Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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М. 3. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н. Н. Трубанева Английский язык гай вга©ога 0§[а] УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений и 3 Т ДАТ И Е Л Т ь с т у В О Л Т р и 1 в L т 1 S и Н Е L R S 2014 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Б59 УДК 802.0(075.3) /Г К Учебно-методический комплект “Английский с удовольствием” / “Enjoy English” (6 класс) включает следующие компоненты: • учебник • книгу для учителя • рабочую тетрадь № 1 • аудиоприложение (CD MP3) « обучающую компьютерную программу По вопросам приобретения УМК следует обращаться в издательство „Титул" тел.: (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Б59 Биболетова М. 3., Денисенко О. А., Трубанева Н. Н. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Рабочая тетрадь .Ve I к учебнику для 6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. Учебное пособие.— Обнинск: Титул, 2014.— 96 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-701-5 Рабочая тетрадь № 1 является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта “Анлийский с удовольствием” для 6-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений, в которых английский язык изучается со 2-го класса по федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту второго поколения. Основное назначение рабочей тетради — закрепить языковой и речевой материал учебника, автоматизировать лексико-грамматические навыки, развивать умения учащихся в чтении и письменной речи. Широкий спектр разнообразных заданий, требующих от учащихся творческого отношения при их выполнении, в том числе наличие заданий повышенной трудности, занимательных кроссвордов и прочих заданий, позволяет реализовать личностно-ориентированный подход при работе с учащимися с разным уровнем подготовки и с разными интересами. В тетрадь включены типы заданий, часто используемые в итоговой аттестации, что готовит учащихся к объективному контролю и са.моконтролю в процессе изучения английского языка. ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Учебное пособие Биболетова Мерем Зоботовно, Денисенко Ольга Анатольевна, Трубанева Наталия Николаевна Английский язык Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина. Редактор Emma L. Page, Н. Н. Селянинова Корректоры: Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко. Дизайн макета В. КиН, Н.С. Вишенковой. Иллюстрации Н. В. Мишиной, А. В. Савельевой. Художественный редактор Е. А. Валяева. Цифровая обработка изображений Л. Н. Новоселова. Вёрстка Т. А. Вильчинекой, Е. А. Шаповаловой Сертификат соответствия санитарным правилам РФ и требованиям нормативных документов Ne РОСС RU. АЕ51. Н 16447 от 25.12.2012. Подписано в печать 02.08.2013. Формат бОх 84/8. Гарнитура “Миньон”. Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 11,2. Уел. кр.-отт. 12,4. Тир. 120000 экз. Зак. № 1946. Издательство “Титул”. 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055. Тел. (48439) 9-10-09. E-mail [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Отпечатано в филиале „Тверской полиграфический комбинат детской литератуфы" ОАО „Издательство «Высшая школа»" 170040, г. Тверь, пр. 50 лет Октября. 46 Тел.: н-7 (4822) 44-85-98. Факс: +7 (4822) 44-61-51 ISBN 978-5-86866-701-5 М. 3. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н. Н. Трубанева. 2014 Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2014 Section 1 Launching the International Explorers' Club Welcome to the International Explorers' Club! Do the crossword puzzle. Use the letter to from the name of the country. Tell your partner what you know about it. 1. This country is situated in North America. It is one of the largest countries in the world. People speak English and French there. The capital of the country is Ottawa. 2. This country is situated on an island. The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The capital of the country is London. 3. This country lies in both Europe and Asia. It is the largest country in the world. It is famous for its history, world famous writers and scientists. 4. This country is situated in Europe. Lots of tourists visit this hospitable country every year. They enjoy pizza and pasta. The capital is Rome. N A 2 S 4 Y 5 E D 6 S 1 L 8 N 9 C E 5. This country is situated on an island to the north-west of Europe. It’s a green and friendly country. It is famous for its writers. Four of them have won the Nobel Prize. The capital is Dublin. 6. This country lies in Europe. It is famous for its explorers and artists as well as its flamenco music and dance. Lots of tourists enjoy its fantastic beaches and lots of sunshine every year. The capital is Madrid. 7. This country is situated in the north of Europe. Santa Claus lives here. The country is famous for its beautiful countryside. The capital is Helsinki. 8. This country is situated in Asia. It is one of the largest countries in the world. It’s famous for its history and places of interest. It is the birthplace of tea and fireworks. The capital is Beijing. 9. This country lies in Europe. It is rich in places of interest, such as the Eiffel Tower. It is also famous for its cheese, perfume and cars. The capital is Paris. 2 Complete the text. Fill in “the” if needed. New Zealand is a wonderful country. It is situated in__Pacific Ocean not far from_____ Australia. It consists of two big islands and some small islands. New Zealand is larger than_ UK but smaller than_____Japan. The country is famous for its beautiful countryside, fantastic beaches and lots of sunshine. Tourists from____Europe,______Asia, and____North America come to New Zealand to enjoy the nature and do outdoor sports. The capital of New Zealand is____Wellington. But the largest city is___Auckland which is famous for______Queen Street. UNIT 1 Section 1 3 JMatch the two parts of the sentences. Make up two your own sentences. 1. He is filling the membership form 2. Ann is browsing the Internet 3. The participants are taking photos 4. Jess is speaking French with Paul 5. John is working hard now 6. The teenagers are going sightseeing ' a) because he’s got his exam next Monday. b) because they’re going to make a presentation about their meeting. c) because she’s going to do a project about English-speaking countries. d) because it’s their first visit to this town. e) because he wants to join the lEC. 0 because he can’t speak a word of English. HD (!□ HD ЕШ [Ш [H 4 J Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Example: In September we usually... mushrooms, (gather) My granny makes a delicious mushroom soup! — In September we usually gather mushrooms. 1. The family often ... a barbecue in the garden in summer, (have) 2. Where is Tom? — He is upstairs. He ... his e-mail, (check) 3. What ... you ... under the sofa, Sam? — Sh-sh. (do) 4. She ... not ... Maths. Her favourite subjects are History and Literature, (like) 5. Mum is in the kitchen. She ... a birthday cake for Ann. (make) 6. What ... he ... for his unusual experiment? (need) 5 Read the letter from your new penfriend, David, a) Fill in the membership form with his details. ] Melbourne Australia Dear friend. I’m happy we will be penfriends. Let me tell you a few things about myself. My name Is David Parker. I’m 12 and I live in Melbourne It’s a nice bi^ city. I have a brother and a sister. Have you 0Ot any brothers or sisters? UNIT 1 Section 1 In my free time, I enjoy swimming and playing basketball with my friends. I play for the school team. Can you play basketball? I also like browsing the Internet and playing strategy ^ames. Do you like playing computer ^ames? What is your favourite ^ame? At school, I really enjoy English and Spanish. I like lan^ua^es. I’m goin^ to learn Chinese soon because I have a penfriend from China and I want to visit this country one day. Have you ^ot any favourite subjects? Well, that’s all about me. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes, David International Explorers' Club First name Surname Country Age Languages you speak Hobbies Favourite subjects Countries you’d would like to visit b) Write David a letter and answer his questions. UNIT 1 Section 1 Section 2 Meeting new friends 6 a) Write the questions to Peter s answers. Example: Where_____________? — I went to Spain.— Where did you go"? 1. Who___________________________________________with? — With my parents and younger sister. 2. How________________________________________________? — By car. 3. How long________________________________________________for? — Two weeks. 4. ______________________________________________? — We went sightseeing and swim ming in the sea. 5. 6. 7'^. b) Write about Peter’s holidays. Last summer Peter went to Spain. .? — No, I didn’t. .? — Nice handmade souvenirs for my cousins. __? — Yes. It was exciting. 7 Complete the sentences. Put the verbs into the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. 1. A: Have you ever been to Ireland? B: No, I_________________But my elder brother___________________(go) there last summer. A: What__________________he__________________(do) there? B: He_________________(study) English in Dublin. A:_________________he_________________(like) the country? B: Yes, he _. The country is wonderful. you (go) in the summer? 2. A: Hello! Nice to see you again! Where__________________ B: Hi! Nice to see you again! I______________(take) part in a cycling trip to Lake Seliger in August. A: Wow. I______________never______________(be) there._____________you______________(enjoy) the trip? B: Yes, I_____________It was really exciting but difficult. We cycled 15 kilometres a day with a heavy rucksack. A: Where__________you (sleep)? B: In tents. A: I see. And what’s the lake like? B: Oh, it was beautiful. I___________never (see) such a lake before. 8 J Complete the text. Use: by, the other hand, around the world, crossed, adventures, came true, valleys, famous In 1873, a well-known French writer Jules Verne published a novel about two travellers: Mr Foggs and Passepartout, his servant. It is one of his most famous books. UNIT 1 Section 2 The story started in London on October 2, 1872. Mr Foggs, a rich English gentlemen, decided to travel____________________in 80 days with his servant. Their travel was full of _____________________Mr Foggs and Passepartout visited 6 countries______________________4 seas and 2 oceans. They travelled trains and ships, rode elephants, and even travelled on a sledge. They went to places which tourists had never visited before. They saw high mountains and hills, green forests and beautiful____________________with rivers. On the one hand, their journey was exciting and interesting but,___________________, it was difficult and dangerous. Mr Foggs’s plan______________________He and Passepartout returned to London in 80 days. 9 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. I made this photo last summer. I spent my summer holidays in the country. Look at the photo. You can see my friends there. Roman and Grisha_________________________________ Tanya We had lots of fun last summer. We often__________________ Sometimes we In the evening, we I enjoyed my summer holidays. We had a great summer! lOj Complete the questions with tag endings. Example: F. Drake sailed around the world in 1580, ...? — F. Drake sailed around the world in 1580, wasn't /le? 1. Wales is famous for its green hills and beautiful valleys,____________________? 2. The boys didn’t take part in the cycling trip last summer,______________________? 3. You are going to send SMS to Olivia,______________________? 4. Emily wants to become a journalist,_______________________? 5. The participants won’t plant the trees during the trip,_____________________? 6. Jim has already got his participant badge,_____________________? 7. We can join the students,_____________________? UNIT 1 Section 2 11J Complete the text: make the word in capitals suitable for filling in the blank space. Three friends decided to run 184 miles along the Thames. They started their journey from the source of the most famous English river. The weather was fine when they took the________________photo of the river. Their marathon________________The Thames was quiet and narrow. The friends passed nice villages and small towns, which tourists very rarely visit. During the trip, the runners__________________in tents, they stopped at hotels. Then, closer to London, the river changed its character — it became FAMOUS ONE BEGIN / NOT / SLEEP There lots of boats and ships on the Thames. On the seventh day, the runners got to London and jogged through the centre of the city. Finally, the runners got to the Thames Barrier, which lets the river into the sea________________marathon was over. “We__________________it! We are tired but happy. Next year we along the Severn, which is longer than the Thames,” one of the runners wrote in his Facebook. WIDE BE THEY DO RUN Speaking about the wonders of nature 12 Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. Circle silent letters. Ibraitj bri^^_________________ [weal__________________________________________________ lhait]________________________ fwaitl_________________________________________________ I Haiti_______________________ |hu:l__________________________________________________ (salt]________________________ ['arnsal_______________________________________________ [wenl_________________________ [laif)_________________________________________________ (waij_________________________ ['lisnl________________________________________________ 13 a) Complete the table. Nouns Translation Adjective Translation use использование, применение useful полезный care careful осторожный цвет colourful power сила, мощь beauty wonderful 8 UNIT 1 Sections 2 and 3 view b) Complete the sentences using the adjectives from the table. Example: In summer, the White Cliffs are full of ... flowers.— In summer, the White Cliffs are full of colourful flowers. 1. Hundreds of tourists visit Edinburgh Castle every day. There is a___________ of Edinburgh from the Castle. 2. There is a lot of______________information in the magazine. You should read it. 3. She is a______________woman and a talented actress. 4. Be_______________when you ride your bike in the street. 5. Norway is famous for its _ are up to 500 metres high. waterfalls. Some of them 14j Choose the correct answer. Example: The English Qiannel ...Great Britain from Europe, a) separate Cj}separat^ c) is separating 1.... you ever ... about the Simpson Desert? — No, where is it? a) Do ... hear b) Did ... hear c) Have ... heard 2. Last year, they ... to the south of England for the holidays, a) go b) went 3) have gone 3. Where are the children? — In the living room. They ... Scrabble, a) are playing b) play c) played 4. Next week the young explorers ... the valley of rubbish (от мусора), a) will clean b) clean c) have cleaned 5. What ... the Great Barrier Reef full of? — Different corals and bright fish, a) is b) are c) has been 6. They ... not ... abroad last summer, a) do ... travel b) did ... travel c) will ... travel ISjFill in the table. Use: pen, information, money, news, cliff, book, snow, valley, weather, work, subject, water, sugar, nature, adventure, cup, waterfall, tea, cheese, love, flower, sand, peace, biscuit, magazine, language, meat, piece, noise Countable nouns рлп, Uncountable nouns Information, UNIT 1 Section 3 9 ^ 16JComplete the sentences with a(an) or some. Example: Would you like_________cake? — Would you like a cake? 1. Would you like_______cup of coffee? — Yes, please. 2. I’m afraid, he has already got_____information from the Internet. 3. I’ve found______money under the chair. Is it your money? 4. Would you like_______apple or________orange? — No, thanks. Just water, please. 5. On Christmas Eve, she left biscuits and__ 6.1 would like______glass of orange juice on the table. milk for Father Christmas. 17 j a) Complete the sentences. Use: wonders, height, tourists, explore, unusual, is situated LENA'S STONE FORES’ Lena's Stone Forest is one of the most beautiful Russian wonders of nature. The forest _____________in the centre of Siberia, not far from Yakutsk. The amazing stone towers are over 150 metres in____________The______________stones stand along the River 1 Lena for about 80 km. Although it is difficult to reach, many______________ summer. Scientists________________the unique forest which can tell us a lot of interesting visit the fantastic forest every facts about our planet's past. b)'' Make up questions. 1. — In the north of Russia. — Tall stone towers. — No, along the riverbank. — Yes, it is. Most tourists come there in summer. 5. To learn more about the Earth. 10 UNIT 1 Section 3 I « i I Section 4 ^ Staying with a British family ISjRead the words. Write them down into five groups. One word can be put in different groups. Use: tall, pretty, plump, green, beautiful, short, brown, nice, slim, wavy, red, straight, good-looking, grey, fat, long, fair, blue, green, handsome, dark Height: tall, _________________________________________________________________________________________ Size: slim, ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Hair (colour, style): fair, ___________________________________________________________________________ straight,________________________________________________________________________________________ Eyes (colour): green. Appearance: pretty, 19jMatch the words with the opposite meanings. Write them down. Use: short, happy, slim, young, handsome, athletic, wavy, smart, dark, tall, big, naughty, polite, sad, plump, fair, small, old, ugly, obedient, rude, sad, stupid, straight, non-athletic short — tall, _____________________________________________________________________________ b) Make up questions. Example: What would you like? — An ice cream, please. 1. What — Mike is smart and curious. He is only four but he asks lots of questions. 2. What_______________________________________________________________________ — I like to swim. UNIT 1 Section 4 Ч — Jane is as tall as her sister. But her hair is red and she wears glasses. 4. — Yes, please. 5. — Yes, they look like their father. — No, I prefer playing badminton. 21 j Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. I'faemalil_______________________ I'kAzn]___________________________________ [waif|___________________________ I'nevju:]_________________________________ I'hvvzband]______________________ [ni:s]____________________________________ I'pearants]______________________ [sAn]_____________________________________ [crnt]___________________________ I'doita]__________________________________ I'AoklJ__________________________ ['tfildran]_______________________________ 22 J Translate from Russian into English. a) красивая девочка —_____________ приятный молодой мужчина гостеприимная семья —_____ непослушный мальчик — любящие родители —___ б) 1. У меня есть племянник Алекс. Алекс — сын моей старшей сестры. Ему пять лет. У Алекса светлые волосы и серые глаза. Он похож на свою маму. Алекс любит играть в футбол и рисовать. 2. Как она выглядит? — У нее волнистые темные волосы. Она носит очки. 3. На кого похожа твоя племянница? — Она похожа на своего папу. 4. Бабушка, расскажи мне о дедушке. Каким он был? — Он был очень добрым и общительным человеком. У него было много друзей. Ты очень похож на своего деда. 12 UNIT 1 Section 4 23 j Write down the birthdays of five people you know. Example: My nephew's birthday is on the third of May. 24JComplete the text. Put the verbs in the Past Simple. I woke (wake) up at 7 a.m.,_________(make) my bed and ___________(get) ready for school. For breakfast I_____ (have) cornflakes and sandwiches. Then I with my friends. I (walk) to school _________(not / walk) Jeff, our dog. My mother ___________(take) him to the park in the morning. My classes____________(begin) at 9 a.m. I__________(study) French and Maths. At 10.30 a.m., there___________(be) time for a break. We_____________(play) basketball in the gym. At 12.00, I____________(go) back to my house for lunch. After that, I______ We___________ I__________ (return) to school. (work) on our project about the wonders of nature. (come ) home at 3 p.m. First, I________(do) my homework. It (not / difficult). Next, I (check) my e-mail and penfriends in Russia and Italy. I___________ have) time for that. At 6 p.m., I____________(have) my guitar lesson. After the lesson, I ___________(write) the letters to my (not / browse) the Internet. I________________(not / (look) after my little brother, Sam. We_____________(draw) and______________ dinner, I____________(help) my mother to do the washing up. (watch) funny cartoons. After At 9 p.m., I (go) to bed. 25] Write what you did yesterday. UNIT 1 Section 4 13 Section 5 I I An Englishman's home is his castle 26j a) Fill in the letters. stad___um, muse____m, s__opping____entre, p__st offi_e, superm__rket, th__atre, c_fe, resta__rant, mon___ment, b___nk, librar_pharma_____y, newsa___ent b) In which of the buildings (places) you can hear the following phrases? Example: “Could I have a cup of tea?” — “In a cafe. ” 1. “Hurray! He is first!” —__________________________________________________________ 2. “How much does this dress cost?” — 3. “Don’t forget to bring the book back in 10 days!” — 4. “Have you got anything for a sore throat?” — ____ 5. “This book is one of the oldest in our collection. It’s about 500 years old.” 6. “Can I change roubles for euros?” —______________ 7. “Hush! Be quiet! The performance has already begun! 