Английский язык 5-6 класс Биболетова Добрынина Трубанева рабочая тетрадь

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 5-6 класс Биболетова Добрынина Трубанева рабочая тетрадь - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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Издательство “Титул” выпускает единую линию учебно-методических комплектов (УМК) “Английский с удовольствием” / “Enjoy English” для обучения английскому языку: для 2-4 классов — “Enjoy English-Г, “Enjoy English-2” (Part 1. Part 2), книги для учителя, Прописи, рабочие тетради, аудиокассеты, сборник песен “Game-Songs” с аудиокассетой для 2-4 классов (новая редакция с июня 2006 года) — “Enjoy English” (2 класс), “Enjoy English” (3 класс), “Enjoy English” (4 класс), книги для учителя, рабочие тетради, аудиокассеты, CD MP3, сборник песен “Game-Songs” с аудикассетой для 5-6 классов — “Enjoy English” (5-6 классы), книга для учителя, книга для чтения для 6 класса, рабочая тетрадь, аудиокассета, видеокассета для 7 класса — “Enjoy English” (7 класс), книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь, аудиокассета, видеокассета для 8 класса — “Enjoy English" (8 класс), книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь, аудиокассета, видеокассета для 9 класса — “Enjoy English” (9 класс), книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь N° 1, рабочая тетрадь № 2 “Контрольные работы”, аудиокассета, видеокассета для 10 класса — “Enjoy English” (10 класс), книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь, CD MP3 Авторская программа “Enjoy English” (2-9 классы) По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”: 249035, г. Обнинск Калужской обл., а/я 5055, тел.; (48439) 9-10-09, факс; (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). ISBN 978-5-86866-362-8 9 785868 663628 > Издательство “Титул” М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанева Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику английского языка для 5-6 классов общеобразовательных учреждений ИЭДАТСЛЬСТвО т и т У л Т 1 Р и в L т 1 S и Н Е L R S 2007 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Б59 УДК 802.0(075.3) УМК “Английский с удовольствием” / “Enjoy English” (5-6 классы) состоит из следующих компонентов: • книги для учащегося • книги для учителя • книги для чтения для 6 класса • рабочей тетради • аудиокассеты • видеокассеты По вопросам приобретения УМК обращаться в издательство “Титул” по телефону; (48439) 9-10-09 (многоканальный) или по электрюнной почте: [email protected] (книга почтой), unrik@titul ru (оптовые покупатели). Биболетова М. 3., Трубанева Н. Н. Б59 Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику англ, яз. Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English для 5-6 кл. общеобраз учрежд.— Обнинск; Титул, 2007.— 80 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-362-8 Тетрадь содержит избыточное количество упражнений, а также занимательные задания для выполнения на досуге, что позволяет подходить к обучению английскому языку дифференцированно, учитывать интересы каждого ученика и его индивидуальный темп овладения языком. ББК81.2АНГЛ-922 Учебное издание Биболетова Мерем Забатсвна Трубанева Наталия Николаевна J Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику английского языка для 5-6 классов общеобразовательных учреждений Корректоры Г А. Киселева, Г П. Мартыненко. Дизайн макета и художественное редактирование: В. КиН. Обложка: В. С. Жеребцова. Художники: Н. А Валяева, В. С. Жеребцов. О. В. Перова. Цифровая обработка изображений Л. Н. Новоселова. Лицензия ИД № 00416 от 10.11,99. Санитарно-эпидемиологическое заключение о соответствии санитарным правилам РФ №Д.001037.02.07 ОТ 05.02.2007. Подписано в печать 21.09.2007. Формат 60x84/8. Гарнитура “Таймс". Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная Уел. печ. л. 9,33 Уч.-изд. л. 5,8. Уел. кр.-отт. 10,27. Тир. 30000 экз. Зак. № 3193. Издательство “Титул". 249035, г. Обнинск Калужской обл., а/я 5055. Тел, (48439) 9-10-09. E-mail [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). ОАО Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР", 170040, г. Тверь, пр. 50 лет Октября, 46. it ISBN 978-5-86866-362-8 © Биболетова М. 3„ Трубанева Н. Н., 1999 © Издательство "Титул", дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 1999 UjJJT-J: Hello! Nice to See You Again! SECTION 1 1. a) Fill in the letters. Read the English proverb (пословица) m Li <> 0 -k g — к — °-IZI Li b) Choose the Russian proverb with the same meaning (c тем же значением). 1) He откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня. 2) Терпение и труд все перетрут. 3) Делу — время, потехе — час. c) Why does your workbook begin with this proverb? 2. Cross out the odd word (вычеркни “лишнее” слово): 1) English. German. Russian. Britain. Italian. French 2) Science, History, Christmas, Maths, Physical Education 3) day, week, language, year, month, minute 4) second, fifteenth, first, third, eleventh, last 3. Make up words. Example: h, g, e, n, s, i, 1 — English 1) e, i, s, c, n, e, c —............................................................... 2) t, y, h, s, i, o, r —............................................................... 3) a, m, d, r, a —..................................................................... 4) s, a, t, h, m —..................................................................... 5) f, o, i, r, a. n. m, t, i. n, о —................................................... 6) s, i, 1, p, a, h, y, c —............................................................ 3 4. Read the words. Find and circle 3 words with the sound [d]. Example: health, three, mother thank, Thursday, third, with, mouth, bathroom, neither, healthy, think, something, this, thin, truth, birthday 5. a) Read the names of the subjects. Write them down in two columns (в две колонки): P.E., English Language, Maths, Information Technology, Art, Science, History, Russian Language, Drama. Russian Literature, French, Drawing, German, Geography At a British School English Literature ^ Wlinil innD At a Russian School Russian Language b) Match the subjects and the activities. Subjects Maths RE. Science An English History I.T. What we do at the lessons work hard read interesting textbooks learn how to use computers do experiments study events (события) in the past ■solve difficult problems draw and paint pictures answer the teacher's questions translate texts discuss different problems learn poems by heart run, jump and play 6. Answer the questions. Write down your short answers. Example: — Do British students wear a uniform? — Yes, they do. Questions Answers 1) — How long does a lesson last in British and Russian schools? —........... 2) — What are the favourite colours for school uniforms in Britain? —........ 3) — Which is the first foreign language at schools in Britain? — 4) — What other languages do British students study at school? — 5) — How many holidays do British students have? —. 6) — What are these holidays? —......................... 8. 7) — Do you wear a uniform? —............. 8) — Would you like to wear a uniform? —. Choose the right verb. Circle it. Example: \ ... this English poem by heart yesterday, a) learn b) learnt c) will learn 1) Tomorrow she ... this text into Russian. a) translates b) translated c) will translate 2) This year my sister often ... good marks in English. a) gets b) got c) will get 3) The children ... English very soon (скоро). a) .speak b) spoke c) will speak 4) They ... a lot of questions last Monday. a) ask b) asked c) will ask Make up a dialogue. Number the sentences in the correct order (пронумеруй реплики), □ - I'm in the fourth form. And you? I I — It’s OK. All students wear uniform in our school. What about you? I — What form are you in? ^ — Oh. m some Russian schools students wear it. But we don’t. Are there any new subjects in your timetable? — I’m in the fifth form. I see you are in a uniform. Do you like it? — Yes, there are some. I hope they will be not boring (скучные). SECTION 2 9. Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. Example: (’злтэ) - summer ['ft)rinl................ I'laeogwicfej ....................... ['saiansj................ I'SAbc^ikt).......................... |mae0s].................. [pi:|................................ [weal.......... [Tizikalj...... Iiinfa'meijanl 10. Choose the words with the sounds [ei], [i:], [a]. Write them down. please, nickname, ask, by heart, answer, just, happy, read, great, information, teacher, drama, sometimes, she, break, today, art [ei] nickname............................................................................. [i:] please,.............................................................................. [a:] ask,................................................................................. 11. Label (подпиши) the things you use at school. 12. Put in the words: school, P.E., play, well, lessons, favourite. 1 like to go to............ on Tuesdays. We have two................. of.............. on Tuesdays. P.E. is my............ lesson. 1 like to run. Jump and.............. basketball. 1 can play basketball very ............. 13. ifSt Put in the missing (пропущенные) words. We have English on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. At our English lessons we ............... English, translate from Russian ........ English, ask and answer................. copy new words, sing........, play funny games and.........poems by heart. But our................. gives us a lot of...............I enjoy learning English...............I don’t like to.... homework. But on Fridays there ...... no homework. I like English ............ on Fridays. 14. Match the sentences. 1) What will the English teacher ask you about today? — Nice to meet you. I’m Peter. 2) Who’s Jason? — Yes. very good. 3) Is she good at English? ^ OK. 4) Let’s go to school together.. — Maybe about holidays. 5) What’s her nickname? — No idea! 6) Hello! I’m Jason. — Our new classmate. 15. Make up sentences and write them down. Example: Exercise 2 / difficult / exercise 5.— Exercise 2 is more difficult than exercise 5. 1) My T-shirt / big / your T-shirt.—................................................ 2) His homework / difficult / her homework.—........................................ 3) My father / old / my mother.—........ 4) Their workbooks / thin / their textbooks.— 5) The road / long / the path (тропинка).— 6) History / easy / Maths.—.................. 7) My new nickname / funny / your nickname. 8) Art lessons / interesting / I.T. 16. Put in speak, tell or say in the correct form. 1) On the first of September our teacher............; “You will wear a very nice uniform this year.” 2) What languages do you ...............? — English and Italian. 3) Would you like to .............. me about your summer holidays? 4) Don’t ..............so loudly, please. 1 can hear you very well. 5) When I was a kid my grandmother................. me fairy-tales every night. 6) Charles............. that he likes the new subjects at school. 17. Translate from Russian into English. 1) Мальчики часто бегают между партами на переменах.—................................. 2) Моя сестра редко получает плохие отметки.- 3) На уроках мы узнаем много нового (new things).- 4) Почему ты задаешь много вопросов? —, 5) Не разговаривайте громко! —.............................. 6) Ты соскучился по своим старым школьным друзьям за лето? 7) В пятом классе у нас каждый день 6 уроков.- 18. Fill in the gaps with verbs in the correct form: c Last weekend my mother and father (go) ............to the country (see) __________ my grandfather and grandmother. I (be) ...........at home alone. I (play) ........... computer games, (do) ........... my Maths and foreign language homework, (draw) .........a nice picture for my Art lesson on Monday. Soon I (feel) ........hungry. But there (be)...........nothing (eat)...........in the fridge (холодильник). So I (go).........to the shop. I (buy)...........lots of food: It's nice (be)........at home alone. Next Sunday my family (go) ...........to their friends. And I (stay)..........at home again. 19. Write about your first day at school this year. Use the expressions in exercise 17 of the Student’s Book, page 11. SECTION 3 20. Guess what Jack’s favourite subject is. Do a crossword puzzle. 1) Live and ... .(a proverb) 2) Al ... Technology students learn how to use computers. 3) ... is a woman or a man who teaches you. 4) Barbara’s students enjoyed learning ... . 5) The boys often ... and Jump between the desks during the break. 6) Children draw and paint in their ... lessons. 7) Don’t ... lies. 8) Do you wear a ... at school? 9) I think it’s dull to ... these poems. 