Английский язык Учебник 6 класс Биболетова Денисенко Трубанева

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 6 класс Биболетова Денисенко Трубанева - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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М. 3. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н. Н.Трубанева Английский язык Учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации к использованию в образовательном процессе в образовательных учреждениях, реализующих образовательные программы общего образования и имеющих государственную аккредитацию (соответствует федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту основного общего образования) И 3 Д А Т Т И Е Л т ь с т у В 0 л Т 1 Р и в L т I S и Н £ L R S 2014 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Б59 УДК 802.0(075.3) /Г УМК “Английский с удовольствием” / “Enjoy English” (6 класс) состоит из следующих компонентов: • учебника • книги для учителя • рабочей тетради • аудиоприложения (CD MP3) • обучающей компьютерной программы По вопросам приобретения УМК “Enjoy English” (6 класс) следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”: тел.: (48439) 9-10-09. факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Биболетова М. 3., Денисенко О. А., Трубанева Н. Н. Б59 Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Учебник для 6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2014.— 200 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-564-6 Учебно-методический комплект „Английский с удовольствием" / “Enjoy English” для 6-го класса предназначен для обучения английскому языку учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений. Он входит в состав курса английского языка “Английский с удовольствием”. который охватывает начальную, основную и старшую школу (2-11-й классы), обеспечивая преемственность между различными этапами обучения английскому языку. В учебнике предусмотрено как развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся на английском языке во всех видах речевой деятельности (аудировании, говорении, чтении и письменной речи), так и развитие и воспитание детей средствами английского языка. Содержание учебника соответствует интересам учащихся 11-12 лет. учитывает их возрастные и психологические особенности. Учебник реализует современные требования федерального государственного стандарта общего образования. Учебник может быть использован в составе любой системы учебников, в том числе в системе „Школа 2100“. ББК81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-564-6 М. 3. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко. Н. Н. Трубанева, 2012. Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2012. Contents Unit Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary ZZllEZD 1. Welcome to the Present / Past / Future Listening for general / Personal Launching International Simple / Present specific information information the Inter- Explorers’ Club! Continuous (review) Talking about countries Countries national Articles with the Asking for personal ■ (descriptions) Explorers’ names of the places information Club (continents, countries. Reading for gist / for Page 8 cities, streets, squares) specific information (review) Filling a form 2. Meeting new Past Simple / Present Listening for general / Free time friends Perfect (review) specific information activities W/j-questions (review) Reading for specific Travel Word formation information (suffix -er) (review) Talking about holidays Filling a form 3. Speaking about Grammar in context Listening for general Names of the wonders of Uncountable nouns information places nature Reading for gist Wonders of Describing places nature • Talking about nature Writing the description of a place 4. Staying with a Comparison Listening for general Appearance British family structure: as... as/ information Personal not as... as Reading for gist characteristics Describing a person Expressing opinions Writing an essay Family life 5. An Englishman’s Compound nouns Listening for specific Houses home is his castle Clauses with which / information City / Town who Reading for specific Countryside information Places of Expressing opinions interest Writing the description of a place At home 6. Speaking about Present / Past / Future Listening for specific Holidays important British Simple / Present information days Perfect (review) Talking about events Writing a personal letter 7. Reading for Storytelling pleasure Expressing opinions Giving reasons and explanations Homework Key vocabulary m Progress check Project “The International Explorers’ conference starts its work” Contents Unit Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary 2 spending time together Page 46 1. Enjoying the weekend Modal verbs: must / have to Listening for general / specific information Sharing opinions Expressing wish to do / not to do smth Interviewing a partner Marking a report Weekend activities 2. Speaking about animals Grammar in context Listening for specific information Reading about specific information Talking about animals Writing an essay Animals 3. Help yourself! Uncountable nouns (review) Some, any (review) Listening for general information Talking about food Completing dialogues Writing an essay Food and drink 4. Speaking about British school Modals verbs: mustn’t / can’t / needn’t / can / could / may (requests) Have to / must (review) Listening for general / specific information Reading for gist / specific information Talking about school Making comparisons Writing ДП essay School life School subjects 5. Reading for pleasure Homework Storytelling Expressing opinions Giving reasons and explanations Key vocabulary Progress check Project “Let’s cook a special dish for Christmas” ]3l Learning more about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Page 76 1. Would you like to take part in an international Internet project? Grammar in context Listening for general information Talking about future plans Asking for information Expressing opinions Giving reasons and explanations Filling a form Writing a letter Talking on the telephone Free time activities Using the Internet Contents Unit Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary 2. What do you know about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? Numbers 100-100,000- 1,000,000 Article “the” with the names of the places (review) Listening for specific information Reading for general / specific information Talking about the UK Interviewing a partner Writing an essay Large numbers The parts of the country, their capitals, flags and national symbols Geography and climate Languages 3. Lets arrange a trip to England! Zero Conditional Suffixes: -y; -able; -ful; -ous; -al; - ic; -ing; -ive (review) Listening for general information Talking about British traditions Talking about England Stating facts Writing a description of a city / town Customs and traditions The fact file of England 4. Enjoying the countryside of Wales and Northern Ireland Present Continuous (review) Adjectives (Degrees of comparison) (review) Listening for general information Reading for gist and specific information Talking about Wales and Northern Ireland Writing a story The fact files of Wales arid Northern Ireland 5. We are going to visit Scotland! Reflexive Pronouns Talking about Scotland Narrating (a story) Writing an essay The fact file of Scotland 6. What do you know about famous British people? Suffixes: -man, -er, -ist, -ian, -ect, -or (review) Listening for general information Reading for gist / specific information Talking about a person, his / her life and biography Interviewing classmates / reporting on results Famous people Books 7. Spending your free time Grammar in context « Listening for general information Reading for general information Talking about spending one’s free time Talking about books Answering a questionnaire Outdoor and indoor activities Relationships within the family Contents Unit Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary 8. Reading for pleasure Homework Storytelling Expressing opinions Giving reasons and explanations Key vocabulary Progress check Project “Let’s read our favourite British books! » _]41—йй Talking about an adventure holiday Page 128 1. Would you like to feel the spirit of adventure? Singular and plural nouns (review) Listening for general information Reading for gist / specific information Describing a person Talking about cross-country trips Writing an article Personal characteristics Spending weekends Free time activities 2. Talking about the great explorers of the world Grammar in context Listening for general information Talking about famous people Expressing opinions Giving reasons Writing an essay Biographies 3. What popular sports in Britain and Russia do you know? Grammar in context Listening for general information Sharing ideas Making comparisons Writing an article Sports 4. Exploring the water world’s adventure Grammar in context Listening for general information Reading for specific information Talking about nature / sea animals Sharing the information Water world / animals Fact file of Russia 5. Welcome to festivals and holidays in Great Britain and Russia Present / Past / Future Simple / Present Continuous / Present Perfect (review) Reading for general information Expressing opinions Narrating a story Making comparisons Holidays Traditions 6. Reading for pleasure Homework Storytelling Expressing opinions Giving reasons and explanations Key vocabulary Progress check Project «Visit our school website “Welcome to Russia!”» Contents Appendix Grammar reference 165 List of irregular verbs 169 Learning strategies 171 Cultural guide b' 173 List of personal names 176 List of geographical names 177 Vocabulary 179 Условные обозначения В в упражнение на слушание работа в парах работа в группах задание повышенной сложности задания с использованием Интернета Launching the International Explorers' Club Section 1 ^Welcome to the International Explorers' Club! // n r \\ 4S 0 у: h<& rc* M MAKOl »«A 1 Listen to three dialogues. Match them to the pictures. Ш2 Now listen to the dialogues again. Complete the sentences. Act out the dialogues. 1. — Good morning! I’m pleased to see you. ... to our Explorers’ Club. I’m Emma. What’s your name? — ..., Emma! My name’s Nikita Smirnov. — Let me see. Nikita Smirnov, Nikita Smirnov. You’re ... Russia, aren’t you? — Yes, I’m from Russia. — ...! Here’s your badge. Take a seat in the hall, please. The meeting will start in five minutes. — Thanks. i й PRONUNCIATION FOCUS 2. — Hello! I’m Jessica Gram. I’m from Canada. Where are you from? — Hi! ... to meet you, Jessica. I’m Marco. I’m from Italy. Have you ... to England before? — No, it’s my first visit to___And you? Have you ever been to the UK before? — Yes, I have. It... to get the invitation to take part in the Explorers’ Club. Oh, the meeting is beginning. Let’s go into the hall. 3. — Hello! What a nice teddy bear — it ... very funny. My name is Daniel. What is your name? — Hi! I’m Olivia. It isn’t a teddy bear. It’s a toy koala. I’ve brought it to the Explorers’ Club because I’m going to ... about this unusual animal. Besides, koalas only live in my country. — Oh, so you’re from Australia,' aren’t you? — Yes. Oh, let’s ... up and take our seats. 3 Listen, repeat and read. a) [ei] — Great, Spain, Asia, Australia, States, Federation [d] — Australia, Scotland [ai] — China, United [э] — America, Scotland, Ireland [i] — England, English, Italy, Britain, Finland b) Russia (the Russian Federation), Great Britain, Spain, the USA, Canada, China, Australia, Italy, India, Ireland, Finland. GRAMMAR FOCUS: ARTICLES 4 Read and remember. Без артикля “the” употребляются: • названия частей света: Antarctica, Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America • названия большинства государств: Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Spain but the Russian Federation, the UK, the USA • названия городов: Moscow, London, Paris, Washington • названия улиц и площадей: Oxford Street, Trafalgar Square, Tverskaya Street, Red Square Названия континентов, государств, городов, улиц и площадей пишутся с заглавной буквы. 5 Look at the world map. Say which countries the members of the International Explorers’ Club come from. Do you know the capitals of these countries? rjgi^(Great Britain j( Finland ) 6 Read the texts. Try to pupcc Explorers’ Club are from. countries the members of the International 1. My country is in the north of Europe. In winter, it is always cold and snowy. Santa Claus lives in my country. On Christmas Eve, he gets into his sleigh, flies in the sky and brings presents to the children in different countries. Millions of tourists visit his village every year. My country is also famous for its wonderful nature and numerous lakes full of fish. iove roy coi^niry Tf к w ^ -- '+ In s^nny In S4„r„er sn^ Y c^^ncrs swiLlnr 2 ^ ^ fcf ^'oof the co^sf. ''olleyt^ll or woKng- Э. My country is the largest in the world. It lies in Europe and Asia. There are many long rivers in my country. One of them is the longest in Europe. The world’s largest lake is also in my country. The country is famous for its history, customs and traditions, modern cities and ar\c\ent towns. We are proud of our world-famous writers, artists, musicians and scientists. 4. My country is situated in Asia. It's the third largest country in the world (after the Russian Federation and Canada). Not long ago the giant panda became one of the emblems of my country. Millions of tourists come to my country every year to visit numerous places of interests such as the Great Wall, one of the wonders of the world. 7 Say which country you would like to visit and why. Шг Listen to Mr Smith, the head of the Explorers’ Club, and complete the sentences. 1. The participants of the meeting are... a) famous explorers. b) young explorers. c) young sportsmen. 2. During their stay at the Explorers’ Club the participants will a) talk about their unusual and exciting trips. b) visit different countries in Europe and Asia. c) learn about Columbus’ and Magellan’s trips. 10 9 Look at the children. Guess which countries they are from. Where are these countries situated? Example: I think David is from the USA. The USA is in North America. GRAMMAR FOCUS: PRESENT SIMPLE AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS (REVIEW) 10 Read and remember. Present Simple Present Continuous (Progressive) I usually paint in the morning. Jim often buys flowers for his mother. My grandparents watch TV in the evening. Are you busy? — Yes, I am painting a picture for the exhibition at the moment. Look! Jim is buying flowers. Who are those flowers for, I wonder? My grandparents are watching TV now. There is a funny comedy show on. We use: usually, often, never, sometimes, every morning (day, evening, month, year) We use: now, at the moment, at present, tonight 11 11 Read Nikita’s e-mail. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. 606 Ж Dear Ann, Our Explorers’ Club has begun its work. Young explorers from different countries have come to the club. I have already made friends with some kids. I am attaching their photos. You can see David in the first photo. He ... (speak) on his mobile phone. He often ... (phone) home to learn about his puppy’s latest adventures. There are two girls in the second photo. Sue and Indira ... (sit) in a cafe and (have) coffee. Sue ... (tell) a funny story and Indira ... (smile). They are nice and friendly. In the evening, they ... (cook) different dishes from their countries. Yesterday, I tasted an Indian one. It was spicy, but delicious! Look at Marco! He ... (play) football. He ... (play) very well. He is really good at football. Emily, from Great Britain, ... (want) to become a journalist, in the photo, she ... (write) an article about our Explorers’ Club. Now just look at the photos! Jessica ... (read) an English magazine for explorers and Andrew ... (feed) a squirrel in the park. Sorry, but I have to finish my e-mail. Cur English lesson will begin in 5 minutes. Best wishes, Nikita 12 Answer the questions. 1. What is David doing? Why does he often phone home? 2. Are Sue and Indira sitting in the park? What do they do in the evening? 3. Marco is good at football, isn’t he? 4. What is Emily doing? What does Emily want to be? 5. What is Jessica doing? 6. Who is feeding a squirrel? What country is he from? 7. Nikita takes photos of his friends, doesn’t he? 13 Describe one of the young explorers. Don’t name him / her, let you classmates guess. Use the plan; 1. What is he / she like? 2. What is he / she wearing? 3. What country is he / she from? 4. What do you know about his / her country? Ш 14 Listen to the telephone conversation. Complete the form. nternational Explorers' Club Christian______________ Name: __________ Surname: _____________ Age ___________ Country: ___________ Languages: Spanish and Hobbies: ___________ 15 Read the list of words. Say what you like doing and what things you don’t like doing from the list. Example: I like talking on my mobile, but I don’t like playing the piano. Use: play football / tennis, dance, swim, take photographs, read books / magazines, go to the cinema / theatre, go shopping, go out with friends, chat with friends, listen to music, visit museums, send SMS, play the guitar / the piano, go sightseeing, play computer games, browse the Internet 12 16 Say what things you like doing which are not on the list. 17 Make questions. Listen and check your answers. What When Where Who How What time How many (friends) ... do you talk on your mobile with? ... do you spell your surname? ... do you get up on Sundays? ... do you spend your summer holidays? ... do you have? ... do you do at weekends? ... do you do your homework? В 18 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions with your partner (Ex. 17). Compare your answers with your partner’s answers. Example: I usually spend my summer holidays in the country. Misha / Nina goes to the country, too. I browse the Internet at weekends but Misha / Nina likes going out with his / her friends. 19 Look at the membership forms. Answer the questions. 1. Who is older? Daniel or Jessica? 2. Who lives in North America? 3. What language do both Daniel and Jessica speak? 4. Who likes visiting places of interest? Why do you think so? 5. Who would like to visit some countries in Europe? 6. Who likes playing sports / reading books? Why do you think so? • I° Explorers' Club First name ............................... Daniel Lock Spain Surname Country Age International Explorers' Club ___________ ........ _ English. Spanish ------- -jravelling. football ------- PE, IT First name Surname Country Age Languages you speak Hobbies Favourite subjects Countries (places) you would like to visit Jessica Gram Canada eleven Africa. Canada English, French travelling, dancing Art, Literature France, Italy________ „20 a) Fill in the information about yourself. b) Add some more information about yourself (places you’ve been to, the books you read, music you listen to...). 13 Section 2 ^Meeting new friends SI m 21 Listen to Andrew’s story about his family and his hobby. Say how he travels around his country. 22 Listen to Andrew’s story again. Say whether these statements are true or false. 1. Andrew and his family live in Ireland. 2. Travelling is popular in Andrew’s family, 3. Andrew’s family travels without any friends and relatives. 4. During their trips, they sleep in tents in the forests. 5. Sometimes they have a rest from their bikes for a day or two. 6. Next year, they plan to have a cycling trip round Europe. UNmo KINCDOM (NORTH (Mf DUBLIN iRELAND^* Limerick 23 Match the questions and Andrew’s answers. 1. Why does your family like travelling by bike? 2. What do you do if it starts raining? 3. Why do you always wear a green T-shirt? 4. Have the members of your family got any hobbies other than travelling and cycling? 5. What is a “limerick”? LOOK AND LEARN! cycling ['saiklig] — езда на велосипеде on the one hand..., on the other hand — c одной стороны, с другой стороны jogging [’cfeogio] — бег трусцой В 24 Work in pairs. Think of four more questions you would like to ask Andrew a) We say in Ireland, if you don’t like the weather, just wait a moment. In summer, the rain doesn’t last long, and we always have waterproof jackets with us. b) It’s interesting and exciting. You can visit lots of faraway places, you can stop at any time and enjoy the view or take a photo. Cycling is a wonderful way to see the country. On the one hand, it’s the name of a large Irish city, on the other hand, it’s the name of a short funny poem. Have you ever heard a limerick? Yes, my brother likes playing golf, my sister is fond of jogging and I like taking photos; and my dad has got an unusual hobby — he writes limericks. It’s my favourite colour. Besides, it’s the national colour of my country. Ireland is often called the “Emerald’ Isle”. c) d) about his cycling trips. Use: why, where, when, what, how, how long, how many / much Emerald ['emrald] — изумрудный 14 Mil ^25 Listen to the limericks. Learn one of them by heart. 1. There was an old man from Peru, Who dreamt he was eating his shoe; He awoke in the night In a terrible fright' And found it was perfectly true . j iTi 'П TmTnTmTi yi 2. There was a young lady of Niger, Who smiled as she rode on a tiger; They returned from the ride With the lady inside. And a smile on the face of the tiger.- 'mrn'i 4 mirmTiTii 3. There was a great man from Japan, Whose name on a Tuesday began; It lasted through Sunday, Till midnight^ on Monday And sounded like stones in a can. ' fright [frait] — испуг 2 perfectly true — было на самом деле ’ midnight ['midnait] — полночь 26 Say what you think the advantages and disadvantages of cycling trips are. Would you like to take part in a cycling trip? Why? Use: a) be exciting; rest; get rid of stress; become strong and energetic; become healthy; see interesting places which tourists very rarely visit; stop at any moment; enjoy a view of; take photos of; be cheap,... b) be difficult, be uncomfortable, be dangerous, depend upon the weather, travel for a short distance, repair the bike, have a heavy rucksack,... Example: On the one hand, cycling trips are interesting and exciting, but on the other hand, they are difficult. You have to ride your bike very well. 127 Listen to the dialogues. David and Indira are members of the International Explorers’ Club. a) Which conversation is more polite? b) What is David going to do? What is Indira going to do? О © 15 28 Work in pairs. Complete the dialogues and act them out. BE POLITE! It isn’t difficult to be polite during a conversation: • ask questions • don’t say only “yes” or “no”, try to add your opinion • use special words and phrases: Sorry... And you? Excuse me... Really? Did you? Thank you. See you later etc 1. — I called you yesterday but you were out. — Sorry, but I came back late. — Did you ...? — No, ... — Really? ... — ... And what did you want? 2. — Did you have a nice weekend? — Yes, it was nice. ... And you? — Did you? That’s amazing! ... — ... Would you like to join us? — With great pleasure. ... GRAMMAR FOCUS: PRESENT PERFECT AND PAST SIMPLE (REVIEW) 29 Read and remember. Present Perfect Past Simple 1. Mum, I have already done my homework. May I go for a walk? 2. The student hasn’t checked his e-mail yet. 3. Have you been to the British Museum? — No, I haven’t. 1. I did my homework yesterday. 2. The girl didn’t check her e-mail last night. 3. Did you visit the Tower of London the day before yesterday? — Yes, I went there in the morning. We use: just, ever, never, already, yet, recently We use: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night / week / month / year, ago, in 1995 30 Read and complete the text. Put the verbs into the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. Nikita Smirnov is a member of the Explorers’ Club. He is only twelve years old, but he ... (already / take part) in several expeditions. He ... (start) travelling with his parents when he ... (be) only two years old. Last summer, Nikita ... (go) to an international eco-camp in the Altai Region. Together with teenagers from different countries, he ... (enjoy) the beauty of nature. They ... (go) hiking in the mountains, ... (swim) in lakes with crystal clear water, ... (make) fires in the evening and ... (speak) English. They also ... (plant) trees and ... (clean) the area. Nikita ... (visit) some other countries. He ... (be) to Finland recently, but he ... (not / be) to Australia yet. He hopes to go there one day. What country would you like to visit? 16 31 Answer the questions. 1. How old is Nikita? 2. Travelling is Nikita’s hobby, isn’t it? Why do you think so? 3. When did he start travelling? 4. Where did Nikita go last summer? 5. What did the teenagers do in the camp? 6. How did they take care of nature? 7. What country has Nikita been to recently? 8. What country does Nikita want to visit? В 32 Work in pairs. Ask the questions and complete the chart. Use your Workbook. Example: Have you ever been to a foreign country? — Yes, I have. I’ve been to Spain. When did you visit Spain? — Last summer. Student 1 Student 2 be in a foreign country Spain / last summer meet a celebrity travel by plane take part in a cycling trip make a fire swim in the ocean _ ride a horse read a book in English fly a kite 33 Look at the chart. Tell the class about your classmate. Example: Igor has taken part in a cycling trip. He cycled in the countryside. 34 Work in pairs. Here are some activities that people do while they are on holiday. Put them under the correct heading. Some activities can go under more than one heading. 1. Travelling by car 2. Hiking 3. Staying in a city go fishing, go shopping, visit museums, buy souvenirs, go camping, call friends, stay in hotels, taste local food, take photos, go sightseeing, explore nature, swim and sunbathe, send postcards, play badminton / football / tennis, visit places which tourists very rarely visit 35 Say how you prefer to spend your holidays: travelling by car, cycling, hiking or staying in a city / the countryside. Explain your choice. Example: I prefer to travel by car. On the one hand, I can visit famous historical places and go sightseeing, on the other hand, I can stop at a river and go swimming. Travelling by car is comfortable and not very expensive. 17 36 Read the letter. Look at the boxes a — h below. Choose the right option. a Moscow Russia b London Great Britain LOOK AND LEARN! Thursday, September 21st Dear Olga, Good morning, Olga! I have been in Great Britain for ten days. I’m having a good time at the International Explorers’ Club. Let me tell you about my holiday. On Monday, we went to the capital of Britain. In London, we went sightseeing and rode the London Eye. Then, we visited The Golden Hinde which is situated not far from London Bridge. The Golden Hinde is a working copy of Sir Francis Drake’s ship. Sir Francis Drake is a well-known English explorer who sailed the Golden Hinde round the world in 1580. Now the ship is a museum. The guide, who was wearing a pirate costume, told us about Drake’s famous adventures. I can’t believe that there’s so much that I didn’t know about life at sea. 1 would like to explore sea life myself some day. We spent the next day in Regent’s Park, walking around the London Zoo. We had great fun watching the elephants, lions, tigers, monkeys, birds and spiders. I took lots of photos, so I’ll show you. On Wednesday, we had a football match and I took part in it. Although I am not a good footballer, 1 did my best. The match ended in a draw'. Tomorrow, we are going to Scotland for several days. We’ll go there by train. Scotland is famous for its mountains, beautiful valleys and national parks. We are going to hike in the hills and then go sailing. It’s going to be great. Well, that’s all my news now. I’ll write about my adventures again soon. Best wishes. Goodbye! Denis Petrov Denis in a draw [dro:] — вничью round the world — вокруг света to explore [ik'spb;] — исследовать a valley [Vaeli] — долина 37 Match the two parts of the sentences. 1. When the young travellers rode the London Eye, 2. In the unusual museum, 3. On Wednesday, 4. In a park in the centre of London, 5. In the northern part of Great Britain, a) they learnt about the first English voyage round the world. b) they had a sports event. c) they enjoyed watching different animals, and birds. d) they will enjoy the beauty of nature. e) they had a fantastic view over the city. WORD FOCUS 38 Complete the table. Verbs Nouns to teach a teacher to ... a traveller to write a ... to explore an ... to ... a dancer to ... a ... 39 Show the photo you took during your last holiday to your classmates. Tell them about the photo. Use the following: 1. Who the people in the photo are; 2. Where the action takes place; H3. What you did there; 4. Whether something unusual happened there to you; 5. Whether you enjoyed the last holidays. 18 Section 3 ^Speaking about the wonders of nature Ш40 Look at the photos. Listen and repeat the names of the places. Match the places and the names. Do you know what these places are famous for? A R c П The Great Barrier Reef The Curonian Spit Niagara Falls The White Cliffs of Dover 41 Listen to these words and guess their meaning. Mind that some Russian words sound similar. fantastic, combination, unique, million, migration, stop, port, symbol, collection, coral, reef, tourist, popular 42 Read the texts. Match the texts and the photos. 1. One of the most famous wonders of nature is Niagara Falls. The waterfalls are situated on the border between Canada and the USA. The native people called it Niagara which means “Great Thunderer’ of Waters”. The noise from the fall can be heard from far away. It’s hard to believe that water can create such a wonder. Niagara Falls are the most powerful waterfalls in North America and the second most powerful in the world. It’s not the height that makes Niagara Falls wonderful and exciting, but the great quantity^ of water. 2. The Curonian Spit is a 98 km long, thin sand-dune spit. It separates the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. The fantastic combination of forests, beach and desert makes this place unique. The Curonian Spit is home to the highest moving sand dunes^ in Europe. Their average height is ’ thunderer ('GAndara] — громовержец ^ quantity ['kwnntati] — количество, объем dune [dju:n] — дюна L. 19 35 metres, but some reach a height of 60 metres. Between 10 and 20 million birds fly over the spit during the spring and autumn migrations. Most of them stop to have a rest on the Curonian Spit. The Curonian Spit belongs to both the Russian Federation and Lithuania''. 3. This British wonder of nature is situated in the south of England. The White Cliffs are to the east and west of the town of Dover, an important English port. The cliffs are up to 107 metres high and are made of chalk^ The White Cliffs with their colourful flowers are home to a great number of insects, especially butterflies and grasshoppers. The white line of cliffs is the first sight of England that travellers can see when they cross the English Channel from France. That’s why the White Cliffs of Dover have become one of the official symbols of Britain. ^ .-M ' 4. Have you ever been to an underwater garden? Then welcome to the Great Barrier Reef, the largest collection of coral reefs in the world. There are corals of different shapes and sizes, and bright colours. They grow on the ocean floor in warm, clean and clear sea-water. Bright fish swim everywhere. Reef fish have amazing colours and patterns which help to protect them from their enemies®. The Great Barrier Reef is also full of unique plants and animals. Thousands of tourists come to Australia to dive down and explore the fantastic underwater garden. LOOK AND LEARN! ■' Lithuania [.liQju'einia] — Литва ’ chalk [tfo:k] — мел * enemies ('enamiz] — враги PRONUNCIATION FOCUS a waterfall ['wortafo;!] — водопад powerful Cpauafl] — сильный, мощный height [halt] — высота to separate ['separeit] — разделять a desert [‘dezat] — пустыня a cliff [klif] — скала 43 Listen, repeat and read. [л] — wonder, wonderful, such, number [o:] — called, fall, chalk, Baltic, water, border, north [d] — combination, quantity, grasshoppers, belong, coral [i;] — between, mean, beach, east, reef [ai] — why, fly, white, high, height, sight C. THE HISTORY OF THE COUNTRY { — — 1 D. THE UNIQUE SEA WORLD E. THE BIRDS’ PLACE 44 Read the texts in Ex. 42 and match them with the headings. There is an extra heading. 45 Find the English equivalents for these phrases in the texts. A. THE COLOURFUL HILLS B. THE NOISY WONDER { * 1. чудеса природы на границе между трудно поверить огромное количество воды 2. разделять движущиеся дюны достигать высоты принадлежать j,'aj 20 3. быть сделанным из на склонах большое число насекомых 4. быть разных форм и ярких цветов защищаться от врагов уникальные растения и животные 46 Answer the questions. 1. Why were the waterfalls called Niagara? 2. What makes Niagara Falls attractive and exciting? 3. What can we see on the Curonian Spit? 4. What is the Curonian Spit famous for? 5. Why are the Cliffs of Dover white? 6. Why are the White Cliffs of Dover a symbol of Great Britain? 7. What is the Great Barrier Reef like? 8. Why do hundreds of tourists come to the Great Barrier Reef? 47 Say what wonder of nature you have read about that you would like to visit, and explain why. Example: I would like to visit the Curonian Spit because I want to see the highest moving sand dunes in Europe. 48 Complete the sentences. Say what countries these wonders of nature are situated in. 1. Niagara Falls are a powerful... 2. The Curonian Spit is made from moving... 3. The White Cliffs of Dover are... 4. The Great Barrier Reef is... 49 Complete the table. The wonder of nature Where it is situated What it is like What it is famous for The Curonian Spit the Russian Federation, Lithuania a thin sand-dune spit; a combination of forests, beach and desert the home of the highest moving sand dunes in Europe; the place where millions of birds stop during their migration Sso Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue. Your classmate has just returned from a trip to Niagara Falls (the Curonian Spit, the White Cliffs of Dover, the Great Barrier Reef). Ask him / her: • what the wonder of nature was like • what impressed him / her most • if he / she has got any photos Use: Nice to see you. Where have you been? That sounds great. Is it worth visiting? It sounds fantastic. I think (believe)... 21 GRAMMAR FOCUS: UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS 51 Read and remember. Некоторые английские существительные являются неисчисляемыми (то есть их нельзя посчитать). Например: information, sand, water, bread, chocolate, nature, news, work, weather, money etc Неисчисляемые существительные • не употребляются во множественном числе: Sorry, but I can’t help you now. I have a lot of work to do. He can give you some useful information about Australia. They have spent a lot of money on their trip to Niagara Falls. • не употребляются с неопределенным артиклем а: We had lovely weather in May, didn’t we? Just add water to the mixture. • согласуются c глаголом в единственном числе: There isn’t any bread on the table. The good news is that the boy has found his puppy. The homework was difficult. I spent two hours doing the exercises. 52 Put in a I an or nothing (-). 1. Teenagers like to listen to ... music. 2. The school hall was full of ... noise. 3. Could I have ... glass of ... water? 4. It’s ... fine weather today. 5.1 don’t like ... cheese. 6. Would you like ... apple? — No, thanks. 7.1 have bought... interesting book about African nature Ms2 Work in groups of three or four. Find some information about one of Russia’s wonders of nature. Use the Internet. Make a report about it. Use the following: 1. Where it is situated 2. What it is like 3. What it is famous for 4. If you have been there (or if you would like to visit this place) TEST YOURSELF Do the exercises in your Workbook. The Valley of Geysers in the Kamchatka Region 22 Section 4 Staying with a British family 54 Listen to the phone conversation. Look at the picture and say who Mrs Wilson should meet at the club’s hall. WORD FOCUS 55 Read and learn. 1. If we ask What is Olivia like?, the answer usually refers to personality^: Olivia is a serious and responsible girl. 2. If we ask What does Nikita look like?, the answer should refer to appearance only: Nikita is quite handsome, but he isn’t tall. He has got short fair hair. 56 Read the dialogue and say what Olivia told her mother about. Olivia: Hi, Mum! How are you? Mother: Olivia: o* У Hi, honey! I’m fine. And what about you? Any news? I’m fine, too. Yes, I have some news. First, this week the members of the International Explorers’ Club are staying with British families. Mother: That must be interesting. Olivia: Yes, Nikita Smirnov and I are staying with the Wilsons and they are really friendly and hospitable. Mother: Are there any children in the family? Olivia: Yes, there are. Mr Wilson and Mrs Wilson have three children: a son, Jim, and two daughters, Alice and Debbie. Debbie is married and lives in Manchester. Mother: How old are Jim and Alice? Olivia: Alice is 12 and Jim is 2 years younger. Mother: I see, then Jim is 10, isn’t he? Have you already made friends with Alice and Jim? Olivia: Yes, although the sister and brother are different. Mother: What does Alice look like? Olivia: Well, she is a good-looking girl. She has wavy fair hair. She is as tall as my cousin Jane and she wears glasses like I do. Mother: And what is she like? > Г'/ s 23 * Olivia: Well, Alice is an independent serious girl. She likes animals and she has three pets at home. Mother: Oh! What pets has she got? Olivia: A cat, a rabbit and a parrot. She calls her parrot, Jimmy, like her brother. Mother: I think she has a sense of humour. And Jim, what is he fond of? Olivia: Jim is athletic. His hobby is sport and he wants to become a famous footballer one day. Mother: What does he look like? Olivia: He is quite handsome. He has short straight dark hair and brown eyes. And he is very sociable. Oh, it’s 10 o’clock already. Sorry, Mum but I have to go. I’ll phone you later. Bye! Mother: OK. Take care! WORD FOCUS good-looking l.gud'lukiij] — приятный, красивый wavy [\veivi] — волнистый, волнистые (волосы) а cousin [’клгп] — двоюродная(ый) сестра (брат) to wear glasses ['glasiz] — носить очки handsome [‘haensamj — красивый, приятный straight [streit] — прямые (о волосах), прямо 57 Say which sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences. 1. The Wilsons have guests staying this week. 2. The Wilsons are going to visit Australia. 3. Alice is 2 years older than her brother Jim. 4. Olivia and Jim wear glasses. 5. Alice is as tall as Olivia. 6. Jimmy is the name of Alice’s rabbit. 7. Jim is as serious as his older sister Alice. 8. Olivia has made friends with Jim and Alice. 58 Read and remember. 1. as... as — we use to compare people or things which are the same (одинаковые) Alice is as tall as Olivia’s cousin. The film is as interesting as the book. 2. not as... as — we use in negative sentences. Jim isn’t as serious as his sister. Olivia isn’t as talkative as Jim. 59 Complete the sentences with as or not as. large as the Russian quiet and green as the famous as Red 1. Norway is ... Federation. 2. The city is .. countryside. 3. Trafalgar Square is Square. 4. Cycling trips are ... comfortable as car trips. 5. The Curonian Spit is ... popular with tourists as Niagara Falls. 6. Alice is ... sociable as her brother Jim. 7. Alice and Jim are ... hospitable as their parents. 60 Look at the picture (from Ex. 54). Describe the members of the Explorers’ Club. Say what they are doing. Use: He / She is ... (and) ...; He / She is as... as (not as... as); He / She has got ... hair and his / her eyes are... 24 61 Match the words and the phrases. PRONUNCIATION FOCUS 1. parents 2. grandparents 3. aunt 4. uncle 5. cousin 6. nephew 7. niece 8. grandchildren a) the brother of your mother or father b) the sister of your mother or father c) the son of your brother or sister d) a mother and a father e) a grandson and a granddaughter f) the daughter of your brother or sister g) a grandmother and a grandfather h) the child of your uncle or aunt 62 Listen, repeat and read. [ae] — family, grandmother, grandfather, grandchildren, grandparents [a:] — father, grandpa, grandma, aunt [л] — mother, son, uncle, brother, cousin, husband [d] — they, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather 63 Complete the table with relatives. Females mother, ... Males father, ... В 64 Read and choose the funniest joke. Act out the dialogues with your classmate. 1. “Andrew, can your little nephew talk?” asked a friend of the family. “No,” answered Andrew. “My nephew doesn’t need to talk. All he must do is cry, and he gets everything he wants.” 2. Teacher: Your English exercises are always better than your German ones. Can you explain why? Student: Yes, I can. It’s because my older sister doesn’t know German. 3. Mother: William, you are a naughty boy. You never do what I tell you. If you were a good son, my hair wouldn’t turn grey so early. William: But Mum, you never did what your mother told you either. It’s because of you Granny had such grey hair. 4. Mr Brown: All the members of my family work hard. My wife gives piano lessons, my son is learning to play the guitar and my daughter is taking singing lessons. His uncle: And what about you? What do you do? Mr Brown: Well, I suffer' in silence. 5. A man loved his children. He let his son and daughter do whatever they wanted and gave them whatever they wanted. So his children were very naughty. There was an earthquake^ in the town and the loving father sent his son and daughter to their uncle in Los Angeles. The aunt and the uncle tried to be hospitable and kind to their nephew and niece, but their noisy guests were terrible. At last, they couldn’t stand the children any longer and sent their father a telegram: “Please take back the children and send the earthquake instead.” ' suffer I'sAfa] — страдать ^ an earthquake f'3:0kweik] землетрясение 25 65 Work in pairs. Talk about your families. 1. Have you got any brothers or sisters? 2. What are their names? 3. Are they older or younger than you? 4. What are they like? 5. Have you got any grandparents? How old are they? 6. Have you got a nephew or a niece? What are they like? 7. Have you got any cousins? Do you often see them? Шбб Listen, read and learn by heart. What is a family? What is a family? Who is a family? One and another makes two is a family. Baby and father and mother: a family. Parents and sister and brother: a family. All kinds of people can make up a family. All kind of mixtures’ can make up a family. What is a family? Who is a family? The children that lived in a shoe is a family! A pair like Kanga and Roo is a family! A calP and a cow that moo is a family! All kinds of creatures^ can make up a family All kinds of numbers can make up a family. All of your family plus'* you is a family! 67 Work in pairs. Fill in the table. Family Characteristics a friendly family Members of the family always help each other. a loving family a close family a caring family a hospitable family a sporty family 68 Say what kind of family you have. Name two things you’ve done for them recently. Example: I think I have a loving family because we are friendly. We help each other and get on well with each other. We spend our free time together. I’ve made a cake for my father recently. 69 Have you got any duties at home? Say... a) what you like doing around the house. b) what types of housework you don’t like. c) what you often (sometimes, never) do. Use: set the table, make my bed, sweep the floor, walk the dog, take out the rubbish, water the plants, do the washing-up, tidy my room, go shopping, look after my younger sister (brother, nephew, niece, cousin) ' a mixture ['mikstja] — смесь ^ a calf (kaf) — теленок ^ a creature ['kri:tf3] — живое существо ■* plus [pL\s] — плюс 70 Read the story. Say what birthday present Grandma got from Clara. It was my grandma’s birthday so we went to her house to celebrate with her. Our family is big and friendly. My grandparents have two sons and a daughter, six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Grandma had a lovely birthday party and she got plenty of presents, but Clara’s present was the best, I think. Clara, my cousin, is 11. She came to the birthday party with a nice big box and a camera. First, she gave the box to our grandma, “Open it. Granny”, said Clara. Grandma opened the box and looked inside. Then a big smile appeared on her face. At that moment, Clara took a photo of Grandma. After that. Grandma took a pile of photos out of the box. There were photos of everybody in our family: they were all smiling. “Granny, I’ve collected these smiles for you. Every time we smile we send happiness to the world. In this box, there is lots of happiness. I’m sure now you’ll always be happy, too. I’ll add your smile to the collection later,” said Clara. Finally, Clara took a family photo, where everyone was happy and smiling. 71 Answer the questions: 1. Why did the relatives go to Grandma’s house? 