Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 2

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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г ] г Г1 1 V L J ^ 1 1 к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.РУ / Happy Engiish.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 2 С раздаточным материалом к учебнику для 5 класса обидеобразовательных учреждений и 3 Д А Т т и Е Л т ь с т у В О Л Т I Р и в L т I S и Н Е L в S 2012 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 КЗО УДК 802.0(075.3) Кауфман К. И., Кауфман М. Ю. КЗО Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь № 2 с раздаточным материалом к учебнику Счастливый английский.РУ / Happy English.ru для 5 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2012.— 96 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-630-8 Рабочие тетради №1,2 входят в состав УМК “Счастливый английский.ру" для 5-го класса. Предназначены для выполнения письменных заданий в классе и дома. В них помещены контрольно-тестовые задания разделов учебника. Каждая рабочая тетрадь также включает раздаточный материал, необходимый для работы на уроке (раздел Cut Out). ББК81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-630-8 © К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман, 2009 © Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2009 г V ; *- - Q every Do you drink tea or*do you drink coffee? Задайте общие вопросы к предложениям и ответьте на них. 1. She likes animals.— ____________________________ 2. You have holidays in summer.— 3. They play football in the afternoon.— 4. We go to the library on Saturday.— _ 5. His mother cooks dinner in the morning.— ____ 6. His father reads newspapers every evening.— _ 7. Alex and Max listen to the radio at eight o’clock.— 2 ^ Закончите предложения, сделав их отрицательными. 1. I read in the evening.— She__________________ 2. He goes to school every morning.— Their friends 3. She writes to her friends.— Her sister 4. They often travel to London.— His brother 5. We live in Russia.— They 6. You swim very well.— I _ --\ i 3 Jt Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Do you play tennis on Saturday? — Do they have dinner at home? — _ 2 3. Do your parents work in a hospital? — 4. Does she read books in French? — ____ 5. Does he go to school? — _____________ 6. We don’t close the windows in summer.— 7. They don’t send Christmas cards to their friends.— 8. He doesn’t speak Russian.— 9. She doesn’t like Geography.— Unit 6 Lesson 1 [ 4 j Answer the questions. 1. Do you get up early? — 2. Does your brother do morning exercises? — 3. Do you have breakfast in the kitchen? 4. Do your friends walk to school? 5. Do they finish school late? — _ 6. Does your English teacher speak German? — 7. Does your teacher give you much homework? — 8, Do you do your homework at seven o’clock? — 9. Do you watch TV in the afternoon? — 10. Do you go to bed 10 p.m.? — ________ 11. Do you visit your grandmother on Sunday? 12. Do you play football in winter? — [ 5 J Translate the sentences into English. 1. Даша любит чай с тортом.— _______ 2. Я делаю зарядку каждое утро.— ____ 3. Они гуляют с собакой каждый вечер.— 4. Он не ходит в школу.— ____________ 5. Ты хочешь мороженое? — ___________ 6. Они смотрят фильмы вечером? — 7. Она обедает дома или в школе? — 8. Он играет в бадминтон или в теннис? — Homework Write some questions for your friend and get ready to ask them in class. Model: You like music.— Do you like music? 1. You live near Moscow.—____________________________________ 2. Your sister gets up at 7 o’clock.— _____ 3. You always do your homework.—___________ 4. You usually have breakfast in the morning.— Unit 6 Lesson 1 5. Your mother comes home at 8 o’clock in the evening.— 6. You like Maths.— [ В j 1) Translate these sentences into English. Вспомогательный глагол do в этих предложениях можно использовать только шесть раз. 1. Ты играешь в футбол.— ________________________________________________ 2. Ты играешь на гитаре? —_______________________________________________ 3. Он не пьет кофе.— ___________________:________________________________ 4. Он любит читать.—___________________________________________________ 5. Она хочет пойти в кино? — 6. Он не смотрит телевизор по утрам.— 7. Я хожу в школу.— ________________ 8. Он работает в саду по воскресеньям? — 9. Она не говорит по-английски.— 2) Подчеркните предложения, в которых есть вспомогательный глагол. Какие это предложения: вопросительные, отрицательные, утвердительные? В каких предложениях никогда не используется вспомогательный глагол? L^s6h«2 Do you live in London? Make questions from the sentences and answer them. Model: Your brother plays football.— Does your brother play football? Yes, he does./No, he doesn't. 1. They play tennis in the afternoon.— _____________________________ 2. She phones her parents every day.— 3. We work in the library.- 4. You go to school in the morning.- 5. I have a birthday party in autumn.— 6. Our friend goes to London every year.— 7. My parents read in the garden in summer.— Unit 6 Lessons 1 and 2 5 Translate the sentences into English. 1. Ты живешь в России? — _______ 2. Ты живешь в городе или в деревне? — 3. Твой брат учится или работает? — 4. Ты завтракаешь в школе или дома? — 5. Ты ездишь в Москву? — 6. Ты любишь играть в компьютерные игры? — 7. Тебе нравятся книги о Гарри Поттере? 8. Ты играешь в теннис или в футбол? — ©Перед вами ответы Карлсона. Напишите вопросы, которые ему задал прохожий. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. — Yes, it is. Му name is Karlson. 2. 3. 4. — Yes, I do. I live on the roof. — No, I’m not. I am fifty years old. — No, I don’t. I never read books. — No, I don’t. I don’t like to tidy up. — No, I don’t. I play with toy cars and real cars. 7. 8. — Yes, I do. I like jam and cakes. — No, it isn’t. My favourite food is fish and chips. — Yes, I do. I know the Queen. — No, I don’t. I don’t listen to the Beatles. 6 Unit 6 Lesson 2 и. 12. Yes, I can. I can fly. No, 1 can’t. I can’t swim. c Homework j j your own answers to the questions. 1. Do you live in London? —________ 2. Do you like it here? — _________ 3. Do you eat fish and chips? — 4. Do you watch TV? —__________ 5. Do you drive on the right side? — 6. Do you have a car? —___________ 7. Do you go to Oxford? — ________ 8. Do you learn computers? —______ 9. Do you dance and sing? —_______ 10. Do you know Prince Charles? — 11. Do you know the Queen? —______ 12. Do you like the Beatles? —____ 13. Do you play handball? —_______ В j' Imagine that you've got a guest from Britain. What questions can you ask him/her? Prepare your questions and get ready to ask them in class. Lesson 3 My hobby is martial arts Ш Choose the correct word, underline it and complete the sentences. 1. Natasha likes new clothes. She is (a couch potato/crazy about fashion). 2. Tom likes to wash the dishes and to cook. He likes (to help out in the house / to play computer games). 3. Ann likes to sing and play the guitar. She thinks that singing is (fun/boring). 4. Andrew has got a new ball. He (rides a bicycle/plays football). 5. Nick has got two little sisters. He likes (to look after them/to travel). 6. Bob and Paul have karate classes on Tuesday. They are good at (swimming/martial arts). 7. Travelling in Africa is sometimes (boring/dangerous). 8. If you can ice-skate, you can (ride a bicycle/roller-skate). 9. 1 don’t like travelling. I am (a couch potato/good at computers). Vr- Проверьте себя, вставив нужное слово. 1. Do you ... help out at home? a) never b) sometimes c) often d) usually e) always 2. Do you ... roller-skate? a) always b) usually c) often d) sometimes e) never Unit 6 Lessons 2 ond 3 3. Do you ... ride a bicycle? a) always b) usually c) often d) sometimes 4. Do you ... swim? a) always b) usually c) often d) sometimes 5. Are you ... crazy about fashion? a) always b) usually c) often d) sometimes 6. Is cooking ... boring? a) always b) usually c) often d) sometimes 7. Do you ... to look after somebody? a) never b) sometimes c) often d) usually e) never e) never e) never e) never e) always Mostly a’s: You like sports and pleasure, and you don’t like boring things. You don’t like to help others. You must think about other people, too! Mostly e’s: You like to help others, and you are a couch potato. You must think about yourself, too. Mostly c’s: You are the happy medium. CD Ask your friend questions. Use the words in brackets. Model: Do you do morning exercises at home (in the street)? — Do you do morning exercises at home or in the street? 1. Do you have breakfast at home (at school)? — ______________________________________________ 2. Does the teacher give you much (little) homework? 3. Do you have soup (fish) for lunch? — _____________________ 4. Does your school finish at 2 (3) p.m.? — _________________ 5. Do your friends go home (to the cinema) after school? [ 4 J Group these hobbies into four columns. Which hobbies ore active, quiet, dangerous, useless? Сгруппируйте эти виды деятельности в четыре колонки. Какие из них подвижные, спокойные, опасные, бесполезные? reading, watching TV, working on computers, travelling, listening to music, playing the piano, camping, roller-skating, playing football, swimming, cooking, collecting stamps, drawing, writing stories, playing badminton, looking after pets, phoning friends, constructing LEGO models, collecting stickers active подвижный _ quiet спокойный dangerous опасный useless бесполезный Unit 6 Lesson 3 CD Найдите соответствия между вашими родственниками/ друзьями и их описаниями. 1. А likes dancing and playing. A is crazy about fashion. 2. В likes sports. В likes fun. В doesn’t like boring things. 3. C likes astronomy. C is a couch potato. C likes reading. 