27j Circle the odd word out. 1. a kitchen, a living room, a house, a bathroom, a bedroom 2. a shopping centre, a supermarket, a town centre, a bookshop 3. a museum, a library, an art gallery, an exhibition, a show 4. peaceful, pleasant, dangerous, friendly, amazing 5. work, walk, play, celebrate, travel, visit 28j Translate from Russian into English. a) приятный цвет —__________________________________________ старая сосна —____________________________________________ тихий (мирный) парк -новый торговый центр интересный музей — _ школьная библиотека - 6)1. Мне нравится жить за городом. Рядом с нашим домом растут (есть) высокие сосны. Недалеко — небольшое озеро. Летом мы купаемся в озере и загораем. По утрам с дедушкой ловим рыбу в озере. А ты когда-нибудь ловил рыбу? 14 UNIT 1 Section 5 2. Я живу в центре города. Но рядом с домом есть большой тихий парк. В парке много разных деревьев, красивых цветов и фонтанов. Все члены моей семьи любят этот парк. Утром мой брат бегает (go jogging) в парке. Днем мы с друзьями катаемся на роликах. По выходным мы гуляем в парке. Incomplete the text. Use: historical, valley, modern, happy, stadium, perform, centre I live in a peaceful town which is situated at river valley. On the one hand, my town is famous for its history, old cathedral and_________buildings. But on the other hand, it’s a____________town and there are lots of nice places you can go to. There is a new concert hall in our town and popular musicians, pop and rock groups often come and______________in the whish has a cinema and different clubs. concert hall. Young people like the big shopping There is also a_________and three sport centres in the town. Teenagers and adults can swim, run, do aerobics and play football and basketball there. Tm_____________in my town and I don’t want to leave it. 3^Match the houses and the words in the box. >1 Hir a castle a detached house a block of flats a semi-detached house a terraced house a palace UNIT 1 Section 5 31JComplete the sentences with who or which. Example: The painter lives in an old town _ _________is situated on the banks of the Volga. The painter lives in an old town which is situated on the banks of the Volga, 1. Do you know the name of the French writer__________________created the novel “Around the world in 80 days”? — Yes, Jules Verne. 2. A computer is a machine________________stores (хранит) information. _________sailed around the world. stands in the countryside. 3. Francis Drake was an English explorer______ 4. He lives in a semi-detached house__________ 5. Do you know the boys______________are taking photos of the guests? 6. A dictionary is a book____________tells us what words mean. 32j Complete the text. Fill in the prepositions to, in, of, at, with, from. Mrs Blake lives in Chester. Chester is a green English city. It is situated not far Wales. She has a nice house__________her own. It is a semi-detached house . two bedrooms. There is a garden___________the back and a green lawn______ front _____________the house. Mrs Blakes lives very close___________________the town centre. The town centre is always full_______________tourists. Section 6 t Speaking about important British days 3lRead the words and match them to the correct festival. Some can match more than one festival. chocolates and a special card; decorate a tree; a stocking full of presents; join hands; flowers and small presents; help about the house; send SMS to friends and relatives; coloured lights and decoration; a spring holiday; set off fireworks; go to church; have a good time; keep it a secret; cook roast turkey and a special pudding; sing at midnight; guess who sent the card; have a good time 16 fsiew Yeat-. 34J Write about one of the holidays. Use the words and word phrases from the table. Use the plan: 1. When do British people have this holiday? 2. How do they prepare for the holiday? 3. How do they celebrate the holiday? What do they do? 4. Do you like the holiday? How do you celebrate it? 35J Complete the text. Use: over, fought, terrible, veterans, often, wear, second In November the British people have a special holiday — Remembrance Day. It is held on the second Sunday in November every year. On this day the British wear a red poppy (мак) in memory of people who____________for their country during the two World Wars and died. So Remembrance Day is____________called Poppy Day. There are usually special services at war memorials and churches in cities, towns and villages all____the country. At 11 o’clock on each Remembrance Day there is a two minute silence in Britain. People remember those who died during the wars and conflicts and think how________war is. The Royal British Legion sells red paper poppies which people__________on their coats. Later, the money from the poppies is given to war___________________ UNIT 1 Section 6 17 36jj*Complete the text: make the word in capitals suitable for filling in the blank space. Meet Jessica. She is from Canada. Her family lives in Ottawa, the SHE capital of the country. Jessica has two brothers, Mike and David. Jessica and Mike are______________than David. David is a student. He______________at the university. He is going to become a doctor. As for her brother, Mike is 16 years old. He can play the piano, the guitar and even the drums. However, he____________ to be a musician. The children get on well with each other. The last Sunday of August is their family day which they try to spend together. Last year, the family________________to the countryside for a picnic. The adults and_____________had a lot of fun. They________________their plan for next August. Next year, they_________________their family day at Niagara Falls. YOUNG STUDY TWO NOT / WANT GO CHILD ALREADY / HAVE SPEND 37J Read the notes about different British special days. Match them with the pictures and write a short description of each event. 1. — on the 25th of January (in Scotland) — the birthday of a famous poet — the author of the well-known New Year song “Auld Lang Syne” — a special supper; the poems of the “Scotland’s favourite son” 2. — popular in England and Scotland — on the 1st of April — play jokes on people before midday — lots of fun 3. — on the second Saturday of June — one of the biggest royal ceremonies of the year — the Queen’s official birthday — a military parade and marching musicians — soldiers in colourful uniform 4. — in the end of April or early May — run 42 km, from Greenwich Park to Buckingham Palace — sportsmen and people in wheelchairs, celebrities and housewives, teachers and students — to raise money for charity (благотворительность) Robert Burns night is on the 25th of January. It is a popular event in Scotland. People celebrate the birthday of the famous poet and author of the well-known New Year song "Auld Lang Syne". British people sing the song at midnight on New Year's Eve. On Robert Burns' night people have special supper and read the poems of a "Scotland's favourite son". 18 UNIT 1 Section 6 TrcK>ping the Colour (or Carrying of the Flag) The London Marathon April Foofs Day 38j Write about any special event in your region (city, town, village). Use the plan: 1. When do you have the event? 2. What is it dedicated to? 3. How do the people of your region celebrate it? 4. Do you like the event? Why? UNIT 1 Section 6 19 Section 7 I Reading for pleasure 1 jRead the text and say what happened in Trafalgar Square at night. A Roaring Good Time by Margo Fallis Ti PART I he last tourists left Trafalgar Square in the centre of London and went to their hotels with their families. The Square was empty‘. The pigeons flew to nearby windows for the night and the monument with Lord Admiral Nelson on the top, stood alone*. The four bronze lions that sat on the monument, protecting Lord Nelson, were now alone. There were no children who climbed over them. There were no tourists who took numerous photos. It was silent. “Have they all gone?” asked Albert. Susan looked around, “Nobody.” “Here too,” said Beatrice. “Then let’s go and have some fun!” called Edward. The four lions came to life\ as they did every night at this time. They stretched their paws'*. It was quite difficult to sit in the same position all day long. “I’ve got an idea about what we can do tonight!” said Beatrice. She was the naughty one of the group. “You know those guards down at Buckingham Palace? They have to stay still. Let’s go there and get one of the guards to move. I’ve thought of a good way to scare‘s them.” “Great!” said Edward. The four bronze lions ran down the Mall, which is the name of the street leading from Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace. ‘ was empty — была пустой ^ alone — один, одна, одни came to life — ожили ‘‘ paws — лапы Susan wasn’t quite as naughty as the others. As she went through St James Park, she tried to avoid walking on the flowers. Albert and Edward didn’t care what they walked on. Soon the lions were in front of Buckingham Palace and they jumped over the high fence^. “Come on, we’ll have to be really quiet if we want to scare the guards,” said Beatrice. The lions went towards the guard’s box, which is very close to the palace wall. They saw the guard, who was starding stiff as a board^. Beatrice ran as fast as she could past the guard. He didn’t move a muscle. She ran back, but this time much closer to him. But the guard was fixed®. Albert jumped and landed in front of the guard. The lion was much bigger than the guard but there was no reaction from the man. Albert took a deep breath and roared. The guard still didn’t move but the palace lights came on and soon royal guards ran out of the palace. The four lions ran away and jumped over the fence. They hid behind the Victoria monument and watched. The guards looked all over the grounds, under every bush and behind every tree. There was nobody at the Palace. The lions ran back through St James Park towards Parliament and Big Ben. ’ to scare — пугать * a fence — изгородь ’ stiff as a board — как вкопанный ® was fixed — был неподвижный 2 jSay who: — went to the hotels — flew to the windows for the night — protected Lord Admiral Nelson — took numerous photos — ran down the Mall — tried to avoid walking on flowers stood as stiff as a board roared in front of the guard hid behind the Victoria Monument looked under the bushes and behind the trees 20 UNIT 1 Section/ 3 JSay if the following are true or false. 1. There were lots of tourists in Trafalgar Square at night. 2. The four lions decided to eat one of the guards at Buckingham Palace. 3. Susan was very careful in St James Park because she liked flowers. 4. When the guard at Buckingham Palace saw the lions, he ran away. 5. When Albert roared, the royal guards ran out of the palace. 6. The four friends ran back to Trafalgar Square. 4 j Look at the picture and describe the guard. Have you ever heard about the Changing of the Guards? Use the Cultural guide to learn more. Use: is wearing, black fur hats, a scarlet tunic with a black collar, black trousers with a red stripe, a white belt, black boots. ^5j Choose the correct answer. Nelson’s guards came to life when... 1. the tourists took photos. 2. the tourists left the square. 3. the tourists climbed over them. The four lions decided... 1. to scare a royal guard. 2. to eat one of the guards. 3. to play a joke on a guard. T/F □ □ □ □ □ □ ^^Tell the story from the point of view of a guard. Use: stand still at the guard’s box, be dark, see a big lion, run quickly past me, stand in front of me, roar, be fixed, run away, the palace lights, come up, run out of the palace, first, next, then, after that, finally 7 jRead the text and say what places the lions visited after Buckingham Palace. PART II Just when the lions reached Westminster Bridge, Big Ben struck twelve. “I’ve got a great idea,” said Susan. “Let’s go up into the tower and change the clock ahead an hour’.” “What fun!” Edward added. The four lions jumped over the fence and climbed the stairs^ to the top of the tall tower where Big Ben was. Susan stuck her paw out^ and 1 change the clock ahead an hour — переведем на час вперед ^ climbed the stairs — поднялись по ступенькам ^ stuck her paw out — просунула лапу наружу changed the clock so that it was one o’clock in the morning, instead of midnight**. They quickly climbed back down and ran over the bridge again and Big Ben struck one. The groundskeeper^ turned on the light in his shed. The lions laughed. The keeper came outside and looked at the clock. “I just heard it stroke midnight. What’s wrong with Big Ben tonight?” The groundskeeper looked at his watch and went ■* midnight — полночь ® groundskeeper — сторож UNIT 1 Section/ 21 upstairs. The lions watched as he put the hands^ of Big Ben to just after midnight. Susan, Albert, Edward and Beatrice ran down the bank of the Thames River, laughing all the way. Then, they ran further along the river bank and didn’t stop before the Tower of London. “These buildings have been here a long time, haven’t they?” Susan said, looking at the tall towers. “I think one of them has been here a thousand years,” said Albert. “I’ve heard that there are ravens which live in the Tower. I hate birds. I’m tired of the pigeons which land on me in Trafalgar Square. Let’s go and wake them up,” Beatrice said. “OK, Edward agreed. And can we eat the ravens? I’m rather hungry. Let’s get them.” Edward agreed. The four lions jumped over the gate and ran across the grass towards the White Tower, the main place where the ravens slept. “Mind the guards. They’re called Beefeaters,” Beatrice said. “We’ll have a lot of trouble if they find us here.” “Why on Earth are they called Beefeaters?” Edward asked. “Can we eat them? Do they taste like beef?” ^ hands — стрелки ^ beef — говядина ^JSay who: “Would you please stop talking about food, Edward,” Beatrice said. Soon they saw the sleeping ravens near the White Tower. “They are strange birds, aren’t they?” Susan asked. “They look delicious enough to eat,” Edward said. The ravens woke up, saw the lions and ran in all directions. None of them could fly because their wings had been clipped®. They ran very fast. Beatrice ran after one of the ravens all around the White Tower. Edward ran after two ravens down to Traitor’s Gate at the River Thames. Albert ran around after a few ravens on the grass. But Susan just ran and jumped on the grass paying no attention to the black ravens. Soon the lions got tired of running after the ravens and they gathered on the grass. “I’ve had a good time. Anything else to do in the Tower of London?” Albert asked. had been clipped — были подрезаны — suggested changing the clock ahead an hour — went upstairs and set the clock back — knew the age of the Tower of London — knew about Beefeaters — ran in all directions — paid no attention to the ravens — had a good time in the Tower of London 9 j Answer the questions. 1. When did the lions go to Big Ben? — ______ 2. Why did the groundskeeper decide that something was wrong with the clock? — 3. Why does Beatrice hate birds? — 22 UNIT 1 Section 7 4. Why did Edward talk about food? — 5. What didn’t fly away when they saw lions? 6. Did the lions enjoy running after the ravens? Did they catch any ravens? — 10^ Put the sentences in the correct order. __The groundskeeper was surprised. __The ravens woke up and ran away. __The lions ran to the Tower of London. __The lions got tired of running after the ravens. __Big Ben struck one. i The lions changed the clock ahead an hour. 11 What do you know about Big Ben and the Tower of London? Use the Cultural guide to learn more. l^Say what you think will happen next. Where will the lions go? 13j Read and say what places the lions visited. PART D о you know there are jewels in that building? They are called the Crown Jewels. Ld like to see them and even try some of them on,” said Beatrice. “But Beatrice, it’s dangerous! The guards will catch us,” said Susan. “Don’t be afraid. The Beefeaters are sleeping now, aren’t they? So they won’t know we tried on the jewels. Let’s go,” Beatrice told her friends and they ran to the tall tower. Soon they found the cases^ with the Crown JewelsL Edward ripped all the wires^ to the alarm system out. Beatrice took out the Coronation Crown and put it on her head. “Do I look like 111 a queen?” Beatrice asked her friends. Albert tried on a few necklaces'* and rings. “Oh, look at me,” he said. “I look splendid, don’t I?” Susan tried on another crown. She didn’t say anything but felt beautiful in it. After a while they were tired of the fun and games. They put down all the jewels in the middle of the floor and went towards the door. Suddenly, Edward touched an alarm which he hadn’t turned off. Suddenly, the lights went on! Sirens^ rang out! The lions saw the Beefeaters, who ran towards them. The four friends jumped over the wall of the Tower of London and ran into the Underground. “Next time you should be more careful, Edward!” said Beatrice. ‘ found the cases — обнаружили шкатулки ’ the Crown Jewels — королевские драгоценности ripped all the wires — порвал все провода necklaces — ожерелья ^ sirens — сирены (охранная сигнализация) I There weren’t any people in the station at two o’clock in the morning. Edward found half a bag of chips on the ground. He ate them. “Yummy. Vinegar^,” he said surprised and happy at having something to eat. A train came into the Tower Station. The doors opened and the lions went inside. The lions rode around London for a few hours, but it wasn’t very much fun. Finally, they got off at Charing Cross Station and ran up the steps to Trafalgar Square. “I’m tired,” said Beatrice, “but I had a great time tonight.” “I enjoyed the night, too,” said Albert. “ vinegar — уксус Incomplete the sentences. 1. The friends decided to “We did do more than usual tonight, didn’t we?” Edward said. “Let’s bathe in the fountain!” Susan suggested. “Good idea!” answered Edward. The lions jumped into the fountain pool. They lay there,’ laughing and talking about their night’s adventures and they spoke about future adventures. Then they got out of the water, wished each other good day and jumped on their places at the bottom of Nelson’s column. They were ready to meet tourists who would climb on them, jump on them, kiss and take photos of them. 2. Beatrice wasn’t afraid of the guards because 3. Soon the lions were tired and 4. When Edward touched the alarm 5. On the Underground station Edward found 6. The friends went into the train and___ 7. In the early morning the lions________ 8. After the fountain the lions took their places to meet 15jMatch the beginnings and endings of the sentences. Г 1. The lions ran to the tall tower 2. Beatrice was happy 3. The lights went on 4. The lions ran into the Underground 5. The lions got off at Charing Cross Station 6. The friends were ready to meet the tourists a) where Crown Jewels were kept. b) when she tried on the Coronation Crown. c) when Edwards touched the alarm. d) because they wanted to get rid of Beefeaters. e) because it was time to return. 0 after the night full of adventures. ^^Say what places the lions visited that night and what they did there. Use the map. Use: first, next, then, after that, finally lyJWork in groups. Look at the list of British places of interest. Choose one of the places and say what the lions can do there next night. The London’s Eye, Tower Bridge, London Zoo, Madame Tussaude’s Museum, Stonehendge 24 UNIT 1 Section ' "The International Explorers' conference starts its work" Some members of the International Explorers’ Club are attending at a conference “World Wonders of Nature” which is starting in Moscow. Plan the conference. Discuss which countries the participants of the conference come from. Work in groups of 3-4 to complete these steps. Step 1 As a group, choose a country and imagine you are one of the participants from the country which you are representing at the conference. Choose a role each (for example, a scientist, a sportsman, a teacher, a businessman, a journalist, an explorer etc). Ask each other questions and fill in the conference participant’s form. First name Surname Age Job Languages you speak Hobbies Step 2 As a group, you are going to give a presentation. Think about the country which you are representing at the conference. What do you know about it? Make a plan of the presentation using the points below. Discuss your ideas as a group. • Find out more about the topic from the Internet, books or magazines. • Make notes and write a list of them under each of the topics below: Where it is situated, what it is like, what it is famous for, which wonders of nature it has. • Put the detailed notes in order of importance. • Find photographs of the most interesting things. Step 3 Step 6 Use your notes to tell the group about your topic. Explain your pictures. Write captions for the pictures. Step 4 Give a group presentation. Ask the class for ideas about how to make it better or more interesting. When all the groups have presented their ideas, discuss them and choose which ones are best. Make a presentation of the country and its wonders of nature using the best topics and ideas from your group. • Follow the plan of a presentation. • Label each slide of the presentation. • Create a design for each slide using the pictures and captions. • Write a paragraph for each slide. Include the most interesting details. Step 5 As a class, choose the Head of the conference “World Wonders of Nature” and prepare the agenda for the conference. Let the Head announce the speakers and their presentations. UNIT 1 Project 25 Test yourself Sections 1-3 Jja) Match the words. (to) repair (to) go (to) play (to) explore (to) separate hiking the valley volleyball the garden from my bike b) Complete the sentences with word combinations. Example: What are you doing? — I’m planting the bushes. I want ... the road.