Английский язык 11 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 11 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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у WORKBOOK 1 к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.РУ/ Happy Engiish.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 1 К учебнику ДЛЯ 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений и 3 Д А Т Т И Е Л Т ь с т У В О Л Т I Р и в L т I S и Н Е L R S 2012 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 КЗО УДК 802.0(075.2) УМК “Счастливый английский.ру” / “Happy English.ru” для 11 класса включает следующие компоненты: • учебник • книгу для учителя • рабочие тетради №1,2 • аудиоприложение (CD MP3) • учебное пособие „Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь" (серия „Проверь себя") • электронное приложение По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство „Титул": 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055, тел.: (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Информация об УМК находится на сайте www.englishteachers.ru Кауфман К. И., Кауфман М. Ю. КЗО Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru для 11 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2012.— 64 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-582-0 Рабочие тетради №1,2 входят в состав УМК “Happy English.ru" для 11-го класса. В них помещены дополнительные упражнения и задания, активизирующие лексический и грамматический материал раздела; итоговые контрольные задания для каждого раздела. Материал рабочих тетрадей проводит последовательную работу по подготовке к ЕГЭ. ББК81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-582-0 © К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман, 2012 © Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2012 UNIT 1 Lessons 1, 2............................................... 4 Lessons 3, 4, 5............................................ 4 Lessons 6, 7, 8 ........................................... 9 Lessons 9, 10, 11 ........................................ 15 Lessons 12, 13 Self-assessment test....................... 19 Lessons 14, 15 Test yourself.............................. 22 UNIT 2 Lessons 1, 2.............................................. 25 Lessons 3, 4.............................................. 28 Lessons 5, 6.............................................. 32 Lessons 7, 8.............................................. 36 Lessons 9, 10 ............................................ 43 Lessons 11, 12 ........................................... 47 Lessons 13, 14 Self-assessment test....................... 51 Lesson 15 Test yourself................................... 54 Приложения 1. Сводная таблица времен английского языка............... 56 2. Словообразование...................................... 58 3. Как легче запомнить неправильные глаголы.............. 60 Lessons 1, 2 Learning is what most adults will do for a living in the twenty-first century. Perelman ---Ж":- Do what you caiij'^w^ what you havej?" where you Theodore Rc^dt Teachers open the door, but you inust enter by yourself. Chinese proverb 1 j Read the epigraphs to the unit and translate them into Russian. Find more interesting thoughts about learning and write them down. Lessons 3, 4/ 5 Fill in the gaps in the table. Write your own examples with each word and expression. English Russian 0'-' Example from the text an employer работодатель a score оценка, общий балл a grade оценка My teachers will give me grades in some of the subjects. an applicant претендент Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2 and 3, 4, 5 Russian Example from the text to run an option to sit an exam to resit an exam to apply for smth to fail smth проваливать что-либо, какое-либо дело to grade smb / smth to admit smb / smth принимать кого-либо требовать что-либо to get into a university, college поступать в университет, колледж to graduate from a university, college заканчивать высшее учебное заведение optional This is a traditional name for the last two years of school, which are optional. to put smth off откладывать что-либо Unit 1 Lessons 3, 4, 5 5 ; Г. English ^ Russian ^ . Example from the text допустимый обязательный продвинутый ( 2 Put these events in the right order. □ to be admitted to the university □ to apply to the university □ to be predicted good grades □ to graduate from a university Unit 1 Lessons 3, 4, 5 ( 3 ^ Write the opposites. to pass an exam — to be expelled from the university optional —_________________________ state schools — excellent (exam grade) — ^4 ^ Write the required ports of speech according to the model. Write your own examples with any port of speech you choose. Model: Noun / : ■ШШ'Шг if': -i- option optional — Noun „ 5L-. Adjective '¥Щ- Verb .Vf' employer найм нанятый работник — to grade заявитель заявление ■ to apply — advanced продвигаться — acceptable принимать, допускать (~5~^ Look through the text on pages 12-13 of your textbook and find the ideas and views that Charlie Rose didn't express. 1. A good education is very important for future life success. 2. Sitting 12 GCSEs is nothing special. Unit 1 Lessons 3, 4, 5 3. Future employers will want to see GCSEs’ results as well as other documents of their employees. 4. One can’t get into the university without doing an Advanced Level course. 5. It’s impossible to get straight As in one’s A-level exams. 6. Everyone should have a very good idea of what he wants to study at a university. 7. A gap year is a good way to see the world and find out what one wants to do. ( 6 ^ Find Russian equivalents for the following sentences from Belle's story on page 14 of your textbook. 1. I’m in the third year of high school. 2. The SAT shows not only what you have learned at school, but also how well you can use your knowledge to analyse and solve problems. 3. Although you can sit the SAT as many times as you want, normally it is taken once or twice. 4.1 keep putting it off, but in March I’ll have to go for my first try. 5. Everything we do in high school is important as all our grades get into our official records. 6. The test is carried out by Educational Testing Service nearly every month and costs $45. 7. Students are attracted to UCLA by both its excellent educational and social life opportunities. 8 Unit 1 Lessons 3, 4, 5 ("т~^ Fill in the gaps with the following verbs in the right form. finish, go on, suggest, keep, stop, like, hate, practise, give up, avoid, enjoy 1. The girl 2. Why don’t you________ 3. Sue______________just crying no matter how hard they tried to comfort her. ______doing these exercises more often? ----------eating sweets. She is finding her new diet very boring. going to the cinema, but I would like to stay at home. _ getting into trouble again. Your parents are already very angry with you. 4. Mary________ 5. Try to______ 6 ------------working. I came just to say “Hello”. 7 ------------talking about this stupid film. It’s so boring. 8.1____________writing my letter this afternoon. 9. They____________doing crosswords. It’s their favourite pastime. 10. What do you____________wearing? 11. Why does he------------eating vegetables? — He had to eat them all the time when he was a child. His mum was a vegetarian. He hasn’t touched vegs since then. Lessons 6, 7, 8 ■ - (D Fill in the gaps in the sentences. Write two of your own examples for each expression. 1. to be/get used to something/doing something — быть привычным, привыкать к чему-либо/ делать что-либо I am used to ту old shoes. He is not used to doing nothing. Jane was used_____her father’s friends. You will have to get used___get_____up early. 2. to prevent somebody from doing something — мешать, препятствовать кому-либо делать что-либо / can’t prevent him from smoking. Friends can’t be prevented_____ You can’t prevent this cat_____ _ seeing each other, eat__________mice. to succeed in something / doing something — удаваться, добиваться успеха в чем-либо / делании чего-либо Alice vi^ants to succeed in life. Mum succeeded in learning to drive. Some people can’t succeed____________anything. Unit 1 Lessons 3, 4, 5 and 6, 7, 8 9 We all hope to succeed pass our exams. 4. to accept something — принимать что-либо Dad won’t accept a negative answer. She accepted__________his invitation with a smile. Г2 ~) Fill in the gaps in the table. Think of an example for each word. Какие слова образованы способом конверсии*. Конверсия — способ словообразования, когда изменяется принадлежность слова к определенной части речи, но его форма остается прежней. 10 Unit 1 Lessons 6, 7, 8 Choose the right heading for each paragraph of the text. Leave out one heading which doesn't correspond to any paragraph of the text. A. Two conditional places for two friends B. A shadow of a student C. A family discussion D. Application procedures E. Getting to Camridge without the highest grades at A-levels F. Cambridge interviews G. UCAS UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 1. It all started with my French teacher, Mr Morel. In September Mr Morel invited my parents to come and see him and told them that I was predicted to get top grades at my A-levels this year and that he would strongly advise me to apply to Cambridge. My parents were extremely pleased. That evening we had a family discussion. I objected to the idea of applying to Cambridge and insisted on going to our local university, but my parents wanted me to try for Cambridge. 2. Anyway, in the end I told myself that I had nothing to lose and must give it a try. The deadline for Cambridge applications was 15 October, which is much earlier than for most other universities. So nothing could prevent me from applying to another university if I failed to get into Cambridge. Shortly before the deadline for submitting applications to Cambridge, I went on to the UCAS website and applied. Oh, for those who don’t know, UCAS stands for Universities & Colleges Admissions Service. This organisation helps you when you apply to any UK university or college: they accept your application, give you advice and information and keep you up to date with all the latest news. 3. I chose Modern and Medieval Languages as my course, and Trinity as my college. The teachers from my school were happy to support my application and gave me excellent references. Shortly after completing my online application, I was asked to send in some of my old school essays to give my future tutors some examples of my academic work. And soon after that I got an invitation to go up to Cambridge for some interviews. I was really surprised to be invited, because only applicants with realistic chances were interviewed. 4. The interview experience itself was very interesting. I had three twenty-minute interviews with different teachers from my department. Just the thought that each of them was a leading expert in his or her subject made me nervous, but the moment my first interview started, I knew I would be OK. The interviewers didn’t try to ask me tricky questions. very often there was no right or wrong answer to their questions at all. They were more interested in how I got to my answer, in my method of thinking and dealing with problems. They encouraged me to argue, disagree and just be myself. After my first interview, I wanted to get into Cambridge more than anything else in my life. 5. I stayed in Cambridge overnight for more interviews and made my first Cambridge friend, Rick. He was a black guy with a strong cockney accent. We happened to share a room and Rick told me his story, “I will always thank Cambridge tutors for showing me that I can change my life. None of my family had ever had any education and most of the kids from my school started to work after doing GCSEs to help their families with money. Three years ago a Cambridge professor came to our school and talked to us about higher education and its advantages. He told us about the possibility of visiting Cambridge and spending a couple of days with students there. He also mentioned that it was possible to get financial help from the University. I got interested and applied for the following year’s Shadowing Scheme. For three days I became a “shadow” of a student studying Maths, the subject that I was interested in. We did everything together: had breakfast, attended lectures, even went to the music club. I was so impressed that I decided to break the family tradition and do A-levels. Getting through A-levels is a huge effort as I’ve got nobody to help. My results may still not be good enough for Cambridge, but I don’t lose hope. There is the Cambridge Special Access Scheme for students like me. This is a special scheme for the applicants who had no chance of getting a good education at school for health, financial, or family reasons. All the examiners are told about applicants with these kinds of problems, and if a student succeeds in impressing them, they may offer him or her a place, even if he or she doesn’t get the highest grades.” 