Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 2

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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(S» iiliJEul ffiJ» (ШиШшш J-^ J г 1 г r~-i г \ J sL _1 _ 1. ' УУПЯХ300К2 London Map e-iJ'* i’ s''' ГИЛЛ/ Оюяпд С/041 X. C««^ 2 1^ Hn^ i9r \ I C»»NW»CM Г Ч TKe Crr«n>H ■■я».- .- ■ vSMmnes№!№sStsa^ Tense ГП >s»sss»«^ Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple. 1. I (help)___________my Mum yesterday. 2. I (stay)___________with my friends last summer. 3. His father (work)____________on a farm two years ago. a very nice picture last month. _ their shop last week. 4. He (paint)_________ 5. They (close)_______ "Разденьте" глаголы. Наденьте на них одежду Past Simple. watching, dancing, likes, listening, lives, phone, starts, walk, hopes Write about the past. Model: I walk to school every day.— Yesterday I walked to school too. 1. He plays football on Sundays.— Last Sunday. 2. She calls him every week.— Last week___ 3. It often rains this month.— Last month_ 4. On Friday he stays in his office.— Last Friday _ 5. She always worries about her son.— Yesterday Change the sentences to the Past Simple. Model: 1 am watching TV now. — I watched TV yesterday. 1. We will celebrate my birthday next week.—______________ 2. They are dancing now.— _________ 3. She cooks tasty soup every day.— 4. He washes the floor every week. —_ 5. They will live in Kursk next year.— 6. They are playing now.—__________ Unit 9 Lesson 1 г Homework • • • в « » 9 « » « « в А I Распределите глаголы по колонкам в зависимости от того^ как читается окончание -ed. decorate, answer, carry, invent, study, check, listen, repeat, play, drop, phone, turn, call, match, milk, walk, worry, wish, ask, rest, invite, stay, dust, grant, start, help, look, want, try, happen Id] answered It] checked [Id] decorated Lesson I *S.The.fomilYJegend 1 ^ Используя информацию, полученную из текста (Ех. 2, рр. 173-174), напишите историю Робина, пользуясь картинками. Unit 9 Lessons 1 and 2 5 ^ J I® ! to return I I am your... j 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Homework Fill the gaps with the verbs in the Past Simple. Dear Boss, Yesterday (be) Sunday. I (watch) At eight o’clock the door (open)_______ (walk)______________the dogs and (close) . It (be) the MacWizards again. _______Rosy. She the door again. Betsey (cook) weather (be)____ boys (play)_____ breakfast and the boys (help) her. The very bad so Betsey (watch) TV and the computer games. In the afternoon Rosy and the boys (look)_______________at the family portraits. I (notice)___________something interesting. A man in one portrait (look) Rosy and the boys (discuss)_______ like Robin. In the evening _________something. The boys (explain) something to Rosy. She (look)______________surprised. Tm going to talk to Robin. I think he knows everything. Agent Cute Unit 9 Lesson 2 в change the sentences. Use the Past Simple Tense and a suitable time expression. Model: I open this door every day.— I opened this door yesterday. 1. We can talk to you now.— ________________________________________________ 2. I am not at home in the evening.— ’______________________________ 3. Mary translates from English into Russian without any mistakes.— 4. He invites everybody to his birthday party every year.— 5. Some people in our class eat ice cream for breakfast.— 6. She usually listens to very loud music.— 7. He always tries to help everybody.— j^C ^ Translate these sentences into English and put them in the correct order. (Расставьте эти предложения в правильном порядке.) 1. Робин Маквизард жил в Эдинбурге 500 лет назад. 2. Робин отправился в путешествие во времени в Лондон будущего. 3. Камень судьбы был потерян для Шотландии, потому что он был в Лондоне в Вестминстерском аббатстве. 4. Робин не мог вернуться в свое время. 5. Дверь во время Робина закрылась. 6. Отец Робина не мог пить и есть. 7. Он ждал сына у окна. 8. Мама Робина умерла, когда ему было два года, и он жил с папой и бабушкой. 9. Робин очень любил свою страну. 10. Он верил, что Камень судьбы может помочь. 11. Жизнь в Шотландии была тяжелой. 