— I want to separate the garden from the road. 1. Will you join us on our cycling trip tomorrow? — I’m afraid, I won’t. I must_____ ______________________________first. 2. Every summer, we in the mountains. We sleep in tents 4 and make fires to cook breakfast and dinner. 3. Can you___________________________________? — Yes, I can. But I like basketball more. 4. The young tourists decided to___________________________________and draw a map of it. Score:____ (8) 2 J Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: My dream is to sail round the ... like the great explorers of the past. (^) worl^^b) countries c) continents 1. During the storm, the ... are very dangerous for ships and sailors, a) hills b) mountains c) cliffs 2. The Sahara ... is the largest on the planet, a) valley b) desert c) park 3. In big cities, lots of people are fond of... . They usually run in the parks and along the streets» a) cycling b) hiking c) jogging 4. The ... of mountain Everest is 8,848 metres, a) height b) length c) high 5. Each country has its own ... of nature. For example, Russia is famous for its Lake Baikal, a) works b) wonders c) surprises Score:_______(5) Complete the text. Use: longest, valleys, explore, powerful, other, separates The River Severn is the longest river in Great Britain. It is 354 km long. The Severn____________ Wales from England. There are several waterfalls at the source of the river. They are not very high or________________However, lots of people go there to take photos of the wonderful waterfalls. Then the Severn runs through green hills and beautiful________________There are many old towns and modern cities on the banks of the Severn. In summer, many tourists cycle along the river and_______________the countryside. On the one hand, travelling by bike is very exciting but, on the______________hand, it can be rather dangerous and difficult. 2^ Score:--------(5) 4 i Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: Yesterday, we ... a birthday present for Tom. I think he’ll be happy to get a new computer game. a) buy Ct)boug^ c) have bought 1. What’s the name of the waterfall? — I ... . a) don’t know b) didn’t know c) haven’t known 2. What are you doing? — 1 ... the Internet. I need some information about Niagara Falls, a) browse b) am browsing c) browsed 3. Did you have a nice trip? — Yes, the weather ... fine. We swam and sunbathed every day. a) is b) was c) will be 4. ... you already ... the new film about Francis Drake? — Not, yet. Is it worth watching? a) Do ... see b) Did ... see c) Have ... seen 5. Jim, there ... a lot of homework to do. Let’s begin with Maths, a) is b) are c) — 6. They ... just from Karelia. Here is a souvenir for you. a) return bjreturned c) have returned 7. Unfortunately, the explorer ... his e-mail last night, a) doesn’t check b) didn’t check c) hasn’t checked Score:______ Complete the sentences. Use: is, are, was, were Example: Have got any milk? — Yes, there ... some in the fridge (в холодильнике).— Yes, there is some in the fridge. 1. Any news? — Yes, but the news_________not very good today. 2. There_______only 15,000 people in the town in 1995. Now, more than 100,000 people live there. 3. I liked the concert yesterday. The music______beautiful. 4. What________the children going to do? — I don’t know. Let’s wait and see. Score:_______ (7) (4) 6 Complete the text. Fill in the definite article the if necessary. What do you know about India? It is situated in the south of___Asia. The capital of the country is______Delhi. The country is famous for its wonderful palaces, unique churches and exciting nature. Thousands of tourists from____Europe,________USA and_________Russian Federation come to this Asian country every year. Most tourists visit known Indian city. Agra, the well- Score: (6) 35-31 30-26 25-21 < 20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! UNIT 1 Test yourself 27 1 J Complete the sentences. Underline the right variant. Example: In the evening, Mrs Flower (watches / sees) TV. 1. In the morning, I (make / do) my bed. 2. What (is she / does she look) like? — She has wavy fair hair and blue eyes. 3. Have you got any hobbies? — Yes, I like to (take / make) photos. 4. William is a (handsome / beautiful) young man. 5. (Look / see) at the photo! It’s my nephew’s birthday. Score: (5) 2 J Complete the text. Use: ready, from, went, countryside, handsome, wore, bonfire, before, summer Mike got up early in morning and started to pack his bag. He put in his favourite book. Scrabble and his camera. Now he was ready to go to Grandpa’s. His grandpa lived in the_______________ among high pine trees and green fields. His house was situated not far_____________the lake. Mike always spent a part of his______________holidays with his grandparents. Together with his grandpa, Mike_______________fishing, flew a kite and played Scrabble in the evenings. His grandpa had taught (научил) him how to repair bikes and make a___________________ Mike found his grandpa in the kitchen. He was a_______________tall man with short grey hair. He_______________glasses like Mike did. “Hi, Mike! Will you have breakfast_____________we leave?” asked his grandpa. “No, I’ll have breakfast at your place. Grandma has got something nice for me, hasn’t she?” said Mike. Score:________(8) Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: On Saturdays I look ... my younger sister who is only two years old. a) for (^) aft^ c) like 1. My cousins are smart and friendly. We get ... well with each other, a) on b) up c) of 2. We found the cat under the bench in the park. ... that we sent SMS to our grandma, a) At b) After c) In 3. What are you going to do ... Saturday? — It depends on the weather, a) at b) for c) on 4. They were very hospitable and I felt ... home in their house, a) at b) in c) of 5. The people fought heroically ... their country and won the war. a) for b) on c) to 6. There was a big concert ... honour of the famous composer, a) for b) at c) in 7. Will you set ... fireworks on the New Year night? — Of course, we will. It’s a tradition, a) of b) off c) up Score:________(7) 28 UNIT 1 Test yourself Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple and the Present Perfect. Example: I ... doing my homework (just, finish) — I have just finished doing my home work. I can go for a walk with you. 1. —_____________you_______________the book about admiral Nelson? (read) — Not yet. However, I_____________a film about him last month, (see) 2. The young explorers to Dover, (already / be) They 3. Alice She _ _ the White Cliffs of Dover a week ago. (visit) _ a nice present for her niece, (already / buy) the present in the shopping centre yesterday, (find) Score: (6) 5 : Complete the sentences. Use which or who. Example: My grandma lives in a nice green town which is situated not far from Liverpool. 1. Ann often met the famous actor_________lived next to her house. 2. He knows the shop__________sells real English tea. Let’s ask him how to get there. 3. Alexander Milne was the man__________wrote an amazing story about Winnie the Pooh and his friends. 4. A limerick is a poem_________is short and funny. 6 jMake questions for the following answers. Example: Where ...? — I spent my summer holidays in the country. Where did you spend your summer holidays? 1. When __________________________________ __________________________ Score: They celebrate this holiday in autumn. 2, Who ________________________________ Diana lives in the countryside. 3. Where _________________________ She is sweeping the floor in the kitchen. 4. What _______________________________ Susan is smart and responsible. 5. How many ________________________ Jim has got two cousins. Score: (4) (5) 35-31 30-26 25-21 <20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! UNIT 1 Test yourself 29 Section 1 Spending time together Enjoying the weekend 1 a) Do the puzzle. Find out what the hidden word is. 3 4 5 1. It is work which teachers give their students to do at home. 2. It is a place where people watch plays. 3. It is a book with a long story about imaginary characters and events. 4. It is a trip which you make by going on foot, often for pleasure. 5. It is a place where you can see collections of different things. 6. It is a place where people watch films. 7. A... game is a game in which people move small pieces around on a special surface. b) Make up your own sentences. Write what you usually do at the weekend. Use the words from the puzzle. Write sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Example: I usually (go) to the cinema on Saturdays but this evening I am playing (play) Monopoly with my friends. 1. Simon_________________________(make) a presentation about Stonehenge in his room. He__________________________(like) history. He_______________________(want) to become an archaeologist (археологом). 2. Where is Betty? — She__________ (sleep). What happened to her? She usually (draw) or 3. Angela often She 4. Mr Brown (watch) TV in the afternoon.— She has fallen ill. _____________(help) her mother in the kitchen. But today she (sit) in her room and_______________________(browse) the Internet. ____(need) some information for her report. __________(walk) in the park every morning, but it is cold and rainy today. Mr Brown (stay) at home and (hate) bad weather. That’s why he _______________(read) his newspaper. 30 UNIT 2 Section 1 3 J Write sentences. Use the Past Simple or the Present Perfect. Example: Martin is 7. He has never been (be) to Paris. Last night he wrote (write) a letter to Santa and asked (ask) him about a trip to Disneyland, Paris. 1. A: Last summer, Jane_______(go) to London with her class. They________(ride) the London Eye,________(enjoy) the Science Museum and_________(walk) in Hyde Park. They_________ (take) lots of pictures. Would you like to see her photos? B: I_____already (see) them. They are wonderful! 2. A:______you________(be) to his concert? B: Not yet. But I_____(be) lucky last Monday. I________(buy) the tickets for his next concert. Would you like to go with me? A: With pleasure. 3. A: Julia, I____(phone) you yesterday. B: Sorry', I missed it. A:______you________(stay) at home? B: No, I______(take) my niece to the funfair. We_______(go) on rides and, then,________(have) lunch in the cafe. It_____(be) such fun. A: I see. I (be) to the funfair last weekend. And I liked it, too. 4 J Complete the sentences. Use: have to, has to, had to, will have to Example: Last weekend, she had to stay at home to took care of her little sister. 1. Do you__________________________wear school uniform? — Yes, I do. All the students wear it. 2. Clara ________________________________ work hard, doesn’t she? — Yes, but she likes her job. 3. Next week, they__________________________ present their project about the wonders of nature. 4. During the Great Patriotic War thousands of teenagers ____________________________________ leave school and begin working in factories. 5. Does Susan ___________ get up early in the morning? — Yes. She lives a long way from school. 6. Why are you late, Dylan? — Sorry, I go back home. I forgot my homework. 5 J Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Джон, ты уже умылся? Пора завтракать. 2. В выходные мы ездили загород. Погода была прекрасной, и мы хорошо провели время. 3. — У тебя есть книга о Френсисе Дрейке (Francis Drake)? — Нет. Но ты можешь взять ее в библиотеке___________________________________________________________________ 4. Я думаю, что конфеты понравятся Эмми (Emma). Она — сладкоежка. UNIT 2 Section 1 31 5. Вильям должен принять участие в соревновании. Он очень хорошо играет в теннис. 6. Сэму (Sam) не надо делать уроки на понедельник. Он сделал их в субботу. 6 j Complete the sentences. If you want to; 1. get only good marks, you have to do your homework. 2. take part in the cycling trip, you_____________ 3. learn to play Monopoly, you____________________ 4. have a pet, you________________________________ 5. become a famous musician, you 6. learn a foreign language, you _ 7 jRead the text and write questions for the answers. I reland is a very beautiful island. It is famous for its breathtaking mountains, peaceful valleys and freshwater lakes. The unique the Giant's Causeway {Тропа великанов) is situated in the north of Ireland. The Giant's Causeway is an area of 40,000 joined columns. According to a legend many, many years ago an Irish giant^ Finn MacCool, fell in love with a nice woman giant, who lived in Scotland. However, the cold Irish Sea separated the two giants. So Finn MacCool started to build a bridge, the Giant's Causeway, so that his girlfriend could walk across the sea. Nowadays, the Giant's Causeway is one of the most famous Irish wonders of nature. Thousands of tourists go there every year. ' the Giant’s Causeway — Тропа / Дорога великанов ^ giant f'clsaianti — великан — For its beautiful nature. In the north of the island. 3. — No, in Ireland. Because of the Irish Sea. Forty thousand. 6. — Yes, it is. Thousands of them go there to see it. 32 UNIT 2 Section 1 9 Section 2 Speaking about animals 8 Ja) Make up the word combinations. Some words can be used more than one time. peaceful, endangered, rare, famous, curious, modern, exotic, colourful, dangerous, useful, special, amazing, friendly, smart, unforgettable A peaceful park, exotic reptiles. animals, reptiles, birds, species, tourists, activities, insects, souvenirs, park, desert, book, museum, magazine, vet, adventure b) Make up 3 sentences with the word combinations. Write them down. Complete the text. Use: plerrty, endangered, attractions, although, over, kinds, watch Cyhester Zoo is one of the most famous and largest UK zoos. It was opened in 1931 not far from the English town of Chester. The zoo has plenty of animals, reptiles, birds and insects to see. In fact, there are more than 500______________________of animals in Chester Zoo. Some of them belong to the most_________________species on the planet. In Chester Zoo, visitors can the wildlife. The most popular are ‘Butterfly Journey”, “Fruit Bat Forest” and "Elephants of the Asian Forests”. _________________________________________________________Chester Zoo is home to rare animals from all________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ the world, it also has amazing children’s areas and lovely picnics lawns. Chester Zoo is open 7 days a week from 10 a.m. UNIT 2 Section 2 33 lOj Combine the sentences. Use: who or which. Example: The rare bird lives on Mauritius. The island is situated in the Indian Ocean.— The rare bird lives on Mauritius, which is situated in the Indian Ocean. 1. People kill crocodiles for their skin. The skin is used (используется) for making bags, belts and shoes. 2. More than half of the world’s species of plants and animals are in the rainforests. They grow in South America and Asia. 3. A famous vet works at Chester Zoo. The zoo is famous for its rare animals. 4. This book about rare animals was written by Alice Wilson. She is a director of the wildlife park. 5. On Sunday we can go to the Whipsnade wildlife park. It is open all the year round. 6. Look at the photos of the polar bear! I know the photographer. He works for the magazine “All About Animals”. Incomplete the text: make the word in capitals suitable for filling in the blank space. Dear Cathy, Do you like hed^eho^o? We do. Yesterday we went to the Hed^eho^ Hospital at Prickly 3all Farm. We have learned lots about these funny animals. Here are some of our photos from the farm. Your granny____________________two hed^eho^s in her garden, doesn’t she? 5o she can leave some bread and pieces of sweet fruit for them at ni^ht. On the farm, we also___________________sheep and cows. Look at the photo! Alice___________________a pony. Isn’t she funny? In the afternoon, we__________________tasty cakes and tea in the Whole Ho^ Cafe. The visit full of fun. Have you ever been to Prickly Ball Farm? Next time, we__________________________to join us. Lots of love. From Alice and Ann GO HAVE FEED RIDE ENJOY BE INVITE 34 UNIT 2 Section 2 12 а) Read the text. Polar bears live in the Arctic, near the North Pole. Today, there are about 20,000 polar bears all over the world. The polar bear is the largest bear on earth. They live for 25-30 years. Mostly, polar bears spend their time out at sea and they are very good swimmers as well as being good runners. In 1998, a polar bear was the symbol of the Olympic Games in Canada. Polar bears hunt seals, fish and sea birds. In the summer, they like eating berries. Although polar bears look nice and funny, they are dangerous and aggressive. Global warming is very harmful for polar bears. It melts the ice in the Arctic very quickly and the polar bear is losing its home. Besides, people kill polar bears for its meat and fur. The WWF has announced 2013 to be the year of the polar bear. b) Write questions for the answers. 1.___________________________________ — In one of the coldest places on Earth. — No, it isn’t. There are many species in the wild and in zoos. 3. — About 25-30 years. 4. — It is not only a good sportsman, but it also lives in the north of the country. 5. — All sorts of things including smaller animals and berries. 6. — Yes, they are. It’s better to see them at zoo or on the TV. — To protect the polar bears. The situation is really serious. 13 JChoose any of the animals (an elephant, a penguin, a dolphin, a tiger, a camel, a whale, a lion, a girrafe). Write an essay about it. Use the plan: 1. Where does it live? 2. What does it look like? 3. What does it eat? 4. Why is it in danger (or why is it an endangered animal)? UNIT 2 Section 2 35 Section '"3 I Help yourself! 1. ['joget] —_____yoghurt 2. [(felts] —________________ 3. [Ъл1э] —__________________ 4. ['stroibanj — 5. ['poncfej — _ V 6. [bred] — 7. ['pudiol — 8. (eg) — 9. ['eipnkntj — b) Are these nouns usually countable (C) or uncountable (U)? Write down the letters C or U in the boxes. r^Fill in the missing letters: ui, ur, ea, au, ou. tourist, j______ce, s_____sage, pi______sant, bisc_____t, tak____way, yogh_______t, br_ vari_____s, hamb______ger, m______1, delici_____s, rest_____rant, inst_______d 16 j a) Match the words and make word combinations. kfast, bread bacon cake ( Coke mineral water b) Make up 4 sentences with the word combinations. Example: He has bought a nice box о/delicious chocolates for his mum. Incomplete the sentences with a / an / some, if necessary. Example: In the morning she usually has some porridge and a cup of coffee. 1_________glass of_______orange juice, please. 2. When I came into the room, there was_______big red apple,-------orange and apricots on the plate. 3. Would you like___________apple juice? — Yes, please. 4. The lady always has__________chocolate cakes and-----------cup of — afternoon. 5. Could you buy____________milk and two strawberry yoghurts for Alice? tea in the late 6. In the magazine, you can find I. 36 easy salad recipe, which you can try at home! UNIT 2 Section 3 18jComplete the text. Answer the questions. Use: drink, instead of, national, meal, lunch, tea, unhappy. Everybody knows that the British like tea. Tea is more than just a drink to them — it is a way of life. Many people drink it with breakfast, then mid-morning, with_______________, at tea-time (around five o’clock), with dinner and finally just before bed. For centuries now, tea has been the drink of Great Britain. Tea has worked its way into the language too. Nowadays, people have “tea breaks” at work, even if they coffee or Cola. Many people call the main evening • л. ' tea even if they drink juice or mineral water with it. When someone is or sad, the British say they need tea and sympathy. In fact, tea is the best treatment for all sorts of problems and troubles_________________pills and tablets. 