Учебник Английский язык 4 класс Вербицкая Эббс часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 4 класс Вербицкая Эббс часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Forward (Форвард):

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ENGLISH Алгоритм успеха ФГОС ш л класс Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений Под редакцией проф. М.В. Вербицкой В двух частях Часть вторая <5^ Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации Москва Издательский центр ♦Вентана-Графф Pearson Education Limited 2013 ББК 81.2(Англ)я71 А64 Учебник включён в федеральный перечень Авторы: д-р филол. наук проф. М.В. Вербицкая, Б. Эббс, Э. Уорелл, Э. Уорд Английский язык : 4 класс ; учебник для общеобра-А64 зевательных учреждений ; в 2 ч. Ч. 2 / [М.В. Вербицкая, Б. Эббс, Э. Уорелл и др.]; под ред. М.В. Вербицкой. — М.: Вентана-Граф : Pearson Education Limited, 2013. — 96 с. : ил. — (Forward). ISBN 978-5-360-04274-7 (ч. 2) ISBN 978-5-360-04275-4 (общ.) Учебник является третьим в серии «Forward», обеспечивающей преемственность изучения английского языка со 2 по 11 класс общеобразовательных учреждений. Учебник рассчитан на обязательное изучение предмета «Иностранный язык» 8 4 классе школ, работающих по базисному учебному плану, В комплекте с учебником предлагаются пособие для учителя, рабочая тетрадь и компакт-диск с аудиоприложением к учебнику и рабочей тетради. В первую часть входят разделы с 1 по 9, во вторую — разделы с 10 по 21 (разделы 1-16 для обязательного изучения, разделы 17-21 включают дополнительные материалы). УМК для 4 класса входит в систему учебно-методических комплектов «Алгоритм успеха». Соответствует федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту начального общего образования (2009 г). ББК 81.2(Англ)я71 Условные обозначения Сначала послушай Работай вместе с классом Прочитай Напиши Выучи новые слова и выражения Твоя очередь: работай самостоятельно Запомни! Вспомни! Дополнительные задания ISBN 978-5-360-04274-7 (ч. 2) ISBN 978-5-360-04275-4 (общ.) © Издательский центр «Вентана-Граф». 2012 © Pearson Education Limited, 2012 Contents I о Beano comes to the rescue.............................. 4 II The Angel of the Forest ................................ 12 12 A shape in the mist..................................... 20 13 The painting on the wall................................. 28 Review 3 ................................................ 38 14 The message in the temple................................ 40 15 Where is Mr Big? ........................................ 48 16 Going home............................................... 56 Review 4 ................................................ 61 *Projects .................................................. 67 17 Life in the rain forest.................................. 68 18 A project about dinosaurs................................ 70 19 A real-life discovery.................................... 75 20 A different world........................................ 78 21 Children of the sun...................................... 82 Англо-русский словарь....................................... 83 Мой «ноутбук»............................................... 94 © Beano comes to the rescue 1. Listen and look, \ > What was that? If li / / \- A monster^ ^ Don’t stop! “G f.'t Are they dead? V Ч/ 0 t e { Yeah! Now for the prof li: Beano! Is it time for school?' Where am I? r-J 0 I ■b 4 4 kl9 think we’re near the village of Dabo Let’s go there and ask for help. A'Z village ------ villager crash ask for help about ten days ago Бино приходит на помощь At last they reached the cliffs. They walked to the village. Joe talked to the villagers. We’re looking for Professor Wallace She was here about ten days ago. She wanted to go to the Blue Mountains. 2. Read the text in groups. 3. Listen the map. пошли?) and follow the directions on Where did they go? (Куда они 4. Listen and repeat. passed stopped arrived asked followed crashed walked crossed climbed reached Tell the story with your friend. Ш ^ First their plane crashed in the rain forest (^Then they walked to the village of Dabo. 5. Kate’s diary. Read and match. e ladder. Monday The professor mended The rop Tuesday Beano climbed a free. Wednesday E.v&rybo>—^ ЧЬеу buried people in here — здесь хоронили людей temple Be quiet! painting I hope not. 2. Read the text in groups. 3. What does it sound like? Look at the pictures in the story. Listen and point. Ш It looks like a temple. They look like footprints. V It sounds like a door. They sound like bees. 4. Write your answers. It sounds like ... They sound like ... looks like (похож на) look like (похожи на) sounds like (звучит как) sound like (звучат как) a fr, og Y)ees birds a monkey 29 13 5. Look at these cave paintings (наскальные рисунки). Talk to your friend about them. What does picture 1 look like? j It looks like dinosaur’s bones. ^ Which picture looks like a snail? (picture number 6. Read the sentences. Fill in the gaps. over, in, outside, inside, up the forest There was an old building _____ Trees grew _ it. Kate and Sam climbed ______ to the door. They went _____ the temple. They climbed some rocks. 7. In pairs, ask and answer questions with where and who. Where was the temple? In the forest Where did Kate and Sam climb?) (^Up to the dooi\^ Who was inside the temple? C Who was outside the temple?) C • •• # X 30 8. Read the text. Tex and Zack are following Sam and Kate. This is Zack’s diary. There are lots of mistakes Look at the story and find the mistakes. MONDAY They c-limbed down +o Lhe old building Ib looked like a sohool. lb was hgbb inside bbe bemple. They c.limhed over a wall. There was a pio-K/tre on fhe oeilmg. Ib was a piohure o'f a boy. wall down over inside ceiling ^ 9. Correct the mistakes with your friend. They climbed down to the old building. } No, they didn’t. They climbed up to the old building. Simple) 12. Talk about the pictures with your friend. You can use the pictures your friend made. Whose picture is this?^ ( It’s Tony’s. z^What is it?) (^It’s a dinosaur7\^ 13. Game. Кто быстрее разгадает наскальные рисунки и дойдёт до выхода из пещеры? Если ход попадает на описание рисунка, можно перейти вперёд к этому рисунку, угадав его по описанию. ^ It looks like а forest. It looks like a volcano. 3tJ •N 1 1#^ 39 xU, A T 40 Finish They look like birds. It looks like clouds. 32 It looks like a house. ill . 2^ /у — It looks like a hat. 23 12 It looks like a tree. It looks like a spider. 