Учебник английский язык 2 класс Биболетова Денисенко Добрынина Трубанева часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник английский язык 2 класс Биболетова Денисенко Добрынина Трубанева часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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УСЛОВНЫЕ ОБОЗНАЧЕНИЯ \ — Задание для аудирования — Задание для чтения в классе — Ролевая игра У т — Задание повышенной трудности — Письменное домашнее задание Проверь себя — действующее лицо V — действующее лицо (she, he, it) качество, объект — глагол, обозначающий действия, чувства, состояние — глагол-связка глагол, обозначающий отношение к действию глагол-помощник й » с ,й А - О- ©- ©- признак прошедшего времени (Past Simple) неправильный глагол в прошедшем времени (Past Simple) глагол-помощник в будущем времени (lyhall или will) место действия время действия вопросительное слово Mr Rule учит правилам английского языка М. 3. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н, В, Добрынина, Н. Н. Трубанева Учебник английского языка для начальной школы Часть 2 (4 класс) Рекомендовано Мигистерством образования и науки Российской Федерации к использованию в образовательном процессе в образовательных учреждениях, реализующих образовательные программы общего образования и имеющих государственную аккгюдитацию П.11.2005 т и т V л т 1 т и L 2006 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Б59 УДК 802.0(075.2) Учебно-методичеси^ комплект "'Enjoy EngGsh—2" состоит из следующих компонентов: • книга для учащихся (Part 1, Part 2) • книга для учителя • рабочая тетрадь • аудиокассета • сборник песен и игр "Garne Songs” с аудиокассетой По вогросам приобретения УМК "Enjoy English—2" обращаться в издательство "Титул” по телефону: (48439) 9-10-09 (многоканальный) или по электронной почте: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Биболетова М. 3. и др. Б59 Enjoy English—2 (Part 2): Учебник англ. яз. для нач. ши. (4 класс)/М. 3. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н. В. Добрынина, Н. Н. Трубанева.— Обнинск: Титул, 2006.— 160 с.: ил. ISBN 5-86866-319-5 "Enjoy English~2" (Part I. Part 2) яапяетсй продолжением курса английского я^ыка для начальных классов обшеоб-pasoeaiefibHbix учреждений “Enjoy English-2" (Part I) предиазначен для обучения во втором полугодии 3 класса (вюрой год обучения). “Enfoy Efigfc$h-2*' (Part 2) предназначен для обучения в 4 классе (|ре»ий год обучения). Учг^бник соответствуе! требованиям федерального кемпоненга государственного образовательного стандарта и базисному учебному плану. Курс для начальной 1иколы “Enfoy English'* включает в себя гледуюи^ие компоненты: учебники "Enjoy Enghsh-I", "Enjoy English-2" (Part 1. Part 2). книги для учителя. Прописи, рабочие тетради, аудиокассеть!, сборник песен и игр "Game-Songs" с аудиокассетой. Курс обучает детей живому общению на английском языке в устной и письменной формах на уровне требований государственного образовательного стандарта и примерной программы для начальной школы. В процессе обучения учащиеся знакомятся с детским сказочным и музыкальным фольклором Англии, злементвми кугтыуры и особенностями быта англичан. Постояит^ым спутником и помощником школьников является Хоббит, один из любимых литературных героев английских сверстмжов иаитих детей. У'.ебинк содержит увлекательный материал для домашнего чтения, иллюстрации и задания к текстам для аудирования, англо-рус ский словарь, русско-английский словарь в Part 1. грамматический справочтык и другие полезные приложений, которые помогут научить детей самостоятельно учиться. Учебник создан на основе дан>«ых многолетнего огтытно-жепериментапьного обучения в общеобразовательных учреждениях России. ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 5-86866-319-5 (часть 2) ISBN 5-86866-316-0 (комплект) Ф М. 3. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко. Н. 8. Добрьыииа, Н. Н. Тру(!^(«в,1, 1996. Ф Издательство "Тнтуг", дизайн, восгроиэеедение. распространрнио, J997. ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Unit 5. Му Favourite Season......4 Grammar: безличные предложения типа IVs cold...; Future Simple Review: повелительное наклонение Unit 6. Being Happy in the Country and in the City ..............20 Grammar: степени сравнения прилагательных Review; множественное число имен существительных Unit 7. Telling Stones...........40 Grammar: Past Simple: правильные и неправильные глаголы Review: порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях Unit 8. Evening with Your Family.54 Grammar: Past Simple Review: п^>едложения типа / like doing smtk...: краткие формы глаголов в отрицательных предложениях Unit 9. Shopping for Everything..72 Grammar: местоимения some / any; отрицание no Review: употребление предлогов Unit to. School is Fun...........84 Grammar: предложения c союзом because Review: краткие ответы на общие вопросы в Present Simple и Past Simple: глагол must Unit 11. Understanding Each Other..93 Grammar: предложения c as ... as, понятие об антонимах (словах с проти* воположным значением) Review: словообразование с помощью суффикса -ing Tasks for Listening (Задания для аудирования).......108 Home Reading (Домашнее чтение) ..............111 List of Irregular Verbs (Список неправильных глаголов). 132 Grammar Reference (ГралАллатический справочник)...134 English-Russian Vocabulary (Англо-русский словарь).........147 Reading Rules (Таблицы правил чтения) ........158 Pronunciation Table (Произносительная таблица)......159 Unit 5 MY FAVOURITE SEASON The Fifth Unit Section 1. Speaking about Seasons and Weather to ski to toboggan to ski jump to skate iTi *c D to play hockey W' to ride a bike to jump to play football Г' to play badminton to water-ski to run C.N to swim / ■ to dive to play basket-ball to play volley-ball -V-- 1. Listen to the poem, repeat it and learn it: The North wind does blow* When lessons are done |dAn| And we have much snow, And what do the children ( сделаны ) They skip, jump and run do then, poor [pu9| things Until they are warm. (бедняжки )1 poor things. * does blow = blows — дует 2. Look at the pictures and read the words. 3. Look and say: a) What can you do in winter? b) What can you do in summer, spring and autumn? c) What can you do any time (в любое времяP 4. Ask your friends, what they like to do in winter and in summer. a) Use; ^ im Z\ to @ 1 ©A DAtoA©, b) Use the results, draw and write: 1Л *c D 5. Put the dialogue in correct order. Act it out. — I’m sorry. I’m very busy. — Would you like to go swimming today? — That’s OK. — What about tomorrow morning? — I think, autumn is. — I like fruit very much. — Why autumn? — Which is your favourite season? 6. Say what Hobbit and his friends like to do in winter and in summer? Example: I think Hobbit likes to ski in winter. c D Compare and remember: It is cold 1 It is winter! It’s cold I хо-^ОДно winter 1 — зима 7. Listen and read: 1эи| snowy, don’t, yellow, cold |i| spring, mirror, winter, windy |n| hot, on, not, frosty [all like, nice, white, briglit 8. Say why you like summer/ winter/ spring/ autumn. I like summer it is warm. it is cold and clean. it is hot and bright. spring , it is green, because autumn it is sunny. winter it is rainy, it is nice. it is frosty. 9. Read and act out. ^^«teandf^ty. /И>“ Jt 10. Say: Which is Hobbit’s favourite season? Why do you think so? Example: I think summer is Hobbit’s favourite season. He likes to walk. 11. Listen, read and learn Hobbit’s song. In winter it’s snowy, slippery, foggy. In summer it’s sunny and fine. In autumn it’s cloudy, windy and rainy, In spring you may jump up to the sky. m 1Л c Э 12. Guess (догадайся) what the weather is like in summer in: It’s ... in Antarctica. in Africa. ... in Russia. 13. Говорят, что “у природы нет плохой погоды”. Докажи, что это справедливо. Расскажи, чем можно заниматься, например, в очень холодный день. Example: When it is cold I can watch TV at home. 1) When it is rainy I... 2) When it is snowy I... 3) When it is foggy I... 4) When it is cloudy I... 5) When it is windy I... 6) When it is hot I... 7) When it is slippery I... Й 14. Вы с другом провели каникулы в разных странах. Расскажите друг другу, какая погода обычно бывает в этих странах в разное время года. 15. Хоббит решил отправиться на Южный полюс летом, чтобы позагорать. Убеди его изменить свои планы и пригласи к себе в гости. Не забудь рассказать ему о погоде в твоём родном крае, и чем вы будете заниматься. Section 2. Speaking about Future *C D Л. Remember: I shall skate. Я буду кататься на коньках. You will skate. Вы будете кататься на коньках. Правильно говорить о действиях и событиях, которые будут происходить в будущем, тебе помогут вспомогательные глаголы ^ (shall O^el] или will). Они ставятся перед основным глаголом Лв I форме (will skate). Спутниками будущего времени часто являются слова tomorrow (завтра), next week (на еле дующей неделе), next year (в следующем году), in а minute (через минуту), in ап hour (через час). Простое будущее время называется Future Simple. 16. Guess when shall or will? shall I shall read your letter in a minute. We shall help Hobbit to clean his room tomorrow. will You wUl get a very nice birthday present, She/He will send me a postcard next week. It will be snowy in winter. They will come to Russia next year. c Z) Самое интересное, что в разговорной речи для выражения будущего действия англичане употребляют will во всех случаях, хотя, как и мы с вами, знают правило про will и shall! В разговорной речи часто используется сокращение ’11. Давайте будем говорить, как англичане! 17. Fill in and read; It will be cold in winter. It will be ... today, It will be ... today. It .„ sunny today. 18. Read and say: Are these observations (наблюдения) true? Winter is snowy. -------► Summer will be rainy. Winter is frosty. ------► Summer will be hot. Winter is warm. --------► Summer will be cold. 19. Make the weather forecast (прогноз погоды) for winter months. Use: windy, rainy, cloudy, sunny, snowy, frosty December January February Образец: December will be frosty. 20. Jack is a kind puppy. He helps all his friends. What does he say? Г11 play with you. 1.. . help you. I ... take your letter to the post office. I ... jump with you. I ... dance for you. 1.. . ’c a" ^ i shall will ’ll Compare: I am = I’m it is = iVs we are = we’re У (11 ) in с D 21. Say what your friend will do for you: Example: She’ll sit with my little sister for me. She ... / share / ... with me. He ... with me, He ... with me. She ... for me. She ... to me. He ... to me. 22. Расскажи, что ты планируешь сделать завтра. 23. а) Объясни, как ты понимаешь пословицу; friend in need is a friend indeed”. (Друг в беде — настоящий друг,) б) Какие еще русские пословицы о дружбе ты знаешь? Compare: 1) Не will read. □ А Л. 2) Не will not (won’t [wsuntj) read. [ I not /\. 3) Will he read? —Yes, he will. (No, he won’t.) □ in c D 24. Узнай, что твой сосед (соседка) будет делать завтра. Example: — Will you fly to Africa tomorrow? 25. Друг нашего Хоббита — маленький хоббит все перепутал. Исправь его. iO с D 1) Г11 swim in the river in spring. — No, ... 2) Frank Craggins will visit Moscow in November. — No, ... 3) Г11 eat ice-cream on a cold day. — No, ... 4) My mother will send her letter to Antarctica. — No, ... 5) Piglet will give me 10 sweets next week. — No, ... 26. Скоро твой друг (твоя подруга) отправляется в путешествие. Расспроси его (её) про это путешествие. Начни свои вопросы со слов: wiU, where, who, why, when. Воспользуйся схемами: АПЛ Will you write to me? CZ) ___ /\ ? What will you see there? |У| Section 3. Animals and Weather 27. Read the story about two nice Rabbits. Answer the question: Why is Small Rabbit’s coat grey? TWO RABBITS Part 1 Big White Rabbit looks out of his window and says: “What a nice day! It’s not snowy today. But it*s frosty and sunny. Г11 go and see my friend Small White Rabbit.” In the forest he meets Small Grey Rabbit who says: — Hello, Big White Rabbit! How are you? — Hello. I’m fine, thank you. But who are you? — I’m Small White Rabbit, your old friend. — But you are not white, you are grey. — Yes, I’m not white because it’s not winter, it’s autumn now. Big White Rabbit says: “No, Small Rabbit. You are not right! It’s winter now.” tn c D 28. Choose (выбери) the right answer a) or b): 1) Wlio looks out of his window? a) Small Rabbit b) Big White Rabbit 2) What does Small White Rabbit think? a) It’s autumn now. b) It’s winter now. 3) Who are the Rabbits? a) They are not friends, b) They are old friends. 29. Think of your own end of tlje story. Tell it to your friends. 1Л с Э у 30. Read the end of the story. TWO RABBITS Part 2 Small Grey Rabbit answers: “When winter comes, children wear [wea] (носят) warm coats. They play snowballs, they ski and skate. My home is near a big red house where a lot of children live. When I look out of my window I see: there are no children who play snowballs. It’s not snowy. Children do not wear warm coats. They do not ski and skate. Why shall I wear my warm white coat?” Big White Rabbit says: “My dear friend, this year the winter is not very cold. There is not much snow. That’s why (вот почему) children don’t ski and skate. They don’t play snowballs and they don’t wear warm coats. But all rabbits wear warm white coats in winter. I think you must change (поменять) your grey coat today.” “I see,” says Small Grey Rabbit, “ITl run home and change my grey coat. Goodbye.” “Goodbye,” answers clever Big White Rabbit. 31. Выбери из текста и прочитай вслух фразы, которые подтверждают, что Big White Rabbit умнее, чем Small Grey Rabbit. Ш 32. Прочитай разговор двух кроликов по ролям. 33. Попытайся представить, о чём могли бы поговорить кролики во время следующей встречи. Поговори с соседом по парте. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Section 4. Wr№'ng at Home 1. Найди слово с наиболее обидим значением для каждой строчки: fruit, house, animals, seasons, weather, people, months. Образец: Seasons: spring, winter, autumn, summer. ______: rabbits, dogs, cats, foxes, crocodiles ______: December, June, August, September, March ______: kitchen, bedroom, living room, hall, window ______: apple, banana, plums, orange, lemon ______: rainy, sunny, slippery, foggy, frosty, snowy 2. Выбери: do or does? 1) ... you like winter? 2) What season ... your mum like? 3) Why ... she like it? 4) Where ... you go in summer? 5) What ... your pet have for breakfast? 6) ... you sing songs at the lesson? 3. Напиши, что ты можешь пообещать маме. Воспользуйся моделью: □ А л tomorrow. Образец: I’ll read this book tomorrow. *c D 1Л с D 4. Напиши, что ты планируешь делать на этой неделе. Образец: I will write а nice poem for my Mum’s birthday. 1).................. 2).................. 3).................. 5. Выполни упражнение 13 письменно. 6. Выбери; will or won*tl a) The forest ... be green in spring. b) The birds ... fly back from warm countries in spring. c) The river ... be covered (покрыта) with thick and white ice in summer. d) The children ... skate and play hockey on the river in summer. e) Rabbits ... wear warm white coats in spring. 