г [u:j moon [ea] air |a:| ball
READING RULES AND [i:] tree [3:] her [u| bush, pul
PRONUNCIATION SYMBOLS [o:j port, four [i:] tea [ea| there
‘С [u] book [aua] tower [a:] dance, a rower
lei] name [g] go Ш she [kw] queen [r] w ite
1®] bag [h] hen [a:] car Is] face [з:] V' or к
|i:| me [k] kite itn bench lai] kind, nigJit, child [a:] wa
|е| pen [1] lamp Ш page bridge [i:] see [la] hear
lai] five [m] man [k] black [з:] turn In] к’ow
hi tin [n] nine [as] famous 1з:] girl [ei] mail
[эи] nose [p] pencil [ei] say, they [a:] water [o:] autumn
|n| dog [r] rose 10] thin Iw] why [fn] station
Ui>:| cute [s] son [6] this [Л] come, son, love, mother [a:] a ier
lA], bus [t] ten song [h] who [3] measiiiw
|ail my [V] very [i] happy [ei] day [a:] fa 1 er
l.il yes [w] wizard [au] house, town m phone [э:] daughte
|b| bed [Z] zoo [эи] blow [a:] class, past, ask 0u:| few
|d| dad [аиэ] our [di] boy [ei] they m future
m film [Э] driver, actor [la] here [ea] air le| head.
к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман
Английский язык
Счастливый английский.ру/ Happy English.ru
Учебник английского языка для 9 класса
общеобразовательных учрехщений
УДК 802.0(075.3)
УМК “Счастливый английский.ру” / “Happy English.ru” для 9 класса включает следующие компоненты:
• учебник с текстами для домашнего чтения по истории США ^ книгу для учителя рабочие тетради
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Условные обозначения:
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^ ^ слушайте аудиокассету
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К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман
КЗО Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник англ. яз. для 9 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2007.— 256 с.: ил.
ISBN 978-5-86866-385-7
Учебно-методический комплект “Счастливый английский.ру" / “Happy English.ru” для 9-го класса продолжает линию учебников “Happy English.ru” для 5-11-х классов, предназначенных для учащихся основной и средней (полной) общеобразовательной школы.
УМК написан в соответствии с требованиями федерального компонента государственного стандарта общего образования. Курс обеспечивает необходимый и достаточный уровень коммуникативных умений учащихся в устной и письменной речи, их готовность и способность к речевому взаимодействию на английском языке в рамках обозначенной в стандарте тематики.
sas 9'5-5-563б6-385-7
® К. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман, 2007
Ф Издательство “Титул", дизайн, воспроизведение, распространени
Unit 1 Hello America!
Lesson 1 Welcome to New York...........i
V-: ' Article.........................7
Lessons 2, 3 New York, New York.........10
Lesson 4 Streets and avenues...........17
Cardinal and ordinal
Lesson 5 "I believe in liberty and
Lessons 6, 7 Have you ever tried
btintzes?.......................... 30
Gramme: Article......................34
Lesson 8 Project........................36
Lessons 9,10 Robin MocWizard's diory Part 1.................................37
Unit 2 Do good clothes open all doors?
Lesson 1 What's in?.....................47
Lessons 2,3 My favourite things.........51
Direct and reported
Lesson 4 Grungers and Preppies..........56
Lesson 5 You'll never believe it!.......59
mv Reported speech..............59
Lessons 6, 7 What size are you?.........63
Lessons 8, 9 Robin MacWizard's diary ....70
Unit 3 Good health is above wealth
Lesson 1 Sequence of tenses.............81
-0" ar Sequence of tenses..........81
Lessons 2, 3 What happened to Jane?....86
Lesson 4 How can you burn calories?....91
Lessons 5/ 6 "An apple a day keeps
the doctor away".....................93
Lesson 7 Don't forget your medical
Lessons 8/ 9 George Washington and Thomas Jefferson......................107
Unit 4 Do your parents understand you? Lessons 1,2 One day they'll be proud
of me.............................116
Complex object............116
Lessons 3,4 What do his parents want
him to do?.........................121
Lessons 5,6 Do your parents
understand you?....................127
Lesson 7 The Battle of Gettysburg.....135
Lessons 8, 9 Welcome to Washington.... 139
Unit 5 Going down Hollywood Boulevard...
Lessons 1,2 Welcome to Los Angeles... 146
Lessons 3,4 What's on today?..........155
Lesson 5 A walk down Hollywood
Lesson 6 The secret of success........165
Lesson 7 What is the book /
film about?........................168
Lesson 8 Project "Start a film review
Lesson 9 The history of the American flag..................................173
Unit 6 What are you going to do in summer?
Lessons 1, 2 What does a ranger do?.... 182 Lessons 3,4 It would be nice to have a summer job..........................186
Subjunctive mood..........186
Lessons 5,6 The job for you...........194
Lesson 7 An accident in Death Valley.199
Lesson 8 Faces on Mount Rushmore.....202
Lesson 9 The treasure.................205
Grammar Reference.....................211
Lesson 1
Hello America!
Welcome to New York
Hello everybody!
This year Misha and his Hends Rob and Mark MacWizard are going to spend some time in America. Together with them you4l learn a lot about life in this country, its history and its traditions. Before we start, let's see how much you already know about America,
Choose the right answers and complete the sentences.
1. The official name of America is
a) the USA or the US b) the USSR
c) the UK
2. The capital of America is
a) New York b) Boston
c) Washington, DC
3. America was discovered by
a) Vasco da Gama b) Ferdinand Magellan c) Christopher Columbus
4. The Native Americans were
a) Indians b) Celts c) Mexicans
5. American money is
a) euros and cents b) dollars and cents c) pounds and pennies
6. In America the official language(s) is / are
a) English b) English and French
c) English and German
Read the rubric America in focus and check some of your answers.
Unit 1 Lesson ]
America in focus
The USA — The official name of America is the USA (the United States of America) or the US (the United States). The country consists of fifty states. New York (NY) is in the state of New York. It is the largest city in the country, but it’s not the capital. The capital of the USA is Washington, DC.
They speak English in America, so people from America and the UK can understand each other. There are some differences, however.
Same thing, difl'erent name
bank note
• Pronunciation
hot [hot] tune [tju;n] news [nju:z] ask [disk] bath [ba:0] last [last] mother ['тлбэ]
• Spelling
AmE hot [hcut] tune [tu:n] news |nu:z| ask [aesk] bath [Ьзе0| last flaest] mother [тлдэг|
J3D Listen to the conversation and write what Misha, Rob and Mark associate America with.
What do you associate America with? What do you think foreigners associate Russia with?
Unit 1 Lesson 1
5^ Misha and his friends, Rob and Mark MacWizard, have arrived. Their friend, Emily Wilson, and her family are meeting them. Read the text of the conversation and answer the questions:
1. Where does the conversation take place?
2. Which city have the friends arrived in?
3. Who is British? American? Russian?
4. Was the flight long?
5. How did the boys spend their time on the plane?
6. How many people are in Emily’s family?
Emily: Hello, guys. I’m so happy to see you again. Mom, Dad ‘these are our British relatives,
Rob and Mark MacWizard.
They are the smartest guys I know.
It's great to meet you, guys. How are you?
And this is Misha Inin. He’s from Russia and he’s my best friend.
It’s nice to meet you, Misha^
Nice to meet you, Mr Wilson and Mrs Wilson.
Oh, please just call us Diana and Martin.
OK, Martin.
That’s better.
How was your flight, boys? Are you tired?
It was fine, thank you. A bit long, but we had a great time.
Yes, we had a very nice breakfast and lunch.
And I watched two films during the flight.
I’m glad to hear that, but let’s go. Everyone is waiting to see you. у Everyone?
Oh, yes. The rest of the family is waiting for you outside. All our brothers, sisters and cousins. There are thirteen of them. They’ve been asking about our new relatives from Britain.
Mark: What a big family!
Emily: Actually, there are more of us, but not everybody
could come to the airport today. You’ll meet the whole family the day after tomorrow. We’re organizing a big family party.
Mr and Mrs Wilson: Emily:
Mr and Mrs Wilson: Misha: Mr Wilson: Misha: Mr Wilson: Mrs Wilson: Mark:
Rob: Misha: Mr Wilson:
Rob: Mr Wilson:
Unit 1 Lesson 1
Rob: Are we going to meet the whole family?
Mrs Wilson: Oh, no, don’t worry. My terrible cousin Terry, who did all those awful things to you, isn’t going to be there. He’s in prison now.
Emily: Let’s forget about the past. YouTe in the USA now and you’re going to see one of the greatest cities on the planet — New York!
6 Read the transcriptions of the words. Listen to the conversation and underline the words which are pronounced in American English.
[Ъглдэгг], ['sistsrzl, [03:r'ti:n], |mo:r], ['aeftsr], ('parrti], ['teribal], [t3:rn], [fo:r'get], [ma:m], [mark], [smartest], (o;r] [karz], ['аиэг]
Употребление артикля с существительными bed, church, college, university, hospital, prison, school
В случае если эти существительные имеют значение конкретного места, здания или учреждения, они употребляются с артиклем по общим правилам употребления исчисляемых существительных.
В случае если эти существительные обозначают процессы, которые в них происходят, артикль с этими существительными не употребляется. Например: bed (сон, болезнь), hospital (лечение), school (учеба), prison (лишение свободы), church (церковная служба).
to go to school to be in hospital / at the hospital
to be at school to go to college
to leave school to be in prison
to go to bed to go to church
to be in bed
I have missed a lot of classes this month. My parents have to go to the school. — Я пропустил много занятий в этом месяце. Моих родителей вызывают в школу. (Родители не учатся, а должны пойти в здание школы для разговора.)
Kathy is at school now. Call back later. ^ Кэти в школе сейчас. (Она там учится.) Позвоните позже.
Don't sit on the bed. — He сидите на кровати. (Речь идет о мебели.)
Му sister is still in bed. Should I wake her up? — Моя сестра все еще спит. (Речь идет не о месте, а о деятельности: она спит.) Разбудить ее?
Some of the Wilsons didn't come to the airport. Diana is telling Misho'ond his friends about her relatives. Choose the right sentence to complete the idea.
Model: Emily’s grandmother Olga was in church.
a) She never misses a Sunday service, (воскресная служба)
b) She works there.
Emily’s grandmother, Olga, was in church. She never misses a Sunday service.
1. Emily’s cousin, Lucy, was at the school.
a) She is in Grade Six. b) She wanted to talk about her son’s marks.
2. Diana’s father, Kenneth, was at the hospital, a) He’s ill. b) He visited a friend.
3. Emily’s uncle, Terry, was in prison.
a) He went there to visit a friend, b) He’s there because he did horrible things.
4. Emily’s youngest sister was in bed.
a) She was sleeping, b) She was sitting.
8 J Put in the article if necessary.
1. I live near ... church. ... church is very old.
2. Mr Smith is at... hospital now. He wants to talk to his son’s doctor.
3. You should come to... school, Mrs Brown. We need to talk about your daughter
4. The robber was caught and went to ... prison.
5. She was sitting on ... bed reading a book.
6. My friend is lucky. She doesn’t have to get up early because she lives near ... school.
r' ,1.*
J 9 •• i
Who mode a mistake / misunderstood? Find the mistakes or misunderstandings in the conversations and correct them.
a) Model: A: Mary couldn’t come to the party. She was in hospital.
B; Oh, poor thing. What happened?
A: Nothing. She’s a doctor.
A made a mistake. He should say: She was at the hospital.
b) A: My mother is in the college today.
B: It’s never too late to study.
A; Oh, no. She’s a teacher there.
c) A: Jack is in prison.
B: What an interesting job!
A: I’m afraid you don’t understand...
Unit 1 Lesson 1
d) A: Liz will have to go to school tomorrow...
B: Do you have classes in the evening?
A: No, Liz is my aunt. She wants to speak to my teachers.
В Put in the necessary article and translate the sentences into Russian.
1.1 don’t take a bus to get to ... school because I live near ... school.
2. - Where’s Wendy?
— She is ... hospital. She’s ill.
— How long has she been there?
— She’s been ... hospital for a month now. Let’s go to ... hospital and visit her.
3. Normally she goes to ... bed late, that’s why I was very surprised when I saw her in ... bed at 8 o’clock.
4. Where shall we meet? Let’s meet near ... church.
C What are the people in the pictures saying? Complete the dialogues.
It’s very nice to meet you, Mr Brown.
(^It was long, so I’m a bit tired^
D Which places in America have you heard of and would like to visit? Write 2-3 sentences.
Unit 1 Lesson 1
Wessons 2, 3
New York/ New York...
1,^ As you work on this lesson try to find as many
Americanisms in spelling or vocabulary as you can.
^ 2 I Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. Try to find
• the names of places in New York.
• the names of New York’s main attractions.
• the name of the river in New York.
to do some sightseeing — осматривать достопримечательности Let’s do Manhattan.— Давайте осмотрим Манхэттен.
to do smth instead of smth — делать что-либо вместо чего-либо to stand for smth — обозначать что-либо
a masterpiece — шедевр an impression [im'prejn] — впечатление Manhattan [maen'hsetn] — Манхэттен Brooklyn ['bruklin] — Бруклин Queens (kwimz) — Куинз Staten Island [,steetn 'ailond] — Статен-Айленд
the Bronx [bmr)ks] — Бронкс the Hudson ['ludson] — Гудзон Central Park — Центральный парк the Empire State Building [,empaio(r)
'steit .bildio] — Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг the Rockefeller Center ['n)kofeb(r)] — Рокфеллеровский центр the Guggenheim Museum ['gugonhaim mju:,zi:om] — Музей Гуггенхайма a skyscraper — небоскреб a borough [Ългэ] — район a ferry — паром a flier — рекламный проспект (о give somebody a treat — побаловать кого-либо
10 Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3
Misha, Rob Mark and Emily are planning their first day in New York. Listen to the conversation, read the text of it and say what places they are planning to visit. (Find three English translations for the Russian word: достопримечательность.)
Emily: What would you like to do today, guys?
Misha: I’d like to see New York’s most famous sights: the
Empire State Building, and the Chrysler and the Pan American buildings.
Rob: I agree with you. Skyscrapers are really interesting.
Let’s go for a walk and do some sightseeing.
Mark: And I’d like to see Central Park.
Emily: Well, we don’t have too much time. Let’s do the main part of Manhattan today. It has a lot of attractions and you’ll be able to get a good first impression. If we don’t have enough time for Central Park, we’ll do it tomorrow.
Rob: What’s Manhattan?
Mark: Come on, Rob. Don’t you know? New York is on the Hudson River and consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx. I’ve read about them.
New York City Boroughs
Emily: You’re right, Mark. We should see them all, but
Manhattan is the heart of our city, so let’s start with it. I’ve got some fliers about some places of interest. Let’s take a look.
Unit I Lessons 2,3 11
Emily's friends are looking at the fliers. Look through the fliers and answer the questions.
1. What places of interest will the friends probably see?
2. How are they going to travel?
3. What theatre will they probably go to?
"There are many apples on the tree, but only one Big Apple". The old saying is very true when we talk about New York - America's Big Apple. We can offeryou a cheap, fast and easy way to see it all. Buy a MetroCard at any subway station and the key to the city
is in your hands.
MetroCards can be bought on a pay-per-ride basis ($1.50 per ride) or an unlimited ride basis. With pay-per-ride, you get 11 rides for the price of ten. These tickets can be used by groups of up to four people.
With unlimited ride MetroCards, you can get a 30-day card for $63, a 7-day card for $ 17, or a one-day Fun Pass for only $7. These tickets are not transferable.
-- 2,3
Find the Big Apple's mega star — The Empire State Building, which became the tallest skyscraper in New York on September 11, 2001 (the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to be higher).
Architects: Shreve, Lamb and Harmon Associates
The work started: January 22, 1930
The work was completed: November 13, 1930
The speed: 4 1/2 floors per week Total time: One year and 45 days including Sundays and holidays Cost: $40,948,900 (including land)
Total height: 443,2 meters to top of the lightning rod Floors; 103
Steps: 1,860 from street level to 102nd floor
Weight: 365,000 tons
ESB audio tour Adult (18-61)
Youth (12-17)
Child (6-11)
Seniors (62 + )
Military in uniform Toddlers (5 or younger)
t which was born on bru»-ame on everybody's lips is... Chi
astic musical is still the biggest hit m
of people come to Broadway to see f
iw. That's because there's nothing atmosphere is electric
Thousands of реорк. this great show. That's because v..
-«n live _ the atmosphere
tome on!
The millions of immigrants who had to come to America by sea were welcomed by a very tall woman. She was wearing a robe and her right arm was holding a torch high in the air. The woman is still there looking out to sea. She is the Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous symbols of America. Would you like to see her close enough to almost touch her? Give yourself a treat and book our helicopter tour now.
Our flight also includes Midtown, which gives you a perfect opportunity to get a bird's eye view of Manhattan's famous skyscrapers: impiie Store Building, the Chrysler and Nan Am buHdings (10-13 minutes)
Unit 1 Lessons 2,3
• X.
•i i
1 £
__________ шттштЛЧШ
Even if you’re not interested in modern art,
you shouldn’t miss a chance to visit one of
the world’s most extravagant museums.
Named the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
in honor of its founder, the museum is in
fact better known for its amazing building,
which was opened in 1959 and immediately
became the focus of critics. It was designed
by a famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright,
who broke all the old standard rules and
came up with a totally new concept of style.
Come and see this architectural masterpiece,
which has not lost its ability to excite and surprise.
/Г #
Discover the story behind the creation of thi2 Яоек(г/(г11(гг Cjzntizr! Find out all about the times when the building was being built. Listen to the fascinating stories about the Rockefeller Center Christmas trees, which are the largest and the most beautiful in New York. The Rockefeller Center guide will lead you through our buildings and gardens that make up this “city within a city'*.
• •>* *5s"
• II11 И i
! !! , * iii u «
14 Unit 1 Lessons 2,3
Употребление артикля с географическими названиями и названиями городских объектов
Обратите внимание; на картах названия, как правило, даются без артикля.
The No article
theaters / cinemas streets cathedrals
museums roads islands
picture galleries parks continents
monuments squares countries
hotels avenues states (штаты)
restaurants subway stations cities
oceans / seas / rivers companies towns m 1ПМ
airlines churches villages |^||B ГШ
^ 5 J Write the names of the attractions and places you see in the photos.
Unit ] Lessons 2, 15
Look through the MetroCord flier and answer the questions.
1. What ticket should friends buy for their day out in New York?
2. How much money will the friends have to spend on the subway?
(Use the map for help.)
Look through the Empire State Building flier and say if the following information is true, false or not mentioned.
1. ESB stands for the Empire State Building.
2. The Empire State Building is the tallest building in the world.
3. It took less than two years to build it.
4. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed by terrorists.
5. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to be the tallest buildings in New York.
6. The tickets for Emily, Misha, Rob and Mark will cost $36.
Sat) Look through the Ambassador Theater flier and choose the right answer.
1. In this flier “Chicago” is
a) a city in America, b) a name of the musical,
c) a name of the theater.
2. In this flier “Broadway” means
a) a very big street, b) the main street in New York.
c) the home of the most famous American shows and musicals.
Look through the fliers of the helicopter flights, the Guggenheim Museum and the Rockefeller Center. Which of the sights...
1. was designed by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright?
2. was built by Rockefeller?
3. used to welcome millions of immigrants?
4. is famous for the largest Christmas tree in New York?
5. contains a collection of modern art?
6. looks out on the sea?
Which places of interest in New York would you like to visit? Why?
Try to guess; Which sights did the friends actually visit? What did they decide not to do? Why?
Listen to the speaker and check your answers.
Homework . . -
^ Imagine that your friend has visited New York. Write ten questions about the city that you would like to ask him / her.
16 Unit 1 Lessons 2,3
Use the information from the fliers, fill in the gaps and complete the notes. Be careful with the articles.
New York is on the ... River. Another name for New York is ....
It consists of five boroughs: ...The heart of New York is .... It has a lot of ... .
One of them is the Empire State Building. It is the tallest ... in New
York but only since One of New York’s most famous museums is
It’s famous for its building, which was designed by ... . Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musicals and shows on .... The fastest way to see New York is by .... You need to buy a ... and it will take you all over the city.
a • « 4
4 4
Let's describe sights and buildings. Start this year's vocabulary. Learn to put useful words into groups. Copy the scheme and fill it in with words from the fliers.
to design to visit
Lesson 4
Streets and avenues
Количественные и порядковые числительные (Cardinal and ordinal numerals)
^ 1 J Copy the table into your exercise books and fill in the gaps in the table with ordinal numerals.
Количественные числительные Порядковые числительные Ordinal numerals
Cardinal numerals
1 — one 21 — twenty-one
2 — two 22 — twenty-two
3 — three 23 — twenty-three
4 — four 30 — thirty
5 — five 40 — forty
6 — six 50 - fifty
12 “ twelve 100 — a / one hundred
13 — thirteen 345 — three hundred
14 20 — fourteen — twenty and forty-five
Unit 1 Lessons 2,3 and 4 17
Writing and reading dates
In BrE they write ‘*2 July / 2nd July / July 2”. They say the “second of July*' or “July the second”.
In AmE they write “July 2nd / July 2”. They say “July second’ Dates are sometimes written as numbers, for example, 3/10.
In BrE this means the third of October. In AmE it means the tenth of March.
[2 j Play a game. Write down some dates in numbers. Then read them to your partner in any order you choose. Your partner should match the dotes with the descriptions from the game.
Model: A: the 21st of October
B: Is that your birthday?
A : Yes, it is.
? • The number of people in your class today 9 • The dale today r 9 •
9 • ' The number of ' your flat 9 • The date of ^ Christmas Day 9 •
'' 9 ' • ; The first day of " the year 9 • ^1*1 ^ ; The happiest ^ : day of your life 9 •
Your birthday
The day of your favourite public holiday
Your mother’s birthday
Rob and Mark are writing a letter to their sister Rosy. Read the text for detail and be ready to work with the map. Try to guess what the letters NY in the address stand for. On what date are the friends writing the letter? Explain your answers.
25 East 181st Street Apartment 8G New York NY 10033
5 / 8 / 2006
Dear Rosy,
We thought you’d like a real letter from America instead of an e-mail. We started it the way Americans do too.
Our first days in New York have been very busy, so this letter will be short.
8 Unit 1 Lesson 4
May this year is very warm so on our first day we walked a lot. Emily was our guide, but it’s difficult to get lost in New York. It has a very clever system of streets and avenues. Streets run east to west across the island and are often called cross-streets, while avenues run north to south down the island.
First, we took the subway to the city centre. Most of the subway •stations have the same names as the streets. We got off at Penn Station and walked to the Empire State Building.
There was a long queue to get to the top and after that we also wasted some time on an expensive attraction called Skyride (on the 2nd floor of the Empire State Building). The advert made the ride look like fun, but the ride itself was just a short film about New York. When we finally left the Empire State Building, we didn’t have much time. We had a quick look at Rockefeller Center and some other famous skyscrapers and took the subway to Whitehall Street. From there we caught the ferry to Staten Island to see the Statue of Liberty.
In the evening we went to Broadway and saw one of the most famous musicals, Chicago. Did you know that Broadway isn’t just one of the longest avenues in Manhattan? It is also famous for the small area near Times Square where Broadway crosses Seventh Avenue. This is the home of many Broadway theatres. This part of Broadway is also known as “the Great White Way” and is always full of tourists.
On the way home we got off the subway to have a look at the Guggenheim Museum. We didn’t go inside, but the building is really worth seeing! The next day we had a rest and spent a lazy day in Central Park, which is so huge that we ' -'i
nearly got lost. ^
Love from all of us,
Rob and Mark
Unit 1 Lesson 4 19
Say if the following information is true, false or not mentioned, ^
^ If there is no information, try to guess. Explain your answers.
1. Mark and Rob are very excited about their first days in New York,
2. It’s easy to find your way in New York.
3. Avenues run north to south.
4. Streets run parallel to the Hudson River.
5. All New York streets have numbers instead of names.
6. It doesn’t take long to visit the Empire State Building.
7. Mark and Rob have been inside the Empire State Building.
8. Mark and Rob have been inside Rockefeller Center.
9. Mark and Rob have not been inside the Guggenheim Museum.
10. Broadway is famous because it’s the longest avenue in New York
11. There are streets called Broadway in many American cities.
12. Central Parkdsn’t very big.
America in focus
Streets and avenues — To find a place, it is very important to know the nearest cross-street and avenue to the address. This will help you decide which bus or subway line to use, and it gives you an idea of how far away a restaurant or a shop is. For example, if you tell a New Yorker that you need to get to somewhere on 48th Street between — 11th and 12th Avenue, he or she will be able to tell you the way easily.
East and west street addresses — Fifth Avenue divides Manhattan Street addresses into east and west. Avenues between the Hudson River and Fifth Avenue are west of Fifth Avenue; other avenues are east of Fifth Avenue. That means that every street has two sides: east and west, and you can often find two buildings with the same number in the same street. For example: 1 West 8th Street and 1 East 8th Street.
Address Numbers
West of 5th Avenue
4 4 4
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.0 Unit 1 Lesson 4
Street addresses increase bv 100 for each num-
bered avenue as you move away from Fifth Avenue.
It’s very easy to go west of Fifth Avenue towards the Hudson River. Street addresses from 1 to 99 are between Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue, and 100 to 200, between 6th and 7th Avenue, etc. If you want to go east, it’s a bit more difficult because some avenues have names as well as numbers: Madison, Park, and Lexington. Street addresses 1 to 44 are between Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue, 45 to 99 — between Madison Avenue and Park Avenue.
Try to answer these questions. Use the information from America in focus.
Model: Where is 145 West 10th Street? — It*s between 6th and 7th Avenue.
1. Where is 49 West 44th Street?
2. Where is 49 East 44th Street?
3. Where is 435 East 16th Street?
4. Is there an address 700 West 42nd Street in Manhattan? Why? / Why not?
5. Is there an address 1000 East 39th Street in Manhattan? Why? / Why not?
6. Does Emily live far from the center of Manhattan if her address is 25 East 181 Street?
Unti 1 Le
Look at the mop and draw the route that Emily and her friends took. Use the information from Ex. 3.
1. The Empire State Building
2. The Rockefeller Center
3. The Guggenheim Museum
4. Central Park
5. The Statue of Liberty
6. Central Station
7. The Chrysler Building
8. The American Museum of Natural History
9. The UN Headquarters
10. The World Trade Center
22 Unit 1 Uib'i(>n 'I
Conversotion bricks
Asking and explaining the way
Can (Could) you tell me where. Excuse me, how do I get to...? Turn left (right)...
On the left (right) side...
It’s opposite the...
7 Look at the map and find Fifth Avenue, Broadway, "the Great White Way" and Central Park. How many streets cross Central Park?
It’s between the... and the... is? It’s on the corner...
Go up (down) the ST...
Go straight on...
Go past...
Keep going until you see...
Unit 1 Lesson 4 2[
(^8^ Use the expressions from Conversation bricks to act out the dialogues.
Work in pairs. Take turns to ask for and give directions.
A. Use the map of New York.
1. You are in Times Square and need to get to Penn Station. Ask for directions.
2. You are on 59th Street and First Avenue. You need to get to the Guggenheim Museum. Ask for directions.
3. You are in Whitehall Street and need to get to the World Trade Center. Ask for directions.
4. You are at Lincoln Center and need to get to Grand Central Station. Ask for directions.
5. You are at the Empire State Building and want to get to Central Park. Ask for directions.
B. Use the map of Moscow.
1. You are near the Bolshoi Theatre and need to get to Red Square.
2. You are at China Town station and need to get to Tverskaya Street.
3. You are in Red Square and need to get to the Pushkin Monument.
4. You are near the Russian State Library and need to get to Arbat.
* « • w e * e
A Rosy has sent a reply. Read the envelope and say if her brothers are going to get her letter? Why? / Why not? ^ ^
Translate the sentences into
1. Нью-Йорк расположен на реке Гудзон.
2. Манхэттен — один из пяти районов Нью-Йорка.
3. Они поехали на Статен-Айленд, чтобы посмотреть на статую Свободы.
4. Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг — самый высокий небоскреб Нью-Йорка.
5. Их дом находится к западу от Пятой авеню.
6. На Бродвее много известных театров.
24 Unit 1 Lesson 4
с Answer the questions about Moscow.
1. What is Moscow famous for?
2. On which river does Moscow stand?
3. Why is Moscow the seat of the Russian government?
4. What other important institutions are there in Moscow?
5. What is the central square called?
6. What can a visitor see there?
7. What is the most famous theatre called?
D Write some information about your home city / town / village.
"I believe in liberty and happinels"
Emily's grandmother Olga comes to meet Emily's friends. Listen to the conversation, read the text of it and then answer the questions.
1. Where does Olga come from?
2. Why are there tears in her eyes when she sees the Statue of Liberty?
3. How did she get to America?
4. What did Misha and his friends think about the Statue of Liberty?
5. Why does Olga want to go to the Rockefeller Center again?
6. Who was Rockefeller?
Misha, Rob, Mark. Look who’s coming! It’s my grandma, Olga.
She’s the most interesting person I have ever met.
Hello, Emily. Hello, boys. It’s nice to meet you.
You have a Russian name. That’s interesting.
I am Russian. My parents came to America many many years ago and brought me with them. I was only a little girl, but I remember the first thing I saw in America from on board the ship.
It was the Statue of Liberty, wasn’t it?
Yes, it was. Every time I see it I get tears in my eyes. But you’ve seen it yourselves, haven’t you? What do you think?
Well, to be honest... it looks great, but...
Yes, it’s one of those big American symbols which nobody believes in any more.
Unit 1 Lessons 4 ond 5
Everything we saw in New York is about money: all of those skyscrapers, built by rich people and big corporations. And there are still so many poor people in the streets... Is that liberty? Well, there must be some place you haven’t been to yet in the city. I could go with you and show you something that you haven’t seen.
What’s that?
How about the Rockefeller Center?
But we’ve already been there.
Let’s see it again!
Olga and the friends arrive at the Rockefeller Center.
Olga: Look at this building again, children. What do you see?
Misha: I see a very big building which was built by somebody who had so much money that he didn’t know how to spend it all.
26 Unit 1 Lesson 5
Rob; ...or somebody who got a lot of money from the government.
Mark: The Rockefellers were rich aristocrats, right?
Olga: John D. Rockefeller II was a rich aristocrat, that’s true, but he didn’t just believe in money, he believed in people too. When he decided to build this building during the Great Depression, he got no help from the government. So he used his own money to do it. Rockefeller was quite an interesting man. Would you like to know more about him? Let’s go and read his own words on that sign in front of the building.
America in focus
The Great Depression — a global economic depression, which in America lasted from 1929 to 1940.
How to build words?______________________________________
(^3 каким частям речи принадлежат данные слова?
1. obligation, declaration
2. fulfilment, agreement
3. replay, restructure
4. responsibility, opportunity
5. fruitless, useless
6. reading, living
7. ability, dignity
Суффиксы существительных -ness, -ship, -dom, -hood
Для обозначения отвлеченных существительных используются суффиксы:
-ness, -dom — они образуют существительные от прилагательных: happy — happiness (счастливый — счастье), free — freedom (свободный — свобода) и
-ship, -hood — они образуют существительные от других существительных: child — childhood (ребенок — детство), friend — friendship (друг — дружба).
От каких слов образованы данные слова?
membership, brotherhood, wisdom, neighbourhood, freedom, kindness, weakness, dictatorship, motherhood, usefulness, stardom
Unit 1 Lesson 5 27
, 4 ) Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.
human values — человеческие ценности
worth [w3:0] — зд. ценность to imply [im'plai] — подразумевать, предполагать a duty — обязанность a right — право to owe [эи] — быть должным to make a living — зарабатывать на жизнь
justice ['cfeAStis] — справедливость to endure fin'djuo] — зд. соблюдать a bond — обяздтельство will — воля
to triumph — восторжествовать might [mait] — сила
a possession — владение sacredness ofsmth — нерушимость чего-либо fulfilment — зд. самореализация dignity of labor — величие труда usefulness — польза a responsibility — ответственность
an opportunity — возможность an obligation — долг fundamental — основополагающий
wealth [wel0] — богатство a servant — слуга a master — хозяин
i. 5 *) Listen to the text and say what human values Rockefeller believed in.
1.1 believe in the supreme worth of the individual and in his right to life, liberty, and happiness.
2.1 believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity — an obligation; every possession — a duty.
3.1 believe that the law was made for man and not man for the law; that government is the servant of the people and not their master.
4.1 believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but that it.owes every man an opportunity to make a living.
5.1 believe that truth and justice are fundamental to an enduring social order.
6.1 believe in the sacredness of a promise, that a man's word should be as good as his bond; that character — not wealth or power or position — is of supreme worth.
7.1 believe in an all-wise and all-loving God, named by whatever name. The individual's highest fulfilment, greatest happiness, and widest usefulness are found in living in harmony with His will.
8.1 believe that love is the greatest thing in the world; that it alone can overcome hate; that right can and will triumph over might.
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28 Unit ] Lesson 5
In ш
о / Match Rockefeller's words with the following ideas.
Sometimes there is more than one correct answer.
@ Everybody has the right to be happy.
@ People should keep their promises and never break them.
© Presidents and ministers must work for the people.
@ Your religion doesn’t matter; but it’s important to believe in God..
© Love is the most powerful thing in the world.
(T) The most important thing is living in harmony with God.
© Every society should be fair.
© People are more important than presidents and ministers.
CD Everybody has the right to work.
CD Money shouldn’t be given to people, but people should have the chance to earn it.
© Someone in a higher position has to work a lot.
CD Someone who has a lot of money should do more for other people.
@ It’s more important to be a good person than to be successful
7 Speak about the human values Rockefeller believed in.
Choose suitable words and make any necessary changes using the suffixes if you have to.
Model: free - Rockefeller believed in freedom. weak - not suitable
free, weak, member, wise, brother, kind, labor, cold, friend, dictator, love, to govern, money, happy, success, equal
^ 8 ^ Match some Russian sayings with Rockefeller's words.
1. He место красит человека, a человек место.
2. Всякий труд почетен.
А j Translate Rockefeller's words into Russian.
Unit 1 Lesson 5 29
Have you ever tried blintzes?
||VB Listen to the conversation and read the text of it. What kind of restaurant does Olga want to go to? Find the best explanation for the word posh.
a) expensive
b) elegant and fashionable
c) fast food
Olga: And now, let’s have lunch. Are you guys hungry?
Rob: Oh, yes. I like American hamburgers. They’re great.
Misha: And I’d like some borscht and pickled cucumbers. I know it’s probably not possible, but I miss Russian food so much.
Olga: I’ll take you to a very popular place that’s visited by every famous person who comes to New York.
Mark: Oh,’please don’t take us to a posh restaurant. I’m sure it’ll be expensive.
