Учебник Английский язык 5 класс Вербицкая Эббс часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 5 класс Вербицкая Эббс часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Forward (Форвард):

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Алгоритм успеха FORWARD ^ класс ^<4^ Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений Под редакцией проф. М.В. Вербицкой В двух частях Часть вторая Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации Москва I Издательский \ центр « Вентана-Граф » Pearson Education Limited 2013 ББК81.2(Англ)я71 А64 Учебник включён в федеральный перечень Авторы: д-р филол. наук, проф. М.В. Вербицкая, Б. Эббс, Э. Уорелл, Э. Уорд Английский язык : 5 класс : учебник для общеобра-А64 зевательных учреждений : в 2 ч. Ч. 2 / [М.В. Вербицкая, Б. Эббс, Э. Уорелл и др.] ; под ред. проф. М.В. Вербицкой. — М. : Вентана-Граф : Pearson Education Limited, 2013. — 104 с. : ил. — (Forward). ISBN 978-5-360-04371-3 (ч. 2) ISBN 978-5-360-04372-0 (общ.) Учебник является четвёртым в серии «Forward», обеспечивающей преемственность изучения английского языка со 2 по 11 класс общеобразовательных учреждений. Учебник рассчитан на обязательное изучение предмета «Иностранный язык» в 5 классе школ, работающих по базисному учебному плану, а также в школах и классах с углублённым изучением английского языка. В комплекте с учебником предлагаются компакт-диск с аудиоприложением к учебнику, пособие для учителя, рабочая тетрадь с аудиоприложением. В первую часть входят разделы с 1 по 8, во вторую — разделы с 9 по 16. УМК для 5 класса входит в систему учебно-методических комплектов «Алгоритм успеха». Соответствует федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту основного общего образования (2010 г). ББК81.2(Англ)я71 ISBN 978-5-360-04371-3 (ч. 2) ISBN 978-5-360-04372-0 (общ.) © Издательский центр «Вентана-Граф», 2012 © Pearson Education Limited, 2012 Contents summary Unit Main topic Key language Page 9 Where is the capsule? The search for the space capsule Solving problems A day in the life of Rik Morell What kind of person are you? “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain The Present Perfect Tense 3-Я форма глагола Модальные глаголы can и could Сравнение форм: the Present Perfect Tense/the Past Simple Tense 4 10 Interests and hobbies Likes and dislikes Desires and ambitions Music and musical instruments Alexander Borodin The Passive Voice Придаточные времени с when Конструкция Would you like to be... ? Словообразование наречий с -ly, существительных с -er 14 11 Can we speak to Rik Morell, please? A chase across America Describing a house/a location Holidays and festivals: Maslenitsa Модальный глагол сап Предлоги и предложные сочетания: in, on, near, between, in front of/middle of, next to 24 12 A glimpse of history Independence Day Victory Day Landmarks Holidays and festivals: Pancake Day The Passive Voice: the Past, Present, Future Simple Tense 3 основные формы глагола 34 Consolidation 3 | Units 9-12 44 13 Mr Big’s island Getting close to Mr Big Helping at home “The Story of Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe Конструкция to have to do sth: the Past, Present, Future Simple Tense 48 14 Islands of the South Pacific The development of tourism A message in the bottle A glimpse of Russia Исчисляемые/неисчисляемые существительные: many/much, a lot of/lots of, a few/few, a little/little 54 15 Mr Big’s cave Mr Big tries to escape The World’s Craziest Hotels “Vacation” by Mary Ann Hoberman Сравнение форм: must/have to 62 16 A goodbye party Celebration and memories Planning a party Comparing experiences Review 70 Consolidation 4 | Units 13-16 76 Dialogue of cultures (3) 80 Dialogue of cultures (4) 82 Vocabulary 84 Irregular verbs 100 Pronunciation table 102 (® T 1 Texts recorded on CD. ( P 1 Listen again. © I Where is the capsule? FORWARD! Listening and reading [ 1 I ®^TD68i Look at the pictures and answer the questions: Where are Kate and Sam? Whom do they see on TV? Then listen to the story and follow it in the book. Two days later, Kate, Sam and Josie were at Paul’s house. The capsule was lost. They wondered what to do next. © We could go to Los Angeles. Where does Rik Morell live? СЮ Listen and repeat. (T) in pairs, read the text. Talk to your friend about the story. Listening and reading LANGUAGE FOCUS: Модальный глагол could для обозначения возможности i©T069i Listen and read. Paul: Where is the concert? We could go there. Kate: It’s in Los Angeles. Josie: We could go to Los Angeles. CE Listen and repeat. Speaking Read and match. Then talk to your friend. Problems and... How can I... light a fire? get my ball back? carry these balloons? solutions You could use... a piece of string, a coat hanger, a tray. a broken umbrella, a magnifying^ glass. reach my key? keep my hat dry? lace up my trainers? [ 5 I What could you do with these things? Talk to your friend. a sack. © Where is the capsule? Reading and speaking Read and match. Talk to your friends. FORWARD! Magazine Over to problem page Situation 1 My friends have invited me to go to a pop concert with them. My parents say I can go, but I must pay for my ticket. I haven’t got any money. What can I do? She could borrow some money from her friends. ' I think she could do some odd jobs to ^ make some money. My neighbour pays me for walking his dog. He hasn’t got time ^ to do it himself in the morning. у Or she could ask for the money for a birthday present. Situation 2 My cousins have invited me to go to the zoo. I don’t like zoos. I hate seeing animals in cages What can I tell them? Situation 3 I went to a sweet shop with my friend. She stole a bar of chocolate. What can I do about it? ( He could... ) ( She could... ) © THINK ABOUT GRAMMAR: The Present Perfect Tense The Present Perfect Tense (настоящее совершённое время) используется для описания действий и состояний, которые уже совершились в неопределённый момент в прошлом или начались в прошлом и продолжаются в настоящий момент. В предложениях с этой формой глагола часто можно встретить следующие слова и выражения: already (уже), always (всегда), just (только что), yet (ещё/уже), ever (когда-нибудь, когда-либо), never (никогда). Форма Present Perfect состоит из вспомогательного глагола to have (в соответствующей форме) и смыслового глагола в 3-й форме. 3-я форма правильных глаголов (regular verbs) образуется с помощью окончания -ed (как форма Past Simple): to invite — invited, to arrive — arrived. 3-Ю форму неправильных глаголов (irregular verbs) надо заучивать: to be — been, to have — had, to see — seen, to send — sent. В устной речи и в личных письмах обычно используются краткие формы. Утвердительные формы Полные формы Краткие формы I/You/We/They have arrived. He/She/It has Г/You’/We’/They’ve arrived. He’/She’/It’s Grammar and reading 0 Read the sentences with the Present Perfect Tense. Do you see in these sentences any words which are usually used with the Present Perfect Tense? 1 Have you ever been abroad? 2 I haven’t seen it yet. 3 She’s sent a message on the radio. 4 I’ve never been to the US. 5 Kate and Sam have arrived in America. 6 I’ve just finished my homework. 7 We have always invited him to pop concerts. 8 Their plane has already arrived. 9 Josie has had an unusual job. 10 I’ve never been to a film studio. Вопросительные формы Present Perfect Tense образуются c помощью перестановки формы вспомогательного глагола to have в начало вопросительного предложения. Отрицательные формы образуются с помощью прибавления отрицательной частицы not к форме вспомогательного глагола to have. Вопросительные формы (общий вопрос) Have I/you/we/they Has he/she/it arrived? Отрицательные формы Полные формы Краткие формы I/You/We/They have not He/She/It has not arrived. I/You/We/They haven’t He/She/It hasn’t arrived. 8 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 have/we/Tom/invited/to/a pop concert 2 abroad/ever/has/he/been 3 plane/their/has/arrived 4 have/seen/they/film/this © Where is the capsule? Grammar and reading Complete the sentences using the verb to have to form the Present Perfect. (Закончи предложения, используя глагол to have для образования форм Present Perfect.) What has happened to Kate and Sam? They Florida. They__met Josie’s brother Paul. . come to Paul____worked in the Space Institute for many years. The friends_not brought the capsule to the Institute. They They______put it into the truck. The truck _ _ lost it. gone away with the capsule. The children______seen the capsule on the stage during Rik Morell’s concert and now they’re going to speak to him. 3-Я форма to come came come to meet met met to bring brought brought to lose lost lost to go went gone /доп/ Reading and speaking FORWARD! 10 Look at the pictures and read the text. What kind of things does Rik Morell like doing? |, Magazine Sam's stories ’ I I Rik is relaxing beside his sw \ at his home in the desert wi+fi sir» _ _______________ ^ ^ Rik is at He enjoys writing в Carla Day. Listening and speaking [l11 Imagine you are Rik. Listen and answer the questions. [l2| Look at the pictures again. Has Rik got a pet? What kind of person is he? 0 -- Reading and speaking 13 Read the questions. Answer the questionnaire, then read the text “What kind of person are you?”. Questionnaire FORWARD! Magazine Test for fun Have you got a pet? What is your favourite animal? Is it a dog, a cat, a bird, a mouse, a turtle? or is it a fish? ARE YOU friendly? kind? loving? polite? modest? clean? tidy? hardworking? Vocabulary friendly kind loving polite modest clean tidy hardworking 14 Your favourite animal tells a lot about your character. What is your favourite animal? Choose the picture, then read about this animal. What kind of person are you? you are a " “ you are S Z V-tn4 UKe to aay anything to hurt other people’s feelings. You are polite and modest. You pay attention to details. You don’t like making even little mistakes in your work. —------------------ rtptails^at other people You are an observ^. and a listener. You are usually don’t see. ou ar better listener than You are clean and tidy. You don’t like it when people give orders. If you do something, it’s because you think you must do it not because of someone’s orders. on weekends, you prefer to travel «ther than stay at home. You enjoy travelling by airplane. You like to be alone. You have a simple lifestyle, and you are polite and hardworking. You don’t care about what others have to say. Sometimes they hurt your feelings but you just pay no attention to them. 15 Have you answered the questionnaire? Now read about ‘your animal’ again. What kind of person are you? Is this test correct? © Where is the capsule? Writing and speaking 16 Complete the sentences by matching two parts. (Составь предложения, соединив две части.) 1 If you never hurt someone’s feelings, 2 If you are good at listening to others, 3 If you are a good speaker, 4 If you are a good observer, 5 If you are a hardworking person. people enjoy your company, you see little details, you care about your work, people enjoy listening to you. you are a polite and friendly person. Reading j 17 Read the text. Do you think Tom could become a good worker, painter or manager? FORWARD! ...... Magazine Reading is fun The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (after Mark Twain) On Saturday there was no school. All the children were free from classes. They were enjoying a quiet weekend. But things were different for Tom — he had to work. He had to paint a fence around the garden of Aunt Polly’s house. It was a very long fence... Tom was standing there with a big bucket of white paint. He looked at the fence, then at the bucket of white paint, then at the fence again. He did not want to paint the fence! He wanted to be with his friends, to go swimming and fishing. ‘My friends will laugh at me when they see me with this bucket!’ he thought. He started to paint, but after an hour he was tired. He was sad and did not know what to do. Then he had an idea. He smiled and went on painting the fence. Soon Tom saw his friend Ben Rogers. He was walking towards Tom and he was making strange noises. ‘Sssh, sssh!’ he was saying. ‘Ting-a ling! I am a steamboat on the Mississippi river!’ ‘Sssh-Sssh — I am a steamboat!’ He didn’t really sound like a steamboat, but he enjoyed doing it. There was a big red apple in Ben’s hand. He looked at Tom and S£ud, ‘You are working, and I am not! I am going to the river! I’m going swimming!’ ‘Work?’ said Tom. ‘This isn’t work. This is pleasure!’ ‘Do you like painting the fence?’ asked Ben. ‘Yes,’ said Tom, ‘I do!’ He stepped back from the fence — there was a happy smile on his face — and painted again. Ben watched him and said, ‘Let me paint the fence’. ‘No,’ said Tom, ‘you don’t know how to do it. It’s a difficult job, I can’t let you do it.’ Ben was unhappy, he wanted to paint it so much, but Tom did not let him. Then he said, ‘Please, let me paint! Г11 give you half of my apple.’ Tom thought for a minute or two and then shook his head and said ‘No.’ He stepped back from the fence, looked at it and smiled again. Ben said, ‘I’ll give you all my apple, please, give me the brush!’ Tom thought for a minute again and then said ‘OK’, took the apple and started eating it. Ben started to paint the fence. Soon Ben got tired and went away with the noises of a steamboat again. Then Billy Fisher with a kite in his hand came up to Tom. He wanted to paint the fence too. But Tom said ‘No’ to him. ‘I’ll give you my kite,’ said Billy and Tom agreed. Billy started to paint the fence. By the afternoon the fence was painted twice. Tom had a kite, a cat, a long piece of rope, a cake and some other wonderful things. He was happy. He went to Aunt Polly and said, ‘The fence is painted, and there is no more paint.’ Aunt Polly was very surprised and said, ‘You are a good boy, Tom.’ Reading and speaking 18 Choose the answer and explain why you have chosen it. 1 It was a) a weekday b) Sunday c) Saturday Ben wanted to paint the fence because a) he liked painting fences b) Tom said, ‘It’s a pleasure!’ c) he wanted to help his friend 2 Tom wanted to a) laugh with his friends b) laugh at his friends c) go to the river The fence was painted by the afternoon because a) Tom was a hardworking boy b) Tom was clever c) Tom’s friends wanted to help him Writing 19 Read the text and fill in the gaps. Then write it in your workbook. It was Saturday. I was free from___. I wanted to go-------------but I had to paint the fence around Aunt Polly’s----. I started to___but soon I was tired. Then I had an idea. When my friend Ben Rogers came, I was working with pleasure. There was a big----on my face. Ben saw that I____my job. He wanted to paint the fence, too. I let him do it and he gave me an Then my friend Billy Fisher came and I let him-----the fence, too. By the afternoon, the fence was painted twice and I had many-----things. 20 Imagine that you are Tom Sawyer, you don’t want to paint the fence at the weekend and write a letter to a magazine asking for advice. Speaking 21 Imagine you are Tom Sawyer/Ben Rogers/Billy Fisher and tell the story in a short form. © Where is the capsule? THINK ABOUT GRAMMAR: Употребление Present Perfect и Past Simple The Present Perfect Tense The Past Simple Tense Слова и выражения, часто используемые с этой формой already, always, just, ever, never, yet, since (c / c тех nop как), how long (сколько времени) yesterday, last night/week/month/year, ago, then, when, in 1961 и т. д. A. Описание действий и состояний, которые совершились в неопределённый момент в прошлом. 1 have been to the USA. С. Описание действий и состояний, которые совершились в определённый момент в прошлом. I was in the USA last year. В. Описание действий и состояний, которые начались в прошлом и продолжаются в настоящий момент. She has worked at this school for 3 years. (She is still working here.) D. Описание действий и состояний, которые завершились в прошлом. She worked at this school for 3 years. (Now she is a TV star.) Grammar and reading 22 Read the text. Pay attention to the forms of the underlined words in the text. Then read it again and explain the forms using the table above. Present Perfect (A) Present Perfect (B) Past Simple (C) Past Simple (D) 1 Rik Morell started playing the guitar at the age of 6. 2 He started writing songs at 10. 3 Since then, he has written over 100 songs. 4 His song “Your Smile” was written last year. 5 It has become a hit. 6 Rik has just come back home from his world tour. 7 He went abroad for the first time 4 years ago. 8 He visited Russia and gave some concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg. 9 He visited Russia again during his world tour last month. 10 He has already written a new song, “Russian Smile”. 11 It has become a hit. Pronunciation 23 |^ЖЮ Listen and read. Do you know the three forms of these irregular verbs? Which forms have the same spelling but different pronunciation? to be — was/were — been to find — found — found to do — did — done to go — went — gone to come — came — come to read — read — read to become — became — become to write — wrote — written СЮ Listen and repeat. Grammar and writing 24 Write the three forms of these regular verbs. Do you remember what they mean? Then write sentences with the correct forms of these verbs. to play, to change, to land 1 They/play/tennis/last week. 3 The satellite/land/in the sea/two hours ago. 2 I/never/play/tennis/before. 