1. Do you like tea?_____________________________________________________________________ 2. When do you have tea?________________________________________________________________ 3. What do you prefer to drink tea with?________________________________________________ 19jRead the menu and complete the dialogues. 1. — HeUo! — Hello! Can I have______________________, please? — Anything to drink? — Would you like or _, please. 2. — — Anything else? — No, thanks. It’s a nice cafe, isn’t it? — Yes, we like eating here. — Can you recommend anything? — They have a tasty_________. You can also try ____________________if you are hungry. _________. And____________. — OK, I’ll try the — And Г11 take and a glass of MBmhwrger and ckips Chicken and chips Green salad Pizza Ice cream Apricot yoghurt Apple pie Cheese cake Coca Tea: green and black Orange juice 20jComplete the text: make the word in capitals suitable for filling the blank space. Have you ever heard about Jamie Oliver? Jamie Oliver is a creative and BE energetic person, full of unusual ideas and various projects. He is one of the_____________________cooks in Britain. FAMOUS He was born in 1975 in England. In his childhood he got interested in UNIT 2 Section 3 37 cooking. He____________________ of eight. Jamie cut vegetables. working in his parents’ pub at the age His TV cooking show appeared in 1999. Now, his TV programmes and cookery books are very popular all over the world. Jamie Oliver____________________people to cook at home instead of getting a takeaway or going to a restaurant. Jamie Oliver also_____________different projects. One of _____________________is a school project called “Feed Me Better”. Jamie students to eat junk food for lunches. So he helps school cooks to make healthy food for the BEGIN ONE TEACH HAVE THEY NOT / WANT CHILD H Speaking about^Brit^ school 21J a) Complete the words. Match them to their meanings. -rr- In these lessons, students study a) natural things. This subject unites knowledge from physics, chemistry and biology. b) the countries of the world and the people who live in them. c) how to use numbers and shapes to calculate and describe things. d) what has happened in the past. e) how to draw and paint. f) the language of the European country. b) Answer the following questions. What subjects do you study at school? What is your favorite subject? — ______ What do you do in your favorite lessons? — ________________________ 22 J a) Match the words to make word combinations. Write them down. b) Complete the sentences with the new word combinations. Example: Do the students ... any......? — Yes, two: Spanish and Chinese.— Do the students learn any foreign languages^. 38 UNIT 2 Sections 3 and 4 1. А: You have 10 minutes to do this task. Any questions? B: Could I_______________________________? There are some new words in the text. 2. After classes you can play a tennis or practise dance steps, swim in the new swimming pool, or play the guitar. Just__________any___________________you like! 3. In most schools, students have to___________________________. On the one hand, it’s nice because you don’t have to think about what to put on in the morning. However, on the other hand, it’s boring to have it on all year round. 4. In September, my friends and I decided to__________________________on our hometown. We have to look through many historical documents and make a lot of photos. 5. “I’m sorry. I’m late.” — “It’s the third time this week. You have to_____________________and come to classes on time.” 23 Make up words. Write word combinations with the new words. peaceful countryside. UNIT 2 Section 4 39 24 Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: Paul ... the photography club last year, a) joins b) has joined ([^joined^ 1. Where is Tom? — He is in the canteen. He ... his lunch, a) has b) is having c) has had 2. We ... our project yet. We need two days, a) don’t finish b) didn’t finish c) haven’t finished 3. The school has very good sports facilities, ... it? a) doesn’t b) didn’t c) haven’t 4. ... you ... the poem by heart? — Not yet. a) Do ... learn b) Are ... learning c) Have ... learnt 5. Kate ... French and Spanish at school. She is going to be an interpreter, a) studies b) has studied c) studied 6. Last week we ... a very difficult Maths test. Unfortunately, most of the students got low marks, a) took b) have taken c) take 7. “Don’t be afraid! You ... a success,” the teacher encouraged the young actors before the performance. a) are b) will be c) have been 8. Nowadays, in most British schools students ... wear school uniform, a) have to b) had to c) will have to 9. Sam lives in Africa. He ... never ... snow, a) do ... see b) did ... see c) has ... seen 10. What are you doing? — I........an essay about my school. a) write b) am writing c) wrote 25j Complete the sentences. Use: with, for, on, at, ef Example: There are plenty of different school clubs which students can join. 1. At first, Sophie got along______her classmates. But the project changed the situation. 2. If you travel with kids, you have to visit our Fun Park and go_____the rides. 3. Do you know that over 500 kinds__________animals live in Chester Zoo? 4. What did you do last weekend? — I had a sore throat, so I had to stay_______home. 5. What is your hometown famous___________? — There is lots to see and enjoy. 6. You can play Monopoly instead__________me, if you want. 26jComplete the text: make the word in capitals suitable for filling in the blank space. Nowadays, learning languages is becoming a popular hobby. Our summer school has opened to students who want to improve their English. The__________________lesson starts at 9.00 a.m. Our students discuss different topics, act out little plays, and learn the facts about English history. After lunch,___________ do projects on British traditions and places of interest. Last year, some of our students ____________________part in a school trip to Ireland and the Isle of Man. ONE INTEREST CHILDREN TAKE 40 UNIT 2 Sech'on - There plenty of activities which students can choose after the lessons: sports games on the sports ground, music performances, disco and so on. If you_________________sport or dancing, you can join one of our clubs. Our school also________________various school events: music concerts, festivals and school trips. Next weekend, we___________________camping in Wales. We are happy to see you in our school! BE NOT / LIKE HAVE GO I 1 Section 5 Reading for pleasure 1 J Read the text and say what Fraser, a fairytale dragon, did on Christmas eve. r Fraser, the Christmas Dragon by Margo Fallis PART I JT* raser lived in a huge, but very dark and damp cave* in the northeastern part of Scotland. His dark purple scales^ kept him warm most of the time, but when the snow fell in winter, he often got very cold. To make matters worse, Fraser didn’t have any friends. None of the other animals in the valley wanted to be friends with a dragon. Fraser spent most of his days cooking and baking. This helped keep his cave a bit warmer. He was quite a good cook too. He made the best caramel shortbread^ in the whole valley. On the 23rd of December, Fraser spent the whole day baking Christmas sweeties. He made fudge'* and cakes, pastries^ and biscuits. “It’s almost Christmas Day. I’ll believe some of the other animals in the valley would enjoy a few Christmas sweets,” he giggled. He divided them into five portions, wrapped** them in red and green striped paper and tied a big golden ribbon^ around them. As soon as the sun set below the hills, Fraser put the packages in a big brown bag and headed into the woods. “This will make their Christmas brighter,” Fraser thought. Even though none of the animals ever spoke to him, he enjoyed being nice to everyone. “Aha, there’s Carly, the highland* cow,” he whispered. She was sleeping. Fraser was a big dragon and he had to be careful that his sharp horns didn’t bump (врезаться) into the tree branches. He had to watch out for his long tail too. Sometimes it knocked over bushes or bumped^ into rocks. Silently he approached. He opened his big brown bag and took out one of the packages. He hung in carefully on Carly’s long horn‘°. He giggled with joy as he flew back into the woods. “Нее, hee, hee. She’ll be surprised when she wakes up!” A few minutes later he noticed Siobhan, the highland sheep. She was standing in a meadow filled with wildflowers. Her thick woof* looked nearly black in the evening sky. “Г11 set the package on her wool. It’s so thick that she’ll never even feel it,” he decided. He crept*^ towards her, taking her package out of his big brown bag. Very carefully, he put it down on her wool and then ran back into the woods. “Нее, hee, hee. She’ll love all the sweets!’ cave — пещера scales — чешуйки shortbread — песочное пирожное fudge — помадка pastries — пирожные wrapped — завернул ribbon — бант UNIT 2 Sections 4 and 5 41 ^^Look at the picture and say what Fraser looks like. 3 J Answer the questions. 1. Where did Fraser live? 2. Fraser didn’t have a lot of friends, did he? 3. What was his hobby? 4. What did Fraser do on the 23rd of December? 5. Why did Fraser go to the valley with a big brown bag? 6. Who did he see first? 7. Where did Fraser leave his Christmas present for Carly? 8. Where did Frazer find Siobhan? 9. Where did Fraser leave his Christmas present for Siobhan? ^^Find in the text the sentences, which prove that: 1. Fraser was lonely. 2. Fraser cooked very well. 3. Fraser was kind and friendly. 4. Fraser liked to play jokes. 5. Fraser was big and clumsy. ^5jFraser lived in Scotland. Say what you know about this country. Use the Cultural guide if necessary. 6 ]Work in pairs. Make up a story “Fraser’s Day”. Write it down. Use the plan: 1. When did Fraser get up? 2. What did Fraser do in the morning? 3. What did he have for lunch? 4. What did Fraser do after lunch? 5. How did he spend his evenings? Tell your story to your classmates. 7 J Read the text and say who Fraser gave presents to. ^ PART II XVabbie, the raccoon^ was sleeping in one oe the ancient oak trees. The dragon nearly bump>ed into a branch with his horns! “Oh,” he thoughL “I nearly woke him up’ and then it wouldn’t hivs been a surprise.” He took Rabbie’s package oui of his big brown bag and put it in a hole in the tree, near Rabbie’s paw^. “Нее, hee, hee. When he wakes up, he’ll see his sweets right away.” He went quietly into the woods, giggling the whole time. Harry, the hedgehog, was under a bush. The sharp claws on Fraser’s huge feet nearly hurt the hedgehog as he walked through the woods. “Oops! I almost didn’t see Harry sleeping dovs*n there. Нее, hee, hee. I’ll just put the package down right here in the bush and when he wakes up, he’ll see his sweets.” Fraser took the package out of his big brown bag, put it down in the bush and then went away. He had one more package in his big brown bag and went walking through the valley, looking for Gillian, the grouse^. Gillian was in her nest\ raccoon — енот I nearly woke him up — я его чуть не разбудил ^ paw — лапа ■* grouse — рябчик ^ nest — гнездо 42 V. I I ml £: 1 S'\ 'Ф{^^- v\ Her brown and black feathers were tucked away^ nicely under her body to keep her warm. She heard a noise and opened her eyes. Coming towards her was a huge, black shape^. “What’s that?” she thought. Just then she saw that it was Fraser. “Och, no! It’s the purple dragon that lives in the cave. Is he coming to eat me? What should I do?” she cried silently. She was too afraid to move because the dragon could see her. She sat frozen with fear in her nest as Fraser came closer and closer. She saw him take something out of a bag. What’s he doing?” she thought. His big hand with sharp claws moved towards her. “He’s going to eat me!” she cried silently, but was surprised when Fraser put a lovely package down on the ground next to her nest. He giggled and went away. “What was that all about?” she wondered. She climbed out of her nest and picked up the package. She took a sniff® of it. “That smells lovely,” she said. Gillian pulled the ribbon and took the wrapping ofP. “Why, the big dragon * were tucked away — были убраны (спрятаны) ’’ shape — тень l/r. has made me some sweets.” She read the tag that was attached to the package. “Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! Here are some sweets from your secret friend!” “Well, isn’t that nice of him. Maybe he’s not such a bad, scary dragon after all.” Fraser returned to his cave and lay down in the corner. Water dropped from the ceiling and he shivered*® all night long. ® took the wrapping off — сняла обертку shivered — дрожал от холода * took а sniff — понюхала ш и Match the names and the characters. The name ^ The character ^ in the fairy tale Fraser a raccoon Carly a hedgehog Siobhan a grouse Rabbie a highland cow Harry a highland sheep Gillian a fairytale dragon ^JSay who in the fairy tale: 1. decided to give presents to the other animals 2. slept in an oak tree 3. bumped into a branch with his horn 4. slept under a bush 5. nearly hurt a hedgehog 6. carried a black bag with presents 7. saw a purple dragon 8. was frozen with fear 9. giggled with joy 10. was cold all night lOj Read the sentences and say whether they are true or false. 1. Fraser bumped into a branch and woke up the raccoon. 2. Fraser put his present for the raccoon in a hole in the oak tree. 3. Fraser hurt the hedgehog as he went through the wood. 4. The hedgehog thanked Fraser for his sweet present. 5. Gillian was happy to see the purple dragon. 6. Fraser left a nice packet next to Gillian’s nest. 7. There was a tag: “Happy New Year! Here are some sweets from you secret friend”. 8. Fraser got very cold in his dark and damp cave. llJComplete the sentences. Choose the best ending. Gillian sat frozen when she saw Fraser because a) she was happy to see him. b) she was afraid of the dragon. c) she was surprised to see him. Fraser put his presents next to the sleeping animals because he wanted a) to frighten the animals with strange packets. b) to make a Christmas surprise for them. c) to get rid of the packets of Christmas sweets. 12jLook at the pictures. Put them in the right order. nn ш HD [±D [in l^Tell this part of the story as if you are of Fraser. Use: saw a raccoon, nearly bumped into, put the package in a hole in the oak tree, went quietly, nearly hurt a hedgehog, put a package in a bush, had one more package in the bag, saw a grouse in her nest, put a package next to the nest, was happy to give all the presents away, to return to a cold cave 14jSay what you think will happen in the third part of the fairy tale. 15j Read and say what Christmas present Fraser got. PART III The next morning, Gillian flew around the valley. She saw Carly, Siobhan, Rabbie and Harry who stood talking. She flew down and landed next to them. “What’s going on here?” she asked. Carly said, “In the middle of the night, someone brought a package of sweets to each of us. We don’t know who it was!” Gillian smiled, “I know who it was!” Siobhan asked Gillian, “Tell us. Who would do such a nice thing? I’ve never tasted such delicious shortbread and pastries before.” “It was Fraser, the big purple dragon that lives in the cave. I saw him myself,” Gillian answerecL “Fraser? That clumsy* dragon?” Harry asked. “Surely you’re mistaken,” Rabbie added. clumsy — неуклюжий 44 “No, I saw him. He left me a package too. I think we should do something nice for him. I imagine he must get cold in his cave,” the grouse said. “IVe got a wonderful idea,” Siobhan said. “Let’s use my wool. It’s nice and thick and warm, and we’ll make him a blanket^. You can all knit^ can’t you?” she asked the others. They all nodded"*. They spent the day knitting. When they were done, they sewed each strip together^. “That’s lovely,” Carly said, looking at the finished blanket. “It will keep him warm all winter long.” Rabbie wrapped the blanket in some beautiful silver and gold paper. Harry tied a golden ribbon around it. “Let’s get him a tree too,” Harry said. “I’ll make the decorations if you find the tree.” Carly and Siobhan found a small pine tree. Harry and Rabbie hung nuts and rowan berries^ on it. Gillian used some of her feathers to decorate it. “That’s lovely,” she said. On Christmas Eve, after the sun went down, the five animals carried the tree and the wrapped blanket and set them down outside Fraser’s cave. Christmas morning came around. Fraser was sad. His fingers were cold and his claws were almost frozen like icicles^. His horns had frost on them and he couldn’t feel his tail, which had been lying on the ground. He stood up and went outside. “What’s this?” he said. He picked up the ^ blanket — одеяло ^ knit — вязать package. “It’s a Christmas present,” he laughed. He opened it up. “Oh, a lovely woolen blanket. Who made this?” he wondered. He looked at the tree. “Rowan berries, nuts and feathers. How pretty! It’s the best Christmas tree I’ve ever had!” He went back inside and turned on his oven and started to make himself a Christmas meal. An hour later he heard a noise coming from the entrance (вход) to his cave. “Can we come in?” Carly asked. Fraser was surprised. He had guests on Christmas Day! “Come in, all of you. I’m about to fix supper. Would you like to stay?” he asked. Carly, Siobhan, Rabbie, Harry and Gillian spent the rest of the day in the cave with Fraser, eating his leeks* and potatoes, sausages, bacon, different sweets, raisins and boiled eggs^. “This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had,” he sighed, happily. “Thank you for the blanket. There’ll be no more cold nights for me now.” He noticed that Siobhan didn’t have as much wool as usual and smiled at her. “Merry Christmas to you all,’ he shouted happily. “Merry Christmas to you too, Fraser,” they replied. From then on, the other animals in the valley stopped by Fraser’s cave for tea and caramel shortbread whenever they were nearby and even invited the dragon to their houses, though he was too big to get inside. '' nodded — кивнули ® sewed each strip together — сшили полоски вместе * rowan berries — ягоды рябины ’ icicles — сосульки * leeks — зеленый лук ® boiled eggs — варенные яйца 16J Say who said: 1. “I know who it was!” 2. “iVe never tasted such delicious shortbread and pastries before.” 3. “It’s nice and thick and warm, and we’ll make him a blanket.” 4. “I’ll make the decorations if you find the tree.” 5. “Come in, all of you. I’m about to fix supper. Would you like to stay?’ 6. “It’s the best Christmas I’ve ever had!” 17 j Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences. 1. Gillian saw the animals, 2. All the friends liked the shortbread and pastries 3. They made a nice warm blanket from the wool 4. The friends put the present and the Christmas tree outside the cave 5. It was the best Christmas for Fraser 6. Now the animals of the valley often visited the dragon’s cave a) which they had found in the morning. b) because they wanted to give Fraser a surprise. c) who were standing together and discussing something. d) which they took from the highland sheep. e) who was happy to see them. jf) because he had a lot of guests this time. HD Ш [in ED Ш [ID 18 j Arrange the sentences in the correct order. The first one has been done for you __ The animals found a pine tree and decorated it with nuts and berries. __ Fraser went out of the cave and saw a present and a Christmas tree. __ They took wool from the sheep and made a warm blanket. X The animals discussed their delicious Christmas presents. __ He cooked a Christmas meal in the cave. __ The guests spent the whole day in Fraser’s cave. __ The dragon found some real friends. 19 j Tell this part of the story as if you are Fraser. Use: gave Christmas presents to the animals, returned to the cave, fell asleep, was cold, couldn’t feel the tail, went out of the cave, saw a big wrapped present and a nice Christmas tree, opened the present, a warm blanket, began to cook Christmas dinner, had guests on Christmas Day, had a real Christmas, wasn’t cold during winter nights any more, made friends with the animals of the valley 20J Work in pairs. Discuss: a) Why the fairy tale’s title is “Fraser, the Christmas Dragon”. b) What is the main idea of the story? All is well that ends well. Scratch my back and I will scratch yours. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. 