2. Whose present was the best? 3. What was in the box? 4. Why did Grandma smile? 5. Why did Clara decide to give her grandma a box of photos? 6. What else did Clara do at the party? 72 Yesterday, Alice looked after her little niece, Kitty. Look at the picture and say what they did. Use: First..., Next..., Then..., After that.... Finally... В 73 Work in pairs. If Jim looked after his little niece, what would they do? Try to imagine. Make up a story and tell your classmates. H74 Write what you and your family members did at your last family party. Use your Workbook. Use: It was... so we went to... Our family... First..., Next..., At that moment.... After that.... Finally... 27 Section 5 I Englishman^ home is his castle Ш75 Listen to these words and guess their meaning. Mind that some Russian words sound similar. bank, stadium, museum, cinema, shopping centre, post office, supermarket, theatre, park, cafe, restaurant, monument, tourist 76 Match the words and the texts. 1. shopping centre 2. library 3. pharmacy 4. bank 5. post office 6. newsagent 7. restaurant a) a place where you can read or borrow books b) a place with many shops, usually under one roof c) a place where you d) a place where you e) a place where you f) a place where you stamps etc g) a place where you can have meals can buy newspapers can change money can buy medicines can send letters, buy PRONUNCIATION FOCUS 77 Listen, repeat and read. a) [d] — shopping, restaurant, office, coffee [л] — country, among, lovely, sunset [i:] — green, deep, peaceful, people, team [3:] — world, work, first, person, certainly [ai] — library, countryside, pine tree, quiet b) 'sunset, 'countryside, 'newsagent, 'post office, 'shopping centre, 'coffee shop 78 Read what Diana and David think about living in the city and in the country. Who do you agree with? Diana: For my family, there is no better place to live than in the country. We live in the quiet countryside among lakes with crystal water, great pine trees and green fields. We are surrounded by* the beauty of nature. You can’t enjoy a lovely sunset in a city the way you can in the country. Looking at the open green fields and trees out in the country is much more pleasant than looking at the walls of buildings in the city. Country life allows us to have all kinds of domestic pets and farm animals. Most families in the country are friendly and close. Country people are more peaceful, hardworking and helpful. They are different. They may be farmers or they may be writers or painters. But they have a deep love for nature. If you prefer to have time to smell the roses around the door of the house and have true friends, live in the country and let the city go. we are surrounded by — мы окружены ' s If ft ^ a*! David: Where is it better to live: in the city or in the country? The answer depends on what you like. Now, many people say that they love living in the country, but I choose the city. First, in the city you can get to know many interesting people, which is rather difficult in the country. There, everybody knows everybody and there aren’t any surprises any more. Then, the city is much richer than the country in cinemas, theatres, museums, coffee shops and restaurants. You can visit stadiums where famous sports teams have a game almost every week. Local and international musicians play in the parks and concert halls. The galleries show works of art from lots of countries and there are societies for nearly every interest and hobby: books, chess, dancing, travelling and more. I certainly don’t hate the countryside, but I prefer it for holidays. I will always choose to live in or near a city. . V. j 79 Answer the questions. LOOK AND LEARN! the countryside ('kAntrisaid] — сельская местность, деревня a pine [pain] tree — сосна pleasant ['plezntj — приятный peaceful ['pi;sfl] — мирный 1. Where does Diana live? 2. Does Diana have a deep love for nature? 3. Why can you have different animals in the country? 4. What does Diana think about country people? 5. Why does she prefer living in the country? 6. What is the city rich in? 7. Why does David choose to live in the city? 8. Does David hate staying in the country? 80 Work in pairs. Some people like living in cities and towns, other prefer living in the country. a) Complete the table. Cities and towns lots of places to visit lots of shops and supermarkets noisy and crowded Countryside the beauty of nature to enjoy boring b) Say where you would like to live and why. 29 6Bsi Listen to the dialogues. Match the dialogues and the places where they are taking place. Complete the table. Pay attention — there is one extra place. ^ In the bank Щ In the library [Cj In the pharmacy _D_ At the newsagent E In the cafe Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Dialogue 3 Dialogue 4 tXl82 Listen and complete the dialogues. Act out Hi. — HeUo! — Hello! Can I have an ... juice, please? — Here you are. ... else? — No thanks. — A pound, .... — Thanks. — Thank you. 2. — Good morning. Can I help you? — Good morning. Have you got ... for a sore throat? — Have you got a ...? — No, I haven’t, only a sore throat. — I see. ... Anything else? — No, thanks. 3. — Good morning. Can I help you? — Good morning. Can I have the novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain? — ... Here you are. — Hmm. This book is quite thick and there aren’t any pictures in it. — Yes, but it’s very interesting. The novel is really ... reading. — OK. Thank you. — You ... bring the book back in 10 days. Enjoy the book. — Thanks. one of them with your classmate. 4. — Hello. ...? — Hello. Can I ... American dollars for British pounds here? — Yes, of course. ... would you like to change? — 100 dollars. — Here you are. — Thanks. Bye. — Bye. WORD FOCUS 83 Read, translate and learn. Compound nouns: noun + noun town + centre = town centre post + office = post office flower + shop = flower shop tomato + soup = tomato soup Sometimes we write them as ONE WORD: news + agent = newsagent arm + chair = armchair book + shop = bookshop rain + coat = raincoat 30 84 Make up some new compound nouns. You can use some of the words more than once. Write them down. Translate them. village English opera sun school travel vegetable bus farm book milk post shop salad uniform coffee agent teacher side news soup set book chocolate town driver office man country park house singer club 85 Look at the pictures and read the names of the houses. Say which house these groups of words describe. ^ a block (3f flats Jiai "-S ”"С«яап;п1., r: " - ----""пЗпгпир! ■ и a « ’ 1. • a tall building, possibly with a lift • many families live in the building • is situated in the town • usually there isn’t any garden 2. • many houses share side walls • can be two-storey houses with one or two bedrooms • can be large houses with three to five floors • many families live in the houses • are often situated in town centres 4. a pair of houses which share a wall there is usually a small garden with flowers for each house two families live in the houses are often situated nearer the town centre doesn’t share a wall with any other house there is usually a nice garden one family lives in the house is often situated far from the town centre 31 00 86 а) Listen to the text. Say if you would like to live in a place like that, b) Now listen to the dialogue again. Complete the sentences. David: Emily, you live in London, don’t you? Emily: Yes, I do. David: What part of London do you live in? Emily: At the moment, I live ... of London not far from Regent’s Park. David: Could you show me Regent’s Park ... ? Emily: Let me see. Here it is. It’s a nice green area. As it is very close to the centre, the area ... with tourists. So there are many hotels and some restaurants and souvenir shops. David: I see. Do you live in ... ? Emily: No, I live in a semi-detached house. There are three bedrooms and a sitting room where my family watch TV .... David: Do you have a garden? Emily: Yes, there is a garden at the back and a very small garden with flowers .... My father spends a lot of time in the garden, so we have beautiful roses and a green lawn in front of the house. - ->i 87 Work in pairs. a) Interview your classmate. Find out • what kind of house he / she lives in (a block of flats, a detached house, a semi-detached house, a terraced house); • whether he / she has a garden; • whether he / she lives near to or far from the town centre; • what his / her area is famous for. b) Answer your classmate’s questions. 88 Listen to three young explorers from different countries. Complete the table. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Where does he / she live? Does he / she live in a flat or a house? Who does he / she live with? Has he / she got a room of his / her own? What is around the place he / she lives in? 32 GRAMMAR FOCUS 89 Read, translate and remember. 1. He lives in a small town. It is situated in the south of England.= He lives in a small town which (который) is situated in the south of England. 2. In London, there are many museums. They are in the centre of the city. = In London, there are many museums which (которые) are in the centre of the city. 3.1 often play there with my friends. My friends live nearby. = I often play there with my friends who (которые) live nearby. We use “who” to replace people and “which” to replace things. 90 Join two sentences together using “which” or “who” as in the example. Example: We like to walk in the park. The park is full of old pine trees.— We like to walk in the park which is full of old pine trees. 1.1 spend my summer holidays in a small village. It is situated next to a big lake. 2. Here’s the magazine. It’s very popular among my classmates. 3.1 often meet this strange old man. He lives next to our house. 4.1 know the pharmacy. It has the necessary medicine. 5. Here are the books. They are from the library. 6.1 know the girl. She works at the post office. 91 Do you have a favourite place in your flat / house? Read what Jim says about his favourite place. I like my bedroom. It’s a very bright and comfortable room, but it isn’t as big as Alice’s bedroom. That’s why my bed is high up; my desk and my computer are underneath. There is also a big cupboard for my toys: I’ve got lots of toys. One day. I’ll give them to my nephew, Harry. I’m quite busy: I study at school and play football 3 times a week but sometimes I like to take my toys out of the cupboard, make a railroad or a racetrack and play. I also like our old fireplace which is in the sitting room. In the evening, we watch TV there or play board games. I’m good at Scrabble’. ' Scrabble — настольная игра WORD FOCUS 92 Read and learn. A house (countable) — is a building that is made for people to live in. I have a big house in the centre of the town. His house is modern and comfortable. Home (uncountable) — is the place where you live or where you feel you belong (принадлежать); it might be a house, a flat or even a tent! To feel at home = to feel comfortable in a place and like spending time there. They went to school not far from their home. The weather was fine and I decided to walk home. They did a lot to make me feel at home. 93 Fill in: home or house. 1. Is your ... light or dark? 2. Colchester is my ... town. 3. Last year, I stayed in Britain too long and I really missed .... 4. Where is your ...? — It’s in Park Street. 5. There is no place like .... 94 Describe the place where you relax and rest in your house / flat. Write down: • who you live with; • what your house / flat is like; • what your favourite place is; • what you like to do there. 33 Section 6 h Speaking about important British days 95 Match the holiday cards and the texts. 1. ... is on 14th February. People send flowers, chocolates and special cards to someone they love. They often don’t sign their names. The person who gets the card has to guess. 2. At ..., school is closed for two weeks. People give each other chocolate eggs on the holiday Sunday. The eggs are usually hollow* and have sweets inside. 3. On ..., at midnight everybody joins hands and sings a special song. In Scotland and the north of England, people go to their friends’ houses after midnight. They try to be the first person to wish good luck to their friends in the New Year. 4. ... is usually in March. People visit their mothers and give them flowers and small presents. If they cannot visit their mothers, they send a “Mother’s Day” card. On this day, husbands and children help with meals and the washing up. 5. On 25th December, children get up early in the morning because they are hoping to see a stocking full of small presents on their beds. Other presents are around the Christmas tree. A traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey, roast potatoes and Christmas pudding. hollow [Ъо1эи] — пустые внутри m 96 Read the list of holidays which Russian people have. Say if they are international holidays or only Russian people celebrate them. Which holiday do you like best and why? New Year • Christmas • Motherland Defender’s Day * Women’s Day • Easter • May Day • Victory Day • Independence Day • Day of Knowledge 97 Work in pairs. Fill in the table. Tell your classmates about one of the holidays. Holidays New Year Christmas Motherland Defender’s Day Women’s Day Easter Victory Day Independence Day Day of Knowledge When we celebrate How we celebrate Use: buy / give presents, send special cards, celebrate, decorate the room, cook special dishes, invite relatives and friends, go out, sing songs (karaoke), play games (board games), dance, have a military parade, salute, set off fireworks, take photos, chat with each other, watch TV, have a good time 34 98 Read the letter and complete the sentences. Say why Victory Day is a special holiday for Sergei. Moscow Russia 16th October Dear Mag, I was very pleased to get your letter. I liked your story about the summer club and your new friends and adventures. You asked me about the most popular holidays in my family so I’ll try to answer your question. I think that the most popular holidays are New Year and Easter. But there ... (be) a special holiday in our family, which I want to tell you about. It’s Victory Day. My great-grandfather ... (fight) for his country in the Great Patriotic War (Великая Отечественная война). He ... (be) a doctor. He was at the victory in Berlin in 1945. He ... (not, like) to speak about the war, but he often ... (remember) his friends and his hospital. On 9th May, we watch the military parade on TV and then ... (go) to the square in front of the Bolshoi Theatre or to the Park of Victory to meet the veterans. There ... (be) a lot of flowers, smiles and tears. My great-grandpa died last summer. But, next Victory Day, I ... (go) to the Park of Victory and ... (put) flowers on the monument of the heroes. In the evening, I ... (watch) the salute in honour of my grandpa and his friends. I’m proud of my grandpa and I want to be a doctor, too. Well, I think I ... (answer) your question. Victory Day is not only a great holiday for all Russian people, but also for my family. And what are the most popular holidays in your family? Which holiday do you like most of all? How do you spend it? Write back soon. Best wishes, Sergei LOOK AND LEARN! to fight for one’s country — сражаться за Родину a victory f'viktori] — победа a veteran [Vetaran] — ветеран in honour ['ona] of — в честь 35 WORD FOCUS 99 Read and remember. Victory Day is a great holiday for the country and for every Russian family. = Victory Day is a great holiday not only for the country, but also for every Russian family, (не только, но и... ) On 8th March, we celebrate Women’s Day and my father’s birthday. = On 8th March we celebrate not only Women’s Day, but also my father’s birthday. 100 Make new sentences using not only... but also. 1. The most popular holidays in Sergei’s family are New Year and Victory Day. 2. Sergei’s great-grandpa told him about his hospital and his friends. 3. On 9th May, they went to the square in front of the Bolshoi Theatre and to the Victory Park. 4. There are a lot of smiles and tears on Victory Day. 5. Sergei told Mag about the most popular holidays and a special family holiday. 101 Imagine that you are Sergei’s pen-friend (Ex. 98). Write an answer to his letter. Answer his questions. В 102 Work in pairs. Do the quiz. Try to discuss the questions in English. 103 Now listen and check your answers. Work out your total score out of 10. 104 Read and say how the boys are going to celebrate an autumn holiday. to set off fireworks ['faiawoiks] — запускать фейерверк a bonfire ['bnn.faia] — костер Jim: Guy Fawkes’ Day is coming. Do you like to set off fireworks? Nikita: Will you please repeat the name of the holiday? Jim: Some people call it “Guy Fawkes Day”, others “Firework Night” or even “Bonfire Night”. Nikita: I see. It is a day of fireworks and bonfires, isn’t it? Jim: Yes, all over the country people build wood fires, or “bonfires”, in their gardens. On top of each bonfire is a “guy” which is made from straw, old clothes and newspapers. That’s the figure of Guy Fawkes. Nikita: Who was Guy Fawkes? A pirate, a lord or the hero of a story? 1. When do British children get their Christmas presents? (1 point) 2. What present does London get from the people of Norway? (2 points) 3. When do British people have Boxing Day? (2 points) 4. When do people get cards without signatures (без подписи)? (1 point) 5. When do children dress up as witches and ghosts? (1 point) 6. What fruit can become a lantern? (1 point) 7. What other British holidays do you know of? (2 points) 36 Jim: Oh, no, he wasn’t the hero of a story. He was a real man. On 5th November 1605, Guy Fawkes and his friends put a bomb under the Houses of Parliament in London, and the guards found not only the bomb but also Guy Fawkes there. Later, the King’s men cut off his head in the Tower of London but the memory of what he and his friends tried to do lives on. Nikita: It’s a sad story, isn’t it? Jim: It is. But nowadays, on 5th November or the nearest Saturday night, people have their own parties or go to big organised firework shows. They stand around the bonfire, set off fireworks and eat lots of nice bonfire food, like sausages and jacket potatoes'. Today, we are going to visit our friends in the country, make a bonfire and set off lots of fireworks. Would you like to join us? We’ll have a good time. Nikita: Sounds great. Jim: Then let’s hurry up. Alice and Olivia are in the car already. ' jacket potatoes — картошка в мундире 105 Complete the sentences. 1. British people celebrate Guy Fawkes’ Day on... 2. They build fires and... 3. One can also try bonfire food, namely... 4. Despite its sad history, now Guy Fawkes’ Day is... 106 Make up questions for the following answers. Example: 1. When do we celebrate Mother’s Day in Russia? — We celebrate Mother’s Day in November in Russia. 2. Why ...? British celebrate “Bonfire Night” on 5th November because guards found a bomb and Guy Fawkes under the Houses of Parliament on that day. 3. What ...? In Russia people decorate rooms and cook a special dinner on New Year Eve. 4. Who ...? On 8th March, we congratulate not only our grandmothers and mothers, but also all the women and girls, who we are acquainted with. 5. How long ...? Our winter holiday lasts for 7 days, from 1st January till 7th January. 6. What holiday ...? There is an Independence Day in June. 107 Work in groups of 3-4. Choose a holiday and propose an original way to celebrate it. Share your ideas with your classmates. TEST YOURSELF Do the exercises in your Workbook. Section 7 ^Reading for pleasure • Read the story A Roaring Good Time written by Margo Fallis and do the exercises in your Workbook. 37 Homework L\ 1 Read the text and complete the sentences Use: ocean, short, popular, America, prefer, nature I am from Canada. My country is situated in North .... It’s a large country. Canada stretches from the Atlantic ... in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. We have long, cold winters and ... hot summers. My country is famous for its beautiful ... and large lakes. Ice hockey is very ... in my country, but I ... skating. Do you like to skate? 2 Do Ex. 13 on page 12 in written form. 3 Write down questions which Daniel has already answered about his summer holidays. 1. When do your summer holidays begin? My summer holidays begin in July. 2. Where ...? 1 usually spend my summer holidays there, but last year I went to a camp and then I travelled with my family. 3. Why...? I think everyone likes summer holidays. No more homework and tests! And I can play football 24 hours a day. 4. What ...? I’m very busy during my summer holidays. I play sports, go out with my friends, go hiking and have fun. 5. What time ...? In the summer, I don’t like getting up early. Usually, around 10 am. 6. Who ...? I go hiking with my friends from my school’s Travel Club. 7. How many friends ...? It’s a difficult question. I think I have a lot of friends in different countries. 4 Complete the sentences with the verb in the Present Continuous or the Present Simple. 1. PLAY Look! The children ... football in the sports ground. In the afternoon he usually ... tennis in the parL I think you’ll find him there. 2. WORK He ... hard because he’s got a Maths test tomorrow. My mother is a teacher. She ... in a primary school. 3. WRITE Jane, let’s go the cinema. — I’m afraid, I can’t. I ... an essay. And it’ll take a lot of time to do it. She doesn’t use a computer or the Internet, she ... letters to her sons every Friday. 4. EAT (NOT) I ... porridge in the morning because I don’t like it. Where is the kitten? — In the kitchen. It ... fish. 5. DO Where is Ann? — She is upstairs. She ... her homework. 38 I always ... the washing up after dinner on Saturdays. 6. READ What is Granny doing? — She’s in the living room. She ... the Sunday newspaper. He is going to be a writer. That’s why he ... a lot. 5 Complete the dialogues. Put the verbs into the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. 1. — ... (you / ever / be) to Italy? — Yes, I .... It’s a wonderful country. — When ... (you / go) there? — Last summer. 2. — You are smiling, aren’t you? What has happened to you? — I ... (repair) my bike. — Really? When ... (you / repair) it? Who ...(help) you? — I ... (do) it myself (сам) yesterday. Now I can take part in the cycling trip. 3. — I ... (go) to the new sports centre last Saturday. — That’s great. I ... (not / be) there yet. Is it worth going? — Yes, definitely. 6 Complete the sentences, using the table in Ex. 38 on page 18. 1. Do you like to ...? — Yes, I’m an experienced .... I’ve already been to 10 countries. 2. He is only 14, but he ... exciting stories for a magazine. I think he is going to become a famous .... 3. Have you ever heard of Krusenstern? — Certainly. He was the first Russian ... who sailed round the world in the beginning of the 18th century. 4. He was a famous ballet .... Now he teaches little children to ... . 5. Mr Anderson ... English at school. He is one of the best ... . You should speak to him. 7 Translate from Russian into English. • мощный водопад • красивая долина • знаменитая пустыня • высокие скалы • удивительная природа 1. В книге есть новая информация о знаменитом водопаде. 2. В пустыне нет воды. 3. Ты слышал новости о путешественнике? — Нет, ещё. 4. Он хотел снять фильм (таке а film) об удивительной природе Куршской косы. 8 Complete the text. Write down three questions about the Simpson Desert. Use: dunes, high, explore, sand, desert, insects, sometimes The Simpson Desert is situated in the centre of Australia. There are orange-red dunes everywhere: some dunes are very ... and some are 200 kilometres long. It’s hard to get up one of the ... dunes and go down the other side. There is almost no water in the Simpson Desert. ..., there is no rain in the desert for years. It is very hot in summer and cold in winter. But many animals, birds, ... and plants live there. The ... is severe, but it is beautiful. Today, people like to visit the desert and ... its unique nature. 39 9 Think of a person in your family, or your best friend and describe him or her. Use: 1.1 am going to describe my .... 2. He / She is ... (and) .... 3. He / She has got ... hair and his / her eyes are .... 4. He / She is ... (characteristics). 5. He / She likes .... 6. We often ... together. 10 Complete the sentences about Alice’s family. Use: grandma, grandpa, parents, son, daughters, niece, nephew, uncle, husband 1. Mr Wilson and Mrs Wilson are Alice’s .... They’ve got a ... and two .... 2. Their oldest daughter is married. She has got a ... . They have got two children. 3. Jim is 10. But he is already an ... . The children of his oldest sister are his ... and his ... . 4. Alice likes to visit her grandparents. Her ... and ... live in the south of England. 11 Do Ex. 72 on page 27 in written form. 12 Complete the sentences. Example: Paris is one of the ... cities in the world, (beautiful) — Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. 1. The buildings in this part of the city are ... than in its centre, (modern) 2. Life in the country is ... than city life, (expensive) 3. The town is famous for its library, one of the ... in the country, (old) 4.1 think that this park is the ... in the city, (good) 5. His restaurant is one of the ... in the town, (popular) 6. This newsagent is the ... to Alice’s house, isn’t it? (near) 13 Complete the sentences with the correct compound noun from Ex. 84 on page 31. Example: Where is Helen? — She went to the ... to buy a magazine. Where is Helen? — She went to the newsagent to buy a magazine. 1. What are you doing? — I am making some ... for dinner. I’ve got a new recipe (рецепт). 2. Reading is a good hobby, isn’t it? Let’s go to the ... and buy an interesting book about famous travellers. 3. I’m tired. Let’s have a cup of coffee in this lovely .... 4. Little kids like ..., don’t they? 5. His aunt and uncle are painters. They live in the ... and rarely come to the city. 6. What is his cousin? — He is a ... . 14 Read the text. Make one sentence out of two sentences. Use who, which. 1.1 live in a nice town. It is situated not far from London. 2. There are lots of nice little cafes. They are in the centre of the town. 3. The book was written by Mr Lanteen. He was a famous scientist. 4. We live in a semi-detached house. The house stands not far from the town centre. 5. They live in a small village. It is situated in the north of Scotland. 6.1 know the doctor. She is experienced and helpful. 7. However, I like to spend my time in the back garden. The back garden is bigger than the front garden. 40 да 15 Translate from Russian into English. а) отмечать праздник болтать друг с другом играть в настольные игры традиционный подарок приглашать гостей в честь победы б) 1. Ты уже отправил поздравительную открытку бабушке? — Да. Я отправил ее вчера. 2. Что Вы собираетесь делать 1 мая? — Мы отправимся на пикник. Погода будет теплой и солнечной. Присоединяйтесь к нам.— Спасибо. С удовольствием. 3. 9 мая мы вспоминаем тех, кто сражался за Родину. 4. Завтра у Джима день рождения. Он пригласил много гостей. Поэтому вечеринка (а birthday party) будет в саду за домом. Уверена, что всем понравится. 16 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. gathered, each, garden, began, hot, write, air, were, carefully Bonfire Night was a family holiday. Each year, we gathered at my Grandma’s house and had our evening meal, a ... cup of coffee for the adults and a cup of juice for the children. Then we put warm jackets and gloves on and went into the .... Then, the adults gave a packet of sparklers to ... child. Grandma lit the ends of the sticks and we ... dancing around the garden making bright coloured shapes in the .... 1 loved to ... my name in the air. After the sparklers had burnt out, we put them ... into a basin of water, and started the process all over again until all the packets ... empty. It was such a magical holiday. Key vocabulary Expressions and word combinations: Nouns: waterfall around the world bonfire wife as... as (not as... as) cliff browse the Internet countryside • Verbs: feel at home cousin ^ celebrate fight for one’s country cycling chat in honour of desert explore membership form explorer fight not only..., but also... fireworks separate on the one hand..., on the height other hand... husband • Adjectives: set off fireworks jogging ^ good-looking wear glasses nephew handsome wonders of nature niece peaceful pine tree pleasant valley powerful veteran straight victory wavy 41 Progress check Parti LISTENING Задание I. Послушай четыре рассказа. Установи соответствие между рассказом каждого говорящего и видами путешествий. В задании указан один лишний вид путешествия. Ты услышишь рассказы дважды. Занеси свои ответы в таблицу. А. Travelling by plane D. A hiking trip B, Travelling by car E. A cycling trip C. Travelling by train Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Задание 2. Посмотри на картинку. Послушай разговор Индиры и Марка. Найди на картинке друзей Индиры. Соедини стрелками их имена и изображения. Ты услышишь разговор дважды. READING Прочитай текст и выполни задания 3, 4, 5. London Great Britain October 17th Dear Ann, Thank you for your letter. It was great to get some news from you. I have already been at home for a week because of the flu. I can’t say that I am having a good time, but I’m trying to enjoy myself. 42 I’m reading an interesting book about Mel Fisher. Have you ever heard of him? He was an explorer and a treasure hunter'. When he was a boy, his favourite book was Treasure Island. Mel dreamed about travelling round the world, exciting adventures and treasure^. When Mel grew up, he didn’t forget about his dream. It took him 16 years of hard work. He looked for treasure from the Nuestra Senora de Atocha and the Santa Margarita: Spanish ships which had sunk^ in 1662, near Florida. Every day Mel said, “Today is the day!’’ But only in 1985 Mel and his team found over 40 tons of silver and gold. There were Spanish coins, gold bars, wonderful decorations, royal plates and dishes and other historical things. Mel gave part of the found treasure to a museum which was then named the Mel Fisher’s Treasure Museum. Nowadays this museum in Florida is very popular among children and teenagers who like stories about pirates and their treasure. Later Mel Fisher found some more ships, which were full of different historical works of art and so he has become a famous person. Nobody else has found so many fantastic and valuable things. Would you like to find treasure? What would you do with the treasure you found? I would like to take part in the expedition of treasure hunters and find a bag full of treasure. But I haven’t decided what I would do with the treasure. Have you got a dream? Do you believe that it can come true? The book about Mel Fisher says it’s possible. Sorry, but I have to finish the letter. The doctor has come. Write back, please. Best wishes, Andrew ' treasure hunter — охотник за сокровищами ^ treasure — сокровище, клад had sunk — утонули Задание 3. Найди и отметь верный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву. What is the text about? A. An unusual museum B. A famous explorer C. A well-known writer D. A Spanish ship Задание 4. Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву. 1) In his childhood Mel Fisher wanted A. to become a writer. B. to build a ship. C. to find treasure. D. to open a shop. 43 2) Fisher’s dream came true after A. many years of hard work. B. after a tour round the world. C. a visit to a museum. D. discovery of the book. 3) Mel Fisher became famous because A. he wrote Treasure Island. B. he went round the world. C. he found some old ships. D. he opened a museum. Задание 5. Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту,— Т (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,— F (false). A. The adventure books played an important role in Fisher’s life. B. Mel Fisher was the captain of two big Spanish ships. C. Mel Fisher looked for treasure alone. D. You can see some of Fisher’s treasure in a museum. WRITING Задание 6. Заполни анкету для поступления в международный клуб путешественников. International Explorers' Club Name ________ Surname ________ Age ________ Country ________ Languages you speak ________ Hobbies ________ Favourite subjects ________ Countries (places) you would like to visit _ Part II SPEAKING Задание 7. Выбери одну карточку. Дай устный ответ. Card 1 Give а talk about your last trip. Say: • where you went • what you did there • whether you enjoyed your last trip and why 44 ш Card 2 Give a talk about your house / your flat. Say: • what it is like • what your favourite place in the house / in the flat is and why • whether you have duties at home and what they are Card 3 Give a talk about the place where you live. Say: • where it is situated • what kind of place it is • what it is famous for Задание 8. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником. Dialogue 1 Card 1 Card 2 Ask your classmate: • whether he / she likes travelling • where he / she has already been • what kind of travelling he / she prefers (by car, hiking, a sightseeing tour etc) and why Answer his / her questions. (You begin the conversation.) Answer your classmate’s questions. Ask him / her: • whether he / she has ever taken part in a cycling trip • whether he / she would like to take part in a cycling trip • what kind of travelling he / she prefers (by car, hiking, a sightseeing tour etc) and why Dialogue 2 Card 1 Card 2 Ask your classmate: • what his / her favourite holiday is • how he / she celebrates the holiday • what British holiday he / she would like to celebrate and why Answer his / her questions. (You begin the conversation.) Answer your classmate’s questions. Ask him / her: • what his / her favourite holiday is • what present he / she would like to get for his / her favourite holiday • what holiday he / she never celebrates and why Project "The International Explorers' conference starts its work" • Read the instructions in your Workbook and do the project. 45 J c^vending time together Sec^on 1 Enjoying the weekend .-J 1 Listen, look at the pictures and say where the Wilsons and their guests are going on Saturday and Sunday. 2 Say how you would like to spend your weekend and why. Example: I’d like to go to the zoo. I can take photos of the animals and ride a camel. Use: a zoo, a funfair, a cinema, a theatre, a museum, an exhibition, a sports club; stay at home, read a book about different countries, listen to music, play board games, go on new rides, see a new film (performance), do sport, take part in interesting activities, see paintings by famous artists etc 3 Alice is writing in her diary on Livejournal. The first paragraph is correct, but the other paragraphs are in the wrong order. Read all the paragraphs, and then number them from 1 to 6 to show the correct order. Latest Month 4^ ШША S M T W T F 8 t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Vtew AR Afd^vea Ш Friday is my favourite day of the week because the weekend is starting. Our guests from the Explorers’ Club are staying with us this weekend and we want them to enjoy their time here. We have decided to go to Stonehenge on Saturday and to visit the London Zoo on Sunday. СИ After the film, we walked a little in Regent’s Park. But it started raining and we had to return home. .A Tags Profile f» Alice Latest Month Jutv2011 S M T W T F 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Artiw^s Tags EH This afternoon, we went to the cinema to see a new American comedy. It was an amazing film and we laughed till we cried. ЕИ After dinner, we decided to have a game night and played one of our favourite board games. Olivia and Nikita were happy to join us. Dad is good at Scrabble but Jim prefers Cluedo. He thinks it’s fun to find out who the killer is. But this evening we chose Monopoly because Olivia and Nikita could play this game too. So Jim joined us. EE After that, we had to look for Tom, my cat. After half an hour, Jim found the naughty cat in the washing machine. Tom was sleeping there. We were very tired and fell asleep at once because we had to get up early in the morning. EE We enjoyed the game and played till 11.00 pm. Nikita was the winner. He was lucky to win everybody’s money. I wasn’t as lucky as Nikita. LOOK AND LEAfiN! to fall asleep — засыпать to be lucky — быть удачливым 4 Match the board games and the texts. Which board game do you like to play most? What board game would you like to learn to play? Do you play any other board games? Board games What you have to do 1. Chess [tfes] a) Match the numbers on the card and the numbers chosen by chance (выбранных случайно) from a container. 2. Scrabble [’skraebl] b) Buy streets, houses and hotels using toy money. 3. Monopoly [тэ'порэИ] c) To get the other player’s King into a position where it cannot move. 4. Cluedo [’kluidau] d)To take the other player’s draughts or make it impossible for 5. Draughts [draifts] them to move. e) Make words from separate letters. 6. Lotto ('btauj f) Find out who the killer is. ——ВИ 47 GRAMMAR FOCUS; MODAL VERBS 5 Read and remember. Modal verbs • Must / have to (this is necessary) I must go to school. He must fill in the form. She has to (должна, ей нужно) go to hospital. It started raining and we had to (вынуждены были) go home. • We don’t use must in the Past or the Future tenses. I must do my homework. • We can use have to in the Present, Past and the Future Simple. He has to visit his granny at weekends. Alice doesn’t have to finish the project today. She has to finish it by Friday. They had to get up early because they went to Stonehenge. Mrs Wilson didn’t have to cook dinner. The family had their dinner at the restaurant. Alice wants to be a vet. She’ll have to study hard. 6 Translate into Russian the sentences with the words written in bold in Ex. 5. 8 Listen and say what Alice had to do instead of (вместо) Jim yesterday. 7 Say what you have to do and don’t have to do at school. Example; I have to learn Russian and English. But I don’t have to learn German or Chinese. Use: learn German (English, Russian, Chinese), bring textbooks to school, write poems and stories, read textbooks, answer teacher’s questions in lessons, take exams every year, do homework, read newspapers and magazines, take photos, wear a school uniform, join school clubs etc /о\рЛ Г|^----------^0lQ\ 48 [Z3 9 Listen and say what they have to do at home. Example: Alice has to set the table,... Jim has to take out the rubbish,... 1 о Complete the sentences with don’t have to and doesn’t have to. Use: feed, take, go, do, water, make, get up Example: Alice, you ... the parrot. I have already given the pet some feed.— Alice, you don’t have to feed the parrot. 1. Mum ... shopping. Dad has already bought fruit and vegetables. 2. The boy ... early in the mornings. His lessons begin at 2 pm. 3. The children ... the homework for tomorrow. They are going to the museum. 4. The student ... any exams this year. He’ll have them next year. 5. You ... a cake. I have bought a tasty apple pie. 6. Dad ... the plants. My brother watered them in the morning. GRAMMAR FOCUS: HAVE TO 11 Read and remember. We use have to (not must), when we talk about rules. 1. We have to drive on the left in England. 2. You have to stop when the traffic lights ' are red. j 3. Students have to wear a school uniform , at our school. , 12 Work in pairs. Choose a type of holiday (hiking, cycling trip, sightseeing holiday, travelling by car etc) and write the rules for travellers: what they have to do. Share your rules with your classmates. Example: If you go hiking — you have to take a tent and warm clothes with you. KEEP KEEP LEFT RIGHT 13 Work in pairs. Look at the signs. Discuss what they mean. Example; Number 1. You have to pay six pounds to go in. & ii* PUSH PULL SI 14 Listen and find out if you were right. Say where you can see these signs. a WORD FOCUS 15 Read the phrases. Use them in your own sentences. Have — breakfast / a party / a lesson / an exam / a good time / a good trip / a sweet tooth / a rest Have = have got — a sister / a brother / a pet / a book / a room / a bag / a cold / a sore throat Have to (должен) — take care of your pets / parents wear a school uniform 16 Work in pairs. Find out some information about each other. a) Ask and answer the questions. 1. Have you got a pet? 2. What did you have for breakfast today? 3. Have you got a sweet tooth? 4. Do you have to get up early on weekdays? 5. Do you have to help your parents in the garden? 6. Have you ever seen the ocean? 7. Have you got...? 8. Do you have to...? 9. Do you have...? 10. Have you ever...? b) Have you learnt anything new about your classmate? Share your findings. 17 a) Complete the phrases. Use: have to, had to, have / has, had A: Tomorrow is Jane’s birthday. But I ... (not / buy) a present for her yet. B: Well, what about a big box of chocolates? Jane ... a sweet tooth. I think she’d be really happy to get a present like that. 1. 2. Mum: Why are you still in bed, Steven? You ... (get up) half an hour ago. You’ll be late for school. Steven: Oh, Mum, I don’t feel very well. I ... a sore throat and a headache. Mum: That’s terrible! You ... stay in bed. Try to go to sleep. I’ll send for the doctor. 3. Kate: Mum, when are we going to ... dinner? I’m very hungry. I was very busy and ... not ... lunch today. Mum: In twenty minutes. But first you ... wash your hands and set the table. 4. Jessica: ... you ... any special rules at school? Alice: Nothing special. We ... respect others', wear a school uniform, do our homework and not be late for school. 5. Jane: Mum, I ... not ... any homework for Thursday. Could I go to the cinema with Kate and Julia? Mum: OK. ... a good time. But you ... come back at 8. Jane: All right. b) Act out any of the dialogues. ' others [4d3z] — других 50 18 Read and match the questions and the answers. 1. What is Stonehenge famous for? 2. Are the stones of Stonehenge really big? 3. When was Stonehenge built? 4. Who built Stonehenge? 5. What was Stonehenge built for? 6. What is Stonehenge now? a) Nobody knows. Scientists think that the oldest part of Stonehenge is 5,000 years old. b) They used it as a calendar. The sun and the huge stones helped them to know the start of months and seasons. But there is also another theory which says that people used Stonehenge for religious ceremonies'. c) Stonehenge is one of Europe’s biggest stone circles^. d) It is a tourist attraction. Thousands of tourists come to Stonehenge every year, especially in summer. e) The height of some stones is about 10 or 12 metres. The biggest stones are 45,000 kilograms. f) It’s difficult to say. There are many legends and suggestions. Some people think that the Druids built Stonehenge. The Druids were priests’ who lived in Britain many years ago. But we don’t know how they managed to bring the huge blue stones from Wales, over 200 kilometres away. ' religious ceremonies — религиозные церемонии ^ circles ['s3:klz] — круги ’ priest [pri:st] — жрец, священник 19 Say if the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences. 1. Stonehenge is a nice English town which is 5,000 years old. 2. The stones of the circle are huge and heavy. 3. There are many legends about the builders of Stonehenge. 4. The historians think that the stone circle was a calendar for the Druids in ancient times. 5. Tourists don’t like Stonehenge and only a few of them come there. □ 20 Work in groups. a) Find some information about similar "0i huge stones in Russia. Use the Internet. b) Make a report. Use the questions: 1. Where can we see the stones? 2. What do they look like? 3. Who built the stone monument? 4. How did people use it? c) Share the information with your classmates. 