4 We/change/our plan. 251 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Tense. You may also use the verbs from the box. walk do work find play arrive be Example: Mary___ - just___the dog. Mary has just walked the dog. Nikita his homework. I____never_____football! ITT How long____you_____in film-making? you____the information for your project? Look! The plane____already------! This rare book since 1950. in our museum 26 Read the sentences. Pay special attention to the word ‘could’ in each sentence. 1 When I was three I could ride a bicycle. 2 What would you like to do at the weekend? — We could go to the Zoo. 3 The weather was bad and we couldn’t go for a walk. 4 This year we couldn’t go on a holiday all together. Let’s do it next year. 5 How can I help you? — You could phone my mother. Or you could phone the doctor. 6 She was so excited she couldn’t speak. 7 Where could we go on holiday next year? □ Определи, в каких предложениях could a) является формой прошедшего времени от сап и обозначает способность (ability); b) обозначает возможность (possibility). Project idea 27 Make a poster What kind of person are you? Find pictures of your friends or some famous people and their pets. Write about their characters. Do their animals tell a lot about their characters? Interests and hobbies FORWARD Reading Magazine. Did you know? Ш Look at the pictures and read the underlined words and headings. What do you think about the topics of these texts? Then read texts 1 -3 and match them with pictures A-C. Did you know... ...where the word ‘hobby’ comes from? 1 We all know what a hobby is. It is something we enjoy doing in our free time. The word comes from the name of a child’s toy — hobby horse. It is a wooden stick with a horse’s head. Children play with a hobby horse, they pretend to ride a horse. It’s great fun for kids! So something we do for pleasure, not for money, is called a hobby. ...that coin collecting is an ancient hobby? 2 Coin collecting is one of the oldest hobbies in the world. No one could really tell when it started. It is known that there were coin collectors in ancient Rome. Coin collecting is known both as the ‘hobby of kings’ and the ‘king of hobbies’. The first Roman emperor Caesar Augustus was one of the most famous coin collectors. He enjoyed collecting old and foreign coins. He also liked to give them as presents to his friends. ...that jigsaw puzzles started in 1767? 3 The jigsaw puzzle is now one of the most popular hobbies. The first jigsaw puzzle was made by John Spilsbury, an English teacher of geography. He used the puzzle to teach his pupils geography. He drew the map of Europe on wood and cut it along the borders of the European countries. The first jigsaw puzzle was a map of England and Wales, with each county making up a separate piece. Now the biggest jigsaw puzzle is nearly 7 meters long, contains 32,256 pieces, and weighs 17kg. Is your room big enough for it? w Vocabulary [Ц In pairs, answer the questions. 1 What is the Russian for ‘hobby’? 2 What is the Russian for ‘puzzle’? 3 Look at picture 1. What does the word ‘saw’ mean in Russian? Can you explain in Russian why a ‘jigsaw puzzle’ is called so in English? 4 What do we call a ‘jigsaw puzzle’ (picture 2) in Russian? 0 Read text 2 again and answer the questions. jigsaw puzzle 1 Which expression means ‘a hobby for rich people’, ‘kings often have this hobby’? 2 Which expression means ‘a very important and exciting hobby’, ‘the best hobby’? Speaking fT] Discuss in pairs. 1 What is your hobby? 2 Would you like to collect coins? Why? 3 What is your favourite kind of jigsaw puzzle? Read texts 1-3 again and tell the class about these interesting facts in Russian. Listening and reading LANGUAGE FOCUS: Употребление глаголов в пассивном залоге (Passive Voice) 6 l^7Z Listen and read. What is called The ‘hobby of kings’? Coin collecting is called the ‘hobby of kings’. When was the first jigsaw puzzle made? The first jigsaw nuzzle was made in 1767. СЮ Listen and repeat. Grammar and reading [ 7 I Complete the sentences with is called or was made. 1 Something we do for pleasure____a hobby. 2 The first jigsaw puzzle___of wood. 3 Coin collecting___the ‘king of hobbies’. 4 The first jigsaw puzzle___by John Spilsbury. © Interests and hobbies What kind of music do you like? FORWARD! Magazine The world of art Listening and speaking 8 g)T073i Listen to an interview with Josh and Clare and answer the questions. What kind of music do they like? What instruments can they play? What do they want to do? Writing [~^ What kind of music do you like? Make a list with your friend. .Л 10 rock music Look at the pictures. Do you know these musical instruments? Read the words and match them with the pictures. \ electric guitar saxophone piano drums clarinet trumpet flute recorder cello /'tfebu/ Speaking |lT| What instruments can you play? What instruments would you like to play? Talk to your friend. Example: I can play the flute, but I’d like to play the trumpet. Listening and speaking 12j ШОТЗ; Listen to the interview with Josh and Clare again and repeat the questions. Then interview your friend. 0 Listening and reading .Г i13i LANGUAGE FOCUS: Планы на будущее (Future plans) ^ ®IQ74J Listen and read. Interviewer: What do you want to do when you’re older? Clare: When Fm older, I want to be a popstar. Interviewer: What would you like to do when you become popstars? Josh: When we become popstars, we’ll go on a world tour. i"IpD Listen and repeat. Reading and speaking 14 In pairs, look at 1-6 and ask questions about the children’s future plans. Then find the second part of each sentence and answer the questions. Example: 1 What does Nikita want to do when he’s older? When he’s older, he wants to take diving lessons. 1 2 3 4 5 6 When Nikita’s older. When Vera finishes school. When Josh becomes a popstar. When Clare learns to play the drums. When Kate and Sam find the capsule. When Nikita and Dasha come back to Moscow, she’ll start learning to play the flute, he wants to record a lot of songs, they’ll tell their friends about the USA. he wants to take diving lessons, they’ll take it to the Space Institute, she’ll go on studying. ■ THINK ABOUT GRAMMAR: Придаточные предложения времени с союзом when Сложное предложение Главная часть Придаточное времени 1 What do you want to do Что ты хочешь делать, 2 What would you like to do Что бы вы хотели сделать, 3 We’ll go on studying Мы продолжим учёбу. when you’re older? когда будешь постарше? when you become pop stars? когда станете поп-звёздами? when we finish school, когда закончим школу. Изучи таблицу и проанализируй примеры. Затем дополни правила, выбрав нужную временную форму глаголов из двух предложенных. 1. В английском языке сложные предложения, в которых придаточные присоединяются к главной части союзом when, могут использоваться для выражения будущего времени, при этом в придаточной части употребляются глаголы в формах Simple Present/Simple Future. 2. В русском языке в аналогичных придаточных времени с союзом когда используются глаголы в формах настоящего!будущего времени. 16 Chain game. Use the end of a sentence as a beginning to a new one. Example: A: When Nikita and Dasha come back to Moscow, they’ll tell their friends about the USA. B: When they tell their friends about the USA, their friends will ask a lot of questions. C: When their friends ask them a lot of questions, they will answer all of them. © Interests and hobbies Interesi Would you like to be a popstar? Listening and reading FORWARD! Magazine ^ The world of art 17 f®T075] Josh and Clare want to be famous popstars. What do popstars do? Listen, read and find out. Have you ever been to a concert? It is very exciting. When a band goes on tour, they need a lot of equipment. A lot of people go with them. There are sound engineers to look after the sound equipment and lighting engineers to do the lighting. Roadies carry all the band’s equipment. Some songs are recorded live at concerts. Usually bands record their songs in recording studios. Paula works in a recording studio. She is a producer. The producer helps to put the songs together to make an album. When a band makes a new record, they often make a video. Laura is a video director. She says, ‘When you make a video, there is a lot of planning. First the band chooses a song from their album. The video director makes a storyboard to show the different parts of the video. Then the video is filmed. When they are filming, the band don’t really sing, they mime to the songs. After the video is finished, the director matches the music and the pictures.’ Vocabulary 18] Find these words in the text. Can you guess what they mean in Russian? tour album mime band record to record live /laiv/ recording studio J> 19 What do these people do? Find it in the text. sound engineer roadie band lightning engineer video director producer Grammar and writing 20 Complete the sentences from the text. S' 1 When a band goes on tour, you want to make a video,_____ - . 2 When a band makes a new record, 4 When they are filming,_____. □ Какие формы глаголов используются в главной и придаточной частях этих предложений? JJ 21 Complete the second sentences using the Active Voice so that they mean the same as the first sentences. 1 Songs are usually recorded in recording studios. Usually bands____. 2 Then the video is filmed by the video director. Then the video director 3 All the band’s equipment is carried by roadies. Roadies___. Speaking 221 Imagine you are a roadie, a producer or a video director. What do you do? Talk to your friend. Listening and reading _r LANGUAGE FOCUS: Разговор о будущей профессии ^ 123, й)Т076) Listen and read. ^What would you like to be? ^ (I’d li like to be a video director CED Listen and repeat. to teach — a teacher to sing — a singer to dance — a dancer to act — an actor to explore — an explorer to produce — a producer to direct — a director to photograph — a photographer Grammar and speaking 24 What would you like to be? Talk to your friend. Example: A: What would you like to be? B: I’d like to be a video director. 25 Form nouns from these verbs (for the last column you need -or). What do we call these people in Russian? to write to swim to drive to skate to dive to train to travel to report to paint to visit to sail to collect The words below also describe professions. How were they formed? Do you know any other words like these? postman film-maker football player scientist historian 27 Talk to your friend about your future plans. Example: A: What would you like to do when you’re older? B: When I’m older, I want to drive a car very well. 28 Game: What’s my job? Choose one of the jobs in pop music. The others must find out what it is. They will ask questions: Do you play in a band? Do you go on tour? You can answer only Yes or No. © Interests and hobbies Speaking and listening 29 What is Karen interested in? Look and say. tennis American football computers swimming space animals travelling climbing films planes FORWARD! Magazine [ Over to you very interested in interested in ^ DETROIT -LIONS - ^ raiders ® 30 □ ШШ: Listen and talk to your friend. Example: A: She’s interested in American football. B: And she’s very interested in pop music. Look at her cassettes! .ФТШ What is Karen interested in? Listen and check your answers. □ Discuss with your friend the picture and the dialogue. A: Is Karen interested in American football? B: Yes. A: How do you know? B: She’s got a poster on her wall. 311 Talk about your own interests with your friend. Make sentences with the help of the Interest meter. Example: A: What are you interested in? B: I’m very interested in planes. I’ve got six model planes. What are you mad about? I’m mad about films. Vocabulary a bit especially meter mad about globe Interest meter Alexander Borodin Reading and speaking 32 Read the text and try to understand it without looking the words up in the dictionary. FORWARD! Magazine] The world of art /O' CH,-C'^ +H-CI ■o ' .СНз-CH-CHf-H Alexander Borodin was a genius in two fields: music and chemistry. Composing music was really a hobby for him, but he is considered one of the greatest Russian composers. His opera “Prince Igor” is considered to be one of the most important historical Russian operas. He studied piano and cello as a youth, but got interested in chemistry after trying to make fireworks. He studied medicine, and became a surgeon for the Russian army. Later, he became professor of chemistry at the Medico-Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg, and spent the rest of his life teaching students there. He loved teaching. He also spent a lot of his time doing scientific experiments. He said in a letter that writing music was just a hobbv. Music filled his time when he was away from the chemistry lab or classroom. In fact he would often pause during discussions on music to check on experiments! He also said that he could only compose when he was too sick to give lectures. 33 Look at the underlined words and complete the plan. 1 Alexander Borodin, a great Russian composer. 2 Alexander Borodin, a Russian surgeon. 3 Alexander Borodin,___. 4 ____ 34 Read the statements and say whether they are true or false. 1 Chemistry was more important to Alexander Borodin than composing music. 2 In his youth, chemistry was his first hobby. 3 He was an army surgeon for most of his life. 4 He liked lecturing more than composing music. Interests and hobbies THINK ABOUT GRAMMAR: Прилагательные и наречия в английском языке Adjectives (прилагательные) обозначают признаки и качества людей, животных, предметов, явлений и поясняют существительные. Когда в английском предложении прилагательное выполняет роль определения, оно стоит перед определяемым существительным'. She’s а famous popstar. I like her new records. Если прилагательное является частью сказуемого, в английском предложении оно стоит после подлежащего, выраженного существительным или местоимением, и требует глагола-связки to be: The task is difficult. The book is interesting. This teacher is good. Adverbs (наречия) обозначают признаки и качества действий и процессов и поясняют глаголы: I read quickly. You can do it easily. Spelling В английском языке наречия могут образовываться от прилагательных с помощью суффикса -1у: quick — quickly, easy — easily. Правила правописания таких наречий зависят от формы прилагательных. Прилагательное заканчивается При образовании наречия в слове Adjectives Adverbs на -1е -е заменяется на -у -1у simple gentle simply gently на согласный + -у -у заменяется на -i -t- -ly -> -ily angry merry angrily merrily на -1 к конечному -1 -1- -ly -Ily careful beautiful carefully beautifully Нужно запомнить наречия, которые совпадают по форме с прилагательным: fast — fast или имеют совсем другую форму good — well. Adjectives Adverbs He is a good singer. He sings well. She is a fast runner. She runs fast. He is a hard worker. He works hard. She’s an early bird. Because she gets up early. Grammar and speaking 35| Read the text “Under the sea” on page 68 (Student’s Book, part I). Find adjectives and adverbs. Explain their use. Grammar and writing 361 Образуй от данных прилагательных наречия и подбери пары антонимов. early bad late good hard slow easy fast 37 Complete the sentences by filling in adjectives or adverbs. . in the morning. I’m not an I don’t like to get up _ Speak-----, please. I don’t understand you. My father works____. He likes his job. You run so----. Are you a sportsman? Ann speaks English very____. She studies . ___bird. A video storyboard Listening and speaking @T07^ Look at the storyboard for the song New world. Listen to the song and point to the pictures. FORWARD! Magazine The world of art After that... Then... New world Finally. What we want is a new world, A world untroubled and free. A world where we can live in peace. A world where we’re free to dream. A world where we’re free to dream. Where there’s food for all. And there are no poor. Where there are no guns. And there is no war. A world where we’re free to dream. 391 r®TS8Pl Talk about the storyboard. Example: First, the singer is playing a guitar. Project idea Work in groups and choose one of these ideas. 40 1 Make a storyboard for your favourite song. You can make your own video. 2 Make a poster about your favourite singer or group. 3 Make a poster about different kinds of music and the instruments you need to play it. Can we speak to Rik Morell, please? sam FORWARD! Ш - Magazine 's stories Listening and reading [ 1 I ®T08fj Listen, look at the pictures and follow the text in the book. Kate, Sam and Josie went to find Rik Morell at his home in Los Angeles. ^ Excuse me. Can we speak to Rik Morell, please? ^ They told Rik Morell about their adventures. ^ Hello. ^ How can I help you?. (...so we must find the rest of tL capsule.) Vocabulary parachute airstrip helicopter pad vulture’s nest C Pj Listen and repeat. In pairs, read the text. Speaking In pairs, look at the pictures. What are the people in the pictures doing? Describe the pictures. [~4~] In pairs, answer the questions. Add your questions. 1 Where are Kate, Sam and Josie going? Why? 2 Did they talk to Rik Morell in Los Angeles? 3 What did they do next? 4 Who else followed Rick Morell’s car? S Match the beginning and the end of each sentence. 1 Kate, Sam and Josie now know... 2 They must get it back... 3 They decided to go to Los Angeles... 