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^ <<“
Рабочая тетрадь
для учащихся общеобразовательнь
редакцией проф. М.В. Вербиц
I Издательский \ центр
«Вентана'Граф» Pearson Education Limited 2013
ББК 81.2{Англ)я71 А64
Английский язык : 5 класс : рабочая тетрадь для А64 учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений / [М.В. Вербицкая, И.П. Твердохлебова, Б. Эббс, Э. Уорелл, Э. Уорд]; под ред. М.В. Вербицкой. — М. : Вентана-Граф : Pearson Education Limited, 2013. — 104 с. : ил. — (Fonward).
ISBN 978-5-360-03632-6
Рабочая тетрадь входит в состав учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку серии “Forward” для 5 класса и дополняет учебник системой заданий, обеспечивающих комплексное развитие умений и навыков в аудировании, говорении, чтении и письме. В тетрадь включены тесты для самооценки с ответами. В комплекте с рабочей тетрадью предлагается компакт-диск с аудиоприложением. Задания на аудирование отмечены специальным знаком.
УМК “Forward” для 5 класса является частью системы учебников «Алгоритм успеха».
Соответствует федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту основного общего образования (2010 г.).
ISBN 978-5-360-03632-6
© Издательский центр «Вентана-Граф», 2013 © Pearson Education Limited, 2013
Let’s make a magazine
Ш Fill in the Questionnaire. Answer the questions and then ask your friend. (Заполни анкету. Ответь на вопросы, затем расспроси друга.)
What’s your name? How old are you? When’s your birthday? What’s your telephone number ? What colour are your socks?
Do you like films? Do you like travelling? Do you like parties? Do you like music?
What’s your favourite food? What’s your favourite smell?
Have you got any hobbies? Have you got any pets? Have you got a camera? Have you got a bike?
Can you dive? Can you read music?
What time do you get up? What time do you have lunch? What time do you go to bed? ?
[ Reading and speaking
0 What did the children do last year? Look at the information in the table and write sentences about them. (Чем занимались ребята в прошлом году? Используя информацию из таблицы, напиши предложения о каждом из них.)
Maxim Dasha Vera Nikita Sam
to play football ✓
to climb down a cliff ✓
to learn about computers ✓
to design a model village ✓
to cook pancakes ✓
to walk in the woods ✓
to visit Japan ✓
to paint pictures ✓
to collect stamps ✓
to go to the taiga ✓
to read interesting books ✓
S What did you do last year? Prepare a short talk.
Find the way out. Follow only the irregular verbs stones. (Найди выход из лабиринта. Перемещайся только по камешкам с неправильными глаголами.)
Irregular Verbs Maze: The Past Simple Tense
□ Write the Past Simple forms of the irregular verbs from the maze.. (Запиши в форме простого прошедшего времени неправильные глаголы, которые помогли тебе найти выход из лабиринта.)
to meet — met:_____________________________________________________
Reading and writing |
[T] What mishaps did Lera have last week? Complete the sentences using the verbs in the Past Simple. (C какими неприятностями столкнулась Лера на прошлой неделе? Дополни предложения глаголами в форме простого прошедшего времени.) ^
Lera (to have)
to the seaside. She (to swim) the warm water. She (watch).
seashells. She (to play) ______
(to ride) ________________
(to go)-------------------
lots of fun last summer. She (to go). ____________and (to dive)_____
dolphins and (to collect)
__________________ sand volleyball with her friends and
a bike. She (to visit) ______________________ a fun fair and
_ on a roller coaster! She (not, to have)_____________________
time to watch television. But last week she (to have)
mishaps. She (to want) ________________________________
(to be)__________________too cold. She (to want)_______
the wheels (to be)
flat. She (to want)
to swim but the water
_________to ride a bike but
_____________to watch TV
but the programme (to be)
boring. What went wrong?
Q What went wrong? Read the message to find out the answer and write two sentences. (Что случилось? Прочитай записку, чтобы найти ответ, и запиши два предложения.)
s a u b m c m d e e r f i g s h 0 i V j e к r
g e о s о t d u b n У u e b s о u s m h m P e w r
0 What mishaps did you have last week? Write your answer.
Last week I wanted to__________________________
^ Ч
I Reading and writing
0 Enter a poetry competition! Read the poems about school and fill in the missing rhymes. (Прочитай стихи о школе и допиши пропущенные рифмы.)
Why do I go to school?
Why do I go to school?
I sometimes think it’s not very cool,
But as I sit, I know that it’s wrong.
Because school always makes your brain___________
The Best Way to Study
Read and write.
Count and play.
Listen to your teachers every ________________
Learn new rules.
Look up new facts.
This is the best way to study perhaps!
□ Which of the poems did you like best? Choose one of them and perform it in class. (Какое из стихотворений понравилось тебе больше? Выбери его и выразительно прочитай в классе.)
I 7 I What kind of competition would you like to enter this year? If you win, which prize would you choose? (B каком соревновании тебе хотелось бы принять участие в этом году? Какой приз ты выберешь, если победишь?) Complete the sentences.
^l^ci r\0
Mee"!:. d-?arr>ouS
Per^SoH ^ ^
Qo ur>deyoJci^e.r-
fxplore a ,
(Jo \Atatc.^ski/ng[
^ )>og3Vp-fc _
This year I would like to
If I win, I would choose as a prize, because I like
|~8~] Look at the book covers. (Рассмотри обложки.)
Roald Dahl
Jecqueline Wilson
The Bed and Breakfast Star
□ Who wrote these books? Match the names of the writers with the titles of their books. (Кто написал эти книги? Соедини имя автора с названием его книги.)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ~
Don’t Cook Cinderella IvOalCl L./aJii
Double Act Francesca Simon
Horrid Henry
Matilda Jacqueline Wilson
The Bed and Breakfast Star
□ Fill in the gaps with the names of writers and titles of their books. (Заполни пропуски именами авторов и названиями книг.)
1 Roald and_____
wrote many books for children.
are very famous.
2 What books did
Simon write? Is she the author of
3 Jacqueline____________________________writes her books in English. But last week
I saw two of her books in Russian. I asked my Dad to buy Double________________and
The__________________________________________Star . I don’t know who translated
them but I enjoyed reading them. I finished reading the first book in three days!
и Look at the picture cmd read the text.
J.K. Rowling started to write her famous book when she lived in Scotland. She was poor and had money only for a cup of coffee in this cafe in the center of Edinburgh.
□ Read the questions about this place and write your answers.
1 Who lived in this city? 2 Who visited this place? 3 Who wrote a bestseller in this place?
Get ready to talk about the book you like in class. (Подготовься к рассказу о своей любимой книге в классе.) Write short answers.
Му favourite book is__________-________________________________________________
1 When did you read it?---------------------------------------------------------
2 Why did you like it?----------------------------------------------------------
3 Who is the main character?____________________________________________________
4 What kind of things did he/she like to do?---------
5 Do you want to recommend this book to your friend? Why?
[TT] Find words on the topic “School”. Which word can you see three times? (Найди слова по теме «Школа». Какое слово встречается три раза?)
Сь О О 1^с omputersschooldeskdictionary
The competition
Ш Write about your day. (Напиши о своём дне.)
At the wee]
W E 1: L C H E E S E T E
Writing ^
I 3 I Tell the truth! Read the questions and write your answers. (Скажи правду! Прочитай вопросы и напиши ответы.)
this morning last night yesterday last Sunday last week last year
When did you last ...
clean your teeth? change your socks? miss a lesson? talk on the phone? read a book? write a letter? see a rainbow? fly a kite?
cleaned, mij teetK last night.
I Reading
В Read information about Zoe’s school timetable.
History is the first lesson on Tuesday. The last lesson before break on Monday is French. Zoe has Art between Geography and Drama. French is the first lesson after lunch on Tuesday. Zoe has Science on Monday and Tuesday.
□ Write the missing subjects in the spaces. (Впиши недостающие предметы в пустые графы.)
Monday Tuesday
8.40 School assembly
9.00 Maths
9.45 PE / Games
10.30 BREAK
10.45 Drama
11.30 Art Music
12.15 LUNCH
13.30 Geography
14.15 English
15.30 French Maths
□ It’s half past two on Tuesday afternoon. What subject is Zoe doing? Write the answer.
Reading and writing
В Write a poem. Read Zoe’s poem then fill in the missing lines to make your own poem. (Прочитай стихотворение Зоуи. Дополни пропущенные строки и напиши своё стихотворение.)
Sausages and chips Are what I like to eat,
And strawberry ice cream Always tastes so sweet.
My blue T-shirt and shorts Are what I like to wear,
Amd my red and yellow socks Make some people stare.
I like feeding the ducks And sitting on a swing.
But swimming in the sea Is my very favourite thing.
[ Vocabulary
И How does a modern camera work? Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (Как работает современный фотоаппарат? Дополни предложения словами из рамки.)
on top of through
I ^pe'akfng and~writing
S Look at these funny photos and find the best photo. Talk to your friend and write 1st, 2nd or 3rd on the photos. (Рассмотрите забавные фотографии и выберите лучшую. Укажите, какому из этих фото вы с одноклассником присудили 1-е, 2-е и 3-е места.)
О What’s wrong with the other photos? (Какие недостатки есть у остальных фото?) Write sentences.
А photo competition
Photo i. This pKoto is too dark._____________________________________________
Listening and writing |
I 8 11® T02 1 Listen and draw.
□ There were four secret cameras in the office. Where were they? Complete the sentences. (B конторе были спрятаны четыре скрытые камеры. Где они? Посмотри на рисунки и допиши предложения.)
in the middle of
on top of
Camera 1 was on top of the cupboard,.
Camera 2 ___________________________________
Camera 3 ___________________________________
Camera 4 ___________________________________
[' "Reading апв wrffing
И How to make a slide projector? Complete the instructions. (Как изготовить проектор для слайдов? Дополни инструкцию.)
clear plastic scissors thin card sheet
1 Draw on the slides with______________
2 Cut out one end of the_______________
end. Cut slots in the sides of the shoebox.
3 Cut the______________________________
and cut a hole in the other
sheets into squares. Draw freirnes on the
4 Cut three long strips of_____________________
This holds your slides.
5 Put the projector together. Switch on the
and cut holes in it.
