a chocolate bar. The kitten’s got a big fish for Harry. 5 Прочитай и вставь слова. 6 Дорисуй картинку и расскажи о ней другу. Послушай и дорисуй картинку друга. kitten chocolate pizza pineapples This is my granny. She’s got a big house. My granny likes (1)____________. Her (2)____________likes chocolate too. My grandpa is not in the picture. He’s at work. He’s got a lot of books. He likes sweets and (3)_____________. And I like (4)______________. Learning to read dad, stand up, school bag, have, sandwich, cat • Впиши недостающую букву. g^nny, g^ndpa, pin^pple [ My mum’s got two sandwiches. ] ^---------------~V---------------^ And my mum’s got some meat. UNITS Lessons Lesson 5 Super robot Послушай и назови умения, не упоминающиеся в песне. I сап read books. . -7^ I can sing songs. I can sweep the floor. I can wash the dishes. -7^ I can draw a kitten. I can cook your lunch. I can chat with you. 2 Пропиши слова и фразы. cook your lunch cook your lunch cook your lunch cook your lunch cook your lunch ______________ sweep the floor sweep the floor sweep the floor sweep the floor sweep the floor ______________ chat with you chat with you chat with you chat with you chat with you He can wash the dishes. He can wash the dishes. UNIT 5 Lesson 5 3 Прочитай и подчеркни часть предложения, не соответствующую рисунку. Look at our super robot. His name is Ben. He can cook your lunch, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, read books, play computer games and chat with you. rn ^ ^ ^ \ \ ;(дЫ1Р13[5. В£)В®?а'Т' 4 Допиши предложения. 1 The train can_______ 2 The ship can 3 The book can 4 The computer can 5 Прочитай и поиграй. It can wash the plate. [ The ship.) ^ Yes. ] I 171 UNIT 5 Lessons 5 and 6 Learning to read Закончите предложения. Jake and Kate take the book. Hove a look! It’s a great book! Jo_e and _ote li_e the boo_____ They loo_ at the _itten in the boo Lesson 6 A super robot for my mum 1 Прочитай текст и отметь правильные (+) и неправильные (-) предложения. Hello, Dad. I don’t like this robot. I’ve got a super bed. It con read books. Take this super school bag. It can go to school. \ [ No. Let me go! My super lemonade can sing songs and chat with you. 1/ No. Stop it! UNIT 5 Lesson 6 Look at this super ship. It can wash the plates. My super book can cook a super pizza for you! ir My granny can cook a super pizza. And she can play computer games! And I can sweep the floor and wash the dishes for my super granny! V □ 1 Roy likes the super robot. □ 2 The super bed can read books. □ 3 The super bag can go to school. □ 4 The super lemonade can sweep the floor. □ 5 The super book can cook potatoes and meat for Roy. □ 6 Roy can wash the plates for his granny. □ 7 Roy’s got a super granny. UNITS Lessons Learning to read Charles can munch and chat at lunch. • Найди на рисунке и запиши три слова с буквосочетанием ch. 2 Посмотри на рисунок и допиши предложения. Let’s play the game ‘Hot Potatoes’. pizza meat and potatoes computer games blue eyes kittens Look at my super robot. He’s got (1)__________________. He can cook a big (2)___________________and (3)__________ He likes (4)______________. When my mum’s at work, we play (5)__________________. UNIT 5 Lesson 6 3 Нарисуй суперробота для одного из членов своей mum dad sister brother granny grandpa at work at home at school on holiday wash the plates sweep the floor cook lunch chat with you read books sing songs play games draw pictures run jump pasta fish meat potatoes pizza chocolate pineapples apples pies sweets sandwiches lemonade bananas My mum’s got a robot at work. The robot can draw, write and read. My mum likes fish and potatoes. The robot can cook fish and potatoes. 21 1 UNITS Lesson? Lesson 7 Progress page 1 Соедини половинки слов. UNIT 5 Lesson ? me 1 bro \ 2 gran 3 grand 4 pine 5 wash the di 6 cook your lu 7 chocola 8 swee apple ny ther nch te bar p the floor shes pa \at 2 Подпиши картинки. 3 Посмотри на картинки упражнения 2 и закончи предложения. Roy’s got a brother. His brother’s a______________ Dan l_________________________________. Kate’s g________________________________. Super robot c_ and 4 Подчеркни предложения к картинке карандашом синего цвета. Прочитай текст и выбери заглавие к нему (3). Let’s play the game ‘Super Potatoes’. Super Robot Super Granny Super Plane Баллы / 8 3 L My granny can sing songs, run and jump. When my mum’s at work, we play computer games together (вместе). She likes chocolate. I like pineapples. She’s got three kittens and two super robots. The super chair can sweep the floor. The super ship can wash the plates. The super plane can draw pictures. The super book can cook our lunch. Баллы / ? Great! 2I-25 Well done! 11-20 OK! 6-10 Try again! 