4 Kate, Sam and Josie left the city... 5 Kate, Sam and Josie told... a) before Mr Big’s gang finds it. b) and headed for the desert. c) Rik Morell about their adventures. d) to find Rik and to ask him for the capsule. e) that Rik has got the missing capsule. You are going to listen to the conversation between Kate, Sam, Josie and Rick Morell. Discuss in pairs what things Rik can do to help them. Example: A: I think he can call the police. B: No, I don’t think so. He can return the capsule to the Institute. И (О- Can we speak to Rik Morell, please? Listening and speaking f?"! Шоб2) How can Rik Morell help them? Listen and answer the questions. 1 Where is Mr Big’s island? 2 How can Rik Morell help them to go there? 3 How can they return the capsule to the Institute? 0 i®_T.6,83J Show someone around Rik’s house. Example: This is the swimming pool. big exciting colourful modern silly tiny delicious boring quite interesting small old noisy funny beautiful cold hungry comfortable Writing 10 Kate started writing a letter to Dasha about her visit to Rik Morell’s house. Finish the letter. Dear Dasha, I’m sorry, I haven’t written to you for a long time. So much has happened! At the moment I’m staying in Rik Morell’s house together with Sam and Josie. This is a wonderful house. It is... Reading and speaking Q Look at the pictures on pages 27-28. Read the text and think about the underlined words. Match the words with the pictures. Home sweet home... What is home? It is a place where you live, it is a place where you feel good, it is a place you love, because it is ‘home sweet home’! These words show how you feel about your home, be it a flat in a multi-storev house, or a country cottage, or an igloo, or a wigwam! Read the text and think about the words ‘house’ and ‘home’. What is the difference in their meaning? There are many new houses in our street. Mary lives in this big house. She isn’t at home now. She’s at school. That little cottage is my home. It’s Mary’s birthday today. After school, Mary’s friends won’t go home, they will go to Mary’s house. 13 Read the text. Have you ever thought ‘home sweet home’? When was it? What was the situation like? Did you know... ...where the words ‘Home sweet home’ come from? The words ‘home sweet home’ come from a well-known song “Home sweet home” written about 190 years ago by Henry Bishop (music) and John Howard Payne (lyrics). It was very popular during American Civil War. When the soldiers on both sides were singing this song, they forgot they were enemies. The song tells about lovely days in the old family cottage, about the father’s smile and the mother’s love. It says, ‘Home, home, sweet, sweet home! There’s no place like home, oh, there’s no place like home!’ □ Do you know any Russian songs about ‘home sweet home’? FORWARD! Magazine Did you know? (И)._.с1п: to Ri we speak to Rik Moreli, please? 14 Look at different houses and find their names. Match. 1 cottage A многоэтажный дом 2 multi-storey building/ В коттедж apartment block C бунгало 3 semi-detached house D двухквартирный дом 4 terraced house с общей стеной 5 bungalow/ranch house (AmE) E террасный дом |15| Dasha, Tom, Cody and Alex are chatting on Skype. They tell each other where they live. Read the first dialogue and role-play the conversations of other children. Dasha: Hello, Tom. Where are you from? Where is your home? Tom: I am from the USA. I live in Texas. And where are you from, Dasha? Dasha: I’m from Russia. Now I’m at home in Moscow. I live in a big flat in a multi-storey house. It’s nice and comfortable but a little noisy. And what about you? Tom: I am at home too. But my home is a ranch house. It’s a one-storey house. I have never been in a big apartment block. I would very much like to visit it. Dasha: And I have never been in a ranch house. It would be great to visit one day. Speaking and writing 16 Tell your partner about the house you live in. Then write a short letter to Tom about it. Dear Tom, It was nice talking to you on Skype yesterday. You asked about my home. I live in... Project idea 17| Make a plan of your dream house. Draw some pictures. Get ready to show someone around your dream house. Speaking 18 Game: Follow the parrot. Play the game in pairs. Old Mr Wilson’s parrot has escaped. You are going to catch it. Ask for help from the people you see. Example: A: Mr Green, can we borrow your ladder, please? B: Yes, of course. Here it is. FORWARD! Magazin^ Game zone * 6 g Ы ^Т1дt- 1 о о /Гч Look! There it is, above Mr Green’s shop. Mr Green, can we borrow...^ It’s flown onto the bus. Buy two tickets to the park! □ How did you catch the parrot? Repeat what you asked. Can we speak Rik Morell, please? Speaking 19 Where are these things? Find these things in the picture of the park. Talk to your friend. Example: A: Where’s the duck? B: It’s in the middle of the lake. ^ %\J Useful words and phrases playing field picnic area ice-cream van park keeper in on near between in the middle of (the lake) at the front of (the picture) next to Listening and speaking 201 Asking for things. Who’s talking? Where are they? Listen to the dialogues and point to the people in the picture. □ In pairs, ask and answer questions with want to. A: What does the little boy beside the lake want to do? B: He wants to feed the ducks. □ Role-play the dialogues for the other people in the park. Speaking 21 Tell the class about the people in the picture. What are they doing? What do they want to do? Example: The girl in a yellow T-shirt is eating an ice-cream. She wants to have another one. The boy in a yellow shirt is holding a toy boat. He wants to get to the lake. Useful words and phrases to write letters to carry picnic things to make a phone call to stand beside the lake to hold a ball to feed ducks to draw pictures to play with the ball to have picnic to have lunch Listening and reading LANGUAGE FOCUS: Вежливые просьбы (Polite requests) [2^ f®ToaiS Listen and read. Can you tell me the way to the lake, please^ (^Can I borrow your pen, please?^ s over there, by the trees. ^ СЮ Listen and repeat. Speaking 23 i®Tb87i Ask for things in the picture on page 29. Example: A: Can we have our ball back, please? B; Yes, of course. Writing 24 Write polite requests and questions to go with the following answers. 1 Yes, of course. It’s in my pencil case. 2 No, I’m sorry. My computer’s broken. 3 There they are. They are in the middle of the playing field. 4 They live in the desert. 5 I’m interested in astronomy. © Can we speak to Rik Morell, please? Vocabulary 25 Read the definitions from a dictionary and answer the questions. FORWARD! I Magazine! Holidays and festivals • What is the difference between ‘holiday’ and ‘festival’? • What is the Russian for ‘holiday’? • What is the Russian for ‘festival’? holiday 1. day of rest from work 2. (often plural) period of rest from work festival 1. (day or season for) public celebrations 2. series of performances (of music, ballet, drama, etc.) given periodically, usually once a year Reading and speaking |2б| Read the text and answer the question: What do you know about Maslenitsa? There are many festivals shared by people all over the world. One of them is known by the name Maslenitsa in Russia, Pancake Day in England, Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday in the USA. The holiday is religious in origin: people eat rich, fatty foods before fasting for many days during the season of Lent. Vocabulary religious Lent — Великий пост (перед Пасхой) to fast — поститься I think, .... I guess, .... Right you are. Good. Useful words and phrases No, I don’t think so. Sorry, you are wrong. I’m afraid you are wrong. That’s not right. I’m afraid. 271 Give names to these festive activities. Match the name to the called in Russian? Have you ever done any of these? 1 troika rides 2 pole climbing 3 puppet theatre 4 tug-of-war contest - 5 sledging 6 bear show 7 storming a snow fort picture. What are they 28 Read some statements about one of the most popular festivals of Russia. What do you think: are these statements true or false? 1 Maslenitsa is a summer festival. 2 A pancake was a symbol of the Sun in pagan Russia. 3 The celebrations last a whole week. 4 Burning the scarecrow Maslenitsa begins the celebrations. □ Now read the text and check your answers. Maslenitsa is one of the most popular festivals in Russia. It is pagan in origin, signals the end of winter and welcomes the coming of spring. Russian pancakes — blini — are very important in the celebration of Maslenitsa. They are given to friends and family all through the week. Blini are eaten with jam, sour cream, and of course, lots of butter. Warm, round, and golden — blini are a symbol of the sun! Ancient Russians actually believed that by eating a pancake, they were getting part of the Sun’s life energy. The festival is week-long. It starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. Troika rides, sledging, puppet theater, pole climbing, tug-of-war contests and fireworks are all part of the Maslenitsa celebrations. There is usually a storming of a snow fort. In the 18th century there were bear shows too! But don’t be afraid if you see a bear now. It is an actor dressed in a bear costume! The week ends with burning the scarecrow Maslenitsa, a symbol of winter. In this way people say goodbye to winter till the next year and welcome the coming of spring. 0 Answer the questions. 1 What traditional dish is served at Maslenitsa? 2 Why is it an important part of celebrations? 3 What is the difference between bear shows in the past and today? ■ A glimpse of history FORWARD Magazine Sam's stories Listening and reading l> COVOKI.'SS twtriaiostf^raraltfli ^JsiL%=r^r^ Ш Й)Т0661 Listen, look at the pictures and follow the text. Some days later, the Russian children joined their American friends at Paul’s house. Dasha: Paul, you’ve got a very nice house. What is it there on the wall? It looks like an old document. Paul: It’s a copy of the American Declaration of Independence. In 1776, on July 4th, thirteen American colonies of Britain declared their independence. They didn’t want to be part of the British Empire any longer. The 4th of July is now known as Independence Day, the birthday of the United States of America. Dasha: Oh, yes, I know. It’s a very important national holiday. Paul: My family and I always celebrate this day. It is a day off for everybody. We usually have a picnic or barbecue. In the mornings there are usually parades, and in the evenings fireworks in parks and town squares. You can see the colours of the American flag everywhere. It’s one of my favourite holidays! Dasha: I like May holidays in Russia. May 9th is Victory Day. On May 9th, 1945, World War II ended. We have a parade and fireworks on this day. Paul: Our countries were allies in this war. We fought together against Nazi Germany. On April 25th, 1945, Soviet and American soldiers met at the River Elbe in Germany. My great grandfather was there. Maybe he met your great grandfather there? He liked to show us his photographs of how Americans and Russians shook hands and embraced. Here is one of them! CE Listen and read. Vocabulary Find these words and word combinations in the text. Match the words with their translations. 1 glimpse of history A День независимости 2 day off В союзник 3 ally C немного истории 4 Independence Day D обмениваться рукопожатием 5 shake hands E День Победы 6 Victory day F выходной I 3 I Find these words in the text. Can you understand them without using a dictionary? colony document declaration empire copy barbecue Speaking Н pairs, read these word combinations and remember what you know about world history. What countries were allies of our country in World War II? Soviet Union, World War II, fascist Germany, British Empire, Soviet and American soldiers, the River Elbe Writing В Write the forms of these verbs as in example. Then complete the sentences. Example: Инфинитив to build to visit to sell to embrace — to declare — _ Прошедшее время built visited sold to shake —___ to fight —___ ___hands and 3-Я форма глагола built visited sold 1 In 1945 Americans and Russians _ 2 They____together against Nazi Germany. 3 The independence of thirteen American colonies of Britain was in 1776. Reading and speaking 0 Read the texts and speak about these interesting facts in Diicoion FORWARD! in Russian. Did you know... ...who was America’s first president? George Washington became America’s first president on April 30, 1779. He was the president for 8 years. These were very difficult years. Americans fought for their independence from Britain. George Washington was also a soldier and a farmer. His house at Mount Vernon is visited by thousands of people every year. ...how the White House got its name? The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States of America. It is in Washington, D.C., the capital of the USA. The house was built of grey stone. In 1814, during the War for Independence, it was burned by British soldiers. After the war it was painted white. ...what is the biggest American state? Alaska is the biggest American state. Before 1867, Alaska was a part of Russia. Then it was sold to the US for $7.2 million. Alaska is also the coldest place in the US. Magazine! Did you know? Vocabulary 0 Read the underlined words in the text. Can you understand them without using a dictionary? 0 Find two colour adjectives in Exercise 6. What other colours do you know? I A glimpse of Mstory Reading and speaking Zoe and Paul love travelling. Last year they \went on a trip round the world! Look at their photos. Where did they go? FORWARD! Magazine! Journey club Find the different kinds of transport on this page. ship plane train bus canoe camel car dog sled sailing boat Which countries use these kinds of transport? Talk to our friend. Example: A: I think people use dog sleds in Alaska. B: You are right. I think they use canoes in Alaska. A: That’s not right, I’m afraid. I think they don’t use canoes in Alaska. Listening and speaking [l l| [®T089I How did they travel? Listen to Zoe and Paul. They are talking about their trip. Point to the transport they used. 12 ®Тб9б) Talk about their journey. Example: A: How did they go from Egypt to Thailand? B: By plane. 13 Plan your own journey on the map of the world. Useful words and phrases Let’s go to ... . OK. And then we’ll go to I ^) A glimpse of history Listening and speaking 14 In pairs, look at the Fact file. When were these things invented? Talk to your friend. FORWARD! Magazine Encyciopedicr 5000 years ago 1885 1804 1840 1895 1903 Ql^ steam railway locomotive the diesel engine the aeroplane the bicycle 15 16 □ ,^T09i] Now listen and check. ^TS9g In pairs, talk about the inventions. Example: A: When was the motor car invented? B: In 1885. ШШЗ) Look at the picture and discribe the car. Then listen to and read the text. Vocabulary to invent sth invention locomotive diesel engine to pollute sth pollution poisonous The car of the future Cars are very useful, but they are also dirty. They pollute the atmosphere. This is because the petrol they burn fills the air with poisonous gases. So inventors are looking for a way to reduce pollution. They are designing electric cars. The car of the future will be cleaner. It won’t need to burn petrol. Its engine will be quieter. It will be an electric car. □ In pairs, talk about transport in the future. • What other ways are there to travel? • Which ways are cheaper? cleaner? faster? THINK ABOUT GRAMMAR: The Passive Voice в английском и в русском языках есть предложения, с помощью которых мы можем сообщать о самом действии, не уточняя, кто его совершил. В каких случаях это нужно? Иногда мы просто не знаем, кто совершает или совершил действие. В этом случае в предложении можно использовать неопределённые местоимения в роли подлежащих. 1. Someone invented the wheel 5,000 years ago. (Кто-то изобрёл колесо 5000 лет назад.) Есть ситуации, когда мы говорим, что какое-то действие совершают очень многие или почти все. В этом случае подлежащее в предложении имеет обобщённое значение. 2. People eat blini with butter or jam. (Люди (многие) едят блины с маслом или вареньем). 3. People speak English in the USA. (B США люди (все) говорят по-английски.) В предложениях 1-3 подлежащее, хотя и является их главным членом, самого главного не передаёт, так как для нас здесь более важно подчеркнуть, что колесо изобрели очень давно, блины едят с маслом и джемом, а в США говорят на английском, то есть важна информация о самом действии. В языке есть другие предложения, которые позволяют делать акцент на самом действии, а не на том, кто его совершает. В таких предложениях в английском языке мы используем особую форму глагола The Passive Voice (пассивный залог), и можем вовсе не упоминать того, кто совершает действие. 18 Найди предложения, в которых есть указание на того, кто совершает действие, обозначенное глаголом в Passive Voice. 1 George Washington’s house is visited by thousands of people every year. 2 In 1814 the official residence of the President was burned by British soldiers. 3 After the war the official residence of the President was painted white. А glimpse of history 19 Read again Did you know? section on page 35, find sentences with the Passive Voice and explain its use. Grammar and writing 20 Fill in the blanks using the Passive Voice forms from the box. is invited is celebrated is called was built was invented are painted 1 Collecting coins__the ‘hobby of kings’. 2 The telephone_____in the 19th century. 3 Everybody_____to the party. 4 Maslenitsa____at the end of winter. 5 The White House______between 1792-1800. 