Olga: Mind your manners, boys. Never argue with grandma Olga. Just
follow me and remember: New York has something for everybody.
2^ Listen to the words and expressions which are used to describe restaurants ~ and repeat them after the speaker.
noisy, top quality, atmospheric, posh, expensive, friendly, popular, fast food, cosy, cheap, crowded, elegant, simple
(fX) Olga and the friends arrive at the restaurant. Look at the pictures and say what kind of restaurant the Carnegie Deli is.
30 Unit 1 lessors 6, 7
(maybe not therapeutic... but it can't hurt)
■ with golden noodles with fresh rice with real homemade kasha
Our delicious specially made soup
t What do you think? Support your ideas with facts from the pictures.
1. What are the people whose pictures you can see on the walls?
2. What does the word “deli'’ mean?
3. What is the short word for “hamburger”?
4. What is the girl in the picture eating?
5. Is the “deli” a Russian restaurant?
6. What kind of food can you get in this restaurant?
7. Will Misha, Mark and Rob find something that each of them likes in the deli?
8. Will someone who lives in 59th Street have to pay for delivery?
Look through the extracts from the menu and find as many Russian words and dishes as you can.
Our own fresh blintzes with
Enjoy the "Great White Way" with sour cream or "Big Apple" sauce
Also popular
Boiled pirogen with sour cream Potato pancakes with apple or sour cream
A lot of corned beef plus a lot of pastrami New York's best corned beef Hot pastrami Roast beef Turkey Salami
? With cheese
• With tomato With onion With bacon
Unit * lessons 6, 7
America in focus
Deli “ Until the late 19th century, delicatessens were mainly owned by Germans, and later by Jews, too, who went into the business. The word itself comes from German and means delicacies, but it is used not only to describe the shop that sells the food, but also the products sold in the shop.
Corned beef — In the 19th century butcher shops which sold meat closed every weekend. Butchers had to keep the unsold meat fresh for two days. There were no refrigerators at that time, so some butchers had the clever idea covering meat with salt. The grains of salt were called “corn” in England, so the meat got the name “corned beef’.
Pastrami (бастурма) is a kind of corned beef. The word “pastrami” came from Turkey. Originally it was “pastyrma”, which means “being pressed” in Turkish.
6 Read the expressions. Which of these things ore advantages and which of them are disadvantages in a restaurant?
Translate the expressions and use a dictionary if necessary.
long lines, New York atmosphere, big portions, delicious food, you share the table with strangers, you can’t share your portion with friends, free pickled cucumbers, not enough seats, quick service, homemade soups, when you finish your food you have to leave quickly, fresh food, international food, high prices, huge sandwiches
7 People who visited the Carnegie Deli wrote their opinions on the walls. Listen to the opinions and say:
1. Which opinion is 100% positive?
2. Which opinion is 1(Ю% negative?
8 Read the opinions and answer the questions.
• What are the main advantages of the Carnegie Deli?
• What are the main disadvantages of the Carnegie Deli?
32 Unit 1 Lessons 6, 7
2. This deli has great blintzes, but it also has amazing sandwiches. So when 1 come here, it’s so hard to decide. The portions are really huge but they don’t like it when people share food, so you have to order something that you can eat ail by yourself. I like desserts, so I usually order blintzes. I’d recommend this deli as a real New York experience, but there are some disadvantages too. You share a table with strangers and you can’t sit for too long.
When you finish your food, you have to get up quickly and leave.
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Sate. I Гае eurpriear): tha plaoa waent
^oSr/oSuSbaSr, :^ГаИU fahtaetic Tha eanhoa wae va^ ^Uick friendly. I’d love to oome
' tessons 6, '
Употребление артикля с существительными breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner
Как правило, эти существительные употребляются без артикля.
Breakfast in this hotel is from 7 a.m. till 10 a.m.
Если перед этими существительными есть описательное определение, употребляется неопределенный артикль.
You сап have а good dinner there.
Если имеется лимитирующее определение, то употребляется определенный артикль.
/7/ never forget the dinner we had in that little cafe in Chelyabinsk. — Я никогда не забуду ужин в том маленьком кафе в Челябинске.
Найдите и подчеркните в предложениях лимитирующие определения.
1. The breakfast she gave us was fantastic.
2. The man who is looking at us is my uncle.
3. It was a nice little village in the north of Russia.
4. The book I have been reading is on the table.
5. She is a very polite woman.
6. People who live in America eat a lot of burgers.
Fill in the gaps. Use the, a or no article.
1. ... dinner is served.
2.1 never have ... breakfast. Гт not hungry in the morning.
3.... dinner we had in that cafe was disgusting.
4. Let’s have ... lunch in the garden.
5. It was ... best dinner I’ve ever had.
6.1 wasn’t hungry because I had had ... big lunch.
A Misha is telling his friends about some of his favourite Russian dishes. Match the dish with the description. Get ready to describe Russian dishes to your friends in the next lesson.
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34 Unit 1 Lessons 6,7
1. The recipe was invented in a St Petersburg cooking competition in the 1890s. It won the first prize and was named after the Stroganov family, whom the cook was working for. This dish traditionally consists of beef, onions, mushrooms and sour cream.
2. The dish originates from the Caucasus. No picnic or outdoor party can do without this wonderful dish.
It’s meat marinated in herbs, onions and wine. Then the meat is put on skewers and cooked on an open fire.
3. It’s a really delicious, small round bread. Bread used to be the most important food in Russia, and no dish was eaten without it. That’s why bread is still so important to people in Russia. They used to decorate it with leaves and flowers.
4. Traditionally, mothers-in-law bake these for their sons-in-law at Easter, and they also used to be made for poor people and pilgrims. They should be thin, brown, and round and look like little suns. They are usually eaten with sour cream, jam, cheese and black or red caviar.
5. These are a favourite Russian dish. They are made of dough and meat and then they can be frozen and kept in the fridge for a long time. They are served with butter, sour cream, vinegar or tomato ketchup. You can buy them in the shops too, but the ones you buy can’t be compared with the real homemade version.
6. It’s one of the most popular dishes in Russia. The recipe — was created at the end of the 18th century. It’s a kind of soup, which got its name from its main ingredient — beetroot. Nowadays it’s made with cabbage, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and meat.
On hot summer days it’s even better with no meat in it, just vegetables, fresh cucumbers, eggs, onions and greens.
В Выпишите из текста упражнения 8 все прилагательные с положительным значением.
Unll 1 Л, ’ 3
Imagine that you have just spent a couple of days in New York. Write about your first impressions. Use the plan to help you. You can also use the material from this unit.
Give some basic information
• Name of the city
• Its size
• Its position in the country
• The atmosphere
Write about the most interesting sights. Use the words and expressions:
The most fascinating part of the city is.. The most interesting building is...
It was a fantastic experience to...
I was greatly impressed by...
The most amazing place was...
What is worth / not worth visiting?
Use the words and expressions:
Personally, I think that...
In my opinion it’s...
Td like to see / visit...
To my mind...
For me...
...is really worth seeing.
Don’t waste your time on...
36 Unit 1 Lesson 8
Lessons 9, 10
Robin MacWizard's diary
Part I
^ Listen to the words and expressions and
The New World — Новый Свет to sail off — отплывать the unknown — неизвестность to bury [Ъеп] — хоронить fierce [fi9s]— свирепый a prophecy ['profisi]— предсказание
tolerant ['tpbrant] — относящийся терпимо
an exception [ik'sepjsn] — исключение
to be seasick — страдать морской болезнью
peculiar [pi'kju:li9| — особенный Saints and Strangers — Святые и Чужаки
repeat them after the speaker.
industrious [in'dASlrissI — трудолю бивый
to worship ['w3:/ip] — поклоняться rough (weather) [глГ] — ненастная (погода) a beam — мачта originally — первоначально Cape Cod — п-ов Кейп-Код a harbor [ЪогЬэ]— гавань safely — благополучно a settlement — поселение truly ['tru:li] — действительно the Mayflower Compact — Соглашение на Мэйфлауэре an anchor ['эеркэ] — якорь to survive [ssVaiv] — выжить
^ 2 j Read Robin MacWizard's diary at home and then answer the questions.
6 September 1620
My unknown friend.
Today I’m leaving my country forever and going to the New World. I’m sailing off into the unknown because all my work here is finished. I don’t know what is going to happen to me. Will I die on the way and be buried in the cold waters of the Atlantic or will I be killed by the fierce tribes which live in America? Tm not afraid of that, there is only one thing that scares me: if I die, the memory of my family will be lost forever. So I have decided to write this diary. I hope that one day somebody will read it. That’s why I write it for you, my unknown friend.
Mv name is Robin MacWizard. I come from Scotland, and I’m the last member of the ancient MacWizard clan that used to be big and powerful. Many centuries ago a prophecy was made that one day a Scottish king
Unit 1 Lesiions 9, 10 3
would rule both Scotland and England. The duty of my clan was to help the Scottish king get to the English throne. The prophecy came true in 1603 when the Scottish king, James, got the crown of England,
How it happened is another story, but my family played an important role in it. King James promised everybody who supported him that he would become a kind and tolerant king and would grant people religious freedom. But when James finally became the King of England, he changed his mind. Anybody who disagreed with the official church or the king was burned at the stake. Unfortunately, our family was no exception.
When I was away. King James’s soldiers broke into my castle and took my wife and two children away. I spent years looking for them everywhere, and finally I found the grave of my dear wife, Mary. But I didn’t find any graves for my children, so I still hope that they’re alive and well.
My dear friend.
I’ve been very busy these days, as most of the passengers on board the ship are seasick and need help.
But let me tell you more about the ship and its 120 passengers. The ship’s called the Mayflower. She’s not very big but was thought to be strong enough to cross the Atlantic. The passengers on the ship are a really unusual group of people.
Most of them left home for a very important reason: religion. They call themselves the Saints of the Holy Discipline, or just Saints.
The Saints do not believe in the Church of Rome, the Pope or the power of the king over other people. They think that God is in people’s hearts, not in a church. You may say there is nothing so bad about these beliefs, but in 1620 when James was king, people couldn’t choose their religion.
Unit ] lessons 9, 10
The Saints are a well educated, industrious, peace-loving people. They just want to worship God in their own way. They dream that in the New World they will be free to do what they want. This dream has made them take their wives and their children to start this dangerous journey.
The Saints call the other passengers “strangers”. The Strangers have come with us for different reasons: some hope to get rich, some want the chance of a better life and some, like me, are just running away from Britain to save their lives. So I, Robin MacWizard, am definitely a Stranger. Tve even started a poem about our group. Here is the beginning:
The New World promised us freedom and changes^
The weather was rough and the sea was coldy But we left our homes, both Saints and Strangers,
Some for religion and some for gold.
19 September
We’ve been at sea for two weeks now. I’m getting to know the other passengers on board the ship. The Saints give their children interesting names. I’ve already met Remember, Love and Patience. I think the Saints believe that these names will help their children have the same qualities later in their lives. Well, we’ll see.
UniM Lessons 9,10 39
15 October MAYFLOWER
My dear friend,
We have been through (испытали) a lot this month. There was a horrible storm, and the main beam cracked. The ship was in real danger. At first nobody knew what to do, but then our clever Captain Jones had an idea of how to fix the problem and we went on.
The weather is awful. We’ve had nothing but (кроме) fog for days. People get wet through and have no chance to dry their clothes. The food is not very good, so a lot of passengers are getting ill. Even the people who are not ill yet are getting weaker. They’re starting to think about all the dangers of the New World.
I sometimes get worried, too. The Mayflower left England too late in the year. Originally we were supposed to leave in summer and arrive in America in the warm autumn months. But it’s already October and we still have a long way to go. What will happen to us when we arrive in winter? There’ll be no houses there, no food, no help...
7 November
It has been nearly nine weeks since we left and originally we hoped to cross the sea in six weeks. Captain Jones and his officers have started looking for birds, plants, trees or other signs that we are close to land, but they haven’t seen anything yet. The health of the passengers on board is getting worse every day. William Button, the young servant of Doctor Samuel Fuller, died and we buried him at sea — 43 degrees North — 2,835 miles from England, That’s where his grave is.
9 November
t last we saw land. There is joy on every face. To remember this day I have written the second part of my poem. Here it is:
With storms and disease, we faced many dangers,
Our families died, but we didn't stop,
And we reached the New World, both Saints and Strangers,
Soldiers of fortune and pilgrims of hope.
Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10
Before we landed, I decided to show the poem to William Bradford. I should have mentioned him before in this diary. He’s the Saints’ leader, a man of great intelligence and kindness. Out of all his friends, he could really be called a “saint”. He’s keeping a detailed record of everything that happens on the Mayflower.
I thought he might like to copy my little poem into his journal, so I showed it to him. Here is what he said, “We are not just Saints or just Strangers anymore. Although we have our differences, we are all God’s children, and our Lord loves us all equally. So now together we are God’s pilgrims and that’s the name we shall all be called.” When I heard these kind, wise words, I didn’t feel upset at all. Bradford was right, so today I wrote the ending of the poem. I hope he’ll like it when I show it to him:
We will love these rivers and mountain ranges,
We will fight for this land to our last breath.
And we4l stay here forever, both Saints and Strangers,
Brothers and sisters in life and death.
The Mayflower brought us to the New World safely, but our troubles are just beginning. The crew made a mistake, so we landed in Cape Cod, which is not a very suitable place for a settlement. It’s winter and very cold, and the land is covered with ice. Our supplies of food and fresh water are running out. A lot of people are unhappy and even angry, and some are even thinking of a revolt.
Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10 41
Master Bradford is a truly great man. Today he had the idea that all of us. Saints and Strangers, should choose a governor and agree to obey him and the laws we agree on. Most of us liked the idea and signed an agreement which we called the Mayflower Compact. Then we voted and chose John Carver for governor. I personally voted for Bradford, but Carver is a good choice too.
6 December
Some of the men went on expeditions on shore to look for something to eat and to find some fresh water, but we weren’t very successful. We came across an Indian village, but it was clear that the Indians had seen us and had left the village before we arrived.
The Mayflower has been at anchor at Cape Cod for twenty-six days, and most of the Pilgrims are still on board. We still can’t decide if we should stay here or look for a more suitable place to build our village. The conditions on the ship are very bad and more people are getting ill and could die. There are only one hundred and one of us left now.
8 December
The Indians finally showed themselves. In the morning when we were returning from one of our expeditions, some arrows shot out from one of the trees and hit us. We were caught at the worst possible moment because some of us were tired and had put down our guns a few yards away. We ran for our guns and fought back. There were twenty of us against forty Indians, who were fit and strong and fought really bravely. However, the Indians had only bows and arrows and couldn’t do much against our guns. We won that first battle and, fortunately, nobody was killed.
When we reached the ship, we finally decided to leave Cape Cod and sail to Plymouth.
After nearly two months in the new land we decided to go on shore and build our first village. This place is a lot better than Cape Cod. We found a lot of trees, different herbs and berries, and we hoped to find animals to hunt.
Unif 1 Lessons 9, 10
л-' •;
/•"V. •. -»
My dear friend.
On Christmas Day, which we didn’t celebrate because this day isn't important to the Saints, we started to build the first houses. By the next couple of days we had still made very little progress, as the weather was terrible. The icy rain and extreme cold continued to take more lives. We haven’t met any Indians yet, but far away in the distance we can see the smoke of their fires. The Indians are not far away, but we hope they won't leave their warm wigwams until spring.
3 March
My dear friend,
I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long. The last two months have been the worst of my life. More than half the people who came with us to the New World have died. They were killed by cold and disease. But there is hope for the rest of us. The weather is getting warmer now and we are hoping to be able to plant some crops soon, so we can survive. Our main worry is now the Indians. We are expecting them to attack at any time.
16 March
A most amazing thing has happened.
Earlier today, I suddenly heard some cries and shouts, and when I ran to where they were coming from, I saw an Indian coming towards our village. He walked up to us, then he smiled and said “welcome” in English.
He didn’t speak English very well, but he told us more about himself. His name is Samoset, and he is not an enemy. He learned English from some English fishermen who used to come to fish in these waters.
Unit \ lessons 9. 10 43
When he heard about us, he decided to come and offer us some help.
- He doesn’t belong to any local tribe, but he has friends here. He especially recommended one of his friends called Squanto. He said that Squanto’s English was really good. We wanted to trust Samoset, but we were also scared of him. He could be an Indian spy, so we sighed with relief when he finally left.
22 March
Samoset came back with some friends. One of them was Squanto, who is a really amazing person. He told us that the Indians and the Pilgrims should finally get to know each other and become friends. He introduced us to the chief of the local tribe, whose name is Massasoil. The first meeting
went very well and soon after that Massasoit and our governor signed an agreement to live in peace and help each other. It was a great joy to us, but there are still many other tribes around so we can’t feel absolutely safe.
1 April
sad day. The Mayflower finally left for .England. We all had tears in our eyes, as the last connection with home was gone, but none of us wanted to go back to England. The few of us who survived the winter didn’t want to give up now that we had Squanto’s help.
к Answer the questions.
1. Who wrote the diary?
2. Why did Robin decide to write a diary?
3. Why is the diary addressed to an unknown friend?
4. How many passengers were there on board the ship?
5. What was the name of the ship?
44 Unit ^ Lessons 9, 10
6. Who were the Saints and who were the Strangers?
7. Why did they decide to leave England?
8. When did they see land?
9. Who was the leader of the Saints?
10. Was he a remarkable man?
11. Where did they land?
12. Why did they land at Cape Cod?
13. What is the Mayflower Compact?
14. Who was chosen as governor?
15. Did the Pilgrims stay on board or did they go on shore? Why?
16. Why did they have to leave Cape Cod?
17. What was the name of the place where they found their new home?
18. Was it better than the first place? Why? / Why not?
19. Why did so many people die?
20. What were the Klgrims going to do to survive?
21. What was the name of the first Indian they met and talked to?
22. Did the Pilgrims trust him?
23. What document did the Pilgrims’ governor and the Indians sign?
24. When did the Mayflower leave for England?
25. Did any of the Pilgrims want to go back? Why? / Why not?
В Number the events in the correct order.
1. William Button, the young servant of Doctor Samuel Fuller died.
2. The Pilgrims landed in Cape Cod.
3. King James promised everybody who supported him religious freedom.
4. The Mayflower finally left for England.
5. The prophecy that one day the Scottish king would rule both Scotland and England came true in 1603 when the Scottish king, James, got the crown of England.
6. There was a horrible storm, and the main beam cracked, and the ship was in real danger.
7. The Pilgrims met Samoset.
8. The Pilgrims signed an agreement which they called “The Mayflower Compact”.
9. Massasoit and the governor signed an agreement to live in peace and help each other.
10. King James let all his old supporters down.
11. The Indians attacked the Pilgrims, but the Pilgrims won.
12. The Pilgrims left Cape Cod and sailed to Plymouth.
13. On 9 November 1620 the Pilgrims saw land.
14. Robin left England on 6 September 1620.
15. The Pilgrims came across an Indian village, but nobody was there.
Unit! Lessons9, 10 45
Your active vocabular)^
to do some sightseeing a skyscraper
to do smth instead of smth
to stand for smth
a masterpiece
an impression
Staten Island
the Bronx
the Hudson River
Central Park
the Empire State Building Rockefeller Center the Guggenheim Museum to go to school to be at school to leave school to go to bed to be in bed to go to college
to be in hospital / at the hospital to be in prison to go to church
Asking and explaining the way
Can (Could) you tell me where. Excuse me, how do I get to...? Turn left (right)...
On the left (right) side...
It’s opposite the...
It’s between the... and the... It’s on the comer...
Go up (down) the street...
Go straight on...
Go past...
Keep going until you see...
.. is?
46 Unit I Lessons 9* 10
Do good clothes open all doors?
Lesson 1
What's in?
■ 't ’‘.;4
Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.
ridiculous [n’dikjubs] — смехотворный to come into fashion -- стать модным to be / go out of fashion — выйти из моды to be fashionable — быть модным to stand out — выделяться
to care about something — беспокоиться о чем-либо, быть к чему-то неравнодушным to make up one's mind — зд. составить мнение casual clothes — повседневная одежда
fancy — изысканный the last — последний (train, meeting etc)
the latest — самый свежий (news, magazine)
Calvin Klein [,kselvin 'klain] — Кельвин Кляйн Ralph Lauren [,raelf Ъ:гоп] — Ральф Лорен
Conversation bricks
What do you think about shopping Give your opinion. Use the words and expressions.
It’s a waste of time.
It’s a lot of fun.
I’d recommend it to anybody.
I’m a shopaholic.
I can shop till I drop.
I’m sorry for people who...
It’s not really my thing.
It’s my favourite pastime.
It cheers me up.
It bores me to death.
^2 ) Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions: Where are the friends going? Who likes the idea of shopping? Who doesn't?
^3 J Read the dialogue for detail to be able to answer the questions in Ex Л.
Emily: Today we should go shopping, guys. New York is famous for its shopping. It’d be a pity to miss the opportunity.
Misha: That’s great!
Rob: What a good idea!
Mark: Oh, Emily, please let me stay at home. I can’t stand shopping.
Rob: But, Mark, you really need some new clothes.
Mark: What’s wrong with my jeans, T-shirts and trainers? They're OK for travelling.
Emily: To tell you the truth, they are a little out of fashion.
Unit 2 lesson 1
Mark: I don’t care about fashion. I prefer casual clothes, I feel more comfortable in them.
Misha: But those who don’t care about fashion miss on a lot of fun. I like to look round the shops and find something original that doesn’t cost too much. Clothes show my individuality.
Emily: Well, I think it’s better to buy clothes that are in at the moment.
I don’t like to stand out. My hobby is buying things in the sales. Most of my clothes come from discount stores that sell designer clothes, so they don’t cost that much. My favourite jeans are Calvin Klein, and they only cost $10. It was a real bargain.
Rob: You can call me a snob if you like, but I think clothes are a status
thing. “Clothes make the man” they say and I agree. People make up their minds about you when they look at your clothes, so my clothes have to be the latest fashion.
Ralph Lauren is one of my favourite designers. His shirts and jackets are very expensive. Look at this jacket, for example. Isn’t it smart?
Emily: Yes, I think it’s very elegant. You could wear it to any nice party or fancy restaurant.
Rob: Thank you, Emily. So when are we leaving?
Emily: In a second. Before we go. I’d like to
look through the latest magazines. It’s so easy to make a mistake with fashion...
Mark: I still think it’s ridiculous to care about clothes so much. I believe in the old saying “Never judge a book by its cover.”
Answer the questions. (More than one answer can be correct.) Support your answers with facts from the diologue.
1. Who likes to wear expensive clothes?
2. Who doesn’t like to pay a lot of money for clothes?
3. Who doesn’t care about clothes?
4. Who likes to buy things in the sales?
5. Who wears only expensive clothes?
6. Who doesn’t buy expensive clothes?
Unit 2 Lesson 1
Look through the dialogue again and:
a) find out the meaning of the words and expressions
• a bargain
• discount stores
• to be a status thing
• a snob
• to buy things in the sales
• “Clothes make the man”
b) find the synonyms for:
• unusual, extravagant ’ • practical
• fashionable and elegant
• to be in fashion
c) find the opposite of:
• to go out of fashion
• casual clothes
• I don’t like to stand out.
• “Never judge a book by its cover.”
How to build words?
Суффиксы прилагательных -July -able / -ibUy -al
Для образования прилагательных от существительных и глаголов используются суффиксы:
-ful beauty — beautiful
-able / -ible rely — reliable
-al culture — cultural
6 ) Translate the adjectives into Russian.
How were they formed? Look in the dictionary if necessary. Which of the words can be used to describe clothes?
Model: readable = the verb to read + suffix -able
useful, wonderful, enjoyable, hopeful, helpful, political, musical, fashionable, peaceful, comfortable, natural, sensible, changeable, successful, meaningful, colourful, suitable, tasteful
^ 7 j Form the adjectives from the nouns in brackets. Complete the sentences.
1. This blouse is very .... (fashion)
2.1 like ... clothes, (comfort)
3. These jeans are not very__(practice)
4. What a ... (beauty) dress! (beauty)
5. I like ... sweaters, (colour)
^ 8 } Try to remember how the friends choose their clothes and what's important to them.
Model: Emily buys things that are in fashion.— Because she doesn't like to stand out
1. Rob wears designer clothes.
2. Emily wears clothes that are fashionable.
3. Misha likes to wear original clothes.
4. Mark doesn’t care about clothes.
5. Mark wears casual clothes.
Unit 2 Lesson 1 49
Look at the factors that ore important for teenagers when they buy clothes. Which of them were mentioned in the dialogue?
1. price
2. comfort
3. fashion in your class (group)
4. fashion magazines
5. adverts on TV
6. parents’ advice
7. friends’ advice
8. other people’s style (famous people, role models)
9. individuality
10. status
Choose the three factors that ore important to you. Explain your choices.
^ Match the words with the definitions.
1. Something you buy really cheaply.
2. Somebody who thinks that he is better than other people.
3. Something unusual.
4. Something that’s OK for the situation.
5. When shops reduce their prices.
6. Comfortable clothes that you wear in informal situations.
7. Expensive and elegant clothes.
c) suitable
g) fancy clothes
d) original e) in the sales
В Fill in the gaps with the words last or latest.
1. When did you see him ... ?
2.1 couldn’t hear the ... news.
3.1 didn’t forget our ... conversation.
4. This dress is the ... fashion.
5. Have you read the ... book by Marinina?
6. It was the ... train for today. There won’t be any more trains until tomorrow.
Translate the sentences into English.
1. Я не люблю выделяться.
2. Я покупаю вещи на распродажах.
3. Эта рубашка очень дорогая, но немодная.
4. Это платье — крик моды.
5. Мне нет дела до моды, я ношу удобные вещи.
6. Его одежда и модная, и практичная.
7. Эти туфли красивые, но непрактичные. Они белые.
8. “Что сейчас модно?” — “Яркие пуловеры и клеши”.
9. Последний поезд только что ушел.
J.rtJl 2 Ir i-SOri i
Му favourite things
Прямая и косвенная речь / Direct and reported speech
Прямая речь — это речь, переданная дословно, без изменений. В английском языке перед прямой речью, в середине ее или после нее стоят слова или предложение, вводящие прямую речь, которые отделяются от прямой речи запятой. Прямая речь заключается в кавычки. Знаки препинания в прямой речи ставятся внутри кавычек.
Тот tells his friend, *Т work in London. ”
**Who are you?'' she cried. **What do you want?"
‘'They have known each other for years," James said.
. “My parents," she said, “are on holiday."
Косвенная речь — это способ передачи чужой речи. Косвенная речь представляет собой придаточное предложение, которому предшествует главное. Косвенная речь в английском языке в кавычки не ставится и запятой не отделяется.
Тот tells his friend that he works in London. —Том говорит своему другу, что он работает в Лондоне.
Правила перевода прямой речи в косвенную
Перевод утверждений в косвенную речь Утверждения переводятся в косвенную речь следующим образом:
say to smb / fell smb + that + подлежащее + сказуемое + + второстепенные члены предложения
Союз that можно не употреблять.
Не says to Lena, “I see my friends every day.Он говорит Лене:
“Я вижусь со своими друзьями каждый день”.
Не says to Lena that he sees his friends every day. Or
He tells Lena that he sees his friends every day. — Он говорит Лене, что он видится со своими друзьями каждый день.
Не tells them, “I can help you." — Он говорит им: “Я могу помочь вам”. Не tells them that he can help them. Or
He says (that) he can help them. — Он говорит им, что он может им помочь. При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную местоимения изменяются согласно требованиям логики.
Не tells Lena, “I see ту friends every day."— Он говорит Лене: “Я вижусь со своими друзьями каждый день”.
Не tells Lena that he sees his friends every day. — Он говорит Лене, что он видится со своими друзьями каждый день.
Unit 2 lessons 2,3 51
Remember who said these words, and report them according to the model.
Model: ‘‘We should go shopping, guys.” — Emily says that they should go shopping,
1. “1 don’t care about fashion.”
2. “I сапЧ stand shopping.”
3. “You really need some new clothes.”
4. “My jeans and sweaters are suitable for travelling.”
5. “Your clothes are a little out of fashion.”
6. “Clothes must show my individuality.”
7. “1 always wear designer clothes.”
8. “Most of my clothes come from discount stores that sell designer clothes, so they don’t cost that much.”
9. “I don’t like to stand out.”
10. “I like to look round in the shops and find something original.”
11. “Clothes are a status thing.”
12. “I prefer clothes that I feel comfortable in.”
13. “My favourite jeans are Calvin Klein.”
14. “1 like casual clothes.”
, 2 j Give your opinion. Agree or disagree with the characters of the book. (See Ex. 1.)
Model: Mark says that he doesn’t care about fashion.— Neither do L Emily says that she likes shopping.— 5c? do L
^ 3 ) Do you care about clothes? What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Ask each other questions and write down the answers. Report your friends' answers to the class.
Model: Kate says that she doesn*t like expensive clothes,
, 4^ Look through the song and try to guess: Whose
favourite clothes are a Burberry coat, old worn jeans, waterproof jackets, high heels, big, baggy T-shirts, stylish blue jeans, warm, comfy sweaters, Gucci sunglasses?
v-5^ Listen to the song, then read the lyrics.
Match each part of the song with the singer.
• Rob
• Mark
• Emily
52 Un!i 2 Lessons 2, 3
I ^ ^
Glamorous dresses and colourful blouses, Jackets that go with a skirt or with trousers. Sandals and high heels and tight flared jeans These are my favourite, favourite things.
Clothes will come in, clothes will go out.
Clothes will change with time.
Just let me wear what I feel good about.
And then Г11 be doing just fine.
Big, baggy T-shirts and warm, comfy sweaters. Trainers and raincoats and waterproof jackets. Caps and a rucksack, and some old worn jeans, ,Just let me stay in my favourite things.
Clothes will come in, clothes will go out,
Clothes will change with time.
Just let me wear what I feel good about And then Г11 be doing just fine.
A Burberry coat and a shirt from Cerutti,
Calvin Klein bag and sunglasses from Gucci, Elegant trousers and stylish blue jeans Don’t laugh at me, Tm in love with these things.
Clothes will come in, clothes will go out,
Clothes will change with time.
Just let me wear what I feel good about And then Г11 be doing just fine.
English in focus
Cerutti, Gucci, Burberry
designer labels.
— are famous
^ 6 J Match the adjectives with their translations. What's the full form of the adjective "comfy"?
1. glamorous
2. colourful
3. tight
4. flared
5. baggy
6. waterproof
7. worn
8. stylish
a) поношенный
b) расклешенный
c) цветной, пестрый
d) мешковатый
e) стильный
f) роскошный
g) водоотталкивающий
h) облегающий
UriiT 2 Lessons 2.3 53
Are these statements true, false or is there no information? Support your answers with the sentences from the song.
Model: Emily likes baggy jeans. — False, Emily says that she likes tight flared jea
1. Rob likes to wear comfy clothes.
2. Mark is happy if he can wear his old trainers.
3. Emily doesn’t feel comfortable when she wears high heels.
4. Rob never wears jeans.
5. Emily hates designer clothes.
6. Rob always buys expensive clothes.
7. Expensive clothes are always in fashion.
8. Mark doesn’t like expensive clothes.
9. Mark likes his worn jeans.
{8 } Work in groups. Discuss these statements. Do you agree with them? Explain why / why not.
Model: Fashionable girls shouldn’t wear trainers this autumn.— We agree with this, but Tanya says that it*s a pity, because trainers are very practical.
1. Waterproof jackets are in fashion this year.
2. Worn jeans are out of fashion.
3. Sandals are out and high heels are in.
4. Tight clothes are not very popular this year.
5. T-shirts for men never go out of fashion.
6. Fancy clothes aren’t very popular with teenagers this year.
7. This year girls should wear flared jeans.
Verb activator
Say, tell
to say — сказать, говорить
She says that she doesn*t like tea. — Она говорит, что не любит чай.
to tell — 1) рассказывать, сообщать 2) велеть She told John that she had seen his friend, — Она рассказала Джону, что видела его друга.
I told them to come, — Я велел им прийти.
to say something to somebody — сказать что-либо кому-либо to tell somebody something — сказать кому-либо что-либо
Expressions with tell
to tell the truth / a lie — сказать правду / неправду to tell a story — рассказать историю to tell the time — сказать который час
54 Unit 2 Lessons 2, 3
Fill in the gaps with say or tell.
1. He ... that he’s a doctor.
2. Please ... me the truth.
3. Don’t... that you haven’t done it.
4. Could you ... me the time?
5. Who ... you that?
6.1 can’t... you that.
7.... them to open the window.
8. Let’s go and ... good bye to our neighbours.
A Write your own list of things, that ore in or out of fashion at the moment. Refer to fashion magazines, TV programmes and other sources of information.
В Уже известный вам суффикс -less имеет значение отсутствия качества и является противоположным по значению суффиксу -ful.
useful — useless (полезный — бесполезный)
К каким из этих прилагательных можно подобрать антоним с помощью суффикса -less?
colourful, awful, meaningful, beautiful, careful, wonderful, helpful, tasteful
Прилагательные, заканчивающиеся на -able / -1Ыв, как правило, образуют антонимы с помощью отрицательного префикса -ип.
comfortable — uncomfortable (удобный — неудобный)
Rewrite the sentences, use prefix -un.
1.1 hope this vase is not breakable. I’m going to put it in my bag. — I hope it’s...
2. This dress is not suitable for the party.— This dress would be...
for the party.
3.1 never wear shoes that are not comfortable.— I never wear... shoes.
4. This sweater is not fashionable, but I still like it.— This sweater is...
C Change the sentences from reported into direct speech and translate them into Russian.
Model: He says that he doesn’t like to go shopping.— He says, “I don’t like to go shopping. ”
1. Mary tells her friends to leave quickly because her mum is very angry with her.
2. He says that he doesn’t need any fashionable clothes.
3. The shop assistant tells her that she has to wear socks to try the shoes on.
4. She tells her friend that her clothes are out of fashion.
5. She says that she doesn’t like to stand out.
6. Helen says that she is having a great time in Spain.
7. He tells his friends that he doesn’t care about fashion.
8. She says that she prefers casual clothes.
9. Ann tells Jane that she likes casual clothes.
Unit 2 Lessons 2, 3 55
Lesson 4
Grungers and Preppies
Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.
a loose T-shirt — свободно сидящая футболка
to influence smb / smth [‘mfluansj — влиять на кого-то / на что-то
to dye one’s hair — красить волосы
to put a label on smb — зд. наклеивать ярлык на кого-либо to be labelled — зд, быть причисленным к определенной группе подростков Nike [naik] — Найк
а hooded top ['hodid] — куртка с капюшоном jewellery ['фи:э1п] — ювелирные изделия fake — поддельный make-up — грим •
Mark is explaining his attitude to clothes. Look at the pictures and try to guess which four groups of people Mark is talking about? Read the text and match the pictures with the names of the groups. Explain your choices with the facts from the text.