4. D likes gardening. D likes cooking. D is good at dancing. CHomework j mmx, i. m ■ j A j После прогулки Робин решил рассказать Мише о том, чем увлекаются его сверстники в XVI веке. Read the story and translate it with a dictionary. In the Edinburgh I know, boys like to shoot with bows and arrows and play a game of blind man’s buff (жмурки). We also play football. My hobby is theatre. The best theatre is in London. It’s new and it’s called “The Globe”. A great English playwright William Shakespeare writes plays for it. Women can’t be actors in the theatre. Only men can. The theatre is round and it doesn’t have a roof. People must stand on the ground near the stage. Only rich people have seats. They sit in the gallery. When people don’t like the play, they throw things at the actors. Sometimes Queen Elizabeth comes to “The Globe” to see a play. I like Shakespeare very much. I read all his plays, and I want to see them in “The Globe” in London, but I can’t. I live in Scotland and the Scots and the English are not friends. Answer the questions. 1. What London theatre is very famous in Robin’s time? —. 2. Why is it famous? — ____________________________________ 3. Who is Shakespeare? — __________________ 4. What plays by Shakespeare do you know? — Unit 6 Lesson 3 CD Write 4-5 sentences about your hobbies and be ready to speak about them to the class. Lesson 4 An interview Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Где ты живешь? — ____________ 2. Когда ты приходишь из школы? — 3. Что ты делаешь после школы? — 4. Что ты ешь на обед? — ________ I I I 5. Когда ты играешь в компьютерные игры? — Homework Answer the questions. 1. When do you usually get up? — 2. What do you have for breakfast? —________ 3. Does your mother cook your breakfast? — 4. Do you walk to school? —_________________ 5. Is your school far from home? —. 6. When does your school start? — . 7. What do you do at school? _____ 8. How many lessons do you have on Tuesday? — 9. When do you have lunch? —_________________ 10. When do you usually come home? — 11. What do you do in the evening? —____ 12. Do you do your homework in the afternoon or in the evening? — Play Draggy with your parents or friends. Write down the sentences of all players. 10 Unit 6 Lessons 3 and 4 http;//kurokaiT ru Lesson 5 It's my birthday today *^J«9iS*rusge«v. CD Answer the questions. 1. Who cooks breakfast in your family? — 2. Who goes to school in the morning? — 3. Who goes to work? — ___________________ 4. Who stays home? — _____________________ 5. Who does the shopping? — 6. Who tidies up the house? — 7. Who helps out at home? — 8. Who walks the dog? — _______ 9. Who washes the floor? — 10. Who reads in the evening? — 11. Who plays computer games? — CD Задайте вопросы к подлежащему и ответьте на них. 1. Не finds the answer.— ___ ____ __________ 2. She understands children.- 3. They go to the cinema.— 4. We play football in summer.— 5. You read in the evening.— 6. I listen to the music on Saturday.— CD Choose the correct word, underline it and complete the sentences. 1. Ben is five today. There are five (candles/pencils) on the cake. 2. Ben’s father (eats/lights) the candles. 3. Ben (phones/invites) six friends to his (birthday party/birthday cake). 4. Ben gets six (marks/presents) for his birthday. 5. Ben (decorates/celebrates) his birthday at home. 6. Ben’s mother cooks a (funny/yummy) cake. 7. Ben’s sisters (decorates/washes) the room for the party. Answer the questions. Choose from Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, the Scots, Jonathan Swift. 1. Who is Prince of Wales? — _______________________________________________________________ 2. Who comes from (родился) Ireland? Unit 6 Lesson 5 11 3. Who speaks Queen’s English? — 4. Who wears a kilt? —____________ Translate these sentences into English. 1. Кто знает его адрес? —__________ 2. Кто играет в футбол по субботам? — 3. Кто любит варенье? — ____________ 4. Кто выгуливает собаку по утрам? — 5. Кто звонит мне по вечерам? —____ 6. Кто понимает ее? —______________ ^ Homework ^ Робин хочет узнать: a) кто из Мишиных друзей говорит по-английски. b) кто из Мишиных друзей знает историю Англии. c) кто из Мишиных друзей читает Шекспира. d) кто из Мишиных друзей любит спорт. e) кто из Мишиных друзей часто работает за компьютером. f) кто из Мишиных друзей путешествует с родителями. g) у кого из Мишиных друзей есть домашние любимцы. а) Переведите эти предложения на английский язык. Model: Who speaks English? b) Ответьте на вопросы, рассказав о своих одноклассниках. Model: Who speaks English? — My friend Olga does. [ В ^ Get ready for the game in the next lesson. Cut out the cards from Cut Out in your Workbook. Lesson 6 Where do your friends come from? Answer the questions. 1. Who likes tea in your family? — 2. Who gets up at seven o’clock? — 3. Who cooks supper? — _____________ 12 Unit 6 Lessons 5 and 6 4. Who is good at Geography/Maths/English/Music? — 5. Who celebrates his/her birthday in winter? — 6. Who sings in your family? — __________________ 7. Who plays the piano/the guitar/the violin? — [ 2 j Read and translate the information about England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Ireland is famous for (знаменита) St Patrick (святой Патрик), green countryside, red hair, potatoes, castles. Scotland is famous for: very friendly people. Loch Ness, kilts and tartans, Robert Burns. England is famous for weather, Shakespeare, the Beatles, fish and chips. Lake District, football. Wales is famous for beautiful countryside, music, poetry, famous music festivals, rugby, long geographic names such as LLANFAIRPWLLGWYNGYLLGOGERYCHWYRNDROBWLLLLANTYSILIO GOGOGOCH G60RG6 The patron saint (святой покровитель) of Ireland is St Patrick The patron saint of Scotland is St Andrew The patron saint of England is St George The patron saint of Wales is St David Unit 6 Lesson 6 13 /---ч 131 Complete the sentences. 1. The rose is the symbol of 2. The shamrock is the symbol of 3. The daffodil is the symbol of _ 4. The thistle is the symbol of _ 5. The patron saint of England is 6. The patron saint of Wales is _ 7. The patron saint of Ireland is _ 8. The patron saint of Scotland is (^4 ^ Group these words according to the places they come from. tartan, fish and chips, music festivals, potatoes, Shakespeare, Loch Ness, long geographic names \ Fill in the table. Country Capital Patron saint Symbol Famous things/people England Scotland Wales Ireland Homework [ A j Use the maps in your Workbook and complete them with the names of the parts ^ ‘ of the United Kingdom. CD Complete the sentences. Model: The symbol of Ireland is the shamrock. 1. The symbol of Scotland is the _____________________ . 2. The symbol of England is the _____________________ . 3. The symbol of Wales is the _______________________ . 14 Unit 6 Lesson 6 f с J What do you think? What do people from oil over the world associate Russia with? What do you associate Russia with? Write 3-6 sentences. Lesson 7 when is your birthday? 1 ‘ Fill in the gaps. 1. December, January and February are_____________ 2. ________________is the first month of the year. 3. ________________is the seventh month of the year. 4. ________________is the twelfth month of the year. 5. September, October and November are_____________ 6. My birthday is in________________. months. months. 7. My mother’s birthday is in 8. June, July and August are . 9. My favourite month is____ 10. We go to school in_______ 11. March, April and May are 12. We finish school in_______ months. months. 13. My parents usually go on holiday in 2 Answer the questions. 1. When does spring begin? —____________ 2. What is the last winter month? — 3. When can you see daffodils in the parks and gardens? — 4. When can you see roses? — , 5. What are winter months? — 6. What month is the first month of spring? — 7. What month is the middle of the summer? — 3 L Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. It’s late. I must go now.— __________________ CO 2. It’s dark. Turn on the light.— Unit 6 Lessons 6 and 7 15 3. It’s cold. Put on your coat.— 4. It’s hot. Give me some water, please.— Q Answer the questions. 1. Is it dark outside? — _________________ 2. Is it warm in the room? — 3. Is it cold in the north? — 4. Is it warm in May? — _ L Homework Choose the right verbs and complete the sentences. invite, play games, sing songs, dance, eat, make, come, celebrate, bring 1. He/She___________________________birthday in December. 2. He/She___________________________guests. 3. The guests__________________________in the afternoon. 4. They_________________________him/her cards and presents. 5. The guests_________________________,_________________________and____ 6. They_________________________a cake. 7. His/Her sister the cake. CD Answer the questions and write about your birthday. 1. When is your birthday? — 2. Do you celebrate it? — _________________________ 3. How many guests do you invite? —. 4. Where do you celebrate? —____________ 5. Do you have a big cake with candles? — 6. What do your friends give you? — _______ 7. What do you do at the party? — Lesson 8 What is today's date?' #1 CD These are the names of the months. Put the letters in the correct order. reoctbo_________________ aym___________________________ cemedber_________________ ejun__________________________ jyaruna________________ uastgu____________________________ rcham_________________ 16 Unit 6 Lessons 7 and 8 ш Напишите даты словами. 02.07 11.03 27.04 15.08 21.12 [ 3 ^ Answer the questions. 1. When is St Patrick’s day? (17 March) Who celebrates it? 2. When do we celebrate Christmas in Russia? — 3. When do people in the West celebrate Christmas? — 4. When is Victory day? — 5. When is your birthday? — 6. What date is it today? — Match the sentences in the left and in the right columns. 1. It’s late. a) Turn on the light. 2. It’s cold. b) We must go home. 3. It’s dark. c) We can go for a walk. 4. It’s light. d) Where is my warm sweater? C Homework Make a list of the famous people you like. Cut out their pictures and write down their birthdays. In class, read your list to your friends and answer their questions about these people. [ В j Fill in the gaps. Use at, in or on. My birthday is_______23 July. ______this day I get up_______9 o’clock and help my mother to clean the flat. ______July we don’t have school and my friends come__________12 o’clock. We play, sing and dance. Unit 6 Lesson 8 17 с I Write an invitation (приглашение) for your birthday party. Use Ex. 3 of the textbook as an example. INVITATION Lesson 9 Test yourself (—V [ 1 j{ Listen to the speaker and match the children with their names. Прослушайте диктора и подпишите под картинками имена детей. Ann, Tom, Jane, Mark, Sara, Tina, Alex * 18 Unit 6 Lessons 8 and 9 [ 2 J Answer the questions. \тятт 1. When do you get up? 2. Is it hot? — _______ 3. Does your mother work? 4. Where do you live? — _ 5. Do you celebrate your birthday every day? — 6. Is it cold? — _____________________________ 7. Is your birthday in March? — ______________ 8. What is your favourite subject at school? — Make questions from the underlined words. Start your questions with the words in brackets. Model: My friends work in a company. (Where?) Where do my friends work? 1. My teacher lives in a big house. (Where?) ______________________________________ 2. Alice likes her school. (What?)