Английский язык Учебник 9 класс Кауфман

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 9 класс Кауфман - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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г [u:j moon [ea] air |a:| ball READING RULES AND [i:] tree [3:] her [u| bush, pul PRONUNCIATION SYMBOLS [o:j port, four [i:] tea [ea| there ‘С [u] book [aua] tower [a:] dance, a rower lei] name [g] go Ш she [kw] queen [r] w ite 1®] bag [h] hen [a:] car Is] face [з:] V' or к |i:| me [k] kite itn bench lai] kind, nigJit, child [a:] wa |е| pen [1] lamp Ш page bridge [i:] see [la] hear lai] five [m] man [k] black [з:] turn In] к’ow hi tin [n] nine [as] famous 1з:] girl [ei] mail [эи] nose [p] pencil [ei] say, they [a:] water [o:] autumn |n| dog [r] rose 10] thin Iw] why [fn] station Ui>:| cute [s] son [6] this [Л] come, son, love, mother [a:] a ier lA], bus [t] ten song [h] who [3] measiiiw |ail my [V] very [i] happy [ei] day [a:] fa 1 er l.il yes [w] wizard [au] house, town m phone [э:] daughte |b| bed [Z] zoo [эи] blow [a:] class, past, ask 0u:| few |d| dad [аиэ] our [di] boy [ei] they m future m film [Э] driver, actor [la] here [ea] air le| head. к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык Счастливый английский.ру/ Happy English.ru Учебник английского языка для 9 класса общеобразовательных учрехщений ТИТУЛ 2007 ББК81.2АНГЛ-922 КЗО УДК 802.0(075.3) УМК “Счастливый английский.ру” / “Happy English.ru” для 9 класса включает следующие компоненты: • учебник с текстами для домашнего чтения по истории США ^ книгу для учителя рабочие тетради аудиокассеты [ По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство ,| “Tитyл^ 249035, г. Обнинск Калужской обл., а/я 5055, тел.; (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели), j Условные обозначения: упражнения, выполняемые в классе ^ ^ слушайте аудиокассету работа в парах работа в группах, игра домашнее задание К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман КЗО Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник англ. яз. для 9 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2007.— 256 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-385-7 Учебно-методический комплект “Счастливый английский.ру" / “Happy English.ru” для 9-го класса продолжает линию учебников “Happy English.ru” для 5-11-х классов, предназначенных для учащихся основной и средней (полной) общеобразовательной школы. УМК написан в соответствии с требованиями федерального компонента государственного стандарта общего образования. Курс обеспечивает необходимый и достаточный уровень коммуникативных умений учащихся в устной и письменной речи, их готовность и способность к речевому взаимодействию на английском языке в рамках обозначенной в стандарте тематики. ББК81.2АНГЛ-922 sas 9'5-5-563б6-385-7 ® К. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман, 2007 Ф Издательство “Титул", дизайн, воспроизведение, распространени Contents Unit 1 Hello America! Lesson 1 Welcome to New York...........i V-: ' Article.........................7 Lessons 2, 3 New York, New York.........10 Lesson 4 Streets and avenues...........17 Cardinal and ordinal numerals.............................17 Lesson 5 "I believe in liberty and happiness"...........................25 Lessons 6, 7 Have you ever tried btintzes?.......................... 30 Gramme: Article......................34 Lesson 8 Project........................36 Lessons 9,10 Robin MocWizard's diory Part 1.................................37 Unit 2 Do good clothes open all doors? Lesson 1 What's in?.....................47 Lessons 2,3 My favourite things.........51 Direct and reported speech...............................51 Lesson 4 Grungers and Preppies..........56 Lesson 5 You'll never believe it!.......59 mv Reported speech..............59 Lessons 6, 7 What size are you?.........63 Lessons 8, 9 Robin MacWizard's diary ....70 Unit 3 Good health is above wealth Lesson 1 Sequence of tenses.............81 -0" ar Sequence of tenses..........81 Lessons 2, 3 What happened to Jane?....86 Lesson 4 How can you burn calories?....91 Lessons 5/ 6 "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".....................93 Lesson 7 Don't forget your medical insurance...........................100 Lessons 8/ 9 George Washington and Thomas Jefferson......................107 Unit 4 Do your parents understand you? Lessons 1,2 One day they'll be proud of me.............................116 Complex object............116 Lessons 3,4 What do his parents want him to do?.........................121 Lessons 5,6 Do your parents understand you?....................127 Lesson 7 The Battle of Gettysburg.....135 Lessons 8, 9 Welcome to Washington.... 139 Unit 5 Going down Hollywood Boulevard... Lessons 1,2 Welcome to Los Angeles... 146 Lessons 3,4 What's on today?..........155 Lesson 5 A walk down Hollywood Boulevard..........................162 Lesson 6 The secret of success........165 Lesson 7 What is the book / film about?........................168 Lesson 8 Project "Start a film review club"..............................173 Lesson 9 The history of the American flag..................................173 Unit 6 What are you going to do in summer? Lessons 1, 2 What does a ranger do?.... 182 Lessons 3,4 It would be nice to have a summer job..........................186 Subjunctive mood..........186 Lessons 5,6 The job for you...........194 Lesson 7 An accident in Death Valley.199 Conditionals..............199 Lesson 8 Faces on Mount Rushmore.....202 Lesson 9 The treasure.................205 Grammar Reference.....................211 Vocabulary............................248 Lesson 1 Hello America! Welcome to New York Hello everybody! This year Misha and his Hends Rob and Mark MacWizard are going to spend some time in America. Together with them you4l learn a lot about life in this country, its history and its traditions. Before we start, let's see how much you already know about America, Choose the right answers and complete the sentences. 1. The official name of America is a) the USA or the US b) the USSR c) the UK 2. The capital of America is a) New York b) Boston c) Washington, DC 3. America was discovered by a) Vasco da Gama b) Ferdinand Magellan c) Christopher Columbus 4. The Native Americans were a) Indians b) Celts c) Mexicans 5. American money is a) euros and cents b) dollars and cents c) pounds and pennies 6. In America the official language(s) is / are a) English b) English and French c) English and German Read the rubric America in focus and check some of your answers. Unit 1 Lesson ] America in focus The USA — The official name of America is the USA (the United States of America) or the US (the United States). The country consists of fifty states. New York (NY) is in the state of New York. It is the largest city in the country, but it’s not the capital. The capital of the USA is Washington, DC. They speak English in America, so people from America and the UK can understand each other. There are some differences, however. Same thing, difl'erent name BrE flat shop bank note • Pronunciation BrE hot [hot] tune [tju;n] news [nju:z] ask [disk] bath [ba:0] last [last] mother ['тлбэ] • Spelling BrE centre favourite colour metre theatre traveller AmE apartment store bill AmE hot [hcut] tune [tu:n] news |nu:z| ask [aesk] bath [Ьзе0| last flaest] mother [тлдэг| AmE center favorite color meter theater traveler J3D Listen to the conversation and write what Misha, Rob and Mark associate America with. What do you associate America with? What do you think foreigners associate Russia with? Unit 1 Lesson 1 1:: шм:п 5^ Misha and his friends, Rob and Mark MacWizard, have arrived. Their friend, Emily Wilson, and her family are meeting them. Read the text of the conversation and answer the questions: 1. Where does the conversation take place? 2. Which city have the friends arrived in? 3. Who is British? American? Russian? 4. Was the flight long? 5. How did the boys spend their time on the plane? 6. How many people are in Emily’s family? Emily: Hello, guys. I’m so happy to see you again. Mom, Dad ‘these are our British relatives, Rob and Mark MacWizard. They are the smartest guys I know. It's great to meet you, guys. How are you? And this is Misha Inin. He’s from Russia and he’s my best friend. It’s nice to meet you, Misha^ Nice to meet you, Mr Wilson and Mrs Wilson. Oh, please just call us Diana and Martin. OK, Martin. That’s better. How was your flight, boys? Are you tired? It was fine, thank you. A bit long, but we had a great time. Yes, we had a very nice breakfast and lunch. And I watched two films during the flight. I’m glad to hear that, but let’s go. Everyone is waiting to see you. у Everyone? Oh, yes. The rest of the family is waiting for you outside. All our brothers, sisters and cousins. There are thirteen of them. They’ve been asking about our new relatives from Britain. Mark: What a big family! Emily: Actually, there are more of us, but not everybody could come to the airport today. You’ll meet the whole family the day after tomorrow. We’re organizing a big family party. T i Mr and Mrs Wilson: Emily: Mr and Mrs Wilson: Misha: Mr Wilson: Misha: Mr Wilson: Mrs Wilson: Mark: Rob: Misha: Mr Wilson: Rob: Mr Wilson: i Unit 1 Lesson 1 Rob: Are we going to meet the whole family? Mrs Wilson: Oh, no, don’t worry. My terrible cousin Terry, who did all those awful things to you, isn’t going to be there. He’s in prison now. Emily: Let’s forget about the past. YouTe in the USA now and you’re going to see one of the greatest cities on the planet — New York! 6 Read the transcriptions of the words. Listen to the conversation and underline the words which are pronounced in American English. [Ъглдэгг], ['sistsrzl, [03:r'ti:n], |mo:r], ['aeftsr], ('parrti], ['teribal], [t3:rn], [fo:r'get], [ma:m], [mark], [smartest], (o;r] [karz], ['аиэг] Употребление артикля с существительными bed, church, college, university, hospital, prison, school В случае если эти существительные имеют значение конкретного места, здания или учреждения, они употребляются с артиклем по общим правилам употребления исчисляемых существительных. В случае если эти существительные обозначают процессы, которые в них происходят, артикль с этими существительными не употребляется. Например: bed (сон, болезнь), hospital (лечение), school (учеба), prison (лишение свободы), church (церковная служба). to go to school to be in hospital / at the hospital to be at school to go to college to leave school to be in prison to go to bed to go to church to be in bed Сравните: I have missed a lot of classes this month. My parents have to go to the school. — Я пропустил много занятий в этом месяце. Моих родителей вызывают в школу. (Родители не учатся, а должны пойти в здание школы для разговора.) Kathy is at school now. Call back later. ^ Кэти в школе сейчас. (Она там учится.) Позвоните позже. Don't sit on the bed. — He сидите на кровати. (Речь идет о мебели.) Му sister is still in bed. Should I wake her up? — Моя сестра все еще спит. (Речь идет не о месте, а о деятельности: она спит.) Разбудить ее? Some of the Wilsons didn't come to the airport. Diana is telling Misho'ond his friends about her relatives. Choose the right sentence to complete the idea. Model: Emily’s grandmother Olga was in church. a) She never misses a Sunday service, (воскресная служба) b) She works there. Emily’s grandmother, Olga, was in church. She never misses a Sunday service. 1. Emily’s cousin, Lucy, was at the school. a) She is in Grade Six. b) She wanted to talk about her son’s marks. 2. Diana’s father, Kenneth, was at the hospital, a) He’s ill. b) He visited a friend. 3. Emily’s uncle, Terry, was in prison. a) He went there to visit a friend, b) He’s there because he did horrible things. 4. Emily’s youngest sister was in bed. a) She was sleeping, b) She was sitting. 8 J Put in the article if necessary. 