Model: Number 1 is a... He's wearing,,, ■
Ih. Ч
I often ask myself, “Why do people pay so much attention to image?” But I have no answer.
A lot of my friends dress in order to be a part of a group; they choose a hairstyle to fit an image. Why do they do that?
Before Rob and I went to public school in Yorkshire we went to an ordinary comprehensive school in London. All the pupils there were labelled and pul into groups: they weren’t just Marys, Johns or Kates, but grungers, goths, preppies or townies. Every new pupil who came had to join one of the groups and got labelled forever. A lot of the names for the groups came from the music people listened to: grunge, rock, punk, or pop music.
If you listened to grunge music, you had to follow the grunger style. Grungers had skateboards, and they wore baggy jeans, with baggy, hooded tops, loose T-shirts and silver or black metal jewellery or chains.
And if you listened to gothic punk, you were labelled a goth, or someone who liked the darker side of things. Goths wore black clothes, and both girls and boys used black and white make-up and dyed their hair black. The teachers didn’t like them at all.
56 Unit 2 Lesson 4
“They worship Satan and listen to awful music,” they used to warn us. But they were wrong; a lot of goths were actually very nice, interesting people.
The goths’ enemies were the townies, or “the children of the street,” as they liked to be called. Their uniform included: fake gold” jewellery, fake Adidas or Nike trousers with white socks and baseball caps. They talked to each other in a “yeah, ah’m cool, ah’m cool” manner and a lot of them smoked because it’s alrigh’, innit?”
Rob and I were labelled preppies because we came from a rich family, wore shirts instead of T-shirts, and trousers instead of jeans. Some people were jealous of us, and some people liked us; but I didn’t want to be labelled. I just wanted to be myself, listen to the music I liked and live my own life.
My father says that it’s bad when people put a label on you. Very true, but I think it’s even worse when you put a label on yourself and let it influence your tastes, interests and your lifestyle.
I always try to be myself and hope that other people will respect me for that.
t* . iw3) Find examples of direct and reported speech in the text (Ex. 2).
statements true or false?
1. Mark says that everybody in his London school was labelled.
2. Mark thinks that it is good to be part of a group.
3. Mark thinks that it is bad to be labelled.
4. Mark explains that people join groups and wear unusual clothes because they don’t want to stand out.
5. Mark thinks that people shouldn’t put labels on each other.
6. Mark hopes that other people will respect him because he is a preppy.
Unit 2 Lesson 4 57
Find in the text: a) the verbs for the nouns dye, influence^ label; b) the adjective for the noun fake. Make a list of verbs and adjectives formed in the same way.
Answer the questions. Talk about yourself, a friend or someone you have heard about.
Model: Have you ever had any problems because you wore unusual
clothes? — I personally have never had any problems because I wore unusual clothes, but one of my friends who listens to heavy metal and wears chains had some problems with his parents,
1. What are your interests?
2. What kind of music do you listen to?
3. Is it necessary to wear unusual clothes to show what your interests are?
4. Have you ever had any problems because you wore unusual clothes?
5. Have you ever had any problems because you chose to be alone and didn’t want to join‘a group?
6. Is there a particular group in your school or your neighbourhood you wani to join? Why?
Discussion. Do you think people who wear unusual clothes and make-up do so because they want to be a part of a group or because they want to stand out and show their individuality? Give your own examples or ones from your friends' experience.
A Tell your friend that...
1. you don’t pay much attention to image.
2. your friend has choosen a hairstyle to fit an image.
3. all the pupils in Rob’s school were labelled and put into groups.
4. your brother has influenced your tastes, interests and your lifestyle.
5. your sister doesn’t want to be under any label.
6. you like to wear casual clothes.
7. your friend’s sister is a shopaholic.
8. you don’t like to stand out.
9. her brother wears baggy jeans, with baggy, hooded tops, loose T-shirts and silver chains.
10. goths wear black gothic clothes, use black and white make-up and dye their hair black.
11. townies wear fake “gold” jewellery, fake Adidas or Nike trousers with white socks and baseball caps.
В Write about what teenagers weor in your school and neighbourhood.
58 Uni} 2 Lesson A
Lesson 5
You'll never believe it!
Q Перевод просьб и приказаний из прямой речи в косвенную
Если в прямой речи содержится просьба или приказание, то при переводе в косвенную речь перед ней:
• ставятся слова автора, содержащие глаголы to ask smb (просить кого-либо) или to tell smb (велеть кому-либо);
• глагол в косвенной речи ставится в форме инфинитива.
Вежливая просьба сделать что-либо
to ask smb to do smth — просить кого-либо сделать что-либо The teacher says to the pupils^ ''Open your books at page 27у please, Учитель
говорит ученикам: “Откройте, пожалуйста, книги на стр. 27”.
The teacher asks her pupils to open their books at page 27, — Учитель просит учеников открыть книги на стр. 27.
Приказание сделать что-либо
to tell smb to do smth — велеть кому-то сделать что-то to order smb to do smth — приказывать кому-либо сделать что-либо The policeman says to the robber, "Put your hands up!''— Полицейский говорит грабителю: “Руки вверх!”
The policeman tells the robber to put his hands up. — Полицейский велит грабителю поднять руки вверх.
Запрет делать что-либо
to ask smb not to do smth — просить кого-либо не делать чего-либо Betty says to her son, "Don't disturb me, please.Бетти говорит сыну:
“He беспокой меня, пожалуйста”.
Betty asks her son not to disturb her. — Бетти просит сына не беспокоить ее. to tell smb not to do smth — велеть кому-либо не делать чего-либо The mother says to her son, "Don't lean out of the window." — Мама говорит сыну: “He высовывайся из окна”.
The mother tells her son not to lean out of the window. — Мама велит сыну не высовываться из окна.
Say the sentences using reported speech,
1. Kate says to her brother, “Don’t touch my things.”
2. The mother says to her son, “Don’t watch this film.”
3. Peggy says to her sister, “Please tell me the truth.”
4. The customer says to the shop assistant, “Please show me the fitting room.’
5. Mary says to her brother, “Don’t make so much noise, please.”
Unit 2 Lesson 5 59
Misha was in a clothes shop when he met a woman. Listen to the dialogue and say
a) what the woman’s name is.
b) how Misha knows her.
c) why she needs Misha’s help.
Read the conversation for detail.
Misha: Hello. Are you Angela V.?
Angela V.: Misha:
Angela V.: Misha; Angela V.:
Misha: Angela V.:
Misha: Angela V.;
Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.:
Misha: Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.;
Yes, that’s me.
I just love your songs! Could you give me your autograph?
Sure. Here you are.
Thank you, bye!
Wait a second. Please, don’t go!
Where do you come from?
I’m from Russia.
Your English is very good. Could you help me do some shopping here? I don’t speak English very well.
Of course. It’d be a pleasure.
Fine. Could you get me three shop assistants and tell me how to say these sentences in English?
Покажите мне, где примерочная.
Show me where the fitting room is.
Принесите мне все красные платья восьмого размера, которые у вас есть.
Bring me all the size 8 red dresses that you have.
Помогите мне примерить эти туфли.
Help me try these shoes on.
Приготовьтесь долго ждать.
Be ready to wait for a long time.
Соглашайтесь со всем, что я говорю.
Agree with everything that I say.
He входите, если я не зову.
Don’t come if I don’t call.
Hurry up!
Oh, I can’t remember all these phrases! Could you talk to the shop assistant for me?
Report the requests from the dialogue according to the model.
“Could you give me your autograph?” — Misha asked Angela to give him her autograph.
60 Unit 2 lesson 5
What will Misha have to say to the shop assistants? Change the sentences according to the model.
Model: Help me try these shoes on. — Misha will tell the shop assistants to help Angela try the shoes on.
(■б'} Do you think the shop assistants will listen to Misha? Why? / Why not? How should Misha speak to the shop assistants to make Angela's instructions more polite? Choose the correct version and rewrite the sentences from the dialogue
Model: Miss Angela is telling you to bring her all the size 8 red dresses that you have in the shop. Or
Miss Angela is asking you to bring her all the size 8 red dresses that you have in the shop.
^ 7 ) Two hours later Misha finally left the shop. Now he is talking to Emily and Rob and telling them what happened to him. Listen to the story and put the pictures in the correct order. Match the pictures with the mini-dialogues.
a) I think I look nice in this.— Yes, you look great.
b) Don't be rude! Please leave the shop.— Oh, no. I’m sorry. Please, let me stay.
c) Bring me all the size 8 red dresses that you have in the shop.— Yes, of course.
d) This colour is more suitable, don’t you think?— But they are all red, madam.
e) Could you help me do some shopping? — Of course. It’d be a pleasure.
f) Could I have your autograph? — Sure.
g) Surprise! Surprise! — I don’t believe it!
Unit 2 Lesson 5 61
C - Ч J- 'д
A Use Hie pictures from Ex. 7 and write the main events of the story.
■ -,‘ЛЛ : ''m'V. Г \ •
Model: Misha asks Angela for her autograph,
В Write what the people in the pictures are saying.
Model: The man is asking the shop assistant to show him the T-shirt.
Could you show ^ ГВопЧ sit in my presence! j
me another T-shirt?
62 Unit 2 lesson 5
Lessons 6, 7
■ What size are you?
1 у Listen to the phrases and repeat them after the speaker.Who says these phrases: the shop assistant or the customer?
^^ Л Can I help you? ] .-.
L Does it fit? ) ^What size are
Is it my colour?
f Does this skirt go ^with this blouse?
^It's a bit smallTj ^ Do you like
Match the expressions from Ex. 1 with
1. Сколько это стоит?
2. У вас есть эти джинсы большего размера?
3. Я посмотрю.
4. Могу я заплатить карточкой?
5. Я просто смотрю, спасибо.
6. Где примерочная?
7. Вам помочь?
8. Какой у Вас размер?
9. Как (на мне) сидит (вещь)?
10. Это мой цвет?
11. Это подходит к этой сумке?
their translations.
12. Вам идет.
13. Принести другой размер?
14. Вам велико?
15. Хотите померить?
16. Какую фирму Вы предпочитаете?
17. Я это беру.
18. Конечно.
19. Как Вы будете платить?
20. Сколько это стоит?
21. Эта юбка подходит к этой блузке?
U"''* 2 t-o-isor-д 6. •' 63
^ 3 J Work in pairs. Make up as many mini-dialogues as you can with these sentences. You can use some sentences more than once.
Model: Customer: Do you have these jeans in a larger size?
Shop assistant: /7/ have a look.
Перевод вопросительных предложений в косвенную речь
Если в предложении в прямой речи содержится вопрос, то в косвенной речи в вопросительных предложениях употребляется прямой порядок слов.
Напомним, что прямой порядок слов встречается в утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях, когда глагол-сказуемое или вспомогательный глагол следует за подлежащим.
Не likes coffee.
They didn^t play football yesterday.
Обратный порядок слов встречается в вопросительных предложениях, когда глагол-сказуемое или вспомогательный глагол стоит перед подлежащим. Where did they go? Where are they?
Mary asks, ''What is Liz doing?''— Мэри спрашивает: “Что делает Лиз?"' Магу asks what Liz is doing. — Мэри спрашивает, что делает Лиз.
Не asks, "Where did Тот go?"— Он спрашивает: “Куда пошел Том?”
Не asks where Тот went. — Он спрашивает, куда пошел Том.
^4 :^ Найдите в упр. 1 предложения, в которых встречается:
а) прямой порядок слов б) обратный порядок слов
Специальные вопросы
В специальных вопросах в косвенной речи после вопросительного слова следует прямой порядок слов.
She asks John, "Where does Tom go every week? Она спрашивает Джона:
“Куда ходит Том каждую неделю?”
She asks John where Тот goes every week. — Она спрашивает Джона, куда ходит Том каждую неделю.
В вопросе к подлежащему в косвенной речи порядок слов не меняется.
Не asks, "Who likes pop music?"— Он спрашивает: “Кто любит поп-музыку?”
Не asks who likes pop mw5/c. “ Он спрашивает, кто любит поп-музыку.
Общий вопрос в косвенной речи вводится союзами if / whether
Не asks Mark, "Did you see the film yesterday?"— Он спрашивает Марка: “Ты видел фильм вчера?”
64 Ufvf 2 les'so^'5 6,
Не asks Mark if he saw the film yesterday. — Он спрашивает Марка, видел ли он фильм вчера.
Не asks thenty *'Do you speak French?"' — Он спрашивает их: “Вы говорите по-французски?”
Не asks them whether they speak French. — Он спрашивает их, говорят ли они по-французски.
Ответы на общие вопросы передаются в косвенной речи с помощью подлежащего и вспомогательного глагола.
"'Did Jim phone yesterday?” Ann asks her mum. **No, ” Mum says. — “Джим звонил вчера?” — спрашивает маму Анна. “Нет”,— говорит мама.
Ann asks her mum if Jim phoned yesterday and Mum says that he didn 7. — Анна спрашивает маму, звонил ли Джим вчера, и мама говорит, что он не звонил.
Разделительные вопросы передаются в косвенной речи так же, как общие.
*'Магу saw ту sister on Sunday, didn't she?” Jack asks. — “Мэри видела мою сестру в воскресенье, не так ли?” — спрашивает Джек.
Jack asks if Магу saw his sister on Sunday.— Джек спрашивает, видела ли Мэри его сестру в воскресенье.
Say the phrases of Ex. 1 in reported speech.
Model: Customer: “Is it my colour?”— The customer asks the shop assistant if it's his colour.
Emily, Misha and Rob are at the shopping mall. Read the statements and say if they are true, false or there's no information. Support your answers with what they say in the dialogue.
Model: In Russia there are no big malls.— False.
Misha says that in Russia they have big malls, too.
1. Some shops in Russia close at night.
2. Stores in America close at night.
3. Most English shops close at around 6 p.m.
4. Some English shops are open at weekends.
Rob: Wow, this place is really huge!
Emily: We call it a mall. There are more than a hundred stores in it!
Misha: In Russia we have some malls too.
The biggest ones are in Moscow. You can spend the whole day there and they are open at night too.
Unit 2 Lesson.' to phone me the next day.
b) He said that he often watched TV in the evening.
c) He said that they were playing football at 5 o’clock the week before.
d) He said that it was raining again.
e) He asked what she was doing then.
f) He said that he had written a letter before I phoned him.
g) The mother told her daughter to come home by 11 p.m.
h) He asked me if I had been to St Petersburg before.
i) She advised Anna not to lend money to strangers.
j) He asked me if I had been crying.
k) He said that it had been very cold the day before.
Unit 3 Lesson
Write the missing form on condition that the verb introducing direct speech is in the Post Simple. Напишите недостающую глагольную форму при условии , что глагол^ вводящий косвенную речь, стоит в Past Simple.
Direct speech Reported speech
didn’t see hadn’t seen
Direct speech Reported speech
would become
will buy
% had broken
am thinking
had fallen
has been working
had been walking
is raining
had been
Direct speech Reported speech
had been doing
had made
doesn’t read
hasn’t brought
won’t drive
didn’t give
had to
were running
^j3 J Change the sentences into reported speech.
Model: He asked, “Where does Tom live?” — He asked where Tom lived.
1. “Where did you find it?”
2. “How will they get there?”
3. “He didn’t know the truth.’
4. “Will she come tomorrow?’
5. “What were they doing?”
6. “When will they meet?”
7. “Does he play golf?”
8. “Why did they come?”
9. “How long have you been waiting?’
10. “Did she see him?”
Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. He asked me if I had been in the new theatre.
2. He said that he was in the theatre at the moment.
3. She told me that she didn’t like dresses.
4. She told me that her mother hadn’t liked dresses.
5. We were told that she was ill.
84 Unit 3 Lesson 1
6. She said that she was cleaning her room.
7. Lena thought that she would be back early.
8. They told me that they had been watching a film since four o’clock.
9. They told me that they were watching a film,
10. They were asked where they lived.
11. She didn’t know why he had left.
5 J Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1. Она спросила, где они были вчера.
2. Он сказал нам, что уже видел этот фильм.
3. Он обещал ей, что позвонит на следующей неделе.
4. Она попросила меня написать письмо ее брату.
5. Она не советовала мне приглашать его на день рождения.
6. Их спросили, знают ли они этого писателя.
7. Мы не знали, когда она приедет.
А Yesterday Emily4 aunt^ Alice, came back from holiday in Australia and met her relatives and friends. Here's what they said when they saw her. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
Model: Sally: I like your new blouse.
Sally said that she liked Aliceas new blouse.
I was thinking about you when you came.^
Did you visit our relatives in Sydney?
I like your new blouse.
■Jn'tS ie^iyon 1
Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. She didn’t know where he was.
2. Andrew asked Wendy if she had heard the news.
3. We were glad that they were coming.
4. She told them not to phone her brother.
5. She asked why the girl was crying.
6. She couldn’t remember what she had done the day before.
7. She asked the shop assistant if that dress was in fashion.
Lessons 2,3
What happened to Jane?
Ijjj) Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.
to diet — соблюдать диету
to come out — обнаруживаться, становиться известным to feel guilty — чувствовать себя виноватым to have excess weight — иметь избыточный вес to gain weight — прибавлять в весе to lose weight — терять в весе
to have low / high self-esteem — иметь низкую / высокую самооценку
to tell on somebody — выдавать кого-либо
anorexia — анорексия (болезненное отсутствие аппетита)
to be expelled from school — быть исключенным из школы
to set an example — показывать пример
^ 2 j Answer the questions.
1. Have you ever been on a diet?
2. Why did you start a diet?
3. Did you try to lose or to gain weight?
4. What did you eat?
5. What food did you have to give up to lose weight?
6. Was it a positive or a negative experience?
7. Did it work?
8. Did the weight come back after you finished your diet?
, 3 j Listen to Emily's story and say what happens to people who have anorexia.
a) They think they’re beautiful and buy a lot of expensive clothes.
b) They think that they're fat and can’t eat.
c) They are always hungry and eat a lot.
36 Unit 3 Lessons 1 and 2, 3
Read the conversation and try to understand its main idea.
1. People with excess weight have problems with self-esteem.
2. Film stars and models set a bad example.
3. All diets are bad for you.
4. You must take care of yourself and not diet too much.
Misha: What’s wrong, Emily? Where are you going?
Emily: My friend Jane’s parents have just phoned and said that she has been taken to hospital.
Rob: But what’s happened to her? Do they know?
Emily: They don’t, but I do. And I feel so guilty because I didn’t tell her parents earlier.
Rob: But what is it?
Emily: OK. I think I’ll have to tell you.
My friend Jane has always had low self-esteem.
Sometimes she was unhappy with her eyes; other days she didn’t like her nose. Once she told me that she hated herself, but I just laughed.
Last year things started to get worse because Jane had gained a bit of weight. It wasn’t a lot but she got upset because she thought that everybody was looking at her. She thought that she was fat. I told her that she was perfectly normal, but she didn’t listen. She said that she would only be happy if she was as thin as a supermodel.
Then she started to lose weight. Every week she was getting thinner and thinner. I noticed that she didn’t eat her school lunch and she didn’t go out with our gang when we went to our local pizzeria. When we asked her to come, she always said that she had just eaten and wasn’t hungry. When I asked her if she was on a diet, she always said that she wasn’t. When I left for England, Jane was a size 6. We kept in touch by e-mail and she wrote to me that she was all right. From her letters I also knew that she had joined our local drama club and was going to be an actress after school. I was happy for her and thought that she had forgotten all that nonsense about dieting.
We met again three weeks ago when I came back from England.
I didn’t recognise her. She was pale, thin and a size 2! At first, I thought that she was ill, but then I noticed something: we had spent the whole day together and she hadn’t eaten anything. It was then I realized what had happened to my friend. I was going to phone her parents but then I thought that it wouldn’t be right.
Unit 3 Lessons 2, 3
I understand. You felt that you’d let your friend down if you told on her.
Yes, that’s what I thought.
How could you be so stupid, Emily? Do you remember the girl from our school, who was expelled last year?
Yes, I remember. It was Kate Ferguson. But why was she expelled? She had the same problem as your friend Jane. She thought that she was fat and started dieting. In the end she got very thin but she still thought that she was fat and couldn’t eat at all. It’s a disease called anorexia. It’s very dangerous and a lot of young people die from it. But why was she expelled?
The teacher found out that she had been setting a bad example. Other girls also decided to start dieting and stopped eating. Fortunately, they hadn’t become ill by the time it all came out. That’s awful. What should I do now?
I think we should phone her parents and tell them the truth if it’s not too late.
) Complete the sentences with the information from the text.
Model: Emily was worried because her friend Jane’s parents had phoned and said... — Emily was worried because her friend Jane’s parents had phoned and said that she had been taken to hospital.
1. Emily knew that Jane had very low self-esteem because once Jane had told her...
2. Jane got upset because she thought...
3. When the girls invited Jane to the pizzeria, she always said...
4. When Emily asked Jane..., Jane always replied...
5. When Emily was in England, Jane wrote to her that...
6. When Emily read those letters, she thought that...
7. Emily realized that Jane... when they met again.
^ 6 ) Who said these words? Observe the sequence of tenses in your answers. Model: “1 feel guilty.” — Emily said to her friends that she felt guilty. “What’s wrong?” — Mark asked what was wrong.
1. “When I left for England, Jane was a size 6.”
2. “We should phone her parents and tell them the truth.”
3. “Why was she expelled?”
4. “I’ll only be happy if I’m as thin as a supermodel.”
5. “I hate myself.”
6. “Are you on a diet?”
7. “Do you remember the girl from our school, who was expelled last year?’
8. “We kept in touch by e-mail.”
88 Un!t3 Lessons 2,3
'^2^ Work in groups. Discuss Emily's behaviour. Answer the questions and report them to the class.
Model: Our group decided that Emily had made a mistake when she didn’t tell Jane’s parents...
1. Did Emily understand that her friend had a problem?
2. What were the signs of the problem?
3. Did Emily tell Jane’s parents or school teachers?
4. Why did she behave like that?
5. Was Emily a good friend to Jane?
6. Did Emily make a mistake or was she right to act the way she did?
7. Do you agree with Emily’s idea of friendship?
, 8 j Has a friend of yours ever been in trouble? What was the problem?
Did you tell anybody? Was it a good decision or were your sorry about it later? Write 5-10 sentences.
English in focus
Emily and her friends are going to the hospital to visit Jane. They want to make her laugh and are getting all of the best jokes they know ready to tell. Every joke has a punch line which is usually the final word or sentence. The which produces a sudden, funny effect and makes people laugh.
Take this joke, for example:
Patient: Doctor! You’ve got to help me! Nobody ever listens to me.
No one ever pays any attention to what I have to say.
Doctor: Next, please!
In this joke the sentence “Next, please!” is the punch line.
Read the joke and answer the questions: What's the punch line of the joke? Who was the man talking to? Retell the joke in reported speech.
A father and his baby
One Sunday some visitors to Hyde Park, who were sitting on benches quietly enjoying their sandwiches, were suddenly surprised by a strange young man.
The young man was pushing a pram. The baby in the pram was crying loudly. The young man stopped and said softly, “You should take it easy, Tom. You should control yourself, Tom.”
Unit 3 Lessons 2, 3 89
The baby calmed down for a minute but then it started to cry again. The young man stopped, took out a little toy out of the bag, gave the toy to the child and said, “You should take it easy, Tom. You should control yourself, Tom.”
They went on, but soon the child started to cry again. The young man stopped, took some chocolate out of his bag and gave it to the baby. “Don’t worry, Tom. It’s OK, Tom. You’ll be all right, Tom,” he said. But the baby didn’t calm down. It just cried louder and louder.
An old woman who had been watching the man came up to him and smiled. “You’re a great father,” she said, “You know how to talk to your baby, in a nice, quiet voice.” Then she looked into the pram and asked, “What’s wrong with you, Tom? Why are you crying?”
The father looked at the woman strangely and said, “The baby is a girl. Her name’s Sabrina. Tom is my name.”
В j Read the next joke and answer the questions.
1. What’s the punch line of the joke?
2. Why didn’t Aesop answer the man’s question when the man asked it the first time?
3. Who was the man talking to?
Aesop and the traveller
Aesop, a Greek philosopher, was famous for his jokes. One day Aesop was out for a walk when he saw a man. The man was lost.
The man greeted Aesop and asked him, “How long will it take me to get to the town?” “Go,” said Aesop. The traveler didn’t understand the reply. “I know that I have to go,” he said and repeated his question, but Aesop’s reply was the same. “Go,” he said again very politely.
The traveller went away. “The man is mad,” he decided. After the traveller had gone some
distance, Aesop shouted after him. “You’ll get to the town in two hours.” The traveller came back to Aesop and asked: “Why didn’t you tell me that before?” “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know how fast you could walk,” Aesop replied.
C } Retell the joke.
90 Unit 3 lessons 2,3
Lesson 4
How can you burn calories?
Listen to the expressions and repeat them after the speaker.
Match the expressions with their translations.
1. physical activity „„„ полуфабрикаты
2 to burn calories a) сжигать калории
;■ f’urn calories сбалансированная диета
3. convenience food сиалап к
4. a balanced diet
5. fast food restaurants
6. to contain energy
7. to contain fat ,
g) рестораны быстрого обслуживания
d) физическая активность е) содержать энергию
о содержать жир
Match the verbs with the nouns and find common word combinations. Sometimes more than one combination is possible.
1. weight a) to have
2. exercises b) to lose
3. calories c) to burn
4. convenience food d) to do
Answer the questions.
1. How can you burn calories?
2. What physical activity do you do every day?
3. Give examples of a balanced diet. What should a person eat?
4. Is there much convenience food in the shops in your city / town / village? Do you like it? Do you think it tastes good?
5. Are there any fast food restaurants in your city / town / village? Are they popular? Do you like the food there?
Emily and her friends have come to visit Jane. The hospital is holding a conference on healthy lifestyles. A government health advisor. Debora Bulmer, Doctor Bernard Foam and John Small, a fitness coach, are taking part. Read the following statements. Which of them do you agree / disagree with?
Model: / think iVs true that everybody should do exercise three times a week.
1. “Not every diet is good for you.”
2. “Everybody should do exercise three times a week.”
3. “American children eat too much fast food and spend a lot of time in front of the TV.”
4. “Excess weight can lead to health problems.”
5. “Fats are an important part of everybody’s diet.”
6. “A balanced diet is a very important thing.”
7. “A lot of American children are overweight.”
iiori 3 lesson 4 91
8. 'Twenty years ago American children didn’t spend so much time in front of the TV.”
9. “Physical activity is good for your health.”
10. "The government should spend money on new sports clubs for children.”
11. “Teenagers should eat at least four pieces of fruit and four servings of vegetables every day.”
12. “Eating a lot of meat is good for you.”
13. “We must do our best to tell children about a balanced diet and open free sports clubs.”
14. “When I was a child, we didn’t have convenience food.”
15. “Swimming and jogging burn a lot of calories.”
16. “You lose weight if you burn fewer calories than you take in.”
) Учитывая профессию людей, принимающих участие в пресс-конференции, попытайтесь предположить, кому принадлежат высказывания из упр. 4. Обоснуйте свои ответы.
Model: “Excess weight can lead to health problems.” — I think the doctor said that excess weight can lead to health problems.
Listen to the conference and check your answers.
in the gaps with say or tell. Do you agree with these statements?
1. Listen to your parents when they ... you that you should eat more fruit.
2. You shouldn’t ... anything about meat to vegetarians.
3. It’s OK to ... people that they should lose weight.
4. Somebody who ... that he doesn't need exercise is lazy.
5. To ... you the truth convenience food is not always healthy.
6. It’s not a good idea to ... everybody that you are on a diet.
A Translate the following statements into Russian.
1. She asked Andrew to come to her house at 6.30 that evening.
2. He told us he had never been there before.
3. John asked Peter if he could help him.
4. We asked Mary where she had been.
5. She told Martin she would be able to meet him at 7.30.
6. He said that Moscow is one of the most beautiful capitals in the world.
7. She told her son to tell the truth.
8. He said that he had to help his brother’s family.
9. The mother asked her son what he was doing.
В Change the sentences from Ex. A into direct speech.
о Lesson w
с ) Find the odd one out, •' -
1. Balanced, healthy, casual, strict, vegetarian — DIET
2. To count, to burn, to eat, to diet — CALORIES
3. Healthy, excess, exciting, unhealthy — LIFESTYLE
4. Physical, every day, calorie, morning — ACTIVITIES
5. To watch, to exercise, to lose, to gain, to control — WEIGHT
6. Slow, fast, vegetarian, disgusting, delicious, restaurant — FOOD
D Fill in the gaps to conr^plete the sentences.
1. — Why arc you eating so much? — Tm ... a diet? — What? — Yes, it’s a
special diet for very thin people. I’m trying to ... some weight.
— You’re lucky. Everybody wants to ... weight.
— I don’t agree with you.
2. — I’m ... Let’s have something to eat quickly!
— There’s a McDonald’s round the corner.
— Oh, no. I don’t like ... food. It’s ... for your health.
— True, McDonald’s is not for somebody who counts ... Let’s go somewhere else.
Lessons 5,6
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"
1 ) Choose the correct word and complete the sentences.
1. I’d like (some / a) cheese.
2. We all eat (some / an) apple every day.
3. Have (some / a) water. It’s good for you.
4.1 need (some / a) meat, (some / a) potatoes and (some / a) bottle of orange juice.
2 ) Complete the sentences with (a) few / a (little) / much / many / a lot /
fewer / less / more.
1. Kate eats a kilo of sweets a day. It’s too...
2. If you want to lose weight, you should do... exercise.
3. This yoghurt has... calories than that one, so this yoghurt is healthier.
4. How... calories will I burn if I go for a walk?
5. Would you like some cheese? Just... I’m not hungry, but I’d like to try it.
6. This year we have ... of apples. I think we should make jams and juice.
7. Don’t put so... salt in your soup. You need very ... salt every day
8. People who eat fruit and vegetables have... problems with their health.
9. How... water should I drink every day?
10. We don’t have... carrots. Next time you should buy...
Unit 3 Lessons 4 and 5, 6 9c
Употребление артикля с названиями веществ
Неисчисляемые существительные, обозначающие названия веществ, употребляются без артикля, если в предложении это вещество только называется.
/ don’t like milk.— Я не люблю молоко.
Артикль the с названиями веществ употребляется, если речь идет о конкретном веществе, находящемся в поле зрения говорящего.
The meat they were eating was tasty.— Мясо, которое они ели, было вкусным.
Fill in the gaps with the article the when necessary.
1. He said that there was ... butter,... sugar,... salt, and ... water in the cake.
2. “I’ve never seen ... snow,” he said.
3. ... snow round our house was dirty.
4. My friend doesn’t eat... meat.
5. Children should drink ... milk in the morning.
6. At what temperature does ... ice melt?
7. Pass me ... salt, please. There isn’t enough salt in ... soup.
Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.
Match the words and the translations.
1. grains (bread, pasta)
2. vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes)
3. fruit (oranges, strawberries)
4. meat (beef, pork)
5. fish
6. dairy products (milk, cheese, yoghurt)
7. fat and sugar
8. to skip meals
9. to feel full плохой запах изо рта
10. soda f. ^
11. at least _ ^ сахар
12. bad breath "
a") oвo^^‘' b) фрукты d) рыба
c) молочные продукты -'Г’Т
g) зерновые
h) no крайней мере j) МЯСО
i) испытывать ощущение сытости
-------- ^
к) пропускать еду
1) газированные напитки
?4 Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6
^ 5 ) Give more examples of dairy products, fat and sugar, meat, fish, ?
fruit, vegetables and grains. Use the words from the list. У
butter, eweetb, pork, chicken, sour cream, cheese, eggs, ham, cucumbers, carrots, yoghurt, cabbage, sausages, oil, beans, peas, bananas, salmon, mushrooms, onions, peppers, tuna fish
^ 6 J Work in groups. What would you like to know about eating better and a healthy lifestyle? Prepare some questions.
, 7 ) Emily and her friends want to know more about a healthy lifestyle. They asked Mr Small and Mr Foam some questions. Read the questions and try to answer them.
1. “Are juices really so good for me?”
2. “Do any of the weight-loss pills that are advertised actually work?”
3. “I hate physical activity, but 1 still want to lose a bit of weight. What should 1 do?”
4. “What activities burn calories?”
5. “How can I lose a lot of weight really fast?”
6. “Do I have to take multivitamins every day?”
7. “What do you mean by a “serving?”
^ 8 J Read the article on a healthy lifestyle and check your answers to Ex. 7. Which of your own questions were answered?
a) Physical activity is very important for a healthy lifestyle, and it's difficult to be fit if you don't do any. However, it's always better to do some exercise than none at all. Here are some simple tips for you.
Eat smaller portions
You don't have to give up all your favourite food, but you'll have to eat less bread, sugar and fat. Take a smafer plate and put less food on it. But don't skip meals. It won't do you any good. Don't eat less fruit and vegetables. They are always good for you.
Concentrate on your food
Don't read or watch TV when you eat. Put your knife and fork down and chew your food slowly and carefully. You'll feel full sooner and won't eat so much.
Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6 95
Have healthy snacks
Forget about high-fat, high-calorie snacks: cookies, potato chips and soda. Make your own sandwiches with meat and vegetables.
Drink water or juice instead of Coke and lemonade. Have an apple instead of a hot dog.
Drink a lot of water
Your body needs a lot of water. Drink at least two litres of water every day. Tea and coffee don't count!
Don't eat after 7 p.m.
Have your last meal at least two hours before you go to bed.
b) There are hundreds of adverts for wonder pills and magic drinks which promise to make you thin, but do they actually work? The answer is no. Most of them aren't safe either. If you take them, you can sometimes be putting your health in danger. They can cause headaches, ‘^5 high blood pressure and many other problems.
c) There is no magic diet plan to help you become thin. Anybody who promises you that is telling you a lie. You can go on a very strict
diet of fewer than 600 calories a day for a week or two and lose weight, but you won't be happy with the result. A diet like this will leave you feeling weak and give you headaches, bad breath and bad skin. When you finish it, the weight will come back quickly. You could even gain some excess weight. As a result you'll look and feel miserable.
d) It's not necessary to diet if you eat properly and make sure you have a lot
of vegetables and fruit every day. But if you live in a region where it's difficult to get them, you should take multivitamins.
e) Not all of them are. Some juices contain a lot of sugar, which is bad for your teeth. When you buy juice read the information on the box. There must be no added sugar in it. As an alternative just have an apple or a carrot. They are better for you than any juice.
f) Everything you do - smiling, talking, reading - burns calories. But if you want to be fit, you'll have to do more. Do some exercise in the morning or in the afternoon every day; ride a bicycle, go swimming or jogging, wash the floors in your home or walk the dog. Everything counts!
g) A serving is a small portion of food.
one serving of grains = one slice of bread or one spoonful of rice, cereal or pasta
one serving of fruit = one piece of any fruit
one serving of vegetables = one potato, two spoonfuls of corn
one serving of dairy products = one yoghurt, one piece of cheese
one serving of meat / fish = one small piece of meat or fish
Unit .3 Lessons 5, 6
., 9 ) Say if the following statements are true, false or there is no information in the article.