6 All the doors_____white in this cottage. Reading and speaking 21 Look at the pictures. Do you know these landmarks? Read the definition of the word. How can you explain this word in Russian? landmark /'laendmcuk/ noun something that helps you recognise where you are, such as a famous building 22 In pairs, answer the questions. 1 What is the most famous building in our country? 2 Is there any landmark in your city/town/village? 3 What is the landmark of London? 4 Do you know any landmarks in China? 5 What is the most famous building in Australia? 6 What is the landmark of France? Project idea 23 Think of landmarks in the biggest cities or in different regions of Russia. Make an information leaflet about different places in our country. FORWARD! Landmarks Writing 24 Do the quiz in pairs. Write your answers. 1 This is a wonderful museum. It is famous all over the world. A rich man collected the best pictures by the best Russian painters. He presented the collection together with the building to his city. Now the museum is named after him — the Tretyakov Art Gallery. Where is this famous museum? a) In St. Petersburg b) In Moscow c) In Sochi 2 This is the official residence of the President of the United States of America. Since 1814, it is painted white. That is why it is called the White House. Where is this famous building? a) In New York b) In Philadelphia c) In Washington, D.C. This building looks like a sailing ship. Its construction began in 1957 and finished 16 years later. The final cost was 14 times more than it was planned at the beginning. A series of Opera House lotteries was organised to get money. Where is this famous building? a) In the USA b) In Australia c) In Italy This famous London building is more than 900 years old. You can see the British Crown Jewels there. You can look at the Jewels, but you can’t touch them. The Beefeaters guard the Crown Jewels. What is this famous building? a) The Tower of London b) The Houses of Parliament c) The National Gallery Speaking I Magazine Quiz 25 Tell your friend where you would like to go and why, А glimpse of history Pancake Day Speaking and reading 26 27 30 RORWARD! ■ Magazine’----jj* Holidays and festivals What do you remember about Maslenitsa? In pairs, answer the questions. 1 When does Maslenitsa take place? 2 What does it celebrate? 3 How do people celebrate Maslenitsa? 4 What traditional dish is served at Maslenitsa? 5 Why is it an important part of celebrations? Look at the picture. What do you know about Pancake Day? What is a pancake race? Read the text and answer these questions. Pancake Day is celebrated in many countries of the world: the UK, the USA, Ireland, Australia, Brazil, Greece, Sweden, Germany, France, Iceland. Unlike Russia, this celebration in Europe and America lasts only one day. It takes place on Tuesday, called Pancake Tuesday. There are many traditions of celebrating this day. In England pancake races are held all over the country. Men and women taking part in it must wear an apron and a hat or scarf. Each of them has a frying pan with a hot pancake. They must toss it three times during the race, which is 375 meters long. At the end of the race the pancake should look just as round and beautiful as at the start of the race! It’s not that easy! 28 Read the underlined words in the text. Vocabulary What part of speech are they? to last apron 29 Discuss in pairs. to hold to toss unlike 2 3 4 What is the main difference between Russia and other countries in pancake celebrations? What are the rules of pancake races? Why is a pancake race difficult? What facts about pancake celebrations do you find most interesting? Do you want to organise a pancake race? What can you do to hold a pancake race? Discuss your problems and find the solutions. Example: A: We need frying pans for pancake races. What can we do? B: We could borrow frying pans from our school cook. Reading Read the text and answer the questions. 31 Did you know... ...where the biggest pancake was cooked? The world’s biggest pancake was cooked in Rochdale, UK, in 1994. It was 15 metres in diameter, weighed three tons and had two million calories. ...about Pancake Day at Westminster School? At the famous Westminster School in London there was an unusual tradition of celebrating Pancake Day. The school cook came out into the dining room. The dining room was separated by a bar into two parts: a part for the younger and a part for the older students. The cook threw a big pancake over that bar. The boys had to catch the pancake before it fell to the floor. The winner got a prize. FORWARD! MagazineJI^I Did you know? Vocabulary and grammar 32 33 34 Fill in the blanks with the expressions to take part (in sth) or to take place in the right form. 1 In Western Europe Christmas celebrations______on the 25th of December. 2 In 2014 the Olympics_____in Sochi, Russia. 3 Many sportsmen want to_______in the Olympics. 4 My brothers and I always_____in Maslenitsa celebrations. 5 The photo contest____last year. 6 Many pupils_____in it. Look through the texts “Maslenitsa” and “Pancake Day”. Write out adjectives which are used to describe pancakes. Find three nouns which you can use with these adjectives. Some nouns combine with two or more adjectives. Example: 1) hot tea, coffee, water Find Passive Voice forms in the text “Pancake Day” and explain their use. Then rewrite these sentences using the Active Voice. Example: 1 Pancake Day is celebrated in many countries. — People celebrate Pancake Day in many countries. 2 In England pancake races are held all over the country. 3 Blini are eaten with jam or butter. 4 The biggest pancake was cooked in England. Cmisolidation 3 Reading and speaking A quiz on bikes. Answer the questions with your friend. 1 The first bike with pedals was invented in 1804/1840/1884. 2 The bike on the right was invented 30 years later. It was faster/slower than the first bike. 3 Riding a bike is healthy because it’s good exercise/it makes your muscles strong/it helps you to keep fit. 4 Which of these leaves the most poisonous gases in the air in big cities? Factories?/Power stations?/Cars?/Diesel trains? □ I0TO94) Listen and check your answers. What else did we learn about bikes from the text? Answer the questions. 1 2 4 5 farthing Where was the first bike with pedals invented? What is a penny? What is a farthing? Which is larger? penny Why was the bike with one very large and one small wheel called ‘the penny farthing’? Why is riding a bike healthier than riding in a car? Is it healthier only for the biker or for the people around as well? Speaking I 3 I Role-play. Buying a bike. Pupil A is a shop assistant. Pupil В is a customer who wants to buy a bike or a car. Grammar and writing |~^ Make these sentences negative. 1 Maxim wants to be a producer. 2 We like watching comedies. 3 Kate is good at sports. 4 I enjoyed the party. 5 Vera has finished reading “Gulliver’s Travels”. 6 They have travelled all over the world. 7 They are travelling in Australia now. Use the Present Perfect Tense in these sentences. 1 Vera (enter) a photo competition. 2 I (think) of a new story. 3 Vera and Maxim (start) making a school magazine. 4 Kate (visit) the film studio. 5 She (write) a story about it for the magazine. Grammar and speaking What do you know about these cities and countries? Where have you been and where haven’t you been? In pairs, talk about these pictures. Example: A: Where have you been? B: I’ve been to Moscow. I’ve visited Red Square. I would like to go there again. A: Where haven’t you been? B: I haven’t been to Egypt. I’ve read about the pyramids. I would like to see them one day. 0 Write the names of different countries/cities on cards. In pairs, take a card and talk about the country or the city. Consolidation 3 Language summary 8 Do you remember the rules of using the Past Simple Tense and the Present Perfect Tense? Which of the words in the box are usually used with the Past Simple Tense and which are used with the Present Perfect Tense? Write them out in 2 columns. Think of two sentences with each tense form using the words from the box. Used with the Present Perfect Tense Used with the Past Simple Tense already yesterday 10 already, yesterday, always, last night, when, last week, just, ever, last month, never, ago, at 8 o’clock last year, in 1961 9 Do you remember the meanings and uses of could? Read the rule and choose the correct meaning. 1 Could (1) is the past of can and means ability/possibility. 2 Could (2) means ability/possibility. In pairs, read the sentences and say what the meaning of could in each sentence is. 1 When I was two years old, I could talk. 2 We are late. We could go by taxi. 3 She could be Italian — listen to her accent. 4 It could be sunny tomorrow. 5 I could read this text last year. It is not difficult at all. 6 My sister could swim before she learned how to walk. Grammar and speaking [Tl] In pairs, match pictures A—F with situations 1 -6. What could they do in these situations? Discuss with your friend. V, . ® 1 Mary has hurt her sister’s feelings. 2 Tom hasn’t paid any attention to his friend’s words. 3 Peter wasn’t polite to his grandma. 4 Nina and Sasha were late for the lesson. 5 Vladimir hasn’t done his homework. 6 Olga hasn’t got money to buy a birthday present for her Mum. Reading 12 Read the texts. What’s the difference between these two women’s days? Mother’s Day (March in Britain, May in the US) In Britain Mother’s Day is celebrated three weeks before Easter. In the US Mother’s Day is the 2nd Sunday in May. On this day mother gets thanks for all she does for her children and family. Traditionally her husband and children bring her breakfast in bed and buy her a small present. Adults visit their mothers, bring flowers and presents or send them special cards. International Women’s Day (March 8 in Russia) Though it is called International Women’s Day, it is celebrated mainly in Russia. It is Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day rolled in one. Boys and men bring flowers and small presents to girls and women they study or work with. At home men try to do all the housework on that day. There are many jokes that March 8 is the only day of the year when men do this. These sentences are NOT true. Change them so that they become true. 1 Mother’s Day is celebrated in the USA earlier than in Britain. 2 On Mother’s Day mothers buy presents for their family. 3 International Women’s Day is celebrated all over the world. 4 Only grown-up women get presents on International Women’s Day. 5 In Russia, mothers must cook a big dinner to celebrate International Women’s Day. К Vocabulary and speaking 14 In pairs, talk about your mother, grandmother, sister or aunt. Useful words and phrases I kind, friendly, loving, polite, modest, clean, I tidy, hard-working to be good at doing sth to enjoy someone’s company to care about sth/sb Mr Big’s island FORWARD! Magazine Sam's stories Listening and reading I [Т] ®T095j Listen, look at the pictures and follow the text. Then answer the questions: Where are the people in the pictures? What are they doing? What is happening on Mr Big’s island? Meanwhile, on Mr Big’s island The islanders were Punua’s friends. They didn’t like Mr Big. They showed Josie, Sam and Kate the way to Mr Big’s house. LED Listen and repeat. S in pairs, read the story. В [®T096i Listen to the conversation and point to the people Mr Big talks to. Mr Big’s instructions Л. Start the submaam._______ 2. Put food in the subm^ne^ З/Таке the cqp^lejo the submarine. 4. Pay the islanders. 5^Feed the fish. Smash tbs.J4mm^-- В Read the list of Mr Big’s instructions. Who has to do these things? Match the instructions with the people. Speaking 1®тб971 Talk about what the gang members have to do. Use the list of Mr Big’s instructions. Example: A: Who has to start the submarine? B: Does Della have to feed the fish? Writing [ 6 I Write a paragraph about Mr Big’s instructions. Example: Mr Big has given his gang some instructions. Jane has to start the submarine. 1 j Mr Big’s island FORWARD! Reading and speaking I Magazine Over to pF] What do they have to do at home? Read and say. name’s Adam. I have to help quite a lot at home. At the weekends I have to weed the garden, I have to make my own bed and tidy my room. My brother sometimes has to wash the dishes. My name’s James. I have to help at home, too. I have to wash the dishes on Sunday evening. I have to feed the cat every day. On Saturdays I have to go to the supermarket with my mother and help her do the shopping. My name’s Tessa. I don’t have to help much at home.-I don’t have to wash the dishes or help with the cooking. We don’t have any pets, so I don’t have to take a dog for a walk or feed a cat. My big brother helps with the shopping, and my sister tidies our room. She also has to take the rubbish out. I have a lot of free time. It’s quite \^oring, really. Vocabulary 8 What do you have to do at home? Talk to your friend. Writing and speaking What do you have to do in the classroom? Make a chart in groups. r weed make a bed help with sth help much/a lot In pairs, talk about the chart. Example: A: Who has to water the plants on Monday? B: Claire. THINK ABOUT GRAMMAR: Модальная конструкция to have to do Конструкция to have to do something выражает необходимость совершить какое-либо действие, так как этого требуют обстоятельства или другой человек. После have используется смысловой глагол в неопределённой форме с частицей to. Чтобы этого не забыть и не сделать ошибку, надо запомнить всю конструкцию to have to do something. Настоящее время в Present Simple в 3-м лице ед. числа используется форма has to. В остальных случаях используется форма have to. I/you/we/they have to do it. He/she/it has to do it. Прошедшее время В Past Simple используется форма had to. When he was a child he had to do it. I/you/he/she/we/they had to do it. Будущее Время В Future Simple используется will have to/’ll have to. I/you/he/she/we/they will have to/’ll have to do it tomorrow. Grammar and speaking 11 12 Scan the texts in Exercise 7. Find sentences with have to. What tense forms are used in them? What is the meaning of these forms? Are there any negative forms? What is their meaning? Fill in the blanks with have to or has to. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I____get up early today. I_____walk the dog. Maxim_______get up early, too. He’s going on holiday. Sam is ill. He____see the doctor. We______do all the exercises. They_____read all the texts in the unit. You______tidy your room before we go for a walk. Speaking 13 Role-play. Your are the mother/father and you tell your children what they have to do. Your friends play the role of your children and mime what you tell them to do. Useful words and phrases to help a lot at home to help with the cooking/shopping to make the bed to tidy the room to wash the dishes to go to the supermarket to take the rubbish out to feed the cat/dog/hamster to take the pet for a walk to weed the garden © 1 j Mr Big’s island Reading and speaking 14 FORWARD! Magazine Did you know? Read the texts quickly and match the headings 1, 2 with texts A, B. 1 Did you know the original title of “Robinson Crusoe”? 2 Did you know that Defoe used a real life story for his book? ...(A) Robinson Crusoe is the main character of a famous novel by Daniel Defoe, an 18th century English writer. The book is known as “Robinson Crusoe”. But its original title is “The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: Who Lived Eight and Twenty Years, All Alone in an Un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, Near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having Been Cast on Shore by Shipwreck, Wherein all the Men Perished but Himself. With an Account How He Was at Last as Strangely Delivered by Pirates.” The title, as you can see, actually tells the story of Robinson Crusoe in short! The book was published in 1719. ...(B) The story of Robinson Crusoe is based on real facts. Alexander Selkirk, a shoemaker’s son from Scotland, went to sea in 1695. He was only 19 years old at that time. In 1704, his ship was damaged and he decided to get off and not sail any further. He landed on a desert island and the ship sailed away. Alexander had only his clothes, a gun, a few tools, tobacco and the Bible. He spent about five years on the island. In 1709, English seamen rescued him. 15 16 17 Read the text about the original title of “Robinson Crusoe”. " ' " ~ Don’t pay attention to the words you don’t know. Find the words you know and answer the following questions. 1 How many years did Robinson Crusoe live on an island? 2 Where was this island? 3 How did he get to the island? 4 Who saved Robinson? Read the text about the real life story again. Then read these statements. Are they true or false? 1 Robinson Crusoe was a shoemaker’s son from Scotland. 2 Alexander Selkirk was 28 years old when he decided to land on a desert island. 3 Alexander Selkirk spent about ten years on the island. 