______Then stick the three pieces together.
and show your slidesi
At the film studio
[ Grammar and vocabulary |
Ш Which of the following do you like/hate doing? (Выбери и напиши, что ты любишь и не любишь делать.)
doing sums watching cartoons reading adventure books
eating sweets getting bad marks watching videos
writing tests learning new facts getting up early
getting birthday cards going to concerts going to a gym
going to a dentist missing lessons
At .school T like
but I hate
After school I enjoy but I don’t like_______
I Reading and writing'
Tick the sentences that are true about you. Ask your friend and fill in the chart. (Отметь галочкой (/) то, чем ты любишь заниматься. А теперь спроси своего друга и заполни вторую часть таблицы.)
water skiing.
I do
Read and match.
I’m tired. —^ Why don’t you
I’m cold. ^4 Why don’t you
I’m sad. N. Why don’t you
I’m thirsty. Why don’t you
I’m hot. Why don’t you
I’m hungry. Why don’t you
I Speaking and writing
To be a stunt artist you must be fit and healthy. How healthy are you? (Чтобы работать каскадёром, нужно быть сильным и здоровым. В хорошей ли вы форме?) Ask and answer the questions with a friend.
eat lots of sweets?
eat lots of fruit and vegetables?
' drink lots of lemonade?
drink lots of water?
do exercises every day?
play football or tennis?
1 go swimming?
ride a bike?
go to bed late?
play lots of computer games?
watch lots of TV?
help with the housework?
□ Write a list of things you must do and mustn’t do. (Составь список того, что ты должен и не должен делать.)
О Look at your answers. Are you fit and healthy? Why? Write about two things you do and two things you don’t do. (B хорошей ли ты форме? Почему? Напиши по два предложения о том, что ты делаешь и чего не делаешь.)
Е ПИ in the gaps with the words from the box. (Вставь в пропуски слова из рамки.)
camera operator
The producer finds the money to make the film. He is the boss.
The-------------------tells everyone what to do. The__________________operates
the camera. The---------------and___________________act in front of the caunera.
(~^ ЕЗЗЮ Listen to Kate’s interview with Marina Wilson. Can you write Kate’s questions? (Послушай интервью и запиши вопросы Кейт.)
1 Kate: What kind of films do ^QU like?-----------------------
Marina: I like all kinds of films, but I never miss adventure films.
2 Kate:-------------------------------------------
Marina: I started acting when I was ten years old.
3 Kate:-------------------------------------------
Marina: Yes, I’ve got two cats and a dog.
4 Kate:-------------------------------------
Marina: I usually run in the park every morning, and I go swimming sometimes.
5 Kate:---------------------------------------------------------------------------—
Marina: My next film will be a science-fiction film.
О Who’s your favourite film star? Imagine you are going to interview him/her. What questions would you ask him/her? (Кто твоя любимая кинозвезда? Представь, что собираешься взять у него/неё интервью. Какие вопросы ты задашь ему/ей?)
3 ___
4 ___
5 ___
I ^'RiiSng’an^peaBng
a Read the story. Record this story with a friend and make the sound effects. First discuss with your friend how you are going to make the sounds. One of you can read the story and the other can make the sound effects, then change over. (Вместе c другом сделайте аудиозапись истории с использованием звуковых эффектов. Перед этим обсудите, как вы будете их создавать. Один из вас может читать текст, а другой — воспроизводить звуковые эффекты. Затем поменяйтесь ролями.)
А Lucky Escape!
Paul woke early
He washed his face
his breakfast. Then Paul and his family got into the taxi
to the airport
They got on the plane and the engines started
the sky
They flew up into
They flew over North Africa. Suddenly one engine made a strange noise and
. The pilot said ‘We must make a crash landing.’ Everyone
and landed on top of
was frightened. The plane went down very fast
. Then they heard the . Then it started to
the trees in the rain forest
There was silence for a few minutes monkeys
and the parrots
rain . There was thunder and lightning
Then the sun came out and the birds started to sing
heard a helicopter far away . It flew over the plane
The pilot dropped a rope and pulled the people up into the helicopter. The helicopter took everyone to a hotel in town. They were all safe
• ’’’'"У
Reading and writing
I 8 I How long do these things take? (Сколько времени это занимает?) Read and choose the right
How long does it take ... this plane to cross the Atlantic?
a) 10 hours П
b) a month О
c) a year Q
the moon to travel round the Earth?
12 hours 27.3 days 1 hour
the Earth to travel round the sun?
a) a day □
b) a month □
c) a year О
this animal to run 10 kms?
a) 60 minutes Q
b) 16 minutes Q
c) 6 minutes Q
How long does it take you to ...
eat your lunch? tidy your bedroom?
Write sentences:_____________________________
travel to school?
и How can you make the sound effects? (Как можно создать эти звуковые эффекты?) Read and match. i
You can use ... paper
a watering gun a tank of water boots and shoes coconut shells
to make the sound of ...
horses’ hooves.
On the oil rig
[ (Srammar and writing
Ш Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (Дополни предложения правильной формой глагола из скобок.) Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
Bob and Mike like spending time together. They often (1. to play)
computer games and (2. to do)
puzzles, but today
they (3. to play)_are____pLcLljLQ.g__chess.
Sometimes they (4. to play)____________________
today they (5. to play)___________________________
They (6. to take) ___________________ part in a special event — York City Chess
chess at home or at school, but _ chess in the center of the city.
Festival. There are a lot of people in the street. They (7. to walk) about and (8. to watch)____________________the players.
Mike usually (9. to play)
often (10. to win)___________
he (12. to lose)_____________
chess better than Bob and he
But today he (11. not, to win)
0 Write sentences as in the example. Use the verbs in the right forms.
1 Dad/usually/watch TV in the evenings/at the moment/read his e-mails
iLLij watches____TV Lri____the___everilrigs
the moment_______he__Is reading his______e-maiLs.____________
2 Rosy/often/play tennis/in the eifternoons/now/play badminton
3 Pauline/never/eat fish for lunch/today/eat a fish sandwich
4 Sophie/always/read books in the evening/now/write a birthday card
[ Writing
а Paul and his mother are going on holiday. Read the list of things Paul needs to do. (Пол и его мама собираются в отпуск. Прочитай список того, что Полу нужно сделать.)
Wg-her ~bhe—plftn'tSi--------------------------
tli£—f7\AlitrrtCl5.&*------- —
p,|4- -hhp. pns^port„^i in thp
Тмпп off thp wat,p,r and-
rinsp. the WinriQWa^
pr;k. tke
О What must Paul do first? Complete the sentences. First he must______________________________________
then he must
job to do. He must to________________
After that he must check where the passports are
----He must not hurry! There is still an important
--------------------------He must not forget
Finally he must
О Your family is going on holiday. Make a list of three other things you need to do, then discuss it with your friend.
I Listening
И I® T041 Listen and follow the directions to the shipwreck. (Послушай и нарисуй путь к обломкам корабля.)
□ Put а cross on the map where the treasure is and write the names of the islands (Отметь на карте крестиком то место, где расположены сокровиида, и расставь названия островов):
Pula, Luna, Rima and Juma
I Writing
И Choose and write sentences.
is/are found in the ground is/are found in the sea is/are grown on trees
is/are grown on plants is/are made by insects
1 Dlamoncis__ace_fouad.__Ln_the ground..
2 Pearls________________________________
3 Cocao.
4 Salt__
6 Honey,
7 QiL
8 Cotton
[ 6 I What are they used for? Write sentences.
Oil and, gas are used for making electricity.
[ ^' ЩУепГпд"and"wifing ^
[ 7 11® Т05 j How is chocolate made? Listen and number the pictures. (Как делается шоколад? Послушай и пронумеруй рисунки по порядку.)
О Now fill in the gaps and write how chocolate is made. Cocoa beans are grown in______________________________
People pick the beans and put them between
leaves. They leave them there for___________
Then the beans are dried in the______________
In the
the beans are
cleaned and cooked. Then the beans are crushed to make a _____________________liquid. The cocoa is mixed with
heated. And finally the mixture cools to make
G What’s your favourite chocolate bar?
Vocabulary and grammar
S Project How to save power. (Проект «Как сохранять энергию».)
We use electricity, gas, wood, coal and oil in our homes.
Fill in this chart to say what kind of power you use in your home and in your school for heating, etc. (Заполни таблицу и расскажи, какими источниками энергии ты пользуешься дома и в школе для обогрева и т. д.)
heating cooking hot water lighting
О Oil, coal and gas are used for making electricity. We must not waste power. How can you save power? Write don't in the right places. (Как сохранять энергию? Впиши don’t там, где это необходимо.)
turn off the light when you leave the room.
take a shower.
Dor\*t turn on the light when you don’t need it.
take a bath.
turn on a heater when you are cold.
turn off the TV when you are not watching it.
□ Why don’t you design a poster to show people in your school how to save power?
То America!
I Listening an^writin^ ]
[ 1 11® T06 ] Life on an oil rig. People who work on an oil rig must stay there for weeks. Paul’s father works on an oil rig in Scotland. Listen and answer the questions.
1 What does Paul’s father do when he feels bored?
__He goes to the cinema._______________________________
2 What does he do when he feels sad?
3 What does he do when he feels frightened?
4 What does he do when he feels angry?
□ What about you? Answer these questions.
What do you do when you feel bored?________
What do you do when you feel sad?
What do you do when you feel frightened?
What do you do when you feel angry?
□ Now imagine that you are at one of these places and answer the above questions once again. Then ask your friend. (Представь, что ты находишься в одном из указанных мест. Ответь ещё раз на вопросы сам и задай их другу.)
at school
on а beach
at the North Pole
in London
0 How well do you know the rules of reading? For each line find the odd one out. (Найди лишнее слово.)
/ае/ — travel, happen, walk, capsule, gang, hamburger
/о/ — sorry, boss, problem, want, comb, pocket, college
/tf/ — chocolate, inch, character, speech, kitchen, handkerchief
a Match up the words and make a list of exciting things and events. (Составь список.)
bouncy horse _
nature . puppet theme _
□ Which of the events would you like to visit?
I 4 I I® TO? 1 A short history of submarines. Listen and write the names of these things and the year in which they were made. (Послушай и впиши название и год.)
The first submarine The Nautilus Jules Verne’s book
The Argonaut A U-boat
Reading and writing
I 5 I Make a submarine. Fill in the gaps with the words (Сделай подводную лодку. Заполни пропуски в тексте словами из рамки):
а plastic straw
а small plastic bottle
in the bottle with cold water.
8 cm of the end of the straw and put plasticine on both ends, some water in the straw.
the ‘submarine’ in the bottle of water. ____________the bottle
right up to the top. You must not have any air in the bottle. _________________________
the top on and screw it right.
When you squeeze the bottle, the ‘submarine’ will sink. When you let go, the ‘submarine’ will go up. Do you know why?