1. If you burn more calories, you lose more weight.
2. Everybody must take multivitamins every day.
3. Diets that arc too strict can make you fatter,
4. Only swimming and jogging can help you burn calories.
5. You can eat as many fruit and vegetables as you want.
6. Coffee is good for you.
7. You don't have to do exercise if you don’t eat too much.
8. Fruit is better than Juice.
9. Carrots are healthier than apples.
10. Diet pills sometimes work.
yl 0) Work in pairs. Information for A
Look at the activities. Think about the correct word for each of them. Ask your partner how many calories each activity burns and fill in the table.
Model: A: How many calories does an hour of reading burn?
B: It burns ten calories.
Activity Calories burned for 10 minutes of activity
Activity Calories burned for 10 minutes of activity
Unil 3 b.97
Information for В
Answer your partner's questions. The information is on this page.
Model: A: How many calories does an hour of reading burn?
B: It burns ten calories.
Activity Calories burned for 10 minutes of activity
1. 10
2. 38
3. 35
4. 22
5. 32
6. 30
7. 10
8. 10
9. 15
10. 26
II. 26
Activity Calories burned for 10 minutes of activity
12. 12
13. 56
14. 146
15. 90
16. 42
17. 43
18. 58
19. 35
20. 69
21. 98
22. 40
11) Are you eating the right food? How many servings a day of these things do you eat? Fill in the table with the information about yourself.
Types of food What you eat in a day A balanced diet
Meat / Fish
Dairy products
Fat and sugar
98 Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6
а) Listen to the speaker and find out how many servings of these things you should eat. Fill in the table.
Milk, yoghurt, cheese
Meat, fish, eggs
Bread, cereal, pasta, rice
Fat and sugar
b) Analyse your results. Use the following phrases and expressions. Conversation bricks
Talking about food
It’s OK.
It’s delicious.
I can’t stand it.
It’s disgusting.
It’s not enough.
I’m allergic to...
I’m a vegetarian.
It’s good for me.
I should eat more...
That’s too much.
I’ll have to be more careful with... I can gain weight if I eat too much.
Model: I should eat three servings a day of dairy products, but I don’t. It’s OK because I’m actually allergic to them.
, r.
Read what happened in the hospital when Emily and her friends were visiting Jane. Retell the story. Use reported speech.
In the room where Mr Small, Dr Foam and Mrs Bulmer were talking to the children, there were some really old people. Mr Small went up to one of them.
“I see that you’re a very old man,” he said.
“Yes, I am. I’m 90,” the old man replied.
“Could you give the children here some advice about a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle?” Mr Small asked.
“Sure. Follow my example. Don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t eat too much sugar or fat and drink lots of water.”
At that moment Dr Foam found another old man, who looked older than the first one. He was sitting in a wheelchair, but his eyes were merry and bright.
Ufiii 3 Lossons 5. 6 99
“How old are you, sir?” Dr Foam asked.
“I'm ninety-five,” the man replied.
“Can you tell us why you have lived so long?” Doctor Foam asked.
“It’s easy. I always do exercise, and I don’t smoke or drink. I spend a lot of lime in the open air and I’m a vegetarian.” Just then Mrs Bulmer decided to join in the conversation. She saw a very, very old man in the corner of the room. He had no teeth or hair and he couldn't see or hear very well, so she had to come very close to him. The children followed her.
“May I ask you a couple of questions, sir,” she shouted.
“Yes,” the old man whispered.
“Why have you lived so long, sir?” Mrs Bulmer asked.
“I don’t know,” the man replied.
“Tell us about your lifestyle,” Mrs Bulmer continued.
“OK, then. I smoke thirty cigarettes a day and drink a bottle of whisky every day. Sometimes I also have two bottles of beer. I never eat vegetables or fruit and I live on chocolate and cakes.”
“How old are you, sir?” Mr Bulmer exclaimed.
“I'm forty,” the “old” man replied.
Fill in the gaps with the article the when necessary.
a) “Is there enough... sugar in ... tea?” he said.
b) ... coffee she made was tasteless.
c) There was ... butter in the cake.
d) There was no ... meat or ... fish in ... soup.
e) I drink ... coffee without... milk.
f) ... juice 1 was drinking was very cold.
Letton 7
Don't forget your medical insurance
Когда вы рассказываете о чем-либо в косвенной речи, обращайте внимание на глаголы, вводящие косвенную речь. Необходимо использовать различные глаголы, употребляя их в соответствии с контекстом.
Глаголы, вводящие утвердительные предложения в косвеннуи) речь to admit — признавать
She said, ‘Чат wrong.** — Она сказала: “Я неправа”.
She admitted that she was wrong. — Она признала, что она неправа, to complain — жаловаться
She said, ‘4Jnfortunately, Vve gained weight. ** She complained that she had gained weight — Она пожаловалась, что набрала в весе.
00 Unit чЗ Lessons 6, 6 ond 7
to decide — решать
He said, “/ won V go with you. ” He decided not to go with them. — Он решил не ходить с ними.
to explain to smb that — объяснять кому-то, что-то Emily said to Jane, ''You get upset because you think that everybody is looking at you. ’’ Emily explained to Jane that she got upset because she thought that everybody was looking at her. — Эмили объяснила Джейн, что она рассгграивается, потому что думает, что вес смотрят на нее. to reply — отвечать
Jeff asked Bill, "Do you know this man? ’’ Bill said, "No, I don 7. ”
Jeff asked Bill if he knew that man. Bill replied that he didn’t.— Джеф спросил Билла, знает ли он этого человека. Билл ответил, что не знает, to warn — предупреждать
The doctor said to Molly, "Don 7 skip meals. It won 7 do you any good. ” The doctor warned Molly not to skip meals because it wouldn’t do her any good. "~ Доктор предупредил Молли, чтобы она не пренебрегала едой, потому что это не принесет ей никакой пользы, to inform — информировать
John’s teacher wrote to his parents, "Your son has been expelled from school.” John’s teacher informed his parents that their son had been expelled from school.”— Учитель Джона проинформировал его родителей, что их сын был исключен из школы, to advise — рекомендовать
The doctor said to Sabby, "You ’ll have to eat less bread and sugar. ”
The doctor advised Sabby to est less bread and sugar. — Доктор посоветовал Сэбби есть меньше хлеба и сахара.
Некоторые предложения целесообразнее нс переводить дословно в косвенную речь, а передавать их смысл с помощью следующих глаголов.
• to agree / disagree with somebody — соглашаться / не соглашаться с кем-либо
• to agree / refuse to do something — соглашаться / отказываться делать что-либо
• to accept (an offer, an invitation) — принимать (предложение, приглашение)
Alex said to his friend, "I won 7 go with you. ” — Алекс сказал другу:
"Я не пойду с тобой”.
Alex refused to go with his friend. — Алекс отказался пойти с другом.
Kate told her friend, "OK. Let’s invite Jane.” — Кэйт сказала подруге: ‘‘Хорошо. Давай пригласим Джейн”.
Kate agreed to invite Jane. — Кэйт согласилась пригласить Джейн.
3 Less(>n 7 101
[1 _) Express the same idea using reported speech and the verbs in brackets.
Model: “I have a headache,” the boy said, (complain) — The boy complained that he had a headache.
1. The doctor said, “You shouldn’t go out today.” (warn)
2. “Your son has had two detentions this week,” the teacher told the boy’s mother, (inform)
3. “I’ll go home,” the boy told himself, (decide)
4. “Yes, this dress is very nice,” the mother told her daughter, (agree)
5. “I won’t do it again,” said the girl, (promise)
6. “Kate started the fight,” Peter told his teacher, (complain)
7. My brother said, “1 won’t answer this question.” (refuse)
8. “It was my mistake,” the manager said, (admit)
9. “Phone your friend Robert,” the mother told her son. (advise)
10. The father'said to his daughter, “I agree with you.” (agree)
11. Melanie wrote to Ann, “I’ll come to your birthday party.” (accept)
\2 Emily and her friends were leaving the hospital when they saw Olga, Emily's
grandmother. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.
1. What has happened?
2. Who refused to take the friends to the hospital?
3. Did the friends agree with the decision?
4. Who went to the hospital?
Olga: What are you doing here, guys?
Emily: We’ve been visiting my friend Jane. And what about you. Grandma?
Olga; Oh, one of the doctors, whom I’ve known for ages, has just phoned me and asked for help.
Mark: What has happened?
Olga: A Russian lady and her son came to the hospital this morning. The boy is very ill, but he and his mother can’t explain anything. I have come to translate for them.
Misha: I can help too.
Rob: We’ll all go.
Olga: Thank you, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. I can’t take all of you with me.
Emily: Grandma is right. Let Misha go with her and we’ll wait here.
02 Unit 3 Lesion 7
13 The tourists from Russia told Misha their story. Look at the pictures and guess the meaning of the words.
• ‘'«Я01И страховой ПОЛИС
• ® r~ r—>Ап-вт11лгй}Н| fi .jRAKcg POt.
I medical insurance [
Read the story and find out what happened to Kolya.
What's wrong with you?
f You have a high temperature! Take V an aspirin.
Units Lesson 7 103
Му son has a high temperature. We need antibiotics.
But my son needs help!
I can't sell antibiotics without a prescription.
о to the doctor. He’ll examine your son and give you a prescription.
But it could be very expensive,
Do you have any medical insurance?
Yes, we had to get some to get the visa.
/^hat’s good. Contact your insurance company and they'll tell you what to do. But don’t wait too long. Your son’s life may be in danger.
Thank you very much for your advice.
Go to All Saints Hospital. We have told the hospital about your case.
Hello, we’re insured with this company. The insurance policy number is 324123. My son needs help. He has a high temperature and a headache.
104 Unii
5 ; Misha is helping the tourists from Russia tell their story to the doctors in the
hospital. Try to write the story in reported speech. Use the verbs from the list on page 100.
6 \ Listen to the story and check your version of it. In most cases more than one
version can be correct.
Read about what happened at the doctor's office
and then write dialogues for the pictures.
Model: The doctor asked Kolya where it hurt. Kolya replied that he had a headache and was feeling very weak.
1. He added that the boy would have to stay in bed for two days and take some medicine.
2. The doctor gave Lena a prescription for antibiotics and a nasal spray.Then the Russian tourists said goodbye and went to the drugstore.
3. The shop assistant took the prescription and warned Lena that the antibiotics and the nasal spray cost $180. Lena exclaimed that she didn’t have enough money, but the shop assistant advised her to phone the insurance company again.
4. The insurance company agreed to pay for the medicine and Lena thanked them for that.
5. In the end Lena decided that it had been a very good idea to get some medical insurance.
Kolya agreed.
8 What have you learned from this lesson? Are these statements true or false?
1. In America you can't buy any medicine without a prescription.
2. In America buying medicine without a prescription is more expensive.
3. Tourists should get medical insurance only if they need it to get a visa for a foreign country.
4. People should get medical insurance because it will help them if they get ill.
5. In America medicine is more expensive than in Russia.
A Read the story and rewrite it in reported speech. Answer why the first manager couldn't insure the man's life.
A young man went into an insurance office.
He wanted to get some life insurance. The manager of the company said to him “We’ll have to ask you a couple of questions.”
"That’s OK,” the young man answered. “I’m happy to answer your questions.”
“Did your parents have any illnesses?”
“Yes, actually. My mother was very unhealthy when she was a child, and she had problems with her health all her life.”
“And was your father healthy?” the manager asked.
“Not really, he had heart problems.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” the manager said quietly. “How old were they when they died?”
“Oh, they were still very young. My mother was thirty-five and my father was forty.”
The manager sighed. “Tm sorry, sir,” he said, “but I can’t give you any life insurance.”
When the man was leaving the office, another manager came up to him. “You mustn't be so honest with people,” he smiled. “Next time use your imagination and make something up.”
The young man went to another insurance company. The manager immediately asked him “Did your parents have any illnesses?” and “How old were they when they died?” But this time the young man was ready with an answer.
“My mother was very keen on sports. She died when she was ninety because she fell off her bike. My father was ninety-nine and died while he was playing football. He had missed the ball and was very upset about it.”
The manager gave a big smile. “We must give you some life insurance right away, sir!” he said.
В Be ready to retell the story.
C Turn the following sentences into reported speech. Use ask, advise, agree, refuse, comp/o/n, promise.
1. “Don’t phone Liz now,” he said.
2. “Will you help me?” she asked. “Never,” he said.
106 ; )nit \\ Irsson /
3. ‘‘Would you like some juice?” Bill asked. “Yes, please,” Lisa said.
4. “May I give you some advice?” he said to the woman.
5. “I have a toothache,” the girl cried.
6. “Of course Г11 lend you the money,” her brother said to her.
7. “Г11 do my best to come back by 10 o’clock,” Wendy said to her mother.
D Translate the sentences into English.
1. Нам предложили помощь.
2. Он отказался идти на вечеринку.
3. Мы посоветовали им позвонить врачу.
4. Продавец отказался продать лекарство без рецепта.
5. Она обещала послать телеграмму вечером.
6. Она согласилась встретить его.
7. Они не приняли нашего приглашения.
8. Она пожаловалась, что у сына высокая температура.
9. Друзья не советовали ей ехать в Египет летом.
Lessons 8/9
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson
^ J Listen to the words and expressions and
to make smb pay taxes — заставлять кого-либо платить налоги to afford to do smth — позволять себе делать что-либо to boycott — бойкотировать **No taxation without representation*' — “Нет налогам без представительства” deadline — крайний срок to climb smth — взбираться куда-либо
to empty smth — высыпать что-либо
Bostonians — жители Бостона Boston Tea Party — “Бостонское чаепитие”
to separate — отделяться to retire — уходить на пенсию an estate — поместье
repeat them after the speaker.
Mount Vernon — Маунт-Вернон to break out — разразиться to take part in smth — участвовать в чем-либо
badly trained — плохо обученный experienced — опытный an effort — усилие in vain — напрасно although — хотя authority — авторитет to ignore smb / smth — игнорировать кого-либо / что-либо to preside — председательствовать
to work out •— разрабатывать completely — совершенно to set up smth — основывать что-либо
Unit 3 Lessons 7 ond 8, 9 107
Emily's friends asked her mother to tell them everything she knows about George Washington. Read the text and do the task of Ex. 3.
George Washington was the first President of the USA.
He was born on 22 February 1732 into the family of a rich Virginia landowner. In his early twenties, Washington took part in the war which the British Empire was fighting against France for the new territories in America. This was later called the French and Indian War. Washington fought bravely, but he didn't stay in the British army. He was very unhappy about how badly the American officers were being treated by the British generals.
In 1765 the British government decided to make the Americans pay taxes, but they forgot about the independent spirit of the colonists, whose ancestors had travelled across the ocean to find liberty and independence. Although the tax wasn't high and the colonists could afford to pay it easily, they were angry when they heard about the new law. The colonies were not even represented in the British Parliament, so nobody asked their opinion about the new taxes. The Americans then decided to boycott British goods. “No taxation without representation” were the words repeated by all the Americans.
So a war between Great Britain and its American colonies was about to start, but nobody could ever imagine that it would all begin over tea.
It happened in 1773 when British ships loaded with tea and guarded by warships came into Boston Harbour. The tea had to be unloaded and the tax on it had to be paid by midnight on December 16, 1773. The Bostonians
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decided that they were not going to accept the tea and were not going to pay the tax on it. At night, just before the deadline, the colonists dressed as Indians quietly climbed up into the ships. They opened the boxes of tea and emptied them all into the harbour. They called this the Boston Tea Party, and it became the first in a line of events that led America to separate finally from the British Empire.
At that time Washington, who had retired from the army, was enjoying a peaceful life as a landowner on his family’s estate near Mount Vernon. But this peaceful life didn’t last long because the Revolutionary War with Great Britain broke out soon after the Boston Tea Party. As a leader of Virginia’s opposition to British colonial policies,
Washington took an active part in the First and the Second Continental Congresses in 1774 and 1775-1776. At that time the Congress was a kind of American government which consisted of delegates from all of the thirteen colonies. The Second Congress chose Washington as head of the colonists’ army. Washington found himself with a force of 14,000 badly trained men, who
had no discipline and quickly lost their morale when things went wrong. But their leader didn’t lose hope; he decided to train his army and took advice from more experienced generals. His efforts were not in vain; in 1781 America won a six-year-long war and in 1783 peace with Great Britain was signed.
Although the victory made George Washington a national hero, he dreamed about getting back to his farm in Mount Vernon. However, his authority was badly needed again when the young country was faced with new problems after the war. The independent states disagreed on many questions, and wanted to have their own laws and make their own decisions. The Congress was so weak that it was ignored both at home and abroad. It was clear that America needed a stronger central government.
In 1787 Congress asked each state to send delegates to a “constitutional convention” to discuss the situation. Washington presided over the convention, and the delegates worked out a completely new system of government. They called this system the Constitution of the United States. In 1789 when it came to choosing the head of state, everybody voted for Washington.
As the first President, Washington had to make a lot of important decisions for the first time. Washington set up a lot of political institutions, decided
7 109
on where to have the American capital, which was given his name, and ordered the building of the White House, the home of all American presidents ever since. For all the great things that he did Americans call him “the Father of our Country”.
Correct the mistakes in Washington's biography.
1. 22 February 1732 — Washington was bom into a very poor family.
2.1765 — The British government decided to make the Americans pay taxes.
3.1773 “ Washington took part in the Boston Tea Party.
4. 1774 — Washington represented the state of Virginia in the First Continental Congress.
5. 1774 — Washington was chosen to be the head of the British army.
6.1775-1776 — Washington lead a peaceful life on his estate.
7. 1781 — America won the war against Spain.
8.1983 — Peace with Great Britain was signed.
9. 1787 — Washington took part in a “constitutional convention”.
10.1789 — Washington was elected President of the USA.
Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker.
Thomas Jefferson [.tnmas 'cfeefassn] — Томас Джефферсон court [ko:t| — суд an alliance [s'laians] — союз a figure [’figs] •— цифра to lock up — запирать a study — кабинет
110 Unil 3 Lessons 8,9
I ’«
5 ‘ Read the text and be ready to answer the questions of Ex. 6.
Thomas Jefferson was born in Virginia, on 13 April 1743. His father, Peter Jefferson, and his mother, Jane Randolph, both came from the most respected Virginian families. Young Thomas had a very good education, and he read law in the College of William and Mary. He was 25 when he was elected to the House of Burgesses, the first elected legislative assembly in the New World. Jefferson was greatly respected for his writing talent, though he was never a good speaker. At the same time Jefferson started a successful career as a professional lawyer and practised until 1774, when the courts were closed by the American Revolution.
But as you may know this was not the end of his political career; much later Thomas Jefferson was to become the third President of the USA. How did it happen? Let me tell you. From the beginning of the American War with the mother country, Jefferson stood with the most radical of the patriots. In 1775 he was chosen as a delegate from Virginia to the Second Continental C'ongress.
In 1776 the Congress decided that no further alliance with Great Britain was possible, and America had to become an independent country. Thomas Jefferson was chosen to write the official document which would inform the British king and the world about the decision of the Congress. Those of you who are good with figures have probably already realized that at that time Jefferson was only thirty-three years old.
Jefferson locked himself up in his study and started to write. He was always a good writer and soon the draft of the document was ready. It took him only 17 days. In this document Jefferson expressed the ideas of freedom which
were very dear to him. He wrote that all men have the same rights. Regardless of birth, wealth, or status everybody had the right to life, freedom and happiness. He also thought that the government is the servant, not the master, of human beings and that governments were created by people in order to protect their rights.
The Congress read Jefferson's document and, after some changes were made, it was signed by all the delegates from the thirteen colonies on July 4, 1776. The document was called the Declaration of Independence. That's how it started...
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1 1 1
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
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"We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are
endowed by their Creator with certainrights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
The Declaration of Independence became one of the most important documents for America because it declared American independence from Great Britain and actually started its history as a nation. In memory of this every year Americans celebrate July 4 as Independence Day.
The Declaration made Jefferson extremely popular, but he wanted to spend more time with his family and try to do more for his own state, so he left
Congress and returned to Virginia, where three years later he was chosen as governor. All in all, Jefferson served the state of Virginia and his country for more than forty years. He was a US minister to France, Secretary of State under George Washington, Vice-President, and then President of the United States from 1801 to 1809. Jefferson doubled the size of his country when he bought the huge territory of Louisiana from France.
The inscription on Jefferson’s tombstone, which he wrote himself, doesn’t say anything about all of this. It reads that Thomas Jefferson was '‘author of the Declaration of American Independence, author of the State of Virginia for religious freedom, and Father of the University of Virginia” and, as Jefferson wanted it, “not a word more.”
112 Unit 3 L ssons 8, 9
Answer the questions.
1. What is the Declaration of Independence? '
2. How long did it take Jefferson to write it?
3. When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
4. What was Washington doing when the Declaration of Independence was signed?
5. What posts did Jefferson occupy during his lifetime?
6. What was Jefferson himself proud of?
Match Jefferson's ideas with the exact words from the Declaration of Independence.
• All men have the same rights.
• Governments are created by people in order to protect their rights.
• Regardless of birth, wealth, or status everybody has the right for life, freedom and happiness.
• The government is the servant, not the master, of human beings.
Read through the texts about Jefferson and Washington and find the paragraphs which describe the same events.
Read what the friends are talking about in the conversation and answer the questions.
1. Are the friends going to look for information about Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt?
2. Where do the friends hope to find the treasure?
3. What did the friends decide to do? ,
4. Who was against the plan? Why?
Misha: That’s a lot of information. And so far we’ve only learnt about Washington and Jefferson.
Emily: I don’t think that Robin MaeWizard knew very much about them himself.
Mark: I agree with you. We must find a simpler answer.
Emily: What did you say? Of course! How could I be so stupid? There’s a very simple answer. All the presidents lived in Washington in their official residence, which is called the White House.
Misha: You’re right! I heard that every American president has lived there We must go to Washington.
Mark: I’m not so sure about that. In his note Robin only wrote about four presidents, not about ALL of them.
Unit 3 Lessons 8, 9 11
Rob: Don’t be such a bore, Mark. We have to check every idea.
Emily: And look. Now the meaning of the picture is clear: there is a big
letter “W” written here. It means Washington or the White House. Fm sure we’re on the right track.
Misha: Yes, but Washington isn’t just round the corner.
Emily: It’s not so far away. If Grandma Olga agrees to take us by car, we should be there in less than six hours. I’ll go and talk to her and you pack your things, guys. We should hurry up.
A Choose the correct answer.
1. The Boston Tea Party is
a) a party that the British king organised for his American friends.
b) a welcome party that the Bostonians organised for some important British politicians, c) the night when the Bostonians threw boxes of tea in the water as protest against British taxes.
2. The War of Independence was the war between
a) the Americans and Indians, b) the Americans and Great Britain.
c) the Americans and Great Britain on one side and France on the other.
3. The reason for the war was that
a) the Americans wanted to get new territories, b) the Americans didn’t want to pay taxes, c) the black slaves in America wanted freedom.
4. The Constitution is
a) the document which made America an independent country.
b) the document which describes how the American government should function, c) the name of a new American capital.
5. The Declaration of Independence is
a) the document which made America a democratic country.
b) the document which made George Washington the President of the USA. c) the document in which the USA declared their independence from Great Britain.
В Read the text about Thomas Jefferson again and write his short biography.
Use extra information sources if you want to.
C Write a short biography of any famous Russian politician or tsar.
Use any source of information that is available to you.
14 I 9
active vocob clary
to diet
to come out to feel guilty to have excess weight to gain weight to lose weight to have low / high self-esteem
physical activity to bum calories convenience food balanced diet fast food restaurant to contain energy to contain fat to do exercise
to skip meals to feel full soda It’s OK.
It’s delicious.
1 can’t stand it.
It’s disgusting.
It’s not enough.
I’m allergic to...
I’m a vegetarian. It’s good for me.
I should eat more... That’s too much.
I’ll have to be more careful with...
I can gain weight if I eat too much of.
to admit to complain to explain to reply to warn to add to exclaim prescription medical insurance drugstore
Unit 3 Lessons 8,9 115
if understond you^
One day they'll be proud of me
Сложное дополнение / Complex object
Сложное дополнение — это конструкция, выполняющая в предложении функцию члена предложения — дополнения. Сложное дополнение состоит из существительного в именительном падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже, за которыми следует инфинитив.
Существительное / Местоимение + инфинитив
Существительное или местоимение выражает лицо, которое совершает действие, выраженное инфинитивом.
В предложении “His mother wants Peter to help her in the garden.” дополнением к глаголу want является сочетание Peter to help, состоящее из существительного Peter и инфинитива to help.
His mother wants him to help her in the garden. (Сложное дополнение сосп оит из местоимения him и инфинитива to help.)
На русский язык сложное дополнение переводится придаточными изъяснительными предложениями, которые вводятся союзами что, чтобы, как.
His mother wants Peter to help her in the garden. — Мама хочет, чтобы Питер помог ей в саду.
Местоимение в объектном падеже переводится на русский язык местоимением в именительном падеже.
/ want him to translate this text. — Я хочу, чтобы он перевел этот текст.
Сложное дополнение употребляется после глаголов, выражающих желание:
• to want — / want you to learn English. — Я хочу, чтобы ты изучал английский.
• to expect — I expect her to come on time. — Я ожидаю (надеюсь), что она придет вовремя.
• to like в сочетании с would — Не would like us to read this book. — Он хотел бы, чтобы мы прочитали эту книгу.
Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. We expect them to come at 5 o’clock.
2. Mike doesn’t want Helen to explain anything.
3. I didn’t want my sister to phone him.
4. Mum would like me to become a doctor.
5. My friends don’t want my sister to go out with us.
6. Do they expect him to arrive soon?
7. What do you want us to do?
8. I would like you not to invite Boris to the party.
2 Express the same idea using the complex object.
1. I want (he) to be my friend.
2. They would like (we) to learn English.
3. They expected (she) to arrive at 6 p.m,
4. She doesn’t want (her daughter) to come home late.
5. Tom expects (I) to write a letter every week.
6. Our parents want (we) to be friends.
7. I’d like (you) to offer him help.
8.1 don’t want (she) to read the letter.
f 3 Make your own sentences from the words below. Then translate them into Russian.
1. want / me / to pay by card / shop assistant
2. her mother / Alice / to try a dress on / would like
3. not to come so late / her parents / want / Ann
4. they/ Jack / to invite them to their house / expect
5. our teacher / us / expect / to make a report
6. her brother / Jane / to start dieting / not want
7. a guide / her / to pay attention to the picture / would like
8. our parents / my sister / expect / to go to university
[4^ Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. Which of these expressions are considered typical expressions used by teenagers?
to pay attention to smb / smth — обращать внимание на кого-либо / что-либо
to behave [bi'herv] — вести себя behaviour [bi'heivjo] — поведение to obey smb / smth — слушаться кого-либо, выполнять что-либо to embarrass smb [im'baerosl — приводить кого-либо в замешательство
to treat smb like a child — относиться к кому-либо, как к ребенку to grow up — вырастать, становиться взрослым to get mad with smb — сердиться на кого-либо
to nag smb — пилить кого-либо to drive smb mad — сводить кого-либо с ума
to do chores (tfoisj — делать работу по дому
relationship [riTeiJsnJip] — взаимоотношения pocket money — карманные деньги
No matter how much I object.— Как бы я не возражал.
1 couldn’t care less.— Мне все равно.
They don’t understand a thing.— Они ничего не понимают.
Unit А Lessons 1,2 117
fs~} Use the phrases from the list and say:
1. What do parents want their children to do?
2. What don’t parents want their children to do?
Model: Parents usually want their children to behave well.
1. What do children want their parents to do?
2. What don’t children want their parents to do?
Model: Children want their parents to give them more pocket money.
f 6') a) Read the list of problems that teenagers may have with their parents.
b) Emily's younger brother, John, has similar problems with their parents. He has written a song about it and is singing it to Misha, Mark and Rob. Listen to the song and tick all the problems that John mentions.
1. Parents make their chiUren do chores.
2. Parents nag their children.
3. Parents don’t give their children any pocket money.
4. Parents control their children.
5. Parents let their children down.
6. Parents don’t understand their children.
7. Parents don’t respect their children.
S>. Parents don’t trust their children.
9. Parents check that their children have done their homework.
10. Parents don’t let their children decide who they should be.
11. Parents hate their children’s girlfriends / boyfriends.
12. Parents don’t like their children’s ■'^riends.
13. Parents always want to know what’s going on in their children’s life.
14. Parents don’t like their children’s music.
15. Parents don’t pay attention to their children.
16. Parents punish their children for everything.
[ 7~) Read the song and answer the questions.
1. What problems does John have with his parents?
2. What is John fed up with?
3. What problems do John’s parents have with him?
4. Docs John understand his own faults?
5. What things does John say are the most important in his relationship with his parents?
18 Unii -5 Lessens 1,2
Well my parents are fine, I can’t complain.
But there are things that they’ll have to explain.
They can’t stand my music, my clothes and my mates. And they nag me for days if I come home late.
But when I say that I’ve grown up and need my space. They don’t listen. They just make a clever face.
They control me no matter how much I object.
They don’t understand a thing about respect.
My parents are choosing who I should be.
But why don’t they leave the decision to me?
They never forget to say what they expect,
But what about friendship, trust and respect?
And then they talk about my future and success,
I don’t listen because I couldn’t care less.
I upset them because I always disobey.
But I hope they will be proud of me one day
I’m quite cool, my parents shouldn’t complain.
But there are things that I’ll have to explain.
I get on their nerves and I drive them mad.
So now is the time to say sorry for that.
But then they talk about my future and success,
I don’t listen because I couldn’t care less.
I upset them because I always disobey.
But I hope they will be proud of me one day.
• • *
A Express some of the ideas from the song in your own words.
Use the words and phrases.
Model: John admits that his parents are cool, but he would like them to explain some things.
1. John would like his parents / wants them / expects his parents ....
2. John wouldn’t like his parents / doesn’t want his parents / doesn’t expect his parents ....
3. John’s parents would like him / want him / expect him / make him / let him_
4. John’s parents wouldn’t like him / don’t want him / don’t expect him / don’t let him ....
5. John refuses / hopes / admits / complains / agrees / thinks
Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 119
в What are the people in the pictures saying to each other? Use the following phrases to write short dialogues.
1. You’re driving me mad!
2. I’d like you to go to university when you finish school!
3. Why have you locked the door again?
4. That music is getting on my nerves.
5. Have you done all your chores? @ Г
a) Can’t 1 decide for myself/
b) Please don’t nag me, Mum.
c) Will you give me some pocket money this week?
d) But we need to have some fun!
e) Leave me alone. 1 need my space.
C What problems do you have with your parents?
120 Unrt 4 L 2
Lessons 3,4
What do his parents want him to do?
Употребление сложного дополнения после глаголов to moke (заставлять) и fo let (позволять)
• ->
После этих глаголов инфинитив употребляется без частицы /о*
She makes her son clean his room every day, — Она заставляет сына убирать комнату каждый день.
Don*t let your daughter come home late.— He позволяйте Вашей дочери приходить поздно.
Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Don’t let him come to our house again.
2. She made her son tell the truth.
3.1 let her talk for about ten minutes.
4. You can’t make me obey you!
5. The father didn’t let his son drive his car.
6. “Will you let me say something now?” I asked.
7. She made him promise to come back.
Use the complex object with or without to.
1. We expect you... come to his birthday.
2. She made him... promise to give the picture to her.
3. The teacher wanted me... read this book.
4. Who made your brother... do it?
5. I wouldn’t like my friends... see me now.
6. Don’t let them... upset you so much.
Translate the sentences into English.
1. Мои родители хотят, чтобы я стал врачом.
2. Нина хочет, чтобы сын ее слушался.
3. Они не хотели, чтобы он узнал об этом.
4. Она не позволяет дочери приходить домой поздно.
5. Никто не заставлял его делать это.
6. Позвольте мне задать вопрос.
7. Я ожидала, что они приедут сегодня.
8. Лиз хотела, чтобы Майк встретил ее.
9. Сергей хотел, чтобы его друзья поняли его.
10. Вы хотите, чтобы я позвонил ей?
Unit 4 lesi&ons Э, 4 121
Listen to the conversation of Ex. 5 and say what's happened to John.
Choose from the following.
1. John can’t go out because his parents are very strict. They don’t respect his freedom and they make him stay at home.
2. John used to go out a lot, but he can’t now because he didn’t warn his parents that he would be late, so they don’t trust him anymore.
3. John can go to the disco only if he does all the chores and helps his parents do some housework.
Read the conversation for detail.
What happened here yesterday? Your brother John and your parents aren’t talking to each other.
John wanted to go to the disco again.
What's wrong with that?
It’s a long story. John is going to be fifteen this year and our parents used to let him go to the disco with his friends. Everything was OK until a month ago: John always came back on time and everybody was happy. A month ago John went to the disco as usual and promised to be home at ten o’clock. When he didn’t come at ten, our parents expected him to phone and tell them what was going on, but he didn’t phone. That night he came home at midnight and our parents were very upset. After that night they warned John not to do it again and our parents let him go back to the disco. But then he was late again and once again he didn’t phone. A couple of days later John’s teacher asked our parents to come to the school. He told Mom and Dad that John had been getting a lot of bad marks in the last few months. Our parents wanted John to explain everything and asked him a lot of questions, but he refused to answer them. Since then our parents haven’t let him go out, and every Friday when his friends go to the disco and have fun, he has to stay at home and watch TV.
That’s really not fair!
They make a fifteen-year-old stay at home! They don’t have much respect for him!
I don’t agree with you. John’s parents trusted him and he let them down. It’s his own fault.
122 Unit 4 Lessons 3, 4
[б^ Who is saying these words? Replace the pronouns with the correct speakers.
1. They used to let him go to the disco with his friends.
2. They expected him to phone and warn them that he would be late.
3. They let him go to the disco again.
4. He told them that that John had been getting a lot of bad marks in the last few months.
5. They wanted him to explain his behaviour.
6. Since then our parents haven’t let him go out.
[7^ Reread the conversation and find all the sentences with the complex object.
|8j What do you think? Choose the correct answers. Discuss and support your position with sentences from the dialogue in Ex. 5 and from your own experience.
1. John’s parents and John aren’t talking to each other because
a) his parents are angry with John, b) his parents didn’t let John go to the disco, c) his parents don’t understand John.
2. John’s parents were upset because
a) John came home late, b) John went to the disco, c) John hadn’t phoned.
3. John’s parents don’t let John go to the disco anymore because
a) he has come home late twice, b) he had been getting bad marks in th< last few months, c) they can’t trust him anymore.