7. Выпиши из текста “Two Rabbits” предложения, в которых есть вопросительные слова. Переведи их на русский язык. 8. Задай вопросы к предложению: АН Rabbits wear white coats in winter. Начни свои вопросы со слов: Who...? Do...? What coats...? When...? 9. Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам. Образец: Children will ski in winter.— What will the children do in winter? 1) He will write a letter next month. 2) Hobbit will go to India next year. 3) They’ll clean the room in an hour. 4) Buratino will wash his face and hands well. 5) We will play tennis tomorrow. Test Yourself 1. Переделай эти предложения так, чтобы действия в них происходили в будущем: 1) 1 swim and dive in the river in summer. 2) They play tennis and football in autumn. 3) Gummy bears water ski in July. 4) I don’t skate and toboggan this winter. 2. Do you remember these words from Unit 5? Ч- c D a coat cloudy warm a calendar cold windy a house foggy snow frosty next weather rainy a year slippery snowy tomorrow sunny Unit 6 BEING HAPPY IN THE COUNTRY AND IN THE CITY The Sixth Unit Section 1. Are They Different; the Country and the City! 'O C Z> 1. Look at the picture. Listen and repeat. (T) farmhouse @ cow (n) hill © road ® path ® cart @ garden 0 church 0 flowerbed 0 field 0 apple tree (g) bridge @ wood (h) trees (is) sheep @ horse @ river @ windmill \9) flowers Remember: a horse — horses a cow — cows but a sheep — a lot of (many) sheep 2. Speak about the country in Russia. Use: There are (a lot of / many / few) farmers in the country in Russia. There are (thick forests / small woods) in the country in Russia. In the woods and forests there are many (animals and birds / cars and people). In the country you can see (big old churches / small country churches). Some people (like / don’t like) to go to the church on Sundays. In Russia the houses in the country are (big and tall / nice and small). 3. Listen and read: la:| |au] [л1 hi car down jump big farm brown some live garden how up hill dark owl London windy farmer cow butter bridge large town funny windmill cart now country city c D 4. Listen, repeat and learn; COUNTRY AND CITY Some people live in the city Where the houses are very tall. Some people live in the country Where the houses are very small. But in the country where the houses are small. The gardens are very big. And in the cities where the houses are tall There are no gardens at all. 5. Choose the words for each picture. Read them: new, nice, small, green, dirty, clean, large, red, teautiful, English, wide, deep, blue, old, Russian, dark. ’c D City Country Town 6. Help Hobbit! What can he read about: London, Moscow, Saratov, New York, Sochi, Tula, Washington, Kiev, Penza. у 7. Расспроси соседа и составь список мест, которые находятся недалеко от его (её) дома. Example: А: Is there а bridge near your house? (a field, a forest, a river, a park, a garden) B: Yes, there is. (No, there isn’t.) 8. Скажи, что могли бы поведать о своём Простоквашине Шарик и кот Матроскин. 9. Расскажи о своем самом любимом месте на земле. Section 2. Have Fun in the Country and in the City 10. Read and act: — Hello. — Yes, madam. Can I help you? — What is the weather like in Sochi? — It’s warm but stormy and cloudy. — What a pity! Bye-bye! — Bye-bye. c Z) 11. Hobbit asks about the weather. Answer him. Work in pairs. What is the weather like in,..? — It’s fine. Kiev St Petersburg [snt'pi:t3zb3:g] Rome [гэит] Berlin [Ьз:'!ш1 London Omsk Krasnodar Paris ['paerisl Amsterdam ['semsta’dsem] ^ it’s cloudy it’s sunny it’s windy it’s cold it is frosty it is rainy it’s slippery it’s foggy it is snowy it is stormy NO c D 12. Read and explain: 'Hif You are weIcomdr~ a nice place? warm теплый warmer — (the) warmest теплее самый теплый 13. Listen, read and learn: warm — warmer — (the) warmest cold — colder — (the) coldest kind — kinder — (the) kindest clean — cleaner — (the) cleanest tall — taller — (the) tallest big — bigger — (the) biggest hot — hotter — (the) hottest nice — nicer — (the) nicest large — larger — (the) largest dirty — dirtier — (the) dirtiest happy — happier — (the) happiest sunny — sunnier — (the) sunniest smaller shorter taller than >o 'c D 14. What do you think? Answer the questions: 1) Who is stronger? (a lion or a bear) 2) Who is funnier? (Piglet or Winnie-the-Pooh) 3) Who is smaller? (a hare or a mouse) 4) Who is bigger? (a cow or an elephant) 5) Which is colder? (a snowman or an ice-cream) 15. Choose and say which you like more: Example: I like tennis more than football. to sleep or to play NO c Э bananas or cheese the sun or rain 16. Tick the right box and say: a) Who is the cleverest animal? rabbit □ dog n elephant □ owl n b) Which is the shortest month? May □ February □ August □ January □ c) Which is the warmest season? spring □ summer □ winter □ autumn □ 17. Match: the biggest farmhouse smallest windmill longest garden hottest hill dirtiest road nicest ^ ^ field largest ^ day highest flowerbed г Remember: ^ good better (the) best bad worse (the) worst many/much more (the) most little less (the) least ^ —- — - У H 18. Answer the questions: 1) Who is the best singer? 2) What’s the best food for you? 3) What’s the worst food in the world (в мире)! 4) What’s the best football team (команда)! 5) What’s the best sport? 6) Who is the worst fairy-tale character (сказочный герой)? 19. Убеди всех, что твоя мама — самая лучшая. с Э 20. Compare and say. Use Mr Rule’s model (стр. 25). big / small fat / thin c D high / low happy / sad - ® J © Bob Mary John Section 3. Help Animals in the Country and in the City 21. Look at the pictures and say: Which animals live: a) in the country, b) in the city. >o Ч- *E D 29 с D 22. Look at the pictures and say: Which one is happier? in the tree ^ in the house or or or in the yard in Africa in the zoo or in hot summer in cold winter 30 23. Listen and read: [i:] sea, eagle, please, field [e] elephant, penguin, desert, weather [эи| cold, Rome, road, ocean [au] cloudy, mountain, town, flowerbed [ei] game, favourite, change, whale, today 24. Listen, read and learn: She sells sea shells on the seashore. I’m sure! 25. Help the animals to find their homes. Example: The eagle lives in the mountains. sO c Э 26, Choose a friend-animal for yourself (для себя). Tell about it: what animal (whale, dolphin,..) where it lives (in the sea, in the desert..,) what it eats (grass, Chappy, Pedigree, other animals...) what it can do (swim, crawl, climb...) what it looks like (nice, angry,..) 27. Read the address. Guess what animal will get our postcards. c D Remember: beautiful more beautiful (the) most beautiful interesting more interesting (the) most interesting : curious more curious (the) most curious __________________________________________________) 28. Compare the animals in exercise 25. Use the words: useful, clever, beautiful, curious, funny, big. Example: A dolphin is more curious than a cow. 29. In this puzzle (A) you will read the name of the animal who lives in many fairy-tales if you answer the questions of exercise (B). A. 1) 2) 3) 4) а) © а i W i Ь) к о а р с) а ь 1 d d) г ь с f B. 1) Who is the cleverest animal? a) dolphin c) hen b) monkey d) penguin 2) Who is the biggest animal on the land? a) camel c) giraffe b) elephant d) cow 3) Who is the fastest animal on the land? a) kangaroo c) leopard b) eagle d) horse 4) Who is the biggest animal in the sea? a) dolphin c) shark b) fish d) whale 30. У тебя есть попугай (собака, кошка). Расскажи одноклассникам о своём питомце и убеди их завести такого же. 31. Уговори Хоббита пойти с тобой в зоопарк. с D Section 4. Promise Little, but Do Much 32. Listen and act: In a cottage in a wood A little old man at the window stood. Saw a rabbit hopping slow Tapping at the door. “Help me, help me, help me,” he said, “Or the Hunter will shoot me dead!” . “Come, little rabbit, stay with me, «asgier. Happy you will be.” 33. Look at the picture and describe the old man. 34. Match the pictures. Say who gives you food and other things (другие вещи). Example: Cows give us milk. c Э ш 35. Discuss with your partner: lW j What do animals do for us? — What do we do for animals? a) What do we do for animals? People make ... for .... People feed .... People grow ... for. b) What do animals do for us? Use the words: to help, to feed, to carry people and things (носить грузы), to enjoy playing. 36. Say what animal is the most useful for people. Prove (do кажи) you are right. 35 r >o c D я 37. Speak about the domestic (домашний) animals you have or you would like to have. 38. Look at the picture. Find the odd (лишнее) animal. Say, why? NO ’E D А Е Section 5. Writing at Home 1. Вставь пропущенные буквы: cli ch, f_eld, c_w, p_th, h_rse, f m, sh p, w d 2. Выполни письменно упр. 2 на стр. 21. 3. Заполни пропуски: big happy bad nice slim little thin happier taller nicer better less larger thinner more (the) biggest (the) tallest (the) worst (the) best (the) largest (the) most 4. Поставь вопросы к предложениям. Начни вопросы со слов в скобках: 1) There is а small field near (около) my window. (Is...?) 2) People will work in the garden in May. (When...?) 3) They will live in a nice farmhouse. (Where...?) 4) Hobbit likes beautiful small flowers. (What...?) 5) He will come to this hill on Sundays to toboggan. (Why...?) 5. Напиши прилагательные в трёх степенях сравнения, noisy, nice, wide, green, deep, old, hot, fat, windy, merry. Образец: sunny — sunnier — the sunniest 6. Посмотри на картинку и напиши правильный ответ; 1) а) ... is the oldest. b) ... is the tallest. c) Billy is the .... 2) a) Billy is (young) than .... b) Timmy is (tall) than .... c) Jimmy is (old) than .... d) Timmy is (dark) than .... *c D 7. Раскрой скобки. Поставь прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения. I am (small) in my family. My sister Jane is (old) than me. She is (tall) than my mum. Jane is (good) student in her form. But I think that Fm (clever) too. Sometimes I have (good) marks than Jane has. '<0 *c D 8. Напиши парами слова с противоположным значением: here, country, white, hot, far, big, short, cold, there, sunny, town, near, tall, black, small, rainy. Образец: good - bad 9. Раскрой скобки. Запиши: 1) Winnie-the-Pooh is the (funny) animal in the wood. 2) Father Carlo is (tall) than Buratino. 3) Winnie-the-Pooh is (clever) than Buratino. 4) Buratino’s nose is the (long). 5) Malvina is (beautiful) than Fox Alice. 6) Pierro is (good) than Basilio. 7) Artemon has (many) friends than Jack. 8) Father Carlo has (little) money than Karabas-Barabas. 9) Basilio is (bad) than Artemon. 10. Выполни письменно упр. 26 на стр. 82. Test Yourself 1. Раскрой скобки. Поставь прилагательные в сравнительной или превосходной степени. 1) Hobbit is (old) than Roo. 2) The church is (big) than the farmhouse. 3) This flowerbed is (good). 4) The road is (long) than the path. 5) Hobbit’s garden is (beautiful) in his fairy-tale. 6) Elephants are (curious) animals. 2. Do you remember these words from Unit 6? a bridge a flowerbed a wood curious a camel a yard deep a church a garden interesting a city a hill happy country a horse to climb in the country a mountain a cow an ocean to be sure c a desert a river Э a farmhouse a road a field a sea Unit/ TELLING STORIES The Seventh Unit Section 1. Speaking about the Past C D 1§ 1. Look at the pictures. Read the text. Arrange the pictures in the right order. Last summer (прошлым летом) Mike and David went (go) to the forest. The day was (w9/| (be) fine. It was (be) very hot and sunny. The boys walked (walk) in the forest and then they sat (sit) down under a big tree. They talked (talk) and talked. Suddenly they saw' (see) a small bird. The bird had fallen (упала) from г the tree. David took (take) the bird in his hands and the boys went (go) home. They put [put] (put) the bird into the box. The boys liked (like) the bird very much. They gave (give) the bird bread, apples, corn and water. The bird lived (live) in David’s house for two weeks. Then the boys took (take) the bird back to the forest. The bird was (be) very happy. 2. Сравни. Разгадай секрет, почему некоторые знакомые тебе слова, обозначаемые значком А, в рассказе так сильно изменились: Сравни: о настоящем ходят I go \ берут 1 take 1 гуляют walk ( о прошлом ходили 1 went ) взяли \ took j гуляли I walked I Если действие, которое мы собираемся описывать, происходило в прошлом, то употребляется вторая форма глагола. Она образуется по-разному; — к правильным глаголам прибавляется -(o)d л + -(e)d. — неправильные глаголы изменяют свою основу, например: go went, see " saw. Простое прошедшее время называется Past Simple. Формы неправильных глаголов надо знать наизусть! с Z) r Правильные Неправильные (no правилу) (не no правилу) ' Л —^ A + -(e)d л ж play —► played see —► saw walk —► walked go —► went want —► wanted have —► had open —► opened say —► said [sed] live —► lived fly —► flew [flu;] fall —► fell put —► put V J 3. Listen and read: It] после глухих согласных основы [dj после гласных и звонких согласных основы [Id] после [tj и [d] основы watched played skated walked learned wanted talked tried (try)* collected finished cried (cry)* painted (paint — looked smiled рисовать, красить) helped studied (study)* needed (need — lived нуждаться) c Э 4. Read with the right ending: opened, cried, finished, smiled, skied, collected, wanted, washed, pushed [puft], watched, helped, studied, jumped, climbed, danced, asked, worked, watered, answered, listened, liked, painted, invited. * Обрети внимание на правописание глаголов try, cry, study в Past Simple. г 5. Догадайся и скажи, чем хвастался Карлсон в разговоре с Малышом. Example: I played tennis in Britain. к C' a c Г) 6. Read about Jane’s dream (сон). Употреби глаголы в скобках в Past Simple. Example: Т (see) а wonderful dream.— I saw a wonderfiil dream. I (see) a wonderful dream. I (go) to a green-green garden. In the green-green garden 1 (see) a dark-dark house. In the dark-dark house there (live) a big-big lion. The big-big lion (have) yellow-yellow eyes. His yellow-yellow eyes (look) like bright-bright suns. I (open) my eyes and (see) a bright-bright sun in my window. “Good morning, dear,” (say) my mum. 7. Скажи, какой сон ты видел(а) вчера ночью. Нужные неправильные глаголы в прошедшем времени (Past Simple) ты найдёшь во второй колонке таблицы (II форма) на стр. 132—133 учебника. Example: Last night I saw a wonderful (bad, nice..,) dream. c D У 8. Расскажи историю про Майкла и Дейвида по картинкам упр. 1, стр. 40. Постарайся упомянуть всё хорошее, что сделали друзья. 9. Пофантазируй и скажи, что Хоббит делал вчера (yeaterday). 