0-5 Баллы / 4 1[23 UNITS Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Super Family 1 Нарисуй одного из членов семьи и его робота. Послушай описание друзей и закончи рисунки и тексты. My mum’s in the She’s got a It can cook and sing songs. My grandpa’s in the He’s got a He likes pizza. sister dad grandpa super kitten super chair super dog N My dad’s in the He likes books about planes, trains, super robots, cars and ships. He’s got a It can read books. UNIT 5 Lesson 8 Look at my It’s in the _ And I’m in the computer classroom. But we can play computer games. My sister’s in the She’s got a It can run, jump and chat. My granny’s in the She’s got a It can sweep the floor. 6 With my best friend Lesson 1 I’m sad Послушай и назови букву картинки. (Listen to the music.) [ Phone your frien^ О Eat an ice cream.) 2 Пропиши слова и словосочетания. sad sad sad sad sad happy happy happy happy happy ______________________ listen to the music listen to the music listen to the music listen to the music phone your friend phone your friend phone your friend phone your friend eat an ice cream eat an ice cream eat an ice cream eat an ice cream UNIT 6 Lesson 1 3 Собери слова в предложения и узнай, что могут дети и кто в каком настроении. — sod' to 1 The kitten 2 Lesley ____ 3 Roy _______ 4 Greg ______ 5 Sophie ____ Learning to read Что неправильно в стишке? The book is in the wood, The wood is in the room, The room is in the cook. Let’s hove a look! Составь и напиши слова. b 00 к I к w к r d c m UNIT 6 Lesson 1 4 Прочитай и закончи предложения. ^ Hello! I’m Y________w from the ^ Ice Cream Planet (планета). UNIT 6 Lesson 2 On our Planet we’ve got i____________m wood. My ice cream house is in the wood This is my Super Computer. I can play computer games and l to music. '■ и I eat yellow ice cream and my friend G________n likes green ice cream. He’s at home now and I’m s d. 5 yL This is my Super Phone. Ip_______e my friend, we chat and eat ice cream. Lesson 2 And where’s Roy? Послушай и назови номера рисунков, которые не были озвучены. Let’s play hide-and-seek. One, two, three, four, five, six. Where’s Lesley? Let’s look behind the ship. Let’s look behind the tree. (Where’s Lesley? m Let’s look in the box. 0^ «7 j :^y 7 8 9 [ And where’s ВрУ? 2 Пропиши недостающие слова. I've got a kitten. Her name's Pussy. We play hide-and-seek together. Find my kitten in this picture. Is she behind the box or in the tree? Where's Pussy? Pussy's____________________!_. 1 UNIT 6 Lesson 2 UNIT 6 Lesson 3 3 Посмотри на рисунок. Прочитай и закончи предложения. N I’ve got two friends Green and Red. My friend Red can read trees and write songs. And Green can cook a pizza. We play hide-and-seek together. Look at this picture. Find my friend Green. Is he in the ice cream box or &1Ш behind the phone? And where’s Red? Green’s Red’s Lesson 3 Let’s play together 1 Допиши предл оже н и я. Фейт Правы Вид Избранное Сервис Справка т 5 Назад ’ 0 ifi] IПоиск Избранное | ^> ' D I® Yellow’s Red can Learning to read The ball is big. The hall is small. The big ball is in the small hall. • Напиши слова в соответствующий столбик tott, small, stand up, football, dod, granny, have, sandwich, lemonade, ball, hall tall dad r r I’m (1). My sister’s at work. (2) your brother? At school. Let’s play computer games. I’ve got a new game ‘Chocolate__________(3)’. No, not now. Let’s listen to (4). r No, not now. Let’s go to the playground. r Great! Let’s play (5). Let’s (6) Chris and play together. sad phone Where’s music hide-and-seek box Learning to read Bob likes chocolate. His dog likes chocolate. Bob’s got a lot of chocolate in his chocolate box. Вычеркни лишнее слово 1 dog, chocolate, box, home, song, holiday 2 book, look, wood, dog, room, cook 3 dad, stand up, chocolate, have, sandwich, granny, grandpa d 31 1 UNIT 6 Lesson 3 2 Прочитай и сыграй в игру. UNIT 6 Lesson 3 Three. Eat an ice cream, Roy. ------------^ Four. Roy, chat with your friend. -y play with a car sing a song eat an ice cream listen to the music draw a kitten play computer games play hide-and-seek phone your friend sweep the floor jump run cook pizza eat a chocolate bar read a book chat with a friend wash the plates play with a plane miss a turn Finish happy UNIT 6 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 My naughty friend Послушай и назови букву картинки. 2 Пропиши слова и фразы. naughty naughty naughty naughty skip skip skip skip skip _____ walk walk walk walk walk _________________ climb climb climb climb climb ____________ dream dream dream dream dream ____________ ride a seesaw ride a seesaw ride a seesaw ride a seesaw ride a seesaw 3 Разгадай и допиши слова. sad happy naughty naughty happy behind in the under in the under the the tree tree the tree tree tree walk climb dream walk climb climb walk walk climb walk dream dream climb dream dream UNIT 6 Lesson 4 4 Прочитай песню и обведи рисунки карандашом соответствующего цвета. /С ЛХ- “ У/ 1» 35^ UNIT 6 Lesson 4 Learning to read Mike and Spike dine on pies, ice cream and pineapples every Friday. 