12. Робин вернулся без Камня судьбы. Unit 9 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 jTh^Past Simple tense Homework Л # A I Read two parts of the story "A time traveller" (Lessons 4, 5) and fill in the table. Выпишите из текста глаголы и распределите их в две колонки. Письменно переведите их на русский язык. Правильные глаголы Неправильные г.1аголы В I Find twelve verbs in the letter line. ^e//readsa'^'° 8 Unit 9 Lessons 2 and 3 Lessons 4, 5 Homework) ") Rewrite the sentences. Use the correct information from the text. Model: Somebody said the magic words and something opened.— Robin’s father said the magic words and the tunnel opened. 1. Something will close two days after Halloween. 2. Something was the key to the time tunnel. 3. Something was very scary. 4. Somebody saw somebody with a poster. 5. Somebody understood his mistake. 6. Somebody flew to London but something wasn’t there. [ I Do you recognize these verbs? Put the letters in the verbs in the correct order. declos, tern, emca, lefl, tog, newt, erew, olucd, idsa, koto, lefw, ndofu, eonped, shoce, edar, asw, adh C ) Who did these things? Write the answers. Use the Past Simple Tense. Model: live in Edinburgh — Robin and his father lived in Edinburgh. 1. attack Scotland________________________________________________ 2. believe in the Stone of Destiny 3. want to return the Stone to Scotland 4. have a plan 5. look for relatives in the future 6. choose somebody for the mission 7. try to open the channel 8. go to the future_____ Unit 9 Lessons 4, 5 9. check everything _ 10. open the tunnel___ 11. see big silver birds 12. want to go back___ 13. tell Robin that he was in Russia 14. understand somebody’s mistake 15. return the Stone to Scotland_ 16. take Alice to Tunbridge Wells. 17. meet the family_____________ Lesson 6' __ 'Ж TestVourself * ‘ il CT}put in the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple form. Last summer Jane and Pete (visit) their granny. She (live) in a little house in Oxford. The weather (be) ___________a lot of fun. nice and children (have) a little dog in the street. They (take) it Nancy. Nancy (be) very kind and clever. One day they (see)_________ dog home and (call)____________ They (play)______________together every day. When Pete’s ball (get lost)_________________ _____________she (find)______________it and Pete (be)_______________very happy. Autumn the (come) and the children (go back) ________to London. They (cannot) ____________take Nancy with them to their little flat, so Nancy (stay)_____________with granny. The children often (think)______________about Nancy and (want)_________________to visit her. One morning Jane (look)______________out the window and (see)_______________ Nancy. She (find)______________them and (come)________________with a present. In her mouth she (have)_______________Pete’s old trainer. 2 \ Listen to the story and check yourself (проверьте себя). 3 I Name the story (озаглавьте рассказ) and retell it. 10 Unit 9 Lessons 4, 5 and 6 . Распределите эти слова по колонкам в зависимости от чтения окончания -ed. looked, played, invited, washed, started, cooked, decorated, checked, waited, closed, opened, celebrated, liked [dj [t] [Id] 5 ) Find eight verbs in the letter line. wentthoughtchosewasmetweretookgot [ 6^ Match the verbs. 1. be a) could 2. can b) took 3. know c) was 4. find d) went 5. go e) found 6. tell f)made 7. take g) told 8. make h) knew Translate the verbs in brackets in English. 1. He (видел) 7 She(читяля) Mary yesterday, this book last year. 3 We (кетрет11ли) him last week. 4. Tom (взял) my book last month. Unit 9 Lesson 6 11 The Past Simple Tense 1 1 I Agree or disagree with these statements. I Model: A: He went to London last year. And you? (go) B: / didn’t go to London last year. 1. I saw the film “The Lord of the Rings” last month. And you? (see) — 2. He came home late yesterday. And you? (come) 3. They found a homeless dog. And you? (find) —. 4. They went to Oxford last month. And you? (go) 5. He caught a big fish last summer. And you? (catch) 6. She wrote a letter to her friend yesterday. And you? (write) —. Model: A: I didn’t have breakfast yesterday. And you? B: I didn’t have breakfast yesterday either. /1 had breakfast yesterday. 