51 Section 2 Speaking about animals 21 Listen and say where Alice and Jim took their guests to. PRONUNCIATION FOCUS 22 Listen, repeat and read. [as| — animal, camel, fact, attraction, capital [ai] — tiger, kind, wildlife, reptile [ei] — place, great, endangered, nature [еэ1 — bear, various, area, rare J 23 Work in pairs. Read the different texts. Ask your partner questions about the zoo which he / she has read about. Use the questions given after the texts. THE LONDON ZOO They say exotic animals were first taken to Britain in the 13th century when King Henry III received some presents of leopards and elephants. The animals lived in the Tower of London in a special place. Later, the King of Norway presented Henry III with a polar bear. The bear liked to go fishing in the Thames at the end of a long ropeL Five hundred years later, the London Zoo, the world's oldest zoo, was opened on 27th April, 1828. It is situated in the heart of London in Regent's Park. Although this zoo is located in the middle of the city, it still has plenty of animals to see including lions, camels, giraffes, penguins, tigers, monkeys and elephants. In fact, there are over 750 different kinds of animals in the London Zoo. It has one of the largest collections of animals in the UK. The Zoo is divided up into many different areas, which are great fun to explore. The most popular attractions are Meet the Monkeys, Butterfly Paradise and Into Africa. Children can also take part in fun activities, see performances and visit interesting exhibitions. ' Whatever the time of the year or weather, there is always something to see and do at the London Zoo. The London Zoo is open all the year round except 25th December. rope [гэир] — веревка LOOK AND LEARW! although [э:Гдэи] — несмотря на plenty ['plenti] of — много a kind [kaind] of — вид (животных, птиц) Key ю zoohneds^cUk symbols if Ihe Mjpptn Pavtboo Prmce Gate if mr Raines Suite ™Е MOSCOW zoo I he Moscow Zoo is situated in the centre of the Russian capital. It is one of the largest zoos in the world. It was founded in 1864 and from its first days, the Zoo became extremely popular with both children and adults. For more than 250 years, the Zoo remained open. Even during the war year, 1941, it had one million visitors. Nowadays, more than 6,000 animals live in the Zoo and some of them belong to endangered species. The Moscow Zoo consists of two parts (the Old and the New) which are connected by a bridge over the street. Everyone can enjoy watching swans, pelicans and other lovely birds in the zoo ponds as well as plenty of rare animals from all over the world and exotic reptiles. There is also the Bird House, Night World and others. In the Moscow Zoo, you can walk and watch the wildlife, see a dolphin show, go on rides and take part in various activities and festivals. There are also clubs for children and teenagers. The Moscow Zoo is open every day except Mondays and it's free for children. LOOK AND LEARNl endangered [in'deincfead] — находящиеся под угрозой вымирания rare [геэ] — редкий wildlife Cwaildlaif) — живая природа to go on rides — кататься на аттракционах various I'vearias] — различный a Answer the questions. 1. When was the zoo open? 2. Where is the zoo situated? 3. How many animals live there? 4. What else can people do in the zoo besides watching animals? 5. When can people vizit the zoo? 24 Find words or phrases in the texts which have a similar meaning to the following. greatest in the centre of jjg situated a lot of to look at beautiful nature very exotic 25 Complete these sentences using information from the texts. 1. The London Zoo, which ..., was opened on ... . 2. Londoners and tourists who ... can also visit the London Zoo. 3. Tourists can visit the London Zoo which 4. The Moscow Zoo, which ..., was opened more than .... 5. The Moscow Zoo, which ... for children, has various fun activities for their young visitors. 26 Have you ever been to a zoo? Tell you classmates about your visit. Say... a) which zoo you have visited (the Moscow Zoo, the Kaliningrad Zoo etc). b) where it is situated (in the centre of the town, far from the centre of the town). c) what the zoo is like (big, green, clean; has a pond, a fountain etc). d) what animals and birds you saw. e) what you did there (watch the animals, go on rides, take part in fun activities, walk, visit an exhibition etc). f) if you enjoyed your visit to the zoo. 53 а 27 Work in pairs. a) Look at the letters the zoo has received from children all over the world. Answer the questions asked in the letters. b) Try to explain why people can’t do certain things. 1 What Knds of animals ■ can we see in the aoo? 2- Can I take ^^8 to the Zoo? • Wortdwid# 3. What else can 1 do m the zoo besides watching ^ animals? 4. Can 1 take photos of the penguins? POST CARD Jane Soli 4S, Acton Street 5. Can I visit the zoo at night? 6. Can 1 feed the animals in the zoo? 7. Can I ride an elephant or a camel in the zoo? 8. Can I take any of the baby animals home with me? 28 Read the following signs. What do they mean? What other signs can you see in the zoo? In other public places? Use: put your hands into the cages, touch the animals, tease (дразнить) the animals, throw litter etc PLEASE KEEP OFF THE GRASS i PLEASE NO SMOKING ^ NO DOGS NO FLASH NO ICES Г» '-"'NO \l .^SHING У vV'X.-' 1 г•; , 29 Imagine that you are the director of a zoo. Say what you would do as a director. Example: If I were the director of a zoo, I would buy another tiger for my zoo. Our tiger needs a friend. Use: feed the animals well, buy exotic and rare animals, move the zoo to the country, take away the cages, make a nice pond with clean water in the centre of the zoo, make a dolphin show, close the zoo etc 54 30 Read and translate the following phrases. Use them in your own sentences. to save endangered animals to join a society / organisation / club / your classmates world — all over the world / world peace / the natural world kind — a kind granny / all kinds of things / 400 kinds of insects 31 Read about Whipsnade wildlife park. Say what people can do there. ZSL WHIPSNADE PARK Your visit to Whipsnade wildlife park will be very enjoyable. At Whipsnade, you can learn and understand more about the lives of endangered animals and how to save them. Many scientists work here; they are studying the effects that human activities have on the natural world. At the children’s farm, you can get closer to farm animals and in the wolf wood, you’ll have a good view of the wolves. At a set time each day, the keepers of the park introduce animals around the park for you to learn more about them and ask questions about them. But don’t bring along your own dog or other pets into the park. 32 Work in groups. Discuss the following questions. 1. What is the difference between a zoo and a wildlife park? 2. Why do people keep animals in zoos and parks? 3. Do you think you can learn more about animals in zoos or in wildlife parks? 4. Why do the rules of the park say that you can’t take your pets with you? 5. What do you think is better for animals; a) to live in zoos? b) to live in wildlife parks? c) to live in the wild (на воле)? U33 Listen and read the poem. Say if you agree with the author. Learn the poem by heart. My dream Gillian Brown I love all kinds of animals Dogs and cats and rabbits. I love all kinds of animals, Despite their little habits. If I had tons of money, D’you know what I would do? I would buy lots of animals And have my own zoo. But they wouldn’t be in cages', They would be free to run around. And there’s one thing they would feel And that is safe and sound^. ‘ cages — клетки ^ safe and sound — живы и здоровы 55 35 Read and say what you can do to help save endangered animals. Imagine a world without animals. It’s difficult, but each day takes us closer to such a world. There are plenty of endangered animals all over the world. Nowadays, due to national wildlife parks, zoos and aquariums people have managed to save some endangered animals. But there are many things a person can do every day to help save the lives of endangered and rare animals. One of the most important things we can do is to protect their natural habitats’. Cutting down trees is very harmfiiP for wildlife. So plant trees and flowers and put bird houses and feeders all around your home. This will attract native birds, animals, and insects. Another really important way to help is to join an organisation which tries to save endangered animals. There you can learn new ways to help animals. ' natural habitats — естественная среда обитания ^ harmful [’hcrmfl] — вредный LOOK AND LEARNl to protect [pra'tektl — защищать to cut down trees — вырубать деревья an insect ['msekt] — насекомое 36 Write an essay about the giant panda. Use the questions as a guide. The notes can be useful for you. 1. Where does it live? — in China; recently the panda — an emblem for the country; WWF’s' symbol since 1961 2. What does it look like? — white; large, black patches around the eyes, over the ears, and across the body 3. What does it eat? — bamboo (can eat 18-38 kg bamboo a day); in the zoos — honey, eggs, fish, oranges or bananas 4. What else do you know about the animal? — good tree climbers 5. Why is the panda an endangered animal? — cutting down bamboo’s forests the WWF — the World Wildlife Fund TEST YOURSELF Do the exercises in your Workbook. 56 Section 3 .Help yourself! m 37 Listen and repeat. Match the words and the pictures. a) orange juice b) milk c) strawberry jam d) apricot jam e) yoghurt f) bacon g) pizza h) hamburger i) biscuits j) cornflakes k) pudding l) fried eggs m) pasta PRONUNCIATION FOCUS J38 Listen, repeat and read. [эи] — go, toast, tomato, potato [л] — butter, pub, mushroom, supper [зе] — jam, scrambled, sandwich, pasta, hamburger [d] — apricot, porridge, sausage, restaurant, common, yoghurt [o:] — morning, strawberry, cornflakes I a;] — fast, glass, marmalade, tomato [ei| — apricot, marmalade, potato, bacon, takeaway [ai] — buy, fried, type, China GRAMMAR FOCUS: UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS (REVIEW) 39 Choose which food you think is better to have for breakfast and say why. Use the picture in Ex. 37. 40 Read, compare and remember. 1. Orange juice is very tasty.— Oranges are tasty. Porridge is good for children.— Green apples are good for children. 2. There is a lot of / a little juice in the bottle. There are a lot of / a few sweets in the box. 3. There isn’t much bacon on the plate. I need more for the salad. There aren’t many biscuits on the table. Will you get some more? 4. How many eggs do you put into your cake? How much marmalade have you got? Is it enough for Sunday’s tea party? 57 41 Complete the sentences with much / many / a little / a few. Yorkshire pudding Mrs Wilson: I’m going to make some Yorkshire puddings. Will you help me? Alice: Yes, of course. I like this pudding. What do we need for it? Mrs Wilson: Just some oil', flour^, eggs and milk. Alice: How ... flour do we need? Mrs Wilson: A cup of flour. Get some eggs and milk from the fridge. Alice: Oh! How ... eggs shall I get out? There’s ... milk and ... eggs in the fridge. Mrs Wilson: We need 3 eggs and a cup of milk for the pudding. Alice: Here you are. Anything else? Sugar? Salt? Mrs Wilson: Some salt, please. There isn’t any sugar in Yorkshire pudding. Alice: How ... salt shall I get? Mrs Wilson: Just.... Hm. The batter^ is ready. ----------- Now let’s cook them. ' “ растительное масло ^ flour [flaua] — мука ^ batter ['baeto] — тесто 42 Listen to the dialogue and find out if you were right. 43 Work in pairs. Each student should read one text. Both texts are the same but some information is missing in each text. Ask each other questions and fill in the missing details. Don’t look at your partner’s text. The first meal in the morning, which the British usually have between about 6:30 and 8:00, is called breakfast. Nowadays, lots of British people have toast with butter and jam (often strawberry, apricot or other jam), marmalade (a type of jam made from oranges) and a cup of tea or coffee in the morning. Others prefer a bowl of cornflakes with milk, or porridge. A real English breakfast or a traditional English breakfast may consist of eggs (scrambled' or fried^),... Lunch is the meal which people have in the middle of the day (usually between about 12:30 and 2:00). Many people eat a sandwich. Some people have a simple meal such as cheese and biscuits or soup and bread. It is also traditional for people to go to ... for lunch. Tea is Britain’s favourite drink. It’s also a meal in the afternoon. British people have ... cups per day. They may drink Indian or China tea and often eat biscuits, cakes or sandwiches with it. Dinner is the most common name for the meal which people eat in the evening. It is very popular for British people to get a takeaway or go to a restaurant instead of cooking at home. Most cities and towns have ... restaurants. Many people like Italian pizza and pasta dishes. Fast food restaurants often serve hamburgers or fried chicken. |--------------— - LOOK AND LEARN! ' scrambled eggs — яичница-болтунья ^ fried [fraid] eggs — яичница-глазунья meal [mi:l] — еда, принятие пищи a takeaway — готовая еда на вынос instead of — вместо 58 The first meal in the morning, which the British usually have between about 6:30 and 8:00, is called breakfast. Nowadays, lots of British people have ... in the morning. Others prefer a bowl of cornflakes with milk, or porridge. A real English breakfast or a traditional English breakfast may consist of eggs (scrambled' or fried^), sausages, bacon, smoked fish, fried tomatoes, sometimes fried potato or fried mushrooms. Lunch is the meal which people have .... Many people eat a sandwich. Some people have a simple meal such as cheese and biscuits or soup and bread. It is also traditional for people to go to a pub with some friends for lunch. Tea is Britain’s favourite drink. It’s also a meal in the afternoon. British people have more than 185 million cups per day. They may drink ... tea and often eat biscuits, cakes or sandwiches with it. Dinner is the most common name for the meal eaten in the evening. It is very popular for British people to get a takeaway or go to a restaurant instead of cooking at home. Most cities and towns have Indian and ________________________________ Chinese restaurants. Many people like Italian pizza and pasta dishes. Fast food restaurants often serve a takeaway — готовая еда на вынос instead of — вместо 44 Ask your classmates what they usually have for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Complete the table. Example: What do you usually have for breakfast (lunch, dinner)? Meals / Names Sergei Marina Olga Oleg Breakfast a cup of coffee a ham sandwich Lunch Dinner 45 Look at the table and say: a) what a typical breakfast (lunch, dinner) for the students of your class is. b) whether lunch or dinner (supper) is the main meal of the day. c) whether your classmates eat too many sweets, cakes or too much chocolate or fast food. 59 46 Listen to the members of the Explorers’ Club. Match the speakers with their favourite food. There is an extra photo. Complete the table. Speaker Speaker 1 / Marco Photo Speaker 2 / Jessica Speaker 3 / Nikita | Speaker 4 / Emilie I 4 meat dumplings 5 apple pie 47 Say who: a) is a vegetarian. b) is from Italy. c) likes fast food. d) prefers meat to fish. e) has a sweet tooth. f) has a granny who is a fantastic cook. g) knows a recipe for a delicious pie. 48 Say what your favourite food is. Who cooks it for you? Listen to your classmates. Do any of your classmates like the same food? В 49 Work in pairs. Match the questions (1-6) and the answers (a-f). Act out the dialogues with your classmate. 1. Would you like some marmalade? 2. Could I have some more strawberry jam? 3. This cake is delicious. Can you give me the recipe? 4. Can I help you? 5. Would you like some tea or coffee? 6. Could you pass me the salt, please? a) Certainly. I’m glad you like it. b) Yes, I’d like some chocolate ice cream, please. c) Black coffee, please. d) Yes, please. I’d love some. e) Yes, of course. Here you are. f) Yes, of course. Help yourself. 60 GRAMMAR FOCUS: SOME, ANY (REVIEW) 50 Read, compare and remember. Are there any apples in the fridge? — No, there aren’t any. But there are some apricots and oranges. Is there any flour in the cupboard? — Yes, there is some. But Would you like some apricot jam? Can I have some water, please? 51 Fill in some, any, how much, how many. Mrs Wilson: Alice, let’s make a shopping list for Dad and Jim. Have we got any milk? Alice: No, there isn’t ... milk in the fridge. But there is ... butter and a little cheese. Mrs Wilson: OK. Have we got ... bread? Alice: Yes. But we haven’t got... biscuits and there is only a little sugar and marmalade. Mrs Wilson: What about pasta? ... have we got? Alice: There is ... . But I think we have to buy pasta. There isn’t enough. Mrs Wilson: ... eggs are there in the fridge? Alice: Only three eggs. Mum, can I have ... apple juice? Mrs Wilson: Of course. 52 Write an essay about your meals on Sundays. Write. a) what you usually have for Sunday breakfast and whether it is the same as on weekdays; --------------- b) whether Sunday lunch. (dmnerXiS- a family meal (sit down at the table together, have some special food, tell each other some news, visit your grandparents, go to a cafd or restaurant, enjoy the meal); c) what your favourite food is; who cooks it for you; whether you know its recipe or not. 61 Section 4 i Speaking about British schools 53 Listen to Alice and Nikita. Fill in the table. Questions Answers When does the school year start and finish in Britain? When do British students have holidays? How long do the summer holidays last? Does Alice wear a school uniform? What is it like? What foreign language does Alice study? EngL'sh, Science, Matnetnattcs. Historv. Geography. French. Art, Drama, tHusic and PE 54 Say what is different and what is the same about Russian and British schools. Use the table in Ex. 53. GRAMMAR FOCUS: MODAL VERBIS 55 Read, compare and remember. • Mustn’t means “Don’t do this. It’s forbidden (это запрещено)”. You mustn’t use mobile phones on a plane. • Can’t means “Don’t do this. You are not allowed (это не разрешается делать)”. You can’t play computer games now. You have to do you homework. • Needn’t means “It is not necessary”. You needn’t stay after the lessons, I have already told you the information. 56 Work in pairs. a) Read the phrases, choose and say: 1. what you have to do at school. 2. what you can’t do at school. 3. what you can do at school (if you want). 4. what you needn’t do at school (if you don’t want). b) Try to add your own ideas to the list. wear a school uniform, be late for school, use a dictionary, clean the blackboard, have breakfast (lunch), join a school club, answer teacher’s questions, ask questions, learn poems by heart, talk loudly in the lessons, write tests, learn English, learn a second foreign language, do homework, stay after lessons, study Maths, work in pairs, miss lessons, get along with your classmates, have a record book in the lessons, listen to the teacher, do a project, use mobile phones in the lessons etc 62 57 Read the conversation. Guess Nikita and Olivia’s questions. At 8.30 when Registration begins. The teacher writes down whether the student is in school or not in a special book. Then the teacher tells us what events will take place that day or that week. Then we have the first lesson, which lasts an hour. ...? No, I have lessons in different classrooms and places around the school. And different teachers conduct different lessons. ? Nikita: Alice: Nikita: Alice: Olivia: Alice: Nikita: Alice: Five or six. We finish at 3.15 pm. Olivia: ...? Alice: Parents and pupils in primary schools always address teachers by their surname, for example Mr, Mrs or Miss Smith. But in secondary schools, we usually address teachers as Miss or Sir. ...? My mother gives me a packed lunch to take to school and I have my lunch after the 4th period at 1.30 pm, when we have a 40-minute break for lunch. Sometimes, I have lunches in the canteen. Olivia: ...? Alice: Three times a week I stay for clubs. There are lots of different clubs which you can go to at lunch time or after school: for example, dance, tennis, cooking, music and chess. I joined the photography club last year. I am also a member of a theatre group which puts on a play at the end of each year. ...? We performed Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. It was a great success. I played the part of the Queen and my classmate Sophia was Alice. ...? Alice: The school has very good sports facilities: tennis courts, a big gym and a large sports field where students play football. Jim spends almost every afternoon there. ...? Alice: We have got different school events: school trips, music concerts. Maths week. Science week, festivals etc. I like to travel so school trips are my favourite school event. During the holidays, we go camping in Wales. It’s really a great adventure! As for Jim, he prefers Sports Day, which is full of different sports competitions. Nikita: Alice: Olivia: Nikita: a 58 Listen to Nikita’s and Olivia’s questions and check if you were right. Answer their questions. [ an event [I'vent] — событие I primary ['praimari] — начальный ' secondary J'sekandari] — средний a canteen [ksen'ti:n] — столовая to be a success [sak'ses] — иметь успех 63 59 Speak about your school day. Say: • when your school day starts and how many lessons you have every day. • which day is the most difficult for you and why. • what subjects you study; which subject you like most of all and why. • whether you have breakfast (or lunch) in the school canteen; whether you like school food or not. • whether you go home after lessons or stay for clubs; what school club(s) you’ve joined. ;j60 Listen and complete the dialogues. Match them to the pictures LA: Sorry, ... I come in? B: Come in and sit down. Open your textbook on page 20. 2. A: I have left my ruler at home. ... I borrow your ruler? B: Yes, of course. Here you are. 3. A: ...I help you? B: Yes, please. I need a present for my grandpa. ... you recommend anything? 4. A: Mum, ... I go to the cinema with Jim? B: Yes, of course. But you have to be back at 8 pm. 5. A: ... I have a little more cake, please? B: You are welcome. Help yourself. 64 в 61 Work in pairs. Act out the dialogues from Ex. 60. GRAMMAR FOCUS: MODAL VERBS - REQUESTS 62 Read and remember. When we ask people to do something for us we can use: Can you give me a pencil? Can I have a glass of orange juice? Can you open the window, Kate? Could you tell me your name? May I go out, Mrs Smith? 63 Work in pairs. Make up your own dialogues. Use: A: May I ...? Can I (you) ...? Could you ...? B: Yes, of course. I’m afraid, I (you) can’t. Well, all right. go out ask you a question borrow your rubber / pencil / textbook use your mobile phone / computer have a look at your homework join your group help me with the test / homework (A Complete the text with have to / must / mustn't / can / could / may / can't / needn't. Sometimes, more than one answer is possible. Dear children. Now you are pupils at a primary school and today is your first day. We’ll study together for several years. There are some school rules, which you have to follow. 1. You ... listen to your teacher and carry out your teacher’s orders. 2. You ... walk or run in the classroom. 3. If you want to ask something, raise your hand and ask: “... I go out, please?” or “... you give me a book, Ms Smith?” 4. You ... use your mobile phones in the lessons but you ... phone your parents during the break. 5. There are lots of interesting books in the classroom and you ... read them during the breaks and after the lessons. 6. You ... bring your textbooks to school, we have extra copies in the classroom. 7. You ... leave the classroom after the bell and with my permission (разрешения). 8. Don’t forget that you ... wear your school uniform at school. 65 Read about the school rules in Ex. 64. Do you have similar rules in your school? What is different? 65 66 а) Read and say why \УШ1ат was sorry for the new boy. That year, in the local school, there was a new Maths teacher and a new student. The new Maths teacher tried to explain Maths rules to him in different ways, but it was useless. He always said something stupid. Like two plus three was seven or six times two was twenty. Before this boy arrived, Maths lessons had been the most boring of all. Now they were great fun. Encouraged by the new teacher, the children listened to the new student’s answers and tried to correct his mistakes. They all wanted to be first to find mistakes, and then think up the most original ways to explain them. To do this they used different things: sweets, apples, pens, pencils. ...The new student listened to them attentively and was friendly and polite. However, William was sure that the situation in his Maths lessons must make him feel sad inside. So, one day, he decided to follow the new student home after school. William was sure he would see him crying'. After school, the new student walked to a local park, and there he waited for a while^ until someone came along to meet him .... b) Say who you think came to meet the student in the park. c) Read the end of the story and find out if you were right. ’ would see him crying — увидит его плачущим ^ a while — немного LOOK AWD LEARN! to encourage [ш'клпф] — ободрять, поощрять, поддерживать а way [wei] — путь, дорога; способ inside [,in'said| — внутри to follow ['fblau] — следовать, идти за It was the new teacher! The teacher gave the new kid a hug', and they left, hand in hand. Following from a distance, William could hear they were talking about^ Maths. And that “stupid” new student knew everything about it, much more _________________ than anyone in the class! ' gave ... a hug — обнял ^ were talking about — говорили o... 67 Complete the sentences: 1. In the Maths lessons, the new student a) gave correct answers. b) kept silent. c) gave wrong answers. 2. Maths lessons had become interesting to the students because a) they played jokes on the new boy. b) they tried to help the new boy. c) they ate sweets in the lessons. 3. William decided to follow the new student because he wanted to a) see if the boy would cry. b) help him with his Maths. c) walk with him in the park. 4. In the park, William understood that the new student a) was the teacher’s relative. b) helped the teacher in the lesson. c) was very bad at Maths. □ б8 Answer the questions, giving your personal opinion: 1. Why did the new boy decide to help his teacher? 2. Was the new boy honest with his classmates? Why? / Why not? 3. Will William tell his classmates that the new student is good at Maths? 4. Will the classmates forgive (простят) the new student? 5. Could this story happen in your class? Why? / Why not? 66 69 Read the fact file about British schools. Fill in the fact file for Russian schools. Say what British and Russian schools have in common. Use your Workbook. British schools Russian schools Age of students Primary school is for children who are 4/5-11 years old. Secondary school is for children who are 11-16 (or 18) years old. Subjects At primary school: English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, Information Technology (IT), Foreign Languages, Religious Studies, Physical Education (PE). At secondary school: the same subjects as in primary school plus Citizenship’ and some other subjects. School uniform In most primary and secondary schools, students have to wear a school uniform. Clubs and sports facilities Most British schools provide lots of activities after schools. They also have good sports facilities for playing football, tennis, basketball etc. ‘ Citizenship ['sitizanjip] — граждановедение 70 Listen to these words and guess their meaning. Mind that some Russian words sound similar. class, student, tropical, special, group, region, assistant, sport, project, lunch, festival. History, Mathematics, information 71 Read the text and say where the students are going this summer. In the first week of term, the teacher gave jobs to her students. It was one of the most exciting days for all the children in the class. On that day, the teacher gave every boy and girl a job for which they had to be responsible during the school year. Some jobs were more interesting than others, and all the children wanted to get the best job. When giving the jobs out, the teacher took into account’ which students had been the most responsible and helpful during the previous school year. Carol was one of these students. She was a kind and smart girl; and during the previous year she worked hard. All the children knew Carol was the most likely to get the best job of all: to look after the class hamster. But that year there was a big surprise. Each child received one of the class jobs: preparing the books or the CD-player for the lessons, cleaning the blackboard, or looking after one of the pets. But Carol’s job was very different. She got a big box. There was a flowerpot with an ugly little plant inside it. She had to take care of this plant. Although the teacher said that this plant was a very rare tropical plant, Carol was sad and ready to cry. Most of her classmates felt sorry for her. Even her father became very angry with the teacher and 67 encouraged Carol to pay no attention to this strange plant. But Carol decided to do something special with her strange job. “I will turn this little task into something great,” Carol said to herself. So Carol started reading about the little plant. She learned where it grew, if it liked light or dark places and how often she had to water it. She took care of her little plant for the whole school year and in the spring, the plant became nice and strong. Beautiful big red flowers appeared on it. One day in spring, when the students were in the classroom, the door opened and a man who looked very important came in. The teacher said, “This is Doctor Rogers. He has got a wonderful piece of news for you.” “Yes,” said the doctor. “Today, they have published the results of a competition which you have taken part in. Your class has been chosen to accompany me, this summer, on a journey to a tropical rain forest. We can discover different flowers and plants. Among all the schools of this region, your school has taken the best care of the rare -tropical plant which you got at the beginning of the school year. Congratulations! You will be wonderful assistants!” That day the schoolchildren were happy. They thanked Carol for having been so patient- and responsible. And Carol was happy too. She said to her classmates “Try to turn even little tasks into something great. And you’ll have success.” ‘ took into account — приняла во внимание ^ for having been so patient — за то, что она была такой терпеливой LOOK AND LEARN! previous ['prirviosj — предыдущий a tropical rain forest ['tropikl 'rein /nrist] — тропический лес WORD FOCUS 72 Read and translate the following phrases: class jobs school year class pet school uniform school event sports facilities theatre group grammar rule school term 73 Translate into Russian the underlined sentences (Ex. 71). 74 Read the sentences and say whether they are true or false. Correct the false sentences. 1. The day when the children got their jobs took place in the last week of term. 2. There were not only interesting jobs but also necessary and less attractive ones. 3. Although Carol was responsible and helpful all the previous year, she didn’t get the best job. 4. The best class job of all was cleaning the blackboard. 5. Carol had to take care of a strange plant in a flowerpot for the rest of the year. 6. The girl and her father were happy to get this strange plant. 7. Thanks to Carol, the class won the competition. 8. Doctor Rogers was their new teacher who told them about the tropical rainforest. 68 75 Look at the pictures in Ex. 71. a) In the text, find the sentences which match the pictures. Read them aloud. b) Which important events in the story has the artist not illustrated? Say what pictures you would add. Describe the pictures. Example: Carol is sitting on the sofa and reading a big thick book Tropical Plants. 76 Write an essay about your school. Use the plan: 1. What number (name) your school has 2. Where your school is situated 3. Whether it is new / old; when it was built 4. Whether students have to wear a school uniform or not 5. What is special about your school (famous graduates, an interesting museum, unusual subjects (Drama, World Culture), a nice swimming pool / gym, etc) 6. What clubs and sports facilities your school has got; whether you visit any of the clubs or not 7. What school events you have got during the school year; what event(s) you usually take part in „z—I TEST YOURSELF Do the exercises in your Workbook. —■^v ■._ Section 5 i Reading for pleasure Read the story Fraser, the Christmas Dragon written by Margo Fallis and do the exercises in your Workbook. Homework 1 Complete the sentences with have to and has to. 1. A manager ... be sociable and polite, doesn’t he? 2. It’s hot and sunny. So I ... water my flowers every morning and afternoon. 3. Do they ... wear a uniform at school? 4. My friend ... go to school on Saturdays. He has got 5 lessons. 5. Do I ... do all these exercises? They are really boring. 6. Alice doesn’t ... feed her pets. Her mother has already fed them. 7. Does each member ... speak English at the Explorers’ Club? 69 2 Complete the sentences. Use have to in the correct tense. Example: Ann is 6. She ... go to school in September.— She will have to go to school in September. 1. He studied at a Canadian school. He ... learn English and French. 2. Jessica writes about the wonders of nature. She ... travel a lot. 3. Yesterday, her son fell ill and she ... stay at home. 4. My older brother wants to be a musician. He ... play the violin for hours every day. 5. The students missed the bus and they ... walk to school in the rain. 6. If you want to learn more about Stonehenge, you ... read this book. 7.1 can’t play football this afternoon, I ... prepare for an exam. 3 Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Я устал. Давай остановимся и отдохнем. 2. „Ты был в Испании?” — „Нет. Но я должен буду поехать туда весной, чтобы принять участие в соревновании”. 3. Туристы не должны подходить близко к огромным камням Стоунхенджа. 4. До свидания! Хорошего путешествия! 5. „Когда ты должен был уехать за город?” — „Вчера вечером. Но я простудился 4 Complete the text. Use: join, from all over the world, was founded, take care of, endangered, full of fun, save Dear boys and girls! Welcome to the Panington Zoo, one of the oldest and largest of England’s parks. Our Zoo was founded in 1923. We have more than a hundred kinds of wild animals... .About 70... animals live at the Zoo now. We ... the living things and give them the future they deserve (заслуживают). You can ... our Volunteer Team (команда добровольных помощников) who work all around the Zoo. They ... our zoological park. Welcome to the Panington Zoo! It’s worth visiting. Your visit will be .... 5 Complete the text. Use: full of fun, fight, shared, last Sunday, watch, jumped out, looked Have you ever been to the zoo at feeding time? I was there last Sunday. It was interesting to ... the animals. As usual, the monkeys were ... .Two dolphins ... of the water to catch their fish. The lion cubs » (львята) had a ... over their meat. The elephant ... hungry and I ... my orange with it. 6 Find out some information about any other endangered animal. Write about the animal. Use the guide given in Ex. 36. 7 Translate from Russian into English. • вкусный пудинг • много грибов и ягод • много молока • мало (немного) клубничного джема • несколько пирожных 1. „Ваш абрикосовый пирог очень вкусный. Сколько абрикосов вы положили в пирог?” — „Восемь”. 2. Я не голоден, я уже пообедал. 3. Англичане пьют много чая в течение дня. 4. „Сколько сыра тебе нужно для этого блюда?” — „Немного”. 5. „Что тебе нужно, чтобы приготовить пиццу?” — „Немного муки и несколько яиц для теста. Немного бекона, несколько помидоров и немного сыра”. 70 8 Fill in; some, any. Shop assistant: Good morning. Can I help you? Customer: Yes, thank you, I’d like some tomato juice, please. Shop assistant: Sorry. But we haven’t got ... tomato juice. There is apple and orange juice. Customer: Then 2 botdes of apple juice, please. What about milk? Have you got Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant: Customer: Sorry, I sold the last two bottles five minutes ago. I see. Is there ... coffee? I also need ... strawberry and apricot jam. Here is your coffee. How many jars of jam do you want? Ten, please. Let me see my shopping list. ... Apricots! Have you got ... apricots? Shop assistant: No, there aren’t .... Sorry, I don’t sell fruit and vegetables. 9 Complete the sentences with mustn’t или needn’t. Example: You ... water the plants, I have already watered them.— You needn’t water the plants, I have already watered them. 1. You ... make noise after 11 pm. 2.1 ... do homework today. I haven’t got any. 3. She ... wear a school uniform. Wearing a uniform isn’t necessary at her school. 4. We ... bring pets to school. 5.1 ... get up early tomorrow. I don’t go to school on Saturdays. 6. We ... use mobile phones in the lessons. 10 Reread the text in Ex. 66. Complete the tag questions. Answer them. Example: A new Maths teacher came to the local school, ...? — A new Maths teacher came to the local school, didn’t he'? — Yes, he did. 1. The new student couldn’t answer the simplest question, ...? 2. Now the Maths lessons were interesting and exciting, ...? 3. The students laughed at the new student, ...? 4. The new student had to listen to his classmates, ...? 5. The Maths teacher was happy to see his “bad” student in the park, ...? 6. The “stupid” student was very good at Maths, ...? 11 Complete the sentences with can, must, have to, needn’t. Alice: Jim, I’m going on a school trip for three days. Can you help me with my pets? ... you take care of them when I’m away? Jim: No problem. Alice: You ... feed the animals twice a day. You ... clean the parrot’s cage, I have already done it. But you will ... speak with Jimmy for 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the afternoon. Don’t teach him silly words! Now about the cat. You won’t have much trouble with Tom but you will ... find him in the evening to be sure he is at home. You ... wash Tom, I’ve already done it. You ... give it meat or fish, only special dry food. Don’t forget to give carrots and apples to the rabbit. But don’t take the rabbit to the garden. Jim: OK. Don’t worry! Have a nice trip. 71 Key vocabulary • Nouns: wildlife Л apricot world biscuit canteen • Verbs: event Ш cut down (trees) insect encourage kind (of) follow meal have to pudding join rain forest need / needn’t recipe protect strawberry save takeway way (to do smth) Progress check I Adjectives: delicious endangered kind previous primary rare secondary tropical various Adverbs: although inside in spite (of) instead (of) plenty (of) Expressions and word combinations: all over the world be a success be lucky fall asleep go on rides natural world school events school year wildlife park Parti LISTENING Задание 1. Послушай четыре коротких диалога. Определи, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. В задании указано одно лишнее место действия. Занеси свои ответы в таблицу. Ты услышишь диалоги дважды. А. In the zoo В. In а shop С. In а sports club D. In the street E. At school Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Dialogue 3 Dialogue 4 Задание 2. Послушай разговор мамы и Джима. Выполни задания. Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант из трех предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву. Ты услышишь диалоги дважды. 1) Jim wanted to spend the weekend A. at home. B. in a museum. C. in the park. 2) Jim’s mother A. agreed with Jim’s weekend plan. B. wanted to spend the day outdoors. C. was against staying at home. 3) Jim’s dad is going to A. stay at home at the weekend. B. join his wife and his children. C. spend the weekend at the seaside. 4) Jim’s grandparents A. are busy this weekend. B. will be glad to see their grandchildren. C. are going to visit their grandchildren. 72 READING Прочитай текст и выполни задания 3, 4, 5. ustralia, the smallest continent in the world, is a very interesting country. ••Щ^^^ТЬеге are many things to see, from desserts to beautiful beaches, from historical old houses to modern buildings, from unusual trees and plants to unique wildlife. One of the most amazing animals of the world is the koala. It lives only in Australia and on some of the nearby islands. Though koalas look like teddy bears they are not bears. The koala is the relative of the kangaroo, which is the symbol of Australia. Koala mothers also have small pockets where the tiny baby koalas grow like kangaroos. After a baby has been in the pocket for 6-7 months, it leaves the pocket and starts to eat the leaves of the eucalyptus tree'. Koalas have nice large ears, big dark eyes and black noses. Koalas also have thick fur^ which protects them from hot and cold weather and which is also a raincoat for them. Koalas spend as many as 18 hours a day sleeping and resting in the trees they live in. Sometimes they come down to the ground to look for another tree, but they seldom jump from one tree to the next. Koalas live in the forest with other koalas, but each koala has its own trees which the other koalas don’t visit. The word “koala” means “doesn’t drink”. Of course, koalas drink when necessary, but they get most of their water from the eucalyptus leaves which they eat. There are many kinds of eucalyptus trees in Australia, but koalas only eat the young leaves of some eucalyptus trees; they practically never eat anything else. Koalas are endangered animals. Many years ago people killed the animals for their fur. Now strict laws protect koalas from hunters, but people have cut down many forests with eucalyptus trees. Now they are trying to save the rare forests with their wonderful trees and small teddy bear-like animals. ‘ eucalyptus tree [ juika'liptas tri:] — эвкалиптовое дерево ^ fur [fa:] — мех Задание 3. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву. What is this text about? A. The kangaroo which is the symbol of Australia. B. The koala which is a relative of the kangaroo. C. The eucalyptus trees which grow in Australia. D. The endangered animals which live in Australia. 73 Задание 4. Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву. Koalas are NOT afraid of bad weather because A. it is warm in Australia. B. they have thick fur. C. they live in trees. D. they like bad weather. Koalas live in trees because A. they hide from the people. B. they like to climb trees. C. they are afraid of other koalas. D. they eat the leaves of the trees. The animal got the name “koala” because A. it drinks little water. B. it has warm fur. C. it eats green leaves. D. it lives in trees. Задание 5. Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту,— Т (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,— F (false). A. Koalas live in Australia, Asia, North and South America. B. Like kangaroos koalas have a special pocket for their babies. C. Koalas are friendly, they often visit the trees of other koalas. D. Koalas are in danger because there are few eucalyptus forests in Australia now. WRITING Задание 6. Прочитай отрывок из письма. Напиши ответ своему другу по переписке. Ответь на его вопросы. ...Му parents are busy and my mum always asks me to help her about the house. I have to set the table and put the plates into the dishwasher, clean my room and the sitting room. I also have to take our dog for a walk in the morning. I think I spend too much time on my home duties. What do you have to do at home? Do you share your home duties with your brother or sister? What do you do after school? Write back soon. With best wishes, Jason ------- 74 Part II SPEAKING Задание 7. Выбери одну карточку. Дай устный ответ. Card 1 Card 2 Give a talk about your school. Say: • what it is like • what clubs and sports facilities the school has got • what school events you have got during the school year Give a talk about your weekend. Say: • whether you like the weekend and why • how you usually spend your weekend • what special meal you have on the weekend Card 3 Give а talk about your favourite food. Say: • what your favourite food is • whether you help your mother (granny) in the kitchen and what you do • whether you like school food or not and why Задание 8. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником. Dialogue 1 Card 1 Card 2 Ask your classmate: • whether he / she has ever been to the zoo • what he / she did there • which animal impressed him / her most of all and why Answer his / her questions. (You begin the conversation.) Answer your classmate’s questions. Ask him / her: • what his / her favourite animal is and why • whether he / she has ever been to the zoo • whether he / she liked it Dialogue 2 Card 1 Card 2 Ask your classmate: • which week day is the most difficult for him / her and why • whether he / she has much homework to do every day • whether he / she has joined any school clubs and, if so, what club Answer his / her questions. (You begin the conversation.) Answer your classmate’s questions. Ask him / her: • what his / her favourite school subject is and why • what school events he / she likes most of all • whether he / she usually takes part in any school events Project "Let's cook о special dish for Christmas" • Read the instructions and do the project in your Workbook. 75 к. UNfT Learning more about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Section 1 ^ Would you like to take part in an international \ Internet project? 1 Read the information about Christie. Say what you have learned about her. Christie is the head of a local explorers’ club. She is also a member of the International Explorers’ Club. Last month, she represented her local club at the international meeting for young explorers. Today, she is going to invite her friends to take part in a new project. _________________PRONUNCIATION FOCUS 2 Listen, repeat and read. [i] — participant, cinema, Christie, interesting, international [e] — represent, member, already, special [ai] — invite, fine, like, idea, arrive, find [Ф1 — project, juice, jeans, manage, just, message, geographic [0] — think, third, thirteenth, through, nothing, thrilling 3 Listen to the telephone conversation and say what project Andy wants to take part in. 4 a) Put the sentences of the dialogue in the correct order (1-10). 