5 Нарисуй друга и напиши, что вы обычно делаете вместе. We ____________________________________________ UNIT 6 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 www.kidsT+friends Послушай и назови букву картинки. Г Who’s your friend? J ^----~QT-----\ I---- ■ffl Eat on ice cream. ] What do you do together? We ploy computer gomes, eat ice cream and chat. 2 Пропиши слова. Who's your best? Who's your best? Who's your best friend? Jessica. ___i What do you do? — What do you do? What do you do together? Read books. --- UNIT 6 Lessons Add ness: | www.kidsT+friends EM. Home 4Find friend KiEmail^ Mttt friend/ Sing together Read & piaj together 3 Прочитай вопросы и помоги Желтому написать ответы. Прочитай еще раз историю из урока 1. т, Who’s your best friend? i > We What do you do together? and 4 Расспроси одноклассников и заполни таблицу. Who’s your best friend? What do you do together? ^ ■ Name Vitya Who’s your best friend? Dima What do you do together? ride a seesaw climb play hide-and-seek listen to music / eat ice cream walk skip chat dream UNIT 6 Lessons 5 and 6 Learning to read Mum, wash Masha! Masha, wash Dasha! Найди шесть слов с sh. © © © D M S © © © w a a © © f i sh i Е п g 1 a P Dasha Lesson 6 Best friend Learning to read Mr Sleep has got a green house in the tree. Найди на рисунке четыре слова с ее и запиши их. UNIT 6 Lesson 6 D Послушай историю и скажи, о ком она. UNIT 6 Lesson 6 1 2 Подчеркни предложения, относящиеся к картин кам, карандашом соответствующего цвета. Зачеркни лишнее предложение. Who’s your best friend? What do you do together? Red. We play hide-and-seek together. He likes ice cream. Look, Red’s behind a tree. I like ice cream too. We ride a seesaw. We walk and listen to the music. We climb and sing songs. 3 Найди и напиши 7 слов и фраз. Составь sO 4 Соедини вопросы и ответы. 1 What’s this? 2 Who’s your best friend? 3 Where’s your sister? 4 What do you do together? 5 What have you got for lunch? 6 Have you got a friend? 09\Wj©'>>®^ovO A She’s on holiday. B My sister. C Meat and potatoes. D A pen. E We listen to music and chat a lot. F Yes. 5 Расскажи о своем лучшем друге. X----------------------------X My best friend’s my dad. He likes computer games and dogs. What do you do together? We chat and listen to music together. 41 Л UNIT 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress page 1 Реши кроссворд. My friend’s i$. UNIT 6 Lesson 7 I can 21. We can 3"____________ 4$_________ together. My friend’s got a 5"_ The kitten’s in the 6$. my friend. _ and listen to the 2 Соедини половинки фраз 1 listen to 2 play hide- 3 naugh 4 phone your 5 eat an ice 6 dre 7 ride a see- 8 wa music ty friend lk am saw and-seek cream Баллы / 8 3 Прочитай и закончи предложения. When I’m sad, I (1) my friend. ’ _ (2) your best friend? § Lesley. (3)? We ride a seesaw, play - - (4) and eat ice cream. My best ’s (5) my dad. We listen to music and dream together. Lesley’s got a friend, Greg. He’s (6). He can skip, eat a box and climb trees. / 3 4 5 6 UNIT 6 Lesson? 4 Посмотри на рисунок и ответь на вопрос. Впиши ответ в выноску. J2.______________^ -'1' .- Who’s your best friend? Where’s your friend? My best friend’s____________ We ride a seesaw and play hide-and-seek together. I’m under the tree. My friend’s naughty. He’s under the box. Баллы / 5 Great! 21-25 Well done! 11-20 OK! 6-10 Try again! 0-5 UNIT 6 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Project: My best friend 1 Собери буквы и составь 6 слов. 2 Составь словосочетания и соедини их с картинками. 1 naughty 2 ride 3 climb 4 phone 5 listen to 6 play 7 eat 8 Who’s 9 What do A a tree В hide-and-seek C your best friend? D a seesaw E friend F music G you do together? H your friend I an ice cream 0 46 UNIT 6 Lesson 8 3 Прочитай и подчеркни части предложения, не соответствующих рисунку. UNIT 6 Lesson 8 ■ 3.06.07 I've got о ftiend, «kes He's got о big Г friend con climb chocoVe ond He con «rite trees and P'°Y ^ide a seesaw and and draw a kit _ ^ x'm very happy listen to music together. here. 4 Заполни пропуски и подготовь рассказ. Ail*.: top:// repexOid I Ссылки - My best friend’s likes ,’s got can my mum Dasha a kitten big green eyes a plane II red car lemonade apples computer games \ draw a train skip wash the dishes cook my lunch f I’ve got a friend, . We Ч ff ! and together. 