_________________________________________________ 3. Misha can play football. (What?) 4. Her name is Liza. (What?) _______ 5. Ann goes to school in the morning. (When?) 6. I sit in the garden. (Where?) ________ 4 1 a) Choose the right answer. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. 1. The UK is a) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. b) The United States of America. c) The United King. 2. Nowadays ... is not apart of the UK. a) Wales b) Ireland c) Scotland The shamrock is a) the symbol of Scotland. b) a language. c) the symbol of Ireland. The name of the British monarch (монарх) is a) Queen Elizabeth I. b) Queen Elizabeth II. c) Prince Charles. b) What parts of the United Kingdom give flowers for these bouquets? © Unit 6 Lesson 9 19 [ 5 J Work in pairs. Information for A — this page. Information for В — page 21, Information for A Представь, что к тебе приехал друг из Англии. Задай ему вопросы о его стране и его визите в Россию. Узнайте у него/нее: нравится ли ему/ей в России? первый ли это его/ее визит в Россию? что он/она знает о России? откуда он/она? большой ли это город? в какой части Соединенного Королевства он/она живет? есть ли в городе театры и музеи? какое у него/нее хобби? Homework Prepare for your project "Start a hobby club". • Подготовьтесь к проекту. Воспользуйтесь страницей 83 из раздела Cut Out • Напишите о своем хобби. Объясните, почему ваше хобби интересно, кто из известных людей имеет такое же хобби, и пригласите одноклассников присоединиться к вашему увлечению. • Проиллюстрируйте свой рассказ рисунками, фотографиями или своими собственными изделиями и поделками. Homereading Bob, the Hedgehog, and his friends Part 5 Answer the questions about Tom's cousin. 1. What’s her name? —__________________ 2. How old is she? — 3. What is she good at? 4. What’s her hobby? 5. Is her hobby interesting for Tom? — 20 Unit 6 Lessons 9 and 11, 12 https://kiirokam.rii [ 3 J Your distant relative (дальний родственник) is coming for a visit. What do you want to know about him / her? Write down your questions. Q Have you got a friend or a relative with a very unusual hobby? Write 4-6 sentences about this person and his/her hobby. Information for В Представь себе, что ты англичанин, приехавший в Россию. Твой русский знакомый расспрашивает тебя о твоем визите и твоей стране. Расскажи ему, что: • тебе нравится в России. • это твой второй визит. • тебе нравится русская зима, русская еда, ты любишь русскую литературу и хочешь выучить русский язык. • ты из Корнуэла Cornwall ['ko:nwo:l]. • это крупный город в Уэльсе. • в городе много интересных музеев и театров. • у тебя есть хобби. • тебе нравятся домашние животные. • у тебя дома живут три собаки и две кошки. Unit 6 Lessons 11, 12 21 Lessons 1,2 -р-жф^ We need the biggest cake /----Y [ 1 j Fill in the gaps. Complete the sentences. 1. The green house is big. The yellow house is is the biggest. . The brown house 2. My orange is small. Your orange is smaller. His orange is_________________ 3. Tom’s book is__________________Gregory’s book is funnier. Mike’s book is the funniest. CD 4. Sid is clever. Aunt Polly is_____________ 5. Winnie-the-Pooh is sad today. Piglet is _ 6. Bulgaria is an old country. France is____ 7. Their story is interesting. Our story is_ Answer the questions. 1. What is the largest bird in the world? — . Tom Sawyer is the cleverest. _______________Eeyore is__________ San Marino is . Her story is _ 2. What animal is the tallest in the world? — 3. What bird is smaller than a sparrow? — _ 4. What is the smallest bird in the world? — Look at the table. There is some information about three kinds of dogs: a pointer, a cocker spaniel and a Labrador. Write about these dogs according to the model. Model: Pointer (3) is good with children. Cocker spaniel (4) is better with children. Labrador (5) is the best with children. Kinds of dogs Good with children Has a long life How big it is Pointer 3 4 5 Cocker spaniel 4 5 3 Labrador 5 3 4 ^ 4‘ji Answer the questions about you and your friend. 1. Who’s taller? - ______________________________ 2. Whose school bag is heavier? — 3. Whose copybook is neater? — 22 Unit 7 Lessons 1, 2 4. Whose birthday is sooner? — 5. Who’s happier? — ____________ 6. Who’s older? — ______________ Q Underline the correct word. 1. Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday. I want to (buy/cook) some flowers and to (cook/eat) a cake. 2. Hello, I need some flowers. The roses are (funny/beautiful). But they are very (expensive/small). I want to buy some daffodils. They are lovely and (green/cheap). 3. These are her (best/funniest) presents. They are not (cool/good), but my mother likes them very much. --Ч [ 6 {) Сравните предметы и людей, изображенных на картинках по образцу. (strong) (good) Model: А) The first witch is the worst, (had) B) The first kite is ________________________________ C) The first boy is__________________________________ D) The third football player is E) The first hotel is ___________ F) The first book is ____________ [ 7 Answer the questions. 1. What is the most difficult day of the week for you? — (old) 2. What is the easiest day of the week? —__________________ 3. What is the most interesting film in your opinion? — 4. What is the tastiest food? — Unit 7 Lessons 1, 2 23 5. What is the most beautiful flower? — 6. Who’s your best friend? — ___________ 7. Who’s your nicest neighbour? — c Homework Complete the sentences. 1. The first cake is good. 2. The second cake is_____ 3. The third cake_________ 1. John is strong. 2. Alex is______ 3. 1. Ann is old. 2. Pam is____ 3. ( В j Допишите степени сравнения этих прилагательных и переведите их на русский язык. Придумайте предложения^ употребив эти прилагательные в разных степенях сравнения. __________________ — shorter ' —_______________________ __________________ — smaller —_______________________ __________________ — longer —_______________________ strong poor — more awful — most horrible 24 Unit 7 Lessons 1, 2 — dirtiest — nicer [ С j Найдите в тексте упр. 9 учебника прилагательные. Образуйте от них сравнительную и превосходную степень. Model: big — bigger — biggest Say it in English. 1. “Где твоя сумка?” — “Моя сумка на стуле’ 2. “Какой месяц самый короткий в году?” — “Февраль”. 3. “Ты старше своего друга?” — “Да, мой друг моложе меня”. 4. “Книга интереснее, чем фильм?” — “Не знаю”. 5. “Мой папа самый лучший водитель”.— “А мой папа самый лучший врач”. 6. “Это самый дорогой телевизор в магазине”.— “Но он самый маленький!” — “Да, это новая модель”. 7. “Нам нужен дешевый рюкзак”.— “Этот рюкзак самый дешевый в магазине”. Lessons Му Edinburgh CD Choose the correct word. 1. I live on the twenty-second (door/floor). 2. (The English/Americans) like to speak about the weather. 3. This house is really (huge/dirty). It’s the biggest house in the street. 4. You can go outside and get some fresh (milk/air). 5. These trainers are expensive for me. I am not (rich/tall). 6. We must tidy up the garden, it’s so (green/dirty). 7. My worst (enemy/friend) is myself. 8. My favourite fairy tale is “The (Ugly/Beautiful) Duckling”. 9. The Internet (connects/invites) us to the world. 10. Some people in poor countries live in (beautiful/horrible) houses. 11. Big cities (grow/die) every year. 12. Boys must (like/protect) girls. Unit 7 Lessons 1, 2 and 3, 4 25 True or false? Write the correct sentences. 1. Edinburgh is the capital of England.— 2. The most famous street in Edinburgh is The Royal Mile.— 3. There are a lot of flowers in Edinburgh.- 4. People from all over the world visit Edinburgh every year. 5. Edinburgh is a very old city.— 6. Edinburgh University is one of the worst in the country.— 7. The most beautiful place in Edinburgh is Edinburgh Castle.— 8. Edinburgh is famous for its buses.— 9. The Stone of Destiny is one of the most important relics in Scottish history.— [ 3 ^ Answer the questions. 1. What is the capital of Scotland? — 2. Is Edinburgh an old or a new city? — __ 3. Are there modern buildings in Edinburgh? — 4. What is the Royal Mile? — _____________ 5. Is Edinburgh a big or a small city? — _ 6. Are there many museums in Edinburgh? — [ 4 j There is some information about Moscow and Edinburgh. Write about these cities according to the model. Model: Edinburgh is nearer to the sea than Moscow. Edinburgh 7th century 259 square kilometres The tallest building is 90 metres Near the sea Moscow 12th century 1081 square kilometres tallest building is 268 metres Far from the sea 26 Unit 7 Lessons 3, 4 [ 5 I Translate the sentences into English. 1. Белое здание выше, чем зеленое.— 2. Этот музей больше, чем тот.— _____ 3. Эдинбургский замок старше, чем Пушкинский музей.— 4. Самая известная улица Эдинбурга — Королевская Миля.— 5. В Эдинбурге много цветов.— Homework What do you want to know about modern Edinburgh? Write down your questions. Мишо и Робин нашли статью об Эдинбурге в одном из путеводителей. Read and translate the article. Use a dictionary if necessary. I’m from Edinburgh. It’s the biggest Scottish city and also its capital, but Scotland is part of the United Kingdom now. Much of Edinburgh is very old, but it is also a beautiful and modern city. Its streets aren’t always clean, but the air is nice and fresh and there are lots of flowers and trees with blossoms in the city. We’ve also got a lot of very interesting modern buildings and our old university is one of the best in the country. Unit 7 Lessons 3, 4 27 ■W The most famous part of the city is, of course, the Royal Mile in the Old Town. People from all over the world visit it. There are little shops, cafes, restaurants and a lot of museums there. At night tourists can go on excursions underground and see the small houses of the poorest people from a different time, but I don’t recommend them. These excursions are very scary. The most beautiful place in Edinburgh is Edinburgh Castle. It stands on a large rock. Castle visitors learn a lot about the history of Edinburgh and get great views of the Old Town and the rest of the city. Edinburgh is famous for its annual (ежегодный) festival. It is the largest arts festival in the world. Theatre companies and actors from different countries come to dance, sing and perform in Edinburgh’s theatres and streets. The festival is always in the month of August, so come and visit us then. 1ШИ1 •SPPPWPPIP 28 Unit 7 Lessons 3, 4 What^s in the pictures? Unit 7 Lessons 3, 4 29 сю Answer the questions. 