Speaking and writing
И Here are some of the things you can do at Hollywood Film Studios and the time each one takes. Imagine you have two hours to spend there. What would you like to do? Talk to your friend and then write 3-5 sentences. (Чем бы ты хотел заняться? Обсуди это с другом и напиши 3-5 предложений.)
At Hollywood. FllrTT Studios I would. Like _ to have a pL.caLc in the tree house. It___takes__2.0 mLnutes.-------------------------
Find the Past Tense of these verbs.
tell fall become leave swim hear see give
td\o to tell — told; aeecbm maws
The people of Ulliput country were very surprised and frightened to see Gulliver. Why? What did they think of the objects they found in his pockets? (Жители Лилипутии были удивлены и напуганы, когда увидели Гулливера. Почему? Что они подумали о вещах, которые нашли в его карманах?) Fill in the gaps.
The Lilliputians thought Gulliver was a_________________
to them as big as a________________________Gulliver’s_______
as a carpet. His_______________________was as big as a______
as____________________The Lilliputians thought Gulliver’s
useful, because it was as big eis____________________
because he looked _______was as big
and as heavy ____was very
I 9 I What would you like to do? Imagine you have won £1,000. How much is this in roubles? Write about four things you would like to do with the money. (Представь, что ты выиграл 1000 фунтов. Сколько это в рублях? Напиши четыре предложения о том, как бы ты хотел потратить эти деньги.)
I’d like to go on а safari
like to buy a mountain bike
Complete the questions with Do or Would. Then write your answers.
1 Do ynii like
2 you like
8 you like
4 you like
5 you like
6 you like
7 you like
8 you like
Mr Big makes plans
[ Reading and writing
Ш Read the words and find the odd one out. (Прочитай и найди лишние слова.)
1 wig, moustache, beard, false nose, disguise, glasses, coat
2 hotel, airport, lobby, museum, binoculars, building, institute
3 icecap, volcano, mountain, spaceship, ocean, jungles, rain forest
4 rain, lightning, thunder, cloud, satellite, sun, water
0 Use the verb must and the prompts to finish the sentences.
1 We are going to travel, (remember/take passports)
2 The film starts in five minutes, (not be late)
3 This football match is very important, (our team/win)
4 I liked the book very much. It’s fantasticl (you/read)
5 I forgot to phone my brother yesterday, (phone/today)
I 3 I Imagine that you are a guide in the Space Museum. You are going to tell a group of visitors about the rules of the museum. (Представь, что ты экскурсовод в музее космонавтики и собираешься рассказать группе посетителей о правилах поведения в музее.)
Look at the pictures, match them with the sentences and be ready to talk.
A. You mustn’t make noise.
B. You mustn’t take pictures.
C. You mustn’t smoke.
D. You mustn’t bring food.
E. You mustn’t use your phone.
I Listening and speaking
I 4 I I® To5 1 Who is the thief? Listen and point to the thief.
□ Now decide who is the thief’s assistant. Don’t tell your friend. He/she must ask you questions to find out who it is. (Загадай, кто из этих людей помогал грабителю. Твой одноклассник должен задавать тебе вопросы, чтобы угадать, кто это.)
О How many questions did your friend ask before he/she found the assistant? How many questions did you ask your friend? Write three key questions that helped you most of all. (Запиши три ключевых вопроса, которые помогли тебе угадать.)
[ Listening and writing
I 5 I Hs)T09 1 Whose wigs are they? (Чьи это парики?) Listen and draw a line.
Alice Fred
Sara Paul
□ Which wig would you like to wear? Which wig wouldn’t you like to wear? Which wig would you like your friend to wear?
И What must they wear to be safe? (Что им нужно надеть для безопасности?) Write sentences.
We’re going to ride our bikes.^
We’re going to ride our horses^
[ Vocabulary and writing
I 7 I I® Ti6 I How long does it take to reach these planets from the Earth? (Сколько нужно времени, чтобы долететь от Земли до этих планет?) Match the times with the planets, then listen and check your answers.
3 years 2 months 16 years
1 year 9 months 3 months
1 ‘/2 months 2‘/2 months
7 years 6 months 12 years
□ Look at the names of the spaceships and write which planet they are going to. (Напиши названия планет, к которым летят эти космические корабли.)
□ Imagine all the spaceships leave now. When will they reach their planets? (Представь, что все космические корабли вылетают сегодня. Когда они достигнут этих планет?)
What month is it now?
What year is it?
PrijetL Spaceship wlLL reach J~upLter on.______December ZO...
И Write sentences about the planets. (Опиши планеты.) biggest: Jupiter Is the biggest planet.
coldest: _____________________________________________
0 Rewrite the following sentences as in the example. Use must or mustn't.
The young cosmonaut’s guide
1 Drink a lot of water!
You must drink, a Lot of water.
2 Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables!
3 Don’t eat fatty food!
4 Don’t drink alcohol!
5 Don’t stay up late!
6 Go to bed early!
7 Train your brain!
8 Be good at sport!
9 Exercise a lot!
□ What do you want to be? Write what you must do. (Кем ты хочешь быть? Напиши, что ты должен для этого делать.)
Speaking and writing
Find the opposite. (Найди слово с противоположным значением.)
bored hot
close \ unsuitable
cold excited
expensive gigantic
small far
suitable long
short cheap
0 Choose your own clothes. Imagine you are going to a party. What are you going to wear? (Представь, что идёшь на вечеринку. Что ты наденешь? Посмотри на рисунки и обсуди одежду с другом.) Look at these clothes, talk to your friend about them.
I’m going to wear the tight blu^ jeans, the big purple jumper with the dolphin on it, the black and green baseball hat and the white trainers.
I’m going to wear the short black skirt, the black boots, the red and black stripy T-shirt and the red jacket \with big buttons.__________________
□ Colour the pictures then write what you are going to wear.
Which way do we go ?
[ ' "' Wnting'ahcl speaking
11 Find the fastest way from the sports centre to the pizza parlour. You must stop and count to ten when you come to traffic lights * *. (Найди кратчайший путь от спортивного центра до пиццерии. На светофоре* * нужно останавливаться и считать до десяти.)
□ Write which way you went. (Опиши свой путь.)
□ Now ask your friend to follow your directions in his/her Workbook. You follow his/her directions. Did you both go the same way? (Теперь пусть твой друг пройдёт путь в своей тетради, следуя твоим инструкциям, а ты в своей — следуя его инструкциям. Вы выбрали одинаковую дорогу?)
(D How do you do these things? Choose one of these words.
Hold a baby rabbit? I Kold a bab|j rabbit gently. Write your diary?______________________________________________
Say goodbye to your best friend? Watch birds?_________________
Swim away from a shark?
Fill in the gaps with to be going to or shall.
1 I/to go/away/for five days. What/to take?
for five cia^s. What sKaLL I takeP
I am goirig awa^
2 I/to go/to a party. What/to put on?
3 I/to go/to the library. What/book/to borrow?
4 I/to have/a birthday party. Whom/to invite?
5 I/to go/to a supermarket. What/to buy?
0 Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use a comparative form of the adjective in brackets. (Закончи предложения. Исполь»зуй сравнительную степень прилагательных.)
Sam is not as tall as Maxim, (short) Sam Is shorter tKar\ Maxim.
Zoe’s poems are better than mine, (bad) My poems are_____________________________
John is older than Vicky, (young) Vicky is________________________
Lera’s marks are worse than mine, (good) My marks are______________________________
This dictionary is cheaper than that one. (expensive) That dictionary is___________________________________
6 Your bike is faster than mine, (slow) My bike is________________________________
0 Treasure Hunters game. Play this game in groups of four. Each pair has one ship. Race each other to the wreck. When you have a choice, talk to your partner and decide which way to go. When you land on a reef, go back to the start. When you land on the same space as another ship, that ship must go back to the start.
(Игра «Охотники за сокровищами». Кто быстрее доберётся до обломков корабля? Сыграйте в игру в группах по четыре человека. У каждой пары — один корабль. Советуйтесь друг с другом при выборе правильного пути. Если вы попадаете на риф — ваш корабль возвращается на старт. Если вы попадаете на отметку, где стоит другой корабль, — этот корабль возвращается на старт.)
0 What’s wrong?
1 J~ell^flsK d,on*t swim at the bottom of the sea.
[ Vocabulary and writing
И Where do they live? (Где они живут?)
Scale: 2cm = 1km
□ Use your ruler to measure the distances, then answer the questions. (Измерь расстояния линейкой и ответь на вопросы.)
Whose house is closest to the school? Who lives furthest from the school? _
Does Zoe live closer to the school than Mark? Does Ellen live close to Paul?__________________
Does Paul live closer to the school than Zoe?
□ How far do you live from your school? Work it out. How do you travel to school?______________________
What time do you leave home?
What time do you arrive at school? How long does it take?______________
(You walk at about 6 km an hour, a bike travels at about 35 km an hour and a car (in towns) travels at about 45 km an hour.)
How far do you travel to school?___________________________________________________
□ Now ask your class. Make a graph then answer the questions.
Who lives closest to school?________________________________
Who lives furthest away?____________________________________
Who leaves home earlier?____________________________________
Holidays in the USA
I Vocabulary and'writing
Ш What has happened? Write sentences.
stopped landed
The drivers have found, some gold.___coins._________
broken disappeared
=3 ---
Grammar and vocabulary
0 Picture 1 is a city in the USA and Picture 2 is in England. Can you find four more things that are different? (Найди ещё четыре различия.)
1 In the LISA the roacis are ver^ big.
In England, the^ are smaller.
□ Can you find things in the two pictures that are different from a city in Russia? What are they?
ЕШЗ American English sounds different from British English.
Listen to the words in American English and in British English.
(Послушай, как произносят эти английские слова американцы и британцы.)
□ 1£Т12 J Listen to Donna then repeat what she says in British English. (Послушай, что говорит Донна, и повтори на британском английском.)
□ ЕНЮ Listen to these children and write if they are American or British. (Послушай и напиши, откуда эти ребята — из Америки или из Великобритании.)
Americans use different words, too. Read this letter from Donna, then write the usual English words for the American words underlined. (Прочитай письмо Донны и напиши в скобках слова, которые обычно используются в британском английском.)
Hi Zoe^
We finlsKed scKooL yesterday and I’m on vacation ( ) for eight weeks! Mom says she Is
going to put Lots of gas ( ) In
the car and we’re going to travel all over the States.
It’s my sister’s birthday tomorrow and Mom’s baking cakes and cookies ( )• My sister wants
to go to a burger bar and have burgers and fries ( ). I’ve bought her a big box of candy
( ) (Mom never buys us candy because
she says It’s bad for our teeth.)