10. Listen, read and sing: One, two, three, four, five. Once I caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so! What finger did it bite? The little finger on the right! Section 2. Use Your Fantasy! Спутники простого прошедшего времени (Past Simple): yesterday — вчера the day before yesterday — позавчера ten days ago a week ago a month ago last year last summer last night once десять дней тому назад неделю тому назад месяц тому назад в прошлом году прошлым летом вчера вечером однажды 11. Прочитай слова. Выбери те, которые можно обозначить символом А. Назови форму прошедшего времени этих глаголов: boy, my, cry, why, say. May, stay, play, you, your, yesterday, year, yellow, study, story, ugly, Sunday, many, happy, dirty, early, funny. 12. Восстанови рассказ: Yesterday I (go) to the park. I (meet) my best friends there. It (be) sunny and frosty. We (ski) and (skate) in the park. We (like) it very much. We (want) to go to the park next weekend, too. c D Remember the forms of to be today (сегодня) Present Simple yesterday (вчера) Past Simple am M I ► was [wDz] (был, была) are M you ► were [wo:J (были) is she / he / it - ► was are ^ we ► were j are < you ^ were ^ (были) are they ► were J c Э 13. Помоги зверям. Злой колдун превратил всех зверей в лягушек. Добрая фея сможет расколдовать их, если ты скажешь, какими они были раньше. Используй; crocodile, lion, elephant, moxise, fox, camel, whale, giraffe, dolphin, penguin, eagle, sheep, lamb, wolf, monkey. Example: The crocodile was big and strong. 14. Придумай H запиши по-английски на листок бумаги, где месяц назад мог находиться Хоббит. Теперь пусть твой сосед угадает, что записано у тебя, а ты — что у него. Example: А: Was he in the park? В: No, he was not. A: Was he in the mountains? B: Yes, he was. 15. Задай Хоббиту вопросы. Example: Were you in the forest last week? 46 ш 16. Complete (закончи) and act out: A: ...at home two days ago? B: No, I ... not. I ... in the country. A: And I ... in the country, too! B: ...it far from Moscow? A: Yes, it... A; Was it interesting at the English party at school yesterday? B: Yes, it... . There ... so many people there. A: Who ... there? B: Oh, there ... a lot of our friends. And there ... two students from London, a boy and a girl. A: It’s a pity I ... not there. 17. Вспомни прошедшие ка11икулы. Расскажи одноклассникам о самом интересном дне. 18. Попугай Кеша — большой фантазёр. Позвони ему и у.знай, где он побывал вчера (три дня тому назад и т. д.). Разыграй сценку со своим другом. Section 3. How to Ask Questions in Past Simple! C D Когда мы задаем вопросы, уточняя события, которые произошли в прошлом, надо помнить следующее: любопытный Я покидает основной глагол и “переселяется” во вспомогательный. Форма вспомогательного глагола do, does изменяется и становится did. Порядок слов в вопросительном предложении остается прежним: Afa л\ о ©, Did Hobbit come to Russia last spring? 19. Какие вопросы могла бы задать старуха Шапокляк нашим английским друзьям? @ ж □ Л ® What Alice say in the forest? When Roo see in the morning? Where did you meet yesterday? Why Winnie shout many years ago? Whom Mary Poppins do in the street? 20. Ответь на вопрос детектива от имени динозаврика; What did you do yesterday morning? c Э 21. Listen, read and leam: i§ 1) put [put] cut let make say shout can 2) put [put] cut let made said [sed] shouted could jkudj {мог, умел) 22. Listen to the text and read it. Say: What is the end of the story? A WOLF AND A SHEEP A Wolf saw a Sheep by a small river and wanted to eat him. He shouted (закричал): “I can’t drink this dirty water! It is dirty! You have made (сделал) the water dirty. You put your dirty feet into the water!” “No, I didn’t make it dirty,” the Sheep answered. “I didn’t put my feet into the water. I drink with my mouth (pom) and not with my feet. Look! My feet are not in the water.” “OK. Then it was last year. You put your feet into the water last year!” the Wolf shouted. “And you made the water dirty.” “But I am only four months old,” the Sheep said. “How could I put my feet into the river a year ago?” “If it was not you, it was your brother or your father,” the Wolf shouted and jumped on the poor (бедный) Sheep. c D was did -► was not = wasn’t ► did not = didn’t ш 23. Who said these words? I can’t drink this dirty water. I didn’t make the water dirty. I didn’t meet you here before. How could I put my feet into the water? I didn’t come here a year ago. 24. Эту сказку читали Шарик и кот Матроскин. Матрос-кин сомневается, что у Шарика есть способности к английскому языку, и хочет nposepifTb это. Выручите Шарика; 1) What did tlie Sheep do by the river? 2) Why did the Wolf come to the river? 3) What did the Wolf say to the Sheep? 4) What did the Sheep answer? 5) What did the Wolf shout? 6) What did the Wolf do? c Э У 25. Look at the pictures and tell the story. Use (употреби): ran away ran after him saw the hunters shouted help me, please came and helped XI - ‘ Section 4. WrMng at Home 1. Напиши вторую форму глаголов. Прочитай их вслух. Example: work — worked finish, ask, answer, listen, like, collect, walk, study, smile, ski, talk, look. 2. Выпиши и выучи формы глаголов: cut, put, cost, let. 3. Заполни таблицу по образцу: Infinitive неопределённая форма Past Simple простое прошедшее утвердительное Past Simple простое прошедшее вопросительное go went Did she go? walk walked Did he walk? sit • • • see smile take have give come put like с D !Л 4. Придуман и запиши предложени51 со всеми формами to be в Present Simple (am, is, are) и Past Simple (was, were). с D 5. Закончи предложения, используя was/wasn't, were!were not: 1) The weather ... fine last autumn. 2) Hobbit and his friends ... in the mountains last winter. 3) ... you at home last night? — Yes, I... . 4) The farmhouse ... old but nice. 5) Liza ... not in the country last month. 6) There ... no letters on the table. 6. Помоги Хоббиту рассказать о его распорядке дня в Past Simple. Заполни пропуски, используя картинки. I get up at 9 o’clock. In my bathroom I wash my hands, face and ears... My kitchen is small. I eat neither porridge nor milk for breakfast. I ... jam and bread. In my living room I sit in an armchair, read fairy-tales... In the evening I walk, write letters. At 10 o’clock I go to bed. 7. Поставь вопросы к предложениям. Начни со слов, которые даютс51 в скобках: 1) Магу Poppins got many postcards on her birthday. (What...?) 2) Last year the winter was cold and snowy. (When...?) 3) Yesterday Hobbit sent a long letter to his friend Kanga. (Who... to?) 4) Winnie’s cake was tasty and nice. (Was...?) 5) He swam very well the day before yesterday. (How...?) 6) They lived in a small farmhouse. (Did...?) 8. Перечитай текст упр. 21 на стр. 49. Исправь неточности в этом рассказе и запиши правильный вариант: Л Wolf saw а Sheep in the forest. The Sheep wanted to drink some water. The Wolf wanted to make friends with the Sheep. The Wolf said: “How are you?” The Sheep answered; “Гт fine, thank you,” The Wolf shouted: “Don’t run away! Let’s play together.” Test Yourself 1. Заполни пропуски; to be to do to see to take to let went liked gave could c Э 2. Do you remember these words from Unit 7? a day a lamb a hunter a picture a sheep water a week to cut to shout yesterday the day before yesterday last suddenly Units EVENING WITH YOUR FAMILY The Eighth Unit Section 1. East or West, Home is Best* to play ^ computer 00 *c D 1. Look at the picture, read the text and speak about Wendy. My name is Wendy. I have a big family. We like to be together on Saturdays and Sundays. Yesterday I took a funny photo of my family. * в гостях хорошо, a дома лучше. s 2. Look at the picture. Try to say what Wendy’s family did yesterday. 3. Close the book. Say what Wendy’s family did yesterday. 4. Look at the picture. Say who Bill is for... Example: Bill is a son for his mother, ...for his grandmother. ...for his father. ...for his sister. ...for his grandfather. ...for his mum. 5. Пригласи Венди в гости и представь ей членов своей семьи. 6. Listen and learn: ONE BUSY HOUSEWIFE One busy housewife sweeping up the floor. Two busy housewives polishing the door. Three busy housewives washing all the socks. Four busy housewives winding up the clocks. Five busy housewives cleaning with the broom. Six busy housewives tidying the room. Seven busy housewives washing the sink. Eight busy housewives giving the cat a drink. Nine busy housewives cooking dinner too. Ten busy housewives with nothing left to do, 7. Say what you like to do. Ask someone else (кого-нибудь ещё). Use: skating, playing basket-ball, drawing (рисовать) pictures, climbing trees, cleaning (my) room, ski jumping, eating cakes, reading books, doing (my) homework. Example: I like watching TV. And you, Andy? I like swimming. And you, Sasha? 00 c D ш 8. Пьеро загрустил. Попробуй его развлечь. Пригласи его пойти куда-нибудь поиграть. Разыграй сценку со своим одноклассником. 9. Сыграй в испорченный телефон с тремя своими одноклассниками: пусть сосед скажет тебе, что он (она) делали вчера вечером. Подсказки: had dinner, read |red| a hook, watched TV, helped my mum, did my homework, washed the dishes, skied in the park, played chess, listened to the music, played the piano. 00 c D Compare: do not = don’t [daunil does not = doesn’t (dAzntJ cannot = can’t |ka:nt] shall not = shan’t |/a:ni| will not = won’t [wountl have not = haven’t IlnevniJ has not = hasn’t |hseznt| and you know now did not = didn’t |didnt| was not = wasn’t |woznt| 56 10. Give short answers: a) Do you like to read fairy-tales? b) Does your teacher tell you fairy-tales every lesson? c) Did you read a story about the Wolf and the Sheep? d) Can you tell it to your family? e) Did you help your mum on Sunday? f) Will you write letters to your English friends? 11 ■ Узнай у соседа по парте, что он (она) делал(а) и не делал(а) два дня тому назад. Запиши в тетрадь. Прочитай нам. Example: You: Did you do your homework two days ago? She: Yes, I did. You: Did you climb the apple tree 2 days ago? She: No, I didn’t. Section 2. What Do You Do to Help Your Family! 00 12. Look at the pictures and say what Ted usually does at 3 home. What else can he do? What did he do yesterday? шштшщ does his homework goes shopping makes his bed lays the table repairs his bike answers phone calls 00 c D cleans his room What else? ш 13. Close the book. Say what Ted does at home. 14. Read and act out. Betty: Mum! May I help you to lay the table? Mum: Of course, dear. You may put the cups and spoons on the table. Martin: Granny, may I help you to wash the dishes today? Grandma: Thank you, Martin. It will be very nice, if you don’t have too much homework. Jessy: Jason, can you help me to draw this picture, please. Jason; Yes. Just a minute. We’ll draw it together. 00 E D у 15, Tell your friends about your activities at home yesterday, 16. Вспомни, как герои сказок помогали своим близким. Example: The Little Red Riding Hood/take/grandma. = The Little Red Riding Hood took cakes to her grandma. The Little Red Riding Hood / take / grandma. The Bear / teach / Maugly. CO c D Buratino / run away / from Karabas. The Tortoise / sing / the Little Lion. The Cat / bring / master. Cinderella / wash / sisters. The apple tree / give / Alyonushka. Piglet /give / to Winnie. 17. Расскажи о том, как провели свой вчерашний день: а) доктор Айболит б) Золушка Мг Brick: Josie: Mr Brick: Josie: Mr Brick: Josie: Hello! This is John Brick speaking. Can I speak to Mr Jones? Fm sorry, Mr Brick. He’s not in. (Его нет дома.) What a pity! Mr Brick, can you phone back (позвонить еще раз) at 8 p.m.? Of course, I can. Thank you. Bye. Bye. 19, Make up dialogues. Use: — Can I help you? — He’s not in. Can you phone back? 00 •4- c Э Ш 20. Разыграйте со своим одноклассником сценку “Телефонный разговор”. Ты звонишь своему другу. Его нет дома. Тебе отвечает кто-то из членов его семьи. Section 3. Be Polite Ш 21. Read the story about a clever bird. Complete it. Use the correct forms of the verbs: A clever bird (come) to a house in the country because she wanted to have breakfast. She (run) from one room to another and suddenly she (see) a big black cat. The cat (jump) and (catch)* the bird. “Now I can have a nice breakfast,” the cat (say). “You can’t have breakfast now,” said the bird, “you must wash. The farmer and his family always (всегда) wash their hands before breakfast. You live in their house and you must do what they do.” “All right,” the cat (say). “I live with a farmer and in his house, and I must do what they do.” And the cat opened his mouth and (begin) to wash. But when he (be) clean and (want) to begin his breakfast, he did not find the bird. The clever little bird (be) in the garden in a tall tree. She was happy and (begin) to sing. “Now I see,” the cat (say). “I must wash, but I must wash after dinner.” And now all cats wash after dinner. 22. Choose the title for the story. Explain why (объясни почему). All Is Well that Ends Well. — Why Cats Wash after Dinner. The Clever Bird. 00 c Э to catch (caught [k.'^:i]) — ловить, хватать 23. Find out who said: 1) “Now I can have breakfast.” 2) “You can’t have breakfast now.” 3) “The farmer and his family always wash their hands before breakfast.” 4) “I live with a farmer’s family and I must do what they do.” 5) “I must wash, but I must wash after dinner.” 24. Answer the questions: 1) Do your pets wash before or after they eat? 2) Do you wash your hands before you eat? 3) What do you do for your pets? 25. Look at the pictures, learn and follow Miss Chatter’s manners: CO c D и If you want to visit your friends, cail up before (заранее). и Don't talk with your mouth full (c полным ртом). в Don't be late. Come in time. I 3 I Wash your hands before you eat. mSay “thank you” and “goodbye”. 26. Are you polite (вежливый) at the table? Read and act out. 27. Complete the dialogue: Nancy: ...sweets? Grandma: Sorry,... Nancy: ...chocolate? Grandma: Sorry,... Nancy: ...fruit? Grandma: Yes,... 00 E Z) 28. К тебе пришли гости. Угости их. Разыграйте с одноклассниками сценку “Разговор за обедом”. Section 4. What Do People Read! 29. Look and say what people read. book, dictionary, magazine letter 1 * ••T cook-book menu newspaper price tag 30. Match. 00 c Ш\ What do we read! Why do we read! newspapers to enjoy letters to learn news dictionaries to buy things price tags to translate cook-books to eat magazines to cook food menus to be clever calendars to get new information ] 31. Убеди своих одноклассников, что каждый человек должен уметь читать. 32, Miss Chatter asked Rover to find her favourite book. Say where he looked for it and where he found it. between the sofa and the armchai 00 c D 00 с D 33. Поиграй с соседом по парте в игру “Угадай, где я люблю читать?” 1) Отвернитесь друг друга. Возьмите по листку бумаги, нарисуйте одинаковые квадраты, которые будут вашими комнатами. 2) Расположите в комнате: стол, софу, кресло, коврик — обведите кружочком то место (предположим, кресло), где вы любите читать. 3) Повернитесь друг к другу. Постарайтесь выяснить, где любимое место каждого из вас. Example: А: Is it an armchair? В: Yes, it is. A: Is your armchair in the right corner of the room? B: No, it isn’t. A: ............. 