4 English seamen rescued Alexander Selkirk. Read about the novel by Daniel Defoe. Match the pictures with the paragraphs. The Story of Robinson Crusoe (1) Robinson Crusoe, a young man, lives in England. He is eighteen years old. His father wants him to study at university, but Robinson dreams of the sea. He runs away from home and his adventures begin. (2) One of his sea voyages ends with a shipwreck. Robinson finds himself alone on a desert island. (3) Robinson lives on the island for twenty-eight years. During these years, he builds himself a house, learns how to fish and to grow plants. He also learns how to cook. At first he feels sad, but then he starts to think that he lives a much better life here than he did in Europe. (4) He does not see any people for 15 years. Then, one day, he sees a footprint, and later saves a young man. Crusoe names him Friday, because he found him on that day of the week. Friday is extremely grateful and becomes Robinson’s servant. He learns some English. (5) For some years the two live happily. Then, a ship comes to the island. The ship is under pirates’ control. Crusoe saves the captain of the ship and his men from the pirates and they take him back to England. (6) There Robinson finds that in his absence he has become a wealthy man. Crusoe gets married and has three children. Later, he visits his old island. Speaking 18 In pairs, answer the questions. 1 Why does Robinson Crusoe run away from home? 2 How does one of his sea voyages end? 3 Where does he find himself after a shipwreck? 4 How long does Robinson stay on the island? 5 What does he do there? 6 How long does he live alone? 7 Whom does he save? 8 What name does he give him and why? 9 Does Robinson get back to England? 10 How does he get back to England? 11 What does the book end with? Tell the story of Robinson Crusoe. Use the questions from Exercise 18 and the verbs in the past tense. Discuss in groups. 1 What does a person have to do to survive on a desert island? 2 What did Robinson Crusoe have to do to survive on the desert island? 3 What did he have to learn to do? Project idea 19 20 21 Make a poster Jobs. Find out what people have to do in different jobs; what they have to wear; where they have to work; how many hours they have to work; what kind of training they need. Islands of the South Pacific FORWARD! Listening and reading j Ш L® T098J Listen and read. Then answer the questions. 1 Have you ever been to a tropical island? 2 What do you think life is like on a tropical island in the South Pacific? 3 What kind of food do people eat? 4 What kind of houses do they live in? < 5 Do you dream about living on a tropical island? Vocabulary the South Pacific coconut to dry There are many islands in the South Pacific. These are tropical islands. The weather is warm all year round. The trees on the island in the picture are coconut palms. They are very useful because they grow well in sandy and salty places near the seashore where other kinds of trees can’t grow. The coconuts give food. The islanders can dry the nuts and sell them to make oil. They can also use the trunks of the trees for building, and the leaves for making roofs for their houses ". !9<*ШЯ6ВВ5&15^1 ThereisnocoWw^athe^'»" SO the islanders do n ^ thick walls. This ho ^ of There is a „^ats on the floor. palm If;J^gke the mats from dried The islanders так leaves. There are lots of fish in the sea. Sometimes the islanders wrap the fish in strips of leaves and bake them. They also bake taro roots to eat. This is very good food because it has lots of vitamins. Beading and speaking m True or false? Read and discuss. A message in_the^ ____ ^ ~7^he South Pacific. я tiny i-he winter- Help', we'- f ge “Tound so»e taroroots^ *™«-'^Гс“п catch fish in he^;,^ . Vocabulary Talk to your friend. Л ’ wm it be cold in winter? B: No, it won’t. taro root roof mat to wrap sth in sin a Г.о%Г.п:пГаГ;-island. Islands of the South Pacific Listening and speaking s .®T099i This is a picture of life on an island in the South Pacific. What can you see? Listen and point. There are... There is... a lot of / some / not many / no a lot of / some / not much / no A different world 6 ШдШ Talk to your friend about the picture. Example: A: There aren’t many people on the beach. 0 Imagine that you are shipwrecked on this island. In groups, discuss the good and the bad things about a tropical islands. 8 '®Tioij What is the difference between the place in the picture and the place where you live? Talk to your friends. Example: A: There are a lot of cars where we live. B: And there are no palm trees. THINK ABOUT GRAMMAR: Обозначение количества в английском языке способы обозначения количества зависят от того, какие существительные мы употребляем: исчисляемые или неисчисляемые. Задать вопрос и описать количество людей, предметов, веществ, материалов и т. п. в английском языке мы можем с помощью специальных слов: many/much, а lot of/lots of, а few/few, а little/little. Countable nouns Исчисляемые существительные Uncountable nouns Неисчисляемые существительные Если мы хотим задать вопрос «Сколько ... ?» How many friends have you got? (Сколько у тебя друзей!) How many eggs are there in the fridge? (Сколько яиц в холодильнике?) How much time have we got? (Сколько у нас времени!) How much butter is there in the fridge? (Сколько масла в холодильнике?) Если мы хотим сказать «много ...» I’ve got many friends. I’ve got a lot of friends. I’ve got lots of friends. (У меня много друзей.) We’ve got a lot of time. We’ve got lots of time. (У нас много времени.) There are many eggs in the fridge. There are a lot of eggs in the fridge. There are lots of eggs in the fridge. (B холодильнике много яиц.) There is a lot of butter in the fridge. There is lots of butter in the fridge. (B холодильнике много масла.) Если мы хотим сказать «несколько, немного, но достаточно» I’ve got а few friends. (У меня есть несколько друзей.) We’ve got a little time. (У нас есть немного времени.) There are а few eggs in the fridge. (B холодильнике есть несколько яиц.) There is a little butter in the fridge. (B холодильнике есть немного масла.) Если мы хотим сказать «мало, недостаточно» I’ve got few friends. (У меня мало друзей.) We’ve got little time. (У нас мало времени.) There are few eggs in the fridge. (B холодильнике мало яиц.) There is little butter and I can’t make a sandwich. (Масла мало, и я не могу сделать бутерброд.) Grammar and speaking И Проанализируй примеры в таблице. Затем прочитай и дополни формулировку правила словами единственного/множественного. 1) Когда мы говорим об исчисляемых существительных, мы используем форму глагола_______числа. 2) Когда мы говорим о неисчисляемых существительных, мы используем форму глагола числа. 10 Use words many, much, a few, a little to speak about the picture on page 56. Example: There aren’t many people on the beach. — There are a few people on the beach. 0- Islands of the South Pacific Vocabulary and grammar [ТГ| Read the sentences using much or many to fill in the blanks. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 How______lessons have we got today? There aren’t____people in the street. How______money have we got with us? There isn’t _ There are so I don’t like _ Are there___ _ milk in the fridge. ___stars in the sky! _ sugar in my tea. children on the beach? Reading and speaking 12 Look at the picture and then read about Maxim’s room. Find three mistakes in the text. Describe the room yourself. 13 This is Maxim’s room. It’s not big but it’s comfortable. There are a lot of plants and flowers. There’s a bed, two armchairs and a desk. There are few books. There’s a gleiss with a little milk on the desk. Look at the picture and think of five things which you don’t see in Maxim’s room. Example: There is no TV in Maxim’s room. There are no coconuts on the table. Vocabulary 14 Use the words house or home in these sentences. not far from Moscow. for his family. 1 My grandma lives in a small_ 2 Is there anybody at___? 3 My elder brother has bought a 4 I’ve left my notebook at___ 5 Sam will come____before 7. 6 My friend lives in a multi-storey_in the centre of the city. 7 I don’t want to go to the cinema today, let’s stay at-. 8 There are many new____in our town. А glimpse of Russia Reading and speaking 15 FORWARD! iuMagazine Quiz Do the quiz in pairs. Then read the text in Exercise 17 on page 60 and check your answers. 1 What is the longest river in Russia? a) The Lena b) The Volga c) The Ob 2 What is the deepest lake in Russia? a) Ladoga b) Baikal c) Plescheevo Lake 3 What is the highest mountain in Russia? a) Elbrus b) Kazbek c) Victory Peak 4 What is the largest city in Russia? a) St. Petersburg b) Moscow c) Novosibirsk 5 Where is the largest opera and ballet theatre in Russia? a) In St. Petersburg b) In Moscow c) In Novosibirsk --- THINK ABOUT GRAMMAR: Reading and writing numbers In Russian In English 4 400 четыре тысячи четыреста 4,400 four thousand four hundred 3 531 три тысячи пятьсот тридцать один 3,531 three thousand five hundred and thirty one 11,7 МЛН одиннадцать целых и семь десятых миллиона 11.7 eleven point seven million Islands of the South Pacific Listening and speaking 16 i®Ti02l Listen to Zoe and Paul, then interview your friend. Then he/she can interview you in the same way. In Britain there is a radio programme called Desert Island Discs. In it the presenter interviews famous people and asks them to choose music and books to take with them to a desert island. 1 What record would you like to take with you to a desert island? 2 What book would you like to take with you to a desert island? 3 You can take one special thing. What would you like to take? Why? Useful words and phrases reggae jazz pop classical music a fairy tale an adventure story a book on history a detective story Reading and speaking FORWARD! Magazine ^ Did you know? h7l Look and read. Have you done the Quiz A glimpse of Russia? Now check your answers here. Did you know... ...what is the longest river in Russia? It’s not an easy questionl The longest river in the European part of Russia is the Volga. It’s also the longest river in Europe. It’s 3,531 kilometres long! But in the Asian part of Russia, in Siberia, there is the Lena River. It’s 4,400 kilometres long! Another Siberian river — the Ob together with Irtysh is even longer. It’s 5,410 kilometeres long. ...what is the deepest lake in Russia? Of course, you knew it! Bedkal is the largest lake in Russia and it is the deepest lake in the world. ...what is the highest mountain in Russia? That isn’t more difficult than the lakes! Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia and in the whole of Europe. ...what is the largest city in Russia? That’s easy again! Moscow is the largest city in Russia. 11.7 million people live in Moscow. It is also the largest in Europe. St. Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia. Novosibirsk is the largest city in the Asian part of Russia. ...where is the largest opera and ballet theatre in Russia? Surprise, surprise! It’s in Novosibirsk! The most interesting thing about the building is its cupola. The cupola is 60 metres in diameter and only 8 centimetres thick! It is the largest cupola of this design in the world. The theatre was opened on May 12, 1945, right after our victory in the Great Patriotic War. Listening and speaking 18 ®1Ш Listen to the song. Would you like to go to this island? Island with a blue lagoon In the middle of the South Pacific, Is an island with a blue lagoon. It’s rather small but it’s terrific. It’s my island with a blue lagoon. The fish are swimming in the water, You can catch one in your hand. Oh wouldn’t you like to come with me To my island with the golden sand? On my island in the South Pacific, The sun is high at noon. It’s very hot but it’s terrific To go swimming in the afternoon. FORWARD! Magazine Sing together Game zone lagoon terrific 19 20 A memory game. What can you remember about the picture of the tropical house on page 55? Ask and answer. Don’t look! Example: A: How many people are there? B; I think there are... Draw a picture of your house and talk about it to your friends. Example: A: What are the walls made of? B: I think they’re made of stone. Useful words and phrases there is/there are a lot of/some not many/not much What’s it made of? I Mr Big’s cave FORWARD! Magazine Sam's stories Listening and reading [~Г] Look at the pictures and tell the class what these people are doing. Find in the pictures: a) a cave b) a tunnel c) a submarine d) a pair of binoculars СЕ Listen and repeat. I 3 I Read the story in pairs. Listening and speaking И (Uli® What has happened? Listen to Sam’s and Kate’s questions and answer in pairs. Exampie: A: What’s happened to the capsule? B: They’ve loaded it onto the submarine. Vocabulary to go on board И Talk to your friend. 1 What do the friends have to do now? 2 What do you think will happen next in the story? I я J Mr Big’s cave THINK ABOUT GRAMMAR: Способы выражения необходимости I. с помощью модального глагола must и конструкции have to в английском языке выражается необходимость совершить действие, при этом значение предложений с must и have to различно. Утвердительные формы 1) Решение, принятое человеком самостоятельно, внутренняя осознанная необходимость, обязанность: must 2) Необходимость диктуется обстоятельствами или другим человеком: have to Настоящее время I must tidy my room. (Я должен убирать свою комнату.) I have to tidy my room. (Я обязан убирать свою комнату.) Прошедшее время I had to tic (Я должен был убирать свою комнату.) у my room. (Я обязан был убирать свою комнату.) Будущее время Г11 have to tidy my room. (Я должен буду убирать свою комнату.) (Я обязан буду убирать свою комнату.) I must tidy my room on Sunday. (Я должен буду убирать свою комнату в воскресенье.) Г11 have to tidy my room on Sunday. (Я обязан буду убирать свою комнату в воскресенье.) Конструкция have to имеет формы настоящего, прошедшего и будущего времени, а вот у модального глагола must есть только форма настоящего времени. Когда речь идёт о плане прошедшего времени, значение этого модального глагола выражается формой прошедшего времени, заимствованной у конструкции had to. Для обозначения будущего времени используется либо форма будущего времени конструкции ’11 have to, либо сам глагол must, если в предложении есть указание на время в будущем: on Sunday, tomorrow. Grammar and speaking Say who decides and fill in must or have to. I____walk my dog. I______feed my hamster. I-----water the plants. I---weed the garden. I____walk my dog. I______feed my hamster. I____water the plants. I----weed the garden. II. Отрицательные формы mustn’t и don’t/doesn’t have to имеют совершенно разный смысл. Отрицательные формы Запрет: mustn’t Отсутствие необходимости: don’t/doesn’t have to I mustn’t be late for the lesson again. (Мне нельзя опять опоздать на урок.) I don’t have to go to school on Sundays. (Мне не надо ходить в школу по воскресеньям.) You mustn’t go there with us. (Тебе нельзя идти с нами туда.) You don’t have to go there with us. (Тебе необязательно идти с нами туда.) (Можешь пойти, если захочешь.) We mustn’t play with a ball in the house. (Нам нельзя (^запрещено) играть с мячом в доме.) We don’t have to go to a beach party. (Нам необязательно идти на пляжную вечеринку.) (Можем пойти, если захотим.) [ 7 I Fill in mustn’t or don’t/doesn't have to. 1 I go to school on Sundays. 2 We _ make noise. My little sister is asleep. 3 I spend much money. 4 I do this exercise in writing. 5 He _ forget to mail this letter tomorrow. 6 You _ come to the party. 7 You _ to eat it if you don’t like it. 8 They to study music this year. Grammar and writing 8 Write what you have to do and what you don’t have to do at home. Useful words and phrases to help a lot at home to help with the cooking/shopping to make the bed to tidy the room to wash the dishes to go to the supermarket to take the rubbish out to feed the cat/dog/hamster to take the dog/cat for a walk to weed the garden Speaking [ 9 I Role-play. You are Robinson Crusoe and your friend is Friday. Tell Friday what you had to do when you got to the desert island. Then Friday will tell you what he’ll have to do from now on. I j Mr Big’s cave Listening and speaking 10 The changing islands Look at the picture of this modern town in the South Pacific. What can you see in the picture? Talk to your friend. Example: A: There are a lot of tourists in this picture. 11 й)Т108) Now listen to the text. Then answer the questions: Have some islands in the South Pacific changed? Why? □ In pairs, discuss what has changed. Example: A: They’ve built a lot of hotels. B: And there are more people in this picture. A: Yes. They look like tourists. Speaking Vocabulary tourist industry tourism way of life change for the better/the worse 12 In groups, make a plan of a new resort. First, read the list. l^"f^'rP”'"9>^yn3y/;3ogerycUymdrobwHllan+y5,liogo3ogocA DIALOGUE OF CULTURES (4) m Look at the pictures. What do you think this text is about? a Read the text quickly and think of a title for it. Do you remember the difference between the words ‘holiday’ and ‘festival’? The British have eight public holidays. They are called ‘bank holidays’, probably because banks as well as most shops and offices are closed. These holidays are: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. New Year’s Day became a holiday only when the UK joined the European Economic Community in 1973. The patron saints’ days are not celebrated with a holiday. They are St. David’s Day in Wales on March 1, St. George’s Day in England on April 23, and St. Andrew’s Day in Scotland on November 30. Only Ireland, both North and South, has a holiday on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17. However, there are many widely celebrated festivals that are not holidays. I 3 I Match the date and the description. A February 14 — St.Valentine’s Day В March - April — Easter Sunday C March (4th Sunday in Lent) — Mother’s Day D May Day E October 31 — Halloween F December 25 — Christmas G December 26 — Boxing Day H December 31 — New Year’s Eve 1 People visit their mothers, bring them flowers and small presents or send them special cards. 