10) Will you ... this grammar rule? 234567 89 10 21. Match the opposites (слова, противоположные по смыслу) or near opposites. Write them down in pairs. Example: late — early Cjo Stt^ put on^ (^sometirne^ the count^^ 22. Fill in the table. Ideal Pupil Ideal Teacher Characteristics clever nice What should (должен) do in the lessons ask clever questions ask and answer clever and silly questions What shouldn’t do in the lessons prompt (подсказывать) give only good marks 23. a) Read what Barbara Grey says about a typical (типичный) working day. / usua/fy get up at 7 o’clock. / walk to school. / have 5 or 6 lessons a day. I teach 10-year-old pupils. In the lesson we speak English, ask and answer questions, read and translate, play games and write tests. I give only good marks. My pupils don’t prontf>t in the lessons. When I get home I’m always tired. / cook dinner for my family. I don’t go for a walk in the evening. I watch TV and I go to bed at about 11 o’clock. I always sleep well. b) Yesterday was a typical working day for Barbara. Write what she did or didn’t do yesterday. She got up at 7 o’clock. ... 24. Write down 7 questions you could ask your teacher in the lesson. Example: May 1 go out? ^ Can I sit near the window? U 1) ■ ' 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 25. Choose the correct preposition. Circle it. Example: We can speak and read English after / before / in our three-month break. 1) They invited us at / to / in London. 2) Who takes care about / for / of your pet? 3) Did you meet anyone interesting at / in / during Summer school in Britain? 4) In the evening my family likes to sit near /about / at the fireplace and tell stories or read fairy-tales. 5) What do you usually do in / at / during your science lessons? 6) Will you go abroad at / on / in October? 7) My best pen-friend is from / out of / in Britain. 10 SECTION 4 26. Do the crossword puzzle. Find 8-10 verbs on the topic “School”. Write them down. 1 d 1 r a w r i t e 1 e a r n e w e u c 0 p У b a g d i s c u s s d f t У p e n к о t e a g e t g о e P 0 e m a r к 1 e s s 0 n к с 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 27. Match. Make up 5 sentences with these words. friends 1) care of spend holiday miss English lesson 2) go pictures take weekends abroad shopping 3) 4) . 5) . 28. Put in the prepositions in, from, of, about, to, for, with if needed. Dear Harry, Thank you.........your letter. It was so nice to hear.....you! I would like to tell you ....... my weekend ..........the country......... last Sunday I went ...... my grandma ....... my parents. We missed ......... her very much. She lives ......the country in a house of her own. She was very glad to see us. I took a lot...pictures......my family and......... myself.........the evening we made a fire and sang old Russian songs. When you come here.....next time we'll visit...my grandma..........you. Please, write............ your weekend. ^ Best wishes.......us all. Your Maxim 11 29. Ask questions about the sentence: Mrs Grey described our students and showed our photos in her school. Example: Whom did Mrs Grey describe? 1) Who....................................................................................? 2) What students........................................................................? 3) What did..............................................................................? 4) .......................................................................................? 5) .......................................................................................? 30. Put in the words; at home, made, skate, holidays, skied, snowballs, enjoyed, fine. I spent my winter.................... in the country. The weather was....................... 1....................in the forest. My friend and I went to the river to.................... Sometimes we played ...................... and .................... snowmen. When it was cold I stayed...................... read books, watched TV. 1................... my winter holidays. 31. Complete the sentences: In July my parents and 1 went to ...................... It's a nice town at the seaside. The weather was.............and...............We..............and..............in the Black Sea. 1 enjoyed playing ........................... and .............. with my friends. We took .................pictures. In the..............we went for a walk and....................... I enjoyed my summer.................. We Are Going to Travel SECTION 1 1. Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. ['stjudentj.................................. [o'kDma'deiJan)............................. [in'vaitl.................................... Cpraugraem] ................................ ['pa.tna).................................... [kostsl..................................... [gru:p| ..................................... I,edju'keij3n3l]............................ ('saujal].................................... 2. Write down the words from exercise 1 in alphabetical order (в алфавитном порядке). 3. Complete the questions. Use exercise 1 in the Student’s Book. 1) What groups does the Head Teacher.................................................? 2) When....................... the Head Teacher propose to........................? 3) Where...................... the children..........................................? 4) Who will be....................................... for the costs of accommodation? 5) Who........................ responsible for the......................... programme? 4. Match the words with similar meanings (похожие no смыслу). Write them down. Example: say — tell say, do, start, organise, picnic, begin, p.m., trip, dress, learn, tell, arrange, party, afternoon, travel, uniform, study, make 13 5. Ask questions about the sentence: The Head Teacher proposed that we come to his school for 15— 20 days in April. 1) Did..........................................................................? 2) Who..........................................................................? 3) Where........................................................................? 4) When......:.................................................................? 5) How long................................................................. for? 6. Translate from Russian into English: 1) Обычно мальчики расставляют стулья к уроку английского языка.—.............. 2) У вас интересная культурная программа. 3) Мы можем пригласить на урок драматического искусства группу учащихся (студентов) из 11 человек.—............................................. 4) Ты останешься после математики? —. 5) Мальчики из нашей школы условились встретиться в 2 часа дня.—. 7. Put in the missing words. local, partners, group, responsible, stay, social programme Dear guests! Welcome to our school stadium today. Our....................football team will play with their British............. Football players will............in the hotel. The........................of local fans are.........for an interesting ........................................................ for our guests. We are glad to see you. 8. Cross out the odd word (“лишнее” слово). 1) educational, social, hotel, local, physical 3) stay, play, study, party, pay 2) invitation, accommodation, Russian, 4) teacher, partner, together, brother, mother education 9. Add the tag endings. 1) It’s nice to invite British students,...............................................? 2) You are responsible for a social programme,.........................................? 3) They didn’t arrange a date of the competition,.....................................? 4) It was a group of 17 students,.....................................................? 5) She’ll stay with her partner’s family,.............................................? 6) The accommodation costs weren’t very high,.........................................? 14 10. Add the tag endings if needed (если нужно). m A. Nice day................................................... B. It’ll rain tomorrow........................................ A. Are you sure?.............................................. B. We’ll arrange a picnic tomorrow. It always rains for the picnic. A. I don’t think so............................................ 11. Put in the missing words. Choose 12 words and phrases from the list of words given below: My younger brother had his birthday on Sunday. 1 proposed to ................. a birthday ............for him and his friends. “Not a bad.............!’’ said my parents. We decided to.............a weekend in the country. I was...................... for the.............. programme. We played funny games and................., sang songs, danced and............. pictures. My brother and his friends............the picnic. “That was............,’’ he said and ........... me. Next year we are.............to arrange a birthday picnic for my brother and his friends again. idea picnic dream spend arrange social afraid responsible great will took kissed make stayed enjoyed sports going SECTION 2 12. Put in the missing pronouns (местоимения): 1) ........... are going abroad. 2) ..........am going to wear a uniform this year. 3) ..........is going to spend her Christmas holidays at home. 4) Is...........going to study Science at school? 5) Are..........going to miss a Maths lesson? I she they he we 13. Make up questions. Follow the example. Example: My History teacher is going to ask me today.— Is my History teacher going to ask me today? 1) British students are going to arrange a concert for us.—........................... ..................................................................................7 2) My little brother is going to the eighth form in September.—....................... ....................................................................................7 3) I'm going to invite all my friends to my birthday party.—.......................... 14. Put in the names of the months and days of the week. 1 2 ^ 3 4 15 16 17 18 2 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 j 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 15. What is going to happen? Write down. Example: You and your friends got an invitation letter from English students. You (visit) / Great Britain.— We are going to visit Great Britain. 1) Linda has a toothache (зубная боль). She (see) the dentist.— 2) A group of boys decided to arrange a picnic. They (have) a nice time.— 3) Andrew has a little sister. But his parents are busy today. He (stay) with his sister.— 4) It’s the weekend. It’s sunny and warm. We (walk) park.— 5) British students would like to come to Russia in October. We (invite) them.— 0 16. Your classmate is going to spend his / her Christmas holiday in Europe. Ask 7 questions about his / her plans. Example: Why are you going to spend your holiday in Germany? _ _ SECTION 3 _ _ 17. Do the crossword puzzle. Find 10 words on the topic “Weekend”. Write them down. 1 i m u s i c a f e e d a t e V i s i t s e a n 0 t n e w s s w e e к e n d P 0 P g a V У m e a i n r 0 t t i a У c c 0 c a r d c d e h n g a m e t V h e a i s n 0 P P i n g 0 c 1). 2). 3) . 4) . 5) . 6) . 7) . 8) . 9) . 10) . 18. Write down the words. Underline the letters which are not read (которые не произносятся). Example: ['ргэидггет] - programme [пэи].................... [s'remcfe].......................... [аиэ|............................ [kud].................... ['taim,teibl]....................... ['forin]......................... 17 19. Make up your sentences. Write them down. Use: go out to for shopping with friends a walk the dacha the theatre the cinema 20. Complete the dialogue. — Hello! This is Jane. — Would you like to.................................. — Great!............................................. — See you soon. Bye. — Bye. 21. Translate from Russian into English. 1) Сколько раз в неделю ты занимаешься спортом? —. 2) В котором часу (в какое время) твои родители приходят с работы? —. 3) Приходите, пожалуйста, вовремя. Соревнования начинаются в 10 утра. 4) Нам понравился директор английской школы с первого раза. 5) Я приду через неделю в это же время.- 22. 1^^ Put in the prepositions, if needed. Detective’s notes It happened...........April. A boy...........twelve missed............his train. He didn’t know anyone..........our town. Suddenly he saw a strange man taking pictures of him. The boy was frightened (испугался). He ran...a group............other boys ..........the station and joined........them. Finally they found out that the strange man was a producer. He wanted to find an actor for his new film. 18 23. Ask your classmate 5 tag-questions about his / her weekend. Write them down. Example: You went to the country, didn’t you? 1) 2) 3) ................................................................................ 4) ................................................................................ 5) ................................................................................ 24. Look at the pictures. Write what the people in the pictures are going to do next. Example: The grandma and the girl are going to take a bus and get home. 25. Choose the correct preposition. 1) Bye-bye. Can I kiss you on / to / at your cheek? 2) We arrived at the station in / on / at time. 3) Who is responsible after / for / about sweets at our party? 4) They have arranged to go to the theatre on / in / at 5 p.m. 5) In Oxford 1 stayed at / with / in my friend’s family. 6) Do you like to listen for / out / to classic music? 7) It’s nice of / about / on you to invite me to the country for the weekend. 