4. John doesn’t want to explain anything because
a) he thinks that his parents won’t understand him. b) he thinks that his parents won’t like his explanation, c) he thinks that his parents don’t respect him.
How to build words________________________________________________________
What are the most important things for you in your relationship with your parents?
Form the necessary nouns from these words. Use the suffixes: -ship, -ness, -ment, -hood, -ing, -dom, -ment or conversion.
friend, wise, happy, trust, kind, understand, help, love, free, fair, agree, close, forgive, polite
Unit 4 Lessons 3,4 12
The verbs to make and to do
Match the expressions with the translations. Which two expressions have the same meaning?
1. to make up one’s mind
2. to make progress
3. to make friends
4. to make a report
5. to make noise
6. to make a decision
7. to make money
8. to make a mistake
9. to do somebody a favour
10. to do a course
11. to do housework, chores
12. to do homework
13. to do sports
14. to do some shopping
15. to do some cooking
a) делать доклад
b) делать успехи
c) зарабатывать деньги
d) подружиться
e) шуметь
f) принять решение
g) сделать ошибку
h) принять решение
i) делать кому-то одолжение
j) учиться
k) готовить
l) делать работу по дому
т) делать домашнюю работу п) заниматься спортом о) делать покупки
Fill in the gaps. Use the correct form of make or do.
1. I’m busy. Tomorrow I’m going to ... a report.
2. Why are you ... so much noise? What’s the matter?
3. What does she ...? She is a doctor.
4. Kate must... up her mind quickly. The train is leaving.
5. Do you ... any sports? Yes, I ... aerobics. And you?
6. Have you ... your homework? — Not yet.
7. Could you ... me a favour and ... the shopping for me?
8. I have ... the same mistake again. Mom is going to nag me for a week!
Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1. Почему Вы решили помочь им?
2. “Чем он занимается?” — “Он программист”.
3. “Вы можете оказать мне услугу?” — “Да, конечно”.
4. Он заставил свою дочь сделать домашнюю работу.
5. Никто не мог заставить ее заниматься спортом.
6. Если он не будет делать домашнюю работу, он сделает много ошибок в тексте.
7. Если вы хотите много зарабатывать, вы должны много работать.
8. Он делает успехи в математике.
9. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы Вы сделали доклад на эту тему.
124 UnitLessonb 3/4
A Answer the questions about the dialogue from Ex. 5.
1. Where did John use to go with his friends?
2. John used to come back on lime, didn't he?
3. What did his parents expect him to do when he didn't come back on time?
4. What did John's teacher tell his parents?
5. What did John's parents expect him to do?
В Translate the sentences into English.'
1. Мне не хотелось бы, чтобы его родители узнали об этом.
2. Они ожидали, что он позвонит.
3. Родители хотят, чтобы их сын приходил домой вовремя.
4. Она заставила сына принять аспирин.
5. Она заставила свою подругу сказать правду.
6. Наши друзья хотят, чтобы мы пошли в кино с ними.
7. Она не ожидала, что они приедут во вторник.
8. Мэри не хотела бы, чтобы ее дочь похудела.
С Write sentences with the words below. Use the complex object and make any changes necessary. More than one version is possible.
Model: You, I, would like, come back early. — I would like you to come Ьш early. You would like me to come back early.
1. I, write a letter, they, expect
2. he, want, I, become a teacher
3. he, made, we, buy, a dress
4. they, would like, Andy, play for their team
5. we, not want, he, sing
D Complete the sentences. Use make or do.
1. She ... up her mind to become a teacher.
2. He has ... a lot of mistakes in his test.
3. I always ... my homework in the evening.
4. Who ... the housework in your family?
5. Jeff... friends with her son two years ago.
6. Finally, she ... him tell the truth.
7. Will you ... me a favour and invite my friend to the party?
8. Has he ... any progress in Maths?
Follow fhe flow chart and find out more about your relationship with your father. Is he like Carlson who lives on the roof, Gena the crocodile or Matroskin the cat? See your results on page 134.
. i.
Does he like your best friend?
Would you like him to celebrate your birthday with you and your friends?
12 ™
Does he spend most of his time at the office?
I Does he nag you ■ often?
Is he a good listener?
Ш ж
Does he make you laugh?
Did he use to tell you stories when you were younger?
Does he play football with the boys from the neighbourhood?
Does he ever get in trouble with Mum?
Does he like to wear casual clothes?
Does he often say that he's very busy right now?
Can he help you with your homework?
Is he very clever?
Does he give you a lot of pocket money?
Does he like to watch TV?
■- / V
s-л ^
Does he wear suits?
18 ' Does he like to do exercise and keep fit?
Does he listen to the same music as you?
Has he ever
126 I luif .'1 .pqei .iiv M 4
Lessons 5, 6
Do your parents understand you?
168 Units Lessons6 ond 7
Listen to the story, read it and match the paragraphs with the titles.
a) Harry's unhappy childhood
b) Hogwarts School, its rules and traditions
c) Harry Potter becomes a hero
d) Harry's first year at Hogwarts
e) Harry Potter is the most famous wizard in the world
f) Muggles and wizards
Misha: I've heard a lot about Harry Potter, but I haven’t read the books or seen the films. Could you tell me what the film is about?
Mark: There are actually five films. They’re based on J. K. Rowling’s book “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone”, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,” “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,” “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” and “Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix.” You'd be able to understand any of them if you know the plot of the first one. So let me start with that.
1. Harry Potter is an orphan. His parents, Lily and James Potter, were killed when he was a vear old. Their killer was the dark wizard Lord
¥ 4
Voldemort. Voldemort tried to kill Harry as well, but something happened and Voldemort’s attack didn’t kill him. Instead, Lord Voldemort was hurt himself. Harry got a scar on his forehead and Voldemort disappeared. At that time Voldemort was the most powerful wizard, and everybody was afraid of him. Other wizards didn’t want to say his name and called him “You-Know-Who”. When he disappeared, the whole wizard world celebrated, and Harry became a hero.
2. But Harry had to have a normal childhood, so he went to live with the family of his mother’s sister: the Dursleys. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon hated the wizards and were terribly afraid of them. They made Harry’s life very unhappy. He lived in a small cupboard, didn't get enough food and never heard a kind word from his relatives. His cousin Dudley bullied Harry and beat him up. But worst of all, Harry didn’t know anything about his parents. Aunt Petunia told him only that his parents had been killed in a car accident.
That all changed when a letter arrived one day inviting Harry to study at Hogwarts School of Wizardry. On his eleventh birthday Harry got the most wonderful present: he found out that he was a wizard and was really famous. The whole wizard world knew that Harry had made the evil Lord Voldemort go away.
Unit 5 Lesson 7 16
3, Harry had to learn a lot about being a wizard. Wizards live near
ordinary people, but they protect themselves and their world carefully. An ordinary person is called a muggle (anybody who can’t do magic). Magic can’t be done in front of muggles, and most of the wizards live inside magical areas that are invisible to muggles.
They have their own shopping street called Diagon Alley, where wizards buy their broomsticks, cauldrons, wands and books of spells. They have their cafes and pubs, where they eat magic food and drink magic alcohol.They have their own banks, where goblins look after their magic money: knuts made of copper, sickles made of silver and galleons made of gold.
4. Harry goes to Hogwarts School. Hogwarts is a boarding school and Harry spends the whole year there. With its high towers, secret chambers, talking portraits and moving stairs, it is a very special place . No muggle can see it and muggle technology doesn't even work there. Hogwarts teachers are very good wizards and the most powerful of them is the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. He is the only wizard who wasn’t afraid of Lord Voldemort. In fact. Lord Voldemort studied at Hogwarts himself and was Dumbledore’s student. When children come to the school, a magic hat, which can see into the heart of every child, sends them to different school houses. There are four houses in the school. Children who have a brave, true heart go to Gryffindor. Those who are kind and hard-working go to Hufflepuff. Anyone who is intelligent and loves to learn goes to Ravenclaw, and someone who is cunning and always gets what he wants goes to Slytherin. A lot of dark wizards came from Slytherin.
All the people from one house live and study together. Each house has its own head (the main teacher), sports team and leaders. People from one house aren't always good friends with people from other houses. The houses compete with each other and at the end of the year the best house wins the school cup. If somebody is late or is rude to a teacher, they lose points for their house. There are the usual school punishments too: sometimes students get detention or have to do lines.
5. During his first year at school Harry studies magic subjects and makes friends and enemies. His best friends are Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Harry is happy with his new life: every day he finds that he has more and more talents. He is clever, a very good student and
Unit 5 Lesson 7
also good at sport. He plays Quidditch, the magic wizard sport that is played in the air on broomsticks. With Harry’s help, his house wins some very important games. But Harry’s adventures aren’t over: the evil ‘‘You Know Who” isn’t dead. He is trying to come back to the world, and he isn’t alone. Somebody at Hogwarts is helping him.
A very important magic object, the Philosopher’s Stone, is hidden at Hogwarts. With the help of this stone anybody can produce the Elixir of Life which makes the drinker immortal. If Voldemort gets the Philosopher's Stone, he will come back forever. Voldemort’s secret friend is trying to get to the stone.
Harry and his friends think that they know the name of their enem;
6. The first film was a successful debut of young British actors:
Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Emma Watson as Hermione and Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley. However, all the actors and actresses who played the roles of the adults are well-known stars.
. Л
Read part 1 for detail and put the events in the correct order.
1. Harry became a hero.
2. Harry lived with his parents, Lily and James.
3. Lord Voldemort disappeared.
4. Lord Voldemort tried to kill Harry.
5. Lord Voldemort killed Harry’s parents.
Read part 2 for detail and say what Harry's childhood was like. Talk about all the problems he had.
5 J Read part 3. Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences.
1. There are wizards and there are...
2. ...carefully protect their world from muggles.
3. The wizards’ main shopping street is called...
4. There they can buy...
5. The wizards keep their money in...
6. The magic money is called...
7. The most valuable money is... because it’s made of...
8. The wizards’ school is called...
9. The headmaster’s name is...
10. ...used to study at Hogwarts too.
Unit 5 Lesson 7
Read part 4 and match the names of the school houses with their symbols. Explain your opinion.
Which houses will these people go to?
I’m ambitious and always get what I want.
I work hard, but I don’t always win.
I love books most of all.
My friends are good fun, ' but they don’t matter. ^
f My friends are very important to me. I’d never let them down.
^ I’m not afraid of anything.
If somebody needs a hand, V^ril be there.__________
8 Which houses could Misha, Rob, Mark and Emily go to? Why?
^ 9 J What things are the same at Hogwarts and at English schools?
Model: Hogwarts is a boarding school and there are boarding schools in England.
■3. Й"5'
Find similarities and differences between Hogwarts and your own school.
Read part 5 and answer the questions. ^
1. Who were Harry’s best friends?
2. How is Quidditch played?
3. Why is the book called “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”?
4. How could the “philosopher’s stone” be used?
5. Why did Voldemort need the stone?
Homework у
>i H'/...
A }Get ready for a film project: write a review of your favourite film. Illustrate It with pictures and photos.
172 Unit 5 Lesson 7
Project "Start a film review club"
[Vj Tell your classmates about your favourite film, the plot, actors, director and history. Illustrate your story with pictures and photos.
After you finish your presentation, leave your review for the members of the club to read and assess.
^ 2 J Each review is assessed by the members of the club. Use these questions to help you.
1. Was the review interesting or boring?
2. Did it make people who haven’t seen the film want to watch it?
3. Is it helpful for someone who hasn’t seen the film yet?
4. Do you agree with the review (if you have seen the film)?
The history of the American flag
uj Listen to the conversation and say if the friends are going to find the treasure in California.
, 2 ) Read the conversation for detail.
Jack: What would you like to do today, my friends?
Let’s go to “the hills that shine with gold”.
What do you mean?
I mean the Hollywood Hills.
But what do you want to see there? The famous Hollywood sign is much better seen from a distance and there’s ^really nothing else there. There are only houses...
But what about the white horse? Is there a white horse there?
No, I’ve never heard about anything like that. \
But there are sure to be some secret caves in the htUs.. . — --
Not that I know of. You see there are so many houses in this area, so there aren’t so many secret places left.
Oh, no. So we’ve travelled so far in vain.
I told you before we left, but nobody wanted to listen.
Has anybody got any more ideas?
No, I think that’s it. We’re not clever enough to solve Robin MacWizard’s mystery.
What is it you’re talking about?
Let’s tell him, everyone. It’s not important anymore.
fJnit 5 Lessons 8 and 9 173
Rob: A long time ago my ancestor hid a treasure somewhere. He left us some clues because he wanted it to be found one day, but we don’t understand them. I think that we didn’t manage to understand the clues because we don’t know American history well enough.
Jack: Maybe I can help you. If you want to tell me the clues.
Rob: Sure. Here they are:
‘’Follow me and walk the road of stars, then go to the hills that shine with gold. Here’s a map to help you if you have any trouble. Then find the place where the first, the third, the sixteenth and the twenty-sixth met. Look up and you’ll see a huge white horse. Under this horse there is a deep cave. Follow the pictures on the wall, and they will lead you to the treasure.”
☆ ☆ .
☆ ☆ ☆
☆ . ^ -
. ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
. ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ i ? !«■☆☆☆☆
Jack: But it’s very simple. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed it yourselves! Misha: What is it?
Jack: Look at the stars. Don’t they remind you of anything?
Emily: Let me think... Well, I didn’t notice it before! These are the stars from the American flag!
Mark: Wow! Now I see it too. But why are they connected in such a strange way?
Jack: Let me tell you about the history of our flag and then you’ll be able to answer your question yourself.
3^ Read the story about the American flag and say if the following statements are true, false or whether there's no information in the text.
1. The first American flag was created by the Pilgrims.
2. The first American flag was designed by the author of the Declaration of Independence.
3. George Washington designed the first flag.
4. The story about Betsy Ross cannot be proved, but a lot of people believe it.
5. I here were thirteen stars and thirteen stripes on the original US flag.
6. The stars and stripes used to symbolize the first thirteen states.
7. More stars and stripes used to be added to the flag when more states joined the Union.
8. Nowadays there are fifty stars and thirty-seven stripes on the flag.
9. The stripes on the flag stand for all the states that the USA consists of today.
10. If another state joins the USA one day, another star will be added to the flag.
74 Unit 5 Lesson 9
The history of the American flag
At the time of the Revolution, America needed its own flag to lead the soldiers into battle. The American flag was created even before the Declaration of Independence was signed. There is a story about it. Historians say that there are no facts to prove it, but people still believe it.
According to a popular story, the first American flag was made by Betsy Ross, a seamstress from Philadelphia. She did some sewing for George Washington, who at the time was the leader of the Continental Army. One day Washington and two other representatives from the Continental Congress came to Betsy Ross’s shop and asked her to have a look at the drawing of the American flag. It had been designed by George Washington himself. He decided to have thirteen stars and thirteen stripes on the flag to symbolize the thirteen states of America. Betsey Ross made the flag and soon it became the most popular national symbol. It was approved by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777, and now on this day every year Americans celebrate Flag Day.
“But there are more than thirteen stars on the modern US flag,” you may say and you'd be right.
After the first thirteen colonies signed the Declaration of Independence and formed the Union, more colonies joined. In 1791 and 1792 Vermont and Kentucky w^ere admitted to the Union, so two more stars and two more stripes were added to the flag. As the Union grew, however, it became clear that the flag was becoming too big. In the end, it was decided to add a star for every new state, but to keep the number of stripes unchanged. So there will always be thirteen stripes on the American flag to commemorate the original thirteen colonies that started the Union. The last new star, bringing the total to 50, was added in 1960 after Hawaii became a state.
Units Lesson 9 175
Misha: Now I understand. When Robin went to hide the treasure, he had to cross a lot of states, so he simply showed us his route.
Mark: Yes, he started in the second state, then he went to the
seventeenth... But wait. How do we know which state is which?
Jack: Oh, that’s easy. I don’t remember exactly, but we can always find this information on the Internet.
Use the drawing of the flag and the information that the friends found and show Robin MocWizard's route on the map.
State Entered Union
1. Delaware ['delsweal Dec. 7,1787
2. Pennsylvania [.pensalVeinial Dec. 12,1787
3. New Jersey [,nju: 'cfe3:zi] Dec. 18,1787
4. Georgia ['cbacfesl Jan. 2,1788
5. Connecticut [ka'netikatl Jan. 9,1788
6. Massachusetts [,maes3'tfu:sitsl Feb. 6,1788
7. Maryland ['maribndl Apr. 28,1788
8. South Carolina (,sau0 кшгэ'1а1пэ1 May 23, 1788
9. New Hampshire [,nju: *haem(p)j3r] June 21,1788
10. Virginia (vs'cfeinial June 25,1788
11. New York (,nju:'jo:kl July 26,1788
12. North Carolina [,no:0 kaers'Iains] Nov. 21,1789
13. Rhode Island ['raud .ailsndl May 29,1790
14. Vermont [vs'montl Mar. 4, 1791
15. Kentucky [kan'uki] June 1,1792
16. Tennessee [,tena‘si:| June 1,1796
17. Ohio [au'haiau] Mar. 1,1803
18. Louisiana [Iu:,i:zi'£enal Apr. 30,1812
19. Indiana [.mdi'sena] Dec. 11,1816
20, Mississippi l.misi'sipi] Dec. 10,1817
21, Illinois l,ili*nDi] Dec. 3,1818
22. Alabama (.aelabsemal Dec. 14,1819
23. Maine |mem] Mar. 15,1820
76 Units Lesson 9
24. Missouri [тэ'зиэп] Aug. 10,1821
25. Arkansas ['crkansD:) June 15,1836
26. Michigan ('mi/igan] Jan. 26,1837
27. Florida ['flonds] Mar. 3.1845
28. Texas ['teksas] Dec. 29,1845
29. Iowa ['aiawa] Dec. 28,1846
30. Wisconsin [wi'sknnsin] May 29,1848
31. California [,kaeU'fo:nb] Sept. 9,1850
32. Minnesota [.mini'sauta] May 11,1858
33. Oregon I'ongan] Feb. 14,1859
34. Kansas ['kaenzas] Jan.29,1861
35. West Virginia [.west va'cfemia] June 20,1863
36. Nevada [niVaida] Oct. 31,1864
37. Nebraska [nibraesks] Mar. 1,1867
38. Colorado [.knla'radau] Aug. 1,1876
39. North Dakota [,no:0 ds'kauta] Nov. 2,1889
40. South Dakota [,sau0 da'kauta] Nov. 2,1889
41. Montana [топ*1а:пэ] Nov. 8,1889
42. Washington [‘wnfiotanj Nov. 11,1889
43, Idaho faidahau] July 3,1890
44. Wyoming [wai'anmiol July 10,1890
45. Utah [*ju;ta:] Jan. 4,1896
46. Oklahoma (,эик1эЪэитэ) Nov. 16,1907
47. New Mexico [,nju: 'meksikao] Jan. 6,1912
48. Arizona 1,эеп'гэипэ| Feb. 14,1912
49. Alaska [a'laeska] Jan. 3,1959
50. Hawaii [haSvaii:] Aug. 21.1959
Look at the map on pages 178-179 and answer the questions.
1. In which state did Robin start his journey?
2. Where did he stop and hide the treasure?
3. How many stars were there on the flag in 1825?
Units Lesson 9 177
of America
' i
"j v- '.n;
Mantpelier •
MAINE • Abgusta
Albany • ,#'ProvidencR
• Columbus
/ Annapolis •
Springfield I'^dianapolis
Jefferson City MISSOURI
ARKANSAS Little Rock
• VIRGINIA • wchmonrt Frankfort СШ\ев\оп KENTUCKY
ЫОВТИ • Ra*eigh-
• Nashville CAROLINA
• Trenton NEW JERSEY
Jackson Montgomery
Baton Rouge
Units Lesson? 179
Look at the map and answer the questions.
1. Which state was named after an American president?
2. Which states border on Canada?
3. Which states do you think are the coldest?
4. Which states would you like to visit on your summer holidays?
5. What is closer to Europe: California or South Carolina?
6. Did the Pilgrims land on the east or the west coast in 1620?
7. Which coast has more states?
f/T^Read for detail.
Yes', look, it’s clear. Now we know the name of the state.
Misha: But South Dakota’s a big state.
Where exactly is the treasure hidden?
Jack: Don’t forget about the rest of the clues. You’ve worked out most of them correctly.
Mark: So in South Dakota we must find the mountains where gold was found...
Jack: Correct.
Misha: And then we must find the place
where the first, the third, the sixteenth and the twenty-sixth American presidents met.
Jack: Yes! And don't worry. You can't miss it. This place is really famous and... rather big.
Emily: Let's go together. Jack. We’ll share the treasure with you. It’d only be fair after all your help.
Jack: Thank you, but I can't. It’s your treasure and your adventure. You have to do it yourselves, and I have to stay here and sort out my life.
Misha: Thanks for everything. We’ll write to you about what happens.
Jack: OK, bye. I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you.
["в~^Тгу to be the first to guess where exactly in South Dakota the treasure is
hidden. Use any sources of information that are available to you.
80 vJni! 5 Lesson 9
Your active vocabulary
to be likely a historical film
to be unlikely a fantasy film
to be certain a horror film
to be sure science fiction
Los Angeles an animated film / cartoon
Beverly Hills a war film
Malibu a Western
Hollywood and Highland a children’s film
Rodeo Drive i a soap opera
Mann’s Chinese Theater a comedy
The Egyptian Theater , a classic
movie a musical
suburbs an action film
a celebrity show business (show biz) a film director a romance boring funny violent
a camera operator
a musician
an Academy Award moving
a film studio thrilling
to take place superb
to suffer awful
to struggle to do smth in vain Many people think that...
fame Everybody says that... We all know that...
a premiere the tickets are sold out usually in general
to advertise
to star But what about...?
a cast But don’t forget...
What’s on? Very true, but...
a thriller But in fact...
an adventure film But actually...
a documentary And besides...
a blockbuster OK.but...
a cult film In reality...
a drama l. The exception is...
■9 181
What are you going to do in summer?
What does a ranger do?
Употребление Present Simple вместо Future Simple в английских придаточных предложениях времени и условия
В английских придаточных предложениях времени и условия для выражения будущих действий употребляется Present Simple, а не Future Simple.
• Английские придаточные предложения времени присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов when (когда), till / until (до тех пор, пока), as soon as (как только), after (после того как).
Ие will send an e-mail as soon as he gets the parcel. — Он отправит сообщение (когда?), как только получит посылку.
When they arrive. ГИ phone you. — Когда они приедут, я вам позвоню.
/7/ wait till he comes back. — Я подожду до тех пор, пока он не вернется.
We'll watch TV after we do our homework. — Мы будем смотреть телевизор после того, как сделаем уроки.
• Английские придаточные предложения условия присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов if (если), unless (если не).
If he asks, she'll tell him the truth. — Если он спросит, она скажет ему правду.
/ won 7 he able to do anything unless he agrees to help. — Я не смогу ничего сделать, если он не согласится помочь.
Обратите внимание, что союз unless имеет отрицательное значение, поэтому в сложноподчиненном предложении больше не нужно отрицания.
Придаточное предложение может стоять как после главного предложения, так и перед ним. Если придаточное предложение стоит перед главным предложением, оно отделяется запятой.
We'll go to the theatre if my friend phones me.
If my friend phones me, we'll go to the theatre.
Translate the sentences into Russian. Explain the use of tenses.
1. Г11 explain everything after he leaves the room.
2. She'll buy a new dress as soon as she loses some weight.
3. If your mother treats you like a child, you’ll never learn how to make your own decisions.
4. Г11 wait till he comes back.
182 Unit 6 lessons ) 2
5. Не won’t achieve anything unless he learns to work harder.
6. Alice will study English until she is able to understand her pen friend’s letters.
7. They won’t be able to help Jane unless she asks them to.
8. He won’t stop until he finds out the truth.
Match the parts of the sentences.
1. They’ll have a picnic
2. He’ll phone us
3. I’ll wait
4. Even if he complains,
a) unless it rains.
b) nobody will listen to him.
c) if we don’t answer his letter.
d) till my friend tells me what to do.
) Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
1. Tf I (find out) something about him, I (phone) you.
2. She (not know) anything unless you (tell) her yourself.
3. He (pass the test) if you (help) him.
4. They (be) at home when the match (start).
5. Granny (be happy) if I (go) to the country with her tomorrow.
4 j Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. Match the words with the pictures of jobs. Which of the expressions doesn't describe a job? Guess the meaning of the expression or translate it using a dictionary.
to give out advertising fliers to deliver the post
to help children catch up with their studies to be a babysitter to work as a waiter to be a ranger
to make website home pages
Unit 6 Lessons 1,2 183
[5 ^ Listen to the conversation and say v/hat a summer job is. What's the difference between a summer job and a permanent job?
Read the conversation for detail and answer the questions.
1. Which of the jobs from Ex. 4 is Misha not going to do?
2. What does Emilv want to do?
3. Why will Misha be green with envy?
4. What does a ranger do?
Emily: What are you thinking about, Misha? You look a bit sad.
Misha: I am sad. Soon we’ll find the treasure and then our adventure will be over.
Yes, that’s true, unless Jack made a mistake about South Dakota. You know how easy it is to make a mistake with all these clues and mysteries.
No, I have a feeling that this time it will be there.
Anyway, what will you do when you go back to Russia?
I’ve thought about it a lot. First of all I’ll spend some time with my family. I really miss them all. Then Г11 go to see all my friends and catch up with all the news. The only thing is I don’t know if they’ll be there for summer. Then I’ll probably think of getting a summer job. I hope it won’t be too late to find something for this summer. What would you like to do?
Well, I can do lots of things: give out advertising fliers, deliver the post, work as a waiter in a local cafe or be a babysitter. Then maybe Г11 be able to find a job that uses my qualifications: helping children catch up with their studies (in English and Maths, for example) or making website home pages for people who need them. But it’ll take a lot of time to find a job like that.
Hmmm, you don’t sound very enthusiastic. I think you have to be really motivated to get a good job, even if it’s just a summer job, not a permanent job.
Misha: And what about you? Unless I’ve got it wrong, you know all about summer jobs. Have you found a good one for yourself?
Well, actually it’s a secret. I don’t want anybody to know until I get a reply from them.
Misha: Oh, please teli me now. We probably won't have a chance to talk about it after we find the treasure.
Well, 1 guess I can tell you. I’d like to be a ranger in one of California’s national parks.
What does a ranger do?
All sorts of things. They look after animals and plants, lead excursions, organise seminars for visitors, and sometimes even save people’s lives.
84 Unit 6 Lessons 1,2
Misha: Hmmm, you don’t really think you’ll be that lucky, do you? Is it dangerous to work in a national park then?
Emily: Now I can see that you don’t know anything about the national
parks in California. Working there is a real adventure. I’m just not sure if they take teenagers. Let me tell you what rangers do. You’ll be green with envy.
Найдите в диалоге предложения, где союз if используется для введения придаточных изъяснительных предложений. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык.
Complete the sentences with facts from the dialogue. Pay attention to the way the Present Simple and the Future Simple are used.
Model: When the friends find the treasure, their adventure will be over,
1. The friends will find the treasure if...
2. When Misha goes back to Russia,...
3. Misha will visit his friends if...
4. Misha will try to get a summer job if...
5. It will take Misha a lot of time if...
6. If someone wants to find a good job,...
7. Emily won’t tell anybody about her summer job until...
8. Emily and Misha only have time to talk about everything until...
9. Emily could save somebody’s life if...
10. If the California national parks give jobs to teenagers,...
11. When Emily tells Misha about California’s national parks,...
Tell the class about your plans for next summer in two or three sentences.
Use these ideas for help if you have to.
Model: If I have enough time, Г11 catch up with my school work. I hope it's not too late. My best friend promised to help me.
to go to summer camp, to catch up with school work, to go to the country, to find a summer job, to make a bit of pocket money, to work to help the family, to go hiking, to go to the seaside, to do nothing, to watch TV all day, to do sports, to read books, to find time for one’s hobby
[a} Put the verbs in the correct tense form.
1. If he (have) a toothache, he (go) to the dentist.
2. He (not go) to university unless he (work) hard,
3. They (wait) until he (come back).
4. She (not go) to the park if it (rain).
5.1 (give) you the book if I (find) it.
6. You (have to) take a taxi if you (miss) the bus.
Unit 6 Lessors 1,2 185
в Write questions about the underlined words.
1. They’ll go to the disco if it rains.
2. She'll find out a lot about the subject when she reads this book.
3. She'll lose weight when she goes on a diet.
4. If she has time, she’ll work as a babysitter.
5. You’ll burn calories if you do sports.
C Translate the sentences into English.
1. Если вы будете знать английский язык хорошо, вы сможете найти хорошую работу.
2. Если мальчики найдут сокровище, их приключение закончится.
3. Что будет делать Миша, когда вернется в Россию?
4. Если в моем городе откроется ресторан, я попробую найти там работу.
5. Ты умрешь от зависти, когда я расскажу тебе о своих планах на лето.
6. Летом он будет работать официантом, если его возьмут.
7. Если Эмили не поедет в летний лагерь, она будет помогать лесникам.
8. Ты будешь раздавать рекламные объявления, пока не найдешь работу лучше.
It would be nice to have a summer job
Сослагательное наклонение / Subjunctive mood
В английском языке существует три типа сложноподчиненных предложений с придаточными условий. Вы уже знакомы с придаточными условными предложениями I типа. В них содержится указание на реальное, выполнимое условие.
She'll go to the party if Mike invites her. — Она пойдет на вечеринку, если Майк пригласит ее.
Сослагательное наклонение (The Subjunctive mood) используется в условных пред.10женнях 11 типа (Conditionals type 2). В этих предложениях содержится указание на нереальное условие, по причине которого осуществлецие действия главного предложения проблематично или невозможно. В таких предложениях действия могли бы произойти в настоящем или будущем, но это маловероятно. В главном предложении употребляется Future-in-the Past, в придаточном Past Simple.
She would go to the party if Mike invited her. — Она пошла бы на вечеринку, если бы Майк пригласил ее. (Это все еще возможно, поскольку вечеринка еще не состоялась, но это маловероятно.)
186 Unit 6 Lessons 1,2 ond 3, 4
Обратите внимание! Сокращенная форма would = ’d rd help you today if I had rime.
Глагол to be в условных предложениях II типа имеет форму were.
If 1 were оШеГу / would work as a ranger.— Если бы я был старше, я бы работал лесником.
If I were you Vd spend this money on books. — Ha твоем месте я потратил бы эти деньги на книги.
Наклонение Тип условного предложения Время, к которому относится высказывание Главное предложение
изъявительное % I тип придаточное предложение содержит реальное, выполнимое условие настоящее будущее I will give her the document
сослагательное II тип Придаточное предложение содержит нереальное или трудновыполнимое условие настоящее будущее I would give her the document
;^1 } Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. She’d pass her exams next month if she worked hard.
2. She’d be happy if her friend phoned her tomorrow.
3. If we were in America, we’d go to see Washington.
4. He’d work as a waiter next summer if they took him.
5. If I knew his email. I’d send him a birthday greeting.
6. If I were you. I’d apologise.
7. If I were able to swim, we could go canoeing.
^2 } Answer the questions.
1. What would you do if you won the lottery?
2. What famous person would you like to meet if you had the chance?
3. Would you go to America if you had a friend there?
4. Would you lend money to your friend if you had some?
5. What country would you visit if you could choose any country?
6. What questions would you ask if you met a real fortune teller?
7. What would you be able to do if you lived in 2150?
Unit 6 Lessons 3, 4 187
3 Look of the people in the pictures and give them some advice. Start with: If I were you.,.
Model: If I were you, Fd have a break. — Ha твоем месте я бы пеоепохнул.
not stay up so long
Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.
to apply for a job — подавать заявление о приеме на работу
to offer smb smth — предложить кому-либо что-либо
to charge smb for smth — взимать плату с кого-либо за что-либо
to require smth — требовать что-либо
to hire smb — нанимать кого-либо на работу
а requirement ~ требование
а skill — умение
patience — терпение
а strong point — зд, сильная сторона
ап amusement park — парк с аттракционами
to mind — возражать
yard work — работа во дворе / в саду
ап attitude — отношение
188 Unit 6 Lessons 3, 4
Choose the phrase which best describes the idea.
Does this ring a bell? — Does it wake you up? Does it sound familiar?
Does it sound exciting?
To have green fingers — to be beautiful / to be lazy / to be good at gardening I don’t have a clue. — I don't know. /1 have no key. / Tm not interested.
Read the list of possible questions about summer jobs. Rate them according to their importance for you. Explain the first five positions in your rating. Explain the last position in your rating.
1. How should I look for a job?
2: Where can I find information about the job?
3. Should I advertise my services?
4. What kind of jobs are there for me to do?
5. Will the job be interesting?
6. How much will I earn?
7. How much should I charge?
8. When should I apply for the job?
9. Is there a minimum age requirement?
10. Does this job require any special skills?
11. Will I learn anything new at this job?
12. Will I be able to meet new people?
13. Will I be able to travel?
14. Will I still have any free time?
15. What are the working hours?
16. Will I need permission from my parents?
Look through the text and find out which of your questions about summer jobs it answers.
Emily showed Misha an article with advice on summer jobs for American teenagers. Listen to the text and read it for detail.
"It would be nice to have a job this summer."
"If I had more time. I'd definitely look for a job."
"If only they could give me something interesting to do. I'd be happy to try a job out." "If I were older..."
Does this ring a bell? If you want to find a summer job, don’t just sit around and dream. If you want to get results, get up and get moving. You’ll
tjr'fi*6 Lessens3, IE
be surprised how many options there are. But you won’t know about them if you don’t make the effort.
Your first step should be to look for adverts in the local papers. Then try to talk to your neighbours, relatives or anybody else who will listen to you.
So what are the options you can try?
• Working at a cafe or a restaurant. This will suit someone who wants to earn as much money as possible. Hot summer days are usually a very busy time for cafes and bistros, so they’ll probably want all the help they can get. But you have to bear
in mind that it’s not an easy job. You have to be physically fit and work well under stress if you think a job like this is for you. Your attitude is also a factor. If you think to yourself “I hate this job” as you wash the dishes or clear the tables, you won’t get much from it. But if you think positive, you could learn a lot about the restaurant business and later this knowledge could be useful when you start a business of your own.
• Babysitting. This is a traditional job for teenagers to do. If you are responsible and love kids, then this is the job for you. There will always be a family with busy working parents who’ll be more than happy
to give you a job to help out over the summer.
Your help will be even more welcome if you can do something useful with the children: teach them music or languages or do sports with them.
• Yard work or cutting the grass. There will always be people who’ll be glad to pay you for looking after their yard. A lot of things in the garden need attention in summer, and not everybody who has a garden is born with green fingers. Fresh air and lots of physical activity is an extra advantage.
