Английский язык 4 класс Рабочая тетрадь Вербицкая Эббс

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 4 класс Рабочая тетрадь Вербицкая Эббс - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Forward (Форвард):

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ENGLISH Алгоритм успеха FORWARD класс Рабочая тетрадь для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений Под редакцией профессора М.В. Вербицкой Москва I Издательский \ центр « Вентана-Граф * Pearson Education Limited 2013 ББК 81.2(Англ)я71 А64 Английский язык : 4 класс : рабочая тетрадь для уча-А64 щихся общеобразовательных учреждений / [М.В. Вербицкая, Б. Эббс, Э. Уорелл и др.] ; под ред. М.В. Вербицкой. — М. : Вентана-Граф : Pearson Education Limited, 2013. — 96 с.: ил. — (Forward). ISBN 978-5-360-04271-6 Рабочая тетрадь серии “Fonward” входит в состав учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку для 4 класса и дополняет учебник системой заданий, обеспечивающих комплексное развитие навыков письменной речи, аудирования, чтения и говорения. Задания выполняются самостоятельно или при помощи учителя. В тетрадь включены также проекты, предназначенные для организации внеурочной деятельности, и проверочные тесты. Аудиозаписи к заданиям содержатся в аудиоприложении для 4 класса. УМК для 4 класса входит в систему учебно-методических комплектов «Алгоритм успеха». Соответствует федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту начального общего образования (2009 г). ББК81.2(Англ)я71 Условные обозначения ZOOQ \ О О О О \ Твой «ноутбук»: повтори буквы и звуки Сначала послуьиай Напиши Работа в парах Прочитай Сделай вместе с учителем Работай самостоятельно Дополнительные задания ISBN 978-5-360-04271-6 © Издательский центр «Вентана-Граф», 2012 © Pearson Education Limited, 2012 А. Fill in the form about yourself. (Заполни анкету о себе.) Му name: ____ Му birthday: Му address: Му age: _________ Му nationality: Му teacher’s name: _ Му favourite subject: My favourite book: _ My favourite TV programme: Colour of my hair: __________ Colour of my eyes: __________ My favourite colour: ________ My favourite sandwich: I’m ... □ tall CU strong СИ famous I like ... EH cats tigers EH hippos EH nuts I’ve got ... □ a sister EH a pet EH rich EH funny EH beautiful EH bananas EH sharks EH chocolate EH pancakes EH a teddy bear EH a red hat EH thin EH happy I’m wearing my favourite clothes. They are ---------- © Й]‘- Выбери реплики и допиши диалоги 1-3. Ш, how are you today? Byel Come to LondonI Hello, my name’s Ben. 1. Vera: Hello! I’m Vera from Moscow. Ben: ____________________________ 2. Vera: ___________________________ Ben: Fine, thanks. And how are you? 3. Vera: Goodbye! Write to me. Ben: ________________________________ C. Помоги библиотекарю расставить книги по фамилиям авторов в алфавитном порядке. Впиши порядковые номера в кружки. m”' Fill in the identity cards. Identity card (me) name: Identity card (my friend) name: age: age: birthday: birthday: nationality: nationality: from: from: pet: pet: hobby: hobby: phone number: phone number: address: address: Проверь данные в «удостоверении личности» твоего друга. Write questions and ask your friend. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. you ------------- your birthday on _ you Russian? you got a pet? your phone number years old? E. Read the words and write the sentences. quarter, question, quiz, equals 1. May I ask you a 2. It’s a ___________ 3. Five plus four 4. I like this _____ to twelve. ____ nine. © © m F. Угадай названия месяцев и напиши их рядом с рисунками. Напиши название твоего любимого месяца и нарисуй к нему картинку. September, November, January, March National Unity Day e: G. Составь на каждый день лучшее для тебя расписание уроков. Отметь значками любимые предметы, расскажи о них. I like Ш ©© Maths, Russian, Reading, English, Science, Art, Music, History, Sport Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.30-9.15 9.25-10.10 10.25-11.10 11.30-12.15 12.30-13.15 © Г£ Н. Какие слова в английском языке пишутся с прописной (заглавной) буквы? Прочитай письмо, найди ошибки, выпиши исправленные слова рядом на строке. Hello lera, This i.s. ..Ypur ...Ш a summer There are chUdr^^ russia, bH My.Jiew.. .friend... is . e ..He.!.s...b.^ish and he well. Шз birt .ff.*s.. .sundaY....and^ a...I>ar.ty-..................................... .Here’s edward’^ .The....dog’s n^^ □ I. Выпиши пары слов по образцу, обращая внимание на выделенные гласные буквы. Прочитай слова вслух. Открытый слог Аа И Uu Ее Оо Yy pLai ne. Закрытый слог _____dadd.^__ time, my, excuse, plane, these, gymnast, phone, I September, hobby, hungry, picture, daddy © А. На берег моря выбросило бутылку с посланием, в котором надо восстановить размытые водой слова. Кто бросил бутылку в море и о чём он просит? Captain Grant. I the sea. Mu name | on an island [ I / need help. Please^ contact my children. They I I in Britain now. Представь себя в подобной ситуации. Какую записку ты сможешь написать по-английски? □ г ОООО ' в. Прочитай и найди слова с открытым слогом. Выпиши эти слова и подчеркни буквы, обозначающие гласные в открытых слогах. contact, plane, plus, name, face, uncle, dance, bike, bridge, cake, drive, fridge, hope, age, tent, these, apple Where do these foods come from? Write sentences. 1. These____nQQcUes____come____from China. re___Chinese r\ood.l.es. 2. _______________________________________ 3. 4. Which foods come from your country? D. Read and find Amy and Rob in the picture. Amy is eleven years old. She’s got long, black hair and brown eyes. She isn’t very tall. She likes big T-shirts and scarves. She smiles a lot. Rob is Amy’s brother. He’s twelve years old. He’s tall and thin. He’s got fair hair and green eyes. He wears long jumpers. He likes sports. Now look at the pictures of Amy and Rob on page 28. Were you right? 2 183 © 3S-' Е. Draw Mr Big. • What do you think Mr Big looks like? Draw your picture of Mr Big in the first box. Don’t show your friend. Draw a big, round face. Draw two big ears and two smaLL eges. • Look at your friend’s picture. Is it the same as yours? F. Listen, tick / the correct words in the chart (в таблице), then find Lisa and Alex. body hair tall short thin fat long short dark fair / Lisa Alex wearing dress skirt trousers T-shirt coat jacket hat glasses Lisa Alex Look at the charts. Write a description of Lisa and Alex. hsa____________________________________________________ Alex Odd one outi tall, short, Spanish, thin, fair, dark А. Find the mistake in each computer picture. Vic Carter 1. The__nose__Ls_wrong. Vic____hasn*t got a__big__nose.______________________________ 2. ________________________________________ Sue Smith 3. Les Jones Copy the wrong eyes, nose, mouth and hair here. (Для составления фоторобота вырежи части портрета со с. 95.) Who is it? Liz Baker е What do they do? Write like this. ^^CATH REE_Ls______CL_teacher.___She teaches hlstorij.__________________________________ DOT ROC NETTI CISS ^ REG GENIE Л ^ S! TED TEVICE AND EVE DETTIC TARA STOUN o°o ^*7 ° look after, work, catch, go, teach, design о ■О "О Odd one outi astronaut, laboratory, doctor, engineer, scientist с. What do you want to be? Answer the questions on the computer screens. 