46 UNIT 2 Section 5 "Let's cook a special dish for Christmas" How do people celebrate Christmas in different countries? What special dishes do they cook? Make a special Cook book of different Christmas dishes. Work in groups of 3-4 to complete the steps. Step 1 As a group, find out about special Christmas dishes in these countries. Answer these questions: • Why is Christmas an important celebration in the countries below? • How do the people in each country celebrate it (fireworks, processions, special dishes)? the UK Australia Russia Italy Finland India Your choice Step 2 Step 6 Each group chooses one country and finds out more information about its traditions for Christmas dishes. Find out about: • Old recipes and traditional foods • Tasty and sweet gifts • Unusual dishes and their names Make a special Cook book of Christmas dishes. Collect all the Christmas recipes of your groups’ countries for your school website. Step 3 Share your ideas. Choose three or four of the countries above (one for each person in the group) and compare the recipes of the dishes. • Which dishes are similar? • Which dishes are different? • Which Christmas dishes would you like to cook and taste? Step 4 Set a Christmas table in your English class Have a meal and some tasty Christmas dishes with your classmates. Step 5 Make a presentation for the class about Christmas dishes in the countries you have chosen. Ask your classmates to give their opinions about your group’s Christmas dishes and your presentation of them. UNIT 2 Project Test yourself I Sections 1-2 1 ]a) Match the words: (to) watch ) asleep (to) faU — the animals (to) join / ’ on rides (to) go / the wildlife (to) play / board games (to) save —^ a club b) Complete the sentences with the word combinations from Exercise 1. Example: Scientists have done a lot to ... . You can see them in different wildlife parks all over the world.— Scientists have done a lot to save the animals. 1. When it is cold and windy, they stay at home and___________________________. Sam is always lucky in Monopoly but Ann prefers Scrabble. 2. This park has great fiin for children and teenagers. They can____________ other amazing activities. 3. Do you like to draw or to dance, to play chess or tennis? Then you can any time during the school year. 4. Another way to learn more about nature is to_____________________________ or enjoy You can do it everywhere: at the zoo, in the country or even in the centre of the city. 5. “Tm so tired that I could____________________sitting on my chair,” Emma said in a quiet voice. Score:___ 2 j Complete the text. (10) Use: although, over, insects, various, watch, world, endangered Sydney Wildlife World is an Australian zoo. Although it was only opened in 2006, the zoo has become famous all________________the world. The Australian zoo consists of 10 parts where visitors can see different kinds of animals, birds reptiles and______________. In fact, there are more than 6,000 creatures in the zoo. Some of them belong to the most_________________species on the planet. In Sydney Wildlife World visitors can________kangaroos, touch a snake, make friends with koala bears and meet Rex, who is the biggest salt water crocodile in captivity in the______. There is always something happening in the zoo — exhibitions, shows, festivals. Visitors can take part in_______________activities and have a lot of fun. Sydney Wildlife World is open every day except for Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve. Score:________(6) ^^Make questions for the following answers. Example: How___________________________? — Visitors can get to the wildlife park by bus. How can visitors get to the wildlife рагкУ. 48 UNIT 2 Testyourself * 1. When . 2. Where 3. What _ 4. Why _ going to do a project on the birds. 5. How many______________________ ? — The zoo opens at 9 a.m. .? — The children played with koala bears in the zoo. .? — Next summer, visitors will see a new dolphin show. _? — Jim has taken some photos of swans because he is 4 J Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. .? — There are 6,000 creatures in the zoo. Score:________(5) Example: Nowadays there ... many endangered animals on the planet, a) were (T)) are^ c) will be 1. Unfortunately, we ... cut down the old trees in the park last year, a) have to b) will have to c) had to 2. Where are the children? — They ... Lotto in the living room, a) are playing b) play c) played 3. They ... their work a month ago. Now there is a nice pond in the park, a) start b) started c) have started 4. The scientist ... his book about rare insects yet. a) won’t ... finish b) didn’t ... finish c) hasn’t ... finished 5. What ... you ...? — It’s the picture of my kitten. a) are ... drawing b) do ... draw c) have ... drawn 6. ... you ... a good time in the wildlife park yesterday? a) Do ... have b) Did ... have c) Have ... had 7. ... you ... me to set the table? — Yes, of course, a) Do ... help b) Did ... help c) Will ... help 8. Peter is fond of sport. He ... football three times a week, a) play b) plays c) is playing Score: (8) 5 j Complete the sentences. Underline the right variant. Example: It was rainy yesterday. I (have to / had to) put my raincoat on. 1. He has a sore throat, so he (had to / will have to) go to the doctor tomorrow. 2. The children (don’t have to / didn’t have to) get up early now. It’s summer. 3.1 have already watered the plants, you (don’t have to / won’t have to) water them in the evening. 4. The students (have to / had to) do a lot of homework every day. They are going to have a test in a week. 5. My grandma (have to / has to) wear glasses. She can’t see well. 6. “Let’s plant the flowers now, so we (don’t have to / won’t have to) do it tomorrow.” Score:_______(6) 35-31 30-26 25-21 <20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! UNIT 2 Tesf yourself Test yourself I Sections 3-4 1 Complete the sentences. Fill in some / any, much / many. Example: Would you like ... milk? — Yes, please.— Would you like some milk? 1. How__________________potatoes do you need for your salad? — Two or three. 2. Have we got__________________jam? — Yes, your favourite jam is in the kitchen. 3. Can I have 4. How coffee? — Yes, here you are. 5. Are there does it cost? — 30 pounds. ____apples in the fridge? — Yes, there are 6. Can you buy biscuits? — Yes, of course. Anything else. Score:______(7) 2 Complete the text. Use: vegetables, delicious, world, makes, cook, dishes, success, recipes Ratatouille is a traditional French dish which consists of different vegetables. However, in 2008, a new Ratatouille appeared. It was an American cartoon (мультфильм), which has become popular all over the__________________. The main character in the cartoon is Remi, a nice smart rat. He likes cooking and knows plenty of___________________. He can_______________various dishes. Although people don’t usually like rats, Remi____________friends with a young man who works in a French restaurant. Remi teaches his new friend how to cook_____________dishes. Their dishes are a_____________and the two friends start a new restaurant Ratatouille. Would you like to visit their restaurant and try one of their famous_______________— Ratatouille^ Score:_______(7) 3 I Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: You can see different kinds ... animals in the zoo. a) off (b) of^c) for 1. The students will have Science instead ... Maths. The Maths teacher has fallen ill. a) off b) of c) from 2. Mum, could I go ... some rides? — Yes, of course, a) of b) at c) on 3. There are plenty ... ways to cook this tasty dish, a) of b) on c) in 4. Carol was responsible ... the rare tropical plant, wasn’t she? a) on b) at c) for 5. Could you help me ... my homework? — Yes, I’ll try. a) on b) with c) of 6. The students felt sorry ... their new classmate, a) of b) for c) on 7. May I come ...? — Yes, you may. a) out b) on c) in Score: (7) 50 UNIT 2 Test yourself JljComplete the letter. Put the verbs in the correct form. London Great Britain 1 December Dear Kate. Thank you for your letter. It was nice to learn about your school and your classmates. As for my school, it’s a bi^ secon^;iary school. Last year my family moved (move) to London because of my father’s job. I wasn’t very happy about ^oin^ to a new school. However, very soon I_______________(make) new friends and liked the school. My favourite subjects are Maths, IT and PE. Our school____________(have) very ^ood sports facilities: a ^ym, six tennis courts and a lar^e ^ames field. Phillip, my best friend, often ____________(pl^y) football there. Put I prefer basketball or volleyball. When classes are over, we_____________(be) busy too. The teachers encourage the students to take part in various clubs. I______________Qoin) the photography and chess clubs recently. Next term, our school theatre ^roup____________________(put on) “Tom Sawyer’’. We have various school events every month. A week a^o we had a Sports Day. Unfortunately. Philip and I_____________(not / take) part in the competitions. We_____________(be) ill. What school events do you have? What are your favourite subjects? Write back soon. Sest wishes, William Score: (8) ^SjMake questions for the following answers. Example: How many____________? — There are 1,000 students in the school. 1. Where 2. When. 3. What _ How many students are there in the school? _________________________________________? — They have lunch in the school canteen. ____________________________________________? — The students went camping in May. — Mr Smith is explaining the school rules. 4. Why_________________________________ — The students are happy because they have won the football match. 5. What club____________________________________________________ — The friends have joined the Computer club. 6. Who______________________________ — They have never been to the wildlife park. Score: (6) 35-31 30-26 25-21 < 20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! UNIT 2 Test yourself 51 Section 1 Learning more about the United Kingdom о/ Great Britain and Northern Ireland I Would you like to take port in the international 1 Internet project? ij Write down the words with these sounds. Use: represent, third, member, jeans, special, fine, thirteenth, idea, arrive, quiz, find, juice, January, invite, through, manage, already, nothing, just (ail _______________________________________________ [e] Ш (01. [I] . .nt, pro____ress. ^JPut in the missing letters. q___iz, thril____ng,___ost, exper_____en___e, c_____nect, pro___ect, web____ite, com. inte__vie___, Int______net, parti_____pant 3JCh oose the opposites. Write them down in pairs. Example: interesting — boring unusual unpopular popular unimportant thrilling real strange old important usual fantastic boring modern ordinary 4 jFill in the gaps. 5 jMake sentences. Write them down. 1. can / in / interesting / take part / You / our / quiz /. 2. thrilling / my friend / yesterday / I / saw / a film / and /. 4 3. last test / your / Will / post / school / comments / you / events / some / about /? 4. trip / Did / new / friends / during / their / last / they / make /? 5. in / got / Internet / Tom / an / experience / has / project / creating /. 6. connect / will / This / a lot of / students / website /. 6 jTranslate from Russian into English. 1. Я прочитал статью о необычных традициях в разных странах. 2. Мы посетим популярные достопримечательности Москвы на следующей неделе. 3. Наш класс принимал участие в захватывающих соревнованиях во время прошедших зимних каникул. _______________________________________________________________ 4. В этом журнале всегда можно найти интересные интервью с известными людьми. 5. На этом вебсайте я нашел удивительные фотографии Великобритании. 6. Ты интересуешься современной музыкой и новыми кинофильмами? ^^Fill in the gaps with your personal information for the registration form on the lEC website. Name / Surname________________________________________________________________________ Login (Name on the site)______________________________________________________________ Age--------------------------------- Form (Class) 1 UNIT 3 Section 1 53 Address_________ Languages spoken School__________ Hobbies Write to the International Explorers’ Club team about what information you think they could add to the lEC website. Dear lEC team, I think your project_________________. rd like to take an active part in building the website. I also hope that there will be______________________ Ш Section 2 \What do you know about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? 9 J Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. ['lOglandl_______________________________________ ['edmbara] __________ I'skmland]_______________________________________ ['ka:dif]____________ [,пэ:дп 'aiabndl. rewrite down the numbers in words. Example: 109 — a (one) hundred and nine 106 — ________________________________ 138 — ________________________________ 202 — ________________________________ 534 — ________________________________ 1007 — _______________________________ 1012 — _______________________________ 509 — ________________________________ 100,000 — 1,000,000 — [,bel'fa:stl HJ Translate from Russian into English. 1. Посмотри на карту. Соединенное Королевство состоит из четырех стран. 2. Ты когда-нибудь бывал в старинном замке? 54 UNIT 3 Sections 1 and 2 3. Климат в Великобритании очень переменчивый. 4. Английский язык является языком международного общения, не так ли? 5. Мне было трудно понимать его речь. l^jFill in the table. Use: Asia, Sydney, Amsterdam, Russian Federation, Paris, South America, Russia, USA, Australia, Egypt, Oxford, Africa, Europe, Omsk, Canada, Moscow, India, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland With “the” Without “the” ^^Look at the map. Write down the parts of 14j Colour the pictures then label and match the United Kingdom and their capitals. them. П UNIT 3 Section 2 55 15j Complete the sentences. 1. Britain consists of____ 2. The capitals___________ 3. The official name 4. The climate 5. The English language Section 3 L Let's arrange a trip to England!! 16 , Put the verbs in the correct form. 1. They__________________the details of an international project now. a) discussed b) will discuss c) are discussing 2. What________________British people________________the national flag? a) does ... call b) do ... call c) are calling 3. Everybody___________________that the Queen is the most popular symbol of the UK. a) knows b) has known c) knew 4. Travelling is his hobby. He_________________ a) has visited b) visited c) visits 5. What________________the word “superstition" many countries already. a) do ... mean b) is ... meaning c) does ... mean 6. Listen! My classmates_____________about the latest sporting events. a) are talking b) talk c) talked 17 j Translate from Russian into English. 1. Если ты хочешь знать английский язык, занимайся усердно. 2. Если тебе холодно, чашка горячего чая согреет тебя. 3. Если погода хорошая, моя семья выезжает загород. 4. Если ты хочешь завести новых друзей, приходи в наш школьный кружок. 5. Если становится темно, моя младшая сестра не ходит на прогулку. 18] Answer the questions. Use the map and the information from Student’s Book, Ex. 63, pages 90-91 if necessary. 1. What is the biggest part of Great Britain? 56 UNIT 3 Sections 2 or>d 3 2. How many people live in England? 3. What is the capital of England? 4. When is the National Day of England? 5. What is the longest river in England? 19j Write down three words (adjectives or verbs) for the nouns below. Example: big important ^ port to visit country conference city website 20j Write a short essay about London, Moscow or any other city / town you like. Use the plan: 1. The name of the city -------------------------------------- 2. Where it is situated ______________________________________ 3. When it was founded 4. Why it is worth visiting 5-What it is full of -------------------------------------- 6.What it is famous for ______________________________________ Enjoying the countryside of Woles and Northern Ireland 2lJ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use: swim, read, build, stay, work, watch 1. Please don’t be noisy. I am working. 2. “Where’s Ann?” She is in her room. She_________________a film. 3. We are here on holiday. We_________________at the hotel. 4. Look! Somebody__________________in the river. 5. They_________________a new cinema at the moment. 6. My brother a book now. UNIT 3 Sections 3 and 4 57 22 Imagine that you are in Wales. What’s happening at the moment? Write down the sentences. 1. I / watch / at / a rugby match / the Millennium Stadium /. __________________________ 2. They / wear / the national costume /. ____ 3. I / take / photos of / St Winifred’s Well /. 4. My friend and I / go to / the Snowdonia National Park / 5. I / buy / a map of Cardiff /. _______ 6. A tourist / look for / the waterfall /. 2^ Write down the words with these sounds. Use: scientific, world, giant, tired, word, excursion, early, shipbuilding, dialogue, biking, canoeing, amazing, society, gardening, surfing, fire, iron, earth [з:]________________________________________________________________________________________ lol [aial. 24j Complete the sentences with the correct word. Change the adjective in brackets to the comparative or superlative form. 1. “I think surfing is 2. The roads of Great Britain are _ (good) kind of sport,” said the sportsman. _____________(long) then paths of the National Park. 3. The week which the explorers spent in Snowdon was__________________(wonderful) time of their trip. 4. Winter in Russia is 5. What is_______ 6. What is_______ 7. What is_______ (cold) than in Northern Ireland. (bad) food for you? — Tomato soup. It’s too spicy for me. (large) building in Wales? — The Millennium Stadium, I think, (peaceful) thing your mum does? — Gardening. 2^ Choose the correct answer. Example: Would you like to go surfing? — Of course, I would. I think it is. Yes, lots of them. I don’t know. Of course, I would. It’s beautiful. 1. How do you like Belfast? — ___________________________________ 2. Is it different from Cardiff? — ______________________________ 3. There are a lot of parks in Northern Ireland, aren’t there? — 58 UNIT 3 Section 4 4. Would you like to visit Edinburgh? — 5. Is Edinburgh a big city? — ______ 26jWrite a short story about your future visit to Northern Ireland. Use: historical museums, old castles and monuments, adventure camps, the best gardening climate in the world, modern or classic theatres / am going to visit one of the historical museums. I will learn new facts about shipbuilding. Section 5 2^ Fill in the table. к We are going to visit Scotland! Present Simple wear Past Simple wore Participle 11 worn Participle I wearing get take began written sleeping catch 28j Underline the word with a general meaning. Example: apple, orange, fruit, grapefruit, lemon 1. park, museum, hotel, city, garden, street 2. firefighter, businessman, job, artist, singer 3. kilt, clan, tartan, culture, bagpipe, parade 4. capital, country, city, centre, region 5. musician, drama, band, festival, dancer 29j Match the questions and the answers. 1. Have you been to Scotland? 2. Would you like to visit Edinburgh? 3. Did you take part in a Festival of Music and Drama? 4. Has your father ever worn a kilt? 5. Has she heard the bagpipes before? 6. Are they going to take part in the Grand Parade? a) No, he hasn’t. b) No, she hasn’t. c) Yes, I would. d) No, I didn’t. e) Yes, they are. f) No, I haven’t. Ш ЕЛ [!□ HD ED U UNIT 3 Sections 4 and 5 59 30j Make up your own dialogues and act them out. Use: — Would you like to visit ________________________________________________ — Of course, I would. — We are going to ________________________________________________________ — Great! — Tomorrow we’ll take part in_____________________________________________ — Fine! 31) Put in the missing words. Use: myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves 1. The old woman cooked these tasty cakes by__________________ 2. Have you decorated the Christmas tree by_______________? It’s wonderful. 3. They enjoyed_________________at the disco. 4.1 think her nephew will buy presents by________________ 5. Can I take another piece of cake? — Of course, help 6. I’ve done it by________________ 7. Look! The cat is washing_________________ 32 J Answer the questions. Use: herself, ourselves, myself, himself, themselves 1. Who wrote the composition for you? — I did ______ 2. Who told you about the picnic? — Alice told me 3. Who is the old man talking to? — He is talking 4. Did Tom help his brother to build the house? — No, they 5. Shall I buy the postcards? — No, we ______________________ Match the sentences. _ Be polite! 1. May I have a glass of juice, please? 2. Hello, Billy, happy birthday! 3. What a nice party! We like dancing so much. 4. I’m going on an expedition tomorrow. a) Good luck! Take care of yourself! b) Of course, you may. Help yourself! c) Thank you, come in. Make yourself at home! d) Enjoy yourself! 34 j Complete the sentences about Scotland. Use the information from Student’s Book Ex. 92, page 99. 1. Scotland is the most northern part of____________ 2. Edinburgh is the capital and the_________________ 3______________________is the highest mountain in the Highlands. of Scotland. 4. There are a lot of 5. Aberdeen is the _ between the green hills. centre. 