I’ve also bought her a disc ( )
favorite pop“group^ a book about Keanu Reeves her favorite movie-star ( ) and some purple socks.
Write soon!
□ Can you find two words that Americans spell differently? (Найди ещё два слова, которые в американском английском пишутся по-другому.)
E Write the words in the puzzle.
Clues across
1 An American football match.
5 A tall building.
6 A state on the West Coast of the USA.
7 The capital of the USA.
8 The biggest city in the USA.
Clues down
2 An American president’s name.
3 The United States of___________
4 A tall tree.
[ 6 I How big is your world? The world is enormous but how big is your world? (Мир огромен, но как велик твой мир?)
Which city/town do you live in?---------------
Have you ever been to a different city/town?--------
How many different cities/towns have you visited? What are their names? When did you go there?
Which country do you live in?
Have you ever been to a different country?
How many different countries have you visited? What are their names? When did you go there?-------------------------------------------------------------------------
What’s the furthest place you have ever visited?
I Reading and writing |
d) Can you sort these two recipes out?
e \ r <✓» <
I Then add the icing sugar and cocoa I. I powder.
Tthat put tt^e fruit on th fridge for a_n
vjjj Finally^t some cream cheese in the middle of the plate.
Chocolate truffles
I —--------------------- —
“ “b Roll the balls in chocolate bits.
^ou need: apples, melon, cream cheese,
(ГГуШ iuu neea: apples, met strawberries, lettuce.
) balls.
i cheese
Then cut the fruit into ^ces. ^^
_..+ Ipttuce les \Щ: ttL.
j.^i-j^Then put ^ ----
salad yq^j need: 75g cream cheese,
•*'* ^л/ч_ ,
First wash all the fruit.
lOU иссчл. I V.. ------ -
1 teaspoon milk, lOOg icing sugar, lOOg cocoa powder, chocolate bits.
о Wle .e recces down nere . ,ne codec, ordec (Записи peuen™ s прааияьно» порядке.,
— I. I -I I - ----- i
Chocolate truffles
Where is the capsule?
(iJL. I
Reading and problem solving
[ 1 I How can the hikers cross the river? Read, make up sentences and solve the problem. (Каким образом путешественники могут перейти реку? Прочитай и составь предложения.)
They could:
use а log
put on Wellingtons
look for some stepping stones
make a raft
□ Think of three more possible solutions. Decide which of the solutions is the safest. Write your solution. (Придумай ещё три решения проблемы. Выбери самый безопасный вариант и запиши его.)
I think the hikers could
They could also
but I believe the safest way to cross the river is to
The boys are thinking up a surprise party for the girls. Here is a list of notes they made. Make up sentences according to the example and find out about their ideas. (Мальчики хотят устроить вечеринку-сюрприз для девочек. Посмотри на список и составь предложения.)
1 L/asria LLK.es oraanlse a bla cooK,Lng ana aesigrung trungs. VVe collLcI cake oartu.
2 Г u
□ Which of the boy’s ideas do you like best?
I think they could organise__________
I like this idea best.
□ What kind of a surprise party can you organise for a friend?
I Wrlftmg ai7^^r^1^nT6Twng * ”]
I 3 I Aunt Judy’s Problem Page. Can you answer these letters? (Помоги тёте Джуди ответить на письма ребят.)
О Have you got а problem? Write to Aunt Judy, then ask your friend to answer your letter. (У тебя есть проблема? Напиши письмо тёте Джуди, затем попроси своего одноклассника ответить на твоё письмо.)
В Complete the table with the Past Participles (II). Which of the verbs are irregular? Tick them {■r'). (Образуй причастия прошедшего времени глаголов и заполни таблицу. Отметь галочкой (v') неправильные глаголы.)
Infinitive 1 read Ц Past Participle (II)
2 collect Ц
3 fly □
4 travel Ц
5 buy Ц
6 look Q
7 finish Ц
I ^ I Read а boy’s letter and learn what his hobby is. Fill in the gaps with the Present Perfect forms of the verbs in the table above.
Hi Bob.
I feel so excited, because this weekend I’m going on a trip to Florida! We’re going to fly there!
You know how mad I am about planes. I (1)__________
lots of magazines about different airplanes and
(2) _____________________________ many models but I
(3) ______________never________________by plane before.
We (4)_____________always_______________by train or by
car. My Dad (5) our 1(6)
our tickets. I wonder if I can have a window seat?
never__________________down from
X yvf----------------------
a plane before. Have you? It must be interesting!
(7) _______________ you _________________ your poster
about reptiles yet? I think I could take some pictures of crocs in the Evedales Nature Park for you, if I’m lucky. Have to pack now.
□ Andrew’s hobby is_______________________________
I Writing and communication ]
В Interview your friend. Imagine your friend is famous. You are interviewing him/her for a magazine article. Write five questions you would like to ask. (Представь, что твой друг знаменит и ты берёшь у него интервью для журнала. Напиши пять вопросов, которые ты хотел бы ему задать.)
О Ask your friend the questions and write in your friend’s answers. □ Now write the article for the magazine. Draw a ‘photo’ in the box.
I Vocabulary and writing"
I 7 I Write the names of the animals.
О Which of these animals live in the desert? Which live in the mountains? Which live in the forest? Which live in towns?
G Ka>T14 1 Listen and check your answers.
I Vocabulary
0 Find the names of the twelve animals that make up the Chinese horoscope and write them clockwise in the diagram. (Найди названия двенадцати животных, которые входят в китайский гороскоп, и впиши их в диаграмму по часовой стрелке.)
6 7 15 24
6 9 15
5 11 22
10 14 19 21
4 14 16
1 13 22
10 11 23
7 8 11 18
13 17 20
3 25
6 8 10 12 2 24
1 artistic 9 great companions 18 natural leaders
2 good thinkers 10 hardworking 19 patriotic
3 enjoy attracting 11 honest 20 polite
attention 12 independent 21 practical
4 fast learners 13 kind 22 prefer to live and work with
5 love hobbies 14 logical other people
6 friendly 15 love their homes 23 strong
7 good friends 16 love to talk 24 clever
8 good with words 17 modest 25 live and thing big
0 What kind of personality do they have?
1 People born in the year of the________
2 ______________________________________
are usually
6 7
Grammar and communication
[ 9 I Do you like the circus? Answer the questions. Then get ready to talk to your classmates.
1 Have you ever been to a circus? When did you go there?
2 Have you ever seen magic tricks done on stage? Did you like them?
3 Have you ever tried to do a magic trick yourself? What was it?
Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the verbs in brackets. Put the verbs in the correct form.
1 I started school in 2008. (be)
1 have been at scKooL since 2008.
2 My Dad bought that car three years ago. (have)
3 My parents gave me a pet when I was nine years old. (keep) I___________________________________________________________
for three years.
since I was nine.
4 I met my best friend six years ago. (know)
5 Sam went to New York last Tuesday, (be)
each other for six years.
in New York since last Tuesday.
6 Kate isn’t here because she went to a photography competition, (go)
She--------------------------------------------------to a photography competition.
ш Interests and hobbies
[ \УосаБиГагу and communicatTorT
Ш Here are the most popular hobbies of American teenagers. Tick (■^) the hobbies you like or those that interest you. (Отметь галочкой (v^) хобби, которые тебе нравятся или тоже кажутся интересными.)
□ playing computer games
I I using the Internet
I I going to movies Ц swimming Ц baseball
I I bowling
I I drama
I I basketball Ц volleyball □ Answer the questions.
Have you ever done any of the hobbies above? Which one?
I I listening to music
What’s your hobby? Is it exciting?
0 Computer creatures. Which of the creatures in the pictures below are used to describe things to do with computers? Underline them. (Подчеркни названия живых существ, которые используются при работе с компьютером.)
А ‘mouse’ or а ‘rat’?
А ‘bug’ or а ‘fly’?
А ‘gopher’ or а ‘mole’?
А ‘virus’ or a ‘worm’?
□ What are they used for? Use the Passive form of the verbs in brackets. (Заполни пропуски, используя пассивную форму глаголов.)
1 А ‘mouse’ (to use) Is used, to help you move around the computer screen.
2 A mistake in a computer programme (to call)____________________________a ‘bug’.
3 A gopher seiw^er (to use) to the Internet.
when a computer (to link)
4 A program that destroys information on the computer (to call) a ‘virus’.
I Vocabulary |
(3 Can you read music? Each note has a letter.
Match the notes with the pictures like this. (Расшифруй слова и соедини ноты с рисунками.)
03 What do these people do? Read and match.
1 A pop star
2 A sound engineer
3 A lighting engineer
4 A roadie
5 A record producer
6 A video director
looks after the sound equipment, puts the songs together to make an album, makes video films to go with the songs, sings at concerts and makes recordings, looks after the lighting, carries all the band’s equipment.
I Listening
K»)ti5 ] Write the name of the instruments. Then listen to the music and write the correct numbers in the boxes. (Впиши названия инструментов. Затем послушай музыку и пронумеруй рисунки.)
□ I0T16 1 Now listen to the song. Which instruments can you hear? (Теперь послушай песенку. Какие инструменты ты слышишь?)
[ 5 I I® Т17 I How do you pronounce the letter U in these words? Write the words in the correct box. Listen and check.
music drum
Listening and writing
И I® T18 j What do they like doing? Listen and fill in the chart.
V • Ж
Zoe likes swimming In the sea
Paul likes
□ Finish the sentences.
1 When it’s hot and sunny Zoe likes swlnruning Iri ~bhe sect
and Paul__________________________________________________________
2 When it’s raining Zoe__________________________________________
and Paul__________________________________________________________
3 When it’s windy Zoe and Paul_____________
4 When its’s snowing Zoe and Paul________________
□ Now write in the same way what you like doing.
[ 7 I What year were you born in? What would you like to be when you are older? Is the horoscope right or wrong about you, your friend or members of your family? Write your answers. (B каком году ты родился? Кем ты хочешь стать, когда вырастешь? Правильно ли гороскоп характеризует тебя, твоего друга или членов твоей семьи? Напиши ответы.)