1. I live near ... church. ... church is very old. 2. Mr Smith is at... hospital now. He wants to talk to his son’s doctor. 3. You should come to... school, Mrs Brown. We need to talk about your daughter 4. The robber was caught and went to ... prison. 5. She was sitting on ... bed reading a book. 6. My friend is lucky. She doesn’t have to get up early because she lives near ... school. Homework tjL. r' ,1.* J 9 •• i Who mode a mistake / misunderstood? Find the mistakes or misunderstandings in the conversations and correct them. a) Model: A: Mary couldn’t come to the party. She was in hospital. B; Oh, poor thing. What happened? A: Nothing. She’s a doctor. A made a mistake. He should say: She was at the hospital. b) A: My mother is in the college today. B: It’s never too late to study. A; Oh, no. She’s a teacher there. c) A: Jack is in prison. B: What an interesting job! A: I’m afraid you don’t understand... Unit 1 Lesson 1 d) A: Liz will have to go to school tomorrow... B: Do you have classes in the evening? A: No, Liz is my aunt. She wants to speak to my teachers. В Put in the necessary article and translate the sentences into Russian. 1.1 don’t take a bus to get to ... school because I live near ... school. 2. - Where’s Wendy? — She is ... hospital. She’s ill. — How long has she been there? — She’s been ... hospital for a month now. Let’s go to ... hospital and visit her. 3. Normally she goes to ... bed late, that’s why I was very surprised when I saw her in ... bed at 8 o’clock. 4. Where shall we meet? Let’s meet near ... church. C What are the people in the pictures saying? Complete the dialogues. It’s very nice to meet you, Mr Brown. (^It was long, so I’m a bit tired^ fl D Which places in America have you heard of and would like to visit? Write 2-3 sentences. Unit 1 Lesson 1 Wessons 2, 3 New York/ New York... •У 1,^ As you work on this lesson try to find as many Americanisms in spelling or vocabulary as you can. ^ 2 I Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. Try to find • the names of places in New York. • the names of New York’s main attractions. • the name of the river in New York. to do some sightseeing — осматривать достопримечательности Let’s do Manhattan.— Давайте осмотрим Манхэттен. to do smth instead of smth — делать что-либо вместо чего-либо to stand for smth — обозначать что-либо a masterpiece — шедевр an impression [im'prejn] — впечатление Manhattan [maen'hsetn] — Манхэттен Brooklyn ['bruklin] — Бруклин Queens (kwimz) — Куинз Staten Island [,steetn 'ailond] — Статен-Айленд the Bronx [bmr)ks] — Бронкс the Hudson ['ludson] — Гудзон Central Park — Центральный парк the Empire State Building [,empaio(r) 'steit .bildio] — Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг the Rockefeller Center ['n)kofeb(r)] — Рокфеллеровский центр the Guggenheim Museum ['gugonhaim mju:,zi:om] — Музей Гуггенхайма a skyscraper — небоскреб a borough [Ългэ] — район a ferry — паром a flier — рекламный проспект (о give somebody a treat — побаловать кого-либо 10 Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3 Misha, Rob Mark and Emily are planning their first day in New York. Listen to the conversation, read the text of it and say what places they are planning to visit. (Find three English translations for the Russian word: достопримечательность.) Emily: What would you like to do today, guys? Misha: I’d like to see New York’s most famous sights: the Empire State Building, and the Chrysler and the Pan American buildings. Rob: I agree with you. Skyscrapers are really interesting. Let’s go for a walk and do some sightseeing. Mark: And I’d like to see Central Park. Emily: Well, we don’t have too much time. Let’s do the main part of Manhattan today. It has a lot of attractions and you’ll be able to get a good first impression. If we don’t have enough time for Central Park, we’ll do it tomorrow. Rob: What’s Manhattan? Mark: Come on, Rob. Don’t you know? New York is on the Hudson River and consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx. I’ve read about them. BRONX MANHATTAN QUEENS BROOKLYN ATLANTIC OCEAN STATEN ISLAND New York City Boroughs Emily: You’re right, Mark. We should see them all, but Manhattan is the heart of our city, so let’s start with it. I’ve got some fliers about some places of interest. Let’s take a look. Unit I Lessons 2,3 11 Emily's friends are looking at the fliers. Look through the fliers and answer the questions. 1. What places of interest will the friends probably see? 2. How are they going to travel? 3. What theatre will they probably go to? "There are many apples on the tree, but only one Big Apple". The old saying is very true when we talk about New York - America's Big Apple. We can offeryou a cheap, fast and easy way to see it all. Buy a MetroCard at any subway station and the key to the city is in your hands. MetroCards can be bought on a pay-per-ride basis ($1.50 per ride) or an unlimited ride basis. With pay-per-ride, you get 11 rides for the price of ten. These tickets can be used by groups of up to four people. With unlimited ride MetroCards, you can get a 30-day card for $63, a 7-day card for $ 17, or a one-day Fun Pass for only $7. These tickets are not transferable. 12 i.S? -- 2,3 Find the Big Apple's mega star — The Empire State Building, which became the tallest skyscraper in New York on September 11, 2001 (the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to be higher). FACTS AND FIGURES Architects: Shreve, Lamb and Harmon Associates The work started: January 22, 1930 The work was completed: November 13, 1930 The speed: 4 1/2 floors per week Total time: One year and 45 days including Sundays and holidays Cost: $40,948,900 (including land) Total height: 443,2 meters to top of the lightning rod Floors; 103 Steps: 1,860 from street level to 102nd floor Weight: 365,000 tons ADMISSION PRICES AT THE BUILDING ESB audio tour Adult (18-61) Youth (12-17) Child (6-11) Seniors (62 + ) Military in uniform Toddlers (5 or younger) $6.00 $14.00 $13.00 $9.00 $13.00 Free Free tov<«- t which was born on bru»-ame on everybody's lips is... Chi astic musical is still the biggest hit m of people come to Broadway to see f iw. That's because there's nothing atmosphere is electric fantasiK.. Thousands of реорк. this great show. That's because v.. -«n live _ the atmosphere -I tome on! .\)tsT SO tVSSS'' AMBASSADOR THEATER 21Э WEST4STH STREET NYC TELECHARGC.COM • 212-239-G200 CMICAOOTHCmueiCAi..CONI вММИ1 IWtRIWINNINC IMUWH Ш1 RCCMSINC *N«CI »С1в1! The millions of immigrants who had to come to America by sea were welcomed by a very tall woman. She was wearing a robe and her right arm was holding a torch high in the air. The woman is still there looking out to sea. She is the Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous symbols of America. Would you like to see her close enough to almost touch her? Give yourself a treat and book our helicopter tour now. Our flight also includes Midtown, which gives you a perfect opportunity to get a bird's eye view of Manhattan's famous skyscrapers: impiie Store Building, the Chrysler and Nan Am buHdings (10-13 minutes) Unit 1 Lessons 2,3 • X. •i i 1 £ Ш __________ шттштЛЧШ Even if you’re not interested in modern art, you shouldn’t miss a chance to visit one of the world’s most extravagant museums. Named the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in honor of its founder, the museum is in fact better known for its amazing building, which was opened in 1959 and immediately became the focus of critics. It was designed by a famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, who broke all the old standard rules and came up with a totally new concept of style. Come and see this architectural masterpiece, which has not lost its ability to excite and surprise. В /Г # Discover the story behind the creation of thi2 Яоек(г/(г11(гг Cjzntizr! Find out all about the times when the building was being built. Listen to the fascinating stories about the Rockefeller Center Christmas trees, which are the largest and the most beautiful in New York. The Rockefeller Center guide will lead you through our buildings and gardens that make up this “city within a city'*. |ua .«hI • •>* *5s" • II11 И i ! !! , * iii u « I Afti 14 Unit 1 Lessons 2,3 Употребление артикля с географическими названиями и названиями городских объектов Обратите внимание; на картах названия, как правило, даются без артикля. The No article theaters / cinemas streets cathedrals museums roads islands picture galleries parks continents monuments squares countries hotels avenues states (штаты) restaurants subway stations cities oceans / seas / rivers companies towns m 1ПМ airlines churches villages |^||B ГШ ^ 5 J Write the names of the attractions and places you see in the photos. Unit ] Lessons 2, 15 f Look through the MetroCord flier and answer the questions. 1. What ticket should friends buy for their day out in New York? 2. How much money will the friends have to spend on the subway? (Use the map for help.) Look through the Empire State Building flier and say if the following information is true, false or not mentioned. 1. ESB stands for the Empire State Building. 2. The Empire State Building is the tallest building in the world. 3. It took less than two years to build it. 4. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed by terrorists. 5. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to be the tallest buildings in New York. 6. The tickets for Emily, Misha, Rob and Mark will cost $36. Sat) Look through the Ambassador Theater flier and choose the right answer. 1. In this flier “Chicago” is a) a city in America, b) a name of the musical, c) a name of the theater. 2. In this flier “Broadway” means a) a very big street, b) the main street in New York. c) the home of the most famous American shows and musicals. Look through the fliers of the helicopter flights, the Guggenheim Museum and the Rockefeller Center. Which of the sights... 1. was designed by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright? 2. was built by Rockefeller? 3. used to welcome millions of immigrants? 4. is famous for the largest Christmas tree in New York? 5. contains a collection of modern art? 6. looks out on the sea? Which places of interest in New York would you like to visit? Why? Try to guess; Which sights did the friends actually visit? What did they decide not to do? Why? Listen to the speaker and check your answers. Homework . . - ^ Imagine that your friend has visited New York. Write ten questions about the city that you would like to ask him / her. 16 Unit 1 Lessons 2,3 Use the information from the fliers, fill in the gaps and complete the notes. Be careful with the articles. New York is on the ... River. Another name for New York is .... It consists of five boroughs: ...The heart of New York is .... It has a lot of ... . One of them is the Empire State Building. It is the tallest ... in New York but only since One of New York’s most famous museums is It’s famous for its building, which was designed by ... . Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musicals and shows on .... The fastest way to see New York is by .... You need to buy a ... and it will take you all over the city. a • « 4 4 4 Let's describe sights and buildings. Start this year's vocabulary. Learn to put useful words into groups. Copy the scheme and fill it in with words from the fliers. Verbs to design to visit Sights attraction building theater Descriptions famous Lesson 4 Streets and avenues Количественные и порядковые числительные (Cardinal and ordinal numerals) ^ 1 J Copy the table into your exercise books and fill in the gaps in the table with ordinal numerals. Количественные числительные Порядковые числительные Ordinal numerals Cardinal numerals 1 — one 21 — twenty-one 2 — two 22 — twenty-two 3 — three 23 — twenty-three 4 — four 30 — thirty 5 — five 40 — forty 6 — six 50 - fifty 12 “ twelve 100 — a / one hundred 13 — thirteen 345 — three hundred 14 20 — fourteen — twenty and forty-five Unit 1 Lessons 2,3 and 4 17 Writing and reading dates In BrE they write ‘*2 July / 2nd July / July 2”. They say the “second of July*' or “July the second”. In AmE they write “July 2nd / July 2”. They say “July second’ Dates are sometimes written as numbers, for example, 3/10. In BrE this means the third of October. In AmE it means the tenth of March. mil [2 j Play a game. Write down some dates in numbers. Then read them to your partner in any order you choose. Your partner should match the dotes with the descriptions from the game. Model: A: the 21st of October B: Is that your birthday? A : Yes, it is. ? • The number of people in your class today 9 • The dale today r 9 • 9 • ' The number of ' your flat 9 • The date of ^ Christmas Day 9 • '' 9 ' • ; The first day of " the year 9 • ^1*1 ^ ; The happiest ^ : day of your life 9 • Your birthday The day of your favourite public holiday Your mother’s birthday Rob and Mark are writing a letter to their sister Rosy. Read the text for detail and be ready to work with the map. Try to guess what the letters NY in the address stand for. On what date are the friends writing the letter? Explain your answers. 25 East 181st Street Apartment 8G New York NY 10033 5 / 8 / 2006 Dear Rosy, We thought you’d like a real letter from America instead of an e-mail. We started it the way Americans do too. Our first days in New York have been very busy, so this letter will be short. 8 Unit 1 Lesson 4 May this year is very warm so on our first day we walked a lot. Emily was our guide, but it’s difficult to get lost in New York. It has a very clever system of streets and avenues. Streets run east to west across the island and are often called cross-streets, while avenues run north to south down the island. First, we took the subway to the city centre. Most of the subway •stations have the same names as the streets. We got off at Penn Station and walked to the Empire State Building. There was a long queue to get to the top and after that we also wasted some time on an expensive attraction called Skyride (on the 2nd floor of the Empire State Building). The advert made the ride look like fun, but the ride itself was just a short film about New York. When we finally left the Empire State Building, we didn’t have much time. We had a quick look at Rockefeller Center and some other famous skyscrapers and took the subway to Whitehall Street. From there we caught the ferry to Staten Island to see the Statue of Liberty. In the evening we went to Broadway and saw one of the most famous musicals, Chicago. Did you know that Broadway isn’t just one of the longest avenues in Manhattan? It is also famous for the small area near Times Square where Broadway crosses Seventh Avenue. This is the home of many Broadway theatres. This part of Broadway is also known as “the Great White Way” and is always full of tourists. On the way home we got off the subway to have a look at the Guggenheim Museum. We didn’t go inside, but the building is really worth seeing! The next day we had a rest and spent a lazy day in Central Park, which is so huge that we ' -'i nearly got lost. ^ Love from all of us, Rob and Mark Unit 1 Lesson 4 19 Say if the following information is true, false or not mentioned, ^ ^ If there is no information, try to guess. Explain your answers. 1. Mark and Rob are very excited about their first days in New York, 2. It’s easy to find your way in New York. 3. Avenues run north to south. 4. Streets run parallel to the Hudson River. 5. All New York streets have numbers instead of names. 6. It doesn’t take long to visit the Empire State Building. 7. Mark and Rob have been inside the Empire State Building. 8. Mark and Rob have been inside Rockefeller Center. 9. Mark and Rob have not been inside the Guggenheim Museum. 10. Broadway is famous because it’s the longest avenue in New York 11. There are streets called Broadway in many American cities. 12. Central Parkdsn’t very big. America in focus Streets and avenues — To find a place, it is very important to know the nearest cross-street and avenue to the address. This will help you decide which bus or subway line to use, and it gives you an idea of how far away a restaurant or a shop is. For example, if you tell a New Yorker that you need to get to somewhere on 48th Street between — 11th and 12th Avenue, he or she will be able to tell you the way easily. East and west street addresses — Fifth Avenue divides Manhattan Street addresses into east and west. Avenues between the Hudson River and Fifth Avenue are west of Fifth Avenue; other avenues are east of Fifth Avenue. That means that every street has two sides: east and west, and you can often find two buildings with the same number in the same street. For example: 1 West 8th Street and 1 East 8th Street. Address Numbers West of 5th Avenue § < T3 c UJ 4 £ ■o Ф w West 59th St. a; ■I 4 4 4 £ £ s a; в CO >. <9 (0 2 CO I £ Ф 4 £ I £ tn Ф 4 £ in 0> > 0) > eN < < < < < < c c о Ъ CQ CO Q. ъ c '2 CO •o c CM to 0 1 Й ос S *x 5 о u. .0 Unit 1 Lesson 4 Street addresses increase bv 100 for each num- •• bered avenue as you move away from Fifth Avenue. It’s very easy to go west of Fifth Avenue towards the Hudson River. Street addresses from 1 to 99 are between Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue, and 100 to 200, between 6th and 7th Avenue, etc. If you want to go east, it’s a bit more difficult because some avenues have names as well as numbers: Madison, Park, and Lexington. Street addresses 1 to 44 are between Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue, 45 to 99 — between Madison Avenue and Park Avenue. Try to answer these questions. Use the information from America in focus. Model: Where is 145 West 10th Street? — It*s between 6th and 7th Avenue. 1. Where is 49 West 44th Street? 2. Where is 49 East 44th Street? 3. Where is 435 East 16th Street? 4. Is there an address 700 West 42nd Street in Manhattan? Why? / Why not? 5. Is there an address 1000 East 39th Street in Manhattan? Why? / Why not? 6. Does Emily live far from the center of Manhattan if her address is 25 East 181 Street? Unti 1 Le Look at the mop and draw the route that Emily and her friends took. Use the information from Ex. 3. 1. The Empire State Building 2. The Rockefeller Center 3. The Guggenheim Museum 4. Central Park 5. The Statue of Liberty 6. Central Station 7. The Chrysler Building 8. The American Museum of Natural History 9. The UN Headquarters 10. The World Trade Center 22 Unit 1 Uib'i(>n 'I Conversotion bricks Asking and explaining the way Can (Could) you tell me where. Excuse me, how do I get to...? Turn left (right)... On the left (right) side... It’s opposite the... 7 Look at the map and find Fifth Avenue, Broadway, "the Great White Way" and Central Park. How many streets cross Central Park? It’s between the... and the... is? It’s on the corner... Go up (down) the ST... Go straight on... Go past... Keep going until you see... Unit 1 Lesson 4 2[ (^8^ Use the expressions from Conversation bricks to act out the dialogues. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask for and give directions. A. Use the map of New York. 1. You are in Times Square and need to get to Penn Station. Ask for directions. 2. You are on 59th Street and First Avenue. You need to get to the Guggenheim Museum. Ask for directions. 3. You are in Whitehall Street and need to get to the World Trade Center. Ask for directions. 4. You are at Lincoln Center and need to get to Grand Central Station. Ask for directions. 5. You are at the Empire State Building and want to get to Central Park. Ask for directions. B. Use the map of Moscow. 1. You are near the Bolshoi Theatre and need to get to Red Square. 2. You are at China Town station and need to get to Tverskaya Street. 3. You are in Red Square and need to get to the Pushkin Monument. 4. You are near the Russian State Library and need to get to Arbat. Homework * « • w e * e A Rosy has sent a reply. Read the envelope and say if her brothers are going to get her letter? Why? / Why not? ^ ^ В Translate the sentences into 1. Нью-Йорк расположен на реке Гудзон. 2. Манхэттен — один из пяти районов Нью-Йорка. 3. Они поехали на Статен-Айленд, чтобы посмотреть на статую Свободы. 4. Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг — самый высокий небоскреб Нью-Йорка. 5. Их дом находится к западу от Пятой авеню. 6. На Бродвее много известных театров. 24 Unit 1 Lesson 4 с Answer the questions about Moscow. 1. What is Moscow famous for? 2. On which river does Moscow stand? 3. Why is Moscow the seat of the Russian government? 4. What other important institutions are there in Moscow? 5. What is the central square called? 6. What can a visitor see there? 7. What is the most famous theatre called? D Write some information about your home city / town / village. "I believe in liberty and happinels" Emily's grandmother Olga comes to meet Emily's friends. Listen to the conversation, read the text of it and then answer the questions. 1. Where does Olga come from? 2. Why are there tears in her eyes when she sees the Statue of Liberty? 3. How did she get to America? 4. What did Misha and his friends think about the Statue of Liberty? 5. Why does Olga want to go to the Rockefeller Center again? 6. Who was Rockefeller? Emily; Olga: Misha: Olga: Rob: Olga: Misha: Mark: Misha, Rob, Mark. Look who’s coming! It’s my grandma, Olga. She’s the most interesting person I have ever met. Hello, Emily. Hello, boys. It’s nice to meet you. You have a Russian name. That’s interesting. I am Russian. My parents came to America many many years ago and brought me with them. I was only a little girl, but I remember the first thing I saw in America from on board the ship. It was the Statue of Liberty, wasn’t it? Yes, it was. Every time I see it I get tears in my eyes. But you’ve seen it yourselves, haven’t you? What do you think? Well, to be honest... it looks great, but... Yes, it’s one of those big American symbols which nobody believes in any more. Unit 1 Lessons 4 ond 5 Rob: Rob: Olga: Misha: Olga: Everything we saw in New York is about money: all of those skyscrapers, built by rich people and big corporations. And there are still so many poor people in the streets... Is that liberty? Well, there must be some place you haven’t been to yet in the city. I could go with you and show you something that you haven’t seen. What’s that? How about the Rockefeller Center? But we’ve already been there. Let’s see it again! Olga and the friends arrive at the Rockefeller Center. Olga: Look at this building again, children. What do you see? Misha: I see a very big building which was built by somebody who had so much money that he didn’t know how to spend it all. 26 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Rob; ...or somebody who got a lot of money from the government. Mark: The Rockefellers were rich aristocrats, right? Olga: John D. Rockefeller II was a rich aristocrat, that’s true, but he didn’t just believe in money, he believed in people too. When he decided to build this building during the Great Depression, he got no help from the government. So he used his own money to do it. Rockefeller was quite an interesting man. Would you like to know more about him? Let’s go and read his own words on that sign in front of the building. America in focus . S’S’QSSS The Great Depression — a global economic depression, which in America lasted from 1929 to 1940. How to build words?______________________________________ (^3 каким частям речи принадлежат данные слова? 