3 What are you going to do on Saturday? _ OK. I’ve already phoned Paul and Nicole, and they are both coming tomorrow. _ That sounds interesting! What’s the project? _ Nothing special. I might play football with Paul or go to the cinema. _ The members of our club are going to build a website for “The International Explorers’ Club”. 2 Oh, Christie, hi! _ Great! I think lots of our classmates would like to take part in that. 1 Hello, Andy! _ Good! See you tomorrow at the club. _ Would you like to take part in an international Internet project? BE POLITE! m b) Listen to the dialogue again and check the order. ^3 5 Work in pairs. Read the telephone conversation with your classmate. ’ ^3 6 Make up your own dialogues and act them out. What are you going to do on Sunday? I’m going to... My friends... ’ My family and I are... Would you like to take part in ... project? ^ . Of course, I would. Let me see... BfiOflH T 5/ =;^ I really don t know. 7 Listen, repeat and read how to answer phone calls. A: Hello, this is the sports club, how can I help you? B: Hello. This is Mel. Can I speak to Lora Stock, please? A: I’m sorry. She isn’t in. B: What a pity! A: You can leave a message for her if you like. B: Yes, thank you, could you tell her Mel Lark called, please. A: I’ll certainly tell her you called. B: Thank you, goodbye. 8 Write a telephone conversation between two classmates. Before you start, think about the reasons for the telephone conversation: • asking for homework exercise numbers, • arranging a picnic, • going to the cinema, • asking for someone’s phone number. 9 Match the words and the texts. a) dictionary b) encyclopedia c) magazine d) newspaper 1. You can find specific information about different subjects, usually in alphabetical order. 2. You can read the latest information about important events in the economy, sport, politics and culture. 3. You can enjoy information with lots of beautiful photos and interesting interviews. 4. You can find the correct definitions of words. «« YOU! Mi PRONUNCIATION FOCUS 10 Listen, repeat and read. [л] — countries, comfort, dull, funny, lucky Lju;] — unusual, musical, university, youth [w] — with, wonderful, worth, weather, world, website, wildlife [d] — historic, responsible, popular, modern, project, exotic, tropical [э:] — important, more, horse, naughty, sport The Intern Home About Us Photos Learning more 3^ about the world! 11 Read the text and say what lEC is. 'Q -'J-jjiirt'iP 1 IjSwWWJtCCOWI '**" ABOUT US Hi everyone! On our website “The International Explorers’ Club” (lEC) you can find fantastic quizzes, thrilling competitions, new games, interesting interviews, amazing photos, modern music and films. We celebrate national holidays together, discuss explorers’ stories, share recipes from our countries, and introduce important historical events and amazing sights from around the world. The motto of the lEC team is “Learning more about the world!” The website will help schoolchildren to know more about different countries, people, unusual traditions, popular places of interest and so on. Join us and help build the website with us! You can share photos, post comments, make new friends, practise English, and get experience in creating our Internet project. We hope that this project will connect many students from all over the world. See you on our website, www.iec.com LOOK AND LEARN! Best regards. The International Explorers’ Club team *___I Л■J^Л ■ a quiz [kwiz] — викторина thrilling ['0nhr)] — захватывающий to post [paust] — оставлять сообщения на форуме an experience [ik'spiarisns] — опыт to connect [ka'nekt] — соединять 12 Find out the answers to the questions in the text. 1. What is the name of the website? 2. What can you find on the website? 3. What is the motto of the lEC team? 4. Would you visit this website? Why? / Why not? 5. Who will take part in the Internet project? 78 13 Read the text again and find English equivalents to the following phrases. необычные традиции, популярные достопримечательности, захватывающие соревнования, интересные интервью, удивительные фотографии, современная музыка и кинофильмы, важные исторические события, получать опыт ational Explorers' Club Games Interviews Music Films Quizzes Contact Us 14 Match the adjectives with the nouns. Make as many word combinations as possible. Adjectives Nouns unusual popular thrilling interesting amazing modern important fantastic historical different events competitions sights traditions places of interest music and films experience photos interviews quizzes 15 Tell each other what you know about the lEC website. Use the information from the text. Would you like to take part in the new Internet project? Why? / Why not? The creation of the website is... The motto of... There are a lot of... Students all over the world can... I would / wouldn’t like to take part in the project because... 16 Translate the following phrases. Use them in your own sentences. homework quizzes good shopping friends progress 17 In your opinion, what are the five most interesting things to do on the lEC website. Give your reasons. Example: It’s interesting for me to share photos with students from all over the world. Use: do fantastic quizzes, take part in thrilling competitions, give interviews, take amazing photos, listen to modern music, celebrate different national holidays, discuss funny explorers’ stories, learn about important historic events, share photos, post comments, make new friends, connect with many students from all over the world, get experience in doing quizzes, practise English 18 Imagine that an English journalist asks you to help him write an advert for a website “Traveller’s stories”. Use Ex. 14 and 17. Example: We are glad to introduce the website “Traveller’s stories”. Here you can find articles about... Visit our site www.tstories.com. TRAVELLER'S STORIES tstories.com GRAMMAR FOCUS: PAST SIMPLE (REVIEW 19 Complete the sentences. Put the verbs into the Past Simple. Use: share, post, have, be, present, go, take 1. Five days ago, we went to the Geographical Museum. 2. Last summer, I ... some modern songs and photos with my friend. 3. In the beginning of this school year, our teacher ... his new Internet project to us. 4. Yesterday, I ... the article on the school website. 5. Last winter holidays, I got in touch with my friend by e-mail. He ... abroad. 6. Last month, I ... an interesting experience at the swimming club. 7. Two days ago, I ... an active part in a competition. 20 Read the text in Ex. 11 again and say if the statements are true or false. 3. 1. On the website “The International Explorers’ Club” we could find a lot of useful information. 2. There aren’t any articles about different national traditions on the website. Only the lEC team can take part in building the website. The lEC team hopes that the project will connect many students from all over the world. The lEC website has a few dull competitions and some old games. On the lEC website students can post and discuss different explorers’ stories. 4. 6. В 21 Interview your classmates and complete the table. Say what they think is the most interesting information on the website. Names of your classmates What information would be interesting to find on the lEC website? different countries and people national traditions quizzes and competitions games and photos music and films your own ideas Marina fashion Oleg / sports events ... 22 Fill in the gaps with your personal information for the registration form on the lEC website (www.iec.com). International Explorers' Club 23 Write to the International Explorers’ Club team about what information you think they could add to the lEC website. Example: Name / Surname Login (Name on the site) Age Form (Class) Address Languages spoken School Hobbies Dear lEC team, I think your project... I’d like to take an active part in building the website. I also hope that there will be... 80 Section 2 What do you know about the United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland? SI 24 Listen to the conversation and say what the children are going to do tomorrow. Choose the correct answer. 1. They will talk about the latest sporting events in Great Britain. 2. They will read about interesting facts from British history. 3. They will discuss the details of an international Internet project. 25 Read and complete the conversation. Use: history, traditions, tennis, people, tomorrow, facts Christie: Hey guys, right, we’ve got to do this international Internet project. It says here we should research the most interesting/acts possible about our country and post them on the site. Have you got any ideas? Nicole: Well, we should include something about the famous ... who were born here. There are so many, after all. Christie: We also have some unusual ... — people from other countries might be interested in them. Paul: What about sport? The British are famous for loving sport. You know, cricket, ..., boxing, even swimming. And let’s not forget our most popular sport — football! Andy: We should say something about the geography and ... of the United Kingdom, too. Christie: Okay. Let’s research all that and meet ... to discuss the details. GRAMMAR FOCUS: NUMBERS 26 Read the conversation again and say if the statements are true or false. 1. They are meeting together to discuss an international Internet project. 2. They are going to research some interesting facts about Britain. 3. They are planning to write a book. 4. They are going to present Great Britain on the site. 5. Britain doesn’t have any traditions. 6. Cricket is very popular in Great Britain. 27 Read and remember. 100 — a (one) hundred 105 — a (one) hundred and five 147 — a (one) hundred and forty-seven 200 — two hundred 500 — five hundred 1000 — a (one) thousand 1010 — a (one) thousand and ten 5000 — five thousand 100 000 — a (one) hundred thousand 1 000 000 — a (one) million 81 ^28 Listen, repeat and read. England ['logland] Scotland [’skotland] Wales [weilz] Northern Ireland [,no:6n 'aiabnd] Edinburgh ['edinbara] Cardiff ['kcrdif] Belfast [,bel'fa;st] 29 Look at the map, read and say what you know about Great Britain. The United Kingdom consists of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capitals of these parts are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It’s too long, isn’t it? So usually people call it the UK or the United Kingdom. The name “United Kingdom” was first used in 1707. The United Kingdom consists of more than 5000 islands of different sizes. Great Britain is the largest island. Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales. It doesn’t include Northern Ireland. The national flag of the United Kingdom is called the Union Jack. English is the official language of the country. LOOK AND LEARN! to consist of [kan'sist av] — состоять из The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ___ Z ^ '33 '■ ’У'. Т» 5i • ^ 5 Belfast z о Г" -p- z о London 30 Use the text and answer the questions. 1. How many countries does the UK consist of? Name them. 2. What are the capitals of these countries? 3. What is the official name of the whole country? 4. When was the name “United Kingdom” first used? 5. What do people also call the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? 6. What is the largest island of the country? 7. What do British people call the national flag? 8. What countries does Great Britain include? 9. What is the official language of the whole country? 31 Work in pairs. Look at the map of the United Kingdom. Find all countries and name them and their capitals. 82 32 Write an essay about the UK. Use the facts which you already know. Add some new facts. Begin with: The United Kingdom has long and great... The UK consists of... . The capitals .... The national flag .... The official language 33 Look at the photos and say which of these symbols are connected with the United Kingdom. Which of them symbolise the UK for you? St Basil’s Cathedral 34 Read Andy’s article. Say what new facts you have learned from the text. Welcome to Great Britain! hat are the first words you remember of when thinking about Great Britain? I know from my own experience, people usually say some popular words: the Royal family, a foggy island, old castles, red buses, football and tea. Some of you will picture Big Ben or the Tower Bridge, but Great Britain is not only a number of symbols... It is a real country with its own geography, economy and special political system, a rich culture and different sporting events. Today I begin my story with some interesting facts about my country. The climate here is rather cool and changeable but it often rains which is good for plants. The British love their green gardens full of beautiful flowers. Great Britain is rich in gardens and parks which are famous all over the world. Great Britain is half the size of France or Spain, but the English language is the first language of international communication in the world. By the way, if you visit Scotland one day, you may have some trouble understanding people there. It is because they have a strong accent which can be difficult to understand. Now, girls and boys, you know some new interesting facts about Britain. I hope this was enjoyable. Andy Wilson LOOK AND LEARN! a castle ['kcrsl] — замок climate ['klaimat] — климат changeable [’tjemdjabl] — переменчивый communication [k3,mju:ni'keijn] — общение to have trouble [’trAbl] doing smth — иметь проблему с чем-либо 83 Е 35 Work in pairs. Use the text and answer the following questions. 1. What popular words do people know about Great Britain? 2. What is the climate of Great Britain like? 3. What do British people love? 4. Is Britain smaller or bigger than France? 5. Why may you have trouble understanding speech in Scotland? 36 Find the phrases in the text. Give their Russian equivalents. a foggy island, old castles, a special political system, a rich culture, a changeable climate, international communication, own language 37 Translate the following phrases. Use them in your own sentences. museums parks culture SI 38 Listen to the poem, repeat and read. So many countries all over the world. So many people life tales told! Different cities, languages, poems. Amazing traditions, legends, stories. We travel East, we travel West To know so much is best. If South is warm. North is cold. We start our trip and off we go! 39 Work in groups of three or four. Remember everything you know about Great Britain. Complete the sentences. 1. The United Kingdom consists of... 2. The capitals... 3. The official name... 4. Great Britain includes... 5. The climate... 6. The official language... 40 Write an essay about the United Kingdom. Use Ex. 39 as a model. Use the Internet. 41 Look at the pictures. a) Match the flags and the the names of the countries. a) Canada b) Australia c) The Russian Federation d) India e) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland b) Give your comments on the flags. Qj Use the Internet. 84 *г/хг Обо Л A ûà - ■'I'. JL ■ 42 Listen and read the poem. This is the key of the kingdom This is the key of the kingdom. In that kingdom there is a city. In that city there is a town. In that town there is a street. In that street there is a lane'. In that lane there is a yard^ In that yard there is a house. In that house there is a room. In that room there is a bed. In that bed there is a basket^, In that basket there are some flowers. Flowers in the basket. Basket in the bed. Bed in the room. Room in the house. House in the yard. Yard in the lane. Lane in the street. Street in the town. Town in the city. City in the kingdom. Of that kingdom this is the key. ‘ lane |lein| — тропинка ^ yard [jcrd] — двор ^ basket ['ba:skit] — корзина 44 Look at the pictures. Match the symbols and flags to each part of the United Kingdom. SI 43 Listen, read and repeat. St George’s Cross [sant ,d5o:cfe 'kro:s] St Andrew’s Cross [sant ,asndru:z 'kra:s] St Patrick’s Cross fsant .paetriks 'kra:s] Red Dragon [,red 'draegan] thistle ['0!sl] daffodil ['daefadrl] clover ['klauva] rH Wales Northern Ireland clover The national symbols of England are the red rose and the flag called the St George’s Cross. The national symbols of Scotland are the thistle and the flag called the St Andrew’s Cross. The national symbols of Wales are the daffodil and the flag called the Red Dragon. The national symbols of Northern Ireland are the clover and the flag called the St Patrick’s Cross. LOOK AND LEARN! thistle [0isl] — чертополох daffodil [‘daefadil] — нарцисс clover [’klauva] — клевер 45 Read the information from the lEC website. Say why we can’t find the Red Dragon on the Union Jack. I The United Kingdom’s flag The flag of the United Kingdom is called the Union Jack. It consists of three crosses: the national flags of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Red Dragon isn’t on the Union flag because England and Wales were united earlier than the Union Jack was created. i I 85 GRAMMAR FOCUS: ARTICLE THE (REVIEW) 46 Read and remember. 1. We don’t use “the” with parts of the world: Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia, North and South America, Antarctica countries: Russia, India, Egypt, Canada cities / towns: London, Cardiff, Belfast, Edinburgh, Oxford, Cambridge 2. We use “the” with “federation”, “kingdom”, “states”: The Russian Federation The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The USA (the United States of America) Ш47 Listen, read and enjoy the jokes. 1. A: What’s the coldest city in Germany? B: Brrr ...lin! (Berlin). 2. A: Who is a penguin’s favourite aunt? B: Aunt Arctica. 3. A: What is an island? B: A piece of land surrounded by water except on one side. 4. A: What is in the middle of America? B: The letter “R”. 48 Choose the right answer. Use the if necessary. * Example: Where is Egypt? (Africa, South America, Europe) — In Africa. 1. Of which country is London the capital? (Great Britain, France, USA) 2. Which is the largest continent? (Africa, North America, Australia) 3. Which is the largest country in the world? (USA, China, Russian Federation) 4. What is the capital of Scotland? (Belfast, London, Edinburgh) 5. What is the capital of Wales? (Belfast, London, Cardiff) 6. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? (Belfast, Edinburgh, Cardiff) 7. Which country is smaller than France and Spain? (USA, Australia, United Kingdom) 49 Talk about the United Kingdom with your partner. Use the following guidelines. • The name of the country • The countries which it consists of • The capitals • The national symbols • The geography and the climate • The language 86 Section 3 ^Let's arrange a trip to England! 50 Listen to the conversation. Say what the friends are going to talk about. Use the table below. Christie sport in the world. Andy is going to talk about the greatest British people. Nicole most extraordinary details about each country of the UK. Paul most interesting customs and traditions. WORD FOCUS 51 Read, translate and remember. -y: extraordinary, lucky, busy, funny, dirty, lazy, noisy -able: changeable, comfortable, hospitable, unforgettable -ful: beautiful, careful, wonderful, useful, helpful, successful -ous: famous, curious, dangerous, serious, humorous В 52 Match the words to the definitions. 1. custom 2. tradition 3. saying 4. superstition a) a belief which is based on old ideas about luck and magic b) a well-known statement, that people often say c) beliefs and actions from past to the present d) a usual practice people have done for a long time 53 Read the Internet forum page and find the answers to the questions. Fill in the table. forum.ru 1 2 3 4 5 Forum в 1. Ш Sasha: I’ve read in many books that there are a lot of customs and traditions in Britain. Is that right? 2. SI Masha: They say the favourite British drink is tea, don’t they? 3.5 Oleg: I’ve heard that there is a person in the UK who has two birthdays? Is that true? 4. S Tanya: Do the British believe in superstitions? 5.5 Boris: What does “Sleep tight” mean? A. S Moderator: Some British people believe in good and bad luck. For example, black cats are lucky. A clover with four leaves brings good luck. The number “thirteen” is very unlucky. B. S Moderator: Yes, that’s right. Britain is rich in customs and traditions. Some of them are famous all over the world. A lot of them have very long histories. Some are funny and some are strange. But they are all interesting. There are many traditions connected to the Royal family, sport, music and food. There are old songs, sayings and superstitions. They are all part of the British way of life. Cffl Moderator: The Queen is the most famous symbol of the UK. She is the only person in Britain with two birthdays: her real one and the “official” birthday. During her “official” birthday, there is a parade with hundreds of soldiers. D. S] Moderator: It is a saying which means “Good night”. E. [£ Moderator: Everybody knows that the British drink a lot of tea. A cup of tea can wake you up in the morning and put you to sleep at night. If you are hot, tea cools you down and if you are cold, it warms you up. what you know about British Sir traditions and superstitions. Use the information from Ex. 53. 55 Take part in the Quick Smart Quiz Complete the sentences. I i -t } A The Quick Smart Quiz Notice! The time is limited. You have only three minutes 1. They say that ghosts live in old .... a) trees b) towns c) cafes d) castles 2. The United Kingdom ... four countries, a) takes part b) makes up c) consists of d) connects with 3. The ... of the island is very changeable, a) language b) nature c) climate d) custom 4. Mike ... with learning French, a) spends time b) takes exams c) makes mistakes d) has trouble 5. She has bad pronunciation. I don’t understand her .... a) sayings b) ideas c) speech d) beliefs 6. Yesterday I took part in an amazing Internet .... a) exam b) quiz c) site d) text 7. Usually Polly and Mary ... their homework together, a) get b) do c) make d) have 8. London is ... in historic monuments, a) full b) bright c) great d) rich Now mark your score: If you have 0-2 wrong answers — you are ready to join the International Explorers’ Club team. If you have 3-4 wrong answers — you will soon be ready to join the International Explorers’ Club team. You should visit our site more often. If you have 5-8 wrong answers — you should work some more on your English. GRAMMAR FOCUS: ZERO CONDITIONAL 56 Read and remember. • If you want to know more, read books.— Если ты хочешь знать больше, читай книги. • If you are cold, a cup of tea warms you up.— Если тебе холодно, чашка чая согреет тебя. • Our friends go to the country if the weather is fine.— Наши друзья выезжают загород, если погода хорошая. • Clover brings good luck if it has four leaves.— Клевер приносит удачу, если у него четыре листочка. 88 57 Match the beginnings of the sentences with the ends. Beginnings Ends 1. If it gets dark. a) if you want to make new friends. 2. If ifs the 1st of September, b) fill in the registration form. 3. If you want to join the Explorers’ Club, c) I don’t go for a walk. 4. Do homework every day d) if you want to get good marks. 5. Come to our school website i) if you don’t want to be late for school. 6. Get up early every day f) I start school. 58 Finish the if statements. Compare your sentences with those of your classmates. 1. If you want to know about the traditions of other countries,... 2. If you know English,... 3. If you want to travel around the world,... m 59 Listen and guess what it is: a) the beginning of a quiz. b) an advertisement for a travel agency. c) a scientific radio program. WORD FOCUS 60 Read, translate and remember. -al: international, unusual, historical, national, traditional, musical -ic: fantastic, exotic, historic, scientific, energetic -ing: thrilling, interesting, boring, English-speaking -ive: active, talkative, creative, expensive 61 Read and fill in the gaps. Use: musical, thrilling, popular, comfortable, historical, traditional, famous, fantastic TRAVEL TO ENGLAND! 3^ We e advise you to visit England — the historical centre of Great Britain! We can offer you ... buses, detailed maps, the most ... places of interest and the best guides. If you want to travel with professionals, choose us. We are the most experienced travel agency in Britain. We provide full information about... festivals,... concerts, ... exhibitions and ... sporting events. We can help you to plan a ... trip that you will want to remember forever. " I '' ..w r SI 62 Listen to the advertisement again and check your answers. 63 Read the country fact file about England and complete the text. Name England National day 23 April Capital London Population about 51 million Official language English Big cities London, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds Educational centres Oxford, Cambridge The longest river the Thames / “C My name is John. Travelling is my job and my hobby. I work in a travel agency and I have visited every corner of my country. ... is the largest part of Great Britain. The population is about .... The official language is ... . It is a very interesting country with a long history. The capital of England and one of the most beautiful cities in the world is___ Many beautiful bridges across ... connect the north and the south of the city. On 23rd April England celebrates its ... . There are many universities in England. The most well-known education centres are ... and .... There are lots of other big cities in England for example ..., .... and .... I would be glad to meet you in our agency and give you more information about England! Manchester Liverpool — 64 a) Answer the questions. 1. What is the biggest part of Great Britain? 2. How many people live in England? 3. What is the English capital? 4. When is the English National Day? 5. What is the longest river in England? b) Look at the map. Choose one of the places shown in it. Say what you know about it. ENGLAND Stratford-upon-Avon N Oxford 65 Complete the dialogue between John, the travel agent, and the tourist. Guess what questions the tourist asked. — Hello! I would like to spend my spring holidays in England next month. What can you suggest? — You should visit the capital first of all. ___ — Because it’s one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with a long and interesting history. ___ _? — There is the River Thames. You could enjoy travelling by boat. _____ ? — You can also visit Oxford, Cambridge and Manchester. ___ — The national day of England is 23rd April. — Oh, that’s my birthday! — That’s great! Well, I hope you’ll visit us here in London. бб6 Work in pairs. Act out the conversation between a travel agent and a tourist who is going to visit England. the Thames , 91 67 Complete the mind map. What words are connected with the word “city”? Шб8 Listen, repeat and read. Manchester ['maen^ista] Stratford-upon-Avon [.straetfad эроп 'eivan] William Shakespeare l.wiljam jeikspia] The Beatles l'bi:tlz] Liverpool ['livapu:!] Everton ['evatan] Royal Pavilion [,ratal pa'viljan] 69 Read and match the pictures and the information from the booklets Say which place you would like to visit. Why? MANCHESTER Manchester is a large industrial city in the northwest of England. It is known for its two famous football teams: Manchester United and Manchester City. The population of the city is about 5 million people. It is the second largest city after London. Stratford-upon-Avon Stratford-upon-Avon is a small town in the middle of England, but it’s very famous. It’s the town where William Shakespeare was born. Every year 4 million tourists visit this place. They usually come to the well-known Royal Shakespeare Theatre — one of the biggest theatres in Britain. LIVERPOOL Liverpool is a big port. It’s situated on the west coast of the country. It has a famous Beatles museum — the most famous rock band of the 20th century. Football is very popular in Liverpool, too. The city has two well-known teams, Liverpool and Everton. BRIGHTON Brighton is a large town on the south coast of England. It is a popular place for holidays. There are many language schools and it has a well-known centre for conferences and exhibitions. It is also famous for the Royal Pavilion, a large unusual building. LOOK AND LEARN! industrial [in'dAstriall — промышленный a conference [’konfrans] — конференция an exhibition [.eksibijn] — выставка m lEUn-"""- 70 Look though the texts again and advise your classmate which city or town of England is most worth visiting. Say why. Example: I think Manchester is worth visiting because it is the home city of my favourite football team — Manchester United. 71 Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue. Use: Have you ever been to...? Of course, I have... / I’ve never been to.. I’d like to visit it because... It’s worth visiting because... 72 Match words from the two boxes to make meaningful phrases. Then make up your own sentences about “a city” using these word combinations. Example; an ancient legend — I would like to tell you an ancient legend about the city, an old bridge — There is an old bridge in this city. 73 Many big cities in the world look the same. Think about your own city. Say what makes it special. Example: In my city there is a museum street. All the museums are situated on it! There is the Science Museum, the Museum of Old Cars, the Museum of Boats, the Museum of Music and, of course, the “Ice cream Museum”, which is my favourite! 74 Work in groups of three or four. Create a map and write a description of your place. Present your city to your classmates. Make a wall chart with maps and descriptions of your cities. Decide whose description and map are the best. Use the following questions: 1. The name of the city / town / ... 2. Where it is situated 3. When it was founded 4. What it is rich in 5. What it is famous for 6. Why it is worth visiting TEST YOURSELF^ Do the exercises in your Workbook. 93 Section 4 Enjoying the countryside of Woles and Northern Ireland Sts Listen to the telephone conversation and say what Andy asks Dylan about. Штб Listen, read and repeat. costume ['kostjum] rugby ['rAgbi] millennium [mi'leniam] Snowdon ['snaudn] Snowdonia National Park [snau'daunia .nsejanal 'pa:k] St Winifred’s Well (sant .winifridz 'well 77 Read the text about Wales and fill in the table. Cardiff Dear Andy, I’ll try to summarise the information about Wales through several of its most well-known and important facts. First of all, Wales has its own language, customs, holidays and music. The symbol of Wales is the Red Dragon and the national flower is a daffodil. We celebrate our national day on 1st March, in honor of St David, the patron saint of Wales (покровитель). On this day, some children wear the national costume with tall black hats and long dresses. Our national game is rugby and we love to watch matches in our Millennium Stadium in Cardiff. It is the biggest stadium in Wales with 74,500 seats! We also have some very beautiful nature. This is a country of mountains. The highest is Snowdon. It is situated in the Snowdonia National Park. Tourists love this place very much. As for me, the most beautiful things are the waterfalls. There are many waterfalls in Wales. But sometimes it is very difficult to reach them. The biggest one is situated in the deep forest between the hills and only a tourist as brave and strong as you, Andy, could find this waterfall. It has a height of 74 metres! Believe me, it’s worth seeing. And the last thing I want to tell you about is St Winifred’s Well. This Well is formed of natural springs' and the water in it is warm. They say that the water in the Well has healing powers^. Can you believe it?! Come and try everything yourself! I hope my letter will help you. Best wishes, Dylan springs — источники ^ healing powers — целебная сила ИД' Name National day Capital Symbol National game National costume Natural wonders •Л»' 78 Read and say if the statements are true or false. 1. People in Wales only speak English. 2. The Millennium Stadium is in the capital of Wales. 3. Wales is famous for its white cliffs. 4. The biggest Welsh waterfall is in a place which is difficult to reach. 5. The water in St Winifred’s Well is warm and has special powers. GRAMMAR FOCUS: PRESENT CONTINUOUS (REVIEW) 79 Read and remember. am is are + verb (play) + ing (playing) Complete the sentences. I ... work (+ ing). We ... sleep (+ ing). You ... read (+ ing). She / He ... do (+ ing). They ... wash (+ ing). 80 Look at the photos and say what people are doing. Use: celebrate National Day, play rugby, watch a game in the Millennium Stadium, climb mountains, take photos of a waterfall 81 Imagine that you are in Wales. Write down the tourist’s notes in your diary. Use the following notes; 1st March 2nd March Today is my second day in Wales. rugby match. / the Millennium Stadium 3rd March 4th March the match / a thrilling game 5th March 6th March St Winifred’s Well / the water 7th March > т 82 Listen and say what problem Gary and his friends have. PRONUNCIATION FOCUS 83 Listen, repeat and read. world, word, surfing, excursion, early, earth shipbuilding, biking, canoeing, amazing, gardening change, chess, choice, chew, adventure, chart, such society, scientific, giant, fire, dialogue, iron, tired note, boat, close, slow, snow, no, over, own, only, open, go [з:] [lO] [tn [ai3] [эи] 84 Read the Internet forum page and find the answers to the questions. Fill in the table. 1 2 3 4 VisitNorthernlreland.com 1.1 I Holidaymaker: I dream of visiting places which haven’t changed for years. What can you suggest? 2. Sea dog: I’m really interested in ships, seas and oceans. Where could I find some interesting information about them? 3. Ll Miss: My brother and I like to spend time outdoors. What activities could we enjoy in Northern Ireland? 4. DiDi: My grandparents would like to have a calm and peaceful rest. Is Northern Ireland the right place for them? Navy [‘neivi] — морской флот shipbuilding ['jip,bildii]] — кораблестроение A. If you are looking for adventure, we suggest you visit one of our adventure camps. There you could go surfing or mountain biking, explore the forests, rocks and water or discover ancient paths! Come to our water park for canoeing or take an excursion by plane. You should also visit our wonderful beaches with their amazing views. B. Of course. We recommend them to visit our gardens. Northern Ireland has one of the best gardening climates in the world. Winter is rather warm and the days are long and sunny. Plants love these conditions very much. In the evenings, we advise them to visit one of the modern or classic theatres like Waterfront Hall or the Grand Opera House, in Belfast. C. Travel back in time. Northern Ireland is full of places which haven’t changed for thousands of years. There are many beautiful castles and monuments which could tell you a lot about ancient times. D. There are a lot of museums in Northern Ireland. You could visit one of nine historical museums or eight traditional visitor centres. You will discover new facts about the Navy', sea battles and shipbuilding^ LOOK AND LEARNI 96 surfing ['saifii]] — сёрфинг a path [pa:0] — тропинка to canoe [кэ'пш] — плавать на каное an excursion [ik'skai/n] — экскурсия battles ['baetlz] — битвы 85 Say what you know about Northern Ireland. Use the information from Ex. 84. GRAMMAR FOCUS: ADJECTIVES (DEGREES OF COMPARISON) (REVIEW 86 Complete the sentences with the correct word. Change the adjective in brackets to the comparative or superlative form. 1. “I think Northern Ireland is (beautiful) part of the United Kingdom,” said the tourist from Japan. 2. The lakes of Scotland are (deep) than the lakes of Northern Ireland. 3. The week I spent in Northern Ireland was (good) adventure of the summer. 4. The River Severn is (long) than the River Thames. 5. What is (bad) season for you? — Winter. It’s too cold for me. 6. What is (large) country in Great Britain? — England. 7. What is (young) capital in Great Britain? — Cardiff. 87 Take part in the Smart Quiz. Complete the sentences. Northern Ireland is full of - places which have changed recently. There are a lot of new museums, parks and monuments. - places which are going to change very soon. There will be a lot of beautiful modern buildings and monuments. - places which haven’t changed for thousands of years. There are a lot of beautiful castles, old monuments, modern and classic theatres. There are a lot of - museums in Northern Ireland. You could visit a lot of historical museums or traditional visitor centres. You will discover new facts about the Navy, sea battles and shipbuilding. - museums in Northern Ireland. You could visit lots of special places connected to the Queen’s family and see large collections of wax models of famous film stars and pop singers. - museums in Northern Ireland. You could visit popular science museums. They are full of big collections of aeroplanes and ships. If you are looking for adventure, we suggest you visit - one of our beautiful parks. There you could walk among old trees, relax and admire flowers and plants or take part in lots of different activities such as tennis, swimming and horse-riding. - one of our adventure camps. There you could go surfing or mountain biking and explore the forests, rocks and water, discover ancient paths and visit wonderful beaches! - one of our swimming pools. There you could swim in the open-air freshwater pools and train five to seven times a week. Swimming is a good form of exercise! V the worst climates for gardening in the world. Winter is rather cool and the days are short and cloudy. Plants don’t like these conditions very much, the best climate for animals in the world. Winter is rather warm and the days are long and sunny. Animals love these conditions very much, the best climate for gardening in the world. Winter is rather warm and the days are long and sunny. Plants love these conditions very much. 88 Work in pairs. Talk about a possible future visit to Northern Ireland with your classmate. Look at the photos and find the places you would like to visit. Example: A; What place in Northern Ireland would you like to visit? B: I would like to visit Belfast. It is the capital of the country. Northern i 89 Write a short story about your future visit to Northern Ireland. Use the guidelines. 1. Old castles and monuments 2. Adventure camps 3. The best gardening climate in the world 4. Modern or classic theatres 98 Section 5 i We are going to visit Scotland! Щ90 Listen, repeat and remember the tongue twisters. I see a sea down by the seashore. But which sea do you see down by the seashore? Luke Luck likes lakes. Luke’s duck likes lakes. Duck likes lakes Luke Luck likes. Luke Luck likes lakes his duck likes. Ш91 Listen, repeat and read. the North Sea 1,пэ:0 'si:] the Highlands ['hailandzj the Lowlands I'laubndz] the Southern Uplands [,8лбп 'Apbndzj Ben Nevis [,ben 'nevisj Loch Ness ['Idx nes] a kilt [kilt] clans Iklaenzj tartan f'ta:tn| the bagpipes ['basgpaips] Aberdeen [.geba'diin] the oil rigs ['oil rigzj 92 Match the pictures with the texts. A. Scotland is the most northern part of Great Britain. The North Sea is to the east of Scotland. There are three regions in Scotland: the Highlands and the islands, the Lowlands and the Southern Uplands. There are very old mountains in the Highlands. The highest one is Ben Nevis. Its height is 1344 metres. B. There are many beautiful lakes between the green hills. They are called lochs. The most well-known is Loch Ness. It is rather large and deep, and many people believe that a big monster lives there. They call it “Nessie” and describe it like a long black or green dinosaur. But for others, it is just a story. C. The culture of Scotland comes from ancient times and has its own long-held traditions. One of these is the kilt'. In the past, there were different clans- which each had their own tartan. Everybody in the clan had the same family name like MacDonald (Mac means “son of’). On their national day, Scottish men still wear kilts. A famous Scottish instrument is the bagpipes^. D. The industrial region of Scotland is the Lowlands. The most important cities here are Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. Glasgow is the most well-known shipbuilding centre in Scotland and Aberdeen is the biggest oil centre in Great Britain. Ships travel from Aberdeen to the oil rigs'* in the North Sea. a kilt [kilt] — килт (национальная шотландская одежда для мужчин) clans [klsenz] — кланы bagpipes ['basgpaips] — волынка oil rigs — нефтяные платформы 93 Complete the sentences. The bagpipes are a) an ancient mountain. b) the national day. c) a musical instrument. Loch Ness is a) a Scottish monster. b) a Scottish lake. c) a Scottish oil rig. Ben Nevis is a) the industrial region. b) the mountain in Scotland. c) the oldest Scottish clan. Aberdeen is a) the shipbuilding centre. b) the oldest region. c) the biggest oil centre. 94 Complete the sentences with the correct names of the places. Edinburgh, the Highlands, Glasgow, the North Sea, Loch Ness, Aberdeen, Ben Nevis 1. Scotland is the most northern part of Great Britain. ... is to the east of Scotland. In ... there are very old mountains. 3. The highest mountain in Scotland is ... . 4. One of the most famous lakes is called .... ... is the biggest oil centre in Scotland. ... is the cultural centre and the capital of Scotland. 7. The most well-known shipbuilding centre in Scotland is ... . 2. 5. 6. SI 95 Read the conversation between the guide and tourists. Put the sentences in the correct order (1-10). Then listen to check the order. ___ Guide: Yes, it will be tomorrow. Every year the Grand Parade takes place with over 3,500 musicians, singers, bands and dancers from all over the world. All of them will be in their national costume. 1 Guide: Hello! Tm your guide. I’ll show you around Scotland this week. Have you got any questions? ___Christy: Hello! What will we visit first? ___ Guide: They will parade through the city streets. It will not be far from your hotel. ___ Mike: Oh! A festival! That sounds amazing! I can’t wait to hear the bagpipes. Will the Grand Parade take place tomorrow? ___Christy: Fantastic! Where can we watch the Parade? ___ Mike: OK! Let’s go to the hotel! 2 Mike: Hello! ___ Guide: On Sunday, we’ll take part in a Festival of Music and Drama. ___ Guide: We are going to Edinburgh first. It is the ^ cultural centre and the capital of Scotland. Edinburgh Festival P^Er-inge • ^ Ш Ч 96 Make up your own dialogues and act them out. Use: Would you like to visit...? Of course I would. We are going to ... first. Fantastic! On Saturday we’ll take part in... That sounds amazing! IS 97 Work in groups of three or four. Write an essay about Scotland. Use the guidelines. 1. The most northern part of Great Britain 2. The capital and the cultural centre of Scotland 3. The highest mountain 4. The beautiful lakes 5. The biggest oil centre 6. The shipbuilding centre 7. The Scottish traditions 98 Match the words to the definitions. 1. a proverb a) a story from ancient times about people and events, that may or may not be true 2. a fairy tale b) a long story about imaginary people and events 3. a novel c) a well-known phrase or sentence that gives advice or says something that is true 4. a legend d) a story for children about magic or fairies that is not true 99 Read the first part of an old Scottish fairy tale and say what the little brownie' did in each house. I MYSELF! Part 1 L ercy was a little boy. Just like many boys and girls, he never wanted to go to sleep on time. He liked to sit near the fireplace and listen to fairy tales his mother told. The house was warm and cosy in the evening, especially near the fireplace. “Percy, it’s time to go to bed,” his mum said one evening. But Percy thought that it was too early to sleep and he argued with his mum. “I don’t want to sleep!” answered Percy. His mum was tired from arguing every day and she said: “Sit alone by the fire and the Old Fairy will come and take you because you don’t listen to your mother.” “I don’t care! I’m not afraid of old fairies!” answered Percy. During those ancient times, there used to be a little brownie' in each house. Every night, he would come to clean the house while everyone slept. Percy’s mother always left him a jar of cream^ as thanks. In the morning, the jar was always empty. The brownie who helped Percy’s mother was kind and friendly, but his mother, the Old Fairy, was very bad and she didn’t like people. ' a brownie [brauni] — „6рауни“, домовой ^ a jar of cream — кувшин сливок LOOK AND LEARN! cosy ['kauzi] — уютный to argue ['crgju:] — возражать, спорить 100 Say whether the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences. 1. Percy was a little brownie. 2. Percy always went to sleep on time. 3. Percy’s mother was tired of arguing every day with the Old Fairy. 4. During those ancient times, there was a little brownie in each house. 5. Percy’s mother didn’t like their little brownie. 101 Say why... a) Percy liked sitting near the fireplace in the evening. b) Percy’s mother said: “Sit alone by the fire.” c) every night a little brownie came to Percy’s house. d) Percy’s mother left the little brownie a jar of cream. e) the Old Fairy didn’t like people. 101 В 102 Work in pairs. Read and act out the dialogue between Percy and his mother. 