22 It looks like a bee. 18 They look like fish. S It looks like a face. It looks like a horse. ^ J It looks like the sun. It looks like I li a cat. J a They look like apples. It looks like a flower. ir- * » They look like dinosaur’s footprints. r * Play with the dice. You must throw a six to start. 14. Talk to your friend about the pictures. Z^What does this picture look like?} It looks like a horse. 15. Draw some cave paintings. Show them to your friends. What do they look like? 33 13 А project about famous paintings r~^ О I . 16. Who was Viktor Vasnetsov? Listen and look Ф Vasnetsov was born in 1848 in a small village near Vyatka. here with his he was a boy. This is his family house. He lived father, mother and five brothers. When he liked drawing and painting pictures. ill 4iim IJJ e llinilili In 1867 Vasnetsov moved to St. Petersburg. He studied at the Academy of Arts. He visited France in 1877 and Italy in 1885. Ф This is the famous Tretyakov Art Gallery in Moscow. We can see many paintings by Vasnetsov in this gallery. Vasnetsov did the architectural design for the building of the gallery. ЗД This is Vasnetsov’s house in Moscow. He did the architectural design of this house. In 1926 he died here. Now it’s the Vasnetsov House Museum. 17. В тексте есть несколько незнакомых для тебя слов и словосочетаний. Можешь догадаться об их значении? Academy of Arts, France, architectural design, Tretyakov Art Gallery Find them in the text and read the sentences. 18. Listen to the text again and say; in 1848, in 1867, in 1877, in 1885, in 1926 19. Прочитай в тексте, что происходило с В. Васнецовым в эти годы. Чтобы назвать по-английски год, надо сначала произнести как двузначное число две первые цифры, а потом — две последние цифры: in 1848 — in eighteen forty eight; in 1926 — in nineteen twenty six. 20. Read and say yes or no. 1 Vasnetsov was born in 1848. 2 He was born in Moscow. 3 There were four brothers in Vasnetsov’s family. 4 He was in Saint Petersburg in 1850. 5 Vasnetsov did the architectural design for the Tretyakov Art Gallery. 6 There are many of his paintings in this gallery. 35 13 21. Read the text. Do you know these paintings? Do you like fairy tales (сказки)? Look at the paintings by the great Russian painter Viktor Vasnetsov. Do you know these heroes from Russian fairy tales? - In this tale Ivan Tzarevich and Elena the Beautiful have a lot of dangerous adventures. The Wolf rescues them and helps them to come back home. Look at this wonderful painting. Ivan Tzarevich and the beautiful girl are riding the grey wolf. Elena the Beautiful is afraid of the dark forest and she’s afraid of the big grey wolf. But Ivan Tzarevich isn’t afraid of the Wolf because the Wolf is his friend. The Wolf helps them. The other painting is called Alenushka. Do you remember the Russian tale about a sister and a brother, Alenushka and Ivanushka? One hot, sunny day they walked for a long time. The brother became thirsty. He saw a goat’s hoof full of water and drank from the hoof. Alenushka looked for her brother everywhere, but she found only a white kid. She sat down on a rock near the lake and cried. 36 This painting by Vasnetsov is called The Flying Carpet. We can see Ivan Tzarevich with the Firebird. Imagine you are the hero of this tale. Do you like flying on the carpet? You can see rivers, forests, mountains and flying birds. It’s so exciting! 22. Talk to your friend about Vasnetsov’s paintings. Ask questions about the picture. Whose painting is it? Who is it? What’s this? Where is ... ? Where are ... ? Who is riding ... Who is flying ... ? 9 23. Write a letter to your pen friend about Vasnetsov. Тебе поможет задание D в рабочей тетради. 24. А project. Find photos of some paintings by Vasnetsov. Write about this painter. Make a poster. 37 Review 3 1. Read. 56 sleeping bags, 98 cups, 13 plates, 9 knives, 64 forks, 79 spoons, 23 tents 2. Read the words. Чётко произноси окончания. Назови начальную (неопределённую) форму каждого глагола. played, arrived, crossed, pointed, reached, landed, walked, talked, followed, needed, visited, wanted, crashed, passed, mended, chased, climbed 3. Talk to your friend. Какие слова вам нужно использовать в вопросах о прошлых событиях, а какие — в вопросах о событиях в настоящем? z(^What did you do yesterday?} What do you do every day?^)^ 4. Какая форма прилагательного нужна в этих предложениях? Read the sentences and fill in the gaps. Cinderella is __ (kind) than her sisters. The Wolf isn’t ____ (kind) to Red Riding Hood. Many children like ____ (long) cartoons. Pinocchio has got a _____ (long) nose than Malvina. The trees in the rain forest and in the taiga are very _ (tall). Giraffes are ___ (tall) than elephants. 5. Read the text. What’s your favourite season? My favourite season is spring. In spring the days are longer and the nights are shorter than in winter. It is warmer. It rains sometimes but the rain is warm. There are small green leaves on the trees. 6. Допиши стихотворение. Найди недостающие слова в тексте из задания 5. It is warm in ____, And the days are_______ The birds start to sing. And we learn a new song. Повторение 3 -v> 7. Talk to your friend about his/her hobby. Talk about your own hobby. Do you collect anything? What do you like doing? 8. Fill in the gaps. skiing, playing, drawing, taking, diving, doing Maxim: Sport is my hobby. I like ________ football. Vera: I like the “Do-it-yourself” club at our school. I like ___ beautiful things. Lera: Art is my hobby. I like pictures. Nikita: Winter is my favourite season. I like ___. Dasha: This is my new camera. I like _____ photos. Ben: My favourite place is a swimming pool. I like ____ underwater. Sam: My computer is my best friend. I like _____ computer games. 9. Составь сложное предложение. Какой союз тебе по надобится? It’s going to snow. It’s going to rain. It’s getting hot. I’m not afraid of the cold. I’m not afraid of getting wet. I’m not afraid of the sun. 10. Moscow Quiz. (Викторина «Москва».) Прочитай во прос и выбери ответ. 1 Which of these is the longest? A Leninsky Avenue В Profsoyuznaya Street C Kutuzovsky Avenue 2 Which of these is the widest? A Leninsky Avenue В Profsoyuznaya Street C Kutuzovsky Avenue 11. Составь c друзьями викторину живёте. о том месте, где вы The message in the temple 1. Listen and look. What’s the matter. Beano? Where are Sam and Kate? Will you show me? (Uo you think they’ll find us, Sam? Of course they will. Look, that light is coming from somewhere. I’ve got an idea. (^ok! Smoke signals^^ Here you are! I saw your signals L ™ f- I’ve got my camera. Д We can take some photos. \y i i Look, professor. There are lots of pictures. I' smoke signal ----- somewhere eagle rock He’s ill pick I’ve got an idea, He’ll get better. •X I -I Послание в храме In this one she’s picking the orchid.