26. Write about your last weekend. Don’t forget to say where / when / with whom you spent it. 19 Uj JJT S Learning More about Each Other SECTION 1 1. Read the words. Mind the stress (обрати внимание на ударение). 1) 'student, 'theatre, 'local, 'humour, 'serious, 'musical, 'typical, 'manage, 'hobby; 2) iCharacte'ristic, ,corres'pondent, .infor'mation, ac.commo'dation, ,invi'tation, .edu'cational. .situ'ation 2. Write down the words with these sounds (звуки). Use exersise 1. [ei) .......................................................................................... Uu:|........................................................................................... ||э] .......................................................................................... hi 3. Do the crossword puzzle. Find out what makes your life easy. 1) Things you like to do for your pleasure. 2) Getting together with people. 3) A very good holiday in winter. 4) A place where you learn a lot of new things. 5) Your job at the moment. 6) People whom you love best of all. 4. Help the computer complete the questions and write down short answers Example: You are a fifth year student, aren’t you? — Yes, 1 am. 1) You study a lot of subjects, ..............? —.................. 2) You can play a musical instrument, ................? —.......... 3) You don’t speak French, ................? —..................... 4) You have English three times a week, .................? —....... 5) Your teachers aren’t British...............? —.................. 6) You weren’t in London this summer, ...................? —....... 7) All your friends would like to visit Britain, .............? —. Put in the verbs in the correct form. 1) Yesterday Linda ......................... the interview to the youth magazine (give). 2) Linda ........................ French (speak). 20 3) Next month a group of Russian students....................two weeks in London (spend). 4) During their last visit the students ..................... with English families (stay). 5) Let’s........................a date and time now (arrange). 6) They ........................ to change their names (go). 6. Put in the words: play, speak, exchange, taught, hobbies, take, an interview, stay. Denis Korolev is a ten-year old student. His .............. are sport and music. He can ............ the guitar well. He likes to ............ pictures of his friends. Denis can .............. and read English. Last year Barbara Grey from Great Britain ................. him and his friends. She is going to arrange a students’ ....................................... Yesterday Denis gave ............................ to a youth magazine about the Russian-English student exchange. Denis is going to ....................... with his pen-friend’s family. 7. 1^^ Translate from Russian into English. 1) Я могу здесь поменять рубли на фунты? —.......................... 2) Я ничего не вижу. Вы не против поменяться местами? — 3) Смени одежду, пожалуйста. Через 10 минут мы идем в театр. 4) Давай для разнообразия поиграем в шахматы! 5) Я бы хотела поменять свои планы на сегодня. 6) “Вот ваша сдача”.— “Спасибо”.—. SECTION 2 8. Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. ['draiva]................. ['lAvrr)]............................. [Ъ1гп15тэп]............... ['sisrias]............................ [n3:sj.................... ['tDikativJ........................... f'brjal........ [iks'tjeincfej ['kcarioJ...... 21 9. Put in the missing letters. ...ndepend...nt, cur...o...s, und...rst...nding, t...pical, fri...ndly, l...ving, c...ring, t...lkative, n...ughty 10. 1^ Match the words. Write down 4 sentences with any of these words. sociable \ merry clever \ friendly happy ] — talkative intelligent strong loving \ creative healthy ) slim thin 1 bright 11. Write down the opposites. Example: known — unknown rude, possible, polite, happy, unlucky, true, unfriendly, pleasant, noisy, formal, lucky, unpleasant, informal, false, unhappy, friendly, impossible, quiet 12. Choose the correct preposition. Circle it. 1) We are a close family and we get with / up / on well with each other. 2) Where can I change Russian money for / on / into British pounds? 3) He made friends to / for / with a very smart boy. 4) There are three of / from / with us in our family: mother, father and I. 5) Why are animals important to / for / about people? 6) Last year I read a story of / by / from M. Twain. 13. Describe any two members of your family. Use: / think, usually, sometimes. Example: I think my mum is sociable and friendly. She likes to invite guests. 14. Make up a dialogue. Number the sentences in the correct order. I — I’m sorry, I didn’t see it was on your shoulder. — It’s OK. Just take it off. — Do you mind! Your bag is very heavy! 15. Cross out the word with a positive meaning: 1) impossible, impolite, imagine; 2) unknown, understand, unfriendly, unlucky; 3) non-athletic, nothing, normal, non-stop. 16. Do the crossword puzzle. Find and circle 8 occupations. Write them down. V e t p e n c i 1 e n u r s e b c a r d r 0 t f u e d У r n g e a s m e 1 i b r a r i a n a V 0 a c m n n t r e s m h e 1 a i w r s m e r s g s e g g e r 0 s e t r w 0 r к e r r d 17. Fill in the blanks. Use a dictionary. 18. Write the rules for Hobbitland. Don’t forget to mention (не забудьте упомянуть) all the polite words you know. Example: Hobbits should say “Goodbye” when they leave their home. 23 19. Write characteristics needed for these jobs: 20. Choose any three jobs for yourself. Write down why you like them. section з 21. Read the sentences. Circle the correct verb: 1) Vets help / are helping sick animals. 2) What are you doing? — I watch / am watching a very good detective film. 3) What are your hobbies? — I have / am having a lot of hobbies. 4) What foreign languages do you speak? — I speak / am speaking French and Italian. 5) Listen! She plays / is playing the piano. 24 22. Write the verbs in /ng-form: a) Example: answer — answer//?^ listen —................ eat — .. do —.................... play — meet —.................. stay —. visit —. b) Example: write — writ/>?g (немое “e” перед -ing пропадает) take —............... give —........................ describe - dance—............... change—....................... arrange- have —............... smile —....................... shake — c) Example: stop — stopping (согласная перед -ing удваивается, если перед ней стоит краткая гласная под ударением) begin —. knit — .. sit —..... jog — • run —. put — cut — get — 23. Look at the picture. Write down what these people are doing. Example: Bob is mending his computer. 25 24. ifSt Cross out the odd word: Example: doing, going, playing, sing, making 1) independent, informal, international, interview, Indian 2) twelfth, first, sixth, tenth, month, eighth 3) sociable, timetable, talkative, traditional, typical 4) opening, enjoying, interesting, answering, describing 25. Answer the questions. Write down your answers. 1) What are you doing? —...................................... 2) What is your pet doing at the moment? —.................... 3) Is it raining now? —....................................... 4) Where are you sitting? —................................... 5) What are you looking at? —................................. 6) What are you writing with? —............................... 7) What are you going to do after you finish this exercise? 26. Write down what the members of your family are doing at the moment. Example: My cousin is cleaning her room. 27. Read the questions for your new classmate. Put in prepositions if necessary: — Where are you.........................................................................? — Do you miss.......................................................... your old school? — What kind............................................... music do you like to listen ...? — Do you speak.................................................. any foreign languages? — Do you play................................................... any musical instrument? — What are you reading.................................................... the moment? — How are you getting........................................... with your new friends? 28. Translate from Russian into English. 1) “Что ты делаешь?” — “Я смотрю видео”.— 2) “Посмотри! Они играют в футбол. А что ты собираешься делать?”- 3) “С кем ты разговариваешь по телефону?” — “Я разговариваю с почтальоном. Он читает мне телеграмму”.—.................................................... 26 4) “Что вы рассматриваете?” — “Мы решаем новую головоломку (to do а puzzle)”.— 29. Put in the missing words: dose, sociable, humour, get on, hobby, card, typical, intelligent, naughty, computer. Hear Linda, Thank you very ntuch for your nice Christmas . You asked me to write about my fanuty. Our family is a Russian family: a father, a mother, two children (my ИШе sister and me) and a cat. We are a family and we well with each other. My mum is a Science teacher. She is .Her My dad is a programmer. He is . My TitHe sister Ann is funny and sometimes What is your family like? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Hope to hear from you soon. Your friend d. Korolev is painting. He has a good sense of 30. Write down the address on the envelope. Use: U.K., Burglay Road, London, 17, Linda Silvester. Don’t forget to write your own address. 27 Learning More about London SECTION 1 1. Match the words and the description. Example: j^Mixture something made by mixing two or more things. — the main city in a country. ] \ Building || — something like a house having walls and a roof (крыши). | very large busy town. — a person who takes people round places such as cities or mu.seums. — a person travelling for pleasure. — a room, hall or building where people can see and buy ' works of art. 2. Write down the words with these sounds: [ei]....................................... Uu:] [ae].. |i]... information, museum, stadium, famous, gallery, mixture, future, interesting, capital, typical, beautiful, travel, new, building 3. Make up words. Example: p, t, a, i, 1, c, a — capital f, m, i. o. r, n, a. i, t. o, n —............................................................ m, s, u, m, e, u —........................................................................... d, i, 1, b, u, i, g, n —..................................................................... k, e, e, e, w, n, d —........................................................................ s, a, m, o, u, f —........................................................................... r, i, f; o, a, V, u, t, e —.........^........................................................ 28 4. Circle the word with negative meaning (c отрицательным значением): 1) uniform, underground, understand, unpleasant 2) independent, intelligent, insect, interview 3) international, instrument, informal, inside 5. Choose the correct answers. Write them down. Example: — Would you like to meet your pen-friend? — Of course. 1 would. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) How do you like St. Petersburg? Is it different from Oxford? There are a lot of parks in London, aren’t there? Would you like to visit Vladimir? Is Vladimir a big town? — I think, it is. — Yes, lots of them. — Of course, I would. — I really don't know. — It’s beautiful! 6. What do these words mean in English? Fill in the table. French German English Russian Russie Russland Russia Россия Moscou Moskau capitate Hauptstadt cite Stadt theatre Theater musee Museum galerie Galerie stade Stadion pare Park monument Denkmal Londres London Anglettere England 7. I Translate from Russian into English. 1) Британский музей (The British Museum) — один из самых известных в мире.— 2) Пушкинский музей (The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts) — одна из знаменитых картинных галерей в нашей стране.—....................................... 29 3) Во всех столицах есть много достопримечательностей (places to visit).— ... 4) Москва — это сочетание старых и новых красивых зданий.—................... 5) Санкт-Петербург отличается от Москвы, не так ли? —........................ 6) Приезжайте в наш город (село) как можно скорее! Здесь так много интересного. 8. Match the words and word combinations. a.m. travel p.m. dentist sociable as soon as possible building sad in the afternoon doctor talkative in the morning house quickly unhappy trip 9. Read the information about London. Write 3-4 sentences about Moscow or your town or village. London is the capital of Great Britain. It’s one of the most famous and interesting cities in Europe. It’s a centre for business and tourism. SECTION 2 10. Do the crossword puzzle. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 u d c a s r t 1) Canada is a ... in North America. 2) Last summer they went ... They visited Great Britain and France. 3) When people take food and eat it in a field or in a forest, they have a ... 4) Liza has some ... for the Russian students. 5) A ... — is a person who travels for pleasure. 6) Could we ... a date and time now? 7) Liza brought a ... from our English partners. 