1. What can you see in modern Edinburgh and in the Edinburgh of 1599? 2. What places in Edinburgh do you want to visit? Lesson 5 Obninsk : CD Match the sentences in the left and in the right columns. Model: / want to have a cup of tea.— You must go to a cafe. 1. I want to read a new book. 2. I want to go for a walk. 3. I want to swim. 4. I want to get home fast. 5. I want to do some sport. 6. I want to become a scientist. 7. I want to visit a famous city. a) You must go to the river. b) You must go to a sporting event. c) You must go to the forest. d) You must study in a research institute. e) You must visit St Petersburg. f) Yoii must go to the library. g) You must go by train. [^2 ^ Answer the questions. 1. What is Obninsk famous for? — 2. Is the town far from Moscow? — 3. Is the town old? — 4. Are there research institutes in Obninsk? 30 Unit 7 Lessons 3, 4 and 5 CD Найдите во второй колонке антонимы к словам первой колонки. 1. fast a) lazy 2. clean b) ugly 3. friendly c) bad 4. quiet d) slow 5. big e) dirty 6. good f) small 7. beautiful g) noisy 8. hard-working h) unfriendly CD Fill in the gaps according to the model. Model: Cinderella is friendly, and her stepsisters are unfriendly I Cinderella is hard-working, and her stepsisters are________________________ Cinderella is quiet, and her stepsisters are____________________. Cinderella is beautiful, and her stepsisters are ____________________Cinderella is good, and her stepsisters are___________________Cinderella has got a dirty dress, and her stepsisters have got_____________________dresses. Answer the questions. 1. Where are you from? — 2. What is your town/village/city famous for? — 3. When is the birthday of your hometown? — 4. What are people in your hometown proud of? 5. Do you like to spend summer holidays in your hometown or do you like to go to another place? —___________________________________________________________________ Г Homework [ A j Find some information about Kurchatov, Korolev, Blokhintsev or Leipunsky and answer the question: What's this person famous for? Unit 7 Lesson 5 31 CD Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the right form. know, visit, study, go shopping, go for a walk, organize 1. We like to________________________in the forest next to our house. 2. You can__________________________in the supermarket. 3. Tourists always__________________________our city museum. It’s very interesting. 4. Our school often_________________________music festivals. 5. Young people 6. People from all over the world Q Say it in English. 1. Oh гордится своим городом. in our town’s institute. __________________our town. It’s famous for its kremlin. 2. Его город известен своим старым замком. 3. Туристы покупают в этом магазине много сувениров. 4. В нашем городе есть парк, но нет реки. 5. “В вашей деревне есть театр и музей?” — “У нас есть музей, но нет театра’ 6. Наша деревня знаменита своими матрешками. Russian cities and towns [ 1 j Masha studies in Moscow. Listen to her conversation with Misha and Robin and fill in the gaps right adjectives. Robin: Where do you study, Masha? Masha: I go to Moscow State University. Robin: You do? But isn’t there a very_____ university in Obninsk? ____________in the country. Masha: Yes, but I think Moscow University is the_________ Robin: So do you like it in Moscow? Masha: Yes, Moscow is great. There are the usual problems, of course. Life in Moscow is _______________________than life in Obninsk. Moscow is______________than Obninsk, and distances are . I live far away from the university, so I have to get up at 6 o’clock every day. Misha: What do you like about Moscow? 32 Unit 7 Lessons 5 and 6 Masha; Life in Moscow is and than in our town. Every day 1 can go to new places; clubs, theatres, museums, and fitness centres. And I’ve got a lot of new friends. Misha; But what about the air in Moscow? Masha; Oh, the air in Moscow is not so good. It’s___________than the air in Obninsk. But Obninsk is________________than Moscow. Don’t forget that! And it’s in the forest. Misha; But Moscow is very noisy! Masha; True. It is______________ than Obninsk, but our town is too for me. [2 j Read Nina's story. Compare the city and the town. Change the sentences according to the model. Model: The city is bigger than my town.— My town is smaller than the city. In summer I often visit my cousin. She lives in a big city. I live in a small town. The city is bigger than my town. Life in the city is more interesting them in my town. The city has dirtier streets than my town. The city is busier than my town. The city is more modern than my town. But I am always happy to come back home. East or west, home is best. d) Translate the saying East or west, home is best. [ 4 ^ Translate the sentences into English. 1. Ольга из маленького города.— 2. Этот городок известен своими песнями.— 3. Ольга тоже хорошо поет.— __________ 4. Город далеко от Москвы,— __________ 5. В городе есть парк, музей и библиотека.— 6. Люди в городе очень дружелюбные.— Unit 7 Lesson 6 33 с Homework Qrh in the gaps with the right prepositions (предлоги). Use at, for, in, of or on. 1. People of my town are proud___________their historic monuments. 2. This cafe is famous_________its great coffee and cakes. 3. My friend lives__________Voronezh. 4. Is Ann’s birthday___________May? — No, it isn’t. It’s________March. 5. When does school start? — 6. Please come to me__________ 1 September. 5 o’clock and don’t be late. [ В I What do you/ don t you recommend visitors to your town / city/ village do there? \umme Model: Don’t go to the old park. It’s dark and scary at night. Lesson 7 Test yourself Listen to the speaker and answer the questions. 1. What’s the name of the boy’s town? — _____ 2. Is the town old or young? — 3. Is it far from London? — 4. Where do a lot of the people from this town work? — 5. What is interesting for tourists in this town? — 6. Who can you see in the streets of the town? — [ 2 j Put the words in brackets in the right forrn. Kate: Hi, how are you? Tom: I’m OK, thanks. Kate: Why don’t you come to our cafe anymore? Tom: I’ve got a new flat! Kate: Wow! That’s great. Tell me all about it. Tom: It’s__________________(big) than my old flat and it’s 34 (comfortable). That part of the city is Unit 7 Lessons 6 and 7 (quiet) than this one. Kate: Tom: Kate: Tom: Kate: Tom: Is the flat expensive? No, it’s not. In fact, it’s (cheap) than my old flat. Good. So you’re happy then. No, I’m not. Oh, no. But why not? Your new flat is It’s_________________(cheap), not______ ______________(good) than your old flat. __________(good). My new flat is in the (dirty) part of the city and very far away from the city centre. And my neighbours are the Kate: I’m so sorry. This is really_______________ a Write three questions about the conversation in Ex. 2. (noisy) people in the world! _______(bad) news. Choose the right answer. 1. The Stone of Destiny is a) in London. b) in Washington. c) in Edinburgh. 2. Edinburgh is the capital of a) Scotland. b) England. c) Great Britain. 3. The Royal Mile a) connects a castle and a palace. b) is underground. c) is the name of the King’s castle. 4. 5. The poorest people in Robin’s time live a) underground. b) in the streets. c) in the fields. The English and the Scots in Robin’s time are a) enemies. b) good neighbours. c) one nation. In the Edinburgh of 1599 a) there is a wall round the city. b) there is an underground castle. c) an English king lives in the Palace of Holyroodhouse. Work in pairs. Information for A is on this page, information for В is on page 37. Information for A, You've got a friend from Britain. Ask him/her about his/her city. Use this plan: 1. Как называется его город? 2. Он большой или маленький? 3. Он современный или старый? 4. Далеко ли от его города Лондон? 5. Чем знаменит его город? 6. Есть ли в городе музеи и театры, парки и леса? 7. Чистый ли в городе воздух? 8. Чистые ли в городе улицы? 9. Что интересного могут увидеть туристы? Unit 7 Lesson 7 35 Homework Prepare for the project "My home town / city / village". 1, Get page from Cut Out in your Workbook, some crayons and some pictures. 2. Use the plan and write about your home town/city/village. Use these ideas to help you. • The symbol of my town/city/village is... • Some famous people from my town/city/village are... • My town/city/village is famous for... • People associate ... with my town. • My favourite place in my town/city/village is... Lessons 9,10 Homereading Bob, the Hedgehog, and his friends Part 6 f /---\ [2J Разделите слова на два списка: один, более характерный для города, другой - для сель-ской местности. Какие слова подходят для обоих списков? cars, buses, gardens, а traffic jam, fresh air, a lift, a shopping centre, green grass, a museum, a cafe, a block of flats, a house, quiet, busy, social, dangerous, fast, slow, interesting, huge, small 4 fi You are in a shopping centre. You need: a rucksack, a sleeping bag, a compass, binoculars, jeans, trainers, a mobile phone, a pen, a computer, a book, a football, a PlayStation, a T-shirt, trousers, a geographic map, a skirt and a jumper. Where can you buy each of these things? 