---;—;-----^\ ----f _________—-^^What shall we do now?J 0 Г ^ — L Gl-sr* Let’s look for Eagle Rock and then we’ll find the Angel of the Forest. -r r She’s giving the orchid to the young prince. He’s ill. Yes, and can you see that rock? It looks like an eagle. ^ He’ll get better now. ‘i/ 2. Read the text in groups. '.''M Where’s Joe? Вспомни, как строятся специальные вопросы, общие вопросы и вопросы к подлежащему. What is it? Is it a smoke signal? Can Beano help the children? Who saw the smoke signal? 3. Ask and answer questions about the story. Who ... ? What ... ? Where ... ? Why ... ? How ... ? Are they ... ? Is he/she ... ? Can he/she/they ... ? Когда нам надо сказать о событиях, которые, как мы думаем или надеемся, произойдут в будущем (in the future), в предложении используется форма будущего простого времени глагола (Future Simple) со вспомогательным глаголом will: we will find = we’ll find, they will find = they’ll find. We’ll find the Angel of the Forest. (Мы найдём Лесного ангела.) Will they find the orchid? {Найдут ли они орхидею?) 14 4. Talk to your friend about the future. What will you do on Saturday? Where will you go tomorrow? I’ll ride my bike in the park. I’ll go to a supermarket. Use these words: read, watch ... on TV, play, talk to, have ... for lunch, next week, next month, tomorrow, on Sunday Ш 42 Формы Future Simple образуются c помощью вспомогательного глагола will (’ll): he/she/it/they } (’“> park tomorrow. В устной речи обычно используются краткие формы Future Simple (he’ll go), в письменной речи чаще используются полные формы (he will go). 5. Look at the story on pages 40 and 41 again. What do you think will happen next? Talk to your friend. Z^What will happen in the story?^ (l think Zack will find the Angel of the Forest.^ Z^I don’t. I think Joe will find it.^ 6. Read the letter from Jill to Dasha. Can you answer her questions? Объясни, в каком времени употреблены глаголы, содержащиеся в письме. Dear Dasha, I feel so happy! Yesterday Professor Wallace found Kate and Sam! They saw a picture of the Angel of the Forest on the wall of the temple. Will they find the flower now? The Red Hand Gang is still in Indonesia. How shall we help our friends? What will happen next? Write soon. Bye, Jill о I 7. What’s the matter? (Что случилось?) Listen and say. toothache earache a stomachache a headache a cold a cough 8. Everybody is ill. Look at the pictures. Talk to your friend. What’s the matter with Kate? ) (^She’s got a headache. ^ 9. Odd one out! Чем отличается «лишнее» слово в каж дой группе? А headache, cough, stomachache, earache, toothache В windy, snowy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, cold C longest, tallest, bigger, largest, thinnest, shortest A: Good morning, doctor. B: Good morning. What’s the matter? A: I’ve got ... . B: Have you got ... ? A: Yes, I’ve got ... ./No, I haven’t got B: I’ll give you some medicine. You’ll get better now. A: Thank you. Goodbye. A3 14 11. Who is doing things wrong? (Кто ведёт себя непра ВИЛЬНО?) Find them in the picture. @ о Listen and check. (Послушай и проверь.) 12. What will happen? Write five sentences. <5 .РЖ1Г. Use these words: go crash into break cut its paw fall off hit 1 The ball will go on the road. 13. Прочитай про себя тексты о том, каким будет наш мир в будущем. Найди к каждому тексту соответствующую иллюстрацию и расскажи о ней по-русски. What will the world of the future be like? People will build wind farms with lots of windmills They will use the wind to make electricity. Scientists will find rare plants. These plants will help them to make new medicines. People won’t throw all their rubbish away. They will find ways to use things again. People will look after the oceans. Animals like dolphins will be safe and healthy. Ш won’t [W9Unt) = will not 14. Посмотри в словаре новые слова. Удалось ли самостоятельно понять их значение в текстах? тебе windmill electricity ocean safe rubbish throw away 15. Draw a picture The world of the future. Show it to the class. Discuss it with your friends. Д5 14 ш 16. What do you think will happen in the future? (Что, no твоему мнению, произойдёт в будущем?) Talk to your friend. A: Where will you live in the future? B: I won’t live in a big city. I’ll live in a small village. A: Will you travel to other countries next year? B: No, I won’t. I’ll go to Sochi. В отрицательных формах Future Simple к вспомогательному глаголу will добавляется отрицание not: will not go = won’t go — Will you go to the park? {Пойдёшь в парк?) — No, I won’t. (Нет, не пойду.) — Where will he travel next year? (Куда OH поедет в следующем году?) — Не won’t travel to other countries. He’ll go to Sochi. (Oh не поедет в другие страны. Он отправится в Сочи.) 17. Read the text. Fill in the gaps. inside, to, in, from, on, of, with, outside __ the temple. It was dark there. Sam and Kate were ______ Sam lit a fire. Beano returned ______ the camp and found Professor Wallace. The professor saw a smoke signal. She ran __ the forest and rescued them_______the old temple. They found some old paintings ______ the wall ___ the temple. The first one was a picture a beautiful girl. The girl in the picture had the orchid ________ her hand and she gave it _____ the young prince. Then they found a picture of a rock. It looked like an eagle. Now they are the temple and Beano is Sam. But Joseph Alexander isn’t ______ them. They are a long way ____ their camp now. They are going to find the orchid and they will go the orchid? Eagle Rock. Who will find 18. Расскажи, что было с героями этой истории раньше. Что произойдёт дальше? иь Ben: 19. Read the text in pairs. Куда собирается Никита летом и почему? Nikita: Му uncle is going to come to London tomorrow. Then he will take a plane from London to Indonesia. What will the weather be like in Britain? It will be cold and cloudy in the north of Britain and it will be warmer in the south, but it will be windy. Would you like to visit Indonesia? Nikita: I’d like to visit it but I can’t. Our summer holidays will start in June. Where would you like to go? I would like to go to my grandad’s village. I hope it will be warm in June. I’m going to ride Buran. He is my grandad’s horse. Ben: Nikita: 20. Пофантазируйте о том, куда вам и вашим друзьям хотелось бы поехать в зависимости от погоды. А: Where would you like to go in January? B: It will be cold and snowy. I’d like to go to the mountains because I like skiing. I would like to ... = I’d like to Я хотел(а) бы... 21. Спиши вопросы и напиши свои ответы. What was the weather