30 11. Write down what the word capital means. Underline the capitals: A capital is..................................................... Paris, UK, Europe, Moscow, London, Russia, Madrid, Washington, Africa, Kiev. New York, America, Scotland, Finland, Oslo, Obninsk. 12. Put in the missing letters: info...mation, diff...rent, g...llery, mus...um, c...nema, the...tre, stad...um, be...utiful, pa...tner, l...vely, well-kno...n, famo...s 13. Choose the correct form. Circle it. 1) Don’t read this book. You waste / are wasting your time. 2) Would you like to join me? I watch / am watching a very good show on TV. 3) He is a very famous musician. At the moment he composes / is composing a new opera. 4) Mum, can 1 stay at the birthday party a bit longer. We have / are having a good time. 5) Who cries / is crying? — It’s our naughty cousin. 14. Describe the picture. Example: A woman is talking with her friend. 31 15. Use verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. Example: My mum (not see) ...........me at the moment.— My mum doesn’t see me at the moment. 1) Could you go to the theatre by yourself? — 1 (want) ......... to stay home. 2) Look! .....you (.vee) ......... that red bus over there? 3) .... you (like) ........ to try (примерить) this dress? 4) .... you (need) ........ any help? — No, thank you. 5) Where is Mason? — He (have) .............. his breakfast. 6) Listen! Barbara (sing) ..........! She (have) ........... a beautiful voice. 16. Put in verbs in the correct form. 1) He ... pictures on the wall yesterday. a) draws b) drew c) will draw 2) Why ... she always ... silly questions? a) does ... ask b) is asking c) do ... ask 3) Last summer they ... abroad. They spent a week in Scotland, a) go b) went c) will go 4) She usually ... her mother when she goes to the Summer School, a) miss b) misses c) is missing 5) Look! The boys ... their homework. a) do b) are doing c) does 6) They ... any help, do they? a) don’t need b) aren’t needing c) didn’t need 17. Add the tag endings. 1) There are lots of places to visit in Moscow, .......................? 2) London isn’t like Moscow at all, ........................? 3) Liza lives not far from London, .........................? 4) The weather is changing, ........................? 5) We’ll arrange a date and time tomorrow, .........................? 6) Last summer holiday Jack went abroad, ...........................? SECTION 3 18. Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. (’juiarap) [im'poaant] [skwea].... ('kaepitl] (afkas) ГдзеЬп]... [’tuarist] ['mnnjumanti [baut] [blAd] [gaidl ['steidiam] [’parbmant] ['taua] Cpaelis] 32 19. Circle the correct preposition. 1) My younger brother is different of / hy / from me. 2) She has never been in / to / at New York. 3) Jack London is one of / among / from my favourite writers. 4) How long will you stay here? — On / For / In two days. 5) Do you live far around / near / from the centre of your town? 6) What city is the capital in / at / of the UK? 7) 1 would like to learn as much as possible about / of / by London. 20. Write down the word combinations. Example: Big Ben Big Palace Trafalgar Tower Bloody London White Bridge Tower Ben Buckingham Square Westminster Abbey The Houses of Tower The Tower of Parliament 21. Write down 3 words (adjectives or verbs) for the nouns below. Use the example: Example: art gallery new to visit town ^ building square place 22. Put in 10 missing words from the list given below. London is the.........................of Great Britain. It is a very................... city. It was founded about two thousand............................ago. London is one of the most............................and interesting............................in Europe. There are..........................of.............................to visit in London. There are a lot of.......................... art........................... cinemas, theatres and ......................... parks in London. cities, countries, capital, famous, places, museums, years, hundred, popular, opera, old, lots, galleries, lovely, important 33 23. Look at the pictures. Ask two questions about each of them. Example: 1) What does the legend say about Westminster Abbey? 2) 1) 2) I) 2) 1). 2). 1) . 2) . 34 25. Put in the words: part, place, care of, off. 1) Who takes ..................... you when you are sick? 2) Why don't you take your hat .....................? 3) We hope you’ll take....................in the tennis competition at the end of spring. 4) This year the Football World Cup takes ..................... in Berlin. 26. Translate from Russian into English. Use the words: first / at first. 1) Сначала мы встретились около Букингемского дворца. Затем мы все вместе пошли в Тауэр.—.............................................................................. 2) Сначала подумай, потом говори.—......................................... 3) Сначала я ничего не могла понять, но потом мне помог учитель математики.— 4) Вначале трудно было говорить только по-английски.— 27. а) Complete the dialogues. А: Could you tell me how to get to the British Museum? B: Go along this street and you will see it on the right. A: ............................................................ B: ............................................................ b) Make up the dialogue. I — You are welcome. Have a nice day. — Excuse me, am 1 far from Trafalgar Square? — How can I get there? I — I’m afraid you are. — It's very easy. Take bus No 64 and you’ll be there in ten minutes. I — Thank you very much. 35 SECTION 4 28. Fill in the table. Present Simple Past Simple Participle II Participle 1 give gave given giving take ... ... sleep knew stayed writing ... putting 29. Translate from English into Russian. a) a travelling painter —.............. a speaking leader —.................. a watching bodyguard ................ a sleeping horse .................... b) the painted wall ................... the letter sent by a lawyer —........ the game played yesterday —.......... the advert written by us —........... the abbey founded in ................ 30. Match. Two palaces Two bridges Two towers Two museums 31. Make up sentences. Use the words: 1) like. you. would, to see. river, the?. White British Buckingham Tower Bloody Windsor Westminster London 2) is, of, the. Tower Bridge, one, across, Thames, the, bridges, famous. 3) lives. Palace, in, who, Buckingham?............................ 36 4) every, of, tourists, year, a lot, London, visit.... 32. Write down five words to tell about these places of interest: Westminster Abbey —.................................... The Tower of London —.................................. The Houses of Parliament —............................. London —............................................... 33. Match the questions and the answers: 1) Where does Queen Elizabeth live when she is in London? 2) The Bloody Tower has a history of blood, hasn’t it? 3) When was Westminster Abbey built? 4) Where does the famous British clock stand? 5) What can you see from Westminster Bridge? 6) Do the King and the Queen of Britain live in the Tower now? Yes, it has. Near the Houses of Parliament. Big Ben. No, they don’t. In Buckingham Palace. In 1065. 34. Write about any place of interest you visited. Use: to be founded (by / in) to be like to be different from to take pictures to spend a weekend / a holiday lots of places to visit famous / interesting / favourite / well-known 37 • • • • • • • Faces of London SECTION 1 1. Read the words. Match pairs of rhyming (рифмующиеся) words: Example: sea - free mind, adventure, musician, garden, interview, library, good, picture, guide, politician, modern, tree, free, century, rude, statue 2. Underline the word with a general meaning. Example: potato, cabbage, vegetable, carrot 1) square, museum, city, street, park, garden 2) year, month, minute, time, week, day 3) librarian, musician, occupation, actor, dancer I 4) I sister, cousin, mother, grandpa, relative 5) fairy-tale, legend, book, story, poem 3. Match the questions and the answers. 1) Have you been to the Russian Art Museum in St. Petersburg? 2) Did you take part in world tennis champion-ship? 3) Would you like to visit the Tower? 4) Could you help me, please? 5) Has your little brother been to your school? 6) Has your History teacher told you about the Battle of Trafalgar? 4. Complete the dialogue. A. Have you ever.................................. B. No, not yet. A................................ It’s worth seeing. В.................................................. A. Let’s arrange the day and the time, then. В.................................................. A. OK. Bye, then. В.................................................. No, 1 didn’t. Yes, I would. Yes, sure. No, he hasn’t. No, I haven’t. No, she hasn’t. 38 5. Ask questions about the sentence: Madame Tussaud’s has one of the largest collections of wax models in the world. MADAME TUSSAUDS 1) Which museum........................................................................? 2) Has Madame Tussaud’s...............................................................? 3) What ..............................................................................? 4) What kind of collection............................................................? 5) .............................................................................has it? 6. Read the text about MOMI once more (Student’s Book, page 81). Fill in the blanks. Everyone........................their visit to MOMI. In MOMI you can learn a lot about ....................... and ..................... of cinema and TV. Here you can find .................................................................... from films and TV ......................... Visitors ........................ part. Everyone can act in ....................... or even ...................... his own ........................ ......................... You can also meet ................................ from the ....................... Visitors usually ask ..................... of the past. It’s both J \ J I Here are some adjectives (прилагательные) for describing towns. Write sentences about any towns you know. Use all the adjectives. famous interesting traditional ancient well-known typical 8. Complete the questions. Use the prepositions: with, without, of, in, for, about. Write the answers. Example: Who did you go to the country..........? — Who did you go to the country u/z/i? — With my parents. 1) What are Londoners proud .............? —.......................................... 2) What are London parks full ..........? —.......................................... 3) What can you take part ...........? —............................................. 4) Who are the Royal Parks the property ............? —.............................. 5) What is Hyde Park famous ............? —.......................................... 6) What can anyone make his speech .............? —................................... 7) What is St. James’s Park beautiful ..........? —................................... 39 9. Write the questions for these answers. Example: What is Russia rich in? — Russia is rich in great writers. 1) What ...? — The Bolshoy Theatre is rich in famous singers and dancers. 2) What .. 3) What .. 4) What .. 5) What .. 6) What .. 7) What .. ? — Any nation is proud of its culture. ? — Students are tired of boring lessons. ? — Kids are full of joy. ? — Any capital city is rich in monuments and museums. ? — Oxford and Cambridge are famous for their Universities. — 1 am proud of my good relatives. 10. Put the following words under the correct heading in the box below. MOMl, Buckingham, The Tower of London, Hyde, Westminster, St. James’s, Trafalgar, Russian, Madame Tussaud’s, Tower, Regent’s, Windsor, Red Palace Square Museum Park Bridge 11. Write an advert for the things in the picture. Use the words in the box. Example: These jeans are worth buying. They are beautiful. live, visit, eat, translate, read, play, listen, drink, see 40 12. Choose the correct preposition. Circle it. 1) Have you ever been at / in / to Boston? - No, I haven’t. Where is it? - It’s from / in / at the USA. 2) The Royal family lives at / into / inside Buckingham Palace. 3) Which is the most famous bridge over / on / across the Thames? 4) Who takes care about / for / of his sick parents? 5) Yesterday 1 came face at / to / in face with my Literature teacher. 6) London parks are full of / with / by flowers, green grass and water. 7) Did you come at / on / in time to your grandfather’s birthday party? 13. Draw your own lollipops of different shapes. Write their colours on them. Yellow 14. Answer the questions: 1) Do you like lollipops? —................................................... 2) Are lollipops popular in your country? —................................... 3) What words could you read on the “Lollipop Lady’s” circular sign? — 4) Why were “patrols” called “Lollipop Ladies”? —............................. 5) Where do Lollipop Ladies usually stand? —. 6) Do British towns have Lollipop Ladies now? 15. Match the signs and their description. 1) Bus stop 2) Trolleybus stop 3) Underground station 4) Tram stop 5) Crossing 6) Taxi 1) c,. 