1 Natasha my dad a dog listen to music eat ice cream play hide-and-seek walk dream My best friend’s ,. We play ,. We play with my granny Dima a plane hide-and-seek a ship computer games a dog a red car a train a ball d Пуск j [3 1.^ © II 5 Подготовь вопросы и проведи интервью. I J7:01 Who’s your best friend? What do you do together? IF My best friend’s Ivan Petrovich. 7 Sweet dreams Lesson 1 Has she got pyjamas? 1 Послушай и поставь / около соответствующего рисунка. 2 Пропиши слова и фразы. blanket blanket blanket blanket ____ pillow pillow pillow pillow pillow _ pyjamas pyjamas pyjamas pyjamas doll doll doll doll doll ___________ cat cot cat cot cat rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit __________________ Has she got a bear? Has she got a bear? Has she got a bear? _____________________________________ UNIT 7 Lesson 1 3 Прочитай и замени картинки словами. ife А This is my ________’s house. She’s got a small a small __________________, two small a and a f on her bed and a .. She’s got on her chair. She’s got a ___________under the __________ , washes her ^ a seesaw with her and .. She walks her and rides chairs doll table big pillow blue blanket bear small pillow blue pyjamas rabbit bed cupboard cat big pillow Learning to read Fish in the fairy tale play football. Find these fish on page four or five. Добавь букву f и прочитай предложение. _red likes _airy tales, _ootball and his _ive _ish. UNIT? Lesson 1 UNIT 7 Lesson 2 4 Нарисуй рисунки и сыграй в “Морской бой” как в уроке 5, разделе 1, упр. 5. ♦ ’s bedroom Has your rabbit got a bed? Yes. In 1b. Has your rabbit got a blanket ^ on the bed? \ [ Yes. ’s bedroom A a b c d B a b c d 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Lesson 2 Do you count sheep? Learning to read He, she and we sing a song for Lesley. V_____________________________ • Вычеркни лишнее слово. he, hi, she, we Послушай и пронумеруй рисунки. 2 Пропиши слова и фразы. can’t sleep can’t sleep can’t sleep. says goodnight says goodnight says goodnight says goodnight fairy tale fairy tale fairy tale fairy tale__________ Do you count sheep? Do you count sheep? Do you count sheep?_____________________________________ It’s time to go to bed. It’s time to go to bed. It’s time to go to bed._____________________________ 1 I'52 UNIT 7 Lesson 2 3 Прочитай и подбери подписи к картинкам. UNIT 7 Lesson 3 С ! Г 1 This is my cat. He’s got a bed. It’s time to go to bed. 2 Good night, Kitty. 3 He can’t sleep. 4 Go to bed! Listen to a fairy tale 5 He can’t sleep. 6 Count sheep. 7 The kitten’s asleep. 4 Расспроси и расскажи, что делают одноклассники, когда не могут заснуть. Do you play games? / No. I read fairy tales. [ Do you read fairy tales? No. I listen to the music. Lesson 3 Lesley’s tale 1 Реши кроссворд. blanket school pillow rabbit cat house doll park bear wood Learning to read Mr Bean and Jean read books, dream, eat meat and ice cream together. • Вычеркни лишнее слово. meat, eat, read, dream, red, clean, ice cream 2 Вставь пропущенные буквы и соедини слова с рисунками. ^a___et LLy Ll_ c__nt sh___p ^j-^s c^^ ^^p It’s L g. UNIT 7 Lesson 3 3 Прочитай и напиши букву текста рядом с рисунком. A She’s got a blue pillow and a yellow blanket on the bed. She’s got blue pyjamas on the chair. She likes fairy tales and rabbits. B He’s got a blue pillow and a green blanket on the bed. He’s got blue pyjamas on the chair. He likes fairy tales and planes. UNIT 7 Lesson 4 4 Прочитай упражнение 3, урок 1. Нарисуй свою комнату и опиши её. Попроси друзей угадать, где твоя комната. This is my bedroom. I’ve got a yellow blanket on my bed and two yellow pillows. I’ve got pyjamas on my chair. I’ve got a blue table and a blue cupboard. I’ve got a bear, a rabbit and a plane. Lesson 4 Being naughty 1 Послушай и поставь если рисунок соответствует услышанному, и “-”, если не соответствует. 2 Пропиши слова и фразы. in the morning in the morning in the morning at night at night at night at night at night _ close close close close close put put put put put ___________ Don’t open. Don’t open. Don’t open. Don’t open. Don’t open. _________________________________________ 5 UNIT 7 Lesson 4 UNIT 7 Lesson 4 3 Вставь пропущенные слова. Напиши номер предложения рядом с картинкой. don’t close in the morning don’t put at night put □ don’t go 1 ______________Lesley is at school. Fred is at home. He’s asleep. 2 ______________Lesley is at home and Fred is at home. They play games. Fred is happy and Lesley is happy. 3 ‘Lesley, it’s time to go to bed,’ says Granny. ‘____________your dolls, the bear and the rabbit in the box.’ 4 ‘___________your dolls in the box,’ says Fred from the cupboard. 5 ‘_________to bed,’ says Fred from the cupboard. 