6. Glasgow is the most well-known 60 UNIT 3 Section 5 Section 6 I What do you know about famous British people? __-_______^_________________________________________________._____ 35 j Fill in the gaps. Use the example. Example: writer — to write; gardener — a garden teacher — poet — _ worker — librarian — politician — driver —______ businessman — scientist —_____ actor —_________ builder — musician -lawyer — musician — traveller — _ artist —______ sailor — 3^Match the words and description. UNIT 3 Section 6 — having the duty (обязанность) of looking after someone or something 5S — having or showing good manners — fond of being with other people; friendly — a person with a quick and clever mind — feeling love — not needing (не нуждающийся) other things or people — doing what one is ordered (приказано) to do шишшвшшштвт тттш 61 38 Translate from Russian into English. 1. Она сыграла главную роль в известном фильме. 2. У этого популярного актера много наград? 3. Эта молодая писательница написала увлекательную книгу. 4. Этот талантливый спортсмен выиграл соревнование. 5. Я хочу установить мировой рекорд в гонках на карте. 39jPut in the missing words. Use: know, was born, about, age, well-known, celebrate, died, the eldest, was fond, favourite Robert Burns, a well-known and popular Scottish poet, was born in 1759. Burns________________in a poor farming family. There were seven children in it. Robert was _______________Robert read a lot. He________________of reading. His______________writer was Shakespeare. At the of 15 he began to write poems. He wrote people and everyday things. Robert Burns wrote the words of the song “Auld Lang Syne”. Scottish people sing this song when they______________the 1st of January, New Year’s Day. R. Burns_______________in 1796. People all over the world______________and love his poems. PS 40JChoose one of the famous British people and write about him / her. Stick on his / her photo. Use the plan: 1. Dates of birth (death) 2. Family 3. Occupation 4. What is he / she famous for? 5. Why do you like him / her? 62 UNIT 3 Section 6 Section 7 your free time 41 jRead the words with the sound [5]. Circle the words with this sound. al@ough, youth, with, think, another, bother, thrilling, without, south, which, clothes, zebra, healthy, either, feather, sledge, further, strength, mother, theatre, together 4^ Put in the missing words. 43 J Write down words matching with hobby, sport, game, music, unusual play hobby ____________ ) game popular sport modern music 63 44ja) Match the word combinations. playing doing listening to driving reading making taking visiting chatting on watching browsing j photos relatives I TV programmes I models of ships or cars the phone books sport the Internet computer games music a kart b) Fill in the table. Write what activities you like and dislike. Hike® playing computer games I dislike ® visiting relatives 45jPut in the prepositions in, of, from, into, for. C. S. Lewis was one He wrote a lot____ _____the most popular writers books________children. Lots _ _ Great Britain. people__________different countries enjoy reading his fantasy books. He is the author _____some well-known novels which are called “The Chronicles of Narnia”. The most famous book_____________C. S. Lewis is “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”. It was translated__________English_________Russian__________ 1978. •* 46j Ask questions about the sentence. Some children don’t get on well with their relatives. Read the messages about their problems. Give them a piece of advice. Use: I think you should... You mustn’t... Try to get on well with your... Don’t tell lies... Tell the truth... Don’t keep secrets from your... 64 UNIT 3 Section 7 t ♦ I need a room of my own. I don’t like sharing my room with my younger brother. When I am at school, he likes using my things: my guitar and my iPad. What should I do? My mum says I must go to bed on time. It is about 9 p.m.! I think it is too early for me. I would like to watch TV shows or play computer games for an hour or two. What should I do? I like to spend my free time with my friends. I don’t like doing housework. But my mum and my granny say I must have some responsibilities. I don’t like spending my free time washing the dishes and cleaning my room. Also I hate watering the plants when my granny is absent. I want to get rid of her flowers! What should I do? I, I like eating fast food from MacDonald’s. I like big sandwiches, pizza, chips. I always tell my mum that I spend money on healthy food during breaktime at school. I know it is very bad to tell lies and eating such food is not good for my health. What should I do? Reading for pleasure 1 jRead the beginning of the story “The Cat that Walked by Himself’ by J. R. Kipling. Say who became the First Friend of the Man. О PART I nee upon a time, all the Domestic animals were wild. The Dog was wild, and the Horse was wild, and the Cow was wild, and the Sheep was wild, and the Pig was wild. They lived in the Wet Wild Woods. But the wildest of all the wild animals was the Cat. He walked by himself, and all places were alike to him. Of course, the Man was wild till he met the Woman. She told him that she did not like living in his wild ways. She picked out a nice dry Cave, she strewed* clean sand on the floor, she lit^a nice wood fire at the back of the Cave, and she said, “Now we’ll keep house.” * strewed — насыпала ^ lit — разожгла Out in the Wet Wild Woods, all the wild animals gathered together where they could see the light of the fire a long way off, and they wondered what it meant. Then Wild Horse stamped with his wild foot and said, “O my Friends and О my Enemies, why have the Man and the Woman made that great light in that great Cave, and what harm will it do us?” Wild Dog lifted up’ his wild nose and smelled the smell of roast mutton, and said, “I will go up and see and look, and say; for I think it is good. Cat, come with me.” “No!” said the Cat. “I am the Cat that walks by himself, and all places are alike to me. I will not come.” “Then we can never be friends again,” said Wild Dog, and he trotted off to the Cave. But when he had gone a little way, the Cat said to himself, “All places are alike to me. Why should I not go too and see and look and come away at my own liking.” So he slipped after Wild Dog softly, very softly, and hid himself where he could hear everything. When Wild Dog reached the Cave, he sniffed the beautiful smell of the roast meat, and the Woman looked at him, and laughed, and said, “Here comes the first. Wild Thing out of the Wild Woods, what do you want?” Wild Dog said, “O my Enemy and Wife of my Enemy, what is this that smells so good in the Wild Woods?” Then the Woman threw a bone to Wild Dog, and said, “Wild Thing out of the Wild Woods, taste and try.” Wild Dog ate the bone, and it was more delicious than anything he had ever tasted, and he said, “O my Enemy and Wife of my Enemy, give me another.” The Woman said, “Wild Thing out of the Wild Woods, help my Man to hunt through the day and guard this Cave at night, and I will give you as many bones as you need.” Wild Dog crawled^ into the Cave and laid his head on the Woman’s lap, and said, “O my Friend and Wife of my Friend, I will help Your Man to hunt through the day, and at night I will guard your Cave.” When the Man asked, “What is Wild Dog doing here?” The Woman said, “His name is not Wild Dog any more, but the First Friend, because he will be our friend for always and always and always. Take him with you when you go hunting.” “Ah! This is a very wise Woman, but she is not so wise as I am,” said the Cat. And he went back through the Wet Wild Woods waving his wild tail, and walking by himself But he never told anybody. ^ lifted up — поднял " crawled — вполз Look at the pictures and find the sentences in the text to describe them. 3 I Say who in the text... a) picked out a nice dry Cave, put clean sand on the floor and lit a nice wood fire in the Cave. b) said, “Why have the Man and the Woman made that great light in that great Cave, and what harm will it do us?” c) reached the Cave and sniffed the beautiful smell of the roast meat. d) asked, “What is the Wild Dog doing here?” e) went back through the Wet Wild Woods waving his wild tail. 4 JPut the sentences in the correct order from 1 to 6. __Wild Dog ate the bone, and it was very delicious. __The Cat went back through the Wet Wild Woods and never told anybody. __The Man will take the First Friend with him when he goes hunting. J- The Domestic animals were wild and lived in the Wet Wild Woods. __The Man lived in his wild ways till he met the Woman. __The Wild Cat slipped after the Wild Dog softly. 5 J Work in pairs. Read and act out the dialogue between the Dog and the Cat / the Woman and the Dog / the Man and the Woman. 6 J Retell the text from the point of view of a) the Man, b) the Woman, c) Wild Dog, d) the Wild Cat. 7 J Match the pictures with the texts (A — E). Then read the second part of the story in the correct order. Text A Next day, Wild Cow came up to the Cave, and the Cat followed, and hid himself just the same as before; and everything happened just the same as before; and the Cat said the same things as before, and when Wild Cow had promised to give her milk to the Woman every day in exchange for the wonderful grass, the Cat went back through the Wet Wild Woods waving his wild tail and walking by his wild lone, just the same as before. But he never told anybody. And when the Man and the Horse and the Dog came home from hunting and asked the same questions same as before, the Woman said, “Her name is not Wild Cow any more, but the Giver of Good Food. She will give us the warm white milk for always and always and always, and I will take care of her while you and the First Friend and the First Servant go hunting.” Text В Next night, when the Woman saw Wild Horse before the Cave, she laughed and said, “Here comes the second. Wild Thing out of the Wild Woods, what do you want?” Wild Horse said, “O my Enemy and Wife of my Enemy, where is Wild Dog?” The Woman laughed and said, “Wild Thing out of the Wild Woods, you did not come here for Wild Dog, but for this good grass.” And Wild Horse said, “That is true; give it to me to eat.” The Woman said, “Wild Thing out of the Wild Woods, bend your wild head and wear what I give you, and you shall eat the wonderful grass three times a day.” Wild Horse said, “O my Mistress, and Wife of my Master, I will be your servant for the wonderful grass.” Text C The Woman said, “I knew I was wise, but I did not know 1 was beautiful. So I will make a bargain* with you. If ever I say one word in your praise you may come into the Cave.” “And if you say two words in my praise?” said the Cat. “I never shall,” said the Woman, “but if I say two words in your praise, you may sit by the fire in the Cave.” “And if you say three words?” said the Cat. “I never shall,” said the Woman, “but if I say three words in your praise, you may drink the warm white milk three times a day for always and always and always.” Then the Cat went away through the Wet Wild Woods waving his wild tail and walking by his wild lone. Text D “Ah,” said the Cat, “this is a clever Woman, but she is not so clever as I am.” And he went back through the Wet Wild Woods, waving his wild tail and walking by his wild lone. But he never told anybody. When the Man and the Dog came back from hunting, the Man said, “What is Wild Horse doing here?” And the Woman said, “His name is not Wild Horse any more, but the First Servant, because he will carry us from place to place for always and always and always. Ride on his back when you go hunting.” Text E Next day, the Cat waited to see if any other Wild thing would go up to the Cave, but no one moved in the Wet Wild Woods, so the Cat walked there by himself; and he saw the Woman milking the Cow, and he saw the light of the fire in the Cave, and he smelt the smell of the warm white milk. The Cat said, “O my Enemy and Wife of my Enemy, where did Wild Cow go?” The Woman laughed and said, “Wild Thing out of the Wild Woods, go back to the Woods again, we have no more need of either friends or servants in our Cave.” The Cat pretended to be sorry and said, “Must I never come into the Cave? Must I never sit by the warm fire? Must I never drink the warm white milk? You are very wise and very beautiful. You should not be cruel to a Cat.” a bargain ['baigmj — соглашение [Щ [Щ [ID HD ЕП [ID 68 UNIT 3 Section 8 8 J Answer the following questions. 1. What did Wild Horse ask the woman about? 2. What did the Woman call the Wild Horse and why? 3. Who will the Woman take care of while the Man, the First Friend and the First Servant go hunting? 4. What did the Woman say when the Cat came to the Cave? 5. What bargain did the Woman and the Cat make? 9 J Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences. 1. Next night, when the Woman saw Wild a) “What is Wild Horse doing here?” Horse before the Cave, she laughed and b) we have no more need of either friends or said. servants in our Cave.” 2. When the Man and the Dog came back c) you may drink the warm white milk three from hunting, the Man said. times a day for always and always and 3. “Her name is not Wild Cow any more. always.” 4. “Wild Thing out of the Wild Woods, go 1 d) “Here comes the second. Wild Thing out back to the Woods again. < of the Wild Woods what do you want?” 5. If I say three words in your praise. e) but the Giver of Good Food. [Ш da [£□ HD ЕЛ 10 j Read the last part of the story and say why the Cat can drink the warm white milk three times a day. PART III The Cat went far, far away and hid himself in the Wet Wild Woods by his wUd lone for a long time till the Woman forgot all about him. Only the Bat that hung inside the Cave knew where the Cat hid; and, every evening, the Bat would fly to the Cat with news of what was happening. One evening the Bat said, “There is a Baby in the Cave. He is new and pink and fat and small, and the Woman is very fond of him.” “Ah,” said the Cat, listening, “but what is the Baby fond of?” “He is fond of things that are soft,” said the Bat. “He is fond of warm things to hold in his arms when he goes to sleep. He is fond of being played with. He is fond of all those things.” “Ah,” said the Cat, listening, “then my time has come.” Next morning, the Cat walked near the Cave till the Man and the Dog and the Horse went hunting. The Woman was busy cooking, and the Baby cried. So she gave him a toy to play with. But still the Baby cried. Then the Cat tickled the Baby under its chin with his tail. And the Baby laughed; and the Woman heard him and smiled. “A blessing on that Wild Thing whoever he may be,” said the Woman, “for I was busy this morning and he has done me a service.” That very minute and second the Cat was sitting inside the Cave. “O my Enemy and Wife of my Enemy and Mother of my Enemy,” said the Cat, “it is I: for you have spoken a word in my praise, and now I can sit within the Cave for always and always and always. But still I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me.” The Woman was very angry and shut her lips tight. “O my Enemy and Wife of my Enemy and Mother of my Enemy,” said the Cat, “I will show you a magic that shall make your Baby laugh as loudly as he is now crying.” “You will do so,” said the Woman, “but I will not thank you for it.” “Now,” said the Cat, “I will sing the Baby a song that shall keep him asleep for an hour. The Woman smiled and said, “That was wonderfully done. You are very clever, О Cat.” That very minute and second, the Cat was sitting quite close to the fire. Then the Woman was very angry but kept silence. Suddenly, a little mouse crept out of a corner and ran across the floor. “Oh!” said the Woman, and she jumped upon the footstool in front of the fire. “Ah,” said the Cat, watching, “then the mouse will do me no harm if I eat it?” “No,” said the Woman, “eat it quickly and I will ever be grateful to you.” The Cat made one jump and caught the little mouse, and the Woman said, “A hundred thanks. Even the First Friend is not quick enough to catch little mice as you have done. You must be very wise.” That very moment and second, the Cat was lapping up the warm white milk. “O my Enemy and Wife of my Enemy and Mother of my Enemy,” said the Cat, “it is I; for you have spoken three words in my praise, and now I can drink the warm white milk three times a day for always and always and always. But still I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me.” Then the Woman laughed and set the Cat a bowl of the warm white milk. But when the moon gets up and night comes, he is the Cat that walks by himself, he goes out to the Wet Wild Woods waving his wild tail and walking by his wild lone. lljSay why... a) the Cat decided to come to the Woman again. b) the Woman spoke a word in the Cat’s praise, and he could sit within the Cave. c) the Woman smiled and said, “That was wonderfully done. You are very clever, О Cat.” d) the Woman jumped upon the footstool in front of the fire. e) the Woman laughed and set the Cat a bowl of the warm white milk. 12j Who said the following lines? 1. “There is a Baby in the Cave.” 2. “Ah, then my time has come.” 3. “I was busy this morning and he has done me a service.” 4. “I will sing the Baby a song that shall keep him asleep for an hour.” 5. “Now 1 can drink the warm white milk three times a day for always and always and always. 13 ; Complete the sentences. 1. Every evening the Bat flew to the Cat... a) with little mice from the Cave. b) with words in his praise from the Woman. c) with news of what was happening in the Cave. 2. The Baby laughed because... a) the Cat spoke a word in the Woman’s praise. b) the Cat tickled the Baby under his chin with his tail. c) the Woman was very fond of him. 3. When the moon gets up and night comes, the Cat... a) goes out to the Wet Wild Woods waving his wild tail. b) sings the Baby a song that keeps him asleep. c) sits quite close to the fire and drinks the warm white milk. 14jTell the story from the point of view of: a) the Woman, b) the Cat, c) the Bat. Use; to have got a Baby, to be fond of him, to be busy cooking, to give the Baby a toy, to cry for a long time, to play with the Baby, to sing the Baby a song, to speak a word in the Cat’s praise, to run across the floor, to be grateful to the Cat, to set the Cat a bowl of the milk, to go out to the Wild Woods 70 UNIT 3 Section 8 ^''Let's read our favourite British books!" Your class is going to give a presentation about some famous British writers and create a short play in your English lesson. Think about some famous British writers and their most popular books. What are they famous for? Work in groups of 4-5 to complete the steps. Step 1 As a group, think about some famous British writers and what books they wrote / have written. Make a list. Choose one writer, ask each other these questions and give a presentation about this famous writer. Who is (was) When was he / What is (was) Which of his / What is your he / she? she born? special about her famous favourite book When did he / she live? him / her? books do you know? written by him / her? Step 2 Step 4 Choose one of this writer’s books. Find an interesting extract from the book. Write a short play about this extract. Choose a role: 1) director, 2) costume designer, 3) set designer, 4) scriptwriter, 5) main character. Ask these questions: • Who are the main characters in the play? • What costumes will they wear? • What do the sets look like? • What happens in the play? Put on a performance for your classmates. Set the scene for them. Tell your classmates which story and famous writer you have chosen, and why. Step 5 Step 3 Discuss your ideas for the play. The scriptwriter will write down your ideas. Include the answers to the questions in Step 2. Prepare a short script together. Design a page for your class album with the title “The famous British writer and his / her books” to show your schoolmates. Include the sets, characters, costumes and some lines from your script. Step 6 Make a special page about your performance for your school website. Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) • The Elephant’s Child • The Cat that Walhed by Himself • Mowgii’s Brothers • Rihhi-Tihhi-Tavi • How the Camel got his Hump • How the Whale got his Throat The famous British writer and his boobs! UNIT 3 Project 71 Sections 1-3 . - - . 1 Ja) Match the words to make phrases. (to) have (to) celebrate (to) make (to) do (to) connect (to) get people some experience Christmas some trouble the shopping a mistake b) Complete the sentences with the new word combinations in the correct form. Example: During our visit to Ireland, we had trouble understanding people there. 1. We are a close family, and we always________________together. My favourite is Christmas. 2.1 didn’t___________________in the Maths test last week. So I’ve got an excellent mark! 3. What can___________________ 4, My sister likes to ____________from different countries? — A common (общий) project. ____________________She spends all her free time in shopping centres. 