36 Unit 7 Lessons 7 and 9, 10 Information for В Я You are from Edinburgh and your Russian friend wants to know about your city. Answer his/ her questions with this information. I’m from Edinburgh. It’s the biggest Scottish city, and also its capital, but Scotland is part of the United Kingdom now. Much of Edinburgh is very old, but it is also a beautiful and modern city. Its streets aren’t always clean, but the air is nice and fresh and there are lots of flowers and trees with blossoms in the city. We’ve also got a lot of very interesting modern buildings and our old university is one of the best in the country. The most famous part of the city is, of course, the Royal Mile in the Old Town. People from all over the world visit it. There are little shops, cafes, restaurants and a lot of museums there. At night tourists can go on excursions underground and see the small houses of the poorest people from a different time, but I don’t recommend them. These excursions are very scary. The most beautiful place in Edinburgh is Edinburgh Castle. It stands on a large rock. Castle visitors learn a lot about the history of Edinburgh and get great views of the Old Town and the rest of the city. Edinburgh is famous for its annual (ежегодный) festival. It is the largest arts festival in the world. Theatre companies and actors from different countries come to dance, sing and perform in Edinburgh’s theatres and streets. The festival is always in the month of August, so come and visit us then. Unity Lessons 9, 10 37 Do you celebrate Easter? -rлшиекг ii; ^ Read and translate the story. EASTER Easter is the most important holiday for Christians. It is very joyful. They say the sun dances on Easter morning. Christians prepare themselves for the great feast. They have Lent. The week before Easter is Holy Week. We remember the last days of Jesus Christ before His suffering. On Holy Saturday people bring their kuliches and eggs to the church. The priest blesses the kuliches. Everyone is waiting for the Feast. Many people go to church for the night service. Those who cannot go at night, go in the morning. Everyone sings, “Christ is risen!” “He is risen indeed!” People give coloured eggs to one another. Everyone is happy. On Easter week everyone can ring the church bells. The sun is dancing, the birds are singing, the children are smiling. ^ Wordlist j----------------- important — важный a feast — праздник joyful — радостный Holy Week — Страстная неделя to remember — помнить, вспоминать a priest — священник to bless — благословлять, освящать a bell — колокол У!8ЦРЩИ111Р1Ш|РРЩРР1М»1»^ 38 Unit 8 Lessons 1, 2 True or false? Correct the wrong statements. Верно или неверно? Исправьте неверные утверж- дения. 1. Easter is the most important holiday for Christians.— 2. The week before Easter is Holy Week.— 3. The priest blesses kuliches on Holy Friday.— 4. On Easter people say, “Christ is risen!”— 5. People eat the coloured eggs themselves. 6. The sun dances on Easter morning.— 1^3^ Choose the correct word and complete the sentences. 1. Easter is always in (spring/summer). 2. Easter is sometimes in (February/April), and sometimes in (May/August). 3. People colour (cards/eggs) in different colours. 4. The favourite colour for Easter eggs is (green/red). 5. Easter is the most (important/colourful) Christian feast. 6. The week before Easter is (Great/Holy) Week. 7. On Easter we celebrate the (Birthday/Resurrection) of Jesus Christ. [ 4 j Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в форме the Present Progressive. __________(send) an e-mail now. _____________(dance) at the moment. _______________(sing) now. 1. I 2. He 3. They 4. We . 5. She (cook) now. . (read) a book at the moment. CD 5 j Fill in the gaps with personal pronouns. Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями. Maw 1. _________are talking with their friends. 5. _________are reading your book. 2. _________is washing the floor in his room. 6. _________are celebrating Easter in our new 3. _________am jumping. house. 4. _________is swimming with her daughter. 1^6^ Read the text and translate it into Russian. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык. We are preparing for Easter. Nick is tidying up his room. Masha and Igor are colouring the eggs. Our mother is baking a kulich. Our father is washing the windows. What is Nikita doing? Nikita is not helping. Nikita is sleeping. He is little. He is two months old. Unit 8 Lessons 1, 2 39 г (^^7^ Translate into English. 1. — Чем занимается ваш брат? — Он поет в опере. — Он поет в данный момент? — Нет. В данный момент он пишет электронное сообщение. 2. — Что ты делаешь по выходным? По выходным я катаюсь на скейтборде. — Ты катаешься на скейтборде сейчас? — Нет, сейчас я пью чай. [ 8 J Put the words in brackets in the right tense form. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужной форме. 1. I_______________(want) to eat now. 2. We_________________(not know) this man. 3. He_________________(wash) the windows at the moment. 4. They_______________(watch) a film now. You___________________(like) it? 5. 1_______________(see) my father now. He__________________(drive) a car. 6. I_______________(phone) my friend at the moment. [^^9^ Complete the sentences. Write about your family and friends. 1. I am____________ now. 2. My mother is____ 3. My best friend is 4. My grandparents are_________________ 5. My dog/cat/parrot is________________ MoJ Find the odd word. Какое слово лишнее? coloured eggs, kuliches, candles, a card, a present, a school bag, flowers 40 Unit 8 Lessons 1, 2 Homework Q Put the words in brackets in the Present Progressive. 1. I_______________(write) a letter. 4. The boys 2. We________________(have) lunch. 5. They____ 3. Helen________________(go) home. 6. You_____ _____(play) football. _ (read) a book. (do) your homework. a В j Use these verbs in the correct form and complete the sentences. go, see, watch, do, work, listen, want 1. I____________to make a cake. Have you got four eggs? 2. We_____________to the theatre. Do you want to join us? 3. 1 can’t call mother now. She_____________TV. 4. Where is Sam? — He 5. Please be quiet. I_ on the computer. ________my homework. 6. I can’t find my book.— Oh, I__________it. It’s under your bed. 7. What’s this noise? — Jack__________to his favourite music. C ] Describe the picture. What are the people and the animals doing? Unit 8 Lessons 1,2 41 Lessons 3,4 We are preparing for Easter CD Choose the correct word and complete the sentences. 1. On Easter night the (priest/teacher) says, “Christ is risen.” 2. Many people go to (church/school) on Easter night. 3. The Russian traditional Easter (meal/decoration) is a kulich and coloured eggs. 4. In Britain parents (cook/hide) Easter eggs in the garden, and children (look for/ forget about) them. 5. In Britain people have (kuliches/hot cross buns) on Good Friday. 6. Aunt Ann and Vladimir Ivanovich are my (parents/godparents). 2 ^ Сделайте эти предложения отрицательными. 1. I am cooking dinner now.— ___________________________________________________ 2. He is driving now.— _________________________________________________________ 3. They are singing now.— _____________ 4. She is decorating the flat.— _______ 5. We are having dinner at the moment.— 3 } Match the pictures with the sentences. a) 1 am folding a piece of paper. b) I am colouring it in. c) I am drawing a picture here. d) I am putting the card in the envelope e) I am writing here. f) I am writing the address. g) I am sending it. h) I am taking it to the post office. t.urok 'in г 42 Unit 8 Lessons 3, 4 [ 4 j Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. Use the Present Progressive or the Present Simple. Alex is having a birthday party. He is twelve today. Alex is a talented boy; he (play) the guitar, he________________(go) to karate every Tuesday, he______ English in the evening. But now he______________ (study) (not play) the guitar. He (eat) a cake. He______ Alex every day. They (talk) with his friends. His friends _ ____(watch) new films together. They, (meet) . (walk) their dogs together. But now they (not watch) a film. They (dance). They (have) tea. Alex’s dog (sleep). It is tired. [^'5 "J Colour in the Easter egg. ^ 6 ^ Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Мы готовимся к Пасхе.— ____ 2. Мама печет кулич.— ________ 3. Варя красит яйца.— ________ 4. Ваня моет окно.— __________ 5. Папа покупает шоколадных зайцев.— Homework ^ Г А J Draw some decorations and presents for Easter. What are you going to make? Write down your instructions. Use the verbs: draw, cut out, boil, make, bake, decorate, colour Model: Boil an egg. Unit 8 Lessons 3, 4 43 Write: What does your family do at Easter time? Use the questions as a guide. 1. Does your family celebrate Easter? 2. Does your family go to church on Saturday night? 3. Does your family plan for Easter? 4. What do you do? 5. Do you give Easter presents? 6. Who gives you Easter presents? 7. Where do you have Easter dinner? CD Agent Cute is writing a secret letter to Boss. His letter is in Russian. Help Boss translate it into English. I Qle &Ж ifiew Insert Fernet lools ficticins belp -JSend ® AttachesA(W)ePa(= ‘ В / Щ m,_lB jg |g To- I I boss@btinternet,com I How are you? Дорогой Босс, Я есть в Обнинск. Я есть сидящий в свой отель сейчас. Я не есть смотрящий мальчики. Сейчас оно есть 1 О часов и они есть спящие. Я не есть спящий. В Россия оно есть Пасха завтра. Они отмечать Пасха ночью. Я есть смотрящий в окно. Я видеть церковь. Это есть очень красиво. Я думать о Вы. Я знать, Вы есть отмечающий Пасха. Я есть усталый. Какой Вы есть? Все лучшее, Кьют 44 Unit 8 Lessons 3, 4 f D I Read Boss's answer. Put the words in brackets in the correct form. Vjy. .Л Cc Z3r [email protected] Subject: 1 Are you OK? Dear Cute, Are you OK? I (not celebrate) Easter. It was two weeks ago. (Это было две недели назад.) I (sit) in my office and (work) now! But I think the boys (not sleep)! They (celebrate) Easter. Go and watch them! Phone me from your tree! Al! the best, Boss Are you surfing the Internet? CD Answer the questions. 1. Are you reading now? — 2. Are you singing now? — 3. Is the teacher writing? — 4. Are your classmates talking? — 5. Are your parents working now? — 6. What are you doing now? — Unit 8 Lessons 3, 4 and 5 45 [ 2 j Read and translate the dialagues into Russian. 1. — Do you drive? —__________________________ — Yes, I do.— ______________________________ — Are you driving now? — ______________ — No, I am not. I am having dinner now.— 2. — What's your job? — — I play football.