1. obligation, declaration 2. fulfilment, agreement 3. replay, restructure 4. responsibility, opportunity 5. fruitless, useless 6. reading, living 7. ability, dignity Суффиксы существительных -ness, -ship, -dom, -hood Для обозначения отвлеченных существительных используются суффиксы: -ness, -dom — они образуют существительные от прилагательных: happy — happiness (счастливый — счастье), free — freedom (свободный — свобода) и -ship, -hood — они образуют существительные от других существительных: child — childhood (ребенок — детство), friend — friendship (друг — дружба). От каких слов образованы данные слова? membership, brotherhood, wisdom, neighbourhood, freedom, kindness, weakness, dictatorship, motherhood, usefulness, stardom Unit 1 Lesson 5 27 , 4 ) Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. human values — человеческие ценности worth [w3:0] — зд. ценность to imply [im'plai] — подразумевать, предполагать a duty — обязанность a right — право to owe [эи] — быть должным to make a living — зарабатывать на жизнь justice ['cfeAStis] — справедливость to endure fin'djuo] — зд. соблюдать a bond — обяздтельство will — воля to triumph — восторжествовать might [mait] — сила a possession — владение sacredness ofsmth — нерушимость чего-либо fulfilment — зд. самореализация dignity of labor — величие труда usefulness — польза a responsibility — ответственность an opportunity — возможность an obligation — долг fundamental — основополагающий wealth [wel0] — богатство a servant — слуга a master — хозяин i. 5 *) Listen to the text and say what human values Rockefeller believed in. "V \ 1.1 believe in the supreme worth of the individual and in his right to life, liberty, and happiness. 2.1 believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity — an obligation; every possession — a duty. 3.1 believe that the law was made for man and not man for the law; that government is the servant of the people and not their master. 4.1 believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but that it.owes every man an opportunity to make a living. 5.1 believe that truth and justice are fundamental to an enduring social order. 6.1 believe in the sacredness of a promise, that a man's word should be as good as his bond; that character — not wealth or power or position — is of supreme worth. 7.1 believe in an all-wise and all-loving God, named by whatever name. The individual's highest fulfilment, greatest happiness, and widest usefulness are found in living in harmony with His will. 8.1 believe that love is the greatest thing in the world; that it alone can overcome hate; that right can and will triumph over might. ■y/:' /N T '//S T i • t.ii i.,;- 4 Af. i'f Afi f.’VT / 'Min /V/j ifJiuyMcrV’fi* H 28 Unit ] Lesson 5 In ш о / Match Rockefeller's words with the following ideas. Sometimes there is more than one correct answer. @ Everybody has the right to be happy. @ People should keep their promises and never break them. © Presidents and ministers must work for the people. @ Your religion doesn’t matter; but it’s important to believe in God.. © Love is the most powerful thing in the world. (T) The most important thing is living in harmony with God. © Every society should be fair. © People are more important than presidents and ministers. CD Everybody has the right to work. CD Money shouldn’t be given to people, but people should have the chance to earn it. © Someone in a higher position has to work a lot. CD Someone who has a lot of money should do more for other people. @ It’s more important to be a good person than to be successful 7 Speak about the human values Rockefeller believed in. Choose suitable words and make any necessary changes using the suffixes if you have to. Model: free - Rockefeller believed in freedom. weak - not suitable free, weak, member, wise, brother, kind, labor, cold, friend, dictator, love, to govern, money, happy, success, equal ^ 8 ^ Match some Russian sayings with Rockefeller's words. 1. He место красит человека, a человек место. 2. Всякий труд почетен. Homework А j Translate Rockefeller's words into Russian. Unit 1 Lesson 5 29 Have you ever tried blintzes? ||VB Listen to the conversation and read the text of it. What kind of restaurant does Olga want to go to? Find the best explanation for the word posh. a) expensive b) elegant and fashionable c) fast food Olga: And now, let’s have lunch. Are you guys hungry? Rob: Oh, yes. I like American hamburgers. They’re great. Misha: And I’d like some borscht and pickled cucumbers. I know it’s probably not possible, but I miss Russian food so much. Olga: I’ll take you to a very popular place that’s visited by every famous person who comes to New York. Mark: Oh,’please don’t take us to a posh restaurant. I’m sure it’ll be expensive. Olga: Mind your manners, boys. Never argue with grandma Olga. Just follow me and remember: New York has something for everybody. 2^ Listen to the words and expressions which are used to describe restaurants ~ and repeat them after the speaker. noisy, top quality, atmospheric, posh, expensive, friendly, popular, fast food, cosy, cheap, crowded, elegant, simple (fX) Olga and the friends arrive at the restaurant. Look at the pictures and say what kind of restaurant the Carnegie Deli is. 30 Unit 1 lessors 6, 7 Menu SOUPS 1 OUR DELICIOUS HOMEMADE CHICKEN SOUP (maybe not therapeutic... but it can't hurt) ■ with golden noodles with fresh rice with real homemade kasha 2 FROM RUSSIA, WITH SOUR CREAM HOT OR COLD BORSCHT 3 AND TODAY JUST FOR YOU Our delicious specially made soup t What do you think? Support your ideas with facts from the pictures. 1. What are the people whose pictures you can see on the walls? 2. What does the word “deli'’ mean? 3. What is the short word for “hamburger”? 4. What is the girl in the picture eating? 5. Is the “deli” a Russian restaurant? 6. What kind of food can you get in this restaurant? 7. Will Misha, Mark and Rob find something that each of them likes in the deli? 8. Will someone who lives in 59th Street have to pay for delivery? Look through the extracts from the menu and find as many Russian words and dishes as you can. CARNEGIE BLINTZES Our own fresh blintzes with CHEESE • STRAWBERRY • CHERRY Enjoy the "Great White Way" with sour cream or "Big Apple" sauce Also popular Boiled pirogen with sour cream Potato pancakes with apple or sour cream SPOTLIGHT ON SANDWICHES THE WOODY ALLEN A lot of corned beef plus a lot of pastrami New York's best corned beef Hot pastrami Roast beef Turkey Salami I LOVE MY BURGER CARNEGIE'S FAMOUS HAMBURGER ? With cheese • With tomato With onion With bacon Unit * lessons 6, 7 31 America in focus Deli “ Until the late 19th century, delicatessens were mainly owned by Germans, and later by Jews, too, who went into the business. The word itself comes from German and means delicacies, but it is used not only to describe the shop that sells the food, but also the products sold in the shop. Corned beef — In the 19th century butcher shops which sold meat closed every weekend. Butchers had to keep the unsold meat fresh for two days. There were no refrigerators at that time, so some butchers had the clever idea covering meat with salt. The grains of salt were called “corn” in England, so the meat got the name “corned beef’. Pastrami (бастурма) is a kind of corned beef. The word “pastrami” came from Turkey. Originally it was “pastyrma”, which means “being pressed” in Turkish. 6 Read the expressions. Which of these things ore advantages and which of them are disadvantages in a restaurant? Translate the expressions and use a dictionary if necessary. long lines, New York atmosphere, big portions, delicious food, you share the table with strangers, you can’t share your portion with friends, free pickled cucumbers, not enough seats, quick service, homemade soups, when you finish your food you have to leave quickly, fresh food, international food, high prices, huge sandwiches 7 People who visited the Carnegie Deli wrote their opinions on the walls. Listen to the opinions and say: 1. Which opinion is 100% positive? 2. Which opinion is 1(Ю% negative? 8 Read the opinions and answer the questions. • What are the main advantages of the Carnegie Deli? • What are the main disadvantages of the Carnegie Deli? 1 32 Unit 1 Lessons 6, 7 2. This deli has great blintzes, but it also has amazing sandwiches. So when 1 come here, it’s so hard to decide. The portions are really huge but they don’t like it when people share food, so you have to order something that you can eat ail by yourself. I like desserts, so I usually order blintzes. I’d recommend this deli as a real New York experience, but there are some disadvantages too. You share a table with strangers and you can’t sit for too long. When you finish your food, you have to get up quickly and leave. m. M t -V but t aoa’t f=v ^ГГ^Г;Го'е« ,e an " e.n^wich.e to «at thara in tha B13 line for 20 minutas bafora we «ot Sate. I Гае eurpriear): tha plaoa waent ^oSr/oSuSbaSr, :^ГаИU fahtaetic Tha eanhoa wae va^ ^Uick friendly. I’d love to oome ' tessons 6, ' 33 Употребление артикля с существительными breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner Как правило, эти существительные употребляются без артикля. Breakfast in this hotel is from 7 a.m. till 10 a.m. Если перед этими существительными есть описательное определение, употребляется неопределенный артикль. You сап have а good dinner there. Если имеется лимитирующее определение, то употребляется определенный артикль. /7/ never forget the dinner we had in that little cafe in Chelyabinsk. — Я никогда не забуду ужин в том маленьком кафе в Челябинске. ч10) Найдите и подчеркните в предложениях лимитирующие определения. 1. The breakfast she gave us was fantastic. 2. The man who is looking at us is my uncle. 3. It was a nice little village in the north of Russia. 4. The book I have been reading is on the table. 5. She is a very polite woman. 6. People who live in America eat a lot of burgers. Fill in the gaps. Use the, a or no article. 1. ... dinner is served. 2.1 never have ... breakfast. Гт not hungry in the morning. 3.... dinner we had in that cafe was disgusting. 4. Let’s have ... lunch in the garden. 5. It was ... best dinner I’ve ever had. 6.1 wasn’t hungry because I had had ... big lunch. Homework A Misha is telling his friends about some of his favourite Russian dishes. Match the dish with the description. Get ready to describe Russian dishes to your friends in the next lesson. - >- ---. r. . .'■Л- '1. V ^ 34 Unit 1 Lessons 6,7 1. The recipe was invented in a St Petersburg cooking competition in the 1890s. It won the first prize and was named after the Stroganov family, whom the cook was working for. This dish traditionally consists of beef, onions, mushrooms and sour cream. 2. The dish originates from the Caucasus. No picnic or outdoor party can do without this wonderful dish. It’s meat marinated in herbs, onions and wine. Then the meat is put on skewers and cooked on an open fire. 3. It’s a really delicious, small round bread. Bread used to be the most important food in Russia, and no dish was eaten without it. That’s why bread is still so important to people in Russia. They used to decorate it with leaves and flowers. 4. Traditionally, mothers-in-law bake these for their sons-in-law at Easter, and they also used to be made for poor people and pilgrims. They should be thin, brown, and round and look like little suns. They are usually eaten with sour cream, jam, cheese and black or red caviar. 5. These are a favourite Russian dish. They are made of dough and meat and then they can be frozen and kept in the fridge for a long time. They are served with butter, sour cream, vinegar or tomato ketchup. You can buy them in the shops too, but the ones you buy can’t be compared with the real homemade version. 