like last week? What’s the weather like today? What will the weather be like next month? ^ 22. Talk to your friend about his/her day. It was... It’s... It will be.., A: B; A: B: A: B: Where will you go after school? I’ll go to the park. Will you ride your bike? No, I won’t. I’ll go to watch the birds. What will you watch on TV in the evening? # # 23. Нарисуй дома картинку о том, что ты будешь де- лать на каникулах, и приготовь рассказ по ней. © Where is Mr Big? 1. Listen and look. Where was Joe? Zack and Tex searched the campsite. But Joe arrived with the police. The police took Zack and Tex away. Joe went to find his friends. Hurry up! Look, Joe! This is where the orchid grows It’s Joe! Look, Joe! found the Angel of the Forest! Г . stay Not so fast! 48 A-Z nobody take away arrest — арестовать searched the campsite — обыскали лагерь friend of mine — мой друг Где же мистер Биг? ( And these friends of mine are going to look after the orchids. Nobody can steal them now! What’s Beano doing? 2. Read the text in groups. 3. What will happen next? Listen and point. to go to prison to stay in quarantine Talk to your friend about the pictures. A: What will happen to Sam and Kate? B: They’ll go back to school. 15 4. Litter in the park. Where did the park keeper (сторож парка) find these things? Listen and point. cola can crisp packet ticket orange peel comic bench grass flower bed fence path 5. Who dropped the litter? Read and match. Yes, I was in the park, but I didn’t eat or drink anything. I just sat quietly and read something. Matthew f'I walked across the park, then I saw my friends playing football. I didn’t have anything to eat, but I was thirsty after school. James I didn’t go into the park after school. I went home by bus. I ate some fruit at the bus stop. Fiona I sat on the bench with my friend and we watched the ducks on the lake. Yes, I had something to eat. I’m always hungry after school. SO} 6. Look at the picture on page 50. Read and point. This is the bench next to the lake. There is a big tree near this bench. The football pitch with green grass is opposite the lake. This is the fence next to the bus stop. This is the bench next to the fence. This is the long flower bed on the right of the path. 7. Talk to your friend about litter in the park. A: Who dropped the orange peel? B: James. A: Where did he drop it? B: Behind the fence next to the bus stop. 8. Write the text. Fill in the gaps. a/an, the The park keeper found some litter in _________ he found ____ crisp packet. ____ packet was in of ___ football pitch. Then he found ______ old comic. ____ comic was under _____ tree near ____ lake. Then he found some orange peel behind _____ fence next to ____ bus stop. 9. Read the sentences. Say true or false. 1 Professor Wallace saw the smoke signal. 2 Joseph Alexander rescued Kate and Sam from the old temple. 3 Joe arrived with the police and they arrested Zack and Tex. 4 The police do not know where Mr Big is. 5 Kate, Sam and Joe will go back to Britain. park. First ____ middle 10. Read the questions and write your answers. 1 Where did you go last Sunday? 2 Who did you see? 3 Where will you go next Sunday? 4 Who will you see? 5 What day is it today? 6 Who do you see every day? 11. Odd one out! Какое значение имеет «лишнее» слово в каждой группе? А animal, giraffe, horse, bear, frog, monkey, parrot В lamp, rope, safety helmet, equipment, radio, tent C Russia, Britain, Indonesia, Egypt, Australia, country © Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t 12. Рассмотри рисунки и подумай, что мы можем сделать, чтобы было меньше мусора. Соедини нужные предложения и дай по-английски совет другу, что делать со старыми или использованными веш,ами. throw throw throw throw throw throw throw throw away away away away away away away away old comics, drink cans, old clothes, old envelopes, old toys, old yoghurt pots plastic bags, glass bottles. Take them to a bottle bank. Use them again. Grow seeds in them. Give them to poor children. Take them to a can bank. Use them again. Give them to poor people. Take them to a paper bank. Don’t throw away old comics. Take them to a paper bank. □ Zo о о \ OOOC.\J 13. Подбери пары слов, которые пишутся по-разному, а читаются одинаково. Напиши их транскрипцию. flour, there, see, their, sea, flower 14. Play the game: I didn’t do things wrong yesterday. Один из вас говорит, что не делал вчера, второй — что не будет делать завтра. <1 didn4 cross the street in the wrong place yesterday^ (l won’t cross the street in the wrong place tomorrow^ cross the street in the wrong place drop litter eat during the lesson play football near the road make noise at the lesson drop a cola can at the bus stop ride a bike dangerously put orange peel in the desk open a car door on the wrong side 15. Talk to your friend, fastest? Which kind of transport is the fast faster (the) fastest Is ... faster than ... ? Which kind of transport is faster than 16. Read the text and answer the question. V'fc Giraffes can grow to six metres tall. Elephants are often four metres tall. White bears are three and a half metres tall when they are standing. Which is the tallest of these three animals? 17. Usten to the song. What’s the difference between the two sides of the picture? seas. The dolphin song Remember the beautiful dolphins, And the creatures that live in the Don’t spoil the world you live in. Remember the dolphins, please! Remember the dolphins, please! Oh, you shouldn’t throw stones at birds. And you shouldn’t break down a tree. And you shouldn’t throw plastic bottles Out in the middle of the sea. Out in the middle of the sea. My name is King Dolphin, And I rule all the seas. Make the world a better place. Remember the dolphins, please! Remember the dolphins, please! creature — существо, обитатель don’t spoil — не порти you shouldn’t... — тебе не следует... I rule all the seas... — я правлю всеми морями... 18. А predictions game. Write some predictions. Put them into a hat. Choose one. Talk to your friend. (^What will happen to me? j You’ll be a famous scientist. What will I will ... = You will , I will not happen next? I’ll ... = You’ll ... = I won’t prediction — предсказание 5Д 19. Game: Race track! YES Go forward 2 squares NO Go back 2 squares. rr. Are your feet bigger than your friend’s? i Is your hair shorter than your friend’s? Is your pencil longer than your friend’s? 28 Is your pencil shorter than your friend’s? 10 Is your pencil case bigger than your friend’s? ' К 27 Is your pencil case smaller than your friend’s? 26 Are you shorter than your friend? [•♦v 25 Are you older than your friend? 