6. That night we didn’t have much time to talk, because Rick was going to sit a Maths exam next morning. I thought I was lucky that there were no exams for my department. In the morning Rick and I wished each other the best of luck and promised to keep in touch. Soon afterwards I heard that I had been offered a conditional place at Cambridge. “Conditional” means that I’ll get a place if I get A grades in all my A-level exams. If I get lower grades, I won’t be accepted. So I just have to work really hard this year. And just yesterday I heard from Rick: he did so well in his exam that he got a place too! I am so much looking forward to seeing him in Cambridge. 12 Unit 1 Lessons 6, 7, 8 ( 4 ^ Fill in the gaps with the suitable words. 1. My friend____________________________an exam in Cambridge. 2. Kate applied to her local 3. David got a_________ 4. Mum was_____________ place at Cambridge. to the bank for an interview. 5. My friend is a brilliant student. He always gets__________________________ 6. David got all________________________________at his A-levels. 7. If you want to get into a British university, you need to send an online to UCAS. 8. David sent in some of his old school__________________________________ (D Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Swimming is useful.—_______ 2. Smoking ruins health.— ____________________________ 3. On receiving the telegram, he left the house immediately.— 4. After walking the dog, he went to bed.—_______ 5. On hearing his voice, she hid behind the curtains.— 6. She is fond of swimming. Let her join our swimming club.— 7. Before leaving our town, Andrew called me.— 8. Do you enjoy roller-skating? — _________ 9. When he finishes working, he will call me. 10. Everybody dislikes being laughed at.—___ 11. The teacher said, “Go on translating, George.”- 12. He gave up smoking when he was 30.- 13.1 can’t stand being looked at.— 14. He doesn’t mind his sta)dng with his friend’s family.— 15. The new film is worth seeing.— 16. He hates being lied to.—_____ 17. She prefers living alone.— __ Unit 1 Lessons 6, 7, 8 13 18. They stopped chattering when she entered.— 19. They continued discussing the problem when she left,— 20. Lisa started looking for her keys but then remembered that she had left them in the office. 21. She decided to stop thinking about the young man who didn’t call her back.— ("6 Read the story. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Choose the most suitable witty ending for the story. 1. “...but I am also fond of talking.” 2. “...but never mind! Go on pla)dng.” 3. “...but you should sing.” A CRITIC A young girl who liked (play) Shaw would be (in\dte)_______________ __________the piano found out that a young critic Bernard _ to a party. The girl was fond of (meet)___________famous people. She learned that most of all Shaw loved (be)_________________in a good company and (listen)------------to good music. The girl did not have a good voice so (sing)________________ was out of the question. She decided to (please)________________Shaw by (choose)_______________ some lovely piece of music and (play)_____________it at the party. She enjoyed (get)___________ ready for the event and when the great day came she (feel)____________________confident. /\lmost all the guests (arrive)______________and the girl had been playing the piano for half an hour when a young man (enter) the room. He was (introduce) to everybody as Bernard Shaw. The girl looked at him with admiration. She continued (play) ------------the piano. Bernard Shaw kept (pay)_______________no attention to the girl and started (talk)_____ ignored. (Attract) to do it. with one of the guests. The young girl disliked (be) Shaw’s attention was her dream, but she did not know how Finally she turned to Shaw and said loudly: “Excuse me, I have heard that you are fond of (listen)_________________to good music.” T am,” answered Bernard Shaw 14 Unit 1 Lessons 6, 7^ 8 1 I Read the text and circle the right option for each gap. STATE UNIVERSITY “I’m (1) of being a student at the oldest and best university in this country. All my friends told me it was (2) applying to MSU as the competition is known to be very high. However, I have always dreamt (3) studying at Moscow State University, so it was my first and only choice. I prepared my (4) documents and sent them by mail. As I had no other choices to make, I applied a long time before the (5) of 25 July. I checked what NSEs were (6) by my faculty and worked hard to get ready for them. Although NSE (7) are an important part of one’s application, the university holds its own exams too. I had to take three and I couldn’t help feeling nervous about them, as you can imagine! In the end I (8) them successfully and got a place. Not long ago, the university (9) its 250th anniversary. In 1755, on 25 January, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the decree that a university should be (10) in Moscow. Later this university was named after Mikhail Lomonosov, as he played the leading (11) in establishing it. From the start Moscow University developed its own democratic traditions: the lectures were held (12) in Latin and in Russian; they were open to the general public too. Tuition was (13) and every commoner had the right to get in. It was Lomonosov’s principle that only the academic achievements of a student should matter, not financial position or family background. This principle is still followed by the university today. Although every year there is huge (14) for each place, the university offers special conditions of entry to disabled applicants and children from disadvantaged families. 1. thankful, proud, responsible 2. fond of, worth, no use 3. slept, dreamt, objected 4. application, acceptance, online 5. last day, deadline, application form 6. required, admitted, considered 7. scores, success, essays 8. took, failed, passed 9. celebrated, played, invited 10. found, find, founded 11. place, part, activity 12. instead of, both, either 13. expensive, no money, free 14. condition, application, condition Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10, 11 15 (^^2^ Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. He never had a hope_______seeing her again. 2. The idea_______founding MSU came from Lomonosov. 3. His experience_______teaching Mathematics helped him to write a textbook. 4. She has a rare gift listening. 5. The habit_______getting up late prevented him from joining his friends on holiday. 6. He showed little interest_____learning the languages. 7. You need to think of the importance_______of regular exercise. 8. Her way________dealing with problems is very impressive. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words and expressions and translate them into Russian. 1. I can’t__________________London. It’s a beautiful city. 2. Go to the theatre. The film is really seeing. 3. It’s trying to learn English in two days. 4. My granny crying when she watches a film. 5. Is the new cafё visiting? 6. I was translating the text when she phoned. 4 j Read the texts and match the pictures with the expressions. a) Every inch a gentleman. b) Take care of the pennies; the pounds will take care of themselves. c) You cannot get a quart into a pint pot. d) In for a penny, in for a pound. e) Pretty penny. f) Not to budge an inch. 16 Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10, 11 COINING А PHRASE There are a lot of expressions in English which use the names of British coins. Since decimalisation in 1971, some of the coins no longer exist, but the expressions are still alive! If you take care of the pennies, the pounds will take care of themselves, because if you take care of the small things, the large things will be all right; however, if you are penny wise, pound foolish, you are careful in small matters but wasteful in large ones. When you are in for a penny, you are in for a pound, because once you have started something you should see it through. If somebody doesn’t care two pence, they don’t care at all. If you say that something cost a pretty penny, you mean it cost a lot of money. MEASURE FOR MEASURE H ,ave you ever noticed how many expressions in English use different forms of measurement? If you say that somebody is every inch a gentleman, you mean he is a complete gentleman, but if you say that he won’t budge an inch, you mean that he is being very obstinate about something. A milestone is a very important and significant event. When you inch forward, you move very slowly, and if when you give somebody an inch, they take a mile, then when you give them a little, they take the lot. You cannot get a quart into a pint pot — that is, you cannot pour a measure of liquid into a vessel which holds less than that measure — means you cannot do the impossible, and if you have tons of something, you have a great deal of it. Lastly, if your English is miles better than anybody else’s, it is much, much better! Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10, 11 17 ( б Think of the Russian proverbs and sayings which correspond to the English ones given in the text above. 6 ^ Make your own sentences. Think of the situations where these proverbs and sayings could be used. (^ 8^ Write English equivalents for the following Russian sentences. 1. Oh был экономным в мелочах и расточительным в больших делах.— 2. Это платье стоило кругленькую сумму, не так ли? — 3. Я разговаривал с ним — ему все равно.— 4. Он всегда следовал правилу: „Взялся за гуж, не говори, что не дюж“.— 5. Его английский намного лучше, чем у меня.— 6. Это событие стало вехой в истории страны.— 7. „Твой брат — джентльмен до кончиков ногтей.“ — „Да, я очень горжусь им“.— 8. Помогать ей — это таскать воду в решете.— 18 Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10, 1 9. Копейка рубль бережет.— 10. Не разговаривай с ним об этом. Ему палец дашь — он руку откусит.— Lessons 12, 13 1 J а) Open the brackets using gerund forms, b) Think of a witty ending for the story. I crossed the street to avoid (meet) . him, but he saw me and came (run) that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. towards me. It was no use (pretend)_____________ I never enjoy (meet)_____________Tony Bush. No matter how busy you are, he always insists on (come)________________with you. I had to think of a way to prevent him from (follow)______________ me around all morning. “Hello, Tony,” I said. “Imagine (meet) you here!’ I “Hello, Margaret,” Tony answered. “I was just wondering how to spend the morning until I i saw you. You’re not busy (do)___________anything, are you?” i “No, not at all,” I answered. “Г going to...” I “Oh, thank you for (give)____________me a great idea,” he continued, before I had finished I (speak)_____________ (^ 2 ^ Read the text and fill in the gaps using the parts of sentences below. There Is one extra part. Studying abroad An old friend of mine Janis Kovalski left Warsaw for Frankfurt (A) ___________________he is doing his PhD in paleontology there. Why Frankfurt? The answer is simple—the Senckenberg Research Institute (B)------------------------------------------ (C)____________________________________________this gifted young man was delighted to get a place in Frankfurt. At the moment he is interested in reconstructing our ancestors’ diet, so he is devoting his time to 3D models of Neanderthal teeth. He started getting used to living in the new city, although (D)---------------------- The main difficulty was the language, of course. He studied English (E)________________________ _______________________________, at school but German was a must if he wanted to make new friends. So Janis spends two evenings a week studying German and has made a huge progress since October, (F)_______________________________________________He also joined a local football club and is proud of becoming their goalkeeper. Nowadays Janis is very busy. He doesn’t know how to find the time for his usual evening telephone conversations with his family and friends, (G) ______________________________ 1. when he started the course 2. which he could also use with his colleagues 3. it hasn’t always been smooth sailing. 