6. It’s one of the most popular dishes in Russia. The recipe — was created at the end of the 18th century. It’s a kind of soup, which got its name from its main ingredient — beetroot. Nowadays it’s made with cabbage, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and meat. On hot summer days it’s even better with no meat in it, just vegetables, fresh cucumbers, eggs, onions and greens. В Выпишите из текста упражнения 8 все прилагательные с положительным значением. Unll 1 Л, ’ 3 Project Imagine that you have just spent a couple of days in New York. Write about your first impressions. Use the plan to help you. You can also use the material from this unit. Beginning Give some basic information • Name of the city • Its size • Its position in the country • The atmosphere Details Write about the most interesting sights. Use the words and expressions: The most fascinating part of the city is.. The most interesting building is... It was a fantastic experience to... I was greatly impressed by... The most amazing place was... What is worth / not worth visiting? Use the words and expressions: Personally, I think that... In my opinion it’s... Td like to see / visit... To my mind... For me... ...is really worth seeing. Don’t waste your time on... 36 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Lessons 9, 10 Robin MacWizard's diary Part I ^ Listen to the words and expressions and The New World — Новый Свет to sail off — отплывать the unknown — неизвестность to bury [Ъеп] — хоронить fierce [fi9s]— свирепый a prophecy ['profisi]— предсказание tolerant ['tpbrant] — относящийся терпимо an exception [ik'sepjsn] — исключение to be seasick — страдать морской болезнью peculiar [pi'kju:li9| — особенный Saints and Strangers — Святые и Чужаки repeat them after the speaker. industrious [in'dASlrissI — трудолю бивый to worship ['w3:/ip] — поклоняться rough (weather) [глГ] — ненастная (погода) a beam — мачта originally — первоначально Cape Cod — п-ов Кейп-Код a harbor [ЪогЬэ]— гавань safely — благополучно a settlement — поселение truly ['tru:li] — действительно the Mayflower Compact — Соглашение на Мэйфлауэре an anchor ['эеркэ] — якорь to survive [ssVaiv] — выжить ^ 2 j Read Robin MacWizard's diary at home and then answer the questions. 6 September 1620 PLYMOUTH HARBOR, ENGLAND My unknown friend. Today I’m leaving my country forever and going to the New World. I’m sailing off into the unknown because all my work here is finished. I don’t know what is going to happen to me. Will I die on the way and be buried in the cold waters of the Atlantic or will I be killed by the fierce tribes which live in America? Tm not afraid of that, there is only one thing that scares me: if I die, the memory of my family will be lost forever. So I have decided to write this diary. I hope that one day somebody will read it. That’s why I write it for you, my unknown friend. Mv name is Robin MacWizard. I come from Scotland, and I’m the last member of the ancient MacWizard clan that used to be big and powerful. Many centuries ago a prophecy was made that one day a Scottish king Unit 1 Lesiions 9, 10 3 would rule both Scotland and England. The duty of my clan was to help the Scottish king get to the English throne. The prophecy came true in 1603 when the Scottish king, James, got the crown of England, How it happened is another story, but my family played an important role in it. King James promised everybody who supported him that he would become a kind and tolerant king and would grant people religious freedom. But when James finally became the King of England, he changed his mind. Anybody who disagreed with the official church or the king was burned at the stake. Unfortunately, our family was no exception. When I was away. King James’s soldiers broke into my castle and took my wife and two children away. I spent years looking for them everywhere, and finally I found the grave of my dear wife, Mary. But I didn’t find any graves for my children, so I still hope that they’re alive and well. 11 September ON THE MAYFLOWER My dear friend. I’ve been very busy these days, as most of the passengers on board the ship are seasick and need help. But let me tell you more about the ship and its 120 passengers. The ship’s called the Mayflower. She’s not very big but was thought to be strong enough to cross the Atlantic. The passengers on the ship are a really unusual group of people. Most of them left home for a very important reason: religion. They call themselves the Saints of the Holy Discipline, or just Saints. The Saints do not believe in the Church of Rome, the Pope or the power of the king over other people. They think that God is in people’s hearts, not in a church. You may say there is nothing so bad about these beliefs, but in 1620 when James was king, people couldn’t choose their religion. Unit ] lessons 9, 10 The Saints are a well educated, industrious, peace-loving people. They just want to worship God in their own way. They dream that in the New World they will be free to do what they want. This dream has made them take their wives and their children to start this dangerous journey. The Saints call the other passengers “strangers”. The Strangers have come with us for different reasons: some hope to get rich, some want the chance of a better life and some, like me, are just running away from Britain to save their lives. So I, Robin MacWizard, am definitely a Stranger. Tve even started a poem about our group. Here is the beginning: The New World promised us freedom and changes^ The weather was rough and the sea was coldy But we left our homes, both Saints and Strangers, Some for religion and some for gold. 19 September ON THE MAYFLOWER We’ve been at sea for two weeks now. I’m getting to know the other passengers on board the ship. The Saints give their children interesting names. I’ve already met Remember, Love and Patience. I think the Saints believe that these names will help their children have the same qualities later in their lives. Well, we’ll see. UniM Lessons 9,10 39 15 October MAYFLOWER My dear friend, We have been through (испытали) a lot this month. There was a horrible storm, and the main beam cracked. The ship was in real danger. At first nobody knew what to do, but then our clever Captain Jones had an idea of how to fix the problem and we went on. The weather is awful. We’ve had nothing but (кроме) fog for days. People get wet through and have no chance to dry their clothes. The food is not very good, so a lot of passengers are getting ill. Even the people who are not ill yet are getting weaker. They’re starting to think about all the dangers of the New World. I sometimes get worried, too. The Mayflower left England too late in the year. Originally we were supposed to leave in summer and arrive in America in the warm autumn months. But it’s already October and we still have a long way to go. What will happen to us when we arrive in winter? There’ll be no houses there, no food, no help... 7 November ON THE MAYFLOWER It has been nearly nine weeks since we left and originally we hoped to cross the sea in six weeks. Captain Jones and his officers have started looking for birds, plants, trees or other signs that we are close to land, but they haven’t seen anything yet. The health of the passengers on board is getting worse every day. William Button, the young servant of Doctor Samuel Fuller, died and we buried him at sea — 43 degrees North — 2,835 miles from England, That’s where his grave is. 9 November ON THE MAYFLOWER t last we saw land. There is joy on every face. To remember this day I have written the second part of my poem. Here it is: With storms and disease, we faced many dangers, Our families died, but we didn't stop, And we reached the New World, both Saints and Strangers, Soldiers of fortune and pilgrims of hope. A Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10 I Before we landed, I decided to show the poem to William Bradford. I should have mentioned him before in this diary. He’s the Saints’ leader, a man of great intelligence and kindness. Out of all his friends, he could really be called a “saint”. He’s keeping a detailed record of everything that happens on the Mayflower. I thought he might like to copy my little poem into his journal, so I showed it to him. Here is what he said, “We are not just Saints or just Strangers anymore. Although we have our differences, we are all God’s children, and our Lord loves us all equally. So now together we are God’s pilgrims and that’s the name we shall all be called.” When I heard these kind, wise words, I didn’t feel upset at all. Bradford was right, so today I wrote the ending of the poem. I hope he’ll like it when I show it to him: We will love these rivers and mountain ranges, We will fight for this land to our last breath. And we4l stay here forever, both Saints and Strangers, Brothers and sisters in life and death. 10 November CAPE COD HARBOR The Mayflower brought us to the New World safely, but our troubles are just beginning. The crew made a mistake, so we landed in Cape Cod, which is not a very suitable place for a settlement. It’s winter and very cold, and the land is covered with ice. Our supplies of food and fresh water are running out. A lot of people are unhappy and even angry, and some are even thinking of a revolt. Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10 41 11 November CAPE COD HARBOR Master Bradford is a truly great man. Today he had the idea that all of us. Saints and Strangers, should choose a governor and agree to obey him and the laws we agree on. Most of us liked the idea and signed an agreement which we called the Mayflower Compact. Then we voted and chose John Carver for governor. I personally voted for Bradford, but Carver is a good choice too. 6 December CAPE COD HARBOR Some of the men went on expeditions on shore to look for something to eat and to find some fresh water, but we weren’t very successful. We came across an Indian village, but it was clear that the Indians had seen us and had left the village before we arrived. The Mayflower has been at anchor at Cape Cod for twenty-six days, and most of the Pilgrims are still on board. We still can’t decide if we should stay here or look for a more suitable place to build our village. The conditions on the ship are very bad and more people are getting ill and could die. There are only one hundred and one of us left now. 8 December CAPE COD HARBOR The Indians finally showed themselves. In the morning when we were returning from one of our expeditions, some arrows shot out from one of the trees and hit us. We were caught at the worst possible moment because some of us were tired and had put down our guns a few yards away. We ran for our guns and fought back. There were twenty of us against forty Indians, who were fit and strong and fought really bravely. However, the Indians had only bows and arrows and couldn’t do much against our guns. We won that first battle and, fortunately, nobody was killed. When we reached the ship, we finally decided to leave Cape Cod and sail to Plymouth. 18 December PLYMOUTH HARBOR After nearly two months in the new land we decided to go on shore and build our first village. This place is a lot better than Cape Cod. We found a lot of trees, different herbs and berries, and we hoped to find animals to hunt. У , Unif 1 Lessons 9, 10 л-' •; " /•"V. •. -» .U 25 December PLYMOUTH HARBOR My dear friend. On Christmas Day, which we didn’t celebrate because this day isn't important to the Saints, we started to build the first houses. By the next couple of days we had still made very little progress, as the weather was terrible. The icy rain and extreme cold continued to take more lives. We haven’t met any Indians yet, but far away in the distance we can see the smoke of their fires. The Indians are not far away, but we hope they won't leave their warm wigwams until spring. 