People born in the year of Suitable jobs (подходящие профессии)
1996, 2008 actor, politician, racing car driver, engineer, manager
1997, 2009 architect, farmer, banker, army officer, archeologist
^ 1998, 2010 pilot, explorer, teacher, politician, musician, journalist
1999, 2011 judge, diplomat, administrator
2000, 2012 computer analyst, salesperson, manager, philosopher
2001, 2013 detective, politician
^ 1990, 2002 sportsman/sportswoman, pilot, translator, librarian
1991, 2003 illustrator, art historian, florist, doctor
^ 1992, 2004 scientist, journalist, film director, engineer
1993, 2005 actor, dentist, opera singer, musician, dancer, army officer
1994, 2006 teacher, scientist, doctor, secret agent
1995, 2007 designer, artist, actor, dentist, farmer, doctor
I was born in
that was the year of the
I like doing many things. I am interested in
and I enjoy
Sometimes I think I would like to become a
when I am older, but I haven’t decided yet. I have looked up what the horoscope says about the occupations suitable for me. I believe it’s right (wrong), because
Complete the sentences by filling in adjectives or adverbs. (Заполни пропуски, выбрав прилагательное или наречие.)
1 This young singer has a__________________
voice. She sings
----------------------- (beautiful/beautifully)
2 This puzzle is not_______________________You can’t solve it.
you need time to think, (easy/easily)
3 Watch out! The dog has an at everyone, (angry/angrily)
4 My Dad is a
look. It looks
(careful/carefully) 5 May I have a_____
driver. He always drives
word with you? I need to tell you something
_. (quick/quickly)
-----------songs. Everyone sang
6 We danced and sang_______
( merry/merrily)
7 We enjoyed the birthday party very much. It was a
We spent the time______________________ (good/well)
9 Who’s your favourite pop star? Fill in his/her details here.
& Can we speak to Rik Morellt please?
I Vocabulary and'writing
[ 1 I Which of these words can you use to describe Rik Morell’s house?
□ What is your house like? How is it different from Rik Morell’s house?
Write five sentences. (Напиши пять предложений о своём доме. Чем он отличается от дома Рика Морелла?)
bigger quieter more beautiful
smaller more comfortable more modern
taller more exciting
older more interesting
Kouse Is smaller___than__Rlk’s_house.
a Read and match.
Can I go to the cinema with you, please? \ No, I’m sorry. I’ve eaten it.
Can I play football with you, \ please? \ No, I’m sorry. I’ve sold it.
Can I have my pens back, please? i No, I’m sorry. I’ve broken my leg.
Can I have some chocolate, please? \ No, I’m sorry, I’ve lost them.
Can I borrow your bike, please? ^No, I’m sorry, it’s closed tonight.
а Look at these four houses. Can you guess who lives there?
artist explorer stunt artist
astronaut film director teacher
astronomer footballer
engineer pop singer
I think, g film director
Lives here. He__LS__Interested.
in__films and, photographij.
He needs Keadar.Ke pills_______
[ VocabiilaiV and writing
0 Label the parts of the house. (Впиши названия частей дома.)
6 7
Read the sentences and name the parts of a house/flat.
People usually cook in this room, к______________
You can take a shower here, b__________________
Families often watch television and relax in this room. 1
People sleep in this room, b______________
You can leave your coat here, e___________________________
People eat in this room and have family dinners, d--------
In big flats people keep their clothes and shoes here, d _
0 Describe where you live. What does home mean to you? Write sentences about: your favourite room, special object, smell, view. (Что для тебя значит твой дом? Напиши о своей любимой комнате, предмете, запахе, виде из окна.)
[ Asking for things~a^rid"witing
В Practice reading the mini-conversations and try to sound polite. Prepare to role-play conversations in class. (Потренируйся читать мини-диалоги, старайся, чтобы они звучали вежливо. Будь готов разыграть эти диалоги по ролям в классе.)
1 — Excuse me, can you tell me the time, please?
— It’s a quarter to seven.
— Thank you.
— That’s all right.
2 — Can you tell me the way to the station, please?
— Take the 15 bus on the opposite side of the street.
— Thank youl
— Not at all.
3 — Can I borrow your ruler, please?
— No problem, here it is.
— Thank you.
4 — Can I borrow your dictionary, please?
— Yes, of course, here you are.
— Thank you.
□ Ask for the things in the pictures.
_____________, please?
1 Can we borrow your______________
We’re practising for the competition.
2 Can I use your_______________, please? I’d like to speak
to my mum.
3 Can I have your_______________
for a moment?
I need to write down a telephone number.
4 Can I have another
5 Can I borrow your _
-, please? It’s delicious.
-. I’d like to look up a word.
□ Write polite requests and questions to go with the following answers.
1 —___________________________________________________________________
— Yes, of course. It’s over there, on the kitchen table.
— I’m afraid, not. It’s not working.
— There you are. They’re on the second shelf in the bookcase.
— No, I’m sorry. I need it myself.
— What a pity! My brother’s using it at the moment.
— No problem, here it is. Keep it as long as you need it.
Reading and writing
0 Match up the objects with the names of holidays and festivals.
roast turkey a Valentine card
Easter eggs
a pile of pancakes
№ ill ^ pumpkin
St. Valentine’s Day
0 Read the answers and think what the possible questions were. Write them down.
A Usually it’s celebrated at the end of winter. Q2_____________________________________________
A Oh, I like many things. First of all it’s delicious pancakes, then I enjoy games and sledging outdoors. And, of course, the fireworks and the bonfire at Maslenitsa.
A ‘Maslenitsa’ is a symbol of winter, so when people burn its straw effigy they say good-bye to winter till next year.
Q4 ________________________________________________________________________________
A It usually lasts for a week, then Lent begins.
0 Have you ever done any of these during Maslenitsa? Put a tick {■^) next to the activity.
1 I pole-climbing Ц tug-of-war contest
□ puppet theatre □ troika riding
I I singing Ц watching a bear show
I I dancing in colourful costumes Q cooking pancakes
Q storming a snow fort
Which things did you enjoy doing best?
А glimpse of history
I Reading arid wriflhg
Ш Find the mistakes. The man in the art shop is trying to sell this picture. He says the artist painted it in 1800. We know this isn’t true. Why? (Этот мужчина пытается продать картину и говорит, что она была написана художником в 1800 году. Мы знаем, что это неправда.
1 Cars were Inverited,
A quiz on inventions. Answer the questions yourself, then ask your friend.
Chicken or egg?
What was invented first:
1 the printing press or the typewriter?
2 the washing machine or the vacuum cleaner?
3 the submarine or the parachute?
4 the jet engine or the motor car engine?
5 the ballpoint pen or the felt-tip pen?
□ Read the parachute fact file and decide which of the facts are True (T) or False (F).
The parachute fact file
[~| Ancient Egyptians used parachutes to build pyramids.
r~] A parachute was first thought of in 1485 by Leonardo da Vinci.
|~1 The first parachute was tried on a sportsman.
Q In 1784 a dog was dropped from a balloon wearing a parachute.
I I Jean Pierre Blanchard made the first human parachute jump in 1793.
□ Modem parachutes are sometimes used to slow aircraft on landing.
Гз~| Write the second part of the word. Which of these things can you see at home? at school? in a transport museum? (Заполни пропуски. Что из этого ты можешь увидеть дома, в школе, в музее транспорта?)
diesel. steam
I 4 I When were these things invented? In what century? Use the prompts and write the sentences. (Когда были сделаны эти изобретения? В каком веке? Используй подсказки и напиши предложения.)
1 the printing press (1440)
The prLntLrij press_____was Invented._____Ln_14-4-0, Ln__the___fifteenth
2 the siibmarine (1620)
3 the parachute (1784)
4 the washing machine (1858)
5 the motor car engine (1885)
6 the vacuum cleaner (1901)
7 the jet engine (1930)
8 the ballpoint pen (1933)
9 the felt-tip pen (1960s)
□ What will the car of the future look like? Draw a picture of a ‘futuremobile’ and describe it.
Vocabulary and writing
S Match the kinds of transport to the power they use. (Какая энергия используется этими видами транспорта?)
wind power
petrol engine
diesel engine
human power
□ Write five sentences.
1 TKe car and, the motorbike are drlveri bij petrol engines.
2 _______________________________________________________________________
□ Which of these are clean? Colour them green. Which are dirty? Colour them red.
I Reading
И Read the instructions and fill in the gaps with suitable words. (Прочитай инструкции и заполни пропуски подходящими словами.)
You need: 20 cm
I i • I: I : :
' !:; I: M
I <
;) I
How do you make a sail buggy?
a strong card a thin card
sticky tape
Cut a triangle from the t________c_________and
stick as__________to one edge. This is your sail.
Stick the straws to the s_________c________
with some s___________t_______Cut the stick or
wire to be 2 cm longer than the straws. Push it
through the straws and fix the four 1______to
the ends. This is your platform.
Stick a piece of wire to the front of the buggy. Put the sail straw over the wire. Tie the
t__________through the end of the sail and the
back of the buggy. Now your buggy is ready. Take it out on a windy day and watch it go!
S “Forward” magazine received a lot of pictures from their fans. Look at the photos in the new ‘Uourney club” section. Can you recognise the landmarks? Where were the photos taken? How did the travelers get there? (Ты узнаёшь эти достопримечательности? Где были сделаны фотографии? Как путешественники добрались до этих мест?
Famous landmarks album
Photo 1. Niagara Falls
Photo 2. Koala bear and kangaroo, Sidney Opera House
I think this photo was taken in
I guess these photos were taken in
because this is
I can recognise
Photo 3. Ancient pyramids in Latin America
Photo 4.
This is
___________It’s not an easy place to get
to. I think the travellers got there by
□ Add your own photo and write about your trip to a famous landmark. (Добавь своё фото и напиши о путешествии к знаменитой достопримечательности.)
□ Which place would you like to go? Why? How will you get there? Prepare a talk.
Mr Big’s island
Reading and writing
Ш Circle the places which are islands.
Greece Malaysia
Egypt ( Jamaica
Italy Alaska
Japan China
Spain Hawaii
California Great Britain
□ Now write the names on the islands.
0 What do you have to do to be a good friend? Read this list then write what you think you have to do and what you don’t have to do. (Прочитай и напиши, что нужно и не нужно делать, чтобы быть хорошим другом.)
tell the truth wear nice clothes remember birthdays be beautiful listen be famous
give lots of parties help other people speak English give lots of presents keep secrets have a bike
smile be rich
be interested in people smell nice be exciting have a computer
To b(
lood friend. I think uou have to tell the
Vocabulary and grammar
What do they have or don’t have to do at home? Look up the information in the table and write sentences. (Что они должны и не должны делать дома? Просмотри таблицу и напиши предложения.)
Adam James Zoe
to make the bed ✓ ✓
to tidy the room ✓ ✓
to wash the dishes ✓
to help with the shopping ✓
to take the rubbish out ✓
to walk the dog ✓
to weed the garden ✓
to feed his/her pet ✓
Adam . James Zoe___
□ Do you have to help much at home? What do you have to do?