13 Is your hair longer than your friend’s? v> 16 Are you taller than your friend? 23 Are you younger than your friend? 20 Are your feet smaller than your friend’s? 55 Going home N 1. Listen and look. Ф At last, Kate and Sam arrived home. Their families met them at the airport. The local radio interviewed Sam ... And then we flew over the rain forest ... ... and Kate appeared on television. © They visited Beano in quarantine. ® They went back to school. Where And now Kate and Sam are going to tell us about their trip. Never mind, Beano. You’ll be home in six months time! We don’t know. He lives on an island. Возвращение домой at last local radio interview appear trip group Never mind. Welcome home, in six months time DJ to meet — met to fly — flew (Past Simple) 2. Read the text in pairs. 3. Which is Mr Big’s island? Read and find. This is all we know about Mr Big’s island. 1 It’s one of the islands in this group. 2 It isn’t the largest island in the group. 3 It isn’t the smallest island in the group. 4 There aren’t any other islands near his island. 5 There are a lot of islands to the north of his island. 6 There’s only one island to the east of it. to the north of, to the south of, to the east of... to the west of.., large small larger smaller (the) largest (the) smallest ЪЪ 16 4. Game: Find my island. Think of an island on the map (p. 57). Answer questions about it. Is it the smallest island? ^ (^No, it isn’t.^ Z^Are there any other islands near (^NoT^ Z^Are there any other islands to the east of it?^(Yes, there are^ Z^ Here it is! ( Well done! 5. Listen to Kate’s interview and point to her answers. Z Z^At a place called Eagle RockT) Z^ Yes, it was very exciting! Z!^Three Zack, Tex and Polly Zap. 6. Now listen and repeat the interviewer’s questions (во- просы журналиста). 7. Разыграйте в парах интервью на местном радио с Кейт (или Сэмом). Повторяйте вопросы и ответы из прослушанного интервью. 8. Listen and read. ^ ’ лГ ^ The rosy periwinkle This little plant from the rain forest saves thousands of lives every year. In the 1960s scientists discovered that they could use it to make a medicine that cures some kinds of cancer. cancer [’kccnsa] — злокачественная опухоль (заболевание) rosy [’rauzi] — розовый periwinkle ['pcri,wir)kl] — барвинок they could use it to make — они могут использовать его для изготовления Расскажи по-русски об этом лекарственном растении. 58 9. Look at picture 5 on page 49 (ex. 1). What’s Beano doing? 10. Look at the pictures. What do you think the people in the pictures are doing? Listen and read. People who live in the rain forest collect plants. They use the plants in many different ways. Sometimes they make medicines from the plants. When scientists go to the forests they ask the people about the plants that grow there. Then scientists can study the plants in laboratories and learn how to make medicines from them. Then factories make lots of the new medicine to give to people who are ill. Read the text and point to the pictures. 11. In pairs, ask and answer questions about medicines from the rain forest. 1 What do the people in the rain forest do? 2 Why do they collect plants? 3 Who can make medicines from these plants? 59 16 12. Read the letter from Kate to Nikita ■4 Dear Nikita, We are at home at last. Thank you for your uncle’s help. He had to go to London and then to Indonesia to help us. Now I must go back to school and Beano has to spend some time in quarantine. We don’t know where Mr Big is. The police will have to look for him. Bye, Kate > 13. Закончи предложения. Present Simple: Beano has to ... . Kate must ... . Past Simple: Nikita’s uncle had to ... . Future Simple: The police will have to ... . Когда мы говорим о необходимости какого-либо действия, в предложении используется выражение have to. Kate’s got a headache. She has to go to a doctor. (У Кейт болит голова. Ей надо/придётся пойти к врачу.) Joe had got а cough last month. He had to go to a doctor. (У Джо был кашель в прошлом месяце. Ему надо было/пришлось пойти к врачу.) Beano will have to stay in quarantine for six months. (Вино надо будет/придётся провести в карантине шесть месяцев.) I/you/we/they she/he/it Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple have to go has to go had to go had to go will have to stay will have to stay 14. Найди продолжение для каждой фразы. 1 It was hot and sunny last week. ... 2 I don’t know the way to the park. ... 3 The train to London will leave at 8 o’clock tomorrow. ... A I have to look at the map. В We had to water the plants in the garden. C My uncle will have to get up at 6 o’clock. Review 4 1. Make a timetable of your day. What time do you get up in the morning? What time do you get up on schooldays? Do you get up early on Sunday? What do you do after breakfast? What time do you go to school? Do you have lunch at school? What do you do in the afternoon? What time do you have dinner? What do you do in the evenings? What time do you go to bed? 2. Do you remember these words in English? компьютер, музей, йогурт, кафе, пицца, банан 3. Questionnaire. Find the answers. Then talk to your friend about the future. 1 What do you 2 What do you 3 What do you 4 What do you think think think think will will will will happen happen happen happen tomorrow? next week? next year? in the future? 1 hope I’ll get a letter from my pen friend next week. I wrote to her two weeks ago. I hope she’ll write back /1 hope it will be warm tomorrow and ^ walk in the park._______ hope in the future people will be health^ In the future, I hope people will look after the oceans and the forests. Повторение 4 62 4. Read Lera’s letter to Jill and learn about Lera’s family. Dear Jill, Thank you for your interesting letter and wonderful photos. I think the Angel of the Forest is the most beautiful flower. You asked me about my cousins. Their names are Lena and Sveta. They are older than me. Sveta is the eldest and the tallest of us. Lena has got the longest hair and she is the thinnest of us. Sveta is fifteen years old and Lena’s twelve years old. We like to sing and dance. Sveta has got the best voice but Lena can dance better than Sveta and me. Sveta is going to be a doctor. She can take care of our dog Boy when he’s ill. Lena thinks that she likes sport. I think she likes sports programmes on TV. Her favourite subjects are Russian and English. I think she will be a teacher in the future. I love my cousins. We are good friends. Love, Lera 5. Write a letter to your pen friend about your sister/ brother/friend. 