6 ‘_____________your eyes,’ says Fred from the cupboard. Learning to read Max has got six exercise books in the box. Вычеркни лишнее слово. six, house, exercise book, box 4 Составь команды и поиграй с одноклассниками. close open take put go to Don’t stand up sit down sing draw read your eyes / mouth / bag your book / pencil / pen the table / computer in / under / on the bag / table Don’t open your eyes, please. Put your book in the bag. Jt'Y„ evoLvn, it f.3FJ(3 hbinc# «лик UNIT? Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Dreams 1 Послушай и пронумеруй рисунки. 2 Пропиши слова и словосочетания. wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up has a dream has a dream has a dream has a dream _______________________________________ scared scared scared scared scared brave brave brave brave brave doesn’t doesn’t doesn’t doesn’t doesn’t UNIT 7 Lesson 5 3 Посмотри на картинки с противоположным значением. Подпиши слова под соответствующей картинкой. fStond up!) sit down doesn’t read scared stand up sad brave open happy in the morning reads go to bed wake up close at night -Ж UNIT? Lesson 5 ^1^ Learning to read Phone Rose the Red Nose. She’s sod, she’s is at home alone. • Составь и напиши 6 слов. R 0 ne n se cl pen — se h me Ph se 4 Узнай у своих одноклассников, что они не делают дома, и расскажи. Do you You play computer games? + wash the plates? + walk with the dog? — draw pictures? read fairy tales? cook lunch? sweep the floor? say goodnight? w Do you read fairy tales? Yt- Yes, I do. Vasya doesn’t wash the plates. Masha doesn’t read fairy tales. UNIT 7 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 A lullaby for Lesley 1 Замени подчёркнутые слова и спой свою колыбельную для Лесли. А lullaby Soy goodnight. Go to bed. Take your green pyjamas. Put your blanket on your bed. Take your yellow pillow. Say goodnight. Go to bed. Listen to g fairy tale. Say goodnight, Sleepyhead. Take your yellow blanket. big red small blue small red big green Sing a song for Lesley. Listen to the music. Learning to read A car’s in a dark park at night. • Найди лишнее слово и обведи его. pork, dork, cor, bog, lark, darts UNIT 7 Lesson 6 2 Закончи историю, дописав предложения до конца. Пронумеруй рисунки по порядку. But her mother sings a song and Lesley is It’s____________________________. ‘Where’s my bear? I can’t I’ She runs home with the _________in her school bag. Lesley puts the on a chair. Lesley goes to the library school bag asleep time to go to bed sleep book bear She’s got a small bear in her . UNIT 7 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Progress check 1 Найди слова и напиши их рядом с картинкой. catbearrabbitpillowdollpyjamasblanketatnightbravescared Баллы / 5 2 Вставь пропущенные буквы и соедини с рисунками. cLse ^en p^ has a dr_m bLve scaLd |'б4 UNIT 7 Lesson 7 3 Прочитай и подбери картинку. This is Jane’s room. She’s got a red blanket and a yellow pillow on her bed. She’s got green pyjamas under the pillow. Her small dog Nuts is on the chair. Her bear Button is asleep on the cupboard. Her cat is under the table. He’s scared. Her brave rabbit is under the bed. Her big doll has a dream. Sh-sh-sh. 4 Посмотри на рисунок и закончи предложения. Lesley’s got a got red_________ _________. Her name’s Claire. Claire’s ____. She’s got a small green She’s got a blue__________________and a yellow UNIT 7 Lesson 7 At night Claire goes to bed. She counts____________ one sheep, two sheep, three sheep^ Claire is __________. She can’t sleep. In the Claire her eyes. What’s this? It’s a big isn’t scared. ‘Hello, Rabbit!’ up. She Claire Баллы / 11 пЩ- Great! 21-25 Well done! 11-20 OK! 6-10 Try again! 0-5 UNIT 7 Lesson 8 UNIT 7 Lesson 8 I'ee Lesson 8 StoryteMIng 1 Заполни пропуски в тексте и подбери картинку к каждому абзацу. happy small goodbye play kitten wood pillow tree I’ve got a kitten in my school bag. His name’s Lemonade. He’s red. I go to the wood. I put the under the tree. I run, jump and play. I run home (домой). Lemonade is under the . It’s time to go to bed. I put on my pyjamas and... Where’s my kitten? I look under the . I look in the school bag. No Lemonade. I can’t sleep! Lemonade’s in the . At night he’s scared. Fred and Claire run to the tree. Fred, Claire and Lemonade chat and It’s morning. Fred and Claire say and run away. I run to the wood. I find my kitten under the tree. I’m . Lemonade’s happy! 1 iiF и 2 Придумай свою историю. school gym hall classroom house dining-room wood I go to school. I’ve got a rabbit. I put the rabbit on the computer. At night the rabbit is scared. A cat and a dog run to the rabbit. The cat, the dog and the rabbit eat ice cream and chat. In the morning I run to school. The rabbit is happy. rabbit on the computer cat on the pillow dog under the blanket hamster on the table doll on the chair car in the school bag plane in the pencil-case train ice cream chat fish listen to a song a pie play games a sandwich sing songs a banana read fairy tales pasta ride a seesaw meat sweep the floor potatoes wash the dishes a pizza draw pictures chocolate run pineapple 8 Birthday party Lesson 1 Birthday presents Послушай и пронумеруй рисунки. I wont о puzzle and a dog. I want a bike and a doll. I want a mobile phone. 