И What did they have to do in the classroom last term? What class jobs will they have to do next term? Write four sentences about the kids. (Напиши четыре предложения о том, что ребята должны были делать в классе в прошлой четверти, и о том, что они должны будут делать в следующей четверти.)
Winter term Spring term
clean the blackboard Claire Anna
water the plants Mark Tim
collect the copybooks Anna Claire
empty the wastepaper bin Peter Mark
[ UgtenUhg and writing
I0T19 I Listen and fill in the chart. Some children are talking about what they want to be. Write what they want to be and then tick ('^) what they’ll have to do. (Дети рассказывают о том, кем они хотят стать. Послушай, напиши в скобках, кем хотят стать эти дети, и отметь ('^) в таблице то, что им надо будет делать для этого.)
Rose ( ) Judy ( ) Dave ( ) Ben ( )
study ✓
’ pass exams ✓
do exercises
learn lines
practise every day
take lessons 1
1 Rose wants to be a doctor. She*ll have to studij artel pass a lot of exams._______________________________
□ What do you want to be? What will you have to do?
Reading and writing
E Solve the puzzle and find the criminal. (Разгадай загадку и найди преступника.) [forest]
Masara is a beautiful tropical island. A film director, a pop star, a footballer and a criminal live in different parts of the island. Read the clues and write who lives in which part of the island, what nationality and how old they are.
□ Now answer the questions.
1 Where does the criminal live?
1 The pop star lives in the northwest part of the island.
2 The film director is Spanish and lives north of the Englishman.
3 The person who lives in the milage is 25 and isn’t the criminal.
4 The person who lives north of the German is 21.
5 The person who lives east of the French woman is 42.
^^6 The criminal is 50.
2 What nationality is he/she?
3 Is the pop star a man or a woman?
4 Where does the footballer live?
5 How old is the film director?
[ Vocabulary and grammar 0 Fill in the gaps.
Daniel Defoe’s famous character
title facts adventures shipwreck main island
rescue character voyage desert
The famous novel by Daniel Defoe was published in 1719. It
described the surprising dd.ven.'bures_______of a man on a desert
______________________________The story was based on real
____________________________ from the life of an English sailor
Alexander Selkirk.
Of course, the main
____________________ of the book appeared
under a different name which became world famous. In the tradition
of the time the original___________________of the novel was much
longer than simply “Robinson Crusoe”. The reader could learn a lot
from it — the name and the origin of the _________________________
character, the geography of his sea__________________, the facts of the unfortunate
_, the number of years he spent on a
and his happy, but strange
by pirates.
□ Look at the facts in the table and write sentences comparing the lives of Alexander Selkirk and Robinson Crusoe. (Сравни факты из жизни Александра Селкирка и Робинзона Крузо.)
Fact file
Alexander Selkirk Robinson Crusoe
place of birth Scotland York, North England
went to sea at the age 19 18
landed on an island because he wanted to because of the shipwreck
years on the desert island five twenty eight
1 ALexander Selkirk comg.s from ScotLarrd. and. Robinson Crusoe 15 from York.. North Eriglarid._________________________________
Islands of the South Pacific
[ lydcabuTary anS'TSriting
Ш Circle the things you can find on a tropical island. (Обведи то, что можно найти на тропическом острове.)
□ What could you use to make:
' L
electricity gas
snakes coconut palms
a house? a fire? a table? clothes?
breakfast? a necklace? dinner?
We_____could use_____rocks to make a house.
Q What could you do on your island when you are bored?
watch TV tell stories swim explore
go Hshing climb trees surf play computer games
sail your boat go diving sing
go shopping sleep dance
I Listening and writing
S I® T20 1 Listen and fill in the missing words.
Branston is a good place to live. There are
interesting things to
do There’s a big sports centre near my house and there are —
do. mere s a ^ ____fields round Branston where
tennis courts in the park. There are thp air is clean
11, Thprp are factories in the town, so the air is clean
you can walk. There
and healthy. There are
______ hotels, where tourists can stay. There are
, , restaurants. There’s
supermarkets, but------------
supermar^. uu.
in Branston now, but there s a sm
a railway station, but there are only-------------
buses and there’s an airport in Tadford which is
_ miles away.
I 3 I Write about the place where you live. Use these words:
a lot of some not many a few no
houses cars factories hotels
offices cafes farms flats
parks cinemas theatres hospitals
schools lorries bikes
shops trees buses
fields libraries gardens
И Complete the questions with how many or how much.
glasses of water milk
cups of tea lemonade fruit juice mineral water cups of coffee
do you drink every day?
□ Now give answers to the above questions. Get ready to ask same questions in class. (Теперь ответь на приведённые выше вопросы.)
1 Not much. I drink three or four glasses of water a daij.
2 __________________________________________________________________________
3 __________________________________________________________________________
4 __________________________________________________________________________
5 __________________________________________________________________________
6 __________________________________________________________________________
7 __________________________________________________________________________
8 __________________________________________________________________________
0 Compare the two photos. What can you see? What is the difference between the places? (Сравни фотографии. Что ты видишь на них? Чем эти места отличаются друг от друга?)
[ 6 I What are the populations of Moscow and London? Read the information in the table and write the numbers in words. (Какова численность населения Москвы и Лондона? Прочитай информацию в таблице и напиши цифры словами.)
Capital Country Population
London United Kingdom 8.6 min —
Moscow Russia 10.5 min —
[ 7 I What are the longest rivers in the world? (Какие реки самые длинные в мире? Напиши цифры словами.)
The top three rivers in the world are located in Africa, South America and the United States. Three big rivers of Russia are in the list of the top ten rivers of the planet. What are they? Look at the information in the table and write the numbers in words.
River Location Length in miles
the Nile Africa 4,180 Four tKousaud. one Kuirdred, and. eighty
the Amazon South America 3,912
the Mississippi — Missouri — Red Rock the United States 3,710
the Ob Russia 3,459
the Yenisei Russia 2,800
the Irtysh Russia 2,758
[ 8 I Russian landmarks. Read the text in exercise 17 on page 60 of your Student’s Book (Part 2). Answer the questions and get ready to speak about landmarks of Russia in class. (Прочитай текст из упражнения 17 на странице 60 учебника (часть 2). Ответь на вопросы и будь готов рассказать о достопримечательностях России на уроке.)
1 What is the longest river in Europe? How long is it?
2 What is the longest river in Siberia? How long is it?
3 What is the deepest lake in the world? How deep is it?
4 What is the highest mountedn in Russia and in Europe? How high is it?
5 What is the population of Russia’s capital?
Listening and speaking
I0T21 1 Record your own radio programme.
In Britain there is a radio programme called Desert Island Discs. In it the presenter interviews famous people and asks them to choose music and books to take with them to a desert island.
Listen to Zoe and Paul then interview your friend and record it. Then he/she can interview you in the same way. (Послушай интервью Зоуи и Пола и запиши свой выпуск радиопрограмгиы вместе с другом. Сначала подготовьтесь к записи и выполните задания 1-5.)
1 Write about three music CDs you would like to take and why.
2 Write the names of three books you would like to take.
3 You can take one special thing with you. What would you like to take? Why?
4 Write four questions you will ask your friend.
5 Practise your interviews a few times. Then record them on CD. Can you bring CDs of music you would like to take to a desert island? Play short pieces from the music between the questions.
Read the description of two rooms and complete the pictures with missing objects. (Прочитай описания комнат и дополни рисунки.)
Text 1
Before you come into my room, you cem see a sign on the door saying ‘A tiger lives here’. There are a lot of pictures of tigers in my room. On the floor there is a rug in the shape of a tiger with black stripes. Next to the bed there is a desk with a computer on it. On the wall next to the window there’s a poster with a parrot and a baby tiger. My lamp is in the shape of a tropical flower. Sometimes my friends come to visit me and we play games in my room and have fun. My room is not big but it’s very colourful.
Text 2
On my door there’s a sign ‘Stopl Attention!’. When you walk in, be careful not to trip over my castle. There are toy soldiers and airplane models all around the room. On my desk there’s a computer on which I play games and do puzzles. There’s no television in my room. I have a world map on the wall with photographs from our family travels. There are no plants in my room, but there are two bookshelves with a lot of books on them and a comfortable armchair.
[ll| What is your room like? Answer the questions. Is your room big or small?__________________________
What is there on the walls of your room?
Is there a TV set in your room?
Is there a computer in your room? Where is it?
Where do you keep your books? Do you have a bookcase or bookshelves in your room?
Mr Big’s cave
[ Writing
Ш Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
1 What jobs did people on the island do a few years ago?
TKeij built houses, went__________________
flshlrig and grew vegetables._____________
What jobs do you think they do now?
2 What did they eat?
What do they eat now?
3 Where did the people get their food?
Where do they get it now?
4 Where did they live?
Where do they live now?
Grammar and vocabulary
0 Do the crossword puzzle.
Clues across
1 A man-made underground passage through a hill or under a river.
2 A place to hide in a mountain.
3 To put things on the boat.
4 Very big.
5 Difficult to walk or stand on because it is wet.
Clues down
6 A special underwater boat.
7 An optical instrument with a lens for each eye used to look at far-away objects.
Are 1 ! you а good traveller? Use must or mustn’t to fill the gaps. Whpn ynii gn hiking thrnngh я fnrpst ynii drop littpr.
2 Whpn you Ipflvp thp hiking г.ятпр ymi Ippvp я firp.
3 Whpn thp wpflthpr i.4 vpry hot yon wpar hpts.
4 Whpn yon go down я slipppry гояН yon be cflrpfnl.
5 Whpn yon go through я tnnnpl yon rollpr-skfltp.
6 Whpn yon go hy hopt yon load it with too many things. throw stones.
7 Whpn yon ЯГР in thp monntflin.4 yon
8 Whpn yon f^rp on ЯП i.4lpnrl yon keep it tidy.
P Whpn von cro on hoprri я biff shin von show vour documents.
Look at the signs and write sentences about their meaning. (Посмотри на знаки и напиши, что
они означают.)
[ Writing
И Write what is happening in Picture 1 then what has happened in Picture 2. (Опиши, что происходит на рисунке 1, а затем — что произошло на рисунке 2.)
Picture 1
The boy and the girl cire_cUmblrig
The dog___________________________
g roch
The vulture
Picture 2
The girl _
The boy’s rope
The boy
The dog
The vulture
Listening and reading
S 1$>Т22 ] Listen and circle the correct words.
Fifty years ago Sunfield was a (small}big/tiny town. There were about thirteen/thirty shops, a post-office/a bank/a hospital/a school/ a cinema/a garage/a railway station and a church. About 5,000/ 500/15,000 people lived here in houses/flats on the two main roads. There were factories/fields/farms all round the town.