6. Спиши стихотворение, добавляя недостаюидие буквы в словах. Прочитай его выразительно. The Months of the Year Jan Ap_ JuL Oct. Feb. M_ Mar. Ju V Aug_ Nov. Sept. Dec Ъ These are the twelve months of the year, Now say them together so we can all hear. How many months are there in a year? j-i-1-ы/j-. Twelve months in a year. •/ 7. Questionnaire. Answer the questions. T 1 When you go shopping, do you a take a big, strong bag? b take an old plastic bag? c take in the shop a new plastic bag? 2 Do you buy drinks in a glass bottles (and take them back)? b cans? c plastic bottles? 3 Is your pet a an animal or bird born in your country? b an animal which comes from another country? c a tropical bird? 4 In the woods do you a take photos of birds and flowers? b pick flowers and take them home? c collect birds’ eggs? 5 Do you a take your litter home with you? b dig a hole and bury it? c hide it in the grass? т 6 Are you a member of a friends of the Earth? b a bike club? c a street gang? You get 5 marks for every a answer; 2 marks for every b ^ ^ / and 0 marks for every c. How many marks did you get? 25 marks or more? Wonderful! You are a true friend of the Earth! 15 to 24 marks? Good, but you can do better! 6 to 14 marks? You aren’t helping the Earth very much! 0 to 5 marks? You must be joking! 6A 8. А project. Make your own class magazine. Here are some ideas of things you can put in your magazine. Interview people in the class. Ask them what they want to be and why. Interview mothers and fathers who have exciting jobs. Interview your teacher. What does he/she like and not like about his/her job? Ask your friends about their holidays. Did anyone go to a different country? Did they take any photos? Wharj on? Are there any interesting films in the cinema this month? Write about them. Are there any dinosaur bones in your country? Where are they? Write about them and draw them Have a Green Page. Tell people where the bottle and newspaper banks are in your town. Put in people’s birthdays. Plant a tree for their birthdays. $ ♦ 47 65 • s ' 3» m T Have a page of games and puzzles. Do you know some good jokes? Draw cartoons and jokes in your magazine. Have a competition. Who can grow the tallest sunflower? W к / <;V'' о 'V r. Ф Have lots of your friends got bikes? Tell them how to look after their bikes. Does anyone want to sell their bikes? Have any people in your class got interesting hobbies? Write about them. Have you got a favourite book? Write about it. Say why you like it. Do people in your class make kites? Draw pictures or take photos of them. Tell children where the best places in your town to fly kites are. )} JjJ)/ -I » * Projects 67 с fi. \N V. ч < г i . щ > Life in the rain forest 1. Listen, look and read. What do you remember about the rain forest? Orangutans come from the forests of Southeast Asia. People are looking after these baby orangutans because they haven’t got any mothers. When the babies grow up they can go back to their homes in the wild. This flying squirrel lives in the canopy of the rain forest. It ‘flies’ from tree to tree. ^ '7 There are lots of beautiful birds in the rain forest. They are in danger because people sometimes catch them and sell them for pets. ч 1 - к Leopards are very beautiful. They are in danger because some people kill them for their fur. This frog lives in trees. It uses suckers on its feet hold on to the leaves. to 2. Animals of the rain forest. Listen and point. 3. Why? Because ... Read the questions and find the answers. Listen and check, Why Why Why Why Why 4. A What Draw do some people kill leopards? are people looking after the baby orangutans? do hunters catch birds in the rain forest? do some squirrels ‘fly’? do some frogs have special feet? Because they need to hold on to the leaves. Because the babies haven’t got any mothers. Because they want their fur. Because they want to sell them. Because they need to move from tree to tree. project. animals are in danger in Russia? Write about them pictures and collect photos for your project. tx-г fur — мех sucker — присоска n убивать Why ... Because grow up they are in danger / > / \ А project about dinosaurs 1. Listen and look. Dinosaurs lived between 200 million and 65 million years ago. There were many different kinds of dinosaurs. Listen to the description of four dinosaurs and point to the correct pictures. i tooth (ед. Ч.) sharp — острый spike — шип horn — рог teeth (mh The iguanodon plate — пластина million — миллион 70 Which dinosaur is it? Read and match the pictures of the right dinosaur. fact cards ® Length: 12m Weight: 7000kg Height: 5m Food: meat Special features: and long, sharp claws teeth © Length: 6m Weight: 2000kg Height: 3.5m Food: plants Special features: back and spikes plates on its on its tail Length: 6m Weight: 8500k, Height: 3m Food: plants Special features: three horns on its Length: 9m Weight: 4500k Height: 5m Food: plants Special ^ spik Listen to the descriptions again. Were you right? 3. Test your friend. Pupil A. close your questions about thp — book. Pupil B, ask 18 4. Look at these skeletons and match them with the pictures of dinosaurs on page 70. Whose bones are they? bone skeleton 5. Talk to your friend. Ask and answer questions about the dinosaurs’ length, weight and height. I think this is a triceratops. J (^Why? ^Because there are three horns on its head 6. Talk to your friend. Ask and answer questions about the dinosaurs’ special features. ^Which dinosaur is the longes^ (The tyrannosaurus!^ fll»^ . ^ bt3tb ^ fl0r, oVVest 72 [о) 7. Listen, look and read. Wtiy e tbe diRosaHKi i The dinosaurs lived on earth for more than 100 million years. Then, 65 million years ago, all dinosaurs became extinct. What happened? 1 Some scientists think a giant meteor hit the Earth. It made a giant hole in the rock under the sea. C 2 Liquid rock erupted from the hole and the sea rushed in. The water turned into steam. 3 A thick cloud of steam and dust covered the whole sky. All over the Earth, the weather became very cold 4 It was too cold for the dinosaurs. They did not have any fur to keep them warm. Many dinosaurs died. 73 5 The dinosaurs lived in rain forests. The cold weather killed the plants in the forests. So the plant-eating dinosaurs died. 6 When the plant-eating dinosaurs died, the meat-eating dinosaurs had no food. They died, too. long/longest heavy/heaviest Which dinosaur is years ago Whose ... ? the biggest? 