34. Find out what fairy-tales your friends like: Name About animals About children Fantastic tales 35. Say what your favourite fairy-tale is. Why do you like it SO? ecfion 5. Writing at Home 1. Поставь буквы в нужном порядке и угадай слова, которые здесь зашифрованы; а, т, f, у, 1, i; t, е, h, г, г, Ь, о; f, е, г, g, а, h, t, г, п, а, d; s, s, е, г, t, i; n, s, о. 2, Вспомни и запиши по-английски, что делали вчера члены твоей семьи. 3. Составь предложения, поставь слова в нужном порад-ке: 1) computer, Saturdays, on, games, my, plays, sister; 2) play, puzzle, didn’t, Sam, yesterday; 3) my, tomorrow, I, ride, ’ll, bike; 4) day, shopping, grandma, my, went, yesterday, the, before; 5) were, England, summer, in, they, last; 6) bed, I, make, the, in, don’t, my, morning. 4. Восстанови и запиши сообщение Хоббита, в котором со с D 5. Заполни таблицу по образцу: 1п1|пЖуе Past Simple yes not find found didn’t find read look draw take make do come swim run У 6. Напиши, как ты помогаешь своим домашним. 7. Напиши, что маленькие мишки Гамми (Gummy Bears) делали в детском саду вчера, например: Yesterday Gummy Bears had breakfast. CO *c D 8. Закончи предложения, вставив пропущенные слова: magazine, price tag, newspapers, dictionary, cook-book, fairy-tales. 1) My father learns news from TV and .... 2) In the evening my mother likes to read ... “Health”. 3) Yesterday my brother translated the text into English with a .... 4) Hobbit writes .... 5) I can’t cook myself (сама). My ... helps me. 6) “Look at the ...,” said Jim. “The price is too high (слишком высока).^* 9. Выполни письменно упр. 35 на стр. 68. Test Yourself 1, Поправь Незнайку, который страшно любит фантазировать: 1) 1 cooked yesterday. 2) We laid the table early in the morning. 3) The day before yesterday I read a very thick magazine. 4) Mother Kanga had three sons. Her sons’ names were Niff, Nuff and Naff. 2. Do you remember these words from Unit 8? activity information Saturday to phone a bike a magazine Sunday to translate a brother to watch a dictionary news to buy a dish a newspaper to cook full a grandma a photo to draw polite a grandpa a puzzle to eat a family a sister to go shopping food a son to lay the table CO Ч- c D Unit 9 SHOPPING FOR EVERYTHING The Ninfh Unit Section 1. Shopping for Clothes On -f- C Э 1. Look at the picture. Say what you would like to wear. 2. Listen and read: lou| |ei| hope a'way 'clothes play show grey 1Л IM shirt nie 'T-shirt 'season shoes please coat 'raincoat shorts jeans |au| found cloud now pound [col hare bear wear hair Й 3. Look at the picture in exercise 1. Name the clothes in alphabetical order (в алфавитном порядке). 4. Прочитай разговор Старика Хоттабыча с продавцом по ролям: Сап I help you? Yes, please. Сап you show me the jeans and the T-shirt? Ov c D Ov *c D Ш 5. Разыграй c одноклассником сценку “Хоттабыч в магазине’*. Ему необходима одежда для: а) занятий спортом, б) прогулки в лесу, в) маскарада. 6. Complete the dialogues between the Elephant and the Assistant (продавец). Act them out with your classmate; E: Excuse me, can you ... the scarf? A: Yes, .... E: How......it? A: ... E: ... A: Thank you. A: E: A: E: Can I ... you? Show me these mittens. Here .... Oh, they aren’t warm! A: Anything else? E: No, that’s all. 7. Make up and act out the dialogue. Use: Can I help you? How much is it (are they)? Here you are. I’d like to .... Anything else? No, that’s all. Section 2. Getting Ready for a Trip 8. Listen and read: [ai] Ш [в] Uu:j [au] why jam 'healthy you house time 'jacket think 'cucumber now night jeans thank tube how tights Jack thin suit 'trousers ght= [t| i+ght = [ait] light night bright tights 9. Match: Icfe] ght fell tights m j (еэ1 grey i;i t fiaf bear itf] th fail near 10| ch [au| you |6] sh lu:l trousers 10. Модница-мартышка накупила полные сумки разной одежды. Помоги ей распаковать сумки. Назови, что там есть. Образец: There is а ... in her bag. There are ... in her bag. •j^ckei Os c D Ov с D 11. Герои различных сказок собрались на дискотеку. Скажи, что на них надето. Example: Piglet has а blue shirt on. у ш 12. Придумай и нарисуй карнавальный костюм для Хоббита. Опиши его. 13. Поросёнок отправляется отдыхать на море. Посоветуй, какая одежда ему понадобится. Example: You will need two T-shirts. 14. Read and act out: Tin Woodman: Hello! Shop Assistant: Hello, what can 1 do for you? Tin Woodman: Do you have boots, please? Shop Assistant: Of course, we have. Here you are. Tin Woodman: They are nice! Thank you. Shop Assistant: Thank you. Goodbye. 15. Прочитай описание дамы, которую тебя попросили встретить на вокзале. Определи, которая из них будет ждать тебя. She will have а long nice blue coat on. She will wear blue shoes and a red scarf. She will have a red bag in her hand. Ш 16. Подумай, c кем из своего класса ты мог (могла) бы передать другу свою тетрадку. Запиши в тетрадь его описание. Прочитай всему классу. Пусть ребята догадаются, о ком идёт речь. 17. Посоветуй Хоббиту, как нужно одеваться в суровую русскую зиму, чтобы не забо.петь. Используй модель: в Я» 18. Представь себе, что ты продавец магазина “Одежда”. Придумай рекламу для любого вида одежды, которую надо срочно продать. о с D Section 3. Shopping for Food 19. Сгруппируй слова по следующим разделам. Прочитай вслух. vegetables clothes animals fruit people sport potato jeans n^niniin lemon ^ monkey penguin camel «^^^ge ski“jumper crocodUe tennis apple boxing skiing tomato . , badminton iacket student H . shoes teacher doctor worker T-shirt carrot cucumber cabbage ^у,а1е 20. Learn how to say: CK c D a bag of sweets a litre of milk a kilo of apples a slice of meat a loaf of bread a tin of com two bars of chocolate a glass of water a cup of tea three pieces of cake a bottle of water 21. Say what the Dragon will have for his lunch today. 22. a) Say what you usually have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner. b) Say what you had for breakfast/ dinner yesterday. c) Say what you will have for ... tomorrow. 23. Расспроси одноклассников о том, что они любят есть на завтрак, обед и ужин. some any no Некоторое количество There is some bread at home. Can I have some tea? Is there any bread? There is not any bread. There is no bread. c Э 24. Answer the questions: 25. Complete the dialogues. Use: some or any. — Can I have ... milk, mum? — I’m sorry. There is not... milk today. I hope you’ll go and buy .... г*:** — Sue, is there ... coffee in the pot? — No, there is not... coffee. There is ... tea. Then give me ... tea, please. c D Й ш 26. Маке up а dialogue. Act it out. 27. Разделитесь на две команды. Придумайте и запишите советы для продавца (первая команда) и для покупателя (вторая команда). Запишите свои советы на плакатах, прикрепите на доску, сравните, что получилось. P Dear Assistant (продавец) ^ ^ Dear Buyer (покупатель) ^ 1) Be polite. 1) Say ‘‘please” to the assistant. 2) Don’t... 2) Count your... 3) 3) % L-sBJ Section 4. >А^гЖпд at Home 1. Помоги Незнайке выбрать одежду для холодной дождливой погоды. Выпиши нужные слова: а dress, boots, а skirt, an umbrella, shoes, tights, a cap, a hat, a T-shirt, jeans, a jacket, a coat, a raincoat, shorts, a suit, trousers, a scarf, a shirt, mittens, 2. Составь список продуктов, которые нужно купить к твоему дню рождения для приёма гостей. Укажи их количество. Example: three bottles of water, ... 0^ c D 3, Заполни пропуски и запиши (some/any/not апу/по): 1) Would you like ... milk? — Yes, Pd like .... 2) Hobbit went shopping and bought ... bread. 3) ... letters from Karlson? — Yes, there are .... 4) Were there ... raincoats in the shop? — No, there were .... 5) Can I have ... juice, mum? — Sorry, but there is ... juice in the bottle. 4. Выполни yiip. 19 на стр. 78. Запиши слова в алфавитном пор5щке. 5. Посмотри на картинку и ответь на вопросы. Образец: Where is the apple juice? — The apple juice is on the table. 1) Where is Hobbit’s shirt? — ... 2) Where is the lamp? — ... 3) Where is the table? — ... 4) Where are the magazines? — ... 5) Where are the apples? — ... 6) Where is the armchair? — ... 7) Where is Hobbit? — ... On ■+- c Э 6. Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам; 1) Tin Woodman went shopping yesterday. 2) Hobbit will wear a nice new shirt tomorrow. 3) Mother Kanga buys two bars of chocolate and 3 bottles of orange juice every Friday. 4) Alice and her friends are happy to get many letters. 5) Piglet was in the cafe (кафе) yesterday. 7. Переведи на английский: • самое красивое платье • самый большой зонт • самые длинные брюки • самая грязная футболка • самый плохой костюм • шорты короче, чем джинсы • туфли меньше, чем сапоги 8. Выполни письменно упр. 11 на стр. 76. Test Yourself 1. Choose: some, any or no. 1) There is ... water in the glass. 2) There aren’t ... vegetables on the table. 3) Can I have ... orange juice? 4) Is there ... dress in the bag? — No, there isn’t... 5) Are there ... sweets in the bag? Yes, there are 6) Hobbit has ... tea in his cup. 2. Do you remember these words from Unit 9? a bag a kilo trousers a bar (of chocolate) a litre a vegetable a boot a loaf (of bread) an umbrella a bottle lunch chess a mitten to have on a cucumber an orange to suit Os a cup a piece (of cake) to wear c a dress a raincoat 3 a glass a scarf a T-shirt a slice (of meat) some a jacket a suit any juice a tin (of corn) no Unit 10 SCHOOL IS FUN The Tenth Unit Section 1. What Do We Do at School! C Э 1, Look at the picture. Compare your classroom with the classroom in the picture. Example: There is a video in the picture. But there is no video in our classroom. 2> Listen and look at the picture. Read the words. Choose the activities you usually have in your classroom; dance, draw, clean, read, cut, help, smile, count, write, listen, play, stick, jump, speak, ask questions, sing, learn, run, sit, stand, answer questions, discuss, tell, copy, retell, translate, watch, feed, learn, learn by heart. 3. Say what you usually do at the lesson and during the break. Example: At the lesson we usually learn new poems. During the break we usually play games. 4. Complete the sentences: Say what you must You ... do your homework every day. You ... climb on the teacher’s table. You ... keep your desks clean. You ... take your pet to the lesson. You ... do what your teacher says. You ... speak loudly in the classroom. You ... sleep in the classroom. You ... answer the teacher’s questions. You ... translate from English into Russian. You ... talk with your friend at lessons. You ... draw on the walls of your classroom. or mustn*t do. 5. Скажи нерадивому ученику Незнайке, что он должен делать на уроке. 6. Ask your classmate: Example: Do you like to draw? \ Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 7. Ask your classmates what they like best and what they don’t like to do at the English lesson: Name likes/ doesn’t like to write to read to translate to speak to sing Inga c D 8. Work in groups. Imagine that you are English teachers. Discuss what you would do at the lesson with your students. Write down your proposals (предложения), tell your classmates about them. Example: If I were a teacher, I would write more tests at the lesson. Section 2. You Can Use So Many Things! 9. Look and learn: 0 pen 0 pencil sharpenei ruler (T) felt-tip pen 0 paints 0 pencil (?) blackboard dictionary rubber video (n) computer 12) cassette recorder (n) textbook (activity book) (m) exercise book c Э Ф) 10. Listen and read: \o] |el fil |u| 'teacher 'pencil Video book corn'puter 'felt-tip pen ac'tivity book 'textbook 'sharpener desk 'dictionary ‘exercise book у ш 11. Complete the sentences and say: a) Why will you need these things? 1) 141 need ... for writing, 2) 141 need ... for reading. 3) 141 need ... for listening. 4) Г11 need ... for watching. b) Why will your partner need these things? 1) He/she41 ... for translating. 2) He/she ... for drawing. 3) He/she ... for cleaning. 4) He/she ... for counting. 12. Расскажи Хоббиту, что лежит в твоём портфеле и для чего тебе это нужно. 13. Спрячь в портфель какой-либо предмет школьного обихода. Пусть одноклассники догадаются, что ты спрятал. Example: You are right. You have a thick book in your bag! ^ ^ You are wrong. 14. Ты забьш дома карандаш (ручку, ластик и т. д.). Попроси своего друга одолжить тебе это. 15. Detective game. Instruction: 1) Write a list of 5 things you need at school. Don’t show the list to your neighbour I'neibo] (сосед)\ 2) Find out what things your neighbour has on his list. Example: A: Have you got a pen? B; Yes, I have. Have you got a rubber? A: No, I haven’t. Have you got a ...? 3) If you find out all 5 things first your are a better detective! c D 16. Computer game: put down the words which the computer has cleaned by mistake (стёр no ошибке): Example: write — wrote — written 1) ... — counted — counted 2) ask — ... — ... 3) ... — listened — ... 4) cut — ... — ... 5) ... — read |red| — ... 6) ... — ... — learned 7) draw — ... — ... 17. Check your neighbour: Does he remember what he did at the last lesson of English? ^ Yes, I did. Example: Did you read? ^ No, I didn’t. 18. Write down what you did in the morning. Example: I got up, I washed up, ... 19. Compare your list with the list of your friends. Is it the same? What is different? Example: My friend didn’t have juice for breakfast. Section 3. You Meet So Many Nice People at School! 20. Read funny stories about teachers and students. Choose the story you like best. Act it out with your classmate. c Tom: Father, our teacher does not know what a horse is. Father: Why do you think so, Tom? Tom: You know, I drew a horse yesterday and showed it to the teacher. And he asked me what it was. ii -k'k’k Harry: Will you be angry (сердиться) with a boy for something he didn’t do? Teacher: Of course, not. Harry: That’s good, I didn’t do my homework. Teacher: Bob, why don’t you wash your face? I can see what you had for breakfast this morning. Bob: What was it? Teacher: Eggs, I think. Bob: No, Sir, That was yesterday! Mike: Tom, your father is a teacher and you cannot read and write, Tom: Listen, Mike, your father is a doctor. And your little brother has no teeth. 21. Read and explain: Live and learn.— Век живи, век учись. I learn Russian. + I want to be a writer. I learn Russian because I want to be a writer. 22. Say why you learn Russian, Maths, English. c D 23. Are your ready to meet Hobbit? Tick the right box. 1) Do you like English? 0 a) It’s great. □ b) It’s OK. Ц c) No, I don’t think so. 2) Do you do your English lessons every day? Ц a) I sometimes do. Qb) Yes, I do. Ц c) I prefer to watch TV. 3) How often do you get good marks in English? □ a) Every lesson. □ b) Why do you ask about it? □ c) Not very often. 