Twenty years ago they built the radio/camera factory to the west/east of the town, then the new flats to the north. They closed the church/railway. Then they built more houses/hotels in the fields to the south/north. They needed bigger roads so they built roads all round the town. They closed the cinema/bank/school and made it into a hospital/supermarket.
Ten years ago they built there a computer factory and more farms/offices/flats/parks and shops.
Now there are about 15,000/1,500/150,000 people living in unfield.
□ Is your town or village the same as it was fifty years ago? What has changed? Find out and answer the questions. (Твой город или посёлок остался таким же, каким он был 50 лет назад? Что изменилось? Узнай и ответь на вопросы.)
1 Is your town bigger now or smaller?
2 Are there more houses, more flats and more shops or fewer?
3 Are there more roads?
4 Which buildings have disappeared or changed?
5 What new buildings are there?
6 Are there more trees or fewer?
7 Do you think life is better now or worse? Why?
0 Find the words with the opposite meaning. (Выпиши слова с противоположным значением.)
modern worse (the) best large short
hot cool cold small better
(the) worst old long warm
0 What did the tourists like about the houses in the places they visited? Read the letters below and match them with the photos. Write the names of the photos. Prepare to speak in class about both places comparing the houses. (Прочитай два письма и сопоставь их с фотографиями. Озаглавь фотографии. Будь готов рассказать на уроке об этих местах и сравнить домй.)
Photo 1.
Photo 2.
Letter 1
Hi All,
Alberobello is a wonderful little town in the south of Italy. They have a very unusual style of houses. The houses were built hundreds of years ago! To me the place looked as if gnomes lived there. The roofs of the houses are made of flat stones and have an interesting shape. The houses are cool in summer (the climate is very hot) and warm in winter. Some of them are used as hotels. When we began to walk along the main street we saw many tourist shops. I enjoyed looking around them.
If you ever find yourself in Italy, stopping in this lovely place is a must!
Letter 2
Hello everyone.
Here are some notes of the places we loved on our journey in Russia.
We were driving down to Moscow from St. Petersburg, and along the way we saw some beautiful wooden houses. These are traditional old Russian houses in the countryside.
The windows are often decorated with carved wooden designs, and they remind me of Hansel and Gretel fairytale cottages. Unfortunately, many of these little houses are very old, and nobody lives in them,
I wish we could find a small hotel in one of these houses when we come to Russia again.
I и ) A goodbye party
[ Writing
И What have you learnt this year? (Чему ты научился и что нового узнал в этом году?)
Write three things that you have learnt to do:
I’ve learnt to juggl^______________________________________________________________
Write three interesting facts that you have learnt:
Write about three things that you have made:
□ Now write the name of: a new place you have visited a new person you have met _ a new food you have tasted _
a new book you have read_____
a new film you have seen_____
a new game you have played _ a new hobby you have started
Describe the last day of Mr Big on the island. Use Past Simple or Past Continuous.
Mr Big was in a hurry. He (to want)_____________________to escape from his island
in the Pacific Ocean. He (to think)____________________that he could do it secretly.
His gang (to wait)______________________for him on the submarine not far from the
beach. The capsule (to be) ________________________ on board. Suddenly Mr Big
(to hear)______________voices and a group of islanders (to enter)__________________
his underground cave. Kate and Sam (to come)
just in time.
Finish the conversation. Use the Present Perfect form of the verbs from the right column. (Заполни пропуски, используя глаголы из правой колонки в форме настоящего продолженного времени.) Think of а title for the text. Then prepare to role-play the episode in class.
Mr Big: I
my business here. I must leave
this island at once!
Islanders: Not so fast, Mr Big! We
night for you but you____
Where is our money?
day and
us our wages.
with the capsule? It is not
yours. Where is it?
Mr Big: I don’t understand what you are talking about. I____________________________________it.
Kate: I am sure he________________________it on his submarine.
Let’s run to the beach!
Islanders: It’s time to go to the police station, Mr Big. They ________________________________for this moment for a long time!
0 Find out what kind of a party the islanders organised.
(Какую вечеринку организовали жители острова? Разгадай.)
1 а sandy seashore
2 а band of people acting together
3 a decoration of flowers or leaves
4 a long narrow board used in surf-riding
5 payments for work
6 the large brown seed of a tall tropical palm
7 the part of a rocket Mr Big kept on his submarine
8 people living on an island
to finish
to work not to pay
you/to do
not to see to hide
to wait
4 7
3 6
S Tell the truth.
What have you done this yestr to help:
your family?_______________________
your friend?_______________________
your teacher?
your town?___
the Earth?___
I’ve made my mother hundreds of cups of coffee and I’ve started riding a bike.
Read a page from Zoe’s diary and write sentences about her plans. (Прочитай страницу из дневника Зоуи и напиши о её планах.)
This school year we’vo Л i things. But next year is gofn^bh I am sure we will travel f ^ ^ better.
people and learn new ”ew
to decide where to have time
have already decided what I Z ыТ ^
next. My plans are to ioif 7 ^ do
and leam this special kind Dance Club
it on TV and it C fan w to Ireland too I’d like + ^ Perhaps we can go
Dublin Zoo, ride Connem^?,^®-^®" ^
”^useum^ftb Titanio Ponies and visit the
□ Next year Zoe is going to:
0 What are your plans for next year? Answer the questions.
1 What are you going to do next year?
2 Are you going to join any club?
3 Are you going to learn euiything new?
a Fill in the questionnaire for yourself, then ask your friend. (Заполни анкету сам, затем задай вопросы другу.)
Memories of the year
1 What was the most interesting trip for you this year?
2 What was the best place you’ve been to this year?
3 What was the most surprising moment for you this year?
4 Who was the most interesting person you have met this year?
5 What was the funniest thing that happened in your class this year?
6 What was the most exciting adventure for you this year?
7 What was the worst thing for your class this year?
8 What was the saddest moment for you this year?
9 What was the happiest day for you this school year?
□ This is a place for two photos which describe the happiest day of the year for you.
Get ready to speak about one of the photos in class. (Выбери и помести в рамки две фотографии, на которых запечатлён твой самый счастливый день в этом году. Подготовь рассказ об этом дне.)
[ Reading
S Why don’t you make masks? You need:
coloured paper
Trace this shape onto a thin card and cut it out.
Cut a piece of elastic about 38cms long. Make small holes in the top corners of the mask. Put the elastic through the holes and tie knots in the ends.
Pednt the mask or put glue on it and stick feathers, glitter or coloured paper on it. Or paint the mask to look like an animal. Stick on ears and whiskers.
Test 1
и Read the story and mark the statements as True (T) or False (F).
Sparky’s story
I am Sparky, a 4-year-old dog, an animal star. Two years ago I was the pet of a family. We lived in the country and there I learnt to climb a ladder and to swim. Then a famous producer saw me and invited me to a film studio. Now I live at the film
I played many parts in many films. These films are science-fiction and adventure stories. I want to star in a comedy because I can dance very well. I want to make people laugh.
1) Sparky is a famous dog. □
2) Sparky lives with a family in the country. О
3) He learned to swim when he was a family pet. Ц
4) He played in many adventure films. Ц
5) Sparky is famous for his comedies. О
❖ 2 points for each correct answer.
(Maximum — 10.)
I 2 I Fill in the gaps with the right word from the box. There is an odd word there!
, .j jwT'V—
All my friends like watching films. Boys like (a)
people do many exciting and dangerous things. There are a lot of (b) in these films. Girls enjoy watching (c) ___________________
them laugh. When we were little children we liked (d) These films have interesting (e)_______________________
stories where
.which make _ most of all.
❖ 1 point for each correct answer.
(Maximum — 5.)
[~i~| Write the Past Simple tense form of these verbs.
1) to see —
2) to go —
3) to do —
4) to win —
5) to make —
❖ 1 point for each correct answer.
(Maximum — 5.)
И Use the prompts to write sentences. You may use the word ‘but’.
1) Usually/my mom/cook/dinner/today/my dad/cook.
2) Vera/like/comedies/now/she/watch/an action film/with us.
3) Kate/sometimes/play/сотриter games/this evening/she/do/a project.
4) Sam/usually/travel/by car/at the moment/he/fly/to America.
5) Jim/be/a camera operator/today/he/do stunts.
❖ 2 points for each correct answer.
(Maximum — 10.)
Проверь ответы на с. 100 и подсчитай обпщй результат. За каждую орфографическую ошибку (неправильно написанное слово) сними 1 балл.
25—30 баллов. 19-24 балла. 11—18 баллов. 1—10 баллов.
Подумай, что тебе нужно повторить.
Надо попросить помощи у друзей и учителя!
Test 2
и Read the story and circle the right answers.
A good girl
Two little girls, Lizzie, six, and Kate, seven, went shopping with their mum. They were looking for hats, shoes and coats. Mother bought new shoes for them. The girls came home wearing them. After lunch their brother and dad went fishing, and the girls wanted to go to the river, too. They liked swimming and it was a hot day. ‘OK, but change your shoes. You mustn’t dive, girls,’ their mum said.
When they were walking through wet grass and mud down to the riverbank, Kate said: ‘Lizzie! Mum’s going to be very angry! She told you to change your shoes!’
‘I did,’ Lizzie said. ‘These are yours.’
1) Kate is ... a. 5. b. 6. c. 7.
2) Kate and Lizzie are ... a. sisters. b. friends. c. cousins.
3) The girls got new ... a. hats. b. shoes. c. coats.
4) The girls went ... a. fishing. b. swimming. c. diving.
5) Lizzie was wearing ... a. her new shoes. b. Kate’s old shoes. c. Kate’s new shoes.
❖ 2 points for each correct answer.
(Maximum — 10.)
a Complete the sentences using degrees of comparison. Think about articles.
1) Moscow is a/the/- (big)____________
city in Russia.
2) Its population is a/the/- (large)__
than the population of some countries.
3) This text is a/the/- (easy)__
than the last one.
4) Who is a/the/- (tall)________
student in your class?
5) Who is your a/the/- (good)___
❖ 1 point for each correct answer (Maximum
Lswer. I
-5.) ______[
0 Complete the sentences using an adjective or an adverb. 1) Small children can be very___________________________
2) My American friend speaks too
3) This text is________________
_ (noisy/noisily). (quick/quickly).
4) I can
5) Be_
do this exercise (easy/easily). please (careful/carefully).
❖ 1 point for each correct answer.
(Maximum — 5.)