8. Find out about other dinosaurs magazines and on the Internet. Write them. in library books, fact cards about 19 А real-life discovery г' - 0 - . ^ > .r*. V-- -,р:^г':УУ 1. Listen, look and read. exciting MSCOVEEV IN EGYPT On the 24th of February, 1922 Lord Carnarvon and Mr Howard Carter made an exciting discovery. They found the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. The magnificent tomb is more than 3000 years old. When they opened the tomb they found Tutankhamun’s clothes, jewellery, furniture and his coffins. The coffins were made of gold. Daily News, 1922. tomb — гробница coffin — гроб the Valley of the Kings in Egypt — Долина царей в Египте gold — золото 3000 (three thousand) — три тысячи Г V 19 ч у \ 76 These are some of the things from Tutankhamun’s tomb. His people put food, clothes, furniture and jewellery there for the young king to use in his next life. Who was Tutankhamun? He was born in Egypt more than 3000 years ago. When he was seven, he got married. His wife’s name was Ankhesenamun. Tutankhamun became king of Egypt when he was only nine years old. Й I ■ X ^ f ^ f 1 - “w ji • t i ^ bfr Aff' He was king for nine years, but then he died. The things that Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter found in the tomb tell us about the way the young king lived. This is Tutankhamun’s mask. It is made of gold. got married — женился wife — жена О 1 2. Write a word in pictures. Can your friend read it? Это имя Тутанхамона, записанное иероглифами. Иероглифы — это фигурные знаки, которые могут обозначать слово, слог или звук. Ты можешь придумать свой алфавит из картинок — picture alphabet. А picture alphabet ^ Si iS? 1 A 3. What are they made of? Listen and point. paper wood plastic metal cotton glass rubber 4. Talk to your friend. ^What’s this?} ^What’s it made of?) (it’s a mask.^ (it’s made of plastic.^ 5. A project. Find out about a historical museum in Russia. Collect photos and write about it. @ Indonesia has a population of 190 million people They live on more than 13,000 tropical islands. Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. It is a very large modern city on the island of Java. Many Indonesians live in the countryside. They are farmers. These rice fields are on the island of Bali. modern — современный countryside — сельская местность rice fields — рисовые поля perform — исполнять (о танце) reptile — рептилия, земноводное животное i! С г L This girl is a dancer from Bali. She is performing the Legong dance. V' The Komodo dragon lives on the island of Komodo, where the weather is hot and dry. It is the biggest reptile in the world — three metres long. Komodo dragons are very dangerous. 2. Listen to Scott and Tina. They are talking about their holiday in Indonesia. Where did they go? What did they see? Listen and point. ^4 3. Talk to your friend about Scott and Tina. c^Did they go to Jakarta?) "\What did they see there?) What did they buy? ) (Yes.y> (They saw T \ oj 4. Look at the pictures. Gwen come from? Then countries. Where do you think Kelvin and listen and point to the correct Name: Kelvin Tam Age: 11 years and 3 months Height: Im 28cm ^—____ Weight: 36kg j Family: one sister Dog: Sammy Singapore Size: 692km2 Weather: Tropical Name: Gwen Robinson Age: 11 Height: Im 30cm Weight: 35kg Family: two brothers Dog: Rollo Jamaica Size: 10,991km2 Weather: Hot and sunny V 5. Talk about Gwen and Kelvin with your friend. ^ Who’s older, Gwen or Kelvin?} ^ Where does Kelvin come from?) ^ How tall is Gwen^ 6. Talk to your friend. How are you different from Are you older? Are you taller? What is your country like? Gwen and Kelvin? 80 ед 7. How do you make a shadow puppet? Look at the pictures and read. You need ... Cut out the puppet. Join the arms with paper fasteners. Sew on the sticks. Shine a light on a sheet. 8. Make a puppet with your friend. Pupil A, close your book. Pupil B, give instructions. 9. A project. What souvenirs can you buy from your country? Where do they come from? What are they made of? Draw pictures, collect photos and write about them. Did they ... What did they see? Where did it come from? Then • •• Children of the sun 1. Listen to the song природы? Как ты можешь помочь в охране Children of the sun We are children of the sun And we’re telling everyone That many creatures are in danger now. As men destroy the world Then every boy and girl Must help to show the other people how. Yes we must fight to save the tiger and the kangaroo. Yes we must fight to save the panda and the leopard, too. We’ll save the eagle and the whale. We know we cannot fail. So join hands all you children of the sun. We are the children of the sun And we’re telling everyone That many forests are in danger now. As men destroy the world Then every boy and girl Must help to show the other people how чл'" ikt и 2. What can you do to save the world? Make a poster with your friends. 82 Англо-русский словарь Обрати внимание на сокращения: мн. ч. — множественное число наст. вр. — настоящее время прош. вр. — прошедшее время ср. cm. — сравнительная степень см. — смотри * Так помечены слова из дополнительных материалов, Аа about la'baut) о; около across la'krosj через action ['a:kjn] действие active ['aektiv] активный (-ая, -ое, -ые) actor ['aektal актёр adult ['аеблИ] взрослый adventure [od'venijaj приключенческий (-ая, -ое, -ие) afraid [a’freid] бояться be afraid of бояться чего-либо Africa ['аеГпкэ) Африка African ['агГпкэп] африканский (-ая, -ое, -ие) afternoon [,o:ft3'nu:n] день (время суток между полуднем и вечером) air (еэ) воздух all [э:11 весь, вся, всё, все all over the world во всём мире also I'o'.lsnu) тоже, также America [э'тепкэ] Америка American [э'тепкэп! 1. американский (-ая, -ое, -ие); 2. американец, американка angel ['ешфэ1) ангел anyway ('cmwcij всё равно, в любом случае anywhere I'eniweg] где-либо appear [э'рю] появляться April I'eipnlj апрель architectural [.oiki'lekijrall архитектурный (-ая, -ое, -ые) Argentina |,o:^3n'ti:n9| Аргентина Argentinian [.