2 Пропиши слова и фразы. birthday birthday birthday bike bike bike bike mobile phone mobile phone mobile phone puzzle puzzle puzzle puzzle ____________________ What present do you want? What present do you want? ______________________________________ UNIT 8 Lesson 1 3 Прочитай и заполни пропуски. Л It’s birthday. He’s got three A present from his mum and dad. It’s a And a present from his sister. It’s a A present from his grandpa. It’s a r What present do you want? Е1Ж a doll’s house. puzzle want presents bike mobile phone Danny’s : UNIT 8 Lesson 1 4 Расспроси друзей и заполни таблицу. What present do you wont? 1 I want a computer and a bike. Presents Names a computer a mobile phone a game a car a bike a book a doll a puzzle Learning to read We wake up to wash the plates You wake up to walk in the woods. » Впиши недостающие буквы. к e n t Pi s h 0 0 d / ' J J 1 к e e t e e P i c h a t к W UNIT 8 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 It’s great! She’s eight! Послушай и пронумеруй рисунки. A Ц Vlt d ^ 1 J Happy Birthday! nine c cake 2 Пропиши слова и фразы. seven seven seven seven seven eight eight eight eight eight __ nine nine nine nine nine________ ten ten ten ten ten cake cake cake cake cake ___________________________ candle candle candle candle ________________________ Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! UNIT 8 Lesson 2 3 Посмотри на рисунки упражнения 1. Прочитай и закончи предложения. It’s Lesley’s birthday. She’s (1)__________. She’s got a big (2)_____________with eight (3)____________ She’s got (4)_____________presents. Her mum and dad say, ‘________________, Lesley!’ Learning to read Г Wake up, Dave! ] A plane’s in a cake on a plate. A cake on a plane on a plate. Her name’s Kate. She’s brave. She’s in a plane. Wake up, Kate! • Впиши недостающие буквы и прочитай слова. р1_п_, pl_t_, с_к^, br_v_, D_v_, K_t_, n_m_, w_k_ up UNIT 8 Lessons 2 and 3 4 Раскрась рисунок и расскажи о дне рождения. otwT_[ Hi т t-i He’s got a yellow coke with seven candles. No. He’s got eight presents. J [ It’s Brian. He’s seven. ) Lesson 3 I want to swap 1 Найди спрятанные в квадрате слова. 1 S е у е п (i) 2 __________(i) 3 ________(i) 4 _________(i) 5 __________(i) 6 ______________(-) 7 ______________(-) 8 _______(-) 9__________________(-) 10 ___________M 11 ________(-) 12 ___________M 13 ____________________(i) 14 У I 7 8 10 A n t h r e e f e i g h t 0 w i V n 0 n e r a V e c a n d 1 e w c a к e s i X i t f 0 и r m 0 0 P r e s e n t b i r t h d a ■/ UNITS Lessons 2 Прочитай и подбери картинки. Обведи номер предложения без картинки. Сосчитай предметы и допиши предложения. 1 This is Lesley’s house. She’s got eight chairs 2 This is Deb’s house. She’s got six books 3 This is Freddy’s house. He’s got three mobile phones 4 This is Rabbit’s house. He’s got seven chairs 5 This is Cat’s house. He’s got four dogs D Learning to read Three teeth in my mouth. Three fish on my plate. It’s my birthday. Thank you. Thank you. I’m three. It’s great! Обведи лишнее слово. 1 teeth, three, thank, chat 2 chat, lunch, teeth, touch 3 ship, thank, fish, wash UNIT 8 Lesson 3 3 Расставь слова в предложениях в правильном порядке и напиши их. ту / This / birthday / is /. This is my birthday. eight / am / I /. ___________________________ big / I’ve got / cake / a / candles / with /. six / I’ve aot / presents /. A / from / bike / grandpa / my /. brother / A / my / from / puzzle /. Сыграй в игру “День рождения друга”. I want eight presents. Have you got eight presents? ] No. I want ten chairs. Have you got ten chairs? ^---------- ------------ Yes. Take your And you can take ten chairs. =5 eight candles. 'да 75 UNIT 8 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 i want to have a party! Послушай и пронумеруй рисунки. EH I want to have a party. And sing and dance and play? Yes, sing and dance and play. I want to have a party. Invite your friends today? Yes, invite my friends today. I want to have a party. With a clown and a Dj? Yes, with a clown and a DJ EH I want to have a party. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! 