4) Do you listen to English songs at home? Ц a) Of course, I do. [2 b) No, I never do. []] c) I do it if I have time. 5) Do you like to write letters in English? □ a) I think so. \2 b) Yes, I do. \2 c) No, I don’t. 6) Will you miss an English lesson for a football match? \2 a) Never. \2 b) Maybe I will. \2 c) Of course, I will. Now mark your score: a) - 3 b) = 2 c) = 1 c D If your score is 13-16, you are ready to meet Hobbit. If your score is 10-12, you will soon be ready to meet Hobbit. If your score is 8-9, will you work more, please? Ш 24. Interview two classmates. Find out, who is better ready to meet Hobbit. Section 4. Wrh'ng at Home 1. Перепиши, вставляя пропущенные буквы; Ыа____board, rul_, penc l, sh___pener, c_mputer, taperec__der, n_tebook, felt-t_p pen, die_nary, cl____room, les__n, booksh_lf, pl_nt. 2. Выпиши из упражнения 1 сложные слова. Подчеркни их части по-разному. Образец: classroom 3. Нарисуй план своей классной комнаты. Подпиши по-английски всё, что там есть. 4. Переведи на английский: • отвечать на вопросы учителя • переводить с ... на ... • читать тексты • разговаривать по-английски • петь песни • задавать вопросы • учить наизусть • писать слова 5. Буратино наконец собрался в школу по-настоящему. Помоги ему: а) Напиши, что ему может понадобиться в школе: You41 need... б) Посоветуй, как он должен вести себя на уроке: You must... You mustn’t... в) Расскажи, чем он будет заниматься на уроках: You will... 6. Закончи предложение: 1) 1 get up early every day because... 2) Today ril take felt-tip pens and paints to school because... c D 3) We have a tape recorder in our classroom because... 4) Our teacher asked us to buy dictionaries because... 5) I learn English words by heart because... 7. Маленькие хоббиты тоже ходят в школу. Наверняка, их сказочная школа отличается от нашей. Как ты думаешь, чем они занимаются на уроках и переменах? Напиши. Test Yourself 1. Употреби глагол в нужном времени. 1) There (to be) а bookshelf with dictionaries in the classroom. 2) Next year I (to have) four lessons of English every week. 3) Yesterday Hobbit (to go) shopping and he (to buy) a nice pen. 4) ... you (to answer) the questions at the last lesson? — No, I .... 5) My little sister (to go) to school in two years. 2. Do you remember these words from Unit 10? c D a blackboard a cassette recorder to copy during a break a textbook to count never a classroom video to discuss often a desk an exercise book to explain sometimes a felt-tip pen to find out soon an instruction great to imagine a mark loudly to know by heart paints to learn a sharpener to need of course a rubber to retell Unit 11 UNDERSTANDING EACH OTHER The Eleventh Unit Section 1. Languages We Use to Understand Each Other - .4 1. Listen and read: A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE I met a little girl Who came from another land. I couldn’t speak her language. But I took her by her hand. We danced together, Had siich fun! Dancing is a language. You can speak with anyone, c Э 2. Listen and read; [ae] land, hand, 'happy, 'language, under'stand, Ja'pan (л) 'other, such, fun, but, a'nother [d] 'other, a'nother, 'either, 'breathe, 'clothes [g] guess, 'language, 'signal, to'gether 3. Look at the picture. Match the traditional clothes and the countries: India, Russia, Japan, England, Scotland, Egypt, Mexico. c D 94 r 4. Explain: a) What is snow to a boy from Africa. b) What is a banana tree to a boy from the North. 5. Do you know in what countries people wear their traditional clothes in everyday life? Name the countries. 6. Listen to the song and say what country it is from. Tick the right box: 1) Ц Russia Ц England Ц Scotland Ц India 2) Q] Scotland □ Egypt Ц Japan □ Italy 7. Match the pictures and the ideas: sport friendship traffic children 8. Can you understand each other under the water? Look at some of the signals divers (ниряльщики) use. See if you can guess what the signals mean (означают): Meanings: 1) Let’s go up. 2) Let’s go down. 3) Are you OK? I’m OK. 4) I’m not OK. 5) I have little air left (у меня осталось мало воздуха). 6) I can’t breathe. I’m out of air (кончил СЯ воздух). 7) Danger! I'demdjol (Опасность!) А В С D Е F G Check your answers: 1:D, 2:G, 3:A, 4:B, 5:E, 6:C, 7:F. 9. Изобрази жесты подводников. A твой друг переведёт на английский язык, что они означают. с Э Section 2. We Are All Different and We Are All the Same! 10. Find the right word for each picture: kind, angry, crying, happy, sad, thinking, dreaming, curious, shouting. c У 7 8 9 11. Изобрази разное настроение на своём лице. Пусть твои одноклассники догадаются и скажут, какое у тебя настроение. Example: You are sad. 12. Guess what animal must be in the blank. Read. Example: As busy as a bee. (Занят как пчёлка.) (Английская поговорка) As heavy as an elephant. 1) As hungry as a .... 2) As slow as a .... 3) As dirty as a .... 4) As clean as a .... 5) As tall as a .... 6) As fat as a .... 7) As heavy as a .... 8) As funny as a .... 13. Нарисуй картинки, под которыми можно бы.чо бы подписать выражения из упр. 12. (96> Г ft L ^ 14. What would you do if you were a ...? (Что бы ты делал, если бы ты был,..?) Example: If I were a giraffe I would see all around me. '• Ш. _ V / 9 i • i> - _» 1) right in above near with to 3) long salty right clean 15. Say what you will do when you are 30 years old? What job? / farmer, doctor... What place? / country, town... What country? / Russia, Egypt... What language? / English... Example: When I am 30, I will be a doctor, I will live in the country... 16. Match the opposites: without out left under from far from dirty wrong short sweet 2) hard working happy kind slim tall clever 4) ask take agree send angry fat lazy foolish (глупый) sad short disagree get give answer c Э 17. Learn the rules- Help Miss Chatter’s neighbour to have good manners: match the pictures and the rules. Manners: 1) Share you toys (игрушки) with your friends. 2) Say “I’m sorry” if you hurt someone. 3) Don’t stamp your feet and don’t speak loudly when other people sleep. 4) Let your friends have a turn on the swing (катайтесь на качелях no очереди). 5) Put your toys away. 6) Don’t talk during a show (представление). c D 18. How do animals understand each other? Look at the pictures and tell the story. j) ^ Ж 9 • Section 3. Reading for Pleasure 19. Listen and read the beginning of the story: THE KING AND THE CHEESE Once upon a time in a faraway (далёкой) country there lived a king. He lived in a beautiful palace. He had everything he liked. He liked cheese best of all. His cheese makers made the best cheese in all the land (на всей земле). Everyone in the palace could smell that cheese. Everyone in the town could smell the cheese. Everyone in the country could smell that cheese. One day a little mouse smelled the cheese. He told all his friends about the cheese. Soon, every mouse in the country ran to the palace. The mice were very happy. They lived in the palace and ate the king’s cheese. But the king was not happy. He called his wise men (мудрецы) and asked them: “How can I get rid of these mice?” “That’s easy,” said the wise men. “We know how to get rid of them.” And the wise men brought in cats: big cats, little cats, fat cats, thin cats. The big cats, the little cats, the fat cats and the thin cats all began to chase (преследовать) the mice. They did very good work. Soon all the mice ran out of the palace. c D I 20. Say it in Russian: 1) Once upon a time — ... 2) The best cheese in all the land — ... 3) Everyone could smell that cheese — ... 4) The king called the wise men — ... 5) How to get rid of the mice — ... 6) That’s easy — ... 21. Arrange the sentences in correct order. Choose the right variant: A. 6, 2, 1, 4, 5. 7, 3 B. 4, 5, 7, 6, 2, 3, 1 C. 6, 5. 2, 1,3, 7,4 D. 1,3, 5, 7, 2,4, 6 1) The mice lived in the palace and ate the king’s cheese. 2) Everyone in the country could smell that cheese. 3) The king called his wise men to help him. 4) “That’s easy,” the wise men answered. 5) He lived in a beautiful palace and he liked cheese. 6) Once upon a time there lived a king. 7) He asked: “How can I get rid of these cats?” 22. Remember who said these words: a) How can I get rid of these mice? b) We know how to get rid of them. It’s easy. 23. Match the pictures and the text. Read the text in correct order. c Э 1 В The wise men brought in dogs: big dogs, little dogs, white dogs, spotted dogs. The dogs chased every cat out of the palace. Now the cats were very happy. They liked living with the king. But the king was not happy. He didn’t like living with the cats. [c] Now the dogs were happy. They liked living with the I king. But the king was * not happy, he didn’t like living with the dogs. [d] The king called back his wise men. “How can I get rid of these cats?” he asked them. ‘That’s easy,” said the wise men. “We know how to get rid of them.” [Ю Once again the king called in his wise men. “How can I get rid of these dogs?” he asked them. “That’s easy,” said the wise men. “We know how to get rid of them.” c Э с D 24. Now you can answer the questions: 1) What did the wise men say for the first time? 2) Who did the wise men take to the palace for the second time? 3) What do yotx think the wise men did then? 25. Look at the pictures and tell the story: 26. Now read the end of the story. Answer the question: How did the king solve (решил) the problem? THE KING AND THE CHEESE The mice chased every elephant out of the palace. But now the poor king was right back where he started (опять там же, с чего он начал )1 Mice! Mice! They were everywhere! Mice! Mice! Eating his cheese! “What am I going to do?” For three long days the king sat and asked himself that question. After three days of thinking, he thought of the only answer. The king called all the mice together. “Listen, mice, let’s make a deal (давайте договоримся),^' said the king. “Г11 learn how to get along with you (уживать СЯ c вами). And you’ll learn how to get along with me.” From then on fc тех nop), the king shared his cheese with the mice and the mice learned to eat with very nice manners. w 27. What is the main idea of the story? Choose and explain: a) It’s very important to eat cheese with nice manners. b) Even little mice can win the battle (выиграть бит ву) with the king. c) There is always a way to get along with each other. 28. Prove that the chosen idea is right. Discuss it with your partner. Give your arguments. c Э Section 4. How to Get Along with Each Other! 29. Do you know your partner well? Fill in: Name....................................... Age........................................ ffis / her day starts at... and finishes at His / her best activity at lessons of English .. Best lesson ............................... Favourite fairy-tale....................... Favourite food ............................ Favourite sport............................ Pets ...................................... Activities / hobbies outside school........ Plans for the future....................... 30. Now interview your partner and find out if you were right or wrong. 31. Put the information here. Do it together with all your classmates. You will know more about them. Names Sport Lesson Pet Colour Musical instrument Day Season Food Nina skiing Maths dogs red guitar Friday winter honey Sasha ••••••• ••••••• c Э 32. Work in groups. Plan an English party in your school. When? Songs? Where? Poems? Who? Competitions? Write an advert (объявление) about your party, Use the results of your group work. 33. Listen, read and learn the song for your party: I The more we are together. Together, together. The more we are together. The happier we are! For my friend is your friend And your friend is my friend, The more we are together. The happier we are! II The more we dance together. Together, together. The more we dance together. The merrier we are! For her friend is his friend Ajid his friend is her friend. The more we dance together, The merrier we are! m Section 5. WrMng at Home 1. Выпиши названия стран. При необходимости используй словарь. London, India, Washington, Moscow, Scotland, Egypt, Russian, Russia, UK, English, Hobbit, Japan, England, Italy, French, Leeds, New York. 2. Переведи на английский язык: • Сегодня я голоден как волк. • Моя сестра занята как пчелка. Она работает и учится. • Мой новый друг такой же хороший, как и старый. • Москва такая же большая, как и Лондон. • Я говорю по-английски так же быстро, как и английские дети. с D 3. придумай и запиши парами слова с противоположным смыслом. Первая пара тебе даётся: Образец: slim — fat down, right, from, with, lazy, sad, black, sit, short, disagree, dirty, sweet 4, Составь предложения. Example: A parrot flies well. Animal What it does well parrot jumps frog flies pig speaks dog swims cat climbs trees horse eats у c D 5. Вставь глаголы в нужной форме. Перепиши. Подчеркни эти глаголы. The lions (run) away. The elephants (do) wonderful work. They (be) very happy living with the king. But the king (be) not happy. He (call in) his wise men. He (ask) them to help him. The wise men (bring) elephants into the palace. The elephants (chase) every lion out of the palace. They (like) the king very much. 6. Придумай и запиши, что будет, если: 1) What if dogs start speaking our language? 2) What if sheep lose their skin (кожа, шкура ) every year? 3) What if cats start making holes for their kittens? 4) What if elephants are as small as bees? 7. Заполни пропуски следующими словами: get along with, make a deal, were happy, called. The king ... all the mice together. He said: “Listen, boys, let’s ... .” Г11 learn how to ... with you. But you must learn how to ... with me. The mice were very clever. They liked the cheese and the king. So they learned how to ... with the king. The king shared his cheese with the mice. They .... Test Yourself 1. Вставь предлоги там, где это необходимо: 1) At the lesson weTl translate ... English ... Russian. 2) The king wanted to get rid ... the mice, 3) Children must go to bed ... time. 4) My elder brother likes to play... hockey and listen ... music. 5) Look! Karlson has a nice blue shirt ... . 6) Hobbit bought a tin ... tomatoes and five ... oranges. 2. Do you remember these words from Unit 11? a competition friendship fun future a grandson a job a king a language a mouse / mice a palace a place a poem a result a signal a toy to make a deal to get along with to get rid of to finish to remember to understand outside correct different easy hardworking heavy salty slim slow wise wrong c D ЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ АУДИРОВАНИЯ Unit 5. THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR ^ - -J r) '*‘Г: 1. Скажи: Какое время года ослик любит больше всего? Почему? 2. Ответь на вопросы: Which is your best time of the year? Why do you like it? Unit 6. THE APPLE PIE 1. Answer the question: Why doesn’t Mother give Jane the apple pie? What do you think? 2. Say: Do you help your mother? What can you do? Unit 7. THE SUN AND THE WIND 1. Назови персонажей этой сказки? О чём они спорят? 2. Answer the question: Which is stronger? What do you think? Unit 8. THE EAGLE L 1. Найди среди картинок с изображением продуктов то, что орёл Дейвид хочет съесть в начале и в конце сказки, и назови это. 2. Answer the questions: a) What does Mary whisper to the lamb? b) Why is David surprised? c) Why does the Eagle look at the star? и n i t 9. THE MICE AND THE CAT 1, Скажи; Какое средство предлагает мышонок против кота? 2. Answer the question; Can you help the mice? Unit 10. THE CLEVER LITTLE BIRD 1. Скажи: Как птичка проверяет правдивость слов кошки? 