103 Complete the text. Use: tired, take, listen, decided, said, left, afraid, wanted, thought, liked Percy was a little boy. He never ... to go to sleep on time. He ... to sit near fireplace and ... to fairy tales his mother told. Percy always ... that it was too early to sleep. His mother was ... from arguing every day and she ... him sitting alone by the fire. She ... that the Old Fairy would come and ... him because he didn’t listen to his mother. But Percy wasn’t ... of old fairies. He ... to stay alone near the fireplace. Ш 104 Listen, repeat and remember the tongue twisters. I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you. If you understand, say “understand”. If you don’t understand, say “don’t understand”. But if you understand and say “don’t understand”, how do I understand that you understand? Understand!? GRAMMAR FOCUS: REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS 105 Read and translate the sentences into Russian. I cut myself making the salad. It’s best if you do it yourself. We told him the truth about himself. Her funny story was all about herself. The house itself is nice but the rooms are small. We looked at ourselves in the mirror to check our hair. They built their house themselves. 106 Read the sentences. Use: myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves 1. I saw ... in the mirror. 2. Boys, don’t be so lazy and make your beds .... 3. We enjoyed ... at the disco. 4. Her elder brother has made this model of a ship .... 5. Are you hungry? Please help ...1 6. Has Olga read this fairy tale in English ...? 7. My dog goes for a walk by ... . 8. The students can do this work .... 107 Read the second part of the old Scottish fairy tale and say why the little brownie left the house. % > I MYSELF! Part 2 A t first Percy was glad that he stayed alone by the fire, but soon the fire died down and it became dark. Percy was worried. Suddenly, the brownie jumped out from behind the fireplace. Percy was scared. And the brownie was very surprised to meet Percy. “What is your name?” asked Percy. “Myself And yours?” Percy thought that this was a joke and he wanted to play a joke, too. “My name is I, Myself” “Catch me, I Myself!” Then they started running and playing near the fire. The brownie was quick like a cat and it was difficult to catch him. Running near the fireplace, Percy accidentally touched the coals in the fireplace, and one of them fell on the brownie’s foot. The brownie cried aloud. “Who has hurt you?” the Old Fairy asked from the fireplace. “Now, I will come and take him away.” Percy was very scared and ran off to his bed. 102 “I Myself,” said the brownie. “So why are you crying so loud and don’t let me sleep! You’ve only got yourself to blame!” And then she took the brownie back into the fireplace. After that, the brownie never came again, but Percy always went to sleep after his mum’s first request. LOOK AND LEARN! to be scared [skesd] — быть испуганным coal [кэи1] — уголь to hurt [h3:t] — повредить, ранить to blame [bleim] — упрекать, винить 108 Find and read the sentences from the text which describe the pictures. BE POLITE! 109 Read and remember. Help yourself! Make yourself at home! Enjoy yourself! Take care of yourself! 110 Say who in the text... a) asked, “What is your name?” b) wanted to play a joke. c) was quick like a cat. d) cried aloud. e) took the brownie back into the fireplace. f) always went to sleep after his mum’s first request. 111 Choose the right Russian translation of the underlined word. “My name is I, Myself.” a) сам b) о себе самом 112 Retell the tale from the point of view of a) Percy. b) the brownie. c) Percy’s mother. d) the Old Fairy. 113 What do you think the main idea of the fairy tale is? Explain your choice. 1. Don’t argue with your mother. 2. Don’t be afraid of the dark or angry old fairies. 3. Little brownies are very kind and funny. 4. Don’t play with little brownies and go to bed on time. H 114 Have you ever argued with your parents about: • the time you go to bed, • your duties about the house, • the food you prefer? Explain why. 103 Section 6 ^What do you know about famous British people? Eleanor Farjeoti Sir Isaac Newton Fred Perry 115 Read the conversation. Say who you agree with. Why? Nicole: Hi, guys! I’m collecting information about famous British people. Could you help me to answer the question: “Who are the most famous British people?” Andy: I think they are actors who star in popular films or writers who create popular books. Nicole: That’s a good idea. Christie: I suppose they are people who are always on TV screens. They give lots of interviews to the newspapers and there are lots of photos of them in the magazines. Paul: Yes, they are famous actors or writers or well-known sportsmen. They are champions. They are the winners of different competitions. Nicole: Thank you for your ideas. In fact, famous people are those who did something important in history and there are monuments in their honour or books about them. 116 Look at these pictures. Match each picture with the information below. Say what these people are famous for. A. He was a Scottish poet. He was born in 1759. Scots simply call him “The Bard”. His birthday is on 25th January. Every year on that day people all over the world remember him and read his poems. B. She was an English author of children’s stories, plays and poetry. Her plays for children were popular for school performances. Her most popular book is Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard. C. He is an English singer and musician. He wrote some of the most popular songs in the history of rock music. He was a member of a popular rock group The Beatles. D. He is still the most important scientist in the world. He discovered many of nature’s laws. He discovered the theory of gravity by watching the fall of an apple from a tree. E. He was a famous English officer of the Royal Navy. Of his several victories the most well known is the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, during which he died. There is a great monument in Trafalgar Square in his honour. F. She was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1979 to 1990. She is the only woman to have held both posts. 104 G. He was a popular English tennis player. He was the winner of different international competitions for a long time. He was the World No. 1 player for four years in a row. In Wimbledon, there is a monument in his honour. Nowadays, his name is used as a famous brand of sports clothes and shoes. WORD FOCUS: SUFFIXES -MAN, -ER ,-IST, -IAN, -ECT, -OR 119 Read the dialogues. Choose one of them and act it out. 117 Read, translate and remember. business — businessman camera — cameraman show — showman sport — sportsman dance — dancer sing — singer teach — teacher write — writer compose — composer drive — driver art — artist chemistry — chemist piano — pianist science — scientist music — musician politics — politician architecture — architect act — actor S1118 Listen to three dialogues and match each dialogue with one of the photographs. 1. C: S: C: S: C: S: C: S: C; S: Sophie, do you have a favourite person? Yes, she is a well-known actress. Who is she? Try to guess, she has taken part in a lot of different international film festivals. Has she got any awards? Of course, she has received multiple awards. Has she starred in any popular films? Yes, she had the lead role in Titanic. Oh, I think it is Kate Winslet, isn’t it? You’re right! 2. C: Mark, do you have a favourite person? M: Yes, he is a famous driver. C: Why do you like him? M: He is a talented sportsman. In school he played football, drove a kart and studied karate. C: What is he famous for? M: He is the youngest ever Formula One World Champion. He is a racing driver for McLaren. C: Oh, maybe it is Lewis Hamilton? M: Yes, it’s him! 3. C: J: C: J: C: J: C: J: Do you have a favourite person, Judy? Yes, I do. Is it a he or a she? She is a strong woman. What is she famous for? She was the first British astronaut. Oh, she must be really brave! Yes, to become an astronaut she beat 13,000 other candidates. Does she have any awards? 105 J: Yes, she has the Order of the British Empire and a British school is named after her. C: OK, I think it is Helen Sharman. J: Yes, you are right. LOOK AND LEARN! PRONUNCIATION FOCUS an award [a'woid] — награда a lead / leading role — главная роль a kart [ka:t] — карт (автомобиль для картинга) karate fka'rcrti] — каратэ racing ['reisio] — состязание в скорости an astronaut ['aestrsnort] — космонавт a candidate ['kaendideit] — кандидат 120 Tell your classmates about your favourite person. Don’t tell them his / her name. Let your classmates try to guess who he / she is. Use: star in a film, have a leading role, win a competition, write a popular book, sing a beautiful song, lead a successful business project, get / break a world record in..., have many awards, be a talented person 121 Interview your classmates and complete the table. Find out the names of the famous people your classmates like best of all. Example: — What famous people do you know? What do they do? — My favourite person is Tchaikovsky. He was a famous composer. Actor / Actress Composer Singer Writer Sportsman / Sportswoman Your idea Щ 122 Listen, repeat and read the tongue twister. Elizabeths birthday is or the third Thursday of this month. 1123 Listen, repeat and read. [ae] — charity, badly, candle, happen, national, palace [ei] — dangerous, statement, painting, break, stay, safety [i:] — disease, repeat, between, increase, eighteen, receive [a:] — heart, chance, guard, dance, March, answer [z| — prize, advise, because, choose, close, dishes H 124 Choose the necessary words to complete the texts. A. 1) an actress, the Queen, Princess 2) chosen, known, born 3) Westminster Abbey, St Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace 4) theatres and cinemas, palaces and museums, hospitals and schools 5) plane, car, bus 6) in the book, on the top, in the list 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ... Diana was a famous media star. She was ... on 1st July 1961 into an old aristocratic English family. In 1981, Diana married Prince Charles at .... They had two sons. Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was well known for her charity' work. She visited a lot of ... in different countries. She was against landmines^ and helped people with dangerous diseases^. They called her “the queen of people’s hearts”. She died on 31st August 1997 in a ... crash'*. Now her name is included ... of the most important and famous British people. There are memorials in her honour. ‘ charity ['tfaerati] — благотворительность ^ landmine ('laendmain] — мина, фугас * diseases [di'zrziz] — болезни ■' crash [krae/J — катастрофа 106 В. 1) astronaut, actor, singer 2) secret, travel, literary 3) radio show, talk show, TV show 4) play, film, show 5) best, richest, happiest 6) prize, diploma, award 1. Daniel Jacob Radcliffe is an English .... 2. He was born on 23rd July, 1989 in the family of a ... agent. 3. Radcliffe started acting in school plays when he was in primary school. When he was ten years old, he played the part of the young David Copperfield in the .... 4. In 2001, he played the lead role in the ... Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. 5. Now he is most famous for playing Harry in all eight films based on the Harry Potter books. It has made Radcliffe one of the ... young people in the United Kingdom. This helps him to be a supporter of some different charities, for example, some children’s hospitals. 6. In 2007, he received the National Movie ... for “Best Male Performance”. 125 Choose names you associate with: a) a monument in Wimbledon b) the Battle of Trafalgar c) The Beatles d) Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard e) “The Bard” f) “the queen of people’s hearts” g) the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom h) the fall of an apple from a tree (or the theory of gravity) i) Titanic j) Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone © © Sir Isaac Newton ® Sir Paul McCartney Baroness Margaret Thatcher (T) ^ Daniel Jacob Radcliffe © Princess Diana Horatio Nelson © Eleanor Farjeon © Fred Perry © Kate Winslet Robert Bums 107 126 Read the text and answer the questions: 1. When was Rudyard Kipling born? 2. What books and stories did Rudyard Kipling write? 3. When did he win the Nobel Prize? i Rudyard Kip I iny Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) is one of the most famous British writers and poets. He was born in India which was a colony of Great Britain at that time. He wrote his books for adults and for children. Many people from all over the world like his funny stories about animals. We can read them in his book which is called Just so stories. For example. The Elephant’s Child or The Cat that Walked by Himself. But his most famous work is The Jungle Book which consists of short stories. They are Mowgli’s Brothers, Tiger! Tiger!, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and others. Mowgli’s Brothers is about a small boy who was lost in the jungle. He grows up with the help of Baloo the bear, Bagheera the Black Panther and then fights with the tiger, Shere Khan. In 1907, R. Kipling won the Nobel Prize for Literature, and he was the first English writer who got this prize. 127 Say whether the following sentences are true or false. 1. R. Kipling was born in Great Britain. 2. R. Kipling only wrote his books for children. 3. R. Kipling’s most famous work is The Jungle Book. 4. In 1907, R. Kipling won the Nobel Prize for Literature. 5. R. Kipling was the last English writer who got the Nobel Prize. m 128 Look at the titles of the stories written by R. Kipling. Ask your classmates which stories they have read already. The Elephant’s Child The Cat that Walked by Himself Mowgli’s Brothers Rikki-Tikki-Tavi How the Camel got his Hump How the Whale got his Throat 129 Listen and read Kipling’s poem. W/зу VJko О I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. I send them over land and sea, I send them east and west; But after they have worked for me, I give them all a rest. I let them rest from nine till five. For I am busy then. As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea. For they are hungry men. But different folk have different views. I know a person small — She keeps ten million serving-men. Who get no rest at all! She sends ’em abroad on her own affairs. From the second she opens her eyes — One million Hows, two million Wheres, And seven million Whys! from the story The Elephant’s Child 108 Section 7 Spending your free time 130 Look at the photos and say how you usually spend your free time. Example: 1 enjoy swimming and making models of planes. I like dancing and taking care of my pet. mm mm 131 Ask your classmates how they usually spend their free time. Fill in the table. Say what activities are the most popular in your class. Activity Your classmates’ names playing computer games (e.g. shooters, strategies) Nikita, Masha, Oleg browsing the Internet doing sport (e.g. skiing, skating or roller-skating, swimming, diving, jogging) playing games (e.g. tennis, chess, ice hockey, football, basketball) listening to music (e.g. rock, pop, classical) reading books (e.g. fantasy, historical novels) collecting something (e.g. stamps, coins, dolls, toy cars) making something (e.g. models of planes and ships) taking care of a pet, plants dancing (e.g. modern, country, ballet) taking photos (e.g. of pets, nature, people, places of interest) going to the theatre or the cinema travelling (abroad or cross country) chatting on the phone or sending text messages (SMS) visiting grandparents or friends watching TV programmes Ш 132 How do British people spend their weekends? Listen to the report and study the diagram. Find out which activities are more and less popular in Britain. Compare the results with your classmates’ activities. 133 Read and choose the right definition of the phrase “couch potato”: • a person who does a lot of exercise, and spends most of the time in the swimming pool, especially swimming, diving and taking part in competitions • a person who doesn’t do any exercise, but spends most of the time sitting at home, especially watching television • a person who does a little exercise, but spends most of the time sitting at home, especially eating potatoes and chatting on the mobile phone 134 Do you know yourself well? Answer the question: Are you “a couch potato” or not? 1. You prefer to relax watching TV and at weekends you watch everything, especially films and serials. a) Yes, definitely. b) Sometimes. c) No, I don’t like that. 2. You watch TV programmes after school and you have no time to do your homework. a) Yes, every day. b) Sometimes. c) No, that’s not like me. 3. You have no time to speak to or see friends and relatives. TV is a good friend for you. a) Yes, that’s right. b) Only during my holidays. c) No, I don’t think so. 4. You have no time to help your parents around the house. You are too busy watching TV programmes. a) Yes, that’s right. b) Sometimes. c) No, that’s not like me. 5. You would like to take part in every TV show and win prizes. You can’t miss your favourite TV programmes. a) Yes, of course. b) Sometimes. c) No, I’m not like that. 6. You are too lazy to read books or go to the cinema. a) Yes, of course. b) Sometimes. c) No, I’m not. Now mark your score; a) = 3, b) = 2, c) = 1. If your score is 16-18, you are a couch potato! You should switch off your TV set and do something to exercise your body and brains! If your score is 12-15, you will soon be a couch potato! Find a new hobby! If you score is 6-11, you are not a couch potato! Congratulations! 135 Listen to the dialogue and say what Alice and Brett are going to do. Choose the right answer: a) to visit Alice’s sick friend b) to watch TV in the evening c) to go to the cinema in 41 136 Have you seen the film The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe^ Read the e-mail with the beginning of the film review and say what Alice promises to give Christie. Dear Christie, How are you? Are you still in bed with a high temperature? I hope you are much better now and we’ll meet up soon. Yesterday, I went to the cinema with Brett and his classmates. The film was wonderful! I liked it very much. Would you like to know what the film is about? I am going to give you a short review. During the Second World War, four children, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, came from London to the country house of Professor Digory Kirke, their mother’s relative. He had no wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper. While the children were playing hide-and-seek, Lucy discovered a wardrobe and suddenly entered a fantasy world called Narnia. She spent a few hours in the home of the faun^, Mr Tumnus. They had tea with cakes. He explained that the White Witch had conquered^ Narnia and winter had lasted for one hundred years there. If a human ever came to Narnia, he or she must be brought to the White Witch’s castle. Tumnus was very kind and he liked Lucy very much. They became friends. He couldn’t kidnap her, so he sent her home. When she got back, only a few minutes had passed in the normal world. She told Peter, Edmund and Susan about her adventure, but they didn’t believe her story. When the other children checked the wardrobe, all they saw was a normal wooden back. A few days later, Edmund followed Lucy into the wardrobe and met the White Witch. She offered him delicious sweets called Turkish Delight and promised him he would become the King of Narnia if he brought his brother and sisters to her castle. That was how their adventures began... So, Christie, it is interesting, isn’t it? I suggest you read the book first and then watch the film. “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is a book which is worth reading and the film is also worth watching. Tomorrow, I’ll bring you the book to read. See you soon. All the best, Alice ' The book written by C. S. Lewis The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe ^ a faun [fo:n] — фавн, сказочный лесной житель 3 conquered ['kDqkadJ — захватила LOOK AND LEARN! N U1I Di MWttiBfK MiiiTTHBiiTsuii •rmkNanM.iir While running away from the housekeeper after breaking a window, the four children ran into the wardrobe and entered Narnia. to kidnap ['kidnaep] — похищать - - 139 Imagine you are a film reviewer. Retell the beginning of the film The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to your friend. Use the guidelines. 1. The main characters of the film 2. Lucy’s discovery of a fantasy world 3. The winter in Narnia 4. Edmund and the White Witch 5. How the children entered Narnia 140 Read and tick if you have any problems with your relatives. T. 137 Answer the following questions. 1. Who are the main characters of the film? 2. Why did they leave London? 3. Where did they stay in the country? 4. What happened when the children were playing hide-and-seek? 5. What did Lucy find in the wardrobe? 6. Where did she spend a few hours? 7. What story did Tumnus tell Lucy? 8. Why couldn’t Tumnus bring himself to kidnap Lucy? Did the other children believe Lucy? _ sharing a room with an older brother / sister _ using their things (e.g. playing your brother’s guitar, wearing your sister’s dresses) _ playing computer games (not doing homework) _ watching TV shows (too much) _ chatting on the phone _ going to bed on time (too late) _ doing housework (washing the dishes / cleaning your room / watering the plants) ^ _ eating healthy food (you only like ; sandwiches, pizza or chips) ^ 141 Work in pairs. Listen to your partner’s problem. Give him / her a piece of advice. Use: I think you should... ' WORD FOCUS 9. 10. Who did Edmund meet in Narnia? 138 Complete the sentences using the text. 1. During the Second World War,... 2. While the children were playing hide-and-seek... Lucy spent a few hours in... Tumnus told Lucy that... Lucy told her brothers and sister about her adventure, but... A few days later, Edmund... 7. One day the children broke the window and... I 3. 4. 5. 6. 142 Read the following phrases. Use them in your own sentences. to spend time to waste time ready to get to tell to keep on well with somebody rid of something (old things, clothes) a letter the truth lies 1- jokes secrets old letters and postcards .1.. ■ e. Ш 143 Listen to the dialogue between Alice and Brett. Say why Alice is unhappy. Choose the right answer: 1. Alice had the Maths test. 2. Alice had a lot of homework. 3. Alice told lies to her mother. BE POLITE! 144 Read and remember. Reply politely to a question. Use these answers. Yes, thank you. No, thank you. Yes, please. No, I didn’t. Yes, that’s right. No, I am afraid not. Yes, certainly. No, I am afraid 1 can’t. 145 Christie is going to read a story from the book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Read the extract and say why Lucy was upset and burst into tears. JLucy ran out of the empty room and found the other three. “It’s all right,” she said, “I’ve come back.” “What are you talking about, Lucy?” asked Susan. “Why?” said Lucy, “Don’t worry about me, I am here now. Would you like to know where I was?” “So you were hiding, weren’t you?” said Peter. “Poor old Lu, hiding and nobody noticed! You’ll have to hide longer than that if you want people to start looking for you.” “But I’ve been away for hours and hours,” said Lucy. The others all looked at one another. “Crazy!” said Edmund. “Quite crazy!” “What do you mean, Lu?” asked Peter. “What I said,” answered Lucy. “It was just after breakfast when I went into the wardrobe, and I’ve been away for hours and hours, and had tea, and all sorts of things have happened.” “Don’t be silly, Lucy,” said Susan. “We’ve only just come out of that room a moment ago, and you were there then.” “She’s not being silly at all,” said Peter, “she’s just making up a story for fun, aren’t you, Lu? And why shouldn’t she?” “No, Peter, I’m not,” Lucy said. “It’s — it’s a magic wardrobe. There’s a wood inside it, and it’s snowing, and there’s a Faun and a Witch and it’s called Narnia; come and see.” The others did not know what to think, but Lucy was so excited that they all went back with her into the room. She rushed ahead of them, opened the door of the wardrobe and cried, “Now! Go in and see for yourselves.” “Why?” said Susan, putting her head inside and pulling the fur coats apart, “it’s just an ordinary wardrobe; look! There’s the back of it.” 114 Then everyone looked in and pulled the coats apart; and they all saw — Lucy herself saw — a perfectly ordinary wardrobe. There was no wood and no snow, only the back of the wardrobe. “But it wasn’t a joke at all,” said Lucy, “really and truly. It was all different a moment ago. Honestly it was. I promise.” “Come, Lu,” said Peter, “that’s going a bit far. You’ve had your Joke. Stop it now.” Lucy grew very red in the face and tried to say something, though she hardly knew what she was trying to say, and burst into tears. crazy f'kreizi] — сумасшедший ordinary ['ordnarij — обычный honestly ['onistli] — честно LOOK AND LEARN! to burst into tears залиться слезами 146 Find in the text and read the phrases said by Lucy, Susan, Edmund, Peter. 1. “It’s all right. I’ve come back.” 2. “Crazy! Quite crazy!” 3. “Don’t be silly.” 4. “She’s just making up a story for fun!” 5. “No, I’m not. It’s a magic wardrobe.” 6. “It’s just an ordinary wardrobe; look! There’s the back of it.” 7. “But it wasn’t a joke at all, really and truly!” 147 What do you think about the problem which you read in the text? Have you ever been in a similar situation? Have you ever told the truth and nobody believed you? How did you feel about it? Why? Use: It hurt my feelings. I was very upset. I was very unhappy. 148 Have you ever told lies? Why do we sometimes tell lies? Read the children’s answers to these questions and give your own opinion about their problems. John: Yes, loads of times I’ve told lies because my marks were not good. I was afraid to upset my mum. But now I know it’s much better to tell my mum the truth. We can solve all our problems better together. Mary: Sometimes it is very difficult to tell the truth. I am afraid that nobody will believe me. I would like to be a famous actress. I saw it in my dreams. Honestly! Kate: It is difficult to tell the truth because I am afraid that all my classmates will laugh at me. I haven’t got a computer yet. But my dad promised to buy me one next year. Harry: Now I always tell the truth. It is very good to be honest with your parents and friends. Last month, I lost my mobile phone and told Dad that it was broken. I thought that it was much better to tell lies. I was so silly because I was afraid of being punished. 115 --- 9 149 Work in pairs. Choose a problem similar to yours. Talk about your problem with your classmate. 150 Look at the table and say what kind of books you like to read. Interview your classmates and complete the table. Say what the most popular kind of books for your classmates is. The WIND in Uie WIIJUOWS , Names of your classmates What kind of books do you like to read? detective story science fiction history book poems book of adventures your own ideas Marina У fantasy Oleg У about sports events PRONUNCIATION FOCUS 151 Listen, repeat and read. [cfe] — age, dangerous, advantage, sledge, jeans, legend, magic, enjoy [ol — beginning, long, ringing, kingdom, speaking, meeting, fighting Lju:] — new, musical, beautiful, future, few, human, humour [0] — anything, both, death, earth, healthy, through [tn — choice, chart, cheek, choose, chips, chance [ai] — light, high, fight, night, delight, right, bright, tonight 152 Listen to the extract from the book “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”. Say if the story wiU have a happy ending or not. 116 153 Read the extract from the book and say when Edmund felt comfortable. “Stop!” said the Lady, “And what are you?” said the Lady, looking hard at Edmund. “I’m — I’m — my name’s Edmund,” said Edmund, rather awkwardly. He did not like the way she looked at him. “Is that how you address a Queen?” she asked. “I beg your pardon, your Majesty, I didn’t know,” said Edmund. “Not know the Queen of Namia?” cried she. “Ha! But I repeat — what are you?” “Please, your Majesty,” said Edmund, “I don’t know what you mean. I’m at school — at least I was. It’s the holidays now. I’m a boy.” “A boy!” said she. “Do you mean you are a Son of Adam?” “Yes, your Majesty,” said Edmund. “And how did you come here?” “Please, your Majesty, I came in through a wardrobe.” “A wardrobe? What do you mean?” “I — I opened a door and just found myself here, your Majesty,” said Edmund. “Ha!” said the Queen, speaking more to herself than to him. “A door. A door from the world of men! I have heard of such things.” Edmund felt sure that she was going to do something dreadful but he seemed unable to move. Then she appeared to change her mind. “My poor child,” she said in quite a different voice, “how cold you look! Come and sit with me here on the sledge.” Edmund did not like this arrangement at all but he stepped on to the sledge and sat at her feet. “Perhaps something hot to drink?” said the Queen. It was something he had never tasted before, very sweet and creamy, and it warmed him right down to his toes. “It is dull to drink without eating,” said the Queen presently. “What would you like best to eat?” “Turkish Delight, please, your Majesty,” said Edmund. Each piece of the best Turkish Delight was sweet and delicious. He was quite warm now, and very comfortable. LOOK AND LEARN! . awkwardly ['akwsdli] — неуклюже, неловко I beg your pardon! — Приношу свои извинения! 117 154 Look at the photos and describe the White Witch: her appearance / her character. Use: white, golden, red, proud and cold, beautiful, great, face, mouth, crown, fur coat, tall, dreadful, powerful, masterful, rude, important, angry 155 In the extract, find, read and translate the sentences when • Edmund explained to the White Witch what he was; • he adressed her; • the White Witch called him different names; • the White Witch did her magic. 156 Put the parts of the extract in the right order. Read and say what the White Witch: a) asked Edmund to do; b) promised him to do. □ □ □ □ “I’ll try,” said Edmund, still looking at the empty box. “Because, if you come again — bringing them with you of course — I’d be able to bring you up as a King of Narnia. You would eat Turkish Delight all day long.” At last, the Turkish Delight was all finished and Edmund was looking very hard at the empty box, but she did not offer him any more. While he was eating, the Queen kept asking him questions. He told her that he had one brother and two sisters, and that one of his sisters had already been in Narnia and had met a Faun there, and that no one except himself and his brother and his sisters knew anything about Narnia. Instead, she said to him, “Son of Adam, I should so much like to see your brother and your two sisters. Will you bring them to see me?” E 157 In the extract, find, read and translate the sentences in which, you think, • the White Witch told Edmund lies; • Edmund betrayed his brother and sisters. 158 Make up a role-play with your classmate. Act it out. Use Ex. 153 and 156. TEST YOURSELF Do the exercises in your Workbook I Section 8 Reading for pleasure • Read the story The Cat that Walked by Himself written by J. R. Kipling and do the exercises in your Workbook. 118 Homework 1 Complete the text with the verbs in the correct form. Christie is (be) the head of a school explorers’ club. Last month she ... (visit) the international meeting for young explorers in London. She ... (be) responsible for the presentation by her local club. There ... (be) a lot of children from different countries there. They ... (get) an invitation to take part in the international meeting. Yesterday, she ... (tell) her schoolmates about a new Internet project. Tomorrow, Christie and her friends ... (begin) to build the website “The International Explorers’ Club”. 2 Do Ex. 13 on page 78 in written form. 3 Do Ex. 23 on page 80 in written form. 4 Translate from Russian into English. • состоять из трех частей • международный интернет-проект • интересные факты из истории страны • необычные традиции • обсудить детали • официальное название страны 1. Лондон — место рождения многих знаменитых людей. 2. Ежегодно двадцать миллионов туристов посещают Великобританию. 3. Национальный флаг Соединенного Королевства называется Юнион Джек. 4. Соединенное Королевство состоит из четырех стран — Англии, Уэльса, Шотландии и Северной Ирландии. 5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form. 1. What does Judy ... (have) trouble with? — She ... (have) trouble speaking a foreign language. 2. ... (do) you like the film yesterday? — No, we didn’t. The film ... (be) very dull. 3. Great Britain ... (have) rather changeable and cool climate, hasn’t it? — Yes, it ... (do). 4. Come and stay in our big city! It... (be) rich in famous museums and parks. 5. Why does Sam look so sad? — He ... (have) trouble with his new mobile phone. 6. How many countries ... (do) the UK consist of? — It ... (consist) of four countries. 7. Listen! Why ... they ... (speak) so loudly? — They ... (discuss) a new Internet project. 6 Do Ex. 49 on page 86 in written form. 7 Do Ex. 57 on page 89 in written form. 8 Translate from Russian into English. • международный фестиваль • необычное путешествие • историческое событие • национальный праздник • музыкальный центр города 1. Наш гид — энергичный и разговорчивый студент. 2. В прошлом году Маша делала проект об англоговорящих странах. 3. Туристы посмотрели захватывающий фильм об экзотических растениях. 4. Наши одноклассники собираются пойти на научную выставку. 5. Москва — один из самых красивых городов мира. 119 9 Combine words from the boxes to make ten phrases. Then translate them into Russian. Example: an important port — важный порт important colourful famous big long international popular beautiful well-known modern central building symbol monument conference exhibition river port stadium park theatre cinema square 10 Do Ex. 80 on page 95 in written form. Look at the photos and write what people are doing. 11 Make questions for these answers. Example: I visited an interesting historical museum yesterday.— What ...? — What did you visit yesterday? 1. During their holidays they got up early in the morning.— (When...?) 2. Our teacher knows many interesting facts about shipbuilding. (What...?) 3. Northern Ireland has the best climate for gardening in the world.— (What ...?) 4. You can discover ancient paths in the countryside.— (Where ...?) 5. He is swimming in the open-air pool now.— (What ...?) 6. Next week my brother will play a lot of games in the camp.— (Who...?) 7. Animals and plants love warm winters and long, sunny days.— (What..?) 12 Fill in the blanks. Use the words from the box. winter piece friends name luck present fire a ... . Traditionally the visitor gives a ... of coal. You ask “Why?” It gives good ... for the coming year. It helps to make ... in the middle of cold .... 13 Complete the sentences. Use: himself, themselves, herself, myself, yourselves. 1. Don’t help me. I can do it... . 2. Tom and Alice built the house .... 3. Jim usually answers all his letters .... 4. Find chairs for ... and sit down. 5. Can Dan repair the bike ... ? 6. Mary likes looking at... in the mirror. 7. My friends are arranging the party .... 14 Do Ex. 108 on page 103 in written form. 15 Fill in the gaps. Translate the words. business — a businessman to dance — a dancer politics — a politician a cameraman to teach — ... a musician show — ... to sing — ... poetry — a ... a sportsman ... — a writer science — a ... fire — a ... ... — a driver ... — an artist In Scotland the name of a New Year’s guest is a “first footer”. After midnight people visit their .... The first person who comes to a house on New Year’s Day must bring 16 Put questions to the sentences. Begin with the word given in brackets. Example: She has been to Cardiff. (Where) — Where has she been? 1. Molly has been to Brighton. (Where) — 2. Last summer we visited New York. (When) — 3. My friend is going to travel by boat. (How) — 4. Next month our teacher will go to London. (Who) — 5. Look! The concert is taking place in the open-air theatre. (Where) — 6. My little sister has not been to the zoo yet. (Where) — 7. We visited the famous art gallery two days ago. (What) — 120 17 Fill in the missing words. Choose words from the box given below. watch, reading, theatre, playing, makes, hobbies, family, photos, sport, big, on the phone There are five of us in my family. We all have different .... My dad is fond of travelling and taking ... of nature and places of interest. My mother prefers to go to the ... or take care of our cat. My older sister likes dancing and chatting .... My little brother enjoys ... books and ... computer games. My best friend and me like playing ... games especially football. We all like to visit our grandparents. My grandpa ... models of planes and ships. He also has a ... collection of coins. My granny can ... TV programmes the whole day. So you see, tastes differ. But we get on well together. 18 Translate from Russian into English. 1. ладить друг с другом 2. делить комнату со старшим братом 3. убирать комнату 4. мыть посуду 5. Ты можешь хранить секреты? 6. Посмотри! Робин не теряет время зря. Он учится играть на гитаре. 7. Ты должен перестать играть в компьютерные игры. 8. Моя сестра много болтает по телефону. 9. Моя семья любит проводить время вместе. 10. Ты готов к контрольной работе? 19 Put the verbs into the correct form. Hello Lucy, Thank you for your letter. 1 hope you are OK now and you ... (solve) your problem with your family. You know we ... (be) an ordinary family too. But I think we ... (get) on well with each other. 1 ... (share) a room with my sister. I ... (love) her very much, but sometimes she ... (be) very naughty. 1 ... (think) she should stop wearing my dresses. Mum ... (tell) us that we both must not play computer games too much and should ... (do) our homework much better. Now my sister ... (chat) on a phone. She ... (clean) our room and ... (water) the plants already. 1 have to stop writing a letter to you and must go and wash the dishes. Today it’s my turn to help our mum with the housework. Mum ... (be) going to cook pizza today. Today ... (be) Saturday. We ... (like) to spend our free time together. Write back soon. Alice 121 Key vocabulary X • Adverbs: * awkwardly honestly Nouns: surfing astronaut thistle award wonder • Expressions and word battle A combinations: candidate • Verbs: be scared castle ® argue burst into tears climate blame Enjoy yourself! clover canoe go surfing coal connect have trouble doing smth communication conquer have trouble with smth conference consist of Help yourself! daffodil hurt I beg your pardon! excursion kidnap It hurt my feelings. exhibition post leading role experience tell lies Make yourself at home! karate tell the truth Take care of yourself! kart path • Adjectives: quiz ^ changeable racing cosy selection crazy speech industrial ordinary thrilling 122 Progress check Parti LISTENING Задание I. Послушай четыре рассказа юных путешественников. Установи соответствие между рассказом каждого говорящего и названием его увлечения. В задании дано одно лишнее название. Ты услышишь каждый рассказ дважды. Занеси свои ответы в таблицу. A. Learning а language B. Travelling C. Doing sport D. Dancing E. Reading Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Задание 2. Послушай разговор Эндрю и Джессики. Отметь картинки, которые соответствуют рассказу Джессики. Ты услышишь разговор дважды. А. In Wales, Jessica liked ... most of all. B. In Scotland, Jessica and her friends... 123 с. Jessica thought that Northern Ireland is a nice place for people who like... D. In the evening in England, Jessica and her friends... READING Прочитай текст и выполни задания 3, 4, 5. Cornwall Great Britain May, 17th Dear Katie, I am writing to you from an ancient castle on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. This castle is in the west of Great Britain, in a place, which is called “Cornwall”. It is different from the other parts of England. You won’t find any national parks or royal palaces here. Cornwall has been always famous for its fish. Yesterday, I visited an old fishing village called “Mousehole”, which has got its own legend. Once upon a time, there was a terrible storm in the ocean which lasted for many days and just wouldn’t stop. Huge waves destroyed the village and its boats. Local people were dying from the cold and hunger. But one smart cat changed everything. An old fisherman tried to catch some fish for the village and the cat went with his old master. When they got into his boat the cat started 124 .uili purring’ to the ocean. The ocean liked it very much and the storm stopped. The old fisherman and the cat caught lots of fish so they saved the people of the village. The people were happy and made a tasty pie with a whole fish. It is called “Stargazy Pie”. Cornwall is a great place for tourists; it is rich in sandy beaches, the ocean is quite warm and the rocks are beautiful. There is a lot of sea food in the restaurants and you can explore hidden paths, ride a bike, or go surfing. I like this place very much, but I miss you, too. How are you? I’ve bought a lot of souvenirs for you: nice seashells and a starfish. And, of course, a toy legendary Mousehole cat. I think this place is a real wonder. You should come and see it yourself. Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Barney started purring — стал мурлыкать Задание 3. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву. What is this letter about? A. A royal castle on the coast. B. An old English fishing village. C. A place in the west of Britain. D. A special whole fish pie. Задание 4. Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву. 2) 1) According to the legend the storm was stopped thanks to (благодаря) A. an old fisherman. B. a special fish pie. C. a brave mouse. D. a cunning cat. According to the legend, when the heroes returned to the village, people A. caught lots of mice for the cat. B. made a special fish pie. C. built a fish restaurant. D. made plenty of toy cats. Cornwall is worth visiting because there are many A. parks and palaces. B. old fishing villages. C. ancient castles. D. beautiful beaches. 3) 125 Задание 5. Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту,— Т (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,— F (false). A. In his letter, Barney told his friend a legend about a cat. B. Cornwall is rich in green parks and royal palaces. C. Tourists come to Cornwall to swim and sunbathe. D. Barney has brought a legendary fish pie for his friend. WRITING Задание 6. Прочитай отрывок из письма. Напиши ответ своему другу по переписке. Ответь на его вопросы. ...Му family isn’t big. There are four of us: my mum, my dad, my younger sister, Linda, and 1.1 get on well with my parents, but I often argue with my sister. I have to share a room with her. Linda is only six and she likes to take my things. It makes me crazy, but my mum always defends her. Do you get on well with the members of your family? Have you got any problems? How do you spend your free time? Please, write me soon. All the best, Ann Part II SPEAKING Задание 7. Выбери одну карточку. Дай устный ответ. Card 1 Talk about the country of the United Kingdom you would most like to visit. Say: • where it is situated • what its symbols are • what it is famous for 126 Card 2 Talk about your free time. Say: • whether you have got much free time • how you usually spend your free time • what other activities you would like to try Card 3 Talk about your favourite writer. Say • what country he / she is / was from • which books of his / hers you have read • why you like his / her books Задание 8. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником. Dialogue 1 Card 1 Card 2 Ask your classmate: • whether he / she would like to visit the UK • what part of the country he / she would like to visit first and why • what British tradition he / she would like to take part in Answer his / her questions. (You begin the conversation.) Answer your classmate’s questions. Ask him / her: • which British city / town he / she would like to visit and why • where it is situated • what it is famous for Dialogue 2 Card 1 Card 2 Ask your classmate: • whether he / she likes reading • what kind of books he / she prefers reading • who his / her favourite writer is Answer his / her questions. (You begin the conversation.) Answer your classmate’s questions. Ask him / her: • what he / she prefers: reading a book or watching a film • what book he / she is reading now • what the book is about and whether he / she likes it Project "Let's read our favourite British books!" • Read the instructions and do the project in your Workbook. 127 Talking about an adventure holiday j|Would you like to feel the spirit of adventure? 1 What does adventure mean for you? Read and choose the right definition. 1. An adventure is an exciting and extraordinary experience. 2. An adventure is an ordinary and boring experience. 3. An adventure is a peaceful and usual event. 