2 Прочитай слова песни и напиши цифру соответствующего рисунка. UNIT 8 Lesson 4 3 Пропиши слова и фразы. dance dance dance dance dance invite invite invite invite clown clown clown clown ______________________ want to have a party want to have a party want to have a party play Musical Chair play Musical Chair play Musical Chair Hot Potato Hot Potato Hot Potato _________ DJ DJ DJ 4 Расставь слова в предложениях в правильном порядке. to / I / dance / want /. a / want / to / party / have / I /., at my / a / want / to / clown / have / I / party.. a / Let’s / DJ / invite /._____________________________________ Chair / play / I / to / Potato / Musical / want / Hot / and /. ^1^ Learning to read Val invites Veronica to have lunch at five or seven at Veranda. Обведи лишнее слово. 1 brave, seven, five, invite, lunch 2 wake up, wood, have, wash, want, walk 3 football, five, friend, four, fish, fairy tale UNIT 8 Lesson 4 5 Отметь 3, что ты хочешь делать на своём дне рождения, и расскажи об этом другу. [ I want to have a DJ. And you? ] ^-------p. ------:--------^ I want to invite my grandpa. I want to dance. And you? I want to you your friend have a clown have a DJ invite my friends invite^ dance sing read fairy tales ride a seesaw play computer games play Musical Chair play Hot Potato UNIT 8 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Here’s a present! Послушай песню и сыграй в игру с одноклассниками. 2 Прочитай и напиши букву соответствующей фразы рядом с героем. 1 r 4 J (a) I’m eighty seven. (b) Here’s your birthday cake. (c) Happy birthday, Freddy! Here’s a present. (d) Thank you. (e) How old are you? (f) Thank you. (g) Sit down, please. 1 UNITS Lessons 3 Пропиши слова и фразы. please please please please please thank you thank you thank you Here’s a present. Here’s a present. Here’s a present. __________________________________________ How old are you? How old are you? How old are you?___________________________________________ I’m eight. I’m eight. I’m eight. __________________ 4 Раздели буквы на слова и расставь знаки препинания. howoldoreyou________________________________ sitdownpleose_______________________________ imseven______________heresopresent__________ thonkyou_____________hoppybirthdoy__________ Learning to read [ Hooray! Hooray! Lefs ploy all • Подчеркните слова, которые читаются похоже. ploy, hove, dad, hooray, keyboard, granny. May, Lesley, say, day 5 Расспроси друзей и заполни таблицу. Г How old are you? ---- --------- G: m seven. ------^ Names Age Names Age UNIT 8 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Let’s play! Learning to read - A cow con sit down on a clown. - How con a cow sit down on a clown? No way! A clown can sit down on a cow. Впиши недостающие буквы. 0 w 0 w 0 w 0 w о 1 Напишите предложения строчными буквами. ГМ EIGHT. ________________________________ OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE. ______ I DON’T WANT TO GO TO BED. LET’S HAVE A CLOWN. SHE CAN DANCE. 2 Напишите слова в нужное предложение. sing, doll, cat, present, dance, play, listen to music, bike, eat, pie, sweet, go to bed, sleep I want a ________________________________________ I want to UNIT 8 Lesson 6 3 Прочитай и пронумеруй картинки. Разыграй диалог по ролям. 1 Lesley: Happy bithday, Chris! Here’s a present. Chris: Thank you. 2 Lesley: How old are you? Chris: I’m seven. Sit down, please. Lesley: Thank you. 3 Chris: Here’s a birthday cake. All: Happy Birthday! 4 Lesley: Let’s dance. 5 Roy: I don’t want to dance. I want to play a game. Lesley: I want to play too. Chris: And I want to play. Lesley: Great! Let’s play. UNIT 8 Lesson 7 4 Разыграйте сценку “День рождения” по своим ролевым карточкам. [ Happy Birthday, Vova! ] ^^ ^ > Lesson 7 Progress page 1 Сосчитай и напиши. tables puzzles mobile phones bananas five bikes chairs seven Составь фразы. Баллы / 8 Dan t a b ou want? What pr esent do y day! I wan m eig ent! Hap ny’s b you? Here’s a p ld are ht. How o res ike. I’ py Birth irthday. Баллы / 7 UNIT 8 Lesson 7 3 Прочитай разговор и поставь 3 в колонке ‘Yes’, если предложение правильное, и в колонке ‘No’, если оно неправильное. Mum: Roy, what do you want for your birthday? Roy: I want a lot of presents. Mum: OK. Let’s have a clown. Roy: No. I want to have a DJ with rap music. Mum: Rap music? And no clown? Roy: OK. Let’s have both, a clown and a DJ. Mum: Great! You can play different games. ‘Musical Chairs’, Hot^ Roy: No! I want to play computer games! Mum: And your friends? Lesley and Jane? They want to dance. They want to sing songs. Yes No 1 Roy wants to play ‘Hot Potato’ at his birthday party. 2 He wants to have a DJ. 3 Roy wants to listen to rap misic. 4 Jane and Lesley want to play computer games. 5 Roy wants to have a clown. Баллы / 5 UNIT 8 Lesson 7 4 Прочитай переписку и дополни предложения словами из рамочки. вид eight bike birthday party How old ten Lesley: I’m Lesley. What’s your name? Anton: I’m Anton. How old are you? Lesley: . I’ve got a picture of my Anton: Wow! You’ve got presents! I want a for my birthday. Lesley: are you? Anton: I’m nine. Баллы / 5 Great! 