2. Say: Do you like the bird and why? Unit 11. THE BEST TIME FOR APPLES 1. Say: What does the teacher tell the children? What does Nick answer the teacher? 2. Answer the questions; When is the best time for apples? What do you think? И0 Y HOME READING FAIRY-TALES MY NAUGHTY* LITTLE SISTER By Dorothy Edwards MY PRETTY DOLL 1. Прочитай стишок и постарайся его запомнить: Му pretty I'pnti] (хорошенькая) doll is very small, I like my pretty little doll. 2. Прочитай первую часть рассказа и скажи, о чём попросила мама старшую сестру? Part 1 I am а little girl, I have a new doll. Its face is pretty, its eyes are pretty, its dress is pretty, too. My doll can open and close its eyes and say “Ma-ma”. I do not play with my doll. I am afraid to break it. (Я боюсь её сломать.) It is in a box in my mother’s room. My little sister has a doll, too. Her doll is not new, and it is not pretty. It is old and dirty. It has only one eye, and it has no hair. Its dress is not pretty. My little sister likes her doll very much. She takes it to the garden and to the yard. She puts it on the floor and on the grass. And when she goes to bed, she takes her doll with her. Now my mother is in the kitchen. She wants to make breakfast for the family, and she asks me: “Mary! Do you know where your little sister is?” “No, I don’t,” I say. “Then go and look for (поищи ) her,” says my mother. “Breakfast is ready.” * naughty |'пэ:1|| — непослушная, капризная I go to look for my little sister. I look in the yard. She is not there. I look in the garden. She is not there. Then I come back into the house. Suddenly I hear a noise in my mother’s room. I open the door and look in. 3. Найди в тексте, как выглядели куклы сестер, выпиши и сравни. 4. Прочитай вторую часть рассказа и скажи, почему заплакали обе сестры? Part 2 The wardrobe is open, and my doll’s box is on the floor. It is open, too, biit the doll is not there. Then I see my naughty little sister with my doll in her hands. “Put the doll into the box,” I say. “No, I don’t want to,” says Nancy, my little sister. “It’s my doll! Give it to me!” I say. But my naughty little sister does not want to give me my doll. I want to take the doll away from her. I pull, and she pulls, too. And the doll falls down to the floor. I pick it up and look at it. Its pretty face is broken (ее хорошенькое личико разбито). I take my doll in my hands, and it does not say “Mama”. I begin to cry, and my naughty little sister begins to cry, too. Our mother comes into the room. 5. Найди в тексте ответы на вопросы и выпиши их: a) What does the elder (старшая) sister see in the room? b) What’s the matter with her doll? 6. Прочитай третью часть рассказа и ответь письменно на вопрос: What does Mum do with the dolls? Part 3 “Don’t cry. We shall take the doll to the doll’s doc-tor, and he will make it well again,” says Mother. She takes my doll to the dolls’ doctor, and she takes my little sister’s doll to the doll’s doctor, too. One day our mother comes home and gives us our dolls. My doll has a pretty face and hair. It can open and close its eyes and say “Ma-ma”. My little sister’s doll is pretty, too. It has a pretty nose and eyes and hair, and it can say “Ma-ma”. Its dress is pretty, too. But my naughty little sister does not like her new doll. She does not take it to the yard or to the garden. She does not put it on the floor or on the grass. She puts it into the box and she does not take it out again. • SUMMARY 1. Посмотри на картинку на стр. Ill, отметь в тексте предложения, которые ей соответствуют. 2. Составь план рассказа, используя следующие предло* жения: I take my doll in my hands, and it does not say “Ma-ma”. I go to look for my little sister. I am afraid to break my doll. She puts it into the box and she does not take it out again. My little sister’s doll is pretty, too. 3. Расскажи о своей любимой игрушке. MY SISTER CUTS OUT PICTURES 1. Прочитай следующий рассказ и скажи, почему он так называется? One autumn when my sister was a little girl, it rained and rained (дождь шёл и шёл). It was October. It was very cold, and it rained every day. When we went out, we put on our raincoats. But my little sister liked to walk in the water. One day she walked in the water, and her feet got wet (у неё промокли ноги). So she caught a bad cold (она сильно простудилась). “You can’t go out,” said my mother. “You must stay at home and be a good girl.” But my sister did not like that. “I want to go out in the rain! I want to go out!” My little sister was very naughty. Then my mother said: “I shall give you my scissors ['sizsz] (ножницы), and you can cut out pictures.” My mother gave her some old books and the scissors. Nancy cut out a dog and a cat, and a bear and a red fox. Then she saw a beautiful dress with pretty blue flowers on it. My naughty little sister wanted to cut out only one flower. She did so. She liked it and began to cut out many flowers. Suddenly my mother came in. She was very angry (была очень сердита). “You are a bad, bad girl,” she said. “That was my best dress. I shall not give you the scissors again.” And she didn’t. • SUMMARY 1. Кому принадлежат эти слова: “I shall give you my scissors, and you can cut out pictures.” 2. Найди в тексте и прочитай предложения, которые соответствуют картинке на стр. 114. 3. Закончи следующие предложения: a) It was very ..., and it rained... b) When we went out, we put on... c) My mother gave her... d) She liked it and began... e) My mother was... MY SISTER AT THE BIRTHDAY PARTY 1. Прочитай первую часть рассказа и скажи, куда Том однажды пригласил Нэнси. Part 1 There was а little boy who (который) lived in our street. His name was Tom. My little sister liked to play with him. But Tom was a naughty little boy, and my sister was a naughty little girl. They often played in our yard and in our garden. They picked green apples, broke their toys and broke my toys. One day they washed my doll in dirty water. One day Tom came to our house with a letter for my sister. He said to Nancy; “This is a letter for you from my mother. Please come to my birthday party. We shall have tea and a big birthday cake.” “I like birthday cakes,” said my little sister. She put on her best dress and her white socks and white shoes. “Don’t forget to say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’,” said my mother. When my little sister came to the birthday party, she said to Tom’s mother; “Good afternoon! I want a birthday cake.” Tom’s mother laughed [la;ft] (засмеялась) and said; “Soon all the children will come, and then you can have the birthday cake.” 2. Найди в тексте и выпиши ответы на следующие вопросы: a) Why did Tom come to Nancy’s house with the letter? b) What did Nancy like? 3. прочитай вторую часть рассказа и скажи, что делали Том и Нэнси в столовой. Part 2 Then other children came and played in the garden. They played hide-and-seek (играли в прятки), They sang songs and danced. But my little sister did not want to play. She did not want to dance and to sing. And Tom did not want to play. “I can show you the birthday cake,” he said. So they went to the dining-room, and there on the table they saw a beautiful birthday cake with chocolate roses on it. Oh, I like chocolate roses very much,” said my naughty little sister. “I can give you a little rose,” said Tom. He gave my sister one rose, and she ate it up. Then he took one rose and ate it up. My sister ate three roses, and Tom ate thiee roses. They took the roses with their hands, and there was chocolate on their hands and on their faces. Then they went into the garden to play with other children. When Tom’s mother saw them, she did not ask any questions. She went to the dining-room and looked at the birthday cake. She was very angry. Tom’s mother told Tom to go to bed, for he was a very naughty boy. And she told my naughty little sister to go home. Nancy was sick (больна) all night. My sister is not a little girl now, but she does not like chocolate roses even today. Составь план рассказа по следующим предложениям: a) Тот and Nancy did not want to sing and to dance. b) They went to the dining-room. c) They saw a beautiful birthday cake. d) Tom’s mother was angry. e) Tom and Nancy ate the roses. • SUMMARY 1. Найди в тексте и прочитай предложения, соотвеТ' ствующие картинке. 2. Найди в тексте ответ на вопрос: What did the children do in the dining-room? 3. Закончи предложения: a) But Tom was a... b) One day Tom came to our house with... c) She put on her... d) He gave my sister... e) Tom’s mother told... 4. Как ты проводить свой день рождения? MY NAUGHTY LITTLE SISTER GOES TO SCHOOL 1. Read part 1 and say: Why was Nancy very happy? Part 1 One day my mother got a letter from my grandmother. She was ill, and asked my mother to come to her. ‘‘Take your sister to school with you,” said my mother to me. “She can’t sit still (спокойно) for five minutes,” I said. “I can sit still”, said my little sister. My mother wrote a letter to my teacher. My teacher answered; “Yes, Nancy may come to school if she is a good girl.” My sister was very happy. Do you know what she did? She found my father’s old bag and put a pencil and a notebook into the bag. She was a very good girl. In the morning she got up early. She washed her face and neck and dressed quickly. After breakfast my mother went to my grandmother, and we went to school. 2. Answer the question; What did the teacher say? 3. Say in the right order (в правильном порядке) what Nancy did: — found the bag; — washed her face and neck; — went to school; — was a good girl; — got up early, 4. Read part 2 and say: What did the teacher give Nancy? Part 2 Our lessons began at 9 o’clock. But we came to the school yard earlier (раньше). My sister said “Good morning!” to everybody in the yard. When we came into the classroom, the teacher said: “Jack is ill. So your sister may sit at his desk.” My sister did not talk. She looked and looked. She looked at the teacher, she looked at the schoolboys and schoolgirls. She looked at the blackboard and at the pictures on the wall. The children opened their bags and took out their pencils and notebooks. My sister opened her bag too. She took out her pencil and her notebook. Then the teacher called all the children’s names. The children said: “Present.” (Здесь.) But she did not call my sister’s name, because she was not a pupil. Then my naughty little sister stood up and said: “I want a present (подарок)^ too.” Everybody laughed. Then the teacher gave her some plasticine ('plaestisi:nl (пластилин). My little sister made a red flower, and the teacher said it was very nice. 5. Choose and write down the correct answers; What did Nancy do in the classroom? a) She looked at the teacher. b) She played with the doll. c) She said “Hello!” to everybody. d) She did not talk. 6. Read part 3 and answer the question: What did Nancy draw? Parts The teacher read us a story, and my sister listened, too. When the teacher asked questions about this story, all the children put up their hands. Nancy put up her hand. And she gave a good answer. The teacher said: “Your little sister is very clever.” Then we drew pictures. I drew a house, a tree and a lake. But do you know what my sister drew? She drew our teacher. Yes, she drew our nice teacher. She drew her with very little eyes and very long black hair, and a very big mouth. “I like your picture,” said our teacher. “I like it very much.” Then we all went to the school yard and played there. We played ball. My little sister played ball, too. Then we went to the classroom again. We read a story in a book, but my little sister could not read, so she fell asleep (она заснула). She slept till four o’clock when the lessons were over and we went home. 7. Write down everything Nancy did. • SUMMARY 1. Find the answer in the text: Why did Nancy go to school? 2. Найди в тексте и прочитай предложения, соответствующие картинке на стр. 117. 3. Составь план рассказа из следующих предложений: a) We all went to the school yard and played there. b) Then we drew pictures. c) My mother went to my grandmother. d) She took Feather’s old bag. e) She got up early. f) The teacher gave her some plasticine. MY LITTLE SISTER GOES TO THE THEATRE 1. Read part 1 and answer the question: What did Nancy see in the theatre. Part 1 Once when my little sister was four, our mother took us to the theatre. The theatre was very beautiful. My sister and I liked it very much. When we were in the theatre, my little sister did not talk. She looked at the curtain (занавес) and at the beautiful walls and the big lamps over our heads. She looked at the boys and girls and at their mothers and fathers. But when the curtain went up (занавес поднялся) and a little funny man came out, she looked only at this funny man. His name was Humpty-Dumpty (Шалтай Болтай). He said: “How do you do, little boys and girls?” “How do you do?” we all said. But my little sister cried: “Hello, Humpty-Dumpty!” Everybody laughed, and Humpty-Dumpty said: “Hello, little girl!” 2. Choose the right answer: Where did Nancy go? a) She went to the boys and girls. b) She went to the theatre. c) She went to her mother. 3. Complete the sentences: a) The funny man’s name... b) My little sister cried... (\20 Y 4. Read part 2 and say: What did the dolls give Nancy? Part 2 Then beautiful dolls came out and danced. They had very beautiful dresses on, all white and blue. Humpty-Dumpty began to dance, too, but he fell on the floor. And then Humpty-Dumpty said: “Who wants to dance with me?” My little sister ran to Humpty-Dumpty and said: “I want to dance with you.” Everybody laughed. Humpty-Dumpty laughed, too. The other children ran to him, too, and they all began to dance. “Now, children,” he said, “go to your seats.” All the children went to their seats, but my little sister did not go to her seat. She ran away. Yes, she wanted to see the dolls behind the curtain (за кулисами). She found the dolls. The beautiful dolls talked to my sister, and they gave her an ice-cream. Humpty-Dumpty found my little sister and took her to our mother. Everybody laughed, but my mother was very angry, Nancy jumped up on her seat and cried: “I saw the dolls. They are little girls!” My little sister was a very naughty girl. 5. Answer the questions: a) What did Nancy do in the theatre? b) What did she find behind the curtain? SUMMARY 1. Найди в тексте предложение, соответствующее картинке на стр. 120, и прочитай его. 2. Who said: ‘‘Hello, Humpty-Dumpty! 3. Составь план рассказа из следующих предложений: a) The beautiful dolls talked to my sister, and they gave her an ice-cream. b) Everybody laughed, but my mother was very angry. c) The theatre was very beautiful. d) Humpty-Dumpty found my little sister and took her to our mother. e) When we were in the theatre, my little sister did not talk. 4. Закончи предложения: a) My sister and I went to the.. b) Humpty-Dumpty fell... c) My little sister was a very... 