41 16. Complete the story about London. As you know London is a................... It is a mixture of........................ There are a lot of theatres,.............. Most are free............................. London is rich in......................... Londoners are proud of..............and Hyde Park is famous for................... Regent’s Park is beautiful with........... You can see the famous fairy-tale hero.... they are full of. SECTION 17. Match the words. Write them down in pairs. Example: many — a lot of well-known, author, novel, real, make, many, immediately, everyone, imagination, century story, quickly, famous, writer, true, do, fantasy, a lot of, everybody, one hundred years 18. Put in the prepositions: into, of, from, for, in. 1 S. Marshak Is one.............the most popular [ writers...........our country. He wrote a lot I ..........books.........children. Lots......... { people enjoy reading his funny poems and clever tales. But did you know that Marshak was a good translator, too? He translated poems..........famous British authors.......... English.........Russian. 19. Ask questions about the sentence: Defoe made his story so realistic that everyone believed it. Example: Defoe / make? — Did Defoe make his story realistic? 1) Defoe / make? —............................................................................ 2) Why / everyone / believe? —............................................................... 3) The story / be / realistic? —............................................................. 4) Who / believe / the story? —.............................................................. 5) What / Defoe / make? —.................................................................... 6) Whose / story / realistic? —.............................................................. 42 20. Fill in the gaps. Use the example. Example: writer — to write; banker — a bank translator —, poet —......... architect —... politician —., driver —....... builder —...... painter —...... lawyer —....... librarian —. businessman scientist —.. actor —...... musician —. traveller —.. artist —..... sailor —..... 21. Put in the missing words: know, was born, about, age, well-known, celebrate, died, the eldest, was fond, favourite. Robert Burns, a ................ and popular Scottish poet, was born in 1759. Burns..................in a poor farming family. There were seven children in it. Robert was ..................... Robert read a lot. He ........................ of reading. His .............. writer was Shakespeare. At the .................. of 15 he began to write poems. He wrote.................people and everyday things. Robert Burns wrote the words of the song “Auld Lang Syne”. Scottish people sing this song when they................the 1st of January, New Year’s Day. R. Burns .............. in 1796. People all over the world ............... and love his poems. 22. Complete the crossword. Use the Linguistic and Cultural Guide in your Student’s Book. Make up the word out of the encircled (обведенных) letters. 1. ... is an English writer and poet. He is famous for writing “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, “Twelfth Night” and the Sonnets. 2. ... is an English singer, guitar player and songwriter who was a member of the Beatles. 3. ... is an English writer of popular books and plays. She is famous for her detective stories. 4. Sir Arthur Conan ... is a British doctor and writer who wrote stories about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. 5. Charles ... is a great English scientist. 6. J. R. R. ... is famous for his books “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings”. 7. D. ... is an English writer. His most famous novel is “Robinson Crusoe”. 43 23. Put in the articles: a (an) or the. 1) Stella takes care of people in hospital. She is ... nurse. 2) When Ann was ill, we went to ... hospital to visit her. 3) Excuse me, where is ... town museum, please? 4) Would you like to be ... actor? 5) We spent all our money because we stayed at ... most expensive hotel in town. 6) Ron writes articles for a newspaper. He is ... journalist. 24. Put in the if needed. Example: Who is - 1) Do you know ... Taylors? They are a very nice family. 2) I think ... William Brown is ... brightest student. 3) Can you play ... piano? 4) I am afraid of ... dogs. 5) ...First World War began in 1914. 6) Last year ... Jill visited ... Australia and ... USA. J. R. R. Tolkien? 25. Fill in the table: Great Britain Russian Federation Kremlin Washington earth Red Square Houses of Parliament sun north UK Downing Street Regent Street Africa Europe British Museum Thames USA With “the” Without “the” SECTION 3 26. Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. ............................. I’saiantist] .... ............................. I'einjant]............. ............................. ['ГЭ1Э1| .............. ............................. I'spe/al].............. [salt).......... (Ju:ni'v3:siti) ('novall........ [’sentjari]..... |mju:'zij3n]... 44 27. Look through (просмотри) the story about M. Twain once more (Student’s Book, p. 94). Write the questions. The answers are given. Example: Who was M. Twain? — M. Twain was a famous American writer. 1) Why.........................................? Literary clubs invited him to speak. 2) Who..........................................? The Club member's uncle. 3) When.........................................? When he began his lecture. 4) Where........................................? In front of him. 5) What kind of.................................? A very sad face. 6) Did..........................................? No, he didn’t. 7) M. Twain tried..............................? Yes. he did. 8) Why..........................................? He was deaf. 28. Finish the jokes. 1) — Tom, did you tell the teacher that 1 helped you to do your homework? — Certainly, Jane. — And what did he say? 4'™ ИЬ» - » 2) Teacher: Harry, your composition is good, but Dick’s is the same word for word. What should 1 think? Harry: .................................................... 29. Write down your own funny story or an anecdote. 30. Match the questions and the answers. Choose the polite answers. 1) Would you like a cup of tea? Yes. 1 would. / Yes. please. 2) - Let’s visit Michael. He wasn't at school today. 1 think he is sick. 1 can't. I'm busy. / I'm afraid, I can't. — I’m afraid, you are mistaken. I think 3) — Do you know that M. Twain was a famous British writer? he was an American writer. / You are wrong! M. Twain was an American 4) — Could you tell me how to get to Buckingham Palace? writer. — Sorry, but I’m not a Londoner. Let’s ask someone else. / I don't know. 45 31. Make up a dialogue. — Take some cakes, please. 1 cooked them myself. — Would you like a cup of tea? — Oh, this is delicious. — Oh, thank you. Just one more, please. I — Yes, please. — Would you like some more cakes? — Next time you are around, please, come to have a cup of tea I I — Thank you, I really enjoyed it. 32. Match the words and descriptions. sociable ^ independent ^ responsible ^ — fond of being with other people; friendly — not needing (ие нуждающийся) other things or people — a person with a quick and clever mind ] У intelligent | — having the duty (обязанность) of looking after someone or something I obedient doing what one is ordered (приказано) to do ) У polite I — having or showing good manners У loving I P — feeling love 33. Look at the pictures. Choose one of the famous people. Guess and write about him / her. Use the following points: Occupation Family Mouse Health Money Characteristics Hobbies 4^ Animals in Our Life SECTION 1 1. Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. I'procfeektl........... I'cfsaiantl............................... [w3:ld].................... [waild]............................... ['naetjorol]......... [in'demcfeodi............................... 2. Label the animals in the picture. [Dd'redi] [sa'saiti) [fait I.... 47 3. Do the crossword puzzle. Find the animals and birds. Encircle them. w h 0 1 e r c c 0 w h 0 w e s h a r к a a e 1 a h 0 m 0 e m 1 z n f e e e c r 0 e e u V e 1 1 0 h n 0 b i h c e 1 d i к P r d 0 1 P h i n e a a 0 r e h d 1 0 У r e s s t a 0 e P n d 0 n e У n g i r 1 r a b b i t a 1 e a d u c к s n a к e w 4. Look at the picture in exercise 2. Which of the animals are wild / domestic / endangered? Write them down in three columns. wild domestic endangered 5. Translate from Russian into English: 1) В мире много животных, которые находятся на грани вымирания {endangered animals)....................................................................... 2) Ты вступал в какое-нибудь зоологическое общество?............................. 3) В Лондонском зоопарке более 400 видов насекомых............................... 4) Ты хотел(а) бы бороться против жестокости в отношении животных?............... 5) Кто спас этого моряка? Он сражался с акулой один на один (face to face)....... 48 6. Put in the words from the box: feeding time, full of fun, so, fight, shared, last Sunday, watch, jumped out, looked Have you ever been to the zoo at...............? I was there..................It was..... interesting to...........the animals. As usual the monkeys were..................Big birds were stretching their wings and flying down to their food. Two dolphins..................of the water to catch their fish. Baby lions had a ............. for their meat. The elephant ........... hungry and 1 ............ my orange with him. 7. Put in the words: Mr, Madam, Sir. 1) — Hello! Can I speak to.........Jones? — Just a minite, ......... 2).......Winston Churchill was a famous English politician. He was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II and from 1951-1953. 3) — Waiter, 1 can’t eat this soup! — OK ......... Here is another bowl of soup. — Waiter, but 1 can't eat this soup! — Why............. It’s very good. — Because 1 have no spoon! 8. Match the words. Write 5 sentences with any of the word combinations. to listen to look------- to be full to be famous at of to of to be rich to be proud to be tired to be different from in of of 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Find international words in the text "London Zoo” (Student’s Book, page 106). Write them down. Add other international words you know. Example: zoo — зоопарк 49 10. Put in the verbs in the correct form. Dear Cathy, Do you like hedgehogs? We do. Yesterday we..................^to visit) Hedgehog Hospital at Prickly Ball Farm. We..............(to see),................(to touch), and................(to learn) a lot of interesting things about these funny animals, you................(to have) two hedgehogs in your garden..................(to do) you? Then you should.............(to leave) some bread and milk for them at night. At the farm we also ................... (to feed) little lambs (ягнят)...................... (to watch) baby animals,...............(to take) care of the little pony..............(to ride) donkeys and even................... (to collect) eggs. In the afternoon we.................(to have) delicious cakes and tea in the Whole Hog Cafe. The visit..............(to be) full of fun...............you ever..................(to be) there? Next time we.................(to take) you with us. Lots of love From Alice and Ann 11. Choose any saying. Make up a story. Why do you think there is such a saying? a) It is raining cats and dogs.— Дождь льет как из ведра. b) When the cat is away the mice will play.— Use: Once upon a time ... SECTION 2 12. Match the opposites. Write them down in pairs. to agree to be different to stand to remember to be like ............................................................ to unzip to forget ............................................................. to take off to be right ........................................................... to keep silence to give to take to put on to be wrong to zip to stop to talk to sit to begin to disagree 50 ' 13. Ask questions about the sentence: At Whipsnade you will learn and understand how to save endangered animals. Where / you / leam ...? —......................................................... What / you / understand ...? —.................................................... Whom / you / save ...? —.......................................................... Which animals / you / leam to save? —............................................. What / you / leam / about? —...................................................... Will ...? —....................................................................... You will ... you? —............................................................... 14. Match the words and the descriptions. — the planet we live on. Zoo —all living things except plants (растений). Park — a place with grass and trees, usually in a town. People go there to relax or Animals enjoy themselves. Circus — a place where animals live. People can look at them and study them. Earth — a group of people and animals who travel to different places to give shows. There you can see clowns and wild animals such as lions, tigers and elephants. 