1. Which subjects do you like? % What kind of person are you? n friendly СИ shy СИ strong r r 3. What can you do well? СИ write stories СИ play football СИ play music СИ talk to people СИ speak English СИ draw СИ dance СИ sing СИ run J 2. Do you like? СИ people СИ animals СИ sports □ music СИ machines СИ computers СИ plants СИ books СИ cars JK J /----------------------- 4. What do you want to do in a job? СИ work outside СИ work inside n look after people □ go to different countries СИ look after animals СИ be famous □ write J Look at your answers. What is a good job for you? Why? mD. Допиши в каждое предложение глаголы в форме настоящего времени. Г£ 1. I like, be, catch, have got, be, be, help films about Sherlock Holmes. 2. He 3. He 4. He a famous detective. . criminals. _ a friend. 5. His friend 6. They _____ 7. They _____ Doctor Watson. strong and friendly, people. E. Imagine you are a detective. Write questions about Mr Big. 1. 2. 3. 4. is Mr Big? does he live on an island? . island is it? is he now? F. Подготовь запрос о Джозефе Александере: напиши общие вопросы к этим предложениям, чтобы уточнить информацию. Joseph Alexander lives in the USA. His birthday is January 10th. He has got green eyes and red hair. He is an explorer. He can help Professor Wallace. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ? ? ? • ? ? A. What’s different? Look at the picture on page 24 in the Student’s Book (part one) for two minutes. Now look at this picture. There are five differences. Can you find them? 1. There were two_________birds__on,__the___tert> -QQW theij are____on__the___grourd.._________________________ 2. в. Who were they? Match the person, the job and the country. Brunei Columbus Marie Curie Cleopatra Pablo Picasso The Wright brothers pilot engineer Italy m USA Poland Spain Britain Egypt Now write like this. Brunei___was___g British engineer. 3 183 о с. Сап а porcupine smile? Listen and fill in the chart. run backwards lay eggs climb trees smile porcupine / X X X 1 platypus 1 pelican tree frog spider me U__J Write about two more creatures like this. A___porcupln.e__can___run___backward.s____but Lt can*t___climb treesy La^ ^99^ smile. D. Which word sounds different? Circle the words. Listen and check your answers. green aren’t moon jump walk leaves can’t good come work steam paint school run talk please aunt food some short (weather^ plant do home door © ГД Е. Look at pictures A-E on page 32 in the Student’s Book (part one). Write questions like this. 1. Does he flij planes? Is he a plLoi:? 2. Does he __________________? Is he a _________________? 3. Does _____ work in a laboratory? Is ________ a scientist? 4. __________ he travel a lot? ___________ he an explorer? 5. ______________________________? _____________________? F. Write questions about last year like this. This year 1. How old are you? 2. How tall are you? 3. What is your favourite book? 4. What is your favourite lesson? Last year 1. Hqw___okl__were Last 2. 3. 4. ZC3 в a \ О о oo \ Talk to your friend. What’s different? G. Find and correct six mistakes in the words. Что перепуталось в этих словах? kangaree — _______________ girabbe — _______________________ raffit — _________________ pappot — ________________________ hiffo — __________________ chimpanzoo — ____________________ Odd one out! parrot, porcupine, leader, monkey, pelican А. Where do these things conne from? Talk to your friend. the forest, under the sea, under the ground m Now listen. Were you right? Colour the things which come from the forest green, the things which come from under the sea blue and the things which come from the ground brown. Then write about five more of the things like this. G~qs comes from under______________the____se.a__and____uricier the____ground..________________________________________________ Zooo \ CT о Q о \ Which of the things are produced in your country? Talk to your friend. B. Как читается сочетание букв ch по правилу? Прочитай слова и подчеркни три исключения. change, chef, channel, Chinese, chemist’s, cheese, China, Christmas е |~^~j С. Can you answer these silly questions? Do spiders eat birds? _____________________ Do insects eat horses? ____________________ Do fish eat animals? ______________________ Do birds eat monkeys? Look at the pictures in exercise D and find the answers. m “■ ““ 1. This spicier eats birds. 2. ______ 3. 4. E. Впиши в предложения глагол to be в нужной форме прошедшего времени. Sherlock Holmes _____________ Doctor Watson _______________ They _________ strong and friendly. They _________ good people. a famous detective, his friend. Criminals afraid of them. F. Grow a giant sunflower from a tiny seed. You need: 1 i b ?/ Read and match. IJ Put your sunflower seed in a pot of compost. When you see a little plant, take off the plastic bag and put the pot in a warm, light place. Don’t forget to water your sunflower. Put a plastic bag over the pot. Put the pot in a warm, dark place. Put the pot on a plate. Water the seed. When it has got six leaves, it’s ready to go in the garden. Choose a sunny place near a wall. Tie your sunflower plant to a stick. Watch it growl Odd one out! orchid, plant, sunflower, tree, ocean G. Read the words. Then write three words in each column (колонку). Проверь произношение по словарю. live, rain, eat, lake, lily, weather, metre, swim, leave, dead, three, tail [1] lily. [i:l [e] [ei] H. Найди на рисунках колокольню Ивана Великого в Кремле, Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, Останкинскую телебашню. Допиши вопросы и ответы. Придумай свой вопрос для викторины «What do you know about Moscow?». ^ 536 m _240 m _ 81 m Ivan Velikiy Bell Tower Moscow University Ostankino TV Tower 1. How tall The Bell Tower is 2.______________ It is 3. _ The TV Tower is 4. Ivan Velikiy Bell Tower? metres________________ metres is Moscow University? Ostankino TV Tower? metres А. Read the text on pages 42-43 in the Student’s Book (part one). Then read these statements (утверждения) and tick / the correct answer. 1. The text says: a) Q Australia is bigger than the USA. b) Q The USA is bigger than Australia. c) Q Russia is bigger than the USA. 2. The text says: a) Q It’s cold on the Black Sea coast in spring. b) Q It’s cold in Siberia in spring. c) Q It’s warm in Siberia in spring. 3. The text says: a) Q There are lakes with hot water near volcanoes. b) Ц There are lakes with cold water near volcanoes. c) Q There are no lakes near volcanoes. 4. The text says: a) Q There are no big cities by the side of the Volga river. b) Q There are many small towns by the side of the Volga river. c) П There are big cities by the side of the Volga river. ZcD a a \ О о eao \ B. Read the words. Write four words in each column. Проверь произношение по словарю. autumn, hole, now, warm, hot, tall, forest, coast, holiday, brown, long, cold, mouse, port, snow, south [D] hot [o:] [эи] [au] © This С. Read Tim’s letter to his friend Tom. Point to Tom. Fill in the gaps with am, is, are. ______ my family photo. These ________ my parents. My father __________ a doctor. This _______ my brother, Boris. I _________ eleven years old and he ________ fourteen. We ______________ good friends. Look at my little sister. She _____________ very funny. You _________ on this photo, too. D. Запиши существительные в форме множественного числа в нужные графы таблицы. bear, kangaroo, wolf, fox, rabbit, monkey, mouse, tiger, platypus, crocodile, porcupine, frog -S [S] -s [z] -es [iz] Исключения Look at the picture and fill in the gap with the name of these animals. Read the sentence quickly. Many make much music. 