1. I didn’t play tennis yesterday. And you? —_________________________________ 2. She didn’t see the film about Harry Potter two years ago. And you? 3. They didn’t know about Robin three years ago. And you? — 4. He didn't read about the Stone of Destiny three years ago. And you? — 2 J Answer the questions. 1. Did your friend go to London last summer? —. 2. Did you read about the Tower of London when you were nine? — 3. Did you have breakfast at eight o’clock or at nine o’clock? — 12 Unit 10 Lesson 1 4. Did you meet interesting people last year? —________ 5. Did you play with your friend on Sunday or on Monday? 6. Did you think about your school last summer? — _____________ 7. Did you go to your granny’s house by bus or by train last summer? — A.. [ 3 j Make questions from these words. 1. walk, her dog, she, did, yesterday? 2. buy, they, did. what, last month? _ 3. we, where, eat, did, pizza? ____ 4. she, did, tell, him, a secret?__ 5. what, he, did, say?_____________ S e ® Ф « * « • i A I Use your notes from Ex. 2 and get ready to tell the class about your friend. Model: He / She didn 't go out yesterday, because he / she wasn 7 well. Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 1. What are Robin, Misha and Rosy going to do? 2. Who can help them? 3. Where are they going? 4. Is Alice going to be with them? We must help Robin Rosy: We must help Robin get back to his time, and then my brother Rob will come back too. Am I right? Yes, you are. What will we have to do? Can we use the Stone of Destiny in Scotland? Robin: No, that tunnel closed on 2nd November. We'll have to find a new time tunnel. My brother Mark can help us. He is interested in history and archaeology. He knows all our family legends. At the moment he is on Salisbury Plain. Let’s go and find him. Robin: Rosy: Rosy: Unit 10 Lesson 1 1 3 Misha: Let’s take Alice with us. Rosy: Oh, I forgot. Alice can’t come with us. She is going back to France tomorrow. Lei’s say goodbye to her. ^ C I Answer the questions about Robin's story. 1. When did Robin live in Edinburgh?___ 2. Why did Robin and his friends want to return the Stone of Destiny to Scotland? 3. Where could the tunnels take people? 4. Where did Robin and his father find their relatives? 5. Where did Robin find Misha? D I Write questions for the underlined words. 1. We saw him yesterday.___________ 2. He read the book last month. 3. His sister lived in Yekaterinburg ten years ago. 4. He sent a telegram two hours ago. 5. I got to school by bus.________ 6. My mother didn’t hear you, because the music was very loud. Lessons 2,3 The Channel Tunnel (liomework ') r~'\ « e » 4f A I Write four questions about each (к каждому) paragraph of the text (Ex. 5). Start with: When? What? Why? Who? How? Be ready to answer the questions in class. 14 Unit 10 Lessons 1 and 2, 3 Lessons 5,6 There was a young lady о Put in there is, there are, there was, there were. 1 _________________a lot of people in the theatre yesterday. 2 _________________many roses in your garden this year? 3 _________________hot water in your house last winter? 4. How many shops____________________in your town five years ago? 5 _________________a lot of daffodils in England in March. 6 _________________many guests at your birthday party last year? 7. How many posters__________________in your room? Translate into English. 1. Три года назад в этом магазине было много хороших книг. — . 2. Вчера дома никого не было.— 3. В комнате кто-то был.— __ 4. Сколько девочек было в вашем классе в прошлом году? —. 5. В парке было много детей в воскресенье? 9 _ Unit 10 Lessons 2, 3 and 5, 6 15 с Homework в « « е « « « « W [ J Look at the pictures. In the pictures you con see the same room before and after the robbery. Describe the pictures and answer the question: What did the robber take? Model: (Picture 1) There was / were... (Picture 2) There is / are... What can you say about the robber: What is he interested in? What does he like? Model: He was... He likes... He is interested in... Here are four famous robbers. Which of them robbed the flat in the picture? Explain your answer. ( John I Dick 16 Unit 10 Lessons 5, 6 i л Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use which or who. 1. I knew a lady_ 2. Kate found a bag played tennis every day. ____she wanted to buy. ______was his best friend. 3. He came with .lack,_______ 4. This is the film__________my mother really likes. 