4. After receiving a grant from the European Virtual Anthropology Network 5. after graduating from Warsaw university 6. which used to be his lifeline when he first left home. 7. with its world famous department of Paleontology Look through the completed text and mark these statements true, false or not stated 1. Janis used to live in Warsaw. 2. Janis is living in Frankfurt. 3. There is a world known Paleontology Department in Frankfurt. 4. Neanderthal people ate a lot of meet. 5. Most of Janis’s fellow students speak English. 6. Janis is learning German to be able to study Paleontology. 7. Janis enjoys pla)dng football. 8. Phone calls from Warsaw to Frankfurt don’t cost much. 9. After moving to Frankfurt, Janis felt a bit homesick. [ 4 J Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. He thinks of travelling to India some day.—_________________ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 2. She was fond of dancing when she was young.— 3. He thanked me for calling.— 4. She agreed to staying with them during the summer.— 5. He objected to sitting next to John. 6. She prevented her son from accepting the invitation to the boat trip.— 7. She was surprised at having received a letter from an old friend.— 8. Why was she afraid of talking to her teacher? — 9. She always looks forward to visiting her granny.— 10. He was interested in cooperating with this company.— 20 Unit 1 Lessons 12, 13 (D Use the infinitive or the gerund forms, 1,1 started (write)_______________________ 2. She promised (go) 3. (Travel)__________ my letter this afternoon. __to the doctor. 4. She enjoys (cook) 5. Would you mind (open) 6. Let me (explain)________ by air is interesting, _________Indian meals. _______________the window? 7. I’m looking forward to (see) 8. Peter gave up (learn)________ 9. Last night, we tried (call)__ the exercise to you. ____________my parents again. 10. Are you interested in (visit)___ 11. My mother had forgotten (buy) Chinese. ____our parents. ______museums? _________sugar. So she made me (go) _____________________back to the supermarket. 12. Have you finished (paint)_____________________the room yet? No, I haven’t. 13.1 hope (see)_______ 14. May I (help)______ 15. We agreed (cook) you again soon. you? Yes, you can start (clean) the kitchen. a typical English meal for our guests. 16, He dislikes (dance) 17. Is (eat)______________ 18. Don’t let him (drive) ice cream allowed on this bus? ____________the car. Гб j Translate the sentences (Ex. 5) into Russian. Unit 1 Lessons 12, 13 21 г 7 J Think of a suitable way to complete the sentences. Use the Infinitive or the gerund forms. 1. We want 2. He avoided_________________ 3. She kept on________________ 4. My friend John has given up 5. We all enjoy_______________ to the cinema this evening. __her. 6. Sheila is looking forward 7. Mr Smith has promised _ 8. A friend of my mother’s taught me before 7.30 this evening. [ 1 Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1. Ann worked extremely hard to this university. a) get into b) graduate c) admit 2. There is a high_____________________for places, so many applicants will be disappointed. a) requirements b) competition c) exam , 3. Kate is_____________________school this year, so she needs to decide what she wants to do next. a) graduating b) leaving c) getting into 4. I don’t think she has any________________ yet. She is an undergraduate student. a) degree b) Bachelor of Arts c) Master of Arts 5. I want to impress my examiners, so I am taking a lot of_ a) compulsory b) optional c) entrance 6. If you are interested in this university, you can_______ a) write b) apply c) send 7. Those British students, who want to get into colleges, take a) A-level b) USE c) SAT exams. online. exams. 8. I am not surprised Pete his exam. He hadn’t done any revision. a) took b) resat c) failed 9. This student surprised everybody by her unusually high were very pleased, a) success b) grades c) references . Her teachers Change the sentences using these expressions with the right prepositions and the gerund. to avoid, to be worth, to give up, to be fond of, to keep, to look forward, to be proud, to put off, to succeed 1. She wanted a place at Oxford and she managed to get it.— 2. Tom doesn’t smoke anymore.— 22 Unit 1 Lessons 12, 13 and 14, 15 3. Try not to look at the textbook.— 4. Kate decided to leave later than she had planned.- 5. This bicycle breaks all the time.— 6. Ann really wanted to see her friend again.- 7. Our mum likes to tell everybody that she got the first prize in the local beauty contest.— 8. 1 like to ski.— 9. 1 would recommend anyone to watch this film.- CD Read about Oxford and Cambridge Universities and choose the correct answer or answers to each question. 1. Oxford is a) older than Cambridge. b) the oldest university in Europe. c) the oldest university in the world. 2. Cambridge was founded a) by King Henry 11. b) by Oxford scholars. c) by Queen Elizabeth I. 3. Oxford and Cambridge Universities a) are equally good. b) compete with each other. c) were both founded in 1167. Oxford and Carhbridge , 4. “The other place” is the expression used a) in Oxford to refer to Cambridge University. b) in Cambridge to refer to Oxford University. c) in England to refer to Paris University. 5. “Cambridge sent a challenge to Oxford” means a) Cambridge offered Oxford accommodation. b) Cambridge invited Oxford to a competition. c) Cambridge scholars said they received better education. S'. r:n.r The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge are the two oldest universities in Britain, and popular tourist destinations. However, nobody will be able to show a tourist the building of Oxford or Cambridge University. Both universities are just a name for two large groups of colleges situated in the cities of Oxford and Cambridge. Oxford is about forty years older than Cambridge. There is no exact foundation date, but the university is believed to have been founded around 1167. King Henry 11, got fed up with English students going to Paris to be educated, and so the first English university was created. Cambridge was founded around 1209 by Oxford scholars after a bitter disagreement with local townsmen. Oxford is uniquely beautiful. Its ancient buildings of honey-coloured stone are world-famous. Among these are Christ Church, which has been a site of religious worship since the seventh century, Tom Tower, built by Sir Christopher Wren, the Bridge of Sighs which makes everybody who sees it sigh, and many others. The heart of the university is perhaps the great Tudor dining hall at Christ Church College, where Charles 1 held sessions of parliament during the English Civil war, Elizabeth 1 watched a play, and Lewis Carroll thought over his ideas for Alice in Wonderland. This hall is the setting for some of the scenes in the Harry Potter films. Oxford and Cambridge, informally called Oxbridge, are considered to be equally good. They both take pride in a large number of the world’s most prominent scientists, writers, politicians and British prime ministers, who used to study there. However, there has always been a kind of friendly competition between the two universities, who usually refer to each other as “the other place”. The ultimate outcome of this competition is the Oxford and Cambridge boat race. The idea came to two friends, who happened to be students at Oxford and Cambridge respectively. On 12 March 1829 Cambridge sent a challenge to Oxford, and the tradition was born, and has continued to the present day. This legendary boat race is considered the world’s oldest sporting challenge, where every year the loser of the previous year’s race challenges the opposition to a re-match. Mark these statements true, false or not stated if there's no information. 1. Oxford is not the oldest European university. lZI 2. A lot of British prime ministers graduated from Cambridge. CZl 3. Elizabeth I used to visit Cambridge. HZI 4. All Cambridge teachers get educated in Cambridge. [HI 5. Lewis Carroll used to live in Oxford. iZH 6. Some Harry Potter scenes were filmed in the great Tudor dining hall. LZI 7. If Cambridge loses the Oxford and Cambridge boat race, it means that next year it will receive a challenge from Oxford. LZI ( 5^^ Do we need exams? Give reasons for and against. What should exams test? Why do a lot of clever people fail their exams? In what form would you prefer to take your exams? Write an essay (8-12 sentences). 24 Unit 1 Lessons 14, 15 Translate the expressions into English using participles. Use them in the sentences of your own. слушая музыку плачущий ребенок смеющаяся девочка играющие дети спящая красавица идущие люди работающий мужчина будучи смелым сидя в кресле ( 2 J Use Participle I and complete the sentences. 1. (Look)______________________at her friend, she realised that she had forgotten something important. 2. (Be)------- 3. The girl (look) 4. The (laugh)____ a perfectionist, Derek always tried hard to get the highest grades. ________________________for the job. Please be nice to her. woman near the window is a well-known writer. _______their favourite film, were angry when I interrupted 5. My parents, (watch)_________________ them. 6. (Work)--------------------in the outskirts of a big city, he needed a car. 7. Jim broke his leg (ski)___________________ 8. Ann ran to her parents (cry)______ 9. Jane was cleaning the floor (smile) for help. ________to herself. Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 25 Гз^ Rephrase the underlined parts of the sentences using Participle I. 1. She always makes a lot of mistakes when she does sums.—___ 2. Look at the girls who are eating ice cream. They are the best dancers in our village.— 3. When they have read the morning papers, the actors were very disappointed. They expected better reviews.— _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Because she doesn’t have any education. Alice gets a very small salary.— 5. When you see a star that is falling, you can make a wish.