• Dog walking. “I’d have a dog, if I weren’t so busy.” You sometimes hear people say that, but not everybody is so responsible. A lot of people who have pets don’t have enough time to walk them properly and often feel guilty about it. You can get
>0 tiiv: 6 Lessons 3. ^
quite a lot of clients if you just stick an advert up on the bus stop near your house. Summer is the time when people want to go on holiday. If your parents don’t mind, you can also offer tp look after a dog or a cat for a couple of weeks until the owners come back from holiday.
Teaching people how to use computers or the Internet. It’s probably hard for you to imagine what it is like to live without a computer. You’d feel completely cut off if you switched off your computer even for a day. Well, you’ll probably be surprised to know that there are a lot of people who don’t have a clue about how to use one. They’d like to be able to, but they’re scared. You may be able to help those people if you’re very good at using a computer, and patience is your strong point.
Working at an amusement park. Most of these places are only open in the summer, but they hire hundreds of people. Going on free rides, having a lot of fun and getting to know lots of new people are all guaranteed.
Working at a summer camp, national park or a holiday resort. If you have a friendly and outgoing personality and if you like to travel, this is the job for you. The only problem is that jobs like this are really popular, so you’ll need to apply early and hope that you’ll be selected.
Find in the text the sentences that contain
real conditions unreal conditions
9 Which advice given in the text can be used in your city (tov/n, village)? Why? / Why not?
Which of the jobs mentioned in the text would you not charge for but do them as a favour instead?
10 Imagine that you want to find a job. What special skills do you have? What are your strong points?
What special skills do you not have now but you would have if you were older?
Model: I can play the piano. If I were older, Fd be able to drive a car.
Unit 6 Lessons 3. ^
JJJ Continue the sentences with words and expressions from the active vocabulary in these lessons.
Model: I thought you and she used to work together. Her name is Helen Brown. ...? — I thought you and she used to work together. Her name is Helen Brown. Does this ring a bell?
1. — rd really like to get his job. — So why don’t you ... it?
2. What are you good at? — I think foreign languages are my... .
3.1 can’t take this job. They... a lot of special skills that 1 don’t have.
4. — I won’t invite this babysitter again. She’s too expensive.
— How much did she...?
5. My uncle... a job, but I’m not sure about it. Г11 have to get up at six o’clock in the morning.
6. — Are there any special... for this job?
— No, they’ll take anybody.
7. — It was your decision to... this young girl. Why did you do it? She
doesn’t have any...
— But she’s nice and has a lot of... . Besides she really needed a job.
8. — I don’t like gardening.— Well, not everybody is born with... .
9. If I got a summer job. I’d find something fun and exciting. An... would be a nice place to work.
10. Why did you decide to apply for this job? You... about computers!
11. You’ll need permission if you want to go camping with us. I hope your parents....
12j Read some of the Russian labour laws for teenagers in the table.
a) Listen to the information about American laws for the same age group and put the information in the right column.
Russia USA
Summer 4 hours a day, 6 days a week; or 4.8 hours a day, 5 days a week
School year 2.5 hours a day
b) Listen to the information again and answer the questions.
1. Which age group are the laws for?
2. Why are the restrictions imposed?
3. How late can American teenagers work during the school year?
13J Compare Russian and American labour laws for teenagers.
Say 3-4 sentences.
192 Unit 6 Lessons 3,4
А Look at the reasons why you may not get a job. Write sentences about the job you want to do according to the model.
Model: You may not be old enough.— If I were older, rd be able to work as a sales assistant.
1. The place you want to work may be a long way away and you may not have reliable transport.
2. You may not have enough time or a regular enough schedule for the job you want.
3. You may not be able to find a job which interests you.
4. You may need a degree.
5. You may not have the special skills required for the job.
Translate the sentences into English. Continue the story with two or three more sentences.
1. Если бы летом он заработал достаточно денег, он купил бы компьютер.
2. Если бы он купил компьютер, он мог бы искать информацию в интернете.
3. Если бы он мог искать информацию в интернете, он получил бы всю необходимую информацию по физике и математике.
4. Если бы он имел всю необходимую информацию, он бы хорошо сдал экзамены и поступил бы в институт.
С .* Sometimes when you are angry with your parents, you might think that if you were them, your life would be so much easier and more interesting.
a) Write about five good things that would happen to you if you were your mother (father). Use the words and expressions or your own ideas.
Model: If 1 were my mother, Vd be able to eat whatever I like. no school no exams no control
ability to spend money on anything you want ability to travel ability to go to restaurants
discos and other exciting places ability to drive
ability to make important decisions
b) Write about the new responsibilities you would have.
Model: If I were my father, Vd have to work for more than eight hours a day.
Unit 6 Lessons 3, 4 19
The job for you
How to build words
Суффикс прилагательных -iVe
Суффикс прилагательных -ive используется для образования прилагательных от существительных и глаголов.
to inform — informative, effect — effective
1 a) Look through the adverts in Ex. 3. Find the adjectives that v/ere formed from these words.
to create, to compete, to act, to attract, to imagine, expense b) Translate the adjectives into Russian.
2 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.
a ride assistant — сопровождающий во время поездок верхом а roller coaster — русские горки ап office clerk — работник офиса а lifeguard — телохранитель
а dishwasher — работник на посудомоечной машине а fully costumed character — костюмированный персонаж employment [im'pbimont] — работа по найму staff — зд. обслуживающий персонал hospitable — гостеприимный outgoing — общительный а waterfall — водопад а glacier ['glaesis] — ледник а meadow ['medou] — луг breathtaking [Ъree,teIkIIз] — поразительный
3 Read the adverts for detail.
We're looking for a dishwasher What's the job like?
You'll have to operate a dishwasher safely and efficiently. You must follow hygiene rules and keep the work area clean and well-organised. There may be some occasional lifting. You may also have to help other kitchen staff if asked.
194 Unit 6 lessons 5,6
Would you like to see what it’s like to be a cook?
You'll have to:
• Prepare salads, snacks, desserts and soups using our special recipes.
• Be able to work v^th expensive kitchen equipment.
• Be able to follow detailed instructions.
• Present food in an attractive way.
• Be honest, reliable and creative.
• Have some pxevious experience, but we’ll be happy to train you.
Minimum Age: 16
Special Skills Required: No
Drivers License Required; No
We have a Job For Yoi
Big Buffalo Amusement Park needs active young people for all kinds of jobs: ride assistants, office clerks, gift shop sales assistants and lifeguards.
We offer you a chance to work at a lively and friendly place. Improve your leadership qualities and communication skills, while you spend an unforgettable summer with us. Get ready to work in a highly competitive team. At least one foreign language is a must.
Hard-working and reliable.
Have some experience in kitchen work Able to work well in a team and follow instructions.
Flexible and prepared to work at various times.
A positive attitude is a must!
Minimum Age: 15
Special Skills Required: No
Drivers License Required: No
Unit 6 Lessons 5,6 195
А cool costumed character!
Mega Park is the Best Amusement Park In the World with the biggest and best roller coasters.
We are looking for people to work as fully costumed characters to greet guests, give short performances, give out tickets and interact with children in our new Mega Amusement Park.
You must be smart and imaginative, at least 15 years old and have some previous experience in performing. You must also be able to work in a heavy costume during hot summer days.
Special Skills Required: No
Drivers License Required: No
Polar Bear National Park
Glaciers, grizzly bears, wolves and North America’s highest peak at 20,320 feet - this park has it all. Find yourself in the adventure of your dreams with 6 million acres of unhospitable sub-arctic ecosystem to explore. We need outgoing, creative teenagers to work as junior rangers. Apply only if you enjoy working with people and are ready for lots of physical activity. Knowledge of foreign languages is an advantage.
Yosemite National Park
Yosemite National Park gives you the chance to enjoy the most breathtaking mountain and valley scenery in the Sierra Nevada. The park has everything: waterfalls, meadows, forests, wild animals, and much more. We have lots of jobs to offer and each one of them is important. Working with us you’ll have a chance to enjoy the unique beauty of our park and contribute to preserving its natural resources. Employment with the National Park Service is limited to citizens of the United States, but if you are not a citizen, you may still apply for some voluntary jobs.
196 L • rS Les--* ■ - 5, 6
^ 4^3 Answer the questions.
1. What would you have to do if you worked as a dishwasher?
2. What would you have to do if you worked as a costumed character?
3. What would you have to do if you worked as a ranger?
4. What would you have to do if you worked as a cook?
5. What extra opportunities would each job give you?
6. Which of these jobs do you find the most / the least exciting? Why?
7. Which of these jobs do you find the easiest / the most difficult? Why?
8. Which of these jobs w'ould you like to try? Why?
5 Look through the adverts and fill in the table with suitable adjectives.
Place or job % Adjectives which describe the job and the working environment Adjectives which describe the qualities required
Big Buffalo Amusement Park
Costumed character
Polar Bear National Park
Yosemite National Park
Analyse the table and say which qualities future employers find most important?
Describe a typical successful applicant for any summer job.
7 What about you? Do you have any of the qualities required for the jobs advertised? Which of them do you not have?
Model: Гт friendly and reliable, but it would be nice if I were more creative.
^8/) Pair work. Take turns looking at the adverts and comment on each of them as if you wanted to apply for a job. Your partner will have to either agree or disagree with you. (Tip; Look for some special requirements that your friend hasn't noticed.)
Model: A: If I wanted to work as a dishwasher, they*d take me.
B: But what about the lifting? You won*t be able to do that.
A: You're right. / would be better for this job if I were stronger.
(^ 9 } Imagine that you are having an interview for a job as a ranger.
What questions do you think they would ask you?
Unit 6 Lessons 5, 6 197
(^1^ What would you answer if they asked you these questions?
Model: If they asked me what my name is, Vd tell them that my name is...
1. What’s your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where are you from?
4. What are your qualifications?
5. Do you speak any foreign languages?
6. How much would you like to earn?
7. Can you drive?
8. Are you fit?
9. What are your strong points?
10. What are your weak points?
11. How long can you work this summer?
12. Would you like to work on your own or in a team?
13. Why have you chosen this job?
A Match the description with the name of the job.
a) Someone who looks after a forest or animals in a national park.
b) Someone who looks after babies.
c) Someone who prepares food. ^ ride assistant
d) Someone who washes dishes.
e) Someone who grows flowers and plants.
f) Someone whose job is selling things.
g) Someone who serves food and drink in a restaurant.
h) Someone who shows a place to tourists.
i) Someone who collects people’s tickets and takes care of them during the ride.
j) Someone who is dressed in a funny costume and plays with children.
В Do the crossword puzzle.
1. Someone who is friendly to visitors.
2. Someone who can be trusted.
3. Someone who can change easily to suit any new situation.
4. Someone who is very imaginative and good at making things.
1. a ranger 2. ababysitie
4. a cook
5. a dishwasher
6. a gardener 7. a sales assistant
8- a costumed character
9 a waiter
^ 10. a guide
198 Unit 6 Lessons 5,6
5. Someone who is good-looking.
6. Someone who wants to be more successful than other people.
7. Someone who is good at thinking of new, interesting ideas.
—1— r
What is your ideal summer job? What would you like to do and why? Write 5-7 sentences.
Lesson 7
■ An accident in Death Valley
тип условных предложений / Conditionals type 3
Сослагательное наклонение также используется в условных предложениях III типа. В условных предложениях III типа действия могли бы произойти в прошлом, но не произошли. В главном предложении употребляется Future Perfect-in-the Past (would + have + глагол в III форме) в придаточном Past Perfect.
Jim would have finished his work yesterday if he had got this information in time. — Джим закончил бы свою работу вчера, если бы он вовремя получил эту информацию.
Как вы видите, перевод на русский язык условных предложений II и III типа отличается лишь тем, что действия, описываемые в них, произошли бы в предложениях II типа в настоящем или в будущем, а в предложениях III типа — в прошлом. Однако английский вариант условных предложений II и III типа существенно отличается глагольными формами.
^ 1 j а) Join the two sentences to rewrite the main events from Robin MacWizard's diary.
b) Translate the sentences into Russian.
Model: The boys didn’t read Robin's diary. The boys didn’t meet Emily.— If the boys hadn't met Emily, they wouldn't have read Robin's diary.
1. Robin didn’t sail with the Pilgrims. Robin didn’t meet Squanto.
2. Squanto didn’t see the ring that Robin wore on a chain round his neck. Squanto didn’t tell Robin about the treasure.
3. The future of the world wasn’t in Robin’s hands. Robin didn’t become the guard of the treasure.
4. Robin didn’t know about the treasure. He didn’t go into the future.
5. The people in his time were better. Robin gave them the treasure.
Unit 6 lessons 5, 6 and 7 199
Match the phrases with suitable reactions.
1. That’s good to know. Actually, I need 20 roubles,
2. I’m afraid there’s no chance of that. They’re always late.
3. So you were hungry all day! I’m so sorry to hear that!
4. I’m glad you liked it. What was it about?
5. Good idea. I hate boring films.
6. Why didn’t I think of you? Yesterday I phoned all my friends, but none of them was able to help.
a) I’d lend you some money if you asked me.
b) If the film is boring, we won’t stay until the end.
c) If the train arrived on time, we’d have enough time to have breakfast before our meeting.
d) If the train had arrived on time, we would have had enough time to have lunch before our meeting.
e) I’d have lent you some money if you had asked me yesterday.
f) If the film had been boring, we wouldn’t have stayed until the end.
3 Match the words and expressions with the definitions.
a) a path through the countryside
b) lack of water in the body ^^hydration
c) to go for a long walk heatstroke
d) illness or collapse caused by doing too "
much physical activity in hot weather
^ trail
4, to hike
Emily keeps her promise to tell Misha about some of California's national parks. Listen to the story, read it and answer the questions.
1. What’s the name of the national park described in the story?
2. What is it famous for?
3. What’s dangerous about it?
This happened in one of the hottest places on Earth: Death Valley National Park.
Three friends from France, Martin, Paul and Christian were only a couple of days into their tour of the USA when they decided to
visit this world-famous place. They arrived there in the evening and started to plan their adventure. They had bought a guidebook that described the most interesting trails and decided to try some of them. They soon found out, though, that most of the trails were either closed or you had to go with a ranger. If they had come to Death Valley in winter, they’d have been able
'00 Unit 6 Lesson 7
to see more, but in summer most of the routes were too long and dangerous. If they went out hiking now, they could die ofheatstroke or dehydration. But one of the friends wasn't so sure. For Martin, the idea of hiking in Golden Canyon seemed very exciting. He didn’t want to miss all the fun just because of some warnings in a guidebook.
Martin’s friends tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t listen. The plan was that he would hike the trail and his friends would wait for him in the car.
It was a hot July day. When Martin left early in the morning, the temperature was already more than 38 in the shade, but that didn’t seem to worry him. The trail was only a couple of miles long and Martin believed it wouldn’t take him more than an hour. He was wrong. Even in cooler winter weather a hike like that would take him about two hours. Martin also thought that he Wouldn't need more than a liter of water for this short hike. He was wrong about that too.
Martin’s friends were waiting for him in the car. Half an hour after the time they had arranged to meet, Martin still hadn’t turned up and they started to worry. Paul wanted to go straight to the rangers and ask for help, but Christian said they should wait a bit longer. They didn’t want Martin to come back and find nobody there.
After another half an hour Christian finally agreed with his friend and they went for help. The rangers started a search immediately. By that time the temperature was already over 45 ^C. The rangers’ plane flew over the valley and soon they saw a body lying on the ground. They recognized Martin from the description given by his friends. When the rangers got to him, he wasn’t breathing, but they could still feel a very weak pulse. Only three hours after Martin started his hike he had nearly died. If the rangers had come ten minutes later, they wouldn’t have been able to save him.
While Martin was getting better in hospital, the rangers came to visit him and wished him a pleasant stay in America.
Who would say these words: Martin, his friends or the rangers? Mark the phrases as true or false.
1. “If I had listened to my friends, I wouldn't have been in danger.”
2. “If we hadn’t asked for help, our friend would have died.”
3. “If we had waited in the car, nothing would have happened.”
4. “If we had warned all the tourists beforehand, we would have been able to save a lot of lives.”
5. “If I had gone hiking on a winter day, I would have died.”
6. “If we had come just ten minutes later, we wouldn’t have been able to help.”
7. “If 1 had taken more water with me, I would have been OK.”
Unit 6 Lesson 7 20
Eomework i
Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
1. If the friends (not to go) in the USA, they (not to visit) Death Valley.
2. If they (come) to Death Valley in winter, they (be able) to see more.
3. If they (go) there, they (can) die of heatstroke.
4. If Martin (take) more than a liter of water, it (help).
5. If the rangers (come) ten minutes later, they (not to be able) to save him.
[b^ Complete the sentences with the correct facts from history.
to have sixty stars on the American flag, discover America, to put tax on tea, to meet Indians, to become famous as the author of the American Constitution, to go to the New World
1. If Columbus hadn't gone to find a new way to India,...
2. If the English king had been more tolerant, the Protestants...
3. The Pilgrims wouldn’t have learned how to plant crops if...
4. The War of Independence wouldn’t have started...
5. If Thomas Jefferson hadn’t been the US President,...
6. If there were sixty states in America,...
Lesson 8
Faces on Mount Rushmore
1 ; Read the conversation and answer the question; What place were the friends looking for?
It’s amazing. Wherever we go we see pictures of four presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.
Yes, now it’s clear what Robin meant in his letter. It’s so simple. Why didn’t we think of it before? Let’s not get too excited. We still haven’t found anything and the meeting place of the presidents is just one of the clues. So let’s go on one of the excursions to Mount Rushmore and try to find out more.
AmTicq in focus___________
Foot is a unit of length. 1 foot = 0.3048 m
!02 Unit 6 Lessons 7 and 8
Listen to the words and expressions and
South Dakota — Южная Дакота to commemorate — ознаменовывать
human spirit — человеческий дух determination — решимость a height — высота to carve — высекать Mount Rushmore — гора Рашмор a skyline — очертания (на фоне неба)
dynamite — динамит
repeat them after the speaker.
a layer — слой to blast — взрывать to dedicate — зд. открывать в торжественной обстановке growth — рост а trust — концерн а conservationist — активный борец за охрану природы natural resources — природные богатства
3 J Listen to the story and answer the questions.
Faces on Mount Rushmore
The guide: In South Dakota we have a joke: What has 60-foot high faces, eyes 11 feet across, noses 20 feet long, mouths that stretch 18 feet wide, and is visited by two and a half million people a year? Today you'll find out. You're going to see a monument that celebrates the memory of some great people in American history, our most respected presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. But this monument doesn’t only commemorate some great people in our history, it is also a monument to the human spirit, determination and hard work, which proves that even the impossible can become possible. “So what’s so special about this monument?” you might ask. “What makes people from different parts of America and the world come to this place to see it?” If you’ve already looked through the fliers or seen the monument on advertising posters, you’ll know the answer. The faces of the presidents are carved into a huge granite mountain called Mount Rushmore. Actually, it’s probably the largest sculpture in the world and the fact that it was started and completed at a time when people didn’t have the kind of powerful tools we have today makes it even more exciting.
It all started in 1923 with Doane Robinson, a South Dakota state historian. His idea was to carve the faces of famous people from the Old West in the mountain. He thought it would attract a lot of tourists, who would come and spend money in the area. Now we know that he was right.
The idea got a lot of support, and government funding was given. Then the sculptor Gutzon Borglum began to search for a suitable place. When he finally found Mount Rushmore, he knew that it was just what he needed. It
Unit 6 Lesson 8 202
was also the highest peak in the area and faced southeast, which meant that it would be well lit for most of the day. Borglum pointed at the mountain and said, “America will march along that skyline.” It was the beginning of years of hard work.
On October 4,1927 the carving began. They used dynamite to take rock from the mountain until there was only a thin layer of granite left. The rest of it was removed by hand, keeping teams of workers busy until the presidents’ faces were absolutely smooth. If the workers made a mistake, they had to blast huge pieces of rock away and start the face all over again.
Finally, on July 4,1934, Washington’s face was dedicated. This great event attracted a lot of visitors. Before the face was shown to the public, it was covered by a huge flag measuring 39 by 70 foot, which greatly impressed the audience. Two years later Thomas Jefferson’s head was dedicated, and a year after that Abraham Lincoln’s face was dedicated on September 17, 1937, which was the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Constitution. The work was completed in 1941 with the face of another great president, Theodore Roosevelt.
“Why was he chosen among the greatest presidents of the US?” you may ask. In my opinion he deserved it. Theodore Roosevelt did a lot of good for his country. The interests of working people were close to his heart, and he’s remembered for his fight against financial monopolies and trusts to help economic growth. But most importantly, he was a conservationist, which means that he placed our unique natural resources under government protection to preserve them for the future. All in all, he set up five national parks, eighteen national monuments, and helped preserve millions of acres of national forest in America.
Now I have some time left to answer your questions if you have any...
204 Uoti 6 Losson 8
Why were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt chosen from among America's greatest presidents?
« V » » • « •
« Ч» 4 « « 6
Answer the questions.
1. What monument were the friends going to see?
2. What is special about the size of the monument?
3. What is the exact height of the monument?
4. What’s the monument made of?
5. When was it started and when was it finished?
6. Does the monument commemorate only great people in American history?
Lesson 9
The treasure
1 ‘1 Listen to the conversation and match the names with their descriptions.
1. Native Americans
2. Crazv Horse
3. Standing Bear
5. the Black Hills
4. Wounded Knee [,wu;ndid 'ni:]
6. Korczak Ziolkowski [.кпгзэк ’zialknvski]
A. mountains in South Dakota
B. the Native American chief who ordered the monument to be carved
C. the place where the final great battle between the Native Americans and European settlers took place
D. the Native American chief whose statue is carved into the mountain
E. Indians
F. the sculptor of the monument
2 2 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.
to flood [flAd] — устремляться to force [hs] — принуждать the Sioux tribe [su:] — сиу (племя) a buffalo [ЪлГэ1эи] — буйвол a wandering way of life —кочевой образ жизни
a prospector — золотоискатель a massacre ['maesaka] — резня an insult [’insAlt] — оскорбление so far — пока
Unit о lessons 8 and У 205
3 Read the story for detail and check your ideas.
Crazy Horse
Misha: I have a question, sir. It may sound strange, but Vm sure that I saw another face in another mountain near here.
Guide: Good question. I’m sure you mean another great monument, the monument to Crazy Horse.
Mark: What is this Crazy Horse?
Guide: Not what, but who. Crazy Horse is the name of a great Native
American chief. It’s a very sad story, but one that should be told.
Long ago when the European settlers hadn’t yet arrived, the area was populated by Native Americans from the Sioux tribe. They led a simple, peaceful life and hunted buffalo for food. The Sioux believed in the power of nature and worshipped their gods the way their parents and grandparents had done for thousand and thousand of years. For them, the Black Hills were a very sacred area.
When the Europeans came, things started to change. They killed more buffalo than the Sioux had ever done and soon the Indians didn’t have enough food to eat. Across the country the Europeans took all the good land and moved the Native American tribes into “reservations”. These were areas of dry land that the Europeans didn’t want. In the reservations the Indians had to give up their wandering way of life.
At first the Sioux seemed to be luckier than other tribes: the Black Hills area wasn’t very attractive to the Europeans, so in the Treaty of 1868 the US government promised that territory to the Sioux forever. However, the promise wasn’t kept for long; very soon gold was found in the Black Hills, and thousands of prospectors flooded into the area. The US government forced the Sioux to leave their land.
That left the Indians with no choice: they started a war against the occupiers. Crazy Horse was a Sioux chief who led his tribe in the war. To his people he was a real hero: brave, handsome and fair. He earned their respect not only by his skill in battle but also by his determination to preserve their traditional way of life and culture. But the Sioux were defeated in the war. In fact, their defeat at the Battle of Wounded Knee in 1890 was the last major defeat of Native Americans by white men on this continent. It was more of a massacre than a battle. Hundreds of unarmed Sioux women, children and men were shot and killed by US troops.
So you all can imagine that when white men came into the Black Hills in 1927 and dynamited the faces of the four presidents into the sacred Black
)6 Unit 6 Lesson 9
Hills, it was a deep insult to the Sioux, who still lived in the area. In 1939 Sioux Chief Standing Bear decided to create a Native American memorial in the Black Hills. He asked the sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski to carve a huge statue of Crazy Horse into another mountain in the Black Hills. There was no government funding for this project, so the sculptor used his own money to buy a big piece of the mountain. When the sculptor died, his family went on with the project. So far only Crazy Horse’s face is ready but when the whole statue is completed, it will be much bigger than any of the Mount Rushmore faces. On top of the mountain there will be the huge figure of a Native American rider on a white horse, who even after his death guards the sacred hills of South Dakota, the area which the Sioux still consider their own.
Rob: Excuse me, sir. Just one quick question. Is there a cave under the Crazy Horse Monument?
Guide: I'm not sure about that, but it’s possible. There are a lot of caves in the mountains. The gold miners stopped digging there after it became more difficult to find gold in the caves.
Look at the pictures and choose the one that looks closest to what the Crazy Horse Monument will look like when it's completed.
r, t-
Look through the texts "Faces on Mount Rushmore" and "Crazy Horse" and put the events in the correct order.
1. The monument to the presidents was dedicated.
2. White men came to South Dakota.
3. Korczak Ziolkowski started working on the monument to Crazy Horse.
4. A South Dakota state historian, Doane Robinson, came up with the idea to carve the faces of famous people from the Old West in the mountain.
5. The Sioux were defeated at the battle of Wounded Knee.
6. The Sioux enjoyed a peaceful, wandering way of life in the South Dakota territory.
Unil 6 b“is.)n9 207
7. The Native American tribes were moved to reservations.
8. Gold was found in the Black Hills.
9. The Sioux revolted.
10. The George Washington face was dedicated.
Answer the questions.
1. What kind of land was given for the reservations?
2. Why did the US government break its treaty with the Sioux?
3. What did the white prospectors come for?
4. Who was Crazy Horse?
5. What was he respected for?
6. Who won the war between the Sioux and the US government?
7. What happened in 1923?
8. Why was the Mount Rushmore Monument a great insult to the Sioux?
9. What did a Sioux chief do to commemorate the memory of his people?
10. Is the Crazy Horse monument completed?
Homework , ^
» • *
A J Read the end of the story.
At night
Misha: Be careful! Don’t fall!
Emily: What we’re doing is mad! Are you sure there’s a cave here at all?
Misha: I’m sure I saw one when we went on the excursion today. And I don’t believe that Robin would lead us into trouble.
Emily: Well, if going to prison isn’t enough trouble for you...
Misha; What are you talking about? What does prison have to do with it?
Mark: Well, you heard the guide today, Misha, didn’t you? This mountain belongs to the sculptor’s family. It’s private land. We have no right to be here.
Rob: Oh, stop it. I’ve found the cave. Follow me.
Misha; Look! It’s easy to see! Here’s a drawing of the ring. I’m surprised nobody has found it before.
Mark: It’s because we know what to look for. And here are the signs. Let’s dig here.
208 Unit 6 Lesson 9
Five minutes later
Shsh! I heard a strange sound. We’ve hit something.
Help me get it out. It’s heavy.
Oh, look, it’s only an old fireproof safe.
What did you expect? Some kind of ancient gold box?
Yes, something like that.
But it makes sense. Robin was in the 20th century and he used the best container he could find to protect the treasure. Let’s open it. What is it? Looks like an old animal skin!
Let me see. I think that was used instead of paper in olden times. What? We’ve done all this work, travelled to the other side of the world and even risked our lives just for a piece of sheepskin?
Wait. Let’s see what’s written here.
It's a map!
Yes, I think it’s a map of America. And it’s decorated with very small precious stones.
That’s more interesting!
That’s very interesting. Look! Here in the corner is an explanation, written by Robin. OK. Gold sand on the map means that there’s gold in that area, diamonds mean that diamonds can be found there...
That’s amazing. In our hands we have a map of all the natural resources in North America!
Now I understand why it had to be hidden. If it had been found in 1620, the whole continent would have been destroyed by greedy people.
Yes, look what happened here when gold was discovered!
But is it safe to use the map now?
I’m not an expert, but as far as I can see a lot of these places haven’t been discovered yet. I can see some minerals that we don’t even know about yet. For example, do you know what delirium is?
Unit 6 Lesson 9 209
Emily: Гт scared. What shall we do with the map?
Mark: We could give it to some scientists.
Rob; But can we be sure that they’ll use this knowledge to do some good?
Mark: What are you suggesting?
Misha: I think the world isn’t ready to learn the secrets of this map yet.
Let’s just leave it here and pass the knowledge on to our children. Rob: I agree with you. People haven’t changed that much. There are still wars and violence, and people still kill each other for money. Let’s wait until the world is better.
Mark: We may have to wait for a long time, hundreds of years. Let's hope there’ll still be MacWizards then.
В Get ready for a discussion in class. What would you do if you found a map of all the natural resources in your country?
Y0ur active vocabulary
to give out advertising fliers a strong point
to deliver post to mind
to help children catch up with an amusement park
their studies creative
to be a babysitter informative
to work as a waiter active
to be a ranger attractive
to make website home pages competitive
to apply for a job imaginative
to charge smb for smth a ride assistant
to require smth a roller coaster
to hire smb / smth an office clerk
a requirement a lifeguard hospitable
a skill outgoing
to offer smb smth a dishwasher
an attitude a costumed character
yard work employment
patience staff
210 'Jn\]/j \.”‘гЛпУ
Grammar Reference (Грамматический справочник)
' Jk- . шФИ,„ишт»*
The Noun (Имя существительное).................................. 212
Падеж ..........................................................213
rhe Article (Артикль)........................................... 214
rhe Adjective (Имя прилагательное)............................. 215
The Adverb (Наречие).......................................... 217
The Pronoun (Местоимение)....................................... 217
Притяжательные местоимения .....................................218
Местоимения some, any, no.......................................218
Местоимения something, nothing, anything, somebody, nobody,
anybody, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere...........................219
Местоимения much, mony, a lot of................................219
Местоимения few, little.........................................220
rhe Numeral (Имя числительное).................................. 220
Количественные числительные.....................................220
Порядковые числительные.........................................221
Чтение дат......................................................221
rheVerb (Глагол)................................................ 222
ГЬе Present Simple Tense.........................................222
Глагол to be в Present Simple Tense.............................224
Конструкция There is / There are................................225
The Past Simple Tense............................................226
Глагол to be в Past Simple Tense.............................. 228
The Present Progressive Tense....................................229
rhe Past Progressive Tense..................................... 231
rhe Future Simple Tense..........................................233
rhe Future-in-the Post...........................................235
rhe Present Perfect Tense........................................235
rhe Present Perfect Progressive..................................238
The Past Perfect Tense...........................................240
The Modal Verbs (Модальные глаголы)..............................242
The Passive Voice (Страдательный залог)..........................246
Grammar Reference
The Noun (Имя существительное)
В предложении имена существительные чаще всего выполняют функцию подлежащего, дополнения, обстоятельства.
Nina is ту friend. (Nina — подлежащее)
I saw a girl in the street, (a girl — дополнение)
He wasn't at school yesterday, (at school — обстоятельство места)
Существительные, которые имеют форму единственного и форму множественного числа, называются исчисляемыми: а book — two books, а mug — а lot of mugs.
Существительные, которые имеют только одну форму, называются неис-числяемымн. К таким относятся:
• названия веществ: butter, sugar, milk, bread, gold;
♦ абстрактные существительные: time, friendship, kindness.
Форма множественного числа имен существительных образуется с помощью окончания -S или -es, которое прибавляется к основе единственного числа.
Окончание -s читается как [z] после звонких согласных и гласных: а реп — pens [z].
После глухих согласных окончание -s читается как [s]: а тор — mops [s].
После S, SS, X, sh, ch окончание -es читается как [iz]: а bench — benches [iz].
Окончание -es во множественном числе имеют:
a) существительные, которые оканчиваются в единственном числе на s, SS, X, sh, ch: а fax — faxes [iz], a bus — buses [iz], a bush — bushes [iz], a glass — glasses, a coach — coaches;
b) существительные, которые оканчиваются в единственном числе на о: hero —• heroes.
Но: photo — photos, piano — pianos, zero ~ zeros;
c) существительные, которые оканчиваются в единственном числе на у, перед которой стоит согласная. Буква у при этом меняется на i: city — cities;
d) некоторые существительные, оканчивающиеся в единственном числе на f или fe. Буква f при этом меняется на v: shelf — shelves, wife — wives.
Запомните имена существительные, которые образуют форму множественного числа не по общему правилу:
Единственное число
man — мужчина woman — женщина tooth — зуб child — ребенок foot — ступня
Множественное число
men — мужнины women — женщины teeth — зубы children — дети feet — ступни
Существительные advice (совет, советы), knowledge (знание, знания), information (информация), money (деньги), hair (волосы) в английском язы-
212 Grommor Reference
ке являются неисчисляемыми. Они не имеют формы множественного числа, заменяются местоимением третьего лица единственного числа (it) и согласуются с глаголами третьего лица единственного числа.
Thank you for all your advice. It always helps me. — Спасибо за все Ваши советы. Они всегда мне помогают.
Where is the money? I put it on the table. — Где деньги? Я положил их на стол. Существительное news (новость, новости) является неисчисляемым существительным единственного числа и согласуется с глаголами третьего лица единственного числа.
WhaTs the news? — Какие новости?
Существительные в английском языке имеют два падежа — общий и притяжательный.
Общий падеж имеют все существительные. В этом падеже у существительных нет особого окончания. Это форма, в которой существительное дается в словаре.
The Possessive Case (Притяжательный падеж имен существительных)
Притяжательный падеж используется для того, чтобы показать:
• что что-либо принадлежит кому-либо: Bob's book — книга Боба какие отношения связывают двух или более людей: Nina's — сестра Нины; Mark and Rob's mother — мама Марка и Роба
Форму притяжательного падежа имеют в основном одушевленные существительные, обозначающие живое существо, которому принадлежит предмет, качество или признак. Существительное в единственном числе образует притяжательный падеж с помощью окончания -s, перед которым стоит апостроф (’) — ту sister's dress — платье моей сестры.
Чтобы образовать притяжательный падеж, к существительному во множественном числе добавляется только апостроф:
The girls' room — комната девочек.
a) После звонких согласных и гласных окончание s читается как [z]: Тот's, dog's.
b) После глухих согласных окончание s читается как [s]: Pat's, Mark's.
c) После шипящих и свистящих согласных окончание s читается как [iz]: Boss's.
Иногда принадлежность чего-либо лицу, выраженному данным существительным, можно также выразить, поставив перед существительным в общем падеже предлог of: ^ а photo of ту friend — фото моего друга
Grammar Reference 213
The Article (Артикль)
Общие сведения
Артикль а употребляется в основном перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе.
Артикль а употребляется в следующих случаях: когда какое-либо лицо или предмет называется впервые:
Suddenly he saw а boy. — Неожиданно он увидел мальчика, о когда существительное является частью составного именного сказуемого: Не is а doctor.^ Он врач.
Перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, если они начинаются с гласной, неопределенный артикль имеет форму ап:
She gave те ап apple. — Она дала мне яблоко.
Определенный артикль the может употребляться с любыми существительными в необходимых контекстах.
Артикль the употребляется, когда речь идет о лице / предмете, которые упоминались ранее:
Fve bought а new book. The book is interesting.
Артикль the употребляется c названиями:
• сторон света — the South
• рек — the Volga
® морей — the Black Sea
• океанов — the Atlantic Ocean
° каналов — the English Channel
• пустынь — the Sahara
w горных цепей — the Alps
• стран, содержащих слова statesy kingdom, federation —
the United States, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation
• театров — the Bolshoi Theatre
• музеев — the Hermitage
о галерей — the Tretyakov Gallery
• гостиниц — the Ambassador Hotel
• газет — the Times Артикль the употребляется:
• перед существительными, обозначающими уникальные объекты — the sun, the sky, the Parthenon, the world
о перед названиями музыкальных инструментов в таких сочетаниях, как to play the guitar..., to play the piano...
® перед фамилиями и национальностями, когда имеется в виду вся семья — he Inins, the MaeWizards, the English, the Americans, the Russians ^ перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, когда существительное является представителем целого класса предметов:
214 Grammar Reference
The giraffe is the tallest animal on our planet. — Жираф — самое высокое животное на нашей планете.
Без артикля употребляются названия:
• континентов — Africa и т. п.
• стран — France и т. п.
• городов — London и т. п.
• деревень — Strelkovka и т. п.
• регионов — Kaluga Region и т. п.
• отдельных островов — Sakhalin
• отдельных горных вершин — Elbrus
• отдельных площадей — Trafalgar Square
• отдельных парков — Hyde Park
• отдельных улиц — Baker Street
• таких планет, как — MarSy Venus, Jupiter
Без артикля употребляются исчисляемые существительные во множественном числе, когда они являются представителями целого класса предметов: She likes roses, — Она любит розы.
Horses are clever animals. — Лошади — умные животные.
The Adjective (Имя прилагательное)
Имя прилагательное — это часть речи, которая обозначает признак предмета и отвечает на вопрос какой?
а nice house — красивый дом
Степени сравнения прилагательных
Английские прилагательные имеют сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения. К прилагательным в положительной степени, состоящим из одного или двух слогов, оканчивающихся на -у, -ow, -ег, в сравнительной степени прибавляется суффикс -ег, а в превосходной степени — суффикс -est.
Положительная степень Сравнительная степень j Превосходная степень
long (длинный) clever (умный) narrow (узкий) longer (длиннее) cleverer (умнее) narrower (уже) longest (самый длинный) cleverest (самый умный) narrowest (самый узкий)
Если прилагательное оканчивается на -е, то при прибавлении суффикса -ei или -est буква е отбрасывается.
Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень
nice (приятный) nicer (приятнее) nicest (самый приятный)
Grammar Reference 215
в прилагательных, оканчивающихся на ударный слог с кратким гласным, при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est конечная согласная удваивается.
Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень
fat (толстый) fatter (толще) fattest (самый толстый)
Если прилагательное оканчивается на -у, которой предшествует согласная, то при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est буква у меняется на i.
Положительная степень \ Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень
happy (счаст.аивый) happier (счастливее) happiest (самый счастливый)
^ Положительная сгепень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень
good (хороший) better (лучше) best (самый лучший)
bad (плохой) worse (хуже) worst (самый плохой)
far (дальний, далекий) farther (более дальний) further (дальнейший) farthest (самый дальний) furthest (самый далекий)
much / many (много) more (больше) most (больше всего)
Большинство прилагательных, состоящих из двух и более слогов, образуют степени сравнения с помощью слов more, most less и least, которые ставятся перед прилагательными в положительной степени.
П г ' , . Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень
beautiful (красивый) more beautiful (более красивый, красивее) most beautiful (самый красивый)
interesting (интересный) less interesting (менее интересный) least interesting (наименее интересный)
Качества предметов, действий и явлений можно также сравнивать: с помощью слова than (нем):
Tom's flat is bigger than Misha's. — Квартира Тома больше, чем квартира Миши.
It's warmer today than yesterday. — Сегодня теплее, чем вчера.
♦ с помощью союзов as... as (такой же, как) и not as... as (не такой, как): This book is as interesting as that one. — Эта книга такая же интересная, как та.
This book is not as interesting as that one. — Эта книга не такая интересная, как та.
216 Grammor Reference
The Adverb (Наречие)
Наречия разделяются на подклассы:
^ наречия времени (когда?): now, then, yesterday;
* наречия частотности (как часто?): often, never, ever, sometimes;
® наречия места и направления (где? куда?): here, there, inside, abroad;
® наречия образа действия (как?): quickly, loudly, suddenly.
Наречия образа действия образуются от прилагательных с помощью суффикса -1у: sad (грустный) — sadly (грустно).
Если прилагательное оканчивается на букву у, а перед ней стоит согласная, то при добавлении суффикса -1у конечная у меняется на i: happy (счастливый) — happily (счастливо).
Большинство наречий являются неизменяемыми словами, но ряд наречий образа действия имеют формы сравнительной и превосходной степени, которые они образуют с помощью more и most: carefully — more carefully — most carefidly; slowly — more slowly, most slowly.
Только небольшое количество наречий образуют степени сравнения с помощью -ег, -est: fast (быстро) — faster — fastest, early (рано) — earlier - earliest.
К наречиям образа действия в сравнительной степени прибавляется more, а в превосходной most: carefully — more carefully — most carefully.
Запомните наречия, которые образуют степени сравнения не по правилу.
well (хорошо) — better — best
badly (плохо) — worse — worst
much / many (много) — more — most
little (мало) — less — least
far (далеко) — farther — farthest
further — furthest
The Pronoun (Местоимение)
Местоимение — это часть речи, которая употребляется вместо имени существительного или имени прилагательного.
I have а cousin. He^s а programmer. His mother is my aunt. — У меня есть двоюродный брат. Он — программист. Его мама — моя тетя.
Местоимения делятся на несколько подгрупп: личные, притяжательные, неопределенные, возвратные.
Если личные местоимения употребляются в предложении в качестве подлежащего, то они стоят в именительном падеже. Если они употребляются в предложении в качестве дополнения, то они стоят в объектном падеже.
Склонение английских личных местоимений
Именительный падеж кто? что?
Объектный падеж
кого? что? кому? нему? кем? нем? о ком? о чем?
те меня, мне, мной, (обо) мне
Grammar Reference 217
Именительный падеж кто? что? Объектный падеж кого? что? кому? чему? кем? нем? о ком? о чем?
you ТЫ (Вы) you вас, вам, вами, (о) вас
he OH him его, ему, им, (о) нем
she она her ее, ей, ею, (о) ней
it OHO, OH, она (неодуш.) it ее, ей, ею, (о) ней, его, ему, им, (о) нем
we мы us нас, нам, нами, (о) нас
you вы you вас, вам, вами, (о) вас
they они them их, им, ими, (о) них
притяжательные местоимения
Притяжательные местоимения имеют две формы — основную и абсолютную. Притяжательные местоимения в основной форме служат определением к существительным и ставятся перед ними:
ту book — моя книга, his friends — его друзья.
Притяжательные местоимения в абсолютной форме заменяют существительные, поэтому существительные после них не употребляются.
Му flat is bigger than yours. — Моя квартира больше, чем ваша.
Основная форма притяжательных местоимений
Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений
This is my book. The book is mine.
This is your book. The book is yours.
This is his book. The book is his.
This is her book. The book is hers.
This is our house. The house is ours.
This is your house. The house is yours.
This is their house. The house is theirs.
Местоимения same, any, по
Местоимение some означает несколько, какое-то количество и употребляется в утвердительных предложениях.
I have some friends, — У меня есть друзья.
There is some coffee in my cup. — В чашке есть кофе.
В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях употребляется место-имение any, которое означает сколько-нибудь, какой-нибудь.
Do they have any books? — У них есть книги?
218 Grammar Reference
Do you have any coffee? — У вас есть кофе?
I don*t have any friends. — У меня нет друзей.
We don't have any coffee. — У нас нет кофе.
No означает никакой и употребляется в отрицательных предложениях.
Не has по time at all. — У него совсем нет времени.
There is по sugar in the tea. — В чае нет сахара.
Местоимения somefb/ng, nothing, anything, somebody, nobody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere
Эти местоимения образованы от местоимений some, no, any и подчиняются тем же грамматическим правилам.
Утвердительное ^предложение Вопросительное предложение Отрицательное предложение
somebody кто-то anybody кто-нибудь nobody никто
something что-то anything что-нибудь nothing ничего
somewhere где-то anywhere где-нибудь nowhere нигде
С местоимениями something, nothing, anything, somebody, nobody, anybody
употребляются глаголы 3 лица единственного числа.
There is somebody in the room. — В комнате кто-то есть.
There is something on the table. — Ha столе что-то есть.
Is there anybody in the room?— В комнате кто-то есть?
Is there anything on the table?— Ha столе что-то есть?
There is nobody in the room. — В комнате никого нет.
There is nothing on the table. — Ha столе ничего нет.
При наличии в предложении местоимений nothing, nobody, nowhere дополнительных отрицаний не требуется.
Nobody knows him. — Никто его не знает.
She has nothing in her bag. — У нее в сумке ничего нет.
I can't find him. Не is nowhere. — Я не могу его найти. Его нигде нет.
Местоимения much, many, а lot of
Much (много) употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными.
/ don 7 eat much butter. — Я не ем много масла.
Do you have much time to read? — У вас много времени, чтобы читать? Many (много) употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными.
We don't need many apples. — Нам не нужно много яблок.
Do you have many friends? — У вас много друзей?
Как правило, much и many употребляются в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.
Grammar Reference 219
А lot of (много) употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными.
She has а lot of time. — У нее много времени.
We don’t need а lot of apples.— Нам не нужно много яблок.
Do you have а lot of friends? — У вас много друзей?
Местоимения few, little
Little (мало) употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными.
There is very little snow this winter. — Этой зимой очень мало снега.
Few (мало) употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными.
There are few houses in that street. — Ha той улице мало домов.
The Numeral (Имя числительное)
Имя числительное — это часть речи, которая обозначает количество предметов, число, а также порядок предметов при счете. Имена числительные в английском языке делятся на количественные и порядковые.
Количественные числительные
Количественные числительные от 1 до 12 — простые. Они не имеют специальных окончаний.
Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 оканчиваются на -teen: six + -teen - sixteen.
В словах, оканчивающихся на -teen, два ударения — sixteen [,siks‘ti;n].
Количественные числительные, обозначающие десятки, оканчиваются на -ty: six + -ty = sixty.
В словах, оканчивающихся на -ty, ударение падает на первый слог — sixty ['sikstij.
8 9
18 19
one hundred two thousand three million
Количественные числительные от 21 до 99, состоящие из десятков и единиц, пишутся через дефис: 29 — twenty-nine, 45 — forty-five.
220 Grammar Reference
Между словами hundred, thousand, million и следующими за ними названиями десятков и единиц при произнесении ставится слово and:
465 — four hundred and sixty-five;
3,892 — three thousand eight hundred and ninety-two.
Разряды многозначных чисел отделяются друг от друга запятой.
Порядковые числительные
Порядковые числительные от 4 до 20 образуются от количественных чис лительных с помощью суффикса -th.
1- й
2- й
3- й
4- й
5- й
6- й
7- й
8- й
9- й 10-й
11- Й — eleventh
12- Й — twelfth
13- Й — thirteenth
14- Й — fourteenth
15- Й — fifteenth
16- Й — sixteenth
17- Й — seventeenth
18- Й — eighteenth
19- Й — nineteenth
20- Й — twentieth
Чтение дот
Даты в английском языке пишутся следующим образом:
7 April — седьмое апреля. Произносится: (he seventh of April.
Перед датой употребляется предлог on.
Мой день рождения 7 апреля. — Му birthday is on 7th April.
Дата произносится — on the seventh of April.
В датах год читается следующим образом; в 1675 году — in sixteen seventy-five.
Круглые даты произносятся следующим образом: в 1600 году — in sixteen hundred.
Начиная с третьего тысячелетия даты произносятся следующим образом: В 2001 году. — 1п the year two thousand and one.
Grcjmmor Roterence 221
The Verb (Глагол)
Глагол — это часть речи, которая обозначает действие и отвечает на вопросы что делать? что сделать?
Образование повелительного наклонения
Утвердительная форма повелительного наклонения совпадает с неопределенной формой глагола (без частицы to).
Listen! — Послушайте!
Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола do и отрицания not.
Don't cry, — Не плачь.
The Present Sirnpie Tense Употребление Present Simple Tense
Present Simple Tense употребляется для выражения действий, которые происходят: о регулярно:
Не plays tennis every day. — Он играет в теннис каждый день.
* в соответствии с графиком или расписанием;
The train arrives at 6 o'clock. — Поезд прибывает в 6 часов.
® для обозначения будущего действия в придаточных предложениях времени
и условия:
Ги phone him if I have time. — Я позвоню ему, если у меня будет время.
Образование Present Simple Tense
Present Simple Tense образуется c помощью основного глагола в I форме:
They play football every day. — Они играют в футбол каждый день.
Спряжение глаголов в Present Simple Tense
I meet we
you meet you ^ meet
he / she / it meets they
Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений
о Утвердительное предложение (УП)
УП = Подлежащее + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения.
You drink milk every morning. — Вы пьете молоко каждое утро. Mike drinks milk every morning. — Майк пьет молоко каждое утро.
222 Grommor Reference
• Отрицательное предложение (ОП)
Для образования отрицательных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол do, который имеет форму does в 3 лице единственного числа, и отрицательная частица not.
Обратите внимание! do not = don% does not = doesn4
on = Подлежащее + don't / doesn’t -к основной глагол в I форме ч-второстепенные члены предложения.
You don't drink tea every morning, — Вы не пьете чай каждое утро.
Mike doesn't drink tea every morning, — Майк не пьет чай каждое утро.
• Общий вопрос (ОВ)
Для образования вопросительных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол do, который имеет форму does в 3 лице единственного числа.
ОВ = Do / Does + подлежащее + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения?
Do you drink milk every morning? — Вы пьете молоко каждое утро?
YeSy I do, — Да.
Does Mike drink milk every morning? — Майк пьет молоко каждое утро? YeSy he does, — Да.
• Альтернативный вопрос (АВ)
Альтернативный вопрос представляет из себя два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу.
АВ = ОВ -ь or -ь ОВ?
Do you drink milk or (do you drink) tea every morning? — Вы или они пьют молоко каждое утро?
Does Mike drink milk or (does Mike drink) tea every morning? — Майк пьет молоко или чай каждое утро?
Специальный вопрос (СВ)
СВ = Вопросительное слово ч- ОВ?
What do you drink every morning? — Что вы пьете каждое утро?
What does Mike do? — Что делает Майк?
Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП)
ВП = Who / What ч- основной глагол в 3 лице ед. ч. ч-второстепенные члены предложения?
В вопросе к подлежащему сохраняется прямой порядок слов, а основной глагол всегда употребляется в 3 лице единственного числа.
Who drinks milk every morning? — Кто пьет молоко каждое утро?
You do. — Вы.
Grammar Reference 223
^ Разделительный вопрос
You drink milk every morningy don't you? — Вы пьете молоко каждое утро,
не так ли?
YeSy I do. — Да, пью.
Mike doesn't drink milk every morning, does he? — Майк не пьет молоко каждое утро, не так ли?
Yes, he does. — Нет, пьет.
Окончание -s в английских глаголах читается как [z] после гласных и звонких согласных: read — reads, play — plays, live — lives.
Окончание -s читается как [s] после глухих согласных: work — works.
К глаголам, которые оканчиваются на s, ss, sh, ch, x, прибавляется окончание -es, которое читается как [iz]: teach — teaches, wash — washes, press — presses, fix — fixes.
К глаголам, которые оканчиваются на о, прибавляется окончание -es, которое читается как [z]: goes [gsuz], does [йлг].
Если глагол оканчивается на у, которая стоит после согласной, то к глаголу прибавляется окончание -es. Буква у меняется на i: fly — flies.
Глагол to be в Present Simple Tense
Глагол to be {быть, находиться, являться) в Present Simple Tense имеет формы: am, is, are.
I am a pupil — Я ученик.
He is at school — Он в школе.
They are my friends. — Они мои друзья.
Спряжение глагола fo be в Present Simple Tense
Единственное число
I am (I'm)
you are (you’re)
he / she / it is (he’s, she’s, it’s)
i Множественное ^
we are (we're) you are (you’re) they are (they’re)
Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений
^ Утвердительное предложение
Не is ту friend. — Он мой друг.
They are at home. — Они дома.
Обратите внимание! Is =’s, are =’ге He's ту friend.
They're at home.
224 Grcminor Reference
« Отрицательное предложение
Для образования отрицательных и вопросительных предложений глаголу to be вспомогательный глагол не требуется.
Не is not ту friend. - Он не мой друг.
They are not in the shop. — Они не в магазине.
Обратите внимание! is not = isn’t, are not = aren’t He isn't my friend. — Он не мой друг.
They aren't in the shop. — Они не в магазине.
Общий вопрос
Are they in the shop? — Они в магазине? — NOy they are not. — Нет.
« Специальный вопрос
Where are they? — Где они?
® Вопрос к подлежащему
В вопросе к подлежащему глагол to be всегда употребляется в форме 3 лица единственного числа (is).
Who is at home? — Кто дома? — They are. — Они.
What is in the bag? — Что в портфеле? — It's a book. — Книга.
« Разделительный вопрос
Тот is from Londony isn't he? — Том из Лондона, не так ли?
YeSy he is.— Да, он из Лондона.
Конструкция 1$ / ТЬаге are
Чтобы сообщить о наличии какого-либо лица / предмета в каком-либо месте, используется конструкция There is / There are:
There is a book on the table. — Ha столе книга.
There are girls on the bench. — Ha скамейке девочки.
There is a mouse in the kitchen. — Ha кухне мышь.
Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения образуются по общему правилу употребления глагола to be в Present Simple.
Образование общих вопросов
Is there а book on the table? — Yes, there is.
Are (here four books on the table? — No, there aren't.
Образование отрицательных предложений There isn^t computer in his room.
There is no computer in his room. — В его комнате нет компьютера.
Образование вопросительных предложений
What is there on the table? — Что находится на столе?
Порядок слов в вопросах, начинающихся с How many. How much, следующий:
Grammar Reference 225
How many books are there on the table? — Сколько книг на столе?
How much sugar is there in this cup of tea? — Сколько сахара в этой чашке чая?
The Past Simple Tense
Употребление Past Simple Tense
Past Simple употребляется для выражения:
• действий, которые происходили в прошлом обычно, часто, всегда:
Не usually came home late.’- Он обычно приходил домой поздно.
• единичных действий, которые происходили в прошлом:
We saw an interesting film last week, — Мы смотрели интересный фильм на прошлой неделе.
• последовательных действий, которые происходили в прошлом:
I bought two tickets^ met ту friend and we went to the theatre. — Я купил два билета, встретился с другом, и мы пошли в театр.
Образование Past Simple Tense
Past Simple образуется с помощью окончания -ed, прибавляемого к I форме правильных глаголов (work — worked), или II формы неправильных глаголов (go — went).
Глаголы в Past Simple имеют одну и ту же форму во всех лицах и числах.
Спряжение глаголов в Past Simple Tense
I ^
you he / she / it . watched met
you they
Чтение окончания -ed
Если глагол оканчивается на гласную или звонкую согласную, окончание -ed читается как [d]: open — opened.
Если глагол оканчивается на глухую согласную, окончание -ed читается как [t]: ask — asked.
Если глагол оканчивается на буквы t или d, окончание -ed читается как [id]: want — wanted.
Если глагол оканчивается на букву у, а перед ней стоит согласная, то при добавлении -ed буква у меняется на i: study — studied.
Если глагол оканчивается на согласную, которой предшествует ударная гласная в закрытом слоге, то такая согласная удваивается: stop — stopped.
226 Grammar Reference
Образование утвердительных^ отрицотельных и вопросительных предложений
Утвердительное предложение (УП)
УП = Подлежащее + основной глагол во II форме + второстепенные члены предложения.
Misha saw ту friend last month. — Миша видел моего друга в прошлом месяце.
* Отрицательное предложение (ОП)
Для образования отрицательных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол did и отрицательная частица not.
ОП = Подлежащее + did not -ь основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения.
Misha did not see ту friend last week. — Миша не видел моего друга на прошлой неделе.
Обратите внимание! did not = didn’t Общий вопрос (ОВ)
Для образования вопросительных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол did.
ОВ = Did + подлежащее + основной глагол в I форме -i-второстепенные члены предложения?
Did Misha see his friend last month? — Миша видел своего друга в прошлом месяце? — Yes, he did — Да.
Альтернативный вопрос (АВ)
АВ = ОВ + or -I- ОВ?
Альтернативный вопрос представляет из себя два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу.
Did Misha see ту friend last month or (did he see my friend) last week? — Миша видел моего друга в прошлом месяце или на прошлой неделе?
• Специальный вопрос (СВ)
СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ?
When did Misha see ту friend? — Когда Миша видел моего друга?
Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП)
ВП = Who + основной глагол во II форме -ь второстепенные члены предложения?
Who saw ту friend last month? — Кто видел моего друга в прошлом месяце? — Misha did, — Миша.
Grammar Reference 227
* Разделительный вопрос
Misha didn^t see ту friend last month, did he? — Миша не видел моего друга в прошлом месяце, не так ли? — Yes, he did — Нет, видел.
Глагол fo be в Past Simple Tense
Глагол to be в Past Simple Tense имеет форму was в единственном числе и were во множественном числе.
Спряжение глагола to be в Past Simple Tense
I 1 we
you > was you > were
he / she / it I they 1
Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений
* Утвердительное предложение
They were at home. — Они были дома.
* Отрицательное предложение
Для образования отрицательных предложений к глаголам was и were добавляется отрицательная частица not.
Не was not at home at 6 p.m. — Его не было дома в шесть часов.
They were not in the park. — Они не были в парке.
Обратите внимание! was not = wasn’t, were not = weren’t
He wasn't at home at 6 p.m.
They weren't in the park.
* Общий вопрос
Для образования вопросительных предложений глаголам was и were вспомогательный глагол не требуется.
Were they in the park? — Они были в парке?
No, they weren't. — Нет.
* Альтернативный вопрос
Were they at home or in the park? -- Они были дома или в парке?
* CneuHaj'ibHbm вопрос
Where were they? — Где они были?
* Вопрос к подлежащему
Who was at home? — Кто был дома?
They were. — Они.
* Разделительный вопрос
They were at home, weren't they? — Они были дома, не так ли?
Yes, they were. — Да.
228 Grammar Reference
The Present Progressive Tense
Употребление Present Progressive Tense
Present Progressive употребляется для выражения действий, которые происходят:
• в точно указанный момент в настоящем:
She is reading the book now. — Сейчас она читает книгу.
• в более длительный период в настоящем:
They are moving to a new flat. — Они переезжают в новую квартиру.
• для выражения запланированных действий, которые произойдут в будущем:
lam leaving tomorrow. — Я уезжаю завтра.
Present Progressive не употребляется со следующими глаголами:
to remember — помнить to hate — ненавидеть
to know — знать to hear — слышать
to like — нравиться to want — хотеть
to need — нуждаться to think — (в значении) полагать
to forget — забывать to believe — верить
to be — быть, находиться to understand — понимать
Образование Present Progressive Tense
Present Progressive Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательных глаголов am / is / are + основной глагол в I форме + окончание -ing.
При прибавлении окончания -ing
Если глагол оканчивается на -е, то она отбрасывается: take — taking, give - giving.
Конечная согласная удваивается, если ей предшествует ударная гласная, стоящая в закрытом слоге: cut — cutting, begin — beginning.
Если буква I является конечной, она удваивается: travel — travelling. Буквосочетание ie меняется на у: die — dying, tie — tying, lie — lying.
Спряжение глаголов в Present Progressive Tense
I am ^
you are we
he is > working you
she is they
it is '
Grammar Reference 229
Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений
• Утвердительное предложение (УП)
УП = Подлежащее + am / is / are + основной глагол + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения.
Не is speaking to Jane now. — Сейчас он разговаривает с Джейн. Отрицательное предложение (ОП)
ОП = Подлежащее + am / is / are + not + основной глагол + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения.
Не is not speaking to Sabby now.— Она сейчас не разговаривает с Сэбби. Общий вопрос (ОВ)
ОВ = Ат / Is / Are + подлежащее + основной глагол + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения?
Is he speaking to Jane now? — Он сейчас разговаривает с Джейн? — YeSy he is. — Да.
о Альтернативный вопрос (АВ)
АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ?
Альтернативный вопрос представляет из себя два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу.
Is he speaking to Jane or (is he speaking) to Sabby now? — Он сейчас разговаривает с Джейн или с Сэбби?
• Специальный вопрос (СВ)
СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ?
What is he doing? — Что он делает? • Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП)
ВП = Who / What + is + основной глагол + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения?
Who is speaking to Jane now? — Кто сейчас разговоривает с Джейн? — Не is. — Он.
» Разделительный вопрос
Не is speaking to Jane now, isn't he? — Yes, he is.
Сейчас OH разговаривает c Джейн, не так ли?
/ know this man. — Я знаю этого человека.
230 Grammar Reference
The Past Progressive Tense Употребление Past Progressive Tense
Past Progressive Tense употребляется для выражения действий, которые происходили в точно указанный момент времени в прошлом. Момент времени в прошлом может быть выражен:
a) точным указанием времени, когда происходило действие:
Linda was watching TV at 10 o^clock yesterday.— Вчера в десять вечера Линда смотрела телевизор.
b) прошедшим действием, выраженным глаголом в Past Simple:
Linda was watching TV when her friends came. — Линда смотрела телевизор, когда пришли ее друзья.
Past Progressive не употребляется со следующими глаголами:
to remember — помнить to know — знать
to like — нравиться to hear — слышать
to need — нуждаться to want — хотеть
to forget — забывать to think — (в значении) полагать
to be — быть, находиться to believe — верить
to hate — ненавидеть to understand — понимать
Образование Past Progressive Tense
Past Progressive Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательных глаголов was / were + основной глагол в I форме + окончание -ing.
Спряжение глаголов в Past Progressive Tense
I was ']
You were We 1
He was f working when he came. You V were working when he came.
She was They J
It was ^
Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений
Утвердительное предложение (УП)
УП = Подлежащее + was / were + основной глагол + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения.
They were flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday. — Они пролетали над Шотландией вчера в шесть часов вечера.
Grammar Reference 231
Отрицательное предложение (ОП)
ОП = Подлежащее + was / were + not + основной глагол + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения.
They weren^ flying over England at 6 p,m. yesterday. — Вчера в шесть вечера они не пролетали над Англией.
Общий вопрос (ОВ)
ОВ = Was / Were + подлежащее + основной глагол + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения?
Were they flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Они пролетали над Шотландией вчера в шесть вечера?
YeSy they were. — Да
Альтернативный вопрос (АВ)
АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ?
Альтернативный вопрос представляет из себя два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу.
Were they flying over Scotland or (were they flying) over England at 6 p. m. yesterday? — Они пролетали над Шотландией или над Англией вчера в шесть часов вечера?
Специальный вопрос (СВ)
СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ?
What were (hey doing at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Что они делали вчера в шесть вечера?
Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП)
ВП = Who / What + was + основной глагол + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения?
Who was flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Кто пролетал над Шотландией вчера в шесть часов вечера?
They were. — Они.
Разделительный вопрос
They were flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday, weren^t they? — Они пролетали над Шотландией вчера в шесть часов вечера, не так ли?
Yes, they were. — Да.
232 Grammar Reference
Употребление Future Simple
Глаголы в форме Future Simple употребляются: для предсказания будущих событий:
You4l таке new friends next year. — У тебя появятся новые друзья в следующем году.
I think Granny will come on Monday, — Я думаю, бабушка приедет в понедельник.
Maybe hell phone tomorrow, — Может быть, он позвонит завтра.
I hope shell sing tonight. — Я надеюсь, она будет петь сегодня вечером. One day well meet again.— Когда-нибудь мы встретимся снова.
Ill phone later, — Я позвоню позже.
Hell come back soon. — Он скоро вернется.
для выражения обещаний и решений, принятых в момент речи:
А: What are you doing? — Что ты делаешь?
В: Гт cleaning the floor. — Я мою пол.
А: ГИ help you. — Я помогу тебе.
Future Simple употребляется с такими обозначениями времени, как:
tomorrow — завтра next week — на следующей неделе next month — в следующем месяце next year — в следующем году next time — в следующий раз
in а minute — через минуту in ап hour — через час in two weeks — через две недели in five years — через пять лет in the future — в будущем
in а day — через день
Future Simple образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола will и I формы основного глагола.
Спряжение глаголов во Future Simple
you he / she / it 1 will (’ll) see, be
we 1
you У will (’ll) see, be
they J
Сокращенная форма от will — Ч1
В сокращенной форме глагол will (41) может употребляться только в утвердительных предложениях. В вопросительных предложениях используется полная форма — will.
Grom^c^ kererence 233
Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений
Утвердительное предложение
УП = Подлежащее + will + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения.
Не will write а letter next week. — Он напишет письмо на следующей неделе. Не will be at home tomorrow. — Он будет дома завтра.
НеЧ1 write а letter next week.
НеЧ1 be at home tomorrow.
Отрицательное предложение (ОП)
on = Подлежащее + won’t + основной глагол в I форме + ] второстепенные члены предложения. j
Не will not write а letter tomorrow. — Он не напишет письмо завтра. She will not be at home tomorrow. — Ее не будет дома завтра. Обратите внимание! will not = won’t Не won4 write a letter next week.
He won4 be at home tomorrow.
Общий вопрос (OB)
OB = Will + подлежащее + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения?
Will he write а letter next week? — Он напишет письмо на следующей неделе?
YeSy he will — Да.
Will he be at home tomorrow? — Он будет дома завтра?
YeSy he will — Да.
Альтернативный вопрос (АВ)
АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ?
Альтернативный вопрос представляет из себя два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом ог (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу.
Will he write а letter tomorrow or (will he write a letter) next week? — Он напишет письмо завтра или на следующей неделе?
Will she beat home or (will she be) in the hospital at 9 o'clock? — Она будет дома или в больнице в 9 часов?
* Специальный вопрос (СВ)
СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ?
When will he write a letter? — Когда он напишет письмо? When will he be at home? — Когда он будет дома?
234 Gram та г Reference
^ Вопрос к подлежащему
Who will write а letter next week? — Кто напишет письмо на следующей неделе?
Не will. — Он.
Who will be at home tomorrow? — Кто будет дома завтра?
Не will. — Он.
^ Разделительный вопрос
Не will not write а letter tomorrow, will he? — Он не напишет письмо завтра, не так ли?
No, he won4.— Нет, не напишет.
Не will not be at home tomorrow, will he? — Его не будет дома завтра, не так ли?
Yes, he will. — Нет, будет.
The Fufure-in-the Past
The Future-in-the Past употребляется для выражения действий, которые представляются будущими с точки зрения прошлого.
The Future-in-the Past образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола would и основного глагола в I форме.
She hoped her husband would come back soon. — Она надеялась, что ее муж скоро вернется.
The Present Perfect Tense Употребление Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Tense употребляется для выражения действия, которое произошло (завершилось) до настоящего момента, но результат этого действия видим сейчас, то есть своим результатом действие, совершенное в прошлом, связано с настоящим временем.
Where is your money? — I have lost it.
Где твои деньги? — Я их потерял. (Деньги пропали раньше, неважно когда.
Важно то, что у меня их нет сейчас.)
Гуе cut ту finger. I can*t write. — Я порезал палец. (Палец я порезал раньше,
а сейчас у меня есть след от пореза.) Я не могу писать.
Present Perfect может употребляться без указания времени, поскольку для говорящего важно не время совершения действия, а сам факт его совершения.
Гт cold. Somebody has opened the window. ~ Я замерз. Кто-то открыл
Present Perfect часто употребляется с наречиями: just — только что; already — уже\ yet — еще\ ever — когда-нибудь; never — никогда; lately — за последнее время.
Не has just phoned. — Он только что позвонил.
Gronmor Reference 235
Наречие yet употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.
Have you spoken to her yet? — Ты уже с ней разговаривал?
I haven't seen him yet. — Я еще его не видел.
Наречие ever употребляется в вопросительных предложениях, never — в отрицательных.
Место этих наречий между have (has) и основным глаголом.
I have never played golf. — Я никогда не играл в гольф.
Have you ever been to New York? — Вы когда-нибудь бывали в Нью-Йорке? Present Perfect может употребляться с обстоятельствами, обозначающими еще не истекший период времени:
today — сегодня, this year — в этом году I haven't seen her today. — Я не видел ее сегодня.
Образование Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола have / has и III формы основного глагола.
I hare already seen this film. — Я уже видел этот фильм.
Сокращенная форма от have — Че, от has — ’s I have = 1Че, he has = he’s
Спряжение глаголов в Present Perfect Tense
I have Л
you have we have 1
he has > written you have been
she has they have J
it has ^
Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений
о Утвердительное предложение (УП)
УП = Подлежащее + have / has + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения.
She has seen this film. — Она посмотрела этот фильм.
They have been to London this year. — Они побывали в Лондоне в этом году.
а Отрицательное предложение (ОП)
ОП = Подлежащее + have / has + not + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения.
Не hasn't seen this film. — Он не посмотрел этот фильм.
236 Grammor Refere»^co
She hasn't been to London this yean — Она не побывала в Лондоне в этом году.
Обратите внимание! have not = haven^t, has not = hasn4 Общин вопрос (OB)
OB = Have / Has + подлежащее + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения?
Has she seen this film? — Она посмотрела этот фильм.
Have they been to London this year? — Они побывали в Лондоне в этом году?
Yes, they have, — Да.
Альтернативный вопрос (АВ)
АВ = ОВ + ог + ОВ?
Альтернативный вопрос представляет из себя два общих вопроса, соединен-ых союзом ог (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются олько слова, содержащие альтернативу.
Has she seen this film or has her sister seen it? — Она или ее сестра посмотрела этот фильм?
Have they been to London or (have they been) to Washington this year? — Они побывали в Лондоне или в Вашингтоне в этом году?
Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП)
ВЦ = Whq / What + has + основной глагол в III форме +
BTopocrertCjHHbie члены предложения?
Who has seen mis film? — Кто посмотрел этот фильм?
She has. — Она.
Who has been to London this year? — They have.
Специальный вопрос (СВ)
СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ?
What has she seen? — Что она посмотрела?
Where have they been this year? — Где они побывали в этом году? Разделительный вопрос
She has seen this film, hasn't she? — Она посмотрела этот фильм, не так ли?