5. Everybody looked at the table___________stood in the middle of the room. 6. Let me introduce you to the man____________saved my life. 7. This is the book I liked. ^ C ^ Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. When I was five, 1 lived in a house which was very old.— 2. The girl who is talking to you is my friend's sister.— 3. Yesterday Sasha spoke to a woman who knew his grandfather. 4. She liked the present which her brother gave her. 5. There were some children in the room when Mum came home. “1: Lesson 7 Test yourself 1^1 j Прослуииайте и отметьте галочкой названия учреждений^ которые упоминаются в рассказе bakery I-т shops I i museum i . theatre station r~1 supermarket Г school L bank j ! two hotels [_, hospital i 8^ J Write: What was there in the town ten years ago? What wasn't there in the town ten years ago? Unit 10 Lessons 5, 6 and 7 17 f 2 I Choose the right answer. 1. The Channel Tunnel is a) a time tunnel. b) a tunnel under the sea. c) a city. 2. The Channel Tunnel links a) England and France. b) England and Russia. c) the past and the future. j 3 Translate into Russian. 1. The boy loved his father, who was a wizard. 3. A limerick is a) a funny poem. b) a short poem. c) a nonsense poem. d) all the answers are right. 4. The first person who wrote limericks was a) Edward Lear. b) John Hawkshaw. c) Napoleon. 2. T found the book which you lost.— 3. When Alice went home, Misha and Robin were very sad.— 1 4 Answer the questions. 1. Was there a supermarket in your town / city / village three years ago? 2. How old were you when you read your first book? — 3. Did you speak English last week? — 4. What did you do yesterday at 8 p.m.? — 5. When did you come to school today? — 1 8 Unit 10 Lesson 7 " 4> I come from the future 0Bs^^=*?se*5e»#Mew e e e a • • Put the sentences in Ex. 9 in the right order. Complete the sentences and sum up the story. The story started when Rob had to answer a letter from Russia. Then________________________________________________________________________________________ In the city ________________________________________________________________________________ First, _____________________________________________________________________________________ Then After that, In the evening Finally. ________ Write some predictions. What will happen to Rob in the second part of the story? Write full sentences. Use the questions and your own ideas. 1. Will Rob stay with the soldier? 2. Will Rob stay in Edinburgh?_ 3. Will Rob and the soldier become friends? 4. How can Rob surprise the soldier?_________ 5. Will Rob tell the soldier the truth about himself? ['C j Listen to the second part of the story and check your predictions. Mark them true or false. Lesson^ What'f the matter with you? ^ ^ 4^ et (^1h О m e WO r ‘] Find the odd one out. (Найдите лишнее слово в каждой строчке.) 1. cough, cough syrup, nose drops, milk with honey 2. the plague, cold, aspirin, flu 3. sore throat, headache, cough, high temperature Read the text and answer the questions. Tim, Dennis, Adam and Laura were ill last month. Tim had to stay in bed for two weeks and take a lot of medicine. Laura couldn’t listen to music for a day. Adam had to drink a lot of hot milk with honey and couldn’t eat any ice cream. Dennis had to stay in bed for two days. His mother gave him some nose drops and some cough syrup. Unit 11 Lessons 1 and 2 19 1. What was the matter with Tim? — 2. What was the matter with Laura? — 3. What was the matter with Adam? 4. What was the matter with Dennis? — Leisson 3 ШНеНо, Doctor Drew! г X, ')«йЙ<«»<«»1М«1Йймйй « Homework A ) When were you ill last time? Write a short story about this. Use the ideas from the table. I was ill ...days ago, ...weeks ago, ...months ago, ...years ago, last week, last month, last year I had a sore throat, a headache, a cold, flu, a toothache, a stomachache, an earache... I had to call the doctor, go to hospital, stay in bed, take some medicine (cough syrup, nose drops), drink a lot of milk (tea, juice, water)... I couldn't play football, see my friends, go to school, eat tasty things... I felt better in ...days, ...weeks I'll never eat much chocolate, ice cream, hot dogs, listen to loud music, open windows in winter... I'll always wear warm