15. Circle the verb in each line. 1) night, bright, fight, giant, eight, sight 2) class, miss, glass, business, grass, chess 3) dancer, Easter, better, driver, discover, farmer 4) building, morning, sing, spring, cunning, evening 5) away, lucky, noisy, money, stay. May, they 16. Make up sentences. Write them down. crocodiles camels eagles whales sheep horses dolphins hens monkeys pandas sharks rhinos tortoises in the mountains in the seas and oceans in/at the rivers live I in the trees / the forests in the zoo in the country at a farm in the deserts 51 17. Put in the words and word combinations from the box. Dear boys and girls! Welcome to Panington Zoo, one of the oldest and largest of England's parks. Our Zoo ........in 1923. We have more than hundred..........of wild animals..........About 70 ........animals live at the Zoo now. We.........the living things and give them the future they deserve (заслуживают). Look at the Chilean flamingos! They are stretching their beautiful wings ....... Here are Midas and Jamna, our pair of lions. You can ........our Volunteer Team (команда добровольных помощников) who work all around the Zoo. They ........... of our......... park. Welcome to Panington Zoo! It’s worth visiting. Your visit will be......... from all over the world, kinds, join, was founded, zoological, take care, endangered. Watch out! full of fun, save 18. Choose the correct preposition. Circle it. 1) I’m so tired of doing Maths. Let’s go to / for / on a walk. 2) Who is sitting in / on / at front of us? 3) Arnold Schwarzenegger has lots of friends all across / in / over the world. 4) Watch out/at /on\ There are a lot of dangerous insects in the jungle [с^лрд!] (джунгли). 5) Mrs Wilson regularly takes her watchdog at / to / in front of the vet. 6) Our kittens are full in / at / of fun and they eat a lot. 7) Would you like to join our society? We fight for / against / behind cruelty to animals. 19. Write down what you can see at the Zoo. Example: The bears are playing. 20. Do the crossword puzzle. Find the name of an endangered animal. 1) A very strong and cruel wild animal, living in the forest in Russia. 2) A domestic animal. One of man's best friends. 3) A continent where lots of exotic animals live. 4) The king of the animals. 5) The king of the birds. 21. Put in the verbs in the correct form. Example: He is going to create a wild animals’ park, (go) 1) Ann ............ the Royal Society for the Protection of birds last year, (join) 2) There......... less than 300 animals in the wild next year, (he) 3) Let me................. Linda Silvester to you. (introduce) 52 4) Watch out! The cat .................with the dog. (fight) 5) She usually................ lions and tigers at 12.15 p.m., elephants at 2.00 p.m. (feed) 6) ....you ever............. to the zoo? It’s worth visiting, (he) 22. Look at the picture in exercise 22 (Student’s book, page 110). Choose any animal which was a main character in a film you liked. Write about the film. There are a lot of films about animals. One of my favourite films is SECTION 3 23. Circle the correct verb. Example: Here is your book. 1 have read / read it at last. 1) We finished / have finished our work. It’s time to have a rest now. 2) In the last Science lesson students wrote / have written a very difficult test. 3) We did / have done this exercise. Give us the next one. 4) I can't eat anymore. I ate / have eaten too much. 5) Eight Russian sportsmen became / have become world champions lately (недавно). 6) I lost / have lost my key. Can you help me to open the door? 24. Read the verbs. Write them down in three columns: created, walked, played, counted, finished, cleaned, travelled, stopped, climbed, asked, answered, decided, invited, joined, invented, watched, repaired [tl [d] [Id] 25. Fill in the table. Example: fight — fought — fought come take saw drank met 53 We come She has see They have meet Mrs Fox take A little baby drink 26. Make up sentences in Present Perfect. Write them down. 1)............................................... 2)............................................... 3) .............................................. 4) .............................................. 5) .............................................. 27. Write down: 1. 3 things you have done today: 1) I have done my homework. 2) ............................................................................... 3) ............................................................................... 4) ............................................................................... 2. 3 things you did yesterday; 1) I played tennis yesterday. 2) ............................................................................... 3) ............................................................................... 4) ............................................................................... 3. 3 things you haven’t done today: 1) I haven’t repaired my parrot’s cage. 2) ............................................................................... 3) ............................................................................... 4) ............................................................................... 4. 3 things you didn’t do yesterday: 1) I didn’t go for a walk yesterday. 2) ............................................................................... 3) ............................................................................... 4) ............................................................................... 28. Translate from Russian into English. 1) — “Она уже выпила свой сок?” — “Нет”. 2) — “Ты нашел свою тетрадь по математике?” — “Да”. 3) — “Боб уже вымыл голову?” — “Да”. 4) — “Господин Браун уже получил письмо от сына?” — “Нет, еще не получил”. 5) — “Вы уже слышали эту музыку?” — “Да”. 6) — “Ты когда-нибудь был в Шотландии?” — “Нет еще”. 54 29. Make up these sentences. Example: My cousin / just / phone.— My cousin has just phoned me. 1) The housewife / already / clean.—.............................. 2) Students / just / arrange.—.................................... 3) The monkey / just / climb.—.................................... 4) The artist / already / draw.—.................................. 30. What questions do your teacher, parents and friends often ask? Write them down. Your teacher Have you finished your exercise? done............................? written.........................? Parents Have you cleaned ........? washed .........? learned ........? Friends Have you been ...........? seen ...........? heard ...........? 31. ifSt Look at the pictures. Answer the questions. Write down the answers. Use: take, give, thank, eat. 1. What hasn’t happened in the picture yet? Example: The monkey hasn’t taken the ice-cream yet. 2. What has already happened in the picture? Example: The boy has already given his ice-cream. SECTION 4 32. Do the crossword puzzle. Make up a word out of the encircled letters. 1) ll has a short tail and pockets in its cheeks for carrying food. 2) A living thing which lives in water. 3) Its favourite foods are milk and fish. 4) It is a slow moving animal with a shell (панцирь). 5) It’s man’s best friend. 6) Sometimes it can speak. 7) It’s a small animal with long ears. 8) It’s a small animal without a tail. It looks like a rabbit with short ears, but not a pig. 33. Complete the interview about pets. Correspondent: Hello, Miss Carey................ I ask you a few .........................? Miss Carey: Hello. Yes, please. Correspondent: ............. you ever ......................... any pets? Miss Carey: Yes, I .......................... a kitten recently. It was my birthday present. I ........... got it in my bag. Correspondent: It’s lovely! .................... is its name? Miss Carey: Sherry. It’s a nice name, .................. it? Correspondent: Yes, very nice. Could you .................. any more about Sherry? Miss Carey: Oh, I’m afraid. I ...............just .......... a strange noise behind you! Corre.spondent: Oh, look! Sherry ...............Just ................ my tape-recorder. It’s ruined. (On испортился.) Miss Carey: I’m sorry! 34. Circle the adjective (прилагательное) in each line. 1) comment, development, independent, correspondent, continent 2) experiment, represent, obedient, event, moment 3) morning, crossing, loving, evening, sing, wing 35. Have you got a pet? Write down what it has done today and what it hasn’t done. 56 36. Put in the articles if necessary. .....Potters have......three pets. Their cat......Pussy is white. Pussy likes to watch...... moon in.......evening. Polly, their parrot, is....cleverest pet. Polly can speak......English. Polly is from......South America. ... third pet is......tortoise. Pussy and Polly like to play with ...... tortoise...... Potters and their pets live in ..... London, in ....... New Street. 37. Write about any people who have these pets. Example: People who have a hamster should be caring, loving and tidy (because their pet is small). 38. Translate from Russian into English. 1) Сестры купили специальный корм для своего попугая. 2) Они борются против жестокого обращения (cruelty) с животными.—. 3) Вы вступите в зоологическое общество нашего города? — 4) Вчера Джек (Jack) отвел к ветеринару (take to the vet) свою собаку. 5) Посмотри! Они играют со своими питомцами.— 6) Я собираюсь вымыть клетку. Ты мне поможешь? 39. Write down the story. Use the pictures in exercise 43 (Student’s Book, page 117). 57 Living Together SECTION 1 1. Do the crossword puzzle on the topic “My Family”. Guess who is David’s favourite relative. c A W H P N 2. Read and do as in the example. Example: I am 10. My elder brother is 14. 1 am four years younger than my elder brother My brother is four years older than me. 1) My sister is 20. My elder brother is 14. 2) Our mother is 42. Our father is 45. 3) My father's mother is 70. My father is 45. 4) My uncle is 37. His wife is 36-and-a-half. ...(half a year older). (half a year younger). 58 3. Help your elder sister to write a list of guests for her wedding (свадьба). Example: List of guests: Parents: my mother, my husband’s mother Grandparents ... Relatives: Uncle Tom, ... n 4 J • i • List of guests:......................................... • Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. [wdJ].................... [.n'lei/sn]......................... [crnt]................... ['fi:meil].......................... ['nevju:]................ [клгп].............................. Continue. Example: his brother / name — his brother’s name my parents / room — my parents’ room her niece / dress —........................................... our family / car —............................................ his cat / feeding time —...................................... the bird / wing —............................................. wild animals / park —......................................... the visitors / tickets —...................................... endangered animals / habits —................................. Mrs Smith / watchdog —........................................ the great actor / joke —...................................... famous people / life-size figures —........................... (ri'laeks]. I'relativ] [naif]..... Match the words and the descriptions. mother"^ ' a male relative with the same parents female parent the wife of an uncle (The daughter of a brother or sister : the son of a brother or sister <^^^a male parent (^female relative with the same parents aunt cousin niece J • nephew the son or daughter of an uncle or aunt 59 7. Write down the birthdays of 5 of your relatives. Use the example. Example: My nephew’s birthday is on the third of May. 8. Circle the noun (существительное) in each line. 1) curious, famous, focus, industrious, serious, nervous 2) excellent, obedient, different, independent, equivalent 3) best, nicest, forest, youngest, just, closest, fast 4) stormy, merry, slowly, terribly, noisy, family 5) fourth, worth, eighth, eleventh, north, fifth 9. Ask 7 questions about Diana’s letter (Student’s Book, exercise 9, page 124). Example: Why is Diana sorry? 10. Write down Cheryl’s answer to Diana’s letter. Tell how Cheryl is preparing for Christmas. Moscow . 199_ Dear Diana. Thank you hr your letter. It was so good to hear from you. Love Cheryl ..tv 60 играть иа пианино 13. Translate from Russian into English. 1) Мой папа бросил курить в прошлом году.—. 2) “Ты участвуешь в соревнованиях по теннису?” — “Нет”.— “Я недавно бросил заниматься теннисом”.— ..................................................... 61 3) Том хорошо ладит со всеми своими родственниками. 4) Хотите избавиться от старых детских книг? Отнесите их в свою школьную библиотеку.—....................................................... 5) На следующей неделе у нас будет большой концерт школьных музыкантов. Пожалуйста, подготовься.—............................................. 14. Use please correctly if it is necessary. Don’t forget about capital (заглавные) letters and commas (запятые). Example: Two cakes (please).— Two cakes, please. 1) Phone me at 7 o’clock in the evening (please).