— 6. People were kissing each other goodbye and they were hurrying to take their seats. — I Put the verbs in brackets in the right form Hi everybody, My name is Natasha, and 1 (live) in Moscow. I never (be) your camp, but my friend Lisa Korolyova said you might be able to help me with some advice. The thing is, my father got a job in the UK and we (be)______________ going to stay there for three years. My parent won’t let me stay at home alone, so 1 (go)____________with them. I (leave)______________school here in Russia this year and I (plan)____________to get into a university, but what do I do now? It would be nice to go to a British college or university. (Look)_______at the admission rules, I found out that all British universities want applicants to have A-levels. But, (be)____________Russian, I haven’t of course got any! I (start)_________my own blog in the livejournal, so if you have any information for me, please write to me at www.community.livejournal.com/natashal07 a) Write the Russian equivalent for the following. tuition fees — __________________________________ a foundation programme accommodation — ______ knowledge —___________ to recognise smth / smb — to study for free — ________ 26 Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 to rent — to be allowed to do smth — b) Use the dictionary and find another meaning of the expression to recognise smth / smb. c) Convert these nouns into verbs. knowledge —____________________________________________]___________________________ foundation — _____ accommodation — application — __ d) Write the opposite of these words and expressions. to pay fees for studying —___________________________ pricey —_____________________________________________ to pass a test A lot of Camp Pineland friends from different countries decided to help Natasha. Read the messages and match each message with the information mentioned in it. There is one extra bit of information which won't be suitable for any of the messages. a) There are foundation programmes b) College Foundation Programme allows you to choose between a lot of universities c) Choose your university before a foundation programme d) Foundation programme requirements e) Ways of earning money f) Tuition costs g) It’s good to become a university member one year earlier h) Subjects that one will have to take on the programme i) Possibilities of reducing the tuition fees j) Application deadlines □ 2 □ 3 Q 4 □ 5 Coming from Turkey, I had the same problem. There is an easy answer. There are so-called foundation programmes which you can join. You do this programme for about nine months, and after you finish you can apply to practically any UK university. Be careful choosing the place where you do your programme. The university you apply to, later may not recognise it. Make up your mind about which university you want to go to first, and then ask them what foundation programmes they want. In our university we have our own foundation course called a Bridging Year. Students doing the Bridging Year are full members of the university, which is cool. Living on campus, you can use the same academic, social and sports facilities as other students. I did the programme called CFP (College Foundation Programme) in London. It allowed me to choose between a hundred universities. Check their FAQs. It’s pricey, though. It costs you about £7,500 just in tuition fees. All foundation programmes cost about the same. Try to save on accommodation. You can rent a small flat with other students. □ □ □ In my time foreign students, studying in the UK, were allowed to work up to 20 hours a week. Check it out! You can use this opportunity to earn a bit of extra cash. There are no special requirements for a foundation programme. However good grades from your Russian school are important. In some places you’ll be expected to have achieved at least 5.5 in lELTS or 450 in TOEFL or to have successfully passed some other equivalent exam. However, there are places where English will be a part of your programme. The guy writing that has no idea! You can take an intensive course in English, but that will be a separate programme. You will have to take Maths, Physics, History, Law, Psychology etc all in English, so your English has to be good. I did a CFP too. FYI The courses usually start in September, so be sure to apply before the end of July. They will need time to arrange for your visa and accommodation. Lessons 3, 4 Open the brackets using Participle II. 1. (Read)_______________newspapers were left on the table. 2. The teacher, (disappoint)________________________by the results of our test, gave us a lot of homework. 3. (Bore)_____________________ -, the boy ate everything he could find. 4. A man, (call) 5. The tree, (fall) 6. (Address)_______ Sam, is going to come and collect this box. _ in the storm, lay in the middle of the road. -----------so kindly, the poor little girl raised her eyes and smiled. 7. Secretly (follow) 8. (Tell)_____________ 9. The milk, (buy) _ in the act by the police, the criminal entered the house. ----to come earlier, he arrived an hour in advance of the meeting. three days ago, is still fresh. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Found in the street, the dog was very dirty.— 2. The chair, fixed by your son, was one hundred years old.— 3. Punished by his parents, Ron spent his holidays at home.— 4. Warned by her mother, she never spoke about the accident.— 28 Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 and 3, 4 5. Excited by the news, the boy ran home screaming.- 6. Built by his great-grandfather, this house has stood here for a century.— 7. Put in the water, the boat started to sink.— f 3 J Translate the expressions into English using participles. Use in the sentences of your own. книга, прочитанная мной — письмо, отправленное вчера — машина, проданная моим другом — холодильник, купленный родителями — контракт, подписанный вчера — _____ город, расположенный на юге — _____ дом, окруженный деревьями —________ Fill in the table with the missing parts of speech and expressions. Translate them into Russian. Write your own examples with each of them. Noun Verb / Expressions verb + noun ^Adjective blog — blogger to blog — to write a blog — to influence — to comment — — to impress — attention popular limit matter — discussion — Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 29 (^5 \ Fill in the gaps with the right words. A BLOG is short for weblog (the same as website). Often it’s a type of online diary or (1)__________________posted by a blogger, a person who writes a blog. Used as a verb, “to blog” means to add content to a blog. Bloggers write about their life, post pictures, videos or music which impressed them and which they want to (2)________________^with others. One of the main characteristics of a blog is that it’s public, and readers (3)_________to leave comments, start a discussion or offer help. Bloggers share their private life with others, but they can (4)__________________anonymous. (5)_____________________of real names and images, bloggers often use nicks and avatars, which become their identities in cyberspace. Bloggers form social networks and communities called the blogosphere. Unlimited by time, distance, money, race and social status, bloggers can (6)______________with anybody in the world. A New York taxi driver may become Brad Pitt’s favourite blogger, a life of a housewife can get more (7)___________________than the latest celebrity marriage. Some blogs, read by thousands of people, get really famous and even get published as books. Bloggers become influential writers, political commentators and their opinions (8)___________________This (9)__________________of communicating is getting more and more popular. Even the President of this country finds the time to write his own blog and share his life and thoughts with fellow bloggers. 1 a) commentary b) life story c) biography 2 a) give b) share c) post 3 a) have to b) will c) are supposed 4 a) remain b) respect c) keep 5 a) instead b) insist c) because 6 a) get in touch b) write c) speak 7 a) suggestion b) attention c) applications 8 a) influence b) mean c) matter 9 a) blog b) idea c) way 6 ^ Read about abbreviations and mark these facts true, false or not stated. 1. BC is usually used next to a year. 2. BA is a university degree. 3. MA is a higher title than BA. 4. EEC is the European Economic Community. 5. UNO stands for You Know All. 6. Etc stands for and so on. 7. Most of English abbreviations are derived from Latin. 8. Mon means May. 9. VAT means Value Added Tax. 10. PS means that there is an extra note after the letter. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ П 30 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 Are Abbreviated English re you ever puzzled by abbreviations and acronyms in English? Well, here are some of the most common ones together with their explanations, to help you understand this strange form of English! The days of the week and the months of the year are sometimes abbreviated, so you will find Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat / Sun and Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / Dec. When the year is mentioned you may notice AD or BC is used. AD stands for Anno Domini, meaning in the year of the Lord, so that this year is AD 2000. BC means Before Christ, so we can say, for example, that Julius Caesar was born in 101 BC. The courtesy titles that come in front of people’s names are usually abbreviated forms of longer words. Mr stands for Mister, a weakened form of Master, and Mrs is short for Mistress, meaning a married woman. However, Miss, meaning a single woman, and also deriving from Mistress, is not abbreviated at all. Nowadays it has been suggested that a woman’s marital status should not be indicated by her name, and the form Ms has been put forward to mean both Miss and Mrs, so it could be said to be short for them both! If you see Dr in front of a person’s name, it means that the person is a Doctor — either an academic or a medical one. Rev is short for Reverend and if a man has that title, it means that he is a clergyman. The letters Esq. stand for Esquire, a polite form of address which may be used after a man’s name instead of putting Mr in front of it. Letters of address which may be used indicating university degrees always come after a person’s name: BA or BSc (Bachelor of Arts or Science), MA or MSc (Master of Arts or Science) and PhD (Doctor of Philosophy). Names of countries and organisations are sometimes abbreviated: UK stands for the United Kingdom, GB for Great Britain, USA for the United States of America. The BBC is the British Broadcasting Corporation, the EEC is the European Economic Community or the Common Market, and the UNO is the United Nations. Etc, from et cetera, means the rest, and so on. Some abbreviations used in business and correspondence are the following: Co., Ltd, no., per cent, p.a., COD, CBD and VAT, ASAP meaning Company, Limited, number, in every hundred (from the Latin per centum), every year (from the Latin per annum). Cash On Delivery, Cash Before Delivery, Value Added Tax (a form of tax on purchased goods and services) ASAP means As Soon As Possible. PTO at the bottom of a page means Please Turn Over, PS at the end of a letter means a note added afterwards (from the Latin post scrip turn), whilst RSVP means please reply. And lOU means what it says — I owe you! There are some frequently used expressions in English which are derived from Latin — although many English people are not aware of their origins! E.g., from exempli gratia, means for example, i.e., from id est, means that is. Perhaps one of the best-known abbreviated forms in English is OK, but no one knows exactly how it was derived, though a long-established suggestion is that some semi-literate warehouseman in the past marked his boxes and bales OK, in the mistaken belief that all correct was spelt ol korrect. Anyway today it is an abbreviation without a full form! 'fll j UK EEC USA PS *5C|* Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 31 Find Russian equivalents to these abbreviations. E.g. --------------------------------------- Etc— _______________________________________ VAT —_______________________________________ PS —________________________________________ RSVP — Ltd— _ MA— _ BA — [ 8 ^ Search online and find more interesting abbreviations. Lessons 5, 6 ( 1 Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Having eaten fish and chips, we ordered some ice cream. 2. Having been bullied as a child, the man became very aggressive when he grew up.— 3. Bullying other children, the boy lost all his friends.— 4. Having been left alone, the cat jumped out of the window.— 5. Having cleaned the room, she decided to have some rest.— 6. Cleaning the room, she decided to have some rest and left the floor unwashed.—. 7. Having been washed and dried, the dress looked as good as new.- 8. Having read the letter, the man became very pale and asked for some water.— 9. The man reading the letter became very pale and asked for some water.— 32 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 and 5, 6 ( 2 } Open the brackets using Participle I or Participle II. 1 a) (Написав) a new picture, Dali used to show it to his wife. b) (Bo время написания) a new picture, Dali used to show it to his wife. 2. a) (Считая) the children, she kept making mistakes and starting from the beginning. b) (После того как их посчитали), the children started to board the plane. 3 a) (После того как его продали), the dress was removed from the window. b) (Продавая) her biscuits, she would put one of them in her mouth when she thought nobody was watching. 4. a) (Прожив) in a little village all his life, he found it hard to find his way around the airport, b) (Живя) in a little village, we rarely went to the theatre or visited art galleries. 5. a) She closed the door (оставив) the key in the room, b) She left the room (оставляя) them alone. 6. a) (После того как их пригласили) to the party, the girls spent all weekend getting ready, b) (Приглашая) на вечеринку, он забыл указать свой адрес. 