clothes in winter, listen to Mum, brush my teeth... Г В ^ Write the first form of these verbs. said, saw, went, dropped, wanted, found, came, brought, had, thought 20 Unit 11 Lessons 2 and 3 If I have a headache... [ Homework « e « « f~A , Play a game. Do you eat in bed? A No 'I Do you eat a lot of fruit % and vegetables? r Ves Yes Can you swim? No j I Do you go to the swimming pool? Yes Do you do any sports? ^ No Yes ^ ■ Q Do you eat a lot ; of sweets? i Yes NOi Do you play computer games every day? Do you eat in the evening after eight? \ V Do you drink a lot ^ No ^ of Coca-Cola? ^ " No No i'' ■ 'V Do you like juice? —- 'Yes Can you run for ;^. ^ thirty minutes? ^ Do you like / Yes Do you walk to school? Yes ' Do you go for a walk every day? Yes Yes Yes: Do you have a dog? Yes Do you get up late? Nojf No J / Yes Do you watch TV every evening? % You are sooooo healthy! I can't believe it. Did you give the right answers to all the questions? Do you like fruit? Do you get flu every year? f' Yes' y*- r' \ ? You are in good form! You are a couch potato. Go out and get some fresh air! Now! Unit 11 Lesson 4 21 Lesson What did the stars say? Homework 1 A j Fill in the table. Use information from the text. These things surprised me These things didn’t surprise me Гв‘ Read the text and write questions to these answers. 1. His name was Dr Dee. 2. He was in prison, because he wanted to talk to Rob. 3. Rob knows Dr Dee, because he was a famous person in his time. 4. Rob will have to wait. 5. Rob can’t wait, because everything is ready for his execution. 6. ‘The boy from the future will return to his time if he finds the beginning of the Earth which is under a big tree. The time tunnel will only open for a boy with a kind heart who can be a real friend.” What did the stars say? Rob: This is my story. And who are you? Dr Dee: My name is Doctor Dee. Rob: Dr Dee! 1 know you! Our teacher told us about you in the History lesson.You are the Queen’s astrologer and friend. Why are you in prison? Dr Dee: I’m not in prison here. I came because I wanted to talk to you. Rob: Do you believe my story. Dr Dee? 22 Unit 11 Lesson 5 Dr Dee: Yes, I do. I know about the time tunnels. Somebody wanted to travel to your time and you had to take his place here. I think it was a boy of your age. He made a mistake and got lost, so he couldn’t send you back to your own time. Rob: So what can I do now? Dr Dee: Oh, you'll have to wait. He’ll find you himself. Rob: But I can’t wait. Tomorrow I am going to die! Please help me. Dr Dee: Well, I am not a wizard and I can’t send you back to your own time. But let us ask the stars. Here is the prediction. “The boy from the future will return to his time if he finds the beginning of the Earth which is under a big tree. The time tunnel will only open for a boy with a kind heart who can be a real friend.” Rob: The beginning of the Earth! A real friend! Are you joking? I don’t have any friends! It is awful! I am going to die! Unit 11 Lesson 5 23 uofpipajd эцх UOSSB-\ lessonj Test yourself Ш Listen to the speaker and tick: What did Ben have to do last year? Л f~2 1 Write: What didn't Ben have to do? 26 Unit 11 Lesson 7 3 i Correct the mistakes. 1. If you'll give me this book, I return it tomorrow.— 2. Г11 play tennis with you if the weather will be fine.— 3. Dad will watch this film with us if he come home at six o’clock.— 4. If Dennis do his homework now, we will play computer games in the evening. — . 5. We will fly to Moscow if we’ll be good at school.— Write: What's the matter with these people? What must they do? Use the ideas in the boxes. © Mike ^ Mathew ( 5 I When were you ill? Write four or five sentences and be ready to speak about it. Unit 11 Lesson 7 27 Lesson Т On Salisbury Plain Homework f~A I What do you wont to know about Stonehenge? Write two or three questions. г в } Read a few statements about Stonehenge and translate them with the dictionary. ^ What information did you know from the text of this lesson? What information is new to you? 1. You can translate the name Stonehenge as “висящие камни” from stone “камень” and hang “висеть”. 2. There are ancient graves around Stonehenge. 3. The people who built Stonehenge were clever and brave. 