4 IS3 0 т Е. Нарисуй одно животное, которое тебе нравится, и другое — которое не нравится. Заполни карточки. Which animal do I like? Identity card name: from: lives: legs: . tail: _ can: _ Identity card name: from: lives: legs: . tail: _ can: _ J Расскажи по-английски об этих животных своему однокласснику и задай вопрос из задания. Угадал ли он твоё любимое животное? F. Впиши в таблицу названия времён года и месяцев. —) Не забудь, что названия месяцев по-английски пишутся с прописной (заглавной) буквы. seasons autumn months S D M J т G. Дополни таблицу названиями животных и тех стран и частей света, где они водятся. На каком континенте расположена только одна страна? Назови все страны по-русски. Continent Country Animals Europe and Asia Russia Asia panda, tiger South African Republic, Somalia crocodile, hippo, elephant Australia Н. Напиши письмо Джил: глаголы из скобок поставь в нужную форму, добавь информацию о себе. Используй как образец задание 15 на странице 47 учебника (ч. 1). Dear Jill, Thank you very much for your letter. I _______________________ (want) to be your pen friend, too. My name _______ (be)_____________I _____ (be) ____ years old. I _____________ (live) in ____________________________________ This summer I The weather __ Do you _______ (be) (be) -------------------------- (like) your summer holidays? Write to me. 4* А. How do they want to travel? Choose and write what — they say. bus, bike, walk, train, car, tube Amy and Rob are friends of the Earth. They want to look after our world. Mr Big doesn’t care about the Earth, he wants to go fast. 1. Amy: Let’s go to the cinema. Rob: Shall we walk? Amy: No, let’s go by bike. 2. Rob: Let’s go to park. Amy: _____________________________ Rob: _____________________________ 3. Amy: Let’s go to London. Rob: ___________________ Amy: ___________________ 1. Mr Big: Let’s go to the beach. Tex: Shall we go by bus? Mr Big: No, let’s go by car. 2. Mr Big: Let’s go to the shops. Tex: _____________________________ Mr Big: 3. Mr Big: Let’s go to the airport. Tex: ____________________________ Mr Big: _________________________ What about you? Are you a friend of the Earth? How do you travel? On short journeys I _______________________________________ On long journeys I ________________________________________ В. Маке а bar chart. How do your friends come to school? Sam’s chart My chart 154 10 5 •*o о < »° fl~0 9< ■ ' . .-I. . . .. . 15-10-5- LaIV mpf.ro bus car other. C. Listen and finish the notes. alrpop-t — railway sta-tlori Loridori — CKesterflelcl — i CKesterflelcl Matlock Щ bus stop — Amy*s house — tube Now write like this. She__must go_____by__tube__from___the airport to___the__railway station^ then_________________ Imagine your pen friend is coming to stay with you. How do you get to your house from the airport/railway station? A joke No feet! No teeth! r D. Listen and write the times in the timetable. Timetable у ^ British Rail platform 6 platform 8 platform 10 V. ^ London у 1.00 ^ Bedford ''y Derby У у, 'у Chesterfield ^ Sheffield Уу Aunt Sally’s plane arrives at London airport at 8.05. The journey to the railway station by tube takes one hour. Which train can she catch? __________________________________ What time does it arrive in Chesterfield? к E. Imagine you can go anywhere in the world. Read and answer the questions. Amy and Rob want to go to Egypt. They want to go by magic carpet. They want to see the pyramids. 1. Where do you want to go? 2. How do you want to go there? 3. What do you want to do there? Odd one outl tube, bike, airport, plane, bus, train F. Выпиши слова, в которых буква w обозначает звук [w], и слова, в которых она не обозначает отдельного звука. homework, wrong, want, anyway, swim, twelve, we, answer, water, warm, write [w] □□ / ooa \ / о СЭ СЭ о \ [ ] G. Прочитай слова и выпиши их в соответствии со звуками, которые обозначаются в них выделенными буквами. town, few, flower, grow, Kew, brown, new, now, own, news, follow, snow, tower [au] [аиэ] [эи] Du:] аН. Answer the questions. You can use some of these expressions (выражений). talk with your friend, give food to animals, listen to your teacher, speak over the phone, eat my lunch, play with the ball, go to sleep What must you do at the lesson? At the lesson, I must ______________________________________. What must you not do at the lesson? At the lesson, I mustn’t __________________ What must you not do at the zoo? At the zoo, I mustn’t _____________ What must you not do at the theatre? At the theatre, I mustn’t ________________ А. What can you do in London? Look and write. 4^ 1. 2. You ■.can.____visit___an___art galLerij. 3. 4. B. Circle the correct places. 1. The fountains are near the(^^onal Galler^/the river Thames/St Paul’s. 2. The bus goes in front of the Tower of London/Buckingham Palace/St James Park. 3. Big Ben is next to St Paul’s/the Tower of London/the river Thames. 4. The Crown Jewels are in Buckingham Palace/Big Ben/the Tower of London. 5. The pigeons are in the Tower of London/the National Gallery/everywhere. с. Listen and tick / the places. Amy lives in Matlock. Listen to Amy talking about her town. Then look at the pictures and tick the things there are in Matlock. Where do you live? What interesting things can you do? D. Read Rob’s list. Look at page 58 in the Student’s Book (part one). Buy stamps and post letters, (change library books. Visit Aunt Mary in hospital. abouf dinosaurs. Meet Amy щ the cafe. Where must Rob go? Write sentences. Odd one out! bank, cinema, hospital, museum, gang, cafe 5 183 © о Е. Прочитай и выпиши слова с буквой и в соответствии со звуками, которые обозначает эта буква и сочетания с ней. Russia, south, church, music, turn, excuse, bus, fountain, house, guard, touch Uu:] [Л] [au] [з:] [a:] F. Read the text about Moscow on page 60 in the Student’s Book (part one). Answer the questions and tick / the correct answer. 1. What a) □ b) □ c) □ 2. What a) □ b) □ c) □ 3. What a) □ b) □ c) □ do we learn from the text about the Kremlin? The Kremlin is very old. The Kremlin is not far from the river. The Kremlin was the capital of Russia, can you see in the Kremlin Museum? The big clock. The old map of Moscow. The Russian Crown Jewels, is there on the south side of Red Square? Aleksandrovsky Garden. The Museum of History. The Moskva River. Write your answer. What’s this? © G. Make a tourist folder for your town. Imagine some children from a different country are coming to your town for a week’s holiday. Plan their week for them. What can they do each day? Put photos and postcards in your tourist folder. Draw pictures and maps. L A. Read the words. Then fill in the table. friend, skiing, fun, going, volcano, winter, sing, sleeping, tent, student, journey, talking, monkey, parents, morning Words with [n] Words with [p] B. Летом наши друзья живут в одном дачном посёлке. Прочитай текст, определи, где чей дом, и напиши имена детей. (D (U СЛ СО ф Park Street Park Street Vera lives on Park Street. Maxim lives across the street from Vera. Maxim does not live on Park Street. Dasha lives down the street from Vera, but on the opposite side. Dasha and Nikita live in the same block, but not on the same street. Nikita lives diagonally across the street from Maxim. Vera must cross Park Street to visit Maxim or Nikita. © С. What are they going to be? Match the babies with the adults. ^ В Now write the sentences. 1. TKe^Ve crocod-Lles.______ 2. _____________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________ What do they need to grow? Write sentences. food, water, warmth, light, love 1. Bab^ crocodlLes______need,_food^____water^ warmth_____arid__Light__to____grow._____________ 2. _____________________________________________ 3. 