— _____ — Are you playing football now? — ____________ — No, I am not. I am playing the piano now.— 3. — What does your friend usually do in the evening? — He usually reads a newspaper. — Is he reading a newspaper now? — No, he isn’t. He is watching a film. (3| A neighbour asks Katya about her family. Here are her answers. What are the questions? 1. ________________ Yes, I am. I am preparing for Easter. — No, he isn’t. My brother is not singing. 3. 4. 5. — Yes, they are. They are writing Easter cards. — Yes, we are. We are going to church. — Yes, she is. My sister is cooking. CD Answer the questions. 1. Do you read every day? —__________ 2. Are you reading now? — ___________ 3. Do you often send e-mails? — ____________ 4. Are you sending an e-mail now? — ________ 5. Do your friends phone you every day? — 46 Unit 8 Lesson 5 6. Are they phoning you now? — _______________ 7. Does your teacher show you a film sometimes? — 8. Is she/he showing you a film now? — G Homework } A Fill in the gaps in the poem and learn it by heart. Why are you not_________at home? What____________you doing? You aren’t on the phone. Are you Why. What your funny cat? ____________you using the Internet? Are you______________a film with your friends? ____________you at school? I____________understand. you not sitting at home? ______________? You aren’t on the phone. Make questions to the underlined words. Start with the words in brackets. 1. We are learning English. (What)____________________________________ 2. Friends are buying birthday presents. (Who). 3. He is celebrating Halloween. (What) ____________ 4. I am sitting at home. (Where) __________________ Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Present Progressive. 1. Look! My dog___________________(dance). 2. What__________________you (do) now? 3. When__________________you (get up) every morning? 4. ________________he (speak) French? — No, but he (speak) English and German. [ D ^ Say It in English. 1. “Куда вы идете?” — “Мы идем в церковь. Мы отмечаем Пасху”. 2. “Она гуляет”.— “Где она гуляет?’ 3. “Что вы сейчас делаете?” — “Мы завтракаем’ 4. “Он сейчас моет посуду?” — “Нет, он спит”. Unit 8 Lesson 5 47 5. “Они сейчас играют в футбол?” — “Нет, они идут домой’ 6. “Кто смотрит телевизор?” — “Маша и ее друзья”. Lesson 6 what are they doing? Q Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense form. Use the Present Simple or the Present Progressive. Welcome to the school football match. Our boys are very good at football. They_______________(р1ау) football every day after school. Now they________________(not play). They_______________(prepare) the ground for the game. The girls________________(help). The parents_______________(watch). Now everyone is ready for the game. One, two, three!... Look at Oleg. He________________(run) after the ball. He (jump). He (kick) the ball. The ball (fly) into the gate. Goal! Oleg’s mother (see) this. She is proud of her son. Vanya_________________(sit) on the grass. He always (play) football at football matches. but today he (not play). He is ill. He cannot help his team. Ш Answer the questions. What are your family doing? 1. Who’s reading? — _____________________________ 2. Who’s working? — _____________________________ 3. Who’s walking the dog? — ____________:____________ 4. Who’s cooking? — _________________________________ ш Answer the questions. 1. Who cooks in your family? Who’s cooking now? — 2. Who drives in your family? Who’s driving now? — 3. Who plays computer games in your family? Who’s playing computer games now? 4. Who sings in your family? Who’s singing now? 4 I Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense form. Use the Present Simple or the Present Progressive. Dima and Sveta_____________(write) Easter cards to their godparents. Dima is not good at writing. He always_____________(make) a lot of mistakes. But today there are no mistakes in the card. He ____________(write) with a new pen. Sveta usually____________(buy) her godmother beautiful cards. But today she_______________ (make) a card herself. She (draw) an Easter egg and a yellow chicken. This is the most beautiful card for her godmother. 48 Unit 8 Lessons 5 and 6 Homework Masha is speaking to her grandmother on the phone. Complete her grandmother's questions. Granny: Hello, Masha! What____________________________________________________________? Masha: I am talking to you. Granny: What__________________________________________________________________________? Masha: Mum and Dad are sleeping. Granny: Where_________________________________________________________________________? Masha: Pafnutiy is outside. Misha and Robin are walking him. Granny: Who __________________________________________________________________________? Masha: Robin is Misha’s pen friend. Oh no, they are not walking the cat. They are having breakfast. Granny: Where_________________________________________________________________________? Masha: In the kitchen! Granny: What__________________________________________________________________________? Masha: Kuliches, paskhas and eggs. Granny: Happy Easter, Masha. Masha: Happy Easter, Granny. Lesson Play the game Draggy Возьмите свой набор для игры в Дрэгги и временно уберите из него те карточки, которые назовет учитель. Добавьте к оставшимся старым карточкам новые (Cut Out, стр. 87) и сыграйте в уже известную вам игру Дрэгги. Test yourself ©Listen to three descriptions of the picture. Which description is correct? Unit 8 Lessons 6,1, 8 49 сю are watching Tom. What is he doing? fl Ш Ч 5 й йИга I Ч 'H'ifi 50 Unit 8 Lesson 8 Answer the questions about yourself. 1. Where are you sitting? —________ 2. What are you doing? — __________ 3. Are you dancing? — _____________ 4. Where do you live? — 5. Who is writing a test? — 6. Do you like English? — 7. What do you do after school? — Agent Cute is in hospital and Boss is phoning him. Complete Boss's questions. — Hi, Cute, _________________________________________________________________ — I’m fine. Boss. — I’m lying in bed. I must stay in bed for a week. — I’m in hospital. — In hospital? Why? Is it serious? — No, Boss. I’m OK. — Oh, yes. It’s a very nice hospital. — Yes, I do. I really like my room and I’ve got two very nice neighbours. Write about your favourite holiday. How do you celebrate it in your family? C Homework I^A^ Work in groups. Prepare for your project "My big party" (Cut Out, p. 89-90). Unit 8 Lesson 8 51 Lesson 9 Project "My big party" Lessons 10Л1 Homereading Bob^ the Hedgehog, and his friends Part/ 2 ]1 Опиши своих соседей, используя следующую лексику: Му neighbours always/often/sometimes/rarely/never... listen to loud music, say hello to other neighbours, listen to you, talk to your parents about you, walk their dog without a leash (поводок) 31 Are you a good neighbour? Are you always...? polite, neat, friendly, quiet, helpful, understanding CD Who is a good neighbour? Complete the sentences. A good neighbour must be/do... A good neighbour mustn't be/do. [ 5 j What kind of neighbour is Tom? What kind of neighbour is Bill? What kind of neighbour do you want to have? 52 Unit 8 Lessons 9 and 10, 11 Does it rain in England in December? «Htuoikaai ‘ “ J Choose the correct word and complete the sentences. 1. The (weather/sun) is fine today. 2. The (wind/sky) is blue. 3. A pleasant (wind/snow) is blowing. 4. It never (snows/rains) in Africa. 5. The sun is (shining/blowing). 6. Cats like to lie in the (sun/moon). 7. Take an umbrella, it’s (raining/snowing). 8. The days are getting (lighter/darker) in spring. 9. The days are getting (longer/shorter) in autumn. Q Fill in the gaps. Use the words spring, autumn, summer, winter. 1. It’s cold. It’s snowing. It’s_____________ 2. It’s warm. The birds are singing. There are flowers in the gardens. It’s_____________ 3. It’s hot. We are swimming in the river. It’s_______________ 4. It’s raining. A cold wind is blowing. It’s______________ 1 3 I What month is the best for these things? 1. We can watch little ducklings in_________________ 2. We decorate a Christmas tree in__________________ 3. We eat new apples in___________________ 4. We go to school in__________________ [ 4 j Read and translate nursery rhymes about weather and months with the help of the dictionary. When is your birthday? Learn the part about this month by heart. КАГ^ i/'Л ]/\ March brings breezes sharp and shrill, / {LAY Lyv\ Shakes the dancing daffodil. ( f i iTJtci \f/ 3uly & April brings the primrose sweet, Scatters daisies at our feet. May brings flocks of pretty lambs. Skipping by their fleecy dams. June brings tulips, lilies, roses. Fills the children’s hands with posies. Hot July brings cooling showers. Apricots and gillyflowers. August brings the sheaves of corn. Then the harvest home is borne. Warm September brings the fruit. Sportsmen then begin to shoot. Brown October brings the pheasant. Then to gather nuts is pleasant. XT T ^ Dull November brings the blast, OV01X1j30X Then the leaves go whirling past. 54 Unit 9 Lesson 1 иесетйег Chill December brings the sleet. Blazing fire and Christmas treat. By Sara Coleridge (1802-1852) ^ й e. \ 111 PI М»11И1Ш||1Ш iipwwpi»j|}p Homework ^ f A J Choose any country. Выберите любую страну. Ask two questions about this country and answer them. Use these words. 1. When/snow 2. When/the sun, shine 3. When/the wind, blow 4. When/cold 5. When/hot 6. When/the best time to visit this country Model: When/rain — When does it rain in Russia? — It usually rains in autumn, but it sometimes rains in summer and spring. When doesn’t it rain in Turkey? — It doesn’t usually rain in summer. CD В ) Say it in Russian. 1. Does it rain in winter? 2. Is it cold in summer? 3. When does the sun shine? 4. When does a cold wind blow? 5. Is the weather nice in June? Г C [ What's the weather like at the moment? Write 4-5 sentences. Unit 9 Lesson 1 55 Lessons 2^3 Summer is fun 1 ] Describe the weather on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Model: It is Friday. It is raining. It is cold. The temperature is I3°C (thirteen degrees Centigrade or fifty-five degrees Fahrenheit.) The sun rises at 06:07 a.m. ■4^ FRIDAY SUNDAY Day weather Heavy Rain Max: 13°C (55 °F) Sunrise: 06:07 Day weather Light Rain Max: 11 °C (52 °F) Sunrise: 06:05 Day weather • Sunny Intervals • Max: 13°C (55°F) • Sunrise: 06:03 MONDAY Day weather • Sunny • Max: 14°C (57°F) • Sunrise: 06:01 56 Unit 9 Lessons 2, 3 [ 2 j Masha, Vera and Nadya are on holiday. They phone each other and talk about the weather. Match the description with the name. Masha 1. It’s warm. The wind is blowing. There is no sun in the sky. 2. It’s raining. It’s cold. The sky is grey. 3. It’s hot. The sun is shining. The sky is blue. Answer the questions. 