4. The people lived in England five thousand years ago. 5. Aliens built Stonehenge and used it as a compass. 6. Stonehenge is on Salisbury Plain. 7. Nobody knows who built Stonehenge. 8. Maybe Stonehenge was a temple of the ancient gods. 9. The people who built Stonehenge knew a lot about the planets, stars and the summer and winter solstices. 28 Unit 12 Lesson 1 ' A Ballad of Stonehenge^fel^^|--'-r^^5^.* V, Homework ^ • •••«•« f A I Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 1. Did Mark read the legend about Robin MacWizard? 2. Is there any information about Robin’s trip to the future in the legend? 3. What did the friends want to do? 4. In which hotel are the friends going to spend the night? Rosy; What do you think, Mark? Do you know the legend about Robin? Can you help him? Mark: 1 know. It says, “Robin never spoke about his trip to the future,” so there is no information for us. Rosy: Thank you, Mark. We are going home now. Mark: It’s late. Stay with us for the night! There’s a nice hotel down the road. Tomorrow we can do a lot of interesting things, and you can go home in the evening. Rosy: That’s a good idea. What’s the name of the hotel? Mark: The Red Lion. Homework \ e « » Ф A I What do you advise Robin to do? I I 1. Go to Tunbridge Wells and tell Betsey the truth. i i 2. Read books about Stonehenge. [ I 3. Wait for the messenger. j I 4. Try to speak to his father again. i I 5. Understand the message. {_I 6. Look for the time tunnel by himself. j_1 7. Go to Russia and stay there. j { 8. Find new friends. I I 9. Stay with Mark and Rosy as their relative. I I 10. Find the Stone of Destiny. Unit 12 Lessons 2 and 3 29 I в \ Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. Last night Robin (not sleep) Suddenly he (hear)________ ____________a face. It (be) _ . It (be) late. something. He (go) ___his father. to the mirror and (see) “If you (not find)__________ (die)_____________. The tunnel (be) the time tunnel before this time tomorrow, Rob MacWizard ____________under a big tree at the beginning of the Earth,” he said. Robin’s father (not can) the place, but it (be)_________ nel (attract)______________him like a magnet. Robin (have to) who will show him the right place. help Robin, because he (not know) near there. Robin (not can) fly, because the tun-meet the messenger Let's go to London! 1~] Fill in the table. ['oksfad ,stri:t] Оксфорд-стрит CgrenitJ] Гринвич [ab'z3:v9tri] обсерватория [.praim ma'ridian] нулевой меридиан ['hemisfiaj полушарие ; I'msedam tu'sordz] Музей мадам Тюссо ['waeks .figazj восковые фигуры [.Ьлкпзэт 'pgelis] Букингемский дворец [,tauar av 'Undan] Лондонский Тауэр (.lAndan 'ai] Ландэн Ай (колесо обозрения) ftemz] Темза (река) [tra,fselga 'skwea] Трафальгарская площадь [,hauziz av 'parlamantj здание Парламента rbritiJ'gAvnmant] британское правительство ['gAiipauda .pint] “Пороховой заговор” [.aedmaral 'nelsan] адмирал Нельсон 30 Unit 12 Lessons 3 and 4, 5 Homework (~A j Answer the questions. 1. Where is the time tunnel? — 2. What did Sasha see in Greenwich? — 3. What did Sasha do at Madame Tussaud’s? — 4. Where did Sasha buy a lot of presents for his family? —. 5. Why is there a column with Admiral Nelson’s figure in Trafalgar Square? 6. Where does the Queen live? 7. Why couldn’t Sasha go on the observation wheel (колесо обозрения)? —. 8. What did the guide tell Sasha about the Houses of Parliament? — Unit 12 Lessons 4, 5 31 03 ю ю |— ф Project , ■ • ч^£;-;\'^уУзд!’'- ‘‘л "':'■ Ш' ,1> ■ -'ч'"'^-\-'|'’'г'5;.; Щ \:;v. f 1 } Use the map and the pictures from Cut Out (Ex. 2) and glue the pictures to the map of London in the right places. Choose one place in London and make a report about it. , л,;... ■s'v'VV',". Ч t V E R T H A M E S . -: ' ^ aVv %■ ^ -,v.. ® €Ш® VViv!> ,' •. . •« •-i •.'4't»V-1 •-1 • • V • t * \ л\i^' '"ШI f tf) UJ ,r fi' f"' ЗД \ . ■' ч#ШЩ ’'Ф'Ш L Проложите маршрут Саши по Лондону. Подпишите на карте названия достопримечательностей, которые он посетил. CZ 3 CJ со Lesson 8 Final test Ш Choose the right answer. 