5. If you take part in our project, you will_____________________in creating computer games. Score:_______(10) Complete the letter. Use: thrilling, clover, experience, e-xplorer, brings, changeable, trouble Belfast, UK Pear Раппу, Thank you For your letter. I didn't know that you are a real explorer! I ayn going to tell you about yny amazing________________travelling. A month ago I took part in a trip around Belfast. We went hiking and slept in tents. At first, it wasn't very comfortable to sleep in the tents. But later, I didn't have any________________sleeping in the tent. Paring the trip, the weather was_________________________Although it was usually rainy and cool in the morning, it was sunny and warm later during the day. The whole trip was_________________________We visited places which tourists very rarely visit, enjoyed the lovely countryside and took lots of photos. Paring the trip, I found a four-leaf______________________They say it________________________good luck, so maybe one day I'll become a real explorer, too! Please, write more to me more about your trips and adventures! VJhere are you going to next summer? Best wishes, Fred ^ ~ ■ Score:_______(6) Write down the dates. Example: My granddad was born in ... (1949).— My granddad was born in nineteen-forty nine. 1. When are Olympic Games going to be in Sochi? — In _________________________________ (2014) 2. This ancient town was discovered in _______________________________________________ (1898) 72 UNIT 3 Test yourself 3. Our museum’s first exhibition happened in 4. Worcester Cathedral was opened in ________ 5. When was this castle built? I’m not sure, around Score: (1909) (1084) (1723) — (5) 4 J Complete the interview. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Present Perfect. Students from our school took part in a conference in London. They have just returned from British conference. Tom is the head of our group. We asked him some questions about the conference. I: Tom, how____________________(take part) in the conference? Tom: All the conference participants____________________(win) a quiz competition on the website of the International Explorers’ Club a month ago. There___________________(be) students from all over the world. I: Sounds great! What_____ (do) at the conference? Tom; We had a great time at the conference: we not only (discuss) different traveler’s stories and (exchange) our experience, we also I: __________________(visit) several famous places of interest. And even (spend) a night in an ancient castle. __________________you_____________________(be) to London before? Tom: No, it was my first time. And the trip was thrilling! I: What_____________________(enjoy) best? Tom: At the end of the conference all the participants_________ the Day of the Explorer. It was amazing! My friends (celebrate) a holiday — ____(share) photos from this event already. You can find them on our school website. I: Thank you, Tom. We wish you good luck and new competitions! Score: (12) ^5j Complete the questions for the answers. Example: Where ...? — Kathryn spent her summer in Brooklyn.— Where did Kathryn spend her summer? 1. What_____________________________________________________________________ — The symbol of Scotland is the thistle. 2. What_____________________________________________________________________ — lack has just visited Liverpool. 3. When_____________________________________________________________________ — Jack didn’t enjoy doing quiz last week. 4. Who________________________________ — Mary posted an extraordinary comment a week ago. 5. Where____________________________________________ — They are going to celebrate this custom in the old part of the town. Score: (5) 35-31 30-26 25-21 < 20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! Test yourself Sections 4-7 1 j Complete the sentences with the correct jobs. Example: This famous ... is always on TV in the evening programs, a) chemist showma^ c) diver 1. Look how beautifully this ... is moving, a) musician b) dancer c) explorer 2. What ... created the music for this film? a) actor b) showman c) composer 3. My brother is a good ..., he’s had several concerts already, a) pianist b) artist c) scientist 4. Who is the most famous British ... ? — William Shakespeare, I think, a) writer b) sportsman c) astronaut 5. I think you’ll be a_You count so fast and Maths is your favorite subject. a) politician b) driver c) businessman 2 Complete the letter. Use: world, soon, leading, competition, astronaut, drove Score: (5) Dear Nelly. Your \aet letter wae exiting. I'm eo q\ad that you won a school swimming competition. Congratulations! Maybe, one day, you will ^et a_________________record. My class and I went to the sports centre last week. I__________________a fast kart! It is a small car. I wore a helmet and a special uniform. It was fantastic! S>y the way. you remember Billy, my younger brother, don't you? tie's so funny. He wanted to become an____________________and travel in space last year. And this year he has a__________________role in our school theatre play! Would you like to visit us? It would be lovely. Take care of yourself. Write to me__________________ Tiffany Score: 3 {Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: We.......to play tennis tomorrow. (^a^aren’t goin^ b) don’t do c) didn’t go 1. This famous sportsman ... world records every year! a) broke b) break c) broken 2. Listen! The sisters ... that beautiful song again, a) sang b) will sing c) are singing 3. My school football team.....a competition last month. a) doesn’t win b) haven’t won c) didn’t win 4. My little brother always ... to sleep on time when he was a school boy. a) went b) goes c) will go (5) 74 UNIT 3 Test yourself 5. ... you ... to be an actor? a) Are ... going b) Will ... go c) Have ... gone 6. My favourite actress ... in Titanic movie. Have you seen it? a) starred b) star c) will star 7. — ... you take part in the project? — I haven’t decided yet. a) Did b) Do c) Will 8. — ... you already ... this book by J. Kipling? — Yes, would you like to take it? a) Are ... reading b) Have ... read c) Did ... read 9. He ... the leading role in the performance yesterday, a) hasn’t got b) doesn’t get c) didn’t get 10. I ... just ... this book. It’s really worth reading, a) have ... read b) will ... read c) am ... reading Score: Put in the right reflexive pronoun. Example: Travis wrote this song by himself. 1. Jack, please clean up your room by_____________ (10) 2. Did she draw this beautiful picture by____________? 3. This trip could be dangerous, take care of____________! 4. When my brother was 3 years old he couldn’t do anything by 5. Yesterday I hurt____________when I was riding a bike. 6. They are good cooks. They can cook everything by______________ 7. We arranged for Frankie’s birthday party by_____________ 8. Do you need my help? — No, thank you. I’ll do it Score: (8) than this one. (cosy) ^JPut the adjectives in the right form. Example: This winter is colder than the previous one. (cold) 1. Make yourself comfortable! Take that armchair, it is_______________ 2. That trip to Africa was_________________in my life! (dangerous) 3. Who is___________________: an elephant or a tiger? (strong) 4. The excursion to the British Museum was____________________than the one to the National Gallery, (interesting) 5. Watch out! My karate is 6. What! That’s the_________ ________than yours! (good) news ever! Are you sure that we won’t go on the excursion tomorrow? (bad) 7. William is______________ singer in our class, (talented) Score: (7) 35-31 30-26 25-21 < 20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! UNIT 3 Tesfyourself 75 Section 1 I Talking about an adventure holiday Would you like to feel the spirit of adventure? 1 J Put in the missing letters. adve____ture, exper__ence, un___nown, extra____rdinary, inc___edible, b__ring, ord__nary, sa___ety, ex___iting, pra__tice, us__al 2 J Choose the opposites. Write them down in pairs. Example: slow — fast, to stop — to start a) dangerous, extraordinary, incredible, real, serious, polite, ancient, tall, handsome, athletic, strong, hard-working, obedient, noisy, unreal quiet, ordinary, safe, funny, short, non-athletic, weak, lazy, naughty, ugly, impolite, usual, modern b) to agree, to put on, to forget, to be right, to start, to repair, to love, to find, to close, to give, to sit, to talk to lose, to be wrong, to break, to open, to hate, to take, to stand, to take off, to keep silent, to stop, to remember, to disagree 3 j Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. all / for / collected / the necessary / We / things / camping /. 2. took / for / My / a / fishing / father / boat /. 3. sister / hiking / of / My / best / likes / of / all A 4.1 / being / countryside / love / in / the A 5. This / a / beautiful / river / into / lake / runs A 6. cross-country / summer / classmates / My / a / trip / last / arranged A 76 UNIT 4 Section 1 4 J Complete the table. Singular (one) flower Plural (two or more) flowers man women child mouse Singular (one) Plural (two or more) feet baby parties shelf wife 5 j Complete the sentences. 1. Some people___________always late, {is or are) 2.1 need my glasses but I can’t find_____________ {it or them) 3. I like your jeans? — Where did you buy______________? {it or them) 4.1 need__________new trousers, {a or a pair of) 5. I am going to buy 6. How many socks _ shorts tomorrow, {a or a pair of) _______in your backpack? {is or are) 7. I don’t like mice. I’m afraid of_________ {it or them). ^jLook at the pictures. Label the things you need when you are preparing for a camping trip. UNIT 4 SecHon 1 77 7 ja) You are going to take part in a cross-country trip in winter. Look at the list of clothes and write down what things you are going to take with you. b) Your friend is going to take part in a cross-country trip in summer. Look at the list of clothes and write down what things he / she is going to take with him / her. A list of things a blouse, trainers, a flash-light, a shirt, a cap, a coat, hiking boots, a dress, a jacket, jeans, mittens, sun glasses, a sweater, a compass, T-shirt, shoes, a wind-breaker, a tie, a tent, trousers, a sleeping bag, socks, a raincoat, a hat, a backpack, a map, a pullover, shorts, shoes, a skirt, gloves, a scarf 8 Match the words. Write five sentences with any of the word combinations. Example: I am fond of travelling. to be rich | at to be proud ^ of to be tired / for to be full 1 / out to be famous I / in to be different > / of to be fond —^ - for to look of to look from to look of ^9jFill in the gaps. Section 2 ^ Talking about the great explorers of the world lOjWho is “an explorer”? Write a definition of the word. Use the information from the Student’s Book, Ex. 27, p. 136. An explorer 11 jWrite the questions for the following sentence: Afanasy Nikitin travelled from Russia to India and described his trip in the book The journey beyond three seas. Who _ What What When Where ? ? ? ? ? ? 1^ Write three words (adjectives or verbs) for the nouns below. Use the example. Example: incredible extraordinary to have adventure expedition captain report explorer 13 j Put in the missing words. Use: height, absolutely, discovered, a trip, records, comfortable, inventors, exciting From the earliest times, people have wanted to fly. As long ago as the eighteenth century, people have experimented with travelling in balloons. In 1783, a group of__________________had success flying a balloon. Since then, scientists have __________________a lot about aeronautics and broken many_____________________in ballooning. By 1961, men were able to send a manned balloon to a___________________of 35 kilometres. Then in 1999, a balloon made___________________around the world for the first time. It took 19 days. Balloonists say that the bird’s eye view feels __________________and flying in a balloon is very __________________because it moves with the wind. Passengers feel__________________free. UNIT 4 Section 2 79 HJ Write the most important facts of James Cook’s biography. Use information from the text (Student’s Book, Ex. 31, p. 137). 1728 — he was born 1757 —_____________ 1763 —_____________ 1768 —_____________ 1772 — 1776 — 1779 — 15jTranslate from Russian into English. Заметки из дневника туриста Путешественники; прошли пешком 120 часов, примерно 300-350 км. пролетели на самолете во время девяти авиаперелетов 33 часа, в поезде путешествовали 6,5 дней. проехали в автобусах и автомобилях 81 час, около 4450 км. прожили в палатках 24 ночи, побывали в 22 городах. The notes from а tourist's diary The travellers: HQb What popular sports in Britain and Russia do you know? 16J Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. [Tutbo:!] —____________ ['msutska; .reisio] — ['skeitinl — rsli:ii3] - - mn-______________ [■krikit] -______ ['tenis] —_______ fbaut 'reisin] — [da:ts] —________ ['hD:s,reisio] — №пдпз] — — ['ais .hoki] — _ ['vnlibo:!! —_____ ['swimii}] —______ ['baedmintsn] — 80 UNIT 4 Sections 2 and 3 t \ 17j Write questions for these answers. Example: What British national sports do you know^ — The national British sports are: football, cricket, tennis and horseracing. 1. What_____________________________________________________________________________? — The Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London. 2. What_____________________________________________________________________________? — The biggest tennis competition takes place at Wimbledon every summer. 3. What_____________________________________________________________________________? — A traditional British game is cricket. 4. What_____________________________________________________________________________? — The most famous boat racing in England is between Oxford and Cambridge. 5. What_____________________________________________________________________________? — Football, ice hockey and volleyball are the most popular games in Russia. 6. What_____________________________________________________________________________? — Many people in Russia prefer to watch the evening sports news programme. 7. What_____________________________________________________________________________? — Skating is a very popular activity among Russian people. ISj Answer the following questions. 1. What games are popular in Russia? — ______________________________________________ 2. Are you fond of sport? — ___________ 3. Is sport important for your family? — I I 19 j Write about any sporting event you have visited. Use: to be fond of all kinds of sports, to become popular long ago, to be organised at school, to be different from championship, traditional game, to take pictures, interesting / thrilling / exiting 20jPut in the missing words. Use: can, run around, small, thought, from, swim, several Do you know what zorbing is? — It is an unusual kind of sport. In 1970, special balls were made for hamsters. Pet owners use them to protect their ___________________pets. In these balls pets can_________________the flat without danger of being lost or injured. In 1990, two young guys from New Zealand______________ funny to make such balls for people! And they made it UNIT 4 Section 3 that it would be very _________plastic. Now there 81 are_____________________kinds of zorbing. You____________________ the ball during winter or summer. You even can___________________ It’s a lot of fun but you always should listen to the instructor attentively! roll down a hdl, run inside _ in a zorb! Section 4 I ^ Exploring the water world's adventure ^Fill i in the table. Name of explorer Afanasy Nikitin The country he / she was born in Russia The journey of discovery India Vasco de G Christopher James Dmitry Sluchevskaya Alexandra Jacques Yves 2^ Complete the sentences. 1. Jacques Yves Cousteau was a____________________ 2. Together with a French engineer, Captain Cousteau. by profession. 3. During next 40 years Captain Cousteau with his team 4. “Calypso” was ___________________ 5. Captain Cousteau was an author of 6. The films of Calypso’s adventure _ 24jMatch the word combinations. Use the right prepositions. 25JTranslate from Russian into English. ^ Рекорды туризма Путешественники: побывали в трех частях света: в Европе, Азии, Америке, увидели самый большой мост и самую высокую башню, пересекли два океана: Атлантический и Тихий, проехали по двум самым большим странам мира: России и Канаде, видели самый красивый водопад Ниагара, ходили по самой длинной улице. British schoolchildren's records of tourism The travellers: 26ja) Read the text and complete the questions. A Whale A whale is the largest animal that has ever lived on Earth. They are even larger than the dinosaurs. They are not fish. They are very large mammals (млекопитающее животное) who live in the sea. They have lungs and they must breathe air to survive. The blue whale is 33 metres long and weights nearly 200 tones. It is larger than 23 elephants. It got its name from its blue-grey colour. Scientists think blue whales live for at least 80-90 years. They live in all the oceans of the world. Blue whales eat krill. Usually they need about 4 tones of food each day. The humpback (горбатый) whale is known for its beautiful singing. Scientists often use underwater microphones to record it. UNIT 4 Section 4 83 b) Complete and answer the questions. 1. Who__________________________________ the Earth? 2. Are they or 3. Who is larger or 4. How long live? 5. What usually eat? 6. What do scientists 27j'^ Write a short report “What I want to do when I grow up” к Welcome to festivals and holidays in Great Britain Land Russia i ^ -- ■ —'—^ I* —-- - ■ ■ ■ » gfc Section 5 2£jWhat are the holidays and special days in Russia and in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? Months January in Russia the New Year, Christmas in the United Kingdom February February — Pancake Day March AprU May June lily August September October November December New Year’s Eve, Christmas 84 UNIT 4 Sections 4 and 5 29jComplete the dialogue. Give three possible short answers. Write them down. Example: Have you decided where to play football? — Yes, 1 have. Have you read____________________________? — ___________________________ Have you finished_________________________ 30j Write your questions. eat pancakes _____________________________ ?_____ race with a frying pan ___________ throw a pancake in the air _______ organise a special day out _______ a celebration of the food grown _ give thanks for successful harvests 31J Write down some information about holidays: a) Today is the 9th of May. Write what you and your family have done today. Use: enjoy sunny and warm spring weather, remember the brave solders of our country, put flowers on the monuments Example: We have celebrated the most important Russian holiday. 1. 2. 3. b) Today is the 31st of December. Write what you and your family are doing now. Use: buy many presents, decorate the Christmas tree, buy coloured lights and decorations Example: We are cooking a special Christmas dinner. 1. _________________________________________________________ 2. 3. c) Remember 1st of September last year. Write what you and your classmates did. Use: run around in the school yard, draw funny pictures on the blackboard, meet old friends Example: We told each other about our summer holidays. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 3. d) Think about 8th Match next year. Write what you and your family will do. Use: send lovely spring cards, receive small funny presents, give beautiful flowers Example: We will think about our mothers and grannies. 