7. а) (Читая) the book, she fell asleep. b) (Поскольку OH прочитал ) the book before, he decided not to buy it. ( 3 J Translate these expressions into English. Use them in the sentences of your own. закончив завтракать — дописав страницу —____ начав новый проект — записав его адрес —___ Unit 2 Lessons 5, 6 33 4 j Form the participles from the verbs. to include — Participle I Passive — to develop — Perfect Participle Active — to give — Perfect Participle Passive —_______ to promise — Participle II —_________________ to invite — Perfect Participle Passive — ______________________________________________ Rephrase the sentences using participles. Model: John felt tired. He sat down for a few moments.— Feeling tired, John sat down for a few moments. 1. We sat in the living room. We played “Monopoly”. 2. She passed her driving test. She bought a car. 3. He was chosen to play. He went out and bought some football boots. 4. He studied at Oxford. He went to work in Germany. 5. She lost her purse. She went to the police. 6. We arrived late. We didn’t find much food left. (^6^ Fill in the table with the missing words and expressions. Write your own examples with each of them. Noun Verb J:--:.' Adjective charge to charge — rent — space — to heat — — affordable provider — accessible service — choice — privacy — 34 Unit 2 Lessons 5, 6 ©Fi„ in the gaps with the right parts of speech. 1. The university campus is located two miles away from Colchester, Britain’s (OLD) recorded town and the former Roman capital. 2. There is a good bus (SERVE)_________taking about 20 minutes to get there. 3. Students are welcome to (RENT)__________their own accommodation or (CHOICE) an option offered by the university. 4. Living on campus has a big advantage as all university facilities are easily (ACCESS)----- 5. (SHARE)_____________with students from all over the world, university accommodation will give you the chance to make new friends from many different cultures. 6. You will share a (SPACE)___________kitchen, but you will be able to have your own space in your bedroom for those times when you want (PRIVATE)_______________All accommodation is networked, so you can use your computer to access the Internet and University network from your room free of charge. 7. Charges for university accommodation include (HEAT)____________, gas, electricity and hot water. 8. Rooms are normally (LET)______________for the full period of the academic year. ^ 8 } Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. How much will you charge for this room? — ________________________________________________ 2. Is the nearest shop easily accessible? —__________________________________________________ 3. What facilities have you got in the flat? — ______________________________________ 4. Will there be an extra charge for the heating or is it included in the rent? — 5. My friend has got a flat to let.— ______________________ 6. You can use this washing machine free of charge.— ______ 7. He’s left his money at home and now he can’t pay the bill.— Unit 2 Lessons 5, 6 35 8. They offer lunch at a very affordable price. 1 often eat there.— 9. Helen is short of bread. Get her some if you go to the shop.— Lessons 7, 8 CD Read the texts and complete them with these statements. Make sure you find a suitable place for each of them. 1. Just imagine going through campus a couple of months later, when you know everybody and your new friends greet you. It will make someone who lives off campus and doesn’t have a chance to meet so many people really jealous. 2. Mum and Dad will not be around forever and we need to learn to solve our problems by ourselves. 3. Housemates can turn your life into a complete nightmare if you don’t get on well. 4. Your future depends on finding the right accommodation as well as finding the right university. 5. You can even save on warm clothes — as getting from one building into another won’t take more than a couple of minutes. 6. Being able to stick to your usual lifestyle and make your own rules, is another huge advantage. 7. Cinemas, discos, libraries — they are all so much nearer, cheaper and safer on campus and you don’t have to worry about catching the last bus home. 8. There are no extra bills to worry about and there are special help groups and teachers around if you have a problem or just need to talk. Bryan: Nowadays, more and more students go to study far from home. (_ -) Some students choose to live off campus. And in my opinion, they are right. The first huge advantage is that a student living in a private house can choose his or her housemates. Living on campus, a student usually doesn’t have the right to choose his or her flatmate. It all sounds fine in the university leaflets, but in reality living with so many people from different countries and cultures often causes stress. (_) Everything from eating habits to the way of socialising and celebrating may lead to misunderstandings, fights and frustration. Do you need all those extra problems when you have to study? (_____) Students renting their own flats don’t have to follow the strict rules and regulations introduced by the university. They can come home late at night, organise a party in the middle of the week or invite guests to stay for a weekend. Finally, living off campus with all the bills to pay will make people grow up quicker. (_) 36 Unit 2 Lessons 5, 6 and 7, 8 Diana: Having talked to everybody, I decided to live on campus, and it was the right decision. There are undoubtedly certain limits that must be accepted if a student chooses to live on campus, but it is safer, easier and much more interesting. Yes, your flatmates can be a problem, but learning how to share limited space with others will prepare you to deal with people later in life. At the same time you get the opportunity to mix with other students who have similar interests and to exchange useful information and experiences with them. (______) Many clubs and cultural activities take place at the weekend making it worthwhile for students to live on campus. (_____) When you live on campus, you find that you are in the midst of everything you need. You find that you are close to libraries, computer labs, large study rooms for group study or meetings, the student health centre, the student bookshop and classroom buildings. (_____) You feel protected. (____) You don’t have to deal with contracts, unreasonable conditions and bills. You can concentrate on your studies, which is what you are at university for. Marianna Kaufman is the author of this book. When she was 22, she went to study in the University of Essex. Read her diary and put the paragraphs in the right order. Then match the headings with the paragraphs. There is one extra heading which should be left out. A. Winter holidays B. Studies C. Taking exams D. University Socs E. Assignments stress F. Two years later G. Having fun as a student 1. I am really depressed. The deadlines are approaching and I am somewhere in the middle of writing my assignments. I do not know how I am going to finish everything on time. I have run out of ideas, 1 am tired, I am miserable! Somebody help me! Why haven’t I started earlier? These days I study day and night. I spend most of my time in the library. Thank God it is open till 10 o’clock in the evening. Of course, all the books I need are already taken, but there are also copies of all books, that people cannot take out, so I am using them. It is possible to reclaim the books from other readers. Once I ask the library they will write to the person who has the book that I need and Unit 2 Lessons 7 8 37 make them return it quicker. However, I do not know if it is going to help me now. I do not have any time to wait. The computer labs are full these days. Students have to wait in long queues until they can use a computer. Everybody is writing essays, everybody looks worried and pale. Netsurfing is strictly prohibited, people need computers for work. I am very lucky to have my own computer in the room. I can’t imagine how people manage to concentrate in the overcrowded labs. The teachers are hardly available for talks now. Their consultation hours are fully booked, so those who did not think about it earlier have to face the music. Some of my friends get extensions. In other words they go to the lecturers and complain about life, health and stressful relationships. If they are lucky, the teacher will extend the deadline for one or two weeks. Nearly everybody is talking about getting an extension, but most of us are too proud to ask for them. Campus Map ---- ALBERT /■^SLOMAN ^ UBRARY LAK ^IDE VISITORS’^CEPTION INFORMATION CENTRE / LECTURE THEATRE BUILSiNG i.- 2. My first class is today, I haven’t met my teachers or my group yet. The first meeting of the Linguistics department is at 9 a.m. in Lecture Building 2. I must be very careful not to miss it, the campus is really big and I still don’t 38 Unit 2 Lessons 7, 8 even know where the Lecture Building is. Of course, I am late, but still in time to find out who my course directors are and how the studies are going to be organised. Our department is quite big and is divided into different groups according to the area of specialisation. My main subject is Sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics together with Sociolinguistics methods are my compulsory modules. 1 must attend them regularly. Other modules (3 more) I can choose by myself. There are about 70 options to choose from and it is not necessary to make the choice immediately. We are given about two weeks to go, listen to the lectures and decide what we want to be doing for the rest of the term. Next term, however, we can pick up new modules. Once the modules are chosen it is our responsibility to attend them regularly and write assignments on the topics suggested by the teacher. There are also deadlines for handing assignments in. As soon as the secretary gets it she puts the time into her computer. Those who are late lose 2 or 3 points (per cent) per day from their final mark. The work is marked in per cent. So theoretically the highest mark is 100 per cent, but in reality 70-75 per cent is the highest possible result. To be awarded the degree a student should get not less than 60 per cent for each of his assignments. This standard is much lower for the undergraduates though. 1 cannot believe it has been only a month since I came to the University. The campus is my home now. 1 get up and go to the lectures. They are always interesting and informative. The lecturers give us handouts with everything they say during the lecture, so we do not have to waste our time on writing. Instead we can participate and have endless discussions. We already know the topics for our assignments, but nobody has started writing them yet. The teachers do not ask about them either. They are always happy to help, but only if we ask them to. We still have a month before the first deadline, so we are all enjoying ourselves and our local pub called “The Top Bar” is full every evening. We watch films, go to the fitness room and to different parties arranged by the socs. The most recent one was organised by the Mexican soc and was devoted to Halloween. The whole University made costumes and bought masks. It was a great night. There are also evenings when I am too tired to go out. Then I just stay home. In our flat there are thirteen rooms. In fact it is not a flat, but a floor of a 14-storeyed building, but traditionally it is called “a flat”. We all live in our own rooms, but the kitchen is for everybody to share. We like it this way. It is very big and modern and always full of people, who will listen to you, help you or just treat you to some special food, which you have never tried before. It is a club of our flat with a huge table in the middle, where there is enough room for everybody. Unit 2 Lessons 7, S 39 Today is a very interesting event which is a part of every new university year. Our University societies (socs) are making a big exhibition so the new students can join the societies they are interested in. To become a member one should pay an entrance fee. In some cases it is just one pound, in other cases it is much more than that. Usually a society member automatically receives ah the news, is invited to lectures, discussions and parties