'Viv © MY NAUGHTY LITTLE SISTER AND A GOOD GIRL 1. Read part 1 and say: What clothes did Nancy put on that day? Part 1 When I was a little girl, my mother said to my little sister: “One of my friends will come to see us today and her little daughter will come with her. The little girl’s name is Winnie. She is a very good girl. You must be a good girl, too. You will take your toys and play with her in the garden.” My little sister put on her new blue dress, blue socks and white shoes. She took her big doll out of the box. She wanted to play with Winnie and to show her all her toys. “I want to play with Winnie. I want to play with Winnie. When will she come?” said Nancy. 2. Choose and write down the right sentences: a) The Grandmother will come. b) The girl’s name is Winnie. c) Nancy put on her red dress. d) Nancy wanted to play with Winnie. 3. Read part 2 and say: What did Winnie want to do? Part 2 At last Winnie and her mother came. Nancy ran to the door and opened it. Winnie had a blue dress and blue socks on. My little sister did not say “How do you do?” like (как) a good girl, but she said: “Blue socks, too.” Winnie’s mother laughed. But Winnie did not laugh, she said: “How do you do?” She was a good girl. My mother and Winnie’s mother sat down on a bench in the garden and talked, and Winnie and my little sister went to play. My little sister showed her all the toys and the big doll, too. “Do you like my doll?” asked my little sister. But Winnie did not answer. She did not say a word. “Can you talk?” asked my little sister. “Yes, I can,” answered Winnie. “Do you want to play with my toys?” asked my sister. “No, thank you,” said Winnie. “Do you want to run?” asked my sister. “No, thank you. It is too hot,” said Winnie. “Do you want to play liide-and-seek?” asked my sister. “No, thank you. I don’t like hide-and-seek,” said Winnie. “Do you want to pick apples?” asked my little sister. “No, I don’t like to pick apples,” said Winnie. “What do you want to do?” asked my little sister. “I want to read a book,” said Winnie. 4. Write down Nancy’s questions. 5. Read the end of the story and say: Did Nancy want to be a good girl? Parts Winnie was six. She went to school. So she could read. The children went into the house. Winnie took one of my books and began to read it. But my little sister did not go to school. She could not read. So she ran into the garden, picked apples and flowers, and when tea-time came, her hands were dirty, her face was dirty, and her dress was dirty, too. My mother put a big cake on the table. She said to Winnie: “Have some cakes, Winnie.” “Thank you,” said Winnie, and she took a little piece of cake. But my naughty little sister took a very big piece of cake. She liked the cake very much. After tea Winnie and her mother went home. Winnie said: “Thank you. Goodbye.” When they went away, my naughty little sister said to my mother: “I don’t want to be a good girl.” “Why don’t you want to be a good girl?” asked my mother. “I like the cake very much.” 6. Answer the question: Why didn’t Nancy want to be a good girl? • SUMMARY 1. Find in the text and write dawn everything Nancy did that day. Example: put on, went to play, showed the toys, etc. (u m. d,). 2. Write down Winnie’s polite words. 3. Complete the sentences: The girl’s name ... Winnie. She was a very... She did not like to play with... My naughty little sister took a ... of cake. She did want not to be... 4. Look at the picture on page 123 and say: Which of the girls do you like better and why? MY LITTLE SISTER IS FIVE 1. Read part 1 and say: What did Nancy learn at school? Part 1 When my little sister was five, she went to school. She went to school every day. The lessons began at nine o’clock. At eleven o’clock the children had a short break. Then they had two more lessons. At one o’clock in the afternoon the children had dinner at school. Some children went home for dinner, but my little sister did not go home for dinner, because [Ь|'кэ:г| (nonio му что) our house was not near the school. After dinner we played in the yard and had two more lessons. The lessons were over at four o’clock, and Mother came to take my sister home. Nancy learned many things at school. She learned to read, to write and to count. She could spell her name very well now. She learned many things'about animals. She learned about animals that give us milk and about animals that give us wool (шерсть). 2. Choose the right sentences and write them down; a) My little sister was four. b) She went to school. c) She did not go home for dinner. d) Nancy did not learn many things at school. 3. Read part 2 and say: What did the teacher tell Nancy? Part 2 One evening when she put her school-books and her pens and pencils into her bag, she put her doll into her bag, too. Yes, she took her doll to school. When the first lesson began, she put her doll on the desk. “You must not bring your doll to school,” said the teacher. “You are a big girl now. You must learn to read, to write and to count. You can play with your doll at home.” The teacher told her again and again that she must not take her doll to school. But my sister was naughty. “I do not play with my doll in school,” she said. “My doll is five, too, and she must go to school, too.” My sister learned not only to read and to write. She also learned how to answer the telephone ['telifounj (отвечать no телефону). She said, “Hello!” and then she said: “Г11 call Mother.” When Mother was not at home, she said: “May I take your message? (Что передать? 4. Answer the question: What did Nancy put into her bag? 5. Read the end of the story and say; Did the teacher give any letter to Nancy? Parts One day our mother was not at home when the telephone bell rang. @ “Mrs Brown is not at home,” said my little sister. “May I take your message?” “I am Nancy’s teacher. Please tell Mrs Brown that Nancy must not take her doll to school.” My little sister did not tell our mother about it. The next day she took her doll to school again. The teacher wrote a letter to our mother and gave it to me. She said: “Don’t forget to give this letter to your mother today.” My mother put my sister’s doll into a box and put the box into the wardrobe. And my little sister did not get any cake for dinner. 6. Answer the questions: What did mother do with Nancy’s doll? Why? • SUMMARY 1. Найди в тексте предложение, которое соответствует картинке на стр. 125. 2. Say what Nancy did at school. 3. Who said: “Mrs Brown is not at home. May I take your message?” 4. Complete the sentences: When my little sister was ..., she went to .... The lessons began at .... She must not bring her ... to school. My little sister did not tell ... about it. My little sister did not get... for supper. ш. MY LITTLE SISTER HAS SCHOOL HOLIDAYS 1. Read part 1 and say: Where was Nancy on Monday and on Tuesday? Part 1 My little sister liked school, but she liked holidays more than (больше чем) school. On the first day of our holidays she said to mother and father: “Please take me to different places every day of the holidays.” “Very well,” said my father. On Monday he took my sister to the zoo. She saw all the animals there. She saw the big elephants and the funny monkey, the brown bears and the white bears, the tigers and a big lion. When my little sister came home from the zoo, she talked only about the animals at the zoo. On Tuesday mother, my sister and I went to the country. We went to a lake. It was very beautiful near the lake. There were green trees and red and blue flowers there. We picked some flowers. Suddenly we saw a big white goose |gu:s| (гусь). My little sister was afraid of the goose. We came home very late. My little sister told our father about the country, about the lake and the flowers and a big white goose. 2. Answer the questions: a) What did Nancy see at the zoo? b) What did Nancy see in the country? 3. Read part 2 and say: Where was Nancy on Wednesday and on Thursday? Part 2 On Wednesday Mother took us to the sea. The day was fine. The sea was blue, and the sky was blue. We saw many little boats and two sailboats. We picked up little stones in the water, and we played near the sea. When we were going (ехали) home, my little sister slept in the train (e поезде). On Thursday father took my little sister to the park. The park was a very good place to play in. Many children came to the park every day. My sister played ball and had three rides on a roundabout (три раза каталась на карусели). There was а big lake in the park. A boy came with a dog to the lake. The boy threw a stick into the water, and the dog swam to it, took it into its mouth |mau0| (pom) and brought it back to the boy. My sister and my father watched the boy and the dog. 4. Begin the sentences: a) ...Mother took us to the sea. b) ...Father took my little sister to the park. 5. Read part 3 and say: Where was Nancy on Friday and on Saturday? Part 3 On Friday my mother took us to the theatre. When we came home, my sister went to our neighbour and told her all about the theatre. Nancy wanted to go to her friend, a shoe-mender (сапожник), and to tell him about the theatre, too, but my mother said it was too late. On Saturday we all went to the circus. We liked to see the clowns. They were so funny. We also liked the monkeys. The monkeys had their dinner. They sat at little tables. They ate with little spoons. They drank milk from a bottle. We also saw a big elephant. On Sunday my little sister said in the morning: “I am ill today.” The doctor came with his bag and gave my sister some medicine. He also gave her a little bottle of medicine for her doll. “I don’t play with my doll,” said my little sister. *T am a big girl now, and I go to school.” 6. Закончи предложения и расставь их в правильном порядке: 1) On Friday... 2) On Sunday... 3) On Saturday... 7. Read the end of the story and say: Did Nancy like her holidays? Part 4 “But now you have your holidays,” said the doctor. “Yes, I have my holidays. But on Monday I went to the zoo, on Tuesday I went to the country, on Wednesday we went to the sea, on Thursday my father and I went to the park, on Friday I went to the theatre and on Saturday we all were at the circus. I want to go to different places every day.” “This is very bad,” said the doctor. “You must stay at home now and play with your doll. You must get up early and play with your doll in the garden. You must give her breakfast and dinner in time and you must put your doll to bed early. You must go to bed early, too.” So my sister did not go to different places every day. She stayed at home and played with her doll in the garden. But when her vacation was over and it was time to go to school, my mother put her doll into the box again. “Don’t put my doll into the box. I shall not take it to school. I am a big girl now,” said Nancy. I shall not tell you any more stories about my naughty little sister. Now Nancy is a big girl, and she is not naughty. 8. Answer the question: AVhat did the doctor say to Nancy? • SUMMARY 1. Найди в первой части текста и отметь предложения. соответствующие картинке на стр. 128. 2. Закончи предложения и расставь их в правильном по- рядке: On Sunday Nancy... 1 the park. On Thursday my little sister went to... 1 the theatre. On Monday she went to... 1 the circus. On Wednesday Nancy went to... 1 the sea. On Saturday wc all were in... 1 the zoo. On Tuesday we went to... 1 the country. On Friday my mother took us to... 1 was ill. 3, Tell all you know about Nancy. Did you like the girl or not? Why? 4. Have you got any younger brothers or sisters? Do you know any young children? Compare them with Nancy. LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS* Ьс ed. Ч. was 1wdz| / MH. Ч, were [w3:| been быть, находиться begin began begun начинать(ся) break |breik| broke broken ломать bring brought 1 broil 1 brought приносить buy |hcii| bought |bnll bought покупать choose |Уи:г| chose ll/otjzj chosen выбирать come |k;sm) came come приходить, приезжать cut [кл1| cut cut резать do |du:| did done |dMi| делать draw |dro:| drew |dai;| drawn [droinl рисовать drink drank drunk пить eat ate fetj eaten |'i:tan| есть, кушать fall |Ь:1| fell fallen [Гэ:1эп| падать feed fed fed кормить find |r:d| — доска (в классе) blond Iblond] — блондин, светловолосый blue [blu:| — синий, голубой book lbuk| — книга boot |bu:t| — ботинок bottle [botl] — бутылка box Iboksl — коробка boxing I'boksiQl — бокс brave |breiv| — смелый, храбрый bread IbrcdJ — хлеб break (breik] (broke [Ьгэик|, broken (Ьгэикп)) — 1. ломать, 2. перемена breakfast ('brekfosll — завтрак for breakfast — на завтрак have breakfast — завтракать bridge [bncfel — мост bright |brait| — яркий bring |bnnl (brought |bro:ll, brought (bro;l|) приносить Britain Ibntn) — Британия British ГЬппЛ — 1. британцы, 2. британский brother |Ъглдэ1 — брат brown |braun| — коричневый busy | Ыг|| — занятой Гт busy, — Я занят, but |Ьэ1| но, а butter |ЪлЮ| масло buy |bail (bought |bo;t|, bo\»ght |bo:t|) — покупать bye-bye ( bai'bai| — до свидания, пока с с cabbage I'kicbicfel — капуста cage Ikeicfel — клетка cake |kcjk| — торт, пирожное calendar |'к<с1тс1э| — календарь call |кз:1| — 1. звать, называть, 2. зов, крик call on — навещать call up звонить по теле(|юну camel |‘ка?тэ1| верблюд сап Ikicnj — могу, умею cannot = сапЧ |ka;nt| саг |ки:| — легковая машина carrot [ ка;гз1| — морковь cart [ka:t| телега cartridge Гко;1пс^| — картридж cassette lkn'set| — кассета cassette recorder [ko'seiri'koids] — кассетный магнитофон cat [k^t| — кот, кошка chair Itfea) — стул chase (tfeis) — преследовать cheese — сыр chess [tfcs] — шахматы chocolate I't/Dklill — шоколад choose [tju:z) (chose [tfauz), chosen (tjauznl) — выбирать church (tfartfl — церковь city [‘sitij — город (большой) classmate |'klQ:s,meit| — одноклассник classroom ('kla:srum| — классная комната, кабинет в школе clean |kli:n| — 1. чистить, убирать, 2. чистый clever ['klev3| — умный climb |klaim| — взбираться, карабкаться clock (klnkl — часы close |kbuz| — закрывать clothes [kJoudzl — одежда cloudy (‘kJaudj] — облачный coat (кзш1 — пальто, шубка cock Iknk) — петух coffee rknfil — кос})е cold Iksuld] — холодный collection [кэ'1ек/эп| — коллекция colour |'к\1э| — цвет come |клт| (came |keim|, come |клт)) — приходить, приезжать compare |кэт'реэ| сравнивать competition |,kDmp('ttJn| — соревнование, конкурс complete |kdm'pli:t| — завершить, заполнить computer |kom'pju:i3| — компьютер cook [кик] — готовить cook book — поваренная книга copy I'kopij переписать corn (kn:n| — зерно, кукуруза corner I'knrnaj — угол correct Ika'rekt) — правильный count [каши I — считать country |’клп1п| — 1. сельская местность, 2. сельский in the country — за городом (где?) to the country за город (куда?) cow [kau] — корова crawl (кгэ;1| — ползать crocodile ['krokodailj — крокодил cry [krail — плакать» кричать cucumber ('к]и:,клтЬэ] — огурец cunning Гклп1о1 — хитрый cup |клр) — чашка curious |'kju?ri?s) — любопытный cut [км\ (cut |кл1|, cut |кл1|) — резать cut out вырезать __________________________________________ Dad |dced| — папа разг. dark |do:k| — тёмный daughter (dolaj — дочь day |dei| день dear |dio| — дорогой December (di'semba) — декабрь desert |’dc/.olj — пустыня desk I desk) — парта detective Idi'ickliv) -- детектив dialogue | d3iolng| —диалог dictionary (’dik/on.