2 Translate the following phrases. Use them in your own sentences. 1. dangerous / extraordinary / incredible / real adventure 2. adventure film / game / novel / holiday / story / park Example: an incredible adventure — They had an incredible adventure in Africa, an adventure park — Last weekend, I visited an adventure park with my parents. 3 Read and match the following characters to the pictures. Fill in the table. a) Robinson Crusoe b) Sherlock Holmes c) Tom Sawyer d) Pinocchio e) Huckleberry Finn f) Robin Hood g) Winnie-the-Pooh 1 g) 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 Look at the pictures of the characters in Ex. 3. Which of these words would you use to describe them? Example: Robin Hood is strong and athletic. He has dark hair and grey eyes. He is brave and independent. a) athletic, strong, tall, slim, handsome, short, dark / fair / red / grey / wavy / straight hair, short / long hair, blue / grey / dark / green eyes, nice freckles, funny / long / turned-up nose b) intelligent, sociable, responsible, loving, shy, independent, clever, friendly, kind, polite, obedient, nice, naughty, brave, tactful, serious, talkative, hard-working, lazy, understanding 5 Create a short description of one of your classmates’ appearance and personality. Then let your classmates guess who it is. El 6 Match the beginnings and endings of these proverbs. Read and translate them. The beginning The end 1. Character lives in a a) then speak. man. 2. False friends b) see more than two. 3. First think. c) are worse that open enemies. 4. Four eyes d) is a friend indeed. 5. A friend in need e) reputation outside of him. 129 иД ^9 7 Work in groups of three or four. Think of the main character of an adventure story / film. Describe him / her. Make a wall chart with your descriptions. Decide which the best one is. m 8 Listen, read and act out. Mary: Hi! Nice to see you! Why do you look so happy? Martin: Hi! Nice to see you, too. I am going on a cross-country trip tomorrow. Mary: Are you? Lovely! Is it a day trip? Martin: No, it’s a weekend break. We are taking sleeping bags and tents with us. We are going to spend a night in the forest. Mary: That sounds fantastic! Have a good time! 9 Read the text and say why Bobby’s bag was very heavy. The first adventure of Bobby Bootson That morning, Bobby Bootson had to get up early. He felt excited about his first camping trip that day. At last, he was ten and could join the school camping team now. He was going to take part in cross-country trips with lots of fun adventures and different activities. There is love for incredible adventure deep inside of him. He read a lot of books and watched many films about great explorers and their extraordinary and dangerous trips. Every night, Bobby had many wonderful dreams about them. Sometimes he was the captain on a big ship, then he was the pilot of a helicopter. Once he was a brave explorer who discovered a new land. “Bobby, get up, dear!” said his granny as she woke him up. “A big breakfast is ready for a great explorer!” There were rolls, muffins, butter, orange juice, a cup of strong tea and, of course, porridge on the table. “Bobby, dear, where are you! Come on, hurry up! You’ll miss the trip. Your friends will go without you!” But Bobby was already on his feet. He was running back and forward around the room, searching for his new travel bag. The previous evening he had collected all the necessary things together for his trip. There was a warm pullover, two pairs of socks, a raincoat, football boots, a ball, his favourite cap, a box of chess, badminton rackets, a T-shirt, a book about adventures, a pencil case, a notebook, a camera, sunglasses, an umbrella, a sleeping bag and a tent. “Oh, Granny, where is it...Where is my bag?” shouted Bobby. “It is in the kitchen. I’m putting some snack in it for you! I’ve put cheese and ham sandwiches, a bottle of water, some hot tea and some sweets. So you won’t be hungry!” “Oh, Granny, I’m going to be late!” shouted Bobby putting a muffin in his mouth. “See you tomorrow,” he said running out of the kitchen. The bag hardly squeezed through the door. 130 In five minutes he was at the bus stop waiting for the others. “Ha, I’m the first!” thought Bobby happily. After ten minutes waiting, he became a bit nervous and decided to call Timmy. He was the leader of the school camping expedition. He was responsible for the trip. “Hi, Timmy! It’s me, Bobby. Tm at the meeting place, where are you all?” He heard unhappy grumbling down the line. “What do you mean, Bobby? Why are you calling me at 7 am? I’m sleeping.” “Get up, get up, get up!” exclaimed Bobby. “What about our adventure! We planned a trip! You couldn’t have forgotten about it!” “I haven’t forgotten, little boy. But you didn’t pay attention... The trip was arranged for tomorrow. On Sunday.” “No... No, that’s impossible! Sorry, Timmy!” is all Bobby could reply. “But it’s true. So, let’s wait for one more day, eh. You have dreamed about it too much. You should think about something else. And let me get some more sleep, please.” There was the only question in Bobby’s head: “Why is my bag so incredibly heavy?” LOOK AND LEARN! incredible [m'credabl] — невероятный back and forward — туда-сюда to squeeze — протискиваться © \ 10 Read and say if the statements are true or false. Correct the wrong sentences. 1. Bobby felt excited about his first cross-country trip. 2. He never read books and watched films about great adventures. 3. His granny woke him up with the words: “Bobby, get up, dear!” 4. He collected all the necessary things for his trip in the early morning. 5. There was only a warm pullover and two pairs of socks in his travel bag. 6. He was very happy not to be late to the bus stop. 7. The leader of the school camping team had forgotten about the trip. 8. Bobby thought that his boots were very heavy. 11 Find and read aloud the sentences from the text (Ex. 9) which describe the pictures. GRAMMAR FOCUS: SINGULAR AND PLURAL NOUNS 12 Read and remember. singular (one) — a flower, a week, a place plucal (two or more) — some flowers, two weeks, many places These things are plural in English: glasses, trousers, jeans, shorts Do you wear glasses? — Yes, I do. I need my glasses, but I can’t find them. You can also say: a pair of glasses, a pair of trousers, a pair of jeans, a pair of shorts I need a pair of new trousers. 131 13 The Bootson family are packing their suitcases for their summer holidays There are some things they are taking with them. Complete the sentences. Use: a(an) / (two) pair(s) of 1. Bobby is taking two pairs of shorts,... 2. Mrs Bootson is taking... 3. Mr Bootson is taking... 14 Imagine you are going to take part in a cross-country trip in the winter / spring / summer / autumn. Look at the list of clothes and say what things you are going to take with you. Example: I am going on a cross-county trip in the spring. I am going to take a pair of jeans, ... a blouse, boots, trainers, a shirt, a cap, a coat, a dress, a jacket, jeans, a sweater, a T-shirt, shoes, a tie, trousers, socks, a raincoat, a pullover, shorts, a skirt, a hat, a school uniform, gloves, a scarf 15 You are the leader of a camping expedition. Read the description of a new member of your team and find the young adventurer at a bus stop. Guess what his / her name is. The new member of your team is not tall, but short and slim with short red hair, big green eyes, nice freckles and a funny turned-up nose. The member is wearing a blue T-shirt, yellow shorts and a white cap. There are white trainers and green socks on her feet. She has got a big red bag in her arms and a camera around her neck. 132 Н16 What does the following proverb mean: “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes”? Give your opinion. Share your ideas with your classmates. Use: rest, relax, watch, have a rest, fresh air, breathe, walk in the park, be fond of jogging, become lazy, have no time, sleep well, walk a dog, ski and skate, dive and swim, it’s hot and sunny, it’s windy and rainy, it’s snowy and frosty 17 Look at the pictures. Find and say which things you need when you are preparing for a camping trip. a flashlight a compass a sweater 118 Listen, repeat and read the poem. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. When the blazing sun is gone. When he nothing shines upon. Then you show your little light. Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Then the traveller in the dark Thanks you for your tiny spark; He could not see which way to go. If you did not twinkle so. by Jane Taylor 19 Read and translate the funny adventure story. Two old friends, Helmut and Matthew, were on a cross-country trip. During the day they had had a long walk across the hills and enjoyed some nice warm weather. In the evening, after a good supper, they decided to go to bed in the tent. A bit later they woke up. They were lying there looking up at the sky when Helmut said, “Matthew, what do you see?” “Well, I see thousands of stars.” “And what does that mean to you?” “Well, I guess it means we will have another nice day tomorrow. What does it mean to you, Helmut?” “To me, it means someone has stolen our tent.” ^ A 133 20 Read and translate the phrases. Use them in your own sentences. fishing swimming 21 Arrange the parts of the text in the correct order. Say what Dylan liked best of all. Exploring the countryside by Dylan Perry We collected all the necessary things for the camping trip and brought them with us: tents, sleeping bags, hiking boots, sweaters and windbreakers and of course water and some food. Our teacher had a big flashlight, a compass and a map. My classmates and I spent a lot of time outdoors. We enjoyed discovering the countryside and took a lot of photos. The weather was nice and we went hiking and rock climbing. Also we were able to take a boat out for sailing or fishing and there were canoes too. Look at my photo! I caught a fish alive. Of course, I let it go. I think I like fishing best of all. In the evening we made a fire, sang songs and told funny stories and jokes about camping. I loved being in the countryside. Look at my photos here. The place where we were planning to stay was called the Quiet Green Valley. In the early morning we met together at the bus station and went by bus to a nice small place called Kenmore, Perthshire. Then we went hiking for four miles on the green path. It was great! Our rucksacks were very heavy, but we were happy to sge the unexplored nature around us. We saw the River Tay. It runs into a beautiful lake and comes from the nearby green hills. Our camp was situated by the lake. We began to put up our tents. Our teacher taught us how to do it. It was a real adventure for us. It was the first time for me, but after an hour I could do it myself! Dear friends, I would like to tell you about my first camping trip. Last week before our spring holidays the head teacher suggested we arrange a cross-country trip. All my classmates were very happy about the idea of spending the weekend in the country. Щ я e 134 mti. 22 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. Where did Dylan spend his weekend? 2. Who suggested the children should arrange a cross-country trip? 3. How long did the children go hiking for? 4. Why were they happy? 5. What was an adventure for Dylan? 6. What did Dylan and his classmates do in the evening? 23 Find in the text (Ex. 21) 3 nouns, 3 verbs and 3 adjectives you can use to describe activities on a cross-country trip. 24 Talk about your cross-country trip. Say: where you went, who arranged it, what things you put in your rucksack, what you did etc. Use: a camping trip, to arrange a cross-country trip, to collect together the necessary things, go hiking for many miles S25 Look at the pictures. Complete the dialogues. Act out the dialogues. Use: A: Then how did you put it on? B: Made a website! C: All of them! D: There are 2 “Ts” in THAT! E: One! After that it’s not empty. 1. — How many books can you put into an empty rucksack? 2. — Does your T-shirt have holes in it? — No. 3. — What did the spider do on the computer? How many “Ts” in THAT? _в'Й'в_ ^ I I Л/Г I H0\f 5. — How many months have 28 days? 6926 Work in groups of three or four. Write an article for your school newspaper about your cross-country trip. 135 Section 2 Talking about the great explorers of the world m 27 Read and choose the right definition of a word. an explorer — a person who travels to unknown places in order to find out new information about them. — a person who travels to different places in order to find gold and silver. — a person who travels to another place in order to find new friends. ■ - *________________________________________________________________________________ 28 Listen, repeat and read. North America [,no:0 э'тепкэ] New Zealand [,nju; 'zi:l3nd] the Pacific Ocean [pa.sifik 'эцГп] Australia [o'streilia] the Atlantic Ocean [at.lasntik 'aujh] Hawaiian Islands [ha.waisn ’ailandz] 29 Read the information from our lEC website about famous explorers and say what countries they are from. Try to answer the questions from the text. There have been many famous explorers in the world. Do you know any of them? What were their names? This page of the website provides a list of names of some great explorers, information about their lives including personal details, key events, pictures and other information about these brave people. These famous explorers came from England, Portugal, Italy, France, Russia and other countries. Afanasy Nikitin Vasco da Gama The journeys of discovery travelled from Russia to India; described his trip in the book The Journey Beyond Three Seas discovered an ocean route from Portugal to the East Names of explorers J The journeys of discovery Christopher Columbus James Cook studied New Zealand and Australia 30 Say what you know about famous explorers now. Use the Internet if necessary. 136 31 Read the text and say how many trips James Cook took around the world. Captain James Cook was born on the 7th of November, 1728 in Yorkshire, England. At the age of 17, he started working on a ship. During his time on the ship, he began to study different subjects: algebra, geometry, navigation and astronomy. In June 1757, Cook joined one of the King’s ships as a captain’s assistant. During 1758-1763 he served in North America. In that time he developed his skills as a cartographer. He made a map of the west side of North America. In 1768, James Cook travelled to the Pacific Ocean as the leader of an expedition and its captain. That was his first trip around the world. He explored the unknown land called “Terra Australis”. Cook’s second trip was in 1772. It lasted for four years. He was the head of an expedition again and led two ships Resolution and Adventure. The crew' was big. There were not only sailors, but many scientists too. The ships reached New Zealand. As the result of the trip. Cook brought back a detailed map of New Zealand and a map of the Australian west coast. Scientists discovered plenty new kinds of animals and plants. The report of the team was very interesting and important. In 1776, James Cook took his last trip on the ships Resolution and Discovery. He discovered the North Way from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. It was difficult because of the weather. So the team stayed on some Hawaiian Islands for the winter. In 1779, there was a conflict with the native people of the islands. They killed Captain James Cook. The expedition returned home in 1780 without their captain. James Cook was a great explorer. For 12 years he sailed around the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand and Australia. He made the most complete maps of the area for that time. He changed people’s understanding of geography. His work was very important and useful for people from all over the world. ‘ a crew — экипаж, команда судна 32 Talk about the most important facts of James Cook’s biography. 1728 — he was born 1757 1762 — 1768 — 1772 — 1776 — 1779 — 63 33 Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions about James Cook. Use information from the text (Ex. 31). Example: When was he born? What...? Where...? How many...? Why? 34 Write an essay about Captain James Cook, 18th century explorer. Use the points: 1. His character 2. The important days of his life 3. His famous trips 137 35 Listen, read and act out. Paul: What are you going to do on holiday? David: No idea. Paul: Let’s go to the Adventure Club. My friends visited it and told me many interesting things about it. David: That sounds great! Let’s go and see it. 36 Read the advertisement from the booklet about the Adventure Club. Say what you can do there. Adventure Club The club is not just an ordinary society. This is the best opportunity you can have to overcome difficulties, to change yourself and to feel proud of yourself. The club programme will help you to develop independent skills. You can choose to travel by boats along the river or by bicycles through the forest. During the first few days of your stay in the camp you will learn how to make a fire, cook meals, put up tents, provide first aid, sail on boats and travel on mountain bicycles. You will do special exercises which help your body to be stronger and you will learn to work in a team. The group activities will help you to feel the team spirit. You will need these skills for your future oamps. Together with your instructors and new friends, you can choose the most suitable way to travel. During the winter holidays you can learn how to drive a dog team’ and you can take part in a winter tour and feel the thrill of real adventure! We would like to invite you to spend your holidays together with us. ‘ dog team — собачья упряжка LOOK AND LEARN! to overcome [.ouva'lcAm] — побороть, преодолеть a skill [skil] — умение to provide first aid — оказывать первую помощь 37 Complete the sentences. 1. The club is the best opportunity to... 2. You can choose to travel by... 3. During the first few days of your stay in the camp, you will... 4. Together with your instructors and new friends you can... 5. During the winter holidays you can... 38 Discuss in pairs. Would you like to join the Adventure Club during your summer / winter holidays? Why? / Why not? 39 Listen, repeat and read the words, the North Pole the Guinness ['gmis] Book of Records the Arctic Ocean 138 lilit 40 Read the text about Dmitry Shparo and say what projects he runs for children. Dmitry Shparo was born in 1941. He is a well-known Russian explorer. He was the leader of the first ski expedition to the North Pole in 1979. This trip won the Guinness Record. In 1988, for the first time in history, an international ski expedition under the leadership of Dmitry Shparo crossed the Arctic Ocean from Russia to Canada through the North Pole. Since 1990, Dmitry, together with his son Matvey, has run a lot of projects for youths and children. These include scientific expeditions in Russia, travelling on rivers in the USA and a ski expedition to the North Pole. LOOK AND LEARN! an expedition [lekspa'dijn] — экспедиция 41 Put questions for these answers. 1. In 1941. 2. To the North Pole. 3. The Guinness Record. 4. The Arctic Ocean from Russia to Canada through the North Pole. 5. In Russia. 6. For youths and children. 6142 Work in pairs. Discuss the following question: Why do people go on trips? Use: be the first, overcome difficulties, develop skills,* become stronger, spend time in nature, meet new friends, be healthy, learn new things, work in a team, pass an important test WORD FOCUS 43 Read, translate and remember. p by bus (bike, plane, train, to travel — boat, ski) on foot 44 Read and choose the most comfortable and interesting way to travel for you. Explain your choice. Use: travel quickly / slowly, see different countries / places, have an interesting time, be healthy, learn new things, see nature, study the history of a place, bring the culture of your country to other people Example: I prefer to travel on foot, because I can see a lot of interesting places which tourists rarely visit. 139 Б 45 Read the texts in groups of three or four (each group should read one of the texts) and do the tasks. Text 1 Lubov Sluchevskaya is a Russian explorer. In 2006 during her first expedition she went on foot through five African countries. She called her culture expedition “Africa, the Friendly Peace”. The explorer brought eighty pictures of Russian children to African schools. She told African children about Russia and showed them the pictures. Lubov | arranged many art competitions for African schoolchildren. She swapped the pictures by African kids who won the competition for the Russian children’s pictures. When she returned to Russia, she brought the pictures of the African children back to the Russian schoolchildren. Lubov Sluchevskaya thinks such extraordinary trips as hers help people to keep peace and friendship all over the world. a) Look at the pictures and find where the pictures painted by Russian and African children are. Explain why you think so. b) Look at the pictures once again. Choose one of them and describe it. Example: In this picture I can see a birthday celebration. The children are wearing party clothes... 140 ДШ." Text 2 Alexandra Tolstoy, a grandniece of Lev Tolstoy, was born in Britain in 1974. She is a famous horse adventurer who travelled on horse. She also is a member of the Royal Geographical Society. In 1999, she and four brave women went on horse on a trip on the Silk Road'. This is an ancient highway which connected West Asia with European countries. The first explorers brought silk from China to Europe in 1868. In 2004, Alexandra made more incredible horse trips through Russia and Asia. After her trips, Alexandra made a film called Horse People with Alexandra Tolstoy, wrote a number of exciting books and made some interesting TV shows about her adventures. 48 Listen to and read the English and Russian versions of Mikhail Lermontov’s poem The Sail. H ' Silk Road — „шелковый путь" a) What does “Silk Road” mean? Read and choose the right answer. a) A new highway which connects East Asia with European countries. b) A modern highway which connects European countries and Asia. c) An ancient highway which connected West Asia with European countries. b) Talk about the most important facts of Alexandra Tolstoy’s biography. 1974 — she was born 1999 — ... 2004 — ... 46 Share information with your classmates who have read the other text. Use these points: 1. The name of the explorer 2. When the explorer went on the trip 3. The trip on foot / on horse 4. Thf expedition “Africa, the Friendly Peace” / the trip on horse on the Silk Road 5. Things the explorer did after the expedition 47 Imagine what picture you would like to draw and send to children in another country. What country would you choose? Describe your picture and explain your choice. ^ TheSaU ^ The sail is whitening alone In a blue obscurity of sea: What did it leave in country own? What does it want so far to see? The wind is strong, the mast is creaking, The wave is playing with the wave... But not a fortune is it seeking. Nor from this fortune is its way. By it a stream is bright as azure. By beams of sun it’s warmed and blessed But it is seeking gales as treasure. As if the tempest gives a rest. Translated from Russian by Yevgeny Bonver, 1990 Парус Белеет парус одинокой В тумане моря голубом!.. Что ищет он в стране далекой? Что кинул он в краю родном?.. Играют волны — ветер свищет, И мачта гнется и скрыпит... Увы,— он счастия не ищет И не от счастия бежит! Под ним струя светлей лазури. Над ним луч солнца золотой... А он, мятежный, просит бури. Как будто в бурях есть покой! 49 Find the words or phrases used by Mikhail Lermontov and the translator to describe the weather. TEST YOURSELF Do the exercises in your Workbook. 141 Section 3 ^What popular sports in Britain and Russia do you know? fflso Listen and repeat the words. Guess their meaning. Mind that some Russian words sound similar. football, motor racing, golf, cricket, tennis, boat racing, darts, skating, skiing, horseracing, jogging, ice hockey, volleyball, swimming, badminton, boxing 51 Study the pie chart. Find out what sports are more and less popular among British people. Example: British people are fond of ... . ... is not so popular in Britain. Popular sports in Britain ■ Skiing 6% 1 Badminton 2% 53 Fill in the table and say what sport is the most popular among your classmates. □ Swimming 10% ■ Darts 2% О Golf 4% ■ Boxing 9% □ Motor racing 8% □ Football 35% 52 Say what sports you think are more / less popular in Russia. Why? Use: became popular long ago, spread throughout the world, be organised at school, children can develop their physical abilities, national Russian sports, the biggest competition takes place, a lot of people come to watch Kind of sport Names of boys and girls football Misha, Nadya, Pavel motor racing • tennis Oleg skating skiing jogging ice hockey volleyball . . . 54 Quickly read through the texts. Match them to the photos. Say what sports are popular in Britain. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain and then spread throughout the world. Sports became popular long ago. In the 19th century sport started to be organised in schools so that young people could develop their physical abilities. The national British sports include football, cricket, tennis and racing. D. 142 и Another traditional British game is cricket. Unlike football, cricket is not widespread outside the British Isles. Cricket is a summer game: it is played in schools, colleges and universities. Cricket is a very long and a slow game. There are two teams. Each team consists of eleven men. The “bowler” throws the ball, and a “batsman” hits it with his bat. Tennis is also very popular in Britain. This game originated in England. Every summer, in June, the biggest competition in the world takes place at Wimbledon. This world centre of tennis is located near London. Millions of people watch the Wimbledon Championship on TV. The British are fond of football. Moreover, the English invented it. Most British towns and cities have a football team. Every year, each team in England plays in various football competitions, the most famous is the FA Cup. The two best teams play in the Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London. It is one of the biggest sporting events of the year. In Great Britain, there are four football championships: in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The best players are in England. Many football players from continental Europe come to play for English teams. The strongest football team in the British Isles is Manchester United, although Arsenal and Chelsea in London are also very good. The English like all kinds of racing. Horseracing, motor racing and boat racing are very popular in England. The most famous boat race in England is between Oxford and Cambridge. It first started in 1829 and has been held almost every spring since 1836. A lot of people come to watch this competition between England’s leading universities. 55 Answer the questions. 1. What British national sports do you know? 2. What is one of the biggest football events of the year? 3. What are the strongest football teams in the British Isles? 4. Is cricket a summer or a winter game? 5. How many men does a cricket team consists of? 6. What event takes place every summer at Wimbledon? 7. What kinds of racing are popular in England? 8. When did the most famous boat race first start? 56 Find in the texts (Ex. 54) words marked in bold. Read the sentences with them and translate them into Russian. В 57 Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue. Discuss which sports are popular in Britain. Use: be fond of all kinds of sports, become popular long ago, be organised at schools, the national British sports, football championships, a traditional British game, first appear in, all kinds of racing 143 58 Listen to the interview with Ivan Pushkarev. Say what games Russian students play at school. 59 Work in pairs. Match the questions and the answers. Read Ivan Pushkarev’s interview and say what kind of winter / summer sports he likes. 1. What games are popular in Russia? 2. What football teams are popular in Russia? 3. Are you fond of sport? 4. Is sport important for your family? a) Yes, it is. Our family takes sport very seriously. My father is a tennis player and my mother likes jogging in the park. My sister prefers to get fit at home. She has a lot of books and DVDs with instructions on how to do home exercise programmes. I am fond of activities that allow me to keep fit. I prefer cycling. We also like to watch football, ice hockey and tennis matches on TV. b) Football, ice hockey and volleyball are the most popular sports in Russia. A lot of fans go to the local stadium to support their teams. When it is not possible to go to the stadium to support their team, people can watch the competitions on TV. Television has made sport available to everyone. I prefer to watch the evening sports news programmes though. c) Although sport plays an important role in * my life, I do not do it professionally. My choice of sports depends upon the season. In summer, I like to swim and in winter, I like to skate. Skating is a popular activity among my friends. There are many skating rinks in our city. As for jogging I do it every morning all year round. d) There are many good football teams in Russia. Thousands of supporters go to stadiums to see the teams play. As for me, I prefer a team called “Locomotive”. There are good players in “Loco” and this team has great potential. I am sure that soon “Loco” will win the national championship. 60 Read and learn the following expressions. Giving your opinion: I think that... I believe that... Agreeing: Yes, I agree. That’s an excellent idea. Disagreeing: Do you really think so? I’m not so sure about that. Б1б1 Work in pairs. Answer the questions from Ex. 59 about sports in Russia. Compare your answers with your classmate’s answers. 144 т 62 Do you know the rules of ball games well? Match the games and the rules. football 1. The ball is usually played with the hands or arms, but players can legally push the ball with any part of the body. 2. A player can’t use his hand to push or throw the ball. He can only play with his feet and head. 3. A player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw it on the spot. The ball must be held in the hands. The arms and body must not be used for holding it. 4. A player can carry the oval ball with his hands. The players can move forward only by running with the ball or by kicking it. 63 Read the text and fiU in the gaps. Use: public, national, popular, free, international, daily, successful, important Many sports are popular in Russia. There are many stadiums, swimming pools and different sports gyms here. A lot of national and ... matches and competitions are regularly held in our country. They attract large numbers of fans. Most of the ... games are shown on TV. Our country has been ... in a number of different sports, especially in ice hockey. The ... team of Russia has won the World Hockey championships many times. There are plenty of sporting activities whi(^ are part of... Russian life. School children spend their ... time playing football, basketball, badminton, going swimming and doing other sports. In winter, many Russians go skiing and skating. There are hundreds of skating rinks in the cities of Russia. 64 a) Read the information. Say how the exercise known as a “Crab Walk” works. Today we often spend hours in front of computer and television screens. However, it is important that we get exercise each week to help us develop strong bodies and avoid health problems. We can get plenty of exercises: there are many fun ways to exercise. Crab Walk Do you enjoy pretending to be animals or other types of creatures? You can get a good workout while pretending to walk like a crab. The “Crab Walk” works the shoulders and the back. • Sit on the floor to perform the crab walk. • Use your hands and feet to raise the rest of the body off the floor into a “crab” or “bridge” position. Perform this exercise by walking forward or backward like a crab. Enjoy the exercise! b) Imagine you are the new PE trainer for your class. Make a new fun morning exercise for your classmates. Do it together with them. 65 Work in groups of three or four. Write an article for your school newspaper about your last school sporting event (a football / hockey match / a skating championship). Use these guidelines: • when it took place • who took part in it • whether it was thrilling, exciting, boring 145 Section 4 ^Exploring the water world's adventure 66 Complete the mind map. Say what words are connected with the phrase “water world”. 67 Read and find out about things which people use for exploring the world of water. • a ship — a large boat that carries people by sea Tomorrow we are going to travel on this modern ship. • a boat — a vehicle which is similar to a ship but is smaller How are you going to Britain? — We are going by boat. “be in the same boat” = to be in the same difficult situation • a bathyscaphe ['baeGiskeifl — a round container in which a person can be carried down to the deep ocean, usually used for scientific study The scientists explore the underwater world on the bathyscaphe. • a scuba [’skurba] / an aqualung ['aekwalAol — a piece of breathing equipment that a diver wears on his back when swimming underwater Divers usually use the modern aqualungs swimming in the Red Sea. 68 Look at some of the signals divers use. See if you can guess what the signals mean: Meanings: 1. Let’s go up. 2. Let’s go down. 3. Are you OK? I’m OK. 4. I’m not OK. 5.1 have little air left. 6.1 can’t breathe. I’m out of air. 7. Danger! A В C D E F G 69 Mime the diver’s signs. Let your classmate guess their meanings in English. m 70 Listen, repeat and read. the Earth’s surface [,3:0s 's3:fis] the Arctic Ocean |,a:ktik 'aufnj the Atlantic Ocean [at.laentik 'aufnj the Indian Ocean [,Indian 'aujn] the Pacific Ocean [pa,sifik 'эиГп] the Volga Canal [.volga ka'nael] the Baltic Sea [,bo:ltik 'si;| the White Sea [.wait 'si:[ the Caspian Sea [,kaespian ’si:] the Black Sea [,blaek 'si:[ the Sea of Azov [,si; av 'eiznv] 146 71 Read the questions and match the answers in the quiz. Listen and check your answers. QUIZ Questions: 1. How much of the Earth’s surface is covered by water? 2. What oceans do you know? 3. How many seas is Russia bordered by? 4. Why is Moscow called the port of five seas? 5. What is the world’s oldest, deepest and clearest lake? 6. What things do people use to explore the world of water? 7. What is a person who uses a scuba set called? Answers: a) The Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean. b) Russia is bordered by 13 seas. c) Baikal is the oldest, deepest and clearest lake in the world. d) People use such things as a ship, a boat, a bathyscaphe, a scuba set. e) He is called a “diver”. f) About 75 % of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. g) Moscow is the port of five seas, as the Volga Canal links Moscow with the Baltic Sea, the White Sea, the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea as well as with the Sea of Azov. 72 Read the information about one of the greatest underwater explorers in the world. Say why people call him “the father of underwater exploration”. Jacques Yves Cousteau (1910-1997) was a French sea explorer, scientist and photographer. He was also well-known as Captain Cousteau. When he began swimming underwater he wondered how he could explore underwater more freely and for longer. Together with the French engineer, Emile Gagnan, he created the aqualung scuba and the world under the sea was opened up to people all over the world. In 1950, the ship Calypso was modified into an oceanographic boat with instruments for diving and scientific research. During the next 40 years. Captain Cousteau and his team explored the seas and rivers of the world. Captain Cousteau opened up the life of the oceans to millions of people. He made 115 interesting films about the seas and oceans. He was the author of 50 popular books and an experienced researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in water. The films of Calypso’s adventures drew the public’s attention to the protection of nature and ocean life. Cousteau organised some great efforts to protect the planet and arranged a worldwide campaign to save Antarctica from mineral exploitation'. His effort was successful; this continent is now protected for at least 50 years. Through his life and his work. Captain Cousteau has left his mark on the planet and the oceans forever. mineral exploitation [,eksploi'teiJn] — добыча полезных ископаемых 73 Answer the questions. 1. What was Jacques Yves Cousteau by profession? 2. What did he think about when he began to swim underwater? 3. What did he invent? 4. What is Calypso'? 5. How many years did Captain Cousteau explore the oceans for? 6. How did he protect oceanic life? 147 б 74 Work in groups of three or four. Make a short report. • Captain Cousteau is the greatest underwater explorer in the world. 75 Read the fact file. Guess what country it is about. 76 Translate the phrases. Make up your own sentences using the words. Name . « « Capital National Day 12th June Oceans it is bordered by 3 oceans — the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean Seas it is bordered by 13 seas Rivers there are 2 million rivers Total area its total area is 17 million square kilometres Population nearly 150 million people The highest mountain Elbrus is 5,642 metres high The deepest lake Lake Baikal is 1,630 metres deep reach (something) have (something) — the camp at night — the lake at last - a decision - an agreement — good luck —---a rest ----food — a party / festival — a nice (great / terrible) time 77 Read the Cousteau team notes about one of their expeditions. Think of a title for the text. After some hours driving northeast from Irkutsk, the Cousteau team finally reached Lake Baikal. This is the deepest and oldest lake in the world. It is located in the southern Siberia between Irkutsk and the Buryat Republic. It is known as the “Pearl of Siberia”. In 1997, the Cousteau team travelled around the lake to film the rich, different life in it: they recorded 1,800 species of which 80% are native only to this lake, for example, the omul fish, the oily golomyanka fish and the freshwater seals called nerpas. The expedition to Lake Baikal was an unusual adventure. The team dived under 80 centimetres of ice and brought back amazing images and sounds of the lake’s ice cover in constant motion. At the end of the winter, the cameramen had the good fortune to film fishing nets with omuls. The divers were warmer in the water than on the surface. In the air, the temperature sometimes dropped below -40 °C. When they were out of the water, the divers had to take off their aqualung equipment immediately because the regulators froze to their lips at once. They visited a small Siberian village and took part in a festival to celebrate the end of winter. People put tables on the street to sell local toys and foods and burnt a doll made of paper and cloth, known as the Lady of the Snows. People danced and sang the songs of spring. Soon the cold season will be nothing and spring will come to Lake Baikal. ж 78 Complete the sentences. 1. In 1997, the Cousteau team travelled... 2. The expedition was an unusual... 3. The divers were warmer in the water than... 4. The temperature in the air dropped below... 5. The Cousteau team visited... 6. Local people... 79 Answer the following questions. Use the text from Ex. 77 if needed. 1. What is special about Lake Baikal? 2. Where is it located? 3. When did the Cousteau team travel to the lake? 4. What did they film there? 5. Why was the expedition an unusual adventure? 6. How did people from a local Siberian village celebrate the end of winter? 80 Prepare the information about the Cousteau team expedition to Lake Baikal for your school radio. Use these guidelines: 1. The deepest lake in the world 2. An unusual adventure by the Cousteau team 3. A visit to a small Siberian village 81 Read Paul: Christie: Paul: Christie: Paul: Christie: Paul: Christie: Paul: Christie: the dialogue and act it out. Hi, Christie! Why didn’t you go with us to the new aquarium? I’m so sorry. I was busy with my litde sister. She was ill. That’s a pity! Was it an interesting trip? It was a very amazing experience! That’s great! What did you see? We saw a lot of strange sea creatures: octopuses, sea turtles, seahorses, sharks and many colourful fishes. I wish I had been there. Let’s go there next weekend. Take your little sister with you. They have parties which are a lot of fun for kids. That’s a good idea! SI 82 a) Listen to the text about a sea turtle and complete the text. A sea turtle The first sea turtle lived on Earth 150 million years ago. Nowadays, there are 300 types of turtles in the world. The ... one is the Leatherback Turtle. It is ... metres long, and its weight is about 600 kg. Turtles have hard shells ... 59 to 61 bones. These shells are ... their skeleton, so turtles can ... them. Scientists believe the sea turtle can live for one year without eating .... The ... lives up to 80 years. The sea turtle’s food is ... and .... It is the jellyfish’s number one enemy! Some sea turtles migrate thousands of miles on regular routes to nesting spots, much .... These world travellers return every ... to the same beach to lay their eggs. b) Say how long the sea turtle can live without eating any food. Ss3 Work in groups of three or four. Choose one of the texts and read it together. Discuss this question in your group: What are the most interesting facts you know about this sea animal? Make a fact file about it. Text 1. A jellyfish The jellyfish is the oldest animal in the world. It has lived on our planet since dinosaurs and sharks. Scientists think that there are 2,000 kinds of jellyfish in the seas. They are made up of 95% water. They can be in different colours: white, blue, green, orange, pink, yellow and others. They have no heart, no bones and no brain. Jellyfish have umbrella-like bodies, a mouth and tentacles. They use their tentacles to sting their food or to warn other creatures including people if they are afraid of them. Some jellyfish are very dangerous. The box jellyfish is the most dangerous jelly in the world. It lives in Australia. It has enough poison to kill more than 60 people. The crystal jelly has the biggest mouth while the Lion’s Mane is the largest jelly in the world. People in China or in Japan sometimes cook jellyfish. The dish is often prepared with vegetable oil, vinegar and sugar or as a salad with vegetables. LOOK AND LEARN! tentacles ['tentaklz] — щупалыды to sting — жалить poison ['poizn] — ЯД 150 Text 2. An octopus The octopus has got eight arms. It is one of the most intelligent creatures in the seas and oceans. It has a round head and long arms with which it moves itself as it swims. These arms are located around its mouth and it has suckers on the underside. The octopus uses its arms and suckers to catch the food. Its favourite food is crabs and fish. Octopuses are boneless creatures. Their bodies are extremely flexible and they can squeeze through very small spaces. The life of an octopus may last from 6 months to a couple of years. Usually they grow up to 1.5 metres in length and their weight is around 50 kg. An interesting octopus fact is that these sea creatures have three hearts and the colour of their blood is blue. An octopus can change its colour: usually it is brown but when it is afraid of something it becomes white and if it is angry it becomes red. Some octopuses are poisonous and in some cases, they can be dangerous for people. An octopus itself is fine food for sharks and dolphins. Octopuses can eject a cloud of black ink when attacked by an enemy. LOOK AND LEARN! intelligent [m'telidjant] — умный flexible ['flekssbl] — гибкий poisonous ['poiznas] — ядовитый 84 Find a group that has read a different text from yours. Share your information with this group. Use these questions to help you: Text 1. A jellyfish 1. How long have jellyfish lived on our planet? 2. How many kinds of jellyfish are there in the seas? 3. What are they made up of? 4. What colours can they be? 5. What kind of body do they have? 6. What is the most dangerous jelly in the world? 7. In what countries do people cook dishes made from jellyfish? Text 2. An octopus 1. How many arms has an octopus got? 2. What does it look like? 3. What does it use to catch its food? 4. What is its favourite food? 5. Do octopuses have bones in their bodies? 6. How long do they live? 7. What can an octopus eject when attacked by an enemy? 