and, moreover, gets a big discount from an entrance fee to the soc’s parties. There are about 50 different societies and each one has a table on the main square. My friends and I are walking around thinking and talking. Some of the socs are not very interesting for us. A Greek soc, a Turkey soc, an Irish soc, a Mexican soc. They are for people who come from these countries. We will come to them later, when they make their parties and invite everybody to listen to their music, try their food and dance with them. To do that it is not necessary to be a member. There are also socs, organised by departments, like a Sociology soc, a Computer soc, a Law soc. They are not very popular either. We attend classes апзпл^ау! So most of the students are attacking a couple of tables which belong to the Film soc (an absolute winner) and a Fitness soc. It is quite expensive to join them, but it is worth it. A film society for example shows three films every week so a member can watch them nearly for free when all other students have to pay 3 pounds for each movie. The Fitness soc gives you a free annual entry to the University fitness room. So we become the members of these socs. 5. Today is my graduation day, my last day in Essex. Everything — assignments, exams, long nights in the pubs is now in the past. I have already forgotten how hard I had to work for this day, I just feel sad as my student days are through. My friends and I are going to attend a Congregation where the title of Master of Arts (MA) is going to be confirmed on me. At the moment I am trying on my gown and a student’s cap. The gown is black, loose and long and has a big hood with a white and red lining. It looks quite medieval, which is not surprising — the tradition to wear these clothes in universities is quite ancient. Students of Oxbridge as we call them still have to wear their gowns for exams, but in other universities gowns are worn only for special occasions. And Congregation is the most important one, the result of years of study. Ten minutes later I am already sitting in the Great Hall. It is beautifully decorated and on the main wall there is written the motto of the University of Essex “Thought The Harder — Heart The Keener”. The University hymn is being played and Professors and Doctors of the University are entering the Hall. The last one to enter is the Lord Chancellor. He is wearing a red gown and a cap. He greets the graduates and their parents and friends and calls out our names one after another. When my turn comes I am half — dead with excitement and cannot remember what to do, though before the ceremony I carefully read the instructions. Finally I approach the Lord Chancellor, he congratulates me, we shake hands and I receive my diploma. 40 Unit 2 Lessons 7. 8 6. “Merry Xmas, baby,” I sing on as I am listening to the music and packing my suitcases. I did it! I have written all my essays and handed them on time! I am going to spend my winter holiday with my old friends in Tunbridge Wells. I haven’t seen them since that sad moment in October when they brought me to campus. It will be sad to say goodbye to my fellow-students for a month, but nearly everybody is going anyway. The campus looks grey and empty. Bye! My taxi has arrived! ( 3 j| Answer some specific questions to the paragraphs above. ^ ' irric ■ jj k- 1 Paragraph 1 t 1. Why does Marianna have to spend day and night in the library? 2. How is the problem of books solved? 3. What does “to reclaim a book” mean? Paragraph 2 | 1. What was Marianna able to find out though she was late? 2. What is Marianna’s main subject? 3. What is a “module”? 4. How many modules does Marianna have to choose? 5. Describe the way modules are chosen. 6. What do the students have to do after the modules are chosen? 7. What is a deadline? 8. Describe the procedure of handing an assignment in. 9. How is the work marked? Unit 2 Lessons/, 8 41 10. what is the highest mark? 11. How many per cent should a student get to be awarded MA? Paragraph 3 1. Does Marianna like the lectures? Why?. 2. Do the students bother about writing assignments? Why not? Are the teachers ready to help? 3. How do they spend free time? 4. What party did the Mexican soc organise? 5. What is called “a flat”? i Paragraph 4 I 1. Why are University socs making a big exhibition? 2. What should one do to become a member? 3. What are the advantages of being a soc’s member?. 4. How many socs are there at the University of Essex? Describe some of them. 5. What socs did Marianna choose and why? rZj Mark these statements true, false or not stated. If there is no information in Marianna's diary try to speculate or use the Internet to find out. 1. The academic year in British universities starts on 1 September. 2. University students do not have much money to spend. 3. Marianna and her friends joined the Mexican society. 4. A society member pays less for parties and movies. 5. There was no Internet connection in the university. 6. Every student had to buy his own computer. 7. In the middle of the term students spent a lot of time dancing at parties and drinking in the bar. 8. Students are not allowed to drink alcohol. 9. The university library is very good. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 42 Unit 2 Lessons 7, 8 10. There are deadlines for handing in the assignments. dl 11. A lot of people took pride in getting extensions for their assignments. П 12. Marianna failed to meet all the deadlines. d] 13. Marianna spent her winter holidays in Russia. d 14. The Congregation is held on 15 August. d 15. British university students started wearing gowns in the 14th century. Id 16. The first European University was Cambridge. d 17. Oxbridge is the abbreviation for Oxford and Cambridge. d 18. Marianna was very sad to leave the university. d 19. All modules are compulsory. id 20. The minimum assignment pass grade is 70. d 21. A lot of students get 100 for their assignments. Id 22. The requirements for undergraduates are less strict than for graduates, d 1 ^ Choose the right words and fill in the gaps. OK! You’re on your own here. There is no Mummy doing all the searching for you and asking all the right questions. So how on earth do you find a house? Don’t panic; (1)__________________are in the same boat. You need to begin by making a list of what you want in a house. For instance, do you want a bath or will just a shower be OK? Do you want a washing machine (my advice — YES — launderettes are a nightmare and you can’t (2) ________________________ to have things cleaned for you)? Are you OK with (3)____________________ a bathroom or do you want an en suite of your own? You also need to think about where your house is (4)__________________— bus and train fares can add up to a lot of money. When you finally find a place that sounds good and is not going to (5)_________________ you a fortune, go and see it. Never believe anybody, even if the person says he or she (6) ---------------there last year. Sometimes a place sounds perfect, but the minute you walk through the door, you understand you can’t live there. And sometimes a place doesn’t sound thrilling, but you’ll probably fall in love with it the moment you see it. I’ll never forget how a friend of mine went to view a flat which she was supposed to share with an old lady and her lovely little dog. When she went inside, she saw a huge Staffordshire terrier, so she was glad she (7) _______________before moving in. Secondly, make sure you take with you a list of questions you want to ask. Will you have to pay the rest of the (8)______________if the other rooms aren’t filled? How big Unit 2 Lessons 7, 8 and 9, 10 43 is the deposit and will it be returned at the end of your rent? Is there a garden — are you responsible for it? Are the rooms lockable? Is the house in good (9) -------------------? If the landlord promises to have things repaired, get his promises included in the contract. There are also a few things you should look out for: what is included in the rent and how much are the extra (10)__________________? So if you’ve found a house for ^(^'40 a week, but it doesn’t cover any bills — you aren’t going to (11)----------------money, especially if the other rooms are empty. Don’t forget that the rent must be agreed before the contract. Before you sign, you can negodate with the landlord to get better conditions and save money. Always try to get your contract checked and remember to get a copy of it! And most of all, start looking early because, as I’ve already said, we’re all in the same boat, so there’ll be hundreds of students looking for (12)-------------------- 1. a) all b) everybody c) somebody 2. a) insist b) suggest c) afford 3. a) sharing b) share c) wash 4. a) place b)found c) located 5. a) price b) rent c) cost 6. a) was living b) lived c) has lived 7. a) checked b) tested c) asked 8. a) cost b) rent c) price 9. a) situation b) view c) condition 10. a) bills b) fares c) money 11. a) spend b) save c) pay 12. a) accommodation b) campus c) room Look through the text and find the English equivalents to the following sentences and expressions in Russian. 1. Ты здесь сам по себе.- 2. Мы здесь все в одной лодке.— 3. Прачечные самообслуживания — это кошмар.- 4. Ты не можешь себе позволить, чтобы вещи для тебя стирали.— 5. Из стоимостей за проезд на автобусе и поезде может сложиться большая сумма.— 6. Она была рада, что проверила, прежде чем въезжать.- 44 Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 7. Тебе придется оплачивать часть аренды за остальные комнаты, если они не будут сданы?—____________________________________________________________________ 8. Комнаты закрываются? — 9. Если хозяин жилья обещает, что какие-то вещи будут починены, убедись в том, что эти обещания будут включены в контракт.—________________________________________ 10. Не забывай, что арендная плата должна быть согласована до подписания контракта.— 11. До того как ты подпишешь контракт, ты можешь торговаться с хозяином жилья за лучшие условия и сэкономить деньги.—____________________________________________________ Study the advertisments. British local newspapers usually contain several pages of advertisements which are grouped in various categories. Here are some categories and below are some typical advertisements. Choose the category under which each advertisement would appear. a) House for Sale b) Services c) Lost and Found' d) Coming Events e) Used Cars f) Travelling g) Jobs h) For Sale Two weeks on Greek island from £300. Telephone Mediterranean Travel. 0065 165837. 'ЛняШИШ ■£,10 re-ward o£*£*ered £’or inforiiiatioji leading {*> return our blacls and wJiite kitten, vrJiicJi went ipissing in tlie Ansty area. Telepiioixe An^ty 48^69. Part time waiter / waitress required. White Hart Hotel. 0065 222549. Town centre, semi-detached, three bedrooms, garden. £65,000. Phone 0065 978631. Sofa and two chairs. Good condition. Any offer over £30 considered, i Telephone 006S 447661 after 6 p.m. I ийкнвюёк'. I Ten-year-old Ford Fiesta. One careful owner. 45,000 miles only. I £1200. Tel. 0065 227952. 1 i Luigi Bertorelli, Italian pianist, at the City Hall, Wednesday I 13th September, 8.15 p.m. One performance only. Tickets ■ I bookable in advance. 8 I Plumber, available 24 hours. 0065 229987. Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 45 Revise your Grammar Прилагательные и наречия Прилагательные поясняют существительные, В предложении они обычно выполняют функции: 1. определения к существительному: It was а rainy day. 2. именной части составного именного сказуемого (предикатив): The girl was unhappy. 3. части составного глагольного сказуемого: We got wet. (Мы промокли.) Наречия поясняют глаголы, прилагательные и другие наречия: а) наречие + глагол: She speaks English fluently. глагол наречие б) наречие + прилагательное: She speaks extremely fluent English. наречие прилагательное в) наречие + наречие: She ran very quickly. наречие наречие • Некоторые наречия образованы не от прилагательных, поэтому к ним не добавляется окончание -1у. К таким наречиям относятся: 1) большинство наречий частотности: often, sometimes, never, ever, always, seldom. 2) наречия, которые поясняют другие наречия: very, too, rather, quite, pretty. Например: She ate her breakfast too quickly.— Она ела завтрак слишком быстро. 