3 March PLYMOUTH COLONY My dear friend, I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long. The last two months have been the worst of my life. More than half the people who came with us to the New World have died. They were killed by cold and disease. But there is hope for the rest of us. The weather is getting warmer now and we are hoping to be able to plant some crops soon, so we can survive. Our main worry is now the Indians. We are expecting them to attack at any time. 16 March PLYMOUTH COLONY A most amazing thing has happened. Earlier today, I suddenly heard some cries and shouts, and when I ran to where they were coming from, I saw an Indian coming towards our village. He walked up to us, then he smiled and said “welcome” in English. He didn’t speak English very well, but he told us more about himself. His name is Samoset, and he is not an enemy. He learned English from some English fishermen who used to come to fish in these waters. Unit \ lessons 9. 10 43 When he heard about us, he decided to come and offer us some help. - He doesn’t belong to any local tribe, but he has friends here. He especially recommended one of his friends called Squanto. He said that Squanto’s English was really good. We wanted to trust Samoset, but we were also scared of him. He could be an Indian spy, so we sighed with relief when he finally left. 22 March PLYMOUTH COLONY Samoset came back with some friends. One of them was Squanto, who is a really amazing person. He told us that the Indians and the Pilgrims should finally get to know each other and become friends. He introduced us to the chief of the local tribe, whose name is Massasoil. The first meeting went very well and soon after that Massasoit and our governor signed an agreement to live in peace and help each other. It was a great joy to us, but there are still many other tribes around so we can’t feel absolutely safe. 1 April PLYMOUTH COLONY Д' sad day. The Mayflower finally left for .England. We all had tears in our eyes, as the last connection with home was gone, but none of us wanted to go back to England. The few of us who survived the winter didn’t want to give up now that we had Squanto’s help. Homework к Answer the questions. 1. Who wrote the diary? 2. Why did Robin decide to write a diary? 3. Why is the diary addressed to an unknown friend? 4. How many passengers were there on board the ship? 5. What was the name of the ship? 44 Unit ^ Lessons 9, 10 6. Who were the Saints and who were the Strangers? 7. Why did they decide to leave England? 8. When did they see land? 9. Who was the leader of the Saints? 10. Was he a remarkable man? 11. Where did they land? 12. Why did they land at Cape Cod? 13. What is the Mayflower Compact? 14. Who was chosen as governor? 15. Did the Pilgrims stay on board or did they go on shore? Why? 16. Why did they have to leave Cape Cod? 17. What was the name of the place where they found their new home? 18. Was it better than the first place? Why? / Why not? 19. Why did so many people die? 20. What were the Klgrims going to do to survive? 21. What was the name of the first Indian they met and talked to? 22. Did the Pilgrims trust him? 23. What document did the Pilgrims’ governor and the Indians sign? 24. When did the Mayflower leave for England? 25. Did any of the Pilgrims want to go back? Why? / Why not? В Number the events in the correct order. 1. William Button, the young servant of Doctor Samuel Fuller died. 2. The Pilgrims landed in Cape Cod. 3. King James promised everybody who supported him religious freedom. 4. The Mayflower finally left for England. 5. The prophecy that one day the Scottish king would rule both Scotland and England came true in 1603 when the Scottish king, James, got the crown of England. 6. There was a horrible storm, and the main beam cracked, and the ship was in real danger. 7. The Pilgrims met Samoset. 8. The Pilgrims signed an agreement which they called “The Mayflower Compact”. 9. Massasoit and the governor signed an agreement to live in peace and help each other. 10. King James let all his old supporters down. 11. The Indians attacked the Pilgrims, but the Pilgrims won. 12. The Pilgrims left Cape Cod and sailed to Plymouth. 13. On 9 November 1620 the Pilgrims saw land. 14. Robin left England on 6 September 1620. 15. The Pilgrims came across an Indian village, but nobody was there. Unit! Lessons9, 10 45 Your active vocabular)^ to do some sightseeing a skyscraper to do smth instead of smth to stand for smth a masterpiece an impression Manhattan Brooklyn Queens Staten Island the Bronx the Hudson River Central Park the Empire State Building Rockefeller Center the Guggenheim Museum to go to school to be at school to leave school to go to bed to be in bed to go to college to be in hospital / at the hospital to be in prison to go to church Asking and explaining the way Can (Could) you tell me where. Excuse me, how do I get to...? Turn left (right)... On the left (right) side... It’s opposite the... It’s between the... and the... It’s on the comer... Go up (down) the street... Go straight on... Go past... Keep going until you see... .. is? 46 Unit I Lessons 9* 10 (2 Do good clothes open all doors? Lesson 1 What's in? ■ 't ’‘.;4 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. ridiculous [n’dikjubs] — смехотворный to come into fashion -- стать модным to be / go out of fashion — выйти из моды to be fashionable — быть модным to stand out — выделяться to care about something — беспокоиться о чем-либо, быть к чему-то неравнодушным to make up one's mind — зд. составить мнение casual clothes — повседневная одежда fancy — изысканный the last — последний (train, meeting etc) the latest — самый свежий (news, magazine) Calvin Klein [,kselvin 'klain] — Кельвин Кляйн Ralph Lauren [,raelf Ъ:гоп] — Ральф Лорен Conversation bricks What do you think about shopping Give your opinion. Use the words and expressions. It’s a waste of time. It’s a lot of fun. I’d recommend it to anybody. I’m a shopaholic. I can shop till I drop. I’m sorry for people who... It’s not really my thing. It’s my favourite pastime. It cheers me up. It bores me to death. ^2 ) Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions: Where are the friends going? Who likes the idea of shopping? Who doesn't? ^3 J Read the dialogue for detail to be able to answer the questions in Ex Л. Emily: Today we should go shopping, guys. New York is famous for its shopping. It’d be a pity to miss the opportunity. Misha: That’s great! Rob: What a good idea! Mark: Oh, Emily, please let me stay at home. I can’t stand shopping. Rob: But, Mark, you really need some new clothes. Mark: What’s wrong with my jeans, T-shirts and trainers? They're OK for travelling. Emily: To tell you the truth, they are a little out of fashion. Unit 2 lesson 1 Mark: I don’t care about fashion. I prefer casual clothes, I feel more comfortable in them. Misha: But those who don’t care about fashion miss on a lot of fun. I like to look round the shops and find something original that doesn’t cost too much. Clothes show my individuality. Emily: Well, I think it’s better to buy clothes that are in at the moment. I don’t like to stand out. My hobby is buying things in the sales. Most of my clothes come from discount stores that sell designer clothes, so they don’t cost that much. My favourite jeans are Calvin Klein, and they only cost $10. It was a real bargain. Rob: You can call me a snob if you like, but I think clothes are a status thing. “Clothes make the man” they say and I agree. People make up their minds about you when they look at your clothes, so my clothes have to be the latest fashion. Ralph Lauren is one of my favourite designers. His shirts and jackets are very expensive. Look at this jacket, for example. Isn’t it smart? Emily: Yes, I think it’s very elegant. You could wear it to any nice party or fancy restaurant. Rob: Thank you, Emily. So when are we leaving? Emily: In a second. Before we go. I’d like to look through the latest magazines. It’s so easy to make a mistake with fashion... Mark: I still think it’s ridiculous to care about clothes so much. I believe in the old saying “Never judge a book by its cover.” Answer the questions. (More than one answer can be correct.) Support your answers with facts from the diologue. 1. Who likes to wear expensive clothes? 2. Who doesn’t like to pay a lot of money for clothes? 3. Who doesn’t care about clothes? 4. Who likes to buy things in the sales? 5. Who wears only expensive clothes? 6. Who doesn’t buy expensive clothes? Unit 2 Lesson 1 Look through the dialogue again and: a) find out the meaning of the words and expressions • a bargain • discount stores • to be a status thing • a snob • to buy things in the sales • “Clothes make the man” b) find the synonyms for: • unusual, extravagant ’ • practical • fashionable and elegant • to be in fashion c) find the opposite of: • to go out of fashion • casual clothes • I don’t like to stand out. • “Never judge a book by its cover.” How to build words? Суффиксы прилагательных -July -able / -ibUy -al Для образования прилагательных от существительных и глаголов используются суффиксы: -ful beauty — beautiful -able / -ible rely — reliable -al culture — cultural 6 ) Translate the adjectives into Russian. How were they formed? Look in the dictionary if necessary. Which of the words can be used to describe clothes? Model: readable = the verb to read + suffix -able useful, wonderful, enjoyable, hopeful, helpful, political, musical, fashionable, peaceful, comfortable, natural, sensible, changeable, successful, meaningful, colourful, suitable, tasteful ^ 7 j Form the adjectives from the nouns in brackets. Complete the sentences. 1. This blouse is very .... (fashion) 2.1 like ... clothes, (comfort) 3. These jeans are not very__(practice) 4. What a ... (beauty) dress! (beauty) 5. I like ... sweaters, (colour) ^ 8 } Try to remember how the friends choose their clothes and what's important to them. Model: Emily buys things that are in fashion.— Because she doesn't like to stand out 1. Rob wears designer clothes. 2. Emily wears clothes that are fashionable. 3. Misha likes to wear original clothes. 4. Mark doesn’t care about clothes. 5. Mark wears casual clothes. Unit 2 Lesson 1 49 Look at the factors that ore important for teenagers when they buy clothes. Which of them were mentioned in the dialogue? 1. price 2. comfort 3. fashion in your class (group) 4. fashion magazines 5. adverts on TV 6. parents’ advice 7. friends’ advice 8. other people’s style (famous people, role models) 9. individuality 10. status Choose the three factors that ore important to you. Explain your choices. Homework ^ Match the words with the definitions. 1. Something you buy really cheaply. 2. Somebody who thinks that he is better than other people. 3. Something unusual. 4. Something that’s OK for the situation. 5. When shops reduce their prices. 6. Comfortable clothes that you wear in informal situations. 7. Expensive and elegant clothes. a) c) suitable b)bargain g) fancy clothes d) original e) in the sales casual cloth В Fill in the gaps with the words last or latest. 1. When did you see him ... ? 2.1 couldn’t hear the ... news. 3.1 didn’t forget our ... conversation. 4. This dress is the ... fashion. 5. Have you read the ... book by Marinina? 6. It was the ... train for today. There won’t be any more trains until tomorrow. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Я не люблю выделяться. 2. Я покупаю вещи на распродажах. 3. Эта рубашка очень дорогая, но немодная. 4. Это платье — крик моды. 5. Мне нет дела до моды, я ношу удобные вещи. 6. Его одежда и модная, и практичная. 7. Эти туфли красивые, но непрактичные. Они белые. 8. “Что сейчас модно?” — “Яркие пуловеры и клеши”. 