85 Listen and read the poem. An octopus woke up one day, And noticed something straight away. One leg had vanished, out of sight. It must have disappeared last night! The octopus was in distress, “Without eight legs my life’s a mess! Walking’s going to be so tough. Seven legs is NOT ENOUGH!” So he phoned up the dolphin Kate, And told his problem to his classmate. He knew his friend would help him out. That’s what friends do, he had no doubt. Three minutes later, Kate was there. Holding something with great care. She gave a smile and softly said, “Dear Octopus, I found your leg.” 151 86 What’s the difference? Spot seven differences between these two pictures. о О 87 Take a quiz. Choose the right answers and fill in the table. Mark your score. Level 1 A right answer — 1 point A wrong answer — 0 points Level 2 A right answer — 2 points A wrong answer — 0 points Level 1 Level 2 Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Answer Level 1 1. Nine out of every ten living things are found a) under the sea. b) in Africa. c) in North America. 2. What do marine biologists study? a) things that live in the jungle b) things that live in the ocean c) things that live in the mountains 3. How many species of turtles exist in the world? a) 300 kinds b) 200 kinds c) 100 kinds 4. What do jellyfish use to sting? a) fins b) tentacles c) arms 5. How many arms does an octopus have? a) 6 b) 8 c) 10 If you would like to become the absolute winner of the quiz, answer these questions. Level 2 6. What are humpback whales known to do? a) sing b) hop c) dance 7. How do dolphins communicate? a) smell b) sound c) mobile phone 8. What is a shark? a) a fish b) a mammal c) plankton 152 88 Read the key answers and check your answers. ■3SOU jnoX JO риэ Эф dn s9>[Bui 1Вф jjnjs auiBS Эф — эЗврцвэ JO эрвш SI uopp>{s >(JBqs в ‘qsij дэфо 95{i{un ing 'вцтЗ ц§подф зэфвэдд puB ‘лэ^вм ui 5эл]| ‘9uoq5{DBq в SBq ji 9snB39q qsij в si >{JBqs у ‘g UI9qj XjlJU9pi UBD suiqdjop лэц}0 ;вф os 9psiqM 9jniBU§is в SBq osjB uiqdjop qoBg sSuiqt |puis j^ubd Хэф ‘sn 95{ijun jnq ‘цэпо! puB ‘iqSis ‘9tSBl ‘spunos qSnojqj э^вэшпшшоэ suiqdpQ • l jooj djiqo pUB ‘UBOUI ‘UBOjS S9UIIJ9UI0S П/эЦХ шэф рлоээл oj S9uoqdoj3iui лэ^влиэрип 9Sn иэцо IJIM SJSI}U9PS 'SuiSuiS |njpnB9q Л1ЭЦ1 лoJ UMOU5j[ ЭЛВ s9jBqM >{DBqdumH ‘9 Z 1ЭЛЭ1 •^^sшлв jq§p,, suB9ui Хцвпрв ^^sndopo,, рлом эф — pBj 100Э в зрлэн ‘8ЛЭ51ЭП8 рэлрипц ^BЛЭЛЭS ф1М рэлэлоэ цэвэ ‘8ШЛВ jq§p SBq sndopo uy '£ •pэuэ}вэлq} p9j X9qj JI 9jdo9d ШВМ o; ло pooj ЛlэqJ Sups OJ S9pBju9j лpqJ 9sn X9qx •S9ipoq лpqJ шoлJ Э1§ивр jBqj 8эрв;иэ; Sucj puB S9ipoq Xuiqs э>ll|-в^pлqшn 9ABq qsijXjpf -f spunod 0003 sqSpM puB Suoj j99j 8 OJ 8мол§ JI •ЭIJлnJ '>IэвqлэqJвэ^ 9qj Supq jS9§Siq 9qj — рром 9qj Ul SЭIJЛnJ JO S91D9ds 00£ 9ЛВ элэqx £ •XpuiBj puB XлoJSlq ‘sэlJSlлэJэвлвqэ |B3isXqd uo p9SBq sSuiqj i^issBp puB ‘BjBp рлоээл ‘S9iduiBS jD9iiOD X9qx ’ивээо 9qj Ul элц jBqj sSuiqj Xpnjs sjsi§o|oiq эи1ЛВ1Л1 'Z •B9S 9qj лэрип punoj ЭЛВ sSuiqj §uiAq umoitjj u9j Хлэаэ JO jno 9uqq р8э§лв| 9qj osp puB qJлвg 9qj JO ио1§эл pэлoIdxэ jsb9I 9qj si B9S 9qx 'I I рлэт m 89 Work in groups of three or four. Write an article about one of the sea creatures. Use the plan: 1. Name 2. How many years has it existed on Earth 3. Body size 4. Food 5. Enemies 6. Interesting facts about its behaviour В 90 Work in groups of three or four. Read and translate the short extract from the book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Try to write the best translation in your class. “You like the sea, Captain?” asked Professor. “Yes; I love it! The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is a huge desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life thrilling on all sides. The sea is wonderful reality. It is nothing but love and emotion. In fact. Professor, Nature proves herself in it by her three kingdoms — mineral, vegetable, and animal. The sea is the strength of Nature. The globe began with sea, so to speak; and who knows if it will not end with it? Ah! Sir, life is in the heart of the waters! There only is independence! There I am free!” 153 Section 5 a Welcome to festivals and holidays in Great Britain j^and Russia 91 Read the short paragraph about British festivals and special days. Say if we have similar holidays in Russia. Many festivals and holidays in Britain are very old. Almost every town and village in Britain has its own traditions, some involving months of careful planning and preparations of costumes and dancing. The British calendar contains the most important and well-known festivals and popular events in Britain. We can tell you about some of them: February - Pancake Day March Mother's Day harvest Festival Ш92 Discuss in groups of three or four what festivals and holidays you know in Britain / in Russia. 1. What are they? (make a list) 2. What do people do on this special day? 3. What is traditional food on this day? 93 Before you read the texts, guess the meaning of the following words and phrases. eat pancakes, race with a frying pan, throw a pancake in the air, organise a special day out, a celebration of the food grown, give thanks for successful harvests S94 Work in groups of three or four. Choose one of the texts to read with your group. Discuss these questions: 1. What do people do during the holiday? 2. Is it worth seeing / visiting? Why? / Why not? 154 What is Pancake Day? Pancake Day is the last day before the period which Christians call Lent (Великий пост) in February or March. It is traditional on this day to eat pancakes. A pancake is a thin, flat cake fried in a frying pan. For pancakes, you need flour, eggs and milk. You can eat them with lots of things including sugar, golden syrup, or jam. Some people add lemon juice. In some parts of Britain, there are pancake races on this day. People race with a frying pan in one hand. They have to throw a pancake in the air and catch it again in the frying pan as they run. What is Mother’s Day? It is celebrated three weeks before Easter. This is the time for people living in the UK to think about their mothers. People often give flowers or chocolates or organise a special day out for their mothers at this time. They also send a special “Mother’s Day” card. mum What is the Harvest Festival? The Harvest Festival is a celebration of the food grown on the land. Thanksgiving ceremonies and celebrations of a successful harvest are very ancient. In Britain, people have given thanks for successful harvests since olden times. They celebrate this day by singing and decorating their houses and churches with baskets of fruit and food in a festival known as the Harvest Festival, usually during the month of September. 95 Share the information from your group’s text with your classmates who have read other texts. Use the questions as guidelines. 1. When is the holiday celebrated? 2. What do people do? 3. Do Russian people have similar holidays? 96 Talk about the Russian holiday called “Maslenitsa”. Use: Maslenitsa, Russian folk holiday, a sun festival, celebrate the end of the winter, have some traditional activities, a day for sleigh-riding, a day for visiting your parents, burn a straw figure of Lady Maslenitsa, put the doll into the flames of a bonfire I IP-- Ч 4 I/ 155 97 Look at the photos and choose your favourite holidays. Explain why. Use: bring many different presents, a Christmas tree, coloured lights and decorations, the most important Russian holiday, sunny and warm spring weather, give beautiful flowers, meet old friends, decorate the houses, remember the brave soldiers of our country, run around in the school playground, draw funny pictures on the blackboard, put flowers on monuments, send lovely Valentine’s Day cards, receive small nice presents, think about the mothers and grandmothers 98 Read the story. Write down the main points of it. Retell the story using the points. 156 It was early Sunday morning and it was Mother’s Day. Annie was awake and could hear Dad and Grandpa cleaning the house and building a big fire in the fireplace. She walked past her mum’s room. She was still in bed sleeping, so was her granny. Annie went outside quietly. Just then Snowflake came running out through the doggie door. She barked and chased Annie. “Hi, Snowflake. Are you going to enjoy today, too? Let’s go and chase some butterflies,” Annie said as she ran into the hills. Soon they came to a field of daisies. “Aren’t they beautiful?” Annie said. She ran through them. Bees and butterflies buzzed around her. Snowflake chased a big black and yellow butterfly, trying to catch it. Annie picked a dozen daisies for her mum and granny. She picked a dozen more to make a chain for her head. Then she ran home. when Annie came home, her mum and granny were up now. “Happy Mother’s Day,” Annie said, handing her mum and granny the daisies. Granny was sitting in a chair knitting a jumper. “Who’s that for?” asked Annie. “It’s for your mum,” replied Granny. “Isn’t it lovely? I love your daisy chain, too.” She hugged Annie tightly. “That jumper is just beautiful. Granny,” Annie said, kissing her on the cheek. Dad came into the living room and saw the three women there. “Time for a photo,” he said. He picked up the camera. Annie sat on the floor holding Snowflake, adorned with her daisy crown. Mum and Grandpa stood behind Granny’s chair. Mum was holding her bouquet of daisies, and Granny kept on knitting. “Say cheese,” Dad said. “Apple dumplings' and an orange tart^ for you, ladies!” Granddad announced. “Thankyou. Grandpa,” Annie said, taking a dumpling. The sweet, sticky syrup dripped all over her plate. “Mmmm, delicious.” She ate the dumpling and enjoyed the little bits of apple. “This is good. Grandpa. The apples are just the way I like them. Thank you!” together, enjoying their time as a family. They were talking and laughing. Dad was busy cleaning up the kitchen. After he finished, they sat in the living room. Grandpa told Annie stories about when he was a little boy. She laughed and laughed, and so did Grandpa. Dad told stories about Annie when she was a little girl. Annie listened carefully. Her mum was happy. It was the best Mother’s Day she had ever had. ‘ apple dumpling ['dAmpliq] — яблоко, запеченное в тесте ^ tart [tcut] — открытый пирог из песочного теста В 99 Read the following sentences. Each was left out from a different part of the story. Read the story once more and decide which part the sentences come from. Mark the place in the story where they could fit in. 1. “Thank you, Annie,” said her mother, “I like the daisy chain on your head.” 2. Then he told them all about the day he married Mum. 3. It would be warm when the women got up. 4. Annie smiled a big smile as the photo was taken. 5. They were white with small yellow centres and long green leaves. 100 Look at the pictures in Ex. 98. Find the sentences in the text to describe the pictures. Read them aloud. 157 -Ш#- 101 Look at the pictures in Ex. 98. Say what the people are doing. Use: sleep, run through daises, chase a big black and yellow butterfly, sit in an armchair, hug, kiss somebody on the cheek, eat dumplings, take a photo, laugh GRAMMAR FOCUS 102 Read, compare and remember. English Russian Tense I usually celebrate all holidays with my family. Обычно я праздную все праздники с моей семьей. Present Simple I am writing a special “Mother’s Day” card now. Я подписываю открытку „Мамин день“ сейчас. Present Continuous I have just written a special “Mother’s Day” card. Я только что подписал открытку „Мамин день“. Present Perfect Yesterday I celebrated the holiday with my family. Вчера я отмечал праздник с моей семьей. Past Simple I’ll celebrate the holiday with my family tomorrow. Завтра я буду отмечать праздник с моей семьей. Future Simple Hl03 Work in pairs. What local holidays do you know about? Make up a short conversation between a tourist and a guide. I? H 104 Choose one of the Russian or British holidays you have learnt about in this section. Make a presentation for the class about the holiday you have chosen. Ask your classmates to give their opinions about this holiday and your presentation. 158 TEST YOURSELF Do the exercises in your Workbook Section 6 I Reading for pleasure • Read the story and do the exercises in your Workbook. Homework 1 Do Ex. 4 on page 129 in written form. 2 Do Ex. 14 on page 132 in written form. 3 Create questions and answers with the words in brackets. Example: (you / be fond of / travelling / abroad?) — (-) (I / like / cross / country / trips.) — Are you fond of travelling abroad? — No, I like cross-country trips. 1. (what / Tom / be fond of?) — (he / be fond of / climbing / and / fishing) 2. (what III should / do?) — (you / should / clean your teeth / before going to bed). 3. (the children / collect the things / now) — (-) (they / put up tents). 4. (you / go swimming / yesterday?) — (-) (we / go hiking / for two miles). 5. (they / be going to / the country / by bike or by bus)? — (they / go / on foot). 6. (what / you / do / in an hour)? — (we / go / for a walk). 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Past Simple or the Present Perfect. Example: I ... (not / read) the book about Captairt Cook yet.— I haven’t read the book about Captain Cook yet. 1. ... you (be) to New Zealand? — No, I ... (be) there yet. 2. He ... (never / work) on a ship. 3. The ship ... (just / reach) the island. 4. They ... (explore) the unknown land, ... (bring) back the detailed map of the land and ... (discover) many new types of animals and plants. 5. The team is very tired. The expedition ... (return) home. 6. The sailors ... (explore) the west coast of the island last week. 5 Do Ex. 41 on page 139 in written form. 6 Translate from Russian into English. 1. организовать экспедицию на лошадях 2. путешествовать пешком 3. проводить время на свежем воздухе 4. наблюдать природу 5. нести культуру своей страны другим людям 6. Что делали путешественники после экспедиции? - Они написали захватывающую книгу. 7. Туристы изучали историю этого места в течение двух дней. 8. Алекс мечтает найти и изучить неизвестный остров. 9. Дорогие гости! Наслаждайтесь природой и свежим воздухом! 10. Это необычное путешествие поможет людям сохранить мир во всем мире. 159 7 Combine the words from the two columns to make new phrases. Add the indefinite article a / an. Then translate the phrases into Russian. Example: a written rule slow people opened winner physical student young university strong team leading game playing abilities built sportsman running stadium singing event 8 Do Ex. 63 on page 145 in written form. 9 Do Ex. 73 on page 147 in written form. 1 о Do Ex. 79 on page 149 in written form. 11 Look at the pictures from Ex. 86 on page 152. Choose one of the pictures and describe it. Begin with: On this picture we can see animals and fish under the sea. There is a nice ... It is talking to a turtle. ... 12 Read the answers and write the questions to them. Example: British people celebrate Mother’s Day three weeks before Easter.— When do British people celebrate Mother’s Day? 1. Yes, it is. A pancake is a thin cake fried in a frying pan. 2. Usually in a pancake race people run with a frying pan, throw a pancake in the air and catch it again. 3. People organise a special day out for their mothers three weeks before Easter. 4. Yes, they did. They burnt a straw figure of Lady Maslenitsa yesterday. 5. People decorate their houses with baskets filled with fruit and food. 13 Do Ex. 101 on page 158 in written form. Key vocabulary Nouns: 9 Verbs: expedition * overcome flashlight putup (a tent) jellyfish reach octopus squeeze (through) racksack skill sting tentacle • Adjectives: flexible incredible intelligent poisonous underwater Expressions and word combinations: back and forward cross-country trip dog team Do you really think so? I believe that... I think that... I’m not so sure about that, provide first aid sea turtle That’s an excellent idea. Yes, I agree. 160 Progress check Parti LISTENING Задание 1. Послушай четыре рассказа юных путешественников. Установи соответствие между рассказом говорящего и названием праздника. В задании дано одно лишнее название праздника. Ты услышишь каждый рассказ дважды. Занеси свои ответы в таблицу. A. St Valentine’s Day B. Pancake Day C. Mother’s Day D. Bonfire Night E. Christmas Day Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Задание 2. Послушай разговор Линды и Тома. Выполни задания. Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант из трех предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву. Ты услышишь разговор дважды. 1) Linda A. has already bought а present. B. has no idea what present to buy. C. wants to buy a small turtle. 2) Travelling underwater is A. an interesting novel. B. a computer game. C. an adventure film. 3) Their friend, Sam, likes A. taking colourful photos. B. going fishing in the sea. C. studying the underwater world. 4) Tom decides to buy A. a computer game. B. some exotic fish. C. an adventure book. READING Прочитай текст и выполни задания 3, 4, 5. Laura and Catherine didn’t want to go camping. They didn’t want to sleep in a tent, or eat roots or drink dirty water from a river. All they wanted was to be home in their nice warm beds, with no bugs, wild animals, or dirt on the ground. But they had to walk along the forest path together with their mum and dad. They had crossed a river and now their socks and shoes were wet. It was terrible! They were so tired, they wanted to eat and sleep. At last, they stopped for the night. Dad set up the tents and made a fire, then he caught some fish in the river for supper. The sisters didn’t like fish very much but they had to eat it because they were very hungry. After supper, the girls pulled their wet clothes off, and put on their nice clean pyjamas. 161 “Mum, it’s uncomfortable to sleep in a tent,” said Laura. The girls wanted to fall asleep but they couldn’t. “What’s that noise?” Catherine asked. “HOO! HOO! HOO!” “EEEEEEE!” screamed the two sisters. Mum and Dad jumped out of their tent. “There’s a monster in that tree!” screamed Laura. Dad laughed. “It’s only an owl. Now go back to sleep, please!” “CROAK! CROAK! CROAK!” “EEEEEEE!” screamed the girls. “That’s just a frog. It won’t hurt you. Please go to sleep, girls!” Mum said. Later that night, Laura woke up again. She looked outside the tent and saw a big shadow’. She screamed again, “EEEEEEE! Dad! Help!” “Girls, it’s only me,” Mum said. “It was cold so I went to get another blanket^ out of my backpack.” The next morning, the girls felt a little silly about the night before. “We’re sorry. Mum, Dad. We were like babies,” said the sisters. “It’s all right, girls,” Dad said. “At least tonight you won’t be scared becaus'e you know what those noises are.” They hiked a long way that day and were tired. The girls happily dimed into their tent and dad wished everyone “good night”. “HISSSSSSSSS!” “EEEEEE!” screamed the girls. Dad looked at Mum and sighed, “Here we go again!” ’ shadow — тень ^ blanket — одеяло Задание 3. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву. What is this text about? A. A family who went for a walk in the forest. B. A family who went on a cross-country camping trip. C. A family who lived in a big forest. D. A family who hated hiking and camping. Задание 4. Закончи предложения, выбрав Обведи соответствующую букву. правильный вариант из предложенных. l)The sisters wanted to stay at home because 3) During the second night, the sisters they did NOT like A. slept well in their tent. A. long cross-country trips. B. went fishing to the river. B. cold wet weather. C. sat next to the fire with their father. C. setting up tents. D. fish for supper every day. D. cried and screamed again. 2) The first night was terrible for the girls because A. they were hungry. B. they were alone. C. they were scared. D. they were cold. 162 Задание 5. Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту,— Т (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,— F (false). A. The sisters were happy to go hiking with their parents. B. Though they were hungry, they didn’t eat fish for supper. C. The sisters were afraid of the forest’s night noises. D. The sisters couldn’t fall asleep during the second night, either. WRITING Задание 6. Прочитай отрывок из письма. Напиши ответ своему другу по переписке. Ответь на его вопросы. ...Yesterday, our class ^ot an unusual piece of homework. We have to write about the holidays which people celebrate both in Britain and in other countries. Each student got a holiday to describe. Could you help me, please? I need some information about a holiday which is similar to our Pancake Day. Have you got a similar holiday in Russia? How do you celebrate it? Do you like this holiday and why? Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Jim Part II SPEAKING Задание 7. Выбери одну карточку. Дай устный ответ. Card 1 Talk about Russia. Say: • what the capital of the country is • what you know about the geography of the country • what the country is famous for 163 JiL. Card 2 Talk about sport. Say: • what sports are popular in Russia • why people do sports • whether you do any sports (or would like to do) Card 3 Talk about holidays. Say: • what similar Russian and British holidays you know • which of these holidays you like and why • whether you celebrate it and how Задание 8. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником. Dialogue 1 Card 1 Card 2 Ask your classmate: • whether cross-country trips are popular in Russia • whether he / she would like to take part in a cross-country trip and why • what clothes people need for a crosscountry trip Answer his / her questions. (You begin the conversation.) Answer your classmate’s questions. Ask him / her: • whether he / she has ever taken part in a cross-country trip and how long he / she went for • what season is best for a cross-country trip and why • why people take part in cross-country trips Dialogue 2 Card 1 Card 2 Ask your classmate: • whether he / she is fond of sport • what sport he / she likes most of all and why • whether he / she does his / her favourite sport or just watches it Answer his / her questions. (You begin the conversation.) Answer your classmate’s questions. Ask him / her: • what sports facilities and sports clubs his / her school has got • whether he / she has joined a sports club or a sports centre • whether he / she likes PE lessons and why Project «Visit our school website "Welcome to Russia!"» • Read the instructions and do the project in your Workbook. 164 Appendix Grammar reference PRONOUNS (Местоимения) Personal pronouns (личные местоимения) Subject pronouns (именительный падеж: кто? что?) Object pronouns (объектный падеж: кого? что? кому? чему? кем? чем?) Possessive (притяжательные: чей? чья? чье?) Reflexive (возвратные) I те my myself you you your yourself she her her herself he him his himself it it its itself we us our ourselves they them their themselves NUMBERS (Числительные) 1-21 1 -21-Й one first two second three third four fourth five fifth , six sixth seven seventh eight eighth nine ninth ten tenth eleven eleventh twelve twelfth thirteen thirteenth fourteen fourteenth fifteen fifteenth sixteen sixteenth seventeen seventeenth eighteen eighteenth nineteen nineteenth twenty twentieth twenty-ope twenty-first 10-100... 10-Й, 100-Й... ten tenth twenty twentieth thirty thirtieth forty fortieth fifty fiftieth sixty sixtieth seventy seventieth eighty eightieth ninety ninetieth a hundred hundredth two hundred two hundredth a thousand thousandth a million millionth ^4 — a half V4 — a quarter 1 ^ — one and a half 1.7 — one point seven 100 — a / one hundred 200 — two hundred 1.000 — a / one thousand 4.000 — four thousand 1.000. 000 — a / one million 1.000. 000.000 — a / one billion 137 — one hundred and thirty-seven hundreds of students 5,253 — five thousand two hundred and fifty-three thousands of books 2,500,000 — two million five hundred thousand millions of people 165 Grammar reference VERB TENSES (Глагольные времена) Present Simple (Простое настоящее) + — ? Positive Negative Question I I I You We speak English. You We don’t speak English. Do you we speak English? They They they She She she He speaks English. He doesn’t speak English. Does he speak English? It It it Short answers: Yes, No, I we you they do. don’t. Yes, No, she he it does. doesn’t. Past Simple (Простое прошедшее) + Positive I I You You We We They spoke English. They She She He He It It Negative Did Question I you we I < they > speak English? she he t it Short answers: Yes, I / you / she / he / it / we /they did. ^ 1 I/you/she/he/it/l ! we/they didn’t. Future Simple (Простое будущее) + Positive I ; will (shall) speak We ' English. You They i" English. He I ^ It J I We You They She He It Negative won’t (shan’t) speak English. won’t speak English. Will (Shall) Will I we Question speak English? you I they I she > speak English? he it ] Short answers: Yes, Yes, I/we you/they/ she/he/it will (shall), will. No, I I/we I won’t (shan’t). No, you/they/ she / he / it won’t. 166 Grammar reference Present Continuous (Настоящее продолженное) 4 — 7 Positive Negative Question I am I am Am I 1 We We 1 we You are You are Are 1 you They ■ writing now. They ' not writing now. 1 they ► writing now? She She Is f she He is He is he It . It 1 it Short answers: Yes, I am. Yes, Yes, she / he / it is. we/you/ they are. No, I am not. we/you/ they No, she / he / it isn’t. No, aren’t. Present Perfect (Настоящее заверщенное) I You We They She He It + Positive have written the story. has written the story. I You We They She He It Negative haven’t written the story. hasn’t written the story. Question Have Has I you we they she he it written the ’ story? Short answers: I I/you/ 1 I they/we f Yes, she/he/it has. No, No, I/you/ they/we she / he / it hasn’t. Have got (Иметь) + Positive I You We They She He It have got a computer Kas got a computer. Negative I i You haven t got a computer. They j She He hasn’t got a computer. It ? Question Have Has I you we they she he it got a computer? Short answers: Yes, I/you/ we /they have. No, I/you/ we /they haven’t. Yes, she/he/it has. No, she/he/ it hasn’t. 167 Grammar reference DEGREES OF COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS (Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий) Adjective / Adverb (Прилагательное / Наречие) Comparative (Сравнительная степень) Superlative (Превосходная степень) old older oldest short shorter shortest big bigger biggest nice nicer nicest pretty prettier prettiest popular more popular most popular beautiful more beautiful most beautiful hard harder hardest carefully more carefully most carefully much more carefully • Remember good better best bad worse worst far farther farthest well better best much more most little less least YES/NO questions l/V/i-Questions Do you speak English? Do...? Does...? Did...? Can...? Could...? May...? Must...? Would...? Should...? Shall...? Will...? Have...? Has...? Had...? Am...? Is...? Are...? Was...? Were...? What...? — Что? Какой? Who...? —Кто? Whom...? — Кого? Кому? Where...? — Где? Куда? Why...? — Зачем? Почему? Which...? — Какой (из)? Который? When...? — Когда? Whose...? — Чей? How...? — Как? How long...? — Как долго? How much...? — Сколько? How many...? — Сколько? How often...? — Как часто? What time...? — Который час? At what time...? — В какое время? 168 List of irregular verbs infinitive Past Simple Past Participle be [bi;] быть, находиться was [wDz] (ед. ч.) were [w3:] (мн. н.) been beat [bi:t] бить beat beaten [’bi:tn] become [Ьх'клт] становиться became [bi'keim] become begin [bi'gin] начинать(ся) began [bi'gaen] begun [bi'gAn] break [breik] ломать broke broken bring приносить, приводить brought [bro:t] brought build [bild] строить built built burn гореть burnt burnt buy [bai] покупать bought [bo:t] bought catch [kastf] ловить, поймать caught [ko:t] caught choose [tfu:z] выбирать chose [tfauz] chosen come [клт] приходить, приезжать came come cut [kAt] резать, рубить cut cut do [du:] делать, поступать, выполнять did done [dAn] draw [dro:] рисовать, чертить drew [dru:] drawn [drain] dream [dri;m] мечтать dreamt [dremt] dreamt drink пить drank drunk drive [draiv] вести машину drove [draw] driven ['dnvn] eat [i:t] есть, кушать ate [et] eaten fall [fo:l] падать fell fallen feed кормить fed fed feel [fi:l] чувствовать felt felt fight [fait] сражаться fought [fo:t] fought find [faind] находить found [fatmd] found fly [flai] летать flew [flu:] flown [flaun] forbid запрещать forbade forbidden forget забывать forgot forgotten forgive прощать forgave forgiven freeze замерзать froze frozen get получать got got give [grv] давать gave given ['givn] go ходить, идти,ехать went gone [gun] grow [grow] расти, выращивать grew [gru:] grown [graun] hang вешать, подвешивать hung hung have [haev] иметь had had hear [hio] слышать heard [ha:d] heard hide прятать(ся) hid hidden hold [hsuld] держать held held hurt [h3:t] ушибить(ся) hurt hurt keep [ki:p] держать, хранить kept kept know [пэи] знать knew [nju:] known [naun] lay [lei] класть, положить laid [leid] laid 169 List of irregular verbs Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle lead [li:d] лидировать led led learn [1з:п] учить что-либо learnt [l3:nt] learnt узнавать, учиться learned [b:nd] learned leave [li:v] уезжать, оставлять left left let позволять, разрешать let let make делать, заставлять made made mean [mi:n] означать meant [ment] meant meet встречать(ся) met met pay платить paid paid put [put] класть, ставить put put read [ri:d] читать read [red] read ride [raid] кататься верхом rode [roud] ridden [’ridn] ring [nr)j звонить rang rung run бежать, бегать ran run say [sei] говорить, сказать said [sed] said see видеть saw [so:] seen seek [si:k] искать sought [so:t] sought sell [sel] продавать sold [sould] sold send посылать, отправлять sent sent set ставить, класть set set shine Lfamj светить, сиять shone [fnn] shone show [fau] показывать showed Lfoud] shown Lfoun] shut [fAt] закрывать shut shut sing [siol петь sang sung sit сидеть sat sat sleep спать slept slept smell нюхать, пахнуть smelt (smelled) smelt (smelled) speak говорить, разговаривать spoke [spouk] spoken spell писать, произносить (по буквам) spelt spelt spend [spend] тратить, проводить spent spent spread [spred] распространять, расстилать spread spread stand стоять stood [stud] stood strike ударять(ся) struck struck (stricken) sweep [swi:p] подметать swept swept swim плавать swam [swaem] swum swing [swiij] качать, раскачивать swung [SWAO] swung take брать, взять took [tuk] taken ['teikan] teach учить taught [to:t] taught tell сказать, рассказать told [tould] told think думать, полагать thought [0o:t] thought understand понимать, предполагать understood understood [.Anda'staend] [,Ando'stud] wear [wea] носить (одежду), изнашивать wore [wo:] worn [wo:n] win [win] выигрывать, побеждать won [wAn] won wring [viij] крутить, скручивать wrung wrung write [rait] писать wrote [rout] written ['ntn] 170 Learning strategies How to write a personal letter Mind the structure of a typical personal letter. Follow these steps: 1. Write your short address (your city / town / village, your country) and the date in the top right hand corner. 2. Greet your partner: Dear Rod, (or any other name). 3. Give your reasons for writing: Thank you for your letter... I was very glad to get your letter... It was great to hear from you.... 4. Give an answer to your penfriends question or give the necessary information. Ask your questions if you have any. 5. Finish your letter. Use one of these remarks: Write back soon. / Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, / All the best, / With love, 6. Write your name (not surname). Example: Lon.c(oiA. (i:; fecit B-fttaliA, ±y-t)A of octobef ■DeCif AiTcirc, you. for you,f Letter, it was 0recit to 0et sorvte rvews fronA. you.. I have already beeiA. at horvce for a weefe becau.se of the flu. ' I carv't say that I'm. havln.0 a 0ooo( tlm.e bu.t I'm, tryliA/0 to eiAjoy m.yseLf. I'm. readlrv0 arc LiA.terestlrc0 boofe about Met Fisher. Have you ever heard of him.?... Sorry, but I have to flrclsh the Letter. The doctor has com.e. Write bacfe, please. Best wishes, A redrew How to deal with multiple choice tasks Multiple choice tasks contain a stem and the choices (alternatives). You have to choose one of the alternatives to do the task (to complete the sentence or to answer the question): Example: M. Fisher became famous because (the stem) a) he wrote “Treasure Island” (alternative) b) he went round the world (alternative) c) he found old Spanish ships (alternative) d) be opened a museum (alternative) 171 Learning strategies Multiple choice tasks help to check your reading or listening comprehension by finding a fact or an idea from the text. To do the task you have to read or to listen very carefully and closely. 1. Read the stem and every alternative. 2. If you feel that you can’t find the correct alternative at once, go back to the text once more. 3. Revise your answer again to make sure. How to deal with true / false questions True / false questions help to check your reading or listening comprehension by finding a fact or an idea from the text. To answer these questions you have to read or to listen very carefully and closely. Example: Say if the following sentences are true or false. 1) Stonehenge is a nice English town which is 5,000 years old. 2) The historians think that the stone circle was a calendar in ancient times. 3) Tourists like Stonehenge but only a few of them come here. 1. Study the given sentences attentively. Pay attention to dates, facts and ideas in it. 2. Read every part of the sentence. One of the parts can be true, but the other part may contain false information. Look closely at the connecting words (and, but etc). Tourists like Stonehenge but only a few of them come here. 3. If you are not sure, go back to the text once more. 172 Cultural guide Aberdeen [.aeba'dirn] — the biggest oil centre of Great Britain. Antarctica [aent'aiktika] — one of the world’s continents. Asia ['0133] — one of the world’s continents. Australia [n'sreilia] — one of the world’s continents. Cook, James (1728-1779) [kok 'djeimz] — a famous British explorer. He studied New Zealand and Australia. Cousteau, Jacques Yves (1910-1997) ['kuistsu 'djeiks i:vj — a French sea explorer, scientist and photographer. He is most well-known as Captain Cousteau. В bagpipes (the) ['bsegpaips) — a traditional Scottish musical instrument. Baikal (the) [bai'kasl] — the oldest and deepest lake in the world. It is located in the south of Russian Siberia. Beatles (the) ['bktlz] — the most famous English rock band of the 20th century. Belfast [,bel‘fa:st] — the capital of Northern Ireland. Ben Nevis (,ben 'nevis] — the highest mountain in Scotland. Its height is 1344 metres. Brighton ['braitn] — a large town on the south coast of England. It is a popular place for holidays. Burns, Robert (Ьз:пг 'robat] — a famous Scottish poet. Cambridge ['keimbridj] — a big city and famous educational centre in England. Canada ['kaenada] — a country in North America. Canberra j'kaenbaraj — the capital of Australia. Cardiff ['ka:dif] — the capital of Wales. Changing the Guard [.tfeindjig de 'gcrd] — a ceremony held outside Buckingham Palace in which the guards in red uniforms and black fur hats are replaced by others. China [ЧТатэ] — a country in Asia. Christmas ('knsmas] — a Christian holiday held in honour of the birth of Christ. It is held on December, 25. In Russia it is celebrated on January, 7. Columbus, Christopher (1451-1506) [ka'Umbss 'knstafs] — a famous Italian explorer. He discovered the New World (Central America). Cornwall ['ko:nwo:l] — an area in England. Diana, Princess (1961-1997) [dai'aena ,prinsiz] — a member of the Royal Family. She was married to Prince Charles. They had two sons. Prince William and Prince Harry. Dover [Уэиуэ] — a town in southeast England. Easter ['i:st3| — a Christian holiday. It is celebrated in spring. Edinburgh ['edmbara] — the capital of Scotland. England ['iggbnd] — part of Great Britain. The national symbols of England are the red rose and the flag called the St George’s Cross. Europe ['juarap] — one of the world’s continents. Farjeon, Eleanor (1881-1965) ['fcrcfean 'elana] — an English author of children’s stories, plays and poetry. France [froins] — a European country. Gama, Vasco da (1460-1524) ['ga;ma yaeskau daj — a famous explorer. He discovered an ocean route from Portugal to India. Glasgow ['gla;zgau| — a well-known shipbuilding centre of Great Britain. Grand Parade (the) [,groin pa'reid] — an annual festival in Scotland. Many musicians, singers, pipe bands and dancers from all over the world take part in it. Great Barrier Reef (the) [,greit ,baeria 'ri:f] — the biggest coral reef in Australia. Great Wall of China (the) [,greit ,wa:l ,av '^aina] — an ancient Chinese monument. The Wall is more than 8800 kilometres long. 173 Cultural guide H Hamilton, Lewis ['haemiltan 'li:vaiz] — the youngest ever Formula One world champion. Highlands (the) ['haibndz] — part of Scotland. In the Highlands, there are very old mountains. The highest one is Ben Nevis. I Ireland ['aiolond] — a large island to the west of Great Britain politically divided into Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. Italy ['itoli] — a European country. J Japan [cfea'paen] — a country in Asia. К Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936) ['kiplip 'rAdjod] — one of the most famous British writers of novels, short stories and poems. He is best known for his “Jungle Book”. Krusenstern, Ivan Feodorovich (1770-1846) — an explorer and admiral of the Russian Navy. He sailed round the world. L Leeds [li:dz) — a big industrial centre in the north of England. Lewis, Clive Samuel (1898-1963) ['lu;is ,klaiv 'sasmjual] — a famous English writer. He is the author of the book “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”. Lithuania [,li0ju'eini3] — a country in Europe. Liverpool ['livopu:!] — a big port in the northwest of England. “The Beatles” museum is situated there. Loch Ness |,lnx nes| — a large, deep and very beautiful Scottish lake. Many people believe that a big monster lives there. They call it “Nessie”. London ['Undan] — the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. London Zoo [,lAndan 'zu:] — the most famous British Zoo in Regent’s Park in London. M • Manchester ['maent/ista] — a large city in the northwest of England. McCartney, Paul [ma'ka:tni po:l] — an English singer and musician. He was a member of the popular rock band “The Beatles”. Mother’s Day ['mAdaz dei] — a holiday that is usually celebrated in spring. People give cards and / or presents to their mothers to show their love for them. N Nelson, Horatio (1758-1805) ['nelson ho'reijlouj — a famous English officer of the Royal Navy. Newton, Sir Isaac (1642-1727) [‘nju:tn S3: 'aizokj — one of the most important scientists in the world. He discovered many of nature’s laws. Niagara Falls |па1,аедэгэ 'fo;lz] — very large waterfalls on the border between Canada and the USA. Nikitin, Afanasy (died 1472) — a Russian explorer. He described his trip from Russia to India in the book “The Journey beyond the Three Seas”. North Sea (the) [,no:0 'si:j — part of the Atlantic Ocean between Great Britain and northwest Europe. Northern Ireland [,пэ:5эп ‘aiolond] — the northern part of Ireland, politically part of the United Kingdom. The national symbols of Northern Ireland are the shamrock and the flag called the St Patrick’s Cross. Oxford Cnksfod] — a big city and a famous educational centre in England. Perry, Fred ['peri fred[ — a popular English tennis player. Radcliffe, Daniel ['raedklif'daenjol] — a young English actor famous for playing Harry in the Harry Potter film series. Regent’s Park ['ri;c[53nts pa:k] — a park in London. It is the home of London Zoo. 174 Cultural guide Scotland I'skDtbndl — a country in the United Kingdom. The national symbols of Scotland are the thistle and the flag called the St Andrew’s Cross. There are three regions in Scotland: the Highlands, the Lowlands and the Southern Uplands. Sharman, Helen [Jaiman 'hebn] — a British astronaut. Shparo, Dmitry — a well-known Russian explorer. He was the leader of the first ski expedition to the North Pole. Sluchevskaya, Lubov — a Russian explorer. She went on foot through five African countries. Snowdonia National Park (the) [snau.daunia ,пае/эпэ1 'pa;k] — an area with many mountains in Wales which tourists love very much. The highest Welsh mountain called Snowdon is situated there. South America [sauQ э'тепкэ] — one of the world’s continents. Spain [spein] — a European country. St Valentine’s Day [,sont Vaebntainz dei] — (Valentine’s Day) February, 14. People send special cards to someone they love. Usually they don’t sign their names. Stonehenge [.stoun'hen^;] — one of Europe’s biggest stone circles and one of the most famous sites in the world. It is situated in England. Stratford-upon-Avon [,str£etfed эроп ’eivn] — a town in central England. It’s famous as the place where William Shakespeare was born. Thames (the) [temz] — the longest river in England. Thatcher, Margaret ['Oaetfa 'magerat] — the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (from 1979 to 1990). Tolstoy, Alexandra ['tnlstoi .aelig'zcundra] — a famous horse adventurer. She made a long distance journey on horse and camel along the Silk Road. Twain, Mark (1835-1910) [twein ma:k] — an American writer. His most popular novels are “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn”. U Union Jack [jurnian 'd5a2k] — the national flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (the) United Kingdom (the UK) [ju:,naitid ’kigdam] — a country made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Verne, Jules (1828-1905) [v3:n cfeuilz] — a popular French writer and the father of science fiction. One of his famous books is called “Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea”. w Wales [weilz] — a country in the United Kingdom. The national symbols of Wales are the daffodil and the flag called the “Red Dragon”. White Cliffs of Dover (the) [,wait klifs av ’dauva] — a British wonder of nature. The cliffs have become one of the official symbols of Great Britain. Wimbledon ['wimbldan] — one of the four great world tennis competitions and the only one which is played on grass. It is held in summer at Wimbledon, in southwest London. Winslet, Kate ['winzlit keit] — a well-known British actress. She played the lead role in “Titanic”. 