4. 5. 6. Ш”' You are going to a school camp. What are you going to do? Write a letter to your friend. E. What do they need? Listen and tick / the words. Rob’s teacher is telling the class the things they need for school camp. 0 sleeping bag СИ skis СИ jacket СИ socks П fishing rod СИ life-jacket СИ plate СИ map 1 1 walking shoes 1 1 camera 1 1 fork СИ kite n football boots СИ spoon СИ cup СИ sunhat СИ riding hat n T-shirts СИ jumper СИ knife Now choose two things and write like this. He___rieecis_a__sleeping bag because______Ke*s going io___sleep In a tent.________________________________ у ^ F. What do you need on safari in Africa? Play a game. Take it in turns to spin the spinner and go round the page. When you land on a picture, collect the thing in the picture and tick your box. When you’ve got everything you need, you can go on safari! water first-aid-kit Odd one out! horse-riding, bird-watching, fishing, underground, skiing А. How old were you the first time you did these things? 1. Walked? was_one jear time I walked.. old, the, first 2. Talked? 3. Started school? 4. Learned to swim? B. Write two more questions, -и-— Then ask your friends. names Who Learned, to swLm when theij were five? leam to ride a bike, look after a pet, play computer games, leam to play the piano/guitar/recorder, camp in a tent, climb a tree ’f с. Listen to the story of Krakatoa and put the pictures in order. ^ Now write the story of Krakatoa. Use these words. erupt(ed), lift(ed), open(ed), disappear(ed), land(ed), hear(d) 1. About g hundred, ^ears agoj Krakatoa erupted,.___________________^__________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ 3. 5. 6. 6 183 D. A computer game. Choose and write the words. Then tell the story with your friends like this. I followed the signs for the Tower of London. point, ask, climb, follow, chase, go, look ^To ш TOWEK ^ You are in London. You want to see the crown jewels. the signs for the © Odd one outi chased, asked, find, arrived, climbed E. Образуй форму Past Simple Tense (простого прошедшего времени) от этих глаголов и заполни таблицу. Как называются такие глаголы? talk, land, arrive, follow, want, walk, help, play, need -ed [t] -ed [d] -ed [id] F. Никита хочет уточнить информацию о приключениях своих друзей. Прочитай предложения и напиши к ним четыре общих вопроса, которые должны быть в письме к Бену. 1. The plane crashed in the rain forest. 2. They walked to the village. 3. Joe talked to the villagers. 4. They wanted to go to the Blue Mountains. Hi, Ben, Thank you for your letter. Could you give me some more information about Kate and Sam? 1. 2. 3. 4. .? ? .? ? Bye, Nikita А. Fill in the gaps in this newspaper story. Use some of these words. escaped, chased, reached, followed, crossed, crashed, jumped, opened, pulled, disappeared Zack Barrington escapes The police are looking for the plant thief, Zack Barrington. He was in London last week. The police ________ his car across the city. Westminster Bridge and Zack’s car Zack into the river Thames but a policeman police car _ the car door and him out of the water. When the the police station, Zack _____________ _______. The police _____________ him into the tube station but he B. Which is bigger? n. 1. Earth/Sun/Moon The_____Earth___Is bigger than the__Moon.___and, the Suri is bigger tha the__Earth.________________________________ 2. city/village/town_______________________ 3. London/Trafalgar Square/England 4. Russia/Australia/Great Britain ф ♦ с. Listen and write the names. Can you find the proboscis monkey, the spiderhunter bird and the mangrove snakel Now listen and write the names of the other animals, monkeys siamang birds drongo lar gibbon hornbill snakes king cobra flying snake Listen again and colour the monkeys, birds and snakes. ф да D. Look at these pictures and talk to your friend. 1. Which cat is bigger? 2. Whose tail i __ IS nearer? 3. Which line is longer? ~/l E. Fill in these facts about you. _pi_J Then write a letter to a pen friend and tell him/her all about you. ф т F. Допиши от имени Никиты обращение в начале, прощальную фразу и подпись в письме к Бену. Thank you for your letter. Zack Barrington is a bad man. My uncle is a detective. He is in London now. He can help the police to catch Zack. G. Заполни таблицу глаголами в форме Past Simple. Как образуется форма Past Simple правильных глаголов? to ask, to do, to want, to steal, to be, to go, to follow, to call, to cut, to watch Правильные глаголы Неправильные глаголы Fill in the gaps with verbs in Past Simple. Professor Wallace ____________ to Asia. She to find an orchid called the Angel of the Forest. She _______________ Joe Alexander to help her. The Red Hand Gang _________________ her. They ________________ the rope. They ____________________________ professor’s bag. But Professor Wallace not afraid of them. things from the А. Can you remember? Answer the questions. 1. Whose assistant is Polly Zap? ______________ 2. Whose computer is broken? __________________ 3. Whose uncle is in London now? 4. Whose dog is Beano? __________ ^ B. Read the silly sentences. ^ ЩШат Shakespeare liked writing stories Pablo Picasso liked pamting pictures Can you write some silly sentences for these names? 1. Christopher Columbus ___________________________ 2. Marco Polo _____________________________________ 3. Catherine the Great 4. George Washington You can use some of these words: to collect, to make, to grow, to cook, to mend, to chase, to sell, to measure, to ask Now make sentences like this about your friends’ names. ф с. Hobbies. Listen and circle the right words. Rob likes flying planes/making kites/flying kites. He’s got twelve/twenty-two/twenty kites. They’re under his bed/on his wall/in the bathroom. His favourite kite is Chinese/Indonesian/Egyptian. 7~ " 7 ;JJ-J JJ.U J J-UiLLL'JJ. Amy likes skiing/swimming/surfing. She started to swim when she was two/twelve/three. She likes swimming in the river/the sea/the bath. In the picture she’s f lying/diving/riding. Now colour the picture of Rob and his kite. D. Write about your hobby. Answer the questions. What is your hobby? What do you like doing? When do you do it? Where? Do you like collecting things? How many things have you got in your collection? Which is your favourite thing? Odd one out! pyramid, building. Pacific, house, cave Е. What are you afraid of? Ask your class. bats snakes spiders mice the dar other Now write like this. In class ------------ people are______afraid.___of___bats.. F. Прочитай и выпиши слова с буквой s в соответствии со звуками, которые обозначает эта буква и сочетания с ней. Russia, taste, silk, salt, feels, thirsty, short, school, does, music, excuse, science, sugar, Tuesday, shape, Asia [s] [z] Ш ф j G. Complete the sentences with and, but, because. Write N %0 sentence about your friend with one of these words. Dasha is afraid of spiders _____________ mice. Maxim is not afraid of mice ____________ he doesn’t like them. He is not afraid of spiders they are very small. H. в Дашином письме к Кейт перепутаны все цвета, кроме одного. Исправь ошибки по образцу и правильно раскрась рисунок. I like summer. In summer the sky is grey ___bLu£____ The sun is orange_________________ The leaves on the trees are red grass is red_____________________ There are brown __________________ and black ___________________ and the green flowers in the forest. А. Fill in the gaps. behind, in, on, under, over, inside, outside, up, down There was an oLd buLldlrig forest. Trees grew ____________ and Kate climbed ______________ door. Theg went _________ climbed _________________ ____ the It. Sam to the was a picture __ the temple. Theg some rocks. There the wall. The girl the picture had art orchid her hand. Zack and Tex were ____________ the temple. Theg closed the door and put some rocks ________________ It. Kate and Sam were ________________ the temple. B. Listen to the noises and write what they sound like. 1. _________________ 2. _______________________ 3. ____________________ 4. _________________ 5. Now listen and check your answers. (Теперь послушай и проверь свои ответы.) Then write like this. 1. it_sounded___like_a__dog but it was a seal. or Jt_sounded___like a 2. ___________________ seal__and it was. 3. 