3) некоторые наречия, которые имеют одинаковую форму с прилагательными: early, fast, far, long, low, only, straight, hard. Например: She is a fast driver. He drives too fast. прилагательное наречие • Существ)чот пары наречий, которые образованы от одного корня, но отличаются по смыслу: late — поздно near — близко hard — упорно lately — в последнее время nearly — почти hardly — едва 4 Put in the correct fornn of the word in brackets. Adjective or adverb? 1.1 don’t feel (well)_________________I think I’ll go home and have a (good) night’s sleep tonight. 2. You’ve been (wrong) informed, or perhaps you’ve got the (wrong) ______________address. This house is not for sale. 3. Spanish is a (terrible)__________________difficult language to understand because the Spanish speak so fast. 4. She’s a (fast)______________ driver. She drives too (fast) for me! 5. Can you recommend me a (good) _ (well)_______________written? English course? A book that is really 6. (sudden) I (near) _ I heard a loud bang. It was so (near) that ________________had a heart-attack! 7. Grammar is not always (easy)___________________, but you can (easy) this exercise. do 46 Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 8. In winter it gets (dark) Northern Scotland. 9. (good)---------------- . very (rapid) in this part of ideas are not always (easy) to find. If you want to do a thing (good) (hard)____________________ 10. Yesterday it rained (heavy)___ you have to work and even today we’ve had some (heavy) 11. Do you (serious) 12. I’m (happy)_____ showers. 13. He marched (angry)_ 14. She worked very (hard) _____expect me to believe your story? to say that John and Deborah are now married. ________out of the room. ___________for her exams. It was a (hard)_____ time for her and her family. She was so (busy) (hard)______________________ever saw her. that her friends 15. I’ve got a (bad) (bad)__________ 16.1 (usual)_______ toothache. If my tooth goes on hurting as as this, I’ll have to go to the dentist’s. ___go to bed at ten o’clock. Lessons 11,12 i 1 I Look at the advert and answer the questions. 1. Who is the landlord?________________ 2. How many rooms are occupied? 3. How many rooms are to let? _ 4. What isn’t included in the rent? 5. Is there any furniture in the rooms? Landlord: Address: Property туре: Bedrooms: Rent: Deposit: Rent includes: Jerry Petterson A cosy house with a lot of character Bamly Drive, Greenstead House five out of five available £45.00 per person per week Property only to be let as a whole £220 per person per year Electricity ® Gas 0 Water Й, furniture is to be provided by tenants Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 and 11, 12 47 ( 2^ Imagine that you are renting this property with two friends. Write a letter home and describe it. Pear Мигл and Padj I'm renting a nice three bedroom house with two other students. The rent is £(ЬО.ОО per person per week, which is a hit expensive^ however all the hills... Landlord: Address: Property lype: Bedrooms: Rent: Deposit: Facilities: Ш Helen Bennett Sebastian Close, Greenstead House one out of three available £60.00 per person per week, including all the bills Property only to be let as a whole £100 per person per year ✓ washing machine ^ fridge-freezer ✓ microwave ✓ smoke alarm ✓ shower Л telephone Л en suite bathroom Л tumble dryer ✓ free wireless Internet Fill in the gaps in the advert with the suitable words. Address: Bedrooms: _____: Katherine Parr Ashley Way, Greenstead туре: House three out of three____ 1 room has an________ bathroom. Rent: Deposit: Rent_____ all rooms are fully furnished £59.00___________________person £400___________________person _ week year heating, water, use of landlord’s washing machine Facilities: ✓ washing i/ fridge-freezer X microwave ✓ smoke alarm ✓ shower ✓ telephone ✓ tumble______ ✓ free________ Internet 48 Unit 2 Lessons 11,12 Read the text and match the pictures with the expressions. a) to pay through the nose b) to be under someone’s thumb c) to have a sweet tooth d) to be all ears e) to pick someone’s brains f) to keep stiff upper lip g) to have a finger in every pie J—inglish has many colloquial expressions to do with the body — from head to toe! Here are some of the commonest ones. To keep your head is to remain calm, but to lose it is to panic and do something foolish. If something is above or over your head, it is too difficult for you to understand. If you have something on the brain, you can’t forget it, and if you pick someone’s brains, you talk a problem over with them to see if they have any good ideas. To pay through the nose is to pay a very high price for something, but if you turn up your nose at something you despise it. If you’re all ears, you listen very attentively, and if you keep your ear to the ground you listen and watch out for signs of future events. To see eye to eye with someone is to agree with them. To keep stiff upper lip is the traditionally British quality of not showing any emotion in times of trouble. To have your tongue in your cheek is to say one thing and mean something else. To have a sweet tooth is to have a taste for sweet food, and to do something by the skin of your teeth is to just manage to do it. To stick your neck out is to do something risky or dangerous, and to keep someone at arm’s length is to avoid getting too friendly with them. If you have a finger in every pie, you are involved in a lot of different projects. To be under someone’s thumb is to be under their influence. To be thick-skinned is to be insensitive to criticism, but to be thin-skinned is to be oversensitive. If your blood boils, you are furious about something, and if it freezes in your veins, you are terrified. If you pull someone’s leg, you tease them. To fall on your feet is to be very fortunate. To find your feet is to become used to a new situation, but to get cold feet is to become frightened or nervous about something. Unit 2 Lessons П, 12 49 (D Find the English equivalents to the following Russian expressions, приложить руку---------------------------------------- держаться на расстоянии — быть сладкоежкой — ______ сохранять присутствие духа — . слушать очень внимательно — не терять голову — __________ воспользоваться чьими-то идеями — еле-еле, с большим трудом —_______ рисковать— _______________________ быть в курсе событий (держать ухо востро) — заплатить огромную сумму — ______________ быть неискренним —_______________________ испугаться, струсить — быть под влиянием — _ выити из затруднительного положения — быть толстокожим — ____________________ морочить голову, дразнить — встать на ноги —_________ быть чувствительным — кровь стынет в жилах — ) Complete these sentences with expressions to do with the body? a) have a finger in every pie b) pick your brains c) pulling my leg d) by the skin of our teeth e) on the brain f) under her thumb g) see eye to eye 1. We got up so late this morning that we had to run to the station, and we just caught the train 2. I’ve got a problem I’d like to discuss.— Can I come and-------------------this afternoon? 3. John does everything his mother says.— He’s certainly---------------------------------- 4. Tom and his sister disagree about everything.— They simply don’t----------------------- 5. I never know whether Sam is being serious or whether he’s------------------------------ 6. You really____________________________________________— You’re involved in so many things! 7. I can’t forget that song.— I’ve got it ------------------------------------------------ 50 Unit 2 Lessons 11, 12 Selr-assissment test (T^ Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. He likes playing the piano.— _______________ 2. They stopped smoking when they saw a teacher.- I |>II l^''i^^lll«ll^ и"Я1П1^ 3. My mother enjoys knitting.- 4. She avoided seeing him for a month.— 5. The film Titanic is worth seeing.— __ 6. She thought a lot before marrying John.— 7. You can set the machine in motion by pushing the button.— 8. Excuse me for calling you so early.—________ 9. She was talking without looking at him.— 10. It had stopped raining when we left the house.— 11. Go on reading please.— 12. She finished eating and went to bed.- 13. He insisted on her coming.— __________________ 14. The man, reading a newspaper, is my brother.— 15. She was tired of working.— _______________ 16. They made a list of places liked by the tourists.— 17. Having sent the telegram, he went home.— 18. Travelling by boat, he had a lot of fun.- 19. We heard him singing in the next room.— 20. We want them to participate in the debates.— 21. She gave up exercising a year ago. Unit 2 Lessons 13, 14 51 Use the infinitive or the Gerund. 1.1 started (write)________________ 2. She promised (go) 3. (Travel)_________ my letter this afternoon. __to the doctor. 4. She enjoys (cook) 5. Would you mind (open) 6. Let me (explain)________ by air is interesting. _________Indian meals. _______________the window? 7. I’m looking forward to (see) 8. Peter gave up (learn)_________ 9. Last night we tried (call)____ the exercise to you. ____________my parents again. 10. Are you interested in (visit)___ 11. My mother had forgotten (buy) Chinese. ___our parents. ______museums? __________sugar. So she made me (go) 12. Have you finished (paint) 13.1 hope (see)______________ 14. May I (help)_____________ the kitchen. 15. We agreed (cook)_________ back to the supermarket. _____________________the room yet? No, I haven’t. you again soon. . you? Yes, you can start (clean) a typical English meal for our guests. 16. He dislikes (dance) 17. Is (eat)____________ 18. Don’t let him (drive) ice cream allowed on this bus? ____________the car. Complete these sentences using the infinitive or the gerund. 1. We want____________________________to the cinema this evening. 2. He avoided____________________________her. 3. She kept on___________________________ 4. My friend John has given up 5. We all enjoy________________ 6. Sheila is looking forward 7. Mr Smith has promised _ before 7.30 this evening. 8. A friend of my mother’s taught me 9. What do you expect me___________ Join two sentences with a suitable participle construction. Model: He walked up the hill. He sang as he went.— Walking up the hill, he sang as he went 1. Jason broke the window. Jason ran away and hid from his father.— _______________________ 2. I thought it would be cold, so I took my overcoat.— 52 Unit 2 Lessons 13, 14 3. She hoped he would be there. She went to the party,— 4. The children arrived. They were accompanied by their uncle. 5. We saw a man. He was climbing over the high wall.— 6. The friends spent all their money on clothes and had no money to buy the food.— 5 J Use the right part of speech. (INVENTOR) AQUALUNG by: Jacques Cousteau and Emil Gagnan Nationality: (FRANCE)_____________ Date: 1943 Purpose: to supply air to free-swimming underwater (SWIM)_____________, at the same pressure as the surrounding sea. Jacques Cousteau (EXPLANATION)_______________Gagnan exactly what he wanted. Emil Gagnan (MAKE)________________it. With unregulated compressed air supplies, and with sea pressure increasing with depth, there was always a (DANGEROUS)________________of an underwater swimmer’s lung collapsing. The aqualung has a special valve (REGULATE)____________the air supply. As the (DIVE)______________breathes out, the pressure of his breath opens an outlet valve which also shuts off the air supply. As he breathes in, the internal pressure falls and the outside water (PRESS)_______ closes the outlet valve and switches the compressed air supply back on. The air flows in until the pressure in the valve is the same as the pressure of the outside water. Then it cuts off. Unit 2 Lessons 13, 14 53 { 6 л Open the brackets using Gerund, Participle I or Participle II in the right form. A REWARD in blue jeans and trainers, stood at the entrance of a shop . in there. Though she hesitated A woman, (dress)_______________ (look)________________at a lovely dress, (display) for a moment, she finally went in and asked to see the dress she liked. The assistant kept (talk) _______________to another customer (ignore)________________the woman, (finish)________________ ___________with the he finally turned to her and snapped that the dress was sold, (disgust)____________ assistant’s behaviour the woman walked out of the shop and decided to teach him a lesson. She returned to the shop the following morning (wear)__________________an expensive fur coat, with a designer handbag (clutch)____________________in her hand. She came straight to the rude assistant and asked for the same dress, (not realise) who she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time. With great difficulty, he climbed into the shop window to get the dress. Without (give)__________________it another glance, the woman said she did not like it. She enjoyed herself (make)_________________the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally (buy)________________the dress she had first asked for. Lesson 15 Test youself Listen to the advert and fill in the information gaps. 2^^ Put the verbs in brackets into Participle I or Participle II forms. 