1.1 ... get up very early every day. I live near the school. a) mustn’t b) don’t have to c) won’t have to 2. My mother is ... school teacher. a) a b) the c) — (nothing) 3. Look at the man ... is standing in the corner. a) who b) which c) where 4. We need ... tomatoes. I’m going to the shop. a) some b) any c) few 5. He is very popular and has ... friends. a) many b) much c) a lot of 6. Everybody in our class ... English. a) like b) likes c) will like 7. My parents don’t know ... about Star Wars. a) nothing b) everything c) anything 8. Kate has a problem. Let ... talk to me about it. a) her b) him c) me 9. Last year our family ... to the sea. a) went b) go c) is going 10.Who ... you do your homework yesterday? a) helps b) helped c) help r~. C Choose the correct reaction. 1. Pete likes ice cream. a) Me too. b) I like ice cream. c) 1 too. 2. I’m very pleased to meet you. a) It’s very nice. b) Pleased to me you too. c) Very good. 3. Hello! Can I speak to Alice? a) Yes, you can. b) It’s me. c) Speaking. 4. Please meet my friend at the station. a) Who does he look like? b) What does he look like? c) What does he like? Choose the right answer. 1. Stonehenge is a) a circle of stones. b) a ballad. c) a city. 2. In 1599 poor people didn’t eat ..., because it was very expensive. a) sugar b) meat c) salt 5. We are lost! Let’s ask the way. a) Where is Charing Cross? b) Excuse me, could you tell me, where Charing Cross is? c) I need Charing Cross. 6. I think this film is very interesting. a) I don’t agree with you. b) No, it isn’t. c) This film is not interesting. 7. Let’s make a big cake. a) Let’s do it. b) It’s a good idea. c) Me too. 3. In 1599 the worst disease was a) flu. b) the plague. c) a headache. 4. In November in England a) there is a lot of snow. b) you can see roses and green grass. c) people celebrate Christmas. 34 Unit 12 Lesson 8 5. Traditional Christmas food in England is a) turkey. b) chicken. c) jacket potatoes. 6. Everybody in the world knows the Greenwich Observatory, because a) the prime meridian passes there. b) Queen Elizabeth lived there. c) it is the oldest English museum. 7. The Great Fire of London stopped a) life in London. b) the French army. c) the Great Plague. 8. The Channel Tunnel links a) England and Scotland. b) England and France. c) England and America. d) all of them. 9. Double-deckers are a) buses. b) trains. c) planes. 10. Charing Cross is a) an airport. b) a station. c) a museum. 4 ) Where will you go if you wont to do these things? ii A 211^ .. f Model: If I want to see ravens, I'll go to the Tower of London. 1. see ravens_________________________________________________ 2. see wax figures 3. see dinosaurs 4. see the Queen’s home 5. visit Sherlock Holmes’s museum 6. see the best view of London_ 7. see the Stone of Destiny____ 8. see the Coronation Chair 9. see Nelson's Column____ 10. find the beginning of the Earth Unit 12 Lesson 8 35 Cut Out к го о и Z О о. X U го С о м (Л Ф С Э Н 1-- U want 1 j fly ! j tell ._ wait j can 1 i \= want celebrate j close } 1 can be 1 1 go i i j take — ~~ 1 _ celebrate j close 1 ! i — open go 1 have ! i ^ celebrate take 1 1 listen ' make see ! ! ! 1 i choose . be — 1 1^^ — 1 . choose 1 read 1 1 ! ^ go can 1 tell 1 ! like 1 see 1 fly want have 1 1 i i ! be make -4 1 1- i 1 take { start I i ! listen 1 _ see 1 i like i i take 1 open 1 wait 1 1 i can fly 1 listen i 1 read 1 i- 1 can i be i ! make have 1 1 look i 1 i take 1 ... start j choose 1 1 i ^ go fly 1 tell ! 1 celebrate сь со о ■2 X о а X D) D) О С о (Л (Л Ф WASH LOVE WAS г ED LIKE WASH “i f- ED LIKE WALK -4 +- ED LIKE COOK -i ED PLAY LOVE о ar 2: z о CL н и • О) О) О Г“ SEE FIND BUY -t 1 SEE BUILD BUY GO BUILD BUY i__ -4 4-- GO SEE BUY -1 GO SEE FIND BOUGHT FOUND SAW BOUGHT BUILT SAW BOUGHT BUILT WENT BOUGHT SAW WENT FOUND SAW WENT Г) о =г X X о о. (U X X ф о Cl о а >. О) D) О U Э d- С О (Л м Ф ij CHEESE IT MEAT 1 WERE WERE WHO -1 DID DID DID DO DO DO u. j i- WEAR WAS WHO о о =г г X о а 0) X X 0) с: о СС О Q. С и> О) О CUCUMBERS SAUSAGES I VEGETABLES IN THE STREET LAST SUMMER POTATOES h “4 f- A STATION A TICKET A HOUSE I-- -I — A HOSPITAL 1 IN THE SHOP A DRESS u -i i- TRAINERS YESTERDAY I LAST YEAR о X X о о. н и о X X 0) о ct О а с >. О) и> и с э NOT NOT NOT -t MANY ANY ME FRUIT HIM A LOT OF -4 4- SOME A SHOP WE -1. THEY I MUCH сь о =г Z о а а> Z X о с: о с£ О О. С X О) D) О С о м «л О с э YOU НЕ SHE 1 г NOBODY ТО WHO f- WILL WILL THE .4 WILL WILL HER -i us THEM MY о о ZS X X о о. н U аГ X X 0) о Ct о а с >* D) О) О WHERE SOMETHING ANYTHING