Yes, she has. — Да.
They have been to London this year, haven't they? — Они побывали в Лондоне в этом году, не так ли?
Yes, they have. — Да
Grommcr Reference 237
Presenr Perfect Progressive Употребление Present Perfect Progressive
Present Perfect Progressive употребляется для выражения длящегося действия, которое началось в прошлом, все еще продолжается в настоящее время и определенным образом подводит итог продолжительности этого действия. I have been reading this book for a week. — Я читаю эту книгу в течение недели.
В предложениях с Present Perfect Progressive, как правило, указывается период времени, в течение которого происходит действие. Период времени может быть выражен:
о обстоятельствами времени типа: all my life, all these years, lately (в последнее время):
I have been working longer hours lately. — В последнее время я остаюсь на работе дольше.
* обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми предлогом for (в течение): for а week (в течение недели), for five years (в течение пяти лет), for а long time (в течение длительного времени) и т. д.
Lena and Sveta have already been talking on the phone for half an hour.—
Лена и Света разговаривают по телефону уже полчаса.
® обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми словом since. Since, в зависимости от контекста, переводится по-разному: с; с тех пор; с тех пор как.
She has been dreaming about a dog since she was a child. — Она мечтает о собаке с детства.
Jane gave те this cassette on Monday. I have been listening to it since then. — Джейн дала мне кассету в понедельник. С тех пор я ее слушаю.
She has been sleeping since she got back from her trip. — Она спит с тех пор, как вернулась из поездки.
Таким образом, since используется для обозначения момента начала действия.
Present Perfect Progressive не употребляется:
с глаголами, которые не употребляются во временах группы Progressive:
to believe — верить to hear — слышать
to remember — помнить to need — нуждаться
to want — хотеть to hate — ненавидеть
to understand — понимать to be — быть
to know — знать to like — нравиться
to forget — забыть to have — иметь
Вместо Present Perfect Progressive эти глаголы употребляются в Present Perfect.
/ have known my best friend since we were children. — Я знаю своего лучшего друга с тех пор, как мы были детьми.
238 Grammar Reference
Present Perfect Progressive может употребляться без указания на период времени. в течение которого происходило действие. В таких случаях из контекста понятно, что действие только что закончилось и оставило своеобразный “след”, который служит объяснением положения вещей в момент речи.
You look tired. — Ты выглядишь усталой.
I have been working on a report. — Я работала над докладом.
Образование Present Perfect Progressive
Present Perfect Progressive образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Present Perfect и основного глагола с окончанием -ing.
have been / has been + основной глагол в I форме + -ing
Утвердительное предложение (УП)
УП = Подлежащее + have been / has been + основной глагол в 1 форме + -ing.
Jeff and Emily have been playing tennis for two hours. — Джеф и Эмили играют в теннис в течение двух часов.
Отрицательное предложение (ОП)
ОП = Подлежащее + have not been / has not been + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения.
Jeff and Emily ЬагепЧ been playing golf for three hours.
Общий вопрос (OB)
OB = Have / Has + подлежащее + been + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения?
Has Jeff been playing tennis for two hours? — Yes, he has. Л^зьтернативный вопрос (AB)
AB = OB + or + OB?
Альтернативный вопрос представляет из себя два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу.
Has Emily been playing tennis for two hours or (has she been playing tennis) for three hours? — Emily has been playing tennis for two hours.
Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП)
ВП = Who / What + has been + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения?
Who has been playing tennis for two hours? — Jeff and Emily have.
Grammar Reference 239
^ Специальный вопрос (СВ)
СП = Вопросительное слово + ОВ?
How long have Jeff and Emily been playing tennis? — They have been playing tennis for two hours.
^ Разделительный вопрос
Jeff and Emily haven^t been playing tennis for four hours, have they? — No, they haven*и
The Past Perfect Tense Употребление Past Perfect Tense
Глагол в форме Past Perfect Tense выражает действие, которое завершилось до определенного момента или другого действия в прошлом.
They had finished the work by 6 o*clock yesterday.— Они закончили работу вчера к 6 часам.
Misha had helped Robin before he met Rob.— Миша помог Робину прежде, чем он познакомился с Робом.
Обратите внимание! Past Perfect Tense употребляется для выражения предшествования. Если описываются действия, которые следовали друг за другом, употребляется Past Simple.
She did some shopping, came home and cooked dinner. — Она сделала покупки, пришла домой и приготовила ужин.
Before she cooked dinner, she had done some shopping. — Прежде чем она приготовила ужин, она сделала покупки.
Образование Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола had и III формы основного глагола.
Спряжение глаголов в Past Perfect Tense
I ^
you we 1 \
he S had written you > had written '
she they J
it ^
240 Grammar Reference
Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений
Утвердительное предложение (УП)
УП = Подлежащее + had + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения.
Не had read the book before he saw the film.— Он прочитал книгу до того, как посмотрел фильм.
Обратите внимание! had =’d I had = rd, he had = he’d
He'd read the book before he saw the film.
Отрицательное предложение (ОП)
on = Подлежащее + had + not + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения.
She had not read the book before she saw the film. — Она не прочитала книгу до того, как посмотрела фильм.
Обратите внимание! had not = hadn’t She hadn't read the book before she saw the film.
Общий вопрос (OB)
OB = Had + подлежащее + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения?
Had he read the book before he saw the film? — Он прочитал книгу до того, как посмотрел фильм?
Yes, he had. — Да.
Альтернативный вопрос (АВ)
АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ?
Альтернативный вопрос представляет из себя два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу.
Had he read the book or not before he saw the film? — Он прочитал книгу или нет до того, как посмотрел фильм?
• Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП)
ВП = Who / What + had + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения?
Who had read the book before? — Кто прежде прочитал книгу?
Не had. — Он.
Grammar Reference 241
Специальный вопрос
СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ?
What had he done before he saw the film? — Что он сделал до того, как
посмотрел фильм?
* Разделительный вопрос
Не had read the book before he saw the film, hadn't he? — Он прочитал книгу до
того, как посмотрел фильм, не так ли?
Yes, he had. — Да
Модальные глаголы
В английском языке есть глаголы, выражающие не действие, а отношение к действию. Они называются модальными. К модальным глаголам относятся глаголы сап, must, should, may. Они обозначают возможность, способность, вероятность, необходимость совершения действия, выраженного смысловым глаголом.
Не сап play tennis. — Он может играть в теннис.
You must help him. — Ты должен ему помочь.
She should eat more vegetables. — Ей следует есть больше овощей.
They needn't come tomorrow. — Им не надо приходить завтра.
Модальные глаголы не имеют всех форм, которые имеют другие глаголы.
Инфинитив, следующий за этими глаголами, употребляется без частицы to.
В 3 лице единственного числа настоящего времени модальные глаголы не имеют окончания -s.
Модальный глагол сап выражает умение, способность совершить действие.
Не сап swim. — Он умеет плавать.
She could sing very well when she was twenty. — Она могла очень хорошо петь,
когда ей было двадцать лет.
Модальный глагол сап имеет два времени: настоящее и прошедшее — форма сап для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа настоящего времени и форма could для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа прошедшего времени.
Вопросительная форма образуется без вспомогательного глагола, причем модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.
Сап he play tennis? — Он может играть в теннис?
Yes, he can. / No, he can't.
Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью частицы not. которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола.
She cannot (can't) swim. — Она не может плавать.
242 Grammar Reference
Для выражения способности совершить действие также употребляется словосочетание to be able to (быть в состоянии). Это сочетание употребляется в разных временах.
Не is able to translate the text, — Он может перевести текст.
Не was able to read at the age of five, — Он мог читать в возрасте пяти лет.
Не*И be able to translate the text next week. — Он сможет перевести текст на следующей неделе.
Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple
can could —
am 'I is > able to are J was 1 ( able to were J will be able to
Глагол may выражает;
® просьбу разрешить что-либо сделать.
May I use your mobile phone? — Можно я воспользуюсь Вашим мобильным телефоном?
Please, do, (Пожалуйста.)
Certainly, (Да, конечно.)
No, Гт afraid you can't. (Боюсь, что нет.)
Разрешение что-либо сделать выражается глаголом may в утвердительном предложении.
You may phone те at 10 p.m. — Ты можешь (я разрешаю) позвонить мне
в 10 часов.
® предположение, основанное на неуверенности.
It may rain. — Возможно, будет дождь.
Глагол may в этом значении не употребляется в вопросительных предложениях.
Модальный глагол may имеет два времени; настоящее и прошедшее — форма may для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа настоящего времени и форма might для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа прошедшего времени.
Вопросительная форма образуется без вспомогательного глагола, причем модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.
May I help you? — Можно я Вам помогу?
Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью частицы not, которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола.
You may not be able to come. — Вам нельзя приходить.
Grammar Reference 243
Значение разрешения или запрещения может также передаваться словосочетанием to be allowed to.
They will not be allowed to work at night. — Им не разрешат работать ночью.
Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple
may might
to be allowed to was ] „ allowed to were J will be allowed to
Глагол must может выражать:
• обязанность, долг, необходимость (с точки зрения говорящего)
I must learn English. It will help me in the future. ~ Я должен изучать английский. Это поможет мне в будущем. (Я сам так думаю.)
В этом значении must употребляется в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях.
• приказ
You must speak to him now. — Вы должны поговорить с ним сейчас.
• запрещение
You mustn 7 leave this room. — Вы не должны покидать эту комнату.
В этом значении must употребляется в отрицательных предложениях. Модальный глагол must имеет одну неизменяемую форму, которая употребляется в настоящем времени.
We must tell her the truth. — Мы должны сказать ей правду.
Вопросительная форма образуется без вспомогательного глагола, причем модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.
Must I answer his questions? — Я должен отвечать на его вопросы? Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью частицы not. которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола.
You mustn't drive too fast.— Вы не должны вести машину слишком быстро.
Needn4 означает — нет необходимости делать что-то.
Если задается вопрос о необходимости сделать что-то, используется must. В отрицательном ответе используется needn't.
Must I phone him right now? — Я должен позвонить ему прямо сейчас?
No, you needn't. — Нет, не надо.
244 Grammar Reference
have to
Глагол have to употребляется, когда речь идет о необходимости совершения действия в силу определенных обстоятельств.
School starts at eight o'clock. I have to get up early. — Занятия начинаются в 8 часов. Мне приходится вставать рано. (От меня это не зависит.) Yesterday I went to bed late. I had to finish my composition. — Вчера мне пришлось лечь поздно. Я должен был дописать сочинение.
Tomorrow 1 will have to help my friend. — Завтра мне придется помочь другу.
Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с have to образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола do.
Does he have to get up early? — Yes, he does.
Oh должен вставать рано? — Да.
You don't have to translate this text.— Вы не должны переводить этот текст.
Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с had to образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола did.
Не didn't have to meet her. — Ему не пришлось встречать ее.
Did she have to help him? — Yes, she did.
Ей пришлось помочь ему? — Да.
Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple
must i !
have to had to j will have to
Модальный глагол should выражает желательность действия, совет, рекомендацию.
You should read this book. — Тебе следует прочитать эту книгу.
Модальный глагол should имеет одну неизменяемую форму, которая употребляется в настоящем времени.
You should help this man. — Тебе следует помочь этому человеку.
Вопросительная форма образуется без вспомогательного глагола, причем модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.
Should 1 phone her? — Мне следует ей позвонить?
Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью частицы not, которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола.
You shouldn't tell her everything. — Тебе не следует говорить ей все.
Grammar Reference 245
Страдательный залог (The Possive voice)
Залог — это форма глагола, которая показывает, сам предмет или лицо производит действие (действительный залог) или действие производится над предметом или лицом (страдательный залог).
Действительный залог (The Active voice): Kate sent a letter last week, — Катя послала письмо на прошлой неделе.
Страдательный залог (The Passive voice): The letter was sent by Kate last week. — Письмо было послано Катей на прошлой неделе.
В страдательном залоге часто не упоминается, кем или с помощью чего было совершено действие, но если такая информация нужна, то используются предлоги by (кем) или with (с помощью чего).
The job was done by Ann. — Работа была сделана Аней.
The letter was written with a pen. — Письмо было написано ручкой.
Образование форм страдательного залога
Страдательный залог образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и третьей формы глагола.
1 to be + III форма глагола
Формы глагола в страдательном залоге
Present Simple A lot of books are printed every year. Много книг печатается каждый год.
Past Simple This book was printed in 1905. Эта книга была напечатана в 1905 году.
Future Simple This book will be printed next year. Эта книга будет напечатана в следующем году.
Present Progressive Page 10 is being printed at the moment. Страница 10 печатается в данный момент.
Past Progressive When the author phoned, his book was being printed. Когда автор позвонил, его | книга печаталась. t
Present Perfect This book has already been reprinted twice this year. Эта книга уже напечатана в этом году дважды.
Past Perfect This document had been printed before the police arrived. Этот документ был напечатан до того, как прибыла полиция.
246 Grammar Reference
Образование вопросительных и отрицательных предложений
в страдательном залоге
Утвердительное предложение Общий ^ вопрос Специа.1ьный вопрос Отрицательное предложение
Present Simple The room is cleaned every day.— Комнату моют каж- 'i дын день. Is the room cleaned every day? When is the room cleaned? That room is not cleaned every day.
Past Simple Future Simple The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage in 1823.— Первый компьютер был изобретен Чарльзом Бэбиджем в 1823 году. Was the first computer invented by Charles Babbage in 1823? Who was the first computer invented by? The Internet was not invented by Charles Babbage.
The students will be tested in May.— Студентов будут экзаменовать в мае. Will the students be tested in May? When will the students be tested? The students will not be tested in May.
j Present The dog is being walked Progressive ~ Собаку сейчас выгу-^ ливают. 1 - 1 Is the dog being walked now? What is being done now? The dog is not being walked now.
1 j The problem was being 1 Past discussed when he phoned.— ^ I Progressive Проблема обсуждалась, 3 когда он позвонил. Was the problem being discussed when he phoned? When was the problem being discussed? The problem was not being discussed when he phoned.
3 Q Present ^ Perfect гГ — S ^ Past Perfect ю N1 The work has just been finished.— Работа только что закончена. Has the work just been finished? What has just been finished? The work has not been finished yet.
The robber had been caught before the police arrived.— Грабителя поймали до того, как приехала полищгя. Had the robber been caught before the police arrived? Who had been caught before the police arrived? The robber had not been caught before the police arrived.
noun (n) — существительное verb (v) — глагол adjective (adj) — прилагательное pronoun (pron) — местоимение coiijuiicliuii (conj) — союз adverb (adv) — наречие prefix (pref) — приставка suffix (suff) — суффикс preposition (prep) — предлог
abbreviation (3,bri:vi'eij3n] n — сокращение abolish [эЪоЬЯ у — отменять absolutely [.aebsa'lirtli] adv — абсолютно academy [a'kaedami] n — академия accept [sk'sept] v — принимать accident ['aeksidont] n — несчастный случай according to la'kadio) prep — согласно achieve [э'фл^] v — достигать, добиваться across [a'kros] prep — через actress [’sektris] n — актриса admission [ad'mijan] n — вход admit [ad'mit] v — признавать advantage [adVcrnlicfe] n — преимущество advertise ['sedvataizl v — рекламировать advisor [ad'vaiza] n — советник aerobics [ea'raubiks] n — аэробика afford [a'fDid] v — позволять себе airplane ('еэр1ет| n — самолет alcohol I'aelkahol] n — алкоголь alliance [a'laians] n — союз amazing [a'meiziol adj — удивительный ambassador [aembaesada] n — посол ambition [эетЪ1/эп] n — желание» мечта ambulance ['aembjulans] n — машина скорой помощи
Americanism [э'тепкэшгт] n — американизм
among [э'тло! prep — среди amusement [a'mjuizmant] n — развлечение amusing [a’mjuiziol adj — забавный anchor [’зеокз] n — якорь
animated film ['aenimeitid] — мультфильм anniversary [.asniVaisari] n — годовщина anorexia [.aena'reksia] n — анорексия (отсутствие аппетита)
anorexic [.gens'reksik] n — человек, страдающий отсутствием аппетита antibiotic [.aentibai'otik] n — антибиотик apartment [a'poitmont) n — квартира apologize [a'pnlacfeaiz] v — извиняться applicant I'seplikant] n — претендент architectural [,o:ki'tekt33r3l] adj — архитектурный
architecture [.oiki'tektfal n — архитектура Arctic ['oiktik] adj — арктический assess [a'ses] v — оценивать atomic [a'tomik] adj — атомный attitude ['aetitjurd] n — отношение authority [o:*0Dnti] n — власть (полномочие)
autograph ['o:t3gro:f| n — автограф avenue [‘aeva.nju:] n — авеню Aztec ('aeztek] n — ацтек
babysit ['beibisit) v — присматривать за чужими детьми
balanced [Ъaelэnstl adj — сбалансированный
bargain [Ъседт] n — выгодная покупка
base [beis] v — основывать
baseball [Ъе1зЬэ:1) n — бейсбол
basic [beisik] adj — основной
basis ['beisis] n — основание
be on holiday ['holidei) — быть в отпуске
beach [bi:tf] n — пляж
beam [bi:m] n — луч
bean (bi:n] n — боб
beer (bia] n — пиво
behave [bi'heiv] v — вести себя
behavior [bi'heivja] n — поведение
belief |bi‘li:fl n — вера, верование
besides (bi'saidzj prep — кроме того
bistro ['bi:str3u] n — бистро
blockbuster ['blnk.bAsts] n — боевик
blouse [blauz] n — блуза
248 Vocobubry
cotton [kotn] n — хлопок countryman ['kAntriman] n — соотечественник
crack [krdek] v — трескаться, ломаться creative (kri'eitiv| adj — творческий crew {kru:] n — команда crocodile ['kroksdail] n — крокодил crowded [’kraudid] adj — переполненный cult (клИ] adj — культовый cunning ['клппз! adj — хитрый cupboard ['клЬэ<1) n — буфет
dairy ['deari] adj — молочный dare [deal ^ “ сметь deadline ['dedlain] n — крайний срок debut |'deibju:| n — дебют decade ['dekeid] n — десятилетие dedicate ['dedikeitj v — посвящать definitely ['definrtli] adv — определенно definition [.defi’nijn] n — определение delegate ['deligit] n — делегат delivery Idi'livari] /1 — доставка demonstrate ['demanstreitj v — демонстрировать
densely ['densli] adv — плотно depression [di'prejn] n — депрессия desert ['dezat] n — пустыня designer [di'zaina] n — дизайнер dictator [dik'teita] n — диктатор dictatorship [dik'teitajip] n — диктатура dignity f'digniti] n — достоинство disadvantage [.disadVaintidsl n — недостаток discipline ['disiplin] n — дисциплина discrimination [di.sknmi'neijn] n — дискриминация
dishwasher ['diJ.wDja] n — посудомоечная машина
disobey [,dlsэЪel] v — не повиноваться, не слушаться
display (di'splei) n — выставка distant ['distant] adj — отдаленный distressed [di'strest] adj — обеспокоенный district ['distrikij/1 — район documentary [.dDkju'mentari] adj — документальный фильм donkey ['dooki) n — осел dozen [dAzn] n — дюжина
draft [draft] n — проект dramatize ['draemataiz] v — инсценировать drawing ['dra:io] n — рисунок dreadful ['dredfl] adj — ужасный dustbin ['dAStbin] n — мусорный ящик dye [dai] v — окрашивать
eastern ['i:stn] adj — восточный eatable [’irtabl] adj — съедобный economic [.iika'nnmik] adj — экономический ecosystem ['i:kau,sistim] n — экосистема effect [I'fekt] n -- эффект effective [I'fektiv] adj — эффективный effort ['efat] n — усилие elixir [I'liksa] n — эликсир embarrass [1тЪэега5] v — приводить в замешательство, смущать employer [im'pbia] n —работодатель employment [im'pbimant] n — работа no найму
energy ['en^efei] n — энергия engrave [in'greiv] v — высекать enjoyable [т'фэ19Ь1] adj — приятный enthusiastic [in,0ju:zi'aesUk] adj — оптимистичный
envy ['envi] n — зависть, ревность estate [I'steit] n — поместье etc [et'setsrs] — и t. д. evident ['evidant] adj — очевидный exact [ig'zaekt] adj — точный exaggerate [ig'zaecfesreit] v — преувеличивать
experience [ik'spiarians] n — опыт experienced [ik'spiarianst] adj — опытный extravagant [ik'straevsgsnt] adj — экстравагантный
extreme [ik'stri:m| adj — чрезвычайный
factor ['faekt^l n — фактор fake [feik] adj — поддельный fame [feim] n — известность familiar [b'milis] adj — знакомый fascinate ['faesineit] v — приводить в восхищение
favour [Teiva] n — одолжение
250 Vocobuio'Y
industrious lin'dAStriss) adj — трудолюбивый
infinitive [in'finiliv] n — инфинитив influence [’influans] v — влиять informative [in'fDimativ] adj — информативный
inhuman [m‘hju:man] adj — жестокий inscribe [in'skraib] v — высечь (на камне) inspire [in'spaial v — вдохновлять install (in'sto:!] v— устанавливать instead |m'sted] adv — вместо institute ['institjurt] v — учреждать institution [,insti'tju:Jn] n — учреждение insurance [m'Juarans] n — страхование insure (in'Jual v — страховать interact [.mtar'sekt] v — взаимодействовать
invisible [inVizibl] adj — невидимый
jargon ['(feaigan] n — жаргон journal ['сЬз:п1) n — журнал justice ['cfeAStisl n — правосудие, справедливость
kid [kid] n — ребенок kidnapping ['kidnaepioj n — похищение людей
kindness ['kamdnas] n — доброта
label [leibl] n — ярлык lack [lack] n — недостаток lamb [laem] n — баранина landing ['laendiol n — высадка, приземление
lawn [b:n] n — лужайка lawyer ['b:jaj n — адвокат lead [li:d] v — вести за собой leadership ['liida/ipj н — лидерство license [’laisans] n — лицензия, разрешение
lifeguard ['laifgadj n — телохранитель, спасатель
lightning rod I'laitnio.rod] n — молниеотвод
loaded ['budadj adj — нагруженный lorry I'bri] n — грузовик loser I'lurzaj n — неудачник loss [bs] n — потеря lunar ['1и:пэ| adj — лунный
mailman ['mcilmacn] n — почтальон mall [mo:!] n — торговый центр marinated [’masnneitidj adj — маринованный
masterpiece ['mo:st3pi:s| n — шедевр matter ['msetaj n — вопрос, причина, дело Maya [maia] — майя (племя) meadow ['medau] n — луг meaningful ['mirnigflj adj — значимый meantime ['mi:ntaimj adv — тем временем meanwhile ['miinwail] adv — тем временем medical ['mediklj adj — медицинский membership ['membajip] n — членство memorial [тэ'тэ:пэ1] n — мемориал metal [metl] n — металл niidtowii ['mid,taonj rt — центр города mind [maind] 1. n^l.v— 1. мнение,
2. обращать внимание miserable ['mizarablj adj — несчастный Mizz [miz] — “Миз”, название журнала module ['modju:!] n — модуль mom [mom] n — мама mommy ['momij n — мамочка motivated ['moutrveitidj adj — мотивированный
mountain ['mauntinj n — гора musician [mju:'zijn] n — музыкант mystery [’mistari] n — тайна
nag [naegj v — пилить (действовать на нервы)
naive [nai'iw] adj — наивный neighbourhood [‘neibahud] n — окрестность
nerve [n3:v] n — нерв noodle [nu:dl] n — лапша nuclear ['njurklisj adj — ядерный numeral ['nju:maralj n — цифра
252 Vocobuksry
obelisk ['obalisk] n — обелиск obey [эиЪе!] v — повиноваться, слушаться
object ['obcfeiktl V — возражать obligation [.nbli'geijn] n — обязательство obvious ['nbvias] adj — очевидный occasionally [э'ксхзэпдН] adv — иногда occupy ('nkjupai] v — занимать occur (э'кз:) v — происходить ogre ['эидэ] n — людоед oil [oil] n — нефть operate [Ърэгеп] v — работать opportunity [,Dp3‘tju:niti] n — возможность organization [,o:g9nai'zeiJn] n — организация
originate [aVicfemeit] v — происходить outgoing [.aut'gsuig] adj — общительный overcome [,эиуэ'клт] к — преодолевать overreact [.suvari'aekt] v — горячиться overweight [.auvaSveit] n — избыточный вес
owe [эи] V — задолжать
Pacific Ocean (p3,sifik ’эи/п] — Тихий океан pancake ['pasnkeikj n — блин paper I'peipa] n — бумага, газета parallel [’раггэ1е1] adj — параллельный participate [pa'tisipeit] v* — участвовать passenger I'paesin^o] n — пассажир pasta ['p£esta] n — макароны, спагетти pastrami [pa'strcrmi] n — бастурма patience ('pei/ans] n — терпение patriot Cpaetriat] n — патриот pavement ['peivmant] n — тротуар pea [pi;] n — горошина peak |pi:kl n — пик pearl [рз:11 n — жемчуг peculiar [pi'kjuilis] adj — специфический, особенный
per day [рэ 'deij — в день perform [рэТэ:т] v — представлять performance [pa'foimans] n — представление
perfume ['p3:fju;m] n — духи
perish i'penj] v — исчезать, предавать забвению
per ride [рэ ’raid] — за поездку personality [.psisa'naelitij n — индивидуальность
petrol ['petrslj n — бензин pickled Cpikld] adj — засоленный picnic ['piknikj n — пикник picturesque [.piktj^'resk] adj — живописны! pink Ipigk] adj — розовый play [plei] n — игра, пьеса pocket ['pokitj n — карман polar ['рэи1э] adj — полярный pollution [ps'lirjn] n — загрязнение porridge [‘pnncfe] n — овсянка portion l'pD:Jn] n — часть Portugal ['portfugolj — Португалия Portuguese |j)D:tfu'gi;z] — португалец posh [рцП adj — шикарный Potomac [pa'taumaek] — Потомак, река practical ['prsektikl] adj — практический pram (praemj n — детская коляска precious ['prejas] adj — драгоценный prehistoric [,pri:hi'stnnkl adj — доисторический
prescription [pri'sknpjn] n — рецепт от врача
preserve [pn'zsrvj v — сохранять press [pres] v — давить, прессовать pressure ['preja] n — давление prestigious [pre'stufess] adj — престижный pride [praid] n — гордость product ['procUkt] n — изделие production [ргэ'с1лк/п1 n — производство progress ['praugresj n — продвижение (прогресс)
properly ['ргорэИ] adv — должным образом
protest ['proutesl] v — протестовать psychologist [sai'knbcfeist] n — психолог pullover ['pul,9UV3] n — пуловер punk [рлдк] n — панк pursuit [pa'sjint] n — стремление
qualify ['kwolifai] v — квалифицировать queue [kju;] n — очередь
Vocabulary 25
radical ['r^edikl] adj — радикальный raincoat ['reinkaut] n — плащ ranger ['remcfea] n — лесник, смотритель rather [’гада] adv — довольно rating ['reitiol n — оценка realize ['nalaiz] v — осознавать, понимать
record [’reko:d] n — отчет, запись, рекорд reduce [ri'dju:s] v — уменьшать refuse [ri'fju:z] v — отказывать(ся) regardless [ri'gadlas] adv — независимо relationship In'leiJn/ipJ n — отношения remarkable [n'moikabl] adj замечательный
representation [,repnzen4ei/n] n — представительство
representative [.repn'zentativ] n — представитель
require [n'kwaia] v — требовать resemble [ri'zembl] v — напоминать residence [‘rezidans] n — место жительства, резиденция resort [п’гэД] n — курорт resource (n'zo:s] n — ресурс restriction [n'stnkjn] n — ограничение retire [n'taia] v — уходить от дел, выходить на пенсию review [nVju;] п — обзор revolution [.reva'luj'n] п — революция robe [гэиЬ] п — свободная одежда rock [rokj п — скала rocket ['rokit] п — ракета rocky [.mki] adj — скалистый горе [гэир] п — канат rough [глГ] adj — ненастный rubber [*глЬэ] adj — резиновый
sacredness ['seikndnas] п — святость sadness ['saednas] п — печаль, грусть safely ['seifli] adv — благополучно sailor ('seib] n — моряк sale [sell] n — продажа salmon [’saeman] n — лосось scene [si:n] n — сцена, место действия scenery ['sknarij n — пейзаж
schedule ['Jedju:!] n — график scheme [ski:m] n — схема seamstress ['skmstnsj n — швея seasick ['si:,sikj adj — страдающий морской болезнью
secure [si'kua] v — обеспечивать seed [si:d] n — семя
self-esteem [.self is'tiim] n — самооценка seminar [‘semmo:] n — семинар sensible ['sensiblj adj — разумный separation [.sepa'reifn] n — отделение serial j'sisrisl] n — сериал series ['siari:z] n — серия serving ['saiviol n — порция settlement ['setimant] n — поселение shopaholic [Jnpa'hDlik] n — любитель ходить по магазинам showbiz ['Jaubizj n — шоу-бизнес sis [sis] (сокр.) n — сестра skateboard ['skeitbaidj n — роликовая доска
skewer ['skju:^] n — шампур skip [skip] V — пропускать Skyride ['skairaidj — скайрайд, название аттракциона
skyscraper ['skai,skreipd] n — небоскреб slavery [’sleivari] n — рабство slice [slais] n — кусок smart [smat] adj — шикарный, умный sneakers ['snirkaz] n — кроссовки snob [snob] n — сноб soap opera ['s3Up ,прэгэ] n — мыльная опера (сериал)
society [sa'saiiti] n — общество softly [snftli] adv — мягко sorter ('sDta] n — сортировщик soul [S3ul] n — душа sour ['sausj adj — киачый southern ['злдэп] adj — южный southerner ['5лдэпэ] n — южанин souvenir [.su.’va'nia] n — сувенир specially ['spejsli] adv — особенно, специально
spoonful ['spuinful) n — полная ложка spotlight ('spmlait] n — центр внимания spy [spai] n — шпион
stake [steik] n — столб, к которому привязывали сжигаемых standard ('staendad] п — стандарт
254 Vocobulory
stardom l'sla:dom] n — слава starter ['sta:t3| n — закуска stern (st3:n] adj — строгий store lstD:| n — магазин strawberry [’strD.bori] n — клубника stripe [straip] n — полоса strongly I'sirDoliJ adv — настоятельно structure I'strAktJa] n — структура struggle [strAgI] n — борьба studio ['slju:diau] n — студия stylish I'stailiJl adj — элегантный suburb [*SAb3:b] n — предместье subway I'sAbweil n ™ подземка succeed [sok'skd] — преуспеть success [ssk'sesj n — успех suffer ['sAfal v — страдать supply [ss'plai] V — снабжать supreme [su:'pri;m] adj — высший surrender [sa'renda] v — сдаваться surround (sa'raundl v — окружать symbolise [simbalaiz] v — символизировать
tasteful ['teistfl] adj — сделанный со вкусом, вкусный
tasteless fteistbs] adj — безвкусный taxation |tiek'seijh) n — налогообложение terrorism I'teronzm) n — терроризм terrorist [’teranst] n — террорист thanksgiving [.eseoks'givig] n — благодарение
therapeutic l,0era'pju:tik] adj — терапевтический
tight [tait| adj — обтягивающий tolerant I'tolarantl adj — относящийся терпимо
tombstone (‘tu:mstaun] n — надгробная плита
ton [tAii| n — тонна totally ['tautlij adv — совершенно tractor ('traektal n — трактор transferable |traens'f3:rabl| adj — могущий быть переданным
transportation 4,traenspoi'teijnI n — транспортировка
triumph ['traiamfl n — триумф truly |'tru:li] adv — действительно tune [tju:n] n •— мелодия twin [twin] n — близнец
unity [*ju:niti] n — единство unknown [ап'пэоп] adj — неизвестный unlikely lAn'laikli] adv — вряд ли unlimited [An'limitid] adj — неограниченный
unloaded [An'budid] adj — разгруженный unreal [^n'nalj adj — нереальный unrealistic [^nna'listik] adj — нереалистичный
usage ['ju:sid5| n — использование
valuable jVaeljuabl] adj — ценный
various I'vearias] adj — различный
vase [vcrz] n — ваза
velvet [Velvitj n — бархат
verify [Venfai] v — проверять
via [Vaiaj prep — через
vice [vats] prefix — вице
view [yju:j n — вид
vinegar [Vinigaj n — уксус
vitamin [Vitamin] n — витамин
volleyball [Volibal] n — волейбол
voluntary [Vnlantari] adj — добровольный
waitress ('weitns] n — официантка warship ['wd:Jip1 n — военный корабль Washington [‘wDjiglan] — Вашингтон waterfall ['wD:tafo:l] n — водопад waterproof ['wD:tapru:f) adj — водонепроницаемый
weakness Cwi:knisl n — слабость weight [weit] n — вес
Vocabulary 255
Thanks and acknowledgements
We are deepiv grateful to our American relatives and friends Igor and Natasha Vaysburd. Michael and Elena Gurevich, Alena Dreizin, Lyuba Nachutina and Alexander Gurevich, Frida Margolina
Авторы выражают огромную благодарность главному дизайнеру Наталье Валяевой, замдиректора по подготовке изданий Светлане Шириной и всему коллективу издательства 'Титул" за самоотверженный труд.
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Тел. (48439) 9-10-09. E-mail pochta©titul.ru (книга почтой). umk©titul.ru (оптовые покупатели). Отпечатано с готовых диапозитивов в ОАО “Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР*.
170040, г. Тверь, пр. 50 лет Октября, 46.
List of irregular verbs
Past Participle H 1 fnfinUive Past Simple i Past Partietpie
be was, were been keep kept kept
beat beat beaten know knew known
become became become leave left left
begin began begun let let let
bite bit bitten lie lay lain
blow blew blown lose lost lost
break broke broken make made made
bring brought brought mean meant meant
build built built meet met met
buy bought bought pay paid paid
catch caught caught put put put
choose chose chosen read read read
come came come ride rode ridden
cost cost cost ^ run ran run
cut cut cut say said said
dig dug dug see saw seen
do did done send sent sent
draw drew drawn shake shook shaken
drink drank drunk shine shone shone
drive drove driven show showed shown
eat ate eaten sing sang sung
fall fell fallen sit sat sat
feel felt felt sleep slept slept
fight fought fought speak spoke spoken
find found found spend spent spent
fly flew flown stand stood stood
forget forgot forgotten steal stole stolen
forgive forgave forgiven stick stuck stuck
freeze froze frozen swim swam swum
get got got take took taken
give gave given teach taught taught
go went gone tell told told
grow grew grown think thought thought
hang hung hung throw threw thrown
have had had understand understood understood
hear heard heard wake woke woken
hide hid hidden wear wore worn
hit hit hit win won won
hold held held write wrote written