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 3. UNIT 4 Section 5 85 32j Write five things you’ve learnt during your English lessons this year. Example: I’ve learnt new grammar rules. I’ve learnt how to introduce myself. Section 6 Reading for pleasure jjRead the beginning of the story and answer the question: Darr was a kind dolphin, wasnt he? Give examples to prove your answer. PART I Darr the dolphin lived in the clear blue waters of the Red Sea He was a very happy and playful dolphin, but he was also mischievous*. Darr loved to play tricks on the other creatures / that lived under the sea with him. One day, Aneesa, the octopus, was sorting out her yarn^ She had eight different colours of yarn on her eight different legs. It had taken her a long time to untangle^ them. Darr sneacked^ into Aneesa’s cave, swam right up behind her, and yelled^ “BOO!” She was so scared that she dropped all of the yarn and it fell into a big messy pile. In terror, she swam to the back of the cave to hide. Darr started to laugh. Aneesa saw that it was Darr who had scared her and that the eight colours of yarn were all mixed up into a tangled mess. “You’ll be sorry for this one day, Darr. Someday you’ll be in big trouble and I won’t help you!” she warned. mischievous [’mistfivas] — озорной, непослушный, вредный yarn [)шп] — нить, пряжа untangle [,лпЧаег)д1] — распутывать sneaked [sni:kt] — подкрался yelled [jel] — вопил, кричал и PART II A^nother time, Darr, the dolphin, swam into an oyster bed*. All of the oysters were sleeping, allowing time for their pearls to grow inside of them. Darr sneacked in quietly, gently opened each and every oyster, and took the pearls out. He switched them around and put different ones back into the wrong oysters. When he finished, he swam behind some coral to wait and watch. When Omar the oyster woke up and checked his precious pearl, he was sure that it wasn’t his. Amal the oyster did the same. Soon all the others were awake and checking their pearls, only to discover that none of them had their own. They began to get angry and started accusing^ each other of switching them, because theirs had been bigger and better. Darr couldn’t stand it any longer. He started laughing. The oysters stopped their arguing and looked angrily at Darr. Omar said, “One day, Darr, your dirty tricks will get you into big trouble.” Darr just laughed harder and harder and then swam _ | away. oyster bed ['oista] — устричная отмель accusing [a'kjuiziol — обвиняющий, осуждающий © PART III ne day Darr was swimming along quite merrily. He was thinking about all the funny tricks he had played on the others. He looked down at the seafloor and spotted Habib, the hermit crab*, sitting on a large rock, reading a book. Darr swam around, searching the sea bottom, and found a piece of fishing line. He bit some off, then sneaked up behind Habib and tied the line around his shell. Then he swam around the rock and went in front of him. What are you reading?” he asked the old hermit crab. “It’s called Moby Dicky'’ Habib answered. “Go away, young dolphin. You’re bothering me,” he continued. Darr teasingly- said, “No! I won’t go and you can’t make me!” Habib got very angry. “Why, you annoying pest\ I’ll show you that I can!” He moved to chase Darr off. When he jumped down off the rock to go after him, the fishing line pulled tightly and yanked"* Habib’s shell right off his back. Darr laughed hysterically. HA! HA! HA! hermit crab ['h3;mit ,kraebj — рак-отщельник ^ teasingly [tiizioli] — поддразнивал ^ pest Ipest] — неприятность, досада ■* yanked — порвалась 87 Habib looked back. “My shell! How will I ever get it back on? Гт too old for this. You are a bad dolphin. One day you’re going to get yourself into big trouble with all these dirty tricks. None of us will come to help you!” Habib was angrier than Darr had ever seen before. He started to laugh again, but stopped. It didn’t seem that funny anymore. But he still didn’t apologise, or even try to help Habib get his shell back on. Instead he just swam away. He did some other dirty tricks that day. He drew a bull’s-eye^ on Suhail, the starfish’s back. He put a clothespin on Ammar, the eel’s^ tail while he was sleeping. He even went so far as to put pink dye^ into Samir, the squid’s* ink. / ® bull’s-eye — мишень * eel [id] — угорь ^ dye [dai] — краска * squid [skwidj — кальмар I ^2jLook at the pictures. Find sentences from the text to describe each picture. ^jLook at the pictures and describe Darr. Use: big blue eyes, young, happy, playful, mischievous, naughty, loved to play tricks on the others ^4jRead the following sentences. Put them in the correct order. __ Habib looked back. “My shell! How will I ever get it back on? I’m too old for this. You are a bad dolphin.” __ When Omar the oyster woke up and checked his precious pearl, he realised that it wasn’t his. 2. Darr was a very happy and playful dolphin but he was also mischievous. __ Darr swam around, searching the sea bottom, and found a piece of fishing line. __ Aneesa was so scared that she dropped all of the yarn and it fell into a big messy pile. __ He didn’t apologise, or even try to help Habib. Instead he did some other dirty tricks that day. 5 J Say why... 1. It took Aneesa a long time to untangle the different colours of yarn. 2. Aneesa dropped all of the yarn and it fell into a big messy pile. 3. The oysters began to get angry and started accusing each other. 4. Habib got very angry and moved to chase Darr off. 5. Darr started to laugh again, but stopped. s» - a 88 UNIT 4 Section 6 г j^Say who said the following lines. “You’ll be sorry for this one day, Darr. Someday you’ll be in big trouble and 1 won’t help you!” “One day, Darr, your dirty tricks will get you into big trouble.” “What are you reading?” “Go away, young dolphin. You’re bothering me.” “One day you’re going to get yourself into big trouble with all these dirty tricks. None of us will come to help you!” ^JSay if you think the story will have a happy ending or not If so — How will Darr become a kind and polite dolphin? If not — What will happen to Darr? 8 j Read the end of the story and find out if you were right. k' I*i - PART IV /veryone under the Red Sea was mad at Darr the dolphin that day. He kept swimming along, thinking about his funny tricks. He didn’t see the net in front of him and swam right into it. His flippers* got caught. Darr began to struggle. The more he wiggled^, the more he got tangled. He began to squeaP. “Help me! Help me! I’m stuck! I got caught in a fishing net! Please, someone help me!” The oysters looked up from their bed and saw that Darr was stuck in the net. “Serves him right!” Omar cried out. “Leave him in there,” said Amal. The oysters ignored Darr’s cries for help. Aneesa the octopus had just untangled her yarn again. She had it all organised in her arms. She heard Darr crying out for help. “I’m not coming to help you, Darr,” she mumbled to herself. “You deserve it!” Ammar the eel, Suhail the starfish, and Samir the squid all heard the dolphin crying for help, but they didn’t care either. They’d all had enough of Darr’s dirty tricks. Habib the hermit crab had just gotten his shell back on when he heard Darr crying for help. “What’s that dirty-trick-playing-dolphin gotten himself into now? I warned him that he’d find trouble, and, well. I’m not going to help him.” Darr was terrified. He was getting very tired from all the wriggling about. “Please, help me someone, please. I promise that I’ll never do another dirty trick on anyone again.” Habib thought about it for a while. He swam up to Darr as he was hanging in the net. “Do you promise me that your trick-playing days are over forever?” he asked the dolphin. “I promise, Habib. I promise,” Darr assured him. “Well, you don’t deserve it, but I’ll help you,” Habib said. He swam around the net, took his sharp claws, and snipped'* it, freeing Darr. r- ‘ flippers I'flipaz] — плавники ^ wiggled [wigld] — извивался ^ squeal (skwi:l] — визжать, пронзительно кричать * snipped [snipt] — разрезал UNIT 4 Section 6 89 Habib and Darr swam down to the bottom of the sea. “I’m sorry, Habib. No more dirty tricks. I promise. Thanks for saving me,” Darr apologised. “Now, dolphin, you need to go and tell all the other sea creatures that you are sorry for what you did to them too. Then promise them that you’ll never do another dirty trick again,” Habib demanded of the dolphin. Darr agreed and spent the rest of the day swimming around the Red Sea, visiting the oysters and helping them sort out their pearls. He helped Aneesa octopus with her yarn and then swam off to see Samir the squid, Suhail the starfish, and Ammar the eel. He apologised to them all. One thing everyone knew was that life under the deep blue sea would never be quite the same again. 9 J Look at the pictures and put them in the correct order. 90 UNIT 4 Section 6 10JMatch the beginnings and endings of the sentences. 1. Everyone under the Red Sea was tired of 2. Darr began to squeal because 3. Nobody wanted to help the dolphin because 4. Darr went to see all the other sea creatures because 5. The dolphin spent the rest of the day swimming around the Red Sea because nn [Щ Ш [Ю a) he was sorry and promised them that he would never do another dirty trick again. b) they all had enough of Darr’s dirty tricks. c) he wanted to apologise to them all. d) Darr the dolphin’s tricks that day. e) he got caught in a fishing net. 11 Retell the story from the point of view of a) Darr, the dolphin, b) Aneesa, the octopus, c) Omar, the oyster, d) Habib, the hermit crab. Use: be very happy and playful, love to play tricks, start to laugh, be sorry for this one day, be in big trouble, nobody will help 12 iWhat do you think the main idea of the story is? Explain your opinion. 1. Don’t do harm to your neighbours. 2. It’s very good to make friends, not enemies. 3. It’s very difficult to ask for help if you have done bad things to your neighbours. 4. Actions speak louder than words. 5. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. Project j^n The International Explorers^ Club Flictis jntcresl V irvKu55^‘»a Sections 1-2 1 ja) Match the words to make phrases. • П (to) walk skills (to) provide ^4 [ hiking (to) develop 1 first aid (to) cook on foot (to) go our dog (to) travel 1 the meals 92 UNIT 4 Project and Test yourself b) Complete the sentences with the new word combinations. Example: I walk our dog every evening. It’s my duty. 1. My sister is a nurse. She taught me how to__________ 2. Every day practice can help you to__________of swimming. 3. Today it’s your turn to__________I spent yesterday in the kitchen. .? — A compass and comfortable boots first of all. 4. What things do I need to________ 5. I like to_________best of all. It is the healthy way to get to a place. 2 jComplete the text. Use: stop, boots, backpack, pair, trips, and, up Score: (10) Cross-country trips are always interesting. If you are going to spend some time in the countryside, read these helpful rules. First of all, collect together all the necessary things and put them into your______________There should be a compass, sun glasses______________ a flashlight. The main thing is your hiking___________ They should be comfortable. We also recommend taking a________________ of jeans and a jacket, just in case of rain. After some hours walking,______________to have a rest. In the evening, put____________your tents in a dry field and make a fire. We wish you all the best. First Adventure Team, Cambridge. Score: (6) 'Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: I the letter yet.— You should wait till tomorrow. (aj^aven’t got^ b) didn’t get c) won’t get 1. Martin ... back and forward at the moment. He is nervous about the game, a) will walk b) is walking c) has walked 2. My father ... a dog in the evening every day. a) walked b) is walking c) walks 3. I ... to bed at 9 p.m. I promise. Mum! a) am going b) will go c) have gone 4. We ... fishing with my uncle last month, a) don’t go b) didn’t go c) haven’t gone 5. — What ... you ...? Can we go for a walk now? — My homework. I’ll call you in half an hour. a) are ... doing b) do ... do c) did ... do 6. — The train to Oxford ... already .... The next is in half-an-hour. a) has ... gone b) is ... going c) will ... go UNIT 4 Test yourself 93 7. Му sister always ... mother to cook our meals, a) helped b) is helping c) helps 8. I ... all the exercises already. a) will do b) have done c) am doing 9. My classmates ... hiking last week, a) went b) go c) goes 10. At summer camp we ... on boats, I think, a) are sailing b) have sailed c) will sail 11. My elder brother ... many foreign countries yet. a) won’t visit b) hasn’t visited c) didn’t visit 12. ... you come to my birthday party on Saturday? a) Do b) Have c) Will ^^Ask questions for the following sentence. Example: How much does this T-shirt cost? — This T-shirt costs 1. Who__________________________________________________? - Score: (12) ten pounds. - Nick found some old coins during a hiking trip a week ago. 2. What_________________________ — I have got a flashlight and a sandwich in my backpack. 3. When___________________ 4. Where__________________ ?_____ green tent. 5. How many Stratford. 6. Why_______ The trip will be on Sunday. — George is in that ___? — I spent four days in down on the ground. 7. What_____________ — She is crying because she fell — My bike is black and yellow. Score: (7) 35-31 30-26 25-21 <20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! Test Yourself ^Sections 3-6 lAMi kinifa 1 j Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: I ... beautiful flowers to my teacher on the first of September last year, gave) b) miss c) sell 1. What do you always ... on a Christmas tree before the celebration? a) send b) put c) take 94 UNIT 4 Test yourself 2. Has Nick ... the final of the swimming competition? a) come b) reached c) chosen 3. Paul will ... his old friends again after the summer holidays, a) meet b) bring c) play 4. Mathew ... part in motor racing competitions, a) visits b) has c) takes 5. My sister ... a lovely Valentine’s Day card on the 14th of February, a) heard b) received c) begun 6. A group of students ... a lot of new friends during their stay in Cambridge, a) did b) made c) caught 7.1 want to ... a scientist or explorer, because I want to discover the secrets of nature, a) come b) bring c) become 8. — Whafs this? I can ... something tasty! — Mum is cooking an apple pie. a) smell b) swim c) spell Score:________(8) 2 Complete the text. Use: spread, physical, cricket, yourself, exciting, questions Correspondent: Timothy, would you mind answering some questions? Timothy: With pleasure. Correspondent: Do the British have any national sports? Timothy: I think________________is one. It became popular in the UK and then _______________throughout the world. Correspondent: Do you play it_________________? Timothy: Yes, I do. Our P.E. teacher organized a cricket school club where children can develop their_______________abilities. Correspondent: Do you take part in competitions? Timothy: Of course. Now I’m going to take part in the biggest competition of this year. Usually a lot of people come to watch the game. The game will be________________, I’m sure. Correspondent: I wish you luck. Timothy: Thank you. I’ll do my best. Score:________(5) 3 Read the descriptions and write the words. All words are nouns. Example: It is the most popular sports game in the world. foolbaH 1. It lives in the sea and has no bones. j______________ 2. This creature has eight legs and swims very well. о______________ 3. If it’s dark you can use is to find the way. f____________________ 4. It is a long and difficult trip for explorers. e____________________ 5. You keep your things in this during a hiking trip. r______________ Score:________(5) UNIT 4 Test yourself 95 4 J Complete the letter. Put the verbs in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Dear Mike, It's so great that your parents presented you with a new bike! You surely will have a lot of fun this summer. What about the weather? Is it good enough to drive? I am at sea camp. Here the weather_____________________(be) sunny and warm and the sun ____________________(shine). and (not / have) much time to answer, sorry. My friends _ (not / play) volleyball now. There is a short break so . (have) 5 minutes to answer your e-mail. There are children from all over the world at the camp. They________________________(learn) how to swim. This year I______________________(develop) my swimming and diving skills. The underwater world_________________________(be) very beautiful and unusual here. Every day, I_____________________(see) a lot of colorful fish and jellyfish. ____________________(hear) the whistle of the referee. The game is begining again! Oh, Write me soon. Best wishes, Jake Write questions for the answers. Example: Where John has never been^ — John has never been to Moscow. 1. When_______________________________________________________________ Score: (10) We remember the brave soldiers of our country on the 9th of May. 2. Who __________________________________________________ Ruth usually decorates their house with coloured lights. 3. When __________________ ________________________________ The weather is sunny and warm in spring. 4. What ________________________ Horseracing is an exciting and dangerous sport. 5. Where _______________________________________ William watched the game at the stadium. 6. How many ________________________________ A spider has eight legs. 7. Why ____________________ I would like to buy a new rucksack for my trip because the old one has holes (дырки) in it. Score:_______(7) 35-31 30-26 25-21 <20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! 96 UNIT 4 Test yourself Contents Unit 1 Launching the International Explorers' Club...............................3 Section 1 Welcome to the International Explorers’ Club!.......................3 Section 2 Meeting new friends.................................................6 Section 3 Speaking about the wonders of nature................................8 Section 4 Staying with a British family ......................................11 Section 5 An Englishman’s home is his castle..................................14 Section 6 Speaking about important British days ..............................16 Section 7 Reading for pleasure ...............................................20 Project “The International Explorers’ conference starts its work”.............25 Test yourself Sections 1-3....................................................26 Test yourself Sections 4-6 ...................................................28 Unit 2 Spending time together ................................................30 Section 1 Enjoying the weekend ...............................................30 Section 2 Speaking about animals...........................................33 Section 3 Help yourself! ..................................................36 Section 4 Speaking about British school ......................................38 Section 5 Reading for pleasure ............................................41 Project “Let’s cook a special dish for Christmas”.............................47 Test yourself Sections 1-2....................................................48 Test yourself Sections 3-4 ...................................................50 Unit 3 Learning more about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland..................................................52 Section 1 Would you like to take part in the international Internet project? .52 Section 2 What do you know about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? ...........................................54 Section 3 Let’s arrange a trip to England!!................................56 Section 4 Enjoying the countryside of Wales and Northern Ireland ..........57 Section 5 We are going to visit Scotland! .................................59 Section 6 What do you know about famous British people? ..................61 Section 7 Spending your free time .........................................63 Section 8 Reading for pleasure.............................................65 Project “Let’s read our favourite British books!” ............................71 Test yourself Sections 1-3...................................................72 Test yourself Sections 4-7 ..................................................74 Unit 4 Talking about an adventure holiday.....................................76 Section 1 Would you like to feel the spirit of adventure?..................76 Section 2 Talking about the great explorers of the world...................79 Section 3 What popular sports in Britain and Russia do you know? ..........80 Section 4 Exploring the water world’s adventure............................82 Section 5 Welcome to festivals and holidays in Great Britain and Russia ...84 Section 6 Reading for pleasure.............................................86 Project «Visit our school’s website “Welcome to Russia!”».....................91 Test yourself Sections 1-2...................................................92 Test yourself Sections 3-6 ..................................................94 The Publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce copyright material: “A Reading Good Time” by Margo Fallis.— https://www.electricscotland.com/kids/stories/roaring.htm. Extract reprinted by permission 20; “Fraser, the Christmas Dragon” by Margo Fallis.— https://www.electricscotland.com/kids/stories/xmas2.htm. Extract reprinted by permission 41; “Darr the Dolphin's Dirty Tricks” by Margo Fallis.— https://www.electricscotland.com/kids/stories/middleeast4.htm. Extract reprinted by permission 86 The Publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce images: © DIOMEDIA / Allstar Picture Library / Alamy 56; © DIOMEDIA / BNP Design Studio / Alamy 19; © DIOMEDIA / Historica / Library of Congress IS; © DIOMEDIA / imagebroker RF 65; © DIOMEDIA / imagebroker RM 19; © DIOMEDIA / Ingram Publishing 52; © DIOMEDIA / Plainpicture RM / Katarzyna Zommer 65; © DIOMEDIA / Plainpicture RM / Stephanie MViler 65; © DIOMEDIA / Red Circle Images RM 19; © DIOMEDI.^ / Westend61 RF / Roman Marzinger 65; © Fotolia / PhotoXPress.ru 4, 13, 15. 20, 22.25,32. 35, 37,47 (9 photos), 83