f- LAST WEEK 1 IN THE PARK 1 SOMEBODY ■I- LONDON EYE TO THE PARK NOTHING -1 L IN FIVE YEARS NEXT WEEK IN TEN YEARS h THE TOWER OF LONDON PROGRAMMER PRIME MERIDIAN i- f SALISBURY PLAIN TRAVEL ROUND THE WORLD NELSON’S COLUMN 'H i ! ---f-- 1 \ CHARING CROSS i 1 1 WESTMINSTER 1 1 ABBEY 1 1 i BONFIRE NIGHT 1 I 1 1 1 i_ ON THE RIGHT SIDE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TO THE 1 1 MUSEUM 1 1 i NEXT MONTH i i i 1 I 1 TO THE BUS STOP 1 I { i 1 1 1 TO THE i 1 STATION 1 IN TWENTY YEARS u о о 0 =г 1 о Q. А DOCTOR А TEACHER LOVE а> S Z 0) О о о. с X и> и> О Ьт э t с О (Л (Л О а |- "t HAPPEN STONEHENGE! ANYBODY -t- BE BE BE V- -I 4- VET WORK IN A YEAR _i j_ TOMORROW 1 TOMORROW WHAT YOUR г HAVE FUN -i YOUR HIS r BIG BEN HER +- READ A BOOK WALK A DOG ! WATCH TV i- -I 4- BAKER AN ACTOR WITH u -1 i- A MANAGER WHY WHEN , The soldiers caught j I you. Go to the lower, j ' Start at Number 1. i The soldier is very i angry. Go to the p market. Start at Number 8. You cured the soldier.! Go to Dr Dee (22) i and he will help you. } You met Queen Elizabeth and she didn't like you. Go to the Tower and start at Number 14. ]- \ I (Гб) -----------------------------------^------ . i ------------------^-------------- J j Countess Bagshow j ^ I is very angry. Go to . / . the market. Start at / i Number 19. ' J У J 1@ Г —I 59 Question: Rob is at the airport. Why is he sad? Answer: Nobody met him. (His friends are late.) © Question: Was Rob happy when he got a letter from Russia? Answer: No, he wasn't. © Question: Did Rob have any friends? Answer: No, he didn't. © Question: It was Rob’s first night in Edinburgh. Where did he sleep? Answer: He slept on the floor. © Question: Rob was hungry. What did he eat? Answer: Soup. © Question: Rob meets a soldier. What is his name? Answer: Phil. © Question: Rob is in the street of a city. What is the name of the city? Answer: Edinburgh. ® Question: What did the soldier have? Answer: He had the flu. @ Question: Rob wanted to help the soldier. What did he give him? Answer: He gave him aspirin, cough syrup, nose drops. © Question: Look at the people. Why are they running away? Answer: They think the soldier has the plague. To) Question: Meet Phil’s aunt. What's her name? Answer: Countess Bagshow. © Finish Question: What is the prediction? Answer: The prediction is, “The boy from the future will return to his time if he finds the beginning ®of the earth." Question: The soldier went to London. Where did Rob go? Answer: He went to London too. iU] Question: Meet Dr Dee. What’s his job? Answer: He is the queen's astrologer. (22) Question: What did Rob take with him when he went to the feast? Answer: A spoon. (TJ Question: Meet Queen Elizabeth. Why isn’t she smiling? Answer: She has black teeth. Question: We are in the castle. Where is the toilet? Answer: There is no toilet. Question: What was in the house of Phil’s aunt? Answer: a) nice furniture, b) glass windows, c) a bed for Rob and a toilet. (3a правильный ответ засчитывается любой из этих ответов.) G) Will! W ■ BW I w%«a I irik^vM Учебное издание Кауфман Клара Исааковна Кауфман Марианна Юрьевна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.РУ / Happy English.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 2 с раздаточным материалом к учебнику для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина Консультант Пико Кэсиди Корректоры Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко Оформление обложки Н. А. Валяевой Иллюстрации Т. С. Богомягких, А. С. Кудашкиной, Д. В. Жеребцова, А. В. Савельевой, Е. В. Сергеевой, И. С. Слюнковой Макет В. КиН, А. С. Кудашкиной Художественный редактор Е. А. Валяева Цифровая обработка изображений: Л. Н. Новоселова Верстка Е. А. Шаповаловой Сертификат соответствия санитарным правилам РФ и требованиям нормативных документов № РОСС RU. АЕ51. Н 16002 от 24.01.2012. Подписано в печать 04.06.12. Формат 60x84/8. Гарнитура "Таймс”. Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 7,47. Уел. кр.-отт. 8,4. Тир. 30 000. Зак. № 889. Издательство “Титул". 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055. Тел. (48439) 9-10-09. E-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Отпечатано в ОАО “Калужская типография стандартов". 248021, г. Калуга, ул. Московская, 256