4. 5. 6. ф these pictures. What do they look like? Are you sure? Talk to your friend. A bird or a rabbit? An old woman or a young woman? A flower pot or two old men? A telephone or two dogs? Write sentences like this. 1. At first It Lookeci_________like__a__rabbit____but now Lt looks like a bird..____________________________ 2. 3. 4. Odd one out! village, capital, in, town, city D. Read and correct the mistakes. This picture is called the Mona Lisa. The famous Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci painted it about 500 years ago. Leonardo was a great painter, a scientist and an engineer. You can see the picture in the Louvre Art Gallery in Paris. Rob: That’s a very famous picture — it’s called ‘Madonna’. Ainy: Nq^____i±__Lsri*t._lt*s_caLLed._the___Mona LLsa Rob: I think Michelangelo painted it. Amy: ____________________________________________________ Rob: He was Spanish. Amy: ____________________________________________________ Rob: He lived about a hundred years ago. Amy: ____________________________________________________ Rob: Leonardo da Vinci was a famous explorer, too. Amy: ____________________________________________________ Rob: This picture’s in the National Gallery in London. Amy: Rob: Let’s look at another picture. Ah, this is ‘Orchids’ by Picasso ... Amy: Oh dear! Vincent Van Gogh. Sunflowers ® I ^11 E. Прочитай и выпиши слова с буквой а в соответствии со звуками, которые обозначает эта буква и сочетания с ней. air, paint, Kate, painter, hair, angel, painting, pair. Saint, fairy, dangerous, afraid [ei] тГ Complete the sentences with these words. painted, painter, peiintings Victor Vasnetsov is a great Russian ________ He is famous for his fairy tale ____________ He _________________ very many _____________ К какой части речи относится каждое из этих слов? G. Read the text from exercise 11 on page 32 in the Student’s Book (part two). Then read the questions and tick / the correct answers. 1. Who used water colours? ГП a) Tony Ц b) Sue Ц c) Richard 2. Who used straws? ГП a) Tony Ц b) Sue 3. Who used flowers? Ц a) Tony □ b) Sue 4. Who painted a portrait? ГП a) Tony b) Sue Ц c) Ruth 5. Who painted a spaceship? ГП a) Tony Ц b) Sue Ц c) Ruth I I c) Ruth I I c) Richard А. Read the questions and tick / the correct answers. 1. Did Professor Wallace see smoke signals? 2. Had she got her computer with her? 3. Had she got her camera with her? 4. Were there a lot of pictures in the cave? 5. Was there a dancing prince in one of the pictures? 6. Did they see the Angel of the Forest in one of the pictures? Yes No □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Теперь напиши кратко о событиях истории, используя глаголы в форме Past Simple. Professor Wallace _____________________________________. She____________________________________________________ There There They □□ ZB a a \ a a a в \ B. Прочитай и выпиши слова с буквой с в соответствии со звуками, которые обозначает эта буква и сочетания с ней. camp, centre, cheese, cave, city, cold, place, dance, country, chef, once, orchid, December [k] [s] m Ш ф с. Listen to the weather forecast (прогноз погоды) and draw the weather on the maps. i j r V Now answer the questions. 1. Amy wants to go swimming. Where can she go? Why? SKe can go to________Equpt____becaLLS.e__i±__will__be. hot__and.__sunnu___there, 2. Rob wants to fly his kite. Where can he go? Why? 3. Lisa wants to use her new umbrella. Where can she go? Why? 4. Alex wants to ski. Where can he go? Why? What do you want to do? Where can you go? Why? ф 11| I D. Прочитай слова с буквой о и выпиши их в соответ-ствии со звуками, которые эта буква обозначает. hope, look, old, sound, forest, monkey, cold, book, wolf, rock, tooth [эи] [t) ] [u] [u:] [Л] [au] E. Answer the questions. Write your question about the story and answer your question. 1. Will the friends find the Angel of the Forest? 2. Will Professor Wallace make the medicine with it? 3. Will the medicine help people all over the world? 4. Will the friends get back home? 5. Odd one outi cough, tiny, toothache, cold, headache ф Zl F. What did they use long ago? Look at the pictures and match the new things with the old. Now finish these sentences. Long ago they used candles to see in the dark, now we LLs.e_electrLcLtij. . Long ago __________________________________________________ now we do maths on computers. Long ago they rode horses, now we _________________________ Long ago they now we live in houses. Long ago they used wood to cook, now Long ago cups were made of metal, now What will people use in the future? What will things be made of? Talk to your friend. А. Choose the right words and fill in the gaps in the newspaper report. is, is, are, steals, sells, wanted, arrested, followed, steals, camped, wanted, know Police arrest plant thieves! Yesterday the Indonesian police Zack Barrington and Tex Parker, the plant thieves. Professor Wallace, the famous scientist, and her friend Joe Alexander, the explorer, went to Indonesia and ________________ in the rain forest. They ----------------- to find a very rare orchid. Zack and Tex ________________ them. They __________________ to steal the orchid and sell it. Zack and Tex Their leader _ He also _______ ____ members of a gang of thieves. Mr Big. He ________________ rare plants. The police do not _________ rare birds and animals and them for pets. He ---------- very rich. _______________ where Mr Big is. Rare orchids ф I III в. Прочитай слова с выделенными сочетаниями букв и °°°°°\) выпиши их в соответствии со звуками, которые эти буквы обозначают. here, hair, where, there, near, their, bear, dear, rare [еэ] [Ю] a Fill in the gaps. Dear Vera, Kate and Sam are in Indonesia. are photos. They are the temple. And this is the _________________ are you? Love, Jill orchid. C. Выбери три события и напиши по образцу три отри-1—F— цательных предложения о том, чего не случилось вчера. Z It rained. I in the park. ^ ate pizza. My friend came to me. We played computer games I watched TV ^ames. I Hked the film. 1. 2. 3. 4. _d.idj;i*t_watch_TV ijesterda^, Odd one outi bottle, paper, new, can, packet, litter ф 0 D. Zack is talking to a policeman. Listen and circle what he says. 1. He went to Indonesia by train / by plane / by ferry. 2. He wanted to help the animals / to help Professor Wallace / to find Sam and Kate. 3. He saw Sam and Kate in the temple / in the camp / near a volcano. 4. He followed them / looked after them / saved them. 5. He went to the camp to see Professor Wallace / to see Joe / to see Kate and Sam. 6. He was Joe Alexander’s friend / brother / uncle. Is Zack telling the truth? Talk to your friend. Now write the truth like this. 1. Zack_____d.Lciri*t_go__to IridoriesLa_____bg ferrijj Ke went____by__plane.