2 People send special cards with hearts, flowers and loving words to those they love. Sometimes they do not sign these cards. Guessing who has sent a card is not always easy. by ^dea of new life The anc4t custfn^ of IS also very popular. ^Sgs 4 If you happen to be in London on New Year’s Eve go to Trafalgar Square and see people take a shower in the fountains there! The Christmas tree is a traditional present from Norway. In Scotland Hogmanay (the Scottish name for New Year’s Eve) is the biggest festival of the year. The dancing goes on all night! [ 4 I What is your favourite holday? Но\л/ do people in your city/town/village usually celebrate it? Make a poster My favourite holiday. 5 On Christmas Eve children hang stockings beside their beds so that Father Christmas can leave sweets and toys inside. On Christmas Day all the family — grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins — meet for the traditional Christmas dinner. 6 People celebrate the end of winter and the coming of spring. Children with brightly coloured scarves dance round the Maypole on village greens. than in the USA* 8 This is the time to visit relatives and give them preserits У haven’t already put yours under the Christmas tree. Vocabulary public holiday — национальный праздник Good Friday — Чистая пятница (название христианского праздника) patron saint — святой покровитель scarf (pi. scarves) — шарф stocking — чулок relative — родственник Vocabulary H L- ■■ . t ШШ. <. Условные обозначения adj (adjective) — прилагательное adv (adverb) — наречие AmE (American English) — американский вариант английского языка BrE (British English) — британский вариант английского языка coll (colloquial) — разговорная лексика conj (conjunction) — союз п (noun) — существительное pi (plural) — множественное число рр (past participle) — причастие прошедшего времени (3-я форма глагола) prep (preposition) — предлог ргоп (pronoun) — местоимение pt (past tense) — прошедшее время V (verb) — глагол превосх. cm. — превосходная степень сравнит, cm. — сравнительная степень А а ability /a'bibti/ п способность; умение abroad /a'broid/ adv за границей, за границу academy /s'kaedami/ п академия act /askt/ г; 1) действовать 2) выступать action /’aekjn/ п действие, движение Action! Мотор! activity /aek'tivati/ и 1) задание 2) действие, деятельность actor /aekto/ п актёр actress /'aektros/ п актриса address /a'dres/1. п адрес 2. v обращаться к кому-л. adult /“aedAlt/ п взрослый, совершеннолетний, зрелый человек adventure /adVentja/ п приключение aeroplane /'earaplem/ п самолёт, аэроплан after /'a:fta/ prep после afternoon /,o:fta'nu:n/ n полдень again /a'gen, a'gein/ adv снова, опять against /a'genst/ prep против, напротив age /enfe/ n возраст ago /a'gau/ adv тому назад agree /а'дпУ v соглашаться ahead /a'hed/ adv впереди ahead of впереди чего-л. airstrip /'eastnp/ n взлётно-посадочная полоса, полевой аэродром album yaelbam/ n альбом ally /'aelai/ n союзник almost /"oilmaust/ adv почти alone /э‘1эип/ adj один, одинокий along /э'Ьд/ prep вдоль alphabetical /.aelfs'betikl/ adj алфавитный already /oil'redi/ adv уже amber /'аетЬэ/ n янтарь American /э'тепкп/1. n американец, американка 2. adj американский anchor /aeoka/ n якорь ancient /einjant/ adj древний, старый angry /зердп/ adj сердитый, рассерженный Antartica /aen'toiktika/ n Антарктида anybody /’enijbDdi/ pron кто-либо, кто-то apartment /a'paitmant/ n квартира appear /э'рю/ v показываться, появляться apron /'eipran/ n передник, фартук area Усэпэ/ n участок, площадка; территория; район arm /о;т/ п рука army /'a:mi/ п армия around /a'raund/ prep вокруг arrange /a'reincfe/ v устраивать, организовывать; расставлять arrive /a'raiv/ v прибывать arrow txTSvl n стрела art loill n искусство as... as... /3z...3z/ adv так (такой) же... как... ask /a:sk/ v спрашивать asleep /a'sliip/ adj уснувший, спящий be asleep спать astronomer /a'stronams/ n астроном astronomy /a'stronami/ n астрономия Atlantic Ocean /at'laentik 'эцГп/ n Атлантический океан attention /a'tenjn/ n внимание pay attention обращать внимание avenue /'aevanju:/ n улица, проспект avocado /,зеуэ'ка:бэи/ n авокадо away /a'wei/ adv 1) прочь, вдаль 2) вдали axe /aeks/ n топор Bb back /back/ adv назад, обратно bad /baed/ adj плохой bake Ibeikl v печь, выпекать balance /'baelans/1. n баланс 2. v балансировать, сохранять равновесие ballet ybaslei/ n балет balloon /Ьэ'1и:п/ n шарик (воздушный) band /baend/ n группа музыкантов, оркестр (джазовый) bar lboc.1 n брусок, кусок bar of chocolate плитка шоколада barbecue /'ba;bikju7 n барбекю baseball /’beisbo:!/ n бейсбол beach /bi:tf/ n пляж, морской берег bear /Ьеэ/ n медведь beard /biad/ n борода become 1Ь\'клт1 v {pt became; pp become) становиться, делаться begin /bi'gin/ v (pt began; pp begun) начи-нать(ся) believe /bi'lirv/ v верить below /bi'bu/1. adv ниже, внизу 2. prep ниже, под better /'bets/ adj сравнит, cm. от good for the better к лучшему (изменяться) bicycle /"baisikl/ n велосипед bin /bin/ n корзина, контейнер wastepaper bin корзина для бумаги (мусорная) binoculars /bi'nnkjulsz/ n бинокль birthday /’bsiGdei/ n день рождения bit /bit/ n отрывок, кусочек blocked /blnkt/ adj заблокированный blonde /blnnd/ n блондин(ка) board /bold/ n 1) доска; стенд 2) борт (судна) notice board доска объявлений story board раскадровка boat /bsut/ n лодка border /'Ьэ:бэ/ n граница bore IbyJ n скука bored Ibo'.dl adj скучающий be bored скучать boring РЪу.пг)! adj скучный, надоедливый borrow /’Ьпгэп/ V занимать, одалживать both /Ьэи0/ pron оба bottom /’botsm/ n дно, днище bouncy castle /baunsi ,ko:sl/ n надувной воздушный замок box /bnks/ n коробка tobacco box табакерка bracket /"Ьгаек!!/ n скобка break /’breik/ v (pt broke, pp broken) ломать; бить, разбивать break down v сломать, выламывать что-л. breathe Ibn.dl v дышать bring /brip/ V (pt, pp brought) приносить, доставлять, приводить, привозить brochure /'ЬгэцГэ/ п брошюра broomstick /"Ьштазик/ п ручка метлы brownie /Ъгаиш/ п шоколадное пирожное с орехами bucket !b\kiXj п ведро build /bild/ V (pt, pp built) строить, сооружать building /’bildir)/1. n здание, строение 2. adj строительный Bulgaria /ЬлГдеэпэ/ n Болгария burn /Ьз:п/1. n ожог 2. v (pt, pp burnt) 1) гореть, сгорать 2) жечь button /Ъл1п/ n 1) кнопка 2) пуговица by /bai/ prep 1) у, при, около 2) вдоль, по 3) сквозь, через 4) (по направлению) к 5) через, посредством by hand руками, вручную Сс cage /keicfe/ п клетка California /,k3eli'fo:ni3/ п Калифорния call /кэ:1/ v называть, звать camel /kaeml/ п верблюд camera obscura /,кжтгз sb'skjusrs/ п камера-обскура camera operator /’каетгэ ,Dpreits/ п кинооператор сап /кзеп/ v (pt, pp could) мочь, быть в состоянии, иметь возможность candy (АтЕ) /kaendi/ п конфета canoe /кэ'пи:/ п каноэ capsule /'kaepsju:!/ п капсула (отделяемая от космического корабля) caravan /'kasrsvsen/ п фургон Vocabulary careful tkesfU adj 1) тщательный, внимательный 2) осторожный Be careful! Внимание! Осторожно! carefully /’keofli/ adv 1) тщательно, внимательно 2) осторожно cargo /'ксгдэи/ n груз carousel /.kaera'sel/ n карусель carpet /ka:pit/ n ковёр cartoon /ko:'tu:n/ n мультфильм carve /kcrv/ v вырезать (из камня), изваять catch /kastj/ v 1) ловить 2) успевать (на автобус и т. п.) cave /keiv/ п пещера celebrate /'sebbreit/ v (от)праздновать cello /"(ГеЬи/ п виолончель cellophane /'sebfein/ п целлофан, плёнка central /’sentrl/ adj центральный certainly /’s3:tnli/ adv конечно, непременно; несомненно change /tfeinc(5/ 1. n изменение; перемена 2. г; 1) менять(ся) 2) обменивать(ся) character /'кзегэк1э/ п 1) характер 2) персонаж check /tfek/1. п контроль, проверка 2. V проверять, контролировать cheerleader AJi3,li:d3/ п девушка из группы поддержки спортивной команды cheese /tfi:z/ п сыр chemistry /'kemistn/ п химия chest /tjest/ п ящик; сундук chicken A/ikin/ п цыплёнок china А/ашэ/ п фарфор China /'tfaina/ п Китай Chinese /,tfai'ni:z/ 1. n 1) китаец, китаянка 2) китайский язык 2. adj китайский choir /kwaia/ п хор circle /'s3:kl/ п круг, окружность civil /'sivil/ adj гражданский clap /klaep/ v хлопать, аплодировать clarinet /.klaera'net/ n кларнет class /klcrs/ n 1) класс (ученики) 2) урок classmate /klasmeit/ n одноклассник classroom yklasruinV n классная комната, класс (помещение) clean /кИ:п/ adj чистый clear /ккэ/ adj ясный, понятный cliff /klif/ и 1) отвесная скала; утёс 2) крутой обрыв climb /klaim/1. п подъём, восхождение 2. V подниматься, карабкаться close I /klauz/ v закрывать close II /klaus/1. adj близкий 2. adv близко, около; рядом club /к!лЬ/ п клуб coach /kautf/ п тренер coal /кэи!/ п уголь coast IksxsstJ п морской берег, побережье coat /кэи1/ п пальто coat hanger /'kaut фжрэ/ п вешалка cocoa beans /'кеикэи bi:nz/ п pi какао-бобы coconut Укэикэпл!/ п кокос coffee Iknfil п кофе coin /кэш/ п монета collage ^010:3/ п коллаж collect /ka'lekt/ 1) собирать 2) коллекционировать colour /"клЬ/ п цвет colourful /kAlafl/ adj 1) красочный 2) живописный 3) яркий, интересный comb /кэит/1. п расчёска; гребень 2. V расчёсывать соте /клт/ v (pt came; рр come) приходить, подходить comfortable /'клтЙэЫ/ adj удобный, комфортабельный comic /'кпппк/ adj 1) комедийный 2) комический, юмористический company /'клтрт/ п компания compare /кэт'реэ/ v сравнивать competition /,knmp3'tijn/ и 1) конкурс 2) соревнование complete /кэт'рИ:!/ adj полный; законченный complication /.kDmpli'keiJn/ п сложность compose /кэт'рэиг/ v сочинять composer /кэт'рэигэ/ п композитор computer /kam'pjuita/ п компьютер concert ykonsat/ п концерт condition /kan'dijn/ п условие congratulate /kan'graetjuleit/ v поздравлять congratulation /kan.graetfu'leijn/ n поздравление Congratulations! Поздравляю! connect /ka'nekt/ v соединять(ся); связы-вать(ся) consider /kan'sida/ v считать, рассматривать consolidation /k3n,soli'deiJn/ n обобщение, закрепление contact /’knntaekt/ n контакт contain /kan'teiny v содержать в себе, вмещать continent /'kontinant/ n континент conversation /.konva'sei/n/ n разговор, беседа cook /кик/ 1. n повар 2. v стряпать, готовить пищу cookie (АтпЕ) /kuki/ п печенье coral Укогэ!/ 1. n коралл 2. adj коралловый cord /ko:d/1. n верёвка, шнур(ок) 2. V связывать верёвкой cornflakes /’koinfleiks/ n pi кукурузные хлопья correct /ka'rekt/ adj правильный, верный, точный cost /kost/ V (pt, pp cost) стоить, обходиться costume /’kostjuim/1. n одежда, костюм 2. adj костюмированный cottage /’knticfe/ n коттедж cotton /kntn/ n хлопок country /клШп/ n 1) страна 2) сельская местность in the country в деревне countryside /'kAntnsaid/ n сельская местность court /ko:t/ n корт cover Уклуэ/ v покрывать, накрывать cranberry ykraenbri/ n клюква crash /krae// v 1) врезаться во что-л. (при аварии) 2) ломаться crazy /kreizi/ adj 1) безумный 2) помешанный на чём-л., сильно увлечённый чем-л. 3) соИ удивительный, необычный be crazy about sth сильно увлекаться чем-л., помешаться на чём-л. cream /кп;т/ п сливки cream cheese сливочный сыр creature ykriitfa/ nl) создание, творение 2) живое существо criminal ykriminl/ п преступник crowd /kraud/ п толпа crush /кгл// V 1) (раз)давить 2) мять, комкать cry /krai/ V 1) кричать, вопить 2) плакать cucumber /'к)и:клтЬэ/ п огурец curly fkS’Ail adj кудрявый customer /'кл51этэ/ покупатель, заказчик cut /кл1/ V 1) резать, разрезать 2) стричь, подстригать Cut! Снято! cut down сокращать (текст), укорачивать cut oneself порезаться cut out вырезать Dd dance /da;ns/ v танцевать, плясать danger /demcfea/ n опасность dangerous /demctjoras/ adj опасный; рискованный dark /da; к/ adj тёмный dark glasses солнцезащитные очки dark /da:k/ n темнота, тьма after dark когда стемнеет dear /dia/ adj дорогой, милый decide /di'said/ v решать declaration /.dekla'reijn/ n заявление, декларация declare /di'klea/ v объявлять decorate ydekareit/ v украшать deep /di:p/ adj глубокий deer /dia/ n олень definitely /definitli/ adv определённо delicious /di'li/as/ adj очень вкусный desert /dezat/1. n пустыня 2. adj необитаемый, пустынный design /di'zain/ n 1) проект; план 2) рисунок, эскиз dessert /di'zsit/ n десерт, сладкое detail ydiiteil/ n деталь; подробность detective story /di'tektiv ,sta:n/ n детектив dialogue /daialng/ n диалог diamond /daiamand/ n бриллиант, алмаз diesel j'dv.zV 1. n дизель 2. adj дизельный difference ydifrans/ n разница; различие dig /dig/ V копать, рыть direct /dai'rekt/ v управлять, руководить director /da'rekta/ n 1) директор 2) режиссёр video director клипмейкер, монтажёр disappear /.disa'pia/ v исчезнуть discuss /dis'kAS/ v обсуждать, дискутировать disguise /dis'gaiz/1. n маскировка 2. V маскировать, скрывать dish /dij/ n блюдо dive /daiv/ 1. v нырять 2. n ныряние, прыжок в воду diver /daiva/ n аквалангист, дайвер do /du7 V (pt did; pp done) делать, выполнять dog sled /dog sled/ n собачья упряжка donkey /dDgki/ n осёл doorstep /doistep/ n порог draw jdxyj v (pt drew; pp drawn) 1) тащить, волочить 2) рисовать dream /drirm/ n мечта dried /draid/ adj сушёный (фрукт), высушенный drive /draiv/1. v водить (автомобиль) 2. n катание, езда, прогулка driver /draivs/ n шофёр; водитель drum /бглт/ n барабан dry /drai/1. adj сухой, высохший 2. v сушить, высушивать Vocabulary during /'djuiano/ prep в течение, в продолжение; во время Ее each /i:tf/ pron каждый, всякий each other 'лбэ/ друг друга eager /'iigo/ adj страстно стремящийся; нетерпеливый be eager to do sth очень хотеть сделать что-л. eagle ГщМ п орёл early /з:!!/ adv рано earn /з:п/ v зарабатывать, заслуживать easily /rzili/ adv легко east /i:st/ n восток easy Г\:г\! adj лёгкий eat /i:t/ v {pt ate; pp eaten) есть; поедать, поглощать eco-friendly /’i:k3U,frendli/ adj экологичный edge /ecfe/ n край; граница effect /I'fekt/ n эффект elastic /I'laestik/ adj эластичный, гибкий electric /,eliktnk/ adj электрический electricity /.elik'tnsati/ n электричество elevator /'eliveito/ n лифт email /kmeil/1. n электронная почта 2. V посылать сообщение по электронной почте embrace /im'breis/ v обнимать(ся) emperor /’етрэгэ/ п император empire /'етраю/ п империя empty /'empti/ adj пустой enemy /’enami/ n враг; неприятель, противник engine /encfein/ n двигатель engineer /,епф'тэ/ n инженер, механик lighting engineer режиссёр по свету sound engineer звукорежиссёр enjoy /in'cfeoi/ V получать удовольствие, наслаждаться, любить enormous /I'noimas/ adj огромный, громадный enough Л'плГ/ adv достаточно; довольно enter /'ento/ v 1) войти 2) принять участие entry /'entn/ п вход, въезд; проход, ворота No entry! Вход воспрещён! equipment /I'kwipmsnt/ п оборудование, оснащение escape /is'keip/ v бежать, совершать побег especially /I'spejli/ adv особенно essay /'esei/ n сочинение, эссе; очерк, статья ever /"суэ/ adv когда-либо every Уеуп/ adj каждый, любой everyone /"eYnwAn/ pron каждый; все exam /ig'zaem/ п экзамен example /ig'zcumpl/ п пример, образец excite /ik'sait/ v взволновать, вдохновлять expensive /ik'spensiv/ adj дорогой, дорогостоящий explore /ik'spb:/ v исследовать; обследовать; изучать explorer /ik'spbxs/ n исследователь extra /'ekstra/ adj дополнительный Ff fair 1 /Геэ/ n ярмарка, парк аттракционов fair II /Геэ/ adj честный, справедливый fairy tale /Теэп n сказка false /fo:ls/ adj 1) ложный, поддельный 2)накладной fantastic /faen'taestik/ adj фантастический, невероятный far /fa;/ adj далёкий, дальний, отдалённый farmer /То;тэ/ n фермер fast I /fa:st/ adv быстро; часто fast II /fast/ V поститься fasten /"fasn/ v прикреплять, привязывать feather /fe6a/ n перо feed /fi:d/ v кормить(ся); питать(ся) feel /fi:I/ {pt, pp felt) v ощупывать; трогать, осязать feeling /'fi:lir)/ n чувство, ощущение, сознание fence /fens/ n забор, изгородь, ограда festival /'festsvl/ n праздник, празднество; фестиваль festive /'festiv/ adj праздничный, весёлый field /fi:ld/ n 1) поле 2) область fight /fait/ V {pt, pp fought) сражаться, воевать fighter pilot /faito ,paibt/ n лётчик-истребитель fill /fil/ V заполнять film /film/1. n 1) фильм 2) плёнка 2. V снимать, производить съёмку film-making /’film.meikiiy п кинопроизводство find /faind/ v {pt, pp found) находить; встречать; обнаруживать find out узнавать больше, разузнавать fire /'faia/ n 1) огонь, костёр 2) пожар fireman /'faisman/ n пожарный fireplace /'faiapleis/ n камин, очаг firework /faiawark/ n фейерверк fish /fi// 1. n рыба 2. v ловить рыбу fisherman /Tijaman/ n рыбак fishing port /Ti/ip ,po:t/ n рыболовецкий порт fit /fit/ 1. V подходить 2. adj подходящий, пригодный fix /fiks/ V фиксировать flat I /flaet/ n квартира flat II /flaet/ adj плоский, ровный fleece /fli;s/ n руно; овечья шерсть flight /flait/ n полёт flippers /"flipaz/ n pi ласты (пловца) flute /flat/ n флейта fly /flai/ V (pt flew; pp flown) летать, пролетать flyaway /'flaiawei/ adj развевающийся (о волосах) folk /Гэик/ n народ folk music народная музыка follow /'fobu/ V 1) следовать, идти за 2) следить, провожать (взглядом) footprint /’futpnnt/ п след, отпечаток (ноги) for /fo:/ prep 1) для, ради 2) на, к foreign ffonnl adj иностранный, зарубежный forever /far'evs/ adv 1) постоянно; беспрестанно 2) навсегда frame /freim/ п оправа, рамка France /fra:ns/ п Франция free /fri:/ adj 1) свободный, вольный 2) бесплатный French /frentf/1. п 1) француз, француженка 2) французкий язык 2. adj французский fridge /fndj/ п холодильник friendly /йспб!!