1. Is it raining? — _ 2. Does it usually rain in May? — 3. Is it snowing? — ______________ 4. Does it usually snow in April? — 5. Is the sun shining? — ___________ 6. Does the sun shine in spring? — 7. Is the wind blowing? — _________ 8. Is it a fine day? — ____________ (^4^ Describe your favourite weather. 5 I True or false? Correct the wrong statements. 1. It often snows in Scotland in winter.— 2. In Glasgow it rains every day.— _____ 3. The sun always shines in Spain.— 4. A cold wind blows in Edinburgh in winter.— 5. It is raining now.— _____________________ 6. The sun is shining at the moment.- 7. The sky is blue now.— _____ Unit 9 Lessons 2, 3 57 Homework [ A j Write about one of the four seasons. Why do/ don't you like it? CD Say it in English. 1. В Англии тепло. 2. В Москве холоднее, чем в Англии. 3. Летом погода лучше, чем зимой. 4. В Англии зимой идет дождь? 5. Летом светит солнце. 6. Осенью дует холодный ветер. 7. Какая погода у вас обычно весной? С ] Сравните погоду в своем городе/ деревне (зимой или летом) с погодой в Москве или Лондоне. Lesson 4 What is Masha going to do? CD Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. I am going to sing.— ___________ 2. They are going to dance.— _ 3. She is going to wash the floor.— 4. You are going to swim.— ___ 5. He is going to read.— _____ 58 Unit 9 Lessons 2, 3 and 4 CD CD Fill in the gaps. 1. I___________going to read. 2. He____________going to watch a film. 3. They____________going to write a letter. Complete the sentences. 1. 1___________going to____________________ 4. You 5. She . 2. They 3. She_ 4. We_ _ going to going to _ going to _ CD Match the sentences in the left and in the right columns. 1. Cinderella and the prince hear beautiful music. 2. Karlson wants to go home. 3. Sherlock Holmes has important information. 4. Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet want to have tea. ---4 I 5 I Answer the questions. 1. Are you going to send an e-mail today? —________ . going to send an e-mail, going to visit her grandmother. a) They are going to visit Rabbit. b) He is going to find the criminal. c) He is going to fly away. d) They are going to dance. 2. Is your mother going to cook tonight? — 3. Are your parents going to have guests tonight? — 4. Is your friend going to visit you tonight? 5. What are going to do at seven o’clock? — 6. What is your friend going to do at eight o’clock? — [ 6 Look at the pictures. What are these people going to do? <3^ о Unit 9 Lesson 4 59 [ 7 j Do you remember the fairy tale about Little Red Cap? What are the characters in the pictures going to do? Fill in the gaps. Use the words: thank, visit, help, eat, visit, see, meet, eat 1. Little Red Cap is going to 2. She is going to_____________ her Grandmother. . the Bad Wolf. _____the Grandmother. _____Little Red Cap, too. _________the Grandmother. _________the Grandmother and Little Red Cap. 7. The Grandmother and Little Red Cap are going to__________the hunters. 3. The Wolf is going to___ 4. The Wolf is going to___ 5. The Hunters are going to 6. The Hunters are going to 60 Unit 9 Lesson 4 Homework [^Jl Look at the pictures. What are these people going to do? Model: 1 — She is going to phone her grandmother. [ В j Are you going on holiday this year? Where are you going? What are you going to do there? What агепЧ you going to do there? Lessons 5,6 We are going to England i II True or false? Correct the wrong statements. 1. London is the capital of Scotland.— _ 2. Lake District is one of the most beautiful places in the UK.— 3. Liverpool is the cleanest city in the UK.— _ 4. Birmingham is the industrial centre of the UK.— 5. Cumbria is famous for its industry.— ________ 6. Cambridge is the oldest university in the UK. 7. Oxford University is in Scotland.— 8. The Beatles come from Glasgow.— Unit 9 Lessons 4 and 5, 6 61 ©Find these words: beatles, birmingham, Cambridge, cathedral, cumbria, industrial, lakedistrict, liverpool, london, millennium, oxford, thames, university (^nnnrjf^rVirTIfTlfT^fT^rD^f^^ Ч .JV >4________________ Гв1ПЛПЛПГ|Г^Г^^ГТ1ГТ^Г^ V --VV.....yV jv Jv Jv Jv \ Jv Jv л Jv. O®O®Q®®®®®©®00Ci )©C 0OO©O®®®©QO®O®Q в к B L S P I U U H d(f _^v. Jv Jv _J\_Jv _/v__ ®0®O®0®©0®0®0®0 O0OO0©©O®®Q D0 ^ ЛГ-----'sr---- N ____y\____ W '^ГZ~ЛГZ~^r -уЧ___^Ч____ Т)(^(Т1Г^1ГТ1ГТ^ППГТ^ГТ^Г^Г^ __ УЧ__УЧ /V yy JV Jv Jv __J\ Л Л J [ 3 } What are these characters of famous fairy tales going to do? Use these verbs: to meet, to turn into smb, to kill, to lose, to wake up, to run away Model: 1. Sleeping Beauty is going to wake up 2. Cinderella _________ 62 Unit 9 Lessons 5, 6 3. Baba Yaga_____ 4. Ivan Tsarevitch 5. The frog _____ 6. Masha ________ Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Present Progressive. 1. The Beatles_________________(come) from Liverpool. 2. A lot of people_________________(visit) Lake District every year. 3. London is very busy today. A lot of tourists ________________(visit) it today, because it’s a holiday. 4. It______________(rain). Give me an umbrella, please. 5. A cold wind_________________(blow). We must go home. Homework Draw the boys' route in Cut Out (p. 91). Q Are these statements true, false or is there no information in Lesson 6? 1. London is the capital of England.—_________________________ 2. Cambridge is the oldest university in England.— 3. The air in Liverpool is bad.—__________________ 4. The Beatles come from Liverpool.— . 5. There is a very big cathedral in Birmingham.— 6. Cumbria is a city.—___________________ 7. Oxford is the best university in England.— 8. York is a port.— _________________________ 9. York is not far from London.— 10. Cumbria is near Scotland.— 11. Oxford stands on the River Thames.— _ 12. London stands on the River Thames.— Say it in English. 1. Купол тысячелетия имеет самый большой купол в мире. 2. Жители города гордятся своим красивым собором. 3. Наш город — порт. 4. Я хочу посетить Ливерпуль. Это — родной город Битлз. Unit 9 Lessons 5, 6 63 5. Моя сестра учится в университете. Ее университет — старейший в России. 6. На каникулах мы собираемся посетить Лондон. Lessons 7,8 CD Choose the correct word and complete the sentences. 1. Beefeaters are (royal/community) guards. 2. The Tower of London is a (prison/museum). 3. There are (weapons /stamp collections) in the Tower of London. 4. Beefeaters feed the (ravens/robins) every day. 5. The Great Star of Africa is the (biggest/smallest) diamond in the world. 6. The Tower of London was a (cheerful/gloomy) place. 7. The Coronation Chair is in (Westminster Abbey/the Tower). 8. Many (famous/simple) people are buried in Westminster Abbey. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Present Progressive. It often (rain) in the UK. In some places it______________(rain) more often. In _____(rain) almost every day. In Colchester it______________(not rain) Glasgow it____________ often. It’s April in London. The trees are in blossom, there are flowers everywhere. There are a lot of visitors in the Tower of London. The ravens______________(hide). It’s going to rain. It_______________(rain) now. The visitors______________(open) their umbrellas. The wind (blow). Now the rain is over. The sun (shine). The birds (sing). Answer the questions. 1. What is the Tower of London? — 2. How many beefeaters are there in the Tower of London? — 3. What are the beefeaters’ duties? — 4. Where is the Coronation Chair? — 5. Are the ravens in the Tower of London important? [ 4 j Translate the sentences into English. 1. Лондонский Тауэр — знаменитый музей.- 2. Бифитеры носят красную и черную одежду.— 64 Unit 9 Lessons 5,6 and 7, 8 3. в Лондоне весной много туристов.— 4. Лондон красив весной.— _________ 5. Мы собираемся навестить Лондон в мае.— 6. Смотрите! Собирается дождь.— Find these words: abbey, beefeater, chair, coronation, gloomy, guard, museum, prison, ravens. royal, tomb, tower, weapons, Westminster fp ifw f О |i G jf U if A |f R I D Тм")| N ( В j P 1 C Гв if U ITp K I N if X : D : H R ii О ii I f E if R i! О D i; В !■ X ii R ji О j; Y i: H ii D i: Dj I Ii W if E S ii T if M I I S ifT^f E I D il C j\ N E !i M i! D ''V„ KyFifBlciiEirD'loifslH E Д и J^M j( S E V В jj qJ G Lessons 9,10 Final test ■Ш ■imwii CD Listen to the dialogue and match the people with their words and ideas. ' Camilla Camilla’s parents Sam Daisy 1. I’m going to be happy in the village. 2. I’m going to be lonely without my friend. 3. High Brooms is not very far from London. 4. Schools are better in London. 5. We are going to live in a big house. 6. Life in the village is not very expensive. 7. I’m going to have a dog. 8. The school in High Brooms is very good. 9. Daisy is going to visit her friend Camilla. 10. The air is cleaner in the village. Unit 9 Lessons 7, 8 and 9, 10 65 CD Choose the correct answer. 1. — Look! Mary___________ after the bus. a) is running b) runs c) is going to run — I know Mary. She always_______________to school late. a) comes b) is coming c) is going to come — Yes. I’m sure she______________today. a) is late b) is going to be late c) late 2. — My little sister usually___________early. a) get up b) gets up c) is getting up — Really?_________________she_____________ to school? a) does/go b) is/going c) does/goes — No, she______________, but she_____ mornings. a) isn’t/is liking b) isn’t/likes c) doesn’t/likes 3. — Can you_________________the piano? a) plays b) playing c) play — No, I________________, but I _ a) can/can’t b) don’t/do c) can’t/can 4. — This is a very nice house. It’s________ the guitar. building in our town. a) the beautifullest b) the most beautiful c) the beautiful — _______________you_________________in architecture? a) do/interest b) are/interested c) is/interesting — Yes, I_______________. I want to be an architect. a) do b) like c) am 5. — I________________a secret. Do you want to know it? a) have got b) has got d) is got — No, you________________tell me. It’s a secret! a) must b) needn’t d) mustn’t — But I________________to tell you. It’s my secret. a) want b) am wanting c) wants [ 3 I Choose the correct word. 1. My mother’s father lives in Moscow. My is my best friend. a) dad b) grandpa c) granny 2. I’m going to Canada.