—........................................ 2) Don’t ask me silly questions (please).—................................................ 3) A cup of tea (please).—................................................................ 4) Come back home as soon as possible (please).—.......................................... 5) Could you buy a ticket to the theatre (plea.se).—...................................... 6) One orange juice with ice (plea.se).—.................................................. 7) Don’t tell my secret to anybody (please).—............................................. 15. Give three possible short answers. Write them down. 1) Have you read any novel by J. R. R. Tolkien? — 1) Not, yet............................. 2) 3) 2) Have you finished doing your home exercise? —1) ....................................... 2) 3) 3) Have you got ready for your test? — I)................................................. 2)............................................... 3)............................................... 16. Complete and continue the dialogue between two friends who are going on a boat trip. — Have you decided where to go? — Yes, I have. — Have you bought bread? — No, ... — Have you taken warm socks? — Yes. ... 62 ! 17. Write down the questions. Use the example. Example: Where / you / be.— Where have you been? 1) What / he / see —..........................................................? 2) Why / you / phone —........................................................? 3) What / you / eat —.........................................................? 4) When / she / start —.......................................................? 5) What / he / break —........................................................? 6) What / they / decide —.....................................................? 7) When / James / arrive —....................................................? SECTION 2 18. Read the list of responsibilities. Continue the list if you want. Write down the responsibilities for girls and for boys. to wash up, to set the table, to make the bed, to walk the pet, to clear up after lunch, to help in the garden, to take out the rubbish, to do your homework ... 19. Prove the statement: “Parents must set a good example to their children”. Example: Parents should run in the park in the morning. 1) 2) 3) .......................................................................................... 4) .......................................................................................... 20. Write what you would like to talk about with other people. Example: I would like to talk about my problems with a teacher of Physical Education. 1) 2) 3) 21. Match the words and their descriptions. Write down the words from the box. caring^ hospitable 1) being responsible for something 2) being friendly with guests 3) unlike, not of the same kind conservative ~| close fdifferent"] 4) not liking changes, careful 5) near in relationship 63 22. Match the verbs and the prepositions. to give to get rid to wait to clear-to wash of up for up to get after to look along to be fond at to depend on of 23. Put in the verbs in the correct form. 1) Look! Lillie Jimmy ............ to sweep the floor (try). 2) I ............ up yesterday. Today it’s your turn (mish). 3) My father usually ............. our dog in the morning (walk). 4) ........you ............... the rubbish? — Not yet (take). 5) Steve............. the table for lunch tomorrow (set). 24. “Must” (должен) or “should” (следует)? Example: You must / should write a test today. 1) You must / .should take medicine in time. 2) They mu.st / should learn English better. 3) People must / should save endangered animals. 4) Everyone in our family must / should clean his room. 5) Must / Should I open the window? 6) It’s very frosty today. You mustn’t / shouldn't go out. You are sick. 7) Jason! It’s you turn today. You mu.st / .should take out the rubbish. 8) Daddy! Mu.st / Should I help you in the garden this weekend? 25. Choose the correct preposition. Circle it. 1) Don’t take it, please. It’s the dress from / by / of our guest. She prepared it for the evening party in / at / before school. 2) My elder brother gave in / away / up smoking last month. 3) I must get up / on / to at 6 o’clock in the morning. 4) How does your nephew get up / along / of with his parents? 5) We would like to talk with / along / to our Science teacher after lessons. 6) Who takes away / off / out the rubbish in your family? 7) Why didn’t you wash away / up / from after the dinner? 26. Make a list of your responsibilities at home. I like to do and I do. I don’t like to do but 1 do. 27. Write down four compliments to your parents. Example: Mum, how nice you are today! 64 SECTION 3 28. Read the words. Find those which mean food. Write them down. tea, tea-break, pizza, biscuit, knife, sandwich, type, cheese, table, cake, sausage, teapot, pudding, tooth, know, pie, roll, spoon, bun, lunch, salt, salad, meat, juice, butter, slice, chips, table-cloth tea,............................................................................................ 29. Look through the text “Sweet Tooth” (Student’s Book, page 132). Answer the following questions. Write down your answers. 1) The British have a sweet tooth, haven’t they?.................................................... 2) What do we mean when we say “The British have a sweet tooth”?.................................... 3) What is eat-a-sweet time for the British?.................................... 4) In what places do the British eat sweets?.................................... 5) When do the British eat even more sweet things than they usually do? 30. What are the special days in your family? Fill in the table. Months My family’s special days January The 7th of January - Christmas in Russia February ... ... ... 31. Put in some / any. 1) Have we got..........cheese at home? — No, there isn’t 2) There was.........juice in the glass. 3) Could I have........tea, Mum? 4) Take.........butter and put it on the slice of bread. 5) There isn’t ...... ice cream on the plate. 6) Would you like.........more milk? 0 32. Label the pictures. Use the words; a tin of, a glass of, a loaf of, a piece of, a slice of, a bar of, a bottle of 33. Get ready for your younger sister’s or brother’s birthday. Complete these questions. Example: buy / butter? — How much butter have you bought? 1) buy / bread? — How......................................................................? 2) invite / guests? — How..................................................................? 3) meat sandwiches / make? — How...........................................................? 4) salad / prepare? — How..................................................................? 5) slices of bread / cut? — How............................................................? 6) kilos of apples / buy? — How............................................................? 34. Write down your own salad making instructions. Use: to chop, to wash, to mix, to put, to peel, to add. 35. Your British pen-friend would like to cook some typical Russian food. Write down your instructions. Use exercise 35 on page 133 as a model. How to cook. What you need to cook it. 36. Label the different kinds of fast food. 66 37. Write what the different kinds of fast food are made from. (Use the pictures, exercise 36.) made from — используется, когда made of — используется, когда исходный продукт полностью исходный продукт остается видоизменяется. неизменным. Example: ]\x\ct is made from apples. Example: А sandwich is made of or oranges, or strawberries. bread, butter and cheese. 38. Choose the correct preposition. Circle it. 1) The monument is made from / of stone. 2) Russian borsch is made from / of cabbage, potato, beetroot, onions. 3) My warm coat is made from / of wool. 4) What is your T-shirt made from / of? 5) What are you going to make sandwiches of / from? 6) What is this cake filling (начинка) made from / of? 39. 1^^ Write your opinion on fast food. Advantages Disadvantages SECTION 4 40. Match the houses and the words in the box. a castle ^ Q a block of flats Q a detached house a a semi-detached house Q a terraced house (~)| a palace 41. Choose two houses and write down 5-7 adjectives to describe these houses. Example: The terraced house is new, ... 67 42. Ask 5 questions about the sentence: At the moment Mr Philpoll lives not far from the centre of London. 1) ........................................................................... doesn’t he? 2) Who...................................................................................? 3) ............... far or near..........................................................? 4) ......................................................................................? 5) ......................................................................................? 43. Put in the prepositions: Mrs Blake is a Londoner............. the moment she lives not far .......... the centre ......... London. She has a nice house............her own. She has a semi-detached house .........a yellow colour. There is a nice garden.........the back..........the house and a flowerbed...........the front. Mrs Blake lives.........a residential area........lots of similar houses. It’s very close ....... Hyde Park. 44. Write a few words about the place and the house you live in at the moment. Draw you house or stick (on) its photo. 45. Put in home or house. 1) How many rooms are there in your..................... 2) The British say “.............. sweet ...............”. 3) Where is the kitten’s..............? — I’m afraid, it’s homeless. 4) At ............... I like to listen to the pop-music when I am alone. 5) What’s your ................ town? — Novgorod. 6) What kind of a ................ have you got: terraced or detached? 7) Mr Baskerwill lived in an ancient big................ before his death. 8) My ............... is a place where 1 relax and rest. 46. Write 3 sentences about your future house. Example: My house should have a nice fireplace. 1) 2) 3) -................................................................ 68 We Have а Lot in Common SECTION 1 1. Put in the missing letters: adv...rt, ...uthor, corned.... hobb.... Iibr...ry. sh...w. s...ap. d...tective, popul...r, .sc...ence f...ction, m...sical 2. Choose the opposites. Write them down in pairs. Example: to stop — to begin a) to stop, to break, to like, to close, to agree, to love, to find to repair, to open, to dislike, to lose, to disagree, to hate, to begin b) interesting, beautiful, free, fantastic, same, correct, false, serious, polite, ancient modern, impolite, real, busy, boring, ugly, different, true, wrong, funny 3. Match the words and their descriptions. gardening travelling taking pictures collecting things keeping fit 4. Fill in: to be healthy and slim to work in the garden to make a photo to go from place to place or to different places to bring things together 69 5. Make up sentences. Write them down. My mother I His cousin Their parents We Her nephews My niece am is i fond of are gardening, travelling, reading, taking pictures. making models of planes and ships, collecting coins, computer games. 6. Make up sentences. Write them down. 1) sports, popular, my, doing, very, is, family, in. 2) you, fit, do, how, keep? —..................... 3) favourite, is, which, music, your, type, of? — 4) parents, jogging, do. your, like? —.............. 5) we, weekend, or. rugby, every, play, football. 7. Read the two stories. Fill in the prepositions if needed. Which character is closer to you? Let me tell ............. you ............. my hobbies! My favourite type..............music is rock. OK, 1 don’t play...........any musical instrument, but 1 like to listen ..........music. And I sing well. All my friends are fond ..........rock music, too. Our dream is to form a rock band and to invite you all .............. our concert. 70 Му hobby is looking...............my pets. I have lots ...........them: a dog, a cat, a tortoise, a white mouse, a parrot. One.............my relatives wanted to get rid ........... his goldfish. Now they live.............. my flat. But one ............ my favourite pets is a little hamster. It was sick when I took him ................ my friend. Now it’s fine. And it gets...........with all the other pets. 8. Write your own short story about your hobbies. 9. Translate from Russian into English: 1) “Вы увлекаетесь компьютерными играми?” — “Да’ 2) Мой старший дядюшка увлекается коллекционированием монет и марок.— 3) Ты когда-нибудь собирала открытки? — 4) Я надеюсь, ты можешь хранить секреты? —................................. 5) Для того чтобы быть в форме (to keep fit), я никогда не езжу на машине, если я могу пройти пешком.—.......................................................... 6) “Почему ты хранишь эти старые этикетки?” — "Я их собираю”.—. 10. Change the sentences. Use the example. Example: My father walks to his office, (car) — My father doesn't walk to his office. He goes there by car. 1) Most people watch TV in the morning, (in the evening) —............................... 