агфопЧктэп] 1. аргентинский (-ая, -ое, -ие); 2. аргентинец, аргентинка arrest (s'rest) арестовывать arrive (aVaiv] приезжать art gallery ['a:t 'gaelon] художественная галерея *ash (aeJl пепел Asia ['eijd] Азия ask I ask] спрашивать ask for help просить помощи ^assistant ja'sistnt] помощник astronaut ('aestranort] астронавт at [act/ai] на; в ate [eit] cm. cat *attendant [a'lendantj смотритель August r.Tgast] август Australia fo'streilia] Австралия Australian [bstreilian] 1. австралийский (-ая, -ое, -ие); 2. австралиец, австралийка *Austria ['nstriaj Австрия autumn ('ortamj осень away ja'weij от Bb back^ [Ьжк] спина back^ [baekj назад backwards |'bnstl тропический, дождевой лес ran |raen) см. run rare (геэ) редкий (-ая, -oe, -ие) *raven I'reivn] ворон reach |ri:tj] достигать, добираться red [red] 1) красный (-ая, -oe, -ые); 2) рыжий (-ая, -ее, -ие) *remove [n'mu:v] удалять repeat In'pirt] повторять *reptile ('reptail) рептилия, земноводное животное rescue ['reskjii:! спасать right [raitj 1) правый; 2) правильный (-ая, -ое, -ые) ring (пг)| звонить river ['rival река road fraud I дорога robin I'rnbinl малиновка rock [rokj скала, горная порода rope [roupl 1. верёвка; 2. верёвочный (-ая, -oe, -ые) *rubber ['глЬэ] резина rubbish I'rAbifl мусор rucksack (’глкхаек) рюкзак rule [ru;!] правило *rumble ['глтЬ!) 1. грохот; 2. грохотать run [глп], прош. вр. ran бегать *rush [глЛ нахлынуть, стремительно заполнить Ss *sack [siEk] мешок safari park [s3'fa;n perk] сафари-парк safe I seif] безопасный (-ая, -oe, -ые) salt [sn:lt) соль salty f'sodti] солёный (-ая, -oe, -ые) save [seiv] спасать scared [skeadj испуганный (-ая, -oe, -ые) scientist j'saiontistj учёный screen [skriinj экран search |s3:tj] 1. искать; обыскивать; 2. поиск season f'si;zn] время года *seaweed ['si;wi;d| морская водоросль seed fsiid) семечко 90 send |scnd|, прош. ер. sent посылать iicnl |scnl) CM. send September |scp'(cmb9| сентябрь sew (sdu| шить *Hhttdow puppet I'jcdoo jMpitl кукла для театра теней shake Ueikl, прош. ар. shook тряс-ти(сь) shape Ijcip] 1) dmo'pa; 2) тень. неясное очергаипе *sharp lfo:p] острый (-оя. ое. -ые) *sheet 1Д.1| лист бумаги shelter I'jcila) I. иааес, укрытие; 2. укрыться shine (/л|{)|, прош. ер. shone светить ship Ц|р) корабль shone (Jon] см. shine shook Ifuk) см. shake sick (ык| больной ( ая. -ое, -ые) side Iviid) гтороиа *sif!n |sain) знак silk liulkl шелк silly |'мН| глупый ( ал. -ое. -ые) *size |s;hz| размер *skeleton |'&кс1ш| скелет ski |ski:| I. мн. ч. skis лыжи; 2. кататься на лыжлх sleep |slip|, прош. ер. slept спать slept |slcpt| см. sleep slimy |‘slaimi| скользкий, гладкий (-ая, ое. ие) small fsmxll маленький (-ая. -ое. ие) smell |sn>d| пахи>-тг. smoke |Чтэ<1к ,я»олэ1| ды- мовой сигнал snake |sncik| змея so i&3u| так soft |soh| мигкий ( вя, -ое, ие) solid (’snlidl твёрдый (-ая, ое, -ые) •somewhere |'sAmweo| где-то sound |^.0tм1d| оаук sour Гчаиз| кислый (*ая, -ое, ые) south |миЮ) 1. юг; 2. южный (ам, ое. ыг) •souvenir |г«о£\з'п1з| сувенир •space (spetsj пространство space shuttle I'ypcis JaU] космический корабль многоразового использовании Spain |ч>сш| Испания •spike (spaiki шип spoil |spoil| портить spring ]spni)| весна square |skuc3| 1) (мощадь; 2) квадрат squirrel I'skwirsl) белка stamp |st&‘mp] марка station {'stci/n) 1) гтанция: 2) остановка stay {stcil оставаться steal |btd), прош. ep. stole eopo вить, похищать •steam iMcml nap •stcgoaaurus (,sicqa4ar3s| стегозавр •stick^ |slik| палка, прут atick^’ |siik|. прош. ap. stuck приклеивать stole |st?ul| CM. steal stomachache |'sbm3kcik| (к)ль в животе stone |stwn| камень stop |МРр| остаиав.'1ипать(ся) •li^raw {мгз:] соломинка strawbeny' |'мгэ:Ьп| к.<убника strong |мтд{ сильпыи, крепкий ( ая, -ос. -ые'-ие) stuck |МАк) см. Btick^ study |'о; 2. пробовать taxi |Ча;Ь>| такси teeth |ii:0) см. tooth tell |lcl), лрош. вр. told рассказывать tent |tcnt| палатка •terrify I'icnfail пугать than |(ксп/дзл| чем thick )Oik| 1) толстый: 2) густ-ой (•ая, -ое, -ыс) thin |0ш| тонкий ( ая, ое, -ис) thing tOiQ) пещь, предмет thirsty |‘(h:sti| нспытыпаюишн жажд>* •thoiiimnd ГОзигпб) тысяча •thread |ercd| нить, иитгл threw |0п1.| см. throw-through |&и| чере.1 throw |t)r3ii], лрош. ер. threw бросать throw away |6r3ti 3\vci| выбрасывать ticket I'ukni билет tiger I'iatga) тигр timetable |‘laim,lcibl| расписание tired )'lai.4}| устялый (*ал. -ое. -ые) •tbsue Ги/и:| ткань today (la'dci) сегодня told |l3ul<)| см. tell •tomb гробница tomorrow |t.Vmmou) anmpa took [tuk| CM. take tooth IlicO)» MH. H. teeth ||с0| з>'6, зубы toothache Иивок! :т>Ч1иая боль top Imp) вершина, верхушка torch (ОзЯ фонарь touch Ил(Л лптрагиаатьсл towel ('(au3t) полотенце town (toun) topoA (небольшой) toy |l3i| 1. кгру'шка: 2. игрушечный (-ая, -ое, -ые) travel I’lncvl) 1, путешостпис: 2. путешествовать traveller (Чгаг%1з) п>тешествен»тк trcHHure I’lrcy»] сокровище •tremble |'ircnibl| трястись, дрожать •trlceratopa |lnn'vcratops| -грицера топе tropical jtropikJ) гропический trunk (irsqk] I) хобот (слона): 2) ствол (дерева) truth (1П£в) правда tell the truth говорить прашуу tube ftju:b| метро (аыг.тийское нвдванне) turn ]t't:nl повернуть, свернуть lum right/left повернуть шшра во нп.'^ено •tyrannosaurus {11,пспз'к.ггзч) тиранозавр L’d unclr Глок!) дядя understand (^nda'stsnd) понимать up |лр| ааерх use Du:/) использовап. Vv valley I'vcii) долина •\apour I'vcipa] nap vet (vet) ветеринар video shop I'vidiau /op) магазин видеофильмов view )\ju| вил, панорама village Г>т1|ф| деревня villager крестьянин vtxit rvTZii) 1. noceupiTb; 2. визит, посещение voice |v3ts) голос volcano {vDl'keinwl вулкан Ww wait |wcil) ждйtь wake (wctkl 1) просыпаты-я; 2) будить warm |wxm| тёплый ( ая, ос» -ые) wan |wD7M9/| см. be watch смитреть, иаблюдать water I'w.-d.')! 1. аида; 2. аодяной (*ая» *oe, -ые): 3. поливать *water сЫоигя акварель waterfall водопад *wave |weiv| волна weather I'wcda] погода weight |writ| вег Welcome I'wclkoml Добро пожало-оать1 went |wcnt| см. go were (W3:| гм. be weai fwcKt) 1. запад: 2. западный (*ая, *ое» -ые) wet (well сырой, йлажный. мокрый ( ая. ое. -ы<‘) *whalc |we77 Ян^е^одхюимлг atfHfatmmt »ИТАР ТАСС*», Лс^«. СХ. Ыитурияв fiwu'rPMHpAehin##. WJC. Hmmim.OJC. &С. l/eoMM* MX &£• KmoAfm, ДХ. В >*4i6«iw шмаьмтшы ршн^ушм» нн uiir. •Гоеудттит»* Т^^гирмасмд пишрм. Жтг:ж% vtofio^l пагаты XIX та*. Кнтднаг С1^|ншшн. T««i4. шмнгт тртм. Шлтглытгт «Крапма птнпш^.Ы , tODI; •Игтар** р>тгюй мшаоомгм. CO'f годы XIX «жд*. Мшт.«ьстм>«Е^дыР г«|ич1». М.. 2007. Мг^АЬшд: Л*« Лю & Крагг Сдида оаеге: X «IM*, 3. S*vpaA^ РщйА$1Утр <ЯХ1 С^трт ДтиЛт^.СлтраЛш СХ Вормп Хуытштпт М. Лwnurmtiir*. X. баатьЫи. Г Л ВаяЫк^т, Н Гоа#р, Р. Хадю, С. Яра. X. i/aiaapcMi. А1. Шораад. С C^icuara. 7. Гроршне^ J. Вагт^р. И. Випаи CJO. Гырилош, $4JO, ЯАращниЬ В|ичш1сд «рсфмдгимг //обдери imiaoii. Xi В. Смадшем Скотфоааама и цагтпич1ма ЛЛ. Ат^ишмЛ* ДМ. Смр^см XyaumariaaanuB раалггорГА Хоудна №тпмота|каа аарг лш Ц& HawneeeO Таямaai м»а радакаоры MJB* //«mawoae. ЛЛ. Койоавжоаа КоареачорыО-Ч. АГох«магд«а.»ЛГ. Яибр.1дм 1ЪШ1ИсаРо а пиша» 27.11.1S Формат WMXI/В. Г«ра«т>раРпста1каС. Пмгтаофсгтш1 Вумада офоатмдд М 1. Пг*. а. It.O. Торм %t> 000 аа» Лаам N iMI/%Ш ООО 1илат«ды*па цгмту #№итам Граф* 127422. Моегда* уд. Тмммрмагагшиц д. l.crp. I Тад. «амс: (т)61М5 74.611 21 ftO Сч1ш1: inM$ivff.ru»Mlp:/wMi».vff л OiWMiawa в ouvraairntM < ni—рсгвма<ншма иатарвдлвяа аООО «ИПК Парато* lljmin*. 170646, Taaiaaiia обдагтк Кддарияавиб р-м, tlyfaniаниса ааяасаоа лро1яитдваш1авш1 Бороаюао 1, кои&дн1:аМ 8 *Л* • WW. ратаю prill I rt>