— You are going to need your warm _ a winter jacket and a warm cap. a) rucksack b) shirts c) clothes 3. Where can I get my boarding card? — Go to_____________ a) the check-in desk b) passport control c) security control two sweaters. 66 Unit 9 Lessons 9, 10 4. Mary has a very interesting . She likes horse-riding. a) secret b) hobby c) subject 5. I_____________my birthday with family and friends. a) celebrate b) invite c) decorate 6. My birthday is______________20 October. a) at b) in c) on 7. ______________Russia it’s usually cold_____________ a) in/at b) in/in c) in/on 8. Edinburgh is the___________ December. of Scotland. a) capital b) city c) museum 9. — What’s the weather________________? a) — b) doing c) like — It__________________ Don’t forget your jacket. a) rains b) is raining c) rain 10. We don’t go to school on________________ a) Sunday b) Monday c) Friday 11. Summer_______________start in June. a) holidays b) school c) — [ 4 j Read the text and say: Are these sentences true (T), false (F) or is there no Information (N1) — in the text. 1. In England spring starts in February. СИ 2. In England the grass is always green. СИ 3. The sea in England is always warm. ИИ 4. The English like to swim in the sea. СИ 5. Jessie likes Christmas trees. □ 6. Jessie’s favourite tree is the magnolia. Ed 7. In England there’s usually a lot of snow on Christmas Day. Ed 8. English weather is quite warm. Cd Hi, friends. My name's Jessie, l live in Suffolk, l think it's the sunniest county in England. Right now spring is nearly over. I like these long days. You can do so much. The sky is blue, the trees are green. The birds are singing, in England spring starts in February. I particularly like the early spring. There are flowers everywhere. The parks and gardens are so colourful, with white and yellow daffodils and red tulips. The grass is green all year round, but the trees have new leaves in March and April. My favourite tree is the magnolia. It has flowers before it has leaves. The big white flowers look so beautiful. Summer is sometimes really warm In Suffolk. It's very sunny and bright, rain is rare. My neighbours grow fantastic roses of all colours: red, pink, white, yellow and even blue! Unit 9 Lessons?, 10 67 I love going to the seaside in summer. I take my shoes off and walk in the warm sand. Then l sit down with a book and enjoy the fresh sea air. In July we can even swim in the sea, but usually it's very cold. Autumn is a beautiful season, too, with the clear sky and red and yellow leaves. But I don't really like late autumn. The days are short and it often rains. In winter there's usually no snow, but sometimes we have a white Christmas. The temperature rarely goes below zero, but it can be quite cold with the strong wind and rain. ■Ш [ 5 j Write about the weather in your country and your favourite season. Write 7-10 sentences. Lessons 11Л2 Hbmereading ж Bob, the Hedgehog, and his friends Parts CD What is the best season for; a) a picnic?_______________________ b) skiing?_________________________ c) a game of football?_ d) picking mushrooms?. e) listening to frogs?__ CD What month is the middle of the summer/ winter/autumn/ spring? 68 Unit 9 Lessons 9, 10 and 11, 12 Cut Out Г “Т UNIT 6, Lesson 4, Draggy 1----------- r h [- IS DO SING L "1 -f -4 DO DO WORK f- T- Л L DO EAT ARE Cut Out 69 AM Г “t COOK r WRITE READ LIKE PLAY H -4 ■h HIS ON SUNDAY ARE 1- -4 IS HELP HER L -i MY YOUR ARE ARE -Г IS h- -h EVERY DAY 4 IS IS r AM ARE AT SCHOOL AT 9 O’CLOCK i- AT HOME NORMALLY ALWAYS u Л I- HIM WHEN BOOKS WHERE "t WITH r WITH WITH WHO H -+ WHAT i- FATHER NOT 1- 4 AND AND u Л AND 4 NOT u ES ES OR ES ' Г •*1 h- THEY 1- -4 ES NOT HER t_ _ OR FRIENDS I- LUNCH U Л YOU i- HE TEACHER YOU "Т PUPIL SHE h- 4* WE MOTHER JILLY L Cut Out 79 UNIT 6, Lesson 5, Ex. В Cut Out 81 UNIT 6, Lesson 9, Homework ® Project “Start a hobby club Cut Out 83 UNIT 7, Lesson 7, Ex. A Project “My home town/city/village” • The symbol of my town/city/village is... место для символа Some famous people from my town/city/village are... место для фото известных людей Му town/city/village is famous for... место для фото Cut Out 85 People associate ... with my town. место для фото My favourite place in my town/city/village is... место для фото 86 Cut Out IS 1 IS IS IS AM ARE ARE NOW ING T Г ING ARE ARE -r r- NOW ING ING ® Project “Му big party” UNIT 8, Lesson 8, Ex. A 9 Cut Out 89 90 Cut Out UNIT 9, Lessons 5, 6; Ex. A Cut Out 91 F/ND THE STONE OF DESTINY Nessie lives in London The the thistle , symbol of Scotland Г, is Edinburgh J' У the shamrock Birmingham УЩ. —i Щ Birmingham Elizabeth II The Beatles come from The capital of >, The name of the Edinburgh T- 1- u Elizabeth I English ^ . .. New York Liverpool ^ York Cathedral - У The biggest dome in the world is The - Millennium Dome - ' 92 Cut Out UNIT 9, Lessons 7, 8 /Г. ; England }'^ f a famous | ^ playwrigh^. A typical English snack is a famous ; ^ politician I fish and ' chips / 1 Oxford J;' autumn . the Tower in j»7 The oldest university town in England is ■:У Liverpool ^ , w of London / Westminster ▼ ^ Abbey ' i- ^ You can V see the 4 ■I/ - ;у' The biggest city in England is Ky : see the |v;, Coronation Щй Chair ' c, ■ - й> - ^нУу. ‘ A typical Scottish family name is York j Colchester i London /->- . /, in /■:. ^ Westminster ^ ^ O’Henry _ ' y. ■■■^_ ^ MacGregor^' arrivals a theatre Abbey^^^^’ ■; : f V / The Stone of Destiny is You are • meeting your L лтй; friend at the i- .^rf . f- y airport. г - You must go to ] The Tower of London 1 nowadays is j in Edinburgh Castle depat ures ^ Cut Out 93 Учебное издание Кауфман Клара Исааковна Кауфман Марианна Юрьевна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.РУ / Happy English.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 2 с раздаточным материалом к учебнику для 5 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина Редактор Ю. Н. Бирюкова Корректоры Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко Иллюстрации Т. С. Богомягких, В. С. Жеребцова, А. С. Кудашкиной, А. Н. Мезриной, Е. А. Подтуркиной, А. В. Савельевой, Е. В. Сергеевой, И. С. Слюнковой Обложка Н. А. Валяевой Дизайн макета В. КиН Художественный редактор Е. А. Валяева Цифровая обработка изображений Л. Н. Новоселова Верстка Т. А. Вильчинской Сертификат соответствия санитарным правилам РФ и требованиям нормативных документов № РОСС RU. АЕ51. Н 16002 от 24.01.2012. Подписано в печать 29.05.2012. Формат 60x84/8. Гарнитура “Таймс”. Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 11,2. Уел. кр.-отт. 12,13. Тир. 15000 экз. Зак. № 1436. Издательство “Титул”. 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055. Тел. (48439) 9-10-09. E-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). 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Издательство „Титул“ выпускает единую линию учебно-методических комплектов для 2-11-х классов “Счастливый английский.ру” / “Happy English.ru”: для 2 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1, 2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), книга для родителей для 3 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1, 2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), книга для родителей для 4 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1,2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), книга для родителей для 5 класса (1-й год обучения) — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради №1,2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), учебное пособие „Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь" (серия „Проверь себя") для 5 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1, 2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), учебное пособие „Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь" (серия „Проверь себя"), обучающая компьютерная программа для 6 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1,2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), учебное пособие „Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь" (серия „Проверь себя"), обучающая компьютерная программа для 7 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1,2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), учебное пособие „Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь" (серия „Проверь себя"), обучающая компьютерная программа для 8 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1, 2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), учебное пособие "Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия „Проверь себя"), обучающая компьютерная программа для 9 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради №1,2, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), учебное пособие „Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь" (серия „Проверь себя"), обучающая компьютерная программа для 10 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради №1,2, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), учебное пособие „Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия „Проверь себя"), электронное приложение для 11 класса —учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради №1,2, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), учебное пособие „Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь" (серия „Проверь себя"), электронное приложение для 10-11 классов — элективные курсы "Moscow”, “St Petersburg”, “The Urals”, “Business English for Schools” и "English for Science” Серия книг для чтения “Почитай!” / “Read up!” (2-11 классы) Программа курса Интернет-поддержка учебников и дополнительные материалы на сайтах: www.titul.ru,www.englishteachers.ru ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ТИТУЛ Т I Т и L PUBLISHERS По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”: 249035, Калужская обл., г. 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