2) “Virgin” is the radio station which plays classical music 24 hours a day. (rock music) — 3) Young girls and boys are fond of making models of planes and ships, (doing sports) — 71 4) Balzak kept fit. (to eat much) —. 5) We’ll go for a walk next Sunday, (by bike) —, 11. Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. ['о:0э].................... [pa'litikal]........................... ['hnbi]............. ['knrnidij................. [3d'v3:t].............................. ('laibrari].. [s3up|..................... Lfau).................................. (odVentJal 12. Choose the correct preposition. Circle it. 1) Will you set the table on / by / for yourself, or shall I help you? 2) I’ve just been on / in / at the disco. I enjoyed it very much. 3) Did you read this story on / in / from English or on / in / into Russian. 4) Today I’m going on / at / to a skiing competition. 5) Why didn’t you take part at / with / in the school English party yesterday? 6) My parents don’t let me watch films about / for / with grown-ups. 7) Did you listen to / on / at the radio in the morning? 13. Look at the pictures, read the information about Mel Gibson. Write 7 questions you would like to ask him. Do you recognize a famous American actor Mel Gibson. He starred in a popular film “Brave Heart”. He played in a large number of American films. At the moment he is invited to Hollywood, where a new film will be produced. 14. Write down words matching with: music, hobby, game. beautiful \ unusual music / hobby play game 72 15. Match the pairs of words in two columns. Mr advert soap bike Dr missis television telephone examination blackboard advertisment mister bicycle doctor TV exam board phone Mrs 16. Read the words with the sound [ф]. Circle the letters and combinations of letters giving the sound Ш- Example: bridge bridge, joy. legend, jeans, knowledge, enjoy, manage, magic, language, strange, advantage, suggest, cartridge, subject, endangered, adjective, exchange, dangerous, project, garbage 17. Look through this TV schedule (телепрограмма). Write your own TV schedule for tomorrow. ITV 6.30 - News 8.00 - Business Breakfast 9.20 - What would you do? 10.50- News: Weather 11.00- Neighbours 12.15- Regional News 13.00 - Film “Gone with the Wind” SECTION 2 18. Congratulate Tony Thompson on his birthday. Write down his and your addresses correctly. 73 19. Make up the dialogue. □ - Гт happy you like it. □ □ □ — Of course, you can. — Betty, dear. I hope you will like your Christmas present. — Oh, it’s a skateboard! I’ve always dreamed of having a skateboard like this. — Do you like it? — Can I have a look at it right now? — Thank you! 20. Label the holidays. 21. Match. New Year’s Day St. Valentine’s Day Easter Victory Day Women’s Day Birthday — takes place in February — give each other nice — send special cards eggs — don’t sign — go to church — enjoy the holiday — cook special dishes — invite guests J — decorate a special tree — congratulate grandfathers and — cook special dishes grandmothers — send postcards — have a military parade in the morning — buy presents for relatives and friends — have in the evening — enjoy the party — takes place in March — get presents — congratulate girls and women — cook tasty food — give them small presents — invite friends and relatives — make telephone ealls — entertain (развлекать) guests — have a nice day 74 22. Choose any holiday. Write about it. Use the following plan. 1) When do you celebrate it? 4) How do you celebrate the holiday? 2) How do you prepare for the holiday? 5) Why do you like this holiday? 3) How does your family prepare for the holidays? 23. Write down the dates of holidays celebrated in Russia. Example: New Year is celebrated on the first of January. New Year............................................ Christmas........................................... Defenders of the Motherland Day..................... Women’s Day......................................... May Day............................................. Victory Day......................................... Independence Day.................................... Day of Knowledge.................................... 24. Put in: myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves. 1) The old woman cooked these tasty cakes by ............ 2) Have you decorated the Christmas tree by .............? It’s wonderful. 3) They enjoyed .......... at the disco. 4) I think her nephew will buy presents by ........... 5) Can I take another piece of cake? — Of course, help ............ 6) I’ve done it by ......... 7) Look! The cat is washing............ 25. Answer the questions. Use: herself, ourselves, myself, himself, themselves. 1) Who wrote the composition for you? — I did.............................. 2) Who told you about the picnic? — Alice told me.......................... 3) Who is the old man talking to? — He is talking.......................... 4) Did Tom help his brother to build the house? — No, they................. 5) Shall I buy the postcards? — No, we..................................... 75 — Whal will you do? — How will you enjoy yourself? 28. Put in verbs in the correct form (Present Continuous or Present Simple). 1) A translator (переводчик).................from one language into another, (translate) 2) Look! They ................... the street, (cross) 3) Her daughter ................. French and German, (speak) 4) What ..... he.............. now? (do) 5) Vegetarians ..... not ............... meat, (eat) 6) Don’t put the book away. I .......... it. (need) 1) I’m hungry. I ...........something to eat. (want) 76 29. What would you say in the following situations? 1) After midnight (полночь) on December, 31. 2) You meet your friend in the street. 3) At the birthday party. 4) Someone pushed you and said. “I’m sorry.” 5) Someone asks, “How are you?” Hello! 30. a) Read how Carol celebrates Christmas. My favourite holiday is Christmas. We decorate the Christmas tree and our house. My little sister writes a letter to Santa Claus asking him for presents. I don’t write letters to Santa Claus. I am big already. I know my parents buy Christmas presents for me and her, our relatives and our friends. I don’t buy presents for my grandparents. 1 make funny toys for them. My mother cooks a special Christmas dinner. We invite our grandparents to our place. On the 25th of December my sister and I get up early in the morning. There are two stockings full of small presents on our beds. During the Christmas holidays we enjoy ourselves: play, watch TV and video, visit our friends and eat a lot of tasty things. b) Last year she had a typical Christmas. Write down what she did on the 25th of December. 1) She decorated the Christmas tree. 2) .................................................................................... 3) .................................................................................... 4) ................................................................................... 5) ................................................................................... 6) ................................................................................... 31. Write down what has happened. Example: The author / just / publish.— The author has just published his new detective story. 1) Her husband / already / clear the table.—............................................ 2) My cousin / not / give up smoking / yet.—............................................ 3) Alison / just / get rid of some old clothes.—. 4) We / already / join the Society. - ........... 5) The children / not / cross the street / yet. — 6) The famous painter / give an interview / recently.—, 32. Complete the sentences using the Present Simple or Present Perfect. Example: Linda ... the table, washed the dishes and ... the floor, (clear /sweep) — Linda cleared the table, washed the dishes and swept the floor. 1) We ........... this newspaper ............ (yesterday / read) 2) The children ............ the pictures today, (lake) 3) We....... not ........... the Christmas dinner yet. (cook) 77 4) George .......... not ............. out the rubbish yesterday, (take) 5) The weather..................cold recently, (be) 33. Match the words: winter-^ the 11th of January \ game day of the week Saturday 12 years old I month holiday February minute volleyball --------------------season time age travelling Christmas date hobby 34. Choose the correct verb. Circle it. 1) The town ... founded in 1368. a) is b) НШ’ c) were 2) They ... already ... Christmas presents for all their relatives. Now they are decorating the house. a) will ... buy b) a going ...to buy c) have ... bought 3) What ... your sister ... at the moment? a) is ... doing b) has ... done c) does ...do 4) Look! She ... our pudding, a) is liking b) likes c) like 5) In a month 1 ... in France. a) am b) will be c) have been 35. Write down the full forms. Example: I’ll — I shall, I will 1) I’m — (1) 5) She hasn’t — (1) 2) He won’t — (1) 6) You’re — (1) 3) He’s — (2) 7) You weren’t — (1) 4) We’ve — (1) 8) They aren’t — (1) 36. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions. 1) (where / go) —............................................................................ 2) (how long / stay there) —................................................................. 3) (stay / at a hotel) —..................................................................... 4) (the weather / fine) —.................................................................... 5) (what / do) —............................................................................. 6) (enjoy / the holidays) —.................................................................. 37. Add the tag endings: 1) He invited his friends to his place,....................................................? 2) Alice has won a funny prize in the show,................................................? 3) The brothers don’t get along with their parents,.......................................? 78 4) Не isn’t watching baby animals at the zoo...........................................? 5) The city is famous for its museums,..................................................? 6) Defoe didn’t write the book for children,............................................? 7) The poor girl takes care of her sick mother,........................................? 8) The students haven’t arranged a date and time,......................................? 9) My sister can speak and read German well,...........................................? 10) We are not going to arrange the picnic.............................................? 38. Circle the words which can be a verb and a noun (существительное). Give their meanings. Example: fly — летать (гл.), муха (сущ.) stand, tower, laugh, answer, joke, parent, work, cook, relative, smile, know, drink, freedom, fly, phone, visit, moment, show magazine..... newspaper was very 39. Put in the or a / an. 1) What is ... longest river in the world? 2) Yesterday 1 bought .. newspaper and . interesting.... magazine was boring. 3) Would you like.....apple? 4) We had dinner in .... very nice cafe. 5) I often listen to . radio. 6) Jill played .. violin in an orchestra. 40. Put in the if necessary. 1) Do you know ....... Wilsons? They’re a very friendly family. 2) The writer visited ..Canada and ...... USA. 3) Kilimanjaro is .... highest mountain in ... Africa. 4) ... London is on ....Thames. 5) ... Europe is smaller than .... Africa. 6) ... Pacific (Тихий) Ocean is .... biggest ocean in .. world. 7) London is famous for....... Houses of Parliament...... Westminster Abbey, Bridge, .... British Museum and .....Tower of London. 8) Have you ever been to .... Kremlin? 9) My pen friend lives in ....Trumpington Street, in .... Cambridge. 10) It was her... first visit to . United Kingdom. Tower 79 41. Look in the Linguistic and Cultural Guide and write down what these places are famous for. Example: The British Museum is famous for its collections of prints and drawings, coins and medals. Buckingham Palace; Cambridge; 10, Downing Street; Hyde Park; Kensington Gardens, Oxford; the Tower of London; Windsor Castle 42. Put in the necessary prepositions. 1) He spent a lot ........... time translating the article. 2) The young mother takes care ............ her baby. 3) Will they stay .......... their partners’ families? 4) Linda is responsible ........... the cultural programme. 5) Could I change my Russian money .............. American dollars? 6) Westminster Abbey was founded ............. St. Peter. 7) The town is rich............ parks and museums. 8) Are you tired............ the work? 9) The society fights ..........endangered animals. 10) Are you going to get rid ........... these old things? 11) Will you take the rubbish .......... please? 12) Her niece is fond .......... horse racing. 13) My parents went to the country.............car. 14) The palace is famous .......... its history. 43. Write five things you’ve learned from your Student’s Book. Example: I’ve learned new grammar. I’ve learned how to introduce myself. 44. Put in the letters. Read the English proverb. IkisI • к -Ш f — ЛАЛ N X '-H m-g k-S Р-П ^5 7> < Ж s — t — 80