____________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________ ,late_ E. Find the rhymes. high___ height- go two ^ vetV dry I III F. Прочитай слова с выделенными буквами и выпиши /°°^^.\] их в соответствии со звуками, которые эти буквы обозначают. hurry, lunch, fast, last, bus, grass, hungry, past, path, duck [Л] [a:] Complete the sentences with some words from this exercise. LookI There is a ___________________ in the tall green _________________________________________ upl I’m very Let’s have G. Read Jill’s diary. Is she OK today? It will be very cold tonrxorrow. I LI run to scKooL. I LL cross the street In the wrong place. We LL have a test In maths. I LL get a bad mark. Подбодри Джил — напиши четыре отрицательных предложения по образцу. Не забудь поставить свою подпись. Dear__J~ lLL^ Don*t____worry. Tomorrow__wlLL_be__QK.__________ 1. It_won*t__be. 2. ____________ 3. ____________ very cold. 4. 5. Write to me^ Zo сз са \ 0 а а о \ m А. Прочитай слова с выделенными буквами и выпиши их в соответствии со звуками, которые эти буквы обозначают. airport, welcome, home, school, north, drop, both, months, local, other, radio, don’t, group, know, south, police, professor [эи]_____________________________________________________________ [D] _____________________________________________________________ [o:] ____________________________________________________________ [au]_____________________________________________________________ [u:] _______________________^____________________________________ [Л] _____________________________________________________________ [Э] _____________________________________________________________ Complete the sentences with some words from this exercise. Kate and Sam arrived _____________________________. The local __________________ interviewed Sam. They ________________________ went back to 'й' В. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. Who met Kate and Sam at the airport? ___________ 2. Who appeared on television? ____________________ 3. Who is in quarantine? __________________________ 4. Where is Mr Big? _______________________________ 5. When will Beano be home? j ^~| Write your answers. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________ C. What do you hope will happen? Listen to Rob and Amy. Fill in the gaps then write what you hope will happen. Rob: I hope it Tomorrow? Amy: I hope friend. You: ____________________ windy then fly my kite. ________ a letter from my pen Next week? You: Next year? You: In the future? You: I hope my sunflowers _ to ffrow- I hope there я fifood film at the cinema. I hope a new bike for my birthday. I hope . to school camp. I hope we the forests and the animals in them. I hope there food for all the children in the world. D. Complete the questions with last year, this year or next year. Приготовь устный рассказ, опираясь на эти вопросы. Е. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple forms of have to. 1. It was cold yesterday and I ____________________________ wear my jacket. 2. My friend was ill. He _____________________________ stay in bed for a week. 3. I’ve got a cold. I ________________________________ take some medicine. 4. My sister wants to go to the cinema with us but she ____________________________ stay at home. 5. My dad ____________________________ work next Sunday. © F. Hieroglyphs. a '■ ill cat arm play bed car nice cheese dog e f g hi ••J 1- pet clean wear folder giraffe egg hat him journey cake P q lion mouse name room hot r s t □ •w P iauim potato quiet veronique rabbit sock shoe ten thin u V w X у z cup turn vet water SIX baby puzzle Can you read the name of this famous person? Q a 1) Can you write your name in hieroglyphs? А. Here are ten animals of the rain forests. They are all in danger. Which animals are missing? Write sentences. 2. Odd one out! leopard, squirrel, orangutan, fox, island [ ~fl\ в. Find the odd one in each box. Then say why it is 1_Й-—I different. robin eagle butterfly (squirrel) bat computer hospital museum bank hotel queen uncle witch aunt sister department store baker’s newsagent’s supermarket cinema 1. The____sq^ulrreL__is different____because the robiiT^ the__eagLej the_____butterfLg____and, the bat can___fly__bu±___the scj^uirrel can*t.__________________ 2. 3. 4. C. Answer the questions with your friend. 1. How many countries are there in the world? 95 125 185 255 2. How many bones have you got in your body? 206 166 126 36 3. How many thieves did Ali Baba meet? 20 40 50 100 4. How many legs has a spider got? 4 6 8 10 5. How many tigers are there in the world? 70,000 17,000 7000 700 6. How many is XXIV? 4 24 26 Listen and check your answers. D. Be an explorer! You can be an explorer in your own garden or park. How many different birds, animals, trees and flowers can you find? Write about each thing and draw a picture. Go to the library and find out more about the things you find. Write their names and where they come from, what they eat and any interesting facts about them. • Make an insect-catcher! Put a jam jar in a hole in the ground. Put some pieces of meat inside. Put a cover on top of the jar. Hold it up with small stones, then the insects can get in the jar. What have you got? Ltd stones ants worm • Be a good scientist — put everything back where you find it! Е. Biggest, fastest, tallest. Listen and answer the questions. 1. Which is the biggest? 3. Which is the tallest? F. Ask your class. Who is the tallest? __________ 2. Which is the fastest? 4. Which is the wettest? Who has got the longest hair? Who has got the biggest eyes? Who has got the smallest feet? Odd one outi height, of, weight, length, size ф А. Answer the questions. 1. Ten years ago? _______ 2. An hour ago? __________ Where were you? When did you? 3. Five minutes ago? 4. Learn to speak English? 5. Meet your best friend? . 6. First see the sea? _______ ЙВ. Look at the pictures on pages 70, 72 in the Student’s Bo Book (part two). Find the mistakes. 1. The__trlceratops__dlcln*t_have_an^__teeth. It_had._three horns on Its____head.___________ 3. 4. а bus? ______ =■ your school? C. How big were the dinosaurs? The biggest dinosaur on earth was the brachiosaurus. It was twenty-five metres long, twenty metres tall and weighed 80,000 kilogrammes. • What do you think? Was the brachiosaurus larger than: ________ your classroom? _______ Was it taller than: a giraffe? _________ a house? your school? Was it heavier than: 100 people? ___________ ten elephants? a train? __________ • Now find out if you were right. How long is a bus? ___________ your classroom? your school? ________ the brachiosaurus? _______ = . Which is the longest? How tall is a giraffe? ________ your house? your school? ________ the brachiosaurus? ____ = Which is the tallest? How heavy are 100 people? __________ a train? ten elephants? _______ the brachiosaurus? ____ = _ Which is the heaviest? ф There are about (fifty) active voLcarxoes iri the world. Some volcanoes are extinct. Extinct volcanoes erupt sometimes. Krakatoa is an extinct volcano. It is very hot inside the Earth. When rock and metal becomes hot they change Into water. (5-ases escape through a crack. They carry water with them up Into the air. Hot chocolate comes out of the volcano. The volcano Is erupting. 1. -There_onenT___about__fifty volcanoes m. the__worlds__there___are about five hundred. 