9. Последний поезд только что ушел. 50 J.rtJl 2 Ir i-SOri i Му favourite things Прямая и косвенная речь / Direct and reported speech Прямая речь — это речь, переданная дословно, без изменений. В английском языке перед прямой речью, в середине ее или после нее стоят слова или предложение, вводящие прямую речь, которые отделяются от прямой речи запятой. Прямая речь заключается в кавычки. Знаки препинания в прямой речи ставятся внутри кавычек. Тот tells his friend, *Т work in London. ” **Who are you?'' she cried. **What do you want?" ‘'They have known each other for years," James said. . “My parents," she said, “are on holiday." Косвенная речь — это способ передачи чужой речи. Косвенная речь представляет собой придаточное предложение, которому предшествует главное. Косвенная речь в английском языке в кавычки не ставится и запятой не отделяется. Тот tells his friend that he works in London. —Том говорит своему другу, что он работает в Лондоне. Правила перевода прямой речи в косвенную Перевод утверждений в косвенную речь Утверждения переводятся в косвенную речь следующим образом: say to smb / fell smb + that + подлежащее + сказуемое + + второстепенные члены предложения Союз that можно не употреблять. Не says to Lena, “I see my friends every day.Он говорит Лене: “Я вижусь со своими друзьями каждый день”. Не says to Lena that he sees his friends every day. Or He tells Lena that he sees his friends every day. — Он говорит Лене, что он видится со своими друзьями каждый день. Не tells them, “I can help you." — Он говорит им: “Я могу помочь вам”. Не tells them that he can help them. Or He says (that) he can help them. — Он говорит им, что он может им помочь. При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную местоимения изменяются согласно требованиям логики. Не tells Lena, “I see ту friends every day."— Он говорит Лене: “Я вижусь со своими друзьями каждый день”. Не tells Lena that he sees his friends every day. — Он говорит Лене, что он видится со своими друзьями каждый день. Unit 2 lessons 2,3 51 Remember who said these words, and report them according to the model. Model: ‘‘We should go shopping, guys.” — Emily says that they should go shopping, 1. “1 don’t care about fashion.” 2. “I сапЧ stand shopping.” 3. “You really need some new clothes.” 4. “My jeans and sweaters are suitable for travelling.” 5. “Your clothes are a little out of fashion.” 6. “Clothes must show my individuality.” 7. “1 always wear designer clothes.” 8. “Most of my clothes come from discount stores that sell designer clothes, so they don’t cost that much.” 9. “I don’t like to stand out.” 10. “I like to look round in the shops and find something original.” 11. “Clothes are a status thing.” 12. “I prefer clothes that I feel comfortable in.” 13. “My favourite jeans are Calvin Klein.” 14. “1 like casual clothes.” , 2 j Give your opinion. Agree or disagree with the characters of the book. (See Ex. 1.) Model: Mark says that he doesn’t care about fashion.— Neither do L Emily says that she likes shopping.— 5c? do L ^ 3 ) Do you care about clothes? What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Ask each other questions and write down the answers. Report your friends' answers to the class. Model: Kate says that she doesn*t like expensive clothes, , 4^ Look through the song and try to guess: Whose favourite clothes are a Burberry coat, old worn jeans, waterproof jackets, high heels, big, baggy T-shirts, stylish blue jeans, warm, comfy sweaters, Gucci sunglasses? v-5^ Listen to the song, then read the lyrics. Match each part of the song with the singer. • Rob • Mark • Emily 52 Un!i 2 Lessons 2, 3 I ^ ^ Glamorous dresses and colourful blouses, Jackets that go with a skirt or with trousers. Sandals and high heels and tight flared jeans These are my favourite, favourite things. Clothes will come in, clothes will go out. Clothes will change with time. Just let me wear what I feel good about. And then Г11 be doing just fine. Big, baggy T-shirts and warm, comfy sweaters. Trainers and raincoats and waterproof jackets. Caps and a rucksack, and some old worn jeans, ,Just let me stay in my favourite things. Clothes will come in, clothes will go out, Clothes will change with time. Just let me wear what I feel good about And then Г11 be doing just fine. A Burberry coat and a shirt from Cerutti, Calvin Klein bag and sunglasses from Gucci, Elegant trousers and stylish blue jeans Don’t laugh at me, Tm in love with these things. Clothes will come in, clothes will go out, Clothes will change with time. Just let me wear what I feel good about And then Г11 be doing just fine. English in focus Cerutti, Gucci, Burberry designer labels. — are famous ^ 6 J Match the adjectives with their translations. What's the full form of the adjective "comfy"? 1. glamorous 2. colourful 3. tight 4. flared 5. baggy 6. waterproof 7. worn 8. stylish a) поношенный b) расклешенный c) цветной, пестрый d) мешковатый e) стильный f) роскошный g) водоотталкивающий h) облегающий UriiT 2 Lessons 2.3 53 Are these statements true, false or is there no information? Support your answers with the sentences from the song. Model: Emily likes baggy jeans. — False, Emily says that she likes tight flared jea 1. Rob likes to wear comfy clothes. 2. Mark is happy if he can wear his old trainers. 3. Emily doesn’t feel comfortable when she wears high heels. 4. Rob never wears jeans. 5. Emily hates designer clothes. 6. Rob always buys expensive clothes. 7. Expensive clothes are always in fashion. 8. Mark doesn’t like expensive clothes. 9. Mark likes his worn jeans. {8 } Work in groups. Discuss these statements. Do you agree with them? Explain why / why not. Model: Fashionable girls shouldn’t wear trainers this autumn.— We agree with this, but Tanya says that it*s a pity, because trainers are very practical. 1. Waterproof jackets are in fashion this year. 2. Worn jeans are out of fashion. 3. Sandals are out and high heels are in. 4. Tight clothes are not very popular this year. 5. T-shirts for men never go out of fashion. 6. Fancy clothes aren’t very popular with teenagers this year. 7. This year girls should wear flared jeans. Verb activator Say, tell to say — сказать, говорить She says that she doesn*t like tea. — Она говорит, что не любит чай. to tell — 1) рассказывать, сообщать 2) велеть She told John that she had seen his friend, — Она рассказала Джону, что видела его друга. I told them to come, — Я велел им прийти. Сравните: to say something to somebody — сказать что-либо кому-либо to tell somebody something — сказать кому-либо что-либо Expressions with tell to tell the truth / a lie — сказать правду / неправду to tell a story — рассказать историю to tell the time — сказать который час 54 Unit 2 Lessons 2, 3 Fill in the gaps with say or tell. 1. He ... that he’s a doctor. 2. Please ... me the truth. 3. Don’t... that you haven’t done it. 4. Could you ... me the time? 5. Who ... you that? Homework 6.1 can’t... you that. 7.... them to open the window. 8. Let’s go and ... good bye to our neighbours. A Write your own list of things, that ore in or out of fashion at the moment. Refer to fashion magazines, TV programmes and other sources of information. В Уже известный вам суффикс -less имеет значение отсутствия качества и является противоположным по значению суффиксу -ful. useful — useless (полезный — бесполезный) К каким из этих прилагательных можно подобрать антоним с помощью суффикса -less? colourful, awful, meaningful, beautiful, careful, wonderful, helpful, tasteful Прилагательные, заканчивающиеся на -able / -1Ыв, как правило, образуют антонимы с помощью отрицательного префикса -ип. comfortable — uncomfortable (удобный — неудобный) Rewrite the sentences, use prefix -un. 1.1 hope this vase is not breakable. I’m going to put it in my bag. — I hope it’s... 2. This dress is not suitable for the party.— This dress would be... for the party. 3.1 never wear shoes that are not comfortable.— I never wear... shoes. 4. This sweater is not fashionable, but I still like it.— This sweater is... C Change the sentences from reported into direct speech and translate them into Russian. Model: He says that he doesn’t like to go shopping.— He says, “I don’t like to go shopping. ” 1. Mary tells her friends to leave quickly because her mum is very angry with her. 2. He says that he doesn’t need any fashionable clothes. 3. The shop assistant tells her that she has to wear socks to try the shoes on. 4. She tells her friend that her clothes are out of fashion. 5. She says that she doesn’t like to stand out. 6. Helen says that she is having a great time in Spain. 7. He tells his friends that he doesn’t care about fashion. 8. She says that she prefers casual clothes. 9. Ann tells Jane that she likes casual clothes. Unit 2 Lessons 2, 3 55 Lesson 4 Grungers and Preppies Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a loose T-shirt — свободно сидящая футболка to influence smb / smth [‘mfluansj — влиять на кого-то / на что-то to dye one’s hair — красить волосы to put a label on smb — зд. наклеивать ярлык на кого-либо to be labelled — зд, быть причисленным к определенной группе подростков Nike [naik] — Найк а hooded top ['hodid] — куртка с капюшоном jewellery ['фи:э1п] — ювелирные изделия fake — поддельный make-up — грим • Mark is explaining his attitude to clothes. Look at the pictures and try to guess which four groups of people Mark is talking about? Read the text and match the pictures with the names of the groups. Explain your choices with the facts from the text. Model: Number 1 is a... He's wearing,,, ■ Ih. Ч I often ask myself, “Why do people pay so much attention to image?” But I have no answer. A lot of my friends dress in order to be a part of a group; they choose a hairstyle to fit an image. Why do they do that? Before Rob and I went to public school in Yorkshire we went to an ordinary comprehensive school in London. All the pupils there were labelled and pul into groups: they weren’t just Marys, Johns or Kates, but grungers, goths, preppies or townies. Every new pupil who came had to join one of the groups and got labelled forever. A lot of the names for the groups came from the music people listened to: grunge, rock, punk, or pop music. If you listened to grunge music, you had to follow the grunger style. Grungers had skateboards, and they wore baggy jeans, with baggy, hooded tops, loose T-shirts and silver or black metal jewellery or chains. And if you listened to gothic punk, you were labelled a goth, or someone who liked the darker side of things. Goths wore black clothes, and both girls and boys used black and white make-up and dyed their hair black. The teachers didn’t like them at all. 56 Unit 2 Lesson 4 “They worship Satan and listen to awful music,” they used to warn us. But they were wrong; a lot of goths were actually very nice, interesting people. The goths’ enemies were the townies, or “the children of the street,” as they liked to be called. Their uniform included: fake gold” jewellery, fake Adidas or Nike trousers with white socks and baseball caps. They talked to each other in a “yeah, ah’m cool, ah’m cool” manner and a lot of them smoked because it’s alrigh’, innit?” Rob and I were labelled preppies because we came from a rich family, wore shirts instead of T-shirts, and trousers instead of jeans. Some people were jealous of us, and some people liked us; but I didn’t want to be labelled. I just wanted to be myself, listen to the music I liked and live my own life. My father says that it’s bad when people put a label on you. Very true, but I think it’s even worse when you put a label on yourself and let it influence your tastes, interests and your lifestyle. I always try to be myself and hope that other people will respect me for that. t* . iw3) Find examples of direct and reported speech in the text (Ex. 2). statements true or false? 1. Mark says that everybody in his London school was labelled. 2. Mark thinks that it is good to be part of a group. 3. Mark thinks that it is bad to be labelled. 4. Mark explains that people join groups and wear unusual clothes because they don’t want to stand out. 5. Mark thinks that people shouldn’t put labels on each other. 