21-25 Well done! 11-20 OK! 6-10 Try again! 0-5 UNIT 8 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 My birthday party 1 Прочитай текст и напиши про себя, используя слова из рамочки. This is my birthday. Гт eight. I’ve got a birthday cake with eight candles. I’ve got five presents. This is a present from my friend. It’s a book. I’ve got a clown (DJ) at my birthday party. We play games, dance and sing songs. We eat pizza. one friend book play computer pizza two mum mobile games pies three dad phone play ‘Musical apples four sister bike Chair’ sweets five brother train play ‘Hot Potato’ sandwiches six granny plane read bananas seven grandpa puzzle draw pictures ice cream eight car ride a seesaw meat nine school play hide-and- pasta ten bag kitten seek fish potatoes This is my birthday. I’m ___________ I’ve got a birthday cake with ______ I’ve got ________________ presents. This is a present from my __________ It’s a ________________. I’ve got a _________________________ We _________________________________ We eat candles. at my birthday party. UNIT 8 Lesson 8 2 Прочитай, раскрась и нарисуй. It’s Polly’s birthday. Let’s find a cake for Polly. She wants a big red and yellow cake. Polly is eight. Draw eight candles on the cake. What present do you want for your birthday? Do you want a mobile phone? Mum, I don’t want a mobile phone for my birthday. Roy’s got a bike. Molly’s got a bike, want a bike too. UNIT 8 Lesson 8 3 Прочитай и напиши, чей домик нравится каждому герою. I don’t like my house. It’s small. I wont a big house. ^ Lucy I don’t sleep at night. At night I go to the park and sing songs. I go to bed in the morning. I want a small bed. I don’t want eight pillows. I want one pillow. I don’t want dogs in my house. I don’t like big houses. I’m scared at night in a big house. I want a small house with a table. I’ve got a bed with one pillow. But I want three pillows. No, I want five, six, eight pillows. I like fairy tales. But I haven’t got fairy tales in my house. Lucy likes house. Cat’s Lucy’s Rabbit’s Tina’s Cat likes house. Rabbit likes Tina likes house. house. Wordlist Unit 5 When mum’s at work at home - дома at school - в школе at work - на работе brother - брат chat with you - болтать с тобой chocolate bar - шоколадка cook my lunch - готовить обед dad - папа fish - рыба grandpa - дед granny - бабушка kitten - котёнок meat - мясо mum - мама on holiday - на отдыхе pasta - макароны pineapple - ананас pizza - пицца potatoes - картошка sister - сестра sweep the floor - подметать пол wash the dishes - мыть посуду He’s got a chocolate bar.-У него есть шоколадка. She likes pizza.- Ей нравится пицца. She can chat with you.- Она может поболтать с тобой. Unit 6 With my best behind - за box - коробка climb - карабкаться dream - мечтать eat an ice cream - есть мороженое happy - счастливый hide-and-seek - ‘Прятки’ (игра) ice cream - мороженое listen to music - слушать музыку naughty - непослушный, шаловливый friend phone your friend - звонить другу ride a seesaw - качаться на качелях sad - грустный skip - прыгать через скакалку tree - дерево walk - гулять What do you do together? - Что вы делаете вместе? Where’s Lesley? - Где Лесли? Who’s your best friend? - Кто твой лучший друг? Wordlist Unit 7 Sweet dreams at night - ночью bear - медведь blanket - одеяло brave - храбрый can’t sleep - не может уснуть cat - кот close - закрывать count sheep - считать овечек doesn’t wake up - не просыпаться doll - кукла fairy tale - сказка has a dream - мечтает in the morning - утром open - открывать pyjamas - пижама Unit 8 Birthday party bike - велосипед cake - торт candle - свеча clown - клоун dance - танцевать Danny’s birthday - день рождения Дени. DJ - диджей eight - восемь have a party - иметь вечеринку Hot Potato - ‘Горячая картошка’ (игра) invite - приглашать mobile phone - мобильный телефон Musical Chair - ‘Музыкальный стул’ (игра) pillow - подушка put - класть rabbit - кролик say goodnight - сказать спокойной ночи scared - напуган wake up - просыпаться Do you count sheep? - Ты считаешь овечек? Don’t open. - Не открывай. Has she got a bear? - У неё есть медведь? It’s time to go to bed.- Пора ложиться спать. nine - девять please - пожалуйста puzzle - мозаика seven - семь ten - десять thank you - спасибо want to - хочу (сделать что-либо) Happy birthday! - С днём рождения! Here’s a present! - Возьми подарок! How old are you? - Сколько тебе лет? I want a bike. - Я хочу велосипед. I’m eight. - Мне восемь лет. What present do you want? -Какой подарок ты хочешь? щ Storytelling Unit 7 Lesson 6 storytelling Unit 7 Lesson 6 93 I