2. _____________________________________ 3. 6. Odd one out! steam, water, on, metal, ice, rock Е. Which are good words to use when you write about volcanoes? Circle them. Chot) active black sleeping strong golden red tiny orange exciting grey frightening big beautiful wake famous windy melt disappear move erupt rain cloud mud water wonderful ash rock ice Anna is talking about the volcano St Helen’s. It is erupting. Listen and circle the words. Imagine you are near an erupting volcano. What do you see? F. Liquids, solids and gases. Which is the odd word out in each group? Л paint steam flour steam * paper ■^^лт11к shake oxygen milk rock glue C^^ salt water chocolate dust paint Talk to your friend. Say why it is different. Then write three sentences like this. 1. Salt Is_____different_____because_____Lt*5__a___solids Paint and milk shake____________are___Lic|^ukis^_________ 2. ______________________________________________________ 3. 4. 1 А. Listen and write the dates. Vesuvius erupted in _Z2A Scientists discovered Pompeii ш Krakatoa erupted in HISTORY ™ -• ““ » An Englishwoman found th +bp first dinosaur skeleton in Scientists made the first ..... scientists made the nrsr They discovered the oldest dinosaur in the wo 777777777777777777Ш777/ '/77777///////////'^^''' What are they made of? Colour the things made of — metal blue, the things made of wood brown and the things made of plastic red. Look at your things. What are they made of? My___р£П__Ls__made___of plastic.__________ Odd one outi look like, next to, smell like, sound like, taste like ф с. Who am I? Play a game with your friend. Think of a famous person. Can your friend guess who you are? Your friend asks you questions like this. Are you a man? Are you living? Did you die a long time ago? More than 100 years ago? More than 1000 years ago? Did you live in England? Did you live in Egypt? Were you a queen? Are you Cleopatra? No. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Write four questions of your own, then play the game. D. Food, clothes, furniture and jewellery. The Ancient Egyptians put food, clothes, furniture and jewellery in their tombs. Look at these lists and circle the odd word in each list. N.* Г • 1. bed, chair, wardrobe, (crown) 2. pancake, bread, sock, cheese 3. jacket, shirt, sandwich, trousers 4. necklace, cupboard, sofa, desk Ж Now write why the word is different like this. 1. Crown Is different___________because_____it*s jewellery, 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________ Odd one out! buried, inside, married, studied, dried Е. What happens? Read and match. 1. What happens when the sun heats the sea? 2. What happens when steam gets cold? 3. What happens when water gets very cold? 4. What happens when the sun heats ice? U A. It turns into water. B. It turns into steam. C. It melts. D. It turns into ice. F. Where does rain come from? Listen and write the equipment you need to do an experiment. You need: and a m Now listen and put these sentences in the right order. I I Turn the kettle on. Boil the water. I I Stand a mirror in front of the kettle. I I Put some water in the kettle. I I Write what happens when it touches the cold mirror. I I Watch the steam. Write what they did, like this. The^____put___some____water_____La__a___kettle._____________ Odd one out! salty, sweet. South, soft, slimy ‘G. Make an Egyptian seal. You need: clay or plasticine an old pen round knife 1. Look at the Ancient Egyptian alphabet on page 67. Match the sounds of the hieroglyphs with the sounds of your name. Amy 2. Cut out a flat shape. 3. Put a handle on it. 4. Draw your name in hieroglyphs on the seal with an old pen. 5. Put a tissue in a bowl and pour ink on it. 6. Press your seal on the tissue and stamp it on the paper. Your name will come out backwards — the way the Ancient Egyptians wrote. jjrPT differences. Look at these two pictures of the island of Komodo. Can you find five things which are different in picture 2? Talk to your friend. Then write the differences. The__dragon*5 tall Is Longer. B. How many words can you hear? Write the numbers. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. El C. A secret message. Look at the words in the Odd one out\ boxes in each unit. Write the odd words out here. Now rearrange the words to make a secret message. Listen and write the words. Indonesia is the biggest group of in the world. It has an enormous population of ----------------- million — the _______________ biggest population in the world. There are ____________ different languages. Many Indonesians can speak two or three languages. Indonesia is on the Equator. The weather is ------------- and wet from November to ___ _________ from __________ to and hot and _ . There are a lot of tropical rain forests in Indonesia. There are about ___________ active volcanoes in Indonesia today. You can visit the Animal Centre in Sumatra and see many animals. The biggest city in Indonesia is the capital, __________. Now write about your country. Is it big or small? What’s the weather like? Are there any volcanoes? What interesting places are there? Which is the biggest city? Е. Languages of the world. There are about 2700 languages in the world today. In Indonesia there are 250 languages. In Britain there are three native languages: English, Welsh and Gaelic. How many languages are there in your country? What are they? Добро пожаловать! BierveiHie! iBienvenido/ Welcome! Benvenuto! Wtflkommen! •Vindo! How many languages can you speak? What are they? _____________ English takes words from many different languages. Look at these words. Can you match the words with the countries they came from? (£ишь P~ahampoi^^ Oreeoe: C fTuricq; j r~ ' i ... I— f Malaysia ГЗДу i iT^hierogiy^ *** '■ „I. ~i . I [pfi9Z9za ГЬаюпа Now write the words in your language in the box. Find some words from different countries in your language. Make a list then say which country the words come from. Can you count from one to five in different languages? F. Make a kite. You need: a piece of ribbon (1cm X 1.5cm) a piece of newspaper (44cm X 33cm) Зстф 30cm a piece of string (120cm) . 11cm ^. 11cm Ч Ч о (T) ^5cm^ 1. Fold your paper in half. Draw this shape on the paper. 2. Cut out the shape. Unfold your paper. ^ sticky tape 120cm 3. Put the sticks in place. 4. Make holes for the string. Put 120cm string through the holes and knot it. 5. Stick the ribbons on your kite. 6. Fly your kite. А. Look at the picture and find the things on the list. ф в. Маке а mosaic. You need: coloured paper 1. Draw a big outline of your picture on the paper. 2. Cut the coloured paper into small square pieces. 3. Glue the squares on to the paper. Test 1 1. Прочитай вслух глаголы в форме Present Simple. Запиши их в таблицу в зависимости от произношения окончания 3-го лица единственного числа. finds, travels, catches, designs, teaches, speaks, touches, works [Z] [S] [1Z] ❖ 0,5 балла за каждый правильный ответ. (Максимально 4 балла.) 2. К каждому рисунку напиши по образцу вопрос и свой ответ на него. Используй данные опорные слова. at home, at the theatre, at school Ann Nick Nina My friends Where_______was____Ann____a±___eight____o*cLock ^esterda^P__She/ Anrr__was__at__the__airport. 2. __________________________________________ 4. ❖ 2 балла за каждый правильно поставленный вопрос. ❖ 1 балл за каждый правильный ответ. (Максимально 9 баллов.) 