0 Write questions for the following answers. 1) -------------------------------------------
It’s in Washington. 2) ---------------
These are skyscrapers. 3) --------------------
I’d like to visit the Grand Canyon. 4) ----------------------------
No, I’ve never eaten brownies, but I’d like to. 5) -----------------------------------------
They come to the surface of the sea to breathe.
❖ 2 points for each correct answer (Maximum — 10
Проверь ответы на с. 100 и подсчитай обпщй результат. За каждую орфографическую ошибку (неправильно написанное слово) сними 1 балл.
25-30 баллов. Молодец!
19-24 балла. Хорошо!
11—18 баллов. Подумай, что тебе нужно повторить.
1—10 баллов. Надо попросить помощи у друзей и учителя!
Test 3
и Read the text, look at the plan and fill in the gaps with the right word from the box. There is an odd word there!
in on near between in front of in the middle of
Our town
There is a cinema.
Our town is not big but it’s very nice.
There is an old castle ___________________
Silver Street. ___________________________
the castle and the motel there is a lake.
Beautiful white birds called swans
swim_____________________________the Ifike.
The bus station is________________________
the museum.
the museum. I like our town.
E How did they go? Write sentences.
1) Jane/New York/
❖ 2 pK)ints for each correct answer.
(Maximum — 12.)
2) Henry/school/
5) Maria/the seaside/
6) Dan/the shop/
❖ 1 point for each correct answer.
(Maximum — 6.)
а Complete the sentences using the verbs in the Present Perfect Tense. Use the negative form the last sentence.
This is a popular band. They (record)_________
a new album. Now they are
preparing to make a video. They (choose),
the song. The video director ________________a story board.
The lighting engineer (do).
the lighting. They ---------------yet
(not start)___________________________
because the camera operator is not ready.
❖ 1 point for each correct answer.
(Maximum — 5.)
a Write questions for the following answers.
1) -----------------
I’d like to play the saxophone. 3) -------------------------
No, I’m not very interested in astronomy. 4) ----------------------------------------
The wheel was invented 5000 years ago. 5) -----------------------------------
No, I’m sorry. I left it at home. 6) ------------------------------
No, I’ve never been abroad.
<* 2 points for each correct answer (Maximum — 12.)
Проверь ответы на с. 100 и подсчитай общий результат. За каждую орфографическую ошибку (неправильно написанное слово) сними 1 балл.
29—35 баллов. Молодец!
21—28 баллов. Хорошо!
13—20 баллов. Подумай, что тебе нужно повторить.
1—12 баллов. Надо попросить помощи у друзей и учителя!
Test 4
ш Read the story and circle the right answers.
Flag of Alaska
The state flag of Alaska was designed by 13 year-old Bennie Benson from Chignik, Alaska in 1926. In 1926 there was a flag-designing competition for Alaska schoolchildren. Bennie’s design was chosen from 142 designs. Benny drew three flags. One had a dog sled and two dogs on a bright green field. Another one showed a large mountain and the yellow sun. The third one had stars on a blue field. This one became the winner.
It became the official flag in 1959 when Alaska became the 49th state of the USA. The blue colour means the blue sky and the forget-me-not, an Alaskan flower. The flag also has the North Star because Alaska is the north of America. Bennie’s prize was 1000 dollars and a watch with the picture of his flag on it. In 1963 Bennie gave this watch to the Alaska State Museum and it is still there.
1) Bennie designed the flag of Alaska at the age of ...
a. eleven. b. twelve. c. thirteen.
2) Who took part in the flag-designing competition?
a. Children from Alaska. b. Children from all over the USA. c. Children from all over the world.
3) How many flags did Bennie draw for the competition?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3
4) What does the state flag of Alaska look like?
a. A large mountain and the yellow sun. b. Stars on a blue field, c. A dog sled and two dogs.
5) What can we see in the Alaska State Museum?
a. Bennie’s watch. b. The first flag made by Bennie, c. Bennie’s picture of the flag.
❖ 2 points for each correct answer.
(Maximum — 10.)
0 Write questions for the following answers.
1) ^____________________________________
Today I’ve eaten some sandwiches and a salad.
This evening I’m going to play computer games.
I have to empty the wastepaper bin and to water the plants in the classroom.
I have to get up at 7 o’clock in the morning.
I have little time in the morning.
❖ 2 points for each correct answer.
(Maximum — 10.)
а Complete the sentences using the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.
1) I (spend)________________________last summer in the country,
2) This year I (be)_______________________abroad for the first time.
3) I (meet)________________________Kate three years ago.
4) We are very close. She (be)________________________my best friend for 2 years.
5) We (visit)
my grandparents together this year.
❖ 1 point for each correct answer.
(Maximum — 5.)
What do they like? Write sentences.
These people are going on holiday. Alex likes camping and he enjoys swimming in the sea. Jane likes travelling around, but she hates walking and cycling. Peter and Mark like sightseeing. They love cities. Sophie and Joe like taking photos of animals. Ramesh likes walking and climbing mountains. Sharon likes riding her bike.
0) aipv Is going to go campirig at Sunset Sarvcis-.
1) Jane___________________________________________________________
2) Peter and Mark_________________________________________________
3) Sophie and Joe-------------------------------------------------
4) Ramesh---------------------------------------------------------
5) Sharon---------------------------------------------------------
❖ 2 points for each correct answer.
(Maximum — 10.)
Проверь ответы на с. 101 и подсчитай общий результат. За каждую орфографическую ошибку (неправильно написанное слово) сними 1 балл.
29—35 баллов. Молодец!
21—28 баллов. Хорошо!
13-20 баллов. Подумай, что тебе нужно повторить.
1—12 баллов. Надо попросить помощи у друзей и учителя!
Test 1
1 1) T, 2) F, 3) T, 4) T, 5) F.
2 a) adventure, b) stunts, c) cartoons/comedies^, d) cartoons, e) stories,
3 1) to see — saw,
2) to go — went,
3) to do — did,
4) to win — won,
5) to make — made.
4 1) Usually my mom cooks dinner but today my dad is cooking.
2) Vera likes comedies but today she is watching an action film with us.
3) Kate sometimes plays computer games but this evening she is doing a project.
4) Sam usually travels by car but at the moment he is flying to America.
5) Jim is a camera operator but today he is doing stunts.
Test 2
1 1) c, 2) a, 3) b, 4) b, 5) c.
2 1) Moscow is the biggest city in Russia.
2) Its population is larger than the population of some countries.
3) This text is easier than the last one.
4) Who is the tallest student in your class?
5) Who is your best friend?
3 1) Small children can be very noisy.
2) My American friend speaks too quickly.
3) This text is easy.
4) I can easily do this exercise.
5) Be careful, please.
4 1) Where is the (President’s) White House?
2) What are these tall buildings?/What are these?
3) What would you like to visit/see in the USA/US/America?
4) Have you ever eaten brownies?
5) Why do whales and dolphins come to the surface of the sea?
Test 3
1 Our town is not big but it’s very nice. There is an old castle in Silver Street. Between the castle and the motel there is a lake. Beautiful white birds called swans swim in middle of the lake. The bus station is near the museum. There is a cinema in front of the museum. I like our town.
2 1) Jane went to New York by plane.
2) Henry went to school by bike.
3) Gerry’s mother went to her office by car.
4) Stan went to the oil rig by helicopter.
5) Maria went to the seaside by motorbike,
6) Dan went to the shop on foot./Dan walked to the shop.
^ Если несколько вариантов ответов написаны через косую чёрточку (/), значит любой из них является пргшильным; если же слова написаны в скобках, то они необязательны для правильного ответа.
3 This is a popular band. They have recorded a new album. Now they are preparing to make a video. They have chosen the song. The video director has made a story board. The lighting engineer has done the lighting. They haven’t started/have not started yet because the camera operator is not ready.
4 1) What kind of music do you like?
2) Would you like to play any musical instrument?
3) Are you interested in astronomy?
4) When was the wheel invented?
5) Can I have your Workbook for a moment?
6) Have you ever been abroad?
Test 4
1 1) c, 2) a, 3) c, 4) b, 5) a.
2 1) What have you eaten today?
2) What are you going to do this evening?
3) What do you have to do in the classroom?
4) What time do you have to get up in the morning?
5) Have you got much/little time in the morning?/How much time have you got in the morning?
3 1) spent, 2) have been, 3) met, 4) has been, 5) have visited.
4 0) Alex is going to go camping at Sunset Sands, (образец)
1) Jane is going to take the train around Europe.
2) Peter and Mark are going to visit London.
3) Sophie and Joe are going to go on safari in Kenya.
4) Ramesh is going to walk in Scotland.
5) Sharon is going to go cycling in Spain.
Благодарим за предоставленное разрешение на воспроизведение охраняемых авторским правом фотографий и репродукций:
«Фотобанк Лори», ФГУП Информационное телеграфное агентство России «ИТАР-ТАСС»,
С.С. Митурича (www.mosphoto.ru ), В.С. Иванова, С.А. Каулен, И.П. Твердохлебову
В тетради использованы репродукции и кадры из фильмов:
С. 92: кадр из анимационного фильма «Шрек навсегда* — Shrek Forever After / [продюсеры Т. Ченг, Дж. Шэй; сценаристы Дж. Клауснер, Д. Лемке; режиссёр М. Митчелл]. — США : ДримУоркс Анимейшн, Пасифик Дейтэ Имиджес, Парамаунт Пикчерз, 2010.
С. 92: кадр из художественного фильма «Пираты Карибского моря:
Сундук мертвеца» — Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Man’s Chest / [продюсер Дж. Брукхаймер; сценаристы Т. Россио, Т. Элиот; режиссёр Г. Вербински]. — США :
Джерри Брукхаймер Филмз, Уолт Дисней Пикчерз, 2006.
С. 92: кадр из художественного фильма «Снежные псы» — Snow Dogs / [продюсеры Дж. Кернер, К. Грант; сценарист Г. Полсен; режиссёр Б. Левант]. — США :
Кернер Энтертейнмент, Уолт Дисней Пикчерз, 2002.
Учебное издание
Вербицкая Мария Валерьевна Твердохлебова Ирина Петровна Эббс Брайен Уорелл Энн Уорд Энн
Английский язык
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общеобразовательных учреждений
Редакторы Л.О. Савчук, Е.Ю. Туйцына Внешнее оформление А.В. Борченко Художественный редактор А.В. Борченко Дизайн А.В. Борченко Компьютерная вёрстка Е.В. Гурьевой Технические редакторы М.В. Плешакова, Л.В. Коновалова Корректоры Ю.С. Борисенко, НЛ. Шарт
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