1. My little brother was really (embarrass) 2. I think this is the most (bore)________ when he was caught eating sweets. thing I have ever done. ___, others reaUy enjoy it. 3. Some people find sushi (disgust)________ 4. There is nothing to feel (excite)_______ 5. My mother will be (please)______________ 6. The (shock)_________________pictures have been published in all newspapers. _____about. It’s not a very (interest) case. to receive a present from you. 54 Unit 2 Lessons 13, 14 and 15 ( 3^ Choose the most suitable form to complete the sentences. 1. to Gerald, our aunt went to his wife and talked to her. a) Having spoken b) Spoken c) Speaking 2. The book,________________a month ago, has already been sold out. a) having published b) published c) publishing 3. The man,________________near the shop, is my old friend. a) having stood b) stood c) standing 4. just an hour before, the model car was standing in the middle of the table for everybody to admire. a) Having been finished b) Been finished c) Being finished 5. The bottles, carefully_____________in the box, will never break. a) having been packed b) packed c) packing Choose the right word to complete the sentences. 1. I am going to something for my first year at college.— What kind of are you looking for? a) rent b) let c) charge a) accommodation b) house c) mates 2. Your university is very unlikely to_____ a) rent b) charge c) cost 3. A friend of mine has a room to__________ a) let b) tenant c) live 4. Some________________make promises to their tenants that they never fulfil. a) accommodations b) students c) landlords 5. I am selling my old car. The price is----------- you for Internet access. Would you like to get in touch with him? a) spacious b) free of charge c) negotiable 6. Heating and electricity are-------------- a) included b) contained c) charged in your monthly rent. 7. I pay the electricity____________ a) access b) bill c) contract at the end of the month. Imagine that you are a student choosing between on- and off-campus accommodation. Which would you choose? Give your reasons. Write 5-7 sentences. Unit 2 Lesson 15 55 Приложение 1 . Сводная таблица времен английского языка I форма основного глагола (read/ reads) am/is/are -f основной глагол + -ing употребляется для выражения действий, употребляется для выражения действий. которые: которые происходят: • происходят / не происходят регулярно: • в настоящий момент: Не plays tennis every day.— Он играет в She is reading the book now.— Она теннис каждый день. читает книгу сейчас. • происходят в соответствии с графиком или • в более длительный отрезок времени, с (U расписанием: который происходит в настоящий со The train arrives at 6 o’clock.— Поезд период, но необязательно в момент £ прибывает в 6 часов. речи: • вместо the Future Simple в придаточных They are writing а book.— Они пишут предложениях времени и условия: книгу. ГИ phone him if I have time.— • для выражения запланированных дей- Я позвоню ему, если у меня будет время. ствий, которые произойдут в будущем: I am leaving tomorrow.—Я уезжаю завтра. II форма основного глагола (worked / went) wa5/were ■+■ основной глагол -1- -ing употребляется для выражения действий, ко- употребляется для выражения действий. торые происходили в прошлом: которые происходили в точно указанный We saw an interesting film last week.— Мы момент в прошлом: СО смотрели интересный фильм на прошлой She was reading а book when he phoned.- с« Рн неделе. Она читала книгу, когда он позвонил. will -Н I форма основного глагола употреб- will be ■+■ основной глагол + -ing зшотре ляется: бляется для выражения действий, которь • для выражения будущих действий, кото- произойдут в указанный момент времен! рые, возможно, произойдут: в будущем: One day we’ll meet again.— Когда-нибудь I will be sleeping when you come.— Я 6ydi <м мы снова встретимся. спать, когда ты придешь. № • когда решение о будущем действии было не запланировано, а принято в момент речи: It’s raining. Til take ту umbrella.— Идет дождь. Я возьму зонт. 56 Приложение 1 ,г:; the Perfect '’С f4 ,i' .бй^Ж'- ж?' ; the Perfect Progressive" й*/ have/has + III форма основного глагола употребляется для выражения действий, которые уже произошли: / have already seen this film.— Я уже посмотрел этот фильм. have been/has been + основной глагол + -ing употребляется для выражения длительных действий, которые начались в прошлом и все еще продолжаются в настоящее время: Не has been talking on the phone for two hours.— Oh разговаривает no телефону в течение двух часов. had + III форма основного глагола употребляется для выражения действия, которое произошло раньше другого действия в прошлом: Не had sold his old car before he bought a new one.— Он продал старую машину прежде, чем купил новую. had been + основной глагол -ing употребляется для выражения длительного прошедшего действия, начавшегося ранее другого прошедшего действия, выраженного в the Past Simple и все еще продолжавшегося в момент его совершения: Не had been translating the text for two hours when I phoned him.— Он переводил текст уже два часа, когда я позвонил. will have + III форма основного глагола употребляется для выражения действия, которое произойдет раньше другого действия в буд)пцем: I will have come back from the library before you get there.— Я уже вернусь из библиотеки прежде, чем ты доберешься до нее. will have been + основной глагол + -ing употребляется для выражения длительного будущего действия, которое начнется ранее другого будущего действия и будет еще происходить в момент его наступления: She will have been flying to Russia for an hour when her son comes back home.— Она будет лететь в Россию уже час, когда ее сын вернется домой. Приложение 1 57 Приложение 2. Словообразование Слова могут быть образованы с помощью префиксов и суффиксов. Префиксы изменяют значение слова, но не меняют его принадлежности к той или иной части речи, например: national (adj национальный) — international (ad; международный). Префиксы с отрицательным значением: ил-, /П-, //-, /т-, /Г-, dis-, mis- happy — unhappy (счастливый — несчастливый) logical — illogical (логичный — нелогичный) possible — impossible (возможный — невозможный) to agree — to disagree (согласиться — не согласиться) correct — incorrect (правильный — неправильный) to understand — to misunderstand (понимать — не понимать) regular (правильный) — irregular (неправильный) Суффиксы служат для образования различных частей речи. Использование того или иного суффикса или префикса не всегда подчиняется определенным правилам и чаще зависит от установившегося словоупотребления в языке, например: to govern (управлять) —governor (правитель) —government (правительство). Суффиксы существительных • -ег, -or присоединяются к глаголам для обозначения лица: to invent (изобретать) — inventor (изобретатель) to produce (производить) — producer (производитель) • -ist служит для обозначения профессии: piano (пианино) —pianist (пианист) • -age образует существительные от глаголов: to marry (жениться) — marriage (женитьба) • -al образует существительные от глаголов: to arrive (приезжать) — arrival (приезд) • -апсе, -епсе образуют существительные от прилагательных: important (важный) — importance (важность) different (различный) — difference (разница) • -dom образует существительные от прилагательных и существительных: free (свободный) —freedom (свобода) king (король) — kingdom (королевство) • -hood образует существительные от др)П’их существительных: child (ребенок) — childhood (детство) • -ation, -tion, -sion, -ssion образуют существительные от глаголов: organize (организовать) — organization (организация) to collect (собирать) — collection (собрание) to suspend (приостанавливать) — suspension (временное прекращение) to transmit (передавать) — transmission (передача) • -ment образует существительные от глаголов: to pay (платить) — payment (платеж) • -ness образует существительные от прилагательных: kind (добрый) — kindness (доброта) 58 Приложение 2 -ship образует существительные от других существительных: citizen (гражданин) — citizenship (гражданство) -ty, -ity образуют существительные от прилагательных: active (активный) — activity (деятельность) Суффиксы прилагательных -able образует прилагательные от глаголов: to wash (мыть) — washable (моющийся) -al образует прилагательные от существительных: centre (центр) — central (центральный) -ful образует прилагательные от существительных: pain (боль) — painful (болезненный) -less образует прилагательные от существительных: help (помощь) — helpless (беспомощный) Суффиксы глаголов -fy образует глаголы от прилагательных: simple (простой) — to simplify (упрощать) -ize образует глаголы от существительных и прилагательных: sympathy (сочувствие) — to sympathize (сочувствовать) modern (современный) — to modernize (усовершенствовать) Суффиксы наречий -1у образует наречия от прилагательных: easy (легкий) — easily (легко) Приложение 2 59 Приложение 3. Как легче запомнить неправильные глаголы Все формы совпадают II и III формы совпадают cost cost cost cut cut cut hit hit hit hurt hurt hurt let let let put put put set set set shut shut shut split split split Одинаковое чередование звуков beat beat beaten bite bit bitten eat ate eaten fall fell fallen forget forgot forgotten forgive forgave forgiven give gave given hide hid hidden shake shook shaken take took taken tear tore tom wear wore worn blow blew blown fly flew flown know knew known throw threw thrown grow grew grown draw drew drawn [ begin began begun ! drink drank drunk ring rang rung ■ sing sang sung shrink shrank shrunk freese froze frozen speak spoke spoken steal stole stolen break broke broken j wake woke woken choose chose chosen drive drove driven write wrote written ride rode ridden bend bent bent build built built feel felt felt keep kept kept leave left left light lit lit lend lent lent mean meant meant meet met met send sent sent shoot shot shot sleep slept slept spend spent spent spoil spoilt spoilt get got got lose lost lost sit sat sat bring brought brought buy bought bought fight fought fought think thought thought catch caught caught teach taught taught feed fed fed find found found have had had hear heard heard hold held held make made made pay paid paid read read read say said said seU sold sold stand stood stood understand understood understood tell told told stick stuck stuck win won won shine shone shone Все формы разные 60 Приложение 3 форма форма III форма be was / were become became come came come do did go went run ran see saw seen show showed 61 62 63 Учебное издание Кауфман Клара Исааковна Кауфман Марианна Юрьевна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.РУ / Happy English.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина Корректоры Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко Дизайн макета В. КиН, Е. А. Подтуркиной Иллюстрации О. В. Перовой, А. В. Савельевой Художественный редактор Е. А. Валяева Цифровая обработка изображений Л. Н. Новоселова Оператор верстки Т. А. Вильчинская Сертификат соответствия санитарным правилам РФ и требованиям нормативных документов № РОСС RU. АЕ51. Н 16002 от 24.01.2012. Подписано в печать 28.04.2012. Формат 60x84/8. Гарнитура Charter ITC. Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 7,46. Уел. кр.-отт. 8,4. Тир. 30000 экз. Зак. № 719. Издательство „Титул". 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055. Тел. (48439) 9-10-09. E-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Отпечатано в ОАО „Калужская типография стандартов". 248021, г. Калуга, ул. Московская, 256.