/ adj дружелюбный fries (АтЕ) /fraiz/ п р1 картофель-фри frightened /'fraitnd/ adj испуганный be frightened испугаться front /frAnt/ n передняя сторона (чего-л.) fun /fAii/ n удовольствие; шутка; развлечение, веселье; забава furnish /'f3:m// v снабжать; предоставлять, доставлять further/furthest /'farda/'fardast/ adj сравнит./превосх. cm. от far future /’Qatfa/1. n будущее 2. adj будущий G g gallery /'gaein/ n галерея gang /gaei]/ n банда, шайка gap /gsep/ n промежуток, интервал garland fgccbndi n гирлянда, венок gas Igxsl n 1) газ 2) (AmE) бензин, топливо gate /geit/ n ворота gather /'даедэ/ v собирать genius /’фкшэз/ n гений, одарённый человек gently /"cfsentli/ adv нежно, мягко, ласково get /get/ v (pt, pp got) 1) получать; доставать, добывать 2) зарабатывать giant /cfeaiant/ n великан, гигант gigantic /^ai'gaentik/ adj гигантский, громадный give /giv/ v (pt gave; pp given) давать; отдавать glasses /'glasiz/ n pi очки glimpse /glimps/ v увидеть мельком glitter /'glita/ v блестеть, сверкать globe /glaub/ n земной шар; глобус; сфера go /дэи/ V (pt went; pp gone) идти, ходить; быть в движении; передвигаться go away уезжать, уходить go on продолжать, идти дальше gold /gauld/ и золото good /gud/ adj 1. хороший 2. полезный, годный good at способный к чему-л., хорошо делающий что-л. goodness /'gudnas/ п доброта; великодушие grape /greip/ n 1) виноград 2) виноградина gravity /'grsevati/ п гравитация great /greit/ adj 1) большой, громадный, огромный 2) важный, значительный ground /graund/ п территория, земля grow /дгэи/ V (pt grew; pp grown) вырастать; расти, увеличиваться grown-up /"дгаипАр/1. п взрослый (человек) 2. adj /.дгэип'лр/ взрослый guard /gad/ п бдительность; осторожность guess /ges/1. v предполагать; догадываться 2. п догадка; предположение guest /gest/ и 1) гость 2) постоялец (в гостинице) guitar /gi'ta/ п гитара gun /длп/ п 1) ружьё 2) пистолет gymnastics /cfeim'naestiks/ п гимнастика Hh hair /Ьеэ/ п волосы half /haf/ п половина hamster /'haemsta/ п хомяк handkerchief /Ьзедкаф;!/ п носовой платок hanger /'haega/ п вешалка Vocabulary happiness /’haepinas/ n счастье happy /"haepi/ adj счастливый hardworking /,ha;d'w3:kir)/ adj трудолюбивый hasty /'heisti/ adj 1) быстрый, стремительный 2) вспыльчивый, резкий hat /hast/ n шапка, кепка, шляпа baseball hat бейсболка riding hat головной убор для верховой езды hate /heit/1. v ненавидеть 2. п ненависть hay /hei/ п сено head /hed/1. п голова 2. v стоять первым (в списке); возглавлять head for направляться к headline /hedlain/ п заголовок, рубрика healthy /helGi/ adj здоровый hear /Ью/ v (pt, pp heard) слышать heavy /hevi/ adj тяжёлый helicopter /’helikopto/ n вертолёт helicopter pad вертолётная плош;адка helmet /helmit/ n шлем, каска help /help/1. v помогать 2. n помощь hero /Ьюгэи/ n герой heroic /hi'rauik/ adj героический, геройский herring /herip/ n сельдь hide /haid/ v {pt hid; pp hidden) прятать, скрывать highlight /hailait/ n выделять (букву, слово и т. п.) цветным фоном hike /haik/ 1. v путешествовать, ходить пешком 2. п длительная прогулка; экскурсия historian /hi'stoman/ п историк historical /hi'sto:nkl/ adj исторический hold /hauld/ v {pt, pp held) 1) держать 2) праздновать, отмечать hole /haul/ n дыра, отверстие holiday /hnlidei/ n праздник, день отдыха, выходной день homework /haumwaik/ п домашняя работа, домашнее задание honey I'h.mxl п мёд hoop /hu:p/ п обруч hope /Ьэир/1. V надеяться 2. п надежда horseback /horsbaek/ п спина лошади horseshoe Pho'-sjuj п подкова hot /hot/ V 1) горячий, жаркий 2) острый hotdog /hoidog/ п хот-дог hotel /hau'tel/ п отель, гостиница housework /'hausw3:k/ п домашнее хозяйство, работа по дому hum /Ьлт/ п жужжание hundred /Ьлпбгэб/ п число сто; сотня hunter /hAnta/ п охотник hurricane /hArikan/ п 1) ураган 2) взрыв, вспышка, буря hurt /Ьз:1/ V {pt, рр hurt) причинять боль it hurts болит husband /hAzband/ п муж li icecap /aiskaep/ n ледниковый покров (на полюсах) ice cream /,ais 'kri:m/ n мороженое icing sugar /aisir) Juga/ n сахарная пудра idea /ai'dia/ n идея; мысль if /if/ conj если igloo Aglu7 n иглу (эскимосская хижина из затвердевшего снега) illustrate /ilastreit/ v иллюстрировать imagine /I'mae^in/ v воображать, представлять себе important /im'pa:tnt/ adj важный, значительный incident Ansidant/ n случай, случайность include /in'klu:d/ v включать (в себя) independence /.mdi'pendans/ n независимость, самостоятельность induce /in'dju:s/ v убеждать, побуждать, склонять industry Andastn/ n индустрия, отрасль промышленности information /.mfa'meijn/ n информация insect /insekt/ n насекомое inside /in'said/ n внутренняя сторона; изнанка inspire /m'spaia/ 1) вдохновлять 2) стать основой institute Anstitjuit/ n институт instruct /in'strAkt/ V 1) учить, обучать 2) инструктировать instrument /mstramant/ n инструмент intend /in'tend/ v намереваться, иметь в виду interest /intrast/ n интерес, заинтересованность interested /intrastid/ adj заинтересованный, увлечённый be interested интересоваться, увлекаться international /.mta'naejnl/ adj международный invent /in'vent/ v изобретать invention /inVenJn/ n изобретение inventor /in'venta/ n изобретатель invite /m'vait/ v приглашать island taibndl n остров islander /'aibnda/ n островитянин Jj jacket /"фэк!!/ n 1) куртка 2) пиджак 3) жилет life jacket спасательный жилет jaw /фэ’У n челюсть jazz /djaez/ n джаз jellyfish /'djelifi// n медуза jewellery n украшения jigsaw puzzle fd^igso: ,p\zV n составная картинка-загадка, пазл job /фоЬ/ n работа, труд join /фот/ V 1) присоединяться 2) вступать judge Мзлбз/ 1. п судья 2. v судить; выносить приговор Jupiter /"cfeuipito/ п Юпитер just /ф\51/1. adj справедливый, беспристрастный 2. adv точно, как раз, именно Кк keep /ккр/ v {j>t, рр kept) 1) держать 2) хранить, сохранять keeper I'kv.pal п смотритель; хранитель; сторож kind /kaind/ adj добрый kindly /кашб!!/ adv доброжелательно, любезно kite /kait/ п воздушный змей knee pad I'm: ,paed/ n наколенник knight /nait/ n рыцарь knock InvkJ 1) стучать 2) колотить, ударять know /пэи/ V ipt knew; pp known) знать LI lab ЛаеЬ/ n лаборатория lace /leis/ v шнуровать lace up зашнуровывать ladder Лзебэ/ n лестница lagoon Лэ'ди:пУ n лагуна lake /leik/ n озеро lamb Лает/ n ягнёнок, барашек land Лаепб/ 1. n 1) земля, суша 2) почва 3) страна,государство 2. V приземляться landmark /Чаепбтсгк/ п бросающийся в глаза объект местности, ориентир landslide /'laendslaid/ п оползень large Ла;с15/ adj огромный, очень большой last Лсиз!/ V продолжаться; длиться launch I dorntj/ V запускать launch II l\o:ntjl п моторная лодка lay Лс1/ V (pt, рр laid) класть, положить lay down класть, укладывать lazily /'leizili/ adv лениво, неспешно lead Леб/ п свинец lead l\i:dl v {pt, рр led) вести leaflet /liiflot/ n листовка, брошюра learn Лз:п/ v (pt, pp learnt) учиться; учить (что-л.) learner Лзшэ/ n учащийся; ученик leave di:v/ v (pt, pp left) 1) покидать 2) уезжать, переезжать 3) окончить (школу) lecture /’lektj'a/ п лекция left ЛеШ adj левый lemonade /.lemo'neid/ п лимонад lens Лenz/ п линза Lent dent/ п церк. Великий пост let det/ V (pt, рр let) 1) разрешать, позволять 2) сдавать внаём let in 1) впускать (внутрь) 2) впутывать lettuce /’letis/ п салат-латук liberate /ИЬэге!!/ v освобождать lid did/ п 1) крышка 2) веко life daif/ п жизнь lifeguard /laifgaid/ п спасатель lifestyle /laifstail/ п образ жизни light I dait/ adj лёгкий light II dait/ V 1) освещать (помещение) 2) зажигать, поджигать lighting yiaitig/ п освещение lightning /ЬПто/ п молния lines dainz/ п pi реплика, слова роли (актёра) linger /Чщдэ/ v задерживаться list dist/ п список, перечень listen flisnl V слушать; прислушиваться lit dit/ V pt, рр от light literature /'litratfa/ n литература Lithuanian /,li0Ju'eini3n/1. n 1) литовец, литовка 2) литовский язык 2. adj литовский live daiv/ adv 1) в прямом эфире 2) в режиме реального времени load deud/ 1. п груз 2. v грузить; грузиться lobby /lobi/ п вестибюль, приёмная Vocabulary lock Лок/ V запирать lock up запирать; помещать в тюрьму locomotive /.lauks'mautiv/ п локомотив look Лик/ V смотреть, осматривать Look out! Осторожнее! Берегись! lose Ли;г/ v {pt, рр lost) терять, лишаться loud ЛаиЛ/ adj громкий loudly /'laudli/ adv громко loving /’Iavii]/ adj любящий luggage /’Iaqi^/ n багаж lunch Лап^/ n обед, ланч lyrics /links/ n лирические стихи, лирика М m mad /maed/ adj сумасшедший, безумный mad about страстно любящий что-л./кого-л. magazine /,maeg3'zi:n/ n журнал magic carpet /,таефк 'ka:pit/ n ковёр-самолёт magnify /maegnifai/ v увеличивать magnifying glass /’maegnifaig .glcrs/ n лупа make /meik/ v {pt, pp made) делать, изготавливать, создавать make the/your/my bed убирать, застилать постель made of сделанный (из чего-л.) mango /таеддэи/ п манго marathon /’таегэвп/ п марафон march /mcrtf/1. п марш 2. v маршировать Marianna Trench /тсш'сгпэ 'trentf/ п Марианская впадина Mars /mcrz/ п Марс mat /maet/ п циновка, коврик match /maetf/ v соединять, подбирать, находить соответствие material /тэ'1шэ1/ п материал maybe /meibi/ adv может быть mean /mi:n/ v значить, означать meaning /тгшг)/ п значение; смысл meanwhile /mknwail/ adv между тем, тем временем medicine /medsin/ п медицина meet /mi:t/ v {pt, pp met) 1) встречать 2) соответствовать (желаниям, требованиям) melon /теЬп/ п дыня member /тетЬэ/ п член (организации, структуры) memory /тетп/ п память mention /теп/п/ v упоминать; ссылаться Mercury /'markjun/ п Меркурий message /mesicfc/ п послание, сообщение meteorological /miitiara'lDcfeikJ/ adj метеорологический meter fmvXsl n 1) метр 2) счётчик, измеритель middle /midl/ n середина milkman /milkman/ n молочник mime /maim/1. n 1) мимика, жестикуляция 2) пантомима 2. v изобразить мимикой и жестами mining /mainir)/ п горная промышленность; разработка месторождения mistake /mi'steik/ п ошибка mobile /maubail/ adj мобильный modern /mndn/ adj современный modest /mndast/ adj скромный moment /maumant/ n момент monorail /monaureil/ n монорельсовая железная дорога, монорельс month /ШАпв/ п месяц morning /тэ:ппУ п утро motor /mauta/ п мотор motor саг (ВгЕ) /mautau ,ка/ п легковой автомобиль mountain /mauntin/ п гора moustache /ma'stcrj/ п усы movie star /murvi sto;/ n кинозвезда multi-storey /,mAlti'sto:n/ adj многоэтажный muscle /iTiAsl/ n мускул, мышца mustard /nustad/ n горчица N n nasty /ncrsti/ adj отвратительный, гадкий, противный national /naejnl/ adj национальный, народный Nazi /ncrtsi/ adj нацистский near /та/ prep возле, у, около necklace /neklas/ n ожерелье need Inr.dJ v нуждаться (в чём-л.) neighbour /neiba/ n сосед(ка) Neptune /neptfu:n/ n Нептун nervous /narvas/ adj нервный, раздражительный; взволнованный nest /nest/ n гнездо never /neva/ adv никогда new lx\]\xj adj 1) новый 2) иной next /nekst/ adj 1) ближайший; соседний 2) следующий noise /naiz/ n шум; гам; грохот noisily /naizili/ adv 1) громко 2) ярко, кричаще noisy /naizi/ adj шумный north /пэ:0/ n север Norway Уполуе!/ n Норвегия Norwegian /noi'wiictjn/ 1, n 1) норвежец, норвежка 2) норвежский язык 2. adj норвежский nowadays ynausdeiz/ adv в наше время, в наши дни nursery rhyme yn3:sn ,raim/ n детское стихотворение; потешка nut /nAt/ n орех Nutcracker ynAtikraeks/ Щелкунчик nylon ynailDn/ n нейлон Oo object yobcfeekt/ n 1) вещь, предмет 2) объект, предмет observer /эЬ'гзгУэ/ п наблюдатель occupation /.Dkju'pei/n/ п занятие; род занятий, профессия ocean УзиГп/ п океан octopus yoktapas/ п осьминог often УоГп/ adv часто; много раз oil /oiiy 1. и 1) масло 2) нефть 2. adj 1) масляный 2) нефтяной onion yAnjan/ п лук only yaunli/1. adj единственный 2. adv только, исключительно onto УопШ/ prep на (по направлению к объекту) opposite yopazit/ adj противоположный orbit yo:bit/ n орбита order yo;da/ n приказ, указание organisation /,a:ganai'zei/n/ n организация original /a'ricfenl/ n подлинник, оригинал other УАда/ adj другой, иной over hmol prep над, выше owner Уаипа/ n владелец oxygen yoksicfen/ n кислород oyster yaista/ n устрица Pp Pacific Ocean /pa,sifik 'aujn/ n Тихий океан packet ypaekit/ n пакет pagan ypeigan/1. n язычник, язычница 2. adj языческий page /peicjj/ n страница paint /peint/ 1. n краска 2. v красить, окрашивать paintbrush ypeintbfAj/ n кисть pair /pea/ n пара palm lpa:ml n пальма coconut palm кокосовая пальма pancake ypaenkeik/ n блин parachute Урэега/иД/ n парашют parcel ypa;sl/ n посылка, свёрток parent ypearant/ n родитель park Ipxkl n\) парк, сквер 2) заповедник parrot ypaerat/ n попугай part /port/ n часть, доля partner УрсгШа/ n компаньон; партнёр party ypcuti/ n вечеринка, праздник pass Ipccsl V 1) идти, проходить проезжать 2) сдать, выдержать pass exam сдавать экзамен past /pcrst/1. п прошлое 2. prep, adv 1) мимо чего-л. 2) после чего-л., за чем-л. paste /peist/ v приклеивать, наклеивать patiently ypeijantli/ adv терпеливо pay /pel/ V платить, выплачивать, оплачивать pay for платить за peace /pi:s/ n спокойствие pearl /рз:1/ n жемчуг pedal ypedi/ n педаль pedal boat ypedi ,baut/ n водный велосипед, катамаран pencil case Уреп$1 'keis/ n пенал penny-farthing (BrE) /,pem'fo:dig/ n велосипед c колёсами разного диаметра perish ypenf/ v погибать, умирать perform /раТэ:т/ v разыгрывать, представлять person yp3:sn/ n личность; человек pet /pet/ n домашний питомец, домгппнее животное petrol ypetrl/ и бензин phone /feun/1. n телефон 2. v звонить phonograph УГэипадга:!/ n фонограф photo essay yfautau ,esei/ n фоторепортаж photography /fa'tografi/ n\) фотография, искусство фотографии 2) съёмка, операторская работа piano /рУзепаи/ п фортепьяно pick /pik/ п выбор picnic ypiknik/ п пикник pie /pai/ п пирог; пирожок pigeon Ур1ф;п/ п голубь pile /pail/ п куча, груда pill /pil/ п таблетка, пилюля pineapple Урашаер!/ п ананас place /pleis/ п место plan /р1агп/ п план planet yplaenit/ п планета plank /plaegk/ п доска, планка Vocabulary plant /plant/ n растение playing field /'pleiir) ,fi:ld/ n игровое поле, площадка для игры pleasure /’ркзэ/ п удовольствие Pluto /рЫДао/ п Плутон pocket /рокп/ п карман роет /’рэишт/ п поэма, стихотворение poetry /pauitn/ п поэзия point /point/ п точка poisonous /poiznas/ adj ядовитый pole /рэи1/ п столб, шест policeman /pa'lrsman/ п полицейский polite /pa'lait/ adj вежливый, любезный pollution /pa'lajn/ п загрязнение pony /pauniy п пони poor /poV п 1. adj бедный 2. п беднота pop /рор/ п поп-музыка popstar /"popsta/ п попзвезда popular /’pnpjula/ adj популярный population /ipnpju'leijh/ n население; жители port /po:t/ n порт possibility /pnsa'bilati/ n возможность, вероятность power station /раиэ ,stei/n/ n электростанция powerful /pauafl/ adj мощный, сильный practise /"praektis/ v практиковаться, тренироваться preface /"prefas/ n предисловие prepare /рп'реа/ v подготавливать, гото-вить(ся) present I /prezHt/ adj настоящий present II 1. n /'preznt/ подарок 2. V /pri'zent/ дарить president /prezidant/ n президент press /pres/1. n 1) пресс 2) пресса 2. г; 1) нажимать 2) сдавливать pretend /pn'tend/ v притворяться pretty /'pnti/ adj хорошенький, прелестный, миловидный probe /ргаиЬ/ n зонд space probe космический зонд problem /’pmblam/ n проблема produce /pra'djas/ v производить producer /pra'djasa/ n продюсер professor /pra'fesa/ n профессор projector /pra'cfeekta/ n 1) проектор 2) прожектор propeller /pra'pela/ n пропеллер protect /pra'tekt/ v защищать publication /,рлЬ11'ке1|п/ n опубликование, издание publish /"pAbliJ/ V публиковать, печатать pudding /'pudip/ n пудинг puppet /pApit/ n марионетка, кукла push-pull /,риГри1/ adj двухтактный put /put/ V (pt, pp put) класть, положить Q q quarrel /kwrirl/ v ссориться question /'kwestjn/ n вопрос questionnaire /,kwestj3'ne3/ n вопросник, анкета quick /kwik/ adj быстрый, проворный quickly /kwikli/ adv быстро, поспешно quiet /kwaiat/ adj спокойный; тихий R r race /reis/ n гонка raft /raft/ n плот railway /'reilwei/ n железная дорога rainstorm /'reinstorrn/ n ливень c ураганом range /reinclj/ n ряд, цепь mountain range гряда гор, горная цепь rap /гаер/ п рэп (музыкальный стиль) гаге /геэ/ adj редкий rather /"гадэ/ adv несколько, слегка, довольно ray /rei/ п луч reach /ri:tf/ г; 1) достигать 2) достать read /ri;d/ v (pt, pp read /red/) читать real /пэ1/ adj настоящий really /nail/ adv на самом деле, в действительности recite /n'sait/ v декламировать; читать наизусть record 1. п /rekad/ запись 2. v /n'koid/ записывать recorder /ri'koida/ n \) звукозаписывающий аппарат 2) муз. блок-флейта redwood /'redwud/ n красное дерево, калифорнийское мамонтовое дерево reef /ri;f/ п риф reggae /regei/ п регги (музыкальный стиль) reindeer /'reindia/ п северный олень relax /n'laeks/ v отдыхать, расслабляться religious /п'Ьфэв/ adj религиозный repeat /ri'piit/ v повторять reply /ri'plai/ V отвечать report /n'po:t/ v \) сообщать, рассказывать 2) докладывать reporter /п'рэдэ/ n репортёр; корреспондент represent /repn'zent/ v представлять rescue /'reskjuV v спасать rest /rest/ n отдых ride /raid/ 1. v (pt rode, pp ridden) 1) ехать 2) катать(ся) 2. n прогулка, поездка rig /пд/ и вышка, установка oil rig нефтяная вышка right /rait/ adj 1) правый 2) правильный rink /пг)к/ п {также skating rink) каток rise /raiz/ v подниматься, увеличиваться в размере river /"пуэ/ п река roadie /'raudi/ п технический персонал (в гастролирующей группе музыкантов) rock /гэк/ п камень rock music /гэк ,mju:zik/ п рок (музыкальный стиль) rod /rod/ п прут, брус, балка roller coaster /гэпЬ ,kousto/ п американские горки (аттракцион) rollerskating /’roubskeitii]/ v кататься на роликах Roman /'гэитэп/1. п римлянин, римлянка 2. adj римский Rome /гэшп/ п Рим roof /ru;f/ п крыша root /ru:t/ п корень, клубень (у растения) горе /гэир/ п верёвка round /raund/ adv вокруг, кругом all (the) year round круглогодично row /гаи/ V грести, сидеть на вёслах rubber /глЬэ/ п резинка, ластик rubbish txKb\j! п мусор rugby 1‘х\ф\1 п спорт, регби rule /ш:1/ п правило run /глп/ V {pt ran, pp run) бегать run out истекать, заканчиваться Russia /’гл/э/ n Россия Russian /'гл/п/1. n 1) русский, русская 2) русский язык 2. adj русский S S sack /sack/ п мешок sad /saed/ adj печальный, грустный sail /sell/1. п парус 2. v плавать sail buggy /sell Ълд1/ n буер sailing boat /'seilig bout/ n парусная лодка sailor /’seilo/ n матрос, моряк salmon /saemon/ n лосось sand /saend/ n песок sandy /"saendi/ adj песчаный satellite /saetlait/ n спутник Saturn /saetain/ n Сатурн Saudi Arabia /,saudi o'reibio/ n Саудовская Аравия save /seiv/ v 1) спасать, охранять 2) беречь, экономить saw /so:/ n пила saxophone /'saekso,foun/ n саксофон say /sei/ V {pt, pp said /sed/) говорить, сказать; заявлять scarecrow /'skeokrou/ n пугало, чучело scene /si:n/ n\) место действия (в фильме, пьесе) 2) сцена schoolchild /’sku:ltfaild/ п {pi schoolchildren) школьник science /’saions/ n наука scorpion /'sko:pion/ n скорпион screen /skri:n/ n экран screw /skru7 v привинчивать, закручивать seashore tsv.jyj n морское побережье seaside /'sksaid/ n морской берег; морское побережье secret /'skkrat/ n тайна, секрет secretly /'si:kr9tli/ adv тайно, скрытно section /sek/n/ n раздел, рубрика (журнала) see Ш V {pt saw, pp seen) видеть; смотреть seem /si:m/ v казаться sell /sel/ V {pt, pp sold) продавать(ся) semi-detached /.semiditaetft/ adj имеющий общую стену semi-detached house двухквартирный дом с общей стеной send /send/ v {pt, pp sent) посылать, отправлять Senegal /,seni'go:l/ n Сенегал sentence /’sentons/ n предложение series /"siarkz/ n ряд, цепь, серия (событий), сериал (ТВ, радио); выпуск serve /s3:v/ 1) служить 2) обслуживать, подавать (еду) shake /Jeik/ {pt shook; pp shaken) v 1) трясти 2) качать shampoo /Jaem'puV n шампунь shape /Jeip/ n форма, очертание shark //сгк/ n акула shed /Jed/ n навес sheet music /Jl:! ,mju:zik/ n ноты shell /Jel/ nl) раковина (моллюска), панцирь 2)скорлупа shine /fain/ v {pt, pp shone) светить(ся); сиять shipwreck /'fiprek/ n кораблекрушение shop assistant /Jbp 3,sist3nt/ n продавец; продавщица Vocabulary shout /Jaut/ V кричать shout for громко позвать кого-л. show /Jau/ V (pt showed, pp shown) показы-вать(ся), быть видным; появляться; казаться shutter /|[л1э/ п задвижка, заслонка sick /sik/ adj больной, испытывающий тошноту to be sick тошнить, мутить side /said/ п сторона, бок sign /sain/1. п знак; символ 2. v подписывать signal /"signl/ п сигнал silence /sailans/ п тишина; молчание Silence! Тихо! Тишина! silk /silk/ п шёлк silkworm /silkwaim/ п шелкопряд silly /sill/ adj глупый; слабоумный sincerely /sin'sisli/ adv искренне sink /sipk/ V (pt sank, pp sunk) тонуть sit /sit/ V (pt, pp sat) сидеть situation /,sit/u'eijn/ n ситуация skateboard /'skeitbo:d/ n скейтборд ski /skiV V кататься на лыжах skiing /ski;iiy n катание на лыжах cross country skiing бег на лыжах по пересечённой местности; лыжные гонки skin /skin/ п шкура skydiving /skaidaivir)/ п свободное падение (при прыжках с парашютом) skyscraper /skaiskreipa/ п небоскрёб sleep /sli:p/ v (pt, pp slept) спать, засыпать sledge /slec^ 1. n сани 2. v кататься на санях slide I /slaid/ v (pt, pp slid) скользить slide II /slaid/ n слайд, фрагмент (киноплёнки и т. п.) slippery /slipn/ adj скользкий slow /slau/ adj медленный, тихий slowly /sbuli/ adv медленно small /smo:l/ adj маленький; небольшой smash /smaej/ n шум, грохот smell /smel/ n запах sneeze /sni;z/ 1. v чихать 2. n чихание snorkel /’sno:kl/ n трубка (для плавания под водой) society /sa'saiti/ п общество softly /soflli/ adv 1) мягко, спокойно 2) тихо, бесшумно solar /5эи1э/ adj солнечный soldier /sauli^a/ п солдат solution /ss'luijn/ п решение some /SAHi/ pron некий, некоторый, какой-то; несколько, немного sometimes /sAmtaimz/ adv иногда soon /sum/ adv скоро, вскоре sound /saund/ n звук sound recordist /saund n'kD:dist/ n звукооператор South Africa /,sau0 'аеГпкэ/ n Южная Африка space /speis/ n 1) пространство 2) космос Spain /spein/ n Испания Spaniard /spaenjad/ n испанец, испанка Spanish /spaenij/1. n испанский язык 2. adj испанский speak /spi:k/ v (pt spoke, pp spoken) говорить, разговаривать spend /spend/ v (pt, pp spent) 1) тратить, расходовать 2) проводить spend time проводить время spill /spil/ V проливать spin /spin/ V (pt, pp spun) крутить(ся), вертеть(ся) spray /sprei/1. n 1) водяная пыль, мелкие брызги 2) распыление insect spray спрей от насекомых 2. V распылять, обрызгивать spring /spnp/ п пружина squeeze /skwi:z/1. п сжатие, сдавливание 2. V сжимать, сдавливать stage /stei^/ п сцена (в театре) stanza /staenza/ п строфа star /sto:/ п \) звезда 2) звезда, знаменитость state /steit/ п \) государство 2) штат stay /stei/ V оставаться, задерживаться steak /steik/ п стейк (кусок мяса или рыбы для жарки) steal /sti:l/ v (pt stole; pp stolen) воровать, красть steam train /stimi ,trein/ n поезд c паровым локомотивом steamboat /stkinbaut/ n пароход step /step/1. n шаг 2. v делать шаг, шагать stick /stik/ n палка still /stil/1. adv ещё, по-прежнему, всё ещё 2. adj спокойный, бесшумный, неподвижный storm /sto;m/ п буря, гроза, ураган stormy tsXy.xxul adj бурный, штормовой straight /streit/1. adj прямой 2. adv прямо, по прямой линии straight ahead прямо вперёд strawberry /stroibn/ п земляника, клубника strike /straik/ n удар (часов) string /stni]/ n верёвка, шнурок strip /stnp/ n 1) полоска 2) (длинный) кусок, отрезок strong /stroi]/ adj 1) сильный 2) крепкий strongly /’stropli/ adv 1) сильно, крепко 2) очень, весьма studio /stju:di3u/ n студия film studio киностудия recording studio звукозаписывающая студия study ysUdi/ V изучать, исследовать stunt /sUnt/ n трюк stunt artist каскадёр submarine /'злЬтэгг.п/ n подводная лодка suddenly /'sAdnli/ adv вдруг, неожиданно sugar У/идэ/ n сахар suit /su:t/ n костюм suitable /'sudabl/ adj подходящий, годный Superbowl /'8и:рэЬэи1/ n суперкубок supper Ларэ/ n ужин surface /sarfis/ n поверхность surfboard /'s3:fbo:d/ n доска для сёрфинга surgeon Уззгёзп/ n хирург surprise /so'praiz/1. v удивлять 2. n сюрприз survive /ssVaiv/ v пережить, выдержать, перенести sweet /swi;t/ adj 1) сладкий 2) милый; любимый sweets shop /swkts Jop/ n кондитерская swim /swim/ v {pt swam, pp swum) плавать, плыть swimming costume (BrE) /’swimip ,kostju:m/ n купальный костюм, купальник symbol /'simbl/ n символ system /'sistam/ n система T t taiga Aaiga/ n тайга take /teik/ v (pt took, pp taken) брать tale /teil/ n рассказ, повесть tall Лэ:1/ adj высокий tank /taegk/ n бак, резервуар, цистерна tap /1агр/ v перехватывать (сообщения), подслушивать, подсматривать taro Аа:гэи/ п таро, колоказия (многолетнее тропическое растение с крупными съедобными клубнями) taste /teist/1. п вкус 2. v быть на вкус; пробовать на вкус taxi Aaeksi/ п такси team /ti:m/ п команда teaspoon /ti;spu:n/ п чайная ложка technology /tek'nulscfei/ п технология telescope АеЬзкэир/ п телескоп tell /tel/ V (pt, pp told) 1) рассказывать 2)говорить, сказать temperature /temprotla/ n температура tennis Aenis/ n теннис terrific /ta'nfik/ adj coll необычайный, потрясающий test /test/1. n тест, контрольная работа 2. V проверять,тестировать theatre /'0i3t9/ п театр theme /0i:m/ п тема thick /01к/ adj толстый thing /01Г)/ п вещь, предмет think /0н]к/ V (pt, рр thought) думать, полагать thread /0red/ п нить through IQnxj prep через, сквозь throw /0гэи/ V (pt threw; pp thrown) бросать, кидать thumb /0АГп/ n большой палец руки thunder /'0Апбэ/ п гром thunderstorm /'0And3Sto:m/ п гроза ticket Aikit/ п билет; талон tidy Aaidi/1. adj аккуратный, опрятный 2. V убирать, прибирать tight rtait/ adj тугой tin /tin/ n консервная банка tiny Aaini/ adj крошечный tiptoe Aiptou/ V ходить на цыпочках title Aaitl/ n 1. название (книги) 2. титул toast /toust/ n тост (поджаренный хлеб) today /ta'dei/ adv 1) сегодня 2) в наши дни, в настоящее время together Лэ'дедэ/ adv вместе; сообща tomorrow /ta'morsu/ adv завтра tool /tu:l/ n инструмент top /top/ n вершина (горы) torpedo /to:‘pi:d3u/ n торпеда tortoise Ao:t3s/ n черепаха toss /tns/ V бросать; подбрасывать touch /tAtf/ V (при)касаться, трогать tour /Шэ/ n поездка, тур, гастроли go on tour ездить на гастроли tourism Auarizm/ n туризм tourist Ausnst/ n турист towards /t3'wo:dz/ prep no направлению к towel Ааиэ1/ n полотенце tracksuit Araeksu:t/ n спортивный костюм tractor /'traekta/ n трактор tradition /tra'di/n/ n традиция; старый обычай Vocabulary traffic lights Araefik ,laits/ n pi светофор trail /,treil/ n след; тропа nature trail туристская тропа trampoline АгаетрэИ:п/ n батут translate /trasns'leit/ v переводить translation /traens'leijh/ n перевод travel Araevl/ n путешествие tray /trei/ n поднос treasure Агезэ/ n сокровище trick /trik/1. n обман, уловка 2. v обманывать, надувать trip Лпр/ n путешествие; поездка tropical Aropikl/ adj тропический truck Лглк/ n грузовик truffle ДглШ n трюфель trumpet АглтрИ/ n труба trunk Лглрк/ n 1) ствол 2) хобот truth /tru:0/ n правда try /trai/ V пытаться, стараться tug Ллд/ n рывок tug-of-war перетягивание каната tunnel /1лп1/ n тоннель turn Дз:п/1. n поворот 2. v поворачивать turn on включать (свет, устройство) turn off выключать (свет, устройство) twice /twais/ adv дважды twin /twin/ n близнец twinkle Awipkl/ n сверкать, мерцать tyre /tais/ n шина, автомобильная покрышка и u under /лпбэ/ prep под, ниже underground /Andograund/ adj подземный underline /.Ando'lain/ v подчёркивать underwater /.Ando'woda/ adj подводный uniform Au;nifo:m/ n форменная одежда, форма union Аи:п1эп/ n объединение; союз unity /'ju:n3ti/ n единение, единство unlike /An'laik/ adj непохожий unlock /лпЪк/ V отпирать, открывать untroubled /An'tFAbld/ adj спокойный, тихий, безмятежный unusual /лп')и;зиэ1/ adj необыкновенный; необычный upright /“Aprait/ adj вертикальный; прямой Uranus /'juamas/ n Уран use /ju:z/ v 1) использовать 2) употреблять usually /ju:3uali/ adv обычно V V vacation (AmE) /va'keijn/ n отпуск, каникулы valley /'vaeli/ n долина valuable /'vaeljuabl/ adj дорогой, ценный van /vaen/ n фургон Venus M'.ndsI n Венера verse /v3:s/ n стихотворение version /V3:Jn/ n версия; вариант vet /vet/ n ветеринарный врач video /"vidiau/ nl) видео 2) видеомагнитофон village /'vilictj/ n деревня vitamin /'vitamin/ n витамин volcano /vnrkeinao/ n вулкан voice /vais/ n голос voyage /'vaiictj/ n плавание, морское путешествие vulture /’vAltfa/ n гриф (хищная птица) W w wages /'weicfeiz/ n pi заработная плата wake up /,weik'Ap/ v просыпаться war /wa:/ n война warning /'woinip/ n предупреждение; предостережение waste /weist/1. v терять даром, тратить впустую 2. п трата, расточительство wastepaper bin Aveist'peipo ,bin/ n корзина для бумаги (мусорная) watch /wDtf/ V смотреть water /*wo:t3/1. n вода 2. v поливать water sports /'wo:t3 ,sports/ n pi водные виды спорта way /wei/ n способ, образ, метод way of life образ жизни wealthy /SvelGi/ adj богатый; состоятельный weatherman /'wedomaen/ n метеоролог wedding /Svediij/ n свадьба weed /wird/ n 1) водоросль 2) сорняк weekend /,wi:k'end/ n выходные weight /weit/ v весить welcome /Velkam/ v приветствовать, радушно принимать well I /wel/ adv 1) хорошо 2) верно, правильно well II /wel/ n скважина oil well нефтяная скважина west /west/ n запад wetsuit /wetsurt/ n гидрокостюм whale /well/ n кит wheel /will/ n колесо whole /haul/ adj весь, целый wig /wig/ n парик wigwam /'wigwaem/ n вигвам wildlife /waildlaif/ n живая природа, дикая природа win Avin/ V (pt, pp won) побеждать winner /"wina/ n победитель wire /waia/ n проволока with /wi6/ prep c without /wid'aut/ prep без wolf /wulf/ n волк wonder /SvAnda/1. n удивление, изумление, восхищение 2. v удивляться, интересоваться wonderful /"wAndafl/ adj удивительный, замечательный wood /wud/ n дерево, древесина wooden /'wudn/ adj деревянный wool /wul/ n шерсть work /W3:k/1. v работать 2. n работа world /'w3:ld/ n мир worried /wAnd/ adj озабоченный worry /’wait/ V беспокоиться, заботиться worse /w3:s/ adj сравнит, cm. от bad for the worse к худшему (изменяться) wrap /гаер/ v заворачивать (подарки, покупки), обёртывать; закутывать wreck /гек/ п обломки (корабля) write /rait/ v (pt wrote, pp written) писать writer /'raita/ n писатель; автор wrong /год/ adj неправильный, ошибочный X X X-ray /elcsrei/ n рентген Yy yet /jet/ adv ещё, всё ещё yoghurt /’jngst/ n йогурт youth /ju:0/ nl) молодость, юность 2) молодёжь Irregular verbs Base form Past simple Past participle be was/were been become became become begin began begun build built built buy bought bought can could could catch caught caught come came come cost cost cost cut cut cut do did done draw drew drawn drive drove driven eat ate eaten feed fed fed feel felt felt find found found fly flew flown get got got give gave given go went gone grow grew grown have had had hear heard heard hurt hurt hurt keep kept kept know knew known learn learnt learnt leave left left lose lost lost make made made mean meant meant meet met met pay paid paid put put put read read read run ran run say said said Base form Past simple Past participle see saw seen sell sold sold send sent sent show showed shown sit sat sat sleep slept slept speak spoke spoken spend spent spent swim swam swum take took taken tell told told wear wore worn win won won write wrote written Pronunciation table CONSONANTS Symbols Key word Other common spellings /Р/ park happy /Ь/ bath rubbish /1/ tie butter walked Idl die teddy bear /к/ cat key school check iQl give ghost bigger Ml chair match natural /d3/ jeans age gadget soldier m face coffee phone laugh Ы1 visit of IQI throw Idl they Isl sell cinema listen psychology scenery message IzJ zoo nose buzz /// shop sure ambition /3/ measure revision Ihl hot who Iml map summer /П/ not know sunny /13/ sing think ni lot ball iTl road sorry write HI yellow usually Europe beautiful new M warm one whale quick VOWELS Symbols Key word Other common spellings Long and short vowels li-J feet niece read these key receipt police III fit gym guitar pretty spaghetti married lei bed any bread friend /ае/ bad bath art half aunt heart Ivl bottle watch Ы bought sport your daughter small draw war floor Ivl put book could /u;/ boot rude blue fruit move shoe group flew /л/ but some cousin /з:/ bird serve early turn /э/ brother the about actor colour Diphthongs (two vowei sounds pronounced as one) leil grey lake wait play eight break /эи/ gold show coat lail by like die high height eyes buy lavl brown about loil boy noisy lial hear here beer /еэ/ hair there their square teddy bear /иэ/ sure poor tour Учебное издание Вербицкая Мария Валерьевна Эббс Брайен Уорелл Энн Уорд Энн Английский язык 5 класс Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений В двух частях Часть вторая Благодарим за предоставленное разрешение на воспроизведение охраняемых авторским правом фотографий и репродукций: «Фотобанк Лори», ФГУП Информационное телеграфное агентство России «ИТАР-ТАСС», С.С. Митурича (www.mosphoto.ru), В.С. Иванова, СЛ. Каулен В учебнике использованы репродукции и кадры из фильмов: Часть 1,с.9 (внизу справа): кадр из художественного фильма «Гарри Поттер и кубок огня* — Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (no роману Дж.К. Роулинг) / [продюсер Д. Хейман; сценарист С. Клоувз; режиссёр М. Ньюэлл]. — США, Великобритания : Хэйдей Филмз, Уорнер Бразерс, 2005. Часть 1,с.20 (внизу слева): фотография Н. Ньепса «Вид из окна*. Хроника человечества / сост. Бодо Харенберг. — 2-е изд., доп. — М. : Слово/Slovo, 2000. — с. 702. Часть 1,с.28 (вверху слева): кадр из анимационного фильма « Шрек навсегда» — Shrek Forever After / [продюсеры Т. Ченг, Дж. Шэй; сценаристы Дж. Клауснер, Д. Лемке; режиссёр М. Митчелл]. — США : ДримУоркс Анимейшн, Пасифик Дейтэ Имиджес, Парамаунт Пикчерз, 2010. Часть 1,с.28(внизу слева): кадр из художественного фильма «Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца* — Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Man’s Chest / [продюсер Дж. Брукхаймер; сценаристы Т. Россио, Т. Элиот; режиссёр Г. Вербински]. — США : Джерри Брукхаймер Филмз, Уолт Дисней Пикчерз, 2006. Часть 1, с. 28 (внизу справа): кадр из художественного фильма «Снежные псы* — Snow Dogs / [продюсеры Дж. Кернер, К. Грант; сценарист Г. Полсен; режиссёр Б. Левант]. — США : Кернер Энтертейнмент, Уолт Дисней Пикчерз, 2002. Часть 2, с. 34 (вверху справа): изображение Декларации независимости США с сайта National archives — www.archives.gov. В учебнике использованы тексты и информация с интернет-сайтов: Часть 2, с. 14 (текст 2): текст о коллекционировании монет — сайт www.2-clicks-coins.com. Часть 2, с. 21 (текст 2): текст об Александре Бородине — сайт www.favorite-classical-composers.com. Редакторы Л.О. Савчук, Е.Ю. Туйцына. Дизайн Э. Самуэл, СЛ. Каулен Художники Г. Эндрюс, К. Баксендейл, Д. Кокборн, Н. Говер, Р. Холт, С. Нун,Д. Патерсон, М. Шоувел, С.Ю. Гаврилова, М.Ю. Зарецкий, ОЛ. Гуляева, ЕЛ. Савельев, И.В. Логачёва, Е.Н. Филиппов Картографы И.Н. Шорина, Д.В. Черных Внешнее оформление СЛ. Подкорытовой, Ю.В. Сопельняка Сканирование и цветоделение Л.В. Аникиной, Д.И. Смирнова Художественный редактор СЛ. Каулен Компьютерная вёрстка О.В. Игнатовой Технический редактор Л.В. Коновалова Корректоры ОЛ. Мерзликина, А.С. Цибулина Подписано в печать 28.02.13. Формат 60x90/8 Гарнитура PragmaticaC. Печать офсетная Бумага офсетная № 1. Печ. л. 13,0 Тираж 10 000 экз. Заказ № 0203/13. ООО Издательский центр «ВентанаТраф» 127422, Москва, ул. Тимирязевская, д. 1, стр. 3 Тел./факс: (495) 611-15-74, 611-21-56 E-m£iil: [email protected], https://www.vgf.ru Отпечатано в соответствии с предоставленными материалами в ООО «ИПК Парето-Принт», 170546, Тверская область. Калининский р-н, Бурашевское сельское поселение, промышленная зона Боровлёво-1, комплекс № 3 «А» www.pareto-print.ru