175 List of personal names Adam ['aedam] — Адам Alex ['aehks] — Алекс Alexandra [.aelig'zcrndra] — Александра Alice ['aelis] — Алиса Andrew ['aendru;] — Эндрю Andy I'aendi] — Энди Ann [aen] — Энн Anna ['аепэ] — Анна Annie I'aeni] — Энни В Bagheera [ba'giara] — Багира Baloo ['bo:lu:] — Балу Ben [ben] — Бен Bobby [’bobi] — Бобби Boris ['boris] — Борис Brett [bret] — Бретт Charles [tfcdz] — Чарльз Christian [’knst/эп] — Кристиан Christie ['kristi] — Кристи Clara ['к1еэгэ] — Клара Daniel ['daenjel] — Дэниэл David ['deivid] — Дэвид Debbie ['debi] — Дэбби Denis ['denis] — Денис Diana [dai'aenaj — Диана Dylan ['dibn] — Дилан Edmund ['edmand] — Эдмунд Edward ['edwad] — Эдвард Eleanor ['elana] — Элеонора Elizabeth [i'lizabaG] — Елизабет Emilia [I'milia] — Эмилия Emily ['emali] — Эмили Emma ]'ema] — Эмма Fred [fred] — Фред G Gillian ['exilian] — Джиллиан H Harris ['haensj — Харрис Harry ['haeri] — Гарри Henry ['henri] — Генри J Jack [efeaek] — Джек Jacob ['ctjeikab] — Джейкоб James [djeimz] — Джеймс Jane [феш] — Джейн Jessica ['cfeesika] — Джессика Jim [cfeim] (Jimmy) — Джим (Джимми) John [efenn] — Джон Joseph [‘cfeauzifj — Джозеф Judy ['efeurdij — Джуди Julia ]'(^u:lia] — Джулия К Kanga ['kaegga] — Кэнга Kate [keit] — Кейт Katie ['keiti] — Кэти Kitty J'kiti] — Китти Laura ]'b;ra] — Лаура Lora ['la:ra] — Лора Lucy ]'lu:si] — Люси M Mag [masg] — Мэг Marco ['тегкэи] — Марко Margaret ['mergratj — Маргарет Margarita [,та:дэ'пДэ] — Маргарита Mark [mo;к] — Марк Martin ['ma'tin] — Мартин Mary ['meori] — Мэри Matthew ['maeGju:] — Мэтью Mike [maik] — Майк N Nicole [ni'kaul] — Николь Olivia [a'livioj — Оливия Omar ]'эита:] — Омар Oscar I'nska] — Оскар Paul [рэ:1] — Пол Percy ]'p3:si] — Перси Perry ['peri] — Перри Peter ['pi:ta] — Питер Polly ['pnli] — Полли Robert ['robot] — Роберт Robin ['robin] — Робин Robinson ['robinson] — Робинсон Rogers ['roefeoz] — Роджерс Sam [saem] — Сэм Samuel ['saemjuol] — Самуэль Sophie ['soufi] — Софи Steve [stiv] — Стив Sue [su:] — Сью Susan ]'su:zn] — Сьюзан Thomas ['tomos] — Томас Timmy ['timi] — Тимми Tom [tom] — Tom Victoria [vik'to:rio] — Виктория w William ['wiljom] — Уильям 176 List of geographical names Aberdeen [.aeba'drn] — Абердин (город) Africa ['aefrika] — Африка (континент) Altai [cd'tai] — Алтай America [э'тепкэ] — Америка Amsterdam ['aemstadsem] — Амстердам (город) Antarctica [aent'aktika] — Антарктида (континент) Arctic Ocean (the) [,a:ktik 'эи/п] — Северный Ледовитый океан Asia ['ei33] — Азия (континент) Atlantic Ocean (the) [at'laentik 'aujn] — Атланти- ческий океан Australia [o'streilia] — Австралия (континент) Azov Sea (the) ['eizDv si:] — Азовское море В Baikal (the) [bai'kael] — Байкал (озеро) Baltic Sea (the) [,bo:Itik 'si:j — Балтийское море Belfast [,bel'fa;st] — Белфаст (город) Berlin [,Ьз:'1т] — Берлин (город) Bloomsbury ['blu:mzb9rij — Блумсбери (район в Лондоне) Brighton ['braitn] — Брайтон (город) Buryat [,buri'o:t] — Бурятия Cambridge ['keimbrictjj — Кэмбридж (город) Canada [’каепэбэ] — Канада (страна) Canberra [’каепЬэгэ] — Канберра (город) Cardiff ('kadifj — Кардиф (город) Caspian Sea (the) ['kaespian si:] — Каспийское море Chelsea ]'tfelsi] — Челси (город) China ['tfaina] — Китай (страна) Colchester [’kault/ista] — Колчестер (город) Cornwall ['ko:nw3:l] — Корнуэлл (графство) Curonian Spit (the) (kju.raunian spit] — Куршская коса Delhi ]'deli] — Дели (город) Dover [Уэиуэ] — Дувр (город) Dublin ]УлЬ1ш] — Дублин (город) Edinburgh ['edmbara] — Эдинбург (город) Egypt ]'i:(feipt] — Египет (страна) Elbrus [el'bru:s] — Эльбрус (гора) England ]'ii)gl3nd] — Англия (страна) English Channel (the) [.igglif'tfaenl] — Английский канал Europe ]']иэгэр] — Европа (континент) Finland [Tinland] — Финляндия (страна) Florida ('flnrida] — Флорида (штат США) France [fra:ns] — Франция (страна) Germany |'фз:тзп1] — Германия (страна) Glasgow ['gla:zg9u] — Глазго (город) Н Hawaiian Islands (ha'waian 'ailandz] — Гавайские острова Highlands (the) (of Scotland) ['hailandz] — Хайленде, Северо-Шотландское нагорье I India findia] — Индия (страна) Ireland ['aialand] — Ирландия (страна) Irkutsk |3:'kutsk] — Иркутск (город) Italy ]'it9li] — Италия (страна) Japan [фа'раеп] — Япония (страна) Kaliningrad ]] — Калининград (город) Kamchatka [kaem'tjaetka] — Камчатка L Leeds ]li:dz] — Лидс (город) Lena (the)['lein9] — Лена (река) Limerick I'limank] — Лимерик (город) Lithuania [,Ii0ju'eini9] — Литва (страна) Liverpool ]'liv9pu:l] — Ливерпуль (город) Loch Ness (the) [bx nes] — Лох-Несс (озеро) London ['Undan] — Лондон (город) Lowlands (the) (of Scotland) ['bobndz] — Шотландская низменность 177 List of geographical names M Manchester ['maentfista] — Манчестер (город) Moscow ['moskau] — Москва (город) N New York [nju:'ja:k] — Нью-Йорк (город) New Zealand [,nju: 'ziiland] — Новая Зеландия (страна) Niagara Falls [nai,asgara 'fa:lzl — Ниагарский водопад Nizhniy Novgorod [,ni3ni 'novgarod] — Нижний Новгород (город) North America [,na© a'merika] — Северная Америка (континент) North Sea (the) [,no:0' si:] — Северное море Northern Ireland [,na:6an 'aialandj — Северная Ирландия (страна) Norway ('no:wei] — Норвегия (страна) Scotland ['skntlandj — Шотландия (страна) Siberia [sai'biaria] — Сибирь Snowdonia [snau'daunia] — Сноудония (регион в Уэльсе) South America [sau0 a'merika] — Южная Америка (континент) Sophia [sau'faia] — София (город) Spain [spein] — Испания (страна) St Petersburg [sant 'pi:tazba:g] — Санкт-Петербург (город) Stratford-upon-Avon [,straetfad a,pnn 'eivn] — Стратфорд-на-Эвоне (город) Sydney ['sidni] — Сидней (город) Texas ['teksas] — Техас (штат США) Turkey ['t3:ki] — Турция (страна) Omsk [nmsk] — Омск (город) Oxford Coksfad] — Оксфорд (город) Pacific Ocean (the) [pa,sifik 'aujn] — Тихий океан Paris [’paeris] — Париж (город) Peru [pa'ru:] — Перу (страна) Portugal ['paitfugl] — Португалия (страна) Q Quebec [kwi'bek] Квебек (город) и United Kingdom (the) [ju.naitid 'kigdam] — Соединенное Королевство (страна) United States (the)[ju,naitid steits] — Соединенные Штаты (страна) USA (the) [ju: ,es ’ei] — США (страна) Volga ['volga] (the) — Волга (река) w Wales [weilz] — Уэльс (страна) Wimbledon ['wimbldan] — Уимблдон (город) Russian Federation (the) ('глГэп .feda'reijh] Российская Федерация York []э:к] — Йорк (город) Yorkshire [')э;к/э] — Йокшир (графство) 178 Vocabulary a [ei] (an) — неопределенный артикль abbey ['asbi] — аббатство ability fa'bilati] — способность about [g'baut] — o, около above |э'Ьлу] — над abroad [э'Ьгэ:б] — за границей to go abroad — ездить за границу absolute ['aebsoluit] — полный, абсолютный accent f'aeksnt) — произношение, акцент accidentally [,aeksi'dentli| — случайно accompany [э'клтрэп!] — сопровождать, следовать вместе according [э'кэ:б1ц] to — согласно; в зависимости от account [a'kaunt] — счет accusing [3'kju;zmg] — обвиняющий, осуждающий acquainted [a'kweintid] with — знакомый с... across [a'kros] — через act [aekt] — играть, разыгрывать (роль) action ['aekjn] — действие, поступок active I'asktiv] — активный activity [aek'tivoti] — деятельность actor I'aekto] — актер actress ['aektras] — актриса actually [’aektfuoli] — фактически, на самом деле add [asd] — добавлять address [a'dres] — адрес 'adjective ['ascfeiktiv] — имя прилагательное admiral ['asdmral] — адмирал admire [ad'maia] — восхищаться adorned [a'do:nd] — украшенный adult ['asdAlt] — взрослый advantage [ad'vainticfe] — преимущество adventure [ad'ventja] — приключение adventurer [ad'ventfra] — искатель преключений adverb ['aedv3:b] — наречие advert ['aedva:!] — реклама, объявление advertisement [ad'va'.tismant] — реклама advice [od'vais] — совет advise [od'vaiz] — советовать affair [эТеэ] — дело afraid [ofreid] — испуганный to be afraid of — бояться чего-либо African [’аеГпкэп] — африканский after ['a:ft3] — после afternoon [,o:ft3'nu:n] — полдень again [э'деп] — опять against [a'genst] — против age [eicfe] — возраст agenda [a'cfeenda] — программа agent ['eictjant] — агент ago [э'дэи] — назад agree [a'gri:] — соглашаться agreement [a'griimant] — согласие ahead [9'hed] — будущий aid (eid] — помогать, помощь air [еэ] — воздух airport ['еэрэД] — аэропорт alarm |э'1а;гт] — тревога album ['aelbsm] — альбом algebra ['aelcfeibra] — алгебра alike [a'laik] — похожий, подобный alive [a'laiv] — живой, в живых all [э:1] — весь, вся, всё, все allow [э'1аи] — разрешать almost ['oilmaust] — почти alone [э'1эип] — один, одинокий along [э'1од] — вдоль, по aloud [a'laudl — громко, вслух already [od'redi] — уже also ['o:ls3u] — также, тоже although [э:Гбзи] — хотя; несмотря на то что always ['odweiz] — всегда am [гет] (см. to be) — глагол-связка amazing [o'rneizigj — удивительный American [з'тепкзп] — американский among [з'тлд] — среди, между ancient ['emjont] — древний, старинный and [aend] — и angry ['aeggri] — сердитый, раздражительный animal ['aeniml] — животное announce [3'nauns] — объявлять annoying [з'попо] — раздражающий, досадный annual ['aenjuol] — ежегодный another [з'плбз] — еще один, другой answer ['a:ns3] — отвечать; ответ Antarctica [aent'ccktiko] — Антарктида antonym f'aentonim] — антоним any ['eni] — какой-нибудь, сколько-нибудь, anybody ['enibndi] — кто-нибудь, любой, всякий anymore [,eni‘mo:] — больше не, уже не... anyone ['eniwAn] — кто-нибудь, любой, всякий anything ['eniGigl — что-нибудь anywhere ['eniweo] — где-нибудь, куда-нибудь apart [з'раД] — в стороне, отдельно apologise [o'pDlocfeaiz] (to smb for smth) — извиняться (за что-либо перед кем-либо) appear [э'р1з| — появляться appearance [з'рюгзпз] — внешность appendix [3'pendiks] — дополнение, приложение apple ['sepl] — яблоко appreciate [o'priijieit] — быть признательным, благодарным approach [з'ргзи(П — подходить, приближаться apricot ['eipnkot] — абрикос 179 Vocabulary aqualung ['aekwalAr)] — акваланг aquarium [a'kweariam] — аквариум architect ['crkitekt] — архитектор architecture ['crkitektja] — архитектура are [a;] (cm. to be) — глагол-связка area ['еэпэ] — площадь, пространство argue ['crgju:] — спорить argument ['aigjumant] — довод, аргумент aristocratic [.aensta'kraetik] — аристократический arm [a:m] — рука (от плеча до кисти) armchair ['amtjea] — кресло around [a'raund] — вокруг arrange [a'reincfe] — устраивать, договариваться arrive [a'raiv] — приезжать, прибывать art [crt] — искусство article ['a;tikl] — артикль, статья artist ['cutist] — художник as [aez] — как ask [crsk] — спрашивать asleep [a'slkp] — спящий to fall asleep — засыпать assistant [o'sistant] — помощник associate [a'sausieit] — объединять, соединять assured [э'/о;б] — уверенный astronaut ('ajstronoit] — астронавт astronomy [a'stronomi] — астрономия at [aet] — на, за, в athletic [aeG'letik] — атлетический attach [o'taetj] — прикреплять, прилагать attack [a'taek] — атаковать; атака attention [o'tenjn] — внимание attentively [a'tentivli] — внимательно attract [o'traekt] — притягивать attraction [a'traekjon] — притяжение, тяготение aunt [cunt] — тетя author ['э;0э] — автор authority [o:'0Dr3ti] — власть autumn I'oitam] — осень available [oVeibblj — доступный average ['aevaridj] — средний avoid [a'void] — избегать awake [o'weikj (awoke, awoken) — просыпаться award [o'woidj — награда away [a'wei] — прочь, далеко awkwardly ['o:kw3dlij — неуклюже, неловко В baby ['beibij — ребенок, младенец back [baek] — задняя часть; назад backbone [ЪаекЬэип] — спинной хребет, позвоночник backpack [Ъаекраек] — рюкзак backward [Ъaгkwэd] — обратный, направленный назад bacon ['beikanj — бекон, копченая свиная грудка bad [baed] — плохой badge [baecfe] — значок badly [ЪаеЬМ| — плохо bag [baeg] — сумка, портс])ель bagpipes ['baegpaipsj — волынка bagpiper ['bsegpaipaj — волынщик bake [beik] — печь, выпекать balance ['baelonsj — сохранять равновесие; весы balcony ['baelkanij — балкон ball [Ьо:1] — мяч ballet I'baelei] — балет ballet dancer ['baslei .dcunso] — танцовщик, артист балета bamboo [,basm'bu;j — бамбук banana [Ьэ'псипэ] — банан bank [baegk] — банк; берег banker [Ъагдкэ] — банкир barbecue ['bcubikju:] — барбекю (пикник с традиционным блюдом из мяса, зажаренном на решетке над углями) bargain f'bagin] — соглашение, договоренность, сделка bark [bcuk] — лаять base [beis] — основа, основание basin I'beisn] — миска, чаша basis ['beisisj — основание, фундамент basketball ['bcuskitbo;!] — баскетбол bat [baet] — бита bathe [bei6] — купаться; купание bathroom ['ba:0ru:mj — ванная комната bathyscaphe ['baeGiskeifj — батискаф battle ['baetl] — битва, сражение be [bi:] (am, is, are) — быть, находиться to be born — родиться to be going to do smth — собираться что-либо сделать beach [bi:t(l — берег моря, пляж bear [Ьеэ] — медведь beat [[bi:t] (beat, beaten) — бить beautiful ['bjuitoflj — прекрасный beauty ['bju;tij — красота because [bi'knzj — потому что become [Ьт'клт] (became [bi'keim], become) — становиться bed [bed] — кровать bedroom ['bedruim] — спальня bee [bi:] — пчела beef [bi:f] — говядина Beefeater ['bi:f^ido] — служитель охраны в Тауэре before [bi'fo:] — до beg [beg] — просить, умолять begin [bi'gin] (began, begun) — начинать beginning [bi'ginig] — начало behavior [bi'heivjo] — поведение, манеры behind [bi'haind] — за, позади belief [bi'li:f] — вера, доверие believe [bi'lLv] — верить, думать, полагать 180 Vocabulary bell [bel] — колокол belong Ibi'lno] to — принадлежать кому-либо below [bi'lauj — ниже, внизу belt [belt] — пояс, ремень berry ['berij — ягода beside [bi'saidj — рядом, около best [best] — наилучший better [Ъetэ] — лучше between [bi‘twi:n[ — между beyond [bi'jond] — далеко, вдали bicycle [’baisikl] (bike [baik]) — велосипед big [big] — большой billion ['biljan] — биллион biography [ЬаГодгэА] — биография biologist [bai'olacfeist] — биолог bird [b3:d] — птица birthday ]'b3:0dei] — день рождения birthplace ['b3:0pleisj — место рождения, родина biscuit ['biskitj — печенье black [blaek] — черный blackboard [hlaekbo:d] — доска (в классе) blackcurrant [,Ь1аек'клгэт] — черная смородина blanket ['blaegkit] — одеяло blazing ['bleizig] — ярко горящий blessed [Ъlesld] — благословенный block [blok] — блокировать; задерживать blood [bkd] — кровь blouse [blauz] — блузка blue [blu:] — голубой, синий board [bo:d] — борт судна boast [boost] — кичиться, хвастать(ся); хвастовство 'boat [bout] — лодка, шлюпка, корабль boating ['boutig] — катание на лодке body ['bndi] — тело bodyguard ['bodigccd] — телохранитель boil [boil] — варить boiled [boild] — вареный, кипяченый bomb ]Ьогп] — бомбить, бомба bone [boon] — кость boneless [hounlos] — бескостный bonfire ]'bon,faio] — костер book [buk] — книга booklet ['buklot] — брошюра, буклет bookshop [Ъик/ор] — книжный магазин boot [bu:t] — ботинок border ]'Ьэ:бэ] — граничить, граница boring [Ъэ:пд] — скучный, надоедливый, неинтересный born [Ьэ;п] — прирожденный borrow [Ъогэи] — занимать, брать на время both [Ьэо0] — оба bother [Ъодэ] — беспокойство, хлопоты bouquet ]bu'kei] — букет bow [bau] — гнуть, наклонять bowk[b3uI] — чаша box [boks] — коробка boxing ['bnksig] — бокс boy [boi] — мальчик brain [brein] — мозг branch [bra:nt[] — ветвь, ветка brand [braend] — торговая марка brave [breiv] — храбрый bravery ['breivori] — бесстрашие, отвага bread [bred] — хлеб break [breik] (broke, broken) — ломать, разрушать, перемена breakfast ['brekfast] — завтрак breath [bre0] — дыхание, вздох breathe [briid] — дышать, вдыхать bridge [bncfe] — мост bright [brait] — яркий bring [brig] (brought, brought) — приносить Britain ['britn] — Британия British ['bntiJl — британский the British — британцы bronze [bronz] — бронзовый brother [Ъглдэ] — брат brown [braun] — коричневый brownie ['brauni] — домовой bug [Ьлд] — жук, букашка build [bild] (built, built) — строить builder [Ъббэ] — строитель building ['bildig] — здание bump [Ьлтр] — удар, столкновение burn [Ьз:п] (burnt, burnt) — гореть burst [b3:st] (burst, burst) — лопаться, разрываться bush [ЬиЛ — куст business ['biznas] — бизнес businessman ['biznasmaen] — бизнесмен busy ]'bizi] — занятый (делами) but [bAt] — HO butter [Ъл1а] — масло butterfly [Ъл1а(1а1] — бабочка buy [bai] (bought, bought) — покупать by [bai] — B, на, no, у by bus [,bai 'bAs] — автобусом bye [bai] — пока goodbye — до свидания са£ё ['kaefei] — кафе cage [keicfe] — клетка cake [keik] — торт, пирожное calendar ['kaelanda] — календарь calf [ka:f] — теленок call [ka:l] — звать, называть; зов to give a call (call up) — звонить calm [koim] — спокойный camel ['kaeml] — верблюд camera ['каетэгэ] — фотоаппарат 181 Vocabulary cameraman ['kaemramaen] — фотограф camp [kaemp] — лагерь campaign [,kaem'pem] — кампания campfire ['kasmp,faiaj — походный костер camping ['kaempiol — кемпинг, лагерь для автотуристов can [kaen] (could) — мочь, уметь; жестяная банка canal [ka'nasl] — канал candidate ['kaendideit] — кандидат, соискатель candle ['kaendl] — свеча canoe [кэ'пи:] — каноэ canoeing [кэ'пило] — гребля на байдарках и каноэ canteen [kasn'ti:n] — буфет, столовая capital ['kaspitl] — столица capsule ['kaepsjurl] — капсула captain ['kaeptin] — капитан caption 1'кагр/п] — заголовок caramel ['kaeramel] — карамель card [ka:d] — открытка care [кеэ] — забота, уход to take care of smb (smth) — заботиться о ком-либо (чем-либо) careful ['кеэА] — внимательный carefully ['keafli] — внимательно, осторожно caring ['кеэгпз] — заботливый carrot I'kserot] — морковь carry ['kaeri] — нести cartilage ['kcrtolicfe] — хрящ cartographer [ксг'ШдгэГэ] — картограф cartoon [ko:'tu;n] — мультфильм case [keis] — случай castle ['ka;sl] — замок, дворец cat [kaet] — кошка, кот catch [kaet/l (caught, caught) — ловить, поймать cave [keiv] — пещера CD player [,si;'di: .pleia] — проигрыватель компакт-дисков ceiling ['sidiol — потолок celebrate ['sebbreit] — праздновать celebration [,sel3'breijn] — празднование celebrity [sa'lebratij — знаменитый человек; слава centimetre ('senti,mi:t3] — сантиметр central ['sentral] — главный, центральный centre ['sental — центр century ['sentfari] — век ceremony ['seramani] — церемония, торжество certain [‘s3;tn] — определенный certainly ['s3;tnlil — конечно, несомненно chain [tfein] — цепь, цепочка chair [tjea] — стул chalk |tfa;k] — мел champion ['tjaempjan] — чемпион championship ('tjsmpjanjip] — чемпионат chance [tja;ns] — шанс change [tjeincfe] — менять, меняться; сдача changeable ['tfemdjablJ — изменчивый, непостоянный channel ['tjsenl] — канал character [‘kaerakta] — характер characteristic [.kaerakta'nstik] — характерный; характеристика, черта charity I'tjaerati] — благотворительность chart ltfa:t] — таблица, схема, план chase [tfeis] — гнаться, преследовать; погоня chat [tjaet] — беседовать, вести чат, общаться (с кем-либо) в режиме реального времени (по Интернету); общение cheap |(П:р] — дешевый, недорогой check [tjek] — проверять; контроль, проверка cheek (tji:k) — щека cheese [tji:z] — сыр chemical [‘kemikl] — химический chemistry ['kemistri] — химия chess [tjes] — шахматы chew [tju:] — жевать child [tjaild] — ребенок childhood ['tjaildhud] — детство children ['tjildron] — дети chin [tfin] — подбородок chips [tfips] — чипсы chirp (tf3:p] — чирикать, щебетать chocolate ['tjoklatj — шоколад choice [tfois] — выбор choose [tju;z] (chose, chosen) — выбирать church [tj3:tj] — церковь cinema ['sinama] — кино, кинотеатр circle [’s3:kl] — круг citizenship [’sitizonjip] — гражданство city ['siti] — город (большой) claim [kleim] — требовать clan [klaen] — род, племя class [kla;s] — класс classical ['klassikl] — классический classify ['klaesifai] — классифицировать, систематизировать classmate ['kla:smeit] — одноклассник classroom ['kla:sru:m] — классная комната clean [kli:n] — чистить, убирать; чистый clear ['кИэ] (the table) — убрать (со стола) clever ['klevo] — умный climate ['klaimat] — климат climb [klaim] — забираться, подниматься clip |klip| — скрепка clock [kink] — часы close [kbus] — близко close [klouz] — закрывать clothes [klaudz] — одежда clothespin [‘kloudzpmj — прищепка, зажим для белья cloud [klaud] — облако clover ['klouva] — клевер 182 Vocabulary dub |к]лЬ] — клуб clumsy ['kUiTizi] — неповоротливый, неуклюжий coal [кэи1] — (каменный) уголь coast [koust] — морское побережье coat [кэШ] — пальто coconut |'кэикэпл1] — кокос (плод) coffee [’kofi] — кофе coin [кэш] — монета cold [kauld] — холодный collar ['ко1э] — ошейник collect Iko'lekt] — собирать, коллекционировать collection [ka'lekjn] — коллекция colony ['kobni] — группа людей, проживающая на новой для них территории, колония colour ['кл1э] — цвет coloured ['кл1эб] — цветной colourful ['кл1эП] — красочный column ('кп1эт] — колонка, столбец combination [,kDmbi'neiJn] — соединение, сочетание combine ('kombain] — объединять, сочетать соте [клт] (came, come) — приходить, приезжать comedy I'komodi] — комедия comfort ['kAmfat] — отдых, покой, комфорт comfortable ['клтйэЫ] — удобный comment ['knment] (on) — высказывать мнение, делать замечание; комментарий common ['котэп| — общий, всеобщий communicate [ka'mjurnikeit] — говорить, сообщать communication (k3,mju:ni'keijn] — информация * comparative [kam'paerativ] — сравнительный compare [кэгп'реэ] — сравнивать comparison [кэт'рзепзэп] — сопоставление, сравнение compass ['клтрэз] — компас competition [,кптрэ'п/п] — соревнование, конкурс complete |кэт'рИ:1] — завершить, закончить compose [кэт'рэиг] — составлять, сочинять composer [кэт'рэигэ] — композитор composition [.kDmpa'ziJn] — сочинение compound [kom'paund] — строение, структура computer 1кэт'р)и:1э1 — компьютер concert I'konsat] — концерт condition [kan'dijn] — состояние conditional [kan'dijnal] — условный conduct I'kondAkt] — поведение, руководство conference I'knnfrans] — собрание crystal ['kristl] — кристалл cub [клЬ] — детеныш зверя cultural ['kAltfral] — культурный culture ('клИ/э] — культура cunning [‘клппз] — хитрость, лукавый cup И^лр] — чашка cupboard ['клЬэб] — буфет, шкаф для посуды curious I'kjuarias] — любопытный custom ['kAStam] — обычай, традиция customer ['kAStama] — покупатель cut [kAt] (cut, cut) — резать to cut down — рубить cycle ['saikl] — кататься на велосипеде cycling ['saiklir)] — езда на велосипеде dad [daed] — разг. папа daffodil [‘daefadil) — нарцисс daily ['deili] — ежедневный daisy ['deizi] — ромашка damp [dasmp] — влажный, сырой dance [[dcrns] — танцевать; танец dancer [’da;nsa] — танцор danger ['dem^a] — опасность dangerous ['deincfearas] — опасный darts lda:ts] — дартс (игра), дротики date [deit] — дата daughter ['da:ta] — дочь dear [dia] — дорогой death [de0] — смерть decide [di'said] — решать decision [di'sisn] — решение decorate ['dekareit] — украшать decoration [,deka'reijn] — художественное оформление, украшение deep [di:p] — глубокий defend [di'fend] — защищать definite ('defanat] — определенный definitely ['defanetli] — определенно definition [,defa'nijn] — определение degree [di'gri:] — степень, уровень, градус delicious [di'hjas] — очень вкусный demand [di'ma:nd] — требовать depend [di'pend] — зависеть describe [di'skraib] — описывать description [di'skripjn] — описание desert ['dezat] — пустыня deserve [di'z3:v] — заслуживать, быть достойным чего-либо design [di'zain] — дизайн designer [di'zaina] — дизайнер desk [desk] — парта despite [di'spait] — несмотря на... dessert [di'z3:t] — десерт destination [,desti'nei/n] — назначение destroy [di'strai] — разрушать, ликвидировать detach [di'tastj] — отделять, отсоединять detail ['diiteilj — деталь detailed [di'teild] — подробный, детальный detective [di'tektivj (story) — детектив; детективный determination [diitaimi'nei/n] — решительность 183 Vocabulary develop [diVebp] — развивать, совершенствовать devote [diVout] — посвящать, отдавать diagram ['daiogrsem] — диаграмма dialect I'daialekt] — диалект, наречие dialogue ['daiolog] — диалог diamond ['daiomand] — алмаз, бриллиант diary ['daiari] — дневник dictionary ('dikjonri] — словарь die [dai| — умереть differ ['difa] — отличаться difference ['difrans] — различие different ['difrant] — различный difficult I'difiklt] — трудный dignity f'dignati] — достоинство dinner ['dinaj — обед dinosaur ['dainasa:] — динозавр diploma [di'plauma] — диплом direction [dai'rekjn] — направление director [dai'rekta] — директор dirt [d3:t] — грязь, отбросы dirty |'d3;ti] — грязный disadvantage [.disadVccntictj] — неблагоприятное условие, недостаток disagree [.disa'gri;] — не соглашаться disappear [.disa'pia] — исчезать discover [di'skAva] — обнаруживать, находить, открывать discovery [di'skAveri] — открытие discuss [di'skAs] — обсуждать disease [di'zi:z] — болезнь dish [dij] — блюдо dishwasher ['dij,wpfa] — посудомоечная машина distance ['distons] — расстояние distress [di'stres] — физическая боль dive [daiv] — нырять diver ['daiva] — ныряльщик divide [di'vaid] — делить do [du:] (did, done) — делать doctor ['dnkta] — доктор document ['dnkjumont] — документ dog [dog] — собака doll [dnl] — кукла dolphin ['dnlfin] — дельфин domestic [da'mestik] — доматний dominate ['dnmineit] — управлять, контролировать double ['блЫ] — двойной double-decker [,блЫ ’deka] — двухэтажный автобус downstairs [.daun'steoz] — вниз по лестнице dozen ['dAzn] — дюжина drama ['drtrma] — драма draw [dro:] (drew, drawn) — рисовать drawing ['droag] — рисование dreadful ['dredfl] — страшный, ужасный dream [dri;m] (dreamt, dreamt) — мечтать; мечта dress [dres] — платье drink [dngk] (drank, drunk) — пить drive [draiv] (drove, driven) — ехать на машине, вести машину driver ['draivo] — водитель drop [drop] — падать, ронять; падение, капля dry [drai] — сухой duck [dAk] — утка due [dju:] — должный, надлежащий dull [dAl] — скучный dumpling ['dAmplig] — яблоко, запеченное в тесте during ['djuong] — на протяжении, во время (когда?) duty ['dju:ti] — дежурство; обязанность dye [dai] — окраска, цвет each — каждый each other [.id/'Ado] — друг друга ear [ю] — ухо early [‘з:И] — рано earth 1з:0] — земля earthquake ['aiGkweikJ — землетрясение east [i:st] — восток Easter ['i:sta] — Пасха easy ('i:zi] — легкий, легко eat [i:t] (ate, eaten) — есть, кушать economy [i'knnomi] — экономика edge [ecfe] — кромка, край editor [’edita] — редактор education [,edju'keijn] — образование educational [.edju'keijnol] — образовательный eel [i:l] — угорь effect [o'fekt] — результат, следствие effort [’efst] — усилие, попытка egg [eg] — яйцо either [‘aidaj — тоже eject [i'djekt] — извергать, выбрасывать elephant ['elifantj — слон eleven [I'levn] — одиннадцать else [els] — еще email (e-mail) ['i:meil] — электронная почта emblem ['emblom] — символ, эмблема emotion [I'moufn] — чувство, ощущение, эмоция empty ['empti] — пустой, полый encourage [ш'кАпф] — ободрять, поощрять encyclopedia [m.saiklo'piidio] — энциклопедия end [end] — конец endangered [in'deincfead] — находящийся под угрозой вымирания или уничтожения enemy ['enomi] — враг energetic [.ena'dsetik] — активный, энергичный, сильный engineer [.encfei'nia] — инженер 184 Vocabulary English-speaking I'logliJ.spiikiol — англоговорящий enjoy [in'ci50i] — получать удовольствие enjoyable [ш'фэгэЫ] — приятный, доставляющий удовольствие enough [I'nAf] — достаточно enter [’ento] — входить entitle [in'taitl] — озаглавливать, давать название entrance ['entrons] — вход equipment [I'kwipmant] — оборудование equivalent [I'kwivalont] — эквивалент; равноценный, равнозначный especially [I'spejli] — особенно, в особенности essay ['esei] — эссе eucalyptus [Juika'liptas] — эвкалипт (дерево) Eve [i^f] — канун Рождества even [‘i:vn] — даже evening ['i^^nio] — вечер event (I'vent] — событие ever I'evo] — когда-либо every f'evri] — каждый everybody ['evri,bDdi] — все everyone ['evriwAn] — все everything ['evriGir)] — всё everywhere ['evriweo] — всюду exam [ig'zaem] — экзамен example [ig'zampl] — пример excellent ['eksobnt] — отличный; отлично except (ik'sept] — кроме exchange (iks't/eincfel — обмен excite [ik'sait] — возбуждать, волновать exclaim [ik'skleim] — восклицать excursion [ik'sksijn] — экскурсия, круиз excuse [ik'skju:z] — извинять; извинение exercise [’eksasaiz] — упражнение exhibit [ig'zibit] — выставлять, показывать exhibition [,eksi'bijn] — выставка exist [ig'zist] — существовать, жить exotic [ig'zDtik] — экзотичный, экзотический expensive (ik'spensiv] — дорогой, ценный experience [ik'spiorians] — испытывать, знать по опыту; (жизненный) опыт explain [ik'splein] — объяснять explanation [.ekspb'nei/n] — пояснение, разъяснение exploration |,ekspl3'reijn) — изучение, исследование explore [ik'splo;] — исследовать, изучать explorer [ik'sploiraj — исследователь (страны, географического района) express [ik'spres] — изображать, выражать себя; выражать свои мысли, чувства expression [ik'sprejn] — выражение extinction [ik'stigkjn] — вымирание (вида животных), исчезновение extra [‘ekstra] — добавочный, дополнительный extract ['ekstraekt] — отрывок, фрагмент extraordinary [ik'strordnari] — выдающийся, замечательный, исключительный extremely lik'striimli] — чрезвычайно eye [ai] — глаз face [feis] — лицо facility [fa'sibtil — возможность fact [faekt] — факт fair [fes] — ярмарка fairy ['feari] — фея fairy tale ['feari.teil] — сказка fairytale [Teariteil] — сказочный fall (Гэ:1| (fell, fallen) — падать false [fo;ls] — неправильный family ['faemalil — семья famous [Teimss] — знаменитый to be famous for — быть знаменитым fan [faen] — болельщик, фанат, почитатель fantastic [faen'taestik] — фантастический, превосходный fantasy ['faentasi] — воображение, фантазия far [fa;] — далекий; далеко faraway [.faraVei] — далекий farm [fa;rnj — ферма farmer ['foimaj — фермер fashion ['fae/nj — мода, стиль fast [fccst] — быстрый; быстро fat [faet] — толстый, жирный father [Та:бэ] — папа faun [fo:n] (Faun) — Фавн — античный демон, попучеловек-полукозёл (у древних римлян бог лесов и полей) favourite ['feivratj — любимый fear [fiaj — бояться; боязнь, страх feather [Тебэ] — перо feed [fi:d] (fed, fed) — кормить; корм feel [fi:l] (felt, felt) — чувствовать feet [fi:t] — ступни fence [fens] — забор, изгородь festival ['festivlj — фестиваль, праздник few [fju;] — немного, мало a few — несколько fiction ['fikjnj — выдумка, художественная литература (беллетристика) field [fi:ldj — поле fight [fait] (fought, fought) — сражаться file [fail] — папка, файл (информационный) fill [fil] (in) — заполнять (пропуски) film [film] — снимать фильм; фильм fin [fin] — плавник final [Tainl] — финал, финальный finally [Tainli] — наконец find [faind] (found, found) — находить; обнаружить to find out — выяснять 185 Vocabulary fine [fain] — хороший, прекрасный finish ['finiJl — заканчивать fire I'faio] — огонь fireplace [’faiapleis] — камин, очаг firework ['fai3W3:kj — фейерверк fisherman ['fijamanj — рыбак, рыболов fishing ['fijii]| — рыбная ловля fit [fit] — подходящий, годный; соответствующий fix [fiks] — устанавливать flag [flasg] — знамя flame [fleim] — огонь, пламя flash [flasj] — вспышка flashlight ['flaejlait] — сигнальный огонь; проблесковый свет маяка flat [flast] — квартира flexible ['fleksabl] — гибкий flipper ['Яфэ] — плавник floor [flo:] — пол flour ]'Паиэ] — мука flowerpot ['flauopDt] — цветочный горшок flu [flu:] — грипп fly [flai] (flew, flown) — летать; муха focus [Тэикэз] — центр foggy [Togi] — туманный folk [fauk] — народный follow ['fnbuj — следовать food [fu;d] — еда, пища foot [fut] (mh. Ч. feet) — ступня football ['futboilj — футбол football player ['futboil .pleia] — футболист footstool ['futstu:l| — скамеечка для ног for [fo:[ — для, в течение (как долго?) forbid [fabid] (forbade, forbidden) — запрещать, не позволять forbidden [fabidn] — запретный foreign [Тогэп] — иностранный forest [’fbrist] — лес forever [fafeva] — навсегда forget [fa'get] (forgot, forgotten) — забывать forgive [fa'giv] (forgave, forgiven) — прощать form [fo:m] — класс fortune ['fa:tfanj — счастье, фортуна forum ['forramj — форум forward ]'fo:wad] — направить; вперед fountain ['fauntinj — фонтан freckle ['freklj — веснушка free [fri:[ — свободный, вольный, бесплатный freeze [fri:z] (froze, frozen ['frauznj) — замерзать, обледеневать, покрываться льдом French [frentj] — французский fresh [frej] — свежий freshwater ['frej,wa:taj — пресноводный fridge [fricfe] — холодильник friend [frend] — друг to make fl'iends with smb — подружиться c кем-либо friendly ['frendlij — дружелюбный friendship [Trendjip] — дружба frighten [Traitn] — напугать from [from] — от front [frAnt] — передний frost [frost] — мороз frosty ['frosti] — морозный fruit [fruit] — фрукты fry [frai] — жарить fudge [fACfe] — чушь, выдумка, мошенник full [ful] of — полный чего-либо fun [fAn] — веселье, удовольствие function [‘fAgkJn] — назначение, функция funny [Тлп1] — смешной, забавный fur [fa:] — мех, меховой further [Тз:5э] — дальше, далее future [‘fjurtja] — будущее; будущий gain [gem] — приобретать, выигрывать gale [geil] — шторм, буря gallery ['gaebri] — галерея art gallery — художественная галерея game [geim] — игра gap [дзер] — пропуск garden ['goidn] — сад gardening ['gaidnig] — садоводство gather [‘даедэ] — собирать general ['cfeenral] — общий gently ['cfeentli] — мягко, нежно geography ]ved, shown) — показывать; представление, шоу showman ('Jaumon] — шоумен, специалист по организации публичных зрелищ shut [/л1] (shut, shut) — закрывать shy [fai] — застенчивый sick [sik] — больной side [said] — сторона sight [salt] — взгляд, достопримечательность sightseeing ]'sait,si:ii]| — осмотр достопримечательностей sign [sain] — подписывать(ся); знак signature ['signatfa] — подпись silence [‘sailonsj — тищина, безмолвие silent ['sailant] — безмолвный, молчащий silently ['saibntli] — молча silly ['silij — глупый silver ['silvol — серебро similar ['simala] — подобный, похожий simple ['simpl] — простой since [sms] — c тех nop как sing [sir)[ (sang, sung) — петь singer ['sipa) — певец singular ['siogjula] — единственное число sister ['sista] — сестра sit [sit] (sat, sat) — сидеть site [salt] — место, нахождение situation [,sitfu'eijn] — ситуация size [saiz] — размер, величина skate [skeit] — кататься на коньках skeleton ['skelitan] — скелет ski [ski;] — кататься на лыжах; лыжа skill [skil] — умение, навык, мастерство skirt [sk3:t] — юбка sky [skai] — небо sledge [slecfel — кататься на санках; санки sleep [slip] (slept, slept) — спать sleigh [slei] — кататься на санях; сани slide [slaid] — скользить slim [slim] — тонкий, стройный slow [sbu] — медленный; медленно small [smo:l] — маленький smart [sma;t| — умный smell [smel] (smelt, smelt) — пахнуть; запах smile [small) — улыбаться; улыбка smoked [smaukt] — копченый smoking [‘smoukioj — курение snack [snaek] — легкая закуска sneak [sni:k] — красться, подкрадываться, идти крадучись sneakers ['sniikaz] — кеды sniff [smf] — сопеть; вдох snip [snip] — клочок snow [snou] — снег snowboarding ]'sn3ubo:dir)j — сноуборд (вид спорта) snowy ['snoui] — снежный soap [soup] — мыло sociable ['soufabl] — общительный society [sa'saioti] — общество sock [snk] — носок sofa [’saufo] — диван soft [soft] — мягкий soldier ['soulcfea] — солдат solve [sd1v| — решать (задачу, проблему) some [sAm] — несколько, некоторое количество somebody ['sAmbadi] — кто-то, кто-нибудь someday ['sAmdei] — когда-нибудь someone ['sAmwAnj — кто-то, кто-нибудь something ]'sAm0ir)[ — что-то sometimes ['sAmtaimz] — иногда son [sAn] — сын song [sngj — песня soon [su:n| — скоро sore [so;] — рана; больной, воспаленный sorry ['snri] — извините sort [so;t] — вид, сорт, разновидность sound [saund] — звучать; звук soup [su;p] — суп south [sau0] — ЮГ southern ]'sAdn] — южный; расположенный на юге souvenir [,su;v3'nio] — сувенир space [speis] — пространство Spanish ['spasniJl — испанский spark [spa;k] — искриться; искра sparkler ]'spa;kl3] — бенгальский огонь speak [spi;k] (spoke, spoken) — говорить, сказать speaker ]'spi;k3] — оратор, говорящий special ['spejl] — особый, специальный speciality [,speji'3el3ti] — отличительная черта, особенность species ]'spi;Ji;z] — вид, разновидность specific [spa'sifik] — характерный, своеобразный, необычный 195 Vocabulary speech [spi:tf] — речь spell [spel] (spelt, spelt) — писать или произносить (слово) по буквам spend [spend] (spent, spent) — проводить, тратить spicy I'spaisij — острый spider I'spaida] — паук spirit ['spintj — дух, духовное начало spit [spit] — песчаная коса splendid ['splendid] — роскошный, пышный sport [spoil] — спорт sportsman ['spoilsman] — спортсмен spot [spot] — пачкать; пятнышко spread [spred] (spread, spread) — расстилать; распространение spring ]sprio] — весна; источник square [skweo] — площадь; квадратный squeal [skwiil] — пронзительно кричать; визг, вопль squeeze [skwiiz] — сжимать, стискивать squid [skwid] — кальмар squirrel ['skwirol] — белка stadium ['steidiom] — стадион stairs [steoz] — лестница stamp [staemp] — марка stand [staend] (stood, stood) — стоять star [stoi] — звезда starfish ['slQifiJ] — морская звезда start [stall] — начинать; старт state [steit] — государство statement ['steitmont] — утверждение, заявление station ['steijn] — станция statue ['staetfui] — статуя stay [stei] — останавливаться; пребывание to stay at — останавливаться to stay with — гостить step [step] — шаг stick [silk] — втыкать; палка still [sill] — всё ещё sting [slip] (stung, stung) — жалить; жало stock [stnk] — снабжать, поставлять; запас stomach ['sUmak] — желудок stone [staun] — камень stop [stnp] — останавливать(ся); остановка storm ['staim] — шторм story ['stairi] — история straight [streit] — прямой; прямо strange [streincfe] — странный strategy ['straetacfei] — стратегия straw [strai] — солома strawberry ['straibari] — земляника stream [striim] — поток, ручей, струя street [striit] — улица strength [strepG] — сила stress [stras] — давление, ударение stretch [slretf] — простираться strict [strikt] — строгий, требовательный strike [straik] (struck, struck) — ударяться; удар strip [strip] — полоса stripe [straip] — наносить полосы, помечать полосами strong [sirup] — сильный structure ['strAktja] — структура struggle ['slTAgl] — борьба student ['sljuidnt] — ученик, студент study ['slAdi] — изучать, исследовать stuff [slAf] — набивать, заполнять; материал stupid ['stjuipid] — глупый style [stall] — стиль, манера subject ['sAbcfeekt] — учебный предмет suburb ['sAbsib] — пригород, окраина success [sak'ses] — успех successful [sak'sesfl] — благополучный, успешный such [sAlf] — такой sucker ]'sAka] — присоска suddenly ['sAdnli] — вдруг suffer ['sAfa] — страдать, испытывать suffix ['sAfiks] — суффикс sugar ]'/uga] — сахар suggest [sa'cfeest] — предлагать, советовать suggestion ]sa'cfeest('an] — предложение, совет suit [suit] — костюм suitable ['suitabi] — годный, подходяший suitcase ['suitkeis] — чемодан summarise ['sAmaraiz] — суммировать, подводить итог summary ['sAmari] — краткое изложение sun [sAn] — солнце sunbathe ['sAnbeid] — загорать sunflower ]'sAn,flaua] — подсолнух sunglasses ['sAn.glaisiz] — солнцезащитные очки sunny ]'sAni] — солнечный sunrise ['SAnraiz] — восход солнца sunset ['sAnset] — заход солнца, закат superficial [.suipa'fijl] — внешний, поверхностный superiority [su,piari'urati] — превосходство, преимущество superlative [su'pailativ] — превосходный (о степени сравнения прилагательных) supermarket ['suipa,maikit] — супермаркет superstition [,suipa'stijn] — суеверие, предрассудок supper ]'sApa] — ужин support [sa'pait] — поддерживать; поддержка, помощь suppose [sa'pauz] — полагать, думать sure [fai] — уверенный surely ['Jaili] — конечно, непременно surface ['s3ifis] — поверхность surfing ['saifig] — сёрфинг surname ['saineim] — фамилия surprise [so'praiz] — удивление, сюрприз surrounded [sa'raundid] — окруженный 196 Vocabulary survival [saVaivl] — выживание survive [saVaiv] — пережить, выживать sweater ['sweta] — свитер sweep [swi:p] (swept, swept) — подметать sweet [swi:tj — конфета; сладкий swim [swim] (swam, swum) — плавать switch [swit/j — переключать; переключение to switch off — выключать (свет, телевизор) to switch on — включать (свет, телевизор) symbol [‘simblj — символ symbolize ['simbalaizj — символизировать syrup ['sirapj — сироп system ['sistamj — система, устройство table ['teiblj — стол tactful ['taektflj — тактичный tail [teil] — хвост take [teik] (took, taken) — брать, взять to take care of — заботиться о... to take off — снимать (об одежде) to take out — выносить to take part — участвовать to take place — происходить, иметь место to take away — убирать, уносить tale [teilj — рассказ, история talent I'taebntj — талант talk [to:k] — разговаривать; разговор talkative ['totkatrvj — разговорчивый tall [to:lj — высокий tangle ['taeoglj — спутанный клубок tart [ta:t] — домашний торт tartan ['ta:tnj — клетчатая шерстяная материя, шотландка task [ta:sk] — задание taste [teist] — пробовать на вкус; вкус tasty ['teistij — вкусный teach [ti:tf] (taught, taught) — учить, обучать teacher ['tiitfs] — учитель team [ti:m] — команда tear [tiaj — слеза tease [ti:z] — дразнить teenager ['tiineicfea] — подросток, юноша или девушка (от 13 до 19 лет) tell [tel] (told, told) — рассказывать, сказать кому-либо что-либо temperature [‘tempratfa] — температура tennis ['tenis] — теннис tense [tens] — время (грамматическое) tent [tent] — палатка tentacle ['tentakl] — щупальце term [t3:m] — учебный семестр, четверть terribly [ЧегэЬИ] — ужасно terrify ['terafai] — ужасать, вселять ужас than [dasn] — чем the [di:] — определенный артикль theatre ['01э1э] — театр their [без] — их (чей?) them [бэт] — им, их (кого?) themselves ]63m'selvz] — (они) сами then [беп] — потом, затем these [6i:z] — эти they [6ei] — они thick [0ik]— толстый thin [0in] — тонкий thing [01Г)] — вещь think [0пэк] (thought, thought) — думать to think over — обдумать this [6is] — этот thistle ['0isl] — чертополох those [6suz] — те though [бэи] — хотя, несмотря на thousand ['0auznd] — тысяча threaten ['0retn] — грозить, угрожать thrill [0п1] — сильно волноваться; трепет throat ]0r3Ot] — горло through [0ru:] — через, сквозь thunder ['0лпбэ] — греметь; гром tickle ]'tikl] — щекотать; щекотка tidy ['taidi] — аккуратный, опрятный tie [tai] — галстук tiger [‘taiga] — тигр tight [tait] — тугой, плотный till [til] — до, до тех пор, пока tiny [’taini] — крошечный title ['taitl] — заглавие toast [tsust] — тост (ломтик хлеба, подрумяненный на огне) toe [t3u] — палец ноги together [1э'дебэ] — вместе tomato [t3'ma:t3u] — помидор tomorrow [ts'morau] — завтра tongue [Ug] — язык tongue twister — скороговорка tonight [ta'nait] — сегодня вечером too [tu:] — тоже, также; слишком, очень tooth [tu;0] (мн. ч. teeth) — зуб toothed [tu:0t] — имеющий зубы top [top] — верх topic [‘tnpik] — тема, предмет обсуждения total [‘tautl] — целый, весь touch [tAtJ] — прикасаться, трогать tough [Uf] — жесткий tour [Шэ] — тур tourist ['tuarist] — турист towards [ta'woidz] — к, по направлению к towel ['taual] — полотенце town [taun] — город (небольшой) toy [toi] — игрушка tradition [trs'dijn] — традиция traffic ['traefik] — движение, транспорт train [trein] — поезд 197 Vocabulary trainer [‘treina] — тренер trait [trei] — черта (характера) translate [traens'leit] — перевести, переводить translation [trsens'leijn] — перевод travel ['traevl] — путешествовать; путешествие treasure ['1гезэ] — сокровище tree [tri:] — дерево trick [tnk] — обман, трюк trip [trip] — путешествие tropical I'tropikl] — тропический trouble [ЧглЫ] — беспокойство, волнение, неприятность trousers ['trauzazj — брюки truck [1глк] — грузовой автомобиль true [tru;] — верный truly f'tru;lij — правдиво, искренне truth [tru:0] — правда try [trai] — пытаться; попытка T-shirt ['ti:j3:t| — футболка turkey ['t3:kij — индейка turn [t3:n] — поворачивать; поворот, очередь turtle ['t3:tlj — черепаха TV [,ti:'vi:j — телевизор twinkle f'twioklj — блестеть, сверкать type [taip] — тип typical I'tipikl] — типичный u ugly ['лдИ] — ужасный umbrella [лт'ЬгеЬ] — зонт unable [An'eiblj— неспособный uncle ['лдк!] — дядя uncomfortable [лп'клтЛэЫ] — неудобный uncountable [,лп‘каип1эЬ1] — бесчисленный, неисчисляемый under ['лпбэ] — под underground [.Anda'graund] — метро underline [,лпбэ'1ат] — подчеркивать underneath [,лпбэ'п1:0] — внизу, ниже, под underside ['Andosaidj — нижняя часть understand [.Ands'staend] (understood, understood) — понимать understanding [^Anda'stasndir)] — понимающий underwater [.AndaVorto] — подводный unexplored [,Anik'spb:d] — неизведанный, неисследованный unforgettable [,Anfa'getabl] — незабываемый unfortunately [An'foitfanatlij — к несчастью, к сожалению unfriendly [An'frendli] — недружелюбный, неприветливый unhappy [An'haepi] — несчастливый, несчастный uniform ['juinifamj — форма unique |ju'ni:k] — уникальный, единственный unit ['ju:nitj — раздел university [ju:ni'v3:s3ti] — университет unknown [,Ап‘пэип] — неизвестный unlike [.An'laik] — непохожий на unlucky [An'lAki] — неудачный, неудачливый unsure [,Ап'Хиэ] — неуверенный в себе untangle [An'taeggl] — распутывать until [an'til] — до, до тех пор, пока unusual [Ап')и:зиэ1] — необычный up [ар] — вверх, кверху update ['Apdeit] — обновлять, дополнять (сведения, информацию) upon [э'рпп] — на upset [Ap'set] (upset, upset) — расстраивать, огорчать upstairs [,Ap'ste3z] — вверх по лестнице us [as] — нам, нас use Lju:z] — использовать, применять useful ['ju:sfl] — полезный useless ['jurslos] — бесполезный usual ]'ju:3U3l] — обычный usually ]'ju:3U3li] — обычно vacation [Veikeijn] — каникулы valley [Vaeli] — долина vanish [VaeniJ] — исчезать, пропадать , various [Veariss] — различный, разный vegetable [Vecfetabl] — овощ vegetarian ],уес^э'1еэпэп] — вегетарианец vehicle [Viiikl] — транспортное средство verb [v3:b] — глагол version ['v3:Jn] — версия very [Veri] — очень view [vju:] — осматривать; вид village [Vilicfe] — деревня vinegar [Viniga] — уксус violin [.vaia'lin] — скрипка visit [Vizit] — посещать; посещение vocabulary [vau'kaebjubri] — словарь voice [vois] — голос voyage [Voiicfe] — морское путешествие w wait [weit] — ждать walk [wo;k] — гулять, ходить пешком; прогулка wall ]wo:l] — стена want [wont] — хотеть war [wd:] — война wardrobe ['woidraub] — гардероб warm [wo:m] — теплый; тепло warn [wo:n] — предостерегать was [wDz] (Past Simple от to be ед. ч.) — был, была wash [wpf] — мыть, мыться, умываться, стирать to wash up — мыть посуду waste [weist] — потеря watch [wotf] — смотреть, наблюдать, следить water ]'wD:t3] — поливать; вода 198 Vocabulary waterfall ['wo:t3fo:l] — водопад waterproof ['wD:t3pru:f] — водонепроницаемый wave [weiv] — волна wax [waeks] — воск way [wei] — путь wear [wea] (wore, worn) — носить (одежду) weather ["weda] — погода weekend [,wi:k'end] — уикэнд (время отдыха с пятницы или субботы до понедельника) weight [weit] — вес, масса well-known [,wel 'naun] — известный were [w3:] (Past Simple от to be mh. ч.) — были west [west] — запад western ['westan] — западный wet [wet] — сырой whale [well] — кит what [wDtl — что? какой? when [wen] — когда? where [wea] — где? куда? wherever [wear'eva] — где бы ни, куда бы ни whether ]'weda] — ли which [witj] — который? какой? while [wail] — пока, в то время как whistle ]'wisl] — свистеть; свист white [wait] — белый who [hu:] — кто? whole [haul] — целый whom [hu:m] — кого? whose [hu:z] — чей? why [wai] — почему? wide [waid] — широкий wife [waif] (mh. ч. wives) — жена wiggle ]'wigl] — покачивать wild [waild] — дикий wildlife [Vaildlaif] — живая природа, дикие животные will [wil] — вспомогательный глагол в Future Simple win [win] (won, won) — выигрывать, побеждать wind [wind] — ветер windbreaker |'wind,breika] — ветровка window ['windau] — окно windy ['windi] — ветрено wing [wig] — крыло winter [‘winta] — зима wire ]‘waia] — проволока wisdom [’wizdam] — мудрость wise [waiz] — мудрый wish [wij] — желать; желание witch [witJ] — колдунья, ведьма with [wi5] — c within [wid'm] — внутри without [wi6‘aut] — без wolf [wulf] (mh. Ч. wolves) — волк woman ['wuman] (mh. h. women [’wimin]) — женщина wonder ['wAnda] — удивление, чудо wonderful [Wndafl] — чудесный wood [wud] — небольшой лес, роща wooden ]'wudn] — деревянный wool [wul] — шерсть word [w3:d] — слово work [w3:k] — работать; работа workbook [4v3:kbuk] — рабочая тетрадь world [w3:ld] — мир world-famous [,w3:ld 'feimas] — всемирно известный worry ['wAri] — беспокоиться, волноваться worse [w3:s] — хуже worship ]'w3:fip] — боготворить worst [w3:st] — самый плохой, наихудший worth [w3:0] — стоящий to be worth doing smth — стоит что-либо сделать would [wud] — вспомогательный глагол Would you like...? — Вам хотелось бы...? wring [rig] (wrung, wrung) — крутить, скручивать write [rait] (wrote, written) — писать writer ['raita] — писатель wrong [mg] — неверный; неверно yank [)жг)к] — дергать, рвать yard [ja;d] — двор yarn [ja:n] — нить, пряжа yellow ['jelau] — желтый yet [jet] — еще young [jAg] — молодой yourself [jai'self] — (ты) сам yourselves [jo:'seIvz] — (вы) сами youth L|u:0] — молодежь; молодежный zoo [zu:] — зоопарк zoological [.zaua'locfeikl] — зоологический 199 Учебное издание Биболетова Мерем Забатовна Денисенко Ольга Анатольевна Трубанева Наталия Николаевна Английский язык /^[глпк1Й(дж]й [1и5®^ 1га®О0§[}й Учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. 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