-^nl — словарь different |'dif?rom| — разный dining-room I’dainionim) — столовая dinner ['dino) — обед for dinner — на обед have dinner — обедать dirty I'd'iUtl — грязный discuss Idis'kAs) — обсуждать dish(es) IdiH — посуда dive |daiv| — нырять do [du:| (did (did), done fdAn|) — делать does (dA/| -1. делает, 2. глагол-помощник don*t IdDtmi) — краткая отрицательная форма глагола do doesn't — краткая отрицательная форма глагола does doll |dn!| - кукла dolphin ('dnlfinj - дельфин donkey I'dnoki) — осел door (d.T| — дверь draw Idro:) (drew |dru:|, drawn Idm:n|) — рисовать dream |dri;m| 1. мечтать, 2. мечта, сон dress |dres| — платье drink (dnr)kj (drank [draeok], drunk |drAi}k|) — пить duck (dAkj — утка during I'djuonol — на протяжении, во время (когда?) ____________________________________________ each (i;tn — каждый each other — друг друга eagle (i:gl| — орел ear ||э| — ухо easy ['i:zi) — легко, легкий eat [i;t| (ate )et|, eaten (Ltn)) — есть, кушать egg leg I яйцо Egypt ['i:tfeipt| — Египет eight (eit| — восемь eighth |eitO| — восьмой eighteenth [ei'li:nO| — восемнадцатый elephant ('clifont) — слон else [els] — ещё What else? — Что ещё? energetic [.eno’cfeetikl — энергичный England ('loglond) — Англия English CiggliJl — английский enjoy [in'cfeoi] — получать удовольствие envelope I'envolaup) — конверт evening I'i^'nigl — вечер good evening — добрый вечер in the evening — вечером every I'evn) каждый everybody — все every day — каждый день example |ig'/.a:mpl| пример excuse me [ik'skju:z] — извините (меня) exercise [‘eksosaiz] — упражнение exercise book [‘cksosaiz.buk| — тетрадь (для упражнений) explain lik'splein) объяснять eye |ai| - глаз ____________________F_f_____________________ face |feis| — лицо fairy-tale l.fcontcil] — сказка fall [Гэ:1| (fell (fell, fallen (fo:bn|) -падать family (Taemilr) — семья farm [fo:m] — ферма farmer [Toimo] — фермер farmhouse (To:mhaus| — дом на ферме fat (fset) — толстый, жирный favourite [Teivont] — любимый favourite sport — любимый вид спорта February I'februori) — февраль feed (fr.dl (fed (fed), fed [fed]) — кормить felt-tip pen I’feliti'pin] (.feli'tip'penl — фломастер field (fi:ld| — поле fifth (fifG) — пятый fill in (fi'lin) — заполнять пропуски filmstar |'filmsta:| — кинозвезда find [faindl (found [faund], found |faund|) - находить find out |,faind'aut| — выяснять, узнать finger —* палец (руки) finish I'fmifl — заканчивать fire (faiaj — огонь fireplace камин first (f3:st) — первый fish (fifl — рыба five (faivj — пять flat (flyet) — квартира floor |Пз:1 — пол flower ('fla?ra| — цветок flowerbed I'flauobedl — клумба fly [flail (flew [flu:], flown [Пэип|) — 1. летать, 2. муха fly away — улетать foggy [Togi] — туманный follow [ fobuj — следить, следовать за food [fu:d| — еда, пища for [Го] — для, в течение (как долго?) forest [Tonst] — лес forget [fo'get] (forgot [fo'got], forgotten ]fo'QDtn|) — забывать four [fo:] — четыре fourth |fo:0] — четвёртый fox [foks] — лиса French [frentfl — французский Friday [fraidi] — пятница friend [Trend] — друг friendship [Trendjip] — дружба frog [fmg] — лягушка from [from] — из frosty [Trosti] — морозный fruit [fral) — фрукты full of [ful ov] — полный fun [Глп] — веселье, удовольствие have fun — веселиться funny [Тлт] — смешной, забавный future СОигУз] — будущее, будущий _______________G_g__________________ game [geim] — игра garden [ga;dn| — сад get [get] (got [got], got [got]) — получать get along — уживаться get rid of — избавляться get up — вставать (c постели) giraffe [cfeTraf] — жираф girl [дз:1] — девочка give [giv] (gave [geiv], given [givn]) — давать, подавать give presents — дарить glass [glaisj — стакан go [gou] (went [went], gone [gon]) — ходить, идти, ехать to go to bed — ложиться спать to go for a walk — прогуляться goldfish [’дзиШ.йЛ — золотая рыбка good [gud] — хороший, добрый goodbye — до свидания good morning — доброе утро Good luck! - Удачи! grandmother [grEendmAdo] — бабушка grandma ['gr1каб| — открытка poster ['pausiol — плакат I>ostman I'psustmsn] — почтальон post office I'paust.ofis) — почта potato Ipa'teitoul — картошка present I’prezanl) — подарок price tag I'praistasg] — ценник problem |'рп)Ыэт| — проблема pupil I'pjuipll — ученик put Iput| (put [put], put [put|) — класть, ставить put on — надевать puzzle 1'рл7.1| — головоломка crossword puzzle — кроссворд ________________Qq___________________ quarter ('kwD:to| — четверть queen |kwi:n| — королева question I’kwcstfn] — вопрос quick |kwik| — быстрый ________________Rj^__________________ rabbit [’ncbil] — кролик radio |'reidi3u| — радио rain (reinl — дождь rainy I'reiml — дождливый read (ri:d| (read (red|, read [red]) — читать red [red] — красный remember [n'membs] — помнить result [n’zAlt] — результат review jnVju:] — 1. повторять, 2. повторение retell [n'tel] (retold [n'tauld], retold (n'tsuldj) — пересказать rich [ritf] — богатый riddle [ndl] — загадка ride [raid] (rode [roud], ridden [ridnj) — кататься верхом ride a bike [nud э baik] — кататься на велосипеде right [rait] — правый, правильный all right — все в порядке river l'rrv3] — река road [raudj — дорога room |ru:m] — комната rose [rauzj — роза round (raund) — круглый rubber ['глЬэ] — ластик rule jru:lj — правило ruler [‘nrlsj — линейка run |глл| (ran Irsenj, run |глп|) — бегать Russia [*гл/э] — Россия Russian {Ул/эп] — 1. русский язык, 2. русский, русская _________________Sj___________________ sad [saed] — грустный, печальный salty |'so:Ili| — солёный same [seim] — тот же самый sandwich [‘sa^ndwicfc ] — бутерброд Saturday ['saetodi| — суббота say [sei| (said [sed], said [sed]) — говорить, сказать (что-то) scarf [ska:f| — шарф school [sku:l] — школа at school — в школе to school — в школу score jsko:] — счёт (в игре) Scotland [’skotlond] — Шотландия sea [si:] — море season I'suzon] — время года, сезон second I'sekond) — второй see [si;] (saw |so:|, seen [si:n|) — видеть I j see — понимаю I sell [sel] — продавать ! send [send] (sent [sen*], sent [sent]) — I посылать sentence ['sentansj — предложение September [sep'temboj — сентябрь seven [’sevan] — семь seventh |'sevon6| — седьмой shall Lfalj — вспомогательный глагол, (будущее время) share [Jeoj — делиться, пользоваться вместе shark [Jd:kj — акула sharpener |'/о:рпа| — точилка she [fi:j — она sheep [Ji:pj — овца, овцы shelf Lfelfj — книжная полка; мн. ч, shelves jjelvz] shell Lfelj — ракушка shirt [)з:*| — рубашка shoes Lfu:z| — туфли shop [fop] — магазин go shopping — ходить за покупками short [/э:1| — короткий shorts Ub:tsj — шорты shout [Jatrtj — кричать show Lfou) 1. (showed [Jaudj, shown Lfounj) — показывать, 2. представление, шоу shy Lfaij — застенчивый signal [‘signlj — сигнал simple [simplj — простой sing [siq] (sang [sffiol, sung [sao|) — петь sister [’sistoj — сестра sit [s!t| (sat [sail I. sat [saet]) — сидеть sit down — садиться six [siksj — шесть sixth (siks0| — шестой skate ['skeiij — кататься на коньках roller-skate — кататься на роликовых коньках skates ['skeilsj — коньки ski [ski:] кататься на лыжах skip [skip] — скакать (через прыгалки) sky [skai] — небо sleep (s!i;p| (slept [slept], slept [slept]) — спать slice [slais] — отрезанный ломтик slim (slim) — худенький, стройный slippery I'slipan] —скользко slow [slw] — медленно, медленный small |$тэ;1] — маленький smell [smel] (smelt [smelt], smelt [smelt]) — нюхать, пахнуть smile Ismail] — 1. улыбаться, 2. улыбка snake [sncik] — змея snow [snau] — снег snowball ('япэиЬэ:1] — снежок snowman [‘sn^umsen] — снеговик snowy jsnsuf] — снежный so [5;эи] — так, такой, и поэтому sofa ]'s3uf3| — диван some [SAm] — несколько, некоторое количество sometimes ['sAmtaimz] — иногда son [SAn] — сын song [SDol — песня soon [suinj — скоро sorry ['son] — извините / am sorry — извините меня speak [spi:k] (spoke [spsuk], spoken [spaukan]) — разговаривать sport [sport] — спорт spring [spnij] — весна stamp [slsemp] — 1. топать. 2. почтовая марка stand [stsend] (stood [slud], stood [stud])— стоять Stand up! — Встаньте! star [star] — звезда TVstar — телезвезда filmstar — кинозвезда stick [stik] — 1. приклеивать, 2. палка, трость story [‘storri] — рассказ street [strirt] — улица strong [stmo] — сильный student I'stjurdnt] — ученик, студент suddenly [’sAdnli] — вдруг suit [sjurt] — 1. подходить (об одежде), 2. костюм summer [‘SAmo] — лето sun [sAn] — солнце Sunday I'SAndij — воскресенье on Sunday — в воскресенье sure 1/иэ| — уверенный to be sure — быть уверенным sweet [swLl) — 1. конфета, 2. сладкий swim (swrm| (swam [swa;m], swrum (swAm|) — плавать _________________TJ___________________ table I'leibl] — стол take lieik) (took [tuk], taken ['tciknl) — брать, взять tail I toil I — хвост tall |to:l| — высокий tea [li:| — чай teach |ti:tj| (taught [tD:i], taught [Ш]) — учить кого-то, обучать teacher — учитель teeth (tirGl — зубы tell (tell (told |l3uld|, told |tould|) — рассказывать, сказать кому-то что-то ten |tcn( — десять tennis I'tenisl — теннис test (test) — 1. проверять, 2. тест, проверочное задание Test yourself.— Проверь себя, textbook I'tckstbuk) — учебник thank [вгеок] — благодарить thank you — спасибо thank you very much for...— большое спасибо за... thanks a lot — большое спасибо that |d?el| — тот, та thaVs aU right — всё в порядке that is why — поэтому, вот почему the |дэ| — определённый артик.аь their (деэ) — их (чей?) them |0cm| — им, их (кого?) they |dci| — они thing (OiqI вещь think 10iokl (thought thought (0D:t|) — думать third (03:d) — третий this |dis| — этот three (Ori;) — три Thursday |'G3:zdi] — четверг tick |tik| —ставить галочку tiger [’taigo] — тигр tights [tails] — колготки time (taimj — время, раз in time — вовремя iVs time — пора tin (tin) — ко1гсервная банка to |tu| — 1. частица, употребляемая перед глаголом: I want to sleep. Я хочу спать. 2. в, к (куда?): to the forest — в лес, to the zoo — в зоопарк, to Piglet — к Пятачку toboggan (tahogan] — кататься на санях today (to'dci) — сегодня tomato [la'maitdol помидор tomorrow (1э’тогэи| — завтра too (tu:) — тоже, также, слишком, очень tooth (tu:0| — зуб; мн. ч. teeth |ti:0| I have a sweet tooth.— Я сладкоежка. town (taunj — город toy (toil — игрушка traffic I’trccfik] — уличное движение translate jtrsenz'Ieit] — переводить tree (tri:j — дерево in the tree — на дереве trip (trip] — путешествие, поездка true (tru:| — верный T-shirt |'ti:/3:i| — футболка Tuesday |'tju;zdi| — вторник TV (television) ('tcli,vi3?n| телевидение TVstar ['tivisto:] — телезвезда tube |tju:b| — трубка turn (t3:n| — очередь two |tu:l — два и u ugly |‘лд||] — некрасивый, уродливый UK: the United Kingdom [ju:'naitid 'kiodom} of Great Britain and Northern Ireland — Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии umbrella [лтЪгеЬ! — зонт understand [^nda'slsend] (understood [^nda'studl, understood [^nda'stud]) — понимать us [as| — нам, нас usually (ju:3U3li| — обычно V V vegetables (Vecfetabalz) — овощи very i'venl — очень very well очень хорошо video [4idi3u| — видео village IVilufel — деревня visit I'vizitl — 1. посещать, навещать кого-либо, 2. посещение visitor — посетитель _________________Ww_____________________ walk |wn:k| — гулять, ходить пешком Walkman ('w3:kmon| — плеер (переносной) wall |wd:I| стена want I wont I — хотеть warm |w3;ml — тепло, теплый was |wn/l — Past Simple от to be, ed. h. был, была wash |wnJl — мыть, мыться, умываться, стирать wash up — мыть посуду watch Iwntfl — 1. смотреть, наблюдать; 2. часы наручные to watch TV — смотреть телевизор water |'wo:lo| — 1. вода, 2. поливать water-ski ('wo;t9Ski) — кататься на водных лыжах we lwi| — мы wear (wca] (wore (wo:), worn [wn:n|) — носить (одежду) weather I'wcOol погода What is the weather like? — Какая по1’Ода? Wednesday I'wenzdi) — среда week (wi:k| — неделя welcome |'welkom| — приветствовать You are welcome! — 1. Добро пожаловать! 2. He стоит благодарности! well [well — хорошо were [w3:| — Past Simple or to be, MH. Ч. были whale [well] — кит what [wot] — что? какой? WhaVs the matter? — В чем дело? when [wen| — когда where [wesj — где? куда? white [wait) — белый who |hu:) — кто, который why [wai] — почему window [Svindaul — окно windy j'wmdil — ветрено winter j'winto) — зима wish jwij] — 1. желать, 2. пожелание Best wishes! — Наилучшие пожелания! with (widj — c wolf [wulf| — волк woman I'wumsnl — женщина; ми. ч. women I'wimmI wonderful I'wAndoful) — чудесный wood [wud) — небольшой лес, роща work [w3:k] — 1. работать, 2. работа Would jwiydl you like...?— Вы бы хотели...? write [rail] (wrote [rout|, written |riln|) — писать wrong jrDol — неверный, неверно X X X-mas = Christmas I'krismosl — Рождество Y Y yard [jo:d| — двор year [jiD| — год yes \jes\ — да yesterday |jesi3di| вчера you Llu| — ТЫ, вы, тебе, вам your [|э:| — твой, ваш. твои, ваши yourself U^t'self] сам, себя Help yourself! — Угощайся! Z Z 200 [zu:| — зоопарк READING RULES 6 Как читаются английские гласные под ударением а [ei] [ei] name [se] cat [a:] a + r car о [эи] [эи] home [d] fox [o:] о + r corn е Ii:| [i;] we [e] pet [3:] e + r her i [ai] [ai[ five [i] big [3:] i + r girl u Lju:] [ju;] music [л] run [3:] u + r turn у [wall [ai] fly [i] myth [3:] у + r Byrd Как читается буквосочетание wh [w] what when why where white fh] who whom whose whole PRONUNCIATION TABLE (произносительная таблица) Согласные Гласные знак транскрипции СЛОВО знак транскрипции слово ip] pen |i:J meet |Ь| bee 1>1 sit |(| ten [el letter |d| dog |ae| bag |к) king [oil park |д| go [Dl stop [in cheese [d:1 morning Ш jump [V] book m fat [u;l blue |V| very [л] mum lei three [з:1 bird 13) they [э| sister Is) sad [ei[ table |г) zoo [эи| nose 1Л she [ai| time [3] pleasure [ati| now |h| hot [aij boy |m| milk [lal dear |n| name [eoj bear lol song |ш[ sure Ml let [aia] tired |r| red [аш| our Ul yes |w| want Учебник английского языка для начальной школы (4 класс) Биболетова Мерем Забатовна Денисенко Ольга Анатольевна Добрынина Наталья Васильевна Трубанева Наталия Николаевна Зпмлирек-юро по подготовке мздпшш С. В. Ширина Редактор Р. М. Адлер Днаййн макет и художественное редактирование Е. А. Валяева Компьютсривя графика Д. А. Яценко Кор}К’Кто|>м; Г. Л. !Си<'.елепа, Г. Н. Мпртынепко Художники: II. Л. Пллиена, Т. В. Деииеов;!, В. С. ?Керс6цов, К. И. Ишин, О. В. Перош! В. И. Рыжов, II. И. С>’ббо-ти «1>отофл<11ы: П. Л. Hnunов, Л. С. Остапенко Воротка: П. II. Зтч)|х:кия, Т. А. В|сльч11нскпя Л1ШСНЗИЯ ИД N! 00416 от 10.11.09. Спкмтй]>ко-эпплемиолоп1чеокое злключеиие о соответствии санитарным правилам Р<1‘ И’'аЗ.Д.002б29.03.06 от 30.03.2000. Полхисано в печать 24.05>.200б- Формат бОхМ/8. Гарнитура ”111ко.и.или’’. Печать см]к;стная. Бумага о«]я:етная. Уел. ■ic'i. л. 1В,7. Уч. над. л. 10.6. Уел. Kp.-ort. 68,8. Тнр. Ы 000 экэ. Зак. N* 3485. Иалительство "Титул". 249035, г. Обнинск Калужской оОл., а/я 5055. Тел. (48439) 9-10 09. E-mail pochtA!)HiLul.ni (книга нО'ггой). umk(