6. Mark hopes that other people will respect him because he is a preppy. Unit 2 Lesson 4 57 Find in the text: a) the verbs for the nouns dye, influence^ label; b) the adjective for the noun fake. Make a list of verbs and adjectives formed in the same way. Answer the questions. Talk about yourself, a friend or someone you have heard about. Model: Have you ever had any problems because you wore unusual clothes? — I personally have never had any problems because I wore unusual clothes, but one of my friends who listens to heavy metal and wears chains had some problems with his parents, 1. What are your interests? 2. What kind of music do you listen to? 3. Is it necessary to wear unusual clothes to show what your interests are? 4. Have you ever had any problems because you wore unusual clothes? 5. Have you ever had any problems because you chose to be alone and didn’t want to join‘a group? 6. Is there a particular group in your school or your neighbourhood you wani to join? Why? Discussion. Do you think people who wear unusual clothes and make-up do so because they want to be a part of a group or because they want to stand out and show their individuality? Give your own examples or ones from your friends' experience. Homework A Tell your friend that... 1. you don’t pay much attention to image. 2. your friend has choosen a hairstyle to fit an image. 3. all the pupils in Rob’s school were labelled and put into groups. 4. your brother has influenced your tastes, interests and your lifestyle. 5. your sister doesn’t want to be under any label. 6. you like to wear casual clothes. 7. your friend’s sister is a shopaholic. 8. you don’t like to stand out. 9. her brother wears baggy jeans, with baggy, hooded tops, loose T-shirts and silver chains. 10. goths wear black gothic clothes, use black and white make-up and dye their hair black. 11. townies wear fake “gold” jewellery, fake Adidas or Nike trousers with white socks and baseball caps. В Write about what teenagers weor in your school and neighbourhood. 58 Uni} 2 Lesson A Lesson 5 You'll never believe it! Q Перевод просьб и приказаний из прямой речи в косвенную Если в прямой речи содержится просьба или приказание, то при переводе в косвенную речь перед ней: • ставятся слова автора, содержащие глаголы to ask smb (просить кого-либо) или to tell smb (велеть кому-либо); • глагол в косвенной речи ставится в форме инфинитива. Вежливая просьба сделать что-либо to ask smb to do smth — просить кого-либо сделать что-либо The teacher says to the pupils^ ''Open your books at page 27у please, Учитель говорит ученикам: “Откройте, пожалуйста, книги на стр. 27”. The teacher asks her pupils to open their books at page 27, — Учитель просит учеников открыть книги на стр. 27. Приказание сделать что-либо to tell smb to do smth — велеть кому-то сделать что-то to order smb to do smth — приказывать кому-либо сделать что-либо The policeman says to the robber, "Put your hands up!''— Полицейский говорит грабителю: “Руки вверх!” The policeman tells the robber to put his hands up. — Полицейский велит грабителю поднять руки вверх. Запрет делать что-либо to ask smb not to do smth — просить кого-либо не делать чего-либо Betty says to her son, "Don't disturb me, please.Бетти говорит сыну: “He беспокой меня, пожалуйста”. Betty asks her son not to disturb her. — Бетти просит сына не беспокоить ее. to tell smb not to do smth — велеть кому-либо не делать чего-либо The mother says to her son, "Don't lean out of the window." — Мама говорит сыну: “He высовывайся из окна”. The mother tells her son not to lean out of the window. — Мама велит сыну не высовываться из окна. Say the sentences using reported speech, 1. Kate says to her brother, “Don’t touch my things.” 2. The mother says to her son, “Don’t watch this film.” 3. Peggy says to her sister, “Please tell me the truth.” 4. The customer says to the shop assistant, “Please show me the fitting room.’ 5. Mary says to her brother, “Don’t make so much noise, please.” Unit 2 Lesson 5 59 Misha was in a clothes shop when he met a woman. Listen to the dialogue and say a) what the woman’s name is. b) how Misha knows her. c) why she needs Misha’s help. Read the conversation for detail. Misha: Hello. Are you Angela V.? /.• Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.: Misha; Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.; Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.: Misha: Angela V.; Yes, that’s me. I just love your songs! Could you give me your autograph? Sure. Here you are. Thank you, bye! Wait a second. Please, don’t go! Where do you come from? I’m from Russia. Your English is very good. Could you help me do some shopping here? I don’t speak English very well. Of course. It’d be a pleasure. Fine. Could you get me three shop assistants and tell me how to say these sentences in English? Покажите мне, где примерочная. Show me where the fitting room is. Принесите мне все красные платья восьмого размера, которые у вас есть. Bring me all the size 8 red dresses that you have. Помогите мне примерить эти туфли. Help me try these shoes on. Приготовьтесь долго ждать. Be ready to wait for a long time. Соглашайтесь со всем, что я говорю. Agree with everything that I say. He входите, если я не зову. Don’t come if I don’t call. Поторапливайтесь! Hurry up! Oh, I can’t remember all these phrases! Could you talk to the shop assistant for me? Report the requests from the dialogue according to the model. “Could you give me your autograph?” — Misha asked Angela to give him her autograph. 60 Unit 2 lesson 5 What will Misha have to say to the shop assistants? Change the sentences according to the model. Model: Help me try these shoes on. — Misha will tell the shop assistants to help Angela try the shoes on. (■б'} Do you think the shop assistants will listen to Misha? Why? / Why not? How should Misha speak to the shop assistants to make Angela's instructions more polite? Choose the correct version and rewrite the sentences from the dialogue Model: Miss Angela is telling you to bring her all the size 8 red dresses that you have in the shop. Or Miss Angela is asking you to bring her all the size 8 red dresses that you have in the shop. ^ 7 ) Two hours later Misha finally left the shop. Now he is talking to Emily and Rob and telling them what happened to him. Listen to the story and put the pictures in the correct order. Match the pictures with the mini-dialogues. a) I think I look nice in this.— Yes, you look great. b) Don't be rude! Please leave the shop.— Oh, no. I’m sorry. Please, let me stay. c) Bring me all the size 8 red dresses that you have in the shop.— Yes, of course. d) This colour is more suitable, don’t you think?— But they are all red, madam. e) Could you help me do some shopping? — Of course. It’d be a pleasure. f) Could I have your autograph? — Sure. g) Surprise! Surprise! — I don’t believe it! Unit 2 Lesson 5 61 Homework C - Ч J- 'д A Use Hie pictures from Ex. 7 and write the main events of the story. ■ -,‘ЛЛ : ''m'V. Г \ • Model: Misha asks Angela for her autograph, В Write what the people in the pictures are saying. Model: The man is asking the shop assistant to show him the T-shirt. Could you show ^ ГВопЧ sit in my presence! j me another T-shirt? 62 Unit 2 lesson 5 Lessons 6, 7 ■ What size are you? 1 у Listen to the phrases and repeat them after the speaker.Who says these phrases: the shop assistant or the customer? ^^ Л Can I help you? ] .-. L Does it fit? ) ^What size are Is it my colour? f Does this skirt go ^with this blouse? ^It's a bit smallTj ^ Do you like Match the expressions from Ex. 1 with 1. Сколько это стоит? 2. У вас есть эти джинсы большего размера? 3. Я посмотрю. 4. Могу я заплатить карточкой? 5. Я просто смотрю, спасибо. 6. Где примерочная? 7. Вам помочь? 8. Какой у Вас размер? 9. Как (на мне) сидит (вещь)? 10. Это мой цвет? 11. Это подходит к этой сумке? their translations. 12. Вам идет. 13. Принести другой размер? 14. Вам велико? 15. Хотите померить? 16. Какую фирму Вы предпочитаете? 17. Я это беру. 18. Конечно. 19. Как Вы будете платить? 20. Сколько это стоит? 21. Эта юбка подходит к этой блузке? U"''* 2 t-o-isor-д 6. •' 63 ^ 3 J Work in pairs. Make up as many mini-dialogues as you can with these sentences. You can use some sentences more than once. Model: Customer: Do you have these jeans in a larger size? Shop assistant: /7/ have a look. Перевод вопросительных предложений в косвенную речь Если в предложении в прямой речи содержится вопрос, то в косвенной речи в вопросительных предложениях употребляется прямой порядок слов. Напомним, что прямой порядок слов встречается в утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях, когда глагол-сказуемое или вспомогательный глагол следует за подлежащим. Не likes coffee. They didn^t play football yesterday. Обратный порядок слов встречается в вопросительных предложениях, когда глагол-сказуемое или вспомогательный глагол стоит перед подлежащим. Where did they go? Where are they? Mary asks, ''What is Liz doing?''— Мэри спрашивает: “Что делает Лиз?"' Магу asks what Liz is doing. — Мэри спрашивает, что делает Лиз. Не asks, "Where did Тот go?"— Он спрашивает: “Куда пошел Том?” Не asks where Тот went. — Он спрашивает, куда пошел Том. ^4 :^ Найдите в упр. 1 предложения, в которых встречается: а) прямой порядок слов б) обратный порядок слов Специальные вопросы В специальных вопросах в косвенной речи после вопросительного слова следует прямой порядок слов. She asks John, "Where does Tom go every week? Она спрашивает Джона: “Куда ходит Том каждую неделю?” She asks John where Тот goes every week. — Она спрашивает Джона, куда ходит Том каждую неделю. В вопросе к подлежащему в косвенной речи порядок слов не меняется. Не asks, "Who likes pop music?"— Он спрашивает: “Кто любит поп-музыку?” Не asks who likes pop mw5/c. “ Он спрашивает, кто любит поп-музыку. Общий вопрос в косвенной речи вводится союзами if / whether Не asks Mark, "Did you see the film yesterday?"— Он спрашивает Марка: “Ты видел фильм вчера?” 64 Ufvf 2 les'so^'5 6, Не asks Mark if he saw the film yesterday. — Он спрашивает Марка, видел ли он фильм вчера. Не asks thenty *'Do you speak French?"' — Он спрашивает их: “Вы говорите по-французски?” Не asks them whether they speak French. — Он спрашивает их, говорят ли они по-французски. Ответы на общие вопросы передаются в косвенной речи с помощью подлежащего и вспомогательного глагола. "'Did Jim phone yesterday?” Ann asks her mum. **No, ” Mum says. — “Джим звонил вчера?” — спрашивает маму Анна. “Нет”,— говорит мама. Ann asks her mum if Jim phoned yesterday and Mum says that he didn 7. — Анна спрашивает маму, звонил ли Джим вчера, и мама говорит, что он не звонил. Разделительные вопросы передаются в косвенной речи так же, как общие. *'Магу saw ту sister on Sunday, didn't she?” Jack asks. — “Мэри видела мою сестру в воскресенье, не так ли?” — спрашивает Джек. Jack asks if Магу saw his sister on Sunday.— Джек спрашивает, видела ли Мэри его сестру в воскресенье. Say the phrases of Ex. 1 in reported speech. Model: Customer: “Is it my colour?”— The customer asks the shop assistant if it's his colour. Emily, Misha and Rob are at the shopping mall. Read the statements and say if they are true, false or there's no information. Support your answers with what they say in the dialogue. Model: In Russia there are no big malls.— False. Misha says that in Russia they have big malls, too. 1. Some shops in Russia close at night. 2. Stores in America close at night. 3. Most English shops close at around 6 p.m. 4. Some English shops are open at weekends. Rob: Wow, this place is really huge! Emily: We call it a mall. There are more than a hundred stores in it! Misha: In Russia we have some malls too. The biggest ones are in Moscow. You can spend the whole day there and they are open at night too. Unit 2 Lesson.