3. Прочитай про себя и выпиши в разные столбцы названия стран и названия национальностей. В списке есть лишние слова Russian, China, London, Spain, Japanese, Tuesday, the USA, British, American, Russia Countries: Nationalities: ❖ 0,5 балла за каждый правильный ответ. (Максимально 4 балла.) 4. Прочитай про себя предложения и напиши к ним общие вопросы. а) There are many computers at our school. b) We like our school. c) John wants to be an engineer. d) Bill must help his sister. ❖ 2 балла за каждый правильный ответ. (Максимально 8 баллов.) Проверь ответы на с. 94 и подсчитай свой результат. За каждую орфографическую ошибку (неправильно написанное слово) нужно снять 1 балл. 21—25 баллов. Молодец! 15—20 баллов. Хорошо! 9-14 баллов. Подумай, что тебе нужно повторить. 1—8 баллов. Надо попросить помощи у друзей и учителя! Test 2 1. Write the months of each season. Winter: December, _________________ Spring: ___________________________ Summer: June, Autumn: ______ ❖ 0,5 балла за каждый правильный ответ. (Максимально 5 баллов.) 2. How tall are these plants? 2m Im Om ❖ 2 балла за каждый правильный ответ. (Максимально 4 балла.) 3. Fill in the blanks. Choose the right words. Washington is the (1) It’s a (2)_____ of the USA. _______ city. There are many (3). there. The National Gallery is very (4)________ 1. A) town 2. A) big 3. A) forests 4. A) famous B) capital C) city B) tall C) small B) animals C) museums B) different C) favourite ❖ 2 балла за каждый правильный ответ. (Максимально 8 баллов.) 4. How can we get to the cinema? N bus station StatLoa^Streei '' ,4^^^ /», Ф museum post office department d cinema store/7> Market Sq uare * ♦ Ш О Market Street wnuuumnui car school are here Go Then Go _ Then ❖ 2 балла за каждый правильный ответ. (Максимально 8 баллов.) Проверь ответы на с. 94 и подсчитай свой результат. За каждую орфографическую ошибку (неправильно написанное слово) сними 1 балл. 21—25 баллов. Молодец! 15—20 баллов. Хорошо! 9-14 баллов. Подумай, что тебе нужно повторить. 1—8 баллов. Надо попросить помощи у друзей и учителя! Test 3 1. Complete the sentences. An ice-cream tastes A rose smells A frog feels Pepper tastes ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum 4.) 2. Fill in the blanks with the right form. Moscow Zoo is famous all over the world. It is the ______________ (old) in Russia. It is also the -------------- (big). There ______________ (be) many different animals in the zoo. I _ (visit) Moscow Zoo last year. ❖ 2 points for each correct answer. (Maximum 8.) 3. How do you say it? Fill in the table. walked, needed, called, wanted, asked, arrived, looked, played, liked, planted [d] [t] [Id] ❖ 0,5 point for each correct answer. (Maximum 5.) 4. What do they like doing? w Vera Kate Sam ❖ 2 points for each correct answer. (Maximum 8.) Проверь ответы на с. 95 и подсчитай свой результат. За каждую орфографическую ошибку (неправильно написанное слово) сними 1 балл. 21—25 баллов. Молодец! 15—20 баллов. Хорошо! 9-14 баллов. Подумай, что тебе нужно повторить. 1—8 баллов. Надо попросить помощи у друзей и учителя! Test 4 1. Read Lera’s letter to Jill (Student’s Book, part 2, p. 62). Circle correct answers. 1. Who thinks that the Angel of the Forest is the most beautiful flower? a) Lena b) Lera c) Sveta 2. Who is the best singer? a) Lena b) Lera c) Sveta 3. Who is the best dancer? a) Lena b) Lera c) Sveta 4. Whose favourite subject is English? a) Lena b) Lera c) Sveta ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum 4.) 2. Fill in the blanks with the right word from the box. There is an odd word there! make, take, use, live, study There are many wonderful plants in the Russian taiga. People who ______________ there collect plants. Sometimes when they are ill they _________________ these plants as medicine. Scientists ______________ these plants in laboratories. They learn how to medicines from the plants. ❖ 2 points for each correct answer. (Maximum 8.) 3. Write the Past Simple Tense form of these verbs. to see — ________________ to go — ----------------- to cut — ________________ to meet — _______________ to make — _______________ ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum 5.) 4. What will they do tomorrow? Maxim Maxim _ Vera Kate Sam Vera Kate Sam ❖ 2 points for each correct answer. (Maximum 8.) Проверь ответы на с. 95 и подсчитай свой результат. За каждую орфографическую ошибку (неправильно написанное слово) сними 1 балл. 21-25 баллов. Молодец! 15-20 баллов. Хорошо! 9-14 баллов. Подумай, что тебе нужно повторить. 1—8 баллов. Надо попросить помощи у друзей и учителя! ОТВЕТЫ Test 1 Test 2 1. [z] finds travels designs [s] speaks works [iz] catches teaches touches 2. a) Where was Nick at three o’clock yesterday? He/Nick was at the theatre. b) Where was Nina at seven o’clock yesterday? She/Nina was at home. c) Where were my friends at twelve o’clock yesterday? They/My friends were at school. 3. Countries: China, Russia, the USA, Spain. Nationalities: Russian, Japanese, British, American. 4. a) Are there many computers at our school? b) Do we like our school? c) Does John want to be an engineer? d) Must Bill help his sister? 1. Winter: December, January, February. Spring: March, April, May. Summer: June, July, August. Autumn: September, October, November. 2. How tall are these plants? The rose is 1 metre tall./The rose is one metre tall. The sunflower is 2 metres tall./The sunflower is two metres tall. 3. Fill in the blanks. (1)B, (2) A, (3)C, (4) A. 4. How can we get to the cinema? Go down Park Street. Then turn left. Go down Market Street. The cinema’s on the right./The cinema is on the right. Test 3 Test 4 -К- 1. An ice-cream tastes sweet. A rose smells lovely. A frog feels slimy. Pepper tastes hot. 2. Moscow Zoo is famous all over the world. It is the oldest in Russia. It is also the biggest. There are many different animals in the zoo. I visited Moscow Zoo last year. 3. [d] called, arrived, played [t] walked, asked, looked, liked [id] needed, wanted, planted 4. Maxim likes skiing. Vera likes singing. Kate likes taking photos. Sam likes playing football. 1. 1 — Lera; 2 — Sveta; 3 — Lena; 4 — Lena. 2. There are many wonderful plants in the Russian taiga. People who live there collect plants. Sometimes when they are ill they use these plants as medicine. Scientists study these plants in laboratories. They learn how to make medicines from the plants. 3. to see — saw to go — went to cut — cut to meet — met to make — made 4. Maxim will play football. Vera will write a letter. Kate will appear on television. Sam will go to school. К заданию A со с. 12 Учебное издание Вербицкая Мария Валерьевна Эббс Брайен Уорелл Энн Уорд Энн Английский язык 4 класс Рабочая тетрадь для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений Редактор В.Л. Сагалова Внешнее оформление 4.S. Борченко Художник 4.Е. Максимова Художественный редактор 4. S. Борченко Компьютерная вёрстка У7.Ф. Комаровской, О.В. Поповой Технический редактор У7.6. Коновалова Корректоры О.Ч. Кохановская, Ю.С. Борисенко Благодарим за предоставленное разрешение на воспроизведение охраняемых авторским правом фотографий «Фотобанк Лори» Подписано в печать 28.12.12. Формат 60x90/8 Гарнитура PragmaticaC. Печать офсетная Бумага офсетная № 1. Печ. л. 12,0 Тираж 10 000 экз. Заказ № 183 ООО Издательский центр «Вентана-Граф» 127422, Москва, ул. Тимирязевская, д. 1, стр. 3 Тел./факс; (495) 611-21 -56, 611-15-74 E-mail: [email protected], https://wwv\/.vgf.ru Отпечатано на ОАО «Областная типография „Печатный двор"» 432049, г. Ульяновск, ул. Пушкарева, 27 E-mail: [email protected]